3-^^ FIFTEENTH THOIISA-F.D,, , .. . XPLORING EXPEDITION- .TOiTUE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, REGON AND CALIFORNIA, BY BREVET COL. J. C. FREMONT. TO WHICH IS ADDED A DESCKIPTION OF THE H ZSICAL aEOGRAPPIY OF CALIFORNIA. WITH RECENT NOTICES OK THE GOLD REGION FROM THK LATEST AND MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. BUFFALO ; DERBY ORTON & MULLIGAN. AUBURN : DERBY A.MILLER. 1853, r PREFACE. No work has appeared from the American press *vithm the past few years better calculated to interest the community at large than Colonel J. C. Fremont's Narrative of his Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon, and North California, undertaken by the orders of the United States government. Eminently qualified for the task assigned him. Colonel Fremont entered upon his duties with alacrity, and has embodied in the following pages the results of his obser- vations. The c ountry thus _e.xplored_is_, daily making de eper a nd more abi ding impressions upon the minds of the people, and information is eagerly sought in re- gard to its natural resources, its climate, inhabitants^ productions, and adaptation for supplying the "wants and providing the comforts for a dense population. The day is not. far distajit when that territory, hitherto so little knowii, wiU be intersected by railroads,^ its wa- ters navigated, jindjts_fertUe portions peopled by an ac tive and intelligent^jiopulation. T o all pe rsons int ereste d in the successful extension ;of our fi'ee institutions over this now wilderness portion of our land, this work of Fremont commends itself as a faithful and accurate statement of the present state of affairs in that country. e:?4360 PREFACE. Since the preparation of this report. Colonel Fremont ha^ been engaged in still farther explorations by order of the govern- ment, the results of whicb will probably be presented to the country as soon as he shall be relieved from bis present arduous and responsible station. He is now engaged in active military service in New Mexico, and has won imperishable renown by bis rapid and successful subjugation of that country. The map accompanying this edition is not the one prepared by the order of government, but it is one that can be relied upon for its accuracy. July, 1847. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE XEW EDITION. T he dre ams of the vi-ionary have "come to pass! " the unseen El Dorado of the " fathers " looms, in all its virgin freshness and beauty, befc«"e the eyes of their children ! The " set time " for the Golden age, the advent of which has been looked fw and longed for during many centuries of iron wrongs and hardships, has fully come. In the sunny clime of the south west — in Upper California — may be found the modern Canaan, a land "flowing with milk and honey," its mountains studded and its rivers lined and choked, Avith gold! He who would know more of this rich and rare land before commencing his pilgrimage to its golden bosom, will find, in the Ifst part of this new edition of a most deservedly popular work, a succinct yet comprehensive account of its inexhaustible riches and its transcendent loveliness, and a fund of much needed information in regard to the several routes which lead to its in.; ting borders. January 1849. A REPORT AN EXPLORATION OF THE COUNTRY LYING BETWEEN THE ^^ MISSOURI RIVER AND THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. ON THE LINE OF THE KANSAS AND GREAT PLATTE RIVERS. Washington, March 1, 184^- To Colonel J. J. Abert, Chief of the Corps of Top. Eng: Sir : Agreeably to your orders to explore and report upon the country between the frontiers of Missouri and the South Pass in the Rocky Mountains, and on the line of the Kansas and Great Platte rivers, I set out from Washington city on the 2d day of May, 1842, and arrived at St. Louis by way of New York, the 22d of May, where the necessary preparations were completed, and the expedition commenced. I proceeded in a steamboat to Chouteau's landing, about four hundred miles by water from St. Louis, and near the mouth of the Kansas liver, whence we proceeded twelve miles to Mr. Cyprian Chouteau's trading-house, where we completed our final arrangements for the expedition. Bad weather, which interfered with astronomical observa- tions, delayed us several days in the early part of June at this post, which is on the right bank of the Kansas river, about ten miles above the mouth, and six beyond the western bound- ary of Missouri. The sky cleared off at length and we were % 6 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [June, enabled to determine our position, in longitude 90° 25^ 46^'', and latitude 39° 5' 57^''. The elevation above the sea is about 700 feet. Our camp, in the mean time, presented an animated and Dustling scene. All were busily engaged in completing the necessary arrangements for our campaign in the wilderness, and profiting by this short stay on the verge of civilization, to provide ourselves with all the little essentials to comfort in the nomadic life we were to lead for the ensuing summer months. Gradually, however, every thing — the materiel of the camp — men, horses, and even mules — settled into its place ; ^nd by the 10th we were ready to depart ; but, before we mount nui horses, I \\ill give a short descr iption of the party with wh ich 1 performed the ser vice. I had collected in the neighborhood of St. Louis twenty -oup men, principally Creole and Canadian voi/ageurs, who had be- come familiar with prairie life in the service of the fur compa- nies in the Indian country. Mr. Charles Preuss, a native of Germany, was my assistant in the topographical part of the sur- vey ; L. Maxwell, of Kaskaskia, had been engaged as hunter, and Christopher Carson ( more familiarly known, for his ex- ploits in the mountains, as Kit Carson) was our guide. The persons engaged in St. Louis were : Clement Lambert, J. B. L'Esperance, J. B. Lefevre, Ben- jamin Potra, Louis Gouin, J. B. Dumes, Basil Lajeunesse, Fran9ois Tessier, Benjamin Cadotte, Joseph Clement, Daniel Simonds, Leonard Benoit, Michel Morly, Baptiste Bernier, Honore Ayot, Francois La Tulipe, Francis Badcau, Louis Menard, Joseph Ruelle, Moise Chardonnais, Auguste Janissc, Raphael Proue. In addition to these, Henry Brant, son of Col. J. B. Brant, of St. Louis, a young man of nineteen years of age, and Ran- dolph, a lively boy of twelve, son of the Hon. Thomas H. Benton, accompanied me, for the development of mind and body such an expedition would give. We were well armed and mounted, with the exception of eight men, who conducted as many carts, in which were packed our stores, with the bag- gage and instruments, and which were drawn by two mules. A few loose horses, and four oxen, which had been added tn 1842.] CAPT. feemont's narrative. 7 our stock of provisions, completed the train. We set out on the morning of the 10th,(jvvhich happened to -be Friday,.' a circumstance which our men did not fail to remember and re- call during the hardships and vexations of the ensuing jour- ney. Mr. Cyprian Chouteau, to whose kindness, during our stay at his house, we were much indebted, accompanied us several miles on our way, until we met an Indian, whom ho had engaged to conduct us on the first thirty or forty miles, where he was to consign us t o the^ oce ^..of prairie, which, we were told, stretched without interruption almost to the base of the Rocky Mountains. From the belt of wood which borders the Kansas, in which we had passed several good-looking Indian farms, we suddenly emerged on the prairies, which received us at the outset with some of their striking characteristics ; forlhere and there;rode an Indian, and but a few miles distant heavy clouds of smoke were rolling before the fire. In about ten miles we reached the Santa Fe I'oad, along which we continued for a short time, and encamped early on a small stream — having traveled about eleven miles. During our journey, it was the customary practice to encamp an hour or two before sunset, when the darts were disposed so as to form a sort of barricade around a circle some eighty yards in diameter. The tents were pitched, and the horses hobbled and turned loose to graze ; and but a few minutes elapsed before the cooks of the messes, of which there were four, were busily engaged in preparing the evening meal. At nightfall, the horses, mules, and oxen were driven in and picketed, — that is, secured by a halter, of which one end was tied to a small steel-shod picket, and driven into the ground ; the halter being twenty or thirty feet long, which en- abled them to obtain a little food during the night. When we had reached a part of the country where such a precaution became necessary, the carts being regularly arranged for de- fending the camp, guard was mounted at eight o'clock, con- jiisting of three men, who were relieved every two hours — the morning-watch being horse-guard for the day. At daybreak the camp was roused, the animals turned loose to graze, and breakfast generally over between six and seven o'clock, when 9 cAPT. fremoxVt's narrative. [JUNEy we resumed our march, making regularly a halt at noon for one or two hours. Such was usually the order of the day, except when accident of country forced a variation ; which, however, happened but rarely. We traveled the next day along the Santa Fe road, which we left in the afternoon, and encamped late in the evening on a small creek, called by the Indians, Mishmagwi. Just as we arrived at camp, one of the horses set off at full speed on his return, and was followed by others. Several men were sent in pursuit, and returned with the fugitives about midnight, with the exception of one man, who did not make his appearance until morning. Pie had lost his way in the darkness of the night, and slept on the prairie. Shortly after midnight it began to rain heavily, and, its our tents were of lig ht and tliin cloth, they olfe red but litj; de obstru ction to t he rain : we were all well soaked, and glad when mornifig came. We had a rainy march on the 12th, but the weather grew fine as the day advanced. We encamp, ed in a remarkably beautiful situation on the Kansas bluffs, which commanded a fine view of the river valley, here from four to five miles wide. The central portion was occupiea by a broad belt of heavy timber, and nearer the hills the prairies were of the richest verdure. (One of the oxen was killed here for food.) We reached the ford of the Kansas late in the afternoon of the 14th, where the river was two hundred and thirty yards wide, and commenced, immediately, preparations for crossing. I had expected to find the river fordable ; but it had swollen by the late rains, and was sweeping by with an angry current, yellow and turbid as the Missouri. Up to this point the road we had traveled was a remarkably fine one, well beaten, and level — the usual road of a prairie country. By our route, the ford was one hundred miles from the mouth of the Kansas' river. Several mounted men led the way into the stream to swim across. The animals were driven in after them, and in a few minutes all had reached the opposite bank in safety, with the exception of the oxen, which swam some distance down the river, and, returning to the right bank, were not got-* over till the next morning. In the mean time, the carts had 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 9 been unloaded and dismantled, apd an India-rub ber boac, which I had brought .wjthrne_for,Jhe_ survey oF the Platte riv er, placed in the \vater. The boat was twenty feet long and five broad, and on it were placed the body and wheels of a cart, with the load belonging to it, and three men with paddles. The velocity of t-he current, and the inconvenient freight, rendering it difficult to be managed, Basil Lajeunesse, one of our best swimmers, took in his teeth a line attached to the boat, and swam ahead in order to reach a footing as soon as possible, and assist in drawing her over. In this manner six passages had been successfully made, and as many carts with their contents, and a greater portion of the party, deposited on the left bank ; but night was drawing near, and, in our anx- iety to have all over before the darkness closed hi, I put upon the boat the remaining two carts, with their accompanying load. The man at the helm was -timid on water, and in his alarm capsized the boat. Carts, barrels, boxes, and bales, were in a moment floating down the current; but all the men who were on the shore jumped into the water, without stopping to think if they could, swim, and almost every thing — even heavy articles, such as guns and lead — was recovered. Two of the men who could not swim came nish beino; drowned, and all the sugar belonging to one of the messe s ( wasted its sweets on the muddy waters) ; but our heaviest loss was a large bag of coffee, which contained nearly all our pro- vision. It was a loss which none but a traveler in a strange and inhospitable country can appreciate ; and often afterward, when excessive toil and long marching had overcome us with fatigue and weariness, we I'emembered and mourned over our loss in the Kansas. Carso n and Maxwell had been much in the water yeste rday, and both^n^ consequence, werejajien ill. The former continuing so, I remained in camp. A num. ber of Kansas Indians visited us to-day. Going up to one of the groups who were scattered among the trees, I found one sitting on the ground, among some of the men, gravely and fluently speaking French, with as much facility and as little embarrassment as any of my own party, who were nearly all of French origin. in CAPT. FREMONT S' NARRATIVE. [JUNE, On all sides was heard the strange language of his own peo- ple, wild, and harmonizing well with their appearance. I listened to him for some time with feelings of strange curiosity and interest. He was now apparently thirty-five years of age ; and, on inquiry, I learned that he had been at St. Louis when a boy, and there had learned the French language. From one of the I ndi an \vomen I obtained a fine cow and calf in ex- change for a yoke of o xen. Several of them brought us vege- tables, pumpkins, onions, beans, and lettuce. One of them brought butter, and from a half-breed near the river, I had the good fortune to obtain some twenty or thirty pounds of coffee. The dense timber in which we had encamped interfered with astronomical observations, and our wet and damaged stores required exposure to the sun. Accordingly, the tents were struck early the next morning, and, leaving camp at six o'clock, we moved about seven miles up the river, to a hand- some, open prairie, some twenty feet above the water, where the fine grass afforded al jiuxurious repast\ to our horses. During the day we occupied ourselves in making astrono- mical observations, in order to lay down the country to this place ; it being our custom to keep up our map regularly in the field, which we found attended with many advantages. The men \Vere kept busy in drying the provisions, painting the cart covers, and otherwise completing our equipage, until the afternoon, when powder was distributed to them, and they spent some hours in firing at a mark. We were now fairly in the Indian country, and it began to be time to prepare for the chances of the wilderness. 17th. — The weather yesterday had not permitted us to make the observations I was desirous to obtain here, and I therefore did not move to-day. The people continued their target fir. "mg. In the steep bank of the river here, were ne sts of innu- merable swallows, into one^fwhdch a large prairie snake had gQt_about half his body , and was occupied in eating the young^ birds. The old ones were flying about in great distress, dfirt- ing at him, and vainly endeavoring to drive him off. A shot wounded him, and, being killed, he was cut open, and eighteen young swallows were found in his bodv. A sudden storm. 1842.] CAPT.' Fremont's narrative. 11 that burst upon us in the afternoon, cleared away in a brilliant sunset, followed by a clear night, which enabled us to deter, mine our position in longitude 95° 38'' 05''^, and in latitude 39° 06' 40'^ A party of em^rants to the Columbia river, under the charge of Dr. White, an agent of the government in Oregon Territory, were about three weeks in advance of us. They consisted of men, women, and children. There were sixty, four men, and sixteen or seventeen families. They had a con- siderable number of cattle, and were transporting their house- hold furniture in large, heavy Avagons. I understood that there had been much sickness among them, and that they had lost several children. One of the party who had lost his child, and whose wife was very ill, had left them about one hundred miles hence on the prairies ; and as a hunter, who had accompanied them, visited our camp this evening, we availed ourselves of his return to the States to write to our friends. \ The morning of the 18th was very unpl easant. A fine rahi was falling, with cold wind from the north, and mists made the river hills look dark and gloomy. We left our camp at seven, journeying along the foot of the hills which border the Kansas valley, generally about three miles wide, and extreme- ly rich. We halted for dinner, after a march of about thir- teen miles, on the banks of one of the many little tributaries o the Kansas, which look like trenches in the prairie, and are usually well timbered. After crossing this stream, I rode off some miles to the left, attracted by the appearance of a cluster of huts near the mouth of the Vermilion. It was a large but deserted Kansas village, scattered in an open wood, along the margin of the stream, chosen with the customary Indian fondness for beauty of scenery. The Pa wnees had at- tacked it in the ear ly s pring. _^ome of the houses were burnt, and others blackened with smoke, and weeds were alread^f getting possession of the cleared places. Riding up the Ver- milion river, I reached the ford in time to meet the carts, and, crossing, encamped on its western side. The weather con- tinued cold, the thermometer being this evening as low as 49° j 12 CAPT. fke3I0nt"s narrative. [Junf, but the night was sufficiently clear for astronomical observa- tions, which placed us in longitude 96° 04' OV, and latitude 39° 15' 19''. At sunset, the barometer was at 28-84.5, ther- mometer 64°. We breakfasted the* next morning at half-past five, and left our encampment early. The morning v.as cool, the ther- mometer being at 45°. Quitting the river bottom, the road ran along the uplands, over a roUijig country, generally in view of the Kansas from eight to twelve miles distant. Many large bjulders, of a(yery compact sandstone^ of various shades of red, some of them of four or five tons in weight, were sc-at- tered along the hills ; and many beautiful plants in flower, among which the^a?norpha canescens) wns a characteristic, en- livened the green of the prairie. At the heads of the ravines I remarked, occasionally, thickets iqI' saix longifolia\ the most common willow of the country. We traveled nineteen miles and pitched our tents at evening on the head-waters of a small creek, now nearly dry, but having in iJs bed several fine springs. The barometer indicated a considerable rise in the country — here about fourteen hundred feet above the sea — and the increased elevation appeared already to have some slight i influence upon vegetation. The night was cold, with a heavy dew ; the thermometer at 10 p. m. standing at 46°, barometer 28-483. Our position was in longitude 96° 14' 49", and la'i. tude 39° .30' 40". The morning of the 20th was fine, with a southerlv breeze and a bright sky ; and at seven o'clock we were on thp march. The country to-day was rather more broken, rising still, and covered everywhere with fragments of silicious limestone, particularly on the summits, where they were small, and thickly strewed (as pebbl es on the shore of the s eaj • In these exposed situations grew but few plants; though, whenever the soil was good and protected from the winds, in the creek hot- toms and ravines, and on the slopes, they flourished abundant, iy ; among them the amorpha, still retaining its characteristic place. We crossed, at 10 a. m., the Big Vermilion, which has a rich bottom of about one mile in breadth, one-third of which is occupied by timber. Making our usual halt at noon, 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 13 after a day's march of twenty-four miles, we reached the Big Blue, and encamped on the uplands of the western side, near a small creek, where was a fine large spring of very cold wa- ter. This is a clear and handsome stream, about one hundred and twenty feet wide, running with a rapid current, through a well-timbered valley. To-day antelope were seen running over the hills, and at evening Carson brought us a fine deei.; Longitude of the camp 96° 32^ So'', latitude 39° iry 08''''. Thermometer at sunset 75°. A pleasant southerly breeze and fine morning had given place to a gale, with indications of bad weather ; when, after a march of ten miles, we halted to noon on a small creek, where(the water stood in deep pools.J) In the bank of the creek limestone made its appearance in a stratum about one foot thick. In the afternoon, the people seemed to sufler for want of water. The road led along a high dry ridge ; dark lines of timber indicated the heads of streams in the plains below ; but there was no water near, and the day was opf)ressive, with a hot wind, and the thermometer at 90°. A.long our route the amorpha has been in very abundant but variable bloom — in some places bending beneath the weight of purple clusters ; in others without a flower. It seemed to love best the sunny slopes, with a dark soil and southern exposure. Ev e rywhere the rose is met w ith, and remind s u s of 'cultivateo gardens and civilization.'; It is scattered over thejrairies_Jn _ (small bouquets^ and, when flittering in the deWs and waving ^ in lhj5 pleasant breeze of the early morning^ is thejnost beau- t iful of the pra iri e flowers. ' The artemisia, absinthe, or prairie sage, as it is variously called, is increasing in size, and (glit- tering like silver^as the southern breeze turns up its leaves to the sun. All these plants have their insect inhabitants, vari- ously colored — taking generally the hue of the flower on which they live. The artemisia has its small fly accompanying it through every change of elevation and latitude ; and wherever I have seen the asclepias iuberosa, 1 have always remarked, too, on the flower a large butterfly, so nearly resembling it in color as to be distinguishable at a little distance only by the motion of its wings. Traveling on, the fresh traces of j the Oregon emigrants relieve a little t hftjjnr-^ ^jipsis^'of the .road_j^ ! I4 CA?T. Fremont's narrative. [June and to-night, after a march of twenty-two miles, we baited on a small creek which had been one of their encampments. As we advanced westward, the soil appears to be getting more sandy ; and the surface rock, an erratic deposite of