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J^oetttal ^er0ion OF THE FOUR GOSPELS, By RALPH DARLING. ■....»» »» >&SMK « a«»««" PRINTED BY ROBERT PECK, IN SCALE-LANE. 1801. :Da4p PREFACE. 1 HE xcriter of the following metrical verfion of the Gofpcl has Limited hinfelf to the faitfful exprefjion in verfe, of xvhnt our learned and pious tranfators of the fcriptures have executed in profe. This-> declaration, he doubts not, will be approved by the ferious reader. Thofe, therefore, of a different clafs, -will experience dif appointment if they fhould expcd fuch fpurious embellifiments as are incoufjlent with the flm- plicity oj the Gofpcl. It may, however, be demanded, What advantage can be propofcd from the prefent undertaking, fnce no alteration is fuggefled, except xokat refults from meafure and rhwu? This objedion might, indeed, be reckoned con- clufive, if it were not a melancholy fact, that many individuals among f. IIS, elevated both in undeiflanding and fation, evince a total unacquaint- ance with thofe writings which have brought life and immortality to light. If, therefore, it be granted, that fome of this defcription, incited by curioftty, may be induced to pcrufe xvhat Jcems merely to promifc amujc- meni to the idle, or matter for cavilling to the captious, it mujl be alloxccd that fome favourable impreffions may be made upon minds xohich candour xcoiild determine to be rather prejudiced againjl than adverfc to truth. It muji be acknoxoledgcd, moreover, that the prefent age abounds with publications xchofe avozced de/ign is to undermine revelation. Thcfe lying vanities, it is true, have been ably and repeatedly expofed, and refuted: but how few, comparatively, apply to the antidote, who have J xc allowed the poifnn? On the contrary, is it not evident that thefe profelytes of inpdelity, far from entertaining a defire that the viif chief JJiou Id he expelled, fpurn the remedy, and gorge themf elves xcith deleterious preparations? Thcfe, and fimilar confderations, were the xoritcrs inducements for dedicating a portion of his time to a produftion, xohich will not have been xvritten in vuni ifitfiould operate upon the liflefsnefs or perverfenejs of even a f mall propor- tion of thofe who appear to care for none of the things which pertain to falvation. 8G5t8S SUBSCRIBERS' NAMES. Thomas Allman, Efq. Sculcoates John Alderfoii, M. D. Mrs Armitage, Hull Anonymous Thomas Irwin Bury, Efq. Linwood, Lincolafliire Jonas Brown, Efq. Sculcoates Hugh Blaydes, Efq. Hull Robert C. Broadley, Efq. Hull Mrs Bell, Wclton Rev. I. H. Bromby, Hull Rev. John Beverley, Sculcoates Rev. James Bolton Mrs Bolton Mrs BeatnifTe, Sculcoates Mr James Burnett, Hull Mrs Bridges, Sculcoates Mrs Bentley, Hull Mr John Blacklin, London Mr Thomas Browne, Hull Mrs Briggs, Sculcoates, ttvo coflei Mrs Bailey, Hull Mr John Briggs, Hull Mr John Boyes, jun. Hull Mr John Brown, Edinburgh The Rev. the Dean of Carlifle Edward S. Conrtable, Efq. /x coplet Mcflrs. Corbyn and Co. London, two cofiet I t * t Mr William Coltifh, Hull Mr Thomas Coltifh, Hull Mr George Chapman, Hull Mrs Clarke, Hull Mrs Clarke, Beverley Mr J. O. Cooke, Hull Mr Cankrein, Hull Mr Clemefha, Scarbro' Mr S. Caley, Louth Mr Champney, York Rev. Thomas Dikes, Sculcoates, two copies Mr Matthew Dobfon, Sculcoates Mrs DobfoD, Hull Mr George Daniel, Hull Mr Dyraoke, Barton, two cofiet Rev. Mr. Edmonds, Welton, two cofiet Mrs Egginton, Hull Mr Jofeph Eglin, Sculcoates Mifs Enipfon, Hull Mifs Etiicrington, Hull Mrs Fewfon, Newton-Garth Mr French Mrs Philip Green, Sculcoates, /our cofu; Mifs Goofc, Hull Dr. Howard, Marton Mr John Haroeis, Hull, two co^tt )l Rfr Fur.cis Hall. Hull Mr John Hill, Hull Mr S. Horner, jun. Hull, i-mi copiet Nfr H. Hordon. Hull Mrs Huntington, Hull Mifs Huntlngtoo, Hull Mis Hanfe!!, Hull Mr Richard Hill, CrowNdl Mrs Holmes, Skeffling Mr William Htflcden, Birtoo Mr William Horncartle, \\M Mr William Hunt, Hull Mr James HdfTcI, Hull Mrs Howard, Sculcoaies Mr llicli.ird Howard, SculcoHtcs Mr Jol.n P. Hendry, Hull Mr John Howard, Sculcoaies Robert Jcnning?, Efq. Spittal, near ClicftcrCeld Mifs M. Johnfon, Hull Mr E. Johnfon, Hcfslc, /wo cop'ies Mr Robert Ingham, Hull Mr George Jacklon, Hull Rev. George King, Jour copies ^Vm. Kirkby, Efq. Kirk-Ella, two copiei Mr Richard Kennington, Barton Rev. Mr Lawrfon, Sproaileyi two copiet Mr Tliomas Locke, Hull Mifs Lawfon, Sculcoatcs Mr John B. Lambert, Hull Mr Richard Levitt, Hull t t t I t t t t * t t t t t * * t t t t t t t t t ft I It t t t t t t t t John Mclling, Efij. Wyton Mr Samuel Martin, Hull Mr William Mitchinfon, Hull Mr Wm. Marfliall, PocklingtoR Mr Ifiac Moorfom, London Mr Martis, Wintcilon Mr James Moore, Sutton Richard Metcalf, Efq. Yoik Mr John Newmarch, Hull jL'feph Outram, Efq. London Mrs Porter, Hull Rev. Mr Popple, Welton, Ituo copief Rev. R. Patrick, Sculcoates Mr J. Picard, Hull Mr J. K. Picard, Hull Mr John C. Paiker, Hull Mr Wm. Parker, Hull ]kt Henry Pudfay, Hull Mr Robert Peck, Hull, I'wo coplt Duke of Rutland, ten copies Rev. Hammond Robinfon Mrs Robii.fon, South Park Mr Wm. Richmond, Hull Mr Charles Roc, Sculcoaies Mr John Raines, Burton-Conflable Mr Michael Robinfon, Hull Mr Jof. Rennards, Hull Mifs Rawcliffe Ill Mr N.iilianlcl RiJ^jaiJ, GainlTjio' Mr George L. Roberts, Hull Sir S. SunJiiige, Knight, Hull, tzuo copUs Jofcpl) Sykes, Efq. Weft-Ella, _/'yj ce/iVi Tatton Sykcs, Efq. Hull Mr Richard Stainton, Hull Mr Thomas Stickney, Sculcoates Mr William Sonley, South-Cave Mrs Sonley Mr Robert Stickney, Drypool Mr Watfon Stickney, Welton Mr Samuel Stickney, Hull Mr John Schol-.y, Sculcoates Mr Edward Swayne, London, two coplts Mrs Smith, Willeiby Mrs Snow, Hull Mr Thomas Saunderfon, Hull Mr Robert Schonfwar, Welton Mr Benj. Snowden, Hull, two copiet Mr Geo. Slierwood, Patrington t t * t t t t t t t t t t ■k t t t t t t f Samuel Thornton, Efq. M. P. Ji\- copies Rev. G. ThompfoOi Hull Mr Edward Thompfon, Hull Mr John Tertington, Hull Mifs Trower, Hull Mr George Thompfon, Sculcoates Mr Charles Thompfon Rev. Wm. Uppleby, WoottOD, t-wo copiet Mrs Uppleby, Barrow William Wilberforce, Efq. M. P. Hull William Williamfon, Efq. Hull, two cop.iit Dr. Walker, Leeds, Ituo copiet Rev. Mr Webllcr, Hull Rev. Mr. Watts, Sculcoates Mr Thomas Wood, Sculcoates Mr John Wood, Hull Tate Wilkinfon, Efq. John Wilkinfon, Efq. York Thomjs Wilfon, Efq. York, two copiet FR I VTED nv R IN SCALE-LA OBERT PECK,\ lNE, hull. J 'Cfje #orpel ACCORDING TO AINT MATTHEW, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MATTHEW. CHAPTER I. The Genealogy of CHRIST from Abraham to Jofeph. — He was conceived by the Holy Ghojl, and born of the Virgin Mary, when flie was efpoufed to Jofeph. — The Angel fatisfieth the mifdeeming thoughts of Jofeph, and interpreteth the names of Chrijl. THIS is the Pedigree of CHRIST, who came Of David's line, direct from Abraham. He begat Ifaac. Jacob was his fon ; And afterwards, flie line fuccelTive run Through Judah, IMiarez, Efrom. Then arofe Aram, Aminadab, Naafibn, Salmon, Booz. Booz begat Obcd, from whofe loins did fpring JcfTe, tlie (ire of David, Ifracl's King. To David next fuccceded Solomon, Whofc fon, Roboam, filled his father's throne Abia, Afa, and jchofaphat Succeeded. Joram the lall nam'd begat ; A 2 Whofc THE GOSPEL ACCORDIXC; TO ^Vhofc fon, Ozias, begat Joatliam. Next Aliaz, and then Ezckias came. I le was ManafTos' father, who begat Jofias, pious chief of Judah's ftate ; The fire of Jcchonias, and of all Mis brethren, previous to Judaea's tlirall This Jechonias, when in Bab\ Ion, Begat Salathiel ; who had a fon, Zorobabel, from whom Abiud came, Whofe offspring bore Eliakim tor name. Next in fucccllion to Eliakim \\'asliis fon Azor. Sadoc foiiow'd him. Tlicn in progrellive line did Achim, and Eliud, and his fon Eleazar Hand. Matthan, his fon, was Jacob's father. He To Jofcph flood allied in like degree. Jofeph was Mary's hulband ; from whofe womb Did JESUS CHRIST, by GOD's appointment, come. The generations, thus, that pafs'd between Abra'm and David 'mounted to fourteen. An equal number from the latter date Were fpent till wretched Juda's captive (late : And from that period unto Jefus* birth, Had fourteen generations pafs'd on earth. ^ Now, in this manner, did that great event, Jefijs's birth, receive accompliflimcnt: His mother .Mary Jofeph did efpoufc, (Like her deriv'd from David's royal houfe) But file, before the nuptial tie was bound, Was pregnant of the Holy Spirit found. Jofeph, at once both pious and humane. Anxious to part, yet not affix a ftain, Meant private to difmifs her ; but confus'd, On the diflrelling fubjc£t whilfl: he mus'd, By fleep o'ercome, an angel of the Lord Thus, in a dream, his wonted peace reftor'd : Offspring SAINT MATTHEW. Oflspring of David ! ]et thy doubts fubfidc : Fulfil thy contract, and take home thy bride. %_ Divinely pregnant, Hie fliail bear a fon, Who by the name of Jesus Ihali be known : For, roll afl'ured that this child is he Who from their fins lliall fel his people free. (Thus was accompli (li'd that amazing word Delivcr'd by the Prophet from the Lord, * ^ " A Virgin Ihall be pregnant, and ihall bear " A fon, who ihall the name Emanuel wear." Which, properly interpreted, we find Means God inhabiting amongll mankind.) Jofeph then waking, what the angel faid Attended to, and punctually obey'd ; But ilill his wife a virgin pure remain'd. For from connubial contact he abftain'd. Until into the world her infant came. Who bore, as order'd, Jesus for his name- CHAPTEK * Ifaiah vii. 14. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER ll. The ivife men of the Eaji are direEledto Chrijl by aftar : they worfliip him, and offer him prefents. — Jofephjleetli into Egypt, with Jefus and his mother. — Herod Jlayeth the children. — The death uf Herod. — ChriJ} is brought back from Egypt to Nazareth in Galilee. AT Rethlc'm-Juda, when in Herod's time Jcfus was born, from a far eaftcrn clime Came certain fages, and inquiry made Throughout Jerufalem ; requelting aid That they might find the new-born royal Jew, And, proftrate, render to him homage due : To all averring they had come thus tar. Led by the luftre of his rifing flar. Herod alarm'd, as were the city's tribes, Summon'd the chief pricfts, and the people's fcribes. To learn Chrift's natal place, who anfwer made Bethle'm of Juda : for the Prophet faid " * And thou famed Bethlehem in Juda's land " Shalt not the lead amongft: her Princes ftand ; " For out of thee a governor ihail fpring, " Who lliall be Ifrael's fliepherd, and her King." Then Herod call'd for thofe "who came from far. Inquiring when they firfl obferv'd the ftar; Whom he fent on to Bethlehem, and faid. Give order unremitting fearch be made Until the child be found : then fend me word, That by myfelf he likewife be ador'd. On leaving Herod, lo! to cheer their fight. The ftar, with luftre eminently bright. Before them moved ; nor once its courfe reftrain'd Till fix'd o'er Jofeph's dwelling it remain'd. Joy Micah SAINT MATTHEW. Joy of a fpecies hard to be exprefs'd The beams excited in each fage's brcaft. ^ The child with Mary in the houfe they found, And fell devoutly proftrate on the ground ; Then from their treafures, humbly did prefer Offerings of gold, of frankincenfe, and myrrh ; But warn'd divinely, in the courfe of fleep, From Herod's prefence carefully to keep. Studious that admonition to obey. They fought their country by a different way. When they were gone, a heavenly meffengev Once more to Jofeph did in fleep appear, And thus accofied him: — Without delay To Egypt Mary and the child convey ; Where in fecurity thou may'ff remain Till 1 command thee to return again :. For Herod does each crafty mode employ To find the child, in order to dcffroy. ^ Joseph ariling long ere morning light, Began his journey in the fliade of night; And with the mother and her infant fled, Reffing in Egypt till the King was dead. Thus did that word to full completion run * " Behold from Egypt have I called my fon." Herod, meantime o'ercomc with gloomy rage,. Treated with mockery by each eaftcrn fage. Sent forth a band, with orders to deflroy Through Bethl'em's di(lri£t every haplefs boy Under two years; according to the time Fix'd by the fages from the foreign clime. Accomplish'd then the prophecy appear'd, f " A voice of mourning was in Rama heard ; " Reje£fing comfort, Rachel forely wept, " For of her numerous offspring none was left." * Ilyfci i.x. I. I Jcrciiii.ili xxxi. 15. \y ti y K THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO When Herod died, and Jofeph yet abode In Egypt, lol an angel, fent from God, To the good man thus during flumbcr fpakc : Arife, — the infant with his mother take. And vifit Ifrael's land : for he who fought To kill the child is to deftru6tion brought. The heavenly call with gladnefs he obey'd. But when inform'd that Archclaus fway'd Judaea's fceptre in his father's room. Me (till was fearful to approach his home; Till by an angel in a dream requir'd. He cnter'd Galilee, and dwelt retir'd In Nazareth : and this the Prophets mean. Who fav, " He fhall be call'd a Nazarene." CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. CHAPTER III. John begins to preach : his office, life, and baptifm. — He reprehends the Pharifees, and baptizeth CHRIST in JORDAN, AT that time JOHN, who bore the Baptift's name. Into Judea's dcfcrt, preaching, came, Crying aloud, repent ; and undcriland Tiie kingdom of Mefliah is at hand. To John Ifaiah's prophecy appHcs, * " The voice of one that in the defert cries " Way for tlie Lord witli energy prepare. " Make his patli Ilraight with diligence and care." A garment made of camel's hair he wore, And round his loins a leathern girdle bore. The locuft furnifli'd him his daily food. With honey the wild produce of the wood. The du'ellers in Jerufalem, and thofe Judah's and Jordan's dillri£fs that compofe, Flock'd to him, with deep fenfe of guilt imprefs'd. And when their numerous lins thcv had cont'efs'd, By him to Jordan's river wereconvey'd, Baptiz'd, and converts to his doctrine made. ^ But when he faw the Pharifees draw near. And even the fcorntul Sadduces appear For baptifm, thus he fpake, with accent flern ; Say, race of vipers! how could ye difcern The dreadful certainty of wrath to come .'' Who warn'd you to avoid th' impending doom? Show, therefore, your converilon is complete, And bring forth fruits for true repentance meet; B Nor • irai.ili .\l. J. jG THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Nor proudly on tliis fubtcrfugc depend, That lineally from Abraham ye defccnd : Since from the very ftones on which we Rand Children to Abraham can God command. Even now the axe is laid unto the root ; Therefore each tree that bears unwholefomc fruit. Unfit for other ufe, fliall be cut down, And on the fire, for fuel, (ball be thrown. AVith water I baptize you, that the mind May thereby be to penitence inclin'd: Hut my fucccfTor greater fliall appear 'I'han I ; whofe iboes I merit not to bear. He as with fire baptizeth ; and his power The holv fpirit on your hearts fliall fliowcr. J lis fan fliall winnow from the chaft'the grain, Which in his flore fliall in pure ftate remain ; Whilft the bafe part, which to no ufe can turn. In unextinguifliable fire fliall burn. 5 Jesus, to be baptiz'd of John intent, Travcrfing Galilee, to Jordan went : But John objefted, faying, 'tis for me The rite of baptifm to requeft from thee- Jefus replied, permit it now ; that ftill We may perfift what's righteous to fulfil. Then Jefus was baptiz'd ; and as he went Forth from the flream, the heavens appear'd as rent ; Whilft in the fliape and femblance of a dove. The HOLY GHOST defcended from above Upon his perfon ; and a voice made known In thee am I well pleas'd, beloved Son ! CHAPTER SAINT MATrHEVV. it CHAPTER IV. Chrijl' s fajling and temptation. — The angels minijier unto him. — He dwelleth in Capernamn, and. heginneth to preach ; calleth Peter and Andrew, James and John, and healeth the difeafed. THEN JESUS, by the Spirit's guidance brought. The deep recefles of the defert fought, Tliat by the Devil's flrongefl: arts unmov'd. His fan£tity and virtue might be prov'd. Full forty days and forty nights he pafs'd In drift obfervance of a rigid faft. At length keen hunger's appetite prevail'd ; That time the tempter watch'd, and thus alTail'd r If thou'rt, indeed, the fon of GOD, he faid. Command thefe ftones that they be chang'd to bread. Jesus repHed, the fcripture makes it known * " Man is fupported, not by bread alone, " But by the word of GOD." Then, fwiftas thought. Was Jefus to the holy city brought. And on a lofty pinnacle was plac'd, Wherewith the Temple's towering height is grac'd : Would'ft thou, faid he, the fon of God be found, Caft thyfelf down, nor fear to touch the ground. 'Tis writtenf " Angels in their arms fliall bear " Their charge, nor fuffer danger to come near." Dare not, faid Jefus, the command explode Which faysj " Thou flialt not tempt the Lord thy God." The baffled fpirit, as his laft cflay, To a high mountain's fummit wing'd his way, B 2 Where * Dcutcionomy Tiii. 5. -j- Pfalm xci. :. t Deuteronomy »i. irt. tz THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Where ever}- kingdom of the world, and all 'Hic heart of man can great and glorious call, In their mort glowing colours were difplay'd. All thcfc I give, the glozing tempter faid. With this referve, that proftrate thou incline Andworfliip me ; when fully they are thine. Get thee behind me, Satan, Jefus cried ; 'Tis written* " Worfliip God, and none befide." The tempter, thus fubdued, his prefence fled. And angels to his conqueror miniftred. As foon as John was into prifon caft Jefus repair'd to Galilee in hafte -, And, leaving Nazareth, to a city came Remote from thence, Capernaum by name. Whofe fcitc is on Tiberias's fea. Bordering on Zabulon and Nepthali. Thus what Efaias faid was fully known, t " The land of Nepthali and Zabulon " Near Jordan, and contiguous to the fea, " Call'd by the gentile nations Galilee. " On thofe that fat in darknefs, wonderous light " Shone ; and to thofe involv'd in mental night, " Even in the region of Death's dreadful Ihade, *' Were beams of everlafting life difplay'd." Whilst walking on the borders of the lake, Jefus two brothers, fifliermen, befpake, Peter and Andrew, who, when they were met, Were bufy carting in the fea a net. Would ye be fifliers of mankind, he faid. Follow my fteps ; and indant they obey'd. Two • Deuteronomy vi. 13. f Ifaiah is. i, 2. SAINT MATTHEW. Two brothers, likewife fifhermen, whofe names (Both fons of Zebedee) were John and James, Jefus their broken nets repairing fpied. With Zebedee their father at their fide. He call'd them ; and obedient to his word, They left their father, to attend the Lord. He then through Galilee a progrefe made ^ In fvnagogues the Gofpel's truths difplay'd. And heal'd difeafes wherefoe'er he came, So that all Syria founded with his name. Such as with ficknefs and with pain were worn. Were, to be cured, into his prefence borne. Docmoniacs, lunatics, and thofe difeas'd With palfy, from their torments were releas'd. From Galilee, Decapolis, and round Jerufalem, to Judea's utmoft bound. Even from the banks of Jordan, went a croud. Which perfeveringly his ftcps purfued. 15 CHAPTER i4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER V. Chrijl beginneth his Jermon on the mount, declaring who are blejfed, who are the fait of the earth ; the light of the world, the city on the hill ; the candle : that he came to fulfil the law. — Explains the commandments againfl murder, adultery, and ftvearing : exhorteth to fuffey wrong, to love even our enemies, and to labour after perfeBnefs^ TO fluin the multitude a mount he fought, And thus, when fcated, his difciples taught : * Bleflcd are they of lowly humble mind : Such niall the kingdom of MESSIAH find, t Blefled are they througli fonfe of fia that mourn i To them true confolation lliall return. I Blefs'd are the meek : peculiarly theirs Are earth's pofleirions, as undoubted heirs. § Blefs'd whom a facred hunger fliall incite To feek for rightcoufnefs with appetite i The thirft and Iiunger of an holv mind Their fatisfa£lion fliall completely find. Bleffed are thofe that mercy love to fliow : Mercy on them fliall in full current flow. Blefs'd arc the pure in heart : for fut h have trod The path of life, and fliall behold their God. BIcfl"ed are they that love and follow peace : Children of God! their blifs fliall never ceafe. Blefled are thofe for righteoufnefs's fake Of perfecution's evils that partake: On them fuch trials painfully that know, God will the kingdom of his grace beft;ow. Blefs'd * Ifaiah Ivli. 15.— t Ixi. 3. \ Pfalm xxxvii. 2. § Ifaiah Ixv. '3- SAINT MATrHEW. BIcfs'd iliall yc be, when falfely, for my name, Malice fliall perfecute you, and defame. Rejoice with exultation : for in heaven To you Ihall glorious recompencc he given. Thus did they perfecute in days of old The prophets that the gofpel-times foretold. ^ Salt to the earth are ye ; but if no more Its taile remain, who Ihall the lofs reftorc.'' Ufeful no longer, from the houfe 'tis thrulf, Defpis'd, and mingled with the common dufl. Ye to the world ihall t'urnilh glorious light. Towns placed on hills confpicuous (land to light. Who, a lamp's luftre meaning to diflufe. Beneath a bulhcl hid makes void its ufj? But rather on a lland the lamp difplays, That all may fee, and profit by the blaze. So let your light to all in darknefs fliine. That they, convinc'd by influence divine Power to perform the works ye do is given, May glorify your tather that's in heaven. % Neither the Law nor Prophets to annul I came, but to complete them to the full. Through heaven and earth de(lru£tion fliall prevail Before one tittle of the Law fliall fail. Whoever, therefore, even the leail: command In pra£lice or in teaching fliall withfland, The lowed place fliall in God's kingdom IkjUI ; Whilft in inllruftion and example bold, 1 le who fupports them, great fliall be cllcem'd. And a chief member of the kingdom deem'd. Unlefs your righteoufnefs fhould far furpafs The Scribes' and Pharifees' faftidious ciafs. Like them eflrang'd from God Audi ye remain. Nor e'er the kingdom of Mefliah gain. 1[ Oft i6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO <|| Oft have ye heard the word of antient days, " Thou flialt not kill," Icftjudgmentfliould take place. But mark — whoe'er is angry, without caufe, Shall come within the ccnfure of the laws. Who to his brotlier " Raca" ihall cxprcfs, Thatinfult fliall the Sanhedrim redrefs : But he " thou fool" who utters in liis ire. Shall be in danger of Gehenna's fire. When thou llialt, therefore, to the altar bring Thy gift, andought whence difference might fpring Shalt recolleft, there let thy gift remain, Thy brother's favor till thou ilialt regain. To clofe with thine opponent never fail. Left the law's procefs caft thee into gaol. I tell thee, juftice thou flialt ne'er evade Till the lafi: farthing of thy debt be paid. ^[ Oft have ye heard the law of antient time, — Avoid adult'ry's complicated crime : But think not guilt to the grofs a£t confin'd; Who views a woman with a luftful mind Is guilty of the fin: for in his heart He hath completed tlie adult'rer's part. If thy right hand or eye thy fnare fliould prove. The hand or eye extirpate and remove : For better to feel temporary pain Then that thy body fliould in Hell remain. * In former times the cultom was in force To give a wife a writing of divorce. But mark — unlefs uncleannefs be the caufe. Divorce encourages the breach of laws: For, if the woman choofe again to wed, Adultery defiles the marriage-bed. Deuteronomy xxiv. i. 11 Again, SAINT MATTHEW. 17 ^ Again, amongfl; the anticnts 'twas decreed. And as a rule reli\'ho think through fuperfluity ot" ipecch The felfilli purpofe of their heart to reach. Therefore in no cafe be ye like to thofe : For all ye need, your heavenly fatlier knows. V\'hen to his prefence ye devoutly prefs. After this manner, then, your prayers addrefs: " OcR father which in heaven hafl fixed thy throne. " May through the world thine lioly name be known. " Thy kingdom come; and thine almighty will " Like heaven's, may earth's inhabitants fulfil. " Day after day our aftual wants fupply ; " And, as for mercy when to thee we cry " Humbly we hope that mercy to receive, " May we our debtors and our foes forgive. " Support us in temptation's dangerous hour; " And fave us trom each evil a£l and power: " For thine the kingdom is, the power is thine, " And through all ages lliall thy glory fliine." If ye forgive your brethren that offend. To you his grace your father will extend : But if free pardon ye refufe to give, Mercy from heaven ye never can receive. Moreover, when ye are inclined to faft. Give not your face the hypocritic caft. Avoid what is disfiguring and fevere. Left your intention fliould to men appear. Who by fuch means would reputation raife, Muft limit their reward to human praife. But when ye faft, ufe what the form may grace. Anoint the head, and, careful, wafli the face, Y our SAINT MATTHEW. zi Your fafting that the pubhc ne'er may fee. And open only to your father be ; That he wlio fecret piety approves May openly reward the deeds he loves. Strive not for earthly (lores. A thief, a moth, Can Ileal your gold, and fret your richell cloth; But let your treafure heaven alone ingrofs ; Where none are injur'd, none can fuffer lofs. Let not this maxim from your minds depart. Where'er the treafure, there will be the heart. 'Tis by the eye that man difcerns the light. Which, in found (late performs its functions right; But when difcas'd, objetts that once were clear. Dark (and how great the darknefs!) muft appear. No man can ferve two maflers, but mufl: prove Adverfe to one, the other if he love. Ye never can to God devote the heart Whilft Mammon holds pofTeiTion of a part; Therefore I charge you folenmly, beware. Nor earthly things regard with anxious care. Is not the life more than your nurture dear. The body than the raiment that ye wear ? Think of the birds, that neither reap nor fow ; No barn nor ftorehoufe they provide or know. Much more important than the fowls ye are; Yet are they fed by God's paternal care. Not all the vain folicitude of man Could to his flature add a fingle fpan. And why fo anxioufly is raiment fought.' Say, does it merit one dillrefllng thought? Observe the lilies that adorn the foil; Thev neither fpin, nor fj)cn(l tluir Ihvngth in toil: Yet 22 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Yet Solomon in regal vcftments gay, Approach'd not to their beautiful array. If, then, your Maker thus adorn the grafs To heat the oven which fliall fliortly pafs; O ye of little faith ! Ihall he not give Cloathing to thofe that on his word believe ? Therefore difmifs folicitudc; nor fay J low fliall we gain proviiion tor the day ? That let the Gentiles feek. Your father knows Your various wants; and what ye need beftows. Seek then God's kingdom; feek his righteoufnefs. Nor doubt that he your jufl: concerns will blefs. Let not your minds foreboding phantoms fill ; For to each day fufficient is its ill. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHE\\ . 23 CHAPTER VII. Chrift eiulhig his fermon on the mount, reprovetk rajli judgment; forb'tddeth to cajl holy things to dogs ; exhort eth to prayer ; to enter in at the Jlrait gate ; to beware of fa/fe prophets ; not to be hearers only, but doers of the word : like houfes built on a rock, and not on the fand. FROM ralli decifions cautloufly refrain. Left with like raflinefs ye be judged again: For the fame meafure ye to others mete, Expe61; them with precifion to repeat. Wherefore the blemifli in thy brother's eye Doft thou regard, yet not thine own efpy ? Thou hypocrite ! his fight ere thou pretend To cure, thine own obftrufted vilion nicnd. % Give not to dogs what's meant for ufe divine. Nor, thoughtlefs, throw your choiceft pearls to fwine; Left thcfe lliould tread tlicm under foot, and thofc Their favage ftrength againft you fliould oppofe. ^ Aflc, and whatever needful ye lliail want Your heavenly father will in mercy grant. Seek ye and find, with wifdom for your guide ; Knock, and the door of grace iliall open wide; For all that afk receive ; who feek, arc bleft With all they fought: and each invited gueft That at the portal knocks with humble mind Without delay docs due admittance find. Which of you, iliould his fon a loaf demand. Callous, would put a llone within his hand .' Or, if a fifli he earncftly intreat, Inhuman, give a fcrpent for his meat? If THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO If then, tliough evil, yc liave (kill to know This world's good things difcrectly to beftow. How much more will your heavenly father grant. To thofe that aflc, the blelTings which they want t All the kind at^ions that ye think your due, To others with humane attention flicw : For this fliort comment fully does explain All that the prophets and the law contain. ^ Earneflly flrivc admittance to procure At the llrait gate; and make the paflagc fure ; For wide the gate, and broad the flowery way 'ITiat to deftruftion tempt their numerous prey j But the flrait gate, and path to life that lead. Few try : and fmall the number that fucceed. % Of Pfeudo-prophets hccdfully beware ; Let not their outward jjuife vour minds infnare. Their woltilh nature daring not reveal, With the flieep's meeknefs on the fenfe they ftcal : But by their deeds their origin yc know : Do grapes on thorns, or figs on thillles grow ? Thus a good tree will pleafant fruit produce, Whilfl; bad ones furnifli naufeous pulp and juice. Good trees can never vile produ6fions rear, Not falutary a corrupt one bear. All trees, that yield not wholcfome fruit, cut do%\Tf> Arc on the fire, as fit for fuel, thrown. Therefore, by the productions that they bear. Their nature manifeftly fliall appear. ^i Not every one that cries, in formal prayer. Lord! Lord! fliall gofpel-privi leges fliarc; But only he, whofe chief imployment Hill Is to perform my heavenly father's will Many SAINT MATTHEW. ^5 Many are thofc on that tremendous day, Pleading for mercy, who Lord! Lord! will fay. Have we not taught, work'd wonders in thy name r And even ejefted daimons through the fame ? Then will I fay, depart, detefted crew! Your perfons and your works I never knew. Therefore, who hears thefe fayings, and obeys^^ Walking with confcience in religion's ways. Is like a builder, danger to evade. Firm on a rock who ilrong foundations laid. Defcending rains and rulhing Hoods afTail'd ; Strong blew the winds; but none of them prevail'd. Tlie manfion fell not, but withftood the ihock : And why ? becaufe 'twas founded on a rock. But he, that, foolilh, will my words withftand, Refembles one who built upon the fand. The rain's, the wind's, the torrent's dreadful ftrcngth Came in fierce union, and prevail'd at length: Down rufli'd the fabric with tremendous found, And tlie vail ruins fmok'd upon the ground. Here Jcfus finilh'd his fublimc difcourfe, Whilft all that heard him wondcr'd at the force He fliew'd : for with authority as fraught, Not in the manner of the Scribes he taught. D CHAPTER zfy THE GOSPEL ACCORDING JO CHAPTER Mil. C/ir/fi ckanjeth a leper ; heals a Centv.rions Jcrvont, Peter's jnol/ier-in-Iazv, and many other difeafed perfons ; Jliews how he is to be followed ; Jills the tempejl; and expels the devils out of two men. WHEN Jesus had defcended to the phiin, There follow'd an innumerable train ; When, lo ! a leper canie, knelt, and ador'd, And to be cicans'd with earnel^nefs implor'd ; Exclaiming, if it be thy will, I know Thou canll: tlie mercy that I ailc beftow. Stretching his hand, Jefus performed the cure ; Saying, be clean, and (trait the man was pure. Then charg'd him. See to none that thou declare Thy cure ; but inftant to the priefl repair, Bearing the proper offering in thine hand. In the fame form as Mofes gave command. ^ Entering Capernaum, a Centurion pray'd Jefus would interpofe with heavenly aid To heal his fervant, who long time had lain A palfied cripple, in tormenting pain. Jefus replied, I quickly will repair To thine abode, and heal thy fervant there : But the Centurion anfwer'd, gracious Lord ! This mighty honor why fhould'fl; thou afford ? I merit not the condcfcending proof That thou Ihould'll come beneath my humble roof. If thou but fpeak the word, I reft affur'd My fervant in that inltant lliall be cur'd. For, SAINT MATTHEW. ij For, leader of a military band. My foldiers acl obedient to command. They go, they come, fubmiOive to my will ^ And my lead order punctually fulfil. Jesus furpriz'd, to his difciplcs faith Not even in Ifrael have I feen fuch faith. Many fliall Abra'm, Ifaac, Jacob own. Who in the heavenly kingdom fliall fit downj Whilft even the kingdom's children fliall be caft Into that darknefs which fliall ever lall: : Where horrid gnafliing of the teeth prevails. And each lofl: foul his dreadful ftate bewails. Thus the Centurion Jefus then addrefs'd. Return ; and as thy taith hath been exprefs'd Shalt thou experience. He believ'd the word. And from that hour bis fervant was reftor'd. ^ Jesus to Peter's houfe then walk'd away. In feverifli fl:ate where his wife's mother lay. He touch 'd her hand, and from that touch alone The threatening fymptoms infl^antly were gone. She lett her bed, invited him to eat, And, grateful, waited whilll: he fat at meat. ^ When evening was arriv'd, the townfmcn brought Divers doenioniacs, and the Lord bcfought For aid. The fpirits with a fingle word Ho difpoflcfs'd, and all the (ick rcflored. Thus whilrt he gracioufly tlieir wants rolicv'd, Com])lcti()n what Ifaiah fpoke receiv'd ; * " Surely our griefs he pcrfonally bare, " And made our forrows his peculiar care." Seeing the croud increafing, Jcfus fpake, Aud gave command to pafs acrofs the lak( D 2 A * Ifaiiih liii. 4. 28 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO A CERTAIN Scribe approach'd, and faid, where'er Thou goeft, Matter, will I follow there. Jcfus replied, alas! the foxes reft Safe in their holes; the birds within their ncft-. Not fo the Son of Man : no place he knows Of flieltcr, or to give his head rcpofe. Another follower requefted. Lord ! Time to inter my father's corpfe afford. But Jefus anfwer'd, let the dead alone : Leave them their dead to bury, and bemoan. Entering a fliip, on loofmg from the fliore A tcmpeft rofe. The wind began to roar ; The bounding billows o'er the veffcl fiew, And every moment more tremendous grew. Meanwhile he flcpt ; but his difciples' cry Wak'd him, exclaiming. Save us or we die. O ye of little faith, chiding he faid, Why do ye tremble ? vv'hy are ye afraid ? Then rofc, rebuk'd the winds, made tumult ceafe, Aniidft the foaming waves ; and all was peace. At this ftrange fight, the failors with furprize, Clafping their hands, and lifting up their eyes. What kind of perfon muft this be, exclaim. Who even the boifterous elements can tame ? Reaching among the Gergcfcnes the land, Lo ! two da:moniacs met him on the ftrand. Exceeding fierce : and 'mongft the tombs to ftray Accuftom'd, none could fafcly pafs that way. Thefe, when they faw him, by their fear impell'd, Jefus, thou fon of God, dreadfully ycli'd. What have we done to thee ? what novel crime Moves thee to torture us before our time ? Now, SAINT MATTHEW. 29 Now, at confiderablc diftancc plac'd, An herd of fwinc was feeding on the waftc. Let us, the daemons beg;;'d, if difpollefs'd, Enter the fwine, and find a place of reft. Jefus aflcnting, from tlie men they went Into the fwine, who down a deep defcent Rufli'd furious to the fea : then with a bound Plung'd in the waves ; and the whole herd was drown'd. Then the whole city went to meet the Lord^ And his departure earncflly implor'd. CHAPTER JO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER IX. C/iriJl after having atred a paralytic, ealleth Matthew from the receit of cuflom ; cateth with publicans and finncrs ; defendeth his difciples for not fafling ; ciireth a woman affliEled with an hemorrhage ; raifeth jfairKs's daughter from death ; giveth fight to two blind men ; heals a dumb damoniac ; and fhezveth compaffion to the multitude. FROM thence to Nazareth he then pafs'd o'er. When foine kind friends a paralytic bore Laid on a couch. So ftrong their faith appear'd, Jefus the fufiFerer in this language cheer'd ; Take courage, fon : firmly haft thou believ'd, And thy tranfgrellions pardon have rccciv'd. Some Scribes, then prcfent, in their minds agreed This is the height of blafphemy indeed. Jefus, to whom their inmoft thoughts were plain, Afk'd, Such ideas wherefore entertain? Why cannot I " thy fins are cancell'd" fay With as much eafe as " rife and walk away ?" But to convince you pardon to beftovv The Son of Man whilft refident below Amply enjoys, thus to the fick he faid. Stand on thy feet, and carry liome thy bed. He rofe, and bare his couch, whilft all amaz'd Alternate on the man and Jefus gaz'd ; Adoring God, who gracioufly had given Such power to man of imitating heaven. % Proceeding, to the cuftom-houfe he came. Where he who farm'd the dues, Matthew bv name. Was feated. Jefus looking at him faid Follow me, Matthew; and the man obey'd. But whilft in Matthew's houfe he fat at meat. Some publicans and finners jointly ate With SAINT MATTHEW. 31 With him and his difciplcs. This ofTence The Pharifccs did gricvoully incenfe ; Who alk'd his followers, docs your niafter give His company to thofe that loofcly live? This Jefus hearing, laid, All are agreed Thofe that are healthful no phyfician need. But only the difeas'd. Go then, and learn The meaning of this fcripture to difcern. * " Mercy to facrifice I will prefer." I call not righteous men, but thofe that en'. «[ Then John's difciples a&'d him to explain Why do the Pharifees and we abfi:ain, Whilft thy difciples faft not ? He replied, Thofe that attend the bridegroom and the bride Abftain not in his prefence : but at lafi:, When he has left them, fliall the bridemen faft ; Adding, What prudent perfon would pretend With new-made cloth a tatter'd veft to mend ? Such management would make the breach more wide ; As from the old the new will needs divide. Who in old bottles would his vintage truft. Left he Ihould lofe his valuable muft? But with new wine when recent (kins are fill'd, Thcfe are prefcrv'd, whilft that remains unfpiil'd. ^ Whilft yet he fpake, a ruler came to meet The Lord, and proftratc w^orfliipp'd at his feet. Saying, Even now my daughter breathes no more: But lay thine hand on her, and life reftorc. Thus the fad parent fpake ; nor fpake in vain : For Jefus followed him, with all his train. (^ A woman, wlio near forty years fuftain'd An hajmorrhage which nothing had reftrain'd. Of certain cure perfuaded in her mind If file could touch him, reach'd his veft behind, • Hofe« Ti. €. And 3* THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO And kit itb liom : the touch though foft, perceiv'd, Jcfus turn'd round, and thus her fears reliev'dj Take comfort daughter ; wliat thy faith hath fought Is done ; and inftantly her cure was wrought.) When Jefus reach'd the houfe a croud appear'd. And doleful drains were from the minftrels heard. Them he commanded to withdraw, and faid Why all this noife r the maiden is not dead, But flecps. The people mock'd ; but fent away, Jefus proceeded where the body lay, With both the parents ; took her by tlie hand. And the maid rofe from death at his command. Through all that land the rumour quickly fpread That he had rais'd an infant from the dead. % Departing thence, two men completely blind Join'd with the concourfe, following clofe behind,. Crying thou ton of David ! gracious hear. And let thy mercy in our jiid appear. A HOUSE he enter'd ; where the blind men came. Their prayer repeating, in effc£t the fame. Are ye convinc'd, he aik'd, I can afford The boon ye beg? they anfwcr'd him, Yea Lord. Then touching each man's eyes, to both he faith Receive your cure according to your faith. Inftant their eyes perceiv'd the beams of light. And they departed fully blefs'd with fight. ^ A DUMB dremoniac by his friends was brought, jefus's aid in humble terms who fought. The dxmon his departure forc'd to take. He who was dumb articulately fpake. The wondering croud their teftimony bore That ne'er in Ifrael was it feen before. The SAINT MATTHEW. The Pharifees, burfting with fpito and grief, Said he ejected devils through their chief. Through all the neighbouring cities Jefus taught. And numerous cures miraculoufly wrought. ^ When he beheld the luultitudc dillrcfs'd, Weary and faint, compalFion fill'd his breafl: ; Obferving " Though the fields with grain abound, Scanty indeed the labourers are found." Pray then the great proprietor to fend More labourers the harveil to attend. CHAPTER 34 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER X. Chriji fendeth out. his twelve apojlles, hejlowhg on them pozver to do miracles r givet^ them their charge ; teacheth them ; comforteth againji perjecutions : and promijetk a blejfmg to thoje that receive them. THEN Jcfiis call'd the apoflolic band. O'er unclean fjjirits giving them command j As well as power to banifli all difcafe, And change the fiorcefl: pain to perfeft cafe. These of the twelve difciplcs are the names : Peter, Lebbeus, Andrew, Matthew, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Simon, James the fon Ot Alpheus, the firft James's brother John, Thomas, and Judas, he who bafely fold His gracious mafter for the fake of gold. Jesus commiflion'd thefe with llri£l command, Pafs not the limits of Judca's land ; But let it be your fole concern and care To the loft fheep of Ifrael to repair. Boldly, wherever ye fliall go, proclaim. To introduce God's kingdom is your aim ; And the great do«ftrine which ye preach to prove. Heal ye the fick, the leper's fores remove ; Raifc up the dead ; and thofe fad fouls reftore That feel the rage of diabolic power. As without purchafe ye the gift receiv'd. Without reward let mifery be reliev'd. Nor coin, nor fcrip, nor change of cloaths prepare; Let not even flioes or ftaves employ voiu" care. The SAINT MATTHEW. 35 Tlic workman, when his labour is complete, Defervcs, with certainty, his wcll-carn'd meat. Whene'er a place ye enter, firil fearch out For worthy a£lions one who holds repute ; And till ye leave it for another town. Keep to that houfe, as though it were your own. Entering a family, benignly greet The mafter. If your falutation meet A kind return, 'tis well : but if in vain. The peace ye wilh'd fliall with yourfelvcs remairi. If any to receive you fliculd obje£f. And treat your embafly with difrefpeft. That houfe or city whenfoe'er ye leave. Permit not to your feet the dufi: to cleave. I tell you Sodom's and Gomorrah's land In a more tolerable light lliall fland, Than fliall that city on the folemn day, When God his righteous judgments Ihall difplay. «j Behold, I fend you fteps unknown to trace. Like flieep furrounded by a wolfifli race : With circumfpettion then like ferpents move j And, inoffenfivc, imitate the dove. But chief of men beware, whofe deadly rage Nothing but your dcftruiStion can alTwage. CompcH'd, before their councils fliall ye (land, Scourg'd by the fynagogue's unjull command. Brought before kings and pracfe£ls for my fake. To them your evidence a charge fliall make, And to the gentile world. V\hen therct'ore brought Before them, for yaur anfwers take no thought. Sufficient fluency fliall ye receive At the fame inllant, your replies to give: For, through your organs though each accent breaks, Your Father's fpirit through thofe organs fpeaks. \l 2 Brother j6 TIJR GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Brother iliall brolhir unto death betray ^ The father fliall his fun, remorfclcfs, flay ; And, in return, fons againft parents rife, Viewing their death with unaverted eyes. For mo ihall ye be hated of mankind; J3ut he that perfevcres fliall fafety find. When perfecuted, then, attempt to reach A new afylum ; for ye fiiail not preach Through Ifrael's cities, and complete your plan Before the coming of the SON of MAN. Greater than mafters Ihouid difcipies be ? Or fervants rank above their lords' degree ? To the fame cftimation fliould they rife, The fummit of their wilh it might fuffice. If Beelzebub the mafter be efteem'd. What by domeflics flanderous can be dcem'd ^ Fear ye not, therefore ; nothing is conceal'd, Which, in due feafon, fliall not be rcvcal'd ; And nothing manag'd in fuch private wife. But fliall appear, diverted of difguife. What I impart in the deep gloom of night Sec that ye publifli in the blaze of light ; And let what is in fofteft whifpers nam'd. Be loudly from the battlements proclaim'd. Then fear not thofe who merely can dellroy The body ; but the foul can ne'er annoy. Fear him, who both can to deflruclion doom. And, jnflant, in Gehenna's, fire confume. Are not two fparrows for a farthing fold? Yet, low the rank in nature's fcale they hold : Your Father, though the wanderers abound, Knows when a fingle bird falls to the ground. Your hairs are number'd : then difmifs all fear ; And think what worth, compar'd with birds, ye bear. Who SAINT MATTHEW. 37 Who before men my name fliall boldly own. Will I acknowledge at my father's throne j But to confcfs me here who dares ncgleft. Before my father'* face will I reject. Imagine not that I, by my defcent, Peace to eftablifli upon earth was meant: Alas ! the contrary ; for difcord reigns Where the fame blood fills dilTerent perfons veins. Father and fon Ihall 'gainft each other rife ; Mother and daughter quarrel, hate, defpife : And their domertics treacheroufly combin'd Mailers their dcadlicil enemies fliall find. Father or mother more than me who loves, That he's unworthy of me clearly proves. For me who fon or daugher would not quit. Is for my kingdom totally unfit. The fame of him I fay who will not bear His crofs, and follow me with heart fmccre. V\'ho finds his life fliall lofe it : for my fake His life who lofes fliall of life partake. For what advantage can that man obtain His foul who lofes, though the world he gain ? You who receives demonflrates that his mind To me, and him that fent me, is inclined. He that a prophet, in a prophet's name Receives, a prophet's recompence fliall claim. A righteous man who treats with jufl regard. Shall likewife have a righteous man's reward : And, prompted by benevolence, whoe'er hhall to the mcanell of my followers bear A cup even of cold water, fliall not mifs ID be rewarded in the realm of blifs. c II AT 11. R jS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XI. "John fcndeth his dijciples to Chrijl, ivho giveth his tejlimony conceniiiig John. The opinim the people entertained both of John and of Chrijl. Chrijl v.pbraideth the ingratitude and im- penitence of Chorazin, Bethfaida, and Capernaum : and, praifing his father s wifdom in revealing the gofpel to the fimple, he calleth to him all fuch as feel the burden of their fins. WHEN tlicfe injunctions Jefus had laid down, He pafs'd j)iogrciri\ cly from town to town. Preaching tlie gofpcl. Now when John had heard The mighty works in Jefus that appear'd, (Imprifon'd whillt he lay) he fent to fee How far report might with the fa£ls agree,- By two difciples, whom he did direct To afk, art thou the prophet we expeft, Or look we for another r Jefus faid Go, and fliew John what }e have feen difplay'd. And what ye've heard. The blind receive their fight; Lepers are cleans'd ; the cripple walks upright ; The deaf of their infirmity are heal'd ; Whilft to the poor the gofpel is reveal'd : And blefl, fuperlativcly blclt, is he Who never fhall conceive offence at me. \ As they departed thence, Jefus begun To afk the mTiltitude concerning John, What hop'd ye in the wildornefs to find, A reed that bends with every gufl of wind ? What in the defart could your minds fuppofe, A man adorn'd with rich and fplendid cloaths ? Such men can ne'er the wilderncfs frequent ; But in kings' courts their gorgeous robes prefent. Was SAINT MATTHEW, 39 Was it a prophet, then, ye went to fee ? Yea ; and a man fuperior in degree : For this is he that fcripture does intend, * " My faithful mcflengcr behold I fend, " \\'ho Ihall prepare the way before thy face." I tell you plainly, of the human race. In excellence of character that none Could polhbly exceed the Baptift, John : Yet, in MESSIAH'S train, the leaft fliall be Greater in real dignity than he. Since John the gofpcl's gracious plan explain'd,. God's kingdom, as by violence, is gain'd. The law and jjrophets were the people's guide Till him, the lali: of me that prophciied ; And, if plain truth ye be difpos'd to bear. This is Elias promis'd to appear. He that hath ears to hear, let him attend. And from my mouth the fcripture comprehend. f| But what refemblance fliall f find for thofc The prefent generation that compofe ? Like are they to the children in the ftreet. In jilayfull mood that thus each other greet : We piped that ye might dance, but piped in vain : We mourn'd, but ye return'd no doleful llrain. John rigidly his appetites reprefs'd ; Yet flander faid, behold a man polTefs'd ! I, whom no fuperftitious rules confine. Am charg'd with gluttony and cxcefs in wine ; Am branded as the finncr's friend ; a man, Who countenance each odious publican : But, though the world calumniate and deride^ Wifdom is of her children julVitied. * Matachi iii. r. «IHk 40 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO % He then began -tliofe cities to upbraid. Wherein his power had chiefly been difplay'd. For their impenitence. Chorazin, woe To thee ! nor lefs flialt thou, Bethfaida, know. For, if the works exhibited in you, In Tyre and Sidon had been brouglit to view. Long fmce thofc cities, from tranfgrefllon turn'd. Had lui in fackcloth and in -aflies mourn'd. Wherefore I tell you, on that auful day. Which -fliall the fecrcts of all hearts betray, Ye lliall experience far more dreadful ire Than will be fliewn to Sidon and to Tyre. And tliou, Capernaum (though exalted high. So that thy fummit reaches to the (ky) To hell fliall be dcbas'd. Had Sodom known What in thy Greets have publicly been fliown, Sodom, with all her vile pollutions ftain'd. Had to this day in perfe6\ ftate remain'd : And, at the judgment, that devoted land Than thee in a lefs dreadful llate fliall ftand. ^ At that time Jefus fervently ador'd His Father thus ; I thank thee, gracious Lord Of heaven and earth ; becaufe thou haft reveal'd To babes, from wifdom what thou has conceal'd. So be it, father ! thy decrees are right ; And this remains eftabliflied in thy light. Come to me all with fenfe of guilt opprefs'dj Come, and experience pardon, peace, and reft. Bow to my yoke ; and learn of me to find The bleffings of a meek and lowly mind: Thus nothing fliall your fouls diftrefs or fright; My yoke is eafy, and my burden light. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. 41 CHAPTER XII. Chrijl reproveth the blindnefs of the Phm-ifees concerning the breach of the fabbath, by fcriptures, by reafon, and by a miracle : he heakth a Demoniac that zvas blind and dumb : declares that blafphemy againjl the holy ghofl Jhall never be forgiven : that account Jliall be made of idle words : rebuketh the unfaithful who require a Jigii ; and fliewetk whom he regards as his brother, fifler, and mother. AT that time Jefus, on tlic fabbath-day Pafs'd through a corn-field, as his rcadiell way; When his difciples pluck'd fome ears of wheat. Prompted by hunger their contents to eat. Some zealous Pharifecs this attion faw. And cried, hereby ye violate the Law: But Jefus anfwer'd them, have ye not read * How David ate the priefts' peculiar bread? Thofo ferving in the Temple need I name. Who broke the fabbath, yet incurr'd no blame? But than that Temple which fo much ye prize One far fuperior (lands before your eyes: And, had ye undcrftood what God defires, Who mercy beforcf facrificc requires. Ye would not, with that more enlighten'd fenfe. Have dar'd to cenfure fpotlefs innocence. The fon of man. Lord of the fabbath-day. Can, at his will, difpcnfmg power difplay. ^ Entering the f)nagoguc, a cafe appcar'd Which the fame point, to their confiilion, clcar'd; A man was prefcnt with a wither'd hand : On which the Pharifecs urg'd this demand, Is healing lawful on the fabbath-day ? Watching an information how to lay. F jEsrs * I. Samuel xxi. 6. f Hofca vi. 6. 42 TUR GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Jesus replied, wluit man amongft you all. In cafe his flieep into a pit fliould fall Upon the fabbath-day, would raifc a doubt If 'twere allowable to lift him out : If therefore man in Providence's fcale Above the value of a fliecp prevail, What mind can this perverfe conchilion draw,. Atts of benevolence are breach of Law? Then call his eyes about, exclaiming, friend. At my command thy wither'd hand extend. The man complied, and, to his comfort, found The paHlcd limb was like the other found. ^ Defeated thus, the Pliarifees prepare By bafe devices Jefus to enfnare. Perceiving their intention, he withdrew; ^Meanwhile the multitude his fteps purfue, Whofe fick he heal'd : but charg'd them not to own Their cures, nor make their bencfatlor known. Thus was accoraplilli'd in prophetic phrafc By infpiration what* Efaias fays, " Behold my chofen fervant, my beloy'd- " In whom my foul its full delight has prov'd'. " Him fliall my fpirit for his work prepare, " And to the Gentiles truth (hall he declare. " He fliall not llrive, nor cry : nor ihall his voice " Occafion in the ftreets a liir, or noife. " A bruifcd reed he fliall avoid to break y " Nor to extinguifli fmoking flax (hall feek,. " Judgment viftorioufly fhall l>e proclaim; " And Gentiles fliall depend upon his name." ^ A blind and dumb Da;raoniac then was brought, At On whom an inftantaneous cure he wrought O Ifaiah xlii. SAINT MATTHEW. 43 At whicli the people with amazement cried, This man to David, doubtlcfs, is allied. The Pharifecs, unable to refute The fa6t itfelf, about the mode difputc : Saying, by Beelzebub's infernal aid His fpecious miracles are all difplay'd. Jesus perceiving their malignant thought. Said, ftates divided are to ruin brought. That houfe or city certainly muft fail Wherever difcord's principles prevail. Allow that Satan does himfelf expel. He mufl; fubvert the government of hell : yVnd grant that Beelzebub my power fupplies, Whence have your children learnt to exorcifei' Therefore make them your judges ; but if I By God's good fpirit Satan's power defy, And ruin, certainly this truth is clear. At the fame time God's kingdom muft appear. A ftrong man's perfon he muft furely bind By whom his houfe to plunder is confign'd. \^'ho joins me not, oppofes me. The hand No flieaves that gathers, ftrews them o'er the land. «I All fins and blafphemies, ftiall be forgiven Utter'd againft the majefty of heaven. Tlie fon ftiall pardon gracioufly afford For every falfe calumniating word : But he that fpeaks againft the Holy Ghoft (Tlie (in that God holds in abhorrence moft) Shall, neither here, nor in the world to come. Experience mitigation ot his doom. Either acknowledsje that the tree is found. And that its branches with good fruit abound, Or grant them both corrupt : for 'tis the trnit That proves the tree is healthful at the root. O K.VCL 44 THE GOSPKL ACCORDING TO O RACE of vipers! evil as yo are, How can your organs what is good declare, Seeing the tongue thofe notions inuft im})art Which iflue from the fiilnefs of the heart ? Good men from their good treafures good produce^ And evil minds mufl evil things difTufc. Men fliall for every idle word they fay Give ftrift account at the great judgment day : For by their words (liall all mankind be tried, And by their w^ords condemned or juflificd. But none excepting Jonah's lludl be given In thofe, who mocking, alk a lign from heaven. In the whale's ftomach thrice a night and day. As if entomb'd, the holy Prophet lay ; And for an equal fpacc of time will I The fon of man within earth's bowels lie. The Ninevitcs (liall criminate the Jews, And, juftly, of impiety accufe : At Jonah's word flovv'd penitence's tear; And yet one greater far than Jonah's here. The fouthcrn Queen againft this race of men Shall rife in judgment, and their ways condemn. She from far diftant climes for w^ifdom came, Allur'd bv Solomon's exalted fame. To you, like her, ought wifdom to be dear ; Yet ye fee Solomon's fuperior here. Forth from a man when the foul fpirit goes. He feeks dry places, panting tor repofe : But, difappointed, fays, I will retreat. And finds bis dwelling empty, clcans'd, and neat ; Then. SAINT MATTHKW. 