.J?^s, :$;'^av_ .►•*.•■.■»-•.' ♦.i^ ^;^':^d:*-^ Mfr'.::> THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . DAVIS :^^ ■♦: '•^ • ■41 .< jpn.n ,^ _... ,^^ <^'- Vi ^vv:•4P'•. *-'#*N^"^ •'^ ^v«-- '^.-.^ *%>■■' if >■ v-^ -^ :;-:. *«tv--* ■r::> -^ v^ . v. - i^^- ' '^ ^ -i '< •^A#»^ .,f#^v^v \ \ '*&l#'<^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/annericanshorthorOOwarfrich AMERICAN SHORT-eORN IMPORTATIONS CONTAINING THE PEDIGREES OF ALL SHORT-HORN CATTLE HITHERTO IMPORTED INTO AMERICA. COMPILED BY WILLIAM WARFIELD, LEXINGTON, KY. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN SHORT-HORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION, cmc-A-ca-o. 1884. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORMA DAVIS 1 Entered according to Act of Congress, by the AsiERiCAN Short-Horv Breeders' Association, in the ! Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, 1884. j Chicago: THE JNO. B. JEFPERY PRINTING AND ENGRAVING CO., 159 and 161 Dearborn Street, 1884. CONTEl^TS. Pages. Preface, . . . . • • • • iii to iv Importations, . . . -. . . -5 to 664 Animals Whose Importers and Dates of Importation are Unknown, . . . . . . . 665 to 670 Animals Whose Importation is Doubtful, and Some op Whose Pedigrees are Incorrect, ... 670 to 672 Appendix, 673 to 693 Index to Bulls, ...... 695 to 716 Index to Cows, . . . . . . . 717 to 766 ERRATA Page 266: Musketeer, omitted from Index. The three cows, Rosa Lee, Rose of Dalkeith and Cinderella 2d, on page 298, entered as imported by J. H. Hall, Manitoba, is an error. They were imported by J. J. Hill, Esq., August 30, 1882, and are properly entered in his list on pages 303 and 304. Page 362: Lovely Boy, omitted from Index. Page 501 : Burletta, called in England Dun Lady, not as printed. Page 516: Barforth, entered as an imported cow, is the last cross in Devonshire. 94GS9 PREFACE. It was very wisely determined by our ancestors to import repre- sentatives of the improved races of cattle already existing in Great Britain, as the foundation of our improved breeding, rather than attempt to form improved types for ourselves. And it has become American Shorn-horn usage to deny the claim of purity to any stock not descended from imported ancestry. There has very natu- rally arisen a loud call for a complete and handy list of all animals that have been imported, in order that breeders may have a ready means of learning the history and origin of the various tribes that constitute our herds, and to serve as a check against fraud and forgery. The present volume has been prepared at the cost of much labor, in the effort to meet this demand. This catalogue professes to include the names and pedigrees, so far as still extant, of all Short-horn cattle that were imported into America up to the end of the year 1882. Although a large propor- tion of those imported in 1883 and the early months of 1884 have been included also, no claim of completeness is made in regard to them. Even during the period up to 1882 no doubt entire completeness and accuracy has not been obtained. It has proved impossible to obtain the details concerning certain importations ; concerning others, the information that has been obtained is frag- mentary ; no doubt concerning others it may be erroneous. Petty errors have probably been unavoidable. Pains have not been spared, however, to present in all cases the fullest and most exact and most authentic information that could be obtained ; and I shall be sur- prised to find that any considerable omissions have occurred or serious errors have been fallen into. I need not say that correc- tions and additions of all kinds will be most gratefully received, and made public ; and breeders are earnestly urged to communicate to me all such criticisms as may tend to perfect the Second Edition. IV PEEFACE. The arrangement that has been adopted will be readily under- stood at a glance. A chronological arrangement would have been, in many aspects, exceedingly valuable ; but, on the whole, the alphabetical scheme seemed most likely to be useful. In the body of the book the importers are arranged in alphabetical order, while the index gives an alphabetical list of the animals themselves, with such information concerning them as seemed most needed. It is hoped that by this scheme the matter is presented in the handiest possible shape for actual use. Such animals as seemed, on good evidence, to have been imported, but the history of the importation of which it has been found impossible to obtain, have been classed by themselves at the end of the volume. After them will be found a similar list of such as purport to have been imported, but apparently were not. Some of these pedigrees may have arisen in error, others in fraud; none of them, in the present state of the evidence, can be accepted as true. Their descendants at this late day are, no doubt. Short-horns ; but they cannot be accepted as Short-horns descending from imported ancestry. It would be 'impracticable to return thanks by name to all who have given me substantial aid in compiling this volume. I must ask the numerous gentlemen who have responded so kindly and promptly to the many questions, and sometimes rather unreasonable demands I have made of them, to permit me to cheaply discharge my debt to them by this general mention. The time may come when I may be able to return their courtesy by a like readiness to give them aid; and I trust I may be enabled then to yield it as readily and as ungrudgingly as they have done to me. Meanwhile, I may be per- mitted to dedicate this book to them, in company with all lovers of Short-horn history and all friends of the Short-horn race. WILLIAM WARFIELD. Lexington, Ky., April, 1884. WAEFIELD'S HISTOKY Imported Short-Horns 1853 to 1856. R. A. ALEXANDER, Woodbum, Woodford Co., Ky. COWS. SWEET MARY— Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1846, bred by Mr. Oattley, got by Rufus (6428), out of Sweet Looks by Prince of Wales (6348)— Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— Venus by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129)— Rosabella by Northern Light (1281)— Old Rosabella by White Comet (1582)— Rose by Cattley's Bull (1798). PEERESS (vol. 8, p. 335, E., under dam) — Roan, calved March 23, 1847, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Lord Marmion (8244), out of Empress by Prince Albert (4791)— Countess by Cyrus (3538)— Em- press by Bedford (68)— by Northern Light (1281)— by White Comet (1582). MISS HUDSON (vol. 23, p. 17980, A. H. B., and vol. 10, p. 493^ E.)— Red and white, calved in July, 1847, bred by Mr. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Hermes (8145), out of Mayoress by Carcase (3285) —Matron by Tyro (2781)— Miss Mason by Falstaff (1993)— No. 6 by Dr. Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— Henry Cow by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hub- back (319) — bred by Mr. Maynard. 6 warfield's history NIGHTINGALE (vol. 8, p. 444, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1847, bred by Mr. Kerrich, Arnold's, got by Prince Alfred (8422), out of Molly Bawn by The Lord of Hainault (6588)— Minna by Fergus (3782)— Starlight by Dandy (1902)— Moonshine by Oliver (2386)— by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252). GRACEFUL 2d (vol. 10, p. 389, E., under dam)— Red roan, calved Oct. 9, 1850, bred by Mr. Adkins, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), out of Graceful by Lycurgus (7180) — Marcia by Ranunculus (2479)— Sackbut by William (2840)— Clarion by Childers (1824)— No. 25 by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by AVindsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). PEARLETTE (vol. 10, p. 520, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved Nov. 27, 1851, bred by S. E. Bolden, got by Benedict (7828), out of Pearl 2d by Senator (8551) — Pearl by Homer (2134) — Wind- ermere by Emperor (1974) — Peeress by Snowdrop (2653) — Countess by Sir Charles (593) — Princess by St. Albans (1412) — Blossom by Cupid (177)— by Simon (590)— by Punch (531)— by Bolingbroke (86). VICTORIA 20th (vol. 11, p. 741, E.)— Roan, calved April 24, 1851, bred by R. Holmes, Ireland, got by Broken Horn (12500), out of Victoria 14th by Comus (12625) — Victoria 9th by Sir John Sinclair (5165) — Victoria 3d by 2d Comet (5101) — Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Chilton Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)— by Favorite (252)— by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). BONNY LASS (vol. 11, p. 345, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Jan. 11, 1852, bred by C. W. Goode, got by Earl of Dublin (10178) — Bonny Kate by Ivanhoe (9240) — Heartsease by Saladin (7469) —Pansy by Bloomsbury (3171)— Pasta by Red Rover (4906)— Sera- phina by Wharfdale (1578)— by Palemon (479)— by Meteor (432)— by Western Comet (689)— by Favorite (252)— by Cupid (177)— by IMPORTED SHORT-HOKNS. 7 Grandson of Bolingbroke (282) — by Foljambe (263) — by R. Alcock's Bull (19). FILIGREE (vol. 11, p. 442, E., under dam)— White, calved Feb. 18, 1852, bred by Mr. Saunders, got by Abram Parker (9856), out of Fanchette by Petrarch (7329)— Fame by Raspberry (4875)^ Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129) — by Young Pilot (497)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). LADY GULNARE (vol. 11, p. 523, E.)— Roan, calved March 22, 1852, bred by H. Ambler, got by Senator (8548), out of Gul- nare by Norfolk (2377) — Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by jVIemnon (2295) — by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1768). VALERIA OR VALINA (vol. 11, p. 741, E., under dam, as Valina) — Roan, calved March 29, 1854, bred by R. A. Alexander, gotten in England by Hopewell (10332), oiit of Victoria 20th by Broken Horn (12500) — Victoria 14th by Comus (12625) — Victoria 9th by Sir John Sinclair (5165)— Victoria 3d by 2d Comet (5101) —Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Chilton Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)— Flora by Favorite (252) — Nymph by White Bull (421) — Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188) — Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). SCIOTA— Roan, calved April 16, 1854, bred by Mr. Ambler, got by Lancaster Comet (11663), out of Lavender 3d by St. Albans (7464)— Lavender 2d by Queen's Roan (7380)— by Will Honeycomb (5660)— by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360) —by Son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). LAURA — Roan, calved June 17, 1854, bred by Mr. R. A. Alex- ander, got in England by Zealot (14046), out of Miss Towneley by Brunell (9999)— Lady Laura by Laudable (9282)— Laura by Pe- trarch (7329)— Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton (2052) — Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Comet (170)_Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G, Strickland, 8 MINNA— Red, calved Sept. 19, 1854, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Moss Rose 3d by Sir Walter (2639)— Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)- by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Pagers Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). PRUNELLA (vol. 11, p. 650, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1854, bred by Mr. Bolden, Hyning, got by Duke of Bolton (12738), out of Prune by Lord Lieutenant (11734)— Pearl 2d by Senator (8551) — Pearl by Homer (2134) — Windermere by Emperor (1974) — Peeress by Snowdrop (2653) — Countess by Sir Charles (593)— Princess by St. Albans (1412)— Blossom by Cupid (177)— by Simon (590)— by Punch (531)— by Bolingbroke (86). Sold at sale of June 5, 1859. LADY VALENTINE (vol. 11, p. 733, E., under dam)— Red, calved Oct. 8, 1853, bred by H. Smith, Drax Abbey, got by Harbinger (10297), out of Vellum by Abram Parker (9856)— Miss Valentine by Beggarman (3118) — Victoria by Duke (3629) — Venus by Young General (3866) — Maria by Western Comet (689) —by General (272)— by Marquis (407)— by Simon (590)— by Trav- eler (655)— by Lame Bull (357). FRANCES FAIRFAX (vol. 11, p. 436, E., under dam)— White, calved Nov. 2, 1853, bred by Mr. Ambler, got by Crusade (7938), out of Fair Frances by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Feldom by Young Colling (1843)— Lily by Red Bull (2838)— Lily by Son of Hollings (2131)— by Partner (2409)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19). ZARA — Roan, calved Nov. 27, 1853, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Lady Zarifa (vol. 10, p. 440, E.) by Laudable (9282)— Zulieka by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2298)— by Pilot (496)_by Agamemnon (9)— by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1768). LADY DERBY— Red and white, calved Jan. 29, 1854, bred by R. A. Alexander, begotten in England by Earl Derby (10177), out of Forget-me-not (vol. 10, p. 374, E.) by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Fancy by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Fanny by Short IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 9 Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). LENA (vol. 11, p. 526, E., under dam)— White, calved Dec. 6, 1853, bred by Col. Towneley, gotten in England by Jasper (11609), out of Lady Laura by Laudable (9282) — Laura by Petrarch (7329) — Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton (2052) — Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Comet (170) — Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. CONSTANCE— Red, calved March 11, 1854, bred by Mr. Fawkes, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Cherry Ripe by Sir Walter (2639)— Young Cherry by Young Waterloo (8757)— Cherry by W^aterloo (2816)— Old Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179) —by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). PRUNE (vol. 11, p. 650, E.)— Roan, calved March 29, 1852, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by Lord Lieutenant (11734), out of Pearl 2d by Senator (8551) — Pearl by Homer (2134) — Windermere by Emperor (1974) — Peeress by Snowdrop (2653) — by Sir Charles (593)— by St. Albans (1412)— by Cupid (177)— by Simon (590)— by Punch (531)— by Bolingbroke (86). COQUETTE— Roan, calved Jan., 1853, bred by W. Dickerson, got by Monk (11824), out of Jilt by Tom of Lincoln (8714)— Flirt by Purity (8444) — Florence by Berryman (3143)r— Fancy by Remus (2524) — White Rosette by Juniper (1114) — Rosette by White Comet (1582)— Young Rose by Wright's Grandson of Favorite (2073)— Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). LYDIA LANGUISH (vol. 11, p. 541, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved June 22, 1853, bred by H. Smith, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), out of Lavender by Dan O'Connell (3557) — Lily by Brutus (1752)— Violet by Frederick (1060)— Vestris by Cato (1794) — Verbena by son of Wellington (679) — bred from the herd of Mr. Robertson of Ladykirk. SUNRISE (vol. 11, p. 712 E., under dam)— AVhite, calved Sept. 14, 1853, bred by Mr. Saunders, got by Abram Parker (9856), out 10 warfield's history of Sunbeam by Euclid (9097)— Short Tail by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646)— Sprittle by Young Seagull (5100)— by Sultan (1485) —by Crusader (934)— by Chillingham (3374). SALLY-IN-OUR-ALLEY— Red, calved July 17, 1853, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Sally O'Moore 3d by Sir Walter (2639)— Sally O'Moore by Young Remus (2523) — by Remus (550) — Grizzle by Hollings (2131) — Lady by His Honor (2126)— Redley by Partner (2409)— Old Redley by Hutton^s Bull (2145) — Lofty, from R. Alcock^s stock. ROSABELLE— Red, calved July 20, 1853, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Moss Rose 3d by Sir Walter (2639) — Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179) —by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). CANNY (vol. 11, p. 379, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Sept. 25, 1853, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveston Hall, got by Will Watch (12307), out of Comely by Hornby 2d (9223)— Canary by Muley (4519) — Comedy by Kiveton Reformer (4164) — Comical by Top- per (2768)— by Wellington (2825)— by Wonderful (700)— by Meteor (431)— by Windsor (698)— by son of Favorite (252). ALBERTA— Red and white, calved in Feb., 1853, bred by Mr. B. Fuller, got by Holcomb (10324), out of Victoria by Diamond (5918) — Vestris by Young Belshazzar (3122) — Verbena by Noble (4578)— Violet by Monarch (4495)— Julia by Invalid (4076)— Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— Portia by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342) —by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). CHRISTINE CATTLEY— Roan, calved March 2, 1853, bred by R. Cattley, Brandsby, got by DeGrey (11346), out of Christiana (vol. 10, p. 303, E.) by Lord Marmion (8244)— Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— Venus by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129)— Rosabella by Northern Light (1281) — Old Rosabella by White Comet (1582) — Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). IMPORTED SHOKT-HOKNS. 11 DUCHESS OF AIRDRIE (vol. 20, p. 15598, A., and vol. 11, p. 419, E., under dam) — Red and white, calved Aug. 2, 1853, bred by R. A. Alexander or Col. Towneley, got by 2d Duke of Athol (11376) or Valiant (10989), out of Duchess of Athol by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Duchess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Duchess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 20th by 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418)— Duchess 2d by Ketton 1st (709)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— Duchess by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Note.— Mr. R. A. Alexander's catalogue of 1854, on p. 23, No. 73, has Duchess of Airdrie recorded as above. The E. H. B. omits Valiant. VELLUM (vol. 20, p. 16237 A., and vol. 9, p. 488, E., under dam) — Roan, calved April 1, 1849, bred by Sir C. Tempest, got by Abram Parker (9856), out of Miss Valentine by Beggarman (3118) —Victoria by Duke (3629)— Venus by Young General (3866)— Maria by Western Comet (689) — Lovely by General (272) — Bright Eyes by Marquis (407) — by Simon (590) — by Traveler (655) — by R. Colling's Lame Bull (357). PRINCESS 4th (vol. 10, p. 547, under dam)— Roan, calved April 28, 1850, bred by Mr. Malins, got by Revolution (10713), out of Red Duchess 3d by Nonsuch (4581) — Red Duchess by Bachelor (1666)— Duchess by Wellington (683)— Bright Eyes by Admiral (4) — by Sir Harry (5155) — by Colonel (152) — by grandson of Hub- back (319)— by son of Hubback (319). LADY BARRINGTON 13th (vol. 10, p. 426, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Aug. 18, 1850, bred by R. Bell, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Lady Barrington 5th by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649) — Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304)— Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). KATHLEEN B AWN— Red and white, calved in Sept., 1853, bred by Mr. Fuller, got by Holcomb (10324), out of Molly Bawn 12 warfield's history (vol. 10, p. 499, E.) by The Lord of Hainault (6588)— Minna by Fergus (3782)— Starlight by Dandy (1902)— Moonshine by Oliver (2386)— Resplendent by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Bough- ton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by son of Favorite (252). MISS WILEY 2d (vol. 11, p. 589, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1852, bred by S. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Prince Royal (8428), out of imp. Miss Hudson by Hermes (8145) — Mayoress by Carcase (3285) — Matron by Tyro (2781) — Miss Mason by Falstaff (1993)— No. 6 by Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— Henry Cow by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319)— bred by Mr. Maynard. JESSY 3d— Red and white, calved Oct. 21, 1852, bred by M. Faviell, got by Duke of Albany (10149), out of Jessy (vol. 10, p. 414, E.) by Cramer (6907)— Lady Jane by Plenipo (4724)— Lady Ann by Childers (1824) — Miss Leighton by Umpire (2783) — Young Cowslip by Ratify (2481)— Cowslip by Wellington (680)— by Favor- ite (252)— by Punch (531). MISS TOWNELEY (vol. 11, p. 526, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1853, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, got by Brunell (9999), out of Lady Laura by Laudable (9282) — Laura by Petrarch (7329) — Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Spots by Garton (2052) — Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Count (170) — Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. EMMA 2d (vol. 11, p. 431, E., under dam) — Red and white, calved Jan. 30, 1853, bred by R. Cattley, got by De Grey (11346), out of Empress by Prince Albert (4791) — Countess by Cyrus (3538) —Old Empress by Bedford (68)— by Northern Light (1281)— by White Comet (1582). DORIA PICOLA— Red and white, calved Feb. 13, 1853, bred by M. Faviell, got by Duke of Albany (10149), out of Doria (vol. 10, p. 336, E.) by The Duke (8676)— Clementina by Clementi (3399)— Rosa by Raspberry (4875)— Audrey by Argus (759)— by Admiral (5)— by Ronald (563)— by Cecil (120). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 13 MARY CATTLEY— White, calved Feb. 17, 1853, bred by R. A. Alexander, calved in America but begotten in England by Puritan (9523), out of Sweet Mary by Rufus (6428)— Sweet Looks by Prince of Wales (6348)— Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— Venus by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129)— Rosabella by Northern Light (1281)— Old Rosabella by White Comet (1582)— Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). JOYFUL (vol. 10, p. 406, E., under dam)— Red, calved Sept. 17, 1851, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, got by Lycurgus (7180), out of Jacintha by Fawsley (6004) — Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252). EMMA (vol. 10, p. 350, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Dec. 13, 1851, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Fair Eclipse (11456), out of Em- press by Prince Albert (4791)— Countess by Cyrus (3538)— Old Empress by Bedford (68)— by Northern Light (1281)— by White Comet (1582). JUBILEE 2d (vol. 11, p. 506, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Jan. 12, 1852, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, got by Marquis of Rockingham (10506), out of Jubilee by Lycurgus (7180) — Jacintha by Fawsley (6004)— Junta by Warden (5595)— Joya^ce by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenome- non (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252). JUNIATA (vol. 11, p. 495, E., under dam)— White, calved June 26, 1852, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Jardine by Lord Warden (7167)— Jacintha by Fawsley (6004) — Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252). FINELLA (vol. 4, p. 353, A., and vol. 11, p. 449, E., under dam)— Red, calved June 30, 1852, bred by S. E. Bolden, got by 14 Grand Duke (10284), out of Fay by Foig-a-Ballagh (8082)— Fame by Raspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (497)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). Sold to S. Thorne, N. Y., at sale at Woodburn, June 2, 1858, for $600. GRIST (vol. 11, p. 733, E., under dam)— Red, calved July 2, 1852, bred by S. E. Bolden, got by Grand Duke (10284), out of Vaude- ville by Humber (7102) — Guitar by Zenith (5702) — Serenade by Roman (2561)— Clarion, by Childers (1824)— No. 25 by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). LADY MARY 2d (vol. 11, p. 528, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved Sept. 14, 1852, bred by M. Faviell, got by Duke of Albany (10149), out of Lady Mary by Frederick (9136)— Red Rose by Alexis .(1^^^) — Beeswing by Bellerophon (3119) — Jessy by Matchem 3d (4420)— Clara by Alderman (2976)— by Waterloo (2816) —by Young Wynyard (2859)— by son of Simon (590)— by Styford (629). DUCHESS OF ATHOL (vol. 20, p. 15600, A., and vol. 10, p. 338, E., under dam) — Red and white, calved Aug. 19, 1850, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Burnley, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), out of Duchess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Duchess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Duchess 20th by 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418)— Duchess 2d by Ketton 1st (709)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— Duchess by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). BEAUTY (vol. 10, p. 249, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Oct. 27, 1850, bred by Mr. Lowndes, got by Attraction (9912), out of Alice by Colonel (8967)— Moss Rose by Locomotive (4242)— Ade- laide by Cleveland (3403)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonder- ful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 15 WILD EYES JENNY (vol. 10, p. 633, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved Oct. 30, 1850, bred by M. Faviell, got by 4th Duke of Y^ork (10167), out of Wild Eyes 17th by 2d Duke of North- umberland (3646)— Wild Eyes 5th by Short Tail (2621)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. ROSE (vol. 10, p. 563, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Dec. 7, 1850, bred by H. Combe, got by Puritan (9523), out of Roseleaf by Earl of Durham (5965)— White Rosalind by Pedestrian (7321)— Red Rosalind by Edrom (1956) — Y^oung Rosalind by Scipio (1421) — Rosalind by Hector (1104)— Rose by Midas (435) — Red Rose by Marquis (407)— by Chilton (136)— Mason's Red Rose by Ben (70)— bought by C. Colling of J. Newby. BUTTERCUP (vol. 10, p. 264, E., under dam)— Red, calved Dec, 1850, bred by H. Combe, got by Puritan (9523), out of Baron- ess by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Clematis by Clementi (3399)— Fare- well by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129) — by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). LOBELIA (vol. 10, p. 454, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1851, bred by H. Combe, got by Puritan (9523), out of Lily AVhite by Vanish (5546)— White Rose by Orator (2390)— by Lenton (4205) —by a bull of Mr. Wetherell's— Maria by Spanker (1471)— Stella by Snowball (611) — Strawberry by Adonis (1612) — Neesham by son of Phenomenon (491) — by Punch (531). MAID MARION 2d— Red, calved Aug. 12, 1853, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Lord John (11728), out of Maid Marion by Robin Hood (9555)— Lily by Young' Zealot (8797)— Lily by Y^oung Vandyke (8733)— Duchess by Young Spectator (8619)— by Phantassie (8389)— by Young Rockingham (8498). MISS WILEY 3d (vol. 11, p. 589, E.)— Red and white, calved Sept. 21, 1853, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Gray Friar (9172), out of imp. Miss Hudson by Hermes (8145) — May- 16 oress by Carcase (3285) — Matron by Tyro (2781) — Miss Mason by Falstaff (1993)— No. 6 by Dr. Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— Henry Cow by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Fol- jambe (263)— by Habback (319)— bred by Mr. Maynard. ABIGAIL— Red and white, calved May 30, 1852, bred by Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, got by Loyalist (10479), out of Albertha (vol. 10, p. 247, E.) by Sulla (7564)— Hernia by Buck- ingham (3239) — Hypolita by Belshazzar (1704) — Giantess by Mr. Hunter of Gilling's Bull. Sold at sale of June 2, 1858, to E. L. Davison, Springfield, Ky., for $205. MORLINA (vol. 22, p. 17340, A. H. B.)— Got by Lilyvick (10421), out of Lily (vol. 10, p. 451, E.) by Young Zealot (8797) — Lily by Young Vandyke (8733) — Duchess by Young Spectator (8619)— by Phantassie (8389)— by Young Eockingham (8498). MINERVA 3d (vol. 11, p. 582, E.)— Red, calved Nov., 1850, bred by Mr. Slade, Kemnal House, got by St. Martin (8525), out of Minerva by Prince Ernest (4818) — Medusa by Mowthorpe (2343) — Magic by Wallace (5586) — by Wellington (2824) — by Marmion (406)— Daphne by Merlin (430)— Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612) —by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). LADY SHERWOOD (vol. 11, p. 582, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Sept. 27, 1853, bred by Mr. Tanqueray, Hendon House, got by 5th Duke of York (10168), out of Minerva 3d by St. Martin (8525) — Minerva by Prince Ernest (4818) — Medusa by Mowthorpe (2343)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Mar- mion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). IMPORTED SIIORT-IIOENS. 17 JUBILEE (vol. 9, p. 402, E., under dam)— Red, calved Nov. 14, 1848, bred by Mr. Bieasley, got by Lyciirgus (7180), out of Jacinth by Fawsley (G004) — Jacquette by Javelin (4093) — Jonquille by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252). MAID MAIilON (voL 9, p. 449, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1849, bred by Mr. B. Fuller, Holcombe, Dorking, got by Robin Hood (9555), out of Lily by Young Zealot (8797)— Lily by Young Vandyke (8733)— Duchess by Young Spectator (8619)— by Phantassie (8389)— by Young Rockingham (8498). FORGET-ME-NOT (vol. 10, p. 374, E.)— Roan, calved Feb. 5, 1848, l)red by R. Bell, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), out of Fancy by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). TIZZY (vol. 10, p. 499, E.)— Roan, calved May, 1850, bred by B. Fuller, got by Robin Hood (9555), out of Molly Bawn by the Lord of Hainault (6588)— Minna by Fergus (3782)— Starlight by Dandy (1902)— Moonshine by Oliver (2386)— Resplendent by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by son of Favorite (252). BEATRICE (vol. 10, p. 531, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved June 28, 1850, bred by Mr. Lowndes, got by Attraction (9912), out of Primrose by Egremont (9075) — Orinda by Marmion (4383)— Adelaide by Cleveland (3403)— Adelaide by Young Ery- holme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23) — by Cupid (177) — by Suwarrow (636). Sold at sale June 2, 1858, for 1155. ROSE 2d— White, calved Nov. 14, 1853, bred by R. A. Alex- ander, got in England by The Beau (12182), out of Rose by Puritan (9523)_Koseleaf (vol. 10, p. 563, E.) by Earl of Durham (5965) — White Rosalind by Pedestrian (7321) — Roan Rosalind by Edrom 6) — Young Rosalind by Scipio (1421) — Rosalind by Hector IB wakfield's history (1104)— Rose by Midas (435)— Red Rose by Marquis (407)— by Chil- ton (136)— Mason's Red Rose by Ben (70)— bought by C. Colling of Mr. Newby. ALICE WILEY (vol. 10, p. 493, E., under dam, as Alice)— Red and white, calved July 25, 1850, bred by Samuel Wiley, Brandsby, got by Rumour (745G), out of imp. Miss Hudson by Hermes (8145) — Mayoress by Carcass (3285) — Matron by Tyro (2781)— Miss Mason by Falstaff (1993)— No. 6 by Dr. Syntax (220) —Charles Cow by Charles (127)— Henry Cow by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319)— bred by Mr. Maynard. Sold at sale of June 2, 1858. VICTORIA (vol. 9, p. 607, E., under dam)— Roan, calved April 2, 1848, bred by II. Combe, got by Diamond (5918), out of Vestris by Young Belshazzar (3122) — Verbena by Noble (4578) — Violet by Monarch (4495) — Julia by Invalid (4076) — Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— Portia by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273) —by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). FILBERT (voL 9, p. 365, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Sept. 4, 1848, bred by R. Bell, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), out of Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by a son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from James I5rown's Red Bull (97). LADY LAURA (vol. 9, p. 441, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Jan. 25, 1849, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Laudable (9282), out of Laura by Petrarch (7329)— Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Carton (2052)— Latona by Harold (291) —Strawberry by Count (170)— by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223) — bred by Sir G. Strickland. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 19 BULLS. DUKE OF AIRDRIE (12730)— Red and white, calved Aug. 4, 1854, bred by R. A. Alexander, Airdrie House, Airdrie, Scotland, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), out of Duchess of Athol by 2d Duke of Oxford (0046)— Duchess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Duchess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Duchess 20th by The 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418)— Duchess 2d by Ketton 1st (709)— Duchess by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hul)back (319)— by J. Brown^s Red Bull (97). NAPIER— Red and white, calved Sept. 15, 1855, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Zealot (14046), out of imp. Nightin- gale by Prince Alfred (8422)— Molly Bawn by The Lord of Hainault (0588)— Minna by Fergus (3782) —Starlight by Dandy (1902)— Moonshine by Oliver (2386)— Resplendent by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (695)— by Mr. Col- ilng's son of Favorite (252). Sold at public sale Sept. 3, 1856, to Abram Vanmeter, Sr., of Fayette Co., Ky., for 1105. LANGTON 3061— Roan, calved Nov. 6, 1855, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Lady Gulnare by Senator (8548)— Gulnare by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295)— by Pilot (496)— by Agamemnon (9)— by BurrelFs Bull of Burden. Sold at public sale Sept. 3, 1856, to Dr. G. W. Perrin, Harrison Co., Ky. PATRICK— Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1855, bred by R. A. Alex- ander, got in England by 2d Grand Duke (12961), out of Prune by Lord Lieutenant (11734)— Pearl 2d by Senator (8551)— Pearl by Homer (2134) — Windermere by Emperor (1974) — Peeress by Snow- drop (2653)— by Sir Charles (593)— Princess by St. Albans (1412 )— Blossom by Cupid (177)— by Simon (590)— by Punch (531)— by Bolingbroke (86). Sold at public sale Sept. 3, 1856, to J. Allen, Fayette Co., Ky. RAYMOND 2096— Red, calved Nov. 30, 1855, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Robinson Crusoe (13610), out of 30 warfield's iiistoey Rosabelle by Bridegroom (11203)— Moss Rose 3d by Sir AValter (2039) —Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). Sold at public sale Sept. 3, 1856, to Shakers, Pleasant Hill, Ky., for $360. SALADIN 2168— Red, calved December 7, 1855, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by Robinson Crusoe (13610), out of Sally-in-our- Alley by Bridegroom (11203) — Sally O'Moore 3d by Sir Walter (2639)— Sally ^O'Moore by Yoimg Remus (2523)— by Remus (550)— Grizzle by Hollings (2131)— Lady by His Honor (2126)— Ridley by Partner (2409)— Old Ridley by Hutton's Bull (2145)— Lofty from Mr. Alcock's stock. Sold at public sale Sept. 3, 1856, to Newton Craig of Scott Co., Ky., for $500. LORD JOHN (11728)— Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1851, bred by J. H. Downs, Grays, Essex, got by Norfolk (9442), out of Lady Elizabeth by Earl of Essex (6955)— Gainfordine by Gainford (2044) — Mary by AYaterloo (2816) — Strawberry by Pyramid (4852) — by a grandson of Cupid (177) — by a son of Cupid (177) — by Cupid (177). 2d duke of ATHOL (11376)— Red roan, calved Sept. 10, 1851, bred by C'ol. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Lord George (10439), out of Ducliess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Duch- ess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th, by 2d Hubback (1423) —Duchess 20th by The 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418) —Duchess 2d by Ketton 1st (709)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252) — by Hub- back (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). GRAND MASTER (12968)— Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Gretna by The Stuart (7623)— Gulnare by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by Burrcll's Bull of Burdon. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 21 BARON MAirrm (I2444)— Roan, calved Feb. 4, 1852, bred by R. Holmes, Moycasliel, Kilbeggan, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Victoria 3d by 2d Comet (5101) — Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— Mason's No. 1 by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514) — Flora by Favorite (252) — Nymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady MaynardbyR. Alcock'sBull (10)— by J. Smith's Bull (008)- by Jolly's Bull (337). FANTACHINI (128G2)— Red and white, calved June 18, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Beaufort (9943), out of Lady Fanchette by Laudable (9282) — Fanchette by Austerlitz (3063) — Fair Sovereign by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Superb by Young Colling (1843) — by Young Remus (2523) — by Remus (550) — by Greathead's Gray Bull (3936)— by Ellerton's Roan Bull (3708). MICKEY FREE 8626— Roan, calved Aug. 30, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Moss Rose 3d by Sir Walter (2639)— Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by AVaterloo (2816)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). DOCTOR BUCKINGHAM (14405)— Red, calved March 26, 1853, bred by II. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Hopewell (10332), out of Bloom by Buckingham (3239) — Hawthorn Blossom by Leon- ard (4210) — Blossom 3d by' Young Red Rover (4905) — Blossom by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14). EL HAKIM (151)84)— Red roan, calved Jan. 28, 1853, bred by Mr. Bohk^n, got l)y Grand Duke (10284), out of Fame by Raspberry (4875)— Fai-ewell by Young Matchem (4422)— Flora by Isaac (1129) —by Young Pilot (497)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Ca3sar (1143). SANTON2174— AVhite, calved Dec. 8, 1855, bred by R. A. Alex- ander, got in Enghind by Zealot (14046), out of Sweet Mary by Rufus (6428)— Sweet Looks by Prince of Wales (6348)— Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— A^enus by Bedford 22 Jr. (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129)— Rosabella by*Northern Light (1381)— Old Rosabella by White Comet (1582)— Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Sold 8ept. 3, 1856, at public sale to Shakers, Union Co., Ky., for $115. VICTOR— White, calved Dec. 12, 1855, bred by R. A. Alexan- der, got in England by Vatican (12260), out of Vellum by Abraham Parker (9856) — Miss Valentine by Beggarman (3118) — Victoria by Duke (3629) — Venus by Young General (3866) — Maria by Western Comet (689)— by General (272)— by Marquis (407)— by Simon (590) —by Traveler (655)— by Lame Bull (357). Sold Sept. 3, 1856, at public sale to J. M. Trimble, Hillsboro, Ohio, for $450. WOODBURN 2391 — Red, calved Sept., 1855, bred by Mr. Mulins, Thelsford, got by The Prior (13870), out of Princess 4tli by Revolution (10713), &c., as in Princess 4th, p. 11. Sold to the Shakers, Pleasant Hill, Ky. WOODBITRN DUKE 2392— Calved Nov. 10, 1855, bred by Mr. Boldin, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961), out of Prune by Lord Lieu- tenant (11734), &c., as in Prune, p. 9. Sold to Messrs. J. & A. Allen, Fayette Co., Ky. THE PRIEST 6246— Roan, calved April 19, 1856, bred by R. A. Alexander, got in England by The Prior (13870), out of Grace- ful 2d by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Graceful by Lycurgus (7180)— Marcia by Ranunculus (2479) — Sackbut by William (2840) — Clarion by Childers (1824)— No. 25 by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 23 (882. A. J. ALEXANDER AND L. COMBS. Importation of A. J. Alexander, of Woodbum, Woodford Co., Ky., and Leslie Combs, of Woodford Co., Ky., by ship Palestine. Landed at Boston March 2, 1882. Selected in England by L. Combs. Sold at public auction June 24, 1882, at Woodbum, Woodford Co., Ky. VISCOUNT OXFOED 5th (45744)— Eed, calved Dec. 1, 1879, bred by Mr. T. Holf ord, Castle Hill, Cerne, got by 23d Grand Duke (34063), out of Baroness Oxford 3d by Duke of Hillhurst (28401)— Baroness Oxford by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Lady Oxford 5th by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Oxford 4tli by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Maid of Oxford by Lord of Eryholme (12205)— Oxford 13th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Sold to Palmer & Bowman, Va., for $1,025. VISCOUNT OXFOIID 7th (48891)— Eed, calved Oct. 29, 1881, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill, Cerne, got by Duke of Leicester (43112), out of Viscountess Oxford by 23d Grand Duke (34063)— Baroness Oxford 3d by Duke of Hillhurst (28401) — Baroness Oxford by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Lady Oxford 5th by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Oxford 4th by 2d Grand Duke (12961), &c., as in Viscount Oxford 5th above. Sold to A. J.^ Alexander, for $700 ; resold to W. E. King, Mo. THOENDALE EOSE 8th (vol. 26, p. 341, E.)— Eoan, calved Sept. 4, 1876, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by 6th Duke of Oneida (30997), out of Thorndale Eose 3d by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Thorndale Eose 2d by 4th Grand Duke (19874)— Thorn- dale Eose by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— (Cambridge Eose 6th by 3d Duke of York (10166) — Cambridge Eose 5th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Cambridge Eose 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Cambridge Premium Eose by Belvedere (1706) — Eed Eose 9th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Eed Eose 2d by His Grace (311)— Eed Eose 1st by Yar- borough (705) — American Cow by Favorite (252) — by Punch (531) —by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319). Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $5,600. 24 THORNDALE ROSE IGtii (vol. 2G, p. 341, E.)— Roan, calved June 1, 1879, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by 3d Duke of Under- ley (3819G), out of Thorndale Rose 2d by 4th Grand Duke (19874) — Thorndale Rose by 4th Duke of Thonulale (17750), &c., as above. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for 14,000. DUCHESS OF ROSES— Red and white, calved June 0, 1882 (at Cincinnati, Ohio), bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by (Irand Duke 30th (38372), out of Thorndale Rose 8th by Gth Duke of Oneida (30997), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to A. J. Alexaiuler, for 12,025. HEYDON ROSE 7th (vol. 25, p. 3G3, E.)— Red roan, calved May 13, 1878, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by 3d Duke of Rosedale (33723), out of Heydon Rose 2d by 3d Duke of Geueva (23753)— Heydon Rose by Englishman (19701)— The Beauty by Raritan (9523)— Cambridge Rose Gth by 3d Duke of York (lOlGG), &c., as in Thorndale Rose 8th, above. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for 11,800. HEYDON ROSE Gth (vol. 25, p. 3G3, E.)— Roan, calved June 14, 1877, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by Gth Duke of Oneida (30997), out of Heydon Rose 2d by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Heydon Rose by Englishman (19701), &c., as in Heydon Rose 7th, above. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for 1725. HEYDON ROSE 12Tn (vol. 28, p. 312, E.)— Red and wliite, calved Nov. 19, 1881, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by 2d Duke of Sussex (43130), out of Heydon Rose 8th by 3d Duke of Underley (3819G)— Heydon Rose 5th by 3d Duke of Rosedale (33723)— Heydon Rose 3d by 17th Grand Duke (240G4) — Heydon Rose by Englishman (19701), &c., as above. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $900. RED ROSE OF RODIL (vol. 22, p. 405, E.)— Roan, calved Sept. 24, 1875, bred by Earl Dunmore, got by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958), out of Red Rose of Luskentrye by 13th Duke of Airdrie (36459)— Poppy 4th by Airdrie (303G5)— Poppy 2d by Duke of Airdrie (12730)— Poppy by Ashland (11122)— Red Rose by Prince IMPORTED SHOnt-HORNS. S5 Charles 2d (321 13)— Thames by Shakespeare (12062)— Lady of the Lake by Reformer (2505) — Rose of Sharon by Belvedere (1706) — Red Rose 5th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Red Rose 2d by His Grace (311) — Red Rose 1st by Yarborough (705) — American Cow by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319). Sold to R. C. Estill, for 1425. RED ROSE OF RODIL 2d (vol. 25, p. 847)— Red, calved March 29, 1880, bred by J. J. Hetherington, Brampton, Carlisle, got by 2d Marquis of Oxford (37055), out of Red Rose of Rodil by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to Thomas & Smith, for 1525. RED ROSE OF RODIL 3d (vol. 28, p. 392, E.)— Roan, calved March 2, 1881, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, got by Light- burne's Duke of Oxford 2d (38564), out of Red Rose of Rodil by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $700. RED ROSE OF PALESTINE (vol. 25, p. 847)— Roan, calved March 2, 1882 (on ship), bred by Geo. Fox, Elmhurst Hall, got by 2d Duke of Elmhurst (43091), out of Red Rose of Rodil by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to T. W. Harvey, Chicago, for 1325. RED ROSE OF SCARRISTA (vol. 25, p. 1042, A., and vol. 24, p. 423, E., and vol. 28, p. 450, E.)— Roan, calved May 17, 1877, bred by Earl of Dunmore, got by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959), out of Red Rose of Luskentrye by 13th Duke of Airdrie (36459) — Poppy 4th by Airdrie (30365), &c., as in Red Rose of Rodil. Sold to H. A. Moran, for 1710. RED ROSE OF THICKET (vol. 28, p. 450, E.*)— Roan, calved April 2, 1881, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, got by Rowfant Duke of Oxford (43926), out of Red Rose of Scarrista by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to Bow Park Associa- tion, Canada, for $400. RED ROSE OF ENNERDALE (vol. 25, p. 960, A., and vol. 27, p. 301, E.)— Red and white, calved June 28, 1880, bred by Earl 26 WAKFIELD's niSTOEt of Bective, Underley Hall, got by Duke of Underley (33745), out of Red Rose of Eskdale by Airdrie 3d (32919)— Poppy 8th by Joe Johnson. (31440)— Poppy 3d by Airdrie (303G5)— Poppy 2d by Duke of Airdrie (12730), &c., as in Red Rose of Rodil. Sold to J. S. Latimer & Son, 111., for $425. RED ROSE OF DERWENT (vol. 25, p. 84G, A., and vol. 25, p. 454, E.)— Red and white, calved Oct. 13, 1878, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, got by 24th Duke of Airdrie (3G460), out of May Rose 5th by Airdrie 3d (32919)— May Rose by Airdrie (30365) — Easterday by Pilot (320G6)— Poppy by Ashland (11122), &c., as in Red Rose of Rodil. Sold to T. W. Harvey, Chicago, for $G25. RED ROSE OF THAMES 2d (vol. 25, p. 1091, A., and vol. 22, p. 399, E.)— Roan, calved Sept. 27, 1880, bred by Geo. Fox, Esq., got by 24th Duke of Airdrie (3G4G0), out of Duchess 19th by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958)— Duchess 4th by Airdrie (303G5)— Duchess 2d by Pilot (320GG)— Duchess by Buena Vista (3GG23)— Red Rose by Prince Charles 2d (32113)— Thames by Shakespeare (12062), &c., as in Red Rose of Rodil. Sold to Palmer & Bowman, Va., for $550. , ROSE OF MASON 8th (vol. 25, p. 527, A., and vol. 25, p. 455, E.)— Roan, calved Nov. 16, 1876, "bred by Geo. Fox at Vinewood, Ky., and exported to England in 1878, got by 14th Duke of Airdrie (41348), out of Rose of Mason Gth by Double Duke (41334) — Rose of Mason 3d by Duke of Mason (41408) — White Rose by Duke of Mason (41408)— Rose 2d by General Winfield Scott (1293G) — White Rose by Young Paragon (1188G) — Dorothy by Prince Charles 2d (32113)— Thames by Shakespeare (12062), &c., as in Red Rose of Rodil. ^ Sold to J. M. Bigstaif, for 1^315. RED ROSE OF DOVE (vol. 25, p. 527, A., and vol. 2G, p. 434, E.)— Roan, calved Aug. 14, 1879, bred by Geo. Fox, Esq., got by 39th Duke of Oxford (38173), out of Rose of Mason 8th by 14th 'Duke of Airdrie (41348), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to J. M. Bigstaff, for |315. . RED ROSE OF DOVE 4tii (vol. 25, p. 9G0)— Roan, calved Oct. 16, 1881, bred by Geo. Fox, Esq., got by 39th Duke of Oxford IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 27 (38173), out of Rose of Mason 8th by 14th Duke of Airdrie (41348), &c., MS in dam, above. ScJld to J. S. Latimer & Son, Abingdon, 111., for 1330. AUDLEY R08E (vol. 25, p. 455)— Red and white, calved June 35, 1883, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by Grand Duke 33d (39946), out of Ileydon Rose 7th by 3d Duke of Rosedale (33733), &c., as in Heydon Rose 7th, above. AUDLEY ROSE 3i)— Roan, calved Nov. 8, 1883, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by 11th Duke of Rosedale (44704), out of Heydon Rose Gth (vol 35, p. 455) by Gth Duke of Oneida (30997), &c., as in Ileydon Rose Gth, above. RED ROSE OF TURLINGTON (vol 35, p. 847)— Roan, calved July 7, 1883, bred by Geo. Fox, got by Airdrie's Kirklevington (43653), out of Red Rose of Derwent by 34th Duke of Airdrie (3G4G0), &c., as in dam, above. DUKE OF RODILL 51381— Red and white, calved Aug. 15, 1883, bred by J. J. Iletherington, got by Underley Prince (45710), out of Red Rose of Rodill 3d by 3d Marquis of Oxford (37055), &c., as in dam, above. Calved the property of Thomas & Smith, Bour- bon Co., Ky. August, (883. A. J. ALEXANDER, Of Woodbwrn, [Vooilfonl Co., Ky. Per Steamship Ahyssuna, fnmi Liver- pool to Quebec. 3d duke of WIHTTLEBURY (47789)— Red, calved July 39, 1883, bred by Mr. Loder, Whittlebury, got by 41st Grand Duke (46439), out of 3d Duchess of Whittlebury by Duke of Connaught (33G04)— 3d Duchess of Hillhurst by 3d Duke of Ilillhurst (39748) 10th Duchess of Airdrie by Royal Oxford (18774)— Duchess of Airdrie 7th by Clifton Duke (33580)— by 3d Duke of Athol (11376) —by 3d Duke of Oxford (9046)- by 3d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Short Tail (3631)— by 3d Ilubback (1433)— by 3d Earl (1511)— by Marske (418)— by Ketton 1st (709)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (253)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (353)— by Hubback (319) ^by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). 28 Oct., 1883. A. J. ALEXANDER. By Steamship Ontario, from Liverpool to Quebec. BARONESS OXFORD 9th (vol. 26, p. 402, E.)— Red, calved Sept. 12, 1879, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by 7th Duke of Gloster (39735), out of Baroness Oxford 4th by 3d Duke of Hill- hurst (30975)— Baroness Oxford by 2d Duke of Olaro (21576)— Lady Oxford 5th by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Oxford 4th by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Maid of Oxford by Lord of Eryholme (12205)— Oxford 13th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wyn- yard (2859). OXFORD BARON— Red, calved March 30, 1884, bred by the Duke of Devonshire (calved at Woodburn), got by 62d Duke of Ox- ford (47778), out of Baroness Oxford 9th by 7th Duke of Gloster (39735), &c., as in dam, above. July, 1872. GEO. ALEXANDER. WASTELL\S COUNTESS OF KENTORE (vol. 12, p. 1283)— Red, calved Aug., 1870, bred by Geo. Phillips, Aberdeenshire, got by Lord Chatham (26625), out of Kilmeny 6th by The Czar (20947)— Kilmeny 4th by Jeremy (11611)— Anna by liawtliorn (7071)— Kil- meny by The Peer (5455.) — Premium l)y George (2057) — by Togston (5487). WASTELESS JENNY LIND 7th (vol. 12, p. 1284)— Red, calved Feb. 4, 1870, bred by A. E. Hector, Callyhill, got by Lord of the Isles 14784, out of Jenny Lind 6th by Prince Lewis (20560) — Jenny Lind 3d by Kelvinside (14756) — Jenny Lind by The Duke (7593)_Dora by Pasha (7612)— Alice by Mahomet (6170)— Mary Ann by Sillery (5131)— by Fitzwalter (6014). COUNT BISMARCK 13723— Red, calved Nov. 13, 1872, bred by Geo. Phillips, got by Golden King 14372, out of WastelFs Coun- tess of Kentore by Lord Chatham (26625), &c., as in dam, above. IMPOKTED SHOKT-HORNS. 29 E. G. ALDEN. VICTORIA— See vol. U, p. 10. Oct. 23, (879. GEORGE ALLEN & SON, Of Palermo, Illinois. From Liverpool— landed at Queheo, Nov. 4, 1879, by Allan Line Steamer Ncstorian. PRINCESS (vol. 22, p. 17382, and vol. 23, p. 309, E., and vol. 25, p. 312, E.)— Roan, calved March 3, 1874, bred by Geo. Allen, Knightly Hall, Eccleshill, England, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21G18), out of Fennel Duchess 5th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604)— Fennel 3d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Fennel by 5th Duke of York (10168)— Filbert by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by son of Young Wynyard (2859)— descended from James Brown's Red Bull (97). BLOSSOM 3d (vol. 22, p. 17067, A., and vol. 25, p. 310. E.) — Red, calved April 2, 1873, bred by George Allen, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Blossom by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Peach Blossom 2d by Baron Westbury (19287)— Peach by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Place by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— cow of Mr. Bates\ LORD ROWLEY 44199— Red and white, calved May 9, 1880, bred by George Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Blossom 3d by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. PRINCESS 4th (vol. 22, p. 17384)— Red and white, calved Sept. 2, 1878, bred by George Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess 2d by Duke of Wetherby 6th (33756)— Princess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in Princess, above. PRINCESS 2d (vol. 22, p. 17382, A., and vol. 23, p. 309, E., under dam)— Red, calved June 9, 1876, bred by Ceo, Allen, got 30 warfield's history by Duke of Wetherby Gth (33756), out of Princess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. PRINCESS 3d (vol. 22, p. 17383, A., and vol. 25, p. 312, E., under dam) — Red and white, calved May 27, 1878, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. KIRKLEVINGTON DUKE (41768)— Red, calved April 25, 1877, bred by Geo. Allen, got by Duke of AVetherby 6th (33756), out of Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651) — Lady Kirklevington by Grand Duke of York (12966) — Kirklevington 9th by Gen. Oanrobert (12926)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by Duke of Northumber- land (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2d Mubback (2683)— a coAV of Mr. Bates^, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 4th (vol. 22, p. 17211, and vol 24, p. 294, E.)— Roan, calved April 28, 1876, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 6th Duke of Wetherby (33756), out of Kirkleving- ton Lady 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651) — Lady Kirklevington by Grand Duke of York (12966), cSlc, as in Kirklevington Duke (41768), above. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 5tii (vol. 22, p. 17211)— Roan, calved April 27, 1877, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 6th Duke of Wetherby (33756), out of Kirklevington Lady by 2d Duke of Weth- erby (21618) — Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651) — Lady Kirklevington by Grand Duke of York (12966), &c., as above. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY (vol. 22, p. 17210, and vol. 25, p. 311, E.)— Roan, calved March 28, 1873, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651) — Lady Kirklevington by Grand Duke of York (12966), &c., as in Kirklevington Duke (41768), above. PRINCESS 5th (vol. 22, p. 17384)— Roan, calved June 3, 1879, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above, Imported siioRT-iroRNS. SI PRINCESS 0th (vol. 22, p. 17384)— Red and white, calved April 16, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess 2d by Gth Duke of Wetherby (33756), &c., as in dam, above. PRINCESS 7th (vol. 22, p. 17384)— Red, calved May 19, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. PRINCESS 8th (vol. 22, p. 17384)— Red and white, calved May 21, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess 3d by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), &c., as in dam, above. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 5th (vol. 22, p. 17210)— Red, calved Feb. 27, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Kirklevington Lady 4th by 6th Duke of Wetherby (33756), &c., as in dam, above. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 6th (vol. 22, p. 17210)— Red, calved May 4, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Kirklevington Lady by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. ' KIRKLEVINGTON LAD 44090— Red roan, calved Feb. 9, 1880, bred by Geo, Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 7th by Duke of Clarence 5th (36479), &c., as in dam, below. DUCHESS 7th (vol. 22, p. 17117)— Red, calved April 11, 1877, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 5th Duke of Clarence (36479), out of Duchess by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Annette 3d by Lord Ox- ford 2d (20215)— Annette by Horrox (11591)— Active by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Actress by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Annie by Short Tail (2621) — Acoml) by Belvedere (1706) — a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirklevington. DUCHESS ACOMB (vol. 22, p. 17118)— Roan, calved May 13, 1879, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 2d by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Annette 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215), &c., as above. 3^ WARFtELD^S HISTORY DUCHESS SURMISE (vol. 22, p. 17125)— Red and white, calved June 29, 1879, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Princess Surmise 2d by 4th Duke of Grafton (28396)— Alexandra by Worth (23244)— Princess by May Duke (13320)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambler (2046) — AVhite Rose by Young AVynyard (2859) — by bulls of 0. and R. Colling. DUCHESS 10th (vol. 22, p. 17117)— Red, calved May 10, 1878, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 2d by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Annette 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215), &c., as in Duchess 7th, above. DUCHESS 13TII (vol. 22, p. 17117)— Red, calved April 14, 1879, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 6th by Duke of Clarence 6th (36479)— Annette 4th by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Annette 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215), &c., as above. DUCHESS IStii (vol. 22, p. 17118)— Red, calved May 15, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 10th by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), &c., as in Duchess 10th. DUCHESS 14th (vol. 22, p. 17118)— Roan, calved May 5, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Duchess 3d by Duke of Wetherby 6th (33756), &c., as in Duchess 3d, below. DUCHESS 3d (vol. 22, p. 17116)— Roan, calved April 25, 1875, bred by Geo. Allen, got by Duke of Wetherby 6th (33756), out of Duchess (vol. 22, p. 293, E.) by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Annette 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215). KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 3d (vol. 22, p. 17210)— Red, calved April 30, 1879, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Row- ley (28441), out of Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 38 (21G51)— Lady Kirklevington by Grand Duke of York (12966), &c., as in Kirklevington Duke (41768). GEORGIANA 14th (vol. 21, p. 537, E.)— Red and white, calved Jan. 24, 1867, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Georgiana 9th by 2d Baron Westbury (19288)— Geor- giana 5th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227)— by Lord Geo. Bentinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769) — by Earl Stanhope (5966). Georgiana 14th died after producing a bull calf. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 4th (vol. 22, p. 17210)— Red, calved Feb. 5, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Kirklevington Lady 5th by Duke of Wetherby 6th (33756), &c., as in dam, above. RED BULL— Calved April 29, 1880, bred by Geo. Allen, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Georgiana 14th by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in dam, above. 1835. SAMUEL ALLEN. RACHEL— Roan, calved April, 1829, bred by Mr. Wliitaker. Pedigree lost. See A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 220. MISS LAWRENCE— Roan, calved May, 1830, bred by Mr. Booth. See A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 205. MISS MELLON— White, calved 1834. See A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 205. 1870. JOHN S. ARMSTRONG. Eramosa, Ont. MISSIE 23d (vol. 2, p. Ill, C. H. B.)— Red, calved March 23, 1868, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Pacha (20457), out of Missie 5th by Lord of Lome (18258) — Missie 2d by Augustus (15598)— Miss by a son of Duke 3d (17697)— Countess by The 34 WARFIELD'S HISTORY Pacha (7612) — Jessamine by Mahomed (6170) — Rose by Plenipo (4725)— Thorn by Abbot (2899). LADY ABERDEEN (vol. 2, p. 538, C. H. B.)— Red, calved Feb. 20, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Royal Briton (29844), out of Missie 23d by Young Pacha (20457), &c., as in Missie 23d, above. RACHEL 8th— Red, calved March 10, 1868, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Pacha (20457), out of Rachel 3d by Sir Hubert (18844) —Rachel by Clarendon (14280)— Lizzie by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— Temperance by Teetotaller (5411)— Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131) — by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by Atlas (42) — by a son of Favorite (252). STAMFORD 5th (vol. 2, p. 799, C. H. B.)— Red, calved April 2, 1868, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Prince Louis (27158), out of Stamford 3d by Young Pacha (20457)— Stamford 2d by Clarendon (14280)— Stamford by Phrenix (10608)— Sprightly by Corporal Trim (7932)— Stamford by Regent (2517)— by Togston (5487) — by a son of Lawnsleeves (365) — by a son of Bolingbroke (86)— by Sultan (633)— by Barnaby (1678)— bred by Messrs. James, of Stamford. SCOTTISH LASS (vol. 2, p. 787, C. H. B.)— Red, calved March 27, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Rachel 8th by Young Pacha (20457), &c., as in dam, above. APRICOT llTH— Red, calved March 16, 1868, bred by Mr. W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Prince Louis (27158), out of Apricot 6th by Master Gunner (22316)— Apricot 4th by Clarendon (14280) — Apricot by Jemmie (11611) — Peach by Homer (2134)— Bloom by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Bright Eyes by Viceroy (5561)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Appleton (1647)— by New- tonian (2368)— by a bull of Mr. Cattley's. MARQUIS OF LORNE 21677— Red, calved Jan. 26, 1871, bred by John S. Armstrong, got by Royal Briton (29844), out of Apricot 11th, &c., as above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 36 May, 1871. J. S. ARMSTRONG. From Glasgow to MonPreal. LADY FLORENCE (vol. 2, p. 557, 0. H. B.)— Red, calved Dec. 11, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, got by Julius Csesar (26486), out of Lady Frances by Prince Im- perial (22595)— Lady Fair by Royal Butterfly (18753)— Lady Like by The Baron (13833)— Lady Isabella by Matadore (11800)— Ara- bella by Robin O'Day (4973)— Picotee by Premier (6308)— Sun- flower by Unicorn (8725) — by Monarch (4495) — by Young Satellite (8538) — by Valentine (661) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. GOLDEN BRACELET (vol. 2, p. 495, C. H. B.)— Red, calved Feb. 26, 1870, bred by Wm. Duthie, Collynie, Aberdeen, Scot- land, got by Bulwark (25696), out of Bracelet by Hand-and-Glove (24099)— Velvet by Champion of England (17526)— Queen's Anni- versary by Master Butterfly 2d (14918) — May Dew by Matadore (11800)— Fidelity by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506)— by Premier (6308)— by Alamode (725)— by Slater (2643)— by Slater (2643)— by son of Phenomenon (1318). Aug. 6, 1873. J. S. ARMSTRONG. Guelph, Ont. Ship Italia from Glasgow to Montreal. PRINCESS JOSEPHINE (vol. 3, p. 702, C. H. B.)— Red, calved Dec. 29, 1870, bred by Mr. W. Duthie, Collynie, Aberdeen- shire, got by Grand Knight (26303), out of Josephine by Prince Alfred (22567)— Jenny Lind by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Red Lady by Van Dunck (10992)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— Temperance by Teetotaller (5411) — Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131)— by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by Atlas (42) — by a son of Favorite (252). PRINCESS JOSEPHINE 2d— Red, calved Dec. 28, 1874, bred by Wm. Duthie, got by Duke of Cambridge (33586), out of Princess Josephine by Grand Knight (26303), &c., as in dam, above. SALVIA 14th (vol. 3, p. 768, C. H. B.)— Red, calved March 29, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Gold Digger (24044), out of Salvia 2d by Baron 36 Renfrew (15024) — Salvia by The Baron (13833) — Stephania by Pro- curator (10657) — Sympathy by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satel- lite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). BEAUTY 15th (vol. 3, p. 363, C. H. B.)— Red, calved March 26, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Beauty 11th by Young Pacha (20457)— Beauty 7th by Sir Hubert (18844)— Beauty 4th by Clarendon (14280)— Beauty 2d by Sir Arthur (12072) —Roan Beauty by Sobin O'Day (4973)- by Emperor (3716). KINDNESS 7th (vol. 3, p. 528, C. H. B.)— Red and white, calved Oct. 22, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Gold Digger (24044), out of Kindness 5th by Young Pacha (20457) — Kindness by Clarendon (14280)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— Temperance by Teetotaller (5411) — Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131) — by a son of Blyth Comet (85)— by Atlas (42)— by a son of Favorite (252). EARL OF MARR [4324]— Red, calved April 10, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Young Heir (31351), out of Beauty 15th by Heir of Englishman (24122). See Beauty 15th, above. Aug. 9, (873. J. S. ARMSTRONG. Ship Italia. BRIDE 2d (vol. 3, p. 380, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved May 13, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Gold Digger (24044), out of Bride by Baron Alfred (23351)— Bridesmaid 4th by Prince (16715)— Bridesmaid 2d by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— Crescent by The Pacha (7612) — Dainty by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646)— by Emperor (3716)— by Invalid (4076)— by Magnet (392)_by Palmflower (480). PRINCESS ROYAL 13th (vol. 3, p. 706, C. H. B.)— Red, calved February, 1872, bred by Jas. Whyte, Clinterty, Blackburn, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Lord Charles (31634), out of Princess IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 37 Royal 9th by Sir Charles (16945) — Princess Royal 8th by Bosquet (14183)— Princess Royal 3d by Grand Duke (10284)— Princess Royal by Robin O'Day (4973)— Vesta by Leander (4199)— Varna by Matchem (2281)— -by Sir Henry (1446)^by Young Neswick (1208) — by son of Rose's Red Bull (5009) — by Southampton — by Prince (521). ENGLISH LADY (vol. 3, p. 455, C. H. B.)— Red and white, calved May 25, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Red Lady by Young Pacha (20457) — Roan Lady by a son of Ury (10984)— Red Lady by Van Dunck (10992)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— Temperance by Teetotaller (5411)— Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131)— by a son of Blyth Comet (85)— by Atlas (42)— by a son of Favorite (252). YOUNG HEIR (31351)— Roan, calved April 17, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Kindness 2d by Master Gunner (22316) — Kindness by Claren- don (14280)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— Temperance by Teeto- taller (5411) — Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131) — by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by Atlas (42) — by a son of Favorite (252). BRIDESMAN [2794]— Red, calved Dec. 21, 1873, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Englishman (51113), out of Bride 2d by Gold Digger (24044), &c., as in Bride 2d, above. SCOTTISH HEIR [4439]— Red and white, calved April 7, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Heir (31351), out of Eng- lish Lady by Heir of Englishman (24122), &c., as in English Lady, above. RACHEL 10th (vol. 3, p. 716, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved April 23, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Rachel 6th by Lord Lyons (22173)— Rachel 5th by Lord of Lome (18258)— Rachel 2d by Baron Renfrew (15624) — Rachel by Clarendon (14280)— Lizzie by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Patience by Duke 7th 38 warfield's histoky (7984) — Temperance by Teetotaller (5411) — Fanny by Ivanhoe (1131)— by a son of Blyth Comet (85)— by Atlas (42)— by a son of Favorite (252). WHITE RACHEL (vol. 4, p. 592, C. H. B.)— White, calved Jan. 16, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Gladstone (31253), out of Eachel 10th by Heir of Englishman (24122), &c., as in Rachel 10th, above. June 8, 1876. J. S. ARMSTRONG. Cranberry Farm, Oueljjh, Ont. By Ship PUoiniclan. HELEN llTH (vol. 4, p. 197, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved April 26, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Helen 5th by Gold Digger (24044)— Helen 4th by Young Pacha (20457)— Helen 2d by Sir Hubert (18844)— Helen by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bonny Lass by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205) — by Diamond (205). MARY ANNE 10th (vol. 4, p. 361, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved March 19, 1873, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Mary Anne 7th by Young Pacha (20457) — Mary Anne 2d by Clarendon (14280) — Mary Anne by Mosstrooper (11827) — Cressy by Vice-President (11002)— Geraldine by Robin O'Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Dar- lington. MISSIE 46TII (vol. 4, p. 391, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Englishman (31113), out; of Missie 35th by Prince of Stokesley (27177)— Missie 5th by Lord of Lome (18258) — Missie 2d by Augustus (15598) — Missie by a son of Duke 3d (17697)— Countess by The Pacha (7612)— Jessamine by Mahomed (6170)— by Plenipo (4725)— by Abbott (2899). RASPBERRY 7th— Red, calved Feb. 17, 1875, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Englishman (31113), out of Raspberry 5th by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 39 Heir of Englishman (24122) — Raspberry 2d by Prince Arthur 2d (22571)— Raspberry by Vladimir (21043)— Matilda 5th by Cunning- ham (11323)— Matilda by Robin Hood (8494)— Ruby by Mahomed 2d (10492)— Daisy by Billy (3151)— Maria by Belshazzar (1703)— by Abraham (2905)— by Simon (5134). LOVELY 19Tn— Red, calved Dec. 19, 1874, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Millionaire (31917), out of Lovely 12th by Scotch Rose (25099)— Lovely 9th by Windsor Augustus (19157)— Lovely 8th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265)— Lady Ythan by Robin O'Day (4793)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by An- thony (1640)— Merino by Edgcott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White Cow by Acton (1607). BRITISH PRINCE [4687]— Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1876, bred by S. W. Marr, got by Royal Prince (35398), out of Helen 11th by Heir of Englishman (24122), &c., as in Helen 11th, above. STARLIGHT (vol. 4, p. 556, C.)— Red and white, calved April 11, 1875, bred by Jas. White, Clinterty, Scotland, got by Star (32601), out of Ury Lass by Prince of Warlaby (20593)— Clipper by Old England (24681)— Mary Rose by Master Gunner (23316)— Daisy by Canrobert (17493)— Legacy by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Norah by Sillery (5131)— Emily by Sillery (5131)— Eliza by Young Western Comet (1575) —Lady Betsy by Diamond (205)— Betty by Favorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). 1857. W. <& R. ARMSTRONG. Markham, Ont. FAWKES [249] (14539)— Light roan, calved Feb. 26, 1855, bred by Robt. Syme, Red Kirk, 'Dumfries, Scotland, got by Sir John (13735), out of Lady Bird 3d by Remus (11987)— Red Rose by Strathmore (6547)— Lady Bird 2d by Playfellow (6297)— Lady Bird by Scrip (2604)— by Thornington (5472). 40 warfield's history Oct. 20, 1875. R. ASHBURNER. By Ship Erin, from Lvverpool for California. KIRKLEVINGTON DUKE 2d (34364)— Roan, calved May 1, 1874, bred by W. Ashburner, Netherhouse, Ulverston, got by 23d Duke of Oxford (31001), out of Kirklevington Duchess 7th by Duke Kirklevington (25982)— Kirklevington 18th by 3d Lord Oxford (22200)— Kirklevington 10th by Delhi (15865)— Kirklevington 8th by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirk- levington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates', de- scended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. GRAND PRINCE OF LIGHTBURNE (36730)— Red and white, calved June 26, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Brogden, Ulverston, by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392) — Grand Princess of Lightburne by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Princess 2d by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Sale by Old Rowley (15020)— Lady Coke by Jethro Tull (11616)— by General Sale (8099)— by Napier (6238)— by Mame- luke (2258)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Baron (58)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). GOVTS. OXFORD MINSTREL 2d (vol. 22, p. 300, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved May 11, 1874, bred by G. Ashburner, got by Duke of Oxford (31004), out of Park Minstrel by Hematite (21917)— Minstrel 4th by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739)— Minstrel 2d by Prince of Gloster (13517)— Minstrel by Count Conrad (3510)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406) —by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)^by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snow- don's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 41 OXFOED'S ELVIRA (vol. 22, p. 300, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved March 5, 1875, bred by G. Ashburner, Low Hall, got by Duke of Oxford (31004), out of Elvira 8th by 10th Grand Duke (21848)— Elvira 3d by 8th Duke of Oxford (15939)— Ruby Rose 2d by The Baronet (10918)— by Burgundy (7861)— by Pilot (4707) — by Navarino (2352) — by Favorite (256) — by Phenomenon (491)_by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— byWaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). LIGHTBURNE GWYNNE (vol. 22, p. 300, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved May 5, 1875, bred by G. Ashburner, got by Grand Duke of Lightburne 3d (28761), out of Park Minstrel by Hematite (21917)— Minstrel 4th by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739) —Minstrel 2d by Prince of Gloster (13517)— Minstrel by Count Conrad (3510)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phe- nomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). DAME GWYNNE (vol. 22, p. 300, E.)— Red and white, calved June 24, 1871, bred by Mr. H. Caddy, Roughholm, Bootle, Cum- berland, got by Waterloo Cherry (27763), out of Daisy Gwynne by Knight of Distington (18158)— Dolly Gwynne by Duke of York (14461)— Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777)— Dow- ager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — by Wallace (5586) — by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenome- non (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelPs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). CHERRY OXFORD 2d— Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1873, bred by W. Ashburner, Netherhouse, Ulversfcon, got by Baron Bates (30421), out of Cherry Princess 2d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Southwick Cherry (vol. 18) by 3d Grand Duke (16182)— Cherry Bloom by Heir-at-Law (13005) — Cherry Blossom by Roland (2556) 42 —Old Cherry by Pirate (2430)— by Houghton (318)— by Marshal Blucher (416) — from the stock of Messrs. Wright & Charge. KOSE OF RABY 2d (vol. 22, p. 301, E.)— Roan, calved March 29, 1874, bred by Mr. W. Ashburner, got by Baron Wellington (30495), out of Maid of Lome by 6th Duke of Airdrie (19602)— Rose of Raby by Lumley (16478)— Peace by 2d Grand Duke (12961) —Dolly by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— a cow of Mr. Bates\ (854. WILL ASHTON. Oalt, Canada. RATTLER 887 [595]— White, calved Feb. 24, 1854, bred (sup- posed) by R. Ashton, Limefield, got by Gilliver (11529), out of Rose- bud by Earl of Durham (5965) — White Rosalind by Pedestrian (7321) — Roan Rosalind by Edsom (1956) — Young Rosalind by Scipio (1421)— Rosalind by Hector (1104)— Rose by Midas (435) —Red Rose by Marquis (407)— by Chilton (136)— by Ben (70). MELODY (vol. 2, p. 475)— Red and white, calved Feb. 11, 1852, bred (supposed) by R. Ashton, Limefield, England, got by Valiant (10989), out of Mi by Tom o' Lincoln (8714)— Mirth by Buchan Hero (3238)— Merry by Rockingham (2550)— Moral by Norfolk (2377)— Vesta by Frederick (1060)— Vestris by Cato (1794)— Ver- bena by Son of Old Wellington (679) — bred by and from the herd of Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. THE OCEAN 1032— Red, calved June 5, 1854, bred (supposed) by R. Ashton, Limefield, got by Rivington (13600), out of Melody by Valiant (10989), &c., as above. LADY EVELYN (vol. 2, p. 425)— Red and white, calved June 1, 1853, bred (supposed) by R. Ashton, Limefield, got by Valiant (10989), out of Etiquette by Robin Hood (9555)— Eudine by Lord John (4257)— Eudine by Sandy (5088)— by Blyth Eclipse (1728)— by Blyth Comet (85). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 43 • May, 1863. JOHN ASHWORTH. Belrifiont, Ottawa, Canada. SWEETMEAT (20924) [868]— Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1861, bred by J. Robinson, Clifton Pastures, Bucks, got by Duke of Leinster (17724), out of Sweetheart 2d by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Sweetheart by Accordion (5708) — Charmer by Little John (4232) — Graceful by Caliph (1774)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hot- spur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— Rachel by Comet (155)— Russell by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252)— by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). 1864. JOHN ASHWORTH. Belmont, Canada. RED DUCHESS (vol. 1, p. 442, C. H. B., and vol. 16, p. 648, E. H. B.)— Red, calved Jan. 9, 1860, bred by Edward Lawferd, Southcott, near Leighton Buzzard, by John O^Gaunt (16322), out of Duchess by Clarendon (12605)— Lily by Honeycomb (10330)— Old Moss Rose by Bower's Bull (19332)— by May Duke (424). TURK'S DELIGHT (vol. 1, p. 487, C. H. B., and vol. 15, p. 451, E. H. B.) — Red and white, calved Feb. 8, 1861, bred by James H. Langston, Sarsden House, Chepping Norton, got by Royal Turk (16875), out of Delightful by Field Marshal (14545)— Dinah by Lord Milton (10461)— Roan Daisy by Prince of Wales (8432)— Daisy by Bucephalus (6816)— by Stanhope (5315)— by Blyth Favor- ite (801)— by a son of Wellington (683). August, 1881. H. Y. ATTRILL. Gndcrich, Ont., Canada. 5th duke of TREGUNTER (33743)— Roan, calved April 6, 1874, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, Eng- land, got by 4th Baron Oxford (25580), out of Duchess 94th by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649)— Duchess 84th by Archduke (14099) —Duchess 72d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 67th by 44 ^warfield's history Usurer (9763)— Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duch- ess 56th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2dHubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710) — Duchess 1st by Comet (155) — by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). GRAND DUCHESS 28th (vol. 26, p. 574, E.)— Roan, calved Aug. 5, 1874, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, England, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Grand Duchess 17th by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Grand Duchess 10th by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— Grand Duchess 5th by Prince Imperial (15095)— Grand Duchess 2d by Grand Duke (10284)— Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155) — by Favorite (252) — by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). GRAND DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND RIDGEWOOD 46202— Roan, calved Sept. 6, 1881, bred by R. E. Oliver, calved the property of Mr. Attrill, after dam's landing in Canada, got by Duke of Connaught (33604), out of Grand Duchess 28th by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), &c., as in dam, next above. GRAND DUCHESS 35th (vol. 25, p. 607, E.)— Roan, calved March 30, 1878, bred by R. E. Oliver, got by Duke of Underley (33745), out of Grand Duchess 25th by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022)— Grand Duchess 23d by Grand Duke 7th (19877)— Grand Duchess 17th by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Grand Duchess 10th by Grand Duke 3d (16182) — Grand Duchess 5th by Prince Imperial (15095)— Grand Duchess 2d by Grand Duke (10284)— Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 45 (14,23) — Duchess 12th by The Earl (446), &c., as in Grand Duchess 28th, above. GRAND DUCHESS OF RIDGEWOOD (vol. 23, p. 17861)— Roan, calved May 26, 1881, bred by R. E. Oliver, got by Cherry Grand Duke 8th (39515), out of Grand Duchess 35th by Duke of Underley (33745), &c., as in dam, above. Nov., 1883. H. Y. ATTRILL. BARONESS OXFORD 12th (vol. 27, p. 369, E.)— Red, calved Sept. 19, 1880, bred by Duke of Devonshire, Holkar Hall, got by Duke of Gloster 7th (39735), out of Baroness Oxford 4th by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— Baroness Oxford by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Lady Oxford 5th by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Oxford 4th by Grand Duke 2d (12961)— by The Lord of Eryholme(12205)— by3dDukeof York (10166)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). GRAND DUCHESS OF OXFORD 60th (vol. 28, p. 362, E.) — Red and white, calved Nov. 8, 1881, bred by Duke of Devon- shire, Holkar Hall, got by Baron Oxford 8th (41057), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 26th by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 11th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 5th by Priam (18567) — Countess of Ox- ford by Earl of AVarwick (11412)— by 4th Duke of York (10167) —by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Short Tail (2621) —by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). GRAND DUCHESS OF OXFORD 63d (vol. 29, p. 413, E.) — Red, calved Jan. 23, 1882, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by Baron Oxford 8th (41057), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 45th by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 23d by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 14th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 7th by Lord Oxford (20214) — Grand Duchess of Oxford by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— by Earl of Warwick (11412)— by 4th Duke of York 46 (10167)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). MAID OF MOWBRAY (vol. 27, p. 622, E.)— Roan, calved Nov. 18, 1880, bred by R. Welsted, Bally waiter. Castle Town Roche, Ireland, got by Royal Mowbray (42330), out of Maid of the Vale by Master of Arts (34816)— Maid of the Mulla by England's Glory (23889)— Matchless by Uncle Ned (19026)— Mabel by Sir James (16980)— Marchioness by Prince Regent (18637)— Maid Royal by Blood Royal (14169)— Memento by Vanguard (10994)— Magnet by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Mosaic by Leonard (4210) — by Prince Comet (1342)— by Constellation (163)— by Prince of Waterloo (528)— by Young Favorite (255). CHERRY GRAND DUCHESS OF RIDGEWOOD— Red roan, calved Nov. 26, 1883, at Quebec, Can., bred by L. H. Wraith, got by Lord Turncroft of Oxford 4th (46708), out of Cherry Queen 2d by Duke of Tregunter 7th (38194), &c., as in dam, below. WINSOME TWENTY-SECOND (vol. 26, p. 404, E.)— Red, calved March 15, 1879, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by 7th Duke of Gloster (39735), out of Winsome 4th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Winsome by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleve- land Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. COUNTESS OF BARRINGTON TENTH (vol. 26, p. 402, E.)— Red and white, calved Oct. 17, 1879, bred by Duke of Devon- shire, got by Duke of Gloster 7th (39735), out of Countess of Bar- rington 8th by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022) — Lady Laura Barrington by Baron Oxford 4th (25580) — Lady Ellen Barrington by Lord Stanley (24467) — Grand Duchess of Barrington by Grand Duke 7th (19877)— Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— by Grand Turk IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 47 (12969)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). CHERRY QUEEN SECOND (vol. 27, p. 632, E.)— Roan, calved April 16, 1880, bred by L. H. Wraith, Newfield, Lower Darwin, Lancashire, got by Duke of Tregunter 7th (38194), out of Cherry Queen by Baron Oxford 5th (27958) — Cherry Princess by Gen. Napier (24023)— Cherry Duchess 8th by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— Cherry Duchess 6th by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— by Grand Duke 2d (12961)— by Grand Duke (10284)— by Sheldon (8557)— by The Colonel (5428)— by Thorp (2757)— by Pirate (2430)— by Houghton (318)— by Marshal Blucher (416)— from the stock of Messrs. Wright & Charge. JAMES BAGG and S. WAIT. cows. NONSUCH (vol. 5, p. 741, E., under dam)— Roan, calved May 5, 1836, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Luck's- All (2230), out of Non- pareil by Bedford (68) — Palmflower by Barrister (776) — Rosanna by Whitworth (1584)— by Young Jupiter (1148)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). EMPRESS (vol. 5, p. 832, E., under dam)— Roan, calved 1837, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Cyrus (3538), out of Raspberry by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Mulberry by Isaac (1129)— by Whit- worth (1584)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). Sold to Dr. Bradford, Tenn. COUNTESS (vol. 5, p. 741, E.)— Roan, calved in Oct., 1837, bred by Robt. Cattley, Bransby, got by Cyrus (3538), out of Non- pareil by Bedford (68) — Palmflower by Barrister (776) — Rosanna by Whitworth (1584)— by Young Jupiter (1148)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). 48 BULLS. HARK AW AY (vol. 5, p. 389, E.)— Roan, calved 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Espersykes (3738), out of Fortune by Luck's- All (2230)— Fanny by Remus (2524)— Flora by Freeman (1062)— by White Comet (1582). ' RALPH (4862)— White, calved May 5, 1839, bred by Mr. J. Colling, got by Borderer (3191), out of Ruby by The Monk (2752) — Rally by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Red Rose by Forester (1055) —Rachel by Frederick (1060)— by Planet (502). YORKSHIREMAN (5701)— Roan, calved in 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Plato (2433), out of Nonsuch by Luck's- All (2230)— Nonpareil by Bedford (68) — Palmflower by Barrister (776) — Ros- anna by Whitworth (1584) — by Young Jupiter (1148) — by White Comet (1582)— by son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). MILO 711— Bred by W. F. Paley, got by , out of Sprightly by Fitz Roslyn (2026) — Clarinda by Buckingham (1755)_Clara by Election (1961)— Young Charlotte by Pilot (1319) —Charlotte by Clarence (888)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Punch (531)— by Hubback (319). Note. — Mr. Bagg says he never owTied nor imported sucli a bull. See vol. 3, p. 26. He appears as sire of Miss Kerr, vol. 2. 1839-40. JAMES BAGG and MR. WAIT. Into Ketitucky. COWS. POMONA (vol. 3, p. 564, E.)— White, calved Jan. U, 1834, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), out of Mulberry by Isaac (1129)— by Whitworth (1584)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Mr. Charge's Kitt (7127). LAUEENTIA (vol. 5, p. 543, E.)— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), out of Columbine by Baronet (775)— Carnation by Young Jupiter (1148)— by White Comet (1582) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 49 — by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). Vol. 3, p. 319, E. H. B., gives Laurentia's birth as in 1834; vol. 5, p. 543 gives it as 1835. Sold to Dr. S. Bradford, of Nashville, Tenn. AMELIA (vol. 5, p. 543, E., under dam)— Roan, calved in 1838, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Plato (2433), out of Laurentia by Bed- ford Jr. (1701) — Columbine by Baronet (775) — Carnation by Young Jupiter (1148) — White Comet (1582) — by a grandson of Favorite (252)— by a son of Charge's Cray Bull (872). YOUNG- AMELIA (vol. 2, p. 600)— Bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Marton Comet (4409), out of Amelia by Plato (2433) — Lauren- tia by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Columbine by Baronet (775)— Carna- tion by Young Jupiter (1148) — by White Comet (1582) — by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). SYLVIA (vol. 3, p. 639, E.)— White, calved April 4, 1835, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Luck's- All (2230), out of Stately by Romu- lus' (1403)— by Juniper (1144)— by Snowdrop (614)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). CLAID— Got by Brandon (3206), dam by Sir Charles (1440)— by Wellington (683)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Pansy (186)— by a son of Hubback (319)— by Mr. Hill's Red Bull (310). Owned by Mr. R. Cockrell, Tennessee. BLOOM (vol. 5, p. 94, E.)— Roan, calved in 1837, bred by Mr. Cattley, Bransby, got by Luck's-All (2230), dam by Baron (1681)— by Emperor (1013). YOUNG CARNATION (vol. 5, p, 136, E.)— Roan, calved March 10, 1833, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), out of Pink by Isaac (1129) — Carnation by Young Jupiter (1148) — by White Comet (1582) — by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). m RASPBERRY (vol. 5, p. 708, E.)— Roan, calved Jan. 18, 1833, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Bedford Jr. (1701), out of Mulberry by Isaac (1129)— by Whitworth (1584)— by White Comet (1582)— by a son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). SPLENDISSIMA (vol. 5, p. 136, under dam)— Roan, calved in 1839, bred by Mr. Cattley, got by Marton Comet (4409), out of Young Carnation by Bedford Jr. (1701), &c., as in dam, above. MAJOR (4345)— White, calved in 1838, bred by Lord Hunting- field, got by Cramer (3515), out of Vesta by Colton (1849) — Virtue by Amor (747)— Virtue by Candour (107)— Violet by Petrarch (488) — by an own brother to Mr. R. Colling's White Heifer — by But- terfly (104)— by Globe (278). JAKE 593 — Twin to Esau — Roan, calved June, 1841, bred by M. R. Cockrill, got by Baronet (1688), out of Claid by Brandon (3206)— by Sir Charles (1440), &c., as in dam Claid. ESAU — Twin to Jake, above. 1867. SAMPSON BAKER. CharloUsvllle, Can. LADY KINGSCOTE— Bred by CoL Kingscote, got by 6th Duke of York (15950), out of Lofty by Helicon (2107). S. BANCROFT. FAVORITE (bull)— See Red Crump 2d (vol. 2, p. 528). 1856. ALEX. BARRETT, Of Henderson, Ky. To New Orleans. SIR DAVID (16969)— Roan, calved Feb. 1, 1858, bred by J. Douglas, Athelstaneford, Scotland, got by Sir James the Rose (15290), out of Bonna Fortuna by Lord Marquis (10459)— Fan- chette by Austerlitz (3063) — Fair Sovereign by Sir Thomas Fairfax IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 51 (5196)_Superb by Young Colling (1843)— by Young Remus (2523) —by Remus (550)— by Greathead's Gray Bull (3936)— by Ellerton's Roan Bull (3708). LORD MORPETH— QUEEN OF TRUMPS (vol. 11, p. 655, E.)— Died on passage. Roan, calved Feb., 1849, bred by Mr. Unthank, Netherscales, got by Belleville (6778), out of Queen of Trumps by Capt. Shaftoe (6833)— Cherry by Pirate (2430)— by Houghton (318)— by Marshal Blucher (416) — Colling bred from the stock of Messrs. Wright & Charge. Note. — Mr. Barrett shipped other short-horns, but lost them on the voyage, which proved very long and disastrous. SIMON BEATTIE. BESSIE BELL (vol. 7, p. 358, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved April 28, 1877, bred by Jas. Beattie, Annam, Scotland, got by Titan (35805), out of Bessie Lee (vol. 21, p. 562, E.) by Bentinck (28016) —Lady Towneley by Baronet (27930)— Miss Beverley 28th by Royal Butterfly 16th (20724)— Miss Beverley 3d by Voltigeur (13964) — Miss Beverley by Disraeli (10125) — Lady Beverley by Geo. Ben- tinck (9317)— by 2d Earl of Beverley (5963)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Red Darlington. PEACH (vol. 7, p. 358, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved March 15, 1878, bred by J. Johnson, Halleath, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, got by Magician (34720), out of Primrose (vol. 23, p. 515, E.) by Keir Butterfly 8th (28950)— Pansy by Union Jack (30193)— Miss Pigot by Baron Cherry (19268)— Lady Pigot by Mac Turk (14872)— Vanity by Heir-at-Law (13005) — Haddam by Baron of Ravensworth (7811) — Abbess of St. Mary's by Hudibras (10339) — Crucifix by Baronet (1686)— by Spectator (2688)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Whit- worth (695) — a cow, bought of Mr. Mason, of Chilton. • BUD (vol. 7, p. 358, C. H. B.)— White, calved Oct. 20, 1880, bred by J. Johnson, got by W^allaby Warrior (44216), out of Peach by Magician (34720), &c., as in Peach, above. 52 warfield's history 1861. SIMON ^EATTIE. BARON SOLWAY [45]— Roan, calved Oct. 9, I860, bred by R. Syme, Red Kirk, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, got by General Have- lock (16130), out of Snowdrop by Strathmore (6547) — Catherine 3d by Playfellow (6297)— Young Catherine by Sir William (12102) — Catherine by Emperor (1974). FASHION ALIAS SNELL (vol. 1, p. 296, C. H. B.)— Red and white, calved March 30, 1861, bred by R. Syme, got by Gen. Havelock (16130), out of Snip by Tweedside (12246)— Spoors by Remus (11987)— by Strathmore (6547)— by Sir William (12102)— by Togston (5487). FAVORITE (vol. 1, p. 298, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved March, 1861, bred by R. Syme, got by General Havelock (16130), out of Silky by Baron of Kidsdale (11156)— Lady by Remus (11987)— Young Lady Bird by Strathmore (6547) — Lady Bird 2d by Play- fellow (6227)— Lady Bird by Scrip (2604)— by Thornington (5472). PRESIDENT 15173 [536]— Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1857, bred by R. Syme, got by Tweedside (12246), out of Syren by Petrarch (7329)— Countess by Ethelred (5990)— Sarah by Hecatomb (2102) —by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Middleton^s Bull (438). YOUNG SNOWDROP— Roan, calved Nov. 15, 1858, bred by R. Syme, got by Tweedside (12246), out of Jane by Lanercost (11665)— Mary by Sir William (12102)— Young Rose by Remus (11987)— by Togston (5487). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 478. LADY ANNE (vol. 1, p. 333, C. H. B.)— Red and white, calved Aug. 11, 1861, bred by R. Syme, got by General Havelock (16130), out of Young Snowdrop by Tweedside (12246), &c., as in dam, above. 1870. SIMON BEATTIE. BISMARCK [983]— Roan, calved Jan. 28, 1871, bred by James* Beattie, Newbie House, Annan, Scotland, got by Bentinck [957] (28016), out of British Beauty by Elegant Prince (21676)— Beauty IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 58 by Duke of Cumberland (15927) — Roan Lady by Sir Humphrey (9640) — White Lady by Major (4356) — Lady Lowther by Prime Minister (2456)— Strawberry by Hartley's Bull (8134)— by Magi- cian (1184)— by Western Comet (689). HER HIGHNESS (vol. 2, p. 504, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved Dec. 9, 1868, bred by J. B. Booth, Yorkshire, got by Major (21312), out of Request by Percival (20486)— Romance by Hartforth (16224)— Lady Day by Man Friday (13290) — Anna by The Irishman (5446) — by Sir Richard (5175) — by a son of Booth's White Bull — by Sey- mour's Red Bull. MARY BOOTH (vol. 2, p. 641, C. H. B.)— Roan, calved Nov. 15, 1870, bred by J. B. Booth, got by K. C. B. (26492), out of Her Highness by Major (21312), &c., as above. MARQUIS OF WORCESTER 3d (vol. 23, p. 429, E., under dam) — Red, calved March 17, 1875, bred by Earl of Dunmore, got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Lady Worcester 2d by Charleston (21400)— Clear Star by Marton Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676). Oct. 24, 1870. SIMON BEATTIE. By Ship European. INNOCENT— Red and white cow, calved Nov. 1, 1863, bred by C. Barnard, Harlowbury, Essex, got by 5th Duke of York (19652), out of Jessamine by Nelson (14989) — Jessie by Lottery (10472) — Jenny Lind by Fame (10221) — Jessy by Cramer (6907) — Lady Jane by Plenipo (4724)— by Childers (1824)— by Umpire (2783)— by Ratify (2481)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 532. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 510. BOTHWELL (25661) [1008]— Roan, calved May 29, 1868, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by LordBlithe (22126), out of Blink Bonny by Booth Royal (15673)— Bright Dawn by Vanguard (10994) ►—Bright Phoebus by Crown Prince (10087)— Blanche 2d by Zadig (8796)— Blanche by Auld Robin Gray (6753)— White Rose by a bull of Mr. Crisp's — Rose by Burley (1766) — Young Anna by Isaac (1129) S4 ■ WARFIELD' S HISTORY — Anna by Pilot (496) — Ariadne by Albion (14) — Bright Eyes by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by a son of Suwarrow (636) — by a Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88) — by Twin Brother to Ben (660). LORD YOEK (26766) [1714]— Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1868, bred by Mr. Harward, Kidderminster, got by 3d Duke of Wharf dale (21619), out of Duchess of York by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Grand Duchess by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Juliet by Sol (8608)— Kate by Leo (4208)— by Treasurer (5513)— by Rupert (2580)— by North Star (460)— by Cripple (173)— by Minor (441)— by Freeman (269)— by Danby (190). 1872. SIMON BEATTIE. DUCHESS OF WETHERBY— Roan heifer, calved June 20, 1870, bred by Hon. Col. Duncombe, Waresley Park, St. Neots, got by Gen. Wetherby (24026), out of Girl of the Mist by Hypocrite (19996)— Maid of the Mist by Admiral (14064)— Heather Bell by Hero (18055)— Fanny by Rubens (5057)— by Young Matchem (4422) —by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). AZALEA — Roan heifer, calved Dec, 1870, bred by W. Desham, Palmer's Green, Southgate, Middlesex, got by Bismarck (25637), out of Acacia by Knight Errant (18154) — Amethyst by Magna Charta (16486)— Applin by Lord Raglan (14849)— Amaryllis by Burgomaster (12513) — by Baron Ravensworth (7811) — by Lycurgus (7180)— by Zenith (5702)— by Guardian (3947)— by Firby (1040)— by Ivanhoe (1131)— by Regent (544)— by Blyth Comet (85). ROYAL DUKE 18798 (vol. 20, p. 616, E., under dam)— Calved Feb. 25, 1872, bred by J. Beattie, Newbie House, Annan, Scotland, got by Blood Royal (28047), out of Lady Towneley by Baronet (27930)— Miss Beverley 28th by Royal Butterfly 16th (20724)— Miss Beverley 3d by Voltigeur (13964)— Miss Beverley by Disraeli (10125) — Lady Beverley by Lord George Bentinck (9317) — Blossom 2d by 2d Earl of Beverley (5963)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Darlington. IMPOETEB SHORT-HOENS. 55 1873. SIMON BEATTIE. LADY KNOWLMERE (vol. U, p. 624)— Roan, calved Oct. 19, 1873, bred by J. Beattie, got by Knight of Knowlmere (31542), out of Lady Gunter by Lord York (26766), &c., as in Lady Ounter. 1872. SIMON BEATTIE. JUSTINE (vol. 17, p. 691, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Dec. 4, 1866, bred by J. N. Beasley, Pittsford Hall, Northampton, got by Sir Launcelot (25159), out of Queen Janette by Royal Butter- fly 5th (18756)— Countess Janette by Lilyvick (10421)— Young Jocund by Japetus (10359) — Jocund 2d by Monarch (7249) — Jocund by Mclvor (2237)— by Northern Light (1280)— by Welling- ton (684) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). WELCOME (vol. 12, p. 1287, and vol. 19, p. 789, E., under dam) — Roan heifer, calved May 31, 1870, bred by J. N. Beasley, got by 4th Grand Duke (19874), out of Winsome byLycidas (20249) — Wildflower by Wolfsbane (15518)— Jessy by John Ford (9253)— Flower by Lord Warden (7167)— Farce by Zenith (5702)— by Oron- tes (4623)— by William (2840)— by Childers (1824)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). 1873. SIMON BEATTIE. White Vale, Pickering, Ontario. By Ship Canadian, from Liverpool, August, 1878. LADY GUNTER (vol. 14, p. 620)— Red heifer, calved in March, 1871, bred by James Beattie, Newbie House, Annan, N. B., got by Lord York (26766), out of Eliza by Mac Turk (14872) —Edith by Pride (10631)— Brilliant 3d by Baron of Ravensworth (7811)— Brilliant by Sir Thomas (5194)— by Noble Henry (2374)— 56 warfield's history by Abraham (2905)— by Mustachios {452T)— by Simon (5134)— by Young George (3885) — by George (2T6). Sold to Geo. Murray. Racine, Wis. MALMSEY (vol. 13, p. T6r)— Roan heifer, calved April 1, 1870, bred by Mr. T. Game, Broadmoor. Gloucestershire, got by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Moselle by Gondomar (19867)— Moss Rose by Royal Oak (16870) — Young Moss Rose by Bashaw (12449)— Moss Rose by Marchmont (9367)— Tortworth Rose by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— Moss Rose by Augustus (6751)— by son of An- thony (1640)— by a bull of Mr. Champion's, of Blyth. Sold to C. C. Parks. Waukegan, 111. MAID OF HOXOR (vol. 20, p. 635, E., under dam, and vol. 14. p. 692) — Roan heifer, calved Aug. 7, 1871, bred by Mr. T. Game, got by Royal Benedict (27348). out of Madeira by Monk (24616) — Moselle by Gondomar (19867) — Moss Rose by Royal Oak (16870)— Y^oung Moss Rose by Bashaw (12449)— Moss Rose by Marchmont (9367)— Tortworth Rose by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— Moss Rose by Augustus (6751) — by son of Anthony (1640) — by a bull of Mr, Champion's, of Blyth. Sold to Mr. Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis. LORD EGLINTOrX (31652)— Red bull, calved April 13, 1870, bred by C. A. Barnes. Charleywood House, Rickmansworth, got by Royal Duke (32375), out of Evangelina by Lord Chan- cellor (20160)— English Emily by Englishman (19701)— Miss Emily by Young Duke of Cambridge (14433) — Y'oung Celia 2d by Lord of the South (13216)— by Lord of the North (11743)— by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— by Bashaw (1692)— by Helmsman (2109)— by Columella (904)— by Regent (544)— by Palatine (478)— by Palmtiower (480)— bv Patriot (4;^6)— by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes' Bull (314). 1881. SIMON BEATTIE. LORD MOXTRATH (46681)— Red and white, calved Dec. 28, 1880. bred by Hugh Aylmer. West Dereham Abbey, got by Lord President (41908). out of Phillis 22d by High Sheriff (26392)— IMPOIirEl) SHOUT-HORNS. t)7 Phillis Uth by Hoyal Broughton (27352)— Phillis Gth by (xeneral Hopewell (lT9o3)— Phillis 2d by Red Knight (10809)— Phillis by Homer (14714)— Young Polly by (Cardigan (12556)— Polly by Young Rufiis (13049) — by Constitution (12634) — by Young Comet (1853)— descended from Jolly's Bull (4115). Aug. 13, 1874. S. BEATTIE and W. M. MILLER. By Ship Phcemelnn, from Glasgow to Canada. ROYAL DEREHAM 24715 (35353)— Red, little white, calved May 18, 1873, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Mistress May by Prince of Rose- dale (24837)— Mistress Margaret by Pater Familias (18521)— Madrid, by Valasco (15443) — Mistress Mary by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Waterwitch by Royal Buck (10750)— Hecate by Hopeful (10332) —by Hamlet (8120). SHERIFF GWYNNE 24818 (35518)— Roan, calved Dec. 22, 1873, bred, by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by High Sheriff (20392), out of Daffy Gwynne 0th by Ravenspur (20028)— Young Daffy Gwynne 5th by Young Duke of Cambridge 2d (17709) —Young Daffy Gwynne 3d by Lord Royston 2d (10449)— Daffy Gwynne by Sir Harry (10819) — Daphne Gwynne by Conservative (3472)— White Moll Gwynne by Wallace (5580)— Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (400) — Daphne Gwynne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (300) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snow- don's Bull (012)- by WaistelFs Bull (009)- by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (020). EDITH EMILY^ (vol. 20, p. 500, E., under dam)— Red, calved Feb. 22, 1872, bred by J. A. Mumford, Brill House, Oxfordshire, got by Caballer (28114), out of Etona by 3d Grand Duke (10182) —Lass of Dayrell by Earl of Dayrell (14474)— Kate 2d by Young Planet (11905)— Kate 1st by Admiral (8800)— by Ruler (10705)— bred by Sir H. R. Hoare, Bart. 58 LADY BARNES (vol. 20, p. 585, E., under dam)— Roan, calved March 31, 1872, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, Herts., got by Julius 4th (31451), out of Lady Beauford by Lord Wallace (24473)— British Queen by Sir Charles (16948)— Miss Amelia by Marquis of Bute (11788) — Miss Beauford by Red Roan Kirtling (10691)— Celia by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— by Bashaw (1692)— by Helmsman (2109)— by Columella (904)— by Regent (544)_by Palatine (478)— by Palmflower (480)— by Patriot (486)— by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes' Bull (314). Sold to T. S. Smith, Afton, Ontario, Canada, for $575. BULL CALF— Bred by C. A. Barnes, got by Prince Alfred (35083), out of Lady Barnes by Julius 4th (31451), &c., as in dam, above. PRINCESS OF DENMARK 2d— Red, calved July 24, 1871, bred by R. H. Crabb, Baddow, Essex, got by Cambridge Duke 3d (23503), out of Princess of Denmark by Baron Roxwell (21240)— Eugenie by Danby (14366)— Princess Alice by Essex Hero (9096) —Duchess by Duke of Marlborough (3645)— by Captain (3273)— by Emperor (1974) — by Snowball (2647) — by son of St. Albans (2584) — by Col. Trotter's son of Lawnsleeves (365) — by Barnaby (1678). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 704, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 835. Sold to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind., June 15, 1875, for $1,000. MOUNTAIN ROSE 3d (vol. 15, p. 787)— Roan, calved Aug. 8, 1872, bred by T. Game, Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, got by Buccaneer (25693), out of Mountain Rose 2d by Masterpiece (24561)— Mountain Rose by The Druid (20948)— Young Moss Rose by Bashaw (12449)— Moss Rose by Marchmont (9367)— Tortworth Rose by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— Moss Rose by Augustus (6751)— by son of Anthony (1640) — by a bull of Mi*. Champion's of Blyth. Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 665. Sold to S. Meredith & Son, of Cambridge City, Ind., June 16, 1875. for $525. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 59 HALSTEAD SURPRISE (vol. 14, p. 563)— Red and white, calved Sept. 30, 1870, bred by R. H. Orabb, got by Old Sam (32449), out of Princess Augusta by Baron Roxwell (21240) — Duchess of Cambridge by Orestes (15027)— Hethel Thorn by Tort- worth (10966)— Myrtle by Essex Hero (9096)— Duchess by Duke of Marlborough (3645)— by Captain (3273)— by Emperor (1974)— by Snowball (2647)— by son of St. Albans (2584)— by son of Lawnsleeves (365) — by Barnaby (1678) — by Barber's Bull. Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 701. NECTAR (vol. 14, p. 750)— Red, calved in Aug., 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Nectar 9th by Romeo (27327)— Nectar 5th by Lord Lyons (22173) — Nectar 3d by Lord of Lome (18258)— Nectar by Jemmy (11611)— Nectarine by Balco (9918) — Peach by Homer (2134) — Bloom by Sir Launcelot (5166) — by Viceroy (5561)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Appleton (1647)— by Newtonian (2368) — by a bull bred by Mr. Cattley. Sold to Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis. CHANDOS 22350— Red and white, calved April 14, 1875, bred by S. Beattie, got by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007), out of Chaplet by C-rand Duke 15th (21852), &c., as in Chaplet, above. Sold to Gen. Meredith, Indiana. BARONESS CONYERS (vol. 15, p. 426)— Roan or red and white, calved Sept. 16, 1871, bred by Mr. J. Outhwaite, Bainesse, Yorks, got by Baron Killerby (27949), out of Sylvia by Champion (23529)— Sunflower by son of Apollo (9899)— Sally by Chieftain (10048)— Ruby by Postmaster (9487)— by Albert (7767)— by Noble (4570)— by Corelli (3485)— by Wauldby (2818)— by son of Won- derful (700). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 876, and E. H. B.. vol. 24, p. 382. Sold June 16, 1875, to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind., for $1,650; returned to England and sold Sept. 4, 1877, to C. H. Cock, for 60 guineas. 60 warfield's history BUTTERFLY\S DUCHESS (vol. 14, p. 452)— Roan, calved July 16, 1870, bred by Mr. G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon, got by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007), out of Delicacy by The Druid (20948) — Destiny by Progression (16770) — Damsel by Enterprise (11443)— Blonde by Patriot (10595)— by son of Elevator (6969)— by No Mistake (8357)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Fairfax (1023)— by Speculation (1472). ^ Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 473. Sold to Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis. GHAPLET (vol. 15, p. 478)— Red, calved January 16, 1870, bred by Mr. F. Leney, Wateringbury, Kent, got by Grand Duke 15th (21852), out of Columbine by Lord of the Harem (16430) — Countess by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949) — Charmer by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Chaplet by Usurer (9763)— by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— by Morpeth (7254)— by Helicon (2107)— by Henwood (2114)— by Nestor (452)— by Harold (291)— by Meteor (432)— by Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 450. Sold to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind., for $850. DELIGHT (vo-1. 15, p. 503)— Roan, calved March 8, 1868, bred by Mr. W. Lambert, Elrington Hall, Northumberland, got by Pizarro (20497), out of Venus by Master Annandale (14916) — Sprightly by Young Earl (14467) — Splendor by Snowy Down (8607)— Angela by Prince Albert (4778)— by son of Cumberland (5256)— by Exmouth (3747)— by Prince (4765)— by Leopold (2199). Under dam, vol. 18, p. 761, E. H. B. Sold to S. T. Spangler, Winthrop, Iowa, for $750. TEA ROSE (vol. 15, p. 925)— Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1871, bred by Mr. T. Marshall, Howes Annam, Scotland, got by Lord Bacon (26607), out of Moss Rose by Knight Errant (18154)— Flora 2d by Earl of Derby (12810)— Moss Rose by Prince Edward (6334)— Flora by Traveler (6617) — by Charles (3343) — by Commodore (5874)— by Cupid (5900)— by Parson (1306)— by St. John (572)— by Pope (514)— by Chilton (136). Sold to A. L, Stebbins, Port Huron, Mich., for 1550. IMT»OKTED SHORT-HORTSS. 61 VERBENA ROYAL (vol. 14, p. 894)— Roan, calved July 13, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Downing, Ashfield, County Cork, Ireland, got by Royal Duke (25014), out of Vestal Queen by Hero of Thorn- dale (18061)— Vidonia 4th by Western Wonder (17225)— Vespasia by Australian (12414)— Young Vidonia by Rolla 2d (13618)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Burley (1766)— by Pilot (496)— by Warlaby (672)— by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Under dam, vol. 20, p. 803, E. H. B. Sold to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind. ROYAL OXFORD GWYNNE 21796 (35396)— Red and white, calved Aug. 5, 1873, bred by Major AVebb, Elford House, got by Baron Oxford (23375), out of Gipsy Gwynne by Grand Duke of Lightburne (26290) — Goody Gwynne by 5th Grand Duke (19875) — Golden Gwynne by May Duke (13320) — Sylvia Gwynne by Duke of Cambridge (12747)— Silky Gwynne by Capt. Hardinge (10023) —Sophia Gwynne by St. Thomas (10077)— Sail Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — Cripple Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Daphne Gwynne by Merlin (430)— Nell Gwynne by Layton (366)— Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612) —by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Sold to Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis. PRINCESS OF WALES (vol. 20, p. 16087)— Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1873, bred by R. J. Maxwell, Gumbleton Glanatore, County Cork, Ireland, got by Red Cross (32247), out of Truelove (vol. 27, p. 514, E.) by Ducrow (19591)— Sweetheart by Sir Cali- dore (22890)— Miranda by Lord Raglan (13240)— Sally by Lord Anthony Stanley (10432) — Sylvia by Marquis — Sally by Monarch. TEA ROSE 2d (vol. 17, p. 13186)— Roan, calved May 27, 1875, bred by T. M. Hows, got by Lord Derby (34524), out of Tea Rose by Lord Bacon (26607), &c., as in Tea Rose, above. 62 warfield's history April 6, 1875. S. BEATTIE and W. M. MILLER. By Ship Nova Scotia, from Liverpool to Whitevale, Ontario, Canada. STATIRA 9th (vol. 15, p. 914, and vol. 19, p. 739, E.)— Roan, calved in April, 1867, bred by F. Sartoris, Rushden Hall, Northamptonshire, got by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633), out of Statira 6th by Britannicus 2d (19349) — Statira by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Stately by Balco (9918)— Statice by Sir Launcelot (5166) —by Major (4345)— by Ganthorpe (2049)— by Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2622). Sold to Meredith & Son, Cambridge, Ind. PRINCESS MAUD (vol. 15, p. 835, and vol. 19, p. 682, E., under dam) — Roan, calved July 13, 1869, bred by E. Musgrove, West Tower, Aughton, Lancashire, got by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), out of Princess Victoria 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215) — Pink of Fashion by Cherry Duke 4th (17552) — Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Princess by Earl of Derby (10177)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — by son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow, bought of Mr. Bates. Sold to Avery & Murphy, Detroit, Mich. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 8th (vol. 20, p. 15773)— Red, calved Dec. 15, 1871, bred by R. P. Davies, Horton, Gloucester- shire, got by Grand Duke of Clarence (28750), out of Kirkleving- ton 15th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 10th by Delhi (15865)— Kirklevington 8th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northum- berland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates^, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard of Eryholme. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 580. Sold to J. R. Craig, and he to W. S. Slater, Mass. SURMISE DUCHESS 5th (vol. 16, p. 12363)— Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1873, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Surmise Duchess by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 68 Patrician (24728)— Hebe by Rowfant 1st (22767)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by a bull of Mr. Ceiling's — by a bull of Mr. Ceiling's. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 802. Sold to M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, Canada. STATICE (vol. 15, p. 914, under dam)— White, calved Dec. 3, 1875, bred by F. Sartoris, Rushden Hall, got by Royal Lancaster (29870), out of Statira 9th by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633), &c., as in dam, Statira 9th, above. PRI:N"CESS maud 2d (vol. 15, p. 835, imp. in dam)— White, calved Nov. 4, 1875, bred by E. Musgrove, got by Royal Lancaster (29870), out -of Princess Maud by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), &c., as in dam, Princess Maud, above. YOUNG BRACELET— Roan, calved February 15, 1873, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Bracelet 5th by Knightley (22051)— Brace- let 3d by Touchstone (20986)— Bracelet 2d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Bracelet by 2d Duke of Bolton (12739)— Bijou by Grand Duke (10284)— Buttercup by Homer (2134)— Butterfly by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Bolton by Bulmer (1760)— by Don Juan (1923). CARELESS 8th (vol. 17, p. 12815)— Red and white, calved May, 1873, bred by J. Winnall, The Hawthornes, Worcestershire, got by Duke of Carolina (33588), out of Careless 5th by Wellington (21090)— Careless 4th by Duke of Cambridge (15921)— Careless 2d by Squire Gwynne (12140)— Caroline by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Careless by Short Tail (2621)— by son of 2d Hubback (2683)— Craggs, bought of Mr. Bates and descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded under dam, vol. 21, p. 803, E. H. B. hiold to M. H. Cochrane. DUCHESS OF RABY (vol. 16, p. 12043)— Red and white, calved Feb. 26. 1874, bred by W\ Leigh CUare, RabyHall, Cheshire, 64 got by Koyal Lancaster (29870), out of Fennel 6th by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Fennel 3d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Fennel by 5th Duke of York (10168)— Filbert by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Belvedere (1706) — by a son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Under dam, vol. 21, p. 629. E. Sold to M. H. Cochrane. SURMISE DUCHESS 10th (vol. 15, p. 920)— Roan, calved April 22, 1874, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Nancy % Rowfant 1st (22767)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret by Duke of Sutherland (6945) — by Locomotive (4242) — by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859) —by a bull of Mr. Colling's. Under dam, vol. 21, p. 802, E. Sold to W. Major & Son, Canada. "PRINCESS OF RABY (vol. 17, p. 13112)— Red and white, calved June 4, 1874, bred by W. L. Clare, got by Royal Lancaster (29870), out of Princess Victoria 3d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Pink of Fashion by Cherry Duke 4th (17552) — Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Princess by Earl of Derby (10177)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) —by son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates\ Recorded under dam, vol. 21, p. 629, E. KIRKLEVINGTON PRINCESS 2d (vol. 15, p. 629)— Roan, calved Sept. 18, 1874, bred by J. W. Larking, Ashdown House, Sussex, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Kirkleving- ton Duchess 9th by Grand Duke of Clarence (28750) — Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1706) — by a son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded under dam, vol. 21, p. 804, E. Sold to Avery & Mur- phy, Mich. IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNR. 65 DUKE OF EDINBURGH — Red and white, calved April 3, 1874, bred by R. Lodge, Southport, Lancashire, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Princess Victoria by 4th Duke of Ox- ford (11387), &c., as in vol. 18, p. 670, E. Died at Liverpool during shipment. DUKE JOHN (see under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 801)— Red calved Dec. 18, 1874, bred by Sir 0. M. Lampson, Bart., Row- fant, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Fancy Duchess by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391)— Fancy 2d by Rowfant 1st (22767)— Fancy by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambler (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls of Messrs. 0. & R. Colling. 1850 to 1856. N. J. BECAR. New York. ZOE (vol. 11, p. 494, E., under dam)— Roan, calved May 13, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by 5th Duke of York (10168), out of Jannetta by Lycurgus (7180) — Jocasta by Friar Tuck (3848)— Junta by Warden (5595)— Joyance by Javelin (4093) —Joy by Blyth (797)— Janet by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Master- man's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). MISS BELLEVILLE (vol. 11, p. 359, E., under dam)— Roan, calved Feb., 1853, bred by J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, got by Belleville (6778), out of Carnation by Goldsmith (10277)— Crocus by Petrarch (7329)— Violet by Forester (3825)— Mary by a son of Fleetham (2028)— from the herd of Mr. Whitaker. IRIS (vol. 12, p. 423, E.)— Roan, calved June 8, 1850, bred by J. C. Grant Duff, Eden, got by Louis D'or (9336)— Lady Love by Lord Warden (7167)— -Belinda by Ranunculus (2479)— Sylph by Sir 66 warfield's history Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)_by Comet (155)— by K. CoUing's son of Favorite (252)— by a son of Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319). OLIVIA JOEDAN (vol. 4, p. 502)— Ked and white, calved July 16, 1855, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), out of Iris by Louis D'or (9336), &c., as in Iris, above. LADY BAERINGTON 12th (vol. 11, p. 517, E.)— Roan, calved Sept. 15, 1849, bred by R. Bell, Kirklevington, Eng., got by 4tli Duke of York (10167), out of Lady Barrington 8tli by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Lady Barrington 5tli by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)— Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — by a son of Herdsman (304) — by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). LADY BOOTH (vol. 11, p. 518, E.)— Roan, calved Dec, 1850, bred by John Emmerson, Eryholme, Eng., got by Chilton (10054), out of Rosalba by Buckingham (3239) — Rosabella by Highflyer (2122)— Rachel by Frederick (1060)— by Planet (502). DELIA (vol. 11, p. 404, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1854, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), out of Delia Gwynne by Conservative (3472)— Red Nell Gwynne by Chorister (3378)— Poll Gwynne by Wellington (2824)— Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). OXFORD 6th— Red, calved Nov. 6, 1846, bred by Thos. Bates, got by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646), out of Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). E. H. B., vol. 9, p. 509, and A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 503. VICTORIA 26th— Red, calved March 25, 1853, bred by R. Holmes, Moycashel, Ireland, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 67 Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Chilton Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)— Flora by Favorite (252)— Xymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by E. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 646. JACINTHA— Ked, calved Feb. 15, 1846, bred by J. Beasley, Overstone, got by Fawsley (6004), out of Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janet by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snow- don's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 406. ACTEESS (vol. 9, p. 570, E.)— Eoan, calved May 11, 1849, bred by Mr. E. C. Lowndes, Clubmoor, Eng., sold to Hon. J. Went- worth. 111., got by Harkaway (9184), out of Smut by Colonel (8667) — Moss Eose by Locomotive (4242) — Adelaide by Cleveland (3403)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). APEICOT (vol. 10, p. 256, E.)— Eoan, calved Dec. 27, 1849, bred by T. Bell, Kirklevington, Eng., got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Annie by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Anna by Short Tail (2621)— Acomb by Belvedere (1706). GAELAND 2d (vol. 11, p. 467, E.)— Eoan, calved Nov. 18, 1849, bred by H. N. Hill, Berrington, Eng., got by Pestalozzi (10603), out of Garland by Hector (4000) — Moss Eose by Emperor (1974) — Eosebud by Margrave (2243)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Traveler (655)— by Surly (2715)— by Colonel (152). GAZETTE— Got by Monk (11824), out of Garland 2d by Pesta- lozzi (10603), &c., as in Garland 2d, above. 68 warfield's history SUEPEISE (vol. 4, p. 572, and vol. 12, p. 603, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1854, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, got by Gilliver (11529), out of Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret by 3d Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242) —Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambler (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— by R. Colling's Bull— by C. Colling's Bull. SONGSTRESS— White, calved April 30, 1849, bred by W. R. Baker, Bayfordbury, got by Snowball (10846), out of Melody by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Well- ington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— Daphne by Merlin (430)— Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 583. AUG. 19, 1871. E. G. BEDFORD. Imported by E. O. Bedford, Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky. By Ship Erin, from London, Aug. 19, 1871. Landed in New York, Sept, 1871. Selected in England by John Thornton, Esq. CANNONDALE (vol. 11, p. 541, and under dam, vol. 18, p. 618, E.) — Roan, calved Aug. 15, 1867, bred by Lord Walsingham, Merton Hall, Norfolk, got by Royal Wharfdale (22805), out of Minnie by Lord Cobham (20164) — Cannon Ball by Robinson Crusoe (13610) — Cannonade by Bridegroom (11203) — Cherryripe by Sir Walter (2639)— Young Cherry by Young Waterloo (8757)— Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— Old Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's -Bull (6269)— by Middle- ton's Bull (438). In calf to Lord Blithe (22126). Sold Oct. 28, 1874, at Paris Fair Grounds, Paris, Ky., by public auction to H. P. Thompson, Winchester, Ky., for $1,500. CANNONDALE 2d (vol. 11, p. 541)— Roan, calved Oct 15, 1871, bred by Lord Walsingham, Merton Hall, Norfolk, got by Lord IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 69 Blithe (22126), out of Cannondale by Royal Wharfdale (22805)— Minnie by Lord Cobbam (20164) — Cannon Ball by Robinson Crusoe (13610) — Cannonade by Bridegroom (11203) — Cherryripe by Sir Walter (2639)— Young Cherry by Young Waterloo (8757)— Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— Old Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's 'Bull (6269)— by Middle- ton's Bull (438). This heifer was gotten in England and calved at Mr. Bedford's, after the arrival of her dam at his place. Sold at Mr. E. G. Bed- ford's sale at Fair Grounds, Paris, Ky., Oct. 28, 1874, to E. L. Davison, Springfield, Ky., for 12,025. Again sold by Mr. Davi- son at his sale at the farm of Wm. Warfield, near Lexington, Ky., October 10, 1876, to J. C. Breckenridge and W. Warfield, for 1560. GAZELLE 16th (vol. 11, p. 670, and under dam, vol. 19, p. 527, E.)— Roan, calved Nov. 24,' 1869, bred by E. Bowly, Sidding- ton House, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, got by 6th Earl of Walton (26078), out of Gazelle 8th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Gazelle 2d by Earl of Walton (177$7)— Selina by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Buttercup by Snowstorm (12119)— Helena by Hampden (8129)— by Leo (4208)— by Henwood (2114)— by Sir Stephen (1456)— by Prince of Waterloo (528)— by May Flower (425) — by a bull of Mr. Nicholson's, descended from the stock of J. Brown. In calf to 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022). GAZELLE OF WOODLAND VILLA (vol. 12, p. 811)— Roan, calved April 10, 1872, bred by Mr. Bowly, Siddington House, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, got by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), put of Gazelle 16th by 6th Earl of Walton (26078)— Gazelle 8th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Gazelle 2d by Earl of Walton (17787)— Selina by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Buttercup by Snowstorm (12119)— Helena by Hampden (8129)— by Leo (4208) — by Henwood (2114) — by Sir Stephen (1456) — by Prince of Waterloo (528)— by May Flower (425)— by a bull of Mr. Nichol- 70 warfield's history son\ descended from the stock of J. Brown, of Aldborough, Yorkshire. Sold Oct. 28, 1874, to J. NiccoUs, of Bloomington, 111., for $925. LADY ADELA (vol. 11, p. 754, and under dam, vol. 20, p. 582, E.) — Red and white, calved July 18, 1869, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charley wood, Rickmansworth, Herts., got by Lord Wallace (24473), out of Lady Agnes by The Florist (20952) — Lady Antoinette by Sailor Boy (20770)— Lady Anna Burdett by Sir Charles (16948)— Lady Elizabeth 2d by Marquis of Bute (11778) — Countess of Hard- wicke by Percy (6283)— Celia by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647) — Cornflower by Bashaw (1692) — Columbine by Helmsman (2109) — Columbine by Columella (904) — Charlottina by Regent (544) — Charlotte Palatine by Palatine (478) — Charlotte by Palmflower (480)— Crimson by Patriot (486)— Young Milbank by Driffield (223) — Milbank by C. Holmes' Bull (314). Sold by public auction Oct. 28, 1874, to J. NiccoUs, of Bloom- ington, HI., for $1,075. FRANCISCA (vol. 11, p. 666)— Red, calved March 29, 1869, bred by Mr. J. Gamble, Shouldhamthorpe, Downham, Norfolk, got by Zealot (25480), out of Flora by Prince Leopold (20557) —Bland by Red Duke (18676)— Blanche by Squire Blanche (12139) —Flora by Crusade (7938)— Flora by Cotherstone (6903)— Flora 2d by Yellow Boy (5694)— Flora by Red Robin (2492)— Flora by Burley (1766) — by a son of Young Albion (15) — by Sir Marton (1453)— by Palmsun (7311)— by Parrington's Bull. Barren. Sold to Joseph Scott. See dam, vol. 18, p. 495, E. May 17, 1870. W. A. BELL. Shipped by the Daniel Webster, from London, for Colorado. AJAX (Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 639)— Roan, calved Jan. 12, 1869, bred by Captain Aveling, Needham House, Wisbeach, got by The Yeoman (25305), out of Moreen by Tom Sayers (19010) —Mohair by Old Buck (15017)— Merino by Frantic (12897)— IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 71 Cashmere by Boccaccio (7838) — by Duke of Kothsay (6943) — ^by Belshazzar (1703)— by Noble Henry (2374)— by Abraham (2905)— by Mustachios (4527)— by Simon (5134)— by Young George (3885) —by George (276). BLUCHER (28049)— Roan, calved March 1, 1869, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy, Bedfordshire, got by Baron Warlaby (23381), out of Fathom by Gen. Havelock (16110)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Petrarch (7329)— Fame by Rasp- berry (4875)— by Young Matchem (4422)— by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). GERTRUDE (vol. 19, p. 540, E., under dam)— Roan, calved March 1, 1868, bred by G. W. Roberts, King's Walden, Herts., got by Baron Torr (23380), out of Grizza by King Tom (20071)— Grilla by Euxine (12845)— Grizzy by The Stuart (7623)— Grizelda by Daniel (3555)— by Isaac (1129)— by Warlaby (672)— by a son of Sir Dimple (594)— by Layton (2190). PRELUDE (vol. 18, p. 671, E., under dam)— Red heifer, calved March 21, 1868, bred by J. Gamble, Shouldhamthorpe, Norfolk, got by Zealot (25480), out of Prize by Forester (19767)— Pansy by Plato (18552) — Precious by Baron Albany (11151) — Prudence by Orontes (4623)— Zeal by Roman (2561)— by Mercury (2301)— by Monarch (2324)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). 1867. THOMAS BETTS. SUSAN 3d— Red roan, calved March 20, 1854, bred by R. Strat- ton, got by Waterloo (11025), out of Susan 2d by Hero of the West (8150)— Susan by Radical (7390)— Spider by Lottery. Brought to Kentucky, June 3, 1859, by Hon. B. J. Clay, of Bourbon Co., Ky. 72 , Feb., 1870. MR. BIHLER. From Liverpool to San Francisco, Cal. LADY HUDSON BAXTER (vol. 18, p. 567, E., under dam)— Red and white, calved May 13, 1867, bred by B. Baxter, Elslack Hall, Skipton, got by Prince Edgar (22585), out of Lady Hudson 4th by Lord Ravensworth (20222) — Hudson 3d by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Hudson 2d by Horrox (11591)— Hudson by The Duke (8676). CHERRY PRINCE 2d (vol. 18, p. 734, E., under dam)— Roan, calved April 21, 1868, bred by T. Atherton, Chapel House, Spike, got by Baron Wild Eyes (25604), out of Southwick Cherry by 3d Grand Duke (16182)— Cherry Bloom by Heir-at-Law (13005)— Cherry Blossom by Roland (2556)— Old Cherry by Pirate (2430)— by Houghton (318) — by Marshal Blucher (416) — from the stock of Messrs. Wright & Charge. Aug., 1874. BIRRELL <& JOHNSTON, Of Greenwood, Ontario, Can. By Ship ManitoMan, from Glasgow to Quebec. ALEXANDRINA 6th (vol 16, p. 11951, with dam omitted)— Dark roan, calved Feb. 28, 1873, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Aberdeenshire, got by Gladstone (31253), out of Alexandrina 5th by Macduff (26773)— Alexandrina 4th by Lord Lyons (22173)— Alexandrina by Alaric (21155) — Alice by Somerset (10858) — Anna by Hawthorn (7071)— Kilmeny by The Peer (5455)— Premium by George (2054)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing. PRISCILLA 7th (vol. 3, p. 707, C. H. B.)— Red, calved March 7, 1873, bred by James Bruce, Fochabers, Scotland, got by Lord St. Leonards (29202), out of Priscilla 3d by Prince Arthur (16723)— Priscilla by Water King (13980)— Peggy by Dannecker (7949)_-Ruby by The Pacha (7612)— Daffodil, by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Myrtle by Sir Henry (1446)— Palmflower by Juniper (1145) — Peeress by Lancaster (360) — Jessamine by Neswick (1266)— Old Yellow Cow. IMPORTED snORT-HOllNS. BARON BRUCE [4272]— Roan, calved March 16, 1875, bred by J. Bruce, got by Bridesman (30587), out of Priscilla 7th by Lord 8t. Leonards (29202), &c., as in dam, above. Oct. 19, 1872. MR. BLANCHARD, ■Of AppleJty, Ontario, Can. By Ship Germany, from Liverpool. COUNT GRINDELWALD (30808) [2919]— Roan, calved eJan. 6, 1872, bred by Mr. T. Stamper, Highfield House, Yorks., got by Grindelwald (26323), out of Countess by Wathstone Hero (25417) — Cygnet by Captain (14229) — Citron by Captain (14229) — Caroline by Chevy Chase (7897)— by Monarch (9407)— by Gainford (2044)— by Samson (5080)— by Young Sovereign (5286)— by White Walton (5652). FR. BLOODGOOD. Albany, N. Y. BLOODGOOD COW— See 908, A. H. B. April, 1876. THOMAS BOAK. Milton, Ontario, Can. FAREWELL (vol. 4, p. 151, C. H. B.)— Roan cow, calved Oct. 6, 1872, bred by R. Thompson, Inglewood Bank, Penrith, got by Royal Westmoreland (35416), out of GeneraFs Daughter by General Haynaw (11520) — Red Rose 6th by Gainford 2d (10255) — Red Rose 5th by Emperor (9084)— Red Rose by Sir Thomas Newton (6495)— Hackthorpe by General (3867). PRINCE INGLEWOOD [5936]— Roan, calved March 13, 1876, bred by R. Thompson, got by Master Dragonfly (34807), out of Fare- well by Royal Westmoreland (35416) — General's Daughter by Gen. Haynaw (11520), &c., as in dam, above. DUKE OF CUMBERLAND 58590 (33610)— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1874, bred by John Lamb, Burrell Green, Penrith, Cumber- 74 warfield's history land, got by Hubback Junior (31395), out of Belle of Burrell Green by Ignoramus (28887)— Bellissima by Borderer (15676)— Bella by Omer Pasha (13429)— Belinda by Silk Velvet (12070)— Belloria by Buchan Hero (3238) — Urania by Dan O'Connell (3557)— Thimble by Brutus (1752). Sept. 19, 1878. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. By Ship Canadian, from Liverpool. ROSE OF DELHI— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 5, 1876, bred by I. & J. Gaitskill, Hall Santon, Cumberland, got by Sultan (30088), out of White Lady by King James (28972) — White Lily by Croupier (23656)— White Rose by First Fruits (16048)— Moss Rose by Gavazzi (11508)— Moss Rosebud by Wilberf orce (9830)— Rosebud by Swintonian (9702) — Swinton Rose by Young Symmetry (7577) — by Shipton (2620)— by Champion (7007)— by Snowball (7521). ELIZA STEWART— Red heifer, calved March, 1877, bred by James Beattie, Newby House, Annan, Scotland, got by Titan (35805), out of Eliza by Mac Turk (14872)— Edith by Pride (10631) — Brilliant 3d by Baron of Ravensworth (7811) — Brilliant by Sir Thomas (5194)— by Noble Henry (2374)— by Abraham (2905)— by Mustachios (4527)— by Simon (5134)— by Young George (3885)— by George (276). FAVORITE— Red bull, calved May 5, 1877, bred by Mr. Gra- ham, Yauwath Hall, Cumberland, got by Hubback Jr. (31395), out of Fanny by Waterloo Commander (32811) — Fanny by British Prince (19354). LORD WINDSOR— Roan bull, calved June 17, 1877, bred by W. Burneyeat, Grenaby, Isle of Man, got by King Victor (28986), out of Windsor's Flower by Sir Windsor Broughton (27507) — Spring Flower by Frederick Colling (26194)— Regina by Heirloom (18045) — Sunflower by Lablache (11656) — Miss Unthank by Duke of Richmond (8000)— by His Royal Highness (4039)— by Gainford IMPORTED SHOKT-IIOKNS. 75 (2044)— by Sampson (5080)— by Morpeth (4511)— by Lonsdale (379) —by Irishman (329). MOKISCO (40366)— Roan, calved July 10, 1877, bred by I. & J. Gaitskill, got by Sultan's Fame (35699), out of Princess of the Realm by Peer of the Realm (27057)— Rosina by Juryman (20043) — Rowena by Duke of Moscow (14447)— Ruby by Red Rover (11982) —Sprightly by Sir Isaac (9645)— Superb, by Victory (5566)— Splendid by Matchem 3d (4420)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wellington (2825)— by Alfred (23)— by Windsor (698)— by Cupid (177)_by Barker's Bull of Layton (53). 1860. THOMAS BOLSLER. Islington, Ontario, Can. YOUNG PRINCE JOHN [567]— Roan, calved April 24, 1858, bred by Joseph Crust, Carton Field, Yorkshire, got by Prince John (13511), out of Fidelity by Vatican (12261)— Fidelle by 2d Cleve- land Lad (3408)— Fidget 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Fidget by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Fletcher by a son of Wyn- yard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Note.— By reference to E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 458, Fidehty by Vatican (12261) producd, April 9, 1858, 3d Cleveland Lad by Easby Fairfax (12820); in 1859, March 6th, she produced 4th Cleveland Lad (17574). Aug. 10, 1872. JOHN BOWLY. By Ship Rhine, from London, for Virginia,. GRAND DUKE OF GENEVA (31287)— Red, calved Sept. 7, 1871, bred by T. G. Curtler, Revere House, Worcester, got by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390), out of Lady Ketura by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Ketura 3d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Ketura 2d by Archduke (1731G)— Ketura by Duke of Ulster (12774)— Kathleen by llavannah (10308)— Kitty by Sweet William (8646)— by Cedric (3311)_by Nimrod (4571)— by Cofilebs (897)— by N^swick (1266) —by Fisher^s Old Bull (3799). 76 wakfield's history Nov., 1877. J. BOWMAN, Of Victoria, Kansas. By Ship Texas, to Philadelphia. PEOUD BUTTEKFLY (vol 21, p. 789, E. H. B., and vol. 17, p. 13113, A. H. B.)— Red and white, calved July 4, 1874, bred by E. Jefferson, Preston Hows, got by Gay Cavalier (31223), out of Phoebe Butterfly by Duke of Wharfdale (19648)— Double Butterfly by Royal Butterfly (16862)— Alice Butterfly by Master Butterfly (13311)— Alice 2d by Duke of Atholl (10150)— Madeline by Marcus (2262)— Landlady by Matchem (2281)— by Pilot (496)— by Young Albion (15) — Gaudy by Albion (14) — Old Gaudy by Suwarrow (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). PEARL BUTTERFLY (vol. 18, p. 13860)— Red and white, calved June 11, 1878, bred by R. Jefferson, got by British Boy (30597), out of Proud Butterfly by Gay Cavalier (31223), &c., as in dam, above. 