Uondel's Cucifer zfa Joe^tJ Sclera, cum. /■^aV3>6J^S' VS- artz. re^ff/yit. ifAosufrctj, 1 ^ QU Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1898, by Continental Publishing Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. &5 V5 Dedicaied By permission To the fiollana society of Dew Vork Which has ever shonon a great interest in the achievements of the heroic race to ivhich it proudly traces its origin and To my brother Cbarles Ceonara van Doppen Whose inspiring tove and self-sacrificing devotion have made this effort possible PAGE Translator's Preface J 3 Introduction . . Dr, W. K Carpenter, \9 Vondel and His Lucifer. Dr, G, Kalff . . 27 Vondel : His Life and Times. A Sketch. Translator . . 4J The ** Lucifer.'' An Interpretation. Translator . .157 Bibliography , " 227 Parallelisms between Vondel and Milton . 229 Vondel's Dedication 239 On His Majesty's Portrait . . . .243 Vondel's Foreword 245 Lucifer 259 The Argument 263 Dramatis Personae 265 Act I. The Peaceful Joys of Paradise . . 267 Act II. The Cloud of Conspiracy . . . 295 Act IIL The Gathering Gloom . . . 329 Act rV. The Seething Seas of Sedition . . 373 Act V. Flood and Flame 403 9 ^n^ Tllu$tration$. PAGE Portrait of Von