45 Tficn joins fcven other fpirits (till more bafe riian he, the vileft of their wretched race, Who enter there, and dwell. Thus more accurfi; In this man's latter ftatc than even the firfl. Thus lliall this wicked generation find The dreadful progrefs of a finful mind. ^ Scarce had he clos'd 'ere one exclaim'd aloud. Thy mother, and thy brethren in the croud Willi to approach thee. Inftant he replied, \^'hilll; his difciples flood on either fide,. And ftretching out his hand, thefe I declare To me as mother and as brethren arc ; For who my heavenly Father's will complete,. Will I as mother, filter, brother, greet. CHAPTER 46 THE GOSPEL ACCORDIXG TO CHAPTER XIII. The parable of the fozver and the jeed. — The cxpofition of it. — The parable of the tares^ of the muflard-feed, of the leaven, of the hidden treafm-e, of the pearl, of tlie draw- net cafl into the fea ; and hozv ChrijI is contemned of his own countrymen. PLAC'D in a fliip moor'd clofely to the land Thus Jcfus taught the crouds that lin'd the ftrand: A Sower, whilft his grain difperfing wide, Scatter'd fonic feed upon the high-way fide. Which the birds (Lar'd. Some fell on ftoney ground Devoid of foil, no Ihciter where it found ; But fliooting up in haftc, ran to decay, AA'ithering beneath the fun's meridian ray. Others expos'd to an unhappy lot, Fell amongft thorns, were cholc'd and left to rot. But fome were lodg'd within a grateful foil, Whofc produce recompens'd the fower's toil ^ Yielding an increafe (wonderous to be told) From thirty upwards to an hundred fold. He that hath ears, let him attention give. And ftudy the true meaning to receive. Then the difciples aflc'd, thy do£lrines, fay. Why doft thou wrapt in parables convey .' Jefus replied, becaufe to you 'tis given To comprehend the myfteries of heaven ; But not to thefe. Who what they hav-c employ, Superior privileges fliall enjoy ; Whilft others their advantages fliall lofe Who keep them not engag'd in conftant ufe. My do8rine therefore darkly I unfold, Becaufe they overlook what they behold ; And SAINT MATTHEW 47 And with fuch ftupid Jiftlcffnefs attend, That what they hear they fail to comprehcncf: For thus Efaias* prophefied of old. And tltcy complete wliatever he foretold : " Ye hear indeed, but wifdom will ilot learn ; " Nor, though ye fee, the truth will ye difcern. " For, lo! this people's heart is waxed grofs ; "Their ears are dull; they fliut their eye-lids clofe, " Left they fliould fee, hear, underftand, and feel " Converfion's power, and 1 their fins fliould heal." But blelTcd arc your eyes, for tliey difcern; And blefs'd your cars, the truth inclin'd to learn;. For many prophets have dcfir'd to know That which to you fpontancoufly I fliow i. But what to my difciples is reveal'd. From many righteous men has been conceal'd. Learn then the parable ; whence it appears The man who underftands not what he hears Through Satan's wile, is figuratively meant The way-fide auditor to reprefent. They where the grain was cafi; on ftony ground Accept the word, and even with joy abound. Such, wanting root, continue for a while ; But when the world withdraws its wonted fmiie. Shrink, with difmay, from perfecution's florm. Quit truth, and to their former ways conform. He that the feed amongft the thorns recci\es. Both hears the word, and, partially, believes ; But the world's cares, and fordid lull of gain hi its firft ftage arreft and choke the grain. They, where the feed is lodged in fertile ground. Are thofe in whom tlie germs of grace are found- Such hear the word : perceive its precious worth ; Bear fruit ; and to an hundred fold bring forth. * IHiial) vi. (J. •( Ac.•.V..^. 48 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ^f Ac; A IK — a certain man prcpar'd a field, Sovv'd with choice feed, and in perfection till'd ; But in llic dead of night a fubtle foe Did througli the plot his tares in plenty fow. So when the wheat was vifible in blade. Tile noxious tares their vile appearance made. Loving their mafter as tlicir ablell friend. The fervants of the houfcholder attend. Saying, thy feed was chofen from the bed ; Whence then do tares thy harvcfl; fo infeft ? He faid, fome enemy hath done this deed -, To root them up the fervants then agreed; But thus the houfeholder, I tell you, nay. Your labour fpare, and let the mifchief flay, Lcll with the tares ye fliould deftroy the wheat, And make the triumph of my foe complete. When harvell: comes, I to ni\- hinds will fay The wheat with care into my barns convey: And when that bufinefs is defpatch'd, return The noxious tares to bind in flieaves, and burn. % The gofpel-kingdom Jefus then declar'd. May to a grain of muftard be compar'd. Which though the fmaljeft feed that grows on earth, Gives to a plant of magnitude its birth; So that the feather'd race, in air that w-ing, Perch'd on its boucrhs. beneath its Ihelter fin?. ^! Again, this brief fimilitude he us'd. The gofpel-principle may be diffus'd Like leaven in the midft of meal convey'd. Till the whole mafs be of one fubftance made. Thefe things he fpake in parables ; the way He chofe divine inllruftion to convey : And this the fecret meaning did unfold Of what the facred Pfalmift faid of old. In SAINT MATTHEW 49 * " In parabolic fpccclics will I deal, " And fccrcts anticnt as the world reveal. The multitude difmifs'd, he then declares The hidden meaning of the wheat and tares. The fon of man is by the fowcr meant ; The field the world doth aptly rcprefent. By the good feed the righteous are defign'd. As by the tares the wicked are deiin'd. The devil ftands depiftur'd in the foe, The harveft does the world's conclulion fliow. Reapers mean angels, whom the fon fliall fend Throughout his kingdom, ail things that offend To gather, and within a furnace caft. Where the dire torments fliall for ever laft. Then Ihail with luilre glorious and divine, The righteous in their Father's kingdom fliine. ^ Once more, fuppofe God's kingdom like a field, Said Jcfus, where a trcafure lies conceal 'd j Would not the finder, overcome with joy. The field to purchafc all his wcaltli employ } ^ The merchant who finds out a jirocious ftone Of worth immcnfe, to purchafe that alone Sells all his wares, and anxious for the prize, Th' invaluable gem with tranfport buys. ^[ Again, this parable lot me propofe. His net into the fea a filher throws. Within whofe narrow meflics are confin'd Filhes that vary both in lize and kind. The net well fill'd ho llowly drags to fliore, Configns the ufeful to their proper (lore. But cafls the bad away. Thus at the end God's holy angels fliall from heaven dofcend, Who fliall the wicked fever from the jult. And into flaming furnaces fliall tliruft^, G Whcir • Pfalm Ixxviii. 2. 5° THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Where evcrlafting horror Ihall prevail, And eacli loft foul its dreadful ftatc bewail. Have you, faid Jefus, undcrllood my word? RefpeiStively they anfwcred him, yea, Lord. He added, thus each Scribe that would explain The truths that gofpel-myfteries contain. Is like a houfehoider, who trom his hoard Does precious treafure, new and old, afford. •[[ Thefe parables when Jefus had difplay'd. No longer in that neighbourhood he ftay'd; But going thence> his native country fought. And in their Synagogues tlic people taught ; Who with aftonillimcnt the \\ifdom heard. And felt the power that in his fpeech appcar'd. W^E know that Jofeph is his fire, they faid. Our neighbour, and a carpenter by trade. Mary his mother, Jofes, Simon, James, And Judas are his feveral brothers' names. His fifters, too, amongft us make abode : Whence then the learning on this man beftow'd ? And all conceiv'd offence. Then Jefus faid,. Refpeft and honor are to prophets paid. Except by their own countrymen, and thofe The train of their relations that compofe. And there few miracles he wrouglit : reftraiit'd By unbelief, his doftrine that difdain'd CHAPTFJ? SAINT MATTHEW. 51 CHAPTER XIV. Herod's opinion of Chrijl.— Wherefore John the Baptiji was beheaded.— Jefus departeth into a dcfert place, where he feedeth five thoufand men with five loaves and twp fifties. — He walketh on the fea to his difciples : and landing at Gennefaret, healeth the fick by only touching the hem of his garment. AT that time Herod, fecond of the name. Was told of Jefus by the voice of fame. The King, aftonifh'd, to his fervants faid, 'Tis John the' Baptift rifcii from the dead. Whom I beheaded : and from him proceeds This vaft fucccffion of amazing deeds. Now Herod, for Herodias's fake. His brother Philip's wife, (who burn'd to take Revenge on John) to prifon had convey 'd Her kind reprover, who fo boldly faid. It is not lawful for thee to efpoufc Thy brother's wife, engag'd by former vows. Fear of the people o'er the King prevail'd, Or, John, whom all men as a prophet hail'd. To fate an irritated woman's jiride. Would have a victim to her malice died. Soon after, Herod, on his natal day, A banquet gave, his fplcndor to difplay. The daughter of Herodias being there, Danc'd with fuch facinating grace and air. That Herod fworc, afk, and thou (halt receive Whatever boon 'tis in my po\Aer to give. The damfcl, tutor 'd by her mother, faid, My fole demand is John the Baptill's head G Z HEROi' THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Herod, though (hock'd at the requcft, complied. Both tor his oath's fake, and the guclts befidc. The bloody bulinefs a foldier wrought. And on a charger laid, the head was brought. The gore-ftain'd gitt prefented to the maid. To the glad mother was with fpecd convey 'd : And John's difciples, hearing ot his docni, Rcmov'd the corpfe, and laid it in a tomb. ^ His fate when Jefus heard, he crofs'd the lake. To a lone place his pcrfon to betake ; Which when the people learnt, his fteps they trac'd,. Until they found him in the defert wafte. ^ Evening approaching, his difciples faid. Send them away that they may purchafe bread, jefus obferv'd, w hat need for their retreat ? Look in your ftore, and turnifli them with meat. With five loaves and two fiOies, they replied. How can a mafs like this be fatisfied? Bring them to me, he faid, and place in ranks The multitude upon the turfy banks. Then handling the provifions, with his eyes Devoutly raifed,. and pointed to the (kies ; He blefs'd, he brake, and dealt around the bread By which five thoufand men were amply fed. Not counting w:omcn and the numerous train Of children that fuch multitudes contain : And they the fragments that colJecied found What filled twelve bafkcts, fcalter'd o'er the ground •[ Then the difciples by the Lord's command, Whilft he difmifs'd the people, reach'd the land Acrofs the lake. This talk perform'd, he went Up to a mount ; the evening where he fpent In prayer. The veiTel that the twelve convey 'd By adverfe winds was on her paflage flav'd. Jefu< SAINT MATTHEW. 5^ Jcfus approach'd in the fourth watch of night. With Ik'ady fteps, and attitude upright; WhiJil. the difciples, as he came more near, Scream'd, 'tis a fpirit, llupified with fear. But Jefus ftraightway fpeaking to them, faid, Be of good cheer ; 'tis I : be not afraid. If it be tliou, Lord, Peter anfwer'd, fay Come , and I'll meet thee on the watery way. Jefus faid, come ; when Peter, firmly bent To (hew his courage, on the billows went ; But, finding the wind boifterous, fear prevail'd. His confidence in the Ihort trial fail'd : And finking gradually, aid he implor'd. Crying, with fervor, help me, help me, Lord! Jesus immediately, with hand ftretch'd out Caught him, exclaiming, wherefore didll: thou doubt, O thou of little faith I — Receiv'd on board. The tempcil ccas'd, and calmnefs was reftor'd. The trembling failors at his feet confefs'd His power, and as the SON of GOD addrefs'd. 5f They landed at Gennefaret, in which town When the illufirious ftranger was made known,. Throughout the country ftrittefl: fearch was made, And all their fick to Jefus were convey'd ; Preferring earnefily this fliort recjueft That they might touch the border of his vefl: ; When all who touch'd it, forely thougli difeas'd. Were from their fevoral maladies relcas'd. CHAP ILK ;4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XV. Chrijl reprobiii the Scribes and Pharifees for transgrejfmg God's commandments through their traditions : teacheth how man is not defiled by what enters the month : he hea/eth the daughter of a Canaanitijli woman, and many others. — With /even loaves, a'ui a fezv fnia!.' fifties, he fcedeth four thonfand men, befides women and children. THEN came the Scribe and Pharifaic bands. Exclaiming ticrcely, with unwallicn hands Why do thy followers prefume to eat. And thus contemptuoufly tradition treat? But Jcfus anfwer'd, why dare ye tranfgrcfs The laws of God, and vacate holincfs ? \\ hy the commandments impioufly prefume To change, and place tradition in their room ? God fays, to parents love and honor give ; And thofe that curfe them fuffer not to live. Ye fay, on parents who a gift beftows, Cancels all obligations that he owes; Acquires a right to pradtife difrefpeft, And make divine commands of non-effe£l. Ye hypocrites ! well doth Kfaias fciy* " In words this people fervent zeal difplay ; " But where is truth, finccrity of heart, " And all that decorate the inward part ? " For, whilfl by human do£lrines they explain " The laws of God, they worfliip me in vain : •[ Then call'd the multitude on cither hand. And thus exorted, — hear and undcrlland. 'Tis not what enters man that can defile. But what comes out that blots the foul with guile. Then * Ifaiah xxix. i«. S'^VINT MA1TI11-:\V. 55 Then to ihcir maflcr the difciples came. Saying, thy words the Pharifces inflame. Jcfus replied, how fair fo'cvcr they flioot. None but my Father's plants fliall e'er take root. Let thcni alone, blind leaders of the blind ; Who with their guides lliall fure dellrucHon find. O' Peter, intreating him, faid, gracious' Lord !" Explain, we pray thee, this myfterious word. Jefus re])]icd, when will ye learn to think ? The mouth what paiVes, whetlxr meat or drink. Goes through its procefs ; and when that is o'er. Of courfe is voided in the common iliore. But what defile, forth from the mouth proceed_, Kvil in thought, exprellion, and in deed ; Adulteries, fornicalious, murders, lies, Thefts, difobedience, oaths, and blafphemics .: 'Iliefe are tranfgretTions of divine commands. Not fo is eating with unwafhen hands. ^[ To Sidon's neighbourhood he then repair'd, Where thus a Canaanite her grief declar'd ; O Lord, thou fon of David! gracious hear: And let thy mercy in my aid appear. Relieve my daughter, grievoufly dirtrefs'd,. Who by an evil fpirit is polTels'd. Remaining filent, his difciples pray'd. Let the poor fuppliant be no more delay 'd ; Fur (he ri'tards our progrcfs with her cries : To the loft llKcp of Ifracl, he replies, Is my commifllon. Earned flie implor'd, And worlliipp'd, crying, help me, help me. Lord ! lie anfwer'd, is it proper, in their ftead DoiTs lliould be nourifli'd, with the children's bread I Truth 56 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Truth, Lord 1 llic faid, but yet the crumbs though fmalJ, The dogs may eat, that from the table fall. woman 1 Jcfus anfvver'd, great indeed Thv faith: and fully Ihall that faith fuccecd. From her complaint tliy daughter is releas'd ; And from that inftant her diforder ceas'd. Departing thence, he journey'd near the fea That waflies all the coaft of Galilee. Up to a mount he walk'd ; but there, purfucd. Me fat furrounded by a multitude ; Who carneftly for mercy did intreat, Their lame, their dumb, and blind before his feet. Calling ; all whom he heal'd. The wondering croud. Seeing each fpecies of difeafe fubdued. Their pious hearts to heaven devoutly rais'd. With gratitude the God of Ifrael prais'd. % Jests obferv'd, with pity am I mov'd For the fatigue the multitude have prov'd. Three days have they continued on their feet, Depriv'd of all the means to purchafc meat. 1 cannot fend them thus to their abode. Left they fliould faint and perilli on the road. What mode, faid the difciples, can fupply Bread that this multitude might latisfy i' He alk'd, what loaves have ye ? feven they replied j And fome fmall fillies are in ftore befide. Then, feating them, the fillies and the bread He gave, by which five thoufand men were fed^ Befides the women, and tlie numerous train Ot children fuch enormous crouds contain. Then, fending ail the multitude away. He crofs'd the lake ; and came to Magdala. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW CHAPTER XVI. 57 The Pharifees require a ftgn. — Jf/'w tvarneth his difciples againji the leaven of the Pkari- fees and Sadduces. — The people's opinion of Chrijl-y and Peter s confejion of him. — "Jefm foreJJieweth his death, reproving Peter for diffuaiing him from it : and admoniflieth thofe that will follow him, to bear the crofs. THE Pharifees and Sadduces, infpir'd With captious thoughts, a fign from heaven required. He anfwer'd, when the iky with rednefs glows At eve, ye fay tTiat tint fair weather fliows. And, on a morn, ye fcruple not to fay, This gloomy red portends a difraal day. Grofs hypocrites ! thefe ligns ye quickly learn : Thofe of the times why will ye not difcern.^ A wicked and adulterous race require A fign : but fliall not have what they defire. Let them to that of Jonas look, he faid ; And from their company dilclalnful fled. When his difciples reached the further fide. None had their bread remember'd to provide. ^ Jefus at that time charg'd them thus : Beware ; The leaven of the Pharifees with care Avoid. Then each to his companion faid, Thus he rebukes us for the want of bread. Knowing their weak conjedlure, he replied. Think not I meant your negligence to chide. O ye of little faith ! why waftc a thought On fuch a tririe that no bread ye brought ? Forget ye when five thoufand men were fed. How ye took up twelve balkets full of bread' H And 58 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO And from four tlioufand, after they had cat, Whut yc collected of the broken meat r How could ye mtfinterpret my intent, Nor think, their doftrines, not their bread, I meant: ^ Jefus from thence to Ccfarca came, Diftinguilh'd by the Tetrarch Philip's name; \\'here he demanded, tell me if ye can, What fay the people of the Son of Man ? Thus queflion'd, the difciplcs faid, in thee Some think reviv'd the Baptilt, John, they fee ; Elias fome, fome Jeremias deem Thou art ; but as a prophet all eftcem. Jefus then urg'd, your fentiments declare, About mv perfon conftantly that are. Peter, with confidence made this reply. Thou art the Chrifi, the fon of God mofl: high. Blefs'd art thou Bar-jona, Jefus faid. Not man to thee hath tliis difcovery made- My Father, who in heaven hath fix'd his throne. This truth myfterious only could make known. And, mark me, Peter; firm upon this rock I build my church, which ne'er fubverfive fliock Shall feel. Againft it all affaults fliall fail; Nor ever ihall the gates of hell prevail. Moreover, tliis great privilege receive ; Into thy hands the gofpel-keys I give ; That whatfoever thou on earth fliall bind. Shall not above the lead remilFion find : And whatfoe'er on earth thou flialt unchain, Confirm'd by heaven, fliall in that (late remain. Then charg'd he his difciplcs to beware. Saying, to none that 1 am Chrift declare. From SAINT MATTHFAV. 59 % From tljat time, Jofus, anxious they ihould know The numerous fufferings he muft undergo, Said, to Jerufalcm I muft needs repair, To meet indignities that wait mc there. From Elders, Priefts, and Scribes. My death is nigh, Which only can their malice fatisfy : Rut let not this prediction give you pain. For the third day I fliall be rais'd again. Peter, indignant, took, the Lord afide, And thus, in angry tone, began to chide : Be this far from thee. Lord ; thy words forego ; I truft thcfe fuflcrings thou flialt never knowj Bur, Jefus, turning, faid, get thee behind, Satan ! thy words are odious to my mind. Thy profpefls merely to the world incline, Rcgardlefs totally of views divine. Jesits concluded witli this brief addrefs. Let this fix'd principle your minds imprefs, He that would follow me muft felf deny. Take up his crofs, and keep me in his eye. Who ftrives to fave, Ihall lofe his life ; whilft he For me who rifques it, fliall a gainer be ; For what advantage would a man obtain His foul who lofes, though the world he gain .'' Or what fo precious through creation's range. He would not part with for his foul's exchange ? For, in his Father's glory, from on high, Whilft hoils of angels round his pcrfon fly, 'Ihe Son of Alan in awtul ftate fliall come To fcal the good man's blifs, the fmncr's doom. H 2 CllAPTKR 60- THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XMf. The tra;nfignration of Chrijl. — He healeth a lunatic ; forelch his JufferingSy and payeth tribute. SOON after, Jefus with a cliofcn few, John, James, and Peter, to a mount withdrew^ On whofe high fummit, to their vaft furprize, Inftant his form was chang'd before their eves. His face as the meridian fun was bright ; And all liis garments glittering as the light. Lo ! Mofes and Elias next appcar'd, And with their mailer communing were heard. Glorious their form ; and of that end they fpakc Which at Jerufalem he flioiild fhortly make. Peter obferv'd to Jefus, gracious Lord! What greater happinefs can cartli afford Than to reft here r permit us then to raife Three tabernacles in this hallow'd place ; One for thyfelf; one Mofes {hall contain; And for hiias fliall the third remain. Whilst yet he fpake, a voice within a cloud Exceeding bright, proclaim'd diftinft and loud, Thefe words — attend to my beloved fon. By whom ray pleafurc is completely done. With terror ftruck at the tremendous found. Fell the difciples proftratc on the ground : But Jefus touching them, with mildnefs faid Arife, my friends, and ceafe to be atraid. When they look'd up the glorious men were goiie. And, wonderful ! their mafter left alone. Jesus SAINT MATTHEW. $i Jesus dcfccnding from the mount, at large Touching the viiion gave this folemn charge, Spealc ye not of it, even in diilant wife. Till from the dead the Son of Man arifc. Say then, urg'd the difciples, on what ground Thofe to the people that the law expound Affert Elias firll muft come ? 'Tis true, Jefus replied ; and all things iliall renew. But, mark me — difregarded and unknown, Elias to this people hath been fliown, Who us'd him as they will'd ; and like ncglcSt The Son of Man mull at their hands expett. Then the diftiples fathom'd his intent ; And knew 'twas John the baptift, whom he meanti ^ Approaching to the multitude, a man Kneeling to Jefus, thus his prayer began ; Have mercy. Lord ! upon my fon's diftrefs. Whom fits of epilepfy fore opprefs. Then Jefus afk'd the father, can'ft thou tell Firft on thy fon when this atBitlioii fell ; Who anfwer'd, even from infancy he knew The dire complaint, which with his ftature grew. Suddenly fciz'd, he frequent in the fire Or water falls; unable to retire. To thy difciples brought, they could not cure His ill, which yet with violence does endure. Can'll thou believe with firmnefs, Jefus faithi For every thing is pofilble to faith. The father, in an agony of grief, Cried, I believe ; Lord ! help mine unbelief. Ah, faithlefs generation ! Jefus faid, How long mud I bear with you, and upbraid ? Bring him to me ; then from the da;mon's power Rcleas'd, and heal'd him in that vcrv hour. In 62 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO In private manner the difciples came, Afking, why fail'd wc to perform the fame? Tlirough unbelief, he anfwer'd ; for, indeed Had your faith equall'd, as it were the feed Of milliard, to this mount yc might have faid Move to yond place, and it fl)ould have obcy'd. Nothing fliall be impolTibJc to vou ; But prayer and faffing muft thi^ clafs fubdue. ^ Whilst their abode in Gallilee they made. The Son of Man, faid he, Ihall be betray'd Into the hands of men, and fliall be flain ; But the third day fliall he be rais'd again. With thefe unwelcome tidings deep imprefs'd, Silent they fiood, whilft forrow fill'd each breail. I'Intering Capernaum, tliofc that tribute take Came up to Peter, their demand to make, Aflcing him, docs your mailer tribute pay ? Who fatisfied them by replying, yea. Peter then went to Jefus, well who knew He came to afk him for the tribute due; And thus addrefs'd him, Simon, can'ft thou tell To pay their tribute whom do kings compel ; Aliens, or fubjects? what appears to thee? He anfwer'd aliens. Subjects, then, are free, Jcfus rejoin'd : yet, left they make pretence. We mean to give intentional otfence. Walk to the fea, cad in a hook, and wait For the firll filli that fliall attack the bait. \Micn taken, ope his mouth, and with the coin It AkiII contain, my tribute pay, and thine. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. 63 CHAPTER XVIII Chrijl warns his difciples to be humble and harm/efs, to avoid offences, and not to defpifs the little ones : teacheth how v:e are to treat our offending brethren, and how oft to forgive them ; tvhich he explains by a parable of the king who fettled accowUs with his fervants, and puniJJied him who fliewed no mercy to his fellow fervant . THEN the difciples urg'd liim to declare Who in God's kingdom, rank fuperior bare ? Calling a little child, he thus repreft The towering pride which rofe in every breaft. He plac'd him in the midft of them, and faid, Till in your minds a thorough change be made. And ye become as children, 'tis in vain MclTiah's kingdom that ye hope to gain. He who fliall humble as this child be grown. Will I, as greateft in my kingdom own ; And one of thefe who in my name receives. Shows that he cordially on me believes : But whofo (whatfoevcr the pretence) 'Gainft; one of thefe fhall meditate offence. Far better for him were a millflone hung About his neck, and fuch oilcnder Hung Into the ocean's cavity profound, \nd in its depth be miferably drown'd. •[ Woe to th' offending world ! oflcnce will come. But no offender fliall cfcape his doom. if then thy hand, or foot, thy fnarc Ihould prove. Thy hand or foot determine to remove : For better mutilated to remain. Than bear the torment of eternal pain. And 64 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO And if thine eye occafion thcc to fall, Forth from its fockct pluck the treacherous ball: For better with a fingle eye to know Eternal life, than enter hell with two. Take heed then by my words: learn to be wife.; Nor, daringly, the Icaft of thefe defpife, ■Becaufe their Angels occupy a place In heaven, and conftant view my Father's face. The Son of Man that which was loft to find Came, and to fpread falvation through mankind. In a man's flock an hundred fheep fuppofe. If even but one of them his way fliould lofe, Would not the owner ferioufly incline To feck that one, and leave the ninety-nine, Urging o'er tracklefs mounts his lonely way To find the helplefs flieep that went aftray ? Even fo your heavenly Father would not choofc The meaneft of thcfe little ones to lofe. 5 Moreo\cr, if thy brother fliould offend. Between yourfelves his condu£l reprehend. If he fubmit, thy purpofe is obtain'd. The trefpafs pardon'd, and thy brother gain'd. But, fhould he ftill continue his ncgleft. One or more witncfles he may rcfpcft. If yet, contemptuoufly, he perfevere. Let thy complaint before the Church appear. And fliould he, finally, reje£t this plan, Count him an heathen, or a publican. Of this be certain, what on earth ye bind, In heaven fliall fimilar reftri£tion find : And what by you on earth fliall be forgiven, ^^'iIl be confirm'd and ratified by heaven. Again SAINT MATTHE^^^ 65 Again — if any two of you defirc In prayer a blefling which your Hates require, Howe'er extcnfive be the boon you want, That, richly, Ihall your heavenly Father grant : For wherefoever on earth's f|)acious bound But two or three aflenibled iliall be found. Who their petitions olTer in my name, There in the midll, with certainty I am. ^ Then Peter afk'd him, Lord ! how often ought Pardon to follow on a brother's fault ? For fcven offences Ihall he be forgiven ? Jefus replied, nay more than fcven ty-feven. Therefore the kingdom of GOD's heavenly grace Is like a Prince of an illuftrious race, Who of his fervants took a ftrift account, To learn how high his riches might amount. One, it appeared, ten thoufand talents ow'd ; Nor could he leffen the tremendous load. The Prince then ordered. Seize on all his gold ; Be even himfelf, his wife, and children fold. That fomcthing may be rais'd. The wretch forlorn, Doom'd from all earthly comfort to be torn. Fell at the feet of his incenfed Lord, And thus rcmiffion earneftly implor'd: Mercy, O ! mercy, gracious Lord, exprefs, Nor let my crimes thefe innocents diftrefs: On me let undefcrv'd companion fall. And I will labour to repay thee all. The bounteous Prince, touch'd to his inmofl foul, Rais'd him, and frankly pardoned him the whole: But mark I the man, humanely thus reliev'd, Mis own tbrgivcncfs fcarccly had receiv'd, I l'>c 66 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Ere at a fcllow-fcrvant's tliioat he flew, Exclaiming, Pay the hundred pence my due. The miferable debtor at his feet Proftrate fell down, for mercy to intreat, In vaui ; the ruthlefs man fcorn'd to relent^ And his companion to clofe prifon fent. The miferies of confinement to fuftain. Till not one farthing of the debt remain. Shock'd at his cruelty, with one accord The fervants haftcd to inform their Lord, Who thus addrefs'd him with a brow fevere i Vileft of men, thy dreadful fentence hear. Drag him far hence, and into darknefs cad. Even into darknefs wliich ihall ever laft ; Where fighs, and groans, and anguifli, and defpair Are the dire portion fucli a wretch fhall fliare. Thus fliall my heavenly Father deal with you. If, when inveterate foes for mercy fue. Ye do not freely from your hearts forgive. And bid the penitent offenders live. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW^ 67 CHAPTER XIX. Chrijl healeth the Jick ; anfivereth the Pharifees concerning divorcement ; JJieweth when marriage is necejfary ; receiveth little children ; inJiruSls the young man how to attain eternal life ; and how to be perfeSl : informs his difciples how difficult it is for a rick man to enter into the kingdom of God: and promifeth reward to thofe that forfake any thing, to folloiv him. THEN, leaving Galileo, he took his way To Judah's bounds, that near to Jordan lay ; Whither his name a numerous concourfe brought ; Whom, in accuftom'd mode, he heal'd and taught. ^ Some fubtile Pharifees were likcwife there. Who queflion'd thus, with purpofe to enfnare ; Say, docs the law permit a man, to choofe For trivial caufes to difmifs his fpoufe? Jesus replied, when God creation plann'd. Both male and female ilTued from his hand. For this caufe Ihall a man his parents leave. And, with afiettion to his wife Ihall cleave. Forming one Hclh- They, therefore, are not twain. But, as incorporated, one remain. Wherefore, whom GOD hath join'd in mind and heart. Let not the laws of man prefumc to part. Why then did Mofes, they replied, command A writing of divorce within her hand The man to put : and, by that form, through life i\o more be bound to treat her as his wife ? I 2 For 68 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO For the peculiar hardnefs of your heart (From which no proof appears that ye depart) He anfvver'd, Mofes authoriz'd divorce; Which from no earlier date derives its fource. But mark, vvlioe'er repudiates his fpoufe. Except for breach of matrimonial vows, Commits adultery: and whoe'er lliall wed A woman thus divorc'd, the marriage-bed Adulteroufly defiles. Nor ends it here. Her fliare of truilt the woman too fliall bear. ^ This granted, the difciples faid, 'tis plain Prudence from wedlock urges to refrain. He anfwcr'd, to the continent alone This faying, hard to be receiv'd, is known. Some are born eunuchs : art can eunuchs make ; And fome live eunuchs for the gofpel's fake. He therefore that can appetite reftrain Alone is caution'd iingle to remain. *I[ Then were young children to his prefence brought. And he to touch them earneftly befought; But his difciples at their zeal difpleas'd, Rebuk'd them, left their Mafter fliould be teaz'd. Jesus, obferving them, exclaim'd. Forbear, Prohibit not, but let them be brought near, For fuch compofe God's kingdom : which to find Requires, like theirs, a duftile lowly mind : TTien laid his hands on all the infant race. And with his benedl£tion left the place. Good Mafter, then a ruler pray'd, explain What 1 muft do eternal life to gain. Jefus replied, why give to me the name Of good, a title God alone can claim? Thou SAINT MATTHEW. 6^, Thou knowcfl: the commandments ; do not Ileal, Neither with any fraudulently deal. Honor thy parents ; no falle witnefs bear ; Keep from adultery, and from murder clear -, And let your conduft evidently prove Like to yourfclves your neighbour that you love. Matter, he anfwer'd, I can vouch for truth, Thcfe precepts have I kept from earJicft youth. What lack I more? Perfeftion to attain. Yet does one trial, Jefus faid, remain. Sell thine ellate, and give it to the poor ; So flialt thou be enriched with heavenly ftore : Then come and follow me. This when he heard,, Deje£tion in his countenance appear'd ; For he had great poirelTions : and his heart From its lov'd idol could not bear to part. ^ Then Jefus his difciples thus addrcfs'd. With difficulty thofe of wealth poflefs'd Enter God's kingdom. At his words amaz'd, All, as if ftruck with ftupcfaftion, gaz'd : But Jefus thus explain'd. Children, how hard For thofe who truft in riches, to regard God's kingdom ? Such as in their wealth confide. On that depending, know no trult bclidc. A camel eaficr his vaft bulk may ply. And work his pafTage through a needle's eye. Than man polluted by a worldly mind Into God's kinjrdom can admittance find. Loll in aftonilhment, all murmur'd who On thcfe conditions can falvation know? He anfwer'd, God no difficulty finds In things impoffible to human minds. ^ Peter obfcrv'd in vaunting manner, we Oiu- all have quitted, and have follow 'd thee y And 70 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO And what is our reward ? Jefus replied, Ye that, regenerate, with me abide, Shall, when exalted at the laft great day The Son of Man his glory fliall difplay, Seate • Exodus iii. 6. tJi THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Jcfus replied, the LORD thy GOD fliall be With mind, with heart, and foul belov'd by thee. This is tlic firft commandment ; and the reft May in this brief compendium be expreft ; Thy kindncfs to thy neighbour thou flialt prove By loving him as thou thyfelf doft love. For thefe two precepts to the full explain All that the prophets and the law contain. ^ Together whilft the Pharifees remain'd. He alk'd what thoughts of Chrift they entertain'd. Whofe fon is he ? they anfwer'd, David's ; Why By infpiration, then, was his reply. Does David call him LORD? when thus he fays, * " Take at my right hand thine exalted place, " Till I tliy foes fliall utterly defeat, " Making them ftools whereon to fet thy feet." If then his Lord David Meffiah own. How can ye make him to be David's fon ? But none could anfwer hin> ; nor durft repeat Queftions which fliew'd their ignorance and deceit. CHAPTER Pfalm ex.. X. SAINT MATTHEW. 3 J CHAPTER XXIII. Chiji admomJJicth the people to follow the good doclrine, not the evil examples of the Scribes and Pharifees; and cautions his difciples to beware of their ambition. — He demwiceth eight woes againfl their kypocrify, and blindnefs : and propheftcth of the definition of Jerufalem. THEN Jefus his difciples thus addrefs'd And all the multitude that round him prefs'd ; The Scribes and Pharifees claim Mofes' feat ; Their precepts, therefore, with obfervance treat. But from their worlcs refrain. Seemingly ftridl. All their commands their alliens contradict. On others flioulders ponderous loads they lay. But from their own the burdens ihovc away. They truft their zeal the people will commend ; Hence their phylacteries in breadth extend. Hence they enlarge the borders of their vefts ; Ufurp the highell: place at public fcafts, Chict feats in fynagogues ; and in the flreet Expe6l that all their pcrfons humbly greet, Calling them Rabbi, Rabbi : but for you. That appellation carefully efchew ; For one your mafler is, even Chrift: and yc, As brethren, know no inequality. On earth call no man father. Him alone Who dwells in heaven as your father own. Chritl is your teacher : that fupcrior name See that ve, therefore, totallv difclaim. 1 le tliat amongll: vou would be groat, muft fall In rank, and be the fcrvant ot vou all ; L / TJ« S4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO He wlio exalts liiinfclf, lliall be abas'd : The truly liumblc only can be raifed. Woe be to you, ye hypocritic tribes, Vain leaders of the Pharifees and Scribes ! That againft others lliut the doors of grace ; Nor even yourfelvcs the Gofpel's terms embrace. Woe to you, hypocrites ! that art and power Employ the widow's pittance to devour ; And, for pretence, long-laboured prayers repeat. Your condenuiation fully to complete. Woe to you. Scribes and Pharifees! who take Long journeys one weak profel) te to make; And, when perverted, make him twofold more The cliikl of hell than were yourfelvcs before. Woe to you purblind cafuifls ! who declare Void ot all force thofe obligations are Sworn by the temple ; whilft the temple's gold Gives ftrength to oaths, and makes their fanttion hold. \ e fools, and blind ! the temple mufl;, of courfe. Endow the gold with all its weight and force. Again, ye fay, who by the altar fvvears, No guilt, his oath though he perform not bears; But by the git't that on the altar lies Who fwears, is guilty if he falfifies His oath. Ye fools I what w^orth the gift can know Mull: from the fanftifying altar flow. Who by the temple fwears, to him appeals His glory in that temple who reveals: And he who fwears by heaven, fwears by the throne Of God, and likewife him that fits thereon. Who by the altar therefore fwears, thereby Not only fwears but all thereon that lie. Ye SAINT MATTHEW. g-; Ye hypocrites ! ye fcrupuloufly obferve Never from paying tythes of herbs to fwcrve : But the more weighty matters of the law. Faith, jullice, mercy, value not a flraw. Thefe ought ye principally to refpeft ; And not to treat the others wilh nesle£t. Blind guides! who for a gnat your liquor llrain, Whilft in your draught a camel fliall remain. Woe to you. Scribes and Pharifees ! whofe care Extends to making your exterior fair. Your cups and plates, without, ye cleanfe and drefs. Within dcfil'd with rapine and excefs. Pure, firft, blind Pharifee I thine infide make ; Then, what's without, of neatnefs may partake. Woe to you, hvpocrites ! whofe outfides ftrike: For ve to whited fcnulchres arc like. Both beauteous, fuperficially when feen ; But fill'd with all that's filthy and obfcene. Thus, while to men a righteous face ye bear. Within hypocrify and guilt appear. Woe to you, hypocrites ! who vainly build The prophets' tombs, whom your forefathers kill'd : And talfely fay, had we then iiv'd, their guilt We had not fhar'd, nor righteous blood had fpilt. Againfl vourfelves ye therefore witnefs bear, That ye're the children of each murderer. Halle then, who thus iniquity can mete ; The meafure of your fathers fins complete. Ye brood of vipers, malk'd in human fliape ! Gehenna's punilhmcnt how can ye 'fcape ? I therefore Prophets, Sages, Scribes, will fend. To whom your rage fliall varioufly extend. Some (hall \e murder, others crucify, Some in your fynagogues with fcourges ply, X^'hiill 86 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Whilfl; fome from city fliall to city run. Your perfecuting cruelty to Ihun. Thus fliall the terribly-increafing flood From Abel's down to Zachariah's blood, Whom near the altar your forefathers flew. Reft on your heads, and be requir'd of you. I tell you, on this generation all, Predided now, undoubtedly fliall fall. Jerusalem! thou that doft the Prophets Jcill, And ftoneft ihofc to flicker thee from ill That ftrive ; oft have I as the hen doth try To fave her tender brood when danger's nigh, To the fame ftate thy children fought to bring. And hide them, as it were, beneath my wing, But ye would not ? — Alas ! the day is near, When every houfe deferted fliall appear; For henceforth will I vifit you no more, Till my approach -with bleflings ye implore, CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. S; CHAPTER XXIV. Chrifi foretelkth the deftruElion of the temple ; -what and how great calamties Jltall precede it : — The figns of his coming to Judgment : and becaufe that day and hour are wiknoiun, we ought to watch like good fervants, in conflant expe£lation of our maflers coming. AS Jefus left the temple on a da)v The grandeur of its llrutlure to difplay Some followers drove ; but Jefus in reply Obferv'dj Thofe beauties which attract the eye Shall fliorlly perilh : for the time's at hand When not one ftone Oiall on anotlier (land. ^ Curious to learn when the dread time fliould come That this vaft edifice niuft meet its doom, Whilft on the olive-mount he took his feat, They came in private manner to intreat Some information, faying. Gracious Lord ' Inllruclion on this weighty head afford : Tell us what figns thy coming fliall attend. And what ihall indic:ite the age's end. jefus replied to their demands, Beware, . And keep yourfelvcs from each infidious fnarc. Many fliall ufe my name, and cry, Helicve On me, the Chrifi ; and numbers fliall deceive. Of wars and hollilc rumours ye fliall hear ; But let not rumours fill your hearts with fear, Becaufe thofe things mull happen : but the end Will not on caufes of this kind depend. Nation 'gainfl nation holtilely fliall rife ; States againft flatea dcflrutlion fliall dcvifc,. F.uninc S3 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Famine and peftilence wade every place, And earthquakes terrify the human race. Thefc awful forrows previoufly lliall come : Tremendous portents of tlie pending doom ! Then fliall ye death from various tortures find. And, for my fake, be hated of mankind. Many will take offence ; many fliall fail , Grofs treachery and hatred iliall prevail ; Falfe Prophets lliall arife ; lliall be believ'd ; And, to their ruin, numbers be decciv'd. Ilarden'd hv prattice ^ ice (liall grow more bold ; The love of righteoufnefs lliall wax more cold ; But he in holinefs that fliall endure, Shall his falvation finally fecurc. To all the world this gofpcl flial! be preach'd ; And, wlien its witnefs has all nations reach'd, Expe6f the end. \\'hcn therefore, ye behold Th' abomination, anticntly foretold By * Daniel, occupy the holy place, (May he that reads, the meaning wifely trace) Let thofe that in Judea refiant be. For fafety to the diftant mountains flee. Let them on the houfe-top proceed, nor flay To take their precious furniture away. That hour if any in the field fhall find. Let him not turn, but leave his cloaths behind. Bit woe to them with pregnancy opprefs'd, And thofe whofe infants hang upon the breaft. That your Hight come not in tiic winter, pray. Nor that it happen on the fabbath-day ; For fuch aflliction terrible and fore. As fince creation ne'er was known before, * Daniel ix. 27. xii. 1 1. N or SAINT MATTHEW. 89 Nor ever will again, fliall then prevail ; And, fliould not Providence the term curtail, Few would furvive : but for his chofen's fake The trial fliort in mercy God will make. Should any cry, lo ! Chrift is here or there, Lend not to words devoid of truth your ear. Fictitious Clirifts and Prophets fliall arife. Shewing great figns, and wonderous prodigies : And, from delufion did not grace proteft. What would impofe even upon God's eleft. Remember therefore what I now declare. How thus forewarn'd of thefe events ye are. Wherefore, if in the defert they fliall cry He refts, reftrain your curiofity. If in tlic fccret chambers they aver He dwells, my words to their report prefer : For, as the lightning, darting from the eaft. With inflant motion gilds the diflant wefl: ; On fuch a quick, but more tranfccndant plan Shall be the coming of the Son of Man. Lur'd by the fccnt, where'er the carcafe lies. Thither, for prey, the famifli'd eagle flies. ^ Instantly after thefe diflireflmg days Darknefs fliall intercept the folar rays. The ftars fliall fall ; the moon her light conceal ; And all the powers of heaven difunion feel. Then fliall the Son of Man's peculiar fign Illuftrious in the flarry regions fliine. Karth's various tribes fliall mourn when they behold The clouds of heaven on cither fide unfold ; Whilfl: cloth'd with power, in terrible array, The Son of Man his glory fliall difplay. His angels with the trumpet's awtul found Shall funnnon his cle£l, difpcrs'd around. M Ail 90 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO All fliall convene from earth's extremeft end. And both the hemifpheres the chofen fend. <|[ A PARABLE now from tlic fig-tree learn ; In whofe young branch the leaves when ye difccrn. All judge the fummer nigh. So likcwife ye When thcfe portending lignals ye fliall fee, Know that the time impends. In truth I fay, This generation fliall not pafs away. Ere thefe predictions fliall their courfe commence. And be fulfill'd in the completefl fenfe : For rather fliall the univcrfe decay, Than my leaft word pafs incomplete away. ^I The knowledge of this awful day and hour Is kept from every human being's power : They are not even to heavenly angels known, But for the Father are referv'd alone. As were the days ere Noah's flood began. Shall be the advent of the Son of Man : For, as before the deluge did commence. Marriages, feftivals, and things of fenfe F.niploy'd their time until the very day When the flood came, and fwept them all away. So will it be when'er the Son of Man Shall come in glory, to complete his plan. Two men that day in the fame field fliall find ; One fliiall be taken, one be left behind. 'I'wo women grind at the fame mill : the one Be carried ofl^, the other left alone. Watch, therefore, for ye know not at what hour The Son fliall come to manifefl; his power. But if the mafter of the manfion knew At what dark hour would come the thievifli crew. He SAINT MATTHEW. .^, He would with certainty appoint a guard. And to rcpcl the ruffians be prcpar'd. If then there be a fervant juft and wife. On whom his Lord with confidence reHes To his whole houfehold to dilbibute meat. And guide the family by rules difcreet, Happv that fervant whom his Lord Ihall find Dirctling his concerns with prudent mind : Who to his mailer's intercit has adher'd ; For his integrity Ihall be preferr'd. But if that fervant in his heart fliall fay. My Lord unufually protrafts his flay, With cruelty his fellow-fervants treat. And with the profligate fliall drink and cat; His Lord in unexpefted hour fliall come. Cut him afunder, and pronounce his doom In common with the hypocrites to fliare Gnafliing of teeth and anguilh and defpair. M 2 CHAPTER 92 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XXV. The parable of the ten Firgins ; and of the talents : alfo the defcription of the lajl judgment. THEN fliall the kingdom of celeliial grace Be like ten virgins all oF equal race, Who took their lamps and went in meet array To meet a bridegroom on his homeward way. Five of the number were of prudent mind ; But the remainder foolillily inclin'd. Thefe, whofe vain thoughts on trifles were employ'd. Had lamps, indeed, but lamps of oil devoid ; Whillt their companions in their veflels bore The precious liuid in fufficient (tore. The bridesrroom tarrvinsr, all the vir Without the wretched profpe£l to expire ; For I was hungry, and ye gave no meat ; With drink fupplicd me not, when thirft was great ; When naked cloth'd me not ; unknown and poor, Open'd to me no charitable door ; Sick and in prifon, never near me came. To banifli want, and eafc my languid trame. Then fliall they fay, when to thy wants O Lord! Were we defir'd afliftance to atVord ? The king fliall anfwer, to my meaneft friend When ye refus'd afl'iflance to extend, 'Twas done to me. And thcfe to endlefs woe, Whilft thofe to everlafling blifs, fliall go. CH.\PTKi; ^6 THE GOSPML ACCORDING TO 'CHAPTER XXVI. The nders coufpire agahift Chrijl : A woman anoint eth his head : JuJas felletk him. Chrifi eateth the pajjover : injlituteth his holy fuppei- : prayeth in the garden ; where, being he- frayed by a kifs, he is carried to Caiaphas ; in tvhofe palace he is denied by Peter. AN end when Jefus of his words had made. To his difciples furthermore he faid, Ye know that two days hence the Jewifli ftate The pafchal ceremony celebrate: When by a preconcerted traitorous plan. His foes fliall crucify the Son of Man. Summon'd by Caiaphas the ciders met. The priefts, the fcribes, and all the fanguine fet, Confulting what devices to employ To feize on Jefus, and his life deflroy : But all agreed, not on the feftal day^ Left the mob rife, and fave our dcftined prey. ^1 Simon the leper Jefus did intreat With him, at Bethany, to take his meat. Whilft there, a woman brought into the room An alabafter box of rich perfume. The box flie brake, and upon Jefus' head The coftly compound of rich odours flied. All the difciples with indignant eye Beiield the fcene, and afk'd the reafon why This wafte ? for had the fragrant oil been fold. The poor had benefited by the gold. But Jefus check'd their murmurs, and declar'd. She for my funeral kindly has prepar'd. A charitable SAINT MATTHEW. 97 A charitable a£tion hath flie done; And whercfoe'er this gofpel fliall be known Shall this good deed be mention'd in her praife : The poor ye can relieve in different ways, For they are prefent with you : but not fo My cafe, preparing from this ftate to go. •[ One of the twelve, (for ever odious name) Judas Ifcariot to the chief-priefts came, Aflcing, what fum of money will ye pay. Into your hands if Jefus I betray? The terms were finiihed with detefted fpced ; For thirty coins of filver they agreed : And from that time all diligence he paid How Jefus to the priefts might be betray'd. ^ The folemn feafon of unlcaven'd bread Now came, when his difciples jointly faid, "Where would'ft thou pleafe that we ftiould furnilli meat That thou the paflbvcr may 'ft duly eat ? He anfwer'd, go to fuch a man, and fay The Mafter faith, my time brooks no delay ; And at thine houfe, with his peculiar friends. To keep the feaft of paffbver intends: And the difciples, as he had declar'd His will, to drefs the pafchal meal prepar'd. At eve he came, with each intended gueft ; And, whilft they ate, the twelve he thus addrcfs'd: Obferve my words : in folemn truth I fay. One of you twelve your Mailer fliall betray. Seiz'd with amazement, each began to cry With mourntul accent, Mafter, is it I ? He faid, the man who dips his hand with me In the fame dilli, that wretched man is he. N The yS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO The Son of Man mufl: go, as truth hath faid ; But woe to him, by whom he is bctray'd. Good had it been for him if lie had ne'er Been born fo vaft a weight of guilt to bear. Even Judas, liopiiig none his guilt could fpj. Audacious, aflc'd him, Maftcr ! is it I ? Jefus this penetrating anfwer made, Confcience muft tell thee, Judas, thou haft faid. •I DuRjNG the meal, Jefus took bread, and blefs'd. And breaking it, difpens'd it to the reft. Saying, take ye and eat ; for this is meant My body's fufterings to rcprefent. Then took the cup, gave thanks, and thus he fpake^ Giving it them, of this let all partake; For by this emblematic wine, my blood Of the new teftament is underftood. Shed for the benefit of all mankind, Remiflion of their fins that they may find. But, henceforth, in my father's kingdom, new Till I fliall drink the vine's rich juice with you Will I not tafte it. In an hymn of praife Then did they cheerfully their voices raife : And, moving from the houfe, with one confeni To their refort, the Mount of Olives, went. Then Jefus faid, this very night fliall ye Conceive offence, and on account of me : For thus, infpired, does Zechariah write, * " The flock fliall flee, when I the fiicpherd fmite:" But when again arifen I fliall be. Will 1 precede you into Galilee. Peter replied, though all fliould take offence. And to abandon thee forge bafe pretence. That * Zechariah xiii. 7. SAINT MATTHEW. That will not I. Jefus rejoin'd, this night Ere the cock's voice proclaim th' approach of ligh:, Thou (halt renounce me thrice. Peter's reply Was thus, with thee am I prepared to die, But never will deny thee : and the reft The fame refolve in ftrongeft terms expreft. ^ Proceeding further, to a place he came Of which Gethfemane's the proper name. He ordcr'd his difciples there to flay, Whilft to a dirtance he retir'd to pray : But he felecled Peter, James, and John ; When an amazing agony came on, So that he cried, my foul is fore diftreft. As with the fliarpeft pains of death oppreft; Tarry, and watch befide me. A fniall fpace He then advanc'd, and proftrate on his face Fell down, and pray'd. My father ! gracious prove. And, if 'tis poflible, this cup remove: Yet, notwithftanding, not my will alone. But, in this vaft concern, thy will be done. To his difciples going back, he found All faft aflccp, extended on the ground ; And faid to Peter, had ye not the power At my requeft to watch a fingle hour ? Watch ye, and diligence obferve in prayer. So fhall ye 'fcape Satan's deftru£tive fnare. Great willingnefs of mind may words befpcak ; But yet, alas ! the carnal part is weak. Once more retiring for celeftial aid. Again, in agony of foul he pray'd, ^ly father ! O my father ! if this cup May not be pafs'd i if I muft drink it up, N 2 Thy loo THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Thy will be done. Still flceplng they were found ; For the tir'd fenfe with lieavinefs was bound. Again he left them, and again he pray'd, Ufing the words that he before had faid : But, when a ihird time back, to them he came. Sleep, and indulge, he faid, your drowzy frame ; Arife, let us be going : for, behold ! He is at hand, whofe trcafon was foretold. ^ Whilst yet he fpake, attended by a guard Sent by the pricfts, with fwords and clubs prepar'd, Judas approach'd. Now he the guard had told, Him whom I kifs, feize, and fccurely hold. Advancing impudently, then he cried Hail, Mailer ! and the traitorous kifs applied. Jefus then put this queftion to him, friend. Say to what purpofe does thy coming tend ? AVhen forward rulh'd the military bands. His perfon feiz'd, and manacled his hands. Then one of thofe attendant on the Lord, Smote Caiaphas's fervant with his fwordj And fevcr'd his riglit car. Thy fword replace, Jcfus commanded ; for thus fcripture fays, * " He tliat with human blood the fword (hall (lain, " Shall with the fword, judicially be flain." Should I tor fuccour to my father cry. Legions of angels to my aid would fly : But how would this with prophecy agree. Which fays, thefc things mull be fulfill'd in me ? Then to the croud direfiing his difcourfe, What need, faid he, of numbers, and of force. As if I were a thief I day by day Did in the temple truths divine difplay, Untouch'd : but thus whate'er the prophets wrott" To its accompliflimcnt is fully brought. * Genefis ix. 6. Revelation xiii. lo. Oa SAINT MATTHEW. ic. On this, all his difciplcs, (truck with dread, Turn'd back, and pufillanimoufly fled. ^ To Caiaphas's palace, in debate Where the Chief Priefts, the Scribes, and Elders fat, Jefus was then conduced ; whilil intent Th' event to learn, Peter at diflancc went, Enter'd the houfe, and fought a place to gain Around a fire, amongft the menial train. Meanwhile the Elders, Priefts, and Council drove llieir wicked charge by perjury to prove; But fail'd. At length two caitiffs they procur'd, Who this affertion upon oath affured ; The prifoner faid, God's temple I can raze. And can re-build the ftruQure in three days. Then the high prieft arofe, and afk'd him, whf Doft thou not to the witneffcs reply ? Jefus continuing mute, in folemn tone Caiaphas added, by the eternal ONE Thus I adjure thee, briefly let us know. Art Ihou the CHRIST, the SOX of GOD, or no? Jefus replied, I AM ; and time fliall be On the right hand of power when ye fliall fee The SON of MAN, with whom the clouds fliall bend, That he to earth from heaven may defccnd. With feigned horror, Caiaphas then rofc. Aloud exclaiming, whilfl he rent his clothes. Of further evidence where is the need. When from his mouth fuch blafphcmics proceed? What think ve of him? With united breath ILe whole aflembly fentcnc'd him to death. Then ihcy began to treat him witli difgracc ; Bandag'd his eyes ; fph on, and fmote his tace : Exclaiming impioully at every blow, •Tell us, thou Chrirt, who buflctcd thee now. ^ PtTKR, J 02 11 J E GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ^ Peter, meantime, fat in the court without ; Wlien a maid, palTing, told him ; clear of doubt Thou waft a confort with this Nazarene ; But he replied, I know not whom you mean. Then, moving to the porch, another maid. Thou waft with Jcfus, pofitively faid. Peter again, with words profane denied The fact ; when thofe who ftood on either fide Alledg'd, thou muft be one of them. Thy tongue Sufficiently demonftrates whence thou'rt fprung. With oaths and execrations he began Then to aver, T do not know the man : But even before his words had pafs'd away. The cock's ihrill voice proclaim'd approaching day Struck with this awful monitor, he crept Afide in bitternefs of foul ; and wept. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. 103 CHAPTER XXVII. Chrift is delivered bound to Pilate. — Judas hangeth hitnjclf. — Pilate, admonijlted by his wife concerning Jefus, waJJieth his hands, and releafeth Barabbas. — Chrijl is crowned wit': thorns, crucified, reviled, dieth, and is buried. — His fepulchre is fealed, and watched. WHEN morning came, engag'd in clofe debate. The priefts and elders to complete the fate Of Jcfus fat ; who finally concur To bear the procefs to the governor. Jefus was therefore bound and fent away To Pontius Pilate, early in the day. % The miferable traitor, when he faw His Maftcr fentenc'd by perverted law. Repented of the evil he had wrought. And to the priefts the price of treafon brought. Declaring, I have finn'd, in that I've fold The blood of innocence, allur'd by gold. What's that to us, the furly priefts replied, Thou only muft the confequence abide. Then, throwing down the coins, he left them there i Went forth, and hang'd himfelf, in deep dcfpair. The chief priefts then concurr'd in the defign. The potter's field to purchafc with the coin, (For all agreed the treafury muft not hold, What all allow'd was blood-pollutcd gold) To bury ftrangcrsj whence 'tis undcrftood It bears that odious name, the field of blood. TTius was fulfill'd what Zcchariah's book Records,* the thirty filvcr coins they took, Tlic • Zechariah xl. ii, JJ. niK GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Tlie funi ihey priz'd him at, the potter's field To purchafe ; as the Lord to me rcveal'd. Compel'i'd before the governor to ftand, Anfwcr nic, Pilate faid, to this demand ; Art thou the Jewifli King ? to which he made This brief reply, I am what thou haft faid: But, by the ciders and the pricfts accus'd. To anfwcr their malignitv rcfus'd. Pilate obferv'd to him, doft thou not he:ir To criminate thee how they perfevere ? But, to the governor's complete furprize. He noted not their numerous peijuries. Now, it was cuftomary at that feafl. One, at the people's choice, fliould be releas'd. However guilty. Of notorious fame, A criminal (Barabbas was his name) Lay then confin'd. \\'ith elevated voice Pilate inquir'd which was the people's choice, Chriil or Barabbas ; for, full well he knew. Envy on Jefus profecution drew. Pilate was mounting his tribunal, when His wife this melTage fent, do not condemn This holy man ; for this day, in a dream, On his account my dread has been extreme. The pricfts and elders prefs'd the croud to cry Give us Barabbas, and let Jefus die; When, therefore, Pilate urg'd them to explain Which fliould be liberated of the twain. They cried Barabbas. Pilate then replied What fhall to Jefus, call'd the Chrift, betide? They anfwer'd, crucify him. Pilate, then Attempted to evnoftidate again. Crying, SAINT MArniEW. Cning, what enl hath he done? The roar Of crucify him, ftill increas'd tlic more. When Pilate favv the more he interfer'cl. The ftronger figns of turbulence appear'd. He wafli'd his hands, exclaiming, as he ftood, Lo ! I am guiltlefs of this jufl; man's blood : Take it upon yourfclves. They anfwcr'd all^ His blood on us, and on our children fall. Pilate, whofe firmnefs tlien began to fail. Permitted fear e'er juflice to prevail; And, that a bloody people might be plea^'d, Jcfus was fcourg'd ; Barabbas was releas'd. To the pretorium then was he convey'd, And there the fport of brutal foldicrs made; In purple cloth'd, a thorny wreath his crown, A reed his fceptre : low they bow'd them down. Exclaiming, in derillon of his fate. Hail, mighty monarch of the Jewifli ftatc I Spit on that face which pity (hould have bred. And with a reed fmote the meek, fuflerer's head i Stripp'd off the purple robe, with language grofs; Kcplac'd his own, and led him to the crofs. 5[ One Simon, a Cyrenian, on the road They met, and forc'd to drag the crofs's loadi When to a place call'd Golgotha they came, (A place of (kulls is its tranllatcd name) They ofTer'd him, to quench his thirll withal, A draught of vinegar replete with gall; Hut fuch the naufeous llavor it produc'd. Though thirily, the refrefluncnt he refus'd. When he was crucified, the foldiers chofe, By carting lots, his garments to difpofe. TWus was fulfill'd what David propheliod, * " y>\y garments by cordlnt did they divide, O " An.l • Pfiluj xxii. 1 8. io6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO " And for my veft caft lots." They tlien prepar'd The body with acculloin'd care to guard: And that his caufo of fuflcring might be road, Atlix'd this fuperfcription o'er his head, {A title that no accufation fhcws) JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS. At tlic fame time, difpos'd on cither fide. Were two notorious robbers crucified. Each paflenger in taunting manner faid, Whilft looking at the crofs he wagg'd his head. Thou that the temple canft dcftroy, and raifc The glorious mafs completely in three days, Now fave thyfelf; and, if thou be the Son Of God, to prove it from the crofs come down. The Priefts, the Scribes, and Elders join'd the reft. And thus their impious contempt cxprefs'd. His faving power to others he employ 'd; Why, when he needs its influence, is it void? If he be King of Ifrael, let him leave His (late of torture, and we will believe. In God he trufted, then let God appear For his deliverance, if to God he's dear. This faid they, fcofiing, with malignant nod, Becaufe he ftyl'd himfclf the Son of God. Nay, even the thieves that hung on either fide. The fame reviling epithets applied. From the fixth hour until the ninth was paft. The land with total darknefs was o'ercaft ; \Vhen Jefus utter'd this diftrefsful cry, F.li! Eli! lama fabacthani.'' Which means, my God! my God! why doll thou take Thy fuccour from rae^, and my caufe forfake ? One SAINT MATTHKW. loj One of the bydanders amongft tlie croud, \\'ho, " For lijias," faid. " he calls aloud," Officious ran, to fetch fome fponge with fjjecd'. Dipt it in vineqar, and on a reed Reach'd it to quench his third : vviiilft other fomc Said, " try, to fave him if Elias come." <|f Then Jefus once more vehemently cried: And in tliat agonizing effort died. Just at tlie moment of this great event. Through its wiiole length tiie temple's vail was reii-t. The ground v/ith terrible concuffions lliook. And fliivering rocks of the vaft force partook. The yoaning graves did their contents difclofej And feveral bodies of the faints arofe ; Which, after Jefus left the fepulchre. To many in the city did appear. When the Centurion and his guard beheld Nature's convulfions, every heart was quell'd ; And, by thefe awful figns convinc'd, agreed This muft have been the SON of G013, indeed. Some Galilean women view'd this fcenc Far off; 'mongft whom were Alary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of the two, whofc names Of one was Jofes, of the other James. A third, not lefs attach'd to him, was llie Of whom were born the fons of Zebcdee- All thcfe, with many others, v/hilR he fiaid In Galilee, their whole attention paid To tend on him : and when trom thence he went. Came to Jerufalem with that kind intent. Tuis was the time with ceremonial care, For the approaching fabbath ail prepare. O z That ic8 TlIK GOSPEL ACCORDING TO , T!»at iii^lit a rich Arimathean came, A true difciplc, (Jofeph was his name,) And did to Pilate a requeft prefer That he the corpfc of Jcfus might inter. ^ Leave granted, Jofeph for afllftance fought. And from the crofs the mangled body brought ^ Wrapt it in pureft linen; laid it down Within a fepulchrc that was his own. Hewn in a rock ; then rolled a ftone, to clofe The door, and left it to its long repofe. But their return the Marys did defer, Seating themfelves near to the fepulchre. The Priefls and Pharifees without delay Applied to Pilate the fuccceding day, Obferving, This deceiver, whilll: alive, Engag'd, in three days that he would revive. Let then the fepulchre be clofe immur'd. And from all means of fraudulence fecur'd^ Left his difciples fteal the corpfc away By night, and that he is arifen fay: Thus, with continuance of impoflure curd. The latter error may exceed the firft. Fixate replied, employ the means ye have; Send forth the foldiers, and fecure the grave. Tlius arni'd with power, and at all points prepar'd.. The ftone they fcal'd, and plac'd a trufty guard. CHAPTER SAINT MATTHEW. ,oa\ iirj i,o TllK GOSPEL ACCORDING TU Saying, all hail ; at which endearing word They claip'd his feet, and pioufly ador'd. He then adnionifli'd them to banilli fear. Adding, tliis melliige to my brethren bear. Repair to GaHlee, as ye were told, Where all of ye my countenance fhall behold*. As they proceeded, full of this event. Some of the watch into the city went. And to the elders and chief priefts rcpair'd. To tell them what had happen'd on their guard. Thefe, by great largefs, gain'd the guard to fay. By night his followers ftolc the corpfe away. The while we flept: and then, the watch to fcreen, Engag'd their influence fliould intervene ; So that though Pilate of the fraud ihould hear^. This as the genuine ftatement fhould appear. By this affurance won, the foldiers took The bribe ; and as they were mftrufted fpoke. Hence, with the Jews 'tis current to this day. That his difciples ftolc the corpfe away. Then did th' eleven to Galilee repair. And, in a body, on the mountains there Convene, obeying what the Lord had faid. Whom they beheld ; and adoration paid. But fome, refilling the ftrong evidence Of his appearance to the vifual fenfe. Still doubted : When he faid, all power is givea To me o'er all things both in earth and heaven. % Go, therefore, with commiffion unconfin'd To teach and to illuminate mankind. Baptize them, mentioning the Father's name. The Son's, and Holy Spirit's: and the fame. WhicU SAINT MATTHEW. Ill Which as injunflions upon you I lay, Inftrudt them, unremitting, to obey : And, laftly, on this folcmn truth depend, I will be with vcu till the world fliall end. JEiND OF THE FIRST GOSPEL. ^^^^^^ Cfte #otpel ACCORDING TO SAINT MARK, MT - ' U- THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MARK. °»»eel<^£^t»-l4»e«*« CHAPTER I. The office of John the Baptijl. — Jcftis is baptized, and afterwards tempted : he preacheth ; calleth Peter, Andrezv, James, and John : healeth a man tvith an unclean fpi) it ; Peter s mother-in-laiv ; many difeafed pcrfons : and ckanJetJi the leper. BY JESUS CHRIST, God's folc-bcgotton fon, The gofpcl-difpenlation was begun ; Fur thus, iiilpir'd, the faered prophet fays, * " Behold, my mcfTengcr before thy face " I fend, thy path to fliew." Then telVifics, t " Lo ! in the wildernefs a voice, that cries, " Way for the Lord with dihgcncc prejiarc; " And in the defert clear his path with care." P 2 The • Malaclii iii. i. + Ifaiah x-'- i- ii6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO The baptifm of repentance Jolin difplay'd, And to his doclrine numerous converts made; Preaching rcmiflion to a linful race, That fliould his baptifm and his word embrace. All thofe compunftion of the heart who felt. That in Jud'cca and Jerufulcm dwelt, Repair'd to John, confefs'd their lins, and flood Requefting baptifm, near to Jordan's flood. John of the camel's hair a vcfture wore. And round his loins a leathern cincture bore. The wandering locuft his precarious food, With the wild honey gather'd in the wood ; And preach'd, there comes one mightier far than T, Whofe flioes I am not worthy to untie. With water I baptize you ; but his power Upon your fouls the Holy Ghoft fliall fliower. Jesus from Nazareth to Jordan went, Himfelf to John for baptifm to prefent ; And, from the water when he came, behold The gates of heaven did, as it were, unfold ; And, in the fliape and fcmblance of a dove. The Holy Ghoft defcendcd from above ; Whence thus was God's approving voice made known. In thee am I well pleas'd. Beloved Son ! Then by the fpirit to the defert fent. Tempted of Satan, forty days he fpent ; And, whilft furrounded by wild beafts he ftray'd, Miniftering angels gave celeftial aid. Now, after John was into prifon caft, Jefus to Galilee from Jewry pafs'd ; Exhorting all men, wherefoe'er he went. Saying, the time's fulfill'd ; believe ; repent : For «AINT MARK. u- For this I tell you by divine command, The gofpel-difpenfation is at hand. Soon after, Jefus walking near the fca Nam'd, from its neighbourhood, of Galilee, Saw Simon and his brother Andrew try Within their nets to catch the fcaly fry ; For they were filhers. Follow me, he faid. And henceforth fiOiers of mankind be made When ftraightway their profeflion they forfook. Nor gave their implements one parting look. Continuing his progrefs near the fea. Both James and John, the fons of Zebedee, He fpied, who with their father did attend The broken mcflics of their nets to mend. He call'd them ; and obedient to the call. To follow him they left their worldly all : Left even their father, in the fliip who ftaid, With the hir'd fervants, to purfue his trade. Entering Capernaum on the fabbath-day. He fought the fynagogue without delay ; Where all that heard him were amaz'd ; for he Not like the Scribes, but with authority, Promulg'd his dottrine. At that very hour One influenc'd by an evil fpirit's power Was in their fynagogue, with dreadful cry Who Oiouted, Jefus, fon of God molt high ! What haft thou to do with us } doft thou come Thus prematurely to confirm our doom ? But Jefus chid the fpirit, faying, peace ; Relinquilh him, and let his torments ceafe. The du:mon havin? then convuls'd his frame. Forth from the man with hideous outcrv came. All iiS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO All flood amaz'd, and a(k'd \vith one accord; What novelty is this, that with a word Spirits the moft unclean he drives away : He fpeaks, and, though relutbnt, they obey. Immediate fprcad through Galilee his fame. And all the dillritt founded with his namc/ Leaving the fynagogue, he bent his way To Simon's houfe, in ftate difeas'd where lay The mother of his wife. Her tortur'd frame Felt the fierce ardour of a feverifh flame. Jefus approaching, rais'd her up in bed, _ A\'hen every fymptom of difordcr fled : And feeling inftantiy her ftrength rcftor'd. Grateful flie rofe, and waited on the Lord-. At fun-fet all, with maladies opprefs'd. And thofe w^hom evil fpirits had poflefs'd. Came to the houfe his mercy to implore ; And the whole city croudcd to the door. Many were the difeafes that he cjuell'd ; "Many the dxmons that his power expell'd : But he commanded them, from fpeech refrain, Nor dare acknowledge me with found profane. The following morn, long ere the break of day. He fought a folitary place, to pray. Then Simon and the reft, with eager pace And earneft mind, went forth his fteps to trace : When found, againft him this complaint they brought, Lo ! thou haft left us, when of all men fought. Let us, faid he, to neighbouring parts repair, That I may likewife preach the gofpel there j For therefore came I : and in every town Of Galilee he made the gofpel known. Whilst SAINT MARK. 119 Whilst glorloufly his milTion was exprefs'd, By driving da.Mnons from cacli tortur'd brcaft, A leprous man approach'd liim where he taught, And, humbly kneeling, thus his aid befought ; Lord ! if thou wilt thy gracious power reveal. Thou canft with eafc my dire diforder heal. Jefus, with pity mov'd, pronounc'd his cure, Saying, henceforth from thy difeafe be pure. Tlic man immediately loft every ftain ; Nor did one mark of leprofy remain. He then difmifs'd him with this folemn charge, Name not thy cafe, nor on the cure enlarge, But to the priefi: repair ; and in thy hand Carry thofe ofTcrings Mofes did command. As teftimony to them : but the man Went forth, and to relate his cure began ; And fo divulg'd it, Jefus could no more Enter the place in public, as before ; But to the wildernefs retreated, where Numbers conven'd, his gracious words to hear. CHAPTKR I20 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER II. Chrift healelh a paralytic : calleth Matthew : eateth with publicans and finners : excufeth his difciples for not fajling, and for plucking the ears of corn on the fabbath-day. AFTER fome days in this retirement fpent, Back to Capernaum again he went, Where his return was foon divulg'd, and ftraight The houfc was crouded to the very gate. The word whilft he was preaching, borne of four A paralytic fought to reach the door, But could not pafs. Zeal then contriv'd a way: The bed whereon the helplefs patient lay, (The roof detaching firft with care profound) They lower'd till their burthen rcach'd the ground. When Jefus faw the effort faith had made. Thy fins are all forgiven, fon ! he faid. Now certain Scribes agreed in this furmife, This man mufi utter blafphemies and lies : How can tranfgrelTion be by man forgiven. Since pardon's the prerogative of heaven.? Jefus perceiv'd their thoughts, and thus replied, W'hy does perverfenefs thus your minds mifguide? Thy fins are pardon'd equally I fay. Or, rife, take up thy bed, and walk away : But, to convince you that with equal eafe The SON OF MAN can conquer all difeafe. He thus addrefs'd the man, " Rife, lift thy coucli, " And bear it home, thy perfcft cure to vouch." Inftant he rofe, with eafe his burthen bore, Whilft all amaz'd, the power of God adore; And, SAINT MARK. 121 And, touch'd with gratitude, fpontancous own Such wonders never to the world were fliown. Approaching then the border of the lake, The croud came near to hear the words he fpake ; And as he pafs'd along the public ftrect, Levi the fon of Alpheus, at receipt Of cuftoms he beheld; to whom he faid Follow me : and immediate he obey'd. In Levi's houfe whilft Jefus fat at meat. Some publicans and linners likewife ate At the fame tabic : for a numerous throng Of fuch were mix'd the other guefts among. The Scribes conjointly with the Pharifces, Aflc'd the difciplcs, with fuch men as thcfe. Say, does your Mailer eat ? Jefus took heed. And faid, the healthful no phyfician need. But the fick only : for I was not fent To call the good, but fmncrs to repent. Now John's difciplcs frequent us'd to taft. As likewife thofe of Pharifaic call. Twas aflc'd him therefore, why do thefe refrain, Whilft thy difciplcs from no food abftain? Jefus replied, chief obje£ls of his care. The while the bride-men with the bridegroom are, They cannot fall ; but the dread time draws near. When for a feafon, he fliall difappoar: And then with forrow's gloomy cloud o'crcall. Deprived of him, lliall the fad bridcmcn fall. None with new cloth will an old garment men , Led; it more widely fliould the rent dillend. Neither will any prudent man conlign To antient bottles, frelh fermenting wine; But his new wine to recent bottles trull, Left he iliould lofc his \aluable mull. c> Through 122 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Throtgh the corn-fields one fabbath wliilft he pad). His followers pluek'd, and ate the grain in hafte. The Pharifecs cxclaim'd, witliout rebuke How can'll tliou on tliis brcacli of fabbath look j Jefus replied, furc yc have never read How David ate the confecrated bread. And gave to his companions ? therefore learn The truth of this pofition to difcern, For man the fabbath was ordain'd ; not man Form'd to accomplifli the fabbatic plan. The fon of man 'tis evident from hence, With the ftrift law of Sabbath can difpcnfe. CHAPTER SAINT MARK CHAPTER llf. Chrijl hcaleth the withered hand, and many other iiifirmities : rebukcth the uncle,in fpirits : choojeth his tivelve apojlies : convincelh the blajphemy of cajlin^ out daemons by Beelzebub ; and JJieweth who are his brother, Jijler, and mother. WHILST in the fynagoguo he took his ftand Another time, one with a wilhcr'd hand Was there. They wateh'd if on the fabbath-day He would his healing t'aculty difplay, For matter to accufe him. Jefus faid Stand forward, man: and inftant he obey'd. Then added, is it lawful on this day Good afts, or ill, to do ? to heal, or flay ? Looking indignantly, and griev'd to find The obftinatc perverfenefs of their mind. He to the fuffcrcr faid, ftretch forth tliv hand, Who paid attention to the Lord's command ; Extended it ; and to his comfort found The wither'd limb was as the otlicr found. The Pharifees, with deopeft malice fraught, Aid from the party of Hcrodians fought ; And both the fefls confpir'd with focrct joy To find a method Jefus to deftroy : But he to the fea-fliore rctir'd again, \\'ith his difciples, and a numerous train From Jewry, Idumea, Galilee, And troni the cities bordering on the fca, Sidon and Tyre, with thofe that make abode Beyond where Jordan rolls his fwclling flood. Then, putting his difciples on their guard. He faid, let a fmall vefl'el be prepar'd, Q 2 Hiat .24 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING 10 That I may lliun the croud. For having tur'd Many tliat dangerous maladies cndur'd, All that with grievous plagues were long diftrcfs'd, 'J'o touch his perfon vehemently prefs'd. Spirits impure, foon as they faw him, fell Proihatc, exclaiming with tremendous yell, Tiiou art the SON of GOD : but he forbade By them iiis flation fliould be public made. Then to a mount adjoining he withdrew, Where, calling to him a fcle£ted few, Twelve he ordain'd his perfon to attend. And as apollles, through the world to fend ; To heal, to caft out daemons, and proclaim The gofpel-difpenfation in his name ; Simon, whom Peter he furnam'd, and John, With James, who each to Zebedee was fon, (Thefe he call'd Boanerges, which is meant This thought, the fons of thunder, to prefent) Andrew, Bartholomew, Philip, Matthew, James The fon of Alpheus, Thomas. Others' names Were Simon of the Canaanitifli race, Thaddeus ; and of their lift the dire difgrace, Judas Ifcariot, to eternal fliame Condemn'd, and branded with a traitor's name. This done, a houfe they enter'd, but fo great The croud, they could not even take their meat. This his friends hearing of, without delay To apprehend his perfon forc'd their way : For they appear'd no doubt to entertain From his proceedings, that he was infane. Some Scribes that from Jerufalem arriv'd, Advanc'd, through Beelzebub that he contriv'd, (The prince of daemons) methods to difplay His art, and evil fpirits drive away. Calling SAINT MARK. ,25 Calling them to him, Jefus thus replied. What, on this fubjeft, can your minds mifguide ? Will Satan tad out Satan ? If a ftate Within ilfelf difunion lliail create. Can it fublllt ? And if a lioufe appear Divided, its deftru£lion niuft be near. If 'gainfl: himfelf his influence Satan lend, Satan's dominion verges to its end. To rob a llrong man's houfe who has in view, Muft firft the mafter forcibly fubdue. On this depend, all fins and blafphcmies The tongue can utter, or the heart devife. May be forgiven ; but no diftant gleam Of hope remains for him that dares blafphemc Againfl: the Holy Ghoft. For him remains No profpccf, but of everlafting pains. This fpcech he to thofe flanderers addrefs'd Who blafphemoudy faid, he is polTefs'd. ^[ His mother, and his brethren, in the rear, Endcavour'd vainly to approach more near : Of which inform'd, he faid, I thus declare In my eftcem who fuch relations are ; Adding, on thofe about him looking round, Here are my brethren and my mother found ; For thofe that with fmccrity fulfil My father's mandates, and obey his will, Shall be as mother, and as brethren decm'd, And as my fifters equally efteem'd. CHAPTER io6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER IV. Jhc payable of the fower, and its explanation. — The duty of communicating the tight of our knowledge to others. — The parable of the feed growing fecretly, and of the muflardfeed. — Chrifl fiilleth the tempefl on the fea. ONCE more the border of the lake he fought. Where in his cuftomary mode he taught ; But, to avoid the croud that gather 'd round, In a fmall vefTel a retreat he found : Where fcated, thus in parabolic lore He fpokc to thofe that ftood upon the fliore. YovR fix'd attention on my words bellow. Behold, a huibandman went forth to fow ; And as the feed he fcatter'd far and wide. Some part of it fell on the highway fide. On this the winged wanderers of the air Alighted, and converted to their fare. Some of the feed was call on ftony ground. For want of foil no harbour where it found ; Soon it fprang up, but to the fun's hot ray Expos'd, for want of root went to decay. Some fcatter'd amongft thorns, though taking root, Choak'd in its progrefs, fail'd in yielding fruit: Whilft fome alighting upon fertile ground. Grew up, and with rich produce did abound : Yielding what feems amazing to be told. Thirty, and fixty, nay an hundred fold. He that hath ears, let his attentive mind Be bent, the parable's defign to find. Retir'd SAINT MARK. jj.; Retir'd, the twelve with other lome drew near, Dcfeeching him the parable to clear. To their petition this reply he made. The gofpcl-dlfpenfation is difplay'd To you ; but not to this degenerate race. Equally deftitute of faith and grace ; That feeing they might fee, yet not difccrn ; And hear, but yet the truth avoid to learn, Conver/ion's efficacy lell rhey feel, And I the deadly wound of I'm fliould heal. But, if in this, obfcurity appear. How can my other parables be clear .-' •[ The fower fows the word ; but if the grain In part expos'd on the way-fule remain, iJalan immediately removes the part. Which fuperficially rcfts on the heart. That, which was fown on fiony ground, appears Him to defcribe the word who gladly hears ; But, wanting root, in trouble's difaial day He finks from perfeciition with difmay. The grain difpers'd amongft the thorns is meant Such hearers of the word to rcprefent As worldly cares and love of wealth entice. With other lulls, into the toils of vice. Thus is the word which in their hearts was fown, Completely choak'd ere to pert'edion grown. Latlsy, the feeds fown upon fertile ground. Are thofe, who, hearing, with good fruit abound : Producing, in proportion to the mould, Some thirty, llxty; fome an hundred told. What man, who means a candle's light to fprcad. Hides it beneath a buihcl, or a bed .' But i;3 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But rather will a candleflick feleft, Tliat all the houfc may witnefs its effe£l. For there is nothing now withheld from fight, But. in due time, fliall be expos'd to light ; Nor anv circumftance, howe'er conceal'd. That Ihall not, in its feafon, be reveal'd. He that hath ears, fubmilTive let him bend. And to my do£trinc due attention lend. He caution'd them, moreover, to beware. And of the doctrine that they heard, take care ; For as ye eflimate what ye receive, God, in proportion, further light will give : And Ik- tliat of his gifts makes proper ufe, Shall have the more ; whilft he that doth abufc Thofe precious boons, which providence beftovvs. Shall what he really pofleflTcs lofe. The gofpcl-ilate, he then obferv'd again. Bears a (imilitude to certain grain. Which in liis field a man with caution fows ; But whilft the night he pafles in repofe. The day in bufinefs, the grain fhall grow. Shooting up conftantly, he knows not how. Earth does fpontaneoufly the blade difclofe. The car, and in the ear the corn that grows; Which, when 'tis ripcn'd, and the harveft come. The owner reaps, and bears the produce home. By what fimilitude can we explain The rife and progrcfs of MelTiah's reign? 'Tis like a grain of muftard, far the leaft Of feeds ; yet, fown, flioots up, and is increas'd ; So that the fleet inhabitants of air For covert to its flieltering boughs repair. Thus SAINT MARK. 129 Thus to tlie croud in parables he fpake, Inrtruction as they were prepar'd to take : But gave to his difciples, when rctir'd. Every elucidation they dcfir'd. Jesus exprefs'd a wilh, at evening tide. To crofs the lake, and reach the other fide. Then the difciples fent the croud away. And with their Mafter pafs'd without delay On board a veflel : which in company Of feveral fmallcr barks put forth to fea. A fudden tcmpeft rofe. The billows roar. And fill the veiTei with their watery (lore ; Whilft on a pillow Jefus lay reclin'd, Regardlefs of the furgcs and the wind. Frigiited, they wake him with a hideous cr\, Mafter, exert thyfelf, or cife we die. He rofe, rebuk'd the elements, and faid. Peace ! be yc ftill ! and inftant was obey'd. At once the howling tcmpeft ceas'd to roar, And not a wave ran curling to the fliore. Then Jefus, eying his difciples, faid. Weak and infirm ones ! why were ye afraid ? Yet are ye void of faith ? But mute with fear, Each gently whifper'd in his neighbour's car. How has this man acquir'd refiftlefs fway. That even tlie winds and waves his word obey? R CUAPTKR no TIIK GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER V. C/iri/l i/e/k-er/ng the pojfejfed of a legion of damoiis, permits them to enter into a herd of fwine. — He healeth a woman of an haemorrhage ; and raifeth the daughter of Jairus from death. THE veflel foon attain'd the \vini'd-for ftrand; And 'niongll the Gadarenes they made the land : ^^'hcn, fuddcniy, a man who long had dwelt Amongfi: the tombs, and grievoufly had felt An evil fpirit's power, left his abode ; And, fierce, cncounter'd Jefus on the road. Fetters and chains, as weak rcflraints, he broke ; Nor art nor ftrength could bend him to the yoke : Rut over hills, and tombs, with difmal moans Conftant he rov'd, and gafli'd himfelf with ftoncs. When at a diftance Jefus he efpicd. He ran, he worfliipp'd, and he loudly cried, Jefus, thou fon of him who reigns on high ! How have I done to thee an injury? By him I folemnly adjure thee, ceafc Tormenting me, and grant me full releafe : (For he had given the daemon a difcharge. Saying, depart, and leave the man at large) The fpirit's name demanded, 'twas replied. Legion : for numbers in the man refide : Adding, permit me, for the reft, to pray Thou would'ft not fend us from thefe parts away. Now there was feeding on the hill's decline Where pafs'd the fcene, a numerous herd of fwine. Send us, (the daemons a requcft prefcrr'd,) Forth from the man into the beftial herd ! Jefus SAINT MARK. 131 Jefus indulging thcin in tlieir requeil: ; The man tiicy quitted, and the fwine pofllTs'd : WTicn the whole herd, about two thoufand, went With rapid motion, down the fleep dcfcent ; And rulliing forward with a furious bound. Without exception in the fea were drown'd. Then thofe, the fvvinc that were employ'd to feed. Ran through the country and the towns with fpeed, To fprcad the tidings : and the curious fort Went forth to learn the truth of the report. The place they reach'd, where fat the man poffefs'd Late by the legion, near to Jefus, drcfs'd In proper cloathing ; whilft his looks difplay'd His fanity: and tliey were fore afraid. Those that had witnefs'd the furprizing fcens, Confirm'd the ftatc in which the man had been. During polfellion ; nor forgot to tell What, through the daemons, to the man befel : And all united earneftly to pray That Jefus from their coalls would move away. Enterikg the fliip, he that had been polTcfs'd, That he might go with Jefus, earneft prefb'd j But he refus'd it, faying, get thee gone ; Acquaint thy friends what things the Lord hath done Compallionately for thee : and he went. Giving to gratitude an ample vent. Throughout Dccapolis at large he lliow'd On him what blellings Jefus had bedow'd, VV hilll all men marvell'd. Jefus then pafb'd o'er The fea and fafely reach'd the further fliore : Nor had he fooner fet his foot un land Than numbers crouded round him on the ftrand. U z TlllL GOSPEL ACCORDING TO A ruler of the fvnagogue, by name Jairus, in fupplicating manner came, And fell at Jefus feet, with earneft prayer That he would inftant to his houfe repair, To heal his little child, who fick to death, Lay at the point of yielding up her breath. But lay thy hand on her, thy blefllng give. That health may be reftor'd, and flie fliall live. Thus importun'd, he, yielding, pafs'd along Preceded and incompafs'd by the tiirong- As they went on, a certain woman flood Where the croud pafs'd, on whom a flux of blood Twelve years had reigned. Much pain had flie endur'd. And fpcnt her all in feeking to be cur'd. Jvlany phyficians had in vain elTay'd To heal her, but her health no progrefs made ; Nay, even dcclin'd. Soon as flie chanc'd to hear Jefus in perfon follovv'd in the rear. She join'd the prcfs, and coming clofe behind, His garment touch'd ; perfuaded in her mind The very touch w'ould perfeQ her releafe. And inftantly her haemorrhage would ceafe. The dreadful malady at once reftrain'd. Not the leaft fymptom of difeafe remain'd. Perceiving, whilft furrounded by the croud. Sanative virtue from his perfon flow'd, Jefus turn'd round, and afk'd, who touch'd my veft? Thou feeft, faid his difciples, we are prefs'd By multitudes ; how then can'ft thou fuppofo We can proceed, yet none fliall touch thy clothes r Still he perfifted with a fteady eye The perfon who had touch'd him to dcfcry. The SAINT MARK. The confcious trembler at his feet fell down. And the wliolc truth did with minutenefs own. Thy faith liatli fav'd thcc, daughter, Jefus faid ; Depart in peace : thy hemorrhage is rtay'd. '\\'HiLsr yet he fpakc, a fervant did appear Witli news diftrcfilng to a parent's ear. Who in blunt language to the ruler faid. Why bring the mailer, fmce thy daughter's dead : When Jefus heard the melTage, he replied, Cheering the parent, fear not, but confide. Then to the houfe repairing, fuffer'd none To enter, faving Peter, James, and John ; And thus the croud of mourners he befpake, "Why this unmeaning lamentation make ? Ceafe from your ufelefs plaints ; forbear to weep ; The damfel is not dead, but is afleep. But they derided him, who then the croud Excluding, grafp'd her hand, and call'd aloud Talitha cumi ; which Ihort phrafe implies, Maid, I command thee from thy trance arife. Immediately fhe rofe, as flie was told, And walk'd about, (for flie was twelve years old) When all then prefent at the damfel gaz'd ; For with aftoniflimcnt they were amaz'd : Hut Jefus ftriflly gave a general charge That on the miracle none fliould enlarge. 1 ■» ■• CHAPTl'R ,;4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CIJAPTEK Vr. Chrijl is coutemned of his countrymen : he giveih the tzvelve pozver over unclean fpiriti. — Divers opinions of Chriji. — "John the Baptijl is beheaded, and buried. — The apojlles return from preaching. — The miracle of five loaves and two fifties. — Chrijl walketh on the fea ; and healeth all that touch his garment. DIRECTING then to Nazaretli liis way. The fvnagoguc on the next fabbath-day He enter'd, and intent the word to preach, Began alTiduoudy its truths to teach. Some of his auditors, aftonilh'd, faid. How hath this man this wonderous progrefs made ? From whence is fuch fagacity deriv'd ? And how to do thefe works hath he contriv'd ? Is not this perfon (for we cannot err) The fon of Mary, and a carpenter ? His brethren are our neighbours ; and their names We know are Jofes, Juda, Simon, James. With us his fifters too have refidence : And at his teaching they conceiv'd offence. Jesus replied, a prophet has renown In every fituation but his own : And there his miracles he kept conceal'd. Except that fome difeas'd he touch'd and heal'd ; But wondering at their unbelieving mind, His preaching to the villages confin'd. % Then arm'd with power foul fpirits to eje£l The twelve did he peculiarly fele£l, And font them forth in pairs, with this command No fuperfluitics to keep in hand. Sandals SAINT MARK. vS:indals and ftafF I grant you ; but enjoin One only coat, no fcrip, no bread, no coin ; And into whatfoever place yc come, Let the firll; houfc yc enter be your home WhilH; there yc lliall abide: but whofoe'cr Rejects you, and your doctrine will not licar. The very duft adhering to your feet Shake off, when from their city ye retreat. Believe me, Sodom, and Gomorrah's land. In a lefs reprobated ftate flial! fland, Than ihall fuch city on that awful day When God his dreadful judgments fliall difplay. Instructed thus, they from his prefcnce went, Exhorting all to lilten and repent. Spirits impure from numbers they expcll'd ; Many diforders wonderfully quell'd, The fick with oil anointing. Jefus' name Was at that fcafon, by the voice of fame, Mention'd to Herod ; who, aftonilli'd, faid, 'Tis John the Baptift rifen from the dead. And therefore thefe mirac'lous deeds are wrought ; Whilfi: others that it was Elias thought. By a third fet, a prophet he was deem'd. Or one that as a prophet was efteem'd ; But Herod, confcious of the murder done. Concluded, from report, this mufl: be John ; That John whom I in prlfon did behead. And who again is rifen from the dead. For Herod John in prifon had inclos'd, Becaufc the luftful tyrant he oppos'd ; Saying, it is not lawful thou fliould'fl: wed Hcrodias, and with inccft ftain thy bed: For, in defiance of her former vows, He took to wife his brother Philip's fpoufe. She, had her power been ctjual to her will. Was bent the venerable man to kill. Hut 136 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But JJcrod fcar'd him, and with great rcfpect Treating the Baptift, did liis ]ife protctt j For John a juft and holy man appear'd. And his pure do£trine he with gladnefs heard. About this time, on Herod's natal day. He gave (his regal fplcndor to difplay) A fupper, where his captains, chiefs, and all That Galilee its principals could call. Attended ; which to grace, a youthful dame Herodias's beauteous daughter came. And danc'd with fuch a matchlefs grace and air. That Herod, charm'd with her performance, fware, I will to what thou flialt demand confent. Though halt my kingdom be the boon's extent. Her mother, by the girl confultcd, faid, Afk for thy recompence the Baptifl's head. The king, though fliock'd, by an oath's fanftion tied, With her requeft reluctantly complied, The deed of death a foldier's faulchion wrought, And to the king the reeking head was brought ; Which by the princefs (on a charger laid) Was to Herodias barbaroudy convey 'd. When his difciples inftantly conferr'd. And in a tomb their maftcr's corpfe interr'd. The ilTuc of their million to relate. Then the difciples did on Jefus wait ; And he advis'd them, come apart awhile, In the lone defcrt reft ye t'rom your toil ; Becaufe the multitude became fo jireat. They lack'd even opportunity to eat. Acrofs the fea, with privacy, in hade They fail'd, and foon were landed on the wafte : But the croud feeing whither they were bound, Reach'd the lame place, fkirting the coaft around. Jefus SAINT MARK.. 137 Jefus beheld their ftatc, witli pity mov'd. As fheep witliout a flicpherd's care that rov'd, And he began to teach them ; but the day Being far fpent died fenlibiy away, When his difciplcs prefs'd him to intreat They would difperfe themfelves to purchafe meat. He order'd, give ye them ; but they replied, Should we two hundred pennyworth provide Of bread, would it fuffice ? He faid, explore How many loaves ye have, refcrv'd in ilore : Five, and two filhes, they replied. Let all He added, equally the great and fmall. Seat themfelves. Inftantly they fat in ranks. Hundreds and fifties, on the gralTy banks. Then, looking up to heaven, he took, and brake The loaves, and words of benediction fpake. The filhes next divided ; and they ate What every one did fevcrally fate: And after all had finiOi'd their repafl:. Twelve bafkets full of fragments from the wade Were gather'd up. And thus did Jefus deal To full five thoufand men a plenteous meal. He then to his difciples gave command To crcfs the fea, and at Bclhfaida land, Whilft he fent all the multitude away: When to a mountain he retir'd to pray. Evening approached, when (landing on the fhorc He fpicd the vefl'cl fcarcely half-way o'er ; And faw befide, with rowing they were toil'd: For the wind adverfe all their efforts foil'd. Sukpris'd, they faw in the fourth watch of night Their Mailer walking on the waves, upright. Suppofing 138 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Suppoling it a fpirit they cfpied Approaching them, they vehemently cried: But, to fupport their troubled minds, he faid Be of good cheer, 'tis I, be not afraid. He then the fliip afcended ; when the wind Ceas'd, and aftoniniment feiz'd ever mind: For they forgot how many had been fed With two fmall filhes and five loaves of bread; So harden'd were their hearts. The fliip pafs'd o'er. Meanwhile, and at Gennefaret reach'd the fliore. Where he was known. The people from afar Their fick relations to his prefence bare ; And through the diftrift, wherefoe'er he went. The roads a moving pi£lure did prefent ; Where every one did his fick friends expofe. Begging to touch the border of his cloaths : And all that thus to fcek relief were brought, Receiv'd, with certainty, the cure they fought. CHAPTER SAINT MARK. ,39 CHAPTER VII. The Pharifees condemn the dlfciples for eating with tmzvajlien hands. — Chrijl chargeth them with breaking the commandment of God, by follozving the traditions of men : teacheth that meat defi/eth not the man: healeth the Syrophenician woman's daughter of an unclean fpirit ; and one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his Jpeech- SOME Scribes and Pharifees, prompt to condemn, Came, at the feafon, from Jerufalem ; Who feeing the difciples take their feat With hands defil'd (meaning unvvafli'd) to eat, Cenfur'd them ; for in general the Jews, Except they walh their hands, to cat refufe. Adhering to tradition. When they come Forth from the market, and arrive at home. Till walh'd they toiicii no victuals; and uphold Many traditions handed down of old. Their pots, cups, tables, all are walli'd; and pains Are us'd to cleanfc their brazen ware from ftains. The Scribes and Pharifees then alk'd him, why Tradition do thy followers defy .'' Why thus the Elders with derifion treat. And with unwaflien hands prcfumc to eat } To their malignant charge he thus replied, Bafe hypocrites ! 'tis truly prophefied Of you * " this people atl the outward part " Ot worHiip, but deny me in their heart. " Howbeit, vain their worfliip, whilft they err, " And human rites to my commands prefer." Sz • If»iah xxi.x. 13. •or. I40 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO For, fetting God's authority afide. Ye fubftitutc tradition for your guide ; Walhing your pots, and other houfehold ware, And giving to exteriors all your care. Adding, divine commandments ye reje£l ; Referving for tradition your refpeft. MosEs fays, *" Honour to thy parents give;" •}• " Nor fuffer him that curfcth them to live:" But ye aver, a gift, however low Its worth, if on your parent ye beftow. Your vain traditions quit a man of care. All future neceflaries to prepare. And thus whilft difpenfations ye dire£f, Yc make the word of God of none effeft. ^ Calling the multitude, he faid, attend. That my inftru£Hons ye may comprehend. Not that which enters man, can man defile ; But what jiroceeds from him partakes of guile. He that hath ears, let him attend, and learn The truth if he be willing to difcern. Then the difciples, after he retir'd, An explanation from the Lord defir'd. Are yc fo void of knowledge, he replied. In fuch a parable to need a guide ? Man can acquire no guilt, 'tis clear of doubt. From that which pafTes inward from without. His food has no connexion with bis heart ; But feparating the nutritious part. The dregs go downward. From the heart proceeds Each evil thought that genders evil deeds, Adulteries, fornications, murders, cheats. Thefts, avarice, lafcivioufnefs, deceits. Prides * Eiodus XX. 12. + Exodus xxi. 17. SAINT MARK. 141 Pride, foolillinefs, malice's evil eye, And the gigantic vice of hlafpliemy. Thcfe evil things are all conceived within. Defile the man, and fink him deep in fin. ^ Thence he retreated to the coafts of Tyre And Sidon, where he fliew'd a ftrong defire To reft unnoticed ; but his great renown Would not permit him to remain unknown ; For, there, the mother of a child poftefs'd Did, kneeling at his feet, his aid requert ; (Syrophenicia was her nation's name ; And of Greek origin the woman came) Crying, thy power, O Lord ! in mercy fliow. And rid my daughter of her dreadful foe. He anfwer'd, let the children firft be fed. Would it be meet to give to dogs their bread? True, gracious mafter, was her meek reply ; Yet dogs that underneath the table lie. Are with their crumbs indulg'd. Go, Jefus faid. This fpeech thy faith fo amply hath difplayed. That, as thy compenfation, reft alTured Gone is the d^mon, and thy daughter cured : Joy gave her fpecd, and hafting home, flie found The daemon banilh'd, and her daughter found. ^ Crossing Dccapolis, he reach'd the fea Which walhes all the fliore of Galilee : There a deaf man was to his prcfence brought. Whom but to touch they earneftly befought. The man, moreover, from impediment, Utter'd imperfectly whate'er he meant To fay. Taking the man from all the reft. On both his cars his fingers he imprcft ; Then fj)at, and touch'd his tongue. Which done, he figh'd. And looking up to heaven, l^jjliphatha cried, That 142 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO That is, be opcn'd: when his cars unclofed, And the relliaint which held his tongue was loofcd, So that he fpake with freedom. Then a charge He gave that none ihould on the cafe enlarge. But ftill the ftrifter filence he enjoin'd, The more to publifli it were all inclin'd ; And, fill'd with admiration, lliew'd their fcnfe Of wonders prompted by benevolence; Saying, what mercy does in him appear Who gives the dumb to fpeak, the deaf to hear ! CHAPTER SAINT MARK. ,43 CHAPTER Mil Chrift feedeth the people miraculoujly : refufeth to give a fign to the Pharifees : he admoniJJieth his difciples to beware of their leaven, and that of Herod : giveth fight to a blind man : acknowledgeth he is the Chrijl, who fiiotild fuffer death, and rife again ; and exhorteth to patience under perfecution for the profejjion of the gofpel. THE crowd that follow'd Jefus growing great. And wanting abfolutely food to eat. He faid to his difciples, I am mov'd That three days faft the multitude have prov'd. Should I difmifs them, on the road o'ercome With faintnefs, numbers would not reach their home i For divers came from far. The twelve replied. How can this concourfe be with bread fupplicd Here in the wildernefs ? He made demand How many bread-loaves may ye have in hand ? Small is our ftore, they anfwer'd ; feven alone : Let then the people on the grafs fit down. Was his reply. Then with colie£ted look To heaven direfted, the feven loaves he took, Gave thanks for them ; in different portions brake .; And gave them for the people to partake. A few fmall fillies afterwards were found, Which blefiing, he diftributed around : Thus were four thoufand men with lood replete, Leaving feven bafkets fill'd with broken meat. \ \\v. then difmifs'd them ; and without delay By (hip to Dahiianutha uigd his way. There, tempting Iiim, tlie Pharifees a fign Recjuir'd, to prove his million was divine. \Vh\ ,44 11 11" GOSl'F.L ACCORDING TO AMiy doth tliis generation, he replied, (Whilft, hurt by their hypocrifv, he iigh'd) To gratify their pride, a fign from heaven Demand, wliich never ihali to pride be given r Then, turning from them, to the fliip applied, And, failing, landed on the other fide. Now the difciples had employed no thought On bread; and but a tingle loaf had brought: Of Pharifaic leaven, he faid, beware ; Nor lefs of that of Herod take ye care, 'i'hen reafoning, thus among themfelvcs they faid. Thus he reproves us for the want of bread. Jefus perceiving their miftake, replied What can your minds fo utterly mifguidc ? Yet arc your hearts fo hard? your eyes fo blind: Your cars fo deaf? no memory can ye find? Amongft five thoufand when five loaves I brake, What bafkets full of fragments did ye take ? They anfwer'd, twelve. And when four thoufand men Were fed, how many did ye gather then ? Seven, they replied. Why cannot then, your mind. Said he, the purport of my queftions find? ^ Then came he to Bethfaida, where they brought A blind man, whom they earneftly befought Jefus to touch. He gently led him down The ftreet, till they arrlv'd without the town ; When on his eyes he fpat, and laid each hand Upon him, putting to him this demand, Seeft thou any thing? Who faid, I fpy Men, as trees walking, pafs before my eye. The patient's eyes then Jefus touch'd again. Saying, look upwards ; when diftinfcl: and plain He faw each objeft. Jefus from the town Charg'd him to keep ; nor make the wonder known. f Jesus SAINT MARK. 145 % Jesus from thence to Cefarca came. Which bears, additionally, Philij)'s name. And queftion'd his difciples on the way. Concerning me what do the people fay? They anfvver'd, fome fuppofe thee to be Joha The Baptitl ; fome, that thou'rt Elias, own ; Whilft a third fet unitedly agree One of the ancient prophets thou muft be. He added, tell me, what do ye decide ? Peter with promptnefs, thou'rt the Chrift, replied. Then charg'd he them, on no account to tell The folcmn truth from Peter's mouth that fell. He then inform'd them, that the Son of Man Muft, in completion of redemption's plan. By elders, priefts, and fcribes, rejected, flain. On the third day be rais'd to life again. This fpake he openly : but Peter took The Lord afide, with purpofe to rebuke ; Who, turning, told him, with indignant tone. Get thee behind me, Satan ; hence ! begone ! For language fuch as thine befpeaks a mind Not unto God, but worldly things inclin'd. ^ To his difciples then he thus addrefs'd His fpcech, and thofe that round his perfon prefs'd; F^c that would me for his example take, Muft felf in every fcnfe and Ihapc torfakc. Who aims to fave his life, that life fliall lofe, Whilft he to death, himfelf that fluill cxpofe For my fake and the gofpel's, from the grave The life he rifks with certainty fliall favc. For what advant.^gc can that man obtain. His foul who lofcs, though the world he gain ? Or 146 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Or what fo precious in creation's range Man would not offer for his foul's exchange? The man, my word who reckons a difgrace In this adulterous and corrupted race. Him will the fon of man with (hame difown. When with the angels round his father's throne At the laft day triumphant he fhall come. The good to blefs, and feal the finner's doom. CHAPTER SAIxNT MARk 147 CHAPTER IX. Jejus is transfigured. — He infiruas his difcipks concerning the coming of Elias : cqfteth forth a deaf and dumb fpirit : foretelleth his death and refurreElion : exhorts his dif- cipks to humility ; charging them not to prohibit fttch as be not againfl them, nor to gpje offence to any of the faithful. JESUS obferv'd, I fee fome flanding here, Who, till MelTiah's kingdom fliall appear With power, though tenants of precarious breath. Shall not be fubjeft to the ftroke of death. ^f Six days had pafled, when with a chofen few. Namely, James, John, and Peter, he withdrew Up to a mountain of diiVmguiih'd height. Where he became transfigured in their fight. His raiment flione. Its whitenefs was like fnow, Exceeding what a fuller can beftow : And to augment the fplendor of the fcene, Mofes converfing was with Jefus feen. Joined with Elias. Peter then addrefs'd His matter thus : here were it good to relh Let tabernacles then erefted be For Mofes, for Elias, and for thee. This Peter fpake, not knowing what he faid ; He and the reft fo greatly were afraid. At that time ovcrfliadow'd by a cloud, From thence a voice proceeded, clear and loud j Proclaiming, this is my beloved fon. Hear him : and, fuddenly, the men were gone : For, looking where the glorious forms had been, None but their mailer and thcmfcJvcs were fecn. T z Dcfcending 148 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Dqfccnding from the mount, he faid, let none The vilion that they have beheld make known. Till that prognofticated period come, When I, the Son of Man, rife from the tomb. This fpeecli made deep imprcffion on their mind, And to themfelvcs they kept the faft confined : But oft the theme to difputations led. What could be meant by rifing from the dead. € TiiEY then propos'd this queftion to him home. Why fay the Scribes Elias firft muft come ? He anfwer'd, what the Scribes alledge is true : Elias at his coming fliall renew And (lablifli all things ; meaning what of old The prophets of the Son of Man foretold ; Who mufi; to divers fufferings be expofed. And bear contempt, till the fad fcene be clofed. Touching Elias is the fcripture cleared, For to the world again hath he appeared. As it was written : and as they thought meet, Did they his perfon and his office treat. % Approaching his difciples, they were found With a great multitude encompafs'd round ; And in the circle many Scribes appear'd With the difciples, whom engag'd he heard In ftrong debate. The people ran to meet Jefus with joy, and courteoufly to greet. Tell me, faid he, fo earneft and fo loud What makes ye talk? when one among the crowd Addrefs'd him, Mafter ! of thy power affur'd, I've brought my fon in order to be cured. By a dumb fpirit feiz'd, whene'er it comes. He falls, his teeth he gnaHies, and he foams. By frequent paroxyfms his health declines. And his whole body in its fubftance pines. To SAINT MARK. ,49 To thy difciples for afllftance brought, They could not compafs the relief I fought. Ah, faithlefs generation ! Jefus faid. How long muft I )our unbelief upbraid? Bring him to me ; which when the daemon tound. He threw the child, convuls'd, upon the ground. Where he lay foaming. Jefus of the fire Then did minutely of the cafe inquire ; Who anfwer'd, even from his infant years I lath he been handled as he now appears ; Frequent into the fire or water thrown. Hazard of life he conflantly hath known. If in thy power to help us then it lies, On our fad ftatc compallion cxercife. Canft thou believe with firmnefs, Jefus faith ? For every thing is poflible to faith. The father anfwer'd, overpower'd with grief. Lord ! I believe, aid thou mine unbelief. Jesus obferv'd the croud collefling round. And thus the fpirit with tremendous found Rebuk'd : I charge thee, fpirit deaf and dumb ! Out of the child that inftantly thou come. And never more return. Hideous the cries; And terrifying were the agonies The child endured. At length the fpirit fled, Leaving the infant to appearance dead ; And many thought him fo ; but by the hand He rais'd him up, and gave him ftrength to Itand. Then his difciples afk'd, why did we fail, Nor could our efforts like thy word prevail .