'■: ■.^■•'.'' K^-^-fc-: -■;;:: THE Poems of Schiller EDGAR A. BOWRING. C. B, M P NEW YORK VJTRST AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS ORIGINAL PREFACE. fT •2:7/ In renluring lo submit to the public this attempt to render into English the poetical works of the great German lyrio bard, the TrauKlaior feels it necessary to say one or two words respecting the motives which have induced him to undertake the somewhat daring task of appearing in a neia inat has been already partially occupied by others. These translations were originally made by the Translator for hie own amusement ; but as he proceeded in what has been to him a labor of love, he was induced gradually to ex- tend his original idea of making a mere selection, until he at length found himself drawn on to attempt the whole. Ac- cordingly, the following pages will be found to contain a version of every piece, witJumt exception, that is contained in the authorized editions of Schiller's Poeyns (including the fine dramatic sketch of Semele, which is now given aiiiougst his other poems), and even all the minor pieces, which it has been usual to omit, as being without interest to the English reada.:. But the Translator has thought that, in ordav iilly to appreciate the poetic genius of Sc/dller, his poems shoulc! be viewed as a whale. With the same object, the meter of the original has been adhered to as closely as possible ; and in only a few unimpor- tant instances has this rule been departed from. With regard to the Elegiacs, in particular, in which meter some of the finest productions of Schiller are "written (as, for instance, Tlie Walk), the Translator hag jjreserved the hexameter and pentaL::eter of the German, not only because they admit of a more faithful rendering of the original, but also because he conceives thai a meter which has been employed with such singular success by the German poet, cannot be entirely uu- suited to a language so closely allied in origin and construc- tion to the German as our own. Be believes, moreover, that W OEIGINAli PKEFACE. there is a growing taste in this country for classical meten which, it cannot be denied, have until very recently been Tt\ Erom popular. It is with respect to this class of poems, and tlso to several of Schiller's earlier pieces, the tneaning of which is often mystical, and the meter very peouhar, that he especially hopes for the indulgence of the reader. "With regard to the translation itself, the Translator has in- variably kept in view the necessity of preserving the strictest fidelity to the original, his desire having been to render Schillei's P ems iato English, but nothing more. He feels that it woul^, hiive been both absurd and presumptuous in liim to have attempted to make any alterations in the pro- ductions of the great bard. Whatever may be the language into which Schiller is translated, whatever may be the nation where he is read, he has a giant-voice of his own, wherewith to make himself heard and understood. The addition of an appendix, containiug translations of all the various minor poems, &c. , found in Schiller's dramatic works, completes the list of his recognized pieces. I will now be necessary to say a few words respecting Ihe Suppressed Poems, which are given in this collection. Shortly after the pubUcation of Sciiiller's celebrated Jiob. hers, appeared a work entitled Anthology for the Tear 1782, containing a collection of poems, evidently the work of sev- eral hands. It soon became known that it was edited by Schil- ler, and that he was the author of most of the pieces. This was subsequently fully proved, when he published the com- place collection of his works, where the whole of the Poems of the First Period, together v/ith two or three of the Second, are taken from the Anthology. But it was also known that, for various reasons, ho had suppressed a large proportion of the pieces there published, and indisputably written by him. The Anthology h^s. for a long time been a hterary rarity, known only to a few connoisseurs; and is probably entirely unknown to the Eughsh reader. It has been reprinted in Germany very recently; and advantage has been taken of its republication to introduce translations of the whole of the poems iu it which critics liave pronounced to ba dcLffler's, and which are. notwithstanding, excluded from tb4 collected editions of his poems. The original wild and fan- tatstic dedication and preface are also added. The total number of poemp comprised in the Antholoqy is ninety, of whieh thirty are given elsewhere, under eith«-r the Vir»t or the Second Period of th 3 recognized poems. Of the others, thirty-two are universally pronounced not to be Fchil- ler's, and they certainly contain sufficient internal evidence of this fact, as nothing can be more vapid and talentless thai? they are. The following friends of the poet, a^e beUeved to have been amongst their contributors : Peterson, Pfeiffer, Zuccato, Von Hovcu, Haug, and Scharffenstein. The remaining twenty-eight pieces, compriBing nearly twelve huiidred verses, are assigned by the almost unanimous voice of the commentators — Hofifmeister, Boas, Doring, Schwab, and Rulow — to Sjhiller ; and there are very few concerning which there is any question. They are accordingly all given here. As respects the thirty admitted into the collected poems, the latter versions, as given by Schiller himself, have been invariably adhered to, rather than those found in the Anthology, whenever any difference exists between them. Jlany of these early pieces are either inscribed to, or relate to, the Laura whose image first enslaved his mind, and whose influence ever him, as evinced by many ot his most impas- sioned poems, appears to have been unbounded.