Ube ^ubor jfacsimUe tleyts by J. C. Date of earliest known original edition . . . . 1620 {B.M. 162, c. 29) Reproduced in Facsimile 191 A Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER by J. C. 16205 hvi\/ Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIV W\tt by J. C. 1620 This facsimile is reproduced from the original copy in the British Museum. There are other copies at South Kensington in the Dyce collection and in the Bodleian Library (Malone collection). The play seems to have enjoyed some degree of popularity as it was re-issued in 1661. Who "/. C." was is not known. TIte only contemporary dramatists with the same initials were Jo. Cooke the author of ^^ Greenes Tu-quoque'^ (1614) and a '^Joshua Cooke" to whom ^^ How to Choose a Good Wife from a Bad'' is attributed in a MS. note in the title-page of the edition of 1602 in the Garrick collection, but who is otherwise unknown. {D.N.B.) JOHN S. FARMER. 283548 y P ' PLEASANT C O M E D I E> *r - , Called THE TWO MERRY MILKE-MAIDS. THE BEST WORDS WEARE THE GAUL AND. As it was Aftcd before the King, with gcnciail Approbation , by the Com- fdfiU of the Reueist By 7. c. LONDON, Pfinted by Ismirii Alfof^ fo; UmenctchA^n^ and are to * be fold at his (hop m Holborne, oucragainRSta- - pielDnCrtMidbycheP^cs. i^ao. /^ Tfre k^s of tfe Perfbm. I O H N E A R N€ STi Lhtl^ f^fSarom. i^-^ R AYMO ND, APoitticM», * L O D W I C KEy Mi&w' r# Dorigcn. G V I D O, FMthtrt9 Bernard. « S 5 J? i^ ? P ' i'*^' ^'^ ?'"**9»''''^ '^^'^'* -^ '^^^^w*'^!. . F R E D E 1 1 C% er^^># I^ckc/W ^rw&r ri3bri- gcrie, ■ - . . A /« . D O R ! LVS, irr«#*ii^*i» ItihV,' LANDOFFE, 7*/*r># Bernard. C A L LO WE,>/i#/i>JZ^r4/. R A N O F F, ^ KnithhMd Traneller, FERDINAND,^ G O R N B L I O, S C^nrtiirsydtid Sfftumtju £«r4 Riy- GAROLVS, 5 moudr IVDGES, SMIRK£,fi&/C/#»i»r. HOST. , THE PRINTER TO THE . - READER. Very jvriur mu^ getter ne hk Penne accor- ding to the CapAcitie ef the Stage he i^rites toe, both m the A^or and the Auditor. This had thehafpwefetopleafeyOs it was >-- -^ ^--. Wrf/r;, the greater fart, and of them net the V0trft, If there be difcotteriemade ofthecomuring fVords, you'lefind the mtchcraft : no true Spirit willkprdmth 'hem^ hafly^a fnaliciem, Jt Vfas made more for the Eye^ then the lire-, lep for the Hand, then epher: andhadmt falfe copies trauari'd abroad (euen to Jur bating) this had kept in ijorfc farn the Author rvatjum feekirgfame in the pubUfhing, that hee could haue wi/ht if bound about %ith the Rtng, Some good mrds here pu (hallfndej^r your Money ^elfe tt keepes not touch with the Titk meiue ft well, and though inthis hegiue JfiUtM fll.yet hereafter he h^th fromisd y on better language. .: -?: 1^ THE PROLOGVE. THi* Day w««ntt-cit All that arcliithcrcoiac. To cxpcA no noyfc of Guni,Trumpets,nor Dmtni Nor S wordand Targuct i but to hcarc Scncc and Wordi, Fming tbf Mattcrjthat the Scene affords. .So tbat theStage being referm'd^and free From the lowd Clamors it was wont to bee, l'uriix>yrd vi^th Battailet ) you I hope will eeaic- Your dayly Tumuits, and widi vs wiHi Peace. We ftand a'haaard now: yet being prepared. We hope,foryour owne good,you in the Yard . Will lend your Eares> attentiuely to hcarc . Things that fhall flow fo rmootnly to your care | : That you retumisg hbme,t your Friends fhall lay|' How ere you \rhderflatid?t/ tit a fine Play i . For we haue in't a Coiuurer» a Deuill> And a Clowne toQ |.but I fcare theeuill^ < In which perhaps, vn wifcJy we may fiile, : Of wanting Squibs and Crackers at Chcictaik*. . Buthowfoegcr,GentIefticn liweare,'. YoUfliall haur Good Wiords fervour McJney here J .' Stuflfe that will laft.wc hopCiand dy'd in ^rnne: Andasyec lik*c>pray know the Houicagaine. . r M l I. m I: e '■ A PLEASANT COMEDIE OF THE MERRIE Ml LK-MAIDS. AC TVS PRIMVS. Sccna Prima. Encet Ber/tardin his Studie,Candle and Bookcs about him. INch4»tme»ts plueh out of the she The Moone^ though jhe be plact on hie. Dame C\iQti;toith her Chdrmes [o fine, Vly Acs Afdtes did turne to Swine : The Snakes with charme islurfi in tmine, inMedowesvphejefheedothrentiine. And here againe, shoe plucks each Start e out of his feaU And turneth hacke the raging H^aues i f^ith charmesfhe makes the Earth toftveat^ And rayfeth Soules i^ut of thetr Craues : She burnes mens hones ^ with a fire, Andpulleth downe the Lights ofHeauen, And makesit fncw at herdefiroy :^tten in the midft of Summer fea/on-^ . B And And what is it cdnnot he dene By Art of the Magician? * Tis truCjthings moft incredible arc to bs done. And I beleeuc thee gentle Bookc in it. Ncucr before my warie Tutor did Leauc ihisdooreopcnjwhich he well might call i-Iir, priuacc Studie 5 for here Secrets lye Were woith mans labour to arriuc to 'hem r Heic arc the Naracs,Shapc$3powcrSjand Gouernmcnt Oi cuei y feuerall Spirit, their Degrees, Their great Effc6tSj particular Seigniories 5 And 'mongft them 1 hauc found onc,if I had But s1eth the f laces where Trtafure Ije, I donnot care for Treafurc. }{e mtketh a nun inuijihle, ThiSjthis is it : Great Ajm0dj/,\hotx art the Spirit whom i would conucrfc with. And I will fetch thee, if this Charmc will doc it." ' ■ How I haue layd my Circle, fcarc affaults me : So faycs my graue Inftruaorallmcndoe when they begin this Bufineflc 5 but bids me here be refolurc, and dread not: for bound in this Circle, and by thefe words con- ftrain'd, they cannot hurt mc. I doe coniure thee by thefc potent Names : Tanthon^AdonAy^ Algramay^ PUftahth, Muriton, Bifeccg- naton, Sipn^ Diaten^ Mattn^ Tetragrmmatmi Agk^ A- garion^ Tegra, Penteff'aron, TendieAta^ Sorthie,smhfa,Ser' thios, Milia, AchiHa, sibylU^ You the three Faicrie fift ers of the Ring come and appeatc to mc,or fend your faich- full feruant Afmody^ or 1 will call the fiuc Kings of the North. "Enter Landoffe his Tutor like a spiriu LAnd. For what thou daring Mortall } what vviu thou doe with Afmody^ now thou haft brought him hither ? Ber* I doc commaund thee that thou hclpe mc to ihc inuifible Ring. Lart, Ho,ho.ho,Thou foolifh Thing without Art, and Icffe WitjDo'ft thinke it doth require no more but fof It is thy Maftets Mafter-picce to doe it, And thou do'ft call for nothing but thy Ruinc. Thou art now in my power, and I can teare thee As fmall as Atomies, and throw thee off Like duft before a wind ; yet for 1 know thcti art Pupill vnto my MaflcV; and his Minion, B 2 And ^ ^leajam Lomedie of And mayft hereafter with a word relcafc me; Here vnconftray n*d, I vow my fclfc. thy ferUant , And will ^acquaint me with thy purpofef^ EfFcd them to the vtmoft of my power, Ber, Do'ft thou not this in fubtiUic,todrawmcoui of my Circle, and then ruine mc .<* Un. I dare as well runnc on the fieric Sword that y^ounds Maiantha^Thdmaj^ov Sff rami. Ber, Idocbelceuethce: Then be gone j yet ftay, a word more : Thinks thou my Tutor, if I fliouldconceale this A Rcfpeds not dangers jhowfoeV ihcy looke. (pcrat, I came my fclfc vnto this Art with trembling, And when I firft had rays'd a Spirit vp, M> fl' (\\ me thought ran like my bloudabcut me. And 1 fat bathed in a cold fainT Iwear. But he was far re f om rayfiog any Spirit: He ran 'hem fo diiurdcx'J ^ thai no Dcuill, Thouch the merry Milke^maids, Though hchadhcard him,wud haucknowne his name. But it was my deuicc, feeing him grow To extreme Melancholy and Difconrcnt , To let him view thefe fcatt'rcd papers thus, That I might found his gricfc,kn owing how apt And couctous youth is of cuery knowledge, If he might learnc it with a little babbling : But this is not an Art fb to be gainU He follow him,attending ftill vpon him. As if I were the Spirit he guefTcs me : And {{ there fhall be caufe, lie play my part So wclljthat men (hall pray fc the Magick Arr. Scena fecunda. £»/^r Dorigenc and Dorilus. Dor, Good Seignior no more irruptions^ I tell you what you fhall truft to ; I am not like a Mill/to be lurn'd with wind and water 5 not all your fighes and teares can alter me, keepe 'hem for Cuftard-eating Dames i'lh' Citie.there they may profpcr. Thou art a handfome fellow, I confeffe it, Haft good parts tboj know it; Liuing fiifficient To keepe houfe i'th'Countrey, and inuife Euery good Tyme thy Neighbors, and at GhriHmas Diflribute amongft the poore fix pence apecce, And a browne Loafc : Good Countrcy verrues thefe, And may perhaps ferue for a Dodors daughter, Though fheehaic read C?r//^. But for me, that haue lookt higher into Poctrie, And for a need can couple of my fclfe, B 3 Haue A pleafant Comedie'of Hauc talkt with UM$mdgne and with Machiuel^ And can make vfe of them 5 note him xw this Place fhallow,herc profound ; and be th'only Starrc Whereto all Wits aduancc their /^.t?^/ Stsffc, And the Supreme cry me out Excellent. What wud three hundred pound a yeeredoc hcrcf * Twill kc cpc a blew Coat and a fide Saddle, Bur not mainraine my Coach-Horfcs in Prouandcr. BoriL Moft excellent of W^pmcn,that you arc worthy All that your hopes can lodge in you J graunt: But Fortune and the Graces were at od$ When you were gotten, elfc you hadbin made As great as Dignitie can make a Woman. But yet you know (I pray forgiuc my plainchcfTc^ That in Eftatc you donnot cquall m^ If ihat were it I lookt at. 'Dor. 'lis true; I thinkc my Portion is fome fcucn fcorc pound, And hardfy that byrlady: what 'tis I knownot, It lyes aboue \n the Garret in old rufty Armour. But what's that to th^'purpofe ; ther's a Spirit (uood or bad, I know not^ whifpers vnto me ; Be an EmprcfTc Wenchja Quccne,orDuchefTc, Counicflcjor MarcjucfTe at leaft^for thofe are trifles. Now He tell thee £)^ri//^,becaufe thou arta handfome Fellow, as I told tliec before \ when I am any one of thefejthou (halt enioyme, in plaine termes Jye with (UCi and make a Cuckold : foe my Ambition is to ad- uancc Grcatficirc. Lookc, here's thy Si{)cr. Enttr lulia, lul Come in a time I doubt to make youbludi. Why what foad ceiiiici0no»;ll^.yptitw<6ttf . . ^ ^ I>^f. For \ ^ i . We merry MMemmas: IDdr. For my Ambition is to aduancc GrcacncflTv:. Jul. As how? Dor. Why as a Woman may doe j the manner is not to Be rtiownc now. I am glad thou art come to take off thy Brother. luL- Take hitfl ofFjWhy he \s not fo fierce jmc ihinkcs. What, douh, Fa- p^ ^^ " ■ : — A ' peajaw v omeate o; f Dfth. Famine and Wartcs plague my Dominionf^ And ftrikc at my ownePcrfon^bot I loue thee, InHnitely loue thee, loue thee beyond ihe Word> Beyond all A^ion chat expreffeth it* To call thee FairejSwectjLouingjand my Wife, Are but poote Attributes : Thou art my Soulc, The belter Part,ihat goucrnes my beft Thoughts, And bids me thinke on Heauen,and view thee. Thy Frceneife and thy Wit, for fuch as doc Refpcdt a Dower, are fufficient. What are Townes,Countries,that may be deftroy^d By Sword or Fire,comparable to thee. That bcar'ft about thee in one Limbc the Beautie Of twentie thouland Citics^and their Wealth f Thou art all the World to me,for I can Hue And fie downe by thee with content of mind,, W''ithout Ambiiion howio conquer farther,. And thinke I haue enoughs And (6 fhall All, AH of you hece,that will be counted Sublets, And wifh the quiet of your Soueraigne : For him that docs not,lct him leaue me now, And I will curie him backe againe a Traytor; And (he her felfe fhall curfc him,ahd fo damne him. Fer, Nay, And't be come to that paffc,! am filenr. Cor. Tis bcft fo, when the Tongue may forfeit the Head : I haue a con'd Speech alreadic j Long Im the Dttcheffe, Ran, I am glad niiy Lord was mcalc-mouth'd when fhc was a Milkc-maid, I am furc he gauc her no ill Ian- guage. Duke, What Princes of the Eaft, or of the World, When they (hall fee shy Piaurc,andm5 by tbcc. ' Circkhn^ ^^*^^^?