: o x ! C} i ~ w [Printed as manuscript] LIBRARY OF OONGEESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO RECENT CONDITIONS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER *- i r > r J0 y UNIVERSI . A AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY [Printed as manuscript] LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING WITH SPECIAL REGARD " TO RECENT CONDITIONS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLAliK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER • :■•••• > >;•;••• •••••• .». • • *• .* v . .• r« • •• : : ••• • .- ••• • r: : ••: .v. : ' ',- WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 1128 7 4 L. C.c;ml, s :;.-i"»2 • _ . • • . . • • • • . • ■ • • • 1 • . - ... . . . • • . ••• .• • • • • • .. • • • •• ' - • • « • • • PREFATORY NOTE This List is principally concerned with expository works on the bank- ing and currency systems of the world and with plans and discussions of currency reform in this country. Works on the theory and the history of banking and currency are also noted as supplying information and guidance in dealing with the existing currency. The banting systems of Great Britain, France, Germany, and Canada have received special attention, as they possess features, such as central banks of issue, asset currency, etc., which have been rec- ommended for adoption in this country. Collective histories of the principal banking systems of the world are included, such as Conanfs History of Modern Banks of Issue, and History of Banks in All the Leading Nations, New York, 1896, which latter consists of independent histories by various writers, including: Banking in Great Britain, by Henry D. MacLeod; Banking in France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, and Roumania, by Pierre Des Essars; Banking in Canada, by Bvron E. Walker; Banking in Germany and Austria-Hungary, by Max Wirth, etc. Brief exposi- tions are contained in Dunbar's Chapters on the Theory and History of Banking, Handy 's Banking Systems in the World, and the Report of the New York Chamber of Commerce, October, 1906. This report recom- mends a central bank of issue and describes the operation of central banks of Europe, and has an appendix containing letters from the offi- cials of the banks of France, German}*, Austria-Hungary, and the Netherlands, giving brief expositions of the systems in practice. Current statistics of foreign banks. — Tabular statistics of the Bank of France and of the Imperial Bank of Germany are given in the Sta- tistical abstract for the principal and other countries. Tabular statis- tics of the Bank of England are given in the Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom in each of the last fifteen years. Both of these volumes are issued by the British Board of Trade. Annual reports of the Bank of France, Bank of Germany, and cen- tral banking institutions of other countries are printed in the Bank- ers', Insurance Managers', and Agents' Magazine, London. Weekly circulation returns, including returns of the Bank of Eng- land, Bank of France, Imperial Bank of Germany, and British private and joint stock banks, are printed in Journal of the Institute of Bankers, London. n PR] l- \\i<\i\ NOTE , ited discussion of the most recenl phases of the currency question Is in the main confined to articles in periodicals, which are arranged chronologically. The lis! is provided with a topical index for guidance to special The work named below was received while the list was in press: The Currency problem ami the presenf financial situation; a scries of addresses delivered at Columbia University, L907 L908. .Nru York: TheColumbia university press, L908. xxvii, 170 pp. 8 . Contents. — Introduction: The crisis of 1907 in the light of history, by Edwin Et. A. Beligman, pp. ix-xxvii; The modern bank, by Frank A. Vanderlip, pp. :! 18; The stock-exchange and the money market, by Thomas F. Woodlock, pp. 21-40; Government cur- rency vs. bank currency, by A. r.arl.m Hepburn, pp. 43-59; Gold movements and the foreign exchanges, by Albert Strauss, pp. 63-87; The New York clearing house, by William A. Nash, pp. 91-94; Clearing houses and the currency, by James G. Cannon, pp. 97-117; American and European banking methods and bank legislation compared, by Paul M. Warburg, pp. 121-151; The modern corporation, by George W. Perkins, pp. 155-170. A. P.O. Griffin Chief Bibliographt r I I ERBERT l'l I NAM Librarian of I '< ngrt 88 Washington, I>. ('., March 11, 1908 SELECT LIST OF BOOKS WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING American bankers' association. The Baltimore plan for the creation of a safe and elastic currency. Addresses of Hon. James H. Eckels, Chas. C. Homer, Hon. A. B. Hep- burn, and Hon. Jos. C. Hendrix, delivered at the conven- tion of the American bankers' association at Baltimore, October 11, 1891. Baltimore: The Sun book and job printing office, 1894. 40 pp. 8°. Proceedings of the twentieth annual convention, held at Baltimore, Maryland, October 10th and 11th, 1894. New York: Published by the American bankers' associa- tion, 1894. iv, 223 pp. 8°. Contains discussions on the proposed amendments to the National banking act, " for the purpose of establishing a safe and elastic national currency." Known as the Balti- more plan. Currency commission. Report. November 15, 1906. [A r ew York City: Press Daily banker and stockholder, ' 1906.] 16 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Andreades, A. Essai sur la fondation et l'histoire de la Banque d'Angleterre ( 1694-1844) . Paris: A. Rousseau^ 1901. (6) 390, (2) pp. 8°. "Bibliographie:" pp. 369-381. Histoire de la Banque d'Angleterre: ses origines, sa fonda- tion, son developpement, l'act de Robert Peel et son fonc- tionnement, relations de la Banque avec le Tresor. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1904. % vols. 8°. " Bibliographie des ouvrages cites :" v. 1. [sii]-xsxii. Contents.— t. 1. 1640-lS19.-t. 2. 1819-1903. Andrew, A. P. The Treasury and the banks under Secretary Shaw. Reprinted from the Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 20, August, 1907. 50 pp. Folded chart. 8°. 3 4 ur.UAKY OF CONGBESS Arnaune, A.uguste. La laie, le credit el le change. 2 eel. rev. et BUgm. Paris: F. Alcan, 1902. (.'/). viii, y>l pp. Diagrams. 8°. Atttield, J. B. The branch bank system. X, w York: 1897. 16 pp. {Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 15, August 1, 1897.) Bagehot, Walter. Lombard street: a description of the money market. New York: Scrib/wr, Armstrong and company. 1874- viii, 359 />/>. 12 . Siliin . [In his Works, vols. 5, pp. 1-232. Hartford, 1891. 8°.) Baird, Henry Carey. Money and bank credit in the United States, France, and Greal Britain; and their effects on the peo- ple in tlnir efforts to associate, to exchange services, com- modities, and ideas among their several selves. Philadelphia: II. C. Baird and co. 1891. 24 pp. 8°. " The Baltimore plan " of currency reform. New York, 1897. 11pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 2, January 15, 1897.) The Bank of England and the organisation of credit in England. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1865. viii, '(62 pp. 12°. Same. 2d ed. revised and enlarged: with the evidence of MM. [saac and Emile Pereire before the French commis- sion of inquiry into the Bank of France: also abstract of the American free banking act. London : Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1866. xvi, 869 />/>. Frontispiece (diagram) 12°. Barrett, \l. J. Canada's century: progress and resources of the < ii'eat I )ominioii. / mdon: The Financier and Bullionist, 1907. xiv, 538 pp. W/ustrations. 8°. Canadian banks and banking: The Canadian banking system, pp. 136 111: The Bank of Montreal, pp. 443-449; The Canadian hank of commerce, pp. 450-459; High-yielding I ianadlan securities, pp. 460-469. Belgium. Royaume de Belgique. Banque nationale. Lois organi- ques, statuts, reglement d'ordre interieur. Recueil des documents el discussions parlementaires concernant l'in- rtitution de la Banque nationale. Bruxelles: E. Guyot, 1872. (2), 378, (1) pp. 4°. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 5 Bell, G. M. The country banks and the currency : an examination of the evidence on banks of issue ; given before a select com- mitte of the House of commons in 1841. London, : Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 181$. xii, 150 pp. 16°. Biddle, John, of Leamington. Remarks on the subject of a national bank of issue and deposit ; with proposals for superseding the necessity of renewing the bank charter, still preserv- ing the private interest of that important establishment, and of all other banking concerns throughout the king- dom. Leamington: Printed by G. C. Leibenrood, 181^1. 15 (1) pp. Folded tables. 8°. Blyth, Robert. The Scotch system of banking. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings of thirty- first annual convention, Oct. 10-13, 1905, pp. 118-123, New York, 1905. 8°.) Boissevain, G. M. Currency elasticity in Holland. New York, 1897, 8 pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. If., no. 19, Oct. 1, 1897.) Bolles, Albert Sidney. The financial history of the United States from 1774 to 1885. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1879-1886. 4 vols. 8°. A treatise on the modern law of banking. Philadelphia: The G. T. Bisel company, 1907. 2 vols. 8°. " The National bank act and amendments " : v. 1, p. xi-lxxix. Borght, Richard van der. A history of banking in the Netherlands. (In A History of banking in all the leading nations. New York, 1896. roy. 8°. vol. 4, pp. 189-371.) Bosanquet, Bernard Tindal. Our banking system: and the suffi- ciency or insufficiency of our cash reserves. London: E. Wilson and company, 1892. 34 pp. 8°. Breckenridge, Roeliff M. Bank notes and branch banks. A re- view of the comptroller's objections to currency reform. New York: 1899. (8) pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 6, no. 4, April, 1899.) Branch banking and discount rates. New York: 1899. 14 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 6, no. 1, January, 1899.) LIBRAE? OF CONGRESS Breckenridge, Roeliflf M. The Canadian bank amendment act of L900. i in The Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 14, August, 1900, pp. 543 561.) The Canadian banking 3ystem. 1817-1800. /• Fork: Published for tht American economic associa- tion by Macmillan and company, 1895. 476 pp. Folded table*. 8°. (American economic association. Publica- tion*, vol. J". no8. 1 -3.) Conti \i\ rntroduction ; The early banks In Lower Canada; Upper Canada, L817 L839; Province of Canada, 1841-1867; New Brunswick and Nova Scoti:i : Hanking reforms, ix<;7- 1^71 ; Banking under the Confederation, 1867-89; The re- vision of is'.ut; on the [.resent working of the system; Ap- pendices : Bibliography. Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston. Legal tender; a study in Eng- lish iiiul American monetary history. Chicago: Tin University of Chicago press, 1903. xvii, 181 />/>. 8°. (Chicago. University. The decennial publi- cations. ..''. Ri < d, Is!).;. {.J), 56 pp. 8°. Brosius, Marriott. Progress toward an ideal currency. (In American social science association. Journal, no. 3S, L900, pp. 212 HIT.) Browne, \Y. Graham. Currency legislation in the United States. ( In Canadian hankers' association. Journal, vol. 7, July, L900, pp. 359 ei seg.) Burton, Theodore Elijah. Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial depression. New York: D. Appleton and company. 1902. ix, 392 pp. Diagrams. /: . • Bibliography," by Hugh Williams: pp. 347-377. Financial cri ■ (In American hankers' association Proceedings of the twenty- elghth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 172-175. \.w York. L902. S°.) Financial cri (/// Hull, Walter Henry. < <1. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 175 180. New York, 1907. 8°.) BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 7 Canada. Currency and banking reports, 1871-June 30, 1907. Statis- tics. (In Canada, vol. 8, Nov. 30, 1907, page 229.) Census and statistics office. The Canada year book 1905. 2d ser. Ottawa: Printed by S. E. Dawson, 1906. 8°. Banks and banking, pp. 218-22S. Tabulated statistics of note circulation, etc. Department of finance. Report of the chartered banks of the Dominion of Canada. Jan., 1897-Nov., 1907. Ottawa: printed by S. E. Dawson, 1897-1907. F°. (Sup- plement to the Canada Gazette.) Parliament. House of Commons. Official report of the de- bates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Can- ada. Vol. 29-30. Session 1890, vol. 1-2. Ottawa: Printed by Brown Chamberlin, 1890. 2 vols. 8°. Contains, debates on the Banking act. The debates on the amendments to the Bank act, 1900. (In Canadian banker's association. Journal, vol. 8, Oct. 1900, pp. 27-49. Toronto, 1901. 8°.) The Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1906. Toronto: The Annual review publishing company, [1907~\. 8°. Canadian banks and banking conditions, pp. 199-208. Cannon, James Graham. Clearing-houses; their history, methods, and administration. New York: D. Appleton and company. 1900. xiv, 383 pp. incl. illustrations. Forms. Frontispiece. 8°. Carlile, William Warrand. The evolution of modern money. London, New York: MacmUlan and company, limited. 1901. xxiii, 273, (1) pp. 8°. Carlisle, John G. " The Carlisle plan " of currency reform. New York: 1897. 11 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 3, February 1, 1897.) Clare, George. The A. B. C. of the foreign exchanges ; a practical guide. [3d ed.] London, New York : MacmUlan and company, limited, 1901. xiv, (2) 160 pp. Frontispiece. 8 Diagrams. 12°. g LEBBAHY OF CoNUKESS Cleveland, Frederick Albert. The bank and the treasury. New Fork, London [etc.]: Longmans, Green and company, 1905, xiv,826pp. (hurt*. Tables. 8°. Contents. Commercial banking and speculation — a financial retrospect : The use of commercial bank-credit in lien of Industrial capitalization; The American system of currency and banking; National credit-money and national bank; The demand for a " Sound" and " Elastic" system of bank- credil : The relation of bank capitalization to the problem of elasticity: The public control of commercial banks; A point of control not adequately covered by the National bank act; Character of assets to be held by banks as " invested- reserves"; Public dangers in the present equipment of national banks; Why the "unencumbered securities" of national banks are not readily convertible into cash; Dan- gerous assumptions made by the government with respect to currency and banking; Advantages of national banks un- der the present practice over state and private banks; The amount of elasticity for which provision is to be made; Possibilities of elasticity under our present national banking system; Possibilities of increasing elasticity by simple mod- ifications of the present law; Superiority of the American funding system over those of other countries; Recent efforts made to further adapt our funding system to the nation's business needs. Appendix of documents: "The Baltimore plan" of currency reform. 1896; "The Carlisle plan," 1896; Fowler bill of March 15, 1897; Indianapolis monetary com- mission bill, January 6, 1898; McCleary bill, May 11, 1S9S; Aldrich bill, December T.>, is{)<); Secretary Cage's bill; Cold standard act March 14, 1900; Fowler bill, April 4, 1902; Payne bill, February 26, i903; Fowler bill, February 26, 1903. The bank and the treasury — the two great pillars support- ing <>ur financial system. {In Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 381-396. New York. 1907. S°.) Clews, Henry. The monetary situation and its remedies. An ad- dress to the West Virginia banking association at their C'dh anniversary meeting, Elkins, West Virginia, June L9, L906. |.V, w York? 1906?] II pp. 8°. § ■" . i I a Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 406-413. New York, 1!»(>7. 8°.) The Wall street point of view. New York, Boston, [etc.]: Silver, Burdett and company, [1900]. ■'■'"•. (-'). ,-'00 pp. Frontispiece (port.) 12°. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 9 Conant, Charles Arthur. Banking upon business assets. New York, 1897. 16 pp. {Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 23, Dec. 1, 1897.) A history of modern banks of issue ; with an account of the economic crises of the present century. Fourth impres- sion. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1902. xv, 595 pp. 8°. The preface is dated Nov. 12, 1S9G, and states, " The changes made in the present edition of this book are unimportant, because of the short time which has elapsed since the ap- pearance of the first edition. There have been few changes in the banking laws of important states within the last six months, and even statistics are not yet available for a later year than 1S95." Contents include chapters on the banking systems of different countries which have view in part to the plan of operation of central banks in Europe, the organizations of which, es- pecially in France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Netherlands, have been suggested as basis for currency re- vision in this country. There is also a chapter on the Ca- nadian banking system. The plans for currency reform. New York: The Bankers publishing co., 1906. {10) pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Bankers' magazine, December, 1906. The principles of a banking currency. New York, 1899. {15) pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 6, no. 9. Sept. 1899.) The principles of money and banking. New York and London: Harper and brothers, 1905. 