* The siip- pressed Reproach — ToLanra, and the ode To the Fates here given, may bo added to the long list found in the Poems of the First Period. Six pieces among the Suppressed Poems, r.f a humorous character, viz , The Journnhnts and Minos, Bar- us in t. ' Pilhry, the Muses' Revengf, the Paradel, t .eHjvocJ Mriarcl Piuto, and Vie S-ityr andwy I fuse, combined with the Wal- lensteirCs Camp, and the -will-kuown Celebrated Woman, ad- mitted into the published editiois, go far to r futo the opin- ion expressed by the most eminent of living crities, that Schil- ler was totally defii.-ient in Jminor. It is certain, however, * A caiae, presenting foin ! ciiriou-' points of rcseinhiance to that of Schi lor and his LnurM, is rccoidcd of liinifclf by the greatest of mod* era Itallaa poets, Alfleri, lu his £ulobiogrui)hy. ri OEIGDJAL PEEPACE. that he did not wield this power in the manner that he might have done this; and the only poem of his matui'e years where we find any traces of it is his Pegasus in Harness. The sublimity of the Hymn to the Eternal, and the terrific power of the sketch of the plague, stand in strong contrast to the gentle but deep poetic feeling thatbreithc sin every lino of the poem entitled Thoughts on the 1st October, 1781, and to the pleasing mixture of repose and playfulness in Tlie Win- ter NigJit ; and the bitterness apparent throughout The Bad Monarchs is no bad evidence of the natural strength of Schiller's passions, before he obtained that complete control over them which his later works evince. The Ei^igrams, &c., are, for the most part, quite insig- pificant, and only worth preserving as having been written by SchiUer. The poems of this volume are arranged in the precise order of the latest authorized German editions, both for convenience of reference, and b. cause it does not appear that anything srould be gained by deviation from that arrangement. The Translator is gl id to avail himself of this opportunity to expi'ess his thanks to Lord Hcbart and another friend,* for the many valuable suggestions with which they have favored him during the progress of this work through the press, London^ April, 1851, * The late Mr. Albany Foublanque. PREFACij TO THE SECf.iJ^D EDITIO^T. Tn this Edition the Translator luis corrected various minor mistakes and inaccuracies which had crept into the Original Edition, published upwards of twenty years ago; but substantially it differs but a little from it. His excuse for its mauy imperfections is only to be found in his youth and inexperience at the time when he made the translations. He has, unfortunately for himself, now surmounted the first of these faults, whilst his kind readers will benefit but Uttl« irom the cure of the saeond. THB TRANSLATOR'S APOLOGY TO THE KLADEK In days of old, while Grecian bards jct sang, And, at Olynipia vying, Bwept the chord, Throughout the -s'orld the -victor's praises rang, And great, exceeding great, was his reward. The story of his prowese echoing sjiraug From land to land, and e'en to heaven upsoar'd And when his ashes slumber'd in the tomb, His memory long survived in pristine bloom, And is it not so still? Yes I Schiller, thou Hast earu'd a glorious — an iumiortal name: The univtnial voice hath wreath'd thy brow With laurels fair, in token of thy fame ; The poet's luantl;; bright thou wearest now, — Upon tiiy shoulders placed with one acclaim,' Thy native country holds thy memory di ar — It still hath bloom'd through many a changing yeoii Yet thou hafit liv'd not for one land alone : For the whole world are surely meant thy lays. He, then who sctks to make thy numbers known To those whose hearts their spell may upward raise, If in the language cloth'd, tliey call th* ir owm — ■ He who to others' ears perchance conveys E'en a faint echo of thy minstrelsy, He who dares this, may haply pardon'd be. If, then, these feeble numbers have but power E'en on one bosom pleasure to bestow; If they can help to cheer one h-avy hour, — Sooth.) e'en one goitow, lighien e'en one woo; If to lif 's garland th. y ( a;i a. id one flower, A'lhDiifh unseen, forgotten, it may blow, — 'J'h n will the prize I covi t be obtmn'd : I ask no more, — my utmost wish is gatu'd, Oi.'OT'^N"!^.. bKIOtNAL PREPAOE "•.• ■- ' Translator's Apology totlie Eeader..... JK-6iace to the Second Edition 9 ■•• 3 )a*o»«« •. ._- ::s. ^0(m!8i of iJxt^ix^i ^erxoA. PAGE Hector's Farewell 17 Ajualia.. 18 A i'lineral riiaiitasy 18 Phantasy —To Laura 20 To Laura at the Haii^si- chord 22 Rapture — To Laura ,... 24 The Seci-etof lieminisceuce 24 Melancholy — To Laura 26 The Infanticide 29 The Greatui ss of the World. 32 Elepy on the Death of a Young Man 33 IheBatUe 36 PAQ^ Rousseau ,...,.. 39 FrieudBhip.... 3!' Group from Tartarus. ... 41 ElyGUim 41 The Fugitive iJ The Flowers 4'/ Ode to Spring 45 ToMinnci , 45 The Triumph of Love 47 Fortune and Wisdom........ 52 To a Moralist 63 Count Eborhard, the Groan- erof Wurtemberg.,.. 