^^y^^^^WP^WMPPBI ■ JlA4f9^ WlllW9/IB^*'"l%^l' ii,i»"" - •■ ;s»y Circklingi:hecdius»andthyArmcs fowithminc, jhevuk^m^ TdflTCWConfcniinourA&^ionf, *r-*«6Dori- But will confidfrr with himfclfc,how poore 8«n«- (AJthoiigh he haae the /;y^i in his reach) He is to me,and (Tgh hitnfelfe CO death ^ Father be merry, And my Lord be you fbf For now your Houfe is happy, and (hall looke More glorious then our Pallaces: Although You left the Walls as naked as your R06&, ' Lee euery Roome be deckt with Countenances ChearefulUs ac the houre J was borne,. When as I heard my Father was here with you. And had the glad newes brought him. Wall not (b^ Rdy, YeS) my good Lord. Vukf. Why fo then: Miifickc,andfomeWine, That I may drinke a Hcahh to her I louc, Deepe as my Affedions. j4 ftsurifB of Cornets^ C<»r. You fhall fee hewilt be drunkc with Wine As well as with Louc. Duke, Firftyou (hall pledge me.then h fhall go rourid,, Vnlcircifftopatanydifcontent, - Whom out of all this number 1 would note. Kaii. And*t be good V Vine,ii fliall nc're fticke at me^, what ere the Health be. Ur, NojSeignior jithoughtyouhad had a Small- Beere Homacke. jLin. Neucrbuti'th'Morning. D^/*. My Lordjdrinke to iR4ywW^ id. The Courtiers begin to melt, and my mightic Madame knowcs how to command : I wonder what I ftialbc f The Dice went equally once in my ownc opini- on tOK Duchcflesbqjc Duchcffe Mate,thai's my comfort. "" tXj X?Af4i.VVhat ^/^f What eye npw looks on tbcc,tbat not contcmncs The Colours of the Lilly and the Rcfc, Which come as fljort of Bcautie as of Swectnefic ? Lend me thy hand my loy , for I will yet But borrow it, till with thy heart I take it At the Templc,and make it mine for cucr ; That Fame may through che world my mind difcoucri Leffc happy being a Diike,thcn being a Loucr. Exeunt, Sccna quarta. Enter Bernard tlifguijed Itkea DoSiott Landoff/^/j TutdrlikeASeruitJgman* Bcr. Come Afmcdji,iho\\ feeft 1 am tul'd by ihecj take fhy aduiccj and how do ft thou like mc in this Dodors Habit f Ltnd* Why very well Sir»«nd handromc,you lookc as if you had traueli'd for your Degree : but 'tis tb;/f/»r4, 3^r. By your leauc Gentlemen*. Pr^. You are welcome Sir. Ser, I am a Stranger hcrc^nd vnderftand You are Gentlemen of this Countrey.welldcrccnded, And I doc want fuch good Acquaintances, Therefore make bofd to prefTc into your Gompany. W.An Italian Sir, I take it* Ber, YesSirjandarmallpradiferinPhyfickc. Fre. O Sir, let not your modefliewrongyoUi I wad you had a Pill to purge Melancholy, Herei's^ Gentleman much offended with't I Giaehima Glaffe of Claret, you area Stt^nger, And he will not refufc you. : . Ber, That I will Sir. =FclIow,feme Wine.—— Sit— DoffL I cry you mcrjcy. ^ Ber^ I drinkc this to your Hcaitb,& 1 haucljrowg^t it, Dml^ How Sir/ > pre, Lethim drinke off his Wine, and hede eel! you more. Dcril, You fpoke (bmething like comfort^Sir* jfer, I dicl,and will peifeuer. DfiriL You are a welcome man^pray (hew how« ^ Fre. Drinke offyour Wine^and heele Hiew you how. Vtril, Prythyaway. jBrt'* Pray Sir pledge me. VoriL I wiU pledge you. Fr^. Did you not drinke cwOjSir f Hi^. Yesoiarrydid he,ifIhauecwoeyes,hedrunke tw©. Fre. Pry thy mine Hod (land afide^thou ha A ne*re au eye. ffafl. How.ne're an eye f diat goes hard, if I haue drunke out two eyes in three houies. VcrsL Now Sir will you fpeakef Ber, Yes Sir, and tell you what I know^^although a Aranger, and till this houre neuer faw your face. LdffJ. OVillaine,they were Bedfellowes together for a Twolue^month. Ber. You are in loue with faire Vorigene » Sifkr vnto this Gentleman. Z)pri/. You amaze me. Ber, Tis truCjSir. BorH, Yes very true I find it : but for the cure of this ? Fre. Why 'tis ordinary,gct her good will,and lye with her. How thinke Sir, is not that the Cure f Ben Abcttercannotbeapplycdjllcaflureyou. DoriL Wud thou wert gone. Fre. How doc yon mcanc, in drinke ? giue me fo^jic Wine, I had forgot my fellc. Mine Hoft,l wud drinke £ to '/ to thee, but tliou art not able to pledge mc : Therefore hei'c's to thee honcft Blew-coat. Land, I chanke you Sir. Enter Smii kc with H.tggs, Smirkc. By your Icaiie Gsr.tlcmcn. Fred, VVIkic 5w^>/^'ff welcome,whac wind drone thee hither ? Smirke, The bef\ in the foiire Quartcis : Lool:<' you, here's CaQi.Gold and Siluer,you mult pay your Debts, purchafc ncwClotlies, and come to Court inlhntly. Your Father is made anEarlc,youc Siikr a Ducliclle, atid you arc a Count, or I know not what ^ and I am an Enquire: my Boy is a Gentleman, when 1 haue him, as I am laying about for one. Fre, The fellow has broken open fome Goldfmiths houre,and will be hang diDo'ft thou know what thou do'il? ^', _ Smi. My Lord.ns I am a Gentleman and an Efqutre, I doe reuerence the very inuention of your Honouts next SutetllehclpeyoucoaDrapcrlhali glue you all your Men- Litierics.to maki it of Clothjmy Haberdafher ha's a new Blockc,and wi^l find me and all n-jy GeneraiioJ^n Bcucrs as long as we laft, for the firft hanicll, fr^. Thetellowismad. Sml. Mad.or n^ad not/tis all oncjfpcake truth; your Father's an Earle, vour Sifter's a DuthcflTc, you are a Couju,or 1 know not what,I am an EfquirCjand my Boy is a Gcntlcman,when I haue him. D^rU What dgcf this tellowtalke? Smir, This fellow talkes as he thinkes,and thinkcs as he talke$,and talkcs what he knowes. I wonnot repeat koueraeaincJorihcdifparagemen: of my Wit : but ^ what ""^-^ — wrmrffMrne-tHmctr, ""^ what 1 fay, I will maintainc, what I maintsinc, I will fay 5 and the very Bells themfclucs fhall ring it ouc frobatum* Bnrver. Tis true indeed my Lordjyout Sifter's made DuchclTc o f i .and fhalbe married vnro the Duke. The Newes doth come to Towne with euery Man, and no man di(agrees, but conftandy affirmes ic for a Truth. Voril. O that it were fo 5 by my Fathers Soulc I wud be free as that is, and as happie, For I wud laugh this Woman from my heart, And rhc (hud be no more 10 mc,ihen her I know nor, 1 wud be fo much Man,and fomething more: Fori wud wifh to enioy her as a Man, Lofc her in mind,and find her in my bloud, And I do^feele fuch turnings in my thoughts. Fre. VVhy now you arc yourfclfe : Yet Tdc aduifc you to goc to Court,and fee her. Doril. See her,! and fpcak tohcr.and call her Woman, There were no Trcafon in't^wcrc it ? Fre. Not any. ^^ril' Good; theo Ice vs goe : for what He doe till I come there, I know not , or if I did , I wud not vt- tcrit. Bey, Why ^fmody, will you be found an ignorant Spirit ? how hap I knew not this ? lAnd, You imploy'd not mc to^nquire of if. Fre. Gcntlcmcn,as I vndcrftand my lelfej am a Lord^ I donnoi know, I may be an abus'd Coxcombc ; But howfbcucr,hcre are good Tokens of it. Mine Hoft, what haue I chalkc in fundry and reuerall times / E 2 He/?. Chalkc k mft, ChaIkeisbucChalke^RundIemakcs;afbiIIing» i but that's nothing. I. Tre. lie come to you mine Hoft when you areTobcr. [ Gentlemen, you are for the Court, \ I am for the Taylors ; When next we meet, [ We will bring hearts as found as ouir Clothes/weet. L ACTVS SECVN0VS. Scena Prima. • 'Enter Ferdinand i^nd Co melius. Vtr. Whatjis the Duke marryed ? Cer. Qycftionlc{re,by this time; they were at T* Um 4nd to holdvih^ti I left 'hem. Looke you, here come the Peathers, the infeparable Coxcombs of the Q:>urt. £»/frCa11owe rf^^Ranof. R4n, By the lifc-bloud which danceth on her Lip, She is all Parad rcc, Diiiine, Angclicall, The Ducheffe me thinkes lookes like a Dowdie to ber» C0r. O for an Informer— —Capitall Tteafon. CaL If my Taylor had not bin a Knaue-^ — — Fer, Hebadbin^Rhoneftman. CaI But— — Fer. O there's a ftopj thought the brazen Image wud ha'fpokc. . £*;^rBcrnard,Landof£Dorilus. Ber. Afmody, you were be ft ftay behind. There's no place for Spirits i'th* Court. jjind* O Sir,all your braue Spirits keepeat Court,. And I know my diOance. Ber, If you donnor,here be thofe will teach you. What comfott man f there is no fitcer/plac* "" ' • To 'jtJsrmsrrjiyimiC'TmauTr-' ""—^ To attend their comming out,thcn hcrcj Here you may haue full fight,and perhaps fpccch. D^r/7. This is a Taske indeed. /^ "5h&ha*s(cnt you a picking, Dmkhxn f A^f^affT'vmeaie Of ^criL But it is nothing, when the Prize is thought of ihatitfliallpurchafc. ZJ^r, Will you vndertakc it? Dor. I will not moue in any other labour, It (hall be both my Bufincflc and my Plca^Jrcs : With my bcft dutic let me kiffe your hands. I fliall not need to doubt, to enioy your louc Whenlhaucdoneit? Dor» May that Beautic which you adore in mc, Be blaftcd, but— — DoriL I belceuc you t Fairc farwell. /)or. My Lord, your pardon. Duh. For what my DucheiTc ? Though this day alone Should be teferued oncly to out fclucs. Yet if thou pleafc to lend thy Patience To any one that is a Suitor to thee, Ic (hall giue no diflikc.but rather pleafc vs. per. Here s a Duke now will make all his Subicftskind Husbands. cor. If he continue as he begins , lie giue my Wife the Brccchetjfor Women will raigne,that'$ ccrtainc. Fen Raigne,! and thunder and lighten too^Ile warrant llice. Exettnt Duke with his Trsine. Lartd. A prettie dumbe (hew^this, D^rd. How doe you Sir? you appearc to rac more troubled then my felfc. Ber. No,I am well : Pray whai'i the ncwcs .? Doril, I muft goe trauailc. Ber, TrauailCjWhattodoe? Voril. To gather Flowers, Strawberries Lartd. And Cteamc. Ber, Why how now Sirrah ? ' Z^»^.Somc- Lind. Something bold Sir, for Affinities fake. Ber, But pray be ftrious with mc : by that friendfhip, which for the time wc haue bin acquaintcd/hath bin as much as cucr was made vp in fo few hourcs^ I doc con- iureyou tell mc. and tell me faithfully, all the whole paf. fagc. Bortl I was a telling you! She has eniop'd me to bring her a faire Garland , of all Flowers that can be nam'dj which muft continue frcflias long as I remainc conftant to her. Ber. This is not in tlic power of Man to doc. V&HU ThfsishcTimpoiiiion. Ber. 4/«;(?