sand and gravel, rests here on a bed of coarse yellow and gray and very friable sandstone. Evening closed over with rain and its usual (^attendant hordes of mosquitoes, \with which we were annoyed ^ for the first time. 22d. — We enjoyed at breakfast this morning a luxury, very unusual in this country, in. a cup^jgf_excenent_cofi£e, with cream f r om our cow . Being milked at night, cream was thus had in the morning. Our mid-day halt was at Wyeth's creek, in the bed of which were numerous boulders of dark, ferru- j^inous sandstone, mingled with others of the red sandstone already mentioned. Here a pack of cards, lying loose on the grass, marked an encampment of our Oregon emigrants ; and it was at the close of the day when we made our bivouac in the midst of some well-timbered ravines near the Little Blue, twenty-four miles from our camp of the preceding night. Crossing the next morning a number of handsome creeks, with =»'.ater clear -and sandy beds vve reached, at 10 a.m., a vary jeautiful woi^ded stream, abou*- thirty-five feet wide, called Sandy creek, and sometimes, is the Ottoes frequently wintei there, the Otto fork. Tiie country has become very sandy, and the plants less varied and abundant, with the exception oi the ainorpha, which rivals the grass in quantity, though not sc forward as it has been found to the eastward. A.t the Big Trees, where we had intended to noon, no n alei v'as to be tbund. The bed of the little creek was perftctlv \ ^y, and, on the adjacent sandy bottom, cacti, for the first time, made their appearance. We made here a short delay in search of water ; and, after a hard day's march of twenty-eight miles, encamped, at 5 o'clock, on the LitlleBlue, where our arrivat v made a scene of the Arabian desert?) As fast as they arrived, men and horses rushed into the .stream, where they bathed ana drank together in common enjoyment. We were now in the range of the Pawnees, who were accustomed to infest this part of the country, stealing horses from companies on their way 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 16 to the mountains ; and, when in sufficient force, openly attack- ing and plundering them, and subjecting them to various kinds of insult. For the first time, therefore, guard was mounted to-night. Our route the next morning lay up the valley, which, bordered by hills with graceful slope s, looked un^m- 4 monly green and beauti ful. The stream was about fifty feet wide, and three or four deep, fringed by cotton-wood and wil- low, with frequent gro ves of oak, tena nted by flocks of turkeys. Game here, too, made its appearance in greater plenty. Elk were frequently seen on the hills, and now a nd ■ thp.n an f^n^pl^^pf^ bniroilpd ac ross our path, or a„de.e.r broke ■ from the groves . The road in the afternoon was over the upper prairies, several miles from the river, and we encamped at sunset on one of its small tributaries, where an abundance of prele (equiaetum) afforded fine forage to our tired animals. We had traveled thirty-one miles. A heavy bank of black clouds in the west came on us in a storm between nine and ten, preceded by a violent wind. The rain fell in such tor- rents that it was difficult to breathe facing the wind ; the thunder rolled incessantly, and the whole sky was tremulous with lightning — now and then illuminated by a blinding flash, succeeded by pitchy darkness. Carson had the watch from ten to midnight, and to him had been assigned our young \compagnons de voyage^ Messrs. Brant and R. Benton. This <^c-^\ . was their first night on guard, and such an introduction did ;."^ not Caugur very auspiciously) of the pleasures of the expedi- tion. Many things conspired to render their situation un- comfortable ; stories of desperate and bloody Indism fights were rife in the camp ; our position was badly chosen, sur- rounded on all sides by timbered- hollows, and occupying an area of several hundred feet, so that necessarily the guards were far apart; and now^ and then I could hear Rand olph, as Vv -. .- i f relieved by the sound of a voice in the darkness, calling out t o the sergeant of the guar d, to direct his attention to some imaginary alarm ; but they stood it out, and took their turn regularly afterwards. The next morning we had a specimen of the false alarms to which all parties in these wild regions are subject. Proceed. 16 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Junb, ing up the valley, objects were seen on the opposite hills, which disappeared before a glass could be brought to bear upon them. A man who was a short distance in the rear, came springing up in great haste, shouting(l^Indians ! Indians !.V He had been near enough to see and count them, according to his report, and had made out twenty-seven. I immediately halted ; arms were examined and put in order ; the usual pre- parations made ; and Kit Carson, springing upon one of the hunting horses, crossed the river, and galloped off into the opposite prairies, to obtain some certain intelligence of lliiir movements. Mounted on a fine horse, without a saddle, a nd scouring baro- headcd over the p ra iries. Kit was one of the finest pictures n \ a horseman I have ever seen. A short time enabled him to discover that the Indian war-party of twenty-seven consisted I of six elk, who had been gazing cui'iously at our caravan as it passed by, and were now scampering off at full speed. This was our first alarm, and its excitement broke agreeably on the monotony of the d ay. At our noon halt, the men were exercised at a target ; and in the evening we pitched our tents at a Pawnee encampment of last July. They had apparently killed buffalo here, as many bones were lying about, and the frames where the hides had been stretched were yet standing. The road of the day had kept the valley, which is sometimes Vrich and well timbered,)though the country generally is/sandy.^ Mingled with the usual plants, a thistle {carduiis leucographus) had for the last day or two made its appearance ; and along the river bottom, tradescantia (virginica) and milk plant {as- clepias syriaca*y in considerable quantities. • This plant is very odoriferous, and in Canada charms the traveler, especially when passing tiirough woods in the evening. The French there eat the tender shoots in the spring, as we do asparagus. The natives make a sugar of the flowers, gathering them in the morning when tl^ey aro covered with dew, and collect the cotton from their pods to fill their beds. On account of the silkiness of this cotton, Parkinson calls the plant Virginian silk. — Loudon's Encyclopedia of Plants. The Sioux Indians of the Upper Platte eat the young pods of this plant, Doiling them with the meat of the buiialo. 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 17 Our march to-day had been twenty-one miles, and the as- tronomical observations gave us a chronometric longitude of 98° 22' 12", and latitude 40° 26^ SO^''. We were moving forward at seven in the morning, and in about five miles reached a fork of the Blue, where the road leaves that river, and crosses over to the Platte. ■ No water was to be found on the dividing ridge, and the casks were filled, and the animals here allowed a short repose. The road led across a high and level prairie ridge, where were but few plants, and those prin- cipally thistle, [carduus hucographus,) and a kind of dwarf artemisia. Antelope were seen frequently during the morning, which was very stormy. Squalls of rain, with thunder andi lightning, were around us in every direction ; and while, we' were enveloped in one of them, a flash, which seemed to scorch our eyes as it passed, stru ck in the prairie within a few hun- dred feet, sending up a column of dust. Crossing on the way several Pawnee roads to the Arkansas, we reached, in about twenty-one miles from our halt on the Blue, what is called the coast of the Nebraska, or Platte river. This had seemed in the distance a range of high and broken hills ; but on a nearer approach was found to be elevations of ,■ forty to stxty feet into which the wind had worked the sand.l They were covered with the usual fine grasses of the country, and bordered the eastern side of the ridge on a breadth of aboutj two miles. Change of soil and country appeared here to have produced some change in the vegetation. Cacti were numer- ous, and all the plants of the region appeared to flourish among the warm hills. Among them the amorpha, in full bloom, was remarkable for its large and ^uxui'iant) purple clusters. From the foot of the coast, a distance of two miles across the level bottom brought us to our encampment on the shore of the river, about twenty miles below the head of Grand Island, which lay extended before us, covered with dense and heavy woods. From the mouth of the Kansas, according to our reckoning, we had traveled three hundred and twenty- eight miles ; and the geological formation of the country we had passed over consisted of lime and sand stone, covered by the same erratic deposite of sand and gravel which forms the 18 CAPT. FKEMONl'S NARRATIVE. [JUNE, surface rock of the prairies between the Missouri and Missis- sippi rivers. Except in some occasional limestone boulders, I had met with no fossils. The elevation of the Platte valley above the sea is here about two thousand feet. The astrono- mical observations of the night placed us in longitude 98° 45' 49'^ latitude 40° 41' 06'^ 27th. — The animals were somewhat fatigued by their march of yesterday, and, after a short journey of eighteen miles along the river bottom, I encamped near the head of Grand Island, in longitude, by observation, 99'^ 05' 24'', latitude 40° 39' 32". The soil was here light but rich, though in some places rather sandy ; and, with the exception of scattered iVinge along the bank, the timber, consisting principally of poplar, (pojmlus moniliefera,) elm, and hackbcrry, (^celtis eras- sifolia,) is confined almost entirely to the islands. 26th. — Wc halted to noon at an open reach of the river, which occupies rather more than a fourth of the valley, here only about four miles broad. The camp had been disposed with the usual precaution, the horses grazing at a little dis- tance, attended by the guard, and we were all sitting quietly '■■ at our dinner on the grass, when suddenly we heard the start- ling cry, 1^' Du monde !/ In an instant, every man's weapon was in his hand, the horses were driven in, hobbled and picketed, and horsemen were galloping at full speed in the direction of the new-comers, screaming and yelling with the wildest excitement, 't^ Get ready, my lads \j said the leader of the approaching party to his men, when our wild-looking horsemen were discovered bearing down upon them — " nous allons attraper des coops de baguette." They proved to be a small party of fourteen, under the charge of a man named John Lee, and, with their baggage and provisions strapped to their backs, were making their way on foot to the frontier. A brief account of their fortunes will give some idea of navi- gation in the Nebraska. Sixty days since, they had left the mouth of Laramie's fork, some three hundred miles above, in barg es laden wi th the furs of the American Fur Conrpanv. They started with the annual flood, and, drawing but nine inches water, hoped to make a speedy and pro.«;perous voyage 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 19 to St. Louis ; but, after a lapse of forty days, found them selves only one hundred and thirty miles from their point of departure. They came down rapidly as far a^cott's bluffs,} where their difficulties began. Sometimes they came upon places where the water was spread over a great extent, and here they toiled from morning until night, endeavoring to drag their boat through the sands, making only two or three miles in as many days. Sometimes they would enter an arm of the ] iver, where there appeared a fine channel, and, after descend- ing prosperously for eight or ten miles, would come suddenly upon dry sands, and be compelled to return, dragging their boat for days against the rapid current; and at others, they came upon places where the water lay in holes, and, getting out to float off their boat, would' fall into water up to their necks, and the next moment tumble over against a sandbar. Discouraged at length, and finding the Platte growing every day more shallow, they discharged the principal part of their cargoes one hundred and thirty miles below Fort Laramie, i which they secured as well as possible, and, leaving a few men to guard them, attempted to continue their voyage, laden with some light furs and their personal baggage. After fifteen or twenty days more struggling in the sands, during which they made but one hundred and foi'ty miles, they sunk their barges, made a cache of their remaining furs and property in trees on the bank, and, packing on his back what each man could carry, had commenced, the day before we encountered them, their journey on foot to St. Louis. We laughed then at ; their forlorn and vagabond appearance, and, in our turn, a month or two afterwards, furnished the same occasion for merriment to others. Even the ir stooljL.of tobacgOjJjiat^^jyjW! qu a noil of a voyageur, w ithout which the night fire is gloomy, was entirely exhausted. However, we shortened their home- ward journey by a small supply from our own provision. They gave us the welcome intelligence that the buffalo were abundant some two days' march in advance, and made us a ', present of some choice pieces, which were a very acceptable change from our salt pork. In t he interchange of news, and tiie renew al of o l d acquaintanceships, we fo und wherewithal 20 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [June, to fill a busy hour ; then we mounted our horses and they shouldered their packs, and we shook hands and parted. Among them, I had found an_old companion on the northern praine, a hardened and hardly served veteran of the mountains, who had been as much hacked and scarred as an old mous- tache of Napoleon's " old guard." He flourished in the sobri- quet of La Tulipe, and his real name I never knew. Finding that he was going to the States only because his company was bound in that direction, and that he was rather more willing to return with me, I took him again into my service. We trav- eled this day but seventeen miles. At our evening camp, about sunset, three figures were dis- covered approaching, which our glasses made out to be Indians. They proved to be Cheyenues — tw o men, and a boy of thir- teen. About a month since, they had left their people on the south fork of the river, some three hundred miles to the west- ward, and a party of only four ih number had been to .the Pawnee villages on a horse-stealing excursion, from which ihey were returning unsuccessful. They were miserably mounted on wild horses from the Arkansas plains, and had no other weapons than bows and long spears ; and had they been discovered by the Pawnees, could not, by any possibility, have escaped. They were mortified by their ill-success, and said the Pawnees were cowards, who shut up their horses in their lodges at night. I invited them to supper with me, and, Ran- dolph and the young Cheyenne, who had been eyeing each other suspiciously and curiously, soon became intimate friends. After supper we sat down on the grass, and I placed a sheet of paper between us, on which they traced, rudely, but with a certain degree of relative truth, the water-courses of the coun- try which lay between us and their villages, and of which I desired to have some information. Their companions, they told lis, had taken a nearer route over the hills ; but they had mounted one of the summits to spy out the country, whence they had caught a glimpse of our party, and, confident of good treatment at the hands of the whites, hastened to join company. Latitude of the camp 40^ 39' dV. . ' We made the next morning sixteen miles. I remarked that 1 1 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 21 the ground was covered in many places with an efflorescence of salt, and the plants were not numerous. In the bottoms were frequently seen tradescantia, and on the dry lenches were carduus, cactus, and amorpha. A high wind during the morning had increased to a violent gale from the northwest, which made our afternoon ride cold and unpleasant. We had the welcome sight of two buftaloes on one of the large islands, and encamped at a clump of timber about seven miles from our noon halt, after a day's march of twenty-two miles. The air was keen the next morning at sunrise, the ther- mometer standing at 44°, and it was sufficiently cold to make ■ \ «■«- . overcoats very comfortable. A few miles brought us into the midst of the buffalo, swarming in immense numbers over the plains, where they had left scarcely a blade of grass standing. Mr. Preuss, who was sketching at a little distance in the rear, had at first noted them fas large groves of timber^ ( I n the sight of suc h a mass o f life, the traveler feels a s trange emotion of giandeur.) "We had heard from a distance a dull and confused murmuring, and^ when we came in view of their dark masses, th ere was not one among us who did not feel his heart beat quicker . It was the early part of the day, when the herds are feeding ; and everywhere they were in motion. Here and there a hug.e_„old bull was rolling in the grass, and clouds of dust r ose in the a ir from various parts of the bandsj each the scene of some obstinate fig ht. Indians and . buffal^^makgjtjae poetr y and life of the prairie) and our camp was_fulX,of_their exhil aration. In place of the quiet monotony of the march, relieved only by the cracking of the whip, and an " avance done! enfant de garce !" shouts and songs resounded from e very part of the line, and our evening camp jwg_-. always. tllg commence ment of a feast, which term i nated only with ou r de- p arture on the following morning. At any time of the night might be seen pieces of the most delicate and choicest meat, roasting eii appolas, on sticks around the fire, and the guard were never without company. With pleasant weather and no enemy to fear, an abundance of the most excellent meat, and no scarcity of bread or tobacco, they were enjoying the oasis of a voyageur's life. Three cows were killed to-day. Kit .X 22 CAPT. FREMONT'S ^'AIlRATIVE. [JULT, Carson had shot one, and was continuing the chase in the midst of another herd, when his horse fell headlong, but sprang up and joined the flying band. _ Though considerably hurt, he had the good fortune to break no bones ; and Maxwell, who was mounted on a fleet hunter, captured the runaway after a hard chase. He was on the point of shooting him, to avoid the loss of his bridle, (a handsomely mounted Spanish one,) when he found that his horse was able to come up with him. An". mals are frequently lost in this way ; and it is necessary to keep close watch over them, in the vicinity of the buffalo, in the midst of which they scour off to the plains, and are rarely retaken. One of our mules took a sudden freak into his head, and joined a neighboring band to-day. As we were not in a condition to lose horses, I sent several men in pursuit, and re- mained in camp, in the hope of recovering him ; but lost the afternoon to no purpose, as we did not see him again. Astro- nomical observations placed us in longitude 100° 05^ 47^', latitude 40° 49" 55^ JULY. 1st. — Along our road to-day the prairie bottom was more elevated and dry, and the river hills which border the right side of the river higher, and more broken and picturesque in the outline. The country, too, was better timbered. As we were riding quietly along the bank, a grand herd of buffalo, some seven or eight hundred in number, came crowding up from the river, where they had been to drink, and commenced crossing the plain slowly, eating as they went. The wind was favorable ; the coolness of the morning invited to exercise ; the ground was apparently good, and the distance across the prairie (two or three miles) gave us a fine opportunity to charge them before they could get among the river hills. It. was too fine a prospect for a chase to be lost ; and, halting for a few moments, the hunters were brought up and saddled, and Kit Carson, Maxwell, and I, started together. They were 1842,] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 23 now somewhat less than half a mile distant, and we rode easily along until within about three hundred yards, when a sudden agitation, a wavering in the band, and a galloping to and fro of some which were scattered along the skirts, gave us the in- timation that we were discovered. We started together at a hand gallop, riding steadily abreast of each other ; and here the interest of the chase became so engrossingly intense, that we were sensible to nothing else. We were now closing upon them rapidly, and the front of the mass was already in rapid motion for the hills, and in a few seconds the movement had communicated itself to the whole herd. A crowd of bulls, as usual, brought up the rear, and every now and then some of them faced about, and then dashed on after the band a short distance, and turned^ and looked again, as if more than half inclined to fight. /^In a few moments, however, during which we had been quickening our pace, the rout was universal, and we were going over the ground (like a hurricane) When at about thirt y X?'?dsi, we ^ay o_ the usual s'nnnt, (thpi h ' uiter's / pag de charge] ) and broke into the herd. We entered on the side, the mass giving way in every direc- tLoaJn their heedless course. .-{j\iany of the bull§, less active and fleet than the cows, paying no attention to the ground, and occupied solely with the hunter, were precipitated to the earth with great force, rolling over a nd over wi th the violence of the shock, and har dly distinguishable in the dust^ We separated on entering, each singling out his game. 