53 Semele.,..., .....o 56 ^omfi oi the ^ttmd ^ctiol Hymn to Joy 72 The Invincible Armada... .. 7.") The Conflict 7G Resignation 77 The Gods of Greece 80 The Artists,.,.. 83 The Celebrated Woman.... 9.' Verses written in the Album of a Young Lady 99 costicNii. gom§ of the Mxvii gtmA, PiGE The Meeting , 100 To Emma 101 Tha Secret 101 Expectation 102 Evening 104 Longing , 105 The Pilgrim l^G The Ideals lOT The Maiden's Lament 109 The Youth ti*^ the Brook. ...110 The Favor of the Moment. Ill Mountain Song... 112 The Alpine Hunter 113 Dithyramb 114 The Four Ages of the "World 1 15 Punch Song 117 TomyFri-nds 118 Punch Song, to be sung in Northern Countries 119 Falowessian Death Lamentl 21 The Feast of Victory 122 The Lament of Ceres 127 The Eleusiniau Festival.... 1.30 The King of Poly crates.... 13(5 The Cranes of Ibycus 138 Hero and Leauder 143 Cassandra 150 The Hostage 153 The Diver 157 The Knight of Toggenbwrg. 1( 2 The Fight with the Dragon. 1G4 Pridolin, or, the Waikto the Iron Foundry 171 $h6 Count of llapsburg....l77 PAfS The Glove 181 The Veiled Statue at Sais .18i 'i he Division of the Farth. 185 The Unknown Maiden... 186 The Ideal and Lfe. 18G Parables and Eiddles 19C The Walk 196 The Song of the Bell 204 The Power of Song 215 The Praise of Woman 21C Hope 218 The German Muse 218 The Sower 219 The Merchant 219 Odysseus 2.9 Carthage 220 The Knighls of Malta 220 German Faith 221 Columbus 222 Pomptii u:id Herculane- um ...222 The lUad ........224 Zeus to Hercules 225 The Anticpie to the North- ern Wanderer .226 The Bards of Olde i Time.. 225 The Antiques at Paris 22G Thckla, a Spirit-Voice .227' The Maid of Orleans ..22S Nicnia 228 The Playing Child 229 The Sexes 229 The Power cf Woa:an 231 The Dance 23i COMTNT8. xii PAGE Fortune 2;}3 GeniuR 235 The rijiJosophical Egotist. 2;;8 The Words of Fui:h 2;!8 The Words of EiTor 2.";) Proverbs of Coutucins 240 Light and Warmth 241 Breadth ana Depth 242 The Guides of Life 242 Arohimodes and the Stu- dut 243 Human Knowledge 24;} The Two Paths of Virtue. .24 I Honors 244 Zenith and Nadir 21") Departure from Life 245 The Child in the Cradle.... 24.5 The Immutable 245 Theophania ,. . 245 The Highest 24') Immortality 24G Votive Tablets 216 The best State-Constitution255 To Lawgivers 255 The Honorable 255 False Impulse to Study 255 The Fountain of second* Youth 255 The Circle of Nature 255 The G<'uins with the In- verted Torch 25G The Virtue of Woman 250 The I aire.-.t Apparition 250 The Forum of Woman 250 Female Judgment 250 The Ideal of Woman 257 X>AG> Expectation andFulfiIlment257 1 he Common Fate 257 Human Action 258 The Father 258 Love and Desire 2.58 Goodness and Greatness.... 258 Tho Impulses 258 Naturalists and Transcen. dental Philosophers 2.^8 German Genius 259 Trifles 259 Germany and her Princes. 2G0 To Proselytizers 260 The Connecting Medium. ..200 The Moment 201 Gei-man Comedj' 201 Bookseller's Annourcement261 Dangerous Oonseqi'iences...201 Greekism 201 The Sunday Children 202 The Philosophers 262 G.G 205 The Homerides 265 The Moral Poet 205 The Danaides 2C5 The Sublime Subject 206 The Artifice ...2CG- Jeremiads 206 Knowledge 267 Kant and his Commentators207 Shakespcar's Ghost 207 The Rivers 209 The Metaphysician 272 The Philosophers 272 Pegasus in Harness 274 The Puppet-show of Life ...270 XIT 00NTEKT8, PAGE To a Youug Friend, on liis devoting himself to Phil- osophy 277 ThePoetiyof Life 277 To Goethe, on his producing Voltaire's Mahomet on the Stage 278 Nuptial Ode 2S0 Grecian Genius 281 Verses written in the Alb'tm of a friend 281 PAOB Verses Written in the Folio Album of a learned Friend 282 The Present 282 William Tell..... 282 To the Hereditary Prince of Weimar, on his pro- ceeding to Paris 283 The Commencement of the New Century ,...284- Farewell to the Keador 28/" <^ttpprfissifd ^oemjs. Original Dedication to Death 288 Original Preface 28!) The Joumahsts and Minos. 292 Bacchus in the Pillory 291 ' Ppinosa 29G Epitaph 29G To the Fates 29G KlopstockandWieland 298 Dialogue 298 The Parallel .....299 The Muses' Eoveuge 299 Epitaph on a certain Phys- iognomist 301 Hypochondriacal Pluto. ...301 Actaeon O...307 Trust in Immortality 307 Reproach — To Laura 308 The Simple Peasant 310 The Messiad 310 Man's Dignity 310 Hymn to the Eternal 313 Thoughts on the Ist Octo- ber, 1781 314 TheWirtemberger 31G The Plague— a Phantasy...31G The Mole ..317 Monument of Jloor the Robber 317 Quirl 318 Jhe BadMonarchs 319 The Peasants 321 The Satyr and my Muse.... 323 The Winter Night 326 C0NTEKT8. tV Prom Tlie l?obhers. paoe Variations iu "Hector's Farewell,'* Act IT., scene 2 320 Aiualia's f^ong (additional verse), Act III., scene 1 32'.