UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY COMMON AND HIGH SCHOOLS. LE EOT O. COOLET, PH. D., PROFES808 OP NATUBAL SCIENCE IN TUB MEW YOUK STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. NEW YORK: SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., SUCCESSORS TO CHARLES SCRIBNER & CO., 654 BROADWAY. 1872. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, BY LK KOY C. COOLKY, lu the Office of the Librarian of Coiigress, at Washington CT] CO oo CD PREFACE THE great aim of this little book is to present the most ^elementary facts of Natural Philosophy, iu such a way as to Sexercise the child constantly in observing phenomena and in 3 drawing inferences from what he observes. 3 "Whenever a child is old enough to ask such questions, as, " What makes the thunder," or, "Where does the rain come (J from," or to exclaim " How pretty the clouds are this even- 2 . ~~ ing," it is old enough to begin the study of natural philosophy. OO ,-. When snch questions are asked the mind is awake to see the ^phenomena of nature, and "is ready to receive instruction. ** They show the presence of a desire to know, and the absence of power to learn without assistance ; and in this way they jlead us to believe that the time has cohae when the work of minstruction should begin. ^g C Moreover, the study of natural philosophy is easy, and in- Cteresting to young pupils, because, when properly presented, it brings ne\v sights to the eye, and new sounds the ear, in a way to be especially pleasant to children. The simplest experiments awaken enthusiasm in the mind of a child, and such as he may be able to repeat by himself are the source of the greatest delight. 233560 6 PREFACE. This study is not only easy and interesting, it is also in the highest degree beneficial to the young, partly because of the valuable facts it imparts, but even more on account of the mental power it devclopes. The object of primary education should be to discipline the senses to habits of quick and ac- curate observation, and the mind to the habit of forming correct judgments from facts which the senses reveal. Natural Philosophy furnishes abundant materials of the most excellent kind, by means of which these objects may be ac- complished. There are curious motions, beautiful colors nnd harmonious sounds, together with numerous other phenom- ena, which can be easily presented in the form of simple ex- periments, by which the skilful teacher can cultivate the power of the senses to furnish correct impressions, and at the same time develope the power of basing accurate judg- ments upon the impressions received. In a word, this study when properly presented is eminently fitted to teach even young pupils how to gain knowledge for themselves by ob- serving events. To this end, the following plan ought to prevail in present- ing elementary facts. An easy experiment or some phenom- enon of common occurrence, is to be introduced and the atten- tion of the child directed to certain appearances and condit- ions, after which he may be called upon to notice the truth which these appearances suggest. A concise and accurate statement of the fact or principle itself, in form to be easily remembered, may finally complete the investigation. Many of the experiments are such as pupils can make for themselves: let them be encour.iged to do so; if they are, PREFACE. 7 they will soon be bringing to the notice of the teacher, others which the text does not describe, and if the teacher will visit such efforts with marks of especial notice or reward ho will soon find an enthusiasm in his class, which will make the pursuit of this study delightful and profitable to the end. Another feature of this little book, which, it is believed, will commend it to the favor of both pupil and teacher, is the system of questions which runs through it. Every impor- tant topic in the discussion of each subject is introduced by a question, instead of by a formal title, as is customary. These questions will prove to be excellent guides, and really very important helps to the young pupil. The teacher will also find them serviceable in conducting the exercises of the class room, to which they are especially adapted, by being in immediate connection with the text, and in bold type easily 'caught by the eye, instead of at the bottom of the page or the back of the book, in fine print and compact lists. The eye catching them quickly, is not confined to the book ; their use, therefore, will not be at the sacrifice of the vivacity and vigor of the exercise. Albany, 1871. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PROPERTIES OF MATTER Describe the experiment with cochineal. If, to try an easy experiment, we take a single grain weight of cochineal, and dissolve it in as much as a thimbleful of water, and then pour this small quantity into a gallon of clear water, the whole gallon will receive a beautiful crim- son color. Into how many pieces has the grain of cochi- neal been divided ? Now a gallon of water is said to contain as many as 60,000 drops, and to color a single drop, all through, will take as many as 100 little particles of cochineal. If this is true, then the grain of cochineal must be divided into not less than six millions of pieces ! Can other bodies be divided ? If an apple be cut into 100 pieces, each piece will of course be very small indeed, but yet it will not be BO small that it can not be divided into pieces smaller yet. The blow of a hammer may break a pane of glass into a thousand parts, but each one of these little pieces may by another blow be broken into pieces still smaller. i* 10 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What is divisibility ? Every body of matter may be cut or broken into pieces. This is one of the qualities or properties of matter, and we call it divisibility. Divisibility is the property of matter in virtue of which a body may be separated into parts. Are examples of great divisibility common ? There are bodies all around us so small that we can not see them. They are in the air we breathe and in the water we drink. Some of them are alive and some are not. Many of them are so very small that we need the most powerful microscope to see them at all. Yet every one is made up of pieces or parts which are of course smaller than itself. For example : the dust which clings to one's finger when he holds a butterfly or a moth is made up of very small particles, and yet each of these little particles of dust, which we can scarcely see with the naked eye, is found, by using the microscope, to be made up of a thousand or more little balls. Are living creatures so very small? And then, too, there are living creatures so small, that it may need as many as a million of them to make a pile as large as a mustard-seed. Hosts of them are living in the air and in the water all around us. They are so very very smali that it has been said that a thousand of them might sWim or fly sid? by side through the eye of a needle. And yet each of these little creatures must be made up of still smaller parts, or else they could not move about nor devour their food, as all of them are able to do. We can not even imagine how very small these parts must be. What are molecules ? If we keep on dividing a "oody into smaller and smaller pieces, we shall at last get PROPERTIES OF MATTER. H to a piece so very small that it can not be divided again without changing it into some other kind of matter. These smallest pieces are called molecules. Molecules are particles of matter which can not be divided without changing their nature. -^ Does every body occupy space ? Every little par- ticle of dust, and even a molecule, must have some size. You can not even think of a body which should have no size at all. The very smallest body you can think of fills up a little room or space. And then every larger thing, a %hot for example, or a cannon-ball ; the worly pressure. Is air compressible ? Air is very compressible. You may learn this from so humble a thing as a pop-gun. Before the stopper is blown out, the air behind it you can see to be crowded into perhaps not half the space it filled at first. Is water compressible ? Water is very slightly compressible. Very great pressure is needed to compress it enough to show that it is compressible at all. A press- ure which would compress air into less than a hundredth part of its natural bulk would not compress water, enough to be noticed. Are all bodies compressible ? All bodies are more or less compressible. Air is one of the most compressi- ble of all substances, and water is one which is among the least compressible. Are molecules compressible ? All that pressure can do to a body is to push its molecules nearer together : we do not suppose that it makes the molecules themselves any smaller. When air is compressed into a hundredth part of its ] tf NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. natural volume, its molecules have been pushed a hundred times nearer together than they were at first. What is density ? Now when the air is so much com- pressed there is much more of it in a given space, a cubic inch for example, than there was before. In this con- dition it would be said to be more dense. Density has reference to the quantity of matter in a, given bulk. What is inertia ? Masses of matter have no power to move themselves nor to stop themselves when once in motion. The clouds move along in the sky, not because they choose to do so, but because they are pushed along by the wind. An apple falls from the tree, because it is pulled down by an influence, soon to be described, called gravitation ; and rocks rest in their places, not because they have any power in themselves to do so, but because they are held there by forces acting upon them. Bodies of matter have no power to change their own condition, and on this account they are said to be inert. Inertia in the property of matter which does not allow a body to change its own condition of rest or motion. Are molecules ever at rest? Masses of matter are often at rest ; it is believed that molecules never are. On the contrary, it is thought that the molecules of every body are forever in motion. You have perhaps seen a cluster of bees at the door of their hive, or of ants at the entrance to their nest, all hud- dled together and hurrying over and around each other in constant and curious motions. Now if our eyes were power- ful enough to see the little molecules of which a block of wood is composed, it is thought that we should witness a PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 17 scene of activity still more curious and constant, for every molecule in all the vast number which the block contains is in rapid motion. Philosophers believe that not a single one in all the world was ever for a moment still. In -what respect are the properties so far de- scribed, alike? If we think again of the properties which we have just examined, we find that they are all of such a character tnat a body may show that it has them without any change taking place in its nature. A smart blow with a hammer shatters a stone into fragments, and the experiment teaches us that the stone lias the property of divisibility. But then- every piece will be a piece of stone, and of just the same kind as be- fore the blow ; and so we find that a body may show the property of divisibility without any change in its nature. What are physical properties ? All such proper- ties, that is, all properties which a body may show with- out any change in its nature, are called physical proper- ties. What are chemical properties ? But all proper- ties are not like these. Explosibility, for example, is one which a body can not show without a change in its nature. Suppose a little gunpowder lies upon the table. You do not know whether it is explosive or not : it may be damp, and hence not explosive. Bui you touch it with a lighted match a bright flash and a sudden puff occurs, and you say that the powder is explosive. Now all that is left upon the table at the spot is a dark stain. The powder itself has been changed into gases which have passed off and hidden in the air. No body of matter can show that it has the property of explosibility without changing to something else, and for this reason explosibil- 13 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ity is called a chemical property. Chemical properties are those which a body can not show without a change in its nature. What is natural philosophy? Natural philosophy is the science which treats of the physical properties of matter and explains those things which occur without any change in the nature of bodies. The chemical properties of matter are to be described in the science of chemistry : we need give no further attention to them now. ATTRACTION. What is the effect of rubbing sealing-wax -with flannel? If we briskly rub a stick of sealing-wax with a piece of flannel or silk, we seem to give it a power which it did not have before, for if we hold it near to small bits Fig. 1. of cotton we see them fly quickly toward it, or if we pre- sent it to a pith-ball hung by a silk thread, the ball will be drawn aside or lifted by it. (Fig. 1.) What may be seen on the surface of quiet water ? If we observe the surface of quiet pools of water, we 20 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. notice that sticks and straws will not stay for any great length of time upon the middle parts of the surface, but that, instead of this, they will be gathered together around the edges. Or, if we wish to try an' experiment, we may put a number of bits of wood here and there upon the surface of water in a large pail or tub standing in a quiet place where it may rest over night. In the morning we will find the bits of wood huddled together, or against the side of the vessel : not one of them staying alone where it was placed. What other facts of the same kind ? Other facts of the same kind are still more familiar. A stone moves toward the ground when 'not supported. Leaves fall to the earth in autumn, and rain-drops and hail stones will not abide in the sky. What do these experiments and facts illustrate ? Now all these experiments and facts illustrate the ten- dency of all bodies of matter to approach each other. If they were not kept apart by some other forces this tendency would cause all bodies to rush together. The influence that would bring them together is called attrac- tion. Name varieties of attraction. Attraction shows itself in many ways, and when acting in different ways it is called by different names. When magnets attract each other the influence is called magnetic attraction. The influence of the sealing-wax upon the pith-ball (Fig. 1) is called electrical attraction. Besides these there are other varieties, called cohesion, adhesion, and iOMiiation. With the last three varieties we must now become acquainted ; but of the first two we shall learn more at another time. ATTRACTION. 21 Why is a rod of iron so strong ? It is by no means easy to break a rod of iron. Every child knows this, but there are very few who can give a reason why the iron is so strong. Just think of the rod being made up of molecules, as we have learned that all bodies are. These molecules would fall apart if there were not something to hold them together. They are held together by attraction, and the iron is strong just because this attraction is very strong. How are the molecules of any body held to- gether ? Just as there is attraction among the molecules of iron, so there is among the molecules of any other solid body an attraction which holds them together. This at- traction acts continually. Were it to stop its action for the briefest moment, solid bodies would be seen instantly crumbling to pieces. Chairs, stoves, tables, and indeed the very walls of the house, would fall to powder finer and looser than ashes or flour. The attraction which holds the molecules of a body together is called cohesion^ Is the cohesion alike in all bodies ? Cohesion is much stronger in some bodies than in others. Iron is very cohesive but lead is not. It is easy to break a small rod of lead, while a rod of iron, of the same size, would resist all our power. It is because the cohesion is so strong in iron that this metal is so well adapted to use in making carriages, in building bridges, and in many other arts which you can easily mention, where great strength is needed. If cohesion is strong enough to bind the molecules of a body firmly together, the body is a solid ; but if it is very feeble indeed, the body is a liquid. 22 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Are particles of different kinds of matter held together? There is also an attraction between particles of different kinds of matter. When, for example, one writes upon the blackboard, he leaves fine particles of the crayon clinging to the surface of the board. Particles of water cling to the hand that is withdrawn from a bath in water; and it may be that particles of soil, clinging to the hand unpleasantly, made the bath necessary in the first place. In all such cases we notice that there is an attraction between particles of different kinds of matter. Attraction between particles of unlike kinds is called adhesion. By what experiment may we illustrate it ? A very prettv experiment is shown in Fig. 2. It illustrates Fi ?- 2 - the adhesion between water and brass. A round plate of brass, having a handle fastened to its center, is laid flat upon the sur- face of water, and then slowly and gently lifted. The water un- der it is also lifted a little, as the picture shows it. You can use a plate of wood or of glass in the same way. In what curious way may the adhesion between solids and liquids be shown ? If you will take two pieces of glass and put them side by side no farther apart than the thickness of a sheet of paper, and will then bring their lower edges carefully in contact with the surface of some colored water, you will see that fluid suddenly spring up an inch or two between the plates arid remain standing at that height. In fact, it will stay up between the plates even if you lift them quite away from the water. It must be ATTRACTION. 23 the attraction between the water and the glass which lifts the fluid and holds it up between the plates. What is the effect when the plates are not paral- lel ? Still more curious is the effect if you will put the' plates so that their edges will be nearer together at one side than at the other. The water jumps up as before, but its upper edge, instead of being horizontal as it was in the other experiment, will be in the form of a beautiful curve. The liquid rises highest where the plates are near- est_togethe-. Suppose small tubes be used instead of plates. When small glass tubes are used instead of plates, the fluid will rise still higher just twice as high as between plates whose distance apart is equal to the diameter of the tube used. It has also been proved that the liquid will rise highest in the smallest tube. It will rise two times as high in a tube whose diameter is only one Jtalf as great as that of another. What is the law? The law is this: the height to which the fluid rises is inversely as the "diameters of the different tubes." If, for example, one tube is three times the diameter of another, water will rise in it only one third as high. What other examples of this action ? Water soaks upward through parous soils, and by this means they are kept moist and fertile. The oil is lifted through the lamp- wick to supply the flame above. Ink spreads through blotting-paper when only one corner of it touches the drop. All these and many other familiar tilings that might be named, are caused by the same influence which lifts water in small tubes or between glass plates. It is an attraction between solid and liquid bodies. 