A A 9 2 1 6 6 5 GARFIELD Speech. E 681 G24 No. 24.1 t 16 PP SIPEEGH OF * HON. JAMES A. GARFIELD, Ml OF OHIO, DELIVERED AT CLEVELAND, OHIO, OCTOBER 11, 1879. WASHINGTON, D. O, 18SO, 8 P E E C H OF AT CLEVELAND, OHIO, OCTOBER 11, 1879. FELLOW-CITIZENS: The distinguished gentlemen who have preceded ine have covered the grbund so completely and so admirably that I have a very eaisy task. I -will pick up a few straws here and there over that broad field ana" ask" you for a few moments to look at them. I take it for granted that every thoughtful, intelligent man would be glad, if he could, to be on the right side, believing that in the long run the right side will be the strong side. I take it- for granted that every man would like to hold political opinions that will live some time, if lie could. It is a very awkward thing indeed to adopt a political opinion, and trust to it, and lind that it will not live over night. [Laughter.}'- It would be an exceedingly avdayard thing to go to bed alone with your politi- cal doctrine, trusting and believing in ic, thinking it is true, and wake up iu - the morning and find it a corpse in your arms. [Laughter.] * I should be glad for my part to hold to a political doctrine that would live al) through summer, and stand the frost, and stand a freeze in the winter, and come out alive and true in the spring. [Laughter.] I should like to adopt po- litical doctrines that would live longer than my dog. [Laughter.] I should be glad to hold to a political doctrine that would live longer than I shall live, and that my children after me might believe in as true, and say, " This doctrine is- true to-day, and it was true fifty years ago when my father adopted it." Every great political party that has done this country any good has given to - it some immortal ideas that have outlived all the members of that party. The old Federal party gave great, permanent ideas to this country that are still alive. The old Whig party did the same. The old,-the veiy old, Democratic party dici * the same. [Laughter.] The party of Andrew Jackson. Uenton and Calhoim. But THE MODKRN DEMOCRATIC PAKTY has given this country in the last twenty years no idea that has lived to be - tour years old. [Laughter.] I mean an idea, not a passion. The Democratic "party has had passions that have lasted longer than that. They have had an immortal appetite for office. [Laiighter.] That is just as strong to-day as it t tva* twenty years ago. Somebody has called the Democratic party tv an organ- ized appetite. " [Laughter.] But that is not an idea; that is ot the ty laugh-- cer] and not of the heart, nor of the brain. 1 say again they have gi Jo tins > country no great national idea or doctrine that has lived to be four y trs old ; and if we had in this great park, as in a great field, herded here together all the Ideas that the Democratic party has uttered and put forth in the last twenty years, there would not be found a four-year-old in the lot, [laughter] hardly a three-year-old hardly a two-year-old. They have adopted a doctrine just to- last till election was over, and if it did not succeed, they have dropped it to try < another ; and they have tried another until it failed, and then tried another ; , and it has been a series of mere trials to catch success. Whenever they have started in a campaign, they have looked out to all the political barns to see how the tin roosters were pointing, to learn from the political weather-cocks which way the wind is likely to blow ; and then they have made their doctrines ac- cordingly. [Laughter and applause^] This is no slander of the Democratic party. As my friend Mr. Foster has said, this is true not so much of the body of the party as of the leaders. What a dance they have put the good, sound, quiet, steady-going Democrat through during the last twenty years ! [Laugh- ter.] They "made him denounce our war for a long time ; and then, when it was all over, they made him praise it. [Laughter.] They made him vote with a party that called our soldiers '"Lincoln's hirelings " and " Lincoln's dogs;" and this very day one of the men who did that is parading up and down this State praising the Democratic party because it has two soldiers at the head of its ticket, and sneering at us because Mr. Foster was not a soldier in the field. That party has taken both sides of every great question in this country in the last twenty years. They are in favor of the war after it is over. [Laughter.] They are in favor of hard money or they will be next year, after it is an ac- complished fact. They were opposed to" greenbacks when greenbacks were necessary to save the life of the nation, and when they thought it would be pop- ular to oppo-e greenbacks. The moment they found it was unpopular they faced the o' her way, and declared that the greenback was the best currency the world ever saw. I world like to ask that good, old, quiet 'Democrat how he has felt when they have t--!d him to vote against the war one year and then praise it the next, and he had to follow his leaders all the while, how he felt when they told him to curse greenbacks, and he voted the ticket, and then when they ordered him to Wheel right around on his heel and march the other way, and vote the Demo- cratic ticket all the time. They told him, for example, that the proposition to let the negro have his freedom was an outrageous thing that must not be list- ened to, and he voted the Democratic ticket. A little while after they came around and said : * We will enforce all the amendments of the Constitution, the negro amendment among the rest, and we are among the best friends that the negro ever had. >? -And yet he voted with them every time, [laughter,] facing right the other way. When we proposed to give the ballot to the negro, they frdid : " Why. he is an inferior race. God made him to be a hewer of wood and a drawer of water. He is inferior to us. He is of bad odor, and bad every way. of low intelligence, and we will never, never allow him to vote." What do t i M-V say now V Tl ley are cooing and billing