> Choms of Ilobbors, Act IV. .scene 5 330 Moor's Song, Act IV., scene 5 33] tfrom Wallenstein's Camp. Kccniits Song, scene 7 ,..; 332 Chorus of Soldiers, &c., Scene the last 332 Piom William Tell. Opening Songs, Act I., scene 1 33.") Walter's Song, Act III., scene 1 337 Chorus of Brothers of Mercy, Act IV. .scene 3 337 from Turandot. Kiddle, Act II., scene 4 , 337 From Mary Stuart. Marj's Song, Act III., scene 1 338 Prom The Maid of Orleans. Joan of Arc's Soliloquy, Prologue, scene 4 339 Joan's Soliloquy after the re-taking of Kheinis, Act IV., ^v ^ .841 POEMS OF THE FIRST PERIOD. tot HECTOR'S FAREWELL ANDROMACHE. ^T thou, Hector, hence for ever going Where Achilles, -with fierce vengeance glowing To Piitroclus piles a hecatomb ? Who, alas ! will te;ifh thine Infant tnily Spears to hnrl, the Gods to honor duly. When thou'rt bimed in dai-k Orcus' womb? HECTOE. Dearest wife, restrain thy tearful sadness ! for the fray »iy bosom pants with madness, This stout arm must Pergamus defend ; For my household Gods all dangers braving, Should I fall, my Fatherland in saving. To the Stygian Hood I'll glad descend. ANDROMACHE. For thy clashing arms I vain shall listen. In thy halls thy glaive will idly glisten, Priam's hero-race in dust will lie ; Thou wilt go, where day can enter never. Where Cocytus wails 'mid deserts ever. And thy Love in Lethe's stream will die. HECTOR. Though the ardent hopes, the thoiights I cherish, All in Lethe's silent stream may perisb. Yet my Love shall never die ! Haik 1 I hear the foe the walls assailing ! Gird my sword around me, — cease thy wailing 1 Hector's Love in Lethe cannot die !* * In the original, the same word is repeated, as it is here, instead ota rhyme beiug employed. IS AM ALIA. Angel-fatr, "Walhalla's cliarms displaying. Fairer than al' mortal youths was he ; Mild bis look, as May-day sunbeams straying Gently o'er the blue and glassy sea. And his kisses ! — what ecstatic feeling f Like two flames that lovingly entwine, Like the harp's soft tones together stealing Into one sweet harmony divine, — Soul and soul embraced, commingled, blended, Lips and cheeks with trembling passion burn'd Heav'n and Earth, in pristine chaos ended, Round the blissful Lovers madly turn'd. He is gone — and, ah ! with bitter anguish Vainly now I breathe my mournful sighs ; He is gone — in hopeless grief I languish, Eaxthly joys I ne'er again can prize ! A FUNERAL PHANTASY. Lo ! on high the moon, her lustre dead. O'er the death-like grove uplifts her head, fcighing flits the spectre through the gloom- Misty clouds are shivering. Pallid stars are quivering, Looking down, like lamps Avithin a tomb. Spirit-liko, all silent, pale, and wan, Marshall'd in procession dark and sad. To the sepulchre a crowd moves ou. In the grave-night's dismal emblems clad. A rtWERAL PHA.NTAST. W Wli(> is lie, wlio, trembling on his crutch, Walks with gloomy anJ averted eye, And bowM down byiOestiny's hard t(jnch, Vents his sorrow in a mournful sigh O'er tho oollin borne in silence by? Was it "Father !" from tho youth's lips came? Soon a damp and fearful shudder flies Through his gri'^f-emaciated frame, And his silv'ry hairs on end uprise. All his fiery woimds now bleed anew ! Through his soul, hell's bitter torments run ! "Father !" 'twas that from tho youth's lips flew. And the Father's heart hiith whispered "Son !" Ice-cold, ice-cold, in his shroud he lies, — By thy dream, so sweet and golden erst. Sweet imd golden, Fathtn-, thou art curst ! Ice-cold, ice-cold, in his shroud he lies, Who "was once thy joy, thy Paradise ! Mild, as when, fann'd by Elysian gale, Flora's son over the verdant plain skips, Girded with roses that fragi-anco exhale. When from the arms of Aurora he slips, — Onward he sped o'er the sweet-smelling field, Mirror'd below in the silvery flood; Rapturous flames in his kiss were conceal'd, Chasing the maidens in amorous mood. Bc^ldly he sprang 'mid the stir of mankind, As o'er the mountains a youthful roe springs ; Heav'nward ascended his wish unconfin'd, High as the eagle his daring flight wings. Proud as the steeds that in passion their manes. Foaming and champing, toss round in wild waves, Bearing in majesty under the reins. Stood he alike before monarchs and slaves. Bright as a spring-day, his life's joyous round Fleeted in Hesperus' glory away ; Sighs in the grape's juice all-golden he dvown'd, Sorrow he still'd in the dance light and gay. Worlds were asleep in tlie promising boy, H?!i ! when he once as a man shall be ripe, — Fatlier, r(\ioice — in thy promising boy, Soon as the slLuuberiug germ Bhall be ripe 1 20 PHANTASY — TO TiAtJRA. Not SO, Father— hark ! the churchyard gates Groan, and lo, the iron hinges creak ! — See the dreaded tomb its prey awaits ! — • Not so — let the tears course down thy cheek ! Tow'rd Perfection lov'd one, hasten on. In the sun's bright path with joy proceed ! Quench thy noble thirsfe for bliss alone In Walhalla's peace, from sorrow freed ! Te will meet — oh thocight of rapture full ! — Yonder, at the gsite of Paradise ! Hark ! the coffin sinks with echo dull ; As ifc re-ascends the death-rope sighs ! Then, with sorrow drunk, we madly roll'd, Lips were silent, but the mute eye spoke-^ Stay, uh, stay ! — we grudg'd tiic tomb so cold; But soon warmer tears hi torrents broke. Lo ! on high the moon, her lustre dead, O'er the deathlUce grove uplifts her head. Sighing flits the spectre through the gloom--= Misty clouds are shivering, Pallid stars are quivering. Looking down like lamps within a tomb. Dully o'er the coffin earth-flakes rise, — All the wealth of earth for one look more 1 Now the grave barr'd up for ever lies; Duller, duller o'er the coffin earth-flakes rise : Never will the grave its prey restore ! PHANTASY— TO LAURA. Name, my Laura, name the whirl-compelling Bodies to unite in one blest whole — Name, my Laurn, name the wondroiis magic By which Soul rejoins its kindred Soul ! See ! it teaches yonder roving Planets Round the sun to fly in endless race ; And as children play around their mother, Checker'd circles round the orb to trace. tHAXTASY — TO LAURA. ^ Every rollinp Btar, by thirst tormoutcJ, Drinks witli joy its bright and golden rain — Drinks refreshment from its He ry chalice, As the limbs are nourish'd by the brain. 