r.\ 08* n LIBRARYs OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received U^^^...... , i8^. Accessions No. '^.^-/^ 'T Shelf No. C& %^ 3a I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/findinglistofsalOOsalerich FINDING-LIST OF THE SALEM PUBLIC LIBRARY SALEM, MASS, JULY, 1889. ^'f^ OP THB ■USIVEHSITvl OS* ^ilFO SALEM, MASS.: SALEM OBSERVER BOOK AND JOB PRINT. 1889. Ui-/^ ^ 6 n ^^ Board of Trustees and Officers OK THE SALEM PUBLIC LIBRARY, TRUSTEES. John M. Raymond, George R. Emmertox, James A. Emmerton, Charles S. Osgood, Nathaniel A. Horton, George W. Williams, Thomas F. Hunt, David Pingree, Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Mayor, ex officio. Elected Feb. 27, 1888. " Feb. 27,1888. « Feb. 27, 1888. « Feb. 27, 1888. " Feb. 27, 1888. « Feb. 27, 1888. " July 20, 1888. " April 5, 1889. Died May 22, 1888. " Dec. 31, 1888. OFFICERS. John M. Raymond, Mayor, Chairman, ex officio. Charles S. Osgood, Secretary. George W. Williams, Treasurer. COMMITTEES. On Finance, — Messrs. Raymond, Pingree and Williams. On Administration, — Messrs. Horton, Williams and Hunt. On Books, — Messrs. Hunt, Osgood and Mahoney. LIBRARIAN. Gardner M. Jones. ASSISTANTS. Maria A. Buffum, Gertrude C. Smith, Charlotte Crowninshield, Walter N". Daniels, Lillian F. Dresser, Walter N". Arthur C. Pickering. JANITOR. John F. Hadley. LIBRARY REGULATIONS. I. The Library will be open every day for the delivery of books (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. On Saturday the library will be open until 9 P. M. II. Any resident of the city of Salem over 12 years of age, shall be entitled to draw books from the library by signing an application and agreement, and complying with the conditions therein contained. III. • Each person entitled to draw books from the library will be supplied with a card inscribed with his or her name, residence, and register number. This card must be presented whenever a book is taken, returned or renewed,, and if lost it will not be replaced until seven days after notice of the loss is given. Im- mediate notice of a change of residence must be given at the library. No borrower will be permitted to transfer his or her right to any other person, nor shall any book be loaned to any person not belonging to the household of the borrower. IV. For teachers in public or private schools of good standing, teacher cards may be issued, one for each teacher, upon which six books at each time may be taken out for the use of their pupils. These books shall be upon subjects connected with the studies of the school. Teachers shall be responsible for all books so taken, and shall return any such book upon the written notification of the librarian that the book is desired by another person. V. The holder of a card is entitled to draw only one volume at a time. Books may be retained two weeks except those labelled " Seven days book, " which cannot be retained more than one week, and cannot be renewed. Books cannot be exchanged the same day they are taken out. VI. Books of reference, elaborately illustrated books, and such others as may be un- suited for general circulation, can be used only in the library rooms. Persons desiring books for use in the library may obtain them by filling out the slips prepared for that purpose. VII. A fine of two cents a day shall be paid if a book is kept over time, and no other book will be delivered to the party incurring the fine till it is paid. When a book shall have been retained beyond the prescribed time a messenger will be sent for it, who shall have authority to collect the fine, and an additional fee of twenty cents for such messenger service. READING ROOM REGULATIONS. V. VIII. Writing or marking in books is prohibited, and all injuries to books beyond rea- sonable wear shall be promptly adjusted to the satisfaction of the librarian. If any borrower lose or materially injure a book, paper or magazine belonging to the library or reading room, he shall furnish another copy of the same or later edi- tion, or pay the librarian's appraisement at his option. If the book so lost or in- jured be part of a set he shall replace or pay for the entire set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his property. IX. Any person abusing the privileges of the library, or violating the foregoing regu- lations shall be temporarily denied the use of the library, and such person may, in the discretion of the Trustees, forfeit all right to further use of the library. READING ROOM REGULATIONS. I. The reading room will be open every week day from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., and on Sunday from 2 P. M. to 8 P. M. II. All persons above the age of twelve may have free access to the reading room dur- ing all regular hours, for the purpose of consulting the books, newspapers and periodicals. III. Every person desiring books for use in the Reading Room, shall fill out the slips prepared for that purpose. Before leaving the room the borrower shall return such book or books to the attendant, and shall not under any circumstances take the same from the room. IV. All conversation and all conduct inconsistent with quiet and order are strictly prohibited. V. All persons violating any of the foregoing rules shall forfeit thereby all right to use the Reading Room. EXPLANATION. A complete card catalogue of the library is in preparation. This will con- tain full entries of every book under author, subject, or subjects, if it treats of several, and under title, when the title does not clearly state the subject. Such a catalogue takes time to prepare, and, if printed, is costly, therefore, fol- lowing the example of many other libraries, this " Finding-list " has been made, which will be found sufficiently full for most purposes. It includes all books in the library, July 8, 1889, arranged both under author and under subject. If the author is known, look for his name in the "Author list." If the author is not known, look for the subject in the " Index of subjects," from which reference is made to the page on which books on tliat subject are found. If the subject desired is not found in the index, look under a similar or more general heading ; as, for example, a book on " Earthquakes " will be found under " Geology. " Anonymous books are entered under their titles in the " Author list." Books marked by a *, mostly reference books, are not allowed to circulate, and can only be consulted in the library. Those with a small j before the call number, are specially suited for juvenile readers. Books should be applied for on the call-slips provided for that purpose, and great care should be used in copying the call number exactly as it is in the finding list, including the punctuation, but omitting the * or j ; as follows: 821-T2 ; B-EM32 ; 970.1-D. If the work is in several volumes, the volume de- sired should be stated. As new books are added, the titles will be posted in the Delivery room, and will be included in bulletins to be issued as often as necessary. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abyssinia. See Africa 44, 65 Acoustics. See Physics 14 Administration 10 Africa 43, 65 Agriculture 21 Alaska. See Western states 45, 69 Alps 41 America, British 44,66 Central 46, 70 Xorth 44-46, 65-70 South 46,70 American literature 28-31 Amusements 26 Anatomy. See Medicine 20 for artists. -See Drawing 24 Ancient history 60-61 Angling. See Amusements 26 Animal magnetism. See Spiritualism 3 Animals. See Zoology 18 Domestic. See Agriculture 21 Antarctic regions 47 Anthropology 16 Antiquities. See Customs, &c 12 Also the history of each country. Arabia 43, 65 Archaeology, Prehistoric 16 Also see the history of each country. Architecture 24 Arctic regions 47 Arithmetic. See Mathematics 14 Arms and Armor. See Customs, &c 12 Army. See Administration 10 Arts, Fine 23-27 Useful 19-23 Asia 42, 60, 65 Assyria 60 Astronomy 14 Athletics. See Amusements 26 Atlases 38 Australia 47 Austria 40, 63 Author list 71-152 Fiction 177-203 Azores. See Portugal 41 Babylon 60 Ballads. See Literature 27 Balloons. See Physics 14 Banking. See Political economy 8 Bee«, &^e Agripttlture 38 Bermuda. See West Indies 46 Bible 4 Bibliography 1 Biography 48-59 Biology 16 Birds. See Zoology 18 Care of. See Agriculture 21 Boating. See Amusements 26 Book-collecting. See Bibliography 1 Book-keeping. See Communication 22 Book-making and selling. See Com- munication 22 Books. See Literature 27 Use of. See Librai'y economy 1 Boston 45, 69 Botany 17 Bi-aiu. See Mental philosophy 2 Brazil 46, 47 British America 44, 66 Building 23, 24 Burmah. See India "...42 Business. See Commerce 11, 22 California 46, 69 Camping. See Amusements 26 Canada 66 Canals. See Engineering 21 Caverns. See Geology 15 Cai'icature. See Drawing 24 Carpentry. See Building 23 Carthage 60 Catacombs. See Devotional religion 6 Catalogues of libraries i Cattle. See Agriculture 21 Central America 46, 70 Ceramics 24 Ceylon. See India 42 Chemistry 15 Chess. See Amusements 26 China 42, 65 China painting. See Ceramics 24 Chinese immigration. See Political science. . .8 Chinese literature 37 Chivalry. See Europe .' 61 Chronology. See History 59 Church history 6 Civil sei'vice reform. See Administration 10 Civil war in the U. S 67 Civilization. See History 59 Climate, See Geology 15 VIII. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Collector's manuals 17 Colleges. See Education 10 Color. See Physics 14 Commentaries. See Bible 4 Commerce 11, 22 Communication 22 Connecticut 69 Constitutional history 9 Conversation. See Education 10 Cookery 22 Corea. See China 42, 65 Correspondence. See Biography 48 See American letters 31 See English letters 34 Costume 12 Cremation. See Medicine 20 Cnisades. See Europe 61 Cuba 46, 70 Customs 12 (For the customs of a special coun- try see travels in that country.) Cyclopaedias 1 Cyprus 43, 60 Darwinism. See Evolution 16 Dates. See History 59 Decoration 24 Democracy. See Political science 7 Denmark. See Scandinavia 41, 64 Description and ti-avels 37-47 Dictionaries. See Philology 12 of special subjects, see that subject. Diseases 20 Domestic animals. See Agriculture 21 Domestic economy 22 Drainage. See Engineering 21 Drama. See Collections 28 American 30 English 33 Dramatic art. See Amusements 26 Drawing 24 Dress 12 Ecclesiastical history 6 Education 10 of women 12 Egypt 43, 60, 65 Electricity & electric light 14, 15 Engineering 21 England ^ 39, 62 English language 13 literature 31-35 Engraving 26 Entomology. See Zoology 18 Epitaphs. See Genealogy 49 American 30 Essays, English 33 Essex County 69 Etching 26 Ethics .3 Ethnology. See Archaeology 16 Etiquette. See Customs 12 Europe 38-42, 61-65 Evolution 16 See also Natural religion 4 Farming. See Agriculture 21 Fermentation. See Chemistry 15 Ferns. See Botany 17 Fiction, by authors 177-203 by titles 153-176 History and dictionaries 33 Finance. See Political economy 8 Fine arts 23-27 Fire departments. See Administration 10 Fire protection. See Building 23 Fish. See Zoology 18 Fish-culture. See Agriculture 21 Fishing. See Amusements 26 Flags. See Heraldry 50 Floriculture. See Landscape gardening 24 Florida 45 Food. See Cookery 22 See Medicine 20 Forestry. See Agriculture 21 France 40, 63 Freemasons. See Secret societies 10 Freetrade. See Political economy 8 French literature 35 Fruits. See Agriculture 21 Fungi. See Botany 17 Furniture. See Decoration 24 Games 26 Gardening 21, 24 Gazetteers. See Travel 37 Gems. See Chemistry 15 Genealogy 49 German language 12 literature 35 Germany 40, 63 Geography. See Travels 37 Physical. See Geology 15 Geology 15 Geometry. See Mathematics 14 Government. See Political science 7 See also Administration 10 Grammar. See Philology 12 Grape culture. See Agriculture 21 Great Britain 39, 62 Greece 41, 61 Greek literature 36 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. IX. Gymnastics. See Medicine 20 Gypsies. See Customs 12 Bealth 20 Heat. See Physics 14 Heating. See Building 23 Heraldry 49 Heredity. See Evolution 16 History 69-70 Holland 41, 65 Holy Land 43 Homiletics 6 Horse. See Agriculture 21 Horsemanship. See Am usements 26 House decoration 24, 25 Housekeeping. See Domestic economy 22 Housepainting. See Building 2.S Huguenots. See Ecclesiastical history 6 Humor, American 31 English 34 Hungary. See Austria 63 Hunting. See Amusements 26 Hygiene. See Medicine 20 Hymns. See Devotional religion 6 Iceland 41 India 42, 65 Indians, North American 65 Insanity. See Mental philosophy 2 Insects. See Zoology 18 Inventions. See Useful arts 19 Ireland 39, 62 Italian literature 35 Italy 40, 64 Japan 42 Jesus Christ. See Doctrinal works 5 Jews 7, 60 Kansas 70 Kentucky 69 Labor. See Political economy 8 Land question. See Political economy 8 Landscape gardening 24 Language. See Philology 12 Latin literature • 36 Law 9 Letters. See Biography 48-59 American 31 English 34 Libraries 1 Light. See Physics 14 Lighthouses. See Engineering 21 Literature 27-37 Locomotives. See Engineering 21 Logic. See Mental philosophy 2 Louisiana 45 Machines. See Useful arts 19 See also Engineering 21 Magazines 2 " iu Beading room 204 Magic 3 See also Amusements 26 Magnetism. See Physics 14 Animal. See Spiritualism 3 Maine 46 Man. See Anthropology and Evolution 16 Manners. See Ethics 3 See also Customs 12 Manufactures 23 See also Useful arts 1^ Maps. .38 Marriage. See Ethics 3 Maryland 69- F-— achusetts 45, 68 Mathematics • 14" Mechanics. See Physics 14 See also Useful arts 1^ See also Engineering 21 Medicine 20-- Meinory. See Mental Philosophy 2 See also Medicine 20 Mental philosophy 2 Mesmerism. See Spiritualism 3 Metallurgy. See Manufactures 23^^ Metaphysics. See Philosophy 2 Meteorology. See Geology 15 Mexico 46, 70 Michigan 46, 69 Microscope 17 Middle Ages. See Europe 61 Mind-reading. See Spiritualism 3 Mineralogy. See Chemistry 15 Money. See Political economy 8 Moral philosophy. See Ethics 3 Mormonism 7 Morocco 48 Music 26 Mythology 7 Names. See Genealogy 49 Natural history 18, 19 Also see Science, general works 13 Natural philosophy. See Physics 14 Natural religion 4 Navigation 14 See also Commerce 22 Navy. See Administration 10 Needlework. See Domestic economy 22 Netherlands 41, 65 New England 45, 68 New Guinea. See Polynesia 47 New Hampshire 44, 69 New Jersey 69 New York 45, 68 X.. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. New Zealand. See Australia 47 Newfoundland 66 Newspapers 2 in reading room 204 Nineveh 60 North America 44-46, 65-70 North American Indians 65 North Atlantic States 45, 68 Norway. See Scandinavia 41, 64 Novels, by author 177-203 by title 153-176 Oceanica. See Polynesia 47, 70 Odd Fellows. See Secret societies 10 Ohio 69 Opium habit. See Ethics 3 Optics. See Physics 14 Qratory, American 31 English 34 Oregon 69 Ornithology. See Zoology 18 Painting 25 Paleontology. See Geology 15 Palestine 43 Palmistry. See Magic 3 Parliaments. See Political science 7 Patagonia. S'ee South America 46 Paul, St. See Bible 4 Pennsylvania 69 Pei'iodicals 2 in reading room 204 Persia 43, 60 Peru 70 Philology 12 Philosophy 2 Phonography. See Communication 22 Photography 26 Phrenology. See Mental philosophy 2 Physical geography. See Geology 15 Hiysics 14 Physiognomy. See Mental philosophy 2 Physiology. See Medicine 20 Plants. See Botany 17 Ptaying cards. See Amusements 26 Poetry. See Literature 27 American 29 English 32 Poland. See Russia 64 Polar seas. See Arctic regions 47 Political economy 8 Political science 7 Polygraphy 2 Polynesia 47, 70 Portugal 41, 64 Pottery 24 Poultry. See Agriculture 21 Preaching 6 Printing. See Communication 22 Prisons 10 Probabilities. See Mathematics 14 Protection. See Political economy 8 Proverbs. See Customs, &c 12 Pseudonyms. See Bibliography 1 Psychology. See Philosophy 2 Publishing. See Communication 22 Punctuation. See English language 13 Pyramids. See Egypt 60 Pyrenees. See France .40 Quotations. See Literature 27 Racing. See Amusements 26 Railways. See Commerce 11, 22 Readers and speakers 28 Reading. See Bibliography and Li- brary economy 1 Rebellion in the U. S 67 Reformation. See Ecclesiastical history 6 Religion 4-7 Rhetoric 28 Rome .40, 61 Russia 41, 64 Russian literature 35 Salem 45, 68 Sanitary Science. See Medicine 20 Also see Engineering 21 Satire, American 31 English 34 Scandinavia 41, 64 Scandinavian literature 35 Schools. See Education 10 Science 13-19 Scotland 39, 62 Sculpture 24 Seamanship. See Commerce 22 Secret societies 10 Selections for reading and speaking 28 Sermons 6 Sewerage. See Engineering 21 Shakespeariana. See English drama 33 Sheep. See Agriculture 21 Shells. See Zoology 18 Ships of war. See Administration 10 Shipwrecks. See Travels 37 Shooting. See Amusements 26 Shorthand. See Communication 22 Siam. See India 42 Siberia 43 Sight. See Physics 14 Slavery 8 Social Science 7-12 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. XI. Socialism. See Political economy 8 Societies 10 Sociology 7-12 Sound. See Physics 14 South America 46, 70 South Seas. See Polynesia 47 Southern states 45, 69 Spain 41, 64 Spanish literature 35 Speakers 28 Spectrum analysis. See Physics 14 Speeches, American 31 English 34 Spiritualism 3 Sports. See Amusements 26 Stage. See Amusements 26 Statesmen, Works of. See Political Science. ..7 Steam engine. See Engineering 21 St<^>rm3. See Geology 15 Subject list 1-70 Suffrage for women 12 Sumatra. See Polynesia 47 Sweden. See Scandinavia 41, 64 Switzerland 41, 65 Synonyms. See English language 13 Syria 43 Tapestry. See Decoration 24 Tariff. See Political economy 8 Taxation. See Political economy 8 Taxidermy 17 Telegraph. See Physics 14 Telephone. See Physics 14 Temperance. See Ethics 3 Tennessee 69 Texas 45 Theatre. See Amusements 26 Theology 4-7 Theosophy. See Natural religion 4 Tobacco. See Ethics 3 Travels 37-47 Trees. See Agriculture 21 Also see Botany 17 Turkey in Asia 43 in Europe 41, 65 Turkestan 43 Tyrol. See Austria 40 United States * 44-46, 66-70 Useful arts 19-23 Ventilation. See Building 23 Virginia 45, 69 Vocal culture. See Music 26 Voyages. See Travels 37 Scientific. See Science 13 War, Art of. See Administration 10 West Indies 46 Western states 45, 69 Woman 12 Words. See English language 13 Yachting. See Amusements 26 Zoology 18 GENERAL WORKS. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Adams. Manual of historical litera- ture. 1882 *016.9-1 American catalogue. 1888 *015-1 BowEN. Descriptive catalogue of his- torical novels and tales. 1882 *016.S-1 BuRTOX. Book-hunter. 1887 010-1 CusHiNG. Initials and pseudonyms. 2v. 1886 *014-1 DiBDix. Bibliographical tour in France and Germany. 3v. 1829 010-4 Bibliomania. 1864 010-3 Bibliophobia. 1832 010-2 Frey, Sobriquets and nicknames. 1888. *014-2 IIalkett & Laing. Dictionary of the anonymous and pseudonymous lit- erature of Great Britain, v. 1-3. 1882 *014-3 Hali. & Maxsfield. Bibliography of education. 1886 *016.3.1 Lang. Books and bookmen. 1886... 010-5 The library, 1881 010-6 Leypoldt & Jones. American cata- logue of books in print. 1876. 3v. Supplement. 1876-84. 2v *015-2 Lowndes. Bibliographer's manual of English literature. 6v. 1865 *015-3 Perkins. Best reading. 3v. 1887.... *016-1 Publishers' trade list annual. 1888... *015-4 Kebs. Pleasures of a book-worm. 1887. 010-7 LIBRARY CATALOGUES. Bangor Public Library. Catalogue. 1886 *017-1 Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue. 5v. 1874-82 ■ *019-1 Brooklyn Library. Catalogue. 1881. *019-2 Crevenna. Catalogue des livres de sa bibliothe'que. 5v. 1789 *017-2 Lynn Free Pub. Lib. Catalogue. 1885. *019-3 Bulletin. No. 1. 1888 *019-4 Manchester (Eng.) Free Library. Cata- logue of books in the reference department. 1864 *018-1 Mass. State Lib. Catalogue. 1880... *019-5 Milwaukee Public Lib. Catalogue. 1885 *017-4 Nevins Memorial Library, Methuen, Mass. Catalogue. 2v. 1887 *019-6 Newton Free Library. Class Catalogue. 1880-88 *017-3 Paterson, N. J. Free Public Library. Catalogue. 1886 *017-5 Peabody Institute Library. Finding List. 1878-88 *017-6 St. Johnsbnry Athenaeum. Catalogue. 1875 *019-7 San Francisco Free Public Library. Catalogue No. 4. 1884 *019-8 LIBRARY ECONOMY. Abbott. Hints for home reading. 1883. 028-1 Atkinson. Eight use of books. 1879. 028-2 Baldwin. Book-lover. 1885 028-3 Blades. Enemies of books. 1888. . . 025-2 Cutter. Alfabe tic order table *025-l Dewey. Decimal classification. Ed. 2. 1885 *025-3 Same. Ed. 3. 1888 *025-4 Rules for author and classed cata- logues. 1888 *025-5 Library journal. 13v. 187(5-88 *020-l Library notes, v.l. 1887 *020-5 Matthews. Home library. 1886.... 020-3 Thwing. Reading of books. 1883... 028-4 U. S. Bureau of Education. Public Li- braries in the U. S. 2v. 1876. . . . *020-2 Wheatley. How to form a library. 1887 020-4 GENERAL CYCLOPEDIAS. American cyclopaedia, ed. by Ripley and Dana, 16 v. and index, 1873-79.. *031-3 Chambers. Book of days. 2v *032-7 Information for the people. 2v. 1847 *032-l Champlin. Young folks' cyclopaedia of common things. 1888 *031-7 Young folks' cyclopaedia of persons and places. 1888 *031-8 Crabb. Dictionary of general knowl- edge. 1843 *032-2 Encyclopaedia Americana. 13v. 1829. . . *031-1 Encyclopaedia Brittanica. Ed. 3. 18 v. 1798. Supplement 3v. 1803 *0.32-6 Encyclopaedic dictionary, v.1-7, (pt. 1) inl3v. 1884-88 ! *032-3 5^.y^ OP THF. ^ [UHIVBRSITTI GENERA], WORKS. PHILOSOPHY. English cyclopsBdia. 22 v. in 11. 1854-66. International cyclopedia. 15 v. 1887. Johnson's new universal cyclopaidia. 4v.in 8. 1881 Platt. World's encyclopedia. 1887. Rees. Cyclopaedia. 47v *032-4 *031-9 *031-10 *031-11 *032-5 GENERAL PERIODICALS. Analectic magazine, v.1-14. 1813-19.. 061-5 Atlantic monthly, v.1-62. 1857-88.... 051-1 Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. V. 38-90. 1835-61 052-1 Boys' and girls' magazine j 051-6 Casscll's magazine, v. 1-3 052-2 Century, v. 23-37. 1881-89. (see also Scribner's monthly) 051-12 Edinburgh review, v. 2 1-71, 89-94. 1813- 40, 1849-51 052-3 Godey's lady's book, v.42-43. 1851. 051-7 Harper's new monthly magazine. V. 1-76 and index. 1850-88 051-2 Harper's weekly, v.7, 10-22, 24. 1863, 1866-78, 1880 *071-1 Hill. Secrets of the sanctum. 1875. 070-1 Knickei'bocker. v.2-56, 58, 64. 1833-65. 051-3 Ladies' companion. v.lO. 1839 051-8 Littell's living age. v.1-169. 1844-86.. 0.51-4 Lowell offering. 1845 051-9 Old and new. llv. 1870-75 051-11 Poole. Index to periodical literature. 1882. Supp. 1882-87 *050-l Portfolio, v.2-4. Phil a. 1809-10 051-10 Scribner's monthly, v. 1-37 and index. 1870-89 051-12 Youth's companion, v. 22-24. 1848-51. *071-2 POLYGRAPHY. BoMDAUGH. Gleanings from the har- vest-fields of literature, science and art. 1860 Haywaki). Family visitor. 1841 080-1 080-2 PHILOSOPHY. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon. Works. 15v 192-B Blavatsky. Isis unveiled. 2v 110-B Concord lectures on philosophy. 1882. 104-B Cook. Transcendentalism 141-C Epictetus. Works 188-E Fiske. Outlines of cosmic philoso- phy. 2v 191-F Fkothingiiam. Transcendentalism in New England 141-F Goodrich. Glance at philosophy 102-G Janet. Final causes 124-J Lewes. Problems of life and mind. 5v. 192-L McCosH. Realistic philosophy. 2v. . 104-M Mahan. Critical history of philoso- phy. 2v 109-M Mason. Treatise on self-knowledge. . 108-G Mill. Com te's positive philosophy. . 194-M Examination of Hamilton 192-M RiBOT. English psychology 192-R Shields. Order of the sciences 112-S Spencer. Synthetic philosophy. First principles 192-S5 Principles of biology. 2v 192-S6 Principles of psychology. 2v 192-S7 Principles of sociology. 2v 192-S8 Data of ethics 192-S3 Recent discussions 192-S Social statics 192-Sl Study of sociology 192-S2 Ueberweg. History of philosophy. 2v. 109-U Watson. Kant and his English critics. 193-W Schelling's transcendental idealism. 193-Wl MENTAL PHILOSOPHY. Bain. Logic lOU-B Mind and body 131-B Bastian. Brain as an organ of mind. 131-Bl Burton. Anatomy of melancholy. . . . 132-B Combe. Constitution of man 139-C; 108-G Corning. Brain exhaustion 131-C Darwin. Expression of the emotions. 131-D Galton. Hereditary genius 136-G Holmes. Mechanism in thought and morals 131-H Jevons. Logic 160-J Lavater. Essays on physiognomy. . 138-L Locke. Conduct of the understanding. 160-L LuYS. Brain and its functions 131-L Macnish. Philosophy of sleep lOS-Gt PHILOSOPHY. Maudsley. Body and mind 130-M Responsibility in mental, disease 132-M Mill. System of logic 160-M Perez. First three years of childhood. 150-P EiBOT. Diseases of memory 132 -R SiDGwiCK. Fallacies 165-S Spukzheim. Phrenology. 2v 139-S Sully. Illusions 130-S Taine . On intelligence. 2v 150-T ViGNOLi. Myth and science 155-V Waknek. Physical expression 131-W Whately. Elements of logic 160-W SPIRITUAIJSM, MAGIC, ETC. Ballou. Spirit manifestations 133-B Beard. Trance, muscle-reading, &c. 134-B Binet&Fere. Animal magnetism. . 134-Bl Brewster. Letters on natural magic. 133-Bl Carpenter. Mesmerism, spii'itual- ism, &c 133-C Craig. Your luck's in your hand; (palmistry) 133-Cl Dahlgren. South-mountain magic. . 133-D Davis. Principles of nature 1 .33-D3 De Metz. Hand-book of modern palm- istry 133-Dl DoDS. Spirit manifestations 133-D2 Grimes. Etherology and phreno-phi- losophy of mesmerism 134-G HiBBERT. Philosophy of apparitions. 133-H HovEY. Mind-reading and beyond. . . 134-H Sargent. Scientific basis of spirit- ualism ; 13.3-Sl Plauchette 133-S Taylor. Confessions of a medium. . . 133-T ETHICS. Alcott. Young man's guide 170-A Beecher. Lectures to young men 170-B Chandler. Elements of character. . . 170-C Clark, F. E. Our business boys j 174-C Clark, T. M. Lectures on formation of character 170-Cl Cook. Conscience 171-C Marriage 173-C Daniels. Temperance reform 178-D Friswell. Better self .,. . 173-F Gow. Good morals and gentle man- ners 170-G Gray. Husband and -wife 173-G GusTAFSON. Foundation of death; the drink question 178-G Hale. How to do it j 177-H Hardy. How to be happy though married 173-H " Manners makyth man" 170-H Holland. Gold-foil 170-Hl Jones family 170-H2 Lessons in life 170-H3 Titcomb's letters to young people. . . 170-H4 Hubbard. Opium habit and alcohol- ism 178-H Hunt. Worth and wealth 174-H Janet. Theory of morals 171-J Kane. Opium-smoking 178-K Lawrence. Tobacco problem 178-L Macnish. Anatomy of drunkenness.. 108-G Mallock. Is life worth living? 170-M Social equality 177-M Mann. Thoughts for a young man.. . 170-Ml Mathews. Getting on in the world. . 170-M2 Miller. Alcohol 178-M MoRLEY. On compromise 171-M MoRSELLi. Suicide 179-M MuNGER. On the threshold 170-M3 My mother; recollections of maternal influence 173-M Notes for boys on morals, &c 170-N Palmer. Temperance teachings of science 17S-P Peabody. Moral philosophy 171-P Sherwood. Amenities of home 173-S Sedgwick. Talk with my pupils 170-S Smiles. Character 170-Sl Duty 170-S2 Life and labor nO-S3 Self-help 170-S4 Thrift 170-S5 Smith. Theory of moral sentiments. . 171-S Stewart. Philosophy of active and moral powers of man 171-Sl Stowe. House and home papers 173-Sl Little foxes 173-S2 Todd. Hints to young men 170-T Tolstoi. Life 171-T Wayland. Elements of moral science. 170-W WooLSEY. Divorce 173-W Zimmermann. Essay on national pride. 172-Z 4 RELIGION. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. American Tract Soc. Tracts. 12v . . . . 208-A Andover Theological Seminary. Semi- centennial 207-A Abnold. St. Paul and protestantism. 204-A Batchelor. Social equilibrium 204-B Beecher. Life thoughts 204-Bl Brewer. Dictionary of miracles *203-B Buck. Theological dictionary *203-Bl Chalmers. Works. 3v 208-C Clarke. Common-sense in religion. . 204-C3 Clough. From darkness to light 266-C Cook. Occident 204-C Orient 204-Cl Orthodoxy 204-C2 De Quincey. Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition 204-D Dick. Complete works. 2v 208-D Dodge. Sermons to the clergy 204-Dl Stumhling-blocks 204-D2 Edwards. Missionary gazetteer *266-E Fenelon. Selections 208-F Hall. Works. 2v 208-H Macmillan. Sabbath of the fields... 204-M Mill. Three essays on religion 204-Ml Montgomery, ed. Missionary memo- rial 266-M Monthly religious magazine, v. 15-18, 39-50 205-M MuLLER. Lectures on the science of religion 204-M2 NoYES. Theological essays 204-N Parker. Discourse of matters per- taining to religion 204-P Views of religion 204-Pl Phelps. My portfolio 204-P3 My study 204-P2 PusrsHON. Lectures and sermons 204-P4 Universalist union, v.l 205-U Wesley. Works. 7v 208-W NATURAL RELIGION. Argyll, Ditke of. Reign of law — Blackie. Natural history of atheism. Chapin. Creation and early develop- mr" of society CoBBE. Hopes of the human race. . 210-A 211-B 213-C 218-C Curtis. Creation or evolution ? 213-Cl Dick. Christian philosopher 215-D Philosophy of a future state 218-D Draper. Conflict between religion and science 215-Dl Drummond. Natural law in the spir- itual world 215-D2 FiSKE. Destiny of man 218-F Idea of God 210-F HowiTT. History of the supernat- ural. 2v 210-H McCosh. Religious aspect of evolu- tion 213-M Marti:neau. Study of religion. 2v.. 210-M MiTCHEL. Astronomy of the Bible. . . 215-M Nordhoff. God and the future life. . j 210-N Paley. Natural theology 210-P Savage. Religion of evolution 213-S Sekley. Natural religion 210-S SiNNETT. Esoteric Buddhism 212-S Occult world 212-Sl Stars and the angele 215-S BIBLE. Arxold. God and the Bible 220-A Literature and dogma 220- Al Bible. Apocrypha 229-B New Testament ; revised version 225-B Pictorial Bible. 3v *220-B2 BowEN. Layman's study of the Bible. 220-Bl Briggs. Biblical study 220-B Bush. Millennium of the Apocalypse. 228-B Du Veil. Commentary on Acts 226-D Ebrard. Commentary on Hebrews . . 227-E Edersheim. The temple 220-E Farrar. Life of St. Paul. 2v 225-F Foster, Story of the Bible 220-F Geikie. Hours with the Bible. 6v. . . 220-G Gibson. Ages before Closes, ; Genesis. 222-G Mosaic era ; Exodus to Deuteronomy. 222-G 1 Hayden. Lectures on book of Reve- lation 228-H Headley. Sacred mountains,. . .220-H ; 220-Hl Hedge. Primeval world of Hebrew tradition 222-H Heilprin. Historical poetry of the Hebrews. 2v 221-H Henry. Exposition of Old and New Testament. 6v 220-H2 Jacolliot. Bible in India 220- J RELIGION. Ladd. What is the Bible? 220-L Observations on the Bible 220-O Olshausen. Commentary on the Gospels. 4v 22C-0 Commentary on Romans 227-02 Commentary on Corinthians 227-01 Commentary on Galatians, Ephes- ians, Colossians and Thessalonians. 227-0 Renan. Saint Paul 225-R ScHAFF, ed. Anglo-American Bible revision 220-S Sears. Fourth gospel; the heart of Christ 226-S Smith. Dictionary of the Bible. 4v. *220-Sl New Testament history 225-S Van Dyke. Story of the Psalms 223-V Watson. Apology for the Bible 220-W YoNGE. Young folks' Bible history., j 220-Y Young. Concordance *220-Yl DOCTRINAL WORKS. Andrews. Life of our Lord 232-A Batchelder. Christ in life 230-Bl Light of life 230-B Beecheb. Life of Jesus 232-B Bellamy. True religion delineated. . 230-B2 Blauvelt. Present religious crisis. . 230-B3 BowBN, F. Lowell lectures on evi- dences of religion 239-B4 BowEN, G., ed. Discussions by the seaside 230-B5 Brazeb. Doctrine of divine influence. 231-B BusHNELL. Nature and the supernat- ural 2.39-B Butler. Analogy of religion. 239-B3;239-Bl;239-B2 Chalmers, Christian revelation and modern astronomy 239-C Chaplin. Nature and importance of the sacraments 265-C Clark. True prince of the tribe of Judah 232-C Deems. Light of the nations 232-D Delitzsch. Day in Capernaum 232-Dl System of Biblical psychology 2.30-D DoRNER, On the future state 236-D Edebsheim. Life and times of Jesus. 2v 232-E Erskine. Essay on faith 234-E Ewer. Catholicity, 262-E Farrar. Life of Christ. 2v 232-F Gkikik. Life and words of Christ. . . 232-G GiLMOBE. Life of Jesus 232-Gl Hagenbach. History of doctrines. 2v 230-H Hall. Pedigree of the devil 235-H Hase. Life of Jesus 232-H Heard. Tripartite nature of man.. . . 233-H Hughes. Manliness of Christ 232-Hl Le Conte. Religion and science 230-L Mercieb. Life of Jesus. 2v 232-M MiLLEE, Headship of Christ 262-M MuiR, Supernatural religion. 3v.... 23i-M MuLFORD. Republic of God 231-Ml Neander. Life of Jesus Christ 2.32-N Newton, Philistinism 239-N Parker, J. Ecce Deus 232-P Parsons. Deus homo; God-man 232-Pl Peabody. Lectures on Christian doc- trine 230-P Pitts street chapel lectures 230-B4 Renan. Life of Jesus 232-R Robinson. History of baptism 265- R Sears. Regeneration 234-S Seeley. Ecce homo 232-S Shedd. History of Christian doc- trine. 2v 230-S Smyth. Religious feeling 230-Sl Spear. Names and titles of Jesus.. , . 232-Sl Thisted. Letters from hell 237-T Tolstoi. My confession 230-T My religion 230-Tl Upham. Letters on the logos 232-U Ware. Life of the Saviour 232-W DEVOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL. Abbott. Corner-stone 243-A Way to do good 248-A Adams. Sacred allegories 244-A Algee. History of the cross of Christ. 247-A BuNYAN. Grace abounding 242-B Holy war .• 244-B ; 244-Bl Pilgrim's progress 244-B3; 244-B2 Chapin. Crown of thorns 242-C Fuller. Good thoughts in bad times. 242-P Gasparin. Near and heavenly hori- zons 244-G Habbebton. Scripture club of Valley Rest 244-H Hkbeb. Hymns 245-H Mason & Greene, Manual of Chris- tian psalmody 245-M MouNTFORD. Martyria 244-M Osgood. Mile-stones in our life-jour- ney 240-O 6 RELIGION. Parker. Prayers 264-P Prot. Episcopal Church in U. S. Book of common prayer 264-Pl RA.YNER. Universalist manual 264-R Scott. Contents and teachings of the catacombs 246-S Sketches from life 244-S Smith. Rock of ages ; poems 245-S Stone. Rod and the staff 240-S Thayer. Over the river 242-T Whitmarsh & Guild, eds. Hymns of the ages 245-W ZscHOKKE. Meditations on death 242-Z Meditations on life 242-Zl SERMONS AND PREACHING. Beechkr. Tale lectures on preaching. 251-B Brazer. Sermons 252-B2 Briggs, Bow in the cloud 252-B3 Brooke. Christ in modern life 252-B4 Faith and freedom 252-B5 Brooks. Sermons preached in Eng- lish churches 252-B6 BucKMiNSTER, Sermons 252-B7 Caird. Sermons 252-C Changing, Discourses 252-Cl CoLMAN". Sermons at church in Bar- ton Square 252-C2 Ewer. Sanctity 252-E Fish. Pulpit eloquence of 19th century. 252-F Flint. Sermons 252-Fl Frothingham. Beliefs of the unbe- lievers 252-F2 Hale. June to May 252-H Hill. Jesus and other sermons 252-Hl Liberal preacher, v. 1-4, and v.2-3new series, in 2v 252-L Mahaffy. Decay of modern preacliing. 251-M MuNGER. Appeal to life 252-Ml Freedom of faith 252-M Lamps and paths 252-M2 Murray. Words fitly spoken 252-M3 Parker. Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man 252-P2 Ten sermons of religion 252-P Peabody. Sermons 252-Pl Phelps. Men and books 25i-P Theory of preaching 251-Pl Robertson. Sermons. 5v 252-R Walker. Sermons 252-W WooLSEY. Religion of the present and future 252- Wl ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Allen. Our liberal movement in the- ology 288-A Baird, C. W. Huguenot emigration to America. 2v 277-B Baird, H. M. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2v 274-B Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2v. 274-Bl Braght. Martyrology of the Bap- tists. 2v 272-B Burnet. Reformation of church of England. 6v 274-B2 ; 274-B3 Canne. Necessity of separation from church of England 274-C Clarke. Events and epochs in relig- ious history 270-C Fisher. History of the Christian church 270-F The reformation 274-F Freeman. Cathedral church of Wells 274-Fl Geikie. English reformation 274-G Goodrich. History of the church 270-G Griesinger. Jesuits 271-G Hatch. Organization of the early Christian churches 262-H Hopkins. Puritans. 3v 274-H Janney. History of the Friends, v. 1-3 289- J Lamson. Church of the first three centuries 270-L Lea. History of the inquisition. 3v. 272-L Sacerdotal celibacy 254-L Llorente. History of the inquisition. 272-Ll Merle d'Aubigne. History of the reformation. 5v , 274-Ml Reformation in time of Calvin. 8v. 274-M MiLMAN. History of Christianity. 2v. 270-M History of Latin Christianity. 4v.. 270-Ml Neander. History of Christian re- ligion and church. 9v 270-N Planting and training of the Chris- tian church 270-Nl Noble. Century of gospel-work in the U. S., 1776-1876 277-N Noel. Union of church and state.. . . 261-N Pressense. Early years of Chris- tianity. 4v 270-P Salem North church. First centenary. 277-S San Francisco First Congregational church. 25th anniversary 277-Sl Schaff. History of the Christian church. v.l-4and6 270-S Smiles. The Huguenots 274-Sl Huguenots in France 274-S RELIGION. — SOCIOLOGY. Spencer. Ecclesiastioal institutions.. 192-S4 Stanley. Christian institutions 260-S History of church of Scotland 285-S History of the Eastern church 281-S Stebbing. History of the Christian church. 2v 270-81 History of the reformation . 2v 274- S2 Stevens. History of Methodism. 3v. 287-S Testimony of Christ's second appear- ing (Shakers) 289-T IjLiiMANN. Keformers before the reformation. 2v 274-U Undebhill, ed . Confessions of f ai th , Baptist 286-U Eecords of a church of Christ, Bris- tol, 1640-87 274-Ul Records of churches of Christ, Fen- stanton, Warboys and Hexham, 1644-1720 274-U2 Tracts on liberty of conscience, 1614-61 272-U WiixiAMS. Bloudy tenent of perse- cution 272-W MYTHOLOGY AND NON-CHRISTIAN RE- LIGIONS. Adams. History of the Jews. 2v 296-A Anderson. Norse mythology 293-A Beers. Mormon puzzle 298-B BuLFiNCH. Age of fable 291-B Clarke. Ten great religions, v.l . . . . 290-C Clodd. Childhood of religions 291-C Cox. Mythology of the Aryan nations. 291-Cl Dickinson. New light on Mormonism. 298-D Douglas. Confucianism and Taouism 299-D DwiGHT. Grecian and Roman my- thology 292-D Edkins. Chinese Buddhism 294-E Emerson. Indian myths 291-E Faber. Doctrines of Confucius 299-F Fiske. Myths and myth-makers 291-F Frey. Judah and Israel 296-F Hort. New pantheon 291-H Johnson. Oriental religions ; China . 299-J Oriental religions; India 294- J Kennedy. Early days of Mormonism 298-K Kidder. Mormonism and the Mor- mons 298-Kl Koran. Tr. by Sale 297-K Lang. Custom and myth 291-L Legge. Chinese classics, v.l 299-L Lyfobd. Mormon problem 298-L Mabie, Norse stories retold 293-M MuiB. TheCoran 297-M MuLLER. Origin and growth of re- ligion ; India 294-M Murray. Manual of mythology 291-M Rawlinson. Religions of the ancient world 290-R Sayce. Origin and growth of relig- ion; Babylonians 299-S SCHINDLER. Dissolving views in his- tory of Judaism 296-S Smith. Mohammed and Mohammed- anism 297-S Stanley. Lectures on the Jewish church. 