UC-NRLF ^B 155 37? RX^SKII^ fv-?i^ r:-'ss.^:-^^: ';^i'Ua^ /^. (^^i^^^^-i-i- ' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/bibliographyofruOOsheprich THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EUSKIN LETTER FROM MR, RU8KIN, The Compiler of this Bibliography has had the honour to re- ceive, in acknowledgment of a copy which he sent to Brant- wood, the following letter from Mr. Ruskiit : — " Beantwood, Coniston, Lancashire, d^tn Sept., '78. My dear Sir, So far from being distasteful to me, your perfect reck- oning up of me not only flatters my vanity extremeh^ but will be in the highest degree useful to myself. But you know so much more about me than I now remember about anything, that I can't find a single thing to correct or add — glancing through at least. I will not say you have wasted your time ; but I may at least regret the quantity of trouble the book must have given you, and am, therefore, somewhat ashamedly, but very grate- fully yours, (Signed) J. RUSKIN. THE A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS IN PROSE AND VERSE OF JOHN RUSKIN M.A. FROM 1834 TO THE PRESENT TIME (OCTOBER 1878) NEW YORK JOHN WILEY AND SONS 1878 CAf€ TO HENEY BACKHOUSE ESQ. WHO FIRST SUGGESTED TO THE COAfPILER THE IDEA OP THIS LITTLE BIBLIOGRAPHY IT IS NOW GRATEFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED 823 INTEODUCTIOK Simple and easy as a List like the present may seem when finished and in the reader's hands, the materials for its compila- tion have taken many years to collect, and much anxious labour has been spent on its preparation and arrangement. No entry has in any case been made at second-hand ; but always with the actual book, pamphlet, magazine, or journal described lying before the compiler. The order adopted is mainly chro- nological. It is hardly to be hoped or expected that in the earliest draught of so extensive an undertaking no single lacuna will occur ; and, indeed, the Editor has little doubt that several letters to the public journals not enumerated here will yield themselves to more fortunate or more persistent research. In the meantime he begs to tender his best thanks to those kind friends and correspondents who have furnished him with many valuable additional items which have served to make the Bibliography if not complete or exhaustive, a far nearer ap- proach to completeness than it could otherwise have been. Among these he would more especially name Robert Somer- vell, Esq., of Hazelthwaite, Windermere ; Peter Bayne, Esq.; Henry T. Wharton, Esq. ; Charles Welford, Esq. ; J. H. Cham- berlain, Esq., of Birmingham ; Charles W. Sutton, Esq., of the Manchester Public Free Libraries ; Fred. W. Foster, Esq., of Chelsea ; T. G. Ashton, Esq. ; Mr. George Allen, of Orping- 8 INTRODUCTION. ton (Mr. Ruskin's publisher) ; and last but not least the dear and gifted friend to whom the brochure is inscribed. EiCHARD Herne Shepherd. 5, Hereford Square, S. W., October^ 1878. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF liUSKIN^. Hie Magazine of Natural History, conducted by J. C. Lou- don. Vol. vii. 1834. Sept. 1834 (No. 41), pp. 438-439. Enquiries on the Causes of the Colour of the Water of the Rhine, signed J. R., and dated ''March, 1834." Dec. 1834 (No. 44), pp. 644-645. Facts and Considera- tions on the Strata of Mont Blanc ; and on some instances of Twisted Strata observable in Switzerland, by J. R., dated "March, 1834." (With three draw- ings by the author). *' Mr. Loudon was the first literary patron who sent words of mine to be actually set up in print, in his Magazine of Natural History, when I was sixteen." — Instructions in the Use of Rudimentary Series, Oxford, p. 35. 2 Poems in Friendship's Offering : — 1835. Saltzburg. Fragments from a Metrical Journal (Andemacht, St. Goar, dated 1833). " My first verse- writing in Friendship's Offering at fifteen."— ?7mwm- ty Magazine, April, 1878. § My First Editor. 10 BIBLIOGBAPHY The Magazine of Natural History, and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, Geology and Meteorology, conducted by J. C. Loudon. Vol. ix. 1836. In List of Contributors — ^'Ruskin, J., 488, 533." Sept. 1836 (No. 65), pp. 488-4'90. Short paper on the Cathedral of Basle, &c., signed "J. R., Heme Hill, July 25, 1836." Oct.. 1836 (No. QQ), pp. 533-536. Observations on the causes which occasion the variation of Temperature between Spring and River Water, by J. R., dated '^Herne Hill, Sept. 2, 1836." Poems, &c., in Friendship's Offering (continued) : — 1836. The Months. 1837. The Last Smile. Leoni. A Legend of Italy (prose), containing the Song, '^Full, broad, and bright is the silver light." The Poetey of Akchitecture, with Illustrations by the Au- thor, and other papers, signed Kata Phusij^, in Loudon's Architectiiral Magazine, Vol. iv., No. 45 (Nov. 1837), to end of Vol. v., No. 59 (Jan. 1839). *'The series of Essays written for the Architectural Magazine, under the signature of Kata Phusin, contain sentences neariy as well put together as any I have done since." Ml/ First Editor {University 3Iaf/azine), April, 1878. (Reprinted, with illustrations, by T. Wiley & Son, New York, 1873. 1 vol., 12mo, cloth, $1.50.) OF BUSKIK. 11 6 Poems in Friendship's Offering (continued) : — 1838. The Scythian Grave. Remembrance. Christ Church, Oxford. 1839. A Scythian Banquet-song. Aristodemus at Plataea. 7 Poems in Tfie London Montlily Miscellany (Smith, Elder & Co.), No. 6 (Januaiy 1839), signed J. R.; viz.: — Song, " We care not what skies are the clearest " Song, *' Though thou hast not a feeling for one " Horace, Iter ad Brundusium, [It is possible that the earher and later (if there be any later) numbers of this magazine contain other verses by John Ruskin ; but the sixth is the only number to which we have at present succeeded in obtaining access.] 8 Salsette and Elephanta. a Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 12, 1839, by John Ruskin, Christ Church, Oxford. Printed and published by J. Vincent, MDCCCXXXIX..pp. 19. Poems, &c., in Friendship's Offering (continued) : — 1840. The Scythian Guest. ' The Broken Chain, Parts 1 and 2. (P) To * * *, "That slow and heavy bell hath knoll'd." (Signed p.) 1841. The Tears of Psammenitus. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY The Two Paths. The Old Water-Wheel. Agonia. The Broken Chain. Part 3. The Departed Light. [In ** The English Helicon of the Nineteenth Century, edited by T. K. Hervey, Lond. 1841," are printed (pp. 56-57) The Old Water-Wheel, and (pp. 276-287) A Scythian Banquet-song, with the full name of John Ruskin as the author.] 184:2. The Last Song_of Arion. The Hills of Carrara. The Broken Chain. Part 4. 1843. The Broken Chain. Part 5, with a drawing of Amboise by the Author, engraved by E. Goodall. 