^/tf,wbatthinkeyouof this? Und. Why I fay Sir, comfort your Friend, Forcrc The Sun fbaltwicetoth'Sca decline his golden bcamcs. He brkig a Garland hitherjOtade of all Flowers That eucry corner of the World containcs, And with that Charmc toojthatiiniall remainc Bcautioufly^ourHliittg,while he continues Warm'd in the ftrengthof his Affe^ions. Ber, Doc this my gentle Spirit, and thou fhalt Make him,who is thy Mafter,bound vnto thee, He ftiall rcleafe thee, I will buy thy yeeres. Although it coft mc halfe of my £ftatc« Lart^o more/oincfew houres hence expert mc. Exit. B^r. Sir,Willy6u take tTie counfell of a Friend, And thruft thcfe Sorrows from you? what wud y ou giuc To purchafc fuch a Garland as you fpeakc of ? Dm/. I thought you Sir of more humanitie. And beffcr breeding, then fomockc rtiiferie. Berl lclonnotmockyou,artdmay^ccu(cyoupow ^or hauing me iti fuch fufpition : • *^ F Wc ,_.... J Wc are but young in our Acquaintances^ And that begets thefc dbubts : will you impart Halfe your Ellatc to him rtiud bring you this ? Dsril, A!l,and become in debt to pay that Man, Ber, What doe you iudge your Eftate to bc,Sir ? Doril. Better then three hundred pound a ycerc. Bcr, Why that fhal do it. Pardon me Sir.I am poorc, And fuch an Accident as this perhaps, To make a Fortunc,vvill not in ail my Age Befall againe ; nor can you lofe by it, For in her fauours you (hall be aduar e d, Dortl, Without thole wife Confiderations, You inf^antly (liali haue it niade to you^ Not in words onely, but in deeds, If you pcrfonne what you propofe to me* 5^r.Why you fay wd Sir,wtl you now latheScriucncrsf Doril, Moft ioyfu|ly,and with what fpctxlyou pleafe. Ber, Lead Sirjle follow : Is ir not Aiange to fee. That a man fhud^as hath bin ofccn fhowne». Cure others gricfes^yct cannot hclpc his ownc, Exeunt, Scena f^cunda. £/;/ff Lodwicl<>/j/^t Wiib Taocrac Qii^ricJ$,tha here yourcairiiigc Aniongli the inrcrior (cJrt will pi ouv ridiculous : For wc iliall haue you 4owuf i ,|k Wine- cellar, Or at ihe Bcrrc.imongft lU Guaro ca*«r. fing,* Andaf[cr»laH to Cufies< yoi i Buid ^n^ Douhlet T<^rp.e from your Neck &15itk,acid > tur br. uc Brcer^c* hxdAvCA with the variation oi each (oyic. frc. H-iy the merry Milke-ntrnds. TfC Way (;;ood Sir donnot aggraiiate a Fault : 1 know i hniic bin oftct^ i'thc dure, (And fo I) I's m.inv a better nun then I^ Before I was the Dukes Bunhcrj but now I will giiic no man place ac VVall or Kcnncll. Smi. My yong L(>rd is in my mind lo a thrcd for tl^at Lod» I know ihoii hatt maiitrynough in ihcc, And parts rnfficicnt to make a Courtier ; Bur this ("amc Drir.kc,and Countrcy Libcrtic, Ha s fpoyl'd thcc irrccoucrably. Fre. Why Si-- ^what wud you ha' nic dor*you fhall find I will be capable. Lid, Why you muft bend your fclfe vnro the Ladies. Smi, Bend to the Ladies: Alas poorc old nian.hc talks— L^^.I mcanc,apply your fclfejConucrfe with 'hero, Andftillbetcndringyourfcruiccto'hcms They will lookc fot'i : Lookc youjhcrc come Prcfidcntsj There's a young Lord now, a Knight follov/cs him, Marke but how they cndcuor in the bufincfle. f r^« VdsfoorJ thinkc my Father thmkcs I am an Aflc: Cannot I lead a Lady by the Armc, Hold off my Hatjand dance my Cinque a pace 5 And after a long ftory of my fikncc, Askc how fliC docs ?'\ will fatisfic him. He fhannoi find mc to degenerate— — By your leauc Lady. Lady, What's he tro ? he ha's rcafonablc handfomc ClotheSjbut they become him not. Smir, Thcdumbe Lord's frighted,hishairc ftandsan end. ^M, My Noble Lord,thc Duchcflc Brother, CalL Your pardon my good Lord. F 2 Frr. What -■ ^r^ ^A pTiafaht Comdie of Fre, What MaiculittcBabooncVthis-^---^^ Lady ,1 honor you. Lady, O my goodLordjtbcrc aj?c better Faces i'thc Court for you to honor. Fre, By that all-kiUi«gEyc,that nxirdring Lip— Laiy, FiCjfie,my Lordjyou make mc blu{h. Fre. OMadaincdonnot fo^you'lc fpoilcyour painting. Smi, Looke you my Lord,qiyLorclyow; Sonne is at if. Lod, A fhrewd Boy : I diought, bccaufc my fclfc Haue bin bred vp a Souldicr, and vnfif. And eucr was, to ihcfc Court Complements 5, He,hauing not bin exercis'd^wud be fo : He Icauc him now,and take no more charge of him. iS/w/. No,nOjlctthc Sucgion looke to him. Enter hx\\2» lulu, Wud I were i'thc Countrey againc, I fball run mad here : your tumultuous Courtiers wonnot let me left 5 Vifitams early and latCjand all come about one bu- fincflcjto tell mc I am fairc,which Lknow well y nough, yet can be well content ta let ihcm fwca?e it, I bauc the Prayers of all the Mercers J"aylots,Haberdailiiers, i'thc whole Ciiie, and their Wiucs Curfcs y for not a Man lookcs that way : 1 am the Bird , at which each well- drawnc Courtier (boots bis Bolt, Looke youj am fpy- cd already : They leauc 9II Companies,all Places 5 vpoii Scruicc iim:s,thc Chappell, if I be not there. Now my longue-tycd Lord jwhofe Language is i*thc Motion of bis Necke, I wonder hc- is not troimlcd with thcCricke: What docs your Lordfhip fay? Idonnoc heare you. Ca\1, Hum. /«/. Wud the World beleeuc there were fucbaManf Pray my Lord tell mc your mcaniogf cdL Hum. i»^ Sure ■>0 the mehy MMc-muils. juL Sure your Honor (uk) 9 (ikncNurfe. l&Mi. He wud ha* prou d the Miracle of the World^ if he had bin a Woman. jmL He wud indeed Seignior : I donnoc thinke, but if bisTonguewerecIiptjhewud taikeyetj what thinke youf it4M. I (hmke^as you thinke^Lady. /«/. Take beed of that, fo you may wrong your felfc. I wud Qoy Lord ^^six I could vnder Aaiid you, I4oe perfwade my felfe then I could ioue you« C4lL QiNveefiLady.. Ink Why this it well my Lord, cm yougoe on f O//. Iha^haidheartelfe. lul Adstiiraibie $ good my Lord goe forward, 7alke,and He Ioue youitely,thac is,bcyond talke.. C4tir Silence Lady is the bed part of Wifdome. /W. Let Wifdome gae to gwuc one^giuc vs Talke,. It is Youth's MufickCiand doth ftirre Atfc(Stion>. AsMoi>an,Heaf. Good isiy L€^4 ta^ke. C4^. WhyLadyjIcarytalkCr /«/. OmyLoixl. C^, WhatayleyoBjLady? Jut. You wilUauith me, Calt Not I, IJc afliire you Icomc notof the kind. /uL Iji^eaneyou'kouercomeme: Aed if you talke aiuchj fhall entreat you you will hold your peace. CaiL Nay,beleeueitLady,Iwyinoc talkemuch : but si I lifk to talke, I haue aTongue that can talke much,, and lowd, as^another Man* RAff^ Iwasafiaidhcwudha'faid,Woman. CdlL But talkc'^ but talke,therefore I vfe ir not: bui foe youK fake/weet Lady ^ic may be that X will find a Tongue A pkafint Conjedie of to talkc of fcmcthing;and that fame fomcthing mnfl bd of youjcr clfc 'lis nothing. JuL Away my Lord,I am bound to ftop mine cares j the Syrens fing in you. Call Why let 'hem fing, Sorg is bui Song, no more then Talkc's but Talkc 5 yet Talkc ctocs wcll.v here Valkc is well regarded, oibcrwifc'tis left : And I bauc Dm a Talker in my time,3nd will be fo againe, to glue content to fuch a Lady as doth looe to talkc, or knowe* what talkc is, and can talkc her (clfcj cKc 'tis much bcitcr fot to hold ones peace : For I hauc heretofore bin a great Talker,and foolifli Ladyci that vndcrftood me noi,h2uc pray'd mc hold my pcace^and ihey Hud lout mcj iuft as you now, on the contrary, pray me to talkc^ and not to bold my peacc,and then you'd louc me, ifiL I will maintalne this in hinivCo naake him talkc his Lungs out>i I Oh,i Oh, Call, What is the matter f /«/. VVud I had ncoer heard this Tongue of yours : But I was cutft to hearc ic,morc ro prouokc it. Call, Why doc you fay fo f For this Tongue of mine ft^all be puli'd out, and ihrownc vnto the Doggcs,or to the Hawkes, before it fhall offend your daintic Eares, that louc to hearc a Tongue talkc as a Tongue fliould doc, of Wit and Beaut ic, and Beauiic and Wit, which doc abound in you. IttL Fic,fic,fic, this is not to be endur'd. Call. Bclccuc it Lady, but it isj'cis fit that you fhud hearc mc,and I fliud talkc, the Subicd being You, and I the Talker. Wherefore haucLadyes Bcautic^and Men Eyes and Tongues,but to behold that Beaut ic,and then talkc of if. I doe proclaymc him here a Dunce^a Sot, that that ha's a Tonguc,and cannot tallcc of you ; nay , though he had nc'rc a Tongue, yet he might ihinke a lalkc 5 and thafjthough not as good, might fcrucfor talkc. Enter Lord Raymond mcL the Duchfi, luL The DuchcfTe 5 good my Lord Icauc vntill ano- ther time. CdU I,anc(ther timc,and ihcn wccic talkc (cure or Hue houres tog<;thcr. Pre, By this hand Wench lie kccpc touch. Uiy. Touch and take my Lord,cl(e no meddling, Fre, Goe,youarca FooIe,Farewcll5Expe6tme. Sifter Duchefle, how do'ft ? I thankc thee for my Lord- fhip. I knew thou wert boroc to makcvsalljaduance vs to the third Region. How doeimy Brother Duke dealc with thee ? Do'rt thou Bugeonf Shall wee haue Bonfires, and the Bells rung ouc,for ioy thou haft made an Vncklc? How now lulu ? what's thy Title ? Lady of Honor, and Principall Secrerarie to my Sifter, is't not? who brcakes the btrft lefts now.? hL My Lord. Fre. MyLordjnOjmyLady byallmeancs. Dor. Fic Brother, vnderftand your fclfe j and as you haue lakcnon D;gnitic,ro put on Grauitic, or you wilt prouc ridiculous. Fre, Let mcprouewhatr will Sifter, lie haue all the CoLirr ro imitate mc; if I bad bin bori^e ;< Foolc,! won- der whai'> he wud ha' bin wife? C.>mc VVcnch, be thy felfe ft(I', md riiou (halt be the Miracle of PrinceSj Haue all (he wit thy Subicc^i vtter, thine, And dravvne u.gctjierin a Volnme^caird, The Due iv (T: of— — ►' kci:. Apothcg-nes 5 VVhich ihail put do ,vnc the talcs of oihtr Nations. Thy Birth-day rnall be made a Holy-day, And crown d with full Cups,and with dccpc onci too. And I my fclfc will fitft begin the Mcalthj And bring it vp iti GerntAHy a Fa Hiion, Oft to falutc the Cupjand kiffc it fwectly. But whcrc'5 the Duke my Brother ? tyr'd and retyr'd ? Vor. Pray my Lord d6e you fpeiakc to him,happily he will endure reproofe from you. Ray. My Lord. pre. 1 ha lie fw erne not to graiint any Suits this wcckc, therefore prythy donnot trouble me* ■■ O^my Lord, I cry you mercy. Ray* The DuchelTc wud be priuate. Fre* Neat and priuate Ci\z inall bc/tis fit. Let you and I fliakc hands.Wifdomc and VVir. Dor, Thou art all WildnefTejthat nothing I thinke will tamejbut a long Voyage,and vnfotiunatc. Julia, I doe thinke vpon thy poorc affli^d Brother. Good Gentleman, that he (hould place hts louefodif- aftroufly. I wonder how he does? id. He is as great a Granger vmo meas coyduMa- damc, I ncucr faw him fince. Dor. 1 hope he did not fpcnd his time fo ill. In thcVniueffiiieat;f///«w^^r^, _ , But he ha's karni fo miich Philoro^hie, Totame thbfe headftrbngPiaflSons:' , /«/. You may pray rather he ha's riot fpent his time As FMuJius did ,and many that are theirc, ii 1 rt Neeromancie 4 fo to pcifprmc the Taskc I' [ \ You haue lay a on mm. ' i,-'T Dor, Alas poore VVenC'hJ^o'n "tlibu belcctie rtirfc can be fucfi an iVn ? ' /W.VVhy, /«/. Whyjh^uc vvcitnotrccorded,Frf*/7«»did Fcicli Brufta'i WitCjDuchclTc of Saxomt^ In the dead time of Winter jGrapcsfhc long'd for ? Dor, Such a Report there gocSjbut I hold fabulous, IttL WcUjhad ibin as youil'de not ha* iayd To dcepc anOathvpon*t. .<, rj, Der. VVud that wcrctny worft fSre. Enter Doril. Looke where he comes. lulia Icaue me, lie hold confe- rence with him, and by dclayes (eeke to weare out his Sorrow. , lul, I obey you Madame. Dor. WhykneelcyouDm/i^? Vorik Dutic ha's taught mc,thoiigh you were not her Fortune ha's made you : Euery thing delights To be commanded by you 5 vnder your willi Lyes all things vpon £arrh,and growes for you, Profpcrs for your fake, (\tiucfc to be loucly, In emulation of your ExccHcnce. Here is a Garland of thofc Flowers you fpoke of, Which Nature put fotth,and Art feicht for you 5 Place it vpon your Head, and it fhall dim The glorious fplcndor of your other Crowne : Lading it is,as it ; for it {ha4 flourifh According to your wifhcs, till I alter And change the courfe of my Affection. Vor. Thoudo'ftaflonifhme; wudlcoudcall This any thing but Truth, a Dieame^a Vifion, With Terrors following it jcnongh to finke mc Deeper in Earth then lam now aboue iu When Flor^ ftriucs to dccke the Earth with Flowers, She neuer fhew'd halfe fuch varietie. Good D0rihs leaue me a while to thinke, G And Wf And to collccl my fclfc, and then rcturnc DoriU I (hall. • Ex/f. Dor. Why did chcfcFIawcrs growf to blufli for mc? Or do they bloni.bceaufc they hauc wrought my fh^mc? Why did not Stormcs and North winds nip your Buds, And kill'd yccjcrc you flicw'd the Sunnc your Lcaucs ? Why did not Lightnings blaft yccfBcafts or Wormes Piucke vp your RootSjand make you fit for Fircf There you had fhew'd more glorious then here: For here you bring, vndcr fo many Colours, A fhcw of S wcetneflejthac will breed the Plague,- And run infccStioufly into our Blouds* For if I fall, what Woman will be honcft ? Or being fojWhac's he that will belceuc it f Enter thi Duke, Duke: How nowmy DuchciTeftalking to thy fclfcf What's thatf Why cjo'ftthou hide ii from me .^ • It is rich vnto the cyc^but nwch more rarer j Flowers fo plcntifull,and at this timCj It wonders me ? Pry thy let mc fee itj . I neucr faw fo many rarious Formes Knit vp fo curious : belceue mc,'tis a Prcfcnt Fit for the Qijceoe of Nafions^and for ihcc j He well dcferu d.that did bcftow i't on ihcc. Dor, * f is not to be bcftow'd Sir/ti$ to be bought, And at a deare Rate too* "Duke. Why,and thou do'0.no macccr} For truft me *ti$ a very pretty Toy. , Dor, A pretty Toy muft buy ic. . 