2 vols. 8°. The principles of a banking currency, vol. 2, pp. 3-104. Scotch bank currency. New York, 1897. 16 pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 4, New York, February 15 i 1897.) Swiss bank-note currency. New York, 1897. 15 pp. {Sound currency, vol. 4-, no. 11, June 1, 1897.) Types of currency systems. (In Sound currency, vol. 9, Dec. 1902, pp. 125-139.) Wall street and the country, a study of recent financial tendencies. New York and London: G. P. Putnam 's sons, 1904- ix, 247 pp. 12°. 10 LIBBAB1 OF CONGRESS Cornwell, William ( Jaryl. Note circulation of Canadian bank act. (In American bankers' association, vol. 17. h>. 82-90.) The currency and the banking law of the Dominion of Canada considered with reference to currency reform in tin- United States. New York, London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1895. (£), [3]^86 pp. 8°. Courcelle-Seneuil, dean Gustavo. Les operations de banque, traite theorique el pratique. 7 ed. rev. et mise a jour. Paris: Guillaumin et cie., 1896. xxiv, 668 pp. 8°. Courtois, AJphonse Charles. Histoire des banques en France. 2e i'd. avec un portrait de Law d'apres Rigaud, grave par Schmidt. Paris: Guillaumin et tie., 1881. vii, 375 pp. Frontispiece. 8°. (Publicistes et economistes contemporains.) Crump, Arthur. The English manual of banking. 2d ed. revised and enlarged. London: Longmans, Green and company. 1877. xvi, 375 /'/'■ s ■ Dartiguenave, Aymard. Relations de la Banque de France avec le Tresor. Paris: Libraire de la Societe du recueil general des lots et des arrets [etc."], 190,2. (4) 206 pp. 8°. Dawes, Charles G. Assets currency and branch banking. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- eightn annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 114-121. New York. 1902. 8°.) Proposed changes in our banking laws. m (In Bull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 344-359. New York, 1907. 8°.) Dean, William B. Natural bank currency and national bank cur- rency. (In Bull, Waller Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. L87-205. New York, 1907. S°.) Depitre, Edgard. Le mouvement de concentration dans les banques allemandes. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1905. (6), 260 pp. Tables. 4°. " Bibliographie :" pp. [253]-256. On tbc banks of Germany from 1850-1904. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 11 Dewey, Davis Rich. Financial history of the United States. New York, London, [etc.] : Longmans, Green and company. 1903. xxxv, (2) 530 pp. Charts. 8°. {American citi- zen series, ed. by A. B. Hart.) Dunbar, Charles Franklin. Chapters on the theory and history of banking. 2d ed. enlarged. Edited by 0. M. W*. Sprague. New York and London: G. P. Piitnani's sons. 1901. viii, (2) 252 pp. 12°. Economic essays, ed. by O. M. W. Sprague . . . with an in- troduction [biographical sketch] by F. W. Taussig. New York, London: The Macmillan company. 1904. xvii, 372 pp. 8°. Contains the following: Early banking schemes in England. — The bank of Venice. — Accounts of the first bank of the United States. — Deposits as currency. — The bank-note ques- tion. — The safety of the legal tender paper. — The national banking system. — Can we keep a gold currency? — The crisis of 1S57.— The crisis of I860.— State banks in 1S60— The establishment of the national banking system. — The circula- tion of the national banks. Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance, and banking from 1789 to 189G. Revised edition. Boston: Ginn and company, 1897. iv, (2), [7]-310 pp. 8°. Easton, H. T. Money, exchange, and banking in their practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. 2d ed. London: Sir Isaac Pit mJ Ul'.UAKY OF CONGRESS Farrer, Lord Thomas II. Studies in currency 1898, or, inquiries into certain modern problems connected with the standard of value and the media of exchange. / mdon: Ma millan and <<>in puny, 1898. xzciii, (1), 415 /'/■■ Fisher, Irving. Appreciation and interest: a study of the influence of monetary appreciation and depreciation on the rate of interest . . . \\ //• York: Published for the American economic associa- te ,,, by the Mm in UJ, i n company; London: S. Sonnen- ht in ((- co., J 896. x, 100 pp. 8°. [Publications of the American economic association. [Monographs'] v. 11, if. '/.) Bibliography, pp. 96-98. Fiske, Amos Kidder. The modern bank; a description of its function and methods and a brief account of the development and presenl systems of banking. .V< w York: D. Appleton and company, 190 If. xii, 348 pp. Illustrations. Folded chart. Forms. (Appleton's busi- //, 88 series.) Forgan, .1 nines B. Branch banking. {In Sound currency, vol. 9, June 1902, pp. 8S-100.) Same. (In Hull. Walter Benry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 238 254. New York, 1907. 8°.) The money supply of the United States. {In Bull, Walter Benry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 307-3U. New York, 1907. S°.) Fowler, Charles X. [Address <>n (he currency question.] i In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- eighth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902. pp. 99-113. New Jork L902. S°.) ( hirrency reform. i in Vim Norden magazine, vol. 1, Feb. 1907, pp. 47-57.) • Tin' Fowler plan " of currency reform. 12 pp. 07. S°.) Statement of the II<>n. Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury, before the committee on banking and currency, House ill' Representatives of the United States, in ex- planation of the I >il I II. K. .MM. and his recommendations as to changes in the currency system, Wednesday and Thursday, December L6 and 17, 1897. Fifty-fifth Con- gress, -renin I session. Washington: Government printing office, 1897. 51pp. 8°. Gallatin, Albert. Suggestions on the hanks and currency of the several United State- in reference principally to the sus- pension of specie payments. [With appendix: Documents respecting the resumption of specie payments in the year 1838.] V, to York : Wiley and Putnam, 1841. (4), 9-124 PP- 8°. Gallatin, James. Letter to Hon. William P. Fessenden, senator of the United States. The proposed United States banking system, and further issues of legal tender. New York: J. W. Amerman, 1863. 11pp. 8°. Garrels, (I. W. Currency reform. [In American bankers' association. Proceedings of thirty- first annual ((invention, Oct. 10-13, 1905. pp. 84-92, New York 1905, 8°.) Germany. Die Reichsgesetzgebung iiber Miinz- und Notenbank- Yvesen, Papiergeld, Pramienpapiere und Reichsschulden. Text-Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen und Sachregister. Von Dr. R. Koch. Berlin: ./. Guttentag, 1900. lxi,(l), 442 pp. 24°. (Gut- t> nt in/ s, l,< Sammlung l>< utscht r Reichsgesetze, 26.) Reichsbank. Die Reichsbank 1876-1900. Berlin: Gedruckt in der Reichsdruckerei, Kommissionsver- liiij von G. Fischer. Jena [1901]. xi, 485 pp. Folded map. F°. Contains the following laws: Bankgesetz vom 14. Miirz 1875, pp. 127-444; Gesetz, betreffend die Abandoning des Bank- gesetzes voru 14. Miirz 1S75. Vom 18. Dezember 1889, page BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 15 445; Gesetz, betreffend die Abanderung des Bankgesetzes vorn 14. Miirz 1875. Vom 7. Jnni 1899. pp. 447-1 19; Statut der Reicbshank vom 21. Mai L875, pp. 151-457; 7er- trag zwischen Preussen und dem Deutscben Eteicbe Qber die Abtretung der Preussischen Bank an das Deutscbe Iteicb. Vom 17-18. Mai 1875. pp. 407-470. Giffen, Sir Robert. Essays in finance. London : G. Bell and sons, 1880. (4), [vii\-xii, Slfl pp. 8°. Same. 2d ser. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1880. vi, -J/,7 pp. 8°. Gilbart, James William. The history, principles and practice of banking. New ed. rev. to the present date by A. S. Michie. London: G. Bell and sons, 1882. 2 vols. Frontispiece (port.) 12°. [Bohii's economic library.) The history, principles, and practice of banking. New edi- tion, revised by E. Sykes. London: Bell and sons, 1907. 2 vols. 8°. Gilman, Theodore. A graded banking system formed by the incor- poration of clearing houses under a federal law. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1898. xvi, 238, (2) pp. 12°. Federal clearing houses. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and co., 1899. x, 289 pp. 12°. Goschen, George Joachim Goschen, viscount. Essays and addresses on economic questions (1865-1893) with introductory notes (1905). London: E. Arnold, 1905. xii, 354 VV' ^°- The theory of the foreign exchanges. [16th? ed.] 9th thousand. London: E. Wilson, 1898. xv, 152 pp. 8°. Gould, John Melville. The national bank act, with all its amend- ments annotated and explained. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1904. xvi, 288 pp. 8°. Great Britain. Parliament. Reports of the Lords' committee of secrecy. [Ordered to be printed 3d March, 7th March, 21st April, 1797]. 3 pts. in vol. 1. F°. On affairs of tbe Bank of England. It'. LIBBABT OT CONGBESS Great Britain. Parliament Committee of secrecy on the Hank of England charter. Report, with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. ( Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 11 August, 1832. 486, 189 pp. F°. [In Greal Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1831-2, vol. 6.) § cret committee on joint stock hanks. Report, together with minutes of evidence and appendix. Or- dered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 20 Au- gust, L836. xii, 251 pp. F°. {In 8-104. New York, 1881. 8°.) Bank reserves. {In Canadian bankers' association. Journal, vol. 1, pp. 107 el seq.) Halle, Ernest von. Die wirtschaftliche Krisis des Jahres 1893 in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. (//( Jahrbuch fiir (Jesetzgebung. Yerwaltung und Yolkswirt- scbaft im Deutschen Reich, is Jabrg. 4, Heft, pp. 1181- 1249. Leipzig, 1894. S°.) Hallock, James Collins. Clearing out-of-town checks in England and the United States. St. Louis, Mo.: The author, 1903. xiv, 160 pp. Illustra- tions. 8°. Hamilton, Alexander. Official reports on publick credit, a national bank, manufactures, and a mint. Philadelphia: Published by William M'Kean, 1821. vii, (./). $25 />/>. Portrait. 8°. Hamilton, John L. Currency reform. i In Hull, Waller Henry, cd. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. I'M 105. New York, 1907. 8°.) Handy, William Matthews. Banking systems in the world: an im- partial statement of the conditions of note issue by banks in all nations and 1 1 it* workings of the systems, also postal saving- banks. Chicago: C. II. Kerr and company , 1897 . 191, (1) pp. 12°. Hankey, Thomson. The principles of banking, its utility and economy; with remarks on the workings and management of the Bank of England. Rev. as regards the working and management of the bank by Clifford Wigram. 4th ed. London: /•/. Wilson, 1887. (0) , xii, (2) , 151 pp. 8°. ('(..mints. — Preface. — Banking in connection with the cur- rency and the Bank of England. — A lecture delivered at BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 19 Peterborough, 2!>tli November, L858, on banking; its utility and economy. — Descriptive account of various departments of the bank, revised as to the present day by Mr. Clifford Wigrain. "It is especially interesting on account of its containing the only reliable published account of the practical working of the Bank, and is valuable from the authenticity of the information it affords, which is effectually guaranteed by the position of its authors." — Stephens's Biol, of the Bank of England. Hasenkamp, Adolf. Die Geklverfassung unci das Notenbankwesen der Vereinigten Staaten. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907. (4), 213 pp. 8°. Contents. — I. Die geschichtlichen und gesetzlichen Grundla- gen : 1. Die Geldverfassung ; 2. Das Notenbankwesen; 3. Die Verwaltung der bffentlichen Gelder : II. Die gegen- wartigen Verhiiltnisse: 1. Die Sicherung der Wiihrung; 2. Die Regelung des Umlaufs; 3. Die Stellung des Schatz- amts ; Litteraturverzeichnis. Helfferich, Karl. Geld und Banken. In zwei Teilen. 1. Teil Das Geld. Leipzig: Verlag von C. L. Hirschfeld, 1903. x, 590 pp. 8°. {Hand- und Lehrbuch der Staatsioissenschaften, Bd. viii. ) " Bibliographic" pp. 532-590. Hepburn, Alonzo Barton. Branch banks and the currency problem. (In Sound currency, vol. 9, March 1902, pp. 35-42.) History of coinage and currency in the United States and the perennial contest for sound money. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1903. sciv, 666 pp. 8°. Bibliography, pp. [435]-499. Desirable changes in the banking law. (In Hull, Walter Henry, cd. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 222-237. New York, 1907. S°.) The money situation. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings of the thir- tieth annual convention, Sept. 14-16. 1904, pp. 104-111. New York, 1904. 8°.) 20 LIi:i:\i;V OF CONGBESS Hildreth, Richard. Banks, banking and paper currencies: in three pari-. Boston: Whipple and Damrell, 18Jfi. 209 pp. Li° . A History of banking in all the leading nations; comprising the United States, Greal Britain, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Holland. The Scandinavian nations, Canada. China. Japan, comp. by thirteen authors. Ed. by the editor of the Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin. Xi a- York: The Journal of commerce and commercial hul- I, tin, 1896. '/ vols. 4°- Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and cur- rency; being a number of selected addresses, delivered in recent years by prominent bankers, financiers, and economists. New York, London: The Maximilian company, 1907. xxvi, 596 pp. 8°. Contents. — Banking reform and currency section. — Insuring the deposits in national banks. John Scbuette. — Panic pana- ceas, Andrew J. Frame. — Financial crises, Theodore E. Burton.— Economic waste of our treasury system, Lyman J. Gage. Natural bank currency and national bank currency, William B. Dean. — The medium of exchange and the bank- ing function, A. B. Stickney. — Desirable changes in the banking law, A. B. Hepburn. — Branch banking, James B. Forgan.— Branch banking, Horace White. — Branch banking, Henry W. rates.— Branch banking, William A. Nash. — Asset currency, Horace White. — Emergency circulation, Cornelius A. Pugsley. — The money supply of the Hinted States, James B. Forgan. — Hold reserve national bank notes, William B. Ridgely. Sound versus soft money, Andrew J. Frame. — Proposed Changes in our banking laws, Charles G. Dawes.— Bank note experience of twenty years -iss2 h>02, Horace White. Strength and weakness of American finance, Ellis II. Roberts.— The bank and the treasury— the two great pil- lars supporting our financial system, Frederick A. Cleve- land. Currency reform, Leslie M. Shaw.— Currency re- form, John L. Hamilton.— The monetary situation, and its remedies, Henry clews. — Fending financial legislation, Charles N. Fowler.— Reform of the currency system, James II. Eckels.- influence Of the increasing gold supply upon prices and the rate of interest, Joseph French Johnson. — The financial outlook, Frank A. Vanderlip. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANK INC 21 Indianapolis monetary convention. Report of the Monetary commission of the Indianapolis convention of boards of trade, chambers of commerce, commercial clubs and other similar bodies of the United States. [Chicago] : The University of Chicago press, 1898. xiii, (1), 608 pp. Diagrams. 8°. Prepared by J. Laurence Laughlin. "Banking," pt l'. pp. 159-386; "Circulation secured by com- mercial ;iss,.|s," pp. u:;i 236; " Instances of banknotes bused on commercial assets," pp. L'TT-oOS. Jaffe, Edgar. Das englische IJankwesen. Leip&ig: Vt rlag ran Duncht r & Humblot, 1904- x, 24-5 pp. 8°. (Staats- and sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Hrsg. von G. Schmoller mid M. Sering. Bd. xxiii, lift. 4.) Jevons, William Stanley. Investigations in currency and finance, ed. with an introduction by H. S. Foxwell. London: Macmillan and company, 1884- xliv, 428 pp. inch Tables. 20 col. Diagrams {partly folded). 8°. ■■ Bibliography " pp. [3G3]-414. Johnson, Joseph French. Influence of the increasing gold supply upon prices and the rate of interest. (In Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 433-446. New York, 1907. 8°.) Money and currency in relation to industry, prices, and the rate of interest. Boston, New York [etc.'] : Ginn and company [1905]. ix, (1), 398 pp.Sncl. Charts. Diagrams. 8°. Johnston, John. Scottish banking system. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- eighth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 75-78. New York, 1902. S°.) Kalbe, Georg Gottlieb Julius Bobert. Die deutsche Reichsbank und die Bank von Frankreich. Berlin : Druch von B. Paul, 1902. (2) , 100, (4) pp. Folded Diagrams. 8°. Kemmerer, Edwin "Walter. Money and credit instruments in their relation to general prices. Cornell studies in history and political science. New York: Henry Holt and company, 1907. 170 pp. Illus- trations. 8°. LEBRABY OF CONGRESS Kinley, David. The history, organization and influence of the [ndependenl treasury of the United States. New Fork, Boston: T. )'. Crowill and <-y. [/n/>.;]. - pp. Diagrams. Fohhd tables. 12°. (Library nomics and politics. No. 1.) Money: a study of the theory of the medium of exchange. New York, London: The MacmiUan company, 1904- xviii, i.') 415 pp. /..' '". The citizens' 1 library of economics, politii s and sot iology.) Bibliography, pp. 391-409. Knox, John Jay. A history of banking in the United States . . . revised and brought up to date by Bradford Rhodes . . . and Elmer II. Youngman. Nt w York: B. Rhodes and company, 1900. (2), xxii, 880 />/>. Frontispiece. 