'Tis through Love that atom pairs with atom, In a liarmony eternal, sure ; Ami 'tis Love that links tlie spheres together — Through her only, systems can endure. Were she but effaced from Nature's clockwork. Into dust would ily the mighty world ; O'er thy systems thou wouldst weep, great Newton, When with giant force to Chaos hmi'd ! Blot the Goddess from the Spirit Order, It would sink in death, and ne'er arise. Were Lovo absent, spring would prhul us never ; Were Love absent, none their God would prize ! "Wliat is that, which, when my Laura kisses. Dyes my cheek with llam( s of purple hue, Bids my bosom bound with swiftt-r motion. Like a fever wild my veins runs through ? Ev'ry nerve from out i's barriers rises. O'er its banks the blood begins to flow ; Body seeks to join itself to Body, Spirits kirdle in one blissful glow. Powerful as in the dead crtatioua That eternal impulses obey. O'er the web Aracliine-like ot Nature, — Living Nature, — Love exerts her sway. Laura, see how Joyousness embraces E'en the ovei-How of sorrows wild I How e'en rigid d<>speratii>n kindles On the loving breast (.£ Hope so mild. Sisterly nnd blissful rnpturo softens Gloomy M.'huicholy's fearful Jiight, And, deliver'd of its golden Ciiildren, "'"iO, the eye pours forth its radiance bright ! %2 TO LAURA AT THE HARPSICHORD. Does not a"wful Sympatliy rule over E'en the realms thwt Evil calls its own ? For 'tis Hell our crimes are ever wooing, While they bear a grudge 'gainst Heaven alone ! Shame, Eepentance, pair Eumenides-like, Weave round sin their fearful serpent-coils : While around the eagle- wings of Greatness Treach'rous danger winds its dreaded toils. Ruin oft with Pride is wont to trifle. Envy upon Fortune loves to cling ; On her brother. Death, with arms extended, Lust, his sister, oft is wont to spring. On the wings of Love the Future hastens In the arms of ages past to lie ; And Saturnus, as he onward speeds him, Long hath sovight his bride — Eternity ! Soon Saturnus will his bride discover, — So the mighty Oracle hath said ; Blazing Worlds will turn to marriage torches When Eternity with Time shall wed ! Then a fuirer, far more beauteous morning, Laura, on our Love shall also shine. Long as their blest bridal-night enduring : — So rejoice thee, Laura — Laura mine ! TO LAURA AT THE HARPSICHORD, When o'er the chords thy fingers stray, My spirit leaves its mortal clay, A statue there I stand ; Thy spell controls e'en life and death, A.S when the nerves a living breath Beceive by love's command I * TO LArRA AT THE HARPSICHOKD. 28 More p;ontly Zrphvr sighs along To listen to tliy magic Bong : The systems f<')rm'd by heav'nly love To sing for ever ns they move, Piittse in titcir endleas-wliirling round To ciiteh tlie raptnre-tc^eming sound ; 'Tis for thy strains Uku worshiiJ thee, — Thy look, Euchautress, fetters mc! From yonder ehorus fast-thronging come Soui-ljreathir.g nf)tes with rapturous speed, As when from out their heav'nly home The new-born Seraphim proceed ; The strains pour forth their magic might. As glitt'ring suns burst through the night, When, by Creation's storm awoke. From Chaos' giaut-arm they broke. Now sweet, as Avhen the silv'ry wave Deliglits the pebbly beacli to lave ; And now majestic as the sound Of rolling thunder gath'ring round ; No^ peaiing more loudly, as when from you height Descends the. mad mountain-stream, foaming and bright ; Now in a song of love Dying away. As thro' the asiaen grove Soft zephyrs play ; Kow heavier and more mournful scmmus the strain, Alh when across the desert, deutli-like jjlain. Whence whispers dread and yells despairing rise, Cocytus' sluggish, wailing current sighs. Maiden fair, oh, answer me ! Are not spirits leagued with thee ? Speak they in the realms of bliss Other laugaage e'er than this ? * The nllusion in the original is to tliR eeeiningly magical power poseeescd by ii Jew conjuror, nauiuil Philadulphia, wbicl; would not De understood in Kuglibli. 2i THE SECRET OP KEMINlSOENOa. RAPTURE— TO LAURA. Fkom earth I seem to wing my flight, And sun myself in Heaven's pure light. When thy sweet gaze meets mine I dream I quatf ethereal dew, When mine own form I mirror'd view In those blue eyes divine ! Blest notes from Paradise atar. Or strains from some benignant star Enchant my ravish'd ear ; My Muse feels then the shepherd's hour When silv'ry tones of magic pov/er Escape (hose lips so dear ! Young Loves around thee fan their wings-- Behind, the madden'd fir-tree springs. As v/hen by Orpheus fir'd ; The poles Avhiii round "u-ith swifter motion. When in the dance, like waves o'er Ocean, Thy footsteps float untir"d ! Thy look, if it but beam with love. Could make the lifeless mai'ble move. And hearts in r;)cks enshrine ; My visions to reality Will turn, if, Laura, in thine eye I read — that thou art mine ! THE SECRET OF REMINISCENCE. What unveils to me the yearning glow Fix'd for ever to thy lips to grow ? What tlie longing wish thy breatli to drink, — In thy Being blest, in death to sink When thy look steals o'er me ? THE SECRET Of REMINISCENCE. 