2>/»i^^ If itwud not fade. D9r, It will not fade Siriit will kcepe too long Ifeare^ foiyoutoiikcit. . """ " " " PttkuSNhy 'Duhe, Why do'ft thou ibinkc fo ? it is like ttiy fclfc, l^jil of Vaiiciic.and choifc Delights, And rh' longer I behold it^the more it likes me. Vfir, O.there arc Serpents in'tjand vgly Toadcs, That burft and flicd their poyfcn 5 not a Flower, But bcares a Aing in ic,tbat wounds my heart : Fouie LiifV and Murder, that doth follow it. Lyes hid amongft the Leaues. O throw me Sir, Throw me from your Embrace5,a$ far as the wild winds Doth driue the Duft before itjand dcftroy me. Like it to nothing : Purge your Land,by making Bonfires of it and mc vpon fomc Hill, That the blacke Smoake may vanifh into Ayrc, And not infect: your Turrets* T^uke. Why do'ft thou talkc thus ? ViK Firft kiU me Sir,it will be Charitie, Then rip my Bofomc vp,and in my Heart There you (hall find what my Tongue loathes f vtcer. Duke, I thought,deare Vmgenei. neuer (hud Hauc bin a ftrangcr to your Thought$,tilI now : 1 pry thy fpcakc^what is it troubles theei^ Dor, If 1 were furc that breath (hud be my laft. You (hud not then entreat mc j but receiue it, iioping you will be mcrcifull,and kill me. There isaGcntleman^namcd Vcrtlm^ That lou'd mc Yore y ou faw me,and I him, Although I neuer gauehim any hope : Vpon ilie Wedding day he met mc here; And lookt fo like a man that meant to perifh, That I was willing to refterc (ome comfort -y Whereon I wi(ht him get me fuch a Gai land. Made oif all Flowers that the World coptaynes, Gt Noj HptthinklngTucba'tbtngQjduldhSme bin done, - And for Rcquitall promi$*d him — r — ~ J Gdnnot Vtter no more,nor (had haue thdl)gbt fo much* Dube, U^xh'MzlM' ■>■ i.u^wj .>o ; ^ D^r. Allf wttd[you moie?wud y^u jWfcftouU proceed? Grow im pudcnt in finnc,till ihundipr rent \si Duke. Why.buc fuch promilb may be difpens'd wicb, Tbough yoa had fcal'd it with fi Vp w. - VpriU I'did Sir^and a greac ofjet: qqi^Iq^ thei?e» . Biit added two orth£e6cothdt$ iho lej^lhvas. The blaftingof this Beatltte he adored* Duke* I know not how to doubc^yec this may be A Cunning 5 IVill try her. Let if notirjoublc thee, Deare Dorigene^ thou (halt |)erfor0)ctby, Vpw j lie be the Sufferer, and «ike the finne on iwc. Dtr. But the damnif ion muft be mmc,roy Lord, And ifl pull it onmc^vMaalbe thisway^ offerstoJlAff Radierihitfnwrongtng;you. ■!,' rr. i v h'\^ V\berfelfe^ _ Duke, Whjpfioihouwrong^flBBewoitft^ And wut dcprrue nie of all tbcjpycs irv ibis World, Thx>u wilt teach me b^ ill irkajHplie,ho\Vi tp foHow ^hee* Swcet»l^iiic.ki(&kbea;lyjli:t^ifonll«^ ; 1 .n Which all mcn-ciftjdQt'lrtbinirto avigid 5 1 :-.,.•■ i It is but one houccalolfc of thecal priytby: j;.. . Make no more fcrMpliroi't tb n^flif 1 D«/t^; Thou wilt ctfofco*? D/^i^f. Wbyi'ivthWkcvaioci I b*"? bcfto>jf'4 %»« . > paincs ^ The merry mme-maiay, paincs to bcg^c my fclfc inro an Order. O Dort^enejii thou becft falfc, the Serpent parted wiih bis Subtletie, and clos'd it in the Fruit he gauc thy Sex. Exit, Tfdr. I know not whether lam greater blcft Orcurft in.fuchaHusbandiFatethouhaft thy ends, And 1 banc mine. Come Dor/lf^,ar\out againe, deale not fo largely, Not truft fo prodigally, led vou do mecte With fuch as will take the full forfeiture^ So Vet tue guard yon and your goodnefTe Crowns Your thoughts and adions with true chaftitie. Ray, This is not as I looke for,nor do wifh. D^r.O ftayjlct me not be fo wreiched,but to pay The«lmes of a true heart,thankes for your bounties Which hath beene greater then I cai! requite.- Now I do loue thee Dcrilus as decrc As thy owQC oudireile vemic«And I bcfcech thee Depriuc Depriue vs not thy prefcncc at the Court, I'or I will liiie to ftiidic a reqaitafi, Artd the Duke with mc^ that (h all know thy worth, . And fiadc it in thy deeds, fhall entertaine thco, And in hisbofomcfixsthcea true friend: Thou rhalc not go vnlcfTe thou promife me, I miy rcceiu*c and welcome thee at Court, Wffri. Since you command me, He not failc to off^r , My reruice to mySoueraignc and you* Dar. With tcarcs of ioy Iloue thee. Exit, R/^yvhat blood hauc thefc two crcaturcs?Cold as I am My aged head wrapt like the Alpcs in SnoWj Yet it the Diucll luft, had warm' d me on, Rcfpci^s fhud ncuet quench the hcate in mc. There is a fparkc alreadie in my bofomcj And I do fcele ic working towards my heart, Which when it once hath reachtyand kindled i Intf>aflime,no premeditation 1 ' Of the offcnce;.{hall blow it outagaine. ' • The Duke has cmertaind a icalofiCj • And imptayes jncinthe difcouerie. Which makes effaduall to my purpofcs. - Mifchiefe is brooding in my braincs,and the cucnt Shall woikemyplearures or their difcontent. E/i/^r Bernard. Ffr. Wcir rnet Sir* Ho w nowf Melancholy, . But now I tbinkc on'c, cuiry man is fo After his height ot dalliance J did heare = Youhad admittance And I faith how find you hcr«'. Dm, You haue my land Sir* Ber, Yes , in my pocket, a larg e hofc youle fay ^ Toil > - JO. j ^ nujunp M^UMCmt f U f You told mCjbcing familiar with the Caufc, I fhould partake in the Euenr. She ha's pctfotmd' DorH. Ycs.very gracious. Ber, Why fo thcn,what wud you more f DoriL No more. Ber, Zfootjhcc's tiirn'd Eccho : but I fiauc obfcru'd, Knocke at the heart of Man ahcrfull ioyes, And you fhall find him hkc an cmptic Vcflcll. IwilllcaueyouSir. peril. Hcarc me firft. Becaufe you may not fpread a Cafumnie, ivhich when y are not your felfe, Wine may bring forth j Here I proieft by all that's Righteous, Both in Earth and Heauen,rhoug,h I had bought - i(^nd payd for this Sinnc as your (clfe can witnefle. And might hauc purchased it (but wirh her Curies^ I gaue her Vowcs backc freely to her lelfc. Made her the fame DuchefTe that Qie was. And is ftill abfoiuic. Ber, How? freely gaue her what coft you fb dcarc ? DmL Freely: and had my Life bin in the Bargainc, It had gone. And Wife and Children, Ifl had bin worth 'hem O you donnot know, And it is tedious to relate it to you, Ber, You are a iranke Giuer, and you (hall teach me (Fof in all Goodncffe I will be your SchoUcr/^ To imitate J though not to equall you; Here take your Bonds againe, If you coud checke That vntam'd Fiend,call'd Luft, why Ihould not I, By your Example, bridle Auaricc : He is not worthy to recciue, that knowes not bow to re- ftore. Pray Pray tdkcit ,y>oi|wciifior^' ^ ■ >^ 1 1/ • You wod befingulcrjihcnloc^cyouSirtiseanceldf Thus from the letrcFs I do ccare the law. As you thccrime you went with from your heart. You haucyour owneagaine : And lam richtfr Without ir,thcn po(fcffiBg.Fai?cyou wc)l Sir. Boril, Pray (yySir ^and make me not (o wrretchcd As leaue that vgly (inne Ingratitude For my Companioti : I may through your'frkndfliip Thinkc this lite h^ppy^ to fcorc age vport itJejJ • ' ' • ■ / ' And die, An^hh Stories of'ybtitomyihikh'er^. Ber, AndlofyouwuddocthclikciomiW^; That fliall if I can wotke ir, call you vncklc. '' ' . VoriL 5^r;?4r/rf my friend, atidchamber^itUow. ^fl'^*^ '* Ber, And brother that wud be, nay mirft be; 4; Though I vndcrtake as bad a taske as picking^f^ow For here's my fpirit Afmody can flic Thefame-wayagainc. ' Landpffie^inhisfiwnc Lan^ NoJhaueclipchi^wiDgsV • {h4f9^ii^'^l Ber* Zfoote my Tutor,Iam¥tklcync. = un. And bound him to i fiinric tharioc For threefcore yeares, and after totNc throwne Into the bottome of the burning lidke) Boyling with Pitch and Sujphure. Ber. Alas poorc Afmody}sz will bc«uer coddled, Lm, Forhisaudacicnfhcfle. ^^. Alas Sir, 'twas not l>istfauIt^or to (ay truth,IcoA- iordc'him••■•'^.^.^)V••^v.•^ '-.■«.: ^■ ■ ' .. • . • . />4if. You coniurde bimjioib wbatPintoa blew coatc And a bcard,did you norf kokyou ihcr's your Afntadj* Ber, Troth Sir,yoU hauc bin to cruell with hini. You might alttlhimhaoeboylifih bis liuorie, H For ¥or his bcardjit was not a milTc ten bcpluckc off, Forirt:rjm^ic>vuKibf, Z* Raymohdj/^^ifw^^r^': 2?i«^^r5 J>jorilus ^ ^/r. Sir^Ihaueafuitetoyou*. i^/»i<. SpeakeiCk ^ > .- tim To know cbis Centkman^d if not formy (akc. Tor his Gwrc to grace htmi he ha* dtftfWcM*.'*"^ W D//j&<*. He has. V>orilu4 kmeiesjhe Dtike dWwi /«/. O my dcarc brother. hi^frvordandrunsit D/rAVhardoyoumcancSir* ihhiskfetni^ Duh. Away with her to pri(bn,ahd let hcrfather, And her brother both be intn'd bur ofth« Court. Lord Rajmand.bc it your charge to fee it done. Exfi. Fay, Vnwillingly 1 obey yoiijO my hart dances^ And tun d vntolo many ioyes, it bcaics '- ti:?iJ "-ri- • ^ ^^ My bloud about mc into cucry part. Thai I grow yong againcj Alai good Lady, Why do you wccpe? theft teares were weJlbccomroing !f you had any crime to wafti away, But you are clcere as heauenj then beare your fclfe As confident and fhining, that ftands vndiAken, When meo fpeakebUfphemie and throw vp curfcs: Beware fwcei Princcflcjyour too zealous care, Exprc ft in the behalfc of ybur firiwe friend. May be by fome informing Eare fnatcht vp. And carryed to the EHike, which wud pile high. And heighten vp the mountaine of his wrath. Der, Let it be fo, and let that mountaine fall. And all ihe worldjwith his difpleafutc oil mc^ But hidden io the ruine, yet at laft It is my cc mfort,! (halbc found my felfe. Ray, What a well built caftle is a deare Confcitncc } * No Battcric,no Iniiafion ftirrcsir, When a guiltie en,!* like a Spiders Web, Shooke with the motion of each litrk flyc What heipe ihcrc lies in mc hnkh ii^itn'd Lady, AiTii re y oiir felfe of it^issifyourxiwn* hf art > - Had the powre to vva43uardvpon5pu. ^ . Pfir, Thcf 4R5 wckprac,, ^^^. $o,thpdiudlvvhcnh$,meanccb;tp fcd^ Puts on aQ Aagejs (Hap§,^j^9t^b not k«cw. Or prorpej:|nJ3ispu^ppfp;Inthi$ple07j,oy oicsdV.-s.^i !f?5rjc>r: ar. o-: ^mtrJi^^'.,^ Id. Whcfeisii)/tWj?fc])<^N$iA,f^ifef^ . /e^;*., AlaSjIhqev^sloftj^njjf^hpreibjHifcfiJ^ Muft be co,mp^>i9v|%of f|ei}qiiifcriq#/ , - ^ ; . ; , Therefore bev\'ift^^«^,^(VrlY^iigc.^Wi^;^ -j Thou art as faire ?if ftiej.a«,esp;HPv%i .JVnd I that:ru|^th6R»4K^4t>«.tij?^ ; , luL Whai,TO4pgR^><^::.KHJoir;jj<':vrnT/-., /e^r. Th^«ft§^?H»lgA^Ai;^hi(^;haj:^^ Plainc and fiivc^r^^tof iii^?i?5;f heejMiftwj(J&,-. ..m .. * Of all the happincilc whijchthqu capft ^^h , As (he whom I c«5atc (hall ftand abauc, , Ai^la^gb a? clK^aMmmcsof ptiieti J^y;, :; 2a Ldokc not vpon my haures, t'J^ W fp;9^J:. / r nt«a o\^ ButIcankifle.theciptoA^iont ./ » Infofc a breath ir^tayp«v|hrpugh ^cm^nc^ ShaU c^l ^ ^jn^ng WmOi ioiQypurchcpkc, i . _ And turne tTiis (p.ringr|tid^of.your tc^fc^tp fitCa X^change'i\«aain\oblQpd^arvdftcil^.7i^mmw9rd^, t - ' " ^ "■ • ^-. ,. '• • ■/■.to". the merry Milke-maids. To incite a heate as fenfuall as the fame TKat did beget you. Jul. lam vncapableofchts ill language : But (uppofc I wetc^my Lord^ajyou efteeme fne. Is this a time, when my heart's full of forrovv, Ready to breaks for their vnfortunate fates, To giue admictance to fo loathed xiaOii That neuef totKl be tcinpted iii the height Gf feftiiialR .