8°. United States notes; a history of the various issues of paper money by the government of the United States, . . . with an appendix containing the recent decision of the Supreme court of the United States and the dissenting opinion upon the legal tender question. 3d ed. rev. New York: 0. Scribner's sons, 1899. xii, 247 pp. 12°. Koch. R. Die Reichsgesetzgebung iiber Munz- und Bankwesen. Berlin: Guttentag, 1885. Lacy, Graham G. Bank credit currency. (In Sound currency, vol. 9, June 1902. pp. 74-S2.) Lahaye, Paul Louis. Recherches sur les chambres de compensation (clearing-houses); creation, organisation, et developpe- inent en France, Angleterre, Allemagne, Autriche, Italie, A.ustralie, an Japon et en Amerique. Caen: Impr. C. Valin, 1901. (8), 174 pp. 8°. Lauck, William Jett. The causes of the panic of 1893. Boston and Nt w York: Houghton, MifflAn and company, 1907. xii, (..'). /.'.'. (.') pp. incl. Charts. Tables. 8°- (Hart, Schaffner, and Marx prize essays.) Laughlin, J. Laurence. The principles of money. New York: Charles Scribner's sons, 1903. xvi, (2), 550 pp. Illustrations. Tables. 8°. Lawson, \\ . R. The latest American currency schemes. {In Bankers' magazine (Loudon), vol. S3, Apr. 1907, pp. 544-656.) BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 23 Leckie, William. Review of the proceedings of the House of Com- mons on banks of issue, 18-40. And an inquiry into the effects of the bank restriction and the changes in the value of money; with an examination of the leading principles in the work on political economy of the late David Ri- cardo. London : J. Unwin, 1841. vi, 299 pp. Folded Tables. 8°. Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul. Conditions for American commercial and financial supremacy. New York: 1896. 11 pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 3, no. 3, January 1, 1896.) Lotz, Walther. Die Technik des deutschen Emissionsgeschafts, Anleihen, Konversionen und Grundungen. Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1890. {6), 136 pp. 8°. McCleary, James T. Bank note currency. New York: 1899. {8) pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 7, no. 3, March 1900.) " McCleary bill " for currency reform. New York: 1898. 14 ~pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 5, no. 17, September 1, 1898.) McLeod, H. C. How to secure an elastic paper currency. (In Sound currency, vol. S, Dec. 1901, pp. 244-245.) Macleod, Henry Dunning. The theory and practice of banking. 5th ed. London: Longmans, Green and company, 1892. 2 vols. 8°. The theory of credit. 2d ed. London and New York: Longmans, Green and company, 1893-97. 2 vols, in 3. 8°. Vol. 2, part II, contains an exhaustive and interesting his- torical account of the Bank of England from the currency point of view ; also sketches of the rise and progress of banking in Scotland, and in Ireland, and analyses of the commercial crises since 1764. — Stephens's Bibl. of Bank of England. Margraff, Anthony W. International exchange, its terms, parts, operations, and scope. A practical work on the foreign banking department and its administration by American bankers. 2d ed. Chicago: International exchange, 1904. xii, 3-299 pp. Frontispiece. 8°. L >4 LIBBAEY OF CONGRESS Mason, David Marshall. Recent currency Legislation in the United States of Ajnerica. [nstitute of bankers. Journal, vol. lii'. April 1901, pp. I 15 L72.) With discussion by A. s. Barvey, A. J. Howell, and J. II. Trit- ton. [Michener, John II.] Tin' bank of North America. Philadelphia, a national bank, founded L781; the story of its progress through the last quarter of a century, 1881-1906. New York: P. G. Co<>L-< . incorporated, 1000. (6), 53 pp. Illustrations. Piatt ■■*. Portraits. Facsimiles. 8°. Muhleman, Maurice L. Monetary systems of the world; a study of present currency systems and statistical information rela- tive to the volume of the world's money, with complete abstracts of various plans proposed for the solution of the currency problem. New York: C.H.Nicoll, 1895. 198 pp. Tables. 12°. Sam< . rev. ed. Xt w Fork: C. II. Nicoll, 1897. 239 pp. Tables. 12°. Nash, William A. Branch banking. (In Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in currency and banking, pp. 2S2-2S!). New York, 1907. 8°.) New York. Chamber of commerce. The currency. Report by the Special committee of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. [New York]: October 4, 1906. 47, (6) pp. Tables. 8°. Recommends a central bank of issue. Cites the operations of central banks in Europe, especially the banks of France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Netherlands. The Ap- pendix contains letters from the officials of these banks giv- ing brief exposition of the systems in practice. A credit currency. Recommendations of the Special currency committee of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York-. Oct. 1, 1906. (In The Bankers' magazine, New York, vol. 73, Oct. 1906, pp. 606 607.) The committee consisted of John Claflin, Frank A. Vanderlip, Dumonl Clarke, [sidor Straus, and Charles A. Conant. For currency reform. (In Rand-McNally hankers' monthly, vol. 31, Feb. 190G, pp. 93 96.) • The Committee on Snance and currency of the Chamber, com- posed of John Ilarsen Khoailes. William A. Nash, Edward BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 25 King, Harris C. Fahnestock and James T. Woodward, re- ported adversely on Secretary Shaw's recommendation that national hanks be permitted to issue withoul further deposil of bonds an emergency currency equal in amount to 50 per cent of tbe bond secured currency they Issue." New York. Chambt r of commerce. Report of the finance and cur- rency committee of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, (/// Sound currency, vol. 9, Dee. 1902, pp. 1 16-3 19.) Special currency committee. Currency report of the Cham- ber of commerce. Full text of the report of the Special currency committee appointed . . . for the purpose of inquiring into the condition of the currency and sug- gesting desirable changes. October 1, 1906. (In Moody's magazine, vol. 2, Oct. 1906, pp. 555-5G3.) Special committee to examine into hanking conditions in New York state, 1907. Committee's recommendations for state banking law changes. Full text of the report. Dec. 1907. (In New York Times weekly financial quotation review, vol. 11, Dec. 30, 1907, pp. 4-6. S°.) Tbe commission was composed of A. B. Hepburn, E. S. Marston, A. S. Frissell, Andrew Mills, Edward W. Sbeldon, and Stepben Baker. Nicholson, Joseph Shield. A treatise on money, and essays on monetary problems. 5th ed. London: A. and C. Black, 1901. xviii, 1^58 pp. 12°. Nixon, Alfred, and J. H. Stagg. Accounting and banking. London, New York [etc.'] : Longmans, Green and company, 1907. xi, 472 pp. Illustrations. 2 Fold< d forms, Folded diagrams. 8°. {Longman's commercial series.) Noel, Octave. Les banques d'emission en Europe. Tome 1. Angle- terre. France. Allemagne. Autriche-Hongrie. Belgique. Paris, Nancy: Berger-Levrault et cie., 1888. xawii, //'/.' pp. Tables, xxvi Folded diagrams. 4°. No more publisbed. Norton, John Pease. Statistical studies in the Xew York money market, preceded by a brief analysis under the theory of money and credit . . . New York: The Maximilian company, 1902. (#), >•!. (2) 108 pp. Diagrams. Folded chart. 8°. {Yah Univer- sity. Department of social sciences. Publications.) 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Noyes, Alexander Dana. Thirty years of American finance; a short financial history of the government and people of the United States since the civil war, 18G5-180G. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. xv, 11 pp. i.r. Pag-et, Sir John Rahere, hart. The law of banking. London: Butterworth and company, 190 J*. xxvi,364 pp. 8°. Paine, Willis S. Assets currency. {In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty - eighth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 140-144. New York, 1902. S°.) Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis. Analysis of the minutes of evidence taken before the Select committee of the House of com- mons on banks of issue, 187r>. London: [Waterlow and sons, limited, printers], 1876. viii, 584 VP- '"" 1 ■ Tables. 8°. Bank rate and money market in England, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, 1844-1900. London: J. Murray, 190 J. xx'rii, 237 pp. 4°. Contents. — Introduction; The principal divisions of the ac- counts of the Bank of England ; The balances of the London bankers with the Hank of England: The balances of the London bankers with the Bank of England : how far they form an efficient reserve; The published rate of discount of tin- Bank of England; The published rate of discouut of the Bank of England and the reserves; Bills discounted and temporary advances of the Bank of England; Note circula- tion of the Bank of England; Bullion held in the issue de- partment, and the English country note circulation; The reserve and the liabilities of the Bank of England; Varia- tions in the rate charged by the Bank of England from 1844- 1900; Some of tbe causes which influence the rate of interest charged by the Bank of England; The Scotch and Irish note Circulation; Returns of the London bankers' clearing house; The autumnal drain; Variations in the rate charged by the Bank of France from imi 1900; Variations in the rate charged by the Imperial bank of Germany from 1844-1900; Variations in the rate charged by the Bank of Holland from I M 1-1900; Variations in the rate charged by the Bank Of Belgium from is.". 1-1900; The fluctuations in the rate of the Bank of England compared with other business fluctua- tions: Some remarks on the rate of discount of the banks of England, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND HANKING 27 Pendlebury, Thomas. A descriptioE of the constitution and methods of the state banks of Europe and of the national banks of the United States, and their relations with their respective governments, and with other hanks. (In Institute of hankers. Journal, vol. 26, Nov. 1905, pp. 451- 4SG. London, 1905. 8°.) England; France; Germany: Austria-Hungary; Russia; Bel- gium; Holland; Spain; Italy: Sweden; Norway; Denmark; Portugal; Bulgaria; Servia ; Roumania; Turkey; Greece; Switzerland. Philippovich, E. von. Die Banken in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. (In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, hrsg. von J. Conrad, 2. Aufl. 2 Bd., pp. 321-336. Jena, 1899. 4°.) Pommier, Louis. La banque de France et l'etat depuis sa creation jusqu'a nos jours. Paris: A. Rousseau, 190 %. xv, 1^85 pp. 4°- " Bibliographie," p. [v]-xi. Contents. — Introduction : Le regime de la Banque de France vis-a-vis de l'etat. — 1. ptie. La concession du privilege d'emission a la Banque de France, au cours du XIX siecle. — 2. ptie. La Banque de France et le service de la tresorerie de l'etat. — 3. ptie. La Banque de France et les iinpots. — Con- clusion. Prager, Max. Die Wahrungs-und Bankreform in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Im Auftrag des Vereins zum Schutze der deutschen Goldwahrung. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1900. vi, (2), U4, (#) pp- 8°. (Schriften des Vereins zum Schutz der deutschen Gold- wahrung. Bd. II.) * Preston, Eobert E. History of the monetary legislation and of the currency system of the United States ... to which is added a speech on our currency system by Hon. James H. Eckles. Philadelphia: J.J. McVey, 1896. 128 pp. 8°. Price, Bonamy. Currency and banking. London: II. S. King and company, 1876. (8), 176 pp. 12°. LIBRABT2 OF CONGRESS Price, Bonamy. The principles of currency; six lectures delivered at < >xford. Oxford and London: J. Parker and com /huh/, I860. /•//;, ' /'/'• Contents.— Inaugural lecture.— Metallic currency. — What is a bank? Paper currency. — The bank charter of isii. and Mr. Mill's doctrine of money. — The money market and gold. 1 Mains and rates of discount. — M. Michel Chevalier on the history of the treaty of commerce with France. — Mr. Gairdner on banking and currency. Pug-sley, Cornelius. Emergency circulation. (in American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- eighth annual convention. Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 134-139. New York. 1902. 8°.) Same. {In Bull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in hanking and currency, pp. 302-307. New York. 1907. 8°.) Raguet, Condy. A treatise on currency and banking. Philadelphia: Grigg and Elliott, 1839. (4), \ix~\-wvi, 261} /'/>■ s ■ Ridgely, "William Barrett. Bank currency reforms. iin Sound currency, vol. 9, Dec. 1902, pp. 140-145.) The business situation and the currency. (/// American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- ninth annual convention. Oct. 21-2.'}. 1003, pp. Sl-SS. New York, 1003. 8 .) The changes in banking conditions. {In American hankers' association. Proceedings of the twen- ty-eighth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1902, pp. 64-73. New York. 1902. 8°.) Gold reserve national bank notes. {In American bankers' association. Proceedings of thirty- :ond annual convention. Oct. 10-10, 1000, pp. 05-102. New Zork, L906. 8°.) Same. (in Hull. Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in hanking and currency, pp. 31 I 325. New York. 1007. 8°.) Roberts, Ellis II. Effects of the inflow of gold. {In American hankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- ninth annual convention, Oct. 21-23, 1903, pp. 172-180. New York, 1903. 8°.) BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND NANKING 29 Roberts, Ellis H. Strength and weakness of American finance. (In American hankers' association. Proceedings of thirtieth annual convention, Sept. 14, 16, 1904, pp. 165-175. New York, 1904. 8°.) Same. (In Hull, Walter Henry. ed. Practical problems In hanking and currency, pp. 373-380. New York, 1907. 8°.) Roberts, George E. Currency reform and a central bank. (In Commercial and financial chronicle, vol. 84, May 25, 1907, pp. 121 5-1 21 6.) Robertson, W. J. A brief historical sketch of Canadian banking and currency, the laws relating thereto since the Confed- eration, and a comparison with British and American systems. Toronto, 1888. Not in Library of Congress; has been ordered. Root, L. Carroll. Canadian bank note currency. New York, 1897. 16 pp. 8°. {Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 9, May 1, 1897.) Currency elasticity. New York, 1896. 20 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 3, no. 23, Nov. 1, 1896.) Deposit currency: the effective currency of commercial communities. Nt w York, 1899. 11 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 1899.) The Imperial bank of Germany. New York. 1898. 8 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 5, no. 21, Nov. 1, 1898.) The monetary stringency. The position of the National bank currency in our monetary system and its influence on the fall demand for money to " move the crops." (In Sound currency, vol. 9, Sept. 1902, pp. 112-117.) Twenty years of bank currency based on general commercial assets. (In Sound currency, vol. 8, Dec. 1901, pp. 209-232.) " Nowhere, probably, in the whole range of the banking history of the United States can be found a more fruitful subject of study than the currency issued by the State banks of New England in the last two decades before the Civil War. .;il LIBRARY OF CONGRESS It is admitted by all that this currency was elastic and adaptable to commercial needs — consequences which fol- ic .wed from the fact that it was based upon the general commercial assets of the issuing banks. ••The relative success attending the New England currency system is particularly instructive because of the similarity between the conditions under which it operated and those which obtain to-day throughout the greater part of the ter- ritory covered by the National banking system." Root, L. Carroll. Twenty years of bank currency based on general commercial asset-. {In Bankers' magazine (New York) vol. 64, Mar. 1902, pp. :;m-398.) Saulgeot, H. Deux types de banque d'empire ; Allemagne, Russie. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1905. (4), [vii]-viii, 176 pp. Tables. y. " Bibliographic," pp. [vii]-viii. Contains. — La banque imperiale d' Allemagne: La fondation de la Reichsbank. — Constitution de son capital et du fonds de reserve; Comment une banque constitue-t-elle ses res- sources? — Les operations d'emprunt: Les operations de credit de la Reichsbank. La banque de Russie: Les opera- tions tinancieres de la banque de Russie; L'emission des billets de credit; Les operations commerciales de la Banque de Russie ; Ses operations d'emprunt ; Les operations de credit. Scharling-, William. Bankpolitik. ■/< na: G. Fischt r, 1000. xii, 371 pp. 8°. Contents. — I>as Entstehen und die Entwickelung der Bank- thatigkeit: 1. Depositen- und Girogeschiift; II. Kredit-Um- satzmittel zum Supplieren von Miinze und Metall. III. Die Thatigkeit der Banken a is Vermittler des Kapitals. 