-* He anfwer'd, this affli£lion, 1 declare, Afks the joint aid of abllinencc and prayer. ^ He then through Galilee, conceal'd, pafs'3 on. Unwilling on his journey to be known. I50 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO To his difciplcs plainly then he faid, The Son of Man fliall fliortly be betray 'd Into the hands of finful men ; be flain. And the third day be rais'd to Jife again: But they by no means fathom 'd his intent. Yet fear'd to a(k what that expreffion meant. ^ Making Capernaum his next abode. Tell me, faid he, what fubjeft on the road Caus'd your contention: but they all were mute. For on preeminence was their difpute ; Then to the twelve addrefs'd himfelf, and faid, He that is anxious to appear your head, Muft gain it by humility, and fall From his vain thoughts, and ftoop to ferve you all. Then in the midft of them a child he placed. Took in his arms, and tenderly embraced ; Obferving, whofo' in my name receives A child like this, evinces he believes In me: and he who credits what I fay. Believes, and him that fent me will obey. f At this time John his mafter thus addrefs'd : We faw a man that daemons difpoflefs'd, Ufing thy name, and charg'd him to refrain. As he with us no union doth maintain. Jefus replied, forbid him not, for he Cannot to us in oppofition be That in my name works miracles. Whoe'er On you a cup of water (hall confer As Chrift's difciples, and from love to me, I tell you, fliall not unrewarded be. A fingle little one who iliall aggrieve Of thofe that truly in my name believe. Far better for him, were a millflone hung Round him, and he into the fea were flung. In SAINT MARK. In cafe thine hand a caufe of fin fliould prove, Cut ofT thine hand, and the dread caufe remove ; For better life to enter with a maim. Than bear Gehenna's everlafting flame ; Where their worm dies not ; and age after age The fire does unextinguifhably rage. (And if thy foot offend, cut off the fame, For better enter into life, though lame. Then be tormented in Gehenna's fire. Which never fhall diminiili or expire ; Where their worm never dies, and where the flame Continues everlaftingly the fame. And if thine eye occafion thee to fall. Forth from its orbit fcoop the treacherous ball ; For better enter heaven deprived of one, Then with them both be to Gehenna thrown ; Where their worm dies not, and the dreadful flame Continues to eternity the fame. All iliall with fire be falted ; and likewife Salt fhall be ufed with every facrifice. Salt is of ufe ; but if its tafte no more Remains, who fhall its ufefulnefs reflore ? Have fait within yourfelves ; and fludy peace. That in your hearts its influence may increafe. la) CHAPTER 15a 'UIE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHyVPTER X. Chri/i argues tvilh the PJiarifees on the fubje5l of divorcement : l/ejjeth the children brought unto him : inJlruHs a rick man how to attain eternal life : informs his dffciptes of the danger attending riches : promifeth rezvards to them who forfake worldly advantages on account of the gojpel : foretelleth his death and reJurreElion : advifeth the two ambitions Juitors rather to think of fuffering zvitk him: and refioreth fight to Bartimeus. DEPARTING thence, by Jordan's farther bound. Again he enter'd on Judaea's ground. His prefence an amazing concourfc brought. Whom in his cuftomary mode he taught. 1[ The Pharifees, with purpofe to infnare? Urg'd Jefus his opinion to declare If from the ties of matrimonial vows A man can legally divorce his fpoufc. In my reply, faid he, ere I proceed. Tell me the rule which Mofes has decreed. Simply a writing of divorce, they fay, Mofes directs, to put the wife away. Eor the peculiar hardnefs of your heart Mofes, he faid, this precept did impart; But, in the planning of creation's fcale, God only form'd a female and a male : Therefore a man his parents fhall forfake, Cleave to his wife, and they one flefli fliall make. Hufband and wife no longer then are twain. But, in ftrlfl union join'd, one flcfli remain. What, therefore, God together hath combin'd By human laws can never be disjoined. Bui SAINT MARK. ,^^ But tlie difclplcs, after they retir'd, Again about tliis inftituto inquir'd. He told them, he that Ihall divorce his wife, And with another join in married life, Commits adultery ; and whoe'er (hall wed Her that's divorc'd, pollutes the marriage-bed. % Then were young children unto Jefus brought^ And he, that he would touch them, was bcfought , But his difciples their attempts repell'd, Which ftrangc behaviour when the Lord, beheld. It much difpleas'd him ; and he faid, forbear, Nor dare forbid the children to come near; For 'tis fuch humble characters as thofe ' The kingdom of MelTiah that compofe : For, 'till like children ye become, 'twere vain A hope of entering it to entertain. Then took them in his arms, his hands imprefs'd On them, and every one with fervour blefs'd. 5[ As he proceeded on the road, a man With zealous earncftnefs to meet him ran ; And, kneeling, pray'd, good Mafter ! I defirc Inftruftion, life eternal to acquire. Jefus replied, why doft thou call me good. Which can alone of God be underdood ? Thou knowcfl the commandments; Do not Ileal; Nor with thy neighbour fraudulently deal. Honor thy parents; no falfe witnefs bear: Avoid adultery ; keep from murder clear. Maflct, he anfwcr'd, I aver with truth, All thefe commands have I obcy'd from youth. Jefus regarding him with looks of love. Said, one thing refts, fincerity to prove; Sell all thou haft ; beflow it on the poor , And heaven (hall blefs thee with its richcft (lore ; U 'nie>! ,;4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Then, from the world and its attra£lions free, Arifc, take up thy crofs, and follow me. This anfwer made him inftantiy depart ; For he was rich, and forrovv wrung his heart. Then Jefus his difciples thus addrefs'd : How hard is it for thofe of wealth poflefs'd The gofpel-difpenfation to embrace ! Finding this fentence fill'd them with amaze ; Children, he faid, ye little know how hard It is for thofe that chiefly wealth regard To love God's kingdom. Through a needle's eye Sooner a camel his vaft bulk may ply, Than he that trufts in riches find a place Within the kingdom of cclcllial grace. With deep aftonilliment they whifper'd, who Can know falvation, if the truth be fo? He anfwer'd, God no difficulty deems That wliich impracticable man efteems. Peter obferv'd. Lord! thou muft own that we All things deferted through regard to thee. Jefus replied, no man hath kft his houfe. His brethren, parents, children, lands, or fpoufe. For my fake, and the gofpel's, but ftiall know An hundred fold in recompence below, Though mix'd with perfecution ; and, above Shall be rewarded with eternal love ; But many that are laft, firft fliall appear. And many firft efteem'd, lag in the rear. Then on the road that to Jcrufalem led. They follow'd, trembling; Jefus at their head; When once again on every anxious bread His near-approaching fufferings he impreftj Saying, up to Jerufalem behold We go; where I fliall treacheroufly be fold fg SAINT MARK. 15^ To the chief pricfis and (cribes ; by wicked breatii Condemn'd to fuffer ignominious death, Dciiver'd to the Gentiles, mock'd, fcourg'd, flain ; But the third day be rais'd to life again. ^ Then James and John, the fons of Zebcdee, Came to him, begging that he would agree To their requeft. He anfwer'd, let me know What is the boon ye wilh me to beftow ? When thou art thron'd in glory, both replied. That \vc be thine aflTeflbrs on each fide. Alas ! faid Jefus, little do ye think, What ye demand. Are ye prepar'd to drink My cup of forrow ? Are ye well appriz'd With what dread fuflerings I mull be baptiz'd ? They anfwer'd. Lord, we arc. True, ye fliall drink My cup, faid he, nor from my baptifm flirink ; But thofe exalted ilations that ye want, Refts not with me peculiarly to grant ; But fhall with certainty be their reward, For whom in wifdom they have been prepar'd. When the ten heard the brethren's bold requeft, Refentment at their condu£t all expreft. Jefus obferv'd. With arbitrary fway The Gentile rulers make their Haves obey. Not fo with you : the man that would be great. Muft as their menial all his equals treat. He that would be your principal, mull fall In cftimation, miniftering to all. Even I, diftinguifli'd as the Son of Man, From heaven dcfccnded on the fervilc plan. To miniftcr to many, and to give My life a ranfom, that their fouls miglit live. ^ On quitting Jericho, whilll the rude throng Prcfs'd clofc around him as he pafs'd along, U 2 Blind 150 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Blind Bartiincus by the highway fide To every paiTcnger for ahns applied ; Who hearing Jefus pafs'd, with piercing cry, Said, Jefus, fon of David ! caft an eye Of pity on me. Angry at the noife, Some roughly charged him to reftrain his voice But he cried out, with doubled earneftnefs, O Son of David I pity my diftrefs. Jefus flood ftill, and to the people faid. Let him approach, that cries to me for aid. Thofe near him Ihouted, courage! friend, arife, ile calls for thee. The beggar nimbly flics To Jefus ; who demanding his defire. Was told, my fight I earneftly require. As thy reward, receive it, Jefus faith.; For thy recovery is due to faith. Inftant his eyes with former luftre glow'd : He faw; and folJow'd Jefus on the road CHAPTER SAINT MARK. ,37 CHAPTER X[. Chyifl riJeth triumphantly into Jcnifalem : curfeth the fruiikfs leafy tree : purgeth the temple : exhorteth his difciples to Jiedfajlnefs of faith, and to forgive their enemies : and defendeth the lawfulnefs of his aSlions, by the wilnefs of John, luho was a man fent of God. AS to Jerufalem they nearer drew, Bcthphagc and Bethany appear 'd in view : When from tlie Mount of Olives he fcnt down Two of his followers to a neighbouring town Saying, At your firfl entrance ye fliall fee A colt, faft tied ; whom loofe, and lead to me- Should any queftion you ? the Lord, reply, Wants him ; and none will his confont deny. Entering the village, at a door they fpicd The colt they fought for, with a halter tied : But whilft they loofe the bead, his owners fay. Why do ye take our property away; They fliap'd their anfwcr as they had been taught. And, unreftrain'd, the colt to Jcfus brought: Then on his back, with clothes like trappings gracedi Their humble mailer joyfully they placed : And many fpread their garments in the way ; Whilft others did their pious zeal difplay The trees by fpoiling of their leafy load. And flrewing the green branches on the road ; Whilft thofe who led, and thofe that came behind. In pious ftrains of exultation join'd. Crying, Hofanna : blclTings we proclaim To him who vifits in Jehovah's name. Bleflcd be he who does perpetuate Our glorious father David's royal ftatc. Which now is manifcft. To him be jriven Loudcft Hofannas in the highcft heaven. He jgS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO He then (his entry tlius in public made) An early vilit to the temple paid : Which having view'd minutely, with his train, At eve he left Jerufalem again. «I Returning hungry the fucceeding day, He fpied a fig-tree, diftant, on the way, Loaded with leaves: and ftept afide to try If any fruit it haply might fupply ; But found none : for the time did not allow The lufcious produce to adorn the bough. No man, hereafter, faid he to the tree, Shall be permitted to tafte fruit of thee. ^ Entering the city's boundary again, He fought the temple, venerable fane! "Whence he ejefted all that bought and fold, With thofe who profit drew from changing gold ; And arm'd with zeal, did thoroughly expel The traders thence, who doves prefum'd to fell ; Nor through the temple would he fufl^er ought Of vefTel, or utenfil, to be brought ; Saying, the prophets with one voice declare " * This for all nations is the houfe of prayer ;" But ye (diftinguifli'd amongft impious men !) J " Have turn'd my temple to a robber's den." The chief-priefts and the fcribcs this language heard. And would have murder'd him, but that they fear'd : p'or all the people to whate'er he faid, With filent wonder fix'd attention paid. At eve, e'er day (hot the laft gleams of light. He left Jerufalem, to pafs the night. The following morn difcover'd to their view A wither'd plant where late the fig-tree grew. * Ilaiab W. 7. t Jeremiah Tii. 11. Mafter ! SAINT MARK, 159 Mafter ! faid Peter, what by thee was made A curfe, behold ! is utterly decay 'd. Jefus to Peter and the reft replied. Be not aftonilhed, but in God confide. I tell you, who can in his mind decree This mountain (hall be caft into the fea. Harbouring no doubt, but ftrong in faith, fliall find The miracle confirm'd which he defign'd. Ihereforc I tell you, when ye pray, believe Thi' fubjeft of your prayer ye fliall receive, And to your ampleft wilh fliall it be given ; Only remember, in addrefllng heaven. All that have injur'd you, forgive; that fo Your heavenly father pardon may beftow On you : for if to pardon ye objeft, Forgivenefs how can ye from God cxpe£l? ^[ Reaching again Jerufalem, whilft he walk'd Within the temple, and inftruftive talk'd. The chief-priefts and the fcribcs, with all the band Of elders, came to him, with this demand. Whence haft thou thine authority? and who Empower'd thee thefe defpotic a£ts to do ? Jefus replied, in one thing anfwer me. And I your queftion to refolve agree. How were his powers to John the baptift given t Did they originate from men, or heaven? Then thus they rcafon'd : if from heaven we own. He will retort, why then not credit John ? But if from men, the people we muft fear. Who John's prophetic charadter revere. Therefore they faid, we know not ; nor will I, Jefus rejoin'd, to your demand reply. CHAPTER i6o THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XII. Ill a parable of the vineyard let out to unthankful hujhandmen, Chrift foretells the reprobg- tion of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles. — -He avoids the fnare of the Pharifees and Herodians about paying tribute to Cafar : refutes the error of the Sadduces, who de- nied the refurre£lion : refolves the queflion of the Scribe concerning the firfl commandment : refutes the opinion that the Scribes held of Chrifl ; bidding the people to beware of their ambition and hypocrify : and comtr.endeth the poor widoiv's contribution of two miles, in preference to the larger fums of the wealthy. HE then to fpcak. in parables began, And thus exprefs'd huiifclf: A certain man Planted a vineyard, fet a hedge around ; Prcpar'd his wine-vat ; and within the ground A tower erected ; let the whole on rent ; And on a journey to a dillance went. Soon as the feafon for the vintage came. He fent, his portion of the fruit to claim. The hufbandmen his fervant caught, and beat ; And, without payment, forc'd him to retreat. A fecond, fent in the firft fervant's ftcad, They bruis'd with ftones, and wounded on the head ; And their malicious temper to difplay. Shamefully treated, fent the man away. Another made a third experiment ; But him they kill'd : and many more were fent Without effeft. Some cruelly they beat ; Others they flew. The mafter having yet One fon, his well-belov'd, he fent him on, Saying, they fure will reverence my fon. The hufbandmen agreed, this is the heir ; Let us difpatch him, and the vineyard fliare. They SAINT MARK. 161 They kill'd him, therefore ; and, without remorfc, Forth troni the vineyard call tlie mangled corfe. What methods will their injur'd Lord employ? The huftandmeii he furely will deftroy ; And, without queftion, to a different fct The vineyard and its rich produftions let. This fcripture-paflage have ye not perus'd, * " That which the builders with contempt refus'd, " The edifice's ornament is known, " Being the principal and corner Hone." This is the Lord's appointment ; and our eyes Behold the fa£l with ignorant furprife. Fain would they then have feiz'd him, being clear Pointed at them the meaning did appear ; But by the people aw'd, in difcontent And fullen temper from the place they went. ^[ The Pharifecs and fycophantic tribe. That Herod's impious principles imbibe. Then thus accollcd him. Mailer ! 'tis known That thou art true ; and influenc'd by none Teacheft the way of God fmcerely. Say, Lawfully can we Caifar's tribute pay ? Perceiving their hypocrify, he faid. Why is this fnare fo treacheroufly laid ? Shew me a coin ; when inftantly they brought One whereon trophies and defigns were wrought. Whofe head, faid Jefus, and the titles whofe. That the two faces of the coin difclofe ? They told him, Ca:far's. Pay then what ye owe To Caifar; and on God his rights beftow. This unexpected anfwcr, jufl and wife, Fill'd them with equal anger and furprife. S Tiif Pfilm CXTUI, 32. 102 THE GOSPEI. ACCORDING TO % The Sadducees to Jcfus then apply. Direct, the refurrettion who deny ; Obferving, Mofes wrote, in married life If a man die, and childlcfs leave his wife. His brother fliali partake the widow's bed. To raife up children in the hufband's ftcad. Seven brethren in a diflrift lately liv'd, Whofc cldeft married, but not long fiirviv'd His marriage, and died childlefs. To the (even In fad fucceffion was the woman given; For none left iilue. At the lail ihe died. And what we aflc is, that thou would'ft decide. When the whole family (ball rife again Whofe fliall flie, matrimontaily, remain. All having equal claim ? Then Jefus fpake. Not knowing fcripture, widely ye miltake, Neither the power of God. The future life Difclaims the ties of hufband and of wife. All they to whom that privilege is given, Live like the bleft inhabitants of heaven. Touching the dead, that they fliall rife again, Mofes does in the cleareft fenfe explain ; When God faid to him in the bufli, I am The God of Jacob, Ifaac, Abraham. God of the living, not the dead, 'tis plain How grofs the error is ye entertain. «[ A Scribe, who had attended the difpute, Hearing him thus their theory confute, And that they were completely filenc'd faw, Alk'd Jefus the firft precept of the law. Jcfus replied, The principal command Is this, * " O Ifracl ! hear and undcrftand : " The Lord our God's the one and only Lord, " To whom, without referve, thy love afford. ' Deuteronomy vi. 4. " Love SAINT MARK. " Love him with all thy foul, with all thine liearf, " Thy powers, and all thine intcUeftual part. This is the firfl; commandment, which difplays Conformity to what the fecond fays ; Namely, * " Thy kindnefs to thy neighbour prove " By loving him as thou thyfclf doft Jove." Than thefe commands no wifdom can produce Superiors in authority and ufe. The truth haft thou declar'd, the Scribe replied^ For God is one ; and there is none befide : And to love him lincertly from the heart, VMiercin the underlianding bears its part, With all the foul and faculties ; and prove By a£ts, our neighbour as ourfelves we love, Will to evince our foul's true ftate fuffice, More than burnt-ofTerings and facrifice. Jests obferving his difcreet reply. Said, To Meffiah's kingdom thou art nigh. And, from that hour, not even his fubtleft foes Dared a furmifc or queftion to propofe. 5 Whilst in the temple Jefus daily taught, This cafe before the people's minds he brought , Why fay the Scribes in peremptory tone, That Chrirt is abfolutely David's fon ? When David, who by infpiration fpake, Does this remark particularly make .' ■j- " The Lord faid to my Lord, do thou enjoy •♦ This right-hand feat, till I thy foes dcftroy." How will they make thcfe dilTcrent points accord. That Chrift is David's fon, and David's lord ? The common people liftcn'd. and appear'd Delighted with the doQrine that they heard. ^ CoNCLUDiNC * LcTiticus xix. 18. t PCJm ex. i. X 2 363 i64 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO % Concluding his difcourfe, he faid, Beware; Nor make the Scribes your pattern, and your fnare. In their long robes they vainly walk the ftreet. Looking for compliments from all they meet ; Claim in the fynagoguc the higheft chair; At feafts the chief accommodations there. Making long prayers, the widow's pittance (leal. Such fliall the heaviefl: condemnation feel. ^ Whilst fitting where the treafury was in view. Many he faw their offerings that threw Therein. And numbers, that were rich, difplay'd Their bounty with munificent parade. Then a poor widow came with decent grace. And dropt two mites into th' accuffS&f'd place. Jefus obferv'd, The widow's gift, though fmall. In its intrinfic worth outweighs them all. They of fuperfluous fubftance gave a part ; She gave her all : and gave with all her heart. CHAPTER SAINT MARK 165 CHAPTER XIII. C/triJl pyedi£ls the deJlruEiion of the temple ; the perfecutions on account of the gofpel : that the gofpel miiji be preached to all nations ; that great calamities fliall happen to the Jews ; and the manner of his coming to judgment : the hour whereof being unknown, every man ts to watch and pray, that we be not found unprovided, when he comet h n each one particularly by death. LEAVING the temple, a difciplc faid, Look, Mailer, at the grandeur here difplay'd. What curious works of mafonry appear ! What a ftupendous edifice is here! Jefus replied, alas ! this glorious place Shortly iliail impious enemies erafe : And fo complete the ruin, every (tone Disjoin'd from others fliall be left alone. As Jefus on the Mount of Olives fat Soon after, oppofite the temple's gate, Peter, John, James, and Andrew, to unfold Requefted him the things he had foretold ; And what the previous fignals that would come, Dreadful forerunners of the temple's doom ? Jesits replied to them, keep conftant guard. And to prevent deception be prepar'd ; For many will affume my name, and fay I am the Chrill, and numbers draw allray. Thus, when of war and its report ye hear, Imagine not the confummation near. Thefe things mud: happen. Nations Ihall engage In wars ; and ftatcs contend with mutual rage. The ,6r, THE GOSPKL ACCORDING TC; Tlie vawnlng earth in her capacious womb, Shall bury ihoufands in one common tomb. Famine fliail wafte the world ; commotions fpread Through happieft governmcntt; difmay and dread: Yet thefe, which might the firmcfl difcompofe. Are but mere preludes to fuperior woes. ^ Then to yourfelves take heed, for they flia!l draw You forth, as criminals, to courts of law. The fynagoguc its cruel rage to vent, With the fliarp fcourge your bodies lliall torment. Haled before Princes for my fake, your word Againft them ample witnefs Ihall afford : iiut, previoufly, the gofpel muft appear. And all mankind the glorious tidings hear. When, therefore, they (hall hurry you away. Feel no concern for that which ye fliall fay : The Holy Ghoft your language lliall fupply ; Therefore on him with confidence rely : For though your tongues articulate the words, 'Tis his fuggeflion your defence affords. Such fad depravity the heart will fwa\. Brother Ihall brother unto death betray. Fathers and fons, perverting nature's laws. Each others death fliall merciledy caufe ; And merely for my name's fake fliall ye find I latred and enmity from all mankind : But who fliall perfeveringly endure, Will his falvation finally fecure. ^ That profanation when ye fhall behold, ^Peculiarly by Daniel foretold) Stand where it ought not, in the holy place, .May he that reads, the fecret meaning trace) Let SAINT MARK. ,67 Let them, that in Judsea then may be, For fafety to the diftant mountauis flee. Let thofe on the houfe-top defcend, nor ftar To take their money or their goods away. That hour fhould any in the field o'ertake, Let him not turn, but even his cloaths forfakf. Woe to the pregnant then, and thofe opprell With innocents depending on the breafl: ! And that your flight be not in winter, pray ; For fuch afiii(?tion fliall attend that day As never yet, fince firft the world began. Was felt, nor fliall again be known by man : For, fliould the Lord permit the term to lafl. None could efcape his anger's furious blafi: ; But God, who does his favour'd race protect, Shall fliorten it, bccaufc of his eleft. If, Chrill is here, or there, fliouId any fay. To what they publifli no attention pay. Pretended Chrifl:s and prophets fliall arife, Attended with fuch figns and prodigies, As, fliould not God their fradulcnce difclofe, Would even on th' elect thcmfelves impofe. Keep then upon your guard ; and thus prepar'd. See that ye be not by their wiles infnar'd. ^ After that tribulation, in thofe days. The fun, obfcur'd, fliall not emit his rays. The moon no longer fliall her light impart ; The ftars from their appointed orbits ftart ; And, like the waves of a tempcflous fea. The heavenly powers fliall agitated be. Then with amazement fliall the world behold The clouds of heaven on either lide unfold ; Whilft arm'd with power, in terrible array, The Son of Man his glor\' fliall difi>Iay. Til en i68 THE GOSPEL yVCCORDING TO Then, likewife, (liall he fend liis angels forth, Who from the Eall, the Weft, the South, and North, Shall his eleft, with the dread trumpet's found. Convene from heaven's and earth's remoteft bound. This information from the fig-tree learn ; In whofe young flioots the leaves when yc difcern. All fay the fummer's near. So likewife, ye. When thefe fad fignals of portent ye fee. Know danger's at your doors : for all this doom, Shall on the prefent generation come. The heavens and earth fliall perilli and decay; Hut not one word of mine Oiall pafs away. ^ The knowledge of that day to none is given. Not even to th' angelic hoft of heaven ; Nor is communicated to the Son : But for the Father is referv'd alone. Therefore be circumfpect, and watch and pray : Becaufe uncertain of the hour and day. The Son of Man may be compar'd to one Who left his houfe, on a far journey gone ; But to his fervants gave their proper charge. So that each man knew his own work at large ; Ordering the porter, with peculiar care To watch, left ought improper enter there. Watch then, not knowing when the Lord will knock. At evening, midnight, crowing of the cock. Or morn ; your guard with blamelefs caution keep ; Left, at his coming, ye be found afleep. Let, therefore, what I fay to all attach. For it concerns you generally ; Watch. CHAPTER SAINT MARK. i68 CHAPTER XIV A confpiracy agafnft Chrijl ; upon whofe head a woman ponreth precious ointment- — Judas Jelleth his mafter for money. Chrijl himjelj Joretelleth Jww he JItall be betrayed by one oj his dijcipks : after the pajfover prepared and eaten, he injlitutes his Jupper : declares ajorehand the flight oJ his dijciples, and Peter's denial. — Judas betrays him with a kifs. — He is apprehended in the garden, Jalfely accujed, and impioufly condemned by the JewiJIi council, Jhamefully abufed by tliem, and thrice denied of Paer. I'^HE feafon of unleaven'd bread drew near ; For in two days the feaft of PafTover Was to be kept. The fcribes, and chiefs of thofc^ The Jewilh Hierarchy that compofe, Devis'd in concert, with malignant joy. Some crafty method Jefus to deftroy : But, from mere prudence, 'twas agreed by all Unfafc to act during the feftival. For fear of infurreftion. Jefus chofe At Bethany to take his night's repofe ; Where Simon, call'd the leper, did intreat In courteous wife his company to meat. Whilft there, a woman brought into the room An alabafter box of rich perfume. The box (he brake, and upon Jefus' head The coftly compound of rich odours flied : When fome difciples, with indignant eye Beheld the fcenc, they afk'd the reafon why This wafte ? for had the precious ware been fold. The poor had benefited by the gold. And they rcprov'd her hardily ; but he faid Let lier aloBC, nor dare an a£t upbraid Y Demonftrativc i6y THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Dcmonftrativc of pure regard : diftrcfs And poverty yc always can rcdrefs. The poor arc ever with you : but for me My ftay aniongft you iliort indeed will be. What flie could do is done. Her precious nard My body for interment has prepar'd : And whcrcfoe'er my gofpcl fliall be nam'd. This charitable a£t ihall be proclaim'd. ^ Then Judas (call'd Ifcariot) went away To the chief-priefts his mafter to betray. Gladly they heard his offer, and agreed. To gain their point, his avarice to feed : Nor did he from that time the means neglect To bring his monftrous treafon to effeft. ^ Then came the day "when with unleav'd bread The Jewifli tribes, by ordinance, are fed. On this day muft the pafchal lamb be flain, As God by Mofes did of old ordain. Where would'ft thou, the difciples faid, that we Prepare the paflTover for us and thee? Go ye, to two difciples he replied, And in the city make that man your guide. Whom firft encountering in the public flreet. Bearing a water-pitcher ye (hall meet. Whatever houfe he enters, thither go ; And charge the owner inftantly to fliow The gucft-chamber, where I and mine may meet Our pafchal meal conveniently to eat. Then will he fliew you a large upper-room ; Wherein prepare, and tarry till I come. Pun£\ual their maftcr's orders they obey'd. And ready there the paflbver was made. At SAINT iMARK.. 170 At eve, with the difciples Jefus came. When, as ordain'd, they ate the pafchal lamb. Take notice, he obferv'd, of what I fay ; One of you twelve your mafter fhall betray. With forrow ftupified look'd every eye, Whilft each demanded, Mafter ! is it I ? One of your number, he replied, is he ; Even one who dips in the fame dilli with me. The Son of Man muft go as truth hath faid ; But woe to him by whom he is betray 'd. Better for him, fad child of fin and fcorn ! If he had never been of woman born. ^ Now, whilft they ate, Jefus took bread, and bleft ; And, after breaking, gave it to the reft. Saying, This, as my body, take and eat ; Then took the cup, and with devotion meet Gave thanks ; and then proceeding through the rank, Each in his turn receiv'd the cup, and. drank : Jefus obferving. This doth reprefent My blood, as fhed in the new teftament For many. But, on earth whilft I remain, I from the vine's produtlion will rehain j Nor tafte it till that period when with you In God's own kingdom I lliall drink it new. ^ Then, having fung an hymn, they walk'd abroad. And to the Mount of Olives look the road ; When Jefus told them, all of you ihall be This night offended, on account of me: For thus, infpir'd, does Zechariah write, * " The Lord of armies fliall the fliepherd fmite, " And ail the fheep Ihall in confufion lice •" But I will fliew niyfclf in Galilee, After my refurrettion from the dead. ^ ^ Though * Zecturuh xiii. 7. f^^ TflE GOSPEL ACCORDL\G TO Though all (hould be offended, Peter faid. Yet will not I. jofus replied, this night, 'Ere twice the cock proclaim th' approach of light, ^^ ilt thou renounce nie thrice. This did incenfe Peter to add, with greater vehemence. With thee I fully am prepar'd to die ; But never bafely will thy name deny. And thus faid all. When to a place they came Upon the mount, Gethfemane by name. He ordcr'd his difciples there to ftay, Whilft: for a time he fliould retire to pray. Then taking Peter, James, and John apart. With confternation and a burthen'd heart He thus befpake them : Anguifli and diftrefs With deadly forrow all my powers opprefs : Tarry, and watch. Advanc'd a little way, Proftrate he fell, and thus began to pray, O, that this hour were paft ! Father, to thee All things are poffible. Remove from me This cup of forrow : yet not mine alone. But thine, even thine almighty will be done. He then return'd, and finding them afleep, To Peter faid, could not e'en Simon keep One hour awake ? Affiduous watch and pray. Left by temptation ye be led aftray. The mind would willingly her efforts ufe ; But the tir'd body does its aid refufe. Again he left them, and again he pray'd. The words repeating that before were faid. Once more returning to the place, he found All ftill remain'd in flumber on the ground; For heavy were their eyes, nor could they make A rational reply to what he fpake. Thf SAINT MARK. 171 The third time, thus the fleepers he addrcft, Sleep undifturb'd, my friends, and take your reft. 'Tis done : — at length arrives the heavy hour That gives the Son ot Man to trcafon's power. Arife, let us go hence : the traitor's feet Approach, the viftim of his guilt to meet. ^ Then, fuddcniy, whilft yet the words he fpakc. Did the vile traitor his appearance make. From the chief priefts attended by a guard, For violence with fwords and clubs prepar'd Judas had given this token, when ye fee Tliat I embrace a man, be fure 'tis he. Then ftepping forward with audacious hade, Exclaiming, Rabbi ! Jcfus he embrac'd. •[[ The traitorous fignal inftant was obey'd; Jefus was feized on, and a prifoner made. His fword unflieathing, one to Jefus near Depriv'd the high-prieft's fervant of an ear. Why do ye thus with arms, he faid, attend, As if ye meant a thief to apprehend ? Within the temple day by day I taught, Yet none of you to feize my perfon fought i But all muft be fulfill'd which fcriptures fay. Then all deferted him, and fled away. One youth, indeed, to follow Jcfus prefs'd, Cover'd alone with a fine linen vefl: j W^hom when the foldiers caught, with fudden flcighl Quitting his drefs, he faved himfelf by flight. ^ To Caiaphas' palace (in debate Where the chief-prit-fts, the fcribes, and ciders fat) Jefus was carried, whilft to watch th' event, Peter, behind, at a fliort diftance went ; Enter'd the houfe, and fought a place to gain Near to a fire, amongft the menial train. Meanwhilt 173 T"l^ GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Meanwhile the ciders, priefts, and council drove By perjury their wicked charge to prove ; But fail'd: at length fome caitiffs they procur'd. Who with the fanflion of an oath aflur'd. He faid, this temple built with hands I'll raze, And will replace the firucture in three davs With one not made with hands. But, even fo, No congruous fafls their evidence could fliow. Then the high-prieft amidft the council rofe. Demanding,, hafl: thou nothing to oppofe ? Their atteftations thou haft heard : then why Doft thou not to their evidence reply ? jefus continuing mute, he faid again, 1 charge thee in thine anfwer to explain If thou art Chrift the Son of God moft high. I am, was Jefus's concife reply : And, plac'd on the right hand of power (hall ye ITie Son of Man at his next advent fee Amidft the clouds of heaven make his defcent. Then the high-prieft his robes of office rent, Saying, what need of witnefles? ye hear His blafphemies : can guilt be made more clear? The council join'd, and with united breath Pronounc'd him guilty, and deferving death. Then fome began to fpit on him. Some fpread A covering o'er his face, and fmote his head. Exclaiming impioufly, at every blow, Inform us. Prophet ! who has ftruck thee now : And, to complete the horrid fcene, a load Of blows the menials on his cheeks beftow'd. f Whilst Peter ftood in the court-yard, a maid. Servant to Caiaphas, approach 'd, and faid. Viewing him earneftly, thou too waft feen Amongft the followers of this Nazarene : But SAINT MARK. 174 But he replied, the man I do not know ; When, inftantly, the cock began to crow, Juft as he left the veftibule. Again The maid averr'd, thou waft in Jefus' train. Peter again denied it. Thofe around Then challeng'd him upon a different grouod, Afferting, thus it muft be j for thy phrafe A Galilean origin betrays. With oaths and imprecations he began To re-affirm, I do not know the man. Scarce had he fpoken, when the cock's fhrill note To Peter's mind the Lord's prediction brought, " This very night, before the cock crow twice, " Peter ! fhalt thou deny thy mafter thrice. Struck with this awful monitor, he crept, ACde, in bitternefs of foul, and wept. CHAPTER ,.5 THE GOSPEL ACCORDIxNG TO CHAPTER XV. Jtfu!, brought bound, is accufed before 'Pilate. — Upon the clamour of the common people, the murderer- Bar abbas is re/eafed, and J e fits delivered up to be crucified: he is frowned with thorns, fpii on, mocked, and crucified between two thieves. — He ftiffereth the triumphing reproaches of the Jews ; but is confejfed by the centurion to be the Son ef God : and is honourably buried by Jo/eph of Arimathea. THE chicf-priefts, elders, fcribes, and council fat Long time engag'd in intricate debate, When Jcfus tliey agreed to fend away In bonds to Pilate, at the dawn of day. Art thou, faid Pilate (for I wifli to know) King of the Jews ? refolve me, yes or no. He anfwer'd, thou haft faid it. Then, at large The chief-priefts labour'd to make good their charge ; But Jcfus anfwer'd not. Doft thou not hear. Said Pilate, what againft thee they aver ? But Jefus ftill ftood fllent, and refign'd. So that aftonifliment fill'd Pilate's mind. Now, at the people's option, on that feaft A prifoner whom they favour'd was releas'd. Barabbas, one of the feditious train, A citizen who had in tumult flain, Lay then confin'd. With importuning cry. The croud to Pilate for their boon apply. Who mildly thus addrefs'd them: Would ye choofe Jefus, cftoem'd as fovereign of the Jews ? For well he knew that envy mov'd their mind To cayfe him thus in bonds to be confin'd ; But, SAINT MARK. 177 But, by the priefts incited, all exclaim, Barabbas is the man we wifh to name. He pleaded, to what iffue fliall I bring The cafe of Jefus, whom ye call your king? They anfwer'd, crucify him. Pilate faid. Wherefore ? what evil to his charge is laid ? The multitude incens'd, conjointly cried With turbulence, let him be crucified. % Then Pilate, that the people might be pleas "d, Barabbas from imprifonment releas'd. Condemning Jefus to be fcourg'd, and fent To crucifixion's dreadful punifliment. The military led him to the hall. Which Roman foldiers the prsetorium call ; Where, when the cohort was conven'd, they dreft The patient fuflferer in a purple veft; Platted a crown of thorns with wicked haftc, Firm on his head the torturing emblem plac'd. With impious mockery his cars affail. Saluting him. King of the Jews, all hail ! Bruis'd with a reed his head, fpat on his face, And paid him homage mingled with grimace. This mockery done, the purple robe he wore They took away, and cloth'd him as before In his own veftments, and without delay To the laft fcene of fuffering led the way. Meeting one Simon, a Cyrenian Jew, (Rufus's fire, and Alexander's too) As from the country he return'd, the throng Made him, by force, to bear the crofs along Then to a fcite call'd Golgotha they came. (Place of a fcull is its tranflatcd name) A bitter potion where they did prefer, Whofe compofition was of wine and myrrli . Z • But ,yj{ illE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But he rc-fus'd it. Now, when crucified, They chofc by lot his garments to divide. It was prccifely the third hour of day That mark'd this a£t of exquifite difmay. No man the fuperfcription did accufe ; For thcfe the brief contents, " King of the Jews." 5 To magnify the horror of the fcene. His crofs was plac'd two criminals between. With taunts each paflenger, reviling, faid, Whilft in contemptuous form he fhook his head. Thou that the temple canft deftroy ; and more, Canft in three days the edifice reftore. Let thofc extraordinary powers be known; Prcfcrvc thyfelf, and from the crofs come down. The chief-priefts and the elders join'd the reft. And thus themfelvcs malignantly expreft, He refcued others from the yawning grave, Stransc, that from death himfelf he could not favc \ His crofs let Chrift the King of Ifrael leave, And we will credit what our eyes perceive. Nay, even the convicts on each fide that hung, Ufed contumelioufly each impious tongue. From the fixth hour until the ninth was paft, A total darkncfs all the land o'ercaft. When Jefus utter'd this diftrefling cry, Eloi, Eloi, lama fabacthani ? Which means, my God! my God! why thus bereft Of comfort, and without afliftance left ? Some that ftood near him, confidently faid. Hark ! to Elias he applies for aid : On which one dipt a fponge in vinegar, Plac'd on a reed, and with officious care. Gave it to quench him ; faying, let alone» Try if Elias come to take him down. Then SAINT MARK. »79 Then Jefus with amazing effort cried Aloud, and in the very effort died; When inftantly the temple's vail was rent From top to bottom in its full extent. ^ When the centurion then on duty nigh. Heard Jefus utter his expiring cry. He faid to thofe around him, feiz'd with dread. This man mufl be the Son of God, indeed. Some women flood fpcftators of the fcene. Far off; 'mongfl: whom were Mary Magdalene; Jofes and James's mother; Salome, Who had, with others, long in Galilee Attended him ; and many like to them. Who follow'd Jefus to Jerufalem. ^ When evening came, becaufe this day with care For the approaching fabbath they prepare, Jofeph, who from Arimathea came, A counfellor of honourable name. And who himfclf did patiently await The promulgation of the gofpel-ftate. With confidence to Pilate did prefer A fuit, the body that he might inter. Pilate, amaz'd he had fo foon expir'd. From the centurion of the fa6l inquir'd ; Of which when certified, without delay He granted leave to take the corps away. Jofeph then took the body down, and round With linen of peculiar finenefs bound ; Plac'd it within a tomb hewn in a rock ; And roll'd againlt its mouth a ftony block. Meanwhile the Marys both prolong'd their (lay. To mark the place where the Lord's body lay. Z £ CHAPTER itio THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER X\T An angel declareth the refurreBion of Chrifi to three women. — Chriji appear el h to Mary Magdalene; to two difciples going into the country; then to the apojlles, whom he Jendeth forth to preach the gofpel : and afcendeth into heaven. NOW both the Marys, Magdalene, and flie Mother of James, with her call'd Salome, The fabbath ended, went with fpices ftor'd, Bought to anoint the body of the Lord. The firfl: day of the week, foon as the fun His conftant courfe of duty had begun. They reach'd the tomb ; when each began to fay What friendly arm (hall roll the flone away? For it was weighty. But, behold ! the ftone, To their complete aftonilhment, was gone. Entering the fepulchre, a youth they fpied Cloth'd in a long white robe, who occupied The right fide : and they forely were afraid. Till with complacency of tone he faid. Lay every apprehenfive thought afide ; Jefus of Nazareth, who was crucified. Ye feek. He is not here, but rifen. — This way Come, and behold where the Lord's body lay. ^f Go now, to Peter and the reft difclofe. Before you into Galilee he goes: For there, according to his former word. Shall your glad eyes behold the living Lord. Tlie tomb they left with terror and difmay. Nor fpake a word to any by the way. % Now SAmr MARK. iSi 5 Now, after Jefus from the tomb arofe, .. ' To Mary Magdalene at firft he chofe To prove his refurreftion (from whofe breaft Seven evil fpirits he hajj difpofleft) Who to the mournful friends of Jefus went. That weeping fat, to tell this great event : But, notwithftanding from her mouth they heard He was alive, and had to her appear'd. Yet they believ'd not. On that very day, Though in a different form, upon the way He join'd with two difciples as they walk'd, And, forrowing, of the late tranfaflions talk'd, Thefe to the refidue the news convey'd. But no man credited whate'er they faid. Jesus once more his perfon did reveal, Whilft the eleven were feated at their meal ; For incredulity whom he reprov'd. And obftinacy, which remain'd unmov'd ; Becaufe no credence to their words they gave. Who faw him, when arifen from the grave. ^ Then faid he, inftantly yourfelves prepare, To all mankind the gofpel to declare. He that believes, and is baptiz'd, fliall know The bleffings from falvation's fount that flow. Whilft he that lives in unbelief fhall find The horrors of a felf-condemning mind. Thefe wonderous powers believers fliall polTefs, Untaught, to fpeak in divers languages; To caft out daemons in mv name ; to take With fafety in their hands th' envcnoni'd fnake. No poifonous draught fliall injure them ; and thofe On whom, when fick, their hands they fliall impofe. Shall to full health and foundnefs be reftor'd. ^ Now xSa THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO, &c. ^ Now, after this alTurance from the Lord, He was affuni'd to the divine abode. And took his place at the right hand of God. Then went they forth, in every place to preach. The Lord co-operating with their fpeech. And fealing, by the miracles they wrought. The do£lrine of falvation which they taught, END OF THE SECOND GOSPEL. Cfie (io(pel ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE. CHAPTER I. T}i£ preface. — The conceptmi of John the Baptijl, and of Chri/i. — The prophefy of Elizabeth, and of Mary, concerning Chriji. — The nativity and circumcifion of John. — The prophecy of Zachary refpe£ling ChriJI and John. SINCE many to delineate have defign'd What has of late engag'd the public mind Concerning thofe things which to us have been By them related who the fa£ls had feen, Rever'd Theophilus, I thought it right That I minutely (hould to thee recite Thofc a£ts which from their origin I knew; That, plac'd in order, thou might 'ft clearly view The whole ; and thence the certainty difcern Of what thy mind has been difpos'd to learn. A a WHli^ 1 80 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO When Ilerod o'er Judx's diftri£t reign'd, Zachary the office of a prieft fuftain'd. He from Abia fprung. His wife, by name Elizabeth, of Aaron's lineage came. Both, righteous in the fight of God, obferv'd All his commands, nor from his worlhip fwerv'd. But childlcfs was this pair : and both the wife And hufband then had pafs'd the prime of life. Once, when officiating in his turn, Within the temple fragrant gums to burn, Whilft at the hour of incenfe thofe without, With hands uplifted and with hearts de\^out, Were praying, Zachary at the altar's fide Sudden an angel of the Lord efpied ; Who, to the holy man with fear opprefs'd, ITiefe cheering words fuccefsfully addrefs'd: Fear thou not, Zachar}'; the Lord, who hears His faints' petitions, on thy fide appears. Thy wife Elizabeth fliall bear a fon, To be diftinguifh'd by the name of John ; Gladnefs and joy fliall fill thee at his birth. For his nativity fliall blefs the eartJj. In the Lord's fight great favour fliall he gainj From wine and all ftrong drink fliall he refrain. Led by the fpirit from his mother's womb. Through him to God fliall many converts come Of Ifracl's children. He ftiall go before, Arm'd with Elijah's fpirit, and his power. To turn to children the parental heart : Wifdom to unbelievers to impart ; And to prepare a willing people's mind, Already to receive the Lord incJin'd. Then SAINT LUKE. 187 Then Zacharias faid. How (hall I learn The truth of this prediftion to difcern ? For I am growing ancient ; and my wife Is faft declining in the vale of life. The angel anfwer'd, I am Gabriel; known In heaven, as (landing near th' Almighty's throne. From him a meflenger of joy I come ; But thou fhalt, for thy punifhment, be dumb, Becaufe thou didft not on my words believe; Which, in due time, completion Ihall receive. Expecting Zachar}', the people ftay'd. Wondering fo long his coming he delay 'd ; And when, at length, he pafs'd the temple's gate. Loft was all power the wonder to relate; But, by the figns he made, one point was clear 'd. Some fupernatural objeft had appear'd ; Although the circumftances unexplain'd By reafon of his want of fpeech remain'd. Soon as his term of miniftering expir'd. The pious prieft to his own home retir'd. Elizabeth experienc'd in (hort fpace. That Gabriel's promis'd word had taken place. The firft five months of pregnancy conceal'd She kept. The Lord, faid Ihe, hath thus reveal'd His favour: thus his loving»kindnefs prov'd. And the reproach of barrennefs remov'd. In the fixth month, by heavenly mandate fent. To Nazareth the holy angel went. To a pure virgin, Mary call'd ; the fpoufe Betroth'd of Jofeph, fprung from David's houfe. The angel thus falutcd her — Rejoice, Favourite of heaven I the Lord's peculiar choice ! A a 2 Hail, i88 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Hail, bleflTed amongfl; women! Mary ftood Amaz'd, and fix'd in meditating mood. Uncertain of the meflenger's intent ; And dubious what fuch falutation meant. His meffage then refuming, Gabriel faid, Ceafe, highly-favour'd ! ceafe to be afraid : Thou (halt be pregnant, and a child (hall bear, Who by the name of Jefus fliall appear. Great fliall he be ; and lliall be call'd the Son Of the Moft High, and fit on David's throne. O'er Jacob's houfe perpetual fliall he reign, And his dominion evermore maintain. Mary inquir'd. How can thefe things be fo, Seeing no intercourfe with man I know? On thee, faid Gabriel, fliall the fpirit reft. And power Almighty like a fliade inveft: Thy perfon : wherefore fliall the holy child TTiou flialt produce, the Son of God be ftyl'd. Thy kinfwoman Elizabeth, behold ! Is pregnant with a fon, though now grown old. She, of a mother's hope who feem'd depriv'd. To her fixth month has happily arriv'd ; For nothing can refift Almighty fway ; — God fpeaks the word, and all his works obey. Mary replied. According to thy word Be it to me, the fervant of the Lord. The gracious mefl!age to conclufion brought. His heavenly fliation the Archangel fought ; Mary then rofe, intent with anxious hafte To reach a city 'midft the mountains plac'd. Where Zacharias dwelt. Her well-known voice Inftantly made Elizabeth rejoice ; So SAINT LUKE. 189 So that with Mary's greeting overcome. The confcious infant leapt within her womb. Fill'd with the Holy Ghoft, filence flic broke, And with loud voice this benediftion fpoke : — Blessed above all women! bled indeed The holy child who fliall from thee proceed ! Why fliQuld the mother of my Lord defcend Thus meekly to regard an humble friend ? For, lo ! thy gratulation's cheering found With tranfport made the babe within me bound. And bleft is fhe that hath believ'd the word Which fliall take place, as told her from the Lord. Then Mary faid — My foul, elate with joy. Shall her bed powers to praife the Lord employ, My fpirit, while remain my life and voice. In God my Saviour conftant fliall rejoice ; For he hath rais'd his humble handmaid's name. Whom future ages blefled fliall proclaim. Me, beyond bounds, th' Almighty hath preferr'd, Whofe name be ever holy and rever'd. Succefl[ively, to thofe his name that fear. His boundlefs mercy fliall unchang'd appear. He, whilft his ftrength was glorioufly difplay'd. By their own arts the proud has proftrate laid. He from their thrones has princely men difplac'd, And thofe of lowefl; rank to power has rais'd. The famifli'd foul with plenty does he feed. And brings the rich to penury and need ; Preferving promis'd mercy in his mind, Ifrael his fervant ftill hath found him kind ; To our forefathers as he did engage. Even Abraham and his fons, from age to age. With her relation Mary here fojourn'd About three months, and homeward then roturn'd. Now 1^0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDIN'G TO Now, when Elizabeth's full term was come. The fon prcdi£ted iffued from her womb. Her neighbours and relations, who had heard For her how gracioufly the Lord appear'd, Rejoic'd with her ; and when the feafon came For circumcifion, gave the child the name Of Zacharias : but fhe faid, my fon Muft bear, afliiredly, the name of John. Thofe that were prefent queftion'd her, before. That name if any of her kindred bore ; And therefore begg'd the father to difclofe What appellation for his fon he chofe : Who for a tablet made a fign, and wrote John is the name which from the Lord was brought. All prefent in aftonifhment remain'd; And, inftant, lo ! his tongue its ufe regain'd. From his glad lips high drains of rapture broke ; For praife to God compriz'd the whole he fpoke. The region round about was fill'd with dread ; And through the hilly parts the rumour fpread. Deeply imprefs'd, each to his neighbour fpake. Some wonderous change this child will furely make: For, queftionlefs, throughout the whole defign The work of God does manifeftly fliine. Inspir'd divinely, Zachary then rofe. Heaven's gracious difpenfation to difclofe : Blefs'd be the God of Ifrael ; blefs'd the Lord, Who does redemption to his own afford ; And for his people has prepar'd, of grace, A Saviour of his fervant David's race. As by the facred prophets was foretold ; And in their writings was confirm 'd, of old : That we fecurely might be kept from thofe. Who by their anions fliew themfelves our foes : His SAINT LUKE. 191 His holy covenant to keep in mind, His mercy to our fathers which confign'd. The folemn vow, to Abraham which he fwore. That he would grant his children evermore Divine prote£lion ; and, exempt from fear. Holy and juft they might his name revere. And thou, dear child ! though lightly now efteem'd, Of the Mod High a prophet flialt be deem'd. As the Lord's melTcnger, thou Hialt prepare His peoples hearts, and his approach declare To thofe that his falvation feek and own. Which through remiffion of their fins is known ; And Ihalt, as does the day-fpring from on high To thofe that fit in darknefs, light fupply ; Their captive fouls from death's dark fliade releafe. Guiding their feet into the paths of peace. The child increas'd in ftature ; whilft his mind. Divinely bent, to holinefs inclin'd : And, till to Ifrael publicly reveal'd. In the lone wildernefs he lay conceal'd. CHAPTER ,q, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER II. Auguftus taxeth all the Roman empire. — The nativity of Chrift : an angel relates it to the Jhepherds : many of the heavenly hoft fing praifes to God for it. — Chrift is cir- cumcifed : Mary purified. — Simeon and Anna prophefy of Chrift. — He increafeth in wifdom ; queftionetk in the temple with the doBors ; and is obedient to his parents. THE hour by prophets long foretold drew near^ When the defire of nations fhould appear. The Roman empire then enormous grown. And by its rulers not completely known, Auguftus chofe that time of peace t' embrace, Its fouls to number, and its bounds to trace. When for this regifter the edift came, Quirinus Syria in a prefeft's name Govern 'd: and all were order'd to repair To their own cities, to be enter'd there. Joseph with Mary his efpoufed bride. In Nazareth long accuftom'd to refide, To Bethlehem went ; which was their proper place For regiftry, as fprung from David's race. Ani> now the fulnefs of the time was come When Mary's fon (hould quit her virgin womb. An inn's poor liable was the chamber where This holy child firft breath'd the vital air. The houfe no room affording, there he lay In a rude manger, on a bed of hay. At this time, to fome fhepherds in the field. Thus was the angel of the Lord reveal'dj Their SAINT LUKIi. 153 Their flocks whilfl: guarding in the dead of night, Lo ! witli an inllantaneous blaze of light. Round them the glory of the Lord appear, O'erwhelniing all with wonder and with fear. Then faid the angel, Purge from dread each heart; Behold, I come good tidings to impart ; Tidings of greateft joy, the world to cheer, Which diftant ages iliall with tranfport hear ; For unto you, this memorable morn. In David's city is a SAVIOUR born. Even Chrift the Lord ; and this a certain fign. Wrapt up in fvvaddling clothes the babe divine Shall to your fearch appear. His humble bed A manger in a fordid (table's flied. Then join'd the angel a celeftial throng, C^haunting aloud this evangelic fong ; Glory in the higheft heaven Be to God by angels given : And may human bofoms prove Blifstu! feats uf peace and )ove. This hymn complete, the wondering ftiepherds faw The hofts of angels back to heaven withdraw ; And then agreed to Bethlehem to repair. To witnefs God's tranfcendent wonders there. With hafte they went ; and as the angel faid. The babe difcover'd in a manger laid : Whilfl; Jofeph and his fpoufc, with minds fedatc, And looks of love, clofe to the infant fat. The (hepherds having fcen the child, unfold All that concerning him the angel told. The hearers merely caufe for wonder find ; But more than wonder pafs'd in Mary's mind. Minutely Ilie diltinguilh'd every part. And pondcr'd all things deeply in her heart. B b The ly4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO The pious ihepherds in glad founds of praife. As they return, to God their voices raife, For all (he wonders they had heard and feen. As by the angel afcertain'd had been. When the day fix'd for circumcifion came. As Gabriel mention'd, Jefus was the name They gave the child ; and when the term expu'd For purifying, which the law requir'd. They journey'd to Jerufalem, with intent Before the Lord their infant to prefent, (As fays the precept, every firft-born child, If male, (hall holy to the Lord be ftyl'd) A pair of turtledoves to bring likcwife, Or two young pigeons for a facrifice. A man for piety and juftice fam'd Dwelt at Jerufalem, Simeon who was nam'd. Long had he waited, year fucceeding year. Till Ifrael's confolation fliould appear. To him the Holy Spirit had reveal'd. His aged eyes fliould not in death be feal'd. Ere they had feen Meffiah. This man's mind By fupernatural influence was inclin'd To the Lord's temple inftant to repair When the child's parents made their entrance there, To do for him the cuftomary rites Which the Mofaic inllitute recites. The infant in his feeble arms difplay'd, He rais'd his voice, and thus devoutly faid : Thy fervant now departs in peace, O Lord ! Kindly releas'd, according to thy word : For, lo ! mine eyes have thy falvation feen. Before the people which prepar'd has been. To fill the Gentile world with heavenly ligh^ And make thine Ifrael glorioufly bright. Astonish'o SAINT LUKE. Astokish'd Jofeph and his wife appear'd At the prophetical difplay they heard. Then both with pious fervency he blefs'd ; But Mary thus peculiarly addrefs'd : Many of thofe that Ifrael's houfe comprize. Shall to this child owe both their fall and rife , And (which fliall pierce thee like a fword) a fign Shall he difplay which numbers (hall malign : So fliall the fecrets of thofe hearts, conceal'd Which now remain, be publicly reveal'd. A prophetefs of Afer's tribe that camii, Phanuel her father, Anna was her name, Seven years who in the married ftate had liv'd. And to the age of eighty-four furviv'd. Making the temple chiefly her abode, With prayers and fadings waiting upon God, Came at this jun£ture, likewife; and the Lord In terms of reverent gratitude ador'd ; And fpake of Jcfus to each upright mind. In Salem that redemption hop'd to find. When all was finifli'd that the Jaw requir'd. To Nazareth the pious pair retir'd. As the child grew, his faculties apace Incrcas'd ; with wifdom blefs'd, and heavenly grace. His parents at Jerufalem every year Did at the Pafchal feftival appear; And when their fon had reach 'd twelve years of age. Made him companion of their pilgrimage : But when the cuftomary time was fpcnt, To their own place in Galilee they went. B b 2 Unknown *y5 ic>6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Unknown to both of them, the child inclin'd To longer rciidence, reniain'd behind ; Wliilft unfufpicious of his further ftay, They journey 'd homeward till the clofe of day ; When not difcerning him amongft the train Of friends, they fought Jcrufalem again ; Where Jefus, after three days fearch, was found Flac'd in the midfi:, the doftors fitting round Within the temple ; now on them intent, Now queftioning what certain dogmas meant ; Whilft the aflembly fix'd attention paid, Aftonifli'd at the prompt replies he made- His mother wondering at the folemn fcene, Alk'd him. My fon, what can this conduft mean ^ Behold, thy father and myfelf have fought To find thee out, with many an anxious thought. Jesus thus anfwer'd. Have ye yet to learn My father's bufinefs is my fole concern? But they, to the myfterious meaning blind. In vain endeavour'd his intent to find. This pad, with them at Nazareth he ftay'd. And, truly fubjeft, filial duty paid, Whilft every gracious word he did impart, Mary kept clofely treafirr'd in her heart. Meanwhile he grew ; and following wifdom's plan, Engag'd the favour both of God and man. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 197 CHAPTER III, The preaching and baptijm of John: his tejhmony of Chrijl. — Herod imprifoneth John. — Chrijt baptized, receive! h tejlimony from heaven. — The age and genealogy of Chrijl from Jofeph upward. * • (The gencilogy not admitting of vfrfification, the common traiiflation is ncccflirily adopted.) O'l'^R Rome Tiberius fourteen years had reign'd ; Pilate Judea's government fuftain'd i Herod the Galilean fceptre fvvay'd, And Iturea Philip's power obey'd ; Annas and Caiaphas the mitre bore Which, by divine appointment, Aaron wore. When John, who in the wildernefs abode, Came forth, obedient to the voice of God, The baptifm of repentance to difplay. That all tranfgrelTions might be wafli'd away: For thus of John Ifaiah teftifies, f " The voice of one that in the defart cries, " Way for the Lord with diligence prepare ; " And to make clear his path exert vour care. " Fill'd (hall each valley be, reduc'd each heidit • " Tlie rugged road made fmooth, the crooked ftraight^ " And all mankind, from mental blindnefs free, " The great falvation of our God (liall fee." Then of the croud, that throng'd to be baptiz'd. He afk'd. Say, brood of vipers ! who advis'd, — Who warn'd you of your dread impending doom ; And caution'd you to flee the wrath to come ? Give proofs of your repentance ; nor depend On the pretence from Abraliam yc dcfcend : For i Ifaiah xl. J, 41 $. ,5,8 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO For, from the very pavement of this place God can a progeny to Abraham raife. Even now the axe defcends upon the root ; Therefore each tree that bears degenerate fruit Unfit for worthier purpofe, is cut down. Upon the fire as fuel to be thrown. On this denunciation, ftruck with dread. What fliall we do, his trembling hearers faid? John anfvver'd, Who abounds, with liberal heart. Let him to the neceflitous impart. The publicans for baptifm next applied, Requcfting rules their courfe of life to guide ; From all extortion, he rejoin'd, abftain. Nor make demands more than the laws ordain. Under the like impreflions foldiers came. Making inquiry, in effe£l the fame. Wrong none, accufe none falfely, he replied ; And with your ftipends reft ye fatisfied. Now, whilft amongft them, feme in doubtful mood. If John were truly the Meffiah, ftood. To bani(h from their minds this wrong furmife. He faid, with water only I baptize ; But mightier he that follows me ; whofe (hoes I am not worthy from his feet to loofe : He fliall with fire baptize you : and his power. The holy fpirit on your hearts will fliower. His fan the chaff fliall feparate from the grain. Which in his ftorehoufe fafely fliall remain ; Whilft the bafe fluff, which to no ufe can turn. In uncxtinguifliable fire fliall burn. Thus SAINT LUKE. ,i)o Thus he admonifli'd all; but having mov'd The wrath of Herod, whom he had reprov'd For his connection with his brother's wife. And the whole tenor of liis ill-fpcnt life, One crime the tyrant added to the pad: — And the good man was into prifon call. Whilst John the rite of baptifm exercis'd. Came Jefus, and, with others, when baptiz'd. And praying, heaven was open'd. From above The Holy Ghoft defcended like a dove In form corporeal on him : whilft from heaven This teftimonial was di(lin£tly given ; Thee I pronounce my well-beloved fon, By whom my plcafurc is completely done. When Jefus firft did in his work engage. He was about his thirtieth year of age. Being of Jofeph the reputed fon, — Who was the fon of Heli, the fon of Matthat, the fon of Levi, the fon ot Melchi, the fon of Janna, the fon of Jofeph, the fon of Mattathias, the fon of Amos, the fon of Naum, the fon of Efli, the fon of Nagge, the fon of Maath, the fon of Mattathias, the fon of Semei, the fon of Jofeph, the fon of Juda, the fon of Joanna, the fon of Rhefa, the fon of Zorababel, the fon of Salathiel, the fon of Neri, the fon of Melchi, the fon of Addi, the fon of Cofam, the fon of Elmodam, the fon of Er, the fon of Jofe, the fon of Eliezer, the fon of Jorim, the fon of Matthat, the fon of Levi, the fon of Simeon, the fon of Juda, the fon of Jofeph, the fon of Jonan, the fon of Eliakim, the fon of Melea, the fon of Menan, the fon of Mattatha, the fon of Nathan, the fon of David, the fon of Jcfle, the fon of Obed, the fon of Booz, the fon of Salmon, the fon of Naaflbn, the fon of Aminadab, the fon of Aram, the fon of Efrom, the fon of Phares, the fon of Juda, the fon of Jacob, the fon of Ifaac, the fon of Abraham, the fon of Thara. the fon of Nachor, the fon of Saruch, the fon of Ragan, the fon of Phalcc, the fon of Hcber, the fon of Sala, the fon of Cainan, the fon of Arphaxad, the fon of Sem, the fon of Noc, the fon of Lamech, the fon of Mathufala, the fon of Enoch, the fon of Jared, the fon of Malelcel, the fon of Cainan, the fon of Enos, the fon of Seth, the fon of Adam, the fon of God. CHAPTER aoo THK COSPf'L ACCORDING TO CHAPTER IV. The temptation and fajling of Chriji.—He overcometh the devil: beginneth to preach. — The people of Nazareth admire his gracious words. — He curelh one pojjejfed of a deviU Peters mother-in-law, and divers other ftck perfuns. — The devils acbmvledge Chrift ; and are reproved for it. — He preacheth through the cities of Galilee. FUL-L of the Holy Spirit, Jcfus came From Jordan ; and, conducted by the fame, Enter'd the wildernefs, where forty days The devil tempted him in various ways: And in this folitude whilft he remain'd, From food of every fpecies he abftain'd. That time when hunger (hard to be appeas'd) Keenly he felt, the fubtle tempter feiz'd For his attack ; faying, If thouVt the Son Of God, thou canft to bread convert this (tone. Jefus replied, * " tis not alone by bread, " But liy divine appointment man is fed." Then by the tempter's power was he convey'd To a high mountain, where he faw difplay"d Even in an inflant, all the pomp and ftate That on the kingdoms of the world await. Then added. Merely at my feet fall down. And all this power and glory are thy own ; For thefe are mine to give : and my command Will inftantly transfer them to thy hand. Satan, avaunt ! Jefus vi'ith warmth replied ; 'Tis written, f" Worfhip God, and none befide." Jefus was then, by diabolic power, Plac'd on the temple's raoft exalted tower. Then * Deuteronomy viii. 3. t Deuteronomy vi. 13. SAINT LUKE. aoi I'hen faid the tempter, would'ft: thou have us know Thine origin, call; thyfelf down below ; For it is written, * " Angels fliall attend " From injury thy perfon to defend. " Sate ill their arms lliall they conduct thee down, " Left thou fliould'lt dalli thy foot againft a ftone." He anfwer'd, would'ft thou the command explode Which faith, f" Thou flialt not tempt the Lord thy God?" And, when thefe trials he had undergone, The Devil loft him, for a time, alone. ^ Under the fpirit's influence Jefus came From thence to Galilee ; through which his fame Was wide diftus'd. He there the truth difplay'd. And to his words was mark'd attention paid. Coming to Nazareth, where his infant mind To education's rules was firft inclin'd. Towards the fynagogue he bent his way ; His conftant cuftom on the fabbath-day. Rifing to read, Ifaiah's prophecy Was given him, when this palTage met his eye ; J " The fpirit of the Lord upon me refts ; " 'Tis he anoints me, and with power inverts " To bring glad tidings to the poor. — My part " Is to give comfort to the contrite heart ; '•' To preach deliverance to the captive mind, " And furnifli perfect vifion to the blind ; " To fet at liberty the bruis'd and lame; " And the Lord's acceptable year proclaim. Then to the minifter he gave the book. : Meanwhile the congregation's general look Was fix'd on him. The paffage then he cleared, By fticwing that in him the fcnfe appear'd. All bare him witnefs of his gracious fpiicli. Wondering to hear the fon of Jofeph teach. Cc • rfjlra xci. 2. |- DcutetoDomy vi. 16. J iriiab !xi i I. 202 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO I, lie obferv'd, who look for your negle£l, The taunt, " Phyfician, heal thyfelf," expc£t. What in Capernaum thou liaft done, difplay To us, miraculoufly, day by day. No prophet (this yc may as truth believe) Does honour from his countrymen receive. In Ifracl full many widows dwelt, \\ hen the whole land a grievous famine felt. And yet to none of them Elias went ; Though to a poor Sidonian reli£t fent. Many of Ifrael, in his day, endured The leprofy, Elillia never cur'd. Great though the prophet's power, it ne'er was fliown. Save to the Syrian, Naaman, alone. All prefent, fill'd with anger's fudden guff, Rofc, feiz'd him, and without the city thruft ; Then dragg'd him to the hill's extrcmcft bound Whereon the city ftands ; down to the ground Meaning to hurl him headlong: but the throng He clcar'd, and, unmolefted, pafs'd along. Thence to Capernaum he went away ; Where he taught, conllant, on the fabbath-day. All with aftonifliment his doftrinc heard, Such efficacy in his fpeech appear'd. 5 Whilst in the fynagoguc, a man poflefs'd By a foul Daemon, roaring, thus cxprefs'd His dread of Jefus : Say, thou Nazarcnc, To perfect our dcftruction doft thou mean ? I know thee. Holy One of God. — Be dumb, Jefus replied, and from his pcrfon come. On which the Daemon threw him down, bereft Of power to hurt him ; and pofllifion left. Struck with amazement mix'd with pious awe. This wondcrous procefs the alTcmbly fa%v ; And SAINT LUKE. 20c And to each other faid, what can this mean ? His power fubdues the fpirits moft unclean. This fafl contributed to raife his fame ; And all the region founded with his name. 5 Leaving the fynagogue, he walk'd away 'lo Simon's houfe, where his wife's mother lay- Sick of a fever. All about her pray'd Jefus in mercy would extend his aid ; When, coming near her bed, his powerful word Banifh'd the fever, and her health reftor'd. The grateful woman left her couch ; and ftraighi Made preparation on her guefts to wait. f At funfet many that had long endur'd Painful diferXe, he mercifully cur'd By laving hands on them. Alany diftrefs'd With Daemons, by his power were difpoffefs'd. By whom, as the Mefllah, he was nam'd. And, with loud voice, the Son of God proclaim'd. But Jefus charg'd them, with commanding tone. Neither to make his name nor office known. At dawn of day, he fought a dcfert place. Intending none his devious fteps fliould trace : But there, the people prefTmg on him, pray That for their fake he would prolong his (lay. Jefus made anfvvcr, I am fcnt to (each In other cities, and the gofpel preach. Excurfions then through Galilee he made; And in their fvnagogucs the truth difplay'd. Cc2 CHAPTER 204 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER V. Chrijl teacheth the people out of Simons JJi'tp, and by a miraculous taking of fijiies flieu'eth him that he and his partners fliall become fijhers of men. — He cleanfeth a leper ; prayeth in the wilderncfs ; healeth a man affliSled zvith paify ; calleth Matthew the publican ; eateth zvith fiuners, as being the phyfcian of fouls ; foretelleth the fafiings and afflinions of the apoflles after his ajcenfwn : and compareth zveak difciples to old bottles, and worn garments. IT came to pafs that as the croud drew near From Jefus' mouth the word of truth to hear, He happen'd near Gennefereth's lake to ftand, Where lay two fliips moor'd clofely to the land. The fifhermen to vvalh their nets were gone ; When, for convenience fake, he enter'd one, The property of Simon ; whom lie pray'd To move the veflel, his dcfign to aid. Simon complied, and warp'd the fhip : from whence Jefus with eafe his dodhine did difpenfe. Ok finilhing, he thus to Simon fpake : Launch forth thy veflel further in the lake ; Then caft your nets, and your endeavours try Within their mcfli to catch the fcaly fry. Mailer, faid Simon, all the night we've toil'd. But vain our labour ; for our (kill was foil'd : Yet, as thou doft the trial recommend. Once more the net fliall to the deep defccnd. They made the trial, and the net gave way : So vaft the burden of their finny prey. Signs SAINT LUKE. 205 Signs to their partners' vcfTels then they made, That they fliould fpeedily afford their aid. They came, and fill'd both veffels to the brink, Which, with the ponderous load, began to fink. When Simon faw this mark of power difplay'd, Proflrate he fell at Jefus' feet, and faid. Depart, I pray thee, Lord, depart from me, In whom thine eyes 1 wretched finner fee; For he, and his alhftants, at the draught Of lilhcs were aftoniOi'd tliat were caught : So were the fons of Zebedee, whofe names (Simon's affociates) were John and James. Jefus to Simon faid, from fear be free ; I"or men, henceforward, ihall thy captives be. And, when their Ihips were fafely brought to land, To follow him, they left them on the ftrand. % A man whofe body was incruflcd o'er (Loathfome to fight) with many a lep'rous fore, Meeting with Jefus in a public place. Fell down bet'orc him, proliratc on his face. Exclaiming, Lord I if thou my prayer approve. Thou canft my dreadful malady remove. He touch'd the man, pronouncing, IJc thou clean ; And no remains of leprofy were feen. Then Jefus gave it him in folcmn charge, Divulge it not, nor on thy cure enlarge : But feck the pried, and all that appertains To cleanfmg, oiler, as the law ordains. Yet fiill the more he flrove to lie conceard. With more publicity was he rcveal'd : For in proportion as he fled trom fame. All he rcliev'd confpir'd to raife his name. Multitudes i06 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING ip Multitudes flock'd from far to hear the word. And from infirmities to be reftor'd : But Jcfus to the defert's lonely fliade Went, and in fecret to his father pray'd. 5 Ok e day, inftruflion whiill: he delt around, Some Pharifees, and doctors that expound The law, were prefent, who from parts remote, And from Jerufalem were for conference brought. At that time was the Spirit of the Lord Ready benign afliftance to afford ; When, lo ! fomc friends a paralytic brought Stretch'd on a bed, who Jefus" aid befought. So great the croud, no entrance could be made ; But through the roof their burden they convey 'd. Jcfus perceiv'd their faith, and faid, O man! Thy fins are pardon'd. — Murmurs then began Amongft the Scribes and Pharifees, wlio faid. Is not this man of blafphcmy afraid ? How dares he thus, audi'.cioufly, begin To claim God's attribute of pardoning fin ? Jefus, who faw their naked thoughts arifc, Afk'd them, whence fprings your impious furmifc r Thy fins are pardoned, 1 can furely fay Willi as much eafe, as, rife and walk away. But, to convince you that the Son of Man, Whilfl: here engag'd upon falvation's plan. Hath power to pardon fin, to the difeas'd He faid, Arife ' from thy complaint releas'd. Take up thy couch, and march to thine abode : Which he performed in glorifying God. Thofe that were prefent, (landing in amaze, And firuck with pious awe, gave God the praife ; Whilft all, promifcuoufly converfing, fay What wonderous fcenes have we beheld to-dav.' ^I Aftkr SAINT LUKE. 207 ^ After this miracle he walk'd abroad: When in a public building near the road He faw a man call'd Levi, taking dues Exacted by the Romans from the Jews. Follow me, Jefus faid ; and at the call Rifmg, he tbllow'd, and forfook his all. Levi then made, in honour of the Lord, A fumptuous feaft. — His hofpitable board Was fill'd with guefts ; nor, though contemn'd their lot, Were his late friends, the publicans, forgot. The Scribes and Pharifces, with wonted pride. To his difciples, murmuring, applied ; Saying, why do ye, at a public treat. With publicans and finnors deign to eat ? Jefus replied, they that arc lick, alone Want a phyfician : thofc in health need none. It was not to the righteous I was fent ; I came to warn the finncr to repent. ^ They then of Jefus aflc'd the reafon why With fafting John's difciples mortify The fenfc; and making prayers (like to our own) Render to others their devotion known ; Whilll thine conduct thcmfelvcs as they think right, Without rcftraint upon their appetite. He anfwer'd, whilil: remains the bridal cheer, \\ ill trom their catcs the bridegroom's train forbear: But when their friend fliall from their fight remove^ Many returns of fafting rtiall they prove. . If any to receive you fliall refufe. Shake off the dull adhering to your flioes. In tcftimony that you had been there ; And they your mefTagc had refus'd to hear. They then departed, on their work intent. Preaching and healing whcrefoe'er they went. F f ^ Herod 4.8 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO f Herod the Tetrarch, of thefe aftions heard. And in perplexity of mind appear'd ; Becaufe amongft the mob a rumour fpread, Twas John the Baptift rifen from the dead- Others with equal confidence averr'd Again Elias to the world appear'd ; Whilft a third fet the reputation gave To an old prophet rifen from the grave. John I beheaded, Herod faid ; but who Is this, that fuch great miracles can do? And he became defn-ous to behold The man of whom fuch wonderous things w^ere told. ^ Soon after, all the apoftolic band Returning from their miffion through the land. Each to their mafter told his feveral cafe ; Who went with them into a defert place Near to Bcthfaida. When the people knew Of his retreat, his fteps they did purfuc j Who, when they found him, kindly did explain The doctrines to the gofpel that pertain. Then cur'd all thofe that languifli'd with difeafe, And every tortur'd fufferer blcfs'd with eafe. The day declining, came the twelve to fay We pray thee fend the multitude away. That they may to the neareft towns repair. To feek for lodging and refrefliraent there ; For this is but a defert place. He faid It needs not : ye can furnifli them with bread. Five loaves and two fmall flChes are our (lore. They anfwer'd; and we can produce no more; Unlefs we go, to feed the multitude, Tlvough all the neighbourhood, in fcarch of food: And SAINT LUKE. -229 And how can all our labour, and our fkill, Procure enough five thoufand men to fill ? He faid, In companies the croud divide. And let them fit by fifties, fide by fide. Tiiis done, obedient to the Lord's command, Taking the loaves and fiflies in his hand. With eyes uprais'd to heaven, he blcfs'd, and brake, And gave them, for the people to partake. When all were fili'd, the fragments that rcmain'd, Scarce in twelve bafkets wholly were contain'd. ^ Once, after exercife in private prayer. To his difciples Jefus did repair. Putting this qucflion to them. Tell me, pray. Whom 1 am rcckon'd by the people, fay. They anfvver'd, John the Baptift ; other fome Elias: many, rifen from the tomb One of the ancient prophets. But declare. He added, what your own opinions are. Peter, with confidence, made this reply. We own thee for the Chrifi: of God mofl: hijh. But Jefus ftri£tly charg'd them to refrain ; Nor unto any man this truth explain. The Son of Man, faid he, muft yet fupport Many grofs infults from the impious fort. Priefts, fcribcs, and elders, fliall with bafe negleft His perfon ignominioufiy rejeft; And, killing him, their utmofl: rage difplay ; But, he fliall rife the third fuccceding day. % Adding, let him who means to follow me Bear his crofs daily, and what's felfilh flee, lie that's folicitous his fife to fave. Shall furcly meet with an untimely grav.^ : But 230 TIIK GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But he that would for me, even life forfake. Shall, in the largeft fenfe, of life partake : For what advantage to that man accrues, Who gains the world, if his own foul he lofe r Him who rejects my doftrine and my name. The Son of Man fliall utterly difclaim, A\'hen in his Father's glory and his own. And of thofe angels that furround the throne Of God, to vifit earth he (hall appear: And, truly, there are fome now ftanding here, Who fiiall exempt from death's attack remain. To fee the glories of Meffiah's reign. % After this conference eight days had gone. When he fele£ted Peter, James, and John, And to a neighbouring mountain made his way .; At which arriv'd, he knelt him down to pray. Whilft thus cngag'd, his face was alter'd quite ; And even his clothes were glifleringly white. IMoreover, as in glory they appear, There, with him, Mofes and Elias were. Speaking of his departure, and the fcene Which at Jerufaleni foon fhould fupeivene. During this converfe, Peter and the reft Lay on the ground, with torpid fleep oppreft ; P>ut wak'd, whilft yet their m.after's glory flione. And ere the heavenly vifitants were gone. Juft as they went, Peter to Jefus cried Lord, it were good, here conflant to refide: Then let us furnifli tents for all the three. For Mofes, for Elias, and for thee ; Scarce knowing what he faid. Whilft yet he fpake Wrapt in a cloud, they all began to quake : For SAINT LUKE. 231 For darknefs did the prophets' perfons lliroud ,; And a voice idued from amidd the cluud. Proclaiming, This is my beloved Son : Attend to him. And ere the found was gone, Jefus remain'd alone. This miracle To none did the difciplcs then reveal. ^ The next day, waiting for the Lord's defcent^ To meet him multitudes of people went ; When a man prefling forward in the croud^ With lamentable accent cried aloud, Lord ! I befeech thee look upon my fon ; Regard my child, who is my only one; For often by a fpirit feiz'd, he cries. Sudden, whilil foaming and convuls'd belies: And feldom 'fcapes he from this (late forlorn, Till with the violence much bruis'd and torn. To thy difciples I for aid applied ; But his fad Hate their utmoft Ikill defied. O faithlefs men ! he cried with tone fevere ; How long muft I with your perverfenefs bear ? Bring thy fon hither : But even whilfl he came. The daemon feizing him, convuls'd his frame. Jefus rebuk'd the fpirit, heal'd the boy ; And fill'd the grateful father's heart with joy. ^[ Whilst all the mighty power of God ador'd. And wondcr'd at the actions of the Lord, Pay deep attention to my words, he faid. The Son of Man fhall fliortly be betray'd Into the hands of men : but their dark mind Could not the meaning of this caution find ; And fear compcU'd them wholly to retrain From aflting the prcdiiStion to explain. \ Theh .,5 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO % Then the difciples did this point contefl;, Wiiich fliould be decm'd fuperior to the reft. Jcfii?, whofe eyes their inmoft thoughts defcricd, ■J'ook a young child, and plac'd him by his fidcj Obferving, whofoever in my name Receives ihi.? child, to me would do the fame ; And who receives me, with the like intent, Mim would receive by whom myfelf was font. Who humbly rates his own importance fmall. Is really the greateft of you all. •[ Master, faid John to Jefus, we beheld A man, who daemons in thy name expell'd ; And we forbad him to employ thy name, Decaufe to join us yet he never came. Jefus replied, forbid him not ; for he Who is not oppofite, our friend muft be. <[[ The time of his aflumption drawing nigh, Jerufalem was ever in his eye : And he fent melTengcrs upon the road Before him, to prepare for hrs abode. Some to a village of Samaria went. But they icfus'd him lodging; as he meant To reach Jerufalem. This contempt diftrefs'd Both James and John; who Jefus thus addrefs'd, Mafter, wilt thou permit us to command That fire from heaven confumc this impious band. As did Elias? But he turn'd to chide; And thus, with meeknefs to their warmth replied. This hafty zeal requires to be reprov'd. Ye know not by what fpirit ye are mov'd. I came not to dcflroy : falvation's plan Brought down from heaven to earth the Son of Man. ^ The?; SAINT LUKE. Then to another place their rteps they bent, When, as difcourling, on the road they went, A man told Jefus, Mafter, whcrefoe'er Thou flialt refide, I will attend thee there. But he replied, the fox his hole, his neft The bird enjoys, where each can fafcly reft. Not fo the Son of Man : alas ! he knows No certain place for fhelter and repofe. One man he charg'd to follow him, who faid Let to my father the laft rites be paid. And I will follow. — Let the dead alone. The dead to bury, and their lofs bemoan, Jefus rejoined. — Another pray'd that he As a difcipic might admitted be ; Only permit mc, for affe£lion's fake. Of thofe at home a laft farewell to take : Jefus replied, who takes the plough in hand. If he look back, or hefitating rtand. Proves he's unfit the gofpel's truths to teach, And the glad tidings of falvation preach. G g CHAPTER a .4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER X. Chrifi fendelh out feventy difdpks to work miracles, and to preach ; admonijlmg them to be humble, and wherein to rejoice : thanketh his father for his grace : magnifieth the happy efiate of his church : teacheth the laivyer how to attain eternal life ; and to regard every one as his neighbour that needs his mercy : reprehends Martha for too much folicitude ; and commends Mary for paying attention to the one thing needful. AFTER this time the Lord fent feventy more.. By two and two, thofe cities to explore Whither he meant to come ; obferving, Great The harveft, but the labourers to complete The work, how few ! Befeech ye then the Lord Sufficient workmen kindly to afford. Now go ye to your charge, defencelefs few ; Like lambs I fend you 'midfl: a wolfifli crew: Carry not with you purfc, iior fcrip, nor flioes : Neither your time in falutations lofe. Whatever houfe ye enter, pray that peace Amongft that family may never ccafc ; Nor doubt ye, if the Son of peace be there. That efficacy fliall attend your prayer. If not, your peace fliall turn to you again. In the fame houfe fee therefore ye remain, Eating fuch diet as your wants require ; For fure the labourer's worthy of his hire. Change not from houfe to houfe ; and when a town Ye enter where a kind reception's fliown. On what is fet before you make your meal; And all their fick benevolently heal. Moreover, SAINT LUKE. Moreover, fail ye not to let them hear God's heavenly kingdom is approaching near. But if a city grofsly (liould negle£l. And treat your embafTy with difrefpect. Walk forth, and cry, whilll: pafllng in the ftree', The very dufl: adhering to our feet We thus fhake off againfl; you : but take heed, God's kingdom has been near to you indeed. But this I tell you, on the judgment-day More mercy God to Sodom (hall difplay. Than to that city. Thou Chorazin, woe. And thou, Bethfaida, flialt abundant know ; For had thofe wonders Tyre and Sidon known. Which in your ftrccts have publicly been fliown. Soon had thofe cities back to duty turn'd, Their fins in fackcloth and in aflies niourn'd : But worfe their ftate in the great day of ire Shall be than that of Sidon and of Tyre. And thou, Capernaum, whofe head is rais'd To heaven, flialt be to lowed hell debas'd. Who hear you, me would hear. You who delpife. Would treat me with contumely likewife. And who would me contcmptuoufly greet. With like contempt would him that fent me treat. % The feventy then with joy to Jefus came. Saying, the daemons, flirinking at thy name. Arc fubjcct to us. — Quick as lightning flics, Satan I favv tall headlong from the Ikies, Jefus replied ; I give you power to tread On the fierce fcorpion and the forpcnt's head. Your foe fliall henceforth fruitlefsly alTail : Nor force nor fraud againfl; you fliall prevail. G g 2 23S Yet 236 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Yet not in this peculiarly rejoice, That fpirits are lubmillivc to your voice : But rather triumph that your happy names The IhinJDg regifter of heaven proclaims. 5 Jesus, who then in fpirit did rejoice. Thus rais'd to God his gratulating voice : I thank thee, Father, gracious Lord of heavea And carlh ! who haft to very infants given. What for wife purpofes thou haft concealed From worldly wifdom, and to babes reveal'd. Even fo, my Father : for what in thy fight Appears the beft is confequently right. All things, whatever, are configned to me By my Almighty Father's firm decree. The Son, exclufively, the Father knows : And who the Father is, none can difclofe Except the Son, and he to whom the Son The myftery of ages fliall make known. % Then his difciples privately he told, Blefs'd are thofe eyes which fee what ye behold : For many kings and prophets have defir'd That fight ; but have not what they wifli'd acquir'd : And pray'd inceflantly, but pray'd in vain. The blifs of hearing what yc hear, to gain. ^ With words to veil what lurk'd within his brcaft, A plaufive lawyer Jefus thus addrcfs'd ; Say, maftcr, who deep myfteries can'ft explain. What fliall 1 do, eternal life to gain? Jefus, with wifdom, meekly thus replied : What fays the law, that never-erring guide f The lawyer anfwer'd' thou ftialt love the Lord With all the ftrength thy heart and foul afford ; And SAINT LUKE. And (as thou hop'fl: for bleffings from above) Even as thyfelf thy neighbour flialt thou love, Jefus rejoin'd, well dofl; thou anfwer give; What thou haft faid perform, and thou flialt live, Himfelf to juftify the lawyer bent, Alk'd Jefus the word neighbour's juft extent; Who anfwer'd. From Jcrufalem's lofty mound, A traveller to Jericho was bound ; Who, waylaid by a vile aflanin brood. Was ftripp'd, and left to welter in his blood. A prieft of Aaron's confecrated race Pafs'd, flightly looking at the fufferer's face. The wounded man a Levltc next cfpied. Who, pitilefs, pafs'd to the other fide. Laft, a Samaritan appear'd in view. Who, flruck witli horror at the mangled Jew, Approach'd, and gently kneeling at his fide. The balmy ftreams of wmc and oil applied : Then on his beaft the half-dead ftranger laid. And, with flow pace, to the next inn convey 'd ; Where thus the hurt he courtcoufly addrefs'd : Friend, fliew compaflion to thy haplefs gueft. This coin will prefent exigence defray : On my return thy charge with thanks I'll pay. Refolve me, which of thcfe thy heart believes Neighbour to him who fell among the thieves r The man of mercy, ftrait the lawyer cries : Go then, faid Jefus, and do thou likewife. ^[ Soon after, to a certain town they came, Where Martha liv'd ; an hofpitable dame : Who profler'd both himfelf and numerous train Within her houfc to lodge and entertain. Her fiftcr Mary, glad to hear the Lord, Sat at his feet, attentive to the word : Whf n 237 ,,S THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO When Martha, cumber'd with domeftic care, Begg'd that her fiftcr might perform a fhare. Jefus replied, ^Martha, thy mind diftrefs'd With anxious thoughts, experiences no reft; 15ut one thing's needful: that hath Mary chofc. Nor what flie made her option fliall (he lofe. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 239 CHAPTER XI. Ckrifl teacheth hh difcipks to pray, and that injlantly ; ajuriitg that Jo God will give us good things. He cajleth out a dumb devil; rebuketh the blafphemous Pharifees ; and Jlieweth who are blejjed ; preacheth to the people, and repvehendeth the outivard J}ie~j) of holinefs in the Pharifees, Scribes, and expounders of the law. ONCE, after Jefus had in fecret pray'd. Came his difciples, and befought his aid^ Saying, ln(lru£l us, mafter, how to pray. As John did to his converts lliew the way. Jefus replied, thus, then, with humble heart. And proftratc pofture, ail your wants impart. " Our father, who in heaven haft fix'd thy dome^ " Thy name be hallowed: may thy kingdom come; " Thy will be done in earth as 'tis in heaven: " Mav day by day our daily bread be given: " Forgive our fins, as we ourfelves beftow " Pardon on every one who is our foe. " Defert us not in trial's dangerous hour : " And fave us from the evil fpirit's power." Then faid. Should any of you have a friend, At midnight whom he fhould requeft to lend Three loaves ; alledging, fuddenly, at home A journeying gueft to lodge with me is come. And I am unprovided : if he cries Within, my door is fhut : I cannot rifo. E40 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO I und my children arc retir'd to bed; Ceafe at this hour to trouble me for bread: 1 tell you, though to friendfliip's pleading deaf. Long importunity fliall gain relief. A(k, and receive; feek ye, and find : the gate Of mercy knock at, and it fliall dilate : For all that a(k, receive; with fteady mind Who feeks, whate'cr he fearches for fliall find ; And he who knocks fliall never knock in vain; But through the portal certain entrance gain. Could any man aniongft you, fliould his fon Afk for a loaf, prefent him with a fl:one ? Give him a ferpcnt, if a filTi he beg? Or tender him a fcorpion for an egg ? If ye, then, being evil, wifely know Good gifts upon your children to beftow. How much more iTiall your heavenly father grant To thofe his fpirit, who his influence want. ^ A DUMB daemon iac was to Jefus brought, Whofe friends for aid importunately fought. Jefus expelled the fpirit, and the man. Recovering utterance, to fpeak began. Wonder feiz'd all ; but fome malignants faid He cafts out devils by their chieftain's aid ; Whiifl: others, tempting him, rcquir'd a fign From heaven, to prove his miflion was divine. But he replied, knowing their inmofi; thought. Divided kingdoms are to ruin brought : And families eventually muft fail, Amongft whofe branches conftant feuds prevail. If Satan, then, againfl; himfclf divide. How can his kingdom be with flrength fupplied? Ye SAINT LUKLv ^4* Ye fay that I from Beelzebub receive That power by which da;moniacs I relieve, ff fo ; the means ye readily can fliow By which your fons fubdue the dreadful foe • Then let them judge. — If daemons I expel By aid divine, and curb the power of hell ; Is not this truth dcmonllratively clear, God's heavenly kingdom is eftabliQi'd here r It in his palace a ftrong man abide, Funiifird vi'ith arms, and amply fortified, He mocks at fear; but if, in evil hour, One fliould attack him, of fuperior power. His boafted arms the conqueror bears away, iVnd makes his perfon and his goods a prey.— •■ Who joins me not, a foe I muft efteem : And him who gathers not, a fcattcrcr dccni. Forth trom a man when the foul fpirit goeSj lie fceks dry places, panting for repofc ; But, finding none, again his mind is bent To feck the habitation whence he went ; And, on returning, finds the houfe complete In every part ; fwept, garniflied, and neat. Then goes he forth, and finds feven fpirits, more Difpofed to ill than was himfelf before, Who come to dwell with him : and this man's end Is worfe than his beginning did portend. ^[ Whilst thus he fpake, a woman in the croud Exclaim'd, with accent vehemently loud, Bleft is the womb that bare thee : doubly blell That gave thee nurture the diflinguifli'd brcaft ! But Jefus anfwcr'd, rather bleft are they Who hear God's word ; and hearing it, obcv. .f[ Whilst Hh 242 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ^[ Whilst all the people gather'd round apace, Me faid. This is a wicked faithlefs race — They feek, but vainly feek, a lign from heaven: For only that of Jonah iball be given : Thus, as to Nineveh the prophet went, So (hall to thefe the Son of Man be fent. The fonthcrn queen againft this race of men Shall rife in judgement, and their ways condemn. Induc'd bv Solomon's exalted fame. She, from afar, to hear his wifdom came : And yet, though Solomon's fuperior's here. Who to learn wifdom eager does appear ? The Ninevitcs with juftice lliall accufe And criminate the nation of the Jews. Jonah infpir'd a penitential fear: And yet one greater far than Jonah's here; No man who lights a candle, hides its blaze ; But from a (land its brilliancy difplays. The eye's the body's candle ; which, if bright,, Diftributes to each part its fliare of light; If, then, the funftion of the eye be clear. Throughout the body lliall the light appear^ But if the luftre Ihall thine eye forfake. The body of its darknefs fliall partake. Then, of thy light be careful, left thou mourn To find what once was light to darknefs turn ; For, if thy body full of light endure. And through the whole appear no part obfcure. All fhall, indeed, be comfortably bright, As when a candle gives a perfeft light. ^ A Pharifee did Jefus then intreat To dine : who, inftant, fat him down to meat. The man was ftruck with wonder, that the Lord .Plac'd himfelf, without wafliing, at the board. Jefus SAINT LUKK. 21;? Jefus obfeiv'd, yo Pharifees lake care To clcanfe the outlide of your houfehold ware ; But, if ye fcarch the confcience and the heart. Rapine and fraud defile your inward part. O void of underftanding ! can ye doubt V\'ho made the infide, form'd not what's without ' Give alms as ye are able ; and be fure To you fliall all things whatfoc'cr be pure. But woe, faftidious Pharifees, to you ; Pun£\ilioufly your tithes of mint, of rue. And other herbs, ye pay: but love to God, And juftice to your fellow-mcn, explode. Thofc ought yc furcly never to negleft : But thefe require your principal refpeft. Woe to you, Pharifees, ambitious race ! Who choofe in fynagogues the highefl: place : l^xpect that all your pcrfons humbly greet. And pay you homage in the public ftrcct, Woe to you, jointly, Pharifees and Scribes ! Vain hypocritical, deceitful tribes! Like graves, which do not to the eye appear, And men walk over, nor fufpe£l them near. ^ A lawyer told him, Mafter, what you fay Reflcfts on us in an upbraiding way. Woe to you, lawyers, Jefus then rejoin'd. On other iricn who heavy burdens bind. But free vourfclvcs with fuch clandefline art. As not to bear the load's minutcft part. Woe unto you, the prophets' tombs that build, Thofc very prophets your forefathers kilTd. Thus do ye patronize your parents' guilt. Building their fcpulchrcs vvhofe blood they fpilt. 11 h 1 Thcrotorp 344 l^HE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Therefore celelllal wifdoni hath declar'd, Prophets and nicflengers have 1 prepar'd. Soinc have they flain; others their impious zeal Matle perfecution's various tortures feel. So (hall the torrent of the martyrs' blood. Which, from creation, hath its purple flood Increas'd, be of this wicked race requir'd, — From him, who by his brother's hand expir'd, To Zacharias, whom a godlefs crew JBetween the temple and the altar flew. I tell you, with a certainty, that all I now predi£t, on this vile race fhall fall. Woe to you, lawyers, who remove the key Of knowledge far from thofe that wovld obey. Ye enter not, but, ftanding at the door, Prohibit thofe the truth that would explore. The Scribes and Pharifees, whilft thus he fpokc, Us'd every method Jefus to provoke. That fome unguarded word might furnifla caufc To render him obnoxious to the law^s. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 24: CHAPTER XII. Chriji preachcth to his difciples to avoid hypocrify, and fearfulnejs in publijimg his doElrine : warmth the people to beware of covetoufnefs, by the parable of the rich man who built large barns. IFe mujl not be over careful of earthly things ; but jeek the kingdom of God; give alms ; Le ready at a knock to open to our Lord, whenfoever he Cometh. Chrift's minifiers mufl attend to their charge, and expeEl perfecution. The people mufl take this time of grace, becaufe it is a fearful thing ta die zvithotrt reconciliation. MEANWHILE a numerous crowd around him prefs'd. Whom Jefus thus with energy addrcfs'd ; Of Pharifaic leaven take ye care, [ mean of their hypocrify beware : For there is nothing howfoe'er conceal'd. But what to every eye fliall be rcveal'd. That which is fpoken in the gloom of night Shall be repeated in the blaze of light; \iid what in fofteft founds is merely nam'd. Shall from houfe tops be audibly proclaim'd. Friends, fear not thofe who have the power to kill, Yet can inflift on you no further ill ; But let me counfel you whofe power to dread : Fear him, who after he hath flruck you dead, Can fentcnce you Gehenna's fire to bear: Make him the only obje£t of your fear. Are not five fparrows for two farthings fold; Yet in God's eftimate a place they hold. To them extends his providential care. Even on your heads he numbers every hair. Fear 24<1 THi: GOSPJ'X ACCORDING TO l\-;ir )c not, therefore, in your maker's mind Far more elkcm'd than all the fparrow kind. \\'ho licrc confertcs me, him will I own Before the angels round my father's throne : And who fliall, impiouily, renounce my name, Before Cod's Angels him will I difclaim. To thofc fliall pardon gracioufly extend, Who merely (liall the Son of Man offend ^ JHit ilicy fliall never pardon know, nor peace, \\lio dare againll the Holy Ghoft tranfgrefs. When before fynagogues and rulers brought. Let not what ye fliall plead employ your thought. The Moly Ghoft fliall filence all your foes. And furnifli words their malice to oppofe. 5 A certain man to Jefus then applied, Saying, Command my brother to divide Our heritage between us. Jefus faid, Man I who hath me an arbitrator made ? Then tints advis'd : Of avarice beware. The bad man's idol, and the good man's fnare. Life's happincfs depends not, more nor lefs. On the abundance that we may poffefs ; Then gave this parable — A rich man's ground Did in all fruits fuperfluoufly abound : Wlicn thus he reafon'd : So profufe my (tore. My barns though fpacious, can contain no more. What fliall I do: Garners of ampler fize. Shall all my grain, and various goods comprize. Then will 1 fav. Enjoy thyfelf, my foul; For who thy fmaliefl; pleafure can controul ^ Let cafe and mirth, and fenfual joy prevail : So vaft my wealth, fupplies can never fail. But God rcply'd, thou fool I this very night Thy foul fliall from thy body take its flight : Then SAINT LUKE. 24/ Then whole thy boundlefs wealth, thy vaunted ftorc, Intirely loft to thcc for evermore ! Such is the man devoid of heavenly health, Who waftes his time in hoardmg worldly wealth. % Then thus to his difciples Jcfus fpake, For meai, drink, cloathing, fmall provifion make. Nor, like the Gentiles, under the pretence Of care, torment yourfelvcs for things of fenfc : Is not the life more than your nurture dear? The body than the raiment that ye wear ? Think of the ravens. They nor reap, nor fow; No barns, no ftorehoufe they provide or know .; Yet are they fed by his paternal care Who loves you more than all that wing in air. Which of you all, by ftudy or by might. Can add a (ingle cubit to his height? If in fmall circumffances, then, ye fail, In weightier fubjefts how fliould ye prevail? Think on the lilies that adorn the foil ; They neither fpin, nor wafte tlicir ftrength with toil ; Yet Solomon in nuptial fplendor gay. Could not approach their beautiful array. If then your maker thus adorn the grafs. Which in one day fliall from your notice pafs. How much more freely cloathing fliall he give To thofe that on his promifes believe ? Let not the articles of time and fenfe Attraft your minds, and hold you m fufpencc. Thefe let the Gentiles feck. Your father knows Your wants ; and all things that ye need bcltows. Seek then God's kingdom ; and whatc'er ye want. Your heavenly parent in due time fliall grant ; Fear not, yc little Hock, your maker's care ; Each of liis kingdom an undoubted heir. Sell a^B THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Sell that yc have ; in alms beftow your gold ; Provide yourfclves with bags that wax not old : L'p tor your ufe a fund of treafurc lay Not liable to wafte, or to decay, Rcferv'd in heaven ; which can never fail ; And where nor moths corrupt; nor thieves aflail ; Kor where your treafure is, from thence your heart Fix'd in firm union, never fliall depart. 1 ot then your loins be girt about ; each light W ith ncatnefs trimm'd, and eminently bright ; And ye like men that for their mafter wait. Arduous that watch his coming to the gate ; 'i iiat when he comes, the doors may open wide. For the glad bridegroom, and the happy bride. Ijjefs'd are thofe fervants whom their Lord fhall find Fix'd at their ftations, each with upright mind. And, in the fecond, or third watch of night, if he fliall find them occupied aright, I tell you, verily, fuch lliall receive Each mark of honour that their Lord can give. Let then your vigilance preclude negleft. Left the fon come when ye the leaft expeft. % Then Peter faid, inftruft us, gracious Lord In the plain meaning of this hidden word. Is it for us peculiarly defign'd. Or is it meant, in general, for mankind ? Jefus replied, that (leward jufi: and wife Where Iball we find ? iiim whom the Lord will prize. Made chief of all whereof he ftands pofiefs'd : He by his mafter doubly Hiall be bleft. — But, if that fervant in his heart (liall fay, My Lord his promis'd coming doth delay : Shall beat his fellows, and in riot live, That man his mafter never fhall forgive ; But SAIXT LUKK. 24.) But, in an unexpected hour fliall come. And fix with unbelieving fouls his doom. He that, acquainted vvitli liis mafter's will, Prepar'd not his commandments to fulfil. With many llripes fliall punilliment receive ; Whilll: thofe of duty ignorant that live, Though for their faults no ftripcs can be too great, A Icfs degree of punhhment fliall meet. For when fuperior talents grace the mind. Proper improvement God expefls to find: And, when to agents men commit their ftorc. The more is trullcd, they expeft the more. •f DissENTioxs upon earth I came to raifc ; And what will 1, if now like fire they blaze? A dreadful baptifni have I yet to meet. And I am firaiten'd till it be complete. Suppofe ye that my coming augurs peace : Alas ! divifions rather will increafe. Even five fliall in a family divide ; And three and two form each an hoflile fide. Father and fon each other fliall oppofe With all the rancour of inveterate foes. Mother and daughter, fir'd with mutual rage, Shall with each other furiouOy engage. % When in the Wefl: ye fee a cloud arife, Each of you rainy weather prophecies. Moreover, when the fouth wind blows, ye fay, (And 'tis fo,) it portends a fultry day. "Ye hypocrites I yc can the (ky difccrn; Why will yc not the prefent fcafon learn ? Why will yc not employ your mental light. And ufc your judgment to determine right ? 1 i ^ When ,^0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ^ When call'd before a magiftrate to go, Difcharge what to your creditor you owe ; Before the judge your perfon left he hale. Who's arm'd with power to fend you to the jail. Beware : for never will you be at large. Till the whole debt minutely you difcharge. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE, j^t CHAPTER XIII. Chrijl preacheth repentance on occafton of the pimifliment of the Gallileans and others : relates the parable of the fruitlefs Jig-tree. He healeth a crooked woman : Jlioweth the powerful working of the word in the hearts of his chofen, by the parable of mujlard-jeed and of leaven : exhorteth to enter at theflrait gate : and reprovcth Herod and Jeriijalem. MANY to Jefus did the tale relate Of thofe poor Gallileans' wretched fate, Whofe blood, by Pilate's barbarous device. Was with their viftims mix'd in facrifice. Think ye thefc men's, faid Jefus in reply, IJad than their neighbours' fins a deeper dye, Becaufe they fufTered thus? — No: then repent, If the like punilliment ye would prevent. Or thofe eighteen on whom Siloam's tower Fell, and deflroy'd, were they tranfgreflTors more Than others in Jerufalem r Ah ! no ; And if repentance fliould not ward the blow, I tell you, verily, the dreadful fate By which they periflied on yourfelves fliall wait: ^f Then fpake this parable — A fig-tree grew In a man's vineyard, fpecious to the view. With anxious mind he came from year to year, Expc£ling fruit which never did appear. Then to the drcfier of his vineyard turn'd, And faid, three years this fig-tree have I mourn'd: Seeking for truit where it has ne'er been found. Cut down the tree ; why cumbers it the ground r The drefll-r pleaded, Yet have patience. Lord! One fcafon's refpite of thy grace allord. I i 2 Till 25i THE GOSPEL ACCORDIXG TO I'ill I lliall dig around, and with manure Its infertility attempt to cure. Then, my endeavours if fuccefs fliould crown. Well: but it not, I'll cut the cumberer down. ^f Within the fvnagogue, one fabbath-day, Jefus his gracious do61;rines did difplay. A woman then was prefent in the crowd. Whom eighteen vears' infirmity had bow'd : And fuch the force that did her frame contraft. As human power in vain would counteracl. Jefus beholding her, pronounc'd her free From her long ftate of fad infirmity. He laid his hands on her ; her form reftored : Whilfl, gratefully, flie blefs'd and prais'd the Lord. The fvnagogic Chief indignant faw An aft of mercy fuperfede the law : And afk'd, are there not fix days in the week When men fliould work ? at thofe times let them feek For remedies ; and not pcrvcrfcly flay Thus to be healed upon the fabbath-day. Hulh, hoary hypocrite! tlie Lord replied. What man objefts his ox or afs to guide To water on the fabbathr fliall not flie, Then, who from Abraham draws her pedigree. Whom Satan eighteen years down to the ground Hath bow'd, be on the fabbath-day unbound .- This argument, which no man could oppofe, Reduc'd to filence his malignant foes : And all the people, with confenting voice. Did for the wonders he perform'd rejoice, ^f Then faid he, what refemblance can I find By which God's kingdom can imprefs the mind : 'Tis like a grain of muftard ; which, when fown. And to its proper bulk maturely grown, (iives Hielter to the wanderers of the air, Who to its branches for repofe repair. Again SAINT LUKE. 253 Again, 'tis like to leaven, which, conceal'd 111 meal, its innate property reveal'd, Until its ftrong aflimilating power Ran through the mafs and leaven'd all the flour. On viliting Jerufalein then intent. He taught in every city as he went. A man inquir'd, who follow'd in his train. Lord I arc they few that Ihall falvation gain ? ^ To this inquiry Jefus anfwer'd ftrait. Strive yc to enter at the narrow gate : For many ihall endeavour, but in vain. To pafs, who never (hall the point obtain. When once the door is by the mafter barr'd, No prayers to enter in will he regard. In vain may they implore, Lord! hear our cry; I know ye not, will be his cold reply. In vain ye ihall advance. Lord ! we have been Eating and drinking in thy prefence feen. By thee illullrious have our ftreets been made; For oft in them thy wonders were difplay'd. But lie Ihall anfwer in decided tone, I tell you, none of ye to me are known. Depart trom me, yc vile deteftcd race, Workers of evil ! to your dcftin'd place. Where horrors reign in their extreme degree j And yc fliall Abraham, Ifaac, Jacob, fee With all the prophets in God's kingdom plac'd. Whence all your names are totally eras'd. Many an one from north, call, fouth, and weft. Shall in God's kingdom be a welcome gueft: ; l"or many that are lalt, lliall firll be deem'd : .\nd numbers that are forcmoll, lalt cllecni'd. ^ Some I'harifees advis'd him to remove. Nor Herod's perfecuting malice prove. Go, tcU that fox, with calmnefs he replied. That fome time longer here I Ihall abide. l"|,js 254 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO This day, and even to-morrow fhall I flay. The fick to heal, and daemons chafe away. On the third day my courfe will be complete. But my commillion is not finifli'd yet. Three days on duty muft I ftill remain : Out of Jerufalcm is no prophet flain. Jerufalem ! thou that doft the prophets kill ; And floncfi: thofc that would prevent thine ill. Oft would I, as the hen her brood collects Beneath her wings, and from the (lorm protefls. Have Hielter'd you from harm ; but ye refus'd. And fcornfully my proffer'd grace abus'd. Therefore your houfe deferted and forlorn Shall ftand ; nor more to you will I return, Your former conduft till ye have deplor'd, And blcfs'd me, as defcending from the Lord. CHAPTER. SAINT LUKE. 255 CHAPTER XIV. Chriji heaklh the dropfy on the fabhath. Teacheth humility : adv'tfeth to feed the poor : under the fimilitude of a great /upper, Jlieiueth how worldly-winded men, who contemn the word of God, fJiall be excluded from the kingdom of heaven. Thofe who will be his di/ciples, tnufi compute aforehand, lefl with fhame they revolt from him, and become unprofitable, like fait ivhich hath lost its favour. ONE fabbath, dining with a Pharifee, A man diftinguilli'd as of chief degree, Jefus was watch'd. It chanc'd amongft the reft A man was there with dropfy much oppreft. He afk'd the lawyers and the Pharifees, If, on the fabbath, to remove difeafe Were lawful : as they nothmg chofe to fay. He cur'd the man, and bade him go away. Jefus then quellion'd, which amongll you all, If in a pit his ox or afs lliould tall Even on a fabbath-day, would have a doubt That 'twas allowable to drag him out. As to confute him all muft needs have fail'd, A fullen filcncc 'mongfl; them all prevail'd. ^ Then put he forth this parable to thofe Who, when invited, the chief places chofe : Do thou, whenever bidden to a feaft, To the firft ftations ftill prefer the leall ; Left one be prcfent, worthier ot the place. And all the guefts fhould witncfs thy difgracc. Seleft then, modcftly, the lowcft feat. That thou from him that furnilhcs the treat May-ft a^ THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO May'f; due attention and refpecl receive, Whilrt ail around tbcc proper reverence give. For v.lio exalts himfelf fliall be ab.is'd; And tlie felf-humbled be to honour rais'd. Then to Ills kind inviter Jefus fpake. Dinner or fupper when inclin'd to make. Let not thy brethren, kinfmen, friends appear, Xor thy rich neighbours, to partake thy cheer; Lcfl:, in return, they afk tliee to a leaft. And, thus, from obligation fland releas'd ; IJut let the poor, the niaim'd, the lame, the bhnd, A hearty welcome at thy table find ; So blclTings fliall dcfcond on thee for thofe Can for thy kindnefs no return propofe. But for thy recompence fecureiy truft : And wait tlie rcfurre£lion of the julL % One of the company exclaim'd, how blell He in God's kingdom who fliall be a o-ueft! A man, lie anfwer'd, made a fumptuous treat. Inviting many of his fare to eat, And when the whole was readv, every friend Sent to requeft his fupper would attend. But all refus'd, and, as with one accord. The fervant told, Excufc me to thy Lord. The firft faid, I have bought fome land to-day. And go my new-made purchafe to furvcy. Ten oxen, faid another, I have bought. And want to prove if ufct'ul as they ought They be; form my excufes to thy Lord: I cannot time to vifit him afford. A third faid bluntly, I'm detain'd at home By my late marriage; fay I cannot come. Liccns'd at their replies, the mailer faid, Let fearch through all the ftreets and lanes be made j And SAINT LUKE. %^1 And bring ye hither all that ye can find. The poor, the maim'd, the cripple, and the blind. The fervants faid, according to thy will. Ail has been done the houfe with gucfts to fill , But yet much room remains. Go, he replied. Search every by-path, and each highway-fide. Compel them to come in Let not a place Remain unfiU'd : but this unworthy race Who thus contcmptuoufly rcjeft ray cheer. Shall not experience entertainment here. ^ Then to the multitude thefe words he fpake •. Obferve this declaration which I make ; Who will not part with father, mother, wife, Child, brother, fifter, nay his very life ; Who does not bear his crofs and follow me. Not poflibly can my difciple be. For, will not he who means to build a tower, Sit himfelf down, examine well his ftore. Compute the coft, and accurately know Whether his funds to finiOi it allow? To cenfurers left he give caufe to fay This man did weakly his foundation lay. But could not finifli it. Either what king AVho can ten thoufand men to battle bring, Does not deliberate, whether with thofe He can encounter twenty thoufand foes? And if unable longer to contend, Ambaffadors does he not wifely fend. To fue for terms of peace, before his foe Approaches to complete his overthrow? Hence learn, whoe'er forfakes not all for mc, Can ne'er my genuine difciple be. Kk 3alt 23S THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Salt is of general ufe ; but if no more Its tafle remains, what can its worth reftore ? Unfit for land, and for the dunghill grown. Forth from the houfe 'tis as a nuifance thrown. Let him to whom the voice of truth is dear. Lend to my do£trine an attentive ear. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 259 CHAPTER XV. The parable of the lojl fieep, of the piece of ftlver, and of the prodigal fon. THE publicans and finners then drew near, From the Lord's mouth the words of truth to hear. Meanwhile the Pharifees with murmurs faid, This man with finners joins in eating bread. ^[ Jesus to them this parable addrefs'd ; Which of you, of an hundred flicep poflefs'd. Should even but one from the right path decline. To feek him would not leave the ninety-nine; And finding him, upon his flioulder lay. Bearing his burden gladfome on the way ? Nor, when rcturn'd, invite with chcarful voice. His friends and neighbours jointly to rejoice, Becaufe his fleecy wanderer was reflor'd ; And that recover'd which he late deplor'd ? ^f EiTHEK, what woman of ten coins poflefs'd. If one be left, or fever'd from the reft. Sweeps not her houfe with perfevering care i Nor goes to flcep, her lofs till flic repair. Then to her neighbours goes with joyful heart, The fortunate recovery to impart. Angels themfelves experience joy in heaven, When one repenting finner is forgiven. ^ The younger fon of a defcrving man, Whofe youthful mind on diflipation ran, Prcvail'd, by dint of unremitting prayer. On a fond father, to advand*. the fliarc Kk 2 Of a5o THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Of goods that love parental had defign'd ; Which dune, indulging an unfottled mind. To a lliiiiige country, far remote, he went; And there in liot all his fubftance fpent. That period come, to crown his numerous woes, A dreadful famine in the land arofe. Impell'd by want reluctantly to join A man for hire, he fed his herd of fwine. So keen his hunger, fain would he have cat With the detefted fwine, their hufky meat : But no man afk'd him. Trembling at the thought. And feeling the dire mifchief he had wrought. With poignant grief thus to himfelf he faid. My father's fervants feel no want of bread, Whilft I with hunger perlfli. Let me rife. And meet my parent with o'erflowing eyes. Quickly he rofe his purpofe to purfue ; At length the well-known manfion greets his view. The good old man at diflance faw his fon, And with compaflion mov'd, to meet him run ; Fell on his neck, and, with a fond embrace, Kifs'd the poor prodigal's pale flaccid face ; Wlio cried, O Father ! againft thee and heaven Great are my fms : too great to be forgiven. No longer worthy to be call'd thy fon; By me let thy mod fervile work be done. But the glad father, happy in the thought. Said, for my fon let the beft robe be brought, His fingers let my coftlieft rings adorn. And on his feet be goodly fandals worn. Moreover kill the fatted calf and drefs. That all with joy may eat the favoury mefs; For this my fon was dead, and now revives ; Was loft, is found : and to my comfort lives. In various fliapes mirth through the houfehold ran ; And every menial was a happy man. Whii-st SAINT LUKE. 26 1 Whilst thefe tranfaclions their enjoyment yield, The elder fon returning from the field, Approach'd, and heard amaz'd the diftant found Of mufic and the dancer's feet rebound. A fervant call'd the meaning to explain, Replied, thy brother is return'd again. The fatted calf is kill'd, and all employ (Such is our mafter's wifh) the hours in joy. With anger fill'd, he ftood without the gate ^ Nor could the father's words his rase abate : Whom thus he anfwer'd, Lo ! from year to year Truly 1 ferv'd thee, with affeftion dear. Obedient to thy will, I near tranfgrcfs'd Thy leaft commands; but lodg'd them in my bread: Yet, when at any time haft thou decreed For me, and for my friends, a kid fliould bleed ? But to thine arms thy favourite reftor'd. Who half thy wealth on harlots has devour'd. For him the tatted caif is kill'd and dreft ; For him are brought thy richeft rings and veil. The father anfwer'd, eminently dear Art thou, my fon ; and conftantly art near. All that I have is thine ; but fure 'tis meet Repenting prodigals with joy to greet; For thy loft brother fafely is return'd : And he yet lives, whofc death we forely mourn'd. CHAPTER a62 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XVI. The parable of the mjiiftjleward. Chri/l reproveth the hypocrify of the covetous Pharifees. The rich glutton, and Lazarus the beggar. A MAN wliofc wealth was of immenfe amount. His ftewaid call'd to render his account ; Saying, thy conduft, flagrantly unjull, Cancels all claim to any future truft. To quit thine office inftantly prepare. For none like thee my patronage fliall fharc. The ftcward, thus of every hope bereft. For his fupport faw but one refuge left. He fummon'd all the tenants to attend. Aiming to fix each debtor as a friend. The firft, when afk'd, that grows upon thy land What of the rent doft thou referve in hand ? Anfwor'd, an hundred meafares of my wheat: Write then four-fcore, and here is my receipt. And thou of all tlic produce of thy foil ? Replied, an hundred meafures of my oil. Take then thy bill, the crafty fteward faid ; Debit thyfclf for fifty in their ftead. The Lord thus chofe the fleward to commend, Becaufe he, prudently, fecur'd a friend j For, in their generation, wifer far Are this world's children than the kingdom's are. \ OUR riches therefore liberally employ, That ye, through them, may reach eternal joy. Who fmall concerns fliall faithfully difcharge. Will praRice honefly in trufts more large : And SAINT LUKE. 263 And he in little things who proves unjuft. In thofe of moment will betray his truft. If then, in tranlitory things ye fwerve. How can ye credit for true weahh deferve ? Expeft not, if what's given in charge ye waftCj A property which fliail for ever laft. f[ No man can fcrve two mailers. One who aims To pleafe, the other virtually difclaims. Mammon will not be fatisfied with part, And God requires an undivided heart. The Pharifees, whom avarice pofTefs'd, Turning thefe maxims into impious jell ; Jefus obferv'd, of piety fevere To men of weak difcernment ye appear ; But God, who penetrates the inward part, Difcerns the turpitude that fills your heart: For what by man is highly virtuous deem'd. Is, in God's fight, dcteftablc efteem'd. The law and prophets (hew'd the only way To life, till John his doctrine did difplay. Since that time has God's kingdom been proclaim'd. And all to enter earneftly have aim'd. Yet, fooner than one title of the law- Shall fuffcr alteration, blot or flaw, All that this frame of heaven and earth contains Shall be extin£l, nor leave the lead remains. The man that fliall repudiate his wife, And, whilft flic lives, engage in married life. Commits adultery : and who Ihall wed The woman, flecps in an adulterous bed. ^ A man 26 i THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ^r A man witli wealth vvhofc coffers overflow'd, Indulg'd each luxury that wealth allow'd. In fineft linen was his body drell. And the rich Tyrian purple ting'd his vcft. A'arious and choice the viands on his board, \A'ith racieft wines his ample vaults were ftor'd. A mendicant, call'd Lazarus, at his gate LVd for poor fragments patiently to wait. With wounds whofe haggard form was cover'd o'er; The dogs, moreover, lick'd each putrid fore. The beggar died, and by angelic aid To Abraham's bofom inftant was convey'd. Dead, and interr'd, the rich man (dire to tell) With horror lifted up his eyes in hell ; And, at great diftance, by the Patriarch's fide Seeing the beggar, with fad accent cried, O Father Abraham ! confolation lend. And Lazarus to my affiftance fend ; That he in water may his finger dip, And, cooling, touch my tongue's extremeft tip. To eafe my torments. Abraham replied. Remember fon, thy luxury and pride. Thy wealth whate'er could pleafe the fenfe procur'd, ^^'hilft Lazarus every ill of life endur'd. But now his ftate of happinefs begins, Whilft, juftly, thou art punifli'd for thy fins. Bcfidcs, the gulph between us has denied All that might wifh to pafs from either fide. The rich man, then, in agonizing pain Cried, O my Father! to the world again Send him to warn five brethren of my fate. That they may fliun it, ere it be too late. But Abraham anfwer'd, fon, be fatisfied : Let Mofes and the Prophets be their guide. Nay, SAINT LUKE. 265 Nay, Father Abraham ! urgently he faid. They muft repent, if preach'd to by the dead. Abraham rejoin'd, all further words forbear: If Mofes nor the prophets they will hear. Not even a meflenger fent from the grave Such harden'd finners would convince and fave. LI CHAPTER 265 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XVII. Chrijl teacheth to avoid occafions of offence ; mutual forghenefs ; the power of faith ; that tve are bound to God, and not he to us. He healeth ten lepers. Of the kingdom oj God, and the coming of the Son of Man. JESUS obferv'd — Offences mufl appear ; But woe to him their burden that fliall bear. Better for him to have a mill-none bound About his neck, and in the fca be drown'd. Than that he fliould a ftone of ftumbling lay, And caufe one innocent to go aftray. Take heed then ; and the man who gives offence Rebuke ; but, if lie turn with penitence. Forgive him : and though oft he fliould repeat The trefpafs, penitence with pardon meet. Then the apoflles jcfus thus implor'd, Increafe our faith, we meekly pray thee, Lord! And Jefus anfvvcr'd, did your taith indeed Augment as doth a grain of muftard-feed. This fycamine fliould quit, at your command, J Is root, and for the fea defert the land. Which of you all would as his equal treat His fervant ? faying, Sit thee down to meat, Frefli from the plough .'' but rather fay. Prepare ]\Iy meal, and wait on me with decent care ; Then take thine own repafl:. Would he beftow Thanks on that fervant ? furely not, I trow. Thus ye, your tafk whenever ye have done, Yourfelves unprofitable fervants own; Confeffing after all your care and pains. Nothing, your duty that exceeds, remains, ^ Proceeding SAINT LUKE. 267 ^ Proceeding to Jerufalem, his way Through Galilee, and through Samaria lay. Entering a village, for his mighty aid. Standing far off, ten haplefs lepers pray'd. Crying with earneft fupplication. Lord ! Succour divine to our fad cafe afford. Jefus commanded, to the prieft repair : But they were cicans'd ere their arrival there; Then one who faw he was to health reftor'd. Returning, loudly glorified the Lord; And, falling on his face at Jefus' feet. Devoutly thank'd him for his cure complete : Now he was a Samaritan I thought That ten, faid Jefus, my alfiftance fought : Alas ! where are the nine ? Remains there none To praifc God, fave this alien alone ? ^ Then certain Pharifees inquiry made. When lliall Meffiah's kingdom be difplay'd ? Jefus replied, Mefliah's kingdom ne'er With pomp and exclamation fliall appear. In it no worldly figns can have a part; It dwells among you, lodging in the heart. Then his difciples told, — the time draws nigh When ye iliall wifli the Son of Man to fpy, But wifli in vain. The populace ffiall fay Lo here! lo there! but no attention pay. The livid lightning's penetrating force, Acrofs the fky that darts its dreadful courfc, Does with terrific energy difpiay The fudden accefs of that awful day. But firft the Son of Man muft undergo Many diftrcffmg fcenes of pain and woe. Treated with contumely and neglcii. Him and his work this people fliall rcje£t; ^ J 2 And a68 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO And, like the times before the flood began. Shall be the days before the Son of Man. Senfual concerns did their whole condufil mark Till the day Noah went into the ark. Then came the flood with unexpefted fall. In general ruin overwhelming all. Thus, in the days of Lot, the people ate, Drank, bought, fold, planted, built; blind to their fate: But the fame day that Lot from Sodom went, Brimftone and fire in fliowers from heaven were fent. In which they periflvd. Such fliall be the day Which will the Son of Man's return difplay. Let him, that then on the houfe-top fhall be, Defert his goods, and for his fafety flee. Let him, whom in the field that hour fliall find. Think on Lot's wife, nor cafl; a look behind. Who feeks to fave his life, that life fliall lofe. Which he fliall fave that does his life expofe. In the fame bed, that night, two men fliall lie; One fliall be feiz'd, the other be pafs'd by. Two women, likewife, at a mill fliall grind. One fliall be taken, one be left behind. Of two men working in a field, fliall one Be taken, and the ether left alone. Where will this happen, Lord? they jointly crfed! Where'er the carcale is, Jefus replied. There will the eagles, anxious for their prey. In numerous parties wing their airy way. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 269 CHAPTER XVm. The importunale widow. The Pharifce and the Publican. Children brought to Chrijl. A ruler that would J allow Chrifl, but is hindered by his riches. The reward of thofe who leave all for his Jake. He foretelleth his death, and rejloreth a blind man to fight. THUS Jefus did, by parable, declare The wondcrous influence of continued prayer : Urging that thofe, who would with heaven prevail. Should ne'er in humble perfeverance fail. A judge within a certain city dwelt. Who fear'd not God nor for his brethren felt. To him a widow day by day applied. Begging her plaint might fpccdily be tried ; AfTur'd that from the juftice of her caufe, Her foe would feel the vengeance of the laws : But ineffeftually her tears alfail'd A heart where pity never had prevail'd. Arous'd at length, to reafon he began, What though I fear not God, nor care for man, Yet, as this widow's importuning cry Leaves me no reft, I'll with her fuit comply. If thus the judge, then fliall not God prote£t, And ccafelefs lilUn to his own eleft, Who call for vengeance on their haughty foes That dare Omnipotence's arm oppofc? I tell you, to their caufo he fliall attend, And to their foes will fpccdy vengeance fend .* Yet, when the Son of Man fliall come again, How little faith will upon earth remain : WtL 8 70 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO IJe then to thofe this parable applied, ^\ hofe hearts elated \vitli religious pride. In their felf-righteoufncfs, implicit, truft. And treat with fcorn the humble and the jull Two men on the fame exercife intent, Urg'd by devotion, to the temple went. One was a Publican, of bafe degree ; The other a fafiidious Pharifee. The Pharifee in haughty phrafe began, I thank thee, God! that I'm a righteous man. I'm no extortioner; I'm not unjuft ; Nor am I guilty of adulterous luft ; Twice in the week I fafl ; due tithes I give : Nor — like this Publican, impurely live. To heaven not daring to lift up his eyes. Standing far otf, the Publican with fighs Smote on his breaft, and pray'd, in accent low, O God 1 thy mercy on a wretch beftow. But, mark! this man was rather juftified Than he on boafted merit that relied: For who exalts himfelf fliall be abas'd, Whilft the felf-humbled finncr fliall be rais'd. Some perfons then a group of children brought. And earncftly that he would touch them fought ^ But his difciples charg'd them to withdraw ; When Jefus their dcfign, approving, faw. And cali'd aloud to all around, forbear; Forbid not, but permit them to come near ; For fuch compofe God's kingdom. Like a child Who comes not, humble, tra£table, and mild. Whatever eife his gifts, fliall feek in vain Therein admittance ever to obtain. Good SAINT LUKE. Good mafter! faid a ruler, teach my mind A certain mode eternal life to find. Jcfus replied, why call me good ? To none That term applies, excepting God alone. Thou knovvcft the commandments. Do not kill.; Steal not; and of thy neighbour fpeak no ill; Avoid adultery. To thy parents pay Duteous refpcfct, and their commands obey. Thefe things, he faid, have I from youth obferv'd; Nor have, in any point, from duty fvvcrv'd. Jesus obferv'd, One thing is wanting more; Sell all thou hafl: : beilovv it on the poor ; Then lodg'd in heaven fliall all thy trcafurc be : And, in conclufion, come and follow me. Thefe admonitions (truck the ruler's heart. Who could not from his vaft pofleflions part, Jcfus obferv'd his ftate ; and, with a figh Obferv'd, A camel through a needle's eye May pafs as foon, as can a rich man's mind Defir'd admittance to God's kingdom find. If this be fo, who can (the audience faid) Be fav'd r He anfwer'd, by celeftial aid That may, with eafc, cfFeftually be done Impolhble to human power alone. Peter cxclaim'd. To this thou mud agree, "We have defcrtcd all, and follow'd thee. Jefus replied, no man hath left his houfe. His parents, brethren, children, or his fpoufe. Obedient to the gofpcl, but fliall gain Large recompcncc whilft here he fliall remain ; And what muft more encouragement create. Life cverlafting in the future flatc. 271 Taking THE GOSPEL ACCORDIXG TO Taking the twelve apart, he faicl. Attend. Toward Jerufalem we now afccnd : Where every part of the prophetic plan Shall be accomplifli'd in the Son of Man. Deliver'd to the Gentiles, they (hall ufe All forts of mockery, infult, and abufe ; Spit on him, fcourge, and in conclufion, flay; But he fliall rife the third fucceeding day. Yet, though the language was cxprefs and plain, To them no meaning did his words contain. «[ Approaching Jericho, near to the gate. Petitioning for alms a blind man fat. Aiking the reafon why the ftir was made, Jefus of Nazareth palTes by, they faid. Have mercy, Jefus ' the poor beggar cried ; On which the populace began to chide. Saying, be filent : but fo much the more He cried, Have mercy, Jefus! as before: Pity me, fon of David ! Make him room, Jefus commanded ; near me let him come : Then afk'd his wifli. The beggar anfwer'd, Lord! To perfeft fight that I may be reftor'd. As thou dofl: firmly on my power believe. He anfwer'd, fight for thy reward receive. Inftant he faw, with grateful joy imprefs'd. And, following Jefus, God devoutly blefs'd : AVhilfl: ail that witnefs'd the fiupendous faft. Gave God the glory of the gracious aft. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. ^73 CHAPTER XIX. Of 2acclieus, the publican. The parable of the ten pieces of money entrnfied to ten fervants. Chrijl rideth triumphantly into Jeriijalem : weepeth over the city : driveth the buyers and fellers out of the Temple ; wherein he teaches daily. The rulers would have deflroyed him, but for fear of the people. ON entering Jericho a wealthy man, Zaccheus nam'd, the leading publican, Willi'd to fee Jefus pafllng through the ftreet; But fail'd, becaufe the concourfe was too great. And he of feature low. He ran before. Therefore, and climb'd into a fycamore. Whence he beheld the Lord ; who when he came Near to the place, faluted him by name, Saying, Come down, Zaccheus ; lead the way. For in thy houfe will I ubidc this day. Defcending joyful, on his gracious guell An hearty welcome frankly he imprefs'd : But all then prefent faid, with murmuring voice. See how he makes a finner's houfe his choice. Zaccheus then proclaim'd. Half of my ftore. As a free gift, I fettle on the poor. Moreover, let the man I've wrong'd appear. And make the injury complain'd ot clear: Not only will I what he loft reftore. But fourfold in addition give him more. Jesus, then fpcaking of Zaccheus, faid, •Now is falvation to this houfe difplayed. Since M ni •7 + THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Since he, 'gainft whom with rancour ye declaim. Proves himfelf worthy to bear Abraham's name. To feek and fave the loft includes the plan, Which brought from heaven to earth the Son of Man. Jesus obferving all inclin'd to hear, ■As to Jerufaicm they then drew near. And that the thought might ftrike the vulgar fenfe, Gods kingdom muft immediately commence) Pronounc'd this parable : A nobleman His journey to a diftant ftate began, Whither a kingdom to accept he wentj Which when concluded, to return he meant. Then calling to him his ten fervants, faid, Till my return, this fum employ in trade. But, hated by his citizens, they fent A meffenger to note their difcontent : Informing him that they renounc'd his fway. Nor would, in future, his commands obey. His foreign realm fecur'd, he journey 'd homC;^ Ordering his fervants fliould before him come. The firft advancing fnid, Thy pound in trade Succefsfuily hath tenfold profit made. Well done, good fervant, his glad Lord replied, Over ten cities, for thy care, prefide. 'i'he fecond faid, thy pound in commerce us'd, I lath five pounds, by my diligence, produc'd. Then faid his Lord, Thy worth I thus repay ; Over five cities fliall extend thy fway. Another in thefe terms addrefs'd his Lord: Lo ! undiminifli'd fee thy pound reftor'd. Safe in a napkin wrapp'd, behold it here: For well I knew thee as a man auftere, Taking up that thou never had'ft laid down. And reaping produce which thou had'ft not (own. Thoij^ SAINT LUKE. 275 Thou wicked fervant, he replied, be mute. Whofe words whatever they exprefs, confute. Thou know'ft I gather'd where I laid not down, And reap'd the crops which I had never fown : Why not my cafh then to the banker give. That 1 mine own with ufury might receive? Then faid to the byftanders, Take his pound. And give to him with whom the ten are found. Lord ! they obferv'd, he halh already ten : Be not furpriz'd, he anfwer'd them again. More fliall be given, where well the truft is us'd. And he lofe all, his trufi: that hath abus'd; But thofe mine enemies who fpurn'd my reign Produce, and let them inftantly be flain. ^ Up to Jerufalem, when this was faid, March'd the whole train, with Jefus at their head. Now when to Bethphage, and the Mount they came. Which from a grove of olives takes its name, lie faid to two difciplcs, Hep afide To the next village, where a colt is tied Juft at the entrance ; on whofe back as yet. No man by way of trial has been fet. Loofe, and conduft him hither. Wliy untie The colt ? fliould any queftion, you reply. The Lord hath need of him. The beaft was found Juft as defcrib'd, and inftantly unbound. But whilft they loofe the colt, his owners fay. Why do ye take our property away? They fram'd their anfwer as they had been taught, And unrepcll'd, the colt to Jefus brought i Upon whofe back with their beft garments grac'd, By the difciples was their mafter plac'd. Moreover, their attachment to difpiay, They ftrew'd their cloathes as carpets on the way. M m 2 When 276 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO When they proceeded to the fteep defcent Which from the mountain to the city went. All the difcijjies with united voice Began with exultation to rejoice. Shouting, For ever be the king ador'd Sent to bring peace and glory from the Lord. Then certain Pharifees among'ft the crowd Exclaim d with accent vehemently loud, jVIaficr ! rebuke thy followers ; but he faid. The ftones would fpeak, ihould they be filent made. ^ As he drew nigh, and view'd the city's ftate, He thus, with tears, bewail'd her awful fate ; O! hadft thou known, even thou, in this thy da). What would infure thy peace, now pafs'd away And vanifli'd from thine eyes ! The time fliall come. When thy fierce foes, refolv'd upon thy doom, Shall dig their trenches, compafs thee around, Lay thy ftrong bulwarks level with the ground. Extirpate thine inhabitants ; and all Thy Itately buildings lliall in ruin fall. Becaufe ye would not bend your minds to know Thefe threatenings, and prevent your overthrow. Entering the temple, he expell'd tlie train Of thofe that traffick'd there for impious gain; Saying, this edifice was built for prayer. And not for robbers to inhabit there. Within the temple day by day he taught, Whilft the chief-priefts, the fcribes and ciders fought Means to deftroy him ; which they could not find j For his inftruftions won the public mind. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 277 CHAPTER XX. Chrijl avoitchdh his authority by a (jiiejiion of John^ baptifm. The parable of the vine- yard. Of paying tribute to Cafar. He confutes the Sadduces, who denied the refurrec- tion. Explains hozv Chrijl is the fon of David, and warns his difciples to beware cf the fcribes. WHILST Jefus taught within the temple's bound. The chief-priefts, fcribes, and elders clos'd him round, Demanding his authority to preach, And things repugnant to their ufage teach. Readily will I anfvver, he replied. On this plain queftion when ye (hall decide ; John's baptifm to ye all is fully known. Was it from heaven, or fprung from man alone? When thus they argued : if from heaven we fay, , He'll anfwer, why no credit to him pay ? Should we aflTert, from man it took its rife. The people, who John's memory idolize, And treat him as a prophet, with one breath Will rife, enrag'd, and ftone us all to death : Then anfwer'd him, they knew not : nor fliall L Said Jefus, to your queftion make reply. This parable he then pronounc'd ; a man Planted a vineyard on an ample plan ; Let it to hufbandmen; then went away. In a far diftant place to make fome ftayi And, when the vintage came, a forvant tent To bring the fruit apportion'd for his rent. The churlilh hulbandincn his fervant beat. And, without produce, forc'd him to retreat. iji] THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO A fecond fcrvant fliamefiilly was fpurn'd ; Yet fate, though empty, to his Lord rcturn'd. A third they wounded ; and to aggravate Their crime, with violence thurfl: without the gate. The Lord then reafon'd, what can more be done r As a laft cfFort, my beloved fan Will I commiflion: liim they may rcfpeft; And penitence atone for paft negle£l. But when the fon approach'd, with favage joy The heir they all dctermin'd to deftroy ; Agreeing that his death, and that alone. Could make the rich inheritance their own. On this, with impious refolution fill'd, They feiz'd his perfon, call: him out, and kill'd. What then, on fuch an outrage, fliall be done ? Mud not their lives for fuch a crime atone ? Will not their Lord deftroy them, and replace With worthier men, that execrable race ? Then all that heard, as though they felt the blow Exclaim'd, may God forbid it Qiould be fo. But Jefus, viewing tlrem, expreffive faid. What other fenfe can of this word be made ? " * The (lone the builders fcornfully refus'd, " Is as the headftone of the corner us'd." " -f Woe be to him who falls upon this (tone i " The dreadful lliock fliall. break his every bone: " But he on whom the ponderous load may fall " Shall be ground down, as (ineft powder fmall." ^ The chief-prie(ts and the fcribes, with rage inflam'd, Pcrceiv'd the parable at them was aim'd ; And would have feiz'd him, but the people fear'd, Who well aflfefted to his caufe appear'd. Whenever .* Pfalm cxviii. 28. + Daniel ii. 34. 3 J. SAINT LUKE. 279 Whenever Jcfus taught, infidious fpies Attended, mafk'd beneath religion's guife; Watching his words, that they might forge a caufe His death to compafs by the Roman laws. One of fuperior artifice poflefs'd, A feigned doubt thus wickedly exprefs'd ; Maftcr, thy do£trines j)ublicly proclaim, Fearlefs of man, that truth's thy only aim. ■ Refolve us, therefore, are wc bound to pay Tribute to Ca^far ? — Tell us, yea, or nay. Jefus the vilenefs of their hearts efpied ; And, without noting their deceit, replied. To clear the point a coin produce to view : Whofe face and titles does this furface (liew? They anfwer'd Ca^far's. Then to Ca^far give His due; and what is God's let God receive. Amaz'd to find their fubtilty reprcfs'd. Silence their a:uilt and their defeat confefs'd. t>^ ^ Then came the Sadducees their wiles to try. The refurreftion ftrenuous that deny; Saying, This ordinance from Mofes came. Thou (halt perpetuate thy brother's name. Childlefs in wedlock, when a man fliall die, The nearcft kinfman (hall his place fupply. And in his brother's name an olTspring raife. Hear, and determine, then, this arduous cafe. The eldefl: of feven brethren took a wife. And, without progeny, departed life. The fecond had the widow for his bride ; And, like the former, without ilTuc died. The precept all fuccelTivcly obcy'd. And, childlefs, all were to the grave conveyed : Lail ./So THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Laft died the woman. When the day fliall come. Tliat each fliall rife from his refpc£tive tomb, W'hofe fliall flie be ? for all had equal claim To call her by a wife's endearingf name. Jesus thus anfvver'd ; the connubial ftate Does folely to this world's concerns relate. But thofe, that fliall enjoy the life to come. Leave temporal attachments in the tomb. ., Siibjcft to marriage and to death no more. They live like angels; and like them adore; For through the refurreftion, power is given To him, that Eden loft, to enter heaven. Now, that the dead are rais'd even Mofes fliow'd. When unconfum'd the bufli refplendent glow'd; And he, who fpake, declar'd, I am the Lord, \A'hom Jacob, Ifaac, Abraham, ador'd. God of the living, not the dead, his €ye Doth generations at one glance efpy. % Then certain fcribes this obfervation made, Mafter, thou wifely haft the truth difplay'd : And, thus confuted, no man durft renew Difcufllons which their rancour brought to view. Further he faid. How is it that ye own Explicitly, that Chrifl: is David's fon. When David, in the pfalms, declares that, * " He Who reigns the Lord of heaven and earth and fea. Said to my Lord, this right hand flation take. Till all thy foes thy footftool I fliall make." Scripture that Chrifl: is David's Lord makes plain, How then can David's Lord his fon remain. * Pfalra ex. 1. f Thek SAINT LUKE. aSi ^ Then liis difciples thus he warn'd : Beware, Nor imitate the Scribes' faftidious air. Long robes who love ; great homage in the ftreets ; Chief rooms at fcafts ; in fynagogues chief feats; Who make long prayers their inftruments of prey To fteal the widow's property away : But, mark me ; they into thefe crimes that fall, Complete damnation on their heads fliall call. N n CHAPTER 282 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XXI. Chrijl commendeth the poor ividoiu. He /oretelleth the deJlru3ion of the Temple, and of the city Jerujalem : the ftgns alj'o xvhich Jliall precede the I aft day : and exhort eth all to he zvatchfiil. JESUS ftood near the treafury, and behold ; l"he rich made coftly offerings of gold ; When a poor widow came with fober grace. And caft two mites into the ufual place ; Piut, credit me, he faid, however fmall, Tl;e widow's offering furpafs'd them all. They of their fuperfluities gave part ; But flie beflowed her all with liberal heart. ^ To fome the tem.plc's Itructure that furvey'd. And its grand ornaments admir'd, he faid, The time draws nigh, when this magnificence, Whofe glorious fplendor flrik.es th' allonilh'd fenfe. Shall fink in ruin. Every leparate ftonc In mark'd deftruclion Ihall remain alone. All prefent afk'd him, Mafler ! by what fign This dread cataflrophe fliall we divine? He anfwer'd. Of deception take ye care. Many fliall, falfcly, I am Chrifl, declare : Early this ftratagem fliall they difplay ; But to impoflure no attention pay. When of commotions, and of wars vc hear. Be not alarm'd, as though the end were near. Nations with nations dreadful wars fliall wao^e • Plagues, famines earthquakes, wreak their dreadful rage. Tremendous fights, celeftial prodigies, .Shall fill the mind with horror and furprife. But, SAINT LUKE. '^S^ J'ut, previoufly, your perfecuting toes Shall the fierce malice of their hearts expofe ; Deliver you to fynagogues, and hale Their wretched captives to each common jail. Condemn'd by kings to puniflimcnt and fliame. For boldly daring to profcfs my name : But every accufation (hall but prove A teftimony that the truth ye love. When fummon'd, therefore, fettle in your mind Not to devife what anfwcr ye fliall find ; For, from your mouths fuch arguments fliall flow. As fliall elTcclually confute your foe. By parents, brethren, kinfmen, friends, betray'd. Some even to caufe your death fliall lend their aid ; And merely for my name's fake, fliall ye find Coritempt and enmity from all mankind. When round Jerufalcm armies fliall appear, Be certain that its dcfolation's near. Let thofe in Juda to the hills repair. And none return that at a diftance are ; For thofo the days of vengeance, which of old The prophecies of certainty foretold. Woe to the pregnant then, and fore oppreft. The wretch whofe infant hangs upon her breafl;; For who fliall be enabled to withftand The wrathful torrent that fliall flood the land ? The fword fliall pierce the military bands, And captive millions people diftant lands i Whilft by the Gentiles kept in fubje£t ftate, Jerufalcm their fulfilment fliall await. ^[ Signs fliall the fun, the moon, and flars difplay. Earth's nations flirink with horror and difmay ; Wide ocean's waves their heads tremendous rear; The ftoutcft men fliall faint through very fear N n 2 Of 284 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Of what is pending : for each heart fliall quake ; And even the powers of heaven with terror fliake. Then, coming in a cloud, Ihall every eye Vefted with power the Son of Man defcry : And, when thcfe awful fignals fliall appear. Lift up your heads ; for your redemption's near. A parable now from the fig-tree learn. Soon as her carlioft germs ye can difcern. Ye fay that fummcr's near. Learn then to know Thofe figns that God's approaching kingdom fliow. For each event fliall its completion gain. Even whiht the prefent race of men remain. Through heaven and earth deftruftion fliall prevail. Sooner than one of my predi£tions fail. ^ Be careful, therefore, to avoid excefs. Guard againfl: furfeiting and drunkennefs. Sit free from worldly pleafures, honours, cares. Left that day haflen on you, unawares : For, as a fnare, unlook'd for fliall it come. Involving fmners in one general doom. \^'atch, therefore ; and by unremitting prayer To fliun the threaten'd niiferies prepare : So, when the Son of Man fliall thus appear. May ye approach, from appreheniion clear. Thus Jefus in the Temple daily taught; And for repofe the Mount of Olives fought; But, at his ftation every morn was found. Crouds for inflru£tion compafTmg him round.. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 285 CHAPTER XXII. The jeivs coiifplre againft Chrijl. Satan influences Judas to betray him. The Apojlles ■prepare the pajj'over. Chrifl inftitutes his holy [upper : covertly foretelleth of the traitor : dehorteth the other Apojlles from ambition : aJJ'ureth Peter his faith fliould not fail ; and yet that he Jkoutd deny him thrice. He prayeth on the Mount, and fweateth blood ; is betrayed with a kifs. He healeth Malchus's ear: is thrice denied of Pete)- ; is Jliamefully abujed : and confejjeth himfelf to be the Son of God. THE feafon of unleaven'cl bread drew near ; Known likewife as the fcaft of palTover, The chief-priefts and the fcribes met to contrive How they might Jefus of his life deprive: For all refolv'd upon his death appear'd. But felt reftraint, becaufe the crowd they fear'd. % Then enter'd Satan into Judas' bread, Ifcariot call'd, the treafon to fuggeft j Perfidious wretch! thoujrh number'd amonsr thofe Jefus as friends and as Apoftles chofe, He fettled with the chiefs and priefts the way Into their hands his patron to betray. They to his terms with rcadinefs agreed. Giving him money for th' atrocious deed. And from that hour no means did he neglc£l To bring this monftrous treafon to effeft : But laid his plan fo as the multitude He might from knowledge of the facl exclude. ^f Then came the day when with unleavcn'd bread The Jewifli tribes by ordinance arc fed. On this day mud the pafchal Iamb be flain. As God, by Mofcs, did of old ordain, Jefus jjo,, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Jcfus called John and Peter, with command To make due preparation out of hand. That he and all might of the meal partake. Where wilt thou preparation that we make ? They jointly aik'd ; when Jefus thus replied. Entering the city, make that man your guide Whom firft encountering in the public ftreet. Bearing a water-pitcher, ye fliall meet. Whatever houfe he enters, thither go. And charge the maflcr inflantly to fliow His moll convenient apartment, where I and my friends may eat the paffbver. The man will fliew you a well-furnifli'd room .; Wherein prepare, and tarry till I come. All things they found precifely as he faid : And ready there the pafl'over was made. At the appointed hour vA^as Jefus found At table; his Apolilcs fitting round: When he inform'd them, with intcnfe defire Have I, before in torture I expire, Long'd with you all this paffover to eat. Which in God's kingdom till it be complete, I fliall not tafte again. Then, taking up, He pray'd with benedidion o'er the cup ; Saying, of this due diflribution make. Of the vine's fruit I mean not to partake Until God's kingdom come. % He then took bread, Blefs'd, brake, and giving it, devoutly faid. This reprefents my body given for you. This in remembrance of your mafter do, Take ye, and eat. Then, with the cup he went. Saying, my blood of the new Teftament, Shed for your fins, drink ye : ^ And yet his hand Is on the board by whom I am trepann'd. The SAINT LUKE. 2S7 The Son of Man departs, as truth has faid ; But woe to hitn by whom he is betray 'd. Then all began to afk, with anxious heart. Who could tranfaft this grofs nefarious part? «[[ Now a difpute amongfl: them had prevall'd, Which ot them ihould as principal be hail'd ^ When Jefus thus the difputants addrefl: — The Gentile rulers lord it o'er the reft; And they to whom imperial power's afligncd. Are call'd the benefactors of mankind. Not fo with you. Amongft you who is great. His younger brethren muft as elders treat ; And he that, feemingly, does chief appear, Muft be as he that bringeth up the rear. For which is greater, he that fits at meat. Or he that waits behind his mafter's feat ? The mafter fure : but to remembrance call. That I have been as fervant to you all. To you who through my trials have endur'd. The kingdom by my father as alTur'd To me, 1 grant to you ; that ye may eat, And at my table take your conftant feat. Within my kingdom : and on thrones decree. As judges, what Ihall Ifrael's fentence bo. % Addressing Simon, Jefus faid, beware. Satan for thee hath fpread his ftrongeft fnare. Like wheat he hopes to fift thee; but I've pray'd That thy faith may not under trial fade: And when t'hou art converted, ceafelefs ftrive To keep thy brethren's fainting faith alive. Lord ! my attachment, Peter (aid, to ihow. With thee to prifon, or to death id go. The day, faid Jefus, ere the cock proclaim. Shall Peter thrice deny he knows my name. •*>ay, 283 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Say, he continued, forth when ye were fent \\'ithout ftaff, purfc, or needful implement, 13id ye lack any thing ? No, they replied ; But now, he added, fct that rule afide. Again the ufe of fcrip and purfe I grant ; And he among you that a fword Ihaij want. Hath liberty to fell his coat, and take (ts price, a purchafe of fuch ufe to make: Eor yet that fcripturc wants completion,* " He " With the tranfgreffors muft accounted be 5'' And all predictions that to me pertain, InIuII fpecdily their confunmiation gain. Lord ! we, amongft us, have two fwords, they cry. Thofo are fufficient, was the Lord's reply. % Then, as his cufiom was, did they remove Up to the mount where ftands the olive-grove; Where his difciples he advis'd to pray. Left by temptation they be Jed aftray. Retiring then the diftance that a ftone Might with dexterity and ftrcngth be thrown. He fell upon his knees in earneft prayer. Crying, this bitter cup of fiiffering fpare, If polTible : — yet, not my will alone, O gracious father! but thy will be done. An angel at this dreadful time appear'd, With heavenly comforts who his bofom cheer'd : But, being in an agony of grief. He pray'd more earneft for divine relief; Meanwhile, his fweat that on the furface ftood. Fell to the earth like drops of clotted blood. Returning, his difciples all were found O'ercome with forrow fleeping on the ground. * Ifaiah liii. 3. % Whilst SAINT LUKE. 289 ^ Whilst he was fpeaking, Judas did appear. One of the twelve, with numbers in the rear ; Who ftcpping forward, with unblufliing face. His mafter clafp'd in treacherous embrace. Jefus, on his approacli. ferenely faid, Is with a kifs the Sou' of Man betray 'd ? When thofe about him faw his danger, Lord J They cried, fhall wc defend thee with the fword ? % Then one of them aim'd at a perfon, near. And froui his head diflTcver'd the right earj But Jefus faid, from violence refrain ; Touch'd, and intire reftor'd the part again. Then the chief-priefts, the elders, and the rell Who came to feize on him, he thus addreft: Why do ye arm'd with fwords and ftaves attend. As though a thief ye meant to apprehend ? Within the temple conftantly I taught. Yet none of you to feize my perfon fought : 15ut now malignity enjoys its hour; And he who reigns in darknefs fliews his po\Ycr. IT Jesus an unrefifting captive made. To Caiaphas's palace was convey'd ; Whilft Peter with flow pace their fteps purfucd, And with the rcfufe of the multitude Enter'd the halJ, wherein a fire he found, With numbers of the people fcated round. On him her eyes a female fcrvant fix'd, Juft as to warm him with the reft he mix'd. Who faid, This man I frequently haVc fccn In converfation with the Nazarenc. Peter the charge with vehemence denied ; And that he knew not Jefus, loudly cried. Another fcrvant, as he pafs'd along. Told Peter, Thou waft with him in the throng, O o Whicfi ago THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Which he denied. Within an hour, a third To Peter's face, with confidence averr'd. This man was with him ; and ye hear, his phrafe The vicious fpeech of Galilee betrays. But Peter anfwer'd, with indignant hafte, 1 tell thee, man, I know not what thou fay'ft. The Lord, at that time, cad a piercing look. Which awfully to Peter's confcience fpoke ; For at the moment, the cock's thrilling note Thefe words of Chrlft to his remembrance brought : Before the cock proclaims approaching day. Thrice, that he knows me not, (hall Peter fay. Self-cenfur'd, from his mailer's view he crept. And, ftung with bittcreft compunftion, wept. 1 Those who held Jefus, bafely did expofe His perfon both to mockery and blows. His eyes they bandag'd ; ilruck him on the face ; Crying, profanely, him that ftruck thee trace. Commixing cruelty with impious joke, In hope unwearied patience to provoke. 5 \^'HEN morning came, the eld.rs, pricfts, and thofe The higheft judicature that compofe, Call'd him before them, charfjinsr him to fav If he were Chrift, precifely, yea, or nay. He anfwer'd, fliould I tell you, 'twould be vain Becaufe my word no credit would obtain. And, fliould I argue with vou, no reply Would ye return, nor give me liberty : But, foon, at the right hand of power divine The Son of Man fhall eminently fliine. Art thou the Son of God, they all exclaim? Yourfelves, he anfwer'd them, admit the name. Xo further evidence, all cry, we need, When from his mouth fuch proofs of guilt proceed. CHAPTER SAINT LUKE. 291 CHAPTER XXIII. Jefus is acciifed before Pilate ; and fent to Herod, who mocketh him. Herod and Pilate are reconciled. Barrabas is defired of the people^ and releafed by Pilate ; and Jefus is given up to be crucified. He informs the women who lament him, of the defirudion of Jerufalem ; and prayeth for his enemies. Tzvo makfaElors are crucified zvith him. His death and burial. JESUS was then at Pilate's bar arraign'd, Where his accufers thus their charge ordain'd : The prifoner does all his powers exert The people from their duty to pervert. Forbidding to give Caifar tribute due ; And faying that himfelf, a private Jew, Is Chrift, a king. Then Pilate aflc'd him, fay. Art thou the Jewifli fovereign, yea or nay ? Jcfus alTenting, Pilate faid, I find No a£tual crime is to this man alTign'd. The priefts with fiercenefs anfwer'd, 'tis a fact He ftirs the people to feditious aft ; Raifing revolt amongft the vulgar race. From Galilee even to this very place. Of Galilee when Pilate heard the name. Me afk'd if Jefus from that diflrift came: Of which alT'ur'd, to Herod he was fent. As fubje£t to the Tetrarch's government. ^ Herod, then at Jerufalem, had heard What wonderous works in Jcfus had appcar'd ; And hop'd fome mighty miracle to foe, To fate his idle curiolity. O o a He 392 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO He alk'd him many queftions : but the Lord To none of them an anfwer would afford. Meanwhile, the priefts and fcribes, with malice fraught. Their charge with bitternefs and rancour brought. Then Herod with his military train Derided Jcfu , and with mark'd difdain Remanded him, cloth'd in a purple veft, And with mock emblems of a fovereign dreft. 5[ Pilate and Herod on that very day Did all their former enmity away. ^f Once more the priefts and elders, by command, Iiefore the Governor's tribunal ftand. Their charge repeating — with feditious mind How to revolt the people he inclin'd. Tiieir rancorous accufations having heard, The judge as Jefus' advocate appear'd ; Saying, though ample has your charge been made. No proof of crime before me have ye laid ; Though Pve examin'd him in flrifteft fort. The truth, if he were guilty, to extort : Nor, before Herod when impeach'd, coukl ye On any point deferving death agree. Though guiltlefs, therefore, that ye be appeas'd, I Ic Ihall be fcourg'd, and from his bonds releas'd. Now, at that feaft, the people's general breath Prevail'd to fave a prifonor from death. The populace exclaim'd, with brutal cry. Give us Barabbas, and let Jefus die. Now this Barabbas at that very time Lay under fentence for the double crime Of murder and fedition. Pilate then Attempted to expoftulate again : But ftiil the more he labour'd the releafe Of jefus, did the favage cry increafe. Of SAINT LUKE. ig-. Of crucify him. Still he perfever'd ; Soliciting a third time to be heard. I fee no crime in him, he urg'd : how then Can ye perfifl: the guiltlefs to condemn ? I therefore will fome chart ifement beftow. And fuffer him at liberty to go. But ftill the people boilleroufly cried (Join'd by the priefts), let him be crucified. Pilate fubmitting, fet the murderer free. And fentenc'd Jefus to th' accurfed tree. One Simon, a Cyrcnian, as they went To lead forth Jefus unto puniflmient. Returning from the country, on the road They met, and forc'd to bear the crofs"s load. ^ A crowd, compos'd chief of the female kind. Loudly lamenting, follow'd clofe behind: But Jefus turning, faid, your plaints forbear. Nor flied for me one unavailing tear, Sad daughters of Jerufalem. — Refrain; Or for your children and yourfelves complain. The time approaches when they Ihall declare Thrice happy arc the wombs tliat never bare ; And bleffed are the breafts that ne'er could know What 'tis with milky nutriment to How. Then to the hills and mountains (hall they fay. Hide and proteft us from this dreadful day: For if the green tree thus to fuel turn. Surely the dry more furioufly ihall burn. Two men condcmn'd to the fame punilhment, With Jefus join'd, in fad proccilion went. At length they came to Calvary, the place Selc£ted to perpetuate their difgrace. There, with a malefa£tor on each fide^ The patient fuflercr was crucified. i-'oRClVE ay^ THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO % Forgive them, Father, Jefus faid, for lo ! Mifguided men! they know not what they do. 'Ihe foldiers then call lots ; for thus they chofe Amongll themfelves his garments to difpofe. The populace, crouding on every fide, Join'd with the chiefs the fufferer to deride. Saying, he refcued others from the grave ; Why not one effort make, himfelf to fave? His power fav'd others: if he be th' ele6t Of God, his fafety let that power efFe£t. The foldiers that with vinegar fupplied The fuftcrer, join'd his tortures to deride ; Exclaiming, if thou be Judea's king, Defcend, nor to the crofs in torture cling. Above his head was an infcription plac'd. Which was in Greek and Roman letters trac'd, And this brief fimple form did Pilate choofc, Jcfus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. «I One of the thieves, as on the crofs he hung. In impious language thus employ 'd his tongue ; If thou be Chrift indeed, let it appear. Nor leave thyfelf and us to perifli here. By different thoughts the other's mind was mov'd, Who the blafphemer in thefe words reprov'd ; W'retch that thou art, doft thou not ftand in awe Of God, audacious breaker of the law ? We fufler merely what we have deferv'd. But this jufl man from righteoufnefs ne'er fwerv'd. Jcfus he then with energy addrefs'd. Lord ! of thy kingdom fully when poffefs'd. Remember me. This day, the Lord replied, Shalt thou with me in Paradife refzde. Now from noon-tide till the ninth hour was part. The land with total darknefs was o'ercafl. The temple's vail, the fanftuary's bound. Was rent in twain, down to the very ground. ^ Jescs SAINT LUKE. 295 ^ Jesus did then with vehemence extend His voice ; exclaiming, Father, I commend Into thy hands my fpirit : bow'd his head. And inftantly was number'd with the dead. When the centurion witnefs'd this event. With mind on glorifying God intent. This eulogy did from his mouth proceed. Behold in him a righteous man indeed. Then all by whatfoever caufe impell'd, Who there collefled, the fad fcene beheld, Their hearts replete with pity and difmay. Smote on their breads, and mourning went away. All his familiars, and each female friend From Galilee that did his perfon tend. And miniller'd to him of tlieir eftate. Stood diftant, fad fpeftators of his fate. ^ Joseph, who from Arimathea came, A prudent counfollor, of upright fame, (With courage who their efforts had withllood That thirik'd cruelly for Jefus' blood. And who was a difcipic) came to pray Pilate would to his care the corpfe convey. Leave granted, Jofeph took, the body down, Wrapp'd it in linen ; in a tomb of ilonc Hewn in the rock, then plac'd it, in whofe womb No corpfe for inhumation e'er had come. This was the preparation-day, when all Made ready for the approaching fefiival. The women, therefore, that from Galilee Had follow'd, ftay'd the fcpulchrc to fee. And how the corpfe was laid ; then to prepare The fpices went with ncceffary care : And putting every worldly thought away, Pioufly refted on the fabbath-day. CMTAPTFR ig6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XXIV. L/'ir/ji's re/itrreclion is declared by two angels to the 'women that come to the fepulchre, Thcjc report it to the Apojlles. Chriji appeareth to two difciples as they were zvalking to Emmaus. Afterward he appeareth to the Apoflles, and reproveth them fov unbelief: giveth them a charge : promifeth the Holy Ghoft : and afcendeth into heaven. THE firft morn of the week, before the light Had thoroughly difpers'd the gloom of night. The women to the fcpulchre return'd. With many that the fad occafion mourn'd, Bearing rich fpices. When they reach'd the ground. The ftone that clos"d the cave, remov'd they found. And, when they pafs'd into the fepulchre. The corpfe of the Lord Jefus was not there. But, whilft they ftood perplex'd, in robes of light Two men appear'd to their aftonifli'd fight. Who afk'd them, whilft through fear each bow'd her head. Why feek ye him that lives, amongft the dead? He is not here, but rifen. RecolIeiSt How, whilft in Galilee, to this effect He fpake. The Son of Man a viftim made. And to the power of finful men betray'd, Muft on the crofs be infanioudy flain ; And the third day fliall rife from death again. His words they then remembered, and return'd To the eleven his deceafe that mourn'd ; Relating all that they had heard and feen. — Their company were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, James's mother, and fome more. To the apoftles who thcfe tidings bore But SAINT LUKE. 2^7 But their account like a mere fiction feom'ci, And was a creature of the fancy deem'd; Nor were they credited : Yet Peter rofe. Ran to the tomb, ftoop'd down, and faw the clothes : But homeward without more inquiry went, Loft in amazement at the ftrange event. 'o- ir Two of them went that memorable day To Emmaus, which thrccfcore furlongs lay Beyond Jerufalem ; and whilft they talk'd On paft tranfa£tions, Jefus came and walk'd As their companion : but they could not fee, (So change! their vifual powers) that it was he. What fccne of forrow, what affefling lofs. He aflc'd, does on tlie road, your time engrofs ? One of them, Cleopas by name, replied. Thou in Jerufalem fure can'ft not abide, Elfe thofe dread fpe£taclcs there lately fliown Had, of necelTity, to thee been known. He afk'd them, further, as intent to learn, What were the fafls, and whom did they concern r Jefus of Nazareth, was their reply, Whofe life and do£lrines jullly rais'd him high With God, who fent him truth divine to preach ; And with the people, whom he came to teach. Our priefts and rulers his deftruftion fought. And to the crofs the holy vi£tim brought : But we were confident this man was he Who from their fms Hiould Ifrael's people free. Befides, the third day's courfe is running faft. Since thefe lamented fcenes of horror part ; And certain converts of the female fort Fill'd us with wonder at their ftrangc report, r !