■ R ; T.fr>ir :if- jj? jr/ 1?.^- *?r-j m /r^ f.^ ^ C^f^'ed-e^yzie^ 'd^j- ift-e (S^t-czt-e <) . 1744— 3: 99 1744— 3:100 1764 4 483 for £50(1 . • • • • 1724— 1:422 1725 2 21 1737— 2:500 1737— 2:515 1746 3 328 for £557 10s 3(Z . • 1726 2 65 for £600 . 1737— 2:482 1737— 2:490 1737 2 491 for £700 . • • ■ • 1730— 2:332 1730 2 334 for £«50 . • • • • 1740— 2:566 1740 2 668 for £'75 . • ■ • • • • 1755 6 19 for £9.S0 . • • • • • • 1743 3 66 for £1,000 . . • • 1716— 1:170 1716 1 172 1721— 1:285 1723 1 : 392 1723 1 395 1726— 2: 65 1729— 2:157 1744 3 100 1744— 3:101 1746— 3:319 1761 6 156 1761— 6 : 157 1761— 6 : 176 1774 8 214 for £1,076 16s • • • • 1729— 2 : 156 1729 2 158 for £1,:;00 • 1730— 2:319 1730 2 320 for £1,350 1765— 7: 27 1765— 7 : 34 1765 7 35 for £1,500 1716— 1 : 172 1755— 4:493 1771 8 102 for £1,600 • • • • • • 1766 7 87 for £1,730 • • • • • 1737— 2:490 1737 2 491 for £1,.S00 • • • • 1756 5: 83 1756 6 86 for £2,000 • . . . • 1711 1 31 1724— 2: 11 1724— 2 12 1725 2 26 1726— 2: 33 1770— 8 18 1773 8 152 for £2,200 • • • ■ > 1767— 7 121 1768 7 270 for £2,500 . • . ■ 1743— 3 66 1771 8 101 for £3,U00 ■ ■ ■ • • . 1763 6 345 1763 6 : 346 1763— 6:349 1764 6 392 1764— 6:394 17G4_ 6:395 1769 7 331 for £4,000 • > ■ • • . 1747 4 54 1747— 4: 56 1747— 4: 58 1761 6 156 1761— 6 : 157 1761— 6:176 1766 7 87 for £4,720 • • • ■ ■ 1743— 3: 66 1745 3 143 1745— 3:210 1745— 3:271 1745 3 280 for £5,000 • • ■ • • 1761— 6:151 1761 6 152 1761— 6:155 1761— 6:156 1761 6 157 1761— 6:158 1761— 6:160 1761 6 161 / ITf.l— 6:162 1761— 6 : 163 1761 6 164 1761— 6:165 1761— 6:166 1761 6 167 1761— 6:171 1761— 6:173 1761 6 175 1765— 6:430 1765— 6:431 1765 G 453 for £5.253 13s 5 Id ... . 1765— 6:452 1765 6 453 for £5,500 1744— 3 : 103 1772 8 118 for £5,750 • • • . • 1756— 5:135 1756 5 139 for £6,000 . 1730— 2:332 1730 2 333 17 45— 3:210 1745— 3 : 213 1746 8 242 1745— 3:275 1746- 3:341 1754 4 456 175C,_ 5: VM 17.-,G— 5: 139 1756 5 149 for £7,000 ■ • . ■ • 1761— 6:157 i 1761 6 176 for £H,000 ■ ■ • > • 174o_ 3:2.S0 1 1746 3 316 1757— 5:231 1760 6 99 for £10,000 . • . > • • 1746 3 133 1745 3:111 1745— 3:143 1745 3 145 1745— 3:149 1755— 5 : 25 1757 5 2H2 for £12,500 • . • 1753-^4:315 1763 4 346 1753— 4:347 1758 5 329 for £13,000 . 1745 3 : 156 1745 3 157 174.5— 3 : 168 1745 3:198 1745 3 200 1715— 3:224 1745— 3:259 1745 8 312 for £15,000 1717— 1:202 1717— 1 :203 1729 2 156 Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. TEAK. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — {continued) : for £15,000 1729— 2 : 157 1734— 2:427 1785 2 440 1735 2:441 1736— 2:460 1737 2 490 1737— 2:491 1742— 3: 38 1742 3 40 1755 — 5 : 26 1756— 5 : 192 1759 5 479 1759— 6 : 6 1759— 6: 7 1760 6 88 1760— 6: 90 1760— 6 : 106 1760 6 109 1762— 6 : 242 1763 6 : 366 1764 6 396 for £17,000 • > • 1759— 5:494 1759 5 497 1759— 6 : IS 1761— 6 : 165 1761 6 167 for £20,000 • 1757— 5:236 1757 5 237 1757— 5:239 1757— 5 : 241 1757 5 268 1757— 5:275 1757— 5 : 301 1758 5 326 1761— 6:174 1761— 6:175 1761 6 188 1762— 6 : 292 1762— 6 : 295 1762 6 326 for £20,500 • • • • 1758— 5 : 373 1758 5 376 1758— 5:379 1758 5 442 for £25,000 • • ■ • 1742— 2:648 1742 2 650 1743 3: 64 1743— 3: 66 1745 3 178 1745 3:179 1745 3 : 242 1745 3 244 1746— 3 : 318 1746— 3 : 327 1746 3 338 1747— 3:499 1752— 4:272 1753 4 319 1754— 4:428' 1755— 4:506 1755 4 507 1756— 5: 69 1756— 5 : 185 1757 5 306 1758— 5:403 1758— 5 : 449 1758 5 455 for £30,000 ■ > ■ 1755— 4:532 1755 4 633 1755 — 4 : 534 1755 — 4 : 535 1755 4 639 1755— 4:542 1755— 4:545 1756 6 122 1756— 5 : 123 1756— 5:124 1756 5 129 1756— 5 : 137 1756 5 : 139 1756 5 156 1757— 5 : 271 1757 — 5 : 275 1758 5 348 for £60,000 • 1746— 3:391 1747 4 44 1747— 4 : 49 1747— 4: 52 1752 4 221 for supply of treasury . 1735 2 446 1735— 2 : 447 1735 2 448 1735— 2 : 450 1736— 2:463 1736 2 464 1736— 2:465 1737— 2 : 482 1737 2 484 1742— 2 : 641 1742— 2:644 1742 2 647 1765 — 7 : 15 1765— 7 : 16 1765 7 34 for recovery of government debts . • • • 1765 6 456 1765— 6:466 1765 7 4 1765 — 7 : 6 1765— 7: 7 1765 7 33 1765 — 7 : 47 1766— 7 : 54 1766 7 62 to ascertain value of money ("equity bill") . 1742 2 644 1742— 2:647 1747 3 624 1747— 3:525 1747— 4: 41 1747 4 42 establishing the monies, etc. . 1765— 6:452 1765 6 453 1765 6 : 467 1765— 7 : 4 1765 7 6 1765— 7: 11 1765— 7 : 12 1765 7 13 1765— 7: 24 1765— 7 : 25 1765 7 26 1765— 7: 29 1765 7: 34 1765 7 36 establishing proceedings under governor's i)r()cla- mation al)Out v alue of money 1771— 8: 99 1771 8 100 1771— 8:108 1771 8 109 against extortionate interest . 1765— 6:452 1765 6 454 1765— 6 467 1765— 7 : 4 1765 7 6 1765 — 7 11 1765- 1: 12 1765 7 13 1765 7 24 1765 — 7 : 25 1765 7 26 1765— 7 29 1765— 7: 34 1765 7 35 to restrain usury . . • . 1769 7 284 1771— 8: 76 1771 8 79 Index to Journals of House of I^ei'kesentatives, YEAR. VOL. FAOB. ACT. — {continued) : rogul;itin<; excise .... • • 1711 30 1716— 1:160 1718— 1:216 1721 281 1721— l:2.s:] 1721— 1 :2S6 1721 297 1722— 1:357 1723 1:.398 1723 402 1723 1 : 103 172.3— 1:406 1723 408 1723— 1:412 1725— 2: 24 1729 2 153 1721t— 2:156 1729— 2 : 170 1732 2 369 1732— 2:371 1742— 2:630 1742 2 637 1742— 2:643 1742— 2 : 644 1742 2 647 1745— 3:211 1745— 3:219 1745 3 223 1745— 3:242 1745— 3 : 244 1745 3 252 1752— 4 : 235 1752— 4:239 1762 4 244 1752— 4 : 249 1753— 4 : 293 1753 4 298 1753— 4:330 1753— 4:336 1754 4 395 1765— 4:500 1755— 4:510 1758 6 405 1758— 5 : 406 1760— 6: 61 1760 6 71 1760— 6: 90 1761— 6 : 179 1761 6 180 1761— 6:188 1761— 6:196 1761 6 216 1761— 6:219 1761— 6:220 1762 6 241 1762— 6:251 1762— 6 : 257 1762 6 264 1762— 6 : 266 1762— r, : 268 1762 6 271 1702- 6:273 1762— 6 : 277 1762 6 278 1762— 6 : 282 1762— 6 : 290 1762 6 294 1762— 6:295 1762— 6:298 1763 6 314 1763— 6:315 1763— 6 : 316 1763 6 317 1763 6 : 351 1763— 6:354 1763 6 375 1765 7: 15 1765— 7: 16 1766 7 61 1766— 7: 62 1766— 7: 65 1766 7 67 1767— 7 : 132 1767— 7:134 1767 7 149 1767— 7 : 155 1767— 7 : 163 1767 7 170 1768— 7:232 1768— 7:233 1768 7 236 1768 7 : 241 1768 7 : 242 1768 7 243 1768— 7 : 248 1768— 7 : 258 1768 7 261 1768 7 : 269 1768— 7 : 270 1769 7 329 1770— 8: 6 1770 8: 11 1771 8 109 ffirniiiig excise .... 1717— 1:202 1718 1 214 1726 2: 32 1742— 2:629 1754 4 397 1775^— 8:118 1773 8:137 1774 8 168 impost (see also excise, above) . . 1714 1 82 1714— 1: 86 1714— 1: 90 1715 1 104 1716— 1:181 1722— 1:313 1766 6 85 powder money 1717— 1:200 1718 1 220 1722— 1:351 1726 2: 57 1728 2 116 1728— 2 : 129 1731— 2:358 1740 2 565 1768— 7 : 255 ]7(;8— 7:258 1772 8 129 tonnajje ...... ... 1716 1 181 for ]):iynient of province (k^bts . 1716 1 169 rcfjiiinnt!: income tax from pedlers and incomers 1721 1 284 reiiuiring inventories 1727— 2: 76 1763 6 321 17(34— 8:211 1774 8 213 valuation 1728— 2 : 140 1773 8 137 1773— 8 : 138 1773— 8 : 139 1773 8 142 to enaMo proprietors of town.shi is ar d common and ' uniliviilod lands to assess anc tax, etc. 1710 2 560 repjulatin^r hixcs of pro )rietors, etc. • i 1768 7 278 for taxinf^ province lant s 1755— 4:502 1756 5 66 for taxing town inlialjitants ■ • • 1760 6 96 17r,0— 6 : 06 1760 6 108 regulating assessments and collection of taxes, etc. 1718 1 220 1729— 2 : 160 1729 2 166 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. YEAE. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — (conimued) : regulating assessments and collection of taxes, etc. 1738— 2:535 1738— 2:540 1743 3 61 1743— 3 : 67 1747— 3 : 513 1753 4 360 1755 4:513 1755 4:518 1762 6 277 17G2— 6 : 282 1762— 6 : 283 1762 6 298 1763 6:319 1763 6:322 1763 6 332 1763 6:334 1763 6:337 1763 6 338 1763— 6 : 345 1763 - 6 : 346 1763 6 349 1764 6:388 1764 6:392 1764 6 399 1764— 6:404 1764 6:419 1766 7 92 1768 7:277 1770 8: 9 1770 8 15 for choosing collectors of taxes .... 1758 5 374 1758— 5 : 376 1758 5 377 for paying taxes in our and Massachusetts bills 1742— 2:644 1742 2 647 for lessening province tax, etc. . 1763 — 6:322 1763 6 325 1763— 6:326 1763 6 348 proportioning i^rovince tax 1727 2 79 1728- 2:142 1742 2 632 1742— 2 : 638 1742— 2 : 652 1743 3 52 1743 3: 61 1753 4:333 1753 4 338 1761— 6:211 1761— 6:219 1768 7 247 1768 - 7 : 259 1773— 8 : 149 1773 8 152 for sale of Amherst proprietors' rights, to pay- arrears ..... 1766 — 7 : 54 1766 7 62 to enable Bedford to tax lands . . 1756 — 5 : 182 1766 5 183 1756— 5 : 184 1757 5 248 for sale of Boscawen proprietors' lands . 1768 7 209 assessing polls and estates in Bow .... 1754 4 436 1755— 4:501 1755— 5: 12 1755 5 30 1755 5: 92 1755 5: 94 1755 5 95 exempting from payment of Bow taxes . 1765 6 441 1765— 6 : 442 1765— 6 : 443 1765 6 467 calling in tax ai'rearages of Bow .... 1765 7 12 to enable selectmen of Chester to levy money, etc. 1757— 5 : 244 1757 5 246 taxing Chichester lands 1760 6 113 1761— 6:124 1761 6 125 1761— 6:144 1761— 6:145 1761 , 6 146 to tax Dunstable lands 1754 ' 4 414 for Ejjping meeting-house tax ..... nil 3 471 for assessing lands in P'rancestown .... 1775 8 224 for Gilmanton taxes 1761— 6 : 147 1761— 6 : 148 1761 6 149 for assessment in Hampstead . . 1769 — 7 : 286 1769 7 307 taxing non-resident proprietors" lands in Hollis 1747 3 456 taxing lands in Ilollis, Pelham, and Epping . 1747 3 489 for meeting-house tax in INIerrimack 1755 — 4 : 512 1755 4 514 to tax lands of Rand and Randall in New Castle and Rye 1757— 5:256 1757 5 257 for New Castle and Rye arrearages 1761 — 6 : 180 1762 6 251 for taxing Nottingham lands . . 1760 — 6 : 51 1760 6 54 1760— 6 : 57 1760 6 60 taxing lands in Nottingham West . 1748 — 4 : 64 1748 4 69 to tax lands in Pelliam 1756 5 189 17.57— 5 : 237 1757 5 238 for assessment, Pembroke . . 1767 — 7 : 148 1767 7 151 to assess lands in Rochester for highways 1768— 7:217 1772 8 127 to exempt part of Salem from taxes to Methucn and Dracut ........ 1775 5 242 6 Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, TSAR. VOL. PAOB. AC'i\— (rant in II rd): to rectify mistake in taxes of South IIam]Hon . 1757 5 256 1757— 5 : 257 1757 6 268 against abatement of writs for deatli of either i)arty 1705 7 15 17t;5 7: 10 1765 7 17 170.5— 7 : 34 1765 7 35 ai)i)ointino; agent at court . . 17t!9 — 7 : 333 1769 7 335 relating to api)eals from judgment in bar or abate- ment 1718 1 221 for amen(hnent of misrecitinf^ in reasons of appeal for amendment of errors and defects in reasons of 1734 2 411 a))peal 1738 2 540 for t le ease of appellants, etc. . 1743 — 3 : 75 1743 3 76 reguhiting appeals from inferior to superior judica- tory 1746 3 390 limiting time of prosecuting appeals to court of supreme probate . . . . 1774 — 8:170 1774 8 193 1774_ 8 : 204 1774 8 211 to enable Henry Applcton and wife to convey lands 1764 6 398 1761— 0:399 1704 6 401 to prevent causeless arrests, etc 1718 220 for jirivilcge of niemljcrs of general assembly 1718 221 lor triennial election of rcpresent;vtives . 1721 272 1723— 1:383 1723 1 400 1723 1 : 401 1723 402 1723 1 : 406 1723— 1 : 412 1720 2 40 1727— 2:102 1727— 2:103 1727 2 109 1727— 2:110 1728— 2:127 1728 2 128 1728— 2 : 130 1735— 2 : 434 1745 3 204 for electing assemblymen, etc. . 1702 — 0:257 1762 6 *202 1762— 6 : 265 1702— : 208 1762 6 271 1762— 6 : 279 1702— : 282 1762 6 298 1703— 6:314 1703— 6:315 1763 6 316 1763— 6 : 375 1703— 6 : 376 1763 6 388 1763— 6 : 392 1703 6 : 393 1763 6 405 1703- 6:410 1708— 7:187 1774 8 203 incorporating Atkinson from westerly part of Plais- tow 1707—7:147 1767 7 148 1714 1 77 reviving suit of Charles Banfield v. Richard Wibird 1761 6 150 1701— 0: 151 1701— 0:160 1761 6 196 concerning bankrupts . . . 1715 — 1:129 1715 1 130 171.'>— ] : 131 1717— 1:206 1718 1 221 to enable creditors to receive their just del)ts out of the effects of absent or absconding delators 1718 1 220 for relief of Harrington ...... 1742 2 052 calling Harrington town meeting .... 1753 4 301 approi)riating lands in Harrington for highways 1761 6 v05 1761— 6:215 1702 6 250 1762— 6 : 251 1702 6 252 1762— 6 : 264 1702— : 265 1762 6 •-'68 1762—6:271 1702—6:282 1762 6 298 enabling Redford to hold uKM'ting . 1703 — 0:303 1763 6 304 eon<-erning births [christenings], marriages, and liurials 1714— 1 : 78 1727 2 101 1727— 2:107 1727— 2fl08 1727 2 109 for admeasurement of Ijoards 1752 4 206 inii)o\veriiig lioundary eonnnission 1730 — 2:322 1730 2 328 1730— 2 : 334 1730 2 342 calling town meeting in How 1753 4 361 1755— 4 : 518 1755 4 549 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. TEAR. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — {continued) : to make void division of lots in Bow 1767 — 5:249 1757 5 252 1758 5:331 1758 5 336 concerning Bow proprietors . . 1762 — 1762— 6 : 282 6:284 1762 1762 6 6 283 292 sustaining appeal of Robert Boyce v. John Coburn 1758 5 : 342 1758 1758 5 5 339 345 1761— 6 : 150 1761— 6:151 1761 6 224 regulating price and assize of bread 1766— 7: 66 1766 1770 7 8 61 48 choosing assizers of bread . . 1769 7 306 establishing Brentwood from Exeter , 1742 2 653 for enabling constables at Brentwood , , 1744 3 106 for assizing of bricks . . . 1760 — 6: 61 1760 6 71 1760— 6: 88 1760 6 90 adding a certain tract to Canterbury 1765— 6:453 1765— 7: 4 1765 1766 6 7 452 14 1765— 7 : 15 1765— 7: 34 1765 7 35 against cards, dice, etc. . . . 1718 — 1 : 217 1721 1 267 dtvorcing Greenwood Cari^enter from Sarah Leathers 1771 8 87 for i^artition of John Carr's estate . . 1768 7 197 for regulating cattle, corn-fields, and fences , , 1718 1 220 to prevent cattle, etc., feeding on certain improved lands , , 1760 6 81 for highway from Charlestown to Boscawen , . 1768 7 279 1769— 7 : 289 1769— 7 : 297 1770 7 341 to enable Nathaniel Chase and wife to sell certain lands, etc , , 1756 5 178 for new parish in Chester [Freetown] , , 1764 6 394 1764— 6:396 1764 6 397 to rectify error in judgment l^etween Amos Clark and Obadiah Clement .... 1756 5 160 1757 — 5:200 1757 5 201 to enable Zacheus Clougli to sell certain land 1758— 5 : 323 1758 6 324 to prevent common nuisances . , , 1718 1 220 incorporating Concord from Bow , , 1765 6 435 1765 6 : 436 1765 6:441 1765 6 442 1765— 6 : 443 1765— 6:448 1765 7 4 1765 7: 6 1765 7: 7 1765 7 83 1765— 7 : 34 1765— 7: 43 1766 7 44 on supplying vacancy in office of constable 1743— 3: 49 1743 3 51 settling constable's watch , , 1716 1 133 1716 1:147 1716 1 150 regulating attendance of constables at court 1742— 3: 42 1742 3 44 confirming proceedings of convention , , 1746 3 365 1746— 3 : 373 1746 3 377 relating to the office and duty of a coroner . . 1718 1 220 to divide the province into counties 1755 — 4 : 506 1756 5 66 1771— 8: 76 1771 8 79 dividing province into counties and administering justice 17G!» — 1769— 7 : 325 7 : 330 1769 1769 7 7 329 334 explanatory of acts establishing counties , , 1773 8 152 establishing courts 1718—1:221 1743— 3: 56 1756 5 37 regulating and altering courts . . 1730 — 2 : 332 1730 2 333 1730— 2:334 1752— 4:244 1768 5 311 1758 5 : 312 1758 5 : 352 1758 5 366 changing sessions of court of appeals • • 1717 1 210 10 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, ACT, — (corUinucd) : to reduce leg;il lines t<» lawful nionev 17(>8 — 7 : 217 1770— H: 7 to rej^ulate Hue for ri'fiisinj^ to serve as eonstal)le to re<^nlate Hues of towns aud seleeluieu for uot keepino^ schools ....... riniiij; jurors nep;leetinrr tluty YEAR. to regulate extuigui u)g of fires 175«— 5 : 357 1758— 5 : 358 17G1— « : 125 17f)l— G : 135 17G1— G:158 17G1— G: 1()G 17(;3— G:375 17G8— G : 377 regulating the fishery against obstructing passage of lish in rivers . ]7G.}_ G:402 for curing and (bulling of fish authorizing Jeremiah Fogg, guardian, to sell lands 17G1— G: l.'iU for dividing lands of John Follsani 1743 — 3 : 58 directing proceedings against forcible entry and detainer ........ for forfeitures, etc. (li(iuor), to go to county . on repairing fort William and Mary to erect Trancestown from New Boston Addition and Society Land ...... for Franccstown [minister tax] .... incorporating Freetown from N against trading with the French 1755— 5: W. Chester 17r,.'^,— G:378 • . 1721— 1 2G7 1755 17.05 — 5 . 47 1756 , . 17.^4— 4: 438 1754 , , • 1748 1748 4. 64 1748 91 1748— 4 99 1752 258 17G0— 6 71 17G0 , , 17G4 , , , 1730 1730 2 320 1742 5 1755 — 5 : 45 175G— 5: 81 175G— 5:157 to prevent supplying French or Spaniards with arms prohiliiting trade and commerce with French and Spanisli ........ against illegal trade with Cape Breton [alias Louis- burg] .... to prevent gaming . regulating gauging of casks 1748— 4 : 1752— 4: for relief of Antipas Oilman fixing governor's salary . town meeting 1757— 5 : 301 to enable (Jriflith & Huntress to sell a lot of land 1759— G: 29 to enable Abigail Hale to sell certain land 1758— 5:342 for guardians for Thomas Hall antl wife, distracted to save the beach at Hampton ..... for new parish in Hami)ton Falls [Seabrook] . 17G.S— 7:247 dissolving annual meeting at Hampton Falls, etc. for relief of John and Richard Harvey . against hawkers and i)etllcrs . . 1714 — 1 : 78 reviving action by administrators of Richard Hazen's estate 1755 — 5 : 30 to divide estate of James Heath . 1757 — 5 : 301 to enable Greenland to call 1770 1770 1771 1771 1771 1757 1758 17G1 17G1 17G3 1718 17G4 17G4 1723 17G1 17G1 1743 1714 1772 1744 1772 1774 1763 1755 1756 1756 1744 1744 VOL. 1757 1759 1758 1758 1765 1755 1768 1768 1773 1760 1718 1757 1757 8 8 8 8 8 5 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 3 1 8 3 8 8 6 5 6 5 3 5 6 4 4 4 4 6 6 2 2 6 5 5 7 5 7 7 8 6 1 6 6 PAGE. 1 40 68 68 68 219 359 167 176 378 221 399 405 408 149 151 71 77 114 99 127 167 379 3 80 158 90 96 46 71 462 63 87 249 88 405 318 647 302 30 339 345 46 30 246 259 148 91 221 253 302 Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 11 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — {continued) : for encourao-ement of sowino: and ( curing hemp 1721 1 265 for l)ounty on hemj) . . 1735 2:450 1735 2 452 against high treason , , , 1714 1 73 highway . . 1711— 1: 77 1718— 1:221 1721 1 268 1723— 1:388 1743— 3: 56 1743 3 66 1743— 3 : 71 1743 3: 72 1743 3 76 1748 4: 94 1748— 4: 99 1752 4 249 1752— 4 : 270 1752— 4:276 1752 4 277 1753— 4 : 305 1753— 4 : 306 1753 4 338 1753— 4 : 339 1754— 4:404 1754 4 409 1754— 4:411 1754— 4:420 1754 4 426 1757— 5 : 213 1757— 5 : 257 1757 5 268 1757— 5 : 269 1757— 5:273 1758 5 403 1758 5 : 450 1758— 5 : 451 1759 5 462 1759— 5:465 1759— 5:466 1759 5 485 1759— 5 : 492 1759— 6: 2 1759 6 15 1759— 6: 16 1760— 6: 66 1760 6 74 1761— 6:215 1765 6:452 1765 6 453 1765 6 : 454 1765— 7: 15 1765 7 16 1765— 7 : 18 1765 7: 34 1765 7 47 1766 7: 62 1770 8: 8 1770 8 32 1770— 8 : 40 1771— 8: 69 1771 8 108 1771— 8:109 1774— 8 : 168 1774 8 169 for relief of Richard Hilton , , , , 1743 3 bb setting off part of Ilollis , , , 1765 6 453 1765— 6 : 454 1765 7 4 incorporating Hopkinton . , , , , 1765 6 433 1765— 6 : 434 1765 6 435 to annex Hopkinton to Hillsboroug h county , , 1772 8 125 against ship jing of horses , . 1714 1 78 preventing damages Ijy horses , , 1721 1 269 for houses of correction . , , 1765 7 39 1766 7: 66 1766 7 70 for relief of Idiots and distracted persons , 1714 1 77 1767— 7 : 149 1767 7 151 encouraging killing and taking Indians . , 1711 1 6 1722— 1 : 343 1722 1 345 1722— 1 : 346 1722 1 347 1723— 1 : 387 1723- 1:388 1723 1 391 Boston, for scalp money . , , , , 1722 1 346 to prohilnt trade and commerce with Eastward Indians .... . 1721— 1 : 296 1721 1 297 1728— 2:127 1728 2 128 prohibiting importation of Indian s' aves • • 1714 1 83 preventing sale of strong drink to Indians , , 1742 3 45 against intemperance, profanity, immorality, and for reformation of manners , , , , 1718 1 220 for better regulation of manners . . 1760 6 106 to enable Joseph Jackson to sell lands , , 1761 6 146 to enable Richard -lenness to administer oath , etc. . 1754 4 441 for making void deed of ,Josepli Jones to Nathaniel Thompson .... . 1755— 5: 60 1755 5 61 enabling judge of probate to act in sevei'al doubtful matters .... . , • 1745 3 126 to regulate confessing judgment before justices, etc. 1770— 8: 45 1770 8 46 to prevent default in jurors . , , 1714 1 77 for double juries . . 1726 2 65 regulating appointment of petit jurors . , 1746 3 316 1754— 4 : 438 1754 4 447 10 Index to Journals of House of "Representatives, ACT, — (coiitinucd) : to recluce legal lines to la\vfiil money 1708 — 7 : 217 1770— 8: 7 to ri'fj^ulate line for refusing to serve as constable to regulate fines of towns anil selectmen for not ket'piiig schools ....... lining jurors neglecting duty to regulate extinguishing of fires .... 1 75,S— 5 : ;357 1758— 6 : 358 17(;i— (J: 125 17(;i— 0:135 1701— 0:158 1701— 0:100 1703— 0:375 1703— 0:377 regulating the fishery against obstructing passage of lisli in rivers . 1701— 6:402 for curing and culling of fish authorizing Jeremiah Fogg, guardian, to sell lands 1701— 0:150 for dividing lands of John Follsam 1743 — 3: 58 directing proceedings against forcible entry and detainer for forlcilurcs, etc. (liipior), to go to county . on repairing fort William and Mary to erect Francestown from New Boston Addition and Society Land ...... for Francestown [minister tax] .... incori^orating Freetown from N. W. Chester 1703— YEAR. against trading w'ith the French 1755 — 5 : 5 1755 — 5 : 1750— 5: 81 1750— 5: to i)revent supplying French or Spaniards with arms 378 45 157 pi ohibitins: trade and commerce with Fiviuh and Spanish ........ against illegal trade with Cape Breton [alias Loui.s- burg] to i)rcvcnt gammg . refrulatiiifr — 4:. 001 1757— 5 : 201 17.09 5 460 17.09— 5 : 463 1763 6 : 321 1763 6 322 17()3 6 : 375 1763 6 : 376 1764 6 388 1704— 6:392 1764— 6:393 1765 7 13 17(i.O— 7 : 14 1765— 7: 15 1765 7 34 176.0— 7 : 47 1765— 7: 64 1766 7 87 for revision of laws .... , , , 1717 1 209 for comi)iling new body of laws , . . 1754 4 421 to confirm new edition of laws , • • 1761 6 219 to incorporate Lee from Durham , • • 1766 7 60 1766— 7: 62 1766 7 65 to stop law-suits against borderers or 1 province line 1731— 2 : 341 1731 2 342 for liglit for vessels at fort William and Mary 1771 8 98 1772— 8:116 1772— 8 118 1773 8 142 1774— 8 : 197 1774— 8 207 1774 8 211 of limitations ..... 1761— 6 1.08 1766 7 66 1771— 8: 64 1771— 8 108 1771 8 109 confirming [the title of] the heirs of Samuel Little- hale . . . . . . 17.08— 5 : 332 1758 5 336 auliiorizing sealer of linen in Londonderry • • 1731 2 345 ' limiting number of taverners in Lone onderry 17,08— 5 : 336 1758 5 337 for more taverns in Londonderry , , 1760 6 105 1761— 6 : 148 1761 6 1.07 regulating Londonderry parishes , , , 1774 8 167 for l)etter oljservation of Lord's day . , , 1718 1 221 1747— 3:514 17.06— 5: 81 1756 5 83 17.06— 5: 88 1756— 5:217 17.07 5 273 17.08— 5:398 17.08— 5 : 400 1758 5 450 1758— 5:451 1759— 5 : 462 17.09 5 465 17.09— 5:466 1759— 6: 16 1761 6 138 1761— 6: 148 1761— 6 : 152 17(il 6 161 1761— 6: 164 1761— 6: KiO 1761 6 176 1761— 6:186 1761— 6:196 1761 6 216 17(Jl_ 6:219 1762— 6:241 1762 6 242 1762— 6:250 1762— 6 : 251 1762 6 264 1762— 6:265 1762— 6 : 268 1762 6 271 1762— 6 : 282 1762— % : 298 1763 6 314 176.3— 6:315 1763— 6:316 1763 6 351 176:5— 6:375 1763— 6 : 377 1764 6 388 1764— 6 : 392 1764— 6 : 393 1774 8 204 suppressing lotteries , , , 1753 4 354 1754— 4 :438 1754 4 462 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 13 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — {continued) : regulating sizes [assize] and admeasurement of lumber 1753 4 307 1754—4:409 1754—4:420 1760 6 61 1760— 6: 71 1760— 6: 88 1760 6 90 to enable Stephen March to have writ of review, etc. 1755 4 508 1755 4:570 1755 5: 27 1756 5 116 1756 5:118 1756 5:120 1756 5 158 1756— 5:182 1756— 6:183 1756 5 184 to prevent incestuous marriages .... 1714 1 77 to purchase Mason's claims ..... 1748 4 98 to restore to their law Daniel INIerrill and John and Henry Hale, Jr 1766 7 108 to preserve fish in Merrimack river and at Amos- keag falls 1757 5 221 1757— 5 : 233 1761— 6 : 149 1761 6 150 1761— 6 : 152 1764— 6 : 392 1764 6 393 1764— 6 : 395 1765— 7 : 9 1767 7 116 1767— 7 : 118 1773— 8 : 152 1773 8 155 regulating militia .... 1718 — 1 : 220 1722 1 347 1746 3:314 1754— 4:438 1754 4 462 1756 5 : 171 1756 5 : 175 1765 6 457 1765— 6 : 468 1765— 7 : 5 1770 8 57 regulating military fines . . 1740 — 2 : 552 1740 2 563 1740— 2:569 1758— 5:331 1758 5 364 1773 8:140 1773 8:141 1773 8 142 for more speedy levying soldiers, etc. 1755 5 34 for enlisting volunteers ...... 1758 5 366 for impressing men 1758 — 5 : 384 1758 — 5 : 886 1758 5 415 to punish delinquents in impressing men 1758 5 415 to punish deserters 1747 3 452 for payment of wounded soldiers .... 1718 1 220 for jiileling soldiers . . . 1758 — 5:311 1758 5 312 for commissary to Louisburg 1745 3 272 general, for Crown Point expedition 1756 — 5 : 122 1756 5 137 to raise 800 men for Canada expedition . 1758 5 370 1758 5:371 1758 5 379 1758 5:410 1760 6: 71 1760 6 74 1760— 6 : 88 176(»— 6 : 90 1760 6 93 for raising 1,000 men for expedition under General Amherst 1759 5 488 1759— 5 : 489 1759— 5 : 49 1 1759 5 494 1759 5:497 1759 6: 2 1759 6 16 for raising 534 new [levy] and 143 [on] levies for 1762 1762— 6:251 1762 6 253 1762— 6 : 254 17(i3 6 326 enabling Ebenezer Miller to sell lands in Bedford . 1764 () 409 to enable Thomas Millet to convey certain lands . 1758 5 430 1758— 5:431 1759 5 479 voiding fraudulent deed of Eligood Mills 1771 8 iSb regulating mills 1718 1 221 for supply of the ministry . . 1714 — 1 : 1'^ 1724 2 5 obliging towns or pai-islies neglecting to call an orthodox minister, etc. ..... 1716 1 180 for maintenance and supply of the ministry . 1770 8 ■ 14 for sale of real estate of Robert Mitcliel 1769 7 295 for relief of Jonathan Moulton, guardian 1765 () 449 1765— 6:450 1765— 7: 4 1765 7 23 1765— 7 : 24 1765— 7 : 34 1765 7 49 for dividing estate of John Mudget .... 1754 4 438 against murder, etc. 1718 1 220 14 Index to Journals of House of Kepkesentatives, ACT, — (cofidnmd) : to pn-veiit murdering bastard children to enaljle Kiihard Nason, executor, to convey land of parliatncnt, encourajxin^j: naval stores to ciial)lc New lioston to build nieelin'f-house 111 17H— 5 : 324 enabling Samuel Thompson and wife to convey lands to Robert Thompson . . 1758 — 5 : 373 enal)ling Obadiah Tibbetts to exchange lands 1761— 6:131 for settlement of Mary v. Amos Towle . 1705— 6:457 to enable Phillip and Elisha Towle to divide sundry lands . . 1700—6: 51 1700—6: 54 regulating townships, choice of officers, fixing their powers, etc 1718— 1 : 220 1760— 6: 95 1765— 6:456 regulating town and proprietors' meetings for regulating town meetings, etc 1748— 4 : 99 1752— 4 : 249 1761— 6:125 1761— 6:135 1763— 6 : 375 1703— (! : 377 regulating calling town meetings, etc. . 176.=)— 7: 14 1765— 7: 16 1705— 7: 34 1766— 7: 62 1770— 8: 47 on choosing town officers at other times than annual meeting 1743 — 3: 53 about swearing town officers ' impowering selectmen, etc., to swear town officers 1760— 6 : 77 directing admission of town inhabitants 1747— 4: 36 1700— 7: 64 relating to proprietors and non-residents of new towns to enaljje towns, villages, and pr()i)rietors in com- mon and undividtnl lands to sue and be sued to secure Robert Trail the monopoly of brewing strong beer ........ of ti-espass 1718— 1 : 220 1729— 2 : 171 1740— 2 : 552 174(>_ 2:567 1740— 2:569 175.->— 5: 37 175s— 5:330 for relief of John Tuck . . . 170."> — 7 : 4'^ about turpentine, revived ..... continuing Maj. William V:mghan r. PMward C'alu . about will of (ieorge Vauglian .... for sale of Vaughan"s lanii, etc. . 1742 — *2:031 for making partition of messuage, etc., belonging to heirs of Margaret Vauglian .... Virginia 1751— 4:421 to lix ratable estate for qualification of voters 1771— 8: 82 1754 1718 1767 1771 1767 1754 1760 1763 1774 1758 1758 1761 1765 1765 1760 1748 1771 1718 1748 1761 1763 1764 1764 1765 1765 1771 1743 1716 1760 1760 1718 1766 1734 1718 1766 1724 1740 1740 1771 1776 1717 1710 172i) 1742 1747 1754 1771 4 1 7 8 7 4 6 6 6 6 6 4 8 1 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 3 1 6 6 1 7 2 7 2 2 3 8 7 1 1 2 3 3 4 PAGE. 404 220 151 64 149 397 118 335 170 325 374 133 456 467 56 97 71 220 87 124 351 392 409 15 47 61 64 180 76 79 220 77 408 221 108 .'> 553 315 68 62 209 172 l.OO 40 515 437 109 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 19 TEAB. VOL. PAGE. ACT, — (continued) : reo^ulatinff watchmen 1760 6 106 1760 6:107 1760 6 110 reffulatino: weights and measuves .... 1718 1 220 1766— 7 : 64 1766 7 70 for relief of Eliza Wentworth .... 1734 2 411 dissolving marriage of Eleanor Wilson with James Stickney 1756— 5 : 118 1756 5 120 1757— 5 : 200 1757 5 201 for road from governor's house in Wolfeboi-ough to Dartmouth College 1771 8 102 encouraging killing of wolves .... 1718 1 220 fixing premiums for killing wolves .... 1771 8 68 about cord-wood ....... 1714 1 77 regulating cording of wood ..... 1758 5 387 1758 5:389 1758 5 392 prescribing forms of writs in civil cases 1718 1 221 to prevent loss of writs, etc 1765 6 467 1765 — 7 : 15 1765 7 16 1765— 7 : 17 1765— 7 : 34 1765 7 35 for service of writs in review on non-inhabitants . 1768 7 198 ACTS (see also Laivs and Printing) : not to be assented to by governor, without clause providing for approval by king .... 1721 1 279 private, not to be printed 1746 3 333 convention no right to pass any .... 1757 5 295 drawing . . ' 1746 3 : 436 1753— 4 : 338 1755 4 574 1757_ 5 : 272 1758— 5 : 380 1758 5 393 1759 6: 12 1760 6:107 1761 6 212 1762— 6 : 266 1767— 7 : 123 1773 8 154 drawing and copying . . . 1774 — 8 : 210 1774 8 211 copying and engrossing 1761 6 225 of parliament (see also Act, stamp, above) 1722 1 311 1722— 1 : 326 1727— 2 : 100 1730 2 310 1730 2:313 1731 2:335 1732 2 377 1734— 2 : 398 1734— 2 : 422 1737 2 476 1740 2:557 1759 6: 25 1765 7 17 1766 7: 71 1770 8: 21 1770 8 23 pi'ovince, revised ....... 1747 3 *485 struct dead . 1756— 5 : 153 1762— 6 : 249 1763 6 314 sundry, passed by house, council to concur in . 1763 6 346 ACTIONS (see also Limilidion and Writs) : civil, sureties in mean process .... 1718 1 220 against non-residents, brought how 1734 2 430 ACWORTH : inventory ......... 1773 8 159 ADAMS, CArx. : house of, proposed for governor's .... 1771 8 72 ADAINIS, Rev. Hugh : theosophical thesis of . . . 172.5 — 2 : 13 1725 2 26 1737— 2 : 514 1740— 2 : 549 1740 2 550 ADAMS, Dr. Joseph : account ......... 1746 3 421 ADAMS, Rev. Joseph : minister of Stratham . . . 1746 — 3 : 427 1747 3 470 1747— 3 : 496 1747 3 503 ADAMS, Rebeckah (see Adams, Susanna) : to appear 1765 7 47 ADAMS, Dr. Samuel : petition 1744— 3: 80 1746 3 434 1746— 3 : 435 1753— 4 : 356 1753 4 357 20 Index to Journals of House of Reprksentatives, YKAK. VOL. PAOE. ADAMS, Dk. Samif.l, — (continued) : professiotKil account 1746— 3:343 1760 6 46 ADAMS, Samuel: clerk of Massachusetts house of rcincscntatives . | 1774 8 178 ADAMS, Si SANNA : V. Rebeckah Adams . 1765 45 1765— 7: 47 1766 65 ADDRKSS [called also Speech, or, sometimes, Mcssagel : of governor 1711— 1: 1 1711 24 1711— 1: 28 1711— 1: 38 1712 50 1712— 1: 51 171:3— 1: 63 1714 74 1714— 1: 85 1715— 1: 98 1716 175 1717— 1:206 1718— 1:213 1718 225 1719— 1:2.32 1719— 1:240 1720 245 1722— 1:310 1725— 2: 12* 1725 2 23 1729— 2: 144 1730— 2::308 1730 2 320 1730— 2:328 1731— 2:3:36 1731 2 349 1732— 2 : 365 1732— 2 : :374 1733 2 378 1734— 2:398 1734— 2 : 419 17:34 2 424 1734— 2:431 1735_ 2:4:38 17:35 2 452 1736— 2 : 458 17:37— 2:476 17:37 2 495 1738— 2:529 1740— 2:544 1742 2 611 1742— 2:649 1742— 3 : 29 1743 3 47 1743— 3: 63 174:3- 3 : 68 1744 3 88 1744— 3: 89 1745— 3 : 120 1745 3 195 1745— 3 : 265 1745 3:291 1746 3 356 1746— 3 : 372 17.16— 3::392 1746 3 426 1747— 3 : 501 1717— 4: 13 1748 4 71 1752— 4:219 175-1— 4:1369 1754 .4 375 1754— 4 : 393 1754— 4 : 470 1755 4 521 1755 — 5 : 44 1756— 5 : 154 1756 5 170 1756— 5:177 1757— 5 : 298 1757 5 306 1758— 5:376 1758— 5:441 1758 5 443 1758— 5:445 1760— 6: ;37 1760 6 38 1760— 6: 53 1761— 6:121 1761 6 141 17C)2— 6:238 1762— 6 : 243 1762 6 246 1762- 6 : 300 1762— 6 : :302 1762 6 303 1762- 6:306 1762— 6::307 1762 6 308 1763 6 : 310 1763— 6:311 1763 6 340 1763— 6 : 356 1764— 6 : 387 1764 6 392 17(;4_ 6:397 1765 7: 2 1765 7 4 17(i5— 7: 18 1765— 7: 37 1766 7 71 1766— 7 : 101 1767— 7:112 1767 7 125 1768— 7:221 1768— 7 : 226 1768 7 232 1774— 8 : 189 1775— 8 : 220 1775 8 223 to governor (see also Answer) • 1733 2 384 17:3:3— 2:391 1754 4 472 1754— 4 : 479 1762— 6 : 275 1767 7 128 1767— 7 : 130 177:3— 8:141 1773 8 143 to governor and council . of lieutenant-governor • • • • 17:37 2 508 . 1711— 1 : 10 1711 1 13 1711— 1: 14 1715— 1:110 1715 1 111 1715— 1:119 1716- 1:152 1716 1 175 1721— 1 :272 1721— 1 : 2!»6 1721 1 1 298 1722— 1:324 1722— 1:328 1722 1 1 342 1722— 1:349 172:3—^:373 1723 1 379 1723— 1:397 1724— 1 : 413 1726 2 34 1726— 2: 50 1727— 2: 67 1727 2 84 1727— 2: 85 1727— 2: 94 1727 2 95 1727— 2: 96 1727— 2 : 101 1728 2 90 1728 2:131 1729- 2:165 1730 2 173 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 21 ADDRESS, — {continued) : to lieutenant-governor to the queen to the king 1716— 1716— 1723— 1727— 1730— 1737— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1749— 1753— 1758— 1758— 1761— 1768— to king and parliament 1766— to Lord Dartmoutli . 144 150 376 88 2:334 2:615 232 255 286 321 146 367 425 447 182 263 96 1711— 1711— 1711— 1713— 1716— 1716— 1723— 1730— 1734— 1738— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1747— 1753— 1755 — 1758— 1758— 1761— 1770— 1766— 1766— to lords commissioners (which see also) . ADJUTANTS : wages 1756- 1759— 6: 4 1761- ADMEASUREMENT : of boards ...... ADMINISTRATORS (see also Estates, etc.) : regulated ....... accounts regulated ADMIRALTY {see Court, etc.). ADVANCE Pay {see also Bounty and Gratuity) : for officei's and soldiers .... 241 378 193 1756— 1758— 1760— 1762— 13 16 19 64 147 177 378 332 410 531 233 260 310 19 361 51 428 455 184 19 60 97 1773— 8:140 117 193 116 241 93 255 Legorse, Light, March, Treas- 1757— 1758— 1761— AFFIDAVITS : recorded .... AFFRONT {see Atkinso7i. urer, and Wallingford) AFRICA : success of British arms in AGENTS (see also Hanbiiry, Letters, London, Newman, Mndge, Thomlinson, Trccothick, and Wentworlh) : at court . . 1728— 2 : 137 1731— 2 : 343 1737— 2:526 1740— 2:547 1742— 2 : 621 1742— 3 : 43 1744— 3:107 1753— 4:361 1760— 6: 89 1763— 6:368 1765— 6 : 437 1765— 7 : 9 1770— 7 : 342 1770— 8 : 19 at Albany {which see also) ..... 1756— 5 : 123 1756— 5 : 125 1756— 5 : 142 1756— 5 : 150 1761— 6 : 220 1763— 6 : 318 YEAR. VOL. 1711 1 1728 2 1711 1713 1714 1716 1723 1726 2 1730 2 1734 2 1738 2 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1749 4 1753 4 1756 5 1758 5 1761 6 1768 7 1771 8 1766 7 1766 7 1773 8 1773 8 1734 2 1758 5 1762 6 1752 4 1714 1 1774 8 1748 4 1756 5 1758 5 1760 6 1762 6 1766 7 1761 6 1737 2 1742 2 1743 3 1758 5 1765 6 1769 7 1771 8 1756 5 1756 5 1760 6 1763 6 PAGE. 14 123 32 66 93 148 374 35 333 417 534 236 285 317 133 366 108 442 152 244 73 73 103 139 180 417 378 254 266 77 209 69 123 365 112 262 66 183 485 614 72 425 431 333 58 116 140 92 333 90 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 1764— 6 : 387 1764— G : 392 AGENTS. — (conUnued) : at Albany ACAUCVlATliE: promotion of ...... . AKE 11 -M A N , li K\ J A MIN : doorkeei)er, etc 1722— l:31o 1722— 1 172-4— 1:417 172o— 2 1720— 2: 55 172(J— 2 1727— 2: 9!) 1728— 2 1729— 2 : 14(3 1730— 2 1734— 2:410 1735— 2 1740— 2:543 1742— 2 1742— 3:41 174:3— 3 1745_ 3 : 229 1745— 3 : 248 1746— 3:393 1747— 3: 1753— 4:314 1755— 4; 1756— 5 : 144 1757— 5 : AKEIIMAX, Bex.iamix, Jr.: administrator, account ..... ALARM : great gun . ALB AN Y ( sec also Agents) : military rendezvous, etc. .... 1755- 1755— 5 : 30 1755- 1756— 5 : 94 1756- 1757— 5 : 206 1757- 1757— 5 : 288 1759- 1759— 6: 8 1759- 17G0— 6: 98 1760- 1761— 6:178 1761- 1763— 6 : 372 1763- ALCOTT {sec Olcott). ALDEN, 1)K, Thomas: account ale\vivp:s: to protect ALEXANDER, John : allowance ALEXANDRIA: inventory ALEXANDRIA, Va. : council at ALLARD, .Iames: erroneously called "desei-ter" ALLCOCK, Jonathan: volunteer .... ALLCOt'K, Cai'T. John: muster-roll 1755— 5 : 3 339 12t 56 ; 136 :319 ;448 623 : 61 507 496 272 ALLCOCK, Jo.sKi'ii: petition 1756— 5 : 139 498 55 154 222 489 9 6 : 108 6:203 6:374 1754- 1773- 1755- 1761- 1761- NC.l— 6:135 1761— 6 : 145 t'. est.ate of Mrs. Ann .Slavton . ALLCOCK. Mr. : living in Harvey mansion ALLEN, Daniel: in service under Captain Job Clement 1756- 1757- 1761- 17C>1- 1761- TBAR. 1722— 1:361 4 : 443 8 : 155 6:199 6:224 94 196 6 : 137 6: 148 6 : 196 1764 1771 1716 1723 1726 1727 1728 1732 1737 1742 1744 1746 1748 1755 1758 1757 1746 1754 1755 1756 1756 1757 1759 1760 1761 1763 1771 1725 1773 1774 1756 1773 1755 1761 1762 1746 1756 1757 1761 1761 1761 1760 1753 VOL. 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 4 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 5 8 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 4 PAGE. 393 111 162 390 3-' 76 in 370 4«5 637 101 339 86 571 380 284 381 464 3 79 168 267 3 37 134 365 73 30 152 193 76 160 6 223 270 403 111 237 144 166 197 65 335 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 23 ALLEN, Dr.: petition ALLEN, Thomas : right bought of ALLENSTOWN : inventory . ALLEY, Ephraim : scout ALLOWANCES : vote on the payment regulated . ALMORY, Robert (see also Hart, Samuel) children of, guardian's petition 1753— 4 : 344 1734— 2 : 429 1711— 1 1732 173 1737 ALMSHOUSE : for province, building an ALSTEAD : inventory .... ALTERING : bills of credit, penalty AMBLER, John : account . . 1730— 2 : 332 1734— 2 : 410 173G— 2:462 AMENDMENT (see Act and Appeals) . AMERICA : successes of H. M. arms in AMERICAN Colonies: taxes laid on the ..... diflBculties labored under by the AMERICANS (see Bights). AMES, David : account . AMES, Jacob : petition AMES, Stephen : petition account AMESBURY : petition ....... AMHERST, Gen'e Jeffrey (see also Exijedition) commander, etc. ..... TEAK. 2 : 373 2:414 2 : 491 1759— 6 : 20 1759— 1759— 1760— 1761— 1761— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 484 19 38 190 223 6:261 6 6 6: AMHERST (sec also Narraganset West) : inventory . representative 1767— 1762— 1763— 1765— 1768— 1770— 1772— 300 323 328 No. 160 :256 462 176 350 1 ;115 1759— 1759— 1760— 1761— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 6: 8 6: 20 6: 53 6:191 6 : 259 6 : 262 6 : 301 6 : 324 6:329 3 and Souhegan 1760— 1768— 1762— 1764— 1766— 1769— 1771— 1773— : 86 :218 :257 :464 :178 :352 : 2p :144 1721 1726 1773 1745 1753 1771 1734 1736 1711 1773 1711 1733 1734 1737 1761 1765 1773 1765 1764 1746 1768 1744 1758 1759 1760 1761 1761 1762 1762 1762 1763 1763 1761 1773 1762 1765 1767 1770 1771 1774 VOL. 1 2 8 4 8 2 2 1 8 1 2 2 9 6 8 3 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 7 7 7 8 8 PAGE. 280 53 157 255 345 101 428 462 5 159 5 387 418 493 183 430 139 448 414 402 236 85 446 9 37 189 192 260 288 302 325 362 122 158 458 3 182 354 105 164 24 Index to Journals of House of 1\i;i'Resentatives, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. AMllEUST, — (continued) : rt'presenUitive . 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8:188 1775 8 218 pt'titioii ...... • 1763 6 317 bills ijurnt in jiouse ut . 176 i— 6:425 1765 7 10 sale of lands in, for aiToars • 1765 7 40 17);.-,_ 7: .-,2 1766— 7: 54 1766 7 62 17t;7— 7: Kil 170,s_. 7: i,s > 1756 5 117 1757— 5 : 238 1759— 5:493 1759 6 4 1761— 6 : 193 1761— 6:203 1762 6 254 ARMORERS (Assistant) : wages . 1756— 5 : 117 1757 5 238 AR]\IS (see also Ammunition, Impressing, King, Prest, and Storage) : that his excellency pressed, offered for sale 1745— 3 : 126 1745 3 127 small, etc., sold at j^ublic vendue 1764 6 407 for soldiers . 1746— 3 : 365 1747— 4: 15 1757 5 228 1757— 5 : 288 1758 5:371 1758 6 402 ARMY (see Be Dieskau). ARRESTS : causeless, to prevent . • • • 1718 1 220 ARROWSICK [Malne] : defended . 1722— 1:350 1722 1 352 ARTIFICERS : ccjmpany, under Colonel Meserve 1757 5 288 ARTILLERY {see also Cafinon) : great, at fort .... . 1747— 3:478 1747 3 479 ASHLEY, Samuel : member . . 1771 — 8: 85 1774 8 : 184 1774 8 188 1774— 8 : 203 1774— 8 : 205 1775 8 218 ASHUELOT, Lower (see Sioansey). ASIA: success of British arms in • • • • 1761 6 183 ASSAULT : on surveyor-general's men • • 1734 2 430 ASSAULTS: to supi^ress .... ■ • • • 1718 1 220 ASSEMBLY (see also Bellows, Candles, Dissolutiojis, Fire- Shovel, Galleries, General Assembly, Homey, House, Members, Priest, Ee2Jrcsentatives, Room s. Tongs, Waiter, Wood, and names of the i^rovinces) : met in speaker's house .... 1715 1 137 1716— 1 : 151 1718 1 222 met, for conveniency of fire, etc.. in Mrs. Priest's room • • . • 1745 3 291 to sit but three years . 1721— 1:272 1723 1 383 1723— 1 : 399 1723— 1:400 1723 1 401 1723— 1 : 402 1723 1 : 406 1723 1 412 1726— 2: 40 1727— 2 : 102 1728 2 127 1728— 2 : 128 1728— 2 : 130 1735 2 434 prorogued, dissolved, adjourned. etc. [for four weeks and over] • ■ ■ ■ 1711 1 18 1711— 1: 23 1712 1 57 1713— 1 : 61 1714— 1: 73 1714 1 84 1714— 1: 94 1716— 1:172 1717 1 211 1718 1:224 1718 1 : 231 1719 1 242 1720 1 : 248 1720— 1 : 253* 1721 1 263 1722— 1:309 1722— 1:322 1722 1 325 1722— 1:306 1723— 1:412 1724 1 432 1724 2: 12* 1726 2: 33 1726 2 66 1727— 2: 93 1728— 2 : 120 1728 2 143 1729— 2:172 1730 2:174 1730 2 334 1731— 2 : 364 1732— 2:375 1733 2 396 1734— 2 : 432 1735— 2:456 1737 2 495 28 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAB. VOL. FAOE. ASSEMBLY, — (ron«w/rrf) : proroj^iied, dissolved, adjourned, etc. 17.37— 2:511 1737 2 528 17;is_ 2:541 1739— 2:543 1742 2 648 1742— 2:653 1742— 3: 45 1743 3 67 ]7.t4_ 3: 87 1741— 3:102 1744 3 106 1745_ 3:113 1745 3:182 1745 3 261 1745— 3:261 1746— 3:321 1746 3 349 1746— 3:426 1746— 3 : 445 1747 3 453 1747_ 3 : 501 1747— 3:509 1747 3 528 1748— 4: 60 1748— 4 : 70 1748 4 99 1749— 4 : 144 1752— 4:205 1754 4 467 1755— 5: 22 1755— 5 : 39 1756 5 153 1756 5:162 1756— 5 : 176 1757 5 281 1757— 5 : 291 l-r>H— 5:417 1758 6 418 175H— 5 : 433 1759— 6: 16 1759 6 33 1760 6 : 104 1760— 6:113 1760 6 119 1761— 6:198 1761— 6:222 1761 6 225 1761— 6 : 226 1762— 6:263 1762 6 299 1762— 6:305 1762— 6:309 17(i3 6 339 1763— 6:340 1763— 6:355 1763 6 382 1764— 6:411 1764— 6:427 1765 6 469 1765— 7 : 35 176.5— 7 : 50 1766 7 70 1766 7 : 100 1766— 7:110 1767 7 124 1767— 7:131 1767— 7 : 170 1768 7 223 1768— 7 : 259 1768— 7 : 264 1768 7 280 1769— 7:335 1769— 7 : 336 1770 7 359 1770— 8 : 34 1774— 8:190* 1774 8 216 1775— 8:226 1775— 8 : 230 1775 8 237 ASSE]\IBLYMEN (see also Members and Bejiresentatives) : election and qualifications • • ■ 1762 6 257 1762— 6:262* 17(12 6 265 1762— 6:268 1762— 6:271 1762 6 279 1762— 6 : 282 1762— 6 : 298 1763 6 314 1763— 6 : 315 1763— 6:316 1763 6 375 1763 6 : 376 1764 6:388 1764 6 392 1764— 6 : 393 1764— 6:405 1764 6 410 ASSENT : of 412 415 426 1 8 12t 19 TEAR. VOL. 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 1712 1713 1713 1713 1713 1714 1714 1714 1714 1714 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1716 1716 1 1716 1716 1716 1716 1716 1716 1716 1717 1721 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1723 1723 1723 1723 1723 1723 1723 1724 1724 1724 1724 2 1724 2 1725 2 1725 2 PAGE. 36 41 44 49 52 56 69 63 66 70 74 80 83 87 91 97 101 105 108 111 116 121 127 132 135 138 142 145 148 158 164 169 174 179 183 202 275 330 339 343 348 353 356 360 368 373 381 384 392 399 403 408 413 422 429 3 10 13 21 30 Index to Journals of House of TJepkesentatiVes, YE All. VOL. PAGE. ATKINSOX, TiiEoDoiiE, — (continmd) : member, clerk, councilor, secretary, sh eritr, etc. 1725— 2: 22 1 725— 2 23 1725 2 25 1726 2: 29 1 726— 2 34 1726 2 35 172(;— 2: 37 1 726 2 38 172(i 2 39 1726— 2: 42 1 726 2 44 172(1 2 45 1726— 2: 46 1 72(i— 2 47 1726 2 50 1726— 2: 51 1 726— 2 53 1726 2 55 172(;— 2: 59 1 726— 2 60 1726 2 63 1726— 2: 64 1 727— 2 67 1727 2 74 1727— 2: 77 1 727— 2 7.S 1727 2 82 1727— 2 : 83 1 727— 2 84 1727 2 86 1727— 2: 87 1 727— 2 88 1727 2 89 1727— 2: 94 1 727— 2 97 1727 2 100 1727— 2 : 1U2 1 727— 2 105 1727 2 109 1728 2 : 110 1 728— 2 112 1728 2 113 1728— 2:117 1 7'^,s y 121 1728 2 122 172S 2 : 125 1 728— 2 127 1728 2 128 172.S— 2 : 130 1 7'>« 2 131 1728 2 132 1728— 2:134 1 728— 2 135 1728 2 1.39 1729— 2:143 1 729— 2 144 1729 2 145 1729— 2 : 146 1 729— 2 150 1729 2 151 1729— 2 : 153 1 729— 2 155 1729 2 160 1729— 2 : 162 1 729— 2 163 1729 2 164 1729— 2 : 165 1 729— 2 166 1729 2 167 1729— 2: 169 1 730— 2 173 1730 2 174 1730— 2 : 307 1 730 2 311 1730 2 313 1730 2 : 318 1 730— 2 319 1730 2 324 1730— 2 : 326 1 730 2 327 1731 2 336 1731— 2:339 1 731— 2 343 1731 2 346 1731— 2:347 1 731— 2 350 1731 2 355 1731— 2 : 359 1 731— 2 361 1731 2 362 1731— 2:366 1 732— 2 369 1732 2 371 1732— 2:373 1 732- 2 376 1733 2 379 1733 2 : 382 1 733— 2 386 1734 2 397 1734— 2:400 1 734— 2 402 1734 2 408 1734— 2 : 410 1 734— 2 413 1734 2 415 1734— 2:416 1 734— 2 417 1734 2 422 1734— 2:426 1 734— 2 427 1734 2 429 1735— 2:434 1 735— 2 437 1735 2 445 1736— 2:458 1 736 2 461 1736 2 463 1737— 2:479 1 737— 2 481 1737 2 482 1737— 2:484 1 737— 2 486 1737 2 489 1737— 2:490 1 737— 2 491 1737 2 492 1737— 2 : 493 1 737— 2 494 1737 2 504 173.8— 2:533 1 73.S 2 536 1739 2 543 1740— 2:560 1 740 2 561 1740 2 565 1740— 2:568 1 742— 2 611 1742 2 616 1742— 2:623 1 742— 2 624 1742 2 634 1742— 2:635 1 742— 2 638 1742 2 639 1742— 2 : 641 1 742— 2 652 1742 3 32 1742— 3: 38 1 742— 3 39 1742 3 41 1743 3: 58 1 74:5— 3 61 1743 3 70 1743— 3: 71 1 743 3 74 1743 3 84 1744— 3: 90 1 744— 3 92 1744 3 93 1744— 3 : 94 1 744-^ 95 1744 3 96 1745 3:116 1 745 3 117 1745 3 119 1745— 3 : 124 1 745— 3 129 1745 3 137 1745— 3 : 140 1 745— 3 147 1745 3 153 1745— 3 : 160 1 745 3 162 1745 3 163 1745— 3 : 175 1 745— 3 :187 1745 3 188 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 31 ATKINSON, Theodore, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. - {continued) : cilor, secretary, sheriff, etc. 1745— 3 : 189 1745— 3 : 199 1745 3 206 1745— 3 : 229 1745— 3:231 1745 3 283 1745— 3 : 284 1746— 3 : 307 1746 3 320 1746— 3:328 1746- 3:334 1746 3 339 1746— 3:342 1746— 3 : 356 1746 3 363 1746— 3:387 1746— 3 : 389 1746 3 395 1746 3 : 417 1746— 3:418 1746 3 444 1747— 3:453 1747— 3 : 490 1747 3 491 1747— 3:493 1747— 3 : 500 1747 3 508 1747— 3 : 510 1747— 4: 14 1747 4 37 1748— 4: 85 1748— 4: 89 1749 4 107 1749— 4:131 1752— 4:216 1753 4 281 1753— 4 : 302 1753— 4 : 308 1753 4 338 1764— 4:374 1754— 4 : 443* 1754 4 456 1754— 4:466 1755— 4:496 1755 4 506 1755 4:518 1755— 4 : 526 1755 4 532 1755 — 4: 571 1755 — 4 : 572 1755 5 43 1755 — 5 : 44 1755— 5: 58 1756 6 79 1756— 5 : 100 1756 5 : 102 1756 5 104 1756— 5 : 105 1756— 5 : 107 1756 5 116 1756— 5 : 117 1756 — 5 : 147 1756 5 158 1756— 5 : 168 1756— 5 : 180 1757 5 207 1757— 5 : 212 1757- 5:222 1757 5 232 1757— 5 : 275 1757— 5 : 276 1757 5 288 1757— 5 : 294 1757— 5 : 295 1757 5 298 1758— 5 : 314 1758 5 : 318 1758 5 340 1758— 5 : 342 1758— 5:343 1758 5 344 1758— 5 : 361 1758— 5 : 362 1758 5 365 1758 5 : 379 1758— 5 : 382 1758 5 435 1758— 5 : 441 1758 5 : 444 1758 5 445 1759 5 : 461 1759— 5 : 466 1759 5 467 1759— 5 : 480 1759— 5 : 481 1759 5 483 1759— 5 : 485 1759_ 5 : 487 1759 6 20 1759— 6: 26 1759— 6: 28 1760 6 37 1760— 6 : 54 1760— 6 : 63 1760 6 64 1760 6: 66 1760— 6 : 78 1760 6 80 17G0— 6: 81 1760— 6 : 112 1760 6 117 1761— 6:130 1761— 6:132 1761 6 133 1761— 6:151 1761— 6 : 154 1761 6 160 1761— 6 : 163 1761— 6 : 166 1761 6 167 1761— 6:174 1761— 6 : 175 1761 6 176 1761— 6:177 1761— 6 : 194 1761 6 195 1761— 6:198 1761— 6:211 1761 6 217 1761— 6:220 1761— 6:221 1761 6 222 1761— 6 : 223 1761— 6:224 1761 6 2i5 1761— 6:226 1762— 6 : 237 1762 6 238 1762— 6 : 244 1762— 6 : 246 1762 6 263 1762— 6 : 267 1762— 6 : 290 1762 6 293 1762— 6 : 297 1762— 6:306 1763 6 311 1763— 6:334 1763 6 : 337 1763 6 357 1763 6 : 359 1763— 6:368 1763 6 371 1764— 6:385 1764— 6 : 387 1764 6 400 1764— 6:425 1765— 7: 10 1765 7 16 1766— 7 : 107 1766— 7 : 109 1767 7 118 1767— 7:119 1767— 7 : 125 1767 7 137 1767— 7:138 1767— 7 : 147 1768 7 186 1768— 7:194 1768— 7 : 200 1768 7 205 1768— 7:266 1768 7 : 272 1770 7 339 1770 7 : 342 1770— 7 : 343 1770 7 344 32 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TBAB. VOL. PAGE. ATKINSON, TiiF-ODOKE, — (continued) : member, clerk, couucilor, secretary, slierifl", etc. 1770— 8: 5 1770— K: 8 1770 8 11 177()_ 8: 16 1771— «: 73 1771 8 91 1771— 8: 92 1771— 8: 96 1772 8 122 1773—8:139 1773—8:142 1773 8 149 1774— 8:188 1774— 8:189 1774 8 196 1774— 8:198 1775— 8:220 1775 8 226 alVroiitiiigly answered by Justice Odiorne, who ex- plains, and " the finall end of that matter" 1726 2 52 ATKINSON, TiiEoDoKK, Ji:. : secretary ......... 1762 6 300 1763— 6:321 1763— 6:343 1763 6 347 17(;3 6:348 1763 6:349 1763 6 359 17(;-{_ 6:382 1764—6:385 1764 6 386 1764— 6 : 403 1764— 6 : 417 1765 6 467 1765— 6:468 176.5— 7: 26 1765 7 27 1765— 7: 32 1766— 7: 78 1766 7 96 1767— 7:114 1767— 7:140 1767 7 145 1767 — 7 : 154 1767 — 7 : 156 1767 7 165 1768— 7:199 1768— 7:246 1768 7 252 1768— 7 : 253 1768— 7 : 274 1769 7 287 1769 7:302 1769 7:306 1769 7 307 1769— 7 : 309 1769— 7 : 310 1769 7 312 1769— 7:313 1769— 7:314 1769 7 318 1769— 7 : 319 1769— 7 : 322 1770 8 16 ATKINSON : incorporated from Plaistow . . 1766 — 7 : 75 1766 7 76 1767—7:139 1767—7:147 1767 7 148 inventory. . 1767—7:161 1768—7:218 1773 8 157 polling oil' from, to Plaistow ..... 1767 7 162 1768— 7 : 188 1768 7 202 petitioner from 1769 7 283 representative 1770 8 Pl 1771- 8: 2p 1771— S: 105 1772 8 115 1773— 8: 144 1774— 8:164 1774 8 184 177-1— 8 : 188 1774— 8 : 194 1774 8 200 ATLANTIC" Ockan: as province bomidary . . . 1737 — 2:503 1737 2 504 1737— 2:510 1737 2 513 ATTACHMENT (sec Debts and Real Edalc). ATTOKNIOY (see also Muster-Rom) -. of soldici' may receive his pay .... 1753 4 ;)i(; 175.3— 4:317 1753 4 318 175.3— 4 : 319 1753— 4 : 344 1753 4 357 powers of 1766 — 7 : 66 1766 7 70 api)earance by ........ 1774 8 170 at law, evil i)ractises of an 1766 7 92 general [called also Kin(fs Attorney and SolicUor'} (sec also Livcrmore and Clarjfjett) 1734 2 414 1737— 2:482 1742 3 36 174.3— 3: 70 1745 3:178 1745 ' 8 179 175.5— 4:574 17.57— 5:272 1759 6 12 1763— 6 : 350 1764— 6 : 403 1765 7 27 1766 7: 79 1766 7: 83 1766 7 88 1767— 7:115 1769— W: 287 1770 8 17 1771— 8: 91 1772— 8:122 1773 8 148 1773 8:150 177:^—8:153 1774 8 200 ATT(M{XEYS : regulated ......... 171 1 1 77 AUDITORS (see Committee on province accounts) . Pkovince op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 33 AUSTIN, Abiel : petition .... AUSTIN, Joseph and Samuel: 13etition .... AVERY, Joseph : petition .... AVIS, JNlKS. Mary : executrix of Jolni Avis\s will AYERS, Edward : on committee . AYERS, John : claim, etc. 1742— 3 : 38 AYERS, Mrs. Mary : claim AYERS, William : claim BABB, Joshua : account BACHELDER, Phineas muster-roll petition BAILEY (see Bayleij) . BAKER, Benjamin : petition BAKER, Charles : scout muster-rolls to api:)ear . BAKER, Christian : petition BAKER, Joseph : petition BAKER, Otis : member . 1753— 4 : 328 1761— 6:123 1757— 5 : 226 1752— 4:270 1726— 2: 56 1742— 3: 43 1742— 3 : 38 1745— 3 : 250 YEAR. (see also Batchelder, etc.) : . 1746— 3 : 422 . 1766 — 7 : 75 1743— 3: 33 1768— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1772— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1775 — BAKER, William and Richard : merchants, London . BAKER'S River: road from Durham to mouth of BAKER'S Town [Salisbury] : expresses to ... . defence of . . . . BAKERS : hardship of ... . BALCH (seeBcmlch). BALDWIN, Henry : petition . . , , . :350 :330 :354 : 10 : 53 :115 :130 :141 :152 :170 :218 1746— 3 : 414 1734- 1764- 1769- 1769- 1770- 1770- 1771- 1772- 1773- 1773- 1773- 1774- 1775- 2:429 6:392 307 335 IP 14 2p 125 136 8:144 8 : 153 8:172 8:223 1747- 3:460 1753 1761 1761 1757 1753 1723 1742 1743 1742 1746 1742 1724 1746 1766 1743 1745 1746 1755 1735 1764 1768 1769 1769 1770 1770 1771 1772 1773 1773 1774 1774 1775 1761 1765 1756 1756 1769 1747 VOL. PAGE. 4 334 6 6 121 131 5 286 4 308 1 411 2 3 625 65 3 3 39 306 2 631 1 429 3 7 533 85 3 49 3 3 5 255 533 52 2 443 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 o 5 396 277 320 352 5 49 105 129 140 150 164 205 233 133 451 93 181 316 461 34 Index to Journals of House of RKPUESENTAxrvEs, TEAK. VOL. PAGE. BALDWIX. Dit. Sii.As: chiiiu ...... > • • 17G3 6 353 BALL (see also Jhdlels) : allowanoe for ..... . 1757 5 205 liALL, Sakaii, and oTiiF.ifS: sdhlicrs' wives, petitioners • 1744 3 ♦228 r..V\Fii:Ll), Cll.viu.K.s (.svr alio Slnylou) : petition . . 17(il — (i : 135 17G1— G: 137 17G1 6 1 II 17t;i_ (i: 1 \-y 17t;i— G: lis 17G1 G It'.t; V. Wiliird, l\icli:inl, revivml 17(il— <■>: 15(1 17G1 6 151 17G1— G: IGG 17G1— G: I'JG 1761 6 197 BA^sFlLLl), High: jetition ...... • • • 1716 1 165 BANFILL, JuiiN ["Banfield"] : Ijetition . 1753 4 329 1753— 4:334 1758 5 311 1774— .S:195 1774— 8 : 203 1774 8 212 BANK, The (see also Portsmouth) : minute-men from • 1711 1 21 records kept at .... • ■ • 1726 2 42 BANK : money, burnt .... . . 1727 2 G9 BANKRUPTS : act concerning 1715 1 : 129 1715 1 130 1715— 1 : 131 1717— 1:206 1718 1 221 BAPTISTS : diflficulties regardino: ■ • • 1770 7 340 BAR: appeal from judgments in . 1718 1 221 BARBER, R(.iiekt: captivated by St. Francois Indians • 1754 4 482 petition . 1760 6 39 BARGES (see also Boats) : governor's, etc. 1767 7 115 BARKER, Benjamin: jx'tition ...... 1745 3 : 294 1745 3 295 BARKEP., John: memorial • • • 1738 2 540 ' claim ..... ■ • • • 1746 3 407 BARKER, Jonathan: aecount ..... 1758 5:371 1758 6 372 BARLEY : tax rate 1752— 4:251 1755 4 548 175G 5:136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 5 385 1758— 5 : 388 1759— G: 2 17G0 6 105 17(;i_ G:213 17G2— 6:2G5 1763 6 338 17(i4— G:3% 17G.5— 7 : 29 1765 7 84 BARNES, George : soldier, caittivated . 1761— G:121 1761 6 134 BARNES, JosKi'ir: V. Parker. Jonathan . . ■ 1770 8 53 BARNES, S AMU El.: njaster of sloop . 1745 3 277 BARXETT. Cait. Moses : muster-roll .... 17 IG— 3:408 1746 3 632 BARNSTEAI): • lino \\ith Chichester • > • 1764 6 405 boundaries . , , . , 176,5— 6 : 433 1770 8 47 petition > ■ > > 1771 8 77 highway 1771 8 88 inventory . . . . , 1773 8 157 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 35 TEAB. VOL. PAGE. BARR, Col. Samuel : muster-roll .... , , , , 1746 3 383 petition ..... . 