'My horse was a trained hunter, famous in the West under the name of Proveau ; an d,vwith his eyes flashing and the iham. fl,ying from h is mouth, sp rang ^., after the cow like a ti_ g er. J In a few moments he brought me alongside of her, and rising In the stirrups, I fired at the distance of a yard, the ball entering at the termination of the long hair, and passing near the heart./ She fell headlong at the report of the gun ; and, checking my horse, I looked around for my companions. At a little distance. Kit was on the ground, engaged in tying his horse to the horns of a cow he was preparing to cut up. Among the scattered bands, at_^qme_distance J)d.0Wi ^caught a glimpse of Maxwell ; an d wh ile I was looking, a light wreath of smok e 24 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July, Qurled, away from his gun, from which I was too far t o he ar the report. Nearer, and between me and the hills, towards which they were directing their course, was the body of the herd ; and, giving my horse the rein, we dashed after them. A_ihick cloud of dust hung upon their rear, which filled my mQUtjLand eyes, and nearly smothered me. In the midst of this I could see nothing, aud the buffalo were not distinguish- able until within thirty feet. They crowded together more densely still as I came upon them, and rushed along in such a compact body, that I could not obtain an entrance — the hor se ^most leaping upon them. In a few moments the mass divided to the right and left, the horns clattering with a noise heard abov e every thing elscj and my horse darted into the opening. Five or six bulls charged on us as we dashed along the line, but were left far behind ; and, singling out a cow, I gave her my fire, but struck too high. She gave a tremendous leap, and scoured on swifter than before. I reined up my horse, and the band swept on like a torrent, and left the place quiet and clear. Our chase had led us into dangerous ground. A prairie-dog village, so thickly settled that there were three or four holes in every twenty yards square, occupied the whole bottom for nearly two miles in length. Looking around, I saw only one of the hunters, nearly out of sight, and the long, dark line of our caravan crawling along, three or four miles distant. After a march of twenty-four miles, we encamped at nightfall, 1 one mile and a half above the lower end of Brady's Island. The breadth of this arm of the river was eight hundred and ■;- eighty yards, and the water nowhere two feet in depth. The island bears the name of a man killed on this spot some years jV - ago. His party had encamped here, three in company, and one of the number went off to hunt, leaving Brady and his companion together. These_two^iad_frequently quarreled, and on the hunter's return he found Brady dead, and wasjold that he had shot himself accidentally. He was buried here on the bank ; but, as usual, the wolves tore him out, and some human bones that were lying on the ground we supposed were his. Troops of wolves that were hanging on the skirts of the buffalo, kept up an uninterrupted howling during the night, 1842.] CAPT. FREMONT S NAREATIVE. 29 venturing almost into camp. In the morning, they were sitting at a short distance, barking, and impatiently waiting our de- parture, to fall upon the bones. 2d. — The morning was cool and smoky. Our road led closer to the hills, which here increased in elevation, present- ing an outline of (conical )peaks three hundred to five hundred feet high. Some timber, apparently pine, grows in the ravines, and streaks of clay or sand whiten their slopes. We crossed, during the morning, a number of hollows, timbered principally with box, elder, [acer ncgxmdo,) poplar, and elm. Brady's Island is well wooded, and all the river along which our road led to-day, may, in general, be called tolerably well timbered. We passed near the encampment of the Oregon emiorants, ^ where they appeared to have reposed several days. A variety ofjiousehold articles were scattered about, and they had prob- ably disb urdened themselves her e of many things noj absolute- ly necessary . I had left the usual road before the mid-dav halt, and in the afternoon, having sent several men in advance to reconnoitre, marched directly for the mouth of the South fork. On our arrival, the horsemen were sent in and scattered about the river to search for the best fording-places, and the carts followed immediately. The stream is here divided by an island into two channels. The southern is four hundred and fifty feet wide, having eighteen or twenty inches water in the deepest places. With the exception of a kw dry bars, the bed of the river is generally quicksands, in which the carts began to sink rapidly so soon as the mules halted, so that it was ne- cessary to keep them constantly in motion. The northern channel, two thousand two hundred and fifty feet wide, was somewhat deeper, having frequently three feet Water in the numerous small channels, with a bed of coarse gravel. The whole breadth of the Nebraska, immediately be- low the junction, is five thousand three hundred and fifty feet. All our equipage had reached the left bank safely at six o'clock, having to-day made twenty miles. We encamped at the ppint of land immediately at the junction of the North and South forks, between the streams is a low rich prairie extending from their confluence eighteen miles westwardly to the bor- 90 CAPT. Fremont's xarrative. [July, dering hills, where it is five and a half miles wide. It is cov- ered with a luxuriant growth of grass, and along the banks is a slighj_and scattered fringe of cottonwood and willow. In the buffalo-trails and wallows, I reVnarked saline efflorescences, to which a rapid evaporation in the great heat of the sun probably contributes, as the soil is entirely unprotected by timber. In the vicinity of these places there was a bluish grass, which the cattle refuse to eat, called by the voyageurs " herbe salee," (salt grass.) The latitude of the junction is 41° 04' 47^'', and longitude, by chronometer and lunar distances, 100° 49' 43''. The elevation above the sea is about two thousand seven hun- dred feet. The hunters came in with a fat cow ; and, as we had labored hard, we enjoyed well a supper of roasted ribs and boudins, the chef-d'csuvre of a prairie cook. Mosquitoes thronged about us this evening ; but, by ten o'clock, when the thermometer had fallen to 47°, they had all disappeared. 3d. — As this was to be a point in our homeward journey, I made a ca che (a term used in all this country for w hat is hid - den in the ground) of a barrel of pork. It was impossible to conceal such a proceeding from the sharp eyes of our Chey- enne companions, and I therefore told them to go and see what it was they were burying. They would otherwise have not failed to return and destroy our cache in expectation of jome rich booty; but pork they dislike and never eat. We left our camp at nine, continuing up the South fork, the prairie-bottom affording us a fair road ; but in the long grass we roused myri- ads of mosquitoes and flies, from which our horses suffered severely. The day was smoky, with a pleasant breeze from the south, and the plains on the opposite side were covered with buffalo. Having traveled twenty-five miles, we en- camped at six in the evening ; and the men were sent across the river for wood, as there is none here on the left bank. Our fires were partially made of the hois de vacke, the dry ex- crement of the buffalo, which, like that of the camel in the Arabian deserts, furnishes to the traveler a very good substi- tute" for wood, burning like turf. Wolves in great numbers surrounded ua during the night, crossing and recrossing from 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's nabsative. 857 the opposite herds to our camp, and howling and trotting about in the river until morning, 4th. — The morning was very smoky, the sun shining dimly and red, as in thick i'ofr. The camp was roused by a salute at daybreak, and from our scanty store a portion of what our Indian friends called the " red fire-water" served out to the men. While we were at breakfast, a buffalo-calf broke through the camp, followed by a couple of wolves. In its fright, it had probably mistaken us for a band of buffalo. The wolves were obliged to make a circuit round the camp, so that the calf got a little the start, and strained every nerve to reach a large herd at the foot of the hills, about two miles distant ; but first one and then another, and another wolf joined in the chase, un- til his pursuers amounted to twenty or thirty, and they ran JlLni_..d(iB:n.beJbre._he could re8Kjh_his friends. There were a few bulls near the place, and one of them attacked the wolves and tried to rescue him ; but was driven off" immediately, and the little animal fell an easy prey, half devoured before he was dead. We watched the chase with the interest always felt for the weak; and had there bee n a saddled horse at hand, he wou ld have fared better. Leaving camp, our road soon ap- proached the hills, in which strata of a marl like that of the Chimney rock, hereafter described, made their appearance. It is probably of this rock that the hills on the right bank of the Platte, a little below the junction, are composed, and which are worked by the winds and rains into sharp peaks and cones, giving them, in contrast to the surrounding level region, some- thing of a picturesque appeai'ance. We crossed, this morning, numerous beds of the small creeks which, in the time of rains and melting snow, pour down from the ridge, bringing down with them, always, great quantities of sand and gravel, which have gradually raised their beds four to ten feet above the level of the prairie, which they cross, making each one of them a miniature Po. Raised in this way above the surrounding prairie, without any bank, the long yellow and winding line of their beds resembles a causeway from the hills to the river. Many spots on the prairie are yellow with sunflower, (helian- thus.) 28 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [JctlY, As we were riding slowly along this afternoon, clouds of dust in the ravines, among the hills to the right, suddenly attract- ed our attention, and in a few minutes column after column of buffalo came galloping down, ihaking directly to the river. By the time the leading herds had reached the water, the prairie was darkened with the dense masses. Immediately before us, when the bands first came down into the valley, stretched an unbroken line, the head of which was lost among the river hills on the opposite side ; and still they poured down from the ridge on our right. From hill to hill, the prairie bot- tom was certainly not less than two miles wide ; and, allowing the animals to be ten feet apart, and only ten in a line, there were already eleven thousand in view. Some idea may thus he^formed of their, nurober.when they had occupied the whole plain. In a short time they surrounded us on every side, ex- tending for several miles in the rear, and forward as far as the eye could reach ; leaving around us, as we advanced, an open space of only two or three hundred yards. This movement of the buffalo indicated to us the presence of Indians on the North fork. I halted earlier than usual, about forty miles from the junc- tion, and all hands were soon busily engaged in preparing a feast to celebrate the day. The kindness of our friends at St. Louis had provided us with a large supply of excellent pre- serves and rich fruit-cake ; and when these were added to a macaroni soup, and variously prepared dishes of the choicest buffalo-meat, ci'ouned with a cup of coflTee, and enjoyed Avith prairie appetite, we felt, as we sat in| barbaric luxuryjaround our smoking supper on the grassj a greater sensation of, enjoy- menl( th an the Roman epicure at his_perfumed feast^ But most of all it seemed to please our Indian friends, who, in the unrestrained enjoyment of the moment, demanded to know 'if our "medicine-days came often." No restraint was exercised at the hospitable board, and, to the great delight of his elders, our young Indian lad made himself extremely drunk. Our encampment was within a few miles of the place where the road crosses to the North fork, and various reasons led nie to divide my party at this point. The North fork was the prin- 1842.] CAPT, Fremont's narrative. 29 cipal object of my survey ; but I was desirous to ascend the South branch, with a view of obtjuuiiig some astronomica) po- sitions, aid determining the mouth? ot its Lributurie* as far as St. Vrain's fort, estimated to be some two hundred miles fi,r.- ther up the river, and near to Long's Peak. There I hoped to obtain some mules, which I found would be necessary to re- lieve my horses. In a ^military poin t of view, Ijyvas ^e^h-mis t o form som e opinion of the cpunti^^ Relative to the establish- QieAt_of_£psts_on a Jine connecting the setllements wiLh the south pass of the Rocky Mountains, by way of the Arkansas^ and the South and La ramie fprksof .thePlatte.., Crossing the country northwestwardly from St. Vrain's fort, to the Ameri- can Company's fort at the mouth of the Laramie, would give me some acquaintance with the affluents which head-in the mountain between the two ; I therefore determined to set out the next morning, accompanied by four men — Maxwell, Ber- nier, Ayot, and Basil Lajeunesse. Our Cheyennes, whose village lay up this river, also decided to accompany us. The party I left in charge of Clement Lambert, v ith orders to cross to the North fork ; and at some convenient place, near to the Coulee des Frenes, make a cache of every thing not absolutely necessary to the further progress of our expedition. From this point, using thejnost guarded precaution in his march through the country, he was to proceed to the American Company's fort at the mouth of the Laramie's fork, and await my arrival, which would be prior to the 16th, as on that and the following night would occur some occultations which I was desirous to obtain at that place. 5th. — Before breakfast all was ready. We had one led horse' in addition to those we rode, and a pack-mule, destined to carry our instruments, provisions, and baggage ; the last two articles not being of great weight. The instruments consisted of a sextant, artificial horizon, &c., a barometer, spy-glass, and compass. The chronometer I of course kept on my person. I had ordered the cook to put up for us some flour, coffee, and sugar, and our rifles were to furnish the rest. One blanket, in addition to his saddle and saddle blanket, furnished the ma-^ terials for each man's bed, and every one was provided with 9 80 CAFT. FREMONT'S NARRATIVK. [JULY, change of linen. All were armed with rifles or double-bar- relled guns ; and, in addition to these, Maxwell and myself were furnished with excellent, pistols. Thus accoutred, we took a parting breakfast with our friends, and set forth. Our journey the first day afforded nothing of any interest. We shot a buffalo towards sunset, and having obtained some meat for our evening meal, encamped where a little timber af- forded us the means of making a fire. Having disposed our meat on roasting-sticks, we proceeded to unpack our bales in search of coffee and sugar, and flour for bread. With the ex- ception of a little parched coffee, unground, we found nothing. Our cook had neglected to put it up, or it had been somehow forgotten. Tired and hungry, with tough bull-meat without salt, (for we had not been able to kill a cow,) and a little bit- ter coffee, we sat down in silence to our miserable fare, a very disconsolate party ; for yesterday's feast was yet fresh in our memories, and this was our first brush with misfortune. Each man took his blanket, and laid himself down silently ; for the worst part of these mishaps is, that they make people ill-humor- ed. To-day we had traveled about thirty-six miles. 6th. — Finding that our present excursion would be attended with considerable hardship, and unwilling to expose more per- sons than necessary, I determined to send Mr. Preuss back to the party. His horse, too, appeared in no condition to sup- port the journey ; and accordingly, after breakfast, he took the road across the hills, attended by one of my most trusty men, Bernier. The ridge between the rivers is here about fifteen miles broad, and I expected he would probably strike the fork near their evening camp. At all events he would not fail to find their trail, and rejoin them the next day. We continued our journey, seven in number, including the three Cheyennes. Our general course was southwest, up the valley of the river, which was sandy, bordered on the northeFn side of the valley by a low ridge ; and on the south, after seven or eight miles, the river hills became higher. Six miles from our resting-place we crossed the bed of a considerable stream, now entirely dry — a bed of sand. In a grove of wil lows, near the mouth, were the remains of a considerable fort, 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. SI constructed of trunks of large trees. It was apparently very old, and had probably been the scene of some hostile encoun- ter among the roving tribes. Its solitude formed an i mpres- sive contrast to the pictur e which our imaginations involuola- rily drpw of Jhfi_J?U§j:__scene which had be en enacted heJCe • The timber appeared to have been much more extensive foi'- merly than now. There were but few trees, a kind of long- leaved willow, standing ; and numerous trunks of large trees were scattered about on the ground. In many similar places I had occasion to remark an apparent progressive decay in the timber. Ten miles farther we reached the mouth of Lodge Polecreek, a clear and handsome stream, running through a broad valley. In its course through the bottom it has a uni- form breadth of twenty-two feet and six inches in depth. A few willows on the banks strike pleasantly on the eye, by their greenness, in the midst of hot and barren sands. The amorpha was frequent among the ravines, but the sun- flower (helianthus) was the characteristic ; and flowers of deep warm colors seem most to love the sandy soil. The impres- sion of the country traveled over to-day was one of dry and barren sands. We turned in towards the river at noon, and gave our horses two hours for food and rest. I had no other thermometer than the one attached to the barometer, which stood at 89°, the height of the column in the barometer being 26-235 at meridian. The sky was clear, with a high wind from the south. At 2 we continued our journey ; the wind had moderated, and it became almost unendurably hot, and our animals suffered severely. In the course of the afternoon, the wind rose suddenly, and blew hard from the southwest, with thunder and lightning, and squalls of rain ; these were blown against us with violence by the wind ; and, halting, we turned our backs to the storm until it blew over. Antelope were tolerably frequent, with a large gray hare ; but the former were shy, and the latter hardly worth the delay of stopping to shoot them ; so, as the evening d,i'ew near, we again had recourse to an old bull, and encamped at sunset on an island in the Platte. We ate our meat with a good relish_this . evening, foy^wst. 33 SAPT. Fremont's •NARRATIVE. [July, were, all,, in fine health, and had ridden nearly all of" a long sLimme r's day , with a burnin g sun reflected from the san ds. My companions slept rolled up in their blankets, and the In- dians lay in the grass near the fire ; (but my sleeping-place generally had an air of more pretension.) Our rifles were tied together near the muzzle, the butts resting on the ground, and a knife laid on the rope, to cut away in case of an alarm. Over this, which made a kind of frame, was thrown a large India-rubber cloth, which we used to cover our packs. This made a tent sufiiciently large to receive about half of my bed, and was a place of shelter for my instruments ; and as I was careful always to put this part against the wind, I could lie here with a sensation of satisfied enjoyment, and hear the wind blow, and the rain patter close to my head, and know that I should be at least half dry. Certainly I never slept more soundly. The barometer at sunset was 26-010, thermometer at 81°, and cloudy ; but a gale from the west sprang up with the setting sun, and in a few minutes swept away every cloud from the sky. The evening was very fine, and I remained up to take astronomical observations, which made our position in latitude 40° 51' 17"', and longitude 103^ OT 00''. 7th. — At our camp this morning, at six o'clock, the barom- eter was at 26-183, thermometer 69°, and clear, with a light wind from the southwest. The past night had been squally, with high winds, and occasionally a few drops of rain. Our cooking did not occupy much time, and we left camp early. Nothing of interest occurred during the morning. The same dreary barrenness, except that a hard marly clay had re- placed the sandy soil. Buffalo absolutely covered the plain, on both sides of the river, and whenever w^e ascended the hills, scattered herds gave life to the view in every direction. A small drove of wild horses made their appearance on the low river bottoms, a mile or two to the left, and I sent off" one of the In- dians (who seemed very eager to catch one) on my led horse, a spirited and fleet animal. The savage manoeuvred a little to get the wind of the horses, in which he succeeded — approach- ing within a hundred yards without being discovered. The chase for a few minutes was interesting. My hunter easily 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 33 overtook and passed the hindmost of the wild drove, which the Indian did not attemp to lasso ; all his eftbrts being directed to capture the leader. But the strength of the horse, weakened by the insufficient nourishment of grass, failed in a race, and all the drove escaped. We halted at noon on the bank of the river, the barometer at that time being 26:192, and the thermometer 103°, with a light air from the south and clear weather. In the course of tne afternoon, dust rising among the hills, at a particular place, attracted our attention ; and, riding up, we found a band of eighteen or twenty buflalo bulls engaged in a desperate fight. Tiiough butting and goring were be- , stowed liberally, and without distinction, yet their efforts were evidently directed against one — a huge, gaunt old bull, very lean, while his adversaries were all fat and in good order. He appeared very weak, and had already received some wounds ; and, while we were looking on, was several times knocked down and badly hurt, and a very few moments wquld have put an end to him. (j Of cou rse, we tooX. the side of the weaker .party, and attacked the, herd; but they were so blind witl rage, that, they fought on, utterly regardless of our presence although, on foot and on horseback we were firing, in open view, w it hin twenty yards of them. But this did not last long. In a very few seconds, we created a commotion among them. One or two, which were knocked over by the balls, jumped up and ran off into the hills ; and they began to retreat slowly along a broad ravine to the river, fighting furiously as they went. By the time they had reached the botiom, we had pretty well dispersed them, and the old bull hobbled oft" to lie down somewhere. One of his enemies remained on the ground where we had first fired upon them, and we stopped there for a short time to cut from him some meat for our supper. We had neglected to secure our horses, thinking it an unnecessary precaution in their fatigued condition ; but our mule took it into his head to start, and away he went, followed at full speed by the pack-horse, with all the baggage and instruments on his back. They were recovered and brought back, after a chase of a mile. Fortunately, every thing was well secured, 2* 34 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July, so that nothing, not even the barometer, was in the least in- jured. The sun was getting low, and some narrow lines of timber, four or five miles distant, promised us a pleasant camp, where, with plenty of wood for fire, and comfortable