> Ere ajS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Ere dawn who vifiting the fepulchre. To their furprife, found not his body there; But that fomc angels told them how the Lord Had left the fepulchre, to life reftor'd. On this, a party to the place repair'd, And found the women had the truth declar'd : But him they faw not. Jefus then replied. What mental blindnefs could your hearts mifguide : How could ye ftupidly your faith withhold From the great truths the prophets had foretold? In glory ere Mefhah can appear, Muft he not all predifled fufferings bear? Beginning then at Mofes, he explain'd Through all the prophets what to Ghrift pertain'd. They now approach'd the village, and his mind Secm'd as if further progrefs he defign'd : But they, obligingly, compell'd his llay, Obfervitig it was near the clofe of day. At their intreaty, he fat down to meat. Took, blefs'd the bread, and gave it them to eat;^ When, as if furnifli'd with a purer light. They knew him : but ho vanifli'd from their fight Then to each other tlicy obferv'd, in turn. Did not our hearts within our bofoms burn, VVhilll: in inlightening converfe, on the way, He did the fcripturc's fecret fenfe convey? Retl'Rninc to Jerufalem with fpeed, Th' eleven, and thofe in dotlrine tliat agreed Were met, and the Lord's refurre£lion ciear'd, Having to Simon gracioufly appcar"d ; When thefe to all anembled did difplay How they encounter'd Jefus on the way : And though with temporary cloud o'orfprcad. How they difccrn'd him whilft he brake the bread. f Jesvs SAINT LUKE. 299 ^[ Jesus that infiant his appearance made, Stood in the midlt, and Peace be with you, faid. All of them.view'd his perfon with affright, As if a fpirit ftood expos'd to fight. He afk'd them, What fuch terror can beget.' Behold my hands, and look upon my feet. "Tis I, your Lord and Mailer. Touch, and fee : A fpirit hath not flelli and bones like me. He then^ to chafe their diffidence away. Did to their eyes his hands and feet difplay ; And whilfl: they yet bclicv'd him not, through joy, (For ftrong amazement did their minds employ) He afk'd for food: and to their great furprifc. Honey and fifli he ate before their eyes. Then Jefus faid, with frequency and force Thefe things did I inculcate in difcourfe. That all which Mofcs in the law, of old. Ail that the prophets and the pfalms foretold Of me, mull be fulfill'd. He then their mind Difpos'd the fcripture's hidden fenfe to find ; Saying, the facred oracles explain That Chrifl: mufl: fuffcr death, and rife again On the third day ; and that ye fliould proclaim Repentance and remiflion in his name Firft at Jerufalem ; and perfevere Till all mankind the gofpel's found fliall hear. ^f These things ye've witnefs'd ; and before I go On you my Father's promifc I bellow? But in Jerufalem retir'd remain Celeflial iniiucnce till ye fliall obtain. % Then leading them to Bethany, he fpread His hands devoutly, and on every head P j> 2 Shower'd 300 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO, &c. Showcr'd bledings: and wbilfl: fervently he pray'd AVas parted from them, and to heaven convey'd. They then ador'd him ; and with joyful mind Each to Jerufalem his fteps inclin'd. There daily in the Temple they abode Employ 'd in praifing and in blclhng God ; And every wiiere, aflifted by the Lord, They prcach'd, whilft he with figus confirm'd the word. END OF THE THIRD GOSPEL. Cfje (^ofpel ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT JOHN. ;.vc^©OS?.::;« CHAPTER I. The divinity, humanity, and office of Jefus Chrijl. The tejlimony of John. The calling of Andrew, Peter, i^c. IN the beginning was the word, and he Was with God: and the word was Deity. All things fubfifting by his power were made; Nor ought created feparate from his aid. In him was lite, even life which is the light That fliews how man may guide his fteps aright. Tliis light on darknefs does its beams difplay In vain ; for darknefs flill refifls the day. ^ A man, calld John, did, fcnt by God, appear, Ilis teftimony of this light to bear; That all might to that teftimony give Tlic credence due, and as believers h'vc. That light he was not ; but was fent before. And ample witncfs of the light he bore ; Even that true light whofe penetrating ray Doth light to every human foul convey. Ho 3*4 THE GOSi»EL ACCORDING TO He for a feafon in the world abode; But tlie world knew not its creating God. Strange to relate! he came unto his own, And they regarded him as one unknown ••■ Hut unto thofe his melTage that received. And on his name with ftcadfaftnefs believed, Th' incllimable privilege was given To be the fons of God, and heirs of heaven. A ])rivilcge which none to birth could owe. Nor could from outward circumftanccs flow. To human wifdom utterly unknown, Dcriv'd from God; b^ftow'd by God alone. The word, moreover, (wonderous to relate ) Abode amongll: us in incarnate flate ; And we beheld hi? glory (which did ne'er But on the fathers fole-begot appear) Where grace and truth in their full luftre Hione. ^[ It was of him that his fore-runner John That declaration to the public made ; This, this, in truth, is he of whom I faid, He was bf^fore me, after me who came. For he exifted ere I had a name ; And of his plenitude the human race Have all been furnifli'd with fupplies of grace. Moses 'midft thunders did the law proclaim ; Rut grace and truth by the iVlefiiah came. God never hath been view'd by human eyes ; But he that in the Father's bofom lies. The Son who is peculiarly his own, His will and nature hath to man made known. ^ Thts SAINT JOHN. 30^ This is the anfvver John return 'd to thofc Levites and priefts the Jewifh council chofe To afk him. Who art thou ? To their requeft. I am not Chrift, he openly profeft. Art thou Elias, then ? No, he replied. Art thou that prophet? This too he denied. Say, then. Who art thou, that before we go. The purport of thy mifllon we may know. John in Ifaiah's facred words replies, " *I am a voice that in the defart cries, " Make fmooth the rugged road ; prepare the way, " That fo the Lord his glory may difplay,'' Now they, who queftion'd John and made report About him, were the Pharifaic fort. They afk'd. If none of thefe, why then baptize ? I grant, faid he, that rite I exercife With water : but I humbly bow me down To one amongft you, yet to all unknown ; Who following, ranks before me : and whofe fhoes I deem myfelf not worthy to unloofe. This conference at Bethabara, which lies Near Jordan, pafs'd, whilft John did there baptize. The next day Jefus was by John cfpied Approaching him, when thus the Baptift cried. Behold the Lamb of God ! the Lamb dcfiijn'd To take away the fins of all mankind ! He, as ye often from my mouth have heard, WHio following, yet before me is prcferr'd ; For prior though in point of time I came. He was exifting ere I had a name. I knew him not ; but that he fliould appear To Ifrael's people manifcft and clear, I came baptizing : adding, from above 1 faw the fpirit as it were a dove, Defcend, and reft on him ; but this alone Would not to me have made Melllah known, • Ifiiih 40. 3 Qq If 3oG THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO If he with water-baptifm to precede Who fent me, had not charg'd me lo take heed : For when thcfe wonderous tokens mot my eyesj He with the Jloly Spirit fliould baptize Where they unite. I faw, and record bare : And Jefus as the Son of God declare. ^VITH two difciples John the following day Accompanied met Jefus on the way. To them again the myftery to unfold. He cried aloud. The Lamb of God behold ! John's two difciples, hearing this, intent On following Jefus, walk'd the way he went; Who, turning, aCk'd, on feeing them behind, Whom do ye feek, or what expeft to find ? They anfwer'd, Matter, where doft thou refide .'' Come, and behold my dwelling, he replied. He led them to the place, where glad to ftay. They pafs'd the fliort remainder of the day. One of thefe two, who long had follow 'd John, Was Andrew, Simon's brother, Jona's fon. He firft met Simon, and to him made known. To us Meflias (meaning Chrift) is fliown. By Andrew brought he then to Jefus came. Who thus addrefs'd him, Simon though thy name, Thou flialt not, henceforth, bear that name alone. But Peter too, which fignifies a flone. ^ To vifit Galilee the following day Jefus inclin'd, met Philip by the way ; And faid. Come after me. Now Philip's place Of refidence (and likewife all the race Of Andrew and his brother) was a town By its appropriate name Bethfaida known. Within SAINT JOHN. 30 Within fliort time Philip Nathanacl faw. And faidj He's come, whom Mofes in the law. And all the prophets, pointedly defcribe. At Nazareth born ; of JudahV fceptred tribe. Nathanael obferv'd, what glorious thing From fuch a place as Nazareth can Spring ? Philip replied, Nathanael, walk with me, And this illuftrious ftrantjcr thou flialt fee. When Jefus faw Nathanael drawing near, See a true Ifraclite, he faid, appear. Nathanael, aftonifli'd, alk'd him how Unfeen before, he could his perfon know ? Before that Philip call'd thee, Jefus faid, I faw thee whilfl: beneath the fig-tree's fliade. Thou art the Son of God, Nathanael cried. The King ordain'd o'er Ifrael to prefide. Jesus rejoin'd. Merely becaufe I faid I faw thee when beneath the fig-tree's fliade, Doft thou believe ? Know that the hour draws nigh. When fcenes more glorious fliall attraft thine eye. Heaven fliall be open, and ye fliall behold Its fhining portals, as it were, unfold ; Whilil angels that the throne of God attend. Appear, and on the Son of Man defcend. Qq 2 CHAPTER 3oS THE GOSPEL ACCOKDING TO CHAPTER II. Cfiriji changeth water into wine at a marriage feajl in Caiia ; from which place he goes to Capernaum, and then to Jerufalem : where he piirgelh the Temple of buyers and fellers. He foretelleth his death and rejurre^ion. Many believed becaufe of his miracles : but hi would not trufi himfelf with them. IN Cana three days after this event, Jefus's mother to a marriage went. He too, invited, join'd without difdain. And his difciples in the bridal train. Mary, inform'd that all the wine was done, Delay'd not to impart it to her fon ; Who told her, Woman ! how does it appear That thou or I are cail'd to interfere In this concern ? Refpetting me, the hour Is not arriv'd to evidence my power. She then gave charge the fervants fliould fulfil All his commands, attentive to his will. Now there were rang'd fix cifterns, which the Jews Whene'er they purify their perfons ufe ; Each holding feveral calks. Fill d at his word, Thefe inftantaneous were with water ftor'd j Then Jefus order'd. To the prefident Go, and this liquor for his ufe prefent. Soon as he tafted the miraculous wine, (Unable how provided to divine) He told the bridegroom. Aloft men of their beft Produce at firfti and, when the fated gue^ft Has SAINT JOHN. 309 Has freely drunk, referve their richer hoard ; Placing inferior liquor on the board: But thou haft brought thy choiceft wine when few Can fcarce difcriminate the old from new. Thus, by converting water into wine, Glorioufly did the power of Jefus fliine ; Whilfl: his difciples, feeing him achieve The miracle, more firmly did believe. % Next, with his mother, brethren, and his train Of followers, he defcended ta the plain ; And ftraight a journey to Capernaum made: Though ihort the time amongft them that he ftaid. H The pafibver drew nigh. Jefus, intent On his great work, up to Jcrufalem went. Entering the temple, to his grief he found Dealers in oxen, Iheep, and doves abound : And thofe that coin a profit make to change. As if in (hops, ail fitting in a range. Making a fcourge, he foon difpers'd the crew, And caitlc: and the tables overthrew. Difcharging next the dove-fellers, he faid. Make not my father's houfe the feat of trade. Then his difciples thought of David's word, (When by his brethren and his friends abhorr'd) ■*Thinc houfe 's zeal hath eat me up. ^ Ihc Jews Afk d him, why doft thou this exertion ufc. Without producing miracle or fign To afcertain authority divine. Jefus replied, this temple in three days I will rear up, the ftrufture thouijh ye raze. The Jews rejoin'd, full fix and forty years. By faithful records plainly it appears, ♦ Pfilm Ixix. 9. It 3,0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO It cod in building: in fo fliort a fpace, How then could'll thou reftore its form and grace? But Jefus, vvhilft he us'd the Temple's name, Made an allufion to his human frame. When therefore the predifted hour was come. And he arofe triumphant from the tomb. This phrafe to the difciple's minds occurr'd, And they believ'd the fcripturc and his word. H Whilst at the paffover he made a ftay. Many who heard him on the feftal day, Convinc'd by miracles, the truth receiv'd ; Commenc'd difciples, and his name believ'd. But he, who knew them well, chofe to beware ; Nor would commit his perfon to their care. Witnefs of man he wanted not, who knew The human heart in every point of view. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN. 311 CHAPTER III. Chrijl teachetk Nicodemus the necejjity of regeneration : of faith in his death : the great /oie of God towards the zvorld : Condemnation for unbelief: The baptiftn, witnefs, and doSlrir.e of John concerning Chrifi. A MAN amongft the Pharifees efteem'd, And by the Jews a leading ruler deem'd, Call'd Nicodemus, unto Jefus paid A nightly vifit, and fubmillive faid ; Rabbi ! we know thou deft from God receive Divine inftruftion to the world to give: For unalTifted by a power divine. None can perform fuch miracles as thine, Jesus replied. No man who dwells on earth Can fee God's kingdom, but by fecond birth. The ruler anfwer'd, Can the womb that bore, Refume its burden, and again reftore ? Jcfus rejoin'd, In folemn truth I fay. Ye cannot enter by a different way. Except of water and of fpirit born, Man muff for ever his exclufion mourn, What's born of flelli with tlelhly things mull range. And what's of fpirit ne'er can fuffer change : Let not the faying caufe furprife or pain When I aflert, ye muft be born again. The wind blows where it lifts ; the found wc hear, But who its paffage to the fcnfe can clear.' Such is the cafe of every man who lives. That, of the fpirit born, the truth receives. This 3t.e THE GOSI'TLL ACCORDING TO This myftcry the ruler could not fee ; And afk'd, aftonifli'd, how can thefe things be? Jefus replied, How is it that from youth, Tupil and maftcr in religious truth. Still in grofs ignorance thou fliould'ft remain. Incapable this doflrine to explain ? \'crily, verily, whate'er we know Of things above, we tertify below: Yet yc perfift our witnefs to reje£^. And truths divine faftidioufly negleft. But if ye will not earthly truths receive. How can ye heavenly verities believe ? No man hath e'er to heaven afcended, one Excepted, voluntary that came down To vifit earth on mercy's errand : even The Son of Man, now aftually in heaven. ^ As Mofes rais'd the ferpent on a pole. That all the wounded, looking, might be whole ; In the like manner lifted up on high. The Son fliall be expos'd to every eye ; That none might perifli who on him believe. But at his hands eternal life receive. ^ For God fo lov'd the world, he freely gave His only Son, their guilty fouls to fave ; And that whoe'er would on his name rely. Should, for his fake, in blifs with angels vie, God to mankind meant not his Son to fend, That through his means the world fliould be condemn'd; But, that the world, though finful and dcprav'd, By him converted, might through him be fav'd. He that believes on him fliall never know The miferies that from condemnation flow j • But SAINT JOHN. 3"^ But who believes not, now, in confcience, feels What that fad fentence to the inind reveals ; Becaufe he hath not trufied in his name A\'honi God did, audibly, his Son proclaim. And this the condeninatioji, light from heaven. To make the truth ap|)car, to men -was given ; . A\ ho, cliooling ftill in devious paths to err, Uarknefi to light did ftubbornly prefer.- He that doth evil, from the light recede!;, . Dreading reproof for his unrrghtcous deed.? , Whiift he, whom truth direOs, comrs near the light, , 'Jhat nil his aftions may ajipear in fight ; And, from their tendency, diflinilly fiiowj IVuni God, the fountain ot- ail good, they flow. % From thence wiiir his difciples Jefus went Into Judica, where fame time he fper.t, }'>aptizing. ^ John in Enon then abode. Near Salim, ukng the baptifmal mode ; For water there abounded. Thcie things palt . Ere John in prifon was unjuftly cafi. •I Concerning purifying .then arofc ; A conlroverfy with a Jew and thofe Tiiat follow 'd John. Thefe to their nraftcr came, Comj)laining, Rabbi ! he thou didft proclaim The Lamb of God, doth publicly baptize : And, lo ! to i)im the multitude ajiplies. John fald, No man hath power but what he owes To heaven, the only fourcc from which il fiovvS. Ye bear me witnefs 1 did never claim TvlelTiah's ofllce, nor ufurp'd liis name. 'J'he bridegroom witli the objefl of his choicft Is blefb'd ; whiift hearing him his friends rejoice: And this my joy completely dues fulfd ; Though 1 diininilli, he iucicaffs ft ill. K V IK, 1,4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO His power o'er all fuperior he muft prove. This world who vilits from the realms above ; Whilft he, whofe language fliews him born of cartbj Demonftrates clearly whence he drew his birth. Once more I fay, his power o'er all extends, Who quitting heaven's abode to earth defccnds. What he hath feen and heard he teftihcs; Yet where's the man that on his word relies? But, to that word who gives the credit due. To this hath fet his fcal that God is true. He, whom God fends, in words divine alone Muft make the fubfiance of his niiflion known i For God, on him intending to beftovv liis fpirif, makes it without meafure flow. The Father loves the Son, and in his hand Ilalh placed the whole creation, to command. Jle that, convinc'd, believeth in the Son, In him is everlafting life l>cgun ; AVhillt who believes not on the Son, In vain Shall hope an entrance into life to gain : For on that man the wrath of God fliall rcfr. And everlafting anguifli wring his breaft. CHAPTER SAINT JOILV. 315 CHAPTER IV. K^hrijl convcrjclli rvhh a iioman of Samaria, and reveaktJi hlmfclf unto her. His difciples marvel. lie declareth his zeal for God's glory. Many Samaritans believe on him. He departeth into Galilee : and, whilfl at Cana, healelh a Nobleman's fon who lay fick at Capernaum. WHEN the Lord knew the Pharifees apprized. That he more converts made, and more baptized Than John, (though on difciples he beftow'd Power to perform that ceremonial mode) Again to vifit Galilee intent, He through the diftrift of Samaria went. Arrived at Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob to Jofcph gave, a well he found Which ftiil bears Jacob's name. There he fat down, Tir'd with his journey, at the hour of noon. A woman of Samaria came to draw The watery flore ; which foon as Jefus faw. He afk'd for drink ; (for he was left alone. Whim his difciples to buy food were gone.) The woman anfwer'd. Can a Jew defccnd To think a poor Samaritan a friend .' (For 'tis a certain rule among the Jews With all that feft communion to refufe.) Jefus replied, Hadll though the truth boon taught, And known who begs of thee one quenching draught, Earncft thou would'ft to him have made rcqucll To be with ftrcams of living water bled. Sir, faid the woman, deep beneath the ground Our vclTcls Tuik crc water can be found ; K r 2 Having 3i6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Having no mears to draw, how from the fprlng Canft thou to me this living water briiig ? Our father Jacob, fay ! clod thou excel. From whoio mere bourtly we enioy this well ? \\"ho, wltii his children and his fiotks befide. From this exhauftlefs fountain were fupplied. Who drinks tliis water, Jefus in reply Advanc'd, again fiiali feel himfelf adry ; But he, who drinks of my peculiar ftorc, Erjnvs the jirivil.cge to thirfl: no more ; Rut feels uilhin him, like a fountains flow, '1 he water fprin^, and cndlefs' life beftow. I-ord! fne. rejoin'd, to me this water give. That without thirfl; and labour I. may live. Go, call thy hufljand hither, Jefus cried; Alas ! I have no hufoand, flie replied. Well haft thou fpoken, Jefus f;iid ; for thougli Five times engaged in wedlock's folemn vow, lie, with, whom now connexion thou doft hold. Is not thy fpoufe ; and thou the truth has told. •Amaz'd to hear thefe ciicumllances nam'd. Sir, thou mult be a prophet, flie exclaim'd. Our fathers worlliipp'd in this mount: Ye fay Men In Jerufclem alone fliould pray. He faid, believe me that the hour draws near ^When neither at Jerufalem nor here. Ye to the Father (hall in worlliip bow. Who not the object of your worfliip know. We k:iow whom we adore: for through tlie Jews God does f;iivation to mankind ditTufe. The ti:-!ie a-pproachcs when each fend fincere Shall God in fpitit and in truth revere. God is a fpirit none fliould come before. But who ill fpirit and "in tri'th adore. SAINT JOHN. S^i^ I know whene'er MefTiah comes, flie faid, Call'd Chrirt, by him lliall all things be difplay'd. Jefus rejoin'd, thine eyes Melhah fee : For I that now convcrfc with thee am He. ^ Returning, his difciples witli amaze Both at their maflcr and the woman gaze : Yet no man a&'d him, what dofl thou difcern In a Samarilan, or hope to learn ? Leaving hef vafe, fhc v/ent into the town To render the furprifing ftranger known. Come with me, faid the woman, and behold One who the fecrets of my life hath told. Say, is not this the Chvift ? On this report To Jefus all the citizens refort. % Meanwhile his followers earneftly entreat Their maftcr to refrcfh himfelf with meat : But thus he anfwer'd. Food that is my own I have in fiore : food to you all unknown. They, far from undcrflanding what he meant, Suppos'd fomc food had privately been font. - Jefus expiain'd, to do my Father's will. And his commands completely to fulfil, • Is my refrclhmcnt. — Say ye not, as foon As ye fliall fpy the fourth revolving moon. The harvcft comes : but, lo, the plcaling fight ! Fields latelv green are ripen'd into white. And he that reaps receives his proper dues ; Gatherintr the fruit whence cndlcfs life cnfues. Thus he who fows, and he that reaps the foil. Rejoice together, to repay their foil. 7\nd this the common faying doth explain, *' One fows the feed, another reaps the grain." a 1 8 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO I fcnt you forth where none of you had till'd, To reap the plenteous produce of the field. Other men labour'd ; ye complete the plan At cafe, which they with toil and pain began. •f TiiF.N many citizens the woman's word Receiving, with her fentiments concurr'd. And Jefus, prefs'd a longer ftay to make, Two day's abode for their intreaty's fake ; When many more, convinc'd by what he fald. This declaration to the woman made, 'Tis not on thy report we now believe. As from his mouth convi£lion we receive j And, clear of every doubt, in him we find The Chrift of God, the Saviour of Mankind. If Two days amongfl: them in inftruftion fpent, Jcfiis purfiicd his journey, as he meant ; And teftified, no prophet e'er was found Jn his own country honour'd and renown'd. In Galilee he was receiv'd by them \\'lio favv his conduft at Jerufalem "Whilft at the feftival : for many there Did 10 the feaft of paffover repair. Now Jefus in that diflrift whilft he ftaid> - A fecond vilit unto Cana paid. A certain noble, whilft he tarried there, ■ Befought him to Capernaum to repair, That he might heal his fon, who, fick to death. Lay at the point of yielding up his breath. Jefus obferv'd, a miracle or f\gn Compels you to acknowledge power divine ; Eife ye believe not. — Urgent, with a figh, i>ir, faid the man, come ere my infant die, Jefus SAINT JOHN. 319 Jefus replied, from mournful accents ceafe. Thy fon's rellor'd to health : Return in peace. The gracious word tlic father's bofom cheer'd ; And its completion fpeedily appear'd ; For happy the glad tidings to convey. The fervants met him, joyful, on the way, AV'ho thus accofted their dcjeQcd Lord, Thy darling fon is to found health reftor'd. Inquiring when his fymptoms had decreas'dj "Yefterday noon, they faid, his fever ceas'd. Thus, certain at the hour when Jefus faid Lo ! thy fon live?, the wonderous change was made. On firmed ground conviction he receiv'd, Andj with his family, the truth belicv'd. CHAPTER 320 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER V. Jefus en the fahbath-day heakth a man zcho had been difeafed tlhty eight years. The Jezcs, on that account, cavil at, and perfecute him. He anfwers Jur Idmjelf, and repro'-jei them, Jliewing by the tejlimony of his Father, of John, of his czvn works, and of tha /cripiures, zvho he is. ANOTHER folemn fcftival drew near. When before God the Jewiih males appear. Jefus, who from no ceremony fvverv'd, Went to Jerufalem, and each rite obferv'd. There, in the mart for flieep, a bath is founds For healing various dire complaints renown'd. Bethefda is its name. Five porches grace, And give delJr'd convenience to the place, jjeneath its roof the feeble, blind, and lame Watch'd till a movement of the wafer came ; For oft an angel went iiifo tlie pool, And caus'd a brillc commotion through the wliole : Whicli done, whoever entcrd firft, received Immediate help, from all difeafe rel;cv"d. A man who eight and thirty years had laia "Worn out with imbecility and pain, Day after dav, with unavaiiins: crief Patient had Vvaited to procure relief. Jefus, who knew his ills had long endur'd, Aflc'd him, art thou defirous to be cur'd ? The man replied, alas ! no friend is near, ^Vhcn the pool agitated does ajipcar, 'la lead me in : and vainly \vhi!ft I try The bath to reach, another puts mc by. Tiie!^ • SAINT JOHN. Then Jefus faid (though 'twas the fabbath-day) Arife, take up thy bed, and walk away. Through his whole frame the man felt vigour come. Took up his bed, and ably bore it home. But many zealots charg'd him with neglcft. In treating God's command with difrcfpeft : To whom he faid, his orders I obey Who bade me rife, and bear my couch away. They alked him, who had iflued the command. He anfwer'd, that I cannot underftand. For Jefus filently had pafs'd along, To Ihun the notice of the curious thron?. Meeting the man within the temple's bound, Jefus admonilh'd him. Now thou art found. Avoid all wickednefs, left thou provoke Heaven to inflift a ftill feverer ftroke. Then to the Jewi(h chiefs the man repair'd. And that by Jefus he was cured declar'd ; Which more increafed their dreadful zeal to flay Him who durft heal upon the fabbath-day. H My Father works continually, and I Like him, faid Jefus, to my work apply. The Jews, ftill more incens'd by what they heard, Sti'l more refolv'd on killing him appear'dj Becaufe not only he the fabbath broke. But language hoftile to their doftrine fpoke : Whilft, as his Father. God was boldly named i And even with God equality he claimed. Jescs then faid, Attend to what is true. By his own power the Son can nothing do : But by the Father whatfoe'er is done. Is feen, and executed by the Son. S s 3?i Loving 3i2 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Loving the Son, to him the Father fliows Diftinaiy all the aaions that he does; And greater things than thefe the Father's love Shall flievv him, your aftoniHiment to move. For, as the Father by Ahiiighty povi^er Raifes the dead, and does to life reftore. Even fo the Son enjoys the powder to give To whom he will the faculty to live. The Father judgment doth not execute. But to the Son that office doth depute. That the fame honour to the Father due. Men to the Son fliould reverently fhew : For he that honours not the Son, can ne'er The Father, at whofe word he came, revere. He that in truth my do£trine doth receive^ And him whofe meflenger I am believe. Hath life eternal ; nor (haJi come within That condemnation which attends on fm: But, pafs'd from death to life, that blifs fliall know The latiier on his children will beftow. I tell you, verily, the time is near, Yea, and now is, when all the dead fliall hear The Son of God ; and thofe that hear his voice Shall live, and to eternity rejoice. Life in himfelf the Father hath. The Son Enjoys the fame diftinaion, as a boon : And, as the Son of Man, to him is given Pow'r to judge all things both in earth and heaven^ Let not thefe words your faculties furprife, "Soon from their tombs fliall all the dead arife ; When thofe fliall wake to everlaft:ing joy With whom beneficence was life's employ ; Whilft SAINT JOHN. 3»3 Whilft they tlieir time who have confuraed in vice, To condemnation and to fliame fliall rife. I can do nothing of myfelf. I hear. And judge: yet is my judgment jufl and clear: Bccaufe my Father's will, and not my own, Js what I feek, and ftudy to make known. If teftimony of myfelf 1 bear, That teftimony partial would appear. ? Another teftifies of me, whofe word I know for ever will with truth accord. Ye fent to queftion John, and from his mouth Receiv'd the forcible reoort of truth. A I need not human evidence ; but fpeak That ye may know falvation where to feek. He was a burning and a (hining light; And ye rejoic'd to fee a blaze fo bright. ^ But greater evidence than that of John I can produce. — The works tliat I have done. And which the Father gave me to fulfil. Prove that he fent me to difclufe his will. His voice ye have not heard. His likenefs ne'er Did to your intelleft or fenfe appear. His word amongft you never can abide : For whom he fent ye impioufly deride. ^ The fcriptures fearch, which ye admit, contain Unerring rules eternal life to gain; And yet how little of their fenfe ye fee. Who find not that they teftify of me; But with my doftrines hold perpetual flrife. Though they contain the principles of life. I feek not praife from men : but in your heart The Jove of God, I know, maintains no part. Ssz Sent .8 4- THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Sent in my Father's- name, do ye believe? No : but the felf-commiffion'd ye receive. Can thofe that honour to each other pay Believe the truth, whate'er their tongues fliall fay? And, negligent that honour to attain Which comes from God, ftill negligent remain. Fear not that I before my Father's throne Accufe you: no, but there remaineth one Who Ihall arraign you: one ye call your guide, Mofes, in whom ye boaft that ye confide. But had ye credited what Mofes taught, (Whofe books with prophecies of me are fraught) Ye'd welcom'd me : but how fliould ye receive My word, who Mofes' writings difbelieve? CHAPTER SAINT JOHN, . 335 CtlAPTER \'f. Chrijl feedeth Jive thoitfand men with five loaves and two fifhs ; whereupon • the people would have made him king: but withdrawing himjelf, he walketh on the fea to his difciples : reproveth the people flocking after him, and all the fiejlily hearers of his word' dedareth himfelf to be the bread of life to believers. Many difciples depart from him. Peter confejjeth him. Judas is declared to be a devil. TflESE things tranfa£led, Jefus crofs'd the fea Named of Tiberias, or of Galilee : A crowd purfued him, feeing with what eafe He cured decrepitude, and healed difeafe. Jefus and his difciples, for retreat, Climb'd up a mountain, where they chofe a feat i Great preparation then through Judah's ftate Was made the paflbver to celebrate. 5 Jesus the multitude beholding, faid To Philip, how fliall thefe be fill'd with bread ? (This doubt was merely meant to prove the man ; For Jefus previoufly had fix'd his plan.) Philip replied, no food that we could buy Would even a morfel to each mouth fupply. Andrew came forward, then, to interfere. Saying, a lad hath two fniall filhes here. Together with five loaves of barley-bread ; But, can by thefe a multitude be fed ? Jesus commanded j let the men fit down. For in that place the grafs was fully grown. Then to the number of five thoufand, all Sat down, of old and young, and great and fmall -, When ,86 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO When, blcfling it, he feparately gave The food, as much as every one would have. Then faid to his difciples, fee, with pains Ye gather every fragment that remains ; When, ]o ! the remnants fcatter'd o'er the field What fill'd five bafltets did completely yield. All that beheld the miracle, amaz'd. Lift up their hands, and at each other gaz'd ; Saying, this is the prophet long defign'd Hy heaven to teach and benefit mankind. •j Jesus perceiving that it was their aim To force him thence, and as their king proclaim. Again departing with -declining day, Bent to a mount his folitary way. Then his difciples, ere 'twas night, agree To feek him on the border of the fea. Entering a fliip, they ftrove, by croffing o'er. To reach Capernaum on the other fliore. Jefus was abfent, and the night was dark ; Strong blew the wind, and tofs'd their little bark. Onward they rowed, exerting all their ftrength, About four miles, when they beheld, at length. Their mafter walking on the waves: a fight Which fill'd the ftouteft bofom with affright. As he came nearer, finding them afraid. He cali'd aloud, 'tis I, be not difmayed. Gladly they took him in ; and then admir'd To find their fliip had reach 'd the port defir'd. ^f Next day the multitude that ftay'd behind. None other veflel fave that one could find Which the difciples ufed ; in which 'twas known Jefus had not embark'd, but they alone: (Though from Tiberias boats had pafs'd the lake Nigh to the place his bounty to partake. Where SAINT JOHN. 327 Where they had Tat, and plenteoufly were fed, After the Lord had fan6tified the bread.) In queft of Jefus all the multitude Acrofs the lake the track he took purfued; And when they found him, earneftly inquired How from the other fliore he had retired. Jesus replied, not for the wonders wrought Have ye thus eagerly my prefence fought. But for the loaves and fiflies that ye eat. Ah ! ceafe to toil for periOiable meat. But ufe your utmoft efforts to procure The food that will eternally endure; That which the Son of Man can only yield. For him alone hath God the Father feal'd. On this they afk'd, what courfe fliall we purfuc, "What method take, the works of God to do ? He anfwer'd, by the work of God is meant To truft, by faith, in him whom God hath fent. They added, by what miracle, what fign, •Doft thou evince thy miflion is divine ? Our fathers in the defert Manna eat. 'Tis writ*, he gave them bread from heaven for meat. In folcmn truth I tell you, Jefus faid, Mofes from heaven did not difpenfe that bread Which by my father can alone be given ; That genuine bread, the nouriftment from heaven. Who comes from thence life to the world to give. Is the true bread by which the world muft: live. Then faid they. Lord ! from thy ccledial (lore Give us this bread, we pray thee, evermore. Jesus rejoin'd, I am that bread ; and he Shall never hunger who will come to me: And thofe from thirft exemption fliall receive That on my name with fteadfaftnefs believe. But • Pfilm Ixxviii. 2+. 3,8 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But, as I've faid, ye fee me day by day, Yet to my doarines will no credit pay. To me will all tlie Father gives, attend ; Such will I cherilli : fuch will I defend. I came not down to execute my will, 15ut his who fent me purely to fulfil ; Namely, that all to me his mercy gave, I fliould fecurc, and from perdition fave ; And when the day of recompence fliall comCj Raife them to life eternal from the tomb. Ihis is his will : moreover, all that fee The Son, and to confide in him agree. Their faith that life eternal fliall repay ; And I will raife them at the lad great day. The Jews from murmurs into rage were driven Whilft he declared, I am the bread from heaven. Do we not know that Jefus is his name, Said they, and from what origin he came ? How dares he, then, audacioufly, pretend That, fent by God, he did from heaven defcend ? Jesds replied, from murmuring ceafe ; for none Approaches me, not to my father known. He draws them to me ; gladly they obey ; And 1 will raife them at the latter day. The prophets thus, with heavenly wifdom fraught, Foretold*, thy children fliall of God be taught : All whom the father teaches come to me. But never man did yet the Father fee. Save he that came from God : for he alone Of all men hath the Father feen and known. Thofe to my miflion that full credence give, Again I tell you, fliall for ever live. I am that bread of life : but did not all Who fed on Manna in the defert fall? This . ,T * I&iah IJv. 13. Jeremiah xx». 34. SAINT JOHN. 329 This genuine bread heaven doth alone fupply. That man may eat thereof and never die. 1 am the livintr bread heaven doth beftow i Of which vi'ho eats ihall Jife eternal know. My flelh inftead of bread, I freely give. That by its nourilliment the world may live. The Jews obferv'd, whilft cavilling they flood. How can this man G;ive us his fiefli for food? Jesus replied, your nature to refrefii, The Son of Man hath given his blood and flefli : Ceafe then amongfl: yourfelves to nourifli ftrife ; Thofe only who partake of them have life. Who eats my flefli, and drinks my blood, fliall have That life: and 1 will raife him from the grave. Who eats my flefli fliall want no other food. None other nourifliment that drinks my blood ; And he that eats and drinks them ihall abide In me: and I within him will refide. The Father, fource of life ! by whom I live. Hath fent me ; and this life to thofe I give Whofe food I am. This is the heavenly bread. Your anceftors ate manna, but are dead ; But thofe that eat the bread which I fliall give. By it fupported, fliall for ever live. These myfteries at Capernaum he maintain'd. And fully in their fynagogue cxplain'd. Many diflatisfied his words to hear, Exclaim'd, this doiSlrine is too harfli to bear. Jesus, who clearly faw the general mind To difcontent and murmurs was inclin'd, Addrefs'd Tt THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Addrefs'd the Apoftles thus: if this offend, What if ye fee the Son of Man afcend To heaven. — The fpirit quickens ; but no ufe Or profit can the carnal part produce. The words I fpeak are fpiritual, and sive A claim to life, could ye their fenfe perceive. Even ye believe not wholly : for he knew The wretch who fhould aflunie' a fpecious fliev-' The readier to betray him : then once more Obferv'd, I have inform'd you heretofore. No man can come to me except his mind Be by my Father's influence inclin'd. Many difciples from that time forbore All intercourfe, and walk'd with him no more Then turning to the Twelve, he aflc'd, will ye Like thefe refolve my company to flee ? Lord ! anfwer'd Peter, can we go aftray From thee whofe words eternal life convey ? Son of the living God ! we have believ'd Thy teftimony, and as Chrift receiv'd. From the twelve tribes of Ifrael, Jefus faid, I chofe you, and my fpecial friends have made: Yet in you twelve a devil lies conceal'd ; As in Ifcariot fhortly was reveal'd. CHAPTER SAINT JOMX. 33 CHAPTER VII Jefus reproves the ambition and blindnefs of his kinfmen : goeth up from Galilee to the feafl of tabernacles : teacheth in the temple : clivers opinions of him amongst the people : the Pharijees are angry at their officers for not arreting him : and chide Nicodemus for taking his part. AFTER this period Jefus walk'd no more VV'ithiii Judea's coafts, as heretofore j Uut kept himfelf in Galilee retir'd, Becaufc the Jews againfc his life confpir'd. The feaft of tabernacles drawing near. His brethren faid, no longer tarry here, Revilit Jewry ; let thy followers fee The miracles thou dolt in Galilee : For no man's a£lions privately are (hown Who wiflics by the public to be known. Since thou performed wonders day by day, Rife, and thy perfon to the world difplay ; For even his brethren full of doubt remain'd : And, though they faw his works, their faith reflrain'd. He anfwer'd, yet 1 cannot interfere ; But ye at any feafon may appear. You the world hatcth not ; but on my head Would, with malignity its vengeance flied, Becaufe my fpeech the evil of its ways With plainnefs and fimplicity difpiays. Afcend ye to the feftival : at leaft As yet 1 mean not to attend the feaft; Becaufe Tta :3' TliE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Becaufe tlic time's not come, though drawing near. My work to imifli when 1 fliall appear. ? On this they went; and in fliort time likewife. Not publicly, but as in private guife, i Ic follow'd them. Now fearching all around, Jv-'fus could no where by the Jews be found. Meanwhile divifion through the people ran. Many pronouncing him an holy man ; W'hilft fomc of different fentiment faid nay ; Can he be good who leads the world aftray ? Ilo'.vbeit, of their principals afraid, None in his favour declaration made. % The middle of the feaft arrived, he fought The temple, publicly and boldly taught. ] low hath, the Jews (iTiruck with amazement) faid- 'iliis man, unletter'd, fuch vafl; progrefs made. Jesus obferv'd, the do£trine is not mine, But his that fent me ; and is truth divine. Whether from God, or from myfelf it flow, \\ ho fceks his will with certainty lliall know. 'Ihe man who fpeaks from his own fund alone. Strives but to make his own importance known ; But he that feeks his glory to difplav Who fent him, walks in righteoufnefs's way. The law to guide you, did not Mofes give .'' But dare ye fay that by its rules ye live? V\'hy do yc feek to kill me : They replied. Surely an evil fpirit is thy guide. Who feeks to kill thee? Jefus faid, your eyes Have feen one work of mercy with lurprife. Mofcs did circumcifion's rite enjoin ; Which he derived direft from Abraham's line) And, SAIXT JOHN". And, without Itruple on the fabbath-day. Rigid obedience to the rule ye pay : If on that day, then, I to ftrength reftor'd An helplefs cripple, why am 1 abhorr'd ? Form not your judgment from exterior fliow 5 But equitable judgment learn to know. Some citizens obferv'd, is this the man Whom to deftroy the rulers form'd a plan "^ But, lo ! his doftrine boldly he difplays, Whilft no man offers a confuting phrafe. Do then the rulers in their confcience know This is the Chrift, and verily allow ? ' lis true his family amongtl us dwell ; Whilft none Melfiah's origin can tell. Jesus, ftill teaching in the temple's bound. Thus, with loud voice, addrefs'd the crowd around: Both me, and whence I am, ye know ; howe'er. Not on my own foundation I appear: But he is true who fent be down below, Whofe mind and will ye ftudy not to know. I know him, and am from him. He alone Sent me to render his perteftions known. They then elTay'd to take him : but the hour Was not yet come to furnilh them with power To feize his perfon. Therefore they forbore. And at that feafon, thrcaten'd him no more. Befides, amongrt the people, not a tew Firmly believ'd his teftimony true ; Saying, could Chrift more miracles have done Than by this man have publicly been (hown ? ■1 T n ■[ SOOK 334 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO % Soon as the Pharifees the tidings heard What approbation in the crowd appear'd, They, with the priefts, in wicked league combined That he might clofe in prifon be confined. Then Jefus faid, a little time I ftay, But foon to him that fcnt me go away. To follow me ye fliall attempt in vain : For to my prefence ye can ne'er attain. On this they reafoned, whither will he go. That his retirement we fliall never know ? Wholly to leave this nation can he choofe, And 'mongft the Gentiles feek the fcatter'd Jews? Will he the fcriptures to the Greeks difplay ? \\'hat hidden meaning can his words convey ? All your attempts to find me iliall be vain, Nor where I am, admittance can ye gain ? On the great feftival's concluding day, Jefus proclaim'd, He that would third allay. i\Iuft come to me, and drink. He that bv faith Adheres to me (as facred fcripture faith) * " Out of his belly, an exhauftlefs ftore, " Shall conftant dreams of living water pour." (This of the ffpirit as dcfign'd he fpake Given to believers folely for his fake : For yet the Holy Ghoft had not been given. Nor Jefus reach'd his glorious feat in heaven.) Many this declaration when they heard. He was a prophet fatisfied appear'd. Some ftrongly urged, this muft be Chrift indeed: Others, can Chrift from Galilee proceed } Hath not the fcripture given a certain fign. In Bethlehem's village, and of David's line, ? Deuteronomy xriii. 15. f Ifaiah xliv. 3. Joel ii, 28. Chrift SAINT JOHN. 335 Cliriil fliall be born ? — Divifions then began On his account, and through the people ran. Amongfl: them fome to feize his pcrfon meant. Yet none durft execute their vile intent. «[ The priefts and Pharifees dill in debate. Awaiting their expecSled prifoner fat : But, when their officers returnd ihey fpy. Have ye not brought him ? was the general cry. With voice united this reply they make. Sure, like this man no mortal ever fpakc. Scornful they anfwcr'd, are ye too deceiv'd ? Have any chiefs or Pharifees believ'd ? But this vile people, ignorant of the law. Upon their perfons malcdiflion draw. Then Nicodemus rofe to fpeak (the fame Who formerly by night to Jefus came) And thus addreft them ; ere a man be heard. And till his guilt has manitefl: appeared. Say, doth our law condemn him } They replied. Art thou too on the Galilean's fide ? Examine fcripture, and convince thine eyes: From Galilee did ever prophet rife? The council then difmifs'd, with difcontent. To his own houfe each individual went. CHAPTER 33' TflE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CIIAP'I ER VIII. Chrijl acquits the woman taken in adultery. He declares himfelf the light of the world; and jujlifies his do^rinc : aii/wers the Jews who boajied of their defcent from Abraham ; and conveys himfelf from their cruelty. T ■WHENCE to the Mount of Olives Jefus went. Where in refrefliing flecp fome hours he fpent. W'hilfl: in the temple the next morn he taught. The fcribes and pharifees a woman brought Whom they iurprizcd in an adulterous a£l> Nor wanted ampleft vouchers of the faft. The trembling viftim in the midft they place, Whilft the grim zealots joy at her difgrace ; 'J'hen pleaded thus ; by Mofes's decree, Stoned till they die fuch criminals fliall be ; But what fayefi: thou? hoping fome trivial flaw Misht render him obnoxious to the law. a Now, Jefus ftooping, on the pavement wrote. As if fome foreign theme engrofs'd his thought : Till urg'd, he rofe, and faid, let him begin T' inflift the fentcnce who is free from fin: Then ftoop'd again. The confcience-ftricken crew At this decifion man by man withdrew. Jesus then rofe, and looking all around. None but the woman in her place he found : And (lie, by confcious guilt and fliame reftrain'd. Waiting the fentence of her judge remain'd ; Who SAINT JOHN. 337 Who queftioned her. Are thine accufers gone? Do none condemn thee ? Lord ! Ihe anfwer'd, none. Neither do 1 — Thy part offence deplore ; Depart in peace : repent, and lin no more. ^ Jesus then fpake again, Light would ye hnd,, I come to fprcad its beams through all mankind. No man who follows me (hall darknefs know : His path the light of life Ihall clearly fliow. The Pharifees obferv'd, Who can defend His evidence, himfeif that doth commend? Jefus replied, true will my words appear. Though teftimony of myfelf I bear. The place 1 came from and to which I go Is known to me; though ye can never know. Ye judge as men. Judgment I pafs on none, Yet is my judgment true: for not alone 1 judge, but with my P'ather j in whofe name. And by whofe order to the world I came. Does not the law admit the oath of twain To fix a fact unqueftion'd to remain ? I own that witncfs of myfelf I bear. But, in my aid, my Father docs appear. Nor he, nor I, faid he, to you are known ; For, knowing me, my Father ye would own. These words within the trcafury he fpake; Yet none his perfon durft prefume to take : For yet the time by providence decreed Was not arrived when treafon fliould fucceed. Jesus continued, I muft go away. And ye to follow vainly may cITay. Ye in your fms fliall perifli ; nor can e'er Where I lliall go be able to appear. U u '1 hfu 333 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Then faid the Jews, he furely muft intend By means of violence his lite to end: Elfe, how could he prefume, as fact to know We cannot follow where he means to go ? He added, ye are from beneath ; but I Far difTerent, have defcended from on high. Ye are of this world, and its aims purfue ; I am of heaven, and heaven preferve in view.: Therefore I mentioned what excites your ire. Through want 'of faith, in fin ye fliall expire. If to be what I am ye ftill deny, I fay again, ye in your fins fliall die. Inform us who thou art, they loudly cried ; The fame I always told you, he replied. Much have 1 to fay to you ; much to blame ; Much to condemn; but truth is ftill the fame: For he that fent me to the world is true; And what Fve heard from him, I fpeak to you. But ftill they underftood not his intent; Nor that thefe words were of the Father meant. Thek faid he, when your hands the Son of Man Have lifted up, ye fliall difcern my plan. Then what I am ye fliall perceive, and know That nothing merely of myfelf I do. I, by my Father fent, his will make known; For he who fent me, leaves me not alone: And 'tis my confiant pleafure to fulfil All his commands, obedient to his will. These words on many fuch imprefllion wrought. That they aflented to the truths lie taught. Then the believing Jews he thus addrefs'd. If ye continue on my word to refl:. Ye verily fliall my difciples be, And know the truth, for truth muft make you free. f The-/ SAINT JOHN. 339 ^ They anfwer'd, Abraham's offspring, we difdain To any man in bondage to remain : How then can thofe that flavery ne'er have known. Take as a gift, what is by birth their own ? Jefus obferved, in verity I fay. Sin who commits, is fubjccl to its fway. Shives in the houfc no privilege can gain ; But the fon's right mufl unimpeach'd remain : If the fon, therefore, has your pcrfons freed. Ye are fuperlatively free indeed. With truth ye boafl: that Abraham is your fire ; But Abraham's fons againfl: my life confpire ; And why ? becaufe my doftrine has no part Within their mind ; nor iniiuences their heart; I by my words my Father's will declare. Plainly your anions fhew whofe fons ye are. Abraham our father is, they loudly cried. If ye were Abraham's children, he replied, Ye would do Abraham's works ; nor feek to kill A man, who, diftant from intending ill. Has told the truth which he from God received i This did not Abraham : for he believed. Ye do your Father's deeds. They faid, in fcorn. Think not we are of fornication born. We have one father, God. Then would your love To me, faid Jefus, your affertion prove. Not of myfelf I came, but by command : Why will ye not my language undcrlland ? Becaufe from mere perverfenefs ye rcfufe To hear my words ; and to reje£t me choofe. Your father is the Devil : every iuft Of his ye pLrpetratc with zeal and guft. With murder he began ; truth ho dcclin'd : For truth had never accefs to his mind. Lies are his genuine language ; for of lies He is the father : and from him they rife. Me ye believe not. Afk your confcicnce why? I fpcak the truth : and yc the truth deny. ^ u 2 Cold 3^0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Bold as ye are, which of ye dare begin To prove me guilty of a fingle fin? Truth if I fpeak, why do ye not believe My dcftrinc, and the words of truth receive ? Who is of God the truth attentive hears ; 15ut in yourfelves the contrary appears. Fiercely the Jews exclaini'd, faid we not well Tliou'rt a Samaritan ? In thee doth dwell A Devil. Jefus to their taunts replied. In me no evil fpirit can refide. I to my Father honour give : but ye Through fpite and ignorance diflionour me. 1 feek not my own glory. There is one Who fecks and judges by the truth alone. I tell you — and on this plain truth rely ; My doftrine who obferves fliall never die. Sure, faid the Jews, a devil thou muft have. Abraham repofes in the filent grave; So do the prophets ; but thy wicked breath Says, keep my word and reft fecure from death. AVhom would'ft thou make thyfelf? He faid again, !My own report might be reputed vain, ■But 'tis my Father honours me ; the Power Whom ye alledge, though falfely, ye adore. Ignorant of him in every fenfe ye are ; But the fame ignorance fliould I declare, Like you, myfelt I fliouid a liar prove ; But I both know him, and his mandates love. Abraham your father did his prayer employ To fee my day : and faw the time with joy. How, faid the Jews, dares one fo young as thee Pretend that Abraham he, for age, could fee ? Ere Abraham was, I am, in folemn tone Jefus averr'd. Each man then took a ftone, To caft at him : but, mingling with the throng. He left the place, and fafely pafs'd along. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN. 3^j CHAPTER IX. Chrijl refloreth fight to a man that had been born blind. The man is brought be/ore the Pharijees, who are offended at it, and excommunicate him: but he is received of Jefns, and confejfeth him. Who they are whom Chrijl enlighteneth. JESUS a beggar pafllng through the ftreet, lilind from liis birtli, feem'd cafually to meet: When his difciples afk'd him to make known If through his parents' fins, or for his own. This judgment came. For neither, Jefus faid ; But that divine benevolence be difplay'd. His works that fent me, whiifl: it yet is h'ght, I mufl: pertorm : for none can work by night. I, the world's hght, whiifl; in the world I live. Will light to all that dwell in darknefs give. Then fpitting on the ground, the duft that lay Near to his feet he moulded into clay ; Which fprcading o'er his eyes, he faid — Repair Unto Siloam's pool, and walh them there. (The word when 'tis interpreted, is meant The fame idea to convey, as fent.) H He went, he wafli'd, and faw. Amaz'd to find Rellor'd to perfe£t light the helplefs blind. Some who had fcen him begging, noted, fure 'Tis he that did by alms his bread procure. To ftrong rcfcmblancc others did agree : But the man boldly vouch'd it, I am he. All afkiiig him, his fight how he receiv'd ? Their curiofity he thus reliev'd : 34i THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO A man, call'd Jefus, with fome clay he made. My eyes anointed, and commanding faid, AV'afli in Siloam. Yielding to his law, SubmilTively 1 went, I vvafh'd, and faw. Where is this Jefus ? all at once they cry : I know not, truly, was his plain reply. ^ Before the Pharifees the man was brought. (Now 'twas the fabbath when the cure was wrought.) When afk'd the method ufed, he briefly faid. Clay on mine eyelids was by Jefus laid. With this injunction, wafli : which done, the light Flafli'd on my eyes, which now experience fight. Then divers of them faid, who can believe This man his miffion could from God receive. Who breaks the fabbath. — Others were agreed No miracles from finners could proceed. Whilfl: through the meeting fierce diffention ran. Many once more interrogate the man. How doft thou think of him that ope'd thine eyes? Queftionlefs, as a prophet, he replies. But ftill the Jews incredulous remain'd. And pertinacioufly their doubts retain'd ; Until the parents fummon'd clearly proved The fa£t of blindnefs, and thofe doubts removed. But, by what means he faw, or who had done The wonderous work, their ignorance they own. The age of reafon he hath reach 'd, they cry, Afk him yourfelves; he's able to reply. Thefe words they fpake through fear ; for it was known. Should any Jefus as Meffiah own, Thruft from the lynagogue fuch fliould remain, Hopelefs their former privilege to gain. Call'p SAINT JOHN. 34: Call'd on once more, he to whom fight was given. Was thus addrefs'd : return -thy thanks to heaven : This man's a (inner. That i cannot know : But that to him the blifs of fight I owe Is the plain truth, he gratefully replied. Relate what did he, then, boillerous they cried : How open'd he thine eyes ? He faid again. The miracle how oft niuil I explain ? Would ye be his difciples? Frantic wild. In groflld terms his perfon they reviled. Thou'rt his difciple, eager they replied, Mofes our teacher, Mofos is our guide. We know the prophet by divine command Led our forefathers from a foreign land: As for this man, whom we difdain to name, We know not from what origin he came. How ftrange, faid he, that any doubt (hould rife ! Whence tonics the power to lighten fightlefs eyes ? God on impoftors never can bcftow His countenance, for certainty we know; But him will hear, to him his grace impart. Upright in condu61, and devout in heart. What inftance offers fince the world began Of one born blind receiving fight from man ? And if he a£tcd not from power divine. Could this man remedy defe£t like mine } They anfwcr'd, hold thy peace, thou child of fin ! Dofl thou to teach and ccnfurc us begin .'' Then cafl liim out. The tidings fpread around. And foon the outcaft was by Jefus found ; Who thus accoftcd him : Doft thou believe The Son of God, and as his Sent receive? The man then looking up to Jefus, faith. Shew me, O Lord, this objett of my faith. Jefus replied, in mc thine eyes behold The promis'd Son, by prophecy foretold. Lord ! 1 believe, the man cnlightcn'd faid. And at his feet religious homage paid. f Jescs 344 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO 5 Jesus then added, judgment to difpenfe This world I vifited ; the vifual fenfe In mercy to beftow upon the blind, And the proud felf-illuminated mind In darkncfs to involve. Some that flood near. Of Pharifees, that chanc'd thefe words to hear, Exclaim'd, are we, too, blind? Jefus replied, By blindnefs ye might hope your guilt to hide ; But now ye quit (alledging that ye fee) The lame excufc of ignorance for your plea : And (fpurning fcripture) felf-convi£ted ftand Of difobedience to divine command. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN'. 