1760— 6: 69 1760 6 70 member . . 1762— 6 : 239 1762— 6 : 250 1762 6 268 1762- 6 : 458 1763 6 : 313 1763 6 317 1763 6 : 319 1763 6 : 323 1763 6 363 1763— 6:462 1764— 6:387 1764 6 393 1764— 6:399 1764 6:401 1764 6 415 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 6:449 1765 6 450 1765— 7: 6 1765— 7: 11 1765 7 15 1765 7: 17 1765 7: 26 1765 7 27 1765 — 7 : 176 1766 7: 97 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 132 1767— 7 : 135 1767 7 152 1767— 7 : 182 1768— 7:211 1774 8 194 BARRPXL, Mrs. Martha Lakgdon : jjetitions for divorce from William Barren 1765 7 43 hearing deferred , , 1765 7 48 may bring in bill , , 1765 7 49 action of council • • 1766 7 68 non-concurred by house . , , 1766 7 69 BARRELL, Nathaniel : councilor . 1765 — 6 : 455 1765— 7: 8 1765 7 13 1765— 7 : 45 1766 7: 98 1767 7 158 and others, damaged bj- mobs , , , , 1766 7 99 BARRELL, William : decried by wife as impotent, doctors examine and report [he is not] • • , 1766 7 69 petitions for divorce from his wife , , , , 1766 7 81 may bring in bill , , , , 1766 7 90 divorced [non-concurred] . , , , 1767 7 143 BARRETT, James (see next) . BARRETT, Moses, and others : petition ..... , ^ , , 1745 3 300 BARRIXGTOX : lands surveyed .... • , 1726 2 48 petition . 1742— 2:632 1742 2 634 1742— 2:646 1742 2 652 petitioner from .... . 1761— 6 : 165 1761 6 *198 selectmen to appear . , , 1764 6 406 proprietors to appear , 1770 8 47 ratable estate .... , , 1742 2 643 rates abated .... 1744 3 109 tax proportioned , . 1747 3 501 inventory . . 1753 — 4 : 294 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 157 defence of . 1746 — 3 : 333 1746— 3 : 349 1746 3 408 1746 3 : 414 1747— 3:462 1747 3 497 1747— 3 : 501 1747— 3:514 1747 4 25 1748— 4: 67 1748— 4: 68 1748 4 74 1753 4 : 328 1753— 4 : 349 1754 4 408 classed for excise . 1752— 4:238 1755 4 510 town meeting called . • • , , 1753 4 361 highways , , 1761 6 127 1761— 6 : 205 1761— 6 : 215 1762 6 250 1762— 6:251 1762— 6 : 252 1762 6 264 1762— 6:265 1762— 6:268 1762 6 271 1762— 6 : 282 1762— 6:298 1771 8 88 Quakers exempt from tax , , , 1761 6 131 representative .... , , 1762 6 458 1763 6 : 462 1764— 6:464 1765 7 176 1766— 7 : 178 1767— 7:182 1768 7 350 36 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. BAKRINCTON, — (continued) : representative . 17(;9— 7 : 352 ] 1770— 7:354 1770 8 Pl 1771— 8: 2p ] 1771— 8 : 105 1772 8 115 1773— 8:144 " 1774— 8: 164 1774 8 184 1774— 8:188 1774— 8:189 1774 8 194 1774— 8 : 209 1774— 8:210 1775 8 218 trouble about ruin ister ^ , 1770 8 2 BAllROX. Moses: petition , , • • 1767— 7:161 1768 7 189 BAKTKU, Constable: claim . , , , , , 1742 2 630 BARTER, KuzAHETii: petitions for tlivoree from Peter , , , 1770 7 346 BARTER. Rkteu: to appear . . , , , , • 1770 7 347 BARTI>ETT, Gideon: petition • • . ] 1769— 7:323 1769 7 327 BARTJ.ETT, Capt. Isu \EL : nuister-roll , , • • J 1746 3 : 438 1746 3 532 BARTLETT, Josiaii: member . 1705 — 7 18 1765— 7: 26 1765 7 27 17G5— 7 45 1765— 7:176 1766 7 55 1766— 7 66 1766— 7: 63 1766 7 73 i7(;t;— 7 !)2 1766— 7 : 106 1766 7 178 1767— 7 126 1767— 7:127 1767 7 132 1767— 7 135 1767— 7:143 1767 7 145 1767— 7 148 1767— 7:182 1768 7 192 1768— 7 193 1768— 7 : 198 1768 7 204 1768— 7 213 ] L768— 7:229 1768 7 234 1768— 7 236 ] L768— 7:243 1768 7 275 176H— 7 350 1769— 7 : 294 1769 7 296 1761>— 7 304 1769— 7:310 1769 7 319 176j— 7 320 1769— 7 : 332 1769 7 335 1769 7 352 ] 1770 7:345 1770 7 354 1770— 8 1 p ] 1770— 8: 3 1770 8 17 1770— 8 42 1770— 8: 51 1770 8 54 1771— 8 2p 1771— 8: 64 1771 8 66 1771— 8 80 ] 1771— 8: 81 1771 8 82 / 1771— 8 89 1771 — 8: 90 1771 8 97 1771 — 8 105 1771— 8:107 1771 8 108 1771— 8 113 ] 1772— 8:115 1772 8 121 1772— 8 122 1772— 8:123 1772 8 125 1772— 8 129 1773— 8:135 1773 8 136 177:3— 8 137 773 8:144 1773 8 147 1773 8 148 ] 1774— 8:164 1774 8 165 1774— 8 166 ] 177-1— 8 : 167 1774 8 168 1774— 8 170 177-1— 8:172 1774 8 184 1774— 8 187 1774— 8:192 1774 8 193 1774— 8 195 1774— 8:196 1774 8 201 1774— 8 203 1771— 8:214 1775 8 218 1775— 8 222 1775 — 8:233 1775 8 234 BARTLETT, Richard: doctor's mate , , , , 1763 6 332 BARTON, Stephen: petition , , , , 1731— 2 : 354 1731 2 358 aceount , , 1 » . 1766 7 88 BASFORU, Joseph : account , , , , 1746— 3:432 1747 3 507 BASON (see Pier). BASS: catching by dip-nets, to prevei nt . • 1757 5 221 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 37 BASTARD Child (see also Murder) : murdering, penalty . alleged murderer of, acquitted BASTIDE, J. H. : YEAK. VOL. I PAGE. engineer BAT, Timothy : action iDrosecuted by BATCHELDER, Abraham (see also Bachelder) : Tjetitioner . BATCHELDER, Josiah: member .... 1744— n 1755— 5 : 14 1745— 1755 — 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757— 1757— BATCHELOR, Stephen: petition .... BATCHELOR and others : petition .... BATEAUX : men stove to pieces . BATH: inventory .... BATHRICK, Samuel : I^etition BATSOX, Mrs.: allowance .... BATSON, Stephen : account .... BATTERIES (see also Work) : supplied, etc. . 1746— 1746— 1747— BAULCH, John : petition .... BAY Vert: French men-of-war at BAYBERRY Wax: tax rate .... 1756— 1758— 1761— 176^ 59 64 86 187 252 283 1755 — 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757— 1757 — 62 75 143 260 264 506 1728— 2:138 1757- 1757- 1G5 423 441 485* 1746- 1746- 1747- 1747- 3: 3: 136 388 213 396 BAYLEY, Jacob : captain, lieutenant-colonel, colonel BAYONETS : for soldiers BEADLE, John : had small-pox . BEACH (see Hampton) . BEAN, Daniel : invalid volunteer 1756— 1758— 1761— 1763— 139 :357 187 344 1754— 1757— 1759— 1763— 1765— 1758— 1758— 1762— 1763— 195 230 1745— 3 : 16; 308 424 482 487 445* 277 2 265 29 323 :397 2.58 345 1714 1765 1 6 1744 3 1747 3 1755 5 1755 1755 1756 1756 1756 1757 1758 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1728 2 1742 3 1759 1757 5 5 1773 8 1745 3 1745 3 1766 7 1746 1746 1747 1747 3 3 3 4 1761 6 1747 3 1752 1755 1758 1760 1763 1766 4 4 6 6 6 7 1756 1758 1760 1763 1765 5 5 6 6 6 1758 5 1762 6 1746 3 1 1 448 79 520 15 43 258 85 169 515 *268 327 141 37 487 233 160 246 274 88 419 440 *484 23 187 498 251 549 385 105 338 84 132 333 67 341 446 371 274 407 38 Index tu Juuuxals of House of Representatives, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. JiLAN, Gi.<'H..i. . petition .... , 1742— 2 : 651 1742 2 652 BE.\N, James, and otiif.ks: (iuuiiers, exempt ironi (ax , , 1762— 6:274 1763 6 348 176o 6 : 355 1763— 6:356 1763 6 365 BEA.\, John: claim .... , , , , , 1747 4 18 BEAN, JosiAH [^'John:' by mistake] : petition 17."»!i — 5 : 483 1759— 5:491 1759 5 497 BEAN, Joshua am> A\'ili,iam: petition . . 170'J — 7 : 309 1769— 7:324 1769 7 327 BEANS: for soldiers , , 1746— 3:416 1756 5 117 BEAKl). Lwax. Joseph: muster-roll , , 1722— 1:360 1723 1 390 1723 1 : 404 1724 2 3 BEAKD, Wn.LiAM : under Captain Tilton , , , , , 1763 6 331 BEATING Ohdeus : of governor . 17-16 — .S : 372 1747-:^ 3:474 1747 4 20 1756 5:139 1761— 6:193 1762 6 254 BEAUIIARNOIS, Mauquis : governor of Canada . , , , , , 1747 3 516 BECK, SEKCiEANT: provision for men under command of , , , 1746 3 380 BEDE, Jonathan : (Quaker, exempt from tax , . , , 1763 6 365 BEDEL, Cai>t. Tlmotuy : muster-roll , , 1763— 6:360 1763 6 362 BEDFORD : inventory . . 1753 — 4:294 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 158 petition . . 1756 — 5:161 1756— 5:171 1756 5 178 tax on lands , , 1756- 5:182 1757 5 248 lands sold , , , , , 1764 6 409 representative . 1762 — 6 : 256 1762— 6 : 257 1762 6 458 1763— 6 : 462 1764— 6:464 1765 7 3 1765 7 : 176 1766— 7:178 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7 : 352 1770 7 354 1770— 8: ]p 1771- 8: 2p 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1773— 8:144 1774 8 164 1774- 8:184 1774— 8:188 1775 8 218 relieved, as to meeting , , , , 1763 6 360 1763— 6 : 363 1763 6 364 BEEF : for soltliers , . , , 1746 8 416 tax rate . . 1752 — 4 : 251 1751— 4 : 445 1755 4 548 1756- 5 : 136 17.-.7— 5 : 277 1758 5 385 1758— 5 : 388 175;»— 6: 2 1760 6 105 1761— 6:213 1762— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 1764 6 : 396 1765 — 7: 29 1766 7 84 BEER : sold at ferry, excise free . , , , , , 1721 1 282 to be constantly provided at licensed houses , , 1721 1 286 strong. l>re\viiig 1766 — 7 : 102 1766— 7:101 1766 7 108 BEESWAX: • tux rate . . 1752 — 4:251 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 549 1756— 5:136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 5 385 1758— 5 : 388 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 105 1761— 6:213 1762— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 1764— 6:396 1765— 7: 29 1766 7 84 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 39 TEAB. VOL. PAGE. BELCHER, Jonathan : ffovernor . . • • • 1730— 2 : 173 1730 2 307 o 1730 2 : 311 1730— 2 : 315 1730 2 316 1730 2 : 317 1730 2 : 320 1730 2 322 1730— 2 : 323 1730— 2:331 1730 2 333 1731— 2 : 338 1731— 2 : 342 1731 2 347 1731— 2:350 1731— 2:352 1731 2 357 1732- 2:366 1732— 2 : 375 1732 2 379 1733— 2 : 390 1733 2 : 396 1733 2 400 1734— 2:415 1734 2 : 421 1734 2 426 1734— 2:432 1735 2 : 435 1735 2 439 1735— 2:456 1736— 2:474 1737 2 477 1737— 2:490 1737— 2 : 494 ■ 1737 2 496 1737— 2:501 1737— 2 : 502 1737 2 509 1738 2 : 528 1738 2 : 529 1738 2 530 1740— 2:546 1740— 2 : 559 1740 2 567 1742— 2 : 627 1742— 2:628 1742 3 38 BELKNAP, John: petition ■ • • • 1758— 5 : 370 1758 5 375 BELKNAP, Moses : > restored to his law . • • ■ 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 323 BELL, Capt. Thomas : member . • • • • • • • 1745 3 184 1745— 3 : 185 1745 3 187 1745 3 : 189 1745 3 : 197 1745 3 199 1745— 3 : 201 1745— 3 : 203 1745 3 210 1745 3 : 211 1745— 3 : 212 1745 3 215 1745— 3 : 222 1745— 3 : 226 1745 3 229 1745— 3 : 230 1745— 3 : 231 1745 3 237 1745— 3 : 239 1745— 3 : 241 1745 3 245 1745— 3 : 256 1745— 3 : 262 1745 3 269 1745— 3 : 271 1745— 3 : 280 1745 3 285 1745— 3 : 292 1745 3 : 296 1745 3 297 1746— 3 : 323 1746— 3:334 1746 3 340 1746— 3 : 355 1746— 3 : 366 1746 3 368 1746— 3 : 402 1746— 3:403 1746 3 412 1746— 3 : 417 1746— 3 : 420 1747 3 453 1747— 3:475 1747— 3 : 480 1747 3 482 1747— 3 : 497 1747— 3:511 1747 3 524 1747— 3 : 528 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 35 1747— 4: 38 1747_ 4: 45 1747 4 53 1748— 4 : 88 1748— 4: 95 1748 4 96 1748— 4: 98 1749— 4:100 1749 4 105 1749— 4 : 106 1749— 4:118 1749 4 122 1749— 4:132 1749— 4 : 162 1749 4 163 1749— 4 : 170 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 9 1752— 4:216 1752— 4 : 219 1752 4 229 1752— 4 : 231 1752— 4 : 239 1752 4 240 1752— 4 : 243 1752— 4 : 245 1752 4 248 1752— 4 : 254 1752— 4 : 263 1752 4 278 1752— 4 : 380 1753 4 : 282 1753 4 283 1753— 4 : 326 1753— 4 : 335 1753 4 . 345 1753— 4 : 868 1753 4:384 1754 4 394 1754— 4 : 406 1754— 4:416 1754 4 417 1754— 4:441 1754— 4 : 446 1754 4 462 1754— 4:461 1754— 4 : 470 1754 4 476 1754— 4:552 1755— 4 : 506 1755 4 558 1755— 4 : 568 1755— 5: 1755 5 3 1755 5: 5 1755 — 5 : 8 1755 5 41 1755— 5 : 43 1755— 5: 44 1755 5 258 1756— 5: 74 1756— 5: 76 1756 5 87 40 Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. BLLL, Cwr. Thomas, — (continued) : luembor . . 1 75G — 6 : 89 l7oG— 5 : 109 175G 5 114 17;^r,_ 5:137 1756— 5 : 138 1756 5 143 175(; — 5: 154 175G— 5:169 1756 5 170 17r,G— 5: 191 1756— 5 : 192 1756 6 193 17.-,G— 5:2G0 1756— 5:515 1757 5 214 1757- 5:219 l7.-,7_ 5:220 1757 6 228 17.-,7_ 5:247 1 757 — 5 : 255 1757 5 257 17.-,7_ 5:2G4 ] 1757— 5 : 2G8* 1757 5 269 1757— 5 : 282 1757— 5:289 1757 5 292 1757— 5:293 ] 1757— 5 : 295 1757 6 298 1757— 5:305 ] 1757 — 5 : 307 1757 5 506 17.0,s— 5 : 323 1 1758— 5:351 1758 5 366 1758— 5:371 1 L758— 5 : 379 1758 5 380 17.08- 5 : 381 ] [758— 5 : 382 1758 5 386 1758— 5 : 395 1758— 5 : 398 1758 6 400 1758— 5:404 1758— 5 : 405 1758 6 416 1758— 5 : 427 ] 1758 5 : 429 1758 5 432 1758— 5:434 ] 1758— 5 : 436 1758 6 439 1758— 5 : 441 ] L758— 5 : 444 1758 5 445 1758— 5:450 ] L758- 5 -.512 1759 5 486 1759— 5 : 487 1 [759— G: 2 1759 6 7 1759— G: 10 ] 1759— G: 15 1759 6 29 17(5(»— G: 59 ] [700- G: 63 1760 6 66 17(J0— G: 71 ] [760— G: 74 1760 6 75 17GU— 6: 84 ] [760— 6: 91 1761 6 154 17t)l— 6:159 ] [761— 6:212 1761 6 216 17(;i— G : 232 ] [763— 6:351 1764 6 401 17G5 — 7 : G [765— 7: 9 1765 7 27 1765 — 7 : 47 705— 7: 48 1765 7 176 1766 — 7: 71 1 766— 7 : 82 1766 7 87 1766— 7 : 178 ] L767— 7 : 13G 1767 7 1S2 1768 7 : 238 ] [768- 7 : 350 1769 7 334 1769— 7:352 ] [770 7 : 337 1770 7 354 1770— 8 : 1 p ] 770— 8: 13 1771 8 p2 1771— 8: 89 ] [771— 8:105 1772 8 115 1772— 8:130 ] [773— 8 : 144 1773 8 153 muster-roll, etc ] [745 3:240 1745 3 242 1746 3:332 ] 747— 3:489 1747 4 27 1747— 4: 37 1 748— 4: 88 1753 4 327 175;3_ 4 : 33G ] 757— 5:219 1757 5 257 1757— 5:301 ] [758— 5:317 1758 5 339 1758— 5:395 ] 758— 5:399 1759 6 12 1760— G: 59 ] 761— 6: 15.S 1762 6 266 1763— 6:340 1 [763— 6:35— 2: 49 1 726— 2: 54 1726 2 58 172(;— 2: ()4 1 726— 2: 65 1726 2 66 1727— 2: G'J 1 727— 2: 79 1727 2 82 1727— 2: 83 1 727— 2 : 86 1727 2 89 1727— •-' : 105 1 72S— 2:118 1728 2 120 1728— 2: 128 ] 72H 2:130 1728 2 132 172S— 2:133 1 [72.H— 2:135 1728 2 142 1728 2 : 143 1 [728— 2 : 152 1729 2 155 1729— 2: 15tj 1 729— 2 : 157 1729 2 158 1729— 2: 159 1 1729— 2:161 1729 2 162 172;)— 2 : 168 1 729— 2 : 170 1730 2 3 IS 1730 2:332 1 1730— 2:334 1731 2 357 1731— 2:358 1 1732— 2:369 1732 2 370 1732— 2:371 1 1732— 2:372 1732 2 373 1733 2:384 ] 1733— 2:385 1733 2 3H6 1733 2:387 1 734— 2:407 1734 2 409 1734— 2:411 ] [734— 2:414 1734 2 418 1734— 2:426 ] 1734— 2:427 1735 2 440 1735 2:443 ] 1735 2:445 1735 2 448 1736 2:459 1 L736— 2:460 1737 2 478 1737— 2:484 1 1737— 2:488 1737 2 489 1737— 2 : 490 ] 1737— 2:491 1737 2 493 1737— 2 : 494 ] 1737— 2:515 1737 2 516 1737— 2:519 ] 1737— 2:522 1737 2 523 1737— 2 : 524 ] 1737— 2:525 1738 2 536 1740 2:561 1740— 2:562 1740 2 563 1740— 2:569 1742— 2 : 629 1742 2 631 1742— 2 : 635 1 1742— 2:636 1742 2 644 1742— 2 : 645 ] 1742— 2:647 1742 2 650 1742— 2 : 653 ] 1742— 3: 38 1742 3 40 1743 3: 60 ] 1743— 3: 61 1743 3 63 1743— 3: 64 ] 1743- 3: 65 1743 3 66 1743— 3: 73 ] 1744— 3: 79 1744 3 80 17 U— 3: 91 ] 1744— 3: 94 1744 3 95 1744— 3: 99 ] 1744— 3 : 100 1744 3 101 1744— 3 : 103 ] 1745— 3:133 1745 3 140 1745 3:141 ] 1745— 3 : 142 1745 3 143 / 1745— 3 : 152 1745— 3:157 1745 3 161 1745— 3:162 1745— 3:163 1745 3 164 1745— 3:166 1745— 3:168 1745 3 178 1745 3 : 179 1745— 3:206 1745 3 208 1745— 3:222 : 1745— 3 : 223 1745 3 229 1745— 3:230 1745— 3 : 232 1745 3 235 1745— 3:242 ] 1745— 3 : 243 1745 3 244 1745— 3 : 247 1745— 3:257 1745 3 259 1745— 3:270 1745— 3:271 1745 3 273 1745 3:277 1745— 3 : 279 1745 3 280 1745— 3 : 282 1745— 3:283 1745 3 284 1745— 3 : 292 1745— 3.294 1745 3 297 1746— 3:306 [746— 3:312 1746 3 316 1746— 3:318 1746— 3:319 1746 3 326 1746— 3:327 1746— 3:332 1746 3 338 1746— 3:341 1746— 3:344 1746 3 363 17M;— 3:364 174(!— 3:391 1746 3 412 1746— 3:417 1710—16:428 1746 3 441 1747— 3:477 1747_ 3:487 1747 3 491 1717— 3:499 1717— 3:523 1747 3 527 1717— 4: 32 1747— 4: 33 1747 4 38 17 17— 4: 39 1747— 4: 44 1747 4 49 1747_ 4 : 52 1747— 4: 54 1747 4 56 Province of Neav Hampshire, 1711-1775. 45 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. BILLS OF Credit, — {continued) : for specified sums 1747 — 4: 59 1748— 4: 79 1748 4 83 1748 4: 88 1748— 4: 89 1752 4 221 1752— 4 : 231 1752— 4 : 255 1752 4 262 1752— 4 : 272 1752— 4 : 277 1753 4 312 1753— 4:319 1753— 4 : 330 1754 4 374 1754— 4:403 1754— 4 : 409 1754 4 428 1754— 4 : 436 1754 4 : 439 1754 4 440 1754— 4 : 441 1754— 4:442 1754 4 *442 1754 4 : 443 1754— 4 : 445 1754 4 *445 1754— 4:456 1754— 4:477 1754 4 483 1754— 4 : 485 1754 4 : 486 1754 4 487 1754 4 : 499 1755— 4:500 1755 4 606 1755 4 : 507 1755— 4 : 524 1755 4 532 1755 4 : 533 1755 4 : 534 1755 4 535 1755 4 : 536 1755— 4 : 537 1755 4 539 1755 4 : 540 1755 4:541 1755 4 542 1755 4 : 543 1755 4 : 545 1755 4 568 1755 4 : 570 1755 5 : 1 1755 5 11 1755 5: 17 1755 5: 19 1755 5 21 1755— 5 : 24 1755— 5: 25 1755 5 26 1755 5: 27 1755 5: 29 1755 5 32 1755— 5 : 33 1755 5: 35 1755 5 36 1755 5: 53 1756 5: 67 1756 5 69 1756— 5 : 70 1756 5: 71 1756 5 73 1756 5: 83 1756— 5 : 86 1756 5 87 1756 5: 90 1756 5 : 108 1756 5 115 1756 5:116 1756— 5 : 122 1756 5 123 1756 5 : 124 1756 — 5 : 135 1756 5 139 1756— 5 : 147 1756 5 : 155 1756 5 159 1756— 5 : 185 1756— 5 : 186 1756 5 192 1757— 5 : 231 1757— 5 : 236 1757 5 240 1757— 5 : 270 1757— 5:271 1757 5 275 1757— 5 : 276 1757— 5 : 283 1757 5 301 1757— 5 : 305 1757— 5 : 306 1758 5 326 1758- 5 : 347 1758— 5:348 1758 5 403 1758 5:411 1758— 5 : 412 1758 5 413 1758 5 : 442 1758— 5 : 447 1758 5 449 1758 5 : 454 1758 5 : 455 1759 5 477 1759 5 : 479 1759— 5 : 494 1759 5 497 1759— 6: 3 1759— 6 : 6 1759 6 7 1759— 6 : 11 1759— 6 : 14 1759 6 18 1759— 6 : 30 1760— 6 : 53 1760 6 77 1760— 6 : 78 1760 6: 88 1760 6 90 1760— 6 : 99 1760— 6 : 106 1760 6 108 1760 6 : 109 1760— 6 : 111 1761 6 139 1761— 6:150 1761— 6:151 1761 6 152 1761— 6:155 1761— 6 : 156 1761 6 157 1761— 6:158 ]761— 6:160 1761 6 161 1761— 6:162 1761— 6 : 163 1761 6 164 1761— 6 : 165 1761— 6:166 1761 6 171 1761— 6:176 1761— 6 : ISO 1761 6 188 1761^ 6:203 1761— 6:221 1762 6 242 1762— 6 : 269 1762— 6 : 280 1762 6 292 1762— 6 : 295 1762— 6 : 299 1763 6 322 1763 6 : 336 1763 6 : 345 1763 6 347 1763 6 : 366 1764 6 : 396 1765 6 430 1765 6 : 431 1766 7: 87 1769 7 314 of other provinces . • • • • 1729 2 163 1735 2 : 449 1740— 2 : 562 1742 2 642 1742— 2 : 644 1757— 5:271 1758 5 348 46 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. FACE. BILLS OF Ckkdit, — {continued): counterfeiting, etc. • • • • • > • 1711 1 6 1718— 1:2:31 1721— 1 : 299 1721 1 302 1738— 2:530 17:38— 2:532 1738 2 533 1738— 2 : 539 17:38— 2:640 1740 2 562 1743— 3: G5 1744— 3 : 84 1765 4 496 1755— 4:512 ll-ii,— 4:519 1755 6 15 1756— 5 : 87 1758— 6 : 326 1768 6 360 1760 6: 63 176.'-,- 6 : 443 1765 6 449 BILLS OF Exchange {see also Commitlee afid London) : sterling, etc. • • 1726— 2: 61 1727 2 82 1742— 2:643 1744— 3: 76 1747 3 486 1747— 3:493 1747— 3:494 1747 3 523 1755 — 5 : 1 1755 — 5 : 19 1755 5 26 1755— 5 : 31 1755— 5 : 32 1755 5 35 1756— 5 : 108 1757— 5:271 1758 6 323 1758— 5 : 328 1758— 5 : 335 1758 6 359 1758— 5 : 367 1758— 5 : 413 1758 6 423 1759— 5 : 481 1759— 6 : 8 1759 6 20 1760— 6: 54 1760— 6 : 108 1761 6 133 1761— 6 : 174 1763— 6 : 368 1765 6 437 1755— 6 : 457 1765— 7 : 49 1766 7 106 1766— 7 : 107 1767— 7 : 123 1768 7 200 BILLERICA [Mass.] : ' selectmen's account • • . 1757— 5 : 299 1758 6 344 BILLETING : soldiers • • • ■ • • 1746 3 377 17 40- 3 : 380 1746 3 383 1746 3 : 409 1746 3:411 1746 3 414 1746— 3 : 417 1746— 3:441 1746 3 442 1747— 3 : 449 1747— 3 : 482 1747 3 607 1747— 3 : 508 1747— 3:516 1747 3 617 1747— 4:21 1747— 4 : 40 1748 4 78 17o3_ 4:316 1753— 4 : 317 1753 4 318 175:3— 4 : 327 1753— 4 : 349 1753 4 356 1753 4 : 358 1753— 4 : 360 1753 4 364 1754— 4:435 1754— 4 : 476 1755 4 494 1755— 4 : 495 17o5_ 4 : 545 1755 5 19 * 1755 — 5 : 35 1756— 5: 71 1756 5 72 1756— 5 : 96 1756— 5:118 1757 6 205 1757— 5 : 206 17.57— 5:219 1757 5 220 1757— 5 : 299 1757— 5 : 305 1758 5 311 1758— 5:312 1758— 5:317 1758 5 339 1758— 5 : 395 1759— 5 : 489 1760 6 75 1760— 6: 98 1761— 6 : 193 1762 6 254 1763— 6 : 338 176:3— 6::339 1768 7 276 1770— 8 : 18 1771— 8: 73 1771 8 94 1771— 8:103 1772— 8:117 1772 8 125 1772— 8:127 1772— 8:129 1774 8 210 BIRTHS: registration ■ • • . 1714— 1: 78 1727 2 104 Cj 1727— 2:107 1727 2 108 BISCUIT : for soldiers . . 1746 3 378 assize and price • • - • • 1764 6 423 BISHOP, Enos: • letters of . . • • • • 1754 4 478 ])etition • • ■ . 1756— 5 : 179 1756 6 181 BLAISDELL : muster-roll and ganison, near Amoskcag 1746— 3:532 1747 4 16 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 47 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. BLAISDELL, Ralph : allowance . . 1756 5 194 BLAKE, EI3ENEZER : sick soldier • ■ • 1763 6 364 BLAKE, Nathan : account . 1758 5 367 jetition 1761— 6 : 166 1761 6 *198 BLAKE, Samuel: volunteer . » • • 1746 3 404 BLAKE, Samuel, Jr. : invalid volunteer • 1746 3 331 BLANCHARD, Jonathan : account . • - • 1761— 6 : 134 1761 6 135 BLANCHARD, Joseph : member . • • • • ■ • • 1745 3 157 1749 4 : 128 1749— 4 : 129 1749 4 134 1749— 4 : 135 1749— 4 : 137 1749 4 141 1762 6 : 238 1762— 6 : 239 1762 6 240 1762— 6 : 242 1762— 6 : 243 1762 6 255 1762— 6 : 256 1762— 6 : 257 1762 6 260 1762— 6 : 261 1762— 6 : 263 1762 6 266 1762— 6 : 267 ■ 1762— 6 : 269 1762 6 270 1762— 6:272 1762— 6 : 273 1762 6 274 1762— 6 : 278 1762— 6 : 281 1762 6 284 17G2— 6 : 292 1762— 6 : 293 1762 6 458 1763 6:314 1763— 6 : 317 1763 6 319 1763 6 : 322 1763 6 : 332 1763 6 333 1763— 6:334 1763— 6:340 1763 6 341 1763 6 : 342 1763— 6:345 1763 6 351 1763— 6 : 352 1763— 6 : 353 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 402 1764— 6 : 406 1764 6 407 1764— 6 : 409 1764— 6:412 1764 6 413 1764— 6 : 414 1764— 6 : 415 1764 6 419 1764— 6:421 1764— 6 : 464 1765 6 443 claim • • ■ • 1745— 3 : 231 1755 4 495 1755— 4:501 1755 4 515 petitioner, etc. . • • • • . 1745 3 290 1748— 4 : 72 1748 4 73 1748 4: 75 1748— 4: 82 1748 4 85 1754— 4 : 397 1754^ 4 : 407 1754 4 453 1754— 4:454 1754— 4 : 458 1754 4 463 1758— 5 : 394 1758— 5 : 396 1762 6 270 1762— 6 : 272 1762— 6 : 294 1762 6 295 muster-roll, etc. • • • • ■ ■ • 1745 3 238 1745— 3 : 297 1746 3 : 325 1754 4 484 1755 — 5 : 45 1756 — 5 : 75 1756 5 113 1756 5:114 1756— 5:118 1756 5 119 1756— 5 : 120 1756— 5 : 121 1756 5 123 1756— 5 : 124 1756— 5 : 125 1756 5 127 1756— 5 : 128 1756— 5 : 130 1756 5 133 1756— 5 : 141 1756— 5 : 146 1757 5 215 1757— 5 : 251 1757— 5:306 1758 5 335 rebuked for counterfeitino; sio:nature • • • 1762 6 274 BLANCHARD, Reuecca to appear, etc. . 'l761— 6:186 1761— 6:200 1766 7 55 BLANKETS : for soldiers ■ ■ • a 1755 4 : 526 1755 4 534 1756 5 : 123 1757— 5 : 205 1757 5 238 1758— 5 : 364 1758— 5 : 366 1758 5 377 1758— 5 : 378 1759— 5 : 498 1760 6 74 1760 6: 90 1762— 6 : 254 1762 6 302 48 Index to Journals of Housk of Uffkesentatives, HLASTKK, JuSErn: kilk'il on schooner ...... 1W,.\Y, KiTii: trial, .-tc. . . ITG'J— 7:295 17G'J— 7: BIAJC'K-llorsK (set (tl.s(i Fori titid Wbiipisiokc Luke) at Winijjisiokc ponil ..... 1722— 1:345 1722— 1: 1722— 1 ::i52 1712— 2: BLODGETT, Samuel: excise farmer ....... to aj)i)oar ........ BLOODY I'oiNT [Newington] : petitiiin ........ BLUNT, Ui:v. JoiiN: petition ;52i 347 (i:35 1740- 1742— 1742— 2: 2: 3: 550 G32 31 1740— 1742— 1742— 551 G34 32 BLUNT, Cai't. Jonathan: account ..... BLUNT, Mks. Sau.vh : wife of chaplain to fort William anil Mary 17(;3 BO.MJD {see Council, Ordnance, and Trade). BO.\KI >ING (see also Enlerlaininy) : soldiers, etc BOARDMAN, Stephen : member ..... 1774— 8:202 1774— 8:212 BOARDS (see also Lumber) : duty on 1758— 5 : 369 6 : 344 1748— 4: G8 1774— 1774— 1774— 1721 — 1721 — 184 203 213 281 286 tax paid in ... . admcasin-enunit white pine, tax nite 1752 — 4 : 251 1V5G— 5: 13G 1758— 5:388 17(;i— 6:213 17G4— 6 : 39r. BOATS (see also Barges and Bateaux) : canoes and tloats, shooting from spy, to he kept cruisinp: . . . . of fort ^Villiam and Mary and governor 171 175 1757 1759 17G2 171 15 4: 5 : G: G: 7 : 445 277 2 265 29 1747— 17G2— 1771— liONDS (see also Extent) excise 1742— 3 1755— 4: 1756— 5: 1 757 — 5 : 1759— 5; 17G1— 6: 1762— 6; 1770— 8: of public money holders . 512 266 291 110 45 492 68 307 492 153 295 41 1747— HG;")— 1770— 1772— 1752— 1755— 1756— 175 1759 1761- (; 176;3— 6 1773— 8 222 518 30 13 126 :236 ; 541 134 382 ; 32 221 380 151 YEAR. 1716— 1 : 182 1745 1770 1722 1722 1744 1770 1772 1714 1740 1742 1742 1743 1760 1763 1756 1774 1774 1775 1721 1721 1722 1752 1755 1758 1760 1763 1766 1711 1711 1715 1747 1759 1768 1771 1772 1742 1753 1755 1757 1758 17G0 17G2 1 7G5 1773 1715 1717 VOL. 3 8 1 1 3 8 8 2 2 2 3 8 8 8 1 1 1 4 4 5 6 6 7 1 1 1 3 6 7 8 8 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 1 1 PAGE. 290 17 344 350 84 41 121 80 549 G31 635 74 61 345 97 187 204 218 284 3(J5 350 266 548 385 105 338 85 5 22 115 451 10 238 89 127 32 326 573 214 421 100 291 15 154 103 193 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 49 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. BO^DS, — (co7itmued) : of public money holders 1717— 1:200 1717— 1:201 1718 1 212 1718— 1:230 1720 1:244 1720 1 247 1720 1:249 1720— 1:261 1721 1 288 1722— 1:356 1722— 1 : 363 1723 1 393 1723 1:395 1726— 2: 66 1727 2 93 1727— 2: 97 1727— 2: 98 1727 2 105 1727— 2:106 1728 2:142 1729 2 154 1729 2: 155 1729 2:170 1732 2 372 1732— 2:373 1733— 2:384 1733 2 387 1733 2 : 388 1733 2:389 1733 2 392 1734— 2:405 1734— 2:407 1734 2 411 1734— 2:414 1734— 2:418 1734 2 426 1735— 2 : 443 1736— 2 : 459 1737 2 478 1737— 2:483 1737— 2:488 1737 2 489 1740 2:562 1742— 2:633 1742 2 634 of recorders (which see) . of enlisting officers, etc. . , , 1756— 5:116 1756 5 149 1760— 6:103 1760 6:117 1761 6 194 BONNER, Patrick : petition .... . 1770— 7 : 339 1770 8 1 BOOK Debts : recovery of [" quieting of credit ''] , , 1715 1 138 1716— 1:143 1727 2 94 BOOK-CASE : allowance for . , , 1755— 4:572 1763 6 353 BOOKS : for public offices . . . 1744 3 81 1746— 3:391 1747— 4: 14 1747 4 26 1753— 4:351 1755 — 4:498 1756 5 188 1757— 5 : 215 1757— 5:272 1758 5 393 175S— 5 : 407 1760— 6:113 1761 6 140 1761— 6:225 1762— 6:270 1762 6 297 1763— 6 : 315 1763 6:337 1763 6 377 1763 6:382 1765— 6:466 1766 7 66 1766— 7: 96 1767— 7:116 1767 7 153 1708 7:239 1770— 8: 12 1771 8 92 gift of, from governor . . . 1757 5 215 BOOM : in Salmon Falls river , , « . 1760 6 80 BOON Island : signal of disti-ess upon • . « . 1754 4 416 1754— 4:417 1754 4 424 BORDERERS (see also Line) : of pi'ovince line regulated • • a . 1734 2 399 BOSCAWEN : selectmen's account , , , , 1761 6 215 proprietors' land sold . . , . 1767 151 1768 7 : 192 1768 7 209 inventory . . 1767 — 7:160 1768— 7 : 218 1773 8 158 highway from, to Charlestown 1768— 7:279 1769 7 289 1769— 7:297 1770— 7:341 1772 8 124 BOSTON : arrival of squadron at , . , 1711 1 20 printing laws in , , , 1716 1 153 conference, reception, etc.. at . 1722— 1 : 349 1722 1 352 1725— 2: 21 1725— 2: 23 1726 2 46 1728— 2: 118 1728— 2:119 1728 2 130 1730— 2 : 174 1731— 2:344 1742 2 639 1755 4:536 1756— 6:104 1756 5 105 50 Index to Journals oi* House of Kepresentatives, 1 VEAU. 1 VOL. PAGE. noSTC^X, — (continurd) : CO I lie re nee, reeeption, etc., at 1756 — 5: 1(17 1757 — 5 : 226 1758 5 314 distcmiier in • 1730 2 173 ilisunhT in , 1717 ■t 24 sufl'erefs Ijy lire in, government charity for 1761 >— 6: 96 1760 6 98 counterfeiters detected at . 1738 — 2 : 540 1742 2 630 bills of credit printed at .... . 1745 3 222 1745— 3 : 235 1745 3 243 1745— 3:247 1745— 3 : 283 1746 3 365 express to 1 745 — 3 : 168 1746 3 333 1717- 3 : 445 1747 4 25 Frencli prisoners sent to . , 1747 3 503 French Ihig of truce at . . 1747 3 517 commissioner from .... 1730 — 2 : 322 1730 2 323 journey to . 1742 2 647 1745 - 3:222 1746— 3 : 444 1754 4 418 1756— 5 : 140 1770— 7:340 1770 7 842 1770_ 7 : 347 1770— 8: 14 1770 8 33 petitioner from . 1721 1 270 17C,1_ G:14(l 1761— 6:166 1761 6 186 1761— 6:200 1762— 6 : 303 1763 6 378 governor's affairs at . 1717 1 208 administrators in .... . , , 1718 1 212 payment made in ... . 1718 — ] :217 1757 5 270 act, for seal J) money .... . 1722 1 346 postmaster a 1728 2 142 newspapers 1762 — 6:272 1762 6 273 1763 6:316 176:3— 6:379 1765 7 42 BOSTON Gazette: newsi^aper ...... . 1767 7 152 BOSTWICK, Henry ani> Wilt.iam : petition ...... 1764 — 6 : 392 1764 6 397 BOUNDARY (see also Atlantic, Bounds, and Commis- sioners) : southern, Hazen's plan of . . . , 1745 3 241 with New York .... 1765 — 7 : 5 1765 7 30 province, on northeast . . . 1769 — 7:324 1769 7 332 BOUNDS [ok Boundaiues] (see also Lines) : ijrovince • • 1711 1 4 1731— 2:337 1731— 2 : 349 1736 2 466 1737— 2:495 1737— 2 : 496 1742 2 619 town or parish perambulated (see also Lot-Layers) . 1715 1 135 1715— 1:136 1715— 1 : 137 1715 1 138 1716— 1:185 1718— I : 230 1719 1 240 BOUNTY (see also Advance Pay, Gratuity, Mi sappli- cation, arid Scalps) : for slaying Indians 1711—1: 6 1723— 1:387 1723 1 388 for killing or captivating Indians . 1745 — 3 : 266 1745 3 270 1745— 3:275 174(;— 3 : 325 1747 3 469 to officers and soldiers .... . 1711 1 18 1742— 3: 31 1745 3 155 1745 3:273 1745— 3 : 275 1746 3 363 1746— 3:388 1746— 3:440 1747 3 474 1747— 3:491 1747-* 4: 20 1754 4 458 175.5— 5: 24 1756— 5 : 122 1756 5 167 1757— 5 : 205 1757— 5 : 23H 1757 5 239 17.0f<_ 5 : 338 1758— 5 : 357 1758 5 364 1758— 5 : 366 1758— 5:371 1758 5 447 1758— 5 : 455 1759— 6:487 1760 6 63 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 51 BOUNTY, — (continued) : to officers and soldiers 1760— 6 1760— 6 1760— 6: 1761— 6; 1762— 6: 1762— 6 1762— 6 on wolves 1718— 1 1735— 2: 1745— 3 1764— 6; on hemp and flax 1735— 2 : 1735— 2: 1735— 2: for catching codfish, etc. . BOURS, Peter [Bowers ?] : letter . . 1755 — 5 : BOW: difficulties and hardships in inventory .... 1760— 6; 1767— 7 : town meeting called 1753 — 4: taxes, arrearages, etc. 1755 — 5 : 1756— 5 : 1764— 6: 1765— 6: 1765— 7 : petition .... 1754— 4: petitioner from selectmen, etc., to ajjpear 58 75 94 195 254 288 302 220 449 241 392 438 447 452 14 86 160 361 : 30 : 95 :412 442 12 466 1760— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1726— 1737— 1753— 1764— 1730— 1735— 1735— 1735— 1763— 1755 — 6: 72 6: 76 6: 96 6:219 6:264 6:293 6:304 2 2; 4; 6: 2: 1761- 1768- 1755- 1755- 1756- 1764- 1765- 1765- 1766- 1754- 1757- first division of lots in, made void Pembroke incorporated from . proprietors regulated certain inhabitants of New Hopkinton relieved annexing part of, to New Hopkinton part of Hopkinton taken ofl:" from, certain tax incorporating Concord from . 1765— 6:441 1765— 6:448 1765— 7 : 7 1765— 7: 41 case. Colonel Mai'ch concei'ned in excise purchased .... BOWEN, Peter : lost an eye in sei'vice B0WI:N, William : apprehending 31 486 346 394 321 2:442 2:449 2:455 6 : 348 5: 15 6 : 122 7:219 4 : 518 4:501 5: 92 6 : 395 6:433 6:443 7: 86 4:401 5:206 1764— 6 : 414 1757— 5 : 249 1758— 5:331 1759— 6: 30 1762— 6:282 1762— 6:284 claiming by, 1763— 6 : 346 1765— 6 : 432 exempt from 1765— 1765— 1765— 1765— 1765— 435 442 4 43 1755— 4 : 497 TEAK. VOL. 1760 6 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1716 1 1732 2 1745 3 1764 6 1771 8 1730 2 1735 2 1735 2 1737 2 1763 6 1763 6 1757 5 1733 2 1753 4 1761 6 1773 8 1755 4 1754 4 1755 5 1756 5 1764 6 1765 6 1765 6 1767 7 1754 4 1757 5 1761 6 1758 5 1765 6 1757 6 1758 5 1759 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1765 6 1768 7 1765 6 1765 () 1765 7 1 765 7 1765 7 1765 6 1774 8 1770 8 1765 4 PAGE. 74 90 124 223 276 301 362 169 370 tl59 390 68 329 446 451 486 347 354 306 384 294 214 156 549 436 12 94 411 441 467 142 422 210 200 321 434 252 336 32 283 292 361 433 214 436 443 6 34 44 469 169 53 498 52 Index to Journals of House of "Representatives, YKAU. VOL. PAGE. r.OWEX AM) Mokkill: taking ...... , , , 1754 4 421 BOX (w( also Keys) : strong, iron, for custody of province bills, etc. 1742 2 653 1745— 3 : 153 1745 3 283 1745— 3:2S4 1746— 3 : :506 1746 3 319 1740— 3:;527 1746— 3 : 341 1746 3 866 1747— 3 : 353 1747— 3 : 527 1753 4 337 1755— 4:512 175,5— 4 : 518 1755 5 22 1755 — 5 : 57 1755 — 5: 59 1755 5 62 1756— 5: 67 1756— 5: 90 1756 5 91 17.56— 5:116 1756— 5 : 156 1757 5 231 1757— 5:275 1757 — 5 : 301 1758 6 325 17;3y_ 5 : 326 1760— 6:115 1761 6 194 1762— 6:290 1763— 6:336 1763 6 359 1764— (! : 425 1765— 6:466 1765 6 468 1765 7: 49 1766— 7: 90 1766 7 107 1767— 7:118 1768— 7 : 1.S6 1768 7 201 17G8— 7 : 244 1768— 7 : 249 1768 7 272 1768— 7 : 278 1770— 7:340 1770 7 343 1770— 7 : 344 1770— 8: 1 1770 8 5 1771— 8: 81 1771— H: 92 1771 8 93 1771— 8:109 1772— 8:122 1773 8 139 BOYCE, JosiCPH : lands of, highway through , , ' 1760 6 40 1760— 6:197 1761 6 138 BOYCE, Rohert: member , , , 1734 2 397 1734— 2:422 1735— 2 : 433 1737 2 476 1737— 2:491 1737— 2:511 1738 2 530 1739 2 : 542 1740— 2:547 1740 2 549 petition , . 1736 2 458 1736— 2:459 17;}7— 2 : 488 1742 2 639 1757— 5:308 175.S— 5 : 327 1758 5 336 1758— 5:337 1761— 6:140 1761 6 141 1761— 6:142 1761— 6:147 1765 7 40 V. Coburn, John 175.8— 5 : 339 1758— 5:342 1758 5 345 1761— 6 : 150 1761— 6:151 17(il 6 224 BOYD, Aktiilk: arms delivered to ... . , , 1757 5 228 petition ...... 1759— 5 : 483 1759 6 491 1759— 5 : 496 1759 5 497 BOYD, Jamks: attorne}' of selectmen of Iloldeii, M: iss. 1761 6 144 BOYD, John: umlcr C:i})t;iin Gollc .... . , , 1754 4 434 BUYNTUX, iMo.si:s: petition 1756— 5 : 120 1756 5 133 1756— 5 : 189 1758 5 : 320 1758 5 396 BRACKENUIDGE, James: petition . , , 1772 8 1 1772— 8:120 1772— 8:121 1772 8 130 1773— 8 : 138 1774— 8: 170 1774 8 182 BRACKET. Iciiabod: n-tition . . 1764— 6:392 1764— (•) : 394 1764 6 407 BRAC vET, Capt. John: orders carried to ... . , 1747 3 518 BRADFOIID. Matiiew: petition 1734— 2 : 424 17.34 2 427 BRADLEY, Jonathan and Samiei. : widows of, allowance to . . 1747 4 18 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 53 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. BRAINARD, Daniel: to appear . 1771— 8: 62 1771 8 78 BRAINTREE, Mass. : resident of, to sell certain lands in New Hami^shire 1764 6 409 BRANDY (see also Excise) : excise on .... • • • • 1760 6 48 BRANSCOMB, Capt. William: portledge bill .... ■ • • • 1745 3 241 BREAD : for soldiers .... . 1746— 3 : 378 1746 o 411 1746 3:416 1748 4: 69 1748 4 92 1748 4: 95 1748— 4: 96 1755 5 18 1755— 5: 20 1756— 5 : 117 1757 5 301 1758— 5 : 395 1759— 6 : 12 1760 6 105 scarcity of, in prospect . 1746 3 424 size, weight, etc., regulated • • 1763 6 347 1764— 6 : 423 1766— 7: 61 1766 7 65 1769— 7 : 306 1769— 7 : 316 1770 8 48 high price of, deprecated . ■ • • • 1771 8 111 BREED, Nathaniel : account ..... • • • • 1773 8 154 BRENTWOOD : established from Exeter . • • • ■ 1742 2 653 petition • • • . 1742 3 30 1742— 3: 31 1742— 3: 37 1742 3 38 1743 3: 49 1743 3: 50 1743 3 64 1743— 3: 69 1743 3: 70 1743 3 72 1743 3: 73 1743— 3: 74 1743 3 75 petitioner from . 1763 6:378 1765 7 23 1765— 7: 26 1765 7 29 selectmen to appear . . 1754— 4:485 1755 4 532 1763— 6:357 1763— 6:361 1769 7 284 Wilson and others set off from . 1742— 3: 34 1742 3 35 constables enabled . • • • • 1744 3 106 representative, sending . • • . . 1745 3 119 volunteers from ■ 1746 3 404 classed for excise . 1752— 4 : 238 1755 4 510 inventory . . 1753— 4 : 293 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 161 1768— 7:219 1773 8 156 small-pox in ... . . 1761— 6 : 136 1762 6 283 1762— 6:310 1763 6 325 Quakers exempted from tax • > . . 1761 6 136 1762— 6 : 274 17(i2 6 283 1763 6:319 1767— 7 : 120 1769 7 309 YiBw parish, Poj^lin, set off from • • . . 1764 6 414 1764— 6:419 1764 6 420 BREWING: strong beer .... • • • . 1766 7 102 1766— 7 : 104 1766 7 108 BREWSTER, Daniel: account . 1771— 8 : 108 1772 8 117 BREWSTER, Joshua : to a )pear ..... • • • . 1770 8 42 BREWSTER, Richard : petition ..... . 1746— 3 : 440 1747 4 23 BREWSTER, Samuel : member . 1768 7 350 1769— 7 : 304 1769— 7:352 1770 7 354 1770— 8: Ip 1770 8: 2 1770 8 9 1770— 8: 11 1770— 8: 19 1771 8 p2 1771— 8:105 1772— 8:115 1772 8 128 54 Index to JoLiiisALs of House of Representatives, BREWER, Samuel, — (continued) : iiu-niber . . 1773 — 8 : 144 J51!IA NT («r Dn/uHl). BlilAKl), AmuAiL: petition ..... BRICK, DiJ. Samuel: account ..... BRICKS : assizin^ . . 1700— 6: 61 BRIDKWlOi.L (see also Oaol and l'riso7i) in rortsiiiuuth, buikling a BRIDGKU, JuiiN: H. M. sui'veyor of woods . BRIDGES : to and from Coos Dover ..... 1774— 8 : 164 1742— 2 1760- 6 639 63 1760— 6: 71 1723— 1: 1760— 6: 1760— 6: 1771— 8: 1772— 8; from Durham to Canterbiuy 411 35 84 58 123 345 1756— 1760— 1770— 1771— 1772— 8 1746— 3 over Exeter river (sec Newmarket, below) over Nasluia river 1746— 1746— Newcastle Newmarket 1714— 1757 — 1760— 90 281 79 1746— 3:434 1747— 3 : 467 1747— 3 : 488 1756— 5: 89 17G0— 6 : 36 1766— 7 : 77 1768— 7 : 205 uvci' Powow river in South Hampton RUJ'riSII (sec also Emjlaud, Grait Britain, Ministry, UvjIUs, Shijjping, arid Trade) : arms, success of . empire, benefit of cstal)li.shnicnt, men on manufacture .... 1719— 1760— 1760— 1746- 1747— 1747— 1747— 1756— 1760— 1768— 1770— 172 76 41 69 127 327 434 237 36 83 482 446 469 493 92 83 199 7 1733— 2:378 BROCAS, Thomas : estate ...... BROOKS. : battery ...... BROOKS, Ki>WAi;i>: chiim ...... BROWN, Al'.KL: pctititiu ...... BROWN, Rev. Aktiiur: council cha2)lain .... 1767— 7 : 120 1709- 7:299 1771— 8: 92 BROWN, Catiieiune [alias Sakgent] : relift of Samuel Brown, land divided BROWN. Kiienezeu: r. March, Stephen . 1768— 7 1769— 1759 5 406 1759— 5:476 1759 5 478 CAJ^IPTON : inventory ...... • • • 1773 8 158 CANAAN : inventory ...... • ■ • 1773 8 160 CANADA (see also Cartel and Transports) expedition ..... • > 1711 1 9 1711_ 1: 10 1711— 1: 11 1711 1 13 1711— 1': 14 1711— 1: 16 1711 1 17 1711— 1 : 18 1711— 1: 20 1711 1 31 1724— 2: 5 1724— 2 : 12* 1725 2 18 1727— 2: 85 1730 2 : 331 1745 3 269 1746 3 : 357 1746— 3:359 1746 3 360 1746 3 : 361 1746— 3 : 362 1746 3 363 1746— 3 : 364 1746— 3:365 1746 3 372 1746 3 : 873 1746— 3 : 387 1746 3 390 1746— 3:391 1746 3 : 394 1746 3 409 1746— 3 : 411 1746— 3 : 413 1746 3 414 1746— 3 : 415 1746— 3:417 1746 3 419 1746— 3:420 1746— 3:421 1746 3 424 1746— 3 : 428 1746— 3 : 436 1746 3 437 1746— 3 : 441 1746 3 : 443 1746 3 444 1747— 3:445 1747— 3 : 448 1747 3 449 1747— 3 : 474 1747— 3 : 483 1747 3 485 1747— 3:486 1747— 3 : 491 1747 3 495 1747— 3:500 1747— 3 : 503 1747 3 506 1747— 3:507 1747— 3 : 508 1747 3 519 1747— 3:522 1747— 4: 14 1747 4 20 1747— 4 : 21 1747— 4: 26 1747 4 29 1747— 4: 32 1747— 4 : 34 1747 4 38 1747— 4: 44 1747— 4: 47 1747 4 50 1747— 4: 58 J748— 4: 70 1748 4 72 1748— 4: 77 1748— 4 : 87 1748 4 03 1748 4: 95 1752— 4 : 240 1752 4 242 1752— 4 : 246 1752— 4 : 248 1752 4 249 1752— 4:250 1752— 4:251 1753 4 297 1753— 4 : 302 1753— 4 : 308 1753 4 315 1753— 4 : 320 1753— 4:361 1754 4 371 1754— 4:456 1754— 4:467 1754 4 474 58 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAIt. VOL. PAGE. CANADA, — (ro7iiinucd) : expedition . 1754 — 4 : 483 1765— 4 : 499 1765 4 544 1755— 5 : 2 17o.>_ 5 : 12 17.55 5 19 1755— 5 : 27 175.5— 6: 32 1766 5 33 1755— 5 : 35 1756— 6 : 83 1766 6 86 175G— 5 : 108 1768— 5 : 329 1758 5 362 1758— 5 : 363 1758— 6 : 364 1768 6 865 1758— 5 : 367 1758— 5 : 370 1758 5 871 1758— 5 : 378 17.58— 5 : 383 1758 5 893 1758— 6:411 1758— 6 : 416 1758 6 443 1758— 6:454 17.59— 6 : 12 1759 6 28 1700- 6 : 71 1760— 6: 74 1760 6 88 1760— 6: 90 1760— 6 : 93 1760 6 103 17 GO— 6:118 1761— 6 : 146 1761 6 194 1761— 6 : 225 1762— 6:273 1766 6 467 prisoners 1714— 1: 76 1718 1 217 1747— 3 : 501 1747— 3 : 502 1747 3 503 1747— 3:517 1751— 4 : 478 1766 5 181 1767— 5 : 302 1758— 5 : 371 1768 6 373 1758— 6 : 416 17.58— 5 : 424 1769 6 17 1760— 6: 66 1760— 6 : 69 1762 6 266 emission, money, etc. • > • 1763 4 361 1756— 5 : 189 1756 5 190 1766— 6 : 191 1766 5 193 1756 6 : 194 1757— 6 : 196 1757 6 250 1757— 5 : 268 1757— 6 : 304 1758 6 317 1758— 5 : 318 1758 6 : 332 1758 6 836 1758— 5 : 339 1758— 6 : 341 1768 6 851 1758— 5 : 357 1758— 6 : 3.59 1768 6 865 1758— 6 : 391 1758— 6 : 401 1768 5 408 1758— 6:416 17.59— 6 : 466 17.59 5 481 1759— 5 : 494 17.59— 6 : 499 1769 6 11 1760— 6: 35 1760— 6 : 41 1760 6 43 1760— 6: 46 1760 6: 47 1760 6 48 1760— 6: 51 1760 6: 52 1760 6 60 17 CO— 6: 61 1760— 6 : 69 1760 6 114 1760 6 : 115 1760 6 : 168 1760 6 170 1762— 6:295 1762— 6 : 296 1763 G 810 1763— 6:358 1763— 6 : 359 1766 6 458 1705- 6 : 466 1765— 7 : 10 1766 7 107 1768— 7 : 186 1768— 7:272 1770 7 343 CANARY Wine : duty on . . 1717— 1 : 194 1721— 1 :281 1721 1 283 CANDIA: inventory. . 1767 — 7:161 1768— 7:219 1773 8 1.57 petition ..... 1774_ 8:190 1774 8 194 CANDJ J:S : for general assembly • 1729 2 160 1756— 5:160 1767 5 282 1760 6 : 109 1761— 6 : 195 1762 6 270 for soldiers .... • • • ■ 1746 3 416 CANNADA (sec Kennedy). CANNEY, John: member [Qtiiiker] . . 1742— 2:610 1742 2 611 CANNON {sec also Arlilkrij and Gum) : for fort, expedition, etc. . . 174.5-* 3 : 127 1746 3 156 1716— 3 : .346 1746 3 : .347 1746 3 419 1716— 3:438 1746— 3:439 1747 3 498 1757— 6:236 1767— 6 : 239 1757 6 240 CANOES (sec also Baals) : boats and floats, shooting out of . 1711 1 6 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 59 CANTERBURY ; petition 1742- 1756- 2 : 638 5:189 petitioner from defence of 1744— 3: 97 1745— 3 : 276 1746— 3:326 1746— 3:381 1746— 3:408 1746— 3 : 431 1748— 4: 67 cart bridge over Suncook river, at way cleared from, to Durham, br near ..... roads and bridges from, to Coos inventory . . 1753 — 4 : 294 1767— 7 : 160 annexing gore of land to 1761— 6 : 145 1765— 6:453 1765— 7 : 15 selectmen''s account . selectmen to appear . proprietoi's to appear Loudon granted from records insi^ected CAPE Ann: boats cruising near . CAPE Bketon [alias Louisbukg] : illegal trade with, forbidden expedition 1745— 3 : 199 1745— 3 : 255 1746— 3 : 407 1752— 4:221 . 1742— 2 : 630 1744— 3: 80 1756— 5 : 190 . 1744— 3 : 107 1745— 3:211 1745— 3 : 290 1746— 3 : 327 1746— 3:384 1746— 3 : 413 1747— 3:462 1748— 4 : 74 1746— 3 : 327 idge built in or 1760— 6: 86 1768— 7 : 219 1761— 6 : 146 1765— 7 : 4 1765— 7: 34 '. 1764— 6 : 406 1770— 8 : 47 '. 1774— 8 : 190 1721— 1:267 1755— 5 : 47 1745— 3 : 253 1745— 3 : 296 1746— 3:411 1752— 4:242 1745— 3:266 1746— 3 : 325 1748— 4 ; 1758— 5: 1761— 6 : CAPE Cod: Indian ..... CAPE Sable: Indians, etc CAPTAIN : wages 1745— 3 : 216 1746— 3 : 387 1757— 5 : 238 1759— 6 : 4 allowance to, for enlisting (see also Boiinty) 1745— 3 allowance to, for making wfj rolls . to lodge muster-rolls with the secretary . 1757— 5 : 241 1760— 6 to lodge copies of suj^plies given out with the treasurer to have attested copy of rolls before marching clerk of ........ . CAPTAIN-GENERAL (see also Oovernor) : enlistments by . 1745— 3 : 165 1745- 3 : 200 1745— 3 : 254 1745— 3 : 257 1746— 3 : 329 1746— 3 : 412 77 378 193 221 75 YEAK. VOL. 1742 2 1744 3 1773 8 1760 6 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 4 1748 4 1746 3 1746 3 1752 4 1761 6 1773 8 1761 6 1765 6 1765 7 1765 7 1761 6 1773 8 1764 6 1774 8 1773 8 1774 8 1711 1 1755 5 1756 5 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1749 4 1752 4 1727 2 1746 3 1745 3 1746 3 1756 5 1758 5 1762 6 1756 5 1758 5 1756 5 1762 6 1757 5 1761 6 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 PAGE. 631 81 137 71 230 324 374 387 430 21 81 338 435 272 122 156 124 452 14 35 214 134 414 167 137 195 22 46 71 128 254 308 126 274 85 422 155 384 117 395 254 127 451 123 254 207 193 247 225 320 462 60 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, CAFrAIN-GENERAL, — (continued) eiilisLuients by 67 313 1« 1755— 1761»— 1771— 53 295 94 1748— 4 1758— 5 1770— 8 desired to recall first enlisted volunteers declares war against Penobscot Indians, etc. 1745— 3:206 Indian captives delivered to order of . . . to call in ollicers' accounts . . . . . CAPTAIN {Lieutenant to Colonel) : wa^es CAPTR'KS (sec also Negroes, Indians, and Prisoners) redemption, etc. CARD, EnwARr) 1749— 1755— 1756— 1759— 1700— 170 488 181 4 69 1747— 1754— 1755 — 1757 — 1759— 1761— governor 1746— 3:333 CARD, Thomas : invalid volunteer CAKDS {see also Ganiiny) : dice, pin-i)laying, and shuftle-board prohibited CARLTON, Jonathan : petition ...... member . . 1762— 6 : 256 1702— : 204 1703— : 402 1705— : 443 1705— 6 : 408 1705— 7 : 28 1705— 7 : 170 1700— 7 : 06 1700— 7 : 107 1707— 7 : 127 1767— 7 : 144 1708— 7:191 1708— 7:217 1708— 7 : 350 1770— 7 : 339 1770— 8 : 1 1770— 8: 2p 1771— 8:105 1773— 8:144 1774— 8:170 1774— 8 : 188 CARLTON, iMosES : petition .... CARLTON, Tiieodoke: petition .... CAROLINA : sailor shipped in •CARPENTER, Hen.iamin : servant of William Gleden CARPENTER, Rev. Ezra : army chai)lain . CARPENTER, (Jreenwood : seeks divorce from .Saraii 17U 1750— 1702— 1702— 1704— 1705— 1705— 1705— 1700— 1700— 1700— 1707— 1707— 1708— 1768— 1769— 1770— 177 wife: pi'titioii ..... . 1 766— 7 : 60 1766 7 64 CllESLKY, Thomas (sec also ISmith) : petition, etc . 1766— 7: 61 1767 7 155 CHEST : province, for custody of bills, etc. \ see Box). CHESTER : petition thought to infringe on . 1720 1 260 petition . 1737— 2:488 1737 2 491 1737— 2:511 1740— 2:551 1742 2 650 1742— 3: 34 1743— 3: 50 1748 4 71 inventory . 1742 2 643 1753 4 : 293 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 156 highway from, to Londonderry > • • • 1743 3 64 representative .... • . . . 1745 3 116 1745 3:118 1749— 4 : 106 1749 4 108 1749— 4:113 1749— 4:115 1749 4 118 174y_ 4 : 130 1749— 4:131 1749 4 138 1749— 4 : 144 1755— 5:258 1756 5 95 1756— 5 : 260 1756— 5:515 1757 5 264 1757 — 5 : 506 17.58— 5 : 434 1758 5 512 1759— 5 : 467 1759— 6 : 228 1760 6 230 1761— 6:232 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 1S2 1768— 7:3.50 1769 7 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770- 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8 : 105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 144 1774— 8 : 164 1774— 8 : 184 1774 8 188 1774— 8:190 1771— 8:196 1775 8 218 defence of . 1746 — 3:414 1747— 4: 17 1747 4 29 1748— 4: 67 174.S— 4: 74 1758 6 421 mortgage of certain hind in > 1747 3 •492 pro])osed land ta.x in, unju.st . 1756 6 66 division of estate in . • • ■ 1761 6 200 classed for excise 1752— 4 : 239 1755 4 510 selectmen to levy money . ]7.=i7— 5:244 1757 5 246 selectmen to appear 1761— 6:150 1770 7 839 1771— 8:109 1773 8 138 line with Kingston .... 1761— 6:150 1761 6 172 1761— 6:174 1761— 6:196 1761 6 204 northwestern part [Freetown] ])etiti on . 1763 6 841 176:3 — 6 : 355 1763— 6:360 1763 6 861 1763— 6 : 378 1763— 6:379 1764 6 389 1764— 6 : 394 1764— 6 : 396 1764 6 397 bills burnt in house at . . . • • . 1764 6 425 county location .... •. 1769 7 325 sujiport of Patrick Bonner by . 1770— 7:339 1770 8 1 Mr. Wilson's parish in . . 1772 8 121 chp:stkkiii:i.1): 1 inventory 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1761— 6:200 1768— 7 : 245 1773 8 159 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 65 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. CHESTLEY and Chestly (see Chesley) . CHICHESTER : petition ..... . 1760— 6: 96 1771 8 77 taxes , . 1760 6 113 1761— 6 : 124 1761— 6:125 1761 6 144 1761— 6:Uo 1761— 6 : 146 1768 7 192 line with Bavnstead . , , 1764 6 405 boundai'ies .... . 1765 6:433 1770 8 47 inventory ..... , , 1773 8 157 CHH.I)REN : selectmen to inspect and order , 1712 1 45 bastard, murderino:, penalty . . 1714 1 77 jiostliumous, i^rovided for . . 1714 1 77 jjoor, employed . 1766— 7: 63 1766 7 65 CHHIURGEON (see Surgeoji). CHRISTENINGS: registered .... . 1727— 2:107 1727 2 108 CHRISTMAS (see Disorders). CHRISTO (the Indian) : disposal of, etc. 1744 — 3 : 95 1744— 3:107 1745 3 164 ]745_ 3:218 1745 3 : 289 1746 3 332 CHRISTY, John : innholder, Windham , . 1753 4 304 CHURCH, Jonathan: member . . 1762— 6:2.52 1762— 6:309 1762 6 458 1763 6 : 462 1764— 6:464 1765 7 44 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 : 178 1767 7 126 1767— 7 : 148 1767— 7:155 1767 7 182 CIDER (see also Excise) : excise on . 1721— 1:281 1721 1 284 sold at ferry, excise free . , , , 1721 1 282 to be provided at inns , • 1721 1 286 CIRCUIT Court : judges' settlement . , , 1771 8 77 CITIZENSHIP: privileges, etc., of, conferred on John Thomlinson 1747 3 476 CLAGGETT, Wyseman: attorney-general and member . , , , , 1764 6 394 1764— 6 : 397 1765 6 466 1775 8:218 1775— 8:221 1775 8 222 CLAREMONT : inventory . . 1767 — 7:161 1768 7:220 1773 8 159 easing from province tax . , . 1770 7 347 CLARK, Sergt. Abraham: mnster-roll .... . 1724— 2: 6 1726 2 28 CLARK, Amos: V. Clement, Obadiah . 1756 5 : 151 1756 5 160 1757— 5:200 1757 5 207 CLARK, Anna: petition ..... . • • 1763 6 318 CLARK, Caleb : account ..... . 1758 5:377 1758 5 413 mnster-roll . 1760 — 6 : 59 1760— 6: 71 1760 6 73 CLARK, James : petition ..... . . 1737 2 488 CLARK, John : account . 1723 1:390 1724 1 429 petition . . 1759— 5 : 460 17.59— 5:476 17.59 5 478 CLARK, Josiah : petition . 1756— 5: 84 1756 5 89 1756— 5: 92 1764 6 402 66 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 1 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. CLARK, Matiif.w: bills burnt in house of . . . 1726 2 30 CLARK, RoitKKT: member ...... . 1755 5 49 1755— 5 : 258 1756— 5 : 65 1756 5 71 17oG— 5:120 1766— 5 : 122 1756 5 127 1756- 5 : 158 1756— 5 : 169 1756 6 170 1756— 5:178 1756— 5:181 1756 5 183 1756— 5 : 184 1756— 5: 187 1756 6 260 1756 — 5 : 515 1757— 5 : 209 1757 5 211 1757— 5 : 226 1757— 5 : 229 1757 5 232 1757— 5 : 236 1757— 5:251 1757 5 252 1757— 5 : 254 1757— 5 : 257 1757 6 264 1757— 5 : 268 * 1757— 5 : 273 1757 5 295 1757— 5 : 299 1757— 5 : 301 1757 6 606 1758 5:311 1758— 5 : 312 1758 5 813 1758— 5 : 315 1758— 5 : 319 1758 5 837 1758 5 : 377 1758— 5 : 382 1758 5 383 1758— 5:414 1758— 5 : 427 1772 8 120 CLARK, Valentine : erroneously reported "deserter" 1761— 6:198 1761 6 199 1761— 6:223 1761— 6:224 1762 6 270 CLARKSON, Andkew: member, clerk 1755— 5 : 43 1755 5 46 1755— 5 : 47 1755— 5: 52 1755 6 57 1755— 5 : GO 1755— 5: 61 1755 5 258 1756— 5 : 76 1756— 5 : 105 1756 6 142 1756— 5 : 154 1756— 5 : 161 1756 5 164 1756— 5 : 165 1756— 5 : 166 1756 6 169 1756— 5 : 177 1756— 5 : 180 1756 6 184 1756— 5 : 260 1757— 5 : 207 1757 6 215 1757— 5 : 221 1757— 5 : 243 1757 6 246 1757— 5:252 1757— 5 : 255 1757 5 264 1757— 5 : 268 * 1757— 5 : 273 1757 5 284 1757— 5:291 1757— 5:293 1757 5 299 1757— 5:309 1757— 5:506 1758 5 820 1758— 5 : 359 1758— 5:383 1758 6 431 1758— 5 : 432 1758— 5 : 435 1758 5 486 1758— 5 : 437 1758— 5 : 441 1758 5 444 1758 5 : 512 1759— 5 : 480 1759 5 493 1759— 6: 14 1760— 6: 33 1760 6 47 1760— 6 : 48 1700— G : 54 1760 6 65 1760— 6: 56 1760— 6 : 57 1760 6 66 1760— 6:112 1760— 6:118 1761 6 182 1761— 6 : 134 1761— 6:145 1761 6 164 1761— 6 : 155 1761— 6:158 1761 6 159 1761— 6:194 1761— 6:200 1761 6 226 1761— 6:232 1762— 6 : 238 1762 6 289 1762— 6:240 1762— 6 : 242 1762 6 246 1762— 6 : 247 1762- 6:253 1762 6 270 1762— 6:271 1762— 6:280 1762 6 286 1762— 6:295 1762— 6:296 1762 6 297 1762— 6 : 307 1762— 6:458 1763 6 312 17G3— 6:332 1763— 6:337 1763 6 843 17r;;}_ 6:347 1763— 6:348 1763 6 349 17G:5— 6 : 352 1763-» 6 : 357 1763 6 359 1763— 6:360 1763— 6:374 1763 6 462 1764— 6:399 1764— 6:400 1764 1 6 410 17(;.(_ 6:415 17n4_ 6 : 419 1764 6 464 1765— 6:444 1765— 6:446 1765 1 ^ 447 1765— 6:453 17G.>_ 6:455 1765 1 6 456 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 67 CLARKSON, Andreav, member, clerk . 2 10 1765- 1765- 1765- 6:469 7: 6 7:176 2:343 2:382 2:416 L' : 433 444 469 489 546 549 623 634 30 ■ {continued) : 1765— 6:468 1765— 7 1765— 7 chosen recorder of deeds, etc. ..... choice non-concurred ...... decease of ........ estate of, administratrix to deliver keys, books, papers, etc. ....... estate of, administratrix to deliver types of ster- ling bills ....... estate of, administi'atrix to ileliver certificates of membei's' wages ....... CLARKSON, James : member .... 1731— 1733— 1734— 1735— 1735- 1736— 1737— 1740— 1740- 1742- 1742- 1742- 1743- 1743— 1744— 1744- 1745- 1745- 1746— 1746- 1746- 1746— 1747- 1747— 1747- 1748- 1749— 1749— 1749- 1750- exonerated from chai'ge of misbehavior . governor objects to his serving on committee CLARY. William": allowance to CLAY, Jonas : petition CLEMENT, EzEKiEL : soldier, account CLEMENT, James : petition CLEMENT, Caft. Job : petition muster-roll 1753— 4 : 319 1753— 4 : 327 1753— 4 : 335 1753— 4 : .344 1753— 4 : 349 1753— 4 : 350 53 59 85 93 162 300 322 335 374 416 453 497 : 24 : 71 104 124 153 : 10 1732— 1734— 1734— 1735— 1735— 1737— 1737— 1740— 1740— 1742— 1742— 1742— 1743— 1743— 1744— 1744— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1749— 1749— 1749— 1750— 376 397 422 439 446 475 496 547 566 624 646 33 57 63 88 100 163 311 326 355 380 448 3:489 :500 : 33 : 94 :105 :127 :158 :183 1759— 5 : 483 YEAR. VOL, 1765 7 1765 7 1766 7 1756 5 1756 5 1765 7 1765 7 1765 7 1765 7 1731 2 1733 2 1734 2 1734 2 1735 2 1736 2 1737 2 1739 2 1740 2 1742 2 1742 2 1742 2 1743 3 1743 3 1743 3 1744 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1747 4 1749 4 1749 4 1749 4 1749 4 1751 4 1744 3 1744 3 1759 5 1759 5 1761 6 1758 5 1748 4 1753 4 1753 4 1753 4 1753 4 PAGE. 1 11 107 67 76 37 38 49 50 335 379 411 429 440 457 477 542 548 610 629 647 47 58 68 89 161 298 313 327 368 415 449 495 2 48 100 106 132 165 9 96 98 498 493 214 373 74 318 328 348 354 68 Index tk Journals of House of Txepresentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. CLKMENT. Cai't. Jop., — {coiUinucd) : muster-rull 1753 — 4:357 1753— A 1:365 1753 4 408 CLEMEN r. Job and Daniel: account ...... , , , 1757 5 206 CLEMf:NT, Obadiaii: V. Clark, Amos .... 1756— 5 : 151 1756 5 160 1757— / ) : 200 1757 6 201 V. Carlton, Jonathan . . 1756 6 156 CLEMENT, Petkk: l)i'tition ...... 1767— \ ':149 1770 8 12 CLEMENT, TiM.miv: petition ...... 1753— 4 : 362 1754 4 403 CLERGY (see Benefit and Ministry). CLERK {see also under the several names. and Court of Coinmi'fsioners, Journal of House, Message to Board, and Selectmen) : chosen : Atkinson, Theodore , , 1715 1 118 Clarkson, Andrew . 1755— 5 : 46 1758 5 437 1762— 6:238 1762— ( ;:246 1765 7 1 Dennet, Ephraim . 1719— 1:242 1721 1 264 Greenou • 1756 5 131 COLBY, John : petition . ' . • • • 1761 6 187 COLBY, Oklando : on Captain Tash\s roll • • ■ 1756 5 131 son, Rowell, had small-pox • • • 1763 6 343 COLBY, Spencer : volunteer ...... 1746— 3:404 1747 3 469 COLCORD, Peter : present to, for braveiy 1724— 2: 3 1724 2 7 COLCORD & Light : petition • • • 1743 3 57 COLLECTION : of taxes, province 1738 — 2 : 540 1747— 3:513 1753 4 360 1755— 4 : 513 1755— 4:518 1760 6 104 COLLECTORS : of taxes, choosing 1758 — 5 : 374 1758 5 : 376 1758 5 377 of excise 1752— 4 : 236 1753 4 332 1753 4 : 344 1755 5 33 COLLEGE (see Dartmouth and Harvard) . COLLINS, Ebenezer : muster-roll . 1746— 3 : 422 1746— 3:423 1746 3 533 COLONEL (see also Scribe) : wages . . 1745 3 : 155 1756— 5 : 117 1756 5 149 1757— 5:238 1757— 5 : 243 1758 5 378 1759— 6: 4 1761— 6:193 1762 6 256 lieutenant, wages .... 1745— 3 : 155 1756 5 117 1757— 5 : 250 1757— 5 : 267 1758 5 378 1759— 6: 4 1761— 6 : 193 1762 6 254 to transmit list of men to the treasui-er . 1759 6 17 COLONIES (see also American, Conference, Controversy, Dispute, Impositions, and Trade) : infant, of America .... • • . 