shelter, and rich grass for our animals, we should find clear cool springs, instead of the warm water of the Platte. On our arrival, we found the bed of a stream fifty to one hundred feet wide, sunk some thirty feet below the level of the prairie, with perpendicular banks, bordered by a fringe of green cottonwood, but not a drop of water. There were several small forks to the stream, all in the same condition. With the exception of the Platte bottom, the country seemed to be of a clay formation, dry, and perfectly devoid of any moisture, and baked hard by the sun. Turning off towards the river, we reached the bank in about a mile, and were delighted to find an old tree, with thick foliage and spreading branches, where we encamped. At sunset, the barometer was at 25-950, thermometer 81°, with a strong wind from S. 20° E., and the sky partially covered with heavy masses of cloud, which settled a little towards the horizon by ten o'clock, leaving it sufficiently clear for astronomical obser- vations, which placed us in latitude 40° 33'' 26'^, and longitude 103° 30" 37"^ 8th. — The morning was very pleasant. The breeze was fresh from S. 50° E., with few clouds; the barometer at six o'clock standing at 25-970, and the thermometer at 70°. Since leaving the fori;s our route had passed over a country alter- nately clay and sand, each presenting the same naked waste. On ' iug camp this morning, we struck again a sandy ro-ri-, 1 which the vegetation appeared somewhat more vig- o*-oi'- 'D that which we had observed for the last few days; and I ; opposite side of the river were some tolerably large grovi. " mber. Jou lOying ilong, wo came suddenly upon a place where the gijunj WH>- covered with horses' tracks, which had been made since tho rain, and indicated the immediate presence of Indians in our '-eighborhood. The buffalo, too, whicn the day before had been so numerous, were nowhere in sight- — another 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. S5 sure indication that there were people near. Riding on, we discovered the carcass of a buffalo recently killed — perhaps the day before. We scanned the horizon carefully with the glass, but no living object was to be seen. For the next mile or two, the ground was dotted with buffalo carcasses, which showed that the Indians had made a surround here, and were in considerable force. We wen t on quickly and cautiously, keepi ng the river bottom, and c arefully avoiding the hills ; but we met Nvith no interruption, and began to grow careless again. We had already lost one of our horses, and here Basil's mule showed symptoms of giving out, and finally refused to advance, being what the Canadians call reste. He therefore dismounted, and drove her along before him ; but this was a very slow way of traveling. We had inadvertently got about half a mile in advance, but our Cheyennes, who were generally a mile or two in the rear, remained with him. There were some dark- jooking objects among the hills, about two miles to the left, here low and undulating, which we had seen for a little time, and supposed to be buffalo coming in to water ; but, happening to look behind. Maxwell saw the Cheyennes whipping up furiously,, and another glance at the dark objects showed them at once to be Indians coming up at speed. Had we been well mounted and disencumbered of instru- ments, we might have set them at defiance ; but as it was, we were fairly caught. It was too late to rejoin our friends, and we endeavored to gain a clump of timber about half a mile ahead ; but the instruments and tired state of our horses did not allow us to go faster than a steady canter, and they were gaining on us fast. At first, they did not appear to be more than fifteen or twenty in n umber, but group after group darted into view at the top of the hills, until all the little eminences seemed in motion ; and, in a few minutes from the time they were first discovered, two or thr ee hu ndred, naked to the breech- cloth, were sweeping ac ross th e prairie. In a few hundred yards we discovered that the timber we were endeavoring to make was on the opposite side of the river; and before we could reach the bank, down came the Indians upon us. I am inclined to think that in a ie\y seconds more the lead- 36 CAPT. frpmo.nt's naurative. [July, rnfr man, and perhaps some of liis companions, would have rolled in the dust ; for we had jerked the covers from our guns, and our fingers were on the triggers. Men in such cases ..generally act from instirfct, and_a charge from thre e hundred -naked savages js a circumstance not wel l calculated to^uromote a.coQl exercise of judgment. .Tust as he was about to fire, Maxwell recognised the leading Indian, and shouted to him in the Indian language, <' You're a fool, G^ — damn you — (jon't yo u know me ?"; The sound of his own language seemed to shock the savage ; and, swerving his horse a little, he passed us like an arrow. He wheeled, as I rode out towards him, and gave me his hand, striking his breast and exclaiming " A ra- paho !" They proved to be a village of that nation, among whom Maxwell had resided as a trader a year or two pre- viously, and recognised him accordingly. We were soon in the midst of the band, answering as well as we could a multi- tude of questions ; of which the very first was, of what tribe were our Indian companions who were coming in the rear ? They seemed disappointed to know that they were Cheyennes, for they had fally anticipated a grand dance around a Pawnee scalp that night. The chief showed us his village at a grove on the river six miles ahead, and pointed out a band of buffalo on the other side of the Platte, immediately opposite us, which he said they were going to surround. They had seen the band early in the morning from their village, and had been making a large circuit, to avoid giving them the wind, when they discovered us. In a few minutes the women came galloping up, astride on Jheir horses, and nakedJraoi their knees down and the hips up. They followed the men, to assist in cutting up and carry- ing off the meat. The wind was blowing directly across the river, and the chief requested us to halt where we were for aM'hile, in order to avoid raising the herd. We therefore unsaddled our horses, and sat down on the bank to view the scene ; and our new ac- quaintances rode a few hundred yards lower down, and began crossing the river. Scores of wild-looking dogs followed, looking like troops of wolves, and having, in fact, but very 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 37 little of the dog in their composition. Some of them remained with us, and I checked one of the men, ,\vhom I found aiming at one, which he was about to kill for a wolf.) The day had become very hot. The air was clear, with a very slight breeze; and now, at 12 o'clock, while the baron- eter stood at 25-920, the attached thermometer was at 108°. Our Chey- ennes had learned that with the Ai'apaho village were about twenty lodges of their own, including their own families ; they therefore i mmediately commenced making their, ;oilet_te^ After bathing in the river, they invested themselves in some handsome calico shirts, which I afterwards learned they had stolen from my own men, and spent some time in arranging their hair and painting themselves with some vermilion I had given them. While they were engaged in this satisfactory manner, one of their half-wild horses, to which the crowd of prancing animals which had just passed had recalled the free- dom of her existence among the wild droves on the prairie, suddenly dashed into the hills at the top of her speed. She was their pack-horse, and had on her back all the worldly wealth of our poor Cheyennes, all their accoutrements, and all the little articles which they had picked up among us, with some few presents I had given them. The loss which they seemed to regret most were their spears and shields, and some tobacco which they had received from me. However, they bore it all with the philosophy of an Indian, and laughingly continued their toilette. They appeared, however, to be a little mortified at the thought of returning to the village in such a sorry plight. " Our people will laugh at us," said one of them, " returning to the village on foot, instead of driving back a drove of Pawnee horses." He demanded to know if I loved my sorrel hunter very much ; to which I replied, he was the object of my most intense affection. Far from being able to give, I was myself in want of horses ; and any suggestion of parting with the few I had valuable, was met with a per- emptory refusal. In the mean time, the slaughter was about to commence on the other side. So soon as they reached it, the Indians separated into two bodies. One party proceeded directly across the prairie, towards the hills, in an extended 88 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July, line, while the other went up the river ; and instantly as they had given the wind to the herd, the chase commenced. The buffalo started for the hills, but were intercepted and driven back towards the river, broken ind running in every direction. The clouds of dust soon covered the whole scene, preventing us from having any but an occasional view. It had a very singular appearance to us at a distance, especially when look- ing with the glass. We were tcx) far to hear the report_of the guns, or any sound j and at eveix instant, through the clouds of dust, which the sun made luminous, we could see for a moment two or three bufialo dashing along, and close behind t^cm an Indian with_his lojig spear, or other weapon, and in- stantly ag ain t hey disappeared. The_ apparent silence, and the dimly seen figures flitting by with such rapidity ,(gave it a kind of dreamy etlectj and seemed more like a picture than a scene of realjife. It had been a large herd when the ceme commenced, probably three or four hundred in number ; but, though I watched them closely, I did not see one emerge from the fatr-l cloud where the work of destruction was going on. After remaining here about an hour, we resumed our journey in the direction of the village. Gradually, as we rode on, Indian after Indian came drop- ping along, laden with meat ; and by the time we had neared rhe lodges, the backward road was covered with the returning horsemen. It was a pleasant contrast with the desert road we had b^en traveling. Several had joined company with us, and one of the chiefs invited us to his lodge. The village con- sisted of about one hundred and twenty-five lodges, of which twenty were Cheyennes ; the latter pitched a little apart from the Arapahoes. They were disposed in a scattering manner on both sides of a broad, irregular street, about one hundi-ed and fifty feet wide, and running alo^ig the river. As we rode along, I remarked near some of the lodges a kind of tripod frame, formed of three slender poles of birch, scraped very clean, to which were affixed the shield and spear, with some other weapons of a chief. All were scrupulously clean, the spear-head was burnished bright, and the shield white and s tainless. It reminded me of the days of feu dal chivalry; 1842.] cAPT. Fremont's narrative. 39 and when, as I rode by, I yielded to the passing impulse, and touched one of the spotless shields with the muzzle of my gun, (^ I almost expected a grim warrior to start from the lodge andTi resent my challenge.") The master of t he lodge sj)read outji robe for me to s it upon , and the squaws set before us a large woo den d ish of buffalo mea t. He had lit his pipe in the mean while, and when it had been passed around, we commenced our dinner while he continued to smoke. Gradually, however, five or six other chiefs came in, and took their seats in silence. When we had finished, our host asked a number of questions relative to the object of our journey, of which I made no con- cealment ; telling hi m sim ply that I had made a visit to see the country, preparatory lo the est ablish ment of rnilitary posts on the way to the mountains. Altho ugh this was information of the highest interest to them, and by no means calculated to please them, it excited no expression of surprise, and in no way al tered the grave courtesy of th eir d emeano r. The others listened and smoked. I remarked, that in taking the pipe for the first time, each had turned the stem upward, with a rapid glance, as in offering to the Great Spirit, before he put it in his mouth. A storm had been gathering for the past hour, and some pattering drops in the lodge warned us that we had some miles to our camp. An Indian ha d given Max- well a bundle of dried m eat, which was very acceptable, as we had n othing ; and , springing upon our horses, we rode off at dusk in the face of a cold shower and driving wind. We found our companions under some densely foliaged old trees, about three miles up the river. Under one of them lay the trunk of a large cottonwood, to leeward of which the men had kindled a fire, and we sat here and roasted our meat in tolerable shelter. Nearly opposite was the mouth of one of the most considerable affluents of the South fork, la Fourclie aux Castors, (Beaver fork,) heading off in the ridge to the southeast. 9th. — This morning we caught the first faint glimpse of the Rocky mountains, about sixty miles distant. Though a tolera- bly bright day, there was a slight mist, and we were just able to discern the snowy summit of " Long's peak," (" les deux rr?r ":5 ~"^ -rsraj T"^ M. 2. itt ma 1S43.] CATT. krkmont's narrative. 41 of the last year's trade. He had met the same fortune as the voyaareurs on the North fork ; and, finding it inijKvssible to proceed, had taken up his sunimor'.s residence on this island, w liioh he had named St. HehMia. The river hills appeared to tie compvsed entirely of sand, and the Platte had lost the muddy character of i(« waters, and here was tolerably clear. From the mouth of the South fork, I had found it occasionally broken up by small islands: and at the time of our journey, which was at a season of the year when the waters were at a t'.ivoruble stage, it was not navigable for any thing drawing six inclfes water. The current was very swift — the bed of the stivam a coarse gravel. From the place at which we had encountered tlie Arapahoes, the Platte haii been tolerably well tVingetl with timber, and the island here had a fine grove of very large cottonw\xKls, under whose broad shade the tents were pitched. There was a large drove of horses in the op- posite prairie Ixittom ; smoke was rising from the scattered fires, and the encampment had quite a I patriarchal aip. Mr. C. r e- c eived us ho spitably. One of the people was sent to gathe r mint, with the ain set b efore us. The [)eople in his employ were generally Spaniards, and among them I saw a young Spanish woman from Taos, whom I found to be Beckwith's >Uh. — We parted with our hospitable host after breakfast uie next morning, and reached St. Vrain's fort, about forty-five miles from St. Hrlena, late in the evening. This p 1812.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 51 uriant the bloom of abundant flowers. The wild sage begins to make its appearance, and timber is so scarce that we gen- erally made our fires of the hoisde vache. With the exception of now and then an isolated tree or two, standing i^ike a light- house on the river bank) there is none to be seen. " 8th. — Our road to-day was a solitary one. No game made its appearance — not even a buffalo or a stray antelope ; and nothing occurred to break the monotony until about 5 o'clock, when the caravan made a sudden halt. There was a galloping in of scouts and horsemen from every side — a hurrying to and fro in noisy confusion ; rifles were taken from their covers ; bullet pouches examined: in short, there was the cry of 'In- dians,' heard again. I had become so much accustomed to these alarms, that they now made but little impression on me ; and before I had time to become excited, the new-comers were ascertained to be whites. It was a large party of traders and trappers, conducted by Mr. Bridger, a man well known in_the hist ory of the country . As the sun was low, and there was a fine grass patch not far ahead, they turned back and .encamped for the night with us. Mr. Bridger was invited to supper; and, after the table-cloth was removed, we listened with eager interest to an account of their adventures. What they had met, we would be likely to encounter ; the cliances which ii id befallen them, would probably happen to us ; and we looke d upon t heir life as a picture of o ur own. He informed us that the condition of the countiy had become exceedingly dangerous. Tlie Sioux, who had been badly disposed, had broken out into open hostility, and in the preceding autumn his party had en- countered them in a severe engagement, in which a number of lives had been lost on both sides.' United with the Che- yenne and Gros Ventre Indians, they were scouring the upper country in war parties of great force, and were at this time in the neighborhood of the Red Bultes, a famous landmark, which was directly in our path. They had declared war upon every living thing th at sh ould be found westjivard of that pointy thoug h the' ,nain object was to attack a large camp of whites and Snake IndhanSjWho had a rendezvous in the Sweet Water yalley. Availipg himself of his intimate knowledge of th© 52 CAPT. fke-aioivt's narrative. [July, country, he had reached Laramie by an unusual rqute through the Black hills, and avoided coming into contact with any of the scattered parties. This gentleman offered his services to accompany us as far as the he&,d of the Sweet Water ; but the absence of our leader, which was deeply regretted by us all, rendered it impossible for us to enter upon^uch arrangements. In a camp consisting of men whose lives had been spent in this country, I expected to find every one prepared for occur- rences of this nature ; but, to my great surprise, I found, on the contrary .^at this news had thr ow n them all into t he gre at - eaLcflUSte.i:aatiQn^ and, on every side, I heard only one excla- mation, ^11 n'y aura pas de vie pour nous.' All the night, scattered groups were assembled around the fires, smoking their pipes, and listening with the g^reatest eagerness to ex ag- gerated details of Indian hostilities ; and in the morning I found the camp dispirited , and agitated by a variety of conflicting opinions. A majority of the people were strongly disposed to return ; but Clement Lambert, with some five or six others, professed their determination to follow Mr. Fremont to the ut- termost limit of his journey. The others yielded to their re- monstrances, and somewhat ashamed of their cowardice, con eluded to advance at least as far as Laramie fork, eastward of which they were aware no danger was to be apprehended. Notwithstanding the confusion and excitement, we were very early on the road, as the days were extremely hot, and we were anxious to profit by the freshness of the n:orning. The soft marly formation, over which we were now journejung, frequently offers to the traveler views of remarkable and pic- turesque beauty. To several of these localities, where the winds and the rain have^worked the bluffs into curious shapes, the voyageurs have given names according to some fancied resemblance. One of these, called the Court-house, we passed about six miles from our encampment of last night, and towards noon came in sight of the celebrated Chimney rock. It looks, at this distance of about thirty railes, like what it is called — the long chimney of a steam factory establishment, or a shot tower in Baltimore. Nothing occurred to interrupt the quiet of the day, and we encamped on the river, after a march of 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 53 twenty-four miles. Buffalo had become very scarce, and but one cow had been killed, of which the meat had been cut into thin slices, and hung around the carts to dry. " 10th. — We continued along the same fine plainly beaten road, which the smooth surface of the country afforded us, for a distance of six hundred and thirty miles, from the frontiers of Missouri to the Laramie fork. In the course of the day we met some whites, who were following along in the train of Mr. Bridger ; and, after a day's journey of twenty-four miles, en- camped about sunset at the Chimney rock. It consists of marl and earthy limestone, and the weather is rapidly diminishing its height, which is not more than two hundred feet above the river. Travelers who visited it some years since, placed its height at upwards of 500 feet. "11th. — The valley of the North fork is of a variable breadth, from one to four, and sometimes six miles. Fifteen miles from the Chimney rock we reached one of those places where the river strikes the bluffs, and forces the road to make a considerable circuit over the uplands This presented an escarpment on the river of about nine hundred yards in length, and is familiarly known as Scott's bluffs. We had made a journey of thirty miles before we again struck the river, at a place where some scanty grass afforded an insufficient pas- turage to our animals. About twenty miles from the Chimney rock we had found a very beautiful spring of excellent and cold water ; but it was in such a deep ravine, and so small, that the animals could not profit by it, and we therefore halted only a few minutes, and found a resting-place ten miles fur- ther on. The plain between Scott's bluffs and Chimney rock was almost entirely covered with drift-wood, consisting princi- pally of cedar, which, we were informed, had been supplied from the Black hills, in a flood five or six years since. " 12th. — Nine miles from our encampment of yesterday we crossed Horse creek, a shallow stream of clear water, about seventy yards wide, falling into the Platte on the light bank. It was lightly timbered, and great quantities of drift-wood were piled up on the banks, appearing to be supplied by the creek from above. After a journey of twentv-six miles, we encamped 54 CAFT. FRE3I0Nt's NARRATIVE. [JULY, on a rich bottom, which afforded fine grass to our animals Buffalo have entirely disappeared, and we live now upon the dried meat, which is exceedingly poor food. The marl and earthy limestone, which constituted the formation for several days past, had changed, during the day, into a compact white or grayish-white limestone, sometimes containing hornstone ; and at the place of our encampment this evening, some strata in the river hills cropped out to the height of thirty or forty feet, consisting of fine-grained granitic sandstone ; one of the strata closely resembling gneiss. " 13th. — To-day, about four o'clock, we reached Fort La- ramie, where we were cordially received. We pitched our camp a little above the fort, on the bank of the Laramie river, in which the pure and clear water of the mountain stream looked refreshingly cool, and made a pleasant contrast to the muddy, yellow waters of the Platte." I walked up to visit our friends at the fort, which is a quad- rangular structure, built of clay, after the fashion of the Mexi- cans, who are generally employed in building them. The walls are about fifteen feet high, surmounted with a wooden palisade, and form a portion of ranges of houses, which entire- ly surround a yard of about one hundred and thirty feet square. Every apartment has its door and window, — all, of course, opening on the inside. There are two entrances, op- posite each other, and midway the wall, one of which is a large and public entrance ; the other smaller and more pri- vate — a sort of postern gate. Over the great entrance is a square tower with loopholes, and, like the rest of the work, built of earth. At two of the angles, and diagonally opposite each other, are large square bastions, so arranged as to sweep the four faces of the walls. This post belongs to the American Fur Company, and, at the time of our visit, was in charge of Mr. Boudeau. Two of the company's clerks, Messrs. Galpin and Kellogg, were with him, and he had in the fort about sixteen men. As usual, these had found wives among the Indian squaws ; and, with the usual accompaniment of children, the place had quite a populous appearance. It is hardly necessary to say, that the 1842.] CAPT. i-re.mont's narrative. 