2-J- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. This attraction between solid and liquid bodies is very generally called capillary attraction, but it is really nothing different from adhesion. Give examples of the action of gravitation. A stone dropped from the hand falls swiftly to the ground, because there is an attraction between the earth and the stone. An apple bends its stem because the same kind of attraction is pulling it toward the earth, and when the fruit ripens and the stem has grown weaker, the same force causes the apple to break away and fall. This at- traction is called gravitation. It is the attraction which acts upon all bodies and through all distances. Give examples of pressure caused by gravita- tion. Gravitation not only causes a body to fall if left without support, it also causes one body to press upon another on which it rests. A stone press :s heavily upon the ground because gravitation is pulling it downward. All things upon the earth are held there, and exert their pressure, because gravitation is acting upon them. Some are held with much more force than others, as we may easily learn by trying to lift them. A pail of water hangs heavily upon the arm because gravitation is pulling it down. What is weight ? It is easier to lift a block of wood than a stone of the same size, because gravitation is pulling the stone down with more power. To say that the stone is heavier than the wood means just the same as to say that the attraction of the earth upon the stone is stronger than upon the wood. Indeed, the wcV^jofji^Jwi^is Qnljjhe measure of the attraction whjclTthe earth exerts upon it. How do we tell whether two bodies have equal ATTRACTION. 25 weights ? A pair of scales enable us to tell whether bodies have equal weights. If we put one body in each scale-pan and the two are balanced, we know that gravita- tion is pulling one down just as much as the other; in other words, the two bodies are equal in weight. What are sets of weights ? A piece of metal upon which the earth exerts a certain amount of attraction may be called an ounce weight j then another upon- which the attraction is twice as great is called a two-ounce weight ; and if upon a third the attraction is sixteen times as great as upon the first, it would be a sixteen-ounce weight, or a pound avoirdupois. Several such pieces of metal, made with care to represent the various units of weight, form what is called a " set of weights," to be used in weighing the various articles in trade. In what direction does the earth attract bodies ? The earth attracts all bodies toward its center. From whatever point a ball is dropped, it will fall in a straight line toward the center of the earth. This direction is always perpendicular to the surface of still water. You can easily examine this fact yourself by fastening a string to some heavy body and then hold- ing or hanging it over a vessel of water, as you see it in the picture. (Fig. 3, p. 26.) The string shows the direc- tion of the force of gravity * exactly, and it is easy to see that it is perpendicular to the surface of the water. Such a cord and ball is called a plumb-line : builders use it to find out whether their walls are vertical. Does gravity always cause motion downward ? While the earth's attraction is forever downward, yet it does sometimes produce motion upward. For ex- * The earth's attraction is sometimes called gravity. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fig. 8. ample, it lifts the higher pcale-pan of a balance by pull- ing the other downward at the same time, with greater force. In the same way gravitation causes the upward motion of smoke by pulling the heavier air down under it, thus pushing it upward. Why does a cork rise in water? One more illus- tration will be enough. A cork at the bottom of a vessel of water quickly rises to the surface. Now it does not rise because it is light, as many people will say it does. The ATTRACTION. 27 fact is that gravitation pulls both the cork and the water downward, but it pulls the water with the greatest force. The water must go down under the cork, and in doing so must push the cork upward. Is the earth attracted by small bodies ? To say that the earth attracts an apple is not more true than to say that the apple attracts the earth. The truth is simply that they attract each other. The earth attracts every body great and small, and every one attracts the earth in return. Every leaf and every rain-drop or snow-flake that falls to the ground attracts the earth just as truly as it is attracted by it. Is the earth moved by this attraction ? The earth attracting the rain-drop, makes it fall toward the ground ; the rain-drop attracts the earth in return : can we suppose that the great earth moves up to meet it ? We have seen thousands of rain-drops fall, but who ever saw the earth go up to meet them ! And yet perhaps it does, for we could not see it if it did. The attraction would make the drops go as many times farther than it would the earth, as the earth is times heavier than the drops, and it would not be possible to see the motion through so small a distance. Is gravitation confined to the earth? But this force is not confined to the earth and the bodies near its surface : the sun and all the other bodies in the heavens attract each other. It is exerted by every body of matter upon every other in the universe. Grains of sand are held by it in their places on the sea-shore, and it keeps the sea itself from rising out of its bed. It is at the same time acting upon the earth itself and upon all the other heavenly bodies to keep them in their orbits. On -what does the strength of this force de- 28 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. pend? The strength of gravitation depends upon two things : first, upon the quantity of matter in the body exerting it ; and second, upon the distance through which it acts. If the quantity of matter is doubled the attraction will be doubled also. Or, in general terms, the attraction is in proportion to the quantity of matter exertiny it. But it' the distance be doubled the attraction will be only one fourth as strong. At three times the distance the force is only one ninth as strong. In general terms we say, the attraction is inversely as the square of the dis- tance between the bodies. What is the center of gravity of a body ? Boys are sometimes very fond of balancing books or ball- clubs, or even long poles, upon the end of a finger. They often become very skillful in doing this, without knowing that every time they do it they are trying an experiment in natural philosophy. The fact which the experiment illustrates is this : there is a point in every body wfcich if supported the whole body will be at rest. This point is called the center of gravity. The ball-club has a center of gravity, and if the finger can be kept exactly under that point the club will not fall. Illustrate by using a ruler. Or, to study this sub- ject further, let a ruler be balanced across your finger. There will be just as much of the weight of the ruler on one side of the finger as on the other, and a point exactly over the finger and in the middle of the ruler is the center of the weight of the ruler, or, as we have already named it, the center of gravity. Every body has a center of gravity, and when this point is supported the whole body will be at rest. Where is the center of gravity of a body? The ATTRACTION. 29 center of gravity is not always in the center of the body. Suppose one end of your ruler to be loaded with lead : you would then have to put your finger nearer to the heavier end in order to balance it ; the center of gravity would be nearer to the loaded end. When two boys are playing at seesaw the support of the board must be under the center of gravity, but if the boys are not of the same weight the support, as every one knows, must be nearer to the heaviest boy. The center of gravity of the board and boys together is nearer to the end where the large boy sits. In Fig. 4 the center of gravity in each body is at G. Fig. 4 "What is the line of direction ? Now imagine a vertical line drawn through the center of gravity, as shown by the vertical dotted lines in Fig. 4. This line ^ will show the direction in which the body would fall if it were left without support, and it is called the line of direc- tion. Where may we place the support for the center of gravity? We may support the center of gravity by placing the support at any point in the line of direction. It may be placed at the center of gravity, or at some 30 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. point above it, or at some point below it. Fig. 5 shows a disk of metal supported in these three ways. Fig. 5. Describe three kinds of equilibrium. When all parts of a body are balanced it is said to be in equilibrium. Now when the support is at the center of gravity, as shown in the middle disk of the figure, the body is said to be in indifferent equilibrium, because it will rest as well in one position as another. When the support is placed above the center of gravity, as in the disk at the right hand, the body is said to be in stable equilibrium, because it will not rest as well in any other position. When the support is placed exactly below the center of gravity, as in the disk at the left hand, the body is said to t>e in unstable equilibrium, because the slightest force will push it over. That a body may stand, where must the line of direction pass? If the line of direction passes through any point in the base on which the body is placed, the body will stand, but if this line passes outside of the base, ATTRACTION. 3 [ the body must fall. The leaning cylinder in Fig. 4r does not fall, because the line of direction passes through the base, and hence the center of gravity is supported ; but if it should lean a little more this line would pass outside the base, and the cylinder would tip over. A table stands very firm because it is not easy to tip it so far that the line of direction would pass outside the base. Carriages may lean considerably to one side without overturning (Fig. 6), but an accident is sure to happen if Fig. & /hey lean so far as to throw the line of direction beyond the lower side of the wheel. Upon what does the stability of a body de- pend ? Now some bodies stand more firmly than others, and in looking for the reason we find that the stability of a body depends upon two things. The first of these is, the height of the center of gravity above the base. A wagon loaded with hay overturns easily, while if loaded with stone it would pass the same spot in the road with perfect safety. The center of gravity of the load of hay is so much higher, that to lean a little throws the line 32 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. of direction beyond the wheel. The higher the center of gravity of any body is, the more unstable will it be. What else influences the stability of a body ? The size of the base is the second thing that influences the stability of a body. It will of course be more difficult to tip the line of direction beyond a large base than be- yond a small one. A narrow boat overturns more easily than a wide one, or, to mention an example which you may see at any time, a thick book will stand upon its end more firmly than a thin one of the same height. We see, then, that the lower the center of gravity and the broader the base, the firmer will the body stand. Mention illustrations of these principles. Illus- trations of tliese principles of center of gravity are among the most common affairs of life. Indeed, we unconsciously apply them in almost every motion and position of our own bodies. When standing, the base upon which the body rests is the space between the feet ; the center of gravity must be Fig. 7- ^=LV = kept over this base or the person will fall. In carrying a pail of water we unconsciously lean to the other side, and ATTRACTION. 33 if the load is very heavy we at the same time stretch ont the opposite arm (Fig. 7). The pack-peddler leans for- ward, for it he did not the heavy load would throw the center of gravity behind his feet and he would tumble backward. What illustration does the showman furnish ? The showman oifers a gold coin to the boy who will stand with his heels pressed against the wall of a room and then, pick it from the floor in front of him without falling. He is perfectly safe in making the offer. For no one can stoop without falling, unless when he throws his head forward he can, at the same time, throw some other part of his body backward far enough to keep his center of gravity over his feet. He can not do this with his heels pressed against a wall. Why is a child so long learning to walk? When we think how narrow the base is on which a child must stand, being just the space on the floor between its little feet, and then how high is the center of gravity of his body, we need not wonder that he is so long a time in learning to walk. The many falls and bruises which the little one gets mark his failures in the art of supporting the center of gravity always over the base. How may we try the experiment ? Let one who has forgotten how hard it was for him to learn to walk refresh his memory by trying to walk on stilts. Skill in this, like that of the child in walking, needs only the power to keep the center of gravity of the body, every moment, over some point in the base. LIQUIDS. How do liquids differ from solids ? The molecules of every solid substance are held together so that the body will keep whatever form you may choose to give it; but in water the molecules are held together with such feeble force that they can move among themselves with the greatest ea"se, and you can not give it any shape but that of the vessel which holds it. Water and other substances, in which cohesion is so slight that the molecules move freely among themselves, are called liquids. Is there any cohesion in liquids ? Still the cohe- sion in a liquid is strong enough to be detected. Look again at Fig. 2, and notice that the water would not be lifted under the disk, as it is there shown to be, unless the particles of water cling to each other. This shows cohesion among them. The drop of dew collected upon a leaf (Fig. 8) shows cohe- sion in water, for what else could hold the parts of the drop together ? How can we judge of its strength ? To get a bet- LIQUIDS. 35 ter idea of the force of cohesion in water, we may watch it dripping from some support. A drop grows larger while clinging to its support, until at last it breaks away. The weight of the drop just at the moment when it breaks away is just enough to pull the molecules of water apart, and measure* the cohesion in the liquid. The liquid in which there is the greatest cohesion will give the largest drops. Is -water compressible ? A famous experiment was made at Florence about a hundred years ago to find out whether water could be compressed. A hollow globe of gold was tilled with water, and then the opening sealed so very tight that no water could pass it. An enormous pressure was then put upon the globe, when, to the sur- prise of all, the water oozed through the pores of the metal. This experiment seemed to prove that water was not compressible. But more careful experiments have since shown that water is compressible. It is in so slight a degree that the Florentine experiment was too rude to show it at all. It needs a pressure of 15 Ibs. upon every square inch of the surface of the vessel in which the water is held to compress the fluid .0000503 of its bulk. Is water elastic ? The instant that the pressure is removed from the compressed water it springs back to its former bulk, and this proves it to be elastic. What is more remarkable, it springs back with exactly as much force as was exerted to compress it. * When com- pressed only .0000503 of its bulk it will spring back with a force of 15 Ibs. to a square ine\ Now when a body springing back restores all the force that compressed it, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fig. 9. it is paid to be perfectly elastic. Water and other liquids are perfectly elastic. What shows the downward pressure of water ? The downward pressure of water is shown by its w r eight. To lift a pailful of water you must overcome its down- ward pressure. This may tax your strength severely, because, if the pail holds one cubic foot of the liquid, you must lift a weight of G2 Ibs. ; a cubic foot of water weighs 62| Ibs. Does water exert pressure upward? To learn whether water presses upward as well as downward the following experiment (Fig. 9) may be tried. A plate of metal is hung from the end of a string, which is passed through a glass tube open at both ends. By means of this string the plate of metal may be held tightly against the lower end of the tube. Now if this end of the tube is pushed down into a vessel of water, the string may be dropped and the plate of metal will still stay up against the glass. By a moment's thought you see that it must be the water that holds the heavy metal up, and that to do this it must exert an upward pressure. Does water exert pressure sidewise ? The same LIQUIDS. 37 experiment shows that water exerts a pressure sidewise, for you may find that the water is gradually pushed side- wise between the plate and the end of the tube, slowly filling the tube with water. In -what direction does -water exert pressure ? In fact, water and other liquids, when at rest, exert press- ure in all directions. And another fact should be remem- bered ; it is, that the pressure at any point is equal in all directions. If, for example, there is at any point a down- ward pressure of 10 Ibs. there will be, at the same time, a pressure of 10 Ibs. upward and sidewise, and indeed in. every possible direction. The pressure of water in several Fi? - 10 - directions at once is very well shown in Fig. 10. Why is the surface of wa- ter at rest always level ? It is because water presses equally in all directions that a body of water can not be quiet unless its upper surface is level. Let us explain this more fully. The molecules of water move so easily that if the pressure in one direction is never so little more than in another, the liquid will move. Now if the downward pressures at all points are equal, all the other pressures must be equal too, and the water will not move, but the downward pressures will not be equal at all points unless the surface of the water is level, and for this reason the water can not rest unless its surface is level. The wind may cover the surface of the sea with ripples 233560 38 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. or lash it into billows ; but let the wind be hushed, and the ripples or billows will gradually sink into a surface smoother than that of the most polished mirror, just because the pressure in all directions can not be made equal without. Will the shape of the vessel make any differ- ence? No matter how irregular the form of a vessel may be, all parts of the surface of the water in it roust be at the same height, or in other words level. The vessel shown in Fig. 11 has a very irregular shape. There is Fig. 11. first the large vase at the left hand, then the horizontal tube, and finally the tubes reaching upward from the last; yet it is all one vessel, because the water can pass freely from one part to another. If water is poured into the vase it will rise just as fast in the tubes, and will at last stand at the same height in all parts, as the picture shows. How are cities supplied with water? It is on LIQUIDS. 