1761 6 183 his majesty's, defended • 1757 5 243 New England, grant to . • • ■ 1757 5 271 southern, letter from ministers of the • • 1763 6 321 circumstances of the 1765— 7 : 20 1765 7 21 British, rights, etc . 1766 7 58 British, acts of parliament affecting • 1773 8 162 1774 8:177 1774 8 181 our sister, correspondence with • • • 1773 8 162 1774— 8 : 177 1774 8 *179 1774— 8 : 180 1774— 8 : 181 1774 8 215 COLTS : invoice of 1761- 6:122 1767 7 161 COMBS, : sick soldier . 1745 3 231 COMBS, Jonathan : petition ...... • « • 1753 4 344 account 1761 6 213 COMBS, Joseph : soldier, had small-pox . 1761 6 215 COMBS, Medai) : account ...... • < • 1761 6 215 COMINGS, Williams : to be notified . . ■ 1757 5 287 COMMANDER : wages • - . 1748 4 78 COMMERCE (see also Trade) : encouraged . 1735 2 442 72 Index to Journals of IIousi: oi- Representatives, COMMKRCE,— (conUnvcd) : with Krcneh and Sjmiiish, jji-oliiltited COMMISSARY (scf a/.s-o JluspUal, Muster- liolls, and Per- quisites) : of, iiccounted for stores left in hands for expeditions, etc. 171.5— 1745— 1746— 174G— 174G— 1747— 174.S— 1755— 1755— 175()— 1757— 1757— 1757— 1758— 247 272 367 390 416 48 77 534 20 148 5:195 5:198 5 : 241 5 : 346 assistant .... COMMISSIONS (see also Treasurer) litary mi governors' 1722— 346 ;435 168 395 1735— 1745— 1745— lieutenant-governors' 1728— 2 : 142 CO:\IMISSIONERS (see also Cmnmitlee, Island, and Sub- Commissioners) : boundary 1737— 2:508 1737— 2 : 520 1745— 171.".— 1745— 1746— 1740— 1746— 1748— 1753— 1755— 175.5— 1756— 1757 — 1757— 1757 — 17.58— 1722— 1745— 174.5— 1752— 171.5— 1729— Line, 1.59 248 281 381 391 436 64 312 2 30 149 196 238 285 355 348 164 175 217 122 167 Rhode 1737— 1742— grievances (see also Court and about court tions) . to Canada . 1724 — on peace with Indians about carrying on the war on French and Indian war on redemption of cajjtlves on treaty with Indians 17.54— 1754— 1754— 1754— at Albany .... of several governments . 2:512 2 : 6.39 Excep- 2: 12* 1747— 3:502 373 412 421 455 1727— 17-I.5— 174.5— 1747— 17.54— 17.54— 1754— 17.55— 17.58— 1758— 2: 85 3:125 3 : 1.32 3 : .501 402 413 452 457 3 313 343 1758— 5 : 340 COMMITTEE : on province, or treasurer's accounts, claims, debts, demands, etc. ["of audit"] 1712— 1714— 1715— 1716— 1718— 1720— 1721— 45 83 105 164 216 244 288 1713— 171.5— 171);- 1716— 1719- 1720— 1721— 59 99 143 169 2.33 253 290 YEAR. VOL 1744 1711 1745 1745 1745 1746 1746 1747 1748 17.53 17.55 17.56 1756 17.57 17.57 1757 17.58 17.57 1733 1745 1745 1752 1728 1731 1720 1737 1742 1728 1747 1726 1727 1745 1746 1747 1749 17.54 17.54 1754 1754 17.55 1756 1757 1758 1758 1711 1713 1715 1716 1717 1719 1721 1722 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 PAGE. 96 5 tl59 249 366 382 415 519 72 318 17 117 1.53 197 240 3u6 375 221 384 165 176 218 122 355 255 618 640 2 115 4 14 2 37 2 86 3 126 3 348 3 504 4 170 4 .372 4 410 4 416 4 454 4 498 5 79 5 226 5 314 6 344 44 60 100 161 209 1 1 236 264 314 Pkovince of N"ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 73 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — {continued) : on 131'ovince, oi* treasiirer''s accounts, claims, debts, demands, etc. ["of audit"] 1722— 1:316 1722— 1:350 1722 1 854 1722— 1 : 357 1722— 1:368 1722 1 370 1722— 1:372 1723— 1:382 1723 1 383 1723 1 : 388 1723 1:390 1724 1 414 1724— 1 : 417 1724— 1:418 1724 2 1 1724— 2 : 2 1724— 2: 6 1724 2 10 1724— 2: 12t 1726— 2 : 38 1726 2 45 1726— 2 : 60 1726— 2 : 62 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 82 1728— 2 : 112 1728 2 115 1728— 2 : 132 1729— 2 : 144 1730 2 318 1730 2 : 326 1731— 2 : 339 1732 2 371 1733— 2:382 1734 2 : 401 1734 2 423 1735— 2 : 439 1735— 2:447 1736 2 458 1737— 2:477 1737— 2:521 1738 2 536 1740— 2 : 546 1740— 2:549 1740 2 .561 1742— 2:615 1742— 2 : 622 1742 8 45 1743— 3: 51 1743— 3: 68 1743 8 72 1744— 3: 91 1745— 3 : 124 1745 8 138 1745— 3:207 1745— 3:211 1745 3 249 1745— 3 : 292 1746 8 : 323 1746 8 828 1746— 3:334 1747— 3:505 1747 8 521 1747— 3:524 1747— 4: 33 1748 4 84 17i9_ 4 : 163 1749— 4:164 1752 4 240 1752— 4:241 1752— 4 : 244 1752 4 258 1753— 4 : 302 1753— 4:317 1758 4 320 1754— 4 : 446 1754— 4:474 1754 4 480 1755— 4:500 1755— 4 : 519 1755 5 8 1755 5: 60 1755— 5 : 63 1757 5 309 1758— 5 : 406 1758— 5:444 1760 6 48 1760 6:112 1760 6:114 1760 6 115 1760— 6:116 176U— 6 : 117 1761 6 180 1761— 6 : 154 1761— 6 : 194 1762 6 280 1762— 6:290 1762— 6 : 299 1763 6 387 1763 6 : 369 1763— 6 : 379 1763 6 380 1764— 6:400 1765— 7 : 6 1765 7 9 1765— 7: 11 1765 7: 76 1766 7 90 1767— 7:114 1767— 7 : 118 1768 7 200 1768 7 : 201 1768 7 : 204 1768 7 215 1768 7 : 236 1768— 7 : 244 1768 7 248 1768— 7:249 1768 7 : 253 1768 7 254 1768 7 : 255 1768— 7 : 262 1768 7 263 1768 7 : 266 1769— 7:282 1770 7 340 1770— 8 : 1 1770— 8: 7 1770 8 8 1770— 8: 13 1771— 8: 80 1771 8 94 1771— 8 : 96 1772— 8:120 1772 8 122 1772— 8:123 1773 8 : 147 1773 8 151 1774— 8: 192 1774— 8 : 196 1774 8 198 on state of the treasury, funds, mone3', currencj-, etc 1722— 1:311 1722 1 318 1722— 1:319 1722— 1:320 1745 8 294 1746— 3:326 1747— ;>,:o23 1747 3 527 1757— 5 : 269 1764— 6:415 1764 6 419 on regulating- excise .... 1721— 1:282 1743 3 51 1743— 3: 60 1754— 4:395 1767 7 149 1771— 8: 109 1771— 8:110 1772 8 117 on farming excise 1717 — 1 : 202 1718— 1:214 1719 1 234 1720— 1:245 1726 2: 32 1729 2 160 1735— 2:445 1735— 2:446 1738 2 537 10 74 Index to Journals of House of "Representatives, YEAR. VOL. I'AOE. COMMVl''lT.E, — (conlinucd) : on laniiing excise 1740 — 2:547 1742— 2:629 1712 31 1745— 3 : 248 1747— 3:505 1753 4 326 1753_ 4 : 364 1754— 4:397 1754 4 425 1754— 4:429 1754— 4:448 1755 4 492 1755— 4:541 nSS 4 : 573 1756 6 68 1750- 5: 81 1756— 5 : 134 1757 5 214 1757— 5 : 286 1757— 5 : 307 1758 5 382 1758— 5 : 421 1759— 5 : 492 1759 6 32 17 GO— 6 : 100 1761— 6:221 1763 6 380 1767— 7 : 153 17()7 — 7 : 155 1767 7 168 1767— 7 : Ki'J 176H— 7 : 273 1768 7 274 17(58- 7 : 275 1709- 7 : 331 1770 7 346 1770— 8: 18 1770— 8: 40 1770 8 41 1770— 8: 46 1770 8: 49 1771 8 86 1772— 8:118 1772— 8 : 124 1773 8 137 1773— 8:153 1773— 8 : 154 1774 8 168 of conference on the olVence taken Ijy Massachusetts at our impost act 1714 1 90 to address Massachusetts for laying aside all duties 1721 1 303 to in(]uire about powder money . 1768— 7 : 244 1768 7 248 1708 7 : 249 1768— 7 : 254 1774 8 203 to consider making more bills of ci •edit 1721— 1:275 1721 1 277 to obtain royal consent for striking bills, etc. . 1722 1 321 to report on old cypher bills . 1727— 2:108 1727 2 109 1728— 2:133 1729 2 162 to regulate bonds of public money holders 1729— 2 : 154 1733 2 392 to sign bills of credit (amount not stated) 1737 2 489 1737— 2:494 1745 3 296 on denomination of plates • ■ • 1737 2 489 on custody of plates 1742 — 2 : 641 1742— 2:646 1743 3 64 1745— 3 : 230 174.5— 3 : 243 1746 3 306 1746— 3:341 1746— 3:342 1765 7 49 on issue of paj^er mone}' . . 1744— 3: 92 1744 3 93 for imprinting bills, etc. . • 1745 3 283 for £'500 • 1746 3 327 for £1,000 .... , 1721 1 307 for £1,076 16s . • 1729 2 158 for £1,500 . 1714— 1: f^l 1715— 1 : 103 1726 2 66 for £1,730 . 1730— 2:332 1734— 2:409 1734 2 426 for £2,000 .... . 1722— 1 : 365 1724 2 10 1724— 2: 11 1758 6 411 for £2,800 . 1722— 1:320 1722— 1 : 321 1722 1 363 for £4,000 .... . 1747 4 54 for £4,220 .... . > 1742 2 644 for £5,000 .... . 1759— 6: 3 1759 6 11 for £5,384 . 1722— 1:318 1725 2: 19 1729 2 162 for £5,750 .... • 1756 5 135 for £6,000 .... . 1742— 2:647 1745 3 223 1745— 3 : 277 1746 3 841 for £7,000 .... . 1761— 6: 13!) 1761 6 176 for £8,000 .... . 1745— 3:2S0 1745 3 283 1745— 3:284 1746— 3 : 306 1746 3 312 1746— 3 : 316 1759-»6: 30 1760 6 77 1760— 6: 78 1760— 6: 99 1760 6 108 1760— 6:111 1762— 6 : 269 1762 6 280 for £9,000 . 1759— 5:477 1759— 6: 11 1759 6 14 for £10,000 .... . IIGS— 6:322 1763 1 6 347 for £12,000 . 1745— 3:271 1761— 6:203 1761 1 5 221 Province op Kew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 75 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — {continued) : for £13,000 . 1745— 3 : 152 1745— 3 : 153 1745 3 157 1745— 3:222 1745— 3 : 229 1745 3 230 1745— 3:243 1745— 3 : 247 1746 3 312 for £15,000 ["grand"] 1718— 1:228 1720 1 249 1725— 2: 19 1726 2: 44 1734 2 411 1734 2 : 427 1737— 2:490 1738 2 536 1742— 2 : 650 1742— 3: 38 1742 3 40 1743— 3: 63 1745— 3:294 1746 3 326 174C— 3 : 332 1746 3 : 344 1747 4 32 1747— 4: 38 1748 4: 88 1754 4 476 1755— 5 : 32 1755 5: 53 1756 5 70 1756— 5 : 147 1756— 5 : 186 1758 5 442 for £17.000 1759— 5:494 1759 6 18 for £20,000 1757— 5 : 240 1757 5 241 1757— 5 : 275 1757 5 301 for £25,000 . 1742— 2 : 647 1743— 3: 63 1744 3 96 1745 3 : 178 1745— 3:222 1745 3 223 1745— 3:297 1747— 3:491 1748 4 83 1752— 4 : 231 1752— 4 : 255 1753 4 311 1753— 4 : 312 1754— 4:485 1754 4 486 1754— 4:487 1755 — 4 : 537 1755 4 539 1755— 4:540 1755 — 4 : 541 1755 4 542 for £30,000 . 1755 4:536 1755— 4:543 1755 4 568 1755— 4:570 1755 — 5 : 11 1755 5 21 1755— 5 : 25 1755— 5: 36 1756 5 90 1756— 5: 91 1756— 5 : 140 1756 5 155 1756 5 : 159 1757 — 5: 275 1757 6 276 for £60,000 . 1746 3:363 1746— 3:365 1746 3 366 1746— 3 : 440 1747— 3:523 1747 3 527 to tell over money 1723 — 1:405 1723— 1:407 1723 1 409 1724— 2: 8 1724- 2: 12t 1725 2 19 1725— 2: 24 1726— 2: 34 1726 2 38 1726 2: 53 1727— 2: 74 1728 2 132 1728— 2 : 135 1729— 2:167 1729 2 168 1731— 2:339 1731— 2:346 1732 2 369 1732— 2 : 373 1733— 2:381 1734 2 401 1734— 2 : 402 1734_ 2:423 1735 2 439 1735— 2:445 1736— 2 : 458 1737 2 477 1737— 2 : 479 1738 2 : 531 1738 2 532 1738— 2:533 1738— 2:534 1738 2 535 1740 2 : 549 1742— 3: 41 1743 3 51 1745— 3 : 292 1746— 3:323 1746 3 328 1746 3 : 332 1747— 3:505 1747 3 515 1747— 3:516 1748— 4: 89 1748 4 90 1752— 4:252 1753— 4:364 1753 4 365 1754— 4:412 1754— 4:416 1754 4 422 17,54— 4 : 423 1754— 4:426 1754 4 427 1754— 4 : 430 1754— 4 : 431 1754 4 436 1754— 4 : 439 1754— 4 : 440 1754 4 441 1754— 4 : 442 1754— 4 : 442* 1754 4 443 1754— 4 : 445 1754— 4:445* 1755 5 60 1755— 5 : 61 1755 5: 70 1756 5 71 • 1756— 5 : 72 1 756 — 5 : 73 1756 5 74 1756— 5 : 77 1756— 5: 78 1756 5 80 1756 5: 81 1756— 5: 83 1756 5 84 1756— 5 : 86 1756— 5: 87 1 756 5 183 17;-,6— 5:189 1756— 5: 190 1 756 5 191 1756— 5 : 193 1756— 5 : 194 1757 5 196 1757— 5 : 202 1757— 5 : 204 1757 5 2(16 1757— 5:207 1757— 5 : 210 1757 5 214 76 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — {rontinncd) : to tell over money 1757 — 5 : 304 1758— 5 : 310 1758 . 6 317 1758— : 318 1758— 5 : 324 1758 5 325 1758 5 : 332 1758— 5 : 336 1758 6 339 1758— 5 : 341 1758— 5 : 350 1758 5 357 175H— 5 : 359 175H— 5:370 1758 5 384 1758— 5 : 390 1758— 5:391 1758 5 401 1768— 5:408 1758— 5 : 410 1758 5 445 1758— 5 : 452 1758— 5:453 1758 6 456 1759 — 5 : 457 1759— 5:461 1759 5 463 1759 5 : 404 1759— 5 : 467 1759 5 471 1759— 5:480 1759— 5 : 481 1760 6 494 1700— 5 : 499 1700— 0: 11 1760 6 86 1700— 6 : 41 1700— 0: 43 1760 6 46 1700— G: 47 1700— 6 : 48 1760 6 49 1760— 6 : 51 1760— 6: 52 1760 6 60 1700 6: 01 1700— 6: 62 1760 6 70 1760— 0: 71 1760— 6: 77 1700 6 79 1760— 0: 87 1701— 0:168 1701 6 109 1701— : 170 1701— 6:177 1701 6 194 1702— 0:240 1702— 6:243 1702 6 251 1702— 0:202* 1762— 6:289 1762 6 290 1702— 0:294 1702— 0:295 1762 6 296 1702— G : 310 1702— 6:311 1763 6 334 1703— : 357 176;^ 6 : 361 1763 6 371 1704— : 387 1764— 6:389 1764 6 404 1704— : 424 1765— : 466 1765 6 408 1705— 7 : 8 1765— 7 : 10 1766 7 90 1700— 7 : 100 1706— 7 : 110 1767 7 118 1708— 7 : 185 170S 7:201 1768 7 244 17GS— 7 : 248 1708— 7 : 249 1768 7 253 1708— 7 : 202 1708— 7 : 200 1768 i 271 1708— 7 : 278 1709— 7 : 335 1770 7 340 1770— 7 : 343 1770— 8: 1 1770 8 4 1770— 8: 6 1770— 8 : 44 1771 8 07 1771— 8: 08 1771— 8: 81 1771 8 92 1771— 8:109 1771— 8 : 110 1772 8 121 on burning bills .... 1718— 1:222 1718 1 223 1719— 1:239 1720— 1:250 1721 1 271 1723— 1 : 375 1723— 1:405 1723 1 407 1724— 1:415 1724— 1 : 421 1724 2 8 1725— 2 : 20 1742— 2 : 051 1742 2 652 17o3— 4 : 285 1753— 4:340 1763 4 841 to consult for sinking paper bills . • 1769 7 282 on sinking bills of credit ■ • • 1770 8 41 for redemption of treasurer's notes 1772— 8:12S 1772 8 130 1773— 8 : 137 1774 8 193 to take security for certain debt to pi •ovincc 1707 7 166 to examine account for arresting counterfeiters 1705 i ('^ 443 on money granted l)y parliament • • - 1752 4 274 to draw bills of exchange • : 1754 4 466 1754— 4 : 482 1755— 4 : 499 1755 4 644 1755 — 5 : 1 1755— 5: 11 1755 5 19 1755_ 5 : 20 1755— 5: 31 urn 5 32 1755— 5: 35 1750— 5 : lOS 1758 5 328 1758— 5 : 359 1758—^:365 1758 5 413 1759— 5 : 490 1759— : 17 1759 6 23 1760— 6: 40 1700— 6: 47 1700 6 64 1700— 6 : 66 1760— 6: 89 1760 1 6 98 1760— 6 : 108 1760— 6:118 1761 6 127 1762— 6 : 269 1763— 6:311 1763 6 368 Province of ISTew Hampsuire, 1711-1775. 77 COMMITTEE, — {continued) : to draw bills of exchange 1764— (i : ;).S7 17G4— 17«5_ 6:431 1765— 176;")- 7: 9 17G7— 1767— 7 : 122 1767— 1768- 7 : 186 1768— 1768— 7 : 200 1768— 1770— 7 : o42 1770— 1772— 8 : 130 1773— 6:420 6 : 437 7:113 7:123 7 : 193 7:217 7:356 8:151 to examine accounts of committee to draw bills on agent 1760— 1767— 1768— 1770— to set prices, etc. to ascertain value of money, etc. to settle and determine diftereuce of money 1753- 6: 49 7:122 7:196 7 : 356 1760- 1768- 1770- 1770- 6 7 7 7 66 180 339 857 1742— 2 : 641 establisliing value of money to examme muster -rolls, etc. 1723— 1 1745— 3 1745— 3 1746— 1746— 1752— 1755— 1757— 1758— 1759- 1760— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 6:340 to audit commissary's accounts on soldiers' wages kept back . to examine paymaster's accounts 398 124 162 390 444 265 94 5 : 299 5:441 467 48 70 85 204 253 259 330 5 6 6 6 6 6: 6: 6; 1722— 1724— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1749— 1755— 1756— 1758— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1762 — 1762— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1746— o : 5: G: 6: 6: 6: (] 6 6 6 6 3 360 356 6 156 237 399 164 57 177 318 461 59 71 :132 :240 :255 :312 : oo4 : 360 :415 1761— 1762— to examine muster-master's account 1765 — to examine committee-of-war's accounts . 6:124 6 : 288 6:455 1759— 5 : 482 1759— 5 : 493 1761— 6 : 224 1761— 6 : 225 1763— 6 : 332. 1764— 6 : 398 on paying for defence of frontiers . 1747— 4: 40 1747— 1747— 4: 48 1747— on accounts of Canada and Crown Point expeditions (.see also Committee of war, above) 1758- 1760- 6 : 56 1760— 6 : 57 to examine account of sale of Canada stores 1765— 6:467 to examine Captain Cochran's account, etc. 1772— 8:120 on Colonel Goffe's accounts o 6: 6: 4: 4: 44 49 442 TEAR. 1764 1765 1767 1767 1768 1770 1770 1773 1760 1767 1768 1770 1773 1722 1742 1756 1769 1722 1725 1745 1745 1746 1752 1755 1756 1758 1759 1760 1760 1760 1761 1762 1762 1763 1763 1763 1746 1747 1761 1762 1765 1759 1761 1763 1764 1747 1747 1747 1747 1760 1760 1766 1773 1761 VOL. 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 8 1 2 7 1 2 3 O 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 6 6 8 6 PAGE. 424 448 121 165 196 339 357 155 47 113 194 342 152 350 645 187 283 359 23 *159 293 406 264 61 187 323 464 46 67 74 190 247 258 327 339 362 436 465 132 289 456 480 145 327 399 39 46 51 487 55 118 468 146 134 78 Index to Journals of House of tvEPRESENXAXiVES, YEAH. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — (routiuucd) : to exiuniiK' aocouiit of Colonel Meserve . 1758 5 366 to investig^ate Captain Sloper's accounts . 1745 3 202 on method of vatiiio; to (haw u]) silieuiilc of what is (leemed ratable 1770 8 3 estate ......... 1773 8 1.36 to examine the invoices ...... 1742 2 661 on inventories ........ 1773 8 147 on proportioning province tax 1720 1 250 1723— 1 : ;!1)1 1723— 1 : 392 1724 2 2 1727— 2: 71 1727— 2: 75 1728 2 138 1728— 2: 140 1761 6:207 1761 6 218 on proportioning persons unincorporated 1742 2 623 to inquire into Greenland tax . . 1762 — 6:278 1762 6 282 on taxing .settlements west of Merrimack river 1758 5 374 to decide province tax of Isles of Shoals . 1720 1 247 to take inventor}- of Starkstown . 1763 — 6:363 1764 6 397 on places omitted to be taxed, etc. .... 1752 4 247 on accounts of builders of road through Barrington, etc. . . 1771— 8: 87 1771— S: 88 1771 8 89 on accounts of builders of road from l)urh:im to Coos 1772 — 8:117 1772 8 129 on Rochester road accounts . . 1771 — ^: 64 1771 8 96 on accounts of l)oundary commission 1737 — 2 : 512 1742 2 640 on demand f)f Ichaljod l>ussell . . 1773 — 8: 136 1773 8 1.37 on certificates of niemljcrs' wages, left by deceased clerk 1765 7 50 to examine charges for certain criminals 1766 7 54 to examine fort committee's accounts 1761 6 155 1761— 6:159 1772 8 114 1772— 8:116 1773— 8:135 1773 8 1.37 on accounts of Daniel and Robert Towle . 1773 8 139 to examine light-house accounts .... 1771 8 113 1772— 8:117 1774 8 197 1774— 8 : 199 1774— 8 : 207 1774 8 208 to consider dcm;ui act foi- £442 9s 9r/ 1726 2 69 to draw up act for £'500 1724 1 422 1725 2: 21 1746 3 327 to draw up act for i;60() 1737 2 482 to draw up act for £850 . . 1740— 2 : 566 1740 2 568 to draw up act for raising £1,000 . 1723— 1 : 3!l2 1746 3 319 to draw up act for £l,;i(i() 1730 2 319 to draft act for £2,000 , . 1711— 1 : :n 1725 2 25 to draw up act for £1,000 . . 1747— 4 : 55 1747 4 68 to draw uj) vote for £(;,000 . . 1745— 3 : 206 1745 3 210 to draw up act for £.s. (100 1745 3 281 to draw up act for £10,000 1745 3 134 1 745-? 3: 141 1745 3 144 to draw uj) act for £12,500 1753 4 316 to draw up act for .€15,(100 . . 17:^5-2:441 1736 2 460 1756— 5 : 192 1759 6 479 to draft act on fin.anccs 1716 1 169 to prepaie bill about paper currency 1756 6 161 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 79 COMMITTEE, — {continued) : to draw up act defeiTing payment till 1721 to form act for printing bills of credit, to be sent home, for royal ai^probation .... to draw up bill for supply of treasury 17oo — 2 : 446 to prepare vote for new emission .... to draw up act against counterfeiting bills of credit to draw vip act against forgery .... to draw up triennial election act . 1723 — 1 : 402 1727— 2 : 106 to prepare bill for electing assemblymen 1762— 6 : 263 to prepare act on sending representatives to draft bankrupt act . . . 1715 — 1 : 130 to draw up act for registering births, etc. to draw up act for admeasurement of boards . to draft act on book debts ..... to prepare act obliging bori'owers to pay state loan to draw up act against cards, dice, pin-playing, and shuffle-board ....... to draw up act against cards, dice, and other gaming to prej^are act on confessing judgment before jus- tices, etc. '........ to draw up act confirming vote of convention about Canada exjiedition ...... to draw up act settling constable's watch to draw up act on sui3pl3ing vacancy in office of constable to draw ujj county act ...... 1755— 4:511 to prepare bill on counties and courts 1769 — 7 : 320 to draft bill changing sessions of court of apjjeals . to draw up scheme about court of appeals to prepare act on court of appeals .... to draft act on courts to make addition to act of criminal olfenders, to prevent riots ....... to amend act preventing damages by hoi'ses . to prepare bill restraining disorders, etc. . to draw up excise act TEAR. VOL. to prepare fee table 1732— 2 : 369 1752— 4:239 1758— 5 : 406 1723— 1745— 17.53— 1762— 403 211 293 273 33 53 52 136 170 1742— 3: 30 1742— 3 1742— 3: 35 1743— 3 1743— 3 : 73 1760- 6 1767— 7 : 127 1767— 7 1767— 7 : 156 1767— 7 to revive act on fences and highways to draw up act regulating ferries to i^repare act establishing fines to prepare act on fines and forfeitures to prepare act on highways to ])re])are road act ..... to draft act regulating the fisher}- to draft act for curing and culling of fish to pre})are a bill for fish law to draw up forms of oaths, writs, summons, etc. for drawing up a resolve concerning fort Dummer 1710 1721 1735 1761 1738 1771 1727 1727 1762 1762 1774 1715 1727 1752 1716 1756 1718 1721 1770 1746 1715 1743 1755 1759 1769 1717 1728 1774 1752 1721 1721 1761 1721 1725 1745 1755 1768 1730 1742 1743 1766 1767 1773 1748 1752 1770 1772 1757 1771 1718 1723 1757 1716 1745 1 2 6 2 8 2 2 6 6 8 1 2 4 1 5 1 1 3 1 3 4 6 7 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 3 4 7 2 3 3 7 7 8 4 4 8 8 5 8 1 1 5 1 3 PAGE. 170 281 447 150 533 71 105 107 257 275 203 131 109 266 143 186 217 267 45 377 133 49 505 23 325 210 127 203 230 269 269 138 286 24 219 510 235 326 34 62 95 150 136 73 258 1 123 213 80 221 408 221 181 178 80 Index to Jouiixals of House of Kki'hksentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. COMiMITTEE,— {continual) : to draw act on ix'i):iiriii<^ fort William and Mary 1744 3 99 to draw up act to jjrevoiit .supplying French or Spanisli with arms ...... 1711 3 90 to draw act for orovernor's salary . 172'J — 2 : 153 1730 2 318 to draw liill for impost, etc. . . . • . 17.06 5 85 to form act prohiliitin<^ trade and commerce with eastward Indians 1721 1 297 to prepare bill on division of certain land 1745 295 on revision of laws 1711 1 2 1711— 1: S 1714 1 84 1715— 1:132 171C.— 1 : ICO 171(5 1 181 1717— 1 :202 172;'— 1: 110 1720 2 43 to prepare lijjht act ....... 1774 8 197 to draw vote about the lines . . 172'J — 2: 117 1729 2 149 to draw objections to act of Massachusetts about the lines i7;;i 2 338 to draw up act against law-suits on lines 1731 2 342 to draw up law for relief of inhabitants north of Ilazen and Mitchell lines, and inhabitants of the king's lands .... 174:3 — 3 : 58 1743 3 69 to draw up act on military fines .... 1740 2 552 to i)repare aildilion to miiitia act . 1711 — 3: 89 • 1756 5 171 to draft militia act 1770 8 57 to draw u]) act on pedlers' tax ..... 1721 1 284 to draw up act for relief of poor jirisoners for debt 1745— 3 : 107 1745 3 217 to amend act easing prisoners for debt 1774 8 169 to draw up act against jjrofane cursing, etc. . 1752 4 257 to prepare jiroprietary act . . 1774 — 8:203 1774 8 204 to draw up act for choice of recorder 1743 — 3 : 48 1745 3 126 1745— 3 : 197 1745 3 207 to draft vote on records of deeds, etc. 1752 4 227 on repealing riot act ... 1727 — 2 : lUH 1727 2 109 to draw up act for observing the Sabbath 1747 3 514 175(;— 5: 81 1774 8 204 to draft grammar-school act 1721 1 260 to draw up act on shingles and pork 1743 3 51 , to draw up act for snow-shoes, etc 1745 3 113 to form bill to enable William Stiles & Co. to bring forward appeal ....... 1720 1 260 to prepare liill limiting taverns .... 1758 5 420 to prepare ijill regulating taverns .... 1701 6 147 to diaw up scheme for assessment of towns, etc. 1727 2 71 1727— 2: 76 1727 2 76 to dr;i\v up tax ;ici .... 1729 — 2:140 1729 2 150 to i)repare bill for calling in outstanding debts to treasury 1702 (i 292 to prepare act to aid treasurer in collecting taxes . 1708 7 209 to consider and form valuation act . 1773^ — 8: 137 1773 8 138 to get act drawn for taxing How .... 1755 4 501 to draw up land tax act 1755 5 52 to draw up act for tax on province lands . 1755 4 5(j3 to prejjarc bill for taxing nnincori)orated ]>l:icc> 1742 2 624 to i)reparc bill for assessment of taxes of certain unincorporated i)laecs ...... 1702 6 278 to draw up act eiudding new towns, north of line, to make rates ....... 1743 3 49 to draw up act on districts for tax .... 1753 4 292 to ])repare l)ill remitting (Quakers' tax I7r,i 131 to draw up act about will of (ieorge Vaughan 172'.* 2 150 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 81 TEAE. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — {continued) : to draw up bill for volunteers, etc ., against the Indian enemy .... 1722— 1:343 1745 3 265 to draw up plan of war . . 1744 3 89 to draw up vote to raise money to carry on Louis- burg exi)edition .... 1745 3 : 131 1745 3 132 to prepare vote for money to garrison Louisburg 1745 3 269 to draw up act for commissary to Louisl)urg . . , 1745 3 272 to prepare drafts of acts necessary . ■ • • 1770 7 343 to examine proposed acts . • . 1774 8 193 on address to the queen . 1711— 1: 32 1713 1 66 on address, etc., to the king 1716— 1:148 1723 1 377 172G— 2: 35 1727— 2: 88 1730 2 333 1734— 2:410 1737— 2:515 1738 2 531 1738 2 : 532 1738— 2:533 1740 2 564 1744— 3 : 86 1745 3 : 232 1745 3 233 1745 3 : 236 1745— 3 : 255 1745 3 261 1745— 3 : 285 1745 3 : 286 1746 3 310 1746 3 : 317 1749— 4 : 133 1749 4 146 1753— 4:361 1755 — 5 : 51 1758 5 425 1758 5 : 427 1761— 6:152 1761 6 182 1768— 7 : 244 1768— 7 : 262 1768 7 263 on address to king and parliament . • • ■ 1766 7 60 1766 7: 73 1766 7 96 to address king and lords commissioners . 1736 2 469 to deprecate the king's censure of the governor. conditionally .... • 1745 3 213 on petition to king, for redress > 1770 7 358 on governor's address, etc. 1717— 1:208 1719 1 233 1722— 1:312 1722— 1:335 1722 1 336 1729— 2 : 144 1730— 2 : 311 1730 2 324 1731— 2 : 339 1731— 2:350 1732 2 366 1738— 2 : 379 1734— 2:400 1734 2 421 1735 2 : 439 1736— 2:458 1737 2 477 1737— 2:496 1738— 2 : 530 1740 2 546 1742— 2:616 1742— 2 : 649 1742 2 650 1742— 3: 30 1743— 3: 47 1743 3 63 1743— 3: 67 1744— 3: 88 1745 3 123 1745— 3 : 197 1746— 3 : 327 1746 3 360 1746— 3:361 1746 3:362 1746 3 363 1746— 3:427 1748— 4: 71 1752 4 225 1752— 4:237 1754— 4:393 1754 4 471 1754— 4 : 474 1755— 4:521 1755 4 524 1755— 4 : 527 1755— 5 : 47 1756 5 154 1756— 5 : 157 1756— 5 : 159 1756 5 170 1756— 5 : 174 1756— 5 : 177 1756 5 180 1756— 5 : 183 1756— 5 : 184 1756 5 192 1757— 5 : 302 1758— 5:311 1758 5 363 1758 5 : 364 1758— 5:366 1758 5 444 1758— 5:454 1761— 6:121 1761 6 125 1762— 6 : 239 1762— 6 : 243 1762 6 247 1762— 6 : 249 1762— 6:264 1765 7 2 1765 — 7 : 5 1765— 7 : 41 1765 7 44 17G6— 7 : 101 1766— 7 : 102 1766 7 104 1767— 7:126 1767— 7 : 127 1768 7 228 1768— 7 : 236 1768— 7 : 240 1774 8 189 1774— 8:190 1775— 8:222 1775 8 223 on governor's message • • • 1734 2 416 1737— 2:494 1745 3 149 1745— 3:161 1745— 3 : 168 1746 3 422 1749— 4: 110 1749— 4 : 165 1755 4 507 11 82 Index to Journals of 11uu.sk i>f Ki:i'uesentatives, [ YEAR. VOL. FAOE. coM^urvi:E,—(co7ituniui) ■. on <^ovc'niur\s iuessa«;e 1755— 5: 51 1755— 5: 56 1755 5 58 175;»— 5 : 02 1756— 5: 74 1756 5 78 1756- 5 : _ 7 : 43 ; 1765 7 46 1766— 7 : 94 1766 7: 99 1767 7 121 1768— 7 : 236 1770— 8: 6 1770 8 13 1770 8: 49 1771— 8: 90 1771 8 101 1774— 8:195 1774— 8:197 1774 8 201 on province lines, etc. (^aec also Commissionirs) . \ 1713 1 66 1716— 1 : 155 1716 1 156 1716— 1 : 164 1718— 1:223 1719 1 233 1719— 1:242 1720 1 : 248 1724 2 9 1726 2: 57 1729- 2:163 1730 2 316 1730— 2 : 322 1730— 2:323 1730 2 327 1731— 2:343 1731— 2:344 1731 2 347 17;ll_ 2:348 1731- 2:352 1731 2 354 17;U— 2 : 355 1731— 2 : 359 1731 2 360 1731— 2:361 1731— 2:362 1737 2 485 1737— 2:486 1737— 2:492 1737 2 497 1737— 2:498 1737— 2 : 499 1737 2 600 1737— 2:501 1737— 2:502 1737 2 503 1737— 2 : 504 1737— 2:505 1737 2 608 1737— 2 : 509 1737— 2:512 1737 2 614 1737— 2:515 1737— 2 : 516 1737 2 517 17;37_ 2 : 518 1737— 2 : 520 1737 2 521 1737— 2 : 522 1737— 2:523 1737 2 624 1737— 2:525 1737— 2:526 1742 2 616 1742— 2:634 1742— 2 : 644 1742 2 660 1743— 3: 62 1745— 3 : 243 1745 3 261 on con-espondenco, etc., with agents at court . 1723 1 412 1726 2: 44 1726— 2: 48 1726 2 61 1726— 2: 62 1727— 2: 71 1727 2 82 1729— 2:164 1734— 2:429 1735 2 441 1736— 2:460 1736— 2 : 462 1737 2 481 1740— 2 : 548 1740_ 2 : 558 1742 3 43 174:3_ 3: 72 1744— 3: 76 1746 3 337 1746— 3:437 1746— 3:439 1746 3 441 1747— 3 : 492 1752— 4 : 243 1752 4 275 1753— 4 : 366 1754— 4:418 1754 4 ♦443 1754— 4:463 1762— 6 : 294 1762 6 306 1764— 6:410 1765— 6 : 452 1768 7 245 1770— 7 : 339 1771— S: ,>S 1771 8 72 on intercolonial correspondence • 1773 8 139 1773 8:152 1773 8 161 1774— 8:170 1774— 8:177 1774 8 179 1774— 8:179* 1774— 8:181 1774 8 216 to establish bounds of Barnstead anc 1 Chichester 1765 6 433 on town and parish bounds 1715— 1:135 1715 1 136 1715 1 : 137 1718— 1 : 230 1719 1 240 on bounty for catching fish, etc. 1763 6 : 348 1763 6 1 354 on Bow proprietary bill . . 1762 1 6 283 to inspect Canterbiuy record.^ . . 1774 8 195 on petition of Ezra Carter 1764 6 413 on chai)lains .... 1774 8 192 on liighway from Charlestown to Bo.scawen 1768 7 279 on t'licsley and wife v. Davis . 1766 7 64 to demand books, etc., of late clerk • 1715 3 118 1745— 3:127 , 1749 4 108 to receive keys, etc., for new clerk • • • 1765 7 38 on Cochecho*nieetin£r-house 1715— 1:101 1715 1 103 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 85 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — (continued) : on circumstances of colonies . . 1765 — 7 : 20 1765 7 21 on proposed colonial conference . 1765 — 7 : 21 1765 7 34 to sign resolves, etc., of general congress 1765 7 38 on petition about lands west of Connecticut river 1772 8 120 on highwa}^ to Connecticut river . 1773 — 8 : lot 1774 8 169 on Coos grants . 1752— 4 : 273 1752— 4 : 271 1753 4 358 for cutting roads to Coos 1753 4 329 to lay out road to Upper Cohass 1768 7 186 on counties . 1759— 5 : 477 1759— 5 : 47? ; 1759 5 479 1761— 6 : 142 1766— 7 : 89 1 1767 7 133 1767— 7 : 136 1767— 7 : 14£ i 1767 7 147 1767— 7 : 148 1767— 7 : 157 1767 7 159 1767 7:162 1768 7:191 1769 7 285 1769— 7 : 286 1769— 7 : 32C ) 1770 8 15 on building court-houses, j^risons, and State-house 1726 2 47 on sessions of courts ..... 1769 7 320 to provide stove for courts .... 1770 8 52 to view ways in Derrytield .... 1753 4 353 to survey highways from Dover and Exeter to Wini- pisiokee pond .... 1722 — 1 : 317 1722 1 323 to locate bridges in Dover . . 1723 — 1 : 411 1771 8 59 to settle line between Dover districts 1729 2 156 1729— 2 : lee 1729 2 171 to view Dover and Sumersworth . 1743 — 3 : 7C ) 1744 3 76 to view Dover for new parish . . 1754 — 4:425 • - 1754 4 448 on Dover head-line 1760 6 47 to hear and exaniine Durham matters 1758 5 386 on line between Durham and Nottingham 1759 6 18 on bounds of Durham, new parish . 1766 7 55 on road from Durham Falls to Lower Cohass 1772 8 117 on bridge over Exeter river, in Newmarket 1747 3 469 to take a view of Exeter, new parish 1755 4 532 on fines, in laws 1767 7 148 on place of meeting for general assembly, etc 1752— 4 : 24C ) 1752 4 244 to sum up affairs before the house . 1743 3 73 on seating members . . . 1756 — 5 : 92 1756 5 95 on adjournment, " governor too busy to see them " 1761 6 195 on thanks to late speaker .... 1766 7 99 on petitions concerning new members 1775 8 222 on stove for assembly . . . 1771 — 8 : 10£ 1 1771 8 110 on galleries for same . . . 1772 — 8:11? i 1774 8 196 to divide lands of Benjamin Gilman, etc. 1754 4 377 to ascertain limits of Greenland and Bloody Point 1714 1 80 on line between Hampton Falls and Seabrook . 1768 7 212 on dividing line of Hampton Falls parishes 1768 7 234 on location of Hampton Falls meeting-house 1770— 8: It ) 1770 8 46 on memorial of Thomas Hutchinson 1748 4 61 on printing journals 1745 — 3 : 161 1768 — 7 : 256 ) 1768 7 279 on memorial of superior court judges 1740 — 2 : 66t > 1740 2 566 on celebrating the king's birthday . 1772 8 125 on petition of John King .... 1772 8 117 to fix line in Kingstown ..... 1740 2 553 on line between Kingston and Chester 1761 — 6 : 19( ) 1761 6 204 to inquire about Kingston highway . 1747 3 447 on Kingston petition ..... 1755 4 540 on petition of Thomas Lannen 1764 6 417 on laws (enacting, revising, printing, etc.) 1713 1 63 1714— 1 : 74 1716 1 : 15f ) 1718 1 216 86 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEA 11. VOL. 1 PAGE. COMMITTEE, — {continued) : on liiw.s (enacting, ruvising, printing , etc.) 1746— 3 : 333 1747— 3 : 485* 1748 4 99 1764 4 : 394 1754— 4:415 1754 4 449 1758— 5 : 445 1759— 5 : 463 1759 6 24 1761— 6:210 1761— 6:221 1762 6 257 1763 6:326 1764— 6:416 1764 6 426 1765— 6:468 1765— 7: 4 1765 7 6 1765— 7 : 17 1765 7: 29 1765 7 34 1765— 7: 35 1765— 7: 47 1766 7 68 1767— 7 : 170 1770— 8: 3 1771 8 90 1771— 8:109 1771— 8:110 1772 8 126 1773— 8 : 135 1773— 8:142 1773 8 155 1774— 8:166 1774— 8:170 1774 8 207 sent to Londonderry , , 1726 2 47 on Londonderry highways 1743- 3: 50 1743 3 64 1756— 5: 89 1765— 7: 12 1765 7 31 on reception of Eurl of Loudon 1756 5:181 1756 5 192 on land claims of Captain Mason . . 1746 3 893 1746— 3:399 1746 3:400 1746 3 401 1746— 3 : 419 1746— 3:420 1746 3 434 1746— 3:435 1747— 3 : 512 1748 4 98 of Massachusetts legislature on N 3W Hampshire quota for war .... , , , 1755 4 531 on petition of George Mesen^e , ^ 1766 7 87 to print military drill-book [" exercise"] 1771— 8: 71 1771 8 73 on bridge over Nashua river . , 1773 8 138 on New Castle petition . , , , 1772 8 123 on way at Newington , . 1755 6 38 to locate meeting-house in New Ipswich 1767— 7:160 1768 7 193 on bridge over Newmarket or Exeter river 1747— 3:486 1747 3 488 on Newmarket bridge lottery . , , , 1772 8 129 on highway in Newmarket , 1765 7 46 176(i— 7: 91 1768 7 214 on highways in New Town 1756- 5: 74 1756 5 100 , on petition of New Town 1756— 5: 180 1758 6 332 on annexing sundry jiarties to Newtown . . 1770 8 2 on l)()unds of lots in Nottingham , 1765 6 435 1765— 6 : 436 1765 6 439 on memorial of Joim PenlKillow 1729 2 163 to settle bounds of IMymouth, etc. . . 1771 8 78 on petition of Portsmouth selectmen , . 1718 1 227 on I'ortsmouth parishes . , 1720 1 249 on proprietary act .... . , 1759 5 462 1762— 6:281 1762 6 287 on province (oi ■• .-tale''") house , 1752 4 276 1753 4:322 1751— 4 : 428 1754 4 429 17or)— 5: 70 1756— 5: 186 1757 6 307 1760— 6: 91 1761— 6:143 1761 6 155 1762— 6 : 253 1762— 6 : 297 ' 1763 6 314 1763— 6:315 1764— 6 : 419 ' 1767 7 118 1770— 8: 53 1771— 8: 86 1772 8 127 1772— 8:129 1773—^ : 137 1773 8 141 on i)etition of Alice Rawlins, etc. , . 1 1755 4 639 on locating Raymond meeting-house 176K— 7 : 277 1 1769 7 311 on recorder 1722— 1 : 372 1729 2 149 172;>— 2:151 174:i— 3: 53 ' 1743 3 67 174;3— 3 : 58 1743 3: 60 1 1743 3 66 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 87 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTEE, — (continued) : on recorder . 1744— 3 : «7 1745— 3 : 126 1745 3 212 1745— 3 : 217 1745 3 : 245 1746 3 386 1747— 3 : 464 1747— 3:511 1749 4 162 1752— 4 : 229 1755— 4 : 491 1757 5 213 1758— 5 : 330 1759— 5 : 465 1761 6 137 1762— 6 : 242 1762— 6 : 250 1763 6 320 1765— 6 : 442 1765 7: 34 1766 7 62 1766— 7 : 67 1768— 7 : 237 1768 7 244 1768— 7 : 246 1770— 7:356 1772 8 121 1773— 8 : 140 1773— 8 : 141 1773 8 149 1773— 8 : 150 1771— 8 : 165 1774 8 167 1774— 8 : 202 1774— 8 : 205 1774 8 208 to obtain schoolmaster > 1724 2 5 to view secretary's record ■ * • 1744 3 93 to interview Six Nations . . 1754 4 394 on line between South Hamilton and Newtown 1771 8 58 about Straiford and Grafton counties • > • 1773 8 137 on bridge over Suncoolc and Soucook rivers 1746 3 338 1746— 3 : 345 1746 3 435 to make partition for Stephen Thing ■ • . 1767 7 146 on petition of Robert Thompson 1764— 6:409 1764 6 410 on claim of Lieutenant-Governor Vaughan's estate 1742 2 634 of war 1746— 3:367 1746 3 411 1746 3 : 415 1746 3 : 417 1746 3 421 1746— 3:424 1746— 3:443 1746 3 444 1747— 3:491 1747— 3 : 492 1747 3 493 1747— 3:500 1747— 4: 29 1747 4 38 1747— 4: 49 1748 4: 93 1748 4 94 1748— 4: 95 1755 4 : 534 1755 4 535 1755 4 : 536 1755— 5 : 1 1755 6 18 1755— 5: 20 1755— 5: 25 1755 5 26 1755 5: 31 1755— 5 : 32 1756 5 71 1756— 5 : 104 1756— 5 : 110 1756 5 111 1756— 5:112 1756— 5 : 114 1756 5 141 1756— 5 : 148 1756— 5 : 153 1756 5 189 1756— 5 : 194 1757— 5 : 195 1757 5 196 1757— 5 : 197 1757— 5 : 198 1757 5 205 1757— 5 : 219 1757— 5 : 240 1757 6 248 1758— 5 : 352 1758 5 : 353 1758 5 354 1758— 5 : 356 1758— 5 : 858 1758 5 372 1758 5 : 407 1758— 5:414 1759 5 480 1759— 5:481 1759— 6 : 482 1759 6 483 1759— 5:493 1759— 5 : 496 1760 6 49 1760— 6 : 60 1760 6: 51 1760 6 56 1760— 6: 87 1760— 6 : 88 1760 6 103 1760 6 : 113 1761— 6 : 127 1761 6 130 1761— 6 : 133 1761— 6 : 134 1761 6 135 1761— 6 : 136 1761— 6 : 145 1761 6 187 1761— 6 : 194 1764— 6 : 195 1761 6 197 1761— 6:221 1761— 6 : 224 1761 6 225 1763 6 : 318 1763 6 : 326 1763 6 327 1763 6 : 332 1763— 6:334 1763 6 362 1764— 6 : 398 1764— 6 : 399 1770 8 32 on Louisburg expedition . 1745— 3 : 128 1745 3 129 17_15_ 3 : 154 1745— 3 : 159 1745 3 tl59 1745- 3 : 198 1745— 3 : 199 1745 3 200 1745— 3 : 206 1745— 3 : 226 1745 3 231 1745 3 : 232 1745— 3 : 254 1745 3 256 1745— 3 : 259 1745— 3:269 • 1745 3 288 1745 3 : 303 1745— 3:305 1746 3 312 88 Index to Journals of IIousi: of Kki'kksentativks, VEAK. VOL. PAGE. COMMITTKE, — (conlinued) : on houisljuig expedition 17 It;— H.'Mi 1746— 3 32S 1716 3 345 1746 :'>:'M7 1746— 3 3(;(; 1747 3 457 1747— 3:45t> 1747— 3 483 1747 3 491 1747— 4: 35 1748— 4 87 1748 4 98 on Canada expedition 1747 3 506 1747— 3 : 508 1748 4 69 1748— 4: 87 1754— 4:371 1754 4 474 on Crown Point expedition , , 1755 4 634 1755— 4:536 1756— 5: lis 1756 5 141 1756— 5:151 1756— 5 : 16.S 1758 5 425 on convention of war commissioners 1746 3 848 to prepare instructions for agents to Alljaiiy 1756— 5 : 142 1756 5 160 to raise new regiment for 1760 expedition . , 1760 6 ♦ 69 on late exi)e(litions .... . , , 1764 6 407 on memorial of Rev. Eleazer Wheelock 1762— 6:284 1763 6 346 COMMITTEES: house's right to appoint . , 1744 3 98 entry of, in journal of house . , 1745 3 128 to be under oath (see also Oaths) , . 1746 3 366 of conference . , , 1753 4 345 COMMON Cahiueu {see How, Oeorge). COMMON Lands {see Lands). COMMON Nuisances {see Nuisances) . COMMON ViCTUALEKS (see Tavcrn-Keejicrs). COMMONER : one from the house to attend tlie governor , , 1711 1 12 COMMONS (see House of Commoyis). COMPEAINTS {see also Sheriff) : of Daniel Ladd and otliers . . 1745 3 273 of Sheriff Packer .... . . 1754 4 474 about governor's nial-administration CONCEALING : . 1774 8 166 estates from assessment, penalty , , 1718 1 220 CONCORD : incorporated from Bow 1765— 6 : 435 1765 6 436 1765— 6:441 1765— 6 : 442 1 765 6 443 1765— 6 : 448 1765— 7: 4 1765 7 6 1765— 7 : 7 1765— 7: 3:5 1765 7 34 1765— 7: 41 1765— 7: 43 1765 7 44 Bow, not within, arrearages , , 17(;6 7 86 inventory. . 1767 — 7:161 1768— 7:2i;t 1773 8 157 annexing, to llillsljorough county . 1773— 8 : 13'.) 1774 8 167 CONCURRENT Action: of council and house («ee Message). C0NE(;A: head of the Merrimack , , 1722 1 340 CONFERENCE {sec also Committees, Qovernor, and New- bury) : of lieutenant-governor and council . . 1715 1 133 of both houses , 1728 2 117 1745— 3:129 1754— 4 : 434 1754 4 470 1755— 4:550 1767-^ 7:13s 1767 ( 140 on riot, breaking up prison and rescuing tw o pris- oners , . 1754— 4:432 1754— 4 : 433 1754 4 4.34 colonial, proposed .... 1765— 7: 21 1 765 7 34 CONFESSING : judgment before justices . 1770— 8 : 45 1770 8 46 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 89 CONGREGATIONAL : meeting ......... CONGRESS : governor's presence requu'ed at the .... in Connecticut, sending delegates to . . . of the governments ....... of commissioners on French and Indian war 1747— 3:501 general, at New York (see also Cotton, John) 1765— 7 : 38 CONNECTICUT (see also Fitch, Talmt, and Walcott) : congress in ...... . sloops coasting between, and Now Hampshire good, new pork from, to be bought . prisoners, redemption of . laws, to be procured ..... general assembly's vote ..... house of representatives, correspondence with 177- 8:179 CONNECTICUT River: part of province upon, viewed scouting from, to Merrymack 1745— 3:243 defence of 501 19 : 67 75 206 240 338 353 1755- 1755- 1756- 1756- 1757— 1757- 1758— 1758— provisions purchased on . sick soldiers on ... west side, inhabitants' emergencies west side, assisted . highway to, from Conway CONNER, David : petition .... CONNER, Jonathan [-'Connor"] muster-roll CONNER, Sekgt. Moses : muster-roll, etc. CONNER, Philip : claim .... CONSENT (see Assent). CONSPIRACY (see also Plot) : against the king 1716 — 1 : 1755— 1755— 1756— 1756— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1772— 1774— 1772— 1773— 1746- 144 1716- CONSTABLES (.see also under names of towns) watch, settling attendance at court 1715— 1 : 132 Quakers, excused vacancy in office of, supplied . claim allowed .... refusing to serve, fine CONSTITUTION : province ..... CONTAGIOUS Disease (see Small-Pox). CONTESTED Election: Amherst 17 34 : 71 : 82 236 313 351 :354 121 170 128 138 1763— 6 : 341 431 1723— 1:404 1716— 1: 1742— 3: 1743— 3: 147 147 41 49 1775— 8 : 236 YEAH. VOL. 1737 2 1711 1 1711 1 1711 1 1747 3 1766 7 1711 1 1729 2 1746 3 1747 3 1752 4 1758 5 1774 8 1774 8 1745 3 1745 3 1755 5 1755 5 1756 5 1757 5 1757 5 1758 5 1758 5 1758 5 1755 5 1761 6 1772 8 1772 8 1774 8 1773 8 1774 8 1763 6 1746 3 1724 2 1745 3 1723 1 1716 1 1730 2 1742 3 1731 2 1743 3 1753 4 1771 8 1775 8 1762 6 PAGE. 491 11 12 17 504 57 12 154 444 502 243 383 170 180 252 296 18 57 72 205 239 328 352 357 17 210 120 131 182 136 169 343 532 3 166 374 150 327 44 346 51 346 68 237 256 13 90 I.NDICX TO JoiKNAI.S OF lIoUSR OF !\ KPKESKNTATIVES, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. CONTESTED Election, — (conlimicd) : Atkinson . , , 1774— 8: 194 1774 8 200 I5;iiTin<,fl()n , , , . 1774— 8 : 189 1774 8 194 J5.'dlortl . , , , , 17G2 6 256 Chester 1745— 3:116 174.5— 3: lis 1749 4 106 174U— 4 : 108 1749— 4: 113 1749 4 115 1749— 4:118 1749— 4 : 130 1749 4 131 1749— 4 : 138 1774— 8: 190 1774 8 196 Dover • , . 1745— 3:188 1745 3 190 1745— 3 : 193 1745— 3:201 1745 3 202 Dracut . . . 1745— 3:116 1745 3 118 1749— 4 : 130 1749 4 131 Dunstable , , . 1749— 4:144 1762 6 240 1762— 6:241 1762 6 243 Durham . 1755— 5 : 54 1755 — 5: 56 1762 6 247 KxetcT , , 1755 5 54 Ihiinpsteut] 17G2— 6 : 256 1774— 8 : 194 1774 8 200 Haverhill (Mass.) , , . 1745— 3:116 1745 3 118 1749— 4:130 1749— 4:131 1749 4 144 Holies , , . . 1749— 4: 144 1762 6 240 1762— 6:241 1762 6 243 LitohfieUl . , , , , , 1762 6 256 Lomloiulcrry 17G2— G : 239 1768— 7:261 1771 8 107 1772— 8:114 1774— 8:194 1774 8 200 Merrimack , , , . 1749— 4:144 1762 6 256 Alethuen . 1745 3:116 1745 3:118 1749 4 130 1749— 4:131 1749— 4:139 1749 4 144 Monson , , , . 1749— 4: 144 1762 6 266 New Castle 1722— 1:353 1726 2: 51 174> 4 132 Newintrton , . 1745 3:128 1745 3 129 Newinai-kct . 1745 3 : 205 1745 3 219 Nottingham , 1745 3 157 Nottingham West , , . 1749— 4 : 144 1762 6 266 relhaiu . . . 1749— 4:144 1762 6 266 Plaistcnv . 17G2— 6 : 256 1774— 8:194 1774 8 200 Portsmouth 1745— 3:301 1746— 3 : 307 1746 3 311 Rum ford . , . . 1749- 4:120 1749 4 180 1749— 4:131 1749 4 144 , Rye . . . . 1726- 2: 51 1749 4 132 Salem , , 1762 6 256 South Hampton ^ , , 1745 3 116 1745- 3:118 1749- 4 : 106 1749 4 108 1749— 4: 113 1749— 4: 115 1749 4 118 1749— 4 : 130 1749— 4: 131 1749 4 138 Windham . , , . 17GS— 7 : 261 1771 8 107 1774 8 : 194 1774 8 200 CONTESTED Elections: petitions coneoi'iiin a- ■5 * 1775 8 222 CONTINGENCIES : money in treasury for 1743— 3: 73 1757 5 284 1757— 5 : 309 1758— 5:369 1758 5 393 1758— 6 : 396 1758— 5 : 398 1758 5 407 1758— 5 : 420 1758 6:421 1758 5 423 1759— 5 : 498 175'J— 6: 7 1759 6 10 17G0— 6: 91 1761- 6:155 1761 6 166 1701— G : 159 1761^ r6:195 1761 6 196 17G1— 6:214 17G1 — 6:215 1761 6 217 1761— 6:218 1761— 6 : 225 1762 6 256 17G;]— 6:314 1763 6 : 315 1763 f) 317 17G4— 6 : 398 17G4— 6:401 1764 G 402 1764— 6:403 1764— 6:404 1764 6 405 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 91 6 6: 3: 4: 417 434 462 74 1764— 1765— 1747— 1748— 1747— 1763— 419 448 21 75 21 CONTINGENCIES, — {continued) money in treasury for 1764— 1765— CONTOOCOOK : defence of . . . 1744— 1748— petition ..... districted tor tax to return inventory to secretary provisions at . CONTRACTS: private, jiayment of CONTROVERSY : between governor and house from 1749— 4 : 107 to 1752 unhappy, between Great Britain and her colonies . CONVENTION : of commissioners to consult on carrying on the war special, of both houses, on extraordinary affairs 4:291 1760— 6 : 86 1755— 5 : 18 4:205 1746— 1747- 376 453 1756— 5 : 166 1757— 5 : 293 6:300 1746— 1755— 17o6— 1757 — 1762— 380 4 169 295 301 1762- CONVEYANCES (see Deeds) . CONWAY : highway from, to Connecticut river, on the east side of White hills 1772— 1773— 8: 128 8:138 1766— 7: 71 1717— 1:212 inventory ..... CONWAY, General: H. M. secretary- of state . COOK, Elisha : administrator .... COOK, John WAi/rEU, and others : petition ......... COOLING \in Gov. Bcnning Wentwortfi's opinioii] : members need no ... . 1749 — 4 : 150 COOS (see also Great, Lmver and Upper Cohass) : grants of land in 1752— 4 : 266 French fort in, reported . , , , . , 1754— 4:454 1754 4 456 1754— 4:463 1754— 4: 470 English fort should be at . , . • . roads and bridges for . . . roads to . , . . . 1763— 6:341 1763 6 344 1763 6:374 1763 6 375 1763— 6:381 1765— 6 446 1765— 6:453 1768— 7 277 1772— 8:117 1772— 8 129 I'oute of province forces by way of . • COOMBS (see Combs). COPIES (see also Drawing) : of papers, clerk's giving . . . 1745— 3 225 1745— 3 :238 COPP, Samuel: petition .... • • • l-EAK. 1764 1765 1744 1748 1748 1747 1753 1761 1755 1771 1775 1775 1746 1746 1746 1756 1767 1757 1764 1773 1774 1773 1766 1731 1769 1749 1752 1753 1754 1754 1754 1754 1752 1753 1763 1763 1765 1770 1773 1755 1745 1758 1763 VOL. 6 6 3 4 4 4 4 6 5 8 8 3 3 3 5 5 5 6 8 8 8 7 2 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 7 8 5 3 5 PAGE. 426 449 97 67 81 22 292 122 20 101 237 228 348 356 383 163 291 296 383 136 169 160 82 347 316 151 265 358 450 458 472 473 272 329 345 377 451 341 136 10 237 431 364 92 Index to Journals of IIousk or Kepkesentatives, YBAB. VOL. PAOB. COri'S ^: Fuost: petition of . . . • 1760 6 97 rol'VIX(i: allowance for • • • • • 1766 7 103 COKN (see also Indian Corn) : scarcity of, in prospect • . . • • 1746 3 424 CORNFIELDS: rcjjiilated .... • • • ■ • 1718 1 220 COKMSlI: inventor}' .... . 17(is- 7:220 1773 8 159 CORNISH, Captain: of II. M. S. Sterling Castle ■ ■ ■ • > 1757 6 270 1757— 5:271 1758 6 349 CORONERS : office and duty . • • • • ■ 1718 1 220 claim .... • 1753 4 346 service of execution by • ■ • • 1774 8 169 CORPORALS : wages .... ■ • . • ■ 1745 3 216 1756— 5:117 1757— 5:238 1758 5 378 1759— 6 : 4 1761— 6 : 193 1762 6 254 COTTON, John : secretary of congress at N ew York 1766— 7 : 90 1766 7 96 COTTON, Solomon : account .... . 1725— 2: 12t 1729 2 171 COTTON, Timothy : volunteer .... • • • • • 1746 3 403 COTTON. William: house of . • • • • . 1718 1 227 COUNCIL (see also Chaplain, Conference, Governor, Mes- sage, Precedent, also under several members'' names) : Atkinson, Theodore. RindfTc Diuiiel. Barrel], Nathaniel. Kindgc, John. Dennet, Ephraini. Rogers, DanieL Downinj;, John. Sheafe, Sam tson. Elliot. Roijcrt. Sherburne, 1 enry. Frost, John. Shcrl)urM<', I enry, Jr. (Jerrish, Richard. Sherburne, Joseph. Oilman, Peter. Smith, Samuel. Ilunkinjx. Mark. Sdllcy. Samuel. Iluske, Ellis. W alilron, Richard. Jafl'rey, George. Waldron, Thomas Wk. Levins, Peter. \\'allon, Shadrach. Macphedris, Archibald. \\'arner, Daniel. Nevin. James. Warner, Jonathan. Newmarch, Joseph. Wentworth, John. Odiorne, Jotham. Wentworth. .Mark IL Packer. Thomas. Westlmiok. Thomas. Pcnhallow, Samuel. Wibird, RiL-liard. Plaisted, John. members' pay . 171o — 1:122 1727— 2: 6S 1731 2 346 17:51- 2:353 17.35— 2:44!) 17:i7 ** 485 1742— 2 : 628 1742— 2 : (Ji'.l 1712 2 638 1742— 2:640 1742— 2:646 1743 3 74 174.'-> 3:166 1745— 3:175 1745 3 179 174o— 3:195 1745-, 3:108 1753 4 313 i7.-.;5— 4:325 1756— 5: 145 1758 5 381 17.^.8— 5:389 1759— 5:459 1762 6 267 17G2— 6:269 1762— 6:282 1762 6 298 17().^— 7: 28 1765 7: 35 1765 7 39 17G5— 7: 41 176.^,— 7: 46 1769 7 287 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 93 COUNCIL, — {continued) members' paj* . 1769— 1769— 1774— 297 323 203 1769- 1769- 1774- 298 329 205 members' oaths .... members increased .... members' attendance members' pm'chase of Canada stores clerk (see also Secretary) . 1716— 1:166 1717— 1:206 1718— 1:230 1722— 1:330 1724— 2 : 3 1727— 2: 77 1728— 2 : 121 1729— 2 : 158 session, length of, certified rooms for 1728— 2:114 1742— 2 : 623 1735— 2:450 table-cloth for . lieutenant-governor's confidence in object to treasury bill don't give reasons to house to concur or give reasons . COUNCIL-HOUSE (see also Province and Town) : building a . . . COUNCIL OF War : at Louisburg at Alexandria . 1755 — 5 : 3 1755 — 5 at Lake George at New York . COUNTERFEIT (.9ee also Bills of Credit) : bill, clerk ordered to write "counterfeit" on bills burnt ...... money, chai'ges on COUNTERFEITERS (see also Benefit and Money-Makers) 1716— 1716— 1717— 1722— 1723- 1725— 1727— 1728— 1730— 1747— 1773— : 157 :174 :209 :326 :388 18 100 141 308 :507 139 arresting, punishing, etc. 1742— 1755— 1765— COUNTERFEITING : bills, to prevent money, penalty coin, specie, jienalty 1738- 1738- 2: 2: 630 15 449 530 539 1718- 1755— 1758— 1769— 1721— 1738— 1745— 1768— 1773— 1774— 1:231 4:496 5 : 360 7:291 COUNTERPART : of mortgages, delivery COUNTIES (see also their names. Courts, several courts) : Portsmouth and Cumberland, proposed 299 532 562 248 134 165 1754— 4:4U1 and names of 1755— 4:504 proposed . , , , 1760— 6 34 1761— 6 : 141 1761— 6 218 1767— 7 : 139 1767— 7 144 1767— 7 : 153 YEAR. VOL. 1769 7 1 1769 7 1774 8 1728 2 1728 2 1735 2 1742 2 1753 4 1715 1716 1717 1718 1722 1724 1726 2 1727 2 1729 2 1730 2 1742 2 1746 3 1748 4 1773 8 1723 1 1736 2 1756 5 1763 6 1711 1745 1755 1755 1756 1740 1758 1756 1738 1755 1765 1773 1711 1721 1738 1743 1773 1773 1774 1754 1755 1759 1761 1767 1767 1 5 3 254 5 5 5 45 5 74 2 553 5 318 5 172 2 540 4 519 6 443 8 138 1 5 1 302 2 533 3 65 8 136 8 135 8 169 4 6 6 7 7 PAGE. 321 330 209 113 115 445 628 297 129 158 202 223 327 417 48 101 146 319 628 381 83 142 373 469 67 346 403 506 26 145 141 156 94 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, VKAK. VOL. PAGE. COUNTIES, — (continued) : plan for three; Portsmouth, Exeter, Dunstable, shire towns tlioreof . . . 1750— 4:511 1755 4 517 1759 5:478 17(50 6:101 1760 6 102 three proposed 1767 7 142 1767— 7 : 145 1767— 7 : 150 1767 7 161 1767— 7: 152 1767— 7: 154 1767 7 157 1767— 7: 159 1767— 7: 162 1768 7 195 fi)iir i)r()i)osed 1767 — 7 : 133 1767 7 135 1768 7:207 1768— 7:213 1768 7 214 five i)ropose(l 1768 7 230 1769— 7 : 281 1769— 7 : 285 1769 7 286 1769— 7 : 292 1769— 7 : 297 1769 7 302 1769—7:304 1769—7:305 1769 7 306 1769— 7:307 1769— 7:309 1769 7 310 establishino; 1756— 5 : 65 1759— 5 : 458 1759 5 462 1759— 5:465 1759— 5:466 1759 5 477 1759— 5:478 1759— 6: 19 1759 6 21 17,09— 6: 26 1759— 6: 27 1759 6 31 1760- 6: 34 1764— 6:409 1764 6 421 1764— 6 : 422 1766— 7 : 89 1768 7 222 1768— 7 : 229 He.'*— 7 : 241 1768 7 250 1768— 7 : 257 1769— 7 : 2«9 1769 7 291 1769— 7:312 1769— 7:325 1769 7 , 326 1769— 7:329 1769— 7:330 1770 8 ' 15 1771— 8: 76 1771— 8: 79 1773 8 > 152 COUNTY : 1 1 charges, fines, etc. (li(iuor), to defray . 1771 8 109 treasurers to receive fines, etc., for liquor licenses 1771 8 109 1772— 8: 114 1774 8 169 COURT (see Agent and Oreat Britain). COURT OF Admir.vlty : special . "vice" . . COURT OK Appeals (see also Court of Chancerij) : sessions 1716 — 1:188 1752— 4 : 230 1752— 4 : 234 jury at 1728— 2:113 , assertions against, a scandalous libel vote on ........ . conference about ....... scheme drawn up about ...... governor and council as . . . 1772 — 8:122 COURT OF Assize and (Jexekal Gaol Deuveuv (sec also Court of Gaol, etc.) : establishing in two counties ..... sessions, if tlircc counties ..... COURT OF Ciianx'euy (see also Court of Apj^eals) : arbitrary power of, deprecated .... COURT OF CoMMissioxEK-S (see also Commissio7iers, etc.) : on lines 1737— 2 : 497 1737— 2:505 1737— 2:510 papers lodged with clerk of assembly COURT OF GAoiri)ELivEHY (see also Court of Assize, etc.) : ses.sion ......... COURT OF General (^rAKTEK Sessions of the J^ace (see also SessioJi'-' "■"' Quarter) : sessions . 1716—1:188 1726—2: 47 adjourned on account of small-pox .... COl'RT OF General Sessions of the Peace: justices' powers 1770 1774 1717 1752 1728 1728 1728 1728 1728 1773 1755 1755 1728 1737 1737 1742 1716 1730 1747 1752 8 8 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 8 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 14 207 210 235 114 115 116 117 127 155 505 511 114 501 518 640 153 327 490 230 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 95 COURT OF General Sessions of the Peace, — (con- tinued) : establishing in two counties ..... sessions proposed .... 1767 — 7 : 152 1767— 7 : 158 to grant licenses for taverns, subject to limitation 1758— 5 : 421 Grafton county COURT OF Inquiry (see Ehode Island) . COURT of Probates: one in eacli of three counties . COURT OF Supreme Probate : appeals to, time limited . 1758— 5 : 423 COURT-HOUSES : building, etc. 1774^ 8 : 203 1774— 8: 1774— 8: 170 204 1716— 1:159 1716— 1:161 1730— 2:327 1730- 2:330 1737— 2 : 493 1737— 2 : 494 COURTS (see names of the several, also Co7istables, Judges, Processes, Travel, etc.) : establishing . 1718— 1:221 " in two counties " in three counties . •• in counties generally 1743- 3: biS 1768- 1768— 195 241 removing sessions 1768— 7 1768— 1730— 1730— 1716— 1767— 1769— 1769— 1769— 1726— COWS valuation CRAIG, Andrew: Ijetition CRAM, Benjamin: petition CRAM, John : petition CRAM, Thomas: claim CREDIT (see also Bills of quieted 1742— 2 : 651 1727— 2; 1761— 6: 1757— 5: 199 251 332 334 188 162 313 318 321 57 1726— 2: 60 1769— 7:312 1769— 7 : 317 1769— 7 : 320 double juries in both of judicature, value of bills of credit in 1747— 3:483 return of writs and processes in ... . judgments of, payment regulated .... to regulate and alter . . . 1758 — 5 : 311 1758— 5 : 352 1758— 5 : 35G stove for room where held ..... to adjourn by proclamation ..... in Cheshire county .... 177^1 — 8 : in Grafton county 1773— 8 : 137 1773— 8 : in Hillsborough county . . . 1774 — 8 : in Stratford county .... 1773 — 8 : 193 138 193 137 75 122 242 Credit and Book Debts) : . 1715— 1 138 TEAK. VOL. 1755 4 1767 7 1769 7 1758 5 1758 5 1758 5 1773 8 1755 4 1771 8 1774 8 1774 8 1726 2 1737 2 1753 4 1752 4 1755 4 1755 4 1755 5 1768 7 1768 7 1730 2 1734 2 1726 2 1769 7 1769 7 1769 7 1769 7 1726 2 1747 3 1771 8 1771 8 1758 5 1759 6 1770 8 1774 8 1774 8 1773 8 1774 8 1773 8 1728 2 1767 7 1757 5 1747 3 1744 3 1746 3 1716 1 . PAGE. 504 154 311 420 422 430 138 511 70 193 211 47 490 337 244 504 511 37 208 268 333 420 47 293 316 319 330 65 523 96 101 312 27 52 193 204 140 204 140 140 161 243 484 *228 444 143 96 InDUX To .InlltNALS UF lIolSK uF I vKl'KKSENTATIVES, CREDITORS': tlaini on effects of absent or iiljsconil CRKKillTOX, (;r.