345 CHAPTER X. Chyijl is the door, and the good jJiepherd : divers opinions of him : he proveth by his works that he is ChriJI, the Son of God. He efcapeth from the Jews, and goes again beyond Jordan ; tvhere many believe on him. HEAR what in folemn verity I fay, The fold who enters a clandeftine way. Approaching like a robber and a thief, Proves that he comes not for the flock's relief. Dut when the fliepherd comes, the porter wide Expands the gates, which ope on either fide. He calls his flieep by name ; they hear his voice : He leads them out ; and, following they rejoice. But when a ftrangcr's fublle voice they hear. His call they anfwer not, imprefs'd with fear. If he approach, all tVom his prefence run; For every guide except their own they fliun. This parable fpake Jefus ; but in vain : None the myfterious meaning could explain. Thus in fimilitudc again he faid, I am the door where entrance muft be made. All in my chara£ter before who came. Were thieves and robbers that ufurp'd ray name : But my flieep heard them not. Through me who paf^. Safety fliall find, and crop the tendereft grafs. 1 come that amply they may life enjoy ; Hut thieves, to rob, to murder, and dcllroy. I, the good ftiephcrd, for my flock would die ; Not fo the hireling. When the wolf draws nigh, Ik X X 346 TilE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO He Ik-cs, and leaves tliem in liis favagc power. At liis fell choice to fcattcr or devour. An hireling cares not for the fliecp, but flees, Studying alone fecurity and cafe. By me, their ihepherd, all my fhcep are known; And my prole£tion gratefully tliey own. Even as the Father knows the Son, do I The Father know; and for my flieep will die. And other flieep brought from another fold. With me, like thefc, (hall clofe connexion hold. Then fliall both flocks within one fold refidc. Confiding in one fliepherd for their guide. My Father blefles me with love divine, Becaufe, obedient, I my life refign. Again to take it up. No man can take My life ; but I can a furrcnder make. And, when I've laid it down, again illume Th' extinguilli'd fpark, and vital powers refume, Thefe things, becaufe I do my Father's will. Hath he, in love, impowered me to fulfil. % Again divlfion 'mongfl the Jews began; And through the croud malignant murmurs ran. Some thus their contumalious thoughts expreff. He's mad : why lift you to a man pofTeft : Others replied, Such words can daemons fpeak .'' Or caufc the day on fightlefs eyes to break ? 1 'TwAS winter then ; and to the folemn feaft Of dedication all the people preft. Jefus was walking in the temple's bound. And in the porch call'd Solomon's was found. The Jews approaching, afk'd with bafe pretence. Why doft thou hold the people in fufpence.^ Art thou the Chrift ? — The myftery explain ; So fliall the nation clear of doubt remain. Jefus replied, Ofi have I told the fame ; But ye believ'd not. In my Father's name The SAINT JOHN. 347 Tlie woiks I do fulTicicnt witnefs give ; Yet 3'e lefufe that witnefs to receive : And why ? the painful truth has oft been told, Yc are not the meek inmates of mv fold. My (lieep lift to my voice; and humbly ftill Tread in my fteps, obedient to my will. No human llrcngth is vcfted with the power To pluck them from me for a fingle hour. IVIy Father, who the univerfe commands. Gave them; and who fliall wreft them from his hands? I and my Father are indeed but one. — The Jews, to kill him, feiz'd each man a ftone. Jefus exclaim'd, Many good works ye've feen, Confpicuous where my Father's aid has been: For which peculiar deed would ye deftroy One whom thofe adions conftantly employ? Not for good deeds, tumultuoufly they cry. But for blafpheming, thou defcrv'ft to die; In daring attributes divine to claim. And for ufurping God's tremendous name. Jesus replied, Docs not the law allow. And on mere men the ftyle of Gods beftow.? If prophets call them Gods to whom they fpoke The word of God (and fcripture can't be broke) Say ye of him the Father fanftifies And fends, thou uttercft blafphemies and lies, Becaufe myfclf the Son of God I name ? Look on my life, and ftudy what to blame. Believe me not, my Father's works and will If I (hould fail completely to fulfil ; But, if I do them, though ye truft not me, Believe the works, becaufe the works ye feej That ye may know the Father and the Son Dwell in each other, and are truly One. Ther EFORK XX2 y^S THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Therefore, again with rage malignant fraught. To fcize his perfon eagerly they fought ; But 'fcaping from their hands, he (haped his way To Enon, beyond Jordan's ftream that lay. Thither fome thoufands that had learnt his name, To hear the word from pure devotion came ; Obferving, John no miracles did (hew : But ail that John foretold of him is true. Whilst there he tarried, many fouls believ'd; And the glad tidings jo}fully received. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN. 34^ CHAPTER XI. Chrifl raifeth Lazarus from the dead. The Scribes and Pharifees hold a council agahtfi Chrift ; on which occajion Caiaphas prophefieth. Jefus conceakth himfelf. At the pajf- over they enquire after, and lay wait for him. LAZARUS of Bethany (the town where dwelt Mary and Martha) a diforder felt Of threatening kind. Mary was flie whofe care The Lord anointed ; and whofe flowing hair Had wiped his feet. Both fifters fent, to fay The dangerous flate wherein their brother lay ; Becaufe to Jefus Lazarus was dear ; And his kind prefence would difpel their fear. Jesus obferv'd, this ficknefs of my friend Shall not in death, but in God's glory endj And from the great eventful cafe in view. Shall glory to the Son of God accrue. Now, to the three though Jefus did impart In equal fliares the love that fill'd his heart, Two days complete he tarried on the road ; Nor though intreatcd quitted his abode : Then faid, (on his difciples looking round) Let us, once more, tread on Judaea's ground. Struck with furprife, they afk'd him, Mafter! why Wilt thou again to enter Jewry try .' Have not the Jews, at thy reproofs enraged, .'\t different times to take thy life engaged .' Jesus iy. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Jesus replied, who walks by day is fare Of light, his feet from ftumbling to fecure : VVhilft he by night who travels, muft expofe His perfon both to accidents, and foes. These words he utter'd, and then, paufing, fpake I go from fleep our Lazarus to wake. Lord ! they obfervi^d, fleep fuch relief may give. That he may conquer his difeafe, and live ; But Jefus figuratively his death expreft, Whilfl: they, by fleep, thought he referr'd to refl:; He therefore in decifive language faid, 1 tell you plainly, Lazarus is dead : And I rejoice, even for your faith's increafe, 1 went not previous to our friend's deceafe. Then Thomas, with the folemn news Impreft, Thus, energetical, befpake the reft. Yes, let us go, and leaning on his bier. With grief oppreft, like Lazarus expire. Jesus to Bethany then tent his way, Which from Jerufalem fifteen furlongs lay ; And when he reach'd the place, the corps he found Four days had been committed to the ground- WiTHiN aflembled, each condoling friend Exprefs'd whatever might to comfort tend : But Martha to meet Jefus on the road Left them, whilft Mary in the houfe abode. Tranfpierc'd with grief, ah, gracious Lord ! flie cried, Had'ft thou been here, my brother had not died : Nay, even at this very hour I know God will whatever thou (halt a(k beftow. Thy SAINT JOHiN. ^-i Thy brother, Jefus faid, again fliall rife. That truth 1 own, immediate Hie replies. When the great day of recompence Ihall come^ Lazarus triumphantly will quit the tomb.. The refurreclion and the life am I, He that believes on me, can never die. Said Jefus; for tlirough nie the dead HialJ live. Say, to my word dofl: thou full credence give? She anfwer'd, Lord! that thou Mefiiah ait. Firm I believe, and lodge it in my heart. Thou art the Son, the promifed Son, dcfign'd liy God, to vifit, blefs, and fave mankind. This faid, flic left him, in a private way, The welcome news to Mary to convey ; "\^'ho gladly went her much-lov'd Lord to meet. And caft herfelf, and forrows, at his feet. Now Jefus had not yet his entry made ; J'ut on the fpot where Martha met him (laid. The Jews then faid, abrupt when Mary rofe. See, to the fepulchre the mourner goes. Wing'd by afleflion, foon (lie reach'd the place, And, prodrate, clafp'd his feet in clofe embrace ; Then, like her fifter, agonizing cried, Ilad'ft thou been here, my brother had not died. When Jefus faw her weep, and all the train Of mournful friends that (lied their tears in vain. Deeply he fighcd, and with emotion faid. Shew me the place where Lazarus is laid. They anfwer'd. This way. Lord ! and whilft they crept Onward with folemn pace, Jo! Jefus wept. When the Jews faw how deeply he was moved. Behold, faid they, how Lazarus was loved! Whilft 352 THE GOSFEL ACCORDING TO VVliilft others, urged by a malignant mind, W'iiifper'd, this man, that oft hath cured the Wind, Could, had he pleafed, have interfer'd, to fave His friend from the dominion of the grave. Jesus approached the vault with many a groan. That vault a cave, vvhofe mouth was clofed with ftoncr Remove the flone, he cried ; but Martha faid, Four days interr'd the body hath been laid, And now, grown putrid, nuift ofFenfive prove Even to the deareft obje£ls cf his love. Jtsus replied, this hour waft thou not told God would his glory to thine eyes unfold, On thy belief? They then the ftone withdrew, Leaving the cave and corpfe expos'd to view. This done, he faid, with eyes to heaven uprear'd I thank thee. Father! that my prayer is heard. True, 1 am ever heard, but for the fake Of thofe now prefent, on this wife I fpake : Convinced by miracle, that they may give My miffion credence : and the truth receive. Then call'd aloud, approaching to the cave, Lazarus, arife, and quit the loathfome grave. Inst. ■v NT the dead came forth, his limbs around With grave-cloths, and his Face with linen bound ; From which when freed, and to his friends reflored. Many believe that Jefus was the Lord : But others went the pharifees to tell. Through malice, what at Bethany befel. % Alarmed, the priefts and pharifees convene, Saying, what can we by inad^ion mean .'' Through this man's miracles, the vulgar race His doctrines, if we ftir not, will embrace. So will the Roman arms tremendous come, Our temple raze, and feal our nation's doom. Caiaphas, SAINT JOHN. Caiaphas, -who the Iiio-li-prieft's flation fill'd. Exclaimed : Forbear, imprudent, and uiiflciU'd ' Ye know not 'tis expedient for us all. An individual lliould for millions fall j So flialJ his death complete atonement make ii And all be pardoned for one vi£tim's fake : Yet not from him this grand predi£\ion broke.. Who, but by virtue of his office fpoke ; And ignorantly divulged the prophecy. That Jefus for the nation's fins fliould die ; Nor for that nation fliould he die alone. But to impower him to colle£t in one God's fcattercd children. And to take away The life of Jefus, was refolved that day. Thus threatened, publiv-ly no more he chofe, Amongft the Jews his perfon to expofe ; But unto Ephraim, near the defert, went. With his difciples where fome time he fpent. H The pafchal ceremony drawing nigh. Great numbers went themfelves to purify. Up to Jerufalem ; who with cOrious mind, Inquiry made where Jefus they might find: And in the temple thus their doubts expreft. What think ye? will he not attend the feaft? MeanwhUe the priefls and pharifecs combined. All ranks, if Jefus fliould appear, enjoined The fpeedieft information they fliould make. That fo the rulers might his perfon take. JJJ CHAPTEI? Vy ^-4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XIL Jefiis -exaifeth Mary anoinling his feet. The people flock to fee Lazarus, whom the chlef- priefts refolve to put to death. Jejtis ridelh into Jerufalcm. Certain Greeks dejire to Jee him. He foretelleth his death. The Jevjs, in genera/, perjifl in incredulity ; yet many chief rulers believe, though they do not conjejs him : therefore Jefiis earnejlly requires confejjion of faith. SIX clays before the pafTover the Lord Readied Bethany, where Lazarus was reftored To life again. Martha a fupper dreft, And waited : but her brother was a guefi:. Mary, meanwhile, taking an humble feat Near Jefus, gently over both his feet An ointiiitnt rubb'd, whofe elegant perfume DifTufed a grateful odour o'er the room. This when Ifcariot perceived, (the fame Who his betrayer afterwards became) Me aflc'd, why was not this rich compound fold, That fo the poor might profit by the gold'' Not that he ftudied for the poor's relief: But that he kept th. Shall not 'fcape punifliment for difrefpecl^ But, when the day of recompence fliall come.. His very words fliall fix his final' doom. I have not fpoken of niyfelf, but came Fully commilTion'd in my Father's name. The truth intruded with me to difplay ; For his commandment prompts whate'er I fay : And that command with certainty I know. Docs everlafting life and blifs beflow. Therefore the Father's dJ'ftatcs 1 fulfil. Who gives me language to exprefs his will. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN. ^ 3^j, CHAPTER XIII. Jejus ivaJJieth the difciples^ feet, and exhorteth them to humility and charity. He fore- telleth and difcovereth to John, that Judas Jliould betray him : commands the/ft to love one another : and forewarncth Peter of his denial. EFORE the paflbvcr, when Jefus knew How near the hour of his departure grcw^ When quitting his connexions here below. He fliculd immediate, to his Father go ; Loving his own that in the world remained. To the lafl: moment he that love retained. Supper concluded, (Judas, Suiion's fon. Being by Satan's wiles aflall'd and won To fell his matter to the Jcwifli bands) Jefus, who knew his Father to his hands Had all things without refervation given, (Who, font from God, was going back to heaven) Rofe from the table, laid his veft alide. Around his waift a linen napkin tied ; Then, pouring water from a vafe, their feet He waflied, and wiped, the leflbn to complete, Uut, when he came to Peter, with furprife, Lord ! would'lt thou floop to wafli my feet, he cries ? Jefus replied, thou canfl: not now divine In this tranfai:tion what is my dcfign. Peter rejoined, it never fliall be faid . * For me thy dignity thou didft degrade. Jefus afTured him, if he wailied him not, In him he never could have part, nor lot. Lord; i6o THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Lord! Potcr faid, I yield to thy commands, Wafli, if it picafe thee, even my licad and hands. Jcfus replied, tliat man is clean all o'er, W'hofe feet are wafli'd, and needs no cleanfing more. Ye, but not all, are clean. He knew, and felt That mix'd with them a lurking traitor dwelt. When ho had wafli'd their feet, refumed his veft And feat, he thus to all his fpeech addreft ; Say, have ye learnt by this inllruclive fcene, What to inculcate on your minds I mean ? Ye call me Lord, and Mafter ; nor in vain ; For thofe relations firmly I fuftain. If then your Lord and Mafter wafli your feet, Amongfl: yourfelves mufi ye not judge it meet That office to perform ? Learn then to do Each to the other what I've done to you. Without exception, 'tis by all agreed The mafter ought the fcrvant to precede ; And that in rank the fender mufl appear. Greater than he that doth the mefTage bear- Happy are ye, thefe maxims when ye know, Conftant obedience if your praftice fliow. IT This of you all I fay not; but of thofe Whom, as my own, peculiarly I chofe ; For that prophetic fpeech muft be complete, * "He that his bread did at my table eat; " Even he againft me hath lift up his heel." This ere fuWill'd I purpofely reveal j That when accomplifli'd, ye may all believe, And who I am with certainty perceive. Who fliall my meflenger with kindnefs greet, Myfelf with kindnefs fimilar wojald meet : And who receiveth me, cannot forbear My Father to receive with heart fincere. These * Pfalm xli. p. SAINT JOHN. 361 These words when fpoken, Jefus was diilrefs'tl^ And his difciples in thefc terms addrefs'd : Hear with aftonifliment — Mark what I fay; One of you. twelve your mafter ihall betray. Then the difciples at each other gazed ; Equuljy doubting, troubled, and amazed. Now one whom Jefus lov'd above the reft,. At that time leaning on his inafter's breaft. Was beckoned to by I'cter, to defire Who the vile traitor was, he would inquire. He then on Jefus' bofom that rcpofed, Begg'd that the traitor's name might be difclofcd. To that difciple Jefus then declared 'i'he man for whom this fop I have prepared Is he : and inftant to Ifcariot went, The dreadful proof of treachery to prefent. Satan then entering into Judas' breaft, His foul and all his faculties pofl'eft. Quickly, faid Jefus, thy defign purfue ; But no man fitting at the table knew The fecret purport. Many of them thought Jefus intended, let thofc things be bought That will be wanted at the pafchal feaft ; Or (as he bore the purfe) that, at the leaft. The poor fliould be relieved. Night now was come. When Judas ate the fop, and lett the room. ^ No fooner was he gone, than to the reft Jefus thefe words with energy addreft : Now is the Son of Man to glory raifed ; And God by him is glorified and prais'd : But, by the Son if God be glorified. He in God's glory ever ihall abide. Who will immediately on him bcftow The glory which from God alone can flow. With Z z 362 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO VVitli you, my children, yet awhile 1 flay ; But, to the Jews as I did lately fay, Your ftriclefl: fearch to find me will be vain ; For, where I am, ye cannot entrance gain. A new commandment I on all enjoin ; Love one another with a love like mine. Who my difciples are, this teft Ihall prove ; Agree in mutual amity and love. H Peter Inquired, Lord! whither doft thou go? That, Jefus anfwered, thou in time fhalt know. And follow. Peter, eager, aQced him, "why Not follow now, who for thy fake would die ? Ah, Peter ! Jefus faid, beware. — For me Could'ft thou, refolved, to fuffer death agree ? I tell thee, ere the cock announce the day. Thrice, that he knows me not, ihall Peter fay. CHAPTER SAL\T JOHN. 363 CHAPTER XIV. Chriji comforts his difciples with the hope of heaven : profeffelh himfelf the way, the truth, and the life, and one with the Father: gives them ajfurance of their prayers in his name being effe£iual : requejis love and obedience: promifeth the Holy Ghcjl, the comforter-^ and leaveth his peace with them. LET not your hearts, deprcfs'd with forrow, grieve : But, as in God ye truft, in me believe. I go before, thofe manfions to prepare Which in my Father's houfe abundant are. Then to receive you, will I come again. That where I am, ye likevvife may remain. With the bright regions whitherto I go Ye are acquainted : and the way ye know.- Thomas obferved, alas ! that bleft abode How fliould we know, and how divine the road ? Jefus to Thomas made reply : In me The way, the truth, and life, ye plainly fee. None but through mc approach my Father's throne ; Had ye known me, my Father ye had known : And, henceforth, learn, though ignorant ye have been. Ye both have known him, and have likewifc feen. Philip, aftonifli'd. Lord! we pray thee, cries. Shew us the Father, and it fhall fuffice. Jesus replied, in apprchenfion flow. Say, Philip, doft thou not thy Mafter know. So long conncfted with him ? Lift and learn ; To fee me, is, my Father to difccrn : Why Z z 2 364 THE GOSPpL ACCORDING TO VVliy then docs Philip, hefitating, cry. The Father fliew, our minds to fatisfy ? Doll thou, by faith, to tliis great truth agree. As I in liim, the Father dwells in me ? Not from myfelf the words I fpeak proceed ; Who dwells in me performs my every deed. That in each other mutually we are. Believe, becaufe that truth the works declare. Hear what I vouch : fuch as in me believe. To do my works fliall ample power receive ; Nay, Ihall perform much greater works than thofe, Becaufe the Son unto the Father goes. Afk in my name, nor fear to be denied. For in tlie Son the Father's glorified. Again I fay, whatever in my name Ye fliall requeft, I will perform the fame. Yourfelves my faithful followers to prove. Let your obedience evidence your love ; And to the Father will I pray, to fend Another comforter, a lading friend : That he for ever with you may abide. And in the path of life your footfteps guide. The fpirit of eternal truth I mean : He whom the world hath never known, or feen. How then fhould thofe his comforts e'er receive. That to his influence no credence give ? Not fo with you. He dwells within your heart. And from that manfion never fliall depart. I will not leave you orphan-like, to mourn My abfence ; but will certainly return. Yet a fliort time, and from the world concealed I fliall remain : though ftill to you revealed. This privilege each promife fliall comprize, Becaufe I live, my friends fliall live likewife. Then, that Fm in my Father, you in me. And I in you, ye perfe6lly fliall fee: Thofe SAINT JOHN. 365 Thofo only my commandments that approve, And keep them, evidence to me their love. Such men, to me and to my Father dear. Shall find my prefence manifeft and clear. Judas faid to him, (not Ifcariot) Lord ! To us thy prefence how wilt thou afford ; And not unto the world } Jefus replied. Who loves me, will in my commands abide. Loved by my Father, we will make abode With liim : for fuch are temples fit for God. The man, who loves me not, will never drive To keep my fayings in his mind alive. The doftrine which ye hear is not my own. But by my Father dictated alone. Thefe things whilft prefent with you I've declared. That for events ye duly be prepared ; But when the Comforter (by whom is meant The Holy Spirit by my Father fent) Shall reach you, all things fliall by him be taught. And all my fayings to remembrance brought. My peace I leave you. In its guidance live. Not in the fafhion of the world I give : Droop not, with unavailing grief depreft : Nor let anxiety invade your bread. Lock'd in your hearts this promifed truth retain, I go, engaged to vifit you again. If ye lov'd me, your fouls would overflow With joy, bccaufe I to the Father go, Who greater is than I ; and now receive My promifes ; which when fulfill'd, believe. Henceforth, I lliall not much difcourfe maintain ; For he, that holds the world as his domain. Approaches, and no intcreft has in me ; But by my words and deeds the world may fee I love the Father ; and cxaftly flill Study his precepts, and perform his will. CHAPTER 366 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO CHAPTER XV. The coiifolalion and mutual love between Chrijl and his members, under the parable of the -vine. A comfort under the hatred and perfecution of the imrld. The office of the Holy Ghofl and of the Apoflles. I AM the genuine vine. My Father's care For the rich vintage does mv fruit prepare. Every unfertile branch he takes away. And purges thofe that ftill united ftay, Abundant produce that he may procure. Now from the word I fpeak ye all are pure. Joined to the vine unlefs the branch remain, Who looks for grapes muft ever look in vain. Then how can good produ£lions thofe expeft. Union with me that totally negleft ? I, by the vine am evidently meant. As ye the branches clearly reprefent. He that abides in me, the vital root. And I in him, brings forth abundant fruit. Without me, howfoe'er themfelves they rate, All muft remain in unprodu£live ftate. If joined to me ye fteadfaftly abide. And make my word your unremitting guide ; Whale'er in prayer ye alk, whilft here ye live. He that hears prayer fliall bountifully give. Herein my Father's glory fliall appear. When fruits of goodnefs plenteoufly ye bear ; And my difciples thus fliall ye be proved. — More — as the Father ftill the Son hath loved. So love I you. Its influence then retain j And in the pra£lice fteadfaftly remain. By SAINT JOEiN. 367 By keeping my commandments, ye declare What conftant objedls of my love ye are : Even as my Father's precepts I fulfil. And {\^ew my love by perfefting his will. Thefe things I fpcak, that ye my joy might know. And that your joy might richly overflow. This new commandment folemnly I give. Henceforth in love and union that ye live ; And to each other like affeftion fliew That all my aftions evidence to you. No greater love can man exprefs, or have, Than that he part with life, his friends to favc. Thofe friends are ye, if whatfoe'er I fay Juftly ye note, and punctually obey. Servants no more, I count you as my friends : For fervants know not what their Lord intends. Whate'er to me my Father hath revealed, I from your knowledge never have concealed. Ye chofe not me ; but meekly may rejoice That ye become the objects of my choice : And, having chofen you, when 1 ordain That, bearing fruit, ye fertile fliall remain. Thus, in my name whatever ye require Shall be accomplifhed to your fouls' defire. Again I urge, obedience that ye prove, By fliewing to the world your mutual love. If the world hate you, can it hate you more Than him whom it hath hated long before? If of the world ye were, the world would know Its own, and in return would love bcftow : But, as by me fele£ted from the reft. You, as feceders, will the world dcteft. Remember ftill my oft-repeated word. The fervant is not greater than his Lord : If me they pcrfccute, can ye expcfl Freedom from perfecution, and ncglcifl? Tliofc 3C8 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Thofe, that attention paid to what was mine, W Ne'er from your fayings will their ears decline. But tliefe things mull ye fuffer for my name, Becaufe they know not him from whom I came. Mad I not come, and to their confcience fpoke. Their fin, as now, had not required a cloak. Who hate me, whatfoever their dilguife. Prove that the Father they abhor likewife. Had I not done thofe works before their face Impoflible to all of human race. They might have framed excufe ; but now, both feen And hated have I and my Father been. What is recorded in their book of laws Is proved, * " They hated me without a caufe." But, when the Comforter fliall come, whom I Will from my Father fend, for your fupply. The Spirit, from my Father who proceeds. He fliall bear teftimony of my deeds : And ye, who with me conftantly have been. Shall evidence what ye have heard and feen. * Pfalm XXXV. 19. CHAPTER 4 SAINT JO [IN, 369 CHAPTER XVf. Chrijl comforteth his difciples agqinfi tribulation by the promife of the Holy Chojl, and by his refurreSlion and afcenfton : ajjiireth their prayers made in his name to be acceptable to his Father. Peace in Chri/l ; and in the world, affliction. THESE things have I dlfclofed e'er I go hence, Left, wanting knowledge, ye fliould take offence. Ejected from the fynagogue with fiiame. To fcorn and hatred ihall they give your name. Nay, whofoevcr kills you fliall be deemed Serving religion, and of God efleemed. And ail thcfe injuries ih:i!l to you be done Through isrnorance of the Father and the Son. Yet now tliefe truths 'tis needful to unfold, ^. n That ye remember thoy have been foretold : " For conflant with you whilft I did remain, Ufelefs it was thefc fecrets to explain. But now to him that fent me when I go, None of you zealous feems the caufe to know. Though whilft I tell you tliat I mufl; depart, Unufual melancholy fills your heart. Yet, notwithrtanding, in plain truth I fay, 'Tis needful for you that I go away; For, elfe, the Comforter, whom I Ihall fend. Cannot approach, his gracious aid to lend. And when he comes to vifit you in love. Of thcfe three things fliall he the world reprove , Of fin, becaufe they trull not on my name, Refufing to believe from God I came : Of ri^hteoufnefs, this ftate of tin and woe Becaufe I quit, and to my Father go : A a a Of 3-0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Of judgment, that IVIeffiah's reign is come, *^ And this world's prince receives his final doom. Divers important truths yet muft ye hear, Thoujrh now too much diftrefs'd thofe truths to bear. But when the fpirit who direfcls the heart Shall come, he will all needful truth impart. Not of himfelf he fpeaks, but fliall difclofe AH that committed to his truft he knows. Nor lliail he prefent truths alone explain ; But what to future periods appertain. Of what is mine receiving, he (hall fliew My glory, by difplaying it to you. ^|k Whatever things are as my Father's known, I likewife claim, as equally my own : Therefore, to prove my right to things divine, I faid, he will difplay whate'er is mine. For a fliort feafon from your fight concealed, 1 ihall remain, again to be revealed ; And this the caufc, that leaving fcenes below, 'lis requifite I to my Father go. Then fome of his difciples ftrove in vain. The myftery of his abfence to explain : Nor could their reafoning fathom the intent Why needful to his Father that he went.j* Jefus perceiving their intenfe defire. The meaning, faid, ye fruitlefsly inquire. Attend, and hear: Whenever I depart, Tears fhall your eyes, and forrow fill your heart. Meanwhile the world in mirth' (hall time employ, But all your forrow fhall be turned to joy. A woman with the pangs of travail torn, I^ath anguifh : but whene'er the child is born. And the lafl; agonizing throe is o'er. Smiles on her fon, and thinks of paiif" no more. Th V '. SAINT JOHN. 371 Thus, ye fome time in forrow fliall remain, But reft allured of my return again ; When ail your hearts fliall be replete with joy. Which man can neitlicr lefTen, nor deftroy. Ot mc ye lliail alk nothing in that day ; But tliis with folemn certainty I fay, All your petitions in my name prefcrr'd,. Shall by niy Fatiier gracioufly be heard. Yet — in my name no boon have ye defired : Aik, and receive whatever is required. Up to this time in parables alone Have 1 contrived to make my doctrines known : Yet now no more that method will purfue, Bu^ bring the Father plainly to your view.^^^ That time arrived, no longer will I fay ^ For you that to my Father I will pray ; ^ As you to him peculiarly are dear. % . «f Becaufe you love me with a heart fincere. And free from doubt, the path of faith have trode, Firmly believing that I came from God ; And that my miffion, ended here, again I quit the world, my former ftate t' attain. Then his difciples faid, lo! now no more Doft thou fpeak parables, as heretofore. Now are we certain all things thou doft know. And, without afking, all things doft beftow. Convinc'd by all that thoiL haft faid, and (liown. That thy comniiinon is from God alone. Jesus replied, and do ye now believe ? Alas ' your hearts too grofsly will deceive. Behold ! the hour draws nigh ; yea, now is come. When each of you fliall fcek his feparatc home, Deferting mc : yet am I not alone -, By him fupported, who with mc is one. * ^ ^ fli^AAaas Thesi • '*• 172 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO These thinp;s, as parting blefllngs I beftow. In me that peace perpetual ye might know. Much tribulation from the world expeft. Calumny, perfecution, fcorn, negle£t : But with good cheer be the right path purfued ; And trufl; in me, who have the world fubdued. i0^ CHAPTER ♦ f . • SAINT JOHN. CHAPTER XVII. J/. Chrijl prayeth to his Father to glorify him : to prejerve his Apojlks in unity and truth : and to glorify them ; and all other believers with him in heaven. THESE words fpake Jefus, whilft with folcmn mien. And countenance celeftially ferene, l\^ eyes he Ufted to his heavenly dome, And faid — The long-expected hour is come. And now, O Father ! glorify thou me. That the hke glory I may give to thee. As thou to me power o'er all flefli did'fl: givc,j^ That all thou gavefl; me fliould for ever live. Eternal life is thee to comprehend, The one true God, and Chrift whom thou didft fend. Thee have I glorified, and clos'd the plan Enjoin'd by thee to be perform'd for man. And now, O Father ! to that glorious ftate 1 had with thee before thou didll create The world, reftorc thy Son. Thy name to thofe ^ Thou gaveft me have I laboured to difclofe. Thine are they all. Thy precious gift they were; And all have kept thy word with heart fincere. They know that all thou haft on me bellowed Has from the fountain of thy bounty flowed. Daily thy words have they trom me received, And firmly that I'm fent by thee believed. 1 pray for them, not for the world I jiray. But thofe thoa gaveft me ; for thine arc they. All that to me adhere arc ftric^ly thine ; And, in return, the^ make my glory (hinc. ^ The 3 74 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Tlie world I quit : but thcTc behind remain, 'lill to thy prcfcnce I repah* again. Keep in thy name all thofc conveyed to me. That. they, like us, may in llritt union be. W'hilfl I was with them, in thy name prefervcd, *Xone but perdition's fon from duty fwerved : m. And that, becaufe the words of fcripture ne'er Vt'^^^ Jn its leaft part can unfulfill'd appear. These words I fpeak, remaining yet below, * ^ That through their hearts my joy might richly flow. Thy word has amply in their hearts been fown ; . ^^ And the world's bitterert hatred have they known,* "* jfgf Becaufe they do not to the world pertain ; ^ And with pure minds from all its ways refrain. Not from the world to take them is my prayer ; But that thou keep them from temptation's fnare. Cautious of ill, and imitating me, ■. rom all connexion with the world they flee. O Thou, whofe word is truth! thy truth impart. And through its influence fanftify their heart. As thou hall fent me to the world, even fo Them have I fent, inftruftion to beftow. And for their fake myfelf I fan£tify, That, fanclified, they might on truth rely. Neither, though precious, for thefe friends alone In fupplication I approach thy throne ; I3ut for all thofe that fliall on me believe, And, taught by them, their witnefs fhall receive : That they may all be one, as thou in me, O Heavenly Father ! and as 1 in thee. That they be one' with us ; and all may know To do thy work thou fentefl: me below. The glory which thou gaveft me I conveyed ^ To them, that they in one be perfect made ; *"PfaIm cix. 8. i* ♦ And SAINT JOHN. And that thou fenteft them the world may fee. And lovedll them, even as thou loveft me. Father ! I will that thcfe fo juftly dear. Shall in my prefence evermore appear. The glory thou has given me to behold ; For thou haft viewed me with delight of old. In ignorance of thee, and things unfeen, O righteous Father ! all the world hath been : But I have known thee, and thy gracious will Throughout my mifllon laboured to fulfil ; Pcrfifting with inccffant zeal and care, To thcfe my friends thy nature to declare ; That fo thy love to me moft amply fliown, Tbey may experience, as they feel my own. % CHAPTER 4 • # 4 .-6 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO t CHAPTER XVIII. Judas betrayeth Jeftts. %//^ officers who come to apprehend him, fall to the ground. Peter fmiteth off Malchm" ear. Jefus is led to Annas and Caiaphas. Peters denial. Jefus is examined by Caiaphas ; and afterwards arraigned before Pilate. Jefus explains the nature of his kingdom. The Jews ajk for the ddiverance of Bar abbas. *■ * rir^HESE gracious words concluded, Jefus took J[ His wonted path, and pafs'd o'er Cedron's brook With his difciples to a garden, where It was his frequent cuftom to repair. This Judas knew, who with the reft had walk'd. On heavenly fubjefts whilrt their mafter talk'd. ^^^ The traitor, follow'd by an armed band By the chief priefts placed under his command, Enter'd the place : when, fudden, through the fliade A glare of light their flaming torches made. Jesus, to whom the whole event was known, 7\.nd every circumftance familiar grown. Advanced, and alked, whom come ye here to fee ? Jefus, they faid. He anfvver'd, I am he. Judas, the traitor Judns, was their guide : But foon as Jefus " I am he" replied, Backward they fell with general rebound, And lay, as flruck by lightning on the ground. Again he afked, yfhom fearch ye for ? — Once more Jefus of Nazareth, faid they, as before. Jefus replied, I tell you I am he : If then your fearch be limited to me. ^Pf Let SAIXT JOIIX. 377 Let thefe pafs unmolefted : that his fpeech Miglit in tlieir pcrfons its completion reach, — " Lo ! none have periflied of the faithful band " Thy providence committed to my hand." ^■ Malchus, the high prieft's fervant, prclling near, -t Ralhly, by l*eter"s weapon loft an ear. Put up thy fword, faid Jefus. Shall I fhrink. Nor of the cup my Father gives me drink ? The captain then advancing with his bands, Seiz'd Jefus, and with bonds confined his hands. ^^ To Annas, then to Caiaphas they hied. Who in affinity were clofe allied. The latter as high-prieft, the council gave That one fliould die, the refidue to fave. — % Peter went after Jefus, join'd with one To Caiaphas, (though a difciple) known. This man admittance to the palace gain'd, Whilft his companion at the door remain'd. This that difciple marking, to the maid "^ \ Who kept the door, for Peter's entrance pray'd. Looking at Peter, certainly, faid (he. One of this man's difciples thou muft be. I am not, confidently he replied : And to a fire of coals then turn'd afide, Which they that were on duty had prepared Againft the chillnefs of the night to guard. Caiaphas then the folemn filence broke. And thus to Jefus arrogantly fpoke: — What is the doctrine that thou doft maintain ' And why engage difciples in thy train ? Bbb # Open 3jS TUK GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Open and public to the world I fpake. Nor did a fccret ot" my doctrine make, Sqid Jc^us. Where the people moft convene, '1 'lie fynagogue, and temple was my fccne. But why thus queftion me? apply to thofe Who heard me, and my docirine can difclofe. On this an oiiicer fix'd near the place, A\'ith violence ftruck Jefiis on the face. Saying, in terms like thefe dofi: thou reply. And the high prieft's authority defy ? If I have fpoken evil, Jefus faid, Shew me that evil, and th' oflence I've made : But if no ill attach to what I fpoke, Say for what caufe thou didlt inflitt the ftroke ? (Now Annas, to give thefe inquiries ground. To the high pricfl; had fent the prifoner bound.) Whilst Peter warni'd himfcif, one (landing by. Regarding him with penetrating eye. Charged him as a difciple : but he cried ] am not ; and once more his Lord denied. One of the high prieft's fervants being near, (Kinfman to Malcluis who had lolf an ear) Averr'd, whatever thou mayeil: here pretend, 1 favv thee in the garden with thy friend. „ This too he ftrenuoully denied. When io ! Limiediately the cock began to crow. % Then leaving Caiaphas at an early hour. They put their captive in the Roman power. Yet to the prefcQ's palace, (where the feat Of judgment was) being prepared to eat The paflTovcr, they went not : by that aft Legal pollut'on as they muft contraft. V '. PiLA TE SAINT JOriX. 379 Pilate went, therefore, out to thcni, and faid Againft this man what charge of guilt is laid.' Had he not been a criminal, they cried, By thee we had not brought him to be tried. Then Pilate faid, take him yourfelves, and draw I lis fcntence from the tenets of your law. Hut the Jews anfvver'd, fubje£ts now of Rome, No malefactor we to death can doom. This did the meaning of that fpeech fupply, v\ hen Jcfus mark'd the manner he lliould die. Pilate returning, Jefus thus addreft. Art thou indeed of regal power poflefs'd ^ Art tliou Judea's king? Jefus replies. From thy own mind does this fuggeilion rife, Or has fome other told thee, it is true? Pilate rejoin'd, think'lt thou I am a Jew? Thy nation and the priefts have brought thee here. What haft thou done, that hoftile they appear ? Jesus thus anfwcr'd, In the worldly fenfe. To kingly power I never made pretence. All my adherents in that cafe would fight. To guard my perfon, and maintain my right. But from all doubt the fubjc£\ to explain. My kingdom does not to this world pertain. Tell me ? art thou a king, then, Pilate cried, Jefus, thou fayeft I am a king, replied. For this end I was born> and ftationed here. That I my witnefs to the truth fliould bear. In me all that admit the truth rejoice. Walk in my ways, and lillcn to my voice. Say what is truth, Pilate exclaim'd ; but then Left him to commune with the Jews again ; And thus addrefs'd them : In this man no ground To fix an accufation can be found : B b b 2 IJiU 3So THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO But ye expc£l, fiom cuftom, at this feaft, That at your prayer a prifoner be releas'd. Tell me, on this occafion would ye choofe That 1 difcharge the fovereign of the Jews ? But ail exclaim'd with violence, not he : Give us Barrabbas : fet Barabbas free ! Now this Barabbas (which exceeds belief) Whom they preferr'd to Jcfus, was a thief. CHAPTER SAINT JOHN. 3S1 CHAPTER XIX. Chrijl is fcowged, crowned with thorns, and bujfeled. Pilate is dejirous to releafe him, hv.t being overcome with the outrage of the Jews, he delivereth him to be crucified. T'.e foldiers caft lots for his garments. He commendeth his mother to the care of Jo!r>t. II' dieth. His fide is pierced. He is buried by Jofeph and Nicodemus. I^^ORTURED with fcourges, Jefus by command Of Pilate, to the military band Was given ; who platted him a thorny crown. And on his temples roughly prefs'd it down. A purple robe next o'er his fliouldors. threw. Hailing him, tauntingly, the royal Jew. Then to complete the mockery and difgracc. With hands profane fmote him acrofs the lace. Pilate once more came forward, with a view His former application to renew. I bring him forth, faid he, that ye may learn Jn him I nothing culpable difcern. Jefus appear'd, robed in his purf)lo gown, His head incircled with the painful crown : And whilfl: adown his checks the red drops ran, Pilate cxclaim'd aloud, behold the man ! The priefis and officers, when they beheld This fcene of horror, Crucify him ! yell'd. If that muft be his fentence, Pilate cried. By your own hands let him be crucified : I find no guilt in him. Enrag'd they cry. We have a law, by which he ought to die ; Styling himfelf the Son of God. 1 Still more Was Pilate now alarm'd than heretofore. Agaiii 382 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Again into the judginent-liall he went To queflion Jefus touching his defcent ; But he was filent. Pilate aflc'd him why Wilt thou perfift in giving no reply? Doft thou not know that power is lodg'd in me To crucify thee, or to fct thee free ? Jesus replied, that power Is given alone For providence's purpofc, not thy own. Thofe, then, whofe accufations brought me here^ A heavier load of guilt than thee fliall bear. Pilate thenceforward labour'd his releafe : But all his efforts tended to increafe The Jewilli rage. All boifteroufly contend. If this man live, thou art not Ciefar's friend : For he who ftyies himfelf a king, denies The rights of Csefar, and his povi'er defies. These words when Pilate heard, he gave command Jefus before the judgment-feat fhould ftand, Fix'd in a place the pavement call'd : the fame In the Jew's tongue has Gabbatha for name. This was the day with ceremonial care When for the pafTover the Jews prepare. 'Twas now high noon ; and to the maddening croud — Behold your king, Pilate proclaim'd aloud. Away with him, away with him, they cry; Nail'd to the .crofs, in torment let him die. What ! fliall I crucify your king ? he fnid : But the chief priefls united anfwer made. We own no king but Caefar. Overcome, But unconvinced, Pilate pronounced his doom. Next, to the place of (kulls, call'd Golgotha, Bearing his crofs, was Jefus led awav. Between SAINT JOHN* Between two thieves there was he crucified. He in the niidft, and one on either fide. 1[ Then I'iiate an appropriate title made. Which on tlie crofs of Jefus was dilpiay'd. Thefe were the words that he thought fit to choofe^ Jefus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. This title many people read; for where The crofs was placed was to the city near. Greek, Hebrew, Latin letters lent their aid. That their contents might fully be conveyed : But the chief priefts contended, we rcfufe The title here infcribed, King of the Jews. Sa)', thus he ftyled himfelf. Pilate replied \\'hat I have written lliall unchanged abide. «[ The foldiers, when their dreadful tafk was o'er. Into four equal parts his garments tore. To each his fliare : then feized upon his coat. Which in the loom, without a foam was wrought. This they divided not : but all agreed To one the prize by lot Ihould be decreed. Thus was the *word completed, which declared " By them my raiment was in portions fliared, " And for m^ veflure they caft lots". This faiil Did the four foldiers punQually tranfa£t. ? Near to the crofs, in deeply-pcnfivc mood^ His mournful mother and her filter Hood; Mary the wife of Cleophas ; and one Who by the name of Magdalene was known. Nigh them was the difciple Jefus loved. On whofc account his mother thus he mov'd. Woman, behold thy fon. Then to his friend Her as a mother brietly did commend: And from that period, this difci|)le made His houfe her home; and filial duty paid. ^ Ifis • Pfilui xxii. V. ly. 5S4 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO 1 I lis milTicii though completed, yet remained One fcriptural prcdi£tion unexplain'd.f This to fulfil, he cried, I thirft. A vafe Replete' with vinegar flood rear the place. In this a fponge was foaked, and by the aid Of fticks of by fop to his mouth conveyed. This tafting. It is finilhed, he cried. And meekly bowing down his head, he died. This was the eve of the grand pafchal day : y\nd left the bodies on the crofs fiiould ftay Till the next morn, the Jews to Pilate fpoke, Requefting that the fufferers' legs be broke. And all the bodies moved. Pilate was won; And this to both the criminals was done : But when the foldiers with the fame intent From them unto the crofs of Jefus went, Finding him dead, they wav'd the needlefs ftroke. And thus, not even a bone of him was broke.* One of the military band applied A fpear to Jefus, and tranfpierced his fide, AVhcnce iifued blood and water. Thus appear'd Another fcriptural prediftion cleared,^ " To him they pierced fliall they direft their eyes." This faft one who beheld it teftifies, W'hofe evidence as truth ye may receive. And, with full confidence, his word believe. *[ JosETH, that from Arimathca came, (Who wanted courage to confefs his name Whom he believed in) did a fuite prefer. That he the corpfe of Jefus might inter. Pilate confenting, without more delay The body was by Jofeph brought away. Mim t Pialm Ixix. 21. • Exodus xii. 46.— Numbers ix. 12 — Pfahi xxxiv. 20, J Zech. xii. 10. SAINT JOHN ■ 385 Him the good Nicodemus joined. (The fame Who, fecrctly, by night, to Jefus came.) Of myrrh and alces, an hundred pound He brought, in which with linen fwathes they wound The body : for the weaUhier fort of Jews This preparation for interment ufe. A garden near the place where Jefus died A tomb where never man had lain, fuppliedj Here of the corpfe they readily difpofed. As the preparing eve was nearly clofed. C c c CHAPTER 86 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO 3S0 CHAPTER XX. MiVy Cometh to the fepulchre. So do Peter and John, ignorant of the refurre5lion, Jefus appear eth to Alary Magda/ene, and to his difcip/es. The incredulity of Thomas, and his fubfeqiicnt confeffion of Jefus. The fcripture declared fuffcient to falvaiion. ^'^HE firfl: morn of the week, before a ray Of light gave notice ot approaching day. Came Mary Magdalene, who found the ftone That clos'd the fepulchre, removed and gone. Difcovering this, with pious hafte flie ran To Simon, Peter, and the other man. Whom Jefus loved ; faying the fepulchre Is open, and the body is not there. Inflantly both fet off with eager pace ; But he, whom Jefus loved, firft reached the place ; And (looping low, diftinctly could defcry The linen coverings in order lie ; Yet went not in : but Peter, when he came. Entered the cave, where he beheld the fame. The napkin, likewife, which had bound his head, Not with the cloathes, but feparately, laid. Then he, who firft arrived, entering, explored. The tomb, and credit gave to Mary's word : For yet the fcripture had not oped their eyes. Which fays that Jefus from the dead muft rife. Of this great truth convinced, without delay Both the difciples homeward bent their way. f But Mary, who her foul to forrow gave, Stood weeping at the entrance of the cave ; When SAINT JOIIX. 3b'7 When looking in, with wonder and delight, She faw two angels robed in pureft white. One (landing at the feet, one at the head. Where Jefus lay, whilft numbered with the dead ; Who thus addrefs'd her. Woman, tell us why Thou weepeft thus. Alas ! was her reply, Becaufe the body of my Lord, which lay AVithin tlie fcpulchrc, is borne away ; Nor know I where 'tis laid. Then backward turn'd. Her eyes beheld that Jefus, whom (lie mourn'd ; Yet knew not it was he. With accent meek, He afk'd, why weepeft thou.' whom doft thou feek ? She, who miftook him for the gard'ner, faid, bir ! inform me where my Lord is laid. If thou haft borne him hence. Mary! he cried j She turn'd, and feeing it was he, replied Kabboni ! which means mafterl — He beheld Her zeal, and thus its fervency repcll'd. Touch me not, Mary, for I have not yet Afcendcd to my Father's heavenly feat : But let this cheering truth my brethren know, 1 to my Father, and your father go, Aly God and yours. Mary with gladnefs went To bear the me(rage which the Lord had fent. 1 That very night, when fecrct and rcclufc Met the difciples, fearful of the Jews, Jefus amongft them his appearance made, (Though barr'd the gate) and Peace be with you, faid i Then Ihcw'd his hands and fide. Joy was rcftor'd. When certified that tliey bclield the Lord. Again accofting them, he prayed : May peace Dwell in \our hearts, and evermore incrcafc. As I was by my Father fent, 1 fend You to the world, my do6^lrine to extend. v^ !^ Then • C c c a 3SS THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO Then breathing on thorn all, pronounc'd, receive 'I he Holy Ghort, which in this wife I give. Whofe fiDS fuever ye remit, Ihall know The confolations that from pardon flow : But whofe foevcr fins ye fliall retain, Shall in the dreadful ftate of guilt remain, 1 Thomas, {of Didymus wlio bore the name,) Was abfent from the rcli, when Jefus came. When, therefore, he was told the wonderous talc, Unlefs, faid he, the print of every nail I fee, and touch ; nay, and within his fide My hand fliall thruft, my doubts will ne'er fubfidc. ^[ Now eight days after, the difciples rr.et. When Thomas with the reft within vi-as fet, Jefus (though firmly clos'd was every door)' Stood in the midft, as he had done before. Repeating, " Peace be with you " then commands Thomas to look at, and to feel his hands. Again, Approach me freely, Jefus cried. Extend thy hand and penetrate my fide. Thy chara£ter from this reproach retrieve ; And be no longer faithlefs; but believe. 'ea^ Thomas, Thou art my Lord and God, exclaimed. Jefus replied : Thus Thomas, am I named Becaufe convinced by fight : but blefs'd is he Who can believe, though not allowed to fee. ^ Abundant figns before their eyes the Lord Performed more than this volume can record. But thefe are written that ye might believe Jefus the Chrift, and as the Son receive The Son of God : and trulting in his name, To life eternal might confirm vour claim. CHAPTER SAL\T JOHN. ^Sy CHAPTER XXI. Chrift appearing again to Iiis difciplcs, %vas known of them by the great draught of fijlies. He dineth with them : earnejlly commandeth Peter to feed his lambs and Jlieep : fore- teileth him of his death : rebuketh his airiofity touching John. The conclufton. JESUS again to bis difciples came. Near to the lake that bears Tiberias' name j. And thus he iLewcd himfelf. — Peter and John, Wi;h James (of Zebcdce the other fon) Nathaniel and Thomas, with two more Of the difciples, met upon the fliorc. Peter, intent on his employ, declared That he that day for fifhing had prepared. All joining him, on board his veflcl went. And the whole night in fruitlefs labour fpent. The morning on the ftrand did Jefus fhew ; Though none of them that it was Jefus knew. He afk'd them : Children, have ye had fucccfs ? Have your endeavours turnillicd a mefs .'' They anfvvcring, No ; Caft out on the right fide. He added, and your wants fliall be fupplied. They took his counfel ; and fo vaft the draught. They could not hale the net with what was caught. Then the bclov'd of Jefus, Peter told. It is the Lord this converfe that doth hold. Peter girt on his coat, and overboard Threw himfelf, joyfully, to meet the Lord: The reft came in the fmaller boat to land. Dragging the net with labour to the llrand, About 3^0 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO About two hundred cubits: where their eyes A fire of coals difcovered, with furprife : And on the fire were various fifhes fpread, Whilft on tlie ground lay many loaves of bread. Jefus commanded, now produce your draught, That I may fee the' number ye have caught. Peter then drew the net upon the fliore. And reckoned carefully the fcaly flore : Large were the fillies, whofe exaft account Did to one hundred fifty-three amount. Yet, though the net fo vaft a weight contained. Completely whole and perfect it remained. Then Jefus the difciples did intreat. With fweet benevolence, to come and e^, Yet none durfl: offer an inquiring word. Knowing alfuredlv it was the Lord. Witli the broiled fifh he furniflied out the meal; And to them all did bread in plenty deal. Thrice thus did Jefus to his friends difclofe His perfon, after he from death arofe. «[ Dinner concluded, Jefus thus addreft His fpecch to Peter feparate from the reft: Say, fon of Jonas, does thy love to me Exceed their love whom prefent here I fee ? Yea, Lord, faid Peter: and how great my love Thou knoweft. Jefus faid, its truth to prove. Feed thou my lambs. A fecond time he faid, Loveft thou me, Simon r Peter anfwer made, Thou knoweft. Lord, I love thee- Feed my fheep. Said Jefus, and the fold in fafety keep. Peter the third time afk'd, with g'nef was moved To have it doubted if the Lord he loved ; And anfwered; all things in thy fijjht appear: Thou know'ft I love thee with a heart fincere. See then, faid Jefus, unimpaired thou keep Thy love, and duly feed and tend my fheep. " Girt SAINT JOHN. 591 Girt by thyfelf, thou, in thy youthful prime, Didft ufe thy pleafure, niafler of thy time : But when grown old, tliou flialt dillend thy hands, Be jjirt by others, ruled by their commands, And borne whither thou wculdft not: which imphcd 1-Jow by his death God fliould be glorified : Then added, Follow me. To Peter near Stood the difciple held by Jefus dear, RefpeiEling whom inquifitive to know. He a(k'd him, Lord! and what fliall this man do* l( 'tis my will he lliould on earth remain, Jefus rejoined, till I return again, Of what importance is his cafe to thee? Regard thine own concern, and follow me. Hence fprung the notion, by report improved. That this difciple, eminently loved, Should ne'er know death: but Jefus in reply To Peter faid not, he fliall never die ; But if it be my will he tarry here Till at n-.y fecond advent I appear. Is it at all thy duty, or concern. Thy brother's ftation curioufly to learn ? Bv this difciple, who the truth records, Thefe fafts were faithfully reduced to words : And many glorious a£ts by Jefus done Pafs unrecorded ; for if every one AA'cre regiftered, the world would fcarcely hold The hiftory of what remains untold. ^OFCAUFOff^ ^ ^OFCAUFOR^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OAUvaani'^ ^ommt^ = ■< ^lOSANCEUir^ i5^tUBRARYG^ -j5j.tUBRARYar, ^iOdlWDJO^ <: , ^ ^^ .5MEUNIVERSyA ^— f ^lOSANCElCr^ 3 ^tUBRARYO^ ^^tUBRAR' ^iOjiivDJO'^ %oimj =.- -I ^OFCAllFORi^ ^OFCAllFORil^ ^A«vaaiii^ .^ttEUNIVER% &A«vaaii ^IUBRARYQa § 1 li— ' ^ ^.OFCAIIFOff^ ■^^OAavaaiii^^ AMEUNIVERS/a ^/ia3AiN(i3ftv^ ^lOSANCEltr^ o ^jM-UBRARYO/. ^^IUBRARYOa, 5 ^OFCAUFOP^ ^OFCAUFO/?^ ^OAavaan-^- "^OAavaanii^ AV\EUNIVER% ^ ^ f ^^^:lOSANCE "^/^aiAiNii- vKlOSA«(CElfx^ , ■< ^^tUBRARYOyc. 5 1 ^ -< ^/SaJAINMW^ jiM-UBRARYQ^ ^, ^jM-llBRAR ^.JOdllVDJO'^ ^OJIIVJ ^lOSANCEl^ ^/ia3AIN(l-3WV^ ^^.OFCAllFORj^ ^OFCAllFORto ^\MEUNIVERy/^ ^OAavaan^" ^OAavaaii^'^'^ ^TJiJDKVSOl^ ^lOSANCEl^^ A-OFCAllFOff^ ^0FCAIIF( ^mhmW^ ^<3Aavaan-^^ ^(?Aavaan .^tllBRARYQc ^OFCAUFOff^ ® ^1 I. § ^<3Aavaan# .^WEUNIVERS/A 5 aWEUNIVERJ/a '<(^]3kv<;qi^ ^lOSANCEl^^ %a3AiNn3v\v^ ^lOSANCEUr^ %a3AiNn3ftv^ ^tUBRARYQc ^tUBRARYOc. § 1 l<-^ ^ ^OFCADFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOP^ ^OAavaani'^ "^f^Aavaan-^ .^MEUNIVERS/A .^EUNIVERS/A. 2 o "^AaaAiNn: o %U3NVS01^ ■^aJAINIl] * 'OAuvaani^ <(7inNVsm'^ '^AaiAisiiwv^ ^(9 "."r,';i'^n Tv'*^ -^otrvx:' v).iosw.'Cfii;r>, 09 ^iUBRARYQ^ ^^ILlBRARYar^ ^\WUNIVEk% ^'wjnvDio ^OFCAUFW^ 1 1 1 D 000 709 045 • i SJ^^ ''■'JUDNVSOV'^ '^5'AaMINnJftV ^ 5^ $ Wi iSI ! iftidl ''^AHVliaiTi'^^ ^•OUONVSOl^ '5'AaiMSIHrtV '^»aojiivjiu^' ^1 1 -"^Aavaaii; ^ 1^ o cc MrY AV/ n 1^^ A=Jl 'invj j\J Ji=r, yj;^' ii=^ ^g^ s ?^^J| ,^ \t;.' .UiVi^u i S fce /^.