1857. R. R. BOWN. Brantford, Canada. MASTER GRAHAME 4159 [444]— Roan, calved Oct. 23, 1855, bred by T. W. Brampston, The Skreens, got by Orestes (15027), out of Lady Mary by Tortworth (10996) — Mary Grahame by The Hon. C. Fairfax (17605)— Lady Grace by Blast (1724)— by Speeton— by Magnum Bonum (2882)— by Favorite (257)— by Palmflower (480)— by a grandson of Neswick (1266)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— from the stock of Geo. Coates. ROAN DUCHESS— Got by Lord Ducie (13181), out of Duch- ess by Red Duke (8694) — Jemima by Tenantry (13829) — Lady by King Lear (8196) — Ora by Orestes (4623) — Minerva by Mercury (2301)— Empress by Monarch (2324)— Duchess by St. Albans (2584) —by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by the old Studley Bull. impoktp:d shokt-hokns. 77 BESSIE— Got by Bankfield (12434), out of Lady Jane by Capt. Shaftoe (0823)— Misfortune by Duke of Cumberland (3641)— by Olievalier (3365) — by Solomon — by Mr. Moore's White Bull — by a son of General (272). See [650]. 1836. F. BOYD. Near Toronto, Canada. JESPA — From the herd of the Marquis of Exeter, got by Emperor (1014), out of Juno by Alexander (1624). 1882. R. BRAND and i. McCORD. To Quebec, hy SteamsMj) Ontario, Sept. 14, 1882, hy Rudolph Brand, Chicago, III., and Ira McCord, Orland, III. BLOOMING HEATHEE 2d (vol. 25, p. 983)— Red and white, calved Feb. 4, 1881, bred by Thomas Marshall Howes, Annan, Scot- land, got by Eoan Duke (45471), out of Blooming Heather by Eed Cross Knight (35219)— Blooming Daisy by Blood Eoyal (28047)— Eliza by Mack Turk (14872)— Edith by Pride (10631)— Brilliant 3d by Baron of Eavensworth (7811) — Brilliant by Sir Thomas (5194) — by Noble Henry (2374)— by Abraham (2905)— by Mustachios (4527) —by Simon (5134)— by Young George (3885)— by George (276). EED GEIZZY 2d (vol. 25, p. 983)— Eed, calved Feb. 8, 1881, bred by Thomas Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland, got by Eoan Duke (45471), out of Eed Grizzy by Bright Hope (28081)— Young Grizzy by Gipsey Chief (15385)— by Viscount (15471)— by Kossuth (11646)— by Sir William (8598)— by Eoger (13615)— by Studley (628)— by Young Eockingham (2547)— by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). LADY ISriTHSDALE (vol. 25, p. 550)— Eed and white, calved March 27, 1880, bred by Andrew Stobo, Porte rstown, Thornhill, Eng., got by Capt. Hardy (39549), out of Hoddam Princess (vol. 25, p. 679, E.) by Prince Arthur Patrick (29600)— Jenny Lind by The Fiddler (27629)— Jessie Helen by Sir John (22905)— Blanche 78 wakfield's histoky by Mac Turk (14872)— Hoddam Heiress by Heil'-at-Law (13005)— by Hudibras (10339)— by^ Baronet (1686)— by Spectator (2688)— by Fitz Kemus (2025)— by Whitworth (695). LADY NITHSDALE 2d (vol. 25, p. 550)— Light roan, calved Feb. 6, 1883, bred by Andrew Stobo, got by King Edward (44990), out of Lady Nithsdale by Capt. Hardy (39549), «&c., as in dam, above. MYRTLE BEAUTY (vol. 25, p. 550, and vol. 23, p. 559, E., under dam) — Roan, calved Feb. 29, 1876, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland, got by Lord Derby (34524), out of White Beauty (vol. 23, p. 559, E.) by King Charles (26500)— Young Beauty by Duke of Richmond (19640)— Beauty by Kossuth (11646) —Rose by Sir William (8598)— by Roger (13615)— by Studley (628) — by Young Rockingham (2547) — by Wonder (2853) — by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). EMIGRANT 51531— Red and white, calved Jan. 30, 1883, bred by T. Marshall, got by King Edward (44990), out of Myrtle Beauty by Lord Derby (34524), &c., as in dam, above. ROAN GAINFORD (vol. 25, p. 550)— Roan, calved March 30, 1882, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland, got by Roan Duke (45471), out of Red Gainford (vol. 25, p. 577, E.) by Lord Derby (34524)— Lady Gainford 2d by Bright Hope (28081)— Lady Gainford by Earl of Derby (12810) — Young Grizzy by The Gipsey Chief (15385)— Grizzy by Viscount (15471)— Beauty by Kossuth (11646)— Rose by Sir William (8598)— by Roger (13615)— by Stud- ley (628)— by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). CLARA BOOTH— Red and white, calved June 5, 1883, bred by Thos. Marshall, got by King Edward (44990), out of Blooming Heather 2d by Roan Duke (45471), &c., as in dam, above. MINNIE BOOTH— Roan, calved June 5, 1884, bred by Thos. Marshall, got by King Edward (44990), out of Red Grizzy 2d by Roan Duke (45471), &c., as in dam, above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 79 CAPENOCH 51331 (46038)— Red and white, calved March 30, 1881, bred by Andrew Stobo, Porterstown, England, got by Capt. Hardy (39549), out of Royal Duchess 3d by Prince Arthur Patrick (29600)— Royal Duchess by Royal George (25023)— Cherry Duchess by Mr. Banting (22366)— Red Duchess 4th by Bumper (10005)— Red Duchess 3d by Young Peer (13462)— Caroline 3d by Duke of St. Albans (8001)— Caroline by Tyne (7653)— by Wolsington (2852) — by Brandon (3206) — by Young Sovereign — byLondsdale (379) — by Irishman (329). 1837. MICHAEL BOYNE. Ohio. GROSVENOR (3946)— Red and white, calved October 13, 1836, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Talleyrand (2728), out of Clarinda by Buckingham (1755)— Clara by Election (1961)— Young Charlotte by Pilot (1319)— Charlotte by Clarence (888)— by George (275)— by Ben (70)— by The Lame Bull (358)— by Punch (531). This bull was brought over with the cattle of Ohio Importing Company. JOHN BRENTNAL. DURHAM 1487— Bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley, got by Paragon (1303), out of Tuberose by Lancaster (360) — Cherry by Ladrone (353)— by Danby (190)— by a son of Favorite (252). DISHLEY— Bull, bred by Mr. Smith, Dishley. BRENTNAL— Cow, bred by Mr. Smith, " Dishley. See 1628, A. H. B. OLD RED JACKET. See vol. 6, p. 343, C. H. B. BRODIE & HUNGERFORD. Jefferson County, N. Y. ST. NICHOLAS 4347— Roan, calved Feb., 1853, bred by J. M. Hopper, got by Master Belleville (11795), out of Zenobia 2d by Belleville (6778)— Zenobia by Ernest (3735)— Dido by Marton 80 warfield's history (4408)— by Uptaker (2784)— by Wonderful (700)— by Mars (413)— by Trunnell (659)— by George (273)— by Dash (191). EMPRESS JOSEPHINE (vol. 5, p. 268)— Calved Aug.,, 1850, got by Isaac (9239), dam by Cotherstone (6903)— by Yellow Boy (5694)— by Mowthorpe (2343)— by Fleatham (2028)— by Easby (232). FLOURISH (vol. 5, p. 288, and vol. 11, p. 458, E., under dam, but not named) — Red and white, calved Jan. 10, 1854, bred by John Emmerson, Yorkshire, got by Young Chilton (11278), out of Flounce by Chilton (10054)— Fortuna by Magician (7185)— Whit- worth by Miracle (2320) — by Spectator (2688) — by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Jupiter (342). LADY NEWHAM alias MATILDA 2d (vol. 12, p. 490, E. H. B., as Matilda 2d) — Roan, calved in March, 1853, bred by J. M. Hopper, Yorkshire, got by Belleville (6778), out of Matilda by Belle- ville (6778) — Madeline by Newham (4563) — Ganymede by Uptaker (5534)— Garland by Matchem (2281)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695). ROSAMOND— Roan, calved July, 1852, bred by J. M. Hopper, got by Quarrington (10671), out of May Rose 3d by Belleville (6778)— May Rose 2d by Belleville (6778)— Sylvester by Ernest (3735)— Silk Velvet by Pedestrian (4676)— May Rose by Miracle (2320)— Georgiana by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Whitworth (695)— by Charles (127). MR. BROOKS. New York City. MONARCH 4th (20370)— Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1862, bred by J. Brett, Burton Joyce, got by Monarch 3d (20369), out of Ruby 9th by Monarch 2d (14958)— Ruby 6th by Improver (20003)— Ruby 5th by Lord Arthur Fairfax (7152)— Ruby 4th by Homer (8153) —by Snap (2646)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Rubens (568). IMPORTED SHORT-HORlSrS. , 81 Oct. 24, (840. GEO. BROWN. By Ship Alexander, to Baltimore. SON OF MAGNUM BONUM (2243)— See 23858, and vol. 2, p. 385, A. H. B. SUPERIOE— Got by Charley, out of Princess by Cupid. See A. H. B., 23858. FAN— Got by Magnum Bonum Jr. [son of (2243)], out of Superior by Charley — by Cupid. GEO. BROWN. Bow Park, Canada. LORD BARRINGTON 17550 (31616)— Roan, calved June 1, 1870, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, got by Duke of Brailes (23724), out of Grand Duchess of Barrington by 7th Grand Duke (19877)— Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738) — Countess of Barrington by Grand Duke 3d (16182) — Laurel by Grand Turk (12969)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cam- bridge (3638) — Olive Leaf by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700) — Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Sept. 2, 1873. GEO. BROWN. Toronto, Canada. By Ship Phoenician, from Glasgow. DUKE OF BARRINGTON 4th 16708 (30924) — Red and white, calved May 2, 1872, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Shipston-on-Stour, Warwickshire, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), out of Lady Louisa Barrington by Duke of Brailes (23724) —Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by 3d Grand Duke (16182) — Laurel by Grand Turk (12969)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liver- pool (9061)— by;2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23) —by Young Favorite (6994). 82 waefield's histoky ROYAL TUDOR 18272 (35411)— Red and white, calved April 21, 1872, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Christina by Prince Christian (22581)— Calendula by Majestic (13279)— Calomel by Hamlet (8126) — Chalk by Leonard (4210) — by Buckingham (3239) — from the stock of Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart. 1856. B. B. BROWNING. Madison Co., Ohio. NELSON GWYNNE 3191— White, calved April 9, 1855, bred by Mr. Troutbeck, Carlisle, England, got by Benedict (7828), out of Pricky Cwynne by Sir Thomas (5194) — Old Pricky Cwynne by Marmion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). 1865. R. W. CAMERON. stolen Island, N. Y. PANSY— Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1865, bred by The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by Prince Alfred (13494), out of Young Prim- rose by Goldsmith (10227)— Primrose by Lord Foppington (10437) — Sunflower by Sam Slick (8534). A. H. B., vol. 7, p. 500. VICTORIA— Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1864, bred by The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by Royal Prince (20743), out of Carolina by Prince Alfred (13494)— Coldcream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Furbelow by Little John (4238)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774)— Quickly by Swing (2721) — Alamode by Argus (759) — Valuable by Defender (ig4)_Violet by Petrarch (488)— by own brother to Colling's white heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). A. H. B., vol. 7, p. 577 IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 83 PRINCESS— Eed and white, calved Nov. 2, 1865, bred by The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by Prince of Saxe Coburg (20576), out of Pansy by Prince Alfred (13494), &c., as in Pansy, above. 4th KENT OF OXFORD 5648— Calved Oct. 19, 1863, bred by John Kilk, Bentley Priory, got by 3d Kent of Oxford (20049), out of Violet by Chevalier (14250)— Venus by Bletsoe (9970)— Vetch by Viscount Winkle (9788)— Victoria by Sultan (7566)— Vetch by Norfolk (2377)— Verbena by Burley (1766)— Young Alexina by Pilot (496)— Alexina by Warlaby (672)— Agnes by Albion (14)— Bright Eyes by Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by a son of Suwarrow (636) — by a son of Twin Brother to Ben (88) — by Twin Brother to Ben (660). PRINCE LEOPOLD 6057— Roan, calved Jan. 13, 1865, bred by The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by Enterprise (19704), out of Annette by Prince Alfred (13494)— Alix by Earl of Dublin (10178) — Latakia by Cray Friar (9172)— Annette by Little John (4232)— Anna by Young Norman (4584) — Walnut by White Boy (1580) — Pauline by WyvilFs Bull — by a bull bred by Mr. Charge. MARCHIONESS— Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1864, bred by John Kilk, Bentley Priory, Stonemore, got by Grand Duke of Sussex (17995), out of Fabiola by Emperor Napoleon (14509) — Frenzy by Fair Eclipse (11456)— Off-She-Goes by Emperor (6973)— Sally O'Moore 3d by Sir Walter (2639)— Sally O'Moore 2d by Young Remus (2523)— Sally O'Moore by Remus (550)— Grizzle "by Boi- lings (2131)— Lady by His Honor (2126)— Young Ridley by Part- ner (2409)— Old Ridley by Hutton's Bull (2145)— Lofty, descended from the stock of R. Alcock. A. H. B., vol. 7, p. 451. Aug., 1871. HUGH CAMPBELL. Kincardine, Canada. NONPAREIL 31ST— Red, calved March 16, 1870, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Blackburn, Scotland, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Nonpareil 2Gth by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— 84 warfield's history Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249)— Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Matadore (11800)— Nonpareil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Countess Lincoln by Diamond (5918)— Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836)— by Commodore (1858)— by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). A. H. B., vol. 23, p. 18001. June I, (876. CANADA WEST FARM STOCK ASSO- CIATION. Bow Park, Brantford, Ont. By Ship Polynesian, from Liverpool. WATERLOO 34th— Eoan cow, calved May 10, 1867, bred by C. E. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, Penrith, got by Wallace (23166), out of Waterloo 18th by Bosquet (14183)— Waterloo 15th by The Hero (10934)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— AVaterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 775, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12382. ROYAL CHARMER 3d— Red cow, calved Feb. 27, 1868, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, near Lancaster, got by Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883), out of Royal Charmer by 2d Duke of Cambridge (12743) — Sunrise by Mameluke (13289) — Sweetheart 3d by Daybreak (11338)— by Accordion (5708)— by Little John (4232)— by Caliph (1774)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155)— by son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 716, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12340. ROYAL CHARMER 4th— Red heifer, calved Aug. 24, 1875, bred by T. Lister Groby, Leicester, got by Duke of Rutland (33726), IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 85 out of lioyal Charmer 3d by Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B.,vol. 16, p. 12340; E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 372, under dam, and is given as bred by W. Fowler, Cottesmore. WILD EYES— Roan cow, calved March 3, 1868, bred by P. Stephenson, Rainton Thirsk, Yorks., got by Lord Lally 3d (24408), out of Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700) -by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)_by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— from the stock of Mr. Dobison. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12388, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 785, under dam. BARONESS BATES— Roan cow, calved April 18, 1872, bred by the Earl of Bective, Underley Hall, got by Baron Oxford 5th (27958), out of Lady Bates 7th by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Lady Bates 5th by Duke of Geneva (19614) — Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Barrington 8th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Lady Barrington 5th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Lady Bar- rington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by Son of Herds- man (304)— Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11969, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 584, under dam. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 10th— Roan cow, calved Oct. 1, 1872, bred by R. P. Davies, Horton, Gloucestershire, got by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), out of Kirklevington 18th by 3d Lord Oxford (22200)— Kirklevington 10th by Delhi (15865)— Kirklevington 8th 86 waefield's history by Gen. Oanrobert (12936)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirk- levington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— cow of Mr. Bates^ descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard of Eryholme. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12128, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 580, under dam. KIEKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 17th— Eoan, calved Dec. 10, 1873, bred by R. P. Davies, got by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392), out of Kirklevington Eose by Earl of Gloster (21644) — Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as in Kirklevington Duchess 10th, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12128, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 665, under dam. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 20th— Red, calved Oct. 6, 1874, bred by R. P. Davies, got by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392), out of Kirklevington Duchess 4th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604) —Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirkleving- ton 7th by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as in Kirklevington Duchess 10th, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12128, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 665, under dam. PRIESTESS— Roan cow, calved Nov. 9, 1870, bred by A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone, Dayrell, Buckingham, got by Wild Duke (27808), out of Grand Princess by 7th Grand Duke (19877)— Prin- cess by Royal ButteriSy 5th (18756)— Diadem by Marmaduke (14897) —Darlington 5th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Darlington 2d by Percy (9472)— Darlington by Thomas (5471)— Pretty Maid by Eryholme (3736)— by Reformer (4914)— by Young Favorite (3770) —by Wellington (2825). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12289, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 539, under dam. BLANCHE 12th— Roan cow, calved Feb. 16, 1871, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), out of IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. &7 Blanche 3d by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739)— Blanche by Dundas (17763)— Sylph by Gloucester (14619)— by Childers (10052)— by Selim (6454)— by Rjex (6385)— by Norfolk (3377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Lancaster (360)— by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— by Ohapman^s son of Punch (122)— by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— by Checks (132)— by R. Grimston's Bull (282)— by J. Coates' Bull (148). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11990, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 675. BLANCHE 14th— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 26, 1873, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by 24th Duke of Oxford (31002), out of Blanche 12th by 4th Baron of Oxford (25580), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11990, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 675, under dam. HAIDEE 2d— Red and white cow, calved March 7, 1872, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Warwickshire, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), out of Virginia by Duke of Brailes (23724)— Miss Knightley by Bull's Run (19368)— Gionetta by Sarawak (15238) —Smock Frock by Earl of Dublin (10178)— London Pride by Janizary (8175)— Aline by Snowball (8602)— Lila by Caliph (1774) —Amy by Norman (2379)— Walnut by White Boy (1580)— Pauline by Wyvill's Bull — by a bull of Mr. Charge's. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12097, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 810, under dam. DARLINGTON PRINCESS— Red and white, calved Sept. 20, 1875, bred by Geo. Ashburner, got by Duke of Oxford (31004), out of Priestess by Wild Duke (27808), &c., as in Priestess, above. E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 314, under dam. OXFORD'S WATERLOO 6th— Red and white heifer, calved March 7, 1875, bred by R. Lodge, The Rookery, Bishopdale,Yorks., got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), out of Oxford's Waterloo 4th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), &c., as in Oxford's Waterloo 4th, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12273, and E. II. B., vol. 23, p. 537, under dam. 88 warfield's history LADY FLORENCE 5th— Roan heifer, calved March 31, 1875, bred by H. J. Sheldon, got by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730), out of Lady Florence 2d by 18th Duke of Oxford (25595) — Lady Florence by Duke of Brailes (23724) — Countess by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Chrysalis by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Garland by Gray Friar (9172)— Fillet by Fawsley (6004)— Marguerite by Marcellus (2260)— Pearl by Rufus (2576)— Ruby by Wellington (683)— by Windsor (698) — by Windsor (698) — by an own brother to North Star (459). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12146, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 559, under dam. LADY USK— Roan heifer, calved May 12, 1875, bred by Lord Fitz Hardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, got by Oxford's Tony (35000), out of Lady Ursula by Marquis of Bickerstaffe (29292)— Ursula 21st by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Ursula 12th by Gen. Canrobert (12927) — Duchess of Gloster by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Ursula by Usurer (9763)— Crystal by Prince Ernest (4818) — Coquette by Alamode (725) — Young Cowslip by Ratify (2481) — Cowslip by Wellington (681)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12166. and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 438, under dam. PRINCESS GWYNNE— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 11, 1875, bred by W. H. Salt, Maplewell, Loughborough, got by 5th Lord Oxford (31738), out of Duchess Gwynne by Duke of Wetherby (17753)— Polly Gwynne by Flying Dutchman (10235)— by St. Thomas (10777)— by Prime Minister (2456)— by AVallace (5586)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phe- nomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hub- back (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626)— bred by Mr. Stephenson, of Ketton, in 1839. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12291, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 550, under dam. OXFORD'S WATERLOO 4th— Red cow, calved Jan. 22, 1869, bred by T. Atherton, Speke, near Liverpool, got by 13th Duke of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 89 Oxford (21604), out of Oxford's Waterloo by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Waterloo 19tli by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Waterloo 15th by Matadore (11800)— Waterloo 12tli by 3d Duke of York (10166) —Waterloo 4th by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by W^aterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 818, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12272. BLANCHE 8th— Red and white cow, calved Jan. 31, 1869, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Lancashire, got by Grand Duke 10th (21848), out of Blanche 3d by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739)— Blanche by Dundas (17763)— Sylph by Gloucester (14619) —by Childers (10052)— by Selim (6454)— by Rex (6385)— by Nor- folk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Lan- caster (360)— by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— by Chapman's son of Punch (122) — by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213) — by Check's (132)— by R. Grimston's Bull (282)— by J. Coates' Bull (148). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 674, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11990. LADY THORNDALE BATES 2d— Roan cow, calved Oct. 27, 1869, bred by W. W. Slye, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), out of Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706) — by son of Herdsman (304) — by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 616, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12166. AMERICA'S DUCHESS— Red heifer, calved July 17, 1873, bred by W. W. Slye, got by Grand Duke of Thorndale (31297), out of America by Marmaduke (14897) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Annie by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Acomb by Belvedere (1706)— a cow bought of Mr. Bates. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11959, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 370, under dam. 11 90 warfield's history GENEVANS MINSTEEL 2d— Red and white heifer, calved May 29, 1874, bred by E. H. Cheney, Gaddesby Hall, Leicester, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), out of Minstrel 3d by 10th Duke of Oxford. (17739)— Minstrel 2d by Prince of Gloster (13517) —Minstrel by Count Conrad (3510)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— Beauty by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626)— bred by Mr. Stephenson, of Ketton, 1839. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12085, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 371. DUCHESS OF BARRINGTON 2d— Roan heifer, calved July 25, 1874, bred by W. W. Slye, got by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298), out of Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in Lady Thorndale Bates 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12038, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 371, under dam. GRAND DUCHESS OF OXFORD 29th— Roan heifer, calved July 28, 1874, bred by Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, got by Baron of Oxford 4th (25580), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 19th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 6th by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Grand Duchess of Oxford 4th by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997)— Oxford 15th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Oxford 6th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Ox- ford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12095, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 675, under dam. DUKE OF OXFORD 45th 29333— Roan, calved Jan. 13, 1877, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, got by 7th Baron of Oxford (36199), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 29th by 4th Baron of Oxford (25580), &c., as in dam, above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 91 GKAND DUKE OF THOENDALE 2d (31298)— Red bull, calved May 9, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), out of Grand Duchess 20th by 4th Duke of Thorn- dale (17750)— Grand Duchess 8th by Prince Imperial (15095)— Grand Duchess 2d by Grand Duke (10284) — Duchess 51st by Cleve- land Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Fav- orite (252)— by Hubback ^319)- by J. Brown^s Red Bull (97). DUKE OF OXFORD 30th 26349 (33712)— Red, calved Feb. 1, 1874, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 21st by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 11th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 5th by Priam (18567)— Countess of Oxford by Earl of Warwick (11412)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). BARON PAULINE 25636 [4595]— Rich roan, calved Nov. 8, 1876, bred by Jas. How, Broughton, Huntingdon, got by Preten- der (35068), out of Pauline 11th by Prince of the Realm (22627), &c., as in Pauline 11th, above. 6th duke of BARRINGTON 26165 [4968]— Red and white, calved Jan. 8, 1877, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, got by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298), out of Duchess of Bar- rington 2d by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298), &c., as in dam, above. 5th duke of BARRINGTON 26164 [4967]— Roan, calved July 28, 1876, bred by Earl of Bective, got by 2d Duke of Tre- gunter (26022), out of Lady Thorndale Bates 2d by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), &c., as in dam, above. DUKE OF KIRKLEVINGTON 26275— White, calved Nov. '25, 1876, bred by R. Pavin Davies, Horton, got by Oxford's King (34997), out of Kirklevington Duchess 10th by 2d Duke of Tregun- ter (26022), &c., as in dam, above. 92 warfield's history DUKE OF KIRKLEVINGTON 2d 26276— Red roan, calved Dec. 30, 1876, bred by R. Pavin Davies, got by Oxford's King (35997), out of Kirklevington Duchess 17tli by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392), &c., as in dam, above. AZALIA — Roan, calved June 29, 1875, bred by Geo. Ashburner, Low Hall, got by Duke of Oxford (31004), out of Azelea by Baron Fennel (27937)— Anemone 2d by Gen. Napier (24023)— Anemone by Duke of Kent (19619)— Acacia by Count De Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166) — Annie by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Acomb 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Acomb by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— cow, bought by Mr. Bates of Mr. Maynard. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11969. MINSTREL 4th— Red and white, calved Nov. 24, 1876, bred by Wm. H, Salt, Maplewell, got by 5th Duke of Gloster (36494), out of Genevans Minstrel 2d by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), &c., as in dam, above. SERAPHINA\S DUCHESS— Roan, calved Jan. 17, 1875, bred by J. P. Foster, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Sera- phina 19th by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Seraphina 11th by May Duke (13320)— Seraphina 7th by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Sera- phina 2d by Sweet William (7571) — Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6955)— Sapphire by Stratton (5336)— Ruby by Fanatic (1996)— Rufe by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014). E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 418, under dam, and vol. 16, p. 12349, A. H. B. POLLY GWYNNE 9th— Red and white, calved June 15, 1873, bred by Mr. Hetherington, Middle Farm, got by 2d Grand Duke of Lightburne' (26291), out of Polly Gwynne 3d by Wild Duke 5th (27807)— Polly Gwynne 2d by Wild. Duke 4th (21107)— Polly Gwynne by Flying Dutchman (10235) — Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456)— White Moll Gwynne by Wallace (5586)— Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Daphne Gwynne by Merlin (430) — Nell IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 98 (jr Wynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Hubback (319)— Bright Eyes by Snowdon's Bull (612)— Beauty by WaistelFs Bull (669) — Duchess of Athol by Masterman's Bull (422)— Tripes by Studley Bull (626). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12283. POLLY GWYNNE 11th— Eoan, calved March, 1876/ bred by Geo. Fox, Elmhurst, got by Grand Duke of Weston 3d (34079), out of Polly Gwynne 9th by 2d Grand Duke of Lightburne (26291), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12283. DARLINGTON 26th — White, calved Aug. 6, 1876, bred by Geo. Ashburner, got by Cherry Duke of Lightburne (36349), out of Priestess by Wild Duke (27808), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12843. July 13, 1876. CANADA WEST FARM STOCK ASSO- CIATION. By Ship Polynesian, from Liverpool. JANIE STUART— Red, calved Nov. 29, 1869, bred by S. Can- ning, Snitterfield, 8tratford-on-Avon, got by Gen. Bragg (26232), out of Lady Stuart by John O^Groat (18115) — Grand Duchess by Grand Sultan (16189) — Duchess of Sussex by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Countess of Beverly by Lord Foppington (10437)— Cow- slip Belle by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Cicely by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— Craggs, bought by Mr. Bates, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12111, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 909. PAULINE 8th— Red and white cow, calved Dec. 29, 1870, bred by J. How, Broughton, Huntingdon, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Pauline 6th by Heir of Windsor. (26364)— Pauline 3d by Ravenspur (20628)— Pauline by British Boy (11206)— Hilda by Hopewell (10332)— Hester by Hamlet (8126)— a cow, bred at Kill- erby by Mr. Booth. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12275, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 781. 94 PAULINE llTH— Roan cow, calved Oct. 10, 1872, bred by J. How, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), out of Pauline 5tli by British Hope (21324) — Pauline 3d by Ravenspur (20628), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12275, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 682, under dam. PAULINE 15th— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 8, 1875, bred by J. How, got by Great Hope (24082), out of Pauline 7th by King Charles (24240)— Pauline 5th by l^ritish Hope (21324)— Pauline 3d by Ravenspur (20628)— Pauline by British Boy (11206), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12275, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 464, under dam. PERILLA— Red heifer, calved March 28, 1875, bred by Jas. How, got by Great Hope (24082), out of Persicaria, by King Vic- tor (28986)— Pauline 4th by Hopewell (19973)— Pauline by British Boy (11206), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12278, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 464, under dam. LADY HUDSON'S DUCHESS 4th— Red heifer, calved April 22, 1874, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Son, Waterbury, Kent, got by 6th Duke of Oneida (30997), out of Lady Hudson's Duchess 2d by Grand Duke 15th (21852)— Lady Hudson by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Hudson 3d by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Hudson 2d by Horrox (11591)— Hudson by the Duke (8676). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12151, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 909, under dam. MARCHIONESS 9th alias KIRKLEVINGTON 19th— Red and white heifer, calved June 1, 1875, bred by the Earl of Bective, Underley Hall, got by 3d .Duke of Glbster (33653), out of Sidding- ton 6th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Siddington 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 95 of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 319, under dam, and vol. 16, p. 12128. AURORA— Red heifer, calved June 21, 1875, bred by the Earl of Bective, got by Oxford Beau 3d (32013), out of Ariel Marchion- ess by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727)— Ariel Duchess by Duke of Wharfdale (19648)— Ariel 5th by Czarovitz (17954)— Ariel 3d by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Ariel 2d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) —by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 317, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11968. OXFORD BELLE 3d— Roan heifer, calved July 10, 1875, bred by Col. Kingscote, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Coun- tess of Oxford by 7th Duke of Airdrie (23718)— Gem of Oxford by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Romeo's Oxford by Romeo (13619)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12271, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 520, under dam. ROYAL KENT CHARMER— Roan, calved May 20, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye, Lancaster, got by Grand Duke of Kent 2d (28729), out of Royal Charmer by 2d Duke of Cambridge (12743) — Sunrise by Mameluke (13289)— Sweetheart 3d by Daybreak (11338)— Sweet- heart by Accordion (5708)— Charmer by Little John (4234)— Grace- ful by Caliph (1774)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117) —by Coxcomb (928)— Rachel by Comet (155)— by a son of Favorite (252)— by son of Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319). A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 13162. PAULINE 20th— Red and white, calved April 23, 1877, bred by James How, Broughton, got by King Victor (28986), out of Pauline 8th by Lord Blithe (22126)— Pauline 6th by Heir of Wind- 96 sor (5^6364)— Pauline 3d by Ravenspur (20628)— Pauline by British Boy (11206)— Hilda by Hopewell (10332)— Hester by Hamlet (8126) — a cow, bred at Killerby by Mr. Booth. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13859. WILD EYES DUKE [6503]— Red and white, calved March 19, 1877, bred by E. H. Cheney, Gaddesby Hall, got by 5th Duke of Gloster (36494), out of Wild Eyes 31st by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), &c., as in Wild Eyes 31st, above. LADY ANNIE BATES— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 30, 1875, bred by the Earl of Bective, got by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), out of Lady Bates 7th by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Lady Bates 5th by Duke of Geneva (19614) — Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836) — Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Barrington 8th by 2d Duke of Ox- ford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Cleve- land Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 318, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12038, as Duchess of Barrington 4th. July 27, 1876. CANADA WEST FARM STOCK ASSO- CIATION. By Ship Circassian, from Liverpool. KNIGHTLEY GRAND DUCHESS— Roan cow, calved Nov. 22, 1867, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Son, Wateringbury, Kent, got by 4th Grand Duke (19874), out of Nymphalin by Bull's Run (19368)— Sylphide by Sarawak (15238)— Pintail by Janizary (8175) — Catilina by Caliph (1774)— by Scipio (1421)— by Billy (787)— by Western Comet (689)— by Favorite (252)— from Studley White Bull (627). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 804, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12130. LADY FAWSLEY 2d— Roan cow, calved Feb. 22, 1870, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, got by Duke of Brailes (23724), IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 97 out of Lady Fawsley by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Hyampea by ^sop (19197)— Polytint by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Cornbind by Janizary (8175)— Golden Eod by Snowball (8602)— Florence by Little John (4232)— Oathleen by Caliph (1774)— Rosy by Rob Boy (557)_by Satellite (1420)— By Sir Dimple (594)— by Styford (629). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12146, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 578, under dam. ROSE O'LEE— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 26, 1875, bred by J. W. Larking, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Rosy by Grand Duke of Kent (26289) — Lactea Oxoniensis by Imperial Ox- ford (18084) — Lactea by Sarawak (15238) — Cornbind by Janizary (1875)— Golden Rod by Snowball (8602)— Florence by Little John (4232)— Cathleen by Caliph (1774)— Rosy by Rob Roy (557)— by Satellite (1420)— by Sir Dimple (594)— by Styford (629). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12334, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 477, under dam. 4th duke of clarence 26188 (33597)— Roan bull, calved Oct. 28, 1874, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), out of Duchess 109th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Duchess 100th by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Duchess 87th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Duchess 80th by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184)— Duchess 72dby 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 67th by Usurer (9763)— Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 56th by 2d Duke of North- umberland (3646)— Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319)— by James Brown's Red Bull (97). DUKE OF OXFORD 38th 26351 (38172)— Red and white, calved Jan. 13, 1876, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holkar Hall, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Grand Duchess 98 waefield's histoey of Oxford 14t.h by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 7th by Lord Oxford (20214)— Grand Duchess of Oxford by 3d Grand Duke (16182)— Countess of Oxford by Earl of Warwick (11412)— Oxford 15th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Oxford 6th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). PRINCESS ONEIDA— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 22, 1874, bred by Sir T. C. Constable, Bart., got by Duke of Oneida 1st (30996), out of Princess Victoria 7th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604)— Princess Victoria by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) — Princess Louisa by Delhi (15866)— Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates\ E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 639, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12293. PRINCESS VICTORIA ONEIDA— Roan heifer, calved June 21, 1875, bred by Sir T. C. Constable, Bart., Burton Constable, Hull, got by Oneida Prince (34948), out of Princess Victoria 9th by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), Princess Victoria 5th by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Princess by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 372, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12294. DUCHESS OF BARRINGTON 3d— Red and white heifer, calved Sept. 4, 1875, bred by W. W. Slye, got by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298), out of Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Barrington 8th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Lady Barring- ton 5th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by Son of Herdsman (304) — Young IMPORTED SH0RT-H0RN8. 99 Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12038. •" LADY EMILY 5th— Red, calved July 15, 1872, bred by H. J. Sheldon, got by 18tli Duke of Oxford (25995), out of Lady Emily Darlington by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Lady Emily 2d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lady Emily by Duke of Bolton (12738)— Eugenie by Gray Friar (9172)— Fidelia by Fawsley (6004) —Flourish by Little John (4232)— Lilla by Caliph (1774)— Amy by Norman (2379)— Walnut by White Boy (1580)— Pauline by Wyville's Bull— by a bull of Mr. Charge's. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12145, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 593, under dam. BARON KNIGHTLEY 25610— Red and white, calved May, 1876, bred by the Marquis of Blandford, got by Duke of Rosedale (33721), out of Lady Emily 5th by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), &c., as in dam, above. » WILD EYES 31st— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 24, 1873, bred by W. Angerstein, Weeting Hall, Brandon, Norfolk, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Wild Eyes 30th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170) —by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 297, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12388. WILD EYES 33d— Red roan heifer, calved July 18, 1874, bred by Wm. Ashburner, Nether House, Ulverstone, got by 2d Grand Duke of Kent (28759), out of Wild Eyes 31st by Grand Duke of Cambridge 3d (31285)— Wild Eyes 29th by Knight of the Harem 100 waefield's histoey (24278)— Wild Eyes 27th by Gainford 5th (12913)— Wild Eyes 26th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 5th by Short Tail (2621)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12389, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 316, under dam. LADY FAWSLEY 8th— White, calved May 5, 1876, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, got by 24th Duke of Airdrie (36460), out of Lady Fawsley 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724), &c., as in Lady Fawsley 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12146, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 371, under dam. LADY FAWSLEY 6th— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 9, 1873, bred by George Fox, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25.995), out of Lady Lady Fawsley 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12146, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 720, under dam. LADY FAWSLEY 7th— Roan heifer, calved in March, 1875, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), out of Lady Fawsley 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12146. AMERICA\S OXFORD— Red heifer, calved April 1, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), out of America by Marmaduke (14897) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Annie by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Acomb by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11959, and vol. 20, p. 391, E. H. B., under dam. BARON ACOMB 25580— Red bull, calved in May, 1876, bred by W. W. Slye, got by 2d Grand Duke of Thorndale (31298), out of American's Oxford by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), &c., as above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 101 BARON ACOMB 2d 25581— Eed bull, calved Sept. 3, 1876, bred by W. W. Slye, got by 2d Grand Duke of Thorndale (31298), out of American's Duchess by Grand Duke of Thorndale (31297), &c., as above. 2d BAEON KNIGHTLEY 25611— White bull, calved May 17, 1876, bred by J. W. Larking, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Knightley Grand Duchess by 4th Grand Duke (19874), &c., as in dam, above. 1874. MR. CANTRELL, Of Mexico. By Ship The Nile, from Southampton. NOBLEMAN (34916)— Eed bull, calved March 22, 1873, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, got by St. Swithin (22833), out of Nettle by Monk (24616)— Nemophila by Oynric (19542)— Nectarine by Gen. Pelissier (14605)— Necklace by Uncle Tom (13912)— by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— by Eaffler (7391)— by Consul (1868)— by son of Speculation (1472). PEIDE OF THE HEATH 2d— Eoan heifer, calved Jan. 31, 1872, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Chipping Norton, Oxon, got by Eoyal Butterfly 20th (25007), out of Pride of the Heath by Cynric (19542)— Peach by Havelock (14676)— Peace by Valiant (7662)— Young Portrait by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— Portrait by Lord John (4259)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Newnham (2365)— by Satellite (1420)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trun- nell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by E. Alcock^s Bull (19)— by J. Smithes Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 696, under dam. Aug., (868. W. CARR. PEINCE OF BUCKINGHAM 8857— Eed roan, calved April 6, 1867, bred by W. Oarr, Stackhouse, Yorkshire, got by Imperial Windsor (18086), out of Princess Louise by King Arthur (13110)— 102 waefield's history Bustle by Valiant (10989)— Bonnet by Buckingham (3239)— Bliss by Leonard (4210) — Young Broughton by Young Matchem (2282) — Broughton by Jerry (4097)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by son of Apollo (36). Dec. 26, 1872. W. CARR, Of Compton, Can. By Ship Manitobian, from Liverpool. LADY OHRISTABEL— Eoan, calved May 15, 1868, bred by W. Carr, Stackhouse, Yorks., got by Windsor Fitz-Windsor (25458), out of Lady Clare by Prince of the Realm (22627) — Olaribel by Valasco (15443)— Farewell by Royal Buck (10750)— Little Fanny by Exquisite (8048)— by Hamlet (8126)— by Marcus (2262)— by Matchem (2281)— by Alderman (1622)— by Pilot (496)— by Remus (550)— by Sir Charles (592)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by son of Favorite (252) — Strawberry. E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 560, under dam. Oct. 20, 1875. W. S. CHAPMAN, Of San Francisco, Cal. By Ship Erin, from Liverpool. WILD EYES 31sT— Red and white cow, calved April 24, 1871, bred by Mr. J. Robinson, Bootle, Cumberland, got by Grand Duke of Cambridge 3d (31285), out of Wild Eyes 29th by Knight of the Harem (24278)— Wild Eyes 27th by Gainford 5th (12913)— Wild Eyes 26th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 5th by Short Tail (2621)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 547, under dam. AMETHYST (32946)— Red bull, calved April 21, 1874, bred by G. Ashburner, Low Hall, got by Grand Duke of Lightburne" 3d (28761), out of Oxford's Gem by Oxford 4th (24706)— Double Oxford by Oxford (20449)— Lady Oxford by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739) —Lily by Hope (13042)— by Duke of Richmond (8000)— by Bachelor IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 103 (5770)— by Romulus (640'5)— by Sillery (5131)— by Young Western Comet (1575)— by Western Comet (689)— by son of Favorite (252). FAMOUS KNIGHT (33878)— Roan bull, calved Jan. 13, 1874, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Knight of the Shire (26552), out of Fair Jute by Breastplate (19337)— Fair Dane by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Flower Nymph by Vanguard (10994)— Flower Girl by Londesboro (6141)— by Rinaldo (4949)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by Sir James Pennyman's Bull (601). Aug., (864. DAVID CHRISTIE, Of Paris, Out. By Ship Sardinian to Quebec. QUEEN OF ATHELSTANE— Red, calved April 29, 1860, bred by James Douglas, got by Sir James the Rose (15290), out of Play- ful by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Place 3d by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649)— Place 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Place by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Place by son of 2d Hub- back (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. C. H. B.,vol. 1, p. 440, and E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 659, under dam. CROWN PRINCESS OF ATHELSTANE— Roan, calved May 3, 1865, bred by James Douglas, got by Next of Kin (20405), out of Queen of Athelstane by Sir James the Rose (15290), &c., as above. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 252. PRINCESS OF ATHELSTANE— Red, calved July 6, 1863, bred by James Douglas, got by Watchman (17216), out of Queen of Athelstane by Sir James the Rose (15290), &c., as above. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 437. PLACIDA— Red cow, calved July 8, 1858, bred by T. B. Sydserff, Ruchlaw, got by Master of Athelstane (14933), out of Julia 104 Cruise by Crusade (7938)— Butterfly by Raspberry (4875)— Daisy by Wellington (5625)— by Fleetham (2028)— by Admiral (5)— by Young Denton (963) — by Young Albion (15). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 428, and E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 659. DOUGLAS OF ATHELSTANE [173]— Eedand white, calved May 16, 1864, bred by James Douglas, got by Knight of, Athelstane (20075), out of Placida by Master of Athelstane (14933), &c., as in dam, above. CROWN PRINCE OF ATHELSTANE (21512) [157]— Roan bull, calved June 1, 1864, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, Scotland, got by Next of Kin (20405), out of Queen of Athelstane by Sir James the Rose (15290)— Playful by 4tli Duke of York (10167)— Place 3d by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Place 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Place 1st by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Place by son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirklevington. PRIDE OF ATHELSTANE— Red, calved July 6, 1861, bred by James Douglas, got by Sir James the Rose (15290), out of Lady of Athelstane by Hymen (13058)— Playful by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Place 3d by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Place 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Place 1st by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Place by 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 432, and E. H. B., vol. \6, p. 530, under dam. Sept., 1868. HON. DAVID CHRISTIE, Of PaHs, Ont. To Quebec. KNIGHT OF ST. GEORGE 8472 (26544) [1630]— Red and white, calved March 12, 1867, bred by W. Carr, Stackhouse, York- shire, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), out of Windsor's Queen by Windsor (14013)— Wide Awake by Royal Buck (10750)— Bon- net by Buckinghan (3239) — Bliss by Leonard (4210) — by Young Matchem (2282)— by Jerry (4097)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by son of Apollo (36). IMPORTED SHORT-MORNS. 1()5 (864. CLARK COUNTY (O.) IMPORTING COMPANY. (Dr. Arthur Watts akd Alexander Waddle, Agents.) By Ship F. W. Bally. Landed at Philadelphia, June 30, 1854. LOED OF THE ISLES 3090— White, calved Sept. 5, 1853, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Leda by Lord Marquis (10459) — Laura by Petrarch (7329)— Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Spots by Garton (2052) — Latona by Harold (291)— by Count (170)— by Badsworth (47)— by Coates^ son of Twin Brother to Ben (660). Kecorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 544. Sold to Alex- ander Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $575. YOUNC AMERICA 1123— Red roan, calved Aug. 2, 1854, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by Prince Royal (7371), out of Zealous by St. Albans (7462), &c., as in dam, below. BUCKINGHAM 2d 297 (12509)— Roan, calved June 10, 1852, bred by Mr. Mitchell, Cleasby, got by Oxygen (9464), out of Queen Bess by Hamlet (8126)— White Rose by Pam (4643)— Straw- berry by Young Matchem (2282)— Rosamond by Jack Tar (1133) —by Pilot (496)— by Young Albion (15). Sold to W. D. Pierce, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,000. THE DUKE 1029 (13847)— Roan, calved Feb. 19, 1852, bred by John Clark, Aldborough, got by Adam (12338), dam by Whit- tington (12299)— by Mehemet Ali (7227)— by Guardian (3947)— by Paganini (2405)— by Paul Jones (8333)— by Pirate (2430)— by Sedbury (1424)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872). Sold to W. C. Davis, Montgomery Co., Ohio, for $625. NEW-YEAR'S DAY (13383)— Roan, calved Jan. 1, 1853, bred by Lee Norman, Corbollis, got by Magnet (11765), out of Moss Rose by Killerby (7122)— Maradan by Orator (2390)— Martha by Darlington (3561) — Mary Anne by Favorite (1028) — by Crispin (174)_by Rose's Red. Bull (5009)— by Turnell's Red Bull (1536)— by a bull of Mr. Cornforth's. Sold to C. M. Clark, Clark Co., Ohio, for $3,500. 106 warfield's history CZAR 395— Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1852, bred by J. Farrell, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Maid of Athens by Druid (10140) —Maid of Aln by Regent (2517)— Edith by Borderer (3191)— by Eclipse (1949)— by Togston (5487)— by Bolingbroke (3184)— by son of Midas (435)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Sold to A. J. Paige, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,900. MEDALIST 697 (13324)— White, calved Jan. 18,1853, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Crown Prince (10087), out of Magnet by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Mosaic by Leonard (4210) — Moonbeam by Prince Comet (1342) — by Constellation (163) — by Prince of Waterloo (528)— by Young Favorite (255). Sold to Arthur Watts, Chillicothe, Ohio, for $2,100. LORD STANWICK (13253)— White, calved Jan. 24, 1853, bred by Mr. Wood, Stanwick Park, Darlington, got by Whittington (12299), out of Lady Alice by Noble (4578)— Lady Agnes by Newton (2367) — Lady Mary by Emperor (3716)— Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420) — Portia by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342) — by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B (45). Sold to Alex. Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $500. RODOLPH 923— Roan, calved May 31, 1853, bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by Financier (9122), out of Blue Bell by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Blanche by Triumph (5518)— Betsy by Grazier (10085) — Favorite by Parrington (4653) — Light Roan Twin by Baron (58) — Dairymaid by Windsor (698) — out of a grand- daughter of Washington (674). Sold -to W. C. Davis, Montgomery Co., Ohio, for $200. SHYLOCK 965 (13698)— Roan, calved July 22, 1853, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Crown Prince (10087), out of Solar Ray by Leonard (4210) — Sunshine by Remus (4932) — Sun- beam by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Charles 2d (879)— by Constellation (163)— by Young Favorite (255). Sold to John Hadley, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $300. IMPOKTED SH0ET-H0RN8. 107 COWS. LANCASTER 17th— Eoan, calved Feb. 21, 1852, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, got by Prince Royal (7371), out of Lancaster 10th by George 3d (7038)— Lancaster 9th by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by a son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 491, and vol. 11, p. 537, E., under dam. Sold to Wm. D. Pierce, Clark Co., Ohio, for $900. ROAN LADY— Roan, calved April 18, 1852, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, got by St. Albans (7462), out of Wiseton Lady by Humber (7102) — Roguery by Mercury (2301) — Pageant by Mon- arch (2324)— No. 13 by St. Albans (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Oliver (605) — Raspberry by Trunnell (659) — Lily by Favorite (252). Vol. 3, p. 627. Sold to Wm. D. Pierce, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,000. LANCASTER 19th— Red, calved Sept. 13, 1852, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, Lenton, got by St. Albans (7462), out of Lancaster 13th by Queen's Roan (7389)— Laurel by Will Honeycomb (5660)— Lan- caster 9th by Spectator (2688) — by Albion (1619) — by Lancaster (360)— by a son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). Vol. 2, p. 434, and vol. 11, p. 537, E., under dam. Sold to L. B. Sprague, Clark Co., Ohio. VENUS— Roan, calved Dec. 29, 1852, bred by H. Ambler, Wat- kinson Hall, Halifax, got by Lord Byron (11710), out of Psyche by Abraham Parker (9876) — Octavia by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Junia by Robertson (2538)— by Prince Edward (2462)— by Sir Francis B (1443)— by Sultan (1485)— by Wellington (683)— by North Star (458). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 682, and vol. 11, p. 650, E., under dam. Sold to Wm. D. Pierce, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,075. ZENOBIA— Roan, calved Dec. 22, 1852, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by Crusade (7938), out of Zalia by Major (4344)— Zalia by Zadig (8794)— Tuberose by Constitution 108 (3476)— by Scrip (2604)— by Biirley (1766)— by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587) — by a son of Siiwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 607, and vol. 11, p. 762, E., under dam. Sold to Alex. Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $625. NELL 2d— Eoan, calved March 22, 1853, bred by Mr. Wilkin- son, got by Monarch (13347), out of Young Nell by Queen^s Eoan (7389)— Nell by Will Honeycomb (5660)— by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Sir Peter (606)— by Punch (531)— by Washing- ton (675)— by Washington (674). Sold to A. Toland, for $350. BUTTERFLY 13th— Eed roan, calved Sept. 28, 1853, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by Monarch (13347), out of Butterfly 12th by Queen's Eoan (7389)— by George 3d (7038)— by Will Honeycomb (5660)— by Spectator (2688)— by Sir Eoger de Coverley (5187)— by Brother to Albion (1619) — by Alexander (1624) — by son of But- terfly (104). A. H. B., vol. 6, p. 208, and vol. 11, p. 354, E., under dam, without name. Sold to H. Stickney, for $290. AYLESBY LADY— Eoan, calved May 13, 1848, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Ade- laide by Ganthorpe (2049) — Mary by Cossack (1880) — by Sir Henry (1446)— by Young Albion (730)— by Marske (418). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 291, and vol. 10, p. 261, E. H. B. Sold to A. J. Paige, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,425. EOMAN 13th— Eoan, calved Sept. 24, 1849, bred by Mr. Wilk- inson, Nottingham, Eng., got by Will Honeycomb (5660), out of Eoman 3d by Prince (7615)— by Lenton (4205)— by Spectator (2688) — by Sir Eoger de Coverley (5187) — by a son of Alexander (1624) —by Favorite (6996). Vol. 2, p. 537. Sold to Jacob Pierce^ Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,300, IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 109 DAHLIA— Red, calved March 6, 1850, bred by Sir T. Cart- wright, Aynhoe, got by Upstart (9760), out of Daisy by Sweet William (8646)— Daffodil by Harold (8131)— Jenny Dennison by Cedric (3311)— by Son of Favorite (1028)— by Coelebs (897)— by Rose's Bull (5009)— by Fisher's Bull (3799). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 341, and vol. 11, p. 394, E. Sold to A. J. Paige, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,100. ZEALOUS— Roan, calved March 18, 1850, bred by Mr. Wilkin- son, Nottingham, got by St. Albans (7462), out of Zeal by Roman (2561)— Roguery by Mercury (2301)— Pageant by Monarch (2324) —No. 13 by St. Albans (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— Raspberry by Trunnel (659)— Strawberry by Favorite (252) —Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 606, and vol. 10, p. 638, E., under dam. Sold to Alexander Waddle, for $1,000. NECT^AR— Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1851, bred by T. Birchall, Ribbleton Hall, got by North Star (9447), out of Beeswing by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249)— Bessy by Thick Hock (6601)— Barmpton Rose by Expectation (1988)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861) —by Denton (198). Vol. 11, p. 608, E. Sold to J. Davis, for $600. SIR ARTHUR 2208— Roan, calved Sept. 7, 1854, bred by Sir T. Cartwright, got by Gilliver (11529), out of Dahlia by Upstart (7960), &c., as in Dahlia, above. LAVENDER 3d— Red and white, calved Aug. 5, 1851, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by St. Albans (7462), out of Lavender 2d by Queen's Roan (7389)— by Will Honeycomb (5660)— by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by a son of Wind- sor (698)— by Comet (155). Vol. 2, p. 437, A., and vol. 10, p. 446, E., under dam, without name. Sold to Arthur Watts, Chillicothe, Ohio, for $500. BLUSHING BEAUTY— Roan, calved June 21, 1853, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby, got by Crown Prince (10087), out of Blushing 110 Maid by Helmsman (8141) — Brunette Beauty by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249) — Brownie by Ormsby (4621) — Bonadea by Count Comet (3509)— Cherub by Soldier (2656)— Cherry by Gray Robin (1090)— Ruby by Barmpton (54)— by Aylesby (44)— by brother to R. Colling's White Heifer. Vol. 2, p. 311, A., and vol. 11, p. 344, E., under dam. Sold to Alexander Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $425. ROMAN 14th — Red roan, calved Jan. 18, 1855, bred by Mr. Wilkinson, got by St. Albans (7462), out of Roman 13th by Will Honeycomb (5660)— Roman 3d by The Prince (7615)— by Lenton (4205)— by Spectator (2688)— by Sir Roger de Coverley (5187)— by a son of Alexander (1624)— by Favorite (6996). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 539. ZEPHYR— Roan, calved in Jan., 1853, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Beaufort (9943), out of Lady Zariffa by Laud- able (9282)— Zuleika by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636) —Blossom by Memnon (2295)— Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496)— by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull (1768). Vol. 2, p. 607, A. H, B. Sold to L. B. Sprague, Clark Co., Ohio, for $400. EASTER-DAY— Roan, calved March 27, 1853, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Loyal by Triumph (8717)— Lydia by Matchless (4428)— Laura by Bough- ton (2868)— Lily by Roman (2559)— by Columella (904)— by Albion (14)— by Cinnamon (139)— by Neswick (1266). Vol. 2, p. 360, A., and vol. 11, p. 554, E., under dam. Sold to C. M. Clark, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,125. BLUSH 17th— Red, calved April 5, 1853, bredby Thos. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, Meath, Ireland, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Blush 14th by Hamlet (8126)— Blush 12th by Albion (7771) —Blush 9th by 2d Comet (5107)— Blush 7th by Lucifer (4293)— Blush 4th by Prince George (2464)— Blush 2d by Volunteer ( ) — by Kearney's Bull (4144). Vol. 3, p. 321, A. H. B. Sold to C. Green, Bloomington, 111., for $470. IMPOKTED SH0ET-H0RN8. Ill ROSY— Eed and white, calved Sept. 16, 1853, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, County Meatb, Ireland, got by Eoyal Buck (10750), out of Rosebud by Ury (5536)— by 2d Comet (5101)— by Lucifer (4293)— by Prince George (2464)— by Frederick (7023)— by Kearney's Bull (4144). Vol. 3, p. 641, A. H. B. Sold to C. Green, Bloomington, 111., for $400. SILK — Eed and white, calved July 25, 1853, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, County Meath, Ireland, got by Hopewell (10332), out of Phoenix by 2d Comet (5701)— Pauline by Prince of Northumberland (4826) — Paulina by Mason's son of Matchem (2676)— by Falstaff (1993)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Rufus (570)— by Pope (514). Vol. 2, p. 556, A. H. B. Sold to Charles Phellis, Madison Co., Ohio, for $205. ROSE OF PANTON— Roan, calved in Sept., 1853, bred by Mr. Dudding, got by Leonidas (10414), out of Rhoda by Gen. Wash- ington (6036)— Red Rose by Plenipo (4724)— by Alamode (725)— by Childers (1824)— by Young Wyham Favorite (7734)— by Quar- ternion (1351)— by Rocket (1390)— by Eclipse ( )— by Wadding- worth (668). Sold to Dr. Toland for $375. 1871. CLARK COUNTY (Ky.) IMPORTING COMPANY. (Lewis Hampton and W. C. Vanmeter, Agents.) By Ship Hudson, April 11, 1871, to New York. COWS. RED PRINCESS— Red, calved Aug. 23, 1865, bred by D. Nesham, Gainford Hall, Darlington, got by King of Trumps (22047), out of Viscountess by 8th Duke of York (21621)— Victress by Victory (19073)— Dewdrop by Bacchus (17338)— Lady Arabella 112 by Duke of Cleveland (3640)— by Bellerophon (3119)— by Warrior (9806). Eecorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 771, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1025. Bought at Company's sale Aug. 26, 1871, by Asa Bean, Clark Co., Kentucky, for 1800. PATCHOULI 4th— Roan, calved June 7, 1866, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Chelmsford, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of Patchouli 2d by Tragedian (20989)— Patchouli by Com- median (15789) — Primula by Victor (15458) — Polyanthus by Orestes (15027)— Oxslip by Progress (11950)— Cowslip by Roan Robin (10721)— by Mars (7212)— by Earl of Liverpool (3677)— by Arthur (3099)— by Imperial (4068)— by Juniper (1145)— by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswick (1266)— by Favorite (1033). E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 662, under dam, A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1117. Soldto Jas. Houlton, Warren Co., 111., for $870. MIRANDA— Red heifer, calved Feb. 6, 1867, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Miracle by Prince James (20554) — Heather Belle by Hero (18055) — Fanny by Rubens (5027) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius C^sar (1143). Recorded E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 620, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 915. Bought at sale of Company, Aug. 26, 1871, by Thos. G. Sudduth, Clark Co., Ky., for $975— for cow and calf. DULCIMER— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 13, 1867, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penryhn Castle, Bangor, Wales, got by 11th Grand Duke (21849), out of Dulcinea by Duke of Geneva (19614) — Duchess 1st by Master Rembrandt (16545) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609)— Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Nettle by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirk- levington. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 468. Sold to Dr. Wash. Miller, for $570. Died without produce. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 113 WELCOME— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 27, 1867, bred by D. Nesham, Gainford Hall, Darlington, got by Windsor 2d (23226), out of Susan by 3d Duke of Athol (12734) — Mignonette by Bates (12451)— Henriette by Ingram (9236)— by Liberator (7140)— by Prince Albert (4791)— by Young Matchem (4422)— by Young Red Rover (4904) or Rockingham (2551)— by Whisker (1579)— by Pilot (496). Recorded E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 743, under dam. Sold to T. 0. Vanmeter, for 1700. LADY SPENCER 2d— Red, calved March 1, 1870, bred by R. Eastwood, Thorney Holme, Whitewell, Clitheroe, got by Baron Oxford (23375), out of Lady Spencer by May Duke (13320)— Joke by John Ford (9253)— Festival by Lord Warden (7167)— Farce by Zenith (5702)— Melodrama by Orontes (4623)— Sacontola by William (2840)— Clarion by Childers (1824)— No. 25 Chilton Sale by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 592. Sold to W. H. Nelson, for $1,220. DAPHNE— Roan heifer, calved March 11, 1870, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, Wales, got by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619), out of Dulcinea by Dake of Geneva (19614)— Duchess 1st by Master Rembrandt (16545) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609)— Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Nettle by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— North Allerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 490. Sold to B. F. Vanmeter, for 1710. Sold at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, under name of Lady Penrhyn. I think she never produced. PRINCESS MAUD— Roan heifer, calved March 20, 1870, bred by R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, Market Deeping, got by Duke of Devonshire (21588), out of Primitive by Birthday (19313)— Pris- tine by Uxbridge (13930)— Priscilla by Earl Stanhope (5966)— 114 Perpetua by Master Charley (7215)— Dafeodil by Plenipo (4724)— Duchess by Alamode (725) — Lady Sarah by Childers (1824) — by Wellington (5619)— by Panton Major (6274) — by AVaddington (668). Sold to Abram Vanmeter, for 1330 ; was out of health and died soon after sale. RARITY— Roan cow, calved June 17, 1866, bred by J. Clayden, Littlebury, Saifron Waldon, Essex, got by Costa (21487), out of Ruby by Lord of the Harem (16430) — Cornelian by Mameluke (13289) — Coral by Cardinal (11246)— Charmer 3d by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Charmer by Little John (4232)— by Caliph (1774) —by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435) — by Comet (155) — by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol 17, p. 731, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. .1015. Bought at sale of Company, Aug. 26, 1871, by Asa Bean, Clark Co., Kentucky, for ^1,080. MIRANDA 2d— Red cow, calved Aug. 12, 1871, bred by T. E. Bawlett, got by Majestic (29255), out of Miranda by Baron Killerby (23364), &c., as in Miranda, above. A. H. B., vol. 12, p, 1056. Sold with dam to T. G. Sudduth. PRIDE OF THE WEST— Red heifer, calved Sept. 29, 1867, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Cliipping Norton, Oxon., got by 6th Duke of Airdrie (19602), out of Peach by Havelock (14676) —Peace by Valiant (7662)— Young Portrait by Fitz Hardinge (8073) —Portrait by Lord John (4259)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Newnham (2365)— by Satellite (1420)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. SmitVs Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 651, Sold to W. Nelson, for $1,250. ROSE OF WICKEN— Red and white heifer, calved Oct. 3, 1867, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, Wales, got IM POUTED SHORT-HOKNS. 115 by 2(1 Duke of Geneva (21591), out of lied Rosette by 2d Duke of Thorndale (17748) -Red Bonnett by Game Boy (14586)— Aurora by Walter (6658)— Graceful by Marmion (4383)— Victoria by Young Rubens (5026)— Splendid by Matchem 3d (4420) — by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Oomus (1861)— by*Denton (198)_by Henry (301). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 686, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1212. Bought at sale by Dr. W. Cunningham, Clark Co., Ky., for 1850. FATIKO— Red heifer, calved March 9, 1868, bred by D. Nesham, Gainford Hall, Darlington, got by Fitz Arthur (26161), out of Alexandra by Problem (16767) — Miss Rothschild by Lord Mayor (14828) — Carnation by Omer Pacha (13417) — Young Straw- berry by Colonel (5428) — Strawberry by Guardian (3947) — Sally of the Tees by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Old Sally by Young Rock- ingham (2547)— by North Star (460)— by Denton (198)— by La- drone (353)— by Henry (301). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 369, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 647. Sold to A. H. Hampton, Winchester, Ky., for 1850. Produced a bull calf ; died in 1873. ROSETTE 5th— Red and white heifer, calved May 29, 1868, bred by Mr. Botcherby, Middle-one-row, Darlington, got by Vain Hope (23102), out Rosette 3d by Earl of Derby 2d (15960)— Rosette by Young Magistrate (14877)— by Hero (12203)— by Liverpool (4235)— by Colonel (5428). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 714, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1066. Bought by Asa Bean, of Clark Co., Ky., at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, for $900. DAPHNE— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 10, 1869, bred by T.' E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Fitz Killerby (26166), out of Florence by Prince Hopewell (22592) — Faithful by Sir James (16980)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Petrarch (7329)— by Raspberry (4875)— by Young Matchem (4422)— by Isaac 116 wakfield's history (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Cgesar (1143). Eecorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 786 as Lady Pawlett, and so sold at Company's sale, Aug. 20, 1871, to Louis Hampton, Winchester, Ky., for $900. Produced no females. COWSLIP 2d— Eed and white heifer, calved Feb. 14, 1869, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Wicken Park, got by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619), out of Cherry Blossom by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Cherry Lips by Cherry Duke 2d (14265) — Cowslip 5th by Chief- tain (10048)— Cowslip 2d by Duke of Norfolk (5952)— Cowslip by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (7127)— by Kitt (7127)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 440. Sold to Lewis Hampton for $1,300. Produced no females and died early. TINY— Red and white heifer, calved May 9, 1869, bred by R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, Market Deeping, got by Falstaff (21720), out of Devon Rose by Duke of Devonshire (21588) — Moss Rose by Sir Simon (18867)— Sweetbriar by Uxbridge (13930)— Duchess 3d by Sugar Plum (10894)— Dorcas by Earl of Stanhope (5966)— Duchess 2d by Master Charley (7215) — Dowager by Plenipo (4724) — Red Duchess by Blaize (76) — by Chieftain (886) — by Young Nes- wick (1268)— by Marfleet's Red Bull (1192). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1113. Bought at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, by S. R. Redmon, Winchester, Ky., for $600. HARTFORTH STRAWBERRY— Roan heifer, calved April 14, 1867, bred by R. F. Housman, Lune Bank, Lancaster, got by Baron Hartforth (23361), out of White Strawberry by Duke of Cam- bridge (12747)— Strawberry Lass by St. Thomas (10777)— by Chorister (3378)— by Tom Gwynne (5498)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406) — by Ossian (476). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 785. Sold to J. G. Clinkenbeard, for $900. SWEET ROSE— Red heifer, calved April 24, 1867, bred by R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, Market Deeping, got by Chieftain IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 117 (21421), out of Sweetbrier by Uxbridge (13930)— Duchess 3d by Sugar Plum (10894) — Dorcas by Earl Stanhope (596G) — by Master Charley (7215)— by Plenipo (4724)— by Blaize (76)— by Chieftain (886)— by Neswick (9268)— by Marfleet^s Red Bull (1192). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1107. Bought by T. G. Sudduth, Clark Co., Ky., at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, for $900. GERTY— Roan heifer, calved July 31, 1867, bred by J. W. Botcherby, Middleton-one-row, Darlington, got by Vain Hope (23102), out of Garland by Grand Master (24078)— Bridget by Highthorn (13028)— Cambridge by Cavaignac (10033)— Clytem- nestra by Sir Walter (2639)— Curioso by Cordilleras (3484)— Lily or White Rose by Young Remus (2523) — White Cow by Remus (550)_by Hollings (2131)— by His Honor (2126)— by Partner (2409) — by Hutton's Bull (2145) — Lady, descended from R. Alcock's stock. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 507, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 676. Bought at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, by Lewis Hampton, Winchester, Ky., for $895. TINY 2d— Red, calved Oct. 30, 1871, bred by R. Searson, got by Lord Chatham (26625), out of Tiny by Falstaff (21720), &c., as in Tiny, above. See A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1257. CLOCHETTE— Red heifer, calved June 25, 1870, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Chelmsford, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of German Aster by Royal Arch (18749) — China Aster by Arch- duke 2d (15588) — Cream by Young Weathercock (15495) — Roan Crocus by General Elliott (10266) — Red Crocus by Young Locksley (4240)— Crocus by Sherborne (10805)— Crocus by Prince (4772)— Hawthorn by Stanhope (5315) — Beauty by a son of Sir Kenneth (1450)_by Pilot (1319)— by Thorpe (1515)— by WaistelFs Bull (1567). Recorded, A. II. B., vol. 11, p. 560. Bought at Company's sale, Aug. 26, 1871, by Gen. Lucius Desha, Cynthiana, Ky., for $850. 118 waefield's history R08ELEAF— Died in England before shipment. SWEET ROSE 2d— Red, calved June 25, 1872, bred by R. Searson, got by Lord Chatham (26625), out of Sweet Rose (vol. 11) by Chieftain (21421), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16220. BULLS. DUKE OF BABRAHAM (25934)— Red bull, calved Sept. 5, 1867, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Chelmsford, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of Babraham Duchess by Guelder Rose (19910)— Young Celia 6th by Young Duke of Cambridge (14433)— Young Celia by Lord of the North (11743)— Celia by 3d Duke of Korthumberland (3647) — Cornflower by Bashaw (1692) — Columbine by Helmsman (2109) — Columbia by Columella (904) — Charlottina by Regent (544) — Charlotte Palatine by Palatine (478) — Char- lotte by Palmflower (480)— Crimson by Patriot (486)— Young Mil- bank by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes' Bull (314). Sold to W. S. Sudduth, for $790. WELCOME'S SORCERER 15690— Red and white, calved Aug. 10, 1871, bred by D. Nesham, Gainford Hall, Darlington, got by Sorcerer (30031), out of Welcome by Windsor 2d (23226), &c., as in Welcome, above. Sold with dam, to T. C. Vanmeter. PEABODY (29535)— Roan bull, calved June 18, 1869, bred by T. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Miss Tod by Fitzroy (21760) — Princess Alice by Arthur Gwynne (19244)— Red Princess by Leader (11674)— Princess by Duke of Richmond (14453)— by Young Hector (2104)— by Sir Charles (1440) — by Sir Roland (1455) — by son of Phenomenon (491) — by Irish- man (329). Sold to W. C. Vanmeter, for 1900. PIONEER 12593 (29553)— Red bull, calved Dec. 18, 1870, bred by Mr. P. Pawlett, Buston, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Rose of Warlaby by British Flag (19351) — Rose of Hope by Prince IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 119 Alfred (13494)— Rose of Promise by Heir at Law (13005)— Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824) — Pelerine by Buckingham (3239) — Mantalini by Marcus (2262) — Maiden by Matchem (2281) — Lady by Alderman (1622) — Lady Mowbray by Pilot (496) — Sylph by Remus (550)— Matilda by Sir Charles (592)— Alpine by R. Oolling's son of Favorite (252) — Young Strawberry by son of Favorite (252) — Old Strawberry. Sold to W. S. Sudduth, for 1400. WHARFDALE PRmCE 15996— Roan, calved Sept. 19, 1871, bred by Lord Penrhyn, got by 3d Duke of Grafton (28395), out Cowslip 2d by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619), &c., as in dam, above. DUKE OF WICKEN 14130-^Red, calved Sept. 8, 1871, bred by Lord Penrhyn, got by Cherry Duke (25752), out of Rose of Wicken by 3d Duke of Geneva (21591), &c., as in dam, above. ROYAL BOOTH 15392— Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1871, bred by Mr. Huchison, Yorkshire, got by Merry Monarch (23349), out of Gerty by Vain Hope (23102), &c., as in dam, above. 1836. H. CLAY, JR. LORD ALTHORP 658 (3005)— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Thompson, got by Chance (1807), out of LuckVall by Rufus — Bellona by Young Lancaster (1162) — Ruby by a son of Blaize — Buttercup by a son of Favorite (252) — Trotter's Georgiana by a son of Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). CROCUS (cow)— Red and white, calved in 1829, got by Im- perial (2151), out of Judith by Walker's Emperor — Primrose by Prince — Snowball by , — a cow of Earl De Grey's. 10 (cow) — Roan, bred by J. Woodliouse, calved in 1836, in New York, got by Milton (2315), out of Crocus by Imperial (2151) — Juditli by Mr. Walker's Emperor — l*rimrose by Prince — Snowball — a cow of Earl Do rirov's. 120 . wakfield's histoey 1837. H. CLAY, JR. MARY ANN— Got by Young Phoenix, out of Mary by Saladin (1417)— Red Rose by a bull of Mr. Maynard's— by Twin, a bull of Mr. Bootji's. CORA — Sire unknown, out of Mary Ann — 1837. PRINOESS-^Roan, calved in April, 1832, bred by Mr. 'Smith, got by Edmund (1954), out of Selina by Grazier (1085) — Favorite by Northampton (2380)— Vanity by Reform (1361)— Old Cora. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. G24. BRITANNIA— Roan, bred by Charles Ellerton, Smeaton, Eng- land. No pedigree sent. VENUS— Roan, got by Thorp (2757), dam by Mars. Full pedi- gree not sent. BEAUTY — Roan, calved at sea, got in England by Temperance, out of Venus by Thorp (2757) — by Mars. VICTORIA— White, calved in 1837, gotten in England by Os- godly, out of Princess by Edmund (1954) — Selina by Grazier (1085) —Favorite by Northampton (2380)— Vanity by Reform (13G1)— Old Cora. NEPTUNE 743— Red and white, got by Roscius (25G5), dam by Vaunter (1543) — by Blucher (84) — by Windsor, &c. 1839. H. CLAY, JR., and GEN. JAMES SHELBY. Fayette County, Ky. COWS. JANE— Roan, calved in 1833 or 1834, got by Neptune (4554), out of Strawberry by Emperor (1013) — by Snowball (611) — by Baron (58) — Wright, bred by Lord Feversham. DORCAS— Red and white, calved in 1833 or 1834, got by Sheridan (2616), out of Duchess bylvanhoe (1331) — by Enchanter. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 121 CHARITY — Roan, calved in 1834, got by Lakin's son of Jupiter (2169), dam by Roman (2559) — by Admiral (5) — by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by a bull of Mr. Foljambe's. NERISSA— Roan, calvod in 1835 or 183G, bred by Rev. Thomas Harrison, got by The Chief, out of Netherby by Cupid (1)38) — Moss Rose by Barmpton (54) — by Western Comet (f)89) — by Son of Favorite (253). See vol. 5, p. 731, E. IT. B. Note. — Mr. Clay refers us for The Chief to "Omission to Coates' Herd Book," probably (6575). MOSS ROSE— Red roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Eclipse (1049), out of Miss Points Jr. by Northern Light (1280)— Miss Points by Aid-de-Camp (722)— by Charles (127)— by Prince (521)— by Neswick <1266). See vol. 3, p. 513, E. H. B., under dam. COLUMBINE— Red and white, calved in 1832, got by Rock- ingham (2449), dam by Young Major (2254) — by George — by Cos- sack (925). PET— White, calved in 1835, got by Mameluke (2257), dam by Tarrare (2735)— by R. Colling's Major (398)— Brown's Bull of Aldborough (820). VIXEN— Roan, calved May 1, 1835, bred by Mr. Smith, West Rasen, got by Statesman (2700), dam by Vendor [a son of Reform (1361)]— by Reform (1361). See vol. 3, p. 684, E. H. B. PROTECTRESS— Red and white, calved in 1833, bred by .Air. Clark, Ilellaby Hall, got by Topper (2708), out of Clai'a by Young Rectifier — Lucy by Protector (1346) — Magdalene by Marshall's Bull— by Style's Bull. PRINCESS— Roan, calved in 1836, got by Cedric (3311), damby Mr. Roger's son of Blaize (76)— by Ccelebs (797)— by Ross' Red Bull (2568)— by Neswick (1266)— by Fisher's Red Bull (2022). DON JOHN 426— Roan, bred by Mr. Clark, Usworth, Eng- land, got by Farmer (2001), out of Martha by Sir Cliarles — by son 122 warfield's history of Mason's Sir Charles (421) — by Mr. Powell's Bull, descended from tlie Styford stock. COSSACK ALIAS JULIUS CESAR (3503)— Roan, calved Oct. 12, 1839, bred by Mr. Topham, got by Cossack (1880), out of Moss Rose by Eclipse (1949)— Miss Points Jr. by Northern Light (1280) — Miss Points by Aid-de-Camp (722) — by Charles (127) — by Prince (52l)_by Neswick (12G6). Sold to Benjamin Warfield, Sr. 1854. CLINTON COUNTY (OHIO) IMPORTING COMPAY. (Messrs. H. IL Hankins, J. G. Coulter and A. R. Seymour, Agents.) cows. DAISY (vol. 2, p. 344)— Roan, calved May 20, 1850, bred by H. J. Spearman, got by Zadig (8790), out of Alice Grey by Nero 3190— a cow, bred by Wm. Grey, Hiltield Hall. DUCHESS- Roan, calved in May, 1849, bred by Wm. Harrison, Greta-Bridge, got by Norfolk (9442), out of Nancy by Guardian (3947)_by Red Highflyer (2488)— by Rob Roy (557)— by Marshal Blucher (410)— by Haughton (318). Vol. 2, p. 350. Sold to Mr. B. Wright and W. Palmer, Fayette Co., Ohio, for 11,077. EMMA — Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1850, bred ])y Henry Smitli, Drax Abbey, Yorkshire, got by Promoter (10058), dam by Liberty (7141)— by Belshazzar (3123)— by Norfolk (2377)— by l^aronet (774) — by Marshal Beresford (415) — by Windsor (098) — by son of Patriot (480). Vol. 2, p. 300. Sold to Thos. Kirk, Fayette Co., Ohio, for 1750. HOPE— White, calved March 14, 1848 or 1849, bred by Henry Smith, Drax.Abbey, got by Duke of York (0947), out of Faith by Shakespeare (2014) — Famous by Soldier (2050) — by Young Favorite IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 123 (354) — Diana by Young Barmpton (55) — by Wellington (680) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252). Vol. 10, p. 401, E. H. B., and vol. 2, p. 402, A. H. B. Sold to Wm. Palmer, Fayette Co., Ohio, for $1,000. MISS SHAFTOE— Red, calved in Dec, 1849, bred by W. Smith, got by Oapt. Shaftoe (6833), out of Madcap by William (2840)— Reform by Mercury (8305) — Liberty by Ivanhoe (1131) — Tiffany by Regent (544) — Cambric by Lawnsleeves (365) — by Lawnsleeves (365). Vol. 2, p. 484. Sold to Jesse Starbuck, Clinton Co., Ohio, for 1650. FAMILIAR— Roan, calved June 12, 1846, bred by II. Mitchell, Cleasby, got by Fitz-Leonard (7010), out of Isabella by Velocipede (5552) — Strawberry by Young Matchem (2282) — Rosamond by Jack Tar (1133)— by Pilot (496)— by Young Albion (15). Vol. 10, p. 360, E. li. B., and vol. 3, p. 399, A. H. B. Sold to Jesse Pancake, Ross Co., Ohio, for 1500. SUNBEAM— Roan, calved in July, 1849, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, near Darlington, got by Twilight (9758), out of Susan by Augustus (6752) — Sally by a son of Grazier (1085) — Sarah by Scarlet (5094)— Esther by Aid-de-Camp (722). Vol. 2, p. 570. Sold to J. G. Coulter, Clinton Co., Ohio, for 1450. YOUNG EMMA— Light roan, calved in April, 1849, bred by R. Thornton, got by Sailor (9592), out of Emma by Paley (7310)— by Bulmer (1760)— by a son of Fairfax (1023)— by Shylock (2622)— by Whitworth (1584)— by Candour (107). Vol. 2, p. 601, A. 11. B,, and Vol. 9, p. 350, E. II. B., under dam. Sold to Hankins & Palmer, Clinton Co., Ohio, for |;450. MISS WALTON 2i)— Roan, calved Oct. 15, 1851, bred by R. Emmerson, Stapleton, got by Chilton (10054), out of Miss Walton by Belvedere 3d (3128)— by Sir Walter (2639)— by Marquis (2270) — by Edmond (1954) — by Barmpton (54). Vol. 2, p. 485. Sold to John Hadley, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $325. 124 wakfield's history PRINC:^ES8— Koan, calved 1850, bred by K. Tlioruton, Staple- ton, Eng., got by Lord Newton,* out of Kate by Isaac (9239) — White Cow by Nelson (4549)— by Saladin (1417)— by Pilot (1319). Vol. 2, p. 518. Sold to Hadley & Hankins, Clinton Co., Ohio, for 11,060. * Lord Newton by Rebuke— dam by Newton (3367)— by Goldfinder (2066). MOONBEAM— Red and white, calved Feb. 16, 1852, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Kirkbridge, got by Oxygen (9464), out of Sunbeam by Twilight (9758) — Susan by Augustus (6752) — Sally by a son of "Grazier (1085) — Sarah by Scarlet (5094) — Esther by Aid-de-Camp (722). Vol. 3, p. 571. Sold to Henry Kirk, Fayette Co., Ohio, for $500, LADY JANE— Red, calved June 26, 1852, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, of Kirkbridge, got by Whittington (12299), out of Lady Welbourn by Lord Lowther (7164) — Eliza by Panton Favorite (4646) — Miss Eliza by a son of Grazier (1085) — Elizabeth by a son of Grazier (1085) — Bessy by Vulcan (8746) — Bessy by Quaker (134<))_Betty by 1st Stonehill Bull (3798). Vol. 3, p. 482, A. H. B., and vol. 11, p. 535, E. 11. B., under dam. Sold to David Watson, Madison Co., Ohio, for 1500. LADY WHrJ^riNGTON— Roan, calved June 27, 1853, bred by Mr. Wetherell, Kirkbridge, got by Whittington (12299), out of Lady AVelbourn by Lord Lowther (7164) — Eliza by Panton Favorite (4646) — Miss Eliza by a son of Grazier (1085) — Elizabeth by a son of Grazier (1085)— Bessy by Vulcan (8764)— Bessy by Quaker (1349) —Betty by 1st Stonehill Bull (3798). Vol. 5, p. 345, A. 11. B., and vol. 11, p. 535, E. H. B., under dam. Sold to Wm. Reed, Clinton Co., Ohio, for !i5300. STRAWBERRY— Roan, calved May 26, 1852, bred by John Foster, Newton Hall, near Redale, got by Wiseman (12317), out of Dairymaid by Hautboy (10305) — Kitchenmaid by Irishman (5446) —Maiden by Oliver (4909)— Maid by William (5661)— The Maid by Pilot (496). Vol. 2, p. 568. Sold to James Fullington, Union Co., Ohio, for 1675. IMPORTED SHORT-HOKN8. 125 LOU 18 A — Eoau, calved Dec. 25, 1853, bred by J. Robinson, Top Clift", near Thirk, got by Crusader (10088), out^of Miss Shaftoe by Capt. Shaftoe (G833)— Madcap by William (2840)— Refprm by Mercury (8305) — Liberty by Ivanhoe (1131) — Tiffany by Regent (544) — Cambric by Lawnsleeves (365) — by Lawnsleeves (365). Vol. 2, p. 449. Sold to J. R. Mills, Clinton Co., Ohio, for 1300. JESSAMINE — Roan, calved in Jan., 1853, bred by R. Emmer- son, Eryholme, got by Young Chilton (11278), out of Jessamine (vol 10, p. 412, E.) by Guy Faux (7062)— Duchess of St. Albans by St. Albans 2d (5048) — from the stock of Mr. James, of Stamford. Sold to J. O^B. Renick, Franklin Co., Ohio, for $475. VICTORIA— Roan, calved 1850, bought of Mr. R. Emmerson, of Eryholme, without pedigree. Vol. 2, p. 583, A. H. B. Sold to D. Peringer, for $1,000. QUEEN— Red and white, calved April 19, 1854, bred by R. Emmerson, got by The Marquis 1031, out of Victoria. Sold to Mr. H. S. Pavy, for 1425. DIANA — Roan, calved Oct. 22, 1854, bred by Henry Smith, calved the property of Wm. Palmer, Fayette Co., Ohio, got by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), out of Hope by Duke of York (6947), &c., as in Hope, above. A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 318. , BULLS. LORD RAINE 2d 665— Red and white, calved in Ohio, June 23, 1854, bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Lord Raine (13248), out of Young Emma by Sailor (9592)— Emma by Paley (7310)— by Bulmer (1760)— by a son of Fairfax (1023)— by Shylock (2622) —by Whitworth (1584)— by Candor (107). Sold to Daniel Early, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $195. YOUNG SIR ROBERT 1161— Roan, calved July 6, 1854, bred by R. Emmerson, Eryholme, got by The Marquis 1031, out of Daisy 126 by Zadig (8796)— Alice Gray by New *— bred by Wm. Gray, Hill- field Hill. Sold to Thomas McMillan, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $250. * New by Speculation, a son of Guy Faux (7063) — by Young Baimpton (3088)— by Shortley (5124)— by Ajax (723), &c. DUKE OF DARLINGTON 448— White, calved Jan. 14, 1855, bred by T. AVetherell, Darlington, got by Whittington (1229U), out of Sunbeam by Twilight (9758), &c., as in Sunbeam, above. PRINCE GEORGE 2076— Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1854, bred by H. Mitchell, got by Wellington 1087, out of imp. Familiar by Fitz Leonard (7010), &c., as in Familiar, above. DUKE OF CORNWALL 2d— Roan, calved in April, 185-, bred by Wm. Harrison, Greta Bridge, got by Albert (8816), dam by Norfolk (9442)— Duchess of Cornwall by Albert (5729)— Lily by Young St. Ledger (2585)— Sally by North Star (459)— by Alexander (1623) — by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by Punch (531) — by Hubback (319). Sold to David Quinn, Clinton Co., Ohio, for |;700. BILLY HARRISON 263— White, calved in July, 1852, bred by William Harrison, Greta Bridge, got by Master Belleville (11795), out of Duchess by Norfolk (9442) — Nancy by Guardian (3947)— by Red Highflyer (2488)— by Rob Roy (557)— by Marshall Blucher (416)— by Houghton (318). Sold to Jesse Starbuck, Clinton Co., Ohio, for 11,500. MOONRAKER 3175— Roan, calved Feb. 2, 1854, bred by Mr. AVetherell, Kirkbridge, got by Whittington (12299),- out of Sun- beam by Twilight (9758) — Grandame Susan by Augustus (6752) — Sally by a son of Grazier (1085) — Sarah by Scarlet (5094) — Esther by Aid-de-Camp (722). Sold to Thomas Connor, Fayette Co., Ohio, for |400. AVELLINGTON (13989)— Roan, calved May 21, 1852, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton, near Darlington, got by Landsdown (9277), out of Cycle by King Lear (8196) — Zone by Orontes (4623) — Roguery by Mercury (2301) — Pageant by Monarch (2324) — by St. Albans IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 127 (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— Raspberry by Fa- vorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188) — Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (10)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Sold to J. G. Coulter, H. 11. Hankins and others, Clinton Co., Ohio, for i?3,700. ALFRED (12374)— Roan, calved April 10, 1852, bred by Mr. John Clarke, Aldborough, near Darlington, got by Adam (12338), dam by Old Red Bull *— by Paganini (2405)— by Paul Jones (8383) —by Pirate (2430)— by Sedbury (1424)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872). Sold to D. S. King, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $900. *01d Red Bull by ^olus (2938), dam by a son of Raine's Wellington (bred by Robt. Clark, of Barmpton) — grand dam by Col. Leather's Achmet. WARRIOR (12287)— Roan, calved Sept. 26, 1850, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, got by Water King (11024), out of Bagatelle by Buckingham (3239) — Jemima by Raspberry (4875) — Strawberry 3d by Young Matchem (4422) — Strawberry 2d by Young Alexander (2977)— Strawberry by Pilot (496)— Halnaby by Lame Bull (359)— by Easby (232) — by Suworrow (636). Sold to B. Hinkson and H. H. Hankins, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $1,200. WHITTINGTON 2d (14005)— Roan, calved May 17, 1851, bred by John Wood, Stanwick Park, got by Whittington (12299), out' of Beeswax by Noble (4578) — Beeswing by St. Helena (5055) — Blossom by Reformer (2502) — Rosebud by Margrave (2263) — by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly (2715)— by Traveler (055)— by Colonel (152). Sold to Sol. Brock, Fayette Co., Ohio, for $900. THE MARQUIS 1031— Roan, calved in Oct., 1851, bred by Col. Henly, got by Landsdown (9277), out of Lady by Colonel (5428) — Young Strawberry by Guardian (3947) — Old Strawberry by a son of Barmpton (54)— by a brother to Brutus (100)— by Duke (127). Sold to ^y. Bontly, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $625. 128 wakfield's history 1867. M. H. COCHRANE. HillJin/rst, Compton, Quebec. By Ship Austrian, from Glasgow to Montreal. ROSEDALE— Roan cow, calved Feb. 13, 1861, bred by Lady Pigot, Branches Park, Newmarket, got by Valasco (15443), out of Rosy by Master Belleville (11795)— Red Rose by Vanguard (10994) — Dinah by Diamond (5018) -^ Strawberry by Young Matchem (2282)— Rosamond by Jack Tar (1133)— by Pilot (490)— by Young Albion (15). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 16, p. cm, and A. 11. B., vol. 8, p. 538. Sold to W. S. King, Minn.- BARON BOOTH OF LANCASTER 7535— Red and white, calved Feb. 22, 1867, bred by Mr. Barclay, Keavil, Dumfermline, Fife, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Mary of Lancaster by Lord Raglan (13244)— Lancaster 25th by Matadore (11800)— Lan- caster 16th by The Marquis (10938) — Lancaster 12th by Will Honeycomb (5660)— Lancaster 10th by George 3d (7038)— Lan- caster 9th by Spectator (2688) — by Albion (1619) — by Lancaster (360)— by son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Ilarristown, 111. CAPTAIN AITON 6512— Red and white bull, calved Sept. 8, 1867, bred by Lady Pigot, Branches Park, Newmarket, calved the property of M. H. Cochrane, got by Scottish Chief (22849), out of Rosedale by Valasco (15443)— Rosy by Master Bellville (11795)— Red Rose by Vanguard (10994) — Dinah by Diamond (5918) — Straw- berry by Young Matcliem (2282)— Rosamond by Jack Tar (1133)— by Pilot (496) — by Young Albion. Aug. 15, 1868. M. H. COCHRANE. HilUhurst, Compton, Prov. Quebec. By Ship GernKUUj, from, Liverpool. DUCHESS 97th— Red heifer, calved March 27, 1867, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Yorks., got by 3d Duke of Wharf- dale (21619), out of Duchess 92d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 84th by Archduke (14099)— Duchess 72d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 67th by Usurer (9763)— Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 129 (3G40)_by Cleveland- Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 685, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 563. Sold to W. S. King, Minn. Returned to England, by Ship Sar- matian, July, 1873, for Lord Dunmore. WHARFDALE ROSE— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 27, 1867, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, got by 3d Duke of Wharf dale (21619), out of Oxford Rose by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765)— Moss Rose by Ravensworth (9532) — Graceful by Freebooter (7025) — Treasure by Ganthorpe (2049) — by Belshazzar (1704) — by Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2622)— by Muggeen's Bull. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 647, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 1002. Sold to W. R. Duncan, Towanda, 111. WILD EYES 26th— Red and white heifer, calved June 24, 1865, bred by C. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, got by Earl of Walton (17787), out of Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 791, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 1008. Sold to W. S. King, Minneapolis, Minn. GAY LADY— White heifer, calved Dec. 10, 1867, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Gay Nun by The Druid (18981)— Gay Bride by Brideman (12493)— Guiding Star by Crown Prince (10087)— Gleamy by Vanguard (10994)— Glitter by Londesbro' (6142) — Glowworm by Ranunculus (2479) — ■ 130 warfield'8 history Golden Locks by Remus (4932) — Golden Beam by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Constellation (163)— by Young Fa- vorite (255). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 508, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 636. ROBERT NAPIER (27310)— Roan bull, calved April 18, 1868, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Riby Peeress by Breastplate (19337)— Riby Queen by Booth Royal (15673)— Riby Rose by Vanguard (10994)— Rennet by Fanatic (8054)— Rosebud by Auld Robin Gray (6753)— Red Rose by Scrip (2604)— Rose by Burley (1766)— Young Anna by Isaac (1129) — Anna by Pilot (496) — Ariadne by Albion (14) — Bright Eyes by Booth's Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Sold to Wm. Warfield, Lexington, Ky. 18T LORD WILD EYES OF COMPTON alias COMPTON LORD WILD EYES 8540 (25819)— Roan, calved August 14, 1868, bred by Mr. Harvey, Walton-on-the-IIill, Liverpool, Eng- land, got by Lord Wild Eyes 5th (26762), out of Wild Eyes 26th by Earl of Walton (17787)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— AVild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170)— AVild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649) — Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— A\lld Eyes by Em- peror (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by But- terfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. CAPTAIN GRAHAM 7656— Red and white, calved on board ship Germany, Aug. 27, 1868, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Prince of the Realm (13510), out of Pink Thornleaf by Baron Booth (21212) — Windsor Lavender Leaf by Windsor (14013)— Lavender Leaf by Sylvan King (13819)— Lavender by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 181 Silky Laddie (10947)— Myrtle by Rogue (5012)— Tulip by Chance (3329)— Leaf by Burton (3250)— by son of Comet (155). STAR OF THE REALM .11021— Roan bull, calved Nov. 3, 1868, bred by R. S. Bruere, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), out of Star of Braithwaite by Baron Booth (21212) — Star of Wind- sor by Windsor (14013) — Vesper by King Arthur (13110) — Vesper by Morning Star (6225) — Primrose by Roland (2556) — by Priam (2452)_by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). Sold to A. J. Alexander, Woodburn, Ky., and resold to M. H. Cochrane. STAR OF BRAITHWAITE— Roan heifer, calved June 10, 1865, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Star of Windsor by Windsor (14013)— Vesper by King Arthur (13110) — Vesper by Morning Star (6223)— Primrose by Roland (2556) — by Priam (2452) — by Matchem (2281) — by son of Peter (487). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 748, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 963. PINK THORNLEAF— Roan heifer, calved April 24, 1865, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Windsor's Lavender Leaf by AVindsor (14013)— Lavender Leaf by Sylvan King (13819)— Lavender by Silky Laddie (10947)— Myrtle by Rouge (5012)— Tulip by Chance (3329)— by son of Wynyard. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 794, and A, H. B., vol. 9, p. 875. Sold to AV. S. King, Minn. WARLABY FLOWER— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 28, 1866, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Prince of Warlaby (15107), out of Clarence Flower by Fitz Clarence (14552)— British Flower by British Prince (14197)— The Flower by Baron AVarlaby (7813)— Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142)— Flora of Farnsfield by Rinaldo (4949)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— 132 WARFIELD'S HISTORY by Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Eecorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 421, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 1001. June 23, 1869. M. H. COCHRANE, Of Hillhurst, Compton, Prov. Quebec. By Ship Gleniffer, from Glasgow. BRITISH MAID— Roan, calved March 29, 1862, bred by R. Chaloner, King^s Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, got by British Prince (14197), out of Village Rose by Blood Royal (14169)— Village Maid by Crown Prince (10087)— Wharfdale Maid by Sir Leonard (10827) —Village Belle by Pilgrim (4701)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by Frederick (1060)— by AVestern Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by son of Favorite (252). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 767, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 512. Sold to W. S. King, Minn. FLORIBUNDA— Roan cow, calved July 4, 1862, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, got by Dr. McHale (15887), out of Flower Queen by Vanguard (10994)— Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142)— Flora of Farnsfield by Rinaldo (4949)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 15, p. 497, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 628. PRINCESS— Roan, calved April 17, 1867, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Fathom by General Havelock (16110)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fan- chette by Petrarch (7329)— Fame by Raspberry (4875)— by Young Matchem (4422)— by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Csesar (1143). Recorded under dam, E. 11. B., vol. 18, p. 489, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 886, IMPOKTED SHOKT-HORNS. 133 ROSE OF JUNE— Roan heifer, calved June 10, 1867, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Rose of Promise by Heir-at-Law (13005) — Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824)— Pelerine by Buckingham (3239)— Mantalini by Marcus (2262)— by Matchem (2281)— by Alderman (1622)— by Pilot (496)— by Remus (550)— by Sir Charles (592)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by son of Favorite (252) — Strawberry. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 710, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 936. MAY FLOWER— Roan heifer, calved May 15, 1869, bred by R. Ohaloner, King's Fort, Ireland, got by King Richard (26523), out of Floribunda by Dr. McHale (15887) — Flower Queen by Van- guard (10994)— Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142)— Flora Farns- field by Rinaldo (4949)— Formosa by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— Sweetbrier by North Star (459) —by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 897. Sold to W. S. King, Min- neapolis, Minn. PRINCESS ROYAL— Roan, calved Aug. 27, 1869, bred by Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Prince Alfred (27107), out of Princess by Baron Killerby (23364)— Fathom by Gen. Havelock (16110)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Patriarch (7329)— Fame by Raspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 789. Calved after her mother was purchased by Mr. Cochrane. Sold to Hon. Geo. Brown, Bow Park, Canada. ROSE OF AUTUMN— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 2, 1869, bred by Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Prince Alfred (27107), out of Rose of June by Baron Killerby (23364) — Rose of Promise by Ileir-at- Law (13005)— Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824)— Pelerine by Buckingham (3239) — Mantalini by Marcus (2262) — Maiden by Matchem (2281)— Lady by Alderman (1622)— Lady Mowbray by Pilot (496)— Sylph by Remus (550)— Matilda by Sir Charles (592) 132 WAEFIELD'S HISTORY by Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Eecorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 421, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 1001. June 23, 1869. M. H. COCHRANE, Of Hillhurst, Compton, Prov. Quebec. By Ship Gleniffer, from Olasgow. BRITISH MAID— Eoan, calved March 29, 1862, bred by R. Chaloner, King^s Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, got by British Prince (14197), out of Village Rose by Blood Royal (14169)— Village Maid by Crown Prince (10087)— Wharfdale Maid by Sir Leonard (10827) —Village Belle by Pilgrim (4701)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by Frederick (1060)— by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by AVestern Comet (689)— by son of Favorite (252). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 767, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 512. Sold to W. S. King, Minn. FLORIBUNDA— Roan cow, calved July 4, 1862, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, Moynalty, Ireland, got by Dr. McHale (15887), out of Flower Queen by Vanguard (10994)— Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142)— Flora of Farnsfield by Rinaldo (4949)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 497, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 628. PRINCESS— Roan, calved April 17, 1867, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Fathom by General Havelock (16110)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fan- chette by Petrarch (7329) — Fame by Raspberry (4875) — by Young Matchem (4422)— by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 489, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 886, IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 133 K08E OF JUNE— Roan heifer, calved June 10, 1867, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Sandy Beds, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of Rose of Promise by Heir-at-Law (13005) — Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824)— Pelerine by Buckingham (3239)— Mantalini by Marcus (2262)— by Matchem (2281)— by Alderman (1622)— by Pilot (496)— by Remus (550)— by Sir Charles (592)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by son of Favorite (252) — Strawberry. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 710, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 936. MAY FLOWER— Roan heifer, calved May 15, 1869, bred by R. Chaloner, King's Fort, Ireland, got by King Richard (26523), out of Floribunda by Dr. McHale (15887) — Flower Queen by Van- guard (10994)— Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142)— Flora Farns- field by Rinaldo (4949)— Formosa by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591) — by Marske (418) — Sweetbrier by North Star (459) —by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 897. Sold to W. S. King, Min- neapolis, Minn. PRINCESS ROYAL— Roan, calved Aug. 27, 1869, bred by Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Prince Alfred (27107), out of Princess by Baron Killerby (23364)— Fathom by Gen. Havelock (16110)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Patriarch (7329)— Fame by Raspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 789. Calved after her mother was purchased by Mr. Cochrane. Sold to Hon. Geo. Brown, Bow Park, Canada. ROSE OF AUTUMN—Roan heifer, calved Sept. 2, 1869, bred by Mr. Pawlett, Beeston, got by Prince iVlfred (27107), out of Rose of June by Baron Killerby (23364) — Rose of Promise by Heir-at- Law (13005)— Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824)— Pelerine by Buckingham (3239) — Mantalini by Marcus (2262) — Maiden by Matchem (2281)— Lady by Alderman (1622)— Lady Mowbray by Pilot (496)— Sylph by Remus (550)— Matilda by Sir Charles (592) 184 — Alpine by K. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — Young Strawberry by a son of Favorite (252) — Old Strawberry. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 829. Sold to Hon. Geo. Brown, Canada. Calved after her dam was bought by Mr. Cochrane. Aug. 7, (869. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Gcrniany, from Liverpool.. ISABELLA SOVEREIGN— Eoan heifer, calved Feb. 2, 1867, bred by T. Barnes, "Westland, Moynalty, Ireland, got by Royal Sovereign (22802), out of Isabella by British Prince (14197)— Sweet- brier by Nimrod (13388) — Charlotte by Selim (6454) — Rebecca by Rex (6385)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Ambo (1636)— by Memnon (2295) — by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1768). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 535, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 672. Sold to A. Vanmeter, Clark Co., Ky. QUEEISr OF DIAMONDS— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 24, 1867, bred by J. Lynn, Stroxton, Grantham, Lincolnshire, got by Prizeman (24870), out of Queen of Hearts by May Duke (13320) — Queen Bess by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047) — Queen Anne by Free- man (10244)— by Hamlet (8128)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Em- •peror (1974)— by Young Lancaster (361)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Lawnsleeves (365). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, ]). 6«6, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 895. Sold to W. S. King, Minn. FOREST QUEEN— Red heifer, calved Oct. 25, 1867, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Stakeferry, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Flounce by Alderman 2d (17292) —Filigree by First Fruits (16048)— Flirt by Kirklevington (11639) —Flounce by Broughton Hero (6811)— Frill by Rockingham (2550) — Fancy by Remus (2524)— by Juniper (1144) — by White Comet (1582) — by Wright's grandson of Favorite (2073) — by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 500, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 632. Sold to A. Vanmeter, Clark Co., Ky. IMPORTED SHORT-HORI^S. 185 WEAL BLI88— Roan heifer, calved Tnov. 19, 1867, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Weal Royal by Booth Royal (15673)— Weal Princess by British Prince (14197)— AVater Coryphee by Crown Prince (10087)— Water AVitch by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Norfolk (2377) —by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 778, and A. II. B., vol. 9, p. 1001. BRIGHT LADY— Roan heifer, calved April 6, 1868, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Bright Countess by Breastplate (19337)— Bright Princess by British Prince (14197) — Bright Dawn by Vanguard (10994)_Bright Phoebus by Crown Prince (10087)— by Zadig (8796)— by Auld Robin Gray (6753)— by J. Chrisp's Bull— by Burley (1766)— by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14) —by Booth^s Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by son of Suworrow (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 18, p. 404, and A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 511. Returned to England by ship Sardinia ; landeU at Liverpool Aug. 4, 1877, and sold Sept. 4, 1877, by public auction, to J. Torr, for 330 guineas. GENERAL NAPIER 8199 (26239)— Roan bull, calved May 2, 1868, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Glossary by Booth Royal (15673)— Guide Book by Dr. McHale (15887) — Guiding Star by Crown Prince (10087)— Gleamy by Vanguard (10994)— by Londesbro' (6142)— by Ranunculus (2479)— by Remus (4932)— by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Constellation (163)— by Young Favorite (255). Sold to W. S. King, Minn. SENATOR 3d 9077— Red and white bull, calved Jan. 19, 1869, bred by T. Crisp, Butley Abbey, Suifolk, got by Earl of Westmore- land (21662), out of Silence 5th by Count de Vermandois (19507) —Silence 2d by Sir Colin Campbell (13718)— Silence by Earl of 136 warfield's history Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls of C. & R. Colling. BRITISH QUEEN— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 1, 1869, bred by Mr. Chaloner, King's Fort, Ireland, calved in America, the prop- erty of M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, got by Sovereign (27538), out of British Maid by British Prince (14197)— Village Rose by Blood Royal (14169)— Village Maid by Crown Prince (10087)— Wharf- dale Maid by Sir Leonard (10827)— Village Belle by Pilgrim (4701) — Wharfdale Lady by 2d Hubback (1423)— White Face by Fred- erick (1060) — Western Lady by Western Comet (689) — by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— Haughton by a son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 426. Returned to England Aug. 4, 1877, by ship Sardinian ; sold Sept. 4, 1877, at public sale, to Rev. T. Standiforth, for 230 guineas. Aug. 2, 1870. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship NoHh America. CHARLOTTE 4th— Roan cow, calved March 29, 1863, bred by J. Logan, Maindee House, Newport, Monmouthshire, got by Duke of Knowlmere (19623), out of Charlotte by Noble Arthur (16621) — Celma by Highland Laddie (13026) — Crummy by Cotherstone (6902)— Crummy by Locksley (4240)— Crummy by Stanhope (5315) — Crummy by Prince (4772) — a cow bought from Tyneside. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 418, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 441. CANDIDATE'S DUCHESS 2d— Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1869, bred by D. R. Davies, Mere Old Hall, Knuttsford, Cheshire, got by Grand Duke of Essex 4th (24068), out of Candidate's Duchess by Duke of Wharfdale (19648)— Candidate by Jasper (11609)— Candido 3d by Voltiguer (12274)— Candido 2d by Lord March (10457)— Candido by Ribblesdale (7422)— Eliza Jane by Prince Albert (4801)— Eliza by Election (1961)— Mary Ada by Navarino IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 137 (2352)— by Top Knot (1521)— by Cobourg (1841)— by Young Marske (2275)— Ossian (476)— Young Laura by Comet (155)— Laura by Favorite (252) — Lady by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280) —Phoenix by Foljambe (2G3)— Favorite by R. Alcock's Bull (19) —by J. Smith's Bull (008)— Strawberry by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 433. Sold to W. T. Hughes, Lexington, Ky. MEADOW FLOWER 13th— Roan cow, calved Sept. 27, 1867, bred by T. T. Drake, Shardeloes, Amersham, Bucks., got by Wizard (25468), out of Meadow Flower 8th by Honeycomb (16SI79)— Meadow Flower 4th by Ellington (14491) — Meadow Flower 2d by Scapulary (15244) — Meadow Flower by Vanguard (10994) — Mag- dalen by Viceroy (7678) — Mulberry by Raspberry (4875) — Maid by Isaac (1129)— Madam by Cecil (120). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 613, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 706. SCOTSMAN 10951 (27435)— Roan, calved Feb. 27, 1868, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, Edinburgh, got by Royal Errant (22780), out of Comet by Lord Stanley (18275)— Fortunate by Captain Balco (12564)— Violet by Kossuth (11646)— Rosie by Roger (13615)— Fortunate by son of Thorp (2757)— Lady Derby 2d by Thorp (2757)— Lady Derby by Albion (731)— by Wellington (679)— by Sultan (631)— by Siguier (588). OLD SAM 10551 (32449)— Red, calved June 4, 1868, bred by R. H. Crabb, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of Roma by Baron Roxwell (21240)— Eugenie by Dandy (14366) — Princess Alice by Essex Hero (9096) — Duchess by Duke of Marlborough (3645) — Miss Chrisp by Captain (3273) — Nanny by Emperor (1974) — Young Nanny by Snowball (2647) — Nanny by son of St. Albans (2584) — by Col. Trotter's son of Lawn- sleeves (365) — by Barnaby (1678) — by Barber's Bull — bred from the stock of Messrs. James, of Stamford, Northumberland. ROYAL PRINCE 12859— Roan bull, calved Dec. 23, 1870, bred by H. Aylmer, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Princess 138 waI^field's history Christian by Prince Christian (22581) — Queen of the Herd by Royal Counsellor (20725) — Queen of the May by Lord of the Harem (16430)— Sally by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949)— Silky by Bristol (11205)— Champion by Vagabond (9765)— Silver by Locksley (4240) — by Stanhope (5315) — by Marquis (22292) — descended from Mr. Jobling's stock of Styford. ROSE SOVEREIGN— Roan cow, calved Dec. 30, 1867, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, Ireland, got by Royal Sovereign (25044), out of Red Rose by The Druid (18981)— Rosy McHale by Dr. McHale (15887)— Moss Rose by Hopewell (10332)— Rosebud by Hamlet (8126)— Red Rose 3d by Rosebury (5011)— Red Rose 2d by Ury (5536)— Red Rose 1st by 2d Comet (5101)— by Prince George (2464)— by Frederick (7023)— by Kearney's Bull (4144). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 685. HONEYSUCKLE— Red and white heifer, calved May 5, 1868, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, got by Royal Duke (25014), out of Sweetbrier by Nimrod (13388)— Charlotte by Selim (6454)— Re- becca by Rex (6385) — Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295)— Own Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — White Cow by Agamemnon (9)— by Mr. Burrell'sBull of Burdon (1768). Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 18, p. 743, and A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 567. ROSEDALE 3d— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 24, 1869, bred by Rev. J. Storer, Hellidon, Daventry, got by Royal Buckingham (20718), out of Rosy by Master Belleville (11795)— Red Rose by Van- guard (10994) — Dinah by Diamond (5918) — Strawberry by Young Matchem (2282)— Rosamond by Jack Tar (1133)— by Pilot (496)— by Young Albion (15). Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 715, and A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 827. Returned to England Aug. 4, 1877, and sold Sept. 4, 1877, at public sale to J. C. Toppin for 62 guineas. COUNTESS OF YARBOROUGH— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 2, 1868, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton, AVragby, Lincolnshire, got IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 139 by Baron Kosedale (2123U), out of Countess of Wragbyby Sir Roger (16991) — Columbine byLambton (9273) — Cactus by Gen. Washing- ton (0036) — Cranberry by Plenipo (4724) — Young Cowslip by Ratify (2481)— Cowslip by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 459, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 458. MADRIGAL 18th— Red roan cow, calved Nov. 16, 1867, bred by T. T. Drake, Shardeloes, Bucks., got by Wizard (25468), out of Madrigal 8th by Final Hope (17848)— Madrigal 4th by Yellow Jack (15526)— Madrigal by Vanguard (10994)— Mellow Tone by Exqui- site (8048)— Music Note by Leonard (4210)— Martin Bell by Pilgrim (470l)_Minstrelsy by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Constellation (163) — by Young Favorite (255). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 601, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 672. LADY SOLWAY— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 2, 1869, bred by J. Beattie, Newby House, Annan, got by Baronet (27930), out of Julia by Duke (14419)— Juno by Mack Turk (14872)— Nelly by Pride (106.31)— Bonny by The Peer (5455)— Nell by Henry (2113)— by son of George (2057)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing, of Longhaughton. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 629. BOOTH\S LANCASTER— Roan heifer, calved April 4, 1868, bred by G. R. Barclay, Keavil, Dumfrieshire, Fife, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Anne of Lancaster by Lord Raglan (13244) — Lancaster 25th by Matadore (11800) — Lancaster 16tli by The Mar- quis (10938) — Lancaster 12th by Will Honeycomb (5660) — Lan- caster 10th by George 3d (7038) — Lancaster 9th by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 375, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 418. Sold to W. S. King, Minneapolis, Minn. 142 FLOEA— Red aud white, calved Sept. 1, 1868, bred by H. Ayl- mer. West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Flounce by Alderman 2d (17292)— Filigree by First Fruits (16048)— Flirt by Kirklevington (11639)— Flounce by Broughton Hero (6811) — Frill by Rockingham (2550) — Fancy by Remus (2524) — AVhite Rosette by Juniper (1144) — Rosette by White Comet (1582) — Young Rose by Grandson of Favorite (2073) — Old Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 500, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 528. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 533, as Flora of Dere- ham Abbey. DUCHESS FOURTH OF DEREHAM ABBEY— White, calved Nov. 20, 1870, bred by H. Aylmer, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Duchess 3d of Dereham Abbey by Prince Christian (22581), &c., as above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 480. DUCHESS lOlsT— Red and white, calved July 26, 1868, bred by Captain Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), out of Duchess 84th by Archduke (14099) —Duchess 72d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 67th by Usurer (9763)— Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 56th by 2d Duke of Nortliiimberland (3646) — Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706) —Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252) —by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by James Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 461. Returned to England by ship Sarmatian, July, 1873, for Lord Dunmore. A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 477. DUCHESS 103d— Roan, calved Aug. 3, 1868, bred by Captain Gunter, Wetherby Grange, got by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), out of Duchess 92d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Duchess 84th IMPORTED SHORT-HORKS. 143 by Archduke (14099)— Duchess 72d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) —Duchess 67th by Usurer (9763)— Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 56th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)_by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Kecorded under dam^ E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 461, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 477. DUCHESS OF HILLHURST— White, calved Nov. 30, 1870, bred by Captain Cunter, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Duchess 103d, above. Sold to Lord Dunmore, and landed at Liverpool Nov. 14, 1871. DUCHESS OF HILLHURST 2d— Roan, calved Dec. 16, 1870, bred by Captain Gunter, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Duchess 101st, above. Sold to Lord Dunmore. Landed at Liverpool Nov. 14, 1871. ROSA LOUISA— Roan, calved May 3, 1867, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, Yorks., got by Royal Booth (22772), out of Rosa Sybilla by Baron Booth (21212)— Rosewreath by Windsor (14013)— Rose Garland by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Garland by The Silkie Laddie (10947)— Damsel by Rouge (5012) — Strawberry by Shipton (2620)— Damsel by Cleveland (3404)— Rose by Danby (3550) — by son of Studley Grange (1483) — by son of Duke (225)— by Midas (4470)— by Nailer (4528)— by Ambo (746). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 697, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 820. JOAN OF ARC— Roan, calved Oct. IS, 1868, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Chipping Norton, Oxon, got by Plymoutli Can- didate (22531), out of Jubilee by Cynric (19542) — Juna by Briga- dier (14193)— Venus by Grand Duke (10284)— Manganese by Barmpton (8900)— Metal by Lord Warden (7167)— Titania by 144 Orontes (4623) — Zinc by Guardian (3947) — Roguery by Mercury (2301)— Pageant by Monarch (2324)— No. 13 Chilton Sale by St. Albans (2584)— No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— Sir Oliver Cow by Sir Oliver (G05) — Raspberry by Trunnell (G59) — Strawberry by Favorite (252) — Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded under dam, E. .H. B., vol. 18, p. 544, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 586. LADY HIGHTIIORN— Roan, calved Aug. 15, 1868, bred by R. Plummer, Carlton, Husthwaite, Thirsk, got by Lord Abbot (20140), out of Dora 7th by The Duke (18982)— Dora by Gone Away (10279) — Dairymaid by Napoleon (10552) — by Hampden (3965)— by Plenipo (4724)— Miss Scarthe by Sir John (16985)— Omega by Rex (1375) — Primrose by Baron (58) — Lily by a bull of Mr. Mason's— by Falstaff (250) — by Irishman (329). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 614. PHILLIS 9Tir— White, calved Jan. 8, 1869, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Phillis 4tb by Hildebrand (18068)— Phillis by Homer (14714) — Young Polly by Cardigan (12556) — I*olly by Young Rufus (13649)— by Constitution (12634)— by Young Comet (1853)— de- scended from Jolly's Bull (4115). Recorded, A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 768. BRITANNIA 19Tir— Roan, calved March 26, 1868, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Britannia 16th by Hildebrand (18068)- Busy Bee by Brigand (12494)— Britannia 11th by Lord John (11731)— by Al- bion (7771)— by Eclipse (3685)— by Punch (7386)— Pink by Prince Paul (4827)— Britannia by Monarch (2324)— No. 8 Chilton Sale by Dr. Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— St. John Cow by St. John (572)— Chilton Cow by Chilton (136)— Nymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. \A^ Duke (188)— Lady Maynarcl by R. Alcock's Bull (11))— by J. Smith's Bull (008)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Under dam, E. It. B., vol. 18, p. 406, and A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 42b. JESSIE HOPEWELL— Roan cow, calved Oct. 12, 18G0, bred by n. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by General Ilope.- well (17953), out of Jewess by Rifleman (18704) — Jewel by Meteor (18391)— Judith 3d by Rebellion (10684)— Judith by Orontes (4623) — Rosamond by Alabaster (1616) — No. 54 Chilton Sale by Monarch (9394)— No. 25 Chilton Sale by Satellite (1420)— No. 2 Chilton Sale by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136) —by Irishman (329)— by B (45). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 542, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 585. LORD WETHERBY 12337— Roan bull, calved Nov. 30, 1870, bred by T. Atherton, Chapel House, Speke, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Wild Flower 6th by Imperial Oxford (18084), &c., as in dam, above. IMPERIAL CAESAR 17365 [1573]— Red and white, calved Jan. 16, 1871, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Nor- folk, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Duchess 2d of Dere- ham Abbey by Norfolk Thorndale Duke (24666) — Red Duchess by Red Knight (16809)— Roseleaf by Whittington (12299)— Lady Welbourn by Lord Lowther (7164) — Eliza by Panton Favorite (4646)— Miss Eliza by grandson of Grazier (1085)— Elizabeth by a son of Grazier (1085) — Bessy by a son of Vulcan (667) — Bess by Vulcan (667)— Betty by Quaker (1349)— by 1st Stonehill Bull (3798). WELCOME LADY— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 30, 1870, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, Yorkshire, got by Banner Bearer (11326), out of Lady of the Lake by Knight Errant (18154)— Forest Queen by Royal Buck (10750)— Hecuba by Hopewell (10332) —Helen by Hamlet (8126)— by Leonard (4210). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1143. Returned to England Aug. 4, and sold, Sept. 4, 1877, to J. 15. Booth for 226 guineas. This cow was calved at Hillhurst after dam reached there. 146 CANDIDATE'S DUCHESS 3d— White, calved April 9, 1871, bred by D. R. Davies, got by Royal Chester 12847, out of Candi- date's Duchess 2d by Grand Duke of Essex 4th (240G8), &c., as in dam, above. Vol. 11, p. 541, A. H. B. PRINCESS CHRISTIAN— Roan cow, calved Oct. 25, 1867, bred by 11. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Queen of tlie Herd by Royal Counsellor (20725)— Queen of the May by Lord of the Harem (10430)— Sally by Gloster's Grand Duke (12049)— Silky by Bristol (11205)— Cham- pion by Vagabond (9705) — Silver by Locksley (4210) — Silver by Stanhope (5315) — Silver by Marquis (22292) — bred from Mr. Jobling's stock of Styford. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 078, under dam,.and A. 11. B., vol. 10, p. 780. FAIRY GEM (twinned with Fairy J^eiirl)— Roan heifer, calved May, 1869, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, got l)y K. C. B. (20492), out of Fairy Queen l)y Valasco (15443)— Forest Queen by Royal Buck (10750)— Hecuba by Hopewell (10332)— Helen by Hamlet (8126)— by Leonard (4210). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 505, and A. 11. B., vol. 10, p. 512. REG A — Red and white heifer, calved Sept. 5, 1870, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, calved the property of M. H. Coch- rane, Hillhurst, Can., got by Regal Booth (27202), out of Rosa Louisa by Royal Booth (22772) — Rosa Sybilla by ?>aron Booth (21212)— Rose Wreath by Windsor (14013) — Rose Garland by Baron W^arlaby (7813)— Garland by The Silky Laddie (10947)— Damsel by Rogue (5012) — Strawberry by Shipton (2020) — Damsel by Cleve- land (3404) — Rose by Danby (3550) — by a son of Stud ley Grange (1488)— by a son of Duke (225)— by Midas (4470)— by Nailer (4528)— by Ambo (740). A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 809. BRITISH LADY— Roan, calved September 0, 1870, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got in England by Royal Bough ton IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 147 (2TSo2), out of Britannia 19th by Prince Christian (22581) — Britan- nia 16th by Hildebrand (18068)— Busy Bee by Brigand (12494)— Britannia 11th by Lord John (11731)— by Albion (7771)— by Eclipse (3085)— by Punch (7386)— Pink by Prince Paul (4827)— Britannia by Monarch (2324)— No. 8 Chilton Sale by Dr. Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— St. John Cow by St. John (572)— Chilton Cow by Chilton (136)— Nymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188) — Lady Maynard by R. Alcock^s Bull (19)— by J. Smithes Bull (608)— by Jolly^s Bull (337). Vol. 10, p. 425, A. H. B. Aug. 29, 1870. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship European, from Liverpool. COWS. BLUEBELL— Roan cow, calved Feb. 4, 1863, bred by A. & A. Mitcliell, Alloa, got by Knight Errant (18154), out of Barbelle by Cardigan (12556) — Barmaid by Lord Fanny (13187) — Beauty by Nobk^ (4578)— Betsy by Newton (2367)— by Baronet (1686)— by Reformer (2502)— by Margrave (2263)— by Leopokl (2199)— by Hector (2103)— l)y Surly (2715)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152). E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 386 (illustrated), and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 417. MISS BLITHE— lied and wliite, calved Feb. "-ZS, 1869, bred by A. & A. Mitchell, Alloa, got by Lord Blithe (22126), out of Queen of the Isle by Sii* Samuel (15302) — Lady of the Lake by Prince Arthur (13497)— Sonsie by lludibras (10339)— 1st Sonsie by Howard ((J085)— 3d Sonsie by Adam (2920)— Modesty by Belshazzar (1703) —Tulip by Camden (1776)— by Noble Henry (2374)— by Young Alexander (2977). A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 721. BADDOW KOSE— Koan heifer, calved Nov. 8, 1867, bred by R. H. Crabb, l^addow, ( 'helmsford, got by Manhattan (26802), out 148 warfield's iiistoky of Lady Ducie 3d by Guelder Rose (19910) — Lady Ducie 2d by Tally Ho (20927)— Lady Ducie by Grand Duke (12965)— Lady Jane by Red Roan Kirtling (10691)— Lady Ann by Pam (6272)— Count- ess by Vanguard (5545) — Dodona by Alabaster (1616) — No. 6 Chil- ton Sale by Dr. Syntax (220)— Charles Cow by Charles (127)— Henry Cow by Henry (301) — Lydia by Favorite (252) — Nell by Mason's White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Fol- jambe (263)— by Hubback (319)— bred by Mr. Maynard. A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 385, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 562, under dam. FAREWELL- Red and white heifer, calved April 25, 1868, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, got by Brigade Major (21312), out of Virtue by Valasco (15443) — Lady Georgiana by Knight Errant (18154) — Georgie by Prince George (13510) — Hopeful by Hopewell (10332)— by Warrior (12287). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 771. KILLERBY QUEEN— Roan heifer, calved July, 1867, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, got by Brigade Major (21312), out of Clara by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Georgie by Prince George (13510) —Hopeful by Hopewell (10332)— by Warrior (12287). Recorded under dam, E. H. B.; vol. 19, p. 445, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 598. Returned to England Aug. 4, and sold Sept. 4, 1877, to J. Torr for 41 guineas. MILLINER— Roan cow, calved Aug., 1867, bred by J. B. l^ooth, Killerby Hall, got by Brigade Major (21312), out of Lady Percy by Percival (20486)— Lady Day by Man Friday (13290)— Anna by The Irishman (5446) — by Sir Richard (5175) — by son of Booth's White Bull — by Seymour's Red Bull. Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 18, p. 576, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 712. • GOODY TWO-SHOES— Red heifer, calved May 29, 1869, bred by G. S. Foljambe, Osberton Hall, Worksop, Notts., got by Lord Lyons (26677), out of Ladyslipper by May Duke (16553)— Cene- rentolia by Foig-a-Ballagh (8082) — Clementina by Clementi (3399) IMPOKTED SHOKT-HORNS. 149 — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129) — by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Csesar (1143). Recorded A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 082. Sold to W. T. Hughes, Lexington, Ky. MAIDEN— Red, calved Nov. 6, 1870, bred by J. B. Booth, got by K. 0. B. (26492), out of Milliner by Brigade Major (21312), &c., as above. LADY GRATEFUL— Roan cow, calved Jan. 12, 1864, bred by T. C. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton, got by Lord of the Valley (14837), out of Lady Blithe by Windsor (14013)— Blithe by Hope- well (10332)— Bliss by Leonard (4210)— Young Broughton by Young Matchem (2282) — Broughton by Jerry (4097) — by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by son of Apollo (36). She was twinned with Lady Gratitude. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 16, p. 519, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 613. LADY BOOTH— Red and white heifer, calved April 25, 1869, bred by T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by British Crown (21322), out of Lady Jane by Lord of the Valley (14837)— Lady Mirth by Sir Samuel (15302)— Lady Blithe by Windsor (14013)— Blithe by Hope- well (10332)— Bliss by Leonard (4210)— Young Broughton by Young Matchem (2282) — Broughton by Jerry (4097) — by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by son of Apollo (36). Recorded under dam, E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 582, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 606. LADY OF THE LAKE— Red and white cow, calved Nov. 19, 1862, bred by John B. Booth, Killerby Hall, Catterick, Yorkshire, got by Knight Errant (18154), out of Forest Queen by Royal Buck (1075())_Hecuba by Hopewell (10332)— Helen by Hamlet (8126) — by Leonard (4210). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 15, p. 497, and A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 622. QUEEN OF BEAUTY— Red and white heifer, calved April 4, 186S, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, got by Knight Errant (18154), out of Queen of tbe Glen by Valasco (15443) — Forest 150 vvakfield's history Queen by Royal Buck (10750)— Hecuba by Hopewell (lo:332)— Helen by Hamlet (8126)— by Leonard (4210). Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 677, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 795. Returned to England Aug. 4, 1877, and sold at public sale Sept. 4, 1877, to J. B. Booth for 120 guineas. BULLS. ROYAL COMMANDER 10914 (29857)— Roan, calved July 31, 1869, bred by T. C. Booth, AVarlaby, Northallerton, got by Com- mander-in-Chief (21451), out of Prudence by Gen. Hopewell (17953)— Modesty 2d by Lord of the Valley (14837)— Modesty by Buckingham (3239) — Monica by Raspberry (4875) — White Straw- berry by Rockingham (^2551) — Strawberry 2d by Young Alexander (2977)— Strawberry by Pilot (496)— Halnaby by Booth's Lame Bull (359)— by Easby (232)— by Suwarrow (636). Returned to England Aug. 14, 1875, by shi]) Polynesian, binding at Liverpool Aug. 30, for H. Aylmer. BOOTH'S MARKSMAN (28059)— Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1869, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, got by Booth's Kinsman (25658), out of Vernal Star by The Sutler (23061)— Venus Star by Prince George (13510) — Vesper by King Artliur (13110) — Vesper by Morning Star (6223) — Primrose by Roland (2556) — Strawberry by Priam (2452) — by Matchem (2281) — by son of Peter (487). ROYAL RICHARD 15415— Red and white bull, calved Jan. 15, 1870, bred by Mr. Barnes, Westland, Ireland, got by King Richard 8469, out of Isabella Sovereign by Royal Sovereign (22802) — Isabella by British Prince (14197)— Sweetbrier by Nimrod (13388) —Charlotte by Selim (6454)— by Rex (6385)— l)y Sir Thomas Fair- fax (5196)— byAmbo(1636)— byMemnon (2295)— by Pilot (496)— by Agamemnon (9)— by BurrelFs Bull (1768). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 151 Oct., 1870. M. H. COCHRANE, Of Hillhurst, Compton, Can. By Ship European, from Liverpool. WILD EYES DUCHESS— Red, calved Feb. 3, 1865, bred by C. R. Saunders, Nimwick Hall, Penrith, got by 9th Grand Duke (19879), out of Wild Eyes 19th by Lablache (16353)— Wild Eyes 18th by Solon (13766)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Em- peror (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by But- terfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. E. H. B., vols. 21, p. 687, and 19, p. 786, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 896. Returned to England in July, 1873, to Earl of Dunmore. lA^NDALE WILD EVES— Roan, calved April 13, 1871, bred by Mr. Saunders, calved Mr. Cochrane's, got by Earl of Eglinton (23832), out of Wild Eyes Duchess, above. E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 687, under dam, and A. II. B., vol. 11, p. 856. WATERLOO 38TII— Red heifer, calved March 12, 1869, bred by C. R. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, Penrith, got by Earl of Eglin- ton (23832), out of Waterloo 32d by 9th Grand Duke (19879)— Waterloo 31st by 3d Grand Duke (16182)— Waterloo 18th by 2d (Jraiul Duke (12961)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047) —Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of NorthumberLmd (1940)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Wa- terloo Cow by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). A. n. B., vol. 10, p. 890. LADY WORCESTER— Roan, calved April 8, 1865, bred by J. Ilarward, Winterfold, Kidderminster, got by Charleston (21400), out of Cilear Star by Marton Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumber- land (liUO)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by W\m- 152 derful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — from the stock of M. Dobisoii. A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 632, and E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 423, under dam. Returned to England in July, 1873, to Earl of Dunmore. STAR QUEEN— Roan, calved June 23, 18G0, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braitliwaite Hall, Middleliam, Yorks., got by The Sutler (23061), out of Star of Windsor by Windsor (14013)— Vesper by King Arthur (13110) — Vesper by Morning Star (6223) — by Roland (2556)— by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. II. B., vol. 10, p. 856, and E. II, B., vol. 17, p. 748, under dam. GRAND DUKE OF GORDON 11216 (28757) [1496]— Roan, calved April 21, 1869, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Blinkhoolie (23428), out of Geneva by Breastplate (19337)— Gen- uine Gold by British Prince (14197) — Genuine Gem by Vanguard (10994)— (listen by Vanguard (10994)— by Baron Warlaby (7813) —by Londesbro' (6142)— by Ranunculus (2479)— by Remus (4932) —by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Constellation (163) — by Young Favorite (255). LORD ABRAHAM 11223 (29056)— Roan, calved April 25, 1869, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Breastplate (19337), out of Lady Zillah by Prince of Warlaby (15107)— Lady Eve by Dr. McHale (15887)— Lady Mary Bountiful by Baron Warlaby (7813) —Lady Bountiful by Usurer (9763)— Belinda by Ranunculus (2479) —Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). PRINCE NICHOLAS 11235 (29647)— Roan, calved Feb. 5, 1869, bred by Hugh Aylmer, AVest Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Queen of the Gems by Prince Imperial (22594)— Guava 2d by Red Knight (16809)— Guava by War Eagle (15483)— Gem by Sweet William (7571)— Juniper by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 153 Maliomed (0170)— Red Lady -by Juniper (1145)— by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (8e5)— by Neswick (12P,r,)— by Favorite (1033). VE8PER STAR— Red and white, calved May 12, 1871, bred by R. S. Rruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Sir Windsor Broughton (27507), out of Star Queen by The Sutler (23001)— Star of Wind- sor by Windsor (14013)— Vesper by King Arthur (13110)— Vesper by Morning Star (6223)— by Roland (255r,)_by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1120. Calved after dam reached Hillhurst. Returned to England and sold Sept. 4, 1877, to W. T. Crosbie for 1,0(10 guineas, July 20, (871. M.H.COCHRANE. By Ship European, frnvi Lwerpttol. COWS. A(\\CTA_Red and white, calved May 10, 1804, bred by 0. IMand, ('Oleby Hall, Lincoln, got by Knight Errant (18154), out of Amethyst by Magiui Charta (10480) — Applin by Lord Raglan (14849) — Amaryllis by Burgomaster (12513) — by Baron of Ravens- worth (7811)— by Lycurgus (7180)— by Zenith (5702)— by Guard- ian (3047)- by Firby (1040)— by Ivanhoe (1131)— by Regent (544) — ])y Blyth (^omet (85). A. IT. B., vol. 11, p. 448. LADY LUCY TIIORNDALE— Roan, calved June 20, 1804, bred by J. Clayden, Littlebury, Essex, got by 3d Duke of Thorn- dale (17749), out of Lady Bird by Count de Gourcy (17032)— Lux- iii-y l)y Cheltcnhaui (12588)— Red Rose by Horatio (10335)— by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3047) — by Velocipede (5552) — by Sir ^l^iomas (2030)— by Marske (418)— by Comet (155)— by '\\m\ (052) —by Son of Favorite (1033)— by Uutton's Bull (323)— by Barning- liam (50). E. TI. P>., vol. 17, p. 574, and A. IT. B., vol. 11, p. 775. BOSEDALE— Red, calved Sept. 9, 1809, bred l)y W. Derham, Palmer's (irocn, Middlesex, got by Bisnuirck (25r»37). out of Lady 19 154 wakfield's history Lucy Thorndale by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Bird by Count de.Gourcy (17632)— Luxury by Cheltenham (12588)— Red Rose by Horatio (10335)— by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647) —by Velocipede (5552)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Marske (418) —by Comet (155)— by Tom (652)— by Son of Favorite (1033)— by Ilutton's Bull (323)— by Barningham (56). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1058. . WATERLOO ROSE— Roan, calved Dec. 19, 1866, bred by R. Clialoner, King's Fort, Ireland, got by Royal Sovereign (22802), out of Wellingtonia by British Prince (14197) — Waterloo Rose by Blood Royal (14169)— Water Bride 'by Brideman (12493)— Water Nymph by Vanguard (10994)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 786, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1141. BELINDA OXFORD— Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1869, bred by 0. Barnett, Stratton Park, Bedfordshire, got by Brockley Oxford (25688), out of Pheasant by Provost (24878)— Water Wave 17th by Wandering Willie (19110)— Clove by Chieftain (14267)— Historia by Homer (13038) — Parisian by Prince John (9508) — Viola by Vam- pire (6632)— AVhite Rose by Senator (2610)— Red Rose by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswtck (1266)— by Favorite (1033). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 492, and E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 667. under dam. Sold to C. E. Coffin, Muirkirk, Md. FANNY 29th— Red, calved Jan. 14, 1870, bred by J. Meadows, Thornville, Wexford, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), out of Fanny 14th by Fugleman (14580)— Fanny 3d by Chieftain (7898) —Fanny 1st by Mayo (16555)— Mary by Peel (4672)— by Duko (3633). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 642. PRIMROSE 9th— Roan, calved April 14, 1870, brecl by J. Meadows, got by Prince of tlie Realm (22627), out of Primrose 6t]i IMPORTED SIIORT-IIORNS. 155 by First Fiddle (11)74:1))— Primrose 4tli by Fugleman (14580)— Primrose M by Midsummer (141)51) — Primrose by Abraham Parker (1)^50) — Peony by Ernest (5987) — Passion Flower by Melbourne (4448)— Passion by Newton (2367)— by Reformer (2502). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 999. ROYAL DUCHF]SS 2d— Roan heifer, calved March 26, 1870, bred by 0. A. Barnes, Charley wood, Herts., got by Lord Wallace (24473), out of Ladyloye by Cock of the Walk (15782)— Looey by Marmaduke (14897) — Lelia by Count of Grloucester (12650) — Lizzy by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by Cramer (6907)— by Cato (G836)— by Helicon (2107)— by Matchem (2281)— by Sir Alexander (591)_by Stephen (1456)— by W^estern Comet (689)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Favorite (252)— by Bartle (777)— descended from Studley White Bull (627). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1070, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 606, under dam. Sold to Edward lies, of Springfield, 111. WATERLOO ROSE 2d— Roan heifer, calved May 6, 1869, bred by D. Mcintosh, Havering Park, Essex, got by King Richard (26523), out of Waterloo Rose by Royal Sovereign (22802) — Wel- lingtonia by British Prince (14197) — Waterloo Rose by Blood Royal (14169)— W^ater Bride by Brideman (12493)— Water Nymph by Vanguard (10994)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 777, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1141. WEEPING WILLOW— Roan heifer, calved April 12, 1871, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Manfred (26801), out of Water Cress by Dr. McHale (15887)— Water Maid by Vanguard (10994)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 812, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1142. 156 warfield's history PET GAVYNNE— Koan heifer, calved Jan. 22, 18G8, bred by P. Kiall, Old Ooiina Hill, Wicklow, got by British Sailor (23471), out of Polly Gwyniie by Killerby Lad (20052) — Pauline Gwynne by Paul Potter (16688)— White Moll Gwynne by Cadet (12521)— Modesty 5th by Young Usurer (10985) — Modesty by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Mar- mion (406)^ — by Merlin (430) — by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Ilubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Master- man's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 659, under dam, and A. 11. B., vol. II, p. 980. OXFORD DUCHESS- Uoan, calved April jfj, 18(19, Ijred l)y Rev. R. B. Kennard, Marnhull Rectory, Dorsetshire, got by Ox- ford Duke (27019), out of Ada by Duke of Montrose (23771)— Juliet by Wonder (21126)— Ethelinda by Marmaduke (14897)— Electra by Lovemore (10476) — Dewberry by Hurricane (4061) — Daf- fodil by Eclipse (3684)— Bright Eyes by Milton (8315)— by Young Comet (3436) — by Macgregor (2235). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 972. Sold to E. lies, of Springfield, 111. FRENCH ASTER— Red heifer, calved Jutu^ 20, 1868, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Essex, got by Duke of (Jrafton (21594), out of German Aster by Royal Arch (18749) — China Aster by Arch- duke 2d (15588) — Cream by Young Weathercock (15495) — Roan Crocus by Gen. Elliott (10266) — Red Crocus by Young Locksley (22111)— by Sherborne (10805)— by Prince (4772)— by Stanhope (5315)— by son of Sir Kenneth (1450)— by Pilot (1319)— by Thorpe (1515)— by WaistelPs Bull (1567). E. II. B., vol. 18, p. 511, under dam, and A. 11. B., vol. 11, p. 667. Sold to S. R. Steator, Cleveland, Ohio. ANEMONE— Red and white heifer, calved June 27, 1869, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Essex, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of German Aster by Royal Arch (18749) — China Aster by Arch- duke 2d (15588) — Cream by Young Weathercock (15495) — Roan IMPORTED SHORT-IIOKNS. 157 Crocus by Gen. Elliott (lO^GO)— lied Croeiisby Sherborne (10S05)— Crocus by Young Locksley (424U)— Crocus by Prince (4772) — lliiw- thorn by Stanhope (5315) — Beauty by son of Sir Kenneth (1450)— by Pilot (1319)— by Thorpe (1515)— by WaistelFs Bull (1507). A. 11. B., vol. 11, p. 409. POKTULACA— Ked heifer, calved Aug. 27, 1809, bred by J. Christy, Boynton Hall, Essex, got by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of Primula by Victor (15458)— Polyanthus by Orestes (15027)— Oxlip by Progress (11950)— Cowslip by Roan Pobin (10721)— Count- ess of Liverpool .by Mars (7212) — Lady Liverpool by Earl of Liver- •pool (3077)— Actress by Arthur (3039)— Euby by Imperial (4008) —Red Lady by Juniper (1145) — Red Rose by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswick (1200)- by Son of Favorite (1033). A. 11. B., vol. 11, p. 990. Sold to C. E. Coffin, Muirkirk, Md. AMERICAN ASTER— Red, calved Dec. 17, 1871, bred by J. Christy, got by Rosolio (32340), oiit of French Aster by Duke of Grafton (21594), &c., as in French Aster, above. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 594. PHYLLIS GWYNNE— Red heifer, calved Jan. 12, 1809, bred by P.. Riall, Old Conna Hill, Wicklow, got by British Sailor (23471), (Hit of Polly Gwynne by Killerby Lad (20052) — Pauline Gwynne by Paul Potter (10088)- White Moll Gwynne by Cadet (12521)— Modesty 5th by Young Usurer (10985) — ^Modesty by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5190)— by AVallace (5580)— by Wellington (2824)— by Mar- mion (400) — by Merlin (430) — by Layton (300) — by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252) -by Favorite (252)— by llubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (012)— by WaistelFs Bull (009)- by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (020). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 981. GLOSSY^S WOODBINE— Red heifer, calved March 17, 1809, bred by W. Bolton, The Island, County Wexford, got by Woodranger (27834), out of Ida Glossy by Gen. Clyde (19839)— Red Glossy by 158 warfield's history llighlciiicl Laddie (1302G)— Glossy 2d by Duke of Bedford (1 1378) — Glossy by Eugene Aram (10210) — Amelia by 2d Comet (5101) — by Corrector (1876)— by Tyro (2781)— by Grazier (1085)— by Jupi- ter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by K. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 549, under dam, and A. II. B., vol. 11, p. 679. GLOSSY 5th — Ked heifer, calved February 12, 1870, bred by W. Bolton, got by Gray Gauntlet (19908), out of Ida Glossy by Gen. Clyde (19839)— Red Glossy by Highland Laddie (13026)— Glossy. 2d by Duke of Bedford (11378)— Glossy by Eugene Aram (10210)— Amelia by 2d Comet (5101)— by Corrector (1876)— by Tyro (2781) —by Grazier (1085)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnel (659)— by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— l)y Dalton Duke (188)— by II. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 549, under dam, and A. II. B., vol. 11, p. 679. LADY AMELIA— Red heifer, calved Sept. 23, 1868, bred by C. A. Barnes, got by Charles 2d (23539), out of Lady Anne by Lord Chancellor (20160)— British Queen by Sir Charles (16948)— Miss Amelia by Marquis of Bute (11788) — Miss Beauford by Red Roan Kirtling (10691)— Celia by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— Cornflower by Bashaw (1692) — Columbine by Helmsman (2109) — Columbine by Columella (904) — Charlottina by Regent (544) — Charlotte Palatine by Palatine (478) — Charlotte by Palmflower (480)— Crimson by Patriot (486)— Young Milbank by Driffield (223)— Milbank by C. Holmes' Bull (314). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 755. NEGUS — Roan heifer, calved Jan. 27, 1870, bred by Messrs. Game, Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, got by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Neatness by Brigadier (23456) — Nemophila by Cynric (19542) — Nectarine by Gen. Pelissier (14605) — Necklace by Uncle Tom IMPORTED BIIORT-HORNS. 159 (13912)_Princess by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— by Raffler (7391)— })y (■onsul (1868) — by son of Speculation (1472). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 649, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p, 955, both as Nellie Booth; vol. 13, p. 831. VERNAL STAR— Red and white cow, calved April 22, 1866, bred by R. S. Bruere, got by The Sutler (23061), out of Venus Star by Prince George (13510) — Vesper by King Arthur (13110) — Vesper by Morning Star (6223) — Primrose by Roland (2556) — by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1125, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 763. BULLS. THE DOCTOR 13021— Red bull, calved March 9, 1870, bred l)y AV. Derham, Palmer's Green, Middlesex, got by Bismarck (25637), out of Colleen Bawn by Lord Red Rose (22205)— Carlina by Valasco (15443)— Charlotte by Royal Buck (10750)— Dora by Leonard (4210)— Dorothy by Roland (2556)— by Priam (2452). CHERUB 11505— Red bull, calved April 1, 1870, bred by Lord Sudeley, Toddington, Gloucestershire, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Seraphina 13th by John o' Gaunt (16322) — Seraphina 7th by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Seraphina 2d by Sweet William (7571)— Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6955) — Sapphire by Stratton (5336) — Ruby by Fanatic (1996)— Rufe by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2577)— by Emperor (1014). Sold to Edward lies, of Springfield, HI. WAR BANNER 13102— Roan bull, calved Feb. 5, 1871, bred by ^Y. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Manfred (2^801), out of W\arlike by Breastplate (19337)— Warfare by The Druid (18981)— War Lady by British Prince (14197)— Water Lady by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816) — ])y Waterloo (2816). BREADALBANE 11429— Roan bull, bred by William Torr, Aylesby Manor, calved March 24, 1871, got by Lord Napier (26(188), out of Bliuk Bouny l)y Booth Royal (15673)— Bright Dawn by 160 waefield's history Vanguard (10994)— Bright Phoebus by Crown Prmce (10087)— Blanche 2d by Zadig (8796)— Blanche by Auld Robin Gray (6753)— White Rose by James Crisp's Bull — Rose by Burley (1766) — Young Anna by Isaac (1169) — Anna by Pilot (496) — Ariadne by Albion (14)— Bright Eyes by Booth's Lame Bull (;3o9)— l)y Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88) — l)y Twin Brother to Ben (660). CENTRAL PACIFIC 13219— Roan ])ull, calved Nov. 10, 1871, bred by G. Bland, Coleby Hall, Lincoln, Eng., got by Bismarck (25637), out of Acacia by Knight-Errant (18154)— Amethyst by Magna Charta (16486)^ — Applin by Lord Raglan (1 4849) — Amaryllis by Burgomaster (12513) — Acacia by Baron of Ravensworth (7811) — Penance by Lycurgus (7180) — Dimity by Zenith (5702) — by Guardian (3947)— by Firby (1040)— by Tvanhoe (1131)— by Regent (r,44)— by Blyth Comet (85). 1872. M. H. COCHRANE. Per StecunsJUp Vicloihurtj. INNOCENCE— White heifer, calved Jan. 10, 1870, bred by R. Stratton, Burderop, Wilts., got by James 1st (24202), out of Miiierva by 8th Duke of York (23808)— Europa l)y Windsor Castle (21118)— Lilla by Hermit (14697)— Euridice 2d l)y Lord of the Manor (14836)— Euridice by Red Duke (8694)— Euribia ])yneroof the West (8150)— Modish by Kenilworth (71 18)— Madauio by Lot- tery (4280)— Premium by Phoenix (6290). A. IT. B., vol. 12, p. 852, under dam, and E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 629. VILLAGE ROSE— Red heifer, calved Nov. 21, 1870, bred by R. Stratton, got by James 1st (24202), out of April Rose by War- wick (19120) — March Rose by Young AVindsor (17241) -Christmas Rose by His Highness (14708)— Salthrop Rose 4th by Lord of the Manor (14836)— Salthrop Rose 1st by Waterloo (11025)— Young Moss Rose by Lottery (4280)— Moss Rose by Pluenix ((;29()). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1277, and E. 11. P>., vol. 20, p. 395, under dam, as of October. IMJ'OKTEI) SHOUT-HORNS. 161 ADMIIIAL JACK— Roan, calved April 1, 1873, bred by R. Stratton, got by Jack Frost (31425), out of Village Rose by James 1st (24202) — April Rose by Warwick (19120), &c., as. above. LOUIS LE GRAND 17010— Roan bull, calved Sept. 25, 1872, bred by Mr. S. Wiley, Brandsby, York, got by Warrior (32800), out of Louisa by Earl of Derby (21G38) — Luna by Prince George (13510)— Aurora by King Arthur (13110)— Astra by Sylvan King (13819)— Stella by the Silky Laddie (10947)— Vesper by Morning Star (0223) — Primrose by Roland (2550) — Strawberry by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). LADY BIRD— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 4, 1870, bred by S. Wiley, Brandsby, York, got by Breastplate (19337), out 'of Luna by Prince George (13510) — Aurora by King Arthur (13110) — Astra by Sylvan King (13819)— Stella by The Silky Laddie (10947)— Ves- per by Morning Star (6223)— Primrose by Roland (2556)— Straw- berry by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 890, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 009, under (lam. Spring of 1872. M. H. COCHRANE, Of Hlllhurst, Compton, Prov. Quebec, Can. Per Steamship Corinthian. WAVE SWELL— Roan cow, calved June 26, 1807, bred by Wm. 'I'orr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Prince of, Warlaby (15107), out of Wave Princess by British Prince (14197) — Wave Maid by Vanguard (10994) — Water Queen by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3049)— l)y Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2810)— by Waterloo (2810). Under dam, E. II. B., vol. 18, p. 778. FAIR NAPIER— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 11, 1870, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Lord Napier (26088), out of Fair Jute by Breastplate (19337)— Fair Dane by Fitz Clarence (14552)— Flower Nymi)h by Vanguard (109 J4) — Flower Girl by Londesbro' (0142)— Flora of Farnesfield by Rinaldo (4949)— by Sir Thomas 162 warfield's history (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— by IS'orth Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 502, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 779. VERN^AL STAR— Red and white, calved April 22, 1866, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Yorks.,*got by The Sutler (23061), out of Venus Star by Prince George (13510) — Vesper by King Arthur (13110)— Vesper by Morning Star (6223)— Primrose by Roland (2556) — Strawberry by Priam (2452) — by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1270, and E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 771, under dam. REGAL OR SILVER STAR— Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1872, bred by R. S. Bruere, got* by Booth's Royal Signet (28061), out of Ver- nal Star, above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 819. Returned to England, by Ship Sar- dinian, Aug. 4, 1877, and sold at public sale Sept. 4, 1877, to A. Darby for 460 guineas. FORGET-ME-NOT— Roan, calved Jan. 25, 1873, bred by W. Torr, got by Lieutenant-General (31600), out of Fair Napier by Lord Napier (26688)— Fair Jute by Breastplate (19337), &c., as in Fair Napier, above. Returned to England by Ship Sardinian from Que])ec Oct. 16, 1875, for A. II. Browne, Doxford, Chathill, Northumberland. LOUISA— Roan, calved Feb. 14, 1867, bred by S. Wiley, I^randsby, York, got by Earl of Derby (21638), out of Luna by Prince George (13510) — Aurora by King Arthur (13110) — Arthur })y Sylvan King (13819)— Stella by Silky Laddie (10947)— Vesper by Morning Star (6223) — Primrose by Roland (2556) — Strawberry by Priam (2452)— by Matchem (2281)— by son of Peter (487). A. II. B, vol. 12, p. 978, c^nd E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 598, under dam. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNB. 163 Aug., 1873. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Canadian, from Liverpool. PARTRIDGE— Red heifer, calved Sept. 1, 1870, bred by Mr. G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon., got by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007), out of Panacea by General Pelissier (14605) — Pane by Bashaw (12449)— Panic by Colchicum (8963)— Paleface by Harold (8131)— by Lord John (4259)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Newn- ham (2365)— by Satellite (1420)— by Jupiter (343)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 659, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 772. JOHN PEEL 17436— Roan bull, calved Dec. 14, 1873, bred by G. Game, got by 3d Lord of Warwickshire (28524), out of Part- ridge by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007), &c., as in Partridge, above. Aug. 13, 1874. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Phoenician, from Glasgow. RED BESS— Red cow, calved Aug. 20, 1871, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Roseleaf 4th by Prince Christian (22581)— Roseleaf 2d by Hildebrand (18068)— Roseleaf by Whittington (12299)— Lady Welboum by Lord Lowther (7164) — Eliza by Panton Favorite (4646) — by grandson of Graziar (1085) — by son of Vulcan (667) — by Vulcan (667)— by Quaker (1349)— by 1st Stonehill Bull (3798). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 738, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 850. GAIETY— Red cow, calved Feb. 21, 1870, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon., got by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Gar- land by Duke of Towneley (21615)— Gazelle by Gondomar (17985) —Genteel by Bashaw (12449)— Gentle by Colchicum (8963)— Meg Merrilies by Harold (8131)— by son of Anthony (1640)— by a bull of Mr. Champion^s, of Blyth. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 525, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 548. 164 vvakfield's history RAIsGER PRIXCE 21750— Red, calved Aug. 16, 1873, bred by W. G. Game, Broadmoor, or J. Houlton, Aldsworth, got by Ranger (21755), out of Pippin by Cynric (19542)— Pica by Royal Oak (16870)— Picola by Gen. Pelissier (14605)— Picotee by Royal (13636) —Pink by Marchmont (9367)— Yodng Pye by Young Consul (6893) — Pye by :Nrewnham (2365)— by Satellite (1420)— by Jupiter (342) —by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trnnnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19) —by J. Smitb's Bull (008)— ])y Jolly's Bull (337). Sold to James Peterson, of Monmouth, 111., June 16, 1875, for $950. GUSTAVUS 21591— Roan, calved Sept. 5, 1874, bred by G. Game, got by Buccaneer (25693), out of Gaity by Royal Benedict (27348) — Garland by Duke of Towneley (21615) — Gazelle by Gon- domar (17985) — Genteel by Bashaw (12449) — Gentle by Colchicum (8963)— Meg Merrilies by Harold (8131)— Edgecott Rose by son of Anthony (1640)— Old Rose by a bull of Mr. Champion's, of Blyth. Aug. (9, 1874. M.H.COCHRANE. Hillhurst. Comptoii, Can. By Ship Vicksbarg, from Liverpool. PRINCESS CHRISTIAN— Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 1871, bred by Mr. R. Welsted, Bally waiter. County Cork, Ireland, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Queen Victoria by Sir James (16980)— Elfin Queen by Elfin King (17796)— British Queen by British Priiu'.e (14197)— Primrose by Orson (13432)— Trinkett by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Trifle by Mowbray (4516)— Folly by Fergus (3782)— by Woodford (2854)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155) — by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Fa- vorite (252)— by Hubback (319). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 716. PRINCESS SALLY 2d— Red and white, calved Feb. 26, 1872, bred by Mr. R. Welsted, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Aunt Sally by Sir James (16980) — Aunt Jane by Uncle Tom IMPOKTED SHOET-HORNS. 165 (13913) — Lady lola by Baron Norton (11155) — Japonica by Em- peror (10198)— Lady Jane by Albert 3d (G725)— Adelaide by [laddock (3991)— by Tarquin (2734)— by lied Simon (2499)— by Governor (1077)— by son of Wellington (680). E. H. B., vol. 20,, p. 397, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 796. PAT MOLLOY 24259— Red and white, calved March 5, 1875, bred by R. AVelsted, got by England's Glory (23889), out of Prin- cess Sally 2d by Prince Christian (22581), &c., as above. Calved in Canada after dam's arrival. PRINCESS ADELAIDE— Roan, calved March 3, 1872, bred by Mr. R. Welsted, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Agatha by Sir James (16980)— Amulet by Uncle Tom (13913)— Australia by Master Charlie (13312)— Grace Darling by Rex (6385)— by Rex (6385)— by Solomon (6313)— by Skelbrook (5206)— by Erickley (3849). E. 11. B., vol. 20, p. 385, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 833. KUTII— White, calved April' 12, 1875, bred by R. Welsted, got by England's Glory (23889), out of Princess Adelaide by Prince Christian (22581), &c., as above. A. H.. B., vol. 15, p. 833, under .dam. June 10, 1876. M. H. COCHRANE. Per Ship Dominwn. GUINEVERE— Red, calved Sept. 20, 1873, bred by J. AV. Phil- lips, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Graceful by Duke of Albany (25931)— Lucinda by Priam (18567)— Coral by Cardinal (11246)— Charmer 3d by Earl of Dublin (10178)— by Little John (4232)— by Caliph (1774)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319). Recorded, A. II. B., vol. 17, p. 12915. 166 waefield's histoey July, 1875. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Nova Scotian, July 7, from Liverpool, landing at Quebec, July 19. PRINCESS— Red, calved April 6, 1874, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Sons, Orpines, Wateringbury, Kent, got by 6th Duke of Oneida (30997), out of Princess Louise by Grand Duke of Kent (26289)— Princess Alice by British Prince (14197)— Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004) —Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774) — Quickly by Swing (2721) — Alamode by Argus (759)— Valuable by Defender (194)--Violet by Petrarch (488)— by own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12290, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 811, under dam. SIDDINGTON 5th— Roan cow, calved June 12, 1867, bred by Mr. E. Bowly, Siddington House, Cirencester, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), out of Siddington by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northaller- ton by son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 904, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 728, under dam. LORD HILLHURST 23771— Roan, calved Dec. 26, 1875, bred by Mr. E. Bowly, Siddington House, got by Grand Duke of Thorn- dale (31298), out of Siddington 5th by 7th Duke of Oxford (17754), &c., as above. Calved after dam reached Hillhurst, Canada. GRAND DUCHESS OF BARRINGTONIA— Red and white, calved May 5, 1872, bred by Mr. R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, Towcester, Northamptonshire, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), out of Grand Duchess of Barrington by 7th Grand Duke (19877) IMPORTED SHORT-HORIS'S. 167 —Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by 3d Grand Duke (16182) — Laurel by (Irand Turk (12969)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of C^ambridge (3638)— Olive Leaf by Belvedere (1706)— Lady Bar- rington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 586, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 547, under dam. MARCHIONESS BARRINaTON— Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1875, bred by Mr. R. E. Oliver, got by Grand Duke 22d (24062), out of Grand Duchess of Barringtonia by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 586, under dam. Calved after dam reached llillhurst, Canada. Returned to England Aug. 4, and sold Sept. 4, 1877, to Sir W. H. Salt, Bart., for 800 guineas. Oct. 14, 1875. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Polynesian, from Liverpool. WILD EYES LASSIE— Roan, calved July 3, 1871, bred by Mr. I. Downing, Turner's Hill, Dudley, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of AVild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— AVild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Bar- rington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) —AVild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Em- peror (1975)— by AA^onderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by But- terfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. D obi son. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 822. KIRKLEVINGTON 26tii— Roan heifer, calved Eeb. 16, 1875, hi-ed by AA^. Ashburner, Netherhouse, Ulverston, got by Grand Duke of Kent 2d (28759), out of Kirklevington 24th by 5th Duke 168 wakfield's historv of Wharfdale (26033)— Kirklevington 17th by Lord Lally (22161) — Kirklevington 10th by Delhi (15865) — Kirklevington 8th by Gen. Oanrobert (12926)— Kirklevington. 7th by Earl of T)erl)y (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirk- levington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1706)— by son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates', de- scended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 301, and A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12951. May, 1876. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship CircdssUnu from Liverpool, arrivhuj at Quebec, May 15, 1876. LADY BARRINGTOX 11th— Roan, calved Nov. 30, 1873, bred by W. Ashburner, Ulverston, got by Grand Duke of Oxford (28764), out of Lady Barrington 9th (vol. 23. p. 497, E.) by Wild 1 )uke (27808) — Lady Barrington 7th by Baron Tarves (17387) — Lady Barrington 5th by Kirklevington 3d (13120) — Lady Barrington 3d by Weath- ercock (9815)— Lady Barrington 10th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700) — Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12957. LALLY DUCHESS 2d— Roan, calved Jan. 7, 1874, bred by 0. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, got by Grand Prince of Claro (28781), out of Lally 11th by 5th Lord Wild Eyes (26762) —Lally 5th by Duke of Wetherby (17754)— Lally 2d by Malachite (18313)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive, Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Won- derful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 548. DUKE OF OXFORD 35th 26350 (36530)— Red, calved Aug. 6, 1875, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 169 19th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 6th by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 4th by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997)— Oxford 15th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). March 31, 1881. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Texas, from Liverpool. BELLFLOWER— Red heifer, calved May 21, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Bellflower by British Prince (33226)— Bellflower by Nobleman (26967)— Bellflower by Statesman (15342)— Wall Flower by Lord Raine (13248)— Windsor Flower by Earl of Scarborough (9064) — Magic Flower by Magician (7185)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Eryholme (1018)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477)— by Brown's Red Bull (97). A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 627. NONPAREIL— Roan heifer, calved in June, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Nonpareil 31st by Brit- ish Prince (33226)— Nonpareil 29th by Duke (28342)— Nonpareil 25th by Dipthong (17681)— Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249)— Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Matadore (11800)— Nonpareil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836) — Nonpareil 2d by Commodore (1858) —Nonpareil by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). CECILIA— Roan, calved March 2, 1880, bred by S. Campbell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Cecilia by Csesar Augustus (25714) — Columbine by Sir Walter Scott (23922) — Camelia by Lancaster Comet (11663)— Cactus by Lord Sackville (13249)— Rose of Sharon by Plantagenet (11906)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sover- eign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleve- land (143)— by Symmetry (641). 21 170 vvakfield'8 history BUSHBURY COUNTESS KIRKLEVIXGTON 1st— Red and white, calved March 11, 1880, bred by H. Lovatt, Low Hill, Wol- verhampton, got by Duke of Hillhiirst (28401), out of Siddington Grand Duchess by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298)— Sid- dington 7th by Grand Duke of Thorndale (31297)— Siddington 5th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Siddington 3d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 494. BUSHBURY COUNTESS BARRINGTON 1st— Red, calved Sept. 13, 1880, bred by H. Lovatt, got by Duke of Oxford 39th (38173), out of Countess of Barrington 7th by Baron Barrington 4th (36006)— Lally 15th by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390)— Lally 8th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lally 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belve- dere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Woiulerfiil (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 493. ROSEBUD— Red heifer, calved Jan. 24, 1879, bred byS. Camp- bell, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Rosebud by Sir Chris- topher (22895) — Rosebud by Gladstone (26256), &c., as below. ROSEBUD — Red heifer, calved March 2, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Rosebud by British Prince (33228)— Rosebud by Duke (28342)— Rosebud by Gladstone (26256), &c., as above. Vol. 25, p. 627, A. H. B. BESSIE— Roan heifer, calved March 4, 1879, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Bessie 6th by Foljambe (33950)— Bessie 3d by British Prince (23468). IMPORTED SHOKT-HOKNS. 171 MINA— Koaii heifer, calved in March, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Mina 1st by Dipthong 3d (21547)— Mina by Beeswing (12456)— Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072) —Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). MAID OF PKOMISE— Eed heifer, calved April 2, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Luminary (34715), out of Maid of Promise by Scotland's Pride (25100)— Lady Kitty by Lord Lincoln (34583) —Rind Mix by Old England (24681)— Luna 2d by Earl of Eosse (17782)— Luna by California (12528)— Jessica by Bang (17346)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196). Vol. 25, p. 627, A. H. B. AIRDRIE'S LADY JOCELYN— White heifer, calved Jan. 19, 1878, bred by Geo. Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Litchfield, got by 24th Duke of Airdrie (36460), out of Lady Jocelyn 4th by Janitor (24204) —Lady Jocelyn by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lady Jane by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Jardine by Lord Warden (7167)— by Fawsley (6004)— by AYarden (5595)— by Javelin (4093)— by Blyth (797)— by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by AYaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Vol. 25, p. 453, E. H. B., under dam. BESSIE— Roan heifer, calved April 30, 1878, bred by R. H. Masfen, got by Duke of Milcote 4th (36523), out of Queen Bess by Broomstick (28099)— Queen Victoria by Cherry Duke (25752)— Queen Anne by Duke of Geneva 2d (21591) — Queen of Airdrie by 2d Duke of Airdrie (19600)— Queen of Hearts by May Duke (13320) — Queen Bess by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047) — Queen Anne by Free- man (10244)— by Hamlet (8128)— by Short Tail (2621)— by ^Em- peror (1974)— by Young Lancaster (361)— by ^t. Albans (2584)-^ by Lawnsleeves (365) — bred by Messrs. James, of Stamford. Vol, 25, p. 580, E. H. B., under dam. 172 warfield's histoky ROSEBUD— Red heifer, calved June 20, 1878, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinnellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Novelist (52952), out of Rosebud by Dipthong 3d (21547) — Rosebud by British Prince (33226)— Rosebud by Duke (28342)— Rosebud by Gladstone (26256) —Thalia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800)— Myrtle by Balmoral (9920) —by Dannecker (7949)— by Ury (17157)— by Ileriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Juniper (1144). Vol. 25, p. 628, A. H. B. LORD ABERDEEN 52417— Red and white, calved May 12, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Rose- bud by Novelist (52952), &c., as in dam, next above. BEATRICE— Roan, calved Oct. 4, 1878, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Consort^s Shaw Farm, AVindsor, got by King Rufus (34351), out of Benedicta by Royal Benedict (27348) — Blue- bell by Cynric (19542)— Royal Blossom by Royal Oak (16870)— Blooming by Bashaw (12449)— Bloom by Royal (13636)— Young Blossom by Magnet (10488)— by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— by Elevator (6969)— by Consul (1868)— by Gazer (7030). Vol. 25, p. 305, E. H. B., under dam. EMPRESS— Roan, calved April 17, 1876, bred by W. Bradburn, Wednesfield, Straffordshire, got by Phosphate (32064), out of Helen by Paris (29523)— Pheasant by Provost (24878)— Waterwave 17th by Wandering Willie (19110)— by Chieftain (14267)— by Homer (13038)— by Prince John (9508)— by Vampire (6632)— by Senator (2610)— by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswick (1266)— by Favorite (1033). Vol. 26, p. 567, E. H. B. HOPEFUL— White cow, calved July 27, 1877, bred by T. Nash, Featherstone, Wolverhampton, got by Duke (38113), out of Helen by Paris (29523), &c., as in Empress, above. FAIRY ROSE— Red cow, calved May 15, 1877, bred by R. H. Masfen, Prudeford, W^olverhampton, got by Duke of Milcote 4th (36523), out of Queen of the Roses by Broomstick (28099) — Telluria IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 178 Dth by King of the Roses (22043)— Telluria 4th by Beau of Oxford (21254)— Telhiria 3d by Romulus (15185)— Telluria 2d by Horatio (10335)— Taglioni by Lord George (10439)— by Orontes (4623)— by Guardian (3947)— by Mercury (2301)— by Monarch (2324)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock^s Bull (19)— by J. Smithes Bull (608)— by Jolly^s Bull (337). HELIOTROPE— Roan, calved April 15, 1881, bred by T. Nash, Featherstone, Wolverhampton, got by Lord Claro (41845), out of Hopeful by Duke (38113)— Helen by Paris (29523), &c., as in Empress. QUEEN OF TRUMPS— White, calved March 20, 1881, bred by R. H. Masfen, got by Watchman 2d (47227), out of Bessie by Duke of Milcote 4th (36523)— Queen Bess by Broomstick (28099), &c., as in dam, above. QUEEN OF CONNAUGHT— Red and white, calved Oct. 22, 1881, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, got by Duke of Connaught (44663), out of Beatrice by King Rufus (34351)— Benedicta by Roaly Benedict (27348), &c., as in dam, above. EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH 48160— Red, calved Jan. 14, 1882, bred by W. Bradburn, Wednesfield, got by Lord France (45086), out of Empress by Phosphate (32064)— Helen by Paris (29523), &c., as in dam, above. Aug. (3, 1881. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Scandiiiavkin, from Liverpool. SIR LEWIS (45614) — Red, calved March 2, 1880, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Sir Wilfred (37484), out of Cassandra by Royal Monk (35392)— Celeste by Royal Broughton (27352)— Christine by Prince of the Realm (22627)— Charmian by Valasco (15443) — by British Boy (11206) — by Hamlet (8126)— by Leonard (4210)— by Buckingham (3239)— from the stock of Sir M. AV. Ridley, Bart. 174 February 8. 1883. M. H. COCHRANE. By Ship Montreal, from Liverpool to Halifax. GEAND DUKE OF BARRINGTON 3d (46444)— Red, calved Oct. 30, 1881, bred by H. Lovatt, Low Hill, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of Lady Ellen Barrington by Lord Stanley (24467)— Gratid Duchess of Barrington by Grand Duke 7th (19877) —Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by Grand Duke 3d (16182) — by Grand Turk (12969)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Oct., 1875. M. H. COCHRANE and S. BEATTIE. Shipped hy Polynesian, Oct. 14, 1875, from Liverpool, for M. H. Cochrane and Sinyni Beattie. WILD EYES LASSIE 2d— Roan, calved May, 1875, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Wild Eyes Lassie by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — by Duke of I^s^orthumber- land (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Won- derful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from Mr. Dobison's stock. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 418; exported Oct., 1876; landed at Liverpool Xov. 8, 1876. Sold to J. P., Foster, her breeder, for 14,500, June 14, 1876. SONATA— Red and white cow, calved Feb. 25, 1871, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, Ormskirk, Lancashire, got by Cherry Grand Duke 2d (25758), out of Sonora by Romulus But- terfly (18741)— Sincerity by Mameluke (13289)— Sweetheart 4th by Cardinal (11246) — Sweetheart by Accordion (5708) — Charmer by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 175 Little John (4232)— by Caliph (1774)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155) — by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favor- ite (252)— by Hubback (319). Recorded E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 769, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13930. Sold June 14, 1876, to S. R. Streator, Cleveland, Ohio, for $900. WATERLOO 30th— Red and white cow, calved April 20, 1871, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Park Head, Silloth Cumberland, got by Grand Duke of Lightburne 2d (26291), out of Waterloo 22d by Speculator (13775)— Waterloo 18th by Bosquet (14183)— Waterloo loth by The Hero (10934)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)— by AVaterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 970. Sold June 14, 1876, to S. W. Jacobs, of West Liberty, Iowa, for 1710. A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 13203. JUNO— Roan, calved March 14, 1872, bred by W. Ashburner, got by Duke of Harlock (30962), out of Jantja 11th by Thorndale Rushden (25311)— Jantja 8th by Hayman (16245) — Jonquil by Aaron Smith (12331)— Jantja by Lycurgus (7180)— by Sweet Wil- liam (5368)— by Javelin (4093)— by Blyth (797)— by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 565, under dam. Sold June 10, 1876, to A. L. Stebbin, Port Huron, Mich., for $670. OXFORD J. 30517— Roan bull, calved Dec. 14, 1875, bred by W. Ashburner, got by Oxford Beau 4th (34964), out of Juno by Duke of Harlock (30962), &c., as in Juno, above. AZALEA— Red and white heifer, calved March 1, 1873, bred by R. B. Hetherington, got by Grand Duke of Lightburne 2d (26291), 176 out of Alice by Lord of the Valley (29184)— Atliena by Buke of Darlington (21586) — Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleve- land (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— cow of Mr. Bates', Kirklevington. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12786, as bred by Mr. A. Brodgen. Sold to Col. LeG. B. Cannon, Shelburn, Vt. GRAND DUCHESS OF BARRINGTON 3d— Red and white heifer, calved Jan. 29, 1874, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Warwickshire, got by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730), out of Grand Duchess of Barrington 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724) — Grand Duchess of Barrington by 7th Grand Duke (19877) — Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Bar- rington by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— Laurel by Grand Turk (12969) — Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 924, under her dam. Sold June 14, 1876, to Lord Feversham, England, for $1,700. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12095. PRINCESS VICTORIA 11th— Roan heifer, calved March 27, 1874, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, got by 1st Duke of Oneida (30996), out of Princess Victoria 5th by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Princess Victoria 2d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215) — Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Princess by Earl of Derby (10177)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— by a son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow bought of Mr. Bates. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 931, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 13112. Sold to Col. LeG. B. Cannon, of Shelburn, Vt., for $1,375. OXFORD DUCHESS— Roan, calved April 21, 1870, bred by Messrs. W. Horswell & Sons, Burns Hall, Lewdown, Devonshire, l]\tPf)KTED SHORT-HORNS. 177 got by Baron Oxford 2d (2337()), out of Duchess of Northumber- land by Duke (15908)— Lady Harrington 2d by Weathercock (9815) —Lady Barrington lOtli by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by Belve- dere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (;304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 774. LORD BRIGHT EYES 23742— Red, calved March 12, 1875, ])red by Earl Dunmore, Dunmore, Sterling, got by 3d Duke of Hdlhurst (30975), out of Lady Worcester 2d by Charleston (21400) —Clear Star by Marton Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison^s stock. Sold to Wm. Miller, Brougham, Ont., Can., for $1,075. SONATA 2d— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 11, 1875, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, got by Baron Oxford 4tli (25580), out of Sonata by Cherry Grand Duke 2d (25758) — Sonora by Romu- lus Butterfly (18741)— Sincerity by Mameluke (13289)— Sweetheart 4th by Cardinal (11246)— Sweetheart by Accordion (5708)— Char- mer by Little John (4232)— Graceful by Caliph (1774)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas^(435) — Rachel by Comet (155) — Russell by R. Ceiling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13920, by the name of Royal Charmer 5th. Sold at sale of Messrs. Cochrane, Hope & Beattie, June 14, 1876, to S. R. Streator, Cleveland, Ohio, for $500. She was calved after dam reached M. H. Cochrane, Compton, Can. Owned by Bow Park Association. WILD EYES 33d— Roan heifer, calved July 18, 1874, bred by W. Ashburner, got by Grand Duke of Kent 2d (28759), out of AVildEyes 31st by Grand Duke of Cambridge 3d (31285)— AVild 178 WAltt-lELD's IttSTOKY Eyes 29th by Knight of the Harem (24278)— Wild Eyes 27th by Gainford 5th (12913)--Wild Eyes 26th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Wild Eyes 5th by Short Tail (2G21)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)_by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)- by Mowbray^s Bull (2342)— by Mas- terman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12389. Sold to Major Greig, Toronto, Canada, June 14, 1876, for $2,100. E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 316, under dam. ACOMB BELLE— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 1, 1874, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., AVallington, Northumberland, got by Ox- ford Beau 3d (32013), out of Anemone by Grand Duke of Light- burne 2d (26291) — Athena by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 968. Bought by S. W\ Jacobs, W^est Liberty, Iowa, June 14, 1876, for .^575. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14353. LADY ACOMB 4t]i— Red heifer, calved March 3, 1875, bred by Mr. T. Gow, Camba, Newcastle-on-Tyne, got by Oxford Beau 4th (34964), out of Lady Acomb by 2d Earl of Walton (19672)— Amy by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Anemone by Duke of Kent (19619)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Clevelend (1937) — by Belvedere (1706) — a cow of Mr. Bates^ Recorded under dam, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 436, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12131. Bought by T. L. McKeen, of Easton, Pa., for $600. LORD LIGHTBURNE 27087— Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1876, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Park Head, Silloth, calved M. H. Coch- rane's, Compton, Can., got by Lord Radstock (34656), out of IMPOPwTED SIIOKT-TIORNS. 179 Azalea by (jraiid Duke of Lightburne M (202*J1) — Alice by Lord of the Valley (29184)— Athena by Duke of Darlington (21586)— Aca- cia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12061) —Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by l^elve- dere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Sold with his dam to Col. LeG. B. Cannon, Shelburn, Vt. WATERLOO'S OXFORD— Ked, calved Jan. 28, 1876, bred by R. B. Hetherington, got by Oxford Beau 4th (34964), out of Water- loo 30th by Grand Duke of Lightburne 2d (26291), &c., as in dam, above. A. II. B., vol. 20, p. 16256. ADMIRAL SIR ISAAC COFFIN. For Miiasachusetts Afjricultiiral Society in 182H atid lii24. ADMIRAL (1608)— Roan, calved 1821, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by North Star (460), dam by Comet (155) — by Wellington (678)— by Danby (190). AXNABELLA (vol. 5, p. 39, E.)— Red and white, bred by Mr. Wetherell, calved in 1820, got by Major (398), out of Ada by Denton (198) — Aurora by Comet (155) — by Henry (301) — by Danby (190). EMMA (vol. 5, p. 319, E.)— Red and white, calved in 1824, bred by Mr. Derby, got in England by Wellington (683), out of Annabella. BLANCHE — AVhite, imported in 1823 by Sir Isaac Collin, got by a son of Comet (155). See Harlem Comet 71. SXOWDROP— (;ot by Fitz Favorite (1042), out of Blanche by a son (»f Cornet (155). See 2483, 180 warfield's history 1875. WM. COLLUM. Haysvllle, Waterloo Co., Out. LIBERATOR [5573]— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1874, bred by Robt. Bruce, Newton of Strntliers, Tarves, Scotland, got by Baron Kil- lerby (27949), out of Lucy by Hydra (19995)— Jamestina by Pico- tee (15063)— Bellona by Robert (10704)— Amazon by Duke 3d (17697)— Averne by Bucephalus (6784)— by Crusader (934)— by Sultan (1485)— by Mars (411)— by North Star (458). AGGIE BUCKINGHAM— Red and white, calved Feb. 11, 1876, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord Irwin (29123), out of Airy Buckingham by Master of Arts (26867), &c., as below. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 3. AIRY BUCKINGHAM— Roan, calved March 6, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Master of Arts (26867), out of Ada Bucking- ham by Lord Raglan (13244) — Alice Buckingham by The Baron (13833) — Miss Buckingham by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Arabella by Robin o' Day (4973) — Picotee by Premier (6308) — by Unicorn (8725)— by Young Satellite (8538)— by Valentine (661)— bred by Mr. Rennie. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 5. DOROTHY— Roan, calved May 29, 1873, bred by John Law, New Keig, AVhite House, Scotland, got by Shuttlecock (27942), out of Viscountess by Prince Louis (20560) — Countess by Report (10704) — Bet by The Pacha (7612) — Strawberry by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (3646) — Margaret by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Diamond (205) — Kitty by Diamond (205). C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 98, and A. H. B., vol. 23, p. 17815. VISCOUNTESS 2d— Red and white, calved April 2, 1876, bred by John Law, New Keig, White House, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Lord Irwin (29123), out of Dorothy by Shuttlecock (27942), &c.,as in Dorothy, above. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 587. IMPOJi'lEl) SHOKT-IIOKNS. 181 1874. LESLIE COMBS, JR., Of Lexlu(jt(n\, Ky., October 2H, 1S74, from Liverpool, hy ISteamship Egypt, P> New York, N. Y. ROSARY MONK^(35316)— Redand white, calved Aug. 15, 1872, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Royal Prince (27384), out of Rosary Link by Breasptlate (19337) — Rosary Bead by Dr. McHale (15887)— Rose Butterfly by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Kosabel by Fanatic (8054)— by Auld Robin Gray (6753)— by Scrip (•)(304)— by Burley (1766)— by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by son of Suwarrow (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). ANNA 5tji — Roan, calved December 26, 1869, bred by Rev. J. Storer, Hellidon, Northamptonshire, got by Earl of Rosedale (26072), out of Anna 3d by Mantalini Prince (22276)— Anna 2d by Brilliant Star (17450) — Princess Julia by Lord of Rainsber (13211) — Dowager Queen by Sir Frederick Fairfax (5152) — Adelaide by Albert (727)— Anna by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 395. ROSY MORN— Red cow, calved in June, 1871, bred by Donald Fisher, Pitlockrie, Perthshire, got by Brother Windsor (25690), out of Early Dawn by Fashion (21724) — New- Year's Morn by Baltic (12431) — Lady Marguerite by Master Charlie (13312) — Florence by Rex (6385)— Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by Memnon (2295) — Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — AVliite Cow by Agamemnon (9) — by Bur- rell's Bull of Burdon (1768). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 706. DAIRY MAID— Roan, calved in May, 1868, bred by D. Fisher, got by Scottish Chief (22850), out of Diamond by The Chieftain (20942)— Damsel by Lord Hopewell (18239)— Datura by Fitz Clar- ence (14552) — Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Cold 182 Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (91 72)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260) — Beatrice by Caliph (1774) — Quickly by Swing (2721)— Alamode by Argus (759)— Valuable by Defender (194)— Violet by Petrarch (488) — by own brother to K. Ceiling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 470. E. H. B. says calved 1S(;9— 18(18 is correct. DUCHESS OF KNIGHTLY— Roan, calved in May, 1871, bred by D. Fisher, got by Great Hope (24082), out of Damsel by Lord Hopewell (18239) — Datura by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— l^eatrice by Caliph (1774) — Quickly by Swing (2721) — Alamode by Argus (759) — Valuable by Defender (194) — Violet by Petrarch (488) — by own brother to R. Colling^s White Heifer — by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 473. COLD CREAM 6th— Roan heifer, calved in May, 1873, bred by D. Fisher, got by Fawsley Prince (31150), out of Cold Cream 2d (vol. 20, p. 452, E.) by Prince of Saxe Cobourg (20576) — Comely by Buckingham (17471)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172) — Freckle by Fawsley (6004) — Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774)— Quickly by Swing (2721)— Alamode by Argus (759)_Valuable by Defender (194)— Violet by Petrarch (488)— by own brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer — by Butterfly (104) — by Globe (278). PRIME MINISTER— Roan, calved in Feb., 1875, bred by D. Fisher, got by Valentine Vox (32752), out of Dairymaid by Scottish Chief (22850)— Diamond by The Chieftain (20942)— Damsel by Lord Hopewell (18239) — Datura by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— iMPontED RHonT-HOltNS. 188 Furbelow by Little John (4332)— Erato by Marcelliis (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774)— Quickly by Swing (2721)— Alamode by Argus (759) — Valuable by Defender (194) — Violet by Petrarch (4S8)— by own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Calved after dam reached Kentucky. DAME KNIGHTLEY— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 12, 1875, bred by 1). Fisher, got by Valentine Vox (32752), out of Duchess of Knightley by Great Hope (24082) — Damsel by Lord Hopewell (18239) — Datura by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172) — Freckle by Fawsley (6004) — Furbe- low by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774) — Quickly by Swing (2721) — Alamode by Argus (759)— Valuable by Defender (194)— Violet by Petrarch (488)— by own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer — by Butterfly (104) — by Globe (278). COLD CREAM 8Tir— Roan heifer, calved in March, 1874, bred by Donald Fisher, got by Valentine Vox (32752), out of Cold Cream 2d (vol. 20, p. 452, E.) by Prince of Saxe Cobourg (20576)— Comely by Buckingham (17471)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172) — Freckle by Fawsley (6004) — Furbelow l)y Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by (-aliph (1774) — Quickly by Swing (2721) — Alamode by Argus (759)— Valuable by Defender (194)— Violet by Petrarch (488)— by own brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by (Hobe (278). LIONESS— Red, calved Jan. 4, 1871, bred by Mr. Blackwell, Tausly, Derbyshire, got by Jupiter (24228), out of Lady Leoine by Lord Cobham (20164)— Lioness by Sir Edmund Lyons (15284)— Loyal by Triumph (8717) — Lydia by Matchless (4428)— Laura by Broughton (2868)— Lily by Roman (2559)— by Columella (904)— l)y Albion (14) — by Cinnamon (139) — by Neswick (\2(i6). S. H. R., vol. 5, p. 523. 184 warfield's history LADY FAKNLEY— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 21, 1874, bred by Mr. Thorn, got by Flag of Ireland (28613), ont of Lioness by Jupi- ter (24228), &c., as in dam Lioness, above. 1818 or 1819. CORNELIUS COOLIDGE. BosUm, Mass, Ca:LEBS 349— Roan, bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton, England, got by Hercules, a son of Comet (155). FLORA — Bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton, England, imported in 1818, at about six months old, got by Lafon's son of Comet (155). JOSEPH COPE. PcnuKylVdnUi. YORKSniREMAN 189 (5700)— Roan, calved Aug.. 28, 1838, bred by Thomas Rates, Kirklevington, got by Short "^rail (2G21), out of Blanche by Belvedere (1706)— Lupin by Belvedere (1706)— Tulip by Lancaster (360)— Ruby by Petrarch (488)— by Major (497) — Stranger by Chapman's Son of Punch (122) — Old Roaney l)y Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213) — by Checks (132) — Sockburn Sal by J. Coates' Bull (148). 1838 or 1839. MR. COPES or MR. J. BURTON. MdrsluilWjwn, Pa. TRUELOVE— Red and white, calved Nov. 3, 1835, bred by W. S. Grill, Grimston, near Tadcaster, got by Sir John (2628), out of Sweetheart by Forester (1055) — 2d Strawberry by Newton (1271) — Strawberry by a son of Comet (155) — by a son of Major (397) — by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Favorite (252)— by Bartle (777). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 1020. DONNA MARIA— Roan, calved May 5, 1833, bred by Mr.' Paley, got by Buckingham (1755). out of Lucky l)y Corinthian IMPORTED SHORT-HORXS. 185 Tom (y;M) — Lady by Young Dimple (971) — Lady by Young Comet (905)— (lierry by Favorite— Old Cherry by Goldfinder (1075). E. XL B., vol. 5, p. 277. ROBIN GREY (4968)— Roan, calved June 9, 1836, bred by Mr. Allison, got by Imperial (4068), out of Bessie by Helmsman (2109) —Betty by Columella (904)— Lady Betty by Shakespeare (1479)— Roan Lady by Blyth Comet (85) — by Neswick (1266) — by Favorite (1033). ROBI^^ GREl^ Jr. (4969)— Roan, got in England, calved Jan. 1, 1840, bred by Mr. Gill, got by Robin Grey (4968), out of Donna Maria by Buckingham (1756), &c., as in dam, above. 1863. EZRA CORNELL, Of Ithaca, N. Y. To New York, N. F. FIDGET 5th— Roan, calved April 8, 1860, bred by Thos. Ather- ton. Chapel House, got by Delhi (15865), out of Fidget 4th' by 4th Duke of Y^ork (10167)— Fidget 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Fidget by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Fletcher by a son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). A. H. B., voL 6, p. 266. KIRKLEVINGTON 11th— Roan, calved Jan. 18, 1861, bred by C. \V. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, got by Delhi (15865), out of Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northal- lerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683). A. H. B., vol. 6, p. 303. KIRKLEVINGTON 5860— Red, calved Feb. 26, 1864, bred by C. W. Harvey, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), out of Kirk- levington 11th by Delhi (15865)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell (Jwynne by Belvedei-e (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683). 186 warfield's history DUKE OF LIVERPOOL (19627)— White, calved ]\^ov. 15, 1862, bred by E. Cornell, at Liverpool, got by Duke of Wetherby (17753), out of Fidget 5th by Delhi (15865), &c., as in dam Fidget 5th, above. FIDGET 6th— Red, calved April 20, 1864, bred by Thos. Ather- ton, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), out of Fidget 5th by Delhi (15865), &c., as in dam Fidget 5th, above. A. H. B., vol. 7, p. 338. ERASTUS CORNING and W. H. SOTHAM. New York. COLUMBUS (5869)— C^alved Dec. 13, 1841, bred by Mr. Lovell, Edgecott Lodge, near Banbury, got by Baronet (6762), out of Cas- sandra by Anthony (1640)— by Edgcott (1953)— by Audley (3055) ^by Son of Merlin (6522). PRINCE 841 — Red and white, begotten in England by Baronet (6762) (owned by Sir Charles Knightley), out of Wilddame by An- thony (1640) — Witch by Magnet Jr. (2242) — by a grandson of Merlin (2302)— by Son of Merlin (6522). WILDDAME— Roan, calved March 11, 1837, bred by W. Lovell, got by Anthony (1640), out of Witch by Magnet Jr. (2242)— by a grandson of Merlin (2302)— by Son of Merlin (6522). E. II. B., vol. 5, p. 1113. MARY— Red and white, calved in 1838, bred by Mr. W. Lovell, got by Mortimer, out of Mabel by Anthony (1640) — by Edgcott (1953)— by Son of Merlin (6522). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 592, under dam. MABEL — Red and white, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. W. Lovell, got by Anthony (1640), dam by Edgcott (1953)— by Son of Merlin (6522). E. H. B., vol. 5. p. 592. iMi'oiiTKD siioirr-iioKNs. 187 CHEKRY— Calved in 1834, bred by Mr. Lovell, got by xinthony (1640), dam by Edgcott (1953)— by Audley (3055) — by Son of Merlin (6522). E. n. B., vol. 5, p. 170. ASHLY (3045)— Red and white, calved in 1840, bred by Mr. Lownds, got in England by Young Rubens (5026), out of Princess by Henry (4008)— Beauty by Fitz Form (2024)— White Princess by Cupid (1)38) — Young Princess by Lionel (1171) — Princess by Favorite (256) — Elvira by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252), &c. CLEOPATRA— Red and white, calved 1836, bred by Mr. Lovell, got by Anthony (1640), dam by Edgcott (1953) — by Audley (3055)— by Son of Merlin (6522). E. H. B.,vol. 5, p. 188. PET— Roan, calved 1832, bred by Mr. Lovell (see 5th vol., E. H. B., p. 769), got by Anthony (1640), dam by Edgcott (1953) — by Audley (3055) — by Son of Merlin (6522). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 769. VENUS — White, bred by Mr. Lovell, Edgecott Lodge, calved 1834, got by Anthony (1640), out of roan cow Vanity. A. 11. B., vol. 1, p. 233. 1864. R. G. CORWINE, Of Ldtanon, Ohin. Snmnwr of 1S;j4. SCOTTISH BLUE BELLE— Roan, calved April 5, 1852, bred by James Douglas, got by Molecatcher (10537), out of Blue Belle by Capt. Shaftoe (6833) — Daisy by Tomboy (5494) — by Priam (4758) — Cora, sold at sale of Mr. Denton to Mr. Wetherell, of Yorkshire. A. 11. B., vol. 2, p. 555. EDITH 2i)— Red and white, calved March 7, 1850, bred by James Douglas, got by Fitz Adolphus Fairfax (9124), out of Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Kirton by Billy 188 wahfield's history (3151) — Jessie by Sovereign (5285) — Rose by Satellite (1420) — by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641), A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 360. CRUSADER (12667)— White, calved July 5, 1852, bred by James Douglas, got by Crusade (7938), out of Crocus by Daniel (51)07) — Woodlass by Homer (2134)— by Stamford (8629). This bull was the joint property of Mr. Corwine and the Shakers of Lebanon, Ohio, who jointly imported him. H. J. COWDEN. Rwleu, N. Y. HAROLD 2i) 1638— White, calved Jan., 1850, bred by Robert Golding, Hunton, Kent, got by Harold (10300), out of Elfrida by Hengist (10315) — Modish by Little John (4232) — Urania by Mar- cellus (2260)— Modish by Caliph (1774)— Brenda by Norman (2379) — Eleanor by Mentor (426) — Eliza by Badsworth (47) — bred by Sir John Ramsden. 1874. J. R. CRAIG, Of EdituniUmy dm.ylnj Sliip Texas, frtmi Liverpool, Awj. r>, ]S74. LADY LE MOOR— Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1868, bred by Mr. T. Maynard, Marton le Moor, Yorkshire, got by Young Lord Abbot (31609), out of Fawn by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997)— Fawn by Cornborough (14327) — Fly by Prince of Wales (6348) — by Vaux- liall (5550)— by Brilliant (1741)— by Red Rover (2495). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 603; C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 556, and A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12972. WATERLOO J.— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 1, 1872, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., Wallington, Northumberland, got by Lord Waterloo (24475), out of Jessy by Duke of Waterloo (21616)— Julia by Ranter (18666)— Lady Jersey by 7th Duke of York (17754) — Lady Jane by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Jardine by Lord Warden (7167)— by Fawsley (G004)— by AVarden (5595)— by Javelin (4093) —by Blyth (797)— by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— IMPORTED STTORT-irORNS. 189 by Favorite (2o'Z) — by Favorite ('252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hub- back (311))— bySnowden's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (609)— by Mastermaii's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Under dam,, E. II. B., vol. 20, p. 571, and C. II. B., vol. 3, p. 805. EUI'HEMIA— Red, calved March, 1871, bred by K. Stratton, Burderop, Swindon, Wilts, got by James 1st (24202), out of Min- erva by 8tli Duke of York (23808) — Europa by Windsor Castle (21118)— Lilla by Hermit (14697)— Eurydice by Lord of the Manor (14836)— Eurydice by The Red Duke (8694)— Euribia by Hero of the West (8150)— Modish by Kenilworth (7118)— Madam by Lot- tery (4280)— by Pha3nix (6290). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 457. EUPHEMIA 2d— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 9, 1874, bred by R. Stratton, Burderop, Swindon, Wilts, got by Protector (32221), out of Euphemia by James 1st (24202) — Minerva by 8th Duke of York (23808), &c., as above. C. II. B., vol. 3, p. 457. 1875. ALBERT CRANE. Shipped by PolynesUin from Liverpool, Oct. 14, 1875, for Albert Craiie, Dur- ham ParJi, KdiisU'S. STATIRA 13Tir — Red and white, calved March 5, 1870, bred by Mr. T. Comber, Myddleton Hall, Warrington, Lancashire, got by I2th Duke of Oxford (19633), out of Statira 7th by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Statira 5th by May Duke (13320)— Statira 1st by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Stately by Balco (9918)— Statice by Sir Launcelot (5166)— by Major (4345)— by (lanthorp (2049)— by Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2622). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12358, and E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 738, under dam. DELKIHT— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 13, 1873, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by 17th Duke of Oxford (25994), out of Dorothy by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Dora by Duke of 190 wakfield's iiistoky Geneva (19014) — Duchess 1st by Master Rembrandt (16545) — Duchess ]S[anny by Jasper (11609) — Duchess N^ancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Kettle by 2d Duke of N^orthumberland (3646)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12030, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 715, under dam. STATIRA^S OXFORD 27964— Red bull, calved March 16, 1876, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., Wallington, got by Ox- ford Beau 4th (34964), out of Statira 13th by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633)— Statira 7th by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Statira 5th by May Duke (13320)— Statira 1st by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Stately by Balco (9918) — Statice by Sir Launcelot (5166) — by Major (4345)— by Ganthorp (2049)— by Don Juan (1923)— by Sliy- lock (2622). This bull was calved after dam reached Durham Park, Kans. TELLURIA WASSAIL— Red cow, calved Oct. 17, 1872, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, got by Duke of York (23804), out of Telluria Cup by British Crown (21322)— Telluria Royal by J^ooth Royal (15673)— Telluria 2d by Horatio (10335) — Taglioni by Lord George (10439) — Telluria by Orontes (4023)— by Guardian (3947)— by Mercury (2301)— by Monarch (2324)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 788, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12366. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 15tii— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 25, 1873, bred by J. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, got by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392), out of Kirklevington Duchess 5th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576) — Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Kirlevington Duchess 14th by 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387) IMPORTED SItORt-HOKNS. 191 —Kirklevington 7tli by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th ])y P]arl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— North- allerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', from the stock of Mr. M^iynard, Eryholme. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12128, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 700, under dam. Exported, by ship Polynesian, from Montreal, July, 1878. Landed in Liverpool, Aug. 5, 1878. SERAPHINA 26th— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 16, 1874, bred by ,1. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Seraphina 20th by 6th Grand Duke (19876)— Sera- pliina 19th by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Seraphina 11th by May Duke (13320)— Seraphina 7th by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Sera- phina 2d by Sweet William (7571) — Seraphina by Earl of Essex (0955)— Sapphire by Stratton (5336)— Ruby by Fanatic (1996). E. TL B., vol. 21, p. 702, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12349. LADY MARY 6th— White heifer, calved Feb. 28, 1874, bred by J. Fawcett, Scalesby Castle, Carlisle, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Lady Mary 2d by Earl of Gloster (21644)— Mary Jane 2d by Lord Ravensworth (20222) — Mary. Jane by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Mary by Earl of Derby (10177)— a cow of Mr. Thomp- sonX Kirklevington, bred from Mr. Bates' bulls. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12157, and E. II. B., vol. 21. p. 701, under dam. PANIC 27414— White (with roan ears) bull, calved May 21, 1876, bred by J. Fawcett, Scalesby Castle, Carlisle, Cumberland, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Lady Mary 6th by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Lady Mary 2d by Earl of Gloster (21644) — Mary Jane 2d by Lord Ravensworth (20222) — Mary Jane by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Mary by Earl of Derby (10177)— a cow of Mr. Thompson's, bred from Mr. Bates' bulls. This bull was begotten in England and calved at Mr. Crane's ])lace. Durhaui Park, Kans. 192 KNIGHT OF THE CRESCENT 26996— Koaii, calved Nov. 10, 1875, bred by William Torr, Aylesby Manor, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, got by Knight of the Shire (26552), out of Telluria Wassail by Duke of York (23804) — Telluria Cup by British Crown (21322)— Telluria Royal by Booth Royal (15673)— Telluria 2d by Horatio (10335)— Taglioni by Lord George (10439)— Telluria by Orontes (4623) — Zinc by Guardian (3947) — Roguery by Mercury (2301)— Pageant by Monarch (2324)— No. 13 Chilton Sale by St. Albans (2584)— No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— Sir Oliver Cow by Sir Oliver (605)— Raspberry by Trunnell (659)— Straw- berry by Favorite (252) — Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dal- ton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). This bull was begotten in England and calved after dam's reach- ing America. 1853. W. B. CREW. Toronto, Can. EMILY 2d— Red roan, calved Dec. 16, 1850, got by Roan Duke (8486), out of Emily by The Chieftain (2893)— Enemone by Kive- ton Reformer (4164)— Elegance by Topper (2768)— Ellen by Ack- land (713)— by Blaize (75)— by Alfred (23)— by Butterfly (104)— by Suwarrow (636). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 284. Oct., 1872. C. S. C. CRISPIGNY & SEVIER. To Missouri or Kansas. LISTLESS— Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1870, bred by Thos. Morris, Mausamore Court, got by Charleston (21400), out of Listless 4th by Kent Oxford (20047)— Listless by Samson (12045)— Linette by Belus (8879)— Lily by Vincent (5567)— Laura by White's Bull- bred by Mr. Strickland. A. IT. B., vol. 14, p. 662. IMl'OKTED SHOKT-PIORNS. 193 LORD LYTTOX .17575— Red; calved April 27, 1873, bred by 'Fhos. Morris, Maiisamore Court, got by Earl Lally (28492). out of [.istless by Charleston (21400), &c., see Listless, above. LIKELY— Red, calved Sept. 20, 1870, bred by Thos. Morris, Mausamore Court, got by Charleston (21400), out of Likely 3d by Seaweed (22856)— Likely by MacDonald (13208)— Little Paulina by Shamrock (10803)— Locket by Stewart (17042)— Lady by Vin- cent (55G7) — Laura by White's Bull— bred by Mr. Strickland. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. G54. LOVELY— Roan, calved March 1, 1873, got by Earl Lally (og499)_out of Likely by Charleston (21400), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 743. DUKE OF HAZELCOTE 19th 26253 (30967)— Roan, calved June 19, 1871, bred by Col. Kingscote, Wotton-under-Edge, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Honeymoon by Caleb (15718)— Honeydew by Viceroy (13945) — Helen by Oregon (8371) — Honey- suckle by Premier (7344) — by Bellerophon (3119) — by Alderman (2076)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by Son of Simon (590)— by Styford (103). June, 1871. J. L DAVIDSON, Of Balsam, OnUtrln, Can. From Glasgow, hy Ship Oleneffer, to Montreal. Canada. OAK AVREATH— Red heifer, calved Feb. 20, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Allan (21172), out of Oak Apple by Lancaster Comet (11663) — Oak T^eaf by The Baron (13833)— Aroma by Matadore (11800)— Admah by Fitz Adolphus Fairfax (9124)— Brokenhorn by Fitz Leonard (7010)— Princess by Sovereign (7539) — Queen, bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ijadykirk. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 692; E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 652, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 762. 194 wakfield's history KOSE BLOSSOM— Red heifer, calved April 20, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittytoii, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Senator (27441). out of Ring Dove by Lord Raglan (13244) — Roseberry by Somerset (10858)— Rnby by Guy Fawkes (7062)— Little Red Rose by Pedestrian (7321)— by Lucien (2228)— by Raby (2473). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 760, and A. II. B., vol. 12, \i. 1203. MATCHLESS 15th— Red, calved Feb. 20, 1870, bred by A. Crnickshank, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Match- less 12th by Lord Raglan (13244) — Matchless 10th by Lord Stanley (1G454)— May Day by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Mayflower by The Baron (13833)— May Rose by Van Dunck (10992)— Matchless 2d by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Matchless byllolkar (4041)— Premiuui by CJeorge (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 642, and A. IL B., vol. 15, p. 746. MATCHLESS 16Tn— Roan, calved April 20, 1870, bred by A. Crnickshank, got by Senator (27441), out of Matchless Kitli by Lord Stanley (16454), &c., as in Matchless 15th, above. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 643, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1019. AVATER WITCH— Red, calved Feb. 16, 1870, bred by A. Crnick- shank, Sittyton, got by Scotland's IVide (25100), out of Water Nymph by Viceroy (19054) — Mermaid by Benedict Balco (14159) — Virago by Inheritor (13065)— J^loomer by Seafield (9616)— Rosa- mond by Sultan (5349)— Rose by Plenipo (4725)— Thorn by Abbott C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 822, and A. 11. B., vol. 14, p. 903, and vol. 12, p. 1286. W^ATER MAID— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1872, bred by A. Crnick- shank, got by Dazzler (30862), out of Water AYitch by Scotland's Pride (25100), &c., as in Water Witch, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 806. and vol. 14, p. 903. IMPOKTED SllOKT-HOUXS. 195 Aug., 1873. J. I. DAVIDSON. Of B<(ls((/m, Camilla. Autjust, ls73, from Glasgow to Montreal. MY8IE 37th— Koan, calved March 27, 1872, bred by A. Oruick- sliaiik, got by Senator (27441), out of Mysie 29tli by Lord Kaglaii (13244)— Mysie 3d by Grand Duke (10284), &c., as in Mysie 35th. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 663. OMELETTE alias ORANUE BLOSSOM 18x11- Red and white, calved April 30, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Breadalbane (28073), out of Orange Blossom 8th by Sir Walter Scott (22923) — Orange Blossom by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800) — Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Fancy by Billy (3151) — Jessie by Sover- eign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleve- land (144) — by Symmetry. 0. H. B., vol. 3, p. 679, and A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16631. OMELETTE 2i) alias ORANGE BLOSSOM 20th— Red and white, calved Jan. 14, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord Lansdowne (29128), out of Omelette alias Orange Blossom 18tli by Breadalbane (28073), &c., as in Orange Blossom 18th. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 680, and A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16631. CROWN PRINCE 22502 [2929]— Roan, calved Jan. 27, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lord Lansdowne (29128), out of Mysie 37th by Senator (27441) — Mysie 29tli by Lord Raglan (13244)— Mysie 3d by Grand Duke (10284)— Mysie by Kelly 2d (<);>G5)— Molly by the Pacha (7612)— Margaret by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Anne by Sillcry (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Diamond (205) — Kitty by Diamond (205). 1874. JAMES I. DAVIDSON. BUTTERFLY 36th— Roan, calved April 2, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Caesar Augustus (25704), out of Buttertly 10th by Grand Monarque (21867)— Buttertly 3d by The Baron (13833)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— Strawberry by 2d Duke of North- umberland (3646) — Margaret l)y Mahomed (6170) — Mary Anne ])y 196 vvakfield's history Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by (Jarletoii (84:3) — Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 466, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 385. BUTTERFLY 43d— Red,, calved March 2, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), out of But- terfly 36th by Caesar Augustus (25704), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 452, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 386. BUTTERFLY 44th— White, calved March 14, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Viceroy (32764), out of Butterfly 36tli by Caesar Augustus (25704), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 466, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 386. CHARMING— Roan, calved March 3, 1872, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Breadalbane (28073), out of Charmer by Champion of England (17526)— Ceremony })y Tlie Baron (13833)— Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Danby (6918)— Keepsake by ^Pip-Top (7633)— Old Lady, bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 462, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 392. CORAL — Roan, calved April 1, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord Lancaster (2C)G()C)), out of Cornelia by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167) — Crocus by Jenny (11611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— Kate by Hawthorn (7071)— Kilmeny byThe Peer (5455)— ])y George (2057)— by Togston (5487) — bred by Mr. Laing, of Longliougliton. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 489, and (!. II. B., vol. 2, p. 40]. GOLDEN CROWN [4343]— Red, calved March 15, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Red Gauntlet (32256), out of Golden Galaxy by Senator (27441) — Gold of Sheba by Caractacus (19397) — Golden Pippin by Champion of England (17526) — Gold Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by 4th Duke (9037)— Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177) — by Roseberry (567) — by Roseberry (567) — by Constellation (163) —by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). I.MPOKTEI) SIIOKT-HUKNS. 197 ACOKN 2i)—Red, calved April 10, 1873, bred by A. Criiick- shank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Acorn by The Czar (20947)— Oak Leaf by The Baron (13833)— Aroma by Matadore (.11800)— Admah by Fitz Adolphiis Fairfax (9124)— Brokenhorn by Fitz Leonard (7010) — Princess by Sovereign (7539) — Queen, bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. A. H. B., vol. 15. p. 401, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 341. AUTUMN LADY— Roan, calved Nov. 2, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Senator (27441), out of Autumn Rose by Lord Raglan (13244)— Rose Leaf by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228) — Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987) — Red Rose by Inkhorn (6091) — Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — Cicely by Sampson — Marion by Wallace (1560). A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14379, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 355. AUTUMN QUEEN— Red, calved Feb. 17, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Autumn Lady, above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 761, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 356. FRAMEWORK (33964) [5254]— Roan, calved March 7, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord Landsdowne (29128), out of Vellum by (Irand Monarque (21867) — Violette by Lorenzo (20235) — by Dannecker (7949)— by The Chief (5425)— Eliza by Billy (3151) — Princess by Sovereign (7539) — Queen, bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. CROWN PRINCE 2i) [4301J— Roan, calved Feb. 13, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Viceroy (32764), out of Mysie 36th by Scotland's Pride (25100) — Mysie 33d by Champion of England (17526)— Mysie 26th by Speculator (13775)— Mysie 6th by Red Knight (11976)— Mysie 2d by The Hero (10934)— Mysie by Kelly 2d (9265)— Molly by The Pacha (7612)— Margaret by Mahomed (6170)— Mary Anne by Sillery (5131)— Miss Gibson by Carleton (843)— Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). 198 waufikld's history AOOKN OF LINWOOD— Red, calved April 13, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Framework (33964), out of Aconi 2d by Scotland's Pride (25100), &c., as in Acorn 2d. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11945. ORANGE BLOSSOM 19th— Red, calved March 30, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), out of Orange Blossom 8tli by Sir Walter Scott (22922), &c., as m Orange Blossom 18th. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 679, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 806. MISSIE 26th— Red and white, calved April 16, 1868, bred by W. S. Marr, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Prince Louis (27158), out of Missie 12th by Master Gunner (22316) — Missie 4th by Clarendon (14380)— Missie by Son of Duke 3d (17697)— Countess by The Pacha (7612) — Jessamine by Mahomed (6170) — Rose by Plenipo (4725)— Thorn by Abbot (2899). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 648. VILLAGE GIRL — Red, calved Jan. 31, 1872, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Village Bride by Allan (21172)— Village Maid by Baronet (15614)— Village Belle by Champion of England (17526) — Vintage by Lord Bathurst (13173) — Lady Franklin by Matadore (11800) — The Vine by Fairfax Royal (6987) — Picotee by Premier (6308) — Sunflower by Unicorn (8725) — by Young Satellite (8538) — by Valentine (661) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie — bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. A. H. B., vol. 14,- p. 898, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 799. VILLAGE LASS— Red, calved Sept. 17, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Ben Wyvis (30258), out of Village Girl by Scotland's Pride (25100), &c., as in Village Girl, above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 898, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 799. VILLAGE VINE— Roan, calved March 6, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Laudable (31587), out of Village Bride by Allan (21172), &c., as in Village Girl, above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 898, and C. TL B., vol. 3, p. 800. tMt»OtlTTiD SHORT-HOHT^S. 199 BAKONET 54629 [4613]— Koan, calved March 15, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Eoan Gauntlet (35284), out of Butterfly 43d by Royal Duke of Uloster (29864), &c., as in Butterfly 43d, above. RED LADY OF LINWOOD— Red, calved March 20, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Framework (33964), out of Red Lady by Scotland's Pride (25100), &c., as in Red Lady, below. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12306. ORANGE BOY 30468— Red and white, calved May 1, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), out of Rosemary by Breadalbane (28073), &c., as in dam. MY8IE 35th— Roan, calved April 16, 1871, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Senator (27441), out of Mysie 27th by Harlequin (19922)— Mysie 3d by Grand Duke (10284)— Mysie by Kelly 2d (0265)— Molly by The Pacha (7612)— Margaret by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131)— Miss Gibson by Carleton (843)— Dora by Diamond (205): — Kitty by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 747, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 663. MYSIE 36th— Red, calved Oct. 12, 1871, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Mysie 33d by Cham- pion of England (17526)— Mysie 26th by Speculator (13775)— Mysie 6th by Red Knight (11976)— Mysie 2d by The Hero (10934) —Mysie by Kelly 2d (9265)— Molly by The Pacha (7612), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 790, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 663. RED LADY— Red, calved Feb. 27, 1873, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Red Rose by Cham- pion of England (17526)— Blush Rose by Lord Raglan (13244)— Province Rose by The Baron (13833) — Sharon's Rose by Plantag- enet (11906)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— l)y Symmetry (641). A. If. B., vol. 15. p. 855, and C. IT. B., vol. 3. p. 718. 200 warfield's histoky ROSEMARY— lied and wliite. calved Feb. 17, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Breadalbane (28073), out of Rose of May by Lord Raglan (13244)— Sharon's Rose by Plantagenet (11900), &c., as in Red Lady, above. , 0. H. B., vol. 3, p. 750. SOLEMNITY— Red, calved April 28, 1873, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Lord Warden (317GG), out of Sweet Briar by Ivanhoe (14735)_Splendor by Lord Sackville (13240)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Se- cret by Short Tail (2621)— AVhite Rose by Gambler (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859) — by bulls of Messrs. C. cS: R. Colling. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 907, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 778. FLORA 6th— Red, calved March 28, 1870, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by (lolden Eagle (26267), out of Flora 2d by Baronet 2d (17363)— Flora by Marquis of Bute (18336)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2320)— by Matchem (2281)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119) — by AVhitworth (695) — bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 540, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 479. GOLDEN GALAXY— Roan, calved July, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Senator (27441), out of Gold of Sheba by Caractacus (19397) — Golden Pippin by Chamj^ion of England (17526)— Gold .Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037), i&c, as in Golden Crown [4343], above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 555, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 496. GOVERNESS— Roan, calved March 21, 1872, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Master of Arts (26867), out of Graceful by Baronet (15614)— Grandiflora by Lord Sackville (13249)— Flora by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Jessica by Premier (6308)— Venus by Saturn (5089) — Dairymaid by Favorite (6997)— by Grindon (3942) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 583, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 497. * IMPORTED STroirr-iroKKs. 201 GAIETY— lied, calved March 2i), IS'^^j, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Viceroy (32704), out of Governess by Master of Arts (26867), &c., as in Governess, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 489. ORANGE BLOSSOM OF LINWOOD— Red, calved April 25, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton Royal (32996), out of Orange Blossom 19th by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 13091. COUNTESS— Roan, calved March 5, 1875, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Coral by Lord Lancaster (26666), &c., as in Coral, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 403. ETHEL BUCKINGHAM— Red and white, calved March 13, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lor^ Warden (31766), out of Edith Buckingham by Vice-President (23126) — Julia Bucking- ham by Lord Stanley (16454) — Lady Buckingham by Dr. Buck- ingham (14405) — Verdant by Exchequer (9721) — Prigg by Young Holkar (7090)— Tranquil by Billy (3151)— Prudence by Son of Northern Light (4586) — by a bull of Mr. Mason^s — by Blucher (3175)— by Lawnsleeves (365). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 538, and C. II. B., vol. 3, p. 456. EVA BUCKINGHAM— Red, calved March 14, 1875,* bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Ethel Bucking- ham by Lord Warden (31766), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 540, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 458. EVENING STAR— Red, calved March 1, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Octavius (31997), out of Day Star by Scot- land's Pride (25100) — Morning Star by Champion of England (17526)— Grandiflora by Lord Sackville (13249)— Flora by Fairfax Rpyal (6987)— Jessica by Premier (6308)— Venus by Saturn (5089) —Dairymaid by Favorite (6997)— by Grindon (3942)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie — bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. Vol. 14, p. 523, A. 11. B. 2(12 warfield's history * May 28, 1881. J, I. DAVIDSON. By Ship Quebec, to Quebec. ARTLESS— Red heifer, calved Sept, 13, 1879, bred by A. Oruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Abarilla by Barmpton Prince (32995)— Ara- bella by Earl of Windsor (159G8)— Lady by Bushranger (12516)— Mary by Mosstrooper (11827)— Geraldine by Robin O'Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— by Jopp's Bull (9250)— Kate of Dar- lington. Vol. 27, p. 361, E. H. B., under dam, and vol. 24, p. 18422, and vol. 25, p. 674, A. H. B. CISTITS— Red heifer, calved Sept. 26, 1879, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Castus by Cham- pion of England (17526) — Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167) — Crocus by Jemmy (11,611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— Kate by Hawthorn (7071) — Kilmeny by The Peer (5455) — by George (2057) — by Togston (5487) — bred by Mr. Laing, of Longhoughton. JESSAMINE— Red and white heifer, calved Oct. 16, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Juliet by Barmpton Prince (32995)— Joyful by Master of Arts (26867)— Jealousy by Champion of England (17526) — Josephine by The Baron (V3833)— Flora by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Jessica by Premier (6308)-^ Venus by Saturn (5089)— Dairymaid by Favorite (6997)— by (Irindon (3942) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. Vol. 26, p. 392, E. II. B., under dam, and vol. 22, p. 17197, and vol. 24, p. 18570, A. II. B. GLOXINIA- Red and- white heifer, calved Nov. 13, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Ger- anium by Pride of the Isles (35072) — Garland by Scotland's Pride (25100) — Graceful by Baronet (15614) — Grandiflora by Lord Sack- ville (13249) — Flora by Fairfax Royal (6987), &c., as in Jessamine, above. Vol. 26, p. 392, E. 11. B., under dam, and vol. 25, p. 1130, A. II. B. IM POUTED SUOKT-JIORKS. 208 UAIIDE^N'IA— Ked and white, calved Feb. 1, 1882, bred by A. Cruickshauk, got by Antiquary (44314), out of Gloxinia by Lord of the Isles (40218), &c., as in dam, above. Vol. 2d, p. 836, A. H. B. CINEEARIA— Red heifer, calved Nov. 25, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Viceroy (32764), out of Circassia by Cham- pion of England (17526)— Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167)— Crocusby Jemmy (11611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— by Haw- thorn (7071)— by The Peer (5455)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing. Vol. 26, p. 391, E. H. B. Twinned with Convolvulus. VICTORIA 66th— Roan, calved Dec. 28, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Victoria 55th by Lord Lancaster (26666)— Victoria 48th by Lord Lancaster (26666)— Victoria 39th by Champion of England (17526)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731) —Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— by Belzoni (783)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Pope (514)— by Favorite (252) —by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188) —by R. Alcock^s Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Vol. 22, p. 17475. GIRDLE— Red heifer, calved Feb. 22, 1880, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Garnet by Prince Alfred (27107)— Guineas by Prince Imperial (22595)— Golden (Jhain by Lord Raglan (13244)— Gold Mint by The Baron (13833) —Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud (vol. 6, p. 276, E.) by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). Vol. 22, p. 17169. SAXIFRAGE— Red heifer, calved March 6, 1880, bred by A. (h'uickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Selina by Grand 204 WAKFIKLD's IIlSTOliY Duke of Gloster (26288)— Science by Baronet (15GU)— Splendid by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Diike of Atliol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Suther- land (6945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046) — by Young AVynyard (2859) — by bulls bred by Messrs. C. & R. Colling. Vol. 22, p. 17445. . SEMPTRESS— Roan heifer, calved April 3, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Sycamore by Count Robert (30812) — Surmise by Champion of England (17526) — Su- perb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150) — Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wyn- yard (2859)— by bulls bred by C. & R^ Colling. Vol. 22, p. 17446, and vol. 25, p. 1131, A. H. B. VICTORIA 63d— Roan, calved May 8, 1878, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Victoria 45th by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Victoria 42d by Forth (17866) — Victoria 32d by Priirce Regent (16762)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Pope (514)— by Favorite (252)— by The White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Vol. 26, p. 392, E. H. B., under dam, and vol. 25, p. 838, A. H. B. EARL OF ABERDEEN 45992— Red, calved Feb. 25, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Silvery by Champion of England (17526) — Spicey 4th by Prince Louis (20560) — Spicey by Marmaduke (14897) — Saucebox by The Beau (12182)— by Lottery (10472)— by Fanatic (8054)— by Splendid IMI'OUTKI) SIlOliT-JlOUNS. 205 (,-)0\S lllSTOKY AURICULAR — Roan heifer, calved Sept. 24, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Amaryllis by Lord Lancaster (26666) — Azalea by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Anemone by Forth (17866) — Avalanche by Sir Samuel (15302)— Angerona by Lemnos (13146) — Amy by Earl Stanhope (51)66) — Augusta by Trueblue (5522) — Albinia by Miracle (2321) — Alice by Sir Henry (1446) — Young Madam by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (01)— Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir Geo. Strickland. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 353, under dam. ACONITE— Red heifer, calved Nov. 9, 1880, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Abarilla by Barmpton Prince (32995) — Arabella by Earl of AVindsor (15968) — Lady by l^ushranger (12516)— Mary by Mosstrooper (11827) — Ger- aldine by Robin O'Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronach by Jopp's Bull (9256) — Kate of Darlington. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 361, under dam, and A. H. i^., vol. 25, p. 1094. MARSH VIOLET— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 19, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Rose of Knowlmore by Knight of Knowlmore (22055) — Red Violet by Allan (21172)— Violet by Lord Batliurst (13173)— Roseate by Mat- adore (11800) — China Rose by Hudson (9228) — Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Red Rose by Inkhorn (6091)— Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — Cicely by Sampson — Marion by Wallace (1560). E. H. B., vol. 'ZS, p. 354, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 838. LAVENDER 31st— Roan heifer, calved January 7, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Lavender 20th by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Lavender 12th by Count Bicker- statt'e 2d (25838) — Lavender 8th by Brian Boru (17440) — Lavender 7th by Friar Tuck (14578)— Lavender 3d by Eclipse (10186)— Lavender 2d by Queen's Roan (7389) — Lavender by Will Honey- tMr»ORTj:D SHORT-HORNS. 207 comb (r)G()()) — by Spectator (:i08S) — by Albion (1619) — by Lancaster (:3B())_by Son of AVindsor (098)— by Comet (155). A. II. B., vol. 25,, p. 1131. LAVENDER 32d— Red heifer, calved February 9, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Lavender 15th by Lord Warden (31760) — Lavender 12th by Count Bicker- staffe 2d (25838)— Lavender 8th by Brian Boru (17440)— Lavender 7th by Friar Tuck (14578)— Lavender 3d by Eclipse (10186)— Lavender 2d by Queen's Roan (7389) — Lavender by Will Honey- comb (5660)— by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by Son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 837. LAVENDER 34th— Red roan heifer, calved March 3, 1882, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Lavender 15th by Lord W^arden (31766) — Lavender 12th by Count Bicker- staffe 2d (25838), &c., as in full sister. Lavender 32d. GLADIOLUS— Red, calved Jan. 10, 1881, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Golden Year by Viceroy (32764)— Golden Days by Lord Raglan (13244)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— The Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud (vol. 6, p. 276, E.) by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by (Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (327). Vol. 25, p. .836, A. H. B. LOVELY 36th— Red and white, calved March 7, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Lovely 12th ])y Scotch Rose (25099)— Lovely 9th by AYindsor Augustus (19157)— Lovely 8th by Bosciuet (14183)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265)— Lady Ythan by Robin O'Day (4973)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by Anthony (1640)— Miranda by Anthony (1640)— Merino by Edgcott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White C\)w by Acton (1607). British- Anu'rican II. B.. vol. 2, ]). 431. 208 wakfield's history VICTOIUA 7LST— Koaii, calved March iJi, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Victoria G3d by Pride of the Isles (35072) —Victoria 45th by Caesar Augustus (25704)— Victoria 42d by Forth (1786G)— Victoria 32d by Prince Regent (1G762)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (1197G)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933) — Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783) — Victoria by Satellite (1420) — No. 1 Mason's Sale by Cato (119) — Pope Cow by Pope (514) — Flora by Favorite (252)— Nymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188) — Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (G08)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Vol. 25, p. 839, under dam, and vol. 2G, p. 507, both A. H. B. GEAN BLOSSOM— Red, calved April 3, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Garland by Scot- land's Pride (25100) — Graceful by Baronet (15G14) — Grandiflora by Lord Sackville (13249)-^Flora by Fairfax Royal (G987) — Jessica by Premier (6308) — Venus by Saturn (5089) — Dairymaid by Favorite (0997)— by Grindon (3942)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie— bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. British- American H. B., vol. 2, p. 431. SORREL— Red, calved March 31, 1881, bred by A. (h-uick- shank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Surname by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Surmise by Champion of England (1752G)— Superb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249) —Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (G945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambler (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls bred by R. & C. Colling. Vol. 25, p. 838, A. H. B. SPLEENWORT— Red and white, calved April 9, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Victor (43972), out of Sensation by Roan Gauntlet (35284)— Sybilla by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Sentiment by Prince Alfred (27107) — Science by Baronet (15614) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 209 —Splendid l)y Lord Sack villo (i:5:v>49)— Sympathy byDiike of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Berby (10177)— Secret :3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945) — Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242) — Secret by Shoi-t Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambier (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls bred by R. & C. Colling, Vol. 28, p. 354, E. H. B., under dam, and vol. 20, p. 507, A. IL B. BARON OAMPERDOWN (47389)— Red and white, calved Sept. 23, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Crescent by Gen. Windsor (28701) — Circassia by Champion of England (17526)— Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167) —Crocus by Jemmy (11611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— Kate by TTavvthorn (7071)^Kilmeny by The Peer (5455) — Premium by (leorge (2057)— by Togston (5487). LORD GLAMIS (48192)— Red, calved Sept. 20, 1881, bred ])y A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), • out of Garnish by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864)— Garnet by Prince Alfred (27107) — Guineas by Prince Imperial (22595) — Golden Chain by Lord Raglan (13244)--Gold Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— 1'he Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567) — by Constellation (163) — by Hastings (293) — by Leopold (372). LORD LOCHABER (1205 B. A. H. B.)— Red, calved Nov. 11, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Lovely 28th by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Lovely 12th by Scotch Rose (25099)— Lovely 9th by Windsor Augustus (19157)— Lovely 8th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265)— Lady Ythan by Robin O'Day (4973)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by An- thony (1640) — Mirandi by Anthony (1640) — Merino by Edgcott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White Cow by Acton (1607). 210 VVAKFIELIVS HISTOIIY VAIS^ TKOMP 54160 (48847)— Red, calved Dec. 11,, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank. got by Barmpton.(377G3), out of Victoria 45th by Caesar Augustus (25704)— Victoria 42d by Forth (17866)— Alc- toria 32d by Prince Regent (16762)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Mason's Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)— Flora by Favorite (252)— Nymyh by White Bull (421) —Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19)— l)y .Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). BARON (JLENCOE (47404)— Red, calved Dec. 14, 1881, bred by A. C'ruickshank, got by J^arnipton (37763), out of (rraceful's Forth by Forth (17866)— Graceful by Baronet (15614)— Grandiliora ])y Lord Sackville (13249)— Flora ])y Fairfax Royal (6987) — Jessica by Premier (6308) — Venus by Saturn (5089) — Dairymaid by Favor- ite (6997)— by (rrindon (3942)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie — bred by Mr. Robertson, of Lad yk irk. JULIUS 56643 (48073)— Red, calved Dec. 19, 1881, ])red by A. Chniickshank, got by Barmptou (37763), out of Juliet by l^armpton J^rince (32995)— Joyful by Master of Arts (26867) — Jealousy by Champion of P]ngland (17526) — Josephine by The Baron (13833) —Flora by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Jessica by Premier (6308)— A^e- nus by Saturn (5098) — Dairymaid by Favorite (6997) — by (Irindon (3942) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie — bred by Mr. Robert- son, of Ladykirk. VARNA 58341 (48848)— Red, calved April 13, 1881, ])rcd by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Royal V'ictor (43972), out of V'iolet Bloom by Royal Violet (40649)— Village Pride 2d by Senator (27441)— Village Rose by Champion of England (17526)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228) — Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987) — Red Rose by Inkkorn (6091) — Moss Rose by Crazier (1085) — Cicely l)y Sampson — Marion by AVallace (1560). IMPORTED SllOU'l-IIOUXS. 211 AAlilUJIST -iurGS (473-il)— Ued, calved April 10, 1881, bred by A. Oruickshank, got by Royal Victor (43792), out of Amaranth by Barmpton (37763) — Amar^dlis by Lord Lancaster (26666) — Azalea by Csesar Augustus (25704) — Anemone by Forth (17866)— Avalanche by Sir Samuel (15302) — Angerona by Lemnos (13146) — Amy by Earl Stanhope (5966) — Augusta 'by True Blue (5522) — Albinia by Miracle (2321)— Alice by Sir Henry (1446)— Young Madam by Count (170)— Young Venus by Bracken (91) — Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir George Strick- land. DUKE OF ALBANY (47709)— Roan, calved Aug. 19, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan (launtlet (35284), out of Acrimony by Barmpton (37763) — Abarilla by Barmpton Prince (32995)— Arabella by Earl of Windsor (15968)— Lady by Bush- i-anger (12516) — Mary by Mosstrooper (11827) — Geraldine by Robin O'Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronach by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. Sept., 1882. J. L DAVIDSON, Of Balsam, Canada. Fnaii Llverpuol to Quebec, f)y Ste) — Chance by Duke of Gloster (11382)— by Usurer (9763)— by Duke of Cornwall (5947) —by Morpeth (7254)— by Helicon (2107)— by Kenwood (2114)— by Nestor (452)— by Harold (291)— by Meteor (432)— by Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). WHIN BLOSSOM— Roan, calved March 25, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Gratitude by Breadalbane (28073)— Golden Princess by Lord Raglan (13244)— Gold Leaf by Lord Cardigan (13177) — Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— by Duplicate Duke (6952)--by Robin O'Day (4973) —by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). ELIZA — Red, calved Jan. 15, 1881, bred by James Murray, Malberry, Aberdeenshire, got by Sherwood (48685), out of Jenny Lind by Golden Prince (31269) — Lady May by Lord Lieutenant (31688)— Elizabeth by Master Stanley (31885)— Lovely by Sir Will- iam (22924)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676) —by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2320)_by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695)— bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. ROYAL NONSUCH— Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Non- pareil 15th by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864)— Nonpareil 13th by Gloster's Satellite (31258)— Nonpareil 12th by Lord Wharfdale (22231)— Nonpareil 3d by Laurel Hope (20105)— Nonpareil 9th by Cotherstone (12645) — Nonpareil 8th by Diamond (5918) — Nonpar- eil 3d by Adonis (2936)— by Commodore (1858)— by Tathwell Stud- ley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). JULIUS C^SAR— Red, calved Feb. 1, 1883, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Cumberland (46144), out of Jonquil by Pride of the Isles (35072) — Juliet by Barmpton Prince (32995) — Joyful by Mas- ter of Arts (26867)— Jealousy by Champion of England (17526)— Josephine by The Baron (13833)— Flora by Fairfax Royal (6987)— 27 ^18 WARFIELD^S HISTORY Jessica by Premier (6308) — Venus by Saturn (5089) — Dairymaid by Favorite (6997)— by Grindon (3942)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. LOYAL SUBJECT— Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Lavender 15th by Lord Warden (31766)— Lavender 12th by Count Bickerstaife 2d (25838)— Lavender 8th by Brian Boru (17440)^Lavender 7th by Friar Tuck (14578)— Lavender 3d by Eclipse (10186)— Lavender 2d by Queen's Roan (7389) — by Will Honeycomb (5660) — by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). CONFESSOR— Red, calved March 24, 1883, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Costume by Bridesman (30586)— Cactus by Champion of England (17526)— Cicely by Lan- caster Royal (18167) — Crocus by Jemmy (11611) — Kitty by Somer- set (10858)— by Hawthorn (7071)— by The Peer (5455)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing, of Longhoughton. SPARTAN HERO— Red, calved March 23, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Souvenir by The Royal Duke of Gloster (29864)— Superb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249) — Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Duke of Sutherland (6945) —by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046) — by Young Wynyard (2859) — by bulls of Messrs. C. & R. Colling. VIOLET KNIGHT— Red, calved March 26, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Village Pride 2d by Senator (27441)— Village Rose by Champion of England (17526)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228)— by Fairfax Royal (6987)— by Ink- horn (6091)— by Grazier (1085)— by Sampson— by Wallace (1560). DOUBLE GLOSTER 55406— Red, calved Feb. 11, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Duchess of Gloster 24th by Lord of the Isles (40218)— Duchess of Gloster 21st by Barmpton Prince (32995) — Duchess of Gloster 13th by Grand IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 219 Duke of Gloster (26288) — Duchess of Gloster 12th by Champion of England (17526)— Duchess of Gloster 7th by Lord Raglan (13244)— Duchess of Gloster 2d by The Baron (13833)- Chance by The Duke of Gloster (11382), &c., as in Duchess of Gloster 22d, above. BARON SENATOR— Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1882, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Cumberland (46144), out of Lavender 16th by Lord Lansdowne (29128) — Lavender 11th by Count Bickerstaffe 2d (25838)— Lavender 9th by Brian Boru (17440)— Lavender 7th by Friar Tuck (14578), «&c., as in Loyal Subject, above. CIRCASSIAN CHIEFTAIN— Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Circassia by Champion of England (17526) — Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167), &c., as in Confessor, above. VIOLET PRINCE— Red, calved March 26, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Village Pride by Senator (27441)— Village Rose by Champion of England (17526)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173), &c., as in Violet Knight, above. May 26, 1884. J. 1. DAVIDSON, Of Balsam, Ontario. By Steamer Grecian, from Glasgow to Quebec. BARON BARMPTON— Red, calved Feb. 22, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Barmpton Spray (vol. 29, p. 400, E. H. B.) by Cgesar Augustus (25704)— Barmpton Flower by Allan (21172)— Butterfly's Joy by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649)— Butterfly's Pride by Royal Butterfly (16862)— Frederick's Pride by Frederick (11489) —Pride by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Princess Fairfax by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249)— Princess Royal by Thick Hock (6601)— Barmpton Rose by Expectation (1988) — by Belzoni (1709) — by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). AMETHYST— Roan, calved June 11, 1883, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Abarilla (vol. 27, p. 361, E. H. B.) by Barmpton Prince (32995)— Arabella by Earl of Wind- sor (15968) — Lady by Bushranger (12516) — Mary by Mosstrooper 220 (11827)— Geraldine by Robin O'Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronach by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. CLOUDBERRY— Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1883, bred by A. Oruiekshank, got by Cumberland (46144), out of Cochineal by Bridesman (30586)— Carmine Rose (vol. 25, p. 409, E. H. B.) by Champion of England (17526)— Carmine by The Czar (20947)— Cressida by John Bull (11618)— Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake by Tip Top (7633)— Old Lady, bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. GENTIANELLA (Twinned with Gladys)— Red, caived March 12, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Grizzle (vol. 27, p. 361, E. H. B.) by Grand Vizier (34086) — Garnet by Prince Alfred (27107) — Guineas by Prince Imperial (22595)— Golden Chain by Lord Raglan (13244)— Gold Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— The Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud (vol. 6, p. 276, E.) by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Rose- berry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Leo- pold (372). GLADYS— Red, calved March 12, 1883. Twinned with Gen- tianella, above. GOLDEN SOCKS— Roan, calved Jan. 18, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Golden Lady (vol. 27, p. 361, E. H. B.) by Champion of England (17526)— Golden Princess by Lord Raglan (13244) — Gold Leaf by Lord Car- digan (13177)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— The Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin O'Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). LOVELY 40th— Red, calved April 24, 1883, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Lovely 12th (vol. 27, p. 362, E. H. B.) by Scotch Rose (25099)— Lovely 9th by Windsor IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 221 Augustus (19157)— Lovely 8th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265)— Lady Ythan by Robin O'Day (4973)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by Anthony (1640)— Miranda by Anthony (1640)— Merino by Edgcott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White Cow by Acton (1607). SONGSTRESS— Koan, calved Sept. 29, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Staplehurst (47148), out of Spinster by Roan Gaunt- let .(35284)— Surname by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Surmise by Champion of England (17526)— Superb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (.10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambler (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— bulls bred by R. & C. Colling. Vol. 29, p. 402, E. H. B., under dam. SUNFLOWER 2d— Roan, calved April 12, 1882, bred by James Murray, Macterry, got by Marquis,* out of Sunflower by Golden Prince (31269)— Elizabeth by Master Stanley (31885)— Lovely by Sir William (22924)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (3320)— by Matchem (2280) —by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119). Note.— * Marquis, red, calved April 18, 1880, bred by James Murray, Macterry, got by Sherwood (48685), out of Helen by King Alfred (31471)— Ehzabeth by Master Stanley (31885), as in pedigree of Sunflower 2d, above. VICTORIA 75th— Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1882, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Victoria 56th (vol. 27, p. 362, E. II. B.) by Bridesman (30586)— Victoria 4; th by Lord Lansdowne (29128)— Victoria 39th by Champion of England (17526)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Vic- toria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Ma- son's Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)— Flora by Favorite (252)— Nymph by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252) —Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). 222 warfield's history 1831. CAPT. N. DE COST. BEUTUS— Bred by Michael Ashcroft, near Liverpool. Pedi- gree lost. CHAEMER— Got by Don Juan (1923), out of Cherry by Won- derful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Chilton's Red Bull. See Lady Gay Spanker, vol. 2, p. 426, A. H. B. HENRY DE GROOT, New York. JUDY ALIAS BETTY— See No. 2338. W. DELANCY. Westchester County, New York. MOLLY— See 3586^. HARMER DENNY, Of Pittsburg, Pa. Selected in England, by Rev. John A. Robertson. Im- ported, in Ship Milo, of PoHsmouth, N. H., Thompson, Master, landed at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 15, 1835. YOUNG BUCKINGHAM (1758)— Red and white, calved March 24, 1834, bred by Mr. Rowlandson, of Newton Morrell, near Dar- lington, got by Buckingham (1756), out of Primrose by Scipio (1421)— Countess by Old Stephen (Mr. Charge's)— Lady Brough by Albion (14). COWSLIP- Light roan, calved in Dec, 1832, got by Architect, out of Lady by Rob Roy— White Rose by George (Mr. Thornton's) — Burdon. ARCHITECT— Got by Highflyer, out of Lady Brough by Duke. Sold by Mr. Colling for 110 guineas, to Mr. Robinson, of Acklam. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 223 i 1851. JOHN DOW. Whithy. YOUNG MARNOOK [436] alias MARNOCK 1844— Roan, calved in May, 1850, bred by Wm. Stronach, Ardmeallie, Scotland, got by Young Pasha (11883), out of Flora by Commander (8976) — Catherine by Mahomed (6170) — by Jerry — bred by the late Mr. Hav, of Shethin, Scotland. 1863. LENIAT DOWLEY. Brattlehoro, Vt. ALICE— Red, calved June 20, 1851, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Magician 2d (10486), out of Sally by Sheldon (8557)— Victoria by Mehemet Ali (7227)— Adelaide by Mahomet (4332)_White Flank 2d by William 4th (5663)— White Flank 1st by Forester (1055)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by a son of Houghton (318)— by a bull of Col. Trotter's. E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 572, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 277. SMILE— Roan, calved Jan. 29, 1849, bred by D. Pelham, Isle of Wight, got by Humber (7102), out of Laughter by Sweet William (5638)— Onion by Roman (2561)— Sage by William (2840) — Goose by Firby (1040) — by brother to Kalmico. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 556, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 698. BELLE— Red, calved May 10, 1851, bred by W. D. Manning, Rothersthorpe, got by Monarch (7249), out of Barmaid by Hur- ricane (4061) — Spotted Boughton by Crusader (7939) — Bombazine by Regent (544) — bred by Mr. Edmonds, Boughton, Northamp- tonshire. Vol. 2, p. 299, A. H. B. MYRTLE— Red, calved May 9, 1848, bred by Robert Bell, Mosbro Hall, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Mrs. Charlton by Bellman (7825)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— a cow from the herd of T. Bates. Vol. 2, p. 489, A. H. B. 224 v\^arfield's history (873. JOHN DRYDEN, • Of Brooklln, Can. To Quebec. BARMPTON ROYAL 31461 (32996)— Red roan, calved May 15, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Butterfly's Delight by Allan (21172)— Butterfly's Joy by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649)— Butterfly's Pride by Royal Butterfly (10862)— Frederick's Pride by Frederick (11489)— Pride by 4th Duke of York (10167) — Princess Fairfax by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249)— Princess Royal by Thick Ilock (6601)— Barmpton Rose by Expectation (1988)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). Recorded as Royal Barmpton [3969] and as sired by Lord Lans- downe (29128). COLUMBIA— Roan, calved May 21, 1873, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Lord Lancaster (26666). out of C/olumbine by Sir Walter Scott (22922)— Camelia by Lancaster Comet (11663)— Cactus by Lord Sackville (13249) — Sharon's Rose by Plantagenet (11906)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessy by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 401. Aug. (880. JOHN DRYDEN, Of Brooklin, Ont., Can. From Liverpool. SUNBEAM— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 22, 1878, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Royal Violet (40649), out of Song- stress by Lord Lancaster (26666) — Superb by The Czar (20947) — Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249) — Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Duke of Sutherland (6945) — by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621) — by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls of C. & R. Colling. Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 434. VIOLET BUD— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 24, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Violefs Rose by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Violet's Pride by Scotland's Pride IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 225 (25100)— Violet's Forth by Forth (17866)— Sweet Violet by Lord Stanley (16454)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800) — China Rose by Hudson (9228) — Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (0987)— by Inkhorn (0091)— by Grazier (1085)— by Sampson — by Wallace (1500). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 393, under dam. VIOLET GEM— AVhite, calved March 7, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Victor (43792), out of Violet Bud, above. ORANGE BLOSSOM 30th— Red and white heifer, calved March 29, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Orange Blossom 8th by Sir Walter Scott (22922)— Orange Blossom by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5190)— by Billy (3151)— by Sovereign (5285)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (00) — by Cleveland (144) — by Symmetry (041). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 392, under dam. LANCASTER ROYAL 301 (Brit.-Am. H. B.)— Roan bull, calved Sept. 10, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Lavender 18th by Lord Lan- caster (20000) — Lavender 14tli by Senator (27441) — Lavender 10th by Count Bickerstaffe 2d (25838)— Lavender 7th by Friar Tuck (14578)— Lavender 3d by Eclipse (10180)— Lavender 2d by The Queen's Roan (7389)— by Will Honeycomb (5000)— by Spec- tator (2088)— by Albion (1019)— by Lancaster (300)- by son of Windsor (098)— by Comet (155). BARON SURMISE (45933)— Red and white bull, calved Oct. 25, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Souvenir by Royal Duke of Gloster (29804) — Superb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Duke of Sutherland (0945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2021)— by Gambler (2040)- by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls of C. & R. Colling. '226 warfield's history BARMPTON VIOLET— Red heifer, calved March 20, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Royal Violet 40049, out of Barmp- ton^s Flower by Allan (21172)— Butterfly's Joy by 2d Duke of Wharfdale (19649)— Butterfly's Pride by Royal Butterfly (10802)— Frederick's Pride by Frederick (11489)— Pride by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Princess Fairfax by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249) —by Thick Hock (6601)— by Expectation (1988)— by Be^zoui (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). Brit. -Am. H. B., vol? 1, p. 430. May28, I88L JOHN DRYDEN, Of BrooMm, Out., Can. Per Steamer Texas, from Liverpool : ) Quebec. CORN FLOWER— Roan heifer, calved August 20, 18 3(/, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Perfec- tion (37185), out of Carmine by Meridian (38748) — Carn.ine Rose by Champion of England (17526)— Carmine by The Czar (20947) — Cressida by John Bull (11618)— Clipper by Billy (3151)- -Favor- ite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake by Tip Top (7033)— bred by Mr. Mason, Chilton. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 361, under dam, and Brit.-Am. II. B., vol. 1, p. 433. VICTORIA 69th— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 23, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Victoria 56th by Bridesman (30586)— Victoria 47th by Lord Lansdowne (29128) —Victoria 39th by Champion of England (17526)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— by Belzoni (783)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Pope (514)— by Favorite (252) —by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188) —by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 362, under dam, and Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 434. * SULTANA— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 18, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Souvenir by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 227 Royal Duke of Gloster (21)804)— Superb by The Czar (20947)— Splendor by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242) — Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose by Gambler (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— by bulls of R. & 0. Colling. Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 433, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 362, under dam. FLORA 17th— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 5, 1880, bred by A. Oruickshank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Flora 7th by Royal Forth (25022)— Flora 6th by Golden Eagle (26267)— Flora 2d by Baronet 2d (17363)— Flora by Marquis of Bute (18336)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2320)— by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119). ^ Brit. -Am. II. B., vol. 1, p. 432. July 31, 1882. JOHN DRYDEN. From Glasfjow U> Quebec, by Steamer Buenos AyraiJi, of the Allan Line. LORD GLAMIS (48192)— Red, calved Sept. 20, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Garnish by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864)— Garnet by Prince Alfred (27107) — Guineas by Prince Imperial (22595) — Golden Chain by Lord Raglan (13244)— Gold Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by Young Fourth Duke (9037)— Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (G952)— The Mint by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567) — by Constellation (163) — by Hastings (293) — by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). LAVENDER 30x11— Roan, calved Oct. 17, 1880, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Lavender 18th by Lord Lancaster (26666) — Lavender 14th by Senator (27441) — Lavender 10th by Count Bickerstaffe 2d (25838)— Lavender 7th 228 warfield's history by Friar Tuck (14578)— Lavender 3d by Eclipse (10186)— Lav- ender 2d by The Queen's Roan (7389) — Lavender by Will Honey- comb (5660) — by Spectator (2688) — by Albion (1619) — by Lancaster (360)— by son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). Recorded in Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 432. LAVENDER PRIDE— Red, calved April 10, 1883, bred by Amos Cruickshank, and calved in Canada, got by Cumberland (46144), out of Lavender 30th by Pride of the Isles (35072), &c. See dam, next above. VICTORIA 72d— Roan, calved Oct. 26, 1881, bred by A. Cruick- shank (Recorded in Brit. Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 434), got by Barmpton (37763), out of Victoria 56th by Bridesman (30586)— Victoria 47th by Lord Lansdowne (29128), &c. See Victoria 69th, above. ABERDEEN CHAMPION (47313)— Red, calved April 1, 1882, bred by Amos Cruickshank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Cos- tume by Bridesman (30586) — Cactus by Champion of England (17526) — Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167) — Crocus by Jemmy (11611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— Kate by Hawthorn (7071)— Kilmeny by The Peer (5455)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487) — bred by Mr. Laing, of Longhoughton. 1883. JOHN DRYDEN. ARBUTUS— Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1881, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Abarilla by Barmjiton Prince (32995)— Abarilla by Earl of Windsor (15968)— Lady by Bushranger (12516) — Mary by Mosstrooper (11827) — Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronach by Jopp's Bull (9256) — Kate of Darlington. LOVELY 37th— Roan, calved Oct. 7, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Lovely 35th by Roan Gauntlet (35284)— Lovely 20th by Lord Lancaster (26666)— Lovely 11th by Allan (21172)— Lovely 10th by Duke of Bedford (23722) —Lovely 6th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely 3d by The Hero (19934) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 229 — Lovely by Kelly 2cl (9265)— Lady Ythan by Robin-o'-Day (4973)_Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by Anthony (1040)— Miranda by Anthony (1640)— Merino by Edgcott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White Cow by Acton (1607). Vol. 29, p. 401, E. H. B., under dam. 1856. R. H. DULANEY. Welboume, Va. SIR EDMUND LYONS (15285)— Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1856, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Lady Lucy Lennox by Red Roan Kirtling (10691) — Duchess of Richmond by Pam (6272)— Victoria by Chancellor (3335)— Medusa by Helmsman (2109)— by Speedwell (1473)— by Columella (904). MISS EMMA— Roan, calved April 17, 1855, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Miss Emma- line by Lord of the North (11743)— Lady Godolphin by Paris (7314) — Victoria by Chancellor (3335) — Medusa by Helmsman (2109)— by Speedwell (1473)— by Columella (904). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 504, under dam. MISS ISABEL— Roan, calved March 31, 1855, bred by Jonas Webb, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Miss Mabel by Lord of the North (11743)— Lady Godolphin by l%,ris (7314)— Victoria by Chancellor (3335) — Medusa by Helmsman (2109) — by Speedwell (1473)_by Columella (904). * E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 506, under dam. ROSINA— Red, calved March 10, 1855, bred by R. Stratton, Broad Hinton, got by Chinaman (12599), out of Aileen by Mid- summer (8314)— Aileen by Duke of St. Albans (6944)— Strawberry by Colling (902) — by a son of Alexander (1624)— by grandson of Favorite (252). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 262, under dam. 230 ISABELLA— Red, calved May 10, 1855, bred by R. Stratton, got by Ilion (13059), out of Esther by Hero of the West (8150)— Modish by Kenilworth (7118)— Madam by Lottery (4280)— Pre- mium by Phoenix (6290). E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 502. ROSE — White, calved in Feb., 1856, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, got by Abraham Parker (9856), out of Rosebud by Expectation (1454)— Wood Rose by Albert (5729)— White Rose by Baronet (1686)— by Duke (1933). PANSY — Roan, calved in March, 1856, bred by Messrs. Atkin- son, got by Colonel (14297), out of Gay Lass by Ethelred (5990)— Gaity.by Albert (5729)— Winifred by Fitz Maurice (3807)— Wealthy by Brougham (1746) — Lucky by Marlish (4375) — Dandy by a son of Sir Harry (1444). ALBA— White, calved March 21, 1857, bred by Mr. R. Stratton, got by Merry Lad (14947), out of Miss Isabella by Cheltenham (12588), &c., as in dam, above. Begotten in England, calved in Virginia. These cattle were all lost to Col. Dulany by being driven from his farm during the civil war, and there is no trace of them in the A. H. Books. 1833. WALTER DUN. Neiir Lexington, Ky. CAROLINE— Red, calved Jan. 9, 1831, bred by John Stocks, Delph Hill, Yorkshire, England, got by Dashwood 9731, out of Fanny by Stockstry 11035— by Senator (1427)— by Whitefoot 11130 — Rosina by Aid-de-Camp (722) — Louisa by Charles (127) — Lily by R. Colling^s Son of Favorite (1033) — by R. Colling's Son of Favorite (1033)— by Chapman's Bull (122)— by R. Grimston's Bull (282). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 12. IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 231 » DAISY— Red and white, calved in fall of 1830, .bred by John Johnson, Yorkshire, England, got by Wild 11134, out of Lassie by David 9735— Modesty by Old David 10550— bred by Mr. White, Seapool, England. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 13. MULTIFLORA— Roan, calved January 7, 1831, bred by Mr. Wright, Yorkshire, England, got by Walter 11118, out of White Face (bred by John Charge, near Darlington) by Roland (563) — by Constellation (163). A. II. B., vol. 14, p. 13. RED ROSE— Red and white, calved in Nov., 1830, bred by Edward Payne, Yorkshire, England, got by Ernesty 10017, out of Rosney by Eryholme (1018) — by Barmpton (54) — by Lancaster (360)— by Wellington (680)— by George (275)— by Favorite (252) —by Punch (531). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 12. WHITE ROSE— Roan, calved in fall of 1830, bred by Mr. John Milwood, Plainstone, Holderness, Yorkshire, England, got by Publicola (1348), out of P\anny by Premier (1331). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 13. PREMIUM— Roan, calved April 8, 1833, bred by Mr. Thos. Sowerby, Jr., got by Maximus (2284), out of Daisy by Lawnsleeves (365)— Rosebud by Lady Bull (354)— by Favorite (252). Vol. 14, p. 12, and vol. 2, p. 514. YOUNG CHARLOTTE— Red roan, c?ived in Dec, 1834, bred by Thomas Smurthwaite, Holme House, England, got by Thorp (2757), dam by Rob Roy (557)— by Sir Charles (5146)— by Surprise (2717) — by Wellington (678) — descended from the Denton and Barmpton stocks. Vol. 14, p. 13, and vol. 2, p. 601. SYMMETRY (5382)— Calved March 12, 1832, bred by Henry Peacock, Haddockstone, near Ripon, got by Red Simon (2499), out of Red Rose by Haddock, also called Governor (lo77) — Roaney by Wellington (680)— by Blaize (75). 232 warfield's histoey 1838. WALTER DUN. QTHO 794— Light roan, calved in April, 1838, gotten in Eng- land by Sol (2G55), out of Preminm by Maximns (2284) — Daisy by LaAvnsleeves (3C)5) — Rosebud by Lady Bull (354) — by Favorite (252). TARIK 1022— Red and white, calved in April, 1838, got by Sol (2655), out of Young Charlotte by Thorp (2757)— by Rob Roy (557)_by Sir Charles (5146)— by Surprise (2717)— by Wellington (678) — descended from the Denton and Barmpton stocks. 1836. WALTER DUN and SAMUEL SMITH. Near Lexington, Ky. MARY ANN— Roan, calved in 1831, bred ])y Mr. Payne, got by Middlesbro' (1234), out of Prudence by Edward (1002)- Modesty (bred by Mr. Melton) by President (517)— by George (274). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 494. BEAUTY OF WHARFDALE— (lot in England by Brutus (1752), out of imp. Adelaide by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Beauty by (ieorge (1066) — Beauty by Lancaster (360) — Chira by Lancaster (360)— Venus by AVellington (680)— by George (275)— by Favorite (252) — by Punch (531) — from a sister to tlu' (bun of the White Heifer that Traveled. ADELAIDE— Roan, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Beauty by George (1066) — by Lancaster (360) — by Lancaster (360) —by Wellington (680)— by George (275)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). JEWESS— Barren. GEORGE (2059)— Red and white, calved in 1834, bred by Mr. Wood, got by Young Magog (2247), out of Georgiana by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Whitworth (695)— by Charles (127). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 233 OTLEY (4632) — Roan, calved in America, bred (supposed) by Mr. Fawkes, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Mary Ann by Middles- bro' (1234)— Prudence by Edward (1002)— Modesty by President (517)_bv (Jeorge (274). COMET (1854)— Roan, calved in 1834, bred by xMr. Crofton, got by Emperor (1974), out of Gaudy by Monarch (2326)— by Gate (n9)_by AVhitworth (695). 1837. RECEIVER-GENERAL DUNN, Of Cdnadn. QUEEN— See 21575. NORTH STAR— See 11265, S. H. R. LADY JANE— See 2057, A. H. B. BRITON— In No. 285, A. H. B. 1882. F. A. ELLIS, Of Boston, Mass. By Ship Bulgarian, from London, June 7, 18S2. ANNA REGINA— Roan, calved Aug. 19, 1878, bred by E. Heine- mann. Rattan Park, Willingdon, Sussex, Eng. , got by Royal Saxon (39057), out of Anna 9th by Crown of the Realm (30824)— Anna 7th by Rosedale Favorite (29831) — Anna 3d by Mantalini Prince (22276)— Anna 2d by Brilliant Star (17450)— Princess Julia by Lord of Rainsber (13211) — Dowager Queen by Sir Frederick Fairfax (5152)— Adelaide by Albert (727)— Anna by Pilot (496)— by Albion (14)_by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by son of Suwar- row (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1181, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 428. ANNA VICTORIA— Roan, calved Sept. 30, 1882, bred by E. Heinemann, got by Royal Sceptre (43967), out of Anna Regina, above. Vol. 26, p. 1182. 29 2B4 warfield's histoky ROSETTA BOOTH— Red, calved May 20, 1874, bred by A. T. Matthews, Church Hanborough, Eynsham Oxon., got by Lieutenant General (31600), out of Rosanna by Sir James (16980) — Rosalie by Uncle Ned (19026)— Roa by Crusade (7938)— Rosamond by Cother- stone (6903)— Red Rose by Young Matchem (4425)— by Fairfax (1023)— by Marske (418)— by Palmsun (7311)— by a bull of Mr. Maynard's — by son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1182, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 429. LORD HOMEWORTH 56858 (45099)— White, calved Aug. 24, 1880, bred by Executors of T. C. Booth, Warlaby, got by Royal Stuart (40646), out of Homespun by Royal Benedict (27348)— by King James (28971)— by Lord Blithe (22126)— by Elfin King (17796). ROYAL HEART 57957 (45528)— Roan, calved Dec. 22, 1880, bred by E. Heinemann, got by Royal Stuart (40646), out of Homely by Knight of St. Patrick (38520) — Homespun by Royal Benedict (27348)— by King James (28971)— by Lord Blithe (22126) —by Elfin King (17796). ROYAL ROAN 57969 (47049)— Roan, calved Dec. 17, 1881, bred by E. Heinemann, got by Royal Sceptre (43967), out of Rosetta Booth by Lieutenant General (31600). See dam, in this list. ROYAL GEORGE 57955— Roan, calved January 19, 1882, l)red by E. Heinemann, got by Sir Wilfrid (37484), out of Generous (vol. 28, p. 428, E.) by Merry Monarch (22349)— Brevity by Brigade Major (21312) — Georgia by Prince George (13510)— Hopeful by Hopewell (10332)— by Warrior (12287). 1834. THOMAS A. EMMET, Of New Vorlx City. ' RED ROSE— Got by a son of Young Albion (2968)— by Sir Marton (1453). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 235 WHITE LILY— White, calved in 1835, got in England by Magnum Bonum (2244), out of Red Rose by Young Albion (2968) — by Sir Marton (1453). A. II. B., vol. 1, p. 237. 1863. ELIAS FASSETT, Of Granville, Ohio. PAGANINl 800— Calved Dec. G, 1853, gotten in England by Duke of Beaufort (11377), out of imp. Jenny Lind by Minstrel (8687) — Lady Louise by Paris (7314) — Countess by Vanguard (5545) — Dodona by Alabaster (1616) — No. 6 by Dr. Syntax (220) —by Charles (127)— by llenry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by Mason's AVhite Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Foljambe (263) — by liubback (319) — bred by Mr. Maynard. JENNY LIND— Red, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, England, calved Jan. 24, 1849, got by Minstrel (8687), out of Lady Louise by Paris (7314) — Countess by Vanguard (5545) — Dodona by Ala- baster (1616)— No. 6 by Dr. Syntax (220)— by Charles (127)— by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421) — Fortune by Bolingbroke {Sirj) — by Foljambe (263) — by Hubback (319)_bred by Mr. Maynard. BUTE 303 — Bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Marquis of Bute (11788), out of Jenny Lind by Minstrel (8687), &c., as in Jenny Lind, above. (839. FAYETTE COUNTY (KY.) CATTLE IMPORT- ING ASSOCIATION. (Rev. R. T. Dillard and Nelson Dudley, Esq., Agents.) Sold July Jo, 1840, at the farm of David Sutton, in Fayette County, Ky. COWS. VIOTOKIA — Roan, calved in Aug.. 1835, bred by J. E. Maynard, got by Plenipo (4724), out of White Rose by Francisco (2032) — by 236 warfield's history Leopold (3?2)— by Major (397)— by own brother to R. Comng\s White Heifer — descended from the stock of Sir James Penny man. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 584. Sold to R. Fisher, for 11,750. ELIZABETH— Roan, calved in Oct., 1832, bred by J. E. May- nard, got by Plenipo (4724), dam by Alexander (736) — by Marske (418)— by Comet (155). Sold to A. McClnre, for !i;505. FASHION — Roan, calved in April, 1832, bred by W. Cooper, got by Young Don Juan (3610), out of Grizzle by Studley Grange (1483)— Young Fanny by Young Dimple (971)— Old Fanny by Layton (2190). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 359. Sold to G. W. Williams, Paris, for $440. ELIZABETH 2d— Calved in 1840, bred by J. E. Maynard, calved the property of A. McClure, Lexington, Ky., got by Veloci- pede (5552), out of Elizabeth by Plenipo (4724), &c., as in dam above. SPLENDOR — Roan, calved in March, 1834, in Imp. Catalogue, and in E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 635, calved Nov. 22, 1833, bred by Mr. Cattley,got by Bedford Jr. (1701), out of Stately by Baron (1681)— White Rosette by Juniper (1144)— Rosette by White Comet (1582)— Young Rose by AV^ right's grandson of Favorite (252) — by son of Charge's Gray Bull (872). The E. H. B., vol. 5, pp. 635 and 639, give Stately, above, by Romulus (1403) instead of Baron (1681). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 635, gives date of birth as Nov. 22, 1833. The Company's Catalogue gives it as March, 1834. Sold to B. Gratz, for 1650. MISS HOPPER— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Thomas Crofton, got by Duke (1933), dam by Waverley (2819)— by a son of St. Albans (2584)— bred by Mr. Salvin, of Burnhall, near Durham, England. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 671. Sold to W. T. Calmes, for 1270. IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 237 TULIP— Roan, calved in 1836, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Bachelor (166<5), dam by Duke (1933)— by Waverley (2819) — by a son of St. Albans (2584) — bred by Mi*. Salvin, of Burnhall, near Durham. Recorded, E. II. B., vol. b, p. 1025. Sold to A. McClure, for *70(). BRITANNIA— Roan, calved in Feb., 1838, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Emperor (1974), out of Miss Hopper by Duke (1933) — by Waverley (2819) — by a son of St. Albans (2584) — bred by Mr. Salvin, of Burnhall, near Durham. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 671, under dam. Sold to H. Duncan, Bourbon Co., Ky., for ^375. ISABELLA— White, calved Oct. 14, 1839, bred by Thomas Crofton, Holywell, England, got by Melmoth (2291), out of Tulip by Bachelor (1666)— by Duke (1933)— by Waverley (2819)— by a son of St. Albans (2584) — bred by Mr. Salvin, Burnhall, near Durham. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, ]). 1025, under dam. Sold to R. Fisher, Boyle Co., Ky., for ^355. LADY ELIZABETH— Roan, calved Feb. 4, 1838, bred by Mr. Crofton, Holywell, got by Emperor (1974), out of Elvira by Duke (1933)— by AVellington (2824)— by Young Remus (2522)^by Midas (435)— by Traveler (655)— by Bolingbroke (Sij). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 316, under dam. Sold to H. Clay, Jr., Bourbon Co., Ky., for !|660. LILY — White, calved in 1834, bred by Leo Severs, got by Count (3506), dam by Linton (2207)— by Jupiter (343)— by Easby (232). Sold to T. Calmes, for 1390. NANCY — White, calved Jan. 1, 1837, bred by L. Severs, got by Reformer (2510), dam by Linton (2207)— by Jupiter (343)— by Easby (232)— by Mr. Parkinson's Red Bull. Sold to C. I. Rogers, for $730. 238 waefteld's history AVARILDA— White, calved April 8, 1836, bred by W. F. Paley, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Alice by Anson (1639)— Lady Jane by Comet (155)— Cleasby Lady by a son of Favorite (352)— Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (323)— Lucy by Barningham (56). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 262. 8old to John Allen, for |920. BEAUTY— Roan, calved in March, 1834, bought of, A. L. May- nard, got by Belvedere (1706), dam by Matchem (2281)— by Alexander (736)— by Marske (418). Sold to H. Clay, Jr., for J|?700. MISS MAYNARD— Roan, calved in 1837, bought of A. L. Maynard, got by Chorister (3378), dam by Matchem (2281)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Favorite (2037)— by Harold (291)— by North Star (1158)— by Favorite (252). Sold to Andrew McClure, for 11,005. JESSICA— Roan, calved Feb. 22, 1839, bought of Mr. Maynard, got by Velocipede (5552), out of Beauty by Belvedere (1706)— by Matchem (2281)— by Alexander (736)— by Marske (418). Bought by Joel Iliggins, for !|330. MISS LUCK— Roan, calved May 25, 1834, bought of Mr. Whit- aker, got by Alison's Roan Bull (2999), out of White Daisy by Jerry (4097)— Old Daisy by Scroope's Danby (3550)— Ash by Easby (232). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 5, p. 673. Sold to 11. Clay, Jr., Bour- bon Co., Ky., for $800. ROSABELLA 2d— Roan, calved in Jan., 1839, bought of Mr. Whitaker, got by Velocipede (5552), out of Rosabella by Alex- ander (736)— Nonsuch by Harold (291)— Golden Pippin by North Star (459)— Beauty by Favorite (252)— Beauty by Favorite (252)— Beauty by Favorite (252)— the dam of Punch by Broken Horn (95) —bred by Mr. Best, of Mansfield. Bought by W. A. Warner, for $465. Note.— In the pedigree of Rosabella 3d. (5552) is correct. The catalogue of this sale in 1840 refers to Velocipede on page 788, vol. 8, E. H. B., old edition, which is (5552). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 239 ZELIA— Red and white, calved Feb. 10, 1840. bred by W. C'Ooper, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Fashion by Young Don Jnan (3610). See Fashion, in this list. FLORIA— Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1840, bred by A. L. Maynard, got by Eclipse (9069). out of Beauty by Belvedere (1706)', &c., as in dam. WASHINGTON— Red and white, calved Feb. 22, 1840, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Carcase (3285), out of Miss Hopper by Duke (1933), &c., as in Miss Hopper. BUIJ.S. CARCASE (3285)— Red and white, calved in July, 1837, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Belshazzar (1704), out of Sultana by Sultan (1485)— Milta by Tarrare (1501)— Mida by Midas (435)— Wildair by grandson of Phenonionon (491) — by Punch (531). Sold to Ben j. Gratz, Lexington, Ky., for ^725. ^OLUS (2938)— Roan, calved in April, 1836, bred by Mr. Row- landson, got by Harlsey (2091), out of Tulip (bred by Mr. Charge) by Scipio (1421)— by Sir Stephen (1456). Sold to R. Fisher, Boyle Co., Ky., for 1610. ECLIPSE (9069)— Calved April 26, 1837, bred by Mr. Arrow- smith, got by Velocipede (5552), out of Strawberry by Young Monarch (2324)— by Matchem (2281)— by Cato (119)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— l)y Bolingbroke (86). Sold to R. Fisher, for $1,050. CROFTON (3523)— Roan, calved Feb. 26, 1839, bred by T. Crofton, got by Melmoth (2291), out of Miss Hopper by Duke (1933)— ])y Waverley (2819)— by Mr. Salvin's Son of St. Albans (2584) — bred by Mr. Salvin, of Buruhall, near Durham. Sold to J. Downing, for !f^l55. TRAJAN 1042— White, calved Dec. 21, 1839, bred by Leo Severs, England, begotten in England by Lord Lieutenant (4260), out of Lily by Count (3506)— by Linton (2207)— by Jupiter (343). Sold to J. Wlieland & Co., Bovle C^j., Kv., for $150. 240 wakfield's history NELSON 741— White, calved Dec. 4, 1839, bred by Mr. Whit- aker, gotten in England by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), out of Miss Luck by Allison's Roan Bull (2999) — White Daisy by Jerry (409T)— Old Daisy by Scoopes' Danby (3550)— Ash by Easby (232). This pedigree is entirely different after White Daisy by Jerry <4097) from the A. H. B. See E. H. B;, vol. 5, p. 073. Sold to P. Todhunter, for *f;iO. PRINCE ALBERT 2065— Roan, calved May 25, 1840, bred by J. E. Maynard, got by Carcase (3285), out of Victoria by Plenipo (4724), &c., as in Victoria, above. ADAM FERGUSSON. WoodMlU East Flamhoro, Wentwnrth Co., Canada. BEAUTY— Roan, calved in May, 1833, bred by James Crisp, Northumberland, got by Snowball (2647), dam by Lawnsleeves (305)— by Mason's Charles (127). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 210. AGRICOLA (1614) alias SIR WALTER— Roan, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Batchelor (1666), out of Sprightly by Barmptou (1677)— by Waverly (2819)— ])y son of Washington (674). Agricola was imported in 1836. Sold to Mr. McKnight, New York. See Albany Cultivator, vol. I, p. 44. CHERRY— Roan, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. James Crisp, Doddington, Northumberland, got by Dunston Castle, dam by a son of St. Al])ans (2584) — by St. Albans (2584) — by Lawnsleeves (365). C. H. B.. vol. 1. p. 239. MR. FERRIS. Westchester County, N. Y. OLD ELEANOR— See [37]. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 241 1821. FISH <& GRINNELL. ALBION— See 2318. MOSS ROSE. LOTHARIO — Begotten in England by Mr. Ashcroft's George, dam Moss Rose. FLORA— Sold to 0. H. Hall, Oct. 8, 1823. July, 1871. E. P. P. FOWLER. From Liveij)ool to Philadelphia. BEAUTI'FUL STAR— Roan heifer, calved April 11, 1869, bred by Mr. T. Stamper, Highfield House, Oswaldkirk, got by Stone- grave (27575), out of Bride in White by Wiske Boy (23234)— Beauty's Bride by Earl of Oxford (159G6)— Bridesmaid by Star 2d (13786)— Young Melody by Lord John (13199)— Melody by Roan Duke (8486)— byGanthorpe (2049)— Primrose by Herdsman (6076) —by Young Durham (8013)— by Young Warrior (8755)— by Wad- dingworth (668). Vol. 17, p. 12788, A. H. B. CLARET— Red heifer, calved April 18, 1869, bred by T. Stamper, Highfield House, Oswaldkirk, got by Grand Duke of Vladimir (28769), out of Caroline by Wathstone's Hero (25417)— Cygnet by Captain (14229)— Citron by Captain (14229)— Caroline by Chevy Chase (7897)— by Monarch (9407)— by Gainford (2044) —by Samson (5080)— by Young Sovereign (5286)— by White Walton. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 430, under dam. CHILTON 2d 22394— Red roan, calved Jan. 3, 1872, bred by T. Stamper, got by Chilton (25774), out of Claret by Grand Duke Vladimir (28769), &c., as in Claret, above. 30 242 Sept. 16, 1871. E. P. P. FOWLER. By Ship Hauza, to Baltimore. Sold at Public Sale, at Keameifs Stables, Centre Street, Nov. 21, 1871. They were consigned to Richards, Leftivich & Co. JANUAKY ROSE— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 1, 18G9, bred by A. Stubbs, Kirkbank, Richmond, Yorkshire, got by Lord Albert (20143), ont of Rose of Christmas by Royal Alfred (18748)— Rose Clarence by Fitz Clarence (14552) — Moss Rose by Gavazzi (11508) — Moss Rosebud by Wilberforce (9830) — Rosebud by 8wintonian (9702) — Ervinton Rose by Young Symmetry (7577) — by Shipton (2G20)— by Champion (7007)— by Snowball (7521). A. 11. B., vol. 14, p. 581. Sold to I. S. Tanner, Shepherdstown, W. Va., for|?205. FLEDA'S FAREWELL— Roan heifer, calved April 21, 1869, bred by W. R. Bromet, Cocksford, Tadcaster, got by Third Duke of Flanders (23750), out of Fleda by Cannonier (30049)— Duchess by Trumpeter (10977)— by Chevalier (10050)— by 'IMie Duke (9030) —by Villager (7683)— by Charles 12th (5853). Under dam, E. II. B., Vol. 20, ]). 521. Sold to Jno. W. Fairfax, Leesburg, Va., for 5|t?140. LADY FERN— Roan lieifer, calved Jan. 9, 1869, bred by J. Cooper, North Deighton, got by Fifth Duke of Wharfdale (26033), out of Maidenhair by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997)— Mary 2d by Marc Antony (14895)— My Mary by British Yeoman (8906)— Moretrix by Adrian (5714)— Twin Sister by Noble (4577)— by Young Don Juan (3610) — by Young Isaac (2154) — by Son of Young Dimple (6518) — by Young Dinijdo (971) — by Sno\vl)all (2648) — by Layton. Under dam, E. 11. B., vol. 19, p. 613, and A. II. B., vol. 12, p. 906. Sold to C. E. Coffin, Muirkirk, Md., for ^215, and by him to W. Warfield, Lexington, Ky., May 13, 1874, for 1700, and by him to Mr. Pierce, of Ohio, June, 1878. ROSE BLOOM— Roan heifer, calved March 1, 1870, got by Regal Rose [by Baron Booth (21212), dam Rose Louisa], out of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 243 Rose of Thornhill by Blencow (192(37)— Ruby by Gen. Murat (17955)— Mirror by Admiral Lyons (12352)— Profile by Benedict (7828)— Portrait by Patron (7315)— by Young Archibald (9902)— by Gainford (10254). Sold to 11. Zeller, Hagerstown, Md. ELEANOR 4tii— Roan heifer, calved March 10, 1869, bred by A. Stables, Kirkbank, Richmond, Yorkshire, got by Lord Albert (20143), out of Eleanor First Fruits by First Fruits (1G048)— Eleanor by Wilberforce (9830)— Ellen by Symmetry (11120)— by Champion (3323)— by Orpheus (473)— by Ambo (740). Sold to J. P. Thorn, Baltimore, and by him to 0. E. Coffin. ELEANOR 5th — Roan, calved Nov. 3, 1871 (aboard ship Ilauza), got by Prince Victor (29085), out of Eleanor 4th by Lord Albert (20143), &c., as above. Sold to C. E. Coffin. SYCAMORE 2d— Red heifer, calved Feb. 27, 1870, bred by C. 11. Dawson, Weston Hall, Olley, Yorkshire, got by Thorndale Lad (23000), out of Sycamore by Royal Oak (10373) — Solferino by Sir Edmuiul Lyons (15284) — Clairvoyant by Lamartihe (11000) — by Matchless (4428)— by True Blue (5522)— by Baronet (1088)— by Alamode (725)— by Mameluke (2257). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21; p. 000. Sold to J. W. Fairfax, Leesburg, Va., for $140. PRINCE VICTOR 20714 (29085)— Roan, calved April 3, 1868, bred by S. Wiley, Brandsby, got by Earl of Derby (21038), out of Princess Alexandra by Spearman (17025) — Miss Dundas by John Bull (11018)— Lady Zetland by Zetland (14047)— Ilermia by Buck- ingham (3239)— by Belshazzar (1704)— by a bull of Mr. Hunter's, of Gilling. Note. — Observe in A. H. B. the first sire and dam are left out. I am almost certain this bull was never .imported. Mr. Fowler brought over one of his calves, and the cow January Rose was in calf by him. VICTOR FIRST OF SPRINGDALE 21208— White, calved March 13, 1872, bred by A. Stables, got by Prince Victor (29085), 244 out of January Rose by Lord Albert (20143), &c., as in January Rose, above. LIVERPOOL 12304— Roan, bred by J. Birch, Ormskirk, Lan- cashire, got by Frederick (26193), out of Silent Thought by Hail- stone (21891) — Happiness by Yorkshire Boy (17261) — Joy by Man Friday (13290)— Marjoram by Wharfdale Burley (7713)— Lavender by Warrior (6660) — Lavinia by Emperor (1974) — by Wharton (2833)— by Sir William (2640)— by Young Rockingham (2549)— by Major (2255)— by Northumberland (461)— by Lame Bull (358). Dec. 1871. E. P. P. FOWLER. By Ship Massachusetts, from Liverpool ti> New Orleans. RIVENHALL ROSE— Red heifer, calved Dec. 29, 1869, bred by J. Upson, Rivenhall, Witham, got by Heir of Wetherby (26362), out of Lilac by Warwick (19120) — Lily of Windsor by Young Windsor (17241)— Mary Ann by His Highness (14708)— Martha by King John (14763)— Minstrel by Duke of Gloster (10153)— White Cow by Wroughton (8789). CHERRY BUD— Roan heifer, calved in May, 1869, bred by G. Yeats, Studley, Ripon, got by Emperor (23875), out of Cherry by Perseus (18533) — Cherry Cheeks by Cotherstone (6903) — Moss Rose by Lofty (2217)— by son of Lindrick (1170)— by Shylock (2622). Bought by G. W. Polk, of Tenn. FANNY 8th— Roan heifer, calved July 21, 1869, bred by J. Dickinson, Upholland, Wigan, got by Buxton (23497), out of Fanny 3d by Hyde Park (19994). Barren. Mr. G. W. Polk bought her of Mr. Fowler. RED BLOOM— Red heifer, calved Dec. 18, 1869, bred by J. Ronton, Farnly Otley, got by Lord St. Leonards (29202), out of Bess by Doctor Spence (19578) — Betsy by Eclipse (15976) — Straw- berry by Captain Riffa (12551) — Grizzle by Laudable (9282) — by The Stuart (7623)— by Conqueror (3463)— by Norfolk (2377)— IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 245 by Atlas (1660)— by Regent (2518)— by Meteor (432)— by Comet (155). Under dam, vol. 19, p. 409, E. H. B. Bought by G. W. Polk, of Tenn. OCEANA— Red, bred by Geo. Yates, Studley, Ripon, England, calved in April, 1872, got by Knight of Studley (29005), out of imp. Cherry Bud by Emperor (23875), &c., as in dam above, this volume. Recorded, S. H. R., vol. 6, p. 524. JAMES GARDHOUSE. VERBENA— Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1874, bred by John Outh- waite, Yorkshire, got by Royal Windsor (29890), out of Red Rose by Marquis (16829)— Grace 5th by Richard the Beau (24951)— Grace 3d by Knight of the Border (18161)— Baroness by Baron of Kidsdale (11156)^Duchess by Whitaker's Comet (8771)— Meg by Red Kirk (11975)— Grace by Playfellow (6297)— Meg by Tryo (6620)— by Memnon (4451)— by Duke of Wellington (231)— by a bull of Mr. Mason's. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 575. KNIGHT OF THE BORDER [5496]— Roan, calved June 1, 1877, bred by John Outhwaite, got by Count Grindelwand [2919], out of Verbena, above. July, 1868. J. L. GIBB. FLORA 4th— Roan, calved March 19, 1867, bred by W. S.^ Marr, Upper Mill, got by Rory O'More (24991), out of Flora 3d by Prince Arthur 2d (22571)— Flora by Vladimir (21043)— Matilda 5th by Cunningham (11323)— Matilda by Robin Hood (8494)— Ruby by Mahomed 2d (10492)— Daisy by Billy (3151)— Maria by Belshazzar (1703)— by Abraham (2905)— by Simon (5134). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 481. MARIGOLD 5th— Roan, calved April 13, 1867, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Young Pacha (20457), out of Marigold 2d by Lord 246 warmeld's history Lome (18258) — Marigold by llubens (13641) — Rose by Jemmy (11611)— Rosamond by Captain (8925)— Ruth by Duke of St. Albans (8001)— Ruby by Guy Fawkes (7062)— Little Red Rose by Pedestrian (7321)— by Lucian (2228)— by Raby (2473). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 636. 1874. J. L. GIBB. Quebec, Can. By Ship Vicksburg from Liverpool, Aug. 19, 1874. TOPSY— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 24, 1871, bred by Mr. J. Angus, Bearl, Northumberland, got by Roan Chief (27294), out of Cowslij) 2d by Merry Monarch (22349) — Cowslip by Gen. llavelock (16108)— Cherry by Brilliant (7851)— by Traveler (7646)— by Fitz Maurice (3807)— by Reformer (2502)— by Leopold (2199)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152)— by R. Col- ling's son of Hubback (319). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 463. BLOOMER 3d— Red and white lieifcr, calved May 12, 1873, bred by Mr. Browell, Apperby, Stocksiield, got by Whilf (30299), out of Bloomer by Kniglit of Broomley (24271) — Cherry Ripe by Knight of Richard Cu3ur-de-Lion (20080) — Cherry Blossom by Professor Miller (18649) — Cherry Blossom by The Templar 2d (13879) — Laurel Leaf by South Durham (9676) — Laurel Leaf by Pilot (7333)— by Young Sir Harry Liddle (7503)— by Mickley (7234)— by Adonis (2933)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— ])y llollon's Bull (313). Under dam, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 601. RUBINA — Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 10, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Whyte, Clinterty, Aberdeen, got by K. C. B. (26492), out of Violet by Prince of Warlaby (20593) — Ruby by Prince (Jeorge (13510)— Garnet by King Arthur (13110)— Georgiana by Silky Laddie (10947)— Rosy by Leonardo (7137)— Pansy by Musician (6234)— by Priam (2452). Under dam, E. II. B., vol. 20, p. 809. ROYAL PRINCESS— Roan heifer, calved May 5, 1871, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton, Wragby, Lincolnshire, got by The Stuart IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 247 (27050), out of Royal Butterfly by Royal Buckingham (20718)— Butterfly by Vanguard (10994)— Beautiful by The Squire (12217) —The Belle by Sugar Plum (10894)— Belladonna by Nero (4557)— Belvorinia by Thorpe (2757)— Belvideria by Beaufort (1690)— Duchess by Czar (945)— by Meteor (1220)— by Marske (418)— by Freeman (209)— by Danby (190)— by son of Danby (190)— by Dauby (190). Under dam E. 11. B.. vol. 20, p. 749. RENNIE aWYNNE 2d— Roan heifer, calved April 10, 1872, bred by Mr. II. Caddy, Roughholm, Bootle, Cumberland, got by Waterloo Cherry (27703), out of Rennie Clwynne by Sir Windsor (22927)— Rebecca Gwynne by Knight of Distington (18158)— Ruth Gwynne by Exquisite (14524) — Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2450)— by Wallace (5580)— by Marmion (400)- by Merlin (430)— by Layton (300)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252) —by ITubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (012)- by WaistelPs Bull (009)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull 020). Under dam, E. 11. B., vol. 21, p. 013. FLOWER GIRL— Roan, calved May 1, 1809, bred by James How, Huntingdon, got by Victorius (25378), out of British Girl by British Hope (21324)— Lenton Lass by Black Knight (19210)— Lenton Girl by Earl De Grey (15950) — Lancaster 18th by Prince Royal (7371)— Lancaster 12th by Will Honeycomb (5(500)— by George 3d (7038)— by Spectator (2688)— by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). A. II. B., vol. 13, p. 602. PRINCE VICTOR 30698— White, calved in August, 1874, bred by Dudding & Son, got by Robert Stephenson (32313), out of Royal Princess by The Stuart (27650), &c., as in dam. WATERCRESS GIRI^— Light roan, calved Aug. 5, 1873, bred by James How, got by Prince of the Realm (22627), out of Flower Girl by Victorious (25378), &c., as in Flower Girl. A. H.B., vol. 13, p. 972. 248 warfield's history 1837 or 1838. WILLIAM GIBBONS. Madison, New Jersey. MAJESTIC (2349)— Roan, calved in March, 1835, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Bachelor (1666), out of Lady by Young Wellington (282G)— by Wellington (2824)— Countess by Sir Charles (593)— Princess by St. Albans (1412)— by Cupid (177)— by Simon (590) — by Punch (531) — by Bolingbroke (86). 1833 or 1834. WILLIAM GIBBONS. VOLAGE- White, calved March 17, 1828, bred by Mr. Whit- aker, got by Charles (878), out of Seraphina by Wharfdale (1578) — Surprise (bred by Sir H. Carr Ibbetson) by Palemon (479) — Prodigy by Meteor (432) — Princess by Western Comet (689) — Selina by Eavorite (252) — Countess by Cupid (177) — Lady by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280)— Phoenix by Foljambe (263)— Favorite by Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Vol. 3, p. 685, E. II. B. ARTHUR (3040)— Roan, calved July 10, 1838, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by (niarles (1815), out of Voluna by Danby (3550) — Lingcropper by Remus (550) — Pink by Sedbury (1424) — Beauty by Hollings (2131) — Lingcropper by Marske (418) — descended from R. Alcock's Bull (19). May 28, 1881. R. GIBSON. IlderUm, Out., Can. By Steamship Quebec, from Liverpool. ROWEANT KIRKLEVINGTON 3d— Red heifer, calved Sept. 11, 1877, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Crawley, Sussex, got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Kirklevington Duchess 5th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Duchess of l^ent by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Ox- ford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirk- levington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS, 249 of Nortlnimerhind (1940)— by Belvedere (170G)— by Son of 2d Hubbiick (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the herd of Mr. Maynard. A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16669, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 514, under dam. VISCOUNTESS BARRINOTON 2d— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 15, 1877, bred by Earl of Latliom, Lathom, Lancashire, got by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), ont of Grand Duchess of Barrington 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724) — Grand Duchess of Barrington by Grand Duke 7th (19877)— Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by 3d Grand Duke (10182)— by Grand Turk (12767)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700) —by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (9946). A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16691, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 283, under dam. HAVERING WATERLOO 3d— Red heifer, calved March 31, 1879, bred by D. Mcintosh, Havering Park, got by Duke of Haver- ing (33664), out of Waterloo 38th by Grand Duke 11th (21849)— Waterloo 27th by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Waterloo 17th by Red Knight (11976)— Waterloo 14th by Grand Duke (10284)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17178, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 540, under dam. BARON KIRKLEVINGTON 42801— Red and white, calved Nov. 21, 1881, bred by Sir C. Lampson, calved the property of C. M. Lansing, Niagara, Ont., got by 2d Duke of Sussex (43130), out of Rowfant Kirklevington 3d by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), &c., as in dam, above. 31 250 waefield's history OXFORD DUKE 53045 (45297)— Roan bull, calved Nov. 2, 1879, bred by E. Holden, Laurel Mount, Shepley, Yorkshire, got by Duke of Tregunter 5th (33743), out of Lady of Oxford 17th by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391)— Lady of Oxford 13th by Baron of Oxford (23371)— 7th Lady of Oxford by Gth Duke of ^Phorndale (23794)— 2d Lady of Oxford by 2d Grand Duke (12901)— Oxford 13th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Oxford 5th by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). ROWFANT DUKE OF OXFORD 3d (47010)— Red and white, calved April 29, 1881, bred l)y Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by Grand Duke 36th (43306), out of 12th Maid of Oxford by Duke of Underley (33745)— loth Maid of Oxford by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958)— 3d Maid of Oxford by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184)— Oxford 20th by Marquis of Carrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short ^l^iil (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matcheui (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). VISCOUNTESS BARRINGTON THIRD alias GRAND bUCHF^SS OF BARRINGTON FIFTH— White, calved Sept. 9, 1881, bred by Wm. Ashburner, calved in Canada, got by Duke of Oxford 49th (41416), out of Viscountess Barrington 2d by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Ducliess of Barrington 2d by Duke of Brailes (23724), &c., as in Viscountess of Barrington 2d, in this list. A. H. B., vol. 23, p. 17860. GRAND DUCHESS BARRINGT0N4th— White heifer, calved Oct. 12, 1880, bred by W. Ashburner, Coneshead Grange, Ulvors- ton, Lancashire, got by Duke of Oxford 49th (41416), out of Vis- countess Barrington 2d, by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 770, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 283, under dam. DUCHESS WILD EYJ^.S— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 23, 1880, bred by Sir AV. H. Salt, Bart., New Parks, Leicester, got by Duke IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 251 of Oxford 47th (41414), out of Wild Duchess of Gloster by 3d Duke of Gloster (33653)— Wild Oxford by 2d Lord Oxford (20315) —Wild Eyes 24th by Lord Barrington 3d (16382)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)^Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3640)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray's BuU (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 564, under dam. /ROWFANT DUKE OF OXFORD 2d 42489 (43927)— Red bull, calved May 25, 1879, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by Duke of Underley 2d (36551), out of Rowfant Oxford by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 11th by Grand Duke 10th (21848) — Grand Duchess of Oxford 5th by Priam (18567)— Countess of Oxford by Earl of Warwick (11412)— Oxford 15th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (3646)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Nov., 1881. R. GIBSON, Of lldcrUni, Out., Canachi. WILD EYES LASSIE 3d— Roan cow, calved Oct. 16, 1877, bred by S. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by Duke of Ormskirk (36526), out of Wild Eyes Lassie 2d by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000) —Wild Eyes Lassie by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 5th (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberhind (3649)— Wild Eyes 8tli by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by llollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison^'s stock. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 771, and E. II. B., vol. 27, p. 398. 252 WILD EYES WINSOME 3d— Koaii heifer, calved Oct. 23, 1880, bred by J. Rigg, Wrotham Hill Park, Seveuoaks, Kent, got by Duke of Oxford 26th (33708), out of Lightburne Winsome by Duk,e of Oxford 23d (31001)— AViiisome 7th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Winsome by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (101G6)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (J706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 848, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p.. 557, under dam. WILD EYES WINSOME 4th— Roan, calved Jan. 26, 1881, bred by J. Rigg, got by Duke of Oxford 26th (33708), out of Wild Eyes Winsome by Duke of Underly 2d (36551) — Liglitburne Win- some by Duke of Oxford 23d (31001)— Winsome 7th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Winsome by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 560, and E. H. B., vol. 2i^, p. 561, under dam. LADY YORK AND OXFORD BATES— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 23, 1879, bred by Mrs. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, got by Baron Turncroft Oxford 4th (37822), out of Lady York and Thorndale Bates 2d by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Lady Tregunter Bates by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022) — Lady Thorndale Bates by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Lady Bates 3d Ijy 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Ljidy Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Barrington 8th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Lady Barrington 5th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by a son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1104, and E. II. B., vol. 28, p. 381. IMPOKTED SHOKT-HOKNS. 253 LADY YORK xVNI) THORNDALE BATES 6th — Roan heifer, calved Jan. 29, 1881, bred by Mrs. Pawcett, got by Grand Duke of Kirklevington -Ith (43317), out of Lady York and Thorn- dale Bates 3d by Duke of York 8th (28480)— Lady Tregunter Bates by Duke of Tregunter 2d (26022) — Lady Thorndale Bates by Duke of Thorndale 4th (17750)— Lady Bates 3d by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18618. LADY YORK AND THORNDALE BATES 7th — Roan heifer, calved Feb. 25, 1881, bred by Mrs. Fawcett, got by Grand Duke of Kirklevington 4th (43317), out of Lady York and Thorn- dale Bates 2d by Duke of York 8th (28480)— Lady Tregunter Bates by Duke of Tregunter 2d (26022) — Lady Thorndale Bates by Duke of I'horndale 4th (17750)— Lady Bates 3d by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Lady Bates by The Buck (13836), &c., as above. LALLY BARRINGTON 6th— Roan, calved April 10, 1881, bred by the Earl of Lathom, Lathom, Lancashire, got by 51st Duke of Oxford (43122), out of Lally Barrington 3d by Duke of Ormskirk (36526)— Lally 18th by 8th Duke of- Geneva (28390)— Lally 13th by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Lally 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) —Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— Olive Leaf by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 28, }). 469, under dam. ROWFANT KIRKLEVINGTON 5th— Red, calved Nov. 23, 1879, bred by Sir 0. M. Lampson, Bart., got by 2d Duke of Under- ley (36551), out of Kirklevington Duchess 5th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Kirkleving- ton 14th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool 254 wakfield's history (90t)l)— Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hub- back (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Er3^holme. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 514, under dam. KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 27th— Red, calved April 22, 1880, bred by Mrs. and Mr. M. Fawcett, got by Lally's Grand Duke (43449), out of Kirklevington Duchess 11th by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392)— Kirklevington Duchess 5th by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168), &c., as in dam, above. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 388, under dam. LADY ROTHESAY BATES— Roan cow, calved April 6, 1877, bred by Colonel Kingscote, Kingscote, got by Duke of Rothesay (36534)— Lady Bates 2d by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Lady Bates by Grand Duke 15th (21852)— Lily by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Levity by Lord Thoresby (14856)— Lily Bell by Horrox (11591)— Lily by 2d Duke of Oxford (9044) — Harmless by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Hawkey by Red Rose Bull (2493)— Hart by Rex (1375)— bought of Mr. Richardson, of Hart. A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18612, and E. H. B., vol. 25, p. 528, under dam. LADY HILr.HURST BATES 2d— Roan, calved July 29, 1878, bred by Colonel Kingscote, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Lady Bates 2d by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), cStc, as in dam, above. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 469. GRAND DUCHESS CAROLINA 3i)— Roan, calved Aug. 10, 1879, bred by J. Rigg, Wrotham Hill Park, got by Duke of Oxford 26th (33708), out of Grand Duchess Carolina 2d by Duke of Geneva 8th (28390)— Grand Duchess Carolina by Grand Duke lOtli (31848)— Carolina 5th by Duke of York 7th (17754)— Caroliiui 2d by Douglas (12714)— Caroline by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Careless by Short Tail (2621) — Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 255 Cniggs, from Mr. Bates' herd, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. A. II. B., vol. 25, p. 047, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. Oil, under dam. SURMISE DUCHESS 19th— Roan, calved Sept. 8, 1870, bred by Sir 0. M. Lampson, Bart., got by 2d Duke of Underley (30551), out of Fancy Duchess by 0th Duke of Geneva (28301) — Fancy 2d by Rowfant 1st (22707)— Fancy by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750) — Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (0045)- Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2021)— White Rose 1st by Gambier (2040)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2850)— by a bull owned by Messrs. Colling. A. n. B., vol. 24, p. 18700, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 514, under dam. SURMISE DUCHESS 25Tn— Roan, calved July 31, 1880, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by 2d Marquis of Oxford (37055), out of Fancy Duchess by 0th Duke of Geneva (28391), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18700, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 474, under dam. ROWFANT FANTAIL— Red cow, calved Nov. 18, 1878, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Baronet, got by 2d Duke of Underley (30551), out of Fantail Duchess 2d by 0th Duke of Geneva (28391) — Fantail by Barleycorn (17348) — Fair Helen by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Florella by 5th Duke of York (10108)— Flirt by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3049)— Flirt by Short Tail (2021)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1700)- Fletcher by Young Wynyard (2859)— de- scended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 514, under dam. ROWFANT PEACH 3d— Roan, calved June 15, 1879, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by 2d Duke of Underley (30551), out of Peach Blossom 12th by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Peach Blossom eth by Earl of Gloster (21644)— Peach Blossom 2d by 256 warpield's history Baron Westbury (19287)— Peach by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)_Place by Son of 2d Hnbback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 515, under dam. FAWSLEY DUCHESS- Eoan, calved Nov. 4, 1877, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by 2d Duke of Underley (36551), out of Oxford Fawsley 4th by Grand Duke of Kent (26289)— Ox- ford Fawsley 2d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Fawsley 3d by 4th Grand Duke (19874)— Coguilicot by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Blouzelind by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Candytuft by Janizary (8175)— Cathleen by Philip (1774)— Rosy by Rob Roy (557)— by Satellite (1420)— by Sir Dimple (594)— by Styford (629). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 514, under dam. WILD PRINCE 14th 49525 (45806)— Roan, calved March 13, 1880, bred by Earl of Lathom, got by 4th Baron of Oxford (25580), out of Lady Wild Eyes by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes22d by Wild Duke (]9U8)-^Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Buj-riugton 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northum- berland (1940)— AVild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison^s stock. July 20, 1882. RICHARD GIBSON. From Liverpool to Quebec. GRAND DUCHESS OF WATERLOO— Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1877, bred by H. Sharpley, Esq., got by (J rand Duke 27th (34067), out of Oxford's Waterloo 4th by Oxford's Baronet (29499)— Ox- ford's AVaterloo 3d by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Oxford's Waterloo by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Waterloo 19th by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— W^aterloo 15th by Matadore (11800)— Waterloo 12th by 3d IMPORTED SHORT-HORT^S. 257 Duke of York (J 0160)— Waterloo 4th by (Cleveland Lad (34o:)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (281(1) -^by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 24. p. 644, under dam. GRAND DUCHESS OF WATERLOO 2d— Red, calved May 3. 1881, bred by H. Sharpley, Esq., got by Grand Duke 33d (39946), out of Grand Duchess of Waterloo by Grand Duko 27th (34067)— Oxford's Waterloo 4th by Oxford's Baronet (29499), &c., as in dam, a])ove. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. n77, under dam. LADY YORK AND UNDERLEY BATES— Roan, calved Dec. 21, 1877, bred by Mrs. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, got by 2d Duke of Underley (36551), out of Lady York and Thorndale Bates 2d by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Lady ^Pregunter Bates by 2d Duke of Tre- gunter (26022)— Lady Thorndale Bates by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Bar- rington 8th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Lady Barrington 5th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Lady I^arrington 3d by ( leveland Lad (3407)— Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Tiady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 410. WILD DUCHESS OF GENEVA 3d— Red, calved Dec. 26, 1873, bred by E. H. Cheney, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), out of Wild Oxford by 2d Lord Oxford (20215)— Wild Eyes 24th by Lord Barrington 3d (16382)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duko of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberhind (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Nortluimberland (1940)— Wild Kyes2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by 32 258 wakpield's history Hollon's Bull (313) — by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. E. H. B., vol. 24, p. 304. LADY TURNCROFT WILD EYES 2d— Red, calved Nov. 29, 1879, bred by Rev. P. (Irabam, got l)y 7tb Duke of ^I^regunter (3S1 94) , out of Lady Asliton Wild Eyes 2d by Grand Duke of Tliorndalo 2d (31298)— Winsome 10th by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995)— Win- some 4th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Winsome by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d ])y I^elvedere (1706)— AVild Eyes by Emperor (1975), &c.. as above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 770, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 455, under dam. LADY TTTRNCROFT WILD EYES 3i)— Red, calved Nov. 14, 1880, bred by R. P. Graham, got by 7th Duke of Tregunter (38194), out of Lady Ashton Wild Eyes 2(1 by Grand Duke of ^rhorndale 2d (31298)— Winsome 10th by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 26. p. 11(14. and K. If. B.. vol. 28. p. 4()9, under dfim. W^ATERLOO 42i)— Red, calved July 17, 1875, bred by Lord Penrhyn, got by Grand Duke 20th (31281), out of Waterloo 31st by Grand Duke 11th (21849)— Waterloo 17th by Red Knight (11976) —Waterloo 14th by Grand Duke (10284)— AVaterloo 13tli by 3(1 }^nke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9tli by 2d (Cleveland Lad (3408) —Waterloo 6th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Waterloo 3(1 by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Watei'loo (2816)— by Water- loo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 371. MARCHIONESS OF TURNCROFI^— Red and white, calved July 19, 1876, bred by Rev. P. Graham, got by Baron 'I'urncroft Oxford 2d (33087), out of Marchioness 5th l)y 2d Duke of Colling- ham (23730)— Siddington ])y 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirk- levington 7th by Earl (jf Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 259 Earl of Liverpool (t)OOl)— Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northum- berhiiid (1U40)— Nell Gwyiine by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hnbback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryliolme. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 845, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 468, under dam. MAKCHI0NES8 OF TURN CROFT 2d— Red and white, calved May 13, 1878, bred by Rev. P. Graham, got by Baron Turn- croft Oxford 2d (33087), out of Marchioness 5th by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 770, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 410. SURMISE DUCHESS 16th— Roan, calved April 24, 1878, bred by Sir Curtis Lampson, got by 2d Duke of Underley (36551'), out of Fancy Duchess by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391) — Fancy 2d by Rowfant 1st (22767)— Fancy by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— White Rose 1st by Gambier (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— bulls owned by Messrs. Colling. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 771, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 514, under dam. WILD DUKE OF GENEVA 14tii (48946)— Red, calved April 20, 1882, bred by Sir W. G. Armstrong, Bart., Cragside, got by Duke of Oxford 48th (41415), out of Wild Duchess of Geneva 3d by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391), &c., as in dam, above. VISCOUNT OXFORD 6jh • (47216)— Roan, calved Sept. 18, 1880, bred by T. Holford, got by 4th Baron of Oxford (25580), out of Viscountess Oxford by 23d Grand Duke (34063) — Baroness of Ox- ford 3d by Duke of HilUiurst (28401)— Baroness of Oxford by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Lady Oxford 5th by 3d Duke of Thorndale (17749)— Lady Oxford 4th by 2d Grand Duke (12961) —Maid of Oxford by Lord of Eryhohne (12205)— Oxford 13th by 260 3d Duke of York (10100)— Oxford 5tli by Duke of IS'ortliumber- laiid (1U40)— Oxford ^d by Short Tail (2G21)— Miitchem Cow by Mtitchem (3281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). GRAND DUKE OF WATERLOO 51878 alias BLUCHEU— Red and white, calved Aug. 10, 1882, bred by J. P. Chirk, got by Lord Wildrake (45175), out of Waterloo 42d by Grand Duke 20th (31281)— Waterloo 31st by Grand Duke 11th (21849)— AVater- loo 17th by Red Knight (11976)— Waterloo 14th by Grand Duke (10284)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9tli by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 0th by Duke of Korth- umberland (1940)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). LADY ' BARRINGTON BATES— Red, calved Oct. 17, 1882, bred by Rev. P. Graham, got by Grand Duke 39th (43308), out of Lady York and Underley Bates by 2d Duke of Underley (.30551), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 770. MARQUIS OF KIRKLEVINCrrON 52004— Red and white, calved Nov. 28, 1882, bred by Rev. P. Graham, got by Grand Duke 39th (43308), out of Marchioness of Turncroft by J5aron Turncroft Oxford 2d (33087), &c., as in dam, above. SURMISE DUKE— White, calved Aug. 5, 1), out of Jenny Lind by Lord Marmiou (8244)— by Sir Launcelot (5166)— by Mowthorpe (2343). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 323. COBDEN 13670 [136]— Roan, calved. Jan. 15, 1859, bred by F. Jordan, got by Emperor [224J, out of Jenny Lind by Lord Gray (10446), Otc, as in Jenny Lind. above. 1837. GORDQN <& BRADFORD. Nd.shvUlc, Ten II. IIIBERNIA— \ol. 24, p. 18555. 1872. J. E. GOULD. E. Whitby, Can. RO.SE — Red and white, calved July 14, 1869, bred by Charles Hard wick, Somerset, got by James 1st (24202), out of Columbine by Young Duke of Cambridge (17708)— Cowslip by Rivers (10716) Raspberry by Mozart (11830)— Cherry by Sterling (5330)— Wide IMPORTED RHORT-HORKS. 263 2fl by Fi-ederick (3830)— Old Wide by Favorite (3708)— by 'Fathwell Stndley (5401)— by son of Wadding^^orth (668)— a Turnell cow. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 736. EMILY— Roan, calved June 15, 1870,, bred by Chas. Hardwick, Somerset, got by James 1st (24202), out of Columbine by Young Duke of Cambridge (17708)— Cowslip by Rivers (10716)— Raspberry by Mozart (11830)— Cherry by Sterling (5330)— Wide 2d by Freder- ick '(3836)— Old Wide by Favorite (3768)— by Tathwell Studloy (5401)— by a son of Waddingworth (668)— a Turnell cow. C. H. B., vol. 3. p. 453. EMILY 2d— Light roan, calved March 29, 1872, bred by C^nis. Hardwick, got by Lygon (24494), out of Emily by James 1st (24202), &c., as in Emily, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 453. VISCOr^N^T [4197]— Light roan, calved April 29, 1871, bred by Chas. Hardwick, got by Lygon (24494), out of Airy l)y liord Churchill (20161) — Anemone by Young Duke of Cambridge (1 7708) Airy by Si^uire Gwynne (12140) — Agnes by Fanatic (8054)— Al- mond by Splendid (5298)— Acorn by Cucumber (1891)— by Ed- mund (1954) — by Crazier (1085) — by Statesman (621) — by Plato (506) — by a grandson of Comet (155). May 6, (881. GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT COLLEGE, Of Guelph. Ont. SIR LEONARD (45613)— Roan, calved Jan. 4. 1880, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Sir Wilfrid (37484), out of Countess 3d by High Sheriff (26392)— C^ountess 2d by l^ritish (h-own (21322)— Countess by Sir Sam (25171)— Calendula by Majestic (13279)— Calomel by Hamlet (8126)- by Leonard (4210) —by Buckingham (3239)— descended from the stock of Sir M. \\ . Ridley, 15art. BETA— Red heifer, calved Sept. 9. 1879, bred by H. Aylmer, got by Sir WilTrid (:v:'484). out of iU'iiutifiil Star by Hyperion (34196)— 264 warfield's history Balmfiil by Iligli Slierilf (26392)— Banter by Cedric (19415)— Blithsome by 8ir James (16980)— Bashful by Prince Imperial (15095) —Blissful by Grand Duke (10284)— by Baron Warlaby (7813)— by l.eonard (4210)— by Young Matchem (2282)— by Jerry (4097)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— 1)y son of A]iollo (36). Aug. 31, 1876. GOVERNMENT FARM, Of Quelph. Canada. By Prof. Brnwtu per Ship Texas, from Liverpool. ROSALIE— Roan heifer, calved July 25, 1874, l>red by Iler Majesty the Queen, got by Prince Albert 2d (29588), out of Rose- bud by Rajah (22670)— Rosabella by Goldsmith (10277)— Darling by Goldsmith (10277)— by Brilliant (8905). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 531, under dam. DUKE OF BEDFORD (36466)— Roan, calved Jan. 6. 1875, bred by Mrs. Scott. Thorpe, Ohestsy, Surrey, got ])y King 'I'om (31521), out of Louise by Priiu-e Louis (22603)— Beauty by Fitz Clarence (14552)— Miss Folly by Prince Alfred (13494)— Folly by Paris (7314)— by Vanguard (5545)— by Robin Hood (4970)l-l)y Anticipation (750)— by Em])oror (]014)— by Young Windsoi- (69!») — l)y Windsor (698). MANRICO 2d— Red aiul white, calved Dec. 8, 1876, bi-ed by tlie Queen, got by Manrico (26805), out of Rosalie by Priiuje Albert 2d (29588), &c., as in dam, above. No. 1257 in Brit.-Am. H. B. Aug. 29, I87L GOVERNMENT STOCK FARM. CJiarlottetoirn, Priurc Edward Island. From Liverpool, by Ship Moncynash. GLEN SM AN (28716)— Roan, calved May 19, 1870, bred by Mr. R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got l)y Booth's Kinsman (25658), out of Rose Wi-eath by AVindsor (14013)— Rose Garland by Bai'o]) Warlaby (7813)— Garland by The Silky Laddie (10947)— Djimsel by Rouge (5012)— by Shipton (2620)— by Cleveland (3404)— by l)anl)y (3550)— ])y son of Studley Grange (1483)— by son of Duke (225)— by Midas (4470)— by Nailer (4528)— by Ambo (746). IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 265 Aug. 13, 1881. GOVERNMENT OF ST. JOHNS, Of Netr Bruns'irirk. Can. Per Steamer Seandinavuin. Aitg. 13, 18Si, from Liverpool, hy Simon Beattie. QUEEN ANNE— Roan, calved Feb. 14, 1880, bred by T. Mar- shall, Howes, Annan, Scotland, got by Condnctor (36389), oujb of Queen Adelaide by Prince Thomas (35183) — Queen Duchess by Marquis of Lome (29298)— Queen Beauty by Knight (24267)— Red Beauty by Knight of the Tyne (20087)— Beauty by Kossuth (11646) —by Sir William (8598)— by Roger (13615)— by Studley (628)— by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198) —by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). E. H. B., vol. 27. p. 506, under dam. Roan cow, calved Feb. 15. 1880, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, got by Prince Thomas (35183), out of Flora 3d by Bright Hope (28081)— Caroline by Comet (21449)— Flora 2d by Earl of Derby (12810)— Moss Rose by Prince Edward (6334)— by Traveler (6617) —by Charles (3343)— by Commodore (5874)— by Cupid (5900)— by Parson (1306)— by St. John (572)— by Pope (514)— by Chilton (136). Red and white calf, calved Jan. 5, 1880, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, got by Prince Thomas (35183), out of Queen Duchess by Marquis of Lome (29298)— Queen Beauty by Knight (24267), &c., as in Queen Anne, above. Roan heifer, calved March 24, 1880, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, got by Prince Thomas (35183), out of Cherry by Bright Hope (28081)— Cherry Duchess by Mr. Banting (22366)— Red Duchess 4th by Bumper (10005)— by Young Peer (13462)— by Duke of St. Albans (8001)— by Tyne (7653)— by Wolsington (2852)— by Brandon (3206) — by Young Sovereign — by Lonsdale (379) — by Irishman (329). STRAWBERRY DUCHESS 13th— Red and white, calved Jan. 4, 1880, bred by II. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Sir Simeon (42412), out of Strawberry Duchess 9th by Sir Wil- frid (37484)— Sti'awberry Duchess 4th by Royal Killerby (32396)— 33 966 WARFIELD's HISTOIU' strawberry Duchess by Prince Christian (•^2581) — Windsor Straw- berry })y Imperial Bucki-ngham (191)98) — by Duke of Kuckingbani (14428)— by Duke of (Cambridge (12747)— })y St. Thomas (2824) —by (^lorister (38T8)— l)y Tom Gwynne (5498)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— l)y Ossian (47M). K. H. B.. vol. 27. p. 287. under dam. FRANCESCO A— Red, calved Feb. 18, 1880. bred ])y 11. Aylmer, got ])y Sir Simeon (42412), out of Florence by Sir Wilfrid (37484) — Fleurette by Royal Prince (32404)— Fleur-de-lis by Duke of Ed- inburgh (23741)— Feodorovna by Zaratan (21134)— by Newton (20403)— by The Captain (5422)— by Hero (4021)— by Percy (1314) — by Lord Grantham's son of Comet (155). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 28f;. under dam. MUSKETEER— Roan l)ull, calved June 17, 1880. bred by A. & A. Mitchell, Alloa, got by Consort (42907), out of Wliite Rose by Foggathorpe 1st (31179)— Moss Rose by Colin (25795)— Melrose Bud by Southwick (15321) — Roan Moss Rose by White Prince (12298)— Young Moss Rose ])y Dusty Miller (9055)— by Earl of Durham (59(55)— by Newton (2367)— by Emperor (1974)— ])red from the Chilton stock. F. H. B., vol. 28, p. 510, under dam. BELLMAN- (44406)— Roan, calved July 9, 1880, bi-ed by A. cS: A. Mitchell, got by Aerolite (40955), out of l:Jellona by Brocklesby (3G288)— Bridal Belle by Foggathorpe 1st (31179)— Belle Isle by Island Chief (28898)— Belle by Red Friar (24913)— by Arthur Gwynne (19244)— by Cardigan (12556)— by Lord Fanny (13187) —by Noble (4578)— by Newton (2367)— by Baronet (1686)— by Reformer (2502)— by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— bv Surlv (2715)— by ^^-aveler (655)— by (\)lonel (152). TMPOKTED SITORT-HORNS. 267 June, 1872. W. R. GRACE. Of ()6 Pine Street, N. Y. By Ship Hutton, EMPEROK 26529— Roan, calved May 'iO, 1871, bred by W. D. Diiiilop, Monasterboice House, Ireland, got by (Jallant Knight (26214), out ofMissGwynne by Mountebank (24626)— Cherry by Downshire (15898)— Old Cherry by son of Eden (3689)— Fanny by Hopewell (10332)— by Albion (7771). OLC A — Mr. Grace writes me that he has mislaid the pedigree of Olga. GEO. GRANT. Kansaa. DIMPLE— lloan, calved April 30, 1874, bred by the Queen, got by Spring Buck (32585), out of Diadem by Prince of Saxe Coburg (20576)— Dignity by Prince Alfred (13494)— Dairymaid by Lord Foppington (10437)— Blossom by Goldsmith (10277)— Strawberry by Brilliant (8905). Nov. 15. I87L GEO. GRANT, Of Madam, Clay Co., Kansas. By Ship Spain. FAIRY VERITLAM— White heifer, calved March 17, 1871, bred by Mrs. Strickland, Cokethorpe Park, Oxon., ^ot by Earl of Verulam (26077), out of Fairy Oxford by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633)— Fairy Princess by Hayman (16245)— Fairy by St. Patrick (12038)— Fancy by The Star (10951)— Flora by The Admiral (8806) —by Bright (1739)— by Young Lancaster (1162)— by Alfred (23) —by Windsor (698)— by Cupid (177)— by Barker's Bull of Layton (53). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 511, under dam. NIOBE 8TH— Red heifer, calved Dec. 15, 1870, bred by Mrs. Strickland, got by Earl of Virulam (26077), out of Niobe 4th by Oxartes (22471)— Niobe by Sultan (15358)— Brownie by Neptune (11847)— Crisis by Essex Hero (9096)— Countess by Malbro 268 warfield's htstoky (3645)— Fairy by Harlequin (3975)— by Captain (3273)— by Em- peror (11)74)— by Snowball (2047)— by a son of St. Albans (2584) — by son of Lawnsleeves (365) — by Barnaby (1678). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 673, under dam. LORD OF THE MANOR 17583 (31727)— Roan, calved April 10, 1871, bred by Mrs. Strickland, got by Earl of Verulam (26077), out of Red Rose 2d by Oxartes (22471)— Star by Walter (21058)— Rosa by Tomboy (19005)— Quickly by Neptune (11847)— by Essex Hero (9096)— by Duke of Malbro (3645)— by Harlequin (3975)— by Captain (3273)— by Emperor (1974)— by Snowball (2647)— by son of St. Albans (2584) — by Col. Trotters son of Lawnsleeves (365) —by Barnaby (1678). GOGGLES 17193— Red Inill, calved Nov. 28, 1871, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Western Park, Shipston-on-Stour, got by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995). out of Guilia by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Gionetta by Sarawak (15238) — Smock Frock by Earl of Dublin (10178)— London Pride by Janizary (8175)— by Snowball (8602)— by Caliph (1774)— by Norman (2379)— by White Boy (1580)— by Wyville's Bull— a bull bred by Mr. Charge. Imported 1872. May 24, 1876. GEO. GRANT. Of VicUtria, Ellis Co., Kansas. Froin London. COLD CREAM 10th— Red and white heifer, calved May 7, 1874, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, got by King Tom (31521), out of Cold Cream 5th by England's Glory (23889)— Comely by Buckingham (17471)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774)— Quickly by Swing (2721)— Alaniode by Argus (759) —Valuable by Defender (194)— by Petrarch (488)— by brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12019. IMPORTED SHORT-HORT^S. 269 ROYAL WINDSOR 27810— Red and white bull, calved January 7, 1877, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, calved G. Grant's, got by Manrico (2G805), out of Cold Cream lOth by King Tom (31521), &c., as above. ROSE LEAF— Red and white heifer, calved June 18, 1874, bred by the Queen, got by King Tom (31521), out of Rosy by England's Glory (23889)— Rosabella by Prince Louis (22603)— Red Rose by Buckingham (17474)— Rosabella by Goldsmith (10277)— Darling by Goldsmith (10277)— Darling by Brilliant (8905). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12331, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 531, under dam. MATILDA— Roan heifer, calved July 10, 1874, bred by the Queen, got by Prince Albert 2d (29588), out of Mary by Prince Louis (22603) — Evening Star by Sir Ronald (13747) — Sunrise by Lord of the Isles (9325)— Tidy by Chain Bull. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12216. PEERESS— Red and white heifer, calved Aug. 10, 1875, bred by the Queen, got by King Tom (31521), out of Pastime by My Lord of Dublin (29411)— Pink by Prince Louis (22603)— Pretty Lass by Clansman (17569)— Pretty Maid by Prince Albert (13494)— Pine- apple by Sir Ronald (13747)— Pink by Lord of the Isles (9325). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12278. ROYAL GEORGE 27797— Red and white, calved Oct. 25, 1873, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Consort's Shaw Farm, Windsor, got by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Cold Cream 4th by England's Glory (23889)— Comely by Bucking*iam (17471)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— by Little John (4232)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Caliph (1774)— by Swing (2721)— by Argus (759)— by Defender (194)— by Petrarch (488)— by l)rother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 530, under dam. ROSA — Roan lieifer, calved Jan. 21, 1874, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, Prince Consort's Shaw Farm, Windsor, got by Prince 270 wakfield's itt-stoky Albert 2(1 (2!)688), out of Emily by Prince Arthur (^Oooo)— Eleanor by Friar John (12905)— Ellanna by Count (l()07l>)— ^^^leanor by son of Boz (3201) — White Rose by AVaverley (5013) — llosa by Cedric (;3311)— by Fishers son of Favorite (1028)— by CVelebs (897)— by Kose^s Bull (5009)— by Fisher's Bull (3799). A. H. B., vol. 16, p.- 12321, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 530. under dam. MiNNETTE— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 2(;'., 1874, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, got by King Tom (31521), out of Milkmaid by Prince of 8axe Ooburg (20576) — Myrtle by Bucking- ham (17471)— Minnette by Lord Foppington (10437)— Maggy by Goldsmith (10277). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 531, under dam, and A. 11. B., vol. 16, p. 12234. C0U^^TES8 2d— Koan heifer, calved Feb. 13, 1874, l)red by Her Majesty the Queen, got by Prince Albert 2d (29588), out of Cecilia by England's (Jlory (23881>) — ^Countess by Lord Hopewell (18239)— Calceolarie by Prince Alfred (13494)— Cowslip by Brill- iant (8905) — Lily by Sam Slick. A. H. B., vol 16, p. 12021. MANRIOO 2i) 30265— Red, calved Jan. 4, 1817, bred by Her Majesty the Queen (calved in America)^ got by Manrico (26805), out of Countess 2d by Prince Albert 2d (29588), tVc, as above. 18^8. MR. GREEN New York. BANQUO 1226. May, 1884. GREEN BROS. Inniskij), Ont(irlo, Cttnadd. By Ship Mi8swsippl,from Livcrpofd to Quebec. ENTERPRISE— Red roan bull, calved March 18, 1883, bred by Mr. Duthie, CoUynie. Scotland, got by Ventriloquist (44180), out of Fjvangeline 2d by Dipthong (17681) — Evangeline l)y Hotspur IMPOBTEB SHORT-HORNS. 271 (2i'.)(;u)_Pride of the Dairy by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bashful by Youn.ii- Ury (10984)— Likely by 'I'he Pasha (7012)— Helen by 2(1 Duke of Northumborland (3f)46) — M^ry Ann by Sillei'y (5131) — Miss Gibson by Garlotou (843)— Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). EARL OF HOSEBERR Y— Roan, calved May 25. 1883, bred by Mr. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Athabasca (47359)— Emma 2d by riolden Eagle (2r)2(;7)— Emma by Leopold (24320)— Victoria by Sir 'rhomas Stanley (2517^.)- Duchess by Marquis of Bute (1833^;) —by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (r,534)_bv Miracle (2320)— by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by (^ato (119)- by Whitworth (695)— bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. MONOGRAM 20th— Red and white, calved March 6, 1882, bred by Alexander Scott, Towie Barclay, Scotland, got by Viennji (45731), out of Monogram 14th by Prince Fredei'ick (42178)— Monogram 5th (vol. 28, p. 571. E.) by Lord Warden (31766)— Monogram 2d by Gen. Grant (36683) — Monogram by Sii* Charles 2d (20812)— Lass o' Doune by Inheritor (13065)— Fortuneteller })y Dannecker (7949)— Enchantress by Fry (17157)— by Heriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Juniper (1144). PROUD DUCHESS- Red, calved Dec. 1, 1881, bred by A. E. Hector, Collyhill, Scotland, got by Norman (45272), out of Venus 2d (imported by Mr. J. J. Hill, of Minn.) by British Champitm (36273) — A'enus l)y Chronometer (33385) — Verbena 2d by Rajah (32232) — N'erbena ])y Goldou Eagle. (26267) — Violet by Sir Thomas Stanley (25176)— Duchess by Marquis of Bute (13336)— Duchess by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2320)— by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695)— bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. THE BELLE— Red. calved Dec. 5. 1882. bred l)y Mr. .bnnos VV'illiaiusoii. i*ildoulsie. ScotJjmd. got by Foi'wjii'd (46375). out of Menai by C^omct (41250)— Countess Cavour (vol. 27, p. 627. E.) 272 wakfield'r history by Oregon (34953)— Eglantine by Nobility (34912)— Bella 2d by Earl Russell (33826)— Missie by Banker (19255)— Bella by Coeur- (le-Lion 2d (17581) — Jessica by California (12628) — Kate by Bang (17346)_Rosa by Duplicate Duke (6956)— Lady by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Miss Ramden by Duke (3630)— l)y Reveller (2528) —by Grazier (1085)— by Cato (857)— by Atlas (42)— by Favorite (252)— by Robinson's Bull (4974)— by Badswortli (47). VAIX MAID— Deep roan, calved Feb. 15, 1881, bred by A. F. Nares, Bracktor, Old Meldrum, Scotland, got by Edgar (41501). out of Vanity by Earl of Granville (28491) — Victoria 3d by Golden F]agle (26267)— Victoria 2d by Leopold (24328)— Victoria by Sir Thomas Stanley (25176)— I)uchess by Marquis of Bute (18336)— by Count Fairfax (8991), &c., as in Vain Duchess, of importation 1883. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 521. under dam. April 21, 1883. FRANCIS GREEN, Of Inniakip, Out. From Liverpool, by Stefinier Texan, to Qucher-. CLEMA^ITS— Red heifer, calved Sept. 19, 1881, bred l)y A. Cruickshank, got by Perfection (37185), out of Custard by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864) — Princess Royal by Champion of F^ngland (17526)— Carmine by The Czar (20947)— C-ressida by John Bull (11618)— Clipper by Billy (3151)— by Danby (6918)— by Tip Top (7r)33)— bred by Mr. Mason. Vol. 29, p. 401, v.. H. B., under dam. ELIZA 9th— Roan, calved Dec. 24, 1880, bred by W. Duthie, got by Border Chief (37874), out of Eliza 7th by Forth 3d (26185) —Eliza 5th by Dipthong 3d (21547)— Emily by Paddy (22483)— Eliza 3d l)y Victor Emanuel (15410) — Eliza Groat by John o' (h'oat (13090)— Eliza 2d by Lord March (10457)— F]liza Jane by Prince Albert (4301)— Eliza by Election (1921)— Miss Ada by Navarino (2352) — by Top Knot (1537) — by Cobourg (1841). IMPORTED RHOHT-HORNS. 273 (U)riN^I^ESS 5Tir— Roan calved Feb. 17, 18H1, bred by W. Diithie. got by Star of the Border (44093), out of Countess 4th by (lladstoue (31203)— Countess 2d by Heir of P]ngland (24122)— Countess by Marmaduke (20284)— Fragrant by John Bull (11618) —by Matadore (11800)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3040)- by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). JEWEL 8th— Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1880, bred by W. Duthie, got by Mountain Chief (38767), out of Jewel 7th by Blucher (33170)— Jewel 4th by Lord Granville (24395)— Jewel 2d by Royal Standard (22803) — Jewel by Lord Ythan (14858)— Wee 'riling by Young Van Dunck (19044)— by Burleigh (17474)— by 'Phe Pasha (7612)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). FRANCIS GREEN. CLARA 40th— Red, calved Feb. 5, 1882, bred- by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, I'arves, Scotland, got by Bentick (42787), out of Clara 35th by Royal Prince (35398)— Clara 24th by Prince Louis (27158) —Clara 14th by Lord of Lorn (18258)— by Speculator (13775)— by Young Grand Duke (12964)— by Punch (16774)— by The Pasha (7(n2)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Reformer (2509)— l)y Raby (2474) —by Nesham (1261)— by Marske (418). E. 11. ]^., vol. 29, p. 580, under dam. EARL OF MARR (47815)— Roan, calved May 2, 1881, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Benti(?k (42787), out of Emma 2d by Golden Eagle (26267)— Emma l)y Leopold (24328)— Victoria by Sir lliomas Stanley (25176)— Duchess by Marquis of Bute (18336) — by (-ount Fairfax (S!)91)— by South Durluim (9676)— by ITptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2:i20)— by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119). 34 274 wakfield's history PATCHOl'LI— Roan, calved Dec. 1, 1883, bred by AV. S. Marr, got by Athabasca (47359), out of Princess Royal 23d by Bentick (42787), &c., as in dam, in this list. JEWESS— Red and white, calved Aug. 29, 1883, bred by Wm. Duthie, got by Cayhnrst (47560), out of Jewel 8th, above. VAIN DUCHESS— Red, calved April 13, 1882, bred by A. F. Nares, Brucktor, Old Meldrum, Scotland, got by Edgar (41501). out of Vanity by Earl (Iranville (28491)— Victoria 3d by (lolden Eagle (202G7)— Victoria 2d by Leopold (24328)— Victoria by Sir Thomas Stanley (25170)— Duchess by Marquis of Bute (18330)- by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (907G)— ^)y I'ptakei- (5534)_by Miracle (2320)— by Matchem (2280)— l)y Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119). PRINCESS ROYAL 23d— Roan, calved April 19, 1881. ])i-ed by W. S. Marr, got by Bentick (42787), out of Princess Royal 19tli by The Baron (35738)— Princess Royal 15th by Heir of Fnglish- man (24122)— Princess Royal 10th by Humboldt (31398)— Princess Royal 8th by Bosquet (14183) — Princess Royal 3d })y (Irand Duke (10284)— by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— by Leander (4199)— by son of Matchem (2281) — by Sir Henry (14440) — by Young Neswick (1208) — by son of Rose's Ived Bull (5009) — bv Soutlianipton — ])v Priuce (521). MYSIE 34TTI— Red, calved April 27, 1881, bred by A. Scott, Towie Barclay, Turniff, Scotland, got l)y Lord Clemsford (45073), out of Mysie 29th by Roseberry (39010)— Mysie 28th by Royal rieir (35376)— Mysie 24th by Vanguard (30204)— Mysie 23(1 l)y Matchless (29345)— Mysie 22d by (Cherry Duke 2d (14205)— Mysie 8th by Young Grand Duke (12904)— Mysie 2d by ^Phe Hero (10934) —Mysie by Kelly 2d (9205)— Molly by The Pasha (7012)— l)y Ma- homed (6170)- by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diauioud (205)— by Diamond (205). Note — Mysie 84th dropped, Nov. 7, IHSo, a roan cow calf, by Atliabasca (47359), wliich died. TMPOKTED SlT()KT-TK)RlSrS. 275 April 21, (875. B. B. GROOM & SON, Per the Nova Scotm,frora Liver itfxd, April 6, 1875, landing at Baltrmmr, Md.. Aiyril 21, 1875; arrived in Kentucky, April 29, 1875. EIGHTH MAID OF OXFORD— Roan, calved Dec. 9, 1870, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Sons, Orpines, Wateringbury, got by Lord of Oxford ^d (20215), out of 7th Maid of Oxford by 7tli Duke of Airdrie (23718)— Maid of Oxford 2d by Grand Duke of Oxford (1(3184)— Oxford 20th by Marquis of Oarrabas (11789)— Ox- ford 5th by J)uke of Northumberhmd (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2()21)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Recorded under her dam, vol. 19, p. 615, E. H. B., and vol. 15. p. 732, A. H. B. FIDGET 7T1I— Red and white cow, calved Dec. 24, 1860, bred by Mr. A. Dugdale, Rose Hill, Burnley, Lancashire, got by 3d Lord Oxford (22200), out of Fidget 6th by 7th Duke of York (17754)_Fidget 4th by 4th Duke of Oxford (10167)— Fidget 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Fidget by Earl of Darlington (ll)45)_Fietcher by son of Y^oung Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 553, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 520. FENNEL DUCHESS 5Tn— Roan cow, calved Jan. 1, 1870, bred by Mr. T. Atherton, Chapel House, got by 13th Duke of Ox- ford (21604), out of Fennel 3d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Fenned by 5th Duke of York (10168)— Filbert by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 537, and S. II. R., vol. 6, p. 422. Sold Oct. 14, 1875, at public sale, to B. Sumner, of Woodstock, Conn., for !|51.00. Again sold by assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 24, 1878, for mOM. ANNETTE OF KNIGHTLY HALI^Roan heifer, calved July 10, 1874, bred by Mr. ({. Allan, Knightly Hall, got by 2d Duke 276 VN'AK field's history of Wetherby (21018), out of Annette 4th by 8tli Duke of York (•-^8480)— Annette 3d by Lord Oxford 3d (20215)— Annette by Homix (11591)— Active by 4th Duke of York (10107)— Actress by Duke of Northumberland (1040)— Anna by Short Tail (2021)— Acornb by Belvedere (1700) — a cow of Mr. Bates', Kirkk;vington. A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17032. Sold at Vine wood by public sale, Oct. 14, 1875, to I. Oonard,.Des Moines, Iowa, for |;2,000.00. (JEORGIE HILLHURST 4Tir— Red and white, calved Nov. 10, 1875, bred by Ool. Kingscote, Walton, Under Edge, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Georgia Walton by 2d Earl of Walton (19072)— Georgiana 0th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Geor- giana 5th by Gen. Canrobert (12920) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227)— by Lord Geo. Bentick (10444)— by King Pippin (14709) —by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 575, and S. 11. R., vol. 0, p. 432, under dam. This heifer was calved at Vinewood after the arrival of her dam, and was sold to C. 0. Chiles, of Independence, Mo., by B. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878, for $525.00. RUBY DUCHESS- Roan heifer, calved April 2, 1872, bred by the Rev. E. C. Perry, Leighford Vicarage, Stafford, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Ruby 3d by Lord Ravenswood (20222) — Ruby by Baron Bickerstaff (15011) — Raspberry by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Nightshade by Earl Derby (10177)— bred from the stock of Mr. Neason. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 10179. Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at Vinewood, at public sale, to I. R. Craig, Canada, for 11,225. COSSET— Red heifer, calved Oct. 18, 1872, bred by Col. Kings- cote, Kingscote, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Comfort by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727)— Clove by Duke of Wharfdale (19048)— Cinnamon by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Cleveland Ijy Tinsel (13886)— by Earl of Beverly (3074)— by Shipton Bridge Bull (5203)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945). Recorded, vol. 20, p. 455, E. II. B., under dam. Sold at public sale, Oct. 14, 1875, by B. B. Groom, at Vinewood, under name of Duchess of Clarence, to I. H. Spears & Sons, Tallula, 111., for $4,100. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 277 LADY niLDA 5111— Koan heifor, calved Feb. 17, 1874, bred by Mr. (J. Allen, Knightly Hall, got by '>(\ Duke of Wetlierby (21018), out of Lady Hilda by Lord Liverpool (221G7) — Lady Hud- son by 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387) — ^^Hudsou 3d by Geu. Caurobert ( 1 2U27)— Hudson 2d by Horrox (11591)— Hudson by The Duke (8070). llecorded, A. II. 13., vol, 15, p. 512,. as Duchess Hudson. Sold by assignees of B. B. Groom June 10 and 20, 1878, at public auc- tion, to Thos. Grundy, Washington Co., Ky., for 1300. GEORGIE HILLHUR8T 3d— Ked and white heifer, calved March 22, 1873, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, got by Duke of Hill hurst (28401), out of Georgie Walton by 2d Earl of Walton (19072)— Georgiana 0th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Georgi- ana 5th by Gen. Canrobert (12920) — Georgiana by 8t. Bernard (15227)— by Lord Geo. Bentinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14709) — by Earl Stanhope (5900). Recorded. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 1288. Sold at public sale at Vinewood, Oct. 14, 1875, and bought by Av6ry & Murphy, Detroit, Mich., for $2,800. DUCHESS OF KENT— Red cow, calved Sept. 29, 1800, bred by Mr. A. Dugdale, Rose Hill, Burnley, Lancashire, got by Lord Liverpool (22108), out of Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Ox- ford (11387)— Kirklevington 7tli by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirk- levington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9001) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1700) — by a son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 485, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 028, as Kirklevington Duchess of Kent. Sold to A. L. Hamilton, June 19, 1878. KlRKLEVLNXiTON ROSE— Red cow. calved Sept. 23, 1807, ))red by Mr. A. Dugdale, Rosehill, Burnley, Lancashire, got by Earl of (Jloster (21044), out of Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of 278 , vvaefielb's iiistoky Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7tli by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirkleviiigton 4th by Earl of Liverpool (IJOGl)— Kirklevingtou 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1700)— by sou of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. llecorded, E. H. B., vol. 11), p. 507, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. (i:^!). Sold, June 19 and 20, 1878, by assignees of B. B. (Iroom, at Vinv.- wood, at public sale, to C. L. & B. Cannon, Burlington, Vt., foi- *750. GEOUGIANx\ 13tu— Koan cow, calved April 10, 1809, bred by Mr. T. Bell, of Brockton Hall, got by Prince of Oxford (27172), out of (leorgiana 8th by 2d Baron Westbury (19288) — Georgiaua 5th by (len. Oanrobert (12920)— Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227) —by Lord Geo. Bentick (10441:)— by King Pippin (14709)— by Eai-l Stanhope (5900). Kecorded, E. II. B., vol. 20, p. 538, and A. 11. B., vol. 15, ]). 570. Sold at sale of assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 aiul 20, 1878, to C. D. Chenault, Richmond, Ky., for |>300. GEORGIANA 15tji— Roan cow, calved Aug. 14, 1871, l)red by Mr. T. Bell, of Brockton Hjill, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of (Jeorgiana 12th by Earl of Gloster (21044) — Georgiana 7th by 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387) — (ieorgiana 5th by Gen. Oanrobert (12920)— Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227)— by Lord Geo. Ben- tinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14709)— by Earl Stanhope (5900). Recorded, A. II. B., vol. 15, p. 570. See E^ II. B., vol. 22, p. 293; Georgiana 15th is there recorded as bred by G. Allen, got by 13th Duke of Oxford, out of Georgiana 12th, and calved May 11, 1873. Also see vol. 21, p. 537. Did Georgiana 12th have two lieifers named Georgiana 15th ? GEORGIE WALTON— Red and white cow, calved March 17, 1808, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by 2d Earl of Walton (19072), out of Georgiana 0th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Georgiana 5tli by (Jen. Oanrobert (12920)— IMFOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 279 (Jeorgiiina by St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord (reo. Beiitiiick (10444) —by King Pippin (14709)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 575, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 538. and S. H. R., vol. 6, p. 431. Sold byB. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878, at Vinewood, at public sale, and l)ought by T. V. Anderson, of Mt. Sterling, Ky., for |?190. KlinvLEVlNGTON LADY 4th— Roan heifer, calved April 19, 1874, bred by Mr. G. Allen, Knightly Hall, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Ox- ford (21651)— Kirklevington Lady by Grand Duke of York (12966) — Kirklevington 9th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liver- pool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell Gwynne by l^elvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Jlubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, A. 11. B., vol. 15, p. 628. Sold to Avery & Murphy. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 14, 1875, at public sale, for 12,550. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 5th— Roan heifer, calved April 9, 1874, bred by Mr. G. Allen, Knightly Hall, got by 2d Duke of Wetherhy (21618), out of Lady Kirklevington 3d by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford (21615) — Kirklevington I^ady by Grand Duke of York (12966) — Kirk- levington 9th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Karl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell (J Wynne by Belvedt^re (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2(1 IFul*- back (2683) — a Cow of Mr. ]>ates'. descended from the stock of Mi'. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 629. Sold. Oct. 14, 1875, at N'inewood. at public sale, to Avery «!t ^rur[)]iy, Deti'oit, .Xricii.. for *3,90(). DUGHESS OF rNDER-EDOE— Wliite, calved Aug. :',, 1875. bred by Ool. Kiiigscote.- Wottoii-undcr-Kdge. got by Duke of Wortley (33159), out of Oeorgiana i5th by 8th Duke of York 280 waefield's histoky (2848U)— (leorgiana l-^tli by Earl of Gloster (21044)— Ueorgiana 7tli by 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387) — Georgiana 5tli by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — (reorgiana by St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord George Ben- tinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanliope (5966). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. lo, p. 575, as Georgia Kingscote. 'I'll is heifer was calved after her dam reached Kentucky, and was sold at public sale at Vinewood, Oct. 14, 1875, to Mr. Emory i'ohh, of Kankakee, 111., for J|700. KIRKLEVIKGTON DUCHESS OF IIORTON— Roan, calved Oct. 31, 1875, bred by R. P. Davies, Horton Park, got by Oxford King (34997), out of Kirklevington Duchess of Kent by Lord Liver- pool (22168)— Kirklevington 14th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) —Kirklevington 7tli by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northumber- hmd (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Ilubbach (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, A. IT. B., vol. 25, p. 455. This heifer was begotten in Kngland, and calved at V'inewood, after the arrival tliere of her dam. Sold by B. B. Groon^'s assignees, June 19 and 20. 1878. to Bow Vnvk Association, of Canada, for |2,8O0. WILD ROSE 4Tir— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 28, 1875, bred by R. P. Davies, Horton, got by (}rand Duke of Clarence (28750), out of Wild Flower Duchess by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— VVildair 3d by Marquis of Speke (13307)— Wildair by Santiago (13047)— Wild Fyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by P.elvedere (1706)— by Kmperor (1075)— by Wonderful (700)— by (Jlevelaiul (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Ilollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12389, as the property of Bow i*ark Association, Brantford, (-an., under the name of Wild Eyes oT Horton Park, Sold. Oct. 14, 1875, at })u1)li(' auction, at \'ine- wood, Ky., to W. N. Otfutt, of GeorgetoAvn, Ky., for .|?1,700. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 281 ROGUISH EYES— Red and white cow, calved June 28, 1864, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by Earl of Walton (19072), out of Red Eyes by Duke of Richmond (7906)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Em- peror (19-75)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 693, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 872. Sold by assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 20, 1878, at public sale, and bought by L. G. B. Cannon, of Burlington, Vt., for 11,000. POPPY JUICE— Roan cow, calved in N^ovember, 1864, bred by C'ol. Kingscote, Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by 2d Earl of Walton (19672), out of Peach by General Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d (Ueveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Dar- lington (1945)— Place by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates', Kirklevington. , Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 694, and A. XL B., vol. 15, p. 826. Sold for 135, at sale of assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 20, 1878. GEORGIANA 8th— Red and white cow, calved July 24, 1865, l)red by Mr. T. Bell, Brockton Hall, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, got by 2d Baron Westbury (19288), out of Georgiana 5th by General Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord (Jeorge Bontinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl of Stanliope (5966). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 507, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 575. Sold by assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 20, 1878, at Vinewood, at public auction, and bought by C. C. Chiles, of Independence, Mo., for |60. (}EORG.TANA 10th— Red and white cow. calved March 11, 1868, bred by Mr. T. Bell, got by Northern Light (26984), out of Georgiana 7th by 4tli Duke of Oxford (11387) — Georgiana 5tli by 35 282 warfield's tttstory (reii. Canr()})ert (12920) — Georgiaiui by St. Bernard (1522T) — by Lord (Jeorge Beiitiiiok (10444)— by King Pippin (u:r>9)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 537; A. H. B., vol. 15. p. 575,. and S. IT. R., vol. 6, p. 431. Sold at assignee's sale of B. B. Groom, Jnne 19 and 20, 1878. to V. J. Spillman, Bryantsville, Ky.. for *180. BLOSSOM 4th— Red heifer, calved March 10, 1874. l)r('(l by Mr. G. Allen, Knightly Hall, got by 2d Dnke of Wetherby (21(;i8). ont of Blossom by 8th Duke of York (28480) — Peacb Blossom 2d by Baron Westbury (19287)— Peach by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Dar- lington (1945)— by Son of 2d r{u])back (2083)— a cow of Mr. P)atcs'. of Kirklevington. Sold i)iiblicly to J. (^ollard, Dos Moii\es. Iowa. Oct. 14. 1875, under the name of Duchess of Knightly Hall, for *1.850. PRIGGISH— Red heifer, calved March 14, 1874. ])red by Col. Kingscote, got by Duke of Hillhurst (2S401), out of Pride by Northern Duke (22431)— Pride of Fashion by Cherry Duke 4th (17552)— Princess Alice by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Princess by Earl of Derby (10177)— Poppy by 2d Clevelaiul Lad (.3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Place l)y Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates", of Kirkleviiigton. Sold at public auction, Oct. 14. 1875. at A'inewood. under the name of Duchess of Kingscote (vol. 20, p. 15605, A. II. H.). to ,}. \'. Grigsby, of Winchester, Ky., for i|>2.55(». KIRKLEVINGTON DUCHESS 18th— Roan, calved April 14. 1874, bred by R. P. Davies. got by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392). out of Kirklevington 13th by 4th Duke of Oxford- (1 1387)— Kirklev- ington 9th by Gen. Canrol)ert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)-^Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell (Jwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) IMPOETED SHORT-HORTs^R. 283 a cow of Ml'. Bates', duscuuded i'roin the stock of Mr. Mayiiard, of Eryliolme. Kecorded, A. H. B., vol. IT, p. 1^952, and E. 11. B., vol. 21, p. GG5, under dam. Sold, Oct. 4, 1875, at public auction, at Vine- wood, to 1. II. Craig, Canada, for $5,550. FENNEL DUCHESS OF KNIGHTLY HALL— White heifer, calved Feb. 15, 1875, bred by Mr. G. Allen, Knightly Hall, Eccles- hall, Staffordshire, got by Grand Duke of York (31304), out of Fennel Duchess 5th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604)— Fennel 3d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Fennel by 5th Duke of York (10168) —Filbert by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Fletcher by a son of Y^oung Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at public sale at Vinewood, to T. J. Megib- ben, for $2,500. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 3d— Roan cow, calved Sept. 5, 1871, bred ])y Mr. G. Allen, of Knightly Hall, got by 8th Duke of York (28480), out of Lady Kirklevington 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651)— Kirklevington Lady by Grand Duke of York (12966)— Kirklevington 9th by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177) — Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (l)O(jl)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland •(1940)—Nell G Wynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (•;083) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryliolme. Recorded, under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 601.' Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at Vinewood, at public sale, to J. V. Grigsby, Winchester, Ky., for 13,000. ^ • KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 6th— White, calved May 5, 1875, bred by Geo. Allen, Knightly Hall, Staffordshire, got by Grand Duke of York (31304), out of Kirklevington Lady 3d by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Kirklevington Lady 2d by Earl of Oxford (21651)— Kirklevington Lady l)y (^rand Duke of York (12966)— 284 warfield's histoIry Kirklevington 0th by (Jen. (Jaiirobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (UOOl)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell (Iwynue by Belvedere (1700) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 12129. This heifer was calved a few days after the importation reached \'inewood, and was sold at Mr. Groom's sale, Oct. 14, 1875, to H. Corbin, of Bourbon Co., Ky., for $2,000. SECOND DUCHESS OF CLARENCE— Uoan heifer, calved Aug. 8, 1875, bred by Col. Kingscote, Wotton-under-Edge, got by Duke of Wortley (33759), out of Cosset alias Duchess of Clarence by Duke of Hillhurst (28401) — Comfort by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727)— Clove by Duke of Wharfdale (19048)— Cinnamon by Gen. Canrobert (12927) — Cleveland by Tinsel (13880) — Chapman by Earl Beverly (3074)— Betty by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945). This heifer was begotten in Enghind, and calved after reaching Kentucky, and was sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at public sale, l)y Mr. (iroom, at Vinewood, to J. H. Spears & Sons, of Tallula, 111., for $3,175. WILD ELOAVER DUCHESS— Red cow, calved Dec. 5, 1803, bred by Mr. T. Atherton, Chapel House, got by Lord Oxford 2d (20215), out of Wildair 3d by Marquis of Speke (13307)— Wildair by Santiago (12047)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)_by Belvedere (1700)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (lo4)— by Hollon's Bull (313)_by Mowbray\s Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from M. Dobison^s stock. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 787. Sold at public sale, Oct. 14, 1875, at Vinewood, near Winchester, Ky., and bought by N. G. Pond, of Melford, Conn., for $1,900, and again, June 19 and 20, 1878, by assignees of B. B. Groom, to W. W. Curry, Winchester. Kv., for $280. IMPORTED SnORT-HORT^S. 285 WILD ROSE— Red Miid white cow, (-{lived Jiiii. 29, 1871, bred by Mr. K. P. Davies, Hortoii, Chipping Sodbiiry, (iloueestershire, England, got by Earl of Kirklevington (26064), out of Wild Flower Duchess by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Wildair 3d by Marquis of 8peke (1;3;K)7)— Wildair by Santiago (12047)— Wild Eyes 8th by J hike of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere'(1706) — by Emperor (1075)_by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray^s Bull (2342)— by Master man's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison^s stock. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1015, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 666. Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at public sale, at Vinewood, near Win- chester, Ky., to W. N. Oifutt, of (leorgetown, Ky., under the name of Wild Eyes Rose, for *3,050. SIXTH DUKE OF KIRKLEVINGTON 22828 (30982)— Roan bull, calved July 18, 1871, bred by R. P. Davies, got by Duke of Kirklevington (25982), out of Kirklevington 13th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 9th by Gen. (Janrobert (12926)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1706) — by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, Eryholme. LORD CARLAND 2jj— Red and white bull, calved March 23, 1874, bred by Mr. H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Warwickshire, got by 4th Duke of Barrington (30924), out of Lady Florence 2d by 18th Duke of Oxford (25995)— Lady Florence by Duke of Brailes (23724) — Countess by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Chrysalis by Earl of IJublin (10178)— Garland by Gray Friar (9172)— Fillet by Fawslcy (6004)— Marguerite by Marcellus (2260)— Pearl by Rufus (2576)— Ruby by Wellington (683)— by Windsor (698)— by Windsor (698) — by own brother to North Star (459). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 559, under dam. (;eneral hillhurst 31) alias first duke of UNDEREIXJE 22963— Red and white, calved July 15, 1874. bred by Col. Kingscote, Wotton-under-Edge, got by Duke of 286 waefield's history Ilillhurst (28401), out of Georgia Walton by 2d Earl of Walton (19(;72)— (leorglana Gtli by itli Duke of Oxford (IDJS;')— (leorgianu 5th by (ren. Canrobert (1292G) — Georgiana by 8t. Hernard (15227) — by Lord George Bentinck (10444) — by King Pippin (147(59) — by Earl Stanhope (596(J). Sold at sale of B. B. Groom & Son, Oct. 14, 1875, to Mrs. jjong, Monroe, Iowa, under name of 1st Duke of Underedge, for -tJ,050. THIRD DUKE OF UNDEKEDGE 435G0— Red roan, calved July 3, 1875, bred by Col. Kingscote, got by Duke of Ilillhurst (28401), out of Georgiana 13th by Prince Oxford (27172)— Geor- giana 8th by 2d Baron Westbury (19288) — Georgiana 5t]i l)y Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord George Bentinck (10444) — by King Pippin (14769) — by Earl Stan- hope (5966). This bull was calved after his dam reached Vine wood, and was sold, Oct. 14, 1875, to John Collard, of Des Moines, Iowa, for *2,100. GENERAL HILLHURST 5th— Red, calved March 15, 1875, bred by Col. Kingscote, got l)y Duke of Ilillhurst (28401), out of Georgiana 8th by 2d Baron Westbury (19288) — Georgiana 5th by (ren. Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord George Bentinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, at public auction, at Vinewood, to W. M. Smith, Lexington, 111., for |1,650, under name of 2d Duke of Underedge, and so recorded. No. 22964. July 27, 1875. B. B. GROOM & SON. By Ship yVlscoufiin, from LiverjHKil, July 27, 1^7d. EIGHTH DUKE OE GENEVA 26231 (28390)— Roan, calved Nov. 24, 1868, bred by J. 0. Sheldon, Geneva, N. Y., got by Baron of Oxford (23371), out of 3d Duchess of Thorndale by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Duchess 66th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 287 (142:3)— by IMie Earl ((Mf))— by Ketton 2(1 (710)— by Comet (155) — })y Favorite (252)— by Daisy J^ull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by IInl)back (319)— ])y ,]. Brown's Red Bull (97). Tliis l)iill bad been exported to England by Mr. Sbeldon iji 1S«;9. Boiigbt at sale of B. B. (jI room's assignees. Jnne 1!) and 20, 187H. by I. Dawson. Owingsville, Ky., for !|200. KARL OF OXFORD ALIAS OXFORD OENEVA 24221— Roan, calved Marcb ]:]. 1875, bred by F. Leney & Sons, Orpines, Waterbury, Kent, got l)y 8th Duke of Geneva (28390), out of 7th Maid of Oxford by 7th Duke of Airdrie (23718)— 2d Maid of Ox- ford by Grand Duke of Oxford (1(U84)— Oxford 20th by Marquis of C^arrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1910) —Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Sold, Oct. 14, 1875, to D. L. Hughes, of Iowa, for si?5,000,, who let Mr. (}. have him again. Sold again by B. B. Groom's assignees to F. C. (Cornell, for *850. SKVENTH MAID OF' OXFORD— Roan, calved July 16, 1806, bred by J. O. Sheldon, Geneva, N. Y., got by 7th Duke of Airdrie (23718), out of Maid of Oxford 2d by Grand Duke of Oxford (1<;184)— Oxford 20th by Marquis of Carrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young AVynyard (2859). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 604, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 732. 'Phis cow was exported to England by Mr. J. O. Sheldon. Sold to Bow Park Association, 1878, by assignees. May 31, 1876. B. B. GROOM & SON, Of Chirk. Cn.. Ki). Shij>pc(l h\i the \Vli)— l)y Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison^s stock. Recorded, A. H. B.,vol. 18, p. 13063. Sold by B. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878. to Bow Park Association, (*au., for 12.600. OXFORD'S ANNETTE— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 27, 18:3. l)rod by Mr. (Joo. Eox, Elmhurst Hall. Litcbfield, got by 22d Duko of Oxford (31000), out of Annette by Grand Duke of Ligbtburne 'M (26291) — Athena by Duke of Darlington (21586) — Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Annie by 2d develand Lad (3408)— Annabella by Duke of ( 'lovolaud (19:};) — by l^elvedere (1706) — a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded, under dam. E. H. B.. vol. 21, p. 720, and A. 11. l*.. vol. 18, p. 13852. Sold, June 19 and 20, 1878. by B. B». Grooui's assignees, to Bow Park Association, for ^i'Ml MISS WILD EYES 3d— Roan heifer, calved August 12, 1875, bred by Mr. R. P. Davies, of Ilortcm, got by Oxford's King (34997), out of Miss Wild Eyes 2d by Grand Prince of Claro (28718)— Miss Wild Eyes by Lord Red Eyes (24459)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord P>arrington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (i)()40)_Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3949)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2(1 by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1875)— by Wonderful (;0())— by (Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (:n3)— by Mowbi-ay's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from the stock of M. Dobison. Recorded, under dam, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 394, and A. II. B., vol. 19, p. 14716. Sold. June 19 and 20, 1878, by B. B. Groom's assignees, to L. G. B. Cannon, of Burlington, \'t., for I>1,900. I.MPOKTKI) SHOHT-HOUN^S. 289 ANNETTE— Red and white, calved April 15, 1871, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Park Head, got by Grand Duke of Light- burne 2d (26291). out of Athena by Duke of Darlington (21586)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12061)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3(1 Duke of York (10166)— Annie by 2d CUeveland Lad (3408)— Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1987)— by Belvedere (1706)--a cow of Mr. Bates*. Recorded. E. H. B.. vol. 21. p. 720, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13564. Sold by B. B. Groom's assignees. June 19 and 20. 1878. to Bow Park Association, Can., for $330. GEORGIE HILLHFRST 5th— Red and white heifer, calved June 4. 1874, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Georgiana 10th by Northern Light (26984)— Georgiana 7th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) — Georgiana 5th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana by St. Bernard (15227)— by Lord George Bentinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded. S. H. R., vol. 6. p. 431, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13686. Sold, June 19 and 20, 1878, by B. B. Groom's assignees, to Mr. Cornell, Ithaca. N. Y., for $300. FANNY CRAGGS— Red heifer, calved March 16. 1876, bred by Mr. G. Fox. got by Grand Duke of Weston 3d (34079), out of Joan of Arc by Duke of Brailes (23724) — Johanna Sonthcott by John o' Gaunt (16322) — Duchess of Sussex by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Countess of Beverly by Lord Foppington (10437)— Cow- slip Belle by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of xMr. Bates', from Mr. Maynard's stock, of Eryholme. E. H. B.. vol. 23. p. 443, under dam, and A. U. B., vol. 22, p. 17224. as Lady Craggs. Sold as Lady Craggs, No. 112 in cata- logue, by assignees of B. B. (h-oom, at sale June 19 and 20, 1878, to J. C. Stevens, Kenton, Ohio, for $300. PEACH BLOSSOM 8tii— White cow, calved June 25, 1871, bred by Mr. T. Bell, Brockton House, Eccleshall, got by 8th Duke 3G 290 warfield's history of York (28480), out of Peach Blossom 6th by Earl of (lloster (21644)— Peach Blossom 2cl by Baron Westbiiry (1928T)— Peach by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— by son of 2d Hubback (2083). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 683, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16054. Sold by B. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878. to T. C. Anderson, of Mt. Sterling. Ky., for t300. FIFTEENTH LADY OF OXFORD— Red and white, calved May 1, 1873, bred by Mr. E. H. Cheney. Gadesby Hall, Leicester, got by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391). out of 13th Lady of Oxford by Baron of Oxford (23371)— 7th Lady of Oxford by 6th Duke of Thorndale (23794)— 2d Lady of Oxford by 2d (hand Duke (12961) —Oxford 13th by 3d Duke of York (10167)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young AYynyard (2859). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 358, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p, 13756. Sold, June 19 and 20. 1878. by assignees of B. H. Groom, to Bow Park Association. Canada, for *1.000. LALLY 8th — Roan, calved ^'ov. 12. 1867, bred by C. \V. Harvey. Liverpool, got by 7th Duke of York (17754), out of Lally 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— Olive Leaf by Belvcdoi-e (i:06)— Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman {'M)-i) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (•>:})— by Young Fjivorite (6994). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20. p. 619, and A. 11. B.. vol. 20, p. 15843. Sold by assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 2rr. 1878, to Messrs. Hamilton, Mt. Sterling. Ky.. for )i?1.550. BARRINGTON LALLY— Red, calved Sept. 8, 1876, bred by W. Angerstein, got by Duke of Hosedale 2d (33722), out of Lally 8th, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15471. IMPORTED SHORT-nORXS. 291 BLANCHE 10th — Kouu heifer, calved April 17, 1875, bred by Mr. H. D. de Vitre. Charlton House, Wantage, got by Lord Thorn- dale (31756), out of Blanche 8th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Blanche 3d by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739)— Blanche by Dundas (17763)— Sylph by Gloucester (14619)— by Childers (10052)— by Selim (6454)-»by Rex (6385)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Lancaster (360)— by Petrarch (488)— by Major (1397)— by Chapman's Son of Punch (122)— by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— by Check (132)— by R. Grimston's Bull (282)— by J. Coatees Bull (148). Recorded. K. H. B.. vol. 23, p. 371, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13591. Sold, June 19 and 20, 1878, by B. B. Groom's assignees, to Bow Park Association, for ^510. ACOMB BELL— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 8. 1876, bred by Mr. H. D. de Vitre, Charlton House. Wantage, got by Lord Thorn- dale (31756), out of Alexandria by Grand Duke 3d (17994)— America by Marmaduke (14897)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961) —Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706). Recorded. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13551. Sold, June 19 and 20, 1878. to C. H. Andrews. Youngstown, Ohio, for $400. RASPBERRY 8th— Roan heifer, calved March 12, 1875, bred by Lord Fitz llardinge. Berkley Castle. Gloucestershire, got by Oxford's Tony (35000), out of Raspberry 4th by Earl of Gloster (21644)— Raspberry 2d by Baron AVestbury- (19287) — Raspberry by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Nightshade by Earl of Derby (10177)— from the stock of Mr. Mason, Kirklevington. Piecorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12299, as Raspberry 7th. DUCHESS OF LANCASTER 13th— Roan, calved Sept. 14, 1871, bred by Lord Penrhyn. Penrhyn Castle, got by 11th Grand Duke (21849). out of Duchess of Lancaster 7th by Marmaduke (14897)— Duchess of Lancaster 4th by Sir Colin Campbell (16961) — Duchess of Ijancaster by Duke of Yoi'k (11393) — Buttercup by 292 warfield's history 2d Duke of Lancaster (5951) — by Orichton (3516) — by Ploughbov (4726). Recorded, E. H. B., vol, 20, p. 490, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12858. Sold to H. P. Thompson, and by him to Gen. Meredith & Son, ol' Indiana, in 1878. WILD ROSE— Red and white cow, calved Feb. 2, 1872, bred by M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, Compton, Canada, got by Oth Duke of Geneva (30959), out of Wild Eyes 26th by Earl of Walton (17787) —Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Harrington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from M. Dobison's stock. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1295. This cow was exported by Mr. M. H. Cochrane, by Ship Sarmatian, in 1873, and imported by Mr. Groom, in 1876. OXFORD LOO 2d— Red heifer, calved Feb. 13, 1877, bred by B. B. Groom, of Winchester, Ky., got by Oxford Duke 2d (34994), out of Loo Bell by 3d Lord Lally (24408), &c., as in Loo Bell, above. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13854. LOO — Red and white cow, calved April 30, 1863, bred by Mr. P. Stevenson, Rainton, Thirsk, Yorkshire, got by Cromwell (17640), out of Lily Bell by Horrox (11591)— Lily by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Harmless by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Hawkeye by by Red Rose Bull (2493)— by Rex (1375)— bred by Mr. Richardson, of Hart. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 597, and S. H. R., vol. 6, p. 478. Sold by assignees of B. B. Groom, June 19 and 20, 1878, to S. R. Grundy, Springfield, Ky., for $170. IMPORTET) SHORT-HORNS. 298 LOO BELL— Red cow, calved May 25, 1871, bred by P. Steven- son, Rainton, I'liirsk, Yorks., got by 3d Lord Lally (24408), out of Loo by Cromwell (17640)— Lily Bell by Horrox (11591)— Lily by 2d Duke of Oxford (0040)— Harmless by Cleveland Lad (3407)—. Hawkeye by Red Rose Bull (2493)— Hart by Rex— bred by Mr. Richardson, of ^lart. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15875, and E. 11. B., vol. 20, p. 628, under dam. Sold by B. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878, to Geo. Hamilton, Mt. Sterling, Ky., for si?560. OXFORD LOO— Red and white, calved April 7. 1876, bred by P. Stevenson, Rainton. Tliirsk, Yorkshire, got by Oxford Duke 2d (34994), out of Loo by Cromwell (17640)— Lily Bell by Horrox (11591)— Lily by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Harmless by Cleve- land Lad (3407)— Hawkeye by Red Rose Bull (2493)— Hart by Rex (1375). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 1291. Sold by B. B. Groom's assignees, June 19 and 20, 1878, to M. H. Cochrane, Canada, for $605. KIRKLEVINGTON 13th— Red and white cow, calved May 1, 1863, bred by Mr. C. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), out of Kirklevington 9th by Gen. Canrobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirk- levington by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard. of Eryholme. Recorded. E. H. B., vol. 21. p. 665, and S. H. R., vol. 6, p. 450. Died at Vine wood. KIRKLEVINGTON 14th— Red and white cow, calved May 24. 1863, bred by Mr. C. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill. Liverpool, got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), out of Kirklevington Uh by Earl of Derby (10177) — Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell 294 waefield's history Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2cl Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates", descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Ervholme. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 550. WILD EYES COXXAUGHT 34099— Koan )nilL calved April 21, 1876, bred by Col. Kingscote,AValton-nnder-Edge, got by Duke of Connaught (33604), out of Wild Rose by 6t]i Duke of Geneva (7933)— Wild Eyes 26th by Earl Walton (17787)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170)— AVild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northum- berland (1940)— Wild Kyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperoi- (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— l)y Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. Sold to T. C. Anderson, Mt. Sterling, Ky.. for ^460, June 19 and 20, by B. B. Groom's assignees. GRAND DUKE OE WESTON 3d 28296 (34079)— Roan bull, calved March 26, 1873, bred by Mrs. Dawson, AVeston Hall, Otley. Yorkshire, got by Grand Duke of Weston (28768), out of Grand Duchess 19th by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Grand Duchess 9th by Grand Duke 3d (16182) — Grand Duchess 4th by Cherry Duke (12589)— Grand Duchess by Grand Duke (10284)— by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Ear] (646)— by Ketton 2d (UO)— by Comet (155) — by Eavorite (252) — by Daisy Bull (186) — by Eavorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Sold by assignees to Messrs. Hamilton. WATER SPRITE— Red heifer, calved Eeb. 3, 1874, bred by Mr. Geo. Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Litchfield, got by Grand Duke of Waterloo (28766), out of Water Lass 'id by Gen. Napier (24023)— Water Lass by Oxford 2d (18507)— AVater ]^laid by Marc Antony (14895)— Water Witch by Squn-e Blanclie (12139)— Waterloo lOtli IMPORTED SHORT-HORXS. 205 by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by :>d Clevehmd Lad (3408)— by Duke of Xorthumberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816), Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 21. p. 721, under dam. Sold to .). I). (ruthrie, Shelby Co.. Ky.. by B. B. Groom's assignees. June 11) and 20. 1878. GRAND DrOHESS OF HAVERING— Roan, calved June 26, 1872, bred by Mi-. D. Mcintosh, Havering Park, Romford. Essex, got by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753), out of Grand Duchess 21st by Baron of Oxford (23375) — Grand Duchess 17th by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Grand Duchess 10th by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— Grand Duchess 5th by Prince Imperial (15095)— by Grand Duke (10284) —by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, inulor dam. F. M. B.. vol. 20. p. 547. Died at \'i new 00(1. AMELIA— Red. calved Aug. 22, 1865, bred by Mr. H. Thur- nall, Royston. Cambridge, got by Surprise (20922). out of Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166) —Annie by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates*. Recorded. E. H. B., vol.* 17, p. 357, under dam. Died at Vinewood. OXFORD'S BARONET 27381 (29499)— Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1869, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, Lancashire, got by Baron Oxford (23375), out of 6th Maid of Oxford by Imperial Ox- ford (24185)— Maid of Oxford 1st by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184) —Oxford 20th by Marquis of Carrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Died at Vinewood. 296 vvarfield's histoky (IRANI) DrKE OF GENEVA 23344 (28756)— Koan. calved Jm\. 30, 1870, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Son. Wateringbury. Kent, got by loth Grand Duke (21852), out of 7th Duchess of Geneva by 3d Lord Oxford (22200) — 3d Duchess of Geneva by Ox- ford Lad (24713)— Duchess of Geneva by 2d Grand Duke (12961) -Duchess 71st by Duke of Gloster (11382)— by 4th Duke of York (101(17)— by 4t]i Ouke of Nortliumberhmd (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by .1. Brown's Red Bull (97). Sold at assignees* sale June 19 and 20. 1878. to \'annieter & Hamilton. Winchester. Ky. . for 1^850. FIFTH LORD OXFORD 10382 (31738)— Red, calved Aug. 1, 1870, bred by Messrs. Walcott & Campbell. Ftica. N. Y., got by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958). out of Countess of Oxford 2d by 2d Duke of Geneva (23752)— Gem of Oxford by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Romeo's Oxford by Romeo (13619)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Short Tn\] (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Exported by AVolcott & ('ampbell. imported by B. B. Groom & Son. sold l)y them to \Vm. c^ B. F. Thompson, of Clark Co., Ky., and sold at their sale Dec. ]. 1877, to .losb Barton. Bourbon (-o.. Ky., for *750. CKNEVA ROVER alias GP]NEVA WILD LYES 29656— Red l)ull. calved Aug. 27, 1875, bred by Mr. E. H. Cheny, Gad- (les])y. Leicester, got by 9tli Duke of Geneva (28391). out of Wild Du(diess of York by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Wild Oxford by' Lord Oxford 2d (-20215)— Wild Eyes 24th by Lord Barrington 3d (J(;;J81)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes i:)th l)y 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Duke of Xorthunibcrlaud (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Kmperor (1975) —by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterliy (104)— IMPORTED SHORT-HORNt^. 297 by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. Sold to Gen. Meredith, of Indiana, as Geneva Wild Eyes 29656. WATERLOO BARONET 34071 (45761)— Red, calved Jan. 21, 1876, bred by Mr. T. Barber, Sproatley Rise, got by Oxford's Bar- onet (29499), out of Water Duchess by Grand Duke 6th (19876)— Water Lass by Oxford 2d (18507)— Water Maid by Marc Antony (14895)— Water Witch by Squire Blanche (12139)— Waterloo 10th by 4th Duke of Northurnberland (3649)— Waterloo 8th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of :N"ortliumberland (1940)— Waterloo 3d l)y Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Sold by assignees to I. & B. Renick, Ohio. UNDERLET WILD EYES 31312— Roan, calved Nov. 25, 1875, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, got by Duke of Underley (33745), out of Lady Wild Eyes 7th by Grand Duke of Waterloo (28766)— Lady Wild Eyes 2d by Touchstone (20986)— Lady Wild Eyes by Wethercock (9815)— Wild Eyes 27th by 2d Cleveland Lad( 3408)— Wild Eyes 17th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Wild Eyes 5th by Short Tail (2621)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon'sBull (313). &c. 1824. CHAS, H. HALL. New York. REGENT 899— Calved May 10, 1822, bred by Samuel Scotson, Foxheth Park, near Livei-pool, got by Regent. CANADA— Roan, calved about 1821, bred by Thos. Hymers, got by Sir Peter (606), dam by a son ctf Constellation (163) — by Young Washington. YOUNG HECTOR— Calved 1825, got by Hector, out of Canada by Sir Peter (606)— by a son of Constellation (163)— by Young Washington. PRIMROSE — Got by George, out of Leopardess by Sampson. C^OMET. 298 wakfield's history 1882. J. H. HALL. Manitoba. EOSA LEE— Roan, calved May 9, 1877, bred by A. 0. Steven- son, Blairsbennoch, Banff, Scotland, got by Conservative (46111), out of Florence 2d of Careston by Northern Duke (46806) — Florence 2d by Lord G-ranyille (24395) — Florence by Lord Ythan 2d (22238)— Mary Ann by Garibaldi (17916)— Mary by Moss Trooper (11827)— Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— by Holkar (4014)— by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of .Darlington. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 702. CINDERELLA 2d— Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1879, bred by A. Scott, Towie, Barclay, Scotland, got by Roseberry (39016), out of Cinderella by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864) — Charmer by Cham- pion of England (17526)— Ceremony by The Baron (13833)— Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake by Tip Top (7633)^01d Lady, bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 628, under dam. ROSE OF DALKEITH— Roan, calved January, 1880, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Cypress (41314), out of Rose of the Valley by Lord Cecil (26621) — Rose of Smeaton by Royal Errant (22780)— Red Rose by Sir James the Rose (15290) — Lady Rose by Robinson Crusoe (13610) — Lady Alicia by Zadig (8796)— by Earl of Durham (5965)— by St. Helena (5055)— by Emperor (3716)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)_by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). . • JAMES A. HAMILTON. Dohhs Ferry, Westchester Co., N. Y. LADY DAY— Roan, calved March 25, 1836, bred by Mr. Sedge wick, England, owned by C. M. Geddings, Cleveland, Ohio, got by Armitage (1655), out of Superior by Gambler (2046) — Splendor by Anson (1639)— Sophia by Cupid (938)— by Merlin (429)— by Windsor (698)— by R. Colling\s White Bull (151). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 646. under dam. IMPOKTED SH(>KT-H(^)PwNS. 299 ABIJAH HAMMOND. ThroQ's Neck. N. Y. OLD WILLEY— Dam of Young Willey, vol. 1. Oct. 4, 1877. R. F. HARRISON, Of Stephetisbuiy, Va. By the Australia, to New York, froin London. CYNOSURE— Roan,, calved November, 1874, bred by R. Marsh,, Little Offley, Hitcliin, got by Mantilini Prince (29273), out of Cinderella by May Prince (24572) — Coronet by British Baronet (17453)— Carlotta by Crand Prince (16187) — Borealis by Northern Light (15004)— Strawberry. A. H. B., vol. 17, p. UKU\. PRIDE OF SPRINODALE 30611— Roan, calved Dec. 20, 1877, bred by R. F. Harrison, got by M. C. (31898), out of Cynosure by Mantilini Prince (29273), &c., as in dam, above. WARRIOR KINO 31359— Red and white, calved April 1, 1877, bred by R. Marsh, got by Royal Warrior (35415), out of Fairy Queen (vol. 21. p. 841, E.) by Baron Killerby (23364)— Faithful by Sir James (16980)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Petrarch (7329) — Fame by Raspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422)— Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— In' Julnis (^«sar (1143). GEO. HENTIG. Marshall, Mirh . C^T^riNOHAM 46— Roan, bred by John Colling, Danthorpe Hall, got by Invincible (4077), out of a cow bred by John Colling. 300 wakfield's histokv 1839-40. JOEL HIGGINS and CALVIN C. MORGAN. Into Fayette Co., Ky. MARY — lioan, calved in 1838, bred by Mr. Clirisp, of Dodding- ton, Northumberland, Eng., got by Prince Eugene (2463), out of Carnation by Leopold (370) — Red Rose (sister to Countess) by Yorkshireman (2862)— Flora by Mr. Maynard's Eryholme (1980)— Old Flora (bred by Mr. Wetherell, of Field House, near Darlington) by James Brown^s Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 135, under dam, without name. THEODOSIA— Roan, calved in 1838, bred by Mr. Chrisp, of Dod- dingtoh, got by Prince Eugene (2463), out of Lady Fanny by Young Hector (2104) — by Emperor (lOH) — Mr. Jobling's Fanny by Phenomenon (491)— by Colonel (1845)— by a son of Ilubback (319). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 520, under dam, without name. HENRIETTA— Roan, calved in 1837, bred by J. Chrisp, of Doddington, Eng., got by Red Prince (2489), out of Nanny by Emperor (1974) — Young Nanny by Snowball (2647) — Nanny by a son of St. Albans (2584) — by Charlton [a son of Lawnsleeves (365)]— by Barnaby (1678)— by Togston (2762). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 722, under dam. without name. PRINCESS, OR ANNE— Red, calved in 1838, bred by Mr. Chrisp, of Doddington, got by Captain (3273), out of Young Princess by Young Lancaster (361) — Princess (bred by John Henderson. Dunstan's Square) by St. Albans (2584) — by Lawnsleeves (365) — bred by Messrs. James, of Stamford, Northumberland. E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 799, under dam, without name. ELEANOR— Roan, calved in 1837, bred by J. Chrisp, of Dod- dington, got by Brougham (1746), out of Madame A^estris by Albion (731) — Pekuah by Diomed (974) — Purity by Barmpton (54) — Charity by Wellington (679) — Dairymaid by Sultan (631) — Ruth by a son of Punch (531) — Broadhooks by Hubback (319) — by Dalton Duke (188). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 593, under dam, without name. IMPOKTKD SHORT-HORNS. 3()1 July, 1882. C. HILLS, Of Delaware, Ohio. By Ship Sardiman, July 20, im^. Selected hy F. P. Hills. GRAND DUKE OF BARRINGTON 2d (46443)— Roan, calved April 9, 1881, bred by Henry Lovatt, Esq., Low Hill, Bushbury, Straffordshire, got by Grand Duke 37tli (43307), out of Lady Thorn- dale and Gloster Bates by Grand Duke of Kirklevington (34071) —Lady Clarence Bates by Grand Duke of Thorndale (31297)— Lady Thorndale Bates by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13830)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Lady Blanche by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Lady Barrington 8th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Lady Barrington 5th by 4th Duke of Northum- berland (3649)— by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (305)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). September, 1882. C. HILLS, or Delaware, Ohio. By Ship Circa.ssian, Sept. 7, 1882. Selected by F. P. Hills. BUSHBURY COUNTESS OF OXFORD--Roan, calved Dec. 25, 1881, bred by Mr. Lovatt, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of 11th Maid of Oxford by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391)— Maid of Oxford 10th by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958)— 3d Maid of Ox- ford by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184)— Oxford 20th by Marquis of Carrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)- by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 485, under dam. WILD EYES LASSIE 4th— Roan, calved March 24, 1879, bred by Mr. S. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, Cumberland, got by Duke of Ormskirk (36526), out of Wild Eyes Lassie 2d by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000)— Wild Eyes Lassie by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Wild Eyes 24th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— by Lord Barrington 1st (13170) —by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland 302 warfield's history (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 431, under dam. KIRKLEVINGTON LADY 8th— Koan, calved May 31, 1880, bred by Earl Bective, Underley Hall, got by Lord Acomb 2d (43474), out of Kiiklevington Lady 7th by Duke of Clarence 5th (36479) — Kirklevington Lady 3d by Duke of Wetherby 6th (33756) — Lady Kirklevington 2d by 2d Earl of Oxford (21651)— Lady Kirklev- ington by Grand Duke of York (12966) — Kirklevington 9th by (leneral Canrobert (12926) — Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirklev- ington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — by Belvedere (1706) — by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 3U0. HARVEY HILL, Of New Qrleani<. Taken to his fnnti, in Tennessee, ami hoimitt by Mark R. Corkrill, of Nashville, Tenn. GENTLE — Roan, caived in 1837, bred by Mr. Pittam, got by Cupid (7941), out of Spotted Broughton by Crusader (934) — Bombazine by Regent (544). Recorded, under dam, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 962. LADY LITTLETON— White, calved Oct. 14, 1837, bred by Mr. Kemp, got by Ranunculus (2479), out of The Kicker by Memnon (2294)— by Ratify (2481)— by Logic (4248). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 1009, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17234. MILD SPRING. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 303 1822 to 1824. H. HILL. New y^ork. JENNY — See Cora Crearapot. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 247. ECLIPSE. Aug. 30, 1882. J. J. HILL, Of St. Paul, Minn. Landed at Quebec, Aug. 30, 1882, from, Steamship Manitohan, of Allan Liyie. GAMBETTA (49618)— Eoan, calved Feb. 4, 1881, bred by Watt Garhetty, Fochabers, Scotland, got by Fitz Henry (41552), out of Marchioness 2d by Baronet (25564) — Marchioness by Emperor (19689)— Averne by Picotee (15063)— Alice by Duke 3d (17697)— Fanny by Garioch Lad (17938) — Averne by Bucephalus (6784) — Young Amazon by Crusader (934) — Amazon by Sultan (1483) — Bellona by Mars (411)— Eolla by North Star (458). ROSA LEE— Roan, calved May 9, 1877, bred by A. 0. Steven- son, Blairshinnock, Banff, Scotland, got by Conservative (46111), out of Florence 2d of Careston by Northern Duke (46806) — Florence 2d by Lord Granville (24395) — Florence by Lord Ythan 2d (22238)— Mary Anne by Garibaldi (17916)— by Moss Trooper (11827)— by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— by Holkar (4041)— by Mr. Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 702. LOUIS BLANC— White, calved May 4, 1883, got by Lord of the North (4*6687), out of Rosa Lee by Conservative (46111), &c., as in dam, next above. ROSE OF DALKEITH— Roan cow, calved Jan. 3, 1880, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, Scotland, got by Cyprus (41314), out of Rose of the Valley (vol. 24, p. 355, E.) by Lord Cecil (26621)— Rose of Smeaton by Royal Errant (22780)— Red Rose by Sir James the Rose (15290) — Lady Rose by Robinson Crusoe (13610)— Lady Alicia by Zadig (8796)— Lady Alice by Earl of Durham (5965)— Lady Ellen by St. Helena (5055)— Lady Mary 304 warfield's history by Emperor (3716)— Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119) —by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irish- man (329)— by B. (45). Eecorded, A. H. B.,, vol. 26, p. 821. STAR PRINCESS- Red, little white, cow, calved April 10, 1878, bred by Robt. Arkley, Ethieveaton, Scotland, got by King Hope (36843), out of Annandale Star by Annandale (30386)— Evening Star by Morning Star (29391) — Omega by Harlequin (18026)— Broomley by Hassan (12995)— Flora by Roderick Ran- dom (10731)— by Velocipede (5552)— by Burley (1766)— by Sir Alexander (591) — l)y Marske (418) — from tlio stock of Mr. May- nard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 30. CINDERELLA 2d— Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1879, l)red by A. Scott, Towie, Barclay, Scotland, got by Roseberry (39016), out of Cinderella by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864) — Charmer ])y Cham- pion of England (17526) — Ceremony by The Baron (13833) — Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake by Tip Top (7633)— Old Lady, bred by Mr. Mason, of Chilton. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 628, under dam. CINDERELLA OF NORTH OAKS— Calved April 5, 1883, got by Vienna (45731), out of Cinderella 2d by Roseberry (39016), &c., as in dam, next above. May, (883. J. J. HILL. Per Ship Manitohan. ANEMONE 3d— Roan, calved May 23, 1880, bred by E. Bowley, got by Duke of Holkar 2d (39749), out of Anemone 2d by 4th Baron Oxford (25580)— Anemone by Duke of Kent (19619)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates\ A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 820, and E. II. B., vol. 27, p. 317, under dam. IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 305 FAERY COUNTESS 2d— Roan, calved March 11, 1881, bred by A. H. Lloyd, got by 27th Duke of Airdrie (41351), out of Eaery Queen by Cherry Emperor (33347)— Fanny by Enterprise (16002) —Emma 3d by Richmond (13592)— Emma by Freetrader (10246) — Nanny 3d by Gainford (2044) — by Magnum Bonum (2243) — by Rob Roy (557)— by son of Houghton (318)— by Sir Stephen (1456) —by Sedbury (1424). COUNTESS OF WORCESTER— Red, calved May 26, 1881, bred by A. H. Lloyd, got by Duke of Gloster 5th (36494), out of Lady Worcester 19th by 6th Duke of Geneva (30959)— Lady Wor- cester 2d by Charleston (21400)— by Marton Duke (22307)— by Red Duke (18676)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray^s Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 820, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 478. BERKELEY DUKE OF OXFORD 2d 54790 (45973)— Roan, calved April 29, 1881, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, got by Duke of Connaught (33604), out of Oxford Belle 5th by Grand Duke of Gloster (36721)— Oxford Belle 2d by Duke of Hillhurst (28401)— Countess of Oxford by 7th Duke of Airdrie (23718)— Gem of Oxford by Grand Duke 2d (12961)— by Romeo (13619)— by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). July 6, 1883. J. J. HILL. By Ship Lucerne, to Quebec. GOLDEN LACE— Roan, calved Aug. 16, 1878, bred by E. Baillie, Dochfour, Inverness, Scotland, got by Abbot of Windsor (32903), out of Golden Link by Flower of the Forest (33948) — Golden Locket by No Mistake (34918) — Golden Rose by Scotch Rose (25099)— Golden Reed by Baronet (15614)— by Lord Raglan (13244)— by Duplicate Duke (6952)— by Robin-o^Day (4973)— by 38 306 Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 820, and E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 309. GOLDEN MINT— Red, calved July 14, 1883, got by Wilfrid Benedict (45811), out of Golden Lace by Abbot of Windsor (32903), &c., as in dam, next above. FANNY B. 30th— Red and white, calved Jan. 9, 1882, bred by Mr. James Bruce, Burnside, Fochabers, Scotland, got by Knicker- bocker (38510), out of Fanny B. 6th by Earl of March (33807)— Fanny 5th by Champion (28155) — Fanny 2d by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Fanny by Signet Seal (18824)— by Western Star (25430) —by Red Lugs (32263)— by Orbliston (24691). ROSEBUD 2d— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1879, bred by Jas. Swan, got by King Charming, out of Moss Rose by Master Booth (34801) —by Jacobite (28905)— by White Knight (25437)— by White Knight (25437) — by Representative. Roan bull, calved Feb. 1, 1884, got by Red Knight, out of Rosebud 2d, above. Aug. 6, 1883. J. J. HILL. Per Ship Manitohan. BELLE OF ALBION— Roan, calved March 5, 1879, bred by E. Baillie, got by Abbot of Windsor (32903), out of Lady Margaret by Red Prince (35240)— Annie 2d by Count Bickerstalfe (23630)— Annie by Baron Melbourne (15621) — Carnation by Saracen (15237) —Garland 2d by Alfred (6732)— Garland by Brunswick (6814)— by Lyciirgus (7180)— by Ranunculus (2479)— by William (2840)— by Childers (1824)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 820, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 277. JENNY LIND 12th— Roan, calved Dec. 12, 1879, bred by A. E. Hector, Asbelow, got by British Champion (36273), out of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 307 Jenny Lind by Kajali (32232) — Jenny Lind 6th by Prince Louis (20560) — Jenny Lind 3d by Kelvinside (14756) — Jenny Lind by The Duke (7593)— Cora by The Pasha (7612)— Alice by Mahomed (6170)— Matilda by Sillery (5131)— Young Corridore by Young Western Comet (1575)— by Favorite (256). VENUS 2d— Red, calved Jan. 4, 1878, bred by A. E. Hector, got by British Champion (36273), out of Venus by Chronometer (33385)— Verbena 2d by Rajah (32232)— Verbena by Golden Eagle (26267)— Violet by Sir Thomas Stanley (25176)— Duchess by Mar- quis of Bute (18336)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by Uptaker (5534)— by Miracle (2320)— by Martin (2280) —by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695). VICEROY— Red bull, calved Dec. 25, 1882, got by Norman (45272), out of Venus 2d by British Champion (36273), &c., as in dam, next above. Oct. 16, 1883. J. J. HILL. By Steamship Hanoverian, landing at Quebec. SWEET PEA— Red and white, ' calved Jan. 13, 1878, bred by Mr. E. Baillie, got by Oliver Cromwell (43706), out of Pretty Gold by Flower of the Forfest (33948)— Marigold 13th by Gold Digger (24044)— Marigold 6th by Young Pacha (20457)— Marigold 2d by Lord Lome (18258) — Marigold by Rubens (13641) — by Jemmy (11611)— by Captain (8925)— by Duke of St. Albans (8001)— by Guy Faux (7062)— by Pedestrian (7321)— by Lucian (2228)— by Raby (2473). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 821, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 278. RUBY OF NORTH OAKS— Red cow, calved Aug. 24, 1883, bred by Mr. Evan Baillie, calved the property of Jas. J. Hill, got by Wilfrid Benedict (45811), out of imp. Sweet Pea (vol. 26, p. 821) by Oliver Cromwell (43706)— Pretty Gold by Flower of the Forest (33948)— Marigold 13th by Gold Digger (24044)— Marigold 6th by Young Pacha (20457) — Marigold 2d by Lord of Lome (18258)— Marigold by Rubens (13641)— Rose by Jemmy (11611)— 808 warfield's history Rosamond by Captain (8925)— Ruth by Duke of St. Albans (8001) —Ruby by Guy Faux (7062)— Little Red Rose by Pedestrian (7321) —by Lucian (2228)— by Raby (2473). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 821. June, 1884. J. J. HILL, Of St. Paul, Minn. By Steamer Austrian, landed at Bostoji, June 16, 1884. DUCHESS OF WAPPENHAM— Red and white, calved March 4, 1882, bred by Robert Loder, Whittlebury, Towcester, North- ampton, got by Grand Duke 25th (34065), out of Grand Duchess of Geneva 5th by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390)— Grand Duchess of Geneva by Grand Duke 15th (21852) — Duchess of Geneva 7th by 3d Lord Oxford (22200)— Duchess of Geneva 3d by Oxford Lad (24713)— Duchess of Geneva by Grand Duke 2d (12961)— by Duke Gloster (11382)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706) —by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710) —by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. lirown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 560, under dam. GRAND DUCHESS 43d— Roan, calved July 24, 1880, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, Towcester, got by Grand Duke 30th (38373), out of Grand Duchess 28th by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727) — Grand Duchess 17th by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Grand Duch- ess 10th by Grand Duke 3d (16182)— by Prince Imperial (15095) —by Grand Duke (10284)— by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (710)— by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252) —by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 527, under dam. Burned to death in August, 1884. GRAND DUCHESS 47th— Red and white, calved March 24, 1882, bred by R. E. Oliver, got by Grand Duke 30th (38373), out IMPOETED 8HOET -HORNS. 309 of Grand Duchess 38th by Duke of Underly 3d (38196)— Grand Duchess 17th by Imperial Oxford (18084), &c., as in Grand Duchess 43d, next above. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 620, under dam. DUCHESS OF OXFORD 2d— Red, calved Dec. 4, 1880, bred by Mr. D. A. Green, East Donyland, Colchester, got by Kirklev- ington Lord (45003), out of Duchess of Oxford by Duke of Underly 3d (38196)— Lady of Oxford 16th by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391)— Lady Oxford 13th by Baron of Oxford (23371)— Lady of Oxford 7th by 6th Duke of Thorndale (23794)— Lady of Oxford 2d by Grand Duke 2d (12961)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 422, under dam. NORTH OAKS LADY OF OXFORD— Red, calved June 25, 1884, got in England by Duke of Leicester (43112), out of Duchess of Oxford 2d by Kirklevington Lord (45003), &c., as in next above. LADY YORK AND THORNDALE BATES 8th— Red and white, calved May 13, 1882, bred by Mrs. Fawcet, Scalesby Castle, Carlisle, got by Grand Duke of Kirklevington 4th (43317), out of Lady York and Thorndale Bates 4th by Grand Duke of Kirklev- ington 2d (38379)— Lady York and Thorndale Bates 3d by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Lady Tregunter Bates by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022)— Lady Thorndale Bates by 4th Duke of Thorn- dale (17750)— Lady Bates 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lady Bates 2d by The Buck (13836)— Lady Bates by Duke of Gloster (11382)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Clevaland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 355, under dam. WILD LADY 2d— Roan, calved Sept. 18, 1882, bred by the Countess of Stamford and Warrington, got by 3d Duke of Gloster (33653), out of Wild Duchess of Gloster (vol. 26, p. 623, E.) by 3d 810 wakfield's history Duke of Gloster (33653)— Wild Oxford by Lord Oxford 2d (20215) —Wild Eyes 24th by Lord Barrington 3d (16382)— Wild Eyes 16tli by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706) —by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. OONISHEAD WILD EYES 2d— Roan, calved March 29, 1879, bred by W. Ashburner, Conishead Grange, got by 2d Duke of Gloster (28392), out of Bright Eyes 5th by Royal Lancaster (29870)— Bright Eyes 4th by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Bright Eyes 3d by Beau of Oxford (21254)— by Oxford Duke (15036)— by Crusade (7936)— by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by W^onderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from M. Dobison's stock. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 391. GRAND DUCHESS OF BARRINGTONIA 5tii— Red and white, calved Aug. 31, 1879, bred by R. E. Oliver, got by Grand Duke 30th (38373), out of Grand Duchess of Barringtonia 2d by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727) — Grand Duchess of Barrington by Grand Duke 7th (19877)— Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by 3d Grand Duke (16182) —by Grand Turk (12969)— by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 574, under dam. YOUNG JULIA 3d— Roan, calved April 15, 1876, bred by Lord Lo vat, Beaufort Castle, Inverness, N. B., got by Bachelor of Arts (32982), out of Young Julia by King's Seal (26525)— Julia by IMPORTED SH0RT-H0RN8. . 311 Allan (21172)— Josephine by Matadore (11800)— by Fairfax Royal (6987)— by Premier (6308)— by Saturn (5089)— by Favorite (6997) — by Grindon (3942) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. E. H. B., vol. 25,1). 554. 