2. Die Thatigkeit der Depositen- und Leihbanken. Die verschie- denen Bankoperationen : I. Die Annahme von Depositen; II. Dispositionen iiber Depositen; III. Das eigene Kapital der Banken. III. Die Zettelbanken in ihrer historischen Ent- wickelung: I. Englands Bankgeschichte ; II. Die Banken in Frankreich; III. Die Bankordnung in Deutschland; IV. Die Bankverhaltnisse Schwedens; V. Die Bankverhaltnisse in Danemark; VI. Die Bankverhaltnisse Norwegens; VII. Die Bankverhaltnisse in den Vereinigten Staaten Nordamerikas ; IV. Die Prinzipien betreffend die Ordnung des Zettelbank- wesens: I. Das Wachstum mid der Sieg der privilegierten Central-bank und des Notenmonopols ; II. Das Prinzip der Bankfreiheit durch die Natur und dvn Ursprung der Noten- emission; III. Vorztige und Mangel der Vielbank- und Cen- tral- banksysteme; IV. Privatbank oder Staatsbank; V. Die Notendeckung. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 31 Schmidt, Herman. The working of the elastic clause of the German bank act. (In The Institute of bankers. Journal, vol. 2<;, April, 1905, pp. 199-220. London, 1905. 8°.) Schumacher, Hermann. Die Ursachen und Wirkungen der Kon- zentration im deutschen Bankwesen. (In Jahrbuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt- schaft im Deutschen Reich, 30. Jabrg. Ill Heft, pp. 1^43. Leipzig, 190G. 8°.) Schuster, Sir Felix. The bank of England and the state. Manchester: The University press, 1906. 30 pp. 8°. (Man- chester university lectures, no. 2.) Our gold reserves. (In The Institute of bankers. Journal, vol. 28, pt. 1, Jan. 1907, pp. 1-22; Discussion, pp. 23-25. London, 1907. 8°.) Scott, William Amasa. Money and banking: an introduction to the study of modern currencies. New York : E. Holt and company, 1903. (2),x, 381 pp. 8°. Seyd, Ernest. The Bank of England note issue and its error. An address to the holders of Bank of England stock, and to bankers and economists, generally. London, 1874. xviii, 298 pp. 8°. The banks of issue question. Memorial address to the gov- ernor and court of directors of the Bank of England, and submitted to the select committee of the House of Commons of 1875. London: E. Stanford, 1875. xix, (1), 138 pp. 8°. Shaw, Leslie M. Currency reform. (7/i Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 396-400. New York, 1907. 8°.) Shaw, William Arthur. The history of currency, 1252 to 1894 . . . London: Wilsons and Milne, [1895]. xxx, 431 pp. Tables. Diagrams (partly folded). 8°. Sherwood, Sidney. The new German bank law. (In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 14, Feb. 1900, pp. 270- 277.) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Shortt, A.dam. The history of Canadian currency, banking and ex- change. (In Journal of the Canadian bankers' association, vol. 7, April. 1900, pp. 209 226; July, 1900, pp. 311-332; vol. 8, Oct. L900; pp. 1 15; Jan. 1901, pp. 145-164; April, 1901, pp. 227-243; July. 1901, pp. 305-326; vol. !>. Oct. 1901, pp. 1-21; Jan. 1902, pp. 101 121; April, 1902, pp. 183-202.) Contents. Early metallic currency and its regulation; One currency for the Umpire: Re-construction and new schemes; Criticism, prosperity, and expansion; Prosperity and ex- pansion in upper Canada : Experiment and inflation; Further expansion and crisis; Crisis and resumption; Some special features. Somers, Robert. The Scotch banks and system of issue. Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1873. xii, 244- VV' Tables. . Sound currency, 1895-1902. A compendium of accurate and timely information on currency questions, intended for writers, speakers, and students. .V< w York: Reform club sound currency committee. 1895- 1902. 8 vols. 8°. [Squire, Newton.] The Xew York clearing house; its methods and systems, and a description of the London clearing house. New York: Arthur d- Bonnell [1888] . 88 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Stickney, A. P>. The medium of exchange and the banking function. [In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- seventh annual convention, Oct. 15-17, 1901, pp. 108-120. New York, 1901. S°.) Siime. {In Hull, Walter Benry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 205-222. Xew York, 1907. 8°.) Stubble, A. Organization <\v>, amerikanischen Bankwesens. [In Jahrbucb fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt- scli.ifi im Deutschen Reich, 31. Jahrg. 1. Heft, pp. 149- 197; 3. I left. pp. 321-362.) Contents. Geschichtlicher Oberblick fiber die Entwicklung des Bankwesens in den Vereinigten Staaten bis zum Inkraft- treten des Nationalbankgesetzes vom Jahre 1863; I. Die Nationalbanken : 1. Das Nationalbankgesetz ; 2. Kritik des Nationalhanku'esetzes; 3. Das Schatzamt und die Bauken ; I. Entwicklung und Geschiiftsbetrieb der Nationalbanken. II. Die Staatenbanken : 1. Die gesetzlichen Vorscnriften der Einzelstaaten fiber die Staatenbanken; 2. Die Entwicklung BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND HANKING 33 der Staatenbanken Beil dem Inkrafttreten dea National- bankgesetzes. III. Die Trustgesellschaften: 1. Hue Funk- tioiu'ii ; 2. Die gesetzlichen Restimmungen dor Einzelstaaten bezw. der Trustgesellschaften ; :;. Entwlcklnng der Ge- schaftsbetriebe der Trustgesellschaften. IV. Die Privat- bankiers. V. Die amerikanischen Sparkassen, VI. Zu- Bammenfassupg. Llteraturverzeichnis. " In den kleinsten Orten der Vereinigten Staaten finden wir Bankinstitute, zum grosseo Toil sogar Xoteiibanken. Durch die weitgehendste Dezentralisation, die (lurch das Verbot der Erriehtung von Filialen kttnstlich aufrecht erhalten wird, ist es erreicbt, dass fast jedermann Bank- darlehn zu miissigen Zinssiitzen erhiilt, der nur irgend eineu Beweis dafiir hat, dass er im Stande ist, das Darlehn zuriiekzuzahleu. Es gibt kaum ein produktives Qnterneh- men, das des Beistandes der Baukeu entbehreu muss. Das ganze System besitzt das Vertrauen imd die Zufriedenheit des Publikums. " Trotzdem liafteu ihm eiue Eeihe von bedeutenden Miingeln an, wie wir gezeigt haben, die zum grossten Teil auf dem Fehlen einer Zentralnotenbank beruheu. 1. Das dezen- tralisierte System der Vereinigten Staaten ist m. E. nicht mehr Zeitgeiniiss. " Demnach kann man wohl sagen, dass es fiir die Vereinigten Staaten an der Zeit ware, dem Vorbild der europiiisehen Staaten zu folgen, das Verbot der Erriehtung von Filialen fiir die Banken fallen zu lassen und durch die Neugriindung einer Bundesbank die zahlreichen Mangel des Geld- und Bankwesens zu beseitigen." Sykes, Ernest. Banking and currency . . . with an introduction by F. E. Steele. London: Butberworth and company, 1905. xii, £^4j 1-3, (1) pp. 8°. "Bibliography," pp. 230-235. Symposium: The increasing supply of gold. Its effect upon (a) prices, (b) wages, (c) rents, (d) interest, (e) industry, (f) securities, (g) business ethics, (h) politics, (i) society. (In Moody's magazine, vol. 1, Dec. 1905, pp. 1G-S1.) Contents. — Memoranda as to gold prices, wages and inter- est; Gold supply not too great, by Maurice L. Muhleman, pp. 29-31 ; Money interest rates and prosperity, by John B. Clark, pp. 31-34 ; The duty of gold, by Walter S. Logan, pp. 34-40; Influx of gold means prosperity, by Frank A. Van- derlip, pp. 40-44; Gold production and the rate of interest. by Irving Fisher, pp. 44-49; Over supply of gold unlikely, by Ellis Roberts, pp. 49-53; How gold operates, by Horace W 7 hite, pp. 53-56; Some gold problems, by John Dewitt Warner, pp. 57-59; The effects of the increasing 27221— OS 3 :; 1 LIBBABY "l- OONGBESS supply of gold upon the investor, by L. Carroll Root, pp. 60 62; The Influence of the Increasing gold supply on prices and rates of interest, by Joseph F. Johnson, pp. 63 66; More gold means higher "time" money and lower bond prices, by Roberl Goodbody, pp. 66 70; Gold and prosperity, by James K. Branch, pp. 70 71; The gold problem solved, by George II. Shibley, pp. 71-71: The gold supply and prices, by Charles a. Conant, pp. 74-81. Taussig", F. W. The United Stale- currency act of L900. (/;/ The Economic journal, vol. 10, June I'.ioo, pp. 22G-2::2. ) Taylor, Fred Manville. Do wo want an elastic currency? [Ann Arbor, 1896~\, 28 pp. 3 Diagrams on 1 pi. 8°. (Publications of th< Michigan political science associa- tion, vol. 2, no. I . March, 1896.) ( 'over-title. United States. Com mission on international exchange. Gold standard in international trade. Report on the introduc- tion of the gold-exchange standard into China. The Phil- ippine Islands, Panama, and other silver-using countries, and on the stability of exchange . . . Washington: Corernment printing office, 1904 [1905]. 512 pp. 8°. (58tlt Congress, 3d session, Senate doeanont no. 128.) Submitted to the secretary of slate, October 22, 1004, by the Commission on international exchange, Hugh H. Ilanna, Charles A. ( Ymant, ' Jeremiah W. Jenks. Stability of international exchange. Report on the introduction of the gold-exchange standard into China and other silver-using countries. Submitted to the secre- tary of state. October 1, 1903, by the Commission on inter- national exchange. Hugh II. Hanna, Charles A. Conant, Jeremiah YV. Jenks, commissioners. December 17, 1003. — Message and accompanying papers ordered printed and referred to Committee on foreign affairs. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. 518 pp. 8°. (58th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 144-) Comptroller >>j the currency. Animal report, December 3, L894. Washington: Government printing office, 1894. 8°. " Amendments recommended," pp. 31-36. Same. December 2, 180.'). Washington: Government printing office, 1895. 2 vols. 8°. '•Amendments recommended," vol. 1, pp. 21-23; "Foreign banking systems." pp. 63-110. BOOKS RELATING TO CTJBRENCTJ AND BANKING! 35 United States. Comptroller of the currency. Annual report. De- cember 7, 1896. Washington: Government printing office, 1896. .! vols. 8°. " The establishing of branch hunks." vol. 1, pp. L03 1".",. "The issuing of notes by the govemmenl and by the banks," pp. 105-109. Annual reports . . . [including statements of na- tional banks]. Washington: Government printing office, \ 1863\-1907. 61 vols. 8°. Congress. House. Committee on hanking and currency. Hearings before the Committee . . . Fifty-third Con- gress, first [and second] session [s] 1893-[94]. Washington: Government planting office, 1893-[94]. 5J$ pp. 8°. Includes, "Hearings (continued) before the Committee . . . [June 15-July 2] 1894. Washington, Government printing office, 1S94, pp. 463-5-19. Hearings and arguments before the Committee on banking and currency of the House of Representatives. Fifty-fourth Congress, First and second sessions. 1896-97. Washington: Government printing office, 1897. 607 pp. Folded sheet. Folded map. 8°. Hearings and arguments before the committee . . . Washington: Government printing office, 1897-1899. 3 vols, in 2. 8°. Hearings and arguments ... on proposed changes in the currency system of the United States. Prepared for publication and indexed by Frank Roe Batchelder. Fifty- fifth Congress, Second [and third] session[s]. Washington: Government printing office, 1898-1899. 2 vols. in 1. ' 8°. Contains the statement of Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury. Hearings on currency legislation. Dec. 11-15, 1906. [Washington: Government printing office, 1906.] 267 pp. ' 8°. Hearings and arguments before the Committee on banking and currency of the House of Representatives [Dec. 11-15, 1906] on proposed currency legislation. Fifty- ninth Congress, second session. 1906-7. Washington: Government printing office, 1907. (2) y 270. 8°. LIBRAE? 01 CONGRESS United States. Congress. Committee on banking and currency. [ssue and redemption <>f national bank guaranteed credit notes . . . Report (to accompany II. K. 23017. 23017). | Washington: Government printing office, 1906J] .10 pp. 7 Diagrams (/ folded). 8°. (59th Congress, 2d session, II,, „s, Kept. 5629.) Submitted by Mr. Fowler. Ordered printed Dec. 20, 190G. I —He and redemption of national-bank notes, etc. . . . Report. (To acompany H. R. 20021.) [Washington: Government printing office, 1900'.'] 37 pp. ■ 8°. (59th Congress, 1st session. House. Report 5043.) Charles N. Fowler, chairman. Ordered printed June 27, 1906. Strengthening the public credit, etc. Report from the Committee on hanking and currency, June 15, 1898. 2 pts. 8°. (55th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 575. ) Report presented by Mr. McCleary, minority report by J. H. Walker. The report ol* the majority presents arguments •• in favor of a currency based upon commercial assets, flexibly adjusted to the demands of business." Committee on insular affairs. Hearings [on finance, coinage, currency, etc., Jan. 14-March 19, 1902. Washington: Government printing office, 1903.] 8°. Found also in its Committee reports, hearings, and acts of Congress . . . 1901-1903. Washington, 1903. 8°. pp. GG6. Contents. — Jan. 14-1U. Statement of Charles A. Conant. — Jan. 24. Statement of George E. Roberts, director of the mint. — Jan. 27 28. Statement of Hon. Ebenezer J. Hill and Charles Conant.— March 1!). Statements of Prof. J. H. Hollander, of Johns Hopkins university, and of Henry W. Peabody. 38th Congress, 1st Session, 1863-1864. The national hank ad : an ad to provide a national currency secured hy a pledge of the United States bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, approved June 3, L864. With amendments of 1865-70. To which are added the decisions of the Supreme court United States, and of the state courts; and decisions and rulings of the Comptroller of the currency and the Commissioner of internal revenue, in reference to said act, from 1865 to L870. Xi w York: Published at the office of the Bankers'* magazine and statistical n gister, 1870. (/,), 100, 20, Q3, pp. 8°. Reprint of articles on National bank act, appearing in the I ".ankers' magazine, New York, from 1864 to 1870. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANK IXC 37 United States. 53rd Congress, 3d session. House report no. 1608. Report of the Committee on banking and currency, to- gether with hearings thereof, on bill II. II. 8149, Fifty- third Congress, third session. 1894. Washington: Government printing office, 1894. (•*)? 371 pp. 8°. On "National banking associations,'' presented by Mr. Springer. oJfth Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 187. Sale of bonds. Testimony taken by committee on finance. Investigation of the sale of bonds during the years, 1894, 1895, and 1896, under resolution of the Senate of May 7, 1896, by the Committee on finance. March 2, 1897. [iv], 332 pp. 8°. 55th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1575. Strengthening the public credit, etc. Report by Air. Mc- Cleary, from the Committee on banking and currency. June 15, 1898. 38 pp. 8°. House report no. 1575, part 2. To secure to the peo- ple a sound currency. Report by Mr. "Walker, from the Committee on banking and currency, submitting the views of the minority. June 23, 1898. 125 pp. 8°. Signed by J. H. Walker. Laws, statutes, etc. Digest of laws of the United States re- lating to coinage, currency and banking. {In Sound currency, vol. 8, pp. [65]-144. New York [1001]. S°.) The Laws of the United States relating to loans and currency, coinage and banking. Washington: Government printing office, 1886. (4), xiii, 3-^-59 pp. 8°. (Treasury department, document no. 949. Loans and currency.) Laws of the United States relating to loans, paper money, banking and coinage, 1790-1895. Washington: Government printing office, 189G. 4 vols. 8°. (53rd Congress, 3rd session. Senate. Bept. 831.) Same. Washington: Government printing office, 1896. (2), xxviii, 602 pp. 8°. (53rd Congress, 3d session. Senate. Re- port 831.) 112874 38 Lir.KAKY 01 CONGRESS United States. Laws, statutes, etc. The national-bank act as amended, and other laws relating to national banks. Compiled under the direction of the comptroller of the currency, L907. II ashington : Govt rnment printing office, 1907. (2), 98 pp. . The national banks of the United States. An act to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States bonds, ami to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof. Approved, June 3, 1864. With a synopsis of each section; an alphabetical index, and a list of national banks in operation June 3, 1864. .V* //• York: Published at the office of the Bankers' 1 maga- zine, isi;.' 4 . (4), 143 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Bankers' magazine, New York, August, 1864. The list of national banks here published, appeared in the magazine, from Aug. to Dec. 1864. The new currency act. (Act of March 14, 1900.) X< a- York: 1900. (16) pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 7, no. .' h April. 1900.) L'< gisti r of the treasury. History of the currency of the country and of the loans of the United States from the earliest period to June 30, 1900. Prepared by William F. DeKnight . . . under the direction of J. F. Till- man, register of the treasury. [2d ed. with an Appendix, prepared under the direction of Judson W. Lyons, regis- ter of the treasury.] Washington: Govt rnmt ut printing office, 1900. 277 pp. lf°. {'hi //. 3 Treasury department. Document no. 1943. St cond < dition.) Treasury department. Annual report of the Secretary of the treasury on the state of the finances. For the fiscal year f\nU'<\ June 30, 1902. Washington: Gon runout printing office, 1902. xvi, 624 /'/'■ 8°. ■' 'I'll.' currency," pp. ".4-57; " Banking," pp. 58-61. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904. Washington: Government printing office, 1903. xv, (1), ■'■ -'■'' /'/'■ ■our monetary system," pp. 45-4G. BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 39 United States. Treasury department. Annual report of the Sec- retary of the Treasury. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1904. Washington : Govt rmm nt printing office, 1905. xv, (1), 547 pp. 5°. Currency, pp. 40-41. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1905. Washington: Government print in g office, 1000. xiv, 470 pp. 8°. Currency, pp. 34-35. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 190G. Washington: Government printing office, 1006. xii, 44® pp. 8°. " Weakness of our currency system," pp. 41-50. Same. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 1907. Washington: Government printing office. 1907. 116 pp. 8°. Bank reserves, pp. 55-5G ; Bond transactions, pp. 5U-58; Special treasury operations, pp. 58-60; Currency legislation needed, pp. 60-61. National banks designated as depositaries, etc. Let- ter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to Senate resolution of December 18, 1905, list of each and every national bank designated as a depositary of the United States, its location, and the total amount of money deposited in each during the fiscal years ended June 30, 1901-1905. Washington: Government printing office, 1006. 21 pp. 8°. (59th Congress. 1st session. Senate. Document 182.) The national loans of the United States, from July 4, 1T7G, to June 30, 1880. Washington: Government printing office, 1881. 197 pp. 8°. (Treasury dept. document no. 2 46. J Same. 2d ed. Washington: Government printing office, 1882. 197 pp. 8°. Upton, Jacob Kendrick. Money in politics. Boston: D. Lothrop and company, [1884]. sex, 270 pp. 12°. Same. 2d ed. Boston : D. Lothrop and company, 1895. xxii, 292 pp. 12°. Ill LIBBABY OF CONGRESS Vanderlip, Frank A. The financial outlook. (In Hull, Walter Benry, "/.; Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 446 154. New York, 1907. 8°.) Walker, Byron Edmund. Address of B. E. Walker, president, Canadian hankers' association, given at meeting of New York state hankers' association, Saratoga, 10th July, 1895. Toronto: Monetary time* printing company, limited, [189o]. 15 pp. 8°. On the Canadian system. Hanking in Canada. 1 1 a World's congress of bankers anil financiers, Cbicago, 1893, pp. 169-197. Chicago, 1893. 8°.) The Canadian system of banking and the national system of the United States. Toronto. 1890. Not in Library of Congress; lias been ordered. A history of banking in Canada. Toronto, 1899, 1 10 pp. 8°. Reprinted from "A history of banking in all nations" by per- mission of the publishers, The Journal of commerce and com- mercial bulletin, New York. Wallich, Paul. Die Konzentration im deutschen Bankwesen. Ein Beit rag zur Geschichte der gegenwiirtigen Wirtschafts- organisation. Stuttgart und Berlin: ■/. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1905. viii, 173, (1) pp. 8°. (Milnchener volk8wirtschaftliche Studien . . . 7 %. Stuck.) Walsh, Correa Moylan. The fundamental problem in monetary science. New )'orl,\ London: The Macmillan company. 1903. x, 383 pp. i.r. Warnack, Max. Die Entwicklung des deutschen Banknotenwesens. Berlin: /•/. Ebering, 1905. 236, (.!) pp. 8° (Rechts- and staatswissenschaftliche Studien, veroffentlicht von Dr. E. Ebering, lift, xxvii.) Anhang (Tabelle) : Der geschaftsverkehr der Reichsbank von L876 1903 (p. [222 223]) Notenumlauf der deutschen Zettel- banken von L870 L903 (p. 221-228). BOOKS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 41 Warner, John De Witt. Practical bank currency. New York, 1897. 24 pp. 8°. (Sound currency, vol. 4, no. 0. March 15, 1897.) Watson, David K. History of American coinage. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1899. xxi, (1), 301 pp. 12°. Weber, Adolf. Depositenbanken und Spekulationsbanken. Ein Vergleich deutschen und englischen Bankwesens. Bonn, 1902. ix, 49, [2] pp. 8°. •Published in full, Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1902. (xv, 303 pp.) White, Horace. Asset currency. (In American bankers' association. Proceedings of twenty- eighth annual convention, Nov. 11-13, 1002. pp. 121-130. New York, 1002. 8°.) Same. (In Hull, Walter Henry, ed.; Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 200-302. New York. 1907. 8°.) Bank note experience of twenty years — 1882-1002. (In Hull, Walter Henry, r /■*' magazine (New York), vol. 40 (June, 1894) •' 920- 922. 1894. A proposal concerning the currency. Social economist, vol. 7 (Aug., 1894) ' 65-74- 1894. How to improve the currency. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 49 (Oct., 1894) •' 241- 243. 1894. The Baltimore plan. H. White. Nation, vol. 59 (Oct. 25, 1894) •' 300-301. 1894. The peril of the treasury. George S. Boutwell. North American review, vol. 159 (Oct., 1894) .' 410-423. 1894. The national finances. Public opinion, vol. 17 (Nov. 22, 1894) : 807-809. 1894. " The Baltimore plan" of currency reform. C. C. Homer and A. B. Hepburn. Engim < ring magazim . col. 8 (Dec., 1894) ."379-383. 1894. The ** Baltimore plan " of currency reform. A. B. Hepburn. Form,,, vol. 18 (Dec, 1894) ' 385-395. 1894. The "Baltimore plan" of bank issues. J. Laurence Laughlin. Journal of political economy, vol. 3 (Dec, 1894) : 101-105. 1894. Our experiments in financial legislation. James H. Eckels. North An,, run, 1 re viae, vol. 159 (Dec, 1894) : 689-096. 1894. The Baltimore plan. Social economist, vol. 7 (Dec, 1894) ■' 327-332. 1895. Why government bonds are a bad currency. Van Buren Dei i slow. Social economist, vol. 8 (Jan., 1895) : 28-36. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND HANKING. 45 1895. Why the creation of money is the primary and paramount duty of government, and why bank usurpation La intoler- able. Henry Carey Baird. Social economist, vol. 8 {Jan., 1895) : 36-41. 1895. Should the government retire from banking? William ('. Cornwell. Forum, vol. 18 (Feb., 1895): 641-646. 1895. The financial muddle. J. Sterling Morton, William M. Springer, Henry W. Cannon. North America n review, vol. 160 (Feb., 1895): 129-156. 1895. The state as a competitor in banking. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 59 (Mar., 1895) : 373—8 1895. The quantity of money and prices, 1860-1891 ; an inductive study. S. McLean Hardy. Journal of political economy, vol. 3 (Mar., 1895) : 145—168. 1895. The government and the bond syndicate. Brayton Ives. Yale review, vol. 4 (May, 1895) : 10-22. 1895. A plea for a sound currency and banking system. Allen Ripley Foote. American magazine of civics, vol 7 (Aug., 189-5) : 133-144. 1895. The government and the bond issue. Brayton Ives. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 51 (Aug., 1895) : 143- 150. 1895. The bond-syndicate: its excellent work. A. B. Hepburn. Forum, vol. 19 (Aug., 1895) : 658-666. 1895. Our banking and currency plan. Social economist, vol. 8 (Aug., 1895) : 1-13. 1895. A financial predicament. Henry B. Russell. American magazine of civics, vol. 7 (Oct., 1895) : 415-4&1. 1895. Government competition in banking. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. GO (Dec, 1895) : 679-708. 1895. The Treasury reserve and the bond syndicate. Alexander D. Xoyes. Political science quarterly, vol. 10 (Dec, 1895) : 573-602. KJ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1896. The bond and the dollar. John Clark Etidpath. xa, vol. 15 {Jan., 1896): 266-278; (Feb., 1896):^ ,;■; (Mar., 1896): 555 562. 1896. Do we want an elastic currency? V. M. Taylor. Political sciena quarterly, vol. 11 (Mar., 1896) : 133-157. 1896. Deficiency of revenue the cause of our financial ills. John Sherman. Forum, vol. 21 (Apr., 1896): 129-144- ■ 1896. Twenty-live years of political finance. Edward Cary. Political sciena quarterly, vol. 11 (June, 1896): 222-236. 1896. Early and recent currency legislation; a contrast. J. J. Lalor. Forum, vol. 22 (Sept., 1896): 117-128. 1896. Currency reform. H.White. Nation, vol. 63 (Nov. 12, 1896): 358-359. 1896. Banking reform. II. White. Nation, vol. 63 (Dec. 3, 1896): 416-417. 1896. Reform of the currency. J. ('. Adams, A. K. Miller, Hugh Craig. North American review, vol. 163 (Dec, 1896) : 743-752. 1897. Financial and currency reform imperative. Charles N. Fowler. • Forum, vol.22 (Feb., 1897): 713-721. 1897. The cure for a vicious monetary system. W. A. Peffer. Forum, vol. 22 (Feb., 1897): 722-730. 1897. How not to reform the currency. Gunton's magazine, vol. 1! (Mar., 1897) : 179-186. 1897. The safety of the legal tender paper. Charles F. Dunbar. Quarterly journal of < < ?onomics, vol. 11 (Apr., 1S97) : 223- r,;. 1897. The national hanking system. Charles F. Dunbar. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12 (Oct., 1897): 1-26. 1897. American hanking and currency schemes. W. II. Lawson. Banki ra' magazine (London ), nol. 64 (Dec, 1897) : 690-710. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. 47 1898. Proposed reforms of the monetary system. Joseph French Johnson. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 11 {Jan., 1898): 191 .:.",. 1898. The bank-note system of Switzerland. A. Sandoz. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 1.1 (Apr.. 1898) : 280- 306. 1898. The objects and method- of currency reform in the United States. F. M. Taylor. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 12 (Apr., 1898): ■ l / >7- 3 ', .'. 1898. A bill for the establishment of a Swiss federal bank of issue (18 June, 189G). Quarterly journal of economics, vol 12 (Apr., 1898): 366- 372. 1898. Two plans for currency reform. Alfred L. Ripley. Yale review, vol. 7 (May, 1898): 50-71. 1898. Gold and bank reserves in Germany. F. Moos. Economic journal, vol. 8 (Dec, 1898) : 556-559. 1899. The final report of the Monetary commission. Frederick A. Cleveland. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 13 (Jan., 1899) : 31-56. 1900. Who shall control the price level? George H. Shibley. Arena, vol. 23 (Jan., 1900): 68-87. 1900. The new currency law, in the United States. Bankers' 1 magazine (London), vol. 69 (Jan., 1900): 02-05. 1900. The new currency bill. Guntorts magazine, vol. 8 {Jan.. 1000) : 32- ',2. 1900. The benefits of a bank-note currency. Charles A. Conant. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 60 (Feb., 1900): 188- 199; (Mar., 1900) : 354-369. 1900. The new bank currency. A. D. Noyes. Nation, vol. 70 (Mar. 22, 1900) : 218. 1900. Prospects for inflation. Frank A. Vanderlip. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 19 (Apr.. 1000) : S 355. l^ LTBRABY OF CONGKESS 1900. Bistory of the currency Legislation. C. V. Rich. Rand-McNally bankers* monthly, vol. 19 (Apr., 1900) : 359- 1900. The currency act of L900. F. AY '. Taussig. Quarterly journal of <<<>n amies, vol. 1 \ (May. 1900): 394- ',!■''■ Text of the law, pp. 450-456. 1900. Bank reserves and reserve cities. Charles G. Dawes. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 19 (May. 1900) : 471- ',S0. 1900. The centenary of the Bank of France. J. Macbeth Forbes. Bankers* magazine {London), vol. 69 {June, 1900): 855- 869. 1900. Money ami prices. Richmond Mayo-Smith. Political science quarterly, vol. 15 {June, 1900) : 196-216. 1900. American financial pre-eminence. Fllis II. Roberts. Rand-McNally bankers' 1 monthly, vol. 19 (June, 1900) : 594- 599. 1900. The currency law of 1900. Roland P. Falkner. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol, 10 {July, WOO) : 33-55. ••The new currency act,'* pp. 4!t-55. 1900. Plan for improvement in banking system. Conrad N. Jordan. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 20 {July, 1900): 1-4. 1900. Das nene Geldgesetz voni 13. Marz 1900 in den Vereinigten Staaten. J. H. Curran. Jahrbucht r fiir Nationalokonomie and Statistic, III. Folgc, 20. lid., (. 1 ay., WOO) : 213-222. 1900. The law of the value of money. Charles A. Conant. American academy oj political and social science. A mods, vol. 16 {Sept., 1900): 189-811. 1900. The currency act of March 14, 1900. Joseph French Johnson. Political science quarterly, vol. 15 {/Sept., 1900): 482-507. 1900. Federal currency. J. Russell French. Barik< r«' magazi/u < London ), rol. 70 {Xov., 1900) : 601-605. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. 49 1900. United States currency. Frank A. Vanderlip. Banker? magazine (London), vol. 70 {Nov., 1900) : 51 '3-68 % 1900. The national banking system. Lyman J. Gage. Bankers 1 magazine (New Fork), vol. 61 (Nov., 1900): 700- 705. 1900. The amendment of the Canadian bank act. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 70 (Dec, 1900): 714-716 1900. Possible currency reform developments. Lyman J. Gage. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 20 (Dec, 1900): 608- 612. 1901. Banking in the United States during the nineteenth century. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol.62 (Feb., 1901) : 189- 193. 1901. Canadian banking system. Rand-McNaUy bankers'' monthly, vol. 21 (June, 1901 1 : 586- 588. 1901. Lessons in banking: Germany and the United State-. Bankers'' magazine (London), vol. 72 (Ai/;/.. 1901) : 133-144- 1901. The influence of the new supplies of gold. George E. Roberts. North American review, vol. 173 (Aug., 1901): 254—262. 1901. Operations of the Reichsbank. Frank A. Vanderlip. Rand-McNally bankers'' monthly, vol. 22 (Aug., 1901): 114-117. 1901. Advantages of a central national bank. Rand-McNally bankers' 1 monthly, r,»l. 22 {Oct., 1901) : J27- 329. 1901. " Emergency circulation " of notes in times of difficulty. Bankers' 1 magazine (London), vol. 72 (Nov., 1901): 557- 563. 1901. Branch banking and asset currency. Criticism of some of the views of A. B. Stickney, and also of James II. Eckels. Bankers'' magazine (New York), vol. 63 (Dec, 1901) : Jul 7- 1023. 1901. Credit currency and population. David Kinley. Journal of political economy, vol. 10 (Dec, 1901) : 72-93. 27221— OS 1 50 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1901. How t<> secure an elastic paper currency. H. C. M'Leod. North American review, vol. 173 (Dec. 1001): S54-S56. 1901. Credit and the bank-note. Joseph French Johnson. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 22 {Dec, 1001) : 531- W. 1901. Banking and currency. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 22 {Dec., 1001): 537- 54 7. 1902. The Reichsbank of Germany from 187G-1900. Bankers' magazine {London), vol. 73 {Mar., 1002): 372- 301. 1902. The purposes of the new currency bill. Bankers' magazine {New York), vol. 64 {Apr., 1002) : 487- 401. 1902. The Fowler currency and banking bill. liiinli rs' magazine {Xew York), vol. 64 {Apr., 1002) : 535- 541. 1902. Mr. Hepburn on " an elastic currency." Bankers' magazine {New York), vol. 64 {Apr., 1002): 567- 568. 1902. A centra] hank. J. C. Martine. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 23 {Apr., 1002) : 315- 317. '1902. Proposed banking and currency law and its necessity. Jesse Overstreet. Rand-McNally bankers'* monthly, vol. 23 {May, 1002) : 446- /■''-'■ 1902. National solvency and banking credit. Edward E. Gellen- der. Westminsti r revu w, vol. 158 {Sept., 1002) : 274-284. 1902. Is the United Slate- treasury responsible for the present monetary disturbance? Frederick A. Cleveland. American acadt my of political and social science. Annals, vol. fSO {Nov., 1902): 493-517. 1903. Banking reform in the United States. W. li. Lawson. Bankt rs' magazine {London), vol. 75 {Jan., 1003) : 43-60. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. 51 1903. The individual responsibility for panics and depressions. World's work, vol. 5 {Jan., 1903): 2U\l <te.s, e<>(. 21 (Jan 15, 1006): 1- ',"■ 1906. Canadian and United States banking systems. Chicago banker, vol. 20 {-Jan. 20, 1006): 3. 1906. Banks and banking in the United States: the rapid progress made in recent years: the groAvth in some of the large cities of this country. Dun's review, vol. U {Jan. 12, 1006) : 57, 50, 61, 63, 65, 67, 60. 71, 73, 75, 77, 70. 1906. Our faulty monetary system. Frederick W. Gookin. Nation, ml. 82 {-fan. 18, 1006) : 52. 1906. Gold and banks. R. H. Inglis Palgraye. Quarti rly n view, vol. 204 (Jan., 1006) : 187-206. 1906. For an elastic currency: action of the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York : address of Jacob H. Schiff. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 72 (Feb., 1006): 2^5- 248. 1906. Mr. Schiff's currency scare. W. R. Lawson. Hunkers' magazine (London), vol, 81 (Feb., 1006) : 225-286. 1906. Growth and position of New York banks. A. Barton Hep- burn. Chieago banker, vol. 20 (Feb. 3, 1006) : 5-6. 1906. Proposed currency reform measures. Financier, vol. 87 (Feb. 12, 1006): 638-630. 1906. Branch banks versus independent banks. Canadian and United States* banking systems contrasted. Institute of hankers. Journal, vol. 27 (Feb., 1006) : 81-85. 1906. For currency reform. Rand-McNally bankers'' monthly, vol. 31 (Feb., 1006) : 98-96. " Import of Committee ou finance and currency of the Cham- ber of commerce of the state of New York." 1906. The Bank of England and the money market. Bankers' magazine (London), col. 81 (Mar., 1006): 353- 358; (Apr., I!>n<;) : 532-537; vol. 82 (July, 1006): 5-10; (Sept., 1006) : 325-338. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. 55 1906. The movement for currency reform. Financier, ml. 87 {Mar. /..'. 1906): 1017-1018. 1906. Regulating the money market. W. R. Lawson. Magazine of commerce, vol. 8 (Mar., 1000) : 174-170; (Apr., 1906) : 249-253. 1906. Currency reform a necessity. Lyman J. Gage. Moodifs magazine, vol. 1 (Mar., 1900) : £57-467. 1906. Cause of the recent money stringency. A. B. Hepburn. North American review, vol. 182 (Mar., 1906): 374-380. 1906. The American sub-treasury system. Statist, vol. 57 (Mar. 31, 1906) : 583-684. 1906. Coin and commercial paper as foundations of a bank-note currency. "William B. Greene. Bankers' magazine (Neio York), vol. 72 (Apr., 1906) : 514- 521. 