10 Modern" Paiijters : their superiority in the Art of Landscape Painting to all the Ancient Masters proved by examples of the true, the beautiful, and the intellectual, from the Works of Modern Artists, especially from those of J. M. W. Turner, Esq., R.A. By a Graduate of Oxford. 8vo, pp. xxxi. 420. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1843. Second Edition, 1844, pp. Ixxxviii. 423. 11 Two Letters from the Author of Modern Painters in T7ie Artist and Amateur^ s Magazine, edited by E. V. Eippingille. Lond : Longmans, 1843-44, pp. 280-287 ; 314-319. 12 Poems, &c., in Friendsliip* s Offering (concluded) : — OF RUSKIK. 13 1844, The Battle of Montenotte. A Walk in Chamouni. With two drawings by the author, " The Coast of Genoa," and "Le Glacier des Bois," engraved by J. C. Armytage. 13 Poems in The Keepsake : — 1845, pp. C3-G4. The Old Seaman. " 270. The Alps seen from Marengo. 1846, '' 35. Mont Blanc. " 234. The Arve at Cluse. U Poems in Heath's Book of Beauty, 1846 : — Written among the Basses Alpes. pp. 109-110. . ^* ' The Glacier. 15 Modern Painters. Volume II. Containing Part III., Sec- tions 1 and 2. Of the Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties. By a Graduate of Oxford. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1846, pp. xvi. 217. The third edition of the first volume (1846), revised by the author, was enlarged in size to match with the above. There are no illustrations to the first and second volumes ; but the illustrations destined to appear in the later volumes rendered a larger page necessary. 16 Danger to the National Gallery. Times, Thursday, January 7, 1847. A long letter of more than a column and a half, signed " The Author of Modem Painters," and dated Jan. 6. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 17 Articles in the Quarterly Review : — June, 1847, pp. 1-57. Lord Lindsay's History of Christian Art. March, 1848, pp. 390-427. Eastlake on the History of Painting. ** Although I consented, some nine years ago, to review Lord Lindsay's Christian Art and Sir Charles Eastlake's Essay on Oil Painting, in the Quarterly y I have ever since steadily refused to write even for that once respectable periodical." — Notes on the Royal Academy, 1856, page C. 18 The Sevei^ Lamps of Architecture. By John Euskin, Author of "Modern Painters." With Illustrations, drawn and etched by the Author, large 8vo, pp. xii. 205. (The plates are fourteen in number.) London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1849. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. By John Ruskin, M.A. With Illus- trations, drawn by the Author, and re-etched by R. P. Cuif. Second Edition, with added Preface, large 8vo, pp. xx. 205. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1855. 19 Poems. J. E. Collected 1850, pp. iv. (including title), 283, (sig. B 2 to T 3), crown 8vo. Printed for private circulation. [The Poems marked with an asterisk had been previously printed in the publications specified at the side. F. 0. stands for Friendship's Ofering.] Poems— COl^lENTS. Page 1. Song, '^ I weary for the torrent " . 3 2. The Avalanche 5 3. Ehrenbreitstein .... 8 OF BUSKIN^. 15 Vq-em^— continued. Page 4. The Emigration of the Sprites . . 13 5. Good Night 20 6. On Adele by Moonlight ... 22 *7. The Months 23 * The Last Smile . . ... .25 9. The Gipsies 2G *10. Song. *' Full broad and bright is the silver light " . . . . 45 ♦11. The Scythian Grave . . . 4G *12. Remembrance 49 *13. Christ Church, Oxford ... 51 14. The Exile of St. Helena ... 53 15. The Reci'eant 67 16. The Wreck 69 *17. Aristodemus at Plataea ... 71 *18. Salsettfe and Elephanta *19. Song. "We care not what skies are the clearest " . . . . 87 *20. Song. " Though thou hast not a feel- ing for one " .... 89 *21. Horace. Iter ad Brundusium . 91 22. Memory .92 23. The Name 94 24. Canzonet. '' The v^inter's chill " . 97 25. Fragment from a Meteorological Jour- nal 98 26. Canzonet. '* There's a change in the green of the leaf " . . . 101 27. The Mirror 102 F. 0. 1836. F. 0. 1837. F. 0. 1837. F. 0. 1838. F. 0. 1839. ( (Oxford 11 4: \ Prize Poem 1839.) London Monthly Miscellany^ January, 1839. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY Poems — continued. Page 28. Song of the Tyrolese after the Battle of Brixen 104 *29. Scythian Banquet Song . . . 106 *30. The Scythian Guest . . . .121 *31. The Broken Chain. In Five Parts. 131 32. ToAdele 203 *33. Th6 Tears of Psammenitus . . 208 *34. The Two Paths 217 *35. The Old Water- Wheel ... 219 36. Farewell 221 *37. The Departed Light *38. Agonia *39. The Last Song of Arion *40. The Hills of Carrara . 41. Charitief *42. The Battle of Monfcenotte *43. A Walk in Chamouni 44. La Madonna dell' Acqua *45. The Old Seaman . 236 . 238 239 . 249 252 . 255 265 . 269 271 F. 0. 1839. F. 0. 1840. F. 0. 1840 to 1843. F. 0, 1841. F. 0. 1841. F. 0. 1843. If.o. 1844. *46. The Alps 274 47. Mont Blanc EeyisitedJ . *48. The Arve at Cluse . *49. Mont Blanc *50. Written among the Basses Alpes *51. The Glacier KeepsaJce, 1845. Keepsake, 1846. HeaiVs Book of Beauty, 1846. f This poem is quoted in full. in a paper in The Literary World, April 12, 1878. X Printed in extenso in Lyra Christiana, a little volume published at Edinburgh OF RFSKIN. 17 20 The King of the GoLDE^q" Kiver ; or the Black Brothers : a Legend of Stiria. IHustrated by Richard Doyle. Square 8vo, pp. 56. London ; Smith, Elder & Co., 1851. 21 Pre-Raphaelitism. By the Author of '^ Modem Painters." Svo, pp. 68. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1851. With Dedication to Francis Hawksworth Fawkes of Farnley. A New Edition, Svo, pp. 67. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1862. 22 The Stones of Venice. By John Ruskin. With Illustra- tions drawn by the Author. In Three Volumes, 8vo. Smith, Elder & Co., 1851-1853. Vol. 1. The Foundations, 1851, pp. xvi. 413. Vol. 2. The Sea-Stories, 1853, pp. viii. 394. Vol. 3. The Fall, 1853, pp. iv. 362. The first volume only has a half-title. The Stones of Venice. With Illustrations drawn by the author. A New Edition with New Preface of four pages and a half, limited to 1,500 copies. The Preface in each copy is signed by the author with his own hand. 23 Examples of the Aechitzcture of Venice. Selected and drawn to measurement from the Edifices. By John Ruskin, Author of '' The Stones of Venice," etc., imperial and atlas folio (India proofs). Parts 1, 2, and 3. Fifteen Plates, with Preface and descriptive letter-press. Smith, Elder & Co. and Colnaghi, 1851. All published. It was originally intended to issue twelve parts at a 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY guinea each. Fifty India proofs were taken on atlas folio, price two guineas each part. 24 Notes on- the Construction of Sheepfolds. By John Ruskin, M.A. 8vo, pp. 50. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1851 (The Advertisement is dated " February, 1851 "). Second Edition, with new Preface, occupying two pages, pp. 50, 1851. Second Edition (sie), with the first Preface and another new Preface, dated **Brantwood, 3rd August, 1875." Orpington : Allen, 1875, pp. iv. 52. In republishing this pamphlet in 1875, after the lapse of nearly a quarter of a century, the author apparently fQrgot that he had already published a Second Edition in 1851, and that the re-issue should have been rightly described as " Third Edition." 25 The National Gallery. Times , Wednesday, December 29, 1852. A long letter of considerably over a column, signed *' The Author of Modem Painters," and dated "Heme-hill, Dulwich, Dec. 27." 26 Giotto akd his Works iist Padua : being an Explanatory Notice of the Series of Woodcnts executed for the Arundel Society after the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel. By John Euskin. 3 parts, pp. 124. Printed for the Arundel Society, 1854. 27 Extra Plates of the Arundel Society, No. 2G. The Cavalli Monument, &c. With a description by John Euskin, Esq. 30s. OF RUSKIIS^. 19 28 "Christ before Pilate," and "Christ bearing the Cross." Photographs from the paintings by Tintoretto, in the Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice. With Mr. Buskin's description. Extra Publications of the Arundel Society, produced during the last ten years. (Nos. 20 and 21 of List, dated Oct., 1866.) 29 Lectures on" Architecture and Paintiitg, delivered at Edinburgh in November, 1853. With 15 Illustrations draAvn by the Author, pp. vi. 239. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1854. Second Edition, pp. vi. 240. London, 1855. 30 The Opening of the Crystal Palace, considered in some of its relations to the prospects of Art. By John Kuskin, M.A., pp. 21. London : Smith, Elder & Co. 1854. 31 Two Letters to Tlie Times on The Light of the World and The Awakening Conscience by^olman Hunt, &c. May, 1854. The first of these Letters, dated *' Denraark-hill, May 4," appeared in The Times of Friday, May 5, 1854; the second, undated, with the title of "The Pras-Raphaelites," in The Times of Thursday, May 25, 1854. Reprinted for private circulation only, under the title of '' Letters to The Times on the principal Pra3-Raphaelite Pictures in the Exhibition of 1854, from the Author of Modem Painters " ^^, 9. 32 Notes on some of the Principal Pictures exhibited in THE Rooms of the Royal Academy, 1855. By the Au- 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY thor of Modern Painters. Third Edition, with a Supple- ment. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1855, pp. 40. Notes on some of the Principal Pictures exhibited in the eooms of the eoyal academy and the society of Painters in Water Colours. No. II., 1856. By John Ruskin, M.A., Author of Modern Painters, London : Smith, Elder & Co., pp. 48. Third Edition, with postscript, pp. 51. No. IIL 1857. London : Smith, Elder & Co., pp. 60. No. ly. 1858. ih., pp. 64. No. V. 1859. ih., pp. 56. Notes on some of the Principal Pictures exhibited in THE Rooms of the Royal Academy, 1875. By John Rus- kin, Slade Professor of Fine Art, &c., Oxford. Orpington : Allen, and London : Ellis & White, 1875, pp. 61. 33 Modern Painters. Volume III., containing Part 4. Of Many Things. By John Ruskin, M.A. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1856, pp. xix. 348. With 18 illustrations, including the frontispiece. The Preface is dated "Denmark Hill, Jan. 1856." 34 Modern Painters. Volume IV., containing Part 5. Of Mountain Beauty. By John Ruskin, M.A. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1856, pp. xii. 411. With 35 Illustrations, including the frontispiece. The Preface is dated "Denmark HiU, March, 1856." 35 The Harbours of England. Engraved by Thomas Lupton, OF KUSKIN. 21 from original Drawings made expressly for the work by J. M. W. Turner, E.A., with Illustrative Text by J. Euskin, Author of Modern Painters. 12 plates, text pp. yii. 53, folio. London : published by E. Gambart & Co., Berners Street, 1856. The Preface is dated ''Denmark Hill, April, 185G." 36 Letter to the Rev. F. Temple [now Bishop of Exeter] on the Arts as a branch of Education : dated *' Penrith, Sept. 25, 1857." Printed in T. D. Acland's "Account of the Origin and Objects of the New Oxford Examinations." London : llidgway, 1858, pp. 54-00. 37 Notes on the Turner Gallery atMarlboi-ough House, 1856. By John Kuskin, M.A., pp. 88. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. Second Edition, pp. 88, 1857; Third Edition, pp. 88, 1857. Notes on the Turner Collection at Marlborough House, 1856 — 7, By John Ruskin, M. A. Fourth Edition, revised, with a Preface, pp. viii. 88. Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. Fifth Edition, revised (the Preface is almost entirely different in this Edition), pp. viii. 91. Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. 38 Letter to The AthencBum on the Gentian, in explanation of a passage in the Turner Notes, dated "Denmark Hill, Feb. 10" {Athenmum, February 14, 1857). 39 Catalogue op the Turner Sketches in the National Gal- 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY lery. Part I. For private circulation. London : Spottis- woode, 1857, pp. 49. 40 Catalogue of the Sketches and Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, E.A., exhibited in Marlborough House in the year 1857— 8, accompanied with Illustrative Notes. By John Euskin, M.A., London : printed by Spottiswoode & Co., pp. 53 (including title), 1857. The scriptural mottos at the end are given in Latin in this edition. Another Edition, with woodcut figures, pp. 76. London : printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1858. The scriptural mottos at the end are given in English in this edition. 41 The Political Economy of Art. Being the substance (with additions) of Two Lectures, uelivered at Manchester, July 10th and 13th, 1857. By John Euskin, M. A., pp. viii. 248. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. 42 Examination of Mr. Euskin before the National Gallery Com- mission, 1857. Printed in the Parliamentary Blue Book, and also in The Literary Gazette, August 32, 1857. 43 The Elements of Drawing ; in Three Letters to Beginners. By John Euskin, M.A. With Illustrations drawn by the Author, pp. xxiv. 350. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1857. Second Edition, with added Advertisement, and additional Notes in the first Appendix. London : Siiiith, Elder & Co., 1857, pp. xxiv. 359. There are also some verbal alterations in the text. OF RUSKIlf. 