25 Ah ^hen Slaves without, r* sistance yield To the Victor iu the; batth'-field, So my Bi'uses in tlie inoTneut tly O'er the I; ridge of Life tumultuoiisly Wheuthou stand'stb^foremel Speak ! Why should they from their Master roam ? Do my Seuaes youder seek tlieir home ? Or doscver'd brethren meet again, Casting oil' the Body's h'avy chain, Where thy foot hath Ughted? Were our Beings once together twin'd ? Was it therefore tlns blindly look around, — Man now totters on lii.s slagTering thronej And iu di-eary i.nddles now be found ! Blest art thou, witt iu thy narrow cell! To this stir of tra,y-comedy, To these Forhine-Wfir^s tl>ut madly swell. To this vain and chiJu'sh Lotteiy, To this busy crowd etlectiup naught. To this rest with labor teenruig o'er. Brother ! — to this Heaven w ith devils fraught. Now thine eyes have closed lor evermore. Fare thee well, oh, thou to memory dear. By our blessings luU'd to slumbers sweet ' Sleep on calmly iu thy prison drear,— Sleep on calmly till agaui we meet ' Till the loud Almighty trumpet sounds, Echoing through these corpse-encumber'd hills, Till God's storm-wind, biu'sting through the bounds Placed by Death, with Life those Coriisas tills — Till, impregnate! with Jehovah's blast, Graves bring forth, and at His menace dread. In the smoke of Planets melting fast, Once again the tombs give up theii- Dead I 36 THE BATTLE- Not in Worlds, as dreamt of by the Wise, Not in Heavens, as sung in Poets' song, Not in e'en the People's Paradise — Yet we shall o'ertake thee, and ere long. Is that true which cheer 'd the Pilgrim's gloom ? Is it true that Thoughts can yonder be ? True, that Virtue guides us o'er the tomb ? Thi.t 'tis more than empty Phantasy ? All these riddles are to thee uuveil'd ! Truth thy Soul ecstatic now drinks up, Truth in radiance thousandfold exhal'd From the Mighty Father's blissful cup. Dark and silent Bearers draw, then, nigh ! To the Slayer serve the Feast the while ! Cease, ye Mourners, cease your wailing cry ! Dust on dust upon the Body pile ! fVTiere's the Man who God to tempt presumes ? Where the eye that through the Gulf can see ? Holy, holy, holy art thou, God of Tombs ! We, with awful trembling, worship Thee ! Dust may back to native diist be ground, From its crumbling house the Spirit fly. And the storm its ashes strew around, — But its Love, its Love shall never die ! THE BATTLE, With a dull, heavy tread. Like a storm-cloud o'erhead. Moves the march through the wide plain so green ; And the field for the stilfe, Where the stake is man's life. In its boundless expanse is now seen. Tow'rd the ground ev'ry eye is uneasily cast, And each wai-rior's heart 'gainst his ribs beateth fast. To the front now the Major with thunderiug i)ace Gallops on past each pallid and death-lighte front are mown down. O'er their bcdi* s tlie liimlcr ranks pour. Pevasfntion sjwcads 'iroiJiid, TVliole battalions bite the ground. ^■PtTt^ri 38 . THE BATTLE. The sun now sinks to rest, — hot burns the fight. While o'er the armies broods the murky eight. God be with ye, comrades brave, — We shall meet beyond the grave ! The life-blood in torrents spurts high as the head, The living confusedly mix with the dead ; The foot as it moves stumbles over the slain, While the conflict 'gins raging more wildly again. ''What, Frank! And thou, too?"— "Kiss my Char- lotte for me ! " '' Aye, Friend, that I will ! . , Good God ! Comrades, see, see, " How the grapeshot bursts full on our rear ! "... I will kiss her for thee ! Now in jDeace slumbeK on, " While I, left, alas ! in the world all-alone, *' Seek the fast-falling balls without fear." -■o Now hither, and now thither bends the fight, Still murkier o'er the armies broods the night. God be with ye, comrades brave, — We shall meet beyond the grave ! What means this sudden trampling sound ? The Adjutants are flying round, Dragoons are rattling 'gaiust the foe, TVTiose thuud'riug guns are lying low, While they in all directions fly, — Hurrah, my Comrades, Victoiy ! Their coward limbs in terror shrink. And down their boasting banners sink ! Decided is the fearful fight. The day gleams brightly through the night ' And hark, how triumphantly rise on the ear the roll of the dinim and the fife's note so clear ! Farewell, ye perisli'd comrades brave,-^ Oh, we shall meet beyond the grave I 89 ROUSSEAU. Mo>rnMaNT of our own Age's sbame, Oil thy Countn' casting ciidloss blame, lloussfaii's Grave, bow dear tluju art to me I Calm rrpose to be to tbj aslios l)l(>8t ! In tby life tlion vainly souglit'st for roHt, But at lengtb 'twas bere dbtained by tbee ! Wlicn will ancient wounds be covered o'er ? Wise mem died iu beatlieu days of yore ; Now 'tis ligbter — yet tliey die again. Socrates Avas killed by Sopbists ^ale, Rousseau meets bis d(>atb tbrougb Christians' wile,- Rousscau — who would fai.i make Cbristiaus men ! FRIENDSHIP. From the "Letters of JcxnTS to Raphael ;" at? Unpublished Romance. Temperate is tbe Being-Ruler, Friend ! — On tbose Tbiukers mean let sbame attend Wbo so anxiously seek Laws to solve ! LiA-ing- Worlds, and Regions of tbe Soul On one Flywbeel, tow'rd tbeir limit roll ; Ilcrc my Ne-niou saw tbut Wbeel revolve ! Spberes, — tbe slaves of but onn vein, — it tells Ronnd tbe migbty world's bearl, as it swells, Labyriutbine paths to cause to rise — Spii'its iu entwining Systems laced, Tow'rd tbe migbty Spirit-Sun to baste. As the stream to join the ocean flies. Was't not this Machinery divine. That oompell'd our Bosoms to entwine In tbe blest and endless bonds of Lovp * Raphael, on thine Arm — oh, ecstasy ! Tow'rd tbat migbty Spirit-Sun, e'en I Oij Perfection's path would gladly rove. 40 PKIENDSHTP. Joy, oh, Joy ! Tliou now art found by me I I, of millions, have embraced but thee, And, of millions, mine art thou alone — Let this world iu Chaos still be lost, Atoms in confusion wild be tost. Into one our Hearts for aye have flown ! Must not I, from out thy flamiupj g'^ze, Of mi/ Rapture seek the answering rays ? 