with every negro that will listen to them, and asking him to vote the Democratic ticket. They are saying to him. "My friend, the Democratic party was always a good friend of the negro. [Laughter.] The Democratic party knows the negro better than the Republi- cans do. We have been nearer to you, We know your habits. [Laughter.] We understand your character and we can do you more good." Yes, they have been nearer to you. The fellow that flogs you with a cat-o '-nine-tails has to be pretty near to you. [Laughter.] They have a warm feeling for you. [Laugh- ter.] The man that brands your cheek with a red-hot iron gets up a good deal of warmth towards you. [Laughter.] But, my friends, the curious thing is how a steady-going, consistent Demo- crat can have followed all these crooks and turns and facings-about of his party In all these years, and not have gotten dizzy by turning so frequently. [Laugh- ter.] They shouted for hard money and he voted the Democratic ticket. They Bhouted for soft money and he voted the Democratic ticket. They said the three amendments to the Constitution were void and should not be obeyed, and he voted the Democratic ticket. They walked right put to the next great elec- tion bringing Horace Greeley in their arms and said. " We will carry out all the amendments to the Constitution ; we will be the best friend of the slave in the world," and he voted the Democratic ticket, [laughter,] following in the Same wake. Now, my -friends, there has not been a leading prophecy, there has not been a leading doctrine put forward by the Democratic party in all these years that it has not itself abandoned. I dp not believe there is a fair-minded Dem- ocrat here to-night who does not rejoice in his soul that his party has aban- doned the leading doctrines of the last twenty years. [Laughter!] Are yon sorry, my Democratic friend, that slavery is dead ? I believe you are not. Then you are glad that we outvoted you when you tried to keep it alive. [Ap- plause.] Are you sorry that rebellion and secession are dead ? If you are not, then you are glad that you were overwhelmed and outvoted when you tried to keep the party that sustained them alive. [Applause.] Are you glad that our war was not a failure V If you are, you are glad that we voted you down in 1864, when your central doctrine was "that the war was a failure and must be stopped. If yoii are glad of so many things, will you not be glad when we have voted down your party next Tuesday and elected Charley Foster governor of Ohio? [Applause. A voice, " We are going to do it for a fact.' 1 ] You are going to do it. I have no doubt. WHY REPUBLICANS WILL SUCCEED. There are two great reasons why the people of this State are going to do it). One is that they do not intend to allow any more fooling with the business ot this country. [Applause.] For the last four years the chief obstacles in the way of the restoration of business prosperity and the full employment of labor In this country has been the danger threatened to you by the politicians in Con- gress. [Applause.] Business has waited to awaken. Prosperity has been try mg to come. General Ewing tells us that it is Divine Providence and a goo<| crop that brought revival of business this year. I remind General Ewing that we had a bountiful crop last year, and business did not revive. I remind him that the year before was a year of great harvest and plenty, and prosperity did not come. E WING'S GOSPEL. Do you know that when we commenced this campaign General Ewing began to preach his old sermon of last year his gospel of gloom, and darkness, and listress, and misery ; and some of his friends said : " But see here, Ewing, the furnaces are aflame ; the mills are busy. It will not do to talk that these peo- ple are all in distress." And for a week or two Mr. Ewing denied that there was any revival of business. He denied it flatly. But every mill roared in his ears, and every furnace and forge flashed in his eyes the truth that there was a revival of business ; and then for aboiit four days he undertook to say that it waa i campaign dodge of the Republican party, [laughter;] that they started up a few iron-mills until election to affect the election . But that would not work , for Democratic States began to start their iron-mills, [laughter;] rebel States began to Doom in business, and that second explanation of Mr. Ewing's would not work. Then he undertook, and is still undertaking, to explain this prosperity away. [ heard a gentleman lately tell an incident that illustrates this futile attempt o| Mr. Ewing. England wanted Garibaldi manned to some distinguished Eng lish lady so as totally free Italy to England. They got it well talked up in dip- lomatic circles, but finally some unfortunate fellow suggested a fact that dis- turbed their calculations. It was that Garibaldi was married, [laughter :J that he had a young, healthy wife, likely to outlive him. The old diplomatist, not bo be balked by any obstacles, said : " Never mind, we will get Gladstone toex> plain her away." [Laughter.] Gladstone is a very able man, but when he afe tempts to explain away as real a thing as a woman, [laughter,] and a wife at that, he undertakes a great contract. [Laughter.] Thomas Ewing is not any ibler than Gladstone, and his attempt to explain away this prosperity of oui? country will be more disastrous than the attempt of Gladstone would have been if he had made it. [Applause ; cries of " Hear ! " " Hear I "] Everywhere hd ?oes it meets him. THE REVIVAL OF BUSINESS. Pig iron in this country, the lowest form of the iron product, has risen in price almost thirteen dollars the ton since resumption came, [applause,] and all industries depending upon it have risen in proportion. My only fear and I say it to the business men around me to-night is that the revival of business is coming too fast, and that we may overdo it and bring a reaction by and by* But that prosperity has come, and, if we do not abuse it, has come to stay, I have no doubt. I do not claim that the resumptron of specie paymentshas