23 44 The Elements of Perspective. Arranged for the use of Schools, and intended to be read in connexion with tlie first three Books of Euclid. By John Ruskin, M.A. 8vo, pj). xii. 144. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1859. 45 Mr. EusKiK on Generalization and the Pre-Raphaelites. Let- ter signed J. Kuskin, to tlie Editor of The Witness, Edin- burgh, Saturday, March 27, 1858. 46 Inaugural Address, delivered at Cambridge, Oct. 29, 1858 (Cambridge School of Art). Cambridge : Deighton, Bell & Co. London : Bell & Daldy, 1858, pp. 40. 47 Letter to the Editor of TJie Literary Gazette, Nov. 13, 1858. Partly reprinted in Appendix IV. to The Two Paths. 48 Mr. Ruskin on the Italian Question. Letter of more than a column, dated ** Berlin, June 6, 1859," signed ** J. Ruskin." Printed in The Scotsman of Wednesday, July 20, 1859. Mr. Ruskin on Foreign Politics. Letter of a column, dated "Berlin, June 15," and signed *'J. Ruskin." Printed in The 8cotsma7i of Saturday, July 23, 1859. Mr. Ruskin and the Italian Question. Letter dated *^Schaff- hausen, August 1, 1859," and signed "J. Ruskin." Printed in The Scotsman of Saturday, August" 6, 1859. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY 49 The Two Paths : being Lectures on Art, and its application to Decoration and Manufacture, delivered in 1859 — 60. By John Ruskin, M. A. With two Plates, pp. x. 371. Lon- don : Smith, Elder & Co., 1859. A few introductory words to the Inaugural Lecture, at the Kensington Museum, 1858 (not given in this volume), may be found, "not much mis- reported," in The Building Chronicle of January, 1858. New Edition (forming volume X. of the Collected Works of John Eus- kin), with new Preface, dated *'Brantwood, 21st January, 1878," pp. xii. 232. George Allen, Sunnysidc, Orpington, Kent, 1878. In the new Preface the author says: — "I have no time nor sight now for the revision of old plates ; and besides I own to a very enjoyable pride in making the first editions of my books valuable to their possessors, who found out, before other people, that these writings and drawings really were good for something. I have retained, therefore, in this edition only the woodcuts necessary for the explanation of the text; and the two lovely en- gravings by Messrs Cuff and Armytage will, I hope, render the old volume more or less classical among collectors. The few references to them are withdrawn from the present edition." 50 The Oxfoed Museum. By Henry W. Acland, M.D. and John Ruskin. London : Smith & Elder, 1859. Mr. Ruskin's two Letters occupy pp. 44-56, and pp. 60-90. 51 MoDERi^ pAiin:ERS. Volume V. Completing the Work, and containing Parts 6. Of Leaf Beauty. 7, Of Cloud Beauty. 8. Of Ideas of Relation — i. of Invention Formal. 9. Of Ideas of Relation — ii. of Invention Spiritual. By John Ruskin, M.A. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1860, pp. xvi. 384. With 35 engravings on steel, and numerous engravings on wood. OF RUSKIlf. 25 A new and final edition of the five volumes of Modem Painters, limited to a thousand copies, appeared in 1873. To the first Volume is prefixed a new Preface, signed by the author with his own hand in each copy. Frondes Agrestes ; Readings in Modern Painters, chosen at her pleasure, by the author's friend, the younger lady of the Thwaite, Coniston, pp. vii. 184. Orpington : G. Allen, 1875. With Preface, dated "Heme Hill, 5th December, 1874," and occasional footnotes by the author. 52 Sir Joshua and Holbein. Cornhill Magazine, March, 1860, pp. 322-328. 53 " Unto this Last." Four Papers in the Cornhill Magazine, August to November, 1860, vol. ii. pp. 155-166 ; 278-286 ; 407-418 ; 543-564. - *'Unto this Last": Four Essays on the first Principles of Political Economy. By John Raskin (with a Preface, dated, "Denmark Hill, 10th May, 1862"), pp. xviii. 174. Second Edition, with new note in Preface, dated "Venice, Sunday, 18th March, 1877," pp. xxi. 174. Orpington: Allen, 1877. 54 Essays on Political Economy, being a Sequel to Papers which appeared in the Cornhill Magazine, By John Rus- kin. June, 1862, vol. 65, pp. 784-792 ; September and December, 1862, vol. 66, pp. 265-280, 742-756; April, 1863, vol. 67, pp. 441-462. MuNERA PuLVERis : Six Essays on the Elements of Political Economy (forming Volume 2 of The "Works of John Rus- 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY kin). With Preface, dated ** Denmark Hill, 25th Novem- ber, 1871," pp. xxvii. 186. London : Smitli, Elder & Co., and G. Allen, Keston, Kent, 1872. The substance of these Essays appeared in Fraser's Magazine, June, September, December, 1862, and April, 1863, as above. 55 On the Forms of the Stratified Alps of Savoy. A Paper read at the Koyal Institution, June 5, 1863. Printed in The Geologist, July, 1863, pp. 256-259. 56 Four Letters in The Reader, signed J. Raskin. Nov. -Dec., 1864 :— 1. The Conformation of the Alps. Dated " Denmark Hill, 10th November, 1864." {Reader, 12th Nov., 1864.) 2. Concerning Glaciers. Dated ^'^ Denmark Hill, Nov. 21." (Reader, 26th Nov., 1864.) 3. English versus Alpine Geology. Dated *^ Denmark Hill, 29th Nov." (Reader, 3rd December, 1864.) 4. Concerning Hydrostatics. Da'ed '* Norwich, 5 th De- cember." (Reader, 10th Dec, 1864.) 57 Notes on the Shape and Structure of some parts of the Alps, with reference to denudation, by John Ruskin, F.G.S. With plates drawn by the author. Geological Magazine, No. 8, February, 1865, and No. 11, May, 1865 ; Voh ii., pp. 49-54, 193-196. OF BUSKIN. 27 58 The Cestds of Aglaia. — Art Journal, January to July, 1865. 59 Sesame and Lilies. Two Lectures delivered at Manchester in 1864, by John Ruskin, M.A. 1. Of Kings' Treasuries. 2. Of Queens' Gardens, pp. 196. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1865. Second edition, with Preface, pp. xxiii. 196. Smith, Elder & Co., 1865. Revised and Enlarged Edition, being the first Volume of a Collected Series of Mr. Ruskin's Works, with the old Pre- face detached 'for use elsewhere,' a new Preface to tlie Series, dated "Denmark Hill, 1st Januaiy, 1871," and the addition of the Dublin Lecture (1868), on " The Mystery of Life and its Arts," pp. xxviii. 172. London : Smith, Eldor i& Co., 1871. This volu-.nc should contain a slip * advertisement ' of 15 lines, respect- ing the iirice and mode of salo of the series. 60 Five Lotters on "Work and Wages," to the Pall Mall Gazette, dated Denmark Hill, Thursday, April 20, Satur- day, April 22, Saturday, April 29, May 4, May 20, 1865 (printed in the P. M. G, of April 21, 25, and May 2, 9, 22, 1865). 61 Domestic Servants. —To the Editor of Tlie Daily Telegraph, dated "Denmark-hill, Sept. .2" {D. T., Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1865). 