3v 296-Sl Westropp & Wa ke. Ancient symbol worship *^91-W White. Student's mythology 291-Wl SOCIOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS. Bascom. Sociology. 1887 304-B George. Social problems. 1886 304-Gl Greg. Rocks ahead. 1875 304-G Harrison. Certain dangerous ten- dencies in American life. 1880... 304-H Lalor, ed. Cyclopaedia of political science. 3v. 1888 *30.3-L Miller. Trade organizations in poli- tics. 1887 304-M Statistical pocket manual. 1862 310-S Sumner. Tolstoi. Collected essays. 1885. What to do ? 1887 304-S 304-T POLITICAL SCIENCE. Adams, H. Documents relating to New England federalism, 1800- 1815. 1877 329-A Adams, J. Works. lOv. 1856 320-A Amos. Science of politics. 1883 320-Al Baoehot. Physics and politics. 1887. 320*B 8 SOCIOLOGY. Bailey. Among the law-makers. 1886. j 328-B Calhoun. Works. 6v. 1883 320-C CoE. True American. 1840 320-Cl Cooper & Fenton. American poli- tics. 1889 *320-C2 Gushing. Elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies. 1874 328-Cl Kules of proceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies. 1887 .... 328-C Fkeeman. Comparative politics. 1873. 320-F Garfield. Works. 2v. 1882 320-G Gibson. Chinese in America. 1877.. 325-G GiDDiNGS, Speeches in Congress. 1853. 320-Gl Gneist. English Parliament. 1886.. 328-G HosMER. People and politics. 1883.. 321-H Houghton. History of political par- ties. 1880 *329-H Lawton. American caucus system. 1885 324-L Lincoln & Douglas. Political de- bates. 1858 .329-L Maine. Popular government. 1886. . 321-M3 Village communities. 1880 321-M Massachusetts General Court. Man- ual. 2v. 1862-63 328-M Kules and orders. 1856 328-Ml May. Democracy in Europe. 2v. 1880. 321-Ml Mill. On liberty; the subjection of women. 1885 323-M Kepresentative government. 1882.. 821-M2 MuLFORD. The nation. 1888 320-M Nordhoff. Politics for young Amer- icans. 1887 j 320-N Patton. Democratic party. 1888 329-P Payne. Rules of order governing public meetings. 1887 328-P Robert. Pocket manual of rules of order for deliberative assemblies. 1888 328-R SCHAFF. Church and state in the United States. 1888 322-S Schuyler. American diplomacy .1886. 327-S Seward, G. F. Chinese immigration. 1881 325-S Seward, W. H. Works. 5v. 1887.. 320-S Straus. Origin of republican form of government in the U. S. 1887 321-S Strong. Patriotism and piety. 1808. 328-S Sumner. Works. 15v. 1875 320-Sl ToCQUEViLLE. Democracy in Amer- ica. 2t. 1875 321-T Tucker, Monroe doctrine. 1885.... 327-T Washburn. Political evolution. 1885. 320-Wl Washington. Writings. 12v. 1837. WooLSEY. Political science. 2v. 1886. 820-W 320-W2 SLAVERY. Cairnes. Slave power. 1862 326-Cl Carey. Slave trade. 1853 326-C2 Clarke. Anti-slavery days. 1884.... 326-C3 CoLOMB. Slave-catching in the Indian ocean. 1873 326-C Godwin. Lectures on slavery. 1836. 326-G Helper. Impending crisis of the South. 1860 326-n Jay. American colonization and anti- slavery societies. 1835 326-J May. Recollections of our anti-slav- ery conflict. 1869 326-M Redpath. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. 1860 326-R POLITICAL ECONOMY. Atkinson. Distribution of products. 1888 330-A Bagehot. Lombard street. 1887 332-B Postulates of English political econ- omy. 1885 330-B Barns, etZ. Labor problem. 1886 331-B Bastiat. Sophisms of protection. 1888. 337-B Birkbeck. Historical sketch of dis- tribution of land in England. 1885. 333-B BoLLES. Financial history of the U. S. 3v. 1884 336-B BowKER. Economics for the people. 1886 330-B2 Brassey. On work and wages. 1883. 331-Bl Brown. Studies in modern socialism and labor problems. 1886 3.30-Bl Cairnes. Character and logical meth- od of political economy. 1875. . . . 330-C CoBBETT. Paper against gold; his- tory of bank of England. 1846.. . . 332-C Cook. Labor. 1880 331-C Music Hall lectures; factory reform. 1871 331-Cl Socialism. 1886. 335-C Cox. Free land and free trade. 1888. 330-Cl Dk Quince y. Politics and political economy. 1877 330-D Dodd. Republic of the future. 1887. 335 -D Ely. French and German socialism. 1883 335-E Labor movement in America. 1886. 331-E SOCIOLOGY. Problems of to-day; tariffs, taxation and monopolies. 1888 330-E Taxation in American states and cities. 1888 336-E Fowler. Ten years in "Wall street. 1870 332-F George. Progress and poverty. 1888. 330-G Protection or free trade. 1888 337-G Gladden. Working people and their employers. 1876 331-G Gregory. New political economy. 1882 330-Gl Groxlund. Cooperative common- wealth. 1884 33o-G Hale. How they lived in Hampton. 1888 331-H Hale & others. ' Workingmen's homes. 1875 334-H Hanson. Fallacies in "Progress and poverty," &c. 1884 330-H Hawley. Capital and population. 1882 330-Hl HoTT. Protection versus free trade. 1886 337-H Jacobson. Higher ground; hints toward settling the labor troubles. 1888 331-J Jevons. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1887 332- J Political economy. 1888 330- J Knight. Knowledge is power. 1855. 331-K Knox. United States notes. 1888 . . . 332-K Laughlin. History of bimetallism in the U. S. 1888 332-L LiNDERMAN. Money and legal tender in the U. S. 1879 332-Ll McAdam. Alphabet in finance. 1876. 332-M M'CuLLOCH. Principles of political economy. 1849 330-M Mallock. Property and progress. 1884 330-Ml Marcet. Conversations on political economy. 1817 330-M2 Moody. Land and labor in the U. S. 1883 330-M3 Newcomb. Plain man's talk on the labor question. 1886 331-N Newton. Social studies. 1887 330-N NoRDHOFF. Communistic societies of the U.S. 1875 335-N Poor. Money and its laws. 1877 332-P Porter. Bread-winners abroad. 1885. 331 -P Price. Currency and banking. 1876. 332-Pl Roberts. Government revenue. 1888. 337-R Rogers. Six centuries of work and wages 331-R Social economy. 1885 330-R Ross. Early history of land-holding among the Germans. 1883 333-R RusKiN. Munera pulveris; Time and tide; and "Unto this last." 1888. 330-Rl Say. Treatise on political economy. 1836 330-S ScHoNHOF. Industrial situation. 1885. 330-S4 Smith. Wealth of nations. 1836 330-Sl Same. 2v. 1818 330-S2 SoMERS. Trade unions. 1876 331-S Sumner. History of American cur- rency. 1884 332-S Problems in political economy. 1888. 330-S3 Protectionism. 1888 337-S Taussig. Tariff history of the U. S. 1888 337-T Taylor. History of the factory sys- tem. 1886 331-T Thompson. Protection to home indus- try. 1886 337-Tl Walker. Land and its rent. 1883. . . 333-W Money. 1883 332-W Money in its relations to trade and industry. 1883 332-Wl Wood. Natural law in the business world. 1887 330-W WooLSEY. Communism and social- ism. 1888 335-W Wright. Relation of political econ- omy to the labor question. 1882.. 331-W LAW AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. Abbott. Judge and jury. 1880 340-A Travelling law-school and famous trials. 1884 j 340-Al Amos. Science of law. 1885 340-A2 Bagehot. English constitution. 1887. 342-B Bannatyne. Handbook of republi- can institutions. 1887 345-B Creasy. English constitution. 1856. 342-C Gushing. Treaty of Washington. 1873 341-C Dawes. How we are governed. 1885. j 342-D Dole. Talks about law. 1887 340-D Federalist 342-Fl Fbeeman. Growth of the English constitution. 1887 342-F Fuller. Noted French trials. 1882. . 340. 4-F Gneist. History of the English con- stitution. 2v. 1886 342-G 10 SOCIOLOGY. Halt^am. Constitutional history of England to 1760. 2v. 1886 342-H HoLST. Constitutional his tory of the U.S. 5v. 1877 342-Hl Levi. International law. 1888 341-L LocRE. La legislation de la France. 31v. 1827-32 349-L Maine. Ancient law. 1888 340-M Early history of institutions. 1888 . 340-M2 Early law and custom. 1883 340-Ml May. Constitutional history of Eng- land, 1760-1871. 2v. 1887 342-M PoMEBOY. Constitutional law of the U.S. 1888 342-P International law. 1886 341-P Remedies and remedial rights. 1883, 347-P Scott. Development of constitution- al liberty in America. 1882 .342-S Spear. Essays on the punishment of death. 1844 343-S Stuebs. Constitutional history of England. 3v. 1883 342-Sl Webster. Trial for the murder of Parkman. 1850 340.4-W Wilson. Congressional government. 1887 342-W WooLSEY. In ternational law. 1888. . 341-W ADMINISTRATION. CosTELLO. Our firemen, history of the N. Y. fire departments. 1887. Eaton. Civil service in Great Britain. 1880 Helps. Thoughts upon government. 1875 McCi.ELLAN. Manual of bayonet ex- ercise. 1862 Maltby. Elements of war. 1813... Reed. Modern ships of war. 1888.. Salem. Charter and ordinances. 1853. City documents for 1888 352-C 351-E 351-H 356-M 355-M 359-R 352-Sl 352-S Fletcher. Twelve months in an English prison. 1884 Griffiths. Chronicles of Newgate. 1884 Memorials of Millbank. 1884 Odd Fellows. Proceedings of Grand Lodge of U. S. 1821-86. 12v Ross. Odd fellowship; history and manual. 1888 Symbol and Odd Fellows magazine. V.3. 1844 Town. System of speculative mason- ry. 1822 Municipal register for 1867 352-S2 Transfer of water works. 1869 352-S4 Sheldon. Volunteer fire department of city of N. Y. 1882 352-S3 Shippen. Naval battles, ancient and modern. 1883 359-S ZoGBAUM. Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888 355-Z PRISONS, SECRET SOCIETIES, Appleton temporary home; record of work. 1874 ETC 361-A EDUCATION. Abbott. The teacher. '1875 American institute of instruction. Lectures and proceedings. 1840- 49andJ851. llv Arnold. French Eton. 1864 Higher schools and universities in Germany. 1882 '. Art of conversation. 1874 Bain. Education as a science. 1883. Bardeen. Common school law. 1878. Barnard. Kindergarten and child culture papers. 1884 National education. 2v. 1872 Blackie. On self-culture. 1874 Brackett. Education of American girls. 1874 Bradford academy. Memorial. 1870. Browning. History of educational theories. 1885 Burton. Culture of the observing faculties. 1865 Bush. Harvard, the first American university. 1886 Calderwood. On teaching. 1875... Calkins. Manual of object-teaching. 1887 Primary object lessons. 1888 Clarke. Self-culture. 1880 Compayre. History of pedagogy. 1886 Cousin. Public instruction in Prussia. 1835 CuRRiE. Principles and practice of early and infant school education. 1887 DeGraff. School-room guide. 1884. Dick. Mental illumination and moral improvement. 1836 365-F 365-G 365-Gl 366-0 366-R 366-S 366-T 371-A 370-A 379-A 379-Al 374-A 370-B 379-B 372-B 379-B 1 374-B 376-B 373-B 370-B 1 372-B 1 378-B 371-C 372-C 372-Cl 374-C 370-C 379- C 371-Cl 371-D 370-D SOCIOLOGY. 11 Dodge. Out common school system. 1880 370-Dl Eggleston'. How to educate yourself. 1872 374-E Fairchild, Oberlin. 1871 378-F Fitch. Lectures on teaching. 1883.. 370-F Frobec, Education of man, 1886... 371-F Hailman. History of pedagogy. 1874. 370-H Ham. Manual training. 1886 371-H Harris. Old school-days. 1886 370-Hl Hart. In the school-room. 1877 371-Hl Hill. True order of studies. 1876.. 375-H Hinsdale. Schools and studies. 1884. 370-H2 Hopkins. Educational psychology. 1886 370-H3 Jewell. School government. 1874.. 371- J Johnson. Education by doing. 1886. 372-J JoHONNOT. Principles and practice of teaching. 1884 371- Jl Kiddle and Schem. Cyclopaedia of education. 1877 *370-K Kiddle and others. How to teach. 1874 371-K Landon. School management. 1884. 371-Ll Latham, On the action of examina- tions. 1886 371-L Laurie. Kise and early constitution of universities. 1887 378-L LeRow. English as she is taught. 1887 371-L2 Locke. Some thoughts concerning education. 1887 370-L Mahaffy. Old Greek education. 1882. 370-M Mann, H. Annual reports on educa- tion. 1868 370-M2 Lectures and annual reports on edu- cation. 1867 370-Ml Mann, M. P. and Peabody, E. P. Moral culture of infancy. 1874. . . 372-M Marenholtz-Bulow. The child. 1872 372-Ml Martineau. Household education. 1886 370-M3 Minor v. Cincinnati Bd. of education. Bible in the public schools. 1870. . 377-M Moncrieff. Book about dominies. . . 371-M Morgan. Educational mosaics. 1887. 370-M4 NoRTHEND. Teacher and parent. 1853. 371-N Northrop. Education abroad. 1873, 370-N Page. Theory and practice of teach- ing. 1875 371-P Painter. History of education. 1888. 370-P Parker. Talks on teaching. 1885. . . 371-Pl Pascoe. Every day life at Eton, &c. . 373-P Patridge. " Quincy methods " illus- trated. 1886 371-P2 Payne, J. Science and art of educa- tion. 1884 370-P2 Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education. 1887 370-Pl Peabody, A. P. Conversation. 1882. 374-P Peabody, E. P. Record of Mr. Al- cott's school. 1874 371-P3 Peabody, E. P. and Mann, M. P. Guide to the kindergarten. 1877. 372-P Porter. American colleges and the American public. 1878 378-P Prince. Courses and methods. 1886. 371-P4 Quick. Essays on educational reform- ers. 1886 371-Q Radestock, Habit and its impor- tance in education, 1886 371-R Richardson and Clarke. College book. 1878 378-R Richter. Levana. 1886 370-R Rousseau. Emile. 1886 370-Rl Seidel. Industrial instruction. 1887. 371-S Spencer. Education. 1875 370-S Staunton. Great schools of Eng- land. 1865 370-Sl Tate. Philosophy of education. 1885. 371-T Thompson. Day dreams of a school- master. 1885 370-T Todd. Student's manual. 1874 374-T Verplanck. Right moral influence and use of liberal studies. 1833. . . 370-V Welch, Object lessons, 1862 372-W Wickersham. Methods of instruc- tion. 1865 371-W Woodavard. Manual training school. 1887 371-Wl COMMERCE. Freedley. Leading pursuits and leading men. 1856 880-F Hudson. Railways and the Republic. 1887 385-H Hunt's merchants' magazine, v. 1-25. 1839-51 380-H Kelley. Question of ships. 1884... 387-K McCuLLOCH. Dictionary of commerce. 2v. 1843 *380-M Nautical magazine. 8v. 1841-43, 1845-49 380-^ Oddy. European commerce. 2 v. 1807. 382-0 Wells. Our merchant marine. 1887. 387-W 12 SOCIOLOGY. PHILOLOGY. CUSTOMS, COSTUME, ETC. Blanc. Art in oraament and dress . . 391-B Borrow. Word-book of the Romany. 1888 397-B Brand. Observations on popular an- tiquities. 1888 394-B BuNCE. Don't. 1888 395-B Clouston. Book of noodles. 1888 . . 398-C CooLEY. Toilet in ancient and mod- ern times. 1873 391-C Dewing. Beauty in dress. 1881 391-D DORAN. Habits and men. 1865 391-Dl Knights and their days. 1864 394-D Table traits. 1865 394-Dl Goodrich. Manners and customs of the principal nations. 1845 390-G Habits of good society. 1860 395-H Haweis. Art of beauty 391-Hl Hekvey. The book of Christmas. 1888. c94-H Holt. Fancy dresses described 391-H Hone. Every day book. 2v 390-H Table book 390-Hl Year book 390-H2 Illusti-ated manners book. 1855 395-1 Lacombe. Arms and armour. 1876. 399-L Leland. Gypsies. 1886 397-L MoRwooD. Our gipsies in city, tent and van. 1885 397-M Scarborough. Collection of Chinese proverbs. 1875 398-S Sherwood. Manners and social usages. 1888 395-S Smith. Talks with homely girls ou health and beauty. 1886 391-S Trench. Proverbs and their lessons. 1886 398-T Trumbull. Blood covenant. 1885. . . 394-T Wilton. Book of costume. 1847 391-W WooLSOK. Dress reform. 1874 391-Wl WOMAN. Aguilar. Women of Israel. 1886... S96-A Clarke. Sex in education. 1875 396-C Cobbe. Duties of women. 1881 396-Cl Dall. "Woman's right to labor." 1860 396-D Dix. Lectures on the calling of a Christian woman. 1886 396-D 1 Dodge, G. H. Bundle of letters to busy girls. 1888 396-D2 Dodge, M. A. Woman's wrongs. 1877. 396-D3 DuFFEY. No sex in education. 1874. 396-D4 Ellis. Daughters of England. 1842. 396-E Hardy. Five talents of woman. 1887. 396-H Higginson. Common sense about women. 1881 396-Hl Mansfield. Legal rights of women. 1845 396-M Manson. Work for women. 1883.... 396-Ml Ramabai Sarasvati. High-caste Hindu woman. 1888 396-R Robinson. Massachusetts in the wo- man suffrage movement. 1881. . . . 396-Rl Stanton, E. C. & others. History of woman suffrage. 3v. 1887 396-S Stanton, T. Woman question in Eu- rope. 1884 396-Sl Terhune. Eve's daughters. 1885.... 396-T Todd. Daughter at school. 1868 .... 396-Tl Weeks. Prisoners of poverty. 1887. 396- W YoNGE. Womankind. 1877 396-Y PHILOLOGY. GENERAL WORKS. Adler. Dictionary, German and Eng- lish *433-A Ainswokth. Latin-English diction- ary, abridged by Morell *473-A Anglo-Hiudoostanee hand-book 491-A BoNNEY. Vocabulary of the Canton dialect 495-B DoNNEG AN. Gi'eek and English lexicon. *483-D Gengembre. Practical French in- structor 448-G Harper. New Latin dictionary. ..... *473-H Josse. Spanish grammar 468- J Liddell & Scott. Greek-English lexicon *483-L MuLLEK. Lectures on the science of language. 2v 404-M Science of thought. 2v 401-M Peile. Philology 402-P Rosenthal. Meisterschaft system, French •. . . 448-R Meisterschaft system, German 438-R Samoau dictionary *499-S Spiers & Surenne. French and Eng- lish dictionary *443-^ PHILOLOGY. — SCIENCE. 13 Stebx. Studien und plaudereien. 2v, 438-S Stern & Mekas. Etude progressive de la laugue Francjaise 448-S Whitney. Life and growth of lan- guage 401-W Oriental and linguistic studies. 2v. 404-W II ENGLISH LANGUAGE. BBOTT. How to parse 425-A Alford. Queen's English 420-A AvRES. Orthoepist; a pronouncing manual 421-A Verbalist; right and wrong use of words 428-A Bartlett. Dictionary of American- isms *427-B Bigelow. Mistakes in writing English 428-B Punctuation 421-B Brown. Grammar of English gram- mars 425-B Davidson. The correspondent 428-D Five hundred mistakes corrected 428-F Harrison & Baskervill. Anglo- Saxon dictionai-y *429-H Hodgson. Errors in the use of English. 428-H LouNSBt RY. History of the English language 420-L Marsh. Lectures on the English lan- guage 420-M Origin and history of the English language 420-Ml Mathews. Words, their use and abuse. 428-M Morris. English grammar 425-M Historical English grammar 425-Ml Murray, ed. New English diction- ary, v.l *423-M Reade. How to write English 428-R EoEMER. Origins of the English peo- ple and language 420-R RoGET. Thesaurvis of English words. *424-R Son-E. Dictionary of English syno- nymes '. . . *424-S Tower, Gradual reader 428-Tl Tower & Tweed. First lessons in language 428-T Trench. English, past and present. . 420-T On the study of words 422-T Select glossary of English words 423-T Waites. Forgotten meanings 423-W Walker. Rhyming dictionary 42G-W Webster. Dictionary. 1877 *423-Wl Same, rev. and enl. 1888 *423-Wl Wedgwood, Contested etymologies . 422-W Weissp:. Origin, progress and destiny of the English language 420-W Westeake. How to write letters 428-W White, Every-day English 420-Wl Words and their uses 420- W2 Wilson. Treatise on English punctu- ation 421-W Worcester. Dictionary *423-W2 SCIENCE. GENERAL WORKS. Adams 'DAI,e. Fragments of science. 1886 504-T What shall we talk about? 1886 j 504-W WhewelIv. History of the inductive sciences. 2v. 1888 509-W MATHEMATICS. Cliffokd. Common sense of the ex- act sciences. 1888 510-C Davies & Peck. Mathematical dic- tionary. 1883 *510-D DeMokgan. Essay on probabilities. 1838 519-D DoDi). Calculating and registering machines. 1853 510-Dl Lakdnek. Treatise on arithmetic. 1834 511-L Treatise on geometry. 1840 513-L Newcomb. Elements of geometry. 1884 513-N Pkoctoij. Chance and luck. 1887... 519-P ASTRONOMY AND NAVIGATION. BowDiTCir. New American practical navigator. 1846 527-B BiiBinTT. Geography of the heavens. 1856 520-B Champnev. In the sky-garden. 1883. j 523-C Dick. Practical astronomer. 1846. . . 522-D Sidereal heavens. 1840 523-D Giberne. Sun, moon and stars j 523-G GuiLLEMiN. The heavens. 1883 520-G The sun. 1885 523-Gl Wonders of the moon. 1886 523-G2 Heeschee. Astronomy. 1833 520-H Outlines of astronomy. 1853 520-H 1 HiLi,. Stars and constellations. 1885. *523-H Langeey. New astronomy. 1888.... 523-L LocKYEB. Astronomy. 1886 520-L Moore & Niciioep. Overhead. 1878. j 520-M Newcomb. Popular astronomy. 1887. 520-N NoRiE. Epitome of practical naviga- tion, 1839 527-N Parkes. Unfinished worlds. 1887... 523-P PLrsiMER. Introduction to astrono- my. 1873 520-P Proctor. Easy star lessons. 1888... 523-Pl Lessons in elementary astronomy. . . 523-P2 Other worlds than ours. 1871 523-P3 Star atlas. 1S86 *523-P4 Sebviss. Astronomy with an opera- glass. 1888 523-S SuMXER. New method of finding a ship's position at sea. 1851 527-S WiNCiiELL. World-hfe. 1883 523-W Yoi'NG. The sun 523-Y PHYSICS. Abbott. Force. 1872 j 531-A Heat. 1871 j 536-A Light. 1871 j 535-A Ai.GEAVE »fe BouEARD. Electric light. 1884 537-Al Anderson. Lightning conductors. 1885 537-A Angele. Elements of magnetism and electricity 537-A2 ATKIN.SON. Electric lighting. 1889.. 537-A3 Avery. Elements of natural philoso- phy. 1885 530-A Ayrton. Practical electricity. 1887. 537- A4 Barnard. First steps in electricity. 1888 J537-B Benjamin. Age of electricity. 1887. 537-Bl Bezoed. Theory of color. 1876 535-Bl Beaserna. Theory of sound in rela- tion to music. 1888 5o4-B Brewster. Optics. 1833 535-B Cazin. Phenomena and laws of lieat. 1885 .■)36-C DuMoncel. Telephone, microphone and phonograph. 1879 537-D EuLEB. Letters on natural philosophy. 2v. 1833 530-E SCIENCE. 15 FoNViELLE. Thunder and lightning. 1886 537-F Ganot. Elementary treatise on phy- sics. Tr. by Atkinson. 1886 530-G Gordon. Elementary book on heat. 1875 536-G Electricity and magnetism. 2v. 1887. 537-G Herschel. Study of natural philoso- phy. 1833 530-H Kater & Lardxer. Mechanics. 1830. 531-K Lardner. Electricity, magnetism and meteorology. 2v. 1841 537-L Hydrostatics and pneumatics. 1831. . . 530-L Treatise on heat. 1833 536-L LeConte. Sight. 1881 535-L LocKwooD. Electricity, magnetism and electric telegraphy. 1888 537-Ll LocKYER. Studies in spectrum anal- ysis. 1878 535-Ll LoMMEL. Nature of light. 1888. .... 535-L2 Maier. Arc and glow lamps. 1886.. 537-M Mansfield. Aerial navigation. 1877. 533-M Marcet. Conversations on natural philosophy. 1829 j 530-M Marion. Wonders of optics. 1885. . . 535-M Mayer. Sound. 1887 534-M Mendenhall. Century of electricity. 1888 537-Ml Paris. Philosophy in sport. 1861... 530-P Pepper. Boy's book of science j 530-Pl Prescott. Electricity and the elec- tric telegraph. 2v. 1888 537-P Radau. Wonders of acoustics. 1886. 534-11 Rood. Student's text-book of color. 1881 535-R Spang. Lightning protection. 1883. . 537-S Stallo. Concepts and theories of modern physics. 1888 530-S Stewart. Conservation of energy. 1886 531-S Physics. 1873 530-Sl Tait. Recent advances in physical science. 1885 530-T Tyndall. Contributions to molecu- lar physics. 1882 539-T Heat a mode of motion. 1873 536-T Lessons in electricity. 1888 537-T Light and electricity. 1887 530-Tl Six lectures on light. 1886 .535-T Sound. 1887 534-T CHEMISTRY. Barrera. Gems and jewels. 1860 . . 649-B Cooke. New chemistry. 1882 540-C Dana. System of mineralogy. 1888. 549-D Donovan. Chemistry. 1832 540-D Griffiths. Recreations in chemis- try. 1841 540-G MuiR. Elements of thermal chemis- try. 1885 541-M Nason. Manual of qualitative blow- pipe analysis. 1881 549-N Nichols. Chemistry of the farm and the sea. 1867 540-N RoscoE. Chemistry. 1872 540-R Lessons in elementary chemistry. 1873 540-Rl Schutzenberger. On fermentation. 1887 547-S WuRTz. Atomic theory. 1881 541-W Elements of modern chemistry. 1889. 540-W YouMANS. Class-book of chemistry. 1875 540-Y GEOLOGY. Abbott. Water and land. 1871 j 551-A Abercromby. Weather. 1887 551-Al Adams. Famous caverns and grottoes. 1886 j 551-A3 Famous caves and catacombs. 1888. j 551-A2 Agassiz. Geological sketches. 2v. 1887. 551-A4 Bassnett. Mechanical theory of storms. 1854 551-B Blasius. Storms. 1875 551-Bl Brocklesby. Elements of meteorol- ogy. 1849 551-B2 Cook. Geology of New Jersey 1868. 557-C Croll. Discussions on climate and cosmology. 1886 551-C Dana. Manual of geology. 1880 550-D Davis. Whirlwinds, cyclones and tornadoes. 1884 551-D Dawson. Geological history of plants. 1BS8 561-D Story of the earth and man. 1887.. 551-Dl Donnelly. Ragnarok. 1887 551-D2 FiGuiER. World before the deluge. . . 550-F Fisher. Dial of the seasons. 1845... 551-F Geikie, a. Class-book of geo'ogy. 1886 550-G Geological sketches. 1882 551-G Geology. 1886 551-Gl Outlines of field-geology. 1882 550-Gl Physical geography. 1888 551-G3 Geikie, J. Great ice age. 1886 551-G2 Goodrich, Wonders of geology. 1845. 550-G2 GossE. Wonders of the great deep. . . 551-G4 16 SCIENCE. 551-G5 551-H 550-H *557-H *566-H 550-Hl GuYOT. Earth and man. 1861 ITaktwig. Aerial world. 1886 Subterranean world. 1885 Hitchcock. Final report on the geol ogy of Mass. 1841 Ichnology of N'ew England. 1858 .. . Elementary geology. 1879 HovEY. Celebrated American cav- erns. 1882 Howard. Climate of London. 3v. 1833 Humboldt. Views of nature. 1884.. Huxley. Physiography. 1887 IxGERSoi.L. Old ocean. 1883 JuDD. Volcanoes. 1888 Le Conte. Elements of geology. 1888. LooMis. Treatise on meteorology. 1888 Lyeel. Principles of geology. 2v. 1887. Mantell. Medals of creation. 2v. . . Marsh. Earth as modified by human action. 1885 Maury. Physical geography of the sea. 1860 Miller. Cruise of the Betsey. 1882. Footprints of the Creator. 1882 Old red sandstone. 1882 Popular geology. 1882 Testimony of the rocks. 1882 Milne. Earthquakes. 1886 Nichols. Underfoot. 1881 Phillips. Treatise on geology. 2v. 1837 PiDDiNGTON. Sailor's horn-book for the law of storms. 1851 Proctor. Elementary physical geog- raphy Reclus. Earth. 1879 History of a mountain. 1881 Ocean. 1873 RusKiN. Deucalion. 1886 Steel. Analysis of the Congress Spring. 1860 TissANDiER. Wonders of water. 1886. Tyndall. Forms of water. 1887 U. S. Geological survey. Sixth an- nual report, 1884-85; by Powell. . ., *,557-U WixcHELL. Geological excursions. 1888 550.W Geological studies. 1887 550- Wl Sketches of creation. 1873 551-W Sparks from a geologist's hammer. 1887 550-W2 551-Hl 551-H2 551-H3 551-H4 551-1 551-J 550-L 551-L 551-Ll 560-M 551-Ml 551-M 550-M 5,50-Ml 550-M2 550-M3 550-M4 551-M2 j 550-N 5,50-P 551-P 551-Pl 551-R 551-R2 551-Rl 550-R 553-S 551-Tl 551-T BIOLOGY. Bastian. Beginnings of life. 2v. 1872. CouEs, Biogen. 1884 Stevenson. Boys and girls in biol- ogy. 1888 PRE-HISTORIC ARCH/EOLOGY ANTHROPOLOGY. Abbott. Primitive industry. 1881.. Argy'll. Primeval man Baldwin. Ancient America. 1871 . . Pre-historic nations. 1869 BucHNER. Man in the past, present and future. 1872 BuRGE. Pre-glacial man and the Aryan race. 1887 Clodd. Childhood of the world. 1884 Dawkins. Cave hunting. 1874 Donnelly. Atlantis; the antedilu- vian world. 1882 FiGx^ER. Human race Foster. Pre-historic races of the U. S. 1887 JoLY. Man before metals. 1883 Keary. Dawn of history Lubbock. Origin of civilisation. 1882. Lyell. Antiquity of man. 1863 MacLean. Mound builders. 1887. . . Morris. Aryan race. 1888 PooLE. Genesis of the earth and man. 1860 QuATREFAGES. Human species. 1888. Natural history of man. 1875 Reid. Man-eaters and other odd peo- ple. 1884 Tylor. Anthropology. 1888 Early history of mankind. 1878 Primitive culture. 2v. 1888 Warren. Paradise found. 1886 Wood. Natural history of man. 2v. 1874-80 576-B 576'C j 570-S AND 571-A 573-A 571-B 571-Bl 570-B 572-B j 571-C 571-D 572-D 572-F 571-F 571-J 571-K 571-L 573-L 571-M 572-M 573-P 572-Q 573-Q j 572-R 573-T 571-Tl 571-T 572-W 572-Wl EVOLUTION. Agassiz. Methods of study in natural history. 1887 Allen. Evolutionist at large. 1884. Bergen. Development theory. 1884. BouvERiE-PusEY. Permanence and evolution. 1882 Cazedles. Outline of the evolution philosophy. 1885 575-A 575-Al 675-B 575-Bl 575-C SCIENCE. 17 Chambeks. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1884 ■. . . Conn. Evolution of to-day. 1887. . . . Cook. Biology. 1877 Heredity. 1879 Dakwin. Darwinism stated by Dar- win himself; sel. by Sheppard. 1886 Descent of man. 1887 Origin of species. 1888 Variation of animals and plants un- der domestication. 2v. 1887 Haeckel. Evolution of man. 2v. 1886. Hodge. What is Darwinism ? 1874. . . Huxley. Man's place in nature. 1886. Origin of species. 1886 Le Conte. Evolution and religious thought. 1888 MivAKT. Genesis of species. 1871 . . . Lessons from nature. 1876 EiBOT. Heredity. 1887 EoMANES. Scientific evidences of or- ganic evolution. 1882 ScHMiD. Theories of Darwin. 1885.. ScHMiBT. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1888 ScHUKMAN. Ethical import of Dar- winism. 1888 Semper. Animal life as affected by the natural conditions of exis- tence. 1881 Spencer. Factors of organic evolu- tion. 1887 Weismann. Studies in the theory of descent. 2v. 1882 Wilson. Chapters on evolution. 1883. 575-Cl 575-C2 575-C3 575-C4 575-D 575-Dl 575-D2 575-D3 575-H 575-Hl 575-H2 575-H3 575-L 575-Ml 575-M 575-R 575-Rl .'575-S 575-Sl 575-S2 575-S3 575-S4 57.5-W 575-Wl MICROSCOPY. Davies. Preparation and mounting of microscopic objects. 1884 578-D FERGrsoN. The microscope. 1858 . . 578-F Gosse. Evenings at the microscope. 1883 578-G Lankester. Half-hours with the microscope. 1883 578-L Phin. How to use the microscope. 1882 578-P Slack. Marvels of pond-life 578-S Stokes. Microscopy for beginners. 1887 57S-S1 Wells & others. Through a micro- scope. 1886 j 578-W 2 Wood. Common objects of the micro- scope j 578-Wl Wythe. The microscopist. 1883 578-W2 TAXIDERMY & COLLECTOR S MANUALS. KiNGSLEY. Naturalist's assistant. 1882 579-K Manton. Insects ; how to catch and prepare. 1881 579-M Taxidermy without a teacher. 1882. 579-Ml Maynard. Manual of taxidermy. 1884 579-M2 SwAiNSON. Taxidermy. 1840 579-S BOTANY. Allen. Colours of flowers. 1882.... Flowers and their pedigrees, 1884 .. Bailey. Botanical collector's hand- book. 1881 Bessey. Botany. 1888 Candolle. Origin of cultivated plants. 1886 Church. Among the trees at Elm- ridge. 1886 Flower-talks at Elmridge. 1885 Clarke. Common seaweeds of the British coast CoMSTOCK. Introd. to botany. 1833 . Cooke. Fungi. 1888 Darlington. American weeds and useful plants. 1859 Darwin. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. 1886. Effects of cross and self-fertilization in the vegetable kingdom. 1885 . . Insectivorous plants. 1886 Movements and habits of climbing plants. 1888 Power of movement in plants. 1888.. Var i ous contrivances by which or- chids are fertilized by insects. 1886 Emerson. Trees and shrubs of Mass. 2v. 1887 FiGuiER. Vegetable world Gray. Botanical text-book. 1853 . . . How plants grow, 1858 Structural botany, 1879 Harris, Wild flowers and where they grow. 1882 Henslow, G, Origin of floral struct- ures. 1888 581-A 581-Al 580-B 580-Bl 581-C j 582-C j 580-C 589-C 580-Cl 589-Cl 580- D 581-D2 581-Dl 581-D3 581-D 581-D5 581-D4 *582-E 580-F 581 -G j 580-G 581-Gl j 580-H 581-Hl 18 SCIENCE. Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and phy- siological botany. 1836 581-H Hooker. Botany. 1888 581-H2 HuLME. Familiar wild flowers. 5v.. *582-H LeMaout. Flower object lessons. 1873 j 580-L Lubbock. British wild flowers in re- lation to insects. 1882 581-L Flowers, fruits and leaves. 1886 — 581-Ll Meehan. Native flowers and ferns of the U. S. 4v. 1878 *581-M Phelps. Botany for beginners. 1837 . j 580-P KOBINSOK. Ferns in their homes and ours. 1883 587-R Flora of Essex county. 1880 581-R Woody plants of Essex county. 1879. 582-E Step. Plant-life. 1883 581-S T HOMSOX. Wild flowers 580-T Tkoitessart. Microbes, ferments and moulds. 1886 589-T ZOOLOGY. Abbott. Naturalist's rambles about home. 1887 590-A Upland and meadow. 1886 noO-Al Waste-land wanderings. 1887 590- A2 Adams & Giacomeli.i. Bird world. 1880 098.2-A Agassiz, E. C. & A. Seaside studies in natural history. 1865 593-A Agassiz, L. Contributions to the nat- ural history of the U. S. v. 3-4. 1860 590-A3 Agassiz, L. & Gould. Principles of zoology. 1851 591-A Baily. Our own birds. 1885 j 598. 2-B Balfouk. Comparative embryology. 2v. 1885 *. 591-B Bamford. My land and water friends. 1886 j 590-B Broderip. Leaves from the note book of a naturalist. 1852 590-Bl Buckland. Curiosities of natural history. 4v. 1886-88 590-B2 Buckley. Life and her children. 1887. j 592-B Winners in life's race. 1883 j 596-B Chadbourne. Instinct. 1883 591-C Cow AX. Curious facts in the history of insects. 1865 595-C Damox. Ocean-wonders. 1888 j 590-D Dakwin. Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 1886 595-D Dixon. Rural bird-life. 1880 598.2-D Emertox. Structure and habits of spiders. 1883 595-E FiouiER. Insect world 595-F Mammalia. 1883 599-F Ocean-world 590-F Reptiles and birds 598-F Flagg. Year with the birds. 1881.. 598.2-F Foster & Balfour. Elements of em- bryology. 1883 591-F Frexch. Butterflies of the eastern U. S. 1886 595-Fl Gautier. My household of pets. 1882. j 596-G Goldsmith. History of the earth and animated nature. 4v. 1830 590-G GossE. Year at the shore. 1865 590-Gl Hamertox. Chapters on animals. 1877 596-H Harris. Dooryard folks and a winter garden. 1S83 j 590-H Hartixg. British animals extinct within historic times. 1880 599-H Hartmaxx. Anthropoid apes. 1886. 599-Hl Heilprix. Geographical and geologi- cal distribution of animals. 1887. 591-H Holder. Ivory king; the elephant. 1886 599-H2 Living lights; phosphorescent ani- mals and vegetables. 1887 591-Hl Houghtox. Country walks of a nat- uralist j 590-Hl HowiTT. Birds and their nests j 598.2-H Huxley. Anatomy of invertebrated animals. 1888 591-H2 Anatomy of vertebrated animals. 1886 591-H3 Introduction to the study of zoology, illustrated by the crayfish. 1884 . . 597-H IxGERSOLL. Country cousins. 1884.. j 590-1 Friends worth knowing. 1880 j 590-11 Jenny and the insects. 1857 j 595- J Jesse. Anecdotes of dogs. 1858 599-J KiXGSLEY. Standard natural history. 6v. 1&S5 *590-K KixGSTOx. Sagacity of animals ; cats and dogs. 1888 j 591-K Sagacity of animals; horse, etc. 1886. j 591-K I Letters on entomology. 1825 j 595-L Lewes. Studies in animal life. 1860. 590-Ii LiXDSAY. Mind in the lower animals. 2v. 1880 591-L Lubbock. Ants, bees and wasps. 1888. 595-Ll Origin and metamorphoses of in- sects. 1883 595-L2 SCIENCE. USEFUL ARTS. 19 McCooK. Honey ants of the Garden of the gods. 1882 595-M Tenants of an old farm. 1886 590-M Marey. Animal mechanism. 1887 . . 591-M Menault. Intelligence of animals. 1885 591-Ml Miller. Bird- ways. 1885 598. 2-M In nesting time. 1888 598.2-Ml Little folks in feathers and fur. 1888. j 590-Ml Queer pets at Marcy's. 1880 j 590-M2 MiVART. The cat. 1881 599-M Oswald. Zoological sketches. 1883. j 596-0 Packard. First lessons in zoology. 1887 j 590-P Guide to the study of insects. 1889. 595-P Pettigrew. Animal locomotion. 1882. 591-P Reid & others. Stories about animals, j 599-R Romanes. Animal intelligence. 1888. 591-R Jelly-fish, star-fish and sea-urchins. 1885 593-R Saunders, Insects injurious to fruits. 1889 595-S Schmidt. Mammalia in their relation to primeval times. 1885 599-S ScuDDER. Butterflies. 1881 595-Sl SiMMONDS. Animal products. 1877 . . 591-S Stearns. New England bird life. 2v. 1885 598.2-S Stowe. Queer little people. 1885 j 590-S SwAiNSON. Animals in menageries. 1838 596-S Geography and classification of ani- mals. 1835 590-S2 Habits and instincts of animals. 1840 591-Sl Malacology ; or shells and shell-fish. 1840 594-S Natural history of birds. 1836 598.2-Sl Natural history of fishes and reptiles. 1838 598.1-S Natural history of quadrupeds. 1835. 599-Sl Study of natural history. 1834 590-Sl SwAiNSON & Shuckard. History of insects. 1840 595-S2 Tenney. Young folks' pictures and stories of animals. 6v. 1887 j 590-T Contents. V. 1. Quadrupeds. V. 2. Birds. v. 3. Fishes and reptiles. V. 4. Bees, butterflies and other insects. V. 5. Sea shells and river shells. v. 6. Sea-urchins, star -fishes, and corals. Torrey. Birds in the bush. 1888... 598.2-T Trimmer. Story of the robins j 598.2-Tl Trumbull. Names and portraits of birds. 1888 598.2-T2 Tryon. Conchology. 3v. 1882 *594-T Van Beneden. Animal parasites and messmates. 1887 592-V Wallace. Geographical distribution of animals. 2v. 1876 591-W Island life. 1881 591-Wl Waterton. Natural history essays. . 590-W Wood. Common objects of the coun- try 590-Wl Common objects of the sea-shore . . . 590- W2 Illustrated natural history. 3v. 1875. *590-W3 Contents. Y. 1. Mammalia. V. 2. Birds. v. 3. Reptiles, fishes, etc. Insects abroad 595-W Man and beast. 1875 591-W2 My feathered friends j 598.2-W USEFUL ARTS. GENERAL WORKS. Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied me- chanics. 2v. 1888 *603-A Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, etc. 2v. 1855 *603-Al Beach & others. Wonder stories of science. 1885 j 604-B Bishop. History of American manu- factures. 3y. 1866 609-B Burnley. Romance of invention. 1886 608-B I Cassell's household guide. 2v *603-C Goodrich. Enterprise, industry and art of man. 1845 604-G Guernsey. World's opportunities and how to use them. 1884 602-G Hale. Stories of invention. 1886 ... j 608-H Knight's American mechanical diction- ary. 4v. 1884 *603-Kl Knight's cyclopaedia of the industry of all nations. 1851 *603-K LuKiN. Boy engineers. 1887 j 604-L 20 USEFUL ARTS. Mateaux. Wonderland of work. 1883. j 604-M RouTLEDGE. Discoveries and inven- tions of the 19th century. 1886... 608-R Times. Wonderful inventions 608-T U. S. International exhibition. 1876. Reports, llv 60G-U Uke. Dictionary of arts, manufac- tures, and mines. 2 v. 1842 *603-Ul Same. 4v. 1878 *603-U MEDICINE. American health primers. 12v. BuLKLEY. Skin in health and dis- ease. 1888 613-B5 Burnett. Hearing and how to keep it. 1889 613-B6 Cohen. Throat and the voice. 1885. 613-Cl Haklan. Eyesight. 1888 613-Hl Hartshokne. Our homes. 1885.. 613-H2 Lincoln. School and industrial hy- giene. 1885 613-L7 OsGOOB. Winter and its dangers. 1885 613-0 Packard. Sea-air and sea-bathing. 1885 613-P Richardson. Long life and how to reach it. 1888 613-R White. Mouth and the teeth . 1882. 613- W2 WiiiSON. Summer and its diseases. 1885 613- W3 Wood. Brain-work and overwork, 3888 613-W4 Account of persons remarkable for their health and longevity. 1829. . . 613-Al AixoTT. Laws of health. 1857 613-A Battershall. Food adulteration. 1887 614-B Beard. American nervousness. 1881 . 616-B Hay-fever. 1876 616-Bl Nervous exhaustion. 1880 616-B2 Sea-sickness. 1881 616-B3 Beecher. Letters on health and hap- piness. 1855 613-B Bellows. Philosophy of eating. 1887. 613-Bl Bernstein. Five senses of man. 1886 612-B Billings. Relation of animal dis- eases to public health. 1884 619-B Blaikie. How to get strong. 1879. . 613-B2 Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 1888 j 613-B3 Both. Consumption and its treat- ment. 1873 616-B4 Buck, ed. Hygiene and public health. 2v. 1879 613-B4 Clarke. Building of a brain. 1874 . 613-C Combe. Physiology of digestion 612-C Principles of physiology. 1834 613-C2 CoRFiELD. Health. 1880 613-C3 Dalton. Treatise on human physio- logy. 1882 *612-D Davis. Hygiene for girls. 1884 613-D Day. Headaches. 1883 616-D Denison. Rocky mountain health re- sorts. 