* and all the footbing flitrcrics Truft vp in vowes and glories of a Court. Ray. Why.?! will giue you libcttie to thinke. To ponder on ii for a little time; For I v^ rather Uoue Qiould make theemine Thc«.Violcrtc^6rFearc. Gonfideroiit Without dclaycs, rctumc me abfolutc : I am-not like your dull cold Englifbiiian, T1k«:CP« attend his MiftrefFc-a whole day, A w6ek«yaiTjonih,ayearc,yct'chccke hisblood, AfidivhwiitiTudhauevcnttoburftin fire, Hewecpes out in water. The Simne butncs NiHoutvvard,^Sfny blood within, pa flfions beats S'i^.ilvkkeand'fhorr.thcy make my cntratles fweaie. But for a while I leauc you, thinke and be wife. Exit Ray, Jiih Fis wifdome to concealc what I do thinke. And truth to call thee villainc: Owe arc Rui<7'4»<4lotvsarcruin'd^' Enter Bernard, B^rm* Yonder fbe iSjand Weeping— Wbo'wilt not be in louc with forrow, while it takes vp Her dwelling in that face, it is a queftion^* Whether fmilcs more adornc that chcckc then tcarcs. luL O worthy Sir^ how docs my brother^ l^ern. VVclI^donnotvouTearciiLady, H3 MWhy A pleafiiffComeclit of Jul, Whydocyoulcauchfmf Ber. To comfoity ou that bauc more need of it, For he fits vp and laughs at mid ric. Enter FreJ, VVith bopero out h'ucitj^which isfordtudc Fitting a ncblcfpirit* Fred. Fortune my foe why doft thou fiownc on mej&c, A good voyce is a perpciuall comfort to a man , he fball be furc he cannot want a Trade. Yondci's Madam /#- /m, and the Italian Dcdor adminiftiing, they lookc hkca couple of Tragedians in the fomthAa, cut of conntcnaocc. Right Woifliipfull, Charitable, moft Bountiful! and well difpofcd , pleafc you to looke vpon the Eftate of a poore decayed Lord, blownc out oi the bofomc of good Fortune, vntotbebackc fideofmcns Bounties, trom whence a fweete gale of good will may arifetoblow mecout of the dead Tea of want andde- fpaire,into the happy Haucnof good harbor, where I niay lie at reft from hunger and coW, bound vnto you in the bcd-rolle of beiicuolcnce, which howfoeuer fmaU a pittance it fliall be, in this cbbc of aduerfitic , it rtialbc returned treblcio you againe in the next tyde of pro- fpcritie* Sweet Madame, Ex,B— im/r' Oh, Oh. ^ . Fre. What I ^ ^ 'vrtrwtHf 1/7- Cal. Mcthinkcsfirrah, fincc my tongue bralic loofci I rake an infinite plcafurc in t , how thinkcs thbu/* I Ran, Your Lordfhip calkes wondrous cuitcnr For your word wili^o before many a mans bond. CdAi (hall tun before any mans bond for a wagct'/' iMy honourable Lord>How doeuhe great Dutchenc* Yourfiftc«* * Urn, And the good Earlc your father. CaL Wich^he reft of your kindred and acquaintance that bore the Court before 'hero. Ran, IhopeamanmaycoiMrthiiMiftrcflcnowwith- oar a Patent from your honor. Fre. I hope a roan may crackc your pipkin Pate, And cut your nccke ofMutton into Stcakess If you-wili not be quiet jVC brace of wicker bottley. : Rm, Wicker Botdes/ he cab vi wicker bonlcf • * Fre. landmuHieoncf. C4/. And mangieonesco,arewenot? Frif.Yes,eucry thing that's trotiWefomc andfliokcs youare. CaL H3,ha, prithee laugh at him. Ran. I, we will laugbat hinij but let v$ goe, Foe the fellow is defpcrate,flnd pcirhapsmay beatc vsj Suchpcdplcfearenolaw. * CaL Hanghim^hecdarcs not within the confines of the Court. Ran, I, but we may talkc our felues oufof the liberties. And then he may beatevs without the confines. Ycr if he did,iwcrc all oncto mCj^for I can Bnoure a beating as well as another man, Cuftomc's another Maturcrburyet I wud AVe wcregonf^ ciL Why.come then lets goe bcckoffgainef For my ownc F yx/9 WWrfV AVXIMW livniMUV owoe part,Idonnot care for quarrelling : here wee may be bold » though my Lord > I haue a poore fider I wiid prefer to cue your Honors toes. K4M* And I haue a proicdl^ifit picafe your Honor ,to ieziconfoote, k may make a great many of vs ride a borfebacke. Fre, O that the place were not priuiledg'd. Smir. I, and the place were not priuiledg'd. fre. Why/* what wudft thou docf ^mir* Let 'hem alone,and laugh at 'hem« Fri. Why jgramercy Stftirke jihou hai\ inftnidlcd mc. A my confcicnce I (hud now do fo. Smsr. Yet he he gaue me a bob i'the proied. Fre, Why? haft thou any thing to do with proic^is? smi. Yes, I was to prefer one ior putting downe Pigs i'the Faire time, f rtf.How?putting down Pig$,prythy let's heare thai? ji»^. Why, a fellow that will vndertake to finde the Country people,and the people of the Faire^with good repafl for three pence a meale, Fre, How can that be? prytby let*s vnderftand? Smtry^y Sir>A cook wil vndertake to bake in a pafty Foure oxcn.withoui Butter comer wife, Lambe and Mutton in the middlC) AUkindc ofFowleoneachfidc, With their bils lying out to difcouer their condition. With which he wilbe bound to find the fair feuen daies, And giuethe ouerplus to the poore« Fr^.This is a very prinie one and profitable. Smir. Then I haue another , ior the crying of fmall Beare^from (ixei'the morniDg, till cwelue at noone , for Fre, A moft neceffaiy one^nd had it bin propounded I when V9htn I vvas a Locd^ic fhud haue had m^countcnancc. ^w/r.Nay, it wudlia gone forward , forallyouri^igh bloods wud a countenanc'd ic^ yec it was thought there was a rich Miike^woman wud a croA k , and haue brought ir to pofletdrinkei'thewmecr, and whay uhe Summer, and the Apothecaries wud haue ioyh'd with hereto haue clarified ir. Fre, Not vniikdy. BiK Smirhy/hst is your purpofcf Stni, To fiay till the good timciand take a whipping, With as much refolution as a man may take a whipping Fr^ Then you looke for the Ladir^' SmJr. I donnnotlookefor it , beceufe it comes wtthra backcblow^and there is no ward for it but Patience. Fre. Why thou CM righfjand it is manly done, K^t to run f rom, bift-to inecteaifli(ftion« Smir, I, but when affli^ion comes like a Fury, with^a whip in her hand/tisa fore matter* ExiufK. Sceniafecunda. 5/i.Leaue with thy potent charms to teare th'clemcncs Ai>d ves^hepoore inhabitants: here is the Ring Tranfparaot as the day,that makes the weartr " LogfltoalJfighr^andwalkeiQuifible ' XiXucry eye but yours : And when fo ere ' ItityourplcafureitfiiaUloofeitsvertuej x^ . Toucht but with this herbe and it f^ls in pccceft r bah LAn, -Thanks my induArious ^irif . *• «£ ^ ^ • Sfir. What elfc is thy command^ * ^^'^y^ *y^^^ X4jy.-Nought elfe at this timc^buton dH ocofioftti Thou in a thought be ready to attend* ^ * '- Sfhf I (halt - ): "^^^ t ^ "f":'^ > ...fifirteA'*% <' n the m^rry Milhe*m4idsl Enter Vmltii And ierndrd* i As your hearts (halbc cw I part from you. At lead forfake you : Behold this httle Ring, Purer then CbrillaUgfuIl^ffubtillcr flame ^ Then that which fparkles i'the Diamond^ Of Vcr0rilm,J)firU$4i* P#wZ Why here manj I am h«c, Ber. Hcrcj where? • 2)#f. Whyhere,clorcbycliee,oowlrouchthee. Ber. Thisisthyhandf DW* Ycf. Ber.lt tTiaytefobtefitf«nytli!ngih«Ilmoiw,bot t^t Now 1 fcele the fingers, thou maid hold h vpat the Bar And ncrc bfrbumti'thcfiand tt* warrani thcc. D^riL Whyf I fccthceplaitic at I did before, AfldcucrythmgeMc. Ber. But that! ha«ic confidence ifr my Maftcc and hii Art,l wud nciicriookcto fee ihce agaiwe« Laik Looke you /«//4 your MiftrcsjComfoKhor, And take the ivoike vpon you : lie to my blew coate again6,iMidiflttani!y waitoo yoa. Ber. Allyourbeftwifhci*Faireft. hmtrld^ ltd. O Sic they lye myoo* i^^r. Oyoufpei^iDa&cketothemelanchoUyy Health loihcfickc. \^ luL Fornettyntodicdeliucfyoi my Millrefle, My brothcti welfare is,which700 promifed. z>^Wil why fito lam wdl? next vndcrHtauefi IprayfethisGendemaiJ. • . , Jul thatishifvoycc,wteeareyoawmb«rf Dw/. Herefitteim»Areyoiu /*/. Brforenwf D^i/;Ye8^ die veiy moiiAof fouiitaiiiM wndlay /#/. TTufliwelcamioiieevott. 'l^';' ^ . VorVL Truftmel1fn^d6fii^lkwtlce*e*6M««n4 andthctowdcr.theyiniiheaitme. ' Bw-. TbUIpcrceiiicdoodfftmiewhtttttwAkYOtt. • Butletitnot,itfcii!bcforigbod/ ^ Which though it cannot changCAtaaylftfwrc WooO* See they are hot in pfCp^ation^MW?*^"*^*^ behold the Anaigpcmenr, :Bxfmft»^'' £ii/«'Fetdinando,t3dfndt»« ^^^ jJe^4JFortunc is a goodJJufwife,(hc pUeabwwbti^ 1 ths mmyAim^nuaas. AlaspooreLady,Ipitcy ber^foramyconfciencc (he is clcarc of thcfaa lay d to her. Cfir, Ittsthe maddeft world, the report goes (liee fhud lie wiih on for a Nofcgay. FerJ. In fome things Fame wilbe free I fee , in fome * ngs fcantsfor lie afliire you«'twas for a Garland. C^r. VS^y a Garland let it be^Hie had bin better won ' with fome other dance then the old one : but (lie has ard meafure me thinks,not to be allowed an Aduocatc j ar alas, what can a woman fay for her fclf in fuch a cafcf Fer. Doft thou thioke aa Aduocate can handle it better? C^<, Yesjifhekaueafcelingofthebufinefie. Fer, Away Tray tor. EiHer fhtBitktjMdget^ Ktymond ^wUbfitkrs, judge. Bring forth the prifonefjplace her at the Barre. 7/»<^^^. Readethelndkemenr. Ckrke, D^rfgeagMfiem^si^^rxoGM^El^reffieM, inthe Prouinccof iWyfliGeBticmanj and by the grace and iauoiir of our Sdueraigne Locd Duke of Sdxe- pie made Diiebei!e , ataimed of high Treafon , by comnnitrtng Adoitery^kkone Derihs Trucheff'e^^^xi- uate Gentleman o4ihe ramcProuioce ©t A^^f^jwho by good and TufBcienr witnefTefbeiide her own (hameleHe confeflfion to iheDuke himfdfe ) it here iuAly accufed, and indited of the fad^ yet the Duke out of his moft gratious clcBienck, dedrous^{a«iired and lawfuil pro- cecding,admitteh the faydP»rg^ ■■' 'daughter to the afopbfayd Vnd tell him fhc had rworne,which theimmodensi And mofl profeiTed Sti^mpet neuer wud : What name of (hame is to be giuen this woman) That wud thus lewdly fiiffcr the wild tongue, Proclay me performance of fo vild a deede. And vnto htm (he knew did loue her foi Sh^ might perhaps by herbeaucy and her teares. Or both together ilir compaiSion, > In many here,^d in the Duke himfeife, B^ when her crim^ (ball be remem bred, A crimelb beyond mercy being done, ' Vnto a Pf itlce^and fuch ar Prince as he is. What can I leffe infpire me all ye powers? That thought me wonhy of authority Thctv without pttty to condcmnc this womau. I. ludg, Thecafeistooapparant. ^^ lUp Is it not graue Fathers. % Iitdg. Yes indeede it is , I was almoft adeepe. - Rayi Ye alldo know, all ye that kuow the Law, VVhojpardbneth the o^tadct doth commit. An offence equaH wi^hhim that doth puniih^ The barmelcfic innocent then (he muft dye, I grieue to fpeak'i andamfo charitable, To wi(h that her repioach may dye with her. D«^tf • 1 thinkc thcefor thelafVfpccch, it was w«n, O that fhc now cud fpcakeanddccfc her felfe. Bui proceede,giuefeciteo€e,ifihe (daylong, a Arid I (land by a witnc^of her ceares^ "Slitclc weep her felfe ^ItleiTeandinnoceDti ' Thee- ji ^umfiirff i>(^wfr(«w ^w^-!^*""' ■ "''*•*'' Therefore go on* DffhL Stay, Duke Whofcthatf iJud^, I know not. RAy. Whence come that voycc. Cfif. Out of the clouds I thinkc, For no man dares owne it* Duke4 Go forward ind giue fentencc* DoriL Stay I fay* . JI ludg. It (poke againe. 