1906. Canada's banking record. W. B. Lawson. Bankers' 1 magazine (London), vol. 81 (Apr., 1906) : 538-548. 1906. A new system of bank notes. Victor Morawetz. Commercial and financial chronicle, vol. 82 (Apr. 14, 1906) : 844-845. 1906. The need of currency legislation. W. J. Fowler. Financier, vol. 87 (April 9, 1906) : 1406-1407. 1906. Symposium: currency reform. Moody's magazine, vol. 1 (April, 1906) : 517-561. The essentials of an effective bank-note currency. L. Carroll Root. pp. 523-526; Regulate the interest rate. George M. Coffin, pp. 527-530; An entirely feasible plan. Charles S. Hamlin, pp. 531-533; The bank note as an instrument of credit. Charles A. Conant. pp. 534-537; The outlook for reform. Maurice L. Muhleman. pp. 538-540; A way out of the currency tangle. William C. Cornwell. pp. 541-545; Monetary commission plan. C. Stuart Fatterson. pp. 546- 547; Credit or asset currency. John Dewitt Warner, pp. 548-554; Currency defects and remedies. Irving Fisher, pp. 555-556; Some possible measures. E. Benjamin An- drews, pp. 557-558; The elasticity of credit. Jos. French Johnson, pp. 559-561. 1906. Government control of banks. Frank S. Strattan. Rand-McXally bankers' monthly, vol 32 (Apr., 1906) : 235- 240. 5(> LIl'.KAKV OF ('( INGRESS 1906. The bank depositor and his money. II .,/,/•,■ work, vol. II {Apr., 1906): 7370-7372. 1908. Banking in Canada and the United States. Duncan M. Stewart. Inter-nation, n. s., vol. 1 (May, 1006): 70-80. 1906. The Swiss national bank. Julius Landmann. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 20 {Ma;/. 1006): 468- [82. " Translated by W. H. Price." 1906. The currency reform movement. Rand-McNaUy bankers' monthly, vol.32 (May, 1906): 323- 325. 1906. Our currency system. . Clarence S. Weller. Van Norden magazine, vol. 1 (May, 1006): 57-59. 1906. How Canada provides currency for moving the crops. A. St. L. Trigge. Bankers'' magazine (New York), vol. 72 (June, 1906) : 834- 841. 1906. The need for currency reform. Lyman J. Gage. Rand-McNally hankers'' monthly, vol. 32 (June, 1906) : 403- [06. "Address before Commercial club, Boston." 1906. Our currency problem. William J. Coombs. Van Nordi n magazine, vol. 1 (June, 1906) : 30-33. 1906. Our unelastic currency. George von L. Meyer. Atlantic monthly, vol. 98 (July, 1906) : 126-131. 1906. Secretary Shaw on our currency system. Rand-McN ally bankers' monthly, vol. 33 (July, 1906) : 4-6- 1906. Early bank-note issues in America. Joseph French Johnson. Van Norden magazine, vol. 1 (July, 1906) : 47-51. 1906. Government commission to control credit currency. Henry B. Wilcox. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 33 (Aug., 1906) : 89- 90. 1906. Emergency currency desirable. D. A. Moulton. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 33 (Aug., 1906) : 91. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. 57 1906. When the crops begin to move; a reason for the high money rates prevailing annually during the crop-moving period. George Ridgeway, Banhazim . vol. 1 {Sept., 1906) : 46-48. 1906. Paper currency issues of Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, and the United States: suggestions as to currency reform. George M. Collin. Bankers' 1 magazine {New York), vol. 73 {Sept., 1900) : 391- 411. 1906. Currency reform in the United States. The Fowler bill. Bankers' magazine {London), vol. 82 {Sept., 1906): 350- 351. 1906. The National banking system. Commercial West, vol. 10 {Sept. 15, 1906) : 16-17. 1906. Prices vary with money supply. E. W. Kemmerer. Moody's magazine, vol. 2 {Sept., 1906) : 409-410. 1906. Bank note and bank deposit currency. A. J. Warner's error in comparing bank notes and checks. L. Carroll Root. Moody's magazine, vol. 2 {Sept., 1906) : ^23-^25. 1906. The national banking system, its merits and demerits. Charles H. Treat. Rand-McNally hankers'' monthly, vol. 33 {Sept., 1906) : 159- 164, 1906. Kansas banker opposes elastic currency. "W. C. Bobbins. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 33 {Sept., 1906) : 172- 173. 1906. Le developpement des banques allemandes a Petranger. Richard Rosendorff. Revue economique inter nationcde, 3. annee, vol. 3 {Sept. 15- 20, 1906) : 467-518. Litterature, pp. 517-518. 1906. Commercial panics, past and future. Alexander D. Xoyes. Atlantic monthly, vol. 98 {Oct., 1906) : 433-445. 1906. The country's cash reserves; where the money is held and various methods of calculating reserves. George T. Harrison. Bankazine, vol: 1 {Oct., 1906) : 16-17. 58 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. English and United States currencies compared. W. R. Lawson. Bankers' magazine {New York), vol. 73 {Oct., 1906): 563- 573. 1906. An clastic currency. Raymond V. Phelan. Bankers' magazine {New York), vol. 73 {Oct., 1906): 583- 591. 1906. Why does New York need so much gold? W. R. Lawson. Bankers' magazine {London), vol.82 {Oct., 1906) : 460-469. 1906. American bankers" currency plan. Commercial West, vol. 10 {Oct. 6, 1906): 8-9. 1906. A plan for credit currency. By the Federal legislative committee of the American bankers' association. Commercial West, vol. 10 {Oct. 6, 1906) : 27-29. 1906. The currency system. "William Barrett Ridgely. Commercial West, vol 10 {Oct. 27, 1906) : 22-25. . 1906. Currency reform in the United States. Economist {London), vol. 64 {Oct. 20, 1906) : 1697-1698. Living age, vol. 251 {Dec. 22, 1906) : 750-753. 1906. Plea for an elastic currency. W. B. Ividgely. Financier, vol. 88 {Oct. 29, 1906) : 2087-2090. 1906. A review of the currency problems. A. J. Frame. Financier, vol 88 {Oct. 29, 1906) : 2091-2093. 1906. Convention of American bankers' association : report of Com- mittee on federal legislation : discussion. Financier, vol. 88 {Oct. 29, 1906) : 2116-2126. 1906. The treasury and the banks. Nation, vol. 83 {Oct. J h 1906): 293. 1906. Government bank suggested. Analysis of the report of the currency committee of the New York Chamber of Com- merce. Rand-McNally bankers' 1 monthly, vol. 33 {Oct., 1906) : 235- 24~>. 1906. La Banque nationale Suisse. Julius Landmann. Revue d'economie politique, vol. 20 {Oct.-Nov., 1906) : 725- 743. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 59 1906. The present monetary stringency. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 82 (Nov., 1906) : 565-670. 1906. Canadian banking, 1905-6. H. M. P. Eckhardt. Bankers' magazine (London), ml. 88 (Nov., June,) .- 615-618. 1906. The currency revision movement. Commercial West, vol. 10 (Nor. 17, 190G) : 7-9. 1906. The report of the currency commission. Commercial West, vol. 10 (Nov. .!' h 1906) : 12-13. 1906. Reform of the currency system. James H. Eckles. Commercial West, vol. 10 (Nor. 24, 1906) : 32, 34-36. 1906. The problem of the gold reserve. Sir Edward Fitzgerald Law. National review, vol. 48 (Nov., 1906) : 527-540. 1906. Shaw opposes central banks. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 33 (Nov., 1906) : 313- 315. 1906. Curtis' plan for asset currency. Rand-McNally bankers' 1 monthly, vol. 33 (Nov., 1906) : 321- 323. 1906. American currency reform. Statist, vol. 58 (Nov. 17, 1906) : 913-914. 1906. The depreciation of gold. J. Pease Norton. Yale review, vol. 15 (Nov., 1906) : 293-306. 1906. Recommendations of the Currency commission of the Amer- ican bankers' association. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 73 (Dec, 1906): 865- 868. National banks to issue credit notes carrying against them the same reserves now carried against deposits, and paying taxes on them in gold to the Treasurer of the United States to con- stitute a guaranty fund, while facilities shall be provided for active daily redemption. Also recommending that the existing law limiting the retirement of bond-secured notes to $3,000,000 be repealed, and that all public moneys, above a reasonable working balance, be currently deposited in na- tional banks which shall pay into the United States Treas- ury interest thereon at the rate of two per cent, per annum. 60 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS 1906. The plans for currency reform. Charles A. Conant. Bankers 1 magazine {New York), vol. 73 (Dec, 1906): 897- 901 Traces the genesis of the present currency reform movement, describes the personnel of the currency commission of the American Bankers' Association, and discusses fundamental principles considered by the commission in its endeavor to meel existing conditions. 1906. Currency reform. Recommendations contained in the an- nual report of Hon. Wm. B. Ridgely, Comptroller of the currency. Bankers 1 magazine {New York), vol. 73 {Dec., 1906): 905- 918. 1906. A practical treatise on banking and commerce. Bankers 1 magazine {New York), vol. 73 {Dec., 1906): 919- 928. 1906. A suggest ion for currency reform. Pemberton Berman. Hunkers'' magazine {New York), vol. 73 (Dec, 1906): 945- 951. "The Canadian currency is the legitimate extension of the German emergency issue, and the conditions which it meets closely parallel our own. Many items call for amendment, hut in the broad principle of the free emission of notes, find ing their use and security alike in commercial paper, lies our solution." 1906. Six per cent: what it means. Hunkers'' magazine (London), vol. 82 (Dec, 1906): 694- 699. fin the serious disadvantages indicted on domestic industries by enhancement of the hank rate. 1906. Concerning bank rate. Hartley Withers. Comhill magazine, vol. 94 (Dec, 1906): 797-807. Living age, vol. 252 (Jan. 12, 1907) : 95-102. 1906. Our dangerous currency laws. I 'nfer- nation, n. s., vol. 1 (Dec, 1906) : 69-74- 1906. Currency reform in the United States. Living age, vol. .15 (Dec. 22, 1906): 750-753. 1906. Credit : 405. 1906. James H. Eckels and currency reform. Rand-McNaUy bankers' monthly, vol. S3 (Dec, 1906) : Ifib 413. 1906. La banque de l'Empire allemand. Louis Katzenstein. Revue economique Internationale, 3 e annee, vol. 4 {Dee. 15- 20, 1906) : 504-528. 1907. Banking; rise of the National banking system and some weaknesses of the present currency situation. Frank Greene. Bankazine, vol. 1 (Jan., 1907) : 28-32. 1907. Report of currency commission. Robert Wardrop. Banker, vol. 18 (Jan., 1907): 491-494. 1907. Bank gold reserves and how they may be augmented. A. H. Gibson. Bankers'' magazine (London), vol. 83 (Jan., 1907): 33-56; (Feb., 1907) : 221-231; (Mar., 1907) :376-385. 1907. Our gold reserves. Sir Felix Schuster. Bankers^ magazine (London), vol. 83 (Jan., 1907) : 57-65. " A brief synopsis of a paper read before the Institute of Bankers at London, Dec. 19, 1906." 1907. The economic position: the monetary crisis. Owen Flem- ing. Economic review, vol. 17 (Jan. 15, Apr. 15, 1907) : 87-97, 204-209. 1907. Gold supply and the crops. Frederic J. Whiting. Inter-nation, n. s., vol. 1 (Jan., 1907) : 55-62. 1907. On banking currency: By the Committee of the Manufac- turers' association of Xew York. Manufacturer, vol. 20 (Jan. 15, 1907) : 12-13; [Feb. 1. 1907) : 16-19. 1907. British view of currency reform. Rand-McNaUy bankers' monthly, vol 34 (Jan., 1907): 14-16. <>2 I.ir.KAKY OF CONGRESS 1907. Strong features of an emergency currency. S. A. Trufant. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 34 {Jan. 1, 1907): 19-:;. Points out the strong features of the plan adopted by the American bankers' association currency committee. 1907. Bank reserves. Statist, vol. 59 {Jan. 16, 1907) : 121-122. Resumption of the discussion on Sir Felix Schuster's paper. 1907. The currency problem. Julian D. Fairchild. Trust companies, vol. 4 {Jan-, 1907) : 21-22. 1907. Cash banking and credit banking. W. R. Lawson. Bankers'' magazine {London), vol. 83 {Feb., 1907) : 210-220. 1907. Gold reserves. E. H. Holden. Hunkers' 1 magazine {London), vol.83 {Feb., 1907) : 275-281. " Having dealt with the recommendations of Sir Felix Schus- ter, Mr. Holden proceeded to construct a policy for increasing the national reserve of gold permanently." 1907. Canadian banking and commerce. H. M. P. Eckardt. Bankers' magazine {N. Y.), vol. 74 {Feb., 1907) : 227-232. 1907. The currency gold reserve problem. A. H. Gibson. Economist {London), vol. 65 {Feb. 16, 1907): 296. 1907. Secretary Shaw and precedents as to Treasury control over the money market. Eugene B. Patton. Journal of political economy, vol. 15 {Feb., 1907) : 65-87. 1907. The London clearing banks. W. E. Law T son. Magazine of commerce, vol. 10 {Feb., Mar., Apr., May, 1907): 95-97, 175-177, 346-248, 332-334. 1. Aggregate resources not less than seven hundred millions sterling: vulnerable points in the existing system. 2. Does London hanking follow the line of progress most bene- ficial tor itself and (he community at large? 3. How their resources are employed. 4. Their erratic reserves. 1907. Why not government currency ? Horace Boies. Moody's magazine, vol 3 {Feb., 1907) : 299-303. 1907. National currency or bank currency, which? Wharton Barker. Moody's magazine, vol 3 {Feb., 1907) : 304-311. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING. G3 1907. Currency bill before Congress. Rand-McNally hankers'' monthly, vol. $4 (Feb., 1007) : 00-101. 1907. The gold reserve. J. W. Willans. Speaker, vol. 15 {Feb. 0, 1007) : 551-552. 1907. American bill for authorizing emergency issues. Statist, vol, 50 (Feb. 0, 1007) : 282-283. 1907. The practical workings of the clearing house; how $300,- 000,000 of daily collections are settled in eight minutes. John Lincoln Blauss. Bankazine, vol 1 (Mar., 1007) : 30-41. 1907. The Bank of France. Sir R. Hamilton Lang. Blackwood's magazine, vol. 181 (Mar., 1007) : 305-310. 1907. New ideas for currency reform. D. C. Imboden. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol 31,. (Mar., 1007) : 164- 166. 1907. Calls credit currency unsafe. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 34 (March, 1007) : 170-171. Editorial on address by A. J. Frame. 1907. Bank reserves. [Editorial.] Statist, vol 50 (Mar. 30, 1007) : 635-637. 1907. Treasury control of the money market. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35 (Apr., 1007) : 475-476. 1907. The gold reserve problem. G. W. Revis. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 83 (Apr., 1007) : 538-543. 1907. Die Mittel zur Bekampfung der Geldnot. Ludwig Bendix. Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, Jahrgang 3 (Apr. 15, 1007) : columns 343-348. 1907. Les operations de la banque de France pendant l'annee 1906. VEconomiste frangais, vol. 35 (Apr. 6, 1007) : 480-401. 1907. Elastic currency and the money market. J. Laurence Laughlin. Journal of political economy, vol. 15 (Apr., 1007) : 229-231. f)4 LIBRAE? OF CONGRESS 1907. The German bank situation. William C. Dreher. Moody's magazine, vol. 3 {Apr., 1907): 000-002. 1907. Treasury relief for the markets. Nation, vol. 84 (Apr. 4, 1907): 322-323. 1907. World's gold production: estimated at tsl,000,000 for 1906. Statist, vol. 59 {Apr. 13, 1907): 734-736. 1907. Canadian hank profits. II. M. P. Eckardt. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 74 (May, 1007): 737- ;- '■;o. 1907. How to strengthen the national gold reserve. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 83 {May, 1907) : 702-705. 1907. Money markets and prosperity. Nation, vol. 84 (May 2, 1907) : 402-403. 1907. Financial legislation. George E. Roberts. North American review, vol. 185 (May 3, 1907) : 34-43- 1907. Bank reserves in the United States, Canada, and England. F. S. Mead. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 21 (May. 1907): 449- 40,!. 1907. Our currency reform problem. Fred Rogers Fairchild. Tali n view, vol. 10 (May. 1007) : 56-78. 1907. " Why not government currency? " G. W. Garrels. Moody's magazine, vol. 4 (Jane, 1907) : 24-30. "A reply to the article of Horace Boies, in Moody's magazine, Feb., 1907." 1907. The world's gold consumption. Statist, vol. 69 (June 8, 1907) : 1144. 1907. Die Osterreichisch-ungarische Bank und die iibrigen Wiener Aktienbanken im Jalire 1900. A. K. Lowe. Statistische Monatschrift, neue Folge, Jafirg. 12 (June, 1907) : 321-343. 1907. Our currency-reform problem. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 (July, 1907): 88S9. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 65 1907. A practical treatise on banking and commerce: [nsurance in its relation to banking. George Hague. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 75 (July, 1907) : 29- 1907. Currency redemption. H. M. P. Eckardt. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 75 (July, 1907) : 102 104. 1907. A distinction in banking. Randolph Carlyle, Canadian magazine, vol. 29 (July, 1907) : ,i0~>-.l7! t . The Canadian bank of commerce. 1907. The economic position: the monetary stringency. Owen Fleming. Economic review, vol. 17 (July 15, Oct. 15, 1907) : 323-330; U7-m 1907. Credit currency. Solomon Wexler. Financial age, vol. 16 (July 3, 1907) : 75-81. An address before the New York state bankers' association, June 27, 1907. 1907. The fallacies of the currency plan of the American bankers' association committee. Andrew J. Frame. Financial age, vol. 16 (July 15, 1907) : 179-181. "Address at the Minnesota bankers' convention." 1907. Banker's plea for credit currency. Solomon Wexler. Rand-McNally bankers' 1 monthly, vol. 35 (July, 1907) : 4-5. 1907. Plan for central bank. George E. Eoberts. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 35 (July, 1907) : 13- 15. 1907. Ebb-tide in watered stock: the menace of overcapitalization and how it is being checked. Isaac F. Marcosson. Saturday evening post, vol. 180 (July 6, 1907) : 6-7. 