28 BIBLIOGEAPHY Domestic Servants. — To the Editor of Tlie Daily Telegraph, dated '^Denmark-hill, Sept. G " [D, T,, Thursday, Sept. 7, 18G5). Domestic Servants. — To the Editor of Tlie Daily Telegraph. Letter of a column and a half, dated '^ Denmark-hill, Sept. 16" (/>. T, Monday, Sept. 18, 1865). Modern Houses. — To the Editor of The Daily Telegraph, dated "Denmark-hill, Oct. 16" {D, T,, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1865). 62 The Jamaica Insurrection. — To the Editor of The Daily Tele- graph, dated '* Denmark-hill, Dec. 19" (D. T, Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1865). 63 The Ethics of the Dust : Ten Lectures to Little House- wives on the Elements of Crystallisation, by John Ruskin, M.A. Smith, Elder & Co., 1866, pp. xii. 244. (The Pre- face is dated "Denmark-hill, Christmas, 1865.") Second Edition, with new Preface, occupying seven pages, and additional note on last page. * Orpington ; Allen, 1877, pp. xx. 244. 64 The British Museum : Letter to the Editor of The Times signed "J. Ruskin," and dated "Denmark-hill, Jan. 26" {Times, Saturday, January 27; 1866). 65 The Crown of Wild Olive : Three Lectures on "VYork, Traffic and War, by John Ruskin, M.A. Smith, Elder & Co., 1866, pp. xxxiv. 219. OF KUSKIIf. 29 The Crown op Wild Olive : Four Lectures on Industry and War (forming the Sixth Volume of the Collected Works of John Ruskin), pp. 210. London : Smith, Elder & Co. Keston : G. Allen, 1873. With the addition of the Lecture on Tlie Future of England, delivered at Woolwich, Dee. 14, 1869, which had appeared separately as a pamphlet, pp. 14, "Woolwich, printed at the Royal Artillery Institution, 1870." 66 On" Banded and Brecciated Concretions, a series of Papers published in the Geological Magazine, vol. iv. to vii., 18G7-1870, with plates drawn by the author, and engraved by G. Allen, August and November, 1867 ; vol. iv. pp. 337- 339, 481-483 ; January, April and May, 1808, vol. v. pp. 12-18, 156-161, 208-213 (this paper is dated "Denmark- hill, 22d April, 18G8 " ) ; Dec. 1869, vol. vi. pp. 529-534 ; January, 1870, vol. vii. pp. 10-14. More was promised, but more does not seem to have appeared. 67 Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne. Twenty-five Letters to a Working Man of Sunderland on the Laws of Work, pp. viii. 199. Smith, Elder & Co., 1867. The Preface is dated, "Denmark Hill, Dec. 14, 1867." Second Edition, pp. viii. 199. Smith, Elder & Co., 1868. New Edition (forming the fifth volume of Mr. Ruskin's Collected Works), pp. xii. 211. London : Smith, Elder & Co., and Keston : G. Allen, 1873. These letters were first printed in the Manchester Examiner and Times at various intervals between Tuesday, March 5, and Tuesday, May 7, 1867. In their original newspaper form many passages appeared which were omitted afterwards. 30 BIBLIOGKAPHY 68 The Standard of Wages.— Letter to the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, dated "Denmark Hill, April 30, 1867" (P. if. G.y May 1, 1867). 69 German Popular Stories. By J. L. C. and W. C. Grimm. With Illustrations, after the Original Designs of George Cruikshank. With Introduction by John Kuskin, M.A. London : J. C. Hotten [1868]. Mr. Ruskin's Introduction occupies five leaves (pp. v. to xiv.) of the preliminary matter, and is dated '* Denmark Hill, Easter, 1868." 70 Is England big enough ?— To the Editor of The Daily Tele- graph, dated "Denmark Hill, July 30." {D. T, Friday, July 31, 1868.) Increased Eailway Fares. — To the Editor of The Daily Tele- graph, dated "Denmark Hill, Aug. 5." {D. T, Thursday, August 6, 1868.) Railway Economy. — To the Editor of The Daily Telegraph, dated "Denmark Hill, Aug. 9." {D. T, Monday, August 10, 1868.) 71 References to the Series of Paintings and Sketches, from Mr. Ruskin's Collection, shown in illustration of the relations of Flamboyant Architecture to contemporary and subsequent art, at the Evening Meeting of the Royal Institution, Fri- day, January 29, 1869. London : Queen-Street Printing- Office, 1869, pp. 11 (including title). OF RUSKII^. 31 72 The QuEEif of the Air : being a study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. By John Kuskin, LL.D., pp. viii. 199. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1869. The Preface is dated '* Vevay, May 1, 18G9." New Edition (forming the Ninth Volume of the Collected Works of John Riiskin), pp. X. 208. Orpington : G. Allen, 1874 73 Catalogue of Pictures, Drawings and Sketches, chiefly by J. M. W. Turner, K.A., the property of John Ruskin, Esq., by whom the Catalogue is compiled, sold by Auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods, Thursday, April 15, 1869. 74 Drawings and Photographs, illustrative of the Architecture of Verona, shown at the Royal Institution, Feb. 4th, 1870. London : Qaeen-Street Printing-Office, 1870, 8vo. pp. 16. 75 Mr. Ruskin on the War.— To the Editor of TJie Daily Tele- graph. Two Lotters, dated ^^ Denmark Hill, Oct. 6 and 7." {D. T., Friday, Oct. 7, and Saturday, Oct. 8, 1870.) 76 Letter to the Editor of Macmillan's Magazine, dated " Den- mark Hill, 14th Oct., 1870," and subscribed "John Rus- kin," on a mis-statement made in a paper by Mr. Stopford Brooke, in the October number {Macmillan'' s Magazine, vol. 22, p. 80, No. 133, November, 1870). 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY 77 Lectures on Art, delivered before the Uniyersity of Oxford, in Hilary Term, 1870. By John Ruskin, M.A., pp. 189. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1870. 78 Railway Safety.— A letter to the Editor of TJie Daily Tele- graph, dated ^^ Denmark Hill, Nov. 29, 1870," and sub- scribed ^^ J. Ruskin." {D. T., Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1870). 79 Catalogue of Examples, arranged for Elementary Study in the University Galleries. By John Ruskin, M. A., Honorary Student of Christ Church, and Slade Professor of Fine Art. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press, 1870, 8vo, pp. 63. Catalogue of the Reference Series, including, temporarily, the first Sec- tion of the Standard Series, privately printed, pp. 32. Catalogue of the Educational Series, privately printed, pp. 56. These two pamphlets contain the substance of the previous one, con- siderably enlarged. 80 The Exhibition of Old Masters.— Letter to the Editor of Tlie Times, signed ^^John Ruskin," and dated '^Denmark Hill, Jan. 23." {Times, Tuesday, January 24, 1871.) 81 The Streams of Italy. A letter of more than half a column to the Editor of Tlie Daily Telegraph, dated ^'Oxford, Feb. 3." (D. T, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1871.) OF KUSKIN. 