55 object of the establishment is trade with the neighboring tribes, xvho, in the course of the year, generally make two or three visits to the fort. In addition to this, traders, with a small outfit, are constantly kept amongst them. The articles of trade consist, on the one side, almost entirely of buffalo robes ; and, on the other, of blankets, calicoes, guns, powder and lead, ■with such cheap ornaments as glass beads, looking-glasses, rings, vermilion for painting, tobacco, and principally, and in spite of the prohibition, of spirits, brought into the country in the form of alcohol, and diluted with water before sold. While mentioning this (net, it is but justice to the American Fui" Company to state, that, throughout the country, I have always found them strenuously opposed to the introduction of spjntu- ous liquo rs. But in the present stale of things, when tlie country is supplied with alcohol — when a keg of it will pur- chase from an Indian every thing he possesses — his furs, his lodge, his horses, and even his wife and- children — and when any vagabond who has money enough to purchase a mule can go into a village and trade against them successfully, without withdrawing entirely from the trade, it is impossible for them to discontinue its use. In their opposition to this practice, the cornpany is s ustained, not o nly hj their obligatjon to the laws oj^the country a nd the wel fa re of the Indians, but clearly, also, i2iL grounds o f policy ; for, wi th heavy and expensive o utfits, they contend at manifestly great disadvantage against the nu- merous independent and unlicensed traders, who enter the country from various avenues, from the United States and from Mexico, having no other stock in trade than some kegs of liquor, which they sell at the modest price of thirty-six dollars per gallon. The ditTerence between the regular trader and the coureur dcs hois, (as the French call the itinerant or ped- dling traders,) with respect to the sale of spirits, is here, as it always has been, fixed and permanent, and growing out of the nature of their trade. The regular trader looks ahead, and has an interest in the preservation of the Indians, and in the regular pursuit of their business, and the preservation of their arms, horses, and every thing necessary to their future and permanent success in hunting : the coureur des hois has no 56 cAPT. fkemont's narrative. [July, permanent interest, and gets Avhat he can, and for what he can, from every Indian he meets, even at the risk of disabling him from doing any thing more at hunting. The fort had a very cool and tilea n appearance . The great entrance, in which I found the gentlemen assembled, and which was floored, and about fifteen feet long, made a pleasant, shaded seat, through which the breeze swept constantly ; for this country is famous for high winds. In the course of the conversation, I learned the foUowmg particulars, which will explain the condition of the country. For several years the Cheyennes and Sioux had gradually become more and more hostile to the whites, and in the latter part of August, 1841, had had a ra t her severe e ngagenTgntjyrth a part} of sixty m en , un^eLihe,j?aain3ando£Mi:*_Eiuipp^QL^iJL^ The Indians lost eight or ten warriors, and the whites had their leader and four men killed. This fight took place on the waters of Snake river; and it was t his par ty, on the ir retiim nnder Mr. Briilgcr, which had spread so tnuch jjarm ajpoiig my people. In the course of the spring, two other small parties had been cut oft' by the Sioux — one on their return from the Crow nation, and the other among the Black hills. The emigrants to Oregon and Mr. Bridger's party met here, a fev>' days before our arri. val. Divisions and misunderstandings had grown up among them ; they were already g omewhat dishe artened by the fa- tigu e of their long andjvearisomejoiirney, and the feet of tHei r cattle had become so m uch worn as to be s carcely able to travel. In this situation, they were not likely to find encour- agement in the hostile attitude of the Indians, and the new and unexpected difficulties which sprang up before them. They were told that the country was entirely swept of grass, and that few or no buffalo were to be found on their line of route ; and, with their weakened animals, it would be impossible for thein to transport their heavy wagons over the mountains. Under these circumstances, they disposed of their wagons and cattle at the forts ; selling them at the prices they had paid in the States, and taking in exchange coffee and sugar at one dollar a pound, and miserable worn-out horses, which died before they reached the mountains. Mr. Boudeau informed me that 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 5? ne had purchased thirty, and the lower fort eighty head of fine cattle, some of them of the Durham breed. Mr. Fitzpatrick, whose name and high reputation are familiar to all who inter- est themselves in the history of this country, had reached La- ramie in company with Mr. Bridger ; and the emigrants were fortunate enough to obtain his services to guide them as far as 'he British post of Fort Hall, about two hundred and fifty miles beyond the South Pass of the mountains. They had started for t h is po aLQll_the.,4thj)f^j\ilj;^ajid immediately a fter their de- parture, a war party of thre e hundred and fi fty braves set out upon their trail. As their principal chief or partisan had lost some relations in the recent fight, and had sworn to kill the first whites on his path, it was supposed that their intention was to attack the party, should a favorable opportunity offer ; or, if they were foiled in their principal object by the vigilance of Mr. Fitzpatrick, content themselves with stealing horses and cutting otr stragglers. These had been gone but a kw days previous to our arrival. The effect of the engagement with Mr. Frapp had been greatly to irritate the hostile spirit of the savages; and imme- diately subsequent to that event, the Gross Ventre Indians had united with the Oglallahs and Cheyennes, and taken the field in great force — so far as I could ascertain, to the amount of eight hundred lodges. Their object was to make an attack on a camp of Snake and Crow Indians, and a body of about one hundred whites, who had made a rendezvous somewhere in the Green river valley, or on the Sweet Water. After spending some time in buflTalo hunting in the neighborhood of the Medi- cine Bow mountain, they were to cross over to the Green river waters, and return to Laramie by way of the South Pass and ♦ he Sweet Water valley. According to the calculation of the Indians, Mr. Boudeau informed me they were somewhere near the head of the Sweet Water. I subsequently learned that the party led by Mr. Fitzpat rick wereoyertaken^ byj^ie^^ near Rock Independence, in the valley of t he Sweet Water ; but his skill and re solution saved them from surprise ; and, small as^ his force was, they did n ot v enture to attack him oppu- y. Here they lost one of their party by an accident, and, 3* 58 cAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Jtri, continuing up the valley, they came suddenly upon the large village. From these they met with a doubtful reception. Long residence and familiar acquaintance had given to Mr. Fitzpat- rick great personal influence among them, and a portion of them were disposed to let him pass quietly ; but by far the greater number were inclined to hostile measures ; and the chiefs spent the whole of one night, during which they kept the little party in the midst of them, in council, debating the ques- tion of attacking them the next day ; but the influence of " the Broken Hand," as they called Mr. Fitzpatrick, (one of his hands having been shattered by the bursting of a gun.) at length prevailed, and_ obtained for them an unmolested_j)ass- age ; bu t they sternly assured him that this path was no lon ger open, and that any party of the whites which should hereafter be found upon it wo uld meet with certain destruction. From all that I have been able to learn, I have no doubt that the emi grants pwe tlieir l ives to Mr. .Fitzpati-jck. Tl:^is it would appear that the country was swarming wit h sc^;"^ ••'• d war parti es ; and when I heard, during the day, the various contradictory and exaggerated rumors which were in- cessantly ^'epealid to them, I was not surprised that so much alarm p. :V:;,.iled among ray men. Carson, one of the best and most e.vp(jrienf.i;d mountaineers, fully supported the opinion .given by Ld<\^ r of the dangerous state of the country, and ( openly jxprcss^ ! hi s conv iction that we could not escap e v>dt h- QlALSQiri3_sLii4J. Jin c .oun t £a:sJ.VJLt£.J.he. IiidiaxiL§.^ In addition to this, he madt '.',^ will ; and among the circumstances which were consta.;:!;- occurring to increase their alarm, this was the most UPifortunr..-'. ; and I found that a number of my party had become so mu h intimidated, that they had requested to be discharged at this place. I dined to-day at Fort Platte, which has been mentioned as situated at the junction of Laramie river nith the Nebraska. Here I heard a confirmation of the state- ments givov. above. The party of warriors, which had started a few days since on the trail o; the emigrants, was expected back in fourteen days, to join the village with which their fani. ilies and the olu men had remained. The arri\al of the lattei was hourly expected ; and some Indians have just come in who 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. .59 had left them on the Laramie fork, about twenty miles above. Mr. Bissonette, one of the traders belonging to Fort Platte, urged the propriety of taking with me an interpreter and two or three old men of the village ; in which case, he thought there would be little or no hazard in encountering any of the war parties. The principal danger was in being attacked be- fore they should know who we were. ^ Theyhad a, confused idea of the nu mbers and po wer of our people, and dreaded to bring upon themselves the rniUtary force of the United States . This gentleman, who spoke the lan- .guage fluently, offered his services to accompany me so far as the Red Buttes. He was desirous to join the large party on its return, for purposes of trade, and it would suit his views, as well as my own, to go with us to the Buttes; beyond which point it would be impossible to prevail on a Sioux to venture, on account of their fear of the Crows. From Fort Laramie to the Red Buttes, by the ordinary road, is one hundred and thirty- five miles ; and, though only on the threshold of danger, it seemed better to secure the services of an interpreter for the partial distance, than to have none at all. So far as frequent interruption from the Indians would allow, we occupied ourselves in making some astronomical calcula- tions, and bringing the general map to this stage of our jour- ney ; but the tent was generally occupied by a succession of our ceremonious visiters. Some came for presents, and others for information of our object in coming to the country ; now and then, one would dart up to the tent on horseback, jerk off his trappings, and stand silently at the door, holding his horse by the halter, signifying his desire to trade. Occasionally a savage would stalk in w ith an inv itation to a fea.st of honor, a dog feast, an d deliberately sit down and wait quietly until I was ready to accompany him. I went to one ; the women and children were sitting outside the lodge, and we took our seats on buffalo robes spread around. The do g was in a large pot over the f ire,, in the m[ddle„of the lodge, and immediately on our arrival was dished up in large wooden bowls, one of which was handed to each. The flesh appeared very glutinous, with something of the flavor and appearance of mutton. Feel- 60 CAPT. Fremont's narrative [July, ing something move behind me, I looked round., and found tha I had taken my seat among a litter of fat young puppies. Had I been nice in such matters, thejpi'ejudices of civiliza tion rn ight iiive_interfered with my tran^Oillity ; but, fortunatclyi__I^ am not of delicate nerves, and continued quietly to .eiTy)ty_iiiy platter. The weather was cloudy at evening, with a moderate south wind, and the thermometer at six o'clock 85°. I was disap- pointed in my hope of obtaining an observation of an occultation, which took place about midnight. The moon brought with her heavy banks of clouds, through which she scarcely made her appearance during the night. The morning of the 18th was cloudy and calm, the thermom- eter at six o'clock at 64°. About nine, with a moderate wind from the west, a storm of rain came on, accompanied by sharp thunder and lightning, which lasted about an hour. During the day the expected village arrived, consisting principally of old men, women, and children. They had a considerable num- ber of horses, and large troops of dogs. Their lodges were pitched near the fort, and our camp was constantly crowded with Indians of all sizes, from morning until night, at which time some of the soldiers generally came to drive them all ofT to the village. My tent was the only place which they re- spected. Here only came the chiefs and men of distinction, and generally one of them remained to drive away tlie women and children. TJie.jumerous^ strange instruments, applied to still stranger uses, excited awe and admiration amofrg~them ; and^hose which Illied^m talking with t^ie sun and stars they JookedLupon with especial reverence, as mysterious thin gs of " great medicine. " Of the three barometers which I had brought with me thus far successfully, I found that two were out of order, and spent the greater part of the 19th in repairing them — an operation of no small difficulty in the midst of the inces- sant interruptions to which I was subjected. We had the misfortune to break here a large thermometer, graduated to show fifths of a degree, which I used to ascertain the tempera- ture of boiling water, and with which I had promised myself 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 61 some interesting experiments in the mountains. We had but one remaining, on which the graduation extended sufficiently liigh ; and this was too small for exact observations. During our stay here, the men had been engaged in making numerous repairs, arranging pack-saddles, and otherwise preparing for the chance of a rough road and mountain travel. All things of this nature being ready, I gathered them around me in the evening, and told them that " I had determined to proceed the next day. They were all well armed. I had engaged the services of Mr. Bissonette as interpreter, and had taken, in the circumstances, every possible means to ensure our safety. In the rumors we had heard{_I believed there was much exagger- ation Mhayjiey_jverejiien^^ to this kind of life and to the countiy ; and that these were the dangers of every-day occurrence, and to be expected in the ordinary course of their service. They had heard of the unsettled condition of the country before leaving St. Louis, and therefore could not make it a reason for breaking their engagements. Still, I was un- willing to take witli me, on a service of some certain danger, men on whom 1 could not rely ; and I had understood that there were amon g th em some who were(disposed to cowardice^ .\ and anxious to retur n : they had but to come forward at onc^, and state their desire, and they would be discharged, with the amount due to them for the time they had served." To their honor be it said, there was but one among them who had the face to come forward and avail himself of the permission. I asked him some few questions, in order to expose him to the ridicule of the men, and let him go. The day after our de parture, he engaged himself to one of the forts, and set off with a party to the Upper Missouri. I did not think that the situa- tion of the country justified me in taking our young compan- ions, Messrs. Brant and Benton, along with us. In case of misfortune, it would have been thought, at the least, an act of great imprudence ; and therefore, though reluctantly, I deter- mined to leave them. Randolph had been the life of the camp, and the "petit garcon" was much regretted by the men, to whom his buoyant spirits had afforded great amusement. They all, however, agreed in the propriety of leaving him at 62 CAPT. Fremont's karrative. [July, the fort, because, as they said,Qie might cost the lives of some of the men in a fight with the Indians') 2 1 St. — A portion of our baggage, with our field-notes and observations, and several instruments, were left at the fort. One of the gentlemen, Mr. Galpin, took charge of a barometer, which he engaged to observe during my absence ; and I in trusted to Randolph, by way of occupation, the regular wind ing up of two of my chronometers, which were among the in. struments left. Our observations showed that the chronometer which I retained for the continuation of our voyage had pre- served its rate in a most satisfactory manner. As deduced from it, the longitude of Fort Laramie is 7^ 01' 2V% and from lunar distance 7''0l'29''; giving for the adopted longitude 104° 47' 43". Comparing the barometrical observations made during our stay here, with those of Dr. G. Engleman at St Louis, we find for the elevation of the fort above the Gulf of Mexico 4,470 feet. The winter climate here is remarkably mild for the latitude ; but rainy weather is frequent, and the place is celebrated for winds, of which the prevailing one is the west. An east wind in s'lmmer, and a south wind in winter, are said to be always accompanied with rain. We wore ready to depart ; the tents were struck, the mules geared up, and our horses saddled, and we walked up to the fort to take \.\iQ(stirrup cup) with our friends i n an_excfcllent home-brew ed preparation. While thus pleasantly engaged, seated in one of the little cool chambers, at the door of whic'. a man had been stationed to prevent all intrusion from the In dians, a number of chiefs, several of them powerful, fine-lookini men, forced their way into the room in spite of all opposition. Handing me the following letter, they took their seats in si- lence : — " Fort Platte, Juillet 21, 1842. " Mr. Fremont : — Les chefs s'^tant assembles preseutement me diseiit de vous avertir de ne point vous mettre en route, avant que le parti de jeunes gens, qui est en dehors, soient de retour. De plus, ils me disent qu'ils 60Dt Irfes-certains qu'ils feroiii feu i la premifere rencontre. lis doivent 6tre de retonr dans sept a. huit jours. Excusez si je vous fais ces observaticns, mais ij me semble qu'il est moa devoir de vous avertir du danger. M^me 1642.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 08 Ae plus, le9 chefs sont les porteurs de ce billet, qui vous defendent de partir avant le retour des guerriere. " Je suis voire ob^iseant serviteur, "JOSEPH BISSONETTE, " Par L. B. CHARTRAIN. " Les noms de quelques chefs. — Le Chapeau de Loutre, le Casseur dft filches, la Nuit Noir la Queue de Boeuf." [Translation.] " Fort Platte, July 21, 1842. " Mr. Fremont: — The chiefs having assembled in council, have just told me to warn y ou not to set out before the party of young men which is now out shall have returne d. Furthermore, they tell me that tliey are very sure they will fire upon you as soon as fliey meet you. They are expected back 'n seven or eight days. Excuse me for making these observations, but it seems my duty to warn you of danger. Moreover, the chiefs who prohibit your setting out before the return of the warriors are the bearers of this note " I am your obedient servant, "JOSEPH BISSONETTE, "By L. B. CHARTRAIN. " Names of scjne of the chiefs. — The Otter Hat, the Breaker of Arrows, the Black Night, the Bull's Tail." After reading this, I mentioned its purport to my compan- ions ; and, seeing that all were fully possessed of its contents, one of the Indians rose up, and, having first shaken hands with me, spoke as follows : ; i.:( ....'