1880 613-Dl Edwards. How we ought to live. 1882 613-E Erichsen. Cremation of the dead. 1887 614-E Fairchild. How to be well. 1880. . . 613-F Garratt. Myths in medicine. 1884. 610-G Granville. Common mind troubles. 613-G Secret of a clear head 613-Gl Secret of a good memory 613-G2 Sleep and sleeplessness 613-G3 Youth ; its care and culture 613-G4 Guernsey & Davis. Health at home. 1884 613-G5 Hall. Fun better than physic. 1884. 613-H HoLBROOK. How to Strengthen the memory 613-H3 Holmes. Medical essays. 1888 610-H Hope. Till the doctor comes. 1871.. 617-H Jeffries. Animal and vegetable par- asites. 1872 616-J Color-blindness. 1879 617-J Lewis. Dio Lewis treasury. 1887 . . . 613-L In a nutshell. 1883 613-Ll New gymnastics. 1862 613-L3 Same. Rev. ed. 1888 613-L2 Our digestion. 1872 613-L4 Our girls. 1885 613-L5 Talks about people's stomachs. 1870. 613-L6 Weak lungs. 1864 616-L Mace. History of a mouthful of bread. 1866 J612-M Maclaren. System of physical edu- cation. 1885 613-M Martin. Human body, 1888 *612-M1 Meyer. Organs of speech. 1884 612-M2 Mitchell. Doctor and patient. 1888. 610-M Fat and blood. 1888 616-M Nurse and patient and camp cure. 1877 6I6-M1 Wear and tear. 1871 613-Ml New England dental society. Proceed- ings of annual meeting. 1887 617-N USEFUL ARTS. 21 RiCHARDSox. Diseases of modern life. 1887 616-R RosENTUAL. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 1881 612-R S AFFORD & Ali.en. Health and strength for girls. 1884 j 613-S Sargent. In case of accident. 1884. 617-S Shew. Water-cure for ladies. 1844 . . 615-S Stickler. Adirondacks as a health resort. 1886 613-Sl Thompson, Diet in relation to age and activity. 1888... 613-T Tracy. Essentials of anatomy, phy- siology and hygiene. 1888 612-T Hand-book of sanitary information. 1884 614-T Tyndall. Floating matter of the air. 1888 614-Tl Walker. Health lessons. 1888 j 613-W Warren. Preservation of health. 1854 613- Wl Weeks. Text-book.of nursing. 1888. 616-W West. Mother's manual of children's diseases. 1885 618-W WicKES. Sepulture. 1884 614-W Wood & Bache. Dispensatory. 1888. *615-W YouMANS. Hand-book of household science. 1883 613-y ENGINEERING. Armstrong.* Chimneys for furnaces, fire-places and steam-boilers. 1883. 621-A Bourne. Catechism of the steam en- gine. 1885 621-B Crowninshield. All among the light- houses. 1886 j 627-C Explication des travauxentreprispour la construction de la tonnelle sous la Tamise. 1839 622-E Forney. Catechism of the locomo- tive. 1887 621-F Gerhard. Hints on the drainage and sewerage of dwellings. 1884 628-G Ledoux. Ice-making machines. 1879. 621-L2 LuKiN. Amongst machines. 1886 j 621-L Young mechanic. 1888 j 621-Ll Meyer. Water-waste prevention. 1885. 628-M Mowbray. Tri-nitro-glycerin as ap- plied in the Hoosac tunnel. 1874 . 622-M Plunkett. Women, plumbers, and doctors. 1885 628-P Rodrigues. Panama Canal. 1885 . . . 626-R Roper. Catechism of high pressure engines. 1888 621-R Hand-book of land and marine en- gines. 1888 621-Rl Hand-book of modern steam lire-en- gines. 1876 621-R2 Hand-book of the locomotive. 1888. 621-R3 Instructions and suggestions for engi- neers and firemen. 1884 621-R4 Steam boiler. 1886 621-R5 Use and abuse of the steam-boiler. 1876 621-R6 Young engineer's own book. 1884.. 621-R7 Rose. Complete practical machinist. 1887 621-R8 Sinclair. Locomotive engine run- ning and management. 1888 621-S Smith. Cutting tools. 1884 621-Sl Thurston. Growth of the steam en- gine. 1886 621-T Manual of steam-boilers. 1888 621-Tl VosE. Bridge disasters in America. 1887 624-V Waring. How to drain a house. 1885, 628-W Sanitary drainage of houses and towns. 1887 628-Wl Wells. Water-power of Maine. 1869. 627-W AGRICULTURE. Allen, J. F. Culture and treatment of the grape vine. 1853 634-A Allen, R. L. Domestic animals. 1855. 636-A Bailey. Book of ensilage. 1881 633-B Baltet. Grafting and budding. 1885. 634-B Barry's fruit garde n. 1888 634-Bl Beale. Profitable poultry keeping. 1884 636-B Beecher. Fruit, flowers and farm- ing. 1859 630-B Brisbin. Trees and tree-planting. 1888 634-B2 Browne. . Field book of manures. 1855 631-B Buchanan. Culture of the grape and wine making. 1854 634-B3 Campbell. Manual of agriculture. 1859 630-C CoLMAN. European agriculture. 2v. 1846 630-Cl CoPELAND. Country life. 1860 630-C2 Downing. Fruits and fruit trees. 1845. 634-D Eastwood. Complete manual of the cranberry. 1859 634-E f USEFUl. ARTS. EGI.ESTON. Tree-planting. 1888 Emerson & Flint. Manual of agri- culture. 1862 Flagg. European vineyards. 1869. . Fuller. Small fruit culturist. 1888. GooDALE. Principles of breeding. 1861 Green. Home fishing and home wa- ters. 1888 Henderson. Gardening for profit. 1888 HoLDEN. Canaries and cage-birds. 1883 Hough. Elements of forestry. 1882 . HusMANN. American grape growing and wine making. 1888 Johnston. Catechism of agricultural chemistry. 1849 Applications of chemistry and geo- logy to agriculture. 1855 Kenrick. New American orchardist. 1844 Macdonald. Cattle, sheep and deer. 1872 Manning. Book of fruits. 1838 New England fruit book. 1844 Mitchell. My farm of Edgewood. 1884 Murray. Perfect horse. 1873 Nash. Progressive farmer. 1854. . . . NoRRis. American fish-culture. 1868. Pratt. Horse's friend. 1876 RiCHTHOFEN. Cattle-raising on the plains . 1885 Root. Quinby's new bee-keeping. 1888 Strong. Culture of the grape. 1866. Ten acres enough. 1864 Thurber. Silos and ensilage. 1886 . . Waring. Draining for profit and health. 1887 Elements of agriculture. 1885 Weeks. Manual of bees. 1855 Wood. Bees Our domestic pets YouATT & Martin. Cattle. 1856. . . The hog. 1856 634-El 630-E 634-F 634-Fl 636-G 639-G 635-H 636-H 634-H 634-Hl 631-Jl 631-J 634-K 636-M 634-Ml 634-M 630-M 636-Ml 631-N 639-N 636-P 636-R 638-R 634-S 630-T 633-T 631-W 630-W 638-Wl 638-W 636-W 636-Y 636-Yl COOKERY AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Babcock. Household hints. 1884... 640-B Beecher, C. E. & Stowe. American woman's home. 1869 640-B2 Beecher, E. W. All around the house. 1885 640-Bl Church. Home needle. 1882 646-C Corson. Family living on $500 a year. 1888 641-C Practical American cookery and household management. 1885 641-Cl Diaz. Domestic problems. 1884 640-D Geobgens. Ladies' book of needle work. 646-G Herbick. Housekeeping made easy. 1888 640-H Lambert. Ladies' complete guide to needlework. 1859 646-L Lincoln. Boston cook book. 1888... 641-L Carving and serving. 1887 643-L Owen. Molly Bishop's family. 1888. 640-O Ten dollars enough. 1888 641-0 Parloa. Camp cookery. 1878 641-P Kitchen companion. 1887 641-Pl New cook book. 1888 641-P2 Phelps. What to wear. 1887 646-P Richards. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 1882 640-R Food materials and their adultera- tions. 1886 643-R Six hundred dollars a year. 1867 640-S Smith. Foods. 1886 643-S Terhune. Breakfast, luncheon and tea. 1886 641-T Common sense in the household. 1887 641-Tl Common sense in the nursery. 1885. 649-T Cottage kitchen. 1883 , 641-T2 Dinner year-book. 1887 641-T3 Whitney. Just how ; a key to the cook-books. 1887 641-W COMMUNICATION AND COMMERCE. Anderson. History of shorthand. 1882 653-A Arnold. American practical lunari- an and seaman's guide. 1822 656- A Ashcroft's railway directory. 2v. 1862-63 1 656-Al Bishop. Exact phonography. 1887.. 653-B Blunt. Shipmaster's assistant. 1851. 656-B BouCHOT. The printed book. 1887. . . 655-B BowKER. Copyright. 1886 655-B 1 Burnham. $100,000 in gold ; how to make it. 1876 6.58-B CuRAVEN. History of booksellers 655-C Derby. Fifty years among authors, books and publishers. 1884 655-D USEFUL ARTS. — FINE ARTS. 23 HoKSBUKGH. India directory; direc- tions for sailing. 1841 656-H Levek. Young sea officer's sheet an- chor. 1843 656-L LiNi)»i>EY. Elements of tachygraphy. 1874 653-L LoxGLEY. Reporter's guide. 1886... 653-Ll McCabe, National encyclopaedia of business and social forms. 1884. . *658-M Madden. History of Irish periodical literature. 2v. 1867 655-M Maujjy. Explanations and sailing directions to accompany wind and current charts. 1853 656-M MooKE. Practical navigator. 1782... 656-Ml Naees. Seamanship. 1882 656-N Packakd & Bryant. Common school book-keeping. 1878 657-P Pearson. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 1879 655-P Perils of Pearl street. 1834 658-P PuRDY. Memoir to accompany the chart of the Atlantic ocean. 1829. 656-P Putnam. Authors and publishers. 1885 655-Pl Saddi>er & HoTTEN. History of sign- boards. 1866 659-8 Wilcox, imb. Commercial index to first hands in groceries. 1879 658-W MANUFACTURES. Davis. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, terra-cotta, etc. 1884 666-D Manufacture of leather. 1885 675-D Donovan. Domestic economy ; foods and beverages. 2v. 1830 663-D Gessert. Painting on glass. 1884... 666-G Gore. Electro-metallurgy. 1887 669-G Holland. Manufactures in metal. 3v. 1831 671-H Porter. Manufacture of porcelain and glass. 1832 666-P Silk manufacture. 1831 677-P Richards. Aluminium. 1887 669-R Rock. Textile fabrics. 1876 677-R BUILDING. BiCKNELL. 100 architectural designs. 1879 692-B Davidson. Boy joiner and model maker j 694-D Morrison. Ventilation and warming of school buildings. 1887 697-M Rossiter & Wright. Modern house painting. 1883 *698-R ViOLLET-LE-Duc. Story of a house. 1874 690-V WooDBURY'. Fire protection of mills. 1882 693-W FINE ARTS. GENERAL WORKS. Allen. Physiological aesthetics. 1877. 701-A Bell. Elementary history of art. 1889 709-B CoNWAY'. Travels in South Kensing- ton. 1882 708-C CoQUEREL. Fine arts in Italy. 1859.. 704-C Deforest. Short history of art. 1881. 709-D Dyer. On imitative art. 1882 709-Dl Fairholt. Rambles of an artist 704-F French. Art and artists in Connecti- cut. 1879 709-F Gavard. Galeries historiques de Ver- sailles. 1838 708-G Hamerton. Grapbic arts. 1886 700-H Thoughts about art. 1878 704-H Hunt. Talks on art. 2v. in 1. 1883. 704-Hl Illustrated magazine of art. 4v. in 2. 1853-54 705-1 Jarves . Art hints. 1855 702- J Art idea. 1864 704-J Art thoughts. 1887 704-Jl Glimpse at the art of Japan. 1876. . 709- J L ACROix. Les arts au moyen age. 1873. *709-L Lel AND. Minor arts . 1880 704-L Lessing. Laocoon. 1887 701-L Lubke. History of art. 2v. 1888... 709-Ll Manchester. Art treasures exhibi- tion. Catalogue. 1857 708-M MoLLETT. Illustrated dictionary of words used in art and archaeology. 1883 *703-M Morris. Hopes and fears for art. 1882. 704-M Nichols. Art education applied to jT:- industry. 1877 707-N 24 FINE ARTS. Pattison. Eeuaissance of art in France. 2v. 1879 Eedeh. History of mediaeval art. 1887 EusKiN. Ariadne Florentina, Ac. 1888. Eagle's nest. 1888 Miscellanea Modern painters. 5v. in 2 Two paths; lectures on art, &c. 1888. Samson. Elements of art criticism. 1868 Smith. Examples of household taste. SuMMEELY. Hand-book for Hampton court STMOKi)s. The fine arts; renaissance in Italy. 1888 Taine. Lectures on art. 2v. 1888 . . TuENEH. Short history of art. 1886. Waters. Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 1881 WiNCKEi.MANN. History of ancient art. 2v. 1872 Wyatt. Fine art, 1870 709-P 709-R 704-11 330-Rl 824-E5 700-R 704-'Rl 700-S *7C8-S 708-Sl 709-S 704-T 709-T *703-W 709-W 704-W LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Adams. Famous parks and gardens. 1880 *711-A BriST. American flower garden direc- tory. 1841 716-B Rose manual. 1844 716-Bl Harmony grove cemetery, Salem, Mass. 1866 719-H Hendeksox. Gardening for pleasure. 1888 716-H Hole. Book about roses. 1883 716-Hl Long. Ornamental gardening. 1885. 710-L Mitchell. Out-of-town places. 1884. ■ 710-M Oakey. Home grounds. 1881 710-O Wabino. Village improvements and farm villages. 1877 710-W ARCHITECTURE. Bakdwell. Temples, ancient and modern. 1837 726-B Boyd. English cathedrals. 1888.... 726-Bl Bkown. Domestic architecture. 1852. *728-B Bullock. American cottage builder. 1854 728-Bl Bunce. My house; an ideal. 1884... 728-B2 Campbell brick and tile co. Designs Allonge. Charcoal drawing. 1882 for tile pavements *729-C J Ames. Alphabets. 1884 Feegusson. History of architecture. V. 1-3. 1874 720-F Fuller; Artistic homes. 1886 *728-F Gaedner. Common sense in church building. 1880 726- G House that Jill built. 1882 728- G Illustrated homes. 1875 728-G 1 Town and country school buildings. 1888 727-G Lamb. Studies of ancient domestic architecture. 1846 *72 8-L NOETON. Church-building in the mid- dle ages. 1880 726-N Oakey. Building a home. 1884 728-0 Powell. Foundations and foundation walls. 1889 721-P Reed. House-plans for everybody. 1888 728-R Richardson. Englishman's house . . . 728-Rl RusKiN. Seven lamps of architecture. 1886 720-Rl Stones of Venice. 3v. in 2. 1884... 720-R Tuckeeman. Short history of archi- tecture. 1887 720-T ViOLLET-LE-Duc. Discourscs on ar- chitecture. 2v 720-V SCULPTURE AND CERAMICS. Blake. Ceramic art. 1875 738-B Fortnum. Maiolica. 1882 738-F Janvier. Practical keramics. 1880. 738- J 1 Jewett. Ceramic art of Great Brit- ain. 2v. 1878 738-J Lubke. History of sculpture. 2v. 1878 730-L McLaugiiijn. China painting. 1886. 738-Ml Pottery decoration under the glaze. 1885 738-M2 Suggestions to china painters. 1886. 738-M Maskell. Ivories. 1876 786-M Ruskin. Aratra Pentelici; elements of sculpture. 1888 740-R Slosson. China hunters club. 1878.. j 738-S Vago. Instructions in modeling in clay. 1880 731-V Westeopp. Handbook of pottery and porcelain 738-W DRAWING AND DECORATION. 741-A *745-A FINE ARTS. 25 Appleton's cyclopaedia of technical drawing. 1886 *740-A Baktiiolomew. Teacher's guide ; comp. to drawing-book. 3v. 1870. 740-B Same. Eev. ed. Iv. 1872 740-Bl Bell. Anatomy of expression. 1888. 743-B Bielefeld. Use of papier mache in furniture, interior decoration, etc. 1840 *740-B3 BoYCE. Modern ornamenter and in- terior decorator. 1874 *747-B BiJUXXEK & Tkyox. Interior decora- tion. 1887 740-B2 Caktek. Drawing in black and white. 1887 741-C Cave. Drawing from memory. 1882. 741-Cl Church. How to furnish a home. 1888 740-C Cook. House beautiful. 1881 740-Cl Croavxixshield. Mural painting. 1887. 747-C Dewixg. Beauty in the household. 1882 740-D Dresser. Principles of decorative design 740-Dl DvvAL. Artistic anatomy. 1888 743-D Eastlake. Hints on household taste. 1886 740-E Edis. Decoration and furniture of town houses. 1881 740-El Fleury. La caricature antique. 741-F La caricature au moyen age 741-Fl La caricature sous la republique 741-F2 Garrett. House decoration 740-G Haweis. Beautiful houses. 1882 740-H HuLME & others. Art studies from nature. 1872 745-H Jacquemart. History of furniture. 1878 740-J JoxEs & Williams. Household ele- gancies. 1884 740-Jl KxowLTOX. Hints in drawing and painting. 1887 741-K LoFTiE. Plea for art in the house. . .. 740-L Mayeux. Manual of decorative com- position. 1888 740-M Meusnier. Charcoal drawing. 1880. 741-M MuNTz. Short history of tapestry. 188.5 746-M ]'(H,LEx. Ancient and modern furni- ture. 1876 749-P PvxE. Perspective for beginners. 1884 742-P Rose. Mechanical drawing self-taught. 1888 744-R Rowbotham. Sketching from nature. 1878 741-R RrsKix. Elements of drawing and perspective. 1888 740-R Laws of Fesole. 1886 824-R4 Seatox. Fret cutting and wood carv- ing 749-S ViOLLET-LE-Duc. Learning to draw, j 740-V Walker. Handbook of drawing. 1830. 740-W Weigall. Figure drawing. 1884 743-W PAINTING. Atkixsox. Schools of modera art in Germany. 1880 *759-A Blaxc. Grammar of painting and engraving. 1879 750-B Boot. Trees, and how to paint them. 1883 *758-B Bt'rxet. Practical hints on composi- tion. 1885 751-B Buxtox & PoYXTER. German, Flem- ish and Dutch painting. 1886 759-B CiiAMPXKY. All around a palette. 1883. j 750-C CiiESXEAU. English school of paint- ing. 1885 759-C Collier. Manual of oil painting. 1886. 751-C DuFFiELD. Art of flower-painting. 1886 758-D Fromextix. Old masters of Belgium and Holland. 1883 759-F Hattox. Sketching in water color. 1882 751-n IIavart). Dutch school of painting. 1885 759-H HocBES. Picture collector's manual. 2y. 1849 *750-H HoAVELLS. Little girl among the old masters. 1886 759-Hl Leitch. Water-colour painting *751-L Macarthur & Moore. Figure paint- ing in water colours *751-M Pexley. Water-color painting. 1887. 751-P Stranahax. History of French painting. 1888 759-S Viardot. Wonders of European art. 1885 759-V Wasiiburx. Spanish masters. 1884. 759-W Wauters. Flemish school of painting. 1885 759-Wl Williams. Landscape painting in oil colors. 1887 758-W WoLTMAxx & WoRMAXx. History of painting. 2v. 1880-85 750-W 26 FINE ARTS. ENGRAVING AND PHOTOGRAPHY. Cooke. 65 plates of shipping and craft. 1829 *769-C German engravings. 7v *769-G Hitchcock. Etching in America. 1886. 767-H Hoi.BEiN. Dances of death. 1803.... *769-H LiETZE. Modern heliographic pro- cesses, 1888 770-L LiNTOK. Wood-engraving in America. 1882 *761-L Maberly. Print collector, 1885 760-M ScHwiND. Das marchen von den sie- ben raben. 6 photos *779-S Taylor. Photographic amateur, 1883, 770-T VoGEL, Chemistry of light and pho- tography, 1887 770-V Wallace, Amateur photographer. 1884 770-W Watts, ed. Cabinet of modern art. 1852 769-W Wood. Modern methods of illustra- ting books. 1887 770-Wl WooDBERRY. History of wood-en- graving, 1883 761-W MUSIC. Allen, Violin making, 1884 787-A Bach, Musical education and vocal culture. 1884.. 784-B Brooks. Olden-time music. 1888... 780-B Browne & Behnke. Voice, song and speech. 1887 784-Bl BuTTERWORTH. Great composcrs. 1884. j 780-Bl Dow. Artistic singing. 1883 784-D Engel, C. Musical instruments, 1876, 780-El Engel, L. From Mozart to Mario. 2v. 1886 780-E Grove, ed. Dictionary of music, v. 1-3. 1879-83 *780-G Hunt. Concise history of music, 1888. 780-H Mme, Favart; comic opera 914.2-B2 Mason, Manual of instruction in vocal music, 1834 784-M Ritteb, Manual of musical history. 1886 780-R Russell. Orthophony; or, Cultivation of the voice. 1851 784-R Schumann. Music and musicians. 2v. 1881 780-S Seiler. Voice in singing. 1887 784-S Southard. Elements of thorough bass and harmony. 1867 781-S Upton. Standard cantatas, 1888 782-U Standard operas. 1888 782-Ul Standard oratorios. 1888 78.3-U Standard symphonies. 1889 785-U AMUSEMENTS. Barrows. Shaybacks in camp. 1888, 796- B Beard, D. C, American boy's handy book, 1888 j 790-Bl Beard, L, & A. B. American girl's handy book. 1887 j 790-B Beaufort. Hunting, 1888 799-B Beers. Lacrosse. 1869 797-B Blackburn. Art in the mountains. 1880 792-B Boy's own conjuring book j 793-B BUNN. The stage, 3v, 1840 792-Bl Bury & Hillier, Cycling, 1889. . . . 796-Bl Cassell's complete book of sports and pastimes j 790-C Chadwick. Sports and pastimes of American boys, 1884 j 790-Cl Chatto, Playing cards, 1848 795-C Clements. Shooting adventures, ca- nine lore and sea-fishing trips. 2v. 1879 799-C Collier. History of English dra- matic poetry. 3v. 1831 792-C CoQUELiN. Actor and his art. 1881 . 792-Cl Depping. Wonders of bodily strength and skill, 1885 796-D Dick. Games of patience. 1884 795-D DoRAN, Their Majesties' servants, 2v. 1865 792-D Dramatic notes, 1879-81 ; Era almanac, 1880 ; and Stage whispers 792-D 1 Durant. Horse-back riding from a medical point of view. 1878 798-D DwiGHT. Lawn-tennis, 1886 796-Dl Fitzgerald. New history of the English stage, 2v, 1881 792-F World behind the scenes, 1881, .... 792-Fl Foster, Scientific angler, 1883 799-F Frazar, Practical boat-sailing. 1879. 797-F Girl's room, 1886 j 793-G Gould, How to camp out, 1880 796-G Greener. Gun and its development. 799-G Modern shot guns 799-Gl Griffith. Boys' useful pastimes, 1885. j 790-G Hale. Fagots for the fireside (games). 1889 79S-I1 Hansard. Book of archery. 1841 . . , 796-H FINE ARts. — Literature. 27 Henderson. Practical hints on camping. 1882 796-Hl Henshall. Book of the black bass. 1881 TOQ-H Hicks. Yachts, boats and canoes. 188S. 797-H HoLBBOOK. How? spare hours mat I o profitable. 1887 j 793-Hl Kabr. American horsewoman. 1887. 798-K Keene. Fly-fishing and fly-making. 1887 799-K Kron. Ten thousand miles on a bi- cycle. 1887 796-K Lewis, A. J. Modern magic 793-L Leavis, E. J. American sports nan. 1885 799-L Makston. Our recent actors. 1888.. 792-M Matthews. Theatres of Paris. 1880. 792-Ml Mead. Horsemanship for women. 1887 798-M MoLLOY. Famous plays. 1886 792-M2 Murdoch. The stage. 1880 792-M3 Murphy. American game bird shoot- ing. 1882 799-M NoRRis. American angler's book. 1865. 799-N O'Reilly. Ethics of boxing and manly sport. 1888 796-0 Orvis & Cheney. Fishing with the fly. 1885 799-0 Pascoe, Dramatic list. 1880 *792-P Pennell. Fishing. 2v. 1888 799-P Pole. Theory of whist. 1887 795-P Pollock. Amateur theatricals. 1879. 793-P Prescott. Sailing-boat. 1883 797-P PiiouTY. Fish; their habits and haunts. 1883 799-Pl Rees. Home occupations. 1883 793-R Roberts. Billiards 794-R Roosevelt. Florida and the game water-birds of the U. S. 1884 799-R Game fish of the Northern states. 1884 799-Rl Superior fishing. 1884 799-R2 Shearman. Athletics and football. 1888 796-S Sherwood. Home amusements. 1884. 790-S Simpson. Horse portraiture. 1867. . . 798-S Smith. Festivals, games and amuse- ments. 1868 790-Sl Sociable; 1001 home amusements. 1859. 793-S Staunton. Chess-players' handbook. 1848 794-S Steel & Lyttelton. Cricket. 1889. 797-S Stevens. Fly-fishing in Maine lakes. 1881 799-S Stewart. Practical angler. 1883. . . . 799-Sl Suffolk. Racing; with Steeple-chas- ing by Coventry & Watson. 1887. 798-Sl Taylor. Curling. 1887 796-T Thompson. Boys' book of sports. 1886 j 796-Tl Witchery of archery. 1879 796-T2 Up de Graff. Camping in the AUe- ghanies. 1883 796-U Valentine & others. Girl's own book of amusements j 790-V Vandenhoff. Leaves from an ac- tor's note-book. 1860 792- V Van Doben. Fishes of the east At- lantic coast. 1884 799-V Walsingham & Gallwey. Shoot- ing. 2v. 1887 799-W Waring. Whip and spur. 1875 798-W Watson. Sportsman's paradise. 1888. 799-Wl Weeks. American girl's home-book. 1887 j 790-W Wells. Fly-rods and fly-tackle, 1885. 799- W2 WiNSLOw. Yesterdays with actors. 1887 792-W Wood, J. G. Athletic sports. 1864.. j 796-W Wood, W. B. Personal recollections of the stage. 1855 792-Wl Woodgate . Boating. 1889 797- W LITERATURE. GENERAL WORKS. Ballou, ed. Edge-tools of speech.. . . *808.8-B Barrows. Acts and anecdotes of authors *803-B Babtlett. Familiar quotations *808.8-Bl Book of ballads 808.1-Bl Book of the heart 808.8-B2 BoTTA. Hand-book of universal liter- ature 809-B Bbeweb. Dictionary of phrase and fable *803-Bl Reader's handbook *803-B2 Bbyant, ed. Family library of poetry. *808.1-B f 28 LITERATURE. Child. Looking toward sunset 808.8-C Disraeli. Curiosities of literature. 4v. 804-D Elegant extracts. 6v 808.8-E Franklin. Way to wealth, & Penn, Fruits of solitude 808.8-F Friendship's offering for 1849 808.8-Fl Goodrich. Literature, ancient and modern. 802-G GoTHE & Carlyle. Correspondence, ed. by Norton 808.6-G GuNDALL. The playmate j 808.8-G Hallam, Introduction to literature of Europe. 2v 809-H Hazeltine. Chats about books 804-H HoYT & Ward. Cyclopaedia of prac- tical quotations *808.8-H Johnson, ed. Little classics. 18v. (For contents see author list) Johnson, ed. Play-day poems 808.1-Jl Jones, ed. Vers de soci^te 808.1- J Knight. Half-hours with the best authors. 6v 808.8-K Longfellow, ed. Poems of places. (For contents see author list) Lowell, ed. Seed-grain for thought and discussion. 2v 808.4-L Mathews. Wit and humor 804-M Metcalfe. Englishman and the Scandinavian 809-M Montgomery. Lectures on literature, poetry, etc 804-Ml Morris, ed. Half-hours with the best foreign authors. 4v 808.8-Ml Patmore, ed. Garland from the best poets 808.1-P PosNETT. Comparative literature 801-P Riley, ed. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations *808.8-R Sanborn. Vanity and insanity of genius 808.8-S Wit of women 808.7-S Sargent, ed. Harper's cyclopaedia of poetry *808.1-S Saunders. Story of some famous books 804-S ScuDDER, ed. Book of fables j 808.8-Sl Shepard, ed. The literary life. 3v... 804- Wl Sociable story-teller 808.7-Sl Stael-Holstein. Influence of litera- ture upon society 108-G TowNSEND. Every-day book of mod- em literature. 2v 808.8-T Wheeler. Familiar allusions *803-Wl Who wrote it? *803-W Willmott. Pleasures, objects and advantages of literature 804-W RHETORIC AND COLLECTIONS FOR READING AND SPEAKING. Baker. Amateur dramas 812-B Handy dramas 812-Bl Prize speaker 808.5-B Blair. Lectures on rhetoric 808-B Same, abridged 808-Bl Campbell, Philosophy of rhetoric . . 808-C Carpenter. Popular readings. .5v. . 808.8-Cl Clark. School-day dialogues 812-Cl DiEHL. Choice readings 808. 5-D FoBES. Five-minute declamations 808..5-F FowLE. Familiar dialogues 808.2-F Garrett. Speaker's garland. 7v . . . 808. 5-G Haven. Rhetoric 808-H HiGGiNSON. Hints on writing and speech-making 808-Hl Lawrence speaker 808.5-L LovELL. United States speaker 808.5-Ll Monroe. Public and parlor readings. 808.8-M NiCHOL. English composition 808-X Phelps. English style in public dis- course 808-P Philbrick. American Union speaker. 808.5-P Pittenger. Extempore speech 808.5-Pl Shoemaker. Best things from best authors. 5v 808.5-S Dialogues 812-S Slade. Exhibition days 808.8-S2 Spencer. Philosophy of style 808-S TowNSEND. The art of speech. 2v.. 808-T Whately. Elements of rhetoric 808-W AMERICAN LITERATURE. General Works. Adams. Brief hand-book of American authors *810-A American common-place book of prose. 810-Al Beers. Century of American litera- ture 810-B DuYCKiNCK. Cyclopaedia of American literature. 2v *810-D HiGGiNSON. Short studies of Ameri- can authors 810-H Mayo. Rose of Sharon for 1840 810-M Morris. Half-hours with the best American authors. 4v 810-M 1 LITERATURE. 29 Richardson". American literature. 2v. Stedman & HuTCHiNSOX. Library of American literature, v. 1-7 Tyler. History of American litera- ture to 1765 Underwood. Hand-book of English literature. American authors. . . AMERICAN POETRY. Collections and Criticism. Alden. Studies in Bryant Browne. Bugle-echoes; poetry of the war Bryant, ed. Selections from the American poets Matthews. Poems of American pa- triotism May. American female poets Moore. Songs and ballads of the Southern people TiLTON, ed. Mrs. Partington's Mother Goose Verses from the Harvard Advocate . . . Individual Authors. Dialect ballads Sonnets and canzonets . . Poems Poems Poems Adams. Alcott. Aldrich Arnold. Bacon. Bates. Berries of the brier BoKER. Poems of the war Bryant. Poems Poetical works ; ed. fty Godwin. 2 v. Briggs. Utterance; home poems Campbell. Civitas; romance of our nation's life Carleton. City ballads Farm ballads Farm festivals Farm legends Young folks' centennial rhymes Gary, a. & P. Poetical works Davidson. Poetical remains Dexter. Versions and verses Drown. Fragrant flowers Emerson. Poems Emmons. Battle of Bunker Hill Fawcett. Romance and revery Song and story FoLLEN. Hymns, songs and fables for young people Foster. Romance of the unexpected. 810-R 810-S 810-T 810-U 811-6 811-1 811-8 811-4 811-2 811-3 j 811-5 811-7 811-A 811-A2 811-Al 811-A3 811-B 811-Bl 811-B2 811-B3 811-B4 811-B5 811-C 811-C5 811-C2 811-C3 811-C4 j 811-Cl 811-C6 811-D 811-Dl 811-D2 811-E 811-El 811-F 811-Fl j 811-F4 811-F2 Fresh flowers for my children j Good ALE. Apple-blossoms Gordon & Page. Befo' de war; echoes in negro dialect Harte. Poetical works Hayne. Poems Holland. Bitter-sweet Kathrina Mistress of the manse Puritan's guest Holmes. Before the curfew Poetical works Howells. Poems Hudson. Poems of life and nature . . . Jackson. Verses Johnson. Idler and poet Larcom. Poetical works Locke. Hannah Jane Longfellow. Courtship of Miles Standish Evangeline New England tragedies Poetical works Same. 6v Voices of the night Lowell. Heartsease and rue Poetical works Miller. Poems Songs of the Mexican seas Mitchell. Hill of stones MouLTON. Poe«is O'Reilly. In Bohemia Songs, legends and ballads Statues in the block Phelps. Poetic studies Songs of the silent world Pierpont. Airs of Palestine Preston. Colonial ballads RoHLFE. Defence of the bride Saxe. Poetical works Scott. Sorceress ; or, Salem delivered. Stedman. Poetical works Story. He and she Poems. 2v Stowe. Religious poems Thaxter. Poems Songs of fair weather . . . Leaves of grass Mother Goose for grown Thompson. Whitman. Whitney. folks Whittier. Poetical works. Same. 4v Willis. Poems WooLSEY. Verses 811-F3 811-G 811-Gl 811-H 811-Hl 811-H5 811-H2 811-H3 811-H4 811-H7 811-H8 811-H6 811-Hfl 811-Jl 811-J 811-L 811-Ll 811-L6 811-L5 811-L4 811-L7 811-L2 811-L3 811-L8 811-L9 811-Ml 811-M 811-M2 811-M3 811-01 811-0 811-02 811-P3 811-P 811-P2 811-Pl 811-R 811-S 811-Sl 811-S2 811-S3 811-S4 811-S5 811-Tl 811-T *811-W 811-Wl 811-W3 811-W2 811-W5 811-W4 m LITERATURE. AMERICAN DRAMA. Clabk. Robert Emmet 812-C Ho WELLS. Couuterfeit presentment . 812-Hl Elevator 812-H3 Garroters 812-H4 Out of the question 812-H2 Parlor car 812-H5 Register 812-H6 Sea-change 812-H Sleeping-car 812-H7 AMERICAN ESSAYS. Alcott. Concord days 814-A Tablets 814-Al Appleton. Chequer-work 814- A2 Ballou. Genius in sunshine and shadow 814-B Babtol. Radical problems 814-Bl Beecheb. Star papers 814-B2 BuBBOUGHS. Birds and poets 814-B3 Fresh fields 814-B4 Locusts and wild honey 814-B5 Pepacton 814-B6 Signs and seasons 814-B7 Wake-robin 814-B8 Winter sunshine 814-B9 Channing. Works. 6v 814-C Cleveland. George Eliot's poetry . . 814-Cl Deming. By-ways of nature ^d life. 814-D Dodge. Country living and country thinking 814-Dl Gala-days S14-D2 New atmosphere 814-D3 Skirmishes and sketches 814-D4 Summer rest 814-D5 Emebson. Conduct of life 814-El Essays. 2v 814-E Lectures and biographical sketches. 814-E2 Letters and social aims 814-E3 Miscellanies 814-E4 Nature, addresses and lectures 814-E5 Representative men 814-E6 Society and solitude 814-E7 Fields. Yesterdays with authors 814-F FiNCK. Romantic love and personal beauty 814-Fl FiSKE. Darwinism and other essays.. 814-F2 Excursions of an evolutionist 814-F6 Unseen world 814-F3 Flagg. Halcyon days 814-F4 Year among the trees 814- Fo Gabbetson. Brushland 814-G Hours with John Darby 814-Gl Giles. Illustrations of genius 814-G2 Hale. What career? 814-H Hawthobne. Confessions and criti- cisms 814-Hl HiGGiNSON. Atlantic essays 814-H2 Oldport days 814-H4 Out-door papers 814-H3 Women and men 814-H5 Holland. Every-day topics. 2v 814-H6 Plain talks on familiar subjects 814-H7 Holmes. Pages from an old volume of life 814-H8 Hudson. Men, women and things 814-H9 Jackson. Bits of talks about home matters 814-J James. Partial portraits 814- jl Labned. Village photographs 814-L Lowell. Among my books. 2v 814-L] Democracy and other addresses 814-L2 My study windows 814-L3 Political essays 814-L4 Mathews. Great con versers 814-M Hours with men and books 814-Ml Literary style 814-M2 Men, places and things 814-M3 Pen and ink 814-M4 Mitchell. Bound together 814-M5 Wet days at Edgewood 814-M6 MowBY. Talks with my boys j 814-M7 Pebey. Evolution of the snob 814-P Pbescott. Biographical and critical miscellanies 814-Pl Pbime. I go a-flshing 814-P2 Russell. Library notes 814-R ScuDDEB. Men and letters 814-S Stowe. The chimney-corner 814-S2 Sylvesteb. Homestead highways .. . 814-S3 Thobeau. Early spring in Massachu- setts 814-T Excursions 814-Tl Summer 814-T2 Walden 814-T3 Week on the Concord and Merri- mack 814-T4 Winter 814-T5 Yankee in Canada 814-T6 Whipple. Character and characteris- tic men ;. . .. 814-Wl Essays and reviews. 2v 814- W2 Literature and life 814- W3 Willis. Hurry-graphs 814- W4 Life, here and there 814- W5 Rural letters 814- W6 WooLSON. Browsing among books . . . 814-W7 LITERATURE. 31 AMERICAN ORATORY AND LETTERS. AvAMS, Mrs. Letters. 2v 816-A Adams, J, and Mrs. Familial- letters during the revolution 816-Al Beecheb. Patriotic addresses 815-Bl Summer in England 815-B2 Child. Letters from New York 816-C Phillips. Speeches, lectures and letters 815-P TiioREAU. Letters 816-T Webster. Great speeches and orations. 815-Wl Private correspondence. 2v 816-W Whitman. American orators and or- atory 815-1 AMERICAN HUMOR AND SATIRE. Bailey. Danbury boom SH-B BuRDETTE. Rise and fall of the mus- tache 817-Bl Carolixo. English as she is spoke .. . 817-C Clemens. Mark Twain's sketches. ... 817-C3 Coffin {Barry Gray). Castles in the air 817-Cl Matrimonial infelicities 817-C6 My married life at Hillside 817-C7 Out of town 817-C2 Cox. Why we laugh : 817-C4 Curtis. Potiphar papers 817-C5 Diaz. John Spicer lectures j S17-D Halibubton. Nature and human na- ture 817-H Harris. Nights with Uncle Remus. . 817-Hl Uncle Remus 817-H2 HoLLEV. Josiah Allen's wife 817-H9 Miss Jones' quilting 817-HlO My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. . . 817-H3 My wayward pardner 817-H4 Samantha at Saratoga 817-H5 Holmes. Autocrat of the breakfast- table 817-H6 Poet at the breakfast-table 817-H7 Professor at the breakfast table • 817-H8 Irving. Bracebridge Hall 81 7-1 Crayon miscellany 817-12 Knickerbocker's New York 817-14 Same. 2v 817-13 Old Christmas 817-15 Spanish papers 817-17 Tales of a traveller 817-18 Wolfert's roost 817-19 I R viNG 915.1-G Gbeey. Bear-w^orshippers of Tezo. 1884 J915.2-G2 Wonderful city of Tokio. 1883 ... .j 915.2-Gl Young Americans in Japan. 1889. .. j 915.2-G Griffis. Corea. 1885 915.1-Gl Mikado's empire. 1876 915.2-G3 Hall. Voyage to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-choo islands. 1818 915.1-Hl Hart. Western China. 1888 915.1-H Humbert. Japan and the Japanese. 1874 *915.2-H Knox. Boy travellers in Japan and China. 1879 j 915.2-K Lander. Pekin. 1868 j 915.1-L LeComte. Memoirs and observations in China. 1G98 915.1-Ll Lee. When I was a boy in China. 1887. 915.1-L2 Lowell. Choson, land of the morning calm. 1888 915.1-L3 Maclay. Budget of letters from Japan. 1889 915.2-M Martin, R. M. China. 2v. 1847.... 91.5.1-M Martin, W. A. P. ■ The Chinese. 1881. 915.1-Ml Medhurst. Foreigner in far Cathay. 1873 915.1-M2 Morse. Japanese homes. 1888 915.2-Ml MuDiE. China and its resources. 1840. 915.1-Mo Percy, ed. Miscellaneous pieces re- lating to the Chinese. 2v. 1762... 915.1-P Williams. Middle kingdom. 2v. 1883. 915. 1-W Williamson. Old highways in China. 1884 915.1-W2 Wilson. China. 1887 915.1-Wl INDIA. Arnold. India revisited. 1886 91.5.4-A Bishop. Golden Chersonese. 1886... 915.9-B BiXBY. My child-life in Burmah. 1880. 915.9-Bl Bock. Temples and elephants ; Siam and Lao. 1884 915.9-B2 Butterworth. Zigzag journeys in India. 1887 j 915.4-B Caird. India, land and people. 1884. 915.4-C Capper. Duke of Edinburgh in Cey- lon. 1871.... 915.4-Cl Ceylon; a general description. 2v. 1876 915.4-C2 Eden. India; historical and descrip- tive. 1876 915.4-E Elliot. Races of North-western provinces. 2v. 1869 915.4-El French. Our boys in India. 1888. .. j 915. 4-F Haeckkl. Visit to Ceylon. 1889.... 915. 4rH I TRAVELS AND DESCRIPTION. 43 HoBNADAY. Two years in the jungle. 1887 Knox. Boy travellers in Ceylon and India. 1881 Boy travellers in Siam and Java. 1882 MiTUA. Indo-Aryans. 2v. 1881 Moo BE. Queen's empire. 188G Robinson. Under the sun. 1882 Sullivan. Bungalow and the tent; Ceylon, 1854 Vincent. Land of the white elephant. 1874 W I LSON. Abode of snow. 1875 915.4-Hl j 915.4-K j 915.9-K 915.4-M 915.4-Ml 915.4-R 915.4-S 915. 9- V 915.4-W ■ ARABIA, PALESTINE, ETC. Appleton. Syrian sunshine. 1877. . . 915.6-A Bartlett. From Egypt to Palestine. 1879 915.6-B Burnaby. On horseback through Asia Minor. 1878 915.6-Bl Burton. Land of Midian revisited. 2v. 1879 915.6-B2 Bush. My pilgrimage to eastern shrines. 1867 915.6-B3 Curtis. Howadji in Syria. 1856 915.6-C CuBzoN, Armenia. 1854 915.6-Cl Field. Among the holy hills. 1888. . 915.6-F On the desert. 1887 915.3-F IIarbiman. Travels in the Orient. 1883 915.6-H KiNGLAKE. Eotheu. 1885 915.6-K Lane. Arabian society in the middle ages. 1883 915.3-L Loheb. Cyprus. 1878 915.6-L Lynch. U. S. Dead Sea expedition. 1849 915.6-Ll Macgregor. Rob Roy on the Jordan. 1875 915.6-M OuPHANT. Haifa. 1887 915.6-0 Palgbave. Central and Eastern Arabia. 1862-63 915.3-P Prime. Tent life in the Holy Land. 1859 915.6-P Saulcy. Journey round the Dead Sea. 1850-51. 2v 915.6-S Stephens. Egypt, Arabia and Holy Land. 2v. 1843 915-S Thomson. Land and the book. 3v. 1880 915.6-T Van-Lennep. Bible lands. 1875 915.6-V Warner. In the Levant. 1887 915.6-W PERSIA, CENTRAL ASIA AND SIBERIA. Arnolb. Through Persia by caravan. 915. 5- Al Same. 2v. 1877 915.5-A Atkinson. Oriental and Western Si- beria. 1858 915.7-A Ballantine. Midnight marches through Persia. 1879 915. 5-B Bassett. Persia. 1886 915.5-Bl Benjamin. Persia and the Persians. 1886 915.5-B2 Burnaby. Ride to Khiva 915.8-B Bush. Reindeer, dogs and snow-shoes. 1871 915.7-B DosTOYEFFSKY. Buricd alive (Sibe- ria). 1881 915.7-D Gilder. Ice-pack and tundra. 1883. 915. 7-G Hill. Travels in Siberia. 2 v. 1854. 915.7-H HuTTON. Central Asia. 1875 915.8-H Kennan. Tent life in Siberia. 1888. . 915.7-K Melville. In the Lena delta. 1888. 915.7-M MuDGE. Fur-clad adventurers. 1880.. 915. 7-Ml O'DoNOVAN. Merv oasis. 2v. 1882.. 915.8-0 Schuyler. Turkistan. 2v. 1877.... 915.8-S AFRICA. Adams. Egypt, past and present. 1885. 916. 2- A Amicis. Morocco. 1886 916.4-A Appleton. Nile journal. 1876 916.2-Al Baker. Albert N'yanza. 1888 916. 7-B Ismailia. 1886 916.7-Bl Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1883. 916.3-B Baldwin. African hunting. 1863... 916.8-B Barnard. Three years' cruize in Mo- zambique channel. 1848 916-B Barth. Travels in North and Central Africa. 3v. 1857 916.6-B BowDiCH. Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee. 1819 916.6-Bl Burton. Lake regions of central Africa. 1860 916.7-B2 Buttebworth. Zigzag journeys in the Levant. 1885 j 916.2-B Cabnes. Voyage from Boston to west coast of Africa. 1852 916-C CuMMiNG. Five years of a hunter's life in South Africa. 2v. 1850.... 916.8-C Curtis. Nile notes of a Howadji. 1856. 916.2-C Davis. Ruined cities of Numidia and Carthage. 1862 .' 916.1-D DeLeon. Khedive's Egypt. 1878.... 916.2-D Du Chaillu. Country of the dwarfs. 1871 j 916.7-D4 u TRAVELS AND DESCRIPTION. Journey to Asliango-land. 1874 916.7-D Lost in the jungle. 1869 j 916.7-D2 My Apingi kingdom. 1870 j 916-D Stories of the gorilla country. 1867.. j 916. 7-D3 Wild life under the equator. 1868. . j 916.7-Dl Edwards. 1000 miles up the Nile. 1889. 916.2-E Ellis. West African islands. 1885.. 919. 7-E Faulkneb. Elephant haunts. 1868.. 916. 7-F Gleichen. With the camel corps up the Nile. 1888 916.2-G Grey, Journal of a visit to Egypt, etc. 1870 916.2-Gl Hale. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. 1882 j 916.2-H Jackson. Empire of Marocco. 1810. 916.4-J James. Wild tribes of the Soudan. 1883 916.2-J Jameson -W7 WiLSOx. Bryant and his friends. 