<>i{(iK: soldiur at Loiiisljiirg . CRl.MHLE, CiiAKLKS: supposed killed, but alive CRIMINALS: execution of, place determined CRISTO {sec Chrvflo). CRlTCilKTT, John: under (apt. Samuel Gerrisli CROCKET, Josiila: V. Daniel Moulton and wife CROFFORD, Thomas [Ckawfokd?] on Cajjtain Tash's roll CROMHIE, John: claim CROMBIE, Joshua: to ajipear . CROMWELL, Samuel : broke jail . CROSBY, Dh. John: account CROSS, Mrs. Elizaheth : claim CROSS, John : suit of, witli John Ilinckes CROTCH : of Merrimack river, way from CROWN Point: foil, expedition, garrison, etc. 1755— 1755 — 1755 — 1755 — 1755— 1755 — 1755 — 1755 — 175-5— 1755 — 1755 — 1755 — 1755— 1755— 175(;— 1756— 175(i— 1756— 1750- 1750— 1756— 1756— 1750- 1756— 175G— 1756— 1756— 1756— J756^ 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 5: 5: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5: 5 : 5: 5: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5: 5: 526 532 535 539 545 2 9 17 21 26 29 32 38 50 67 77 91 99 104 110 113 116 119 123 126 129 135 140 146 r'55- '55- '55- '5.5- 1755- '55- 55- r55- Jor>- "55- 1755- 55- 55- 56- 56- :.>G- 56- 56- 56- 56- :>6- 56- 56 56 56 56 56 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5 : 5 : 5: 5 5 5 5 524 528 533 536 541 565 4 10 18 24 27 30 33 44 57 70 79 92 101 105 111 114 117 121 124 127 130 137 141 147 1753 1717 1 755 1 755 1755 1755 1755 1765 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 YKAK. VOL. PAGE. ding debtors 17 IS 1 220 . 1746— 3:4U6 1746 3 407 • 1745 3 290 17ls~ 1 :22C 1718 1 227 . 1763 6 330 . 1748— 4: 71 174S 4 72 . 1756 131 - 1759 5 498 . 1774 8 194 . 1770— 8 : 15 1771 8 90 . 1723 1 394 . 1728— 2:135 1731 2 355 1712 1 39 329 512 625 631 534 638 542 1 8 11 20 25 28 31 34 45 59 74 90 94 103 107 112 115 118 122 126 128 133 139 142 148 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 97 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. CROWN PoiXT, — {coJitinuecT) : fort, expedition garrison, etc. 1756— 6 : 149 1756— 5: 150 1756 5 152 1756— 5 : 153 1756— 5 : 155 1756 5 157 1756— 5 : 159 1756— 5 : 163 1756 5 165 1756 5 : 168 1756— 5 : 174 1756 5 176 1756— 5 : 178 1756— 5:181 1756 5 189 • 1756— 5 : 190 1756 5:191 1756 5 192 1756— 5 : 193 1756 5:194 1757 195 1757— 5 : 196 1757— 5:197 1757 5 198 1757— 5 : 199 1757— 5:200 1757 5 202 1757— 5 : 203 1757— 5:204 1757 5 205 1757— 5 : 206 1757— 5:207 1757 5 208 1757— 5 : 209 1757— 5:210 1757 5 211 1757— 5 : 215 1757— 5:219 1757 5 225 1757— 5 : 236 1757— 5:237 1757 5 240 1757— 5 : 247 1757 — 5:248 1757 5 251 1757— 5 : 254 1757— 5:268 1757 5 269 1757— 5 : 285 1758— 5:372 1758 5 425 1759— 5 : 482 1759— 5 : 493 1759 6 20 1760— 6: 55 1760 6:103 1760 6 118 1761— 6:194 1763— 6:326 1763 6 332 1763 6 : 360 1763— 6:362 1764 6 404 money • , . 1757 5 214 1757— 5 : 219 1757— 5:224 1757 5 229 1757— 5 : 230 1757— 5:232 1757 5 243 1757— 5:249 1757- 5:250 1757 5 252 1757— 5 : 269 1757 — 5:271 1757 5 273 1757 — 5 : 275 1757— 5:276 1757 5 283 1757— 5 : 309 1758 5:317 1758 5 318 1758— 5 : 326 1758— 5 : 332 1758 5 336 1758 5 : 341 1758 5 : 349 1758 5 350 1758— 5 : 359 1758— 5:366 1758 5 376 1758 5 : 384 1758— 5:391 1758 5 401 1758— 5 : 408 1758— 5:416 1759 5 481 1759— 5 : 482 1759— 5 : 489 1759 5 494 1759— 5 : 496 1759— 5:497 1759 5 499 1759— 6: 4 1759— 6: 7 1759 6 11 1760— 6: 35 1760 6: 39 1760 6 41 1760 6: 43 1760 6: 46 1760 6 47 1760— 6: 48 1760— 6: 51 1760 6 52 1760— 6: 60 1760 6: 61 1760 6 64 1760— 6 : 114 1760 6:115 1761 6 168 1761— 6 : 170 1762— 6:295 1762 6 296 1763— 6 : 310 1763— 6 : 358 1763 6 359 1765 6 : 466 1765 7: 10 1766 7 107 1768— 7 : 186 1768 7:272 1770 7 343 CROYDON : inventory . • « • , , , 1773 8 159 CUBA: and West India expedition 1742 2:627 1742 3 41 CUMBERLAND County": proposed . • ■ • . 1755 4 504 CUMMINGS, Isaac : petition ■ • • , , 1754 4 475 CUMMINGS, Dr. John: account . 1760 6 39 CUMMINGS, JosiAii : petition • ■ ■ . , ^ 1747 3 480 CUMMINGS, JosiAH, AND OTHERS : petition 1747— 4: 29 1747— 4: 30 1748 4 63 13 98 Index to .Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. FAOB. CUM MINGS, Samuel: IK'tition ...... 1747— 3:456 1747 3 458 1747— 3 : 460 1747 3 470 CUllHESON. John: account . 1729 2 146 CURUENX^Y (see also Bills, Coin, Gold, Mediun I, New Yurk, and tMlvcr) : of silver money .... silver and goltl, cstalilishcd 1712 1 67 . 1767 7 128 of bill.s of credit .... 1746 3 346 J taper ...... ui>s— 4:361 1756 5 161 tlepreciation, ullowauee for , , , 1746 3 386 regulated . . 1748— 4: 61 1748 4: 70 1771 8 101 state of the ..... 1764 6 416 CUKKIKK, A.vkon: )etition ...... 1770— 7:340 1770 7 367 CUKKIKK. KiMiKAiM : on Caotain Tash's roll . 1756 5 131 CUKKIKK, Jakkhey: reimbursed for bills burnt in his house , 1765 6 443 CUKKIKK, Jonathan, and otiieks : petition . . 177U— 7 : 339 1770— 7:358 1770 8 2 CURSING (.see also Swearing and Profane] )■■ profane, penalty .... nil— 3 : 496 1747 3 497 1764— 6 : 398 1764— 6:399 1764 6 401 CUSIIING, Thomas : speaker, Massachusetts house of repr esentatives 1774 8 177 CUSTOMS : oflScers, to see embargo observed . . 1711 1 9 CUTT, John : and guardians, petition ' , 1712 1 66 vendue master of excise . 1727— 2: 83 1727 2 88 CUTT, President John : first settlement under 1761 6 186 commission ..... 1775 8 237 CUTT, KiCHAKD, JU. : claim 1744 3 102 CUTT, Samiel : may sell land , 1716 1 160 CUTTKK, Du. Ammi Kuhamah : army surgeon 1755— 4 : 534 1756 6 148 1757— 5:240 1774 8 169 CUTTS, Samuel, and others : petition . . 1765— 7 : 19 1766 7: 92 1766 7 93 memljer , , 1774 8 184 ]77.1_ 8:187 1774— 8:192 1774 8 196 177-1— 8 : 196 1774— 8: 197 1774 8 199 1774_ 8 : 203 1774— 8 : 204 1774 8 206 1771— 8 : 208 1774— 8:210 1774 8 211 1774— 8:212 1774— 8:213 1774 8 214 CYPIIKK : old (sec Bills of Credit). DAI/rON {so: Daullon). DAM, Ki.NATHAN ["Damn"] : under Capt. John (Jilman 1726 2 41 DAM, George: volunteer . . 1716 3 404 DAM, John ["Dame, Dami'.e, Damm"] member 1715— 1 : 124 171; 1 : 126 1715 1716 117 127 Province of ]^ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 99 DAM, John, — {continued) : member . . 1715 — 1 1715— 1 1715— 1 171G— 1 1716— 1 1716— 1 1716— 1 1716— 1 1717— 1 1717— 1 1717— 1 1717— 1 1717— 1 1718— 1 1718— 1 1718— 1 1718— 1 1719— 1 1719— 1 1719— 1 1719— 1 1720— 1 1720— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1721— 1 1722 claim DAM, Jonathan: petition TEAK. I VOL. 128 133 137 141 146 158 168 172 192 196 199 203 206 213 216 223 226 231 235 239 242 249 260 266 272 277 282 287 294 301 308 I— 1:312 1715— 1 : 129 1715— 1:134 1715- 1716 1716 1716 1716 1717 1717 1717 1717 1717 1717 1718 1718 1718 1718 1719 1719- 1719 1720 1720- 1720- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1721- 1722 138 142 147 163 169 1:190 — 1:193 1:197 :200 :204 :210 1:214 1:217 1:224 1:229 1 : 232 1 1 1 :236 ;240 :243 ;253 :262 1:267 1:273 1:278 1 : 283 1 1 1 1 1: :291 :295 :303 ;309 '.— 1 : 324 1768— 7 : 215 1721— 1:269 8:136 account .... DAM, William : member .... DAMAGES : bv horses, to prevent DAME,''Theophilus : guardian of Benjamin Odiorne's children 1773 DAMNING (see also Mittimtis) : general assembly, William Randall committed for DAMS : at Winipeseoke ...... obstructing fish, removed DANIELS, Benjamin : deserter ........ DANIELS, Lieut. Eliphalet : prison-keeper . 1755— 5 1766— 7 DANIELS, Pelatiah : petition DARTMOUTH : highway through 55 54 1769— 7 : 296 1747— 3 : 484 1755— 5 : 57 1766— 7: 96 1772— 8 : 118 1760— 6 : 110 1769— 7 : 291 1715 1715 1716 1716 1716 1716 1716 1717 1717 1717 1717 1717 1717 1718 1718 1718 1718 1719 1719 1719 1720 1720 1721 1721 1721 1721 1721 1721 1721 1721 1721 1722 1747 1768 1768 1771 1732 1760 1773 1754 1766 1767 1761 1747 1756 1768 1772 1761 1770 7 8 2 6 8 4 7 7 3 5 7 8 6 7 PAGE. 132 135 140 144 151 167 170 191 194 198 201 205 211 215 219 225 230 233 237 241 244 259 263 268 276 280 286 292 300 305 310 325 485 191 216 95 376 81 139 395 86 116 199 491 63 192 128 148 341 100 Indkx tu Journals of House of Uepresentatives, YBAB. VOL. PAGE. nARTMOT^TII COTXKGE : liappily estiiblisheil .... 1770— 7 : 337 1770 7 341 grant to , • 1770 8 35 encouraf^enicul to . . . , , , 1770 8 44 reconimciulcd to favorable consideration , 1771 8 76 1771— 8: 77 1771 — 8: 79 1771 8 111 grant to president of 1773— 8 : 139 1773 8 143 Karl of Dartmouth, its "nursing father" . , , 1773 8 140 new building, grant for . . 1773— 8:152 1773 8 155 distinct parish at . . . . . 1771 8 94 liiirlnvav from, to Wolfeborough , 1771 8 102 DAKTMblill, Kaklok: his majesty's secretai7 of state . . 1773 8 139 1773 8:140 1774 8 ISO DAULTON, Caleb : "deserter," balance stopt , « 1758 5 333 mistake concerning, corrected . , , 1758 5 387 DAVIDSON, Tii(»MAS: seeks his son's wages , • 1764 6 415 DAVIS, AmcuL: account , . « 1761 6 221 DAVIS, Benjamin : deserter , . a 1722 1 316 under Captain Lovewell . • 1763 6 331 DAVIS, Bkyant : sentinel under Captain Clement , • s 1753 4 348 DAVIS, Eleazer: allowance for .... . , a 1726 2 30 V. M. Hunking Wentworth , . 1772 8 121 DAVIS, Ei-iiKAiM : claim • 1748 4 Go DAVIS, James : member . 1715 — 1 117 1715— 1:122 1715 124 1715— 1 126 1715— 1:127 1716 128 171.5— 1 129 1715— 1:130 1716 131 1715— 1 132 171.5— 1:133 1716 134 1715— 1 135 1715— 1:136 1716 137 1715— 1 138 1716— 1:140 1716 141 1710— 1 151 1716— 1:157 1716 158 171G 1 159 1716— 1:161 1716 163 1710- 1 164 1716— 1:166 1716 167 1710- 1 168 1716— 1:169 1716 170 171(3— 1 172 1716— 1 : 173 1716 174 1716— 1 177 1716— 1:178 1716 179 1716— 1 180 1716— 1:182 1716 183 1716— 1 184 171f,— 1:185 1717 190 1717— 1 191 1717— 1:192 1717 193 1717— 1 194 1717— 1:195 1717 196 1717— 1 197 1717— 1:198 1717 199 1717— 1 200 1717— 1:201 1717 202 1717— 1 203 1717— 1:204 1717 205 1717— 1 206 1717— 1:209 1717 210 1717— 1 211 1718 1:212 1718 213 171.H— 1 214 171.S— 1:215 1718 216 171.S 1 217 171.H_ 1:218 1718 219 171S— 1 222 171.S-^ 1:223 1718 224 17is_ 1 225 1718— 1:226 1719 233 1711»— 1 234 1719— 1:236 1719 236 171'.!- 1 237 1719— 1:239 1719 240 171K— 1 241 1719— 1:242 1720 243 172f)— 1 244 1720— 1:259 1720 260 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 101 YEAR. VOL, PAGE. DAVIS, James, — {continued) : member . 1720— 1:262 1721— 1:264 1721 265 1721— 1:266 1721— 1:268 1721 272 1721— 1:273 1721— 1:276 1721 278 1721— 1 : 280 1721— 1:282 1721 283 1721— 1:284 1721— 1:286 1721 287 1721— 1:292 1721— 1:294 1721 295 1721— 1:297 1721— 1:298 1721 300 1721— 1:306 1721— 1 : 309 1722 310 1722— 1:312 1722— 1:313 1722 314 1722— 1:317 1722— 1:318 1722 319 1722— 1:320 1722— 1:321 1722 322 1722— 1:323 1722— 1:324 1722 326 1722— 1:327 1722— 1 : 330 1722 335 1722— 1:339 1722— 1:342 1722 343 1722— 1:344 1722— 1:345 1722 346 1722— 1:348 1722— 1:351 1722 353 1722— 1:354 1722— 1 : 355 1722 356 1722— 1:360 1722— 1:361 1722 366 1722— 1:367 1723 1 : 373 1723 375 1723 1 : 377 1723— 1:379 1723 381 1723— 1:382 1723 1 : 383 1723 384 1723— 1:387 1723— 1 : 388 1723 389 1723— 1:390 1723— 1:391 1723 393 1723 1 : 396 1723 1 : 397 1723 398 1723— 1:399 1723— 1:400 1723 402 1723 1 : 404 1723 1 : 405 1723 406 1723— 1:408 1723— 1:410 1724 413 1724— 1:426 1724— 1:431 1724 2 1 1724— 2: 8 1724— 2: 9 1725 2 14 1725 2: 15 1725— 2: 21 1725 2 22 1725— 2: 23 1726— 2 : 33 1726 2 39 1726— 2: 45 1726— 2: 50 1726 2 55 1726— 2 : 59 1726— 2: 63 1727 2 67 1727— 2: 74 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 84 1727— 2 : 87 1727— 2 : 94 1731 2 343 petition , 1754— 4 : 421 1755— 4:548 1755 4 549 DAVIS, John : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish • • • 1763 6 330 DAVIS, Jonathan : ai-ms delivered to • • • • • • « 1757 5 228 DAVIS, Love : petition ■ > • • 1766— 7 : 60 1766 7 64 DAVIS, Moses: to appear . «... 1766 7 61 DAVIS, Moses, Deliverance, and Aaron : estates divided . 1766— 7 : 66 1766— 7 : 77 1767 7 147 DAVIS, Samuel : in service under Capt. Job Clement • • • 1753 4 348 DAVIS, Capt. Samuel : petition • • • 1763 6 355 DAVIS, Thomas : member . 1745— 3 : 184 1745— 3 : 185 1745 3 187 1745— 3 : 188 1745— 3 : 190 1745 3 193 1745— 3:203 1745— 3 : 204 1745 3 205 1745— 3:215 1745— 3 : 218 1745 3 221 1745— 3:222 1745— 3 : 223 1745 3 235 1745— 3:236 1745— 3 : 241 1745 3 243 174.5— 3 : 245 1745— 3 : 247 1745 3 248 1745— 3:250 1745— 3 : 255 1745 3 262 1745— 3 : 267 1745— 3:303 1746 3 310 102 Index to Journals of TTorsE of Represkntatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. DAVIS, Thomas, — {conlimied) : member . . 1746— 3:31!) 1746— 3 : 321 1746 3 322 1746— 3:324 1746— 3 : 325 1746 3 327 17.|(;_ 3:32.S 1746— 3:331 1746 3 338 1746— 3:843 1746- 3 : 349 1746 3 355 1746— 3:366 1746— 3 : 368 1746 3 377 1746— 3:381 1746 3 : 389 1746 3 403 1746— 3:408 174i;— 3 : 435 1746 3 436 1747— 3:453 1747— 3:467 1747 3 475 1747— 3:476 1747— 3:477 1747 3 ♦481 1747— 3:485 1747- 3 : 486 1747 3 4H7 1747— 4 : 2 1747— 4: 22 1747 4 23 1747— 4 : 50 1747— 4: 58 1748 4 76 1748— 4 : 78 1748 4: 93 1749 4 100 1749— 4:112 1749— 4:121 1749 4 122 1749— 4:124 1749— 4 : 153 1749 4 163 1749— 4:164 1750— 4: 10 1750 4 183 1751— 4: 9 1752— 4:216 1752 4 263 1752— 4:267 1752— 4 : 276 1752 4 380 1753— 4 : 365 1753— 4 : 38 1 1754 4 406 1754— 4:471 1754— 4 : 552 1755 4 549 1755 — 4 : 550 175.>- 4 : 558 1755 4 570 1755 — 4:673 1755— 5: 1755 6 8 1755— 5: 10 1755— 5: 15 1755 5 16 1755— 5: 22 1755— 5: 3.S 1755 5 41 muster-roll .... 1724— 2 : 12 1725 2 tl2 1747— 4 : 25 1748— 4: 80 1753 4 363 V. William Jenkins 1764— 6 : 412 1764— 6:422 1765 7 12 DAVIS, Timothy : petition ..... 1716 1 184 account . 1727— 2: 99 1727— 2:107 1728 2 142 DAY, Elkanaii : petition . 1773 8 149 DEAN, Thomas: claim ..... 1721 — 1 : 290 1757 6 269 DEARBOliN, Auhaiiam: claim ..... . , 1758 5 377 DEARBORN, John, and otiieks : petition 1742— 2:649 1742 2 650 D'EARBORN, Joseph : petition . . 1740— 2:552 1740— 2 : 501 1740 2 563 DEARBORN, Levi: petition presented by • 1758 6 440 DEARBORN. Shli!AL: volunteer ..... , , , 1746 3 404 DEARBORN, SiMEO^f : surveyor ..... , , , 1764 6 406 DEATH : * of a party, not to aljate writs . , , 1765 7 15 1765— 7: 16 1766 7 17 DEATHS ["/?2/na/s"]: registration 1714— 1: 7.S 1727 2 104 1727— 2:107 1727 2 108 DEBASING (see also Diminishing) : coin, to prevent .... 1774— 8:105 1774 8 169 DEBENTrRES (sec also Members, list) : • 1 of members . 1711 — 1 : 17 1712— 1: 36 , 1712 37 1712- 1: 46 1712— 1: 47 ! 1712 67 1712— 1: 58 1713— 1: 67 : 1713 72 1714— 1: 73 1714— 1: 91 1714 95 1717— 1 : 204 1717— 1 : 205 1717 1 211 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 103 DEBENTURES, — (continued) : of members . 1718— 1 : 223 1718— 1 : 229 1719— 1 : 239 1720— 1 : 213 1720— 1:262 1721— 1:277 1721— 1:291 1721— 1:295 1721— 1 : 307 1721— 1 : 308 1722— 1:339 1722— 1:318 1722— 1 : 372 1721— 1 : 431 1725— 2: 20 1726— 2: 49 1727— 2 : 93 1756— 5 : 86 DEBTORS (see also Prisons, escapes) : absent or absconding; creditors' claim on ettects of DEBTS (see also Book, Mcditmi, Prisonci's, and Treasurer) : province or government, paid, recovered, etc. 1711— 1715— 1: 98 1717— 1:202 1723— 1:379 1723— 1:382 1734— 2 : 409 1734— 2:417 1734— 2:430 1736— 2:467 1740— 2 : 544 1742— 2:620 1742— 2:635 1753— 4:361 1765— 7: 6 lands made liable to pay . and mutual demands, set off . small, recovery of . DECKER, David : volunteer ..... DECLARATION {see also Oaths and War) : . of William Stanwood De DIESKAU, Baron : army of, defeated DEED: fraudulent, set aside DEEDS {see also Records and Recorder) : of conveyance, recorded . DEER: killing unseasonably, to prevent . 1733 — 1734— 2:404 1746— 1758— 5 : 347 1758— act to be sent to certain towns . DEERFIELD (see also Nottimjham, 8. W. i^arish) : sherifl' in, eased ..... 1714— 1716— 1722— 1723— 1727— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1737— 1740— 1742— 1747— 1765— 1765— 1714— 1765— 1765— 1770— 6 74 144 352 380 95 2:413 2:419 432 478 554 623 32 455 7 2 2: 2: 2: 4: 6: 7: 1: 7 : 7 : 8: mventory . . 1767- meeting-liouse tax . petitioners from land tax . petition highway tax South, distinct parish DEFAMATION : action for . DEFAULT : in jurors, to prevent 161 1768- 77 16 34 47 1760— 6 : 103 1766— 7 : 66 381 314 351 220 1774— 8: 166 TEAR. VOL. 1719 1 1720 1 1721 1 1721 1 1722 1 1722 1 1724 1 1727 2 1756 5 1718 1 1711 1 1713 1 1714 2 1716 1 1723 1 1723 1 1733 2 1734 2 1734 2 1735 2 1737 2 1740 2 1742 ■2 1747 4 1765 7 1765 7 1718 1 1765 7 1765 7 1771 8 1746 3 1746 3 1755 5 1760 6 1766 7 1734 2 1758 5 1758 5 1773 8 1767 7 1773 8 1770 7 1770 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1770 8 1714 1 PAGE. 231 *253 278 303 327 366 434 86 97 220 3 67 83 169 376 381 380 415 425 453 520 556 625 37 4 166 220 17 35 60 404 418 44 109 70 401 345 356 142 123 157 347 8 140 148 167 192 53 77 104 Index tu Journals of House of Representatives, TBAB. VOL. PAGE. DEFECTS {seeAjyptnls). DEKKNCE {sec Colonks, Frontiers, and Oovernmc7it, also names of towns, rti"c?>, etc.). DELAFAY, Ciiaules : royal secretary of state . • > , 1721 1 279 DELANCY, LiKLTENANT-GOVEUNOH (N. Y.y. letter from .... . 1754— 4 : 454 1755 5 25 DELINQUENTS : ill inipressinn: men, punished . . , 1758 5 415 in .settling accounts with the treasurer, sued . 1760 6 103 DEMANDS {sec also Debts) : against intestate estates, time of makinjr, limited . 1774 8 209 DEN BO, Clkment: had small-pox .... . , ^ 1761 6 206 DENBU, Elijah : petition . 1760 6 57 DENBO, IciiAi50i>: to x'evivc a suit .... . 1707- 7:130 1767 7 146 DENBOW, Salatiiiel : claim . 1714— 1: 41 1737 2 485 petition . 1730— 2:331 1742 2 638 1742— 2 : G41 1745— 3:269 1745 3 275 DENNET, Ei'iiKAiM ["Denet, Den ett, Dennett, Denit, Dennit, Dennitt, Denick, Dennick" ]: member, clerk, councilor , ^ 1717 190 1717— 1 191 1717— .192 1717 193 1717— 1 194 1717— :196 1717 197 1717— 1 198 1717— :199 1717 200 1717— 1 201 1717— 203 1717 204 1717- 1 2(J5 1717— :206 1717 210 1717— 1 211 1717— 212 1717 213 1717— 1 214 1718 215 1718 216 17 LS— 1 217 1718— 219 1718 223 17 IS— 1 224 171,S— 225 1718 220 1718— 1 229 1718— 230 1719 231 1719— 1 233 1719 234 1719 235 1719— 1 236 1719— 239 1719 240 1719- 1 241 1719 — 242 1720 243 1720— 1 244 1720— 249 1720 250 1720 1 253 1720— 259 1720 200 1720— 1 202 1721— 263 1721 200 1721— 1 2G7 1721— 268 1721 270 1721— 1 271 1721— 272 1721 270 1721— 1 278 1721— 280 1721 281 1721— 1 282 1721— 283 1721 280 1721— 1 291 1721— 292 1721 294 1721— 1 295 1721— 297 1721 298 1721— 1 300 1721 — 301 1721 303 1721- 1 305 1721— 305* 1721 308 1721— 1 309 1722— 310 1722 312 1722— 1 313 1722— 314 1722 315 1722— 1 317 1722— 318 1722 319 1722— 1 320 1722— 321 1722 322 1722— 1 324 1722— 326 1722 1 327 1722— 1 330 1722— 335 1722 339 1722— 1 342 1722-?- 343 1722 345 1722— 1 340 1722— 348 1722 349 1722- 1 351 1722— 353 1722 354 1722— 1 355 1722— 356 1722 357 1722— 1 359 1722— 360 1722 301 1722— 1 367 1722— 368 1722 309 Province of New Hampsuire, 1711-1775. 105 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. DENNET, Ephraim, — (continued) : member, clerk, councilor 1722— 1 : 371 1722— 1:372 1723 373 1723— 1:375 1723— 1:377 1723 379 1723— 1:381 1723— 1:382 1723 383 1723— 1:384 1723 1 : 387 1723 389 1723— 1:391 1723— 1:392 1723 393 1723— 1:396 1723— 1:397 1723 399 1723 1 : 400 1723— 1:402 1723 408 1723— 1:410 1723— 1:412 1724 413 1724— 1:426 1724— 1:429 1724 430 1724— 1:432 1724— 1 : 433 1724 434 1724 2 : 1 1724— 2: 3 1724 2 4 1724— 2: 6 1724- 2: 8 1724 2 *12 1725— 2: 12t 1725— 2: 13 1725 2 15 1725 2: 19 1725— 2: 21 1725 2 22 1725— 2: 23 1725— 2: 24 1725 2 27 1726 2: 32 1726— 2: 33 1726 2 34 1726— 2: 38 1726— 2: 39 1726 2 45 1726 2: 46 1726— 2: 50 1726 2 63 1726 2: 55 1726— 2: 59 1726 2 60 1726— 2: 63 1726— 2: 66 1727 2 67 1727— 2 : 69 1727— 2: 73 1727 2 74 1727— 2 : 76 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 82 1727— 2: 84 1727— 2: 86 1727 2 87 1727— 2: 93 1727— 2: 94 1727 2 98 1727— 2 : 100 1727— 2 : 105 1727 2 106 1727— 2:107 1727— 2 : 108 1727 2 109 1728 2:110 1728 2:113 1728 2 117 1728— 2:121 1728— 2 : 122 1728 2 125 1728— 2:128 1728 2:131 1728 2 133 1728 2 : 134 1728— 2 : 135 1728 2 137 1728— 2 : 138 1728— 2:139 1728 2 142 1729— 2 : 143 1729— 2 : 145 1729 2 149 1729— 2:151 1729— 2 : 152 1729 2 153 1729 2 : 155 1729— 2 : 164 1729 2 165 1729— 2 : 107 1729— 2 : 169 1729 2 170 1730 2 : 173 1730— 2 : 174 1730 2 307 1730 2 : 319 1730— 2:332 1732 2 377 1733— 2:379 1733— 2:381 1733 2 382 1734— 2 : 401 1734— 2:403 1734 2 424 1735— 2:439 1735— 2 : 445 1736 2 458 1737— 2:478 1737— 2:494 1737 2 510 1737— 2:521 1738— 2 : 533 1738 2 536 1740- 2:549 1740— 2:562 1740 2 565 DENT, John : soldier . . 1746— 3 : 330 1756— 5 : 131 1757 5 215 1757— 5 : 285 1759— 6: 18 1759 6 24 De PAIBAS, Rowland [Pays Bas?] : petition . 1764— 6 : 392 1764 ;;97 DEPOSITIONS (see also Intelligence) : about ships on Cape Sable shores • • > • 1746 3 ■122 of Captain Bennet . • • • . 1747 3 499 DEPRECIATION : of cun-ency and money, allovvauce for . 1746 .'> 386 174G— 3:443 1757 5 285 DEPUTY Secuetaky (see Secretary). DERRY [LoNDONDEKin?] : application from resident of ■ ■ • . 1759 5 498 DERRY FIELD: classed for excise . 1752— 4:239 1 755 4 510 14 106 Indkx to Journals of PIouse of Rei»rksi:ntativi:s, YEAU. vol.. PAOE. DERRYFIELl), — {continued) : iiivfiitory . . 1753 — 1:294 1760— 6: S(i 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 176S— 7:21.s 1773 8 158 petition (wt alsu Ilujiiways) . I7r):{— 4 : 322 1753 4 353 1754— 4 : 398 1766 7 74 petitidiu'i' froti) .... 1764— 6:413 1766 7 91 gu;inli;ui fnuii ..... , , 1765 7 42 iinnual meetinjj^ vacated . • , 1766 7 93 Colias Inook fishery 1754— 4 : 443 1773 8 152 1773— 8 : 155 1774 8 193 DESKHTKUS : punishment, etc., of , , , 1718 1 225 1722— 1:316 1747— 3 : 452 1755 6 25 1756— 5 : 153 1757— 5 : 215 1757 5 267 1760— 6: 54 1761— 6 : 203 1771 8 75 named , • • 1722 1 315 1758— 5 : 333 1758— 5 : 334 1758 5 335 1758— 5:370 1758— 5 : 377 1758 5 379 1758— 5 : 383 1758— 5 : 387 1758 5 397 1761— 6:162 1761— 6 : 163 1761 6 199 1761— 6:201 17G1— 6 : 223 1761 6 224 1762— 6 : 270 1762— 6:274 1773 8 137 allowances, supplies, etc., to . , . 1722 1 362 1765 6 : 455 1765 7 17 number noted . 1757— 5 : 197 1757— 5 : 199 1757 6 200 1757— 5:202 1757— 5:203 1757 6 204 1757— 5 : 209 1761— 6:192 1762 6 262 DESPATCHES (sec also Expresses) : allowance for . . . . , , , 1758 6 421 DETAINER {see Entry). DETERMINATION: of Earl of Loudon .... , . 1757 5 227 DETROIT : Indians about 1764 6 385 DEVERSON, John: invalid .soldier . 1746— 3:307 1746— 3:308 1746 3 343 DEVONSHIRE, LoKU Justice: instructions by , • 1721 1 279 DICE {see Cards). DIET : allowance for , , , 1747 3 479 DIFFERENCE {see Motiey). DIFFERKXCES: determined by arbitration 1771— 8: 93 1773 8 142 DIFFICULT CiucLMSTANCES {see also Distresses) : su;;;j:('st appointing Fast day . , , 1746 3 424 I)LMINISHIN(i {see also Debasing and Utterin;/) : money, penalty .... 1768— 7:248 1773 8 136 Dir-NETS: eatcliing bass by, to pi'event , . 1757 5 221 DISCOVERY of tlie country, appropriation for . , 1744 3 80 men to be kejjt marching upon , , , 1744 3 102 DISOBEDIENCE: to (tllicers at military stations, penalty , , 1712 1 45 DISORDERS {.^ee also Difectious and Pestilential) f in tlie night, to prevent 1711 1: 77 1755 4 512 in lieensi'd liouses- .... 1716— 1 : 141 1716 1 1.50 in taverns, etc., to supi)ress . , 1761 f) i;w November 5, to prevent . , , 1768 7 276 1771— 8: 62 1771 8 64 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 107 DISORDERS,— (cowfowMed) : December 25, to prevent . in Boston . . . , . DISORDERLY IIekjiit : of major ])art of Stratham DISPUTE : between Great Britain and her pitch of ... . DISSENT : of meml^ers, entered 1716— 1 1721— 1 1728— 2 1740— 2 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 : 1745— 3 : 1746— 3 : 1747— 3 : 1747— 3 ; 1752— 4: 1752— 4 : 1754— 4 : 1755— 4 : 1757— 5 : DISSOLUTIONS (see also Assembly) : of assembly, commented on DISTANCES (see also Members, list) : nil— S: 62 colonies, alarming 188 287 141 548 201 205 233 300 394 452 499 227 276 413 532 219 1716— 1719— 1722— 1729— 1740— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1752— 1754— 1755 — 1756— 1757— 166 242 312 153 558 202 217 234 311 3:417 3:481 4: 58 4:268 YEAR. 397 506 87 244 1735— 2 : 443 allowed members for mileage 1745— 1759— 203 515 1748— 4: 95 DISTEMPER (see also Small-Pox) : in Boston to prevent spread of infectious DISTRACTED (see Idiots). DISTRESS : signal of, upon Boon Island 1754— 4 : 417 DISTRESSES (see also Difficult, Labyrinth, Melancholy, Perplex'd, Ruin, Uncomfortable, Unhappy, and Unjust) : of the distressed, increased DISTRESSED : condition of the province . cii'cumstances of the province . DISTRESSING : his majesty's enemies circumstances of volunteers DISTRIBUTION : equal, of insolvent estates DISTRICT : proper, of fort Dummer, defined .... DISTRICTS (see also Excise, Taxes, and names of towns) : assessment of taxes in ..... . regulated 1742— 2:637 to have town powers, etc. ..... to provide moggusons and snow-shoes 1744 — 3 : 108 DIVERS, William : account ......... DIVORCE (see also Separation) : Martha Langdon Barrell frorri William 1765 — 7: 43 1765— 7: 49 1766— 7: 68 1718- 1:230 1771 1747 1746 1775 1716 1720 1722 1729 1744 1745 1745 1745 1746 1746 1747 1748 1752 1754 1755 1756 1759 1735 1758 1759 1730 1748 1754 1754 1749 1749 1756 1745 1746 1745 1745 1727 1744 1746 1745 1726 1765 1766 VOL. 8 4 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 5 5 2 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 7 7 PAGE. 109 24 427 223 168 250 339 168 96 204 224 237 390 421 489 73 269 409 528 104 29 454 434 519 173 99 416 424 161 127 108 270 305 247 165 75 97 389 113 56 48 69 108 Tndkx to Journals of House of Rkpresentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAOE. inVOWCK.— (nmdnitol) : William HariL-li fnmi Martlia Langdon . 1766 7 69 UM— 7: SI 1766— 7: 90 1767 7 143 f:iiz:il)clh barter from VeU'V . \ . . . 1770 7 346 (tri't'uwootl C'aipi'iilcr from Sarali Lcatlicrs 1770 s 45 1771— H: 77 1771 8 87 Aim Foss liom Zacliariali . . 1767 — 7:158 1767 7 159 1767— 7:162 1767— 7:163 1767 7 164 ,J — 1:111 1715 1 116 1715— 1: 117 1716— 1:173 1717 1 190 1722— 1 : 326 1722— 1 : 330 1723 1 414 1724- 1:426 1726— 2: 36 1726 2 39 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 109 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. DOVER, — (continued) : repi-esentatives 1727 — 2 : 100 1727— 2 : 101 1727 2 104 1728— 2:121 1730— 2:307 1731 2 335 1732— 2:376 1734— 2:397 1734 2 422 1735— 2:433 1736 2 : 457 1737 2 475 1738— 2:532 1739— 2:542 1739 2 543 1742— 2:610 1745 3:115 1745 3 184 1745— 3 : 185 1745 3 : 187 1745 3 188 1745 3:190 1745— 3:193 1745 3 201 1745— 3:202 1745 3 : 203 1745 204 1745— 3 : 262 1746— 3 : 368 1747 4 2 1748 4 : 4 1749— 4:100 1749 4 104 1749— 4:111 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 6 1751— 4: 9 1752— 4:216 1752 4 380 1753— 4 : 384 1753— 4:386 1754 4 552 1755 4 : 658 1755 5 : 1755 5 41 1755— 5 : 43 1755 5 : 258 1756 5 95 1756— 5 : 260 1756— 5 : 515 1757 5 264 1757— 5:506 1758 5 : 434 1758 5 436 1758 5 : 512 1759— 6 : 228 1760 6 230 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6:458 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 126 1767— 7 : 182 1768 7 350 1769— 7 : 352 1770— 7:354 1770 8 Pl 1771— 8: 2p 1771— 8 : 105 1772 8 115 1773 8:144 1774_. 8 : 164 1774 8 170 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8 : 187 1775 8 218 meeting-house 1715 1 : 101 1715 1 103 taverns ...... • • • 1715 1 135 bounds pei-ambulated . 1715 1 136 surveyed ...... 1743— 3: 70 1744 3 76 head-line • • • 1760 6 47 selectmen to apjjear .... ■ • • 1715 1 124 1731— 2:341 1735— 2:444 1748 4 84 1755 4 : 516 1755 4 : 529 1761 6 123 1768 7 : 187 1768— 7 : 204 1770 8 42 proprietor* to appear • 1772 8 121 selectmen to care for John Buss • • • 1718 1 225 courts . . 1716— 1:188 1726 2: 60 1730 2 327 court-house and prison • • • 1726 2 47 receiver of boarc s at • • ■ 1721 1 286 exempted from penalty relating to grammar school 1722 1 345 Quakers exempted from tax • • • 1761 6 131 highway fi'om, to Winipissokee pond 1722— 1 : 317 1722 1 325 Hilton's Point gateway • . • 1731 2 341 highway fi'om, to Cohas . 1763— 6:345 1773 8 136 bridges . 1723 1 394 1723 1:411 1756— 5 : 172 1756 5 173 1760— 6: 76 1760— 6: 79 1760 6 83 1760— 6 : 84 1770— 8: 41 1771 8 57 1771— 8: 58 1771— 8 : 69 1771 8 90 1772— 8 : 123 1772— 8:127 1772 8 128 petition . . 1722— 1:343 1756 5:173 1760 6 35 petitioners from .... • ■ • 1755 5 52 1757— 5 : 269 1764— 6:412 1765 6 441 1765— 6 : 444 1765— 6:446 1765 6 447 northeast end, petition 1729— 2 : 145 1729 2 149 1729— 2 : 155 1729— 2:166 1729 2 171 west end, petition .... • • • 1743 3 48 1743— 3: 69 1743 3: 70 1744 3 106 1754— 4 : 404 1754— 4 : 405 1754 4 422 11<» Indkx to Juuunals of IIousk of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAOB. I n)\ Eli,— (^cvntinucd) : west end, petition 17.0 1 — 4 : 448 1754— 4:449 1765 4 667 Avesl, or iifw parisli [Maill uivl erccU'd . 17.55 4 570 Miulhiiiyronslitiitcil i'mni \Vf>t part of 17G8— 7:229 1768 7 269 firing guns in, restricted . • • • 1724 1 419 lands, entail df>cked . . 172G 2: 37 1726 2 38 lanils, valued < ■ • • 1728 2 136 old granttid land iti . • • • • 1734 2 428 estate in, seltleil > . . ■ 1765 7 12 trade valuation in • • • • 1728 2 140 supjjlies distributed at {sec also Gage, John) 1746— 3:379 1746 3 380 express to . . . , > • ■ • 1747 3 479 Somersworth set olV from , • • • • 1748 4 91 classed for excise . . 1752— 4:238 1755 4 510 inventory . . 17.j;3 — 4 : 293 1760— 6 : 86 1761 6 122 17G7— 7:160 1768— 7:219 1773 8 167 small-pox in . , . 1761— G:198* 1761 6 202 parish meeting . , . 1762— 6 : 257 1762 6 258 17G2— G:2G6 1762— 6:268 1762 6 271 17132— G : 272 1762— 6:282 1762 6 298 bills burnt in house at , ■ • ■ ■ 1765 6 436 persons from, arrest counterfeiters 1765 6 443 sundry inhabitants, grant to • • • • 1772 8 129 DOW, AlIKAM : petition .... , . 1761— 6 : 142 1761 6 147 DOW, Ki.U'HAZ: allowance for apprehending • • • • 1755 4 497 allowance for . , • ■ • ■ 1755 4 673 DOW, Jai'.i: z : member . . 1715 — 1:117 1715— 1:121 1715 1 128 DOW, JlCHEMIAII: invalid volunteer , • • • • 1746 3 330 DOW, Jonathan : children of, guardian relieved . . 17G5 7: 49 1766 7 93 DOW, Petek : on Captain Tash's roll , • > • • 1756 6 131 DOWER : assignment of, facilitated . . 1714 1 77 DOWNING, -John : member and coimcilor , . 1715— 1: 96 1715 1 97 171o— : 99 1715— 1 : 100 1715 1 101 1715 :102 1715— 1:103 1715 1 104 1715— : 110 171.5— 1:111 1715 1 112 1715— :116 1716— 1:174 1716 1 177 1716— :178 1716— 1:179 1716 1 180 171G— :182 1716— 1:183 1716 1 184 1710— .185 171G— 1:186 1716 1 187 171G— 188 1716— 1:189 1722 1 326 1722— .327 1722— 1:330 1722 1 335 1722— 339 1722— 1 : 342 1722 1 343 1722— 345 1722— 1:346 1722 1 348 1722— 349 1722— 1:.S51 1722 1 363 1722— 354 1722— 1:355 1722 1 356 1722— 357 1722— 1 : 3.59 1722 1 367 1722— 369 1723-, 1 : 373 1723 1 375 172:3— 377 1723— 1:379 1723 1 .381 1723— 382 1723— 1:383 1723 1 384 1723— 387 172.3— 1:389 1723 1 391 1723— 393 172:3— 1:396 1723 1 397 1723— 399 1723 1:400 1723 , 1 i 402 Province of New Haj IPSHIRE, 1711- 1775. 111 TEAE. 1 VOL. 1 PAGE. DOWNING, John, — {continued) : member and councilor 1723 1 : 405 1723— 1:406 1723 1 ! 408 1733 1 : 410 1724— 1:413 1724 1 426 1724— 1:432 1724— 1:433 1724 2 1 1725 2: 12* 1725 2: 13 1725 2 16 1725 2: 21 1725— 2: 22 1725 2 23 1726— 2: 29 1726— 2: 34 1726 2 39 1726— 2 : 45 1726— 2: 50 1726 2 55 1726— 2: 59 1726— 2 : 63 1726 2 67 1726 2: 74 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 87 1727— 2 : 93 1727— 2: 94 1728 2 121 1728— 2 : 125 1728 2 : 128 1728 2 131 1728— 2 : 134 1728 2:139 1729 2 143 1729— 2 : 145 1729— 2 : 151 1729 2 155 1729— 2 : 164 1729— 2 : 165 1729 2 169 1730— 2 : 173 1730— 2 : 174 1730 2 307 1743— 3 : 53 1743 3: 56 1743 3 58 1744— 3: 90 1745— 3 : 124 1744 3 129 1745 3 : 130 1745 3 : 138 1745 3 147 1745— 3 : 149 1745 3 : 151 1745 3 i 154 1745— 3 : 159* 1745— 3 : 168 1745 3 177 1745— 3 : 178 1745 3:213 1745 3 214 1745— 3:235 1745— 3:300 1746 3 322 1746— 3 : 328 1746 3 : 334 1746 3 356 1747— 3:486 1747— 4: 37 1748 4 81 1748 4: 89 1752— 4 : 205 1753 4 322 1753— 4 : 328 1755 — 4 : 515 1755 4 549 1755— 4:567 1756— 5 : 96 1756 5 109 1756— 5 : 131 1756— 5 : 167 1756 5 180 1757— 5 : 235 1759— 5 : 486 1759 6 29 1760— 6: 63 1761— 6:217 1771 8 95 DOWNING, Joseph : land of, entail docked • • 1740 2 565 1740— 2 : 568 1740 2 569 allowance for • • • 1747 3 479 DOWNING, Richard : member, etc • 1745 3 123 1761— 6:217 1762— 6 : 238 1762 6 242 1762— 6:250 1762— 6 : 268 1762 6 279 1762— 6:288 1762— 6 : 289 1762 6 295 1762— 6:309 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 320 1763 6 : 323 1763— 6 : 352 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 392 1764— 6 : 405 1764 6 423 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 7: 29 1765 7 176 1766— 7 : 73 1766 — 7 : 77 1766 7 93 1766— 7 : 178 1767— 7:112 1767 7 135 1767— 7 : 148 1767— 7 : 182 1768 • 7 236 1768— 7 : 260 1768— 7 : 262 1768 7 272 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7:312 1769 7 320 1769— 7 : 352 1770— 7:345 1770 7 354 1770— 8: Ip 1770— 8: 15 1771 8 1,2 1771— 8: 95 1771— 8: 97 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1772— 8:120 1772 8 123 1772— 8:124 1773— 8 : 135 1773 8 144 1773— 8:147 1774— 8:164 1774 8 172 1774 8 : 184 1774— 8 : 187 1775 8 218 DRACUT (see also Methuen) : taxation of ... . 1743— 3: 52 1743 8 55 1743— 3: 61 1746 3 388 vote relating to . . . . 1744 3 106 112 Index to Journals of House of Keimiksentatives, DUACL'T, — (rimliniud) : land in, divided petition ..... contested election DRAFT (see also hnpressmaU,, Levies, and di.scountenanccd DRAFTLNG: men ...... DRAKE, AliKAIIAM : claim ..... DRAKE, Capt. Nathaniel: muster-roll .... DRAWBACK : on imports, etc. DRAWBRIDGE {see Wigyin, Jonathan) . DRAWING {see also Acts) : coi^ies ..... DREW, Charles : claim ..... DREW, David: to appear ..... DREW, Joseph: petition ..... DREW, Thomas: petition ..... DRIXK : excise on . for soldiers .... DRISCO, James : soldier under Colonel Blanchard DRISCO, Mauy: deed of Sarah ^lason to, vacated DROUGHT : great ...... uncommon and early DROWN, Elizabeth and Mauy: allowance to ... . DROWN, Samuel: invalid soldier .... 1749— Plan) : 4:130 1746- 1714- 3:430 1: 82 1744— 3: 80 1747— 3:463 1747- 1748- 1757- 1761- 1747— 4: 3U DRUM : beat of, publisliing by DRUMS: for soldiers .... DRUM-MAJOR : wages ..... DRUMMERS: wages . 1756— 5:117 1759— 6: 4 DUBLIN («'e also Momulnock No. 2, and Number inventory ...... 1767- DUCKETT, John: clerk of Maryland lower liouse, etc. DUDI.EV. Bill: petition ....... DUDLEY, James: petition, etc. . 1761— 6: 123 DUDLEY, Cai>t. John: petition ..... 3 : 512 4: 68 - 5:238 - 6:193 Two) : -7: 16 1761— 6: 136 1747- 1773- 3 : 456 8: 148 1773 1771 1760 1763 1747 1774 YEAB. 1 VOL. 1745 1746 1749 3 3 4 1758 5 1758 5 1758 5 1746 3 1715 1 1753 4 1746 3 1763 6 1744 3 1744 3 1721 1748 1 4 1756 5 ! 1772 8 ■ 1717 1 1749 1 4 1748 4 1747 1747 1748 3 4 4 1722 1 1758 5 1756 5 1 75.S 1762 6 8 8 6 6 3 8 FAGE. 295 426 131 167 384 377 632 104 367 436 318 85 87 *305 67 75 126 2U7 157 78 *4H5 14 78 329 414 117 378 254 159 1S1 97 365 460 166 Province of I^ew IIajvipshire, 1711-1775. 113 YEAR. 1 VOL. PAGE. DUDLEY, Joseph : governor . . 1711 — 1 : 10 1711— 1 21 1711 1 25 1711— 1: 29 1711— 1 59 1713 1 60 1714— 1: 85 1714— 1 87 1715 1 97 1729— 2 : 150 1729— 2 171 1743 3 50 DUDLEY. Joseph : Quaker, exenij^t from tax • • , 1763 6 365 DUDLEY, Stephen : Quaker, exempt from tax , , , 1763 6 365 DUDLEY, Theophieus : member . . 1711 — 1: 1 1711— 1 21 1711 26 1711— 1: 27 1711— 1 28 1711 29 1711— 1: 81 1711— 1 34 1712 35 1712— 1: 37 1712— 1 39 1712 41 1712— 1: 42 1712— 1 43 1712 44 1712— 1 : 46 1712— 1 49 1712 50 1712— 1: 51 1712— 1: 52 1712 54 1712— 1: 55 1713 1: 65 1713 67 DUDLEY, Trueworthy, akd others: memorial of .... . . . . 1745 3 293 DUDLEY, William : of ^Massachusetts committee on line . . , . 1737 2 502 DULEY, Nicholas : received double bounty, stopage ordered . , . 1763 6 362 DUjMMER, Lieut. Gov. William {see also Fort) : letter of ..... . 1726— 9 . 41 1727 2 84 treaties of, with Indians . . . . 1754 4 420 DUNBAR, David: boundary commissioner, surveyor-general, and ' ieu- tenant-governor .... 1730 2 316 1731 2 348 1731— 2 : 355 1734— 2: 430 1737 2 489 DUNBARTON (see also Slarkstown) : assessment of province tax in . , , , 1762 6 278 inventory . . 1767— 7 : 160 1768 7 219 1773 8 158 school lot in, exchanged . 1774— 8: 167 1774 8 195 DUNCAN, George : petition 1736 2 : 458 1736 2 459 DUNLAP, James : to appear , , , 1753 4 294 DUNN, Nicholas : volunteer, widow's claim . , . . 1746 3 404 DUNSMOOR, Dr. John : acc3 1760- 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 176.S— 7:219 1773 8 158 express to 1755 — 4 : 497 1767 7 144 proposed sliire-town .... 1755 — 4:505 1755 4 511 proposed courts in . . . a 1755 4 505 account ...... , , , 1761 6 206 to choose clei-k 1763— 6 : 336 1763 6 375 N. W. part of, set oflfto Hollis 1756— 5 : 179 1763 6 344 1763— 6:372 1763— 6:373 1773 8 148 selectmen to appear .... . , , 1773 8 138 DUPPLIN (wc also Lcinpskr) : invciitorv ...... , . 1768 7 220 DURGAN, Judith: to appear , , , 1774 8 167 DURHAM : made a parish from Oyster River 1732— 2 : 368 17.32 2 371 representatives 1732 — 2 : 376 1734— 2:397 1734 2 422 1735— 2 : 433 1736— 2:457 1737 2 475 1739— 2:542 1742— 2:610 1745 3 115 1745— 3:119 174.5— 3:184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3:262 1746 3 368 1747— 4 : 2 1748— 4: 4 1748 4 100 1749— 4 : 105 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 6 1751—4: 9 1752— 4:224 1752 4 380 1753— 4:347 1753— 4:384 1753 4 386 1754— 4 : 552 1755 — 4 : 558 1755 5 175.5— 5 : 41 1755 — 5: 44 1755 5 54 1755 — : 56 1755 — 5:258 1756 5 95 1756— 5 : 260 1756— 5:515 1757 5 264 1757— 5:506 1758 5:434 1758 6 512 1759— 6:228 1760— 6 : 230 1761 6 232 1702- 6 : 247 1762— 6 : 264 1762 6 458 1763— 6 : 462 1764— 6:464 1765 7 176 176t;— 7: 73 1766— 7: 80 1766 7 178 17G7— 7 : 182 ]76,S— 7 : 350 1770 7 354 1770—8: Ip 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1773— 8:144 1774 8 164 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8:187 1775 8 218 petition 1743 3: 69 17.55 5 53 n.'-^S— 5:300 17.^)8— 5 : 35 1 17.58 5 355 1758— 5:386 1766 7: 92 1766 7 94 petitioner from .... , 1747 3 511 1 755 — 5 : 55 1757 — 5 : 300 1761 6 142 1761— 6:208 1764— 6:397 1769 7 327 Quakers, gatliering from, stayed , , 1744 3 80 Qu;ikers exempt from tax • . 1761 6 131 selectmen, etc., to ai)]iear 1745— 3 : 233 1745 3 288 174:>— 3:301 17.5.^.— 5: 50 1772 8 121 selectmen's account .... 1762— 6 : 296 1763 6 315 title of certain lands in . 1761— 6 : 128 1761 6 129 deed of land in, established 1766— 7: 60 1766 7 91 Province of 'New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 115 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. l)LmUAM, — (conii?itied) : estates in, divided .... 1766— 7: 77 1766 7 92 lands in, conveyed .... . 1768 7 216 cart-brido;e between, and Canterbur3- 1746— 3 : 338 1746 3 435 volunteers and scouts from 1746— 3 : 404 1747 4 29 express to ..... • ■ 1747 3 479 classed for excise .... 1752— 4:238 1755 4 510 inventory . . 1753— 4 : 293 1760— 6 : 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 176S— 7:219 1773 8 157 haling [haul in":] stores from, to Nottingham . 1753 4 355 line with Nottingham 1757— 5 : 300 1759 6 18 expense incurred at . . 1761 6 208 highways . . 1763— 6 : 345 1763— 6:374 1763 6 375 1763— 6:377 1763— 6:381 1765 6 451 1765 6 : 453 1768— 7:192 1768 7 214 1770— 7:341 1772— 8:117 1772 8 129 guardian from 1765— 6:441 1765 6 444 1765— 6 : 446 1765 6 447 Lee set off, etc., from 1765 — 7 : 45 1766 7 55 1766— 7 : 60 1766— 7: 62 1766 7 65 DUTIES (see also dutiable things. Lumber, Hum, Tea, Tobacco, Witie, etc.) : regulated . 1721 1 281 1721— 1:284 1721— 1:303 1721 1 305 1722— 1:311 1722— 1:312 1722 1 313 1756 5: 84 1770 8: 23 1775 8 231 DWELLING-HOUSES {see also Houses) : invoice of 1753 4 : 290 1761 6 122 DWINELL, Abigail: petition 1759— 6: 6 1759 6 7 DWYER, James : account ...... 1756 5 : 188 1765 6 450 1767— 7 : 144 1772 8 125 DYER, Samuel : account . 1762 6 256 EADES, Daniel : petition . 1753 4 322 EARL OF Holderness {see Holderness) . EARL OF Loudon {see Loudoti) . EASTBarnet: residence of agent at court ... 1763 6 333 EAST Kingston : selectmen to appear .... . 1742 3 38 petition . 1747 3 459 inventory. . 1753 — 4:293 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7 : 219 1773 8 156 classed for excise .... • 1755 4 510 parochial affairs .... 1766 7 75 1766— 7 : 85 1766 7 93 EAST Town [Wakefield] : inventory 1773— 8 : 153 1773 8 157 EASTERN (see Eastward). EASTMAN, Ebenezer : petition . 1729 2 147 muster-roll, etc. .... 1747— 3:154 1747 3 503 1747— 4: 27 1747— 4: iib 1747 4 68 1748— 4: 84 1748— 4: 85 1748 4 320 EASTMAN, Joseph : muster-roll 1756— 5: 97 1756 5 126 1756— 5:128 1758 5 334 IIG Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, YKAtt. VOL. FAU K. EASTMAN. Piiii.MP: l)t'titii)ii 1 761— 6 392 1764 6 396 EASTMAN, Kichakd: jx'titiDM ...... , , , 1748 4 G2 EAST.M AN, Samuel ["Esman, Estman, Ea.s> IAN"]: member . . 1711 — 1 7U 1 714— 1 80 1714 82 1711— 1 83 1 715— 1 97 1715 99 1710— 1 10(J 1 71.0— 1 101 1715 102 171.0 1 104 1 71.0— 1 112 1715 113 171.0- 1- 114 1 71.0— 1 117 1715 124 171(i— 1 10.0 1 71(1— 1 157 1716 158 171(i— 1 10.3 1 71(5— 1 164 1716 167 1716— 1 l(i8 1 716— 1 173 1716 178 171(;— 1 17'.) 1 716— 1 ISO 171(i 182 171(5- 1 1S3 1 716— 1 1S7 171(; 1S9 1717— 1 190 1 717— 1 191 1717 192 1717— 1 1!)3 1 717— 1 194 1717 195 1717— 1 10(3 1 717— 1 1!)7 1717 198 1717— 1 1!)!) 1 717— 1 200 1717 201 1717— 1 203 1 717— 1 205 1717 20(J 1717— 1 210 1 717— 1 211 1718 214 171.S— 1 : 2L0 1 718— 1 216 1718 217 17 IS— 1 219 1 71S— 1 223 1718 226 1718— 1 • 227 1 719— 1 235 1719 236 171!)— 1 237 1 719— 1 240 1719 241 1720— 1 243 1 72()— 1 244 1720 249 1720— 1 2.0O 1 720— 1 253* 1720 2(52 1720— 1 2«)3 1 721— 1 266 1721 270 1721— 1 .272 1 721— 1 273 1721 276 1721— 1 278 1 721— 1 2S0 1721 282 1721— 1 283 1 721— 1 2s(; 1721 287 1721— 1 291 1 721— 1 292 1721 294 1721— 1 29.5 1 721— 1 297 1721 309 1722— 1 310 1 7-J2 1 312 1722 1 313 1722— 1 314 1 722 1 317 1722 326 1722— 1 327 1 722 1 330 1722 335 1722— 1 339 1 722 1 342 1722 343 1722- 1 34.0 1 722 1 346 1722 351 1722— 1 : 3.03 1 722 1 354 1722 355 1722— 1 306 1 722 1 3.07 1723 359 1723 1 3.S1 1 72.3— 1 .382 1723 383 1723 1 384 1 723 1 387 1723 389 1723 1 ..391 1 723— 1 393 1723 396 1723— 1 397 1 723— 1 .399 1723 400 172;^— 1 : 402 1 723— 1 405 1723 406 172.3— 1 :408 1 72.3— 1 410 1724 426 1724— 1 430 1 724— 2 ] 1724 o 4 1724— 2 : 8 1 725— 2 12t 1725 2 13 1725- 2 : 15 1 72.0— 2 22 1725 2 23 172G- 2 29 1 726— 2 36 1726 2 39 EASTMAN, Wim.iam: on ('.Tptiiin Tusli's roll , , 17.06 5 131 EASTWAIU): soldiers at the, expedition, etc. 1721 1 276 1 721— 1 :;oi 1721 1 306 1722— 1:314 1 728— 1 :!2I 1722 1 324 1722— 1:337 1 722— 1 ;i40 1722 1 342 1722— 1:343 1 722— 1 344 1725 2 17 EATON, BF.N.rAMiN ["Easton"]: partition of lands of ... , , , 1761 6 145 1 761— 6 :146 1761 6 217 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 117 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. EATON, Benjamin and Sarah : petition ..... . 1760 6:116 1761 6 123 EATOX, Rachel: suspected of ninrder . 1766 7 54 EDGERLY. Samuel: invalid soldier .... . 1746— 3 : 330 1746 3 404 EDGERLY, Zachakiah : petition . 1755 4 516 EDUCATION : good, necessary to prosperity . . 1771— 8:111 1771 8 113 EDWARD (see Fort). EDWARDS, Benjamin : petition ..... . 1754— 4:474 1755 4 496 EGREMONT (Mass.) : selectmen's account . . . • 1761 6 221 EJECTMENT : writs of . . 1730— 2 : 332 1730— 2 : 333 1734 2 411 1738— 2:540 1754— 4 : 423 1755 4 507 1755— 5: 59 1756— 5 : 80 1756 5 81 ELECTION (see Assemblymen, Contested, a7id Meynbers). ELKINS, Daniel : widow of, allowance • • • 1759 5 498 ELKINS, Elisha : widow of, allowance • 1759 5 498 ELKINS, Jonathan : claim ..... • • • • 1756 5 190 ELKINS, Samuel: under Capt. John Gilman • • • - 1726 2 •n ELKINS, Thomas : member ..... . 1742— 2 : 632 1743 3 55 ELLIOT, Abigail (sec Patiec, Eliphalet) . ELLIOT, Daniel: arms delivered to . . . ■ • ■ • 1757 5 228 ELLIOT, David : petition . . 1753— 4 : 349 1753 4 : 3o0 1753 4 357 ELLIOT, David and Richard : petition . 1747— 3 : 474 1747 3 476 ELLIOT, John: account ..... • • • • 1747 4 39 ELLIOT, Robert : councilor • • • • 1715 1 100 ELLIOT, Samuel : deserter . 1761— 6:162 1761 6 163 1767 — 7 : 137 1767 7 138 EMBARGO : on shipping .... . 1711— 1 : 9 1755 4 530 1758— 5 : 371 175S— 5:372 1758 5 373 EMERSON, Daniel: deserter ..... ■ • • • 1722 1 315 EMERSON, Rev. Daniel: army chaplain .... • • • . 17.56 . ) 93 1756— 5:111 1756 5 148 EMERSON, David : reported hired, l)v mistake . 1760 r, : 74 1760 6 96 EMERSON, David, Jr' : counterfeiter, apprehended • • • 1755 4 519 EMERSON, Edward : monopoly of potash works to . ■ • 1765 6 467 1765— 6 : 468 1765 6 469 EMERSON, ]\Iary, and others: petition • • • • 1734 2 408 118 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAH. VOL. PAOE. KMKUSOX, Rev. Mh. : scttlciiifiit .... , • 1710 1 168 E.MKKSON. I'liii.ui-, AM) win;: ]n.'iiti(>ii , , 1702 *2G2 EMI:KS()N. Samlel: iclVree ..... . , . 1745 3 295 member . . 1755 — 5 : 258 1750— 5: 08 175G 6 69 175C— 5: 71 1750— 5: 119 1756 5 260 1756— 5:215 1757— 5 : 237 1757 5 204 17,57— 5:300 1757— 5:301 1757 5 506 1758— 5 : 318 175,8— 5:321 1758 5 325 1758— 5 : 329 1758— 5 : 37 1 1758 6 407 Una— 5:419 1758— 5:420 1762 6 240 17(;2— 6 : 250 1702— 0:458 1763 6 344 1763— 0:361 1703— 6 : 378 1763 6 462 1704— : 386 1704— 6 : 389 1764 6 390 1704— 6:394 1704— 6 : 397 1764 6 400 1704— 0:404 not— 6 : 423 1764 6 420 1704— 6:427 1704— 6:464 1765 6 443 1765 6 : 446 1705— 0:457 1705 6 466 1705- 0:407 1705— 7: 43 1765 7 44 EMERSON, Solomon : petition ..... . 1755— 4:516 1755 4 529 EMERY, Anthony: petition ..... . 1757— 5 : 242 1757 5 243 account . 1759— 5:484 1759 5 485 EMERY, Cai-t. Kk iiakd: muster-roll . 1750—5:133 1758 5 : 323 1758 6 332 1758— 5:387 1758— 5:416 1758 5 424 EMITTING (sec BilLi of Credit, etc.). ENDEAVOR : sloop, Capt. John Wise . . , . 1745 3 304 ENEMIES {see also Indians) : WAV against, etc. 1722 — 1 : 328 1722— 1 : 334 1722 1 337 1722— 1:349 1747— 3 : 454 1757 5 243 ENGINEER {see also Rednapp, Colonel): for the fort 1711—1: 2 1743— 3: 67 1744 3 77 ENGLAND {sec also Laws) : relations of province with, etc. , 1717 1 208 / 1719- 1 : 240 1724 1 431 1724— 2: 12 1727— 2: 96 1740 2 544 1742— 2:014 1749- 4:10S 1749 1 1 f,;) 1754— 1:418 1754— 4:419 1754 4 412 statutes of, ijurchased . 1702— : 278 1702 294 1702— : 2!l!» 1765 ••• 452 ENGRAVER : of Ijills, Mr. Ilurd, sworn . , 17. '.5 4 508 ENLISTING {see also Drafts, Levies, Recrui/inf/) : soldiers ..... . 1750— 5:1.55 1757 t 150 ENLISTMENTS {see Beating Orders, Captain-Qcncral , Carpenters, and Oovernor) . ENSIGNS : wages , , . 1 750 5 117 1757— 5 : 238 1758— 5 : 378 1759 5 495 1759— 0: 4 1701- 0: 193 1702 6 254 ENTAIL : f: 37 docked . 1726— 1720 2 38 1740— 2:505 171i> 2 : 508 1740 2 509 mo— 8 : 277 1750— 5:172 1750 5 174 ENTER I'RISE: 11. M. S., John Donkley, captain . . 1758 5 311 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 119 ENTERTAINING (see also Boarding) : soldiers ..... ENTRY : and detainer, forcible, to prevent of committees, in journal EPPING : representative .... volunteer from .... highway in, altered . meeting-house tax land tax . jaetition 1747— 3 : 470 TEAR. 1747— 3 : 476 petitioner from classed for excise inventory . 1753- 1767- 4; 7: 293 160 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1752— 1760— 1768— 3:471 3:477 3:456 3:471 4; 6: 7 : 238 86 218 tavern-keeper in selectmen to appear . polling oft' from Poplin to EPSOM : petition .... 1744— 1702- 1765— 6 : 435 84 296 1744 176 3: 85 6:414 petitioner from . . . . proprietors, to app 3ar . 1745 3 225 defence of 1745— 3 247 1747— 3 514 classed for excise , , , . 1752— 4 238 land tax . , , , . 1761— 6 208 inventory . , , . . 17G0— 6 86 1767— 7 161 1768— 7 218 common land in, sold , , , , 1765— 6 456 1765- 7 8 1765— 7 33 ; 77 399 149 192 12 33 : 91 :103 121 EQUITY (see also Money) : bill ERRORS (see A2)j)eals) . ESCAPES (see also Prison) : from gaol or prison 1714 — 1734— 1767— 1768— 1770— 1770— 1771- 1771— 1772- ESSEX County (Mass.) : trial of N. H. men, in ESSEX Gazette: newspaper .... ESTABLISHMENT (see also Succession) : of wages and bounty 1758— 5 : 378 1761— 6 : 223 ESTATES (see also Assessmc7ils and Selectmen) concealing from assessment, penalty assessment of . ratable, invoice of . 1753— 4:290 persons to give in inventor}' of their 1716- 1734- 1768- 1768- 1770- 1771- 1771- 1772- 1772— 8:123 1 : 152 2:431 7:187 7 : 236 8: 13 8: 59 8: 99 8:116 1732— 2 : 367 1759- 1762- 1729- 1770- 6: 4 6:303 2:172 8: 4 1747 1714 1745 1745 1746 1747 1747 1747 1747 1748 1763 1755 1761 1773 1754 1754 1765 1743 1762 1765 1761 1745 1747 1755 1761 1761 1773 1765 1765 1765 1742 1718 1766 1768 1770 1770 1771 1771 1772 1773 1733 1768 1757 1760 1769 1718 1727 1732 1773 1763 VOL. 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 4 6 8 4 4 6 1 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 7 1 2 2 8 6 PAGE. 516 77 128 119 404 460 477 488 458 61 348 510 122 156 395 485 451 3 71 6 294 6 434 6 157 3 242 4 30 4 510 6 215 6 122 8 156 6 455 7 4 7 34 647 225 99 188 11 15 90 101 117 136 384 271 238 74 330 220 75 366 136 321 120 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. ES'l'ATKS, — (contuiiad) : HTsonal, selling ;it vemlue , 1773 8 149 ESTATES OF Persons Deceased (see also Administra- tors, Dower, and Eicridors) : insolvent, (lislril)iited 1718— 1:220 1715 3 247 intestate, settlement regulated , 1743 3 73 1745— 3 : 176 1745 3 178 1745— 3:179 1745— 3 : 207 1745 3 247 1774— 8: 170 177-1— 8: 193 1774 8 209 partition of land, in ease of minors , , 1763 6 321 EURori: : alVairs in . . 1711—1: 20 1717— 1:193 1721 1 281 1721— 1:284 1734— 2 : 425 1735 2 438 1735 2 : 442 175.8— 5:445 17.08 5 454 1759— 6: 20 1759— 6: 28 1761 6 183 EVANS, Jonathan : nius tor-roll ..... 1755 — 4 : 494 1755 4 495 EVANS, William: company clerk, under Cai)t, Samuel Gerrish . 1757 5 285 EVENING Post: newspaper 1746— 3 : 434 1747 3 476 1747— 3 : 504 1747— 4: 22 1747 4 31 EMDENCE (see also Witness) : one, to convict before justice of peace , 1700 6 110 EXCEPTIONS (see also Jones, Joseph, and Objections) : to judgment of boundary commissiori . • • 1737 2 512 1737— 2:514 1737 2 518 1737— 2:519 1737— 2 : 526 1737 o 527 EXCHANGE : of prisoners, with Canada , , 1747 517 EXCHEQUER: her majesty's ..... . . 1711 1 2 EXCISE (see also Act, Bonds, Districts, and Impost) -. act 1711— 1: 30 1713 1 67 1710- 1:169 1717— 1 : 202 1718 1 214 1718— 1:216 1719— 1 : 234 1720 1 245 1721— 1:281 1721 — 1 : ■2s:\ 1721 1 297 1722— 1:357 1723— 1 : .3;)8 1723 1 401 1723— 1:402 1723— 1 : 403 1723 1 40<) 1723— 1:408 1723— 1:412 1725 2 24 1726— 2: 32 1729— 2:144 1729 2 150 1729— 2:170 1732— 2 : 36!» 1742 2 029 1742— 2:630 1742— 2 : 632 1712 f> 037 1742— 2 : 643 1742— 2 : 647 1745 ;{ 211 1745— 3:219 1745— 3 : 223 17 15 3 212 1745 3 : 244 1745— 3 : 252 1754 4 398 1758— 5 : 405 1758— 5 : 406 17C)0 6 61 1760 6: 71 1760— 6: 90 1761 6 179 1761- 6:180 1761— 6:188 1761 6 1 1761— 6:216 1761— 6 : 22< 1 17t;2 6 211 1762— 6:251 1762— 6 : 257 17(52 <» 204 1762— 6:266 1762— 6 : 268 1762 (i 271 1762— 6:277 1762— 6:278 1762 6 282 1762- 6:290 1762 — 6 : 294 1762 6 2!i5 1762— 6:298 1763— 6:314 1763 6 315 1763 6:316 1763-* »6:317 1763 <) 351 17(5.3— 6:354 1763— 6 : 375 1765 7 15 1765— 7:16 176r,— 7: 61 1766 ( 62 1700— 7: 65 1766— 7: 67 1767 7 132 17(j7_ 7 : l:u 1767— 7 : 14I> 1767 7 155 1767— 7 : 163 1767— 7:170 1768 t 232 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 121 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. EXCISE, — {continued) : act . . . 1768— 7 : 233 1768 7 : 235 1768 7 241 1768— 7 : 242 1768— 7 : 243 1768 7 248 1768 7 : 258 1768— 7 : 261 1768 7 269 1768— 7 : 270 1769— 7:329 1770 8 11 1771— 8 : 109 1771— 8:110 1772 8 117 1772— 8 : 118 1773— 8 : 137 1774 8 168 collected {see also Collectors) . • • • • 1721 1 285 1723 1 : 378 1749 4 126 1770— 8: 40 1770 8 52 farming' the .... . 1717— 1:202 1718 1 214 1719— 1 : 234 1720— 1:245 1725 2 19 1726— 2: 32 1727— 2: 80 1727 2 81 1727— 2: 83 1727— 2 : 88 1729 2 160 1736— 2:445 1735— 2:446 1735 2 450 1735 2 : 451 1738— 2:537 1740 2 547 1740— 2:550 1742— 2:629 1742 3 31 1742— 3 : 36 1742— 3 : 39 1743 3 51 1743— 3: 60 1745 3 : 248 1745 3 265 1745— 3:274 1747— 3:484* 1747 o O 505 1752— 4 : 236 1753 4 : 326 1753 4 330 1753— 4 : 364 1754— 4 : 397 1754 4 425 1754— 4:426 1754— 4 : 428 1754 4 429 1754— 4 : 448 1755— 4:492 1755 4 508 1755— 4:509 1755 4:519 1755 4 541 1755 4 : 573 1756— 5 : 68 1756 5 80 1756— 5 : 134 1757— 5:214 1757 5 221 1757— 5 : 286 1757— 5 : 307 1758 5 329 1758— 5 : 382 1758— 5 : 405 1758 5 421 1759— 5 : 492 1759— 6 : 32 1760 6 92 1760— 6 : 100 1760 6 : 106 1761 6 220 1761— 6:221 1763— 6 : 380 1767 7 153 1767 — 7 : 155 1767— 7 : 168 1767 7 169 1768— 7 : 273 1768— 7 : 274 1768 7 275 1769— 7 : 297 1769— 7 : 327 1769 7 331 1770— 7:346 1770— 8 : 6 1770 8 18 1770— 8 : 40 1770— 8: 41 1771 8 86 1772— 8:118 1772— 8:124 1772 8 125 1778— 8 : 137 1773 8 : 153 1773 8 154 1774— 8 : 168 1774— 8 : 169 1774 8 209 governor and liev;tenant-governor paid out of the . 1718 1 228 1719— 1 : 238 1720— 1:248 1721 1 287 1729— 2 : 153 1747 — 4 : 55 1757 5 271 1758— 5 : 348 1758— 5 : 349 1758 5 449 1758— 5 : 455 1767— 7 : 149 1767 7 167 regulated . 1713 1: 64 1714 1 74 1716— 1:175 1716— 1:176 1718 1 213 1719— 1 : 234 1721— 1:2S2 1721 1 284 1721— 1:296 1721— 1:303 1721 1 305 1726— 2: 64 1727— 2 : 80 1728 2 112 1732— 2 : 370 1742— 2:644 1752 4 221 1752— 4 : 235 1752— 4 : 239 1752 4 244 17,-,2— 4:24S 1752— 4:249 1752 4 259 1753— 4:286 1753— 4 : 287 1753 4 288 1753— 4 : 293 1753— 4:298 1753 4 330 1753— 4:336 1754— 4 : 395 1754 4 397 1755— 4:509 1756— 5 : 84 1760 6 48 1767— 7 : 132 1767— 7 : 134 1768 7 251 EXECUTION {see also Gallows) : place for, determined . 