39 this principle that many cities are supplied with water. Water from the streams of the country around is led into a reservoir where its surface will be higher than the city. A large pipe is then laid under-ground, reaching from the reservoir down to the city, and branches from it are laid under the streets. From these main pipes -a branch goes into each house which is to receive the water, and reaches up to the room where the water is to be drawn. Now the water will rise in these pipes as high as the surface of that in the reservoir, if they will allow it to do so, and, of course, if one be opened anywhere below that level the water will flow from it. How are fountains produced ? If the pipe which is bringing water from a reservoir does not rise as high as the reservoir, the water will spout upward in the form of a fountain. In Fig. 11 one of the tubes is shorter than the others, but the water rises almost as high as it does in them : being thrown into the air instead of rising in a pipe, we call it a fountain. Upon what does the pressure of -water on the bottom of the vessel which holds it depend? Suppose the bottoms of two vessels are the same in size, but that one vessel is twice as high as the other. When both are filled with water it is found that there will be just twice as much pressure on the bottom of the highest. If one is three times as high as the other, the pressure on its bottom will be three times as great. The pressure upon the bottom of a vessel * of water is always just in proportion to the height of the water. Does not the shape of the vessel make a differ- ence ? We may take vessels of very different shapes, but if they are filled with water to the same height, arid if their bottoms are of the same size, the pressure on the bottom 40 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. will be the same in all. Suppose, for example, that each vessel has a bottom whose surface is ten square inches : one of them may be just as large at the top as at the bottom, another may be larger at the top, and another smaller ; but when they are filled to the same height with water the pressure upon the bottoms will be alike in all. The pressure upon a bottom of given size depends I , entirely upon the height of the water above it. % How may a little water exert very great press- ure ? We may now notice a curious fact, which seems at first to be impossible. A very small quantity of water may exert an enormous pressure. Fig. 12 shows how this may be proved. In the first place, a very tight cask is filled with water and a tall tube is afterward screwed into the top. By filling this tube with water the cask, unless uncommonly strong, will be broken asunder. The very small quantity of water in the tube, no more than a child could lift, exerts a pressure strong enough to break the staves of the cask. How can this be explained ? Suppose the end of the tube is -^ of a square inch, and that the tube is high enough to hold a pound of water. The pressure on -gL- of an inch would be one pound, and on a whole inch it w r ould be 50 Ibs. And since water presses equally in all directions there would be 50 Ibs. pressure on every square inch of the inside surface of the cask. Such a pressure is more than the cask can bear. Would any other equal pressure have the same effect? Any other pressure equal to the weight of the column of water in the tube would have the same effect. The pressure of your hand, or of a pound-weight of metal, might take the place of the pound of water in the tube ; 41 42 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the pressure, exerted in any way, would be transmitted equally in all directions and break the cask. Show how a light weight may balance a heavy one. Now suppose two cylinders, one just twice as large as the other, to be joined together by a tube at their bot- toms (Fig. 13), and let there be a piston fitting each cylin- Fig. is- der exactly, and carrying a table as the picture shows them. Now if a one-pound weight be put upon the small table it will balance a two-pound weight upon the other. If one cylinder were one hun- dred times larger than the other, then one pound on the small table would balance one hundred pounds on the large one. What machine acts on this principle ? The hy- drostatic press is made to act on this principle. The piston in the small cylinder is pushed down by hand, or perhaps by a steam-engine, while any thing to be pressed is put between the large table and a solid pressure-plate built above it. This machine is used for pressing hay and cotton into bales, for testing the strength of ropes, and, in a word, it is preferred to any other machine whenever a great press- ure is to be exerted. GASES. How do gases differ from liquids ? In water and in other liquids there is a slight degree of cohesion, but in air and other gjises there is no cohesion at all. The mole- cules of air are trying to get just as far away from each other as possible at all times ; and this is true also of all bodies in the form of air, or, as they are called, gases. Air is the most common of all gases, and on this account it is used to illustrate the properties of this class of bodies. Is the air expansible ? An easy and pretty experi- ment will teach us whether air can be expanded. Take a small vial having in it a little colored water, and fasten into its neck an air-tight cork, through which a small tube just reaches into the bottle. This tube should be several inches long. If the vial be held bottom upward the col- ored water will riot run into the tube, but if the lips be applied to the lower end of the tube, and the air be drawn out, the colored water will quickly run down. This shows that the air above the water in the vial expands to push the water out. In what other way is the air of the vial ex- panded ? If, instead of taking the air out of the tube, you gently warm the vial, you will see the colored liquid move out of the vial and down the tube. In this experi- ment the air is expanded by heat. 44: NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Boys sometimes amuse themselves by bursting balloons or bladders tilled with air by warming them. They thus illustrate the expansibility of air, for the air when heated tries to till more room than it did when cold, and in trying f\s. 14. to get larger bursts the balloon with a loud re- port like a gun. Is air compressible ? If we take a cylinder with a piston fitting it air-tight (Fig. 14), we may easily push the piston down some distance into the cylinder. No air gets out, but the piston, while going down, crowds the air along before it until the cylinder may be less than half full. By greater force than can be given by the hand alone the piston may be crowded down until the cylinder may be less than a hundredth or a thous- andth part full. Is air elastic? Compressed air will spring back to its original bulk when the pressure is taken away, and this shows that it is elastic. It is also found that air after being compressed will spring back with just as much force as was put upon it ; this shows it to be perfectly elastic. Does air have weight ? A thin globe made of glass or metal is weighed when full of air (Fig. 15). The air is then taken out of it by means of an air-pump, soon to be described, and the empty globe is weighed. The globe weighs more when full of air than when empty, and this proves that air has weight. If the globe will hold 100 cubic inches of air, it will CASES. 4:5 weigh about 31 grains less when empty, and this shows that 100 cubic inches weigh about 31 grains. Does gravitation act upon air ? The weight of air, like the weight of wood or Fig. is iron, is caused by the at- traction of gravitation. Gravitation acts upon the invisible air in just the same way that it does upon water or upon oil, only its action is not so strong. Try this experiment : into a tall glass jar (Fig. 16) or even a goblet put first some water, and then pour in some oil ; the oil will lie on top of the water. Afterward, if you can have some mercury you will be able to pour it Fig. 16. into the jar carefully without disturbing the other liquids. The mercury will go to the bottom and form a layer un- der the others. Now there are four sub- stances in the jar, arranged in layers. There is first mer- curj r , then water, then oil, and then air. And they are in this order because gravita- tion is strongest on mercury, weaker on water, weaker yet on oil, and weakest on air. For a similar reason the water of the sea is above the rocks and then the atmosphere above the water ; but if grav- 4t> NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. itation did not act upon air at all, the atmosphere would leave the earth entirely and fly off into space beyond. In -what directions does air exert pressure ? The pressure of the air may be shown in a very simple way. Cork one end of a lamp-chimney, and stretch a piece of caoutchouc over the other. Put a piece of pipe-stem tightly through the cork, and the apparatus is finished. .Now with the lips at the pipe-stem, take the air out of the chimney and you will see the caoutchouc pushed into it. There is nothing outside to push it into the tube but the air, and so the experiment shows the pressure of the air. Now hold the tube upward or downward, or in any direction whatever, and the caoutchouc will be pressed in as before ; and hence we see that the air presses in all directions. It is also found by experiment that the pressure of air in all directions is equal. In this respect air and water are alike. The finest illustrations of the pressure of the air may be given by means of the air-pump. Describe the air-pump. In this instrument there is a cylinder (C, Fig. 17), with a tube leading from the bot- tom of it. The other end of this tube is bent upward so as to pass through a horizontal plate of metal, P. At the end of this tube, in the cylinder, there is a little door or valve, as it is called, which opens upward, and will open for air to go up, but will shut when the air tries to go down again. In the cylinder there is a piston, and in this there is another valve which opens upward. The plate, P, is so smooth that a glass vessel, R, open at the bottom, will stand upon it and fit so closely that no air can pass between them. This vessel, or any other from which air is to be taken, is called a receiver. GASES. Explain the action of the pump. When the piston is lifted the air in the receiver, R, will expand, and a part Fig. IT. of it will go through the valve at the bottom of the cylin- der. When the piston is pushed down again, the air in the cylinder will push its way through the valve in the piston. When the piston is lifted again, the air above it is lifted out of the instrument entirely, while another part of the air in the receiver comes through the valve into the cylinder. And in this way every upward motion of the piston pumps a part of the air out from the receiver. The air can be so nearly pumped out, or exhausted, as it is usually called, that there will not be enough left to lift the very delicate valves of the instrument. How -will the receiver show the pressure of the air ? After the air has been pumped out of the receiver, it will be found impossible to lift it away from the pump- plate. The outside air presses so heavily upon it that if the receiver is lifted the pump will rise with it. 8 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. How may the pressure be shown by the Magde- burg cups? Fig. IS shows the Magdeburg cups. These Fig. i& cups are made of metal, and their edges are so smooth that they will fit each other air tight. The lower one may be screwed upon the pump-plate, the other then placed upon it and the air taken out. They may then be removed from the pump without letting the air get into them, and when this is done, the pressure of the outside air will hold them together with great force. The illustrious Otto de Guericke of Magdeburg, who invented the air-pump, and to whom we also owe the invention of these cups, made a pair so large that it needed the strength of four horses to pull them apart. How may the pressure be shown by the fountain in vacuo ? The pressure of air is shown by a still more beautiful experiment, represented in Fig. 19. A tall glass receiver, R, made air-tight, has a tube passing through the bottom. The lower end of this tube may be screwed upon the plate of the air-pump : the other end reaches some distance into the vessel. After the air is exhausted from the receivers, if the lower end of the tube is placed in water and the valve opened, an elegant fountain will be thrown up inside by the pressure of the air upon the water outside. How may the upward pressure of air be shown ? We do not need an air-pump to show the upward pressure of air. Just take a common bottle and fill it to the brim with water ; then place a piece of paper over its mouth, and while you hold the paper with one hand, turn GASES. 49 the bottle bottom upward with the other. You may now let go of the paper and the water will not run out of the Fig. 19. bottle. The water and the paper are both held up by the upward pressure of the air. If the neck of the bottle is very small, the paper need not be used. How may the downward pressure be easily shown ? Take a tall bottle with a wide mouth, and sink it in a vessel of water, and when full of the liquid lift it gradually with its bottom upward until its neck only is covered. The bottle will still be full of water. The pressure of the air on the water in the vessel pushes the liquid up into the bottle and holds it there. It is the pressure of air which also drives water through 50 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. a glass tube or a straw when, one end being in the liquid, the lips are applied to the other end. All that the lips do is to take the air out of the tube above the water. How high a column of water will the pressure of the air sustain ? The water will be sustained to a height of about 34 feet by this pressure of the air. How high a column of mercury? A col- umn of mercury about 30 inches high will weigh as much as a column of water 34 feet high if they are of the same size. Therefore, a column of mercury only 30 inches high will be supported by the pressure of the air Can we prove this by experiment ? The pictures show how this can be easily proved by experiment. A glass tube more than 30 inches long is taken. One end of it is closed, the other open. It is first filled with mercury, and then the open end is shut with the finger, while the tube is turned, closed end upward, as shown in Fig. 20. The open end is then put into a dish of mer- cury nnd the finger taken away. The mercury will no GASES. 51 longer quite fill the tube, but will sink so as to leave the upper part empty, as shown in Fig. 21. The air-press- ure supports this column of mercury, and the height measures about 30 inches. How much pressure does the atmosphere exert upon a square inch ? A column of mercury one inch square and thirty inches high will weigh 15 Ibs. To balance 15 Ibs. of mercury in the tube, or to keep it from F! s- 21. falling out, would need another pressure of 15 Ibs., and since the air does this we know that it must be exerting a press- ure of 15 pounds to the square inch. Air is lighter than the lightest down, but reach- ing above us to a height of many miles, the quan- tity in all must be im- mense. It covers every thing upon the earth, and presses upon each square inch of the surface of every thing with a force of 15 Ibs. The total pressure upon each oiie of our bodies is said to be about 20,000 Ibs. We are able to bear this great pressure without feeling it, because it is so exactly equal in all directions, and because every point on the body, bearing its own share, divides the labor so justly that no point is burdened. 52 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Is the pressure of the atmosphere always alike ? By watching the column of mercury in the tube, Fig. 21, it will be found to be higher at some times than at others. This must be because the pressure of the atmos- phere is not always the same. It is sometimes a little more than 15 Ibs. to the inch and sometimes a little less. How does the pressure vary with the weather ? In bright, clear weather the atmosphere is heavier than when storms or clouds prevail. Hence the column of mercury will be higher in fair weather than in foul weather; and by watching the changes in the height of the mercury column \ve may judge something of what the character of the weather is to be. How does the pressure vary with the height ? At the level of the sea the column of mercury stands 30 inches high. A gentleman by the name of Pascal, in France, with a tube and cistern of mercury, traveled up a mountain-side to find what effect, if any, would be produced upon the column. As he climbed the mountain higher and higher, he found that the mercury sank lower and lower in the tube. We learn from his experiment that the pressure of the atmosphere is less as the height is greater. May we not know this without experiment ? Indeed, no experiment is needed to prove this, for it is very clear that when going up we leave a part of the atmosphere below us, and there being then less above us, the pressure exerted mu^t be less. What is the Barometer? Now the barometer is an instrument which shows the changes in the pressure of the atmosphere. It consists of a tube with a cistern of mercury, like that shown in Fig. 21, placed in a frame- work of wood or metal which protects it from injury. A GASES. 