'Tis iu i/iee alone myself I ^'iew — Fairer still appears the earth so fair, Brighter in the Loved One's features there Heaven is mirror'd, — of more dazzling hue„ Sweeter from the Passions' storm to rest, Melancholy casts upon Love's breast All the burden of her tearful gloom ; Does not e'en tormenting Rapture seek, Li thine eyes that eloquently speak, Eagerly to find a blissful tomb ? Stood I in creation all alone. Spirits I would dream into each stone. And their forms with kisses then would greet. When my wailings echoed far and wide, Would be happy if the rocks replied. Fool, enough ! to sympathy so sweet. Lifeless gi-oups are we, if hate we prove, Gods — if we embrace in kindly love ! While we languish for the Fetters blest — Upwards through the thousand-varying scale Of unnumber'd Souls that nought avail. Docs this godlike impulse raise the breast. Arm in arm, tow'rd some still higher sphere, From the Mongol to the Grecian seer. Who is with the last of seraphs bound, Roam we on, in dancing orbit bright. Till iu yonder Sea of endless light Time and Measure evermore are di"owu'4 ! GROUP FHOM TARTARUS. 41 Fripiulloss wns tlin Miglity Lord of Earth, l'\ 4t a ]Vau( — ko gave tho Spirit birth, Mirror blest where His own glories shine ! — Ne'er his Like has fmiiid tlmt Being high, — Nought o\t gushes — save Infinity — From the Spirit-Eegiou's Cup Divine 1 GROUP FROM TARTARUS. Hark ! Like the sea in wrath tho Heav'ns assailing, Or like a brook through rocky basin wailing. Comes from below in groaning agony, A heavy, vacant, torment-breathirg sigh ! Their faces marks of bitter torture wear, While from their lips burst curses of despair ; Their eyes are lioUow, and full of W'oe, And their looks with heartfelt anguish Seek Cocytus' stream that runs wailing below, For the bridge o'er its waters they languish. And they say to each other in accents of fear, "Oh, when will the time of Fulfilment appear? " High over them boundless Eternity quivers. An d the scythe of Saturnua ail-ruthlessly shivers 1 ELYSIUM. Those groans of deep anguish no longer resound, Each accent of sorrurple-dyed beams o'er tlie grave of the past I Ah, twilight of evening, thy strains thou but siugest To one whose deep slumbers for ever must last I u THE FLOWERS. Tk offspring of the morning snn, Ye fio-wers that deck the smiling plain, Your lives, in joy and bliss begun, In Nature's love unchanged remain. "Witii hues of bright and godlike splendor Sweet Flora graced j'our forms bo tender, And clothed ye in a garb of light ; Spring's lovely children, weep for ever. For living Souls she gave ye never. And ye must dwell in endless night ! The nightingale and the lark stni sing In your tranced ears the bliss of love ; The toying sylphs, on airy wing. Around your fragrant bosoms rove. Of yore, Dione's daughter* twining In garlands sweet your cap so shining, A pillow form'd v^^here love might rest ! Spring's gentle children mourn for ever, The joys of love she gave you never, Ne'er let ye know that feeling blest ! But when ye're gather'd by my hand, A token of my love to be, Now that her mother's harsh command From Nanny's! sight has banished me,-- E'en from that passing touch ye borrow Those heralds mute of pleasing sorrow, Life, language, hearts and souls divine ; And to your silent leaves 'tis given, By liim who mightiest is in Heaven, His glorious Godhead to enshrine. * Venus. t Originally l.avra. fin's Imviiig bocn cnc nf tlio " Lnurn-Poi^ni'-," as tilt; (.(iMiianB call llieni, of wlii- li 8o i-uiiiy i rix'ii'.l in I'le Ar.(ti()lo;;y /eei; jjrr/acc) . English leadero wiIi probuulr not tl.iiik tmit llio cliauge ^8for Ibu better. 45 ODE TO SPRING. Thou'et welcomo, lovely Btripling I Tluni Nature's tVmcl delight ! With thy basket filled with flowers, Thou'Vt •welcome to my sight ! Huzza ! once more we greet thee ! How fair and sweet thou art ! To usher in thy presence We baste with joyful heart I Remenfbers't thou my !Maiden 7 Thou never canst forget ! My Maiden lov'd mo dearly, — My Maiden loves me yet ! For my JMaiden many a fiow'ret I begg'd of yore from thee — Once more I make entreaty, And thou ? — thou giv'st them me ! Thou'rt welcome, lovely stripling ! Thou Nature's fond delight ! With thy basket fill'd with llowerB, Thou rt welcome to my sight ! TO MINNA. kyi I dreaming ? Is mine eye Dimm'd by some deceiving ray? Is't my Minna passing bj , Turning her cold look away ? She, who vain of each fair charm, T^'ans herself so haxightily, Leajiing on seme fo|)liug's arm, — Is't my !Minua ? — 'Tis not she 1 46 TO MINNA. On her liglit hat, feathers proud. Once my gift, are waving yet ; While her breast-knots cry aloud, Saj-iug : " Miuna, ne'er forget !" Flowers still grace her breast, her brow Foster'd by my loving care ; Ah, that breast is faithless now, — Yet those flowers still blossom there ' Go ! Ador'd by empty wits. Go ? Without a thought of me Prey to venal hypocrites — Scorn is all I feel for thee ! Go ! for thee once throbb'd a heai't Fill'd with stainless purity. Great enough to bear the smart That it throbb'd for such as thee ! *Tis by beauty thou'rt betray'd — By thy features, shameless one ! But their roses soon will fade. Soon their transient charms be gone ! Swallows that in sijring-time play. Fly when north winds cold retxirn ; Age will scare thy wooers gay Yet a friend thou now canst spur a ! Ah ! methinks I hear thee sigh, Wreck of what thou once hast heea, Looking back with streaming eye To thy May-day's flowery scene. They who once thy kisses sought, On the wings of rapture borne. Make thy vanish 'd youth their siiort, Laugh thy winter sad to scorn. 'Tis by beauty thou'rt betray'd— By thy features, shameless one ! But their roses soon will fade. Soon thy transient charms be gone ! riow I tht n will scoff and jeer ! — Scoff? Great Heavens ! oh, pardon me J S will weep full many a t^^ar — I'ears of anguish weep for thee 1 i1 THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE A HTJIN. By Love are blest the Gcnls on high, Fi-ail man becomes a Deity "NVlieu Love to him is given ; 'Tis Love that makes the Heavens shine With hnes more radiant, more divine, And turns dull Earth to Heaven 1 In Pyrrha's rear (so poets sang In ages past and gone), The world from rocky fragment sprang— Mankind from lifeless stone. Their soul was but a thing of night. Like stone and rock their heart ; The flaming torch of Heav'n so bright Its glow could ne'er impart. Young Loves, all g;ently hov'ring round. Their souls as yet had never bound In soft aniTaan Waltz, — held'st Heaven within tliine arms, And from the lips of Maidens balm didst sip, — iibUlU JJBEIUIAIU), THE GUOANKlt Or" ^V^BTEMBEBO. 5li £{n, F5'^l idon ! if t'lcn EirMi'M pomrrons ball IL'.J from its axis ,slii)pM Avitii mighty groan, Thine ears WDuld not liavo heard tlie ht-avy fall, In Lc vo-liuot twiiiM with Julia into on*; ! Cb, look back now upon thy rosy days ! Learu that Philoscpliy degenerates, E'en as the pulse with feebler motion plays ; Thy luiowledge, man Immortal ne'er createe. 'Tis well w^hen, through tin ice cf Senso refin'd, The fervent blood more fiercely can expand I Wluit ne'er can be aceomplish'd by mankind, Lieavo to the inmates s, Edward, Louis, Frederick, Guy,— None with Hir Eberhard can vie, — Himself a mighty host ! And then young TJlerick, his son, Ha ! how he loved the fray ! Xoung Ulerick, the Count's bold so^ hi COtJNT EBEEHARD, TBJE GROANER OF -WURTEMBHKa. When once the battle had begun, No foot's-breadth e'er gave way. The Eeiitliugers, with gnashing teeth; Saw our bright ranks reveal'd ; And, panting tor the victor's wreath, They drew the sword from out the sheath. And sought the battle-field. He charged the foe, — but fruitlessly, — Then, mail-clad, homeward sped ; Stern anger fill'd his father's eye. And TTiade the youthful warrior Hy, And tears of anguish shed. Now, rascals, quake ! — This grieved him sore^ And rankled in his brain ; And by his father's beard he swore, With many a craven townsman's gore To wash out this foul stain. Ere long the feud raged fierce and loud, — Then hasten'd steed and man To Doffiugen in thronging crowd, While joy inspir'd the youngster proud, — And soon the strife began. Our army's signal- word that day Was the disastrous fight ; It spurr'd us on like lightning's ray, And plunged us dc^ep in bloody fray. And in the spears' black night. Tlie youthful Count his pond'rous mace With lion's rage swung r(uind ; Destruction stalk'd before his face. While groans and bowlings fiU'd the place. And hundreds bit the ground. '/7oe ! Woo ! A heavy sabre-stroke Upon his neck descended ; The sight each warrior's jjity woke — In vaiii 1 In vain ! No word ho spoke — ■ His course on earth was ended„ OOTJN'T EBERHAPD, TH13 GROANEH OF WX'RTEMBERO. 56 Loml wcjjt both fri -iid ami focman then, ClieckVl was the victor's glow ; Tlie Count choor'tl tluis his Knights again— •' My Sou is like all other men, — " March, chikhvn, 'gainst tho Foe ! " With greater fury whizzVI each lance. Revenge iuliani'd the Mood ; O'er corpses mov'd the fearful dance — Tho townsmen 11- tl in I'andoni chance O'er mountain, vale and Hood. Tlioii back to camp, with trimipets' bray. Wo hied in joyful haste ; And wife and child, with roundelay, Witli clanging cup, and waltzes gay. Our glorious triumph graced. And our old Count, — what now does lie o His sou lies dead befoi'o him; Within his tent all woefully He sits alone in agony, And drops one hot tear o'er him. And so, with true affection warm, The Count our Lonl we love ; Himself a mighty hero-swarm — The thunders rest within his arm — He shines like star above I Farewell, then, ye who take delight In boasting of your worth ! To many a man, to many a knight, Belov'd in peace, and brave in hghb. The Swabian laud gives birth 1 56 BEMELE: IN TWO SCENES. DRAMATIS PERSONS Juno. Semele, J'i'incess of Thebes, Jupiter. Meecuey. ScEiTE — The Palace of Cadmus at Thebes. SCENE I. Jtjno. {Descending from her chariot, enveloj)ed if a cloud.) Away, ye JPeacocks, with Biy winged car !