1718— 1:226 1718 1 227 public, of Ruth Blay : 1769 7 321 16 122 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, EXECUTION : upon laiul, sliall give good title, when ieticni|)tioii of laiuls taken by . rc'tuni of . . . . . . 1770 — 8: 47 served by coroner and sherift" ..... EXECL"r(HvS (see also Estates of Persons Deceased) : ri'^iilated ......... aci'ounts ......... EXEMPriUN {see Imprcssmeiit, Taxes, abated, etc.). EXETKK {see also Towns') : niimite-iiuMi from ....... soldiers billeted at (.sec also Gilman, Colonel) 1746— 3:880 volunteers from representatives 1713— 1715— 1717— 1728— 1731— 173-1— 1737— 1742— 1740— 1740- 1749— 1751— 1752— 1754— 1755— 175G— 1756— 1758— 1759— 1762— 1765— 1768— 1770— 1772— 177 Cuy 117 190 121 335 422 475 610 3 : 185 368 100 6 380 552 43 63 515 434 228 458 176 350 IP 115 184 171.^— 1: 1715— 1: 1722— 1: 1730— 2 : 1732— 2 : 1735— 2 : 1738— 1745— 1745— 1747— 1749— 1751— 1753— 1755— 1755— 1756- 1757 — 1758— 1760— 1763— 1766— 1769— 1771— 1773— 1774— 2: 3: 3: 4: 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 1716- 1730- 97 127 326 307 376 433 532 115 187 2 104 9 384 558 54 95 264 436 230 462 178 352 2p 144 187 188 327 taverns ..... Ijounds jjerambulated courts at court-house and prison in receiver of boards at ..... . highway from, to Winnipissokee pond trustees of public funds in .... . 1722— 1:361 constable's account tiring guns in, restricted estates in . . 1726—2: 37 1763—6:370 north part, petition (see also Newmarket) 1727— south part, petition petition 1742— 1742— 2:616 2:638 1744— 3:111 1737— 1742— 1742-* 1744— 1755 — 102 499 623 649 99 50 petitioner from .... litigant from ..... southwest parishes, made Brentwood TEAK. VOL. FAOE. 1716 1 145 1717 1 197 1774 8 193 1774 8 169 1714 1 77 1774 8 209 1711 1748 1746 1715 1716 1727 1730 1734 1736 1739 1745 1745 1748 1750 1752 1753 1"55 1755 1756 1757 1758 1761 1764 1767 177U 1771 1774 1775 1715 1715 1726 1755 1726 1721 1722 1722 1727 1724 1724 1764 1727 1727 1737 1742 1742 1744 1755 1742 1765 1742 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 2 7 2 21 68 404 115 173 100 317 397 457 642 184 262 4 10 216 386 258 260 506 512 232 464 182 354 105 164 218 135 136 60 605 47 286 317 359 108 417 419 405 94 103 502 625 651 104 54 650 17 653 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 123 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. EXETER, — {continued) : new parish .... 1755— 4:532 1755 5 31 1763— 6:363 1763— 6 : 364 1763 6 366 land and trade valuation . . 1728— 2 : 136 1728 2 140 inventory ■ • • • 1753 4 293 1760— 6: 86 1761— 6 : 122 1732 2 366 1767— 7: 160 1768 7 : 219 1773 8 156 riot and assaidt at . . . 1734— 2:429 1734 2 430 pillory erected at . . . ■ . • 1732 3 270 proclamations carried to . . 1745 3 287 express to .... 1747— 4: 25 1748 4 79 cattle sent back to . • • 1755 5 20 selectmen to appear 1752 — 4 : 238 1754— 4 : 485 1755 4 540 1755— 5 : 50 1756— 6 : 64 1765 7 17 classed for excise .... • • • 1755 4 510 proposed shire-town ■ • > 1755 4 511 sloop named, Robert White, master • • • 1745 3 272 EXETER River: ferry 1721— 1:282 1746 3 432 bridges . . 1746— 3 : 432 1746— 3:433 1746 3 434 1747— 3:467 1747— 3 : 469 1747 3 486 1768— 7 : 202 1768— 7:205 1770 8 7 EXPEDITION {see also Abercrombie, Amherst, Canada, Caj:)e Breton, Croivn Point, Cuba, Eastward, Indian, Louisburg, Loudon, Fort Royal, and West Indies) : under Lord Amherst • • • 1759 5 485 1759— 5:486 1759 5 487 1759— 5:488 1759— 5 : 489 1759 6 4 1760— 6 : 63 1760— 6 : 67 1760 6 68 1760— 6: 72 1760 6: 73 1760 6 74 1760 6: 75 1760— 6 : 76 1760 6 118 of a French fleet on the coast . . • ■ 1711 1 24 under Lord Loudon .... ■ 1758 5 332 1758— 5 : 333 1758— 5:334 1758 5 335 1758 5 : 344 1758— 5 : 345 1758 5 346 1758— 5 : 347 1758— 5 : 350 1758 5 352 1758 5 : 353 1758— 5 : 354 1758 5 358 1758— 5 : 360 1758— 5:367 1758 5 368 1758— 5 : 369 1758 5 : 372 1758 5 375 1758 5 : 377 1758— 5:383 1758 5 389 1758— 5:390 1758 5:392 1758 5 395 1758— 5 : 396 1758— 5 : 397 1758 5 398 1758— 5 : 405 1758 5:413 1758 5 416 1758— 5:426 1758— 5:431 1760 6 118 of 1755 . 1760 6 118 of 1756 1760 6 90 1760 6 93 1760 6 118 1761— 6 127 1761 6 134 of 1757 . . 1760— 6 38 1760 6 39 1760 6 42 1760— 6 43 1760— 6 118 1761 6 139 of 1758 . . 1759— 6 15 1760— 6 39 1760 6 118 of 1759 • > • 1760 6 90 1760— 6: 95 17G0— 6: 97 1760 6 118 1761— 6 : 136 1761— 6:141 1761 6 148 of 1760 . . 1760— 6 : 69 1760— 6: 95 1760 6 118 1761— 6:130 1761— 6:143 1761 6 144 1761— 6:158 1761— 6 : 160 1761 6 161 1761— 6: 163 1761— 6:164 1761 6 165 1761— 6:167 1761— 6:175 1761 6 177 1761— 6:178 1761— 6:179 1761 6 180 1761— 6 : 187 1761— 6 : 188 1761 6 189 1761— 6 190 1761— 6 192 1761 6 193 124 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAB. VOL. PAOB. EXPEDITION, — {continued) : of 17GU . . 17(;i— r, : 194 17G1— 6:196 1761 6 *198 17(;i— G: lyj 17G1— 6:201 1761 6 202 17G1— G:2(»3 17G1— 6:204 1761 6 205 17G1— G:20G 17G1— 6:208 1761 6 209 17G1— G:210 1701— 6:214 1761 6 216 1701— G:218 1701- G:221 1761 6 224 1762— 6 : 240 17G2— 6:247 1762 6 253 of 17G1 . 17G1— G: 172 1761 6 174 17G1— 6:175 17G1— 6:209 1762 6 256 17G2— 6 : 259 17G2— 6:269 1762 6 275 of 1762 • • * • 1762 6 253 17G2— 6:272 1762— 6:296 1762 6 312 17G3 6:321 176:5— 6:332 1763 6 333 17G3— 6:334 1763— 6:364 1763 6 365 17G3- 6:367 1763 6:371 1763 6 .372 snow-shoes and moo;L\hy: alleged murderer of bastard (.hild . 1765 6 448 FLOOD, RiciiAKD : jJi'tition 1744 8 *228 FLOOD, Silas : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish 1763 6 330 FLOUR ["Flower"] : for soldiers ..... 1746— 3 : 416 1756 5 117 FLOYD, KoiiF.KT: speaker, Maryland house of burgesses . 1770 8 30 FLYING-FISII: schooner, John Bush, master . • 1745 3 273 FLYN G.James: broke jail • • • 1764 6 392 FOGG, Capt. Ahxeu: muster-roll • • • 1758 6 355 1758— 5 : 357 1758 5 377 FOGG. Daniel {see Palmer, Jonathan). FOGG, Jeremiah : guardian, to sell lands for ward, Dan iel . 1700 6 116 17G1— 6:149 1761— 6:150 1761 6 151 FOGG, Stephen : petition ...... • • • 1760 6 97 FOLLiyr, Ben.tamin: licensed inn-holder .... • ■ • 1727 2 89 FOLLICT, Francis [jilias Caleh] : claim ...... . 1758 5 377 FOLLET, Joseph: restored to his law .... • • • 1768 7 265 FOLLlN(iSBY, Thomas: V. French, Natiianiel • • • 1755 4 499 FOLSOM, Anna: petition ...... • • ■ 1743 3 57 FOLSOM, Jeremiah: excise collector .... • ■ • 1759 6 492 FOLSO.M, John: lands divided . 1743— 3: .^8 1743_ n: 08 1743 8 71 muster-roll ..... 1746 3 438 FOLSOM. Jonathan: wounded soldier 1756 — 5:107 1756— 5: 177 1756 5 178 FOLSOM, Nathaniel: muster-roll 17.50— 5: 9S 1756 5 121 member ...... < . 1774 8 184 1774— S: 1.S7 1774^ H: 196 1774 8 203 1774— 8:213 1771— 8:214 1775 8 218 FOLSOM, Samuel: muster-roll 1700— 6: 71 1760 6 76 1700— 6: 94 1760 6 97 petition . . 1712— 1: 40 1772— 8:116 1772 8 117 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 129 FOOTINIAN, John : muster-roll ..... FORCIBLE Entry : and detainer, to prevent . FORFEITURES (see also Fees and Fines) : charged b}' judges, justices, etc. regulated certain, jjayable to county treasurers FORGERY : to prevent .... 1771— 8: 71 member expelled for FORGING {see also Counterfeiting) : bills of credit, penalty FORGUSON, Jonathan: claim ..... FORMS : of oaths, writs, summons, etc. . FORSAITH, William : petition ..... FORT {see also Garrison and Work) : of Captain Clough, at Canterbuiy at Coos Crown Point Dummer . 1754— 1754— 1747— 17.55— Edward . Frontinac . Oswego William Henry William and Mary 174 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1747— 1755 — 1757 — 1757 — 175--— 1758— 17.58— 1761— 1711— 1711— ni2j- 1716— 1718— 1718— 1720— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1726- 1727— 4; 4: 3: 4: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3; 4: 4: 5: 456 470 512 533 '83 1591 165 179 182 215 243 22 572 230 5:305 5 : 389 5:397 5 : 427 6 : 133 9 30 45 159 225 228 256 350 380 385 418 57 70 1747— 3:505 1772— 8:1J4 YEAK. 1760- 1771- 6: 87 8:108 1716— 1:181 1746 175 1754- 1754- 1755- 1755- 1742- 1744 1745 1745- 1745- 1745- 1745- 1747- 1753- 1757- 1757- 1758- 1756- 1756- 1758- 1758- 1758 1759- 1763- 1711- 1711- 1711- 1712- 1716- 1718- 1719- 1721- 1722- 1723- 1723- 1724- 1726- 1727- 3 : 324 4 : 450 4 : 458 4:472 524 536 45 100 160 168 180 194 216 18 4:352 5 : 251 5 : 233 5 : 445 5:163 5 : 150 5:371 5:390 5 : 416 5 : 496 6:327 4: 4 3: 3; 3: 3: 3: o : 3: 4: 1: 1; 1: 1; 1: 1: 1: 1: 1; 1; 1: 1: 2; 2: 2 21 38 50 160 226 232 272 352 381 386 428 62 72 1724 1714 1747 1767 1771 1774 1760 1771 1773 1711 1748 1718 1761 1746 1754 1754 1754 1755 1755 1744 1744 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1747 1754 1772 17.57 1758 1756 17.57 1758 1758 1758 1760 1763 1711 1711 1712 1715 1718 1718 1719 1721 1722 1723 1723 1724 1727 1727 VOL. PAGE. 2 1 3 7 8 8 6 8 8 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 2 2 9 6 77 506 164 109 169 91 110 147 66 220 136 327 454 463 473 532 539 82 101 163 178 181 195 234 21 418 131 294 454 164 294 372 .395 426 42 329 7 26 40 120 222 227 233 276 365 384 387 11 68 73 17 130 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. FORT, — (conftmied) : William and Mary 1727— 2: 77 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 90 1729— 2:161 1730— 2:329 1730 2 333 1732— 2 : 370 1733— 2:386 1734 2 398 1734_ 2:404 1734— 2:405 1734 2 409 17;j4_ 2 : 410 1734— 2:412 1734 2 415 1734— 2:417 1734— 2:418 1734 2 419 1734— 2:425 1734— 2 : 431 1735 2 438 1735— 2 : 439 1735— 2 : 442 1735 2 448 1735— 2:451 1735 2 : 453 1737 2 485 1737_ 2 : 486 1737— 2 : 490 1740 2 544 1740— 2:555 174(>_ 2:559 1740 2 561 1740— 2:562 1740— 2:563 1740 2 566 1740— 2 : 568 1742— 2:614 1742 2 620 1742— 2 : 635 1742— 3 : 44 1743 3 67 1743— 3 : 7;3 1743— 3: 76 1743 3 77 1744— 3 : 90 1744— 3: 91 1744 3 94 1744— 3 : 95 1744— 3: 98 1744 3 99 1745 3 : 120 1745— 3 : 127 1745 3 129 1745— 3 : 142 1745— 3:156 1745 3 158 1745— 3:161 1745— 3:162 1745 3 163 1745— 3 : 164 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3 220 1745— 3:225 1745— 3 : 227 1745 3 235 1745— 3 : 240 1745 3 : 241 1745 3 242 1745_ 3 : 248 1745— 3:251 1745 3 278 1745 3 : 296 1745 3 : 297 1745 3 298 1746- 3:318 1746— 3 : 319 1746 3 320 1740— 3 : 327 1746— 3 : 329 1746 3 332 1746— 3:337 1746— 3:338 1746 8 340 1746 3 : 342 1746— 3 : 345 1746 3 347 1740— 3 : 349 1746— 3 : 412 1746 3 423 1746— 3 : 425 1746— 3:428 1746 3 439 1746— 3 : 443 1747— 3 : 462 1747 3 463 1747— 3 : 477 1747— 3 : 478 1747 3 479 1747— 3 : 480 1747_ 3 : 489 1747 3 491 1747— 4 : 19 1747— 4 : 28 1747 4 32 1747— 4: 37 1747— 4: 59 1748 4 67 1748— 4: 68 1748— 4: 87 1748 4 88 / 1752— 4:221 1753— 4 : 320 1753 4 327 175;3_ 4 : 336 1753— 4 : 359 1753 4 360 1755— 4:538 1755— 4:568 1755 4 569 1755— 4 : 572 1755— 4 : 574 1755 5 6 1756— 5 : 148 1756— 5:149 1756 5 181 1756— 5:191 1757— 5 : 220 1757 5 222 1757— 5 : 250 1757— 5 : 252 1757 5 256 1757— 5 : 257 1757— 5 : 273 1757 5 295 1757— 5 : 301 1758— 5:317 1758 5 339 1758— 5:376 1758— 5 : 392 1758 5 393 1758— 5 : 395 1758— 5:412 1758 5 444 17o8— 5 : 448 1758 — 5 :'455 1759 6 7 1759— 6 : 8 1759— 6 : 10 1759 6 11 1760— 6: 59 1760— 6:111 1760 6 113 1761— 6 : 158 1761— 6:159 1 1761 6 217 1762— 6:266 1762— 6:269 1762 6 277 1762— 6:303 170;^— 6 : 340 1763 6 344 1763— 6:345 1768— 6:350 1703 6 351 1763— 6:369 1764— 6:389 1704 401 1765— 7 : 5 17G5— 7 : 30 1 170(i 7 80 1767— 7:115 1707— 7:118 170n 1 227 1768— 7 : 250 1708— 7 : 267 170N 7 275 1768— 7 : 276 1769 7 : 285 1769 1 7 290 Province of Kew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 131 TEAK. vol,. PAGE. FORT, — (conimued) : William and Mary 1769— 7 : 295 1769— 7:330 1769 7 331 1770— 8: 12 1770— 8 : 18 1770 8 40 1771— 8 : 60 1771— 8: 62 1771 8 66 1771— 8: 72 1771— 8: 73 1771 8 81 1771— 8: 86 1771— 8: 89 1771 8 94 1771— 8: 98 1771— 8:110 1771 8 113 1772— 8:114 1772— 8:116 1772 8 117 1772— 8:118 1772— 8 : 124 1772 8 125 1772— 8:126 1772— 8:127 1772 8 128 1772— 8:129 1772— 8:130 1773 8 135 1773 8:137 1773 8 : 142 1773 8 153 1773— 8 : 154 1774— 8 : 197 1774 8 207 1774 8 : 210 1774— 8:211 1774 8 212 1774— 8:213 1774— 8 : 214 1774 8 215 at Winnei)issoke (see also Block-House) . 1744 3 91 1744— 3 : 94 1744— 3 : 102 1744 3 103 FORTRESS : her majesty's, at Annapolis Royal ( which see also) . 1747 3 455 FOSS, Mrs. Ann : seeks divorce from Zachariah Foss . 1767— 7 : 158 1767 7 159 1767— 7 : 162 1767— 7 : 163 1767 7 164 FOSS, JosiAii : claim ■ ■ • • 1747 4 17 FOSS, Joshua : member . , 1774 — S : 184 1774— 8:188 1774 8 194 1774— 8 : 209 1774— 8:210 1775 8 218 FOSS, Zachariah : claim, etc. . 1746— 3 : 404 1767 7 164 1772— 8:117 1772 8 129 FOSTER, Abiel : petition . . 1774 — 8 : 167 1774— 8:190* 1774 8 195 FOSTER, Benjamin : account ..... • . . • 1759 6 15 FOSTER, Capt. Moses : garrison of, near Amoskeag • - • • 1747 4 15 muster-roll, etc. . 1747— 3 : 467 1752 4 253 1753— 4 : 318 1753 4 : 319 1758 5 369 FOWLE, Daniel : account, etc. .... • • • • 1758 5 338 1758— 5 : 346 1758— 5 : 423 1760 6 39 1761— 6 : 156 1762— 6:280 1764 6 402 1765 6 : 467 1767— 7 : 116 1773 8 142 1773— 8 : 154 1774— 8:210 1774 8 212 FOWLE, Daniel and Robert : account, etc . • . • 1768 7 250 1769 7:291 1769— 7 : 332 1769 7 333 1770— 8 : 12 1770— 8 : 19 1771 8 103 1772— 8 : 125 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 139 FOWLER, Philip : relieved . . 1768- 7 : 190 1768— 7 : 209 1768 7 221 1768— 7 : 239 1768— 7 : 247 1768 7 248 1768— 7 : 252 1768— 7 : 253 1768 7 255 FOWLING (see also Qunnincj) : from floats .... • • " • 1717 1 208 FOX, Edward : petition • • • • 1758 5 368 FRAMPTON, Major-General : commanding regiment sent from Gibraltar 1746— 3 : 356 1746 3 357 132 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAK. VOL. PAOE. FRANCE (see also Treaty and War) : peace with 1712— 1 : 50 1764 6 385 prisoners and captives transported to . . . 1745 3 255 1745— 3 : 256 1745 3 259 1747— 3 : 450 1747— 3 : 452 1747 3 459 FRANCESTOWN: erected I'rom New Boston Addition and Society Land 1772 8 127 lands taxed 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 148 1774— 8:167 1775 8 224 inventory 1773 8 158 petition 1774 8 166 FREEllOLl )ERS : calling meeting 1716 1 176 FREE Pout: recommended ........ 1718 1 216 FREETOWN : set olV from C^hcster 1763 6 341 1763— 6 : 355 1763— 6 : 360 1763 6 361 1763 6:378 1763 6:379 1764 6 389 1764—6:394 1764—6:396 1764 6 397 FRENCH : grievous oppressions of the 1711 1 19 "his majesty's enemies"' 1743 3 207 ' ' our too near neighbors " 1758 5 429 grand and darling scheme of the, destroyed fleet, on our coast ....... 17.08 5 454 1711 1 21 1711— 1: 22 1711— 1: 24 1746 3 419 1746 3:424 1746 3:435 1747 3 498 1714 1 75 1734— 2:398 1734— 2:404 1745 3 133 1747 3 501 1747— 3 : 516 1754— 4 : 450 1754 4 454 1754 4 : 456 1754— 4 : 468 1754 4 463 1754— 4 : 472 1755— 6 : 45 1756 5 79 1756 5: 99 1756 5:163 1756 5 164 supplies for and trade with, forbidden 1744 — 3 : 90 1744 3 96 1755— 4 : 521 1755— 5 : 3 1755 6 5 1755— 6 : 45 1755— 5 : 49 1756 5 80 1756 5 158 prisoners, etc 1745 — 3 : 235 1745 3 241 1745— 3 : 254 1745— 3 : 256 1745 3 259 174,3_ 3 : 276 1745 3 : 277 1745 3 284 1745 3:292 1746 3:314 1746 3 324 1746 3:333 1746 3:339 1747 3 459 1747— 3:503 1747— 4: 35 1754 4 482 1755 4 : 489 1758— 5 : 369 1758 5 420 neutral, received into this government . 1756 5 58 FRENCH, Aakon: broke jail 1768— 7:187 1768 7 188 1770— 8: 11 1770 8 12 FRENCH, Ahkaiiam : petition ......... 1760 6 51 FRENCH. John: claim ......... 1711 1 4 land of, mortgaged to the state .... 1747 3 492 FRENCH, Joseph : ))etition 1748— 4: 62 1748 4 72 FRENCH, Moses: petition .......•• 1770 8 46 FRENCH, Nathaniel : V. Follinirsbv. Thomas 1755 4 499 Province of Neav Hampshire, 1711-1775. 133 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. FRENCH, Samuel : account . . 1726— 2: 41 1756— 5 : 87 1758 5 360 member • • ■ • 1749 4 106 1755 — 5 : 44 1755— 5 : 258 1756 5 69 1756— 5: 72 1756— 5 : 75 1756 5 81 1756 5:' 85 1756 5: 86 1756 5 92 1756- 5 : 114 1756— 5 : 116 1756 5 123 1756— 5 : 125 1756 5 : 136 1756 5 139 1756— 5 : 142 1756— 5 : 146 1756 5 158 1756— 5 : 160 1756 5:161 1756 5 169 1756 5 : 180 1756— 5:187 1756 5 260 1756— 5 : 203 1756 — 5 : 515 1757 5 214 1757— 5:217 1757— 5:219 1757 5 250 1757— 5 : 252 1757— 5 : 254 1757 5 256 1757— 5 : 264 1757— 5 : 268 1757 5 *268 1757— 5 : 270 1757— 5 : 274 1757 5 283 1757— 6 : 286 1757— 5 : 289 1757 5 300 1757— 5 : 305 1757— 5 : 306 1757 5 506 1758— 5 : 314 1758— : 333 1758 5 334 1758 5 : 335 1758 5 : 336 1758 5 355 1758— 5 : 356 1758 — 5 : 357 1758 5 366 1758— 5 : 367 1758 5 : 376 1758 5 390 1758— 5 : 393 1758— 5 : 397 1758 5 399 1758 5 : 413 1758— 5 : 414 1758 5 431 sick soldier .... 1763 6 321 FRENCH, William : petition ..... 1746— 3:410 1747 3 446 1757— 5 : 222 1757 5 225 claim ..... • • . 1760 6 58 hired, wages stopt . . 1760 6 72 FRIGATES (see also Shijis) -. ten, for Canada expedition 1711 1 10 FRONTIERS : defence of tlae .... . 1711 1 1 1721— 1 : 293 1721— 1:296 1722 1 335 1722— 1:336 1722— 1 : 337 1722 1 340 1722— 1 : 341 1723— 1:380 1723 1 381 1730— 2:310 1740— 2:544 1740 2 554 1740— 2 : 558 1740— 2:561 1740 2 562 1740 2 : 563 1740— 2:566 1740 2 568 1742— 2 : 635 1744— 3: 90 1744 3 91 1744— 3 : 100 1745- 3:120 1745 3 150 1745 3 : 158 1745_ 3 : 165 1745 3 211 1745— 3 : 221 1745— 3 : 230 1745 3 234 1745 3 : 238 1745 3 : 254 1745 3 257 1745 3 : 275 1745— 3:291 1745 3 304 1746— 3:310 1746— 3 : 314 1746 3 324 1746— 3 : 327 1746— 3:329 1746 3 340 1746— 3:345 1746 3 : 349 1746 O 375 1746 3 : 378 1746 3 : 379 1746 3 424 1746— 3 : 429 1747— 3:462 1747 3 464 1747— 3:467 1747— 3 : 473 1747 3 511 1747— 3 : 514 1747— 4: 26 1747 4 32 1747— 4: .36 1747— 4 : 39 1747 4 44 1747— 4 : 45 1747— 4: 46 1747 4 48 1747— 4 : 49 1747— 4: 50 1747 4 51 1747— 4: 54 1747— 4: .55 1747 4 56 1747— 4 : 59 1748— 4: 67 1747 4 69 1747— 4: 74 1748— 4: 89 1753 4 315 1753— 4 : 316 1753 4 : 317 1753 4 318 1753 4 : 319 1753— 4 : 344 1753 4 357 134 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. FRONTIERS, — {continued) : defence of tlie . 1754— 4 : 476 17,-,o_ 4:. -,02 1 755 4 544 1755 — 4 : 545 17.Vj — 4 : 561) 1 755 6 14 1755 — 5: 17 175.J — 5 : is 17.55 6 20 1755 — 5: .34 1755— 5: 35 17.55 5 45 1755 — 5: 50 17.55 5: 52 17.55 5 63 1756— 5: 67 17.56— 5: 72 17.56 6 75 1756— 5: 76 ] 756— 5 : 82 1 7.56 5 83 1756— 5: S5 1756— 5 : 92 1756 5 96 1756— 5:101 1756— 5 : 104 1756 5 105 1756 5:10S 17.56 5: Hit 17.56 5 1 26 1756— 5 : 151 17.56— 5: 174 17.56 5 175 1757— 5:288 17.57— 5 : 294 1758 5 313 (rovcrnor''s journey to the . . 1743— 3: 74 1744 3 85 FRONTINAC {see Fo> •0- FROST ATin OTIIEHS: X XVV-/0 X , f AINU petition 1745 3 294 FROST, Ann: memorial . . . . 1747 3 470 FROST, Gkoiuje: member . , . . 1762 6 240 1762— 6 : 251 1762— 6:263 1762 6 288 1762— 6 : 2!)0 1762— 6:303 1762 6 304 1762— 6:308 1762— 6:309 1762 6 458 1763— 6:326 176:3— 6 : 348 1763 6 :373 1763— 6:462 17G4— 6 : 397 1764 6 401 17(;4— 6 : 403 1764— 6:404 1764 6 415 1764— 6:417 1764— 6 : 464 1765 6 431 1765— 6 : 455 176.5— 6 : 456 1765 6 457 petition • • , . 176,S— 7 : 235 1767 7 224 FROST, John: councilor . , , . 1715 1:136 1722 353 1723 1:383 172:3— 1::387 1723 398 1723— 1:401 172:3— 1:402 1723 403 1723— 1 : 404 172:3— 1 : 405 1723 408 1723— 1 : 412 1724— 1:417 1724 424 1724— 2: 6 1724— 2: 7 1725 2 tl2 1725— 2: 21 1725 2: 23 1725 2 29 1726— 2: 41 1726— 2: 46 1726 2 51 1726— 2: 66 1727— 2 : 82 1727 2 100 1727— 2:101 1727— 2 : 106 1727 2 107 1727— 2 : 109 1728— 2:115 1728 2 132 1728— 2:142 1729— 2 : 154 1729 2 163 FROST, Samuel : volunteer . , , , • * * 1746 3 403 FROST, Simon : iloput}' secretar}' , Massachusetts 1737— 2:501 1737 2 502 FROST, William: members . • • , • • • 1745 3 115 1745— 3:117 1745— 3:119 1745 3 123 1745 3:124 174.5— 3: 125 1745 3 132 174.5— 3 : 13H 171.0— 3: 145 1745 3 147 1745— 3 : 1.52 1745— 3 : 153 1745 3 161 1745— 3:163 1745— 3:168 1745 3 172 174.5— 3:180 174.5— 3 : 203 1749 4 132 secretary to General Pepperell •• 1745 3 *1.59 claim , , . 1772 8 127 FRYING-PANS : for soldiers , , , . • • • 17.5.S 5 414 FULLERTON, James : 1 bills burnt in house of . • • > 1764 1 6 425 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 135 VEAB. VOL. PAGE. FULLERTON, James,— (continued) : re-imbursed • • ■ . 1764 6 426 FULLERTON, William : allowance ■ . 1746 3 404 FULLINGTON, Martha : to appear . . . 1766 7 102 FUND: for sinking bills of credit, etc. • • • 1717 1 202 O 1735— 2 : 451 1735 2 : 452 1745 3 209 1745— 3 : 270 1745— 3:279 1745 3 280 1745— 3 : 294 1746 3 : 319 1746 3 826 1746 3 : 328 1746— 3 : 365 1746 3 373 1746 3 : 376 1746— 3 : 380 1747 3 487 1747— 3:492 1747_ 4: 16 1747 4 26 1747— 4 : 46 1747— 4: 47 1747 4 58 1752— 4 : 243 1762— 6 : 289 1762 6 290 1762 6 : 296 1763— 6 : 315 1763 6 371 1764— 6 : 387 1764— 6 : 424 1765 6 431 1765 6 : 437 1765— 6:457 1765 7 45 1767— 7 : 123 1767— 7 : 164 1768 7 190 1768— 7 : 198 1768 7 : 199 1768 7 201 1768 7 : 217 1770— 8 : 41 1770 8 45 FURBER, Thomas : account • • • • 1766 7 63 FURNALD, FuKNELL, ETC. (seeFerncdd). GAGE, Capt. Amos : muster-roll . 1758 5 : 317 1758 5 353 GAGE, John : member . . 1742— 2 : 610 1742 2 647 1742— 2 : 649 1742— 2:651 1742 3 30 1742— 3 : 34 1742— 3 : 35 1743 3 48 1743 3: 52 1743— 3 : 53 1743 3 58 1744— 3: 93 1745— 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 188 1745 3 190 1745 3 : 193 1745— 3 : 203 1745 3 204 1745— 3 : 205 1745 3 : 207 1745 3 211 1745 3 : 215 1745— 3 : 218 1745 3 222 1745— 3 : 223 1745— 3:231 1745 3 236 1745— 3 : 237 1745— 3 : 248 1745 3 254 1745 3 : 262 1745— 3 : 299 1746 3 328 1746— 3:329 1746 3 : 332 1746 3 355 1746— 3 : 366 1746— 3 : 368 1746 3 378 1746- 3:383 1746 3 : 391 1746 3 393 1746 3 : 399 1746— 3:401 1746 3 415 1746— 3 : 433 1746— 3:436 1746 3 441 1746— 3:442 1746— 3 : 445 1747 3 447 1747— 3:453 1747— 3 : 455 1747 3 484 1747— 3 : 485 1747— 3 : 488 1747 3 494 1747_ 3:495 1747— 3:501 1747 3 508 1747— 3 : 519 1747— 3 : 528 1747 4 2 1747— 4: 15 1747— 4: 37 1747 4 44 1747— 4: 55 1748— 4: 70 1748 4 96 1748— 4: 97 1753— 4:312 1771 8 105 1771— 8:113 1772— 8:115 1772 8 117 1772— 8 : 118 1772— 8 : 123 1772 8 124 1772— 8:125 1772— 8:129 1773 8 137 1773— 8:138 1773— 8 : 144 1773 8 155 muster-roll, etc. . 1745 o tlo9 1745 3 : 228 1745 3:229 1745 3 232 1746— 3:379 1746— 3:380 1746 3 533 136 Index to Journals of House of I^epresentatives, GAGE, John, — (continued) : niustor-roll, etc. 1747 — .'3:463 atlrnnt to, condoned .... GAGE, John, ani» others: agents of Dover. Durham, etc., as to GAGE, Lieut. Thomas: widow's «.'laim . GAGE, Gen. Tho.mas; coniniantler of forces GAINS, Geokge : account GALLEKIES: lor the assembly G ALLOWS: located GAMBLING, John: sheriir, member, etc, 1721— 1:275 1722— 1 : 315 1724— 1:423 1724— 2: 10 1726— 2: 4« 1727— 2: 87 1727— 2:100 1727— 2:108 1725— 2:113 1728— 2: 141 1731— 2:361 GAIMING (see also Cards) : to prevent GAOL (see also Prisons) : brave soldier, said to have fought his delivery (sec Cowl of, etc.). GARLAND, ,)<.hn: jjetition ...... GARLAJND, Moses : account ...... GARLAND, Nathaniel: account GARRISONS (see also Blaisdcll and Fort) : at Amoskeag at Annaijolis Royal 1747 — 3 : 484* 1747— 3 : 499 1747- 1747- 3 : 526 3:445 county lines 1765— 6:446 1764 176;: 1772— 1718— 1719— 1722- 1723— 1724— 1725— 1726— 1727— 1727— 1727— 6 : 383 6:353 8:118 1:226 1:238 1 : 310 1 : 390 1:429 19 60 97 105 109 117 171 1728- 1729- 17:;i— 2:362 17.54— 4:438 wav mto 1770— 8: 1747— 4 1747— 3 1747— 4 at Bamngton . at Canterbury . Captain Gate's . at Coos for fort Dummer Captain Gofte's Captain (ioss's, Gosport for Louisburg . 174.5 — 174.5— 174.5— 1745— 174.5— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— at Rumford 1745— 3:276 258 272 277 281 285 310 345 395 415 15 486 15 1746— 3:326 1745— 3:216 1745— 3:269 1745— 3:275 1745— 3:27.^ 174.-,— 3:2S3 174.5-» 3:289 1746— 3:313 1746— 3:392 1740— 3:405 1746— 3:416 1748— 4: 85 I VKAK. VOL. 1748 4 1747 3 1768 1 7 1758 5 1764 6 1769 7 1774 8 1718 1 1720 1 1722 1 1723 1 1724 9 1726 2 1727 2 1727 2 1727 2 1728 2 1728 2 1731 2 1742 2 1754 4 1759 6 1770 8 1773 8 1761 6 1748 4 1747 3 1747 4 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 17.54 4 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1 1745 3 1745 3 1 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1753 4 1 FAOE. 68 447 213 872 384 332 196 227 261 314 393 2 39 83 99 107 110 119 359 645 462 19 149 208 67 494 34 333 374 463 473 234 532 432 270 276 279 284 293 320 394 407 424 356 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 137 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. G AKRlSOls ,— (coniimied) : committee of militia on . ■ ■ • 1722 1 346 to supplj^ soldiers quartered therein 1747— 3:462 1748 4 67 GATCHELL, Moses : deserter • • • 1722 1 315 GATES : / not to be hung on highways 1743 3: 54 1743 3 56 GATEWAY : at Hilton's Point, Dover . • • ■ 1731 2 34] GAUGING : of casks . . 1748— 4 : 63 1748— 4: 64 1748 4 87 1748— 4: 91 1748 4: 99 1752 4 249 1752— 4:258 1760— 6: 71 1760 6 88 (iENERAL Assembly (see also Addresses, Assembhj, Damning, Members, Officers, Petitions, and Small-Pox) : at Hampton (which see also) . 1737 2 495 payment of ... . ■ ■ > 1731 2 353 journals printed 1749— 4 : 109 1758 5 444 journals furnished • • • 1755 5 39 place of meeting 1752— 4:240 1752 4 244 members notified . 1756 5 188 clerk may give copy of records • ■ ■ 1758 5 431 GENERAL Court (see Assembly and Oem zral Assembly). GENERAL Gaol Delivery (see Court, etc •)• GENERAL Quarter Sessions (see also Q- larter, etc.) : )roposed for three counties • • 1755 4 511 GENERAL Sessions (see Court and Sessio 71S) . GENERALS (see Abercrombie, Amherst, Cc mway. Be Dies- kau, FramiJton, Gates, Hill. Johnson, Lo^ zdo?i, Nicholson, Pepjyerell, St. Clair, Shirley, Webb, ana ! Wentworth). GEORGE, Thomas : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish . • • • 1763 6 330 GEORGE'S Wine [St. George's, Azores ]: duty on 1721 1 281 GERMANY : emperor of 1734— 2:398 1734 2 404 GERRISH, Paul: member, etc . 1726— 2: 28 1726 2 39 1726— 2 : 40 1726- 2: 45 1726 2 50 1726— 2: 55 1726— 2 : 59 1726 2 63 1727— 2: 67 1727— 2: 71 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 74 1727— 2 : 78 1727 2 82 1727— 2: 84 1727— 2: 87 1727 2 94 1727— 2 : 100 1728 2:117 1728 2 121 1728— 2 : 122 1728 2 : 125 1728 2 128 1728— 2 : 131 1728- 2 : 134 1728 2 139 1729— 2 : 143 1729— 2 : 145 1729 2 149 1729— 2 : 151 1729— 2 : 155 1729 2 165 1729 2 : 169 1730— 2 : 173 1730 2 174 1730— 2:307 1730— 2:319 1730 2 331 1731— 2:335 1732— 2:369 1734 2 397 1734— 2:410 1734— 2:422 1735 2 433 1735— 2 : 434 1735— 2:437 1735 2 439 1735— 2:446 1736— 2:457 1737 2 475 1737— 2:477 1737— 2:480 1737 2 494 1739— 2:542 1742— 3: 40 1756 5 172 muster-roll 1756— 5 : 98 1756 5 112 1757— 5 : 232 1758 5 383 estate of, settled 1765 — 7 : 12 1765— 7: 33 1765 7 34 GERRISH, Richard: member, speaker, councilor . • • • 1711 1 1 18 138 Index to Journals of IIousk of Representatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. GERRISII, Rkiiaud, — (continued) : uieiuljer, s|)C'aker councilor 1711— 1: 8 1711 1 23 1711— 1: 24 1711— 1: 25 1711 1 28 1711— 1: 2'J 1711— 1 : 31 1711 1 32 1711— 1: 3:3 1711— 1: 34 1712 1 35 1712— 1 : 36 1712— 1: 37 1712 1 39 1712— 1 : 41 1712— 1: 42 1712 1 43 1712— 1 : 44 1712— 1: 46 1 1712 1 47 1712— 1: 48 1712— 1: 49 1712 1 50 1712— 1: 51 1712— 1: 62 1712 1 64 1712— 1: 55 1712— 1: 56 1712 1 57 1713— 1 : 58 17 13— 1 : 59 1713 1 60 1713— 1: 62 1713 1: 63 1713 1 64 1713— 1: 65 1713— 1: 66 1713 1 68 17i:j_ 1: 09 1713— 1: 70 1713 1 71 17 Ui— 1: 72 1714— 1: 73 1714 1 74 1714— 1: 75 1714— 1: 79 1714 1 80 1714— 1: 82 1714— 1: 83 1714 1 85 1714— 1: 86 1714— 1: 87 1714 1 89 1714— 1: ytt 1714— 1: 91 1714 1 92 1714— 1: 93 1714— 1: 91 1714 1 96 1715— 1: lt7 1715— 1: 98 1715 1 99 1715— 1:1UU 1715— 1:101 1715 1 102 1715 1:104 1715— 1 : 105 1715 1 106 1715— 1:107 1715— 1:108 1715 1 109 1715— 1 : 110 1715— 1 : 111 1715 1 112 1715— 1:113 1715 1:115 1715 1 117 1715 1 : 124 1715— 1:126 1715 1 127 1715— 1 : 128 1715— 1:129 1715 1 132 1715— 1 : 133 1715 1 : 134 1715 1 135 1715 1 : 137 1715— 1:139 1716 1 140 1716— 1:151 1716 1:155 1716 1 157 1716 1 : 158 1716— 1 : 162 1716 1 163 1716— 1 : 164 1716— 1:167 1716 1 168 1716- 1:169 1716— 1 : 170 1716 1 172 1716— 1 : 173 1716— 1:174 1716 1 177 1716 1 : 178 1716 1:179 1716 1 180 1716— 1 : 182 1716— 1:183 1716 1 1S7 / 1716— 1:188 1716 1:189 1717 1 20(1 1718— 1:230 1719— 1:238 1720 1 261 1721— 1:275 1723 1 : 393 1727 2 97 1729 2 : 156 1740— 2:562 1742 2 639 GERRISII, Samuel: to api)ear . . . . • • 1745 3 193 account 1745— 3 : 168 17r,5_ 6:467 1772 8 127 muster-roll 1757— 5 : 198 1757— 5:285 1758 5 384 1761— 6:146 1761— 6: 155 1761 6 187 1761— 6 : 190 17(;i_ (J: 192 1761 6 201 1762— 6:256 1762— 6:261 1762 6 2(52 1763— 6 : 312 1763— 6:318 1763 6 323 176;^— 6:325 1763— 6:330 176.S 7 236 petition • ■ ■ ■ • • • 1757 5 249 1761— 6:201 1761— 6:203 1763 6 352 1763— 6 : 372 1765— 7: 8 1765 7 12 1765 7: 22 1765— 7: 23 1768 7 271 1769 8 : 290 1769^ 7:302 1769 7 304 to in'oseculc ;in : iction . 1770 8 13 GERRISH. Cai-t. Stei •IIKX : 1 commissary . . 1755 5 20 GERRISH, Timothy: member . > • • . 1712— 1: 39 1712 1 41 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 139 GP:ilRlSri, Timothy, member . {continued) : 1712— 1: 42 1712— 1: 46 GIBRALTAR : regimeut from GIDDINGS, Joiix : muster-roll member . 1712— 1 1712— 1 1713— 1 1714— 1 1714— 1 1714— 1 1714— 1 1714— 1 1715— 1 1715 1715— 1722— 1:323 1722— 1:330 1722— 1:339 1722— 1:344 1722— 1:349 1722— 1:354 1722— 1:357 1722— 1:361 1722— 1:372 52 57 62 74 80 85 89 93 99 1:102 1:112 1765- 1765- 1765- 1766- 1766- 1766- 1767- 1767- 1767- 1767- 1768- 1768- 1768- 1768- 1769- 1769- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1771- 1771- 1772- 1772- 1773- 1773- 1773- 1773- 1774- 1774- 1774- 7: 7; 7 : 7; 7 : 7: 7 : 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7; 7 : 7 : 7; 7: 7 : 8: 8; 8: 8: 8: 8; 12 22 32 74 87 178 118 122 141 149 186 208 236 253 282 330 342 354 IP 7 45 52 58 95 8:115 8:120 8:135 8:138 8:144 8 : 152 8:167 8 : 187 8:197 1712— 1712— 1712— 1713— 1713— 171. 171' 1714— 1714— 1714— 1715— 1715— 1715— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1724— 1765— 1765— 1765— 1766— 1766— 1767— 1767— 1767— 1767— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770- 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771- 1772— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1774— 43 47 54 60 65 75 82 86 90 94 100 104 136 326 332 342 345 1:351 1 : 355 1 : 359 1:367 1:414 16 27 176 75 88 112 119 125 146 152 200 213 244 266 299 352 7:343 7:356 8: 2 8: 8 8: 46 8: 53 8: 80 8:105 8:118 8:123 8:136 8:139 8:147 8:161 8:172 8 : 188 8:203 TEAK. VOL. 1712 1712 1712 1713 1713 1714 1714 1714 1714 1715 1715 1715 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1724 1746 3 1757 5 1765 7 1765 7 1765 7 1766 7 1766 7 1766 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1769 7 1770 7 1770 7 1770 7 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1771 8 1772 8 1772 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 PAGE. 44 51 55 61 66 79 83 87 92 97 101 109 317 327 335 343 346 353 356 360 369 426 356 195 6 19 30 57 77 89 114 120 132 148 182 205 234 249 350 325 340 344 357 3 41 51 p2 81 108 119 129 137 141 151 164 184 195 214 140 Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. GIDDINGS, John, — {royitinued) : 111 ember 1775— 8:218 1775— 8 : 222 1775 8 225 GlDl)IN(iS, Zi. i'.ui-<»N [" (iii>i»iN(iK, Gideons, (Jiddkns"] : uiembur, excise collector 1745 3 : 115 1745 3 118 1745 3:119 17 15— 3 : 124 1745 3 126 1745— 3 : 139 1745— 3 : 148 1745 3 158 1745— 3 : 159 1745— 3:161 1745 3 163 174.3_ 3 : 172 174r)— 3 : 175 1745 3 180 1745— 3 : 184 174.-,_ 3 : 185 1745 3 187 1745— 3 : 189 1745— 3 : 201 1745 3 202 1745— 3 : 203 1745— 3:204 1745 3 205 1745— 3:214 1745— 3:215 1745 3 217 1745 3 : 219 1745— 3:221 1745 3 222 1745— 3 : 223 1745 3:226 1745 3 227 1745— 3 : 232 1745— 3 : 234 1745 3 236 1745— 3:240 1745— 3 : 241 1745 3 242 1745— 3 : 253 1745— 3 : 254 1745 3 258 1745 3 : 262 1745— 3 : 268 1746 3 311 1746— 3:312 1746— 3 : 318 1746 3 325 1746 3 : 337 1746— 3:343 1746 3 347 1746— 3 : 355 1746 3 : 356 1746 3 366 1746— 3 : 368 1746— 3 : 375 1746 3 376 1746— 3 : 377 1746— 3:382 1746 3 392 1746— 3:394 1746— 3:407 1746 3 413 1746 3 : 417 1746— 3:421 1746 3 437 1746— 3:445 1747— 3:447 1747 3 448 1747— 3:453 1747— 3:458 1747 3 463 1747— 3 : 481 1747— 3:489 1747 3 499 1747— 3:506 1747— 3:507 1747 3 525 1747— 3:628 1747— 4 : 2 1747 4 14 1747— 4: 29 1747— 4: 38 1747 4 40 1747— 4: 48 1747— 4: 51 1747 4 58 1749— 4 : 100 1749— 4 : 104 1749 4 105 1749— 4 : 108 1749— 4:111 1749 4 122 1749 4 : 127 1749— 4 : 158 1749 4 163 1749— 4 : 164 175(1— 4: 10 1751 4 9 1752— 4:216 1752— 4 : 227 1752 4 238 1752— 4 : 239 1752— 4 : 240 1752 4 263 /' 1752— 4 : 267 1752— 4 : 276 1752 4 278 1752— 4 : 380 1753— 4:301 1753 4 325 1753— 4 : 337 175;}— 4 : 344 1753 4 358 1753— 4 : 360 1753— 4:368 1753 4 384 1753— 4:388 1754— 4 : 369 1754 4 406 1754— 4 : 409 1754— 4:422 1754 4 436 1754— 4 : 466 1754— 4 : 552 1755 4 489 1755— 4 : 490 1755— 4:501 17.05 4 511 1755 — 4 : 515 175.")— 4:520 17.J5 4 522 1755— 4 : 528 175.5— 4:541 1755 4 544 1755— 4 : 558 17o5— 5: 17.55 5 12 1755— 5 : 27 17.o5— 5 : 28 17.55 5 29 1755— 5: 41 17.')5— 5:2.58 1756 5 66 1756 — 5 : 87 1756- 5 : 100 17.".6 5 104 1756— 5 : 107 17.56— 5:114 17.56 5 116 1756— 5 : 138 17.56— 5 : 148 17.")6 5 149 1756— 5 : 169 17.)6— 5 : 182 17.".6 .5 189 1756— 5 : 191 17.50^ 5 : 192 17.>6 5 198 1756— 5 : 201 1756— 5:260 17.06 5 515 1757— 5 : 219 17.")7— 5:243 17.'.7 5 246 1757— 5 : 252 1757— 5:264 17.07 5 293 1757— : 298 17.-,7— 5 : .506 17.08 5 314 1758— 5 : 324 1758— 5 : 376 17.58 5 414 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 141 GIDDINGS, Zebulon, — {continued) : member, excise collector 1758— 5 : 427 1758— 5 : 430 1758— 5 : 436 1758— 5 : 445 1759— 5 : 458 1759— 5 : 479 1759— 6 : 13 1759— 6 : 29 1760— 6 : 58 1760— 6 : 63 1760— 6:106 1761— 6:155 1761— 6:196 1761— 6:218 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6 : 240 1762— 6 : 253 1762— 6 : 260 1762— 6 : 262 1762— 6 : 303 1763— 6 : 310 1763— 6 : 312 1763— 6:336 1763— 6:337 1763— 6 : 359 1763— 6 : 363 1763— 6 : 379 1763— 6 : 380 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 6 : 443 1765— 6 : 445 1765— 6 : 449 GIFT: to Indian, tho't to encourage begging GILES, John : claim ...... GILES, Mark : soldier, had small-pox GILMAN, Andrew, and others : petition GU.,MAN, Antipas [and others] : petition, etc. 1753- 1763- 332 GILMAN, Benjamin, etc. petition GILIVIAN, Carter : to make out invoice GILMAN, Daniel : claim GILMAN, Edward: to ajipear GILMAN, :Maj. Ezekiel : volunteer . GILMAN, Israel: member . 1753— 4:330 1742— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 3: 34 3:118 3:144 185 218 230 262 314 366 382 394 403 416 433 453 481 2 85 91 1753— 4 1764— 6 1744— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 174.'^— 357 390 1754— 4 : 377 104 126 167 203 219 248 277 340 367 385 399 405 417 445 463 499 14 86 98 YEAR. VOL. 1758 5 1758 5 1759 5 1760 6 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1765 6 1765 6 1772 8 1714 1 1761 6 1742 2 1763 4 1753 4 1764 6 1754 4 1732 2 1747 4 1763 6 1726 3 1742 2 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1748 4 1748 4 1752 4 PAGE. 434 512 485 33 70 164 223 252 261 458 327 357 373 462 444 450 122 80 214 651 331 358 405 393 366 18 370 404 610 115 132 172 205 220 250 295 355 368 391 402 415 420 446 476 501 73 87 217 142 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. GIOIAN, isKAKI., — {•'uiiiiutid) : member . 1752—4:222* 1752— 4 : 230 1752 4 247 1752— 4:250 1752— 4 : 258 1752 4 262 1752— 4 : 2();5 1752— 4 : 276 1752 4 277 1752— 4:;3«0 1753— 4 : 298 1753 4 323 1753— 4 : ;3,S4 1754_ 4 : 402 1754 4 406 1754— 4:411 1754— 4:418 1754 4 450 1754— 4:453 1754— 4 : 552 1755 4 485 1755_ 4:493 1755— 4 : 499 1756 4 501 1755— 4:505 1755 4 : 516 1755 4 5i:» 1755 4 : 523 1755_ 4 : 532 1755 4 539 1755_ 4 : 544 1 755 — 4 : 550 1755 4 558 1755— 5 : 1755— 5 : 8 1755 5 12 1755— 5: 29 1755— 5 : 41 1760 6 .S3 1771— 8:105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 137 1773— 8 : 144 1773— 8 : 146 1774 8 164 1774— 8:172 177.1_ H : 184 1774 8 1H7 GIL^LVN, John [ambiguous whicK] : member 1718— 1:227 1724 1 434 1724— 2: 7 1727 2 69 (JILINIAN, John : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish . . 1763 (> 330 GILMAN, Cai't. John: muster-i'oll, etc • • • 1711 1 4 1722— 1 3C0 1723— 1 377 1723 1 390 1724 1 434 1724 2 12 1726 2 28 172G— 2 41 1757 — 5 210 1757 6 232 member 1716— 1 173 1716 1 174 171()— 1 177 171(3— 1 178 1716 1 179 1716 1 180 171(5— 1 182 1716 1 183 171(3— 1 184 1716- 1 .185 1716 1 186 171(;— 1 187 1716— 1 :189 1717 1 190 1717— 1 191 1717— 1 192 1717 1 193 1717— 1 194 1717— 1 196 1717 1 197 1717— 1 198 1717— 1 :199 1717 1 200 1717— 1 201 1717— 1 202 1717 1 203 1717— 1 204 1717— 1 205 1717 1 206 1717— 1 210 1717— 1 211 1718 1 212 1718— 1 213 1718— 1 214 1718 1 215 1718— 1 21G 1718— 1 217 1718 1 219 17LS~ 1 223 1718— 1 224 1718 1 225 17 LS— 1 226 171.S— 1 229 1718 1 230 1719— 1 231 1719— 1 233 1719 1 235 1719— 1 23G 1719— 1 237 1719 1 239 1719— 1 240 1719— 1 241 1719 1 242 1719— 1 243 1719— 1 244 1720 1 249 1720— 1 253 1720— 1 253* 1720 1 25:» 172(j— 1 2(i0 1720— 1 262 1721 1 263 1721— 1 2(36 1721— 1 268 1721 1 272 1721— 1 273 1721— 1 278 1721 1 280 1721— 1 2.S2 1721— 1. 283 1721 1 2H6 1721— 1 287 1721— 1 291 1721 1 292 1721— 1 294 1721— 1 295 1721 1 29.H 1721— 1 300 1721— 1 301 1721 1 303 1721— 1 :'.05 1721— 1 305* 1721 1 309 1722— 1 312 1722^ 1 313 1722 1 314 1722— 1 317 1722— 1 318 1722 1 319 1722— 1 320 1722— 1 321 1722 1 322 1722— 1 323 1722— 1 324 1722 1 326 1722— 1 327 1722— 1 330 1722 1 335 1722— 1 339 1722— 1 342 1722 1 343 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 143 TEAK. VOL, PAGE. GIOIAN, CAP! '. John, — {continued) : member 1722— 1:345 1722— 1:346 1722 348 1722— 1:349 1722— 1:351 1722 .853 1722— 1 : 354 1722— 1:355 1722 356 1722— 1:357 1722— 1:359 1722 360 1722— 1:361 1722— 1:367 1722 369 1723 1 : 373 1723— 1:375 1723 377 1723— 1:379 1723 1 : 380 1723 381 1723— 1:382 1723 1 : 383 1723 384 1723— 1:389 1723— 1:393 1723 394 1723 1 : 396 1723— 1 : 397 1723 399 1723— 1:400 1723— 1:405 1723 406 1723 1 : 408 1723 1 : 410 1724 413 1724— 1:426 1724— 1:430 1724 432 1724— 1:433 1724— 2: 1 1724 2 4 1724—2: 8 1725— 2: 12* 1725 2 13 1725 2: 15 1725 2: 20 1725 2 21 1725— 2: 22 1725— 2 : 23 1725 2 27 1726— 2: 28 1726— 2: 29 1726 2 34 1726 2: 39 1726— 2: 41 1726 2 45 1726— 2: 49 1726 2: 50 1726 2 55 1726 2: 59 1726— 2: 63 1727 2 67 1727— 2: 74 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 84 1727— 2: 86 1727— 2 : 87 1727 2 94 GILMAN, Maj. John [also Lieut., CAn. and Esq.] : member • •..., . 1716 173 1716— 1 : 174 1716— 1 : 177 1716 178 1716— 1 : 179 1710— 1 : 180 1716 1.S2 1716— 1:183 1716— 1:184 1716 1 185 1716— 1:186 1716— 1:187 1716 189 1717— 1 : 190 1717— 1 : 191 1717 192 1717— 1 : 193 1717— 1 : 194 1717 196 1717— 1 : 197 1717— 1:198 1717 -1 199 1717— 1:200 1717— 1:201 1717 203 1717— 1:204 1717— 1 : 205 1717 206 1717— 1 : 209 1717— 1 : 210 1717 211 1718— 1 : 213 1718— 1:214 1718 215 1718 1 : 216 1718— 1 : 217 1718 218 1718 1 : 219 1718— 1:223 1718 224 1718 1 : 225 1718— 1:226 1718 229 1718 1 : 230 1719— 1:231 1719 233 1719— 1:235 1719— 1:236 1719 237 1719— 1 : 239 1719— 1:242 1720 243 1720— 1:245 1720— 1:247 1720 X 2 IS 1720— 1:249 1720— 1:250 1720 253 1720 1 : 253* 1720— 1:259 1720 260 1720— 1:262 1721— 1:263 1721 264 1721— 1 : 266 1721— 1:267 1721 268 1721— 1:209 1721— 1:272 1721 273 1721— 1:275 1721— 1 : 276 1721 278 1721— 1:280 1721— 1 : 281 1721 2S2 1721— 1:283 1721— 1:284 1721 285 1721— 1:286 1721— 1:287 1721 21 H) 1721— 1:291 1721— 1:292 1721 291 1721— 1:295 1721— 1:297 1721 2'.»8 1721— 1 : 300 1721— 1:301 1721 303 1721— 1:305 1721— 1:305* 1721 :;(t9 1722— 1:310 1722— 1:312 1722 313 1722— 1:314 1722— 1:317 1722 318 1722— 1:319 1722— 1:320 1722 321 1722— 1:322 1722— 1:323 1722 ^ 321 144 Index tu Jouknals of House of Uepkesentatives, YKAR. VOL. PAGE. (ilLMAN, Ma.i. Juu.n,- — {continued) : iiieuibi;r . 1722— 1::J26 1722— 328 1722 330 1722— 1:;5:)2 1722— 335 1722 339 1722— 1:312 1722— 343 1722 345 1722— 1:310 1722— 348 1722 ;i61 1722— 1:353 1722— :354 1722 355 1722— 1:356 1722— ;;57 1722 :;59 1722— 1 : 361 1722— 364 1722 365 1722— 1:367 1722— :;69 1723 37:$ 1723— 1:375 172:;— 377 1723 379 1723— 1 : 381 172:;— ;d82 1723 383 1723— 1:384 172:^- 387 1723 :389 1723— 1:391 172:;— 392 1723 393 1723— 1:396 1723— 397 1723 399 1723— 1:400 172:5- 402 1723 1 405 1723— 1:406 172:;- 407 1724 413 1724— 1:414 1724— 422 1724 426 1724— 1:430 1724- 432 1724 433 1724— 2: 1 1724— 2 4 1724 2 8 1724— 2: 9 1721— 2 12* 1725 2 13 1725— 2: 15 1725— 2 20 1725 2 21 1725 2: 22 1725— 2 23 1725 2 24 1725— 2: 26 1725— 2 27 1726 2 84 1726 2: 37 1726— 2 45 1726 2 46 1726— 2: 49 1726— 2 50 1726 2 55 1726— 2: 59 1726— 2 63 1727 2 67 1727— 2: 70 1727— 2 71 1727 2 74 1727— 2: 76 1727— 2 78 1727 2 84 1727— 2: 86 1727— 2 87 1727 2 89 1727— 2: 94 1728 2 132 1728 2 133 1729— 2 : 151 1729— 2 157 1754 4 378 1757— 5 : 232 1757— 5 291 1758 6 316 1758— 5 : 372 1758— 5 395 1761 6 139 GILMAN, Jonathan : account . 1760 6 95 GIL:\IAN, JosiAH: account . 1760 6: 95 1760 6 97 OILMAN, Joshua: petition • , 1747 3 484 GILMAX, Xatiianiel: member . • • • , , 1737 2 475 1738 2 : 534 1739— 2 : 542 1740 2 544 1740— 2 : 548 1740— 2:558 1740 2 561 GILIMAN, Nicholas [" Nkcklos"] : member . 1711— 1: 1 1711— : 26 1711 28 1711— 1: 29 1711— : 31 1712 37 1712— 1: 39 1712— : 41 1712 42 1712— 1: 43 1712- : 44 1712 46 1712— 1: 47 1712— . 51 1712 52 1712— 1: 54 1712— : 55 1712 66 1713— 1: 59 1713 : 63 1713 64 1713— 1: 65 1713— : 66 1713 67 1713— 1: 69 1714— . 74 1714 75 1714— 1 : 79 1714— 80 1714 82 1714— 1: 83 1714— : 87 1714 89 1714— 1 : 90 1714^ : 91 1714 93 1715— 1 : 97 1715— .110 1715 111 1715— 1:112 1715— :113 1715 115 1715— 1:117 1715— :124 1715 128 1715— 1 : 129 1715— :132 1715 133 1715— 1 : 134 1715— :135 1715 136 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 145 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. GILMAN, Nicholas,— (continued) : member . 1715 1:137 1715— 1:138 1716 140 1716— 1 : 141 1716— 1:142 1716 144 1716— 1:146 1716— 1:147 1716 157 1716— 1 : 158 1716— 1:163 1716 164 petition, etc. • • • • 1742— 2 : 649 1767 146 GILMAN, Peter [Maj. , Col.] : member, speaker. councilor, etc. • • • 1734 2 .397 1734— 2:422 1735— 2:433 1737 2 475 1737— 2 : 480 1737— 2 : 489 1739 2 542 1740— 2:546 1740 2 : 548 1740 2 558 1740 2 : 560 1742— 2:610 1742 2 634 1742— 2 : 645 1742— 2:651 1742 2 652 1742— 3: 30 1742— 3 : 33 1742 3 38 1742— 3 : 40 1742— 3: 41 1743 3 47 1743 3: 51 1743— 3: 53 1743 3 63 1743_ 3 : 68 1743— 3 : 69 1743 3 73 1744— 3: 86 1744— 3 : 87 1744 3 89 1744— 3 : 91 1744— 3 : 93 1744 3 100 1744— 3 : 109 1745 3:115 1745 3 117 1745 3 : 124 1745— 3 : 126 1745 3 127 1745 3 : 128 1745— 3 : 129 1745 3 131 1745 3 : 134 1745 3 : 139 1745 3 140 1745— 3 : 144 1745— 3 : 146 1745 3 148 1745— 3 : 149 1745 3 : 151 1745 3 153 1745— 3 : 154 1745— 3 : 158 1745 3 tl59 1745— 3 : 159t 1745 3 : 162 1745 3 166 1745 3 : 172 1745— 8 : 180 1745 3 184 1745— 3 : 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745 3 189 1745— 3 : 201 1745— 3 : 202 1745 3 203 1745— 3:204 1745— 3 : 205 1745 3 207 1745— 3 : 211 1745 3 : 215 1745 3 217 1745— 3 : 219 1745— 3:229 1745 3 230 1745— 3 : 237 1745— 3 : 246 1745 3 247 1745 3 : 249 1745— 3 : 250 1745 3 253 1745— 3 : 254 1745— 3 : 257 1745 3 262 1745 3 : 265 1745 3 : 269 1745 3 273 1745— 3 : 275 1745— 3 : 288 1745 3 292 1745— 3 : 299 1745 3 : 302 1746 3 323 1746— 3:334 1746— 3 : 3 17 1746 3 355 1746 3 : 360 1746— 3:363 1746 3 368 1746 3 : 377 1746— 3 : 378 1746 3 383 1746— 3 : 390 1746 3 : 399 1746 3 401 1746 3:411 1746 3 : 412 1746 3 418 1746— 3 : 420 1746 3 : 422 1746 3 424 1746— 3 : 425 1746— 3 : 427 1746 8 433 1746— 3 : 435 1746— 3 : 441 1746 3 442 1746— 3 : 443 1746— 3 : 445 1747 3 447 1747— 3:448 1747— 3:453 1747 3 454 1747— 3:482 1747— 3:516 1747 3 517 1747— 3 : 525 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 16 1747— 4 : 39 1747— 4: 40 1747 4 44 1748— 4: 71 1748 4: 95 1748 4 98 1749— 4 : 100 1749— 4 : 104 1749 4 105 1749— 4: 106 1749— 4 : 108 1749 , 4 118 1749— 4:132 1740— 4:140 1749 4 *154 1749— 4 : 1(;3 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 9 1752— 4:216 1752— 4:219 1752 4 *222 1752— 4 : 225 1752— 4:227 1752 4 240 1752— 4 : 245 1752— 4 : 247 1752 4 263 1752— 4 : 264 1752— 4:267 1752 4 278 19 146 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, CTLMAN, Petek, — (amtifiucd) : nicinber, speakur, roimcilor, etc. YEAB. VOI~ PAGE. 1752— 4:. '{80 175:5— 4 ::{(»! 175:; ' 1 :ioi 1753— 4 : 320 1753— 4::{0() 1753 4 ;)0.N 175:3— 4:384 1754— 4::^09 1754 394 1754— 4:406 1751— 4:415 1754 119 1754— 4 : 432 175 i— 4:434 1754 ■1 4:5.s 1754— 4:442 1754— 4:446 1754 449 1754— 4 : 452 1754— 4:409 1754 470 1754— 4:471 1754— 4 : 473 1754 1 470, 1754— 4:481 1751— 4:552 1755 494 1755 4:510 1755 4:520 1755 521 1755 4 : 523 1755— 4:537 1755 540 1755— 4:547 1755— 4:558 1755 50.0 175.5— 5: 1755 — 5 : 8 1755 6 11 1755 5: 27 1755— 5: 29 1755 5 41 1755 — 5 : 54 1 755 — 5 : 55 1755 6 25S 1756— 5 : 63 1750— 5: 74 1756 5 97 1756— 5 : 98 1750— 5 : 109 1756 5 177 1756 5 : 17'J 1750— 5:180 1756 5 260 1756 5 : 515 1757— 5 : 207 1757 5 228 1757— 5 : 235 1757— 5 : 238 1757 5 249 1757— 5 : 264 1757— 5 : 284 1757 5 291 1757— 5 : 293 1757— 5:299 1757 5 506 1758— 5 : 310 1758— 5 : 314 1758 5 316 1758— 5 : 320 1758— 5 : 323 1758 5 343 1758— 5 : 350 1758 5 : m:^ 1758 5 :376 1758 6 : 401 1758— 5:402 1758 5 405 1758— 5:411 1758— 5 : 415 1758 6 434 1758 5 : 436 1758— 5 : 437 1758 6 441 1758— 5 : 442 1758— 5 : 444 1758 5 452 1758— 5 : 456 1758— 5:512 1759 5 458 1759— 5 : 463 1759— 5 : 477 1759 5 479 1759— 5 : 485 1759— 5 : 491 1759 5 493 1759— 6 : 26 1759— 6 : 27 1759 6 29 1759— 6 : 31 1760- 6: 33 1760 6 35 1760— 6 : 88 1760 6: 43 1760 6 45 1760 6: 60 1760— 6: 03 1760 6 71 1760— 6 : 81 170(1— 6: 92 1760 6 102 1760 6 : 107 1760— 6:112 1701 6 l:i2 1701— 6 : 150 1701— : 151 1701 6 152 1701— 0:154 1701— 0:150 1701 6 171 1761— 6 : 180 1701— 6 : 184 1701 6 194 1761— 6:220 17(il_ 6:2:52 1702 240 1762— 0:241 1702— 6 : 247 1762 6 249 1702— ('):253 17(;2— 0:257 1702 6 204 17f;2_ : 27« 1702— 0:2S1 1702 28:5 1702— 0:284 1762— 6 : 285 1702 (i 289 1702— 6:295 17(;2— 0:300 170.2 6 307 1702— 6 : 458 17(;;j_ 0:312 1703 326 1763 6 : 348 17(;3— 6:357 170:5 300 17G3_ (;:;{73 170:{— 0:402 1704 6 3S3 1764— 0:409 17(J4_ r. :415 1704 6 417 1704— r,:421 1764— (i:404 1705 440 1705— 6:448 1765 — 0: 455 17<".5 450 1705— 6:468 170»— 7: 2 1705 17 17r,5— 7 : 21 1705 7 : 170 170(; 51 1760— 7 : 73 1766— 7: 87 170(; S'.» 1760— 7: 97 1760- 7: 98 I7 ■ • , 1724 2 6 (ILIDDKN. JiCKKMiAii: tax rcinittfil • 1769 7 32H ULIDDKX, JuNATJiAN: iiiider Capt. John ( filman , 1726 2 41 (Juaker, oxt'iniit fmiii tax . 1763 6 365 (JI.IDDKX. Wii.i.iAM: pcliliiiii > < ■ ■ , 1757 6 236 (;L()r( ESTER: luariiii'i- from . • • • • « 1746 3 418 GLOUS TKU. Jonathan : Vdlimteer • • • • , 1746 3 404 GODFREY, Jonathan: invalid volunteer , 1746 3 331 GODFREY. JosKi-ii: petition • • • ■ , 1765 6 451 GOFFE, John : member . • • • • , 1729 2 161 1729— 2 : 165 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 173 1730— 2 : 174 173(»~ 2 : 307 1762 6 246 17G2— 6 : 247 1762— 6:249 1762 6 252 1762— 6 : 256 17(i2— 6:257 1762 6 258 1762— 6 : 272 17(i2— 6:458 1763 6 310 170;^ 6 : 314 1763 6 : 316 1763 6 318 1763— 6 : 356 1763— 6:360 1763 6 362 1763— 6 : 363 17(i3 6 : 364 1763 6 366 1763 6 : 367 1763— 6 : 370 1763 6 371 176:^— 6:462 1761— 6 : 383 1764 6 392 17G4— 6 : 394 1764— 6:395 1764 6 397 1764— 6 : 398 1764— 6:402 1764 6 403 1764— 6 : 405 1764 6:414 1764 6 418 1764— 6 : 423 1764— 6:425 174 6 464 1765— 7 : 2 1765 7: 3 1765 7 6 1765 7: 10 1765- 7: 13 1765 7 16 1765 7: 25 1765— 7: 26 1765 7 39 9 1765 7: 46 1765— 7:176 1766 7 64 1766— 7 : 66 1766— 7: 67 1766 7 70 1766— 7 : 74 17(;6 7: 75 1766 7 76 1766 7: SG 1766— 7: 87 1766 7 88 1766— 7 : 89 1766— 7: 90 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 125 1767— 7 : 132 1767 7 135 1767— 7 : 160 1767— 7:161 1767 7 163 1767— 7 : 1«2 176H— 7 : 185 1768 7 198 1768— 7 : 249 17(;s— 7:251 1768 7 272 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7:281 1769 7 289 176roposed GOLD (sec also Coin) : governor paid in . . . soldiers i^aid in ... inability to jjrocure . as legal tender bills redeemable in . coined, value of . . . taxes payable in . . . currency established 1773— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1745 1746 1747 1753 1754 1756 1758 1761 1761 1761 1761 1761 1762 1762 1762 1763 1763 1763- — 6 1746- 1757- 1760- 1772- 1747- 1757- 1758- 1761- 1761- 136 144 153 165 172 193 204 209 3:298 3 : 532 4: 27 4:319 4 : 477 5:127 5 : 335 6 : 132 144 6:187 6 : 190 6 : 198* 6:253 6 : 260 6:272 6:325 6 : 329 6 : 372 3 : 342 5 : 251 6: 43 8 : 126 3 : 460 5:234 5 : 390 6:140 6:215 1735— 2 : 444 1737— 2:489 1760— 6 : 86 1768— 7 : 218 1772— 8 : 126 1772— 8:121 1758— 5 : 348 1760— 6: 53 1764— 6 : 424 1765— 7 : 29 1767— 7 : 128 TEAR. VOL. 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 1748 4 1754 4 1756 5 1757 5 1758 5 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1746 3 1747 3 1758 5 1761 6 1774 8 1748 4 1757 5 1760 6 1761 6 1766 7 1734 2 1735 2 1737 2 1761 6 1773 8 1771 8 1772 8 1772 8 1772 8 1757 5 1758 5 1758 5 1759 5 1764 6 1764 6 1765 6 1765 6 1766 7 1767 7 PAGE. 137 148 155 168 184 197 205 210 296 322 513 66 434 96 208 416 134 179 188 191 204 268 261 323 327 333 374 338 507 372 134 167 74 248 112 143 91 428 445 490 122 158 108 121 127 127 271 349 412 489 415 423 457 453 89 165 150 Index to Jouunals of liuusi': ov l\Ki'Kfc;.si;NTATiVEs, YEAK. VOL. I'AGE. (iOOl) Fi;ii>AY: f^iivenior proposes atljouninu^nl over . 1745 3 165 (iOOhW IN. (lEuKOE: tlusrrtor ...... . 1722 1 315 (JOODWIN, .I<»UN: " ilesiii'tcr," balaiu-t' stopt 1758 5 334 no (lt'S(!rter, action nversetl • 175« 5 396 (;()0K1N, Kev. Natiiamkl: widow of, town <;rant to . • 1738 2 539 liOKDON, .Iaaies (stc also Qourdcn) : widow of, may give a deed, original Mirnt 1712— 2:l 1742 2 652 broke jail ..... • • 1772 8 in; GORDON, Kor.Kirr: arin.s delivered to . • 1757 5 228 GURU AM, Lieut. Colonel: letter of • • 1747 3 454 GORWOOl), CllAULES: excise farmer, etc. 1742 — 3 : 36 1743— 3: 60 1747 3 *484 GOSrORT {see also Shoals) : Star island called .... . 1715 1 139 l)roportion of province tax with Newcastle 1720 1 : 253 1726 2 41 tax rate . 1728 2 Ml tax remitted 17(il— 6:208 1767 7 113 constable's account .... 1721- 1:417 1732 2 374 districted for excise • • • 1752 4 238 inventory ■ • 1753 4 294 1760 6: 86 1761- 6 : 122 1761 6 200 1767— 7 : 160 17(;8— 7:220 1773 8 157 petition . . 1742— 2:633 1744— 3:228* 1747 3 467 1747— 3:471 176(1— 6: 35 1761 6 168 pier or bason . 1766 — 7 : 81 1766— 7 : 88 1767 7 141 garrison of Captain (ioss • 1746 3 432 GO.SS, Cai'tain (see jireceding). GOL'DY, James : volunteer, widow of, re-imbursed . 1746 3 : 413 1764 6 404 GOURDEN, Daniel (sec also Gordon) : , Quaker, exempt from tax . 1763 6 365 GOURDEN, Thomas: (Quaker, exempt from tax • ■ ■ 1763 6 365 GOVE, Eleazek : hired, wages stopt .... . 1760 6 76 GO\E, John: petition 1734— 2:427 1734 2 428 GOVE, JosEi-n: escai)e from prisoTi .... 1756— 5 : 172 1758 6 396 (;0\ERNMENT (see Bills of CredU, Charges, Debts, Fees, Grants, Labyrinth, Tux, Treasurer, etc.) • charges . . 1721— 1 : 279 1721— 1:293 1722 1 311 defence of the 1746- 3:40« 1746 3 412 1746— 3:414 1746— 3:422 1746 3 423 1746— 3 : 429 174(i— 3:430 1746 3 431 1746— 3 : 432 1746— 3:433 1746 3 438 1746— 3:439 174(')— 3 : 441 1747 3 451 1747— 3 : 452 1747.- 3:462 1747 3 463 separate for tliis province . IIM 2 472 service 1769— 7 : 281 176!i 7 332 support of . 17-21 1 293 1721— 1:296 1721— 1:307 \l-2-> 1 340 1722— 1:352 1723- 1:373 1723 1 376 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 151 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. GOVERNMENT, — (contmued) : support of . 1723— 1 : 380 1723 1 : 382 1730 2 311 1730— 2 : 312 1731— 2:337 1734 2 412 1735 2:453 1740— 2:544 1740 2 554 1740— 2:558 1742— 2 : 613 1742 2 635 GOVERNIMENTS (see New England). GOVERNOR {see also Adams, Address, Answer, Applica- tion, Amis, Assent, Barges, Beating, Books, Captain- General, Clarkson, Clerk, Commission, Committee, Com- moner, Coynpilaints, Co7igress, Controversy, Excise, Frontiers, Grievance, Highioay, Instructions, Langdon, Letters, Little Harbor, Maciihedris, Maine, Memorial, Message, Muster, Officers, Orders, Fenhallow, Postage, Prerogative, Proclamation, Province- House, Recess., Reg- ister, Remonstrance, Shijys, Thanks, Vi %cancies, Vodrell, Waldron, Warrants, and Ways) : continuance of, recommencled to th e king 1714 1 93 reception of . 1715 — 1:113 1716— 1:162 1716 1 181 1716— 1:186 1727— 2: 83 1728 2 118 1728 2:119 1728— 2 : 128 1728 2 130 1730 2 : 173 1730 2 : 174 1747 4 41 1766— 7 : 104 1766— 7:105 1768 7 213 embarks for Great Britain • • • • 1723 1 373 visits the frontiers . 1743 3: 74 1744 3 85 king's censure of, deprecated . . 1745— 3:213 1745 3 285 powers, etc., questioned (see Wentworth, Benning). misfortune of, concern for . 1721— 1:293 1721 1 296 taken suddenly -ill • • • . 1755 5 13 small-pox in family of • • • • 1761 6 186 contined with long fit of gout . . 1766 7 73 severe and painful indisposition of . 1770 8 33 house for, rent, etc. 1744 — 3 : 69 1744— 3 : 75 1744 3 85 1744— 3 : 106 1752— 4 : 244 1752 4 245 1752— 4 : 246 1752— 4 : 260 1752 4 262 1753 4 : 328 1753— 4 : 335 1753 4 358 1754_ 4 : 430 1754— 4 : 437 1754 4 441 1754— 4 : 450 1754— 4 : 453 1754 4 460 1754— 4:461 1755— 4 : 502 1756 5 160 1756— 5 : 191 1756— 5 : 193 1757 5 213 1757— 5 : 253 1757— 5:254 1757 5 268 1757— 5 : 284 1757— 5 : 285 1757 5 303 1757— 5 : 306 1758 5 : 419 1758 5 420 1758— 5 : 422 1759— 6 : 10 1760 6 66 1763 6 : 349 1764— 6:403 1765 7 27 1766— 7 : 78 1766— 7 : 82 1767 7 114 1767— 7 : 135 1768— 7 : 242 1768 7 243 1769— 7 : 328 1769— 7 : 329 1770 8 16 1770— 8 : 51 1771— 8: 72 1771 8 91 1773 8 : 150 1773— 8 : 152 1774 8 198 house of, at ^Volfeborough • • ■ • 1771 8 102 compensation . 