53 scale placed behind the tube shows the height of the mercury column. How does this instrument foretell changes in the weather ? By the motion of the mercury up or down we may judge something of the future character of the weather. If we see the mercury rising, we may expect fair weather : if the mercury falls, we may expect foul weather. How is it used to find the height of mountains ? From the sea-level to the top of Mont Blanc is a height of about 15,000 feet. In going to the summit, the mercury column falls about 15 inches. From this, and other observations like this, it appears that the mercury sinks about one inch for every thousand feet the barometer is taken upward. To get the height of a mountain, then, we may count 1,000 feet for every inch through which the mer- cury falls in being carried to the summit. This rule will not give the exact height, owing to things which we will not now try to explain, but when all things are taken into account in making the calculations, the height of a mountain may be calculated by the barometer per- haps more easily and exactly than | by any other method. Describe the lifting-pump. In this very common and useful instrument the pressure of the atmosphere ia I c NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. made to lift water from a well or cistern. Its parts and their action are very w r ell shown in Fig. 22. It consists of two cylinders, one above the other, the upper one, 6 Y , being often much larger than the other, c, which reaches down into the well. Where these cylinders join each other there is a little door, or valve, which opens upward, and will allow water to go up, but will not let it go down again. In the upper cylinder there is a piston which may be lifted or pushed down by the handle of the purnp. In this piston there is a valve, or, it may be, more than one, which opens upward. Explain the action of the pump. By the first strokes of the piston the air is taken out of the cylinders, and then the pressure of the atmos- phere upon the water in the well pushes the water up into the pump just as it will push water up into a straw or other tube when the air is drawn out at the top by applying the lips. After the air has been all taken out, the water will till the pump full to the spout, and then every time the piston is raised it will lift a portion of water out at the spout, while more is pushed in at the bottom by the air to take its place. Describe the force-pump. Fig. 23 shows a kind of pump which is g_ used for throwing water to greater heights. It is called t\\Q force-pump. The spout is at the bo; torn of the upper cylinder instead of near the top of it, as in the lift- ing-pump, and instead of having any valve in the piston GASES. there is one opening into the spout. In other respects it is like the lifting-pump. Explain its action. When the piston is lifted the atmosphere pushes water up into the upper cylinder. When the piston is pushed down the water is pushed through the valve into the spout. This spout may reach even to the top of a house, and the water will go higher by each stroke of the piston until it reaches the top and runs over. A jet of water would be thrown out by each downward stroke of the piston, but if a steady stream, is wanted, the spout leads into an air-chamber where the water condenses the air. This condensed air exerts a steady pressure on the water in the chamber and throws it out in a steady stream. The fire-engine is a form of force-pump. In the steam fire-engine the piston is moved by the power of steam. What is the siphon? In Fig. 24, the tub* from which the water appears to be running is a siphon. The instrument is used to pass a liquid from one vessel to an- other. The siphon is never any thing more than a bent tube, one arm being longer than the other. How is it used? When the siphon is to be used, it must first be tilled with water, and then the end of the long arm is closed with the finger, while the short arm is put into the liquid in the vessel. The moment the finger is removed, the liquid will begin to flow up the short arm, over the bend and out at the end 56 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. of the long arm ; nor will it stop running until the end of the short arm is uncovered, or until the liquid is as high in the second vessel as in the one from which it runs. Explain its action. It often at first seems a mystery why the liquid should run upward through the short arm and out from the other ; but we shall see that the forces that push it in that direction are stronger than those that push the other way. To push it out through the long arm there is, first, the weight of the liquid in that arm, and, second, the pressure of the air on the water in the vessel. To keep it in, there is, first, the weight of the water in the short arm, and, second, the pressure of the air upward against the water at the end of the long arm. Now the first tvvo forces are stronger than the last two, because the weight of the water in the long arm is greater than of that in the short arm ; and the water runs in the direction of the greater force. MOTION. Can bodies move themselves? Animals can move from place to place, because they have the power of will, and their bodies must obey it ; but that a book or a block of stone should of its own accord move out of its place, we pronounce to be impossible. Such bodies of matter can move only as they are either pushed or pulled. The ship, for example, is pushed along by wind : a train of cars is pulled along by a steam-engine. A stone falls to the ground because it is pulled down by the attraction of the earth, and the smoke rises because it is pushed up- ward by the heavier air. A body at rest would rest forever if it were neither pushed nor pulled by some force outside of itself. Can bodies stop themselves ? A moving ship will not stop suddenly when the sails are taken down. The water finally stops it ; no one ever thinks of saying that tho ship stops itself. A train of cars moves along some dis- tance after the steam has been cut off: it is finally stopped by the friction of the wheels as they rub upon their axles and upon the track, together with other obstacles which it meets ; it does not stop itself. A horse and his rider are moving along together ; let the horse suddenly stop, and his rider is plunged over his head ; the man can not stop himself. We learn from these observations that a. body in motion r 58 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. would move forever if it were not stopped by some force outside of itself. Can a body change the direction of its mo- tion ? When a ball is struck with a bat, it flies in the direction of the blow, and in no other, unless turned aside by some other force. The same thing appears to be true of all other motions, for who ever saw a moving body suddenly of its own ac- cord start off in another direction ! A body in motion would move forever in a straight line unless turned aside by some force outside itself. What is the first law of motion ? We may now state, in very few words, what we have thus far learned about motion, as follows : A body at rest would rest forever, or if in motion would move forever in a straight line, unless kept from doing so by some force outside of itself. This principle is called the first law of motion. Why then does not a stone move in a straight line when thrown from the hand? When a stone is thrown in a horizontal direction, we find that instead of going along in that direction, it very soon flies lower and lower, until at length it strikes the ground. It would move in a straight line if the attraction of the earth did not pull it to the ground. Are other motions caused by more than one force? If the wind blows while the rain falls we see the drops coming obliquely down to the ground. Gravi- tation alone would bring them vertically through the air, but the wind at the same time pushes them sidewise ; their motion is due to these two forces. Now, the more examples of motion we examine, the more certain we become that the motions of bodies are MOTION. 50 generally caused by two or more forces acting upon them at the same time. Does each force produce as much effect as if it acted alone ? Here is an experiment that any one can try for himself while studying this subject. Put a ball at one corner of a table. You may snap it with the fingers of one hand and make it roll along the side of the table, and if you afterward snap it with the fingers of the other hand you may make it roll across the end; but if you skillfully snap it with the fingers of both hands at once, it will follow neither the side nor the end, but you will see it dari obliquely across to the opposite corner. If one hand would roll the ball the whole length of the table in one second, and if the other, would roll it across the end in one second, then, when both hands were used at once, the ball will roll to the opposite corner in exactly one second. But to get to this opposite corner, the ball must go the whole length and the whole width of the table both at once; so that each force causes just as much mo- tion in the second of time as if it were acting alone. Give another example. The swift motion of a can- non-ball is caused by the explosion of gunpowder, but gravitation is at the same time pulling the ball down toward the ground. If the ball is shot in a horizontal direction it will strike the ground at the 'same time it would if dropped from the mouth of the gun. The force of gravitation pulls the ball downward through the same distance while it is moving horizontally as it would in the same time if falling vertically. Suppose the ball shot directly upward. A ball will fall about 16 feet in the first second after it starts. Now suppose a ball shot directly upward, and that the force of the powder would be strong enough to send it up 00 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 100 feet in the first second : the ball will only rise 84 feet. The attraction of gravitation which would make it fall 16 feet if it were not for the powder, will cut off just 16 feet from its ascent. What is the second law of motion? From such facts as these we infer that : A force will cause the same amount of motion, and in 1he same direction, whether the body it acts upon be at rest or already in motion. This principle is called the second law of motion. What is meant by action and reaction ? He who strikes the table with his hand gets a blow from the table in return, as he very well knows by the pain it occasions when the blow is hetivy. The hand acts upon the table and the table reacts upon the hand. Whenever two bodies act upon each other, the effect of one of them is called action, that of the other is called reaction. A bullet may perhaps fracture a stone against which it is fired, but the bullet will be flattened, showing that the stone has returned the blow. The bullet acts upon the stone and the stone reacts upon the bullet. Are action and reaction in the same direction ? When a book lies upon the table it presses downward, but the table is at the same time pressing upward to keep the book from going to the floor. Action and reaction must always be in opposite directions. Which is the stronger ? Take the case of the book on the table : the action of the book downward, or its pressure, is just equal to its weight. If the table should react with a force (/reater than the weight of the book, it would throw the book upward ; if with less force, the book would be able to break through it : it can be neither greater nor less, because the book is at rest. In MOTION. 61 every other case as well as this, action and reaction are equal. What is the third law of motion? From what has just now been said we may gather this general statement: Every action must be followed ly an opposite and equal reaction. This principle is called the third law of motion. What is an impulsive force? When a bullet is shot from a gun, the force of the gunpowder acts upon it only for a single moment when it starts. A force which acts for a moment only is called an impulsive force. Other examples are common enough. When a ball is hit with a bat, the force of the blow is spent upon the ball in an instant. And at the moment when a stone leaves the hand that throws it, the force of the hand is spent. Both of these are impulsive forces. What do we notice about the motion caused by impulsive forces ? We notice that the motions produced by these impulsive forces are all alike in one thing at least: the velocity is greatest at the beginning. The speed of the bullet is greatest at the moment when it leaves the gun, and grows less and less until it is stopped entirely. And in the case of the ball struck with a bat, and of the stone thrown from the hand, motion is swiftest at the beginning and gradually grows slower. Why do these motions grow slower ? It would not be so if it were not for the resistance of the air. The resistance of the air which hinders the snow-flakes so that they can not fall like rain-drops or hail-stones, also hinders the motion of every thing else. Cut a leaf of paper into pieces an inch in length and half as wide ; toss them upward into the quiet air of the room aniL^vvatch their slow and curious motions to the and wa 32 NATURAL PHriX)SOPHY. floor : if it were not for the air which hinders them they would fall like bullets. The air hinders the motion of heavy bodies, and the faster they move the more it will affect it. Even the motion of cannon-balls is rapidly lessened by the resist- ance of the air. Now if there were no air nor other resistances the mo- tion caused by an impulsive force would not grow less. The moving body would pass over equal distances in equal times', or in other words, its motion would be uniform. What is a constant force ? The force of the hand which tosses a stone upward into the air is an impulsive force, but gravitation which brings it down again is not. Never for a single instant does gravitation cease to act upon the falling stone, and on this account it is called a constant force. A constant force is one whose action is all the time alike. What do we notice about the motion it pro- duces? The motion of a falling body is swifter and swifter the farther it falls. This is true not only of mo- tion caused by gravitation, but of motion caused by any constant force whatever ; the velocity increases while the force is acting. How do the air and other resistances affect this motion? In this case also the resistance of the air hinders the motion, and it hinders it more and more as the velocity is greater. In fact, the motion of a body falling from a great height may become so swift that the resistance of the air will be as strong as the force of gravitation itself, and after that moment the motion will be uniform. It is just so with a train of cars. The power of the steam starts it and for a little time makes it go faster and faster, but the motion soon becomes uniform because the i) been vi so MOTION. 63 many resistances which the train meets soon equals the power of the steam. The motion ot a sail-boat increases at first, luit very soon the resistance of the water becomes so strong that it needs the whole force of the wind to overcome it, and after that the boat sails on at a uniform rate. In -what kind of a path will an arrow go ? If an arrow is shot from the bow directly upward, it will go up in a straight line and its motion back again will also be in a straight line. If, however, the arrow be fired in any other direction its path will be a curve instead of being straight. Why will the path of the arrow be curved? It is easy to see that there are two forces acting on the arrow. There is, first, the force of the bow which sends it forward, and then, second, the force of gravitation which pnlls it toward the ground. The bow would send it in a straight line, but gravitation is all the time pulling it down out of that line. The arrow obeys both of these forces at once, going forward and downward at the same time, its direc- tion changing a little all the time. For this reason the path of the arrow is curved. In any case, if a body moves in a curved path it is being acted on by two forces, and one of these, at least, must constantly act. Give another example. We may make an easy ex- periment to illustrate this statement more fully. Tie a string to the stem of an apple and make the apple swing around the hand in a circle. You can feel the apple pulling as if struggling to get away from the hand, and should you let go your hold of the string the apple would dart off in a straight line in just whatever direction it happened at the moment to be going. What two forces make the apple move in the 64 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. circle? There is one force, we notice, which is trying to move the apple in a straight line, and the string is another force which is pulling it out of that line every moment, By these two forces acting together the apple is moved in a circle. What are the centrifugal and centripetal forces ? Now one of the two forces by which curved motion is pro- duced has been called the centrifugal force, and the other the centripetal force. The one which would send the body away in a straight line is the centrifugal force ; that which pulls it out of the straight line is the centripetal force. What familiar examples of the action of these forces? The stone in a sling, at the moment when it is set at liberty, darts off in a line as straight as the path of an arrow or a bullet : but before it is set at liberty, the sling-cord pulls it out of that line and keeps it moving in a circle. A wet mop, made to turn swiftly on its handle as an axis, throws the water in all directions and soon dries itself. It is the centrifugal force which sends the water away. And this illustrates what we sometimes see among animals. Sheep, for example, in wet weather throw the water off themselves by shaking their fleeces in a kind of half rot^ary motion. Water-dogs on coming to land dry themselves in the same way. "A loaded stage-coach running south and turning sud- denly to the east or west, strews its passengers on the south side of the road. A man on horseback when turn- ing a corner leans much toward the corner in order to overcome the centrifugal force which would throw him away from it." MOTION. 65 A carriage-wheel turning swiftly often throws the dirt in straight lines from its circumference. In the same way, were it not for the attraction of gravitation, all bodies on the face of the earth would be thrown out into the heavens by the centrifugal force due to the rotation of the eartli upon its axis. The earth is moving in an orbit which is almost a cir- cle, the diameter of which is about 190,000,000 miles, and it is going at the rate of about 68,000 miles an hour. At every moment during this wonderful journey the earth is struggling to fly away in a straight line, but the powerful attraction of the sun is the strong arm which constantly pulls it out of this line into the graceful curve through which it flies. VIBRATIONS. Describe the pendulum. In Fig. 25 we notice a ball B hung from a fixed point A by means of a cord. This ball represents a pendulum : any body hung from a fixed point, under which it may swing from side to side, backward and for- ward, is a pendulum. If such a bull were pulled aside and then dropped !t would swing for a long time. You can easily try the experiment by hanging an '- apple in the same way and mak- ing it swing. What is meant by vibra- tion and amplitude ? If the pendulum (Fi>. 