2 ludg, ItcaniebymyEace* FfT. The Court is troubl'd* DeriL HearcwcyemiiMftersofluftice, And thou Patron of it and Truth, 'I That comes toyoufbt fuccour, and fiw: fafcty. Duke. KcepcyoUrpl«es,focletitbeihc.DiuclI I will heare him^and hearing (baU determine Whether he be a fpirit oi truth or Lies. DoriL The AUfteferuet that guards Innocence, And often lets it pine, but oeucrperifl), Can raife a voice from ftoncS,or trcc5,or windes. To pleadc the caofe that tieds no Ekxjuence. What hath this Lady done that here you bring her Vntoa Barre offtiamefHIft forbemg veriuous, Becaufe (he hath bio conlbtit to her Lorrious,whcn itbath wrought it (elfe Out of thoft tioubks which would (liflc it. K Hcauen Meauen vvas affaulced by the Giants once , Which fhcwd tpnes powrc the grcatcr:thcpcnfiuc foulc Fighting with fin.thc diucll,and with death, After the victory, triumphs and fings Eternally amongh the bielTed Angels, Crown'dWith perpetuall Peace and happincffc, Bn t (he for being vertuous muft die. For conquering her aff<:(aion$,for louing Sincerely , and ef£:^ally,her Lord; For hauing not the cunning to difl^mble^ But for being Simple jChaft^and Innpccnf, Iuft,Noble)Be4utious,ExceJIent in all, Saue what no common woman wud haue mid* For this,and for this onely (he muft die. Duke No,(he muft h'ue^and all the world mufl dfe^ To me^before a baireof her (hall perifli. ^ O I haue wrong'd thy goodn€(le,now I fee'c^ who was before made blind with iealoufie, The heauent take thy part^and wunnot fuffer So much of worthincffe to fall at once, Left nothing here but wickednefTc abound. ^4;'» Sir^will yoii licare me,- Duke A way,I will faeare nothing btit her Angels voice,^ And that which fpoke lor her,which was no leffe, Ii held fuch mufickein it, befides Truths Wipe from thine eyes thofe tearesjiet Meffeogers Be (ent to find the Earle my father fonh, And bring him backe to the Court,thereto receiuC' Of vshisdig-nitiesandfauours trebled; I am new fram'd againe. Affli^ions meet, Addtoiqgling with out ioycs^ make them morcfweet ' CaLl lui i uMmiuu.iipmw i the fHdrj tme^dsT Ci/. Idonnotlikcihif. ■ rol^.i Rdfi, Nor I. ^withyoul Bcu Faiceone, pray day* yourbrether wud fpcakc id, Sir,youmay command oie^nd for hisfake. To thVtmoft of my powrt, I am bound to you. O my deare brother , how you ioy iny (bule To fee you vp againe^in healtbi and lu{ly? Vor, Place your thanks here kind fifkr/or to his skUl, Next vnder Heauen>it muft be attributed. ltd I do know it brother,and do cbanke him. Heartily (hanlce him^and the Duches (hall, That owes him equally as much as we, Thanke him a better way« Ber. NQLady,yoi)r thanks payes me really, . And I will neuerlooke for bacerpay, Nor cake,then comes frona you^pray looke vpoo me^ And fee if you can ^fieayour aff dioa ypon a^man fo vdworthy as n^ felfc^ :/W« Sir you are worthy oi a better choycc. But kt me K>r your ownc £ike thus.aduife you. If you haiie entertaind any fuch tbdqght; (As I hope you are wifer) to part with irj For ttuft me,(his poore heart I cariy here. Is not mineownq Ido but walke with it, And kecpe it for anothen pray no nose Sir, Brother Birewell J (hall be wanting to thePuchcs. Sxh Z.4II. Loft it, it catinot be. Deril, Now talking with you»plucking pff this gf oue. It f. Fred. A lewell, let icbe hang'd Jle glue you euery ot&e le wels a peece, (hall ouer value iC| There's not a friend Ihaue,but (ball haue (lonef , As faire and weighty at the Turke hath any, And Concubineslike bim^though not h many. Ye fhall good Dodor,rhou art fo melanchoUy. Iji», Come, let it alone* DfiriL How? let it alone*. Ldn, Y:es, for loft it cannot be«if any finde it, . When I am pleas'd to bttMHtJ wiU fend A meiitilger fhall fetch it with a vengeance. Pry thy forbeare^andlecvshearemyLord. Fre. Gcntlemenwbat«rinye«doef willy ee come to Court, and bcgrac'c by me^ will yon be Knights or Of- ficers^ Genclerocn vAicri,t>r of the Bedchamber f. fpeake whatyoulebc wbiUIIafli Ttbc giuing vatne, and you arcfo* Un, Weele wake on youto morrbw my good Lord. Fre, Youblew Bottle Basket hilt I talke not to you. ^ And th ot^er two are fhipid>now I thmke on t: Dpr«/i^ you were bef^leatte«heCotnrr;a |naa Sufpeded once» is very (ildome found Ifl his heart thatXufpeds^tm to be fcMind: Tliere ye haue a touch of my Policy^ faicwelL DmL Farewell my Lord. Fr^. Thinkeonr. Fi^fsin^k^fiiei 2?^* JlcWanaDtyotn $beRii^g. fru VVhais fre* What! this.' A ring: thatf A and trufimei A v< ry pleaiing one vnio the eye, Some Lady loft it,for whofe fake ile weare ir, Vntill 1 find a challenger,it may be Twas loft a purpose and here dropt for mc. Exeutft ACrVS oyARTVS. ; Sccna Prima. E^/^Fredcricke* f r^. Am I mtd or dranke or the pcople,both:and blind too I thinkc.For ki mc come vp to incm ncucr fo nccrc, talkeneucrfokdud, gripe them neuecfo hard, they fee mee not ftare and gape, as if I were in the aire, and a$ke,whetear«you. If wee were out offauour,! flioHld neuer wonderat ir, but being Reftord » and in greator grace thcncuer, it fomewhat troubles me: zfootc»and a Lord cannot be acknowledgd, what will be come of poore Gentlemcnsheere come a couple, and fober as I take it, lie try if they baue not loft their eye-fight. jE^#^rFerdinand6,4M^ Cornelius. Or.But that you iuftifie ir fo vehemently, I (hud not abdeeu dit: Loft againc. Ferd. Againe,and fern toprifon,her father Baniftid the Court againe, andallbis honors, Tookeagaine from him, and from'sfonnc^ And ails againe as it was, and if not worfe, Ferd, Nay then my admirations at an end. I remembf c nobody wod know me laft time. Buc thefe are a couple ofhon^feUowes,aod yet they fctue a Lord, it any body haue vie oftheir eyes thefe wiil. By your IcaueQcmle* men, did you (ee the y ong Lord Frederuy, ^ni WhcrVfae that askt that queliion? K3 Zfootc A pleajant Comedie of " ^^ Tir, Zfootc I cannot fee him, yet heard him plained 1 CiT*. Thcinuifiblevoj-^jeiscQmeagainc, . : i r, Ibt'^cucfo, h , i .l^'-opic arc blind,ihat$ certainc ' lookc how the ., ila >^— — I donnot ihinkc there wafc cucr any fuch thi: ^„ in ti c vvo! Id as an cy c , a kcing cye» I know Tay- ] )i h iicedicik hit: r eyes , and Chcefes , but a difcerning eye, thaj's the eye 1 wud cncounrcr with. £»r^r Callow and Ranoff. w CdL It did me moie good then my dinner^ I proteft, to ice her tranported to prifon againe. Rd». And io it did me I proteS) for her brothers fake my Lord Fredfricke Fadouil^, Cal, I wonder he k no4 taken yet, heele Fadoudle ac the Gallowes, I bcleeue when fo cxe he is, for I told the Duke «vhai a fawcy companion he was. £r^. 1 will requite your kindncflcinftanly, CaL HownoWjWbatsthaif . Frc, Will you too Coxcombs neuer be vncoiiprd) ie4;;. Who was thatmy Lordf Crf/. Nay, I know not: fr^. Who was that then? CdL Who was that faidjwho was ihat? Fre. Marry it was I Sir, C4/. You, who arc you? . Fre, One tbat*le beftow a little paines with you, ^/v. Pray knock there no more my friend, chats the back gate,your bed goe about* Fredc. I will doe fo, and wipe yow Nofei for you. RiM. rd rather you wud let ttalonc,vnle merry MtW-WMOs* " How now /u!ia,vihy fo difconfolare. M O brother wc arc vndonj All's outofioynt againc As much or rather more then cucr. Dfir, How? /mL The Duke's in old fir^and the poorePnnceiTe Clapt vpclofeprifoner.Iooketoyour fclfe Oryou arc loft. - (mc D0r/. Be it fo jfor life is wcarifome fiftcr ,do you louc Jttl. Why rtiud you aske a queftion fofriuolous. Dor/. Do you? /«i. Yon know 1 do. DorL Shew it then; fortillyoufarisAemeinmyre- queft^l Aiall make doubt of it. /0/Pray fpcake it. Dm. Here's a Gentleman to whom I owe, , More then my parents gauc me jmoic then If Foriunc^ud lookc vp and fmilc, Proue a prodigall in fauors to mc5 And I (liud Hue to take 'hem with this hand y And with this,pay it as due Tribute vnto him: See how he languiCbes, can take no reft, No foode,but thoughts which nourifti himj And (ighs againe for you^drinkes his owne teara?, And weeps them forth again,ye( does not cal you cruelj Prayfpeaketohim. luL Whyalasfbrotherldidtellthisman How hopekile 1 wa$,prayd him to defifl. And make (bme better choyce. Ber, YoudidLady,butImuftdicfifft. Jul, Wh/ifyoubefodefperatealouer, That you will die for me, thinke roe the like. That I can die as well for him I louc. Ber, You were good company to go to heauen with. La^, I jbut if either ofyou go that way ,you take An iU couf fe in your iourney. {La X)^. Hauc A fleafanp Comedie of lL>oriL Hauc you then plac'd yourhcart on any man? lul Yes bclccue mc,though I hauc m adc no noyfc With fighs.able to blow vp mountaincs. Baril, What is he? JuL One that you prai I'd your felfc into my heart. Although his youth and feature need no Orator. Pm/. I pray fd! /W/i you wrong mc. //e deic£led thus, for fuch a vanitie as a Maidenhead is, you'd ill endure to haue your wife run away with ano'tber man tM'o or three yeere together, and aiterward brought home, anda- gaine accepted with Suppers and with Trumpets. Z,4;». A plagy fmartwench. - luL But (ince it is fo eftimate a Jewell, . Come my B4rf$drd w'eele not part with it^ But lay our heads together how to prefcrue it* (^m^ Fr^. Why but do you hear€,(1iall 1 be loft thus cut, he Will none of you acknowledge me^/Wxii, tdlst Do^ot D0riltu. V6ru FreierUkhy xhtsoicc. Fn. AndFr^i^/filf by flcfb&ndbloud as good as a- ny man or woman wtid defire,fcele me elfe. D^fi. Idofeelea hand. Fn. Andyecperceiuenobody. D0r$, Righr. Fre, Righr, but by your leaue tUisnoc righr^either your eies are drawn a(ide,or my bodie is taken aftunder, and nothing left certaine of mee but a hand and a voice, mas heere comes smirke^ Il« try the ftrength of his eie- (ight. * Lmd. I beftech you ftay, heere isa prciuifc of fome • initth. Enter Ei9UrSmxVtwthfemi^Mllftfs-9ftoUurs, ' ffe, Smirke^tWmct, SmLt^ot (o my frkndswell oucitakeayou may fay. But I am in haO, therefore farewell. What are there rubs in the aire/tis fomelnde dandiprar, that I ouerrun, and ten to one he has broke hisNofe &- gainft my Pipkin, Where art thou? pfg, Heecc Smi* Heere,wherc is that hectc. Fre, What has hegot tro there painting: that it fs^fince you knoiv me not , lie beftow a litde patnes to pidure you, that the be A friend you haue, (ball hardly take ac- quaintance oi you. Smi* APoxofthefeFIycfstheileneMirleaue fwecfe Mutton,but my fnend^nsy friend, hees gone pporefcl- fcllow againc. r. Frf. Tis ftrafigeyottknown0tine.> Smi I Chudknow that voyce» Fr^.You (hud do fOjifyou wud call your felfe to mind SmiMyyoog mafter FndnukMd qupndamLord where areyouf . ¥rf, Heerc man hecre. Smf, Somf thing plaies with my Nofel beletue tis my m whi&king Mufchatui ^ now I am come i'tbe wind. " Fr^Whatdoflthoudawiththii painting 5>fvri^^ Sm* Marry I meane to liu^by it and purple to fet vp my old tradeagaina Fr^< Thy old trade, what's ihatr* SmK'Why a Stainetjl bauehir^ aShop not far from Courts And I haue painted tbem9(l horrlblethings that many men know not what t^make^fthcm,! drew //irr- chUj a great while ft goe in the likenes of a man,ai)d now cucry one faies he lookcs like a Lion. Then I drew AUcon hunted with his owncdog$^& they fay 'tis like a Citizen putfuVlwiihSeriaws. . ' Fr#.Why y f J pleafant €omeiie of 1 Fr i 5i»/. Can I draw any thing into proportion^ why, I will prcfcntly draw you backward or forward, a limb, I twoo'd do you good to behold ir. j Fre. And thou becftfo good a workcRian, thou fhalt J draw my Piiiiure. j Sm/. I wud be glad to fee your face fir, if it plea fc you | to come out of ihe Cloud. \ Frede, Well Smrke , pray for me, lama manjbut in this w orldl h^ic fnMH jftoft QfnK)ny, and therfbre can- not reward ihcc as I wud, but hold thee, giue mee iby handji can fceto take thee by itjthcr'sa Ring/twill yccld thee fomcw bar. Smi, I tbankc you fir»it will fcruc to cxcb^i^c for a Corrall for my fonne andbeire when 1 haue him. LAn* Now ftep out altogether and falutc him. • All Good Senior you are welcome to the light, fre, Td the light: why, do you perceiue me now.^ Tior't. As plaine as the earth we tread on. Fre* S^\iti%Smrkd Srm, Here i am Sir. Fre, Where, come necre me, O the Ring, the Ring, Giue mc my Ringagainejlfiod thfrvcrtue, smi Nay, foftjio play fooles, nothing is furer then iFr^. Come ncerc me that I may touch thee. (gift. Smi. I know what the Properbe Tales, touch me and take me, and therefore / will keepc aloft, Zfoote hce is flruckcn pur blind, bee gropeslike a young Nouice, thtf contrarieway. Whar,arethefe blind toof Fre, Good Gentlemen hclpc mc to lay hold of him. Li/;. Layhotdofivhon). Jr/. Of rre, OiSmirke, . Fre. Nojhc is heere,I fmcll the oyly.Rafcall. 