1886. 920-Wl Wittexmyer. Women of the refor- mation. 1885 920-W Wright. Children's stories of the great scientists. 1888 j 920-W3 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Gary. Collection of epitaphs. 1865. 929-C 60 BIOGRAPHY. CussANS. Handbook of heraldry. 1882. 929-Cl Chaknock. PrsBnomina; or, Etymol- ogy of Christian names. 1882 929-C2 Emmekton. Genealogy of the Emmer- ton family. 1881 929-E Kendall. Kinship of men. 1888... 929-K MacGeorge. Flags. 1881 929-Ml Maksh. Genealogy of J. Marsh and descendants. 1888 929-M Poobe. Memoir and genealogy of J. Poore. 1881 929-Pl Pkeble. History of flag of the U. S. 1882 929-P S., H. L. & M., L. S. Epitaphs from Holy writ 929-Sl Stickney. Stickney family. 1869.... 929-S Waters. Genealogical gleanings in England, v. 1, pt. 2. 1888 929-W INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Abelard & Heloise. Romance of ; by Wight. 1853 B-ABl Ada*is, J. Life ; by Morse. 1887 B-ADl Adams, J. Q. Life ; by Morse. 1887.. B-ADll Life; by Seward. 1849 B-AD12 Life; by Stoddard. 1887 920-Sll Memoir; by Quincy. 1858 B-AD1.5 Adams, S. Lif e ; by Hosmer. 1887.. B-AD13 Life ; by Wells. 3v. 1865 B-AD14 Addison, J. Life; by Courthope B-AD2 AoAssiz, L. Life and correspondence; by Mrs. Agassiz. 2v. 1886 B-AGl A Kempis, Thomas (See Thomas a Kempis). Albany, Countess of. Life; by Paget. 1885 B-ALI Alexander the Great. History; by Abbott. 1873 j B-AL23 Life ; by Williams. 1836 B-AL231 Alfred the Great. History; by Ab- bott. 1877 j B-AL22 Life; by Hughes. 1887 B-AL21 Life ; by Pauli. 1852 B-AL2 Alice, Princess. Life and letters; by Sell. 1885 B-AL4 Alma-Tadema, L. Life and works; by Ebers. 1886 B-AL6 Andersen, H. C. Story of my life. 1871 B-AN2 Andre, J. The two spies ; by Lossing. 1886 B-H13 ANGliLico, Fra. Life; by Phillimore. 1886. 920-P95 Abndt, E. M. Life and adventures. 1879 B-AR6 Arnold, Benedict. Life; by Arnold. 1888 B-AR61 Arnold, T. Life and correspondence; by Stanley. 2v. 1860 B-AR62 Ascham, Roger. Memoir; by John- son. 1886 B-AS2 Audubon, J. J. Life; by Mrs. Audu- bon. 1883 B-AU2 Bach, J. S. Life; by Poole. 1882.... B-B12 Bacon, Delia. Biographical sketch. 1888 B-B131 Bacon, Lord. Life; by Church B-B13 Life ; by Fowler. 1881 B-B133 Life and character ; by Lovejoy. 1883. B-B132 Balzac. Life ; by Saltus. 1887 B-B21 Barnett, F. Hero of no fiction. 2v. 1823 B-B26 Barnevp:ldt, J. Van O. Life; by Motley. 2v. 1874 949.2-M2 Bartolomeo, Fba. Life; by Baxter. 1881 920-B13 Basset, Josiah. Life of a vagrant. 1852 B-B29 Beaconsfield, Earl. Life; by Kebbel. 1888 B-B351 100 cartoons from Punch. 1878 B-B35 Beauregard, P. G. T. Military opera- tions; by Roman. 2v. 1884 973.7-R Beecher, H. W. Biography; by Beecher & Scoville. 1888 B-B39 Lif e ; by Abbott. 188;3 B-B391 Benezet, a. Memoir; by Armstead. 1859 B-B43 Bentley, R. Life;byJebb. 1882... B-B44 Benton, T. H. Life; by Roosevelt. 1887 B-B441 Bewick, T. and his pupils; Dobson. 1884. B-B46 Bismarck. Historical biogi-aphy; by Lowe. 2v B-B542 In the Franco-German war; by Busch. 1884 B-B541 Our chancellor; by Busch. 1884 B-B54 Blake, R. Admiral. Life ; by Han- nay. 1886 B-B58 Bloomfield, Baroness. Reminis- cences. 2v. 1883 B-B62 Bogy, L. V. Memorial addresses. 1878. B-B63 BoLiNGBROKE. A historical study; by Collins. 1886 B-B6;n Bonaparte, Joseph. History; by Abbott. 1869 j B-J77 ^f BIOGRAPHY Boone, Daniel. Life; by Abbott. 1872. j B-BG4 Booths, The. by Clarke. 1882 B-B641 BowDiTCH, N. Nat the navigator. 1870. j B-B67 Bowles, S. Life and times; by Mer- riam. 2v. 1885 B-B68 BowNE, Eliza S. A girl's life 80 years ago. 1888 B-B681 Brant, Jos. Brant and Red Jacket; by Eggleston & Seelye. 1879 j B-B73 BuASSEY, T. Life and labours; by Helps. 1874 B-B731 Bkidgman, Laura D. Life and educa- tion ; by Lamson. 1888 B-B76 Bronte, Charlotte. Life ; by Birrell. I h 1887 B-B781 Riife; by Reid B-B782 Bronte, Emily J. Life; by Robinson. 1886 B-B78 Brown, Jacob. Life. 1847 920-L6 Brown, John. Life; by Von Hoist. 1889 B-B81 Life and letters ; by Sanborn. 1885. B-B811 Public life; by Redpath. 1860 B-B812 Brown, J. W. In memoriara ; by An- drew. 1860 B-B813 Bryant, W. C. Biography ; by God- win. 2v. 188:3 B-B84 And his friends; by Wilson. 1886. . 920-Wl Brydges, Sir S. E. Autobiography. 2v. 18.34 B-B841 Buchanan, J. Life; by Stoddard. 1888 920-S12 Buckle, H. T. Life and writings ; by Huth. 1880 B-B85 Bull, Ole. Memoir; by Mrs. Bull. t 1886 B-B87 I Bunsen, Baroness. Life and letters ; by Hare B-B88 Bunyan, J. Life; by Brown. 1888... B-B882 Life; by Froude B-B881 Buonarotti, Michelangelo. Life and works; by Duppa B-B883 Burke, E. Life; by Morley. 1888 B-B91 Burns, Robert. Genius and character; by Wilson. 1845 B-B932 Life ; by Shairp. 1879 B-B93 Burnside, a. E. Life and services; byPoore. 1882 B-B931 Burr, Aaron. Life and times; by Parton. 1863 B-B94 BusBECQ, O. G. Life and letters ; by Forster & Daniell. 2v. 1881 B-B96 Butler, B. F. Butler in New Orleans; by Parton. 1864 973.7-Pl 51 Bybon, Lord. Life; by Gait. 1830.. B-B992 Life; by Nichol B-B99 Real Lord Byron; by Jeaffreson. 1883 B-B991 C^SAR. History; by Abbott. 1877.. j B-Cll A sketch; by Froude B-Clll Calhoun, J. C. Life ; by Von Hoist. 1888 B-C12 Canning, G. Life; by Hill. 1887.... B-C16 Carlyle, Jane W. Letters and me- morials ; by Froude. 1883 B-C194 Carlyle, T. Life ; by Conway. 1881. B-C19 Life ; by Froude. 2v. 1882 B-C193 Open secret of his life ; by Larkin. 1886 B-C191 Reminiscences. 1 881 B-C192 Carson, Kit. Life ; by Abbott. 1873. j B-C23 Life ; by Burdett. 1869 B-C231 Pioneer life and adventures; by Peters. 18&4 B-C232 Cellini, B. Memoirs; by himself. 2v. 1845 B-C33 Chambers, W. Story of a long life. 1882 B-C35 Channing, W. E. Memoir; by W. H. Channing. 3v. 1848 B-C36 Channing, W. H. Memoir ; by Froth- ingham. 1886 B-C361 Charlemagne. History; by Mom- bert. 1888 B-C38 Charles the Bold. History; by Kirk. 3v. 1864 , B-C385 Charles I op England. History; by Abbott. 1876 j B-C381 Charles II op England. History; by Abbott. 1877 j B-C382 Charles V op Germany. Life; by Murray v. 1 of 920-M5 Charles XII of Sweden. History; by Voltaire. 1803 B-C383 Same, in French B-G384 Chaucer. Life ; by Ward B-C39 Choate, R. Life; by Brown. 1885. . B-C45 Memories ; by Neilson. 1884 B-C451 Chrysostom. Life ; by Perthes. 1864. B-C46 Cicero. Life; by Trollope. 2v. 1881. B-C48 Clarendon, Lord. Life ; by himself. 3v. 1827 B-C54 Life ; by Lister. 3v. 1838 B-C541 Clay, H. Life ; by Sargent. 1856.... B-C57 Life; by Schurz. 2v. 1888 B-C571 Cleopatra. History; by Abbott. 1879. j B-C59 Cleveland, Grover. Life; by Stod- dard. 1888 B-C591 52 BIOGRAPHY. COBDEN, R. Life; byMoiley. 1881.. B-C63 Coleridge, S. T. Life, by Traill .... B-C67 Colfax, S. Life; byHollister. 1886. B-C68 CoLiGNY. Life; by Besant. 1884 B-C681 CoLONNA, ViTTOBiA. Life; by Trol- lope. 1859 *. B-C71 CoLQUHOUN, Lady. Memoir; by Hamilton. 1855 B-C711 Columbus. Character and achieve- ments; by Goodrich. 1874 B-C721 Life ; by Abbott. 1875 j B-C72 Life; by Helps. 1887 B-C723 Life and voyages ; by Irving. 3v. 1868. B-C722 CoMENius. Life and works ; by Lau- rie. 1887 B-C73; B-C731 CoNGDON, C. T. Reminiscences of a journalist. 1880 B-C76 Constable, J. Life; by Arnold. 1886. B-G12 Cooper, J. F. Life; by Lounsbury. 1886 B-C77 CoRREGGio. Life; by Heaton. 1882. B-C811 Cortes. History; by Abbott. 1884.. j B-C81 CowPER, W. Life ; by Smith B-C83 Crocker, A. Memorial addresses. 1875 920-U Crockett, D. Life ; by Abbott. 1874. B-C87 Crokeb, j. W. Correspondence and diaries. 2v. 1884 B-C871 Cromwell, O. Letters and speeches; byCarlyle. 3v. 1885 B-C88 Life ; by Headley. 1888 B-C881 Life ; by Russell. 2v. 1833 B-C884 Man and his mission; by Picton. 1883 B-C885 Cross, Mrs. {George Eliot). Life; by Blind. 1885 B-C883 Life, letters and journals; ed. by Cross. 3v. 1885 B-C882 CuRWEN, S. Journal and letters. 1864. B-C94 CusACK, Mary F. Nun of Kenmare. 1889 B-C95 CusHiNG, Caleb. Memorial. 1879 . . B-C951 CusHMAN, Charlotte S. Life; by Waters. 1882 B-C96 Cyrus the Great. History; by Ab- bott. 1878 JB-C99 Dahlgben, Admiral. Memoir by his wife. 1882 B-D13 Dante Alighiebi. Sketch; by Ward. 1887 B-D23 Dabius the Great. History; by Abbott. 1878 j B-D241 Darwin, Charles. Life; by Allen. 1885 B-D25 Life and letters. 2v. 1888 B-D251 Darwin, Erasmus. Life; byKrause. 1880 B-D252 Daudet, a. Thirty years of Paris. 1888 B-D26 Defoe, D. Life ; by Minto. 1879 .... B-D36 Dblany, Mary G. Autobiography and correspondence. 2v. 1882.... B-D37 Delaboche, Paul. Lif e ; by Rees. . . B-V59 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic sketches. 1876 B-D442 Life; by Masson B-D44 Life and writings; by Japp. 2v. 1877. B-D441 Dick, Robebt. Life; by Smiles B-D54 Dickens, C. As I knew him; by Dolby. 1885 B-D552 As a reader; by Kent. 1872 B-D.553 Life; by Forster. 2v B-D55 Life; by Ward B-D551 Pen photographs; by Field. 1871 . . B-D554 Didebot, D. and the encyclopaedists; byMorley. 2v. 1886 B-D56 DiSEAELi, B. (See Beaconsfield). Dix, J. A. Memoirs. 2v. 1883 B-D64 DoBA, Sister (See Pattison, Dorothy W.). Doyle, Sib F. H. Reminiscences and opinions. 1887 B-D77 Dbake, SibF. Life; by Towle. 1883. j B-D78 Dbtden, j. Life ; by Saintsbury B-D84 Dudevant, Mme. {George Sand). Life; byCaro. 1888 B-DS6 Life ; by Thomas. 1883 B-D861 Duff, 3frs. Life ; by Ireland. 1882.. B-DS7 DuEEB, A. Life; by Heath. 1881.... B-D93 Dyck, A. Van. Life; by Head. 1881. B-D98 Edgewobth, Makia. Life; by Zim- mern. 1884 B-ED31 Study; by Mrs. Oliver. 1882 B-ED3 Edison, T. A. and his inventions. 1879 B-ED4 Edwabd, T. Life of a Scotch natural- ist; by Smiles B-ED9 Eliot, George (See Cross, Mrs.). Elizabeth, Queen. History; by Ab- bott. 1876 j B-EL4 Ellis, Sarah. Miss Ellis's mission; by Smith. 1886 B-EL5 Emerson, R. W. as a poet; by Benton. 1883 B-EM;J At home and abroad; by Conway. 1882 B-EM31 Genius and character; ed. by San- born. 1885 B-EM35 Life; by Holmes. 1886 B-EM34 BIOGRAPHY. 53 ife, writings, &c. by Cooke. 1882. B-EM33 Memoir; by Cabot. 2v. 1888 B-EM32 i Ebasmus. Life; by Murray v. 2 of 920-M5 '. Fairchild, J. H. Kemarkable inci- dents. 1856 B-F15 Faraday, M. as a discoverer; by Tyu- i H dall. 1884 B-F22 liBlLife; by Gladstone B-F221 ! FARRAGUT, D. G. Life; by L. Farra- gut. 1882 B-F24 Fechter, C. A. Life; by Field. 1882. B-F31 Fenelon, Biographical sketch; by Lear. 1877 B-F35 Fielding, H. Life ; by Dobson B-F40 Fields, J. T. Biographical notes, &c. 1882 B-F461 Fillmore, M. Life; by Stoddard. 1888 920-S12 FiSK, Pliny. Memoir; by Bond. 1828. B-F54 Forrest, Edwin. Life; by Barrett. 1881 B-F77 Fox, C. J. Early history; by Trevel- yan. 1880 B-F83 Francia. Life ; by Cartwright. 1881. B-M311 Franklin, B. as a man of letters ; by McMaster. 1887 B-F852 In France ; by Hale. 1887 B-F851 l^giife; by Abbott. 1876 B-F85 I M:iif e ; by himself. 1851 B-F854 IKliife and times; by Parton. 2v. 1834. B-F853 ■"Memoirs; by himself. 2v. 1840 B-F856 Franklin, Sib J. Life; by Beesly. . . B-F855 Frederick the Great. History; by Carlyle. 7v. 1885 B-F871 Life ; by Brackenbury. 1884 B-F87 Fremont, Jessie B. Souvenirs of my time. 1887 B-F881 Fremont, J. C. Life, explorations, &c. ; by Upham. 1856 B-F88 Frith, W. P. Autobiography and reminiscences. 1888 B-F91 Fromentin, E. Painter and writer; by Gonse. 1883 B-F92 Fry, Eliz. G. Life; by Pitman. 1886. B-F94 Fuller, Margaret {See Ossoli, S. M. F.). Fulton, Kobebt. Life ; by Knox, 1887. B-F95 Gainsbobough, T. Life ; by Arnold. 1886 B-G12 Gallatin, A. A. A. Life; by Ste- vens. 1887 B-G13 Gallaudet. T. H. Life; by E. M. Gallaudet. 1888 B-G131 Gama, Vasco da. Voyages and ad- ventures ; by Towle. 1870 j B-G14 Gannett, E. S. Life; by W. C. Gan- nett. 1875 B-G15 Gabfield, J. A. Life; by Bundy. 1880 B-G18 Log-cabin to the White House ; by Thayer. 1881 B-G181 Garrison, W. L. and his times; by Johnson. 1885 B-G191 Proceedings at public breakfast in London. 1868 B-G192 Story of his life; by his children. 2v. 1885 B-G19 Genghis Khan. History; by Ab- bott. 1860 j B-G28 Gibbon, E. Life; by Morrison. 1879... B-G35 Giotto. Life ; by Quilter. 1886 B-G43 GiEABD, S. Biography ; by Simpson. 1832 B-G44 Gladstone, W. E. Life; by Smith. 1880 B-G45 Glazieb, W. Sword and pen; by Owens. 1884 B-G46 Godwin, Maby Wollstonecbaft. Life; by Pennell. 1888 B-G54 Goldsmith, O. Biography; by Irv- ing. 1864 B-G571 Life; by Black. 1879 B-G57 GoBDON, C. G. Story of Chinese Gor- don; by Hake. 1888 B-G65 Gothe, j. W. von. Autobiography. 2v, 1881 B-G554 Life and genius; by Sanborn. 1886. B-G553 Life and times; by Grimm. 1881. . . B-G551 And Schiller; by Boyesen. 1885 B-G55 Story of G.'s life; by Lewes. 1888.. B-G552 GouGH, J. B. Autobiography. 1871. B-G72 Gould, Emily B. Memorials; by Bacon. 1879 B-G73 GowEB, Lobd Konald. My reminis- cences. 2v. 1883 B-G74 Grant. U. S. About Grant; by Swift. 1880 B-G766 From tannery to the White House; by Thayer. 1885 B-G767 In peace ; by Badeau. 1887 B-G761 Life ; by Brown. 1885 B-G762 Life and services; by Phelps. 1868. B-G764 Military history ; by Badeau. 3v. 1885. 973. 7-B Our standard-bearer; by Adams. 1868 B-G76 Personal history; by Richardson. 1886 B-G765 Personal memoirs; by himself. 2v. 1885 B-G763 I 54 BIOGRAPHY. Personal memoirs versus the record ; by McClellan, 1887 973. 7-M Gray, T. Life; by Gosse B-G79 Gkeeley, H. Life ; by Parton. 1855. B-G81 Greenougu, H. Letters. 1887 B-G85 Grimkes, The. Lives ; by Birney. 1885. B-G88 GuERiN, Eugenie de. Journal. 1865. B-G98 Hale, Nathan. Life; by Lossing. 1886 B-H13 Hamilton, Alex. Life; by Lodge. 1887 B-H18 Life; by Shea. 1881 B-H181 Hammond, M. M. Memoir. 1858.... B-H182 Hancock, W. S. Reminiscences; by his wife. 1887 B-H19 Handel, G. F. Life; by Marshall. 1883 B-H192 Hannibal. History; by Abbott. 1876. j B-H191 Hare, Maria L. Memorials of a quiet life; by Hare B-H22 Haroun Alraschid. Life; by Pal- mer B-H23 Harrison, W. H. Life; by Stoddard. 1888 920-S9 Hartley, D. Life; by Bower. 1881. B-H25 Hastings, Warren. Memoirs; by Gleig. 3v. 1841 B-H27 Hawthorne, N. and his wife; by J. Hawthorne. 2v. 1885 B-H31 Life; by James. 1880 B-H311 Study of ; by Lathrop. 1876 B-H312 Haydn, F. J. Life; by Townsend. 1884 B-H32 Hayes, R. B. Sketch; by Howells. 1876 B-H321 Hayward, a. Correspondence. 2v. 1886 B-H33 Heber, R. Life; by Mrs. Heber. 1859. B-H35 Hemans, Mrs. Memorials; by Chor- ley. 2v. 1836 B-H37 Henry, Patrick. Life; by Tyler. 1888 B-H39 Sketches ; by Wirt. 1834 B-H391 Henry III of France. Court and times; by Freer. 3v. 1888 B-H392 Henry IV OF France. History; by Abbott. 1884 j B-H393 Henry Till of Engi-and. Life ; by Tytler. 1837 B-H394 Hersey, S. F. Memorial addresses. 1875 920-U Hobart, PAS(pA. Sketches from my life. 1887 B-H65 HoDGK, C. Life; by his son. 1880... B-H66 HoGAKTH, W. Life; by Dobson. 1883. B-H67 Holbein, Hans. Life; by Cundall. 1882 B-H69 Holland, Sir H. Recollections of past life. 1872 B-H71 Holmes, O. W. Life; by Brown. 1884. B-n73 Hood, T. Memorials; ed. by his daughter. 2v. 1860 B-H76 Hooper, S. Memorial addresses. 1875. 920-U Hopper, I. T. Life ; by Child, laos. . B-H77 Hortense, Queen. History; by Ab- bott. 1870 j B-H78 HuBBELL, Mary E. Memorial. 1857. B-H86 Hughes, Archbishop. Life; by Has- sard. 1866 B-H87 Hugo, Victor, and his time ; by Bar- bou. 1882 B-H871 Hull, Gen. W. Life; by Campbell. 1848 B-H872 Hume, D. Life ; by Huxley. 1879.... B-H88 Ida. Story of Ida; by Alexander. 1883. B-IDl Irving, W. Life ; by Warner. 1888.. B-IR81 Life and letters; by P. M. Irving. 3v. 1869 B-IR8 Jackson, A., as a public man; by Sumner. 1888 B-J131 Life; by Parton. 3v. 1861 B-J13 Jay, j. Life and times; by White- lock. 1887 B-J33 Jefferson, T. Life; by Linn. 1834. B-J352 Life; by Morse. 1888 B-J351 Life; by Randall. 3v. 1888 B-J35 Jeffersons, The ; by Winter. 1881 . . . 920- W4 Jkwett, C. Life ; by Thayer. 1880.. B-J55 Joan of Arc. Life ; by Tuckey. 1886. B-D24 Johnson, A. Life; by Stoddard. 1888. 920-SlO Johnson, S. Life; by Boswell. 3v. .. B-J63 Life ; by Stephen. 1879 B- J631 Jones, J. Paul. Life; by Abbott. 1874. B-J71 JONSON, B. Life; by Symonds. 1886. B-J73 Josephine, Empress. History; by Abbott. 1879 j B-J771 Judas Maccabeus. Life; by Con- der. 1883 B-J88 JuDSON, A. Memoir; by Wayland. 2v. 1853 B- J92 JuDsoN, Emily C. Life and letters; by Kendrick. 1860 B-J921 Kane, E. K. Biography; by Elder. 1858 B-K13 Keats, J. Life; by Colvin. 1887 B-K22 Kemble, F. a. Records of a girlhood. 1884 B-K31 Records of later life. 1884 B-K311 r BIOGRAPHY. 55 Kempis, Thomas k (See Thomas k Kempis). KiDD, Capt. W. Life; by Abbott. 1874. j B-K53 KiTTO, J. From poor-house to pulpit; by Thayer. 1859 B-K65 Knill, R. Life; byBirrell. I860.... B-K74 Kossuth, L. Memories of my exile. 1880 B-K84 LaFayette. Memoirs; by Sarrans. 2v. 1833 B-L13 Lamb, C. Life ; by Ainger B-L16 Lamb, Mary. Life; by Gilchrist. 1884. B-L161 Landor, W. S. Life ; by Colvin B-L22 Landseer, E. Life ; by Stephens. 1883. B-L23 La Salle. Adventures ; by Abbott. »1875 j B-L33 And the discovery of the great west; byParkman. 1886 973.1-P Lawrexce, Amos. Diary and corres- pondence. 1855 B-Li42 Lee, R. E. Four years with Gen. Lee ; by Taylor. 1878 973. 7-T Life ; by Cooke. 1887 B-L51 Leo X. Life ; by Murray v. 2 of 920- M5 LeoXIIL Life; by O'Reilly. 1887.. B-L.55 Lesseps, F. de. Recollections of forty years. 1888 B-L56 Lincoln, A. Biography; by Brooks; 1888 j B-L631 Life ; by Arnold. 1887 B-L63 Life ; by Bartlett. 1860 B-L632 Life ; by Holland. 1866 B-L633 Life ; by Lamon. 1872 B-L637 Life ; by Leland. 1885 B-L634 Life ; by Raymond. 1865 B-L635 Life ; by Stoddard. 1885 B-L636 Life, for young people ; by Stoddard. 1888 920-SlO Livingstone, D. Life; by Manning. 1886 B-L761 Life ; by Charles 920-C Life and explorations; by Roberts. 1881 B-L76 Locke, J. Life ; by Fowler B-L79 LocKAvooD, J. B. Farthest north; by Lanman. 1885 919.8-L Longfellow, H. W. Biography; by Kennedy. 1882 B-L86 Life; ed. by S. Longfellow. 2v. 1886. B-LS61 Final memorials; cd. by S. Longfel- low. 1887 B-L862 Lorraine, Claude. Life; byDullea. 1887 B-G281 Louis Philippe. History; by Ab- bott. 1871 j B-L92 Louis XIV. History; by Abbott. 1870. j B-L921 Luther, Martin, and his work; by Treadwell. 1884 B-L971 Life ; by himself. 1884 B-L973 Life ; by Kostlin. 1883 B-L97 Quaint sayings; ed. 6?/ Morris. 18-59. B-L972 Macaulay, T. B. Life ; by Morrison. B-M12 Life and letters; by his nephew. 2v. 1875 B-M121 Macgregor, Rob Rot. Historical memoirs; by Macleay. 1881 B-M17 MACLEOD, N. Memoir ; by his brother. 1877 B-M13 Madison, Dolly. Memoirs and let- ters. 1888 B-M14 Madison, J. Life; by Gay. 1887.... B-M141 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 920-Sll Magellan. First voyage around the world ; by Towle. 1879 j B-M27 Mann, Horace. Life; by Mrs. Mann. 1888 B-M31 Manteqna. Life ; by Cartwright. 1881. B-M311 Margaret of Anjou. History; by Abbott. 1861 j B-M334 Margaret of Navarre. Life; by Robinson. 1887 B-M33 Marie Antoinette. History; by Abbott. 1849 j B-M331 Life ; by Keddie B-M333 Private life ; by Campan. 1887 B-M;?32 Marion, F. Life. 1847 B-M335 Marlborough, Duke of. Life; by Saintsbury. 1886 '. B-M34 Marsh, G. P. Life. v. 1. 1888 B-M35 Marshall, J. Life; by Magruder, 1887 B-M351 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiogra- phy. 2v. 1885 B-M363 Life ; by Miller. 1885 B-M362 Maktyn, H. Memoir; by Sargent B-M364 Mary, Queen of Scots, and her latest English historian; by Meline. 1872. B-M361 History; by Abbott. 1876 j B-M36 Life ; by Bell. 2v. 1836 B-M365 Mathews, C. J. Life; ed. by C. Dick- ens. 2v. 1879 B-M42 Matthews, R. Matthias and his im- postures ; by Stone. 1835 B-M43 Mazzini, G. Life; introd. by Garrison. 1872 B-M45 Medici, Lorenzo dk. Life ; by Reu- mont. 2v. 1876 B-M46 Meissonier, j. L. E. Life; by Mol- lett. 1882 B-M47 56 BIOGRAPHY. Mendelssoux. Life; by Rockstro. 1S88 B-M52 Michael Angelo (See Buonarotti). MiLBUEN, W. H. Ten years of preacher-life. 1859 B-M58 Mill, J. S. Autobiography. 1887... B-M59 Mill, James. Life ; by Bower. 1881. B-H25 MiLLEK, Hugh. Life and letters; by Bayne. 2v. 1882 B-MOl My schools and schoolmasters. 1875. B-M612 Miller, Gex. J. Memoirs; by John Miller. 2v. 1828 B-M611 Milton, John. Life; by 'Brooke. 1879 B-M642 Life and times ; by Ivimey. 1833 . . . B-M(»4 Life; by Pattison B-M(U1 Mitchel, O. M. Life; by his son. 1887. B-M09 Moffat, R. Life; by Manning B-L7G1 MoHAMMET and his successors ; by Irv- ing. 2v. 1868 B-M72 Life ; by Bush. 1830 B-M721 MoxROE, J. Life; by Oilman. 1887.. B-M75 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 920-Sll MoxTEZUMA, and the conquest of Mex- ico; by Eggleston & Seelye. 1880. j B-M76 Moody, D. L. and his work ; by Daniels. 1875 B-M77 Morris, Gouverneur. Diary and letters. 2v. 1888 B-M83 Life ; by Sparks. 3v. 1832 B-MS31 MoRTOX, O. p. Memorial addresses. 1878 B-M84 Mow ATT, A. C. (See Ritchie, A. C. O.) Mozart. Lif e ; by Gehring. 1883.... B-M87 MuRiLLO. Life; by Minor. 1882 B-M94 Napoleox I and his marshals; by Headley. 2v. 1888 920-H7 The first Xapoleon ; by Ropes. 1888. B-N1()2 History; by Lockhart. 2v. 1830... B-N160 Inexile; by O'Meara. 2v. 1885.... B-N161 Life ; by Bourrienne. 1832 B-X16 Life ; by Scott. 3v. 1827 B-N'163 Physiology of war ; N. and Russian campaign ; by Tolstoi. 1888 947-T Short history; by Seeley. 188(i B-N164 Napoleox III. History; by Abbott. 18fi9 B-N105 Nasmyth. J. Autobiography; ed. by Smiles. 1884 B-N17 Nero. History; by Abbott. 1881... B-N35 Newtox, I. Life ; by Brewster. 18.'>1. B-N48 Nun of Kexmare (See Cusack, M. F.), O'CoxxELL, D. Life; by Cusack. 2v. B-0C51 Life; by Hamilton. 1888 B-0C5 OssoLi, Maro. Fuller. Life; by Hig- ginson. 1887 B-0S7 Life; by Howe. 1886 B-0S71 OvERBECK, J. F. Life; by Atkinson. 1882 B-0V2 Parker, T. Biography ; by Fi-othing- ham. 1886 B-P22 Experience as a minister. 1859 B-P222 Story; by Cooke. 1883 B-P221 Parker, W. H. Recollections of a naval officer. 1883 B-P223 Parsoxs, T. Memoir; by his son. 1859 '. B-P25 Pattisox, Dorothy W. {Sister Dora). Biography; by Lonsdale. 1880... B-D72 Payx, J. Some literary recollections. B-P29 Pellico, Silvio. Le mie prigioni. 1842 B-P:;i. Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence. 5v. 1848 B-P39 Perry, M. C. Life; by Griffis. 1887. B-P4l' Pestalozzi, J. H. Life; by Kriisi. 1875 B-P43 Peter the Great. Biography; by Schuyler. 2v. 1884 B-P441 History ; by Abbott. 1859 j B-P44 Memoir; by Barrow. 1834 B-P442 Peters, Hugh. History; by Peters. 1807 B-P443 Petrarch. Life ; by Dobson. 2v. 1805. B-P444 Philip, Kixg. History; by Abbott. 1885 j B-P.-..; Phillips, S. Memoir; by Taylor. 1856. B-P51:; Phillips, Wexdell. Eulogy; by Curtis. 1884 B-P.") 1.' Life ; by Austin. 1888 B-P." 4 Memorial. 1884 B-P.-)41 Pierce, Fraxklix. Life ; by Stod- dard. 1888 920-S12 Pitt, W. Life ; by Macaulay B-P6-^-' Pius IX. Life; by O'Reilly. 188:3... B-PG.^ PizARRO. Adventures and conquests ; by Towle. 1878 j B-P6S1 Plutarch. Lif e ; by Trench. 1874.. B-P74 Pocahontas. Life; by Eggleston «S: Seelye. 1879 j B-P7.") PoE, Edgar, and his critics; by Whit- man. 1885 B-P7.">4 Life; by Ingram. 2v. 1880 B-P7M Life ; by Woodberry. 18v85 B-PT.v: Memorial volume ; ed. by Rice. 1877. B-P7r) J Polk, J. K. Life; by Stoddard. 1888. 920-SP Polo, Marco. Travels and adven- tures ; by Towle. 1880 JB-P76 I r |H BIOGRAPHY. PooRE, B. P. Perley's reminiscences. 2v. 1886 B-P79 PoPB, A. Life ; by Stephen B-P81 Prescott, W. H. Life ; by Ticknor. 1863 B-P92 PuKCELL, H. Life ; by Cummings. 1881. B-P97 ^jrrxAM, Israel. Life; by Cutter. B; 1854 B-P98 ^Life ; by Humphreys. 1818 B-P981 Pyrrhus, History ; by Abbott. 1854. j B-P99 QuixcT, J. Figures of the past. 1883. B-Q4 Eachel. Life; by Kennard. 1888... B-Rll Raleigh, Sir W. Life; by Gosse. 1886. B-R132 Life ; by Towle. 1881 j B-R131 Life ; by Ty tier. 1854 B-R13 Randolph, E, Omitted chapters of history; by Conway. 1888 B-RJ51 Randolph, J. Life; by Adams. 1887. B-R15 Raphael. Life ; by Bell. 1883 B-R181 Life; by Quatremere de Quincey. ... B-B883 Life ; by Grimm. 1888 B-R18 Reade, C. Memoir, 1887 B-R22 Red Eagle. Life ; by Eggleston. 1878. B-W87 Red Jacket. Brant and Red Jacket; by Eggleston & Seelye. 1879 j B-B73 Rembrandt. Lif e ; by Mollett. 1886. B-R282 REMtrsAT. Memoirs. 1880 B-E28 Same. 3v. 1888 B-R281 Renan. Recollections of my youth. 188:3 B-R29 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Life; by Pulling. 1886 B-R.33 Rice, J. B. Memorial addresses. 1875. 920-U Richard I. History; by Abbott. 1885. j B-R38 Richard II. History; by Abbott. 1886. j B-R381 Richard III. History; by Abbott. 1886 j B-R382 Life and reign; by Gairdner. 1878. . B-Il.383 Ripley, G. Life; by Frothingham. 1886 B-R48 Ritchie, Anna C. O. Autobiography of an actress. 1854 B-R51 RoBBiA, Luca della. Life ; by Bax- ter. 1883 920-Bll Robertson, F. W. Life and letters ; by Brooke. 2v. 1865 B-R54 Rogers, Ammi. Memoirs; by himself . 18;30 B-R&Py Roland, Mme. History; by Abbott. 1878 j B-R64 Life; by Blind. 1886 B-R641 Romulus. History ; by Abbott. 1880. j B-R66 BosA, Salvator. Life and times; Morgan. 2v. 1824 B-R71 7 57 Rossetti, D. G. Recollections; by Caine. 1882 B-R72 Rossini, G. A. and his school ; by Ed- wards. 1888 B-R73 Rousseau, J. J. Life; by Morley. 2v. 1886 B-R76 Rubens, P. P. Life;byKett. 1888.. B-R82 Ruete, Emily. Memoirs of an Ara- bian princess. 1888 B-R83 Saint-Simon, Duke of. Memoirs. 3v. 1883 B-SA2 Sampson, W. Memoirs. 1817 B-SA4 Sand, George (See Dudevant, Mme.). Schiller, J. C. F. von. Gothe and Schiller ; by Boyesen. 1885 B-G55 Life ; by Carlyle. 1885 B-SCH3 Schubert, F. P. Life; by Frost. 1888. B-SCH8 Schumann, R. A. Life ; by Maitland. 1884 B-SCH81 Scott, Sir W. Life; by Hutton. 1879. B-SC08 Life ; by Lockhart. 3v B-SC081 Story of his life; by Mackenzie. 1871 B-SC082 Segur, Count. Memoirs and recol- lections. 1825 B-SE3 Sevier, J. as a commonwealth-build- er ; by Gilmore. 1887 976.8-Gl Sevigne, Mme. Life; by Boissier. 1888 B-SE8 Seward, W. H. Autobiography and memoir. 1877 B-SE81 Shaftesbury, Ist Earl of. Life ; by Traill. 1886 B-SHl Shaftesbury, 7th Earl of. Life ; by Frith. 1887 B-SH12 Shakespeare, W. What we really know about S. ; by Dall. 1886 B-SH13 Shelley, P. B. Life; by Symonds. 1879 B-SH4 Sherburne, A. Memoirs; by him- self. 1831 B-SH5 Sheridan, P. H. Life; by Burr & Hinton. 1888 B-SH52 Sheridan, R. B. Life; by Moore. 2v. 1853 B-SH54 Life; by Oliphant B-SH51 Sheridans, The. Lives ; by Fitzger- ald. 2v. 1886... 920-F5 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs; by him- self. 2v. 1887 B-SH.-SS SiDDONs, Mrs. Life; by Kennard. 1887 B-SIl Sidney, Sib P. Life; by Symonds. 1887 B-SI12 58 BIOGRAPHY. Slatek, S. Memoir ; by White. 1836. B-SLl Smith, Jeremiah. Life; by Morisou. 1845 B-SM51 Smith, Sydney. Memoir; by bis daugbter. 2v. 1855 B-SM5 Soto, F. de. Life ; by Abbott j B-S07 Southey, K. Life ; by Dowden B-S08 Spekcer, Herbert, on tbe Ameri- cans ; ed. by Youmans. 1883 B-SP31 Spenser, Edm. Life ; by Churcb. 1879. B-SP3 Stael-Holstein, Mme. de. Life; by Duffy. 1887 B-STl Life and times; by Stevens. 2v. 1880 B-ST12 Standish, Miles. Life; by Abbott. 1872. j B-ST2 Steele, E. Life; by Dobson. 1886.. B-ST3 Stein, H. F. K. Life and times; by Seeley. 2v. 1879 B-ST31 Sterling, J. Life; by Carlyle. 1885.. B-ST4 Sterne, L. Life ; by Traill B-ST41 Strafford, Earl of. Life; by Cooper. 2v. 1874 B-ST8 Stuart, C. E., tbe Young Pretender. Memoirs; by Klose. 2v. 1845... B-ST91 Stuart, J. E. B. Life and campaigns; byMcClellan. 1885 973.7-M2 Stuyvesant, p. Life; by Abbott. 1873 j B-ST9 Sumner, C. Life ; by Lester. 1874... B-SU6 Life; byNason. 1874 B-SU62 Memoir and letters ; by Pierce. 2v. 1881 B-SU61 Swkdenborg, E. Life: by Hobart. 1845 B-SW31 Life and mission; by Worcester. 1884 B-SW3 Swift, J. Life; by Forster. v. 1. 1876. B-SW5 Life; by Stephen B-SW51 Tait, Catharine & Cbaufurd. Me- moir ; by Benham. 1883 B-T13 Taylor, Bayard. Life;by Conwell. 1881 B-T19 Taylor, Jeremy. Life; by Heber. 1832 B-T21 Taylor, Zachary. Life B-T191 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 920-S12 Tecumseh. Life ; by Eggleston & See- lye. 1878 j B-T22 Thackeray, W. M. Life; by Trol- lope B-T32 Thomas k Kempis. Life; by Kettle- well. 2v. 1882 B-T36 Thorkau, H. D. Life; by Sanborn. 1884 B-T39 TiCKNOR, G. Life, letters, journals; by Hillard. 2v. 1880 B-T43 Tintoretto. Life ; by Osier. 1882... B-T49 Titian. Life ; by Heath. 1885 B-T541 Life ; by Sweetser. 1877 B-T54 ToRREY, C. T. Memoir; by Love joy. 1847 B-T63 Trollope, a. Autobiography B-T741 Trollope, T. a. What I remember. B-T74 Turner, J. M.W. Life; byHamerton. 1879 B-T85 Life ; by Monkhouse. 1882 B-T851 Tyler, J. Life; by Stoddard. 1888.. 920-S9 Van Dyck {See Dyck, A. Van). Vane, Sir H. Life ; by Hosmer. 1888. B-V28 Vernet, Horace. Life; by Bees. 1880 B-V59 Victor Emmanuel II. Life; by Dicey. 1886 B-V66 Life ; by Godkin. 1880 B-V661 Victoria, Queen. Story of her life ; by Tulloch. 1887 j B-V662 Vinci, Leonardo da. Life ; by Kich- ter. 1884 B-V74 Voltaire in England; by Collins. 1886 B-B631 Life; by Morley. 1888 E-V88 Wagner, W. R. Life; by Hueffer. 1888 B-W12 Ware, H. Memoir; by J. Ware. 1846. B-W22 Washington, G., and his generals; by Headley. 2v. 1888 920-H8 Eulogies. 1800 B-W2711 Life; by Abbott. 1875 j B-W27 Life; by Hale. 1888 B-W271 Life ; by Irving. 5v. 1857 B-W272 Life ; by Marshall. 5y. 1804 B-W274 Life, for schools; by Marshall. 1888. j B-W279 Life ; by Paulding. 2v. 1835 B-W278 Life ; by Sparks. 1839 B-W276 Mount Vernon and its associations; byLossing. 1859 B-W273 Recollections ; by Custis. 1860 B-W275 Vie ; par Girault. 1843 B-W2712 Washington, Mary «fe Martha. Lives ; by Lossing. 1886 B-W277 Watson, Elkanah. Men and times of the revolution. 1856 B-W29 Watteau, j. a. Life; by Mollett. 1883 B-W34 Weber. Life; by Benedict. 1885.... B-W3S Webster, Daniel. The American statesman; by Banvard. 1853.... B-W391 Life ; by Lodge. 1887 B-W392 I IV BIOGRAPHY ■ Life ; by Lyman. 1859 BW394 ■Life and speeches; by Sraucker. 1859. B-W395 ■Memorial. 1853 B-W39 ^Reminiscences; by Harvey. 1884... B-W393 Webster, Noah. Life; by Scudder. 1886 B-W396 Weed, Thurlow. Autobiography and memoir. 2v. 1883 B-W42 Wesley, J. Life; by Southey. 2v. 1847 B-W511 Wesley, Susanna. Life; by Clarke. 1886 B-W51 Whitman, Walt. Life; by Bucke. 1883 B-W59 Whittington, K. Life; by Besant & Rice B-W61 Wilberforce, S. Life and corres- pondence. 1883 B-W63 WiLKiE, D. Life; by Mollett. 1881... B-W65 HISTORY. 59 William the conqueror. History; by Abbott. 1877 B-W671 Life ; by Freeman. 1888 B-W67 William IV. Life and times; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1884 B-W6 72 Willis, N. P. Life ; by Beers. 1885. B-W68 Wilson, H. Life; by Nason & Rus- sell. 1876 B-W69 Winter, C. Memoirs; by Jay. 1811. B-W73 Witt, J. de. Life; by Pontalis. 2v. 1885 B-W78 Wollstonecraft, Mary (See God- win, M. W.). Woolman, J. Journal. 1888 B-W88 Wordsworth, Dorothy, Life; by Lee. 1887 B-W89 Wordsworth, W. Life; by Meyers. . B-W891 Worth, Gen. W. J. Life. 1847 920-L7 Xerxes. History; by Abbott. 1878 . . j B-X2 HISTORY. GENERAL WORKS. Andrews, Brief institutes of general history. 1888 909-A Archer. Decisive events in history. 1883 904-Al Arnold. Lectures on modern history. 1884 904-A BiGLAND. Geographical and historical view of the world. 5v. 1811 909-B2 Letters on the study and use of his- tory. 1814 901-B Bossuet. Universal history to Char- lemagne. 1821 909-Bl Brownell. People's book of ancient and modern history. 1851 909-B Buckle. History of civilization. 2v. 1887 901 -Bl Creasy, 15 decisive battles of the. world 909-C Draper. Intellectual development of Europe, 2v. 1876 901-D Fisher. Outlines of universal his- tory, 1885 909-F Freeman, Chief periods of European history, 1886 904-F4 Greater Greece and Greater Britain; and, Washington, the expander of England, 1886 904-Fl Historical essays, v, 1 & 3. 1879-86. 904-F3 Methods of historical study. 1886, . 904-F2 Office of the historical professor. 1884 904-F GiLMAN. Kings, queens and barba- rians. 1881 , 909-G Magna Charta stories. 1882 j 904-G GuizoT. History of civilization. 3 v. 1887 901-G Hall. Methods of teaching history. 1883 907-H Haydn. Dictionary of dates. 1887., *902-Hl Hegel. Philosophy of history, 1888. 901-H Heilprin. Historical reference book. 1888 *902-H Hebren. Historical treatises . 1836 901-Hl HoARE. True stories of brave deeds. 1887 904-H Humphrey l MtTRRAT, H. and others. Encyclopaedia of geography. 3v. 1857 910-M3 HEistorical and descriptive account W^ot British India. 3v. 1832 w Historical and descriptive account of ■ China. 3v. 1836 MuRKAY, H. joint author. (See also Jameson R. & Leslie J.) Murray, J. A. H. ed. New English dictionary, v. 1. 1888 *423-M Murray, J. 0. ed. Prose and poetry oflreland. 1882 820-M Murray, James. Select biography. 2v. 1867. v.l, Charles V, v.2, LeoX. Erasmus 920-M5 Murray, John. Hand book of Rome. 1867 914.5-M Murray, W. H. H. Daylight land. 1888. 917.1-M Perfect horse. 1873 636-Ml Words fitly spoken. 1872 252-M3 My farm of Edgewood, by D. G. Mitchell 630-M My mother; recollections of maternal influence. 1849 173-M Myers, F. W. H. Essays; classical. . . 824-M8 Wordsworth B-W891 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. 1874 915-M2 Nadaillac, J. F. A. du P. Pre-his- toric America. 1884 913. 7-N Napier, C. O. G. Tommy Try and what he did in science. 1869 j 504-N Nares, G. S. Seamanship. 1882 656-N Nash, J. A. Progressive farmer. 1854. 631-N Nasmyth, J. Autobiography. 1884. . B-N17 Nason, E. Life of Charles Sumner. 1874 B-SU62 Nason, E., & Russell, T. Life of Henry Wilson. 1876 B-W69 Nasox, H. B. Manual of qualitative blowpipe analysis. 1881 Natural religion ; by J. R. Seeley. 1886. Nature and human nature ; by J. C. Haliburton. 1859 Naumkeag district directory, v.l & 4. 1882, 1888 *917.445-M Nautical magazine. 8v. 1841-43, 45-49. 380-N Navy in the civil war. 1. Soley. Blockade and the cruisers. 973.7-Nl 2. Ammen. Atlantic coast 973.7-N 3. Mahan. Gulf and inland waters. 973.7-N2 Neanber, J. A. W. General history of the Christian religion and church. 9v. 1851 270-N 549-N 210-S 817-H 125 232-N Life of Jesus Christ. 1849 Planting and training of the Chris- tian church. 1847 270-Nl Neaves, C. Greek anthology 881-N Neele, H. Romance of history; Eng- land 942-N Neilson, J. Memories of Eufus Choate. 1884 B-C451 Nepos, C. Lives of the excellent com- manders. 1806. (Latin and Eng- lish.) 878-N Nevins memorial library. Catalogue. 2v. 1887 *019-6 New England dental society. 25th annual meeting. 1887 617-N New England; a handbook for travel- lers; by M. F. Sweetser. 1873.... 917. 4-S New Plutarch series. Abraham Lincoln ; by Leland B-L634 Coligny; by Besant B-C681 Judas Maccabseus ; by Conder B-J88 Joan of Arc ; by Tuckey B-D24 Haroun Alraschid ; by Palmer B-H23 Sir John Franklin ; by Beesly B-F855 Martin Luther ; by Tread well B-L971 Sir R. Whittington ; by Besant B-W61 Frederick the Great; by Bracken- bury B-F87 Marie Antoinette ; by Keddie B-M333 Victor Emmanuel ; by Dicey B-V66 New York State. Documents relative to the colonial history of the state, ed. by O'Callaghan. 1856-81. v.l- 10, 12, 13 & index 974.7-N Newburyport, Mass. Memorial of Ca- leb Gushing. 1879 B-C951 Newcomb, S. Elements of geometry. . 513-N Plain man's talk on the labor ques- tion. 1886 ,.... 331-N Popular astronomy. 1887 520-N Newhall, J. R, Essex memorial for 1836 917.445-N Newton, C. T. Essays on art and ar- chaeology. 1880 913-N Newton, R. H. Philistinism 239-N Social studies 330-N Newton free library. Class catalogue. 1880-88 *017-3 NiCHOL, J. Byron B-B99 English composition 808-N Tables of ancient literature and his- tory *902-N Nichols, G. W. Art education ap- plied to industry. 1877 707-N 126 AUTHOR LIST. Story of the great march. 1865 973.7-N3 Nichols, J. R. Chemistry of the farm and the sea. 1867 540-N Nichols, La.uba D. Underfoot j 550-N Nichols, Lauba D. joint author. {See Moore, Annie.) Nicolas, N. H. Chronology of his- tory. 18:33 902-Nl Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's I'e- marks on historical literature. 1831 907-N NicoLAY, J. G. Outbreak of rebellion. 1882 973.7-C NicoLL, H. J. Landmarks of Eng- lish literature. 1884 820-N NicoLL, J. Historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland, «fec. 1840 949.1-N NiNDE, Mary L. We two alone in Europe. 1887 914-N Noble, E. The Russian revolt. 1885. 947-N Noble, W. F. P. Century of gospel work. 1876 277-N Nodieb, C. Contes de la veill^e 843-N Noel, B. W. Essay on the union of church and state. 1849 261-N NoBDENSKioLB, A. E. Voyage of the Vega. 1886 919.8-N NoBDHOFF, C. California. 1872 917.94-N Communistic societies of the U. S. 1875 335-N God and the future life. j 210-N Peninsular California. 1888 917.2-N Politics for young Americans. 1887. j 320-N NoBiE, J. W. Complete epitome of practical navigation. 1839 527-N NoBMAN, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. 1844 917.2-Nl NOBMAN, H. Bodyke; a chapter in the history of Irish landlordism. 1887 941.5-N NoBBis, T. American angler's book. 1865 799-N American fish culture. 1868 639-N NoBTHENB, C. Teacher and the par- ent. 1853 371-N Northrop, B. G. Education abroad. 1873 370-N NoBTON, C. E. Church-building in the Middle Ages. 1880 726-N Notes for boys on morals, mind and manners ; by an old boy. 1888 .... 170-N NouBSE, J. E. American explorations in the ice zones. 1884 919.8-Nl No YES, G. R. ed. Theological essays from various authors. 1856 204-N Nun of Kenmabe. (See Cusack, Mary F.) Oakey, Miss. {See Dewing, T. W.) Oakey, a. F. Building a home. 1884. 728-0 Home grounds. 1881 710-O Obeb, F. a. Camps in the Caribbees. 1886 917.29-0 Travels in Mexico. 1887 917. 2-0 O'Brien, D. H. My adventures dur- ing the late war. 2v. 18.39 940-O Observations on the Bible. 1842 220-O O'Connell, D. Speeches and public letters. 2v. 1875 825-0 O'Connell, J. F. Eleven years in New Holland. 1836 919-0 Odd Fellows. Journal of proceed- ings of the Grand lodge. 1821-86. 12v 366-0 Oddy, j. j. European commerce. 2v. 1807 382-0 O' Donovan, E. Merv oasis. 2v. 1882. 915.8-0 Old and new. llv. 1870-75 051-11 Old Shekaeby, pseud. {See Lev- eson, H. A.) Olden time series. (See Brooks, H. M.) Oliphant, L. Haifa; Life in mod- ern Palestine. 1887 915.6-0 Oliphant, Mabgaret O. W. Liter- ary history of England, 18th and 19th centuries. 2v. 1886 820-O Makers of Florence. 1888 920-O Makers of Venice. 1888 920-01 Sheridan B-SH51 Oliver, Geace A. L. Study of Maria Edgeworth. 1882 B-ED3 Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. 1857 917.64-0 Olshausen, H. Commentary on Corin- thians 227-01 Commentary on Galatians, Ephe- sians, Colossians, and Thessalo- nians 227-0 Commentary on Romans 227-02 Commentary on the Gospels. 