25) h lifted to C it will swing to D, a point almost as far on the other side, and then return. It will keep on moving back and forth in tin's arc until the resistance of the air finally stops it at B, the place from which it first started. Its motifni from one end of its arc tj the other is called a vibration, and the distance from one end of its arc to the other is called its amplitude. Does the time of one vibration depend upon amplitude? The distance through which the pendulum swings makes very little difference in the time it takes to VIBRATIONS 67 pass through it ; in other words, a pendulum will swing through a long arc just as quickly as through a short one. The reason that the long journey is made in the same time as the short one is this : the longer the arc the steeper are its ends, and on this account the swifter the pendulum will fall. Does the time of one vibration depend upon the weight of the ball ? It is another curious property of the pendulum that whether it be made of lead or of wood or of other material, it will make its vibration in the same time. Its weight, and we may add, the material of which it is made, makes no difference in the time of one vibration. Does the time of one vibration depend upon the size of the pendulum ? Nor does the size of the pen- dulum make any difference in the time of one vibration. Of course the resistance of the air will be more on a large ball than on a small one, and on that account a large pendulum will not continue to vibrate as long as a small one, but they will swing from one end of the arc to the other in the same time, while the motion does continue, no matter how much they may differ in size. Upon what does the time of one vibration depend? But if we take pendulums of different lengths, as shown in Fig. 2G, we shall find the longest one vibrating slowest. In all cases the long- est pendulum needs the longest time to make one vibration. The time of one vibration depends altogether upon the length of the pendulum. Fig. 26. jgg NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What is the law? If the pendulum P (Fig. 26) is just/bwr times as long as another, P', we shall tind by trying the experiment that it takes just twice the time it does the other to make a vibration. We notice that : The time of one miration is in proportif/i to the (square root of the Length of the pendulum. If then one pendulum is 9 times the length of another, it will take it 3 times as long to vibrate once. The length of a pendulum that' will vibrate in one second is about 39.1 inches: a pendulum \ of that length would vibrate in a second according to the law, since the square root of \ is \. How is the pendulum used to measure time ? Now if we know the time it takes a pendulum to make one vibration, we may measure any length of time by simply counting the number made. The resistance of air would however soon stop the swinging, and, even if it did not, the counting of the vibrations would be a tedious task. Ingenious men have overcome these difficulties by inventing the clock, by which people are everywhere able to measure time. Briefly describe its action. In this instrument a weight or a spring keeps a set of wheels in motion, and these wheels keep the pendulum vibrating and at the same time register the number of vibrations it makes, by making an index or hand point to the divisions of a grad- uated circle. Explain its action more fully. In looking at the interior of a common clock, which is the best and per- haps the only way any one can clearly learn its action, we find that a pendulum is so connected with a toothed wheel that at the end of every two vibrations it allows one tooth to escape. If the pendulum vibrates twice a VIBRATIONS. 69 second it allows one tooth to escape at the end of each second, and if there are sixty teeth on the wheel it will turn around just once in sixty seconds or a minute. To the axis of this wheel thg second-hand of the clock is fixed. This wheel is connected with another that turns once around in an hour, and to the axis of this one the minute- hand is fastened. There is still another wheel in the set which can turn once around in twelve hours, and to tho axis of this the hour-hand is fastened. How does a watch differ from a clock ? A watch differs from a clock in having a vibrating wheel, called the balance-wheel, instead of a pendulum. The vibration of the balance-wheel allows one tooth of a wheel to pass just as the pendulum does in the clock, and the number of beats is recorded in the same way. What are chronometers ? Time-keepers of the most wonderful perfection have been made for the pur- pose of telling the longitude of a ship at sea, and for other purposes where great accuracy is required. They are called chronometers. Concerning their perfect action Arnott says: After months spent in a passage from South America to Asia, my pocket chronometer, with others on board, announced one morning that a certain point of land was then bearing east from the ship at a distance of fifty miles ; and in an hour afterwards, when a mist had cleared away, the looker-out on the mast gave the joyous call, " Land ahead," verifying the report of the chronometers almost to a mile after a voyage of thousands. The method of using a watch to tell the longitude of a place on the earth may be found explained in astronomy. TO NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What other use may be made of the pendulum ? The pendulum lias been used to determine the shape of the earth. Describe the experiment with a vibrating cord. Let a small cord fastened at one end pass over two Fig. 27. bridges upon which it rests and be stretched by a heavy weight hung at the other end (Fig. 27). Then if a violin bow be drawn across the cord, or if a person, taking hold of its middle point, pull it aside and let it go again, it will swing back and forth so swiftly that its motions can not he VIBRATIONS. 71 counted, and it will look like a gauzy spindle, as the picture represents it. What is meant by vibration and amplitude ? The continued motion of the cord back and forth is called vibratifm. But when we speak of a vibration, or a single vibration, we mean the {notion from one aide to the other and lack again to the starting-point. The distance from one side to the other, that is, the distance through which any point of the cord travels, is called its amplitude of vibration. Can the number of vibrations be counted ? The motion of the cord is so very rapid that all we. can see when it vibrates is a gauze-like swelling of its middle parts ; and yet it is possible to find out exactly how many vibrations it makes in a second. If the cord, like those of a violin or piano, gives a sound when it vibrates, the number of vibrations may be regis- tered by the syren : for the number will be the same as the number of air-puffs which escape from that instru- ment when it makes a sound of the same pitch as that made by the cord, and the number of air-puffs is registered by the " hands " upon the upper part of the instrument, as seen in Fig. 31. If the vibrations of the cord do not produce sound, yet the number made in one second may be very exactly shown by the aid of electricity. We will not attempt to describe the instrument now. See Text-look of Phi- losophy, p. 151. Does the rapidity of vibration depend upon the length of the cord ? When two cords are taken, one twice as long as the other, but alike in every other re- spect, it is found by experiment that the long one will vibrate onlv one half as fast as the other. In this cafe 72 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the number of vibrations in a second is inversely as the length of the cord. This is also true of all other cases. If one string is, for example, one tenth as long as anothej, it will vibrate ten times as fast. Does the rapidity of vibration depend upon the weight of the cord ? The wire-wound string of a violin is much heavier than one which is not wound, and we iind that it vibrates more slowly. The heavier the cord the slower the vibration. This is always true. If, to be more particular, we take one cord four times as heavy as another, in all things else they beii:g alike, it will vibrate only one half as fast. In all cases it will be true as it is in this one, that the number of vibrations in a second is inversely as the square root of the weight of the cord. If, for another example, we suppose one cord to weigh 16 times as much as another of the same length, it will vibrate only \ as fast. What is the third thing on which the rapidity of vibration depends ? The rapidity of vibration de- pends also on the weight or force by which the string is stretched. This weight or force is called the tension of the cord. If, for example, the weight which stretches the cord over the bridges in Fig. 27 is 56 Ibs. the tension of the cord is said to be 56 Ibs. Xow we find that, when other things are equal, the cord will vibrate faster as the tension is made greater. If the tensions of three cords are as the numbers 1, 4, 9, the number of vibrations a second will be as 1. 2, 3. But these last numbers are the square roots of the first, in their order, and this teaches us that the number of vibrations a tsecond is directly as the square root of the tension of thht from the sun, which is shining through openings in the clouds. They are made in just the same way as are the beams of light seen in our rooms when the sun shines through openings in the win- dow-shutter. How are shadows made? It is upon the same principle that shadows are made. To illustrate, just put a book at a convenient distance in front of a lamp-flame. Now some of the rays of light fall upon the book, and can not go farther, but others just graze the edges of the book and pass in slraiyht lines onward, so that behind the book and reaching to the opposite wall is a space from which the light is shut out. This apace which is deprived of light ia the shadow of the book. We are apt to call the black spot on the wall the shadow, LIGHT. 95 but the shadow really reaches from the book to the wall ; it is all the space behind the book from which the light is shut out, and the black spot on the wall is only one end of it. Fig. 32. Of what two parts is a shadow composed ? If we examine the end of the true shadow of the book as it appears upon the wall, we may notice that there is a dark middle part, and then a border all around this, which is much lighter. One can hardly fail to see these two parts by examining the shadows made by objects around the evening lamp. There is in every shadow a dark middle part surrounded by another lighter portion. The dark middle part is called thevmbrd, and the lighter portion is called the penumbra. These parts reach throughout the whole length of every shadow. How are they formed? A very easy experiment will explain how these two parts of a shadow are pio- 96 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. duced. Place two lamp-flames on a table near each other, and hold a lead pencil or a narrow strip of wood between the flames and a sheet of paper, at some distance from them. Two distinct shadows will be seen, one cast by each light. ISTow move the pencil nearer to the paper, the shadows will approach each other, until at last they overlap and form one, in which the umbra and the penum- bra may be seen with surprising clearness. The umbra gets no light from either flame, but it is easy to see that every part of the penumbra is getting light from one or the other. On this account the umbra is darker than the penumbra. Is it so with a single flame ? Now in the shadow cast when a single flame is used, the outer parts are getting light from one ede less than before. On the other hand, if the rays start from a point farther than the focus from the lens, they will be converging after refraction. This case is beauti- fully shown in Fig. 53. Does the concave lens have the same effect ? The concave lens has exactly the opposite effect. The rays after passing through a concave lens are separated instead of being collected. Fig. 54. This effect is well shown in Fig. 54, which represents a double concave lens refracting parallel rays of light. Fig. 55. They are supposed to enter the lens on the side F, parallel to each other, but on coming out on the other side they US NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. are diverging. All the concave lenses have the effect to separate rays by retraction. Describe the image formed by a convex lens. Most perfect and very beautiful images are formed by the use of convex lenses. If one of these instruments is held at a little distance from any object, a flower, for example, it will form an image which may be caught upon a screen placed in the right spot. This image will be on the other side of the lens from the object, and inverted (Fig. 55). Explain the production of the image. Fig. 56 and Fig. 57 will help us to understand how this image is Fig. 56. formed. They show a lens with a small arrow, a J, near to it. Two rays of light are seen going from a through the lens, and after refraction meeting again at A. This point, A, is the image of the point, , from which the rays started. Two other rays are seen going from 5 through the lens and being refracted to the point 13. This point B is the image of the other end of the arrow. Every point between a and b in the arrow will send off rays of light which, after going through the lens, will be brought together again at corresponding points between A and B, and all together they make up the whole image A B. When will the image be larger than the object ? LIGHT. 119 Tf the image is farther than the object from the lens (see Fig. 56), it will be larger than the object. When will it be smaller ? But if the image is nearer to the lens than the object is (see Fig. 57), it will be smaller. Fig. 57. Whichever is farthest from the lens will be the largest. Will the image ever be on the same side of the lens as the object? In the cases thus far examined we suppose the object to be outside or beyond the focus of the lens. If the object is put between the lens and its focus, the image will be seen on the same side as the object. It will be erect, and very much larger than the object. In Fig. 58 tins case is shown. A small insect is between the focus F, and the lens, and a person looking Fig. 5S. 120 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. through the lens, ins'ead of seeing the little creature a 5, will behold its magnified image, A B. What is the effect of concave lenses ? Concave lenses have just the opposite effect ; they form an image always smaller than the object. In Fig. 5i) we can see Fig. 59. how this is done. The light from the vase A B, after going through the concave lens, seems, to the eye, to have come from the smaller image a I. Is all light of the same color ? The light which the sun sheds upon all things so freely, is said to be white light, but yet all light is not white. The light of some stars, for example, is as red as a flame of fire, while others shed upon us a delicate light as green as that of an emerald. Why are bodies of different colors ? We can see an object only by means of the light that ia reflected by it. Now, if the light which it reflects is red, then the color of the body is itself red. If a body reflects blue light, the body ha- a bine color; in every case the color of a body is the color of the light which that body reflects. LIGHT. 121 The meadows are green because the vegetation throws green light to our eyes. What curious experiment -will illustrate this ? " Fill a spirit-lamp with alcohol in which a large quantity of salt has been dissolved ; on being lit it will be found to burn with a livid yellow flame." Let a room be lighted entirely by one or two of such lamps. "It should, if pos- sible, be hung with pictures in water and oil colors, and the persons present ought to wear nothing but the bright- est colors, and the table be ornamented with the gayest of flowers." Let the lamps be brought into this darkened room, and an astonishing appearance will be presented. " The furniture and every other object which the room contains will reflect but a single color. The brightest purple, the purest lilac, the liveliest green will be con- verted into a monotonous yellow. The same change will take place in the countenances of those present: every one will laugh at the appearance of his neighbor's face without thinking that he is just as great a subject of laughter to them." Nothing can, better than this experiment, show that bodies will seem to be of the color which they can reflect. When they receive only yellow rays, they can themselves be of no other color. And if any of them are not able to reflect yellow light, these will appear black. Then why, in the sunlight, are not all bodies white ? All bodies in the sunlight are receiving only white light, and if white light was like that of any other color they would all be white. The white light must contain all other colors which bodies reflect. These bodies receive all these color3 alike, and then each one makes choice of the color which it will reflect. A rose gets white light from the sun, and then from among all the colors it 6 - 122 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. contains, it reflects the red only. A violet reflects blue instead of red or any other, while the leaves of a tree re- flect only the green rays of the white light which the sun sheds upon them. By -what instrument can sunlight be separated into its colors? The instrument used in the arts to decompose light is called a. prism. It is generally nothing Fig. 60. more than a triangular piece of glass, but it may be made of many other substances. Fig. 60 represents the prism, and Fig. 61 shows how this instrument is often mounted upon a stand to be convenient for use. Describe the experiment with the prism. Let a prism be held in a beam of sunlight as it enters a dark- ened room ; the rays which come through the prism will strike the wall or ceiling of the room, or upon a screen, and form there a patch of beautifully colored light (Kig. 62). All the colors of the rainbow will be seen ; and what is still more beautiful, if dust be sprinkled into the air of the room, these colors will be seen reaching all the LIGHT. 123 way from the prism to the wall. Rays of purest bine, of most delicate violet, of the brightest yellow, with others Fig. 61. of different colors, will be seen spread out like a fan from the prism through the dusty air This arrangement of colors formed from the sunlight which passes through a prism is called the solar spectrum. What are the colors in the solar spectrum? There are seven colors in the solar spectrum. They are arranged in the following order : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These are the colors of which sunlight is composed, and the colors of all bodies in the world are produced by the mixture of two or more of these in different proportions. Will the seven colors produce white light ? If '124 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the colors formed by a prism are made to pass through a double convex lens (Fig. 63) they will be brought together again and the spot of light upon the wall will be white. The prism decomposes the white light and brings Fig. C2. out the colors : the convex lens combines the colors and makes white light again. Here, then, is a double proof Fig. 63. that white light is made up of the seven colors of the spectrum. LIGHT. 