-. >- ; T- • ■ . • . '''' " You have come among us at a bad time. Some of our people have been killed, and our young men, who are gone to the mountains, are eager to avenge the blood of their relations, which has been shed by the whites. Our young men are bad, and, if they meet you, they will believe that you are carrying goods and ammunition to their enemies, and will fire upon you. You have told us that this will make war. We know that our great father has many soldiers and bisr fl[uns, and we are anxious to have our live s. We love th e whites, and are desirous of peace. Thinking of all these things, we have de- termined to keep you here until our warriors return. We are glad to see you among us. Our father is rich, and we expect- ed that you would have brought presents to us — horses, guns, 64 GAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Jttlt, and blankets. But we are glad to see you. We look upon vour coming as the light which goes before the su n : fo r you will tell _our_gre at father t hat ypu ha ve seen us,jind that we _^re naked and jioor, and hay.ejiothing to eat j and he will sen d us all these th ings." He was followed by others to the same effect. The observations of the savage appeared reasonable ; but I was aware that they had in view only the present object of de- taining me, and were unwilling I should go further into the country. In reply, I asked them, through the interpretation of Mr. Boudeau, to select two or three of their number to ac- company us until we should meet their people — they should spread their robes in my tent, and eat at my table, and on their return I would give them presents in reward of their services. They declined, saying, that there were no young men letl in the village, and that they were too old to travel so many days on hor.seback, and preferred now to smoke their pipes in the ~ lodge, and let the warriors go on the war-path. Besides, they had no power over the young men, and were afraid to interfere with them. In my turn I addressed them. "You say that you love the, whites j why have you killed so._many already this spring ? You say that you love the whites, and arc full of many expressions of friendship to us ; but you are not willing to undergo the fatigue of a few days' ride to save our lives. We do not believe what you have said, and will not listen to you. Whatever a chief among uj tells his soldiers to do, is done. We are the soldiers of tha great chief, your father. He has told us to come here and see this country, and all the Indians, his children. Why should we not go ? Before we came, we heard that you had killed his people, and ceased to be his children ; but we came among you peaceably, holding out our hands. Now we find that the stories we heard are not lies, and that you are no longer his friends and children. We have thrown away our bodies, and will not turn back. When you told us that your young men would kill us, you did not know that our hearts were strong, and you did not see the rifles which my young men carry in their hands. We are few, and you are many, and may kill 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 65 us all; but there will be muc h c rying in your villageSj_ for many of yo ur young men will stay behi nd, and forget _to_re- turn with your warrio rs from the moun tains. Do yo u think tha t our great chief will let his soldiers d ie, and forgot tqsiDYST Xlieir ^raves_? Before the snows melt again, his warriors will sH'e.ep away your villages as the fire does the prairie in the autumn.. See ! I have pulled down my white houses, and my people are ready : when the sun is ten paces higher, we shall be on the march. If you have any thing to tell us, you will say it soon." I broke up the conference, as I could do nothing with these people ; and,(_being resolved to proceed^ nothing was to be gained by delay. Accompanied by our hospitable friends, we returned to the camp. We had mounted our horses, and our parting salutations had been exchanged, when one of the chiefs (the Bull's Tail) arrived to tell me that they had determined to send a young man with us ; and if I would point out the place of our evening camp, he should join us there. " The young man is poor," said he ; " he has no horse, and expects you to give him one." I described to him the place where I intended to encamp, and, shaking hands, in a ^-^w minutes we were among the hills, and this last habitation of whites shut out from our view. The road led over an interesting plateau between the North fork of the Platte on the right, and Laramie river on the left. At the distance of ten miles from the fort, we entered the sandy bed of a creek, a kind of defile, shaded by precipitoiis rocks, down which we wound our way for several hundred yards, to a place where, on the left bank, 'a very large spring gushes with considerable noise and force out of the limestone rock. It is called the " Warm Spring," and furnishes to the hitherto dry bed of the creek a considerable rivulet. On the opposite side, a little below the spring, is a lofty limestone escarpment, partially shaded by a grove of large trees, (whose greenjbliag^ej in con- Uust with Jhe whiteness of the rock, I'enders this a picturesque localit y/ The rock is fossiliferous, and, so far as I was able to determine the character of the fossils, belongs to the carbonif- erous limestone of the Missouri river, and is probably the west- 66 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July, em limit of that formation. Beyond this point I met with no fossils of any description. I was desirous to visit the Platte near the point where it leaves the Black hills, and tfierefore followed this stream, for two or three miles, to its mouth, where I encamped on a spot which afforded good grass and frele (equisefum) for our ani- mals. Our tents having been found too thin to protect our- selves and the instruments from the rains, which in this ele- vated country are attended with cold and unpleasant weather. I had procured from the Indians at Laramie a tolerably large lodge, about eighteen feet in diameter, and twenty feet in height. Such a lodge, when j^roperly pitched, is, from its conical form, almost perfectly secure against the violent winds which are frequent in this region, and, with a fire in the centre, is a dry and warm shelter in bad weather. By raising the lower part, so as to permit the breeze to pass freely, it is con- verted into a pleasant summer residence, with the extraordina- ry advantage of being entirely free from musquitoes, one of which I never saw in an Indian lodge. While we were en- gaged very unskilfully in erecting this, the interpreter, Mr. Bissonette, arrived, accompanied by the Indian and his wife. She la.ughed at our awkwardness, and offered he r assistanc e, of whic h we were .frequently afterwards obliged to avail o ur selv es, before the men acquired sufficient expertness to pitcli it without difficulty. From this place we had a fine view of the gorge where the Platte issues from the Black hills, changing its character abruptly from a mountain stream into a river of the plains. Immediately around us the valley of the stream was tolerably open ; and at the distance of a few miles, where the river had cut its way through the hills, was the narrow- cleft, on one side of which a lofty precipice of bright red rock rose vertically above the low hills which lay between us. -^22d. — In the morning, while breakfast was being prepared, I visited this place with my favorite man, Basil Lajeunesse. Entering so far as there was footing for the mules, we dis- mounted, and, tying our animals, continued our way on foot. Like the whole country, the scenery of the river had under- gone an entire change, and was in this place the most i aautiful 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 67 I have ever seen. The breadth of the stream, generally near that of its valley, was from two to three hundred feet, with a swift current, occasionally broken by rapids, and the water perfectly clear. On either side rose the red precipices, and sometimes overhanging, two and four hundred feet in height, crowned with green summits, on which were scattered a few pines. At the foot of the rocks was the usual detritus, formed of masses fallen from above. Among the pines that grew here, and on the occasional banks, were the cherry, (cerasus vir- giniana,) currants, and grains de boeuf, [shcpherdia argentea.) Viewed in the sunshine of a pleasant morning. (thc scenery was of a most striking and romantic beauty, which arose from *- t he picturesque disposition of the objectSj and th e vivid con- trast of colors^ 1 thought with much pleasui'e of our approach- ing descent in the canoe through such interesting places ; and, in the expectation of being able at that time to give to them a full examination, did not now dwell so much as might have been desirable upon the geological formations along the line of the river, where they are developed with great clearness. The upper portion of the red strata consists of very compact clay, in which are occasionally seen imbedded large pebbles. Be- low was a stratum of compact ret! sandstone, changing a little above the river into a very hard silicious limestone. There is a small but handsome open prairie immediately below this place, on the left bank of the river, which would be a good locality for a military post. There are some open groves of Cottonwood on the Platte. The small stream which comes in at this place is well timbered with pine, and good building roct is abundant. T'lf it is in contemplation to keep open the communicatioii\ with Oregon territory, a sho^y of military force in this country is absolutely necessar y ; and a combination of advantages ren- ders tile neighborhood of Fort Laramie the most suitable place, on the line of the Platte, for the establishment of a military post. It is connected with the mouth of the Platte and the Upper Missouri by excellent roads, which are in frequent use, and would not injinX-^^y interfere with the range of the buf. falo, on which the neighboring Indians mainly depend for sup- port. It would render any posts on the Lower Platte unneces^ 68 CAPT. Fremont's narrative,. [July, sary ; the ordinary communication between it and the Missouri being sufficient to control the intermediate Indians. It would operate eirectu ally to prevent any suc h co alitio ns as are Jiow form ed among the Oros Ventres, Sioux, Cheyennes^ and other Indians, and ^TOuld keep the Oregon road through the valley of the Sweet Water and the South Pass of the mountains con* St ant] y_ open .J It lies at the foot of a broken and mountainous region, along which, by the establishment of small posts in the neighborhood of St. Vrain's fort, on the South fork of the Platte, and Bent's fort, on the Arkansas, a line of communica- tion vvould be formed, by jrpod wagon-roads, with our southern niiUt'ijy.iJOstSj which would^ entirely command the jnountain passes, lio ld s ome of the most trou bleso me tribes i n chock, and protect and facilitate our intercourse with the neigh boring Spanish set tlements. T he valleys of the riv ers on which they would be situated are fert|le^£_ the country, which supports immense herds of bullHlo, is admirably adapted to grazing; and herds of cattle might be maintained by the posts, or obtained from the Spanish country, which already supplies a portion of . their provisions to the trading posts mentioned above. Just as we were leaving the camp this morning, our Indian came up, and stated his intention of not proceeding any further until he had seen the horse which I intended to give him. I felt strongly tempted to drive him out of the camp ; but his pres- ence appeared to give confidence to my men, and the interpreter thought it absolutely necessary. I was therefore obliged to do what he requested, and pointed out the animal, with which he .seemed satisfied, and we continued our journey. I had ima- gined that Mr. Bissonette's long residence had made him ac- quainted with the country ; and, according to his advice, pro- ceeded directly forward, without attempting to gain the usual road. He afterwards informed me that he had rarely ever lost sight of the fort ; but the effect of the mistake was to involve us for a day or two among the hills, where, although we lost no time, we encountered an exceedingly rough road. To the south, along our line of march to-day, the main chain of the Black or Laramie hills rises precipitously. Time did not permit me to visit them ; but, from comparative in forma- 1642.] CAPT. Fremont's narkative. 69 tion, the ridge is composed of the coarse sandstone or conglom- erate hereafter described. It appears to enter the region of clouds, which are arrested in their course, and lie in masses along the summits. An inverted cone of black cloud (cumu- us) rested during all the forenoon on the lofty peak of Lara- mie mountain, which I estimated to be about two thousand feet above the fort, or six thousand five hundred above the sea. We halted to noon on the Fourche Amere, so called from being timbered principally with the Hard amere, (a species of poplar,) with which the valley of the little stream IS tolerably well wooded, and which, with large expansive summits, grows to the height of sixty or seventy feet. The bed of the creek is sand and gravel, the water dispersed over the broad bed in several shallow streams. We found here, on the right bank, in the shade of the trees, a fine spring of very cold \frater. ^It will be remarked that I do not men- tion, in this portion of the journey, the temperature of the air, sand, springs, &c. — an omission which will be explained in the course of the narrative^ In my search for plants, I was well rewarded at this place. With the change in the geological formation on leaving Fort Laramie, the whole face of the country has entirely altered its appearance. Eastward of that meridian, the principal objects which strike the eye of a traveler are the absence of timber, and the immense expanse of prairie, covered with the verd ure of r ic h grasses, and _highlyjidaptedjror pasturage/] Wherever they are not disturb ed by t he vicinity of man , large h erds of Fuffalo g;ve animation to this country. Westward of Laramie river, the region is sandy, and apparently sterile ; and the place of the grass is usurped by the artcmisia and other odoi'if- erous plants, to whose growth the sandy soil and dry air of this elevated recrion seem hig-hlv favorable. One of the prominent characteristics in the face of the coun- try is the extraordinary abundance of the artemisias. They grow everywhere — on the hills, and over the river bottoms, in tough, twisted, wiry clumps ; and, wherever the beaten track was left, they rendered the progress of the carts rough and slow. As the country increased in elevation on our ad- 70 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July, vance to the west, they increased in size ; and the whole air is strongly impregnated and saturated with the odor of cam- phor and spirits of turpentine which belongs to this plant. / This clhna_te has been found very favorable to the restoration of jiealthj particularly in cases of consjijTiption ; and possibly the respiration of air so highly impregnated with aromatic plants m a y ha ve some influence. Our dried meat had given out, and we began to be in want of food ; but one of the hunters killed an antelope this even- ing, which afforded some relief, although it did not go far among so many hungry men. At eight o'clock at night, after a march of twenty-seven miles, we reached our proposed en- campment on the Fer-a-Cheval, or Horse-shoe creek. Here we found good grass, with a great quantity of prele, which fur- nished good food for our tired animals. This creek is well timbered, principally with Hard amere, and, with the exception of Deer creek, which we had not yet reached, is the largest af- fluent of the right bank between Laramie and the mouth of the Sweet Water. •23d. — The present year had been one of unparalleled drought, and throughout the country the water had been almost dried up. By availing themselves of the annual rise, the traders had invariably succeeded in carrying their furs to the Mis- souri ; but this season, as has already been mentioned, on both forks of the Platte they had entirely failed. The greater num- ber of the springs, and many of the streams, which made halt- ing places for the voyageurs, had been dried up. Everywhere the soil looked parched and burnt, the scanty yellow grass crisped under the foot, and even the hardest plants were de- stroyed by want of moisture. I think it necessary to mention this fact, because to the rapid evaporation in such an elevated region, nearly five thousand feet above the sea, almost wholly unprotected by timber, should be attributed much of the sterile appearance of the country, in the destruction of vegetation, and the numerous saline efilorescences which covered the ground. Such I afterwards found to be the case. I was informed that the roving villages of Indians and trav- elers had never met with difficulty in finding abundance of 1842 ] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 71 grass for their horses ; and^ now it was after great search that we w ere able to find a scanty patch of ^rass sufficient to keep them from sinking ; and in the course of a day or two they began to suffer very much. We found none to-day at noon ; and, in the course of our search on the Platte, came to a grove of Cottonwood, where some Indian village had recently en- camped. Boughs of the cotton wood yet green covered the ground, which the Indians had cut down to feed their horses upon. It is only in the winter that recourse is had to this means of sustaining them ; and their resort to it at this time was a striking evidence^of the state of the country. We followed their example, and turned our horses into a grove of young poplars. This began to present itself as a very serious evil, /for on our animals depended altogether the further prosecution of our journey^ Shortly after we had left this place, the scouts came gallop- ing in with the alarm of Indians. We turned in immediately towards the river, which here had a steep, high bank, where we formed with the carts a very close barricade, resting on the river, within which the animals were strongly hobbled and picketed. The guns were discharged and reloaded, and men thrown forward under cover of the bank, in the direction by which the Indians were expected. Our interpreter, who, with the Indian, had gone to meet them, came in, in about ten min- utes, accompanied by two Sioux. They looked sulky, and we could obtain from them only some confused information. We learned that they belonged to the party which had been on the trail of the emigrants, whom they had overtaken at Rock Independence, on the Sweet Water. Here the party had dis- agreed, and came nigh fighting among themselves. One portion were desirous of attacking the whites, but the others were op- posed to it ; and finally they had broken up into small bands, and dispersed over the country. The greatest portion of them had gone over into the territory of the Crows, and intended to re- turn by way of the Wind River valley, in the hope of being able to fall upon some small parties of Crow Indians. The remainder were returning down the Platte, in scattered par- lies of ten and twenty ; and those whom we had encountered 72 CAPT. Fremont's naekative. [July, belonged to those who had advocated an attack on the emi- grants. Several of the men suggested shooting them ou the spot ; but I promptly discountenanced any such proceeding. They further informed me that' buffalo were, very scarce, and little or no grass to be found. There ^had been no rain, an d innumerable quantities of grasshoppers had destroyed the grass. The insects had been so numerous since leaving Fort Laramie, that the ground seemed alive with them; and in walking, a little moving cloud preceded our footsteps. This was bad news. jN^o grass, no buffa lo — food for neither horse nor man. I gave them some plugs of tobacco, and they went off, apparently well satisfied to be clear of us ; for my men did not look upon them very lovingly, and they glanced suspi- ciously at our warlike preparations, and the little ring of rifles which surrounded them. They were evidently in a bad hu- mor, and shot one of their horses when they had left us a short distance. We continued our march, and after a journey of about twenty-one miles, encamped on the Platte. During the day, I had occasionally remarked among the hills the psoralea escu- lenta, the bread root of the Indians. The Sioux use this root very extensively, and I have frequently met with it among them, cut into thin slices and dried. In the course of the evening we were visited by six Indians, who told us that a large party was encamped a few miles above. Astronomical obser. vations placed us in longitude 104° 59' 59'', and latitude 42° 29' 25". We made the next day twenty-two miles, and encamped on the right bank of the Platte, where a handsome meadow afford- ed tolerably good grass. There were the rennains of an old fort here, thrown up in some sudden emergency, and on the opposite side was a picturesque bluff of ferruginous sandstone. There was a handsome grove a little above, and scattered groups of trees bordered the river. Buffalo made their ap- pearance this afternoon, and the hunters came in, shortly after we had encamped, with three fine cows. The night was fine, and observations gave for the latitude of the camp, 42° 47' 40". 25th. — We made but thirteen miles this day, and encamped 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 78 about noon in a pleasant grove on the right bank. Low scaf- folds were erected, upon which the meat was laid, cut up into thin strips, and small fires kindled below. Our object was to profit by the vicinity of the buffalo, to lay in a stock of provi- sions for ten or fifteen days. In the course of the afternoon uie hunters brought in five or six cows, and all hands were kept busily employed in preparing the meat, to the drying of which the guard attended during the night. l^ULfie^P^^ had fecove red their gayety^^ain d the_ busx figures_^arpund the bla- z ing fires g ave a picturesque air to the camp. A very serious accident .occurred this morning,( in the breaking of one of the barometers) These had been the object of my constant solici- tude, and, as I had intended them principally for mountain service, I had used them as seldom as possible, taking them always down at night, and on the occurrence of storms, in or- der to lessen the chances of being broken. I was reduced to one, a standard barometer of Troughton's construction. This I determined to preserve, if possible. The latitude is 42° 51' 35^', and by a mean of the results from chronometer and lunar distances, the adopted longitude of this camp is 105° 50' 45^'. 26th.— Early this morning we were again in motion. We had a stc^k of provisions for fifteen days carefully stored away in the carts, and this I resolved should only be encroached upon when our rifles should fail to procure us present support. I determined to reach the mountains, if it were in any way possible. In the mean lime, buffalo were plenty. In six miles from our encampment (which, by way of distinction, we ihall call Dried Meat camp) we crossed a handsome stream, called La Fourche Boisce. It is well timbered, and, among the flowers in bloom on its banks, I remarked several asters. Five miles further, we made our noon halt on the banks of the P'atte, in the shade of some cotton woods. There were here, as generally now along the river, thickets of hippophce, the grail s de boeuf of the country. They were of two kinds — one bearing a red berry, (the shepherdia argentea of Nuttall ;) the other a yellow berry, of which the Tartars are said to make a kind of rob. 4 74 cAPT. Fremont's narhative. [July, By a meridian observation, the latitude of the place was 42<^ 50^ 08'''. It was my daily practice to take observations of the sun's meridian altitude ;(jind why they are not given, will ap- pear in the sequel^ Eight miles further we reached the moutli of Deer creek, where we encamped. Here was arunoanee of rich grass, and our animals were compensated foi past pri- vations. This stream was at this time twenty feet broad, and well timbered with Cottonwood of an uncommon size. It is the largest tributary of the Platte, between the mouth of the Sweet Water and the Laramie. Our astronomical observations gave for the mouth of the stream a longitude of 106° 08*' 24^', and latitude 42° 52' 24'^ 27th. — Nothing worthy of mention occurred on this day ; we traveled later than usual, having spent some time searching for grass, crossing and recrossing the river before we could find a sufficient quantity for our animals. Towards dusk we en- camped among some artemisia bushes, two and three feet in height, where some scattered patches of short tough grass af- forded a scanty supply. In crossing, we had occasioH to ob- serve that the river was frequently too deep to be forded, though we always succeeded in finding a place where the wa- ter did lot enter the carts. The stream continued very clear, with two or three hundred feet breadth of water, and the sandy bed and banks were frequently covered with large round peb- bles. We had traveled this day twenty-seven miles. The main chain of the Black hills was here only about seven miles to the south, on the right bank of the river, rising abruptly to the height of eight and twelve hundred feet. Patches of green grass in the ravines on the steep sides marked the presence of springs, and the summits were clad with pines. 