4v — 226-0 O'Meaba, B. E. Napoleon in exile. 2v. 1885 B-N161 One year abroad ; by Blanche W. How- ard. 1887 914..3-H O'Reilly, B. Life of Leo XIII. 1887. B-L55 Life of Pius IX. 1883 B-P68 O'Reilly, J. B. Ethics of boxing. . . . 796-0 In Bohemia 811-01 AUTHOR LIST. 127 Songs, legends and ballads 811-0 Statues in the block 811-02 O'Eell, Max, j^seud. (See Blouet, P.) Okfoed, Hokack Walpole, ith earl of. Letters; ed. 62/ Cunningham. 9v. 826-0 Orton, J. Andes and the Amazon. 1876 ^. 918-0 Obvis, C. F. & Cheney, A. K Fishing with the fly. 1885 799-0 OsBOKN, H. S. Ancient Egypt in the light of modern discoveries. 1888. 932-0 Osgood, C. S. & Batcheldeb, H. M. Historical sketch of Salem. 1879 . . . 974.45-0 Osgood, H. Winter and its dangers. 18a5 613-0 Osgood, S. Mile stones in our life- journey 240-O OsLEE, W. K. Tintoretto. 1882 B-T49 OssiAx. Poems 821-0 Oswald, F. L. Days and nights in the Tropics. 1887 j 918.1-0 Summerland sketches; Mexico and Central America; 1880 917.2-01 Zoological sketches. 1883 j 596-0 Otis, E. S. Indian question. 1878.... 970.1-O Out-of-town places; by D. G. Mitchell. 710-M Ovid. Fasti, Tristia, &c *87]-0 Heroides, &c *871-01 Metamorphoses *871-02 Owen, Cathebine. Molly Bishop's family 640-O Ten dollars enough 641-0 Owen, W. F. W. Voyages to explore the shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar. 2v. 1833 916-0 Owen, W. M. In camp and battle with the Washington artillery of New Orleans.- 1885 973.7-0 Owens, J. A. Sword and pen ; adven- tures of W. Glazier. 1884 B-G46 Oxley, W. Egypt. 1884 913-0 Packabd, a. S. First lessons in zo- ology. 1887 J590-P Guide to the study of insects. 1889. 595-P Packakd, j. H. Sea-air and sea bath- ing. 1885 613-P Packabd, S. S. & Beyant, H. B. New Bryant and Stratton common school book-keeping 657-P Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching 371-P Page, H. A. psewd. (See Japp, A. H.) Page, T. N. joint author. (See Gordon, A. C.) Paget, Violet. {Vernon Lee.) Coun- tess of Albany. 1885 BALI Painteb, F. V. N. History of educa- tion. 1888 370-P Paley, W. Natural theology 210-P Palfeey, F. W. Antietam and Fred- ericksburg. 1882 973.7-C4 Palfeey, J. G. Compendious history of New England. 4v. 1884 974-P Palgeave, W. G. Central and East- ern Arabia. 1883 915.3-P Palmeb, a. B. Temperance teachings of science. 1886 178-P Palmeb, E. H. Haroun Alraschid. . . B-H23 Panorama pittoresque du Righi *914.94-P Pabdoe, Julia. Beauties of the Bos- phorus. 1838 *914 96-P Paeis, j. a. Philosophy in sport made science in earnest. 1861 530-P Pabis, comte de. History of the civil^ war in America. 4v 973. 7-P Pabkee, F. W. Notes of talks on teach- ing, by Lelia E. Patridge. 1885. . . 371-Pl Pabkee, J. Ecce Deus 232-P Pabkee, N. H. Minnesota handbook for 1856-7 917.76-P Pabkee, Theodobe. Discourse of matters pertaining to religion 204-P Experience as a minister B-P222 Lessons from the world of matter and the world of man 252-P2 Prayers , 264-P Ten sermons of religion 252-P Views of religion 204-Pl Pabkee, W. H. Recollections of a naval officer, 1841-65. 1883 B-P223 Paekes, S. H. Unfinished worlds; a study in astronomy. 1887 523-P Paekman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2v. 1886 973.2-P Count Frontenac. 1886 971-P2 Jesuits in North America. 1886 971-P La Salle and the discovery of the great West. 1886 973.1-P Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v. 1886.... 970-P Old regime in Canada. 1886 971-Pl Oregon trail. 1886 917.8-P Pioneers of France in the new world. 1886 970-Pl Pabley, Petee, pseud. (See Good- rich, S. G.) Pabloa, Mabia. Camp cookery 641-P Kitchen companion 641-Pl New cook book 641-P2 128 AUTHOR LIST. Paknell, T. Poetical works v.2 of 821-C4 Parky, C. H. H. Studies of great composers. 1887 920-P Paeky, W. E. Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north- west passage. 1824 919.8-Pl Three voyages for the discovery of a northwest passage. 2v. 1840 919.8-P Paksons, T. Deus homo; God-man. . 232-Pl Memoir of Chief justice Parsons. 1859 B-P25 Partington, Ruth, pseud. {See Shilla- ber, B. P.) Pakton, J. Butler in New Orleans. 1864. 973.7-Pl Captains of industry. 1888 920-P7 Life and times of A. Burr. 1863 .... B-B94 Life and times of B. Franklin. 2v. 1864 B-F853 Life of A. Jackson. 3v. 1861 B-J13 Life oi. H. Greeley. 1855 B-G81 Pascoe, C. E. ed. The dramatic list. 1880 *792-P Everyday life at Eton, Harrow, Rug- by, etc 373-P Paterson free public library. Cata- logue. 1886 *017-5 Patmore, C. K. D. Garland from the best poets 808.1-P Paton, W. a. Down the islands; a voyage to the Caribbees. 1887. . . . 917.29-P Patridge, Lelia E. "Quincy meth- ods" illustrated. 1886 371-P2 Pattison, Emii-ia F. Renaissance of art in France. 2v. 1879 709-P Pattison, M. Milton B-M641 Patton, J. H. Concise history of the American people. 2 v. 1882 973-P Democratic party. 1888 329-P Natural resources of theU. S. 1886.. 917.3-Pl Paulding, J. K. Life of Washington. 2v. 1835 B-W278 Paulding, J. K. joint author. (See Irving, Wm.) Pauli, G. R. Life of King Alfred. 1852 B-AL2 Payn, J. Some literary recollections. B-P29 Payne, F. M. Rules of order govern- ing public meetings. 1887 328-P Payne, J. Lectures on the science and art of education. 1884 370-P2 Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education. 1887 370-Kl Payne-Gallwey, R. W. {See Gall- wey, R. W. P.) Peabody, a. p. Conversation 374-P Harvard reminiscences. 1888 920-P8 Lectures on Christian doctrine. 1857 230-P Moral philosophy 171-P Peabody, Eliz. P. Record of Mr. Alcott's school. 1874 371-P3 Peabody, Eliz. P. & Mann, Mary. Guide to the kindergarten; and. Moral culture of infancy . 1877 . . . 372-P Peabody, Ephraim. Sermons. 1857. 252-Pl Peabody Academy of Science. Me- moirs. 2v. 1869-86 506-P Reports. 1869-87. 8v. in 1 506-Pl Peabody Institute Library. Finding list. 1878-88 *017-6 Pears, E. Fall of (/Onstantinople; fourth crusade. 1886 940-P Pearson, Emily C. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 1879 655-P Peasantlife;by J. Maclennon. 1870.. 914. 1-M Peck, G. Wyoming. 1858 974. 8-P Peck, W. G. joint author. {See Da- vies, C.) Peile, J. Philology. 1888 402-P Pellew, G. In castle and cabin ; talks in Ireland in 1887 941.5-P Pellico, Silvio. Le mie prigioni. 1842 B-P36 Penley, a. System of water color painting 751-P Penn, Arthur, pseud. {See Mathews, J. B.) Penn, W. Fruits of solitude 808.8-F Pennell, Eliz. R. Mary Wollstone- craft. 1888 B-G54 Pennell, H. Cholmondeley. Fish- ing. 2v. 1888 799-P Pennell, J. & Eliz. R. Canterbury pilgrimage. 1885 914.2-Pl Our sentimental journey through France and Italy. 1888 914. 4-P Pepper, J. H. Boy's book of science, j 530^P1 Pepys, S. Diary and correspondence. 5v B-P39 Percy, S.&R. Percy anecdotes. 1823. 828-P Percy, T. ed. Miscellaneous pieces relating to the Chinese. 2v. 1762. 915.1-P Perez, B. First three years of child- hood. 1885 150-P Perils and captivity. 1827 910-P Perils of Pearl street. 1834 658-P Perkins, E. T. NaMotu, reef-rovings in the South seas. 1854 919. 6-P Perkins, Eli, pseud. { See Landon, M. D.) AUTHOR LIST. 129 Perkins, F. B. Best reading. 3v. 1887 *01(>-1 Tekkins, G. W. Historical sketches of Meriden, Conn. 1849 974.6-P Perkins, J. B. France under Mazarin. 2v. 1887 944-P Perry, G. B. History of Bradford, Mass. to 1820. 1872 974.45-P Perry, T. S. English literature in the 18th century. 1883 82(>-P Evolution of the snob 814-P From Opitz to Lessing 830-P Perry, T. S. joint author. {See How- ells, W. D.) Persius. Satires, with trans, by Con- nington 877-P Personal narrative of his first voyage, by Columbus. 1827 970-C Perthes, F. M. Life of Chrysostom. 1854 B-C46 Peters, D. C. Pioneer life and fron- tier adventures. 1884 B-C232 Peters, S. History of the Kev. Hugh Peters. 1807 B-P443 Peterson, C. J. Military heroes of the war of 1812 & with Mexico. 1848. 920-Pl Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. 18i82 591-P Phelps, Almira H. L. Botany for beginners. 1^37 j 580-P Phelps, A. English style in public discourse 808-P Men and books 251-P My portfolio 204-P3 My study and other essays 204-P2 Theory of preaching 251-Pl Phelps, C. A. Life of U. S. Grant and sketch of Colfax. 1868 B-G764 Phelps, Eliz. S. Poetic studies 811-P3 Songs of the silent world 811-P What to wear? 646-P Philbrick, J. D. American Union speaker 808.5-P Phillimore, Catharine M. FraAn- gelico. 1886 920-P9 Studies in Italian literature. 1887... 850-P Phillips, J. Treatise on geology. 2v. 1837 550-P Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, lec- tures and letters 815-P Phillips, William. Conquest of Kansas. 1856 978.1-P Phin, J. How to use the microscope. 1882 578-P 16 Phisterer, F. Statistical record of the armies of the U. S. 1887 973.7-C12 Picton, J.A. Oliver Cromwell. 1883. B-C885 Pictorial and historical guide to Ox- ford. 1875 914.2-P PiDDiNGTON, H. Sailor's horn-book for the law of storms. 1851 551-P PiDGEON, D. Old-world questions and new-world answers. 1885 917.3-P Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of C. Sumner. 2v. 1881 B-SU61 Pierce, G. A. Dickens' dictionary. . . *823-2 PiERPONT, J. Airs of Palestine 811-P2 PiERsoN, Hamilton W. American missionary memorial. 1853 920-P3 In the brush ; life in the Southwest. 1881 917-6P PiERSON, Helen W. History of France, in words of one syllable. .. j 944-Pl History of Germany; in words of one syllable j 943-P Lives of the presidents; in words of one syllable j 920-P2 Pinkerton, j. General collection of voyages and travels. 17v. 1808... 910-Pl Pitman, Emma K. Elizabeth Fry. 1886 B-F94 Pitman, Marie J. D. (Margery Deane.) European breezes. 1882 914-P Pittenger, W. Extempore speech. .. 808.5-Pl Plain-speaking, by D. M. M. Craik 824-C4 Planchette ; the despair of science; by E.Sargent. 1869 133-S Plato. Dialogues, -R Ranch life and the hunting-trail. 1888 *917.8-R1 Thomas Hart Benton. 1887 B-B441 Root, L. C. Quinby's new bee-keep- ing. 1888 638-R RoPEB, S. Catechism of high pressure steam engines. 1888 621-R Hand-book of land and marine en- gines. 1888 621-Rl Hand-book of modern steam fire-en- gines. 1876 621-R2 Hand-book of the locomotive. 1888. 621-R3 Instructions and suggestions for en- gineers and firemen. 1884 021-R4 Steam boiler; its care and manage- ment. 1886 621-R5 Use and abuse of the steam-boiler. 1876 621-R6 Young engineer's own book. 1884. . 621-R7 Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope. 1882. 973.7-C3 First Napoleon. 1888 B-N162 Roscoe, H. Lives of eminent British lawyers. 1830 920-Rl Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. 1872 540-R Lessons in elementary chemistry. 1873 540-Rl Rose, H. J. New general biographi- cal dictionary. 12v. 1857 *920-R2 Rose, J. Complete practical machin- ist. 1887 621-R8 Mechanical drawing self-taught. 1888. 744-R Rosengabten, J. G. German soldier in the wars of the U . S. 1886 973-Rl Rosenthal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. 1881 612-R Rosenthal, R. S. Meisterschaft sys- tem ; French 448-R 8ame\ German 438-R Ross, D. W. Early history of land- holding among the Germans. 1883. 333-R Ross, J. C. Voyage of discovery in the Antarctic regions. 2v. 1847. . 919.9-R Ross, John. Last expedition for the discovery of a north-west passage. 919.8-Rl Second voyage in search of a north- west passage. 2v. 1835 *919.8-R3 Voyage of discovery. 1819 «919.8-R2 134: AUTHOR LIST. Ross, T. A. Odd Fellowship. 1888... 366-R RossiTKB, E. K. & Wright, F. A. Modern house painting. 18&3 *698-K Rousseau, J. J. Emile; or, Concerning education 370-Rl Routes and tables of distances through the Northern and Middle states. 1838 *912-R1 RouTLEDGE, R. Discovcries and in- ventions of the 19th century. 1886. 608-R Popular history of science. 1881 509-R Roux, J. Meditations of a parish priest 848-R RowBOTHAM, T. Art of sketching from nature. 1878 741-R Royal Windsor guide 914.2-P RoYCE, J. California. 1887 979. 4-R RuETE, Emily. Memoirs of an Arab- ian princess. 1888 B-R83 RuGGLES, H. Germany seen without spectacles. 1883 914.3-R RusKiN, J. Ariadne Florentina; Art of England ; Mornings in Florence. 704-R Arrows of the chace; Love's meinie. 824-Rl Deucalion ; Poems 650-R Elements of drawing; Perspective; Aratra pentelici 740-R Fors clavigera; King of the Golden River ; Notes on sheepf olds ; Storm cloud. 3v 824-R2 Laws of Fesole ; Proserpina 824-R4 Miscellanea 824-R5 Modern painters. 5v. in 2 700-R St. Mark's rest; Val d'Arno; Our fathers have told us 945-Rl Sesame and lilies; Ethics of the dust; Crown of wild olive ; Queen of the air 824-R3 Seven lamps of architecture 720-Rl Stones of Venice. 3v. in 2 720-R Time and tide; Unto this last; Mune- ra pulveris; Eagle's nest 330-Rl Two paths; Lectures on art; Political economy of art; Pre-Raphaelitism ; Pleasures of England 704-Rl RusKiN, J. ed. Story of Ida; by Fran- cesca B-IDl Rdssell, a. P. Library Notes 814-R Russell, M. Ancient and modern Egypt. 1832 932-R • Barbary states. 1835 961-R Life of Cromwell. 2v. 1833 B-C884 Nubia and Abyssinia. 1833 963-R Palestine. 1831 933-Rl Polynesia. 1843 99e-R Russell, T. joint author. {See Nason, E.) Russell, W. Orthophony ; or, Cultiva- tion of the voice. 1851 784-R Russell, W. S. Guide to Plymouth. 1846 917.44-Rl Pilgrim memorials. 1870 917.44-R RusTicus, Mercubius, pseud. {See Dibdin, T. F.) Ruutz-Rees, J. E. (See Rees, J. E. Ruutz-) S., H. L. & M., L. S. Epitaphs collect- ed from Holy writ 929-Sl S., M. E. W. {See Sherwood, M. E. W.) Sadler, L. R. {Jacob Larwood) & HoTTEN, J. C. History of sign- boards. 1866 659-S S AFFORD, Mary J., & Allen, Mary E. Health and strength for girls. 1884 J613-S Saintine, J. X. B. Picciola. {in French) 84^-86 St. John, H. viscount Bolingbboke. {See Bolingbroke, H. St. John, viscount.) St. Johnsbury athensBum. Catalogue. 1875 *019-7 Saintsbury, G. W. Dryden B-D84 History of Elizabethan literature. 1887 Marlborough. 1886 Short history of French literature. 1884 Saint-Simon, L. de Rouvboy, duke of. Memoirs. 3v. 1883 Sala, G. a. Rome and Venice. 1869. Salem. Centennial anniversary of Les- lie's expedition. 1875 974.45-S Charter and ordinances. 1853 352-Sl City documents for 1888 352-S Municipal register. 1867 352-S2 Proceedings upon transfer of the Salem water works. 1869 352-S4 Salem directory. 7v. 1853, '61, '66, '69, ?72, '74, '81 917.445-Sl Salem Marine Society. Laws and list of members. 1873 974.46-Sl Salem North Church. First centen- ary. 1873 277-S Sallust. Works; tr. by Watson 878-S Saltus, E. E. Balzac. 1887 B-B21 Samoan dictionary. 1862 *499-S Sampson, J. pub. Hand-book for the city of York 914.2-P 820-S B-M34 840-S B-SA2 914.5-S AUTHOR LIST. 135 Sampson, W, Memoirs. 1817 B-SA4 Samson, G. W. Elements of art criti- cism. 1868 700-S San Francisco free public library. Cata- logue, No. 4. 1884 *019-8 San Francisco. First Congregational Church. "Silver wedding;" 25th anniversary. 1874 277-Sl Sanborn, F. B. H. D. Thoreau. 1884. B-T39 Life and letters of J. Brown. 1885.. B-B811 Sanborn, F. B. ed. Genius and char- acter of Emerson; lectures at the Concord school. 1885 B-EM35 Life and genius of Gothe; lectures at the Concord school. 1886 B G553 Sanborn, Helen J. Winter in Cen- tral America and Mexico. 1889. .. 917.2-S Sanborn, Kate. Vanity and insanity of genius 808.8-S Wit of women 808.7-S Sankey, C. joint ed. {See Cox, G. W.) Sargent, D. A. In case of accident. 1884 617-S Sargent, Epes. Life of H. Clay. 1856 B-C57 Planchette; the despair of science. 1869 133-S Scientific basis of spiritualism. 1881. 133-Sl Sargent, Epes, ed. Harper's cyclo- paedia of British and American poetry. 1882 *808.1-S Sargent, F. L. joint author. {See Wells, S.) Sargent, J. Memoir of Rev. H. Martyn. B-M364 Sarrans, B. Memoirs of Gen. La Fay- ette. 2v. 1833 B-L13 Saulcy, L. F. J. C. DE. Journey round the Dead Sea. 2v. 1854 915.6-S Saunders, F. Story of some famous books 804-S Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. 1889 595-S Savage, M. J. Religion of evolution. 213-S Saxe, J. G. Poetical works 811-S Say, J. B. Political economy. 1836.. 330-S Sayce, a. H. Origin and growth of religion illustrated by the religion of the ancient Babylonians. 1888. 299 S Scarborough, W. tr. Collection of Chinese proverbs. 1875 398-S ScHAFF, P. Church and state in the U.S. 1888 322-S History of the Christian church. V. 1-4, 6. 1887 270-S ScHAFF, P. cd. Anglo-American Bible revision. 1879 220-S ScHARF, J. T. History of the Confed- erate states navy. 1887 973. 7-S SCHEM, A. J. joint ed. (See Kiddle, H.) ScHERER, W. History of German literature. 2v 830-S Schiller, J. C. F. von. Historical dramas 832-Sl Poems and essays 831-S Romances and dramas 832-S2 Thirty years' war; revolt of the Netherlands 940-S William Tell 832-S ScHiNDLER, S. Dissolving views in the history of Judaism 296-S Schley, W. S. & Soley, J. R. Rescue of Greely. 1886 919.8-S Schliemann, H. Ilios 913-Sl Mycenae 913-S Tiryns 913-S2 Troja 913-S3 Schmid, R. Theories of Darwin. 1885. 575-S Schmidt, O. Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1888 .575-Sl Mammalia in their relation to prime- val times, 1886. 599-S Schonhof, J. Industrial situation. 1885 33D, J. Daughter at school 396-Tl Hints to young men 170-T Student's manual 374-T Tolstoi, L.N. Life 171-T My confession; The spirit of Christ's teaching 230-T My religion 230-Tl Physiology of war; Napoleon and the Russian campaign 947-T Sevastopol 947-T2 What to do? 304-T TORREY, B. Birds in the bush. 1888. 598.2-T TowEB, D. B. Gradual reader. 1849. 428-Tl Tower, D. B. & Tweed, B. F. First lessons in language. 1856 428-T TowLE, G. M. Young folks' heroes of history. 6v. 1876-83. Drake j B-D78 Vasco da Gama j B-G14 Magellan j B-M27 Pizarro j B-P681 Marco Polo j B-P76 Raleigh j B-R131 Young people's history of England. 1887 j 942-Tl Young people's history of Ireland. 1887 j 941.5-T Nation in a nutshell. 1887 973-T Town, S. System of speculative ma- sonry. 1822 366-T TowNSKND, G. H. Every-day book of modern literature. 2v 808.8-T TowNSEND, L. T. Art of speech. 2v. 808-T TowNSEND, Pauline D. Joseph Haydn. 1884 B-H32 Tbacy, R. S. Essentials of anatomy, physiology and hygiene. 1888 612-T Hand-book of sanitary information. 1884 614-T Tbafton, Adeline. American girl abroad. 1872 j 914-T4 Traill, H. D. Coleridge B-C67 Shaftesbury. 1886 B-SHl Sterne B-ST41 Treadwell, j. H. Martin Luther and his work. 1884 B-L971 Treat, Mary, joint author. (See Wells, S.) Treatise on the arts, &c. of the Greeks and Romans; by T. D. Fosbrooke. 2v. 1833 913-F Treatise on the origin, improvement, &c. of the manufacture of porcelain and glass; by G. R. Porter. 1832. 666-P Treatise on the origin, improvement, &c. of the silk manufacture; by G. R. Porter. 1831 677-P Treatise on manufactures in metal ; by J. Holland. 3v. 1831 671-H Tbench, R. C. English, past and present 420-T AUTHOR LIST. 145 Gustavus Adolphus in Germany. 1872 943-T On the study of words 422-T Plutarch. 1874 B-P74 Proverbs and their lessons 398-T Select glossary of English words 423-T Tbevelyan, G. O. Early history of C. J. Fox. 1880 B-F83 Life and letters of Macaulay. 2y. 1875 B-M121 Tkimmeb, Sab ah. Story of the robins, j 598.2-Tl Tbipp, a. Crests from the ocean- world ; a voyage to Europe. 1862. 914-T5 Tripp's White Mountain guide book. 1852 917.42-T Tbobkiand, p. K. de. Four years with the army of the Potomac. 1889.. . . 973.7-T2 Tbollope, a. Autobiography B-T741 Commentaries of Caesar 878-Tl Life of Cicero. 2 v. 1881 B-C48 Thackeray B-T32 Tbollope, T. a. Life of Vittoria Col- onna. 1859 B-C71 What I remember B-T74 Tbomholt, S. Under the rays of the aurora borealis. 2v. 1885 914.7-Tl Teguessabt, E. L. Microbes, fer- ments and moulds. 1886 589-T Teueba y Cosio, J. T. DE. Komance of history; Spain 946-T Teumbull, G. Names and portraits of birds. 1888 598.2-T2 Tbumbull, H. C. Blood covenant. 1885 394-T Teyon, G. W. jr. Structural and sys- tematic conchology. 3v. 1882-84.. *594-T Teyon, T. joint author. {See Brun- ner, A. W.) TucKEE, G. F. Monroe doctrine. 1885. 327-T TucKEEMAN, A. L. Short history of architecture. 1887 720-T TucKEEMAN, B. History of English prose fiction. 1886 823-1 TucKEBMAN, H. T. Essays, biographi- cal and critical. 1857 920-T3 TucKEY, Janet. Joan of Arc. 1886. B-D24 TuLLOCH, W. W. Story of the life of Queen Victoria. 1887 j B- V662 TUPPEE, M. F. Proverbial philosophy. 821-T7; 821-Tl TuBKEB, F. C. Short history of art. 1886 709-T TuBNEB, S. Sacred history of the world. 1834 930-T 18 TuTTLE, H. Brief biographies; Ger- man political leaders. 1876 920-Tl History of Prussia, 1134-1756. 3v. 1884 943-Tl Twain, Mabk, pseud. (See Clemens, S. L.) Tweed, B. F. joint author. {See Tower, D. B.) Tylee, M. C. History of American literature. 1886 810-T Patrick Henry. 1888 B-H39 Tyloe, E. B. Anthropology. 1888... 573-T Early history of mankind. 1878 571-Tl Primitive culture. 2v. 1888 571-T Ttndall, j. Contributions to molec- ular physics. 1882 539-T Essays on the floating-matter of the air. 1888 614-Tl Faraday as a discoverer. 1884 B-F22 Forms of water. 1887 551-T Fragments of science. 1886 504-T Heat; a mode of motion. 1873. . . .'. 536-T Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1880. 914.94-T Lessons in electricity. 1888 537-T Light and electricity. 1887 530-Tl Six lectures on light. 1886 536-T Sound. 1887 534-T Tytlee, a. F. (See Woodhouselee, A. F. Tytler, lord.) Tytleb, p. F. Discovery on the northern coasts of America. 1832. 917. 1-T Life of Henry VIII. 1837 B-H394 Life of Raleigh. 1854 B-R13 Tytleb, Saeah, pseud. {See Keddie, Henrietta.) Uebebweg, F. History of philos- ophy. 2v. 1888 109-U UiiLMANN, C, Reformers before the reformation. 2v. 1855 274-U Undebhill, E. B. ed. Confessions of faith and other documents illus- trative of the history of the Bap- tists. 1854 286-U Records of a church of Christ, Bris- tol, 1640-87. 1847 274-Ul Records of the churches of Christ, at Fenstanton, Warboys and Hex- ham, 1644-1720. 1854 274-U2 Tracts on liberty of conscience and persecution, 1614-61. 1846 272-U Undebwood, F. H. Handbook of Eng- lish history, based on Guest. 1886. 942-U Hand-book of English literature; American authors. 1888. 810-U 146 AUTHOR LIST. Hand-book of English literature; British authors. 1886 820-U Underwood, F. H. ed. True story of the exodus of Israel, by Brugsch. 1880 932-Bl U. S. Centennial Commission. Inter- national exhibition, 1876; reports. llv 606-U U. S. Congress. Memorial addresses on A. Crocker, J. B. Eice, S. F. Hersey, and S. Hooper. 1875 920-U Memorial addresses on L. V. Bogy. 1878 B-B63 Memorial addresses on O. P. Morton. 1878 B-M84 U. S. Education, Bureau of. Public libraries in the U. S. 2v. 1876. . . *020-2 U. S. Geological survey. Sixth annual report, by J. W. Powell. 1885. . . . *557-U U. S. War dept. War of the rebellion ; official records. 32v. 1880-88 973.7-U Universalist union, v.l. 1835-36 205-U Up de Graff, T. S. Camping in the Alleghanies; or, Bodines. 1883... 796-U Upham, C. W. Letters on the logos. 1828 232-U Life of J. C. Fremont. 1856 B-F88 Upham, E. History of the Ottoman empire. 2v. 1829 949.6-U Upton, G. P. Standard cantatas 782-U Standard operas 782-Ul Standard oratorios 783-U Standard symphonies 785-U Uke, a. Dictionary of arts, manufac- tures and mines. 2v. 1842 *603-Ul Same. 4v. 1878 *603-U Vago, a. L. Art of modeling in clay. 1880 731-V Valentine, L. -Wl Sketches of creation. 1873 551-W Sparks from a geologist's hammer. 1887 550-W2 World-life ; or. Comparative geology. 1883 523-W Wing ATE, G. W. Through the Yellow- stone Park. 1886 917.87-W WiNKELMANN, J. J. Historyof ancient art. 4v. in2. 1872 709-W WiNSLOw, Catheeine M. Reignolds. Yesterdays with actors. 1887 792-W WiNSOE, Justin. Reader's handbook of the American revolution. 1880.*973.3-W2 WiNSOE, Justin, ed. Memorial his- tory of Boston. 4v. 1880 974.4-W Narrative and critical history of America, v.1-7. 1884-88 970- Wl WiNTEE, W. The Jeflfersons. 1881 . . 920- W4 Trip to England. 1881 914.2-W WiNTEE, W. ed. Brougham, J. Life, stories and poems. 1881 818-B2 Wintheop, T. Life in the open air. 1876 818-Wl WiET, W. Sketches of Patrick Henry. 1834 B-H391 Wise, H. A. {Harry Gringo.) Scam- pavias from Gibel Tarek to Stam- boul. 1857 914-W4 Wittenmyee, Annie. Women of the reformation. 1885 920-W Woltmann, a. & WoEMANN, K. His- tory of painting. 2v. 1880-85 750-W Wonders of geology ; by S. G. Good- rich. 1845 550-62 Wood, G. B. & Bache, F. Dispensa- tory of the U. S. 1888 *615-W Wood, H. Natural law in the business world. 1887 330-W Wood, H. C. Brain-work and over- work. 1888 613-W4 Wood, H. T. Modern methods of il- lustrating books. 1887 770-Wl Wood, J. G. Athletic sports and re- creations for boys j 796-W Bees 638-W Common objects of the country 590- Wl Common objects of the microscope.. 578- Wl AUTHOR LIST. 161 Common objects of the sea-shore .... 590-W2 Illustrated natural history. 3v. 1875. *590-W3 Contents: Y. 1. Mammalia. V. 2. Birds. V. 3. Reptiles, flsbes, molluscs, etc. Insects abroad 595-W Man and beast. 1875 591-W2 My feathered friends j 598.2-W Natural history of man. 2v. 1874-80. *572-Wl Our domestic pets 636-W Wood, W. B. Personal recollections of the stage. 1865 792-Wl WooDBERKY, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 1885 B-P753 History of wood-engraving. 1883... 761-W WooDBUBY, C. J. H. Fire protection of mills. 1882 693-W WooDGATE, W. B. Boating. 1889.... 797-W WooDHOUSELEE, A. F. T. lord. Uni- versal history. 6v. 1834 909-Wl Woods, Kate T. Duncans on land and sea. 1883 j 917.1-W Out and about; the Hudsons' trip to the Pacific. 1882 j 917.3-W Woodward, C. M. Manual training school. 1887 371-Wl WooLMAN, J. Journal, introd. by Whittier B-W88 WooLSEY, Sarah C. Short history of Philadelphia. 1887 974. 8-W Verses 811-W4 WooLSEY, T. D. Communism and socialism. 1888 335-W Divorce. 1882 173-W International law. 1888 341-W Political science. 2v. 1886 320-W2 Keligion of the present and of the future. 1887 252-Wl WooLSON, Abba G. Browsing among books. 1881 814-W7 WoolsoNjAbbaG. ed. Dress reform. 1874 391-Wl Wobcesteb, B. Life and mission of Swedenborg. 1884 B-SW3 Worcester, J. E. Dictionary. 1888. *423-W2 Gazetteer of the U. S. 1818 *917.3-W1 Wordsworth, W. Poetical works. . . 821-W4 Poetical works. 7v. in 3 821- W2 WoBMANN, K. joint author. (See Wolt- mann, A.) WORMELEY, Katharixe P. Other side of war with the army of the Potomac. 1889 973.7-W3 Wreath; a selection of poems. 1818... 821-8 Wright, C. D. Relation of political economy to the labor question. 1882 831-W Wright, F. A. joint author. {See Kos- siter, E. K.) Wright, Henrietta C. Children's stories in American history. 1888. j 973-Wl Children's stories of American prog- ress. 1888 j 973-W2 Children's stories of the great sci- entists. 1888 j 920-W3 Wright, W. Empire of the Hittites. 939-W 541-W 540-W 704-W WuBTZ, C. A. Atomic theory. 1881.. Elements of modern chemistry. 1889. Wyatt, M. D. Fine art. 1870 Wyatt, T. Poetical works 821-W3 Wyatt, W. J. History of Prussia. 2v. 1876 943-Wl Wythe, J. H. Microscopist. 1883. . . 578- W2 Xenophon. Anabasis 888-X Cyropaedia and Hellenics 888-Xl Minor works 888-X2 YoNGE, Charlotte M. Cameos from English history. 6v. 1886 j 942- Y2 Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 1882 946-T Victorian half century. 1887 942-Yl Womankind 396-Y Young folks' Bible history j 220- Y Young folks' history of England j 942-Y Young folks' history of France j 944- Y Young folks' history of Germany. . . j 843-Y Young folks' history of Greece j 938-Y Young folks' history of Rome j 937-Y Youatt, W. & Martix, W. C. L. Cattle. 1856 636-Y The hog. 1856 636- Yl YouMAKS, E. S. Class-book of chem- istry. 1875 540-Y Hand-book of household science. 1883 613-Y YouMANS, E. L, ed. Herbert Spen- cer on the Americans. 1883 B-SP31 YouxG, A. W. American statesman. 1857 973-Y Young, Alex., D. D. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers. 1841 974.4-Y Young, Alex. Young folks' history of the Netherlands. 1887 j 949.2- Y Young, C. A. The sun 523-Y Young, E. Night thoughts 821- Yl Poetical works 821-Y 152 AUTHOR LIST. Young, J. R. Around the world with Gen. Grant. 2v. 1879 910-Y Young, R. Analytical concordance to the Bible. 1888 *220-Yl Young mechanic; by J. Lukin. 1888. j 621-Ll Youth's companion, v. 22-24. 1848-51. *071-2 YvAN, M. joint author. {See Gallery, J. M.) ZiMMEBN, Helen. Maria Edge- worth. 1884 B-ED31 ZiMMEBMAN, J. G. Essay on national pride. 1799 172-Z ZoGBAUM, R. F. Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888 355-Z ZscHOKKE, J. H. D. History of Switz- erland. 1875 949. 4-Z Meditations on death 242-Z Meditations on life 242-Zl FICTION.— TITLE LIST. Abb6 Constantine. Halev^y F-1323 Abbot. Scott F-361 Same in v. 2 of F-382 About old story-tellers. Mitchell j F-2279 Absentee. Edge worth v. 6 of F-2629 Achor. Clark j F-1541 Across the chasm. Magruder F-1300 Adam and Eve. Parr F-2176 AdamBede. Cross F-22 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald F-773 Adele. Kavanagh F-1068 Adirondack tales. Murray F-2382 Admiral's ward. Hector F-1914 Adventures of a widow. Fawcett F-1207 Adventures of Dick Onslow. Kings- ton j F-1129 Adventures of Don Quixote. Cervantes. F-2147 Adventures of Harry Marline. Porter, j F-1682 Adventures of Harry Richmond. Meredith F-1094 Adventures of Oliver Twist. Dickens. F-438 Adventures of Philip. 2v. Thackeray. r-2060 Adventures of Timias Terrystoue. Bunce F-2097 Afloat and ashore. Cooper F-826 Afloat in the forest. Reid j F-881 After dark. Collins F-562 After his kind. Palmer F-1952 After many days. Fisher F-1667 After the freshet. Rand j F-1561 Agatha and the shadow. Tenney F-1286 Agatha Page. Henderson F-2186 Agatha's husband. Craik F-391 Age of chivalry. Bulflnch F-2667 Agnes. Abbott j F-1767 Agnes. Oliphant F-1640 Agnes Grey. Bronte F-2485 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe F-1449 Agnes Surriage. Bynner F-1017 Alec Forbes . MacDonald F-774 Alice Learmont. Craik j F-402 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore F-2585 Alice. Bulwer-Lytton F-1038 Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Dodgson j F-1177 Aliens. Keenan F-1059 Alkahest. Balzac F-182 All aboard. Adams j F-152 All adrift. Adams j F-125 All in the dark, Le Fanu F-2606 All in the wrong. Hook F-2309 All taut. Adams j F-129 Allan Dare and Robert le Diable. 3v. Porter F-1681 Allan Quatermain. Haggard F-1147 Amelia. Fielding F-2633 Almost a duchess r-1239 Alone. Terhune F-729 Aloys. Auerbach F-1865 Alroy. Beaconsfield F-2543 Alton Locke. Kingsley F-1730 Some. 2v F-904 Amazon. Vosmaer F-1672 Ambitious woman. Fawcett F-1203 American. James F-1026 American baron. De Mille F-1268 American politician. Crawford F-723 Among the hills. Poynter F-1956 Among the lakes. Stoddard j F-2002 Amos Kilbright. Stockton F-2289 Andromeda. Fletcher r-1164 Anna Karenina. Tolstoi" F-1856 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. MacDonald F-789 Annals of a sportsman. Turg^nef F-1975 Anne. Woolson F-1552 Anne of Geierstein. Scott F-.359 Same in v.5 of F-382 Antiquary. Scott F-371 Same in v.l of F-382 Same. 2v F-377 Antonia. Dudevant F-1617 Antonina. Collins F-560 Antony Waymouth. Kingston j F-1128 Aphrodite. Eckstein F-2076 April hopes. Howells F-340 Archibald Malmaison. Hawthorne... F-1197 Argonauts of North Liberty. Harte.. F-1416 Arius the Libyan . Kouus F-2366 Ark of Elm Island. Kellogg j F-65 Armadale. Collins F-561 Armourer's prentices. Yonge F-612 Army and navy series. (See Adams, W. T.) Arne. Bjomson F-2665 Around a spring. Droz ! F-1878 Around the world in eighty days. Verne ^4440 Arrabiata, L'. Heyse F-1023 Arthur B^nnica8tle. Holland F-701 154 FICTION. ^TITLE LIST. Arthur Brown. Kellogg j F-86 Asbury twins. Clarke j F-298 Aschenbroedel. Carrington F-741 As it was written. Harland F-1258 As long as she lived. Eobinson F-2571 " As we went marching on. " Hosmer. F-1317 At any cost. Mayo F-2055 At bay. Hector F-1915 At her mercy. Payn F-2611 At last. Terhune F-730 At love's extremes. Thompson F-1849 At the councillor's. John F-664 At the eleventh hour. Edwardes F-1173 At the mercy of Tiberius, Wilson F-266 At the North pole. Verne F-2121 At the Red Glove. Macquoid F-2210 At the world's mercy. Warden F-1274 Atalanta in the South. Howe F-1103 Atla. Smith F-2482 Atlantic series. (See Alger, Horatio, jr.) Aubrey. Dallas v. 4 & 5 of F-2337 Aulnay tower. Howard F-1061 Aunt Diana. Carey F-2661 Aunt Jo's scrap bag. 6v. Alcott j F-272 Aunt Madge's story. Clarke j F-317 Aunt Serena. Howard F-1062 Aurora. Tincker F-2037 Author of Beltraffio. James F-2116 Autobiography of a slander. Bayly. . F-428 Average man. Grant F-943 Ayala's angel. Trollope F-1390 Azarian. SpofEord F-1973 Baby Rue. Clark F-757 Baby's Grandmother. Waif ord F-1984 Bachelor s blunder. Norris F-1668 Bag of stories. Warner j F-15r7 Bailiff's maid. John F-662 Banker of Bankersville. Thompson . . . F-1850 Banned and blessed. Biirstenbinder . . F-663 Bar Harbor days. Harrison F-1376 Barbara Heathcote's trial. Carey F-1111 Barbara Thayer. Miller F-32 Barnaby Rudge. Dickens . . F-436 ; F-698 ; F-2226 Barnaby Rudge and Hard times. 2v. Dickens F-886 Barriers burned away. Roe F-6 Barrington. Lever F-1569 Barrington's fate. Hunt F-742 Bar-rooms at Brantly, Arthur F-2021 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray F-2067 Bar-sinister F-1240 Basil. Collins F-5(J3 Bay-path. Holland F-702 Beaton's bargain. Hector F-1916 Beatrice. Kavanagh F-1069 Beatrix, Randolph. Hawthorne F-1195 Beauchampe. Simms F-2552 Beauchamp's career. Meredith F-1088 Beauty and the beast. Taylor F-2520 Bede's charity. Smia F-1623 Bed-time stories. Moulton j F-1469 Beechnut. Abbott j F-1762 Bee-man of Orn. Stockton F-923 Before the dawn. Dulac F-2.376 Beggar on horseback. Payn F-2616 Behind closed doors. Rohlfe F-2144 Behind the Blue Ridge. Belger F-21.54 Belinda. Edgeworth v. 3 of F-2629 Bella. St. John F-2675 Belle Nivernaise. Daudet F-1362 Belton estate. Trollope F-1597 Ben-Hur. Wallace F-30 Ben's nugget. Alger j F-2.33 Ben the luggage boy. Alger j F-246 Berber. Mayo F-37 Berkeley the banker. 2v. Martineau. F-2188 Bertrams. Trollope F-1391 Bessie Lang. Corkran F-1876 Betrothed. Scott F-354 Same in v. 4 of F-382 Better times stories. Kirk F-2463 Between whiles. Jackson F-951 Beulah. Wilson F-260 Beyond recall. Sergeant F-1967 Beyond the gates. Phelps F-1610 Billow and the rock. Martineau j F-2189 Birthright. Gore F-2.588 Bivouac and battle. Adams j F-105 Black arrow. Stevenson F-1417 Black blood. Fenn F-931 Black dwarf. Scott F-364 Same in v. 1 of F-382 Bleak house. Dickens F-461 Same. 2v F-887 Blessed Saint Certainty. Baker F-33 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne F-192;F-198;F-199 Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann & Chatrian F-2251 Blockade runners. Verne F-1431 Bloody chasm. De Forest F-1337 Blossom-bud. Smith F-578 Blossoming of an aloe. Hoey F-25S7 Blue flag and cloth of gold. Warner., j F-2164 Bluebeard's keys. Ritchie F-2,5P9 Bluffton. Savage F-2187 Boat builder series. (/See Adams, W. T.) Boat club. Adams j F-150 FICTION. — ^TITLE LIST. 155 Boat club series. (See Adams, W. T. ) Bod leys afoot. Scudder j F-1819 Bodleys telling stories. Scudder j F-1820 Bonaventure. Cable F-932 Bonny Kate. Fisher F-1661 Bonnybel Vane. Cooke F-2348 Bonnyborough. Whitney F-413 Book of folk stories. Scudder j F-1814 Booties' baby. Stannard F-2682 Border beagles. Simms F-2564 Border shepherdess. Barr F-967 Boston girl's ambitions, Townsend.. F-651 Bostonians. James F-2202 Bound in honor. Trowbridge j F-514 Bound together. Fargus F- 1881 Bound to rise. Alger j F-253 Bow of orange ribbon. Barr F-968 Boy emigrants. Brooks j F-1009 Boy farmers of Elm Island. Kellogg.. j F-92 Boy hunters. Reid j F-868 Boy life in the U. S. Navy. Clark. ... j F-1348 Boy slaves. Reid j F-869 Boy tar. Reid j F-882 Boy with an idea. Eiloart j F-2228 Boy's Mabinogion. Lanier j F-2134 Boys of Chequasset. Whitney j F-414 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever. F-1570 Brave and bold. Alger j F-256 Brave and bold series. (See Alger, Horatio, jr. ) Brave lady. Craik F-398 Brave old salt. Adams j F-148 Bravest of the brave. Henty j F-2398 Bravo. Cooper F-827 Bread and oranges. Warner j F-2158 Bread-winners F-1241 Breaking away. Adams j F-139 Bressant. Hawthorne F-1198 Breton mills. Bellamy F-2188 Bricks without straw. Tourg6e.. ...... F-1838 Bridal march. Bjornson F-1311 ; F-2663 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott F-369 Same in v. 2 of F-382 Bride of the Nile. 2v. Ebers F-689 Bridge of glass. Robinson F-2569 Bright days in the old plantation time. Banks j F-646 Brigitta. Auerbach F-1866 Brookes of Bridlemere. Melville F-2270 Brother to dragons. Chanler F-1567 Brothers and sisters. Marshall j F-2365 Brought to bay. Roe F-611 Brought to the front. Kellogg j F-80 Brownies. Ewing F-350 Brownlows. Oliphant P-1650 Bruin. Reid j F-870 Bryan Maurice. Mitchell F-2380 Burgomaster's wife. Ebers F-683 Burying the hatchet. Kellogg j F-81 Bush-boys. Reid j F-871 But a Philistine. Townsend F-652 But yet a woman. Hardy F-764 Button's Inn. Tourg^e F-1839 Buz. Noel jF-2670 By Celia's arbour. Besant & Rice F-2088 By order of the king. Hugo F-983 By proxy. Payn F-2333 By sheer pluck. Henty j F-2393 By shore and sedge. Harte F-2284 By still waters. Mayo F-2049 By the Tiber. Tincker F-1356 By woman's wit. Hector F-1917 Bybury to Beacon street. Diaz F-1122 Bye-words, Yonge F-644 Cabin and parlor. Randolph F-2469 Caged lion. Yonge F-613 Calamity Jane. Spencer F-2525 Caleb in the country. Abbott j F-1776 Caleb in town. Abbott j F-1775 Called back. Fargus F-1882 Camp and fireside stories. Alcott F-283 Camping out. Stephens j F-2011 Canoe and saddle. Winthrop F-1993 Can you forgive her? Trollope F-2269 Cape Cod folks. Maclean F-1799 Captain Fracasse. Gautier F-1904 Captain Horace. Clarke j F-323 Captain Macdonald's daughter. Camp- bell F-1332 Captain Mansana. Bjornson F-2663 Captain of the Janizaries. Ludlow... F-1371 Captive of love. Greey F-2433 Cardinal sin. Fargus F-1883 Cariti. Oliphant F.1643 CarlKrinken. Warner j F-1516 Carlyon's year. Payn F-2619 Carola. Smith F-1627 Caroline. Abbott j F-1766 Carpet knight. McClellan F-1386 Carriston's gift. Fargus F-1884 Carry's confession. Robinson F-2578 Case of Mr. Lucraft. Besant & Rice F-2290 Casella. Finley F-221 Casimir Maremma. Helps F-1688 Casper and his friends. Warner j F-1514 Cast away in the cold. Hayes j F-2347 Caste. Pike F-16 156 FICTION. ^TITLE LIST. Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. Stockton F-2339 Castle and town. Peard F-1548 Castle Daly. Keary F-1378 Castle Dangerous. Scott F-356 Same in v. 5 of F-382 Castle Foam. French F-2243 Castle Hohenwald. . Streckfuss F-665 Castle in Spain. De Mille F-1264 Castle in the air. Ewing F-1880 Castle Nowhere. Woolson F-1553 Castle Rackrent. Edgeworth. In v.4 of F-2629 Castle Richmond. TroUope F-1598 Cat of Bubastes. Henty j F-2403 Cat stories. Jackson j F-2223 Catherine. Thackeray F-2061 Cats' Arabian nights. Diaz j F-1123 Caxtons. Bulwer-Lytton F-1036 Cerise. Melville F-2271 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac F-176 Chainbearer. Cooper F-828 Chance acquaintance. Howells F-341 Chantry house. Yonge F-614 Chaplain of the fleet. Besant and Rice. F-2687 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge F-615 Charlemont. Simms F-2560 Charles O'Malley. Lever F-1571 Charles Tyrrell. James F-965 Charlie Bell. Kellogg j F-66 Chautauqua girls at home. Alden F-540 Chautauqua idyl. Livingstone F-2103 Chelsea householder. Lawless F-1935 Chicot, the jester. Dum as F-796 Child of the island glen. Kellogg j F-89 Childhood, boyhood, youth. Tolstoi.. F-2120 Children of the earth. Macfarlane. . .. F-1939 Chimes. Dickens F-434 ; F-435 ; F-888 Chivalric days. Brooks F-2322 Chris. Norris F-2422 Chris and Otho. Smith F-579 Christian's mistake. Craik F-392 Christie Johnstone. Reade F-554 Christie's Christmas. Alden F-452 Christine. Enault F-1879 Christmas books. Dickens F-888 Christmas books. Thackeray F-2062 Christmas carol. Dickens . . . F-434 ; F-435 ; F-888 Christmas eve and Christmas day. Hale F-1489 Christmas stories. Dickens F-447; F-435 Christmas with grandma Elsie. Finley. j F-2452 Christmas wreck. Stockton F-916 Christy Carew. Hartley F-1302 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant.. F-1G47 Chronicles of the Shonberg-Cotta fam- ily. Charles F-2169 Circuit rider. Eggleston F-1156 City of Sarras. Taylor F-1974 Clara Stanley j F-1242 Clarissa; condensed. Richardson F-1960 Claudia. Douglas F-52 Cleopatra. Durand F-1757 Clever woman. Yonge F-616 Cliff-climbers. Reid j F-879 Clinton. Simonds j F-2237 Cloister and the hearth. Reade F-542 Cloud-pictures. Underwood F-2200 Clouds and sunshine. Reade F-554 Clover. Woolsey j F-825 Cobwebs and cables. Smith F-1624 Colonel Cheswick's campaign. Shaw. F-1719 Colonel Enderby's wife. Harrison F-1738 Colonel's daughter. King F-1263 Colonel's money. Lillie j F-959 Color studies. Janvier F-2679 Coming race. Bulwer-Lytton F-1037 Coming wave. Adams j F-134 Confession. Simms F-2563 Confessions of a frivolous girl. Grant. F-940 Confessions of Claud. Fawcett F-1210 Confidence. James F-1027 Coningsby. Beaconsfield F-2547 Conquering and to conquer. Charles.. F-2174 Conscript. Erckmann & Chatrian F-2249 Conspiracy. Badeau F-.34 Conspirators. Dumas F-797 Constance of Acadia. Tenney F-1287 Constantia Carew. Marshall j F-1736 Consuelo. Dudevant F-2681 Con tarini Fleming. Beaconsfield F-2540 Convicts and their children. Auerbach. F-1867 Cord and creese. De Mille F-1269 Cornelius O'Dowd. Lever F-1572 Cossacks. Tolstoi F-1851 Counsel of perfection. Harrison F-2514 Count Ernest's home. Heyse F-1023 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez F-1908 Count of Monte-Cristo. Dumas F-799 Count of the Saxon shore. Church ... j F-2443 Count Robert of Paris. Scott P-353 Same in v. 5 of F-382 Count Silvius. Horn F-1013 Count Xavier. Durand F-1380 Counterparts. Sheppard F-1346 Countess de Charny. Dumas F-798 Countess Gisela. John F-2(M0 Country by-ways. Jewett F-2130 Country doctor. Balzac F-177 FICTION. — ^TlTLE LIST. 167 Country doctor. Jewett F-976 Country luck. Habberton F-2023 Court and the cottage. Marshall j F-2098 Court of Charles IV. Perez-Galdos. . F-2383 Court Royal. Gould F-2455 Courting and farming. Smith F-580 Cousin Bette. Balzac F-175 Cousin GeofEry. Hook F-2307 Cousin Grace. Clarke j F-325 Cousin Henry. TroUope F-1599 Cousin Lucy among the mountains. Abbott j F-1784 Cousin Lucy at play. Abbott j F-1788 Cousin Lucy at study. Abbott j F-1787 Cousin Lucy on the sea-shore. Abbott, j F-1786 Cousin Lucy's conversations. Abbott, j F-1785 Cousin Lucy's stories. Abbott j F-1789 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell F-2579 Cousin Pons. Balzac F-178 Cousin William. Hook F-2299 Cousins. Walford F-1985 Cracker Joe F-743 Crater. Cooper F-829 Cricket on the hearth. Dickens. F-434 ; F-435 ; F-888 Crime of Henry Vane. Stimson E-1281 Cringle and cross-tree. Adams j F-104 Crof ton boys. Martineau j F-2191 Crooked places. Mayo F-2410 Cross and Crescent. Adams j F-121 Cross corners. Warner j F-1518 Cross patch. Woolsey j F-814 Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg j F-88 Cruise of the Frolic. Kingston j F-1130 Cruises with Captain Bob. Shillaber. j F-2655 Crusade of the Excelsior. Harte F-1429 Crusoe in New York. Hale F-1475 Crust and cake. Mayo F-2050 Cryptogram. De Mille F-1267 Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge j F-503 Cunning workmen. Alden F-453 Cupid and Chow-chow. Alcott. v.3 of j F-272 Cupid, M.D. Swift F-1734 Curate in charge. Oliphant F-1648 Dab Kinzer. Stoddard j F-2003 Daddy Darwin's dovecot. Ewing j F-352 Daisy. Warner F-2166 Daisy Burns. Kavanagh F-1070 Daisy chain. Yonge F-617 Daisy Miller. James F-2031 Daisy Plains. Warner F-1504 Daltons. Lever F-1573 Damen's ghost. Bynner F-521 Daniel Deronda. Cross F-390 -Same. 2v F-24 Daniele Cortis. Fogazzaro F-1891 Dan vers papers. Yonge F-623 Dark days. Fargus F-1885 Darnley. James F-2029 Darryll Gap. Townsend F-653 Daughter of Bohemia. Fisher F-1664 Daughter of Fife. Barr F-969 Daughter of Heth. Black F-479 Daughter of the Philistines. Boyesen. F-744 Davenport Dunn. Lever F-1574 David Copperfield. 2v. Dickens F-889 David Elginbrod. MacDonald F-775 David Poindexter's disappearance. Hawthorne F-1191 Dawn. Haggard F-1144 Same. 2v F-2504 Day of fate. Roe F-14 Days of Bruce. Aguilar F-2148 Day's ride. Lever F-1575 Dead alive. Collins F-562 Dead lake. Heyse F-1023 Dead secret. Collins F-564 Dead sin. Mayo F-2411 Dead souls. 2v. Gogol F-2042 Dean's daughter. Gore F-956 Debenham's vow. Edwards F-2600 Debutante in New York society. Bu- chanan r-2549 Deemster. Caine F-2273 Deephaven. Jewett F-980 Deerings of Medbury. Townsend j F-654 Deerslayer. Cooper. F-850 Demigod F-1243 Democracy F-1998 Denis Duval. Thackeray F-2066 Desert home. Reid j F-872 Desert of ice. Verne F-2122 Desk and debit. Adams j F-103 Desmond hundred. Austin F-622 Desperate chance. Kelley F-1347 Detmold. Bishop F-1170 Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton F-1039 Devout lover. Cameron F-2428 Diana. Warner F-1505 Diana of the crossways. Meredith — F-1089 Diane Coryval F-74o Diary, «&c. Bremer F-2638 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. Charles... F-2170 Dick Netherby. Walford F-1986 Dick Onslow. Kingston j F-1129 Dick Sands. Verne F-1430 Dick's wanderings. Sturgis F-1724 Dikes and ditches. Adams j F-116 Dimitri Roudine. Turg^nef F-1976 158 FICTION. ^tlTLE LISt. Disowned. Bulwer-Lytton F-1040 Dita. Majendie P-2125 Divorced. Dahlgren F-1368 Do and dare. Alger j F-226 Doctor Ben F-523 Doctor Breen's practice. Ho wells F-339 Doctor Claudius. Crawford F-588 Doctor Dick. Woods j F-1524 Dr. Gilbert's daughters. Mathews... j F-173'7 Doctor Grattan. Hammond F-596 Doctor Grimshawe's secret. Haw- thorne F-1225 Doctor Jacob. Edwards F-2206 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson. F-1420 Doctor Johns. Mitchell F-2267 Doctor Papa. Clarke j F-310 Doctor Sevier. Cable F-933 Doctor Thorne. Trollope F-2262 Doctor V andyke. Cooke F-2457 Doctor Wortle's school. Trollope F-1392 Doctor Zay. Phelps F-1602 Doctor's daughter. Clarke j F-299 Dodd family abroad. Lever F1576 Dog Crusoe. Ballantyne j F-993 Dog's mission. Stowe j F-1450 Doing and dreaming. Mayo F-2051 Doings of the Bodley family. Scudder. j F-1817 Dollars and cents. Warner F-1506 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne F-193 ; F-184 Dolores. Bridges F-1857 Dombey and Son. Dickens F-437 Same. 2v F-890 Don John. Ingelow F-746 Don Quixote. Cervantes F-2147 Donal Grant. MacDonald F-779 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge j F-1228 Donovan. Bayly F-429 Dora. Kavanagh F-2494 Dorcas club. Adams j F-135 Dorothea. Patchin F-524 Dosia's daughter. Durand F-1379 Dotty Dimple. Clarke j F-326 Dotty Dimple series . ( See Clarke, K. S . ) Double cunning. Fenn F-924 Double-runner club. Shillaber j F-2102 Doubting heart. Keary F-1377 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge F-618 Down south. Adams j F-111 Down the ravine. Murf ree F-1442 Down the Rhine. Adams j F-118 Down the river. Adams j F-142 Dragon and the raven. Henty j F-2397 Draytons andtheDavenants. Charles. F-2173 Dream children. Scudder j F-1815 Dreamer. Wylde F-1995 Dred. Stowe F-1451 Same. 2v F-1382 Drift from two shores. Harte F-2285 Driven back to Eden. Roe F-343 Drones' honey. Clarke F-327 Drummer boy. Trowbridge j F-501 Duchess of Rosemary lane. Farjeon.. F-2o97 Duchess de Langeais. Balzac F-179 Duke' s children. Trollope F-1393 Dusantes. Stockton F-2288 Dust. Hawthorne F-1192 Dwellers in five-sisters court. Scud- der F-1813 Dynamiter. Stevenson F-1418 Dynevor terrace. Yonge F-619 Early dawn. Charles F-2171 Earnest trifler. Sprague F-2512 Earth trembled. Roe F-2 East angels. Woolson F-1551 Ebb-tide. Fisher F-1665 Echo of passion. Lathrop F-1215 Echoing and re-echoing. Foster F-478 Editor's tales. Trollope F-1394 Edwin Brothertof t. Winthrop F-1994 Edwin Drood. Dickens F-436 ; F-895 Same, completed through a medium. F-894 Ego. French F-2654 Egoist. Meredith F-1090 Egyptian princess. 2v. Ebers F-684 Eight cousins. Alcott j F-273 Elder sister. James F-1322 Eleanor Maitland. Waters F-1330 Elect lady. Macdonald F-794 Elective affinities. Gothe F-2639 Eliane. Craven F-1370 Ella. Simonds j F-2234 Ellen Linn. Abbott j F-1764 Elm Island stories. {See Kellogg, E.) Elsie series. {See Finley, M. F.) Elsie Venner. Holmes F-990 Emperor. 2v. Ebers F-690 Endless chain. Alden F-454 End of a coil. Warner F-2316 End of the world. Eggleston F-1155 Endymion. Beaconsfield F-2537 " English Daisy Miller." Johnson .... F-1329 Ennui. Edgeworth v. 4 of F-2629 Entailed hat. Townsend F-1735 Epicurean. Moore F-1946 Equal to the occasion. Mayo F-2052 Erema. Blackmore F-1110 Eric. Farrar j F-2230 Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer-Lytton . . . F-1041 FICTION. — TITLE UST. 159 Ernestine. 2v. Hillern F-2126 Errand boy. Alger j F-2527 Ersilia. Toynter F-1957 Esau Hardery. Stoddard F-2004 Ester Ried. Alden F-455 Ester Ried yet speaking. Alden F-456 Esther. Carey j F-1097 Ethel's year at Ashton. Dawes F-2231 Eugene Aram. Bulwer-Lytton F-1042 Eugenie Grandet. Balzac F-180 Eunice Lathrop, spinster. Noble F-2466 Europeans. James F-1028 Eustace diamonds. TroUope F-2261 Eutaw. Simms F-2558 Evan Harrington. Meredith F-1091 Eve. Gould F-1116 Executor. Hector F-1918 Eye for an eye. TroUope F-1395 Eyebright. Woolsey j F-815 P. Grant & Co. Chaney j F-2677 Face illumined. Roe F-11 Face to face. Grant F-938 Facing death. Henty j F-2396 Fair barbarian. Burnett F-287 Fair god. Wallace F-31 Fair maid of Perth. Scott F-357 Sa7ne in v. 5 of F-382 Fair philosopher. Hammond F-1547 Fairport nine. Brooks j F-lOlO Fairy book. Clarke j F-324 Fairy book. Craik j F-393 Fairytales. Grimm j F-2101 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney... F-415 Falconberg. Boyesen F-714 Falkland. Bulwer-Lytton F-1037 Fallen idol. Guthrie F-719 False start. Smart F-2369 Fame and fortune. Alger j F-243 Family affair. Fargus F-1886 Family fortunes. Mayo F-2336 Fanchette. Cooke r-525 Fanshawe. Hawthorne F-1226; F-184 Far above rubies. Riddell F-1533 Farnell's folly. Trowbridge F-504 Fashionable sufferer. Hoppin F-949 Fate of Madame la Tour. Paddock... F-2468 Fate of Mansfield Humphreys. White. F-2449 Fated to be free. Ingelow F-2035 Fathers and sons. Hook F-2301 Fathers and sons. Turg^nef F-1977 Fearful responsibility. Howells F-.334 Feats on the fiord. Martineau j F-2190 Felix Holt. Cross F-21 Fellow travellers. Fuller F-1373 Fiammetta. Story F-1558 Field and forest. Adams j F-101 Fighting Joe. Adams j F-147 Figs and thistles. Tourg^e F-1840 Firelight stories. Moulton j F-1472 Fireside chronicles of the family story- teller. Diaz j F-1124 First f am' lies of the Sierras. Miller. . . F-2662 First harvests. Stimson F-1282 First violin. Fothergill F-1892 Fisher boy. Tripp F-2032 Fisher boys of Pleasant cove. Kellogg. j F-91 Fisher-maiden. Bj6rnson.F-1874; F-1312; F-2664 Five hundred dollars. Chaplin F-1310 Five little Southerners. Porter j F-1686 Five years before the mast. Hazen. . . F-1325 Flag of distress. Reid j F-883 Flag of truce. Warner j F-2159 Flamingo feather. Munroe j F-2109 Flat iron for a farthing. Ewing j F-351 Flaxie Frizzle stories. (-See Clarke, R. S.) Floating city. Verne F-1431 Floating light of the Goodwin sands. Ballantyne ... j F-994 Floating prince. Stockton j F-2246 Flock of girls. Perry j F-1739 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. 2v. Richter F-1961 Floyd Grandon's honor. Douglas F-60 Foes of her household. Douglas F-38 Fool of quality. 2v. Brooke F-2224 Fool's errand. Tourg6e F-1841 Fool's errand; with, The invisible em- pire. Tourg^e F-2326 For a song's sake. Marston F-1733 For a woman. Perry F-2108 For fifteen years. Ulbach F-2534 ForLilias. Carey F-1098 For love and life. Oliphant F-1642 For name and fame. Henty j F-2395 For summer afternoons. Woolsey F-824 For the major. Woolson F-1564 For the temple. Henty j F-2406 Forayers. Simms F-2561 Forced acquaintances. Rob inson F-1740 Fore and aft. Dixon F-1338 Foregone conclusion. Howells F-2510 Forest exiles. Reid j F-873 Forest glen series. (See Kellogg, E.) Fortune's fool. Hawthorne F-1196 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever F-1S77 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott F-363 Same in v. 3 of F-382 160 FICTION. — TITLE LIST, Fortunes of Rachel. Hale F-1477 Fortunes of the Faradays. Douglas. . F-39 Forty-five guardsmen. Dumas F-800 Foul play. Eeade & Boucicault F-543 Found dead. Payn F-2618 Four and what they did. Weeks j F-2034 Four girls at Chautauqua. Alden F-457 Fox-hunting. Stephens j F-2015 Fragoletta. Booth-Daphne F-2041 Franconia stories. (See Abbott, J.) Frank Mildmay. Marryat F-118.3 Frank Warrington. Harris F-601 Fraternity F-2501 Freaks of fortune. Adams j F-138 Freaks on the fells. Ballantyne j F-995 Free Joe. Harris F-1326 Freres. Hector F-1919 Fresh leaves from western woods. Fuller F-2634 Friend Fritz. Erckmann & Chatrian.. F-2248 Friends. Phelps F-1603 From different standpoints. Alden & Foster F-458 From hand to hand. Dannenberg F-666 From hand to mouth. Douglas F-43 From jest to earnest. Roe F-15 From Moor Isles. Fothergill F-1893 From post to finish. Smart F-2.371 From the earth to the moon. Verne.. F-1432 Frontier army sketches. Steele F-2104 Frontier stories. Harte F-1413 Frozen deep. Collins F-562 Fury (I'Arrabiata). Heyse F-1023 G. T. T. [Gone to Texas]. Hale F-1476 Gabriel Conroy. Harte F-1414 Garland for girls. Alcott j F-271 Garth. Hawthorne F-1201 Gascoyne. Ballantyne j F-996 Gates ajar. Phelps F-1604 Gates between. Phelps F-1611 Gaverocks. Gould F-1115 Gayworthys. Whitney F-416 Gentle savage. King F-1321 Gentleman of leisure. Fawcett F-1204 George Bailey. Bailey F-21.S5 Georgians. Hammond F-526 Geraldine Hawthorne. Butt F-1875 Gervase Skinner. Hook F-2312 Gesta Romanorum F-2684 Giannetto. Majendie F-1940 Giant raft. Yerne F-1433 Giant's robe. Guthrie F-720 Gideon Fleyce. Lucy F-1938 Gilbert Gurney. Hook F-2303 Gilded age. Clemens «fe Warner r-265l Gipsy. James F-2030 Giraffe-hunters. Eeid j F-874 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. Clarke F-2523 Girl's romance. Robinson F-2577 Gladys. Darling F-2229 Glenwood. Cambridge F-17 Glorinda. Dodd F-2518 Godfrey Malvern. Miller F-2673 Godolphin. Bulwer-Lytton F-1043 Going South. Adams j F-110 Going West. Adams j F-107 Gold and dross. Mayo F-2059 Gold Elsie. John F-667 Gold of Chickaree. Warner F-1507 Golden butterfly. Besant & Rice F-2083 Golden grain. Farjeon F-2595 Golden justice. Bishop F-1172 Golden lotus. Greey F-2434 Golden mediocrity. Hamerton F-1313 Golden sorrow. Hoey F-2586 Good fight. Reade F-557 Good old times. Kellogg j F-76 Good (Ad times series. (See Kellogg, E. \ Good stories. Reade F-555 Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne j F-997 Grace Lee. Kavanagh F-1071 Grandfather's chair. Hawthorne j F-1227 Grandissimes. Cable F-934 Grandmother Elsie. Finley j F-209 Grandmother Normandy. Denison . . . F-1255 Graveyard flower. Hillern F-2127 Grayson s. Eggleston F-2487 Great emergency. Ewing j F-349 Great expectations. Dickens. F-439; F-440; F-891 Great grandmother's girls in new France. Champney j F-2536 Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray. F-2063 Great western series. (See Adams, W. T.) Green gate. Wichert F-668 Green pastures and Piccadilly. Black. F-492 Griffith Gaunt. Reade F-544 Guardian angel. Holmes F-991 Guardians F-1244 Guenn. Howard F-1063 Guerndale. Stimson F-1280 Guild court. MacDonald F-776 Gulliver's travels. Swift F-2280 Gun-maker of Moscow. Cobb F-2423 Gunnar. Boyesen F-715 Gurney married. Hook F-2304 Guy Deverell. Le Fanu F-2605 Guy Mannering. Scott F-375 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 161 Guy Mannering. Scott in v. 1 of F-382 Same. 2v P-378 Guy Elvers. Simms F-2567 Gwendoline's harvest. Payn F-2615 H family. Bremer F-2638 Half a million of money. Edwards... F-2601 Hall in the grove. Alden F-459 Halves. Payn F-2613 Hammersmith. Severance F-2219 Hand and ring. Rohlf e F-222.5 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy F-1909 Handicapped. Terhune F-1018 Handy-Andy. Lover F-1276 Hannah. Craik F-401 Hannah Thurston. Taylor F-2519 Hannibal of New York. Wharton F-1991 Hans Brinker. Dodge j F-1229 Happy boy. Bjornson F-2664 Happy-go-lucky. Harris F-602 Happy Summer-time. Billings j F-1301 Hard cash. Reade F-545 Hard lines. Smart F-2.368 Hard maple. Warner j F-1515 Sard-scrabble of Elm island. Kellogg. j F-68 Hard times. Dickens F-446; F-450; F-698 Same in v. 2 of F-886 Harold. Bulwer-Lytton F-1044 Harrington. Edgeworth v. 9 of F-2629 Harry Blount. Hamerton F-1731 Harry Heathcote. Trollope F-l 396 Harry Lorrequer. Lever F-1578 Harry Mowbray. Knox F-2674 Harry Richmond. Meredith F-1094 Harveys. Kingsley F-2132 Hathercourt. Molesworth F-1945 Haunted man. Dickens F-434 ; F-435 ; F-888 Haworth's. Burnett F-288 He fell in love with his wife. Roe F-7 He knew he was right. Trollope F-1397 Head of Medusa. Fletcher F-1162 Headsman. Cooper F-832 Healey. Fothergill F-1894 Heaps of money. Norris F-1947 Heart and science. Collins F-56.5 Heart of Midlothian. Scott F-374 Same in v. 2 of F-382 Heart of steel. Fisher F-1657 Heartsease. Yonge F-620 Hector Servadac. Verne F-1435 Hector's inheritance. Alger j F-229 Hedged in. Phelps F-1605 Heidenmauer. Cooper F-830 Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge F-621 Heir of the ages. Payn F-2119 20 Helen. Edgeworth v. 10 of F-2629 Helen Gardner's wedding day. Ter- liune F-759 Helen Troy. Harrison F-2095 Helen's babies. Habberton F-2024 Helping himself. Alger j F-227 Henrietta Temple. Beaconsfleld F-2544 Henry Esmond. Thackeray F-2073 Henry Masterton. James F-706 Henry of Guise. James F-707 Hephzibah Guinness. Mitchell F-2105 Her crime F-747 Her face was her fortune. Robinson.. F-2576 Her great idea. Waif ord F-1988 Her object in life. Mayo F-2056 Her picture F-748 Her Washington season. Lincoln F-1748 Herbert Carter's legacy. Alger j F-254 Hereward. Kingsley F-906 Same. 2v F-905 Heritage of Langdale. Hector F-1920 Hero Carthew. Parr F-1953 Hero, &c. Craik F-402 Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales. Kings- ley j F-907 Hesperus. 2v. Richter F-1963 Hester. Oliphant F-1632 Hester Morley's promise. Smith F-1626 Hetty. Kingsley F-2025 Hetty's strange history. Jackson F-952 Hide and seek. Collins F-566 Hidden for years. Woods F-1525 Hidden path. Terhune F-731 High-lights. Field F-1260 Higher than the church. Hillem F-2470 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner F-1519 His inheritance. Traf ton F-1847 His level best. Hale F-1478 His little mother. Craik j F-397 His majesty myself. Baker F-2192 His one fault. Trowbridge j F-515 His own master. Trowbridge j F-516 His second campaign. Thompson F-536 His sombre rivals. Roe F-10 His triumph. Denison F-1256 His two wives. Hudson F-1707 His young wife. Smith F-582 History of a crime. Hugo F-984 History of a week. Waif ord F-1987 Hitherto. Whitney F-417 Hogan, M. P. Hartley F-1304 Hohensteins. Spielhagen F-2497 Holden with the cords. Woodruff F-957 Holidays at Roselands. Finley j.F-208 162 FICTION. — ^TITLE UST. Hollands. Townsend j F-657 Home. Bremer F-2637 Home as found. Cooper F-851 Home influence. Aguilar F-2149 Home nook, Douglas F-46 Home scenes. Aguilar F-2150 Home story book in prose and verse. . F-2247 Homespun yarns. Whitney F-418 Homeward bound. Cooper F-831 Homo sum. Ebers F-685 Homoselle. Tiernan F-527 Honorable Miss Ferrard. Hartley F-1933 Honorable surrender. Adams F-28 Hoosier school-boy. Egglestou j F-1153 Hoosier school-master. Eggleston . . . . F-1150 Hope Mills. Douglas F-49 Hopeless case. Fawcett F-1205 Hopes and fears. Yonge F-622 Hospital sketches. Alcott F-283 Hot plowshares. Tourgee F-2327 Hour will come. Hillern F-2128 House at Crague. Sleight F-1848 House at High Bridge. Fawcett F-1206 House by the works. Mayo F-2057 House of a merchant prince. Bishop. F-1171 House of Boss. Eiddle F-1532 House of seven gables. Hawthorne. F-186; F-185 House on the marsh. Warden F-12T5 Household of Glen Holly. Lillie j F-2491 Household puzzles. Alden F-460 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whit- ney kept New Year's. Murray. . .. F-1741 Hubert. Abbott j F-1780 Huckleberry Finn. Clemens F-1810 Hulda. Stahr F-669 Hundredth man. Stockton F-2338 Hunter cats of Connorloa. Jackson. . j F-2223 Hunter's feast. Reid j F-858 Husbands and homes. Terhune F-732 Hypatia. Kingsley F-909 Same. 2v F-908 HyperaBsthesia. Cruger F-1316 "I say no." Collins F-567 I will be a gentleman. Tuthill j F-2471 Ice queen. IngersoU j F-700 Ida Craven. Cadell F-2112 Ignoramuses. Crowninshield F-2464 Ike Partington. Shillaber j F-2659 m-regulated mind. Wylde F-1996 Illustrations of political economy. 2v. Martineau F-2385 Improvisatore. Andersen F-1083 In a house-boat. Craik F-404 In change unchanged. Villari F-1983 In exile. W. von St., r-1369 In freedom's cause. Henty j F-2402 In his name. Hale F-1486 In hot haste. Hullah F-1929 In Leisler's times. Brooks F-2321 In New Granada. Kingston j F-1134 In ole Virginia. Page F-1744 In paradise. 2v. Heyse F-1021 In partnership. Matthews & Bunner. F-2660 In prison and out. Smith F-1628 In silk attire. Black F-482 In the Carquinez woods. Harte F-1413 In the clouds. Murf ree F-1443 In the distance. Lathrop F-1216 In the golden days. Bayly F-430 In the olden time. Roberts F-1965 In the ranks. Douglas j F-56 In the reign of terror. Henty j F-2405 In the Schillingscourt. John F-670 In the Tennessee mountains. Murf ree. F-1444 In the wilds of Florida. Kingston j F-1131 In the wrong paradise. Lang F-1732 In trust. Douglas F-48 In war time. Mitchell F-2430 Indian summer. Howells F-337 Inez. Wilson F-261 Infelice. Wilson F-262 Ingham papers. Hale F-1479 Ingo. Freytag F-1902 Ingraban. Freytag F-1903 Innocent. Oliphant F-2622 Inside. Baker F-2598 Interrupted. Alden F-461 Invaders. Tolstoi F-1852 Invasion of France. Erckmann & Chatrian F-2252 Invisible lodge. Richter F-1962 Iris. Randolph F-1742 Is he popenjoy? TroUope F-1398 Isabel. Jeaffreson F-2208 Isidra. Steell F-1743 Island pearl. Farjeon F-2592 Isles of the sea. Adams j F-124 Ismay's children. Hartley F-1303 It is never too late to mend. Reade.. F-547 Italian popular tales. Crane F-2110 Ivan de Biron. Helps F-1689 Ivan Ilyitch. Tolstoi F-1853 Ivanhoe. 2v. Scott F-879 Sayne in v.2 of F-382 Jack and Jill. Alcott j F-274 Jack Brag. Hook F-2300 Jack Hall. Grant F-939 JackHintou. Lever F-1679 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 163 Jack in the bush. Grant j F-941 Jack Manly. Grant F-1285 Jack the fisherman. Phelps F-1614 Jack Tier. Cooper F-833 Jackanapes. Ewing j F-352 Jack's ward. Alger j F-257 Jacob Faithful. Marryat F-1179 Jan of the windmill. Ewing j F-344 Jan Vedder's wife. Barr F-970 Jane Eyre. Bront6 F-1340 Janet. Clarke j F-300 Janet's home. Keary F-2477 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat. F-1180 Jean Monteith. McClelland F-1942 Jean T^terol's idea. Cherbuliez F-2019 Jerry. Simonds j F-2238 Jess. Haggard F-1145 Jessie. Simonds j F-2236 Jessie Trim. Farjeon F-2593 Jimmyjohns. Diaz j F-1117 Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore. Al- cott j V. 5 of F-272 John Bodewin's testimony. Foote F-1160 John Brent. Winthrop F-1830 John Dorrien. Kavanagh F-1072 John Eax. Tourg^e F-1842 John Godfrey's fortunes. Taylor F-2313 John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg j F-90 John Halifax, gentleman. Craik F-396 John Inglesant. Shorthouse F-1501 John Jerome. Ingelow F-1222 John Ward, preacher. Deland F-1381 John Winter. Mayo F-2058 Jolly fellowship. Stockton j F-917 Jolly rover. Trowbridge j F-517 Jonas books, (^ee Abbott, J.) Jonathan Wild. Fielding F-2633 Jo's boys. Alcott j F-275 Jo's opportunity. Lillie j F-960 Joseph and his friend. Taylor F-2314 Joseph Andrews. Fielding F-2633 Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne F-1434 Juanita. Mann F-2010 Judith. Terhune F-733 Judith Shakespeare. Black F-480 JuliaRied. Alden F-462 Julian Home. Farrar j F-2373 Julian Karslake's secret. Needell F-1745 Julius. Alger j F-238 Juno and Georgie. Abbott j F-1781 Juno on a journey. Abbott j F-1782 Just his luck j F-1245 Justina F-758 Kaloolah. Mayo F-1728 Karma. Sinnett F-2136 Katharine Walton. Simms F-2557 Katherine Earle. Traf ton F-2211 Kathie stories. (See Douglas, A. M.) Kathleen Mavoureen. Burnett F-296 Kellys and the O'Kellys. Trollope .... F-1399 Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton . . . F-1045 Kenilworth. Scott F-362 Same in v. 3 of F-382 Kidnapped. Stevenson F-1425 Kilmeny. Black F-481 King Arthur. Craik F-394 King of Folly island. Jewett F-977 King of No-land. Farjeon F-2590 King of the Golden river. Ruskin in V.3 of 824-R2 King of the mountains. About F-2450 King Solomon's mines. Haggard F-1146 King's highway. James F-2268 King's own. Marryat F-1181 Kings in exile. Daudet F-1360 Kinley Hollow. Hollister F-1928 Kismet. Fletcher F-1165 Kiss and be friends. Smith F-581 Kith and kin. Fothergill F-1895 Kitty. Edwards F-2610 Kittyleen. Clarke j F-313 Kitty's conquest. King F-1261 Klaus Bewer' 8 wife. Lindau F-1937 Knave of hearts. Grant F-944 Knight-errant. Bayly. F-431 Knight of Gwynne. Lever F-1580 Knightly legends of Wales. Lanier. .. j F-2134 Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe F-12 Knitters in the sun. French F-2182 Ladies Lindores. Oliphant F-1633 Lad's love. Bates F-648 Lady Anna. Trollope F-1400 Lady Hester. Yonge F-623 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells F-2611 Lady, or the tiger. Stockton F-918 Lady with the rubies. John F-671 Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant F-1688 Lake breezes. Adams j F-109 Lah Hammond F-697 Lamplighter. Cummins F-1357 Lances of Lynwood. Yonge j F^24 Land of the sky. Fisher F-1659 Landolin. Auerbach F-1868 Laodicean. Hardy F-1910 Lasses of Leverhouse. Fothergill F-1896 Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer-Lytton. F-1046 164 FICTION. ^TITLE LIST. Last meeting. Matthews F-2354 Last of the barons. Bulwer-Lytton. . F-1047 Last of the Macallisters. Barr F-2500 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper F-852 Lastchance Junction. McLean F-1801 Late Mrs. Null. Stockton F-919 Later years. Prime F-2647 Laughing mill. Hawthorne F-1200 Laurel bush. Craik F-399 Lavengro. Borrow F-2532 Law and the lady. Collins F-568 Lazy man's work. Sparhawk F-1971 Leaden casket. Hunt F-1930 Lear of the steppe. Turg^nef F-1981 Leavenworth case. Rohlf e F-2139 Led-horse claim. Foote F-1161 Left on Labrador. Stephens j F-201 2 Legacy, The. Craik F-2643 Legend of Montrose. Scott F-364 Same in v. 2 of F-382 Legends of Charlemagne. Bulfinch.. F-2668 Leila. Bulwer-Lytton F-1048 Lenox Dare. Townsend F-655 Leonard and Gertrude. Pestalozzi. ... F-2295 Leone. Monti F-528 Leslie Goldthwaite. Whitney F-419 Less black than we're painted. Payn. F-2620 Lesson in love. Kirk F-529 Letter of credit. Warner F-1608 Letters from a cat. Jackson j F-2223 Letters from Rome, A. D. 138. Reade. F-558 Life and times of Jesus as related by T. Didymus. Clarke F-2632 Life at the South. Smith F-2421 Life for a life. Craik F-395 Life in the wilds. Martineau F-2384 Life interest. Hector F-1921 Lights and shadows of a life. Dahlgren. F-1367 Like a gentleman. Denison F-1251 Lillieslea. Howitt j F-2155 Lily and the cross. De Mille F-1265 Lindisf arn Chase. Trollope F-2653 Lindsay's luck. Burnett F-2515 Links in Rebecca's life. Alden F-463 Lion Ben of Elm Island. Kellogg j F-67 Lion of St. Mark. Henty j F-2404 Lion of the North. Henty j F-2.399 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper F-834 Little Bobtail. Adams j F-131 Little brick church. Falkner F-1336 Little by little. Adams j F-149 Little camp on Eagle Hill. Warner. .. j F-2160 Little country girl. Woolsey j F-816 Little Dorrit. Dickens F-441 Little Dorrit. Dickens. 2v F-892 Little duke. Yonge j F-62.5 Little fishers. Alden F-464 Little folks astray. Clarke j F-315 Little grandfather. Clarke j F-318 Little grandmother. Clarke j F-319 Little Loo. Russell F-2209 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett j F-294 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. Yonge. j F-627 Little maid of Acadie. Rodney F-2509 Little master. Trowbridge j F-.505 Little men. Alcott j F-277 Little moorland princess. John F-672 Little pitchers. Clarke j F-311 Little Prudy. Clarke j F-321 Little Prudy stories. (See Clarke, R. S.) Little Pussy Willow. Stowe j F-14.')2 Little schoolmaster Mark. Shorthouse. F-1.502 Little sister F-749 Little upstart. Rideing F-16.51 Little women. Alcott j F-276 Same. 2y j F-281 Live oak boys. Kellogg j F-77 Living or dead. Fargus F-1887 Liza. Turgenef F-1978 Lob Lie-by-the-fire. Ewing j F-350 Lois the witch. Gaskell F-2175 Lola. Griffiths F-2114 Long exile. Tolstoi j F-1854 Long run. Cleveland F-2438 Look before you leap. Hector F-1922 Looking backward, 2000-1887. Bellamy. F-760 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever F-1581 Lord of himself. Underwood F-2017 Lorna Doone. Blackmore F-1106 Lost in a great city. Douglas F-.51 Lost name. Le Fanu F-2607 Lothair. Beaconsfield F-2538 Lotta Schmidt. Trollope F-1401 Lottie of the mill. Behrens F-1315 Louie's last term at St. Mary's. Harris . j F-603 Louisa. Macquoid . . : F-220.5 Louisiana. Burnett F-289 Love and life. Yonge F-626 Love and luck. Roosevelt F-1704 Love and theology. Woolley F-18.36 Love me little, love me long. Reade. . F-546 Love of a lifetime. Curtis F-1296 Love or a name. Hawthorne F-1193 Lovel the widower. Thackeray F-2066 Lovely Wang. Wingfield F-1992 Love's victory. Farjeon F-2591 Loyalty George. Parr F-1954 Luck and pluck. Alger '. j F-248 nCTTON. — TITLE LIST. 165 Luck and pluck series. (See Alger, H., jr.) Luck of roaring camp. Harte F-1411 Lucretia. Bulwer-Lytton F-1049 Lucy. Smith F-583 Lucy books. ( See Abbott, J. ) Lucy Crof ton. Oliphant F-1639 Lucy Maria. Diaz F-1118 Lulu's library. Alcott j F-269 Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's. Drew F-1877 Luttrell of Arran. Lever F-1582 Lynx-hunting. Stephens j F-2014 Mabel Lee. Fisher F-1656 Mabel Vaughan. Cummins F-1358 Macaria. Wilson F-264 Macdermots of Ballycloran. Trollope. F-1402 Macleod of Dare. Black F-48.3 Madam. Oliphant F-1634 Madame de Presnel. Poynter F-1958 Madame Delphine. Cable F-935 Madame Lucas F-530 Madame Th^rfese. Erckmann & Chat- rian F-2253 Madcap Violet. Black F-493 Madeleine. Kavanagh F-1073 Made or marred. Fothergill F-1897 Madonna Mary. Oliphant F-2625 Madonna of the tubs. Phelps F-1615 Magic ring and other fairy tales j F-537 Magnhild. Bjornson F-2663 Magnum bonum. Yonge F-628 Maid of Sker. Blackmore F-2584 Maid of Stralsund. Lief de F-1386 Major and minor. Norris F-1669 Same. 2v ■ F-1948 Major Lawrence. Lawless F-1934 Make or break. Adams j F-141 Making of a man. Baker F-2193 Malbone. Higginson F-1843 Malcolm. MacDonald F-777 Malleville. Abbott j F-1758 Mammy Tittleback. Jackson j E-2223 Man and wife. Collins F-569 Man of many friends. Hook F-2306 Man of the house. Aid en F-465 Man-of-war life. Nordhoff j F-2416 Man proposes. Underwood F-2018 Man who was guilty. Longhead F-1746 Man without a country. Hale F-1480 Manch. Bryan F-1213 Manoeuvring. Edge worth v. 5 of F-2629 Manuela Paredes F-750 Marble faun. Hawthorne F-200 Same. 2v F-189 Marco Paul's travels. (See Abbott, J.) Marcus. Simonds j F-22.33 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas F-801 Marion's faith. King F-2111 Marjorie Daw. Aldrich F-771 Marjory Graham. Gray F-1355 Mark of Cain. Lang F-1383 Mark, the match boy. Alger j F-244 Marquis of Carabas. Spofford F-1747 Marquis of Lossie. MacDonald F-778 Married belle. Smith F-584 Marsh island. Jewett F-978 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens F-444 Same. 2v F-893 Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge F-506 Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever F-1583 Maruja. Harte F-2282 Mary Anerley. Blackmore F-1107 Mary Bell. Abbott j F-1761 Mary Erskine. Abbott j F-1760 Mary Marston. MacDonald F-780 Mary Osborne. Abbott j F-17a3 Marzio's crucifix. Crawford F-693 Master Bieland. Auerbach F-1869 Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens. F-440;F-445; F-895; F-2227 Master of his fate. Barr F-971 Master of the ceremonies. Fenn F-92.5 Mate of the daylight. Jewett F-2145 Matrimony. Norris F-1949 Matter-of-fact girl. Boulger F-1905 Mauprat. Dudevant. F-1618 Maurice mystery. Cooke F-2350 Maurice Tiernay. Lever F-1584 Maxwell. Hook F-2302 Mayflower. Stowe F-1453 Mayor of Casterb ridge. Hardy F-1911 Melbourne house. Warner F-2157 Melchior's dream. Ewing j F-348 Mellichampe. Simms F-2554 Memoirs of a physician. Dumas F-802 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Thack- eray F-2067 Men, women and ghosts. Phelps F-1606 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper F-835 Merchant vessel. NordhofiE j F-2415 Mercy Philbrick's choice. Jackson... F-2222 Mere child. Waif ord F-1989 Merry men. Stevenson F-1419 Merton. Hook F-2298 Meta Holdenis. Cherbuliez F-2020 Michael Strogoff. Verne F-1643 Middlemarch. Cross F-389 Same. 2v, F-25 166 FICTION. — ^TITLE LIST. Midge. Bunner P-945 Midsummer madness. Kirk F-2218 Mignon. Bridges F-1859 Mignon. Stannard F-2502 Mildred books. (See Finley, M. F.) Mildred's bargain. Lillie j F-961 Mildred's cadet. Hamilton F-35 Miles Wallingf ord. Cooper F-853 Mill mystery. Kohlfe F-2140 Mill on the Floss. Cross F-20 Miller of Angibault. Dudevant F-1619 Millionaire F-1250 Millionaire of Kough-and-ready. Harte. F-2281 Millionaire's cousin. Lawless F-1936 Mills of Tuxbury. Townsend j F-656 Mingo. Harris F-1327 Minister's charge. Howells F-338 Minister's secret. Woods F-1526 Minister's wooing. Stowe F-1454 Mirage. Fletcher F-1166 Miriam. Terhune F-734 Mischief's Thanksgiving. Woolsey... j F-817 Mis^rables, Les. 2v. Hugo F-985 Miss Bayle's romance F-1999 Miss Carew. Edwards F-2602 Miss Churchill . Fisher F-1655 Miss Crespigny. Burnett F-2503 Miss Curtis. Wells F-29 Miss Frances Merley. Curran F-2499 Miss Gilbert's career. Holland F-703 Miss Leigh ton's perplexities. Hall — F-1014 Miss Lou. Roe F-331 Miss Mackenzie. TroUope F-1403 Miss Marjoribanks. Oliphant F-1644 Miss Melinda's opportunity. Weeks. F-1167 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy F-2177 Miss or Mrs.? Collins F-562 Miss Priscilla Hunter. Alden F-474 Miss Thistledown. Clarke j F-320 Miss Tommy. Craik F-404 Miss Varian of New York. Daintry . . F-2496 Mission flower. Picard F-1702 Mission of Black Rifle. Kellogg j F-83 Missy. Harris F-604 Mr. Absalom Billingslea. Johnston . . F-1375 Mr. and Mrs. Morton F-1234 Mr. Barnes of New York. Gunter .... F-2263 Mr. Bodley abroad. Scudder j F-1818 Mr. Isaacs. Crawford F-589 Mr. Meeson's will. Haggard F-2506 Mr. Midshipman Easy. Marryat F-1182 Mr. Oldmixon. Hammond F-598 Mr. Peter Crewitt . Denison F-1252 Mr. Potter of Texas. Gunter F-2264 Mr. Rutherford's children. Warner., j F-1512 Mr. Tangier's vacations. Hale F-1481 Mistress and maid. Craik F-403 Mrs. Arthur. Oliphant F-1641 Mrs. Beauehamp Brown. Austin F-751 Mrs. Deane's way . Foster ■. F-475 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. Haw- thorne F-2517 Mrs. Herndon's income. Weeks F-1168 Mistress Judith. Liddell F-1997 Mrs. Lorimer. Harrison F-2513 Mrs. Mayburn's twins. Habberton. ... F-1306 Mrs. Merriam's scholars. Hale F-1485 Mistress of Ibichstein. Henkel F-1927 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. Ewing j F-346 Mrs. Peixada. Harland F-1259 Mrs. Skagg's husbands. Harte F-1415 Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. Alden F-466 Modern Adam and Eve in a garden. Douglas F-61 Modern Griselda. Edgeworth F-2630 Modern instance. Howells F-332 Modern prophets. Alden & Foster. ... F-473 Modern Telemachus. Yonge F-829 Modern vikings. Boyesen j F-716 Monarch of dreams. Higginson F-2644 Mona's choice. Hector F-1923 Monastery. Scott F-360 Same in v. 2 of F-382 Money-maker. Adams j F-133 Money-makers. Keenan F-1331 Monikins. Cooper F-836 Monks of Thelema. Besant & Rice. . .. F-2091 Monsieur Sylvestre. Dudevant F-1620 Moods. Alcott F-282 Moondyne. O'Reilly F-1711 Moonlight boy. Howe F-1157 Moonstone. Collins F-570 Moral tales. Edgeworth j F-2630 Same j v.l of F-2629 More bed-time stories. Moulton j F-1470 Morland. Dallas v.6 «fe 7 of F-2347 Morley Ernstein. James F-966 Morning-glories. Alcott j v.6 of F-872 Mortal antipathy. Holmes F-992 Morton house. Fisher F-1662 Moss-side. Terhune F-735 Mosses from an old manse. Haw- thorne F-199 Same. 2v F-190 Mother's recompense. Aguilar F-2151 Murphy's master. Payn F-2332 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 167 My boys, etc. Alcott j v.l of F-272 My brother's keeper. Warner F-2165 My Desire. Warner F-1509 My first voyage to southern seas. Kingston j F-1132 My friend Jim. Norris F-1670 My friends and I. Sturgis F-1725 My girls, etc. Alcott j v.4 of F-272 MyKalulu. Stanley F-2409 My lady Ludlow. Gaskell F-2581 My lady Pokahontas. Cooke F-1283 My lady's money. Collins F-567 My little girl. Besant & Rice F-2084 My little lady. Poynter F-1959 My little love. Terhune F-736 My lord and my lady. Bridges F-1860 My marriage F-1246 My miscellanies. Collins F-571 My mother and I. Craik F-400 My novel. 