1907. Emergency notes based on bonds of the savings bank stand- ard; a consideration of United States treasurer Treat's plan. J. Lincoln Blauss. Bankazine, vol. 1 (Aug., 1907): 44~46. 27221— OS 5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1907. A practical treatise on banking and commerce. [Banking in Canada and the United States compared.] George Hague. Bankers' in>nde economique, 17 e annee (Nov. 23, 1907): 653-654. 1907. The money market. John P. Ryan. Moody's magazine, vol. 4 (Nov., 1907) : 531-534. 1 907. Lessons from former panics. Herbert Quick. Moody's magazine, vol. 4 (Nov., 1907) : 559-566. 1907. Country's need of credit currency. Charles N. Fowler. New York Times weekly financial quotation review, vol. 11 (Nov. 4, 1907) : 4. 1907. Bankers approve central bank plan. Hepburn, Vanderlip, and Roberts say such an institution would solve currency problem. New York Times weekly financial quotation review, vol. 11 (Nov. 18, 1907) : 9. 1907. Cortelyou makes financial history: his plans to relieve the situation criticised very freely. New York Times weekly financial quotation review, vol. 11 (Nov. 25, 1907) : 4- 1907. The American situation. Outlook (London), vol. 20 (Nov. 23, 1907): 679-680. 1 907. Finance of the week. The United States Government to the rescue. W. R. Lawson. Outlook (London), vol. 20 (Nov. 23, 1907) : 691-692. 1907. Finance of the week. The humours of an American panic. W. R. Lawson. Outlook (London), vol. 20 (Nov. 30, 1907) : 737. 1907. The lean years. Outlook (London), vol. 20 (Nov. 30, 1907) : 715-716. 1907. The clearing-house and the panic. George Carey. Outlook, vol. 87 (Nov. 16, 1907) : 568-570. 1907. Has Mr. Cortelyou misunderstood? Public opinion, vol. 92 (Nov. 29, 1907) : 681. Quotes the Manchester Guardian of Nov. 25. . 1907. Les crises allemande et americaine. J. Domergue. La Reforme economique, 16 e annee (Nov. 29, 1907) : 1261- 1263. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 73 1907. Les problemes actuels de la circulation metallique et fiduci- aire en Belgique. Maurice Ansiaux. Revue economique Internationale, If annee, vol. 4 (Nov. 15-20, 1907) : 235-281 1907. Is Roosevelt a menace to business? Saturday evening post, vol. 180 (Nov. 30, 1907): 10-11, 28-29. Fair deal for corporations. Paul Morton. Lack of confidence unwarranted. John II. Converse. Big business: little money. George F. Roberts. A strong band on tbe brake. Alexander H. Revell. Exceeding tbe speed limit. Bernard A. Eckbart. Bank currency needed. S. W. Allerton. Too much loose talk. Jules S. Bache. A foe to capital. Charles D. Barney. Not enough money. Eugene J. Buffington. 1907. The currency crisis in America. Spectator, vol. 99 (Nov. 23, 1907): 807-808. 1907. The panic in New York. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 2, 1907) : 819-821. 1907. United States bank reserves: a lesson. Statist, vol, GO (Nov. 2, 1907) : 823-82%. 1907. The American panic. A suggestion. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 9, 1907) : 869-870. 1907. Defects of the American banking system. Statist, vol, 60 (Nov. 9, 1907) : 870-872. 1907. Working of the American reserve system. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 16, 1907) : 931-933. 1907. The American panic. The President's intervention. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 23, 1907) : 975-977. 1907. How Mr. Cortelyou's plan works out. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 23, 1907) : 977-978. 1907. American banking reform. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 30, 1907) : 1020-1022. 1907. Sir F. Schuster on bank reserves and the crisis. Statist, vol. 60 (Nov. 30, 1907) : 1022-1023. 7 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1907. The money-kings. C. M. Keys. World's work, vol. 15 (Nov., 1907) : 9519-9584; (Dec, 1907) : 9705 9711. L'. Wall Btreel and the banks. 3. Regulating banks by vigilance committee. 1907. Fundamental cause of the panic. Yah n rn w, vol. 16 (Nov., 1907): 229-232. 1907. Additional bank circulation the remedy. Leslie M. Shaw. American industries, vol. 6 {Dec. 1, 1907) : 17-18. 1907. Relief for the money markets . . . some results of the panic. Arm. rican monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 (Dec, 1907): 643-655. 1907. The present financial crisis. Byron W. Holt. American monthl;/ review of reviews, vol. 36 (Dec, 1907): 672-677. 1907. The "West's financial revelation. Charles Moreau Harger. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 (Dec, 1907): 677-679. 1907. Trust companies and the panic. William Justus Boies. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 (Dec, 1907): 680-683. 1907. The scope and functions of the clearing-house. Frank Green. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 (Dec, 1907): 684-687. 1907. Comparative studies of some recent bank reports: Anglo- South American bank; English, Scottish, and Australian bank; and Yokohama specie bank. Bankers'* magazine (London), vol. 84 (Dec, 1907): 719- 722. 1907. The unprecedented situation in the United States. Bankers' 1 magazine (London), vol. 84 (Dec, 1907): 683- 694. 1907. The operations of the Imperial bank of Germany from 1898 to L906. Bankers* magazine (London), vol. 84 (Dec, 1907) : 694- tOi . PERIODICALS RELATING TO CUBBENOY AND BANKING 75 1907. How London defends its gold. W. R. Lawson. Bankers' 1 magazine (New Fork), vol. 76 {I><<.. 1907): 795- ouO. 1907. Emergency currency. Economist {Chicago), vol 38 (Dee. 7, 1907): 872. 1907. Emergency currency. Mir. W. T. Fenton likes the clearing- house check plan. Economist (Chicago), vol. 38 (Dec. U, 1007) : 000. 1907. Professor Kinley on the currency. Economist (Chicago), vol. 38 (Dec. U, 1007) : 000. Approves the clearing-house check plan. 1907. Currency schemes — central bank. Economist (Chicago), vol. 38 (Dec. 21, 1007) : 9Jfi. 1907. Central bank of issue. Attitude of Chicago bankers toward the plan and their ideas on other financial question-. Economist (Chicago), vol. 38 (Dec. 28, 1907): OS1-0S2. 1907. Le mouvement economique et social aux Etats-Unis. Les developpements de la crise. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu. VEconomiste franqais, vol. 35 (Dec. hi. 1907) : 877-870. 1907. What caused the panic: a consultation: Weak currency sys- tem. Lyman J. Gage. Indiscreet denunciation and laws. W. G. Sumner. Distrust of Wall street methods. Stuy- vesant Fish. There is a plenty of money. James J. Hill. The declining value of monej^. Byron W. Holt. Ficti- tious wealth. Thomas W. Lawson. Everybody's magazine, vol. 17 (Dec.. 1007) : 832a-8S2g. 1907. The President's message. Currency recommendation is made without naming definite plan — other chief point-. Financial age, vol. 16 (Dee. 0. 1007) : Ufll-UfB. 1907. Bankers talk of financial remedies. Central bank idea is prominently brought out at a meeting of financiers in Philadelphia. Financial age, vol. 16 (Dee. 0, 1007) : 1304-1308. Addresses by William B. Ridgely, Charles H. Treat, Frank A. Vanderlip, Jacob H. Schiff, Isaac N. Seligman, and William R. Nash. 1907. Methods for improvement of the currency. S. Ludlow, Jr. Financial age, vol. 16 (Dec. 16, 1907) : 14S8-14S9. 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1907. Gov. Hughes' commission report. (Summary.) Finam ial ag< . vol. 16 {Dec. ,r>, 1907) : llfil-llfi®. 1907. Report <>i' Controller Ridgely. He advocates a central bank — says banks Lacked confidence in their reserves — emergency legislation urged. Finam ial age, vol. 16 {Dec 23, 1007) : llfiS-lJfil,. 1907. Civic Federation discusses finance. Body of men eminent in affairs declares in favor of legislation for an elastic cur- rency. Financial age, vol. 16 {Dec. 23, 1907) : 11,91. 1907. Establish a bank safety fund. Currency plan to prevent panics is explained and discussed by David Graham Evans. Financial age, vol. 16 {Dec. 30, 1907): 1531-1532. "From Success." 1907. Our currency. Chauncey M. Depew. Government, col. 2 {Dec, 1907) : 143-155. 1907. Currency reform. J. Laurence Laughlin. Journal of political economy, vol. 15, {Dec, 1907): 603-610. 1907. Canadian panic experience. T. C. Allum. Moody's magazine, vol. 5 {Dec, 1907) : 58-60. 1907. The panic at New York. A. D. Noyes. North American review, vol. 186 {Dec, 1907): 51,6-553. 1907. La crise americaine, ses diets et ses causes. Yves Guyot. Revue Internationale da commerce, de Vindustrie et de la banque, 0. annee {Dec. 31, 1907): 771-798. 1907. The American crisis. Statist, vol. 60 {Dec 7, 1907) : 1066-1068; {Dec U, 1907) : 1109-1 11 IK 1907. President Roosevelt's message. Statist, vol. 60 {Dec 7, 1907) : 1065-1066. <>n the currency features of the message. Discusses emergency currency, and a central hank. 1907. A United States central bank. Statist, ml. 60 {Dec 7, 1907) : 1068-1069. A review of discussions of the currency question by Victor Morawetz and Paul M. Warburg. PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY AND BANKING 77 1907. Speculation, credit, and crisis. Statist, vol. 60 (I><<. l .;, 1907): 1111-1113. 1907. American bank reserves. Victor Morawetz. Statist, vol. 60 {Dec. 28, 1907) : 1233 1234. 1907. Mr. Holden upon prices and reserves. Statist, vol. 60 (Dec. 28, 1907) : 1214-1215. 1907. Need for banking reorganisation. Statist, vol. 60 (Dec. 28, 1907) : 1213-1214. 1907. In the days of the panic. Lawrence Dunning. Van Norden magazine, vol. 2 (Dec, 1907) : 33-60. 1907. The financial situation. J. Laurence Laughlin. World to-day, vol. 13 (Dec, 1907) : 1220-1224. 1908. Panic of 1907. Started by wildcat financiering. Economist (Chicago), vol. 39 (Jan. 4, 1908) : Review section, pp. 43, 4&- 1908. Currency reform : a central bank. Robert Emmett Ireton. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 37 (Jan., 1908) : 35-37. 1908. The gold flood and its problems. J. Pease Norton. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 37 (Jan., 1908): 77-81. 1908. The world's wealth in negotiable securities. Charles A. Conant. Atlantic monthly, vol. 101 (Jan., 1908) : 97-104- With a table of " Estimated outstanding securities in Europe and the United States, 1900." 1908. Causes of financial panics. John O. Baglin. Banker, vol. 19 (Jan., 1908) : 437-445- 1908. The central bank scheme. Bankers' magazine (New York), vol. 76 (Jan., 1908): 1-10. 1908. The progress of banking in Great Britain and Ireland during 1907. No. 1. Capital and reserve funds. Bankers' magazine (London), vol. 85 (Jan., 1908) : 1-29. 1908. The Presidential message to Congress. [Currency and bank- ing.] Banker's" 1 magazine (London), vol. 85 (Jan., 1908) : S2-8o. 7^ LIBBABY. OF CONGEESS 1908. United States treasury. Annual report, review. Bankers' magazine {London), vol. 85 {Jan., 1908) : 85-90. 1908. Retrospecl of li>07. Comrm rcial and financial chronicle, vol. 86 {Jan. .' h 1908) : 1908. The American panic. Lord Welby. Gonti mporary n view, vol. 93 {Jan., 1908) : 1-6. 1908. Four schemes to make our currency system elastic; views of experts: advice from abroad. Current literature, vol. 44 {Jan., 1908) : 3-8. 1908. The mechanical management of the world's stock of gold. Alexander Del Mar. Engineering magazine, vol. 34 {Jan., 1908) : 561-568. 1908. The game got them: how the great Wall street gambling syndicate fell into its own trap. Edwin Lefevre. Everybody's magazine, vol. 18 {Jan., 1908) : 3-14- 1908. The financial panic in the United States. Alexander D. Noyes. Forum, vol. 39 {Jan.-Mar., 1908) : 293-313. 1908. A decade of bank amalgamations, 1897-1906. Drummond Fraser. Institute of bankers. Journal, vol. 29 {Jan., 1908): 25-55. Discussion, pp. 5G-6G. 1908. A basic view of the money situation. Frederic J. Whiting. I nter-nation, vol. 2 {Jan., 1908): 16-2./. 1908. La crise aux Etats-Unis. Arthur Raffalovich, Yves Guyot, Prince Poniatowski. Journal des economistes, 6. sir., t. 17 {Jan.-Mar., 1908) : 106-12". Adili-esses before the Societe d'economie politique, Jan. 4, 1008. 1908. Schemes for currency reform. Joseph French Johnson. Journal of accountancy, vol. 5 {Jan., 1908): 224-235. 1908. The recent bond issues. J. Laurence Laughlin. Journal of political economy, vol. 16 {Jan., 1908): 23-26. 1908. A government currency safe, flexible and uniform. C. F. Latimer. National magazine, vol. 27 {Jan., 1908): 559-561 {unnum- ben d. ) PERIODICALS RELATING TO CURRENCY \XI) HANKING 79 1908. Banking reform and reformers. Charles W. Stevenson. Rand-McNally banker? monthly, vol. 36 (Jan., 19i 15-18. 1908. A national currency for and by the nation. ('. V. Latimer. Rand-McNally banker? monthly, vol. 86 (Jon.. l'.» 12-15. 1908. The position in America. Statist, vol. 61 (Jan, 4, 1908): 17-19. 1908. Bank reserves. Statist, vol. 61 (Jan, 4, 1908) : 19-21. 1908. Congress and currency. Statist, vol. 61 (Jon. 11, 1908): 73-74. 1908. The remedy for our currency ills. Sereno S. Pratt. World's work, vol. 15 (Jan., 1908): 9811-981^. 1908. The panic and the banks. F. S. Mead. Atlantic monthly, vol. 101 (Feb.. 1908): 273-276. 1908. The cycle of prosperity. Alexander D. Xoyes. Century magazine, vol. 75 (Feb., 1908) : 629-633. 1908. The financial situation. North American review, vol. 187 (Feb., 1908) : 161-192. The relation of the United States treasury to general finance. Lyman J. Gage, pp. 161-166; The nation's curivnry and banking system. William B. Ridgely, pp. 166-175; The les- sons of the panic. Charles A. Conant, pp. 175-183; Our present crisis. Charles B. Macdonald, pp. 183-11)2. 1908. West against Aldrich. J. B. Forgan. Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, vol. 36 (Feb., 1908): 78-80. 1908. Bankers [American bankers' association] frame currency bill. Rand-McXally bankers' 1 monthly, vol. 36 (Feb., 1908): 81-87. O AUTIK >R INDKX Page Adams, J. C 46 Allerton, S. W 7:: Allum, T. C 76 American Bankers' Association- .'! Amlreades, A 3 Andrew. A. Piatt 3,53,66 Andrews. B. Benjamin 55 Ansianx, Maurice 73 Arnaune, Auguste 4 Attfield, J. B 4 Bache, Jnles S 73 Bagehot, Walter 4 Baglin, John O 77 Baird, Henry Carey 4, 45 Baker, Stephen 25 Barker, Wharton 52,62 Barney, Charles D 73 Barrett, R. J 4 Batchelder, Frank Roe 35 Bell, G. M 5 Bendix, Ludwig 63 Berrnan, Pemberton 60 Biddle, John 5 Blauss, John Lincoln 63, 65 Blnm, August 51 Blyth, Robert 5 Boies, Horace 62, 69 Boies, William Justus 74 Boissevain, G. M 5 Bolles, Albert Sidney 5 Borght, Richard van der 5 Bosanquet, Bernard Tindal 5 Boutwell, George S 44 Branch, James R 3 I Breckenridge, Roeliff M 5,6 Breckinridge, Sophonisba Pres- ton 6 Brooks, Francis Augustus 6 Brosius, Marriott 6 Browne, W. Graham 6 Buffington, Eugene J 73 Burton, Theodore Elijah 6,20 Canada 7 Cannon, Henry W 45 Cannon, James Graham iii, 7 Carey, George 72 27221— OS 6 Carlile, William Warrand 7 Carlisle, John G 7 < larlyle, Randolph 65 Carver, Thomas X '<■'> Cary, Edward 16 Chapman, Joseph, jr 71 Claflin, John 24 Clare, George 7 Clark, John li 33 Clarke, Dumont 24 Cleveland, Frederick Alberl 20, 17. 50, 51, 52 ("lews. Henry 8,20 Coffin, George M 55. ."7 Commons, John R 13 Conant, Charles Arthur !>, 24,34,36,47, 18,53,55,60, 77. 7:> Converse, John H T\ Coombs, William J 56 Cornwell, William Caryl 10, 45, 55, 67, 69 Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave 10 Courtney, J. M 70 Courtois, Alphonse Charles 10 Cox, Harold 69 Craig, Hugh 16 Crump, Arthur 10 Curran, J. II 18 Dartiguenave, Aymard 10 Dawes. Charles G 10,20, Is Dean, William B 10,20 De Knight, William F 38 Del Mar, Alexander 69, 7s Denslow, Van Buren H Depew. Chauncey M 7<; Depitre, Edgard 10 Dewey, Davis Rich 11 Domergue, J 72 Dreher, William C < ; t Dun. John 13 Dunbar, Charles Franklin 11,46 Dunning, Lawrence 77 Easton, II. T 11 Eckardt, H. M. P 11, 53,59,62,64,65,66 81 Al'THOR INDEX Page Eckels, James II 3, 11,20,27, tl. 19, 52, 59, Gl Eckhart, Bernard A 7:; Enrich, Louis r 1 1 Ely, Daniel B 51 us. David Graham 76 Fahnestock, Harris C 25 Fairchild, Fi*ed Rogers 11,64 Fairchild, Julian l> 62 Falkner, Roland P 18 Farrer, Lord Thomas II L2 Fenton, W. T 75 Fish, Stuyvesant 75 Fisher. Irving 12,33,55 Fiske, Amos Kidder 12 Fleming, Owen 61,65 Foote, Allen Ripley 45 Forbes, J. Macbeth 48 Forgan, James B 12,20,53,79 Forget, L. J 70 Fowler, Charles X_ 12,13,20,36,46,72 Fowler, William 13 Fowler, W. J 55 Foxwell, II. S 21 Frame. Andrew J__ L3, 20, 58, 65, 67, 71 Francis. John 13 Francis, Joseph Hume 13 I'raser. Drummond 78 French, J. Russell 48 Flies. John W 51 Frissell, A. S 25 Fuchs, Carl Johannes 13 Fullarton, John 13 .-. Lyman J 14, 20,35,49,51,55,56,7.". 79 Gallatin, Albert 14 Gallatin, James 14 Gardner, Henry B 53 Garrels, G. W 14,64 Gellender, Edward E 50 Germany 14 Gibbons, J. S 68 Gibson, A. II 61,62 Giffen, Sir Robert 15 Gilbart, James William 15 Gilman, Th lore 15 G Lbody, Robert 34 Cookin, Frederick W 54 Goschen, George Joachim Oos- chen, viscount 15 Could. John .Melville 15 Greal Britain. Parliament 15-17 Green, Frank 74 Page Greene, Frank 61 Greene, Jacob L it Greene. T. L 13 Greene, William P. Guyot, Yves 7<'.. 7S Gygax, Paul 17,18 Hague, George 18,65,66,67,68 Halle, Ernest von 18 Hallock, James Collins is Hamilton. Alexander. 18 Hamilton. John I Is. 20 Hamlin, Charles S Handy. William Matthews Is Hankey, Thomson 18 Il.inna. Hugh II 34 Hardy. S. McLean 45 Harger, Charles Moreau 74 Harrison, George T 57 Harter, Michael I) ::*. Harvey, A. S 13,24 Hasenkamp, Adolph 19 Helfferich, Karl in Hemming, C. C 44 Ilendrix, Joseph C 3 Henry. L. Paul 54 Hepburn, Alonzo Barton iii,3,19, 20, 25, 43, 1 1. 15, 5 1. .".5, GO, 68, 69 Hildreth. Richard 20 Hill. Ebenezer J 36 Hill, James J 7." Hill, Walker 71 Hillingdon, Lord 13 History of banking 20 Holden, E. H 62 Hollander, J. H 36 Holt, Byron W 71. 