28th. — In two miles from our encampment, we reached the place where the regular road crosses the Platte. There was two hundred feet breadth of water at this time in the bed, which' has a variable width of eight to fifteen hundred feet. The channels were generally three feet deep, and there were large angular rocks on the bottom, which made the ford in some places a little difficult. Even at its low stages, tJiis river cannot be crossed at random, and this has always been used 1842.] CAPT. FREMONT'S JNARKATIVE. 75 as the best ford. The low stage of the water the present year had made it fordable in almost any part of its course, where access could be had to its bed. I ( For the satisfaction of travelers,\[ will endeavor to give some desc ription of th e nat ure of the roa d from Laramie to this point ." The nature of the soil may be inferred from its geo-" logical formation. The limestone at the eastern limit of this section is succeeded by limestone without fossils, a great va- riety of sandstone, consisting principally of red sandstone and fj' e conglomerates. The red sand- ne is argillaceous, with .->mpact white gypsum or alabaster, very beautiful. The jther sandstones are gray, yellow, and ferruginous, sometimes very coarse. (The apparent sterility of the country must inerefore be sought for in other causes than the nature of the soil.^ The face of the country cannot with propriety be called hilly. It is a succession of long ridges, made by the nu- 5 erous streams which come down from the neighboring iiiouniam range. The ridges have an undulating surface, ts ith some such appearance I as the ocean presents in an ordi- nary b recz^. The road which is now generally followed through this re- •T'on is therefore a very good one, without any difficult ascent^i .o overcome. The principal obstructions are near the river, where the transient waters of heavy rains have made deep ra- vines with steep banks, which renders frequent circuits neces- sary. It will be remembered that wagons pass this road only once or twice a year, which is by no means sufficient to break down the stubborn roots of the innumerable artemisia bushes. A partial absence of these is often the only indication of the track ; and the roughness produced by their roots in many places gives the road the character of one newly opened in a wooded country. This is usually considered the worst part of the road east of the mountains ; and, as it passes through an open prairie region, may be much improved, so as to avoid the greater part of the inequalities it now presents. From the mouth of the Kansas to the Green River valley, west of the mountains, there is no such thing as a mountain road on the line of communication. 7B CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [July We continued our way, and four miles beyond the ford In dians were discovered again ; and I halted while a party war sent forward to ascertain who th^y were. In a short time ths'v ■returned, accompanied by a number of Indians of the Oglallafc band of Sioux. From them we received some interesting in- formation. They had formed part of the great village, which they informed us had broken up, and was on its way home. The greater part of the village, including the Arapahoes, Cheyennes, and Oglallahs, had crossed the Platte eight or ten miles below the mouth of the Sweet Water, and were now be- hind the mountains to the south of us, intending to regain the Platte by way of Deer creek. They had taken this unusual route in search of grass and game. They gave us a very disc ouraging picture of the country. The great drought, and the plague of grasshoppers, had swept it so that scarce a blade of grass was to be seen, and there was not a buffalo to be found in the whole region. Their people, they further said, had been nearly starved to death, and we would find their road marked by lodges, which they had thrown away in order to move more rapidly, and by the carcasses of the horses which they had eaten, or which had perished by starvation. T Such w^the^prospectbefqre us.) When he had finished the interpretation of these things, Mr. Bissonette immediately rode up to me, and urgently advised ^thal I should entirely abandon the further prosecution of my exploration? ) " Le meilleure avis que je ponrrais vous donner c'est de virer de suite.'' " The best advice I can give you, is to turn back at once." It was his own intention to return, as we had now reached the point to which he had engaged to at- tend me. In reply, I called up my men, and communicated to them fully the information I had just received. I then ex- pressed to t hem my fixed determination to proceed to the end of the enterprise on which I had been sent ; but as the situa- tion of the country gave me some reason to apprehend that it might be attended with an unfortunate result to some of us, I would leave it o ptiona l with them to continue with me or to return. Among them were some five or six who I knew would re- Iu42.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 77 main. We had still ten days' provisions ; and should no game be found, when this stock was expended,<^e had our horses and mules, which we could eat when other means of subsist- ence failed. But not a man flinched fr om the undertakinsO " We'll eat the mules," said Basil Lajeunesse ; and thereupon we shook hands with our interpreter and his Indians, and parted. With them I sent back one of my men, Dumes, whom the effects of an old wound in the leg rendered incapable of continuing the journey on foot, and his horse seemed on the point of giving out. Having resolved to disencumber ourselves immediately of every thing not absolutely necessary to our fu- 'ure operations, I turned directly in towards the river, and encamped on the left bank, a little above the place where our r,ouncil had been held, and where a thick grove of willows offered a suitable spot for the object I had in view. The carts having been dis^charged, the covers and wheels were taken off, and, with the frames, carried into some low places, among the willows, and concealed in the dense foliage in such a manner that the glitter of the iron- work might not attract the observation of some straggling Indian. In the sand, which had been blown up ^nto waves among the willows,^ large hole was then dug, ten feet square and six feet deep. In the mean time, all our effects had been spread out upon the ground, and whatever was designed to be carried along with us separated and laid aside, and the remaining part carried to the hole and carefully covered up. As much as possible, all traces of our proceedings were obliterated, and it wanted but a rain to ren- der our cadie safe beyond discovery. All the men were now set at work to arrange the pack-saddles and make up the packs. The day was very warm and calm, and the sky entirely clear, except where, as usual along the summits of the moun- tainous ridge opposite, the clouds had congregated in masses. Our lodge had been planted, and, on account of the heat, the ground-pins had been taken out, and the lower part slightly raised. Near to it was standing the barometer, which swung in a tripod frame ; and within the lodge, where a small fire had been built, Mr. Preuss was occunied in ob«prv'j:i 78 CAP7. Fremont's narrative. [Jult temperature of boiling water. At this instant, and without any warning until it was within fifty yards, a violent gust of wind dashed down the lodge, burying under it Mr. Preuss and about a dozen men, who had attempted to keep it from being carried away. I succeeded in saving the barometer, which the lodge was carrying off with itself, but<^the thermometer was broke^ We had no others of a high graduation, none o*" those which remained going higher than 135° Fahrenheit. Our astronomical observations gave to this place, which we named Cache camp, a longitude of lOG^^ 38' 26''^ 'latitude 42° 50^ 53^^ 29th. — -All our arrangements having been completed, we left the encampment at 7 o'clock this morning. In this vi- cinity the ordinary road leaves the Platte, and crosses over to the Sweet Water river, which it strikeo near Rock Indepen- d< nee. Instead of following this road, I had determined to keep the immediate valley of the Platte so far as the mouth of the Sweet Water, in the expectation of finding better grass. To this I was further prompted by the nature of my instruc- tions. To Mr. Carson was assigned the office of guide, as we had now reached a part of the country with which, or a great part of which, long residence had made him familiar. In a few miles we reached the Red Buttes, a famous land- mark in this country, whose geological composition is red sand- stone, limestone, and calcareous sandstone and pudding-stone. The river here cuts its way through a ridge ; on the easterr, side of it are the lofty escarpments of red argrillaceous sand stone, which are called the Red Buttes. In this passage tht stream is not much compressed or pent up, there being a bank of considerable though variable breadth on either side. Im- mediately on entering, we discovered a band of buffalo. The hunters failed to kill any of them ; the leading hunter being thrown into a ravine, which occasioned some delay, and in the mean time the herd clambered up the steep face of the ridge ^i is sometimes wonderful to see these apparently clumsy ani- mals makethgir way upand down the, most broken precipices.) We halted to noon before we had cleared this passage, at a spot twelve miles distant from C^fh^ camp, where we fo"nd 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 79 an abundance of grags. So fa^^fthe account of the Indians was found to be false^ On the banks were willow and cherry trees. The cherries were not yet ripe, but in the thickets were numerous fresh tracks of the grizzly bear, which are very fond of this fruit. The soil here is red, the composition being derived from the red sandstone. About seven miles brought us through the ridge, in which the course of the river is north and south- Here the valley opens out broadly, and high walls of the red formation present themselves among the hills to the east. We crossed here a pretty little creek, an affluent of the right bank. It is well timljered with cotton - wood in this vicinity, and the absinthe has lost its shrub-like character, and becomes small trees six and eight feet in height, ^ 3d sometimes eight inches in diameter. Two or three miles above this creek we made our encampment, havipg traveled to-day iwenty-five milas. Our animals fared well hei'e, as there is an abundance of grass. The river bed is made up of pebbles, and in the bank, at the level of the water, is a conglomerate of coarse pebbles, about the size of ostrich eggs, and which I remarked in the banks of the Laramie fork. It is overlaid by a soil of mixed clay and sand, six feet thick. By astronomical observations, our position is in longitude 106° 54" 32"", and latitude 42° 38". 30th. — After traveling about twelve miles this morning, we reached a place where the Tndian village had crossed the river. Here were the poles of discarded lodges and skeletons of horses lying about. Mr. Carson, who had never been higher up than this point on the river, which has the character of be- ing exceedingly rugged, and walled in by precipices above, thought it advisable to encamp near this place, where we were certain of obtaining grass, and to-morrow make our crossing among the rugged hills to the Sweet Water river. According- ly we turned back and descended the river to an island near by, which was about twenty acres in size, covered with a juxuriant growth of grass. The formation hfere I found highly interesting. Immediately at this island the river is again shut up in the rugged hills, which come down to it from the main ridge in a succession of spurs three or four hundred feet high, 60 JAi'T. 1-kkmoiNt's narrative. [July and alternated with green level prairillons or meadows, bordered on the river banks with thickets of willow, and having many plants to interest the traveler. The island lies between two of these ridges, three or four hundred yards apart, of which that on the right bank is composed entirely of red argillaceous sandstone, with thin layers of fibrous gypsum. On the left bank, the ridge is composed entirely of silicious pudding-stone, the pebbles in the numerous strata increasing in size from the top to the bottom, where they are as large as a man's head. So far as I was able to determine, these strata incline to the northeast, with a dip of about 15°. This pudding-stone, or conglomerate formation, I was enabled to trace through an ex- tended range of country, from a few miles east of the meridian of Fort Laramie to where I found it superposed on the granite of the Rocky mountains, in longitude 109° 00^. From its ap- pearance, the main chain of the Laramie mountain is composed of this rock ; and in a number of places I found isolated hills, which served to mark a former level which had been probablv swept away. These conglomerates are very friable, and easily decom- posed ; and I am inclined to think this formation is the source from which was derived the great deposite of sand and gravel which forms the surface rock of the prairie country west of the Mississippi. Crossing the ridge of red sandstone, and traversing the little prairie which lies to the southward of it, we made in the after- noon an excursion to a place which we called the Hot Spring Gate. This place has much the ^appearance of a gate) by which the Platte passes through a ridge composed of a white and calcareous sandstone. The length of the passage is about four hundred yards, with a smooth green prairie on either side. Through this place, the stream flows with a quiet cur- rent, unbroken by any rapid, and is about seventy yards wide between the walls, which rise perpendicularly from ihe water. To that on the right bank, which is the lower, the barometer gave a height of three hundred and sixty feet. This place will be more particularly described hereafter, as we passed through it on our return 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 81 We saw here numerous herds of mountain sheep, and fre- quently heard the volley of rattling stones which accompanied their rapid descent down the steep hills. This was the first place at which we had killed any of these animals ; and, in consequence of this circumstance, and of the abundance of these sheep or goats, (for they are called by each name,) we gave our encampment the name of Goat Island. Their flesh is much esteemed by the hunters, and has very much the flavor of Alleghany mountain sheep. I have frequently seen the horns of this animal three feet long and seventeen inches in circumference at the base, weighing eleven pounds. But two or three of these were killed by our party at this place, and of these the horns were small. The use of these horns seems to be to protect the animal's head in pitching down pre- cipices to avoid pursuing wolves — their only safety being in places where they cannot be followed. The bones are very strong and solid, the marrow occupying but a very small por- tion of the bone in the leg, about the thickness of a rye straw. The hair is short, resembling the winter color of our common deer, which it nearly approaches in size and appearance. Ex- cept in the horns, it has no resemblance whatever to the goat. The longitude of this place, resulting from chronometer and lunar distances, and an occultation of Arietis, is 107° 13^ 29''', and the latitude 42° 33^ 2T'. One of our horses, which had given out, we left to receive strength on the island, intending to take her, perhaps, on our return. 31st. — This morning we left the course of the Platte, to, cross over to the Sweet Water. Our way, for a ^ew miles, lay up the sandy bed of a dry creek, in which I found several interesting plants. Leaving this, we wended our way to the summit of the hills, of which the peaks are here eight hundred feet above the Platte, bare and rocky. A long and gradual slope led from these hills to the Sweet Water, which we reached in fifteen miles from Goat Island. T mad*^ ^i. eany encamp- ment here, in order to give the hunters an opportunity to procure a supply from several bands of buffalo, which made their ap- pearance in the valley near by. The stream is about sixty 4* 82 cAPT. frehoxt's narrative. fJULV, feel wide, and at this time twelve to eighteen inches deep, with a very moderate current. The adjoining prairies are sandy, but the immediate rivei bottom is a good soil, which nfforded an abundance of soft green grass to our horses, and w here I found a variety of in- teresting plants, which made their appearance for the firs' time. A rain to-night made it unpleasantly cold ; and there was no tree here, to enable us to pitch our single tent, the poles of which had been left at our Cache camp. We had, therefore, no shelter except what was to be found under cover of the ahsinthe bushes, which grew in man}' thick patches, one or t'vo and sometimes three feet high. AUGUST. ist. — The hunters went ahead this morning, as buffalo ap- peared tolerably abundant, and I was desirous to secure a small stock of provisions; and we moved about seven miles up the valley, and encamped one mile below Rock Indepen- dence. This is an isolated granite rock, about six hundrei/ and fifty yards long, and forty in height. ^Except in a depres sion of the summit, where a little soil supports a scanty growth of shrubs, with a solitary dwarf pine, it is entirely bare. Evevvwhere wuhin six or eight feet of the ground, where the surface is suli'ioiently smooth, and in some places sixty or eighty feet above, the rock is inscribed with the names of traveV-^'s. M; 'U' a name famous in the history of this country, and Some well known to science, are to be found mixed among those ol" the traders and travelers for pleasure and curiosity, and of missionaries among the savages. Some of these have been washed awav by the rain, but the greater number are still very legible. Tne position of this rock is in longitude 107° 36', latitude 42° 29' Se''. We remamed at our eamp of August 1st until noon of the next day, occupied in drying meat. By observation, the longitude of the place is 107° 25' 23", latitude 42° 29' 56". 1842.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 88 2d. — Five miles above Rock Independence we came to a place called the Devil's Gate, where the Sweet Water cuts through the point of a granite ridge. The length of the pas- sage is about three hundred yards, and the width thirty-five yards. The walls of rock are vertical, and about four hundred feet in height ; and the stream in the gate is almost entirely choked up by masses which have fallen from above. In the wall, on the right bank, is a dike of trap-rock, cutting through a fine-grained gray granite. Near the point of this ridge crop out some strata of the valley formation, consisting of a grayish micaceous sandstone, and fine-grained conglomerate, and marl. We encamped eight miles above the Devil's Gate. There was no timber of any kind on the river, but good fires were made of drift wood, aided by the hois de vache. We had to-night no shelter from the rain, which commenced with squalls of wind about sunset. The country here is ex- ceedingly picturesque. On either side of the valley, which is five miles broad, the mountains rise to the height of twelve and fifteen hundred or two thousand feet. On the south side, the range appears to be timbered, and to-night is luminous with fires — probably the work of the Indians, who have just passed through the valley. On the north, broken and granite masses rise abruptly from the green sward of the river, terminating in a line of broken summits. Except in the crevices of the rock, and here and there on a ledge or bench of the mountain, where a few hardy pines have clustered together, these are perfectly bare and destitute of vegetation. Among these masses, where there are sometimes isolated, hills and ridges, green valleys open in upon the river, which sweeps the base of these mountains for thirty-six miles. Everywher e its d eep verdure a nd profusion of b eautiful flowers i s in pleasing contrast with the sterile grandeur of Jhe^ rock and the barrenness of the sandy plain, which, from the fight bank of t he river, s weeps u p to the mounta in range that forms its southern boundary. The great evaporation on the sandy soil of this elevated plain, and the saline efilorescences ;vliich white n the ground, and shine like lakes refle ct^'^c Ip tb» cun^ mak e a sojjl wh olly unfit for cultivation. 84 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Aug. 3d. — We were early on the road the next morning, travel- ing along the upper part of the valley, which is overgrown with artemisia. Scattered about on the plain are occasional small isolated hills. One of these which I have examined, about fifty feet high, consisted of white clay and marl, in nearly horizontal strata. Several bands of buffalo made their aj2|iearanc.e Jto-dayj witlvherdj ofj[ntelope ; and a_gTiz^ly bear — the only one we encountered during the journey — was seen scrambling up among the rocks. As v.e passed over a slight rise near the river, we caught the first view of the Wind River mountains, appearing, at this distance of about seventy miles, to be a low and dark mountainous ridge. The view dissipated in a m oment the pictures which had been created in our mi nds, by man y descriptions of travele rs, wh o have comp ared these iTiountaiiK to the Alps in Sw itzerl and, and sj)e_ajk of the glit- terin g j)eaks which rise in icy ma jesty amidst the eter nal glaciers nine or ten thousand f*?t^ into the region of eternal snows. The nakedness of the river was relieved by groves of willows, where we encamped at night, after a march of twenty-six miles ; and numerous bright-colored flowers had made the river bottom look gay as a garden. We found here a horse, which had been abandoned by the Indians, because liis hoofs had been so much worn that he was unable to travel ; and during the night a dog came into the camp. 4th. — Our camp was at the foot of the granite mountains, which we climbed this morning to take some barometrical heights ; and here among the rocks was seen the first magpie. On our return, we saw one at the mouth of the Platte river. We left here one of our horses, which was unable to proceec^ :.arther. A few miles from the encampment we left the river, which makes a bend to the south, and traversing an undula- ting country, consisting of a grayish micaceous sandstone and fine-grained conglomerates, struck it again, and encamped after a journey of twenty-five miles. Astronomical observa- tions placed us in latitude 42° 32' 30"", and longitude 108^ 30' 13''. 