1 95 How is the rainbow formed ? In a shower of rain each drop of water is able to decompose the sunlight and give the different colors of the spectrum. This it will do if the sun is shining brightly at the time the drop is fall- ing, and you will remember that all the rainbows you ever saw were seen while the sun was shining. When the sun is behind you, and a shower is falling in front of you, the rays which pass through each drop are decom- posed and the colors come out in such a direction that some of them enter your eye. Some drops send the red color to the eye : others in a different place send orange and others still send yellow; another set gives blue, an- other indigo, and finally another violet. And these seven colors are so arranged as to form the beautiful " bow of promise." OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. What does Fig. 58 represent? By turning back to Fig. 58, we see that a convex lens when held between the eye and a little insect will help us to see a very large image instead of the little creature itself. Try it yourself by taking grandmother's spectacles, if you have no other lens, and hold one of the glasses just at the right place, which you can find by moving it back and forth between your eye and the page of the book. The letters will look much larger than they really are. A double convex lens used in this way is called a simple microscope. This little instrument, by making every little thing look larger than it is, becomes a very pleasant, and at the same time a very useful, instrument to every body. Most people use it for viewing tine engravings and in look- 126 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fig. 64. ing at photographs. The watch-maker uses it to examine the minute parts of his work, and the jeweler uses it also for the same purpose. What is the compound microscope? The com- pound microscope is an instrument by which to see the images of objects which are so very small that the eye alone may not see them at all. Describe it. It contains more than one lens; in its simplest form it has two. We can understand it best by studying Fig. 04. Let us begin at the bottom, and notice first a concave mirror. "We see the rays of sunlight which fall on this mirror are thrown upward and brought together at a. Now the little object to be magni- fied is placed at this point and the bright light which goes up from it must pass through the lens Z>, which is very near to it. This lens would magnify the object, but not enough, and BO the light after going through it is made to go through another larger lens B, and then into the eye of the person. The little thing at the point a is made to look large enough to fill all the space between C and D. What are the lenses called ? The lens 1) is called the object-glass, and the other, near the eye, is called the eye-piece. The eye-piece is often made of two lenses and the object-glass sometimes of as many as eight. How much will this instrument magnify? By this instrument we are able to make the diameter of the LIGHT. 12' image 2,000 times greater than the real diameter of the object, and in that case the surface of the image would be 4,000,000 times as large as that of the object examined ! ''Under such a power a hair would appear about six inches thick, a fine needle would look like a street-postj and a grain of sand like a mass of rock." Such power is only necessary in examining the very smallest objects. All common preparations are best examined with a power which makes the diameter appear to be only 500 or 600 times larger than it really is. What has the microscope revealed ? This instru- ment has made known a world of little things around us which no human eye could ever see without its help. Little animals, and little plants, so very small that thou- sands of them together would not be as large as the small- est particle of dust you ever saw, are almost everywhere in the soil and water and other substances around us. What is a telescope ? The telescope is an instru- ment by which we are able to examine objects which are so far away that the eye alone can not see them distinctly. It contains lenses or mirrors by which the images of dis- tant objects are made near to the eye. Describe one kind. We can describe one kind of 128 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. telescope best by means of the foregoing diagram, Fig C5. A large convex lens is in one end of a tube and a smaller one is at the other end. This small one is the eye-yluw, and can be moved back and forth so as to be fixed at just the right distance from the other. The light from a distant body coming through the large lens forms an image at a J, and then a person looking through the eye- glass sees this image magnified at A' B'. Fig. 06. The tube containing these glasses is mounted in some way to allow it to be pointed toward any object in the LIGHT. 12 ;) heavens. The picture, Fig. 60, shows a small one. One of the largest of this kind of telescope in the world is at Harvard College. Its object-glass is about eighteen inches in diameter. What has the telescope revealed ? The telescope has made known a great many things about the sun and moon and stars. It has shown that the moon is covered with mountains and valleys ; and that the sun has im- mense black spots on its surface that looks to us so bright. It shows that there are hosts of stars in the sky, which could never have been seen without its help, some of them being so far away that light, travelling fast enough to go around the world about seven times a second, would need many hundreds of years to come from them to us. HEAT. What is the chief source of heat ? From the sun more heat is received than from all other sources together. It is more than 90,000,000 of miles from the earth, and yet there comes out through that vast distance a constant flood of heat which, if withdrawn for a single year, would leave the whole earth in a degree of cold which even the Arctic regions never had. What is a source of artificial heat ? Combustion is the chief source of artificial heat. Wood, coal, or other fuel burning in our stoves or furnaces warms our dwell- ings, cooks our food, and makes the steam by which our machinery is driven. Next to the sun, combustion is cer- tainly the most important source of heat. How is the heat in combustion produced? If you shut the draught of an " air-tight" stove the iire will go out; or, if you put a lighted candle under the receiver of an air-pump, it will die away when the air is exhausted. We learn from such experiments that no fuel can burn without air. Unless air can pass over the hot fuel in the stove there can be no fire. Now the air is made up of two parts which the chemist calls oxygen and nitrogen, and it is the oxygen of the air passing over the fuel which causes the combustion. The oxygen unites itself to the carbon and other materials of HEAT. 131 which the fuel consists, and to this action the heat of the fire is due. What is another source of heat ? Mechanical ac- tion, such as rubbing or pounding, will produce heat. Let the fingers be pressed down upon the table, and then smartly rubbed back and forth : the heat caused by this friction will be quickly felt. Or if a small cord or a thread is swiftly drawn through the hand which holds it tightly, the hand will be cruelly burned. If two pieces of wood are rubbed upon each other briskly enough they may be set on fire ; in this way savage people are said to have kindled their fires : more civilized people now do it more easily by tim ply rubbing the end of a match. Blows also produce heat, as any one may easily prove by pounding a bullet with a hammer, fur he can soon make it too hot to be comfortably held in the hand. Does heat pass from one body to another ? From every heated body rays of heat are continually going away. This is almost too familiar to need illustration, for the stove gives its warmth to all other objects in the room, and a red-hot cannon-ball will part with its heat so rapidly as to very soon get dark and finally cold. But there is this curious fact to add to what has just been said : no body is at any time so cold that it is not giving off heat to every other around it. Heat is con- stantly passing away from every body, no matter how cold it may already be, and what is given off by one is being received by others in its neighborhood, so that it is true that even a block of ice is giving heat to a red-hot stove, if placed in its vicinity. Then -why do hot bodies grow colder ? Now if the ice and the stove in this illustration should each give 132 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. off just as much heat as it gets from the other back again, the ice would not melt nor the stove grow cold. But the hot stove is giving off much more than it gets, and on this account it becomes gradually colder if the tire is not kept np, while, at the same time, the ice gets much more than it gives, and is of course melted by it. A body gets warmer only when it is getting heat from others faster than it is giving heat to them : it gets colder only when it gives heat faster than it gets it. How does heat get from one body to another ? Heat travels outward from a hot body in waves something like the motion of water-waves when a pebble is thrown into a pond or lake. As the pebble puts the water in motion, so the hot body gives motion to the substance which fills the space around it ; and as the waves of water spread outward in all directions from the pebble, so the waves of heat spread in all directions from their source. These waves of heat warm every body against which they strike. With -what velocity do these -waves travel ? And they go from one body to another so very swiftly that one can not measure the small instant of time they take to pass through any common distance. They start from a hot stove and at the same instant they seem to strike the face of a person in the most distant corner of the room. Indeed, their velocity is so great that they would be able to go quite around the world as many as seven times in a single second ! The velocity of heat is like that of light : together they come to us from the sun, a distance of more than 90,000,000 miles, in about 8 min- utes. This would be at the rate of about 190,000 miles a second. What name is given to heat sent off by bodies in HEAT. 133 this way ? The heat which travels in this way is called radiant heat. Its peculiarities are, when briefly stated, first, it goes in straight lines ; second, it goes in all possi- ble directions from its source ; and third, it moves with very great velocity. This mode of transferring heat from place to place is called radiation. Is there another mode ? Heat does not always travel in this way. If you take one of grandmother's knit- ting needles and hold one end of it in a lamp-flame you will feel the other very soon getting warm. The heat enters the metal at one end and travels, step by step, from one parti- cle to another until at length it reaches the fingers. In this way it is carried from one part of a body to another, or it maybe from one body to another, if they touch each other. This mode of transferring heat is called conduction. Do all solids conduct heat alike? If we take two wires of equal size and length, one being of copper and the other of iron, and place one end of each in a flame, we shall find that the heat travels through, the cop- per to the other end quicker than through the iron. Copper conducts heat better than iron does. A rod of glass may be melted within an inch of the fingers that hold it without burning them, and a splinter of wood may be held in the same way while it burns to ashes. We thus learn that each solid has a rate of its own at which it may conduct heat. Liquids scarcely conduct it. at all, and gases in a degree still less. Bodies that conduct heat freely are called good con- ductors, but those that do not are called poor conductors or non-conductors. Are liquids and gases conductors of heat ? Water is BO very poer a conductor of heat that if you put 134 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ice at the bottom of a glass vessel and then apply heat to the water above it, Fig. 67, you may make the water boil Fig. 67. Fig 135 without melting the ice ; the heat w r ill not travel down- ward through the water to the ice. Other liquids, except mercury., are like water in being very poor conductors of heat. Gases are still poorer Fi ?- 69 - conductors than liquids. What is one effect caused by heat? Let us learn by experiment what effect heat pro- duces : 1st. In solids. A ball of iron or of brass is taken just large enough to pass easily through a ring of the same material. The ball is then heated by a lamp, after which it will be too large to go through the ring. It will rest upon the ring (Fig. 68) until it gets cold again, when it once more passes easily as at first. We j see that heat makes this -Sjjj ball larger. And it the same effect upon ~ other solids. 2d. Liquids. A glass bulb with a long open stem is -used. The bulb is filled with water and the stem partly filled, after which, if the bulb is plunged into hot water (Fig. 69), the water in the stem will be seen slowly rising, 136 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fijr. 70. until perhaps it will run over the top. The water grows larger as it gets warmer. We see that heat expands this liquid : it does the same thing for others. 3d. Gases. Fig. 70 shows an experiment with air. The glass bulb with its long open stem is used for this also. The little black spot near the end of the tube represents a little drop of ink which has been put into the tube and which will be held there by the walls of glass. Now when the warm hands take hold of the bulb the drop will run up still higher in the tube. The air below it pushes the ink up be- cause it wants more room. The heat of the hand makes the air larger than it was. Heat also expands all other gases. "We learn from these experi- ments that the general effect of heat is to expand all bodies to which it is applied. What facts illustrate the expansion of solids ? An iron gate which opens and shuts easily in cold weather, will stick, in a warm day, owing to the heat which expands it. Pipes of cast-iron for conveying hot water are longer when full than when empty. It is said that an ignorant man once tried to warm a large manufactory by steam. He laid one large iron pipe from the boiler to the farther end of the building, and then passed branches from this through HEAT. 137 holes into the several rooms. The very first time he filled the pipes with steam, the expansion of the main pipe tore it away from all its brandies ! The rails of a railroad-track are longer in summer than in winter. What facts illustrate the expansion of liquids ? A kettle nearly full of cold water will be quite full when the water is heated : the water will run over long before it boils. Twenty gallons of alcohol in midwinter will become about twenty-one gallons in midsummer. Hence cunning dealers try to make purchases in winter and sales in summer, that the heat of summer may add to their profits. Does heat always expand water? At all tem- peratures above 39 water will be expanded by applying heat, but at temperatures below 39 water will be con- tracted by applying heat. At 39 a given weight of water is as small as it can be ; heat it or cool it as you will, and it will be expanded. Are all liquids like water in this respect ? To show how different are the effects of a change of tempera- ture in water and other liquids, the following experiment is made. Three glass globes with long necks are placed in a large dish nearly filled with ice-cold water (Fig. 71). Suppo'se the water cooled to 32? At 32 the water freezes. The expansion at this moment is greater than at any moment before, so that the ice is larger than the water from which it is made. On this account pitchers and water-pipes are often broken by the water freezing in them. Ice being larger must also be lighter than the water from which it is made. Were it not for this fact our ponds and rivers would never be covered with a blanket 138 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. of ice as now they are in the winter. The ice, instead, would sink to the bottom as fast as formed. There could be no skating then, you notice ; but that would not be the Fig. 7L saddest of the story, for there would soon be no human beings to enjoy that or any other sport. As it now is, the ice stays on top and keeps the water from freezing to any great depth ; but if it should sink, it would go on forming until the whole body of water would become ice from bottom to top, and then the atmosphere would get colder and colder, until neither plants nor animals could live at all. What facts illustrate the expansion of air ? The snapping of wood in the tire is caused by the expansion of air. The air in the pores of the wood, suddenly heated, expands and bursts the wood witli a sharp report, The first balloons that were made were filled with hot air, and they went up toward and even above the clouds, HEAT. 139 because the air they contained was expanded and made lighter than the cold air so light that it could rise and carry the balloon up with it. Only toy-balloons are now iil led with hot air ; those by which men are carried to the clouds are tilled with common illuminating gas, or sometimes with hydrogen. Which is most expanded by heat, solids, liquids, or gases ? A little addition of heat expands a gas very much ; the same applied to a liquid would cause an in- crease in size difficult to see, and if it were applied to a solid, would not change its size enough to be noticed at all. Do all solids and liquids expand equally? Instead of all solids expanding equally, each one has a certain rate of its own. Brass for example, will expand faster than iron. Each liquid also has a rate of its own. Do all gases expand equally ? Gases all expand alike by heat. Air, oxygen, and all other gases, heated alike, will expand equally. What is a second effect of heat ? If iron is heated it will go on expanding long after it has become red-hot, until finally it melts. The solid is then changed into a liquid ; this is a second effect of heat. It is called lique- faction. Do all solids melt at the same temperature ? A few examples which all have noticed will show that solids melt at very different temperatures. The warmth of the hand will melt ice, but not wax. Sulphur will melt on a hot stove ; it needs a temperature of 230, but iron does not melt until it is heated to about 3,000. Each sub- stance has a certain temperature at which it melts. This temperature is called the melting-point. 140 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What is a third effect of heat ? If water is heated it will go on expanding until its temperature is 212 ; at this temperature it bolls. The liquid is then changed into a gas ; this is a third effect of heat. It is called vaporisation. Do all liquids boil at the same temperature ? Water boils in an open iron vessel at the temperature of 212, but alcohol will boil at 173, and ether only needs to be heated to 95. These illustrations show that each liquid has its own degree of heat at which it boils : this temperature is called the boiling-point. Describe the experiment in which, by cooling the vessel, water is made to boil. A very curious experiment is represented in Fig. 72. In the first place a Fi C . 