75 llomans. I. Smith 13 Homer, Charles C 3,44 Howell. A. J 24 Iloyt, Allen G 52 Hull. Walter Henry 20 Imboden, D. C 63 Indianapolis monetary conven- tion 21 Inglis, William 71 Ireton, Robert Emmett 77 Ives, Brayton 45 Jafle, Edgar 21 Jenks, Jeremiah W 34 Jevons, William Stanley 21 Johnson, Joseph French 20, 21, 34, 47, 48, 50, 55, 56, 78 Johnston, Allen W 68 AUTHOR INDEX 83 Page Johnston, John 21 Jordan, Conrad N 48 Kalbe, George Gottlieb Julius Robert 21 Katzenstein, Louis tn- iik nr i' 1. 25 Nicholson. Joseph Shield 25 Nixon, Alfred 25 Noel, Octave 2.", Norton, John Pease 25, 59,68,77 Noyes, Alexander Dana 26, 1.".. (7. :.7. 76, 78, 7!» Overstreet, Jesse 50 Paget, Sir John Rahere, /"/r/__ 21; Paine, Willis S 26 Palgrave, Robert Harry [nglis.. 26,54 I'aterson, John 67 Patterson, C. Stuart Patton, Eugene B 62 Peabody, Henry w 36 Peffer. W. A 16 Pendlelmry. Thomas 1 27 Pork ins, George W iii Perrin. John f,r, Phelan. Raymond V 58 Philippovich, E. von 27 I'ommier, Louis 27 Poniatowski. Prina 7*- Prager, .Max 27 Pratt. Sereno S 53,79 Preston, Roberl E 27 Price, Bouamy 27. 28 Price. William 12 Price. W. II 56 Pugsley, Cornelius A 2". 2s Purves, Alexander 52 Quick, Herbert 72 Kaffalovieh. Arthur 7^ Raguet, Condy 28 Reading, John G 67 Revell, Alexander II 7:; Kevis. G. W 63 Rhoades, John Harsen 21 Rhodes, Bradford 22 84 AUTHOR lNld'.X Page Rich, C. V 48,52 Rldgely, William Barrett 20, 28,51,52,58,60,75, 79 Ridgeway, George 57 Ridpath, John Clark 16 Ripley, Alfred I 47 Robbins, W. (' 57 Roberts, Ellis B 20,28,29,33, 18,52 Roberts, George E 29,36, 19,64,65,73 Robertson, \v. J 29 Robinson, Charles L 71 Root, I.. Carroll. 29,30,34,55,57,71 Rosendorff, Richard 57 Rublee, George 70 Russell, Henry B 45 Ryan, John V 72 Sandoz, A 47 Saulgeot, II 30 Scharling, William :;<> Schiff, Jacob II 54,75 Schmidt, Herman 13,31 Schuette, John 20 Schumacher, Hermann .">i Schuster, Sir Felix 31.01 Schuster, F. O 13 Scott, William Amasa 31,53 Seay, George J 51 Seligman, Edwin R. A iii Seligman, Isaac X 75 Seyd, Ernest 31 Shaw. Leslie M 20,31,74 Shaw. William Arthur 31 Sheffield, E. S 14 Sheldon, Edward W 25 Sherman, John 46 Sherwood, Sidney 31 Shibley, George II .".1. IT Shorn, Adam 32 Smith. Richmond Mayo 48 Somers, Robert 32 Sound currency 32 Sprague, <>. m. w 11,53 Springer, William M 45 Squire, Newton .">2 Stagg, .1. II •_>.> Steele, I". E 33 Stevenson, Charles W <;7. 68, Tit Stewart, Duncan M 56 Stickney, A. B 20,32,49 St rattan, Frank S Straus. Isulor 24 Strauss. Albert iii Stubble, A 32 Page Sumner. W. G 75 Sykes, Ernest 15,33 Taussig, F. W 11,34, 1^ Taylor, Fred Manville 34,46,47 Tillman. .1. F 38 Treat. Charles II 57,67,75 Trigge, A. St. L 56 Tritton, J. II 24 Trufant, S. A 62 Fnited States. Commission on international exchange .">4 Comptroller of tin- currency. :;i .';."> Congress 35-37 Laws, statutes, etc 38 Register of the Treasury 38 Treasury department 38-39 Upton, Jacob Kendrick 39 Vanderlip, Frank A iii, 20,24,33,40, 17. 19,71,75 Wade. Festus J (!!> Walker. Byron Edmund 40 Walker, J. H 36, 37. 43 Wallich, Paul 40 Walsh, Correa Moylan 40 Warburg, Paul M iii, 76 Wardrop, Robert 61 Warnack, Max 40 Warner, John De Witt 33,41,55 Watson, David K 41 Watts. F. O 71 Weber, Adolf 41 Welby, Lord 78 Weller, Clarence S 56 Wetherell, W 43 Wexler, Solomon 65 White, Horace 20. 33,41,43,44, 16 Whiting, Frederic J 61,78 Wigram, Clifford is Wilcox. Henry B 56 Wilkie, I). B 41 Willans. J. W 63 Williams. Hugh Willis. Henry Parker 41,42 Wilson, James 42 Wirth, Max I-' Withers, Hartley 60 Wolowski. Louis Francois Mich- el Raymond 42 Woodlock, Thomas F iii Woodward, James T 25 Yates. Henry W 20,42 Youngman, Elmer H 22 SUBJECT INDEX Tan* 1 Aldrich Bill, December ]*>, 1899 : Cleveland, F. A 8 Periodicals — 1903 r.i Asset currency : Conant, C. A 9 Dawes, C. G 10 Eckels, J. H 11 Hull, W. II 20 Indianapolis monetary con- vention 21 Paine, W. S L'f, Root, L. Carroll 29,30 White, H 11 Periodicals — 1901 49 1903 r.i 190G 55,58,59 1907 (J7 8( e also Canada Australia, Clearing Louses : Lahaye, P. L 22 Austria-Hungary, Banking, his- tory of : History of hanking 20 Wirth, M 42 Banks of issue — Noel, O 25 Central bank — Conant, C. A !> New York. Chamber of com- merce 21 Clearing houses — Lahaye. P. L 22 Currency reform — Periodicals — 1893 43 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 Periodicals — 1907 'M Page Baltimore tlan l American bankers' associ- ation 3 Cleveland. F. A. s Periodicals — 1894 H Bank, Central. See Central Bank Bank, Modern, functions, etc.: Currency problem iii Fiske, A. K i_- Rate— Breckenridge, P. M 5 Fisher, I 12 Palgrave, R. II. I 26 Periodicals — 1!H»G GO Bank of England. Se< England, Bank of Bane oi France. See France, Bank of Bank oi Montreal. s< < Mon- treal, Bank of Bane or North America. S< North America, Hank of Banking, History, principl etc. : Dunbar, C. F 11 Gilbart, J. W 15 Macleod, II. D Paw of — Paget, Sir J. P 26 Systems — Handy. W. M 18 P. s. Comptroller of cur- rency, 1895 3 ! Banes of issue : Conant, < '. A 9 Noel, o 25 Scharling, W 30 Germany — Warnack, M 40 S5 80 si DJECT INDEX Page Banks oi issi Greal Britain — Bell, G. M Biddle, .1 5 ( freal Britain, Parliament. 16, 17 Leckie, W 23 Palgrave, R. B. I 26 Seyd, 1: 31 Scotland — Somers, R 32 i//vr, Banking and names of countries Belgium : Bank rate and money market. 1844-1900— Palgrave, R. H. F 2G Banking, history of-*— History of banking 20 Hanks of issue — Noel, 25 Banque nationale 4 State hanks — Pendlebury, T 27 Periodicals — L907 73 Bond issue, United States, 1894: Periodicals — L894 43 L895 45 United Stales. L907— P< riodicals — 1908 78 Bonus. United Stales, sale of : U. s.. .',',Ui Congress, .hi sess. 37 Bran* a Banks: Attlield, J. B 4 Breckenridge, R. M Dawes, C. G 10 Forgan, .F. B 12 Bepburn, a. b 19 Hull. W. II 20 Nash. \V. A 24 1 . s. 1 oHiptroller of cur- rency, 1890 35 White, II 41 Yates, II. W 42 Periodicals — 190] 40 1906 :<\ Hi 1 i.akia. State hanks : Pendlebury, T 27 I Janada, Banking system ; Barrett. It. J 4 Page I 'an An \. Banking system ; Breckenridge, it. M 6 Conant, < '. A 9 Eckardt, B. M. P 11 Bague, G 18 History of banking 20 Robertson, W. J 29 Root, L. Carroll . 29 Short t. A :V2 Walker, B. E 40 Wilkie. I). R 11 Periodicals — 1893 43 1901 19 1905 53 1906 54, 55, 56, 59 1907 62,66 Banks — Barrett. R. J 4 Canadian animal 7 Periodicals — 1907 f>4, 70 Chartered hanks — Canada. Department of finance 7 Currency and banking law — Cornwell, W. C 10 Taper currency issues — Periodicals — 1906 57 Canadian Bank Act, Note cir- culation of: Cornwell, W. C 10 Bank amendment act, 1000 — Breckenridge, It. M 6 Canada. Parliament 7 Periodicals — 1900 49 1007 08 Canadian Bank of Commerce: Barrett. B. J 4 Periodicals — l'.«J7 65 ( 'aulisle Plan : Carlisle, .7. G 7 Cleveland, F. A 8 Central Banks, in Europe: Conant, C. A 9 Switzerland — Gygax, P 18 United States- New York. Chamber of commerce 24 SUBJECT INDEX ^7 Page Centbal Banks : United States — Roberts, G. E 20 Willis, H. P 41 Periodicals — 1901 49 1002 50 190G 58, 59 1907 65, 66,68,69,70,72,75, 76 190S 77 China : History of banking 20 Clearing Banks, London : Periodicals — 1907 G2 Clearing Houses : Cannon, J. G 7 Currency problem iii Gilnian, T 15 Hallock, J. C 18 Lahaye, P. L 22 Palgrave, R. H. I 2G Squire, N 32 Periodicals — 1907 63, 71, 72, 74, 75 Credit, Bank of England and : Bank of England 4 Money and — Keminerer, E. W 21 Norton, J. P 25 Periodicals — 1905 53 Credit, Organization of, in Eng- land : Bank of England 4 Theory of — Macleod, H. D 23 Credit Currency: Fowler, C. N 13 Greene, Jacob L 17 Lacy, G. G 22 New York. Cham her of com- merce 24 Periodicals — 1901 49,50 1903 51 1906 55, 56, 5S, 59, 60 1907 62. 63, 65, 69, 72 Crises : Burton, T. E 6 Conant, C. A 9 Dunbar, C. F 11 < Irises : Hull, W. II 22 Macleod, II. i» 23 Wilson, J 12 See also Panics < Jbisis, United States, 1857 : 'Dunbar. C. I ll United stairs, i860 Dunbar, C. r n United States, 1906 Currency problem iii Periodicals — 1906 55,59 1907 61,67 Currencies, Regulation of: Fullarton, J 13 See also Asset currency, ('nil- it currency, Elastic curren- cy, Emergency currency Denmark, Banking, History <>t": History of banking 20 Scharling, W State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 Elastic Cubbency, Canada: Eckardt. II. M. I* U Periodicals — 1907 67 Germany — Schmidt, H ::i Holland— Boissevain. G. M United States — American bankers' associa- tion 3 Cleveland. F. A S McLeod, ll. C 23 Root, L. Carroll 29 Taylor, F. M 34 Periodicals — 1MI3 43 1894 44 1896 l'« 1001. 1902 50 1003 51 1906 5 f. 55, ">7. 58 1007 63, 68, 71.7''. 1908 7^ Emergency Cubbi n< i : Hull. \Y. II 20 New York. Chamber of com- merce 24 88 SUBJECT INDEX &CY : Pugsley, C /'« riodicah 1901 1906 L907 62, 63,65, 70, England, Banking system : Bank rate and money market, 1844 1900— Palgrave, It. II. i Bosanquet, B. T Dunbar, C F Jaffe, E Scharling, W Banks of issue — Nor], O Clearing houses — Hallock, .1. C Lahaye, P. L State banks — Pendlebury, T - also Great Britain England, Bank of Andn'ades, A Francis, J Francis. J. H Great Britain. Parliament— Bankey, T Macleod, II. D Palgrave, R. II. I Schuster, Sir Felix Seyd, E Wolowski, L. F. M. II l'< riodicals — 1906 L907 Foreign Ex* mam., Clare, G Currency problem Goschen, <;. J. <;. viscount— Fow i.ii; Bills, March 15, isni: April I. 1902; February 2d 1903: Cleveland, F. A /'< riodicals — 1906 Fowler Plan : Fowler, C. X /'< riodicals — 1902 1903 26 ~> 11 21 30 25 18 ...» Page Fban( e, Bank rati' and money 28 market, L844-1900: Palgrave, K. II. I 26 49 Banking, history of — 51 Courcelle-Seneuil, .1. G 10 56, (iO Courlois, A. C in 71.7.". Bistory of banking 20 Scharling, W 30 Banks of issue — Noel, o 25 Pommier, L 27 Central hank — Conant. <'. A 9 .New York. Chamber of commerce L'l ( Jlearing houses — Lahaye, P. L 22 Paper currency issues Periodicals — 1906 57 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 France, Bane of : Kalbe, <;. G. J. R 21 Fomruier, L 27 Periodicals — 1900 48 1907 63, 66 France, Bank of, and the Treasury — Dartiiruenave, A 10 Pommier, L 27 Gage, L. J., bill: Cleveland, F. A 8 Germany, Bank law. 1900: Sherwood, S 31 Bank rate and money market, 1S44-1900— Palgrave, R. II. I 26 Banking, bistory of — History of banking 20 Koch, It 22 Scharling, W 30 Schmidt, II 31 Wirth, M 12 Periodicals — 1001 49 L906 57 Banks of issue — Lotz, W 23 Noel. O 25 Warnack, M 40 4 3 13 13 15, 17 18 2:: 21; 31 31 42 54 67 7 iii 15 12-13 r,n 51 SUBJECT INDEX 89 Gebmany : Cent nil hank — Conant, C. A New York. Chamber commerce Clearing bouses — Lahaye, I'. L Concentration — Depitre, E Schumacher, H Wallich. P of Page 9 24 22 'Gold and bank reserves — Periodicals — 1898 Ki 31 40 ■17 Imperial hank — See Germany; Die Reichs- bank. Paper currency issues — Periodicals — 1906 \Die Reichsbank — Germany Kalbe, G. G. J. R. Boot, L. Carroll __ Sa llgeot, H Warnack, M Periodicals — 1901 1902 1907 State banks — Pendlebury, T Periodicals — L906 1007 57 14 21 29 30 40 49 50 66, 74 27 61 72 Gold : Consumption of — Periodicals — 1907 Depreciation of — 1906 Inflow of — Roberts, B. II Reserve — Hull, W. II Ridgely. W. P. Germany — Periodicals — 1898 64 59 28 20 28 47 Gold: Greal Britain — Schuster, Sir V Periodicals — 1906 1907 61,62,1 Supply, influence on prices, etc. — Hull, W. H Johnson, J. F Symposium Periodicals — PI01 1906 1907 61, P)0S Great Bbitain, Banking: Great Britain. Parliamt nt History of banking Wilson, J Banks and gold reserve — Periodicals — 1!MJ7 Paper currency issues — 1906 Seealso England, Ireland, Scot- land (Jreec i:. siate banks — Pendlebury, T Holland. See The Netherlands. Indianapolis ."Monetary Commis- sion hill, January 6, 1898: Cleveland. I'. A Indianapolis monetary conven- tion International Excha Margraff, a. w United states Ireland, Banking, history of: Macleod, H. l> 1 1 \i.y. Banking, history of: History of hanking Clearing houses — Lahaye, P. L Stat,, hanks — Pendlebury, T .1 LPAN, Banking, history of: History of banking « Searing houses — Lahaye, P. L Legal Tend] b : Breckinridge, s. p. Dunbar, C. F Page 31 59 67, 7r, I'M 21 :::; 49 54 64,69 77.7s It;. 17 20 67 27 8 21 23 34 23 20 20 22 r, 11 90 i Gallatin, J Knox, .1. •! /-, riodicaU — 1897 SUBJECT 1NDKX London Clearing Bouse — Palgrave, R. B. I Squire, N Mi Cm akv Bell, May 1 1. i898 Cleveland, F. A MONETAE"* STSTl ms of the world Muhleman, M. L Page 14 46 26 32 23 S 24 Money : Supply* — Forgan, J. B Bull, w. II Periodicals L893 1S95 1903 L906 MoNf v : Helfferich, K 19 ■i t^ 22 Kinley, L> and bank credit: France — Baird, B. C 4 Great Britain— Baird, H. C 4 United States— Baird, B. C 4 and banking: Conant, C. A 9 Scott, W. A 31 United States- White, n 41 and eredil : Kemmerer, F. W Norton, J. P Periodicals — 1905 France — Araaune, A Evolution of modern — Carlile, \v. W exchange and banking: Baston, II. T Famine' — Periodicals — L907 Market, Bank of England and — Periodicals — L906 I'auv 12 20 Treatise on — Nicholson, J. S — Value of — Periodicals — 1900 Volume of — Muhleman, M. L. Montreal, Bank or : Barrett, R. J 21 25 53 4 7 11 71 43 15 51 25 48 24 New York — Norton, J. P_~ Periodicals — L906 L907 Principles of — Longhlin, J. L. 54 25 55 72 22 National Bank Act, 1'nited States : Bolles, A. S Gould, J. M F. S. 88th Cong., 1st sess— Laws, statutes, etc — National Banks, United States : Brooks, F. A Cleveland. F. A Dunbar, C. F U. S. Comptroller of cur- rency 53d Cong., Sd sess Treasury Walker. B. E Periodicals — 1893 1894 1S97 1900 1905 190G 1907 61,66,67 Bank rate and money market, 1S44 1900: Palgrave, It. H. I 26 The Netherlands: Banking, History of— Borght, R. van der 5 History of banking 20 Central bank — Conant, C. A 9 New York. Chamber of commerce 24 5 15 36 38 6 S 11 35 39 40 43 53 46 49 53 57 SUBJECT INDEX 91 Page TH E N ET 1 1 ERLA N DS : Currency, elasticity in — Boissevain. G. M 5 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 New York clearing house: Currency problem iii Squire, N .",2 North America, Bank of: Michener, J. H 24 Norway, Banking, history of: History of banking 20 Scharling, W 30 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 Panic, Great Britain, 1866: Periodicals — 1907 70 United States, 1S57— Periodicals — 1907 68 United States, 1893— Halle, E. von 18 Lauck, W. J 22 Periodicals — 1893 43 United States, 1906— Periodicals — 1907 65,69-79 Panic Panaceas : Frame. A. J 13 Hull. W. H 22 Panics, Causes : Periodicals — 1908 77 Great Britain — Great Britain. Parliament. It;, 17 Lessons from — Periodicals — 1907 71. 72 1908 7!> Past and present — 1906 57 Responsibility for — 1903 51 See also Crises Payne Bill, February 26, 1903: Cleveland, F. A 8 Portugal, Banking, history of : History of banking 20 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 pQrrffc Die Reichsbank, Germany, 6 1 fermany. R 1 : serves. Bank, general : Fowler, W 13 Periodicals — 1907 7:: 1908 v., Canada — Hague, G [8 Periodicals — 1907 64,68 England — Periodicals — Palgrave, R. II. I 26 L907 62,63,64 1908 77 Germany — 1898 ' 17 United States — U. S. Treasury, 1907 39 Periodicals — 1900 18 1903 51 1907 64,67,73,77 Reserves. Cash : Great Britain — Bosanquet, B. T 5 United States— Periodicals — 1906 r,7 See elso Gold reserves Roumania. Banking, history of: History of I Kinking 20 State banks — Pendlebury, T 27 Russia, Banking, history of: History of banking 20 State banks — Pendlebury. T 27 Saulgeot, II 30 Scandinavian Nations. Ste< N way. Sweden, Denmark Scotland. Bank currency : Conant. < '. A 9 Banking, history of — Macleod, II. I) 23 Wolowskl, L. V. M. R 42 Banking system — Blyth, R Johnston, J 21 Somers, R 32 92 SUBJ l.« 1' IM»I.\ Page !.\. State banks : Pendlebury, T 27 j \. Banking, history of : History of banking ___ 20 State hanks — Pendlebury, T 27 State Banks, Europe: Pendlebury, T 27 United Slates. L860 ibar, C. F 1 1 /'i riodicals — 1893 13 1894 II Sweden, Banking, history of: History of banking 20 Scharling, W 30 State hanks — Pendlebury, T 27 Switzerland, Bank-note cur- rency : Conant, C. A «.) Bank-note system — Periodicals — 1898 -IT Bank of issue — Bill establishing, 1896— Gygax, P 17 Periodicals — 1898 it Banking, history of — History of banking 20 Banque nationale — /'< riodicals — 1906 54,56,58 Central hank — Gygax, P is state banks — Pendlebury, T 27 Tm am m . Bank of Prance and the: Dartiguenave, A 10 Pommier, L 27 I in astjby, United States, and hanks : Andrew, A. P 3 Cleveland, F. A s Hull, w. II 20 Kinley, D 22 Page Tbi ksuBY, United states, and banks : Periodicals — 1902 50 1906 58 1907 66 Control over money market — 1907 62,63 Peril of— 1894 n Relief for markets — 1907 64 Relative to general finance — 100S 79 Reserve — 1895 45 Tin asi i:v SYSTEM, United States, economic waste of: Gage, L. J 14 Hull, W. H 20 Turkey, state hanks: Pendlebury, T 27 1 Mri.i) States : (General or comprehensive treatises. Other works un- der specific headings.) Banking history of — Fuchs, C. J 13 Hasenkamp, A 19 History of banking 20 Knox. J. J 22 Philippovich, E. von 27 Prager, M 27 Scharling, W 30 Stubble, A 32 Coinage and currency — Hepburn, A. B 19 Currency act, 1!>00— Taussig, F. W 34 r. s. Laws, statutes, etc 38 Periodicals— 1900 47,48 Currency legislation — Browne, w. G 6 Cleveland, F. A 8 .Mason, I>. M 24 Preston, R. E 27 U. S. Laws, statutes, etc— 37,38 Periodicals — 1894 43,44 1896 4G 1900 47,48 SUBJECT INDEX Page United States : Financial history — Bolles, A. S 5 Dewey, D. R 11 Noyes, A. D 26 Hearings, Committee on Bank- ing and Currency 35 36 Laws — Dunbar, C. F 11 U. S. Laws, statutes, etc __ 37, 3S Papi'i" money — Knox, J. J 22 United Sta i Periodicals — 1906 r.T S(c