1717 — 1 : 203 1717— 1:211 1718 1 222 1719— 1:235 1720— 1 : 247 1721 1 271 1721— 1 : 308 1722— 1:363 1729 2 148 1729— 2 : 150 1729— 2 : 152 1729 2 153 1729— 2 : 156 1730— 2 : 309 1730 2 312 1730— 2:314 1730 2 : 317 1730 2 318 1730— 2:319 1730— 2:320 1730 2 333 1732— 2 : 370 1735— 2:448 1735 2 450 1735— 2:451 1736 2 : 463 1737 2 484 1742— 2:619 1742— 2:621 1742 2 625 1742— 2:627 1742— 2 : 628 1742 2 6;i2 152 Indl;x to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAK. VOL. FACE. GOVERN t)K, — (cojdinncd) : eouipensation . 1742— 2 : 633 1742— 2 : 634 1742 2 635 1742—2:636 1742—2:638 1742 2 639 1742— 2:642 1742— 2:644 1742 2 645 1742— 2:647 1742— 3: 31 1742 3 38 1742— 3 : 45 1743— 3 : 60 1743 3 61 1743 3: 73 1743 3: 74 1744 3 86 1745— ;;:176 1746— 3:327 1746 3 338 1746— 3:415 1746— 3:443 1748 4 84 1752— 4 : 220 1753— 4 : 311 1763 4 312 1753— 4 : 313 1753— 4 : 320 1753 4 324 1753 4 : 359 1754— 4 : 374 1754 4 400 1754— 4 : 453 1755— 4 : 506 1765 4 607 1755 4 : 56!» 1755 4 : 570 1756 4 571 1756— 5:143 1756— 5:144 1756 6 1S7 1757— 5 : 271 175S— 5 : 283 1768 6 305 1758— 5 : 346 1758— 5 : 347 1768 6 348 1758— 5 : 349 1758— 5 : 402 1758 5 403 1758 5:404 175s 5:412 1758 5 419 1758— 5 : 420 1758— 5 : 422 1758 6 449 1758— 5 : 455 1759 5 : 457 1769 6 8 1759 6: 14 1760 6: 70 1760 6 88 1760 6: 90 1760 6:106 1761 6 212 1761— 6:213 1762— 6:267 1762 6 277 1762— 6 : 297 1763— 6 : 349 1764 6 402 1765— 7 : 27 1766— 7 : 78 1766 7 82 1767— 7:127 1767— 7:128 1767 7 134 1767— 7 : 137 1767— 7 : 138 . 1767 7 139 1767— 7 : 149 1767— 7 : 165 1767 7 166 1767— 7 : 167 1767— 7 : 168 1767 7 169 1768— 7 : 227 1768— 7 : 241 1768 7 242 176.S— 7 : 243 1768— 7 : 248 1768 7 250 176,H— 7 : 258 1768— 7 : 261 1769 7 284 1769— 7:328 1769— 7:329 1770 8 14 1770— 8: 16 1770— 8: 33 1770 8 34 1770— 8: 81 1771— 8: 91 1771 8 112 1772 8 : 12.S 1773 8 : 150 1774 8 198 requested to issue his precept to su])pl3- vacancies in the liouse 1717 1 206 desin-d to approve act tliat reijresentatives be dis- sulvid onie in three years . . 1721 — 1 : 272 1722 1 322 adjourns general court on account of Good Friday . 1745 3 165 acljounis j^cncral court on account of sniall-pox 1747 3 493 asks lli;il a nunil)crof liouse and council come (h>\vn and confer with liim ...... 1753 4 323 desiircs house to favor liini witii tlicir company, etc. 1761 6 207 secured against damage from consenting to certain vote 175,s 5 359 to alter vote otlering reward for detection of conn- terft'iters, if he tliinks meet ... 17 IS 1 231 desired to order the treasurer to hiy his accounts before tlie house ...... 1760 t; 89 to (hrei-t treasurer's account settled 1747 3 467 action of, about excise 1753 4 287 1754— 4 : 426 1768 7 236 desired to account for jiowdcr money ... 176S 7 265 "so engaged he coukl not sec" conunittec 1761 6 196 objections of . 1744—3: 98 1746—3:341 1757 6 233 desired to commission Henry Newm:ui 1729 2 161 favors making two counties, conditionally 1759— 6 : 26 176llicers and soldiers ...... 1758— 5 : 424 GRAVES, Samuel (see also Haverhill) : petition . . 1731—2:341 1734—2:427 GREAT Bkitain (see also England, Controversy, and Dis- pute) : court, crown, etc., of 1718— 1:215 1728— 2 : 123 news from .... 1722— 1:310 1728— 2:137 1720- 1:245 1722— 1:329 1723— 1:373 service in .... ships, lumber, etc., sent to governor goes to . . . recorder and treasurer goes to GREAT (V)iiASS (see also Upjjer Cohass and Coos) : highway . GREAT Gin Alakm (see also Otins) : ini|iiiry after tiie ..... GREAT Island (see also Blunt, Fort Williaia and Mary, and New Castle) : bridge . . account of, with Rev. John Blunt . . . . fort on fascine batteries at ...... . GREELEY, Andhew : app(!:irs ...... 175.^ — 5:317 GREELEY, Cait. Jonathan: muster-roll, etc 1755 — 4:494 GREELEY, Joskpii, etc. : guardian for 1757 1772 1773 1773 1774 1773 1775 1775 1722 1727 1756 1724 1742 1718 1727 1730 1720 1723 1724 1720 1723 1722 i7r..s 1746 1719 1740 1740 1746 175S 1755 1758 VOL. b 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 3 1 2 2 3 4 5 1746 3 393 1752 4 265 1753 4 358 1774 8 182 1745 3 124 1745 3 238 1755 5 17 1771 8 KU 1757 6 235 1760 6 53 PAGE. 226 129 140 15(1 20« 153 234 237 345 108 92 634 213 103 321 246 374 7 256 376 367 274 381 237 549 559 419 321 495 322 Province of IsTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 155 GREELEY, Moses : to ajjjjear . GREELEY, Peter : petition, etc. GREELEY, Richard : account, etc. GREELEY, Samuel : member . 1762- 17G2 1762- 17G4 17G8 1769 1770- 1770 1770- 1770 1771- 6: 6: 6: G: 7 GREEN, Abraham: account GREEN, Bradbury l^etition GREEN, ElJENEZER: member GREEN, Edav^ard : to apjiear . GREEN, Isaac : petition GREEN, John : claim GREEN, Nathan : petition . 1721— 1:295 240 263 458 464 — 7-9 t i 286 346 16 53 69 '1— 8: 91 GREEN, Richard : to ai)pear . GREENLAND : petition 1725— 2: 24 1763— 6 : 316 excepted in assessment . licenseil house in . to ai)])ear ..... constables .... firing guns in, restricted . lands in, valuation . part of, plat representatives 1732- 1735- 1739- 1745- 1745- 1746- 1749- 1751- 1752— 4 : 224 1753— 4 : 386 1755— 5 : 1755— 5:258 1756 — 5 : 515 2 : 376 2 : 433 542 118 185 368 100 6 2: 3: i» o : 3: 4: 4: 1757- 1758- 1762- 1762- 1763- 1768- 1768- 1769- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1771- 5:202 5 : 391 6:256 6:264 6:462 7 : 244 7:350 7 : 320 7:347 8: 7 8: 17 8: 57 8: 93 1721— 1:270 1722— 1:317 1756— 1771— 5 : 172 8 : 103 1767— 7 : 133 1732— 2:368 1763— 6 : 320 1723— 1:417 1734— 1736— 1742— 1745— 1745— 1747— 1749— 1751— 1752— 1754— 1755— 1756- 1757— 2 : 397 2:457 2:610 3:119 3 : 187 2 105 9 380 552 41 95 264 TEAK. VOL. 1759 5 1730 2 1758 5 1760 6 1762 6 1762 6 1764 6 1768 7 1769 7 1769 7 1770 7 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1746 6 1747 3 1775 8 1770 8 1721 1 1722 1 1755 4 1770 8 1772 8 1767 7 1714 1 1763 6 1763 6 1718 1 1718 1 1723 1 1730 2 1724 1 1728 2 1729 2 1734 2 1737 2 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1748 4 1750 4 1752 4 1753 4 1755 4 1755 5 1756 5 1757 5 PAGE. 460 347 390 92 257 297 422 273 284 352 354 14 49 p2 96 403 484 218 308 338 497 32 121 141 80 315 333 218 227 385 327 419 136 168 422 475 115 184 262 4 10 217 384 558 43 260 506 150 Index to Journals of TfousE of Uepresentatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. (illEENI.AND, — (co7itimied) : rein-osc-nlatives ll.'tH — 5 : 434 1758 5 : 438 1758 6 512 1759 Cy : 228 1760 6 : 2:{0 1761 6 232 1762— 6 : 458 17(;:5— 6:462 1764 6 461 170,-, 7:176 1761;- 7:178 1767 7 182 i7G,s— 7 : nr>o 176!)— 7 : 352 1770 7 354 1770— 8 : 1 p 1771— 8 : 2 p 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 : 144 1774 8 164 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8:187 1775 8 218 volunteers from , . 1746 3 : 403 1746 .3 405 laiul sfl oil" to . • • 17^s 4: 76 1718 4 82 (•hissed lor excise 1752— 4 : 238 17.^,5 4 510 inventory • • , , 1753 4 293 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 17(;7— 7: ICO 176S— 7 : 220 1773 8 1.06 proportion of province tax . 1762— 6 : 227 1762 6 278 1762— 6:282 1762 6 283 certain estate, partly in Portsmouth. taxed in , 1758 5 368 may call town meeting . , 1757— 5 : 301 1757 5 302 small-pox in . • . , 1761 6 178 surveyor from . , , , 1764 6 406 (iTvEENLKAF, Stki-hk.n : muster-roll , , , , 1726 2 56 claim . . 1727 — 2: 77 1729— 2 : 146 1731 2 356 1732— 2 : :i7(» 1734— 2:410 1737 2 485 1745— 3 : 250 1745— 3 : 274 1747 3 516 excise collector , , , 1735 2 445 petition .... , 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3 250 1747— 3 : 492 1748 4 81 GREENLEAF & Oi.iddon : amount in hands of . , , ^ . 1725 2 17 (IHEENOlICiH, Danikl [" Gkeennough, Gkeno, Greeno GUENOl'E"] : member, clerk . , , 1720 1 : 249 1720 250 1720— 253 1720— 1 : 259 1720 26( 1 1720 262 1721— 1 : 263 1721 266 1721— 268 1721— 1:272 1721 273 1721— 275 1721— 1:276 1721 277 1721— 278 1721— 1 : 280 1721 2S2 1721— 283 1721— 1 : 286 1721 287 1721— 291 1721— 1:292 1721 294 1721— 295 1721— 1:297 1721 298 1721— 300 1721 — 1 : 301 1721 1 303 1721— 305 1721— 1 : 305* 1721 30S 1721— 309 1722— 1:310 1722 312 1722— 313 1722— 1:317 1722 318 1722— 319 1722— 1 : .320 1722 321 1722— 322 1722— 1 : 323 1722 324 petition . . 1722— 338 1722- 1 : 344 1722 353 GREER, Thomas: claim .... , , , , 1746 432 GREGG, David, and otiieks : petition .... , , 1754— 4 : 420 1754 4 437 (;REG(i, James: member .... , , . 1736 2 457 GRECU;, James and Samuel: petition .... , , , 1745 3 294 GREGG, William [John ?] : petition . . 17t'i.5 — 7 : •» 176.'i— 7: 12 1765 7 31 GRIDLEY, Mk. : advice of . . . . 1754 4 419 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 157 lodg- ing in 1727— 1759— 2: 83 6: 29 GRIEVANCE (see also Remonstrance) : caused by surveyoi's restraining from woods, to Ije laid before governor governor's influence on council, a . GRIEVANCES : list of, New York house of assembly's GRIFFITH, John : claim . . 1726— 2: 56 petition . . 1759— 5 : 498 GRIMES, Moses : petition . . 1759— 5:483 GROTON {see Cockermotith) . GROTSTER & Littleton (see also Littleton, etc.) : V. John Avis GROUARU, James : account GROUT, Elijah : member GROVE, Isaac : V. Potter, Silas . GROW, John : claim GROW, Sergt. Nathaniel : widow's claim . GUARDS {see Scouts and Sentinels) GUMMER, EZEKIEL : doorkeeper 1759— 5 : 491 1772— 8 : 125 1764— 1766— 1769— 1771— 423 ISO 353 2p 1766- 1767- 1770- 1771- 7: 63 7 : 183 7:354 8: 96 GUNDLOES : for landing ordnance, etc. . . 1745 — 3 : 251 1747— 3 : 451 1747— 3 : 500 GUNNERS : wa^es, etc 1746— 3 : 308 GUNNING {see also Fowling and Sea Gulls) : in floats, regulated .... 1717 — 1 : 208 GUNPOWDER {see also Powder) : allowance for GUNPOWDER-PLOT Day : November 5th, disorders on, to prevent . GUNS {see also Cannon and Great Gun) : firing of, restricted 1724— 1 : 419 1724 — 1 : 428 transported from Rj-e to New Castle great, transj^orted to Canterbui-y .... landing at ^e\y Castle exercising at fort 1746— 3 : 424 1747— 3 : 478 to be carried to meeting volunteers', mended, etc. . . 1745 — 3 : 276 1768— 7 : 238 1769— 7 : 326 wrongfully charged to men . . 1746 — 3 : 427 soldiers to find their own, when .... allowance for (.sec also Losses, Lost, etc.) GUNTHWAIT [Lisbon] : inventory GUPPY, James : muster-roll HADLEY, Benjamin : petition . 1759— 5:484 YEAK. VOL. 1717 1736 1 2 1775 8 1727 1759 2 6 1759 5 1753 4 1773 8 1775 8 1765 7 1747 o 1758 5 1763 1766 1768 1770 1772 6 7 7 8 8 1746 1747 3 3 1758 5 1717 1 1746 3 1768 7 1746 1745 1745 1753 1747 1724 1745 1771 1747 1756 1757 3 3 8 4 3 1 3 8 3 5 5 1773 8 1747 3 1759 5 210 469 222 99 30 496 309 154 218 17 479 345 314 178 348 Pl 118 443 518 395 209 327 276 423 276 290 327 479 427 277 98 484 123 269 160 480 491 158 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, HAINES, .Jami:.s: soldier, had small-pox HAINES, John: supplies for HAINES, AIatthias: iiienib(.'r, etc. . HAINES, Samckl: petition HALE, AitiGAiL: petition HALE, Dk. El.Il'IIAI.ET: army surgeon . HALE, John : member . 1758— 5 : 339 1759— G : HALE, John and Henry petition HALE, Nathan : referee petition HA1>E, Koi;ei;t: ^ memorial of HALE, Sam r El.: to sell rcsal estate deereed judgment, HALE, Thomas: member . 1702— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1765 — 176.0— 1766— 1767— 1771— 240 251 268 276 458 334 346 36.S 3.S0 396 453 5 17.S 182 85 1766— 7 : 86 1758— 5 : 344 1732— 2:376 1757— 5 17o.S_ 5 1756— 5 1760— 6 1762— 1762— 1762— 1762— 176;;— 176:;— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1765— 1767— 1768— 1774— 1752— 1752— 1754— 1754— 175;-)— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755 — 175.-)— 1755— 17.'>6— 1756— 1756— 1756 — 1756— 4:241 4 : 380 4 : 403 4 : 552 4:518 .-)58 574 13 34 47 258 113 146 178 184 260 1766— 7 1766— 7 308 342 193 93 243 266 269 277 314 335 361 372 462 409 457 9 132 198 205 53 103 1754- 4:466 in notes, bills, etc. 1772— 8:120 1752— 17.53— 1754— 1755— 17.^)5- 17.0.5- 175.5— 17.55— 5 17.o6— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 247 384 406 496 521 565 18 36 59 79 116 149 180 1.H7 515 TEAR. VOL. 1757 6 1768 6 1747 3 1747 4 1770 7 17.58 5 1758 6 1759 5 1760 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1764 6 1764 6 1765 7 1766 7 1767 7 1768 7 1775 8 1766 7 1766 7 1745 3 1764 4 1755 4 1760 6 1772 8 1774 8 ) 17.')2 4 17.02 4 17.04 4 17.-)4 4 17.o5 4 17.">5 4 17.o5 4 i 17.05 5 1755 5 1 755 5 17.55 5 1756 6 17.o6 5 17.06 5 17.oG 5 17.o6 5 17.57 5 PAGE. 299 345 525 59 356 337 345 485 95 246 267 270 278 332 344 367 373 395 464 3 176 160 200 218 75 KiS 295 167 527 65 126 169 217 267 394 424 514 531 572 8 25 41 61 100 139 169 183 204 209 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 159 HALE, Thomas, member . (continued) : Viol— 1757— 1757— 1757— 1757— 1757— 1757— 5: 5: 5; 5: 5: 5: 5: HALF-PAY : of soldiers HALF-PENCE : English, value . HALIFAX : small-jjox at soldier died at . HALH^AX, Eakl of : letter from HALING (see Hauling). HALL : sutler HALL, Benjamin : V. Chestley, Ichabod member . 1772— 1774— 1774— HALL, Doctor : account HALL, P^DWARD : on committee account member . 17o9— 1740— 1740— 1749— 1749— 1750— HALL, John : petition .... remonstrance . HALL, JoSEi'H : scout .... petition .... HALL, Pero : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish HALL, Samlee : account .... petition .... HALL, Thomas, and wife : distracted, guardians lor . HALEY, Thomas : petition .... HAM, Daniel : bills l)urnt in house of HAM, Joseph : volunteer .... HAM, Nathaniel : deserter .... 217 237 257 282 286 302 309 1757— 5 : 221 1757— 5 : 252 1757— 5 : 264 1757— 5 : 283 1757— 5 : 299 1757— 5:305 1757— 5 : 506 176 6:383 1768— 7 : 202 125 164 188 1773— 8 1774— 8 1774— 8 144 172 205 1722— 1:317 542 552 :558 :100 :164 194 1736- 1740- 1740- 1740- 1749- 1750- 1751- 2: 2: 2 : i': 4: 4: 4: 457 544 553 560 123 10 9 1743— 3: 73 1759- 1761- 5:494 6:202 1746— 3 : 308 YEAK. VOL. 1757 5 1757 5 1767 5 1757 5 1757 5 1757 5 1758 5 1757 5 1765 6 1758 5 1758 5 1764 6 1760 6 1768 7 1772 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1726 2 1722 1 1726 2 1736 2 1740 2 1740 2 1740 2 1749 4 1750 4 1753 4 1743 3 1764 6 1765 7 1745 3 1759 5 1761 6 1 1763 6 1760 6 1769 7 1765 7 1760 6 1765 6 1746 3 1761 6 PAGE. 233 253 *268 285 301 306 405 205 453 371 424 384 97 252 119 150 184 210 41 323 46 469 548 554 561 153 188 347 58 413 42 228 495 206 330 93 320 46 40 436 403 199 1«0 Index to Journals of House of 1\ei>resentatives, TRAK. VOL. FAOE. HAM, Samirl: account ...... , 1765 7 30 HAM, Wkvmoi Til: invaliil vnlimtcer .... 1746— 3 : 308 1746 3 329 1746— 3 : 343 1746 3 403 IIA.MKT, TncM.vs: account , , 1729 2 146 IIAMMOXI), Antiiow: captain of transport .... 1745— 3 : 218 1746 3 322 1746— 3:333 1746— 3 : 335 1746 3 337 1746— 3:438 1746— 3 : 441 1747 3 451 IIAMPSTEAD (see also Timberlanc) : representative . 1752 — 4 : 217 1752— 4 : 380 1753 4 384 1753_ 4 : 386 1754— 4:552 1755 4 558 1755— 5 : 1755 — 5: 41 1766 6 258 1756 5: 95 1756— 5:260 1756 6 515 1757— 5 : 264 1757 — 5:506 1758 5 434 175S— 5:436 1758— 5:512 1759 6 228 1760 6 : 230 1761— 6:232 1762 6 256 1762— 6 : 257 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 464 1765 7:176 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 182 176H— 7 : 350 1769 7 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770— 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8:105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 144 1774— 8 : 164 1774— 8:184 1774 8 188 1774— 8 : 194 1774— 8:200 1775 8 218 cliarter, copy of ... . . , , 1752 4 223 classed for excise .... 1752— 1 : 238 1755 4 510 inventory , , , 1753 4 294 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 156 as.sessment on lands in , , , 1769 7 283 1769- 7 : 286 1769 7 307 jjctitioner from .... , , , 1756 5 64 Ijetition , , , 1768 7 276 estate in, divided 1757 — 5 : 2i*'J 1757— 5:301 1757 5 302 part of Piaistow annexed to . , , 1766 7 75 :i;ri'eement of, witli Kin^jston . 1768 7:191 1768 7 215 i;AMP'i"()X {sec also Towm) : claims upon . 1711 — 1: 4 1712— 1: 40 1721 1 *305 1722— 1:;517 1722— 1 : 338 1724 1 418 claim of 1737 2 485 selcittinen to settle jn-ovinee bounds 1711 1 4 town hounds . 1712— 1 : in 1715 i : 136 1718 1 228 minute men from .... . 1711 1 21 volunteers from .... , , 1746 .". 4(»4 representatives 1714— 1 : 84 1715— 1: 97 1715 1 114 1715— 1:117 171.")— 1:127 1715 1 128 1716— 1:173 1716— 1:178 1717 1 190 1718— 1:224 1721— 1:273 1721 1 277 1722— 1:;!26 1727— 2: 79 1727 2 100 1728 2:121 17:{n 2 : 307 1731 2 335 1732— 2:376 1734 2 : 397 1734 2 422 1735 2 : 433 1736— 2 : 457 1737 2 475 1739— 2 : 542 1742— 2:610 1742 2 631 1745— 3:115 174.5* 3 : 184 1745 3 185 174.5— 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 262 1746 3 368 1747— 4: 2 1748 1: 4 1749 4 100 1740— 4:104 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 6 1751— 4: 9 1752— 4:216 1752 4 275 1752— 4:380 1753— 4 : 29(; 1753 4 299 Province of jS'ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 161 HAMPTON, — {continued) : representatives 1753— 1754— 1755— 1756— 1757— 1758— 1760— 1763— 1766— 1768— 1770— 1772— 1774— 1715— constaljles taverns courts at 301 552 41 95 264 436 230 6:462 7 : 178 7 : 350 8: Ip 8:115 8:184 1:121 1753- 1755- 1755- 1756- 1757- 1758- 1761- 1764- 1767- 1769- 1771- 1773- 1774- 1721- 384 558 43 260 506 5:512 6:232 6:464 7:182 7 : 352 8: 2p 8:144 8:187 1:294 TEAK. 1716— 1:188 1726— 2: 60 4 500 court-house and prisons in pillur}- in . l)etitioners from petition 1724 1737- highway to Kingston seleetn)en''s ajjpearance . trustees' accounts 1722 — 1 : 359 lands, valuation plat of trade valuation double rating, protested against classed for excise inventory . . 1753 — 1767— dispute with Rye 1728 — general assembly at ... 1742— 2 : 639 beach saved ..... small-pox at certain estate in, divided Presbyterians annexed to HamiJton F bills burnt in house at . NORTH Hill (see North Hampton) . HAMPTON Falls : 1718— 1:215 1756— 5 : 174 1724— 2: 8 1742— 3: 34 1721— 1:277 1722— 1:361 4:293 7 : 160 2:141 1752— 1760— 1768- 1729 — 1737— 1742— :238 : 86 218 158 495 640 1761- alls 6 : 146 school representative 1749— 1751— 1752— 1753— 1755— 1755— 1756— 1758— 1759— 1762— 1765— 1768— 1770— 1772— 4 : 100 6 224 386 258 515 434 228 458 176 350 1 115 1722— 1749— 1751— 1752— 1754— 1755 — 1756— 1757 — 1758— 17fiO— 1763— 1766— 1769— 1771— 1773— 1:326 4:104 4: 9 380 552 41 95 264 436 6 : 230 6:462 7:178 7:352 8: 2p 8:144 1753 1755 1755 1756 1758 1759 1762 1765 1768 1770 1771 1774 1775 1724 1715 1730 1726 1737 1752 1761 1723 1737 1742 172U 1761 1727 1728 1729 1728 1746 1755 1761 1773 1737 1740 1742 1755 1758 1761 1763 1769 1771 1712 1745 1750 1752 1753 1755 1755 1756 1757 1758 1761 1764 1767 1777 1771 1774 VOL. 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 1 1 2 2 2 4 6 1 2 3 1 6 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 8 2 2 2 5 5 6 6 7 8 1 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 PAGE. 386 258 515 434 228 458 176 228 354 105 164 218 417 135 327 47 485 265 215 399 499 36 251 147 108 136 168 140 410 510 122 156 527 656 648 30 400 145 368 282 87 52 115 10 217 384 558 43 260 506 512 234 464 182 354 105 164 21 162 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, IIAMFrOX Falls, — {continued) : representative . trade valuation in elassed lor exeise iiiventurv 1774— 8: 184 1774— 8:187 17(;i— G: 177:3- 8: 122 150 west end [Kensington] petition 1735— 2:44:5 petition . . 1726— 2: 34 l)etitioners I'rom coniniittee on line meet in licensed house in . . . express to .... selectmen to appear estate in, divided land in, to be sold ministerial alVairs also Hamijlon) 4: 4: 7: 8: 2: 2: 2: 1762— 175:^ 17l. [I>()W1,K('()<)S] : tow iisliii) licldw (I'icniiniii) ■ ■ • 1764 6 422 sale ol' land in . • • • 1766 6 455 inventory > ■ 1767 7 161 176,S— 7:219 1773 8 160 HAVEKniLr> (DiSTUiCT) [Plaistow] : jiianls in . 1729 2 147 border troubles (see also Graves, Sanuul) 1731 2 341 17;{4_ 2:427 1769 7 283 rejjresentativo 1745_ 8:116 1745 3 118 1749— 4:130 1749— 4:131 1749 4 144 estate in, divided • • • 1757 6 290 petitioner fi'oni . 1758 5 337 IIAWKK [Danvm.i.k] : iueorporated In mi Kin<:;st()n . • ■ • 1760 6 44 1760— 6 : 81 1760 6 84 invontoi'Y 1761— 6:122 1767 7 161 J 1768— 7:219 1773 8 157 HAWKERS: re;i;ulated .... 1711— 1: 78 1718 1 221 HAY-CUTTING : people enfj^afrt'd in, guarded • • ■ • 1756 5 96 HAYES, Daniel : scout , 1745 3 255 HAYES, Thomas: petition ..... ■ ■ • ■ 17(;i 6 201 HAZEN, John : muster-roll, etc. , 1758— 5:397 1759 5 461 17,-,9_ .t:4G4 1759— 5 : 469 1760 6 78 1761— 6 : 132 1761— 6:155 1761 6 189 1761— 6:192 1762— 6 : 256 1762 6 260 1762— 6 : 262 1763— 6 : 327 1763 6 328 1763 6 : 331 1763— 6 : 333 1763 6 341 1763 6 : 342 1763— 6 : 344 1763 6 345 HAZEN, Mk. (sec also Mitchell, George) : and Miteliell lines . . 1743— 3: 58 1743 3 59 plan of south line, by • > • 1745 3 1169 1745— 3:235 1745 3 241 HAZEN, Richard: petition • ■ • 1754 4 393 estate of . . 1755— 5: 30 1757— 5:253 1757 5 276 HAZEN, RiCHAKO, Jk. : petition ..... • • • • 1729 2 147 HAZEN, Sauaii [•' Makv':'"] : l)etiti<.)n ..... . 1755- 4:540 1755 5 6 1 1755— 5 : 10 1755 5 23 HEAD (see also Polls) : tax ...... • ■ • 1742 2 651 HEALEY, Nathaniel: meinljer . 1775 8 218 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 165 HEARD, Nathaniel (see also Third) claim .... HEARD, Samuel: muster-roll wounded soldier 1757— o : 214 HEARD, Lieut. Tristram : muster-roll HEARINGS (see Petitions). HEATH, Bartholemew : invalid soldier HEATH, Calei; : bills burnt in house of HEATH, James : estate of, divided HEATH, Josiah : claim HEATH, Richard : V. Belknap, John HEATH, William : under Captain Hazen HEMP (see also Flax) : raising 1718— 1719— 1730— 1735— 1735— 1735— tax payable in merchantable, tax rate HENDERSON, Howard : member . 1756— 1758— 1761— 1764— 1758— 1759— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1762— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1767— 213 233 321 438 447 452 1763— 6:347 136 388 213 396 438 477 30 : 50 : 84 215 :271 :349 ;397 176 :127 HENDERSON, Hugh: account .... HENNIKER (see also Number Six) : ratable estate, proiJortion and HENRICK, Henry : account .... HERINGTON, Timothy : account .... HEWERS : of masts (see also Mast Men) polls 1746— 1756— 1757— 3 : 429 5 : 175 5 : 309 1757- 1757- 5:290 5 : 301 1758— 5 : 370 1718- 1720- 1730- 1735- 1735- 1735- 1763- 1735- 1735- 175 1757 1759 1762 1765 1: 1: 2 : 2: 2: 2: 215 257 324 442 :449 : 455 6 : 348 2:449 2:451 4:445 5 : 277 6: 2 6:265 7: 28 1758— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1761— 1762— 1763— 1764— 1766— 1767— YEAR. VOL. 512 479 : 36 : 72 :148 232 : 458 :462 :464 :178 : 182 1748 1746 1756 1769 1726 1756 1762 1757 1757 1758 1758 1763 1719 1721 1730 1735 1735 1737 1763 1735 1737 1752 1755 1758 1760 1763 1766 1758 1759 1759 1760 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1767 1768 1773 1773 1765 1758 1745 3 5 7 5 5 5 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 6 5 3 PAGE. 80 533 191 332 28 119 273 299 302 397 375 331 232 265 329 446 451 486 354 450 487 251 548 385 104 338 84 434 463 490 39 77 158 242 316 395 7 126 204 151 158 466 367 232 166 Index to Juurnals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. IIICKS, .Toim: viiltiiitoer ...... 1746— 3:403 1746 3 405 UK KS, Ma.iok: estati- of ...... 1766 7 52 IIICKS, Jo.sErii [and Miis.] : pi'tition ...... 1773 .S:135 1773 8 136 HIGH SiiKiiiKK (see also Doorkeeper and SIk riff') : to lay precepts foi* choosing niembor.s before tlio house ...... , , 1765 5 49 called to account .... • 1756 5 165 report of . , , , 1758 5 440 lIKlll Tkkaj^on (see Treason). IIKJHT, CiiAKLKS: iiuister-roll, etc. 1745— H: 168 1747— 3 : 451 1747 3 500 IIKJIIWAYS (see also Romls, Sdcclmcn, Surveyors, arid II7ty.s) : regulated . . 1714 — 1 : 77 1718— 1:221 1723 1 388 1743— 3: 51 1743— 3: 56 1743 3 66 1743— 3: 72 1744— 3: 76 1748 4 73 1748— 4: 94 1748— 4: 99 1752 4 249 1752— 4 : 270 1752— 4:276 1752 4 277 1753 4 : 305 1753— 4 : 306 1753 4 338 1753— 4 : 339 1754— 4 : 404 1754 4 409 1754— 4:411 1754— 4:420 1764 4 426 1757— 5:213 1757— 5 : 257 1757 5 26S 1757— 5 : 269 1757 — 5 : 273 1758 5 450 1758— 5:451 1759— 5 : 462 1759 5 465 1759— 5 : 466 1759— 5 : 485 1759 5 492 1759— 6 : 2 1759— 6: 6 1759 6 15 1759— 6 : 16 1759— 6: 30 1760 6 66 1760 6: 74 1765— 6:452 1765 6 453 1705— 6:454 1770 — 8: 8 1770 8 32 1770— 8: 40 1771— 8: 69 1771 8 108 1771— 8:109 1774— 8:168 1774 8 169 near Anioskcag Falls , , 1754 4 398 in Barnstead ..... , , 1771 8 88 in Harrington 1761— 6:127 1761 6 205 1761- 6:215 1762— 6 : 250 1762 6 251 17(;2— 6:252 1762— 6 : 265 1762 6 268 1762— 6 : 271 1762— 6 : 298 1771 8 88 through Burton .... 1769— 7:291 1770 7 341 from ( liarlestown to Amhcr.st . , , 1773 8 146 from ("liarlestown [or Connecticut river] to Bos- cawen . 1768 — 7 : 273 1768— 7 : 279 1769 7 289 1769— 7 : 297 1770— 7:341 1772 8 124 from Conway to Connecticut river . 1772— 8:128 1773 8 136 177;J— 8:138 1774 8 169 from out towns to Coos . , , , 1752 4 272 1753— 4:329 176;?— 6 : 341 1763 6 344 1763 6:345 I7t;3— 6 : 374 1763 6 375 1763— 6:381 1765— 6 : 446 1765 6 451 1768— 7 : 186 176.S— 7 : 192 1768 7 214 1768 7 : 274 176H— 7:277 1770 7 341 1772- 8:117 1772— 8:129 1773 8 136 through Dartmouth .... 1769— 7:291 1770 7 341 in Derrylield 1753— 4 : 322 1753 4 353 from Dover to Winipisioke pond 1722— 1:317 1722 1 325 1722— 1 : 352 1722 1 360 from Durham to mouth of Baker's river (sec also iJurhdrn) ..... , • 1765 6 451 in Epping . . 1747 3 460 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 167 HIGHWAYS, — {continued) : from Exeter to Winii)isioke pond tliroiigh Gilmanton . to the governor's in Kingston through Laneaster in Londonderry 1720— 1747— 1756— 1761— 251 465 69 137 from crotch of Merrinuick river in Moultonborough . in New Town . in Newington . in Newmarket . in Northumberland in Nottingham 1766- 7: 91 to Portsmouth, from Stonington, etc in Rochester . 1768— 7 : 191 1768— 7 : 217 through Rye and Portsmouth through Sandwich . in Shelburne in Society land two, in South Haiupton . in Stonington . through Tamworth in Tuitonborough to Winipisioke pond 1722— 1:350 in Wolfeborough 1766- 1765- 1747- 1747- 1770— 1743— 1756— 1765— 1768— 1769— 1756— 1765- 1768- 1765- 1765- 176S- 1771- 1764- 1769- 7: 86 6:457 3:447 3:471 7:341 3: 50 5: 89 7: 12 7:274 7 : 291 5: 74 7: 41 7:192 7: 7: 1770— 8: 1768- 1769- 1769- 1768- 1769- 1722- 1722- 1768- 1769- from Wolfeborough to Dartmouth college HILL, Brigadier : commander-in-cliicf ..... HILL, Henry: petiti(ni ..... HILL, Jonathan : account, etc. .... HILL, Nathaniel : member ..... 1711— 1711— 1711— 1711— 1712— 1712— 1712- 1712— 1712— 1713— 1713— 1713— 1714— 15 24 29 34 37 43 47 62 56 59 63 67 73 1711- 1711- 1711- 1711- 1712- 1712- 1712- 1712- 1712- 1712- 1713- 1713- 1713- 1714- 4 33 7:215 8: 64 6 : 407 7 : 291 7:274 7 : 291 7 : 291 7:274 7:291 1 : 325 1 : 352 7:274 7 : 291 1761— 6:121 1761— 6 : 214 1: 1 1: 17 1: 25 31 35 39 44 48 54 57 60 65 1: 69 1: 75 YEAK. VOL. 1722 1 1771 8 1765 6 1747 3 1755 4 1769 7 1772 8 1743 3 1760 6 1765 7 1753 4 1768 7 1770 7 1756 5 1755 5 1765 7 1768 7 1772 8 1765 7 1765 7 1768 7 1768 7 1771 8 1765 7 1770 7 1772 8 1771 8 1746 3 1768 7 1770 7 1770 7 1768 7 1770 7 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1768 7 1770 7 1771 8 1711 1 1761 6 1765 7 1711 1 1711 1 1711 1 1711 1 1712 1 1712 1 1712 1 1712 1 1712 1 1713 1 1713 .1 1713 1 1713 1 1714 1 PAGE. 317 88 466 464 570 291 128 64 97 31 329 277 341 100 38 46 214 128 14 34 277 216 95 48 341 128 57 323 277 341 341 277 341 317 335 360 277 341 102 19 214 45 8 23 28 33 36 41 46 60 65 68 62 66 70 79 168 Index to Journals of House of Kepresentatives, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. HILL, Nathaniel, — {continued) : 1714— 1 : 82 1711— 1: 83 1714 1 91 1714— 1 : 1)2 1714— 1: 93 1714 1 91 acct.uiil . . 1725— 2: 12 f 1725— 2: 18 1725 2 19 HILL, William: niiislcr-roll, uto. 1724— 2 : C 1737— 2:488 1761 6 214 HILLS, IW.N.IAMIN: iiiciiil)er elect , , , 1745 3 116 HILLS, J. .UN: petition ...... , , , 1744 3 *228 HILLSHOKOl'iiH: inveiilnrv . . 1767 — 7:ltJl 170)S— 7 : 220 1773 8 158 exenii)ting from i)rovint'e tax . , . 1768 7 203 jictition ...... 1770— 8: 5 1771 8 57 superiiir court session in . , , , 1774 8 169 H1LLSH0K0L(;H tVuNTV : reccinlcr, Maj. Samuel Hobart , , 1771 8 84 1772— S: 121 1774 8 204 Hopkinton annexed to . . 1772 8 125 annexing Concord, Londonderry, J *ellKUu, I'em- broke, Salem, and Windham to . , , 1773 8 139 towns, petition .... 1774— 8 : 108 1774 8 109 courts 1774— 8:193 1774 8 204 HILLSBOROUGH, Eaul of: letter of 176H— 7 : 229 1768 7 231 1768— 7:268 1771 8 97 HILTON, Ki.WAiU): V. Fowler, Philip .... , , , 1768 7 190 nOS— 7 : 2U9 1708- 7:239 1768 7 247 IIILTOX. Rkhakd: petition, etc 1721— 1:282 1723 1 400 1742— 2 : 025 1742— 3: 30 1743 3 49 1743- 3: 53 1743— 3: 54 1743 3 55 IHLTON, Seh(;t. Samuel: muster-roll, etc. .... 1725— 2: 18 1726 2 28 HILTON, William: soldier, widow's claim , , 1747 3 520 HILTON'S I'oiNT: petition of proprietors , , 1731 2 341 HINCKKS, John: petition, etc. . 1712— 1 : .i'.* 1720 1 : 240 1720 1 *253 HINKS, Samiel: jictilion ...... , , , 1720 1 246 HINSDALE (see also New Yuri:): inventory 170O— 6: 86 1701 6 122 1707— 7: ini 1708— 7:219 1773 8 159 province ta.x aliated 1706— 7: 90 1768 7 188 HINSDALE, Ei'.enezkk: corrcspondi'iicc with , , . 1743 3 62 1751— 4 : 373 1754 4 400 1755— 5: 13 1750— 5: 71 1758 5 328 l)etilion, etc. . 1750 — 5: 01 1750— 5: 00 1756 6 72 HINSDALE, Er.ENEZKK. ani> <»tiieks : ]»etition . . 1744— 3: SO 1744— 3: 87 1745 3 *228 HIRST (.SM ] hirst). IHXON. Samuel: claim ...... , , 1746 3 420 IIOAG. J«HIN: ]ietifion withdrawn .... • . 1750 5 92 HOBART, David: on committee 1773— 8 : 150 1774 8 208 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 169 22 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. HOBART, Samuel : adjutiuit, member, etc. • • • • 1765 7 22 1765— 7 : 23 1765 7 49 1765- 7 50 1766— 7: 55 1766 7 88 1768— 7 236 1768— 7 : 247 1768 7 267 1768— 7 :276 1768— 7 : 279 1768 7 350 1769— 7 :282 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 287 1769— 7 288 1769— 7 : 298 1769 7 312 1769— 7 313 1769— 7 : 326 1769 7 331 1769— 7 352 1770— 7:354 1770 8 Pl 1770— 8 6 1770— 8 : 15 1770 8 32 1770 8 44 1770 8: 47 1771 8 p2 1771— 8 60 1771— 8: 62 1771 8 93 1771— 8 99 1771— 8 : 100 1771 8 105 1771— 8 109 1771— 8:113 1772 8 115 1772— 8 121 1773 8 : 136 1773 8 137 1773 8 144 1773 8 : 1-48 1774 8 164 1774— 8 166 1774— 8 : 172 1774 8 184 1774— 8 188 1774— 8 : 192 1774 8 203 recorder, Hillsborough county . 1771— 8 : 84 1771 8 97 1772— 8:121 1774— 8 : 204 1774 8 215 HOBBS, Benjamin : claim ..... • • • . 1746 3 444 HOBBS, Benjamin, Jk., and Mahy: petition ..... . 1758 5 : 385 1758 6 388 HOBBY, SiK Charles : claim to province lands . . 1716— 1:154 1726 2 53 estate of, proceedings stopped • • • • 1718 1 212 HOBBY, John : memorial .... . 1726 2: 53 1726 2 55 HODGDON, Caleb: member . 1774— 8 : 184 1774 8 187 177-4— 8 : 207 1775— 8 : 218 1775 8 222 HODGES, James : petition . . 1752— 4 : 270 1753— 4:305 1753 4 306 HODGSDON, Israel : volunteer ..... • • • 1746 3 404 HOGG, John : l^etition ..... 1757— 5 : 290 1757 5 299 HOGS (see also Swine) : in Portsmouth, regulating • < . . 1759 6 32 going at large .... 1760 6: 88 1760 6 91 HOIT, Jonas (see also Hoyt) : claim ..... • • • 1760 6 108 HOLDEN, Mass. : petition ..... ■ • . 1761 6 144 HOLDERNESS, Earl of : letters from .... • • a 1754 4 370 HOLLAND : shirts fur Indians ■ • • 1728 2 142 HOLLAND, John : to appear ..... • < ■ 1774 8 168 HOLLAND, Samuel : surveyor-general 1770— 8: 50 1771 8 61 1772— 8: 114 1772— 8 : 116 1772 8 123 HOLLAND, Stephen: member 1771— 8 : 105 1771 S 108 1771— 8 : 113 1772— 8:114 1772 8 115 1772— 8 : 120 1772— 8 : 125 1773 8 136 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 : 139 1773 8 144 1773— 8 : 147 1774— 8 : 164 1774 8 166 170 Index to Jouunals of House of liEPHKSKNTATivES, HOLLAND, SriuiiKN, member . HOLLIS: taxation of miHfliiii^-liuiisr ])ctitioii dolunce ul' {roiitinual) ■S 8 S representative inventory 177 1774— 1774— 1746— 174(5— 1747— 1758— 1760— 1762— 1763— 1765— 1768— 1770— 1772— 1774— 175:3— 1767— 167 184 205 :}88 402 456 4;$4 2:iO 241 :4(i2 : 176 ; 350 : 1] ;115 :184 :294 : 1C)0 1774— 1774— 1775— 1717— 1747— 1717— 1747- 1747— 175H— 1761— Ui\2— 1764— 1766— 176y— 1771— 177:5— 1774— 1760— 1768— selectmen's account . selectmen to ajjpcar . j)art of Dunstable set oil" to 176:3— 6::373 Monson, south side, set oft" to . part of, set oil" . 1765 — 6 : 453 HOLT, i3ENJAMiN : petition . . 1745— 3 : 177 HOLYOKP:, EmvAKi): president of Harvard college . HOPKINS, Benjamin : account HOPKINS, EDWAKn: invalid volunteer .... HOPKINTON {sec also New IIoiMnlon) : inventory ..... 1761— 6:215 iion-ri'sidcnt lands taxed . (li\ idi'tl by county act to l)e entirely in Hillsborough county HOKNEY, Daviu : account ...... 1753— 4::341 1755— 4:572 HORNKY, MiiS. Hannah : account, etc. . 1758 — 5 : 387 1760— 6: 79 1761— 6:160 HORSES : shij)])ing, to prevent damages by, to prevent . imitrussing ..... valuation . . 1727— 2: 75 1753— 4 : 290 allowance for 1746— 3 : 432 1763- 177:]- 1765- 1745- 8:168 8 : 192 5 : 218 3 : 470 :5 : 456 :5 : 45M 3 : 460 4: 27 5:512 6 : 232 6 : 243 6 : 464 7: 178 7 : :552 H: 2p 8:144 8 : 188 6: 86 7 : 219 6:344 8 : 147 6:454 3:228 YBAB. 1765— 6 : 444 1746- 1747- 1760- 1768- 1768- 3 : 305 3 : 468 6: 86 7:219 7:187 1772— 8:123 1745- 1754- 1756- 1758- 1760- 1761- 3 : 251 4:459 5: 160 5 : 418 6: 86 6:195 172J— 1 : 269 1728- 1761- 2 : 140 6:122 1747— 3:445 1774 1774 1775 1747 1747 1757 1747 1748 1749 1759 1762 1762 1765 1767 1770 1771 1774 1776 1761 1773 1761 1773 1756 1763 1773 1763 1765 1745 1764 1765 1768 1746 1747 1761 1773 1768 1772 1772 1753 1755 1757 1759 1760 1762 1714 1760 1761 1742 1767 1745 1747 VOL. 8 S 8 ;i 3 6 3 4 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 6 8 6 8 5 6 8 6 7 6 7 3 3 6 8 7 8 8 4 4 6 6 6 1 6 6 2 7 3 FAOE. i: 194 22'.' 4.S.S 472 2S7 4(52 (57 141 228 240 458 3 182 354 105 164 218 122 158 215 138 179 372 148 313 4 *228 418 14 236 401 485 122 158 214 120 125 340 615 282 13 109 270 78 81 197 651 161 277 485 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 171 HORSES, — {continued) : allowance for . 143 248 382 208 1756— 5 1758— 5 : 153 370 1761— 6 : 202 1761— 6:214 1756— 5 1757— 5 : 1758— 5 : 1761— 6; HOSE [Stockings] : for soldiers HOSPITAL Commissary {see also Commissary') : wages HOSTAGES : Indian HOUSE, Mr.: IJetition HOUSE {see also Assembly, Chaplain, Clerk, Controversy, Doorkeeper, Governor, Light {Johji), Members, Message, Precedent, Recorder, Restrictions^ Rights, Rules, Speaker, Sjjring, Wentworth {Benning) , and names of the several States) : right of the, to examine and allow treasui'er's ac- count, undoubted .... 1722— 1 : 358 to give aid and assistance ..... " in an inactive state " ;..... HOUSE OF Commons {see also Parliament) : of Great Britain 1775— 8 : 223 HOUSES {see also DivclUnq-IIouses) : valuation . . 1727— 2 : 75 HOUSES OF Correction : regulated . . 1765— 7 : 39 HOUSTON, Samuel : sick soldier HOW, George: common carrier, etc. 1761— 6 : 186 HOYT, Joseph {see also Hoit) : jjetition HUBBARD, : his man, express per HUBBARD, Adjutant : under Captain Gerrish HUBBARD, David : on committee . HUBBARD, John : scout HUBBARD, Samuel: ensign, under Captain Lovewell HUDSON, James: sets up salt works HUDSON River : frontiers, defence of HUGGINS, John [" Huckens"] : muster-roll . . 1745— 3:255 HUGGINS, Nathaniel : in service under Captains Clement and Chesley HUGHES, Clement ["Hues"] : 1775— 8 : 230 1728— 2 : 140 1766— 7 : 66 1764— 6:419 1761— 6:162 excise farmer, etc. estate of 1745— 3 : 256 390 1723— 1 1724— 1:428 1724— 2: 8 1726— 2: 46 1727— 2: 80 1737— 2: 99 1727— 2:112 1732— 2 : 370 1732— 2 : 373 1734— 2:410 1734— 2:415 1736— 2 : 462 1737— 2 : 491 YEAK. VOL. 1757 1758 1761 1763 5 5 6 6 1759 6 1756 5 1722 1 1773 8 1722 1723 1761 1 1 6 1775 8 1742 2 1766 7 1755 4 1761 1765 6 6 1768 7 1765 6 1762 6 1773 8 1745 3 1761 6 1770 7 1756 5 1745 3 1753 4 1724 1725 1727 1729 1733 1734 1737 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 PAGE. 243 379 203 312 3 117 317 138 368 373 219 231 651 70 495 182 434 261 429 256 141 228 202 346 82 281 350 416 19 81 146 387 418 493 172 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, HULL, Mk. : returned " deserter" HULL, Rkiiaui): (•l:\iiii, etc. .... lIUMrilRKY, D.\niel: account ..... HUMPHREY, John : nnistcr-roll, etc. HUMIMI1!I:Y. WiluaM: jjitition ..... HUNKIN(;, Mauk : of tlie council .... 1714— 1 : 86 1715— 1:108 1715— 1 : 132 1716— 1:159 1716— 1 : 1^<6 1719— 1:234 172tt— 1:248 1721— 1:290 1722— 1:315 1722— 1 : 344 1722— 1:364 1723— 1 : 392 1724— 1 : 424 1724— 2: 9 1725— 2: 17 1726— 2: 38 1726— 2 : 54 1728— 2 : 133 1729— 2 : 157 clioice of, as recorder 1722— 1:371 HUNT, Samtkl: memlier ..... HUNTER, Jamks : account .... HUNTER, John: ' petition .... HUNTING Timk: Indians' .... HUNTOON, ClIAKLES: claim .... HUNTOON, Samiel: lands re-conveyed to ])etition .... HUNTRESS, CiiuiSToi'HEU: volunteer HUNTRESS, Geokge: volunteer petition .... HUNTRESS, Jonathan : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish HUNTRESS, Samuel: claim .... Hl'RD, John (see also Heard) : excise farmer . memorial . 1773 — 8 : 137 recorder for Grafton rnuntv 1744— 3: 86 1745— 3 : 300 1761— 6: 173 1713— 1715— 1715— 171.i— 1716— 1716— 1719— 1721— 1721— 1722— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1724— 1725— 1726— 1727— 1728— 1734— 1: 66 1 : lOO 1:118 1 : 136 1 : 166 1: 189 1:235 1:264 1:307 1 : 319 1:360 1:382 1:407 1:425 2: 11 19 42 69 135 2:413 1722— 1 : 372 1774— 8: 184 1767— 7 1768— 7 1759— 5 1759— 6 150 190 494 29 YEAB. • • , 1770 177.3— 8 138 1773 177.3— 8. 141 1773 1773 8 153 1776 1762 1761 1774 1761 1761 1714 1715 1715 1716 1716 1717 1720 1721 1722 1722 1722 1723 1724 1724 1724 1726 1726 1727 1728 1753 1722 1726 1774 1758 1773 1754 1758 1767 1768 1726 1746 1759 1759 1763 1746 VOL. 6 6 8 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 8 5 8 4 6 7 7 3 6 6 6 3 8 8 8 8 PAGE. 274 224 210 173 i:i9 101 123 143 174 2(19 247 271 311 338 361 383 414 7 12 30 45 71 137 3H» 367 42 t 188 427 148 458 377 152 205 404 404 498 30 330 443 41 152 150 208 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 173 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. HURD, Mr.: engraver of bills, sworn . , , , , 1755 4 568 HURST (seeHuske). [Consult note 1, vol. 5, p. . 202, Provincial Papers.] HUSKE, Ellis : of the council . . . 1734— 2:401 1737 2 489 1737— 2:512 1737— 2:521 1737 2 532 1738 2:537 1739 2 : 542 1740 2 549 1740— 2:565 1742— 2:616 1742 3 38 1743— 3: 50 1743 3: 51 1743 3 54 1743 3: 58 1744— 3: 91 1745 3 124 1745— 3:127 1745 3 : 129 1745 3 138 1745 3 : 147 1745— 3 : 153 1745 3 247 HUST (seeEuske). HUTCHINS, Henry : in Captain Allcock's roll . , , , 1757 5 237 HUTCHINSON, Ebenezer : deserter, balance stopt , , 1758 5 333 HUTCHINSON, Solomon : re-lmbursed for bills, etc. 1764 6 425 1764— 6:426 1765 7 10 HUTCHINSON, Thomas : petition, etc. . 1746 — 3:426 1746 3:437 1748 4 61 HUTCHINSON & Henrick : account .... • • 1765 6 466 IDIOTS : and distracted relieved , . , , 1714 1 77 1767— 7: 149 1767 7 151 ILLUMINATION : of state house . . . 1759 6: 28 1761 6 217 IMMORALITY : to suppress . . 1718 1 220 IMPLEIMENTS : to be provided . , . , 1746 3 443 IMPORTATION : of Indian slaves prohibited , , , 1714 1 83 of liquors . 1721— 1:303 1721 1 305 IMPOSITIONS : upon American colonies, remonstrance against 1765 6 430 IMPOST (see also Duties atid Excise) : regulated .... , ^ 1711 1 25 1712— 38 1712— 1: 54 1713 1 64 1713— 66 1714- 1: 75 1714 1 82 1714— 86 1714— 1: 90 1715 1 104 1716— 175 1716— 1:176 1716 1 179 1716— 181 1717— 1 : 193 1717 1 194 1718— 213 1718— 1:216 1720 1 256 1721— 281 1721— 1:293 1721 1 296 1721— 305 1722— 1:313 1723 1 378 1732— 2 368 1760— 6: 61 1760 6 71 1760 6 90 1767— 7:134 1767 7 149 IMPRESS : ministers shall each have a servant. free from 1712 1 43 impressing; (see also Prest Arms) : arms .... . • , ^ 1758 5 402 IMPRESSINIENT (see also Draft) : regulated .... , . 1722— 1 : 310 1746 3 320 1756— 5:175 1758— 5 : 386 1758 5 415 freedom from . , . 1755— 4:526 1755 4 528 discountenanced . • . 1758 5 366 174 Index to Journals of House of Ki'Ipueskntatives, YEAK. VOL. TAGS. m VllKSSMK^T, — (contimicd) : nf (,»iiaker.s 17AS— 5 : 3! 12 1759 5 491 IMrK()Vi:i) Lands: cattle provontod from fcediiifj (hi 1760 fi 81 invoice of . 1761 6 122 IN Pi:urrcTiiAM Rei Memouiam: alVidavits . 1766 7 66 INCESTL'OUIS Mahiuages {see Mm-riagcs) . INCOME: upon trade assessed .... 1727 — 2: 75 1728 2 140 tax from pedlers, etc. {see next). INCOMERS : to ))av per cent on trade under oath . 1721 1 2S4 INCOKPoilATIONS (Tow.NS) : Atkinson. Pembroke. Brentwood. Pierinont. Concord. Poplin. Deertield. Runifonl. Freetown. Rye. Kensington. Seabrook. Leo. Somersworth. Madbury. Stevenstown . Nortliwood. Surry. {Sec under several names.) INDEPENDENT Comi'akies : of New Castle and Rv(> .... . 1757 5 257 INDEX: of i)a))ers in recorder's office to be prepared . 1742 2 652 INDIAN C'()i{N {see also Corn) : tax rate . . 1762—4:251 1764— 4 : 445 1755 4 848 1756 5 : 136 1767— 5:277 1758 5 385 1758— 5 : 388 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 104 1761— 6:213 1762— 6:265 1763 6 338 1764— 6:396 1765— 7: 28 1766 7 84 INDIAN Meal: for soldiers 1746 — 3:416 1756 5 117 INDIANS {see also Anesaguntacook, Cape Cod, Caj)c Sable, Christo, Detroit, Enemies, French, Frontiers, Hannoc/c, JIulland, llnnling. Interviews, Jolmson, Norrid;, leicock. (hnmcneway, Porrcsinc, ,^ava;/es, St. John's, Wcncirrc7i- ock. West River, and Wiwarna) : hostilities, etc. . 1711—1: 1 1711— 1: 6 17 IS 1 225 1718 1:229 1722 1 : 346 1722 1 347 1723— 1:387 172:^— 1 :38H 1723 1 391 1724— 2: 2 1730— 2:310 1730 2 325 173;^— 2:383 1734— 2 : 404 1734 2 409 1715 3:1. -13 1745— 3 : 26S 1746 3 324 1716 3:333 1746 3 : Q.S4 1746 3 385 1716— 3:387 1747— 3 : 4.S1 1747 3 482 1747— 3:485 1747— 3 : 501 1747 3 511 17I7_ 3:513 1747— 3:514 1747 4 14 17 I7_ 4 : 30 1747— 4: 34 1748 4 7.S 1748— 4: 92 1755— 4 : 566 1755 5 5 17. -.5— 5: 6 1755— 5: 10 1756 5 81 treaties, presents, interviews, etc. 17U — 1 : 11 1713 1 63 17I4_ 1: .S5 1717— 1 : 20.S 1717 1 2(»9 1724— 1:41.S 1725— 2: 21 1725 2 23 1726 2: 28 1726— 2: 37 1726 2 39 1726— 2: 41 1726— 2: 46 1727 2 84 1727— 2: 85 1727— 2: .H6 1727 2 HH 1727— 2 : 89 1730— 2:313 1745 3 245 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 175 TEAR, VOL. PAGE. mDIANS, — (continued) : treaties, jjreseuts, interviews, etc. 1745— 3:259 1745— 3 : 265 1745 3 289 1746— 3 : 360 1747— 3 : 507 1749 4 170 1754_ 4 : 372 1754— 4 : 373 1754 4 394 1754— 4 : 420 1754— 4 : 452 1754 4 456 1754— 4:457 1754— 4:464 1764 6 385 1772— 8:121 1772— 8:122 1772 8 129 Colianawagus or French Moliocks (sec also Mohawk) nil- 1: 11 1764 6 385 Eastern , . 1717 208 1717— 1:209 1721— 1:296 1721 297 1722— 1:328 1722— 1 : 329 1722 1 332 1722— 1 : 334 1722— 1 : 336 1722 340 1722— 1:341 1722— 1:342 1722 349 1723 1 : 373 1723 1 : 376 1723 380 1723— 1:384 1728— 2:127 1728 2 128 1728— 2 : 130 1754— 4:452 1754 4 464 Five Nations (see also Six Nations) , , 1764 6 385 Penobscot 1727— 2: 84 1727 2 85 1745— 3:266 1755 5 12 St. Francis • 1745 3 266 1754— 4:482 1755 4 524 1772— 8 : 121 1772— 8:122 1772 8 129 Soutliern ....... , , 1764 6 385 Western , 1758 6 454 ti'ade witli (see also Truck) . . 1714 — 1: 75 1721 1 296 1721— 1:297 1728— 2:127 1728 2 128 1728 2 : 130 1742 3: 45 1744 3 77 1744 3: 80 1744— 3: 96 1758 5 454 captives taken by . . . . 1747 — 3:502 1747 3 503 1754— 4 : 482 1755 4:489 1761 6 187 hostages , 1722 1 317 slaves, not to be imported , , 1714 1 83 slaves, assessed .... 1727 — 2: 75 1728 2 136 slaves, ratable polls of (see also Slaves) ': 1753— 4:290 1761 6 122 cai)tive, no satisfaction to be made for . , 1729 2 163 old, returned to friends .... , , 1744 3 100 supposed to have been killed . . . 1745 3 199 killed at Pennecook .... • • 1747 4 17 two, missing- 1754 — 4:395 1754 4 400 two, murdered .... 1754 — 4 : 432 1754 4 433 injiu'ies said to Ije done to . . . • • 1754 4 373 kept in goal , 1757 5 284 strong drink not to l)e sold to . , 1742 3 45 tribes [or nations] instructed in religion , 1762 6 278 1762— 6:284 1762— 6 : 285 1763 6 321 INDIGENT Families: of soldiers, under Col. Nathaniel Meserve , 1757 5 284 INFECTIOUS Disorders: to prevent , 1774 8 165 INFECTIOUS Distemper (see also Small Pox) : spread of, to prevent . . . 1748— 4: 95 1748 4 99 INFERIOR CoLKT [OF Co^imoK Pleas] : regulated . 1716— 1 : 188 1726— 2: 47 1728 2 111 1730— 2 : 327 1732— 2:372 1734 2 418 1747— 3:511 1752— 4:240 1753 4 351 1755— 4:505 1755— 4:511 1755 5 23 1760 6: 65 1765 6 : 467 1767 7 152 1767— 7 : 154 1767— 7:158 1769 7 311 176 Index to Journals of House of Rkphesentatives, 1742— 2:G50 1721 — 1753 — 281 304 INGRAIIAM, Mu. : IH'tilinll ..... INHAHITANTS (see also Toiviis) : town, ailmission of . til liave proferencc in land grants i^illL'.M AN .SlCVKKITIE.S : to restrain .... IXJrKIKS: said to be done to Indians IN LI ST (see Enlist). INXIIOLDKRS {see also Taverncrs) : to ]):iy excise .... not ire posted at . . . INUtTLATIUN {sec also Small-pox) : pest-house for .... INSANE (sre Distracted). INSOLVENT Estates: distribution of . INSPECTION {see also Admeasurement, Assize, Children, ClatKjiiKj, and Receivers) : of bread [and biscuit] 1764— 6:423 1769— of bricks . . 1760 — of casks . . 1748 — 1748— 1752— of fisli .... of lumber {see also Boards) 1760— of pork 1718— 1:220 4: 6: 306 : 61 ; 63 ; 91 258 409 71 1766— 1769— 1760— 1748— 1748— 1760— 1721— 1754— 1760— 61 316 71 64 99 71 305 420 88 of shingles 1728— 2:128 1728— 1728— 112 130 4: 5 5; 5: 279 308 (;o2 6;iO 214 129 46 66 400 1711— 1728— 1730— 1733— 1742— 1746— 1747— 1754— 1755— 1756— 1758— 1: 9 2:116 2:315 2 : 379 2:(1,^)() 3:341 449 370 49 67 401 3: 4: 5 : 5 : 5: INSTRUCTIONS {sec also AtaiM IJennet . tVom Governor Shirley INTEMl'ERANCE: to suppress .... INTEREST: on public money, etc. 1721— 1:288 172;i— 1:395 1726— 2: 49 1729— 2 : 162 1734— 2:421 1721— 1721— 1725— 1726— 1729— 275 308 20 66 170 YEAR. VOL. 1712 2 17 IS 1 1752 4 1718 1 1754 4 1721 1 1770 8 1761 6 1745 3 1763 6 1766 7 1770 8 1760 6 1748 4 1752 4 1760 6 1723 1 1753 4 1760 6 1760 6 1743 3 1728 2 1743 3 1711 1 1728 2 1730 2 1742 2 1743 3 1746 3 1747 3 1755 5 1755 5 1756 5 1758 5 1769 7 1736 2 1747 3 ' 1747 4 171S 1 : 1721 1 1723 1 1726 2 1729 2 1732 2 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 177 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. INTEREST, — {continued) : on public money, etc. 1732— 2:371 1732 2 : 372 1733 2 384 1733 2 : 388 1734— 2:407 1734 2 411 1734— 2:418 1734— 2:426 1735 2 443 1737— 2 : 478 1737— 2:479 1737 2 488 1737— 2 : 489 1740— 2:562 1743 3 60 1744— 3: 80 1744 3: 95 1744 3 101 1745— 3 : 163 1745— 3:164 1745 3 178 1745— 3 : 244 1745 3 : 247 1745 3 292 1745— 3:297 1746 3 : 318 1746 3 319 1746 3 : 327 1746 3 : 329 1746 3 338 1746— 3:412 1746— 3:417 1746 3 428 1746— 3:439 1747— 3:477 1747 3 487 1747— 4: 39 1747— 4: 59 1748 4 79 1748 4: 88 1749— 4 : 126 1752 4 231 1752— 4 : 243 1752— 4:246 1752 4 262 1752— 4 : 272 1752— 4 : 274 1752 4 277 1753— 4 : 319 1753 4 : 320 1753 4 330 1754— 4 : 402 1754— 4:403 1754 4 409 1754_ 4 : 428 1754 4 : 456 1754 4 466 1754— 4 : 482 1754— 4:483 1755 4 503 1755— 4:524 1755— 4 : 544 1755 4 572 1755— 5 : 1 1755 o: 11 1755 5 19 1755 5: 26 1755— 5: 31 1755 5 32 1755— 5 : 35 1756— 5 : 69 1756 5 185 1757— 5 : 306 1758— 5 : 365 1758 5 412 1758 5 : 413 1758— 5 : 449 1759 5 458 1759 6 : 6 1760—6: 53 1760 6 54 lawful, regulated . 1764— 6:419 1764 6 424 exhorbitant, forbidden {see also Act against, and Usury) . 1764— 6:415 1765 6 452 1765— 7: 4 1765— 7 : 6 1765 7 11 1765— 7 : 12 1765— 7 : 13 1765 7 24 1765— 7: 25 1765 7: 26 1765 7 29 INTERVIEWS (see also hidians and Treaties) : with Eastern Indians . 1754— 4 : 452 1754 4 464 with Six Nations . 1754— 4:394 1754 4 395 1755— 4 : 402 1754— 4 : 410 1754 4 412 1754 4 : 413 1754— 4:416 1754 4 421 1754— 4:427 1754— 4:453 1754 4 455 1754 4 : 457 1754 4 : 458 1754 4 464 INTESTATE Estates: settlement, etc., of . • ■ • • 1745 3 73 1745 3 : 176 1745 3 178 1745— 3 : 179 1745— 3 : 207 1745 3 247 1774— 8 : 170 1774— 8:193 1774 8 209 INVENTORIES (.see aUo Froiiortioning, Valuation, names of things valued — Cattle, Colts, Coivs, Horses, Houses, Income, Mares, Oxen, Sheep, Slav 3S, Swine — and names of towns) : and invoices .... . 1727— 2 : 76 1729 2 172 1742— 2 : 651 1742— 2 : 652 1753 4 290 1753 4 : 293 1753 4 : 328 1753 4 *328 1760— 6 : 85 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1761— 6:200 1763— 6:321 1767 7 117 1767— 7 : 161 1768— 7:211 1768 7 212 1768— 7 : 213 1768— 7 : 245 1773 8 136 1773 8:138 1773— 8:147 1773 8 148 1773— 8 : 149 1773 8:152 1773 8 154 1774— 8 : 165 1774— 8:211 1774 8 213 23 178 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. irSWini, Mass. (see also New Jpsivich) : coiitVrt'iice at 1721 — 1 : 297 1721 1 298 1721— 1:302 1722 1 312 court at 1732 2 367 mON: works, ciK'onnijj^cd 1719 — 1 : 2r)2 1719— 1 : 233 1720 1 257 iiiiiu; or tirt', iiol to be triiiisiiortiHl on . of province . 1719 1 236 bar, receivable for tax . . 1737 2 487 bar, tax rate . 1752—4:201 1754— 4:445 1755 4 548 1756— 5:l:w; 1757— 5:277 1758 5 385 1758— o:3S.S 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 104 1761— 6 : 213 17(i2— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 176-l_ 7 : 3% 1765— 7: 28 1766 7 84 ISLE OK Saiu.es (sec Sable Tdand). ISLES OK Shoals {see Shoals). ISL1NGT( )N Ckeek : in Portsmouth ..... • • 1722 1 323 JACOLVN, George, Jk. : petition 1767— 7:151 1768 7 192 JACKSON, Clement : claim, etc. . 1742— 2 : 647 1746— 3 : 330 1756 6 191 JACKSON, Daniel: petition 1744— 3: 99 1745 3 249 leirs of, house lot, entail docked , , , 1745 3 277 JACKSON, Ebenezek: widow of, x'tition .... 1746— 3:427 1747 3 484 JACKSON, Dk. Hall: account 1771— 8: 86 1772 8 117 1772— 8:125 1773 8 154 JACKSON, Joseph : allowed for his negro's service , , 1726 2 64 petition 1761— 6 : 140 1761 6 146 soldier, had small-pox . , 1762 6 296 JACKSON, Joshua : volunteer , , 1746 3 404 JACOBS, Daniel : deserter , , 1722 1 315 ,JAFFKLY, Cypkian : claim . 1726 2 56 plan by ..... . , 1737 2 505 warrant against 1745 — 3 : 155 1745 3 : 159 1745 3 160 JAFFKF.Y, (JroifOE [" Jekkkkv, Gakkkey, Jekkkys"] : mcaiber, councilor, treasurer, etc. . 1711 — 1: 1 1711 3 1711— 1: 8 1711 — 1: 23 1711 24 1711— 1: 25 1711— 1: 27 1711 28 1711— 1: 29 1711— 1: 31 1711 32 1711— 1: 33 1711 — 1: 34 1712 35 1712— 1: 36 1712— 1: 37 1712 39 1712- 1: 41 1712— 1: 42 1712 43 1712- 1: 44 1712— 1: 46 1712 47 1712— 1: 48 1712— 1: 49 1712 50 1712— 1: 51 1712— 1: 52 1712 54 1712— 1: 55 1712— 1: 56 1712 57 1713- 1 : 58 1713— 1: 59 1713 61 17i:5— 1: 62 171«— 1: 63 1713 64 1713— 1 : 65 1713— 1: 66 1713 67 171.3— 1: 68 1713— 1: 69 1713 70 1713— 1: 71 1713 1: 72 1714 75 1714— 1: 79 1714— 1: 80 1714 81 1714— 1: 82 1714— 1: 83 1714 85 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 179 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. JAFFREY, George, — (continued) : member councilor, treasurer, etc. 1714— 1: 86 1714 1: 87 1714 89 1714— 1: 90 1714— 1: 91 1714 92 1714— 1: 93 1714— 1: 94 1714 95 1715— 1: 97 1715— 1: 99 1715 100 1715 1 : 104 1715— 1:105 1715 106 1715— 1 : 107 1715 1 : 108 1715 109 1715— 1:115 1715 1:117 1715 124 1715— 1 : 132 1715— 1 : 133 1715 134 1715— 1 : 135 1715— 1 : 137 1715 138 1716— 1 : 140 1716— 1 : 141 1716 142 1716— 1 : 143 1716— 1 : 144 1716 146 1716— 1:147 1716— 1 : 148 1716 151 1716 1:157 1716 1:158 1716 161 1716— 1:162 1716— 1:163 1716 164 1716 1 : 167 1716— 1 : 168 1716 169 1716— 1:170 1716— 1 : 172 1716 173 1716— 1 : 174 1716— 1 : 177 1716 178 ' 1716— 1 : 179 1716 1 : 180 1716 182 1716— 1 : 183 1716— 1 : 184 1716 185 1716— 1 : 186 1716— 1:187 1716 188 1716— 1:189 1717— 1:200 1717 209 1719— 1:235 1720 1 : 248 1720 249 1720 1 : 261 1721— 1:263 1721 264 1721— 1:267 1721— 1:275 1721 285 1721— 1:290 1721— 1:307 1722 311 1722— 1:315 1722— 1:319 1722 326 1722— 1:338 1722— 1:343 1722 345 1722— 1:347 1722— 1:358 1722 360 1722— 1:361 1722— 1:364 1722 372 1723— 1:377 1723— 1:378 1723 385 1723— 1:386 1723 1 : 391 1723 393 1723— 1 : 401 1723— 1:405 1723 407 1723— 1:410 1723— 1:412 1724 414 1724 1 : 416 1724— 1:417 1724 421 1724— 1:424 1724— 1:425 1724 426 1724— 1:427 1724— 1:433 1724 2 5 1724— 2 : 6 1724— 2: 8 1724 2 9 1724 - 2 : 11 1725— 2: 19 1725 2 23 1725— 2: 26 1725— 2: 29 1726 2 32 1726— 2 : 35 1726— 2 : 37 1726 2 38 1720— 2: 45 1726 2: 46 1726 2 53 1726— 2: 64 1726 2: 64 1727 2 68 1727— 2: 69 1727— 2 : 70 1727 2 71 1727— 2: 73 1727— 2 : 77 1727 2 78 1727— 2 : 79 1727— 2: 80 1727 2 81 1727— 2 : 83 1727— 2 : 85 1727 2 86 1727— 2: 88 1727— 2: 89 1727 2 97 1727— 2: 99 1727— 2 : 100 1727 2 106 1727— 2 : 107 1728 2:110 1728 2 111 1728— 2 : 115 1728— 2:121 1728 2 122 1728 2 : 129 1728 2 : 132 1728 2 133 1728— 2 : 135 1728— 2 : 138 1729 2 144 1729— 2 : 150 1729— 2:152 1729 2 153 1729— 2 : 156 1729— 2 : 157 1729 2 161 1729— 2 : 163 1729— 2:164 1729 2 167 1729— 2 : 168 1730— 2:317 1730 2 318 1731— 2 : 335 1731— 2 : 359 1731 2 361 1732— 2 : 373 1734— 2 : 398 1734 2 402 1734— 2:422 1735— 2 : 445 1737 2 478 180 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, JAFFREY, George, — {coyitimted) : member, cuuiicilor, tieiifiurer. 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 4: 4: 4: 4: : 5: G: 6: 7: 7 : 7: 7: 7 : 7 : 7 : 7: 7 : 7: 7 : 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: JAFFREY, George, Jk. : account .... JAFFREY, James ["Jeffries, Jeffeuuv, Jkffry"] : clerk of the house, etc. 1737— 1737— 1738— 1740— 1742— 1742— 1744— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1748— 1753— 1753— 1755 — 1756— 1757— 1761— 1764— 1766— 1766— 1766— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1772— 177 1720— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 172:3— 1723— 1723— 172.'