done) it at all. I admit that the favorable balance of trade, that the operation of omf 6 tariff laws, that our own great crops and tbe failure of crops in Europe have done much to secure and aid this revival of business. But there is an element in this revival distinctly and markedly traceable to the resumption of specie payments, and I ask your indulgence for a half a min- ute to state it. WHAT RESUMPTION HAS DONE. All over this country there was hidden away in the hands of private men, In stocking feet, in tills, in safes, capital that they dared not invest. Why ? Because they did not know what Congress would do ; whether it would vote their prosperity up or down, whether the wild vagaries of fiat money should rule or whether the old God-made dollar of the Constitution and the fathers, the hundred-cent dollar, the dollar all round, should come to be our standard or not ; and they waited. But the moment our Government, in spite of the Dem- ocratic party, in spite of the fiat-money party, in spite of all croakers of all parties, resolved to redeem the great war promises of the nation , and lift our cur- rency up to be asgood as gold the world over, that moment the great needed resto- ration of confidence came, and when it came, capital came put of its hiding places and invested itself in business. [Applause.] And that investment, that confidence, that stability, gave the grand and needed impetus to the restoration -of prosperity in this country. Now, what has been the trouble with us ? Eighteen hundred and sixty was one shore of prosperity and 1879 the other : and between those two high shores has flowed the bread, deep, dark river of fire and blood and disaster tlirough which this nation has been compelled to wade [applause] and in whose depths it has been almost suffocated and drowned. In the darkness of that terrible pas- 6age we carried liberty in our arms ; we bore the Union on our shoulders ; and we lx)ro in our hearts and on our arms what was even better than liberty and Union we bore the faith and honor and public trust of this mighty nation. {Applause.] And never, until we came up out of the dark waters, oiit of the darkness of that terrible current, and planted our feet upon the solid shore of 1879 never, I say, till then could this country look back to the other shore and feel that its feet were on solid ground, and then look forward to the rising up- lands of perpetual peace and prosperity that should know no diminution in the years to come. [Applause.] I rejoice, for my part, that the party to which 1 belong has not been fighting against God in this struggle for prosperity. ['Applause.] I rejoice that the .party to which I be-long has not had its prospects hurt by the coming of pros- perity. ("Applause.] Can you say so much, my Democratic friend, for your irty V Would it not have been better for you at the polls next Tuesday if the blight had fallen upon our great corn crop, if the Colorado beetle had swept -every potato field in America, if the early fruit had smitten us all V Dont you think Mr. Ewing could then have talked more eloquently about Uu- grief, and suffering, and outrage, and hard times brought upon you by the Republican policy of resumption? [Applause and laughter.] 1 should be ashamed to be- long to a political party who.-o prospects won; hurt by the blessing of my .country. But it so was all during the war. Just before election day time in Ohio dur- ing the war, a great battle that won a victory over the rebellion hurt the Dem- ocratic party in this State, and they walked about our streets looking down their noses in sadness and gloom, recognizing that their ballots would be fewer on election day because of the success of our arms ; and if our soldiers were overwhelmed in battle, if five thousand of your children were slaughtered on the field by the enemies of the Republic, the Democrats in Ohio walked more confidently to the polls on election day, and paid: -'Didn't I tell you so V" [Applause.] There is something wrong with a party about which those things (ir-d than we were when we spoke our first word of liberty. Head away up liinl-.-r the sky across our starry banner that first word we uttered t \venty-li\v years ago. What was it ''Slavery shall never extend over another loot of the' Ter- ritories of the Great West." [Applause.] Isthat dead or alive V Alive, thank God, fore vermore ! [Applause.] And truer to-ni.^ht than it \uis the hour it was written. [Applause.] Then it' was a hope, a promise, a purpose. To-uight it is equal with the stars immortal history and immortal truth. [Applaust.j Come down the glorious steps of our banner. Every great record we have made we have vindicated with our blood and with our truth. It sweeps the ground, and it touches the star*;. Cotne there, young man, and put in your young life where all is living, and where nothing is dead but the heroes that defended it ! [Applause.] I think these young men will do that. [*'0f course they will!"] Gentlemen, we an; closing this memorable campaign. We have got our enemies on the run everywhere. [Laughter.] And all you need to do in this uoble old city, this capital of the "Western Reserve, is to follow them up and finish it by snowing the rebellion under once more. We stand on an isthmus. This year and next is the narrrow isthmus between us and perpetual victory If you can win now and win in 1880, then the very stars in their courses wilj tight for us. [Applause.] The census will do the work, and will give us thirty more free men of the North in our Congress that will make up for the rebellioc of the South. [Great applause.] Wo are posted here as the Greeks wer posted at Thermopylae to meet this one great Barbarian Xerxes of the isth- mus. Stand in your places, men of Ohio I Fight this battle, win this vie- tory, and then one more puts you in safety forever ' I thank you, fellow-citizens, for your patience- 3 1205026550994 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL L BRARY AC LITY ! " AA 000 921 665 6 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. Series 9482