33 82 FoRS Clavigera. Letters to tlie Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain. By John Ruskin, LL.D. Letters I. to XXIV., January 1871, to December, 1872. With Index, 8vo. Keston : George Allen. With Illustrations (price seven pence eacii number). Forming Vols. 1 and 2 (separate pagination to each number). FoRS Clavigera. Letters XXV. to XLVIIL, Januaiy, 1873 • to December, 1874. With Index, 8yo. In 1873 at Keston, and afterwards at Orpington : George Allen. With the 37th Letter (Jan. 1874), the price was raised to tenpence, and the pagination was made continuous throughout the volume. Forming Vols. 3 and 4. FoRS Clavigera. Letters XLIX. to LXXXIV., January, 1875 to December, 1877, 8vo. Orpington : G. Al^cn (form- ing Vols. 5, 6 and 7). End of the First Series. In the third edition of Letter 57, Sept. 1875, pp. 248-9, a vituperative passage respecting Mr. Gladstone is omitted, and an apologetic note takes its place. Letter to Young Girls. Reprinted, with slight addition, from Fors Clavigera, Letters 65 and 66, FoRS Clavigera. Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain. New Series, Letters 1, 2 and 3 (January to March, 1878), 8vo. Orpington : G. Allen. Suspended on account of the author's illness. In the List of his Works, issued in August, 1878, it is stated that ** Mr. Ruskin hopes, after some in- terval of rest, to continue ' Fors Clavigera ' to the end of the eighth vol- ume, with complete summary of the whole ; and that * Proserpina, ' ' Deu- calion,' and 'The Laws of Fesole' may be issued with less interruption than hitherto. " In the present state of his health it would be vain to anticipate, what 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY he yet sees no need for gravely doubting, the conclusion, ultimately ac- cording to his design, of * Love's Meinie ' and * St. Mark's Rest.' " 83 Akatra Pektelici. Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculp- ture, given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas Term, 1870 (forming Volume 3 of ^'The Works of John Euskin"). With Illustrations, pp. xii. 207. London : Smith, Elder & Co.; G. Allen, Keston, 1872. The Preface is dated " Denmark Hill, 25th Nov. 1871." 84 The Relatioit between Michael Angelo and Tintoret. Seventh of the Course of Lectures on Sculpture, delivered at Oxford, 1870-71. By John Ruskin, pp. 45. Smith, Elder & Co. ; and Allen, Keston, 1872. 85 1. Instructions in Elementary Drawing. 2. Catalogue of Rudimentary and Reference Series. 3. Instructions in use of Rudimentary Series. With an Introductory Notice, dated *^ Corpus Chrisfci College, 4th April, 1872." 8vo, pri- vately printed, pp. iv. 44. Instructions in the Prelimin^ary Exercises. Arranged for the Lower Drawing School, Oxford, hy John Raskin, Slade Professor of Pine Art, pp. 55. London : printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street-square, and Parliament- street. 8vo, 1873. Dated at the end '' Corpus Christi College, Nov. 1st, 1872." 86 The Eagle's Nest. Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natu- OF RUSKIN-. 35 ral Science to Art, given before the University of Oxford, in Lent Term, 1872. By John Ruskin (forming Vol. IV. of the collected ** Works of John Ruskin "), pp. viii. 232. Lon- don : Smith, Elder & Co. Keston : G. Allen, 1872. The Preface is dated ''Brant wood, Sept. 2, 1872." 87 Christian Art and Symbolism, with some hints on the Study of Landscape, by R. St. John Tyrwhitt. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1872. The Preface by Mr. Ruskin occupies four pages, and is dated "Pisa, 30th April, 1872." 88 Exhibition of Outlines by the late John Leech, at the Gallery, 9, Conduit Street, Regent Street, with letter from John Rus- kin. 4to, pp. IG. London, 1872. Mr. Ruskin's letter occupies one page in double columns. It is given also in autotype in the new issue of Leech's ** Children of the MobiHty. R. Bentley & Son, 1875." 89 The Nature and Authority of Miracle. Contemporary Review, March, 1873 (Vol. xxi. pp. 627-634). Home, and its Economies. Contemporary Revieio, May, 1873 (Vol. xxi. pp. 927-937). 90 Mr. Ernest George's Etchings. Letter to the Editor of TJie Architect, Printed in The Architect, December 27, 1873. 91 Letter in reply to a request to lecture at the Glasgow Athe- 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY iiEeum, dated '' Rome, May 26, 1874." (Printed in the Glas- gow Herald, and in the Times of Saturday, June 6, 1874). 92 Abiadke Floren^tiita : Six Lectures on Wood and Metal En- graving, given before the University of Oxford, in Michael- mas Term, 1872 (forming the Seventh Volume of the col- lected "Works of John Euskin "), with Illustrations, pp. vi. 266. Keston and Orpington : G. Allen, 1873-76. Advertisements, in the form of title-leaves of this work, issued in 1873, before the publication of the first part, read " Facinora Dierum : Six Lec- tures," &c., such being the title which these lectures, at first, were intended to bear. 93 Val d'Arn^o. Ten Lectures on the Tuscan Art, directly antecedent to the Florentine year of Victories, given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas Term, 1873. With 12 plates (forming the Eighth Volume of the col- lected "Works of John Euskin "), pp. 230. Orpington: Allen, 1874. 94 Love's Meii^'IE. Lectures on Greek and English Birds, given before the University of Oxford. By John Euskin, LL.D. 1. The Eobin, to pp. 41 Price One Shilling each. 2. The Swallow „ 83 \ — G. Allen, Keston, 1873. 3. The Chough (with plates), price 2s. 6d. is announced as in preparation. 95 Proserpina. Studies of Wavside Flowers while the air was OF RUSKIN". 37 yet pure among the Alps, and in the Scotland and England which my father knew. Orpington : Allen. Parts 1 and 2, 1875. ) y Price 2s. 6d. each. Parts 3 and 4, 1876. ) (to page 194.) 90 "Eeviewing." — Letter to the Editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, dated "Brantwood, Jan. 18th." (P. M, G,, Jan. 19, 1875.) 97 Mr. Ruskin Explains. — To the Editor of Tlie World. Letter signed "John Ruskin," dated "Corinis Christi College, Oxford, June G, 1875." (Printed in The World of June 9, 1875, vol. ii., p. 539.) An article entitled *• Ruskin to the Rescue," in reference to Mr. Ruskin's new system of pubhshing, had appeared in a recent number. 98 The Art Schools of Mediaeval Christendom. By A. C. Owen. Edited hy J. Ruskin, Ch. Ch. Oxford, Slade Professor. London : Mozley & Smith, 1876. Mr. Ruskin's Preface occupies four pages, and is dated "Oxford, Nov. 26, 1875." There are also some brief foot-notes throughout the volume, signed ''Ed." 99 Letter to H. S. Marks, A.R. A., on the Exhibition of Works of the late Frederick Walker (printed in the Times, Thursday, January 20, 1876). 100 "Copies of Turner's Drawings."— Letter to the Editor of 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY Tlie Times, signed "Jolm Kuskin," and dated "Peter- borough, April 23." {Times, Tuesday, April 25, 1876.) 