1821. HUMPHREY HOLLIS. HART— By (Polling's Wellington. See vol. 15, p. 6. NUDD— By Colling's Wellington, out of Ruddy, owned by Geo. Morley, Boylestone, Eng. See vol. 15, p. f). 1839. DANIEL HOLLMAN. New Jersey. JANE— Red and white, calved in 1836, bred by G. L. Ridley, got by Young Magog (2247), out of Laura by Budget (1759) — Strawberry by Sandoe (2598)— Old Red Rose by Oopeland (1871) — Greyhooks by Marquis (407)— by Styford (629)— by Bolingbroke (86)— by a son of Hubback (319)— by Hubback (319). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 609, and.E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 462. 1874. JOHN HOPE. From Liverpool to Quebec, Aug. 19, 1874. TRINKET JEWELER 41146 (35814)— Roan bull, calved April 10, 1874, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Booth's Royal Signet (28061), out of Crown Trinket by Royal Booth (22772) —Garnet by King Arthur (13110)— Georgiana by The Silky Laddie (10947)— Rosy by Leonardo (7137)— by Musician (6234)— by Priam (2452). FENNEL DUCHESS OF LANCASTER— White, calved Sep- tember, 1874, bred by E. Musgrove, got by Royal Lancaster (29870), out of Fennel Duchess 7th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B.,vol. 16, p. 12070. 312 waefield's histoky FENNEL DUCHESS 7th— Roan, calved May 10, 1870, bred by Mr. Atherton/ Chapel House, Liverpool, got by 13tli Duke of Oxford (21604), out of Fennel Duchess by Lord Oxford 2d (20215) —Fennel 3d by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Fennel by 5th Duke of York (10168)— Filbert by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Young Wynyard (2859)— by James Brown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 512, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 536. SUNLIT FLOWER— Roan, calved April 3, 1870, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, Yorkshire, got by Booth's Kinsman (25658), out of Sunflower by Prince George (13510) — Marigold Flower by King Arthur (13110) — Marigold by Gainford (7029)— Nutty by Rouge (5012)— by Cleveland (3404)— by Burton (3250). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 742, under dam. SAMPHIRE (35465)— Red bull, calved Dec. 31, 1873, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, got by Booth's Royal Signet (28061), out of Golden Marigold Flower by Booth's Kinsman (25658)— Marigold Flower by King Arthur (13110)— Marigold by Gainford (7029)— Nutty by Rouge (5012)— by Cleveland (3404)— by Burton (3250). Oct. 14. 1875. JOHN HOPE. By Ship Polynesian, from Liverpool, Oct. 14, 1875, to Markham, Canada. ANEMONE— Red and white cow, calved April 1, 1872, bred by Mr. R. B. Hetherington, got by Grand Duke of Lightburne 2d (26291), out of Athena by Duke of Darlington (21586)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of Yoivk (10166)— by 2d Cleve- land Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 968, and A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11960. Sold at sale of John Hope, June 14, 1876, to Emory Cobb, Esq., Kankakee, 111. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. HIS PRINCESS VICTORIA 10th— Red and white heifer, calved March 21, 1873, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, got by 1st Duke of Oneida (30996), out of Princess Victoria 5th by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Princess Victoria 2d by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Princess Alice by (len. Canrobert (12927) — Princess by Earl of Derby (10177)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow bought of Mr. Bates. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 931, under dam,A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12293. Bought at John Hope's sale, June 14, 1876, by Emory Cobb, of Kankakee, 111. LADY ACOMB 3d.— Roan heifer, calved June 26, 1873, bred by Mr. T. Gow, Cambo, Newcastle-on-Tyne, got by Oxford Le Grand (29496), out of Annette by Duke of Brailes (23724)— Amy by Duke of Darlington (21586)— Anemone by Duke of Kent (19619)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632) — Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— by 3d Duke of York (10166) —by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 741, under dam, and A. H. B.,vol. 16, p. 12131. Sold, June 14, 1876, to T. L. McKean, Easton, Pa. ACOMB'S DUKE 25486— Red, calved Nov. 24, 1875, bred by Sir W. Trevelyan, got by Oxford Beau 4th (34964), out of Anemone by Grand Duke of Lightburne 2d (26291), &c., as in Anemone, above. DAMSEL— Roan heifer, calved July 9, 1873, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Daffodil by 11th Grand Duke (21849)— Dorothy by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Dora by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Duchess 1st by Master Rembrandt (16545) — Duchess Nancy by Jasper (11609)— by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 2d Duke of Northum- berland (3646)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates'. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 715, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13630. Sold, June 14, 1876, to H. N. More, Red Oak, Iowa, for $2,800. 39 314 warfield's history AOOMB J.— Red heifer, calved Aug. -21, 1873, bred by Sir W. C. T.revelyan, Wallington, Northumberland, got by Baron Acomb 2d (30419), out of Jessy by Duke of Waterloo (21616)— Julia by Ranter (18666)— Lady Jessy by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lady Jane by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Jardine by Lord Warden (7167) —by Fawsley (6004)— by Warden (5595)— by Javelin (4093)— by Blyth (797)— by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 969, under dam. OXFORD WATERLOO 5th— Red heifer, calved November 25, 1873, bred by Mr. R. Lodge, Bishopdale, Bedale, Yorkshire, got by Duke of Athelstane (21562), out of Oxford's Waterloo 4th by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604)— Oxford's Waterloo by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Waterloo 19th by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Waterloo 15th by Matadore (11800)— Waterloo 12th by 3d Duke of York (10166) —Waterloo 4th by Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B.,vol. 21, p. 818, under dam, and A. H. B.,vol. 16, p. 12272. Sold to Maj. Greig, Toronto, Can., June 14, 1876, for 11,600. COUNT HILLHITRST 26016— Red, calved July 4, 1876, bred by John Foster, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Damsel by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), &c., as in Damsel, above. SILVER LADY— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 14, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Surmise 2d by May Duke (13320)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster' (11382)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— Bulls of \i. & C. Colling. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 717, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13929. Bought, June 14, 1876, by H. N. More, Red Oak, Iowa, for 12,600. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 315 OXFORD QUEEN— Red heifer, calved Nov. 8, 1874, bred by Mr. G. Moore, Whitehall, Cumberland, got by 17th Duke of Ox- ford (25994), out of Oxford Donna by Didmarton Duke (21546)— Lady Oxford by Imperial Oxford (18084)— Lady Oloster by Harry of Gloster (14674)— Lady Warden by Lord Warden (7167)— Be- linda 2d by Lion (9299)— Belinda by Rebel (4882)— by Coxcomb (928) — by Minor (441) — by son of Phenomenon (491) — by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152)— by R. Ceiling's son of Broken Horn (95) —by R. Colling's son of Hubback (319). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 855, under dam. Bought, June 14, 1876, by A. L. Stebbin, Port Huron, Mich., for |430. ROYAL LANCASTER (29870)— Roan bull, calved June 20, 1870, bred by Mr. D. R. Davies, High Legh Hall, Knutsford, Cheshire, got by 10th Grand Duke (21848), out of Moss Rose by Marmaduke (14897) — Cambridge Rose 6th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Cambridge Rose 5th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Cam- bridge Rose 2d by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by His Grace (311)— by Ypborough (705)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319). BARON SIDDINGTON 25641— Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, got by 6th Baron Oxford (33075), out of Siddington 12th by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022) — Siddington 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liver- pool (9061)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. . Sold, June 14, 1876, to W. W. Pickrell, of Mechanicsburg, 111. EARL OF DERBY 26462— Roan, calved Sept. .10, 1875, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, got by Baron Barrington 5th (33007), out of Princess Victoria 10th by 1st Duke of Oneida (30996), &c., as in Princess Victoria, above. 316 warfield's histoky October, (876. JOHN HOPE. DESTINY— Ruan, calved May 3, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Kilhow, Cumberland, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Daffodil by 11th Grand Duke (21849)— Dorothy -by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Dora by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Duchess 1st by Master Eembrandt (16545) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609)— Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Nettle by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Mr. Bates^ descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 715, under dam. THIRD DUCHESS OF THORNDALE— Roan, calved March 20, 1876, bred by W. W. Slye, got by Grand Duke of Thorndale 2d (31298), out of Lady Walton 2d by Earl of Gloster (21644)— Lady Walton by 3d Earl of Walton (19678)— Levity by Lord Thoresby (14856)— Lily Belle by Horrox (11591)— Lily by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Harmless by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Red Rose Bull (2493)— by Rex (1375)— bought of Mr. Riohardson, of Hart. A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 12861. September, 1876. JOHN HOPE. DOCILE— Roan, calved Feb. 22, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Kilhow, Cumberland, got by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), out of Dorothy by 3d Duke of Wharfdale (21619)— Dora by Duke of Geneva (19614) — Duchess 1st by Master Rembrandt (16545) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609) — Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Nettle by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — cow of Mr. Bates', descended from stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 715, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13634. Sold, June 6, 1877, at London, Out., to Canada West Farm Stock Association. DUCHESS OF CLARENCE 12th— Roan, calved Jan. 20, 1875, bred by T. Barber, Sproatley Rise, got by Oxford Baronet IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 817 (29499), out of Duchess of Clarence 7th by King of the Roses (22043)— Duchess of Clarence 3d by Grand Duke 6th (19876)— Duchess of Clarence by Duke of Clarence (19611)— Duchess Nan by Romulus (15185)— Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609)— Duchess Nancy by 3d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Nettle by 2d Duke of North- umberland (3646)— Nell (Iwynne by Belvedere (1706)— North- allerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683), &c. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 311, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13641. Sold, June 6, 1877, at London, Ont., to Canada West Farm Stock Association. DUCHESS OF CLARENCE 15th— White, calved March 20, 1877, bred by J. P. Foster, got by 7th Baron Oxford (36199), out of Docile by 22d Duke of Oxford (31000), &c., as in Docile, above. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13641. Sold to Canada West Farm Stock Association, June 6, 1877, at London, Ont. DUCHESS OF CLARENCE 16th— Roan, calved June 22, 1877, bred by J. P. Foster, got by Duke of Ormskirk (36526), out of Duchess of Clarence 12th by Oxford's Baronet (29499), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13641. Sold, at London, Ont., June 6, 1877, to Canada West Farm Stock Association. WATERLOO 36th— Red and white, calved Aug. 24, 1872, bred by Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bray ton, got by Royal Cambridge (25009), out of Waterloo 35th by Waterloo Chief (2318^)— Waterloo 20th by Cherry Duke 2d (14265)— Waterloo 16th by Red Knight (11976)— Waterloo 14th by Grand Duke (10284)— Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Liid (3408)— Water- loo 6th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13957, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 814, under dam. Sold, June 6, 1877, at London, Ont., to Canada West Farm Stock Association. WATERLOO 37th— Red and white, calved Dec. 26, 1876, bred by Sir W. Lawson, got by 6th Baron Oxford (33075), out of Waterloo 318 warfield's histoky 36th by Royal Cambridge (25009)— Waterloo 35th by Waterloo Chief (23184), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13957. Sold, June 6, 1877, at London, Ont. , to Canada West Farm Stock Association. 1815. (Supposed) SAMUEL M.HOPKINS. Moscow, Oenesee Valley, N. Y. MARQUIS (408)— Calved in 1815, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Wellington (679), out of Magdalenaby Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). MOSCOW (9413)— Roan, bred by Sir H. Vane Tempest, im- ported in 1817, got by Wynyard (703), out of Elvira by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — own sister to R. Colling's White Bull by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by J. Masterman's Bull (422)— by WaistelFs Bull (669) —by Studley Bull (626)— bought of Mr. Pickering by Mr. Hall. PRINCESS— Yellow red, calved in 1813, bred by Sir Henry Vane Tempest, Wynyard, Durham, got by Wynyard (703), out of a cow bred by Sir H. V. Tempest: A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 215. GEO. HOUSEMAN, Of London, Can. LORD OF LUNE 4119 (16428) [418]— Roan, calved May 10, 1858, bred by Mr. ^ouseman, Lune Bank, Lancaster, got by Duke of Buckingham (14428), out of Grace Darling by Rex (6385) — Geneva by Rex (6385) — Elizabeth by Solomon (6513) — by Skel- brook (5206)— by Frickley (3849). 1879. J. HUNTER. By Ship Quebec, from Liverpool. SIR EDMUND 53925 (42391)— Roan, calved June 4, 1878, bred by Hugh Aylmer, got by Sir Wilfrid (37484), out of Maid of Lome by Royal Broughton (27352) — Maid of the Abbey by Prince Christian (22581)— Maid of the Morn by Hildebrand (18068) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 319 — Maid of Orleans by Knight of Windsor (16349) — by Vanguard (10994)— by Banker (11136)— by Samuel (5084)— by Reformer (^512)— by Imperial (2151)— by Favorite (1030)— by Young Dim- ple (971)— by Brown's White Bull (98). May 5. 1881. J. HUNTER. Alma, Ont., Can. Ship Oxe^iholme, Liverpool. SOCRATES 58151 (45640)— Red bull, calved May 20, 1880, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey^ Norfolk, got by Sir Simeon (42412), out of Casseopea by Sir Wilfrid (37484)— Cas- sandra by Royal Monk (35392)— Celeste by Royal Broughton (27352) — Christine by Prince of the Realm (22627) — Charmian by Valasco (15443)— Lady Hasseltine by British Boy (11206)— Calomel -by Hamlet (8126)— Chalk by Leonard (4210)— Bellonaby Buckingham (3239)— from the stock of Sir M. W. Ridley. GOLDEN BELLE— Red heifer, calved March 1, 1879, bred by H. Aylmer, got by Sir Wilfrid (37484), out of Golden Feather by Royal Prince (32404)— Gold Hope by Royal Broughton (27352)— Golden Drop by Prince Christian (22581) — Gold Chain by Fitz Windsor (17860)— Gilt Hope by Hopewell (10332)— Gilt by Van- guard (10994)— Gold Leaf by Leonard (4210)— by Remus (4932)— by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Prince of Waterloo (528) — by Young Favorite (255). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 302, under dam, and Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 482. 1870. J, & R. HUNTER. LADY FANNY— Red, calved March 1 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Rob Roy (22740), out of Lady Fair by Royal Butterfly (18753)— Lady Like by The Baron (13833)— Lady Isabella by Matadore (11800)— Ara- bella by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Picotee by Premier (6308)— Sun- flower by Unicorn (8725) — by Monarch (4495) — by Young Satellite (8538) — by Valentine (661) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 617 : C. H. B.. vol. 2, p. 551, and 15rit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 482. 320 June 20, 1871. J. & R. HUNTER. Sunnyslde, PUkingtim, Wellington Co., Canada. By Ship Nova Scotia, from LifverjMol. KNIGHT OF WARLABY 20163 (29014) [1634]— Iloan bull, calved Jan. 2, 1870, bred by Mr. J. Wliyte, Little Olinterty, Aber- deen, Scotland, got by Baron Booth (21212), out of Fan Fan by Sir James (16980)— Faith by Sir Charles (12075)— Fanchette by Pe- trarch (7329)— Fame by Raspberry (4875)— by Young Matchem (4422)— by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). June, 1872. J. & R. HUNTER. By Ship Vickshurg, from Liverpool. ROSE OF SPRING— Red and white, calved April 9, 1873, bred by T. E. Pawlett, Beeston, Bedfordshire, got by Prince Regent (29677), out of Rose of Autumn by Prince Alfred (27107)— Rose of Summer by Prince Hopewell (22592)— Rose of Promise by Heir- at-Law (13005) — Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824) — Pelerine by Buckingham (3239) — Mantilini by Marcus (2262) — Maiden by Matchem (2281) — Lady by Alderman (1622) — Lady Mowbray by Pilot (496)— Sylph by Remus (550)— Matilda by Sir Charles (592)— Alpine by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — Young Strawberry by a son of Favorite (252) — Strawberry. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 845, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 753. ROSE OF AUTUMN— Red and white, calved Nov. 24, 1870, bred by T. E. Pawlett, got by Prince Alfred (27107), out of Rose of Summer by Prince Hopewell (22592), &c., as in Rose of Spring. Recorded, Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 485; E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 712, uuder dam. and A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 841. HUNTER & VAN CLOVE. DAISY — Bred by J. Morris, Shuttleworth, Leicester, got by Emperor (1973), out of Cherry by Comet (155) — Beauty, owned by Mr. Bradie. Northallerton, Eng. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNH. 321 1839. REUBEN HUTCHCRAFT. Bourbon Co., Ky. BEDA— Red, calved about 1836, bred by Col. Cradock, Hartforth, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Daisy by Gainford (2044) — by Forester (1055)— by Rob Roy (557). WILD ROSE— Roan, calved in February, 1838, bred by Mr. Watkin, got by Chorister (3378), out of Whitefoot by Harrington (2121)— by Lenny (2197)— by Eclipse (238)— Violet by Western Comet (689) — Best Twin by Favorite"(252) — Old Simmon, descended from Studley White Bull (627). VAN BUREN 1062— Bred by Col. Cradock, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Cherry by Pirate (2430)— by Young Hough- ton (1119)— by Marshal Blucher (416). DON JOHN (3603)— Red roan, calved Feb. 24, 1838, bred by Mr. Watkin, Plumpton, Penrith, Eng., got by Chorister (3378), dam by Emperor (1974)— by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199) —by Hector (2103)— by Traveler (655)— by Surley (2715)— by Colonel. BLOSSOM— Got by Magnum Bonum (2243), dam by Forester (1055)— by Frederick (1060)— by Rockingham. FATIMA — Roan, bred by Col. Cradock, Eng., got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Strawberry by a son of Pirate (2430) — by Frederick (1060) — by Rockingham. HARRIET— Red cow, calved about 1835, bred by Col. Cradock, Hartford, near Richmond, got by Gainford (2044), out of Young Lofty by Forester (1055) — Dairymaid by Rockingham — by Fred- erick (1060). August, 1874. E. ILES. Springfleld, III. FLORA 3d— Roan cow, calved April 25, 1869, bred by J. Gordon, Cluny Castle, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Masterman (26864), out of Flora by Squire of Bushey (20889) — Tulip by Rfchard Ooeur de Lion (13590)— Opulent by Abraham Parker (9856)— Flounce by Tomboy 3^2 warfield's histoky (9750)_riora by Magician (7185)— by Vivian (5575)— by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Alive 01 (2995)— by Young Alive 0! (2996)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 523, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 559. FLORA 7th— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 21, 1872, bred by J. Gordon, Cluny Castle, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Watchman 2d (27756), out of Flora 2d by Masterman (26864)— Flora by Squire of Bushey (20889)— Tulip by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590)— Opulent by Abraham Parker (9856)— Flounce by Tomboy (9750) — Flora by Magician (7185) — by Vivian (5575) — by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Alive 0! (2995)— by Alive 0! 2d (2996)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 522, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 559. FLORA BELLE— Red, calved Feb. 22, 1875, bred by J. Gordon, Cluny Castle, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Windsor Booth (32875), out of Flora 2d by Masterman (26864) — Flora by Squire of Bushey (20889)— Tulip by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590)— Opulent by Abraham Parker (9856)— Flounce by Tomboy (9750)— Flora by Magician (7185)— by Vivian (5575)— by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Alive 0! (2995)— by Young Alive 01 (2996)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 559. Calved after dam reached Illinois. ORANGE BLOSSOM 18th— Red, calved Jan. 31, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Viceroy (32764), out of Orange Blossom 14th by Knight of the Whistle (26558)— Orange Blossom 12th by Prince Imperial (22595)— Orange Blossom 2d by The Baron (13833) — Orange Blossom by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Fancy by Billy (3151) — Jessie by Sovereign (7539) — Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Sym- metry (646). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 764, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 657, under dam. IMPORTED SHORTHORNS. 323 MLSSIE 40th— Red and white, calved Jan. 5, 1873, bred by W. S. Marr, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Young Englishman (31113), out of Missie 35th by Prince of Stokesley (27177)— Missie 5th by Lord of Lome (18258)— Missie 2d by Augustus (15598).— Missie by son of 3d Duke (17697)— Countess by Pacha (7612)— Jessamine by Mahomed (6170)— Rose by Plenipo (4725)— Thorn by Abbot (2899). . A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 774. DUKE OF RICHMOND 21525— Red, calved March 16, 1873, bred by Jas. Bruce, Scotland, got by Lord St. Leonard's (29202), out of Fanny by Royal Errant (22780)— Flora by The Gipsey Chief (15385)— Red Rose by Captain Balco (12546)— Daisy by Kos- suth (11646)— Lucy Neil by Roger (13615)— Snowdrop 2d by Studley (628)— Snowdrop by Rockingham (2547)— by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). July, 1857. ILLINOIS IMPORTING ASSOCIATION. (Jas. N. Brown, H. C. Johns and H. Jacoby, Agents.) By sailing vessel Oeorgla, in July, 1857, to Philadelphia. Sold at Fair Qronnds, Springjield, III., Aug, 27, 1857. BULLS. KING ALFRED (14760)— Red, calved April 4, 1855, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Heart's Ease by Lord of the North (11743) — Countess of Hardwick by Percy (6283)— Celia by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— Cornflower by Bashaw (1692) — by Helmsman (2109) — by Columella (904)— by Regent (544)— by Palatine (478)— by Palmflower (480) —by Patriot (486)— by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes' Bull (314). Sold to Brown, Jacoby & Co., for $1,300. DOUBLOON 3833^— Red, calved Feb. 26, 1856, bred by Jas. Topham, Downston, Ireland, got by Orphan Boy (13429), out of Splendor 10th by Gen. Lax (12933) — Splendor 4th by Marquis of Rockingham (10506)— Splendor 2d by Baronet (6763)— Splendor by Guy Faux (7062)— White Rose by Pedestrian (7321)— Roan 324 warfield's history Rosalind by Edrom (1986) — Young Rosalind by Scipio (1421) — Rosalind by Hector (1104)— Rose by Midas (435)— Red Rose by Marquis (407)— by Chilton (136)— by Ben (70). Sold to Wash. lies, for $1,075. MASTER LOWNDS 31404— Roan, calved May 25, 1855, bred by R. 0. Lowndes, Liverpool, Eng., got by Bellerophon (11165), out of Oaradorio (vol. 12, p. 303, E.) by Alderman (9882)— Alice by Colonel (8967) — Moss Rose by Locomotive (4242) — Adelaide by Cleveland (3403)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700) —by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). Sold to J. H. Spears, for $725. ARGUS (14102)— Roan, calved Dec. 14, 1855, bred by Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, Surrey, got by Beau (12182), out of Annie by Broughton Hero (6811)— Minosa by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Minna by Fergus (3782)— Starlight by Dandy (1902)— Moonshine by Oliver (2386)— by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by Colling's son of Favorite (252). Sold to Geo. Barnett, for $2.,058. ROMULUS (13625)— Roan, calved Jan. 9, 1854, bred by William Coppinge, got by Rolla 2d (13618), out of Lovely by a son of Alfred (6732)— Louisa by Clementi (3399)— Duchess by Maximus (2284) — Duchess by Matchem (2281) — by Scipio (1421) — by Stephen (1456)_by Western Comet (689)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Favorite (252) — by Bartle (777) — descended from Studley White Bull (627). Died before sale. DEFENDER (12687)— Roan, calved March 6, 1854, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Matadore (11800), out of Diadem by Fitz Leonard (7010)— Betty Floss by Cleveland (3406)— Ranunculus by Conservative (1865)— by Listen (2210)— by Wonderful (700)— by Symmetry (643) — by Jupiter (345) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531). Sold to A. G. Carle, for $2,500. IMPORTED SH0RT-H0RN8. 325 GOLDFINDER 2920^— Roan, calved Oct. 5, 1856, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Grand Turk (12969), out of Gipsey by Charlie (12583)— Urella by Captain Edwards (8929)— Fair Rosamond by Senator (8548)— Emily by 8ir Philip (8588)— by Premier (2448)— by Alfred (2985). Sold to J. C. Bone, for $725. CULTIVATOR (12670)— Red and white, calved March 18, 1854, bred by R. 0. Lowndes, Rice House, Club Moor, got by Harry Lorrequer (12991), out of Belinda by Lord Clarendon (10434) — Annie by Harkaway (9184) — Primrose by Egremont (9075) — Orinda by Marmion (4383)— Adelaide by Cleveland (3403)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)_by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). Died before sale. YOUNG CHELTENHAM (14264)— Red, calved Jan. 10, 1855, bred by John Webb, Horseheath, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of May Day by The Minstrel (8687)— Cherry by Prince Albert (7358)— Miss Cooke by Favorite (3769)— Gulnare by Oliver (2386) -by Albany (13)— by George (273)— by son of Mason's White Bull (421). Died before sale. ADMIRAL 2473— Red, calved July 1, 1855, bred by Lord Tal- bot, Ireland, got by Phoenix (10608), out of Maid of Moynalty by The Beau of Killerby (8126)— Venus by Forrest (10240)— Virtue by Marquis of Chandos (6180)— by Prince Ernest (7366)— by Madcap (7183)— by Paul Pry. Sold to S. Dunlop & Co., for $2,500. cows. WESTERN LADY— Roan, calved March 2, 1855, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall. Halifax, got by Grand Turk (12969), out of Wiseton Lady by Humber (7102) — Zeal by Roman (2561) — Roguery by Mercury (2301)— Pageant by Monarch (2324) — No. 3 Mason's Sale by St. Albans (2584) — No. 4 Mason's Sale by Jupiter 326 (342)— Sir Oliver Cow by Sir Oliver (605)— Raspberry by Trunnell (659) — Strawberry by Favorite (252) — Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19) —by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 592, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 664, under dam. Sold to J. N. Brown, for 11,325. EMPRESS EUGENIE— Red and white, calved April 21, 1855, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Imperial Cherry (vol. 10, p. 403, E. H. B.) by Emperor (6973)— Cherry Ripe by Sir Walter (2639)— Young Cherry by Young Waterloo (8757)— Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— Old Cherry by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). Sold to J. Ogle, St. Clair Co., for $675. LADY HARRIET— Roan cow, calved April 1, 1854, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Procurator (10657), out of Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Non- pareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836) — Nonpareil 2d by Commo- dore (1850)— by Tathwell Studley (5401)— Twine Tail by Blyth Comet (85). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 418. Sold to J. H. Jacoby, for $1,300. CASSANDRA 2d— Roan, calved Sept. 19, 1854, bred by Rev. Thos. Cator, Shelbrook Park, near Doncaster, Yorkshire, got by Master Charlie (13312), out of Lady Hawke by Norfolk (9442)— Rebecca by Rex (6385) — Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thomas Fair- fax (5196) — Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelPs Bull of Burdon. E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 524, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 476. Sold to H. Owsley, for $675. FAMA — Red and white, calved June 7, 1856, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961), out of Finella 2d by Grand Duke (10284)— Fay by Foig-a-Ballagh (8082)— IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 327 Fame by Kaspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422) — Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (497)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 383, under dam. Sold to J. H. Spears & Co., for $1,050. POMEGRANATE— Roan, calved Nov. 25, 1855, bred by Rev. Thomas Cator, Shelbrook Park, got by Master Charlie (13312), out of Cassandra by Norfolk (9442)— Florence by Rex (6385) — Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496)— White Cow by Agamemnon (9) — Darlington Cow by Burrell's Bull of Great Burdon. A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 421, and E. H. B., vol. 14, p. 378, under dam. Sold to T. Simpkins, for $975. LILY— White, calved Jan. 17, 1855, bred by Ed. Bowly, Sid- dington House, Cirencester, got by Snowstorm (12119), out of Sunflower by California (10017)— Diana by Thirty-Two (8704)— Limpid by Viceroy (7678) — Lemon by Marquis (2271) — by Isaac (1129)— by Blucher (83)— by Cecil (120). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 432, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 618, under dam. Sold to G. Barnet, for $550. CONSTANCE— Roan, calved Oct. 11, 1854, bred by Ed. Bowly, Siddington House, Cirencester, got by Snowstorm (12119), out of Felicity by Sol (8608)— Joyous by Leo (4208)— Playful by Fred- erick (3837)— Delight by Rival (2534)— Diana by Darlington (956) — Dahlia by Denton (198) — Gaudy by Rockingham (560) — by Job- ling's son of Phenomenon (491) — by Colonel (152) — by Styford (629). . A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 303, and E. II. B., vol. 11, p. 449, under dam. Sold to Geo. Barnett, Will Co., 111., for $700. EMPRESS— Roan, calved April 20, 1855, bred by Mr. E. Bowly, Siddington House, Cirencester, got by Tortworth Duke (13892), out of Flippant (vol. 11, p. 453, E. H. B.) by Bourton Hero (9983)— 328 wakfield's history La Polka by Monzani (6222)— by The Prince (7615)— by Fitzroy (3808)— by Morpeth (2339)— by Roman (2559)— by Admiral (5)— by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by a bull of Mr. Foljambe's. A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 338. Sold to Henry Jacoby, for $1,725. RACHEL 2d— Roan, calved July 5, 1855, bred by S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, Lancaster, got by Duke of Bolton (12738), out of Young Rachel (vol. 10, p. 542, E. H. B.) by Leonard (4210)— Rachel by Young Red Rover (4905)— Rally by Rowton (5019)— Young Carnation by Admiral (5) — Carnation by Pilot (496) — White Rose by Albion (14)— Halnaby by Lame Bull (359)— by Easby (232)— by Suwarrow (636). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 529. Sold to J. N. Brown, for $3,025. MINX— Red, calved Jan. 3, 1856, bred by John Christy, Fort Union, Adare, Limerick, got by Lord Spencer (13251), out of Mabel by Young Shaftoe (9625)— Eva by Shotley 2d (7494)— Actress by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Sylph by Robin — by Regent (544)— by Cecil (120)— by Midas (435)— by Meteor (431)— by Petrarch (488) — by Alexander (20) — by Tiiaveler (655) — by son o{ Bolingbroke (86). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 476, under dam. Sold to J. G. Loose, for $800. ADELAIDE— Roan, calved March 1, 1856, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Aberiieen, got by Matadore (1180), out of Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (4196)— by Billy (3151)— Jessy by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). A. H. B. vol. 4, p. 251. Sold to R. Morrison, for $825. EMERALD — Roan, calved March 4, 1856, bred by Thos. Barnes, Westland, Moynalty, Ireland, got by Hopewell (10332), out of Ruby by Royal Buck (10750)— Lady Sarah by Burley Fairfax (6822)— Violet by Monarch (4495)— Julia by Invalid (4076)— Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 336, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 594, under dam. Sold to J. C. Bone, for $2,125. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 329 PERFECTION— Red, calved April 20, 1856, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by The Baron (13833), out of Model by Matadore (11800) — Brunette by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506)_Zenith by Premier (6308)— Strawberry by Soldier (5239)— by Young Commodore (3453) — by Alamode (725). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 510, under dam. Sold to E. B. Hill, Scott Co., for 1900. COQUET— Roan, calved May 16, 1856, bred by Mr. Bowly, got by Economist (11425), out of Caprice by Harold (10299)— Juliet by Sol (8608)— Kate by Leo (4208)— Ada by Treasurer (5513)_Lady Byron by Rupert (2580)— by Novth Star (460)— by Cripple (173)— by Minor (441)— by Freeman (269)— by Danby (190). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 303, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 303, under dam. Sold to Geo. Barnett, Will Co., 111., for $550. CORONATION— Red, calved June 28, 1856, bred by Jonas Webb, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Young Celia by Lord of the North (11743)— Celia by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— Cornflower by Bashaw (1692) — Columbine by Helmsman (2109) — by Columella (904)— by Regent (544)— by Palatine (478)— by Palmflower (480)— by Patriot (486)— by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes^ Bull (314). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 310, under dam. Sold to J. A. Pickrell, Sangamon Co., 111., for 1500. GENTILITY— Roan, calved June 1, 1855, bred by Harvey Combe, Cobham Park, Surrey, got by Puritan (9523), out of Graceful by Loyalist (10479)— Gazelle by Noble (4578)— Garland by Hector (4000) — Moss Rose by Emperor (1974) — Rosebud by Mar- grave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Traveler (655)— by Surley (2715)— by Colonel (152). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 404, under dam. Died before sale. VIOLET— Roan, calved Aug. 19, 1856, bred by Jonas AYebb, Babraham, got by Young Scotland (13681), out of Lady Love by 330 warfield's history Red Eoan Kirtling (10691)— Belinda by Ranunculus (2479)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928) — by Midas (435) — by Comet (155) — by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252)— by son of Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319). A. H. B., vol. 4, p! 588, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 452, under dam. Sold to J. W. Judy, Menard Co., 111., for $700. BELLA — Roan, calved March 27, 1852, bred by E. Bowly, got by California (10017), out of Diana by Thirty-Two (8704)— Limpid by Viceroy (7678) — Lemon by Marquis (2271) — by Isaac (1129)— by Blucher (83)— by Cecil (120). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 407, under dam. Sold to J. Ogle, St. Clair Co., 111., for $750. CAROLINE— Roan, calved May 16, 1853, bred by L. C. Lowndes, got by Arrow (9906), out of Bell by Harkaway (9184)— Gaudy by Marmion (4383) — Moss Rose by Locomotive (4242) — Adelaide by Cleveland (3403)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 289, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 331, under dam. Sold to J. M. Hill, Cass Co., Mich., for $500. Her dam, ''Bell,^' is sometimes called " Bellrage." STELLA— Roan, calved Aug. 22, 1853, bred by E. Bowly, got by Snowstorm (12119), out of Purity by Hesperus (10321) — Change- ling by Leonidas (9291)— by Sol (8608)— by Brunei (7857)— by Ovis (4635)— by Treasurer (5513)— by Rupert (2580)— by North Star (460)— by Cripple (173)— by Minor (441)— by Freeman (269)— by Danby (190). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 651, under dam. Sold to Mr. Bonnman, St. Clair Co., Mich., for $925. IMPORTED SHORT-HOKNS. 331 JULIUS L. INCHIES. Frcdricktoii, New Brunswick. PRINCESS 2d— Got by Prince Regent (13523), out of Princess by Chilton (11279)— Lucy by Belted Will (9952)— Moss Rose by Duke (7595) — Warren Rose by Bellerophon (3119) — White Rose by Belvedere (1706)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859) —by Irishmaij (329)— by Styford (103). See Crown Prince 2d 1119, Brit. -Am. H. B. 1859 or I860. JULIUS L. INCHIES. Fredrickton, New Brunswick. DUKE — Light roan, calved Feb. 25, 1858, bred by Robt. Geikie, Roseneath, Baldowrie, Scotland, got by Oronoco (13425), out of Lady by Viscount (13956) — Jannetta by Chilton (11279) — Susanna by Strathmore (6547) — Susan by Sir Robert (5183)— -Rosalind by The Baron (3095)— Ruby by Emperor (3716)— Cicely by Invalid (4076)_Lady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). No. 1116, in Brit.-Am. H. B. June, 1867. GEORGE ISAAC, Of Haldimand, Can. To Mo7itreal, by Ship AMonia. MARGARET 3d— Red, calved May, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Diphthong 3d (21547), out of Margaret 2d by Scarlet Velvet (16916) — Margaret by The Garioch Boy (15384) — Barbara by Unrivaled (13926) — Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) —Nora by Sillery (5131)— Emily by Sillery (5131)— Eliza by Young Western Comet (1575) — Lady Betty by Diamond (205) — Betty by Eavorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1010, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 635. ISABELLA— Red, calved March 26, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Diphthong 3d (21547), 332 warfield's histoky out of Mina by Beeswing (12456)— Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131) — by Carleton (843) — by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol. 9, p. 672, and 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 511. PRINCE CHARLIE (27123)— Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, got by Prince of Worcester (20597), out of Ury 2d by Diphthong (17681)— Ury Lass by Beeswing (12456)— Miss Isabella by Mosstrooper (11827) — Donside Lassie by Vice-Presi- dent (11002)— by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (.3646)— by Sillery (5131)— by Sillery (5131)— by Young Western Comet (1575)— by Diamond (205)— by Favorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). CANADIAN PRINCE 7646 [1065]— Red, calved Jan. 12, 1868, bred by Sylvester Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Gladstone (26256), out of Isabella by Diphthong 3d (21547) —Mina by Beeswing (12456)— Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131) —by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). July, 1870. GEO. ISAAC. 2^0 Montreal, by Allan Steamship Qleniffer. STATESMAN 15539 (32607) [2317]— Red roan, calved April 9, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Nobleman (26967), out of Nonpareil 28th by Prince of Worcester (20597) — Nonpareil 25th by Diphthong (176.81)— Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249)— Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Matadore (11800) — Nonpareil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836) — by Commodore (1858) — Nonpareil by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). WELLINGTON 15692 (32828) [2421J— Red, calved Jan. 6, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Eskdale (26111), out IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 33^ of Bloom 2d by Diphthong 3d (21547)— Bloom by Mosstrooper (11827) — Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Jewess by Bow- mont (3200)— Euth by a son of Exraouth (3747)— by Prince (4765) —by Wellington (2824). BLOOM 3d— Eed, calved April 23, 1868, bred by S. Campbell, got by Diphthong 3d (21547), out of Bloom (vol. 13, E.) by Moss- trooper (11827) — Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Jewess by Bowmont (3200)— Ruth by a son of Exmouth (3747)— by Mr. Robson's Bull (9562)— by Prince (4765)— by Wellington, (2824). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15514, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 364. BLOOM 4th— Red, calved Feb. 25, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Bloom 3d, above. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 364. MYRTLE— Roan, calved March 28, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, got by Nobleman (26967), out of Rosebud 2d by Prince of Wor- cester (20597)— Rosebud by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Thalia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800)— Myrtle by Balmoral (9920)— Fortune Teller by Dannecker (7949) — Enchantress by Ury (17157) — Ladykirk by Heriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Jupiter (1144). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 678. GOLDEN DROP 2d— Roan, calved in April, 1868, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Gladstone (26256), out of imp. Golden Drop 1st (vol. 14, A. H. B.) by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Golden Drop by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Bloom by Mosstrooper- (11986) — Thessalonica (vol. 11, E.) by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Jewess (vol. 10, E.) by Bowmont (3200)— by son of Exmouth (3747)— by Robson's Bull (9562)— by Prince (4765)— by Wellington (2824). . A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18545, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 495. GOLDEN DROP 3d— Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Golden Drop 2d by Gladstone (26256), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 582, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 495. 334 warfield's history MISS RAMSDEN 3d— Rocin, calved in March, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, got by Nobleman (26967), out of Miss Ramsden 2d by Diphthong (17681)— Miss Ramsden 1st by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Miss Ramsden by Bushranger (12516) — by Donside Fairfax (11365) —by Duke (3630)— by Reveller (2528)— by Grazier (1085)— by Oato (857)— by Atlas (42)— by Favorite (257)— by Robinson's Bull (4974) —by Badsworth (47). A. H. B., vol. 23, p. 17982, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 670. MISS RAMSDEN 4th— Roan, calved Jan. 24, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Duke (28342), out of Miss Ramsden 3d by Nobleman (26967), &c., as in Miss Ramsden 3d, above. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 826, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 656. GERALDINE— Red, calved March, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, got by Nobleman (26967), out of Ellen by Garibaldi (17916)— Moss Rose by Earl of Windsor (15968) — Mary by Mosstrooper (11827) — Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronan by A. Jopp's Bull (9256) — Kate of Darlington. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15694, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 491. HELEN— Red, calved April 18; 1868, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (26256), out of Miss Helen 2d (vol. 16, p. 583, E.) by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Miss Helen by California (12528)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Norah by Sillery (5131)— by Young Western Comet (1575) —by Diamond (205)— by Favorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). ^ A. H.'b.,vo1. 23, p. 17865. LOUISA — Roan, calved March 24, 1869, bred by S. Campbell, got by Nobleman (26967), out of Mary 1st by Diphthong (17681)— Mary by Cceur de Lion (12611) — Alma by Mosstrooper (11827)— Leda by Donside Fairfax (11365) — Miss Ramsden by Duke (3630) —by Reveller (2528)— by Grazier (1085)— by Cato (857)— by Atlas (42)— by Atlas (257)— by Mr. Robinson's Bull (4974)— by Bads- worth (47). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 609. IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 335 July, 1872. GEORGE ISAAC. By SteamsMfp Oleniffer, landed at Montreal. MARGARET 4th— Red, calved Feb. 20, 1871, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Duke (28342), out of Margaret 2d by Gladstone (26256) — Margaret 1st by Diphthong 3d (21547) — Margaret by Garioch Boy (15384)— Barbara by Unrivaled (13926)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nora by Sillery (5131)— Emily by Sillery (5131)— Eliza by Young Western Comet (1575) — Lady Betty by Diamond (205)— Betty by Favorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15925, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 620. HIGH SHERIFF 32841 (34162) [3345]— Roan, calved April 10, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, got by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Margaret 4th by Duke (28342), &c., as in, Margaret 4th, above. INKERMANN 26863 (31414)— Roan, calved March 31, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, got by Duke (28342), out of Claret 2d by Diphthong 3d (21547)— Claret (vol. 15, E.) by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Barbara by Unrivaled (13926)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612) — Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Norah by Sillery (5131)— Emily by Sillery (5131)— Eliza by Young Western Comet (1575) — Lady Betsy by Diamond (205) — Betty by Favorite (256)_by Charge's Red Bull (1810). BUCHAN LASSIE 2d— Roan, calved February 19, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Buchan Lassie by Diphthong (17681)— Betsey by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Buchan Lassie by Narcissus (9430) — Whitehead by Sir Arthur (12072)— Miss Grant Duff by Prince Alfred (8421)— Maraschino by Duplicate Duke (6952) — Miss Chrisp by Bachelor (1666) — Peggy by Emperor (1974)— by Houndilee (2139)— by Togston (5487). QUEEN OF SCOTS— Roan, calved in February, 1873, bred by S.* Campbell, got by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Buchan Lassie 2(1 by Sir Christopher (22895), &c., as in dam, next aliove. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 713. RUBY HILL- Died after landing. 336 warfield's history PRUDENCE— Red, calved Jan. 20, 1871, bred by Mr. Makie, Pilly of Fyvie, Scotland, bred by Boanerges (25647), out of Mary Anne by Blair Athol (25638)— Tibby by Garibaldi (26218)— Queen by Young Van Dunck (19044)— Mary by Albert (17286)— Julia by Albert (17286)— Madonna by Wonderful (700)— by Cardinal (841) —by Butterfly (104). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 708. ROSE OF AUTUMN— Red, calved Feb. 28, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, got by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Prudence by Boanerges (25647), &c., as in Prudence, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 751. URY 7th— Roan, calved Jan. 14, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Duke (38342), out of Ury 6tli by Gladstone (26256)— Ury 2d by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Ury Lass by Beeswing (12456)— Miss Isabella by Mosstrooper (11827) — Donside Lassie by Vice- President (11002)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Nora by Sillery (5131) — Emily by Sillery (5131) — Eliza by Young Western Comet (1575) — Lady Betty by Diamond (205) — Betty by Favorite (256) — by Charge's Red Bull (1810). 0. H. B., vol. 3, p. 790. QUEEN OF THE OCEAN— Red and white, calved Feb. 28, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Ury 7th by Duke (28342), &c., as in Ury 7th, next above. A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16651, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 714. •HELEN 6th— Red and white, calved April 7, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Helen 3d by Glad- stone (26256)— Helen 2d by Diphthong (17681)— Helen 1st by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Helen by California (12528), &c., as in Helen, above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 504. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 337 August, 1874. JOHN ISAAC, Of BowmanUm, Can. To Quebec, by the Texas. CROCUS— Eoan, calved in August, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Helen by Garibaldi (17916) — Moss Rose by Earl of Windsor (15968) — Mary by Mosstrooper (11827)— Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronan by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 408. FAIR QUEEN— Red, calved Jan. 6, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Fair Queen 3d by Diphthong (17681)— Fair Queen by Master Gunner (22316)— Lovely by Frolic (16086)— Lovely by Sir Arthur (12072)— Nancy by Dannecker (7949)_Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of ^^orth- umberland (3646) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131) — by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 460. MINA 6th — Roan, calved May 2, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, got by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Mina 1st by Diphthong 3d (21547) — Mina by Beeswing (12456) — Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072) — Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131) — by Carleton (843) — by Diamond (205) — by Diamond (205). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 644. CLARET 7th— Roan, calved March 17, 1873, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Under Sheriif (32745), out of Claret 6th by Sir Chris- topher (22895)— Claret 4th by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Claret by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Barbara by Unrivaled (13926)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Sillery (5131)— by Sillery (5131)— by Young Western Comet (1575) — by Diamond (205) — by Favorite (256) — by Charge's Red Bull (1810). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 399. RUBY HILL 7th— Dark roan, calved Jan. 6, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, got by Scarlet Velvet 1st (29939), out of Ruby Hill 3d 42 888 by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Ruby Hill 2d by Diphthong (17681) —Ruby Hill 1st by Scarlet Velvet (1B91G)— Ruby Hill by Elphin- stone (14492)— Hawthorne Hill ])y Duke (7980)— Red Tibby by Sir Robert Peel (7512)— Lady Provost by Buchan Laddie (5814)— by Rob Roy — White Beauty. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 760. NONPAREIL 32d— Roan, calved March 6, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Nonpareil 26th by Scarlet Velvet (16910)— Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249) —Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Mata- dore (11800)— Nonpareil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506)— Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836)— by Commodore (1858)— l)y l^ithwell Studley (o401)— Blyth C^omet (85). A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 912, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 676. BRITISH ENSIGN 34186— Roan, calved Oct. 25, 1874, bred by S. Campbell, got by British Prince (33228), out of Nonpareil 32d l)y Sir ('hristopher (22895), &c., as in dam. above. May, 1879. JOHN ISAAC. To Queltec, hy Ship (Janndlaii. MATILDA— Red, calved April 20. 1877, bred by S. Campbell, got by Borough Member (33186), out of Matilda 1st by Sir Chris- topher (22895)— Daisy 2d by Waldemar (21054)— Matilda 2d by Cunningham (11323)— Matilda by Robin Hood (8494)— Raby by Mahomed 2d (10492)— Daisy by Billy (3151)— Maria by Belshazzar (1703)— by Abraham (2905)— by Simon (5134). Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 489, and C. H. B., vol. 6, p. 431. MINA 6th— Red, calved Aug. 7, 1877, bred by S. Campbell, got by Borough Member (33186), out of Mina 2d by Sir Christopher, (22895)— Mina 1st by Diphthong 3d (21547)— Mina by Beeswing (12456)— Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 889 Northumberland (3646) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131) — by Carle- ton (843) — by Diamond (205) — by Diamond (205). Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 489, and C. H. B., vol. 6, p. 431. STATESMAN 1st (44096)— Red, calved July, 1878, bred by S. Campbell, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Nonpareil 30th by Eoyal Duke (35356)— Nonpareil 28th by Sir Christopher (22895)— Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249)— Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— by Matadore (11800)— by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506)— by Diamond (5918)— by Young Frederick (3836)— by Commodore (1858)— by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). BRITISH STATESMAN (42847)— Roan, calved in April, 1878, bred by S. Campbell, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Rose- bud 3d by Aberdeen (21142)— Rosebud by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Thalia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800)— Myrtle by Balmoral (9920)— by Dannecker (7949)— by Ury (17157)— by Heriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Juniper (1144). June, 1881. JOHN ISAAC. To Quebec, by Ship Quebec CLEMENTINA— Red, calved Jan. 28, 1880, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Clementina 4th by Favorite (33894) — Clementina 3d by Sir Christopher (22895)— Clementina 2d by Diphthong 3d (21547)— Clementina by Lord Ythan (14858) — Empress Eugenie by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— Crescent by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Emperor (3716)— by Invalid (4076)— by Magnet (392)— by Palm- flower (480). Recorded, Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 489. STATESMAN 2d— Roan, calved Jan. 2, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Clementina by Golden Prince (38363), &c., as in dam, above. No. 2239, Brit.-Am. H. B, 340 wakfield's history MAGNET— Roan, calved June 25, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, got by Golden Prince (38363), out of Magnet 3d by Aberdeen (21142)— Magnet 2d by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Magnet 1st by Dipthong (17681)— Magnet by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Leda by Donside Fairfax (11365)— by Duke (3630)— by Reveller (2528)— by Grazier (1085)— by Cato (857)— by Atlas (42). Recorded, Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 489. MAGNET 4th— Red, calved Jan. 2, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Magnet by Golden Prince (38363), &c., as above. Recorded, Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 527. PRINCE OF NORTHUMBERLAND (46911)- Roan, calved Nov. 27, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, gotby Perfection (37185), out of Circassia by Champion of England (17526) — Cicely by Lan- caster Royal (18167) — Crocus by Jemmy (11611) — Kitty by Somerset (10858)— by Hawthorne (7071)— by The Peer (5455)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing, of Longhoughton. June, 1883. JOHN ISAAC, Of Boirrnanton, Ont., Can. By Steamer Coline, at Quebec. COMET— Red, calved Feb. 3, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, Kin- ellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Golden Drop by Gold Prince (38363)— Golden Drop 7th by Sir Christopher (22896)— Golden Drop 4th by Nobleman (26967)— Bloom by Mosstrooper (11827) — Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040)— Jewess by Red Bowmont (3200)— Ruth by son of Ex- mouth (3747)— by Robson's Bull (9562)— by Prince (4765)— by Wellington (2824). BUSHRANGER— Red, calved March 19, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar, got by Good Hope (44884), out of Magnet 4th by Favorite (33894)— Magnet 2d by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Magnet by Scarlet Velvet (16916) — Leda by Donside Fairfax (11365)— Miss Ramsden by Duke (3630)— by Reveller (2528)— by Grazier (1086)— by Cato (857). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 341 MINA 6th— Red, calved Jan. 2, 1881, bred by 8. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Mina by British Prince (33228)— Mina by Dipthong 3d (21547) — Mina by Beeswing (12456) — Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Nora by Sillery (5131) — by Young Western Comet (1575) — by Diamond (205)— by Favorite (252)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). FAIR QUEEN 3d— Roan, calved Feb. 5, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Fair Queen 2d by Sir Christopher (22^95)- Queen by Dipthong 3d (21547)— Fair Queen by Master Gunner (22316)— Lady by Frolic (16086)— Lovely by Sir Arthur (12072)— Nancy by Dannecker (7949)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nora by Sillery (5131), &c., as in Mina 6th, above. ROSEBUD— Red, calved Jan. 5, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Rosebud by Golden Prince (38363) — Rosebud 1st by Dipthong (17681) — Rosebud by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Thilia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800), &c., as in Rose- bud 8th, below. GOLDEN DROP— Red, calved June 20, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Golden Drop 7th by Sir Christopher (22895)— Golden Drop 4th by Nobleman (26967)— Bloom by Mosstrooper (11827), &c., as in bull Comet, above, in this list. MISS RAMSDEN— Red, calved Feb. 6, 1882, bred by Mr. Reith, Auchindich, got by Nobleman (38797), out of Miss Rams- den by Dipthong 3d (21547) — Miss Ramsden 3d by Scarlet Velvet (16916) — Miss Ramsden by Bushranger (12516) — Leda by Donside Fairfax (11365), &c., as in Bushranger, in this list. FLORA 87th— Red, calved Feb. 13, 1882, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, got by Sovereign, out of Flora 83d by Freemason (33973)— Flora 62d by Scotchman 3d (32465)— Flora 48th by Young Hero (26385)— Flora 31st by Valiant (23108)— Flora 18th 342 by Prince (16716)— Flora 9th by Raglan (18664)— Flora 6th by Topthorn (71662)— Flora by Mahomed 2d (70492)— by son of Mon- arch (4495) — bred by Mr. Watson, of Wauldby. LADY 2d— Red, calved June 14, 1882, bred by Geo. KShepherd, Shethin, got by Carberry (44496), out of Lady Matilda by General Windsor (28701)— Lady Medora by Champion of England (17526) —Lady Marion by Bridegroom (11203) — Lady Mitten by Mitten (7238)— Zuleika by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) —White Cow by Agamemnon (9)— by BurrelFs Bull (1768). CECILIA— Red, calved Feb. 7, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, Kinel- lar, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Cecilia 1st by Borough Member (33186) — Cecilia by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Columbine by Sir Walter Scott (32922) — Camelia by Lancaster Comet (11663) — Cactus by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sharon Rose by Plantagenet (11906)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (7539) — Rose by Satel- lite (1420). NONPAREIL 35th— Roan, calved March 20, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Nonpareil 32d by Borough Member (33186)— Nonpareil 31st by Duke (28342)— Non- pareil 29th by Duke (28342)— Nonpareil 25th by Dipthong (17681) —Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249) — Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Matadore (11800)— Nonpa- reil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836) — by Commodore (1858) — Nonpareil by Tathwell Studley (5401) — by Blyth Comet (85). ROSEBUD 8TH— Red, calved Feb. 2, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Rosebud 6th by Borough Member (33186)— Rosebud by Sir Christopher (22895)— Rosebud 1st by Dipthong (17681)— Rosebud by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Thilia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800)— Myrtle by Balmoral (9920)— Fortune- teller by Dannecker (7949)— Enchantress by Ury (17157)— Lady- kirk by Ileriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Juniper (1144). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 343 MINA — Red and white, calved in March, 1881, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Mina by Lumifiary (34715)— Mina by Dipthong (21547) — Mina, by Beeswing (12456) — Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072), &c., as in Mina 6th, above. BELLA 3d— Red, calved Feb. 28, 1881, bred by Mr. Bruce, Ueatherwick, got by Statesman (45659), out of Bella 2d by Heir Apparent (31352)— Bella by John Bright (31441)— Mary by British Prince (23470)— Flora 2d by The Challenge Cup (23022)— Flora by Sam Johnson (15234) — Victoria by Principal Fairfax (10656) — Beauty 2d by Enterprise (10202) — Beauty by Chancellor (6046). SPOTTIE 2d— Red and white, calved Jan. 26, 1881, bred by Mr. Bruce, got by Statesman (45659), out of Dottie by Socrates (39144)_Spottie by John Bright (31441)— Mayflower by British Prince (23470)— Moss Rose by The Challenge Cup (23022)— Mary by Earl of Windsor (15968)— Mary Ann by Sam Johnson (15234)— Mayflower 8th by Duke of Kent (21596)— Mayflower 7th by Filbert (14548)— Mayflower 5th by Jemmy (11611). October, 1883. JOHN ISAAC, Of Bnwrnanton. Ont., Can. By Ship Buenos Ayrenn. BEATTTY 6th— Roan, calved March 1, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar, got by Lord Granville 5th (43517), out of Beauty 4th by Sir Windsor Broughton (27507)— Beauty 2d by Royal Hope (32302)— Beauty by Baron Colling (25560)— Duchess 7th by Mich- igan (24504) — Duchess 4th by West Australian (23202) — Duchess 3d by Prince Arthur (16728)— Duchess 2d by Magnum Bonum (13277)— Duchess by Bloomsbury (9972)— Juno by Monsieur Vestris (6220), &c. QUEEN BESS 7th— Red, calved March 5, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, got by Lord Granville 5th (43517), out of Queen Bess 5th by Sir Windsor Broughton (27507) — Queen Bess 2d by Windsor's Bridegroom (30525) — Queen Bess by Prince of Wales (20583)— Bessy Booth by Richard Booth (18699)— Bessie by Zetland (14048) — Red Princess by Leader (11674) — Princess by Duke of Richmond (14453) — Lady Vesper by Young Hector (2104). 344 warfield's history CLARET 7th— Roan, calved June 20, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Claret 4th by Luminary (34715)_Claret 2d by Novelist (34929)~Claret by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Claret 1st by Duke (28342)— Claret by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Barbara by Unrivaled (13926)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nora by Sillery (5131) — by Young Western Comet (1575)— by Dia- mond (205)— by Favorite (252)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). MINA 10th— Roan, calved July 6, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Mina 5th by Golden Prince (38363) — Mina 3d by Duke (28342)— Mina by Dipthong 3d (21547)— Mina by Beeswing (12456)— Crocus by Sir Arthur (12072)— Bashful by Young Fry (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Nora by Sillery (5131), &c., as in Claret 7th, above. CLEMENTINA— Red, calved June 5, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Clementiiui by British Prince (33228) — Clementina by Sir Christopher (22895) — Clemen- tina by Master Goldschmidt (20305) — Clementina by Lord Ythan (14850)— Empress Eugenie by Guy Fawkes (12981) — Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— Crescent ])y The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — by Emperor (3716)— by Invab'd (4076). CLEMENTINA— Roan, calved March 4, 1883, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Clementina by Golden Prince (38363)— Clementina by Sir Christopher (22895), &c., as above. MARY— Red, calved March 10, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Mary 3d by Borough Member (33186) —Mary 2d by Novelist (34929)— Mary by Sir Christopher (22895) —Mary by Diphthong (17681)— Mary by Coeur de Lion (12611)— Alma by Mosstrooper (11827) — Leda by Donside Fairfax (12365) — Miss Ramsden by Duke (3630) — by Reveller (2528) — by Grazier (1086)— by Cato (857). IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 345 LADY YTHAN— Roan, calved March 20, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Lady Ythan by Novel- ist (34929)— Lady Ythan by Royal Duke (35356)— Lady Ythan by Marmaduke (20284)— Duchess 5th by Lord Ythan (14852)— Duch- ess 2d by Prince of Cobourg (15100) — Duchess by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Agnes by Angus Hero (6745) — Rosebud by Darlington. THE MEMBER— Red, calved March 20, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Rosebud by Borough Member (33186)— Rosebud by Novelist (34929)— Rosebud 1st by Dipthong (17681)— Rosebud by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Thilia by Earl of Aberdeen (12800)— Myrtle by Balmoral (9920)— Fortune- teller by Dannecker (7949)— Enchantress ^ Ury (17157)— Lady- kirk by Heriot (4017)— by Gray Diomed (2076)— by Juniper (1144). COMET— Roan, caived April 21, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Nonpareil 30th by Royal Duke (35356)— Nonpareil 28th by Sir Christopher (22895)— Nonpareil 24th by Lord Sackville (13249)— Nonpareil 23d by The Baron (13833)— Nonpareil 17th by Matadore (11800)— Nonpareil 10th by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Countess of Lincoln by Diamond (5918) — Nonpareil 3d by Young Frederick (3836) — by Commodore (1858)— by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by Blyth Comet (85). CLARET — Roan, calved Jan. 5, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Claret by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Claret by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Barbara by Unrivalled (13926)— Isabella by The Pacha (7612)— Crocus by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Nora by Sillery (5131)— by Young West- ern Comet (1575) — by Diamond (205) — by Favorite (252) — by Charge's Red Bull (1810). ELIZABETH— Roan, calved March 22, 1881, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Nobleman (38797), out of Elizabeth by Lord Oxford [a son of Sir Christopher (22895)]— Elizabeth by Wizard (25467)— Messalina by Domain 1760 — Roan Strawberry by Kelvinside (14756) —Red Strawberry by Cecil (12571)— Rose by Commander (8976) — by Jerry. 4S 346 wakfield's history JILT 7th— Eed, calved April 10, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Jilt by Baron Colling (25560)— Jilt 3d by Felix Booth (23925)— Jilt by Prince Arthur (16723)— Flirt by Magnum Bonum (13277)— Queen by The Pacha (7612) — Strawberry by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Margaret by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Ann by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843)— Dora by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). ROSEBUD 7th— Red, calved March 22, 1883, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Rosebud 7th by Golden Prince (38363)— Rosebud by Dipthong (17681), &c.,as in Rosebud 8th, above. ¥ CLARET 8th— Roan, calved June 30, 1883, bred by S. Camp- bell, got by Gladstone (43286), out of Claret 4th by Luminary (34715)_Claret 2d by Novelist (34929), &c., as in Claret 7th, above. RAW JACKSON and JOHN HODGESON. Ohio. SOVEREIGN 995— Red and white, calved in May, 1837, got (in England) by Young Remus (2523),- out of Strawberry by Magnum Bonum (2243), &c., as above. Imported in 1837. STRAWBERRY— Red and white, calved April 2, 1835, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Old Clara by Marske (4401)— Milkmaid by Wyvill's son of Comet (155) — by Sedbury (1424) — by Smurthwaite's Bull (5219)— by Jolby (4115)— by Burton (3249). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 567. Imported in 1837. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 347 1833. WILLIAM JACKSON. Into New York. DUCHESS— Roan, calved in 1830, bred by Samuel Scotson, Tox- teth Park, got by Ebor (996), dam by Barmpton (54) — by Young Wynyard (704) — by Northumberland (464) — by a son of Comet (155). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 171. Brought to Kentucky by Jos. Wasson and Mr. Shropshire. ROSE — Roan, bred by John Smith, Dashford, near Northaller- ton, got by Skipton, dam by a son of Parrington's Cleveland. Brought to Kentucky by N. L. Lindsey, of Bourbon Co., Ky. MAGNET— Calved May 29, 1832, bred by the Earl of Derby, got by a son of Ebor (996), dam by Viscount — by Young Wynyard (704)— by Northumberland (464), a son of Comet (155). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11606. BULL WINDLE. MISS SCOTSON— Roan, calved May 4, 1838, bred by Samuel Scotson, Toxteth Park (imported in 1840), got by Henwood 2d (4012), out of Jenny Wren by a son of Beauchamp (781) — Avonia by Wharfdale (1578). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 206. DIMPLES 421 — Roan, bred by Mr. Pilkington, got by a grandson of Eitz Favorite (1042), out of Princess by a son of Young Sir Dimple (1442). Brought to Kentucky in 1835, by T. Y. Brent, of Paris, Ky. 1872. MR. JEFFS. Into Canada. DIADEM 2d— Red, calved Jan. 16, 1870, bred by R. Black- well, Tansley, got by Jupiter (24228), out of Diadem by Sir Charles (16948)— Diana 2d by Great Duke (12973)— Dinah by Governor (10282)— Dipthong by Red Duke (7619)— Dillicot by Chediston 1st 348 (6858) — Miss Harrison by Northumberland (1:^86) — Miss Fortune by Hotspur (1117) — Lily by Northumberland (1280) — Jasmine by Rob Roy (556)— Pink by Simon (590)— by Colonel (152)— by Sty- ford (629)— by a son of Hubback (319). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 426. DIADEM 4th— Red, calved May 16, 1873, bred by R. Black- well, got by Byron 21434, out of Diadem 2d by Jupiter (24228), &c., as in Diadem 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 489. August, 1881. ARTHUR JOHNSTON, Of Ch'eenwood, Out. From Liverpool, by Ship Lake Manitoba, to Quebec. LEWIS ARUNDEL 46433— Red, calved March 20, 1880, bred by F. Leney & Son, Wateringbury, Kent, England, got by 44th Duke of Oxford (39774), out of Lady Louisa's Duchess 4th by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022) — Lady Louisa's Duchess 2d by Cam- bridge Duke 3d (23503)— Lady Louisa by Arch Duke 2d (15588)— Lucy Long by Duke of Gloucester (11382) — Louise by Cramer (6907)— Lady Bird by Cato (6836)— Luna by Helicon (2107)— Lavender byMatchem (2281) — Cora by Sir Alexander (591) — Mary by Stephen (1456)— by Western Comet (689)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Favorite (252)— by Bartle (777)— descended from Studley White Bull (627). July, 1883. ARTHUR JOHNSTON. From Glasgow. CAPTAIN ERRANT (47547)— Red, calved April 3, 1882, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, got by King Errant (36839), out of Twin Cherry by Lord Cecil (26621) — Cherry Blossom by Royal Errant (22780)— Cherry by Viscount (15471)— Violet by Kossuth (11646) —by Roger (13615)— by son of Thorp (2757)— by Thorp (2757)— by Albion (731)— by Wellington (679)— by Sultan (631)— by Sig- nior (588). IMPOKTED SHOKT-HOKNS. 349 BOLD BUCCLEUOH— Red, calved Jan. 4, 1883, bred by the Duke of Buccleiich, got by King Errant (36839), out of Lady Made- line by Job (31438)— Lady Heraldine by Grand Herald (26301)— Lady Warlaby by Prince of Warlaby (20593) — Twinness by Har- binger (10297) — Twinna by Fitz Leonard Junior (14553) — Polly by Young Rufus (13649)— by Constitution (12634)— by Young Comet (1853)— descended from Jolly's Bull (4115). September, 1883. ARTHUR JOHNSTON, Of Greenwood, Out. By Steamship Hanoverian, September, 1883, from Liverpool to Quebec. STATIRA DUCHESS 2d— Red, calved July 16, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Robotham, Drayton, Bassett, got by 4th Duke of Grafton (28396), out of Statira 8th by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633)— Statira 6th by Britannicus 2d (19349) — Statira by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Stately by Balco (9918)— Statice by Sir Launcelot (5166) — Shepherdess by Major (4345) — by Ganthorpe (2049) — by Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2622). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 494. STATIRA DUKE 12th— Red, calved March 28, 1883, bred by H. Lovatt, Low Hill, Wolverhampton, England, got by Lightburne Duke of Oxford 2d (38564), out of Statira Duchess 2d by Duke of Grafton 4th (28396), &c., as in dam, above. 1853. CHARLES KELLY. Kellyville, Pa. LIBERATOR 639^ (13153)— Roan, calved June 28, 1852, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Janetta by Lycurgus (7180)— Jocasta by Friar Tuck (3848) — Junta by Warden (5595)— Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797) — Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). 350 DENNIS KELLY. Philadelphia. SALLY WALKER— From the herd of Mr. Walker, Donegal, Ireland. TRAVELER COW— Bred by Mr. Parrington, England, got by Traveler (1525). PEACH— Bred by Jonas Whitaker. See 2142. 1864. KENTUCKY IMPORTING COMPANY, (James Bagg and Wesley Warnock, Agents.) Of Scott County, Ky. Sold at farm of C. W. Innes, Oct. 19, 1854. EMIGRANT 472— Red, calved Aug. 27, 1853, bred by Wm. Wright, Sheriff Button, got by Smiling Willy (13758), out of Curi- osity 2d by Guy Mannering (3957)— Eliza by Prince Albert (4781) —Fiddle by Marcus (2262)— by Listen (4230)— by White Comet (1582). Sold to S. Corbin, for $205. SIRIUS (13737)— Roan, calved Oct. 11, 1852, bred by E. Ackroyd, Denton Park, got by Concord (11302), out of She's Coming Again by Laudable (9282)— Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Thoraasine by Stillington (5327) — by Young Rockingham (2547) — by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1376). Sold to R. A. Alexander, for $3,500. MACGREGOR (13270)— Roan, calved Oct. 1, 1853, bred by F. 11. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Lady Milton by Milton (7238)— Zuleika by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295)— by Pilot (496)— by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull, of Burdon. Sold to John Hill, for $600. EARL DE GREY (12795)— Roan, calved Oct. 22, 1852, bred by R. Cattley, Barndsby, got by De Grey (11346), out of Lavender by Sir Charles Napier (10816)— Sweet Pea by Liberator (7140)— IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 3f)l Sweet Maid by Prince Albert (4791) — Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— Venus by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129)— by Northern Light (1281)— by White Comet (1582)— by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Sold to T. W. Goodloe, for |5250. OAKUM 763 (13402)— Red, calved March 12, 1852, bred by Mr. Ackroyd, Denton Park, got by Star (9687), out of Oakleaf by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Old Love by Orville (4625)— by Tomboy (2765) — by Vesper (1547). Sold to James Bagg. CAPTAIN STOUFFER 311— Red, calved Aug. 30, 1854, bred by E. Ackroyd, Denton Park, got by Oakum (13402), out of She's Welcome by Beaufort (9943) — She's Coming Again by Laudable (9282)— Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Thomasine by Stillington (5327) — by Young Rockingham (2547) — by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1376). Sold to J. McMeekin, for *167.50. IRENE— Roan, calved Sept. 4, 1851, bred by John Kirkham, Hagnaby, near Spilsby, got by Sheldon (8557), out of Interlude by Sailor (10769)— Imogene by Prince Albert (4781) — Isabella by Com- modore (3445) — by Ormsby (4621)— by Major (398)— by Cossack (925)_by Captain (108). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 405, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 404, under dam. Sold to John Hill, for $530. INDUSTRY— Roan, calved March 30, 1855, bred by John Kirkham, got by Usurer (9763), out of Irene by Sheldon (8557), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 405, under dam. POMEGRANATE— Roan, calved winter of 1854-5, bred by Mr. Renton, calved the property of Willis F. Jones, Woodford Co., Ky., got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Pine Apple, &c., as above. PINE APPLE— Roan, calved Dec. 2, 1850, bred by John Ren- ton, near Farnley, got by Lord Morpeth (13205), out of Christmas 8f)2 Lady by The Stuart (7G23)— Princess by Roekingliam (2550)— Queen by Norfolk (2377)— by Follyfoot (3818)— by Hero (1110). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16066, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 632. Sold to W. F. Jones, for $510. AMAZON — Roan, calved June 20, 1851, bred by John Kirkham, Hagnaby, near Spilsby, got by Newmarket (10563), out of Alice Hawthorne by Neptune (7273)— Alice Gray (vol. 9, p. 247, E.) by Prince Albert (4781)— Audleby by Reformer (4917)— by Toneham (2767)— Graceful by a son of Alpha (3004)— by Cossack (925). A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 203. Sold to H. Clay, for 1225. BESSY HOWARD— Red roan, calved Oct. 11, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Fitz Walter (10232), out of Lady Milton (vol. 10, p. 436, E.) by Milton (7238)— Zuleika by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon. Sold to R. A. Alexander, for 1650. RUBY — Roan, calved May 4, 1850, bred by Wm. Linton, of Sheriff Hutton, near York, got by Gen. Fairfax (11519), out of Sybil by Liberator (7140)— Vesper by Prince Albert (4791)— Nun- thorpe by Marcus (2262)— Nun by LuckVAll (2230)— (bred by Mr. Simpson) by a descendant of Alfred (23) — by Equinox (245). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 549. Sold to R. A. Gano, for $215. COMMERCE 2d— Roan, calved March 25, 1852, bred by E. Ack- royd, Denton Park, got by Concord (11302), out of Free Trade by The Stuart (7623)— The Pet by Norfolk (2377)— Favorite by Bright (1739)— Campanula by Shylock (2622)— by Percy (1314)— by Blucher (84) — by Jupiter (344) — by Marshal Beresford (415) — by Crocus (932)— by a bull of Mr. Colling's. .E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 463, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 334. Sold to J. McMeeken, for $415. PEERLESS— Roan, calved Oct. 13, 1853, bred by E. Ackroyd, Denton Park, got by Treasurer (13899), out of The Pearl by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 353 Cotherstone (6903)— Tidy by Plenipo (4724)— by Velocipede (5552) — by Francisco (2032) — by Marske (418)— from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 725, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 502. Sold to Mr. Gaines, for $275. WINNY— White, calved April 8, 1853, bred by Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme, got by Udolpho (13907), out of Zaraby Jerveaux (13082) —Matilda by Lord Stanley (4269)— Red Rose by Velocipede (5552) —Red Rose by Priam (2452)— by Jerry (4097)— from the stock of Mr. Booth. E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 763, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 701. Sold to A. Allen, for $300. MARY— Roan, calved July 19, 1851, bred by Mr. Wright, of Sheriff Hutton, got by Sweet William (9701), out of Mimmy by Liberator (7140) — Modesty by Guy Mannering (3957) — Fanny by Prince Albert (4791)— Fiddle by Marcus (2262)— by Liston (4230). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 570, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 465. Sold to W. E. Simms, for $240. SHE'S WELCOME— Roan, calved Sept. 13, 1851, bred by E. Ackroyd, Denton Park, got by Beaufort (9943), out of She's Com- ing Again by Laudable (9282) — Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Thomasine by Stillington (5327) — by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1376). E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 577, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 555. Sold to J. McMeeken, for $505. SHEPHERDESS— Roan, calved Nov. 26, 1853, bred by E. Ack- royd, Denton Park, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of She's Com- ing Again by Laudable (9282) — Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Thomasine by Stillington (5327) — by Young Rockingham (2547)_by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1376). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 696, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 555. Sold to R. Innis, for $505. 354 WARFIELD S HISTORY MATILDA— Roan, calved April 24, 1854, bred by W. Wright, Sheriff Hutton, got by Villiers (13959), out of Downhorn by Lib- erator (7140)— Curiosity 2d by Guy Mannering (3957)— Eliza by Prince Albert (4791)— Fiddle (vol. 5, E.) by Marcus (2262)— by Liston(4230)— by White Comet (1582). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 471. Sold to S. Corbin, for $205. GRACE DARLING— Roan, calved June 12, 1849, bred by W. Wright, Sheriff Hutton, got by Liberator (7140), out of Modesty 2d by Guy Mannering (3957)— Eliza by Prince Albert (4791)— Fiddle by Marcus (2262)— by Liston (4230)— by White Comet (1582). Died. DOWNHORN— Roan, calved July 31, 1850, bred by W. Wright, Sheriff Hutton, got by Liberator (7140), out of Curiosity 2d by Guy Mannering (3957)— Eliza by Prince Albert (4791)— Fiddle (vol. 5, E.) by Marcus (2262)— by Liston (4230)— by White Comet (1582). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 373. Sold to J. T. McClelland, for 1405. LIZZY— Red, calved March 25, 1853, bred by F. H. Fawkes, of Farnley Hall, got by Marquis of Carrabas (11789), out of Lady Lauretta by Laudable (9282)— Laurel by Petrarch (7329)— Fair Vetch by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Vervain by Colossus (1847) —Verbena by Burley (1766)— Young Alexinaby Pilot (496)— Alex- ina by Warlaby (672)— Agnes by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by a son of Suwarrow (636) — by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin l^rother to Ben (660). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 527, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for 1600. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 355 1883. KENTUCKY IMPORTING COMPANY. (B. F. Vanmeter and Leslie Combs, Agents.) From Liverpool, January 24, 1883. Landed in New York, February, 1883, by Steamer Lake Huron. Arrived in Kentucky, February, 1883. LADY WILD EYES 5th— Red and white, calved March 3, 1879, bred by Earl of Lathom, Lathom House, Ormskirk, Lanca- shire, got by Duke of Rosedale 6th (38176), out of Lady Wild Eyes 2d by Duke of Gloster 2d (28392)— Lady Wild Eyes by Duke of Geneva 8th (28390)— Wild Eyes 24th by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Wild Eyes 22d by Wild Duke (19148)— Wild Eyes 20th by Lord Barrington 1st (13170)— Wild Eyes 16th by Duke of Oxford 2d (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by Duke of Northumberland 4th (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonder- ful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of M. Dobison. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 643, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $510. LADY WILD EYES 7th— Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1881, bred by the Earl of Lathom, got by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), out of Lady Wild Eyes 2d by Duke of Gloster 2d (28392), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 469, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $1,000. ROWFANT KIRKLEVINGTON 2d— Roan, calved March 8, 1877, bred by Sir Curtis Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Crawley, Sussex, got by Duke of Oxford 22d (31000), out of Siddington 12th by Duke of Tregunter 2d (26022)— Siddington 2d by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirk- levington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow, the property of Mr. Bates, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Ery- holme, Eng. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 515. Sold to George L. Danforth, for $425. 356 warfield's history SIDDINGTON DUCHESS— White, calved Dec. 6, 1882, bred by H. Lovatt, Low Hill, Wolverhampton, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of Eowfant Kirklevington 6th by Duke of Ormskirk (36526)— Siddington 12th by Duke of Tregunter 2d (26022), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 566, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $690. MARCHIONESS KIRKLEVINGTON— Red, calved July 10, 1882, bred by H. Lovatt, got by Marquis Oxford 2d (37055), out of Kirklevington Duchess 16th by Duke of Gloster 2d (28392)— Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168) — Kirklevington 14th by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 564, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 529. Sold to J. M. Bigstaff, for 1210. DUCHESS KIRKLEVINGTON— Red, calved March 27, 1882, bred by H. Lovatt, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of Kirk- levington Duchess 26th by Duke of Gloster 3d (33653)— Kirklev- ington Duchess 11th by Duke of Gloster 2d (28392) — Kirklevington Duchess 5th by Duke of Claro 2d (21576) — Duchess of Kent by Lord Liverpool (22168), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 565, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $950. SIDDINGTON KIRKLEVINGTON— Roan, calved April 16, 1882, bred by H. Lovatt, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of Rowfant Kirklevington 2d by Duke of Oxford 22d (31000)— Sid- dington 12th by Duke of Tregunter 2d (26022)— Siddington 2d by Duke of Oxford 4th (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 566, under dam. Sold to A. J. Alexander, for $425. GENEROSITY— Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Gratitude (vol. 23, p. 407, E.) by Breadalbane (28073)— Golden Princess by Lord Raglan (13244) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 357 —Gold Leaf by Lord Cardigan (13177)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037)— The Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952) —The Mint by Eobin-o'-Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (4639)— by Jerry (4097)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). Sold to B. B. Veech, for 1250. VERBENA— Red, calved March 18, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, got by Lamlash (45025), out of Veronica by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Violante by Champion of England (17526)— Violette by Lorenzo (20235)— by Dannecker (7949)— by The Chief (5425)— Eliza by Billy (3151)— Princess by Sovereign (7539)— .Queen, bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to George L. Danforth, for $375. EVANGELINE 4th— Red, calved Jan. 27, 1880, bred by W. Duthie, Collynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Earl of Derby 2d (31061), out of Evangeline 2d by Dipthong (17681)— Evangeline by Hotspur (21960)— Pride of the Dairy by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— Helen by Duke of Northumberland 2d (3646) — Mary Ann by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 378, under dam. Sold to B. B. Veech, for $660. EVANGELINE 5th— Red, calved Feb. 9, 1882, bred by W. Duthie, got by Earl of March (33807), out of Evangeline 2d (vol. 27, p. 378, E.) by Dipthong (17681)— Evangeline by Hotspur (21960), &c., as in Evangeline 4th, above. • A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1167. Sold to George L. Danforth, for $225. MARY ANNE 35th— Red, calved March 23, 1879, bred by G. Marr, Cambrogie, got by Brabagon (37881), out of Mary Anne 34th by Bromley (36289)— Mary Anne 24th by Scotsman 3d (32465)— Mary Anne 13th by Grand Prince (26308)— Mary Anne 8th by Baron Sebastopol (21241) — Mary Anne by Allathan (25508) — Anne 358 ^d by Van Dimck (10992)— by Billy 2cl (5794)— by son of Emperor (3716)_by Inkhorn (6091). E. H. B., vol. 36, p. 398, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for $360. DAINTY DAME— Roan, calved March 25, 1880, bred by J. Cran, Kirkton, Inverness, Scotland, got by Commandant (39610), out of Dainty 8th (vol. 26, p. 384, E.) by Young Hero (26385)— Dainty 7th by Grand Prince (26308) — Dainty 4th by Baron Sebas- topol (21241)— Dainty 3d by Duke of Bolton 4th (15915)— Young Dainty by Fairfax Hero (9106) — Dainty by Duke of Northumber- land 2d (3646) — Magnet by Emperor (3716) — Young Magnet by Invalid (4076)— Magnet by Magnet (392)— by Palmflower (480). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1167. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for $220. ■ QUEEN MARGARET— Roan, calved May 11, 1882, bred by G. Stephenson, Mains of Dum, Portsoy, Scotland, got by Champion (47565), out of Queen Mary by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Queen of Scots by Forth (17866)— Queen of the Isles by The Baron (13833)— Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Kirton by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 703, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for $150. PANSY 6th— Roan, calved April 5, 1882, bred by W. Duthie, got by Good Hope (44883), out of Pansy 3d by Rosethorn (32345) — Pansy 2d by Prince of Worcester (20597) — Pansy by Signet Seal (18824)— Rosa by Lennox (31593)— Kinaldie by Corporal (6899)— Missie by Commander (8976) — by Young Duke, bred at Ury. Sold to B. B. Veech," for $410. DUKE OF GREYHOLT— Roan, calved June 29, 1883, bred by Wm. Duthie, got by Cayhurst (47560), out of Evangeline 4th by Earl of Derby 2d (31061), &c., as in Evangeline 4th, above. WILD EYES LADY— Roan, calved July 24, 1883, bred by Earl Lathom, got by Earl of Kirklevington (46302), out of Lady Wild Eyes 7th by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), &c., as in dam, above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 359 LORD WELLINGTON 52508 (45171)— Red, calved June 19, 1880, bred by Sir Henry Allsopp, Bart., Hindlip Hall, Worcester, got by Duke of Hillhurst 3d (30975), out of Waterloo 37th by Oxford Beau (29485)— Waterloo 30th by Duke of Wharfdale 3d (21619)— Waterloo 25th by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Waterloo 17th by Red Knight (11976)— Waterloo 14th by Grand Duke (10284)— Waterloo 13th by Duke of Oxford 3d (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (2816) —by Waterloo (2816). Sold to W. W. Estill for 1600. AURORA— Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1880, bred by W. A. Mitchell, got by Duke of Chamburgh (36052), out of Alma by Prince Alfred (27107) — Adeline by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Anemone by Forth (17866) — Avalanche by Sir Samuel (16302) — Angerona by Lemnos (1314G)— Amy by Earl Stanhope (5966)— Augusta by True Blue (5522)— Albina by Miracle (2321)— Alice by Sir Henry (1446)— Young Madam by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (61) — Venus by Badsworth (47) — by Driffield (223) — bred by Sir George Strickland, Bart. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 518, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1167. Sold to G. L. Danforth, for 1375. PRINCESS ROYAL 6th— Red, calved Jan. 28, 1881, bred by W. Duthie, got by Border Chief (37874), out of Princess Royal 2d by Heir of Englishman 2d (34128) — Princess Royal by Grand Prince (26308)— Annie by Picotee (15063)— Fanny by Garioch Lad (17938) — Averne by Bucephalus (6784) — Young Amazon by Cru- sader (934) — Amazon by Sultan (1485) — Bellona by Mars (411) — Rolla by North Star (458). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to G. L. Danforth, for $425. MARCHIONESS OF MARCH— Roan, calved Feb. 19, 1882, bred by W. Duthie, got by Earl of March (33807), out of Mar- chioness 3d (vol. 27, p. 379, E. H. B.) by Gold Digger (24044)— Marcliioness 2d by Nelson (22401) — Marchioness by Garibaldi 360 warfield's history (21795)— Miss Nightingale by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bride by Sir Arthur (12072)— Aurora by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Young Amazon by Crusader (934), &c., as in Princess Royal 0th, above. Sold to.W. Warfield, for 1325. FLIRTATION— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1881, bred by the Duke of Richmond, got by Arthur Benedict (40986), out of Flirt 10th by Royal Hope (32392)— Flirt by Magnum Bonum (13277)— Romp by Bloomsbury (9972)— Queen by The Pacha (7612)— Strawberry by Duke of Northumberland 2d (3646) — Margaret by Mahomed (6170)— Mary Ann by Sillery (5131)— Miss Gibson by Carleton (843)— Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol, 26, p. 1167. Sold to G. L. Danforth, for $250. WIMPLE 21sT— Roan, calved March 13, 1881, bred by Duke of Richmond, got by Arthur Benedict (40986), out of Wimple 17th by Royal Hope (32392)— Wimple 8th by Baron Colling (25560), &c., as in Lady Evelyn Hope 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1169, and E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 657. Sold to G. L. Danforth, for $450. MAID OF MARCH— Red roan, calved Feb. 25, 1882, bred by W. Duthie, got by Earl of March (33807), out of Maid of Windsor by Frederick Fitz- Windsor (31196) — Maid of Honor by Hotspur (21960) — Minerva by General Simpson (14608) — Miss Nightingale by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bride by Sir Arthur (12072), &c., as in Marchioness of March, above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for $280. DAISY OF THE LEA— Roan, calved March 19, 1880, bred by Mr. A. Davidson, Mains of Cairnbrogie, Old Meldrum, Scotland, got by Titus (40822), out of Daisy 10th by King John (31494)— Daisy 4th by Prince (16716)— Daisy by Sir Arthur (12072)— Likely by The Pacha (7612)— by Duke of Northumberland 2d (3646)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Dia- mond (205). E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 357, under dam. Sold to I. D. Corwin, Ohio, for $325. IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 361 LADY EVELYN HOPE 2d— Red and white, calved Feb. 26, 1881, bred by Duke of Richmond,, got by Arthur Benedict (40986), out of Lady Evelyn Hope by Royal Hope (32392)— Wimple 8th by Baron Colling (25560)— Wimple 5th by Duke of Oxford 15th (23776) — Wimple 3d by Whipper-in (19139) — Wimple by Prince Arthur (16723)— Anna by Magnum Bonum (13277)— Amelia by Blooms- bury (9972)— Lady Cecilia by Duke 3d (17697)— Sugar Candy by The Peer (5455)— Miss Crisp by Bachelor (1666)— Peggy by Em- peror (1974)— by Houndilee (2139)— by Togston (5487). A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 915. Sold to D. H. James, for $400. MARY ANNE 36th— Roan, calved March 3, 1883, bred by G. Marr, got by Mountain Chief (38767), out of Mary Ann 35th by Brabazon (37881), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to G. L. Danforth. WHITE CHIEF— White, calved Feb. 13, 1883, bred by A. Davidson, got by Mountain Chief (38767), out of Daisy of the Lea by Titus (40822), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to S. Vanmeter. ROSE OF CORIOLE— Roan, calved March 11, 1878, bred by A. Davidson, got by Coriolanus (33446), out of Rosemary by Em- peror Maximillian (26100)— Moss Rose by Young Freedom (21777) — White Rose by Statesman (18927) — Melody by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590)— Young Rosebud by Brilliant (7851)— Rosebud by Young Hector (7074)— by Bachelor (1665)— by Wallace (5588)— by Leopold (2199)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152)— by son of Hubback (319). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 398, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 483. Sold to James Anderson, Ohio, for $250. CAYHURST 2i>— Roan, calved March 13, 1883, bred by W. Duthie, got by Cayhurst (475(30), out of Princess Royal 6th by Border Chief (37874), «StC., as in dam, above. Sold to John Shanton, Pennsylvania. 362 BRUNSWICK— Red roan, calved March 20, 1883, bred by A. Davidson, got by Mountain Chief (38767), out of Rose of Coriole by Coriolanus (33446), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to J. R. Anderson, Ohio. LOVELY 25th— Roan, calved Dec. 26, 1877, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by General Windsor (28701), out of Lovely 14th by Master of Arts (26867)— Lovely 10th by Duke of Bedford (23722)— Lovely 6th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely 3d by Hero (10934)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9264)— Lady Ythan by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by Anthony (1640) — Mirandaby Anthony (1640) — -Merino by Edge- cott (1953)— Matilda by Son of Merlin (6522)— White Cow by Acton (1607). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168, and E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 379. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for $300. LOVELY 28th— Roan, calved April 23, 1878, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Lovely 12th by Scotch Rose (25099)— Lovely 9th by Windsor Augustus (19157) —Lovely 8th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 700, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 353. Sold to W. W. & R. C. Estill, for $240. LOVELY 38th— Red roan, calved Jan. 12, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Cumberland (46144), out of Lovely 28th by Pride of the Isles (35072), &c., as in Dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1120. Sold to John Shanton, Pennsyl- vania, for $155. LOVELY BO Y— Red, calved March 1, 1883, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Earl of March (33807), out of Lovely 25th by Gen. Windsor (28701), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth. ACANTHUS— Red, calved Oct. 14, 1881,. bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Amaryllis by Lord Lan- caster (26666) — Azalea by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Anemone by Forth (17866) — Avalanche by Sir Samuel (15302) — Angerona by IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 363 Lemnos (13146)— Amy by Earl Stanhope (5966)— Augusta by True Blue (5522)— Albinia by Miracle (2321)— Alice by Sir Henry (1446) — Young Madame by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (91) —Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir George Strickland. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 353, under dam. Sold to B. B. Veech, for $425. VIOLET BUD— Red, calved Dec. 26, 1881, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got by Barmpton (37763), out of Rose of Kno.wlmere by Knight of Knowlmere (22055)— Red Violet by Allan (21172)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228) — Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Red Rose by Inkhorn (6091)— Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — Cicely by Sampson — Marion by Wallace (1560). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1169, and E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 354, under dam. Sold to Geo. L. Danforth, for 1350. VICTORIA 73d— Red, calved Feb. 4, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, got ;by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of Victoria 58th (vol. 26, p. 393, *E.) by Pride of the Isles (35072)— Victoria 43d by Champion of England (17526)— Victoria 36th by Baronet (15614) —Victoria 31st by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Victoria 29th by Bed Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Vic- toria by Satellite (1420)— No. 1 Mason's Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514) — Flora by Favorite (252) — Nymph by White Bull (421)— Lily by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Sold to B. B. Veech, for 1500. LUSTRE 23d— Roan, calved April 15, 1879, bred by the Duke of Richmond, Gordon Castle, Fochabers, Scotland, got by White Duke (32849), out of Lustre 15th (vol. 23, p. 617, E.) by Royal Hope (32392)— Lustre 12th by Baron Colling (25560)— Lustre 10th by Michigan (24594)— Lustre 5th by Prince Arthur (16723)— Lustre 3d by Magnum Bonum (13277) — Lustre 1st by Bloomsbury 364 warfield's history (9972)— Lustre by Duke of Northumberland 2d (3646)— Bluebell by l^achelor (1666)— Bellliower by Sultan (1485)— Rolla by North Star (458). Sold to Hugh A. Moran, for !|300. LITTLE LUSTRE— Roan, calved Nov. 29, 1882, bred by the Duke of Richmond, got by Good Hope (44883), out of Lustre 23d by White Duke (32849), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to M. F. Arbuckle, for 1100. LUSTROUS— Red and white, calved March 11, 1881, bred by the Duke of Richmond, got by Arthur Benedict (40986), out of Lustre 15th by Royal Hope (32392), &c., as in Lustre 23d, above. A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1168. Sold to G. L. Danforth, for 1275. PEACH BLOSSOM 14th— Red, calved Jan. 8, 1880, bred by the Duke of Richmond, got by Chief Officer (36359), out of Rose Blossom (vol. 23, p. 617, E.) by Royal Hope (32392)— Autumn Blos- som by Baron Colling (25560) — Red Rose by Magnum Bonum (13277)— Profit by Lochnagar (9303)— Almond Flower by Holkar (4041)— Eglantine by Brougham (1746)— by a bull of Mr! C. Mason's — bred by Mr. Weir, of Goswick. A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 1166. Sold to M. B. Robertson & Son, of Ohio, for $615. NEW-YEAR'S MORN 57211— Red and white bull, calved Jan. 1, 1883, bred by the Duke of Richmond, got by Arthur Benedict (40986), out of Peach Blossom 14th by Chief Officer (36359), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to M. B. Robertson & Son, for $105. 1835. KENYON COLLEGE. A Present to Mrs. Mcllvaine, wife of Bishop Mcllvaine, hy Thos. Bates, Kirklevington, Yarm, Eng. SKIPTON BRIDGE (5208)— Roan, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. Clark, of Skipton Bridge, Yorkshire, got by a grandson of Gov- ernor (1077), out of Rosebud 1st by a grandson of Sir Dimple (594) — Lady by Young Hector (1107) — Rosebud by Maynard's grandson IMPORTED SHORT-HORJSrS. 365 of Laird (1158) — by Gray Bull — by a son of Simon (590) — by a son of Suwarrow (636). HONORABLE M18H BARRINGTON— Roan, calved Jan. 19, 1835, bred by T. Bates, got by Belvedere (1706), out of Lady Bar- rington by a son of Mason's Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by a son of Favorite (252). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 449, under dam. Aug. 4, 1871. W. S. KING, Of Minneapolis, Minn. Shipped by the Germany, from Liverpool, Aug. 4, 1H71. Selected by B. Gibson. GARLAND 2d — Red and white heifer, calved Jan. 1,1870, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle, North Wales, got by 11th Grand Duke (21849), out of Graceful by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Gracious by Marmaduke (14897)— Graceful by Royalist (10479)— Gazelle by Noble (4578)— by Hector (4000)— by Emperor (1974) —by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Traveler (655)— by Surly (2715)— by Colonel (152). Recorded, under dam, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 535. Bought at public sale of W. S. King's, May 21, 1874, at Dexter Park, Chicago, for 12,100, by T. J. Megibben, Cynthiana, Ky. DOUBLE BUTTERFLY 2d— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 28, 1867, bred by R. Eastwood, Thorneyholme, Clitheroe, got by The Hero (20958), out of Double Butterfly by Royal Butterfly (16862) —Alice Butterfly by Master Butterfly (13311)— Alice 2d by Duke of Athol (10150)— Madaline by Marcus (2262)— Landlady by Matchem (2281)— Landlady by Pilot (496)— Daphne by Young Albion (15) — Gaudy by Albion . (14) — Old Gaudy by Suwarrow (636)— by Son of ^Pwin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. U, p. 588, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 480, under dam. 366 wakfield's history DUCHESS OF TOWNELEY— Red, calved July 23, 1866, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon., got by Duke of Towneley (21615), out of Donna Inez by Gondomar (17985) — Damask by A-1 (15538)— Damsel by Enterprise (11443)— Blond by Patriot (10595)— by son of Elevator (6969)— by No Mistake (8357)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Fairfax (1023). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 488. Aug. 26, 1871. W. S. KING, Of Minneapolis, Min7i. By Steamer Austrian, from Liverpool, Aiig, 26, 1871. Selected by Richard Gibson. BUTTERFLY^S MEMENTO— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 20, 1869, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, Lancashire, got by Baron Oxford (23375), out of Duchess of Lancaster 7th by Ingle- wood (20006)— Duchess of Lancaster 2d by Precedent (11918)— Lancaster Belle by Louis Napoleon 2d (13259) — Duchess of Lan- caster by Duke of Lancaster (10929) — Honeycomb by North Star (9447)— Bessy by Thick Hock (6601)-^Barmpton Rose by Expec- tation (1988)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 486, under dam. Note. — In this pedigree, as recorded in vol. 11, p. 535, A. H. B., Duchess of Lancaster 7th is given as by Baron Ribblesdale (21235), out of Duchess of Lancaster 5th. The English Herd Book gives it as above. Both Duchess of Lancaster 5th and 7th are by Inglewood. See E; H. B., vol. 16, p. 428, under dam, Duchess of Lancaster 5th ; E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 464, Duchess of Lancaster 7th, under dam, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 486. MAID OF THE ABBEY— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 30, 1868, bred by Mr. H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Maid of the Morn by Hildebrand (18068)— Maid of Orleans by Knight of Windsor (16349)— Joan of Arc by Vanguard (10994) — Joan by Bumper (10005) — Milkmaid by Samuel (5084)— Cora by Reformer (2512)— by Imperial (2151)— by Favorite (1030)— by Young Dimple (971)— by Brown's White Bull (98). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 605, under dam. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 367 COUNTESS OF OXFORD— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 11, 1869, bred by Messrs. Hosken & Son, Hoyle, Cornwall, got by 2d Earl of Oxford (23844), out of Countess by Prince Frederick (16734)— Jocund by Brigadier (14193)— Jilt by Usurper (13929)— Jacinth by Fawsley (6004) — Jacquette by Javelin (4093) — Jonquille by Blyth (797)— Jeanette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)_by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 569, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 456. HENRIETTA— Roan, calved May 20, 1867, bred by D. Ainslie, Costerton, Edinburg, got by Duke of Tyne (17751), out of Ferooza by Knight Errant (18154) — Barbary by Cardigan (12556) — Barmaid by Lord Fanny (13187)— Beauty by Noble (4578)— Betsey by New- ton (2367)— by Baronet (1686)— by Reformer (2502)— by Mar- grave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly (2715)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 693, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 546. BARON HUBBACK 2d 13199 (27947)— Red, calved Feb. 3, 1870, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, got by Baron Ox- ford (23375), out of Duchess 7th by Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883)— Duchess 6th by Royal Duke (16865)— Duchess 5th by Brennus (8902)— Duchess by Duke of Norfolk (5952)— by Cleve- land Lad (3407)— by Red Highflyer (2488)— by Sir Charles (5146)— by Harry Lorrequer (3985) — by Blucher (84) — by Magnum Bonum (4322)— by Styford (103)— by son of T. WetherelFs Bull (690). Note. — This bull is recorded in the English Herd Book as Baron Hubback 3d (27947). LADY BROUGH— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 15, 1869, bred by F. Robinson, Catt^rrack, Yorkshire, got by Baron Killerby (27949), out of Necklace by Lord Stanley (16452) — by Rifleman (15163) — by Young Hopewell (14719)— by Sir Harry (15287)— by Fitz William (14555). Recorded thus in A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 760. In E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 647, under dam. Necklace is given as by Fitz Arthur (26161). 368 SYLPH— Red and white heifer, calved July 2, 1869, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, North Wales, got by Cherry Duke (25752), out of Sylvia by Vampire (19043)— Duchess by Penrhyn (13463) — Snowdrop by Gentleman (12937) — Virgin by Charles 1st (8947)— Vestris by Belvedere 4th (3130)— by Panton Favorite (4646)— by Plenipotentiary (2436)— by Mameluke (2257) — by Prime Minister (2454) — by Surprise (2716). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 749, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1107. GEM OF LYNDALE— Red and white, calved March 8, 1872, bred by D. Ainslie, Costerton, got by Banner Bearer (27907), out of Henrietta by Duke of Tyne (17751), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 813. FLORENCE BARTON— Roan, calved Sept. 15, 1871, bred by Messrs. Hoskin & Son, Hoyle, got by Towneley Oxford (30170), out of Countess of Oxford by 2d Earl of Oxford (23844), &c., as in dam, in this list. A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 659. I87L W. S. KING. LADY MARGARET— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 17, 1869, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Lady Fannie (vol. 18, p. 564, E.) by Prince Leo- pold (20557)— Lady Margaret by Red Knight (16808)— Ladybird by First Fruits (16048)— Laura by Chilton (10054)— Lady Jane by Augustus (8848) — Lady Maynard by Lord Stanley (4269) — Julia by Velocipede (5552) — by Francisco (2032) — by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— Favorite (252). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 776. FRILL— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 23, 1869, bred by H. Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by Gen. Hopewell 2d (24021), out of Fame by Norfolk Thorndale Duke (24666)— Flirt by Hildebrand (18068) -Flounce by Alderman 2d (17292)— Filigree by First Fruits (16048)— Flirt by Kirklevington (11639)— Flounce by Broughton Hero (6811) — Frill by Rockingham (2550) — Fancy by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 869 Remus (2524) — White Rosette by Juniper (1144) — Rosette by White Comet (1582) — Young Rose by Grandson of Favorite (2073) —Old Rose by Oattley's Gray Bull (1798). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 667, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 506, under dam. CHRISTINE— Red and white, calved Feb. 22, 1869, bred by G. K. Cooper, Bowback House, Suffolk, got by Hogarth 2d (24148), out of Christabel by Mountain Chief (20383) — Christiana by Sir Roderick Dhu (18862)— St. Crispen's Daughter by War Eagle (15483) — Flower of May by Vanguard (10994)— Lenny by Leonard (4210)— by Buckingham (3239)— by Raspberry (4875). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 444, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 555. A. KNIGHT. Stanstead, Can. TOPEKA 13046— Roan, calved April 2, 1868, bred by S. Stowell & Bro., Favordale, Durham, Eng., got by Earl of Oxford (21651), out of May Duchess by Grand Duke of York (12966) — Maydew by Forester (8084)— Martha by Melmoth (6200)— Pretty by Colossus (1847)— Nan by Norfolk (2377)— Lady by Somerville (2659), Note. — (26885) is May Duke, with same pedigree, but calved in April, 1867. Possibly own brother to above. 1821. MR. LAW, Of Baltimore. ASSURANCE— Calved in 1816, bred by Mr. Curwen, Working- ton Hall, Cumberland, got by Harlequin (289), out of Scjit by Sir Oliver (605)— Fanny by Chilton (136)— by Cleveland (144). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 1, p. 492, under dam. ROSEMARY— Roan, calved in 1816, bred by J. C. Curwen, England, got by Flash (261), out of Red Rose by Petrarch (488)— 46 370 warfield's history Bright Eyes by Alexander (20)— by Traveler (655)— by son of Bol- ingbroke (86). E. H. B., vol. 1, p. 458, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16666. VIRGINIA— White, calved in 1821, bred by J. 0. Curwen, got by General (272), out of Rosemary by Flash (262), &c., as in dam, above. E. H. B./vol. 2, p. 595, and A. H. B., vol. 21, p. 16690. BISHOP (73)— Calved in 1818, bred by Mr. Ourwen, got by Rockingham or Wellington (560) or (683), out of Arbutus by son of Harlequin (289) — Strawberry by Yarborough (705) — Snowdrop by Duke (224) — Darling by Jobling's Traveler (655) — Flowery by Bolingbroke (86) — a cow bought of Mr. Boazman, near Darlington. 1838. JOSIAH LAWRENCE, Of CincinrmtU Ohio. COWS. LADY ANN— Roan, calved April 8, 1836, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), dam by Linton (2207)— by Jupiter (343)— by Easby (232). A. H. B.,vol. l,p. 189. JUNO — Roan, calved in January, 1836, bred by R. Crofton, got by Scrip (2604), out of Whitworth by Miracle (2320)— Daisy by Volunteer (2806)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— bought of Mr. Mason. E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 694, under dam. FORTUNA— Roan, calved Aug. 26, 1835, bred by Robert Smith, Givendale, got by Reformer (2512), out of Florence by Lindrick (1170)— Florence by Sir Alexander (591) — by Star (618) — by Snowball — by Sir Dimple (594). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 387. Under her dam, on page 395, vol. 3, E., and on page 384, vol. 5, E., she is recorded as by Reformer, without a number. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 371 ADELAIDE— Red and white, calved Oct. 13, 1838, begotten in England by Sir Walter (2639), out of Juno by Scrip (2604)— Whitworth by Miracle (2320)— Daisy by Volunteer (2806)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— bought of Mr. Mason. EMPRESS— White, calved Dec. 11, 1838, begotten in England by Barforth (3085), out of imp. Lady Ann by Magnum Bonum (2243)— by Linton (4227)— by Jupiter (343)— by Easby (232). VERBINA — Roan, calved in January, 1836, bred by Mr. Houlds- worth, got by Rinaldo (4949), out of Wharfdale Lady by 2d Hub- back (1423). Note. — See A. H. B., vol. 4. p. 431, in Lile by Napoleon. This should be the Napoleon imported by Mr. Lawrence, not 733, as given in Herd Book. This cow was certainly not imported by Mr. Lawrence. She may have been imported by Mr. Neff or Mr, Mahard. See, for Verbina, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 104V. BULLS. BERRYMAN (3143)— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Rev. Henry Berry, got by Henwood (2114), out of Minikin by Wharfdale (1578)— Minna by Nestor (452)— Minerva by Harold (291)— Mary by Meteor (432)— Magdalena by Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). NAPOLEON— Red and white, calved Oct. 9, 1838, got in Eng- land by Fantastical (3759), out of Fortuna by Reformer (2512)— Florence by Lindrick (1170) — Florence by Sir Alexander (591) — by Star (618)— by Snowball— by Sir Dimple (594). Oct. 5, 1875. PROF. G. LAWSON. For Central Board of Agriculture, Nova Scotia. By Ship Nova Scotian. ROSE GWYNNE 4th— Roan cow, calved June 22, 1866, bred by J. J. Hetherington, Barmpton, Carlisle, got by Duke of Cum- berland (21584), out of Rose Gwynne 2d by Gen. Jackson 2d (17954) — Rose Gwynne by General Jackson (14604) — Rosebud by Mango (4359)— Cowslip by Wallace (5586)— by Tom Gwynne (5498)— by Marmion (406) — bred by Mr. Matthews, of Durham. E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 704, under dam. 372 warfield\s history POLLY VAUGHAN— Roan, calved Jan. 30, 1872, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Carlisle, got by 17th Duke of Oxford (25994), out of Rose G Wynne 4th by Duke of Cumberland (21584), &c., as in dam, above. E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 738, under dam. CAWOOD'S ROSE— Roan cow, calved Feb. 4, 1867, bred by Mr. W. S. Cragg, Arkholme, Lancashire, got by Lord Cawood 3d (24368), out of White Cow by Golden Eclipse (14625)— by Rein- deer (15150)— by Horton Boy (13050). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 432. PRINCESS MARY— White, calved B^eb. 22, 1872, bred by M. T. Lamb, Hay Carr House, Lancaster, got by Golden Duke (26266), out of Empress by Majestic (20264) — Regina by Constantine (14318) — Lucy Long by the Duke of Lancaster (10929) — Eliza by Gainford 2d (6030)— Primrose by Wharton (2833)— by Count (1883)— by Baronet (1686) — by Young Rockingham (2549) — by Wellington (2824)— by Northumberland (464)— by Styford (103)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Bolingbroke (86). BARON LIGHTBURNE 2d (36191)— Roan, calved Feb. 23, 1873, bred by A. Brogden, Ulverstone, got by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), out of Winsome 7th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Win- some by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422). GWYNNE OF THE FOREST (34100)— Roan bull, calved Aug. 22, 1873, bred by G. Moore, got by 17th Duke of Oxford (25994), out of Flighty Gwynne by Grand Duke of Lightburne (26290)— Fairy Gwynne by 5th Grand Duke (19875)— Fortuna Gwynne by Duke of Leinster (17724) — Frances Gwynne by Captain Hardinge (10023)— by St. Thomas (10777)— by Prime Minister IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 37H (2456)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252), &c. CAPTAIN CAWOOD (33286)— Roan, calved Kov. 3, 1873, bred by W. S. Cragg, Arkholme, got by Captain Tregunter (28136), out of Double Cawood by 3d Lord Cawood (24368) — by Lord Cawood (15943)— by Grazier (28788)— by Horton Boy (13050). KENT GWYNNE (34300)— Roan, calved July 10, 1874, bred by W. Ashburner, Netherhouse, got by Grand Duke of Kent 2d (28759), out of Double Gwynne by Rufus (27397)— Dolly Gwynne by Duke of York (14461) — Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (1077^) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — by Wallace (5586)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319), &c. VISCOUNT OXFORD (35902)— Roan, calved Aug. 21, 1874, bred by G. Moore, got by 6th Baron Oxford (33075), out of Grace- ful Duchess by Baron Oxford 4th (25580) — Duchess by Grand Duke 15th (21852)— Countess by Knightley Grand Duke (24268)— Chorus by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— by Marmaduke (13289)— by Cardinal (11246)— by White Friar (9827)— by Little John (4232) —by Caliph (1774)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155)— by R. Col- ling^s son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). SKIDDAW— Roan bull, calved Jan. 17, 1875, bred by G. Moore, got by 17th Duke of Oxford (25994), out of Sweetheart 31st by Patrician (24728)— Sweetheart 10th by The Baron (13833)— Sweet- heart 5th by Mameluke (13289) — Sweetheart 3d by Daybreak (11338)— Sweetheart by Accordion (5708)— by Little John (4232)— by Caliph (1774)— by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928) — by Midas (435) — by Comet (155) — by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252). GRACEFUL— Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1863, bred by John Clay- den, Littleborough, Eng., got by Marquis of Cornwallis (18337), 374 waefield's histoky out of Gaiety (vol. 6, p. 468, E.) by Lord Althorpe (14800)— Tit by Horatio (10335)— Titmouse by George (6037)— Cowslip by Pick- wick (4698)— Young Spot by Broken Horn (3224)— Prim by Regent (1366)— Sopt by Western Comet (689)— by Viscount (666). C. H. B., vol. 7, p. 486. Sept. 19, 1876. PROF. G. LAWSON. For Dalhousie University, Halifax, N. S. By Ship Hibernian, CAMBRIDGE WITCH— Roan, calved June 6, 1869, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Cumberland, got by Royal Cambridge (25009), out of Oxford Witch by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Lancashire Witch by John O'Gaunt (16322)— Lady Warden by Lord Warden (7167)— Belinda 2d by Lion (9299)— Belinda by Rebel (4882)— by Coxcomb (928) — by Minor (441) — by son of Phenomenon (491) — by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152)— by R. Ceiling's son of Broken Horn (95)— by R. Ceiling's son of Hubback (319). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 658, under dam. FORTUNE TELLER— Red and white heifer, calved March 8, 1874, bred by Sir W. Lawson, Bart., Brayton, Carlisle, got by Wellington (32825), out of Cambridge Witch by Royal Cambridge (25009), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 479, under dam. MAID OF OXFORD 4th— Roan, calved July 26, 1870, bred by T. G. Ourtler, Bevere House, Worcester, got by Lord Waterloo 2d (26755), out of Maid of Oxford 2d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Maid of Oxford by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Fancy by Ava- lanche (12418)— Caprice by Harold (10299)— Juliet by Sol (8608)— by Leo (4208)— by Treasurer (5513)— by Rupert (2580)— by North Star (460)— by Cripple (173)— by Minor (441)— by Freeman (269)— by Danby(190). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 614, under dam. LADY MARY— Red and white, calved Oct. 11, 1872, bred by T. G. Curtler, got by Grand Duke of Clarence (28750), out of Lovely by Wild Boy (23219)— Lady by Sir James (16980)— Loyalty IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 375 by The Corsair (15378)— Lucy Locket by Usurer (9763)— Laven- der by Dan O'Connell (3557) — Lily by Brutus (1752) — by Freder- ick (1060)— by Oato (1794)— by son of Wellington (679)— bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk. E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 630. LORD OF BRAEMAR— Red bull, calved Jan. 20, 1875, bred by Earl of Dunmore, Stirling, Scotland, got by 3d Duke of Hill- hurst (30975), out of Red Rose of Braemar by 11th Duke of Thorn- dale (31024)— Red Rose of Breadalbane by Duke Frederick (30910) —Grace by Airdrie (30365)— Ophelia by John O^Gaunt (11621)— Duchess by Buena Vista (30623) — Red Rose by Prince Charles 2d (32113)— Thames by Shakespeare (12062)— Lady of the Lake by Reformer (2505)— by Belvedere (1706)— by 2d Hubback (1423)— by His Grace (311)— by Yarborough (705). E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 429, under dam. WETHERBY STAR (37665)— Roan bull, calved May 11, 1875, bred by Duke of Devonshire, Holkar Hall, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Evening Star by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by But- terfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — ^descended from M. Dobison's stock. FIFTH DUKE OF LORN (36517)— Red, calved August 1, 1875, bred by E. Hall, Shallcross Hall, got by Duke of Lorn (25985), out of Lancaster 20th by Chilton Hero (17564) — Lancaster 7th by Priam (15079) — Lady Lancaster by The Queen's Roan (7389) — Lan- caster by Will Honeycomb (5660) — by Spectator (2688) — by Albion (1619)— by Lancaster (360)— by son of Windsor (698)— by Comet (155). KINGSTON— Red bull, calved Sept. 11, 1875, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, got by Barrington Duke (27985), out of Kirkee 8th by Lord Wallace (24473)— Red Hawthorne })y Duke of 376 warfield's histoby Darlington (21586)— Pride Bushey by Cock of the Walk (15782)— Kirkee 5th by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Kirkee by Young 4th Duke (9037)— Jenny Lind by Duke of Eichmond (7996)— by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Constellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). Nov. 13, 1880. PROF. G. LAWSON. Central Board of Agriculture, Halifax, N. S. By Ship BrnoMwi. EARL OF SURREY— Red and white, calved April 10, 1879, bred by Captain Moir, Manor House, Reigate, got by Fugleman (36670), out of Wild Eyes Gwynne by Baron Wild Eyes (19290)— Rebecca Gwynne by Knight of Distington (18158) — Ruth Gwynne by Exquisite (14524) — Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — by Wallace (5586)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669) —by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 519, under dam. YOUNG EBOR— Roan bull, calved July 3, 1879, bred by W. G. Game, Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, got by Ebor (41499), out of Lady Like by Ranger (35203)— Lady Day by Duke of York (23804)— Village Miss by Captain Cherry (21363)— Village Girl by Sheriff (18822)— Bonhill Lassie by Booth (14180)— Orphan by Lord Rag- lan (13246)— Maid of Aln 2d by Crusade (7938)— Maid of Aln by Regent (2517)— by Borderer (3191)— by Eclipse (1949)— by Togston (5487)— by Bolingbroke (3184)— by son of Midas (435)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 408, under dam. LORD BRETT— Roan bull, calved Sept. 13, 1879, bred by W. G. Game, got by Sir Robert Frogmore (40719), out of Windsor Beauty by Lord Chief Justice (34507) — Windsor Butterfly by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007)— Misdeeds by England's Glory (23889) IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 377 —Peggy by British Prince (14197)— Miss Folly by Prince Alfred (13494)— Folly by Paris (7314)— by Vanguard (5545)— by liobin Hood (4970)— by Anticipation (750)— by Emperor (1014)— by Young Windsor (699)— by Windsor (698). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 442, under dam. ROWLAND (43928)— Roan, calved Sept. 18, 1879, ])red by Col. R. Lloyd Lindsay, Lockinge Park, Wantage, Berkshire, got by Earl of Horton 11th (36588), out of Ronda by Rob Roy (29806)— Rosetta by Costa (21487)— Rosette by Prince of Prussia (16752)— Red Rose by Horatio (10335) — Mpnia by 3d Duke of Northumber- land (3647)— Modesty by Velocipede (5552)— by Sir Thomas (2636) —by Marske (418)— by Comet (155)— by Tom (652)— by Favorite (1033)— by Hutton's Bull (323)— by Barningham (56). LORD RANDOLPH— Roan bull, calved Oct. 19, 1879, bred by W. (I. Game, got by Sir Robert Frogmore (40719), out of Ranun- culus by Piratical (33870)— Red Lass by Marksman (26814). E. H. B. , vol. 27, p. 408. under dam. CABUL (42862)— Roan, calved Nov. 14, 1879, bred by Col. Lloyd Lindsay, got by Earl of Horton 11th (36588), out of Clotilda Rock by Lord Rockville (34568). ROSE GWYNNE— Red, calved Dec. 20, 1863, bred by John Cloyden, got by Prince Gwynne (20547), out of Rosette (vol. 6, p. 673, E.) by Prince of Prussia (16752)— Red Rose by Horatio (10335) Maria by Duke of Northumberland (3647) — Modesty by Veloci- pede (5552) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2536) — by Marske (418) — Laurestina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by Favorite (1033)— Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (322)— Lucy by Barningham (56). C. H. B. vol. 7, p. 487. DUCHESS OF WARWICK 3d— Red, calved June 30, 1876, bred by W. G. Game, got by Grand Duke of Geneva 2d (31288), out of Duchess of Warwick by Earl of Warwickshire 3d (28524) — Butterfly's Duchess by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007)— Delicacy by 378 The Druid (20948)— Destiny by Progression (16770)— Damsel by Enterprise (11443)— Blonde by Patriot (10596)— by son of Elevator (6969)— by No Mistake (8357)— by Young Consul (6893)— by Fair- fax (1023)— by Speculation (1472). E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 450, under dam. MERRY FACE— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 28, 1878, bred by H. Bettridge, East Hanney, Berks., got by Rockville 2d (37356), out of Medora by Masterpiece (24561) — Miss Peel by Cynric (19542) — Miss Ambler by Royal Oak (16870) — Miss Mitford by Bashaw (12449)— Mitford by Lord George (9314)— by Manager (8271)— ])y Raffler (7391)— by Gazer (7030)— by a bull of Mr. Champion^s, of Blyth. E. H. B., vol. 25, p. 339, under dam. R08ELEAF— Red, calved Feb. 20, 1878, bred by H. Bettridge, got by Rockville 2d (37356), out of Rose of Poughley by Baron Booth (27915)— Red Heart Rose by Artemus Ward (23326)— Rynil Rose by A-1 (15538)— Rosette by Royal (13636)— Ringlet by Lord George (9314)— Rosebud by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— Red Rose by Augustus (6751)— by Consul (1868)— by Fairfax 2d (8050). E. H. B.. vol. 25. p. 340. under dam. 1821 or (822. MR. LEE, or MR. ORR, Of Bofitoik, Ma SSI. HARRIET— Roan, calved in 1820, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Denton (198), out of Henrietta by Comet (155) — Hannah by Henry (301) — by Danby (190) — by a grandson of Favorite (252). E. H. B.. vol. 1, p. 417, and A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 82. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS, 879 1836. EDWARD A. LE ROY and THOS. H. NEWBOLD. Livingston Co., N. Y. WINDLE 185 (5667)— Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1835, bred by Mr. Pilkington, Windle Hall, Lancashire, Eng., imported in 1836, by Le Roy & Newbold, into Livingston Co., N. Y., got by Hopewell (2135), out of Moss Rose by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by Irishman (329)— by Styford (629). DIONE— Yellow red, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. Denton, Harrowby, Lancashire, Eng., imported by Messrs. Le Roy & New- bold, into Livingston Co., N. Y., in 1836, got by Monarch (4494), dam by a son of Comet (155) — by Cupid (177) — by Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 72. LADY M0RRI8— Red, calved in 1836 or 1837, bred by T. H. Newbold, got in England and calved in America, got by Priam (4758), out of Dione, above. A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 87. NETHERBY— Imported in 1836 by Messrs. Le Roy & Newbold, of Avon, Livingston Co., N. Y., got by Monarch (4494), out of Sweetbriar by Barmpton (54) — Roseberry by Western Comet (698) —by Comet (155)— by son of Favorite (252)— by Cupid (177)— by Favorite (252). NETHERBY— Roan, calved in 1837, bred by T. H. Newbold, got in England and calved in America, got by Gambler (2047), out of Netherby, above. A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 98. VENUS— Roan, calved in 1833, bred by Richard Pilkington, Windle Hall, Lancashire, Eng., imported by Messrs. Le Roy & New- bold, in 1836, got by Magnum Bonum (2244), out of Ruby by grandson of Sir Dimple (1442) — Ruby by Marshal Beresford (415) — Miss Champion by Charles (127) — by Prince (521) — bv Neswick (453). A. H. B., vol. I, p. 233. 880 warfield's histoky 1840-43. JAMES LENOX. New York. KINd CHARLES 2d 84 (4154)— White, calved May 29, 1840, bred by Jonas Whitaker, Otley, Yorkshire, Eng., got by 8ir Thomas Fairfax (5196), out of Lingflower by Ellerton's Bull (3701) — Gillyflower by Young Colling (1843) — by Allison's Bull of Danby (2998) — by Pink Bull — bred by Mr. Leonard Carter, of Applegarth, England. PRIN^CE ALBERT 133 (4809)— Roan, calved July 10, 1840, bred by Jonas Whittaker, Otley, Yorkshire, got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), out of Paulina by Son of Matchem (2678) — by Falstaif (1993)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342). DAFFODIL— Roan, calved in May, 1836, bred by Jonas Whit- aker, Otley, Yorkshire, Eng,, got by Sami)son (5081), out of Young Daisy by Danby (1900)— by Mrs. Wilkinson's Bull (2838)— by Greathead's Gray Bull (3936)— by Ellerton's Bull (3708)— by son of Newby's Bull (4562)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, page 231, and A. H. B., vol. 1, page 69. RED LADY— Red, calved in 1834, bred by Jonas Wliitaker, Otley, Yorkshire, Eng., got by Hubback (2142), dam by Don Juan (1923)— by Woodhouse's Bull— by Woodhouse's Bull. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, page 841, and A. II. B., vol. 1, page 221. GAYLY — Red roan, calved April 3, 1840, bred by Jonas Whit- aker, Otley, Yorkshire, Eng., got by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196), out of Graceville by Hubback (2142) — Germanville by son of Young Warlaby (2812) — by Imperial (2151) — (supposed) by Young Comet (905). A. H. B., vol. 1, page 80, and E. H. B., vol. 5, page 425, under dam. IMPORTED SHORT-HOKN8. 881 B. LETTON, Of Tennessee. BEAUTY— Calved in May, 18;37. SPOT— Red and white, calved in October, 183;, got by , ont of Blossom by Magnum Bonum. COWSLIP— Roan, calved in 1836, got by Colonel, out of Cath- erine by Planet— Blyth by Wellington. Roan heifer, calved in August, 1838, got by Charley, out of Snowdrop. Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 20, 1838, bred by Mr. Lynn. NEPTUNE— Red and white, calved at sea in spring of 1840, got l)y Favorite, out of Spot, above. AQUA— White, calved at sea in 1810, got by Charley, out of Beauty. 1839. JAMES LETTON. Bourhon Co.. Ky. MISS SEVERS— Calved Jan. 1, 1837, bred by Leonard Severs, got by Reformer (2510), out of Folly by Linton (4227)— by Jupiter (343)— by Easby (232). . LADY DUNDAS— Calved April 30, 1837, got by Reformer (2510), dam by Streatlam (5338)— by North Star (400)- by Wonder (2853)— by Mr. Parkinson's Bull. lANTHE— Red roan, calved March 1, 1838, bred by John Hun- ter, East Park, Branspeth, Eng., got by Barforth (3085), dam by Rowland (2571)— by Snowdrop (2653)— by Henry (301)— by St. John (572)— by George (273). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 403, and E. H. B.. vol. 10, p. 401. ADELIA— Liglit roan, calved Feb. 18, 1838, bred by Thomas Fain, Frenchfield, near Penrith, Cumberland, Eng., got by Mr. Crof ton's Majesty (2250), out of Snowdrop by Baronet (1686)— by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Wellington (678)— by Young Rob Roy. 382 COUNTESS— Eed roan, calved in March, 1838, bred by Thomas Fain, Frenchfield, Penrith, Cumberland, Eng., got by Archibald (1652), out of Empress by Baronet (1686) — Nonpareil by Wellington (2824)— by Thorpe (1515)— by Styford (629)— by Lame Bull (358). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 326, under dam. CONVOY — Light roan, calved Nov. 4, 1839 (imported in her dam. Lady Dundas), calved the property of her importer, J. E. Letton, got by Lord Lieutenant (4260), out of Lady Dundas by Reformer (2510), &c., as in Lady Dundas, above. . MAGNUM BONUM JR. 30225— Red and white, calved Jan. 25, 1838, bred by Wm. Rains, of Gainford, near Darlington, Eng., got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Kate by Rockingham (254T) —by Rob Roy (557)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). Note. — Mr. Rains called this bull Mozart (4518). The Herd Book says calved in March, 1838. Mr. Rains' certificate to Mr. Letton says Jan. 25. 1838. In many i)edigi'ees in early volumes of the A. H. B. (see. for example. Goodness, vol 3, p. 427 ) the sire of this bull. Magnum Bonum (2243), is used instead of this bull himself. LOCOMOTIVE 92 (4245)— Roan (very light), calved Oct. 5, 1838, bred by Thomas Bates, KirklevingtofT, Eng., got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), out of Oxford Premium Cow by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young AVynyard (2859). 1879, WM. LINTON, Of Aurora, Ontario, Can. By Steamer Dominion, from LivcrjHjol to Quebec. RACHEL— Red and white, calved April 11, 1876, bred by Wm. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, York, Eng., got by Lord Rose (34659), out of Ruth by Sergeant Major (29957) — Laurel by Earl Marcus (23819)— White Rose by Magnus Troil (14880)— Miss Henderson by Magnus Troil (14880)— Eliza by Bates (12451)— Duchess by Lord W^arden (20233)— by Snyders (7525)— by Duke of York (9049). Brit. -Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 507. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 388 BRITISH HERO (39506)— Red and white, calved Jan. 19, 1877, bred by Wm. Linton, Sheriff Hiitton, got by Sir Arthur Ingram (-32490), out of Fanny by Sergeant Major (29957) — Louise by White Windsor (27803)— Mushroom by Earl of Windsor (17788)— Beauty 2d by Magnus IVoil (14880)— by Bates (12451)— by General Fairfax (11519)— by Liberator (7140)— by Prince Albert (4791)— by Young Matchem (4422) — by Young Red Rover (4904) or Rockingham (:i551)_by Whisker (1579)— by Pilot (496). SHERIFF HIITTON ROSE— Roan, calved Jan. 27, 1879, bred by William Linton, Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, Eng., got by Sir Arthur Ingram (32490), out of Fame by Sergeant Major (29957)— Emily by Earl ^Forquil (23854)— Josephine by Earl Windsor (17788) —Mint by Magnus Troil (14880)— Clara by 3d Duke of Athol (12734)— Lobelia by Bates (12451)— Fva by Ingram (9236)— })y Liberator (7140) — by Prince Albert (4791) — by a descendant of Mars (1199). K. H. B. . vol. 26, p. 523. under (him. 1883. WM. LINTON. SNOWDROP— Roan, calved Feb. 19, 1879, bred by Wm. Lin- ton, got by Paul Potter (38854), out of Cowslip l)y Seroreant Major (29957). FAME 2d— Calved Jan. 26, 1880, bred by John Linton, Sheriff Hutton, got by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Fame (vol. 26, p. 523, E.) by Sergeant Major (29957)— Emily by Earl Torquil (23854), &c., as in Sheriff' Hutton Rose, above. ARTHUR VICTOR 2d— Red and white, calved Oct. 22, 1881, bred by John Linton, got by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Fame 2d by Artliur Victor (39380), &(i., as in Sheriff Hutton Rose, above. FAME 3d— Red and white, calved in 1883, bred by John Lin- ton, Sheriff, Hutton, got by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Fame 2d by Arthur Victor (39380), &.C., as in dam. Fame 2d. 384 wabfield's histoey 1854. LIVINGSTON COUNTY (N. Y.) ASSOCIATION. (David Brooks and S. L. Fuller, Agents.) PHCENIX 2d— Red roan, calved in April, 1852, bred by Wni. Ladds, Ellington, got by Horatio (10335), out of Phcenix 1st by Mahomed (6170)— Picole by Jeremy (2157)— Belle by Red Rover (4902)— by Beppo (1712)— by Red Robin (2491)— by Emperor (1014). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 513. Bought by J. H. Bennett, Avon, New York. MEDORA— Calved in 1853 or 1854, bred by Mr. Berchal or J. 8. Tanqueray, got by Horatio (10335), out of Minna (vol. 10, p. 486, E.) by Luke (7179)— Dorothy Gwynne by Conservative (3472)— Cripple by Marmion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne })y Lay ton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Harrison's Bull (292)— by Stud ley Bull (626). See Medora 4th, vol. 8, A. H. B. MISS DOWLY— Red, calved Aug. 26, 1853, bred by Mr. J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Fusileer (11499), out of Smile by Hum- ber (7102)— Laughter by Sweet William (5638)— Onion by Roman (2561)— Sage by William (2S4())— Goose by Firby (1040)— by brother to Kalmia. E. H. B., vol. 11. p. 698, under dam. FALLAC^Y— Roan, calved Dec. 9, 1852. bred by Charles Bar- nett, Stratton Park, got by Fancy Man (11463), out of Sybil by Sweet William (7571)— Lady East (vol. 9, p. 425, E.) by Earl of Essex (6955) — Verbena by Van Amburg (5543) — Pine Apple by Plenipo (4724) — Jonquil by Young Matchem (4425) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Marske (418)— Laurestina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by son of Favorite (252) — Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (322) — Lucy by Barniugham (56). A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 275. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 885 HOPELESS— Red and white, calved Dec. 15, 185-2, bred by Charles Barnett, Stratton Park, Bedfordshire, got by Horatio (10335), out of Lady Elizabeth (vol. 9, E.) by Earl of Essex (6955) —White Rose by Senator (1610)— Red Rose by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429) — by Blyth Comet (85) — by Neswick (1206) —by R. Colling^s Son of Favorite (1033). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 382. Bought by Gen. J. S. VVadsworth, Geneseo, N. Y. LADY ELLmUTON— Red, bred by Mr. Ladd, Ellington, got by Broughton Hero (6811), out of Fancy by Sweet William (7571) —Fancy by Mahomed (6170)— Faith by Helmsman (2109)— by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— by Magnet (392)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by iS^eswick (1266)— by R. Colling's Son of Favorite (1033). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 717. Bought by Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, OJeneseo, N. Y. MUSIC — Roan, calved Dec. 8, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Balco (9918), out of Minstrel (vol. 10, p. 481, E.) by son of Irishman (13076)— Melody by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 718. Bought by Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, Geneseo, N. Y. HOPE— Red and white, calved April 8, 1855, bred by J. S. Wadsworth, Geneseo, N. Y., got by Usurper (13928). out of Hope- less by Horatio (10335), &c., as in Ho^)eless. above. A. H. B.. vol. 4, p. 382. AUSTRALIA— Red and white, calved Feb. 8, 1853, bred by Mr. Marjoribanks, England, got by Lord Foppington (10437), out of Adonea by Harkaway (9184) — Cherry by Henry (4010) — Velveteen by Baron (3095)— Splendid by Matchem 3d (4420)— by Young 48 386 WARFIELD^S HISTORY Eryholme (1981)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198)— by Henry (301). A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 2f)4. Bought by Gen. James S. Wadsworth, Geneseo, N. Y. DAMSEL— Clot by Upstart (9760), out of Darling (vol. 10, p. 380, E.) by Robin Hood (8492)— Drusilla by Leander (4199)— by a son of Fvanhoe (1131) — by TurnelFs Major (6623) — by George (9151). CAMILLA— Red roan, calved Dec. 13, 1853, bred by J. S. Tan- queray, Hendon, got by Fusileer (11499), out of Young Sail Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777)— Sail Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456)— Cripple by Marmion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon\s Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull ((;f;9)_by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 11. p. 691. under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 233. DORINDA— Red ilnd white, calved Nov. 24, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, got by Balco (9918), out of Dorcas by North Star (9447) — Sarah by Ribblesdale (7422) — Dorothy Gwynne by Conservative (3472) — Cripple by Marmion (406), &c.. as in Camilla, above. USURPER 3522 (13928)— Roan, calved March 22, 1853, bred byT. R. B. Cartwright, Aynhoe, got by Upstart (9760), out of Flash by Mowbray (7260) — Flounce by Berryman (3143) — Fancy by Remus (2524) — White Rosette by Juniper (1144) — Rosette by White Comet (1582) — Young Rose by Wright^s Grandson of Favorite (2073)— Old Rose by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Bought by Judge Carroll. BLETSOE 2548 (9970)— Red and white, calved April 27, 1849, bred by Mr. Beauford Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, got by Diamond (5918), out of Fatima by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647)— Formosa by Sir Thomas (2636) — by Sir Alexander (591) — by IMPORTED SHOKT-HOUNS. 387 Marske (418)— by North Star (459)— by Wellington (680)— by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70). Bought by Sachett, Barber & Co. GOVERNOR 2922 (12957)— Roan, calved in April, 1854, bred by J. C. Adkins, Milcote, Stratford-on-Avon, got by Daybreak (11338), * out of Garland by Brunswick (6814) — Graceful by Lycurgus (7180) — Marcia by Ranunculus (2479)— Sackbut by William (2840)— Clarion by Childers (1824)— No 25 Chilton Sale by Richard (1376) —by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chil- ton (136)— by Colonel (152). MR. LONGLEY, Of Maltland, Can. BETSY— See Lily, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 358. 1875. LOWMAN <& SMITH. Importation of Messrs. D. Lowman and J. & J. Smith, of Toulon, III. By Ship Corinthian. June, 1875, from Glasgow, to Montreal; arrived at Toulon, July 19, 1875. LOVELY 18th— Roan heifer, calved March 4, 1874, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, got by Honeycomb (28866), out of Lovely 11th by Allan (21172)— Lovely 10th by Duke of Bedford (23722)— Lovely 6th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely 3d by The Hero (10934)— Lovely by Kelly 2d (9265)— by Robin-o'-Day (4973)_by Favorite (9116)— by Anthony (1640)— by Anthony (1640)— by Edgecott (1953)— by Son of Merlin (6522)— by Acton (1607). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 386, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 712. Sold, April 13, 1876, at public sale, at Galesburg, 111., to A. J. Dunlap, of same place, for $1,010. BUTTERFLY 45th— Red heifer, calved Jan. 26, 1874, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Viceroy (32764), out of Butterfly 37th by Champion of England (17526)— Butterfly 19th by Allan (21172)— Butterfly 4th by Lord 388 warfielb's history Raglan (13244)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Re- port (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7613)— by M Duke of North- umberland (3646)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Oarleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 466. Owned by John Bond, Abingdon, 111. BUTTERFLY 46th— Red heifer, calved Feb. 14, 1874, bred by Mr. A. Oruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Caesar Augustus (25704), out of Butterfly 12th by St. Clair (25078) — Butterfly 5th by Lord Raglan (13244) — Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Mahomed (6170) —by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Dia- mond (205). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 466. Sold, April 13, 1876, by public sale, at Galesburg, 111., to A. J. Dunlap, same place, for $850. MISSIE 35th— Roan, calved July 2, 1870, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Prince of Stokesley (27177), out of Missie 5th by Lord of Lorn (18258)— Missie 2d by Augustus (15598) — Missie by son of Duke 3d (17697) —Countess by The Pacha (7612)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Plenipo (4725)— by Abbot (2899). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 774. Sold, April 13, 1876, at public sale, at Galesburg, 111., to Edward Isles, Springfield, 111., for $625. GOLDIE 18th— Red heifer, calved April 1, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Young Englishman (31113), out of Goldie 12th by Macduff (26773)— Goldie 2d by Lord Privy Seal (16444)— Goldie by Goldsmith (14632) —Ruby Hill by Elphinstone (14492)- Hawthorne Hill by Duke (7980)— by Sir Robert Peel (7512)— by Buchan Laddie (5814). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 582, as Goldie 17th. Owned by John Bond, Abingdon, 111. IMPOKTED SHORT-HORNS. 389 RED LADY 3d— Red heifer, calved Feb. 14, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Young Englishman (31113), out of Red Lady 2d by Heir of Eng- lishman (24122) — Red Lady by Young Pacha (20457) — Roan Lady by Young Ury (10984) — Red Lady by Van Dunck (10992) — Patience by Duke 7th (7984)— by Teetotaller (5411)— by Ivanhoe (1131)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Atlas (42)— by Colling's son of Favorite (252). E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 550, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 856. Sold, at public auction, April 13, 1876, at Galesburg, 111., to W. W. Pickrell, of Mechanicsburg, 111., for $1,200. HEIR OF YOUNG ENGLISHMAN 26801— Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1876, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Y^oung Englishman (31113), out of Missie 35th by Prince of Stokeley (27177), &c., as in Missic 35th, above. (Calved in America.) GERALDINE 7th— Roan heifer, calved April 21, 1874, bred by Mr. J. Cochrane, Little Haddo, Scotland, got by Prince Frederick of Cambridge (29621), out of Geraldine 4th by Prince Louis (27158) — Geraldine 1st by Lord Buckingham (20151) — Robina by Liberator (14793)— Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendronach by Mr. Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. Recorded, A. H. B.. vol. 15, p. 576. Sold, April 13, 1876, at public sale, at Galesburg, 111., to W. Scott, of Wyoming, 111., for $530. 1876. LOWMAN <& SMITH, Of Toulon, Stark Co., III. By Ship Phmnlclan, from Glasgow, June s. 1876, to Quebec; arrived at Toulon, July 6, 1876. CACTUS 3d— Red heifer, calved April 3, 1875, bred by Mr. T. Lister, Groby, near Leicester, got by Cambridge Duke 4th (25706), out of Cactus 2d by Alaska (37718)— Cactus by Duke of Belmont (38123)— Camelia by Duke (38111)— Frantic 2d by Hal- ton (11552)— Frantic by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Faith by 4th 890 warfield's histoky Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Fidget by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Fletcher by a son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown^s Ked Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 553, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14422. Sold, Nov. 16, 1876, to John Bond, Abingdon, 111., at public sale, for 1435. Afterward the property of W. Scott, Wyoming, 111. ORANGE BLOSSOM 25th— Red and white heifer, calved April 22, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Oruickshank, Sittyton, got by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Orange Blossom 8th by Sir Walter Scott (22922) — Orange Blossom by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Billy (3151)— by Sovereign (5285)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 17, p. 13091. Sold at public sale, Nov. 16, 1876, to L. Hanna, Waveland, Ind., for $705. Afterward owned by Aaron Plumley, West Liberty, Iowa. BLANCHE llTH— Red heifer, calved Aug. 26, 1875, bred by W. H. Salt, Maplewell, Loughborough, got by 5th Lord Oxford (31738), out of Baroness Blanche by Baron Waterloo (27977) — Bantling by Britannicus (17452) — Blanchette by Magistrate (13274)— Blanche 5th by Antinous (12401)— Blanche 1st by Kill- joy (14759)— Blanche by Diamond (5918)— Blanche 2d by Norfolk (2377)— Blanche by Belvedere (1706)— Lupin by Belvedere (1706) — Tulip by Lancaster (-360) — Ruby by Petrarch (488) — Miss Hutchison by Major (397) — Mr. Hutchison's Stranger by Chap- man's Son of Punch (122) — Old Roany by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— Roan Heifer by Checks (132)— Red Sail by Grim- ston's Bull (282)— Sockburn Sail by J. Coates' Bull (148). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 550, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14407. Sold to W. Scott, Wyoming, 111. IMPORTED vSHORT-HORNS. 391 DAVIS LOWMAN. Toulon, Stark Co., III. By Ship Phcenician, from Glasgow, Jime 8, 1876. MISSIE 39th— Red, calved April 26, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, ITpper Mill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Missie 20th by Golddigger (24044)— Missie 9th by Lord Surrey (20230)— Missie 4th by Clarendon (14280)— Missie by son of Duke 3d (17697)— Countess by The Pacha (7612)— by Ma- homed (6170)— by Plenipo (4725)— by Albert (2899). E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 556, under dam. EMMA 3d— Roan heifer, calved March 3, 1874, bred by Mr. W. S. Marr, Tapper Mill, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Young Englishman (31113), out of Emma 2d by Golden Eagle (26267)— Emma by Leopold (24328) — Victoria by Sir Thomas Stanley (25176)— Duchess by Marquis of Bute (18336)— by Count Fairfax (8991)— by South Durham (9676)— by ITptaker (5534)— by Mir- acle (2320)— by Matchem (2280)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12055, and E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 555, under dam. Sold to J. H. Potts & Son, Jacksonville, 111., Nov. 16, 1876, at public auction, for 1700. SYBIL 15th— Red heifer, calved March 24, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Red Gaunt- let (32256), out of Sybil 6th by Forth (17866)— Sybil 2d by The Baron (13833)— Sybil by Lord Warden (7167)— Prophetess In- Wizard (6688)— Zeal ])y Roman (2561)— Roguery by Mercury (2301) — Pageant by Monarch (2324) — No. 13 Chilton Sale by St. Albans (2584)— No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by Smithes Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, A. H. B.,vol. 16, p. 12364. Sold, Nov. 16, 187^1, at public sale, to J. H. Pickrell and J. H. Kissinger, for !|500. WELCOME GWYNNE— Red and white heifer, calved June 4. 1875, bred by Mr. J. C. Toppin, Musgrovo Hall, Skolton, l^Miritb, 392 got by British Knight (33220), out of Wild Eyes Gwynne 3d by Waterloo Cherry (27763)— Wild Eyes Gwynne by Baron Wild Eyes (19290)— Rebecca Gwynne by Knight of Distington (18158)— Ruth Gwynne by Exquisite (14524) — Young Dowager Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — by Wallace (5586) — by Marmion (406) — by Merlin (430) — by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's l^uU (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16259. Sold to John Bond. Al)- ingdon. 111., Nov. 16, 1876, at public sale, for $500. VICTORIA 51st— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 14, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Royal Duke of Gloster (29864), out of Victoria 47th by Lord Landsdowne (29128) —Victoria 39th by Champion of England (17526)— Victoria 29th by Red Knight (11976)— Victoria 19th by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 4th by Prince Albert (11933)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783) —by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Pope (514)— by Favorite (252)— by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock^s Bull (19)— by Smith\s Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12378, and E. II. B., vol. ^2, p. 388, under dam. Sold, N"ov. 16, 1876. at public sale, to Verry Aldrich, of Tiskilwa, 111., for 1600. MR. LYON. Phil (1(1 el)ihia, Pa. STATESMAN (5320)— Red, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Lakin, got by Ploughboy (4726), out of Silver (vol. 5, p. 936, E. H. B.) by Powyke Wharfdale (4748)— Stately by White Bull (5644)— Splendor. IMPORTED SHOKT-HORTTS. • 398 June (7, 1881. JAMES McDONAGH, Of Carlow, Can. To Quebec, Van. HIGHLAND CHIEF [10080]— Roan, calved April 2, 1882, bred by Aler. Buchanan, Whitehouse, Sterling, Scotland, got by Moun- tain Hero (31944), out of Lady Haddo by Prince Frederick of Cambridge (29621)— Mayflower 3d (vol. 25, p. 415, E. H. B.) by Baronet (25564)— Mayflower by Lord Buckingham (20151)— Made- line by Alderman (15569) — Medira by Alexander the Great — Medora by Prince Mavrocordata (13515) — Myrtle by Recovery (7403)— by Corporal (6899)— by Tathwell (5399)— by Norman (2379) —by Rufus (2576)— by Mentor (426). LADY HADDO— Roan, calved in December, 1875, bred by M. Cochrane, Little Haddo, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Prince Frederick of Cambridge (29621), out of Mayflower 3d (vol. 25, p. 415, E. H. B.) by Baronet (25564), &c., as in Highland Chief [10080], above. C. H. B., vol. 7, p. 400. 1859 or I860. NEIL J. McGILLIVRAY. WiUiamstown, Can. HONESTY— Red cow, calved March 25, 1854, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Procurator (10657), out of Fidelity by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506) — Beauty by Premier (0308)— Carnation by A-la-Mode (725)— by Slater (2643)— by Slater (2643)— by son of Phenomenon (1318). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 314, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 450, under dam. Imported in 1859 or 1860. BARONET [38]— Red, calved March 30, 1860, bred by Amos Cruickshank, got by Baron (13833), out of Honesty, above. ' MODEL — Roan, calved July 1, 1853, bred by Amos Cruick- shank, got by Matadore (11800), out of Brunette by Prince Ed- ward Fairfax (9506)— Zenith by Premier (6308)— Strawberry by Soldier (5239)— by Young Commodore (3453)— by A-la-Mode (725). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 408, and E. IT. B., vol. 11, p. 352, under dam. 394 warfield's history ROYAL GEORGE (16866) [641]— Roan, calved April 7, 1858, bred by Amos Cruickshank, got by Master Butterfly 2d (14918), out of Princess Mary by The Baron (13833) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) —by Billy (3151)— by Sovereign (7539)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). NINA — Roan, calved Jan. 8, 1858, bred by M. S. Stewart, Southwick, Scotland, got by Lord Garlics (14819), out of Nelly by Pride (10631)— Bonny by The Peer (5455)— Nell by Henry (2113)— by a son of George (2057) — by Togston (5487) — bred by Mr. Laing. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 417. SOUVENIR— Roan, calved Jan. 4, 1858, bred by J. Grundy, The Dales, got by Roan Knight (15167), out of Sweet Lucy by Emperor (9082)— Sweetbriar by Mehemet Ali (7227)— Strawberry by Plato (2433)— Raspberry by Bedford Jr. (1701)— Mulberry by Isaac (1129)— by Whitworth (1584)— by White (^omet (1582)— l)y Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 479, and E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 737, under dam. 1863. MADISON COUNTY (OHIO) IMPORTING COMPANY. (Charles Phellis, B. B. Browning and Mr. Farrar. Agents.) Sold at London, Ohio, Sept. 27, 1853. VICTORIA— Red and white, calved Sept. 28, 1853, owned by Wm. Watson, got by Magistrate (10487), out of Princess by Belted Will (6780)— by Chancellor (3333)— by Thorpe (2757)— by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Denton (1 98)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 583. • PICOTEE— Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1846, bred by S. Marjoribanks, Bushey Grove, Watford, got by Robin Hood (8492), out of Pink by Duncan (1942)— by Barrister (1689)— by Viscount (2802)— by Viscount (2802). E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 524. Owned by J. N. Brown, of Illinois. IMPOUTED SHORT-HORNS. H9b DUKE OF LIVEKPOOL— Roan, calved June 19, 1853, bred by , got by Duke of Albany (10149), out of Picotee by Robin Hood (8492)— Pink by Duncan (1942)— by Barrister (1689) —by Viscount (2802)— by Viscount (2802). BLOSSOM— Roan, calved in July, 1852, bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington, got by Teeswater Lad, out of Beauty by a son of Isaac (9239)— White Rose by George (8101)— Beauty by Young Barmpton (3089)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Thorpe (1515)— by Yorkshireman (708)— by Bolingbroke (86)— by Punch (531). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 310, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 328, under dam. Sold to David Watson, Union Co., Ohio, for $650. STAPLETON LASS— Bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Sailor (9592), dam by Young Liverpool (8227) — Cherry by Match- less (4427)— Beauty by Young Barmpton (3089)— by Young Ery- holme (1981)— by Thorpe (1515)— by Yorkshireman (708)— by Bolingbroke (86)— by Punch (531). Sold to Jesse Watson, Madison Co., Ohio, for $1,350. ALEXANDRIA- White, calved Nov. 15, 1851, bred by Wm. Raine, Gainford, Darlington, got by Magistrate (10487), dam by Albert 2d (6724)— by Prince Albert (4781)— by Belvedere 2d (3127). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 276. Sold to David Watson, Union Co., Ohio, for 1650. PRINCESS— Roan, calved in February, 1851, bred by Wm. Raine, got by Belted Will (6780), dam by Chancellor (3333)— by Thorpe (2757)— by Young Rockingham (2547)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 518. ^ Sold to William Watson, Clark Co., Ohio, for $690. VICTORIA— Roan, calved in March, 1850, got by Swiss Boy. dam by Chancellor (3333)— by Acmon (1606) — by Young Rock- ingham (2547) — by Denton (198) — by Ladrone (353) — by Henry (301)— by Danby (190). A. H. B., vol! 2, p. 583. 396 MISS HILTON— Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1851, bred by Thomas Raine, Gainford, Darlington, Eng., got by Headlam, out of For- time by Infidel (8166)— Young Sally by Rob Roy (557)— Sally by Rockingham (2547)— by North Star (460)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 481, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 375, under dam. Sold to David Watson, " Union Co., Ohio, for $875. MADISON 1818— Red and white, calved Feb. 8, 1854, bred by Wm. Raine, Gainford, got by Earl of Scarborough (11410), out of Miss Hilton by Headlam, &c., as in Miss Hilton, above. YORKSHIRE — Red Roan, imported without a pedigree. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 707. Sold to Josiah Nagley, Clark Co., Ohio, for $425. MONSOON— Calf of Yorkshire Daisy Cow. THORNBERRY 1035 (12222)— White, calved Feb. 0, 1850, bred by R. Booth, Warlaby, Northallerton, got by Hopewell (10332), out of Hawthorn Blossom by Leonard (4210) — Blossom 3d by Young Red Rover (4905) — Blossom by Isaac (1129) — Blossom by Pilot (496)— Twin Cow by Albion (14). Sold to F. W. & H. Renick, Pickaway Co., Ohio, for $875. SHEFFIELDER (13693)— Roan, calved Dec. 31, 1850, bred by Mr. Hall, Kiveton Park, got by His Grace (10323), out of Sally by Tinsley (9748)— Sarah by Fitz Harry (7009)— White Rose by Plenipo (4724)— by A-la-Mode (725)— by Childers (1824)— by Col- umella (904)— by Albion (14)— by Marske (418)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Son of Favorite (1033). Sold to J. W. Robinson, Madison Co., Ohio, for $1,800. STARLIGHT 1003 (12146)— Roan, calved April 25, 1851, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Lansdowne (9277), out of Beauty- by Mussulman (4524)— Aly by Gainford (2044)— Miss Slee by Magnum Bonum (2243)— Bright Eyes by Sir Stephen (1456)— Jane by Mark (2266)— by Rufus (570)— by St. John (572)— by Pope (514)— by Chilton (136). Sold to Charles Phellis, Madison Co., Ohio, for $3,000. IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 897 MARIO (11779)— Roan, calved March 8, 1851, bred by J. 8. Tanqiieray, Brent Lodge, Hudson, got by Horatio (10335), out of Melody by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Maggie by Wallace (5586) — Dairymaid by Wellington (2824) — Dorothy by Marmion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430)— Nell Gwynne by Layton (366)— Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowden's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Sold to Robert Reed, Madison Co., Ohio, for ^1,550. MARQUIS 687 (11787)— Roan, calved in March, 1851, bred by Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington,' got by Whittington (12299), out of Magnet by Honesty (4044) — Mary Ann by Sol (2655) — by Young Buckingham (1758)— by Stapleton (2698)— by Mark (2266) —by Young Houghton (1119)— by Mr. Charge's Gray Bull (872). Sold to James Fullington, Union Co., Ohio, for $3,000. BEAUCLERC (11160)— Roan, calved July 14, 1851, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Beaufort (9943), out of Lady Virginia by Laudable (9282) — Fair Vetch by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Vervain by Colossus (1847)— Verbena by Burley (1766)— by Pilot (496)— by Warlaby (672)— by Albion (14)— by Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). SYMMETRY 1019 (12167)— Roan, calved May 17, 1851, bred by J. Knowles, Tinsley, got by Phosphorus (9477), out of Duchess by Lord Hill (6146)— Buttercup 2d by General Washington (6036) —Buttercup by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Young Blos- som by Crusader (934) — Blossom by Honest John (1116) — by Mid- dleton (1235). Sold to J. G., W. A. & R. G. Dun, Madison Co., Ohio, for $1,150. SPORTSMAN— Roan, calved in August, 1852, bred by Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, got by Lord Nelson (a son of Rebuke's), out of Red strawberry by Sailor (9592) — Raspberry by Young Baronet 398 (6766)— Strawberry by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Bellerophoii (3119) —by Kitt (2179). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 663, under dam. FARMER'S BOY 2842 (11464)— Roan, calved in October, 1851, bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington, got by Major (11771), out of Fair Helen by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)— by a son of Kitt (2179). Sold to Joseph Reyburn, Madison Co., Ohio, for |5925. PRINCE ALBERT 3284— Roan, calved in 1848, bred by Jos. Knowles, Tinsley-near-Sheffield, got by Duke of Lincoln (7993), out of Fairy, of a good English herd of Short-horns. Sold to J. F. Chenoworth, Madison Co., Ohio, for $300. COLONEL 350 (12614)— Red and white, calved April 7, 1852, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Lans- downe (9277), out of Nelly by Prince Edward (6334)— White Face by Alfred (2988)— May Flower by Commodore (5874)— Bright Eyes by Sir Stephen (1456)— Jane by Mark (2266)— by Rufus (570)— by St. John (572)— by Pope (514)— by Chilton (136). Sold to J. G., W. A. & R. G. Dun, Madison Co., Ohio, for $1,350. PRINCE EDWARD 864— Light roan, calved in August, 1852, owned by W. Palmer and M- B. Wright, Fayette Co., Ohio, got by Sir Robert (7510), out of Lady Ann by Bernardo (8885) — by Match- less (4427)— by Sol (2655)— by Harlsey (2091)— by a son of Sir Kenneth (1459). Sold to M. B. Wright, Madison Co., Ohio, for $475. ROCKET 921i— White, calved June 16, 1852, bred by M. Faviel, Lyndale Hall, Pontefract, got by Silk Velvet (12070), out of Lady Sarah by Magician (7185) — Lampedo by Belvedere 2d (3126)— Egina by Young Alive (2996)— by Eryholme (1018)— by Eclipse (236)— by Chargers Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477) —by J.Brown^s Red Bull (97). Sold to David Watson, Union Co., Ohio, for $425. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 399 SPLENDOR 997i— Roan, calved in August, 1852, bred by , got by Voltigeur (12274), dam by Dulcimer (3658)— Victoria by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Mary by Stephen (1456) — by Western Comet (689)— Mary by Charge's Clray Bull (872)— Flecked Mary by Bartle (777)— descended from Studley White Bull (627). Sold to F. A. Yocum, Madison Co., Ohio, for $500. (837. THOMAS MAIRS. Vespra, Can. HOLDERNESS [346]— Roan, caived May 29, 1836, got by Slingsby (2644), dam by Bluebeard (1727) — Snowdrop by Snowball (1463)— by Prince (522)— by Favorite (256)— by a bull of Mr. R. Colling's. STRAWBERRY— Got by Old Windsor, dam by North Star (460) — bv Snowball — bred bv Mr. Watson, Newland. (874. W. (VIAJOR. Whitedale, Ontario, Can. By SMp Phoenician, from Glasgow, Aug. IS, 1874. CRUCIFIX— Red heifer, calved March 14, 1871, bred by James Currie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, got by Prowler (22662), out of Rose of Apperley by Ephraim (21697) — Primrose by Coeur de Lion (15783) — Diana by Midsummer (9295) — Primrose by Exmouth (6983)— by Captain (6830)— by Sir Harry Liddell (5157)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Hollon's Bull (313). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 740, under dam, and A. H. B.. vol. 15, p. 495. • AUTUMN ROSE— Red heifer, calved Dec. 4, 1873. bred by Jasmes Currie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, got by Prince Imperial (31408), out of Crucifix by Prowler (22662)— Rose of Ap])erley by Ephraim (21697), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 424. 400 warfield's history COWSLIP— Roan heifer, calved April 15, 1872, bred by James Ourrie, Halkerston, got by Royal Buck (32363), out of Minnie by Warrior (23178)— Minna by John o' Groat (16324)— Minnehaha by Heir at Law (13005)— Cowslip 2d by Hudibras (10339)— Cowslip by Pedestrian (4670)— Rarity by Cleveland (3403)— by Architect (3030) —by Wonder (2853)— by Witham's White Bull (5670). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 653, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 494. CASQUET— Roan heifer, calved Nov.. 10, 1872, bred by James Currie, of Halkerston, got by Royal Buck (32363), out of Countess by Duncombe (14463) — Dairymaid by Bumper (10005) — Milkmaid by Ethelred (5990)— Receipt by Albert (5729)— Welcome by Gain- ford (2044)— White Rose by Baronet (1686)— by Duke (1933). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 476, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 460, under dam. Sold, June 16, 1875, to S. T. Spangler, of Winthrop, Iowa, for $575. CASQUET 2d— Red heifer, calved Feb. 20, 1875, bred by Jas. Currie, Halkerston, got by King Christmas (34311), out of (-asquet by Royal Buck (32363), &c., as above. Calved after dam i-eached Canada. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 476, under dam. Note. — I have authority that this heifer was imported by Mr. Beattie; also that she was imported by Mr. Major. ROMEO [6135]— White, calved l^ov. 20, 1874, bred by James Currie, Halkerston, Scotland, got by Waterloo Prince (32S22), out of Cowslip by Royal Buck (32303), &c., as in Cowslip, above. LADY ANN— Red, calved Dec. 4, 1873, bred by Jas. Currie, Halkerston, Scotland, got by Imperial Prince (31408), out of Crucifix by Prowfcr (22662)— Rose of Apperleyby Ephraim (21697) — Primrose by Coeur de Lion (15783) — Diana by Midsummer (9395) — Primrose by Exmouth (6983) — by Sir Harry Liddell (5157) — by Lord Prudhoe (8251) — bv Sir Harry (5155) — by Hollon's Bull (313). C. II. B., vol. 5. p. 508. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 401 MAJOR [5655]— Red and white, calved Feb. 2, 1875, bred by Jas. Cnrrie, Halkerston, Scotland, got by King Christmas (34311), (»ut of Crucifix by Prowler (22662) — Rose of Apperley by Ephraim (21697) — Primrose by Cceur de Lion (15783) — Diana by Midsum- mer (9395)— Primrose by Exmouth (6983)— by Sir Harry Liddell (5157)_by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Hollon's Bull (313). 1875. W. MAJOR & SON. Shipped by the Dominion, from Liverpool, June 10, 1H7'>. By John Hope, for W. Major & Son. LADY FUCHSIA— Red and white, calved Dec. 17, 1871, bred by ,]. W. Phillips, Heybridge, Staffordshire, got by Bolton (25650), out of Fuchsia 8th by Earl of Gloster (21644) — Cambridge Fuchsia by 2d Duke of Cambridge (12743)— Fuchsia 4th by Kirklevington 3d (13120)— Fuchsia by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Fancy by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Belve- dere (1706) — by son of Young Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown^s Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 886, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15. p. 652. VERBENA 4th— Red and white cow, calved April 29, 1868, bred by J. W. Phillips, got by Wolf ran (25469), out of Verbena 2d by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Verbena by Mosquito (14964)— Victory 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Victory by Usurer (9763)— Victoria by 2d Duke of York (5959)— by Sir Thomas (7516)— by Sultan Selim (2710)— by Satellite (1420)— from the stock of Mr. Smith, of Shedlaw. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 802, and A. H. B., vol. 15. p. 933. VERBENA 6th— Red and white cow, calved June 9, 1871, bred by Mr. J. W. Phillips, Heybridge, got by Bolton (25650), out of Verbena 4th by Wolfran (25469) — Verbena 2d by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Verbena by Mosquito (14904)— Victory 2d by 402 WAKFIELD'S HISTORY 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Victory by Usurer (9763)— Victoria by 2d Duke of York (5959)— by Sir Thomas (7516)— by Sultan Selim (2710)— by Satellite (1420)— from tlie stock of Mr. Smith, of Shedlaw. Recorded, E. H. H.. vol. 20, p. 802, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 934. THISBE— Red heifer, calved Jan. 3, 1873, bred by Lord Fitz Hardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, got by Grand Duke of Waterloo (28766), out of Maid of Tyre (vol. 20, E.) by Grand Duke 13th (21850)— Queen of Trye by Archduke (17316)— Syria by Duke of Ulster (12774)— Splendor by His Highness (11580) — Wharton Lady by Gainford 2d (6030) — Moss Rose by Wharton (2835)— by Count (1883)— by Sir William (2640)— by Young Rockingham (2549) — by Wellington (2824) — by Northumberland (464)— by Styford (103)— l)y Bolingbroke (86). Recorded, A. H. B., yol. 15, p. 925. 1839. DR. SAMUEL D. MARTIN, Of Clark Co., Kij. Selected by Mr. Paley. LEONID A— Red, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. Peacock, got by Red Simon (2499), out of Delia or Red Rose by Governor (1077)— Roaney by son of Wellington (680) — Lily by Blaize (75). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 549. ROSALIE— Red and white, calved June 3, 1839, bred by Mr. Paley, England, got by Cadet (1770), out of Leouida by Red Simon (2499) — Delia or Red Rose by Governor (1077) — Roaney by a son of Wellington (680)— Lily by Blaize (75). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 882. BEAUTY — Red roan, calved in May, 1834, bred by Mr. Parker, got by Laurel (2188), dam by Star (618)— by Snowball (2648)— by Roland (563) — by Mr. Parker's White Bull — by Agamemnon (9) — by Albion (14)— by Punch (531). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 67. IMPORTED SllOKT-HOUNS. 408 JESSY — Roan, calved in November, 1836, bred by A. L. May- nard, got by Plenipo (4724), out of Dearlove by Mr. Maynard^s Matchem (4425) — Auricula by Francisco (2032) — by Sir Alexander (591) — by Marske (418) — Laurestina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by a son of Favorite (252) — Lucinda by Hutton^s Bull (323) — Lucy by Barningham (56). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 477. JASMINE OR JESSAMINE— Roan, calved Sept. 12, 1839, begotten in England by Leonidas (4211), out of Jessy, above. SPRIGHTLY— Red and white, calved Oct. 9, 1835, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Fitz Roslyn (2026), out of Olarinda by Buck- ingham (1755)' — Clara by Election (1961) — Young Charlotte by Pilot (496)— Charlotte by Clarence (888)— by George (275)— by Ben (70)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Punch (531). ' E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 963. BULLION (3240)— Red, calved Oct. 28, 1839, bred by Dr. Martin and H. M. Taylor, Clark Co., Ky., begotten in England by Lofty (2217), out of imp. Beauty by Laurel (2188)— by Star (618) —by Snowball (2648)— by Roland (563)— by Parker's White Bull- by Agamemnon (9) — by Albion (14) — by Punch (531). SPECIE (5289) [Twin to Speculatiox (5293)]— iJght roan, (halved Dec. 8, 1839, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Mendoza (4456), out of imp. Sprightly by Fitz Roslyn (2026) — Clarinda by Buck- ingham (1755) — Clara by Election (1961) — Young Charlotte by Pilot (1319)— Charlotte by Clarence (888)— by George (275)— by Ben (70)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Punch (531). SPECULATION (5293) [Twin to Specie (5289)]— Calved Dec. 8, 1839, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Mendoza (4456), out of imp. Sprightly by Fitz Roslyn (2026) — Clarinda by Buckingham (1755) —Clara by Election (1961)— Young Charlotte by Pilot (1319)— Charlotte by Clarence (888)— by George (275)— by Ben (70)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Punch (531), 404 vvakfield's history June 1866. MASON AND BRACKEN COUNTY (KY.) IMPORTING COMPANY. (Alex. R. Marshall and Henry Smoot, Agents.) By Ship Leona, Capt. Morris; landed at Philadelphia, June, 1&66. COWS. JULIA — Roan, calved May 3, 1851,, bred by Mr. Liudsol, got by Young Grant, out of Jenny Lind by Essex Lad (8039) — Rosy (vol. 8, E.) by South Star (7538)— Verbena by Van Amburg (5543) — Pineapple by Plenipo (4724) — Jonquil by Young Matcheni (4425) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2636) — by Marske (418) — Laurestina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by son of Fa- vorite (252) — Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (322) — Lucy by Barning- ham.(56). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15759. Sold to Geo. Cox. DUENNA— Roan, calved May 26, 1854, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by 3d Cleveland Lad (14283), out of Dewdrop by Financier (9122)— Dolly by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Dinah by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Dinah by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Red Thompson, a cow of Mr. Bates'. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15613, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 406. under dam. Sold to B. D. Owens. FAIRY QUEEN alias QUEEN— Roan, calved July 30, 1856. bred by S. E. Bolden, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961), out of Duenna by 3d Cleveland Lad (14283), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15646. VIOLET— Red, calved Jan. 24, 1854, bred by Mr. Christy, of Ireland, got by Duke of Beauford (11377), out of Dimple by The Munster Lad (10941)— Eva by Shotley 2d or King Ben (7494)— Actress by Magnum Bonum — Sylph by Robin — Anemone by Regent (544)_Io by Cecil (120)— by Midas (435)— by Meteor (431)— by Petrarch (488) — by Alexander (20) — by Traveler (655) — by son of Bolingbroke (86). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16249, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 410, under dam. Sold to H. Smoot. IMPORTED SHOKT-HOKNS. 405 LIGHT OF THE HAREM— Roan, calved May 2, 1854, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Nabob (11834), out of Lovely by Triumph (8717)— Lydia by Matchless (4428)— Laura by Bough- ton (2868)— Lily by Roman (2559)— by Columella (904)— by Albion (14)_by Cinnamon (139)— by Neswick (1266). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15857, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 553, under dam. Sold to B. Jameson. GRANNYLIGHT— Roan, calved Sept. 22, 1854, bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Grizzy (vol. 10, E.) by The Stuart (7623)— Grizelda by David (3555)— Young Grizzle by Isaac (1129)— by Warlaby (672). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15705. Sold, Oct. 1, 1859, to B. D. Owens. ALICE — Red and white, calved March 15, 1854, bred by Mr. Sandy, got by Harbinger (10297), out of Adeliza by Cramer (6907) —Adelaide by True Blue (5522)— Albina by Miracle (2321)— xVlice by Sir Henry (1446) — Young Madam by Count (170) — Young V^enus by Bracken (91) — Venus by Badsworth (47) — by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15443, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 305, under dam. Sold to J. C. Humphrey. DIANA — Roan, calved May 24, 1854, bred by Mr. Fowler, got by Brennus (8902), out of Dinah by Governor (10282) — Diphthong by Red Duke (7619)— Dillicot by Chediston 1st (6858)— Miss Harrison by Northumberland (7286) — Miss Fortune by Hotspur (1117) — by Northumberland (1286) — by Rob Roy (556) — by Simon (590)_by Styford (629)— by son of Hubback (319). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15588, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 410, under dam. Sold at Company^s sale, Oct. 1, 1859, to J. E. French, Fernleaf, Mason Co., Ky. LADY LAURA— Roan, calved October 6, 1854, bred by Mr. Fowler, Henlow, got by Great Duke (12973), out of The Lady by Cobham (7906)— Lucy by Mambrino (7196)— Nelly by Wiseton 406 , WAKFIELD'S HiyTOKY (2848)— Dorothy by Eirby (1040)— by Ivaiihoe (1131)- by son of Irishman (329)^by son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15812, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 724, under dam. Sold to J. C. Humphreys. HIGH BANK — Roan, calved Dec. 5, 1853, bred by Mr. Burnet, got by Horatio (10335), out of Viola (vol. 8, E.) by Vampire (6632) — Moss Rose by Senator (2610)— Red Rose by Columella (904) — by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswick (1266)— by R. Ceiling's son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15719. Sold to J. C. Savage. HASTY— Red, calved Aug. 12, 1854, bred by Mr. Burnet, got by Horatio (10335), out of Pudden by Prince John (9508)— Elmon- ton by Earl of Essex (6955)— Selina (vol. 7, E.) by Stratton (5336) — Juno by Favorite (1028) — by a son of Blyth Comet (85) — by Fisher's Red Bull (2022)— by TurnelFs Bull (1536)— by Foster's Bull (2031). A. H. B., vol. 20, ]). 15712. Sold to Mitchell Miller. JENNY DEANS— Roan, calved April Hj, 1854, bred by Mr. Christy, Ireland, got by Duke of Beauford (11377), out of Jenny Lind by Zero (8799)— Daisy by Old Bull (8368)— Duchess by Young Spectator (8619)— by Phantassie (838!))— by Young Rock- ingham (8498). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15741, and E. H. B., vol. 12, i). 499, under dam. Sold to R. C. & W. II. Durett. LADY BARRYSCOURT— Red and white, calved April 1, 1855, bred by Mr. Christy, Ireland, got by Jasper (11609), out of Emily by Young Shaftoe (9625) — Emma by Huml)er (7102) — Erato by Guardian (3947) — Calliope by Firby (1040) — Faustina by Hector (1104)— Brenda by Regent (544)— Old York. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15786, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 367, under dam. LADY MACBETH— Calved December 29, 1856, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Macbeth (13266), out of Granny- light by Bridegroom (11203), &c., as in Grannylight, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15815. Sold to H. Smoot. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 407 VOTRESS— Roan, calved Nov. 5, 1854, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), out of Victoria 22d by Lord John (11731)— Victoria 13th by Oomus (12625)— Victoria 3d by 2d Comet (5101)— Victoria 2d by Belzoni (783)— Victoria by Satel- lite (1420)— No. 1 Chilton Sale by Cato (119)— Pope Cow by Pope (514)_by Favorite (252)— by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcook's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull— by Jolly's Bull. E. H. B.,vol. 11, p. 741, under dam. Barren. LADY LAURA— Roan, calved October G, 1854, bred by Mr. Fowler, got by Great Duke (12973), out of The Lady by Cobham (7906)— Lucy by Mambrino (7196)— Nelly by Wiseton (2848)— Dorothy by Firby (1040)— Muslin by Ivanhoe (1131)— by a son of Irishman (329-) — by a son of Favorite (252). E. FT. B., vol. 11. p. 724, under dam. Died on passage. BULLS. MACBETH (13266)— Roan, calved Nov. 22, 1851, bred by F. JI. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of Mrs. Malaprop by Lord Chancellor (10435) — Lady Milton by Milton (7238)— Zulieka by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— by Memnon (2295) — by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull (1768). THE (IRISSTT (15386)— Roan, calved March 26, 1855, bred by Mr. Christy, Fort Union, got by Beauford (11577), out of Opening Rose by Shotley 2d (7494)— Rosebud by Young Zealot (8797)— Moss Rose by Spectator (2688) — by Phantassie (8389) — by Rock- ingham (560)— by Denton (198). VATICAN (12260)— Roan, calved April 17, 1851, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, got by Usurer (9763), out of Virginia by Petrarch (7329)— Victoria by 2d Duke of York (5959)— Rachel by Sir Thomas (7586)— Ruby by Sultan Selim (2710)— by Satellite (1420)— from tlie stock of Mr. Smith, of Shedlaw. 4()8 warfield's history BLANDIMAR 19044— Roan, calved June 14, 1854, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, got by Earl of Dublin (10178), out of Kishniee by Gray Friar (9172)— Lalla Rookh by Little John (4232) — Anna by Young Norman (4584)— Walnut by White Boy (1580) — Pauline by Wyvill's Bull — by a bull of Mr. Cliarge's. EMPEROR NAPOLEON 17050— Roan, calved April 6, 185(1, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (1120^), out of Loyal by Triumph (8717)— Lydia by Matchless (4428)— Laura by Broughton (2868) — Lily by Roman (2559) — by Columella (904)— by Albion (14)— by Cinnamon (139)— by Neswick (12r;(;). 1852. JAMES S. MATSON. Furls, Ky. JOHN 0' GAUNT 1707 (11021)- Roan, calved in December, 1 850, ])red by J. S. Tanqueray, of Brent Lodge, Hendon, Middle- sex, got by Horatio (10335), out of Lancashire Witch by 2d Duke of Lancaster (5951) — Amalthea by Bellerophon (3119) — Duchess by Duke of Cleveland (3640)— Princess by Alderman (2976)— ])y Waterloo (2816)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Noble (455)— ])y Irishman (329)— by Styford (103). JAVELIN (11610)— Roan, calved Aug. 10, 1851, bred by Lord Hill, Hawkestone, Shrewsbury, got by Julian (10364), out of In- trigue by Lord of the Isles (9325)— Melody by Dulcimer (3658)— Hyacinth by 2d Comet (5101)— Picotee by Prince Paul (4827)— Penelope or No. 62 by Monarch (2324)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Charles (lr37)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (18(;)_by Colonel. IMPORTED SHORT-HORlSrS. 409 1854. GEORGE MILLER, Of Markham, Ont. MISS SYME— Red and white, calved March 20, 1854, bred by Robert Syme, Red Kirk, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, got by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), out of Spoors 3d by Remus (11987)— Helen by Strathmore (6547)— Spoors 2d by Sir William (12102)— Old Spoors by Togston (5487)— by George (272). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 407, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 960. RED ROSE— Red, calved April 19, 1853, bred by Robert Syme, got by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), out of Rose by Remus (11987) —Old Rose by Sir William (12102)— Kate by Togston (5487)— Catherine by Emperor (1974). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 445, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 960. MARY A LIAS/ FANG Y— Red, calved March 21, 1856, bred by Robert Syme, got by Sir Charles (13705), out of Sybil by Baron of Kidsdale (11156) — Young Jane by Strathmore (6547) — Jane by Playfellow (6297)— Catherine by Emperor (1974). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 292; A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18660, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 623, under dam. JANE 3d— White, calved March 4, 1855, bred by R. Syme, got by Sir John (13735), out of Young Jane by Strathmore (6547) — Jane by Playfellow (6297)— Rose by Sir William (12102)— by Togston (5487)— Catherine by Emperor (1974). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 321. and A. H. B.. vol. 9, p. 676. Imported in 1856. 1856. GEORGE MILLER. MdildKnii, Can. NICIIOL 503: [497]— Roan, calved May 15, 1855, bred by Xicol Milne, Ealdonside, Melrose, Scotland, got by Sam (Jlen (10780), (ilciMffcr. Jane 23. ls6'.f. From Glasrioiv. for \V. Miller, Pickei'ing, Out, Can. FAWSLEY CHIEF 10051 (26143)— Roan, calved June 30, 1868, bred by W. Torr. Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Mountain Chief (20383), out of Eawsley Garland 6th by Booth Royal (15673)— Fawvsley (larland 5th by Dr. McHale (15887) — Fawsley Garland 2d by Vanguard (10994) — Garland by Gray Friar (9172) — by Fawsley (6004)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Rufus (2576)— by Wellington (683)— by AVmdsor (698)— by Windsor (698)— by own brother to North Star (459). RUBERTA— Roan heifer, calved N^ov. 5, 1867, bred by T. Game & Son, Broadmoor, Northleach, Gloucestershire, got by Masterpiece (24561), out of Rose of Clithero by Cynric (19542) — Rosebud by General Pelissier (14605) — Moss Rose by Marchmont (1)367)- ^rortworth Rose by Fitz-Hardinge (8073)— Rose by Au- gustus (6752) — by son of Anthony (1640) — by a bull of Mr. Champion's. Recorded, E. 11. B., vol. 18, p. 708, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1219, as Ruberia. Sold to W. S. King, Minnesota. IMrORTEl) SHORT- HORNS. 421 GOLA — Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 9, 1864, bred by William Torr, Aylesby Manor, got by Booth Royal (15673), out of Guardian Princess by British Prince (14197) — Gauntlet by Vanguard (10994) — Gorget by Crown Prince (10087) — Glisten by Vanguard (10994)— Gleam by Baron VVarlaby (7813)— Glitter by Londesboro' (6142)— by Ranunculus (2479)— by Remus (4932)— by Prince Gomtt (1342)— by Count (170)— by Prince of Waterloo (528) — by Young Favorite (255). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 514, and A. 11. B., vol. 9, p. 644. 1871. M. I. MILLS, Of Detroit Mich. By Ship Erin. Aug. 19, 1871. Sent as a present, by Sir C. M. Lampson, Ut Mr. Mills. COPTHORNE— Roan heifer, calved March 24, 1869, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart.. Rowfant, Sussex, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Seymour by Prowler (22662) — Aldbrough Cow by Harlequin. GRAND Dl^KE OF GENEVA 1st— White, calved Dec. 13, 1871, bred by Sir Charles Lampson, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Oopthorne by 2d ])uke of W^etherby (21618), &c., as in Copthorne. above. 1874. R. MILNE. Of Lockport. III. To Quebec. BUTTERFLY 34th— Roan, calved Nov. 12, 1869. bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Julius Csesar (26486), out of Butterfly 18th by Caractacus (19397)— Butterfly 2d by John Bull (11618)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Re- port (10704)— by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (;J64())— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14421, and E. H. B.. vol. 19. p. 424, under dam. 422 CORIANDA — Roan cow, calved Nov. 22, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Senator (27441), out of Carmine Rose by Champion of England (17526) — Carmine by The Czar (20947)— Cressida by John Bull (11618)— Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake by Tip Top (7633) — bred by Mr. Mason. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 428, under dam. BUTTERFLY 37th— Red, calved March 18, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Butterfly 19th by Allan (21172)— Butterfly 4th by Lord Raglan (13244)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14422. SECRECY— Red heifer, calved March 20. 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Grand Duke of Gloster (26288), out of Satinet by Baronet (15614) — Sunshine by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sunrise by The Baron (13833)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945) — by Locomotive (4242) — by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambier (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859) — by a bull of Messrs. Colling. A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17445. BRIDAL FLOWER— Red heifer, calved Feb. 5, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Bride Elect by Lord Raglan (13244) — Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— Crescent by The Pacha (7612)— Dainty by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Emperor (3716)— by In- valid (4076)— by Magnet (392)— by Palmflower (480). A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14416. GLITTER— Red heifer, calved Feb. 18, 1873, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Senator (27441), out of 8th Mint by Champion of England (17526) — 2d Mint by Duplicate Duke IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 428 (6952)— The Mint by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567)— by Con- stellation (163)— by Hastings (293)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). MILLIONAIRE— Red and white bull, calved Nov. 29, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank and calved in America, got by Millionaire (31917), out of Secrecy by Grand Duke of Gloster (26288), &c., as in dam, above. Sold to Geo. F. Gurney, Will Co., 111. VISCOUNT 18507 (35894)— Red, calved Dec. 16, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Lord Lansdowne (29128), out of Red Violet by Allan (21172)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173) —Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228)— Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987) — Red Rose by Inkhorn (6021) — Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — Cicely by Sampson— Marion by Wallace (1560). AUTUMN FLOWER— Roan, calved March 28, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Breadalbane (28073), out of Autumn. Leaf by Champion of England (17526) — Autumn Rose by Lord Raglan (13244)— Rose Leaf by Matadore (11800)— China Rose l)y Hudson (9228)— Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Red Rose by Ink- horn (6991) — Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — Cicely by Sampson —Marion by Wallace (1560). A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 454. May 10, 1883. W. F. MILTON. From London. May to. 188S. by Ship Boston City, for W. F. Milton. CottsvlUe. Mass. LADY CLEVELAND 7th— Red and white, calved May 6, 1881, bred by the Earl of Feversham, (ireff Farm, Yorkshire, got by Lord Oxford Bright Eyes (38646), out of Lady Laurel by Duke of Ryedale 2d (33727)— Laurel Berry by (Cambridge Gwynno (28122) — Laurel Leaf by Tisamines (27670) — Laurel Branch by Sir Roder- ick Dhu (18862)— Sugar Plum by Gloucester (12950)— Suntiower 424 warfield's histoky by Ben Nevis (9960)— Sunshine by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Sun- beam by Young Grazier (3928) — Sunflower by Expectation (3749) —by Emperor (1013)— by Baron (58)— by Marshal Beresford (415) — by Lame Bull (359) — by Son of Suwarrow (636) — by Suwarrow (G36)— by Son of 1\vin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). E. H. B., vol. •>8, p. 383. under dam. (CHEERY BLOSSOM— Roan, calved June 3, 1881, bred hy the Earl of Feversham, got by Earl of Horton 11th (36588), out of Oheby Duchess by Duke of Oerisia (30937) —Maid of Orleauf^ by Duke of Jamaica (23578) — Roan Duchess by Gloster's (Irand Duke (12949)— Charmer by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Chaplet by Usurer (9763)— by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— by Morpeth (7254) —by Helicon (2107)— by Henwood (2114)— by N^estor (452)— by Harold (291)— by Meteor (432)— by Comet (15;-))— by (hipid (177). E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 383. under dam. ROSEBUSH- Red, calved March 2, 1881, bred by T. Mace, got by Remus (37333), out of Rose of Summer by ^ Count Gloster (o3(;37)_Rose of Spring by Lord Elgin (18230)— Rosebud by Ge.n. Pelissier (14605)— Moss Rose by Marchmont (9367)— Tortworth Rose by Pitz-Hardinge (8073) — Moss Rose by Augustus (6751) — by a son of Anthony (1640) — })y a bull of Mr. C'hampion' , of Blytb. PRINCE IRWIN (48495)— Roan, calved March 19, 1882, bred by Mrs. Mace, got by Remus (37333), out of Miss Wetherby by Bai-ou Wetherby 24th (27980)— Rosemary by Butter Boy (21349)— Rose- bud by Royal Butterfly 1 4th (20722)— Young Red Rose by Oraugc- man (18485)— Rosy by Chieftain (12595)~by Juniper (10347)— by Waverly (5613)— by Cedric (3311)— by son of Favorite (1028)— by Calebs (897)— by Rose's Red Bull (5009)— by Fisher's Old Bull (3799). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 42o (830. ROBERT B. MINTURN. YOTTNG FITZ FAVORITE 2428— Calved in April. 1S:|0, got l)v Fitz FMVorite (1042). out of Ellen by George (lOOiJ). A. ir. 11, vol. 10, p. llfiOfi. 1821 or 1822. MR. MONSON, Of Boston, yraas. ^rUREROSE— Roan, calved June 10. 1^21, bred by Mr. Weth- erell, got by ^^orth Star (460), out .of Tuberose by Cripple (173) Tulip by Comet (155) — Cherry l)y Ladrone (353) — by Danby (19(D) — by son of Favorite (252). F. n. B., vol. 1. p. 524. 1880. MR. MORGAN. Oshdiva, ('(in. DUKE OF HAZELCOTE G8th 205 (Brit. -Am. H. B.)— Roan, calved Jan. 11), 1879, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Eng., got by Oxford Beau 6th (40422). out of Honey 57th by Baron Oxford 4tli (25580)— Honey 23d by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Honeybag by Caleb (15718)— Heroine by Victory (13945)— Honeysuckle by Premier (7344)— by Bellerophon (3119)— by Alderman (2976)— l)y Waterloo (2816) — by Young Wynyard (2859)— by son of Simon (.■,«)0)_])y Styford (103). CAPT. MORGAN. CouiiectUut. YO^^^(l CONSTANCE— Red and white, calved in 1834. bred by Mr. Lovell, got by a son of Anthony (1640). d;nn bv AFagnet .Ir. (0042)— by Edgecott (1953)— by Aiidley (3055). K. ir. B.. vol. 5. p. 200. 426 wakfielb's history May, 1881. CHARLES MORGAN, Of Neto WaiUihy. BordentniDi. N. J. From London. MIRIAM— Red cow, calved March 11, 1876, bred by T. C. Booth, Warlal)y, Northallerton, got by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Martha by King James (28971) — Meg Merrilies by British Crown (21322) — Margery by (!ommander-in-Chief (21451) — Maggy by Lord of the Hills (18267)— Melina by Crown Prince (10087)— by Fitz Leonard (7010)— by Buckingham (3239)— by Roseberry (5011) —by Priam (2452)— by J,erry (4097)— by Young Pilot (4702). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 331. 8AX0N QUEEN— Red and white heifer, calved Jan. 4, 1879, bred by executors of T. C. Booth, got by Royal Halnaby (39041), out of Bright Saxon by Royal Prince (27384) — Bright Spangle by ^ Prince of Warlaby (15107)— Bright Dew by British Prince (14197)— Bright Morn by Vanguard (10994) — Bright Phcebus by Crown Prince (10087)— by Zadig (8796)— by Auld Robin Grey (6753)— by Chrisp's Bull— by Burley (1766)— by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496) —by Albion (14)— by Booth's Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brotber to Ben (88) —by Twin lirother to Ben (660). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 331, under dam. GEORGIA REGIA— Roan heifer, calved March 21. 1879, bred ])y E. Heinemann, Ratton Park, Willingdon Sussex, got by King of I'rumps (31512), out of Generous by Merry Monarch (22349) — Brevity by Brigade Major (21312) — Georgie by Prince George (13510)— Hopeful by Hopewell (10332)— l)y Warrior (12287). E. H. B.,vol. 26, p. 478, under dam. GEORGIA RUGA— Red heifer, calved March 5, 1880, bred by E. Heinemann, got by Pluto (35050), out of Generous by Merry Monarch (22349), &c., as in Georgia Regia. above. E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 441, under dam. MARSHALL'S GIFT— Roan cow, calved Oct. 31, 1873, bred by H. Pilkersgill, Middleton, Quernhow, Thirsk, got by Marshall Booth (31852), out of New- Year's Gift ])y Tliorntree (25312)— Dewy IMPORTED SIIOKT-IIORXS. 427 Mom by Le Moor (22090)— Rosy Morn by Hedmoud (11978)— Rosamond by Cotherstone (()90:5)— Red Rose by Young Matcliem (44-25)— by Fairfax (1023)— by son qt* Marsk (418)— by Palmsun (7311) — by a bull of Mr. Maynard's — by son of Favorite. •E. H. B., vol. 21, p: 889, under dam. ROSAMOND 3d— Roan heifer, calved March 21, 1878, )n-ed by K. Heinemann, got by Bezique (33148), out of MarshalFs Gift by Marshall Booth (31852), &c., as above. E. H. B., vol. 25, p. 496, under dam. BRIGHT ROSE— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 10, 1875, bred by A. T. Mathews, Churcli Hanborough, Eynsham, Oxfordshire, got by Riby Royal (35265), out of Pride of the Roses by Provost (o«j(;99)_Koyal White Rose by Royal Benedict (27348)— White Moss Rose by Oynric (19542)— Royal Moss Rose by Royal Oak- (10870) — Young Moss Rose by Bashaw (12449) — Moss Rose by Marchmont (9367)— by Fitz Hardinge (8073)— by Augustus (6751) — by son of Anthony (1640) — by a bull of Mr. Champion's, of Blyth. E. H. B.. vol. 22, p. 503. under dam. ROSE KING— Roan, calved April 1, 1881, bred by E. Kune- man, got by Lord Highthorn (43522), out of Bright Rose by Riby Royal (35265), &c., as in dam, above. ROYALIST- Roan, calved March 17, 1881, bred by E. Heine- numn, got by Lord Highthorn (43522). out of Rosamond 3d by Bczi(|ue (33148), &c., as in dam. above. MOIRA— Roan lieifer, calved May 15, 1878, bred by Mrs. Pery, (Joolcronom House, Foxford, County Mayo, Ireland, got by Red Cross Kniglit (35219), out of Royal Mary by King Richard (26523) — Royal Mistress by Royal Buckingham (20718) — Modred by Va- lasco (15443) — Mistress Mary l)y Baron AVarlaby (7813) — Water Witch by Royal Buck (10750)— Hecate by Roih'wcII (1(I332)— by Hamlet (8126). E. H. B.. vol. 25, 2). 621. unck'i- dam. 428 wakfield's history ROYAL GEOIiGrE (455:^4)— Roaii, calved April ;. 1,S80. hivd 'by executors of T. G. Booth, VVurhibv got by Royal Stuart (4(i()4(;), out of Mina by Royal Benedict (27348)— Margaret by Commaiulei'- in-Chief (21451)— Maggie by Lord of the Hills (1826:)— Meliua by Crown Prince (lOOs;)- by Fitz Leonard (7010)— by Buckingham (3239)— by Roseberry (5011)— by Priam (2-452)— by Jerry (4097)— by Young Pilot (4702). ROYAL MAGIS'rER (45538)— Red and white, calved July 23. 1880, bred by Mrs. Pery, got by Royal Crown (40628), out of Royal Modred by King William (34358)— Royal Mary l)y King Richard (26523) — Royal Mistress by Royal Buckingham (20 718), c\:c., as in Moira, above. MAID OF NEW WARLABY— Hed, calved March 1. 1881. bred by T. C. Booth's executors, got by Royal Stuart (40640), out of Miriam by Royal Benedict (27348), &c., as in Miriaui, ahovc. I860 to 1857. LEWIS G. MORRIS and NOEL J. BECAR. .V((r )'i>il,. DUCHESS 6(;th— Roan, calved Ovi. 25. 1850, bred by Karl Ducie, Tortworth Court, Eng., got by 4tli Duke of York (lOlo;), out of Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of IS'orthumberland (3649) — Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— Duchess 33d ])y Belvedere (170(5) —Duchess 19th l)y 2d Hubback (1423)— by The Earl (646)— by Ketton 2d (HO)- by Comet (155)— by Fjivorite (252)— ])y Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by ilubl)ack (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B.,, vol. 11, p. 415. and A. 11. B.. vol. 4. p. 32;. OXFORD 5th— Ronn. calved Nov. 24, 1844, bred I)y Thomas Bates, Kirklevington, got by Duke of Noi-tliumberlaiid (1!)40), out of Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matclicm (2281)- by Young Wynyard (2859). E. H. H.. vol. 9. p. 508. IMPOinED SllOKT-HOKNS. 429 O.XFOIU) lUTH— Keel and white, ealved Dec. 30, 1848, bred by Thomas Bates, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Oxford 5th l)y Duke of IS'^orthumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Sliort Tail (•>^'>i) — Mateheni ('ow by Mat(diem (22H1) — by Young Wynyard E. II. B., vol. 10, p. 51 :. OXFORD 13th — Koan, calved Jan. 7, 1850, bred by executors of Mr. T. Bates, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). E. H. B.. vol. 10, p. 516, under dam, and A. 11. B., vol. 4, p. 504. DUKE OF GLOJSTER 2763 (11382)— Red, calved Sept. 14, 1850, bred l)y Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, got by Grand Duke (10284). out of Duchess 59th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — Duchess 56th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706) —Duchess 32d by 2d-Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710) — Duchess 1st by Comet (155) — by Favorite (252) — Ijy Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). ROMEO (13619)— Roan, calved in April. 1850, bred by the Marquis of Exeter, Burghley Park, England, got by Columbus (10063), out of Juliet by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Miranda by Bell- erophon (3119) — Perfection by Sillery (5131)— Matilda by Cham- pagne (3317) — by Favorite (256) — by Mr. (libson's Sampson. MARQUIS OF CARRABAS 3122 (11789)— Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1851. bred by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Cherryripe by Sir Walter (2639) — Young Chei-ry by Young Waterloo (8757) — Cherry by Waterloo (2816) — Old CluM-ry 1)y Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179) —by Page's Bull (0269)— by MitUlleton's Bull (438). 480 THE LOKD OF ERYHOLME (122()o)--R()a]i. calved Jan. 10, J 849, bred by A. L. Maynard, Marton-le-Moor, Ripoii. got by Earl Stanhope (5966), out of Miss Stanley by Cotherstone (6903) — LadA' Stanley by Lord Stanley (4269)— Stella by Halley's Comet (3968) — Stately by Burley (1766) — Young Starling by Sir Alexander (591)_Starling by Adam (717)— by The Twin feuU (10954)— by Hubback (319) — by Manheld (404) — Young Strawberry by Dalton Duke (188)— Favorite by R. Alcock^>< Rull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (008)— by Jolly^s Bull (337). BATX^O 227 (9918)— Red and white, calved Feb. 23, 1849, bred by Thomas Bates, Kirklevington, England, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumber- land (3649)~Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Xorthund)erland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975) —by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— l)y ButterHy (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dolnson's stock. Imported in 1853. BJLLY PITT (9967)— Roan, calved Oct. 30, 184!l. bred by 1\. IkVll, Kirklevington, near Yarm, England, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), out of Blossom ])y Belvedere (1706)— Bui-rcll 1st by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— from the stock of Mr. Bates. MINERVA 4th— Red. calved Feb. 1, 1853, bred by Mr. Tan- «|ueray. Hendon. got by Lord Warden (7167), out of Minerva ))y Prince Ernest (4818) — Medusa by Mowthorpe (2343) — Magic by Wallace (5586) — by Wellington (2824) — Dorothy Gwynne by Mar- mjon (406) — Daphne Owynne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne b}' Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— ])y Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 498, and A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 469. IMPOllTED SHORT-HORN^S. 481 MIJSERVA 2d— Roan, calved in January, 1850, bred by Mr. Slade/ Kemnal House, got by St. Martin (8525), out of Minerva l)y Prince Ernest (4818), &c., as in Minerva 4th, above. E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 498. BEAUTY OF BRAWITH— Roan, calved April 21, 185(1, bred by Mr. B. Wilson, Brawith, got by Emperor (6973), out of Moss Rose 2d by Sir Walter (2639)— Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127) —by Waterloo (2816)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). E, H. B.,vol. 11, p. 329. BLOOM — Red roan, calved in January, 1850, bred by Mr. Fowle, of Northallerton, got by Sir Leonard (10827), out of Elvira by Eolus (3733)— Golden Pippin by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Alive 0! (2995)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by The Pjiddock Bull (477)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 340, and A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 279. ROMELIA— Roan, calved in November, 1850, bred by Rev. I. Y. Cooke, Semer, got by Flageolet (9130), out of Romelia 2d by a son of St. Leger (5058)— Young Romelia by St. Leger (5058)— l{omelia by Eclipse (1949)— Sylvestine by Commodore (3446)— by Darius (954)— by Macgregor (2235)— by Albany (13)— })y Midas (435)_by Boughton (90)— by a son of Windsor (698). E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 668, and A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 539. JOHN 0' GAUNT 1707^— White, calved Jan. 5, 1853, bred by Rev. I. Y. Cooke, Semer, got by John o' Gaunt (11621), out of Romelia by Flageolet (9130). See Romelia, above. ZILLA— Roan, calved in 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by 5th Duke of York (10168), out of Jubilee by Lycurgus (7180)— Jacintha by Fawsley (6004)— Junta by Warden (5595)— Joyance by Javelin (4093) — Toy by Blyth (797)— Janetta by Wel- lington (684), &('. K. U. B.. vol. 11, p. r)(M;, under (lain, and A. II. !'>.. vol. 4. p. (iu;. 482 wakfield's HisToin' BRAWITH (12490)— Koan, calved Dec. !), 1853, bred bv B. Wilson, Brawitli, got bv Monk (11824), out of Beauty of lii-awitli by Emperor (6973)— Moss Rose 2d by Sir Walter (2639)— Moss Rose by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Barniptou (5774)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). August 7, 1872. L. G. MORRIS, Of Moimt Forflhom.N. V. By Ship CaiifNla. from Livrrpnnl. LADY WORCESTER 8th— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 14, 1870. l)red by J. Harward, Winterfold, Kidderminster, got by 3d Puko of Claro (23729), out of Lady Worcester 2d by C^harleston (21400) —Clear Star by Marton Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— ])y Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from the stock of M. Dohison. E. U. B.. vol. 19, p. 595. under dam, and A. H. P).. vol. 12, p. 939. OXFORD, ROSE— Roan heifer, calved July 10, 1871, bred by E. H. Cheney, Gaddesby Hall, Leicester, got l)y King of the Roses (22043), out of Oxford Lass by Beau of Oxford (21254)— Feathers l)y Royal Butterfly 3d (18754)— Miss Feathers by Voltigeur (13966) —Flora by Valiant (10989)- Feathers by Duke of Cornwall (5!)47) —by Fergus (3782)— by Dandy (1902)— by Blyth (797)— l)y Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 677, under dam, and A. IL B.. vol. 12, p. 1115. FAIR BUTTERFLY PRINCESS— Roan cow, calved July 2d, 1867, bred by Mr. J. Fawcett, Scale])y Castle, Carlisle, got ])y IMPORTED SHDRT-HORNS. 4HH Utli Duke of Oxford (21605), out of Butterfly Princess 10th by Richard (lOSIM)— Butterfly Princess 6th by D'Israeli (10125)— I^utterfly Princess 5th by Grisdale (14654) — Butterfly Princess by Wellington (7706)— by l^ellerophon (3119)— by Blucher (1725)— by Butterwick (8251). E. H. B,, vol. 19, p. 425, unclor dam, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 779. DT^C'HESS OF BEDFORD 2d— Red heifer, calved Aug. 15, 1871, bred by Mr. A¥. Horswell, AVeek Barton, Milton Abbot, Devon, got by Duke of Oxford and Gloster (28436), out of Duchess of Bedford by Duke (15908) — Lady Barrington 2d by Weathercock (9815)— Lady Barrington lOth by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by son -of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 737. OXFORD VANQUISH 4th— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 1, 1872, bred by W. Horswell, got by Baron Oxford 2d (23376), out of Vanquish 6th by Gen. Barrington (2181()) — Vanquish 1st by Bates (12452)— A^anquish by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Victorine by Usurer (9763)— Victoria by 2d Duke of York (5959)— by Sir Thomas (7516)— by Sultan Selim (2710)— by Satellite (1420)— from the stock of Mr. Smith, of Shedlaw. E. H. B.. vol. 20, p. 799, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1115. OXFORD BEAU 2d 15068 (32012)— Roan bull, calved April 27, 1871, bred by Col. Kiugscote. Kingscote Park, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Countess of Oxford by 7th Duke of Airdrie (23718)— Gem of Oxford by 2(1 Grand Duke (12961)— Romeo's Oxford l)y Romeo (13619) — Oxford 5th by Duke of Xorth- umberland (1940)— by Short TnU (2621)— by MMtcheni (22S1)— by Young Wynyard (2859). EARL OF CLARENCE. 14157 (31055)— Roan bull, calved Sept. 12, 1871, bred by Earl Cawdor. Stackpolc Court, got l)y :id Duke .-.4 484 waefield's history of Clarence (23727), out of Henrietta 9tli by Duke of Wharfdale (19648) — Henrietta by Viceroy (13945) — Harriet by Contract (10071)— Hebe by Duke (6941)— by Spectator (2688)— by Harold Junior (1096)— by Albion (1619)— by Alexander (1624)— by Favor- ite (6996)— by son of Favorite (2o2)— by tlie Old Red Bull. CAMBRIA 3d— Red, calved Nov. 19, 1866, .bred by John Har- ward, Winterfold, got by Charleston (21400), out of Cambria by Cupid (14359)— Cameo by Duke of Ulster (12774)— Coral by Douglas (12715)— Clodgy by Berkley (7830)— Cherry by Old Strick- land (11870). F. H. B.. vol. 19, p. 426. and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 670. CAMBRIA 4th— Roan, calved March 6, 1868, bred by John Harward, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Cambria by Cupid (14359), &c.,as above. 1. H. B., vol. 12, p. a70, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 427. CAMBRIA 5th— Roan, calved Aug. 17, 1870, bred by John Harward, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Cambria 2d by Emperor (19693)— Camlu'ia by Cupid (14359), &c.,as in Cambria 3d and 4th, above. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 670, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 426, under dam. CAMBRIA 6th— Roan, calved March 24, 1871, bred by John Harward, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Cambria by C>upid (14359), &c., as in Cambria 3d and 4th, above. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 670. LADY BLANCHE 3d— Roan, calved July 10, 1871, bred by John Harward, got by 8th Duke of ( Jeneva (28390), out of Cherry Blanche 2d by Charleston (21400) — Cherry Blanche by Cherry Duke 4th (17552)— Mayfly by Duke of Moscow (14447)— Constance by Selim (6454)— Helena by Rex (6385)— Blanche 2d by Norfolk (2377)— Blanche by Belvedere (1706)— Lupin by Belvedere (1706) —Tulip by Lancaster (360)— by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— by Chapman's Son of Punch (122) — by Dickson's (Jrandson of Punch IMPORTED SHOKT-UOKXS. 485 (•^i;3)_by Checks (13)— by (Irimstoii's Bull (28:^)— l)y J. Coates' Bull (148). A. II. B., vol. 12, p. 8Ut), and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 441, under dam. TACITA 3d— Roan, calved May 19, 1869, bred by Mr. Downing, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Surmise 3d by May Duke (13:}20)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382) — Silence by The Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)— Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)— Secret by Short Tail (2621)— AVhite Rose 1st by Gambier (2046)— White Rose by Young Wynyard (2859)— tracing to bulls owned by R. & C. Colling. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1255, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 744, under dam. KINGSCOTE 17470— Roan, calved April 7, 1873, bred by John Harward, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Lady Worcester 8th by Charleston (21400), &c., as in Lady W^orcester 8th, above. WINTERFOLD 18566— Red and white, calved July 1, 1^3, bred by John Harward, got by Duke of Geneva (28390), out of Cambria 3d by Charleston (21400), &c., as in Cambria 3d, above. CAMBRIA 7th— Roan, calved Feb. 20, 1873, bred by John Harward, got by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390), out of Cambria 4th by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), &c., as in Cambria 4th, above. A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 505. CAMBRIA 8th— AVhite, calved June 27, 1873, bred by John Harward, got by 2d Duke of Rowley (28441), out of Cambria 6tli l)y 3d Duke of Claro (23729), &c., as in Cambria 6th, above. A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 505. PASCHAL MORRIS. Penrisylvania. RED ROSE — Got by Young Magnum Bonum, dam by Barmpton — by Northumberland [a son of Comet (155)]. See Nora, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 584. JUNO 1st — Begotteii in England by Charley, out of Red Rose, a])ove. 436 WAKFIELD'8 IIISTUKY 1856. LUKE MULLOCK. East Flamhoro, Can. BLANCHE — AVhite cow, calved Jan. 4, 1854, bred by John Cliristy, Fort Union, Adare, Ireland, got by Duke of Beauford (11377), out of Slip by Young Sliaftoe (9625) — Carnation by Young, Zealot (8797)— by Zealot (2862)— by Young Phantassie (8390)- by Young Kockingham (8498)— by Denton (198). ■ C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 225, and E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 339. JOE MILLER [372] (14746)— Red and white bull, calved June 1, 1855, bred by John Christy, got by Duke of Beaufort (11377), out of Dimple by The Munster Lad (10941)— Eva by Shotley 2d or King Ben (7494) — Actress by Magnum Bonum — Sylph by Robin —by Regent (544)— by Cecil (120)— by Midas (435)— by Meteor (431)— by Petrarch (488)— by Alexander (20)— by Traveler (655) — bujson of Bolingbroke (SG). EhlZA — Red and white, calved April 26, 1854, bred by John Christy, got by Duke of Beaufort (11377), out of The Opening Rose by Shotley 2d or King Ben (7494) — Rosebud by Young Zealot (8797)— Moss Rose by Spectator (2688)— by Pliantassie (8389)— by Rockingham (560) — by Denton (198). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 281, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 724, under dam. 1835. MR. MURDOCK. BELLA — Red and white, calved in 1834, bred by I. Simpson, Eng., owned by M. R. Cockrill, Tenn., got by Silkworm (5129), out of Hottania b}^ Every (3744) — Peeress by Lancaster (360) — Jasmine by Neswick (1266) — Old Yellow Cow. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 77. MLTRDOCK — Bull, roan, calved in 1833, imp. 1838. SILKWORM— Roan bull, calved in 1829. REBECCA — ('ow, bred by Sir Jolm Kennedy, got by Prince, out of Rachel. IMPOKTED SlIOin-HOMNS. 487 Oct. 31, (879. W. MURRAY. Chest crji eld. Out., Can. By Steamship Prussiaii, from Liverpool. VERBEN^A 12th— Red cow, calved August 18, 1874, bred by J. W. Phillips, Heybridge, Cheadle, Straff ordshire, got by Lord Tregunter (31 758), out of Verbena 7th by Boltou (25650) — Verbena 2d by Lord Liverpool (22168)— Verbena by Mosquito (14964)— Victory 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— by Usurer (9763)— by 2d Duke of York (5059)— by Sir Thomas (7516)— by Sultan Selim (•>7io)_by Satellite (1420)— from the stock of Mr. Smitli^ of Shedlaw. E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 887, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14863. DUKE WILD EYES 35338 (43154)— Koan bull, calved May 9, 1879, bred by Sir W. H. Salt, Bart., Maplewell, Loughborough, Liecestershire, got by 5th Duke of Gloster (36494), out of )J^ild Duchess of Gloster by 3d Duke of Gloster (33653)— Wild Oxford by Lord Oxford 2d (20215)— Wild Eyes 24th by Lord Barrington 3d (16383)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Xorthumberland (3649) — by Duke of Xorthumberland (1940)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975) - by AVonderf ul (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Master- man's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. May 28, 1881. W. MURRAY, Of Cl teste rUebh Ontario, Can. B\i Ship Quebec. DUKE OE HOLKER 5th (44687)— Red ^nd white bull, calved (Jet. 5, 1880, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker, Lancashire, got by Duke of Gloster 7th (39735), out of Lally 15th by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390)— Lally 8th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lally 3d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177) — Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — by 2d Duke of Cam- bridge (3638)— l)y Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). 488 wakfield's histoky OXFOKD DUKE OF WATERLOO (4G8'>5)— Ked and white bull;, calved March 2, 1881, ])red by Rev. J. I. D. Jett'ersou, got by Rowfant Duke of Oxford 5369T,, out of Waterloo Duchess by Waterloo Earl (32816), &c., as in Waterloo Duchess, l)elow. MISS WILD EYES (Late Wild Eyes 33d)— Roan heifer, calved June 10, 1879, bred by Sir R. C. Musgrave, Bart., Edenhall, Pen- rith, Cumberland, got by Royal Cambridge 4tli (40624), out of Wild Eyes 32d by Duke of Underly (33745)— Wild Eyes 30th by 14th Duke of Oxford (21605)— Wild Eyes 21st by Lord Stanley (14854)— Wild Eyes 10th by Solon (13766)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of North- umberland (3649) — by Duke of Xorthumberland (1940). — by Belvedere (1706)— by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313) —by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— de- scended from M. Dobison's stock. E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 565, under dam. WATERLOO DUCHESS— Red and white cow, calved June 9, 1874, bred by Rev. J. I. D. Jelferson, Thicket Priory, York, got by Waterloo Earl (32816), out of Water Weed by Duke of Waterloo (21616) — Countess of W^aterloo by Veteran (13941) — Waterloo 13th by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (;U08)— Waterloo 6th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 787, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 1048. Oct., 1881. W. MURRAY. By Siiip Texas. LALLY OF ELLINGTON— Roan cow, calved Feb. 7, 1877, bred by the Duke of Manchester, Kimbolton Castle, Huntingdon- shire, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Lally 16th by 3d Duke of Claro (23729)— Lally 9th by 7th Duke of Oxford (17754) —Lally 2d by Malachite (18313)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3(1 by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— by 2^ Duke of Cam- bridge (3638)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B.. vol. 26, p. 544, and A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 1047. Sept. 7, 1882. W. MURRAY. Chesterfleld, Ont., Can. By Sldp Lake Manitoba, from. Liverpool, in chanjc of S. Beattie. DUCHESS LALLY— Roan, calved January 11, 1876, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, Kidderminster, got by 5th Duke of Weth- erby (31033), out of Lally 10th by Lord Wild Eyes 5th (26762)— Lally 5th by Duke of Wetherby (17753)— Lally 2d by Malachite (18313)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177)— Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638) — by Belvedere (1706) — by son of Herdsman (304) — by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 473. This cow was lost on voyage over. ORPHAN DITKE 53005— Roan bull, calved July 21, 1882, bred by W. Ashburner, Winterfold, got by 49th Duke of Oxford (41416), out of Duchess Lally, above. Oct. 25, 1883. W. MURRAY. Shipped from Liverpool, Oct. 25, 1883, by Steainship Dominimi. GRAND DUCHESS OF OXFORD 69th— White, calved April 30, 1883, bred by Duke of Devonshire, got by Baron Oxford 12th (45926), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 46th by 7th Duke of Gloster (39735)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 26th by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 11th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 5th l^y Priam (18567)— by Earl of Warwick (11412)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Short Tail (2621)— by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). DUCHESS OF VITTORIA 3d— Red and white, calved Feb. 26, 1883, ])red by Mr. T. Holford, got by Viscount Oxford 2d (42588), out of Lady Geneva Waterloo by Duke of Geneva 9th (28391)— 440 WARFlELD'S HISTORY Lady Waterloo '16tli by 3d Viscount Waterloo (25387)— Lady Waterloo llth by Patriot (20475) — Lady Waterloo 4th by Ferdinand (12871)— by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— by Cleveland Lad (3407) —by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2810)— by Waterloo (2810). 1838. WILLIAM NEFF. Chichmdth Ohio. BLOSSOM— Eoan, calved September 29, 1835, got by Belshazzar (1704), out of Bud by Urazier (1085)— Blossom l)y Navigator (1200) — Crooked Tail by Juniper (1144) — Beauty by Lawnsleeves (305). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 150. LADY CATHERINE— Roan, calved in November, 1833, bred by Mr. Botterill, got by Eastthorpe (1947), out of Young Bella by Count (170)— by Badsworth (47)— by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— by Twin Brother to Ben (060). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 280, and A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 190. STRAWBERRY— Roan, calved April 18, 1835, bred by Mr. Tempest, got by Ambo (1636), out of Fair Helen by Young Albion (If)) — Miss Foote by Pilot (496) — Fair Maid by Agamemnon (9) — Madame by Marshal Beresford (415) — Tuberose by Lame I^uU (359)— Moss Rose by Suwarrow (036). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 231. PRINCE WILLIAM 139— Roan, calved Feb. 17, 1837, got by Majesty (2250), out of Ruby by William (2839)— by Wellington (2824)— by Blaize (75)— by Lame Bull (358)— by Bolingbroke (86). • CINCINNATUS— White, calved Nov. 15, 1838, begotten in England by Berryman (3143), out of Strawberry by Ambo (1636) —Fair Helen by Young Albion (15)— Miss Foote by Pilot (496)— Fair Maid by Agamemnon (9) — Madame by Marshal Beresford (415) — Tuberose by Lame Bull (358) — Moss Rose by Suwarrow (036). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 441 OLTFFORD— Wliite, calved Dec. 25, 1838, begotten in England ])y Herrynian (IU43), out of Tjady Catherine by Easthor23e (1947) —Young Bella by Count (170) — by Bads worth (47) — by Badsworth (47)_hy Driffield (2:>8)— })y Twin Brother to Ben (fiOO). NEW BRUNSWICK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. CORYPH(EUS (924)— Red and white, calved in 1822, bred by Mr. Hutchison, got by Sir Leoline (603), out of Welcome by Herod (•^07)— Beauty by Mr. Buston's Son of Styford (103)— Young Sail by Chapman's Son of Punch (122) — Sockburn Sail by J. Coates' i)ull (148). Supposed to have heen imported by New Brunswick Agricultural Society. ALDERMAX (733)— Roan, calved in 1825, bred by Mr. Weth crell, got by Rockingham (560), out of Fanny by Comet (155) — by Henry (301)— by St. John (572)— by Trunnell (659)— by Danby (190)". GEORGE (1070)— Boan, calved in 1825, bred by Mr. Wetherell. lirampton, got by Darlington (956), out of Nonpareil by Rocking- luxm (560)— by Denton (198)— Nancy by Wellington (678)— by Danby (190). KIRKBY (1156)— Roan, calved in 1823, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Rockingham (560), out of Captive by Comet (155) — Cora by Baronet (60)— by Cripple (171)— by Irishman (329)— by Hub- back (319). 1856. R. F. NICHOLS, Of Neir OrlCiDif^, La. LADY STANHOPE 2d— Roan, calved in April, 1852, bred by , got l)y Whitaker Comet (8771), dam by Redkirk (ll():r,)_by Prince Albert (4778)— by J^ye (6620)— by Son of Cumberland (5256)— by Exmouth (3747)— by Prince (4765)— by Leopold (370)— by Duke of Wellington (231)— by Sir Henry (1447) —by Duke (226)— by Yarborough (705). A. IT. P.., vol. 3, p. 487. 449 warfield's history LADY STANHOPE ;3d— Red, calved Feb. 22, 1850, bred by , got by Davenport, out of T^ady Stanhope 2d by Whitaker Comet (8771), &c., as in dam. above. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 487. NiaHTINGALE— Roan, calved Aug. 10, 1852, got by Whit- aker Comet (8771), out of Wissey by Pride (10031)— Hetty Maurice by Fitz Maurice (3807)— by Camden (1770)— ])y Noble Henry (2374)— bt Young Sir Alexander (2977). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 582. NORTH ELKHORN IMPORTING COMPANY, Of Fayctle Co., Ky. By Steamer Helvetia, from Liverpool, May ,7, JSVo, to New YorT{. (Messrs. Richardson and Boswell, Agents.) STATIRA 10th— Roan cow, calved Feb. 28, 1808, })red by Mr. T. Sartoris, Rushden Hall, Northampshire, got by 12th Duke of Oxford (19033), out of Statira 7th by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Statira 5th by May Duke (13320)— Statira by Duke of (Hostei- (11382)— Stately by Balco (9918)— Statice by Sir Launcelot (5100) —by Major (4345)— by riunthorpe (2049)— ])y Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2022). A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1015. Bought at sale of Company, Oct. 10, 1875, by W. N. Offutt, of (leorgetown, Ky., for *775. ROSE OF TYRE— Roan cow, calved Doc. 5, 1808, bred by Mr. S. Rich, Didmarton, Gloucestershire, got by 2d Duke of Colling- ham (23730), out of Queen of Tyre by Archduke (17316)— Syria by Duke of Ulster (12774)— Splendor by His Highness (11580)— Wharton Lady by Gainford 2d (6830)— Moss Rose by Wharton (2833)— by Count (1883)— by Sir William (2839)— by Young Rockingham (2549) — by Wellin'gton (2824) — by Northum- berland (464)— by Styford (103)— by Bolingbroke (86). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 744, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14826. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by A. H. Daven- port, Lexington, Ky., for |440. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 448 ROSE OF 8ID0N— Red heifer, calved Jan. 3, 1875, bred by J. W. Wilson, Broadway, Worcestershire, got by Archduke of Geneva (30396), out of Rose of Tyre by 2d Duke of Collingham ('^3730)_Queen of Tyre by Archduke (17316)— Syria by Duke of Ulster (12774)— Splendor by His Highness (11580)— Wharton Lady by Gainford 2d (6830)— Moss Rose by Wharton (2833)— by Count (1883)— by Sir William (2839)— by Young Rockingham (2549)— by Wellington (2824)— by Northumberland (464)^by Styford (103) —by Bolingbroke (S6). A. H. B., vol. 25, p. 905. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by E. S. Cunningham, Clark Co., Ky., for 1440. WA^rER GIRL- Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 28, 1872, bred by Lord Fitz-Hardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, got by Grand Duke of Waterloo (28766), out of Water Lass 2d by Gen. Napier (24023)— Water Lass by Oxford 2d (18507)— Water Maid by Marc Antony (14895)— Water Witch by Squire Blanche (12139) — Waterloo lOth by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Waterloo 8th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 812, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16255. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by W. S. Grimes, Paris, Ky., for $1,000. OXFORD'S HEIRESS— Roan cow, calved April 7, 1872, bred by G. Ashburner, Low Hall, Ulverston, got by Oxford Le Grand (29496), out of Nonpareil 6th by Grand Duke 17th (24064)— Red Nonpareil by Cambridge Barrington (14223) — Nonpareil 5th by Ploughboy (7338)— Tathwell Lily by Sterling (5330)— Nonpareil 4th by Young Frederick (3836)— l)y Commodore (1858)— by Tath- well Studley (5401)— by Blytli Comet (85). Recorded, A. H. U., vol. 23, p. 18009. Bought at Company's sale, by W. H. Murphy, Scott Co., Ky., for $425. CLEMENTINA— Red and white heifer, calved in 1872, bred by T. Harrison, Leven Hall, Garth, Yorkshire, got by Rosicrucian 444 \VA1IFIELI>\S IIISI'OKV (27337), out of (Jameo i til by Duke of Chirouce (JtXUl) — Cameo -2d by Frederick (11489)— Cameo by Jeweller (10354)— Cresida by Cossack (1880) — Cassandra by Miracle (2320) — Garland by Matcliem (2281)— by Fitz Kemus (2025)— by Cato (I19)_by AVhitwortli (695). A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17090. Bouglit at Comi)any's sale, by W. H. llichardson, for 1650. Sold by him to 1). S. Coleman cS: (Son, Lexington, Ky. KNIGHTLEY DUCHESS— lioan heifer, calved May 7, 1873, bred by J. W. Wilson, Broadway, Worcestershire, got by Duke AVikl Eyes (31042), out of Lady Knightley 4th by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753) — Dewdrop by Prince of Saxe Cobourg (20576) — Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Grey Friar (9172)— by Fawsley (6004)— by Little John (4232)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Caliph (1774)— by Swing (2721)— by Argus (759)— by Defender (194)— by Petrarcli (488)— by Own Brother to K. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Recorded, E. H. 1^., vol. 21, p. 997, under dam. Bought at Company^'s sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by D. S. Coleman cS: Son, for $925. BOHEMIAN KNIGHTLEY— lied and white heifer, calved June 9, 1874, bred by J. W. AVilson, Broadway, Worcestershire, got by Bohemia Viscount (30556), out of Lady Knightley 4th by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753) — Dewdrop by Prince of Saxe Cobourg (20576)— Duchess by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Grey Friar (9172)— by Fawsley (0004)— by Little John (4232)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Caliph (1774)— by Swing (2721)— by Argus (759)— by Defender (194)— by Petrarch (488)— by Own Brother to K. Colling's White Heifer, by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 997, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17069. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by E. G. Bedford, Paris, Ky., for 11,050. IMI»()R'rEJ> SIIOKT-HORNS. 445 WALLFLOWEirS QUEEN— liod iind white, calved May o, 1875, bred by Col. Kingseote, Kingseote, got by Duke of Hill- hurst (28401), out of Carlo's Wallflower by Lord Carlo (2GG20)— Wallflower I4th by l^leeding Heart 5tli (25G39)— Wallflower 10th by (Jraiid Duke of Wetherby (17997)— Wallflower 4th by Viceroy (13mpany's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by W. H. Richardson, for $875. SURMISE DT^CHESS 9TTI— Red heifer, calved Dec. 20, 1873. In-ed l)y Sii- C M. Lampson, Bart., got by Grand Duke of GenevM (28756), out of Surmise Duchess ])y Patrician (24728)— Hebe by Rowfant 1st (22767)— Surmise by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Silence })y Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945) —by Locomotive (4242)— by Short Tail (2621)— l)y (Jainbier (2046) — l)y Young Wyuyard (2859)--l)y a bull of Mr. Colliug's— ])y m bull of Mr. Colliug's. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 802, under dam, and A. 11. B.. vol.20, p. 16217. Bought at Ccmipany's sale. Oct. 16, 1875, by T. J. Megibben, Cynthiana, Ky., for !|1,575. 448 WARF1ELd\s HI8T0KY SERAPHINA CARLS8IMx\ 3d— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 1:1, 1873^ bred by Lord Siideley, Toddington, Winchcomb, (rloucester- shire, got by Cherub 3d (30725), out of Seraphina Carissima by Baron Booth (21212)— Seraphina 13th by John o' Gaunt (16322)— Seraphina 7tli by Duke of Sussex (12772) — Seraphina 2d by Sweet William (7571)— Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6953)— by Stratton (5336)— by Fanatic (1996)— by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576) —by Emperor (1014). •Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 947, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14837. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by W. H. Richardson, for 12,800. SEVERN PRINCESS— Roan heifer, calved April 8, 1874, bred by J. W. Wilson, Broadway, got by Severn Lad (29959), out of Princess Killerby by Eitz Killerby (26166) — Princess Emily by 'rulip (27683)— Princess by Baron Melbourne (15621)— Diamond l)y 'riie General (13856)— Garland 2d by Alfred (6732)— Garland by Brunswick (6814) — Graceful by Lycurgus (7180) — Marcia by Ra- nunculus (2479)— by William (2840)— by Childers (1824)— by Rich- ard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— ])y AVindsor (698) —by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 998, under dam. Sold ni Coiu- pany's sale, to E. G. Bedford, Paris, Ky., for $500. LADY OF LYONS 3d— Roan heifer, calved April 28, 1874. bred by R. Botterill, Warlaby, East Yorkshire, got by Oxford Le (ii'aiid (29496), out of Lady of Lyons 2d by Van Thol (32755)— Lady of liyons by Lord Cobham (20164) — Lioness by Sir Edmond Lyons (15284)— Loyal by Triumph (8717)— Lydia by Matchless (4428)— Laura by Boughton (2868) — Lily by Roman (2559) — by Columella (004)— hy Albion (14)— by (Unnamon (139)— by Neswick (1266). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 589, under dam, and A. If. B., vol. 16, p. 12155. Bought at Company's sale, by Win. \\ arlield, Lexington, Ky., for ^550. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 449 LADY SERAPHINA 6th— Red and white cow, calved June 11, 1871, bred by Lord Southampton, Whittleburv, Northamptonshire, got by Oliver 1st (24683), out of Lady Seraphina 3d by Duke of F^arrington (21565) — Lady Serapbina by Imperial Oxford (18084) — Seraphina 14th by John o' Gaunt (16322) — Seraphina 5th by Lord Shaftoe (11746)— Seraphina 2d by Sweet William (7571)— Sera- phina by Earl of Essex (6955)— Sapphire by Stratton (5336)— by Fanatic (1096)— by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Em- peror (1014). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 674, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 794. Sold at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, to J. R. Craig, Burn- hamthorpe, Ont., Can., for $1,600. B AROJS ESS BICKERST AEFE— Red and white cow, calved July 2<, 1871, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Countess of Bickerstaife by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Capsicum by Gen. Canrobert (12927) —Cleveland by Tinsel (13886)— Chapman by Earl of Beverley (;3tJ74)_Betty by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208)— by 2d Earl of Dar- lington (1945), Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 793. Sold at sale of Company, Oct. 16, 1875, to D. S. Coleman & Son, for 1825. CHILTON QUEEN— Red cow, calved Jan. 17, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Aubrey Mumford. Brill. Thames, Oxfordshire, got by The Editor (30134), out of Consolation by Earl of Lancaster (21647) — Criterion by Earl Ducie (17767)-^Cricket by Sorcerer (13772)— Clarinda by Bristol (7852) — Clara by Morpeth (7254) — Cardamine by Sir Thomas (2636) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2636) — Marske Cow by Marske (418) — Laurustina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by Favorite (1033) — Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (323) — Lucy by Barningham (56). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 456, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 19, p. 14434. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by J. G. Hill, Bourbon Co.. Ky., for |?975. 50 450 waf.fikld's history CAST ALIA — liud and white heifer, calved Feb. 28, l^To, bred by J. Aubrey Afuiiiford. Brill, 'rhaines, Oxfordshire, got by Xotley (31991), out of Chilton Queen by Tlie Editor (30134:)— Consolation by Earl of Lancaster (•-^104:)— Criterion by Earl Ducie (17767)— Cricket by Sorcerer (13772)— Clariiula by Bristol (7853) — (Uara by Morpeth (7254) — Cardamine by Sir 'I'homas (3036) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2636) — Marske Cow ])y Marske (418) — Laurestina by C'Oniet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by Favorite (252)— Lucinda by Huttoir's Bull (323)— Lucy by Barninghaiii (56). Recorded, A. 14. B., vol. 16, p. 12010. Bought at Com])any's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by Wm. Wariield, for |?500. CATEKESS— Ked heifer, calved March 21. 1872. bred by J. Aubrey Mumford, Brill, Thames, Oxfordshire, got by The Editor (30134), out of Criterion by Earl Ducie (17767) — Cricket by Sor- cerer (13772)— Clarinda by Bristol (7852)— Clara by Morpeth (7254) — Cardamine by Sir Thomas (2636) — Crocus by Sir Thomas (2636)— Marske Cow by Marske (418)— Laurestina by Comet (153) — Laura by Tom (652) — Cleasby Lady by Favorite (252) — I.iicindn by Button's Bull (323) — Lucy by Bai-ningham (56). Kecorded, E. H*. B., vol. 20, p. 466. under dam. P)()uglit at Cn.'s sale, Oct. 16, 1875, by H. C. liutchcraft, for *L225. OEORGIE HILLHn^ST— Red and white heifer, calved Maich 29, 1872, bred by Col. Kingscote. Kingscote, got by Duke of llill- hurst (28401), out of Georgie AValton by 2d Earl of Walton (19672) — Georgiana 6th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Georgiana 5th by Gen. Canrobert (12926)— Georgiami by St. Bernard (15227)— by Lord George Bentinck (1()444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded, E. H. B,, vol. 21, p. 794. Bought at (Company's sale. Oct. 16, 1875, by C. M. Clay, Paris, Ky., for !f;2,050. GEOKGIE HILLHL^RST 2d— Koan heifer, calved Feb. 'iiu 1 873, bred ' by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, got by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), out of Georgiana 13th by Prince of Oxford (27172)— nrpoitrEi) short-itouns. 451 (xeor^iuna stli l)y 2d Baron Westbury (19288) — rxeorgiana 5th bv Geii. Canrobert (12926) — (leorgiaha by 8t. l^ernard (1522T) — by Lord (ieorge Bentinck (10444)— by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Died. (JEORGIE CLABENCE— Red and white heifer, calved Aug. 9. 1812. bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, got by 3d Duke ot* Clar- ence (2:)72T). out of Georgiana 6th by 4th Duke of Oxford (113S;) — Georgiana 5th by (len. Canrobert (12926) — Georgiana hy St. Bernard (15221) — })y l^ord George lientinck (10444) — by King Pippin (14;69)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). Recorded, under dam, E. H. B., vol. 20. p. 537. Bought l)y K. 1^. Davison, Springheld. Ky., for 11.900. GEORGIE OXFORD 3d— White heifer, calved April 11. 1875, l)i'ed by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, got by Oxford Beau 3d (32013), out of Georgia llillhurst 2d by Duke of Hillhurst (28401)— Georgi- ana 13tli by Prince of Oxford (27172)— Georgiana 8th by 2d Baron Westlniry (19288)— Georgiana 5th by Gen, Canrobert (12926)— (Jcorgiana hy St. Bernard (15227) — by Lord George Bentinck (l()444)_by King Pippin (14769)— by Earl Stanhope (5966). itecorded. A. 11. B.. vol. 15, p. 575. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16. 1875. by \\ . E. Simins. Paris. Ky., for $900. l.ADV BICKKRS'rAFFE— Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 5, 1872, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, got by Duke of Hill- hurst (28401), out of Countess of Bickerstaife by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) — Capsicum by (Jen. Canrobert (12927) — Cleveland by 'I'insel (13SS6)— Chapman by Earl Beverly (;36:4)— l^etty by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208)— by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945). Recorded. A. H. B., vol. 15^. p. 642. Bought by J. W. Burgess. Lexington. Ky.. at (•ompany's sale, Oct. 16. 1876, for $750. LADV BICKKRSTAFFE 2j)— Red. calved June 15. 18;5, bred by Col. Kingscote. Kingscote. got by Fulgens (33980), out of Lady Bickerstatfe by Dnkc of Hillhurst (2S401)— Countess of Bickerstatfe by 4th Duke of Oxford (11^)87) — C'apsicum by Gen. Canrobert 452 warfield's history (12927)— Cleveland by Tinsel (13886)— Chapman by Earl Beverly (3674)— Betty by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208)— by 2d Earl of Dar- lington (1945). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 642. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875. by J. W. Burgess, for H^O. and sold to W. T. Hearne, of Lexington, Ky. This heifer was calved after the arrival of her dam into Kentucky. DTTCHESS OF CLARENCE 6th— Roan cow, calved ^[arch 10, 1871, bred by T. Barber, Sproatley Rise, near Hull, got by King of the Roses (22043), out of Duchess of Clarence 2d by Squire of Clarence (25214) — Duchess of Clarence by Duke of Clarence (19611) — Duchess Nan by Romulus (15185) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609)— Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirklevington. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 488, under dam. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875. by T. J. Megibben, of Cynthiana. Ky.,for*825. DUCHESS OF FITRNESS— Roan heifer, calved April 7. 1875, ))i-ed by G. Ashburner, Low Hall, Ulverston, got by Duke of Oxford (31004), out of Duchess of (Clarence 6th by King of the Roses (22043) — Duchess of Clarence 2d by Squire of Clarence (25214) — Duchess of Clarence by Duke of Clarence (19611) — Duchess Nan by Romulus (15185) — Duchess Nanny by Jasper (11609) — Duchess Nancy by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046) — by 2d Duke of Northumber- land (3646)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2(1 Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirklevington. S* H. R., vol. 8, p. 526. liought at Company's sale. Oct. 16. 1875, by I. Turner, Bourbon Co., Ky., for *600. AZALEA— Roan cow, calved March 31, 1871, l)red by Mr. VV. Ashburner, Netherhouses, Ulverston, got by Baron Fennel (27937), out of Anemone 2d by Gen. Napier (24023) — Anemone by Duke of Kent (19619)— Acacia by Count de Gourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Apricot by Fusileer (11499)— Augusta by IMPORTED SHORTHORNS. 458 3d Duke of York (10166)— by 2d (Jleveland Lad (3408)— by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— by Belvedere (1706)— a cow of Mr. Bates'. Bought at Company's sale, Oot. 16, lS7o, by VV. N. Offut, of (Georgetown, Ky., for $1,000. PRINCE REGENT 36611— Roan bull, calved Eel). 1, 18:5, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Brunette 3d by Boston (23443)— Tulip by Rowfant 2d (22768)— Brunette by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Blanche 6th by Cardinal (11246)— Blanche by Diamond (5918)— Blanche 2d by Norfolk (2377)— Blanche by Belvedere (1706)— Lupin by Bel- vedere (1706)— Tulip by Lancaster (360)— Ruby by Petrarch (488) —Miss Hutchison by Major (397) — Stranger by Chapman's Son of Punch (122)— Old Roany l)y Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— Roaned Heifer l)y Checks (132)— Red Sail by R. Grimston's Bull (282)- Sockburn Sail by J. Coates' Bull (148). Bought at Company's sale, by R. Johnson, Eayette Co., Ky.. for n2r>. TRI'EHEAR^J^— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 5, 1875, bred by E. J. Smith, got by Lord Broughton (31626), out of Truelove 5th by Prince Bertram (27119), &c., as in Truelove 5th, below. - A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 927, under dam. Sold to J. G. Kinnaird, Chilesburg. Ky., for $350. TRUELOVE 5th— Roan cow, calved Feb. 8, 1870, bred by Mr. E. J. Smith, Islanmore, Croom, County Limerick, Ireland, got by Prince Bertram (27119), out of Truelove 2d by Dr. McHale (1,5887)— Truelove by Diamond (15878)— Trinket by Villikens (15465)— Pearl ])y Hopewell (10332)— Phoebe by Hamlet (8126)— Pha^nix by 2d Comet (5101) — Pauline by Prince of Northumlier- land (4826) — Paulina by Mason's Son of Matchem (2678) — by Falstaft- (1993)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Rufus (570)- by Pope (514). R^rded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 932; A. 11. H., vol. 15, p. 927. Bou^it at Company's sale, Oct. 16. 1875. by \V. Wartield, Lexing- ton, Kv., for $600. 454 warfield's history TRITELOVE 11th— Roan heifer, ealved March 15. ISU. l)re(l hy Mr. E. J. Smith, Islanmore, Groom. County Limerick. Irehiud. «,fot by Lord Broughton (31626), out of Truelove 4th by Ravenspui' (•>06->8)— Truelove 2d by Dr. McHale (15887)— Truelove In' Dia- mond (158T8) — Trinket, by Villikens (15465) — Pearl by Hopewell (10332)— Phoebe by Hamlet (8126)— Phoenix by 2d Comet (5101) — Pauline by I*rince of Northumberland (4826) — Paulina by Mason's Son of Matchem (26:8)— by Falstalf (1093)— by I^ichnrd (13T6)— by Rufus (570)— by Pope (514). Recorded. A. If. B.. vol. 15, p. 02;. Bought at Com]iaiiy's sale. Oct. 16. 18:5. by Mr. \V. Pickrell, of Mechanies))uro-. III., lor *<»:5. A(i.\CiA— Roan heifer, calved duly 14, 18:4, bred by (J. Ash- burner. Netherhoases, Tlverston, got by Duke of Oxford (310(14), out of Azalea by Baron Fennel (2T03T) — Anemone 2d by (ien. Napier (24023) — Anemone by Duke of Kent (10610) — Acacia by Count de (lourcy (17632)— Asia by 2d Grand Duke (12061)— Apri- cot by Eusileer (11409) — Augusta by 3d Duke of York (10166) — by 2d (leveland Lad (340S)— l)y Duke of Cleveland (1037)— by Belvedere (17(>6)— a cow of Mi-. Bates*. Iiecorded, S. II. IL. vol. 6. |^. 340. Bought at CV)mpnny's sale, by E. G. Bedford, l^aris. Ky., for ^l.OOo. rXA — Red cow. calved Oct. 1(1. 1860, bred by Sir C. M. Lamp- sou. IVirt, . Rowfant. Crawley, Sussex, got by Boston (23443), out or Tulip by Rowfant 2d (22768)— Brunette by 4th Duke of Thorn- dale (17750)— Blanche 6th ))y Cardinal (11246)— Blanche by Diamond (501 S)— Blanche 2d by Norfolk (2377)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Lancaster (360)— by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— by Chapman's Son of Punch (122)— by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— by Checks (132)— by Ji. (Jrimston's Bull (282)— by J. Coats' Bull (148). Recorded. E. H. B.. vol. 20, p. 704. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16, 1875, bv J. G. Kinnaird, Favette Co.. Kv.. for I?!. 225. IMPORTED SHOKT-IIOKNS. 4i5o BRUNETTE 3d (Late Una 2d)— Ked cow. calved Oct. 4. 18r«), bred b}^ Sir C. M. Lampoon, Bart.. Kowfaiit, Crawley, Sussex, got ])y Boston (2'dU3), out of Tulij) by Rowfant 2d (22768)— Brunette by 4tli Duke of Thorndale (17750)- Blanche 6th by Cardinal (ll046)_Blanche by Diamond (5918)— l^lanche 2d by Norfolk (•)377)_by Belvedere (1706)— by Belvedere (1706)— by Lancaster (:jfj(r)_by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— by Chapman's Son of Punch (122) — by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213) — by Checks (i:i-^>)_by R. Grimston's Bull (282)— by J. Coates' Bull (148). Recorded, under dam, as Una 2d, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 756. and A. il. B., vol. 15, p. 465. Bought at Company's sale, Oct. 16. 1875, by J. W. Burgess, Payette Co., Ky., for 11,275. lUCHARD'S BLOSSOM— Roan cow, calved Feb. 12, 1870, bred by T. Barnes, Westland, Ireland, got by King Richard (26523), out of Blossom by Royal Sovereign (22802) — Medora by Dr. Mc- llale (15887) — Sweetbriar by Nimrod (13388)— Charlotte by Selim ((;454.)_Hebecca by Rex (6385)— Fair Maid of Athens by Sir Thouias Fairfax (5196) — Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by .Memivon (2295) — by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelPs Bull of Burdon. Died. 1853. NORTHERN KENTUCKY IMPORTING ASSOCIATION. (Nelson Dudley, Chas. T. Garrard and Solomon Vanmeter. Aj?ents.) B]l Shi I) WifshhujUni. Citpt.. Dunc5) — Lady Ellen by St. Helena (5055) — Lady Mary by Emperor (3716)._I,ady Sarah by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Jupi- ter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329) —by B. (45). Recorded. E. H. B.. vol. 11, p. 514. under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 424. Sold to Brutus J. Clay, for |?L,825. 456 warfield's history GOODNESS— Red, calved Sept. 14, 184:, bred by Mr. Hall, Wiseton, got by Orontes (4623), out of Marcia by Kauunculus (2479)— Saokbut by William (2840)— Clarion by Childers (1824)— No. 25 by Richard (137(3)- by Jupiter (342)— by Clnirlos (127)— by Windsor (098)— by Chilton (130)— by Colonel (i:)2). Recorded, E. H. n., vol. 10, p. 381, and A. H. B., vol. 3, v. 428. Sold to G. W. Sutton, for *2,025. GEM — Roan, calved April 17, 1851, bred by H. Ambler, Watkin- son Hall, Halifax, got by Broker (9993), out of Gulnare (bred by Mr. Fawkes) by Norfolk (2377)— Medora (bred by R. Booth) by Ambo (l(i36)— Blossom (bred by R. Booth) by Memnon (2295)— Own Sister to Isabelhi (bred by IJ. Booth) by Pilot (4!K;)— by Aganiemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull, of Burdon, near Darlington. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 391, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 424. Sold to S. Vanmeter and T. L. Cunningham, for $825. EQUITY— Red. calved Mardi l/, 1852, bi-ed by John Booth, got by Lord George (10439), out of Edith by Exquisite (8048) — Mantilla by Roland (2556) — Mantle by Marcus (2262) — Floranthe by Matchem (2284)— Flora by Wonderful (700)— Exhalation by Hulton (1121) — Vapor by Comet (155) — Old Hannah by Major (397). Sold to \i. A. Alexander, for ^1,000. ORPHAN NELL— Roan, calved Nov. 1, 1851, bred by J. Tan- quei-ay, got by Ruby (10760). out of Roan Nell by St. Thonuis (10777)— Honest Mrs. Gwynne by Conservative (3472)— White Moll Gwynne by Wallace (5586) — Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Daphne (iwynne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612) —by WaistelFs Bull (669)— liy Masternuin's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 554, under dam. and A. H. B., vol. 2. p. 499.' Sold to J. A. Gano. for 11,000. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 457 FLATTERY— White, calved Nov. 30, 1851, bred by Earl Ducie, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Florentia by Zenith (5702) —by Sweet William (5368)— by Roman (2561)— by Monarch (2324) —by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smithes Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 372, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 409. Sold to W. R. Duncan, for $815. LITA' WHITE— White, calved Dec. 21, 1853, bred by A. L. Maynard, calved the property of B. J. Clay, got by Crusader (9003). out of Lady Stanhope by Earl Stanhope (5966), &c., as ill dam, below. Barren. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 445. DUCHESS OF SUTHERLAND- Red, calved Dec. 22, 1850, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Capt. Edwards (8929), out of Lady Morpeth by Morpeth (7255) — Fanny Fairfax by Val- entine (5540) — Lady Fairfax by Nimrod (4573) — Young Fairfax by Imperial (2151) — Miss Fairfax by Fairfax (1023) — Lily by Young Warlaby (5598)— by Young Dimple (971)— by Snowball (2648)— by Lay ton (2190). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 436, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 377. Sold to W. H. Brand, for $900. MAID OF MELROSE— Roan, calved Oct. 16, 1851. bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Moss Rose 2d by Sir Walter (2639) — Moss Rose by I^elvedere 2d (:3127)_by Waterloo (2816)— by Barmpton (5774)— by Kitt (2179) —by Kitt (2179)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). Sold to R. A. Alexander, for $2,200. MUFFIN — Red roan, calved June 17, 1852, bred by Earl Oucie, Tortworth Court, got by Usurer (9763), out of Mantilla by Cramer (0907)— by Helicon (2107)— by Wharf dale (1578)— by Nestor (452) 458 — l)y lljirold (:3U1)— hy Uateov (4:}'^)— Magdalenu by Comet (155) —by Cupid (irr). A. H. B., vol. 2. p. 48t). Sold to Dr. Sinitli, for *5^5. L.VDY STANHOPE— Koaii, calved in 184;, bred by A. L. Mayiiard, Martoii le Moor, got by Eai'l Stanhope (5J)(>6), out of Lady Stanley by Lord Stanley (4^69) — Stella by Halley's Comet (3063)— Stately by Hurley (176(j)— Young Starling by Sir Alex- ander (591)~Starlingby Adam (71 :)— by The Twin Bull (10954) —by Hubbaek (319)— by Mantield (404)— Young Strawberry by Dalton Duke (88)— Favorite by R. AlcockV Bull (19). Kecorded, K. H. B., vol. 10, p. 439. and A. H. B., vol. '>, p. 43'>. Sold to B. J. Clay, for 11,500. LADY FAIKY— Red, calved June '^l 1848, bred by F. II. Fawkes, Farnly Hall, got by Laudable (9282), out of Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Thomasine by Stillington (5327)— by Young Rockingliam (2547)— by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1370). Recorded, E. H. H.. vol. 10. p. 430. and A. H. B., vol. 2. p. 425. Sold to B. A; W. Wartield and Kev. IJ. .1. Breckenridge, for *1,100. ROAN DUCHESS— Roan, calved July 9, 1850, bred l)y Mr. Wetherell, Kirkbridge, got by Whittington (12299). out of Uvd Duchess by 2d (Ueveland Lad (3408)— Blanche 5th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Bhmche 2(1 by Norfolk (23::)— Blanche by Belvedere (170(1) — Lupin by Belvedere (170G) — Tuli[) by Lan- caster (360) — Ruby by Petrarch (488) — by Mjijor (397) — Stranger by Chapman's Son of Punch (122) — Old lioaney by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213) — Roan Heifer by Checks (132) — Red Sail by R. (^rrimston's Bull (282)— Sockbni-n Sail by J. Coates' Bull (148). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 547. under dam, and A. 11. li.. vol. 2, p. 535. Sold to W. H. Brand, for $900. NECKLACE— Roan, calved April 26. 1852, bred by Col. Towne- ley. Towneley Pnrk. Burnley, got l)y Duke of Athol (10150), out rMPOR'iKi) sHoirr-HrniNs. 4^)9 of Princess :tli by KucM (9(197)— Princess M l)y Kflen (:}e;s9)— Princess hv Majesty (2:^50)— by The Duke (5483)— bred by Mr. Iliinton. Armathwaite Castle. Recorded. E. H. B., vol. 11, p. r;42, under dam. witliout name. Sold to Heni-y Clay. Jr.. for 1805. BRACELF/r — Roan, twin sister to Necklace, above. A. IT. 1^., vol. :i, p. 313. Both bon.^ht by M. M. OJay. for *:r)(i. MAZURKA— Red roan, calved Aug. 13, 1851. bred by Mr. William Smith. \\'est Rasen. Lincolnshire, got by Harbinger (1029T), out of Moselle (bred by Mr. Smith) by Haron of Ravens- worth (;811)— Magnet by Mariner (v"204)— by Afina (231(1)— by ('onimodore (1858) — by Rival (553). Recorded. K. II. B.. vol. 10. p. 500, under dam. Sold to R. A. Alexander, for 13.050. MAZURKA ;>D— Red. calved Dec. 22, 1853, bred by W. M. Smith, got by Orontes 2d (11877), out of Mazurka by Harbinger (10*^97), cStC. as in dam, above. BULLS. YOr:>\(J CHlI/roX 1131 (11278)— white, calved in May, 1850, bred l)y d. Emmerson, Ki-yholme, England, got by Chilton (10054), out of liudy Sarah by Magician (7185) — Lampedo by I5elvedere 2d (;U2f;)— Egina l)y Young Alive 01 (299(;;)— by Eryholme (1018)— by Kclipse (23(J)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477) —by d. Brown's Red Bull (97). liought by Dr. R. ,}. Breckenridge and B. jS: W . Warlield, Lex- ington. Ky.. for *3.005. DIAMOND 41(1 (11357)— Roan, calved in dune, 1850. bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by Percy (KXJOl), out of Delicate by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Dainty Lass by Druid (3G25)— Dainty by Young ( Jrazier (3928) — Young Daii'ymaid by Expectation 460 wakfield's history (3749) — Dark Roan Twin by Baron (58) — Dairymaid by Windsor (698) — a granddanghter of Washington (674). Bought by B. J. Clay, H. Clay. Jr., G. M. Bedford and J. Dnnean, for $6,001. I^ever bred. THE COUNT (12191)— Kuan, calved July 11, 1851, bred by 11. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Halifax, got by 3d Duke of York (9047), out of Clotilda by Lycurgus (7180)— Clove by AVizard (6688)— Bizarre by Sweet William (5368)— Kaulfusia by Wiseton (2848)— Cheat by Mercury (2301)— by Hectoi- (l 104)— by Regent (544)— Old York. Bought by S. Goif, for $2,500. ORONTES 2d 1966 (11877)— Red, calved Sept. 1, 1851, bred by Earl of Burlington, Holkar Hall, Milnthorpe, Eng., got by Balco (9918), out of Goodness by Orontes (4623) — Marcia by Ranunculus (2479)— Sackbut by William (2840)— (Uarion by Childers (1824)— No. 25 by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by C^olonel (152). Bought by R. A. Alexander, for *4.550. FUSILEER 1584 (11499)— Koan, calved Feb. 3, 1851, bred by T. Bell, Bickerstaffe, St. Helens, got by Grand Duke (102S4), out of Fidget 2d by Duke of Northumberland (1040)— Fidget by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Fletcher by a son of Young A>'ynyard (2859)— descended from J. Brown's Red l^ull (97). Bought by R. W. Scott, for *1,4()0. SENATOR 2d 958 (136s:)— White, calvod April 15, 1852, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Senator (8548), out of F'air Frances by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Feldom by Young Colling (1843)— Lily by Red Bull (2838)— Lily by a son of Hollings (2131) —by Partner (2409)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19). Bought l)y Allen & Curd, for $2,000. BELLEVILLE 3d 1246 (14150)— Roan, calved Jan. 15, 1852, bred by J. Mason Hopper, got by Belleville (6778), out of Lily IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 461 of the Valley by Belleville (6778)— Violet by Forester (382o)— l^y ii son of Fleatham (2028)— from the herd of Mr. Whitaker. Bought by G. W. Sutton, for 11.500. CHALLENGER 324 (14252)— Roan, calved dan. (J, 1852, bred by Earl Ducie, Tortworth Court, got by 4th Duke of York (10107). out of Chaplet by Usurer (9763) — Cliatf ])y Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Challenge by Morpeth (7254)— Cleopatra by Helicon (2107) — Clarence by Henwood (2114) — Minna by Nestor (452) — Minerva l)y Harold (291) — Mary by Meteor (422) — Magdalena by Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). Bought by Tsfvac i^ So] Vanmeter anrl T. L. Cunningham, foi* *4,850. FOR'rUNATUS 1564— Roan, calved Dec. 19, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Marr|uis (10459), out of Fairy 'I'alo by Sii- 'Phomas Fairfax (5196) — Thomasine by Stilling- ton (5327)— by \'onug Rockingham (2547)— by Driver (1928)— by liichard (1376). Bought by Messrs. Vanmeter, for 12,500. SEBASTOPOL (13685)— Red roan, calved July 14, 1854, bred by Lord Feversham, got by Pimlico (11901). out of Seignora by Cleve- land Lad (3407) — Selina by Leporello (4218) — Sunbeam by Young Grazier (3928) — Moonshine by Emperor (1013) — by Marshal Beres- ford (415) — by Lame Bull (359) — by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (SS) — ))y Twin Brother to Ben (6f;0). Note. — This bull was sent over by Lord Feversham to Messrs B. J. Clay, G. M. Bedford & Co., in place of Diamond (11857), who failed to breed. He died without leaving any produce. YORKSHIRE MAYNARD 2401 (14043)— Red roan, calved in March, 1852, bred by A. L. Maynard, Martin le Moor, got by Lord George (10443), out of Brenda l)y 'Hie Baron (8666)— Sliort Tail by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Sprittle by Young Sea Gull- (5100)— by Sultan (1485)— by Crusader (924)— by Chilling- ham (3374). Bought by R. S. Taylor, lor ^^l.uou. 462 warfield's histoky EXILE 48G— Red, calved Jan. I, 1854, bred l)y Mr. Fawkes. Farnley Hall, got by Bridegroom (11203), out of I^ady Fairy by Laudable (9282)— Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Thomasine by Stillingtou (5327)— by Young Rockingham (2547)- by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1316). TOWNELEY 2305— Roan, calved Xov. 10. 1853. bred by (k)]. Towneley, got by Frederick (11489). out of Roan Duchess by Whit- tington (12299)— Red Duchess by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Blanche 5th by Duke of Xorthumberland (1940)— Blanche 2d by Norfolk (2377)— Blanche by Belvedere (1706)— Lupin by Belvedere (1706)— Tulip by Lancaster (360)— Ruby by Petrarch (488)— by Major (397)— Stranger by Chapman's Son of Funcli (122)— Old Roaney by Dickson's Grandson of Punch (213)— Roan Heifei- ))v Checks (132)— Red Sail by R. Crimston's Bull (282)— Sockbuni Sail by J. Coates' Bull (148). 1834 to 1836. OHIO IMPORTING COMPANY. (Feijx Renick, Aj^ent.) cows. ROSE OF SHAROX— Roan, calved Aug. {•>, 1S32. bred by 'J\ I5ates, got by Belvedere (1706), out of Red Rose 5th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Red Rose 2d by His (irace (311)— Red Rose by Yarborough (705)— The American Cow by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hul)l)ack (319)— by .James Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vo]. 3, p.- 610. Imported iu 1834. LAVINIA— Red and white, calved April 7. 1831, bred by Mr. Abbay. got by Young Brandsby (1738). dam by Hero (1110)— a Xorthumberland heifer. Recorded. E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 466. JOSEPHIXE— Red and white, calved November 10, 1835, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Xorfolk (2377). out of Minna bv Frederick IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 463 (1060)— Wildair (bred by Jonas Appleton) by Meteor (431)— by Varborough (705)— by Styford (6^0)- by a bull of Mi". Ilollon's. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 8, p. 504, under dam. GAUDY— Red and white, calved in 1829, bred by A. J.. May- iiard, got by a son of Young Albion (15), out of Patch by Mr. Maynard's Red Bull (2287)— Patch by Laird (1158). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 405. Imported in 1834. BLOSSOM— Red and white, calved Sept. 24, 1830, bred by Michael Ashcroft, got by Fitz Favorite (1042), dam by a grandson of Barmpton (54) — by George (1066). Recorded. E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 285. Imported in 1834. BEAU'l^Y OF THE AVEST— Red and white, calved Nov. 20, 1834. bred by Michael Ashcroft. calved the property of the Ohio Importing Co., got by William ( ), out of Blossom by Eitz Favorite (1042) — by grandson of Barmpton (54) — by George (1066). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 285, under dam. Imported in 1834. FJjORA — Koan, calved in April, 1830, bred by A. L. Maynard, got })y son of Young Albion (15), out of Young Red Neck by Marton (420)— Old Red Neck by Palmsun (1302)— by a bull of Mr. l^arriugtoirs. Recorded, K. H. B., vol. 3. p. 394. Imported in 1834. LILY OF THE VALLEY OF THE TEES— Roan, calved March (>. 1831. bred by W. Raine, got by Young Rockingham (2547). dam by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353) —by Henry (301). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3. p. 473. Imported in 1834. MATILDA— Red and white, calved April 12, 1831, bred by John Woodhouse, got by Imperial (2151), out of Whiteface Lady by Hudson's son of Warlaby (672) — by Y^oung Comet (905) — by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by Harrison's son of Windsor (698) — by Layton (2190)— by Eclipse (1948). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 496. Imported in 1834. 464 FIDELLE— Koan, calved in 1830, purchased of Mr. Whitaker, got by Adrian (720), dam by Peacock's Bull (2418) — by Young Warlaby (2812). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. )}, p. 390. Imported in 1834. CALYPSO— Ked and white, calved in March, 1831, bred by Mr. .1. P. Tetley, got by Bertram (1710), out of Briseis by Points (511) — Bright Eyes by Dawson's Gray Bull (11)3) — by Simon (590) — by Favorite (252)— by Bolingbroke (86). Uecorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 300, 1st ed. Imported in 1834. YOUNG MARY— Roan, calved April 15, 1832. bred by Mr. J. Clark, got by Jupiter (2170), out of Mary by Saladin (1417) — Lucy by Meek's Bull (2288) — bred by Holmes, Otterington, England. Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 3, p. 491. Imported in 1834. LADY BLANCHE— White, calved April 24, 1832, bred hy W. V. Paley, got by Prince William (1344), out of \\'hite Cow by Agamemnon (9) — by Burrell's Bull of Burdon. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 451, 1st ed. Imported in 1834. MALINA— Red and white, calved May 8, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Atlas (lOfJO), out of Mary (late Martlia) Ijy fiegent (2518) — Rebecca by Young Marske (419) — Rosette by Meteor (432) — Rosina by Marshal Beresford (415) — by Windsor (098)_by a son of Patriot (486). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 491, under dam. (^ELESTINA— Roan, calved May 31, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker. got by Atlas (1660), out of Countess by Regent (2518) — Flora by Percy^(1315)— Flirt by Pyramus (533)— Wanton by Regent (1365) — Frolic. Recorded, E. H. B. . vol. 3. p. 329, under dam. \aOLET— Roan, calved Nov. 30, 1831, bred by Mr. Smith, got by Sheridan (2616), out of Fortune l)y Regent (2514) — by Reform (1361)— Old Red Cow by a bull of the late Sir George Strickland — by Northumberland (466) — by Booth's Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88). Recorded. K. H. B., vol. 3, p. 681. IMJ'CHn'ED SHOKT-llOKNS. 465 DONNA MAKIA— Red and white, calved April 18, 1835, bred by Mr. P^ley, got by Gledhovv (2061), out of liebecca by General (1065)— Faith by Warlaby (672)— Phyllis by Agamemnon (9)— by Chancellor (869). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 349, 1st ed. PRUDENCE— Roan, calved April 16, 1835, bred by Mr. J. Richmond, Newton Grange, Darlington, got by Ford (2029), out of Young Haswell by a son of Sir Kenneth (1450) — Haswell by a grandson of Lancaster (360) — by WastelFs Bull (1567) — by Punch (531). Recorded, E. 11. B., vol. 3, p. 577, 1st ed. CATHERINE TURLEY— Roan, calved in winter 1836-^7, bred ])y Earl Carlisle, got by Bulmer (1760), out of Young Phyllis by Fairfax (1023), &c., as in Phyllis, above. STRAWBERRY— Roan, calved in November, 1832, bred by • Mr. Sherwood, got by T'horp (2757), out of Young Wildfire by Rockingham (2547)— by Comus (161)— by Denton (198)— by Henry (301). Recorded, E. 11. B., vol. 3, p. 645. LIVELY^Roan, calved in October, 1832, bred by Mr. Smith, of West Rasin, got by Edmund (1954), dam by Leighton^s Sterling (2705)— by Blucher (78). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 474. ROSETTE— Roan, calved in June, 1834, bred by Mr. Sherwood, got by Harlsey (2091), dam by Wellington ( )— by Cupid (177) —by Mason's White Bull (421). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 618. HARRIET— Roan, calved in March, 1835, bred by Mr. Croft, got by Young Waterloo (2817), dam by Hero (1110). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 418. BERTHA— Red and white, calved in November, 1834, bred by Mr. Brown, Heaton House, got by son of Hero (1110), out of Flora 58 466 by Nero (1205) — Tulip by Leopold (372) — by Mr. Charge's Gray Bull (872). Eecorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 281. TEESWATER— Eoan, calved Oct. 22, 1832, bred by T. Bates, got by Belvedere (1706), dam by a son of Princess (by a son of Angelina, bred at Wynyard) — by Young Wynyard (2859) — de- scended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 652. Imported in 1834. DUCHESS OF LI VERPOOL— No pedigree. Imported in 1834. METEOR OF THE WEST (late Vauxhall)— Light roan, calved in June, 1831, bred by Maj. Bower, got by Amor (747) alias Vachamour, out of Vicissitude by Navigator (1260) — Vice by Candor (107)— Violet (bred by Maj. Rudd) by Petrarch (488)— by Own Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104) —by Globe (278). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 501. LADY COLLING— Red and white, calved April 28, 1833, bred by John Colling, got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Rachel by Frederick (1060)— by Planet (502)— by Comet (155). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 451. EVENING STAR (late Aqua-Marine)— White or light roan, calved in 1831, bred by Maj. Bower, got by Cassius (851), out of Amethyst by Pioneer (1321) — Amelia by Defender (194) — Altisi- dora by Comet (155) — Marcella by a son of Favorite (252) — by a son of Favorite (252) — by Hollon. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 374. LADY ABERNETHY— Roan, calved Feb. 8, 1835, bred by Mr. Wiley, got by Physician (2426), dam by Hector (1105)— March by Mariner (1193)— by Ostorius (1299)— Miss Martin by Young Nes- wick (1266)— Martin by Fanatic (1025)— Mr. Dyon's Roan Bull (995)— by Meynell (1229). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 448. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 467 ILLUSTRIOUS— Roan, calved in March, 1835, bred by Mr. Crofton, got by Emperor (1974), out of Peeress by Snowdrop (2653) —Countess by Sir Charles (593)— Princess by St. Albans (1413)— Blossom, by Cupid (177) — Blossom by Simon (590) — Blossom by Punch (531) — Blossom by Bolingbroke (86). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 555, under dam. MOSS ROSE— Roan, calved in October, 1834, bred by Mr. Law- son, got by Stapleton (2698), dam by Stephen (1456) — Jane by Mark (2266)— by Rufus (570). Recorded, E. H. B.,.vol. 3, p. 521. YOUNG PHYLLIS— Roan, calved Sept. 11, 1831, bred by Earl of Carlisle, got by Fairfax (1023), out of Phyllis by Harpham (1098) — by Percy (1312) — Delicacy by Ketton (346) — by Expectation (247)— by Magnum Bonum (2882)— by H. Chapman's Bull (122) —by R. Grimston's Bull (282)— by son of Dalton Duke (188). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 561. ELIZABETH— Roan, calved in 1832, bred by Thomas Harrison, got by Memnon (1223), out of Blanche by St. Ledger (1414)— Snowdrop by Symmetry (642) — Tulip by Lawnsleeves (365) — by a bull of Mr. Ceiling's. FAIR HELEN— White, calved May 2, 1836, bred by Mr. Sher- wood, got by Acmon (1606), out of Strawberry by Thorp (2757), &c., as in Strawberry, above. Franklin Farmer, vol. 1, p. 348. CHARLOTTE— Roan, calved in March, 1833, bred by Mr. R. Pilkington, got ])y Alderman (1622), out of Red Rose by Blucher (1725)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by Styford (629). ARAl^P^LLA — Red and white, calved in March, 1834, bred by Mr. Harrison, got by Victory (5565), out of Sally by Major (2252) — Old Sally by a grandson of Favorite (252) — by Punch (531) — by llubback (319). Recorded. A. IL B., vol. 2, p. 286. 468 BLUSH— White, calved Jan. 10, 1835, bred by Mr. Bower, got by Monarch (2326), out of Rachel by Herod (308)— Rebecca by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (91) — Venus by Badsworth (47)_by Coates' son of Twin Brotlier to Ben (660)— bred by the late Geo. Strickland. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 583, under dam. EMILY— Flecked, caived Feb. 25, 1835, got by Maximus (2284), dam by Rockingham (2549)— by Rob Roy (557)— by Denton (198). VOSS — Yellow red and white, calved in -sfVugust, 1833, bred by Wm. Parker, Longthorp, got by Laurel (2188), dam by Imperial (2151)— by Snowball (678)— by Albion (14)— by Punch (531). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 685, as a cow. BULLS. PRINCE CHARLES (2461)— Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Spinster by Meteor 2d (2305)— Elvira by Baronet (774)— Emerald by Meteor (432)— Lavinia by Comet (155) — Lily (bred by Col. Trotter) by Mr. C. Ceiling's Son of Favorite (254) — by C. Ceiling's Son of Favorite (254)— by Chapman's Bull (122)— by R. Grimston's Bull (282). Imported for Geo. Renick. HARRISON (2093)— Roan, calved Oct. 13, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Ambo (1C36), out of Young Alexina (bred by Mr. R. Booth) by Pilot (496)— Alexina by Warlaby (672)— Agnes by Albion (14)— Bright Eyes by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587) —by Son of Suwarrow (636)— by Son of TSvin Brother to Ben (88) —by Twin Brother to Ben (660). BARNBY (1679)— Roan, calved Oct. 26, 1834, bred by Mr. Bower, got by Jupiter (2169), out of Young Snowball 1)y Prince Comet (1342) — by Albion (14) — by Cinnamon (139) — by Neswick (1266). Imported for Wm. Renick. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 469 ACMON (1606)— Roan, calved in 1833, bred by W. Raine, got by Anti-Radical (1642), out of Sally by Young Rockingham (2547) —by North Star (460)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). Bought by M. L. Sullivant, for 12,500. HAZELWOOD (2098)— Red roan, calved April 9, 1836, bred by Mr. Paley, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Princetta by Prince William (1344)— Priscillaby Corinthian Tom (921)— Princess (bred by Mr. Walker) ])y Young Pilot (497)— Venus by Constellation (163) —Nancy (bred by Mr. Baxter) by Alfred (23)— by Windsor (698)— by Cupid (177). Note.— In the E. H. B., Hazelwood is given as by Prince William (2466); it should be by Norfolk (2377). GREENHOLME EXPERIMENT (2075)— Roan, calved Feb. 14, 1834, bred by Jonas Whitaker, got by Camden (1776), out of Fidelle by Adrian (720)^by Peacock's Bull (4667)— by Young Warlaby (2812). Bought by J. M. Trimble, for |1,150. Imported in 1834. COMET IIALLEY (1855)— Light roan, calved in December, 1832, In-ed by J. C. Maynard, got by Matchem (2281), dam by Fred- erick (1060) — Nonsuch by Harold (291) — Golden Pippin by North Star (459)— Beauty by Favorite (252)— Beauty by Favorite (252) — l^eauty' by Favorite (252) — the dam of Punch (531) by Broken IForn (95)— bred by Mr. Best, of Mansfiehl. Bought by R. R. Seymour, for 1^1,505. GOLDFINDER (2066)— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Lawson, got by Cliarles (1815), dam by Driver (1928) — by a son of Dash (2668)- by Richard (1376)— by Rufus (570)— by Pope (514), &c. Bought at Company's sale, by Capt. Cuuiungliam. Goo. Ronick and Benj. Warfield, for $1,095. WHITAKER (2836)— Red and white, calved June 12, 1834, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Minna by 470 wabfield's history Frederick (1060)— Wildair by Meteor (431)— by Yarborough (705) —by Styford (629)— by a bull of Mr. HoUon's. Bought by W. M. Anderson, Ross Co., Ohio, for $855. NIMROD (23:i)— Roan, calved Nov. 20, 1834, bred by Mr. Tempest, got by Xorfolk (23::), out of BeU by Bertram (i:i6)— Belvedera by Frederick (1060)— Bright Eyes by Hermit (305)— Barmpton by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252) — Old Bright Eyes b\» Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531) —by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by WaistelFs Bull (669). Bought by Elias Florence, Pickaway Co., Ohio, for $1,040. DUKE OF NORFOLK (1939)— Red and white, calved March 21, 1835, bred by Robert Smith, got by Xorfolk (23:7), out of Modesty by Magnet (2241)— Prudence by Don Juan (1923)— Modesty by Sir Anthony (1435)— by Romulus (564) — by Snowball (U63)— Moss Rose by Wellington (684)— by Wynyard (703)— by Simon (590)— by Simon (590). Bought by Robert Stewart, Ross Co., Ohio, for $1,225. DUKE OF LEEDS (1938)— Roan, calved Sept. 21, 1835, breil by Duke of Leeds, got by Norfolk (2377), out of Vinea by Frederick (1060)— Varna by Sweet William (1493)— Valentine by Points (511) —by George (274)— by Badsworth (47)— by Badsworth (47). Bought by John Crouse, Jr., Ross Co., Ohio, for $575. WINDHAM (2845)— Red and white, calved May 14, 1835, bred by Earl Spencer, got by Firby (1040), out of Eloquence by Mercury (2301)— No. 52 by Falstaff (1993)— by Dr. Syntax (220)— by Farmer (251). Bousfht bv Charles Davis, Ross Co., Ohio, for $500. •c DAVY CROCKET (3571)— Roan, calved Dec. 5, 1831, begotten in England by Clark ( ), out of Young Mary by Jupiter (2170) —Mary by Saladin (1417)— Lucy by Meeks' Bull (2288)— bred by Mr. Holmes, of Otterington. England. niiM>KrED $HOKr-Ho«rs. -171 euLU JIBUS iid^i »— Rom, called S^t. :ia, 18H. hnA bj Mr. Jiainaid^ got bj AmAo (1(S3Q, oiA cf ¥lon bj a cor of Young Aftk» C15>— Tom^Red Xeck br Mtttm (^)— Old Bed Xcck hj F^lBnm 11302)— bT a buD — Faduoa bj GoriiAluia Tm (9121)— Faitb by WaiiabT (6:^>— IliTllk by ^iimi mimw (9)— by CbaMeDor. Boii^tby]>r. A.Walls,fori^OL li^poittisd m 1831. REFORMER (t5<3)— Bomb, calnid Apnl 8, 1831, bred by got by WalHloo (tgl6), dam bj ffiwilwr (:96)— by S^Mfwdn^— FlMniix by LaMWlcr (360)— WDdair by Gtsargt (t«5) — Wildair by FaTonte (t^^)— by Ben (^>— by Habback (319)~-by S&ovdon'^s Bidl (ei2)— by ^r Janes Feaaysaa's BnB (em). Boagbt byJ. T.Wcbb^fortia Uanani. la^orted ia 1831. MATCHEM ([t:2:83>— Ba9B^ catnd April 26, 1831, bred by John Woodboweu got by Inpcnal (tlM), oat r)2)— by Hul)back (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by StudleyBull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 777, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 492. Sold, at public sale, May 3. 1876, to R. llolloway, Alexis, 111., for $2,050. COITNTESS OF OXFORD 4th— Roan heifer, calved Sept. 7, 1873, bred by Messrs. Hosken & Son, Hayle, Cornwall, got by Towneley Oxford (30170), out of Countess of Oxford 2d by 2d Earl IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 479 of Oxford (23844)— Countess by Prince Frederick (16734)— Jocund by Brigadier (14193)— Jilt by Usurper (13929)— Jacinth by Fawsley (6004)— Jacquette by Javelin (4093)— Jonquille by Blyth (79;)— Janette by Wellington (684) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Snowdon's Ikill (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 21, p. 778, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15. p. 493. Sold to J. K Brown's Sons, for 1^1,600. CtAUDY — Roan heifer, calved Sept. 12, 1873, bred by Hugh Aylmer, Esq., AVest Dereham Abbey, Stokeferry, Norfolk, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Graceful 2d by Ravenspur (20628) — ^^Graceful by Prince Leopold (20557) — Gaudy by Bushey (15712) — (fern by Sweet William (7571) — Juniper by Mahomed (6170) — Red Lady by Juniper (1145) — Red Rose by Columella (904) — by Shake- speare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Keswick (1266)— by Favorite (1033). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 553, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 570. ROSELEAF 5th— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 25, 1873, bred by Mr. Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Stokeferry, Norfolk, got by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Roseleaf 4th by Prince Christ- ian (22581)— Roseleaf 2d by Hildebrand (18086)— Roseleaf by Whittington (12299)— Lady Welbourne by Lord Lowther (7164)— Eliza by Panton Favorite (4646) — Miss Eliza by grandson of Grazier (1085) — Elizabeth by son of Grazier (1085) — Bessy by son of Vulcan (667)— Bess by Vulcan (667)— Betty by Quaker (1349)— by 1st Stonehill Bull (3798). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 554, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 883. CARNATION 3d— Red and white heifer, calved Jan. 31, 1874, bred by Messrs. Hosken & Son, Hayle, Cornwall, got by Duke of Oxford (31005), out of Carnation by Prince Frederick (16734) — Miss Fisher by Lord of the South (13216) — Miss Lucy by Red Roan 480 wakfielb's history Kirtliiig (10691)— Lady Godolphin by Paris (7314)— Victoria by (Chancellor (3335)— Medusa by Helmsman (2109)— by Speedwell (U73)— by Columella (904). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 777, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 472. Sold at public sale, May 3, 1876, to Wm. Pritchett, for $1,000. BELLE— Roan heifer, calved May 30, 1874, bred by Mr. James S. Bult, Dodhill House, Kingston, Taunton, got by Cardinal (28174), out of Blue Bell by Augustus Windsor (19248)— Anemone 2d by Duke of Cambridge (12742) — Anemone by Allan-a-Dale (7778)— Ultima by Little John (4232)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774) — Alamode by Argus (759) — V'aluable by Defender (194) — Violet by Petrarch (488)— by Own Brother to R. Ceiling's White Heifer —by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 611, under dam. Sold at public sale. May 3, 1876, to D. A. Rouner, of Newark, Mo., for $2,275, under name of Knightley Belle. FLORENCE GENEVA— Roan cow, calved June 30, 1874, bred by Mr. Larking, Ashdown House, East Grinstead, got by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), out of Florentia 8th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Florentia 3d by Vic^eroy (17181)— Fleta by Cupid (14359)— Felecia by Koh-i-noor (11642)— Flourish by Usurer (9763) — Florentia by Zenith (5702) — Aspasia by Sweet AVilliam (5368) — Thais by Roman (2561) — No. 55 Chilton Sale by Monarch (2324) —No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— Sir Oliver Cow by Sir Oliver (605)— Raspberry 15y Trunnell (659)— Strawberry by Favorite (252) —Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188) — Lady Maynard by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— Strawberry by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, E. H. B.,vol. 21, p. 804, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 564. Never bulled, therefore barren. MISS ADA 6th — Roan cow, calved Sept. 9, 1874, bred by Messrs. Hosken & Son, Hayle, Cornwall, got by 2d Baron Wild Eyes (30497), out of Miss Ada 3d by 2d Earl of Oxford (23844)— Miss Ada by IMPORTED SHUKT-HOKNS. 481 Royal Oak (22793)— Duchess by Count Oavour (19523)— Jocund by Brigadier (14193)— Jilt by Usurper (13929)— Jacinth by Faws- ley (6004)— Jacquette by Javelin (4093)— Jonquille by Blyth (797) —Janette by Wellington (684) — by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (-^52)- by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Master- man's Bull (422)— by 8tudley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 779, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 770. Sold, at jniblic auction. May 3, 1876, to J. R. Shelly, Illinois, for 11,500. 1876. J. H. PICKRELL and J. H. KISSINGER & CO., Of Harristoinn, 111.. (Did Clarksville, Mo. By Steamship Bolivia, from Glasgow to Neiv Yorli. Sept. 11, 1873. FLOAV ER LAD 23170— Red and white, calved Aug. 11, 1875, bred by the executor of the late Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, got by AValtron (30255), out of Flower Lassie by Breastplate (19337)— Flower Maid by Vanguard (10994) — Flower Girl by Londesbro' (6142) — Flora of Farnsfield by Ri- ualdo (4949)— by Sir Alexander (591)— by Marske (418)— Sweetbriar by North Star (459) — Nonpareil by Wellington (680) — Juno by Favorite (252)— Wildair by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70)— by Hub- back (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). ' . LORD LAMEOH (34578)— Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1874, bred by the late Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, got by Knight of the Shire (26552), out of Lady Adah by Killerby Monk (20053)— Lady Eve by Dr. McHale (15887)— Lady Mary Bountiful by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Lady Bountiful by Usurer (0763)— Belinda by Ranunculus (2479)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637) —by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— Rachel by Comet (155) — Russell by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). 482 waufielb's history MAKQUIS OF WORCESTER 2d (3478!))— Red, calved Eeb. 20, 1874, bred by tlie Earl of Dunmore, Duiimore, Stirling, Scot- laud, got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Lady Worcester 3d by 3d Duke of Wliarfdale (21G11))— Clear Star by Martou Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of ^Northumberland (1940)— AVild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (1706) — Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975) — by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Ilollon's Bull (313) — by Mowbray^s Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Do])ison^s stock. Sold, at public sale. Mmv 3. 1876. to D. A. Ivouiicr, Newark, Mo., for 13,000. GER MANIA— Red cow, calved Dec. 10, 1870, bred by the late William Torr, Aylesby Manor, Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, got by Lord Napier (26688), out of Geneva by Breastplate (19337) — Genuine Gold by British Prince (14197) — Genuine Gem by \^an- guard (10994) — Gleam by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Glitter by Londesboro^ (6142) — (xlowworm ])y Ranunculus (2479) — Golden Locks by Remus (4932) — (iolden Beam by Prince Comet (1342) — by Count (170) — by Constellation (163) — by Young Favorite (255). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 528, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 576. Aborted — never bred afterwards. WATERLOO SHIELD— Roan cow, calved Feb. 15, 1874, bred by the late Mr. Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Great Grimsby, Lincoln- shire, got by Knight of the Shire (26552), out of Waterloo Banner by Breastplate (19337) — Waterloo Plume by Prince of \\'arlaby (15107) — Waterloo Princess by British Prince (14197) — Water Girl by Vanguard (10994)— Water Witch by 4th ]^uke of Northumberland (3649)— W^aterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 21, p. 963, under dam, and A. H. B., Vol. 15. p. 943. Barren. IMPOin^ED SHORT-KORNS. 48^J t KTRKLKVLNTrrOiN^ HERO mm',— lied, culved Dec. :}, 1S7(\. 1)1*0(1 by J. W . Larkino;, Aahdown House, got by 3rl Duke of Hill- Inirst (;5()97r)). out of Kirklevington Ivth by Lord Lally (22101)— Kirklevingtou lOth by Delbi (lo8G5)-~Kirklevington 8tli by Gen. (^aurobert (12026)— Kirkleviugtou Tth by Earl of Derby (10177)- Kirklevington 4tli by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell Grwynne by Belvedere ( I ;06)— Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— a cow of Afr. Bates', descend(Ml from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholmo. Note. — Sent, in 1S7S. as a ]n-esent. in place of Florence Geneva. Dec. 2, 1870. H. <& W. PIERCE. Situ VnDU'iiico. CaJ. By Sliip Nile, from S(>ut]i(nnpto)K DARLINGTON 13th— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 20. 1866, bred by W. Butler, Badminton, Chippenham, Wilts., got by Eiii-l of Gloster (21644), out of Darlington 11th by Marquis of Oxford (18339)— Darlington 10th by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387) — Darlington 1st by Thomas (5471) — Pretty Maid by Eryholme (;i;;]f;)_by Eeformer (4914)— by Young Favorite (3770)— by Wel- lington (282o). E. H. B., vol. 19. p. 472. DARLINOT^ON 18th— Red and white heifer, calved March 22, 1869, bred by W. Butler, Badminton, got by Grand Duke of York (24071). out of Darlington 13th by Earl of Gloster (21644). cS:c., as in Darlington 13th. above. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 472, under dam. OXFORD ROSE— Red and white heifer, calved Dec. 21, 1866, bred by W. Butler, Badminton, got by Grand Duke of York (24071). out of Oxford Bride by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Miss Christ- mas by Lord Raglan (13225) — Sunflower by California (10017)^ Diana by 'ilnrty-Two (8704)— Limpid by Viceroy (7678)— Lemon by Manjuis (2271)— by Isaac (1129)— by Blucher (6793)— by Cecil (120). E. 11. B., vol. li. p. -659. undei- dam, without name. 484 vvakfield's histoky MOSS ROSE— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 2, 1868, bred by J. & ,). Gaitskell, Hall Santon, Whitehaven, got by High Sheriff (24143), out of Rose of Santon by Knight of Santon (24275) — Noblesse by Master Clwynne (16539) — Miss Nightingale by Prince Consort (15089)— Philomel by Ingleby (816?)— Cherry ])y Punch (4840)— by Anthony — by Young Western Comet (1575) — by son of Layton (366)— by Layton (366)— by Simon (590). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 712, under dam. LORD ISABEAIT (26660)— Wliite, calved Sept. 21, 1868, l)red by Mr. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Cobham (20164), out of Isabel by Royal Oak (16873)— Beauty by Gen. Bosquet (14591)— Lovely by Triumph (8717)— Lydia by Matchless (4428)— by l^ough- ton (2868)— by Roman (2559)— by Columella (904)— by Albion (14) — by Cinnamon (139) — by Neswick (1266). Imported in 1869. I860. DR. G. H. PHILLIPS. FrcscoU, CdtuuUi. NINA — Red cow, calved April 23, 1855, bred l)y Mr. Richardson, Glenmore, Ireland, got by Valiant (10989), out of Krederica by Hamlet (8126)— Fanny 2d by General (3871)— Fanny 1st by Prince Ernest (7366)— Flora by Prince Arthur (9502)— by Comet. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 417, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 391. under dam. YOUNG EDWIN [222]— Red, calved Dec. 29. 1860, bred l)y Mr. Richardson, . got by Edwin (14488), out of >Jina by Valiant (10989), &c., as in Nina, above. MASTER McHALE 5943 (18355) [445]— Roan, calved Feb. 28, 1860, bred by Mr. R. Chaloner, King's Foi-t, Ireland, got by Dr. McHale (15887), out of Favorite 2d by Hopewell (10332)— Fleda by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Young Favorite Ijy Prince Ernest (7366) —Favorite by Bright (1739)— by Shylock (2622)— by Perc^y (1314) —by Blucher (84)— by Jupiter (344)— by Marshal Beresford (415)— by Crocus (932)— by a bull of Mr. R. Colling's. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 485 FLIRT— Roan, calved Jan. 16, 1859, bred by R. Ohaloner, got by Sir Samuel (15302), out of Flight by Ilopewell (10332)— Red Deer by Hamlet (8126)— Roan Deer by Albion (7771)— The Deer by 2d Comet (5101)— by Prince George (2464)— by Lucifer (4293) —by Frederick (7023)— by Kearney^s Bull (4144). (\ II. n.. vol. 1. p. 300. FRAGRANCE— Red cow, calved Jan. 3, 1856, bred by T. Lee Norman, Corbollis, Ardee, Ireland, got by Majestic (13279), out of Fanciful by Eugene Aram (10210)— Flash by Sir Roger (10833)— fantasy by Kennedy — Fancy l)y Constitution (11307) — Eliza by Wellington (OSl)— Sally. C. U. H.. vol. 1, p. 306. and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 377, under dam. MARADAN 8th— White, calved Jan. 7, 1859, bred by T. Lee Norman, got by V'alasco (15443), out of Maradan 4th by Melrose (11805)-*-Moss Rose by Killerby (7122)— Maradan by Orator (2390) —Martha l)y Darlington (3561) — by Favorite (1028)— by Crispin (174)— by Rose's Red Bull (5009)— by Turnell's Old IJed Bull (1536) — by a bull of Mr. Cornforth's. V. H. B., vol. 1. p. 379, and E. II. B., vol. 14, p. 577, under dam. QUEEN— Red, calved Feb. 27. 1852, bred by S. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland, got by Druid (10140), out of Red Rose by Lorimer (6152) — Neswick by Algernon (1(J31) — Strawberry by Pirate (2430) — l^^d Rose by Pioneer (1321)— by (\q,ndor (107)— by Cardinal (lll)_by Lawnsleeves (365)— by C. Colling's White Bull (150). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 438. MASM^KR MARADAN 5942 (18357) [446J— White, calved Dec. 12, 1S59, b)-ed by T. Lee Norman, got by N^alasco (15443), out of Manidan 4th by Melrose (11805)— Moss Rose by Killerby (7122)— Maradan by Oi-ator (2390)— Martha by Darlington (3561)— by Favorite (1028)— by Crispin (174)— by Rose's Red Bull (5009)— by TurnelFs Old Red Bull (1536)— by Foster's Bull (2031). 486 waFvFIeld's history MR. CONYERS PLACE. BeachvilJc. ( 'a nudd. DOtlBTFUL— Red cow, calved April 23. 1853. bred by N: (I. Barthropp, Oottingham, Suffolk, got by Gamester (121)1 G). out of Daj^hne by William (3840)— Carmine by Mercury (2301)— No. 20 ('hilton Sale by Satellite (1420) — lYewby the Youngei'. • C. IT. B., vol. 1, p. 209. and E. H. B.,, vol. 11, p. 402, under dam. LORD BARRINGTON 2d 1792 (13171) [402]— Roan, calved Dec. 10, 1853, bred by N. G. Barthropp, Suffolk, got by Gillivor (11529), out of Lady Barrington 5th l)y Earl of Liverpool (9001) — Lady Barrington 4th by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by a son of Herdsman (304)— Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfi-ed (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). ROSIN A— Red roan, calved Nov. 4, 1852, bred by N. G. Bar- thropp, got by St. Lawi-ence (10775), out of Rosa by Symmetry ((;r)00)— Ruby by Imperial (4008)— Red Lady by Juniper (1145)— Red Rose by Columella (904)— by Shakespeare (1429)— l)y Blytli CJomet (85)— by Neswick (1200)— by Favorite (1033). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 400. and K. TL B., vol. 11, p. 009, under dam. ARTIFICE— Red and white, calved May 13, 1853, bred by N. G. Barthropp, got by Gamester (12910), out of Ada ])y Essex (5989) —by a son of Wellington (083)— Bobtail by Kirkharle (2178)— l)y Baronet (02)— by Duke (228)— bv Traveler (055)— l)v Bolingbroke (80). E. H. B.. vol. 11, p. 303, under dam. 1881. LORD POLWARTH. By Ship Texas, from. Liverpool, Oct. 27, IHSI. By Lord PoliiuirtJi to J. 1i. Craiij, Bramptim, Can. Landed at Qaehec. ROYAL BUTTERFLY— Red and white bull, calved Nov. 8, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Broughton Butterfly ])y Victorious (25378)— Alice Buttei'flv by IMPORTED SIlOKT-lIOUNS. 487 Master Butterfly (13311)— Alice 2d by Duke of Athol (10150)— Mtideliue by Marcus (2262)— by Matcliem (2281)— by Pilot (490)- by Young Albion (15) — by Albion (14) — by Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). BARON— Red and white bull, calved March 2, 1881, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Rapid Foggathorpe (43868), out of Bracelet by Grand Duke of Essex 2d (21860)— Beauty by Althorp (15580) — Bella by The Buck (13830)— Dandizette by The Beau (12182)— Delight by Duke of Cornwall (5947) — Destiny by Prince Ernest (4818)— by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— by Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612) —by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422). HIGHLANDER [10889]— Red and white, calved April 24, 1881, bred by Lord Pol war th, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Scotch Rose by Rapid Rhone (35205), &c., as in dam, below. SCOTCH ROSE— Roan, calved May 2(j, 1877, bred by Lord Polwartli, Mertoun House, St. BoswelFs, Scotland, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Sporran 2d by Merry Butterfly (24586) — Sporran by Pedestrian (20481) — Wild Eye by Young Sir Arthur (15271) — Broadhook by Young Duke ( ) — Emily by Reformer (2509)— by Blucher (1725)— by North Star (458)— by North Star (4(;0)— by George (276)— by Irishman (329). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 550. MELROSE — Roan, calved June 5, 1.878, bred by Lord Polwartli, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Missie 19th by Pretender (29579)— Missie 12th by Master Gunner (22316)— Missie 4th l)y Clarendon (14280) — Missie by son of 3d Duke (17697) — Countess by The Pasha (7612)— l>y Mahomed (6170)— by Plenipo (4725)— by Abbott (2899). C. H. B., vol. 7, p. 394, and E. 11. B., vol. 28, p. 549. MELLERSTAIN— Roan, calved June 23, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Melrose by Rapid Rhone (35205), &c., as in Melrose, above. E. H. B., vol. 28, p. 549, under dam. 488 EVENING (twin to Evo, below)— Ked and Avhite, calved April- ^8, 1880^ bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Rapid Rhone (35*^05), out of* Echo by Ohatsworth (:>:3546), etc., as in Eve, below. E. H. Vk, vol. '^8, p. 549, under dam. WEDDING GIFT— Ked and white, calved Nov. 16, 1879, bred by Lord Pohvarth, got by Royal Crown ( -,), out of Empress 3d by Diphthong (17681) — Empress by Prince Alfred (:;i25G7) — Evan- geline by Hotspur (;^1960) — Pride of the Dairy by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bashful by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pasha (7612) — Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (364(1) — Mary xinne by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Dia- mond (205) — Kitty by Diamond (205). RODERICK 1221 (Brit.-Am. H. B.)— Roan, calved March 29, 1881, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Rich Gold by Rapid Rhone (35205)— Royal Gold by Royal Errant (22780)— Golden Chain by Lord Raglan (13244)— (iold Mint by The Baron (13833)— Pure Gold by Young 4th Duke (9037) —Star Pagoda by Duplicate Duke (6952)— The Mint by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Brawith Bud by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177) — by Roseberry (567) — by Roseberry (567) — by Constellation (163) —by Hastings (293)— by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). EVE (twin to Evening, above) — Roan, calved April 28, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Echo by Chatsworth (23546)— Emmy by Emilius (21682)— Bella by The Buck (13836)— Dandizette by The Beau (12182)— Delight by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Destiny by Prince Ernest (4818)— Dido by Wallace (5586) — Dairymaid by Wellington (2824) — Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon . (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (o52)_by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422). E. H. B.. vol. 28, p. 549. under dam, and Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 616. IMPORTED SIIOKT-HOKNS. 489 VICTOR REGALIS (47205)— Red, calved May 2, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, Scotland, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Victoria Beta by Rapid Rhone (35205) — Victoria Bella by Opopo- nax (34950) — Victoria Pulchra by Charles Le Bean (23542) — Victoria Riibicunda by Ravenspur (20628) — Victoria Regina by British Prince (14197)— Victoria by Hopewell (10332)— Britannia by Al- bion (7771)— Milliner by Lord Stanley (4269)— Mantalina by Mar- cus (2262)— Maiden by Matchem (2281)— Lady by Alderman (1622) —Lady Mowbray by Pilot (496)— Sylph by Remus (550). EMERALD GWYNNE— Red roan cow, calved June 14, 1879, bred by Lord Polwarth, Mertoun House, St. BoswelFs, Berwick- shire, Scotland, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Echo by Chats- worth (23546)— Emmy by Emilius (21682)— Bella by The Buck (13836)— Dandizette by The Beau (12182)— Delight by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Destiny by Prince Ernest (4818)— Dido by Wal- lace (5586) — Dairymaid by Wellington (2824) — Dorothy Gwynne by Marmion (406) — Daphne Gwynne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by AVaisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 598, under dam. Note.— This cow is entered, Brit.-Am. H. B., vol. 1, p. 925, as a bull. WARDER (47222)— Roan, calved Nov. 11, 1879, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Wave Foam by Man- fred (26801)— Wave Breast by Breastplate (19337)— Wave Princess by British Prince (14197)— Wave Maid by Vanguard (10994)— Water Queen by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Waterloo 3d by Norfolk (2377)— Waterloo Cow by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Note.— This bull is recorded, E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 598, under his dam, as Tlie Warder, and in the Brit.-Am. H. B. as Waterloo Warder 1055. ROSE OF CLONMORE— Roan heifer, calved April 16, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Victor Regalis (47205), out of Gl 490 Melrose by Rapid Rhone (35205) — Missie 19tli by Pretender (20579), &G., as in Melrose, above. C. H. B., vol. r, p. 394. EVENING GWYNNE— Red and white heifer, calved April 12, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Victor Regalis (47205), ont of Evening by Rapid Rhone (35205), &c., as in dam, above. 0. H. B., vol. 7, p. 344. EVELINE— Roan heifer, calved x^pril 12, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth. got by Warder (47222), out of Eve by Rapid Rhone (35205), &c., as in dam, above. LADY POLWARTH— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 27, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Wedding Gift by Royal Crown. Died before producing. SIR RICHARD 2d— Red bull, calved Eeb. 19, 1882, In-ed by Lord Polwarth, got by Sir Richard (44047), out of Scotch Rose by Rapid Rhone (35205), &c., as in dam, above. 1838. DR. JOHN A. POOLE. Brunsioick, New Jersey. MARIA — Calved in 1836, bred in England, got by lienwood (2114), out of Young Minna by Wharfdale (1578)— Minna by Nestor (452)— Minerva by Harold (291) — Mary by Meteor (432) — Magdalena by Comet (155) — by Cupid (177). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 200. FANNY— Got by Charley (1817). BARMPTON COW— Got by Barmpton (813). See Helen, A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 184. IMPORTED SHOBT-HORKS. 491 BERNARD 19— White, calved in February, 1839, got by Scrip (2604), out of Maria by Kenwood (2114) — Young Minna by Wharf- dale (1578) — Minna by Nestor (452) — Minerva by Harold (291) — Mary ])y Meteor (432) — Magdalena bv Comet (155) — l)y Cupid (177). MR. POTTER. Montqnmery County. Neic York. VORKSTITRE. 1881. J. H. POTTS & SON. JdrksoDville. TIL By Stcfimcr Quehcc, from Liverpool, May 2H,to Qucher. Landed June 14, 1881. ANTIQUARY (44314)— Red, calved Nov. 17, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Azalea by Caesar Augustus (25704) — Anemone by Forth (17866) — Avalanche ])y Sir Samuel (15302) — x\ngerona by Lemnos (13146) — Amy l)y Earl Stanhope (5966) — Augusta by True Blue (5522) — by Miracle (2321)— by Sir Henry (1446)— by Count (170)— by Bracken (91)— by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred l^y Sir G. Strickland. POWDER RIVER CATTLE COMPANY, Of ('hcyennc. Wiiom'nKj. Landed at Baltimore. BT'LLS. ANCIENT BRITON— Roan, calved April 16, 1883, bred by the Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, got by British Boy (30597), out of Sweetbrier (vol. 29, p. 618, E.) by Fitz Roland (33936)— Moss Rose by Briton (25686)— Mulberry by President (20510)— Bess by Whittington Jr. (17233)— Y^oung Annie by Phcpnix (10608)— Annie by (^or]K)ral Trim (7932)— Anne by Rich- ard (4944) — Cowslip by I^orderer (809) — Strawberry by Mr. Scott's Bull, of Hobberlaw — ])y Sir '^Fhomas Haggerson's Bull. 492 warfield's history EASTERN MAGNATE— Roan, calved Sept. 12, 1883, bred by the Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, got by Eastern Emperor (44763), out of St. Catherine (vol. 29, p. 618, E.) by Fitz Roland (33936)— Dewdrop by President (20510)— Maid of Aln by Melsonby (18380)— Young Jessy by George 3d (16147)— Violet by Shaftoe (5107)— Daisy by Richardi (4944)— Cowslip, bought of Mr. Paterson, of Wood Houses, near Alnwick. FELIX— Roan, calved March 26, 1883, bred by Mr. Wm. Smith, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Princess 7th (vol. 29, p. 692, E.) by Fitz Rose (41555)— Princess 6th by Duke of Florence (33638)— Princess 3d by Welch Prince (30291)— Princess by Duke of Edinburgh (25956) — Princess Bessie by Prince of Wales (20584) — Bessie Booth by Richard Booth (18699)— Red Princess by Zetland (14048)— Princess by Leader (11674) — Lady Vesper by Duke of Richmond (14453) — by Young Hector (2104)— by Sir Charles (1440)— by Sir Roland (1455)_by Son of Phenomenon (491)— by Trislunan (329). TERM DAY— Red with little white, calved May 2(5, 1883, bred by Mr. J. W. J. Paterson, Terrona, Langholm, N. B., got by Whisker (45779), out of Lily of the Valley by Marquis of Annan- dale (40306)— Lucy Bertram (vol. 29, p. 623, E.) ])y Ileartbreaker (28826)— Lucy 2d by Colonel (25799)— Lucy by Garibaldi (24008) — Sunflower by Lawrence (16363) — Susan by Benedict 2d (25624) — Leopardess by Boatswain (8895) — White Stockings by Hopeful (9222)— Zephyr by Loyal (6154)- Myrtle by Knock (4167). FESTITS— Red and white, calved April 3, 1883, bred by Mr. William Smith, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Princess 8th by Cherry Duke (42914) —Princess 7th (vol. 29, p. 692, E.) by Fitz Rose (41555)— Princess 6th by Duke of Florence (33638) — Princess 3d by Welch Prince (30291)— Princess by Duke of Edinburgh (25956)— Princess Bessie by Prince of Wales (20584) — Bessie Booth by Richard Booth (18699)— Bessie by Zetland (14048)— Red Princess by Leader IMPORTED SHOHT-HORIfS. 493 •» (11674) — Princess by Duke of Richmond (14453) — Lady Vesper by Young Hector (2104)— by Sir Charles (1440)— by Sir Roland (1455) — by son of Phenomenon (491) — by Irishman (320). FIELD MARSHAL—Red and white, calved March 6, 1883, bred by Mr. William Smith, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Sprightly 14th (vol. 29, p. 694, E.) by Enterprise (38256)— Sprightly 12th by Knight of Broomley (24271)— Sprightly 4th by Surly (25256)— Sprightly 2d by Templar 2d (13879)— Sprightly by Mosstrooper (13357)— Col- umbine by Tom Boy (9749)— Laurel Leaf by Pilot (7333)— Cherry by Young Sir Harry Liddell (7503)— by Mickley (7234)— by Adonis (2933)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Hollon^s Bull (313). FIRST BORN— Red, calved Feb. 23, 1883, bred by Mr. William Smith, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Primrose 5th by Cherry Duke (42914) — Primrose 3d (vol. 29, p. 692, ¥j.) by Prince Rosario (40535) — Primrose by Duke of Florence (33638)— by Northern Chief (26982)— by Knight of Towneley (24281)— by Count Persigny (17633)— by Brizlee (37913). FOREIGN ENVOY— Roan, calved July 21, 1883, bred by Mr. John Angus, Bearl, Northumberland, got by Foreign Viceroy (41571), out of May Morn (vol. 26, p. 290, E.) by Royal Frederick (35366)— May Day by Roan Chief (27294)— May by Bloomfield (23430)— Mayflower by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590)— Lady Flora by Red Prince (13576)— Lady by Brilliant (7851)— Bet by Young Hector (7074)— by Wallace (5588)— descended from C. Colling's son of Hubback (319). FOREST RANGER— Roan, calved March 7, 1883, bred by Mr. William Smith, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Primrose 4th (vol. 29, p. 692, E.) by Cherry Duke (42914) — Primrose 2d by Prince Rosario (40535) — Primrose by Duke of Florence (33638)— by Northern Chief (26982)— l)y Knight of Towneley (24281)— by Count Persigny (17633)— by Brizlco (37913). 494 WAttFlELD's HtSTOKY HEATON— Red and white, calved March 17. 1883, bred by Mr. John Lumsden, Castle Heaton, Coldstream. N. B., got by Lowland Chief (48209), out of Magenta by The Wizard (35796)— Charmer by Champion (25735)— Adeline by Adolphus (27860)— Rose d'Amoiii' by Shaftoe (27447)— Rosebud by Geordie (10268)— Young Rul)y by Septimus (6458) — Ruby by Pawston — by Young Shedlaw — l)y Young St. Leger — Lady by Richmond (1380). KNIGHT OF SUNNYSIDE 2d— Roan, calved Marcli 7, 1883, bred by Mr. A. L. Cochrane, Sunnyside, Melrose, got by Sunny- side Carlos (47160), out of Rose of Nithsdale by Knight of St. Patrick (38520)— Rose of Erin (vol. 26, p. 394, E.) by Great Hope (24082)— Klooming Rose by Prince Victor (20606)— I?ose of Summer by Prince Andrew (18588)— Elfleda by Gainford 4tli (11501)— Ladylike by Stars and Stripes (12148) — Rose of Autumn by Sir Henry (10824)— Pelerine by Buckingham (3239)— Mantalini by Marcus (2262) — Maiden by Matchem (2281) — Lady by Alderman (1622)— Lady Mowbray by Pilot (406)— Sylph by Remus (550)— Matilda by Sir Charles (592)— Alpine by R. CoUing's sou- of Favorite (252) — Young Strawberry l)y son of Favorite (252) — Old Strawberry. LIBERATOR— Roan, calved July 5. 1883. bred l)y Mr. C. B. V. Bosanquet, Rock. Alnwick, got by British Boy (30597), out of Eva St. Clair (vol. 29. p. 345. E.) by I'ncle Tom (39245)— Ringlet by Duke of Tyne (33744)— Bracelet by Jeweller (26460)— Mulbei-i-y by President (20510)— Bess ])y Whittington Jr. (17233)— Young Annie by Ph(pnix (10608) — Annie by Corporal Trim (7932) — Anne by Richard (4944) — Cowslip by Borderer (809) — Strawberry by Mr. Scott's Bull, of Hobberlaw — by Sir Thomas Haggerson's Bull. MOSSMAX— Red, calved Feb. 15, 18S3. ))red l)y Miss Milne, Otterbui'ii. Kelso, got by Crowned Head (43004). out of Moss Rose l)y Tliorndale Duke 2d (32712)— Rosetta 3d by Grand Knight (00302)- Rosetta2d (vol. 24, p. 576, E.) by Viscount Stanley (23152) —Rosetta by Sam Glen (10780)— Little Moss Rose ])y Skelton IMPOKTED SIIORT-HOKNS. 495 (i)G(j7)_Mos.s Rose by Earl of Durham (5965) — by Newton (236?) — by Emperor (1974) — bred from the Chilton stock. NORMAN PRINCE— Roan, calved June 26, 1883, bred by Mr. John Angus. Bearl, Northumberland, got by Richmond (37340), out of Princess Anna (vol. 29, p. 296, E.) by Blair Athol (37866) — Bridal Princess by Hawthorne (36751) — Princess Royal by Royal Frederick (35366) — Princess 3d by Roan Chief (27294) — Young Princess by Valiant (30197) — Princess 1st by Knight of Windsor (l(3349)__Cowslip by General Havelock (16108)— Cherry by Brill- iant (7851)— Cherry by Traveler (7646)— Red Cherry by Fitz Maurice (3807) — Brockie by Reformer (2502) — Premium by Leopold (2199)— by Sir Harry (5155)— l)y Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152) —by son of Hubback (319). PLUNGER— Roan, calved March 17, 1883, bred by Mr. Jacob AVilson, Chillingham Barns, Belford, Northumberland, got by Vice- Regal Booth (39258), out of Peach Bloom (vol. 29, p. 758, E.) by J^ritish Knight (33220)— Primrose by Knight of Killerby (29000) — Princess by Count of the Realm (23640) — Playful by Inkermann (U; 30)— Pride by Lord Barrington (9308)— Pride by Sir Robert (5180) — Pride by Sir Robert (5180) — Princess by son of Farmer (2001)— by son of Mentor (2300)— by Mars. cows. ALICE KILLERBY 4Tir— Roan, calved March 15, 1883, bred by Mr. James Nicholson, Thornton, Berwick-upon-Tweed, N. B., got by Edmund (44766), out of Alice Killerby 3d by Solway (44071) —Alice Killerl)y 2d by Lord Irwin (29123)— Alice Killerby by Baron Killerby (27949)— Lavinia Alice (vol. 21, p. 607, E.) by Duke of Bedford (23722)— Alice Lisle by Signet Seal (18824)— Princess Alice by Lord Elcho (22150) — Victoria by Western Star (25430) — Miss Nightingale by Hareshaw (26339) — Jenny Lind by Jacob (6101)— Purity by Proselyte (4842)— Clementine by Othello (4631) — Clemence by Juniper (1145) — Crocus by Mentor (426) — Clementina by Lancaster (360) — Virgin by Ketton (346) — Hancock by George (274). 496 wakfield's history BRIDAL BOQUET— Red and white, calved April 20, 1883, bred by the Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, North- umberland, got by Eastern Emperor (44763), out of Bridal Wreath (vol. 29, p. 615, E.) by Fitz Roland (33936)— Bridesmaid by Ace of Trumps (30355)— Dewdrop by President (20510)— Maid of Aln by Melsonby (18380) — Young Jessy by George 3d (16147) — Violet by Shaftoe (5107)— Daisy by Richardi (4944)— Cowslip, bought of Mr. Patterson, of Wood Houses, near Alnwick. MAID OF RICHMOND— Roan, calved Jan. 21, 1883, bred by Mr. John Angus, Bearl, Northumberland, got by Richmond (37340), out of Dairymaid (vol. 26, p. 290, E.) by Ben Brace (30524)— Milkmaid by Roan Chief (27294)— Cheerful by Warlock (19113) — Cherry Blossom by Frederick (14571) — Young Cherry by Lahore (11659)— Cherry by Traveler (7646)— Red Cherry by Fitz Maurice (3807)— Brockie by Reformer (2502)— Premium by Leopold (2199) — by Sir Harry (5155) — by Traveler (655) — by Colonel (152) — by C. Ceiling's son of Hubback (319). MILKMAID— Roan, calved March 19, 1883, bred by Mr. James Nicholson, Berwick-upon-Tweed, got by Edmund (44766), out of Bright Gem (vol. 28, p. 523, E.) by White Duke (32849)— Jewel by Orange Prince (27005)— Jessy by Prince Albert (18579)— Bright Eyes by Milo (10532)— Jessy 2d by Zadkiel (11069)— Jessy by Matchem 3d (4420)— Kitty by AVaterloo (2816)— by Borodino (3192) —by Blucher (1725). PRIMROSE 8th— Roan, calved Feb. 23, 1883, bred by Mr. Wm. Smith, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Primrose 3d (vol. 29, p. 692, E.j by Prince Rosario (40535)— Primrose by Duke of Florence (33638)— by North- ern Chief (26982)— by Knight of Towneley (24281)— by Count Persigny (17633)— by Brizlee (37913). ROSEBUD 10th— Roan, calved March 27, 1883, bred by Mr. William Smith, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Rosebud 5th (vol. 29, p. 693, E.) by Prince Rosario (40535) — Rosebud 3d by Bondsman (36252) — IMIMMITKI) SHOKT-HOKNS. 497 Rosebud by Maximilian (3T()Sl)— by Northern Chief (26982)— by Elegant Lad (238G7)— by King Tulip (20072)— by Count Persigny (17633). K08EMAKY— Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1883, bred by Mr. James Nicholson, Berwick-upon-Tweed, got by Edmond (44766), out of Rose of Britain (vol. 28, p. 523, E.) by Elag of Britain (23955)— Favorite Rose by 1st Favorite (21747) — Red Rose 8th by Precedent (11018)— Red Rose 6th by Gainford 2d (10255)— Red Rose 5th by Emperor (9084)— Red Rose by Sir Thomas Newton (6495)— Hack- thorpe by General (3867). SALLY 13th— Roan, calved June 10, 1883, bred by Mr. Wm. Smitli, Melkington, Cornhill, Northumberland, got by Lowland Chief (48269), out of Sally 8th by Prince Rosario (40535)— Sally 4th (vol. 27, p. 579, E.) by Earl of Studley (31085)— Sally 3d by Windsor's Bridegroom (30325)— Sally 2d by Duke of Edinburgh (25956)— Sally by Paulinus (15046)— Sally by Sir Harry (10821)— Clara by Young England (10201)— Kate by Young Hector (7074) — Cato by Duke of Wellington (231)— by Exmouth (1021)— by Yarborough (705). STRAWBERRY RIPE— Red with little white, calved April 3, 1 883, bred by Mr. John Angus, Bearl, Northumberland, got by Rich- mond (37340), out of Royal Strawberry (vol. 24, p. 301, E.) by I^oyal Frederick (35366)— Strawberry 4th by Roan Chief (27294)— Strawberry 2d by Freeman (14574) — Strawberry 1st by Lahore (11659)— Bet by Young Hector (7074)— by Wallace (5588)— de- scended from C. Colling's son of Hubback (319). SUNFLOWER— Red, calved Feb. 13, 1883, bred by Mr. John Angus, Bearl, Northumberland, got by British Lord (41153), out of Snowdrop 5th by Ben Brace (30524) — Snowdrop 3d (vol. 24, p. 301, E.) by Manfred (26801)— Snowdrop by Brigade Major (21312) — Lily by Lord Albert (20143)— Blossom by Frederick (14571)— Bloom by Red Prince (13576)— Remnant by Brilliant (7851)— Rem- nant by Sir Robert (5180) — Lily by Bachelor (1665) — Lame Cow by Short Legs (5124)— by Ajax (723)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly 62 498 waufekld's iiistokv (2715)— by Sir Harry (5155) — by Colonel (152)— by C. Colling's son of Hubback (319). WINDSOR'S BELLE— Roan, calved Aug. 13, 1883, bred by the Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, got by Eastern Emperor (44763), out of Windsor's Bride 2d (vol. 29, p. 619, E.) by Fitz Roland (33936)— Windsor's Bride by Windsor's Bridegroom (30325) — Young Sail by Duke of Edinburgh (25956) — Sally White Face by Prince of Wales (20584) — Young Sally by Legatee 4th (20110)— Sally by Paulinus (15046)— Sally by Sir Harry (10821)--Clara by Young England (10201)— Kate by Young Hector (7074)— by Duke of Wellington (231)— by Exmouth (1021) — by Yarborough (705). REGINA 3d— Roan, calved April 17, 1883, bred by Mr. John Lumsden, Castle Heaton, Coldstream, N. B., got by Storm King 2d, out of Regina 2d by Philosopher (46858) — Czarina by Percy (38858) — Hegina by The Wizard (35796) — Marchioness by Marquis (26832)— Honey Bee by Shaftoe (27447)— Honeysuckle by Compe- tition (12624) — Honeybell by Romulus (10741) — Moss Rose by Harvester (6058) — Daphne by William (2840) — Carmine by Mercury (2301)— No. 29 by Satellite (1420)— Newby the Younger. The following pedigrees of Stokm King 2d and Stok.m Kixg are inserted as reference pedigrees : STORM KING 2d— Roan, calved Marcli 9, 1881, bred by Mr. W. Trotter. South Acomb, Stocksfield-on-Tyue, got by Storm King, out of Necklace by King of the Georgians (81 502)— Rosette by Baron Booth (2885."))— Red Rose by Crown Prince (17646)— Necklace by Ten (14788)- Venus l)y Voltaire (18968)— Violet by Lord George (10489)— Nancy by Vanguard (10944)— by Hamlet (8136)— by Sir Roger (7515)— by Studley Royal (5842). STORM KING— White, calved March 18, 1879, bred by Mr. W. Trotter, South Acomb, Stocksfield-on-Tyne, got by King of the Georgians (81502), out of Whiff's Butterfly by Whiff (80299)— White Butterfly by Musician (29402)— Butterfly by Knight of Richard Coeur de Lion (20080)— Temperance by Professor Miller (18649)— Beatrice by The Templar 2d (18879)— Duchess by Alfred (11101)— Mayflower by Pilot (7888)— Cowslip by Young Sir Harry Liddell (7508)— Daisy by Captain (6830)— by Sir Harry Liddell (5157)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by HoUon's Bull (313). IMPORTET> SHORT-HORlSrS. 499 1820 '30. J. H. POWEL. Philadelphia, Pa. Note. — Tlie iiiost of Mr. Powel's importations were selected by Jonas Whitaker. ]5ELINx\— Calved in 1822, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Barmp- ton (54), dam by a son of Wellington (680) — by Laird (1158). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 230. Imported in 1825. YORKSHIRE BELLE— Roan, calved Feb. 11, 1824, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Yarm by Symmetry ((;43)_])y Meteor (431)— by Windsor (698)— Mr. Oolling's Gray Bull. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 612. Imported in 1825. LADY BETTY— Calved in 1823, bred by Jonas Whitaker, got by Alonzo (28), out of Wildair by Meteor (431) — by Yarborough (705)— by Styford (629)— by Ilollon's Bull (313). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 394. Imported in 1825. DESDEMONA- Calved in 1824, bred by Jonas Whitaker, got })y Frederick (1060), out of Delia by Cleveland (146)— Red Daisy (bred by Mr. Hustler) by Major (398) — Strawberry by Windsor (098)- Old Daisy by Favorite (252)— Daisy by Punch (531)— Old Daisy by Hubback (319)— bred by Mr. Waistell (sold to Mr. Coll- ing) by Stephenson's Bull — I^arforth, bred by Mr. W^aistell, of (ri'eat Burdon. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 311. Imported in 1825. VOLANTE— Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1825, bred by Jonas Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Viola by His Orace (311) — Venus (bred by Mr. Charge) by Major (397) — by Charge's (Jray Bull (872) — by Favorite (252) — descended from Studley White Bull (627). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 596. Imported in 1826. Al^NABELLA— Roan, calved in 1824, bred by Mr. Dixon, got by Reter (487), out of Attraction (l)red by Col. Trotter) by Pyra- mus (532) — Aurora by Comet (155) — Marcella by a son of Favorite (252) — by a son of Favorite (252) — by Ilollon. Recorded, E. H. 1*>., vol. 2, p. 219. Imported in 1S26. 500 wakfield's history STATELY— Calved in 1821, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by North Star (460), out of Laura alias Susan by Denton (198) — Selina by Wellington (678)— by Danby (190). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 544. Imported in 1822. CLEOPATRA— Red and white, calved in 1827, bred by R. Booth, got by Pilot (496), out of Fair Maid by Agamemnon (9) — Madam by Marshal Beresford (415) — Tuberose by Lame Bull (359) — Moss Rose by Suwarrow (636). YOUNG ELEGANCE alias WHITE BEAUT Y— Roan, calved Feb. 7, 1828, bred by Rev. J. A. Rhodes, got by White Daisy (1583), out of Elegance by Frederick (1060)— Europa by Pyramns (533)— by Meteor (432). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 363, under dam. MARIA. ZENOBIA— Red and white, calved in 1823, bred by J. Wood- house, got by son of Sir Dimple, dam by a bull of Mr. Booth's. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 613. FLORA— Got by a son of Ossian (476), dam by Fjivoritc (252) —by' Charge's Bull (872). ROYAL— Got by Parson (1306), dam by Learmouth (367)— by Billy (787). See Cream, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 356. ELGIRA— Calved in 1825, bred by Mr. Whitaker, calved Col. PowelFs, got by Prince Comet (1342), out of Lady Betty, above. E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 394. Imported in 1825. BONNY LASS— Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1827, bred l)y Mr. Paley, got by Sir Kenneth (1450), out of Violet by Pilot (1319)— by Thorpe (1515)— by WaistelPs Bull. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 290. MANDANE— White, calved in 1826, bred by Mr. Barker, got by Richmond (1380). out of Mary Ann by North Star (459)— Lily by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 501 Young Dimple (971)— by Sir Dimple (594)— by Layton- (366)— by Styford (629)— by Vx. Polling's son of Bolingbroke (86)— by Lamo Bull (358). Recorded. E. H. R.. vol. 2, p. 430, under dam. Imported in 1830. FL0R[:N^DA— Red and white,.calved Oct. 20, 1828, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Edward (1002), out of Fragrance by Major (2252) —by Denton (198)— by Denton (198)— by Wetherell's Bull. Recorded, E. H. 1^., vol. 3, p. 396. BlJRLE^I^^rA- Calved in England, out of Lady. FLORA— Got by Denton (198), dam by Denton (198)— bred by Mr. Sims, England. See Roderick 2d 5140. RUBY— Red and wbite, calved in 1820, bred by .lobn Wood- house, got by Young Dimple (971), out of Daisy by Wellington (678)— Beauty by Duke (224)~Lucy ])y Comet (905)— by James Brown's White Bull (98). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 527. SARAH— Roan, calved March 31, 1823, bred by Mr. Milton, .^ot by President (517), out of Dairymaid by George (274). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 532. Imported in 1829. LADY — Calved in 1821, got by a grandson of Ossian, dam by Wellington. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 391. Imported in 1822. LAURA ALIAS SUSAN— Roan, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Denton (198), out of Selina by Wellington (678)— by Danby (190). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 2, p. 553. as Susan. Imported in 1829 or -30. DELIGHT— White, calved March 10, 1824, ])re(l by Hon. J. Simpson, got by Lancaster (360), out of Drusilla by Ketton (346) — Red Raynes by Neswick (1266) — (bred by Mr. Haynes) by Ca])tain (108)— by Bainton (48)— by Barniugham (56). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 2, p. 320, nnder dam. 502 BOLIVAR (804)— Red and white, calved May 5, 1825, bred by J. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Sweetheart by Hermit (305) — Buxom by Lawnsleeves (365) — Barmpton by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252) — Old l^riglit Eyes by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by WaistelFs Bull (669). GLOUCESTER (1074)— White, calved Feb. 28, 1825, bred by J. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Adela by Orpheus (473) — Alfrede by Alfred (23)— Strawberry by Windsor (698)— 01.1 Daisy by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by nubl)ack (319). Imported in 1826. MALCOLM (1190)— Red and white, calved March 30, 1823. ])]'od by Jonas Whitaker, got by Enchanter (244), out of Western Lady by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by Western ('omet (689) — Haugliton by a son of Favorite (252). Imported in 1825. BURLEY (828)— White, calved in February 1826. begotten in Kngland by Frederick (1060), out of Beliua l)y Barmpton (54) — by a son of Wellington (680)— by Laird (1158). Imported in 1826. BERTRAM (1716)— Red, calved May 12, 1828, ])red by Mr. Wliitaker, got by Frederick (1060). out of Red Daisy })y Major (398)— Strawberry by Windsor (698)— Old Daisy by Favorite (252) —Daisy by Punch (531)— Old Daisy by Hubbaclc (319). Imported in 1834. MEMXOX (1223)— Red and white, calved Aug. 31, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1068), out of Yarico by Ah)iizo (28)— Yellow Rose by Major (398)— by R. Colling's Gray Hull (1089) [a son of White Bull (151)]— by Styford (629). Imported in 1827. YOUNG 1K)CKIXGTTAM— ?,r('(1 l)y Mr. Whitaker, got by Max- well (22S5). See Comet 1383f IMl'Oiri El) SHOUT-llOKNS. ' 508 CAPT. PRATT. By Slilp Iladmn, from Liverpool, October, 1H71. Landed at Neio York, in November, 1871. AMELIA Hd — Red roan heifer, calved May 5, 18G1), bred by Messrs. Budding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Ravenswood {226S2), out of iVlice Hawthorne by Friar Tuck (17892) — Aganice by Superior (15362) — Angerona by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Alice by Master Charley (7215)— Albina by Miracle (2321)— Alice by Sir Henry (1446) — Young Madam by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (91)— Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir Geo. Strickland. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 389, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 467. Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, El., and by him to J. H. Kissinger, Clarksville, Mo. Barren. VIRGINIA — Roan heifer, calved July 13, 1869, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Ravenswood (22682), out of V^ixen by Sweetmeat (18952) — Violet by Royal Favorite (15200)— Spring Flower by Sylvan (10907)— Mayflower by Lictor (6128) — Sunflower by Gracchus (3917) — Spring Flower by Gan- thorpe (2049)— Pretty Lass by Midas (7236)— Ruby by Grazier (1085). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1136, and E. II. B., vol. 19, p. 772, under dam. Produced only one calf. MANFREDO 14848— Roan bull, calved Jan. 10, 1872, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Manfred (26801), out of Virginia by Ravenswood (22682), &c., as in Virginia, above. Note.— This calf was calved on the fanii of L. F. Allen, of Butfalo. N. Y., and sold to J. A. Johnston, Poolesville, Intl., by Mr. Pickrell. AMELIA — Red, calved Nov. 20, 1868, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Ravenswood (22682), out of .Vlice Buckingham by Royal Buckingham (20718) — Anna Maria by Sir Roger (16991)— Adelaide by The Squire (12217)— Artless by Lambton (9273) — Arabella by Gen. Washington (6036) — Arcot Lass 504 * warfield's history by Welham (5618) — Abbess by Koman (2559) — Nonpareil by Colu- mella (904)— by Albion (14)— by Pabnflower (480)— by IVlytb Comet (85)— by Neswick (1266)— by Favorite (1033). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 370, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 466. Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, 111., and by bim to ({. Jj. Burruss, Carrollton, 111. PRIZE FLOWER- Red lieifer, calved April 20, 1869, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Ravenswood (22682), out of Pride of Panton by Lord Panton (22204)— Soldier's Bride by Superior (15362)— Splendid by Baron Warlaby (r813)— Symmetry by Leonard (4210) — Stately by Counsellor (6904) — by Snowball (8605). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 672, under dam, and A. II. B., vol. 11, p. 1005. Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, 111., and by him to E. W. Mills, Sullivan, 111. Barren. LADY BRITAIN — Roan heifer, calved Jan. 5, 1870, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by British Crown (21322), out of Lady Regal by Regal Dane (22710) — Lady Thornton by Booth Royal (15673)— Lady Hopewell by Hopewell (10332)— Lady of the Manor by Highflyer (11576)-^Lady Bountiful by Usurer (9763)— Belinda by Ranunculus (2479)— Sylph by Sir Walter (2637) —by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— Rachel by Comet (155) — Russell by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252)^ — by same son of Favorite (252). This heifer was imported and sold under name of Lady Marie, to J. II. Pickrell, and is so recorded, A. II. B., vol. 11. p. 777 — it should be Lady Britain. E. H. B.. vol. 19, p. 591, under dam. Barren. CORONELLA— Red cow, calved Sept. 11, 1868, bred by Mr. Barnard, Harlowbury, Essex, got by Thorndale Butterfly (25308), out of Constance by Baron (19261) — Countess by Comedian (15789)— Cream by Captain (14228)— Crimea by Orestes (15027)— Lady Mary by Tortworth (10966)— Mary Graham by The Hon. Chas. Fairfax (7605)— Lady Grace by Blast (1724)— by Speeton (bred IMPORTED SHORTHORNS. 505 by Mr. Gordon) — by Magnum Bonum (2882) — by Favorite (257) — by Favorite (257) — by Palmllower (480) — by grandson of Neswick (1266)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— from the stock of Mr. Geo. Coates. E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 435, under dam.- RRITI8H FLAG 13211— Red bull, calved Aug. 14, 1871, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Robin (24968), out of Bloomer by Lord Panton (22204)— Birthright by Royal Favorite (15200)— Daisy by Sylvan (10907)— Mayflower by Lictor (6128) — Sunflower by Gracchus (3917) — Spring Flower by Ganthorpe (2049)— Pretty Lass by Midas (7236)— Ruby by Grazier (1085). Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, 111., and by him to J. G. Taylor, Decatur, 111. STANDARD BEARER 13293 (30055)— Red, calved April 29, 1869, bred by Messrs. Dudding, Panton House, Lincolnshire, got by Ravensworth (22682), out of Soldier's Bride by Superior (15362) — Splendid by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Symmetry by Leonard (4210)— Stately by Counsellor (6904)— by Snowball (8605). Sold to J. H. Pickrell, and by him to W. W. Reynolds, for $1,050. FLOWER CHERRY— Roan heifer, calved July 25, 1869, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Cherry Prince 2d (25763), out of Flower Goddess by Prince of Warlaby (15107)— Flower Nymph by Vanguard (10994) — Flower Girl by Londesboro' (6142)— Flora of Farnsfield by Rinaldo (4949)— Formosa by Sir I'homas (2636)— by Sir Alexander (591) — by Marske (418) — Sweet- briar by North Star (459) — Nonpareil by Wellington (680) — Juno by Favorite (252)— by Ben (70)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Sir J. Pennyman's Bull (601). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 520, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 664. Sold to J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, HI., in June, 1872. FLOWER BOY 14263— Red and white bull, calved May 10, 1872, bred by ^\m. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by 63 506 warfield's history Duke of York (23804), out of Flower Chorrv by Cherry Prince 2d (25763), &c., a8 in dum, above. Note.— This calf was calved on the farm of L. F. Allen, Butfalo. N. Y. (871. CAPT. PRATT. Sold (it P((ns, Ky.. Ity Peter Everett. TKEFOIL — Roan cow, calved April 14, 1808, bred by K. Sear- son, got by Falstalf (21720), out of Scarlet Trefoil by Orthodox 16th (16664)— Red Clover by British Soldier (12497)— Dolly Dixon by Alma (12383)— by Tertius (1383(1)— l)y Statesnnin (5321)— by Remus (4932). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1258. LORD CHATHAM 2d 14765— Red, calved Nov. 26, 1875, bred by R. Searson, got by Lord Chatham (26625), out of May Morning by Falstaff (21720), &c., as in May Morning, below. COUNT^ERPART 2d 13720— Red, calved Nov. 25, 1871, bred by R. Searson, got by Counterpart (21493), out of Trefoil by Falstalf (21720), &c., as in Trefoil, above. MAY MORNING— Roan heifer, calved May 1, 1869, Ijred by R. Searson, Cranmore Lodge, got ])y Falstalf (21720), out of Sprightley by Birthday (19313) — Slight by Sir Sampson (18865)-^ Spicy by Uxbridge (13930) — by a bull of George Cook Digby's. A. H. B., vol. 12, p.1036. PRIMULA— Red heifer, calved Nov. 13, 1868, bred by R. Sear- son, got by Falstaff (21720), out of Polyanthus by Chieftain (21421) — Pristme by Uxbridge (13930)— Priscilla by Earl Stanhope (5966) — Perpetua by Master Charley (7215)— Daffodil by Plenipo (4724)— Duchess by A-la-Mode (725)— Lady Sarah by Childers (1824)— by Wellington (5619)— by Panton Major (6274)— by Waddingworth (668). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 659, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1143. IMPOiri'ED SHORT-HORNS. 507 PRIMUI^A 2d— Roan, calved Oct. 3, 1871, bred by R. Searson, got by Lord Paramount 14789. out of Primula by Falstaff (21720), &c.. as in dam, above. A. H. B.. vol. 12, p. 11 4n. TIT-BIT— Red cow, calved June 24, 1869, bred by R. Searson, got by Falstaft' .(21720), out of Wee Bit by Chieftain (21421)— Welcome Lady by Birthday (19313) — Miss Walesby by son of Nep- tune (7273)— by Monarch (18414)— ])y Belvedere 4th (3130)— by Tartar (2738)— by Cossack (925). A. H. B., vol. 12. p. 12o7. LORD CHATHAM 14704— Red bull, calved Nov. 20, 1871, bred by R. Searson, got by Lord Chatham (20025), out of Tit-Bit by Falstaff (21720), &c., as in next above. 1817. JAMES PRENTICE, Of Lexi)i0RT'ED SHORT-HORNS. 509 Lady by Hutton^s Bull (2145) — liingcropper by Marske (418) — descended from Alcock^s Bull (19). K. H. B., vol. 5, p. 704. VIOLANTA— Roan, calved April 24, 1838, bred by Mrs. Wil- kinson, got by Charles (1815), out of Violet by Kemus (550) — Pink by Sedbury (1424) — Beauty by Hollings (2131) — Lingcropper by Partner (2409) — Lady by Hutton's Bull (2145) — Lingcropper by Marske (418)— descended from R. Alcock's Bull (19). K. H. B., vol. 5, p. 1068. APOLOGIA— Red and white, calved Jan. 26, 1835, bred by , got by Albion (2965) [a son of Scipio (1421)], dam by Red Star (4911)— by Chance (1806)— by Shipperley (2619). E. H. B., vol. 5, p. 43. • AURORA— Light roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Buston, got by William (2839) [see vol. 5. p. 50, E.. where it is recorded as by Sir William (2640), same bull], out of Adelaide by Young Rock- ingham (2549)— by Wellington (2824)— by Major (397)— by North- umberland (464)— by Styford (630)— by Bolingbroke {>^rt). E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 258, under dam. CATHERmE— Red and white, calved May 17, 1839, bred by , got by Mr. Jobson's Sir Robert (5181), out of Clara by Reformer (2512)— Chilton by Don Juan (1923)— Chilton 2d by Lindrick (1170)— Valentine by Sir Alexander (591)— by North Star (459). E. II. B., vol. 5, p. 153. 1826. EDWARD PRIME. PRINCESS— Red and white, calved in May, 1821, bred ))y Samuel Scotson, Foxheth Park, Kngland, got by son of Lancastei-. dam by son of Windsor. PRINCE— Bull, calved in 1826. begotten iu Eughmd by Kitz P'avorite, out of Princess, above. 510 warfield's history 1819. EDWARD PRINCE. Lo7Uj Ifilmicl, N. Y. SON OF COMET (155). 1868. QUEBEC AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. STATESMAN'S DAUGHTER 2d— Red roan, calved April 23, 1866, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, got by Charleston (21400), out of Statesman's Daughter by Statesman (15342) — Cozy by Coth- erstone (6903)— Peeress by Lord Stanley (4269)— Red Rose by Velocipede (5552)— Old Red Rose by Priam (2452)— ])y Jerry (4097) — descended from the stock of Mr. Booth. A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1097, and E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 749. under dam. PRINCESS— Roan, calved March 1, 1866, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, got by 7th Duke of York (17754). out of Forest Queen by Fitz Roy (16058)— Queen of Oude by ^Phe Beau (12182)— Oak Leaf by Rivers (10716)— Oak by Mozart (11830)— Suailhorn by Young Frederick (3836)— Old Snailhorn ])y Favorite (3768)— Straw- berry 2d by Commodore (1858)— Ohl Strawberry ])y Favorite (3768) —by Tatliwell Studley (5401). A. H. B., vol. 11, p. 1000. KNIGHT OF ST. MICHAELS 12259— White, calved Dec. 4, 1868, bred by J. Harward, got by 3d Duke of Claro (23729), out of Princess by 7th Duke of York (17754), &c., as in Princess, above. OXFORD GWYNNE 12551 (24711)— Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1866, bred by Charles Howard, Biddenham, got by 12tli Duke of Oxford (19633), out of Golden Gwynne by May Duke (13320)— Sylvia Gwynne by Duke of Cambridge (12747) — Silky Gwynne by Capt. llardinge (10023)— Sophia Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Sail Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — Cripple Gwynne ])y Marmion (406) — Daplme Gwynne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwyniu^ by Layton (366) — Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by IMPORTED SHORT-HORN8. 511 Snowdon's Bull (612)— by \Vaistell\s Hull (6G9)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). BERRY (8141)— Roan, calved in 1834, bred by Rev. Henry Berry, Worcester, England (became the property of Chas. (wed- dings, Cleveland, Oliio), got by Henwood (2114), out of Miniken by Wharf dale (1578) — Minna by Nestor (452) — Minerva by Harold (291) — Mary by Meteor (432) — Magdalena by Comet (155) — by Cupid (177). 1881. RANSOM, HEAD & JEFFRIES. By Ship Mosetle, from, S(Hitli(imi)t<>}i to Vera Cruz, Mexico, Ntw. 2, 1881. MINSTREL BOY 3d (45250)— Roan, calved April 19, 1880, bred by Earl Lathom, Lathom, Lancashire, got by Baron Oxford 4th (25580), out of Minstrel 5tb by 9th Duke of Geneva (28391)— Minstrel 4th by 10th Duke of Oxford (17739)— Minstrel 2d by Prince of Gloster (13517) — Minstrel by Count Conrad (3510) — by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (406)— by Mer- lin (430) — by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Htudley Bull (626). SIR MATHEW (45615)— Roan, calved June 15, 1880, bred by Hugh Aylmer, AYest Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Sir Wilfrid (37484), out of Golden Feather by Royal Prince (32404) — Golden Hope by Royal Broughton (27352) — Golden Drop by Prince Christ- ian (22581)— Golden Chain by Fitz Windsor (17860)— by Hopewell (10332)— by Vanguard (10994)— by Leonard (4210)— by Remus (4932)— by Prince Comet (1342)— by Count (170)— by Constella- tion (163) — by Young Favorite (255). LORD DEREHAM (45083)— Red and white, calved Sept. 7, 1880, bred by H. Aylmer, got by Lord President (41908), out of Strawberry Duchess 6th by Hyperion (34196) — Strawberry Duchess 4th by Royal Killerby (32396) — Strawberry Duchess by Prince 512 warfield's history Christian (22581) — Windsor Strawberry by lmi)erial Buckingham (19998)— by Duke of Buckingham (14428)— by Duke of Cambridge (12747)— by St. Thomas (10777)— by Chorister (3378)— by Tom Gwynne (5498)— by Wellington (2824)— by Marmion (400)— by Ossian (470). J. H. REED. New Brunswick. DAIKYMAID— Ked, calved Feb. 13, 1848, bred by J. Bell, Kirklevington, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9040), out of Diana by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Diana by 2d Earl of Darlington (1940) — Red I'homi^son, bred by T. Bates. 1862 or '53. T. P. REMINGTON and CHAS. KELLEY. Pfiiladeiphia, Pa.- KICHAKD BOOTH 900— White, calved Nov. 13, 1853, bred by K. Booth, North Allerton, Yorkshire, Eng., got by Monk (11824), out of Kowena 3d by Sir Walter 2d (10834) — Rowena by son of Noble (4578)— Kowena % His Royal Highness (4039)— Ruth by Belvedere 4th (3129)— Polly Hopkins by Adolphus (1011)— Prim- rose by Colonel (3425)— by Alba (720)- by Symmetry (641)— by Marquis (1190)— by son of Favorite (256). ROWENA 3d— Roan, calved in February, 1851, bred by H. N. Hill, got by Sir Walter 2d (10834), out of Rowena by son of Nobie (4578), &c., as in next above. E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 508, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 042. 1836 or '37. PETER A. REMSEN. (ieiiesce Co., N. V. ALEXANDER 4th— Red, calved in April, 1831, In-ed by J. C. Maynard, Harsley Hall, Yorkshire, England, got by Sir Alexander (591), out of Portia or No. 2 Mason's Sale by Cato (119)— by FMPOKTED 8HORT-HORT^S. ol3 Jupiter (34:^)— by (icorge {'IVS) — by Chilton (l-'JH)— by Irishman (:j29)— by B. (45). Imported in 1834. AI)ELA]J)E-^Ko{iJi, ealvcd in April, 183-^, died in 1845, bred by Mr. Ciirter, near Richmond, got by Cupid (1894), dam by Midas (^3()l))_by Denton (108)— I)y Hemus (550)— by Mr. Charge's Bull (S?2)— by Favorite {'2ry>). A. It. B., vol. 1, p. 141. lnii)orted in 1834. LxWINlA — l\oan, calved in 1833, bred by Samuel Scotsou, of Toxteth Park, Lancashire, Eng., got l)y son of Scipio (1421), dam by Eryholmc (1018)— by son of North Star (458). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 192. PBETTYFACE— Koan, calved in 1837, got by Henwood (2114), out of Cora by Percy (1315)— Fun by Pyramus (533) — Frolic. E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 324, and A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 214. \'OLUNTEER— Bred by Mr. Scotson, Toxteth Park. See Cinderella, vol. 1, p. 155, A. H. B. 1863 or '64. THOMAS RICHARDSON. Neia Yoi'k. COWS. BIJOU— Roan, calved Oct. 1, 1852, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Eng., got by Crown Prince (10087), out of Brown Bess by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Brunette Beauty by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249) — Brownie by Ormsby (4621) — Bona Dea by Count Comet (3509)— Cherub by Soldier (2656)— by Gray Robin (1090)— by Barmpton (54) — by Aylesby (44) — by Brother to R. Colling^s White Heifer — by Barningham (56). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 352, under dam. FANNILLA — Roan, calved July 14, 1852, bred by Mr. Chaloner, of King's Fort, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Young Favorite by Prince Ernest (7366)— Favorite by Bright (1739)— 64 614 warfield's history Campanula by Sliylock (^G-^'-^)— by Percy (1314)— by Blucher (84) —by Jupiter (344)— by Marshal Beresford (415)— by Crocus (932)— by a bull of K. Colli ng's. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 448. under dam, and A. H. !>., vol. 3, p. 401. FANNY WARLABY— Koan, calved Feb. 15, 1853, bred by K. Chaloner, King^s Fort, Ireland, got by Baron Warlaby (7813), out of Fanny 2d by General (38 H) — Fanny by Prince Ernest (7366) — Flora by Prince Arthur (9502) — Beauty by Nolan^s Comet. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 444, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 405. HARMONY— White, calved May 2G, 1853, bred by R. Clialoner, King^s Fort, got by Crown Prince (10087), out of Heather Bell by Vanguard (10994) — Hohenlinden by Pilgrim (4701) — Honesty by Shakespeare (2614) — by Sheridan (2616) — by Normandy (1278) — by Mr. Smith's Bull, of West Rasen. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 482, under dam, and A. 11. P>., vol. 3, p. 435. LAURA — Roan, calved Oct. 14, 1853, bred by J. Richardson, Glenmore, Ireland, got by Hector (13002), out of Lady Harris l\y Lord John (11731)— Harriet by Sir John Sinclair (5165) — Rose-dc- Meaux by Collard (3419)— Moss Rose by Matchem (2281)— Portia by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 524, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 493. RACHEL— Red roan, calved April 11, 1854, bred by R. Clialonej-. King's Fort, Ireland, got by Hopewell (10332), out of Rosebud b\ Hamlet (8126)— Fair Rosamond by Prince Ernest (7366)— Ruby by Sir Robert (5177) — by Nolan's Comet. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 615. LADY CONSTANCE— Roan, calved Feb. 9. 1856. bred by R. W. Reynell, Kellynon, got by Lord Derby (13179), out of Belinda 5th by Marquis of Rockingham (10506) — Belinda 2d by I M POUTED SHOUT-HORNS. ol5 Lilyson (6131)— Belinda by M Duke of Xortluimberland (3640)— Young Blossom ])y ('I'usadei- (1)34) — Blossom by Honest .lolm (1116) — ])y Middleton (1235). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 12, p. 279, nndei' dam. BULLS. DUKE OF (JAMBRIDGE 1469 (12746)— Red and white, calved May 28, 18/)3, bred by Mr. St. George (xray, England, got by "Royal Buck (10750), out of Rose-de-Meaux by Oollard (3149)— Moss Rose ])y \ratchem (2281)- Portia by Oato (119)— })y Jupiter (342)— by (;eorge (273)— by ('bilt(m (136)_by [risliman (329)— by B. (45). JOHN ROACH. 7'o/onfo. Can. LO\'Er.Y GEM— i:)ark roan, calved April 23, 1870, bred by John Craw, Kirkton, Inverness, Scotland, got by Admiral (4264), out of Lovely Lass by Signet Seal (18824) — Pansy by Signet Seal (18824)— Rosa ])y Son of Lennox (31593)— Kinaldie by Oorporal (i;899) — Missie by Commander (8976) — Oatherino by Young Duke — bred by ('apt. J^arclay, of Try. Recorded, G. U. B.. vol. 3, p. 598. 1856. GEO. RODDICK. (UthoKiy, Cdti. BRILLIANT [74J— Roan, calved . bred by Mark S. Stewart, Southwick, near Dumfries, Scotland, got by l^aron of Pavensworth (iSll), out of Brilliant 2d by Adam (2920)— Brilliant 3d by Fit/ Maurice (3807)— i^rilliant by Sii- Thomas (5194)— ])y Noble Henry (23:4)— Peril by Young Alexander (2977). PRINC^H CHARLIE [557]— Roan bull, calved in July. 1855. bred by .Mai*k S. Stewart, got by Lord Paglan (13244), out of Ceres by Adam (2921)— Brilliant by Sir Thomas (5194)— Peril by Noble 516 warfield's histoky Henry (2374) — Premium by Abraham (2906) — by Mustachios (4527)— by Simon (5134)— by Youn^ Georoe (3885)— by George (276). * ■ NONPAREIL 6th— Red and white cow, calved Jan. 19, 1854, bred by Mark S. Stewart, got by Hudibras (10339), out of Non- pareil 5th by Adonis (2936)— Nonpareil 4th by Young Frederick (3836)— Nonpareil 2d by Commodore (1858)— Nonpareil by Tath- well Studlcy (5401)— Twinetail by Blyth Comet (85)— a Turnell cow — a Turnell cow. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 418. SOUTHWICK [704]— Roan, calved Dec. 7, 1856, bred by M. S. Stewart, got by Lord Raglan (13244), out of Nonpareil 6th by Hudibras (10339), &c., as in dam, above. 1828. BENJAMIN RODMAN. New Bedford, Mass. DEVONSHIRE (966)— Roan, calved June 8, 1826, l)red by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Dulciana by Enchanter (244)— Red Daisy by Major (398)— by Windsoi- (698)— Old Daisy by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Hubback (319). BARFORTII— Bred })y Mr. Waistell. of (Jreat Burdon. cows. ADELIZA— Roan, calved April 22, 1827. bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Adela by Orpheus (473)— Alfredo by Alfred (23)— Strawben-y by Windsor (698)— Old Daisy by Favoi'- ite (252)— Daisy by Puncli (531)— Old Daisy by Hul)back (319)— bred by Mr. Waistell, and sold to V. Oollino- — by Stc))]i('nsou's Hull. Recorded, K. H. B., vol. 3, p. 259. DULCiJ^KLLA — Koan, calved March 6, 1826, bred ])y Mi'. Whitaker, got l)y Frederick (1060), out of Delicia by Major (2252) —by Comus (1862)— by Marske (418)— by Mr. Wotherell's Bull. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 360. iMPOUTJei) SHORT-HORNS. 517 GALATEA — Roan, calved May 2, 1826, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got by Frederick (1060), out of Graceful by Major (2252)— ))y (^omus (1862)— by Denton (198)— by Wethereirs Bull. Kecorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 403. MARY WHITAKER— White, calved in 1832, bred by Mv. Whitaker, got by His Highness (2125), out of Roxanne (vol. 3, p. 608, E.) by Frederick (1060) — Rosanne by North Star (459)— Surprise by Major (398) — Red Rose by Yarborough (705) — Ameri- can Cow by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319). ROXANNE— White, calved Feb. 23, 1830, bred by Mr. Whitaker, got' by Frederick (1060), out of Rosanne by North Star (459)— Surprise by Major (398) — Red Rose by Yarborough (705) — Anicri- can Cow by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 3. p. 60S, under dam. 1854. JOHN P. ROE. Muskego, Wis. ROTHERSTHORPE 928 (13631)— Red, calved March 21, 1853. bred by Geo. Faulkner, Rothersthoi-pe, got by Dictator (11356), out of Spinster by Hector (9200)— by Nelson (4547)— Favorite by Milton (8315)— Sweetbriai- ))y Yonng Merlin (6204)— by Midas (435)_|)y Denton (198). SATiLY — Red, caivctl in July. 1851, bred by (Joo. Faulkiu^r, got by Pilot 7108 (24748), out of Daii-yinaid by Trooper 7335— by Telegraph (9707). Kecoi-ded, A. H. li, vol. 2. p. 552. SYMMFTRY' 1021 — Red. calved Keb. :), 1S55. bred by (ieorge Faulkner, got by Protection (lL95(i), out of Lady l>y Pilot 7108 (24748), &L-., as m Sally, above. •^18 warfield's history RASPBERRY— Red, calved Dec. 7, 1852, bred by Geo. Faulk- ner, Rothersthorpe, Northamptonshire, got by Protection (119o()), out of Rosamond by Marquis (10504)— Rosemary by Leopard (9292)— Kitty by N^elson (4547)— ])y Eclipse (3684)— bv Barrister (1689). A. H. B., vol. 2. p. 527. and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 672, under dam. REGINA— Red, calved April 16, 1855, bred by (;eo. Faulkner, got by Rothersthorpe (13()31), out of Raspberry by Protection (11956), &c.. as in Raspberry, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2. p. 534. DIANA— Red, calved May 16, 1853, bred by (Jeorge Faulkner, got by Dictator (11356), dam by Launcelot (6122)— by Nelson (4547)— by Eclipse (3684)— by Barrister (1689). Recorded, A. IT. B., vol. 2, p. 350. JOHN ROSS. Toronto, Out.. (Uin. TTTLTP— Got by F.ord Ruby (14851). out of Lady Mary by l^reston (20514)— by W rexhamire -319- (Brit.-Am. II. B). Supposed imported l)y .1. Ross. BEAUTY ROAN— Roan, calved in April, 1856, bred by Edward Ladd Belts, Preston Hall, Kent, got by diilton (10054), out of Countess by Shamrock 2d (8555)— Gazelle l)y Splendid (5298)— ])y Pi-ince Gomet (8425)— bi-ed by Mr. Allenby. Recorded. V. \{. B.. vol. 1, ]). 21il. GEN. HAYELOCK (19841) [297] — Roan bull, calved March 15, 1856, bred by E. L. Betts. got by Young Preston (20515), out of Harmony 2d by Preston (20514)— Harmony l)y Hackforth (9175) —by Robin Burn (9553)— by Irishman (5446)— by Roland (2556). Supposed imported by J. Ross. IMPORTED SHORT-HOKNS. 519 I860. JOHN ROSS, Of DavenpoH, Out., (Jan. DAFFODIL— (iot hv Preston (;>or)14), out of Strawberry by W rexhaiuite -3 1 9-. See No. -;J54-. Brit. -Am. 11. H. F. M. ROTCH. Otsego Co., N. Y. EARL OF HENDON 46(H (1^814)— Calved August 15, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, neiidon, got by 5tli Duke of York (10168), out of Jardiiie by Lord Warden (MG7) — Jaeintha by Fawsley (G004) — Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4()9;j)__Joy by Blythe (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Pbenomenon (491) — by Favorite {'Zb'Z) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Oct. 27, 1880. BRONSON C. RUMSEY. Niagara Stock FaDii, Buffalo, N. Y. By Ship England, from Liverpool. Arrivuig at Neu^ York. Nor. ?. Jsso. Selected by B. Oihstou. OXFORD DUCHESS 3d— Roan cow, calved Sept. 7, 1876, bred by Lord Fitzbardinge, Berkeley Castle, (lloucestersliire, got by Duke of Connaugbt (33604), out of Oxford Ducbess 2d by 2d Duke of Collingbam (23730) — 11th Lady of Oxford by Baron of Oxford (•>3:3;i)_ab Lady of Oxford by 6tb Duke of Thorndale (23794)— •>d Lady of Oxford by 2d (irand Duke (12961)— Oxford 13th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Oxford 5th by Duke of Northumberland (11140)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matcliem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 438, and A. H. B.. vol. 20, p. 16406. Her cow calf died on shipboard. 520 KIRKLEVINGTON EMPRESS 4th— Red mid white heifer, calved Oct. 18, 1878, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, got by Duke of Oonnaught (38004), out of Kirkleviiigton Empress by 2d Duke of Tregunter ('26022)— Siddington 7th by 7th Duke of York (17754) — Siddington 3d by 7tli Duke of York (17754)— Kirkleviiigton ,7th by Earl of Derby (10177) — Kirkleviiigton 4tli by Earl of Liverpool (9001)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1040)— Nell (r Wynne by Belvedere (1700) — Northallerton l)y Son of 2d llubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Hates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 25, p. 441, and A. 11. H., vol. 20, p. 15774. LADY OXFORD HARRINGTON— Red heifer, (waived Sept. 3, 1879, bred l)y II. Lovatt, Low Hill, Wolverhampton, got by Baron Turncroft Oxford 4th (37822), out of Lady Ellen Harrington by Lord Stanley (24467)— Grand Duchess of Barrington by Grand Duke 7th (19877)— Countess of Barrington 2d by 9th Duke of Oxford (17738)— Countess of Barrington by Grand Duke 3d (16182) —Laurel by Grand Turk (12969)— Lally by Earl of Derby (10177) —Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— Olive Leaf by Belvedere (1706)— Lady Barrington by son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (;00)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Recorded, A, H. B., vol. 20, p. 15823. ROWFANT PEACH alias PEACH OF ROWF ANT— Roan heifer, calved June 15, 1877, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, got by Duke of Underly 2d (36551), out of Peach Blossom 12th by 8th Duke of York (28480)— Peach Blossom 0th by Earl of Gloster (21644) — Peach Blossom 2d by Baron Westbury (19287)— Peach by Gen. Canrobert (12927)— Poppy by 2d (neveland Lad (3408)— Place 2d by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— Place by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirkleviiigton. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16174, and E. H. B., vol. 24, p. 520, under dam. IMPORTED SHORT-IIORNS. 521 AVISDOM ;ii)— Roan heifer, calved June 'Z, 18?!), l)recl by Lord Fitzliardinge, got by J)iike of Connaught (;];3(j()4), out of Wisdom by 'M Duke of Gloster (330515) — Winsomedale by Baron Oxford 4th (35580)— Winsome 2d by Lord Oxford (20314)— Winsome by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (71)38)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (lOlOG)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Wild Eyes Dth by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (11J75)— by Won- derful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422) — from M. Dobison's stock. E. II. B., vol. 2G, p. 428, under dam, and A. II. B., vol. 20, p. 10270. KOWFANT KIRKLEVINGTON 4tii— Red and white heifer, calved April 18, 1878, bred by 8ir CM. Lampsoh, got by Duke of Underly 2d (36551), out of Siddington 12th by 2d Duke of Tre- gunter (26022)- Siddington 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9061) — Kirklevington by Duke of Northumber- land (1940) — Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Ilubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholmc. A. II. B., vol. 20, p. 16174, and E. II. B., vol. 26, p. 515. KIRKLEVINGTON OF ERIE— Red and white, calved Feb. 12, 1881, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson (calved in quarantine), got by 3d Duke of Cornwall (43082), out of Rowfant Kirklevington 4th by Duke of Underly 3d (36551), &c., as in dam, next above. KNIGHT OF OXFORD 3d 39549 (43440)— Roan bull, calved March 3, 1879, bred by Mr. R. P. Davies, Horton, got by Duke of Hillhurst (38401), out of Marchioness of Oxford by 4th Duke of Geneva (30958)— 8th Maid of Oxford by 3d Duke of Geneva (33752)— 3d Maid of Oxford by Grand Duke of Oxford (16184) —Oxford 30th by Marquis of Carrabas (11789)— Oxford 5th by f)22 WAKFi eld's history Puke of Northumberland (1940)— Oxford '^d by Short Tail (2021) — Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281) — by Young Wynyard (2859). DUKE OF HUNTSLAND 38435 (43108)— Red and white bull, calved June 17, 1879, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, got by Duke of Underly 2d (36551), out of Siddington 12th by 2d Duke of Tre- gunter (26022)— Siddington 2d by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Kirklevington by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow of Mr. Bates', descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. LORD KIRKLEVINGTON OF ERIE 44182— Red and white, calved July 9, 1881, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, Berkeley Castle, got by Duke of Gonnaught (33604), out of Kirklevington Empress 4th by Duke of Gonnaught (33604), &c., as in dam. LORD OF ROWFANT 44198— Red and white, calved May 16, 1881, bred by Sir G. M. Lampson (calved in America), got by 2d Duke of Cornwall (43082), out of Rowfant Peach by Duke of Underly 2d (36551), &c., as in dam, above. Oct. 27, I88L BRONSON C. RUMSEY. Niagara Stock Farm, Buffalo, N. Y. By Ship Texas, from Liverpool to Quebec. GRAND DUCHESS OF- OXFORD 40tii— Roan, calved Nov. 30, 1877, bred by Duke of Devonshire, Holkar Hall, got by 5th Duke of Wetherby (31033), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 26th by Baron Oxford 4th (25580)— Grand Duchess of Oxford 11th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— (h-and Duchess of Oxford 5th by Priam (18567)— Countess of Oxford by Earl of Warwick (11412)— Oxford 15th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Oxford 5th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wynyard (2859). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 397, and A. H. B., vol. 22, p. 17174. IMPDKTET) SHORT-HOKNS. 523 BARON OXFOKl) OF NIAGARA 42811— Roan, calved Jan. 18, 1882, bred by S. P. Foster, Kilhow, Carlisle (imported in dam), got by Duke of Oxford 50th (43121), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford 40th by 5th Duke of Wether])y (31033), &c., as in dam, above. July 28,1883. BRONSON C. RUMSEY. Nlnqara Stock Farm, Buffalo, N. Y. Shipped hy the Abyss mia, from Liverpool, hy W. H. Q4hson, for New York, July 28, 1R8S. DIT0HE88 OF LEICESTER 6th— Red, calved March 10, 1883, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill, Cerne, Dorsetshire, got by Viscount Oxford 2d (42558), out of Airdrie Duchess 6th by Duke of Hillhurst 4th (41396)— Airdrie Duchess 3d by 11th Duke of Geneva (41385) — Airdrie Duchess by 14th Duke of Thorndale (28459)— Duchess of Airdrie 10th by Royal Oxford (18774)— Duchess of Airdrie 7th by Clifton Duke (23580)— Duchess of Airdrie 2d by 2d Duke of Athol (11376)— Duchess of Athol by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) —Duchess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th by 2d Hub- back (1423)— Duchess 20th by 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418)— Duchess 2d by Ketton (709)— Duchess by C-omet (155)_by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319)— by James Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1103. THORNDALE ROSE 18th— Roan, calved July 6, 1880, bred by Lord Braybrooke, Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex, got by Duke of ITnderley 3d (38196), out of Thorndale Rose lOtli by Duke of Rosedale 3d (33723)— Thorndale Rose 7th by 6th Duke of Oneida (:}O097)— Thorndale Rose 3d by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Thorndale Rose 2d by Grand Duke 4th (19874)— Thorndale Rose by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750)— Cambridge Rose 6th by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Cambridge Rose 5th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — Cambridge Rose 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Cambridge Premium Rose by Belvedere (1706)— Red Rose 9th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Rod Rose 2d by His (Irace (311)— ^Rod K*ose 1st by Yarborough 524 warfield's history (705)— The American Cow by Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 321, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18803. THORNDALE ROSE 19th— Red and white, calved July 24, 1880, bred by Lord Braybrooke, got by Duke of Connaught (33604), out of Thorndale Rose 5th by Grand Duke 17th (24064)— Thorn- dale Rose 2d by Grand Duke 4th (19874)— Thorndale Rose by 4th Duke of Thorndale (17750), &c., as in Thorndale Rose 18th, above. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 27, p. 321, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 24, p. 18804. CAMBRIDGE ROSE 20th— Calved Sept. 22, 1882, bred by B. C. Rumsey, at the farm of Lord Braybrooke, got by Grand Duke 41st (46439), out of Thorndale Rose 19th by Duke of Connaught (33604), &c., as in dam, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1103. CAMBRIDGE ROSE 21st— Roan, calved Deo. 14, 1883, bred by B. C. Rumsey, got by Grand Duke 37th (43307), out of Thorndale Rose 19tli by Duke of Connaught (33604), &c., as in dam, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1103. HEYDON ROSE 8th— Red and white, calved Jan. 5, 1879, bred by Lord Braybrooke, Audley End, Essex, got by Duke of Underley 3d (38196), out of Heydon Rose 5th by Duke of Rosedale 3d (33723)— Heydon Rose 3d l)y (h-and Duke 1 7th (24064)— Ileydon Rose by Englishman (19701)— The Beauty by Puritan (9523)— Cambridge Rose 6th l)y Duke of York 3d (10166)— Cambridge Rose 5th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)^Cambridge Rose 2d by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Thorndale Rose 18th, above. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 29, p. 353, and A. II. B., vol. 2Cj, p. 1103. LADY BRIGHT EYES 3d— Roan, calved July 17, 1878, bred by H. A. Brassey, Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent, got by Grand Duke 24th (34064), out of Lady Bright Eyes 2d by Grand Duke 19th (28746)— Lady Bright Eyes by Gen. Napier (24023)— Bright IMPORTEB SHORT-HORKS. 525 Eyes 2d by Royal Butterfly 3(1 (18754)— Bonny by Oxford Duke (15036)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by Duke of York 3d (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by I^elvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)_by Cleveland (i45)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)_by Mowl)ray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— descended from M. Dobison's stock. E. II. B., vol. 20, p. 508, and A. H. B., vol. 26, p. 1104. H. G. RUSSELL. Rhode Island. » DAINTY— Roan, calved April 9, 1869, bred by The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by England's Glory (23889), out of Dahlia by Buckingham (17471)— Dignity by Prince Alfred (13494)— Dairy- maid by Lord Foppington (10437)— Blossom by Goldsmith (10277) —Strawberry by Brilliant (8905). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 461. PRINCESS LOUISA VICTORIA— Rod and white, calved May 8, 1869, bred })y The Queen, Windsor Castle, got by England's (Jlory (23889), out of Princess Louisa by Dnke of Sutherland (1<)(;45)— Prosperity by Fitz Clarence (14552)— Peach Blossom by Lord Foppington (10437) — Fanny Eliza by John of Wheathamstead (71i:5)_8ophy by Oddie (7297)— Mrs. Crawley by Ebor (994)— Young Prudence by Pioneer (1321) — Prudence by Candor (107) — by Ketton (346)— by Expectation (247). Recorded, A. II. P>., vol. 10, p. 787. JAMES RUSSELL. Rirliinond llUh Can. BRITISH PRINCE (33226) [4686]— Roan, calved Feb. IS, 1871. bred hy Mr. Lambert, Elvington Hall, got by Wild Woy (25447), out of British Queen by Royal lUitlerlly UUli (20724)— Forest 526 WAKFIELD^S HISTOKV Queen by Ivanhoe (14735)— Fifty-One by Eugene Aram (10210)— Forty-Nine by Jerveaux (13082)— by Royal Prince (5024)— by Augustus (6752)— by Sir Thomas (263G)— by Sir Alexander (591) —by Marske (418). 1883. THOMAS RUSSELL. Exeter, Ont., Can. By Ship Col ma, from Qlamow to Quebec, May, 18SS. LORD YTHAN— Red, calved July 1, 1882, bred by William Duthie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Shapinshay (45581), out of Lovely 25th (vol. 26, p. 1168, A. H. B.) by Gen. AVindsor (28701)— Lovely 14th by Master of Arts (26867)— Lovely 10th by Duke of Bedford (23722)— Lovely 6th by Bosquet (14183)— Lovely 3d by The Hero (10934)— Lovely by Billy (9265)— Lovely Ythan by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Lady by Favorite (9116)— Marion by Anthony (1640)— by Anthony (1640)— by Edgewortli (1953)— by Son of Merlin (6522)— by Archer (1607). MEDORA 8Tn— Red, calved May 16, 1883, bred by John John- son, Newseat of Dumbrech, got by Cabul (42860), out of Medora 7th by Vanguard (30204)— Medora 6th by Vanguard (30204)— Medora by Speculator (13775)— Venus 2d by Grand Duke (10284) —Venus by Kelly 2d (9265)— Vesta by Leander (4199)— Varna by son of Matchem (2281) — by Sir Henry (1446) — by Young Neswick (1268) — by a son of Rose's Red Bull (5009) — by Southampton — by Prince (521). Recorded, Brit.-Am. II. B., vol. 2, p. 415. CREMOINE— Roan, calved April 27, 1882, bred by A. Davidson, Mains, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Mountain Chief (38767), out of Cream by Athelstane (23331) — Cowslip by Cambridge Bar- rington (14223) — Cressida by Sir John (12048) — Clementina by Clementi (3399)— Farewell by Young Matchem (4422)— Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius C^sar (1143). IMPORTED SIIOKT-IIOKNS. 527 BORDEU (JIIAKM— Red and white, calved March 25, 1882, bred by Wm. Duthie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Border Chief (37874), out of Charm by Allan (21172)— Charmer by Champion of England (17526) — Ceremony by The Baron (13833) —Clipper by Billy (3151)— Favorite by Dandy (6918)— Keepsake })y Tip Top (7633)— Old Lady. BORDER PRIDE— Red and white, calved May 14, 1882, bred by William Duthie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Border Chief (37874), out of Agnes by Rufus (35425)— Jessie by Lord Granville (24395)— Alexandra by Garibaldi (14916)— Mary by Mosstrooper (11827) — Geraldine by Robin-o'-Day (4973) — Angelica by Holkar (4041)— Glendorach by Jopp's Bull (9256)— Kate of Darlington. 1817. LEWIS SANDERS. Lcxhujton, Kij. By Skip Molutivk, to Baltimore, Md.,frorn, Liverpool, March 11, 1817. Selected, in Englarid, by Mr. Etches. TECUMSEH (5409)— Roan, bred by Mr. Clement Winston? on River Tees, got by Constable's Bull, brother to Comet. SAN MARTIN (2599)— Red, bred by Mr. Scott, out of a cow that gave 34 quarts of milk a day. COMET 1382. PAUL JONES (41361)- Begotten in England bV Tecumseh (5409), out of Mrs. Motte. MIRANDI (4488)— Got by San Martin (2599), out of Teeswater Cow. DURHAM COW— Jired by Mr. Wilson, Standcross. MRS. MOTTE— Erom Mr. Shipman. TEESWATER COW— From Mr. Shipman. HEIFER — From Mr. Shipman. Died in Maryland. 528 wakfield's history 1862. SCIOTO VALLEY IMPORTING COMPANY, (Dk. a. Watts and G. W. Renick, Agents.) Sold, Oct 7, 1852, at farrm of Dr. A. Watts, CfiUUcothc, Ohio. COWS. BLUE J50NJN'£1'— llociii, calved in Miircli, 1850, bred by G. P. Harrison, Forcett House, JJarlington, got by Earl of Antrim (10174), dam by 4tli Duke of Northumberland (3649)— White Kose by Antrim (3019) — a line Short-horn cow from Northumberland. liecorded, A. II. B., vol. 3, p. 320. Sold to John I. Van meter. Pike Co., Ohio, for |1,330. SUNBEAM— Roan, calved in July, 1840, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Twilight (9758), out of Susan by Augustus (6752) — by a son of Grazier (1085) — by Scarlet (5094) — Esther by Aid-de-Camp (722). Recorded, A. II. B.,vol. 2, p. 570. STRAWBERRY— Roan, calved in 1843, got by Postmaster (9487), out of Young Strawberry by Guardian (3947)— Old Straw- berry by a son of Barmpton (54) — by a brother to Brutus (100) — by I^uke. MARY — Roan, calved in 1850, bred by John Emmerson, got by Lord of the Manor (10466), dam by Belvedere (3128) — by Sir Robert (5176) — by Barmpton (54). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 465. Sold to Alex. Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,650. MOSS ROSE— Roan, calved in 1846, bred by J. Parrington, got by Ravensworth (9532), out of Kate by Nelson (4549) — by Newton (4567)— Young Wildair by Wonderful (700)— Wildair by Cleveland (145)_Madcap by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— from the stock of Sir J. Pennyman. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 503. Sold to Alex. Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,200. RASPBERRY— Roan, calved in June, 1850, bred by Mr. Par- rington, Sockburn, got by Banker (11136), out of Strawberry by IMPORTED SHOKT-HORN8. 529 Edward (6963)— Rachel by Noble (4579)—% Correlli (3485)— by Wauldby (2818)— by Wellington (5620), bought at Maj. Rudd's sale. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 592, under dam. Sold to Geo. iM. Gregg, Pickaway Co., Ohio, for $1,110. ENCHANTRESS— Roan, calved in January, 1850, bred by Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington, got by Leopold [son of DTsraeli (7967)], out of Emma by Paley (7310)— by Bulmer (1760)— by a son of Fairfax (1023)— by Shylock (2622)— by Whitworth (1584) —by Candor (107). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 349, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 368. Sold to Harness & Alex. Renick, Pickaway Co., Ohio, for $900. BULLS. COUNT FATHOM 381 (11316)— Roan, calved August, 1851, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, got by Lord Marquis (10459), out of Fairy Tale by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Thomas- ine by Stillington (5327) — by Young Rockingham (2547) — by Driver (1928)— by Richard (1376). Sold to N. Perrell, Clinton Co., Ohio, for $2,075. RISING SUN 5130— Roan, calved Feb. 12, 1852, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Oxygen (9464), out of Sunrise by Buckingham (3239)— by Clamati (3399)— by Raspberry (4875). Sold to G. M. Herod, Scioto Co., Ohio, for $1,300. BRITISH BOY 1279— Roan, calved Oct. 19, 1852,' bred by John Emmerson, Eryholme, got by Master Belleville (11795), out of Mary by Lord of the Manor (10466), &c., as in Mary, above. ADAM 197 (12338)— Red roan, calved Feb. 7, 1850, bred by John Clarke, got by Earl of Scarborough (9064), dam by Magician (7185) — by Beggarman (3118) — by Paganini (2405) — by Paul Jones (8383)— by Pirate (2430)— by Sedbnry (1424). LORD NELSON 664— Red roan, calved in 1850, bred by Robert Thornton, got by son of cow Rebuke (vol. 6, p. 537, E.), dam by 66 530 warfield's history Newton (2367)— by Gbldfinder (3911)— by Driver (1928)— by Fal- staff (1993)— by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342). Sold to J. L. Myers, Fayette Co., Ohio, for $1,825. ALDEKMAN 204 (9882)— Roan, calved June 23, 1849, bred by R. C. Lowndes, West Derby, Liverpool, got by Young Wilton (9805), out of Velveteen by Baron (3095) — Splendid by Matchem ;3d (4420)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198)— by Henry (301). Sold to Alex. Waddle, Clark Co., Ohio, for $1,150. GAMBOY (11503)— Red and white, calved Jan. 19, 1851. bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Borrowby Boy (9980), out of Gretna by The Stuart (7623)— Gulnare by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by Memnon (2295) — Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — White Cow by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull. Sold to M. L. Sullivant, Columbus, Ohio, for $1,400. ISAAC 589 — Roan, calved in April, 1846, bred by R. Thornton, got by Sir Robert (7510), out of Cherry by Matchless (4427)— Beauty by Barmpton .(3089)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Thorp (1515)— by Yorkshireman (708)— by Bolingbroke (86)— by Punch (531). Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 8, p. 295, under dam. Sold to G. M. Gregg, Pickaway Co., Ohio, for $600. NOBLEMAN 1932 (13392)— Roan, calved Feb. 6, 1850, bred by J. Wood, Stanwick Park, Darlington, got by Noble (4578), dam by Timothy (12225)— by Matchless (4427)— by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Croft (1888)— by Ebor (996). Sold to John J. Vanmeter, Pike Co., Ohio, for $2,500. MASTER BELLEVILLE (11795)— Roan, calved in 1850, bred by J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, got by Belleville (6778), out of Young Moss Rose by Young Matchem (4422) — Moss Rose by Priam (2452) — by Young Alexander (2977) — Dairymaid by Pilot (496). Sold to Messrs. Renick & Maypoole, for $2,205. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 531 YOUNG AVHITTINGTON 1165— Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1851, got by Whittington (12299), dam by Magician (7185) — by Cleveland (3403)— by a son of Col. Craddock's Magnum Bonum (2243). Sold to A. Watts, Chillicothe, Ohio, for $450. 1853. SCOTT COUNTY (KENTUCKY) IMPORTING COMPANY. (W. Crocket and James Bagg, Agents.) Sold, Jan. 10, 1854, at the Farm of M. B. Wehh. COWS. CARNATION— Red, calved April 15, 1852, bred by R. Cattley, got by Budget 22265, out of Sweetpea by Liberator (7140) — Sweet Maid by Prince Albert (4791) — Vestris by Marton Comet (4409)— Vesta by Plato (2433)— Venus by Bedford (1701)— Vesta by Isaac (1129) — Rosabella by Northern Light (1280) — Rosabella by White Comet (1582)— by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 320. Sold to C. W. Innes, for $610. CASKET— Roan, calved July 19, 1853, bred by R. C. Lowndes, Clubmoor, got by Arrow (9906), out of Smut by Colonel (8967) — Moss Rose by Locomotive (4242) — Adelaide by Cleveland (3403) — by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)— by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). Recorded, E. H. B.,vol. 11, p, 698, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 335. Sold to Lemon & Offutt, for $405. YORKSHIRE ROSE— Roan, calved July 24, 1851, bred by Mr. Wm. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, got by Gen. Fairfax (11519), out of Purple by Liberator (7140) — Hannah by Matchem (4422) — by Red Rover (4904)— by Whisker (1579)— by Pilot (496). Recorded, A. H. 11, vol. 2, p. 600. Sold to P. L. Cable, for $425. VENUS— Roan, calved March 23, 1851, bred by Robert Cattley, Brandsby, got by Fair Eclipse (11456), out of Verbena by Prince of Wales (6348)— Violet by Prince Albert (4791)— Daisy by Plato 532 warfield's histoky (2433)— Stately by Komulus (1403)— by Juniper (1144)— by Snow- drop (614)— by White Comet (1582)— by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 735, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 580. Sold to John Hill, for $710. ENTERPRISE— Roan, calved June 28, 1851, bred by R. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Fair Eclipse (11456), out of Emily by Prince Alfred (10638)— Empress by Prince Albert (4791)— Countess by Cyrus (3538)— Empress by Bedford (68)— by Northern Light (1281)— by White Comet (1582). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 368. Sold to J. C. Lemon, for $710. ROSAMOND— Roan, calved Aug. 13, 1851, bred by R. Cattley, Brandsby, got by Sir Charles Napier (10816), out of Moss Rose by Prince of Wales (6348)— Red Rose by Prince Albert (4791)— For- tune by LuckVAll (2230)— Fanny by Remus (2524)— Flora by Freeman (1062)— by White Comet (1582). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 501, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 540. CAMEO — Roan, calved June 30, 1853, bred by Mr. Lowndes, Clubmoor, got by Arrow (9906), out of Adona by AValton (6658) — Moss Rose by Locomotive (4242) — Adelaide by Cleveland (3403) —by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wonderful (700)— by Merlin (429)_by Alfred (23)— by Cupid (177)— by Suwarrow (636). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 305, under dam. Sold to W. Rozsill, for $470. BULLS. CAPTAIN LA WSON 310 (12549)— Roan, calved March 1, 1853, bred by R. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Darlington, got by Lans- downe (9277), out of Nelly by Prince Edward (6334)— White Face by Alfred (2988)— Mayflower by Commodore (5874)— Bright Eye, by Sir Stephen (1456)— Jane by Mark (2266)— by Rufus (570)— by St. John (572)— by Pope (514)— by Chilton (136). Sold to A. D. Offutt, for $400. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 588 CUNNINGHAM 1415 (12671)— Roan, calved March 7, 1853, bred by R. C. Lowndes, Rice House, Olubmoor, Liverpool, got by Alder- man (9882), out of Barbara by Marmion (4383) — Victoria by Young Rubens (5026)— Splendid by Matchem 3d (4420)— by Young Ery- holme (1981)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198)— by Henry (301). WEEPH (13984)— Red, calved May 10, 1854, bred by R. Oattley (calved Silas Corbin's), got by General Picton (11521), out of Rosa- mond by Sir Charles Napier (10816) — Moss Rose by Prince of Wales (6348)— Red Rose by Prince Albert (4791)— Fortune by Luck's-All (2230)— by Remus (2524)— by Freeman (1062)— by White Comet (1582). PATHFINDER 805 (13458)— Roan, calved Oct. 2, 1852, bred by' Mr. Wood, Stanwick Park, Darlington, England, got by Whit- tington (12299), out of Paragon by Noble (4578) — Primrose by Master Charlie (7215) — Princetta by Baronet (1686) — Princess by Young Magog (2247)— by Reformer (2502)— by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly (2715)— by Trav- eler (655)— by Colonel (152). Sold to R. Ford, Scott Co., Ky., for I860. BARON FEVERSHAM 13414— Roan, calved August 18, 1852, bred by Lord Feversham, Duncombe Park, got by Diamond (11357), out of Solent by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Sunshine by Cleveland Lad (3407)— Sunbeam by Young Grazier (3928) — Sunflower by Expectation (3749)— Moonshine by Emperor (1013)— Young Eve- lina by Baron (58) — Evelina by Marshal Beresford (415) — Eva by Lame Bull (459). Sold to C. Estill, Madison Co., for 11,525. YORKSHIRE LAD 2398 (14039)— White, calved March 6, 1854, bred by Wm. Linton, England, calved the property of P. L. Cable, got by De Grey (11346), out of Yorkshire Rose by Gen. Fairfax (11519), &c., as in dam, above. YORKSHIRE LAD (14040)— Roan, calved Dec. 18, 1852, bred by Wm. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, got by De Grey (11346), out of 534 Eva by Ingram (9236)— Rosette by Liberator (7140)— Sharon by Prince Albert (4791) — Old Strawberry by a descendant of Mars (1199). This bnll was not sold at Company's sale. 1822. MR. SELDEN, SUSAN— Calved 1818, got by Sampson. A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 11606. 1864. SHAKERS. Pleamnt HiJl, Ky. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE 447— Red and white, calved Feb. 6, 1853, got by Preface (9488), out of Princess of Cambridge (vol. 9, p. e577, E., under dam) by 3d Duke of Cambridge (5941)— Spots by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— White Chillingham by Young Sea Gull (5100). 1854 to (856. SHAKERS. Union Village, Warren Co., Ohio. COWS. APRIL MORN— Roan, calved April 3, 1855, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Captain Balco (12546), out of Little Red Rose by Petrarch (7329) — Florence by 2d Duke of York (5959) — Fame by Raspberry (4875) — Farewell by Young Matchem (4422)— Flora by Isaac (1129)— by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 292, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 469. under dam. Imported in 1856. VIOLANTE— Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1851, bred by Jas. Douglas' Athelstaneford, got by Trumpeter (10978), out of Violet by Colonel (5428)— Young Sally of the Tees by Pyramus (4853)— Sally of the Tees by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Old Sally of the Tees by IMPORTED SHORT-HORN8. 535 Rockingham (2547)— by North Star (460)— by Denton (198)— by Padrone (353)— by Henry (301). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 650. Imported in 1854. ATALANTA— White, calved Jan. 4, 1855, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Captain Balco (12546), out of Violante by Trumpeter (10978), «&c., as in Violante, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 296. MARCHIONESS— White, calved Jan. 7, 1853, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Crusade (7938), out of Marchioness by Belleville (6788)— Marchioness by Bellerophon (3119)— Clara by Alderman (2976)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by son of Simqn (590)— by Styford (103). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 482, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 460. Imported in 1854. MARGARET— Red and white, calved March 6, 1851, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Fitz Adolphus Fairfax (9124), out of Williamina by Holkar (4041) — Princess by Sovereign (5285) — Queen, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 483, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 461. Imported in 1854. HAWTHORN BLOSSOM— Red and white, calved Jan. 10, 1853, bred by Mr. M. S. Stewart, South wick, got by Hudibras (10339), out of Cherry Blossom by Roland (2556)— Old Cherry by Private (2430)— by Houghton (318)— by Marshal Blucher (416) from the stocks of Messrs. Wright & Charge. Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 12. p. 413, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 436. Imported in 1856. FLORA McIVOR— Roan, calved April 17, 1853, bred by Mr. (r. Reid, got by New- Year's Gift (10564), out of Mountain Dew by Belted Will (6780)— Williamina by Roger (13615)— Beauty by Favorite (2008) — Phantassie Flower by Romulus (1398) — by Charles 2d (128)— by Alfred (23). Recorded, E. II. B., vol. 12, p. 387. Imported in 1856. 536 warfield's history PRESERVE— Red and white, calved April 15, 1855, bred by C. J. Knox, Jackson's Hall, got by Orphan Boy (11878), out of Spicey by Exquisite (8048) — Prejudice by Diamond (5918)— Parasol by Priam (2452)— Little Toy by Volunteer (1553)— Toy by Argus (759)— by Pilqt (496)— by Remus (550)— by Blucher (82) by Albion (14) — by Shakespeare (582) — by Easby (232). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 13. p. 649. Imported in 1856. ' DUCHESS— Red and white, calved March 10, 1855, bred by J. Douglas, Athelstaneford, Scotland, got by Capt. Balco (12546), out of Countess by Brilliant (7851) — Cowslip by Young Hastings (3988)— by Wallace (5588)— by Ivanhoe (1130)— by Leopold (2199) —by Hector (2103)— by Sir Harry (1444)— by Surley (2715)— by Burrell's Bull (3248). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 374. Imported in 1856. BLANCHE— White, calved April 21, 1851, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Twin (10981), out of White Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5 196)— White Locks by Punch (6356)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (5285)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60) — by Cleveland (144) — by Symmetry (641). Recorded E*. H. B., vol. 12, p. 286, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 306. Imported in 1854. FAREWELL— Red and white, calved May 20, 1854, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Prince Charlie (13503), out of Margaret by Fitz Adolphus Fairfax (9124) — Williamina by Hol- kar (4041) — Princess by S'overeign (5285) — Queen, bred by Mr. Robertson, Ladykirk. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 381, and A. II. B., vol. 2, p. 379. Imported in 1854. LADY BLANCHE— White, calved in August, 1853, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Matadore (11800), out of Blanche by Twin (10981)— White Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— White Socks by Punch (6356)— Fancy by Billy (3151)— by IMPORTED SHORT -HORNS. 587 Sovereign (5285)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleve- land (144)— by Symmetry (641). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 445, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 423. Imported in 1856. SCOTTISH BELL CENTRE— Roan, calved Feb. 21, 1853, bred by Duke of Bucclench, Dalkeith Park, got by Kossuth (11646), out of Rose by Sir William (8598) Lucy Neil by Roger (13615)— Snowdrop 2d by Studley (628) — Snowdrop by Young Rockingham (2549)— by Wonder (2853)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 652, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 601. BELLEVUE— Red and white, calved Feb. 25, 1855, bred by Mr. Douglas, got by Captain, Balco (12546), out of Scottish Bell Centre by Kossuth (11646), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 309, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 601, under dam. FLORENTIA— Red roan, calved May 15, 1854, bred by Mr. Archdall, got by Trory (13901), out of Little Red Rose by Petrarch (7329)— Florence by 2d Duke of York (5959)— Fame by Raspberry (4875)— Farewell by Young Matchem (4422)— Flora by Isaac (1129) —by Young Pilot (4702)— by Pilot (496)— by Julius Caesar (1143). A. H. B.. vol. 3, p. 415, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 549, under dam. HEROINE— Red and white, calved Feb. 1, 1856, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Captain Balco (12546), out of Flora Mclvor by New- Year's Gift (10564) — Mountain Dew by Belted Will (6780)— Wilhelmina by Roger (13615)— Beauty by Favorite (2008) — Phantasia Flower by Romulus (1398) — by Charles the Second (128)— by Alfred (23). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 441, and E. H. B.. vol. 12, p. 387. under dam. EVA — Red and white, calved June 15, 1854. bred by William Garnett, Donover House, Moynalty, County Killsmeath, Ireland, 67 538 waefield's history got by Prince Ernest 2d (10644), out of Evelyn by Booth's Forest (10240)— Emily by Lucifer (4293)— Cherry by Fortunatus (3827)— by Sovereign (5285). Eecorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 396. Imported in 1856. PRIZE FLOWER— Roan, calved April 10, 1853, bred by Mr. Hutchison, got by Prince Charlie (13503), out of Lily by Fitz Leonard (7010)— Quarts by Granite (7047)— Beauty by White Bull (5643) — Young Broadhooks by Young Ladykirk (4170) — by Albion (731)— Europa by Sirius (598)— Short Tail by Wellington (679)— Honeysuckle by Sultan (631)— Jane by Siguier (588). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 611, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 547. Imported in 1854. BULLS. CAPTAIN BALCO 1316 (12546)^Roan, calved April 8, 1853, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Balco (9918), out of Cowslip by Upstart (9760)— Celia by Shamrock (7487)— Clio by St. Leger (5058)— Celia by Edwin (1957)— Clio by Bedford Jr. (1701) — Rosette by Baronet (775) — Rose by Freeman (1062) — Roseberry by Whitworth (695) — Gaudy by Snowdrop (614) — by Cattley's Gray Bull (1798). Imported in 1855. HEARTS OF OAK 1646 (14684)— Roan, calved Sept. 1, 1853, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Baron of Ravensworth (7811), out of Dimity by Zenith (5702)— by Guardian (3947)— by Firby (1040)— by Ivanhoe (1131)— by Regent (544)— by Blyth Comet (85). Imported in 1854. HAWTHORJN'E HERO 4011 (14682)— Red and white, calved April 3, 1856, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Captain Balco (12546), out of Hawthorne Blossom by Hudibras (10339) — Cherry Blossom by Roland (2556)— Old Cherry by Pirate (2430)— by Houghton (318) — by Marshal Blucher (416)— from the stocks of Messrs. AYright & Charge. Imported in 1856. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 539 MORNING STAR 725 (1496^)— Light roan, calved March 28, 1853, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by lludibras (10339), out of Dimity by Baron Ravensworth (7811)— Dimity by Zenith (5702)— by Guardian (3947)— by Firby (1040)— by Ivanhoe (1131) —by Regent (544)— by Blyth Comet (85). Imported in 1854. KING OF TRUMPS 1739 (14767)— Roan, calved April 15, 1855, bred by Jas. Douglas, Athelstaneford, got by Captain Balco (12546), out of Queen of Trumps by Belleville (6778)— Queen of Trumps by Captain Shaftoe (6833)— Old Cherry by Pirate (2430) — by Houghton (318) — by Marshal Blucher (416) — from the stocks of Messrs. Wright & Charge. ECONOMIST 2809— Got by Hudibras (10339), out of Emily by Comet (1854)— Elenora by Eclipse (1949)— by Duke (1933)— by Young Remus (2522)— by Midas (4341)— by Traveler (665)— by Bolingbroke (86). Imported in 1854. DUKE OF SOUTHWICK 450 (14455)— Light roan, calved March 15, 1852, bred by James Douglas, Scotland, got by Hudi- bras (10339), out of Lavinia by Albert (6718)— Duchess by White Bull (5645) — Lavina by Ormsby (4621) — by Cossack (925) — by Alpha (3004)— by Captain (3271)— by Captain (108). Imported in 1854. CHANCELLOR 1346 (12579)— White, calved Dec. 29, 1854, bred by James Douglas, Scotland, got by Benedict (7828), out of Blanche by Twin (10981), &c., as in Blanche, above. Imported in 1854. J. SHARP. ROSANNA— Got by Major. A. H. B., vol. 23, p. 17924. MAJOR. See A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 296, in Beauty Roan 4th. 540 G. S. SHAW. Darlington, Canada. MASTER BUTTERFLY 17702 [3623]— Red and white, calved Dec. 14, 1871, bred by A. Oruickshank, got by Senator (27441), out of Butterfly 14tli by Baronet (15614)— Butterfly 8th by Champion of England (17526)— Butterfly 2d by John Bull (11618)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10734)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— Strawberry by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131)— Miss Gibson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Diamond (205) — Kitty by Diamond (205). BUTTERFLY 14th— Red, calved May 6, 1866, bred by A. Oruick- shank, got by Baronet (15614), out of Butterfly 8th by Champion of England (17526), &c., as in next above. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 424. July, I87L Messrs. SHAW <& DRYDEN. Ontario, Canada. QUEEN OF BEAUTY— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 6, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Senator (27441), out of Gem of the South by Sir Walter Scott (22922)— Queen of the South by Lord Raglan (13244) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— Edith Fairfax by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Kirton by Billy (3151)— Jessie by Sovereign (7539)— Rose by Satellite (1420) — by Baronet (60) by Cleveland (144) — by Symmetry (641), C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 710. STANLEY (32594) [4108]— Red bull, calved Nov. 22, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Caesar Augustus (25704), out of Sweet Violet by Lord Stanley (16454)— Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson (9228)— Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Red Rose by Inkhorn (6091) — Moss Rose by Grazier (1085) — by Samp- son — by Wallace (1560). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 541 DUKE OF GLOSTER [3039]— Red, calved Dec. 10, 1871, bred by A. Oruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Baron Killerby (23364), out of 12tli Duchess of Gloster by Champion of England (17526) — Duchess of Gloster 7th by Lord Raglan (13244) — Duchess of Gloster 2d by The Baron (13833) — Chance by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Chaplet by Usurer (9763)— Chaff by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Challenge by Morpeth (7^54)— Cleopatra by Helicon (2107) Clarence by Henwood (2114) — Mina by Nestor (452) — Minerva by Harold (291)— Mary by Meteor (432)— Magdalena by Comet (155) —by Cupid (177). BUTTERFLY 15th— Red cow, calved April 27, 1866, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Prince Imperial (22595), out of Butterfly 4th by Lord Raglan (13244) — Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— Strawberry by 2d Duke of l^orthumberland (3646)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843)— by Dia- mond (205) — by Diamond (205). E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 396, under dam. MIMULUS— Red heifer, calved Jan. 30, 1868, bred by A. Cruick- shank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Mistletoe by Lord Raglan (13244) — Maidstone by Matadore (11800)— Phantassie by Inkhorn (6091)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 628, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 643. DUCHESS OF GL0STER12TH— Roan heifer, calved April 11, 1868, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Duchess of Gloster 7th by Lord Raglan (13244)— Duchess of Gloster 2d by The Baron (13833)— Chance by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Chaplet by Usurer (9763)— Chaff by Duke of Cornwall (5947) — Challenge by Morpeth (7254) — Cleopatra by Helicon (2107) — Clarence by Henwood (2114) — Mina by Nestor (452)— Minerva by Harold (291)— Mary by Meteor (432)— Madeline by Comet (155)— by Cupid (177). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 465, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 437. 542 MYSIE 34th— Eed heifer, calved Oct. 12, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Caesar Augustus (25704), out of Mysie 29th by Lord Raglan (13244)— Mysie 3d by Grand Duke (10284)— Mysie by Kelly 2d (9265)— Molly by The Pacha (7612)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131)— by Carleton (843) — by Diamond (205) — by Diamond (205). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 645, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 403. 1840. J. F. SHEAFE. PHCEBE 1st — Bred by J. Benjamin Porter, Beeston, near Nottingham, got by Earl Spencer^s best Durham bull, out of a Durham cow by Young Commick. See Mr. Sheaf e^s catalogue of sale, Aug. 29, 1850. DAHLIA 1st — Red and white, calved in June, 1836, bred by Wm. Scott, of Clearelm House, near Tuxford, got by Lord Exeter's Durham bull, out of a Durham cow by Sir Charles Knightley's Durham bull. See Mr. Sheafe's sale catalogue, of Aug. 29, 1850. BEAUTY 1st — Red and white. Pedigree mislaid. See Mr. Sheaf e's catalogue, of Aug. 29, 1850. 1848. JOHN F. SHEAFE. New Hamburgh, Duchess Co., N. Y. DUKE OF EXETER 449 (10152)— Red and white, calved in April, 1848, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, England, got by Napier (6238), out of Jasmine by Commodore (3452) — Flora by Belvedere (1706) — Jessy by Belvedere (1706) — Cherry by Waterloo (2816) — by a grandson of Punch (531) — by a son of J. Brown's White Bull (98). SERAPHINA— Roan, calved April 3, 1835, bred by Mr. William Rickerby, England, got by Wharfdale (1578), out of Surprise by Palemon (479) — Prodigy by Meteor (432) — Princess by Western Comet (689)— Countess by Cupid (177)— Selina by Favorite (252) IMPOKTED SHOKT-HOEIS'S. . 543 —Lady by Grandson of Bolingbroke (280) — Phoenix by Foljambe (263)— Lady Maynard by Alcock's Bull (19)— by Jacob Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 227, 1st ed. SHELBY <& WILLIAMS. Nashville, Tenn. BUTTERCUP— Red and white, calved in 1836. AGNES— Red and white, calved in 1835. UNKNOWN. See Shelby & Williams, and CockrelVs Letter, in Agriculturist, of Nashville. CHAMPION. CASSIUS. 1857. JAMES O. SHELDON. Geneva, N. Y. GRAND DUKE OF OXFORD 3988 (16184)— Red roan, calved July 29, 1856, bred by Capt. Gunter, got by 2d Grand Duke (12961), out of Oxford 11th by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Oxford 6th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Oxford 2d by Short Tail (2621)— Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281)— by Young Wyn- yard (2859). MISS BUTTERFLY— Red roan, calved Dec. 26, 1857, bred by G. M. Tracy, Red Hill, Edenbridge, Kent, got by Master Butterfly 2d (14918), out of Ratafia by King Arthur (13110)— Rarity by Preston (8408)— Railway by South Star (7538)— Verbena by Van Amburg (5543) — Pine Apple by Plenipo (4724) — by Young Matchem (4425)— by Sir Thomas (2636)— by Marske (418)— by Comet (155) 544 warfield's history —by Tom (652)— by a son of Favorite (252)— by Hntton's Bull (322)— by Barningham (56). E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 668, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 391. GRAND DUKE 2d (14640) alias CLARENDON 2632— Red, calved Jan. 26, 1856, bred by J. Webb, Babraham, owned by Mr. Betts, N. Y., and then by N. L. Chaffee, Ohio, got by Cheltenham (12588), out of Boddice by Usurer (9763)— Bessy by Helicon (2107) — Beeswing by Sir Thomas (2636) — Venilia by Enchanter (244) — by Major (397)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Favorite (252) —by Studley White Bull (627). 1870. J. O. SHELDON. Geneva, N. Y. By Ship Denmark, from Llvei^ool, Feb. 23, 1870. MAY LASS 2d— Roan heifer, calved March 25, 1868, bred by E. H. Cheney, got by General Napier (24023), out of May Lass by May Duke 2d (18372)— Music by Vocalist (13960)— Moss Rose by Lord of Brawith (10465)— Lady Millicont by Laudable (9282) — Millicent by Grouchy (6051) — Fair Frances by Sir Thomas Fair- fax (5196)— Feldom by Young Colling (1843)— Lily by Wilkinson's Red Bull (2838)— Lily by son of Hollings (2131)— by Partner (2409) —by Hollings (2131)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 703, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 624, under dam. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, New York Mills, N. Y., and by them to Hughes & Richardson, Lexington, Ky. SIDONIA 2d— Red heifer, calved Aug. 6, 1868, bred by J. Downing, Turner's Hill, Rowley Regis, Dudley, got by Didmarton Duke (21546), out of Sidonia by John o' Gaunt (16322) — Siddons by Grand Sultan (16189) — Duchess of Siddington by Tortworth Duke (13892)— White Lady by Amity (9892)— Sylvia by Leo (4208) — Geneva by Henwood (2114) — Gazelle by Sir Stephen (1456) — Millicent by Prince of Waterloo (528) — by Mayflower (425) — by a bull descended from the stock of J. Brown, of Aldborough. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 849, and E. H. B.,vol. 18, p. 729, under dam. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, Utica, N. Y., and by them to Hughes & Richardson, Lexington, Ky. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 545 LADY WORCESTER 4th— Roan heifer, calved June 3, 1868, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, Worcester, got by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618), out of Lady Worcester by Charleston (21400)— Clear Star by Marton Duke (22307)— Bright Star by Red Duke (18676)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of North- umberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon^s Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from M. Dobison's stock. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 632, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 582, under dam. Sold to Wolcott & Campbell, and by them, Sept. 10, 1873, to Mr. Holford, of England, for $3,000. ROSEMARY— Roan heifer, calved May 21, 1868, bred by R. Thornton, Stapleton, Darlington, got by Albert Victor (23292), out of Rosebud 2d by Daisy Bull 2d (14364) — Rosebud by Constable (12633)— Red Rose by Lord Raine (13248)— Red Strawberry by Sailor (9592) — Raspberry by Young Baronet (6766) — by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Bellerophon (3119)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179) — by son of Comet (155). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 829, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 703, under dam. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, New York Mills, N. Y. ROSARY CHARM— Roan heifer, calved July 24, 1868, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Blinkhoolie (23428), out of Rosary Cross by Breastplate (19337) — Rosary Bead by Dr. McHale (15887)— Rose Butterfly by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Rosabel by Fanatic (8054) — Rosebud by Auld Robin Gray (6753) —by Scrip (2604)— by Burley (1766)— by Isaac (1129)— by Pilot (496)_by Albion (14)— by Lame Bull (359)— by Shipton (587)— by son of Suwarrow (636) — by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88) — by Twin Brother to Ben (660). E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 697, under dam. BRITANNIA 18th— Red and white heifer, calved Nov. 1, 1867, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, got by Prince Christian (22581), out of Britannia 14th by Hildebrand 08 546 wajkfield's history (18068)— Britannia 13th by Bushey (15712)— Busy Bee by Brigand (12494)— Britannia llth by Lord John (11731)— by Albion (7771) —by Eclipse (3685)— by Punch (7386)— Pink by Prince Paul (4827) — Britannia by Monarch (2324) — Xo. 8 Chilton Sale by Dr. Syntax (220)— by Charles (127)— by St. John (572)— by Chilton (136)— by White Bull (421)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by Alcock^s Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)^by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 406, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 425. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, Utica, N. Y. GUAVA 4th— Roan heifer, calved April 17, 1868, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, got by Prince Christian (22581). out of (luava 3d by Hildebrand (18068) — Guava by War Eagle (15483)— Gem by Sweet William (7571)— Juniper by Mahomed (6170)— Red Lady by Juniper (1145)— Red Rose by Columella (904) —by Shakespeare (1429)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Neswick (1266)— by Son of Favorite (1033). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 520, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 557. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, Utica, N. Y. BOUQUET 3d— Roan heifer, calved May 24, 1868, bred by E. H. Cheney, Gaddesby Hall, Leicester, got by General Napier (24023), out of Beatrice by Lord Red Rose (22205) — Bouquet by 2d Duke of Thorndale (17748)— British Beauty by British Prince (14197)— Lady Abbess by Cardinal (11246)— Zona Gross by Sheldon (8557) — Jemima by Benjamin (1716) — Foggathorpe by Marlbro (1189) — Rosebud by Ebor (997)— Tulip by Regent (546)— Primrose by North Star (459)— by R. Colling's White Bull (151)— bred by R. Colling. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 384, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 10, p. 420. Sold to Walcott & Campbell, New York Mills, N. Y. 1835. R. D. SHEPHERD. Baltimore, Md. MONTEZUMA 1889— Roan, bred by Mr. Page, Durham, Eng., got by W^harfdale (1578), dam by Magnum Bonum (2243) — by Priam. IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 547 OROZIMBO 786— Red roan, calved in 1832, bred by Mr. Phil- lips, got by Thorp (1515), dam by Rockingham (559) — by Wonder (2853)— by Wellington (678). NEPTUNE— Calved at sea, brought to Kentucky by Mr. Swi- gert, Frankfort, Ky., got by Orozimbo 786, dam by Wharf dale (1578). WHARFDALE COW- Dam of Neptune. SHEPHERD COW— Bred by Mr. Phillips, got by Monarch, dam by Danby. HAMPTON 559— Calved in August, 1835, got by Orozimbo 786, out of Shepherd Cow by Monarch — by Danby. DIANA— White, calved in 1833, bred by Mr. Charge, Durham, England Brought to Kentucky by Hon. H. Clay. HAIDIE— Roan, calved in 1835, bred by Mr. Wetherell. Brought to Kentucky by Hon. H. Clay, and sold to John S. Snead, Louisville, Ky. BEPPO 255 — Bred by Mr. Krissap, Darlington, Eng. , See vol. 2, A. H. B. LUCRETIA— Roan, bred by Mr. Charge, England. Brought to Kentucky by Hon. H. Clay. JOHN BULL— Bred by Mr. Denton, got by Priam (4758), dam by St. Thomas^by Sir Alexander (591). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 5, p. 164. BETSEY SADLER— Got by Young Midas, out of Venus. Note. — This cow is also called Clay Cow; she was bred by Mr. Clay, England . VICTORIA— Got by Llewellyn^s Tulip, from the herd of Mr. Beltzhover, of England. SHEPHERDESS— Got by Beltzhover's Dr. Tyson, dam by Darley . AZALIA — Got by Magnum Bonum (2243), out of Victoria by Llewellyn, from the herd of Mr. Beltzhover, England. See Azalia 2d, A. H. B., vol 5, p. 212. 548 WAKEFIELD'S HISTOKY 1859. J. M. SHERWOOD. New York. LOKD VANE TEMPEST 669^, (10469) -Red, calved Sept. 25, 1849, bred by J. Stephenson. Wolviston, got by Earl of Chat- ham (10176), out of Princess 1st by Napier (6238) — Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119)— Rosette by Belvedere (1706)— Red Rose by Waterloo (2816) — Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenome- non (491) — Anne Boleyn by Favorite (252) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by J. Masterman's Bull (422)— by Harrison's Bull (292)— bought of Mr. Pickering by Mr. Hall. 1859. F. SIBLEY. Detroit, Mich. JOHN BULL 6916— Bred by Geo. Wrythes, Surrey, Eng., got by Fanatic (8054), out of Dahlia by Locomotive (11697)— Delight by Nelson (4547)— Dahlia by Milton (8315)— Lily by Merlin (2302) —by Midas (435)— by Denton (198). 1830. ENOCH SILSBY. Boston, Mass. BOSTON (1735)— Roan, calved in 1829, bred by Mr. Curry, Eng- land, got by Newton (2336), out of Grace by Mr. Dinning's Bull (973)— by Admiral (4)— by Sir Harry (1444)— by Colonel (152)— by grandson of Hubback (319) — by a son of Hubback (319). BOSTON ALIAS AGATHA— Roan, calved in 1826, bred by Mr. Curry, England, got by Sir Charles (1440), out of Duchess by AYel- lington (683) — by Admiral (4) — by Sir Harry (1444) — by Colonel (152)— by grandson of Hubback (319)— by son of Hubback (319). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 3, p. 352, under dam. IMPORTED SH0RT-H0RN8. 549 1857. THOS. SIMPKINS. Pike Co., III. MARSHAL PELISSIER 3130— Red roan, calved June 14, 1855, bred by Mr. Wells, Booth Ferry House, got by Capt. Shaftoe (6833), out of Exile by Duke of Rothsay (6943)— Election by Ronald (5005)— Queen Ellen by Noble Henry (2374)— by Simon (5134)— by Young George (3885)— by George (276). 1837. GEORGE SIMPSON. Newmarket, Canada. LADY JANE— Roan, calved in 1836, bred by B. Wilson, Low- field House, near Thirsk, Yorkshire, got by Sir Walter (2639), dam by a son of Mr. Booth^s Jerry (4097)— by Young Star (5319)— by Roseberry (567) — by a son of Comet (155). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 342. SIMPSON^S COW. See Prince of York [3866]. 1837. JOHN SIMPSON. Toronto, Canada. ROSEBUD— Roan, calved in 1836, bred by B. Wilson, Lowfield House, near Thirsk, Yorkshire, got by Sir Walter (2639), dam by Young Star (5319) — by Roseberry (507) — by a son of Comet (155). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 455. November, 1872. SAMUEL SLATER & SON. Webster, Mass. LANCASTER'S OXFORD 17488— Roan, calved August 24, 1871, bred by E. Musgrove, Liverpool, got by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), out of Duchess of Lancaster 12th by 3d Duke of Wharf- dale (21619)— Duchess of Lancaster 5th (vol. 17, E. H. B.) by Marmaduke (14897) — Duchess of Lancaster 3d by Duke of York 550 warfield's history (11393) — Buttercup by 2cl Duke of Lancaster (5951) — Banksia by Crichton (3516)— by Ploughboy (4726). LORD LORNE 17573— Roan, calved Jan. 30, 1871, bred by E. Musgrove, Liverpool, got by 13th Duke of Oxford (21604), out of Statira 9th by 12th Duke of Oxford (19633)— Statira 5th by Britannicus 2d (19349)— Statira by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Stately by Balco (9918)— Sta'tice by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Shep- herdess by Major (4345) — by Ganthorpe (2049) — by Don Juan (1923)— by Shylock (2622). OXFORD\S BUTTERFLY— Red roan, calved Sept. 10, 1868, bred by J. Morton, Skelsmergh Hall, Kendal, got by Atherton's Oxford (21195), out of Blooming Heather by Freedom (17884)— Blooming Lass by Prelate (11919) — Bloomer by Brewster (7847) — Ruth by Tomboy (549.4)— by Red Roan (8467)— by Eclipse (8021) —by Chance (7890). A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 847. OXFORD^S BUTTERFLY 2d — Red roan, calved Feb. 18, 1873, bred by J. Morton, got by Oxford's Crown Prince (32031), out of Oxford's Butterfly by Atherton's Oxford (21195), &c., as in dam, next above. A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 847. W. S. SLATER. LADY LE MOOR— Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1868, bred by J. May- nard, Marton-le-Moor, got by Young Lord Abbott (31609), out of Fawn by Grand Duke of Wetherby (17997) — Fawn by Cornborough (14327)— Fly by Prince of Wales (6348)— by Yauxhall (5550)— by Brilliant (1741)— by Red Rover (2495). A. H. B., vol. 16, p. 12154, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 603. DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK— Roan, calved in August, 1869, bred by J. Morton, Skelsmergh Hall, got by Duke of Brunswick (25937), out of Robina by Coxcomb (19527) — Rowena by Duke of Moscow (14447)— Ruby by Red Rover (11982)— Sprightly by Sir IMPORTED SHORT-HORTiTS. 551 Isaac (9645)— Superb by Victory (5566)— Splendid by Matchem 3d (4420)— by Young Eryholme (1981)— by Wellington (2825)— by Alfred (23)— by Windsor (698)— by Cupid (177)— by Barker^s Bull of Layton (53). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 729, under dam. CAPTAIN SIVIITH. FANNY 2d— Got by Magnum Bonum (2243), dam bred by Mr. Bell, Woolsington, England. See Fanny 3d, vol. 2, p. 377, A. H. B. (832. G. W. SIVIITH. St. Thomas, Ccmada. SUSAN — Red and white, bred by John Singleton, Eng., calved in 1827, got by Dutchman (3669), out of Rosina by a son of North Star (460)— by Comet (155). COPSON 2665 (3482)— Roan, calved April 2, 1832, bred by Mr. White, Copson Lodge, got by Dutchman (3669), dam by Cardinal (111)— by Nelson (1262)— by Marske (418)— by a son of Danby (190)_by Danby (190). THOMAS SMITH, (Supposed.) Of EtoMcoke, Canada. HONEST TOM (13040) [349]— Roan, calved June 29, 1853, bred by W. Wright, Sigglesthorne Hall, near Hull, got by Whitaker (11040), out of Lady Watson by Foigh-a-Ballagh (8082)— Land- lady by Bellerophon (3119) — Laurustina by Grazier (1085) — Miss Cropper by Rob Roy (557) — by Barmpton (54) — by Expectation (247). 552 August, 1871. JOHN SNELL <& SONS. Edmonton, Canada. By Steamer Oermany to Quebec, August, 1871. BRITISH BARO^" 13557 (28087) [1025]— Roan, calved Dec. 23, 18G9, bred by Colonel Towneley, Lancashire, got by Baron Oxford (23375), out of British Beauty by British Prince (14197)— Lady Abbess by Cardinal (11246)— Zona Gross by Sheldon (8557)— Jemima by Benjamin (1710) — Foggathorpe by Marlbro (1189) — Rosebud by Ebor (997)— Tulip by Regent (546)— Primrose by North Star (459)— by R. Colling^s White Bull (151)— bred by R. Colling. August, (874. JOHN SNELL & SONS. KNIGHT OF THE ROSE 23646 [4369]— Roan, calved June 29, 1873, bred by Robert Jefferson, Preston Hows, Cumberland, got by Knight of the Shire (26552), out of Village Rose (vol. 20, E.) by Blood Royal (14169)— Village Maid by Crown Prince (10087) — Wharfdale Maid by Sir Leonard (10827)— Village Belle by Pil- grim (4701)— AVharfdale Lady by 2d Hubback (1423)— White Face by Frederick (1060)— by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by Western Comet (689)— by a son of Favorite (252). Note. — This bull is entered in Thornton's circular, 1874, p. 218. as Village Champion. 1851 or 1852. LORILLARD SPENOER. WcHtrJiester Co., N. Y. COWS. FARAWAY— Red and white, calved Sept. 18, 1849, bred by Robert Bell, England, got by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047), out of Felicia by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706)— by a son of Wyn- yard (2859)— by J. Brown^s Red Bull (97). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 379. JEAN— Red and white, calved July 26, 1850, bred by Robert Bell, England, got by Chevalier (10050), out of Jessy by Napoleon IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 553 (1055-2)— Lily by Cleveland Lad (3408)— Barbara by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945)— by Skipton Bridge Bull. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 407. SONSIE 8th— Red and white, calved July 31, 1849, bred by Q. D. Trotter, Bishop Middleham, England, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), out of Sonsie 7th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— 8onsie 2d by Prince Edward (2462) — Sonsie by Sultan (1485)— by a son of Trunnell (659)— by Middleton (1235)— by 4i son of Ben (70) or by Punch (531). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 560, and E. H. B.. vol. 11, p. 702. HOPE— Red roan, calved Dec. 13, 1850, bred by B. B. Colvin, Monkhams, got by Upstart (9760), out of Hilda by Will Honey- comb (5660)— Hebe 14th by King of Hearts (4155)— by Sir Roger De Coverley (2634)— by Harold Jr. (1096)— by Albion (1619)— by Favorite (6996)— by a son of Favorite (252). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 490. HOPEFUL— Roan, calved May 29, 1854, bred by J. S. Tan- queray, Hendon, got by Baron of Albany (11151), out of Hope by Upstart (9760), &c., as in Hope, above. Recorded. E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 490, under dam. BULLS. AUGUSTUS 225 [11125]— Roan, calved Feb. 15, 1851, bred by G. D. Trotter, Bishop Middleham, England, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Velocity by Velocipede (5552)— by Colonel Craddock's son of Rob Roy (557) — Mr. Kitchen's old cow, descended from the stock of the Messrs. Colling. DUKE OF ATHOL 445 (10150)— Red and white, calved Sept. 20, 1849, bred by Executors of Thos. Bates, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), out of Duchess 54th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Duchess 49th by Short Tail (2621)— Duchess 30th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 20th by The 2d Earl (1511)— Duchess 8th by Marske (418)— Duchess 2d by Skelton 1st (709)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Fa- vorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). 554 waefield's history WOLDSMAN 1108 (11056)— Roan, calved April 6, 1849, bred by Mr. Topham, Spilsby, England, got by Baronet (6763), out of Silvia by Eclipse (1949) — Snowberry by Eeformer (4917) — Snowball by Dishley Ketton (982)— by Major (398)— by Cossack (925). 1836. CAPTAIN SPROUL, Of Ship Splendid, into New York. LUCY— Red and white, got by Young North Star (2384), out of Queen Bess (vol. 2, p. 489, E.) by Cleveland (146) — Moss Rose by Western Comet (689) — (supposed) by Chapman's Son of Punch (122). Brought to Kentucky by J. S. Berryman, of Fayette Co., in 1838. SPLENDID— Roan bull, calved Sept. 4, 1836, begotten in Eng- land by Slater's Prize Bull (2643), out of Lucy by Young North Star (2384), &c., as in Lucy, above. August, 1871. R. J. STANTON. ThornMll, York Co., Canada. From Liverpool. BARON MILD EYES [927]— Roan, calved January 21, 1870, bred by Colonel Gunter, Wetherby Grange, got by 2d Duke of Claro (21576), out of Mild Eyes by Stout (17048)— Young Red Eyes by Oxford Duke (15036)— Red Eyes by Duke of Richmond (7996) —Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (1706) —Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleve- land (145)— by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Mow- bray's Bull (2342) — by Masterman's Bull (422) — descended from the stock of Mr. M. Dobison. LA BRILLIANTE— Red, calved April 12, 1867, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by Reformer (18687), out of La Bonne by General Bosquet (14591) — Leda by Lord Marquis IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 555 (10459)— Laura by Petrarch (7329)— Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton (2052)— Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Count (170) — Venus by Badsworth (47) — by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 536, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 552, under dam. MAID OF THORNHILL— Red and white, calved March 25, 1872, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by Lord Darlington (26633), out of La Brilliante by Reformer (18687), &c., as above. Calved after dam reached America. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 536, under dam. BETTY BACON— Roan, calved May 22, 1869, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by Friar Bacon (21780), out of Lady Betty by Lord Cobham (20164) — La Bonne by General Bosquet (14591)— Leda by Lord Marquis (10459)— Laura by Petrarch (7329) —Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton (2052) — Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Count (170) — Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 361. SECOND DUCHESS— Roan, calved August 24, 1869, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by Reformer (24930), out of Lady Margary by Lord Cobham (20164) — Magnolia by Royal Oak (16873)— Magenta by Don Giovanni (15893)— Leda by Lord Mar- quis (10459)— Laura by Petrarch (7329)— Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton (2052)— Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Count (170)— Venus by Badsworth (47) — by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 427. DUKE OF THORNHILL [2513]— Red and white, calved Feb. 25, 1872, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by 9th Lord (29049), out of 2d Duchess by Reformer (24930)— Lady Mar- gary by Lord Cobham (20164), &c., as above. Calved after dam reached America. SECOND LADY— Red and white, calved Feb. 16, 1870, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Oakley, got by Lord Darlington (26633), out of Lady Beaujolais by Lord Oobham (20164) — Blue Bell by Reformer (18687)— Blue Bonnet by Lord Clarendon (14807)— Balaklava by Bridegroom (11203)— Gretna by The Stuart (7623) — Gulnare by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636)— Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — White Cow by Agamemnon (9)— by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1768). C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 787. LADY BxiCON— Roan, calved Oct. 1, 1871, bred by F.H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Lord Darlington (26633), out of Betty Bacon by Lord Cobham (20164) — La Bonne by General Bosquet (14591) — Leda by Lord Marquis (10459) — Laura by Petrarch (7329) — Fair Spots by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— Spots by Garton" (2052)— Latona by Harold (291) — Strawberry by Count (170) — Venus by Bardsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir G. Strickland. C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 541. DIGNITY— Red heifer, calved April 7, 1871, bred by J. N. Beasley, got by Juvenile (22021), out of Dulce by. Jacques (20013) — Dora by Champagne (17522) — Daisy Chain by Wolfsbane (15518) — Drusilla by Alpine (9890)— by Sweet AYilliam (5368)— by Beaufort (1696)— by C. C. (1800)— by Sapperton (2600). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 427. KATINKA— Roan heifer, calved March 16, 1872, bred by R. H. Harris, Earnhill, Farres, got by Formosa's Tyne (28635), out of Kate by Garibaldi (17916)— Kate by Lord Dacre 2d (14809)— Miss Fisher by Lord of the South (13216) — Miss Lucy by Red Roan Kirtling (10691) — by Paris (7314)— by Chancellor (3335)— by Helmsman (2109)— by Speedwell (1473)— by Columella (904). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 527. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 557 1874. R. J. STANTON. Canada. By Ship Vicksburg, from Liverpool, Aug. 19, 1874. ALEXANDRA— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 20, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Whyte, Clinterty, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by K. C. B. (26492), out of Alexina by Prince of Warlaby (20593) — Lady Mary by Lord Sebastopol (22213)— Topsy by Gay Lad (21801)— Golden Drop by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Bloom by Moss Trooper (11827)— Thessa- lonica by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Heiress by Bowmont — by son of Exntouth (3747)— by Robson's Bull (9562)— by Prince (4765)— by Wellington (2824). E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 991, under dam, and 0. H. B., vol. 3, p. 344. AMAZON 3d— Red heifer, calved March 16, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Gordon, of Oluny, got by Lord Plymouth (24455), out of Amazon by Arthur Gwynne (19244)— Miss Haig by Garlick (14588)— Luna by Twin 2d (13906)— Alice by Sir William (8598)— Almond by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Young Amazon by Crusader (934)_Amazon by Sultan (1485)— by Mars (411)— by North Star (458). E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 390, under dam. LADY OF TYNE— Roan heifer, calved March 24, 1871, bred by Mr. R. Binnie, Seton Mains, Longniddry, got by Watchman 2d (27756), out of Wild Poppy by Duke of Tyne (17751)— Lady Favorite by Duke (17700)— Lady Jane by Redmond (11978)— Lady Mary by Crusade (7938)— by Prince Albert (4790)— by Bellerophon (3119)— by Miracle 2d (2322)— by Alderman (2976)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859)— by son of Bimon (590)— by Styford (103). C. H. B.,vol. 3, p. 567. SECOND LADY OF TYNE— Red heifer, calved Feb. 18, 1875, bred by Mr. R. Binnie, got by Baron of Knowlmore (30474), out of Lady of Tyne by Watchman 2d (17756), &c., as in next above. Calved after dam reached Canada. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 567. 558 warfield's histoky MEDORA— Roan heifer, calved April 11, 1871, bred by Mr. J. Meadows/ Thorn ville, Wexford, got by Peer of the Realm (27057), out of Graceful by Duke of Moscow (14447) — Duchess of Norfolk by Norfolk (9442)— Lady Grace by Laudable (9282)— Gretna by The Stuart (7623)— Gulnare by Norfolk (2377)— Medora by Ambo (1636) — Blossom by Memnon (2295) — own sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — White Cow by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1768). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 641. Barren. MINNIE WARLABY— Roan cow, calved March 18, 1869, bred by Mr. Whyte, got by Prince of Warlaby (20593), out of Minnie Mayflower by Goldsmith (14632)— Marie by New-Year's Gift (10564) —Catherine by Belted Will (6780)— Bessy by Roger (13615)— by son of Young Monarch (2327)— by Young Monarch (2327)— by Pilot (496)— by Satellite (1420). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 648. K. C. B. 2d [4362J— Bull calf, calved July 6, 1874, bred by Mr. Whyte, got by K. C. B. (26492), out of Minnie Warlaby by Prince of Warlaby (20593), &c., as above. 1849. AMBROSE STEVENS. PRINCESS 2d — Roan heifer, calved in January, 1848, bred by John Stephenson, Durham, England, got by General Sale (8099), out of Duchess by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706)— Red Rose by Waterloo (2816)— Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenomenon (491) — Anne Boleyn by Fifvorite (252) — Princess by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252)— Bright Eyes by Hubback (319)— Bright Eyes by Snowdon's Bull (612)— Beauty by Masterman's Bull (422)— Duchess of Athol by Harrison's Bull (292)— Tripes by Studley Bull (626)— cow, bred by Mr. Stephenson, of Ketton, in 1739. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 608 ; C. H. B., vol. 12, p. 554, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 554. IMPOKTE33 SHORT-HORNS. 559 PRINCESS 3d— Roan heifer, calved in January, 1848, bred by John Stephenson, Durham, got by Xapier (6238), out of Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 520, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 554. RED ROSE 2d— Red cow, calved in November, 1846,. bred by John Stephenson, Durham, got by Napier (6238), out of Tuberose by South Durham (5281) — Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as above. A. H. B.,vol. 2, p. 532. RED ROSE 4th— Red heifer, calved Oct. 22, 1849, bred by John Stephenson, Durham, got by Earl of Chatham (10176), out of Red Rose 2d by Napier (6238)— Tuberose by South Durham (5281)— Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 532. THIRD DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE 1034 (5941)— Roan bull, calved Sept. 14, 1841, bred by T. Bates, Kirklevington, got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), out of Waterloo 2d by Belvedere (1706) —Waterloo by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816), &c. EARL OF CHATHAM (10176)— Red and white bull, calved in 1847, bred by John Stephenson, Wolviston, Durham, got by Napier (6238), out of Duchess by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Rosette by Belvedere (1706)— Red Rose by Waterloo (2816)— Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenomenon (491) — Anne Boleyn by Favorite (252) — Princess by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)~by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Harrison's Bull (292)— by Studley Bull (626). PRINCESS 1st— Red cow, calved in October, 1846, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, Durham, got by Napier (6238), out of Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119)— Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. E. H. B., vol. 9, p. 528, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 519. 560 warfield's history PRINCESS 4th— Roan cow, calved in 1847, bred by J. Ste- phenson, Woolviston, Durham; got by Napier (6238), out of Primrose by Napier (6238) — Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 554, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 608. LADY SALE 2d— Roan, calved in April, 1850, bred by J. Ste- phenson, Wolviston, Durham, got by Earl of Chatham (10176), out of Lady Sale by Gen. Sale (8099)— Clara by Napier (6238)— — Maid of Orleans by Mameluke (2258) — Helena by Waterloo (2816) — Moss Rose by Baron (58), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 432, and E. H. B., vol. 10. p. 437, under dam. TUBEROSE 2d— Roan, calved in April, 1848, bred by J. Ste- phenson, Wolviston, got by Earl of Antrim (10174), out of Tuberose by South Durham (5281) — Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119) — Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. E. H. B., vol. 9, p. 599, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 576. AVOLVISTON 1109 (21125)— Red, calved in December, 1849, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, Durham, got by Earl of Chatham (10176), out of Princess by Napier (6238)— Maid of Athens by St. Albans (5047)— Helena by Waterloo (2816)— Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenomenon (491), &c., as in Princess 2d, above. EARL OF SEAHAM 1499 (10181)— Roan bull, calved April 21, 1848, bred by John Stephenson, Durham, got by Earl of Antrim (10174), out of Primrose by Napier (6238)— Rose Ann by Bellero- phon (3119)— Rosette by Belvedere (1706)— Red Rose by Waterloo (2816) — Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenomenon (491) — Anne Boleyn by Favorite (252) — Princess by Favorite (252) — Bright Eyes by Favorite (252)— Bright Eyes by Hubback (319) — Bright Eyes by Snowdon's Bull (612) — Beauty by Masterman's Bull (422)— Duchess of Athol by Harrison's Bull (292)— Tripes by Studley Bull (626). IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 561 EARL VANE 464 (14483)— Red and white, calved in 1851, bred by John Stephenson, got by Earl of Chatham (10176), out of Princess 1st by Napier (6238)— Rose Ann by Bellerophon (3119)— Rosette by Belvedere (1706), &c., as in next above. DUKE OF SUSSEX 3891 (19644)— Roan, calved in May, 1859, bred by John Stephenson, got by Earl Courtney (14468), out of Cherry 2d by Gen. Washington (14609), &c., as in Cherry 2d, below. EARL OF ANTRIM (10174)— Red, calved in May, 1846, bred by J. Stephenson, Wolviston, got by Gen. Sale (8099), out of Maid of Orleans by Mameluke (2258)— Helena by Waterloo (2816)— Moss Rose by Baron (58) — Angelina by Phenomenon (491) — Anne Boleyn by Favorite (252) — Princess by Favorite (252), &c., as in Earl of Seaham, above. The following four cows. Cherry 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, are entered here, because they are all recorded in the American Herd Book, and to explain that they were owned by Mr. Ambrose Stevens, in England, but were never imported : CHERRY 1st — Roan, calved in 1852, bred by John Stephen- son, Wolviston, got by Baron of Kirtling (8867), out of Charmer by Chancellor (8946)— Cordelia by Fergus (3782)— Antonia by Samp- son (2593)— Octavia by Cumberland (176)— Matron by Midas (435) — Portia by Petrarch (488) — Peeress by Favorite (252) — Cherry by Favorite (252)— Old Cherry by Lame Bull (357)— Cherry by Hub- back (319)— Cherry (bought at Yarm Fair, in 1780, by C. t!olling. Sen., of Mr. Bamlet, of Norton, who bred her) by Bamlet^s Bull. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 340. CHERRY 2d— Red, calved in January, 1855, bred by J. Ste- phenson, got by Gen. Washington (14609), out of Charmer by Chancellor (8946), as in Cherry 1st, above. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 340. CHERRY 3d — Roan, calved in 1856, bred by J. Stephenson, got by Lord Bellasis,* out of Charmer by Chancellor (8946), &c., as above. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 341. * See note to Clierry 4th. 70 562 CHEREY 4th— White, calved in 1856, bred by J. Stephenson, got by Lord Bellasis,* out of Cherry 1st by Baron of Kirtling (8867), &c., as above. A. H.B., vol. 3, p. 341. *Lord Bellasis by Gen. Sale (8099), dam Lady Sale (vol. 10, p. 437, E.). 1854. DR. A. C. STEVENSON. Oreencastle, Ind. BULLS. FANCY BOY 492— Roan, calved Oct. 1, 1853, bred by Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, England, got by Major (11771), out of Fair Ellen by Belvedere 2d (3127)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Kitt (2179)— by Kitt (2179)— by a son of Comet (155). PRINCE OF WALES 876— Roan, calved Nov. 10, 1852, bred by Mr. Wetherell, got by Whittington (12299), dam by Magician (7185)— by Cleveland (3403)— by a son of Magnum Bonum (2243) — bred by Mr. Stephenson, of Wolviston. cows. BLOOM — Red and white, calved March 10, 1853, bred hy John Emmerson, Dinsdale, England, got by Master Belleville (11795), out of Rose by Hart Warren (11560) — Primrose by Prince of Wales (9512)— Empress by Belvedere (1706)— by Blucher (1725). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 309. VIOLET — Roan, calved May 1, 1853, bred by John Emmerson, Dinsdale, England, got by Ma'ster Belleville (11795), out of Cath- erine by Fitz Roy (10231)— Kate by Nelson (4549)— by Newton (4567)— Young Wildair by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145) —by Butterfly (104)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— from the stock of Sir Wm. Pennyman. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 586. STRAWBERRY 5th— Red roan, calved in June, 1852, bred by Mr. Thornton, Stapleton, England, got by Deliverance (11347), IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 563 out of strawberry 3d by Postmaster (9487) — Young Strawberry by Guardian (3947) — Old Strawberry by a son of Barmpton (54) — by a brother of Brutus (100)— by Duke (225). A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 569. MISS WELBOURN— Roan, calved Oct. 3, 1852, bred by Messrs. Wetherell, England, got by St. John 24755, out of Lady Welbourn by Tomboy (9750)— by Augustus (6752)— by Panton Favorite (4646)— by a son of Grazier (1085)— by Vulcan (667)— by Wad- dingsworth (668). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 519, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 485. CAPT- STEWART. Near Toronto, Can. HEART OF OAK (2100) [340]— Roan, calved Nov. 19, 1835, bred by Mr. Gray, Millfield Hill, Northumberland, got by Archi- bald (1652), out of Oriflamme by Albion (731)— Hybla by Sirius (598)— Fancy by Wellington (679)— Cowslip by Sultan (631)— Lively by Sultan (631) — Ladybird by Punch (531) — My Lady by Ladykirk (355). COMMODORE STOCKTON. Princeton, N. J. SIR CHARLES 2d (20810)— Roan, calved Nov. 6, 1859, bred by Prince Albert, got by Fitz Clarence (14552), out of Cold Cream by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— Freckle by Fawsley (6004)— Furbelow by Little John (4232)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Caliph (1774)— by Swing (2721)— by Argus (759)— by Defender (194)— by Petrarch (488)— by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104)— by Globe (278). Note. — Commodore Stockton also imported four Short-horn heifers, bought at the Queen's Shaw Farm, in October, 1860. Their pedigrees I have been unable to get. 564 October, 1854. F. W. STONE, Of Moreton Lodge, Quelph, Ont. By Ship He7idricTi Hudson, to New York. JOHN 0^ GAUNT 2d 17435 (13089) [375]— Red and white, calved Dec. 1, 1852, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, Middlesex, got by John o' Gaunt (11621), out of Daura Gwynne by Creon (8998)— Decima by Alfred (7777)— Daffodil by Prince Ernest (4818) —Dido by Wallace (5586)— Dairymaid by Wellington (2824)— Dorothy by Marmion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). DAPHNE— Roan cow, calved Jan. 4, 1853, bred by E. Bowly, Siddington House, Gloucestershire, got by Harold (10299), out of Limpid by Viceroy (7678) — Lemon by Marquis (2271) — Lowly by Isaac (1129)— Lisette by Blucher (83)— Lady by Cecil (120). Sold to T. L. Harrison, Morley, N. Y. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 264 ; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 364, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 548, under dam. MARGARET— Roan, calved April 26, 1850, bred by E. Bowly, Cirencester, got by Snowball (8602), out of Redneck by Harbinger (9183)— by Nonesuch (4581). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 525, and vol. 4, p. 453. MAYFLOWER— Roan, calved March 5, 1856 or 1856, bred by E. Bowly, got by Tortworth Duke (13892), out of Margaret by Snowball (8602), &c., as in dam, above. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 390, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 548. May, 1855. F. W. STONE, Of Moreton Lodge, Ouelph, Canada. By Ship Victoria, to New York. WALLFLOWER 5th— Roan cow, calved Jan. 23, 1853, bred by R. F. Kingscote, Uly, Gloucestershire, got by Gauntlet (10260), out of Wallflower 3d by Oregon (8371)— Wallflower 2d by Bristol (7852) — Wallflower 1st, descended from Col. Kingscote's stock. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 499, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 692. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 565 YOUNG EOSE— Roan, calved March 15, 1854, bred by John Taylor, Moreton Hall, got by Lord Nelson (11740), out of Red Rose, by ToAvneley^s son of Harlsonio (6055) — Red Rose by Matchem (7221)— by Bachelor (1665)— by Short Legs (5124)— by Adonis (2933)— by Hector (2103)— by Sir Harry (1444)— by Hollon's Bull (313)— by Traveler (655)— by Bolingbroke (86). 0. H. B., vol. 1, p. 455, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 706. YOUNG VELVET— Roan cow, calved June 14, 1853, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, Cambridgeshire, got by Marquis of Bute (11788), out of Miss Ley Fields by The Minstrel (8687)— Velvet by Cossack (1880)— Victoria by Eclipse (1949)— Miss Points Jr. by Northern Light (1280)— Miss Points by Aid-de-Camp (722)— by Charles (127)— by Prince (521)— by Munich (1266). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 489 ; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 707, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 590, under dam. MAUD — Red, calved July 27, 1853, bred by Colonel Kingscote, Gloucestershire, got by Gauntlet (10260), out of Margaret by Sweet William (8646)— Madelina by Harold (8131)— Kate Nickleby by Cedric (3311)— by Nimrod (4571)— by Coelebs (897)— by Neswick (1266)— by Fisher's Old Bull (3799). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 388, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 545. SANSPAREIL— Roan, calved March 20, 1853, bred by Colonel Kingscote, got by Gauntlet (10260), out of Serenade by Charles (8947) — Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6955) — Sapphire by Stratton (5336)— Ruby by Fanatic (1996)— Rufe by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 466, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 649. SANSPAREIL 2d— White, calved Dec. 8, 1855, bred by Colonel Kingscote, got by ChafP Cutter (12572), out of Sanspareil by Gauntlet (10260), &c., as in dam, next above. A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 649, and C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 467. 666 waefield's histoky Sept. 1856. F. W. STONE, Moreton Lodge, Ouelph, Can. By Ship Victoria to New York. MISS LILY WHITE— White cow, calved Dec. 27, 1853, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by The Baron (12180), out of Miss Lucy by Red Roan Kirtling (10691)— Lady Godolphin by Paris (7314) — Victoria by Chancellor (3335) — Medusa by Helmsman (2109)— by Speedwell (1473)— by Columella (904). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 402 ; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 563, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 590. PRINCE OF THE NORTH 2080 [570]— Roan bull, calved March 10, 1856, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Young Scotland (13681), out of Miss Lily White by The Baron (12180), &c., as in dam, above. GOLDFINDER— Roan cow, calved April 17, 1854, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Wiseton (14015), out of Nona by Scrivener (10791) — Countess by Vanguard (5545) — Dodona by Alabaster (1616)— No. 6 Chilton Sale by Dr. Syntax (226)— by Charles (127)— by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421)— Fortune by Bolingbroke (86)— by Foljambe (263)— by Hubback (319)— bred by Mr. Maynard. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 309; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 427, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 611. TWELFTH DUKE OF OXFORD 2315 (17742) [198]— Red bull, calved May 10, 1856, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Sixth Duke of Oxford (12765), out of Goldfinder by Wiseton (10791), &c., as in dam, above. BIANCA — Red and white heifer, calved Jan. 25, 1854, bred by Sir John Lubbock, Bart., Kent, got by Minstrel (11818), out of Banksia by Shepherd's Purse (10804)— Raspberry by Mozart (11830) —Cherry by Sterling (5330)— Wide 2d by Frederick (3836)— Old Wide by Favorite (3768)— by Tathwell Studley (5401)— by a son of Waddingworth (668). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 224; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 316, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 324. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 567 ELEVENTH DUKE OF OXFORD 1506 [197]— Red bull, calved Feb. 20, 1856 (got in England, calved in Canada), bred by Sir John Lubbock, Bart., Kent, got by 6th Duke of Oxford (12765), out of Bianca by Minstrel (11818), &c., as in Bianca, above. LADY CHESTERFORD— Roan cow, calved April 19, 1854, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Earl Ducie (12799), out of Lady Jane by Red Roan Kirtling (10691) — Lady Ann by Pam (6272)— Countess by Vanguard (5545)— Dodona by Alabaster (1616) —No. 6 Mason Sale by Dr. Syntax (220)— by Charles (127)— by Henry (301)— Lydia by Favorite (252)— Nell by White Bull (421) — Fortune by Bolingbroke (86) — by Foljambe (263) — by Hubback (319) — bred by Mr. Maynard. 0. H. B., vol. 1, p. 335 ; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 479, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 525. POLYANTHUS— Roan cow, calved Aug. 10, 1851, bred by Mr. Morton, Skelsmergh Hall, got by Brewster (7847), out of Pride by Rokeby (8502)— by Eclipse (8021)— by Eclipse (8021)— by Chance (7890). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 430; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 603, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 537, under dam. PRESIDENT 2049 [535]— White bull, calved Jan. 19, 1856 (got in England, calved in Canada), bred by Mr. Morton, got by Prelate (11919), out of Polyanthus by Brewster (7847), &c., as in Polyanthus, above. CHERRY PIE— Roan cow, calved Feb. 24, 1854, bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, got by Lord of the North (11743), out of Oelia by Third Duke of Northumberland (3647) — Cornflower by Bashaw (1692)— Columbine by Helmsman (2109)— by Columella (904)— by Regent (544) — Charlotte Palatine by Palatine (478) — Charlotte by Palmflower (480) — Crimson by Patriot (486)— Young Millbank by Driffield (223)— by C. Holmes^ Bull. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 241; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 343, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 364, under dam. warfield's history PEINCE OF THE WEST 2081 [588] — Calved March 21, 1856, bred by Jonas Webb, got by Young Scotland (13681), out of Cherry Pie by Lord of the North (11743), &c., as in dam, above. ISABELLA 2d— Red and white cow, calved May 5, 1854, bred by S. E. Bolden, Lancaster, got by Buccaneer (11217), out of Isabella Howard by Yeoman (12220) — Idalia by Lord Marlboro (7166) — Isabel by Belshazzar (1704) — Imogene by Argus (759) — Sister to Isabella by Pilot (496) — by Agamemnon (9) — by BurrelFs Bull of Burdon (1769). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 448 ; C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 317, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 493, under dam. October. 1855. F. W. STONE. By Ship Northumherland, from London to New Yorh. JENNY LIND— Roan, calved Sept. 15, 1850, got by Baron Foggathorpe (9931), out of Adelaide by Monzani (6222) — Beauty by Homer (2134)— by a bull of Mr. Whittaker's— by Allandale— by Lenton (4205). Died on passage. LADY CRAMER— Red and white cow, calved July 24, 1850, bred by Mr. Sanday, Holmepierrepont, Nottingham, got by Baron Foggathorpe (9931), out of Adeliza by Cramer (6907) — Adelaide by True Blue (5522)— Albina by Miracle (2321)— Alice by Sir Henry (1446) — Young Madam by Count (170) — Young Venus by Bracken (91)— Venus by Badsworth (47)— by Driffield (223)— bred by Sir Geo. Strickland. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 336, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 244, under dam. LADY BOLTON— Red aud white cow, calved March 16, 1856, bred by Mr. Sanday, got by 2d Duke of Bolton (12739), out of Lady Cramer by Baron Foggathorpe (9931), as in dam, above. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 336, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 478. IMPOETED SHOET-HORNS. 569 June, (856. F. W. STONE, Guelph, Can. Into Boston, Mass. DESDEMONA— Red cow, calved Dec. 31, 1854, bred by Henry Ambler, Watkinson Hall, Yorkshire, got by Grand Turk (12969), out of Red Duchess 4th by Harbinger (9183) — Red Duchess by Bachelor (1616)— Duchess by Wellington (683)— Bright Eyes by Admiral (4) — by Sir Harry (1444) — by Colonel (152) — by son of Hubback (319)— by son of Hubback (319). 0. H. B., vol. 1, p. 265, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 367. EUGENIE— Roan cow, calved Feb. 20, 1855, bred by H. Ambler, Watkinson Hall, got by Grand Turk (12969), out of Duchess of Norfolk by Duke of Norfolk (5952)— Duchess by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Duchess by Highflyer (2488)— Duchess by Sir Charles (5146)— by Harry Lorrequer (3985)— by Blucher (84) —by Magnum Bonum (4322)— by Styford (103)— by son of T. Weth- ereirs Bull (690). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 394 ; C. H. B., voL 1, p. 287, and E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 358, under dam. THIRD GRAND DUKE 2292 (17993) [322]— Red bull, calved Dec. 8, 1856, bred by H. Ambler, got by King Arthur (13110), out of Eugenie by Grand Turk (12969), &c., as in dam, above. GRAND TURK— Red and white bull, calved Dec. 27, 1856, bred by H. Ambler, got by King Arthur (13110), out of Desdemona by Grand Turk (12969), &c., as in dam, above. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 266. October, 1856. F. W. STONE, Moreton Lodge, Guelph, Can. To New York, by Ship Amazon. MARCHIONESS— Roan, calved in April, 1856, bred by Mr. Smythe Owen, Condover Hall, got by Columbus (12616), out of Martha by Dick (10120), &c., as in Martha, next below. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 379. MARTHA — Roan cow, calved in 1852, bred by Smythe Owen, near Shrewberry, Salop, got by Dick (10120), out of Magdalene 4th 71 570 warfield's history by Sir Isaac (9645) — Magdalene 3d by Victory (5566) — Magdalene 2d by Miracle (2321) — Magdalene 1st, from Sir Geo. Crewe's. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 382,;and E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 559, under dam. RUBY— Red, calved Feb. 28, 1850, bred by Rev. T. Airy, Holme Park, Lanebrigg, got by Buston (11229), out of Strawberry by Rubini (9586)— Buston by Emperor (1974)— by Wharton (2833)— by a bull of Mr. Headlam, Durham. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 462; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 645, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 592, under dam. FRIAR JOHN 2892 (12905) [273]— Red, calved June 7th, 1854, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), out of Jocasta by Friar Tuck (3848)— Junta by Warden (5595)— Joyance by Javelin (4093)^ Joy by Blythe (797) — Jannette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snow- don's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). HENI^A — Red cow, calved April 3, 1852, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Bart., Fawsley Park, got by Janizary (8175), out of Floretta by Fawsley (6004)— Lalla Rookh by Little John (4232)— Anna by Young Norman (4584) — Walnut by White Boy (1580) — Pauline by WyvilFs Bull — by a bull bred by Mr. Charge. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 313; A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 440, and E. H. B., vol. 11, p, 457, under dam. F. W. STONE. Moreton Lodge, Quelph, Ont, Can. By Ship Moravian, to Montreal, in November, 1870. GULNARE— Red, calved Feb. 15, 1869, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by 3d Duke of Geneva (21592), out of Guinevere by Rampant (20623)— Gwynneth by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949) — Young Alfreda by Young Locksley (22111) — Fairy by Alfred (2988)— Brownie by Stanhope (5315)— by Stanhope (5315)— bought in the North. Recorded, 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 498. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 571 LURLINE— Roan, calved July 7, 1868, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by Lackey (24291), out of Ladylike by Noble (14997)— Lady Kelstern by Earl of Chester (9057)— Kelstern by Earl of Chester (9057)— Young Kelstern by Monzani (6222)— Kelstern by Studley (628)— by Young Major (8266)— bred by Mr. Leighton, of Willingham. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 616. MISS MINNIE 7th— Roan, calved Nov. 29, 1869, bred by Wm. Butler, Badminton, got by Grand Duke of York (24071), out of Miss Minnie by Leonidas (14791) — Minnie by Arthur (14106)— Miranda by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Playfellow by Gustavus the Hero (7058)— Frolic by Tathwell (5399)— Mulberry by Belvedere 2d (3127)— Hard Times by Bellerophon (3119)— by Barmpton (5774)_by Kitt (7127)— by Kitt (7127)— by Page's Bull (6269)— by Middleton's Bull (438). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 668. MODESTY— White, calved March 28, 1871, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by Duke of Kent (25979), out of Lurline by Lackey (24291), &c., as in Lurline, above. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 672. DINORAH 2d or DUCHESS OF LEHIGH— Roan, calved March 31, 1866, bred by Sir George Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, got by Barleycorn the Younger (21209), out of Dinorah by Rampant (20623)— Di by Noble (14997)— Dido by Earl of Chester (9057)— by Bessborough (8887)— by Bloomsbury (3171)— by Regent (4928) —by Weston (5635). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 457, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 422. Sold to Thos. L. McKeen, Easton, Pa. DIADEM— Roan, calved Feb. 25, 1871, bred by Sir G. R. Phil- lips, Bart., got by 3d Duke of Geneva (21592), out of Dinorah 2d by Barleycorn the Younger (21209), &c., as in dam, above. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 420. 572 WAfeFlELD'S HIStORY F. W. STONE. Moreton Lodge, Ouelph, Can. By Ship Frith of Clyde, May 31, 1871. Landed at Montreal, in July, 1871. GENEVIEVE— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 11, 1867, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, Shipton-on-Stour, got by Barleycorn the Younger (21209), out of Guinevere by Rampant (20623)— Gwynneth by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949)— Young Alfreda by Young Locksley (21111)— Fairy by Alfred (2988)— by Stanhope (5315) — by Stanhope (5315) — Venus, bought in the North. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 521, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 490. TASMANIA— Roan heifer, calved July 1, 1868, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, Shipton-on-Stour, got by 3d Duke of Geneva (21592), out of Titania by Pan (18516)— Ruth by Washington (17213)— Truth by Earl of Chester (9057)— Fancy by Bessborough (8887)— by Bloomsbury (3171)— by Weston (5635). Died on voyage. SERENADE— Roan heifer, calved May 14, 1870, bred by A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone, Dayrell, Buckingham, got by Cherry Duke (25752), out of Seraphina 4th by Royal Essex (18767) — Spangle by Fitz Clarence (11477)— Seraphine by Sweet William (7571)— Sera- phina by Earl of Essex (6955)— by Stratton (5336)— by Fanatic (1996) —by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 728, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 787. SCARLET— Red heifer, calved Aug. 8, 1870, bred by A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone, Dayrell, Buckingham, got by Cherry Duke (25752), out of Sultana by 3d Grand Duke (16182)— Seraphina 3d by Royal Essex (18767)— Spangle by Fitz Clarence (11477)— Sera- phine by Sweet William (7571) — Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6955) —by Stratton (5336)— by Fanatic (1996)— by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 741, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 2, p. 786. IMPORT^ED SHORT-HORNS. 573 SHERIFF (29964) [2233]— Red bull, calved June 8, 1870, bred by A. J. Robarts, Lillingstone, Dayrell, Buckingham, got by Cherry Duke (25752), out of Seraphina 3d by Royal Essex (18767)— Spangle by Fitz Clarence (11477)— Seraphine by Sweet William (7571)— Seraphina by Earl of Essex (6955) — by Stratton (5336) — by Fanatic (1996)— by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014). AMADEUS 21937 [899]— Roan bull, calved Nov. 26, 1870, bred by J. J. Stone, Scyborwen, Monmouth, got by Merrimac (26897), out of Genevieve by Barleycorn the Younger (21209) — Guinevere by Rampant (20623)— Gwynneth by Gloster's Grand Duke (12949)— Young Alfreda by Young Locksley (22111)— Fairy by Alfred (2988) — by Stanhope (5315) — by Stanhope (5315) — Venus, bought in the North. F. W. STONE. Moreton Lodge, Ouelph, Ont., Can. By Ship Prussian, to MonWeal, in November, 1874. CHILTON DUCHESS— Roan, calved April 12, 1871, bred by John Burgess, Lincolnshire, England, got by Cambridge Duke 4th (25706), out of May Dew by Claxton (21433) — May Queen by Master Rembrandt (16545)— Telluria 2d by Horatio (10335)— Taglioni by Lord George (10439)— Telluria by Orontes (4623)— Zinc by Guar- dian (3947) — Roguery by Mercury (2301) — Pageant by Monarch (2324)— No. 13 Chilton Sale by St. Albans (2584)— No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252) — Lily by Favorite (252) — Miss Lax by Dalton Duke (188)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 647, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 396. LADY JANE— Red heifer, calved March 8, 1874, bred by Sir Frederick C. Smythe, Acton, Burnell Park, Shropshire, got by British Lion (30609), out of Janette by Lucknow (16471)— by Napier (14973)— by St. John (27413)— bred by Sir Edward Smythe, Acton, Burnell. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 553. 574 warfield's history LILY 2d— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 2, 1872, bred by Sir Fred- erick C. Smythe, Acton, Burnell Park, got by Lord Warwick (26753), out of Lily by Hannibal (26336)— by Romeo (22754)— by Napier (14973)— by St. John (27413)— bred by Sir Edward Smythe, Acton, Burnell Park. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 584. RUBY 2d — Red, calved in January, 1870, bred by Sir Frederick C. Smythe, got by Lord Warwick (26753), out of Ruby by Lucknow (16471)— by Napier (14973)— by St. John (27413)— bred by Sir Edward Smythe. Recorded, 0. H. B., vol. 3, p. 764, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 895. RECRUIT 24495— Red, calved Jan. 30, 1874, bred by Sir F. C. Smythe, got by British Lion (30609), out of Ruby 2d by Lord Warwick (26753), &c., as in dam, above. LADY SMITH— Red, calved March 14, 1874, bred by Sir Fred- erick Smythe, got by British Lion (30609), out of Lunette 3d by Baronet (22083) — Lunette by Hannibal (26336) — Janette by Luck- now (16471)— by Napier (14973)— by St. John (27413), &c. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 293. CHILTON KING 22396— Roan, calved April 11, 1875, bred by John Burgess, Lincolnshire, got by British Lion (30609), out of Chilton Duchess by Cambridge Duke 4th (25706), &c., as in dam, above. SULTANA 7th: — Roan cow, calved April 5, 1872, bred by John Abbott, Ospringe Parsonage, Feversham, Kent, got by Icarus (26425), out of Sultana 6th by Florist (23962)— Sultana 2d by Saunterer (16914) — Sultana by Lord Hardinge (13193) — Snowdrop by Alfred (6732)— Dulcet by Accordion (5708)— Rocket by Tath- well (5399)— Morel by Mina (2316)— by Young Quarternion (8447) — by Mr. Greetham's Bull — by Cossack (925) — by Mr. Cracroft's Bull. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 785, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 918. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 575 SULTAKA llTH— Red and white, calved Oct. 2, 1874, bred by John Abbott, got by Duke of Maidstone (30989), out of Sultana 7th by Icarus (26425), &c., as in dam, above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 918. 1875. F. W. STONE. By Ship ChamplaiUy to Montreal, June, 1875. POLYANTHUS— Red, calved March 10, 1873, bred by J. A. Mumford, got by Duke John (30913), out of Prima Donna by 16th Grand Duke (24063) — Princess Mary by Duke of Barrington (21565) — Cambridge Lady by Cambridge Duke (19379) — Cambridge Lass by Freebooter (19788)— Short Tail by Lord Warden (7167)— Lily by Honeycomb (10330)— Old Moss Rose by Bower's Bull (19332) —by May Duke (424). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 864, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 826. POLYANTHUS 2d— Roan heifer, calved Nov. 13, 1875, bred by J. A. Mumford, got by The Bursar (35742), out of Polyanthus by Duke John (30913), &c., as in dam, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 862, under dam. ANCHOVY— Red, calved Feb. 2, 1873, bred by J. A. Mumford, Park Pale Farm, Brill, got by Caballar (28114), out of Alhambra Duchess by 2d Duke of Claro (21576)— Amy Robsart by 3d Grand Duke (16182) — Queen Bess by L^pstart (15441) — Queen of Spain by Trajan (12238)— Infanta by Capt. Shaftoe (6833)— Iniquity by Wizard (6688)— Edith by Roman (5561)— by William (2840)— by Blyth Comet (85). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 863, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 415. CONSOLATION— Red cow, calved Feb. 19, 1869, bred by J. Aubrey Mumford, Park Pale Farm, Brill, got by Earl of Lancaster (21647), out of Criterion by Earl Ducie (17767)— Cricket by Sor- cerer (13772)— Clarinda by Bristol (7852)— Clara by Morpeth (7254) — Cardamine by Sir Thomas (2636)— Crocus by. Sir Thomas (2636) 576 waefield's history — by Marske (418) — Laurustina by Comet (155) — Laura by Tom (652) — Oleasby Lady by Favorite (1033) — Lucinda by Hutton's Bull (323)— Lucy by Barniugham (56). Eecorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 456, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 487. CARNATION— Red roan, calved Sept. 3, 1875, bred by J. A. Mumford, got by Notley (31991), out of Consolation by Earl of Lancaster (21647), &c., as in Consolation, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 487, under dam. 1875. F. W. STONE. By Ship Thames, from London to Montreal, July 14, 1875. SEAMSTRESS— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 17, 1874, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, got by Cherry Grand Duke 5th (30712), out of Sappho by Duke of Kent (25979)— Sapphire by Standard (22963)— Mary Stuart by Standard (22963)— Lady Stuart by John o' Groat (18115)— Grand Duchess by Grand Sultan (16189)— Duchess of Sussex by Duke of Sussex (12772) — Countess of Beverly by Lord Foppington (10437) — Cowslip Bell by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Cicely by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — Craggs, bought of Mr. Bates, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 533, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 902. DIDONA 3d— Red heifer, calved Dec. 19, 1874, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by 2d Duke of Milcote (33693), out of Didona by 3d Cherry Duke (28171)— Hopeless by Florist (23962) — Empress 4th by Cambridge Grand Duke (15722) — Empress by Alfred (6732)— Iris by Accordion (5708)— Purity by Despot (1915)— Quality by Napoleon (4531)— Dido by Rival (2534)— Diana by Darlington (956)— Dahlia by Denton (198)— Gaudy by Rock- ingham (560) — by Jobling's son of Phenomenon (491) — by Phe- nomenon (491)— by Colonel (152)— by Styford (629). Recorded, A. H..B., vol. 15, p. 505. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 577 SULTAT^A 7th— Red heifer, calved April 5, 1874, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Sons,Wateringbury, Kent, got by 2d Grand Duke of Geneva (31280), out of Sultana 2d by Man in the Moon (18320)— Sultana by Sultan 2d (22990)— Twinkle 2d by Harold (10300)— Twinkle by Partisan (6276)— Matilda by Highflyer (2122)— Albinia by Montgomery (2334) — Tuneful by Forester (1055) — Tulip by Eclipse (238)— Pansy by White Comet (1582)— Violet by Western Comet (689)— Best Twin by Favorite (252)— Old Simmon, de- scended from Studley White Bull (627). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 811, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 918. JESDEMONA— Red cow, calved Nov. 25, 1869, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, Warwickshire, got by 3d Duke of Geneva (21592), out of Desdemonaby Colonel Daw (21445) — Jessica by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Jardine by Lord Warden (7167) — Jacintha by Fawsley (6004) — Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252) —by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612) —by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by The Studley Bull (626). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 615, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 474, under dam. FAWSLEY PRINCE 23148— Roan bull, calved Dec. 15, 1875, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by Cherry Fawsley (30711), out of Jesdemona by 3d Duke of Geneva (21592), &c., as in dam, next above. Calved after dam reached Canada. QUEEN OF WESTON 2d— Red and white cow, calved Nov. 10, 1870, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by Duke of Kent (25979), out of Queen of Weston by Third Duke of Geneva (21592) — Queen of the May by Barleycorn the Younger (21209) — Queen of Summer by Cardinal (11246) — Queen Bess by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047) — Queen Anne by Freeman (10244) — Queen of Beauty by Hamlet (8128)— Princess by Short Tail (2621)— Snowdrop by 72 578 warfield's history Emperor (1974) — Young Princess by Young Lancaster (361) — Princess by St. Albans (2584) — by Lawnsleeves (365) — bred by Messrs. James, of Stamford. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 847, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 886, under dam. QUEEN OF WESTON 5th— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 6,1874, bred by Sir G. A. Phillips, Bart., got by Cherry Fawsley (30711), out of Queen of Weston 2d by Duke of Kent (25979), &c., as in dam, next above. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 847. DUKE OF WESTON 22981— Roan bull, calved Dec. 15, 1875, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., got by Cherry Grand Duke 5th (30712), out of Queen of Weston 2d by Duke of Kent (25979), &c., as in dam, above. Calved after dam reached Canada. MAY FLORA 3d— Red and white heifer, calved May 22, 1874, bred by Messrs. F. Leney & Sons, got by 6th Duke of Oneida (30997), out of May Flora 2d by Sir Charles Knightley (27466)— Flora 4th by Tippoo 2d (23075)— Flora 3d by Sultan 2d (22990)— Flora 2d by Harold 3d (21902)— Flora by Harold (10300)— Twinkle by Partisan (6276)— Matilda by Highflyer (2122)— Albinia by Mont- gomery (2334) — Tuneful by Forester (1055) — Tulip by Eclipse (238)— Pansy by White Comet (1582)— Violet by Western Comet (689) — Best Twin by Favorite (252) — Old Simmon, descended from Studley White Bull (627). A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 754, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 811, under dam. Sept. 16, 1876. F. W. STONE. Moreton Lodge, Chielph, Ontario, Can. By Ship ISarmatian, from Liver- pool to Montreal. Landed in October, 1875. BARON BERKELEY 22010 (36158)— Roan bull, calved Jan. 10, 1875, bred by Earl of Recti ve, Underley Hall, got by 3d Duke of Gloster (33653), out of Baroness Bates by Baron Oxford 5th (27958)— Lady Bates 7th by 3d Duke of Geneva (23753)— Lady Bates 5th by Duke of Geneva (19614)— Lady Bates 3d by 4th IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 579 Duke of Oxford (11387)— by The Buck (13836)— by Duke of Gloster (11382)— by 4th Duke of York (10167)— by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Cleveland Lad (3407)— by Belvedere (1706)— by son of Herdsman (304)— —by Wonderful (700)— by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). JESSICA — Red cow, calved May 31, 1872, bred by Messrs. Leney & Sons, got by 15th Grand Duke (21852), out of Purity by Lord Wallace (24473)— Paulina by 2d Duke of Kent (19620)— Purity's Queen 2d by Somnambulist (17015) — Purity by Norman (13394) — Janetta 6th by Cardinal (11246)— Janetta 2d by Bellville (6778)— Janetta by Homer (2134) — Jessica by Gainford (2044) — Jessy by Lowther (4283) — Ruth, bred by Mr. Atkinson, Temple Sowerby. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 615, and E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 709, under dam. Red and white bull, calved Aug. 21, 1875, bred by Messrs. Leney & Sons, got by 8th Duke of Geneva (28390), out of Jessica by 15th Grand Duke (21852). Died before landing. FORMOSA- Roan heifer, calved Feb. 23, 1874, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Lathorn House, Lancashire, got by Cherry Grand Duke 2d (25758), out of FarewelFs White Rose by Earl of Eglington (23832)— Fleda's Farewell by 9th Grand Duke (19879)— Fleda by Gray Friar (9172)— Flourish by Little John (4232)— Lilla by Caliph (1774)— Amy by Norman (2379)— Walnut by White Boy (1580)— Pauline by WyvilFs Bull — by a bull bred by Mr. Charge. A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 567, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 930, under dam. May, 1876. F. W. STONE. Moreton Lodge, Ouelph, Can. By Ship Circassian to Montreal. ATHALIE— Roan cow, calved Sept. 29, 1873, bred by C. M. Hamer, Park Farm, Snitterfield, Warwickshire, got by Knightley Wellington (31533), out of Gossamer 2d by Cambridge (25705) — Midnight by Economist (21669) — Nelly O'Brien by Cromwell (19528)— Gwendoline by Old Buck (15017)— Gundreda by Earl of Dublin (10178)— Kissinda by Janizary (8175)— Ah ve by Snowball 580 waefield's histoey (8602)— Lily by Caliph (1774)— Amy by Norman (2379)— Walnut by White Boy (1580)— Pauline by WyvilFs Bull— by a bull of Mr. Charge's. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13568, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 577, under dam. EUPHONY (twin to SYMPHOifY)— Roan, calved Sept. 4, 1873, bred by C. M. Hamer, got by Knightley Wellington (31533), out of Gossamer 1st by Cambridge (25705) — Midnight by Economist (21669), &c., as in Athalie, above. A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13662, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 577, under dam. OXFORD'S ROSE— Roan, calved November 21, 1873, bred by T. Barber, Sproatley Rise, Hull, got by Oxford's Baronet (29499), out of Grand Duke's Rose by Grand Duke 6th (19876)— Butterfly's Rose by Royal Butterfly 3d (18754) — June Rose by Lord Sackville (13249)— Prize Rose by Prince Edward Fairfax (9506)— Rose by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Rose by Red Highflyer (2488)— Red Rose by Pyramid (4852)— by Harry Lorrequer (3985) —by Blucher (84)— by Magnum Bonum (4322)— by Styford (103) — by^a son of AYetherell's Bull (690). A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13855, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 559. LADY FURBELOW 2d— Roan cow, calved June 17, 1875, bred by C. M. Hamer, Park Farm, Snitterfield, Warwickshire, got by Knightley Wellington (31533), out of Melody by Blue Gown (28051)— Harmony by Cherry Duke 3d (15763)- Floret by Douglas (12714)— Florimel by Duke of Cambridge (12742)— Cyrilla by Grey Friar (9172)— Chinchilla by Allan-a-Dale (7778)— Furbelow by Little John (4232)— Erato by Marcellus (2260)— Beatrice by Caliph (1774) — Quickley by Swing (2721) — Al-a-Mode by Argus (759) — Major Bower's Valuable by Defender (194). A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13746, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 577. TELLURIA 14th— Red cow, calved May 15, 1875, bred by T. Barber, Sproatley Rise, Hull, got by Baron Wild Eyes (33100), out of Telluria 11th by Oxford's Baronet (29499)— Telluria 7th by IMPORTED SHOBT-HORNS. 581 11th Duke of Northumberland (25993)— Telluria 4th by Beau of Oxford (21254)~Telluria 3d by Eomulus (15185)— Telluria 2d by Horatio (10335)— Taglioni by Lord George (10439)— Telluria by Orontes (4623) — Zinc by Guardian (3947) — Roguery by Mercury (2301)— Pageant by Monarch (2324)— No. 13 Chilton Sale by St. Albans (2584)— No. 4 Chilton Sale by Jupiter (342)— by Sir Oliver (605)— by Trunnell (659)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Dalton Duke (188)— by K. Alcock's Bull (19)— by J. Smith's Bull (608)— by Jolly's Bull (337). A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13941, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 312. DAMSEL 2d— Roan, calved Feb. 10, 1874, bred by Mr. Bowly, got by Baron Knowlmere (33057), out of Damsel by Oxford Don (20451)— Darlington 3d by Sir Hugh (12082)— Darlington 2d by Percy (9472)— Darlington 1st by Thomas (5471)— Pretty Maid by Eryholme (3736)— by Reformer (4914)— by Young Favorite (3770) —by Wellington (2825). Barren. September, 1876. F. W. STONE. By Ship Polynesian, to Montreal, in September, 1876. LORD OF MILCOTE 33090— Roan bull, calved Aug. 2, 1876, bred by George Graham, Oaklands, Birmingham, got by Lord Oxford Rosy (38647), out of Siren by Lord Calthorpe (26619)— Syrup by 5th Grand Duke (19875)— Sylph by Londonderry (13169) — Sweetheart 4th by Cardinal (11246) — Sweetheart by Accordion (5708)— Charmer by Little John (4232)— Graceful by Caliph (1774) —Sylph by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435)— by Comet (155)— Russell by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252) — by same son of Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319). LADY JOCELYN 8th— Red cow, calved in September, 1872, bred by Mr. Graham, Oaklands, got by Lord Thorndale (29210), out of Lady Jocelyn 4th by Janitor (24204)— Lady Jocelyn by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Lady Jane by Duke of Gloster (11382)— Jardine by Lord Warden (7167) — Jacintha by Fawsley (6004) — 582 warfield's histoey Junta by Warden (5595) — Joyance by Javelin (4093) — Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491) —by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon^s Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman^s Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 600, under dam. LORD JOCELYN 33076— Red bull, calved Feb. 5, 1877, bred by Mr. Graham, Oakland, got by Ironstone (36792), out of Lady Jocelyn 8th by Lord Thorndale (29210), &c., as in dam, above. LADY ADELA— Roan cow, calved Nov. 25, 1869, bred by J. W. Larking, Ashdown House, East Grimstead, Sussex, got by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730), out of Queen of Tyre by Archduke (17316) — Syria by Duke of Ulster (12774) — Splendor by His Highness (11580)— Wharton Lady by Gainford 2d (6030)— Moss Rose by Wharton (2833)— by Count (1883)— by Sir William (2640)— by Young Rockingham (2549) — by Wellington (2824) — by Northum- berland (464)— by Styford (103)— by Bolingbroke (86). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 804, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13731. ASHDOWN DUKE 31653— Red and white bull, calved Oct. 8, 1876, bred by J. W. Larking, got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Lady Adela by 2d Duke of Collingham (23730), &c., as in dam, above. SIREN— Red and white, calved Jan. 12, 1872, bred by G. C. Adkins, Lightwoods, got by Lord Calthorpe (26619), out of Syrup by Grand Duke 5th (19875)— Sylph by Londonderry (13169) — Sweetheart 4th by Cardinal (11246) — Sweetheart by Accordion (5708)— Charmer by Little John (4232)— Graceful by Caliph (1774) —by Sir Walter (2637)— by Hotspur (1117)— by Coxcomb (928)— by Midas (435) — by Comet (155) — by R. Ceiling's son of Favorite (252)— by same son of Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 742. Died on passage. IMPOETED SHORT-HORNS. 583 July, 1878. F. W. STONE. By Ship Clyde, to Quebec, in July, 1878. JEX BLAKE— Roan, calved March 8, 1872, bred by Sir G. Phillips, got by 3d Cherry Duke (28171), out of Jantjana by Streamer (25241) — Jantja 3d by Euxine (12845) — Jantja by Lycur- gus (7180) — Jovenini by Sweet William (5368) — Joyance by Javelin (4093)— Joy by Blyth (797)— Janette by Wellington (684)— by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Fa- vorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 565, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13717. CHERRY J. .3d— Roan cow, calved Nov. 27, 1878, bred by Sir Geo. Phillips, got by Cherry Grand Duke 5th (30712), out of Jex Blake by 3d Cherry Duke (28171), &c., as in dam, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13717, under dam. SAPPHO— Roan cow, calved Dec. 29, 1871, bred by Sir George Phillips, got by Duke of Kent (25979), out of Sapphire by Standard (22963)— Mary Stuart by Standard (22963)— Lady Stuart by John o' Groat (18115)— Grand Duchess by Grand Sultan (16189)— Duchess of Sussex by Duke of Sussex (12772) — Countess of Beverly by Lord Foppington (10437)— Cowslip Bell by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Cicely by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback (2683)— Craggs, bought of Mr. Bates. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 24, p. 665, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13926. CHERRY CRAGGS— Roan heifer, calved Dec. 4, 1878, bred by Sir G. Phillips, got by Cherry Grand Duke 5th (30712), out of Sappho, above. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13926, under dam. CELESTE 4th— Red and white, calved April 2, 1869, bred by Lord Sudeley, Toddftigton, Gloucestershire, got by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), out of Celeste by Imperial Oxford (18084)— 584 wakfielb's history Seraphina 15th by John o' Gaunt (16322) — Seraphina 7th by Duke of Sussex (12772)— Seraphina 2d by Sweet William (7571)— Sera- phina by Earl of Essex (6955) — Sapphire by Stratton (5336) — Ruby by Fanatic (1996)— Eufe by Red Rover (4902)— by Rufus (2576)— by Emperor (1014) — R. Pointer's Old Darlington. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 946, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13609. CELESTE 9th— Roan, calved Jan. 22, 1874, bred by Lord Sudeley, got by Mandarin (29269), out of Celeste 4th by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), &c, as in dam, above. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 946, and A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13609. SERAPHINA DUCHESS 3d— Red and white, calved Jan. 31, 1878, bred by Lord Sudeley, got by Cherub 6th (36355), out of Celeste 4th, above. Died calving, in September, 1881. CELESTE 15th— Roan, calved Nov. 29, 1876, bred by Lord Sudeley, got by Mandarin 11th (33186), out of Celeste 4th by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727), &c., as in dam, above. S. R. STREATOR. Cleveland, Ohio. Sliipped by Polynesian, from Liverpool, Oct. 14, 1875. HONEYMOON— Red cow, calved Aug. 27, 1869, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, Ormskirk, Lancashire, got by Vis- count Curley (25382), out of Honey 23d by 2d Duke of Wetherby (21618)— Honeybag by Caleb (15718)— Heroine by Viceroy (13945) — Honeysuckle by Premier (7344) — by Bellerophon (3119) — by Alderman (2976)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Young Wynyard (2859) —by son of Simon (590)— by Styford (103). Recorded, E. H. B.,vol. 19, p. 547, under dam, and vol. 20, p. 560, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 598. GOLDEN SYRUP— Red cow, calved litay 24, 1870, bred by Mr. G. E. Frere, Roydon Hall, Diss, Norfolk, got by Duke of IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 585 Olney 2d (23774), out of Sugar Blossom by Tally Ho (20927)— Sugar Plum by Mountjoy (18427)— Sensible by Hendon (14688)— Seraph by Lamplighter (8204)— by Zenith (5702)— by Warlock (5599)_by Alabaster (1616)— by Monarch (2324)— by Satellite (1420)— by Oato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). Eecorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 741, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 582. OXFORD CHERRY— Red cow, calved July 27, 1870, bred by Mr. W. Horswell, Week Barton, Milton Abbot, Devonshire, got by Baron Oxford 2d (23376), out of Cherry by Prince Arthur (20535) —Carolina by Prince Alfred (13494)— Cold Cream by Earl of Dub- lin (10178)— Pansy by Gray Friar (9172)— by Fawsley (6004)— by Little John (4232)— by Marcellus (2260)— by Caliph (1774)— by Swing (2721)— by Argus (759)— by Defender (194)— by Petrarch (488)— by Brother to R. Colling's White Heifer— by Butterfly (104) —by Globe (278). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 440, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 809. LORD EXETER 23760— Roan, calved Dec. 1, 1875, bred by Mr. Horswell, got by Duke of Gaddesby (30956), out of Oxford Cherry by Baron Oxford 2d (23376), &c., as in dam, next aJ)ove. QUEEN HAWTHORN— Red heifer, calved Dec. 13, 1873, bred by Mr. E. A. Fawcett, Child wick Hall, St. Albans, Herts., got by Lord Eglintoun (31652), out of Red Hawthorn by Duke of Dar- lington (21586)— Pride of Bushey by Cock of the Walk (15782)— Khirkee 5th by Master Butterfly 2d (14918)— Khirkee by Young 4th Duke (9037)— Jenny Lind by Duke of Richmond (7996)— by Sir Walter (2639)— by Young Jerry (8177)— by Roseberry (567)— by Roseberry (567) — by Constellation (163) — by Hastings (293) — by Hastings (293)— by Leopold (372). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 15, p. 842. 586 1871. W. B. TELFER. Fergus, Canada. DUCHESS OF KENT— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 23, 1868, bred by W. Chalmers, Old What, Aberdeen, got by Duke of Kent (23759), out of Miss Butterfly 3d by Symmetrical (23006)— Exqui- site Butterfly by Master Butterfly 2d (14918) — Rosa by Procurator (10657)— Rose by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Rose by Red Highflyer (2488) — by Pyramid (4852) — by Harry Lorrequer (3985)— by Blucher (84)— by Magnum Bonum (4322)— by Styford (103)— by son of WetherelFs Bull (690). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 632, under dam. ROYAL ALICE— Red heifer, calved May 4, 1869, bred by W. Chalmers, Old What, Aberdeen, got by Scarlet Royal (27433), out of Rarity by Lord Cobham (22141) — Roseberry 4th by Champion of England (17526)— Roseberry by Somerset (10858)— Ruby by Guy Faux (7062)— Little Red Rose by Pedestrian (7321)— by Lucien (2228)— by Raby (2473). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 690, under dam. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS (28860) [3348]— Red, calved Jan. 3, 1870, bred by W. Chalmers, Old What, Aberdeen, got by Scarlet Royal (27433), out of Emma by Spec Duke (22953)— Mayflower by Lord Raglan (14842)— Roan Lady by Dulcimer (11401)— Short Tail by The Hero (10934). MAID OF KENT— Red, calved July 19, 1871, bred by W. Chalmers, Old What, got by Star of Peace (30063), out of Duchess of Kent by Duke of Kent (23759), &c., as in dam, above. YOUNG SCOTLAND [4008]— Deep red, calved Aug. 19, 1871, bred by W. Chalmers, got by Star of Peace (30063), out of Royal Alice, by Scarlet Velvet (27433), &c., as in Royal Alice, above. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 587 1876. MR. W. B. TELFER. (Supposed.) PilMngton, Canada. ARMOR BEARER [904]— Red, calved Feb. 25, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Butterfly 3d by The Baron (13833)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— Bounty by The Pacha (7612)— Strawberry by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Mar- garet by Mahomed (6170) — Mary Ann by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gibson by Carleton (843)— Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). BESSY 7th— Roan, calved March 1, 1869, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarvish, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Macduff (26773), out of Bessie 3d by Young Pacha (20457) — Bessie 2d by Sir Hubert (18844)— Bessie by Clarendon (14280)— Helen by Sir Arthur (12072) —Bonny Lass by Young Ury (10984)— Likely by The Pacha (7612) — Helen by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Mary Anne by Sillery (5131) — Miss Gribson by Carleton (843) — Dora by Diamond (205)— Kitty by Diamond (205). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 359. NECTAR llTH— Roan, calved May 12, 1869, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Alonzo (25510), out of Nectar 6th by Young Pacha (20457)— Nectar by Jemmy (11611)— Nectarine by Balco (9918)— Peach by Homer (2134)— Bloom by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Bright Eyes by Viceroy (5561)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Appleton (1647)— by Newtonian (2368)— by a bull bred by Mr. C. Colling. Recorded, 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 682. Died soon after landing. 588 warfield's history April, 1875. JOHN THOMAS. Wetmore, Kansas. By Steamship Caspian, Allan Line, from Liverpool to Baltimore. LADY JANE— Eed and white, calved March 2, 1874, bred by John Thomas, Wetmore, Kan. (formerly of Llanilterne, Wales), got by The Peer (32693), out of Rosebud by The Peer (32693)— Lady Warlaby by Lord Chancellor (20160)— Sunshine by Stamboul (13780) — Songstress by Baron Warlaby (7813) — Miss Stella by Duke of Lincoln (7993) — Miss Salisbury by Roseberry (5011) — Mrs. Salisbury by Raby (2474). A. H. B., vol. 18, p. 13750, and E. H. B., vol. 21, p. 954. SIR JOHN 33891 (35574)— Red and white, calved Jan. 8, 1874, bred by John Thomas, got by The Peer (32693), out of Lady Mary by Festival (26147)— Lady Warlaby by Lord Chancellor (20160)— Sunshine by Stamboul (13780) — Songstress by Baron Warlaby (7813)— Miss Stella by Duke of Lincoln (7993)— Miss Salisbury by Roseberry (5011) — Mrs. Salisbury by Raby (2474). TRANSIT— Red and white, calved December 25, 1874, bred by R. Stratton, The Duffryn, Newport, got by Protector (32221), out of Starlight by Reflector (27259)— Collins Cow. CHRISTMAS BOX (33375)— Red, calved Dec. 25, 1874, bred by R. Stratton, got by The Peer (32693), out of Lady Elinor by Prince of the Empire (20578) — Lady Pigot by Duke of Knowlmere (19623)— Lady Elinor by Sir Roger (16991)— Lady Sarah by Baron of Warlaby (7813)— by Leonardo (9137)— by Emperor (1014)-^by Studley (628)— by Sterling (2705). 1851. E. W. THOMSON. Near Toronto, Can. .CAPTAIN (11240) [104]— Red and white, calved in February, 1851, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Boughton House, Kettering, got by Lamartine (11660), out of Clara by Matchless (4428) — Cherry by True Blue (5522)— by Baronet (1688)— by A-la-Mode (724)— by Mameluke (2257). IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 589 SMYRNA (12107) [695]— Red, calved in June, 1850, bred by Duke of Buccleuch, got by Lamartine (11660), out of Susan by Matchless (4428)— Sweetbriar by Thorpe (2757)— by Bumper (824) — by Albion (14) — by Marske (418) — by George (2055) — by a brother to North Star (459) — by Martin Aylesby (1205) — by Barningham (56). August, (867. JOHN THOMPSON. Whitby, Ont., Can. BRIDEGROOM (14190) [69]— Roan, calved July 2, 1856, bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, Scotland, got by Hymen (13058), out of Lily by Fitz Leonard (7010)— Quartz by Granite (7047)— Beauty by White Bull (5643)— Young Broadhooks by Young Ladykirk (4170)— by Albion (731)— by Sirius (598)— by Wellington (679)— by Sultan (631)— by Signior (588). LADY OF ATHELSTANE alias MAID OF EAST LOTHIAN — Roan cow, calved Feb. 3, 1857, bred by James Douglas, got by Tambour (15366), out of Ruby by Treasurer (13899)— Nan by Cotherstone (6903)— Matilda by Lord Stanley (4269)— Red Rose by Velocipede (5552)— Old Red Rose by Priam (2452)— by Jerry (4097)— from the stock of Mr. Booth. C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 347, and E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 704, under dam, as Maid of East Lothian. OURLEY [159]— Calved about 1853, bred by Geo. Reid, Ballen- crief, Britain, got by New-Year's Gift (10564), out of Sara by Roger (13615) — Marchioness by Gen. Picton (3876) — by Favorite — by Mon- arch — ^by Thorpe (2757) — by Romulus — by Cleveland — by Diamond — by Duke. Imported Aug. 1, 1853, by Ship St. George. NERISSA llTH— Roan, calved Feb. 9, 1857, bred by E. Bate, Kelsterton, got by Hamlet (8126), out of Nerissa 5th by Lord Hill (6146) — Nerissa 2d by Gen. Washington (6036) — Nerissa by Harry (3981) — Rosemary by Grazier (1085) — Lady Mary by Charles 2d (879)— Lady by Garrick (2051)— by a brother to Wynyard (703)— by Mr. Crokin's White Bull (1889). C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 416, and E. H. B., vqI. 13, p. 625, under dam. 590 WARl^IELD'S HISTOEY August 29, 1870. J. S. THOMPSON. Mayjield, Whitby, Ont. By Ship European. BUTTEEFLY'S EOSE— Roan heifer, calved Feb. 6, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Scotch Rose (25099), out of Butterfly's Fancy by Forth (17866)— Butterfly's Pride by Royal Butterfly (16862)— Frederick's Pride by Frederick (11489)— Pride by 4th Duke of York (10167)— Princess Fairfaix by Lord Adolphus Fairfax (4249)— Princess Royal by Thick Hock (6601)— Barmpton Rose by Expectation (1988)— by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861) —by Denton 198). 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 376, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 425, under dam. GRAND DUKE OF ORANGE (^8762) [1501]— Roan bull, calved Oct. 28, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Orange Blossom 4th by Champion of England (17526) — Orange Blossom 2d by The Baron (13833) — Orange Blossom by Dr. Buckingham (14405) — Queen of Scotland by Matadore (11800)— by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Billy (3151)— by Sovereign (5285)— by Satellite (1420)— by Baronet (60)— by Cleveland (144)— by Symmetry (641). CLEMENTINA 1st— Red and white cow, calved Jan. 22, 1867, bred by Mr. S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, got by Master Goldschmidt (20305), out of Clementina by Lord Ythan (14858) — Empress Eugenia by Guy Fawkes (12981) — Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— Crescent by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Emperor (3716)— by Invalid (4076)— by Magnet (392)— by Palmflower (480). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 400. CLEMENTINA 2d— Eed and white heifer, calved June 5, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Clementina by Master Goldschmidt (20305)— Clementina by Lord Ythan (14858)— Empress Eugenia by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Bridesmaid by Sir Arthur (12072)— IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 591 Orescent by The Pacha (7612) — by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Emperor (3716)— by Invalid (4076)— by Magnet (392) —by Palmflower (480). Eecorded^ C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 406, under dam. MINNIE'S ANNAND ALE— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 29, 1867, bred by J. Ourrie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, Scotland, got by Master Annandale (14916), out of Minnie by Warrior (23178) — Minna by Young John o' Groat (16324)— Minnie by Heir-at-Law (13005)— Oowslip by Hudibras (10339)— Cowslip by Pedestrian (4670)— Rarity by Cleveland (3403)— by Architect (3030)— by Wonder (2853) —by. Witham's White Bull (5670). 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 660, and E. H. B., vol. 18, p. 618, under dam. SYLVIA— Red heifer, calved Nov. 25, 1868, bred by A. Oruick- shank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Science by Baronet (15614)— Splendid by Lord Sackville (13249)— Sympathy by Duke of Athol (10150)— Silence by Earl of Derby (10177)— Secret 3d by Duke of Sutherland (6945)-^Secret 2d by Locomotive (4242)^by Short Tail (2621)— by Gambler (2046)— by Young Wynyard (2859) — bred by Messrs. R. & C. Colling. 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 804, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 726, under dam. CHRISTOBEL— Red heifer, calved Jan. 31, 1869, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Crimson by Windsor Augustus (19157) — Corianda by The Baron (13833)— Czarina by Hudson (9228)— Sophia by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Kilmeny 3d by Robin-o'-Day. (4973)— Kilmeny 1st by The Peer (5455) — Premium by George (2057) — by Togston (5487) — bred by Mr. Laing. 0. H. B., vol. 2, p. 387, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 462, under dam. August, I87(. J. S. THOMPSON, Mayjield, Whitby, Can. By Ship Germany, from, Liverpool. VIOLET'S FORTH— Roan cow, calved April 12, 1866, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, got by Forth (17866), out of Sweet Violet by Lord Stanley (16454) — Violet by Lord Bathurst (13173)— Roseate by Matadore (11800)— China Rose by Hudson 592 (9228)— Carmine Rose by Fairfax Royal (6987)— Red Rose by Ink- horn (6091) — Moss Rose by Grazier (1085)^— Cicely by Sampson — Marion by Wallace (1560). A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 971, and E. H. B., vol. 17, p. 759, under dam. Sold to J. H. Spears & Son, Tallula, 111. KATHARINE — Red heifer, calved Feb. 13, 1869, bred by^ A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Allan (21172), out of Keepsake by Malachite (18313) — Kindred by The Baron (13833)— Kindness by Matadore (11800)— Kilmeny 3d by Robin-o'- Day (4973)— by The Peer (5455)— by George (2057)— by Togston (5487)— bred by Mr. Laing. . E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 565, under dam. FmESSE— Red and white heifer, calved April 6, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Rob Roy (22740), out of Finellaby Champion of England (17526) — Violette by Lorenzo (20235)— by Dannecker (7949)— by The Chief (5425)— Eliza by Billy (3151) — Princess by Sovereign (7539)— Queen, bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 513, under dam. CHAMPION OF THE WEST 13632— Red and white, calved March 20, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Cassar Augustus (25704), out of Violet's Forth by Forth (17866), &c., as in dam, above. MINNIE HALKERSTON— Red roan, calved May 7, 1872, bred by Jas. Currie, got by Royal Buck (3972), out of Minnie of Willow- dale by Refiner (24928), &c., as in dam, below. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 647. HEIR OF SCOTS [3328]— Roan, calved April 17, 1871,^bred by W. S. Marr, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Apricot 13th by Prince Louis (27158)— Apricot 7th by Young Pacha (20457) — Apricot 4th by Clarendon (14280) — Apricot by Jemmy (11611) —Peach by Homer (2134)— Bloom by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Bright Eyes by Viceroy (5561)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Appleton (1647)— by Newtonian (2368)— by a bull of Mr. Cattley's. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 593 LORD ABERDEEN [3480]— Red, calved April 25, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Aberdeen, Scotland, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Missie 26th by Prince Louis (27158)— Missie 12th by Master Gunner (22316) — Missie 4th by Clarenden (14280) — Missie by son of Duke 3d (17697)— Countess by The Pacha (7612)— Jessa- mine by Mahomed (6170) — Rose by Plenipo (4725) — Thorn by Abbott (2899). ROYAL BRITON 15393— Red, calved May 28, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, got by Lord Lansdowne (29128), out of -Finesse by Rob Roy (22740), &c., as in Finesse, above. Sold to J. Dodge, New Lyme, Ohio. CRIMSON FLOAVER— Red heifer, calved Jan. 28, 1869, bred by J. Currie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, got by Refiner (24928), out of Minnie by Warrior (23178) — Minna by Young John o' Groat (16324)— Minnehaha by Heir-at-Law (13005)— Cowslip 2d by Hu- dibras (10339)— Cowslip by Pedestrian (4670)— Rarity by Cleve- land (3403)— by Architect (3030)— by Wonder (2853)— by Witham''s White Bull (5670). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 407. CRIMSON FLOWER 2d— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 20, 1872, bred by Mr. J. Currie, Halkerston, vScotland, got by Prowler (22662), out of Crimson Flower by Refiner (24928), &c., as in dam, next above. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 407, under dam. This heifer was calved after dam reached Canada. CATHERINE— Roan heifer, calved March 5, 1870, bred by J. Currie, Halkerston, Scotland, got by Refiner (24928), out of Rose of Apperly by Ephraim (21697) — Primrose by Coeur de Lion (15783) — Diana by Midsummer (9395)— Primrose by Exmouth (6983) — by Sir Harry Liddell (5157)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Hollon's Bull (313). C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 391. COWSLIP, OR MINNIE OF WILLOWD ALE— Roan heifer, calved March 15, 1870, bred by J. Currie, Halkerston, Scotland, 74 594 got by Eefiner (24928), out of Minnie^s Annandale by Master Annandale (14916) — Minnie by Warrior (23178) — Minnie by Young John o^ Groat (16324) — Minnehaha by Heir-at-Law (13005) —Cowslip 2d by Hudibras (10339)— Cowslip by Pedestrian (4670) —Rarity by Cleveland (3403)— by Architect (3030)— by Wonder (2853)— by Witham's White Bull (5670). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 629, under dam. TAMBOUR [4131]— Red, calved April 20, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Apricot 13th by Prince Louis (27158)— Apricot 7th by Young Pacha (20457)— Apricot 4th by Clarendon (14280) — Apricot by Jemmy (11611) — Peach by Homer (2134)— Bloom by Sir Launcelot (5166)— Bright Eye by Viceroy (5561)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Appleton (1647)— by Newtonian (2368) — by a bull of Mr. Cattley's. SCOTSMAN 2d 20943 (35484) [4011]— Roan, calved Jan. 6, 1871, bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, Scotland, got by Lord Cecil (26621), out of Passion Flower by Cardigan (12556) —Patience by Lord Fanny (13187)— Purity by Noble (4578)— Primrose by Master Charley (7215) — Princetta by Baronet (1686) — Princess by Young Magog (2247) — by Reformer (2502) — by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly (2715)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152). ROYAL PRINCE [3987]— Roan bull, calved May 10, 1872, bred by James Currie, Halkerston, Scotland, got by Royal Buck [3972], out of Catherine by Refiner (24928) — Rose of Apperley by Ephraim (21697)— Primrose by Coeur de Lion (15783)— Diana by Midsummer (9395) — Primrose by Exmouth (6983) — by Sir Harry Liddell (5157)— by Lord Prudhoe (8251)— by Sir Harry (5155)— by Hollon^s Bull (313). Calved after his dam reached Canada. ROYAL DUKE (35356)— Roan, calved in April, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, got by Duke (28342), out of Ury by Scarlet Velvet (16916) — Ury Lass by Beeswing (12456) — Miss Isabella by Moss Trooper (11827)— Donside Lassie by Vice-President (11002)— by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 595 Sillery (5131)— by Sillery (5131)— by Young Western Comet (1575) —by Diamond (205)— by Favorite (256)— by Charge's Red Bull (1810). G0LDE:N^ drop 4th— Red roan, calved April 18, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Golden Drop 1st by Prince of Worcester (20597) — Golden Drop by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Bloom by Moss Trooper (11827)— Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040)— Jewess by Red Bowmont (3200)— Ruth by son of Exmouth (3747)— by Prince (4765)— by Wellington (2824). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15700. MAUD 5th— Roan, calved March 28, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Heir of Englishman (24122), out of Maud 3d by Master Gunner (22316)— Maud by Mainfred (11767)— Queen 3d by Phoenix (10608)— Young Queen of Trumps by Corporal Trim (7932)— Queen of Trumps by Brougham (1746)— Duchess of St. Albans by St. Albans 2d (5048)— by St. Albans (2584)— by Lawnsleeves (365). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 709. EARL OF SCOTLAND 59706— Roan, calved March 14, 1875, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Earl of Derby 2d (31061), out of Maud 5th by Heir of Englishman (24122), &c., as in dam, above. RASPBERRY— Red and white, calved May 5, 1869, bred by C. Bruce, Huntley, Scotland, got by Prince of Worcester (20597), out of Rebecca by Gold Medal (17984) — Jemima by Western Star (25430)— Snowdrop by Red Luggs (24919)— Lousea by Major (24514) — Lousea by Jock o' Darlington — Mary of Eden, from the stock of Mr. Grant Duff. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 716, and A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16100. GOLDEN DROP 6th— Roan, calved June 6, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Bloom 4th by Prince of Worcester (20597)— Bloom by Moss Trooper (11827)— Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Jewess by Bowmont (3200)— Ruth by son of Exmouth (3747)— by Robson's Bull (9562) —by Prince (4765)— by Wellington (2824). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15700. 596 ' warfield's history 1874. J. S. THOMPSON. By Ship Manitohan. QUEEN OF THE GIPSIES 2d— Roan, calved July 15, 1872, bred by Lord Kinnaird, Rossie Priory, got by Prince of the Gipsies (27179), out of Baroness Joscelyn by Baron Higlithorn (21225) — Lady Jocelyn 2d by Prince Oscar (16757) — Lady Jocelyn by Cham- pion (11264)— Lady Julia by The Duke (7595)— by Baron (3095) —by Invalid (4076)— by Satellite (1420)— bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 401, under dam. GOLDEN DROP 1st— Red roan, calved in April, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, got by Prince of Worcester (20597), out of Golden Drop by Scarlet Velvet (16916)— Bloom by Moss Trooper (11827)— Thessalonica by Duke of Clarence (9040) — Jewess by Red Bow- mont (3200)— Ruth by a son of Exmouth (3747)— by Prince (4765) —by Wellington (2824). A. H. B., vol. 13, p. 617. VILLAGE BUD— Roan, calved March 13, 1873, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, got by Scotland's Pride (25100), out of Lady Love by Forth (17866)— Lady Fair by Royal Butterfly (18753)— Lady Like by The Baron (13833) — Lady Isabella by Matadore (11800)— Arabella by Robin-o'-Day (4973)— Picotee by Premier (6308)— Sunflower by Unicorn (8725)— by Young Satellite (8538) — by Valentine (661) — bred by Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie — bred by Mr. Robertson, of Ladykirk, Scotland. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 583. VILLAGE BLOSSOM— Roan, calved March 3, 1875, bred by Mr. A. Cruickshank, got by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Village Bud by Scotland's Pride (25100), &c., as in dam, above. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 582. SIR ARTHUR -290- [4028]— Roan, calved May 7, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, got by Sir Christopher (22895), out of Golden Drop 1st by Prince of Worcester (20597), &c., as in dam, above. IMPORTED SHOKT-HORNS. 597 July, 1883. J. S. THOMPSON. Whitby, Canada. SCOTCH KOSE— Roan bull, calved Jan. 2, 1883, bred by Duke of Buccleuch, got by Royal Hope (32392), out of Lady's Pride by The Earl (27623)— Lady's Maid by Royal Errant (22780)— Lady of Dalkeith by Lord Stanley (18275) — Passion Flower by Cardigan (12556)— Patience by Lord Fanny (13187)— by Noble (4578)— by Master Charley (7215)— by Baronet (1686)— by Young Magog (2247)— by Reformer (2502)— by Margrave (2263)— by Leopold (2199)— by Hector (2103)— by Surly (2715)— by Traveler (655)— by Colonel (152). (874. PURVIS THOMSON. Of Whitby, Can. By Ship Manitoba, from Glasgow. PRINCESS 2d— Roan, calved March 18, 1873, bred by James Bruce, Burnside, Scotland, got by Lord St. Leonards (29202), out of Princess by Prince of Worcester (20597) — Princess Mary by Signet Seal (18824)— Victoria by Western Star (25430)— Miss Nightingale by Hareshaw (26339) — Young Jenny Lind by Orbliston (24691) — Jenny Lind by Jacob (6101) — brought from Mr. Lewis Crombie. C. H. B., vol. 4, p. 446. LOVELY LADY— Red, calved Jan. 26, 1874, bred by John Cran, Kirkton, Iverness, Scotland, got by Young Nelson (29426), out of Princess Lovely by Prince George (29623) — Lovely by Nelson (22401)— Lady Mary by Hotspur (21960)— Jenny Lind by Guy Fawkes (12981)— Red Lady by Van Dunck (10992)— Patience by Duke 7th (7984) — Temperance by Teetotallar (5411) — Jenny by Ivanhoe (1131)— by son of Blyth Comet (85)— by Atlas (42)— by Colling's son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 14, p. 677. 598 wakfield's histoky 1871. H. THOMPSON. By Ship Germany. LADY CECIL— Roan heifer, calved Jan. 2, 1870; bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, got by Lord Cecil (26621), out of Young Cherry by Royal Errant (22780) — Cherry Bloom by Lord Stanley (18275)— Cherry by Viscount (15471)— Violet by Kossuth (11646)— Rossie by Roger (13615)— by son of Thorp (2757)— by Thorp (2757)— by Albion (731)— by Wellington (679)— by Sultan (631)— by Signior (588). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 438, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 538. BREADALBANE (28073)— Red bull, calved Feb. 21, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Scotland, got by Champion of England (17526), out of Butterfly 9th by Baronet (15614)— Butterfly 5th by Lord Raglan (13244)— Butterfly by Matadore (11800)— Buttercup by Report (10704)— by The Pacha (7612)— by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— by Mahomed (6170)— by Sillery (5131) —by Carleton (843)— by Diamond (205)— by Diamond (205). STAMFORD 8th— Roan, calved March 29, 1870, bred by W. S. Marr, got by Macduff (26773), out of Stamford 3d by Young Pacha (20457)— Stamford 2d by Clarendon (14280)— Stamford by Phoenix (10608)— Sprightly by Corporal Trim (7932)— Stamford by Regent (2517) — by Togston (5487) — by a son of Lawnsleeves (365) — by a son of Bolingbroke (86)— by Sultan (633)— by Barnaby (1678)— bred by Messrs. James, of Stamford. C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 780. RED ROVER [3901]— Red, calved Jan. 20, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, got by General Hopewell [3232], out of Stamford 8th by Macduff (26773), &c., as in dam, above. IMPOETED SHOKT-HORNS. 599 1872. W. THOMPSON. Markham, Ont., Can. MICHIGAN CASKET— Red, calved April 6, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, got by Senator (27441), out of Cactus by Champion of England (17526) — Cicely by Lancaster Royal (18167)— Crocus by Jemmy (11611)— Kitty by Somerset (10858)— Kate by Hawthorn (7071) — Kilmeny by The Peer (5455) — Premium by George (2057)— by Togston (5487). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1048, and E. H. B., vol. 22, p. 385, under dam, as Casket. MICHIGAN DAISY— Roan,, calved March 21, 1871, bred by Mr. Milne, Kinaldie, Scotland, got by Prince Gwynne (27141), out of Spicy 2d by Squire Bushey (20889) — Spicy by Sir Marmaduke (14897)— Sauce Box by The Beau (12182)— Serpentine by Lottery (10472)~Seraph by Fanatic (8054)— Sea Nymph by Splendid (5298) — Sylph by Belshazzar (1704) — Symmetry by Belshazzar (1703) — Snowdrop by Snowball (2648)— by Prince (522)— by Favorite (256) — by a bull of R. Colling's. A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1049. TULIP 9th— Red, calved October 22, 1870, bred by Messrs. Atkinson, Peepy-on-Tyne, Northumberland, got by Manfred (26801), out of Tulip 8th* by Killerby Lad (20052)— Tulip 4th by Prince Pat- rick (16760)— Tulip 2d by Richard Coeur de Lion (13590)— Opulent by Abraham Parker (9856) — Florence by Tomboy (9750) — Flora by Magician (7185) — Flimsy by Vivian (5575) — Flippant by Belvedere 2d (3126)— by Alive ! (2995)— by Eclipse (236)— by Charge's Gray Bull (872)— by Paddock Bull (477)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). A. H. B., vol. 12, p. 1262, and E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 756, under dam. July 23, 1873. W. THOMPSON, Of Whithy, Can. By SMp Memphis, from Liverpool. WAVE RIPPLE— Roan cow, calved March 16, 1866, bred by William Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, got by Killerby Monk (20053), out of Wave Princess by British Prince (14197) — Wave Maid by Vanguard (10994)— by Baron Warlaby (7813)— by 4th 600 warfield's history Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 19, p. 779, and A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16258. WATEELOO CHERRY DUCHESS— Red heifer, calved Aug. 26, 1871, bred by H. A. Brassey, M. P., Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent, got by Cherry Grand Duke 3d (28174), out of Waterloo Plume by Prince of Warlaby (15107) — Waterloo Princess by British Prince (14197)— Water Girl by Vanguard (10994)— Water Witch by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— by Norfolk (2377)— by W^aterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 20, p. 815, under dam, and C. H. B., vol. 3, p. 805. Sold to Geo. Brown, Bow Park, Can. WAVE DUCHESS— Red, calved Nov. 9, 1873, bred by H. A. Brassey, Aylesford, Eng., got by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), out of Wave Ripple by Killerby Monk (20053), &c., as in Wave Ripple, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16257. LORD TREGUNTER [3562]— Roan, calved Feb. 4, 1874, bred by H. A. Brassey, Preston Hall Farm, Aylesford, Kent, got by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), out of AVaterloo Cherry Duchess by Cherry Grand Duke 3d (28174)— Waterloo Plume by Prince of Warlaby (15107), &c., as in Waterloo Cherry Duchess, above. Calved in Canada. (860 to 1856. JONATHAN and SAMUEL THORNE. New York. DUCHESS 59th— Roan, calved Nov. 21, 1847, bred by T. Bates, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), out of Duchess 56th by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646)— Duchess 51st by Cleveland Lad (3407) —Duchess 41st by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 32d by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710)— Duchess 1st by Comet (155)— by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown^s Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 338. IMPORTED 8H0RT-H0RKS. 601 DUCHESS 64th— Red, calved Aug. 10, 1849, bred by Mr. T. Bates, got by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046), out of Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— Duchess 33d by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423), &c., as in next above. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 339. DUCHESS 68th— Red and white, calved Sept. 13, 1852, bred- by Earl Ducie, got by Duke of Gloster (11382), out of Duchess 64th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— Duchess 33d by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710) — Duchess 1st by Coijiet (155) — by Favorite (252) — by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 415, under dam. FREDERICA— Red, calved Jan. 3, 1851, bred by Mr. Towneley, Towneley Park, Eng., got by Upstart (9760), out of Feathers by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Lily by Fergus (3782)— Purity by Dandy (1902)— Resplendent by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Bough- ton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by R. Ceiling's son of Favorite (252). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 463. PEARLETTE— Roan, calved Aug. 26, 1855, bred by Col. Towneley, got by Falcon (12855), out of Ringlet by Frederick (11489)— Pearly by Royal Buck (10750)— Manille by Brigadier (7849)— Pearl by Leonard (4210)— Bracelet by Priam (2452)— Vestal by Pilot (496)— by Remus (550)— by Blucher (82)— by Albion (14) — by Shakespeare (582) — by Early (232). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 576, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 594. DIANA GWYNNE— Roan, calved in 1852, bred by J. S. Tan- queray, Hendon, got by Duke of Lancaster (10929), out of Dolly V^arden by Ribblesdale (7422) — Dorothy Gwynne by Conservative (3472)— Cripple by Marmion (406)— Daphne by Merlin (430)— by 75 602 wakfield's history Layton (366)— by Phenomenon (491)— by Favorite (252)— by Fa- vorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 408, and A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 368. DINAH GWYNNE— Red and white, calved Oct. 21, 1853, bred •by J. S. Tanqueray, Middlesex, Eng., got by Balco (9918), out of Dolly Varden by Ribblesdale (7422) — Dorothy Gwynne by Conserv- ative (3472)— Cripple by Marmion (406)— Daphne by Merlin (430) — by Layton (366) — by Phenomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waisteirs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 352. FORGET-ME-NOT 2d— Red and white, calved Nov. 19, 1850, bred by R. Bell, Mosbro Hall, got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Forget-me-not by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — Fancy by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Fanny by Short Tail (2621)— Fletcher 2d by Belvedere (1706) — by a son of Wynyard (2859) — descended from J. Brown's Red Bull (97). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 461. COUNTESS— Red and white, calved April 25, 1850, bred by R. Bell, Mosbro Hall, got by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047), out of Care- less by Short Tail (2621)— Craggs by son of 2d Hubback (2683)— Craggs, a cow of Mr. Bates^ descended from stock of Mr. Maynard. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 382. PERI— Roan, calved June 12, 1852, bred by Mr. Bolden, got by Grand Duke (10284), out of Pink by 2d Duke of York (5959)— Marigold by Raspberry (4875)— Bright Eyes by Sir Richard (5175) — Queen Bess by Fleatham (2028) — by Admiral (5) — by Young Denton (963). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, , p. 540. DEWDROP— Red and white, calved July 5, 1851, bred by Hon. 0. Duncombe, England, got by Financier (9122), out of Dolly by rMPOKTEB SHORT-HORNS. 603 2d Cleveland Lad (3408) — Dinah by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Dinah by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Red Thompson, a cow of Mr. Bates', of Kirklevington. Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 406. DARLINGTON 6th— Red, calved March 4, 1853, bred by G. Sainsbury, The Priory, Eng., got by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387), out of Darlington 1st by Thomas (5471) — Pretty Maid by Eryholme (3763)— by Reformer (4914)— by Young Favorite (3770)— by Wel- lington (2825). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 345. MARIA LOUISA— Roan, calved Aug. 20, 1854, bred by St. Geo. Gray, Dorrington, Eng., got by Hopewell (10332), out of Rose-de- Meaux by Collard (3419) — Moss Rose by Matchem (2281) — Portia by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (273)— by Chilton (136)— by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 580. MRS. FLATHERS— Roan, calved June 19, 1854, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Fawsley Park, Eng., got by Earl of Dublin (10178), out of Amaranth by Janizary (8175) — Cathleen by Caliph (1774)— Rosy by Rob Roy (557)— by Satellite (1420)— by Sir Dimple (594)— by Styford (629). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 13, p. 610. BUTTERCUP 2d— Roan, calved July 22, 1855, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, Eng., got by Horatio (10335), out of Rosette by Lord John (11731) — Christmas Rose by Baron Ravens- worth (7811)— Briseis by Raree-Shew (4874)— Bessy by Thick Hock (6601) — Barmpton Rose by Expectation (1988) — by Belzoni (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 591, under dam. MISS BUTTERFLY— Roan, calved Aug. 29, 1855, bred by Col. Towneley, Towneley Park, Eng., got by Master Butterfly (13311), out of Rosa by Baron of Ravensworth (7811) — Briseis by Raree- Shew (4874)— Bessy by Thick Hock (6601)— Barmpton Rose by 604 Expectation (1988)— by Belzoiii (1709)— by Comus (1861)— by Denton (198). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 582, under dam. LALLA ROOKH— Red, calved Dec. 3, 1851, bred by Colonel Towneley, Towneley Park, got by The Squire (12217), out of Lavinia by Prince Ernest (4818) — Lady Ann by Ganthorpe (2049)— by Rockingham (2550)— by Bulmer (1760)— by Don Juan (1923). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 458. AURORA— Red and white, calved April 19, 1851, bred by G. D. Trotter, Bishop Middleham, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Allspice by 2d Duke of Northumberland (3646) — Young Amazon by Crusader (934) — Amazon by Sultan (1485) — Bellona by Mars (411)— by North Star (458). A. H. B., vol. 3, p. 298, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 250, under dam. DARLING— Red, calved July 11, 1850, bred by Capt. Dilke, Max Stoke Castle, got by Grand Duke (10284), out of New- Yearns Day by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Careless by Short Tail (2621)— Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback (2682) — bought of Mr. Bates and descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard. Recorded, E. H. B.,vol. 11, p. 403. LADY MAY— White, calved Feb. 4, 1855, bred by Mr. Cham- pion, Roseby House, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), out of Lady Millicent by Laudable (9282), &c., as in Ladv Millicent, above. A. H. B., vol. 4, p. 421. LADY MILLICENT-^Roan, calved May 26, 1847, bred by Mr. Fawkes, of Farnley Hall, got by Laudable (9282), out of Millicent by Grouchy (6051) — Fair Frances by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196) — Feldom by Young Colling (1843)— Lily by Red Bull (2838)— Lily by son of Hollings (2131)— by Partner (2409)— by R. Alcock's Bull (19). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 435. IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 605 SYLPHIDE— Roan, calved July 4, 1849, bred by H. Watson, Walkeringham, got by Pestalozzi (10603), out of Seraph by Lamp- lighter (8204)— Seraphina by Zenith (5702)— Joan by Warlock (5599) --by Alabaster (1616)— by Monarch (2324)— by Satellite (1420)— by Cato (119)— by Jupiter (342)— by George (276)— by Chilton (136) —by Irishman (329)— by B. (45). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 599. Barren in America. CYPRESS- Red, calved March 20, 1852, bred by H. Champion, Retford, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), out of Ceres by Prince Ernest (4818) — Cressida by Crossack (1880) — Cassandra by Miracle (2320)— Garland by Matchem (2281)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 340. AGNES — Red and white, calved July 21, 1852, bred by H. Cham- pion, Ramby, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), out of Alva by Amateur (3007) — April Daisy by Belshazzar (1703) — by Abraham (2905) — by Simon (5134) — by Young George (3885) — by George (276). Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 12, p. 261. CHERRY— Red, calved March 30, 1853, bred by H. Champion, Retford, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), out of Clove by Wizard (6688)— Bizarre by Sweet William (5368)— by Wiseton (2848)— Cheat by Mercury (2301)— by Hector (1104)— by Regent (544)— by Old York. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 328. CONSTANCE— Roan, calved July 11, 1853, bred by H. Cham- pion, Retford, England, got by Lord of Brawith (10465), out of Ceres by Prince Ernest (4818) — Cressida by Cossack (1880)— Cassandra by Miracle (2320) — Garland by Matchem (2281) — by Eitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 325, and A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 335. ELLEN GWYNNE— Roan, calved in June, 1849, bred by Mr. Troutbeck, got by Sir Harry (10819), out of Fanny Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777)— Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456)— 606 warfield's history White Moll Gwynne by Wallace (5586) — Dorothy Gwynue by Mar- mion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Old Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by Snow- don's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 9, p. 363, under dam, without name. MYSTERY~Red, calved May 24, 1850, bred by Earl Ducie, Torworth Court, got by Usurer (9763), out of Minstrel by Count Conrad (3510)— Magic by Wallace (5586)— by Wellington (2824) —by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phe- nomenon (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by Waistell's Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 11, p. 604. LADY OF ATHOL— Red, calved July 20, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Duke of Athol (10150), out of Olive Leaf 3d by Earl of Liverpool (9061)— Olive Leaf 2d by 2d Duke of Cambridge (3638)— Olive Leaf by Belvedere (1706)— Lady Bar- rington by a son of Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alford (23)— by Young Favorite (6994). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 429. ELGITHA— Roan, calved February 3, 1854, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Fawsley Park, England, got by Balco (9918), out of Forget-me-not by Fawsley (6004)— Florence by Little John (4232) — Cathleen by Caliph (1774)— Rosy by Rob Roy (557)— by Satellite (1420)— by Sir Dimple (594)— by Styford (629). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 364. BLOUZELIND— Roan, calved Sept. 2, 1852, bred by Sir Charles Knightley, Fawsley Park, Eng., got by Earl of Dublin (10178), out of Candytuft by Janizary (8175)— Cathleen by Caliph (1774)— Rosy by Rob Roy (557)— by Satellite (1420)— by Sir Dimple (594) —by Styford' (629). Recorded, E. H. B., vol. 12, p. 290. tMPOBTED SHOHT-ttOttKS. 607 BEN A— Red and white, calved Sept. 17, 1856, bred by Sir ('harles Knightley, Fawsley Park, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), out of Blouzelind by Earl of Dublin (10178), &c., as in Blouzelind, next above. BULLS. ST. LAWRENCE 1005 (12037)— Red, calved Nov. 15, 1850, bred by Capt. Pelham, Isle of Wight, Eng., got by St. George (9594), out of Omen by Evander (6981)— Fairy by Warlock (5599) — Violet by AViseton (2848) — Oberea by Ivanhoe (1131) — Miranda by Regent (544) — Jubilee by Prince (521). Note. — This bull was purchased by Dr. E. Warfield, and brought to Kentucky in the fall of 1853. GRAND DUKE 545 (10284)— Red, calved Feb. 14, 1848, bred by T. Bates, Kirklevington, England, got by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408), out of Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) —Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— Duchess 33d by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710) — Duchess 1st by Comet (155)_by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252) —by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). YOUNG BALCO 1124 (12426)— Red, calved July 28, 1853, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Middlesex, England, got by Balco (9918), out of Ellen Gwynne by Sir Harry (10819) — Fanny Gwynne by St. Thomas (10777) — Dowager Gwynne by Prime Minister (2456) — White Moll Gwynne by Wallace (5586) — Dorothy Gwynne by Mar- mion (406) — Daphne by Merlin (430) — Nell Gwynne by Layton (366) — Old Nell Gwynne by Phenomenon (491) — Princess by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) -by Hubback (319) — by Snow- don's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterraan's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). SECOND GRAND DUKE 2181 (12961)— Red and white, calved Sept. 22, 1853, bred by Mr. S. E. Bolden, Springfield Hall, Lanc- aster, Eng., got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Duchess 64th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Duchess 55th by 4th Duke of 608 warfield's history Northumberland (3649)— Duchess 38th by Norfolk (2377)— Duchess 33d by Belvedere (1706)— Duchess 19th by 2d Hubback (1423)— Duchess 12th by The Earl (646)— Duchess 4th by Ketton 2d (710) —Duchess 1st by Comet (155) — by Favorite (252)— by Daisy Bull (186)— by Favorite (252)— by Hubback (319)— by J. Brown's Red Bull (97). NEPTUNE 1917 & 3192 (11847)— Roan, calved Nov. 14, 1850, bred by Mr. J. Booth, Killerby, Catterick, Eng., got by Walter King (11024), out of Bloom by Buckingham (3239)— Hawthorn Blossom by Leonard (4210) — Blossom 3d by Young Red Rover (4905)— Blossom by Isaac (1129)— Blossom by Pilot (496)— Twin Cow by Albion (14). DUKE OF DORSET— Bred ])y Lord Feversham. Died on passage. GRAND TURK 2935 (12969)— Roan, calved Dec. 13, 1852, bred by Mr. Bolden, Lancaster, Eng., got by Grand Duke (10284), out of Young Rachel by Leonard (4210) — Rachel by Young Red Rover (4905) — Rally by Rowton (5019) — Young Carnation by Admiral (5) — C'arnation by Pilot (496) — White Rose by Albion (14) — Halnaby by Lame Bull (359)— by Easby (232) — by Suwarrow (636). ETHELBERT— Red, calved Nov. 14, 1856, bred by Sir Chas. Knightley, got by Duke of Cambridge (12742), out of Elgitha by Balco (9918), &c. Recorded, E. H. B.. vol. 12, p. 364, under dam. SQUIRE GWYNNE 2d 1001 (13779)— Roan, calved Aug. 2, 1852, bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, got by Balco (9918), out of Delia Gwynne by Conservative (3472) — Red Nell Gwynne by Chorister (3378)— Poll Gwynne by A¥ellington (2824)— Dorothy by Marmion (406)— by Merlin (430)— by Layton (366)— by Phenome- non (491) — by Favorite (252) — by Favorite (252) — by Hubback (319)— by Snowdon's Bull (612)— by WaistelFs Bull (669)— by Masterman's Bull (422)— by Studley Bull (626). impoktp:d short-horns. 6oy HARRY LORREQUER (12991)— Roan, calved April 8, 1852, bred by F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, got by Beauford (9943), out of Lady Lauretta by Laudable (9282)— Laurel by Petrarch (7329) —Fair Vetch by Sir Thomas Fairfax (5196)— by Colossus (1847)— by Burley (1766)— by Pilot (496)— by Warlaby (672)— by Albion (14) — by Lame Bull (359) — by Shipton (587) — by son of Suwarrow (636)— by Son of Twin Brother to Ben (88)— by Twin Brother to Ben (660). Died on passage. (823. GEO. M. TIBBETTS. Troy, N. Y. YOUNG COMET 2419— Red, calved in 1823, bred by G. M. Tibbetts, Troy, N. Y., got in England by Comet 2649, out of a cow imported by Mr. Tibbetts. GEO. VAIL and S. P. CHAPMAN. Troy, N. Y., and Clockville, Madison Co., N. Y. BOUKIE— Red roan, calved April 25, 1849, bred by J. Bell, St. Helens, Eng., got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Cicely by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Craggs by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — Craggs, from the herd of Mr. Bates. Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 312. BRIGHT EYES 3d— Red, calved June 23, 1850, bred by C. W. Harvey, Walton, near Liverpool, England, got by Earl Derby (10177), out of Bright Eyes 2d by Lord George Bentinck (9317)— Bright Eyes by Conqueror (6885) — by a son of Bearl (65) — by Mason's son of Comet (155)— by Wellington (683). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 314, and E. H. B., vol. 10, p. 282, under dam. FRANTIC— Roan, calved Sept. 3, 1850, bred by Robert Bell, Mosbro Hall, Rainford, Lancashire, Eng., got by 4th Duke of York (10167), out of Faith by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— 76 610 WARFIELD^S HISTOKY Fidget by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Fletcher by a son of Young ^ Wynyard (2859) — descended from James Brown^s Red Bull (97). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 389. ARABELLA— Red and white, calved Oct. 6, 1843, bred by R. Bell, Kirklevington, Eng., got by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649), out of Annabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Acomb by Belvedere (1706)— from the herd of Mr. Bates. Imported in 1844. DUCHESS— White, calved May 30, 1838, bred by Thomas Bates, Kirklevington, Eng., got by Duke of Northumberland (1940), out of Nonsuch 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Nonsuch by Magnet (2240) — by Major [a son of Minor (441)] — Old Sally by grandson of Favorite (252)— by Punch (531)— by Hubback (319). Recorded, A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 172. Died in 1844. DUKE OF WELLINGTON 55 (3654)— Roan, calved Oct. 24, 1839, bred by Thomas Bates, Kirklevington, got by Short Tail (2621), out of Oxford Premium Cow by Duke of Cleveland (1937) — Matchem Cow by Matchem (2281) — by Young Wynyard (2859). Imported in 1839 or '40. EARL DERBY 456— Roan, calved in July, 1851, bred by Thos. Bell, Durham, Eng., got by 5th Duke of York (10168), out of Lady Barrington 4th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649) — Lady Barrington 3d by Cleveland Lad (3407) — Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706) — Lady Barrington by Mason's Herdsman (304) —Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite [a son of Favorite (252)]. 1844. VAIL & CHAPMAN. CECILIA— Red and white, calved Oct. 6, 1841, bred by Robert Bell, Jr. , Yorkshire, England, got by 3d Duke of Northumberland (3647), dam by Short Tail (2621)— Chapman by Skipton Bridge Bull (5208) — ^bred by Mr. Clarke, of Skipton Bridge, Yorkshire, from an old and celebrated breed of Short-horns. A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 153. IMPORTED SHORT-HORT^S. 611 HILPA— Roan, calved May 23, 1840, bred by Thos. Bell, Yarm, Yorkshire, England, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), out of Hawkey by Red Rose Bull (2493)— Hart by Rex (1375). A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 185. LADY BARRINGTON 3d— Red, calved Feb. 22, 1840, bred by Thomas Bates, Kirklevington, England, got by Cleveland Lad (3407), out of Lady Barrington 2d by Belvedere (1706)— Lady Har- rington by a son of Mason's Herdsman (304) — Young Alicia by Wonderful (700)— Old Alicia by Alfred (23)— by Young Favorite [son of Favorite (252)]. A. H. B., vol. 1, p. 86. YARM LASS— Red roan, calved Jan. 8, 1849, bred by Robert Bell, Yarm, Yorkshire, England, got by 4th Duke-of York (10167), dam by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Dinah by 2d Earl of Darlington (1945) — Red Thompson, from the herd of Mr. Bates. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 599. Imported in September, 1852. YORKSHIRE COUNTESS— Red roan, calved January 7, 1850, got by 3d Duke of York (10160), out of Bessy by Cleveland Lad (3408)— Blossom by Belvedere (1706)— by Son of 2d Habback (2683). AGATE— Roan, calved Dec. 6, 1850, bred by Robert Bell, Mosbro Hall, Rainford, Lancashire, England, got by 3d Duke of York (10166), out of Annie by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Anabella by Duke of Cleveland (1937)— Acomb by Belvedere (1706)— from the herd of Mr. Bates. A. H. B., vol. 2, p. 274. Oct. 12, 1880. H. M. VAILE, Independence, Mo. By Ship Nova Scotian, from Liverpool to Baltimore, Md. WATERLOO DUCHESS 3d— Red and white cow, calved April 11, 1876, bred by Rev. J. D. Jefferson, Thicket Priory, York, got by Waterloo Earl (32816), out of Water Weed by Duke of Waterloo (21616)— Countess of Waterloo by Veteran (13941)— W^aterloo 13th 612 by 3d Duke of Oxford (9047)— Waterloo 9th by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— by Diike of Northumberland (1940)— by Norfolk (2377)-^ by Waterloo (2816)— by Waterloo (2816). E. H. B., vol. 23, p. 511, under dam, and A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16256. WATER BABY— Red and white heifer, calved April 6, 1879, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, Thicket Priory, York, got by Duke of Oxford 28th (33710), out of Waterloo Duchess by Waterloo Earl (32816)— Water Weed by Duke of Waterloo (21616), &c., as in next above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16255, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 500, under dam. WATER LILY— Red and white heifer, calved Sept. 15, 1879, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, got by 2d Lord of the Forth (38639), out of Waterloo Countess 2d by Duke of Oxford 28th (33710)— Waterloo Countess by Waterloo Duke (32813) — Countess of Waterloo by Veteran (13941), &c., as in Waterloo Duchess 3d, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16255, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 500, under dam. GAZELLE OF OXFORD— Roan heifer, calved Aug. 13, 1877, bred by J. L D. Jefferson, got by Duke of Oxford 28th (33710), out of Lady Tregunter by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022)— Gazelle 13th by Grand Duke 13th (21850)— Gazelle 3d by 7th Duke of York (17754)— British Lass by Union (19031)— Britannia by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Buttercup by Snowstorm (12119)— Helena by Hampden (8129) — Sylvia by Leo (4208) — Genevra by He.nwood (2114)— Gazelle by Sir Stephen (1456)— Millicent by Prince of Waterloo (528) — by Mayflower (425)— by a bull of Mr. Nicholson's, from the stock of Mr. Brown, of Aldborough. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15688, and E. H. B., vol. 24, p. 518, under dam. GAZELLE OF DERWENT— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 7, 1878, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, got by Marquis of Douro (40307), out of IMPORTED SHORT-HORT^S. 613 Lady Tregunter 2d by Baron Wastwater (30492) — Lady Tregunter by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022), &c., as in Gazelle of Oxford,, above, A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15688, and E. H. B., vol. 25, p. 521, under dam. LADY GRACEFUL— Roan heifer, calved Oct. 1, 1879, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, got by 2d Lord of the Forth (38639), out of Lady Tregunter 2d by Baron Wastwater (30492), &c., as in Gazelle of Derwent, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15805, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 500, under dam. KIRKLEVINGTON PRINCESS 6th— Red heifer, calved Sept. 10, 1877, bred by J. W. Larking, Ashdown House, Sussex, got by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Siddington 16th by 3d Duke of Clarence (23727)— Siddington 11th by 2d Duke of Tregunter (26022)— Siddington 5th by 7th Duke of York (17754)— Siddington by 4th Duke of Oxford (11387)— Kirklevington 7th by Earl of Derby (10177)— Kirklevington 4th by Earl of Liverpool (9961) — Kirklevington 1st by Duke of Northumberland (1940) — Nell Gwynne by Belvedere (1706) — Northallerton by Son of 2d Hubback (2683) — a cow, the property of Mr. Bates, descended from the stock of Mr. Maynard, of Eryholme. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15776, and E. H. B., vol. 24, p. 528, under dam. WILD EYES 34th— Roan heifer, calved March 19, 1877, bred by J. Thorn, Kirkbythore, Penrith, got by 14th Duke of Oxford (21605), out of Wild Eyes 26th by Oxford Wild Eyes (24716)— Wild Eyes 21st by Lord Stanley (14854)— Wild Eyes 19th by Solon (13766)— Wild Eyes 16th by 2d Duke of Oxford (9046)— Wild Eyes 15th by 4th Duke of Northumberland (3649)— Wild Eyes 8th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 2d by Belvedere (1706) —Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975)— by Wonderful (700)— by Cleveland (145)_by Butterfly (104)— by HoUon's Bull (313)— by Mowbray's Bull (2342)— by Masterman's Bull (422). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16265. 614 waefield's history SILVER DUCHESS 3d— Roan heifer, calved July 26, 1878, bred by Capt. Cliamley, Warcop House, Westmoreland, got by Thorndale Grand Duke (37593), out of Silver Duchess by Grand Duke of Kent 2d (28759) — Golden Duchess 2d by Barrington Oxford (25607)— Golden Duchess by Golden Duke (19860)— Czarina by 2d Grand Duke (12961)— Garcia by Grand Duke (10284)— Vaudeville by Humber (7102) — Guitar by Zenith (5702) — Serenade by Roman (2561) — Clarion by Childers (1824) — No. 25 Chilton Sale by Richard (1376)— by Jupiter (342)— by Charles (127)— by Windsor (698)— by Chilton (136)— by Colonel (152). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16197, and E. H. B., vol. 25, p. 392, under dam. GOLDEN DUCHESS 9th— Red and white heifer, calved Oct. 22, 1879, bred by Capt. Chamley, got by Grand Duke of Morecambe (36722), out of Golden Duchess 4th by 3d Duke of Gloster (33653) — Golden Duchess 2d by Barrington Oxford (25607), &c., as in Silver Duchess 3d, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15700, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 367, under dam. WILD EYES WINSOME 2d— Red and white heifer, calved Nov, 22, 1879, bred by J. Rigg, Wrotham Hill Park, got by Sid- dington Kirklevington (42379), out of Wild Eyes Winsome by Duke of Uuderly 2d (36551) — Lightburn Winsome by 23d Duke of Oxford (31001)— Winsome 7th by Grand Duke 10th (21848)— Win- some by Oxford 2d (18507)— Beauty by Crusade (7938)— Bright Eyes by 3d Duke of York (10166)— Wild Eyes 23d by 2d Cleveland Lad (3408)— Wild Eyes 9th by Duke of Northumberland (1940)— Wild Eyes 3d by Belvedere (1706)— Wild Eyes by Emperor (1975), &c., as in Wild Eyes 34th, above. A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 16266, and E. H. B., vol. 26, p. 612, under dam. LADY FEATHERS 5th— Red and white heifer, calved Feb. 19, 1880, bred by J. I. D. Jefferson, got by Lord of the Forth 2d (38639), out of Lady Feathers 4th by Baron Wild Eyes (33100)— Lady Feathers 2d by Oxford's Baronet (29499) — Lady Feathers by IMPORTED SHORT-HORNS. 615 Grand Dnke 6th (19876)— Feathers by Royal Butterfly 3d (18754) —Miss Feathers by Voltigeur (13966)— Flora by Valiant (10989)— Feathers by Duke of Cornwall (5947)— Lily by Fergus (3782)— Purity by Dandy (1902)— Resplendent by Blyth (797)— by Midas (435)— by Boughton (90)— by Windsor (698)— by R. Colling's son of Favorite (252). A. H. B., vol. 20, p. 15800. GAZELLE OF OXFORD 2d— Red, calved April 20, 1881, bred by Rev. Mr. Jefferson, got by Rowfant Duke of Oxford (43926), out of Gazelle of Oxford by Duke of Oxford 28th (33710), &c., as in dam, above, WILD EYES 35th— Red, calved April 2, 1881, bred by Mr. Thorn, got by Duke of Oxford 5th (27958), out of Wild Eyes 34th by 14th Duke of Oxford (21605), &c., as in dam, above. WATERLOO DUCHESS 4th— Red, calved Feb. 10, 1881, bred by Rev. Mr. Jefferson, got by Rowfant Duke of Oxford (43926), out of Waterloo Duchess 3d by Waterloo Earl (32816), &c., as in dam, above. KIRKLEVINGTON PRINCESS 7th— Red, calved May 15, 1881, bred by Mr. Larking, got by 31st Grand Duke (38374), out out Kirklevington Princess 6th by 3d Duke of Hillhurst (30975), &c., as in dam. above. A bull, red, calved May 20, 1881, bred by Mr. Jefferson, got by Rowfant Duke of Oxford (43926), out of Gazelle of Derwent by Marquis of Douro (40307), &c., as in dam, above. 1823. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER. Of Albany, N. Y. WASHINGTON (1566)— Red and white, calved in 1821, got by Shakespeare (1429). dam by Blyth Comet (85) — by Prince (521)— by Neswick (1266). PANSY— Cow, got by Blaize (76), out of Primrose by Charles (127)— by Blyth Comet (85)— by Prince (521)— by Patriot (486). CONQUEST— Never bred. 616 WAUFIELD^S HISTORY RALPH WADE, SR. Port Hope. Ont., Can. By Ship Rolla, from North Shieldn, to Quebec, in August, 1845. ADELINE— Roan, calved June 20, 1843, bred by Wm. Raine, Morton Tinmouth, Durham, got by George (12939), dam by Pyramus (4853) — Trusty by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Twin Cow by Young Rockingham (2547) — by Rob Roy (557) — by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301)— by Danby (190). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 195. Owned by John Wade. CLARENTINE— Roan, calved in August, 1843, bred by Mr. Hodgson, Durham, got by George (12939), dam by Gainford (2044) —by Rob Roy (557)— by Petterill (4685)— by Charley (880)— by Ronald (565). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 243. Owned by Ralph Wade, Sr. QUEEN OF THE FOREST— Roan, calved in April, 1846, bred by Mr. Hodgson, got by Belted Will (6780), out of Clarentine, above. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 440. FISHER ROAN— Roan, bred by W. Fisher, Durham, England, got by Maynard's Duke of Wellington ( ), dam by Waterloo (2816) — cow, owned bv Robert Wade, and of a very fine milking family. She died after producing her tirst calf. LADY EDEN alias LADY DURHAM— Roan, calved Jan. 23, 1846, bred by W. Fisher, got by Hudsworth ( ), out of Fisher Roan, above. Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 337. Note. — The pedigree of this cow, after Waterloo (2816), is evidently erroneous. SNOWDROP OR WHITE ROSE or ROSE (See E. H. B., vol. 7, p. 433, under Lily) — Roan, calved May 21, 1843, bred by Mr. Raine, got by George (12939), out of Lily by Pyramus (4853) — lMl*OlJtED SHORT-HORNS. Qllf Trusty by Magnum Bonum (2243) — Twin Cow by Young Rock- ingham (2547)— by Eob Roy (557)— by Denton (198)— by Ladrone (353)— by Henry (301)— by Danby (190). Note. — This cow is recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 473, with a somewhat different pedigree, but, after careful search, I am satisfied the above is correct. In E. H. B., vol. 7, p. 433, Lily is recorded as having been im- ported by Mr. Wade, which is an error (letter from H. Wade, Esq., Toronto, Can.), it was her daughter. Rose alias Snowdrop alias White Rose of this pedigree. AMERICAN BELTED WILL 210 (12394)— Red, calved in 1846, bred by W. Raine, got by Belted Will (6780), out of Snow- drop, above. 1851. R. WADE, SR. By Ship Helen, from Liverpool, in September, 1851. NEWHAM LILY— White, calved in May, 1850, bred by J. M. Hopper, Middlesbro-on-Tees, got by Bellville (6778), out of Hy- biscus by Clementi (3399) — Strawberry by Rockingham (2551) — Lively by Jerry (2159) — by Julius Caesar (1143) — by Young Albion (15). Recorded, C. H. B., vol. 1, p. 416. 1854. R. WADE, SR. SIR CHARLES NAPIER 970 (13712) [672]— Roan, calved in March, 1853, bred by J. M. Hopper, got by Bellville (6778), out of Polly by Bellville (6778)— Madeline by Newham (4563)— Ganny- mede by Uptaker (2784)— Garland by Matchem (2281)— by Fitz Remus (2025)— by Cato (119)— by Whitworth (695)— bought from Mr. Mason. 1839. S. WAIT. To New Orleans. Sold to Sfierley «-03 q SSI'S -3 .2^ sis =5 2^-= i-'di^«Soi:i:ao-S'aj^§^ S'O 3 3 §5S :Sg§ ■.»i-—-ia :sccr5 ill 5 ^-ca a a a a. as; ^1 = ■§' <<)-sj-s- ap s o cccc II; a o ^ i-iPQ o o as rt §1 CO K ^^ o'S a? CO o S a©; 0*J 5^ ;5tf^tfo6t^"CM«aHcrcQ6"-ii-ii-icni-ii-iSco tOiGOOQCOCCSieOC iO!M»-ii>a53i'-i'OCcDQr-( ICi0 (M!MTO C^JSJcs^JfCO ■d x: II o o _HH Q.u-nt-1 f- O O 2 © a> rt 3 3 o ;§|i iCQtff o 5 - "^£5 5 5 = 5 S ? ®Q :S o II S-M: >rt03.;Sc30:SrtT3u2«-3--«'r! a; 3 ci I -2m 2-2 c2i 2S^ gjrHOi-l C50<— ( j-t •1— (■<*ll> ;^^^ : l« c3 c3 cS e3 cj ncqpQnpQf CS a;) c PQfqhQ oooooooooo WOl;^-Sf ©^ fc- o cS O) III c3 .g. © © o mw( sSSomOOooooSoooo©© 5sSrto3--.ctctrtcS«Jrt«!cSces3o5rtcS jpqpqeQ^mpqmpqpqmpqpqmmpqpQm pqpQ m( INDEX — BULLS. 697 irsICCO»CD^'<*iOr-IOCOTj<«5HOrHCgO^Oo4< ; C^ 00 tH i-l C- CO lO ?0 3i -mM rf< ,-1 OS : O OS C» C- 00 C- i-l :'^iO-^ QOaBoBxaocjDSScCQOOOQO^SooOaoaoooaoooao :ao»SoaDSQOooS»ooc»aoaoSo • oo oo oo 08 oo oo ao -qoodoo coy CuWJa Bed .•eq p. C be . o a<) S2q ■^ ©1-5 2 5 p >;. ft a o o a t«OP . o a S D- 10 1-H I— I i-H S«-*OC0 s^ ;c3^H05 05cq OS S3 o 00 CO ci 10 c •^ O 10 -^i 10 C» CO ) coiOi-iu:) ■*cDc > c5 OS CX) tfS 00 lO OS OS 05 C (M CO !M •irsosQO > 10 (jq cc o 00 (M 00 CO CO CO CO « i<» :oi>ia ! 10 10 CO io o5 lO CO ?^ CO CO CO c o o is^a ^■^^s:-|^_^^sp|is 2 3 £j 11 o) ii .=^ ^ o S :; a o o o) c ci*^ S r- o if c MO |S5^S«^^ w Wb 25c;*^a)-:::^~;oS"--i2rt"5~2io^oi5"SoSo5>>oo3 O ■ -) i: o 5 1=1 mmmwoo^MtS o cc C > 6la a -*J f< 3 03 {§g OS ,—^,-^-—^00 .— ^^— .1 — iTfi op CO '~.- COCOCOC-COCO-^-^ic-OS' -'• COC-C»OiOQO'*C ~ — 'OSCJSfM OC ~i — c»i — ^;oc~05« -— '« I-HIOCO OSC^r-(COT»-i ^ £ o o S 55*2 -=3^ feiS S S £ I C~ -* ?^ C5 Q T-H , 5 Tf ^ 1— I eo ^ ua c )COt>Qg5sr3i 2 ;'-'g^2^Sg3?^a O •— ■ • O Ci too ::;fisc mp3 5 !3 1> ■a 3 S » WPQW o == S H S C Ph iuCO o o ^1 a^ 3 4) 3fl O in O fl - fc- 1^1 gill .5.2© saacficsa©-^.. c fl a Oi a Ci tt c, a a ft J- M d ss cs ,u .^ w WW .w .w li/ w « — -^ J-, i- r: « -" J-! ns 2 2^-C'3oo-^o2H'^S3j^ 3 « 3 is ?; «ri^ii-^ r! ?? 5^ Sa-o J^ INDEX — BULLS. 699 o £ S a' Si-tViOO»-5^0^0»-50 ^'d ft •<*< 00 in .-H 1-1 CO CD a; t> Si Si N : 2665 482) 924) 503) 46 :a?o:i ^ • «) ^ . : , — ,; i-H '-H kOiO C : OT 5 •* 00 as cc cJ S :i ds,< i^^o^«'-^2^5bs i'CCci=y M gQ^o sWS Is .rts;'Cs! .oj •^2'^ t::±;>^ •■<» (Mc-i-KMS^i :rH(>io-<»c^o-j5-^oo-*?iiri.-HaiC<)scc00003SSSSS — •C-r'^SSSS3_|-SSSS33S^SSSS3SrtSS ^fiftflfiQQftPQfi^^SSfiQfi««S^«ftPQfiQSa«0««fi««« INDEX — BULLS. 701 ooooSo8S8aoSaoao*coooSoQoSoa8xoooooDooS§030triooaoooaoco«Sao :aOaoSooSao :So iSocoaoaBao OO O . . £3 o tcccgoo o 3 o U3 gcdyi u 2 ^ ^ ;3^' "5 j^ ^ o -^3 03 d §8 S:^ ■So- O O' 3fl 18 =2«a§, o ® IJ 95 g-oS o i-((Mmir50C-if5iOOC-X!>->>>o^ 5'p aj o) « ^ fc- ■■■a ;os :0:d o3 :«.§ sr^; jrjd s'S 35 •I : o Si ^^^^ o^ 3« ^'^ I g^ o^gC SQcvH « S c O S 3 3 ;-3, S5 o -xi 010 to I iw-S :23s CD « ^ os ;^a^ loir® : oj cfl a; i^ 3 _ 3 : >» :?^c^ao, ) O i-( X' Tt* '-^lO i-l I — !0 1—1 ■ ioiraioccc;S o fci-o ^"^'^^'^l ztl l^'s's-s oq^-s-s-s^ oo-S 702 wakfielb's history. Oh >^. 7} 03 !> !> fa Oh CU Oh Ph q Pli Q h Qh "THims^ "*< lO CO — I ^ lO ec ■»*< irs ■>* ■<*i ■>i*< t*i la ■»»< t»< Tt< III INDEX — BULLS. 703 scoooGOocaoc I CO ecus c- looaoaooq go>3£: O . . O o . ill 1=5 S a3+i iadSsii cap ^^t|.=;2HH£® W) ^ ■o^^^ P2r- O O t- SScd eS S o > 3 t- S O O Sz2 3^ o S 3 o a» I a_i O iSS ^65 IIIS^SS II i _ .g ■ " "" ■" "" o -a : CC(M« T3 cj; re a; ® "5 g = CftrfcuP ;- cj rt :^" :6 O ;- t- 0-3 »- S~S 3 ^ 5i ^ iS S^E: C^ "^ O^ tji T— t CO CO lf5 o I -1 ■ C<1 ■»*< GO O 3i C- rjH I O Oi S J-i ^ ?q '^ ^ |ci-^«Sg5 0;=: ^ O ; i§5 3 § c fc-^-S o otSn 3 « WW s9r,^1515s? g 2 22 2 ss S S ® 5 e -C3 C ~ ®T3'5 cc CcCOOCOOO) - -! 3 3 3 3 3 31-5 o^astuj:, £7(irj--:3 bCna •ccaj3-» = 333=^.- 33333 = = - 3Caa®®t^a>o ^J'S'S't; > ra'- r; re p s riQ;3 j= ^ rt ^ g s s re re II : W) reo) :3 o OOOC; 3C5C500 704 WAKFIELD S HISTOKY. ;0'^ r-(CCio T-( TjH CD «o •^ us lo ■^ CO lO o5 ec "Si er5 CO lo scio CO CO fM o CO »o Tfi'ti'^io CC S3 O O c a a a fl o o o o o ►-5 h5 1-5 •-? ►-S INDEX— BULLS. 705 5 as lO CO Ol i-H rH ^aoooaoacaoouoSdo Qo25i»co c»i> :c- : D- « ift « gj E~ : us ob cc t^ Jo e 00000000 OOOO '00 •00 00 00 00 00 00 OOOOaOOOQOt o o 2 hi*: .|iS|Si=||2liii|||= . O ciSi-n-f^ :iSt>aoc lO CO ■* i-l -^^ O CD lO ^H O CO (M i-l lO •»*< CO :iOC^ CO C0 1-1 rf< CO O? CD N CO 55 S c 1 ■is o isa a! ® :s ■5 a ^Q^oS^ :s^ > CCOr--iO -COc < t> r-( ici 00 CO CO Q o lO CO 10 "*i c 3 a> ^00^-0 = tjc tuD yi &f tic2 35335 Mhcti&c&ciiEbcticbtticy) i: ~ =£r£ =i:i:.i:i;i:i:c c cca Sec c='5 1 _2_2 rt as 3 a; 03 111! > > o 53 > O CO 706 wakfield's histoky. i-iiOi-i«5.-i ■*ccp;.-ii3iatDo«3 ou-joc S'Si'd fl ^ S — 'O'C £ o s p^p^ S5^ Sgg5?^^Sg ■T*< 00 !M .— -O C- C- . . C- !>■ !>■ '^'S'-'t? C~ rH Q, 0,0? Tt< Tti OOCDiOC^C^ re »»■&■§) d c! 0) 5^ 'H'S o o !^iiSreri^fc-i:^^re^ OOOOOOOOOOOO 1^ J k] h5 H^ H^ 1^ h^S i-q t-q K^ H^ CO O P 2-981^ = "S =; s 1^ i "t^ S ; s bcbcx re =='rS2 ^ o o~ ^ pWWWpHC5eWK»2.^,^U^^ "H "H "2 "H 'S "H 'S "S "H "S "H "H "H "S oooooooooooooo h:; h! h^j ij H^l ^q h3 h; >_q i_5 h^ H^ ^ H^! lll^iglilii OOOOOOOOOOO' III t^rt re INDEX — BULLS. 707 iiiiisiiiiiisiliiiSililiii i>c~ • C- lo g< i-H CX)30 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 CX) 00 OlOO' lit •.'OO : ll 0) 2 : . : fl : o : :s 5 u S^ OS otJ |S =3^0 ®=S--C aiOs o :«a^fi o^aCQ «- So iiislia '^.9£! J66 las :£^;iHof^o|Wo .i^. ^^r:§^SfeC5 3m2 61 :i^'H^6::5oaSco!g:5Spii-^PLicdOi-j < i-l(M «3 10 ■<*< C5ioO'**'^«Oi-ieCrH35i>Q=oo?QaOOa5gQi— ii-Hi>(MoocoorjeooDtxMasc;'*'N-^ « iSfem5z;ccpqo^« O •<*< cq to «3 U3 i-H rH CQ -^ lO Tf< cq IM CO SSl ■«*< (Tq •<*< iOi-H CD ;£) (M i-l US i-l lO rH il 25 Tf< (M iO •<*<<£>5q -a C o IS® •3 iS"- 3 q o) 0.^ cBctf_53oj^x33^:£gc:--(Si:csi2iia32;^ i 250 ) c'C0eCTtlrHC032lOOTH"*»ni>ir5lOTtQDW(35t»T}<'^'^0r5'^05O , .i - ■ T? ( : C H : 7i S3 : CO. = SS : o o : do. : .^05 o s o o Sd2 . -^^ • — '« • c '-' S .. v iioao<».-HCO-^mcqOCT>ecc-?o<»i>?5C'*'.-HCi-i^cciosrjr-iix> Tfi t-i eo ;o ■«*< lo uS U3 cq c?o ois 3S oi:_, o -.S" i^i'-i "S i a> o s s CQ rt eg «J Is. ^ O t- X3J ^2; llnPHPiifiCLiPLiOHO-l&HPHfSS^P^Cl^ll^ PhPi OiPh a< Oh fL| (H PM P-i CL, Ph pLi CM Ph PL| CM f« -^ « <« ^ III ills cS rt cS e3 OJ OJ tfMtf«tfpi!P5 INDEX — BULLS. 711 .-( ■'* i-H « S5 :Si i§g§^8888iiiS88iS£gS5ii8838^£^SB§88£SB£SS§£88^ iaOQucoaoaoaoaoao ■ c-«oi:-a5i-H?fliQc-ccGoaDCi*ocg:«co?qr^ •flog fc- OJ 03 |Sg| • C flji! ^St^-E-S,, :-M dS c-^ Sloi^S S'22§' : (urS ;^=£ «So S2o£o=;j5£osroci:*^s5^K!>2ooK!ooo2i3s2ooi;oos£oo«eo 05C0OI 1 ocoa5-^<:rH-^i— ic^jccioco ooojcrxrqi-i «5,-i-,o:c otMOosiocoio c~-<*• 1-1 •<♦lr-l.-iaitD.-Ha5- 'C-tMOSOl sasc^L _ . _ < O :* 00 qj tC C- 1 ^ - - 5.— ic o) SS - or s a <» fl o S c c c r-S «3 ee o It. .'-'GO t3 its o f-.ii! o o-a oia ^"^ 3 fl s Q ^"3 io5 oo '2l^gpj«i: iKl|-i^|-^".S|«|| s-< O 3 CHOOli-HtD.^ — irt C^ Iff 00 •— '— -■^ :i— iCCi — '.-^00 1 ■ "I .-I O rH 1— I CO Q ■* (M O lO as C~ ; lO ■3< as i2 US t " ~ •ocooor-ccoai^ :tp»Hioooc~ooioost~?^©«»HOoa5eocoeo«q5escco5gjc-05i0050C"Ccao«o CO T? O •^ ^ : rH — 'mC^i-l -.-I •.-I00r-lo6-«ti00^»-l INDEX — BULLS. 715 S5CC Sirsio 95 O to rH 00 -^ CO "* (>J CO C0 1-1 1;0 CD C^ s 11 Old as aa da sa aa =-5 a© Is a^, 5''^ 3^ = ^- • = ._jD a ^ fc- I; C30i5 .SOOJ Sj_"fc< . . G O OJ . a . c>aift(3'j'viai»-ir^j5CO'*xiOOTiooc^cc<5mi03DC :eccooDTtio500(M §5«SS^«i-5c CQ -<*< CO «*< U3 lOCO-'l* :ir5i£3i-( T*SStar1 ^4S , ii fi d ■50 sa -2|||;y|s=S^'S? > eg ^Q5SS -S$ 10 g? ■* '-o (CO 0510 CO (CDiOCOOQ iococoa5(Mioaocooa5a50ooi-H O'^QQ'O^i— im»-tcocOi-Hioa5 Tt< GO CO CO Tf C5 rH THrH 83S' ■^,-1 C0 1-1 .-^.—.1-1 C5 ^o 1-1 ) Tfi ,-H ,-mO CO r-i rr CO .?5 •r<>i-ic>QA-A>CA^S» ^i4 a^ : ; : : :•§ lii-a-o-ais 1^ O O O O fc, >. Sf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 716 warfield's history. ^i H iili I |r .1- ISsi 1 2^ aaaa 3 3 3 3 O O O O IT^DEX — COWS. 717 O 02 O « PQO O » o CO p w « ft X ^ <5 ft w a tf « ■ o H <^ Ph ft l-H ■<) dft' IS «^l 5SS > ITS to di o 'S* c- ' jiocoirsiM'j'i-iox'c )CX)C jaoooGOooooooaotjoaoooQoc u3 00'*'ira SoOQOOO X .>x PLl<*-9J^^ i-c>*hcoi-(JnisciMt-ii-i o CO 00 s^ to oq CO CD o o t-H lo o cS i-h i-h (m locb ^Sqc^iiw o ■:3 o cc O St S^^ 5,3^5=2; S S 88 o o o. woo i2'2 6-^ :S| H O 50C Wh3 ;ft^>^>.o""M-g ^2. 3 ai CO tn CO v W ■o-a s c 718 WARFIELD S HISTORY. INDEX — COVV^S. 719 55g§8gS >i-HrHlOQ0OI>a0O^ ^ ^ ^ - - ,0) - OOOOOOOOGOaOaOOOiXGCOOOOGOQOXOOCXDOOC ) 30 00 00 00 00 00 oO irq o X) cc -H .-I CO 00 'X 00 00 cc cc c* ii5 0000 0000 4) O) £ < »-i cc c- ■* t^ :c<^l-HO^«o•>*<^ Sp^ SCO) mS::§ej"E: ^1 ^J2=:S-3 3 ga . "si o •So-S 52«2 omSm i* 2 fcJ ^- X 0^2 ® o o ® oj S o "^ 3 3 a cd 3 QQpQMQ c = > X,K^ , r: CO 03 qSC 3 3 3 cS rt :3 t- b^ ii 000 ill" J 3 3 ! 3 3 3 a> aj ^ T3 •*5S5 S.^SS •3 -3 • S ;s ,^ 7: a^ ?^ il fe OPh ^'^5 5 (Dp 2^d ci rt d a o^ aaac.2 « « ii 2 - Z. = -g •c ^^^^ii;3:3 2 s 3 a s o 5 o p pp-5 ^Bi-iJi^^^ is 3 3 3 3 3 3 mMfflmmmffi 720 VVARFIELD'S HISTORY. ^ oMdw 85a§5as WQ XK»< wddw coco CC CO c S^ XXi C o s 9 =3 p O =2 ..-Si 1 s^ ©73 =: >r H^S c 03^ ^1^ en 3 X p« = •:s !-i -isx: x3 . • •^* ix> o t- ri O O) a OS b =« g HOhJ OQO-Hl^^«lXl-!t'o■^ccoeo^o^oc50c;^'«JS^>o»-HC-.-^c<^^oc~CiI>^a■J^eoo<^a5ffiI--l INDEX — COWS. 721 I lO CO JO ig CO 25 (3^ i-H eo^S SC-OCO-Hi-HC iSSS.^S; gNOio SOOC-^CO ■>r. ?5 lO « OT OT i3 1 -«j -"^ -^ !^ -ai H Q O O -aj d M -^ -^' 3SX <«IW-< W-ij^"W^ c 1 rH T-1 i-H i-l rH t-(l— I r-l ,_| ,-i ^-t l-H t-( r-l r-i tH fH l-H r-l rH r-l t SS55 2 , .oa o ce cs .5 :s « a S aj o^ . s: « -iSjaa) 111 . : a d S ^ aOOJrl- s^O ^ ^ O G S oi O) cr)Ooo;^H^'(aSHH63t»>-^^H H; sjo: X2 Si P c3 «2 iiS-iSii^ giSiiSiii"SisSiiii-li^iiiiSS§ „ . . - o . s ■a •I ^c-SS CO o ^^•-^g-Sr^.^^^ =s= O) art's S o o o ^ o «-i ''^ 1. pqpqpqpqcqmmpqMPqpq 53 is a T!, O •t? t- K ft M 3 P«. S-. t*. >v >> t*i .'•S-S^'-S-f?' ] CO •«»< lO to t> 00 §£| ss 333r-ir3'g"g3gss|333sss33333 g-^ 5 3 3 3 S S S INDEX — COWS. 723 iiiii i i5iiii§si xxx»'#cocoOToSc3oooaicot-co^rHcorHOT(»aoaocoSScocccqu3aiC»'ODO :0 ;s5 :ro : :iM '•^■5-^b' kD « « H^ p: « Z CQ Q fe^O;<^ W S^Ha« pq T3 O O SIS all o ; s'a-a •Q a a !^ ^Sa il!l ill s I a Wa qopq -*ai 2^-3 £l3|ag (§^ ■ « o CO CO 0) rt c3 :qo eoiS a a a a 22 2 «^ cee3rtceea.-i3cSc3K!:ts3K!«3e3cea3s!c!3K3e3«!rts3a3Si3rti53!Uaj^a>a>(»a>iXi4).aj3£X3^,a,aj3J3J3^ 724 WARFIELD S HISTORY. ii^i CT5 ;;\| c^ -^^ la ■<*< CC -^ CO lO MS oo52^oo«coioio«'^io— logOGO- ooooacooooaoaoaoooaoccaoaocjooox)- ■,ctoc o o WW "2 . OXJ a^a ^ -J 5-^ ^ _: C g !^-t^£p g)2^ : =2 = o ^ : ^t2 T3 a 3^ o a> £3i:;a^;a£^^^j3,G^x:j=!^a£!^fl5^.S5^^.ij,=^ =^ :xsj3^xa ' 0) » o : § INDEX — COWS. 725 HIS asi-i .Ttfi-ic-io -cfi :o> -cc :©QQc-i-ioioio«OOTi-ic-Ht>0 C<>ODi— I CM Cm ai C O C^ CO O Tfl O T-H t-» r- •«< C-. O t- lO CO C<1 OD C s , ■JS ^ ^ JJ <» : o mfl JO c WW- . C p si GCrH CCS a> saa 0)0)01 ■c^s:^::^^ iaoo ) aj D oj )SS3 22o' rt rt ?3 O) oi-r ooc S S 2 ^ c c c S Sxi o 3 CC C o o o o 11=2 02 03 M c c c ao o 726 WARFIELD S HISTORY. m o ■< m\ III fLt 1 : : g :^X : SH : Q : - - : « ^ : k IHW : do i u3TriC<1-^c *S8 -i WW )r-ll-lrt, OJ O) 00 c« ^ i ^ § §55 s 8 § o § 2 g.|te^^ =5^i2i3i^.2.2i2^.2i2^i2 a s s s a 00000000000000«fiQQPOPQQQQ«0««OQ«QQOQ«P aj 05 ^" bi INDEX — COWS. 727 si < 00 CO 00 1— If -.^ ^MS • 25cocoooc-ocDi-HOi3ia5a5cccaou5irsi-Hocococ"C<>i-H(3icooTtiiooc'C-i-( loaoaoalCOc-oo3;2:■^rH<^^oo^l:*ln'X)0^>c~I-HTr^oClX>c<^rHoooo«OQCu5eoc<^^-H■>*xi-<*<' I « « o a w 3 3 3 3 3 728 WAEFIELD'S HISTORY. •i:» c^ r- D- C- C- !>• ir-iooc-Hix>rH.-Hrq«er:t-i:p t$ & ^ ^ 3 3 o o o:3!S c --0^ o o o o o o oW CQCOCOCOCQoaOjCO COCCMMCOyiCOCO i;tCPd^d^Q^d>d^o^ 33333333 QPQPOOOQ INDEX — COWS. 729 § ii I iii xZ -i{-si<5WhJ . . I- 3;c5 - aj £3 oj "a M- ;£§ ^■52 „ is i ^X o-jw-< X .d I X>X : :-< ^^^ M^M : msxx^i::^ x^xx^x^ ^X^ U< fiH pE4 (a^ Cm Cb 732 WARFIELD^ S HISTORY. >^X' ><- = 1-1005 IM -flid^-aipQ ) CC CD lO TJ< I la •<*< Tti m eo 00 lo 00 00 CX> X) 00 CX} 00 CO<£i o IfSlO lO Qoaoooooooc Ol OCOO )Oii-ioDOQ'*'0'^ao-«*iTt<.-HCC'^tOi— iirsioi— iCT5CJ5< c-s OQHio;z;wwm ■2 *> 53 t! ?^ eJ S ^ • • H • ^^ • ?'*' ' ^ xJ2 eg Wg-o' =^2 .O.t-.D.JS.^ J3 .. ....^K/-sx:.ce,_; M 8 «.^-^c-u3i:cincoQOc~tcco'>^cDc~c*^ioc-cftet5r-tg303:iC^c )Sx XX So So So 88 00 00 So 30X00 00 So 00 00 So So So Sdc JSoSooBSSoooBSoSoSoSoSoSSoc lii g«2 S = c ! . O O ssa i*> t». >i rl ® 2 2 s 000. be t3 S r3 5 o o« o CQ m Iz; PQ 1-^ CM ^ Q t^J i-s H^ i-s « S S t-5 ^ i-s i-i H^ i-i O C! 1^ 1-5 W i-i i-i 1^ MS a o S H^2 . . 2|2 1^^ So- =3 O «m2 =S^ ;r : OJ '"P.f^ZArT.V JSl o o 3 aj OI wa: vi JS > o-o 100- I? ; S oj o o o INDEX — COWS. 735 s^ss 486 389 574 607 527 620 12090 770 586 574 647 547 12095 17174 362 413 17861 644 577 15705 733 557 12915 498 12097 |||83 418 6 785 15712 17128 436 tux^ C, VII. A., III. A., XI. A., XV. K .>^^xx>x>xxx>x^a ^xxx^xxx^>na^ift'^c-iSi'^^»ftoi:^i>-ai'*iaioo^HiorH«5«>(^ .s CO o ^g(S5ao3a ii s-.£3 -3 — GKOvrbC ~ a OOCQOOh aoa o o q 5 go lO :>? in CQccpQca PKoooccw^^ OOOOOOOOOOOOOO a3aJi;4Ja5dJQia;a5dia)a>a5a3a;d5a>^' -' -- -- -- - - -- - -- -- -- -- -- ri c-» (-^ CI e~i ^^ 22 0(5 6 2^ i.^ ^ >■ ?= ^ rt a; rf a, IB • 2 = 03 S 2' ^2HgQQ3'sOfi«P«c;c;:^Maq«o=)Ccc;;57; _S.£?ji-t->>»'>. OOOOt-i-fciOQOGcgooocoift»*iioc-i>-c~cci«iatriir5QOio oocccccjcooooaoQC'OOoooooooooDococaoaoooaoQDaoQCooxjoCco sccioc^c^comioixiccirs ;oooOQCGOGOOooc»CDOoao I'!- 1^ .0.0 ss : P O ■ sS § = ^- ?5 S cS 6 : ^2 |6 :S -2 i*^ : c S n-> C6 *j . a5t>0'^toopcooQc-ccr-Tf<'^'»*iTtOoicico(Nc CO CCiO i-l 55 55 rl lO la .-I oj t Ir-tC-i-HQCOaii-llOi-IC^Q I ^ O ®-i 2H Bag HI- 'S' ® o Si^5ia «3 ^5sa;5^«GS5sSQS t)0 ^asS c3ee Q - •- •- H G o -*^ .,— T^*J H C> .cdc-oOt-i o) D m O) CO CO tC M O O O O I aas-^5i G 3-0 G G G G __ G C O k. j^ INDEX — COWS. 737 ^g lii 676 567 12111 581 407 247 15741 ii 52 615 ■■■ 18676 412 460 liis t- 11 iiiis 44 O'-ai id . (£4 il4a'4 d |4dw' 1 4 MM 5xdx>^ 0000000000000000*0000 lOQO^SrH- )ccOT^ODS3«oq5 .—4; ec ec s ?2 •OS a^c V'^ do 5S = Q • a 0? a t: jj t; aS£a^^« ^ CO CO? a fi fir^. Q03'C^c~o^rHOcog>ioor3cqc5OTceQQCc2c^c lOrtS ■<*< so r-< «0 TTi ■<*< lMlOo5-^»OC -^ lO (M IX> rH CO "J* C it-coccec-nMCic-eoj 'S w) s^ -- 3 O C eo es WSP a^ 3 n CO woo^ «S ►-^ >— t ►-( 1-5 1^ •i^ c 3 s a K! ce S3 .-e (-St-sHjI-B en fie ;^ K! o — i: 0--1 o B o o '^ C S -, c a G c a a a a OJ OP OJ D l-Sl-Sl-51-5 ;ipB«-|a||^ ^iwjaoii oas.xIcaiwriMcoM -OH •o: c^aetu a2 = S"m 2 « 2'SE = SCQ P h b o* <» ■^«aa SoO-fS^ _„ .. „a!a:»2xxa3!ncB«r)coi?>>Xiii?x,^gQmjj 3 a 3 92 738 WARFIELD'S HISTOKY. i 1 527 886 598 303 665 550 12951 17210 17210 17210 17210 580 12128 12128 12128 12952 12128 388 455 15774 17210 601 628 17211 629 17211 12129 300 629 1 See 2338, A. A., XX. E., XI. E., III. E. XX. E., XIII. vol. 3, p. 584, E., XVII. E., XIX. C, VII. 1-5 xx>x>x>x> xxxxxxxxx wooSoaoao (cSoaoooSSoSo ,0 So S So So oc So So So So So oc So So So So 88 So c ;aoc30C)oaoaoooaooooo IP • m o 2* !^c II. : w o on sll'^ss^s?a il-Sg5i-ii-ligsSii§-^-«--§^i^gli3SiiSi^ll- odSg"i : J • '-Zf^ :fi;gpL;cOac.^oo»«o^o it] S :00 o 0000 ■^^^»»»» C O .i< "^ *- •■« "^ 30000 , :w : k> b M M ^ a-^^ 00 00^^2000^0° --• r:ooo"o° III ^^0^0 W W 00 CC 02 K -^ ^- i,j ^> — ^^ tn o: CO K OS ce ifj (u ■13 +- -t^ ;^ ^^ ^ *s oc or cc ,^ ^ ^ ,., ,^ ,„ „ ^ ,, „, __ ^^^lisiacbc ,, ,. c>^ >.>,>.>.>.>. Si SoooSoooSoSoSooooooooooSooSo >'5! ■>■>■>■>>■>' > "5^ ■>>>>■>■> >>>>'^>>> >.te4s o o "OS c s H 3 3 3 S 3 te tl « rnS S =5 i2 i is .^ i: ii ii i: i: i: .t; i: i .Ji J2 .t: i: ii i: .=1 .i: i: i: i: .i: J= J= INDEX — COWS. 739 ^gs S^ xxxx>. <;W^WW .a >s . .>< x>^ .XX >t>K ddw-^*'<-i-<*-5 ij H^ (J 1-3 hJ iJ J p^ (J w^ J J iJ J iJ hJ .-: SrtcCS«:0c0c0ce:0cCrtrtcoc0ScecSrtc0e0c0c3e0e8 740 waefield's history. ill Oi Q ec iH OS ■«!*< CO -^ ^' w < H w w p4 w w :t>ir3cooot>ir5iommo ;CO CO CCI> 1-^ ^ O "^ CO : > ^ > i^ CO CO CO CO (MC^CMS^I COOCOt-ICOCQCOCOiOCONOOQO^ ;-J30O5l«i-HCOC~'^»CO'^CO^T»1CO mcoi-ttac^( I ft . ecoc aoQOc || o a OS O O o o OQ M M GO . CO CO OT M !y>75 Pr-!» ^2Em 3 OJ 2a t^ 2f "C X 3 _c Ph « "O TJ "O "O '^ lii§msii"lili§il--ii§S-ii§3i-§B|||g|-i§||3 3 aj • +j t;? -r c ■" S oooooooooGQ rtceccrtrtsecS:tcS.. 1-1 C~ rH « ---JM Q (M ,-1 1£> ■* i« m •Tt'SoO ) ■^ .-I as C^ ■«*< C- i-H lOCOOODC^i-liac-QC »-jc^«e5m(Ma5aoavi 00 c- IX) lO 1-1 T»< •«*< •«» s !V ,QX3 -«.^23"°^ . o o WO ^2 Si^ o I!" ■ >»5 '•am* ft o S ill OQ p il^^5l idi • B rt rt : SmB>. i rf rt rt 742 wakfield's history. li 1 1 1 ^ > si Q0XiQO«0DQOC • O ^ IX) :D §5 S i-H • ■— I lO lo -H c- »o lO xxx;:i:^xxxpl^'^ . . . . ^ - > r •■"^ * ^X . .^XX Xp^XXXXX >^x XX 00'*" Kb in W<1 iiii^ ! 00 00 00 OD 00 00 c ^xxssaa 38SoSiiS!g a 5 ;B o CO CO S Wi S . . . . rt . O (U O««Q3«O05ZO fl a S3 CO CO. p C J= s w CCS •5^ Si o 3 3.^-'^£££B2j§c:c c c*d fe^=^-l(M55l>»OC ;i>t>goQOU305^i>' iiisiiiiiiiiiiigsi§§§i ftC a^ yA ^8J — t-i fc ;m a> " o BS -.6 '-' c c • t-i c 3 3 ■ >> ■ O V i ^ , ^ _^+j 2^ C"^ 3 rt^__ rt i; ^ 2 EiiS^^ 3^ S S-E^ : W 03 03 _ : D 4> a) 05 oj-s-s-ei^ '^ :s M ct a? J J<2 £ 2 £ .3X3 Tj O O O^ CC :Sc^ : ■^Qoo-3'^''3i^ f- r- O C-. >?-ii " -t^ ^ Q pj c ^ INDEX — COWS. 743 gPaSiS •^;zx>xxx OQtO c«cQcc(^^a5C<^l-Hlrt^o^ol>c-T*^,-HC<^oo^CI>eoc<^•*^o•^u^(^^y;a5C<^■»*^^o^o^ot>a5C^OH-aoc:MaPHog gaw ;zotfHaao(^Pk 'Qod^ ee k3 O) III WOT (U a;, •c-a OS CO S«0?OOCO«S5CL| > > i i?l i if §l^:^^:^^^-^:^^llilll 8 §1 '^ — Ji: ji: -i: Jir /ii^^ ^i rt-» ^i ^i 744 WARFIELD S HISTOKY. eq^^j lOOO lo c£> CO ® ti i» rtacD^-* XXX S-cc 0000 00 IS O sJ > o r" O '^ tj ^S5§8883B88^S a I . . O) O) X)iQi-lOTC»i-H-^.-(Or-l«a5'*"t^05TH 95 ^ 5 3! ^ 3J :^ "2 32 S •-' "-I S "^ Q «> c~ OQ "C s fc- s ce c p rt c 2«a ;?S§^HOt^3 (*>>.>%>»>.i ,w^^"2^. C3 ?3^ 00000000S33333333S33>»t*i>. ij H^ H^ h5 hJ H^ i_5 1_5 h^; H? H^j 1-3 J kJ 1^ ^ H^ K^l h:5 tJ uq h:; h:] 2 ^'O'S d ■3 5 ^ .s'IHI-h'^ c M^^^ joooSSoooooo INDEX — COWS. 745 g iiigSigiSS III :|| i^lll iiiiiiSii^ ^^; <1 ^ ^EiH .XX^ . .> . . CO ira crs CO So 00 00 So 56 CO 00 00 S ooSooooCooocaoooocooooaoocoo o6ooooo8o8^ocacSoooo6ooSo6acoooSo88888o8 S§^ C53 3^ 85 - . . . f- aa • ^ g|saa >-i "-i O Hi fa O a i-s !^ W >-3 d P.O. aa aa-;22 a a ©G c c> o rS t. ui S ©"""If 'S CiSSifScDutooocosooo oi^oiOLOo«cc'X>«(:c->ja20c-icor523Q»aoO!-Hc55issocvic2c?5«2se^ g |><~^J3 . : ;oc 4> O) n a> ^ <:^ a> a> 4> 4; »..>-^K^->^Tt<-«flHf o « pi; *iio o±;5 Vl "SJ .-^ O , rH l-ri (V ►id ^ *i X3 a « PC o JS tH Si p re o o p o 5 P P p P-P O P OJ i-i h3 P o Po fOi— ii-l Po^c^S^p J • ■ ■ . 1 bbb^rbs^ -PPSSSSS s| t^sl'-t^-'^ '^"^^■^"^"■3 gr^V^ .r^^,— ,„ j2 j_^_^Q Q Qjj g j^ L'E-.ura;5^_,tt INDEX— cows. 747 ^ do >1-I53r-|00'<**— (l-HC i-i : -^ ■^ c- 1-( i« c. _ -^ . — _- — siiiiisiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiBsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii si s2 p^j^^^^^: ill i^-»l-^t-Sh-5l-5l-5H5^|; -73 rt ■a C3 OJ a> o Is as as iis3 isa ss ;u.as HH o rt o « oH a^S 3 rt^ 3^ C >• iJ d c3 : :|||||^«^6|w||- -^ c- oi i-H .-I ■* cc gs -^ <5j< cq CO ri CO OT CO c- oi c- osus 55 f-t "-I S 5S ^ '^ Q '^ 95 S 25 SS '^SS5CSS3?S3''« bi3f?ScecJcada3cd:eceKj:«S lO »o lo c- to >^k< WWWWW-alW tcoccooosoaio.-* )ocQOC3DODoocoaoao iilii CO so o dp. ^ ^ ei •— : O Qd Idl o . ►J 05 0:1 II 0= ai Qd ft a on- . d I QOC-H^^i>.-wertcr5c. ill = s -ls^ia-.i= i- b_; -: =r* i^'S £oosa;a)rtSs-.a_:ox~'^ SPSS b -, "Sis •SS-o ^^-^^ :mgWpJcOPQEq sssssss; QC CC t« 03 05 cj » 0) o) (K „X3 K QQ WJ cr ai CO — -J^ ;. OtcCrStK'/iMoo-fltioS . --COs-XMOTajcoxSoQ OOOOOOOCOOOfc* tKDEX— cows. 74^ i2giii mi i^ CO r- ^o CO Ci c* ; lO ;tr»0 i^-^iooq cr • ii-iOfH J ifi t- in c- c- c Sooooooxooc )Qoaoooc : o • in : j J ;5 oa &< cc •■^H^'-st^ Id ^8£ -co 21 II III* 31 ?^= i-ssg8lgii-g o £i=. .— 1^ a;> « ;gm5 ^ a'H^oO<-i daH^>^-^H£03i^a'-5'>-j !^S5^§3?S^?5S3SSS i:-ooaooi05c-coi-(oooocoi-ia50505t>cDC«rHaioo SsSdiiJ««a)aj«ua)a>a» csoooo&^ss St: rSS^-S-^S 2-§aac = = = =:3=ti-oc^ ;z; Z ^5 ;z; pz; z ;z; z ^4; ^5 ;?; z ^; ;z; » S5 z z; ;z; z z J2; 2; pz; ;z; ;?; ^ ;z; ;z; pz; 2; ^; z o 750 waefield's history. ^ i 53 ^ 1 pi3 1 « ;4 P4 s m p il ^ CO 5^X>^l:-OOOCOOCOOI>'^ir5iOOOCBC<»QOOOaOt>C5'» ■^^^^'<^'eif^^m'<'^COC > > Si S S! sal 3? X t o CI o si ^^-a-S-gX! O )P36 coco S3 t-CQ 53 05 X3 <» «8 coo! £0 5§ coco sag o o S g S 3 CO (1) eg S®5 Ss2 igi^^-gii ^^V a -3 a 3 :|oo'^®5"f5'|. , o o ci'^ iWPh!> m INDEX — COWS. 761 is5 )coaooooOQOC3oaoooaoacoo coco QOOO oDQCoocoaoooooooao aoooc o o o o ,-H oc »3 03 ce . ■— ! 30 tn a; t/1 2 .^ = c c c s CO o p^ g :»H rj o « o « s S MS SO u5r-(rHOOccioc~-jccciaDC C<1 02 0. iQtf s|^ 3S^ lQ^i|||hp:S| +J fc- O f5 ; ^ kJ J^pir INDEX — COWS. 753 624 17382 519 17382 "608 17383 520 608 17384 .17;-!84 17384 17384 17384 833 437 512 716 786 701 835 12291 702 449 787 454 i 835 12298 13112 712 789 512 512 1168 706 12293 13112 12294 707 611 1005 664 X 4 XXX^X^p^XtH [xXxx^^xt^ i T*e-t-C-C~t-CC>OOC-C-OC-t-t:~C— C»OOOOGDOOOOGOOCOOCOQOOOQOOOX)GOaC>aDaO C»lOlOr-4irSO»O-H(J3i-Hr-IC«00CC'*llOlOC0-«*<'»t 4) <>1 ;-« p o C'^'^ as® it 1^ — "^ kJ . , -^ "tr +^ -t-" a5 . <1> D

Ttjgo^^i-H >rH^«5 li3Ttl-HsD«3CO (Mi-HCOl-l lO S CO I-? >>1?3 = -SS =i5^ i^Cl? = •';^Sc3« : • llliiiliJg|Sllp2illlsi CO S 3 33 CO 33 5SOOO ^s ooVM2^ BP^' W w w W wj_-ra t--*- QQIJ_ i-Oi« IjggW sOsg.^ •S'^IS ;ai : :®®cua>'3'a5-'3CEO±;3030® — =3coOOS^-if*fCOt-i:tOO i gig^^g^gS&:^c:ga^:^ogeQw£aSQg Qg^^sgm3ma:.5^o>SoHa3tHH *' CO c** 2 2 tH s_ i" -o-Mx: rt cow s i fl C G G sli; D O) 1) a> ' « O O O I C C C C 1 ^2 X3^: isSc 33 c3 cS 'Sc^oo- )OCQC!i- 05 03 CO OO M ^ 1) (X) © 1) CD >h2^ 03 03 X I CO 03 03 ; =: a)«p;>;.-;.e:;>; 73 >>? Q ^2S2 o««oo«««oou«o««wouoo CO CO 33 CO CO 00 Uj ^. :/:o:o3Ma303»:o: O^OHPnOHPHfLi 94 ;£^PM( si c o 754 VV A RFIELD S HISTOKY . ^ r, „ ^ ^Oi •>O?^0DOrHrHC0 • lO t~ C» C^ O lO OJ 'J' CO lO OO O C^ 5ioot>oi>rHiomOT23 :oc-:>xtix^x e :r^X :^<^-sj2g ■xx £a5««oo^ro«K«ooacQDQOOo»fcoOaocoooc»oocC(X}ooaDOO^ So <§| 5 g OJ « .o'S'S = c ri a? V^R Il- ls iOOP^«OOp_cofiSaQ :<»!i-Hcoioo5ooioecmioeco5Qecec^i«ODcDI>«OCT c»oOGOocx)aoooooc S6S8 SS8BS5 T-( ■* l> CC (M •< CKCCOOXiOOC X3 5 iS w2b ssssaeasssaas ooooooooooooo p aa WW as a iia a> : X o o . o o^^ . lli^ala 5| «3 O . cccci>oci05a5rHaiC®<'50oai-Hoc-l:-(^5^^ooliSoc| rH rH Tfl ■«*< bB X3 £? ??S?!ab^ *;§;§S<^;SS5^c§ 12 o o E^ oo Oi O) oQ ti =1 o o ^i^'5'2S'HS^g2gry^:a-c 2 o5fir«aoWa?!a So ^ ^-r; c.id. TS^o OOOOOOOOOOO cJs3cec3~OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;5 O © fl^ Q^ 1^ ^ = S X .X J . .xx> X!>xxk;>xxx §8S HX coo 00 3XX XX ttxa t>x> I IS ; 00 00 00 00 00 oc c OCQDOCODODOCOOOCOO 5 CO 00 CO JOCOCOO U5^ : e : rt ■ Q. IS :-6. ! ®>-H ii a> *- S3 . ill iSS ►-5 1-5 S CS r: ^ >, « . O) 4J O) a> se 53 c3 X X M CC o o o o ooooooooooooooooooooqqooooo . . oO'd'd'd'd'd'd'dTr'd S 3 3 3 3 c 03 D a; oi J M a: va !« M > o o o o o XI a:i (D a> D CO CO as IKBEX — COWS. 757 t-HI— 1?^ -^d 0'HcoTj c~ ) ao 00 00 00 00 ao ;g : © a c : - ii •^O 'I* C3 O C" C3 O C - — a J:£ « JS 2iS' 8^ 52 c^-^ So -5|^--^5aay,||«6|6«S-|^a8g^a|g5-^ "*'ODcO'<*'t>rHeoc-35QDoc3^ci:~u3c?it>i-HCo t-H-l« CO CO r-( Tf (M CO i-l Tl« 55 Tt< Ift ?0 1-1 ^ Tf< rl CO •<*< O Tf i-l C a oi'^a a; H) « 05 "o rs — t: "3 1: "o *- a o_2 oj 6*^ 3i2 o S-aSiS c; 5 5 « ti o'ps^ dS *!-3-^jS oSii^a 3-3 3- 3~ jii 5 § 2 a o a i§H; zn -j: X v^ 'Ji x -Ji vi Ji X ir5ooT» 1-1 i-H (M I fi ^tai> ■ "^^ j •l-H ' ':>■ : '■X • :X : SSK i : - : " - ^ : :W : '<^a i XX . O 3 5«« c- o £!^X5Xiri£(£!XJ^^J3t3 INDEX — COWS. 759 I ig|||| ii 11 ilillliiili |g m \ liSgiiiiSligSiii I— I 1— t»-tr-l ; : I— li— I I— li— I ^xtixxxxtixx^x ^y^^X'>t^ti^^X Tf<(MrH0q»nmCOCO»Og5rH QOOoSoSaoaoQoaoooooQO > o 5- ^ 3 0-, 5 5 2S "O ='3 so •.V3 :e w w S M tc g (U O) CCCPh 2 aN^:5 aft c S s $S( S 5? m CO cc 02 f- ti c; o M Hj o ■5: o : : 0/ « •cc; eB ID cs rt : ■ O S 3 a> :3ti.tl P c3 01 -073 s^sa 2IJ s^z.^ «t3 »r 05 -• x> pal PhjS o p o o „ _ .r; -3 o - „ ^ ,'/2 ^j 05 Oh *^ CO a : : :^ s: t_ t, t- P ^ o o o :s :§S§€SS«S IlililllltlillillliUlilslI OQ 02 CO 02 V2 c/3 cc :« cc cc cc cc CO t/i c/2 !/2 c« X cc X! 0} cc o} cc a2 X cc c» CO 02 CC CC CC X ;/} C/2 X 760 WAKFIELD S HISTORY. ^ <;© Tf l> T*< rfH I ■ioSc oocoooaOQOooQoooooooao <05 05a»u3iOTf< )aDcx>-joaooocoo6oo w'4 iC52'Ciy3 --tj^j^t-ajc o Sg fc- !^ r o o :22feiiS be'-'- 5~^s;ci£-^ I 3^ lOQO _^ •CO sS oacoaQcc JS (MrH W CO « « , >-. S 'I' :S cS S3 rt rt ■2-2^ '■ 2 as go c o c ii I III: I SH^^ o t'ij^ii 5 «r;X g 3 ^ S o 5 a a a £ JrP-i 2 t- t- I- tn - • • "^S£S Se.33c3SK3a3s3SrerertcSc;if±^i5*iS OQ CO CO S CO CO OQ CO OQ CC CO OQ CO GO aj !» CB 02 C/2 c U( O (H OJr-' OJ ^^ is S2 H s c c a 3 D 3 S S CO CO CO CO CO INDEX — COWS. 761 igisii IS mm ) 1-H »-nn »o oi «5 r r r r r r r r^ . <^ -ij <] -:xxxxx>^xxxxx o . a c! S O O 4> en CO no M : o g sa ■55 . . o . in !-!■>* CO 00 00 QO 00 )oo«QoSooc§owSSoQOQ8aocoooQ888a8o8a6£aoQO«20 -s gj a> 13^ CO ca 63 aa o . M 02 a> C.!—- 1- ^ >-^xx>x^>J )SqooooB»oo 88 SB o o 1^ o 2 o M Co O « gPQq St CO c -a - 2S _coO :{i[j w S g o ^;^ g S 55***^^ S 5 fl ii2iilii§si^li^§'^i^isl§2iii§^i^S; ..2SS O ~ «r; ©.a O ©^ S S (D aj oi d) <1^ ® 5« fl-O 5-1 Or? © 5p§i§.fS a -95*^ © g 2 p g g g 3.©.Qg = = -= se >.5^.^ C:5 a 5 d a fl fltd-y-Sti'S'S'S-S S £ 2 &g'-s|-i INDEX — COWS. 763 ^ :og :»HcoQoooio(Mc SSS§8S^S5 W(jq<1<)^ xxxxxxx^ • • • . >>v-< ^. .^btib s . .^^xxxti ttxxxx>-x>^^txxxx x>^ XX -itX -^d-< -^mm < CO »H 1-4 1-1 (M C C^ »0 1-4 rHC / CO 00 00 CO cx5 CC CO oO ooc "it gig ■5 o .5 o G cc o o »j M ta — 5 rrf a; en C goo aao o « oS £i J = © ^- U lols 2 3 >2S i > 5 > S ^' > > > > O I S a® o o-c-s Si: £ =^BS g-h ^i:5j ailSpi;gHtf;g'3H^H^i^iT;i-ifetJH^H,'i-:;irii-,'i^'^'i^HoM^oG!iH^uj'r;v^S6H^>:; s -III ° (^^^ B^ m o'ca^'p S 2 2 C g cd oi: o s! o rt q cc w M C£^_, ■o o 3*3 «a. ! k! 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