5;^/. They arc all blind, or elfelwalke invifible, He try that prefently. iRTiffes lulk. jui. How now? Stfif. Nothing but a Fledi-flye forfooth lighted vp* pon yoar lips, the place is full of hem Some-bo- dy has (princkled inuifible Virgins water vpon me for I doe goe infenfible. Heere comes the two Bgges,I fhall goe neere to crack their Crowes, foi/thelaftabufe, but walking as I doe, I will find out x better rcuengc. Emer Callow d;id Ranoff. CdL Sirrabl.thinkeitwas much heereaboutthat vre met with the taking voyce that kickt vs? Ra». Twas indeed. Smi, I wud kick you againc,but that I haueCornes on my Toes, I will oaly pencil! you now. And becaufe'you haue fomuch knauery and want colour fot'c I will begin with Orange tawny. CdlL What was that? Cal, Someting croft my Nofe Ran. A Dorc,a Dore,tbe 6eldsare full of them. Sm/, Ylc giue you the Dore too. Riff. There was another wip't mc in the fame place. " Smf. Caufe you are a Knight^you (hall bcare a CrofTc Raff. How novi? Zfoote I thinke fomc Bird has wraidin my eye. Cal. No tis nothing but the dew falls I thinke. A Pox o«t,I am paid againc. V M i?4r. There rai$. There are (ome gadflies fute«b|oad, Ie(s nuke away. Another wipe firft. CdL Ha,ha,ha. »f;;.VVhy do you laugh my Lord?ha,ha,ha. Smi, NayJlcpiiciRtoo,formy ha,ha,hajha^ This is a three mans laughter* Crf/.Boi why do you laugh my Lordf ba,ha, Rdn. ha^ha, Pray why do you laugh my Lord.' Cd, For nothing, for nothing, come priihiclctsgoc* Rani pray iers goe,haha» Smi, I am glad I haue made you merry. F/^. Where art thouPSo deare I loue thee for this pcecc of knauery that I could kifTc thee^prithy let mekiffe thee \ 5w;.No,nOjkifling, I do brittle too much. . Fre. He giue thee another Ring. Sim, No no, no more Rings, I ilaall thinke my (elf e an Alderman,and grow proud thin. Lm* Come let him alone with it. Smi. If you know any Ladie that dealesin •omplexion you may doe me a kindneffe to acquaint her that Smirke c he (eruingman is turu'd aPainter. ScenaTertia. £;9/^r Fcederick,Cornelius 4W Carolus* Cor* How now Cdrclus j^iovt do's my LordF Cdro. Troth fcuruely,asaLordiDaydoinhiscare. Fer, Whyhowi'ftraan. ear0, WickedjWickcdjCXtrcmcwickcdjhc cannot fay bisPraiers. /ifr. Whyfis he fpeechlelTc.^ c<7r. What aPox isthattQchepuipofe^bashcmade his will. " ' ' ^ '€sr0,Yc¥ the merry MSke^maids:' CarffMcSi And in his will he doih will and command that you cwo (hall be whipt, and that he has bequeathed you for your kgacy. C^r. Let him beftow itvponhis friends, we can liuc without it. F^r.But prithee firrahstell vs the manner of his (Icknes which was wondrous Arange and fuddainc. Cdf^. Why how Qioud I know more then you/I am none of bis Phidcian. Ccr, They fay butbe itfpolcen in prinate that aRat hants him^is it fof thou canft tcIJ. F^r, A Rat, a poK of a Rat,Zbloud I heard otherwife. Car. Welijictsheare what hall thou heard. F^r.Marry Sir that the NeopolitanCanker has fearcht into his bonesiind he lies buried invlcers^Aincksfo that without perfumes s nobody is able to abide him. But mum mum^nota wordofthisi rpeake,itisamoDg{lfel« lowcs and friends. carif, Tis wellyoado To, foe othetwife your legacies wud be beftowd vpon you,a yard or two of whipcord is no great colli,and the executors wud goe tolhc charge, Zbloud what RalcaUsare you to Vctcr this, you are the inuentersofir. FerMoi I by this hand,I heard mineac my Barbers, ; C#f . And I heard mine at the Apothecaries* C4r. Whyhccrs the mifery of great men, they cannot fcape the Oaundersof their (laues looke you yonder goes one of the Do6tors,you were beft(co be better fatisfied) inquierofhim. JFer, Not 1,2 loue not to be inquificue. E»ur a Dodicr* ; Pi?^, Wher's aioj of my Lords Gcntkmcn there. Ma c^r. Hccr's ■^j^^f^wsft Tn a w i cor, Hccr's a Lcafh of vi Sir, I>05i. One of yottmuft inftantly take horfcjand ride to D jd or Lofexx , and bring him hither with all fpccdc that m.iybc: hiscounfcllis wanting, and itconcerncsyouc Lords life, thcrctore make haft, andtellhim To to: Tell hiiTi the Duke will elfe be hecrc before himj from whom, if fo it happen^hewill receiuea check. Cxro. we(hall{ir,wefhall. Fer, fheDukejWhyistheDukefimtfor.^ dro Yes,& hasfcnt word he will be heere immcdiatly, per, BcrLady Sir, then tis to be thought thedangers more then cueryAgue brings,&i*willgohard with him. Caroyvhy make notyoa more haft then to the dodlocs? V"^/*. I make more haft , why do's not he oryouf r. Why, what can I helpe if. fyon. Car, Why you may by fetching him. cor* And fo may Cdrfi, And fo may he. Fir, Ar>d fo may you. Caro* I care not,oay do as ypu pleafe. ~ f^r. Why, nor I neither. J Bed thrufi out^ Enter Lady the old Lordjome other Lidy and Aliens, Cor^ Zfoote he fliifts his Rome^Ilc not be feene. i^rr. Bir- itje merry mtiKe^maieis. fer* BycLady Sir nor I. j?4r. Who went for Z,^/>^/&? Cat. Ferdiffind my Loi:d. KAjn Is he not come yci? Cau No my Lord, nor gone yet I belccuc. RAy* Oh, my bloud boyles, as if the Sunnc Had darted ajl his beames into my intrailes. Shorr(hot my foule , and like the (hafc Shot by great Herctdes^ flie till ihou brcak'ft, Or eircjftrikc through the body of the Sun, And fixe thy fclfe in heauen a brighter Starrc. What {hall I do? Is there no powrc in Phyficke? Swoones are you dumbc. Doctors can you not talkcj Though you do nothing clfe? DoEi, Alas my LordjWe know not what to fay, Rd^y. Why then y ou might a faid, that you can fay. That you know nothing, but your owne PriuilcdgCjto kill vnpunifh'djyct arc you apt When Nature workee her felie^to afTume it yours, O my torment, when wut thou ceafefgety ou gonej Impoftures as you arc, and coufcn people That haue faith in you; for I hauc found No Art, but Voice among you. CAr, Away PhifiiianSjgojmy Lord thinks y^ arc foolcs, And fo do I: Therefore bcgon,begon. RAy. Is not the Duke come yerf CAr, No my good Lordj but here are the Diuincs. R4y. They asc veric welcome. ■ 5//^/yir^Neucr,neuer good Raymond. Ray, By that flrong power which raifes me I hautr, And lends me breath to vtter it; and this Ladic. Where is fhc and the PrmcelTe all of ye, For when you fit ft began your icalouue^ Vpot^ a fmall prefoinption,! as apt. ^ And jnerimrry MUKs-mmas. And fuddamc is your felf e in fearc to find, Thcifliicofa Prince which Heauen aducrt, So bafcly baftavdizcjhcld vp your thought. Told you of former and familiar cricks. In the like nature I had (eenebecweene them. Which I protcft was then out of my care, That fuch a thing might be,rathcr then any crime. That euer I knew fhc was guilty of, ' Send for her therefore, and condemne your rath Falfe fuppoittions, and pardon minie, That grew but out ofyours,buconce being grownC) Itfpred into aaore branches then your owne, Duke What is ihy purpofe^ Rdy, Religious as the Churches whichis. To cleare all doubts and prefent Trutht In her o^neGarmcms, to protc^ innocence. And from her white hand lift her out of (landers, Duk.By which you wud inferre my Dutcheife hofreft Ray, By all the beft hopes of a dying man, This beihg a time noc to ieft breath awayw There does not iiuethts dale in Chriftedo me, A Qucene flor ante woman through the world,' More trulie vertucus,and as I fpeaketcuth. Somaylfaileorfindit. Duh Whether m/ ioies arc fenfuall or iinmorwll,; ^ . I cannot fay but furcly I do feele. Ami ftand on fuch a change as if my (bulc. Were meked into bloud jor my bloud turnd» To foulc which lights, me vp f re (b Tapers, Whofe inftrudiue beames dired me to the Hart Of n:iy dcarc Dii[chcflre,whcre chaftity 1 find, Hath^buikhcstfemplc-i within ihcrc. Enter Vutcheffe,» " ' '" ' 4$ml My Jitend. My Lord. 'Duke. Here, take my Signet, deliucr it to Lord Lodvi'tcke^comKim^ him bring the Duchcflc, And waitc vpon her hither, withall the (peed And diligence his dutic can pcrformc. Att, I fhal my Lord, and as Tm one of the honed men lam glad to hcarc ir. Enter Julia. *Dtike O noble Ladie,how (hall I look thy miftres i'the face, that blulh at (ight of thee? priihie ftand by mc5and imboldcn me, bee my Genius, prompt mcc what I (hall fay, or the Sccan's fpoildj 1 fliaibc out ,my tongue doth falter for ioy corceiu'd of her great goodpes, tor gtiefe of her much iniurie. /«/. As in thcfidiion. Giants make war with heaucn. But are (irookc dead.fo malice may ftrike at Vertucj But at laft, I fee the blow will light where it began. Welcome my Roiall miftrcflc, and I hope Vato more ccmfortjihen eucr yet the 54X0/1 Court affoorded, it bearcs the likclicft face Vpon vs now. Enter ihiDMcbefe Duke Why do you kncelc to me?thc flandeicr Ought to askc pardon of the (landred, • My owne Law teaches it. Pray do you ri(c. Or I will neucr thinke my felfe f orgiucn. , Ducb, Nay nowmyLordI fearc you fcnt formceto mockeme, Duke God and all good men at my grcatcft need Requite me with a mockejif I meanc any. O let me now expirejand be the happic mefTengcr To fing this ncwes to heauen,fuch and fo great. Ray. So happie reconcilements make the Angels, Trcadc the bright ring,and from the ordrcd fpheares. Strikes Strikes heauenly muitckt to all earthly cares: Giue me your roy all pardon and remit me. The hand oi death lies cold and weighty on rae. And what is he but mull finke vnder it. Therefore goe exercife your ioyes where griefc, May not be heard to expreffe her felfe in teares, For forrow fiill fings loUd vnto our eares, Dor. O my Lord. Riy. Deare Princes (peakc no morcj know your hart, But asyoa loue my quiet,leaue me to it^ For I do find an enclination to Red and neepe,and perhaps my lafl. Duke.Comc then lets leaue him (icknefle is froward^ And one while company is pleafingtoit^ Another while offenfiuesK^jrw^';}^ farewell, Heauen to his mercy take or reftore thee. Roy, Good Duke I thanke thee, let me kiffe thy hand; And yours bcft DutcheflCjand Lady yours, —— (b Now if you will be gone, you may, Sicknefie knowcs no mannei's. ^uke Wee'ic trouble you no longer Riymond. Ray. Why I thanke you,and all good lighten on you. But not fta y ' Cdroks, Cir^. My Lord. Ray. Are they all forth the roomef Caro. Yes my Lord. Ray. Adiue as 6re I fpring out of my graue then. And will fee foroc before me c'rc I dye, That are more fit for Earth and Heauen then I, Fetch me fome water, and a cup of winCj Iledrinke my owne health and my luQ (liall pledge it, Do I bearc earth about mc/ure I donnor5 ^ N For For in this extafiC) I haue no feeling, No vfc of fcctc» but ride and rackc i'ch A ixel Like a black Cloud » holding in his hand lightning, And in this a tcmpeft, giuc mt jaod goc And vnder dan d the cavfe of IttJias Hay, It puts me into (doubts and (be (houdgoe Away now with the Quccnc ani cheat my hopes^ I haue made a (ickmans plot of ir, But luHa is Religious in her vowes^ Knowes what it is to rweare,and what to breake 'hem^ How now villaine,why returnd with«i^^Againfi whom wud'A thou haue ladiccf Guiio Againft the Prefideot of Wittember^ Who falling foule with the learned Lijf^^ Tut or vnto my fonnejis thought by moft And of the wifeft of the Vniuer&y, To haue by (bme trecherous pbt made them away, ' He nor my fonne hauing bin feene ere (ince. z^/i. Why heereis LaftdaffCiuyout poorcfuenditi fafetie. Cuida Landcff^ where is my fonoef Ber. Hcere fir^with a daughter to boote. Gu$i9 Kow Gods bkifitig a'thy heart,if thou haft an-^ fcn'dmethus. ^ he fhall kauecorrefpondent to his qualitie an Annuall ftipcnd bcfides the ^uour of the Duke for euer- < F^r. Such a thing was talkt of, for the Duke now dotes farrc more on theDachcflc then at firdiand what* foere is done,is to delight her. Ccr. Tis a better hearing then the old lealoufiesi; VVbats your Lord coofiad to his houfci'ihc conn trie. Fer* Ye$» C^r. And how find you your new Lord. Jgr. Vcrynobic, andfodpthbearc