101 A Protest against the Extension of Railways in the Lake District, by Robert Somervell, with a Preface by John Ruskm. Windermere : J. Garnett. London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. The Preface occupies nine pages, and is dated, " Brantwood, 22nd June, 1876." 102 Modem Warfare. — To the Editor of Fraser^s Magazine, F. M„ New Series, vol. xiv. pp. 121-123 (July, 187G). 103 Deucalion. Collected Studies of the Lapse of Waves and Life of Stones, by John Ruskin, LL.D., 8vo., Parts 1 and 2, 1875. Parts 3 and 4, 1876. Part 5, 1878. (Orpington : G. Allen.) With Illustrations drawn by the Author and G. Allen, engraved by G. Allen. (Price 2s. 6d. each part.) Part V. ends on page 240. 104 BiBLiOTHECA Pastorum. Edited by John Ruskin, Honorary Student of- Price 2s. 6d. each. Part 2, to pp. 96. ) 109 Ak Oxford Lecture. By Professor Ruskin. Nineteenth Century, January, 1878. 110 My First Editor. An Autobiographical Reminiscence. Preface to a Series of Reminiscences of the late W. H. Harrison. — University Magazine, April, 1878, pp. 385-391. Ill !N"otes by Mr. Ruskik o^ his Drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, R.A., exhibited at the Fine Art Soci- ety's Galleries, 148, New Bond-street, March, 1878. Also an Appendix containing a List of the Engraved Works of J. M. W. Turner, exhibited at the same time. 8yo, pp. 101, with ornamental initial letters. Mr. Ruskin's portion of the pamphlet occupies 64 pages, dated at the end, "Brantwood, Feb. 21, 1878." A slip is inserted, dated Feb. 27, 1878, in reference to *'Mr. Buskin's sudden and dangerous illness;" in consequence of which "the latter portion of these Notes is presented in an incomplete state, and the Epilogue remains unwritten." In the Third Thousand a portion of the Epilogue was incorrectly printed from fragmentary Notes, OF KUSKIl^. 41 In the Seventh Thousand, with an Appendix containing a few Notes on the Drawings by the Rev. W. Kingsley (pp. 84), the Epilogue appeared in a correct and complete form, dated "Brantwood, 10th May, 1878," the author having by that time so far recovered as to be able to finish it. The Ninth Thousand (pp. 14G,) contained a Second Part, ** Notes by Mr. Ruskin on his own handiwork," dated " Brant wood, June 5, 1878." 112 In addition to the papers already announced for the first meeting of the New Shakespeare Society on Friday, October 18, 1878, will be read some "Notes by Professor Ruskin on the meaning of the word fret in Julius CcesaVy I., ii., 104 :— * and yon gray lines That /re/ the clouds are messengers of day.'" ADDENDA. Education- in Art. By John Ruskin. Printed in the "Transactions of the National Association for the Pro- motion of Social Science, 1858. Lond. 1859," 8vo, pp. 311-31G. Letter in The Critic in defence of Coventry Patmore — Critic, Oct. 27, 1860 (vol. xxi. p. 505.) REPOKTS OF LECTURES BY MR. RUSKIN. On Tree Twigs, at the Weekly Evening Meeting of the Royal Institution, Friday, April 19, 18G1. (Report in Pro- ceedings of Royal Institution. Vol. iii., pp. 358-360.) 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY On the Forms of the Stratified Alps of Savoy, Friday, June 5, 1863. (Vol. iv., pp. 142-146.) On tlic present state of Modern Art with reference to the advisable arrangements of a National Gallery, Friday, June 7, 1867. On the Flamboyant Architecture of the Valley of the Somme, Friday, January 29, 18C9. A Talk respecting Verona and its Rivers, Friday, Feb. 4, 1870. (Report in Proceedings, Vol. vi., pp. 55-61.) RUSKINIANA. 1. Selections from the Writings of John Ruskin, Master of Arts, Oxon. With a portrait, engraved by Francis Holl, after the original by George Richmond, 8vo, pp. viii. 440. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1861. The selections are from the following works : — Modem Painters, 5 vols. ; The Seven Lamps of Architecture ; The Stones of Venice, 3 vols. ; Lectures on Architecture and Painting ; The Two Paths ; The Harbours of England ; The Political Economy of Art ; two or three pamphlets. 2. Precious Thoughts, Moral and Religious, gathered from the Works of John Ruskin, M.A. By Mrs. L. C. Tu thill. New York : Wiley & Son, 1865, pp. 349. The editor refers in her Preface to an earlier volume of Selections, pub- lished by her some years previously, devoted mainly to Nature and to Art. This we have not seen. For full title, see No. 13. 3. Art Culture : a Handbook of Art Technicalities and Criti- cisms, selected from the Works of John Ruskin, arranged by Rev. W. H. Piatt. New York : John AViley & Son, 1873, pp. XXV. 485. OF RUSK IN-. 43 4. Something on Euskinism ; with a ''Vestibule," in Rhyme. By an Architect, pp. 51. London : Robert Hastings, 13, Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn, 1851. 5. Notes on Shepherds and Sheep. A Letter to John Ruskin, Esq., M.A., by William Dyce, R.A. Longmans, 1851, pp. 36. G. A Reply to N'otes on the Construction of Sheepfolds. By a Graduate of the University of Cambridge. 8vo, pp. 16. London : C. Goodall & Son ; and J. Bosworth, Regent- street, 1851. 7. Obsoletism in Art. A Reply to the Author of Modern Painters, in his defence of Prc-Raphaelitism. By E. V. Rippingille. Svo, pp. 56. London : Bentley, 1852. 8. Revival of Vandalism at the National Gallery. A reply to Messrs. Ruskin, Heapiiy, and Womum's Letters in The Times, &c. With Notes by Morris Moore, pp. 23. Lon- don : John Ollivier, 59, Pall Mall, 1853. 9. Notes on some of the Critics of John Ruskin, M.A., author of Modern Painters, &c. By A. B., pp. 31. London : Partridge «& Co., 1857. 10. Mr. Ruskin, his opinions and comparisons of painters. A few remarks dedicated to the shades of Raphael, Correggio, and Murillo. By B. H. Green. London : Effingham Wilson, n.d., pp. 24. 11. L'Esthetique Anglaise, Etude sur M. John Ruskin, par J. Milsand, pp. xii. 180. Paris, 1864. 12. Three Great Teachers of our Time : being an attempt to deduce the spirit and purpose animating Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. By Alexander H. Japp. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1865. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RUSKIN. 13. The True and the Beautiful in Nature, Art, Moral Sj and Eeligion. Selected from the Works of John Ruskin, A.M. With a Notice of the Author by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Por- trait. 1 Yol. 12mo, cloth extra, $2.50. J. Wiley & Son, 1858. 14. Pearls for Young Ladies. Gathered from the later works of John Ruskin. By Mrs. Louisa 0. Tuthill, (Editor of '^True and Beautiful.") 1 vol. 12mo, cloth extra, 12.00. J. Wiley & Son, 1878. VALffABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS \ LIST OP TIIE WORKS OP JOHN RUSKIN. PUBLISHED BY JOHN V/ILEY & SONS, 15 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. 1878. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION VOLUME, Pearls for Young Ladies, GATHERED FROM THE LATER WORKS OF JOHN RUSKIN. By MRS. LOUISA C. TUTHILL (editok OF "true and beautifui..") One Vol., 12mo, cloth extra, elegant^ . . $2.00 1' THE WORKS OF JOHN RUSKIN UNIFORM IN SIZE AND BINDINGS. MODERN PAINTERS. 5 vols, tinted paper, bevelled boards. Vol. 1.— Part 1. General Principles. Part 2. Truth. Vol. 2.— Part 3. Of Ideas of Beauty. Vol. 3.— Part 4. Of Many Things. Vol. 4.— Part 5. Of Mountain Beauty. Vol. 5. — Part (5. Leaf Beauty. Part 7. Of Cloud Beauty. Part 8. Ideas of Relation of Invention, Formal. Part U. Ideas of Relation of Invention, Spiritual. ]2mo, cloth, plates, in box $18 00 '• half calf, plates. 27 00 STONES OF VENICE. 3 vols. 13mo, cloth, tinted paper. Box $7 00 Vol. 1. — The Foundat ons. Vol. 2.— The Sea Stories. Vol. 3.— The Fall. Ditto. 3 vols 12nio, half calf, tinted paper 12 00 SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. With illus- trations, drawn and etched by the authors. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $175 LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE A^ D PAINTING. With illustrations, drawn by the author. 1 vol. 12nio, cloth $1 50 T3ZE TWO PATHS. Being Lectures on Art, and its Appli- cation to Decoration and Manufacture. With plates and cuts. 1 vol. 12ino, cloth $1 25 THE ELEMENTS OF DRAWING. In Three Letters to Beginners. With illustrations, drawn by the author. 1 vol. 12rao, cloth $100 THE ELEMENTS OF PERSPECTIVE. AiTanged for the use of Schools. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 00 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ART. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 00 FRE-RAPHAELITISM. ^ NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF L, . ,_ SHEEPFOLDS, ^ ckth, $f 00 KING OF THE GOLDEN RIVER; or, The Black Brothers. A Legend of Stiria. SESAME AND LILIES. Three Lectures on Books, Women, etc. 1. Of Kings' Treasuries. 2. Of Queens' Gardens. 3. Of the an^stery of Life. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 50 AN INQUIRY AFFECTING "THE STUDY OF AR- CHITECTURE" IN OUR SCHOOLS. 1 vol. 12mo, paper $0 15 THE ETHICS OF THE DUST. Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crvstallization. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth . . $1 2-1 ST. MARK'S REST. THE HISTORY OF VENICE. Written for the help of the few Travellers who still care foi her Monuments. Parts 1 and 2. 1 vol. 12mo $1 .( C THE WORKS OF JOIIN KUSKIN. 3 Uniform in Size and Dindinga. "UNTO THIS LAST." Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 00 THE CROWN OP WILD OLIVE. Three Lectures on Work, Traffic, and War. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth .$1 01) TIME AND TIDE BY WEARE AND TYNE. Twenty- five Letters to a Workingman on the Laws of Work. 1 vol. 12ino, cloth ^V 00 THE QUEEN OF THE AIR. Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. 1 vol. l2mo, cloth $1 00 LECTURES ON ART. 1 vol 12mo, cloth 1 00 FORS CLAVIGERA. Letters to the Workmen and Laborers of Great Britain. Part 1. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, plates, |1 00 FORS CLAVIGERA. Letters to the Workmen and Laborers of Great Britain. Part 2. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, plates, $1 00 FORS CLAVIGERA. Letters to the Workmen and Laborcra of Great Britain. Part 3. 1 vol. 1 2mo, cloth MUNERA PULVERIS. Six Essays on the Elements of Political Economy. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 00 ARATRA PENTELICI. SLx Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture, given before the University of Oxford. By John Ruskin. 12mo, cloth, $1.50, or with plates $:J 00 THE EAGLE'S NEST. Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art. 1 vol. 12mo !|vl 50 THE POETRY OF ARCHITECTURE : VUla and Cottage. With numerous plates. By Kata Phusin. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth $1 50 Katn Phnsin is the supix)*;(l Nora do Plume of Jolin Ruskin. ARIADNE FLORENTINA. Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving. By John Ruskin. 12mo, cloth. (Com- plete.) $1 50 Ditto. Parts 4, 5 and G. 12mo, cloth 1 00 FROND^ AGRB3TES. Readings on " Modem Painters." Chosen at her pleasure by the author's friend, the Younger Lady of the Thwaite, Coniston. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth. .$1 00 LOVE'S MEINE. Lectures on Greek and English Birds. The Robin. 42mo, cloth $1 00 MORNINGS IN FLORENCE. Being Simple Studies on Christian Art for English Travellers. 12mo, cloth $1 00 • Santii Croce— The Golden Gate— Before the Soldan— The Vaulted Roof. PROSERPINA. Studies of Wayside Flowers, while the air was yet pure. Among the Alps and in the Scotland «ind England which my Fatherknew. Vol. 1, $1.00. Vol. 2, Plates. $1 25 DEUCALION. Lapse of Waves and Life of Stones. Vol 1 $100. ]2rao, cloth. Vol.2 $125 LAWS OF FEGOLF, THE. A Familiar Treatise on the Elementary Principles and Practice of Drawing and Painting as determined by the Tuscan Masters. Arranged for the use of Schools. Parts 1 and 2. Plates. 12mo, cloth. .$1 00 RUSEIN'S WORKS. 20 vols., cloth elegeTnt, new style, $40 00 " 20 vols. , half calf' extra $78 CO *^* Any icork of John Iluskin's ioill be sent free, ly mail, lyn receipt of the printed price. WORKS OF JOnX BUSKIN. BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION VOLUMES. Printed o,% tinted paper, and eleoanlly bound in crape cloth extra, bevelled buard% gilt head. THE TRUE AND THE BEAUTIFUL IN NATURE, ART, MORALS, AND RELIGION. Selected from the Works of John Ruskin, A.M. With a Notice of the Author by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Portrait. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth extra, gilt head $:3 50 ART CULTURE. Consisting of the Laws of Art, selected from the Works of John Ruskin, and compiled by Rev. W. H. Piatt. A beautiful volume, with many illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth extra, gilt head $3 00 "Mr. riatt has worked out an idea so striking for its attractiveness and utility that, perceiving it, we at once go to wondering that pomebody else had not executed it before him. He has gone over the vast and superb areas of John Iluskin's Writings, and cutting out one block here and ariothei there, as it suited his purpose, has put all these pnrts together agahi into a literary mosaic, constituting a clear and harmonious system of art. princi- ples, wherein Ruskin all the while is the ti-achi-r. He has reduced Ruskin to a code. On the whole, we see not what this book lacks of being a com- plete tc.xt-book of the Gospel of Art according to St. John Riukin." — Christian Union. PRECIOUS THOUGHTS : Moral and Religious Gathered from the Works of John Ruskin, A.M. By Mrw. L. C. 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