5th, — The morning was dark, with a driving rain, and disagfeeably cold. We continued our route as usual ; but the IS42.] CAPT. frkmont's narrative. 85 weather became so bad, that we were glad to avail ourselves of the shelter offered by a small island, about ten miles above our last encampment, which was covered with a dense growth of willows. There was fine grass for our animaJs, and the timber afforded us comfortable protection and good fires. In the afternoon, the sun broke through the clouds for a short time, and the barometer at b p. m. was 23-713, the thermometer fiO", with the wind strong from the northwest. We availed ourselves of the fine weather to make excursions in the neigh- borhood. The river, at this place, is bordered by hills of the valley formation. They are of moderate height; one of the highest peaks on the right bank being, according to the barom- •Hrr, one hundred and eighty feet above the river. On the left bank they are higher. They consist of a fine white clayey sandstone, a white calcareous sandstone, and coarse sandstone or pudding-stone. 6th. — It continued steadily raining all day ; but, notwith- standing, we left our encampment in th<» afternoon. Our ani- mals had been much refreshed by their repose, and an abun- dance of rich, soft grass, which had been much improved by the rains. In about three miles, we reached the entrance of a kanyon, where the Sweet Water issues upon the more open valley we had passed over. Immediately at the entrance, and superimposed directly upon the granite, are strata of compact calcareous sandstone and chert, alternating with fine white and reddish-white, and fine gray and red sandstones. These strata dip to the eastward at an angle of about 18°, and form the western limit of the sandstone and limestone formations on the line of our route. Here we entered among the primitive rocks. The usual road passes to the right of this place ; but we wound/or rather scrambled7 our way up the narrow valley "for several hours. Wildness and disorder were the character ofjthis scenery. The river had been swollen by the late rains, and came rushing through with an impetuous current, three o' four feet deep, and generally twenty yards broad. The valley was sometimes the breadth of the stream, and sometimes opened into little green meadows, sixty yards wide, with open groves of aspen. The stream was bordered throughort with 86 CAPT. FREMONT S NARRATIVE. [AUO. aspen, beech, and willow ; and tall pines grew on the sides and summits of the crags. On both sides the granite rocks rose precipitously to the height of three hundred and five hundred feet, terminating in jagged and broken pointed peaks ; and fragments of fallen rock lay piled up at the foot of the preci- pices. Gneiss, mica slate, and a white granite, were among the varieties I noticed. Here were many old traces of beaver on the stream ; remnants of dams, near which were lying trees, which they had cut down, one and two feet in diameter. The hills entirely shut up the river at the end of about five miles, and we turned up a ravine that led to a high pt'airie, which seemed to be the general level of the country. Hence, to tlie summit of ihe ridge, tliere is a regular and very gradual rise. Blocks of granite were piled up at the heads of the ra- vines, and small bare knolls of mica slate and milky quartz protruded at frequent intervals on the prairie, which was whitened in occasional spots with small salt lakes, where the water had evaporated, and left the bod covered with a shining incrustation of salt. The evening was very cold,, a nonnwest wind driving a fine rain in our faces ; and at nightfall we de- scended to a little stream, on which we encamped, abc ut two miles from the Sweet Water. Here had recenth jeen a very large camp of the Snake and Crow Indians ; and some large poles lying about aflbrded the means of pitching a tent, and making other places of shelter. Our fires to-night were made principally of the dry branches of the artemisia, which covered the slopes. It burns quickly, and with a clear oily flame, and makes a hot fire. The hills here are composed of hard, com- pact mica slate, with veins of quartz. 7th. — We left our encampment with the rising sun. As we Vose from the bed of the creek, the snoro line of the mountains stretched gradually before us, the white peaks glittering in the sun. They had been hidden in the dark weather of the last few days, and it had been snowijig_on them, while it rained in the plains. We crossed a ridge, and again btiuck the Sweet Water — here a beautiful, swift stream, with a more open val- ley, timbered with beech and cotton wood. It now began to lose itsplf in the many small fork* 'vhich make its head ; and 1S42.] CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 87 we continued up tJie main stream until near noon, when w«« left it a few miles, to make our noon halt on a small cree» s,mcng the hills, from which the stream issues by a snjall ope» ng. Within was a beautiful grassy spot, covered with an open grove of large beech-trees, among which I found several plants that I had not previously seen. The afternoon was cloudy, with squalls of rain ; but the weatlier became fine at sunset, when we again encamped on the Sweet Water, within a few miles of f--^ «?.-— .^ Pass. Thft country over which we have passed to-aa v consists principanv of the compact mica slate, which crops out on all ridge&-, making the uplands very rocky and slaty. In the escarpments hich border tlie creeks, it is seen alternating with a light- colored granite, at an inclination of 45° ; the beds varying m thickness fjom two or three feet to six or eight hundred. At a distance, the granite frequently has the appearance of irreg- ular lumps of clay, hardened by exposure. A variety of asters may now be numbered among the characteristic plants, -md the artemisia continues in full glory ; but cacti have be- ome rare, and mosses begin to dispute the hills with them. The evening was damp and unpleasant — the thermometer, at ten o'clock, being at 36°, and the grass wet with a heavy dew. Our astronomical observations placed this encampment in lon- ghude 109° 2V 32'', and lathude 42° 27' 15''. Early in the morning we resumed our journey, the weather still cloudy, with occasional rain. Our general course was west, as I had determined to cross the dividing ridge by a bridle-path among the country more immediately at the foot of the mountains, and return by the wagon road, two and a half miles to the south of the point where the trail crosses. About six miles from our encampment bn ught us to the summit. The ascent had been so gradual, that, with all the ..ntimate knowledge possessed by Carson, who had made the country his home for seventeen years, we were obliged to watch very closely to- find the place at which we had reached the culminating point. This was between two low hills, rising on either hand fifty or sixty feet. W^hen I looked back at them, from the foot of the immediate slope on the western plain, their 88 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Aug. summiis appeared to be about one hundred and twenty feet above. From the impression on my mind at this time, and sub- sequently on our return, I should compare the elevation which we surmounted immediately at the ,Pass, to the ascent of the Capitol hill from the avenue, at Washington. It is difficult for me to fix positively the breadth of this Pass. From the broken ground where it commences, at the foot of the Wind River chain, the view to the southeast is over a champaign country, broken, at the distance of nineteen miles, by the Table rock ; which, with the other isolated hills in its vicinity, seem to stand on a comparative plain. This I judged to be its termination, the ridge recovering its rugged character with the Table rock. Jt_wull be seen that it in no manner rese mbles th e HI^^s^s to_which_the_termi^ is commonly applied — nothing of tht gorge-like character and Avinding ascents of the Alleghany passes in America; nothing of the Great St. Bernai^and Simplo n passes in Europe. Approaching it from the mouth of the Sweet Water, a sandy plain, one hundred and twenty miles long, conducts, by a gradual and regular ascent, to the summit, about seven thousand feet above the sea ; and the traveler, without b eing reminded of any change byjoilsonifi ascents, suddenly finds himself on the waters which Jlow to the Paci fic oc ean. By the route we had traveled, the distance from Fort Laramie is three hundred and twenty miles, or nine hundred and fifty from the mouth of the Kansas. Continuing our march, we reached, in eight miles from the Pass, the Little Sandy, one of the tributaries of the Colorado, or Green river of the Gulf of California. The weather had grown fine during the morning, and we remained here the rest of the day, to dry our baggage and take some astronomical observations. The stream was about forty feet wide, and two or three deep, with clear water and a full swift current, over a sandy bed. It was timbered with a growth of low bushy'and dense willows, among which were little verdant spots, which gave our animals fine grass, and where I found a number bf interesting plants. Among the neighboring hills I noticed fragments of granite containing magnetic iron. Longitude of the camp was 109° ST 59^', and latitude 42° 27' W. 1R42.] CAPT. Fremont's narkative. 89 9ih. — Wo made our noon halt on Big Sandy, another tribu- tary of Green river. The face of the country traversed was of a brown sand of granite materials, the detritus of the neigh- boring mountain. Strata of the milky quartz cropped out, and blocks of granite were scattered about, containing magnetic iron. On Sandy creek the formation was of parti-colored sand, exhibited in escarpments fifty to eighty feet high. Ir i!ie afternoon we had a severe storm of hail, and encamped at sunset on the first New Fork. Within the space of a few miles, the W^ind mountains supply a number of tributaries ♦o Green river, which are called the New Forks. Near our camp were two remarkable isolated hills, one of them suffi- ciently large to merit the name of mountain. They are called the Two Buttes, and will serve to identify the place of our en campment, which the observations of the evening placed in longitude 109^ 58" IV, and latitude 42° 42' 46'-'. On the right bank of the stream, opposite to the large hill, the strata which are displayed consist of decomposing granite, which supplies the brown sand of which the face of the country is composed to a considerable depth. 10th. — The air at sunrise is clear and pure, and the morning extremely cold, but beautiful. A lofty snowy peak of the moun- tain is glittering in the first rays of the sun, which have not yet reached us. The long mountain wall to the east, rising two thousand feet abruptly from the plain, behind which we see the peaks, is still dark, and cuts clear against the glowing sky. A fog, just risen from the river, lies along the base of the mountain. A little before sunrise, the thermometer was at 35°, and at sunrise 33°. Water froze last night, and fires are very comfortable. < The s cenery becomes hourly more in- - teresting and grand, a nd the view here is truly magnificent ; but, indeed, it needs something to repay the long prairie jour- ney of a thousand milesy The sun has shot above the wall, and makes a magical change. The whole valley is flowing and bright, and' alTthe mountain peaks are gleaming like sil- ver. Though thes e snow mountains are /not the AlpsJ they hav e their own cha racter of grandeur and magnificencei.agd Goubtless will find pens and p en cils to do them justice. In 90 CAPT. Fremont's narrative. [Au(j. the scene before us, we feel how-much wood impiofes a view. The pines on the mountain seemed to give it much additional beauty. I was agreeably disappointed in the character of the streams on this side of the ridge. Instead of the creeks, which description had led me to expect, I find bold, broad streams, with three or four feet water, and a rapid current. The fork on which we are encamped is upwards of a hundred feet wide, timbered with groves or thickets of the low willow. We were now approaching the loftiest part of the Wind River chain ; and I left the valley a few miles from our encamp- ment, intending to penetrate the mountains as far as possible with the whole party. We were soon involved in very broken ground, among long ridges covered with fragments of granite. Winding our way up a loiig ravine, wejcame unexpectedly_in view of a most beautiful lake, set like a gem in the mountain s. The sheet of water lay transversely across the direction vve had been pursuing ; and, descending the steep, rocky ridge^ where it was necessary to lead our horses, we followed its banks to the southern extremity. Here a view of the utmost magnificence and grandeur burst upon our eyes. With noth- ing between us and their feet to lessen the effect of the whole height, a grand bed of snow-capped mountains rose before us, pile upon pile, glowing in the bright light of an August day. Imme diately below them lay the lake, between two ridge s, cov- ered with dark pinesj^which swept down from the main chain to the spot \yhere we stood. Jlere, where the lake glittered in the oj)en sunlight, its banks of yellow sand and the li^htj'oli- age of aspen groves contrasted well with the glggmy pines. "Never before," said Mr. Preussj "in this cou ntry o r in Europe, h ave I seen su{3h_^ajidijriagnificent rocks." I was so much pleased with the beauty of the place, that I determined to make the main camp here, where our animals would find good pasturage, and explore the mountains with a small party of men. Proceeding a little further, we came suddenly upon the outlet of the lake, where it found its vvay through a nar- row passage between low hills. Dark pines which overhung the stream, and masses of rock, wherejhe water foamed_along^ gave it much romantic beauty. Where we crossed, which 1842. J CAPT. Fremont's narrative. 91 Was immediately at the outlet, it is two hundred and fifty feet wide, and so deep that with difficulty we were able to ford it. Its bed was an accumulation of rocks, boulders, and broad slabs, and large angular fragments, among which the animals fell repeatedly. The current was very swift, and the water cold, and of a crystal purity. In crossing this stream, I met with a great misfortune in having my barometer broken. It was the only one. A gi'ear part of the interest of the journey for me was in the exploration of these mountains, of which so much had been said that was doubtful and contradictory ; and now their snowy peaks rose majestically before me, and the only means of giving them authentically to science, the object of my anx- : ious solicitude by night and day, was destroyed. We had ' (brought this barometer in safety a thousand miles, and broke it almost among the snow of the mountains. The loss was felt by the whole camp — all had seen my anxiety, and aided me in preserving it. The height of these mountains, considered by many hunters and traders the highest in the whole range, had been a theme of constant discussion among them ; and all had looked forward with pleasure to the moment when the in strument, which they believed to be as true as the sun, should stand upon the summits, and decide their disputes. Their grief was only inferior to my own.> The lake is about three miles long, and of very irregular width, and apparently great depth, and is the head-water of the third New Fork, a tributary to Green river, the Colorado of the west. In the narrative I have called it Mountain lake. I encamped on the north side, about three hundred and fifty yards from the outlet. This was the most western point at which I obtained astronomical observations, by which this place, called Bernier's encampment, is made in 110° 08^ 03^' west longitude from Greenwich, and latitude 43° 49' 49^'. The mountain peaks, as laid down, were fixed by bearings from this and other astronomical points. We had no other compass than the small ones used in sketching the country ; but from an azimuth, in which one of them was used, the va- riation of the compass is 18° east. The correction made in Q2 CAPT. fkemont's narrative. [Aug. our field-work by the astronomical observations indicates that this is a very correct observation. As soon as the camp was formed, 1 set about endeavoring to repair my barometer. As I have already said, this was u standard cistern barometer, of Troughton's construction. Tho glass cistern had been broken about midway ; but as the in- strument had been kept in a proper position, no air had found 's way into the tube, the end of which Imd always remained overed. I had with me a number of vials of tolerably thick ass, some of which were of the same diameter as the cistern, ind I spent the day in slowly working on these, endeavoring o cut them of the requisite length ; but, as my instrument was a very rough file, I invariably broke them. A groove was cut in one of the trees, where the barometer was placed during the night, to be out of the way of any possible danger, and in the morning I commenced again. Among the powder-horns in the camp, I found one which was very transparent, so that its contents could be almost as plainly seen as through glass. This I boiled and stretched on a piece of wood "to the requisite diameter, and scraped it very thin, in order to increase to the utmost its transparency. I then secured it firmly in its place on the instrument, with strong glue made from a buffalo, and filled it with mercury, properly heated. A piece of skin, which had covered one of the vials, furnished a good pocket, which was well secured with strong thread and glue, and then the brass cover was screwed to its place. The instrumen was left some time to dry ; and when I reversed it, a few hours after, I had the satisfaction to find it in perfect order ; its indications being about the same as on the other side of the lake before it had been broken. Our success in this little incident diffused pleasure throughout the camp ; and we im- mediately set about our preparations for ascending the moun- tains. As will be seen on reference to a map, on this short moun- tain chain are the head-waters of four great rivers on the con- tinent, namely : the Colorado, Columbia, Missouri, and Platte rivers. It had been my design, after ascending the mountains, to continue our route on the western side of the range, p"\' i842.] CAPT. Fremont's narratite. 93 crcFSsing through a pass at the northwestern end of the chain, about thirty miles from our present camp, return along the eastern slope, across the heads of the Yellowstone river, and join on the line to our station of August 7, immediately at the foot of the ridge. In this way, I should be enabled to include the whole chain, and its numerous waters, in my survey ; but various considerations induced me, very reluctantly, to aban- don this plan. v^ I was desirous to keep strictly within the scope of my in- structionsy and it would have required ten or fifteen additional days for the accomplishment of this object ; our animals had become very much worn out with the length of the journey ; game was very scarce ; apd, though it does not appear in the course of the narrative, l(as I have avoided dwelling upon tri- fling incidents not connected with the objects of the expedition)) the spirits of the men had been much exhausted by the hardships and privations to which they had been subjected. Our provisions had wellnigh all disappeared. Bread had been long out of the question ; and of all our stock, we had remaining two or three pounds of coffee, and a small quantity of macaroni, which had been husbanded with great care for the mountain expedition we were about to undertake. Our daily meal consisted of dry buffalo meat, cooked in tallow ; and, as we had not dried this with Indian skill, part of it was spoiled ; and what remamed of good, was as hard as wood, having much the taste and ap- pearance of so many pieces of bark. Even of this, our stock was rapidly diminishing in a camp which was capable of con- suming two buffaloes in every twenty-four hours. These ani- mals had entirely disappeared ; and it was not probable that we should fall in with them again until we returned to the Sweet Water. Our arrangements for the ascent were rapidly completed. We were in a hostile country, which rendered the greates'. vigilanct and circumspection necessary. The pass at the north end of the mountain was greatly infested by Blackfeet, and imme liately opposite was one of their forts, on the edge of a little thicket, two or three hundred feet from our encamp, ment. We were posted in a grove of beech, on the margin of 94 CAPT. Fremont's narrative [Aug. tlie lake, and a few hundred feet long, with a narrow prairillon on the inner side, bordered by the rocky ridge. In the uppei end of this grove we cleared a circular space about forty feet in diameter, and, with the' felled timber, and interwoven branches, surrounded it with a breastwork five feet in height. A gap was left for a gate on the inner side, by which the ani- mals were to be driven in and secured, while the men slept around the little work. It was half hidden by the foliage, and garrisoned by twelve resolute men, would have set at defiance any band of savages which might chance to discover them i* the interval of our absence. Fifteen of the best mules, with fourteen men, were selected for the mountain party. Our pro-' visions consisted of dried meat for two days, with our little stock of coffee and some macaroni. In addition to the ba- rometer and thermometer, I took with me a sextant and spy- glass, and we had of course our compasses. In charge of the camp I left Bernier, one of my most trustworthy men, who possessed the most determined courage. 12th. — Early in the morning we left the camp, fifteen in number, well armed, of course, and mounted on our best mules. A pack-animal carried our provisions, with a coffee- pot and kettle, and three or four tin cups. Every man had a blanket strapped over his saddle, to serve for his bed, 'and the instruments were carried by turns on their backs. We enter- ed directly on rough and rocky ground ; and, just after cross- ing the ridge, had the good fortune to shoot an antelope. We heard the roar, and had a glimpse of a waterfall as we rode along, and, crossing in our way two fine streams, tributary to Jie Colorado, in about two hours' ride we reached the top of Jie first row or range of the mountains. Here, again, a view