himfdfctQcucry ~ ' " ma» ^^ nian,harke,yondcrs fucb a coile with the Munciani, the Mafquers, and the Dancers, who now arc pra^ifing. Ccr. Is not the Poet amongft them. her. Ycs,and which is a miracle a Mafqucr, The learned Landoff^ who now although he be A profcflcd Acamedian , Has laid sidiit his graiicr waightier Ouddics^ To cxcrcifc his skill not yet forgotten, Being brought vp a Page at Court, and pradiis'd Much in that quallity-- Hatke J mud leauc you, "^^ I haue a charge committed to me. ^^ Ccr. May I not vnder your protection , \ Behold the Iports. ^ f^;. I cannot tcll,I will not promifeyou. Vox my Lord's vcr y ftrickt, lie do my beft» C^r. Why Ithankeyou. Enier Smiike, Smirke I donnot know how it comes about tbat I (hud bee lod thus 5 villanous witchcraft will neucr bee left ,^1 am fainc to giue ouer my (bop, but I had broke^howfoe- ucr my painting cloath was fo rotten, it could not hold together,but thebeftis, I (ball Hue like a Gentleman, becaufc I walke inuifible, hay 1 am not only inuifible to other men, but to my fcifc; 1 went this morning to a loo- king-Glaffe, to be acquainted with tKis comely counte- nance,the diucl ofcountenance there was to be acquain* ted with; the Glaffe feem'd to me like a deepe water«tbat I began to feele with my hands for feare I might a beene dtownd:But finding my (elfeaboue ground, and hun- ger tumbling like a Porpin in my Maw, and doing the Somerfec in nay Guts, 1 fmelt a Surloine oiBeetc hoc i!j;om the Spit followed the traine clofc, fet in my foote, drew drew my fchifc , flic*d mc off a CoUop, clapt it vpon a penny loafe,went mt to a fidt Table .yConftimVi it with- out any body faying much good do you , or the Dtuell choake you. Set my lips to a Flagon ofBeere , drunke twice with a breach , fet it downe againe, tooke it vp a« gaine, and drunke ic as dry as a Biikct; (o that I perceiue I cannot fiarue.And foi doathes/cis nomatter how I go, no body fees me. Enter Lwd Lffdrpicke* Lod^txj giue'hem great charge at the outward dores They admit none but fuch as are Courtiers, The Hall muft not be pcftred. Whet sF^rray:lobke lo thefe light9,affdlet the hangings be remoued jthe GentletiiaftV VHitr has commandtd it. Gf^milhc^ ihalWiyj whereas the fellow heere ftud boke vntorthefeliglits, things are dotie fo vmowardty. Smirke No body fees m€ ,1 come in like the aire,wheii Lofds^ndl^adieftftafld waiting for thiisbltkelt and tOr thero£Bcer,country gentlemen their pates broke,&cit^ zens wiues thtwli vp arifd downe sfi eati^corner, their husbands kept out with flartieandT0Kch,glad to fetch a bapi'thClojiftcri, O Stt' Enter Ferdinand, Groomes mth Ttr^es* CroQme. Beare backc there, beaic backe , roomefor LiLYittfL Madame you (hall f^ice the Duke and DtichcfTe/tis the bcft place to fee in all the Hall* LAdy, I chankc your honour. hoL Haue a littlepatience ,. the Reuek will beginne immediatly. cr comes. Roomeformy Loid,beare backe/wocnes whither wud you? LoM Well faidjihou doft more goodAvith thy.oaths then all they with their Trunchions. Gr00» TheDukeiscomming* Mufickc. Eftuy anapleafurefAjp ere thefiagei Enute^ Sports are intending which I will haue croft* Add clouds to nighr,(hag pleafure may be loft. fUa, Enuy thou wound'u thy feife in fpight of thee, This I breake foorth,and of obfcui ieie. . Sf;i/>< Ibis is the foure winds driuing of fitie Diaeis — ^This fame Ring wud fainegiue Me the flipjl rauftc'ae pocket hin[>,iot- Fearc of the worft. Greome, Howjiowftrrah,wha^akeyouheri^? $?»/>• VVhy,doyoufeeme? : Graeme. Se^ yoy % yes nnarry doe I .* And get you gone quickely,or you (ball feele~«-I&e you^go^begonc this is no place for fuch as you. Smirk. Hundi: Am I become a wretf^hag^ine, and mprtall? ^heMe-jquersprefAringtodnnce^^ EmcySmrkcamnc. Smkk, lacs gotin fgsinc, ind haue found cIm ttick^ of ir^thankesray dsare lem; a man may haue an inuifi^ bleKinglfee, aod not know oHc; Iwondct'd chat I grew palpable ) notvlpereeiue how the matter went: thankes Ofiy deire lem , I fay MU I will not lofc this fin« get that I haue my inuifiblcRingvpon,for thebcft ioync actheBarres« - Is thisall the deuiccs, (ports, and delig^the Duke ifhall haue for his money : the Proclamation p romifed lewardFor him that coud (hew any varieties, and Ift all come to a dull Mafque f He (hew his Grace feme fporc tny felfc. with helpe of my innifible Ring, which now muflioffagaine. ByyourMaiefiicsIcauei and thcic(( oftheHonerable-— ~ r>/ifi^^. How now/ what's hef Sm^rL WbatTs he? Why he is the mirade of your Kingdoms j^ivi^^. How the Miracle f Smirk, Ijandcandocwaond crf n owyonrccme youknowme. iT^^. Yes Sir J do know you. - Smr. And you know not n€>joukDOw nobody* j Butkeepe off my Lord. ' Z) W Prythy kecpe o£r. Sflitfr. You (ee me you fay^Duke I fpcake to tbec> Z>ir^/. Yc< Sir, I fee you. Smir, Andyouall (eeme* £j»4^ WedoeaUfeeyou. Smirk. Yerie good,andI doefccaDyou :but what's tbattothepnrpofef J^i/» y«ry iitde to purpofc indccde, 0% A^miamvomedieof Smir* Shall I dcmonftrate matter of Art, And hauc nothing for ^y paiQCS? un. Yes marricfltallyou, docs noi the Proclama- tion tell you (hall. Smir, Proclamations itiay fay what they lift^ Something in hand doth well. Duke, Somebody giuc him fomcthing. Smr. Ijhut no body hcares not on that Earc, yet bc- caufcl .p*— wonnotdoeRoyaltic wrong, in fufpcding your boiiniie— —— You fee me you fay, Duke. Yes we do fee you. Smir. You do . Who fees me now? Duke, Truft me not I, he is inuifible to mc. Den And mCt 2)^r/. To all, Smir, I fhoud be forty clfej for^and my inuifible Ring flioud Rotkcepe his olde vettue^ I wudhang myfclle dire^ly. Fre^ Prithee«ppea(tagain& Smif. I will haue Maiefticcall me firft. VUn. Why the Duke dooscaH you. Sp^i La B» beare him fVnU v^u^Smrkc isioy tiame A well beloucd fubie(a,oncc a Painter, ButnowEfquireofthe inuifible Ring* Dnke Smirks ^ and ourwelbeloued fubted*, once a PainierjbutnowEfquireofthciouilibleRingi Iconiureihcc toappeareagainc*: ■ . SmirScc here I am,whatwudft thou mighty monarch D/tke I do command thee let meXee the Ring. By which thou walkft inuifible, • .^ '^ ' '•. ' Smir, I do command thee not tocommaf)^'ifa«thafj For from my inuifible Ring I will not part. . p.TheCrampe. : Fre, OfirsnowyouarcYlfiblcagainc. \ 5»>fh NiyRtngisgoncnowjthtdiiiclIgoyvithit,far \ amyconffcichcchcfctchrit J:if;». What haucyooloft your Ring. Smir. I, I, and my middle fingcr^which feracd mc fo£ \ moicvrc thrall the reft. Ld^.Thatsftrangc. VuktMt what isbccome of rhc Ring. Z.4»^. Pardon me Licdgc,ihat vcrtuc that is held. Came from my Art,and at fomc fitter tinac, r will acquaint you with the paffages, How^ and the csufe for what it was intended.' Your gracious Datchcfle knowcs and felt the worth, Vttk.Xh^ knowledge in good arts is found Unhffy Hor will we be inqoifitiue of more. Then thou (halt ihinke it fit to be rcucalU* A pleYant Comedteof^ For all ttiy Adions haue bin iufi aod loyally Led. What mcancs this Trumpet, LATf* Perhaps fome new delights and rarer. £/i/rrPagc. TAge ThusMfasIbiddcn tomyfoueraigne. Fall on my lacc,no w rife I vp againc To render to the La dies faire flutes. And giue them all their worthy atttibutes*^ Wonder not that I refefolutely come. Boldly thus darittg preffe into this roome, For from a Lord and knight of eminent nofijC, I bring this challenge^fuch as can reade may know'r* rrc. Very fuccin£l and peremptory. Ldn, For thisdayl ammafieroftheRcuels. Bee it knownc vnto all men that I, — • of the Coor r,^ of Saxonie, traucllerjby degree aLord> and a profefled Champio n for all Ladies in the lifts of peace , doc chal- lenge all Coorticrswhatfoeucrjwithout exceptions,^!- tiueor ftrangcrs^tocofer, court, otcdplerocnt, infilcncc with direotliue motion and tiuea^ion of the face^and» body, &Icg,& afterward withthevollubilypfthctong, to talk longeft /aftcft&lowd'ftj for fence I ftand not vpo it.bf ing fcldomc regarded by the party courted ,iherforc indeed belongs not to the Courtier : alfo bee it farther knownc that my afliftantf. Agents 3 orfeconds, doth challenge likewifc all Courtiers whatroeucr,at the true compendious forme of compiling Epiftle$,i^^ Louc« Letters, to Ladies or Miflrc{re$,eiiher in Profc or Verfe; with Prouerbes, or without Proucrbes, with Sentences, or without Sentences, Figures, orany other matter, to be performed Extempore, or not Extempore, accor- ding as ic fhall pleafc d)€ Challenged^ wbicb.i^cotay, the \ die Dcfcndarit to determine : All which, that afore- ^ faid,as well as this nowfpokcn of, (ball be performed by the faid Challengers inftandy ; who oncly ftayiug to fceareofany Opponents, are both ready to enter. h9L Here is vnexpeded Sport. freL Let 'hem enter, they (hall be anfwct'd 5 %mirkc, thou fhalt be my Seconds Smu ShaM I, that's fome comfort yec, to put the loflc of the Ring out of my thought* Siiall lanfwcire theEpifloIer? Tre, I marry (halt chou« Sw/.IlePiftleandPeftlehira, He warrant him Jhc was ncrc fo poundedin his life. He fcorneta begin after my hearty commendations with him* lAnL Harke,they approach. £/?;^rCallovv.<»e. Jrt Medio conftflet virtus , and fo I conclude : yours while mine ownCj and afterward if it were poflible Mar^ madukeRanoff, Sini, Wellnowletmcrunonjiudgemcnilcraue. F/*^, Which thou (hah hauc. Smir. lUuftrious, bright (bining, wellfpokcn, and blood ftirring Lady. L4n. I, marry Sir. Smir, Ifthe Rope ofmyCapaciiic, could reach to the Belfrie of your Beauiic , ihefe words of mine like filuer Bels,might be worthy to hang in the cares ol your fauor but the Ladder of my Inuention is to low to clime vp to the Steeple of your Vnderftahding. y^//. Excellent Swri:^. Smir. If it were not , I (houd ring out my mindc to ^ you in a fwcei Peale of moft fauory conceits. For your face it is like the Sun^nomanisabletoindureit. ^// That's very good. Smi Your forehead which I will neither compare vn- to Alablaftcr^not to the Lilly, but it is as it is, and Pz fo VjV fo arc both yoair eycs/or your Nofc, it is a well arched Briclge,vvhich for breuitics fake I pafTc oucrryour Cheeks arc like a good Comedy, worthy to bee clapt : your Lips, and your Teeth are incomparable; your Tongue like the inftmment ofOr/'^dndi^Atjh9fe theriinonm That thinks berbnt d bobby horft to womdft, A thing tobe forget dndneuerknfiwne^ But on a Holy day to the routjbtwne. Inwdrres the Bafilijca is prefer d Before thtMusket^dndisiowderhtdrd. Ldn. There's an error little and loude my frietidvbut ^ paiTeif. . * ^n ineHerytrinmfhrfherethereisexte/fe^ • Thegredferskf^ayesfuttethdorvneshclefe. The Lianefe is more ddmireddt^ Then her Epitome^ r^hich is dCdt, LAn. Thcfoolegrowesferiou9« rre. He has (lolncit certainly* ^i>.No&itb, itmay be hisowi^for I ibinke his braine ^^ a little cras&'d,and mad men (boot ioquh ikangc thing£. i^rf/f . £«/ U weake 'vndeyJUniings »mftme, * JsyoMrfmAllTAhermuftcketiyeurDritm* Smin Hum Orum, hcc has lightn d wiihid an Inch of aconccirof mine. RAtt, Or ininftfitmem cffedCtyCAt$there tht triill IttdgeyoumyMafiers^hAt^nbuhhduefUjdi Uisbut myifimon^artdlhauejMyd* Fre. Belceue it he has faid well , SimkeXockt: to yonr feUc, % • ^ixf/V;^! wi^rant y9u«Gummca^dience. All Scilcncc*,, ., Sm'tr. InpfAifi^^UwMtenfyigin. A»dmUmmtMn€rvh4fiffAHeei$Urdm. isnotp»rPAmkit0nMAirm0jet ^ Inmoureqiiejt^enyourBtbwneorTmct* GsuehMj0urU$tUiti^hfre€fyherUc^Hry Anduhedf€itdber)0MwiUfi»d^^^ PfArter^nhtfklerMhukiffi^Mgt^ . TheHjo!f?f,^Vm^^ fIefUdlt»Myesf^lMmh's,/weetp:$m^ nitrSmlttbe»ivi»tiffg^rmitkiMfiuf^^^ t Ncrmufiyour pUce(wi^4:fJ»itijmPS^Wgoo tfj» is better firre: our Bakers dlwdjfesmah * rifefinefifl