CRYSTALLOGRAPHY CRYSTALLO-PHYSICS. NOTES CRYSTALLOGRAPHY CEYSTALLO-PHYSICS. BEING THE SUBSTANCE OF LECTURES DELIVERED AT TEDO DURING THE YEARS 1876-77. JOHN MILNE, F.G.S., PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY IN THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, YEDO, JAPAN. LONDON: TRUBKER & CO., 57 AND 59, LTJDGATE HILL. 1879. HERTFORD: PRINTED BY STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS. LUuarj CONTENTS. Note by the Editor vi Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... vii PART I. Determination of Symbols ... ... ... ... ... 1 Determination of Elements ... ... 28 To find the position of a Pole and the distance between any two Poles 33 Rules for the changing of Axes and Parameters 35 PART IT. Projection of Poles 37 PART III. Crystal Symmetry and the Classification of Crystals into Six Systems 45 PART IV. Notes on Crystallo-Physics 58 Errata 71 NOTE BY THE EDITOR. IN the latter part of 1877, Prof. J. Milne sent home from Japan lithographed copies of his written Lecture-Notes on Crystallography and Crystallo-Physics to Prof. N. S. Maskelyne, F.R.S., Dr. H. Woodward, F.R.S., Prof. J. Tennant, F.Gr.S., to the Editor, and other friends, with a request to, me to publish the same in the GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, or elsewhere. Owing to the absence of the Author and from other causes, a long delay has occurred in presenting them to the scientific public in their present form ; and it is only due to Prof. Milne to state that these notes (as now printed] were completed, and lithographed by his Japanese assistant, in 1877. I have to thank Prof. J. Morris, M.A., F.G.S., and my colleague, Dr. H. Woodward, F.R.S., for kindly assisting me in reading over and correcting the proofs of these Notes on behalf of the Author. THOMAS DAYIES, F.G.S. DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM. 69, LAWFORD ROAD, N.W. 26