ULi & = Burton Remarks on Dr. K f s speech THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES y REMARKS O N Dr. K 's SPEECH Before the UNIVERSITY of D, A T The DEDICATION of Dr. R 's LIBRARY, O N The xmth of APRIL, MDCCXLIX. By PHILELEUTHERUS iJpNDINENSIS^seud, Semper ego AUDITOR tantum ? mnqiiamne REPONAM ? LONDON: Printed for J. ROBERTS in Wq ryvick- Lane, M DCC L. 170 5t>3 (3) REMARKS O N Dr. A: 's SPEECH, TH E Author of the SPEECH, which has given occafion to thefe RE- MARKS, conicious of the Indecency andScurrility with which it abounds, has publifhed an exprefs Defire on the Back of his Title-Page, that none of his Learned Rea- ders would offer to tranflate it into his Mother Tongue againft his Will; and at the fame time has intimated, that it would not be juft or candid to do fo. As I differ from him in my Notions of Juftice and Candor, as well as in my Principles of Government, I need not look upon myfelf as bound to comply with his Re- queft j and yet for another Reafon I will not act directly in oppofition to it : becaufel hold it will be more ufeful to the younger Part of the Univerfity of Oxford^ for whofe fake princi- pally I have given myfelf this Trouble, to exa- mine it Paragraph by Paragraph, than to make a mere total Tranflation of it : In doing which, A 2 I doubt 86841*?