}— 172.3— etc. 480 492 636 568 646 40 92 154 162 229 316 341 363 524 93 317 321 500 134 276 1.53 408 75 101 109 149 204 239 267 281 314 337 343 7 14 63 94 125 193 1737— 173.S— 171(t— 1712— 1742— 1742— 1744— 1745— 174.'i— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1755— 1756— 1758— 1762— 176.5— 1766— 1766— 1767— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1774— 483 533 .549 640 653 44 99 1591 163 283 312 348 465 33 253 319 323 37 147 382 294 448 97 102 :117 :150 :212 255 269 285 316 :340 344 8 41 67 109 126 196 YEAK. Jaffuve, Jeffkvs, 1 : 253 :312 :316 : 320 : .330 :338 : 341 : 365 : 371 :377 : 382 : 3.S5 :388 :391 17LS— 1721— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722 1722 1722 1728- 172;3- 1723- 1723- 172: 172;: 1 :226 1:303 1:313 1:317 1 : 324 1 : :{32 — 1 : 339 — 1:354 — 1 368 1 : :?72 1:378 1 : 383 1 : 386 1 : .389 1 : .392 17:37 1738 1740 1742 1742 1744 1745 1745 1745 1745 1746 1746 1747 1748 1753 1753 1753 1756 1757 1759 1764 1765 1766 1766 1767 1768 1768 1768 1768 1769 1769 1770 1770 1770 1771 1771 1771 1774 1774 1745 1716 1718 1721 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1723 1723 1723 1723 1723 1723 VOL. 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 PAGE. 486 534 563 641 37 90 153 160 180 284 336 356 516 89 308 320 364 91 275 492 400 2 99 106 119 201 237 266 271 313 330 342 345 13 62 83 110 188 207 245 143 230 305 315 318 325 337 340 360 370 375 380 384 3H7 390 393 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 181 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. JAFFREY, James, — (continued) : clerk of the house, etc. 1723— 1:394 1723 1 : 395 1723 398 1723— 1:400 1723— 1:401 1723 402 1723 1 : 403 1723— 1:404 1723 405 1723 1 : 40G 1723 1 : 407 1723 408 1723— 1:409 1723- 1:410 1723 411 1723— 1:412 1724 1 : 414 1724 415 1724— 1:418 1724— 1:421 1721: 422 1724— 1 : 423 1724— 1:425 1724 426 1724— 1:427 1724— 1:429 1724 430 1724— 2: 1 1724— 2: 2 1724 2 3 1724— 2: 5 1724— 2: 6 1724 2 7 1724— 2: 9 1724— 2 : 10 1724 2 11 1724— 2: 12 1724— 2: 12* 1725 2 tl2 1725— 2: 13 1725 2: 14 1725 2 15 1725— 2: 16 1725 2: 17 1725 2 18 1725— 2: 19 1725 2: 20 1725 2 21 1725 2: 23 1725— 2: 24 1725 2 25 1725 2: 26 1725 2: 27 1726 2 30 1726— 2: 31 1726 2: 32 1726 2 33 1726— 2: 34 1726 2: 35 1726 2 36 1726 2: 37 1726 2: 38 1726 2 39 1726— 2: 40 1726— 2: 41 1726 2 42 1726- 2: 43 1726 2: 44 1726 2 45 1726 2: 46 1726— 2: 47 1726 2 48 1726— 2: 49 1726 2: 51 1726 2 53 1726 2: 64 1726— 2: 56 1726 2 57 1726 2: 60 1722— 2 : 61 1726 2 62 1726 2: 64 1726— 2: 65 1726 2 66 1727— 2: 68 1727— 2: 69 1727 2 70 1727— 2: 71 1727— 2: 72 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 74 1727— 2: 75 1727 2 76 1727— 2: 77 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 79 1727— 2: 80 1727— 2: 81 1727 2 82 1727— 2: 83 1727— 2: 84 1727 2 85 1727— 2 : 86 1727— 2 : 87 1727 2 88 1727— 2: 89 1727— 2: 92 1727 2 93 1727— 2: 96 1727— 2: 97 1727 2 98 1727— 2: 99 1727— 2:101 1727 2 102 1727— 2 : 103 1727— 2 : 104 1727 2 105 1727— 2 : 106 1727— 2 : 107 1727 2 108 1728— 2:112 1728— 2 : 115 1728 2 118 1728— 2:119 1728 2 : 120 1728 2 121 1728 2 : 123 1728 2 : 126 1728 2 127 1728 2 : 128 1728— 2 : 129 1728 2 130 1728 2 : 131 1728 2 : 132 1728 2 134 1728— 2 : 135 1728— 2 : 136 1728 2 137 1728 2 : 138 1728 2 : 140 1728 2 141 1728 2 : 142 1729— 2 : 144 1729 2 146 1729— 2:147 1729— 2 : 148 1729 2 149 1729— 2 : 150 1729— 2 : 151 1729 2 152 1729— 2 : 153 1729— 2 : 154 1729 2 155 1729— 2 : 156 1729— 2 : 157 1729 2 158 1729— 2 : 159 1729— 2 : 160 1729 2 161 1729— 2 : 162 1729— 2:163 1729 2 164 1729— 2 : 166 1729- 2:167 1729 2 168 1729— 2 : 170 1729— 2:171 1729 2 172 1730 2 : 174 1730— 2 : 327 1730 2 332 1732— 2:370 1732— 2 : 377 1734 2 398 1734— 2 : 423 1735— 2:448 1736 2 457 182 Index to Jouunai-s of IIuusk of IiKi'KESENTATivi;s, YEAK. VOL. PAGE JAFI'-RKY, .Ia.mks, — {,■,,,/, riuai) clerk of the liouse, etc. 1730— 1737— 1737— 1737— 1739— 1740— 1742— 1742— 1742— 1742— 1742— 1743— 1744— 504 514 541 5(J4 Gil G2.S i;:U) G41 652 69 92 JAILS (fire Pn'sn)is). JAMKSON, William, and otiikrs: potition ..... JANVKKKKX, George: l)etitioner .... .JA(2UIT1I, Ebenezek : l)t'tition ..... JIOFFKV, Jf.I'FKEY, etc. {see Jaffrcy) JKFFUIES, Cai'TAIN: imister-roll .... JEN K INS, Benjamin : petition . 1755 — 1760— JENKINS. William: V. 'riioma.s Davis petition .... JENKS, JosEi'ii: j^overnor of Riiode Island JENNESS, FUANCIS: l)otition .... JENNESS, Hezekiaii : claim .... JENNESS, Joshua : , deserter .... JENNESS. KiciiAiM): nieniber, excise farmer, e!i 172(;— 1726— 1727— 1727— 172«— 1728— 1728— 1728— 1729— 1729— 1730— 1734— 1735 — 173K— 1742— 1742— 1743— 1744— 1745— 1745— 57 77 51 59 74 94 110 2:121 2:131 143 155 169 307 397 434 537 610 38 61 90 184 189 17;'.6_ 17;;7— 1737— 17.17- 1710— 1740— 1742— 1742— 1712— 1742— 1742— I7i;i— 1744— 1726- 1726— 1727— 1727— 172.S— 172.S— 1728— 1728— 1729— 17.30— 1731— 1734— 1736— 1739— 1742«- 1742— 1743— 1744— 174.5— 1745— 459 481 505 521 54-1 566 624 629 638 644 38 71 94 1759— 5:460 1761— 6:123 1764— 6:422 52 63 78 100 113 125 134 145 164 173 335 422 457 542 629 40 60 104 185 196 17:;6 1737 1737 1737 1740 1740 1742 1742 1742 1742 1743 1743 1745 1747 1765 1773 1712 1760 1761 1764 1765 17.30 1764 1755 1761 1726 1726 1727 1727 1727 1728 1728 1728 1729 1729 1730 1732 1736 1737 1740 1742 1743 1744 1745 1745 1745 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 7 8 6 6 6 7 2 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 460 492 511 52.S 548 567 627 63.3 6.39 646 58 74 118 446 19 147 42 64 130 412 12 326 405 497 I'.t'.l .50 55 67 s7 105 117 12.S 139 151 165 174 376 4.33 475 547 637 49 85 1.53 187 203 Province of New Hampshire, 1711- -1775. 183 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. JENNESS, Richard, — (continued) : member, excise farmer, etc. 1745 3:211 1745— 3 : 214 1745 3 215 17J5— 3:222 1745— 3 : 227 1745 3 230 1745— 3 : 234 1745— 3:235 1745 3 242 1745— 3:243 1745 3 : 244 1745 3 247 1745 3 : 248 1745— 3 : 251 1745 3 252 1745— 3 : 262 174,5— 3:267 1745 3 276 1745 3 : 283 1745 3 : 293 1745 3 298 1746— 3:309 1746— 3:310 1746 3 312 1746— 3:317 1746— 3:321 1746 3 323 1746— 3 : 324 1746- 3:326 1746 3 329 1746— 3:338 1746— 3:343 1746 3 355 1746— 3 : 365 1746— 3:368 1746 3 392 1746— 3 : 393 1746— 3:407 1746 3 421 1746 3 : 424 1746— 3 : 428 1746 3 429 1746 3 : 430 1746— 3:431 1746 3 432 1746 3 : 433 1746— 3:434 1746 3 435 1747— 3:450 1747— 3 : 451 1747 3 453 1747— 3:454 1747— 3:456 1747 3 460 1747— 3 : 465 1747— 3 : 466 1747 3 468 1747— 3 : 469 1747— 3 : 481 1747 3 485 1747— 3 : 486 1747— 3:491 1747 3 493 1747— 3 : 509 1747— 3:523 1747 • > 527 1747— 3:528 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 20 1747— 4: 25 1747— 4: 32 1747 4 50 1747— 4 : 59 1748— 4: 68 1748 4 77 1748— 4: 89 1748— 4: 98 1748 4 99 1749— 4 : 100 1749— 4:112 1749 4 132 1749— 4 : 158 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 9 1752— 4:216 1752— 4:252 1752 4 255 1752— 4 : 256 1752— 4 : 257 1752 4 262 1752— 4 : 267 1752— 4 : 269 1752 4 273 1752— 4:276 1752— 4:380 1753 4 281 1753 4 : 288 1753— 4 : 297 1753 4 307 1753— 4:311 1753— 4 : 326 1753 4 327 1753 4:345 1753— 4:384 1754 4 369 1754— 4 : 397 1754— 4 : 406 1754 4 409 1754— 4 : 425 1754— 4 : 441 1754 4 *442 1754 4 : 450 1754— 4:510 1754 4 552 1755 4:514 1755— 4:522 1755 4 523 1755 4 : 544 1755— 4:558 1755 4 573 1755 5: 1755— 5 : 21 17.55 5 41 1760 6: 63 1762— 6 : 237 1762 6 242 1762— 6 : 246 1762— 6 : 251 1762 6 256 1762— 6 : 263 * 1762— 6 : 270 1762 6 272 1762— 6:273 1762— 6:276 1762 6 277 1762— 6 : 278 1762— 6 : 280 1762 6 294 1762— 6:303 1762— 6:304 1762 6 458 1763— 6 : 324 1763 6 : 340 1763 6 370 1763 6:372 1763— 6 : 373 1763 6 374 1763 6 : 462 1764— 6:388 1764 6 393 1764— 6 : 394 1764 6 : 397 1764 6 400 JENNESS, KiciiAHD, 3u: member • • . 1763 6 335 1764— 6:419 1764 6 : 464 1765 6 431 176.5— 6 : 433 1765— 6 : 437 1765 6 453 1765— 7 : 2 1765 7 : 7 1765 7 9 1765 7: 16 1765— 7 : 22 1765 7 23 1765— 7 : 176 1766— 7: 54 1766 7 66 1766— 7 : 67 1766— 7 : 83 1766 7 85 184 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, JENNESS. RiciiAKi), uieinlter . 'My, — (co7ili7iued) 1766— 17fi6— 1766— 1767— 1767— 1767— 1767— 17()«— 1768— 176.H— 176!)- 177U— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1773— 91 •16 103 lis 126 131 14U 20'J 237 265 331 354 3 'J 48 60 87 90 105 125 129 144 convicted of forgery, expelled JENNESS, Samuel: member 1774— 8 : 196 1774— 8:210 JENNESS & Wai.ton: acfount JERRY'S Point: battery, New Castle JEWELL, Henky Langestek: widow of, allowance JEWELL, Joseph : member elect . JEWETT, Rev. Jedidiaii : , letters to . JOHNSON, CiiAKEE.s: on eomniittiM? . 1773 — 8:141 JOHNSON, Colonel: to fit out Indians for war letter from .... JOHNSON, Ei.ENEyCEK : p.'titioii . . 1756— 5: 84 JOHNSON. James: petition, etc. . 1754 — 4:478 JOHNSON, John: ])ctitioii ..... JOHNSON, John and Maktha: petition ..... J( HINSON, Ma.ioh-Genekal : r»Mniiri's re-inforcement, etc. . JOHNSON, Michael: l)etition ..... JOHNSON, Mu. : claim JOHNSON, Ohadiaii : petition 66 M (]t\ 67 67 67 67 6S 68 6.S ()9 770 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 72 73 73 — 7 : 92 7 : ln(» 7 : Kjs 7: 119 7:127 7 : 13(; 7 : 1.S2 210 243 350 352 359 7 17 59 62 88 102 8:115 8:126 8 : 134 8:152 73— 8 : 147 /4- 74- 75- 8 : 184 8 : 203 8:218 1745— 3: 116 177;;— S: 150 1747— 3:482 175(i— 5 : 89 1754— 4:481 1755 — 5 : 45 1761— 6:142 1 YKAR. ! 1766 VOL. 7 1766 7 1766 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1769 7 1770 7 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1771 8 1771 8 1772 ■ 8 1772 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1775 8 1742 3 1746 3 1759 6 1746 3 1754 4 1771 8 1747 3 1747 4 1755 4 1756 5 ! 17.57 6 1761 6 1761 6 1755 5 1758 5 1743 3 1761 6 PAUE. 93 101 178 121 133 148 187 236 260 312 347 Pl 8 40 p2 64 89 103 124 128 136 153 146 148 187 209 224 89 441 24 331 478 208 481 34 650 92 302 111 168 55 373 66 147 Province of ISTeav Hampshire, 1711- -1775. 185 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. JOHNSON, riiiLLiP : invalid volunteer . 1746 3:403 1746 3 405 muster-roll, etc. • > > • 1758 5 407 1758 5 : 426 1760— 6: 71 1760 6 73 1761— 6 : 143 1761— 6 : 149 1761 6 179 1761— 6 : 190 1761— 6:192 1761 6 210 JOHNSON, Susannah: petition . . 1760— 6: 66 1760— 6 : 68 1760 6 69 JOHNSON, Thomas: V. Waldron, Tho's Wk. . . 1761 6 204 JOHNSON, William : in service under Captain Clement • ■ < . 1753 4 328 JOHNSON, SiK William: letter of . 1762— 6 : 277 1762 6 278 JOINT Tenancy: partition of lands in case of • a • • 1763 6 322 JOIST : tax rate . . 1752— 4 : 251 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 548 1756— 5 : 136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 5 385 1758— 5 : 388 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 105 1761— 6 : 213 1762— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 1764— 6:396 1765— 7 : 29 1766 7 85 JONES, Ann and Abigail: to appear , . . . • • • • 1760 6 103 JONES, Benjamin: petition . 1760— 6 : 103 1760 6 109 JONES, Daniel: petition, etc. . 1766— 7 : 90 1768 7:188 1771 8 85 JONES, John: widow of, relieved . « • • • 1760 6 110 imder Captain Tilton • • • 1763 6 331 JONES, Joseph: deed of, to Nathaniel Thompson, voided 1755 5: 60 1755 5 61 JONES, Joseph, and others : exceptions of . • • • • 1729 2 166 JONES, Stephen: member . . 1711 — 1: 1 1711— 1: 8 1711 26 1711— 1: 34 1712— 1: 35 1712 37 1712— 1: 39 1712— 1: 41 1712 42 1712— 1: 43 1712— 1: 44 1712 46 1712— 1: 51 1712— 1 : 52 1712 54 1712— 1: 55 1712— 1: 57 1713 62 1713 1: 63 1713— 1: 64 1713 65 1713 1: 66 1714— 1: 75 1714 79 1714— 1 : 80 1714— 1: 82 1714 83 1714— 1: 85 1714 1: 86 1714 87 1714— 1: 89 1714— 1: 92 1714 93 1714— 1: 94 1715— 1 : 97 1715 99 1715 1 : 100 1715— 1:101 1715 102 1715- 1:104 1715— 1:106 1715 109 1715— 1: 112 1715 1 : 113 1715 114 province money burnt in house of. re-imbursed 1732- 2:366 1732 9 368 JONES, Stephen, Jk. : member . 1755— 6 : 44 1755 5 46 1755— 5 : 47 1755— 5 : 49 1755 5 56 1755— 5: 58 1755— 5 : 60 1755 5 288 1756— 5: 77 1756— 5: 86 1756 5 87 1756- 5:101 1756— 5:106 1756 5 114 1756— 5 : 135 1756— 5 : 142 1756 5 147 24 186 Index tu Journals of House of Kepresentatives, 1 YKAK. VOL. PAGE. JONES, STKriiEN, J n., — (continued): luenibur . 175G — 5 : 155 1756— 5 : 160 1756 5 169 17.o(J— 5 : 177 1756— 5: 17S 1756 5 184 1756— 5 : 187 1756— 5: IIM 1756 5 260 1756— 5 : 515 1757— 5:203 1757 5 206 1757— 5 : 210 1757— 5:21!) 1757 5 224 1757— 5 : 225 1757— 5 : 236 1757 5 252 1757— 5 : 254 1757— 5:264 1757 5 282 1757— 5 : 283 1757— 5 : 295 1757 5 506 1758 5 : 325 1758— 5 : 327 1758 5 340 1758— 5:311 175S— 5:345 1758 5 356 1758— 5 : 3(;.s 1758— 5 : 372 1758 5 383 1758— 5:387 1758— 5 : 3!)6 1758 6 423 JONES, William : muster-roll .... • • • • 1724 2 6 claim ..... . 1772 8 125 JORDAN, James : deserter • • • • 1761 6 199 JORDAN, John: sick soldier .... > • • • 1771 8 86 JORDAN, Samuel: claim • • • • 1719 1 238 JOURNAL OF THE House: entry in, I'or dispatch of V)usiness .... 1745 3 128 printing and distributing • • • • 1745 3 147 1745— 3:161 1749— 4 : 109 1758 5 444 1765— 7 : 4 1765— 7 : 18 1768 7 256 1768— 7:27!) 176!)- 7 : 291 1769 7 332 fopics of, clerk to give . • • • • 1755 5 39 JOURNAL OF Marches: keeping, etc. . 1746 — 3 : 325 1746— 3 : 384 1747 3 521 1747— 3:526 1748— 4: 77 1748 4 93 JOURNEY : of governor to frontiers . . 1743 3: 74 1744 3 85 JOY: speaker wishes new members . • • ■ • 1747 3 475 JUDGES (see also Courts and names thereof ) : fees, lines, and forfeitures . 1747— 3:505 1747 3 506 1747— 3:523 1747— 3:525 1747 4 42 JUDGES OF Pnor.ATE: allowed for register's l)ooks • • • 1744 3 81 acts enabling . 1745 — 3:126 171,-,_ ;): 12« 1745 3 132 1745 3:175 1745 3:17S 1745 3 17!^» to make partition of lauds, etc., in case of minors 176:3— 6 : 321 1763 6 322 in Strafl'ord and fJrafton counties . 177;?_ 8:153 1773 8 154 ai)i)t\il fr IAI)Y "] : " deserter"' relieved . 1758— 5:333 1758 5 387 KENNEDY, Thomas: "deserter" relieved . 1762 6 270 JvENNEDY, William [" Cannada"] : relieved ..... 1744— 3: Hi 1744 3 85 1741— 3: 86 1746 3 334 KENNISTON, Benjamin (see also Kenist in) : under Ca])tain Tilton . 1763 6 331 KENNISTON, Jou: petition . 1761— 6:123 1761 6 136 Quaker, relieved from tax . 1762 6 274 17t;2— (;:279 1762- 6:283 1762 6 294 1762— 6 : 303 1763— 6:360 1763 6 366 KENNISTON, John: allowance for .... 1718— 1:226 1723 1 417 KENNISTON, Joshua: soldier ..... • • • • 1761 6 209 KENNISTON, Samuel : petition • 1746 3 323 KENNISTON, William: debtor, broke jail 1766 — 5: 120 1756— 5 : 133 1758 5 396 deserter . 1761 6 199 KENNY, Amos: under Captain Lovewell . . 1763 6 331 KENNY, Samuel: under Captain Samuel Gerrish . 1763 6 330 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 189 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. KENSINGTON (see also Hamjoton Falls) : l^ai-ish established . , , • • • 1737 2 502 volunteers from , , • • • 1746 3 404 selectmen to ajjpear 1746 — 3 : 410 1761— 6:142 1761 6 147 classed for excise , 1752— 4 : 238 1755 4 510 petitioners from , . 1752 4 265 inventoiy . . 1753 — 4 : 293 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 17GS— 7:218 1773 8 156 representative . 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 462 176^1— 6:464 17(5,5— 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7:182 1768 7 : 350 1769 352 1770— 7:354 1770— 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8:105 1772— 8 : 115 1773 8 144 1774— 8:184 1774— 8 : 188 1775 8 218 KEYS: of province chest or box , , • > • 1742 2 663 1745 3 : 153 1745— 3:283 1746 3 306 1746— 3 : 341 1747— 3 : 523 1753 4 337 1754 4:404 1755— 5 : 22 1755 5 62 to gaol, legislature turned, on soldier 1759 6 19 to lobby and boxes . , , . 1765 7 38 KEYES, Nathaniel : of Rhode Island , . • 1730 2 316 KIDDER, John : petition .... , 1759— 5 : 484 1759 5 491 KILBY, Christopher : bills of exchange drawn by • • 1761 6 133 KILBY, Thomas : commissary . • . 1746 3 416 KILLING {see Boimty, Murder^ Lidians, Deer, and Wolves) . KIMBALL, Benjamin : petition . . 1757 — 5:290 1757— 5 : 299 1760 6 97 lOMBALL, Caleb and John : petition .... , . 1746 3 410 KIMBALL, EiJENEZER: counterfeiter, apprehended , , • • 1755 4 519 KIMBALL, John : " hired," wages stopt , • • 1760 6 76 mistake corrected , , • ■ ■ 1760 6 94 KIMBALL, Joseph : muster-roll, etc. 1754 — 4:469 1755— 4 : 493 1755 4 495 KIMBALL, Robert : muster-roll, etc. 1754 — 4:469 1755— 4 : 493 1755 4 495 KIMBALL, Samuel : guardian, petition 1765 — 7: 49 1765— 7 : 50 1766 7 52 1766— 7: 62 1766 7: 76 1766 7 91 may poll oflf to Plaistow . , , 1768— 7 : 188 1768 7 202 KIMMING, Benjamin: invalid volunteer , , • • > 1746 3 404 KING, George : deputy secretary, clerk of superior court, commis- sary, etc. , , • • • 1756 5 148 1757 — 5:240 1758— 5:346 1758 5 355 1768 7:192 1768 7 : 199 1769 7 332 1770— 7 : 358 1770— 7 : 359 1771 8 59 1771— 8: 67 1771— 8: 86 1771 8 87 1772— 8:124 1772— 8 : 129 1773 8 136 1773— 8 : 139 1773— 8 : 155 1773 8 160 1774 8:202 1774— 8 : 209 1774 8 214 KING, John : petition . . 1758— 5:426 1758 5 : 432 1772 8 117 100 Index to Journals oi fTuusE of Representatives, VEAI{. VOL. PAOR. Kim:. SA^n-EL: IlCCOlIIlt ...... . 1759 6 15 KIN(i, Wll.I.lAM, ETC.: ix'tilion . . 1740— 2 : .')()0 1740— 2:508 ITlit 2 509 KING, The {sec also Conspiracy, l.tUers^ Proclaymilton, licvinnstrance, Resent, and Tlianks) : approval of, for acts, etc. 1721 1 279 1721— 1 : 281 1722 1 321 arms of, rolnrncd or accountoil for {see also Musler- J^nlls) 1757— 5:195 1757 5 196 17o7— ;>: ]:i7 1757— 5:198 1757 ■0 254 attorney of (.sec AUorney-Genernl) . birtlulay of 1701— : 207 1762 7 275 1772— 8:125 1772— S: 126 1772 8 127 boundary disputes submitted to • 1726 2 57 censure of governor l)y, deprecated 1745— 3:213 1745 3 285 recommended to continue governor • • • 1714 1 93 in council 1720— 1:255 1729 2 161 1731— 2:;U3 1731— 2 : 3.56 1732 2 .307 1734— 2:400 1734— 2:403 1745 3 ^159 death of, not to aftect ^\Tits, processes, precepts, and matter testamentaiy . • 1727 2 92 donations, grants, etc., of . 1745 3 280 1745— 3:2S5 1747— 4: 47 1758 6 409 1758— 5:410 1760— 0:117 1700 6 118 instructions of (see also Insfnu/ions) * • > 1718 1 225 1729— 2 : 108 1730 2 3o;» 1730— 2:310 1730— 2:312 1730 2 313 1730— 2:314 1730— 2:316 1730 2 317 1730 2 : 322 1730 2 : 323 1731 2 351 1731— 2:3.o2 1731— 2:301 1732 2 367 1733— 2 : 378 1733— 2 : 380 1733 2 389 1733— 2:3'.)1 1733— 2:395 1734 2 426 1735 2 : 442 1735— 2:453 1749 4 134 1749— 4:1. -J 1749_ 4 : 140 1749 4 141 1749— 4:M2 1749— 4:143 1749 4 145 1749— 4 : U8 1749— 4:150 1749 4 151 1749— 4:1. -.2 1749— 4 : 154 1749 4 160 1749— 4:H;9 1749— 4:176 1749 4 l.Sl 1750— 4 : 1.S3 1752— 4 : 221 1759 6 10 1759_ 6 : 19 1760— 6: 34 1700 6 35 1762— 6:2:58 1702— : 243 17(i2 6 27(; 17(i4_ 6:3.S4 170.5- 7 : 5 1765 7 11 170,5— 7: 14 17(i5— 7 : 15 1705 7 20 17G5 7: 21 1772— 8:116 1772 8 131 l:iii(!s of, inhabitants relieved . 174;^— 3: 58 1743 3 59 iiieniorial to (.sec also Address, etc.) . 1737— 2:515 1746 3 321 petition to 1745— 3:255 1746 3 309 1770— 7 : 358 1775 8 222 prerogative of {sec also Prerof/ativt ) 1746 3 : 307 1746 3 381 1775— 8 : 234 1775 8 237 writ of, for members • • < 1732 2 376 1731— 2:422 1737— 2:475 1739 2 542 1749— 4:122 175.5_ 5: 49 1755 5 61 1758— 5 : 4:'.9 17d«— 6 : 238 1702 6 239 17G2— 6:215 1702— 6:246 1762 6 252 17G2— 6 : 2.^5 1702- 6 : 263 • 1768 7 225 177.5— 8:227 177,'j_ 8 : 234 1775 8 230 KING ClIAKLES II, : acts of 1728— 2 : 123 1775 8 236 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 191 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. KING George I. : acts of, etc. , , 1717— 1 : 206 1717 1 208 1719— 1 : 232 1719— 1 : 240 1720 1 256 1721— 1:273 1740— 2:552 1740 2 564 KING George II. : accession of, etc. , . 1727— 2: 87 1727 2 88 1727— 2: 90 1727— 2: 92 1727 2 96 1728 2:135 1729— 2 : 160 1738 2 528 obituary of . . . , , 1761— 6:126 1761 6 182 KING George III. : accession of . , , 1761— 6:120 1761 6 126 KING James I. : statute of . , , , • 1766 7 66 KING William: act of , , , ^ , 1724 1 419 KINGSTON (see also Hawke) : excused from pajdng jirovince charge, provided they assist the scouts, etc. . , , , 1712 1 43 exempted from part of tax • • , , , 1715 1 104 proportion of tax to be decided , , 1720 1 247 assessment claimed by , , , , 1769 7 283 reju'esentative . , 1714— 1: 74 1714 1 79 1715— 1: 97 1715— 1:114 1715 1 117 1715 1:127 1716— 1 : 173 1716 1 178 1717— 1:190 1722— 1 : 326 1726 2 36 1726— 2: 39 1727— 2:100 1728 2 121 1730— 2:307 1731— 2:335 1732 2 376 1734— 2:397 1735 2:433 1736 2 457 1737— 2:475 1739— 2:542 1742 2 610 1745 2:115 1745— 3:119 1745 3 184 1745— 2:185 1745 3:187 1745 3 262 1746— 3:368 1747— 4: 2 1752 4 217 1752— 4:224 17.52— 4 : 380 1753 4 384 1753— 4:386 1754_ 4 : 433 1754 4 434 1754— 4:437 1754— 4 : 438 1754 4 552 1755— 4:558 1755 5: 1755 5 41 1755 5: 43 1755 5:258 1756 5 260 1756— 5: 95 1756— 5:515 1757 5 264 1757— 5 : 506 1758 5 : 434 1758 5 436 1758— 5:512 1759— 6:228 1760 6 230 1761— 6:232 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 462 1764 6 : 464 1765 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7:182 1768— 7 : 350 1769 7 352 1770 7:354 1770— 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8:105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 144 1774— 8:184 1774— 8:187 1775 8 218 tavern .... , , , 1715 1 135 bounds perambuhited , , , , , 1715 1 136 lino with Chester , 1761— 6 : 150 1761 6 172 1761— 6 : 174 1761— 6:196 1761 6 204 loan to ... . , . , 1718 1 218 1718- 1:224 1726— 2: 66 1727 2 82 172!)— 2 : 161 1729— 2:162 1729 2 163 highways . . 1720— 1 : 251 1747— 3 : 447 1747 3 464 1747— 3 : 465 1747— 3:471 1755 4 570 lands in, petitioned for by HamjDton , , , 1723 1 399 1724— 2: 4 1724 2 8 expresses . 1723 — 1 : 408 1746— 3:381 1746 3 428 constable's account . , , , , 1724 1 417 firing guns in, restricted . , , , , , 1724 1 419 valuation of lands in • • • • • 1728 2 136 192 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, KINGSTON, — {contimicd) : valuation of trade in inventory cast end, petition petition 175;j— 17f)7— 1738— 1740— 1746— 1755— 1760- 1734— lshii)S in petitioners from suits aS7 1706— 7 : 109 1766— 7 : 178 1767 7 132 1767— 7 : 182 1768— 7:186 1768 7 226 1768— 7:253 1768 7:270 176H 7 350 1769— 7 : 2H3 1769— 7 : 290 1769 7 352 1770— 7:35-i 1770— 8: Ip 1770 8 14 177U— 8: 17 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 71 1771— 8 : 98 1771— 8:101 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1772— 8:123 1772 8 125 1772— 8:127 1772— 8:129 1773 8 136 1773— 8 : 138 1773— 8:140 1773 8 144 1773 8 : 152 1773— 8:153 1774 8 164 177-1- 8:172 1774— 8:184 1774 8 188 1771— 8:192 177-1— 8 : 202 1775 8 218 KNOWLES, JoNAXUAN : allowance for . 1759 5 484 KNOWJ/rON, Ebenezer: l)etition • ■ ■ 1760 6 109 KXOWLTON, EuENEZEK, and OTIIEUS: petition . . 1770— 7 : 346 1770— 8 : 2 1770 8 5 1770— 8: 9 1770— 8: 50 1771 8 65 KNOWLTOX, Francis: pL'tition 1761— 6 : 124 1761 6 141 KXOWLTON, Jonathan: hired, wafjes stop! .... . 1760 6 76 KXOWLTON, Mil.: <^)uaker, taxes abated • • • 1761 6 221 KYLE, John: l^otition . 1754 4 420 LABAKEE, Petek : eajitivated by St. Francois Indians . • • 1754 4 482 LABAREE, lIi Tii : petition ...... • • • 1754 4 478 LABOKEKS: at t'(irt William and Mavy . 1746 3 42S J.ABYHIN'l'II •»! DisiHK.ssKS (we also Dislrcsses) -. irovcrninnil invnlvid in a . 1750 4 1S7 LADI), Daniel: Quaker, exemjit from tax . 1763 6 365 LADI), Daniki.. Jic: nicniuriiil ..... . 1747 4 21 LADD, Cai'T. Daniel: misa])plie(l bounty money • • • 1746 8 440 1746— 3:4}4 1747 3 450 muster-roll, etc 1747— 3:4:.l 1717 3 452 1717— 3:156 1747— 3:461 1747 4 17 LADD, Capt. Daniel, and otiieks: complaint ..... • > . 1745 3 273 LADD, Cai't. John: muster-i-oU, etc 1745— 3:302 1758 5 317 1758— 5 : 352 175.S 5 377 LADD, John, Jk. : ;u'fount ...... ■ 1746 3 436 LAUD, (Ai'T. Jonathan: petition • 1738 2 533 17;)8— -J : 54U 1740 2 550 LADD, DiJ. Jonathan: deceased volunteer, allowfince to fati it-r . 1746 3 404 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 195 LADD, Sergt. Johx : muster-roll, etc. LADD, Nathaniel: muster-roll, etc. sick soldier LADD, Capt. Trueworthy muster-roll, etc. 1722— 1:362 1758- 1758- 317 376 1759— 5 : 464 1759— 6 : 26 LAKE Erie: Indians about . LAKE George : army at, etc. sick and wounded at provisions ti'au sported to 1723— 1724— 1758— 1758— 17.59— 1760— 17.55— 175.5 — 1756— 1756— 1756— 1758— 420 1760— 6: 61 LAKE Ontario: conquests on . LAKE WiNiPisiOKE (see Winijnsioke) . LAIvEMAN, ToHiAS: petition, etc. . 17.58 — LAMONT, Dr. Niel: petition ....... LAMPREY, Benjamin: muster-roll 1724 — LAMPREY, Benjamin, ani> others: petition, etc 1728 — LAMPREY River: bridge, Dover .... 1723 — LAMPS {see also MS. Lmvs 2 : 260) : street, breaking or damnilying, to prevent LAJVIPSON, John : must discharge draft .... LAMPSON, Dr. John : 390 11 353 379 471 78 45 : bb :104 141 142 428 12 138 394 1759— 5:483 1759— 5 : 491 1769— 7:21)1 1761- 1770- 170 341 petition LAMPSON, Joseph : invalid volunteer LANCASTER : petition highway througli inventory ..... LANCASTER, Daniel : claim ...... LANCING, Abraham Jacou ["Lansing"] supplied sutlers at Albany LANDS (.sec also Grants and Real Estate) made liable to pay debts execution upon, gives title when .... taken by execution, redeemed liow unfenced, trespassing on, penalty .... improved, cattle not to feed on .... partition of 1714 — 1 : 77 17(j;3_ (;:321 unfenced in common, bounds to be run once in two 3'cars common, proprietors of, regulated .... 1740— 2:560 1714— 1 I i TEAK. VOL. 1723 1 1726 1746 2 3 1757 1758 1759 1759 1765 5 5 5 6 7 1764 6 1755 1756 1756 1757 1756 1756 5 5 5 5 5 5 1758 5 176(1 6 1761 6 1725 2 1728 2 1723 1 1754 4 1758 5 1759 5 1746 3 1761 1772 1773 6 8 8 1748 4 1760 6 1718 1716 1717 1718 1760 1745 1763 1 1 1 1 6 3 6 1716 1718 1754 1 1 4 PAGE. 404 28 375 200 358 463 24 21 385 48 163 107 274 116 150 454 64 159 18 141 411 429 346 496 404 221 128 160 66 98 220 145 197 220 81 295 322 185 221 404 lIMj Index to Journals of Housk of Representatives, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. LANDS.— (CO////// ^/.(/) : (•(•mnioii, proprietors of, rcfjulated 1757— 5:201 1765— 6 : 454 1765 7 1 title oi" coiieeriied, appeal 1726— 2: 64 1727 2 110 1727— 2:111 1727 2 112 improved, assessment of . , , , 1727 2 75 aral)le, tillaj^e, oreliard, meadow, an 1 marsh. valued 1728 2 136 \ 1728- 2:140 1742 2 651 1753— 4 : 290 1761— 6 : 122 1767 7 161 lU'ovince, taxing .... 1755— 4 : 502 1755 4 503 1755— 4 : 506 1755— 5: 52 1756 5 65 1756— 5 : 66 1756— 5: 84 1756 6 107 unimproved, not taxed , . , 1756 5 86 waste, elaimed by Mason, grants of 1746— 3 : 393 1746 3 395 towns' commons, trespass on, penalty , a 1771 8 68 LANE, EzEKiEL: motion by .... , 1770 7 343 LANE, John:' petition , , 1761 6 2rt3 LANE, Joshua : petition , , 1765 6 451 LANE, Thomas: claim , , , 1743 3 70 LANG, Nathaniel: claim , . , 1747 4 32 LANG, RoitEHT: estate of, sold 1759— 6: 29 1759 6 30 LANGDON, John: member 1775— 8 : 218 1775 8 234 LANGDOX. Cai'T. Mauk: claim . . 1746— 3:432 1748 4: 94 1753 4 345 L A X ( ; I )()N , Ma uti i a (see Barrcll) . LANtiDOX, Key. Samuel, d. d. : chaplain of house 1748— 4: 86 1749 4 111 1752— 4 : 225 1753— 4:341 1755 4 571 1755 — 5 : 49 1756— 5 : 144 1757 5 272 1758 5 : 380 1758— 5 : 438 1759 6 13 1760— 6 : 106 1761— 6:212 1762 6 239 1762— 6 : 247 1762— 6 : 266 1763 6 350 1763— 6:352 1764— 6:404 1765 7 2 1765 7: 27 1765- 7: 79 1765 7 83 1767— 7:115 176H— 7:228 1769 7 287 1769— 7 : 297 1769— 7 : 305 1770 8 16 1771— H: 91 1772— 8:122 1773 8 150 1774— S : 192 1774— 8 : 198 1776 8 223 LANGDON, Cait. Samuel: account ...... 1765— 6 : 457 1765 6 lOli LANGDON, Cai-t. Woodi-.uky : house of. ])ro])osed for govi^rnor , , 1771 8 72 menil)er ..... 1771 — 8:184 1774 8 1S7 1774— 8:189* 1774— 8: 190 1774 8 193 177.1_ 8:1% 1774— 8 : 197 1774 8 199 1774_ 8:203 1775 — 8:218 1775 8 220 1775— 8:222 1775— 8 : 225 1775 8 229 LANGDON, Leaim: .^ Waih.kich (sec also Larc and Lcarc) : • petition 1711— 3: 85 1744 3 99 LAN(;LEY, James: account ..... , , . . 1723 1 390 LANGLEY, Joseph : scout ..... . . 1745 3 255 Province of Kew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 197 1743— 3 : 75 LANGMAID, Joseph account, etc. petition ...... LANGMADE, Thomas: charges on ..... LANNEN, Thomas: petition ...... LANTHORN (see also Light-House) : fixt at flag-staff of fort Wm. & M. . LAPISH, William : invalid volunteer, allowance for LARE, Jeremy (see also Langdon, etc., aba claim LATCH : of trees lit for lumber, revenue from LATIN School: in Portsmouth ..... LAWRENCE, David : petition ...... LAW Books : distributing, etc. .... 1758— 5 : 427 1756— 5 : 193 ye) LAWS {sec also Act and Militia) : i-evising, compiling, etc. 1713— 1717— 1722— 1723— 1730— 1747— 1754— 1754— 175 1761 1764 1771 1774 63 202 361 410 330 485 * 394 415 449 6:210 6:416 8 : 110 8 : 165 pi'inting 1715 1716- 1726 1746- 1759 1761- 1764 1765- 1766 1770- 1773- 1774- 1:129 1:181 2: 32 3:333 5 : 463 6: 210 6 : 426 7: 4 — 7 : 63 8: 3 8:137 S : 170 enactmg 1730— 2:325 1765— 7 : 17 executing .... not sealed, Ihrougli sieknc Stov}' ; to be seab'd ;uul printed manuscript, repealing 1772- 1773- 1711- 1714- 1717- 1723- 1726- 1731 1747— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1762— 1765— 1771— 1774- 1716— 1716— 1730— 1754— 1759— 1761— 1765— 1765— 1766— 1771— 1773— 1771— 1730— 1773— 9 8 : 118 8 : 142 1: 2 1: 74 1 : 209 1:402 2: 43 337 3 : 486 4 : 399 4:421 4:497 6:267 7: 47 8:111 8:166 i:153 1:187 2:333 4 : 426 6: 24 6:219 6:453 7: 6 7: 68 8: 90 8:142 8:207 2 : 329 8 : 134 1 11(1 death of Secretary what pleadable suspending clause in of Connecticut, fo be procured 1723- 1 :402 YEAR. VOL. 1760 6 1756 5 1758 5 1764 6 1771 8 1746 3 1723 1 1720 1 1718 1 1763 6 1773 8 1774 8 1711 1 1715 1 1718 1 1723 1 1728 2 1731 2 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1759 6 1763 6 1771 8 1771 8 1774 8 1714 1 1716 1 1723 1 1744 3 1758 6 1759 6 1761 6 1765 6 1765 7 1767 7 1772 8 1773 8 1774 8 1727 2 1757 5 1773 8 1730 2 1716 1 1723 1 1723 1 1726 2 1754 4 1752 4 PAGE. 91 194 398 417 94 333 377 257 212 348 137 212 8 132 216 409 129 349 370 414 437 24 326 109 113 167 84 160 409 86 445 26 221 468 29 170 126 155 210 \)^> 295 135 309 145 400 409 60 370 243 108 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. l.AWS, — (coniinned) : of Knghmtl, or Great Britain . 1726— 2: 43 1726 2 60 1745— 3 : 295 1761 6 220 of Massachusetts, about soldiers , , 1747 3 458 LEACH. Jami:s: jietitioii ..... 1753 4 323 L1:A1) {see also BuUHs) : transportation of . . . , 1746 3 414 LEAKAGIC (.SVC also Wastage) : of iicjuors .... 1717- 1:193 1717 1 194 LKARK (.sec Lanydon, above). LEATHER : tanned solo, tax rate 1752— 4 : 251 1754 4 ♦ 445 1755— 4 : 54!) 1757— 5 : 277 1758 5 385 17.08— 5:38!) 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 105 1761— 6:213 1762— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 1704— G:.396 1765— 7: 29 1766 7 84 LEATHERS, Ai-.kl: scout ..... , , , , 1745 3 255 LEATHERS, EinvAnD: scout ..... , , 1745 3 255 LKATIIKRS;, Sakaii {aec Carpenter, Qrcemmml). LEATHERS, Thomas: soldier under Colonel Blanchard , , 1756 5 75 to apjjear .... . . 1773 8 135 LEA V ITT, BiiNJA>ux: )etition ..... , , . 1719 1 236 LEAV TT, James : muster-roll .... , , 1724 2 11 LEAVITT, Jkukmiaii: account ..... , , , 1758 5 377 LEAVITT, Moses [" Leavit, Levet"] : member . . 174,5 — 3:115 I74r>— 3 : 128 1745 3 132 1745— 3 : 144 1745— 3 : 156 1745 3 158 1745— 3 : 159 1745— 3 : 159 * 1745 3 162 1745— 3 : 1G8 1745— 3:172 1745 3 176 174,o_ ,3 : IKO 1745— 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3:189 1745 3 196 1745 3 : 203 1745— 3 : 215 1745 3 222 1745 3 : 223 1745— 3 : 243 1745 3 262 1745— 3:295 1746— 3 : 341 1746 3 355 1746— 3:360 1746 3 : 368 1746 3 385 1746— 3:388 1746— 3 : 401 1746 3 408 1746— 3:409 1746 3 : 428 1746 3 443 1747— 3:448 1747— 3 : 449 1747 3 451 1747— 3 : 453 1747— 3 : 460 1747 3 461 1747— 3:482 1747— 3:497 1747 3 498 1747— 3:505 1747— 3 : 512 1747 3 520 1747— .3:528 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 29 1747— 4: 37 1747— 4: 42 1747 4 5(5 1747— 4: .'j7 1748— 4: 84 174S 4 98 1749— 4 : 100 1749— 4 : 105 1749 4 106 17,50— 4: 10 1751— 4: 9 1753 4 347 invalid volunteer . 1746 3 330 widow of 1746 3 404 clerk of Bow, to appear . 1754 4 401 LEAVITT, Nathaniel : enlisted, but not passed . . 1760 6 117 LEAVITT, C'AiT. Samuel: muster-roll, etc. 1757— 5 : 222 1757— 5 : 223 1761 6 217 umstcr-master . 176.>— 6:455 1765 6 456 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 199 LEAVITT, Capt. Samuel, — {continued) : sheriff, eased .... LEAVITT, Samuel, and otueks: petition ..... LEAVITT, Thomas: petition ..... to appear ..... LEAVITT & Sanbokn: petition LEAVITT'S ToMTs- [Effingham] : inventory taken ratable estate, proportion, and jjolls LEBANON : ratable estate, proportion, and polls LEE: set off from Durham inventory , 1767 — 7 : 160 lands in, conveyed . LEE, Dr. Joseph: account LEGACIES : partition of ... . LEGISLATURE (see also General Court) : turned gaol key on soldier LEGORSE, George: asks pardon tor affront to members LEIGHTON, Luke Mills : 1765- 1766- 1768- minor, deed to, voiding LEMPSTER (see also Btqjjjlin) : inventory ..... LETTERS (sec also Colonics) : from Major-General Abercrombic from and to asrents at court 2 : 2: 3: 3 4: 6: 5: 6; 6 71 165 107 322 442 311 485 37 300 1727— 1729- 1744— 1746— 1754— 1763— of General Amherst 1759- 1760— 1762- of Charles Aj^thorp .... of Theodore Atkinson from J. II. Bastidc, engineer . of Marquis Beauharnois, govern(n' of of Enos Bishop .... from Col. J. Blanchard . of Peter Bours .... from Bdui's and Scott of British secretary of state 1759— 5 : 485 1761— 6:170 1761— 6:182 of Governor Clinton 1747— 3 1771— 8 1724— 1727— 1742— 1745— 1746— 1760— 1770— 1759- 1760- 1762- 2: 2 : 3I o : o : 6: 8: 5: 6: 6: Canada 1747— 3 45 62 218 445 61 1754_ 4: 1754— 4: 1755— 5 ; 1758— 5 : 1759— 5 ; 1761— 6 : 1766— 7: 12* 106 35 256 436 116 21 486 38 301 516 453 458 14 446 486 172 71 YEAR. VOL. 1767 7 1765 7 1723 1 1770 8 1742 3 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1766 7 1766 7 1773 8 1768 7 1761 6 1714 1 1759 6 1747 3 1771 8 1773 8 1758 5 1723 1 1726 2 1728 2 1743 3 1746 3 1752 4 1762 6 1771 8 1759 5 1759 6 1760 6 1762 6 1746 1757 5 1744 1747 3 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1757 5 1755 5 1758 5 1759 5 1761 6 1761 6 1766 7 1745 PAGE. 123 39 398 2 30 153 157 160 60 65 157 216 216 77 19 447 65 159 371 398 51 129 47 310 275 306 58 484 19 223 302 322 222 77 517 478 454 463 306 15 362 484 120 174 82 265 200 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAB. VOL. I'AUK. ].KTTKn9,,— (ro7ilimtrd) : In 1111 Major Davis 1747 3 4(;7 from Lit'Ult'iiant-Govenior Dt'Ijam-y 1751 — 4:451 1755 6 25 from Lieutcnaiit-CJovurnor Diiiiimur 1726 — 2: 41 1727 2 84 from Janu'S Faniimi ...... 1744 3 100 from (lov. Thomas Fitrli of C'onnt'cticiil . 1755 5 25 1755— 5: 58 1758— 5:383 1758 5 400 of (ic'ii. Thoma.s Gage . . . 1761 — 6:383 1764 6 384 ofCapl. Israel (lilinan ...... 1760 6 83 from Col. Tflcr (iilmaii ...... 1755 5 55 of .loliii (iollc ........ 1746 3 322 of Lii'iilcnant-Coloiicl (Jorliam .... 1747 3 151 of governor 1711 1 1) 1711— 1: 12 1711— 1: 13 1711 1 1 1 1711— 1: 15 1711- 1: 17 1711 1 21 1711— 1: 23 1713— 1: 51) 1713 1 60 1721— 1:306 1722— 1:327 1722 1 329 1722— 1:332 1722— 1:334 1722 1 335 1722— 1 : 337 1722— 1 : 341 1722 1 343 1722— 1:344 1722— 1 : 34 M 1744_ 3: 83 1714— 3: l(i7 1747 1 16 1747— 4: IS 1750— 4: 1x3 175;; 1 363 1754_ 4:371 1751— 4:372 175'.) 5 494 of Earl of Loudon • . 1756 5 163 17,-,r,— 5: 170 175S 5 313 1758 5:323 1758 5:330 1758 5 337 of Mrs. Maccrcss 1740 2 563 of IJcutcnant-CJovornor Mascarcne .... 1717 3 454 of Colonel Meserve i7.">(; 5 154 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 201 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. LETTERS, — {continued) : from Col. Samuel Moore . , , 1745 3 177 1745— 3 : 178 1745— 3:250 1745 3 253 174.5— 3 : 258 1745— 3 : 265 1746 3 341 from Dixke of New Castle , , 1746 3 358 1746— 3 : 362 1746 3 364 1746 3 : 372 1747— 4: 13 1747 4 16 1747— 4: 25 1747— 4: 47 1747 4 57 relating to the Ohio . , , 1755 5 14 of Lieutenant Parker , . 1756 6 170 from General Pepperell . 1745 3 : 178 1745 3 199 1745— 3 : 200 1745— 3:250 1745 3 253 from Lieutenant-Governor Phipj^s . , 1755 4 545 1755— 5: 8 1755 5 9 1755— 5 : 25 1755 5: 58 1757 5 221 from Gov. Thomas Pownall 1760 6 66 1760— 6: 96 1760 6 98 from Sir Thomas Robinson 1754— 4:474 1754 4 475 1755— 4 : 502 1755 — 4 : 515 1755 4 516 1756 5: 89 1756— 5: 102 1756 5 115 fi-om James Scales . , , , 1744- 3 77 from Edward Scott {sec also from Bours, etc.. above) 1744 3 80 to Earl of Shelburne , , 1768 7 231 of Col. Peter Schuyler , , , 1759 6 9 of Governor Shirley of Massachusetts , 1744 3 82 1745 3:128 1745— 3 : 159TI 1745 3 160 1745— 3 : 194 1745— 3 : 195 1745 3 199 1745— 3:200 1745- 3 : 252 1745 3 265 1746— 3:387 1746— 3 : 395 1747 3 454 1747— 3:477 1747— 3 : 481 1747 3 498 1747— 3:499 1747— 3 : 501 1747 3 502 1747— 3:504 1747— 3 : 509 1747 3 512 1747_ 3:516 1747- 3 : 517 1747 4 13 1747— 4: 16 1748— 4: 61 1754 4 449 1755— 4 : 488 1755 4 : 489 1755 4 531 1755 — 5 : 5 1755— 5: 58 1756 5 74 1756— 5 : 79 1756 5: 97 1756 5 120 of Capt. Wasliingtoii Shirley . . , 1755 5 58 of ministers of southern colonies . 1763 6 321 of Colonel Stoddard 1747— 3:477 1747 3 481 from ISIr. Stone , , , 1741 3 95 of Major Tash .... . , 175,s 5 350 of Admiral Vernon . , , , , 1742 2 649 of M. Vodrell .... . . 1725 2 15 from Richard Waldron , , , , 1746 3 307 from Commodore Warren . , 1745 3 253 from Admiral Warren . . 1746 3 387 from Colonel Wendall , , 1755 4 550 of General Wentworth . , , 1742 2 616 from Josiah W^illard 1756— 5: 81 1756 5 82 from Secretary Willard of Massachi isetts . 1747 3 501 1748— 4: 70 1755 4 545 of General Winslow 1756— 5 : 154 1757 5 247 of credit {sec also Bills of Exchange') , , 1759 6 8 LEVIES {see also Enlisting, etc.) : of soldiers . . 1747— 3 : 503 1755 5 34 1758— 5 : 364 1761— 6:195 1761 6 231 1762— 6 : 249 1762— 6 : 251 1762 6 253 LEVroS, Peter [" Livius, Livis "] : of the council .... . 1766— 7: 68 1766 7 70 1766— 7: 81 26 1766— 7: 90 1766 7 92 202 Index to Journals of House of Eepresentatives, Li:VIUS. Vi:TVM, — (coHlinucd) ol" the cuuncil 17G(J 7: i»6 17G7— 7 : 122 1767— 7 : V^2 1767— 7: 147 1767— 7 : 151 17(38— 7: 19H 1768— 7 : 26 1735 2 446 1736— 2:459 1736— 2 : 40(J 1736 2 468 1736— 2:473 1737— 2:480 1737 2 483 1737— 2:486 1737— 2:492 1737 2 495 1737— 2:496 1737— 2:498 1737 2 499 1737— 2:500 1737— 2:501 1737 2 502 4737- 2:503 1737— 2 : 504 1737 2 505 1737— 2:508 1737— 2:509 1737 2 512 1737— 2:514 1737— 2 : 515 1737 2 516 1737— 2:517 1737— 2:518 1737 2 519 1737— 2:520 1737— 2:521 1737 2 522 1737— 2:523 1737— 2:524 1737 2 525 1737— 2:526 1737— 2 : 527 1738 2 530 1738— 2:531 1740— 2 : 548 1740 2 556 1740— 2:558 1740 2 : 563 1742 2 613 1742— 2:616 1742— 2 : 620 1742 2 623 1742— 2 : 624 1742— 2:632 1742 2 634 1742— 2:639 1742— 2:640 1742 2 641 1742— 2:644 1742— 2:648 1742 2 650 174:3— 3: 62 1745— 3:243 1745 3 251 1747— 4: 19 1769— 7:324 1773 8 140 LINEN : sealer of, in Loiulonderry , 1731 2 345 LINSEED Oil : mill, monopoly, AValpole , , , 1773 8 155 LIQUORS {i>ce also Excise, Forfeitures, Leakage Rum, Sjnriluous Lif/uors, Tijjple, a7id Wine) : impost on .... 1717— 1 : 193 1717 1 194 importation of . 1721— 1 : 303 1721 1 305 allowance for .... 1745— 3:282 1746 3 391 selling le-ss than twenty-live gallons at once, i-esti-ic- tion , , , 1754 4 398 LITCHFIELD: petition , 1744 3 *228 petitioner from . 1770 8 49 representative . 1745 — 3 : 157 1758— 5 : 434 1758 5 436 1758— 5 : 512 1759— 6 : 228 1760 6 230 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6 : 256 1762 6 257 1762— 6 : 458 1763— 6 : 462 1764 6 464 1765 — 7 : 176 1766— 7: 178 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7:352 1770 7 354 1770— 8 : 1 p 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1773 8:144 1774 8 164 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8:188 1775 8 218 double rating stopped , , 1746 3 377 Uixation of ... . , , 1746 3 388 tax proportion .... • • . 1761 6 211 classed for e.xcisc . 1752— 4:239 1755 4 610 inventory . . 1753— 4 : 293 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 17G7— 7:160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 158 selectmen to appear . 1754— 4 : 475 1770 7 339 soldiers jn-ovisioned at , , 1763 6 339 support oi Patrick Bonner by . LIITLE, Damel : , , 1770 8 1 member , , , , 1758 5 434 1758— 5 : 436 1758— 5 : 512 1759 5 468 1759— 5 : 469 1759— 5:470 1759 5 473 1759— 5 : 479 1759— 5:484 1759 5 486 1759— 5 : 487 1759— 5:489 1759 5 491 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 205 LITTLE, Daniel, member . {continued) : 1759— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1761— 493 7 34 60 167 174 1759- 1759- 1760- 1760- 1761- 1761- LITTLE, Moses : petition LITTLE HARiiOR: governor's seat at 1758— 5 : 332 LITTLEHALE, John : estate of, heirs to appear LITTLEHALE, Samuel: heirs confirmed LITTLETON & Grotster (see also Grotster, etc.) : V. James Hodges LIVERMORE, Matthew : member, clerk, attorney-general, etc 1744— 1746— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1765— 1758— 1761— LIVERMORE, Sajiltel : member, attorney-gen oi'al, etc 81 436 216 241 245 267 380 338 356 384 394 432 449 470 476 4:492 4 : 508 4:530 4:574 5: 41 5 : 380 6:166 1766- 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1773— / : 7 : 7: 7: 7: 7: 7 : 7: 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: 8: 75 233 244 255 282 298 320 343 1 32 49 53 71 83 102 148 1742— 1745— 1748— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1755 — 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1759— 1761— 1766— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1773— 2 15 56 68 168 200 1761— 6 : 207 648 :248 : 86 :219 ;243 :263 :268 ; 299 :342 :361 :369 ;406 :441 :451 471 481 :493 :520 :537 ; : 46 ; 12 ;212 86 235 249 264 283 :299 352 354 ; 3 : 40 51 54 77 88 109 153 YEAR. VOL. 1759 6 1759 6 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1770 8 1761 (; 1762 6 17.57 5 1758 5 1753 4 1740 2 1744 o 1745 3 1748 4 1752 4 1752 4 1752 4 1752 4 1753 4 1753 4 1753 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1755 4 1755 4 1755 4 1755 5 1757 5 1760 6 1762 6 1766 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1769 7 1769 7 1770 7 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1771 8 1772 8 1774 8 PAGE. 4 28 59 166 173 232 49 186 275 308 336 305 550 80 265 96 223 244 266 274 311 345 368 393 415 446 454 474 552 507 521 558 39 272 107 265 53 226 236 251 350 285 302 339 Pl 7 48 52 p2 80 95 121 194 20f; Index to Journals <»r House of liEPRESENTATiVKS, YKAB. vou PACK. LIVIUS {seeLevim). i.OANS {see also Dills of (Jrcdil) govt'nimeDt . . 173S— 2 : .'.30 173« 2 .532 1719— 4: 126 1758 5 446 LOBBY: keys to tlif , , . 1765 7 3« LOCK, Bi.akk: " liirt'tl," wages sloi)t , . . 1760 6 76 iiiistukc iorn;ctr I , , , 1760 6 '.t| LOCK, Ei'iiKAiM : Sdldinr, umli-r ('; iptain Clcuii-nl , 1754 4 JOS L( )CK, FiCANcis : iiiuster-roll , , 1747 3 479 r^OCK. Jonathan : lUfiubcr . . . . 1745 3 115 1745— 3:118 1745 3 : 131 1745 3 132 1745— 3 : 138 1745— 3 : 139 1745 3 147 1745— :; : 151 1745 3 : 152 1745 3 153 1745— .".:15.S 171.0— 3: 1.09 1745 3 * ]5!1 1745 :) : 159 t 174.5— 3 : 159 t 1745 3 161 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3:166 1745 3 167 1745— 3 : 168 174.5— 3 : 172 1745 3 176 1745 3:179 1745— 3:180 1745 3 203 LOCK, JosEi'U : petition 1742— 3: 30 1742— 3: 36 1745 3 224 1745— .3 : 242 1745— 3:265 1745 3 294 LOCK-CASE : for sokliers , , 1758 6 .371 LOGG^VN. John : l)etition , , , . 1760 6 60 LONDON : agents, etc., at . , . 1761— 6:133 1765 7 39 1771— 8: 73 1774 8 182 bills of exchange, etc., on , , 1758— 5 : 365 1765 6 431 17(;5— 6 : 448 1765 7 8 government in . etter from , , , , , , 1723 1 382 , , . , , , 1723 1 380 markets . , , , , , 1720 1 257 ships from , . • 1734 2 398 llONDON Gazette: newspaper , , , , , 1716 1 177 LONDONDERRY (^sce also Demi) : firing guns in, restricted ." , . , 1724 1 419 representative . a . . , 1725 2 14 1720- 2: 35 1727— 2:100 1727 2 101 1728— 2:121 1728— 2:143 1729 2 160 1729— 2:165 1730— 2:307 1730 2 335 1732— 2 : 376 1734— 2 : 397 1734 2 422 1735 2 : 433 1736— 2 : 457 1737 2 475 1737— 2 : 496 1737— 2:511 1738 2 530 1739— 2 : 542 1742— 2:610 1745 3 115 1745— ;l:119 1745— 3:184 1745 3 185 174.0— 3:187 1745— 3 : 262 1746 3 368 1747— 4: 2 1748— 4: 4 1749 4 100 1749— 4 : 105 17.50— 4: 10 1751 4 6 1751— 4: 9 1752-^ 4:217 17.52 4 224 1752— I : 380 175.3— 4 : 384 1753 4 3«6 1754— 4 : 652 1755— 4:558 17.55 5 1755— 5: 41 1755— 5: 49 1755 5 258 1756— 5: 95 1756— 5 : 260 1756 5 515 1757— 5:264 1757— 6:506 1768 5 434 Peovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 207 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. LONDONDERRY, — (conti7iued) : representative . 1758 — 6 : 436 1758— 5 : 512 1759 6 228 1760 6 : 230 1761— 6 : 232 1762 6 239 1762— 6:458 1763 6 : 462 1764 6 464 1765 7 : 176 1766— 7 : 178 1767 7 182 1768 7 : 261 1768— 7 : 262 1768 7 269 1769— 7:283 1769— 7 : 352 1770 7 354 1770 8 : 1 p 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 105 1771— 8 : 107 1772— 8:114 1772 8 115 1773— 8 : 144 1774 8:164 1774 8 184 1774— 8 : 187 1774 8:192 1774 8 194 1774— 8 : 200 1774— 8 : 205 1775 8 218 taxation of ... . , , , 1725 2 14 1726— 2: 35 1726— 2: 36 1727 2 75 1727— 2 : 77 1737— 2:496 1756 5 66 committee sent to . , • 1726 2 47 lands in, valuation . . 1728 2 136 land, accounted 400 acres , 1728 2 140 trade valuation in . , , 1728 2 140 inventory . 1753— 4:293 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768 7:218 1773 8 156 classed for excise .... 1752— 4:239 1755 4 510 petition 1726— 2: 35 1728 2 119 1728 2 : 134 1728 2:136 1730 2 311 1730— 2:313 1736— 2 : 462 1737 2 477 1737— 2 : 492 1742— 2:616 1742 2 622 1742— 2:625 1742— 2:641 1744 3 107 1744— 3 : 108 1756 5: 69 1756 5 89 1758— 5 : 331 1758— 5:332 1760 6 40 1760— 6 : 97 1760 6: 99 1767 7 325 religious society, petition . , 1740 2 546 1740 2:553 1740 2 558 1740 2 : 565 1740— 2:568 1740 2 569 petitioner from 1734 2 : 428 1759— 5:460 1760 6 62 1760— 6 : 69 1760 6: 70 1764 6 417 exempted from keeping grammar school 1727 2 108 man, tried .... , 1730 2 332 suits against .... , 1732 2 367 dilllculties antl hardships in . 1733 2 384 sealer of linen in . . 1731 2 345 proprietors' ajipearance . 1735 2:428 1735 2 444 selectmen to ajipear 1754— 4 : 396 1754 4 411 parishes 1736 2 : 458 1773 8 148 1774— 8 : 166 1774 8 167 highways , . 1742 2 649 1743 3: 50 1743— 3: 64 1760 6 40 1760— 6: 97 1761— 6:137 1765 7 12 1765 7: 31 1765 7: 32 1765 7 33 constable, to refund rates , , 1745 3 300 not to rate certain persons, rated in Litchfield 1746 3 377 defence of .... 1746- 3 : 324 1747 3 514 1747— 3 : 518 1748— 4: 67 1748 4 74 express to .... , , 1746 3 432 taverners limited .... 1758 5 : 336 1758 5 337 tavern ers augmented , , 1760 (') 99 1760— 6 : 105 1761— 6 : 148 1761 (') 157 estate in, divided 1768— 7:186 1768 7 197 county location , , _ 1769 7 325 annexing to Hillsborough county • • • -1 ——.1 1< to 8 139 LONG lsL\my : baggage carried to . . • • 1757 5 267 208 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. L0Nr,FET>T.OW, Jonathan : supplies for ..... , • 1747 3 521 petition . . 175.3— 4:332 1753 4:354 1754 4 377 LONGFELLOW. Nathan : conslal)le ...... , 1721 1 294 1723— 1 : 397 1723 1 .399 1723— 1:4U(J 1750— 5: 73 1750 5 74 broke jail 1770— H: 12 1770 8 82 1771— S: 91 1771 — 8: lf>3 1772 8 121 LORD, Samuel, 3u, and Paul: to aj)pear ...... . 1770 7 356 LOKDS {s(C also Privy Council) : of tlie Privy Council , , 1737 2 482 commissioners, etc. (see also Thomlinsou, Trade, and Letters) .... 1720 1 : 255 1731 2 352 1731— 2:354 1731— 2 : 356 1731 2 359 1731— 2:363 1734— 2:399 1734 2 417 1734— 2:420 1736— 2 : 469 1739 2 541 1714— 3: 76 1754— 4 : 370 1759 5 490 1703— 6:368 1765 6 : 437 1768 7 229 justices 1721— 1 : 279 1743 3 08 1745— 3 : 140 1745 3 158 LOKD'S DAY: obliging attendance on service , 1716 1 143 better observation of, to secure , 1718 1 221 1747— 3:. 514 1756— 5: 81 1756 5 83 175G— 5: 88 1757— 5:217 1757 5 273 1758— 5 : 398 175.S— 5 : 400 1758 5 450 175S— 5 : 451 1759— 5 : 462 1759 5 405 17,-,l»— 5:466 1759— 6: 16 1761 6 13H 1701— 6:148 1701— 6:152 1761 6 101 1701— 6:164 1761— 6:165 1761 6 176 17r,l_ 6:186 1701— 6 : 196 1761 6 210 1701— 6:219 1702— 6 : 241 1762 6 242 1702— 6 : 250 1702— 6 : 251 1762 6 204 1702— 6 : 265 1762— 6 : 268 1762 6 271 1702— : 2S2 1762— 6:298 1763 6 314 1703— 6:315 17(i3 6 : 316 1763 6 351 170;')— 6 : 375 1763— 6 : 377 1764 6 38.S 1764— 6:392 1704 6 : 393 1774 8 204 petition to be set at meeting-house oi 1 . 1766 7 70 LOSS (.svr also Writs) : of writs, etc., to prevent . 1765 6 467 LOSSES : allowance for 1746— 3 : 403 1757 5 224 1757— 5:225 1757— 5 : 230 1757 5 232 1757— 5:233 1757— 5 : 236 1758 5 345 17r„s— 5:371 1758 5 : 372 1758 5 392 17.=-,H— 5:405 1759— 5 : 498 1759 17.'-)9_ 6: 7 1700— 6: 40 1761 6 127 1701— 0:201 1761— 6 : 202 1764 6 404 LOST : sundries, at Crown Point . , 1750 5 141 sundries, at L;ike Ceorgo . . , 1750 5 111 sundries, at i^ouisburg 1745— 3 : 294 1710 ;!(t.s 1740— 3:440 1747-^ 3 : 522 1747 4 23 sundries, taken by the enemy . . . 1757 5 219 LOST (;<).)i)s: recovery, etc., regulated . . • 17 IS 1 220 LOT Layers: of towns and parishes to run bounils, when . 1710 1 185 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 209 LOTHROP : V. Tibbetts, John LOTTERIES : private, suppi-essed 1753 — 4 : 354 provincial .... Dover Goffe, John, etc. Gosport Isles of Shoals . Newcastle Newmarket Philbrook, Joses Portsmouth 1760— 1760— 17G1— 1768— 1770— 1757— 1700- 1760— 175'J— 1760— 1760— 1768— 1772— 1757— 1759— 1760— 7: 8: 5 : 6: 6: 6: 6: 6: 7: 8: 5: 6: 6: 35 83 143 272 13 235 35 83 '32 79 89 205 129 218 29 83 Rye {see also Philbrook, above') Rye and Portsmoutli 1765— 6 : 456 176.5— 7: 6 1765— 7: 34 Stratham and Newmarket 1754— 1760— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1766— 1767— 1768— 1771— 1757— 1760— 1760— 1757— 1760— 1760— 1768— 1770— 1774— 1757— 1760— 1760— 1765— 1765— 1765— 438 54 76 84 197 81 157 274 63 241 77 84 235 36 83 199 2 202 219 36 84 457 7 48 1760— 6 : 85 LOUDON : granted from Canterbury .... inventory LOUDON, Eakl of {called also Lord) : captain-general of II. M. forces {see also Letters) 1756— 5 : 1757— 5:212 1757— 5 1757— 5 : 227 1757— 5 1757— 5 : 236 1757— 5 1757— 5 : 245 1757— 5 1757— 5 : 292 1757— 5 1758— 5 : 328 1758— 5 1758— 5 : 340 1758— 5 LOUIS BURG {see also Cape Breton and Garrison) : expedition 1745— 1745— 1746— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 3:131 3:138 3:141 148 151 154 158 176 198 207 221 224 230 236 242 1744- 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 181 :216 :231 :238 :267 :304 :329 :342 :228* : 134 :139 :146 :149 :152 :155 :159 :177 :200 :208 :222 :227 :231 :240 :243 YEAR. VOL. 1766 7 1754 4 1760 6 1760 6 1760 6 1761 6 1767 7 1767 7 1768 7 1771 8 1757 5 1760 6 1760 6 1759 6 1760 6 1760 6 1768 7 1770 8 1774 8 1757 5 1760 6 1760 6 1757 6 1764 6 1765 7 1765 7 1766 7 1760 6 1760 6 1773 8 1773 8 1756 5 1756 5 1757 5 1757 6 1757 6 1757 6 1758 6 1758 5 1758 5 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 96 462 89 79 89 215 141 163 276 65 281 79 89 462 76 84 202 6 213 233 80 89 233 407 4 33 77 36 89 137 157 165 192 226 235 239 288 314 338 343 128 137 140 147 150 153 156 tl59 181 206 220 223 229 232 241 246 27 210 Index to Jottrnals of TTot'sk of Tvki'Rksentatives, 3 : 251 3 : 258 :^ : 205 3 : 270 279 287 292 296 305 30M 31 6 324 3:331 3 : 338 3 : 343 3 : 374 3 : :?90 3 : 394 3 : 400 404 407 417 430 402 3:409 LOUISHURG, — (ro,iUnu,d) : oxpi'ditiou . 174/) — 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1740— 1740— 1740— 1746— 1746— 1740— 1740- 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1740— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1752— 1758— iDonoy (sec also Bills of Credit, bur miltee on telling, etc.) . 1756— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1758- 1758— 1700- 1700— 1760— 1701— 1763— council of war at . sevenly-two French iieople transjior illf'gal trade witli, forbidden LOVEKIN, Isaac : wounded at Cape Breton . LOVEKIN, John: claim LOVERIN, Ehenezer : claim LOVEWKLL, Jonathan [" Lovr.i.L"] : member, commissai-}-, excise collect 484 487 492 519 23 70 95 240 445 191 196 317 336 : 351 391 410 43 51 01 170 358 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1740— 1740— 1740— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1740— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1753— 1758— ning, and . 1750— 1756— 1757 — 1758— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1759— 1700— 1700— 1700— 1762— 1705— ted from 3:252 3 : 259 3 : 268 3:272 3 : 284 3 : 288 3 : 293 3 : 302 3 : 300 3:312 3:317 3:328 3 : 333 3 : 339 3:347 3 : 387 3 : 392 3 : 395 3:402 3:405 3:411 3:421 3 : 440 3 : 405 3:475 3 : 485 3 : 489 3:493 3 : 520 4: 31 4: 72 4: 98 4:308 5 : 454 Com- 5 : 189 5 : 193 5 : 250 5 : 318 5 : 339 5 : 357 5 : 401 6: 11 6: 46 0: 52 6:115 6:295 6 : 460 or, etc. 1748— 4: 73 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. 1745 3 255 1745 3 260 1745 3 209 1745 3 278 1745 3 285 1745 3 29<» 1745 3 294 1745 3 304 1740 3 307 1746 3 314 1746 3 318 1746 3 330 1746 3 336 1746 3 341 1746 3 373 1746 3 388 1740 3 393 1746 3 39« 1746 3 403 1746 3 406 1746 3 413 1746 3 420 1747 3 457 1717 3 468 1747 3 483 1747 3 ♦485 1747 3 491 1747 3 518 1747 3 522 1747 4 34 1748 4 «7 1752 4 221 1758 6 428 1772 8 129 1756 5 190 1750 5 194 1757 5 20H 1758 5 332 1758 6 341 1758 5 359 1758 5 40« 1760 6 41 1760 6 48 1700 6 00 1701 6 168 1762 6 290 1765 7 10 1745 3 254 1747 4 35 1756 6 71 1745 3 29G 1747 4 18 1758 5 377 1748 4 72 1748 4 85 Pkovince of New HaiMpshire, 1711-1775. 