72. glass bulb with long open stem is partly filled with water. This water is then boiled for some time until the steam has driven all the air out of the vessel. While the water is still boiling, the stem is tightly corked and the heat taken away at the same moment. All this is done to get rid of the air and leave nothing but water and steam in the vessel. The bulb is then turned upward as in the picture. After thisjww cold water upon the bulb, and the water inside will boil vigorously. Stop pour- ing cold water and the boiling will cease, but as. often as the cold is applied the boiling will begin. This may be kept up until the vessel is cold enough to be held in the hand without inconvenience. HEAT. 141 . What does the cold water do ? Now all that the cold water does is to cool the steam that is in the bulb and condense it into water. By this means the pressure of the steam is taken off from the water inside. Describe another experiment in which water is made to boil without fire. The pressure may be taken from the surface of the water in another way. The water is put into a flask, to the -top of which is fastened a long tube. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 73. The Fig. 73. water is then heated until it begins to boil. The flask is then taken from the fire and its tube is fastened to the plate of the air-pump. On working the pump, the air and steam are taken from the flask, and the water, which by this time is much below 212 C \ begins to boil violently. What do these experiments teach? We learn from these experiments that by taking pressure away from 142 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the surface of water, boiling will go on at a lower temper- ature. In the open air water boils at 212 C , but the pressure of the atmosphere is 151bs. upon each square inch of surface. If it were not for this pressure water would boil at a tem- perature much lower than 212, indeed at a temperature not much above that of a hot summer day. Water boils at a low temperature on top of high mount- ains. In fact, at places very high above the level of the sea, boiling water is not hot enough to cook meat, or even to boil eggs, because the pressure of the atmosphere is so much less than at the sea-level. Suppose the pressure is increased ? On the other hand, if water is heated under a greater pressure than that of the atmosphere, the boiling-point will be higher than 212. In a word, the boiling-point is mixed by increasing the pressure and lowered by lessening it. Does steam exert pressure ? Steam often lifts the lid of a kettle in order to make its escape, and when confined in a boiler, it sometimes bursts the stoutest bands of iron, killing people and destroying buildings by the force of the explosion. Such facts show that steam can exert a great pressure when confined. How can it be used to move machinery ? If there is a piston moving freely inside of a cylinder, and then if steam is let into the cylinder, first at one end and then at the other, its expansive force or pressure will knock the piston back and forth from one end to the other with great rapidity and power. The piston may move a crank which turns a wheel, and then by bands or cogs this wheel may turn other wheels. In this way steam is made to move machinery. This is the principle of the xteam-engi'ne, by which ships are driven over the HEAT. 143 sea and railroad trains across the continent, and by which so much of all the machinery in the world is moved. Can water be heated above 212 ? If water is slowly heated its temperature will rise until the liquid boils at 212 : after that the water grows no hotter. The tire may be quickened and the boiling will be more vio- lent, but the water will not become any hotter. This is always true when the water is heated in open vessels such as are generally used. What becomes of the heat added to the boiling water? Now the tire gives heat to the boiling water all the time, but, as we see, does not make it any hotter. All the heat that goes into the water is then used in changing the wafer into steam. Can -we get this heat back again ? All this heat which has been used to change the water into steam, will be given up when the steam changes back into water. This is the reason that a plate grows hot so very quickly when held in the steam that issues from the spout of the tea-kettle. Is this principle ever applied? Buildings are sometimes warmed by steam. From a large steam-boiler cast-iron pipes are laid to the many rooms to be wanned, and the steam is forced through their entire length. The steam is condensed in going through the cold pipes, and gives up to them the heat which it took from the fire. They very soon become very warm, and warm the air which is in contact with them. Do we know the temperature of bodies by feel- ing them? Let ns take three vessels of water, one almost as cold as ice, another just warmer than the ha^d, and a 144 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. third as hot as the hand can bear. Let one hand be held in the first vessel of cold water and the other in the vessel of hot water for a while, and then let both be plunged into the vessel of warm water. It will be found that to one hand the water is cold, to the other it is hot, at the same time. Of course, by the feeling we could not tell whether it is really hot or cold. Give another example. An oil-cloth and a carpet, where they lie together upon the floor, are of the same temperature, but the oil-cloth will feel cold and the carpet warm to the hand at the same time. The reason of this is that the oil-cloth is a better con- ductor of heat than the carpet, and takes the heat of the hand away faster, so that the hand grows cold quicker when upon it. By what instrument can we find the tempera- ture of bodies ? The instruments by which to measure temperature are called thermometers. The common ther- mometer contains mercury, which expands when heated, and contracts when cooled, and by these changes of volume shows the temperature. Describe the common thermometer. The ther- mometer is very common, and a single look at it would be better than any description of it can be. However, it ma} 7 be described as a glass tube, with a bulb at one end, while the other end is shut air-tight, containing mercury which fills the bulb and part of the stern, and having a scale behind the stem to show the height of the fluid. Fig. 74 shows two forms of this instrument. How is it used? By putting the bulb into water or any othei substance the height of the mercury in the stem will show how hot it is. Put the bulb in water, for in- stance, and if the mercury rises in the stem up to the HEAT. 145 place marked 90 on the scale, then the temperature of the water is 90. How is Fahrenheit's thermometer graduated ? The place where the 'mer- cury stands when the bulb is immersed in boiling water is marked 212 on the scale ; where the mercury stands when the bulb is immersed in freezing water is marked 32 : the space between these is divided into 180 equal parts, called degrees, and divisions of the same size are marked off on the scale both above and below these points. How is the centigrade thermometer graduated ? In the centigrade thermom- eter, the place where the mercury stands when the bulb is placed in boiling water is marked 100 ; where it stands when the bulb is in freezing water is called 0, and the distance between is divided into 100 equal parts or degrees. s MAGNETISM. What is a loadstone ? Several hundred jears ago pieces of a certain kind of iron ore were found in the earth which had the power to attract bits of iron. They would lift needles or small nails or other bits of iron which they touched, and hold them suspended in the air as if they were cemented to the stone with glue. The ore of iron which has this wonderful power is called the loadstone. It is found sometimes in this country, but not in such abundance as in Sweden and Norway, and in some parts of Asia. A good specimen may be bought for a few cents, and it is an interesting and instructive toy. It is often called the natural magnet. What is a magnet ? If a loadstone is rolled in iron filings it will attract them and hold them clinging to its surface, but when rolled in filings of brass or copper not one of these will it pick up. It has a curious preference for iron. Any body that will attract iron in preference to other metals is called a magnet. What are artificial magnets ? A bar of steel may be made a magnet by simply rubbing it upon the load- stone. In this way the blade of a penknife may be given the power to pick up bits of iron, such as small needles, tacks, or iron filings. One blade can get this power also from another which has been already made magnetic; and what is a little singular, perhaps, is that the one that gives MAGNETISM. 147 this power to another is none the weaker for it; it is even stronger than before. All such pieces of steel are magnets. Iron also may be made magnetic, but it will not stay so unless it be first hardened more than usual. In what two shapes are magnets made ? ArtiV ficial magnets are made in two forms. They are generally either a straight bar of steel or else a bar bent into the form of a horse-shoe. The first is called the bar magnet, and the second is called the horse-slioe magnet. What is an armature ? A horse-shoe magnet gener- ally has with it a bar of iron to reach across from one end of the magnet to the other. Such a bar is called the armature, In what part of a magnet is the attraction strongest ? By rolling a bar magnet in a bed of iron filings and then lifting it, the filings may be seen clinging to the ends of the bar in Fig . 75. curious tufts (Fig. 75), while along the middle few or none will be found. This experiment shows the power of the magnet to be much greater at the ends than elsewhere. The ends of the magnet, or the points at which the force is strongest, are called the poles. , Fig. '76 represents a horse-shoe magnet with an arma- ture across the poles holding up a heavy weight. What is the magnetic needle ? A slender bar mag- net balanced upon a pivot (Fig. 77) is called a magnetic needle. Lett to itself, such a needle will always be found point- ing toward the north and south. It will not rest in any other position. If you push it out of this direction it will 148 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Fig. 76. swing back again the moment you let go of it, and after vibrating from one side to the other for a time, it will at last come to rest again with the same end to the north as before. The end that points toward the north is called t\\Q north pole : the other end is called the south pole. What use is made of the magnetic needle ? What is called the mariner's compass is a magnetic needle placed over a dial on which are marked north, south, east, west, and many other direc- tions, or as they are called, " points of the compass." This little in- strument is placed where it will be every moment in view of the man who guides the ship, and tells him every moment in what direc- tion the ship is going. No matter how dark the night or how rough the sea may be, the faithful needle, pointing always so nearly north and south, guides the storm-tossed searm.n safely to his port. What is a dipping needle ? If a magnetic needle is hung in a way to let its poles move up and down it will not rest in a horizontal position. The picture (Fig. 78) shows what direction it will take : the north pole will be lower than the other. A needle fixed in this way is called a dipping needle. Is the dip of the needle everywhere alike ? The MAGNETISM. 149 dip of the needle is not the same in all places on the earth. In the most northern regions the needle is most oblique, Fig. 77, that is to say, the dip is greatest. Just at the north pole the needle would point its north pole downward to the ground. As the needle is carried farther to the south the north pole rises until when at the equator the nee- dle would be horizontal, or have no dip at all, and then when carried farther into the southern hemisphere the south pole would dip instead of the north pole. Fig. 78 How will one magnet act upon another ? 150 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Let one magnet be brought near to another ; suppose, for instance, that you hold one in the hand and point its north pole toward the south pole of the magnetic needle. They will quickly come together : if in reach of eacli other they can not be kept apart. These unlike poles at- tract each other. Next point the north pole toward the north pole of the needle, and it will swing quickly away, so that it will be almost impossible to make the two magnets touch each other. These poles of the same name repel each other. State the law of attraction and repulsion ? It will always be the case as in the experiments just de- scribed, that poles of unlike names attract each oilier, while poles of the same name repel each other. Describe the experiment to illustrate induction. Hold a strong magnet in a vertical position and touch the lower pole with the end of a much smaller bar of iron : the magnet will hold it h'rmly in the air. Another smaller bar may be hung from the lower end of the first, and another yet from it. The first bar of iron receives its magnetism from the magnet, and then the second from the first and the third from the second. This power of a magnet to impart magnetism to other bars of iron or steel is called induction. Will induction occur when the magnet does not touch the iron ? We may cover the end of the magnet with paper so that the bar of iron can not touch the polo, and vet find that it becomes a magnet by induction as before. Or we may show this same thing by another and more curious experiment. Let a horse-shoe magnet be placed poles upward, and lay across its ends a piece of stiff card- MAGNETISM. 151 board or a piece of glass. Sprinkle iron filings upon the cardboard and at- the same time gently tap it with the linger. The filings will then be seen to collect in clusters around the poles of the magnet and to arrange themselves in strange curves from pole to pole. Now in this experiment each little filing becomes a magnet by induction through the card or glass, and then each pole of one attracts the opposite pole of its neighbor, so that they cling to each other in curves and clusters ELECTRICITY BY FRCITION. Describe the experiment with the glass rod. Fig. 79 shows the results of an easy and amusing ex- periment. A glass rod, or perhaps a stick of sealing-wax, must be rubbed briskly with a flannel cloth tor a few Fig. TO. moments, and then held near to pieces of some light sub- stance, such as bits of cotton or balls of pith taken from the elder-bush or corn-stalk. These light bodies will quickly jump upward against the rod, and then, as if dis- appointed with their visit, as quickly jump away again. ELECTRICITY BY FRICTION. l.-j3 What does this experiment show? We see by this experiment that rubbing glass with flannel gives to the glass a power which it did not have before the power to attract and to repel light substances. What is this power called? This new power aroused in the glass is called electricity. In this case the electricity is produced by friction. Does friction always produce electricity? Whenever substances are rubbed together electricity is evolved. Arid yet if an iron rod is used in place of the glass in the experiment (Fig. 79), the pith balls will not stir from the table, because the electricity flies along the surface of the iron and away through the hand as fast as it is produced. What are conductors and non-conductors? All bodies which will allow electricity to pass over their sur- faces freely are called conductors of electricity. Iron is a good conductor, and so are other metals and many com- mon substances besides. Bodies which, like glass, will not allow electricity to pass freely over them are called non-conductors. Besides glass many other common substances are non-conductors. Air is one of the most perfect of them all. And among others it is well to mention India-rubber, sealing-wax, and silk. What is an electroscope ? An instrument to detect the presence of electricity in any body is called an electro- scope. Fig. 80 will give a good idea of one of these instru- ments. It is only a little ball of pith hung by a silk cord from the end of a standard. The glass rod, after being rubbed with the flannel cloth, will show its electricity by attracting the pith-ball. Chi coming in contact with the glass the pith itself becomes electrified, and then jumps away from the glass. 7* 154 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What is an electric machine ? The glass rod and sealing-wax will give electricity enough only to show itself distinctly. When it is to be obtained in greater Fig. 80. force other apparatus must be used. Any apparatus l>y which electricity of considerable force is obtained may be called an electrical machine. The most common form of the electrical machine con- sists of a large circular glass plate, with its axle resting upon pillars. This plate is turned with a crank, and in turning it rubs between two rubbers. This friction gives the electricity. Then there is a brass ball or cylinder resting upon a glass pillar which takes the electricity from the glass plate. This ball or cylinder is called the prime conductor, and the electricity for experiments is taken from it. ELECTRICITY BY FRICTION. 155 In what two ways does electricity act? The experiment with the electroscope described a little while since, shows that electricity acts both by attraction and repulsion. Look back, and read that experiment again. Will glass and sealing-wax act alike ? The elec- troscope will help us to show that the electricity from glass and that from sealing-wax do not act alike. Let the glass rod be rubbed and once brought in con- tact with the pith-bail (Fig. 80). The ball will after this be repelled by the glass. Next rub a stick of sealing-wax, and then hold it near to the pith : the little ball will quickly fly toward it, being attracted by the sealing-wax. Do not let it touch the sealing-wax, and you will find that every time the glass comes near it the ball will be r<-pell State the law. This principle, briefly stated, is as fol- lows : " The power and weight will balance each, other when they are to each other inversely as their distances from the fulcrum." This principle is called the law of equilibrium for the lever. It holds good in all the three classes. To move the weight, the power must be a little greater than this principle would make it. What is a compound lever ? When two or more levers are made to act one upon another in succession, so that a power applied to the first lifts a weight applied to the last, the instrument is called a compound lever. What does Fig-. 