2v. Bulwer-Lytton F-1050 My sister Jeannie. Dudevant F-1621 My wife and I. Stowe F-1455 My wife and my wife's sister F-752 My young Alcides. Yonge F-630 Mysterious island. Verne F-1437 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens . F-436 ; F-895 Same ; continued through a medium. F-894 Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston. F-1151 Mystery of the Locks. Howe F-1158 Nameless nobleman. Austin F-531 Nan. Lillie j F-962 Narka, the nihilist. O'Meara F-1673 Natalie. Hallett r-2198 Nathalie. Kavanagh F-1074 Nature's serial story. Roe r-4 Near to nature's heart. Roe F-8 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge.... F-507 Neighbors' wives. Trowbridge F-508 Neighbours. Bremer F-2635 Nellie Kinnard's kingdom. Douglas.. F-47 Nellie's memories. Carey F-1112 Nelly's silver mine. Jackson j F-953 Nemesis. Terhune F-737 New Arabian nights. Stevenson F-1422 New bed-time stories. Moulton j F-1471 New Gil Bias. Inglis F-2441 New graft on the family tree. Alden. F-467 New Magdalen. Collins F-572 New man at Rossmere. Walworth. . . F-1844 New race. Dannenberg F-674 New Robinson Crusoe. Alden j F-2489 New Timothy. Baker F-2642 New waggings of old tales. Bangs & Sherman F-1835 New Year's bargain. Woolscy j F-818 Newcomes. 2v. Thackeray F-2071 Newport. Lathrop F-1217 Newport aquarelle. Howe F-1 104 Newton Forster. Marryat F-1184 Next door. Burnham F-717 Nicholas Minturn. Holland F-704 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens F-443 Same. 2v F-896 Night and morning. Bulwer-Lytton.. F-1061 Nihilist princess. Gagneur F-1278 Nimport. Bynner F-2184 Nina's atonement. Fisher F-1 666 Nine little goslings. Woolsey j F-819 Ninety-three. Hugo F-986 No fiction. Reed F-2671 No man's friend. Robinson F-2o75 No name. Collins F-573 No new thing. Norris F-1950 No saint. Sergeant F-1968 No thoroughfare. Dickens F-440 Noble life. Craik F-407 Noble name. Gliimer F-673 Nobody. Warner F-1521 Northanger Abbey. Austen F-1235 Northern lands. Adams j F-120 Norwood. Beecher F-2092 Not "a fool's errand." Ingraham F-1020 Not like other girls. Carey F-1113 Notary's nose. About F-1864 Notre-Dame. Hugo. F-987 Now or never. Adams j F-151 Numa Roumestan. Daudet F-1361 Nuna the Bramin gii-1. French F-2244 Nun's curse. Riddell F-1536 Nuttie's father. Yonge .... : F-631 Nuts and nutcrackers. Lever F-1585 Nymph of the West. Seely F-2528 O. T.; a Danish romance. Andersen. F-1081 Oak openings. Cooper F-837 Oblivion. McClelland F-1943 Occupations of a retired life. Mayo.. F-2053 Ocean-born. Adams j F-136 Ocean waifs. Reid j F-880 Odd or even. Whitney F-420 O'Donoghue. Lever r-1586 Oflf the Skelligs. Ingelow F-1220 Off to the geysers. Stephens j F-2013 Ogilvies. Craik F-405 Old Boniface. Picard F-1701 Old Creole days. Cable F-936 Old curiosity shop. Dickens F-4^ ; F-446 Same. 2v F-897 Old doctor. Cheney F-2507 168 FICTION. TITLE LIST. Old factory. Westall F-1807 Old-fashioned boy. Finley j F-222 Old-fashioned girl. Alcott j F-278 Old-fashioned Thanksgiving. Al- cott j V. 6 of F-272 Old friends and new. Jewett F-981 Old helmet. Warner F-1522 Old Hepsy. Denison F-1257 Old house at Sandwich. Hatton F-2483 Old house by the river. Prime F-2646 Old Jack. Kingston j F-1135 Old Lady Mary. Oliphant F-1637 Old maids, and burglars in paradise. Phelps F-1607 Old maid's paradise. Phelps F-2424 Old mam'selle's secret. John F-675 Old Margaret. Kingsley F-2026 Old Mortality. Scott * F-367 Same in v. 1 of F-382 Old New England days. Damon r-1324 Old order changes. Mallock F-2204 Old woman who lived in a shoe. Doug- las F-59 Oldbury. Keary F-2657 Oldham. Guernsey F-1223 Oldtown fireside stories. Stowe F-1461 Oldtown folks. Stowe r-145G Olive. Craik F-406 Oliver Twist. Dickens. F-898 ; F-447 ; F438 ; F-2488 Ombra. Oliphant F-2621 On both sides. Belger F-1320 On both sides of the sea. Chai-les F-2172 On the Amazons. Stephens j F-2016 On the edge of the storm. Koberts. .. r-1966 On the eve. Turg^nef F-1979 On the heights. 2v. Auerbach r-1870 On the Susquehanna. Hammond F-599 One among many. Talcot F-1319 One commonplace day. Alden F-468 One maid's mischief. Fenn F-930 One of the family. Payn r-2617 One of them. Lever F-1587 " One of three." Fothergill F-1897 One summer. Howard F-1065 Only a fiddler. Andersen F-1080 Only girls. Townsend j F-(358 Only one. French F-2242 Opening a chestnut burr. Roe F-1 Orange and green. Henty j F-2400 Orange blossoms. Arthur F-2022 Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Meredith. F-1096 Original belle. Roe F-3 Orley farm. Trollope F-2260 Ormond. Edgeworth v. 9 of F-2629 Oscar. Simonds j F-2235 Osceola the Seminole. Reid j F-859 Other girls. Whitney F-421 Our Fred. Finley j F-220 Our Helen. Clarke j F-301 Our little Ann F-1247 Our mutual friend. Dickens F-448 Same. 2v F-899 Our new crusade. Hale F-1484 Our new mistx'ess. Youge F-645 Our own set. Kiirschner F-2465 Our Phil. Dana F-2278 Our street. Clark j F-1645 Our village. 2v. Mitford F-2296 Out of the wreck. Douglas F-42 Out West. Adams j F-108 Outward bound. Adams j F-113 Owl's nest. John F-2245 Pacha of many tales. Marryat F-1185 Pacific series. {See Alger, Horatio, jr.) Pagans. Bates F-649 Palace and cottage. Adams j F-117 Paper city. Locke F-2266 Parish-side F-2473 Parisians. 2v. Bulwer-Lytton F-1052 Parson o' Dumford. Fenn F-926 Parson's daughter. Hook F-2310 Partisan. Simms F-2.556 Passion and principle. Hook F-2311 Passionate pilgrim. James F-1029 Pathfinder. Cooper F-854 Patience Strong's outings. Whitney.. F-422 Patronage. Edgeworth v. 7 «S; 8 of F-2629 Patty. Macquoid F-2608 Patty's perversities. Bates F-532 Paul and Christina. Barr F-972 Paul Clifford. Bulwer-Lytton F-1053 Paul Faber. MacDonald F-790 Paul Gosslett's confessions. Lever. . . F-1588 Paul PatofE. Crawford F-724 Paul the peddler. Alger j F-235 Pausauias the Spartan. Bulwer-Lytton. F-1037 Pearl of Orr's Island. Stowe F-1457 Peasant and the prince. Martineau.. j F-2286 Peckster professorship. Quiucy F-2367 Peers and parvenus. Gore F-2590 PegWoffington. Reade F-556; F-554 Pelham. Bulwer-Lytton F-1054 Pendennis. Thackeray F-2064 Same. 2v F-2065 Penniless girl. Behrens F-676 People I have met. Willis F-2652 Pepper and salt. Pyle j F-2293 Percival. Dallas v. 2 & 3 of F-2337 FICTION. — TITLE LIST. 169 Percival Keene. Marryat F-1186 Percy and the prophet. Collins F-567 Percy Effingham, 2v. Cockton F-2472 P^re Goriot. Balzac F-181 Peregrine Bunce. Hook F-2305 Perfect Adonis. Harris F-605 Peril. Fothergill F-1898 Perilous secret. Reade F-548 Persuasion. Austen F-1236 Peter Budstone. Trowbridge j F-510 Peter Simple. Marryat F-1187 Peterkin papers. Hale j F-1715 Pettibone name. Lothrop F-2039 Peveril of the Peak. Scott F-366 Same v. 3 of F-382 Phan tastes. MacDonald F-791 Phantom lover. Paget F-2183 Phantom ship. Marryat F-1188 Phemie's temptation. Terhune F-738 Phil and his friends. Trowbridge.... j F-509 Phil, the fiddler. Alger j F-236 Philip. 2v. Thackeray F-2060 Philip Augustus. James F-708 Philip Xolan's friends. Hale F-1488 Philip Randolph. Gertrude F-2484 Philip Thaxter F-1248 Philistines. Bates F-2357 Phineas Finn, Trollope F-1600 Phineas Redux. Trollope F-1404 Phoebe. Harris F-606 Phoebe, junior. Oliphant F-2623 Phyllis of the Sierras. Harte F-2388 Picked up in the streets. Schobert. .. F-2241 Pickwick papers. Dickens F-449 Same. 2v F-900 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer-Lytton. F-1048 Pillars of the house. 2v. Yonge F-632 Pilot. Cooper F-838 Pilot Fortune. Rodney & Read F-1749 Pine and palm. Conway F-1889 Pine needles. Warner j F-1523 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe F-1458 Pioneers. Cooper F-855 Pirate. Scott F-368 Same in v. 3 of F-382 Plane and plank. Adams j F-102 Plant hunters. Reid j F-875 Playdays. Jewett j F-979 Plebiscite. Erckmann Gascoyne j F-996 Shifting winds j F-998 Wild man of the West j F-999 Balzac, H. de. Alkahest F-182 C^sar Birotteau F-176 Country Doctor F-177 Cousin Bette F-175 Cousin Pons • F-178 Duchesse de Langeais F-179 Eugenie Grandet F-180 Pfere Goriot F-181 Two brothers F-188 Bangs, J. K. & Sherman, I*. D. New waggings of old tales F-1885 Banks, Mary R. Bright days in the old plantation time j F-646 Baring-Gould, S. (See Gould, S. Baring-) Barr, Amelia E. H. Border shep- herdess F-967 Bow of orange ribbon F-968 Daughter of Fife F-969 Jan Vedder's wife F-970 Last of the Macallisters F-2600 Master of his fate F-971 Paul and Christina F-972 Remember the Alamo F-973 Squire of Sandal-side F-974 Bates, A. Lad's love F-648 Pagans F-649 Patty's perversities F-532 Philistines F-2367 Wheel of fire F-2239 Bate8,HarbibtL. &A. Prince Vance. F-2356 180 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Baylor, Fbances C. {See Belger, Frances C. B. ) Bayly, Ada E. {Edna Lyall.) Auto- biography of a slander F-428 Donovan F-429 In the golden days F-430 Knight-errant F-431 We two F-432 Won by waiting F-433 Beaconsfield, B. Disbaeli, earl. Alroy; Ixion, etc F-2543 Coningsby F-2547 Contarini Fleming F-2540 Endymion F-2537 Henrietta Temple F-2544 Lothair F-2538 Sybil F-2542 Tancred F-2539 Venetia F-2546 Vivian Grey F-2545 Young duke F-2541 Beckett, C. H. Who is John Noman? F-2334 Bede, CuTHBEBT, pseud. (/See Brad- ley, E.) Beecheb, H. W. Norwood F-2092 Behbens, Bebtha. ( W. Heimburg. ) Lottie of the mill F-1315 Penniless girl F-676 Belgeb, Fbances C. B. Behind the Blue Ridge F-2154 On both sides F-1320 Bellamy, C. J. Breton mills F-2138 Bellamy, E. Looking backward, 2000-1887 F-760 Benedict, F. L. Price she paid F-1339 Benham, G. C. Year of wreck F-1350 Bbsant, W. Revolt of man F-1873 Besant, W. & Rice, J. By Celia's arbour F-2088 Case of Mr. Lucraf t, etc F-2290 Chaplain of the Fleet F-2087 Golden butterfly F-2083 Monks of Thelema '. F-2091 My little girl F-2084 Ready-money Mortiboy F-2085 Seamy side F-2089 Ten year's tenant, etc F-2212 This son of Vulcan F-2291 'Twas in Trafalgar's bay, etc F-2090 With harp and crown F-2086 Billings, H. Happy Summer-time. . j F-1301 Bishop, W. H. Detmold F-1170 Golden justice F-1172 House of a merchant prince F-1171 B JOBNSON, B. Bridal march, etc P-1311 Bridal march. Captain Mansana, Magnhild and Dust F-2663 Fisher-maiden F-1874; F-1312 Happy boy, Fisher-maiden, etc F-2664 Synnove Solbakken, Arne, etc F-2665 Black, W. Daughter of Heth F-479 Green pastures and Piccadilly F-492 In silk attire F-482 Judith Shakespeare F-480 Kilmeny F-481 Macleod of Dare F-483 Madcap Violet F-493 Princess of Thule F-484 Sabina Zembra F-485 Shandon bells F-494 Strange adventures of a house boat. F-486 Strange adventures of a phaeton F-487 Sunrise F-488 That beautiful wretch F-489 Three feathers F-490 White heather F-495 White wings F-496 Yolande F-491 Blackmobe, R. D. Alice Lorraine. . . F-2585 Erema F-1110 LornaDoone F-1106 Maid of Sker F-2584 Mary Anerley F-1107 Sir Thomas Upmore F-1109 Springhaven F-1108 Blind, Mathilde. Tarantella F-647 Bolton, Saeah K. Stories from life. F-1837 BoNNEB, Shebwood, pseud. {See McDowell, K.S. B.) Booth-Daphne, Mrs. Otto. {Rita.) Fragoletta '... F-2a41 BoBEOw, G. Lavengro F-2532 Romany Rye F-2533 BouLGEE, Dora H. {Theo Gift.) Mat- ter of fact girl .' F-1905 Pretty Miss Bellew F-1906 Victims F-1907 BoYESEN, H. H. Daughter of the Philistines F-744 Falconberg F-714 Gunnar F-715 Modern vikings j F-716 Bradley, E. (Cuthbert Bede.) Ad- ventures of Mr. Verdant Green — F-1754 Bremer, Feedebika. The Diary, H family, etc F-263S The home ; and. Strife and peace F-2637 Neighbours F-2635 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 181 President's daughters Bkidgbs, Mrs. {Mrs. Forrester.) Dolores. Migaon My lord and my lady Rhona Roy and Viola Bronte, Anne. Agnes Grey Tenant of Wildfell "hall BiiONTE, Charlotte. Jane Eyre Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights.. Brooke, H. Fool of quality Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days In Leisler's times Storied holidays Brooks, N". Boy emigrants Fairport nine Brown, Helen D. Two college girls. Bryan, Mary E. Mauch. Wild work Buchanan, Rachel. Debutante in New York society B ULFiNCH, T. Age of chivalry Legends of Charlemagne Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Alice.. Caxtons Coming race, Falkland, Zicci, Pau- sanias the Spartan Devereux Disowned Ernest Maltravers Eugene Aram Godolphin Harold Kenelm Chillingly Lastdays of Pompeii Last of the barons Leila, Calderon, Pilgrims of the Rhine. Lucretia My novel. 2v Night and morning Parisians. 2v Paul Clifford Pelham Rienzi Strange story What will he do with it? Same. 2v Zanoni BuNCE, O. B. Adventures of Timias Terrystone BuNNER, H. C. Midge Story of a New York house BCNNEB, H. C. joint author. (See Mat- thews, B.) F-2636 F-1857 F-1859 F-1860 F-1861 F-1862 F-2485 F-2486 F-1340 F-2485 F-2224 j F-2322 F-2321 j F-2320 j F-1009 j F-lOlO F-950 F-1213 F-1214 F-2549 F-2667 F-2668 F-1038 F-1036 F-1037 F-1039 F-1040 F-1041 F-1042 F-1043 F-1044 F-1045 F-1046 F-1047 F-1048 F-1049 F-1050 F-1051 F-1052 F-1053 F-1054 F-1055 F-1056 F-2474 F-1057 F-1058 F-2097 F-945 F-946 Burnett, Frances H. Fair barbarian. Haworth's Kathleen Mavoureen Lindsay's luck Little Lord Fauntleroy Louisiana Miss Crespigny Pretty Polly Pemberton Sara Crewe Surly Tim and other stories That lass o' Lowries Theo Through one administration Vagabondia BuRNHAM, Clara L. R. (Edith Doug- lass.) Next door Sane lunatic Young maids and old BURSTENBINDER, ELIZABETH. (Emst Werner.) Banned and blessed. Saiut Michael Vineta Butt, Beatrice M. Geraldine Haw- thorne B ynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage Damen's ghost Nimport Cable, G. W. Bonaventure Dr. Sevier Grandissimes ; Madame Delphine Old Creole days Cadell, H. M. Ida Craven Caine, H. The deemster Cambridge, W. G. Glenwood Cameron, H. L. Devout lover Campbell, A. Captain Macdonald's daughter Campbell, Helen. (See Weeks, Helen C.) Campbell-Praed, Mrs. {See Praed, Mrs. Campbell.) Carey, Rosa N. Aunt Diana Barbara Heathcote's trial Esther For Lllias Nellie's memories Not like other girls Queenie's whim Robert Ord's atonement Uncle Max Wee wifle Wooed and married Carleton, W. Willy Reilly F-287 F-288 F-296 F-2516 j F-294 F-289 F-2503 F-297 j F-296 F-291 F-290 F-2516 F-292 F-293 F-717 F-718 F-2358 F-66;3 F-679 F-2185 F-1875 F-1017 F-621 F-2184 F-932 F-983 F-934 F-935 F-936 F-2112 F-2273 F-17 F-2428 F-ia32 F.2661 F-1111 jF-1097 F-1098 F-1112 F-1113 F-1099 F-llOO F-1101 F-1102 F-1114 F-1374 182 FICTION. AUTHOR LIST. Cakpentek, Esther B. South-county neighbors F-2550 Carpenter, F. de Y. Bound about Rio F-2240 Carringtox, Katie. Aschenbroedel. F-741 Carroll, Lewis, psewd. (See Dodgson, C. L.) Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote F-2147 Champnet, Elizabeth W. Great grandmother's girls in New France, j F-2536 Ch ANEY, G. L. F. Grant & Co j F-2677 Chanler, Amelie K. Quick or the dead? F-2583 Virginia of Virginia F-1568 Chaplin, H. W. {C. H. White.) Five hundred dollars and other stories. F-1310 Charles, Elizabeth R. Conquering and to conquer F-2n4 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family F-2169 Diary of Kitty Trevylyan F-2170 Draytons and the Davenants F-2173 Early dawn F-2171 On both sides of the sea F-2172 Two vocations F-2168 Cheney, J. V. Old doctor F-2507 Cherbuliez, V. Count Kostia F-1908 Jean TSterol's idea F-2019 Meta Holdenis F-2020 Church, A. J. Count of the Saxon shore j F-2443 Three Greek children j F-2429 Clark, Charlotte M. (C. M. Clay.) Baby Rue F-757 Clark, H. H. Boy life in the U. S. navy j F-1348 Clark, Susie R. G. Achor j F-1541 Our street j F-1545 Triple "E." j F-1542 Yensie Walton j F-1543 Yensie Walton's womanhood j F-1544 Clarke, J. F. Life and times of Jesus as related by T. Didymus . . . F-2632 Clarke, Mary Cowden. Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines F-2523 Clarke, Rebecca S. {Sophie May.) Dotty Dimple stories. 6v. 1. Dotty Dimple at her grand- mother's j F-303 2. Dotty Dimple at home j F-304 3. Dotty Dimple out west j F-305 4. Dotty Dimple at play j F-306 5. Dotty Dimple at school j F-307 6. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway Drone's honey Flaxie Frizzle stories. 6v. 1. Flaxie Frizzle 2. Doctor Papa 3. Little pitchers 4. Twin cousins 5. Flaxie's kitty leen 6. Flaxie growing up Little Prudy stories. 6v. 1. Little Prudy 2. Little Prudy's sister Susy 3. Little Prudy's Captain Horace. 4. Little Prudy's fairy book 5. Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. .. 6. Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple. . Little Prudy's Flyaway series. 6v. 1 . Little folks astray 2. Prudy keeping house. 3. Aunt Madge's story. . 4. Little grandfather 5. Little grandmother. . , 6. Miss Thistledown Quinnebasset series. 5v. 1. Doctor's daughter 2. Our Helen 3. Asbury twins 4. Quinnebasset girls 5. Janet; a poor heiress Claude, Mary S. Twilight thoughts. Clay, Charlotte M. pseud. (See Clark, Charlotte M.) Clemens, S. L. {Mark Twain. ) Huck- leberry Finn Prince and the pauper Stolen white elephant, etc Tom Sawyer Clemens, S. L. & Warner, C. D. Gilded age Clement, Clara E. {iS'ee Waters, Clara E. C.) Clemmer, Mary. {See Hudson, Mrs. Mary C.) Cleveland, Rose E. Long run Cobb, J. F. Watchers on the Long- ships Cobb, S., jr. Gun-maker of Moscow.. CocKTON, H. Percy Effingham. 2v.. Coffin, C. C. Winning his way Collins, W. Wilkie. After dark, etc. Antonina Armadale Basil Dead secret j F-308 F-327 F-309 F-310 F-311 F-312 F-313 F-314 F-321 F-322 F-.323 F-324 F-325 F-32G F-315 F-316 F-317 F-318 F-319 F-320 F-299 F-301 F-298 F-302 F-300 F-2631 F-1810 F-1808 F-1809 F-1811 F-2651 F-2438 j F-1299 F-2423 F-2472 j F-1291 F.562 F-560 F-561 F-563 F-564 FICTION. AUTHOR LIST. 183 Heart and science F-565 Hide and seek F-566 "I say no," etc F-567 Law and the lady F-568 Man and wife F-569 Moonstone F-570 My miscellanies F-571 New Magdalen F-572 No name F-573 Poor Miss Finch F-574 Queen of hearts F-575 Two destinies F-576 Woman in white F-577 Connelly, Emma M. Tilting at wind- mills F-2493 Conway, Hugh, pseud. (-SeeFargus, F, J.) Conway, M. D. Pine and palm F-1889 Cooke, J. EsTEN. Bonnybel Vane.... F-2348 Doctor Vandyke F-2457 Fanchette F-525 Maurice mystery F-2350 My lady Pokahontas F-1283 Virginia Bohemians F-1284 Virginia comedians F-2349 Cooke, Rose Tekry. Sphinx's chil- dren F-2107 CooLiDGK, Susan, pseud. {See Wool- sey, Sarah C. ) CooPEK, J, Fenimobe. Afloat and ashore F-826 Bravo F-827 Chainbearer F-828 Crater F-829 Deerslayer F-850 Headsman F-832 Heidenmauer F-830 Home as found F-8.51 Homeward bound F-831 Jack Tier F-833 Last of the Mohicans F-852 Lionel Lincoln F-834 Mercedes of Castile F-835 Miles Wallingford F-853 Monikins F-836 Oak openings F-837 Pathfinder F-854 Pilot F-838 Pioneers F-855 Prairie F-856 Precaution F-857 Red rover F-839 Redskins F-840 Satanstoe F-841 Sea lions F-842 Spy F-843 Two admirals F-844 Water-witch F-845 Ways of the hour F-846 Wept of Wish-ton- wish F-848 Wing-and-wing F-847 Wyandotte F-849 Copley, Esther. Poplar Grove F-17.50 CoRKRAN, Alice. Bessie Lang F-1876 Coventry, J. pseud. { See Palmer, J. W. ) Cox, Maria M. Raymond Kershaw. . j F-2454 CozzENS, S. W. Young silver seekers. j F-36 Craddock, C. E. pseud. {See Murfree, Mary N.) Craik, Dinah M. Mulock. Agatha's husband F-391 Brave lady .. F-398 Christian's mistake F-392 Fairy book j F-393 Hannah F-401 A hero, etc F-402 His little mother j F-397 John Halifax, gentleman F-396 King Arthur r-394 Laurel bush F-399 A legacy F-2643 Life for a life F-395 Miss Tommy F-404 Mistress and maid F-403 My mother and I F-400 Noble life F-407 Ogilvies F-405 Olive F-406 Story of a genius F-2220 Studies from life F-408 Two marriages F-409 Unkind word, etc F-412 Woman's kingdom F-410 Young Mrs. Jardine F-411 Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales . . F-2110 Craven, Pauline. Eliane F-1370 Crawford, F. M. American politician. F-723 Doctor Claudius F-588 Marzio's crucifix F-593 Mr. Isaacs F-589 Paul PatofiE F-724 Roman singer F-590 Saracinesca F-591 Tale of a lonely parish F-592 To leeward F-595 With the immortals F-725 Zoroaster F-594 Cboly, G, Salathiel F-2666 184 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Cross, Mary A. E. (George Eliot.) Adam Bede F-22 Daniel Deronda F-390 Same. 2v F-24 Felix Holt F-21 Middlemarch F-389 -Same. 2v F-25 Mill on the Floss F-20 Eomola F-18 Scenes of clerical life F-23 Crowninshield, Mart B. Igno- ramuses F-2464 Crtjger, Mary. Hyperaesthesia F-1316 Cummins, Maria S. Lamplighter.... F-1357 Mabel Yaughan F-1358 CuERAN, J. E. Miss Frances Merley.. F-2499 Curtis, Caroline G. Love of a life- time F-1296 Curtis, G. W. Prue and I F-2178 Trumps F-2179 Dahlgren, Madeleine V. Divorced. F-1368 Lights and shadows of a life F-1367 Washington winter F-1366 Daintry, 3Iiss. Miss Varian, of New York F-2496 Dale, J.S. of, psevd. ((See Stimson, F. J.) Dallas, R. C. Miscellaneous works and novels. 7v F-2337 Damon, Sophie M. Old New England days F-1324 Dana, Katharine F. Our Phil, etc. F-2278 Dannenberg, G. (Golo Baimund.) From hand to hand F-666 New race F-674 Darling, Mary G. Gladys F-2229 Daudet, A. La belle Nivernaise F-1362 Kings in exile F-1360 Numa Roumestan F-1361 Robert Helmont F-2649 Tartarin of Tarascon F-1364 Tartarin on the Alps F-1363 Dauge, Henri, pseud. (See Hammond, Mrs. E. H.) Dawes, Mrs. S. E. Ethel's year at Ashton F-2231 Day, T. Sandford and Merton j F-1289 DeFoe, D. Robinson Crusoe j F-1389 Deforest, J. W. Bloody chasm F-1337 Deland, Margaret. John Ward, preacher F-1381 DeLiefde, J. B. (See Liefde, J. B. de.) DeMille, J. American baron F-1268 Castle in Spain F-1264 Cord and creese F-1269 Cryptogram F-1267 Lily and the cross F-1265 Strange manuscript found in a cop- per cylinder F-1266 Denison, Mary A. Grandmother Normandy F-1255 His triumph F-1256 Like a gentleman F-1251 Old Hepsy F-1257 Mr. Peter Crewitt F-1252 Rothmell F-1254 Tell your wife F-1729 That husband of mine r-1253 Diaz, Abby M. Bybury to Beacon street F-1122 Cats' Arabian nights j F-1123 Fireside chronicles of the family story-teller j F-1124 Jimmyjohns, etc j F-1117 Lucy Maria F-ni8 Polly Cologne j F-1119 Schoolmaster's trunk F-1125 William Henry and his friends j F-1120 William Henry letters j F-1121 Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge. F-2226 Barnaby Rudge, and Hard times F-698 Same. 2v F-886 Barnaby Rudge and Mystery of Ed- win Drood F-436 Bleak house F-451 Same. 2v F-887 Christmas books F-88S Christmas books, Tale of two cities, etc F-434 Christmas stories F-43.5 David Copperfield. 2v F-889 Dombey and son F-437 Same. 2v F-890 Great expectations F-891 Great expectations, Pictures from Italy, and American notes F-439 Great expectations, Pictures from Italy. Master Humphrey's clock. No thoroughfare F-440 Little Dorrit F-441 . Same. 2v F-892 Martin Chuzzlewit F-444 Same. 2v F-893 Master Humphrey's clock F-8227 Mystery of Edwin Drood, etc F-895 Mystery of Edwin Drood, continued by a medium F-894 Nicholas Nickleby F-443 Same. 2v F-896 FICTION. — AUTHOR IJST. 185 Old curiosity shop. 2v F-897 Old curiosity shop, and Hard times. F-446 Old curiosity shop, Master Hum- phrey's clock, and Miscellanies F-445 Oliver Twist F-2488 ; F-898; F-438 Oliver Twist, and Uncommercial traveller F-447 Our mutual friend F-448 Same. 2v F-899 Pickwick papers F-449 Same. 2v F-900 Sketches by Boz F-901 Sketches by Boz, Hard times, and Eeprinted pieces F-450 Tale of two cities F-902 Uncommercial traveller, and Ad- ditional Christmas stories F-903 Disraeli, B. (See Beaconsfield, earl.) Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft F-1338 DoDD, Anna B. Glorinda F-2518 Dodge, Mary E. M. Donald and Dorothy j F-1228 Hans Briuker j F-1229 DoDGSON, C. L. {Lewis Carroll.) Alice's adventures in Wonderland j F-in7 Through the looking-glass j F-1178 Douglas, Amanda M. Claudia F-52 Floyd Grandon's honor F-60 Foes of her household F-38 Fortunes of the Faradays F-39 From hand to mouth F-43 Home nook F-46 Hope Mills F-49 In trust F-48 Kathie stories. 6v. 1. Kathie's three wishes j F-55 2. Kathie's Aunt Ruth j F-57 3. Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. j F-53 4. Kathie's soldiers j F-58 5. In the ranks j F-56 6. Kathie's harvest days j F-54 Lost in a great city F-51 Modern Adam and Eve in a garden.. F-61 Nellie Kinnard's kingdom F-47 Old woman who lived in a shoe F-59 Out of the wreck F-42 Santa Claus land j F-62 Seven daughters F-40 Stephen Dane F-41 Sydnie Adriance F-45 Whom Kathie married F-50 Woman's inheritance F-44 Drew, Catharine. Lutaniste of St. Jacobi's F-1877 23 Droz, A. G. Around a spring P-1878 DUDEVANT, Amantine L. A. D. ( George Sand. ) A ntonia F-1 617 Consuelo P-2681 Mauprat P-1618 Miller of Angibault F-1619 Monsieur Sylvestre F-1620 My sister Jeannie F-1621 Snow man F-1622 DuLAC, G. Before the dawn F-2376 Dumas, Alex. Chicot the jester. . . . F-796 Conspirators F-797 Countess de Charny F-798 Count of Monte-Cristo F-799 Forty-five guardsmen F-800 Marguerite de Valois P-801 Memoirs of a physician F-802 Queen's necklace F-803 Regent's daughter F-805 Taking the Bastile F-804 Vicomte de Bragelonne. 2v P-808 Three musketeers F-806 Twenty years after F-807 Dunning, C. (See Wood, Charlotte D.) DuRAND, Alice M. C. H. F. {Henry Greville. ) Cleopatra F-1757 Count Xavier F-1380 Dosia's daughter F-1379 Sylvie's betrothed F-1756 Ebers, G. Bride of the Nile. 2v F-689 Burgomaster's wife P-683 Egyptian princess. 2v F-684 Emperor. 2v P-690 Homo sum F-685 The question P-691 Serapis F-692 The sisters P-686 Uarda. 2v F-687 A word only a word F-688 Eckstein, E. Aphrodite F-2076 Prusias. 2v F-2077 Quintus Claudius. 2v F-2078 Eden, Emily. Semi-detached house. F-2467 Edgeworth, Maria. Modern Gris- elda, and Moral tales F-2630 Tales and novels. lOv F-2629 Contents, v. 1. Moral tales, v. t. Popular tales. V. 3. Belinda, v. 4. Castle Rackrent, etc. v. 6. Tales of fashioaable life. v. 6. The absentee, etc. v. 7. Patronage, v. 8. Patronage, etc. v. 9. Harrington, Ormond. v. 10. Helen. Edwardes, Annie. At the eleventh hour F-1173 Edwards, Amelia B. Debenham's vow. r-2600 186 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Half a million of money Miss Carew Edwards, Matilda B. B. Doctor Jacob .* Kitty Eggleston, E. Circuit rider The end of the world Graysons Hoosier school-boy Hoosier school-master Mystery of Metropolisville Queer stories for boys and girls Roxy Eiloart, E. Boy with an idea Eliot, George, pseud. {See Cross, M. E. L.) Enault, L. Christine Erckmann, E. & Chatrian, A. Block- ade of Phalsburg Conscript Friend Fritz Invasion of France in 1814 ^ Madame Th^rfese •Plebiscite Waterloo Erskine, Jlfrs. T. Wyncote Evans, Augusta J. (See Wilson, Augusta J. E.) EwiNG, Hugh. Castle in the air EwiNG, Juliana H. Flat iron for a farthing Great emergency, etc Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin's dove- cot. Story of a short life Jan of the windmill Lob Lie-by-the-flre, the Brownies, etc. Melchior's dream. Brothers of pity, etc Mrs. Overtlieway's remembrances.. Six to sixteen • "Snap-dragons We and the world Falkner, W. C. Little brick church. Fargus, F. J. {Hugh Conway.) Bound together Called back Cardinal sin Carriston's gift Dark days Family affair Living or dead Slings and arrows Farjeon, B. L. Duchess of Rosemary lane F-2601 F-2602 F-2206 F-2610 F-1156 F-1155 F-2487 j F-1153 F-1150 F-1151 j F-1164 F-1152 j F-2228 F-1879 F-2251 F-2249 F-2248 F-2252 F-2253 F-2250 F-2254 F-2113 F-1880 jF-351 jF-349 jF-352 jF-344 j F-350 j F-348 jF-346 j F-345 j F-2531 j F-347 F-1336 F-1881 F-1882 F-1883 F-1884 F-1885 F-1886 F-1887 F-1888 F-2597 Golden grain F-2596 Island pearl F-2592 Jessie Trim F-2593 King of No-land F-25fe6 Love's victory F-2591 Shadows on the snow F-2.'J94 Farquharson, Martha. {See Fin- ley, Martha F.) Farrar, F. W. Eric j F-2230 Julian Home j F-2.373 St. Winifred's j[ F-2294 Farrington, Margaret. Tales of King Arthur j F-2.530 Fawcett, E. Adventures of a widow. F-1207 Ambitious woman . . F-1203 Confessions of Claud F-1210 Gentleman of leisure F-1204 Hopeless case F-1205 House at High Bridge F-1206 Social silhouettes F-1209 Tinkling cymbals F-1208 Fenn, G. M. Black blood F-931 Double cunning F-924 Master of the ceremonies F-925 One maid's mischief F-930 Parson o' Dumford F-926 Poverty corner F-927 Sweet Mace F-928 Vicar's people F-929 Feuillet, O. Romance of a poor young man F-1890 Field, Caroline L. W. High lights. F-1260 Field, Margaret. Secret of Fon- taine-la-Croix F-2535 Fielding, H. Select works F-2633 FiNLEY, Martha F. Casella j F-221 Elsie books. 14v. Elsie Dinsmore j F-202 Elsie's girlhood j F-204 Holiday at Roselands j F-203 Elsie's womanhood j F-205 Elsie's motherhood j F-206 Elsie's children j F-207 Elsie's widowhood j F-208 Grandmother Elsie j F-209 Elsie's new relations j F-210 Elsie at Nantucket j F-201 The two Elsies j F-211 Elsie's kith and kin j F-212 Elsie's friends at Woodburn j r-213 Christmas with Grandma Elsie. . . j F-2452 Mildred books. 6v. Mildred Keith j F-214 Mildred at Roselands j F-215 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 187 Mildred and Elsie Mildred's married life Mildred at home Mildred's boys and girls Old-fashioned boy Our Fred Signing the contract Thorn in the nest Wanted — a pedigree Fisher, Fbancbs C. (Christian Reid.) After many days Bonny Kate Daughter of Bohemia Ebb-tide Heart of steel Land of the sky ; Mabel Lee Miss Churchill Morton house Nina's atonement Question of honor Roslyn's fortune Valerie Aylmer Fleming, George, pseud. ( See Fletcher, Julia C.) Flemming, Harfobd, pseud. (See Mc- Clellan, Harriet H.) Fletcher, Julia C. Andromeda.... Head of Medusa Kismet Mirage Vestigia FoGAzzARO, A. Daniele Cortis FooTE, Mary Hallock. John Bode- win's testimony Led-horse claim Forrester, Mrs. pseud. (See Bridges, Mrs.) Foster, Mrs. 1. H. {Faye Huntington.) Echoing and re-echoing Mrs. Deane's way • Those boys Foster, Mrs. I. H. joint author. (See Alden, L M.) Fothergill, Jessie. First violin . . . From Moor Isles Healey Kith and kin Lasses of Leverhouse "One of three;" and, Made or marred Peril Probation Wellfields j F-216 j F-217 j F-218 j F-219 j F-222 j F-220 F-223 F-225 F-224 F-1667 F-1661 F-1664 F-1665 F-1657 F-1659 F-1656 F-1655 F-1662 F-1666 F-1660 F-1658 F-1663 F-1164 F-1162 F-1165 F-1166 F-1163 F-1891 F-1160 F-1161 F-478 F-475 F-477 F-1892 F-1893 F-1894 F-1896 F-1896 F-1897 F-1898 F-1899 F-1900 Fbancillon, R. E. Under slieve-ban. Fraser-Tytlkr, C. C. {See Liddell, Cath. C. Fraser-Tytler.) Pbedebic, H. Seth's brother's wife . . French, Alice. (Octave Thanet.) Knitters in the sun French, H. W. Castle foam Ego Nuna, the Bramin girl Only one Freytag, G. Ingo Ingraban Fuller, E. Fellow travellers Fuller, Metta V. Fresh leaves from western woods Gagneur, Louise M. Nihilist princess. Garrett, Edward, pseud. (See Mayo, Isabella F.) Gaskell, Elizabeth C. S. Cousin Phillis My lady Ludlow Right at last, etc Sylvia's lovers Wives and daughters Gasparin, Valerie B., countess of. Under French skies Gath, pseud. (See Townsend, G. A.) Gautieb, T. Captain Fracasse Romance of a mummy Gertrude, Mary, pseud. Philip Randolph Gift, Theo. pseud. (See Boulger, Dora H.) Glumer, Claire von. Noble name. . Gogol, N. V. St. John' s eve, etc Taras Bulba TchitchikofE's journeys; or, Dead souls. 2v Goodwin, Hannah E. B. (SeeTalcott, Hannah E.B. G.) GoEE, Catharine G. F. M. Birth- right Dean's daughter Peers and parvenus Story of a royal favourite Gothe, j. W. von. Novels and tales. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship.. Wilhelm Meister's travels Gould, S. Baring- Court Royal Eve Gaverocks Red spider Graham, Ennis, pseud. (See Moles- worth, Mary L. S.) F-1901 F-2276 F-2182 F-2243 P-2654 F-2244 F-2242 F-1902 F-1903 F-1373 F-2634 F-1278 F-2579 F-2581 F-2176 F-2582 F-2580 F-2526 F-1904 F-2038 F.2484 F-873 F-2008 F-2009 F-2042 F-2688 F-956 F-2590 F-2589 F-2639 F-2641 F-2640 F-2455 F-1116 F-1115 F-2456 188 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. Gbant, J. Jack Manly F-1285 Geant, R. Average man F-943 Confessions of a frivolous girl F-940 Face to face F-938 Jack Hall F-939 Jack in the bush j F-941 Knave of hearts F-944 Romantic young lady F-942 Gbay, Iba E. Marjory Graham F-1355 Green, Anna K. (See Rohlfe, Anna K. G.) Greet, E. Captive of love F-2433 Golden lotus F-2434 Greville, Henry, pseud. (SeeDurand, Alice M. C. H. F.) Gret, M. Silence of Dean Maitland. F-958 Griffiths, A. Lola F-2114 Grimm, J. L. & W. K. Fairy tales. . . j F-2101 Guernsey, Lucy E. Oldham F-1223 Through unknown ways F-1224 Upward and onward j F-2106 GuNTER, A. C. Mr. Barnes of New York F-2263 Mr. Potter of Texas F-2264 Guthrie, F. A. (F. Anstey.) Fallen idol F-719 Giant's robe F-720 Tinted Venus F-721 Vice versa F-722 H. H., pseud. (See Jackson, Helen M. F. H.) Habberton, J. Country luck F-2023 Helen's babies F-2024 Mrs. Mayburn's twins F-1306 Haggard. H. R. Allan Quatermain.. F-1147 Dawn F-1144 Same. 2v F-2504 Jess F-1145 King Solomon's mines F-1146 Mr. Meeson's will F-2506 She F-1148 Witch's head F-1149 Hale, E. E. Christmas eve and Christ- mas day F-1489 Crusoe in New York, etc F-1475 Fortunes of Rachel F-1477 G. T. T. (Gone to Texas.) F-1476 His level best, etc F-1478 In His name F-1486 Ingham papers F-1479 Man without a country, etc F-1480 Mr. Tangier's vacations F-1481 Mrs. Merriam's scholars F-1485 Our new crusade F-1484 Philip Nolan's friends F-1488 Sybaris and other homes F-1482 Ten times one is ten F-1487 Ups and downs F-1483 Hale, Lugretia P. Peterkin papers, j F-1715 Halevy, L. Abb6 Constantine F-1323 Hall, Alice C. Mrs. Leigh ton's per- plexities F-1014 Hallett,E.V. {FernaVale.) Natalie. F-2198 Hamerton, Eugenie. Golden medi- ocrity F-1313 Hamerton, P. G. Harry Blount j F-1731 Wenderholme F-2442 Hamilton, Alice K. Mildred's cadet. F-35 Hamlin, Myra S. Politician's daugh- ter .• F-1353 Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Fair philos- opher F-1547 The Georgians F-526 Hammond, W. A. Doctor Grattan. ... F-596 Lai F-597 Mr. Oldmixon F-598 On the Susquehanna F-599 Strong-minded woman F-600 Hanson, C. H. Stories of the days of King Arthur j F-2680 Hardy, A. S. But yet a woman F-764 Wind of destiny F-765 Hardy, T. Hand of Ethelberta F-1909 Laodicean F-1910 Mayor of Casterbridge F-19] 1 Trumpet-major F-1912 Two on a tower F-1913 Harland, H. (Sidney Luska.) As it was written F-1258 Mrs. Peixada F-1259 Yoke of the Thorah F-2221 Harland, Marion, pseud. (See Ter- hune, Mary V. H.) Harrington, G. F. pseud. (See Baker, W. M.) Harris, Joel C. Free Joe and other Georgian sketches F-1.326 Mingo, and other sketches F-1327 Harris, Miriam C. Frank Warring- ton F-601 Happy-go-lucky F-602 Louie's last term at St. Mary's j F-603 Missy F-604 Perfect Adonis F-605 Phoebe F-606 Richard Vandermarck F-607 Rutledge F-608 St. Philip's F-609 FICTION. — ^AUTHOR USt. 189 Sutherlands P-610 Habeison, Constance C. Bar Har- bor days F-1376 Story of Helen Troy F-2095 Harbison, Jlfrs. W. K. {Lucas Malet.) Colonel Enderby's wife F-1738 Counsel of perfection F-2614 Mrs. Lorimer F-2513 Habte, F. Bbkt. Argonauts of North Liberty F-1416 By shore and sedge F-2284 Condensed novels and stories F-1412 Crusade of the Excelsior F-1429 Drift from two shores F-2285 Frontier stories F-1413 Gabriel Conroy .• F-1414 Luck of Roaring Camp, etc F-1411 Maruja F-2282 Millionaire"of Rough-and-ready F-2281 Phyllis of the Sierras F-2388 Snow-bound at Eagle' s F-2283 Tales of the Argonauts, etc F-1415 Thankful Blossom F-1428 Hartley, May L. Christy Carew . . . F-1302 Hogan, M. P F-1304 Honorable Miss Ferrard F-t933 Ismay's children F-1303 Hatton, J. Old house at Sandwich.. F-2483 Hawthorne, Julian. Archibald Mal- maison F-1197 Beatrix Randolph F-1195 Bressant F-1198 David Poindexter's disappearance, etc F-1191 Dust F-1192 Fortune's fool F-1196 Garth F-1201 Laughing mill, etc F-1200 Love or a name F-1193 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds F-2517 Prince Saroni's wife, etc F-1194 Sebastian Stroma F-1202 Sinfire F-1199 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Analyti- cal index to works *F-2427 Blithedale romance F-192 Dr. Grimshawe's secret F-1225 DoUiver romance, etc F-193 Fanshawe, etc F-1226 House of seven gables F-186 Marble Faun. 2v F-189 Marble Faun and French and Italian note books F-2(X) Mosses from an old manse. 2y F-190 Our old home, Septimius Fel- ton, Fanshawe, Dolliver romance, etc F-184 Scarlet letter F-191 Scarlet letter, and Blithedale. ro- mance F-198 Scarlet letter, Blithedale romance, and Mosses from an old manse. F-190 Septimius Felton F-196 Snow image, etc F-187 Tanglewood tales j F-194 True stories j F-i227 Twice-told tales F-197 Same. 2v F-188 Twice-told tales, House of the seven gables. Snow image F-185 Wonder-book j F-195 Hay, Elzey, pseud. {See Andrews, Fanny.) Hayes, Henry, pseud. {See Kirk, Ellen W. O. ) Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold. . . j F-2347 Hazen, j. a. Five years before the mast F-1325 Hector, Annie F. T. {Mrs. Alexan- der. ) Admiral's ward F-1914 At bay F-1916 Beaton's bargain F-1916 By woman's wit F-1917 Executor , F-1918 Freres F-1919 Heritage of Langdale F-1920 Life interest F-1921 Look before you leap F-1922 Mona's choice F-1923 Second life F-1924 Which shall it be ? F-1926 Wooing o't F-1926 Heimburg, W. pseud. {See Behrens, Bertha.) Helps, A. Casimir Maremma F-1688 Ivan de Biron F-1689 Realmah F-1690 Henderson, I. Agatha Page F-2186 Prelate F-1362 Henkel, Fbedebica. Mistress of Ibichstein F-1927 Henty, G. a. Bravest of the brave. . j F-2398 By sheer pluck j F-2393 Cat of Bubastes j F-2403 Dragon and the raven j F-2397 Facing death j F-2396 For name and fame j F-2395 For the temple j F-2406 190 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. In freedom's cause In the reigii of terror Lion of St. Mark Lion of the North Orange and green True to the old flag Under Drake's flag With Olive in India With Wolfe in Canada Young Carthaginian Heyse, P. J, L. In paradise. 2v Komance of the Canoness Tales from the German HiGGiNSOX, T. W. Malbone Monarch of dreams HiLDBETH, R. White slave HiLLERN, WiLHELMiNE VON. Ernes- tine. 2v Graveyard flower Higher than the church Hour will come Twofold life HoEY, Frances S. C. J. Blossoming of an aloe Golden sorrow Hoffman, E. T. W. Strange stories.. Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle. Bay-path Miss Gilbert's career Nicholas Minturn Sevenoaks HoLLEY, Marietta. {'^Josiah Allen's Wife.") Sweet Cicely HoLLiSTER, G. H. Kinley Hollow — Holm, Saxe, pseud. (See Jackson, H. M. F. H.) Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner Guardian angel Mortal antipathy Hood, T. Tylney Hall Hook, T. E. All in the wrong Cousin Geoflfry Cousin William Fathers and sons Gervase Skinner Gilbert Gurney Gurney married Jack Brag Man of many friends Maxwell Merton Parson's daughter Passion and principle Peregrine Buuce jF-2402 j F-2405 j F-2404 j F-2399 j F-2400 j F-2394 j F-2217 j F-2216 j F-2401 j F-2215 F-1021 F-1022 F-1023 F-1843 F-2644 F-2201 F-2126 F-2127 F-2470 F-2128 F-2129 F-2587 F-2586 F-2199 F-701 F-702 F-703 F-704 F-705 F-2419 F-1928 F-990 F-991 F-992 F-2626 F-2309 F-2307 F-2299 F-2301 F-2312 F-2303 F-2304 F-2300 F-2.306 F-2302 F-2298 F-2310 P-2311 F-2305 The widow, and The marquess Hooper, Louisa. Tsar's window Hopkins, M. jr. World's verdict HoppiN, A. Fashionable sufferer Hoppus, Mary A. M. Story of car- nival Horn, G. Count Silvius HosMER, G. W. " As we went march- ing on." Howard, Blanche W. Aulnay tower. Aunt Serena Guenn One summer Tony the maid Howe, E, W. Moonlight boy Mystery of the Locks Story of a country town Howe, Maud, Atalantain the South. Newport aquarelle ^ . . . San Rosario ranch HowELLS, W. D. April hopes Chance acquaintance Doctor Breen's practice Fearful responsibility, etc Foregone conclusion Indian summer Lady of the Aroostook Minister's charge Modern instance Rise of Silas Lapham Their wedding journey Undiscovered country Woman's reason HowiTT, Maby B. Lillieslea Hudson, Mary C. His two wives .... Hughes, T. Tom Brown at Oxford . . Tom Brown's school-days Hugo, V. M. By order of the king. .. History of a crime Les Miserables. 2v Ninety-three Notre-dame Toilers of the sea • HuLLAH, Mary E. In hot haste Hunt, Margaret R. Barrington's fate Leaden casket Huntington, Fa ye, pseud. (See Fos- ter, Mrs. I. H.) Ingelow, Jean. Don John Fated to be free John Jerome 0£E the Skelligs Sarah de Bereuger P-2308 F-756 F-1318 F-949 F-1931 F-1013 F-1317 F-1061 F-1062 F-1063 F-1065 F-1064 F-1167 F-1158 F-1159 F-1103 F-1104 F-1105 F-340 F-341 F-339 F-334 F-2510 F-337 F-2511 F-338 F-332 F-333 F-336 F-342 F-335 j F-2155 F-1707 j F-1231 j F-1230 F-983 F-984 F-985 F-986 F-987 F-988 F-1929 F-742 F-1930 F-746 F-2035 F-1222 F-1220 F-1221 FICTION. — ^AUTHOR LIST. 191 In OERSOLL, E. Ice queen Ingbaham, J. H. Not "a fool's errand." iNGLis, H. D. New Gil Bias Iron, Ralph, pseud. (See Schreiner, Olive.) J. S. of Dale, pseud. {See Stimson, F. J.) Jackson, Helen M. F. H. (ff. H.) Between whiles Cat stories Hetty's strange history Mercy Philbrick's choice Nelly's silver mine Eamona Saxe Holm's stories Zeph James, G. P. R. Charles Tyrrell Damley Gipsy Henry Masterton Henry of Guise King's highway Morley Emstein Philip Augustus . Robber String of pearls James, H. jr. American Author of Beltraflfio, etc Bostonians Confidence Daisy Miller Europeans Passionate pilgrim, etc Portrait of a lady Princess Casamassima Reverberator Roderick Hudson Siege of London, etc Tales of three cities Washington Square Watch and ward James, Marian. Elder sister Janvier, T. A. Color studies Jay, W. M. L. pseud. (See Woodruff, Julia L. M. ) Je AFFRESON, J. C. Isabel Jenkin, Mrs. C. Within an ace Jenness, Annie. {See Miller, Annie J. ) Jewett, Sarah O. Country by-ways. Country doctor Deephaven King of Folly island, etc Marsh island jF-700 F-1020 F-2441 F-951 j F-2223 F-952 F-2222 j F-953 F-954 F-2033 F-955 F-965 F-2029 F-2030 F-706 F-707 F-2268 F-966 F-708 F-709 F-710 F-1026 F-2116 F-2202 F-1027 F-2031 F-1028 F-1029 F-1030 F-1034 F-1035 F-1031 F-1032 F-2117 F-1033 F-2118 F-1322 F-2679 F-2208 F-1932 F-2130 F-976 F-980 F-977 F-978 Mate of the Daylight, etc F-2146 Old friends and new F-981 Playdays j F-e79 White heron, etc F-982 John, Eugenie. {E. Marlitt.) At the councillor's F-664 Bailiff's maid F-662 Countess Gisela F-2040 Gold Elsie F-667 In the Schillingscourt F-670 Lady with the rubies F-671 Little moorland princess F-672 Old mam'selle's secret r-676 Owl's nest F-2245 Second wife F-678 Johnson, Virginia W. English " Daisy Miller" F-1329 Johnston, R. M. Mr. Absalom Bil- lingslea r-1375 JosiAH Allen's wife, pseud. {See Holley, Marietta.) Kavanagh, Julia. Adfele F-1068 Beatrice F-1069 Daisy Burns F-1070 Dora F-2494 Grace Lee F-1071 John Dorrien F-1072 Madeleine F-1073 Nathalie F-1074 Queen Mab F-1076 Rachel Gray F-1076 Seven years F-1077 Sybil's second love F-1078 Two Lilies F-1079 Keary, Annie. Castle Daly F-1378 Doubting heart F-1877 Janet's home F-2477 Oldbury F-2667 Keenan, H. F. Aliens F-1069 Money-makers F-1331 Trajan F-lOm Kelley, j. D. j. Desperate chance. F-1347 Kellogg, Elijah. Elm Island stories. 6v. 1. Lion Ben of Elm Island j F-67 2. Charlie Bell j F-66 3. Ark of Elm Island j F-65 4. Boy farmers j F-92 5. Young shipbuilders j F-69 6. Hard-scrabble j F-68 Forest glen series. 6v. 1. Sowed by the wind j F-84 2. Wolf Run jF-85 3. Brought to the front j F-80 192 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 4. Mission of Black Rifle 5. Forest glen 6. Burying the hatchet Good old times series. 4v. 1. Live oak boys 2. Unseen hand 3. Strong arm 4. Good old times Pleasant cove series. 6v. 1. Arthur Brown 2. Young deliverers 3. Cruise of the Casco 4. Child of the island glen 5. John Godsoe's legacy 6. Fisher boys of Pleasant cove. Whispering pine series. 6v. 1. Stout heart — 2. Spark of genius 3. Sophomores of Radcliffe 4. Whispering pine 5. Turning of the tide 6. Winning his spurs King, C. Colonel's daughter Kitty's conquest Marion's faith War-time wooing King, Edward. Gentle savage KiNGSLE Y, C. Alton Locke Same. 2v Hereward Same. 2v Heroes Hypatia Same. 2v Two years ago Same. 2v Water babies Westward ho ! Same. 2v Yeast KiNGSLEY, H. Harveys Hetty, etc Old Margaret Ravenshoe Stretton Kingston, W. H. G. Adventures Dick Onslow Antony Waymouth Cruise of the Frolic In New Granada In the wilds of Florida My first voyage to southern seas. Old Jack South sea whaler of F-83 F-82 F-81 F-77 F-79 F-78 F-76 F-86 F-87 F-88 F-89 F-90 F-91 F-72 F-70 F-73 F-71 F-74 F-75 F-1263 F-1261 F-2111 F-1262 F-1321 F-1730 F-904 F-906 F.905 jF-907 F-909 F-908 F-910 F-911 j F-914 F-912 F-913 F-915 F-2132 F-2025 F-2026 F-2027 F-2028 j F-1129 j F-1128 j F-1130 j F-1134 j F-1131 j F-1132 j F-1135 j F-1136 Wanderers. . . . -. j F-11&3 Young llanero j F-1137 KiKK, Ellen W. O. Better times stories F-2463 Lesson in love F-529 Midsummer madness F-2218 Queen money F-726 Sons and daughters - F-727 Story of Margaret Kent F-728 Knox, C. Harry Mowbray F-2674 KouNS, N. C. Arius the Libyan F-2366 KuRSCHNEB, Lola. {Ossip Schubin.) Our own set F-2465 Lakeman, Mary. Ruth Eliot's dream, j F-1297 Laffan, May. (See Hartley, May L.) La Motte Fouque, F. H. K., baron de. Undine and other tales F-2480 Lang, Andrew. In the wrong para- dise, etc F-1732 Mark of Cain F-1383 Lanier, Sidney. Knightly legends of Wales j F-2134 Lathrop, G. p. Echo of passion F-1215 In the distance F-1216 Newport F-1217 Somebody Else F-1218 Lawless, Emily. Chelsea house- holder F-1935 Major Lawrence F-19.34 Millionaire's cousin F-1936 Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. Young folks' whys and wherefores j F-2650 Lee, Vernon, pseud. (See Paget, Vio- let.) Le Fanu, j. S. All in the dark F-2606 Guy Deverell F-2605 Lost name F-2607 Tenants of Malory F-2603 Uncle Silas F-2604 Lkila-Hanoum, pseud. {See Piazzi, Adrienne.) Lever, C. J. Barrington F-1569 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly F-1570 Charles O'Malley F-1571 Cornelius O'Dowd F-1572 Daltons F-1573 Davenport Dunn F-1574 Day's ride F-1575 Dodd family abroad F-1576 Fortunes of Glencore F-1577 Harry Lorrequer F-1578 Jack Hinton F-1579 Knight of Gwynne F-1580 Lord Kilgobbin F-1581 FICTION. AUTHOR LIST. 193 Mis- Luttrell of Arran Martins of Cro' Martin Maurice Tiernay Nuts and nutcrackers O'Donoghue One of them Paul Gosslett's confessions... Kent in a cloud Koland Cashel Sir Brook Fossbrooke Sir Jasper Carew Tales of the trains That boy of Norcott's Tom Burke, of " Ours " Tony Butler LiDDELL, CatHAKINE C. F. T. tress Judith LiEFDE, J. B. DK. Maid of Stralsund. LiLLiE, Lucy C. Colonel's money. ... Household of Glen Holly Jo's opportunity Mildred's bargain, etc Nan Prudence Kolf house Lincoln, Jeanie T. G. Her Washing- ton season Lindau, p. Klaus Bewer's wife Livingston, Mrs. C. M. joint author. {See Alden, I. M.) Livingston, Gbace. A Chautauqua idyl Locke, D. R. {Petroleum V. Nas^y.) A paper city LoTHKOP, Amy, pseud. {See Warner, A. B.) LoTHKOP, Harriet M. S. {Margaret Sidney. ) Pettibone name LouGHEAD, Flora H. Man who was guilty LovEK, S. Handy Andy Lucy, H. W. Gideon Fleyce Ludlow, J. M. Captain of the Jan- izaries LusKA, Sidney, pseud. {See Har- land, H.) Lyall, Edna, pseud. (See Bayly, Ada E. ) L.YTTON, Lord. E. G. E. L.) McCarthy, J. Miss Misanthrope. ... Waterdale neighbors McCarthy, J. & Pbaed, Mrs. Camp- bell. "The right honourable." . 24 F-1582 F-1583 F-1584 F-1585 F-1586 F-1587 F-1588 F-1589 F-1.590 F-1591 F-1592 F-1593 F-1594 F-1595 F-1596 F-1997 F-1386 j F-959 j F-2491 jF-960 j F-961 j F-962 F-963 jF-964 F-1748 F-1937 F-2103 F-2266 F-2039 F-1746 F-1276 F-1938 F-i371 {See Bulwer-Lytton, F-2177 F-2568 F-2524 McClellan, Harriet H. {Harford Flemming.) Carpet knight F-1386 McClelland, M. G. Jean Monteitb . F-1042 Oblivion F-1943 Princess F-1944 MacDonald, G. Adela Cathcart F-773 Alec Forbes F-774 Annals of a quiet neighbourhood . . . F-789 ■ David Elginbrod F-775 Donal Grant F-779 Elect lady F-794 Guild court F-776 Malcolm F-777 Marquis of Lossie F-778 Mary Marston F-780 Paul Faber F-790 Phantastes F-791 Robert Falconer F-792 Seaboard parish F-793 Sir Gibbie F-781 St. George and St. Michael F-782 Thomas Wingf old, curate F-783 Vicar's daughter F-784 Warlock o' Glenwarlock F-785 Weighed and wanting F-786 What's mine's mine F-787 Wilfrid Cumbermede F-788 McDowell, Katharine S. B. Suwa- nee river tales F-2137 McElroy, J. Red acorn F-2194 Macfarlane, Annie R. Children of the earth F-1939 McHatton-Ripley, Eliza. (See Rip- ley, Eliza McHatton.) Maclean, Sarah P. Cape Cod folks. F-1799 Lastchance junction F-1801 Towhead F-1800 Macquoid, Katharine S. At the Red Glove F-2210 Louisa F-2205 Patty F-2608 Too soon F-2609 Magrudeb. Julia. Across the chasm. F-1300 Majendie, Mabgabet E. Dita F-2125 Giannetto F-IWO Malet, Lucas, i)seud. {See Harri- son, Mrs. W. K.) Mallock, W. H. Old order changes. F-2204 Romance of the nineteenth century. F-2203 Mann, Maby P. Juanita F-2010 Manteuffel, Ursula Z. von. Vlo- letta F-681 Maelitt, .'JE. ri pseud. ( See"| John, Eugenie.) 194 FICTION. — AUTHOR UST. Makryat, F. Frank Mildmay F-1183 Jacob Faithful F-1179 Japhet in search of a father F-1180 King's own F-1181 Mr. Midshipman Easy F-1182 Newton Forster F-1184 Pacha of many tales F-1185 Percival Keene F-1186 Peter Simple F-1187 Phantom ship , F-1188 Poacher F-1189 Settlers in Canada j F-2392 Snarleyyow F-1190 Mabshall, Emma M. Constantia Carew j F-1736 Brothers and sisters j F-2365 Court and the cottage j F-2098 Tower on the cliff j F-2364 Marston, p. B. For a song's sake, etc F-1733 Martin, Elizabeth G. Whom God hath joined F-1941 Martineau, Harriet. Berkeley the banker. 2v F-2188 Billow and the rock j F-2189 Crofton boys j F-2191 Feats on the fiord j F-2190 Illustrations of political economy. .. F-2385 Life in the wilds F-2384 Peasant and the prince j F-2286 Martingale, Hawser, pseud. (See Sleeper, J. S.) Mathews, Margaret H. Dr. Gil- bert's daughters j F-1737 Matthews, J. B. The last meeting.. F-2354 A secret of the sea F-2277 Matthews, J. B. & Bunner, H. C. In partnership F-2660 Maxwell, C. Story of three sisters.. F-2115 May, Sophie, pseud. {See Clarke, Rebecca S.) Mayo, Isabella F. (Edward Gar- rett. ) At any cost F-2055 By still waters F-2049 Crooked places F-2410 Crust and cake F-2050 Dead sin, etc F-2411 Doing and dreaming F-2051 Equal to the occasion F-2052 Family fortunes F-2336 Gold and dross F-2059 Her object in life F-2056 House by the works F-2057 John Winter F-2068 Occupations of a retired life F-2053 Premiums paid to experience F-2054 Mayo, W. S. Berber F-37 Kaloolah F-1728 Melville, G. J. Whyte. Brookes of Bridlemere F-2270 Cerise F-2271 Uncle John F-2272 White rose F-2269 Meredith, G. Adventures of Harry Richmond F-1094 Beauchamp's career F-1088 Diana of the cross ways F-1089 Egoist F-1090 Evan Harrington F-1091 Ordeal of Richard Feverel F-1096 Rhoda Fleming F-1095 Sandra Belloni F-1092 Vittoria F-109:3 Metcalf, W. H. Summer in Oldport harbor F-2093 Miller, Annie J. Barbara Thayer. . F-32 Miller, Hugh. Tales and sketches. . F-2460 Miller, Joaquin. First fam'lies of the Sierras F-2662 Miller, T. Godfrey Malvern F-2673 Mitchell, D. G. About old story- tellers j F-2279 Doctor Johns F-2267 Seven stories F-2548 Mitchell, S.W. Hephzlbah Guinness. F-210.5 In war time F-24.30 Prince Little Boy, etc j F-2181 RolandBlake F-1384 MiTFORD, Mary R. Our village. 2v. F-2296 Mitchell, W. Bryan Maurice F-2380 MoLESWORTH, Mary L. S. (Ennis Graham. ) Hathercourt F-1945 MoNCRiEFP, H. W. Visit to my dis- contented cousin F-2207 Monti, L. Leone F-.528 MooRE, T. Epicurean F-1946 MouLTON, Ellen L. C. Bed-time stories j F-1469 Firelight stories j F-1472 More bed- time stories j F-1470 New bed-time stories j F-1471 Some women's hearts F-1473 MULOCK, Dinah M. (See Craik, Dinah M. M.) MuNBOE, K. Flamingo feather j F-2109 Wakulla j F-1349 MuRFREE, Mary N. (C. E. Crad- dock. ) Down the ravine F-1442 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 195 In the clouds P-1443 In the Tennessee mountains F-1444 Prophet of the Great Smoky moun- tains F-1445 Story of Keedon Bluffs F-1447 Where the battle was fought F-1446 MuBRAY, W. H. H. Adirondacktales. F-2382 How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney kept New Tear's, etc F-1741 Nasby, Petboleum, V. pseud. {See Locke, D. R.) Needelt., Jtfrs. J.H. Julian Karslake's secret F-1745 Newton, W. W. Priest and the man. F-2297 Noble, Annette L. Eunice Lathrop, spinster F-2466 Uncle Jack's executors F-2143 Noble, Lucketia. Reverend idol .... F-1019 Noel, M. Buz ; or, the life and adven- tures of a honey bee j F-2670 NoRDHOFF, C. Man-of-war life j F-2416 Merchant vessel j F-2415 Whaling and fishing j F-2414 NoRBis, W. E. Bachelor's blunder... F-1668 Chris F-2422 Heaps of money F-1947 Major and minor F-1669 .Same. 2v F-1948 Matrimony F-1949 My friend Jim F-1670 No new thing F-1950 Rogue F-1951 Oldboy, Oliver, pseud. {See Bailey, G.) Oliphant, Margaret O. W. Agnes. F-1640 Brownlows F-1650 Carita F-1643 Chronicles of Carlingf ord F-1647 Curate in charge , F-1648 For love and life F-1642 Hester F-1632 Innocent F-2622 Ladies Lindores F-1633 Laird of Norlaw F-1638 Lucy Crofton F-1639 Madam F-1634 Madonna Mary F-2625 Miss Marjoribanks F-1644 Mrs. Arthur F-1641 Old Lady Mary F-1637 Ombra F-2621 Phoebe, junior F-2623 Primrose path F-2627 Son of the soil F-1646 Squire Arden F-2624 Story of Valentine and his brother.. F-1645 Young Musgrave F-1649 Wizard's son F-1636 Oliphant, Mabgabet O. W. and Aldbich, T. B. Second son F-1635 Olney, Ellen W. (See Kirk, E. W.O.) O'Meaba, Kathleen. Narka, the nihilist F-1673 Optic, Olives, pseud. {See Adams, W. T.) O'Reilly, J. B. Moondyne F-1711 Oswald, E. pseud. {See Schulze- Smidt, Bernhardine. ) Paddock, Cornelia, {Mrs. A. O.) Fate of Madame La Tour F-2468 Page, T. N. In ole Virginia F-1744 Two little confederates F-2431 Paget, Violet. {Vernon Lee.) Phan- tom lover F-2183 Palmeb, j. W. {J. Coventry.) After his kind F-1962 Pansy, pseud. {See Alden, Isabella M.) Pabr, Louisa. Adam and Eve F-2176 Hero Carthew F-1953 Loyalty George F-1964 Robin F-1955 Patchin, Calista H. Dorothea F-524 Payn, J. At her mercy F-2611 Beggar on horseback F-2616 By proxy F-2883 Carlyon's year F-2619 Found dead F-2618 Gwendoline's harvest F-2615 Halves F-2613 Heir of the ages F-2119 Less black than we're painted F-2620 Murphy's master F-2332 One of the family F-2617 A prince of the blood F-2381 Thicker than water F-2096 Walter's word F-2812 Won— not wooed F-2614 Peabd, Frances. Castle and town.. F-1548 Prentice Hugh F-2440 Rose-garden F-1640 Scapegrace Dick j F-2439 Thorpe Regis F-1660 Unawares P-20W A winter story F-2274 Pearson, Emily C. Ruth's sacrifice. F-2180 Pendleton, E. Virginia inheritance. F-2529 Pebez-Galdos, B. Court of Charles IV F-2388 Pkbby, Nob a. Flock of girls j F-1739 196 FICTION. AUTHOR LIST. For a woman F-2108 Youngest Miss Lorton, etc P-2351 PfiSTALOzzi, J. H. Leonard and Ger- trude F-2295 Pktersox, Marie. Princess Use j F-1015 Phelps, Elizabeth S. Beyond the gates F-1610 Doctor Zay F-1602 Friends F-1603 Gates ajar F-1604 Gates between F-1611 Hedged in F-1605 Jack the fisherman F-1614 Madonna of the tubs F-1615 Men, women, and ghosts F-1606 Old maids, and Burglars in paradise. F-1607 Old maid's paradise F-2424 Sealed orders, etc F-1612 Silent partner r-1608 Story of Avis F-1609 Trotty book j F-1613 Trotty's wedding tour j F-1616 PiAzzi, A. (Leila-Hanoum.) A tragedy at Constantinople F-2335 PicARD, G. H. Mission flower F-1702 Old Boniface F-1701 Pike, MaryH. G. (Sydney A. Story, jr.) Caste F-16 Pool, Maria L. Tenting at Stony beach F-2275 Porter, D. D. Adventures of Harry Marline j F-1682 Allan Dare and Robert le Diable. 3v. F-1681 Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs F-1684 Same. 3v F-2124 Thaddeus of Warsaw ....•• F-1685 Porter, Mary W. Five little South- erners j F-1686 Poynter, E. Frances. Among the hills F-1956 Ersilia. F-1957 Madame de Presnel F-1958 My little lady F-1959 Pbaed, Mrs. Campbell, joint author. ( See McCarthy, Justin . ) F-2524 Prentiss, Elizabeth P. Stepping heavenward F-1676 Preston, Harriet W. Year in Eden. F-1765 Prime, W. C. Later years F-2647 Old house by the river F-2646 Putnam, Eleanor, pseud. (See Bates, Harriet L.) Pyle, H. Pepper and salt j F-2293 Rose of paradise F-1565 Wonder clock j F-1564 Quincy, j. p. Peckster professorship. F-2367 Radcliffe, Anne W. Romance of the forest F-2678 Raimund, Golo, pseud. ( See Dannen- berg, G.) Rand, E. A. After the freshet j F-1561 Randolph, J. T. Cabin and parlor . . F-2469 Randolph, Mrs. Iris F-1742 Read, Emily, joint author. See Rod- ney, M. C. L.) Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth F-542 Foul play F-543 Good fight, etc F-557 Good stories F-555 Griffith Gaunt F-544 Hard cash F-545 It is never too late to mend F-547 Letters from Rome, A. D. 138 F-558 Love me little, love me long F-546 Peg Wofflngton F-556 Peg Wofflngton, Christie Johnstone, etc F-554 Perilous secret F-548 Put yourself in his place F-549 Simpleton, and the Wandering heir. F-550 Terrible temptation F-551 White lies F-552 Woman hater F-553 Reed, A. No fiction F-2671 Reeves, Marian C. L. (See Rodney, Marian C. L. R. ) Reid, Christian, pseud. (See Fisher, Frances C.) Reid, Mayne. Afloat in the forest. .. j F-881 Boy hunters j F-868 Boy slaves j F-869 Boy tar j F-882 Bruin j F-870 Bush-boys j F-871 ClifE-climbers j F-879 Desert home j F-872 Forest exiles j F-873 Flag of distress j F-883 Giraffe-hunters j F-874 Hunter's feast j F-858 Ocean waifs j F-880 Osceola the Seminole j F-869 Plant hunters j F-875 Ran away to sea j F-876 Rifle-rangers j F-860 Scalp hunters j F-S61 Tiger-hunter j F-862 FiCtlON. — ^AUTHOk LIST. m War trail j F-863 White chief j F-864 Wild huntress j F-865 Wild life j F-866 Wood-rangers j F-867 Young voyageurs j F-877 Young yagers j F-878 Rice, J. joint author. (See Besant, W. ) Richardson, Abby S. Stories from old English poetry j F-1727 Richardson, S. Clarissa F-1960 RiCHTEB, J. P. F. Flower, fruit, and thorn pieces. 2v F-1961 Hesperus. 2v F-1963 Invisible lodge F-1962 Titan. 2v F-1964 RiDDELL, Chablotte E. L. C. (Mrs. J. H. ) Far above rubies F-1533 Nun's curse F-1536 Riddle, A. G. House of Ross, etc .. . F-1532 RiDEiNG, W. H. Little upstart F-1651 Rita, pseud. (See Booth-Daphne, Mrs. Otto.) Ritchie, AnnaL T. (Miss Thackeray.) Bluebeard's keys, etc F-2599 RiVKs, Amelie. (See Chanler, Amfe- lie R.) Roberts, Margaret. In the olden time F-1965 On the edge of the storm F-1966 Robinson, Edith. Forced acquain- tances F-1740 Robinson, F. W. As long as she lived. F-2571 Bridge of glass F-2569 Carry's confession F-2578 Girl's romance, etc F-2577 Her face was her fortune F-2576 No man's friend F-2575 Poor humanity F-2572 Second-cousin Sarah F-2670 Stern necessity F-2574 True to herself F-2573 Rodney, Mabian C. L. R. Little maid of Acadie F-2509 Rodney, M. C. L. R. & Read, Emily. Pilot Fortune F-1749 Roe, E. p. Barriers burned away. . .. F-6 Brought to bay F-611 Day of fate F-14 Driven back to Eden j F-343 Earth trembled F-2 Face illumined F-11 From jest to earnest F-15 He fell in love with his wife F-7 His sombre rivals F-10 Knight of the nineteenth century. . F-12 Miss Lou F-.331 Nature's serial story F-4 Near to nature's heart P-8 Opening a chestnut burr F-1 Original belle E-3 An unexpected result, etc F-2258 What can she do? F-13 Without a home F-9 Young girl's wooing F-5 RoHLFE, Anna K. G. Behind closed doors F-2144 Hand and ring F-2225 Leavenworth case F-2139 Mill mystery F-2140 Strange disappearance F-2141 Sword of Damocles F-2142 Rollins, Alice W. Uncle Tom's tenement F-1846 Roosevelt, R. B. Love and luck F-1704 RusKiN, J. King of the Golden river in v. 3 of 824-R2 Russell, W. C. Little Loo F-2209 Wreck of the " Grosvenor " F-2608 Sadlieb, Maby a. M. Willy Burke. F-2391 St. John, Eugenia. Bella F-2675 Sand, George, pseud. (See Dude- van t, Amantine L. A. D.) Saunders, J. Tempter behind F-1751 Savage, M. J. BlufEton F-2187 Saxe Holm, pseud. (See Jackson, Helen M. F. H.) Schobebt, H. Picked up in the streets. F-2241 ScHBEiNEB, Olive. (Ralph Iron.) Story of an African farm F-2036 ScHUBiN, OssiP, pseud. (See Kiirsch- ner, Lola.) Schulze-Smidt, Bebnhabdink. (E. Oswald. ) Vain forebodings F-680 Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle's log. F-1752 Scott, Sir Walteb. Abbot F-861 Anne of Geierstein F-369 Antiquary F-371 Same. 2v F-377 Betrothed '. F-354 Black dwarf F-364 Bride of Lammermoor F-369 Castle Dangerous F-356 Count Robert of Paris F-353 Fair maid of Perth F-367 Fortunes of Nigel F-363 Guy Mannering F-375 Same. 2v F-378 198 ACTION. AUTHOR LIST. F Heart of Midlothian F-374 Highland widow F-354 Ivanhoe. 2v F-379 Kenilworth F-362 Legend of Montrose F-364 Monastery F-360 Old Mortality F-367 Peveril of the Peak F-366 Pirate F-368 Quentin Durward F-358 Redgauntlet F-376 Rob Roy F-370 Same. 2v F-380 St. Ronan's well F-372 Surgeon's daughter, F-356 Talisman, etc F-355 Waverley F-373 Same. 2v ; F-381 Waverley novels. 5v F-382 Contents: V. 1. Waverley, Guy Mannering, Anti- quary, Rob Roy, Black dwarf, Old Mortality. V. 2. Heart of Midlothian, Bride of Lamm ermoor, Legend of Montrose, Ivanhoe, Monastery, Abbot. V. 3. Kenilworth, Pirate, Fortunes of Nigel, Pe- veril of the Peak, Quentin Durward. V. 4. St. Ronan's Well, Redgauntlet, Betrothed, Talisman, Woodstock. V. 5. Highland widow, Two drovers. My aunt Mar- garet's mirror, Tapestried chamber, The laird's Jock, Fair maid of Perth, Anne of Geierstein, Count Robert of Paris, Castle Dangerous, The surgeon's daughter. Woodstock F-365 . ScuDDEK, H. E. Bodleys afoot j F-1819 Bodleys telling stories j F-1820 Book of folk stories j F-1814 Doings of the Bodley family j F-1817 Dream children j F-1815 Dwellers in Five-sisters court F-1813 Mr. Bodley abroad j F-1818 Seven little people j F-1816 Stories and romances F-1812 Searing, A. E. P. Social experi- ment F-2131 Seely, H. ISTymph of the West F-2528 SEBaEANT, Adeline. Beyond recall. F-1967 No saint F-1968 Roy's repentance F-1969 Severance, M. S. Hammersmith.... F-2219 Shaw, Flora L. Colonel Cheswick's campaign F-1719 Sheppard, Elizabeth S. Counter- parts F-1346 Sherwood, Mary E. W. Transplanted rose F-1351 Shillaber, B. P. Cruises with Cap- tain Bob j F-2655 Double-runner club Ike Partington Shorthouse, j. H. John Inglesant. . Little schoolmaster Mark Sir Percival *. Teacher of the violin, etc Sidney, Margaret, pseud. {See Loth- rop, Harriet M. S. ) SiME, W. Red route SiMMS, W. G. Beauchampe Border beagles Charlemont Confession Eutaw : sequel to Forayers Forayers Guy Rivers Katharine Walton Mellichampe Partisan Richard Hurdis Scout Southward ho! Vasconselos Wigwam and the cabin Woodcraft Yemassee SiMOJ!fD8,W. (Walter Aimtoell.) Aim- well stories. 7v. 1. Clinton 2. Ella 3. Jerry 4. Jessie 5. Marcus 6. Oscar 7. Whistler SiNNETT, A. P. Karma Sleight, Mary B. House at Crague. Smart, H. False start From post to finish Hard lines Race for a wife Struck down Smith, Hannah. {Hesba Stretton.) Bede's charity Carola Cobwebs and cables Hester Morley's promise In prison and out Through a needle's eye Smith, J. G. Atla Smith, Julie P. Blossom-bud Chris and Otho Courting and farming His young wife j F-2102 j F-2659 F-1501 F-1502 F-1503 F-2505 F-1970 F-2552 F-2564 F-2660 F-2563 F-2558 F-2561 F-2567 F-2557 F-2554 F-2556 F-2562 F-2553 F-2565 F-2566 F-255.5 F-2551 F-2559 j F-2237 j F-2234 j F-2238 j F-2236 j F-2233 j F-2235 j F-2232 F-2136 F-1848 F-2369 F-2371 F-2368 F-2370 F-2100 F-1623 F-1627 F-1624 F-1625 F-1628 F-1626 F-2482 F-578 F-579 F-580 F-682 FICTION. — AUTHOR UST. 199 Kiss, and be friends F-581 Lucy F-583 Married belle F-584 Ten old maids F-587 Widow Goldsmith's daughter F-686 Widower F-585 Smith, W. L, G. Life at the South. .. F-2421 Spabhawk, Frances C. Lazy man's work F-1971 Spenceb, Mrs. G. E. Calamity Jane. F-2525 Plucky one F-2094 Spielhagen, F. Hohensteins F-2497 What the swallow sang F-1972 Spofford, Harkiet E. P. Azarian.. F-1973 Marquis of Carabas F-1747 Sprague, Mary A. Earnest trifler... F-2512 St., W. VON. In exile F-1369 Stahb, Fanny L. Hulda F-669 Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu F-2409 Stannabd, Henrietta E. V. {J. S. Winter. ) Booties' baby F-2682 Mignon F-2502 Steele, J. W. Frontier army sketches. F-2104 Steell, W. Isidra F-1743 Stephens, C. A. Camping-out series. 6v. 1. Camping out j F-2011 2. Left on Labrador j F-2012 3. Off to the geysers j F-2013 4. Lynx-hunting j F-2014 5. Fox-hunting j F-2015 6. On the Amazons j F-2016 Stevenson, E. I. White cockades.... F-2481 Stevenson, K. L. Black arrow F-1417 Kidnapped : F-1425 Merry men, etc F-1419 New Arabian nights F-1422 Prince Otto F-1423 Silverado squatters F-1424 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde F-1420 Treasure Island F-1421 Stevenson, K. L. & Frances Van DE G. Dynamiter F-1418 Stimpson, F. j. iJ. S. of Dale.) Crime of Henry Vane F-1281 First harvests F-1282 Guerndale F-1280 The residuary legatee F-2648 Stockton, F. R. Amos Kilbright, etc. • F-2289 Bee-man of Orn, etc F-923 Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine F-2339 Christmas wreck, etc F-916 Dusantes F-2288 Floating prince, etc j F-2246 Hundredth man F-2838 Jolly fellowship j F-917 Lady, or the tiger, etc F-918 Late Mrs. Null F-919 Rudder Grange F-920 Story of Viteau j F-921 Tales out of school j F-2287 Ting-a-ling j F-922 Stoddard, W. O. Among the lakes., j F-2002 Dab Kinzer j F-2003 Esau Hardery F-2004 Quartet ; sequel to Dab Kinzer j F-200.5 Saltillo boys j F-2006 Winter fun j F-2007 Story, Sydney A. jr. psevd. (See Pike, MaryH. G.) Story, W. W. Fiammetta F-1558 Stowe, Harriet E. B. Agnes of Sor- rento F-1449 Dog's mission j F-1450 Dred F-1451 Same. 2v F-1382 Little Pussy Willow j F-1452 May flower, etc F-1453 Minister's wooing F-1454 My wife and I F-1455 Oldtown folks F-1456 Pearl of Orr's island F-1457 Pink and white tyranny F-1458 Poganuc people F-1459 Queer little people j F-1460 Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories F-1461 Uncle Tom's cabin F-1463 Key to Uncle Tom'*s cabin F-1464 W e and our neighbors F-1462 Streckfuss, a. Castle Hohenwald . . F-665 Quicksands F-677 Stretton, Hesba, pseud. (See Smith, Hannah. ) Stubgis, j. R. Dick's wandering F-1724 My friends and I F-1725 Sullivan, T. R. Roses of shadow... F-2195 Swift, A. M. Cupid, M. D F-17;i4 Swift, J. Gulliver's travels . F-2280 Talcot, Hannah E. B. G. One among many F-1819 Tautphoeus, Baroness. Quits F-1354 Taylor, Bayard. Beauty and the beast, etc r-2520 Hannah Thurston F-2519 John Godfrey's fortunes F-2313 200 FICnON. — AUTHOR LIST. Joseph and his friend F-2.314 Story of Kennett F-2315 Tayloe, V. a. City of Sarras F-1974 Tenney, E. p. Agatha and the shadow F-1286 Constance of Acadia F-1287 Tekhtjne, Mary V. H. (Marion Har- land.) Alone F-729 At last F-730 Handicapped F-1018 Helen Gardner's wedding-day F-759 Hidden path. F-731 Husbands and homes F-732 Judith F-733 Miriam F-734 Moss-side F-735 My little love F-736 Nemesis F-737 Phemie's temptation F-738 Kuby's husband F-772 Sunnybank F-739 True as steel F-740 Thackeray, Miss. (See Ritchie, A. I. T.) Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. 2v F-2060 Barry Lyndon F-2067 Catherine, etc F-2061 Christmas books F-2062 Great Hoggarty diamond, etc F-2063 Henry Esmond F-2073 Lovel the widower; Denis Duval, etc. F-2066 Memoirs of Charles J. Yellowplush, etc F-2070 Newcomes. 2v F-2071 Pendennis .^ F-20C4 Same. 2v *. F-2065 Vanity fair F-2072 Same. 2v F-2068 Virginians. 2v F-2069 Thanet, Octave, pseud. (See French, Alice.) Thompson, M. At love's extremes. . F-1849 Banker of Bankersville F-1850 His second campaign F-535 Tallahassee girl F-534 Thorpe, Rose H. Year's best days., j F-2379 TiEBNAN, Mary S. Homoselle F-527 Suzette F- 1802 TiNCKER, Mary A. Aurora F-2037 By the Tiber F-1356 Tolstoi, L. N. Anna Kar^nina F-I806 Childhood, boyhood, youth F-2120 Cossacks F-1861 The invaders, etc Iv£n Iljritch, etc Long exile, etc Russian proprietor, etc TOPELIUS, Z. Surgeon's stories. 6v. 1. Times of Gustav Adolf 2. Times of battle and of rest. ... 3. Times of Charles XII 4. Times of Frederick I 5. Times of Linnaeus 6. Times of Alchemy TouiiGEE, A. W. Bricks without straw. Button's inn Figs and thistles Fool's errand A fool's errand; with, The invisible empire John Eax and Mamelon Hot ploughshares TowNSEND,G. A. (Gath.) Entailed hat. Towns END, Virginia F. Boston girl's ambitions But a Philistine Darryll gap Deerings of Medbury Hollands Lenox Dare Mills of Tuxbury Only girls Six in all That queer girl Woman's word Tkafton, Adeline. His inheritance. . Katherine Earle Tripp, A. (Willie Triton.) Fisher boy. Trollope, a. Ayala's angel Belton estate Bertrams Can you forgive her? Castle Richmond Cousin Henry Doctor Thorne Dr. Wortle's school Duke's children Editor's tales Eustace diamonds Eye for an eye Harry Heathcote He knew he was right Is he Popenjoy? Kellys and O'Kellys Lady Anna Lotta Schmidt, etc F-1852 F-1853 j F-1854 F-1855 F-2043 F-2044 F-2045 F-2046 F-2047 F-2048 F-1838 F-1839 F-1840 F-1841 F-2326 F-1842 F-2327 F-1735 F-651 F-652 F-653 j F-654 j F-657 F-655 j F-656 j F-658 j F-659 jF-660 r-661 F-1847 F-2211 F-2032 F-1390 F-1597 F-1391 F-22.59 F-1598 F-1.599 F-2262 F-1392 F-1393 F-1394 F-2261 F-1395 F-1396 F-1397 r-1398 F-1399 F-1400 F-1401 FICTION. — AUTHOR LIST. 201 Macdermots of Ballycloran Miss Mackenzie Orley farm Phineas Finn Phineas Redux Prime minister Rachel Ray Ralph the heir Sir Harry Hotspur Tales of all countries Vendue Vicar of BuUhampton Tkollope, T. a. Lindisfarn Chase.. Teowbkidge, J. T. Bound in honor. Coupon bonds, etc Cudjo's cave Drummer boy Farnell's folly His one fault His own master Jolly rover Little master Martin Merrivale Neighbor Jackwood Neighbors' vpives Peter Budstone Phil and his friends Pocket-rifle Satin wood box Silver medal Start in life Three scouts Tinkham brothers' tide mill Young Joe TuKGENEF, 1. S. Annals of a sportsman. Dimitri Roudine Fathers and sons Liza On the eve Smoke Spring floods Virgin soil TuTHiLL, Louisa C. I will be a gentle- man Ulbach, L. For fifteen years Underwood, F. H. Cloud-pictures.. Lord of himself '. Man proposes Vale, Ferna, pseud. {See Hallett, E. V.) Verne, J. Around the world in eighty At the North Pole. Desert of ice P-1402 F-14aS F-2260 F-1600 F-1404 F-1405 F-1406 F-1407 F-1408 F-1409 F-1601 F-1410 F-2658 j F-514 F-502 j F-503 j F-501 F-504 j F-515 j F-516 j F-517 j F-505 F-506 F-507 F-508 j F-610 jF-509 j F-518 j F-511 j F-519 F-2478 j F-512 j F-513 j F-520 F-1975 F-1976 F-1977 F-1978 F-1979 F-1980 r-1981 F-1982 j F-2471 F-2534 F-2200 F-2017 F-2018 F-1440 F-2121 F-2122 Dick Sands Floating city From the earth to the moon Giant raft Hector Servadao Journey to the centre of the earth. . Michael Strogoff Mysterious island Steam house Tribulations of a Chinaman Twenty thousand leagues under the seas Wreck of the Chancellor ViLiiARi, Linda. In change unchanged. Volckhatjsen, a. von. Why did he not die? VosMAER, C. Amazon W., C. H. pseud. (See Chaplin, H. W.) Walford, Lucy B. C. Baby's grand- mother Cousins Dick Netherby Her great idea, etc History of a week A mere child Troublesome daughters Wallace, Lewis. Ben-Hur Fair god Walworth, Jeanette R. H. New man at Rossmere Without blemish Ward, Mary A. Robert Elsmere. ... Warden, Florence. At the world's mercy House on the marsh Warner, Anna B. (Amy Lothrop.) Bag of stories Blue flag and cloth of gold Cross corners Dollars and cents My brother's keeper Warner, A. B. joint author. (See Warner, Susan.) Warner, C. D. Their pilgrimage .... Warner, C. D. joint author. (See Clemens, S. L.) Warner, Susan. {E. WetherelL) Bread and oranges Daisy Daisy Plains Diana End of a coil Flag of truce Hills of the Shatemnc F-1480 F-1431 F-1482 F.1483 F-1485 F-1434 F.1436 F-1437 F-1438 F-1439 F-1441 F-2123 F-1983 F-682 F-1672 F-1984 F-1985 F-1986 F-1988 F-ie87 F-1989 F-1990 F-80 F-31 F-1844 F-1845 F-2628 F-1274 F-1275 j F-1517 j F-2164 F-1618 F-1606 F-2165 F-2197 j F-2158 F-2166 F-1604 F-1506 F-2316 j F-2169 r-1519 25 202 FICTION. — ^AUTHOR LIST. Letter of credit F-1508 Little camp on Eagle hill j F-2160 Melbourne house F-2167 My Desire F-1609 Nobody F-1521 Old helmet F-1522 Pine needles j F-1523 Queechy F-2161 Rapids of Niagara j F-2317 Eed wallflower F-1510 Sceptres and crowns j F-2156 Stephen, M. D F-2167 Wide, wide world F-2162 Willow brook j F-1520 Warneb, Susan & Anna B. Ellen Montgomery's book shelf. 5v. 1. Mr. Rutherford's children j 2. Sybil and Chryssa j 3. Hard maple j 4. Carl Krinken j 5. Casper j Gold of Chickaree Say and seal Wych Hazel Waters, Clara E. C. Eleanor Mait- land Weber, H. Popular romances Tales of the East. 3v Weeks, Helen C. Four, and what they did j Miss Melinda's opportunity Mrs. Hemdon's income What-to-do club j Wells, Kate G. Miss Curtis ........ Werner, Ernst, pseud. (SeeBiirst- enbinder, E.) Wesselhoft, Lily F. Sparrow, the tramp j West ALL, W. The old factory Queer race Ralph Norbreck's trust Red Ryvington Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. (See Warner, Susan.) Wharton, T. Hannibal of New York. Wheeler, Esther G. Stray leaves from Newport White, C.H. pseud. ( See Chaplin, H.W.) White, R. G. Fate of Mansfield Humphreys F-2449 Whitney, Adeline D. T. Bonny- borough F-413 Boys of Chequasset j F-414 Faith Gartney's girlhood F-415 F-1512 F-1513 F-1515 F-1516 F-1514 F-1507 F-2163 F-1511 F-1330 r-2476 F-2475 F-2034 F-1167 F.1168 F-1169 F-29 F-2426 F-1807 F-1806 F-1804 F-1805 F-1991 F-2656 Gayworthys Hitherto Homespun yams Odd or even The other girls Patience Strongs, outings Real folks Sights and insights. 2v Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite'slife. We girls WicHERT, Ernst. Green gate Willis, N. P. People I have met. . . . Wilson, Augusta J. E. At the mercy of Tiberius Beulah Inez Infelice Macaria St. Elmo Vashti WiNGFiELD, L. Lovely Wang Winter, J. Strange, pseud. {See Stannard, Henrietta E. V.) Winthrop, T. Canoe and saddle Edwin Brothertoft John Brent Wister, Annis L. At the councillor's. Bailiff's maid Banned and blessed Castle Hohenwald Countess Gisela From hand to hand Gold Elsie Green gate Hulda In the Schillingscourt Lady with the rubies Little moorland princess Noble name New race. Old mam'selle's secret Owl's nest Penniless girl Picked up in the streets Quicksands Second wife St. Michael Vain forebodings Violetta Why he did not die? Wood, Charlotte D. A step aside. . Upon a cast Woodruff, Julia L. M. ( W. M. L. Jay. ) Holden with the cords F-416 F-417 F-418 F-420 F-421 F-422 F-423 F-424 F-419 F-425 F-668 F-2652 F-266 F-260 F-261 F-262 F-264 F-263 F-265 F-1992 F-1993 F-1994 F-1830 F-664 F-662 F-663 F-665 F-2040 F-666 F-667 F-668 F-669 F-670 F-671 F-672 F-673 F-674 F-675 F-2245 F-676 F-2241 F-677 F-678 F-679 F-680 r-681 F-682 F-1279 F-1753 F-067 FICTION. — ^AUTHOR LIST. 203 Woods, Kate T. Doctor Dick. j F-1624 Hidden for years F-1625 Minister's secret F-1526 Six little rebels j F-1627 That dreadful boy F-1528 WooLLEY, Cblia P. Lovc and theol- ogy F-1836 WooLSEY, Sarah C. (Susan CooUdge.) Clover j F-825 Cross patch, etc j F-814 Eyebright j F-815 For Summer afternoons F-824 Little country girl j F-816 Mischief's Thanksgiving, etc j F-817 Nevr- Year's bargain j F-818 Nine little goslings j F-819 Round dozen j F-820 What Katy did j F-821 What Katy did at school j F-822 What Katy did next j F-823 WooLSON, Constance F. Anne F-1562 Castle Nowhere, etc F-1553 East Angels F-1551 For the major F-1554 Rodman, the keeper, etc F-1555 Wylde, Katheeine. Dreamer F-1995 Ill-regulated mind F-1996 W yss, j. R. Willis the pilot F-2479 Wyss, j. R. & Montolieu, Baronne de. Swiss family Robinson j F-2146 YoNGE, Chablotte M. Armourcr's prentices F-612 Bye-words F-644 Caged lion P-613 Chantry house P-614 Chaplet of pearls P-616 Clever woman of the family F-616 Daisy chain F-617 Dove in the eagle's nest F-618 Dynevor terrace F-619 Heartsease F-620 Heir of Redclyffe F-«21 Hopes and fears F-622 Lady Hester F-623 Lances of Lynwood j F-624 Little duke; Richard the fearless. .• j F-625 Little Lucy's wonderful globe j F-627 Love and life F-626 Magnum bonum F-628 Modern Telemachus F-629 My young Alcides F-630 Nuttie's father F-631 Our new mistress F-645 Pillars of the house. 2v P-632 Prince and page j P-633 P'sandQ's j F-634 Scenes and characters F-636 Storehouse of stories. 2v j F-643 Stray pearls F-636 Three brides F-637 The trial F-638 Two sides of the shield F-639 Under the storm F-640 Unknown to history 'F-641 Young step-mother F-642 READING ROOM. PERIODICALS CURRENTLY RECEIVED. DAILY. Boston. Advertiser. Globe. Herald. Journal. Post Record. Transcript. Traveller. Lewiston, Maine. Journal. London. Daily News. 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