92 show? Fig. 92 shows how a weight may be lifted by fastening one end of a rope to it Fig. 92. c and winding the rope up on a cylinder. In this way water is often raised from deep wells. By turning the crank 180 NATUKAL PHILOSOPHY. the upper part of the rope is wound upon the cylinder, and the bucket, hooked upon the lower end, is raised. What often takes the place of the crank? Instead of a crank 13, to turn the cylinder, a wheel C is very often used. The power is applied to the circumference of the /heel, sometimes by means of a rope, sometimes by means i a band, sometimes by means of cogs, and in various other ways. What are such machines called? A machine such as represented in Fig. 92 is called a " Wheel and axle.' 1 '' The cylinder upon which the rope winds is the "<:?&>," while the "wheel" may be an actual wheel or a crank, both of which are shown in the picture, or it may have other forms still. Whatever shape this part may have the machine is called the " wheel and axle." What is the relation between the power and the weight? When the weight is just as many times greater than the power as the radius of the wheel is greater than the radius of the axle, the two forces will just balance. In other words : " The power and weight will balance, when the power is to the weight as the radius of the axle is to the radius of the wheel." This principle is called the law of equilibrium for the wheel and axle. To move the weight, the power must be made greater than this law requires. How are wheels and axles often combined ? Many wheels and axles are sometimes turned by a single power. In this case motion is communicated from wheel to axle or from Tixle to wheel by means of bands or cogs. If by u power on one wheel its axle is turned, and a band passes around this axle and a second wheel, the second axle will be turned also. Great power may in this way be ob- tained. How may rapid motion be secured? If the power be applied to the circumference of the axle instead of MACHINERY. 181 Fig. 93. the wheel, and if a band pass around the wheel and a second axle, the second wheel will be put into very rapid motion. What is shown in Fig. 93 ? In this figure we can see how a heavy weight may be lifted by fastening it to the end of a rope which passes up over a grooved wheel, and then pulling downward upon the other end. What is such a grooved wheel called? A grooved wheel used for such a purpose is called a pulley ; and in this case, since it is firmly fastened in a fixed sup- port, it is called a fixed pulley. What advantage in its use? The only advantage gained by means of the fixed pulley consists in being able to change the direction in which the power acts. A man, for example, can exert his strength to better advantage putting downward than lifting upward, and if a load is to be lifted the fixed pulley allows him to use his power in this better way. He gains in no other way ; if the load weighs 100 Ibs., he must pull Avith a force equal to 100 Ibs., and in- deed a little more, since the rope and pulley take up some of his strength to move them. What is a movable pulley? The case is very different when the pulley is ar- ranged as in Fig. 94. In this arrangement the weight is hung from the axis of the pul- ley, B, and is to be lifted by means of the rope which is fastened to the beam at A, and then after passing under the pulley 13, goes over the fixed pulley C. By pulling upon the rope at P, the pulley B will be lifted and will carry the weight Fig. 94. 182 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. up with it. A pulley which moves with the weight is called a movable pulley. "What advantage is gained? Now it is easy to see that the weight is held up by the two branches of rope, m and n, and that each branch holds one-half of it. But the half which rests on m is sustained by the beam, leaving only the other half, which rests on n, to be lifted by the power at P. Fig. 95. When, with a movable pulley, there are two branches of rope to sustain the weight, the power ma}' be only one-half the weight. In Fig. 95 there are three branches of the rope which hold the weight and share it equally between them. In this case the power need be only one-third as great as the weight to balance it. Wnat general principle does this il- lustrate ? In all cases the power needed to balance any weight w r ill be found by dividing that weight by the number of branches of the rope which supports it. Will this law apply in all cases ? In the cases con- sidered you will notice that there is a single rope winding around all the pulleys. Now the law holds good when- ever the weight is supported in this way, provided the branches of the rope are parallel. .There are a great many other ways of arranging the pulleys, not as common as this, however, and in such cases the law stated above does not hold good. Mention some purposes for -which pulleys are used. Pulleys are often used for lifting heavy articles of merchandise to the upper stories of warehouses. They may be seen also where buildings of stone are being erect- ed, and heavy blocks are to be raised to considerable height. But more numerous than anywhere else, you will MACHINERY. 183 find pulleys on shipboard, where they are used by the seamen in managing the rigging of the ship. What is an inclined plane ? "When a drayman wishes to lift a cask of sugar from the sidewalk to his dray he does not lay hold of it and raise it vertically, as he migh* do with a lesser weight, but he accomplishes the work far more easily by rolling it up along a plank reaching obliquely from the ground to the dray. The inclined surface of the plank is called an inclined plane. Any inclined surface over which weights are to be moved is an inclined plane. What is meant "by the terms length and height of the plane ? In Fig. 96 a weight W is shown resting on an inclined surface A B, balanced by a smaller weight P. Kow the distance A B is called the length of the inclined plane, and the vertical distance C B is called the height of the plane. Fig. 96. In the plane used by the drayman the length of the plank from the sidewalk to the dray is the length of the inclined plane, while the height of the dray above the walk is the height of the plane. What relation exists between power and weight ? If the weight W is 100 Ibs. and the height of the plane is one half the length, then the power to balance the weight need be only one-half the weight, or 50 Ibs. If the height is ^ O f the length of the plane, the power need be only y 1 ^ the weight. The general principle or law is this ; the power and 184 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. weight will balance when the power is to the weight as the height of the plane is to its length. Under wfrat conditions will this law hold good ? This law holds good only when the power is exerted in a direction parallel to the length of the plane; in any other direction the relation is different. Moreover, friction of the weight upon the plane has much to do with the re- lation of power to weight. The law would be quite true only when friction did not exist, a case which never occurs in practice. If the weight is to be balanced on the plane, then friction helps the power to do it ; but if the weight is to be moved up the plane, friction is a hindrance instead of a help. Explain Fig. 97. This picture, Fig. 97, shows how barrels are drawn up from or let down into a cellar. It is a case of the inclined plane which you can easily under- stand and explain without further help. Fig. 97. How does a woodman sometimes split his blocks ? When blocks of wood are to be split, a smaller block of wood or metal, made thick at one end and tapering to an MACHINERY. 185 edge at the other, is driven into the end of it, as shown in Fig. 98. The tapering block is called a wedge. Fig. 98. What are the power and weight in this case ? The energy of the woodman's blows upon the back of the wedge is the power / the cohesion of the wood is the weight, and it is not easy to find the relation between these two forces. Hence we cannot here state any law accord- ing to which the ratio of power and weight, when they balance each other, can be found. What familiar instruments act on the principle of the wedge ? The chisel of the carpenter is a wedge ; so is the blade of a pocket-knife ; each having a sharp edge, and being thicker at a distance from it. The chisel is usually driven by blows; the knife urged by pressure; but the cohesion of the wood is the resistance, or the weight to be overcome by both. All cutting and piercing instru- ments are different forms of the wedge. Describe the screw. The screw consists of a cylinder having a spiral groove cut around its circumference. The small screw used by carpenters for joining the parts of their work, on a small scale illustrates this arrangement. When the screw is to be used as a machine, the cylinder is made larger, sometimes a few inches, sometimes several inches in diameter. The projecting edges left between the parts of the spiral groove are called threads, and the screw* works through an opening in a firm block having a spiral groove cut upon its interior surface into which these 186 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. threads just fit. This block is called the nut, or sometimes the concave screw. The top ol the screw is called its head : it is the part to which the power is applied. The power is generally applied by means of a lever reaching outward from the head. Explain Fig. 99. This cut represents a screw set in a firm framework, as it is often used when a great pressure is rig. 99. to be exerted. C represents tiie head of the screw, and B the lever by which it can be turned. The block N through which the screw works is the nut. AVhen the screw is turned by the lever it advances through the nut and pushes the movable block E F down upon the body to be pressed. An enormous pressure may, in this way, be exerted upon this body. The power is applied at B, and the pressure exerted is the weifjht. What is the relation between the power and weight ? As the screw is turned the power at B must travel around a large circle, and when it has gone once around, the screw will have advanced through the nut a distance a c, the distance betweeix two contiguous parts of the thread. Now it is found that the weight will be as many times greater than the power, as the circumference through which the power travels is times greater than this little distance a c. In other words, the law may be stated : " The power and weight will balance, when the power is to the weight as the distance between two contiguous threads is to the circumference in which the power moves.'' How many machines have now been described ? We have now described six simple machines by which MACHINERY. l,s; weights may be lifted or resistance overcome. Let us bring their names together. The Lever. The Inclined plane. " Wheel and axle. " Wedge. " Pulley. " Screw. There are no others. All forms of machinery are made by combining these six. Just as when you learned the twenty-six letters of the alphabet you possessed all the characters used in the many thousands of words of oar language, so, having learned of these six simple machines, you have learned of all the elements out of which in- genious men have contrived the wonderful variety of mac hinery to be found among civilized nations. What one principle holds good in the action of all these machines ? A small power acting swiftly may put a large weight in slow motion ; or a great power act- ing slowly may put a small weight in rapid motion. This law holds good in all forms of machinery, what is lacking in force must be made up in velocity. And in just this lies the advantage of using machinery. It helps man to transform velocity into power to overcome resist- ance. No power can be created by it, and wherever power is gained it is bought and. paid for in velocity. By what agents is power to move machinery ex- erted ? Animals, water, wind, and steam are the agents or powers most commonly applied to move machinery. Men or horses, by means of pulleys or wheels, may bo seen lifting stones where large buildings are being erected. Saw-mills and flouring-mills are often worked by u water power" acting upon the circumference of large wheels. Wind-mills for pumping water and for other purposes are turned by the wind, while in the steam-engine and all the vast machinery in the arts moved by it, the motive power is steam. 188 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. What is meant by the term " Horse-Power " ? Tl o term horse-power is used in estimating the effect which a steam-engine or other machine can produce. The term has no reference to the animal whose, name is used : it simply means a certain amount of work. A power to lift 33,000 Ibs. through 1 foot in 1 minute is a ' horse-power.'' So when an engine is described as an engine of "'10 horse- power," we understand that it is able to do a work equal to that of lifting 10 times 33,000 Ibs. 1 foot in 1 minute. THE STEAM-ENGINE. How can steam be applied to machinery ? The ex- pansive power of steam (p. 142) was known lonj before any means were devised to use it in machinery. Animals could be harnessed to a machine easily : water and wind would act upon wheels and turn them, but how could steam be harnessed or applied ? In the open air steam is as feeble as an insect, but when confined in a close vessel its efforts to expand produce enormous pressures. If it can be confined and yet be properly brought against a machine, the machine will be put in motion. This is accomplished in the steam-engine. How is this accomplished ? For this purpose a cylin- der is provided, having a piston fitting its interior nicely, and able to move smoothly from one end to the other back and forth. Steam is made to enter the cylinder first at one end of the cylinder, then at the other, and the pressure of the steam behind the piston knocks it back and forth from end to end with enormous force. .Explain Fig. 100. Fig. 100 will illustrate this brief description. C represents the cylinder, and P the pis'on which can move freely from end to end. S represents the pipe through which the steam comes from the boiler. It enters the box shown by the open space, ?/, and the steam MACHINERY. 189 passes from there in a direction shown by the upper arrow, and enters the cylinder at the top. Once in the cylinder it expands against the piston and pushes it down, the old and useless steam below, Flg J00 passing at fie same time through an opening at the bottom, and thence up to the space O, and iway through a pipe not shown in the cut. When the piston has almost reached the bottom of the cylin- der, the block y slides up, and covers the passage leading to the top, but uncovers the one leading to the bottom. The steam is then forced through the lower passage to the bottom of the cylinder, and, expanding there, drives the piston to the top again- The block y then slides down and opens the upper passage : the steam goes to the top behind the piston and drives it down. The block y then slides up again and opens the lower passage : the steam goes to the bottom behind the piston, and drives it to the top. You see that by the slide valve, y, the steam goes first to one end of the cylinder, then to the other, and thus drives the piston P back and forth. Now this piston P has a rod firmly fastened to it which reaches up through the top of the cylinder, and which is pushed out and drawn in by the moving piston. It is called the "piston-rod." The outer end of this piston-rod acts as a power to move levers or turn cranks, and thus give motion to machinery. The steam moves the piston, the piston moves tlio pis- 190 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ton-rod, and the piston-rod gives motion to the machinery outside. Explain Fig. 101. The picture, Fig. 101, shows how the piston-rod gives motion to inadmiery in one form of the steam-engine. Fig. 101. '''' ' _ ' ' '' ' !" In the first place, at the left, we see the cylinder with 0110 side cut away, sj that we may see the piston (P) inside. The steam is supposed to be entering the valve-box at S and going to the upper part of the cylinder, pushing the piston down, just as we described when we explained Fig. 100. The piston-rod A D is fastened to one end of the large and strong lever II K. As the piston goes down it pulls this end of the lever down and throws tlie other end K, up. When the piston rises in the cylinder the piston-rod pushes the lever end II, up, and throws the other end K, down. MACHINERY. 191 Now as the lever at K goes up and down, it pulls and pushes upon the strong arm J, and in this way turns the crank C. The large wheel W W, fixed upon the axle, will thus be put in motion. Where may -we find engines of this form ? This form of engine is often used on steamboats. The great lever II K may be seen above decks moving alternately up and down when the steamer is in motion. It is sometimes called the "walking-beam." The strong arm J reaches clown into the boat and tarns an enormous iron axle, which reaches quite through the boat from side to side, and has a paddle-w/ieel at each end. Is motion always communicated in this -way? The way in which the piston-rod gives motion to other parts is very different in different engines. There is no " walking-beam " in a locomotive, you know. You can see in Fig. 101 that the piston-rod is jointed at B. Now in the locomotive engine the outer end of the jointed part D is fastened directly to the "drive-wheels'" of the locomotive at a point between its centre and its circumference. The cylinder lies horizontal, and as the rod A moves back and forth the " drive- wheel " is turned and the locomotive rolled forward. Engines used for other purposes than those just mention- ed are made Jn different forms. A visit to some manu- factory, where you may see for yourself the construction and action of one of these most wonderful machines, will do more to make you acquainted with its parts and their uses than can be gained from books, even though you study long and faithfully. What is a high-pressure engine ? Sometimes the steam, after pushing the piston, is made to escape into the air in puffs. This is done in the locomotive engine, and it gives rise to the irregular puffs heard especially when the engine starts. Now this steam must \>& puihed out against 192 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the air, which presses with a force of 15 Ibs. to the square inch to keep it in the cylinder. The steam which moves the piston must exert force enough to overcome this pres- sure before it can exert any to move the machinery outside. Its pressure must be at least 15 Ibs. to the square inch higher than the machinery would otherwise require. On this account the engine is called a high-pressure engine. What is a low-pressure engine ? In other engines the steam, after having moved the piston, is allowed to pass through a pipe into a closed chamber, where, by cold water, it is condensed. The withdrawal and condensation of the steam removes the pressure from in front of the piston, and the force of the steam behind it may be all expended in moving the machinery. Since the steam has less work to do, it can do it with less pressure than in the high-pressure engine, and this form is on this account called the low-pressure engine. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 2 5 1-361 REU'D LU-i|ta NOV3C 19?! JUL151983 Form L-9-15wi-3,'34 000 947 228 3