211 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. LOVEWELL, Jonathan, — {contiimed) : member, commissary, excise collector, etc. 1752— 4:217 1752- 4:224 1752 4 227 1752— 4:231 1752— 4 : 235 1752 4 239 1752— 4 : 240 1752— 4 : 247 1752 4 258 1752— 4:259 1752— 4 : 263 1752 4 273 1752— 4 : 380 1753— 4:287 1753 4 292 1753 4 : 332 1753— 4:338 1753 4 342 1753 4 : 345 1753— 4:352 1753 4 353 1753 4 : 354 17.53— 4:363 1753 4 364 1753— 4:377 1753 4 : 384 1754 4 397 1754 4 : 402 1754— 4:407 1754 4 427 1754— 4:437 1754— 4:440 1754 4 442 1754— 4 : 442 * 1754— 4:443 1754 4 470 1754— 4:474 1754— 4:477 1754 4 552 1755— 4:505 1755— 4 : 508 1755 4 510 1755 4 : 512 1755— 4 : 523 1755 4 534 17.55— 4:538 1755 4 : 539 1755 4 541 1755— 4:545 1755 — 4 : 550 1755 4 558 1755— 4 : 569 1755 5 : 1755 5 2 1755 5: 41 1756— 5 : 104 1756 5 126 1758— 5 : 434 1758 5 : 436 1758 5 437 1758 5 : 444 175»— 5 : 445 1758 5 456 1758— 5 : 512 1759— 5:462 1759 5 463 1759— 5 : 467 1759— 5 : 479 1759 5 480 1759— 5 : 489 1759— 5 : 496 1759 5 498 1759— 6: 7 1759— 6 : 17 1759 6 18 1759— 6: 20 1759— 6 : 25 1759 6 30 1759— 6 : 31 1760— 6 : 34 1760 6 46 1760— 6: 52 1760— 6: 56 1760 6 58 1760— 6: 62 1760 6: 63 1760 6 64 1760— 6 : 65 1760— 6: 69 1760 6 71 1760— 6 : 80 1760 6: 86 1760 6 87 1760— 6 : 89 1760— 6 : 90 1760 6 102 1760 6 : 106 1761— 6:127 1761 6 133 1761— (i : 134 1761— 6:136 1761 6 138 1761— 6:141 1761— 6 : 142 1761 6 148 1761— 6 : 151 1761— 6:152 1761 6 157 1761— 6:211 1761— 6:216 1761 6 221 1761— 6:225 1761— 6 : 232 1762 6 240 1762— 6 : 243 1762— 6 : 257 1768 7 189 LOVEWELL, Capt. Nehemiaii : muster-roll, etc 1759— 5 : 46 1759 5 468 1759— 5:499 1760— 6: 67 1760 6 78 1761— 6 : 139 1761— 6:140 1761 6 149 1761— 6:162 1761— 6: 191 1761 () 192 1762— 6:261 1762— 6 : 262 1763 6 312 1763— 6:318 1763— 6:324 1763 6 331 LOVEWELL, Noah : claim ...... • • • 1760 6 90 LOVEWELL, Col. Zaccheus: muster-rolls, etc 1747— 4 27 1748 4 62 1748 4: 65 174H— 4 85 1758 5 394 1758— 5:396 1759— 6 8 1760 (i 67 1760— 6: 68 1760— 6 72 1760 6 73 1760— 6 : 74 1760— 6 75 1760 6 76 1760— 6: 99 1760— 6 107 1760 6 108 LOWELL, James : volunteer ...... • • • 1746 3 405 LOWER xVsHUELOT (see Swanscy). 212 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YKAU. 1 VOL. PAGE. T.OWER CoiiAS (see also Coos (mil Ilnvcrhill) : road to, from Durham Falls 1772— 8:117 1772 8 129 LOWER Coos {sec also Coos) : road from, to meet Durham or Dover road 1703 6 315 LUCAS. 'i'lioMAS {sec also Mrl.nc(i^) : luuster-roll, etc. 1754— 4:401) 1755- 4 : 494 1755 4 495 LUMBER (sec also Latch) : duty ofl" 1718— 1 : 225 1719 1 232 171!»— 1 : 233 1720 1 : 250 1720 1 257 1721— 1:2S1 1721- 1 : 302 1722 1 311 mcasuriiif^, etc. .... . 1760 6 01 1753 4 : 307 1754— 4 : 409 1754 4 420 17G0- 6: 71 1700— 6: 88 1760 6 90 LUTWVCIIE, Edwaud G. : referee, etc. ..... 1768 7 : 189 1769 7 297 LYDALL, John: of Bo.ston 1730— 2:322 1730 2 323 LYDIUS, John Henry: to fit out Indians for war , , , 1747 3 481 1747— 3:482 1747 4 34 money advanced by ... , . 1760 6 09 LYMAN : inventory , . 1773 8 160 LYME : representative . 1775— 5:218 1775— 8 : 227 1775 8 237 inventory , 1773 8 1()() LYNDKHOROUGH: inventory ...... 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:100 1768 7 : 220 1773 8 158 assessment of province tax in . 1702— 6:278 1762 6 317 LYON, ElJENEZEK: wounded soldier .... 1703 6 335 McCALLEY, James : soldier, had small-pox , 1701 6 209 MACCRESS, Mk.S. : l)etition, etc. . 1740-2:563 1743— 3: 71 1743 3 71 MACRESS, JosKPir. and wife: V. Swt'tf, Jonatlian .... , 1754 4 411 MACKRISS, Samkel: midcrCaiit. Samuel Gerrish 1703 330 McD()r(;ALL, William: claim ...... 1758 5 410 M. DUFFEE. John: member ...... ] 702 6 208 1702— 0:271 1702- : 297 1702 6 3<>3 1702— 0:30« 1702— 6 : 309 1762 6 458 1763_ 6:462 1704 6 : 464 1765 6 433 accounts, etc , , , 1771 8 59 1771— ,S: 87 1771— 8: 88 1771 8 89 1772— 8:117 1772— 8:129 1773 8 153 M( •( ; w VA ;< )i; , a lex anheh : petition 1743— 3: 52 1743 3: 54 1743 3 73 MACCiREGORE. Cai-t. Daniel: muster-roll ..... , . 1740 3 392 McGKE(;()RE, Rev. David: » army chaplain, etc 1740— 2 : 540 1755 4 534 1768— 7:188 1770 8 11 McHARD, James : petition 1768— 7:187 1770 8 12 V. Belknap, Moses .... 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 323 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 213 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. MACKAY, Benjamin : account , , 1772 8 126 McKEAN. Rokert: legal representative of, claim . . . . 1761 6 207 McKEEN, James : member ..... , , 1727 2 100 1727— 2 : 101 1727— 2:105 1727 2 108 1727— 2 : 109 1728 2 : 110 1728 2 113 1728— 2:117 1728— 2 : 121 1728 2 125 1728 2 : 128 1728 2 : 131 1728 2 134 1728— 2 : 139 1729— 2:143 1729 2 145 1729— 2 : 151 1729— 2:155 1729 2 160 McKEEN, John : petition . 1762 6 239 McLUCAS, Thomas (see also Lucas) : petition ...... 1763 6:341 1763 6 343 McMASTER, Thomas : petition ..... 1760 6: 62 1760 6 96 McMASTER, William : claim ..... , , , 1759 5 497 MACMATH, John : memorial, etc. 1747— 3 : 497 1747 3 500 McMillan, andkew : petition 1765— 6:447 1774 8 167 McMURPHY, Alexander : selectman of Derryiield, etc. . 1753 4 : 353 1765 7 42 McMURPHY, Daniel: ' petition , 1757 5 232 McMURPHY, John : member, excise collector 1731— 2 : 335 1732 2 376 1745— 3 : 184 1745— 3 : 185 1745 3 187 1745— 3:189 1745— 3 : 194 1745 3 202 1745— 3:203 1745— 3:211 1745 3 215 / 1745— 3 : 218 1745— 3:224 1745 3 227 1745 3 : 230 1745— 3 : 232 1745 3 233 1745— 3 : 239 1745— 3 : 242 1745 3 245 1745— 3:251 1745— 3 : 257 1745 3 262 1745— 3 : 275 1745— 3 : 294 1745 3 298 1745— 3 : 300 1746— 3 : 306 1746 3 809 1746— 3:312 1746— 3 : 315 1746 3 342 1746— 3:349 1746— 3 : 355 1746 3 366 1746— 3:368 1746— 3 : 376 1746 3 377 1746— 3:381 1746— 3 : 382 1746 3 389 1746— 3:391 1746— 3 : 407 1746 3 410 1746— 3:411 1746— 3: 414 1746 3 415 1746— 3 : 417 1746— 3 : 419 1746 3 422 1746— 3:423 1746— 3 : 429 1716 3 430 1746— 3 : 442 1 746— 3 : 443 1747 3 448 1747— 3:453 1747— 3 : 456 1747 3 458 1747— 3 : 463 1747— 3:467 1747 3 471 1747— 3:472 1747— 3 : 473 1747 3 479 1747— 3:485* 1747— 3 : 491 1747 3 494 1747— 3:496 1747- 3 : 497 1747 3 501 1747— 3:503 1747— 3:507 1747 3 510 1747— 3:513 1747— 3 : 519 1747 3 520 1747— 3:522 1747— 3 : 523 1747 3 526 1747— 3:528 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 20 1747— 4: 26 1747— 4: 30 1747 4 31 1747— 4: 33 1748 4: 61 1748 4 64 1748— 4 : r>5 1748— 4: 66 1748 4 69 1748— 4: 72 1748— 4: 73 1748 4 75 214 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAOE. McMlKrilV, .]ui\s,— {coniinucd) : member, excise colk-i-tor 174H— 4 : y3 174.S— 4 : 85 1748 4 87 174y— 4: H« 1748 4: 89 1748 4 98 174;i— 1 : 100 17i;i— 1 : 105 1719 4 106 171'.»— 1: Ills 1719— 1:111 1749 4 123 171!)— 4:140 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 1) 1752— 4:217 1752— 4 : 218 1752 4 239 1752— 4 : 247 1752— 4 : 254 1752 4 256 1752— 4:257 1752— 1 : 267 1752 4 287 1752— 4:;W) 1753— 4 : 292 1753 4 323 noli— 4:325 1753— 4 : 832 1753 4 355 1753— 4:356 1753— 4 : 367 1753 4 384 1754— 4 : 394 1754— 4 : 395 1754 4 397 1754— 4 : 404 1754— 4 : 406 1754 4 411 1754— 4:422 1754— 4 : 423 1754 4 437 1754— 4 : 440 1754— 4 : 443 1754 4 453 1754— 4 : 458 1754— 4:467 1754 4 470 1754— 4 : 552 1755— 4 : 491 1755 4 493 1755— 4:497 1755— 4 : 498 1755 4 505 1755— 4:510 1755— 4:516 1755 4 520 1755 4 : 527 1755— 4:540 1755 4 542 1755— 4 : 549 1755 — 4:558 1755 4 567 1755— 5: 1755 — 6: 14 1755 5 15 1755— 5: 21 1755 5: 27 1755 5 36 1755— 5:41 1756— 5: 71 1758 5 318 MACPIIEDKIS, Akciiii-.am) ["Mac. Ak( "HI., OK Ai{."l : of the couucil .... 1723— 1 : 398 1723 1 404 1723— 1:405 1723- 1 :410 1724 1 414 1724— 1 : 424 1724— 1 : 426 1724 1 432 1724— 1:433 1724— 2: 11 1725 2 tl2 1726— 2: 52 1726— 2: 53 1726 2 60 1727— 2 : 68 1727— 2: 69 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 82 1727— 2: 93 1728 2 112 luick house of, ]5roposed for governor's 1 7.")tl— 5 : 193 1757 5 254 MADIU'KY (see also Dover, West) : ]M'tilioii ..... 1755— 4:516 1755 4 522 1755— 4:529 1755 — 4:548 1755 4 566 1768— 7 : 187 i7(;s— 7 : 203 176H 7 216 new j)ari.sh from Do\ L-r . . , , 1755 4 570 constituted from Dover, West 1768— 7 : 229 1768 7 259 small-pox in . 1761 6 ♦198 litigant from .... 1765 7 12 ]»ro\ ince tux collected , 1768 7 187 inventory .... 1768 — 7 : 219 1773 8 157 MA1)P:IRA WiNi: : duty on • . . . . 1714— 1: 82 1717 1 193 1717— 1:194 1721— 1:281 1721 1 283 MAIN : on Piscataijua river . , 1747 4 17 MAINE (sec also York Countij) : jirovince of, strengthened 1711 1 1 governor resolved to double the for •es in , , 1712 1 38 province line with 1720 — 1 : 256 1726— 2: 57 1730 2 316 1730— 2:322 173U»- 2 : 325 1730 2 326 MAJOR : wages, etc , , 1745 3 155 1756 — 5: 117 1757 — 5:250 1757 5 267 1757— 5:378 1759— 6: 4 1762 6 254 MALIGNANT Disease {sec Small-Pox). Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 215 IVIALLOON, Nathaniel: petition MALLOON, Samuel: deserter . MALLOON, Dr. Samuel : account MAN OP Wak (see also Frigates and Shi2Js) off the harbor .... MANDAMUS (see Superior Coui't). MANNERS : reformation of . regulation of . MANLTFACTURES : British, dut}- on . . . MAP (see also Survey) : or draft of line with Massachusetts authenticity of a certain . MARCH, Col. Clement [also Doct.] : member ..... 1745— 174.5— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1749— 1749— 1749— 1752— 1762— 1752— 1752— 4 : 269 1753— 4 : 326 1753_ 4:369 1754— 4 : 401 1754— 4 : 430 1754— 4 : 452 1754— 4 : 552 1755— 4 : 537 1755— 5: 1755— 5 : 21 1755— 5 : 46 1756— 5 : 70 1756— 5: 87 1756— 5 : 93 1756— 5 : 125 1756 — 5 : 154 1756— 5 : 169 1756— 5 : 186 1756— 5 : 193 3:119 3 : 151 3:15911 3:180 3:187 3:197 3 : 215 3:251 2 : 271 3 : 284 : 341 :366 :426 453 522 28 82 4:100 4:122 4:163 4:217 4:247 4:261 3: 3: 3; 3: 3: 4: 4: 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1749— 1749— ;L750— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1754— 175' 175' 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1733— 2 : 378 126 152 172 :184 :189 :203 :219 :257 :280 : 309 : 355 :368 ;435 :494 528 : 71 96 106 :124 : 10 233 255 262 380 345 384 406 ;441 466 493 558 15 41 62 74 88 98 126 162 170 191 260 YEAK. VOL. 1762 6 1722 1 1763 6 1745 3 1718 1 1760 6 1733 2 1720 1 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 .1 o 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1748 4 1748 4 1749 4 1749 4 1751 4 1752 4 1752 4 1752 4 1753 4 1753 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1755 4 1755 4 1755 5 17.55 5 1755 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 256 315 353 1159 220 106 280 255 152 115 132 157 177 185 196 210 245 262 282 312 356 420 448 519 2 75 97 110 ■■ 154 9 244 258 267 29S 368 394 417 450 473 520 568 16 43 258 82 92 100 143 166 181 192 515 2in Index to Journals of TTofse of "Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. IMAR(MI, Coi.. ChKMK'ST, — (ronlinucd): iiu'iiilier . . 1757 — 5:215 17;-,7_ .'i:22s 17.07 5 241 17;,7_ 6:242 17A7_ ;-,:243 1757 6 241t 1757— 6 : 264 1757— 5:2.S(; 1767 6 2!t3 1757— 6 : 299 17o7— 6:301 1757 6 606 17.5S— 6:311 17o8— 6:31(; 1758 5 322 175,s— 5 : 323 1758— 5:. 368 17.08 5 370 175.S_ 5 : 407 1758— 5:432 1768 6 434 1758— 5:438 1758— 6:443 1768 6 444 175,s— 5 : 446 1758— 6:451 1758 6 512 1759— 5:479 1759— 5 : 484 1769 5 495 1759— 6: 27 1760— 6: 38 1760 6 43 1700— 6: 46 1760— 6: 63 1760 6 80 1700— 6:107 1761— 6:121 1761 6 152 1761— 6: 161 1761— (i : 16.H 1761 6 219 1761— 6:222 1761— 6:223 1761 6 232 1762— 6 : 238 1762— 6 : 249 1762 6 251 1762— 6 : 283 1762— 6:289 1762 6 31— 4:485 1755 4 496 1765 4 : 600 17.05— 4:504 1756 5 72 1766— 5: 73 1756— 5 : 105 1767 5 220 to serve writ of review • • • 1766 4 608 1755— 4 : 670 1755 6: 27 1756 5 116 1756- 6:118 1766— 5:120 1766 6 158 1766— 6 : 182 1756— 6 : 1.S3 1766 6 184 will of, executor to sell lands . . 1761 6 140 MARCHE.S (.we Journal, etc.). M ARC Y, John: Detition 1773— 8 : 152 1773 8 155 Province of New Hampshihe, 1711-1775. 217 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. HARDEN, James : petition .... . , . 1754 4 466 HARDEN, John : account .... , , ' . 1720 1 253 HARDEN, Thomas : petition . . 1747— 3 : 513 1766 7: 86 1767 7 163 HARES : invoice of ... 1761— 6 : 122 1767 7 161 HARKHAH, Patrick : petition .... 1757— 5:299 1758 5 390 1758— 5 : 453 1758— 5:459 1758 5 461 HARLBOROUGH (see also Monadnock No. O): petition .... , . 1761 6 221 HARLOW : inventory , , . 1773 8 159 HARRIA(JES : incestuous, to prevent , , , 1714 1 77 registei'ing . 1727 — 2:i04 1727— 2:107 1727 2 108 HARRINER, Nicholas : soldier, allowance for , , , 1761 6 210 HARSH {see Rye). HARSH, Hezekiah : petition .... • , 1757 5 269 HARSH, John : petition, etc. . 1747 — 3:503 1748— 4: 64 1766 7 103 HARSHALL, Andrew : to appear .... , , ^ , 1745 3 193 HARSHALL, Hannah : real estate mortgaged by , , , 1760 6 65 HARSHALL, Henry : postmaster-general . , , , , 1726 2 66 HARSHALL, John: account .... 1747— 3 : 512 1772 8 126 HARSTON, : petition .... « , • 1760 6 94 HARSTON, Elisha : to appear .... , , , , 1765 ry 23 real estate of, divided among heirs . . . 1768 193 HARSTON, Ephraim [ " Hastin, Haston, ]\L\styn"1 : member . . 1711 — 1: 1 1711— 1: 8 1711 23 1711— 1: 25 1711— 1: 28 1711 29 1711— 1: 31 1711— 1: 32 1711 33 1711— 1: 34 1712— 1: 36 1712 37 1712— 1: 39 1712— 1: 41 1712 42 1712— 1: 43 1712— 1: 44 1712 49 1712— 1: 50 1712— 1: 51 1712 52 1712— 1: 64 1712— 1: 55 1712 56 1712— 1: 57 1713— 1: 62 1713 63 1718— 1: 64 1713— 1: 65 1713 66 171;?— 1: 68 1713— 1: 69 1713 70 1713— 1: 71 1713- 1: 72 1713 73 1714— 1: 74 1714— 1: 75 1714 79 1714— 1: 80 1714— 1: 82 1714 83 1714 1: 85 1714— 1: 86 1714 87 1714— 1: 89 1714— 1: 90 1714 91 1714— 1: 93 1714— 1: 94 1715 117 1715 1:128 1715— 1 : 129 1715 133 1715— 1 : 134 1715— 1 : 135 1715 137 1715— 1 : 138 1716— 1 : 14o 1716 141 1716 1:142 1716— 1 : 144 1716 146 1716 1:147 1716— 1:151 1716 158 28 218 Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, VKAR. VOL. PAGE. MARSTON, f:i'iiKAiM, — (co7dinnccl) : member . 1710 — 1:103 1710— 1 164 i7i(; 107 1710— 1 :10.S 1710- 1 109 171(i 170 1710— 1:172 1710— 1 173 , 1710 174 1710— 1:177 1710— 1 178 1716 179 171(i_ ] :18() 1710— 1 182 1716 1S3 1710— 1: ISl 1710— 1 \sr, 1710 180 1710— 1:1S7 1710— 1 181) 1717 190 1717— 1:191 1717— 1 192 1717 193 1717— 1:194 1717— 1 196 1717 197 1717— 1:198 1717— 1 204 1717 20.5 claim , , 1746 3 444 MARSTON, Jkkkmiah : volunteer, widow of, allowance to . , , 1746 3 404 MARSTON, ("Ai'T. Jeukmiaii [" Makstent"] : muster-roll 1700— 6: 70 1760 6 71 1700- 6 : 72 1760— 6: 76 1761 6 142 1761— 6 : 149 1761— 6:179 1761 6 192 1761— 6:198* 1761— 6 : 2(J7 1763 6 312 1703— 6:324 1763— 6:331 1763 6 304 MARSTON, Mauy: l)etitiun ..... , , 1740 3 323 MARSTON, Sakaii and Simon: petition ..... , 1701 6 129 MARSTON, Simon: to appear 1773 8 118 MARTIN, (iKOKGE: claim , . , 1748 4 65 MARTIN, Cai>t. John : master of tran.si)ort . , . 174.5 3 270 MARTIN, John: under Capt. Samuel Gerrish ' . 1763 6 33(. MARTIN, Michael: volunteer , . 1746 3 404 MARTIN, RoiJERT : invalid volunteer , 1746 3 333 MARTIN, Cait. Thomas : account ..... 1771 — S: 81 1772 8 125 MARYLAND: house of representatives, corrcspon dence wi til, etc. 1770 8 21 1770— 8: 30 1774 8 107 1774— 8 : 170 1774_ 8 : 180 1774 8 181 MASCARENK. Ma.k.ic: commissioner on line , 1730 2 31fc MASCARENK, Lieutenant-Goveknok : letter of , , 1747 3 4.51 MASON: inventory , , 1773 8 15i MASON, ("apt. Ben.iamin: nmster-roll .... , 174 1756 5 162 MASSEY, George : claim ...... ■ • • 1745 3 274 guardian of, relieved 1761— 6 : 128 1761 6 150 minor, lands recovered . 1761— 6:198 1761 6 200 MASSUERRE, Peter : account ...... . 1746 3 324 MAST (see also Trees and Hewers) : convoy . 1759 6 28 220 Indkx to Journals of House of Ivepresentatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. MAST, — {omUniicd) : men , 1745— 3 : 228 1745 3 229 trees . . . 1740— 2:545 1740— 2:. 556 1740 2 567 MASTERS (sec also Mmlcr-lioUs, Schools, and S( rvauts) : of ortfnance , 1746 3 337 of sloops .... 1721 1 284 minors' balance paid to • • • • 1756 5 110 1757— 5 : 197 1757 5 198 MATIIES [ok Mattiikws] 1{k.\ja.min' : muster-roll, etc. . 1745_ 3:124 1745 3 t 1.09 174.0— 3 : 245 1746— 3:383 17.06 .0 78 .MATIIES, Francis : member . 1728 — 2:121 172«— 2:125 1728 2 12H 1728 2 : 131 1728— 2 : 134 1728 2 139 1729— 2:143 1729— 2:145 1729 2 151 1729— 2 : 153 1729— 2:1,05 1729 2 165 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 : 173 1730 2 174 1730— 2:307 1731— 2 : 335 1732 2 376 muster-roll . . 1722 1 360 MATHES, F'kancis, ani> oxiiEUb : petition . . 1716— 1:166 1740— 2:. 060 1740 2 563 MATTHEWS, John: under ('apt. Trueworthy Ladd ■ • • 1758 5 358 MATTOON, Du. Samuel: aeeount .... , . 1761 6 209 MEAD, John : uuister-roll , 1724— 2: 6 1724 9 11 MEAD, John and Jo.si;ra {see also next) : bonds I'egulated , 1721— 1:278 1721 1 288 172;^— 1 : 393 1724— 1:416 1727 2 9K 1787— 2:483 1737— 2 : 490 1737 2 491 MEAD, Nicolas : imprisoned for debt to province • . . . 1720 1 247 discliarged conditionally . . • 1720 1 249 condition complied with, discharffed • • • 1720 1 251 ME.VDEK, Danikl: petition . 1744 — 3: 80 1744— 3 : 101 1744 3 105 1744— 3 : 107 1744— 3:110 1744 3 165 1745— 3:226 1745 3 : 231 1745 3 233 1746— 3:266 174.0— 3:288 1745 3 301 account .... • • . 1747 4 37 MEADER, John : petition .... 1736— 2:460 1736 2 462 MEADEH, Moses : memorial of . . . , • • • 1745 3 306 MEADER, Nathaniel: deserter .... ^ . 1761 6 199 MEADOW Land : invoice of ... , 1761— 6:122 1767 7 161 MEAN Process: sureties, in civil actions . . 1718 1 220 MEASURES (sec also W<:i;/hls) : regulated .... , • • ■ 1718 1 220 stajidard, for province , • ■ ■ 1773 8 139 MEAT : for soldiers , , 1746— 3:411 1748 4 92 1757 — 5 : 301 175a — 5: 395 1759 6 12 MEDICINES (see also Doctor and Physick) allowance for . , • • 1745 3 274 174.0— 3 : 284 174.0— 3 : 302 1746 3 309 1746 3:329 1746— 3 : 330 1746 3 331 Province of jSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 221 3:333 343 462 30 193 427 1746— 3:334 1746— 3:403 1747— 3:468 1748— 4: 1757- 1761- 68 5:219 6:216 MEDICINES, — (co7itinucd) : allowance for . 1746 1746— 3 1747— 3 1747— 4 1756— 5 1758— 5 MEDIUM (see also Currency') : to discharge debts, etc MEETING : guns to be carried to MEETINGS (see also Reed, James, and TJiompson, Ebeii ezer) : calling and attending .... 177 MELANCHOLY Situation (see also Distresses) of jjrovince, suggests Fast day of our public affairs at this gloomy season MELCHER, John : account MELONY, John : petition MELOON, Nathaniel : captivated by St. Francois Indians . MELVIN, JosiAH : to enter an action 1765— 7 : 49 1766 MEMBERS OF the House (see the several names) -. TEAR. 8:196 / : 53 Ashley, Samuel. Atkinson, Theodore. Baker, Otis. Bartlett, Josiah. Batch elder, Josiah. Bell, Thomas. Blanchard, Joseph. Boardman, Stephen. Boyce, Robert. Brewster, Samuel. Burleigh, John. Butler, Jacob, Jr. Calef, John. Canney, John. Carlton, Jonatlian. Chamberlain, John. Chandler, John. Chesley, Jonathan. Church, Jonathan. Claggett, Wyseman. Clark, Robert. Clarkson, Andrew. Clarkson, James. Dam, John. Dame, William. Davis, James. Davis, Thomas. Dennet, Ei:)hraim. Dow, Jabez. Downing, John. Downing, Richard. Dudley, Theophilus. Eastman, Samuel, Elkins, Thomas. Emerson, Samuel. Fabyan, John. Fellows, William. Fen ton, John. Folsom, Nathaniel. Foss, Joshua. French, Samuel. Frost, George. Frost, William. Gage, John. Gambling, John. Gerrish, Paul. Gerrish, Richard. Gerrish, Timothy. Giddings, John. Giddings, Zebulon. (iilman, Israel. Gilman, Capt. John. Gilman, Maj. John. Gilman, Nathaniel. Gilman, Nicholas. Gilman, Peter. Gilman, Samuel. Goffe, John. Greeley, Samuel. Green, Ebcnezer. Greenough, Daniel. Gregg, James. Grout, Elijah. Haines, Matthias. Hale, John. Hale, Thomas. Hall, Benjamin. Hall, Edward. 1746 1746 1747 1756 1757 1771 1765 1724 1774 1774 1746 1756 1747 1774 1754 1766 VOL. 3 3 3 5 5 8 3 5 4 8 4 PAGE. 338 405 513 191 279 84 18 327 170 213 424 192 59 167 482 55 ooo Tni>fx to Journals of House of Representatives, MEAIBEKS ..!• nil. H-.rsE, Ilartlonl, Niclmlas. lli-alcy, N:illiaiiicl. Henderson, Howard, Hill, Nathaniel. Hills, IJenjainin. Holtart, Samuel, tlodgdon, Caleb. Holland. .Stephen. Hunt. Samuel. .lallVey, (ieorge. Jennes.s, Kiehard. Jenncss, Kiehard, .'3d. Jenness, Sanuiel. Jewell, Henry L. Jones, Stephen. Jones, Stephen, Jr. Knight, John. Knight, John, Jr. Knowles, James. Langdon, .John. Langdon, AVoodbuiy. Leavitt, INIoses. Little, Daniel. Livcrmore, Matthew. Livermore, Samuel. I^ock, Jonathan. Lovewell, Jonathan. McDulTee, John. iVfeKei-n, James. Mc]\Iuri)hy, John. March, Clement. Marston, Ephraim. Mathes, Francis. Merrill. Eliphalet. Millet, Thomas. Moore, William. Morey, Israel. Morrill, Al»ner. Morse, Abel. Moulton, Jonathan. Moulton, Josiah. Moulton, Josiah, Jr. IMoulton, William. Nason, Kiehard. Nutter, John. Odiorne, Jotham. Odiorne, Jotham, Jr. Olcott, Simeon. Packer, Thomas. Page, John. Palmer, Samuel . Parker, Thomas. Parker, William. Peirce, Joshuah. Peirce, Joshuah, Jr. Philbrick, Jedidiaii. Phillips, John. Pickering, John. Plaisted, John. Prescott, Henry. {continitcd) : Kandall, James. Kead. Hugh. Kediiian, John. Richardson, William. Hindge, John. Rob} , IeIial)od. Rogers, Nathaniel. RoTfe, Henjamin. Ru.s.sell, EJeazer. Sanborn, John. Sanborn, Tri.stram. Sanders, Henry. Sargent, Paul Dudley. Seavey, Amos. Sheal'e, Jacol). Sherliurne, Henry. Slierburne, Henry, Jr. Sherliurne, John. Smith, John. Smith, Joseph. .Smith, Col. Joseph. Smitli, Maj. Joseph. Smith, Samuel. Stevens, Benjamin. Stevens, Ebenezer. Stevens, Simon. Thing, Bartholomew. Thing, Benjamin. Thing, .Samuel. Thomas, Jos('ph. Thompson, Ebenezer. Thompson, Jonathan. Thornton, ^Matthew. Tiltbelts, Samuel. Tilton, Daniel. Tilton, Jonathan. Todd. Andrew. Tojiham, Christopher. Towl(!, Joseph. Tuck, John. Tuck, Jonathan. Underwood, James. Waldron, John. Waldron, Richard. Waldron, Tho^s Wk. Walker, (ieorge. Wallingford, Thomas. Walton, (Jeorge. Walton, Shadrach. Weari>, Meshech. Weare, Nathaniel. Weare, Peter. Webster, John. Weeks, Joshua. AVent worth, Benjamin. Wentworlh, Benning. Wentworth, P>,eki(d. Wentworth. Hiuiking. AV'entworth, John. Wentworth, Paixl. YEAR. VOL. PAOE. Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 223 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. MEMBERS OF the House, — {continued) : White, Nicholas. Wingate, John. Wibird, Richard. Wingate, Joshua. Wiggin, Andrew. Worthen, Ezekiel. Wiggin, Thomas. Wright, Joseph. Willard, Col. Josiah. Wyman, Isaac. Willard, Maj. Josiah. Young, Thomas. MEMBERS {sec also Affront, Bills of Credit, Ooolimj, Debentttres, Dissent, General Assembly, Harvest, Joy, King, Test, and Warrants, also next} : returned and qualified . . . 1713— 1 : 65 1714 1 79 1715 1: 97 1715 1: 99 1715 1 111 1715 1:117 1715 1:118 1715 1 129 1716 1:174 1716 1:178 1717 1 190 1718 1:224 1722 1:326 1722 1 330 1724 1:426 1724 1:427 1726 2 40 1726— 2: 52 1727- 2: 87 1727 2 88 1727— 2 : 100 1727— 2 : 101 1728 2 117 1728— 2 : 121 1729— 2 : 163 1731 2 335 1732— 2 : 377 1734— 2 : 398 1734 2 422 1734— 2 : 424 1735— 2 : 434 1736 2 457 1737— 2:475 1737— 2:511 1739 2 542 1742— 2 : 611 1742— 2 : 632 1745 3 115 1745 3:116 1745 3:117 1745 3 149 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 218 1745 3 219 1745— 3 : 220 1745— 3 : 298 1745 3 299 1745 3:300 1745 3:322 1747 3 475 1749— 4 : 105 1749— 4 : 106 1749 4 110 1749— 4 : 120 1749— 4 : 123 1749 4 128 1753 4:301 1754 4:437 1754 4 438 1755— 5 : 43 1755— 5 : 47 1755 5 49 1755 5: 56 1755 5: 62 1756 5 63 1759— 5 : 457 1759— 5 : 467 1762 6 252 1762 6:264 1765 7: 3 1765 7 8 1765— 7 : 11 1765— 7 : 51 1766 7 76 1766 7: 80 1766 7:103 1767 7 132 1768— 7 : 225 1768— 7 : 226 1768 7 228 1768 7:232 1768 7:233 1768 7 234 1768— 7 : 237 1774— 8 : 170 1774 8 187 1774 8:192 1774 8:210 1775 8 220 oaths administered to . . . 1758 — 5 : 435 1758 5 436 1761— 6 : 120 1761— 6 : 123 1761 6 130 1761— 6 : 132 1761— 6 : 151 1761 6 174 1762— 6 : 237 1762— 6 : 245 1762 () 255 1765 7: 1 1767 7:125 1767 7 126 1767— 7:127 1767- 7:134 1767 7 136 1771 8:107 1773 8:150 1775 8 226 C^uakers affirm 1742 2 611 Quakers take oath of secrecy 1755 4 520 1755— 4:521 1755 4 522 1755— 4 : 523 1755— 4 : 528 1755 4 529 list 1745 3 172 1745— 3:184 1745— 3:262 1745 3 355 1746— 3 : 368 174(i— 3 : 870 1747 3 453 1747_ 4: 1 1747— 4: 2 1747 4 4 1747— 4 : 6 1747— 4 : 9 1747 4 10 1747— 4: 12 1749— 4:100 1749 4 104 1749— 4 : 105 175 1— 4 : 380 1755 4 520 1755 — 4 : 552 1755 — 5 : 1755 5 41 1755 5: 43 1755 5: 44 1756 5 169 1757— 5 : 258 1758— 5 : 435 1759 5 506 224 Index to Journals of House op Representatives, YEAR. VOL. FACE. MEMBEKS, — {continued) : list . . . 17r)l— r,:228 1765 6 : 458 1767 7 176 1770— 7:348 1770— 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8:105 1772— 8:115 1772 8 119 1772— 8 : 132 1773 8:144 1774 8 164 1774— 8 : 172 1774 — 8:187 1774 8 21.S pay . , 1721 1 303 1728— 2:143 1731— 2 : 353 1742 2 638 1743 3: 47 1743— 3: 74 1745 3 166 1745— 3 : 179 1745— 3 : 195 1745 3 198 1745— 3 : 206 1753— 4:312* 1753 4 313 1756 5: 65 1756 5:145 1768 5 381 1758— 5 : 389 1759— 5 : 459 1762 6 268 1762— (\ : 26!) 1762— 6:298 1765 7 28 1765— 7: 35 17(i5— 7: 39 1765 7 41 1765 7: 46 1765— 7: 50 1769 7 288 1769— 7 : 297 1769— 7:298 1769 7 321 1769— 7 : 323 1769— 7 : 329 1769 7 330 1772— 8:122 1772— 8:127 1774 8 203 1774— 8 : 206 1774— 8 : 207 1774 8 209 mileage (see also list, above) , , 1745 3 166 1745— 3 : 203 1753— 4:312* 1753 4 346 1753— 4:347 1756 5:145 1757 5 217 1757— 5 : 226 1757— 5:274 1758 5 381 1758— 5 : 389 1758— 5 : 434 1759 5 459 1759— 5:515 1759— 5:519 1760 6 74 1761— 6:228 1761— 6 : 230 1761 6 231 1762— 6 : 268 1762— 6:269 1765 7 28 1769— 7 : 288 1769— 7:321 1772 8 122 1774— 8 : 203 1774— 8:206 1774 8 207 certificates of service {see also list. above) , 1714 1 92 1714— 1: 93 1715 1 114 1715— 1:115 1715— 1:116 1743 3 55 1743— 3: 56 1745— 3 : 218 1754 4 406 1754— 4:431 1758 5:321 1758 5 327 1762— 6:309 1765— 6 : 432 1765 7 50 absent, sent for . 1715 1:111 1715 1 126 1721— 1 : 265 1721— 1 : 273 1721 1 276 1721— 1 : 29S 1721— 1:300 1727 2 76 1738— 2:532 1742— 2:630 1747 4 13 1752— 4 : 2(i3 1752— 4:275 1752 4 278 1752— 4 : 279 1754— 4 : 408 1754 4 450 1755— 4 : 501 1755— 5: 22 1756 5 143 1757— 5 : 210 1758— 5 : 409 1758 5 413 1758— 5 : 420 1758— 5:424 1759 6 25 1761— 6 : 169 1765— 6:429 1765 7 18 <;nintf(l leave of absence . . 1732— 2 : 369 1742 2 637 absent without leave, lined , • 1742 2 632 1742— 3: 40 1743 3 56 tardy, fined .... . 1743 3 66 resign , , 1753 4 299 dismissed . . , 1717 1 206 1727— 2: 79 1729— 2 : 160 1730 2 317 1742— 2 : 631 1745— 3 : 129 1745 3 205 1746— 3:311 1762— 6 : 239 1762 6 247 1774— H:205 1778— 8:227 1775 8 234 expelled . . 1773 8 146 deceased . . 1713 — 1 : 65 1745— 3 : 287 1754 4 433 17o4_ 4 : 437 1765— 7: 38 1766 7 56 election from new places . , , 1752 4 227 election of new members . , 1775 8 237 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 225 TEAR. MEMBERS, — {continued) : election precepts (see also Prccex>ts) election writs (see also Writs) . \lbb- 50 1773— 1718— 1718— 147 219 221 and not wearing swords at session, fined privileges .... fort l)oat shall attend, for carrying them up down during sessions ...... to keep their places and not to speak out of them . seated 1745— 3 : 193 1756— 5: 93 1756— 5: 95 to view batteries, etc., at New Castle purchase of Canada stores by (see also Council) to vote "yea" or "nay,"' witliout comment . me:moranda : of weights, etc. [imperfect, on cover] 1740 — 2 : 581 of conference, house and council of members attending special convention of distances members live from general assembly of members set down at prorogation of government expenses on tlie Connecticut, 1756 of sick soldiers of sundries supplied soldiers by sutlers . of Robert Thompson ..... MEMORIALS (see also Petitions) : of John Barker of Joseph Blanchard ..... of Capt. John Cochran ..... 1771- 8 of Dartmouth college trustees (see also of Rev Wheelock, below) of True}- Dudley and others of Ann Frost . to governor of Richard Greeley . of Robert Hale of Harvard college, president of Jolin Hobby of Capt. James Hudson . of John Hurd . 1773— 8 : of Thomas Hutchinson in case of Philip Keniston to the king . 1737— 2 of Kneeland and Russell . of Daniel Ladd, Jr. . of Matthew Livermore oiiicers at Louisburg . John Macmath and Thomas I\Ioses ]\leder Clement Minor of New York house of assembly of Thomas Parker . of William Parker . of Daniel Peirce of John Penhallow . from Portsmouth selectmen of Maj. Robert Rogers of Sheriff Russell . of Thomas Shepherd etc. 137 515 of of of of 1773— 8: 1764— 1726— 1770— 1773— Shepherd 1740— 1762— 1763— 1740— 113 Dr. 152 1758— 5 : 390 418 53 346 138 1742— 3: 43 1744— 3 : 80 1752— 4 : 260 554 298 321 552 1755 1755 1778 1773 1722 1735 1718 1728 1745 1758 1746 1753 1756 1744 1754 1756 1758 1762 1757 1761 1763 1764 1738 1745 1771 1774 1773 1745 1747 1722 1758 1755 1765 1726 1770 1773 1748 1738 1746 1755 1747 1744 1745 1747 1745 1752 1775 1768 1740 1763 1729 1738 1761 1763 1740 1747 VOL. PAGE 5 49 5 56 8 146 8 149 1 330 2 435 1 222 2 127 3 213 5 441 3 423 4 297 5 67 3 352 4 434 5 169 5 434 6 309 5 205 6 132 6 330 6 391 2 540 3 290 8 110 8 211 8 155 3 293 3 470 1 311 5 391 4 527 6 444 2 55 7 347 8 152 4 61 2 540 3 321 5 10 4 21 3 81 3 269 3 497 3 306 4 261 8 222 7 265 2 558 6 322 2 163 2 534 6 222 6 326 2 553 3 497 29 22f^ Index to Journals of House of I^epresentatives, MEMORIALS, — (rontitmcd) : of .loliii Sullivan supnior ci'iiil juil;;«'s . William Syniins 1752— 4:254 1752— 1 752— 17"'" Bciijaniiii Tlioiuas about Tliouiliuson. aji;('nt ..... of Dauit'l 'I'illnt.sdu ...... of 'i'lionias W;illiu— 7 (■.9 — 7 69— 70— 70— 73— 74^ 71— 7 8 S s s 71 — H 74— 8 sent : 19H : 213 :275 : 379 :390 :400 :434 :447 : 21 : 38 :311 :457 :506 : 92 :183 : 303 : 366 :441 :461 : 26 : 39 :132 :148 :160 :177 :211 :220 :386 :392 :452 : 11 : 51 : 75 :125 :148 : 162 :168 :197 : 201 :225 : 239 : 253 :270 :284 :297 :305 :308 :312 :317 : 321 :338 : 32 : 139 : 190 • ;197 : 207 :212 YEAR. 1715— 1:122 1745 1745 1745 1746 1746 1746 1746 1747 1747 1747 1753 1754 1756 1756 1756 1757 1758 1758 1759 1760 1760 1761 1761 1761 1761 1761 1762 1764 1764 1765 1765 1766 1766 1767 1767 1767 1767 1768 1768 1768 1768 1768 1768 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 1769 1770 1771 1774 1774 1774 1774 1775 1715 1715 VOL. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 PAOK. 206 216 29.S 3H1 391 409 441 493 36 42 330 458 65 150 1H7 304 389 444 466 35 100 139 152 163 186 216 243 389 419 3 12 62 88 133 150 163 ir»9 198 212 232 248 254 274 285 298 306 310 314 318 324 359 60 iss 192 202 210 220 100 127 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 231 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. MESSAGE, — {continued) : to the board [vote sent up, etc.] 1715— 1:138 1716— 1 : 140 1716 157 1716 1 : 163 1716— 1:167 1716 168 1717— 1:194 1718— 1:218 1718 221 1718— 1:223 1720— 1:249 1721 265 1721— 1 : 267 1721— 1:269 1721 270 1721— 1:271 1721— 1:275 1721 281 1721— 1:282 1721— 1:283 1721 285 1721— 1:286 1721— 1:290 1721 303 1722— 1:312 1722— 1 : 313 1722 321 1722— 1 : 323 1722— 1:326 1722 330 1726— 2: 52 1726— 2: 60 1727 2 100 1728— 2 : 122 1730— 2 : 174 1731 2 343 1733— 2:377 1733— 2:378 1736 2 483 1737— 2:495 1737— 2:514 1740 2 547 1742— 2:637 1742— 3: 31 1742 3 36 1743 3: 47 1743 3: 63 1743 3 56 1743 3: 59 1743 3: 69 1743 3 70 1744— 3: 79 1744— 3 : 94 1744 3 97 1744— 3 : 102 1745 3 : 132 1745 3 145 1745— 3 : 147 1745 3 : 158 1745 3 tl59 1745 3 : 168 1745 3 : 175 1745 178 1745 3:197 1745— 3:211 1745 3 227 1745 3 : 299 1746 3 : 328 1746 3 340 1746 3 : 380 1746— 3:415 1747 3 463 1747— 3:493 1747— 4: 33 1747 4 56 1748— 4 : 94 1752— 4:248 1752 4 271 1753 4:311 1753— 4:345 1754 4 432 1754— 4:461 1754 — 4:475 1755 4 508 1755— 5 : 56 1756— 5 : 65 1756 5 92 1756— 5 : 143 1756— 5 : 152 1756 5 183 1757— 5 : 207 1757— 5:213 1757 6 224 1757— 5 : 273 1757— 5 : 303 1758 5 316 1758— 5 : 340 1758— 5:346 1758 5 366 1758— 5 : 389 1758 5 : 405 1758 5 414 1758 5 : 438 1758— 5:441 1758 5 444 1759 5 : 461 1759— 5 : 462 1759 5 465 1759— 5:467 1759— 5:486 1759 6 6 1759— 6: 7 1759 6: 15 1760 6 92 1760 6 : 100 1760— 6 : 106 1761 6 123 1761— 6 : 129 1761— 6 : 132 1761 6 139 1761— 6 : 147 1761— 6 : 148 1761 6 152 1761— 6:156 1761— 6:158 1761 6 163 1761— 6 : 176 1761— 6:186 1761 (5 188 1761— 6 : 196 1761— 6:211 1761 6 216 1761— 6:219 1761— 6:220 17(;2 6 249 1762— 6 : 263 * 1762— 6:282 1763 6 340 1763— 6:346 1764— 6:387 1764 6 388 17(;4— 6:391 17fi4— 6 : 402 1764 6 411 1764— 6:419 1764— 6 : 421 1765 6 431 1765— 6 : 437 1765— 6:453 1765 6 454 1765— 7 : 1 1765— 7 : 3 1765 7 8 1765— 7: 11 1765— 7: 12 1765 7 13 1765— 7 : 39 1765— 7 : 51 1766 7 62 1766— 7 : 65 1766— 7 : 67 1766 7 68 1766— 7 : 70 1766— 7: 71 1766 7 74 1766— 7 : 75 1766— 7 : 76 1766 7 88 1766— 7 : 101 1767— 7 : 112 1767 7 125 1767— 7 : 132 1767— 7 : 134 1767 7 136 1767— 7 : 150 1767— 7 : 163 1767 7 167 232 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAK. VOL. PACK. MivSSA(iE, — (continued) : to the board [vote sent up, ctr.] 1767— 7 : ir.8 1767— 7: 169 1768 7 196 1768— 7 : I'.ts 1768— 7:211 1768 7 225 1768— 7 : 22M 1768— 7:233 1768 7 253 1768— 7 : 254 1768— 7:261 1769 7 284 17 Maky: petition . . 1755 — 5: 51 1755 — 5: 55 1755 5 57 MOORE, Akciielaus, and otueiw: « petition t 1764 6 414 :\IOORE, Daniel : accounts for arms .... 1757— 5 : 228 1757 5 233 MOORE, Capt. Joiln : muster-roll . 1756— 5: 96 1756 5:119 1757 5 251 Province of IS EW HA]V [PSHIRE, 1711- 1775. 239 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. MOORE, Capt. John,- - (continued) : petition . . 1756— 5 : 155 1756 5 156 1760— 6 : 40 1760 6 42 MOORE, Ensign John: account , , , • • • 1758 5 390 MOORE, RojiEKT: to appear . . . 1774 8 194 MOORE, Samuel: wounded on sloop Speedwell . . 1711 1 5 colonel, commissaiy, major . . 1745 o 177 1745— 3:178 1745 3 195 1745 3 : 224 1745 3 : 250 1745 3 253 1745— 3 : 258 1745— 3:265 1745 3 272 1745— 3:273 1745— 3 : 284 1745 3 293 1746^ 1746^ 3:341 1746— 3:374 1746 3 407 3:415 1746— 3 : 436 1717 519 1747— 4: 31 1754— 4 : 369 1760 6 99 jNIOORE, Col. Samuel, AND OTHERS: petition , , • • • 1747 3 503 thanks to . , , , • • • 1747 3 519 MOORE, William : member . , , , , • • • 1716 173 1716— 1:177 1716— 1:178 1716 179 1716 1:180 1716 1 : 182 1716 183 1 1716 1:184 1716— 1:185 1716 186 1716 1:187 1716— 1:189 1718 223 petition, etc. , , , ^ 1753 4 : 310 1760 117 1762— 6:283 1762 6 284 MOREY, Israel: l^etitiou . 1771— 8:108 1773— 8 : 136 1773 8 138 member . , , , , • • • 1775 8 218 MORGAN, Abkaiiam: volunteer . , , , , • • • 1746 3 404 MORGAN, James: deserter . , , . , . 1761 6 199 MORGAN, John: invalid volunteer , , , . 1746 .1 331 MORRILL, Abneu (see also Bowcn and Morrill) : member . 1758— 5 : 434 1758— 5:436 1758 5 512 1759— 5 : 459 1759— 5:471 1759 5 480 1759 5 : 486 1759_ 5 : 487 1759 6 32 1760— 6: 34 1760— 6: 36 1760 6 38 1760— 6: 78 1760— 6: 82 1760 6 90 1760— 6: 92 1760— 6: 96 1760 6 99 1760 6:105 1760— 6 : 110 1760 6 117 1761— 6 : 126 1761— 6 : 128 1761 6 135 1761— 6 : 139 1761— 6 : 140 1761 6 141 1761— 6 : 149 1761— 6:151 1761 6 157 1761— 6:158 1761— 6 : 195 1761 6 197 1761— 6:198* 1761— 6:200 1761 6 213 1761— 6 : 216 1761— 6:218 1761 6 232 MORRILL, Ezekiel: account , , , . 1761 6 214 MORRILL, MiKIAM : witness fees • • • • ■ 1769 7 295 MORRILL, Robert : gun lost • • ^ • • • 1759 6 30 MORRISON, John : to appear , , , 1771— 8:108 1771 8 110 MORRLSON, Samuel: motion of 1753- - 4 : 300 1753— 4 : 301 1753 4 302 240 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, MORRISON. W ii.i.iAM petilion MORROW, James: to appear . MORSE, Ar.icK: member . 1758— n,yj— 1759— 1759— 1759— 1760- 1761— 1761— 1761— MOKSi:, K/.KKiEL : claim .... MORSE, Petek: petition .... M0RT(;AGKS: redemj)tion of . coimteri)art of, delivered w MORTIER. Ai.kaham: dei)ut V paymaster-general MORTON, IMatiiew: V. Alexander Macgregory MOSES, JosEi'u : account .... MOSES, Joseph, & Co. : account .... MOSES, : ])ctition .... MOULTON, Daniel: portage bill of . ]MOri>roN, Daniel, and wife: jx-tition .... MOULTON, Elizauetii : restored to her law . MOULTON, Ezekiel: claim .... re-imbursed for bills Ijurnl MOULTON, IIenhy: j)ctiti<»n .... MOULTON, John: petition .... til appear MOULTON, JO.NATIIAN: captain, colonel, meml)er 1721— 1755— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757 — 1757— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1762— 1762— 5:512 5:469 5 : 489 5 : 499 6: 26 6:103 6:154 6 : 19;} 6:211 hen 1:428 5: 57 5: 95 5:].S2 6 : 169 5 : 260 5 : 222 5 : 264 5 : 506 5 : 368 5 : 401 6:250 6:261 1753— 4:332 1756— 5 : 69 1749- 1759- 1759- 1759- 1759- 1760- 1760- 1761- 1761- 1761- 106 467 470 496 24 41 lOS 6: 178 6 : 195 6:219 1754— 4:402 174(;— 1755 — 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757— 17^7- 175.S— 1758— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1748— 4: 71 1767— 7 : 133 1724— 1 :418 1762— 6 : 279 3:332 5 : 258 5: 107 5 : 143 5 : 207 5:515 5 : 223 295 363 369 238 253 458 1 YEAK. VOL. 1760 6 1760 6 17 ".8 5 1759 5 1759 5 1759 5 1759 6 1760 6 1761 6 17(il 6 1761 <; 1761 6 1759 6 1763 6 1724 1 1754 4 1759 5 1743 3 1724 1 1746 3 1759 5 1726 2 1748 4 1767 7 1724 1 1771 8 1747 3 1769 7 1770 8 1724 1 1755 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1757 6 1757 5 1757 5 1758 6 1758 5 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 Provin( ^E OF ] ^Ew Ha MPSHIRE, 1711- -1775. 241 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. MOULTON, Jonathan, — (continued) : captain, colonel, raember 1763- - 6 : 356 1763— 6 : 370 1763 6 462 1764— 6:384 1764— 6:387 1764 6 389 1764— 6 : 405 1764— 6:415 1764 6 421 1764— 6:464 1765— 6:449 1765 6 450 1765— 7: 4 1765 7: 17 1765 7 18 1765- 7: 23 1765— 7 : 24 1765 7 34 1765— - 7: 49 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 64 1766— 7 : 178 1767— 7 : 121 1767 7 152 1767— - 7 : 182 1768— 7 : 189 1768 7 228 1768— - 7 : 237 1768 7:261 1768 7 350 1769- 7 : 285 1769— 7 : 294 1769 7 352 1770— 7 : 345 1770— 7 : 347 1770 7 352 1770— 7 : 356 1770— 7:357 1770 8 Pl 1770— 8: 1 1770 8 : 3 1770 8 6 1770 8: 15 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 89 1771— 8: 91 1771— 8: 92 1771 8 101 1771— 8:102 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 139 MOULTON, Joseph : account 1724— 1 : 428 1726 2: m 1743 3 76 1747— 3 : 519 1747— 4: 25 1767 5 283 petition , , , , • • • 1774 8 167 MOULTON, Joseph, Jk. : called to account for his words . 1745 3 148 claim 1745— 3:199 1745— 3 : 200 1745 3 206 1745— 3:277 1746 3 : 333 1755 5 38 1756— 5: 81 1765— 7 : 30 1767 7 124 MOULTON, JosiAH : member . 1771— 8:105 1771— 8 : 109 1772 8 115 1772— 8:127 1772— 8 : 132 1773 8 142 1773— 8:144 1774— 8 : 164 1774 8 172 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8 : 187 1774 8 202 1774— 8:203 1774— 8 : 204 1775 8 218 MOULTON, JosiAH, Jk. ; member . . , 1775 8 : 218 1776 8 222 MOULTON, Nathaniel volunteer, allowance to . . . 1746 3 404 MOULTON, William : muster-roll , , • • * • > 1745 3 275 member . , , , 1755 5: 43 1765 6 57 1755 5: 61 1755— 5 : 258 1756 5 69 1756— 5: 76 1756— 5 : 110 1756 5 111 1756— 6:112 1756 5 : 135 1766 5 169 1756— 5:185 1756— 5 : 187 1756 6 193 1756 5 : 260 1756 — 5 : 515 1757 5 206 1757— 5:219 1757— 5 : 225 1757 5 237 1757— 5 : 246 1757— 6 : 251 1757 6 252 1757— 5:254 1757— 5 : 267 1767 5 264 1757 — 5 : 273 1757— 5 : 284 1757 6 299 1757— 5 : 506 1758— 5 : 349 1758 5 352 1758— 5:358 1758— 5 : 390 1758 6 397 1758 5 : 400 1758— 5:434 1758 5 436 1758— 5:441 1758— 5 : 512 1759 5 486 1759— 5 : 492 1761— 6 : 125 1761 6 142 1761— 6 : 143 1761— 6 : 156 1761 6 157 1761— 6:188 17G1— 6:205 1761 6 232 petition , , , , • • • 1768 7 277 MOULTONBOKOUGH : highways . ^ • 1768— 7 : 274 1768 7 277 1769— 7:291 1770 7 340 31 242 Index to Journals of House of REruESENTATivES, MOULTONHOROUGII,— (co«/t>«/ed) : bills burnt in house, at place ealled inventory .... proprietoi's to appear MUDGET. John: estate divided .... MUGGET, John : under Cajit. John Gilnian MULATTO Slavk.s (stc also Slaves) : valued at £20 per head . ratable polls of, invoiced . MURDER {sec also Indians) : of bastard children 1711 — 1: 77 MURDERERS : apprehended suspected MURDOUGH, Rouekt: petition .... MURPHET, Daniel [Moffat?]: under Caj)tain Perry MURRAY, John : soldier, sick with small-pox MURRAY, Jonathan : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish MUSQUETEERS : to strengthen i)rovince of Maine MUSTER : general, day of . . . no allowance to soldiers till they order of governor MUSTER-MASTERS (.see also Recruiting no l)ounty for men not passing bounty accepted by . accounts MUSTER-ROLLS (.see also Commissarij) : of Cajit. John Allcock 175.'i— 4:290 1718— 1 :220 1766— 7 : 54 1760— 6: 'J4 of Phineas Baehelder of Charles Baker of Sargent Baker of Capt. Moses Harnett . of Capt, Samuel Barr of Capt. Israel Bartlett . of Capt. Jacol) Baylcy of Lieut. Josepli Beard . of Capt. Timotli}- Bedel . of Capt. Thomas Bell 1746— 1747— 1757— 1758— 1760— 176:3— 1764— 1766— 1769— of Maj. Benjamin Bellows of Capt. Epnraim Berry . 1760— 1761— have passed, by Officers) : 1765 — 6 : 455 , 1756— 5: 94 1756— 5 : 189 , 1746— 3 : 422 , 1746— 3 : 414 1746— 3 : 408 332 37 219 395 59 340 389 80 291 72 155 1746— 1758— 1758— 1722— 176:3— 1745— 1747— 1753— 1758— 1758— 1761— 1763— 1764— 17(i7— 1770— 175^ 3 : 438 5 : 32:5 397 36(1 360 240 3 : 489 4 : 327 5 : 317 5 : 399 6 : 158 350 401 115 12 477 1760— 6 : 76 1761— 6 : 190 TEAB. VOL. 1771 8 1773 8 1774 8 1754 4 1726 2 1728 2 1761 6 1765 6 1752 4 1772 8 1760 6 1757 5 1761 6 1763 6 1711 1 1745 3 1746 3 1757 5 1762 6 1765 6 1756 5 1757 5 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1758 5 1760 6 1723 1 1763 6 1745 3 1747 4 1753 4 1758 5 1759 6 1762 6 1763 6 1765 7 1769 7 1771 8 1755 4 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 243 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. MUSTER-ROLLS, — (coritinued) : of Joseph Bickford . • • 1754 4 469 of Blaisdell . .... 1746 3 532 of Col. Joseph Blanchard .... 1745 3 238 1745— 3 : 297 1754 4 484 1755 5: 45 1755 — 5 : 75 1756 5 113 1756— 5 : 114 1756— 5 : 118 1756 5 119 1756— 5 : 120 1756— 5:121 1756 5 123 1756— 5 : 124 1756— 5 : 125 1756 5 127 ' 1756— 5 : 128 1756- 5:130 1756 5 133 1756— 5 : 141 1756— 5 : 146 1757 5 215 1757— 5 : 251 1757— 5 : 306 1758 5 335 of Capt. James Campbell > . 1752 4 278 1753— 4 : 318 1753 4 319 of Captain Cate ■ • • ■ 1747 3 463 of John Chandler • • ■ • 1756 5 96 of Capt. Joseph Chandler • • • • 1762 6 253 1762— 6 : 261 1762 6 262 of Capt. Jonathan Chesley • • > • 1723 1 390 1726— 2: 28 1745 3 200 1745 3 : 206 1752— 4 : 264 1753 4 318 1753 4:319 1753 4 : 350 1753 4 355 of Sergt. Abraham Clark . 1724— 2 : 6 1726 2 28 of Capt. Caleb Clark • • • 1760 6 59 1760— 6: 71 1760 6 73 of Capt. Job Clements • • ■ • 1753 4 318 1753 4:319 1753 4 : 327 1753 4 328 1753— 4:334 1753 4:344 1753 4 348 1753— 4 : 349 1753— 4 : 350 1753 4 354 1753 4 : 357 1753— 4 : 365 1754 4 408 of Capt. Jeremiah Clough . 1745 3:159t 1745 3 276 1745— 3:290 1746 3 : 326 1746 3 375 1746— 3:382 1746— 3 : 429 1747 3 462 1746 3 : 532 1747— 4: 24 1753 4 351 of Captain Cochran . . 1772— 8:120 1772 8 126 1772— 8:127 1773 8 146 of Ebenezer Collins • ■ • ■ 1746 3 422 1746— 3 : 423 1746 3 533 Connecticut .... 1758— 5 : 350 1758 5 352 1758 5 : 353 1758 5 : 354 1758 6 357 of Jonathan Conner . 1746— 3:431 1746 3 532 of Sergt. Moses Conner . • • • 1723 1 404 of Crown Point re-inforcement • • • 1756 5 135 of Maj. Thomas Davis 1724— 2: 12 1747 4 25 1748— 4: 80 1753 4 363 of Capt. Nathaniel Doe . . . • 1757 5 209 of Capt. Nathaniel Drake 1746— 3 : 430 1746 3 532 of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman 1747— 4 : 27 1748 4 84 of Capt. Jos. Eastman 1756— 5: 97 1756 5 126 1756 5 : 128 1758 5 334 of Capt. Richard Emery . 1756— 5 : 133 1758 5 323 1758 5 : 332 1768— 5 : 387 1758 5 424 of Jonathan Evans . • • ■ 1755 4 494 of Capt. Nathaniel Fellows • ■ ■ 1746 3 395 of Capt. Abner Fogg • • • 1758 5 355 1758 5 : 357 1758 5 377 of Sergt. John Folsom ■ ■ • 1746 3 438 of Capt. Nathaniel Folsom 1756 5: 98 1756 5 121 of Capt. Samuel Folsom . 1760— 6 : 71 1760 6 76 1760— 6 : 94 1760 6 97 of John Footman • • • 1724 2 6 244 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, VEAK. VOL. PAGE. AIT'STER-ROI.LS,— (co«a-m— 5:461 1759— 5 : 465 1759 5 46.S 1759 5:469 1759 5:470 1759 5 472 1759— 5:482 1759— 5 : 484 1759 6 6 1759— 6: 11 1759— 6: 24 1759 6 29 1759— 6: 32 1760— 6: 47 1760 6 73 1760— 6: 74 1760— 6: 76 1760 6 85 1760 6: 87 1760- 6: 92 1760 6 99 1760— 6:111 1761— 6:124 1761 6 132 1761— 6 : 137 1761— 6 : 139 1761 6 140 1761— 6:142 1761— 6 : 144 1761 6 146 1761— 6 : 155 1761 — 6: 164 1761 6 18K 1761— 6 : 195 1761— 6 : 211 1761 (5 232 NAVIfJATION : of shii)S fi-om England . . 1719 1 240 NAVY : ollirers' fees , , 176^ 7:203 1768 7 204 Stores for the . 1720 — 1:257 1722— 1:311 1722 1 321 masts for the . , 1730— 2:310 1730 2 313 1740— 2 : 545 1740 2:556 1761 6 197 NEAL, Cait. James: muster-roll, etc. , 1755— 5: 56 1 7.55 5 67 1756— 5: 67 1756 5: 72 1756 5 75 1756— 5: 76 1756— 5 : 150 1756 5 151 NEAL, EiciiAKi): • account .... . 1731 2 356 NEAT Cattle (see also Oxen and Caws) : valued for tax . . 1742 2 651 NECESSARIES : ("nottheneadfulP") . • . 1758 5 323 Province of New Hampsuire, 1711-1775. 249 TEAK. VOL. uo NEDD, JOSIAH : to haA'e guu delivered to him NEELY, A>rDREW and Joseph : to ajipear .... to endeavor a settlement . NEELEY, Matthew : V. Hnntoon, Samuel . widow of, deed made void estate of, settlement NEGROES : service .... slaves .... 1728— 2 instructions respecting impost on captivated NELSON, Leader: volunteer NEPTUNE : schooner NERmGWOCK (see Norridgewock) . NEVIN, Andrew : deserter ...... NEVIM, Jasies : of the comicil 1761— 6 : loO 17G7— 7:137 NEW Amesbury [Warner] : ratable estate, proportion, and polls Boston : state money burnt in . . . inventory 1767— 7 : 160 assessment of province tax in . meeting-house . . . . . 1765— 6:440 1765— 6 : 4G7 minister and school lots exchanged petition land tax ...... Boston Addition : to form Francestown NEW Breton [Andovek] : settlement . . . . . 1765— 7 : 4 1765 — 7 : 33 inventory ...... NEWBURY (Mass.) : prisoners at {see also Green, Isaac) . Neav NEW journey to conference at 1731— 2:344 1731— 2:350 1731— 2:359 horse pressed to ... . petitioner from . . . . NEW Castle {ace also fort William and Mar defence of . . . . . 1745— 3:276 1746— 3 : 423 1747— 4 : 32 32 1727— 1753— : /o :290 1746— 3 : 404 1760- 1768- 1765— 6 176.5— 7 1765— 7 1765— 6 : 432 1767— 7 : 138 6: 86 7:219 1765— 6:441 1765— 7 : 40 1768— 7 : 210 451 8 49 1721— 1:270 1721— 1:308 1731— 2 : 347 1731— 2:;!52 1731— 2:361 '11, and Jerry'' s) : . 1711— 1: 21 1746— 3:404 174r)_ 3:441 1753— 4 : 327 1727 1767 1768 1767 1768 1768 1726 1728 1761 1732 1732 1761 1770 1731 1761 1759 1765 1767 1773 1758 17(il 1773 1762 1765 1765 1766 1768 1772 1774 1772 1765 1765 1766 1773 1721 1721 1724 1731 1731 1731 1747 1754 1743 1746 1747 1757 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 6 2 2 6 o 6 8 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 8 1 I 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 PAGE. 85 152 190 150 190 205 64 136 122 365 368 139 42 344 199 26 1 165 158 427 122 158 278 432 442 51 211 120 166 127 452 9 65 158 *305 318 418 348 354 362 485 466 75 419 482 257 250 Index to Journals of IIuuse of Kei'Resentatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. NEW Casti.e, — {continued) : In-itlgfs [and lottery] , , , 1714 1 90 171!»— 1 : 237 1757 5 241 17;")7— 5:2«1 1760— 6: 36 1760 6 77 1760— 6: 79 1760— 6: 83 1760 6 84 representatives 1715— 1: 97 1715 1 116 1715 1: 117 1716— 1:173 1717 1 190 1720— 1 : 246 1722— 1 : 326 1722 1 353 1721— 1:433 1724— 2: 2 1726 2 44 1726— 2: 50 1726— 2: 51 1727 2 1(K) 1728— 2:121 1730— 2 : 307 1731 2 335 1732— 2 : 376 1731— 2 : 397 1734 2 422 1734— 2:427 1735— 2:433 1735 2 437 1736— 2:457 1737— 2:475 1739 2 542 1742— 2 : 610 1745— 3:115 1745 3 118 1745— 3:119 1745— 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745— 3:187 1745— 3:213 1745 3 262 1746— 3:368 1747— 4: 2 1748 4 4 1749— 4 : 100 1749— 4 : 105 1749 4 132 1750— 4: 10 1751— 4: 6 1751 4 9 1762— 4:216 1752— 4:224 1752 4 380 1753— 4 : 384 1753— 4:386 1754 4 552 1755— 4:558 1755 — 5: 1755 6 41 1755— 5: 43 1755— 5:258 1756 5 95 1756— 5:260 1756 5:515 1757 5 264 1757— 5:506 1758 5:434 1758 5 436 1758— 5:512 1759 6:228 1760 6 230 1761— 6:232 1762— 6:458 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 4()4 1765— 7:176 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 136 1767— 7:182 1768 7 350 176!)— 7 : 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770 8 Pl 1771— 8 : 2 p 1771— 8 : 105 1772 8 115 1773 8 : 144 1773— 8:147 1773 8 149 1774— 8:184 1774— 8 : 187 1775 8 218 taverns .... , , , 1715 1 135 licensed house in 1723— 1:389 1723 1 394 bounds . . 1715 — 1:136 1716— 1 : 145 1718 1 228 tax witli Gosport 1720— 1 : 253 1726 2 41 land valuation in • , , 1728 2 i:!6 trade valuation in , , 1728 2 140 classed for excise 1752— 4 : 237 1755 4 510 certain lands in, taxed to 1 iye ■ , , 1757 5 257 inventory . . 1753 4 293 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 1768— 7:219 1773 8 156 tax arrearap^es . . 1761— 6 : 180 1763 6 353 part of X' 15,000 loan for , , 1761— 6 : 221 1762 6 251 petitioner from 1721— 1:270 1768 7 235 selectmen to appear . • • 1731 2 354 ijetition .... . 1748— 4: 96 1757 5 235 1757- 5:241 1757— 5:281 1757 5 2S!l 1760— • 6 : 35 1760— 6: 36 1772 8 123 current priees at . , 1721 1 2H1 ministry in {sec also Blunt , Itcv. John) . . . 1726 2 29 1742— 3: 31 1748 4 HC constables , n , 1730 2 327 claim .... . 1742— 2:640 1742 2 641 1742— ■ 2 : 643 1742 2 64M Journey to . . . , . . 1745 3 218 independent company of . . , . 1757 5 257 soldiers of tlie foi't worshi pin"; in . 1772— 8:124 1773 8 153 Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 251 NEW Castle, Duke of : royal secretaiy, etc. :279 362 436 ; 25 1731- 1746- 1746- 1747- 1747- 2: 3: 3: 4: 4: NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW 1757— 1758— 1759— 1760— 1761— 1761— 1762— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1764— 1766- 17G6— 17(i7— 1768— 1768— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1773— 1774— :307 :327 : 33 : 62 :166 : 221 ;273 :317 :341 370 :380 ;402 :413 : 57 : 102 :162 :191 ; 276 : 5 : 42 :108 140 : 166 1757— 1758- 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1764— 1764— 1766— 1767— 1767— 176X— 176S— 1770— 1770— 1772— 177:1— 177' 354 357 364 13 47 1721— 1731— 1746— 1746— 1747— Chester [Hill] : inventory ......... Districts : inhabitants of, first meeting to be called 1742— 2:634 Durham : settlement jiromoted ...... inventory ......... proprietors' lands sold ...... settlement of ....... . Durham Gore : inventor}'^ ........ England : money ...... provinces colonies ...... governors and commissioners . governments ..... NEWFIELD : In-idge over Exeter river at NEWFOUNDLAND : reducing ...... representative gone to . Massachusetts prohibits trade witli . NEW Hampshire (see also Massachusetts) separated from Massachusetts NEW Hampshire Gazette: newspaper 1745— 3 : 260 1758 5 313 1758— 6 343 1746— 3: 432 1711— 1 9 1755 — 5 3 :241 :315 :483 : 40 :100 :189 263 281 322 :348 377 395 406 421 77 ;131 165 204 278 8 47 123 147 167 TEAK. NEW Hampshire Historical Chronicle: newspaper 1731 1746 1746 1747 1747 1773 1742 1766 1773 1767 1767 1773 1724 1758 1758 1757 1758 1758 1746 1711 1720 1755 1742 1757 1757 1758 1759 1760 1760 1761 1762 1763 1763 1763 1763 1764 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1768 1770 1770 1770 1773 1773 1774 1764 VOL. 2 3 3 4 4 7 8 7 5 5 1 1 5 o 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 PAGE. 356 358 372 16 57 160 637 66 157 155 164 157 7 313 348 226 315 344 434 10 246 5 612 210 297 319 32 41 119 = 198 272 316 340 360 379 399 407 42 89 152 187 271 347 9 49 139 148 190 427 252 Tndkx to Journals of House of IvKtrkskxtatives, \7(V^— G:.']74 NEW IlAsrrsiiiRR Nkwspai'eus : :iilvt'rtisin»KVU,— (contitiued) : of the council . 1762— 6 : 238 1763- 6 : 332 1763 6 353 17(;;?_ r):3,s2 1764— 6 : 397 1764 6 399 17(34— 9:406 1765— 6 : 130 1765 7 1 NEWMArvCH & March : accounl ...... , , ^ 1755 5 21 NEWMARKET: parish, from Exeter, norlli part , • • 1727 2 102 1727— 2:103 1737 2 502 constable's account .... , . 1732 2 374 relieved , , 1737 2 500 rci)resentatives .... , , , 1739 2 542 1742— 2:610 1745 3:115 1745 3 119 1745— 3 : 184 1745— 3 : 205 1745 3 218 1745 3:219 1745— 3 : 220 1745 3 262 1746— 3 : 368 1747— 4: 2 1748 4 4 1749 4 : 100 1750— 4: 10 1751 4 6 17 fA— 4 : 9 1752— 4:217 1752 4 224 1752— 4:380 1753— 4 : 347 1753 4 384 1753— 4 : 386 1754— 4:552 1755 4 658 1755— 5: 1755 — 5: 41 1755 5 43 1755— 5 : 258 1756— 5: 95 1756 5 260 1756— 5 : 515 1757 — 5:264 1757 5 606 175H_ : 434 1758— 5 : 436 1758 5 612 1759— 6:228 1760— 6 : 230 1761 6 232 1762— 6 : 458 1763— 6:462 1764 6 464 1766— 7 : 176 1766— 7:178 1767 7 182 1768 7 : 350 1769 7 : 352 1770 7 364 1770— 8: Ip 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 105 1772— 8:115 1773— 8:144 1774 8 164 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8:187 1775 8 218 petitioners, etc., from 1745— 3:159t 1752 4 265 1764— 6 : 394 1764 6 407 petition 1745— 3 : 194 1757 5 235 1759— 5 : 462 1759— 6: 32 1760 6 36 1760— 6 : 83 1761— 6:177 1772 8 121 west, petition . 1754 4 484 selectmen to appear . . 1754 4 485 1756— 5: 64 1764 6 415 bridges . . 1746— 3:432 1747— 3:446 1747 3 457 1747— 3 : 486 1747— 3:488 1747 8 493 1756— 5 : 63 1756— 5: 84 1756 6 89 1756— 5 : 92 1766— 7: 57 1766 7 77 1766— 7 : 199 176S— 7 : 202 1768 7 205 express to ..... . . 1717 4 25 classed for excise .... 1752— 4 : 238 1755 4 610 inventoi*y . . 1753 4 293 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 156 lottery i7<;o— 6: 76 1760 6 79 1760- 6: 83 1760 6: 84 1760 6 89 1768— 7 : 199 1770— 8: 2 1770 8 6 1772— 8:129 1774— 8 : 202 1774 8 2V, highway 1765 7: 41 1765 7 46 1766 7: 91 176^- 7:192 1768 7 214 Ni:W Pr.Af:F.S: elcotioii of members from , 1750 4 227 NEWroRT: inventory . 1773 8 159 NEWPORT (R. I.): trial of counterfeiter in . , . 1755 5 16 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 255 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. NEW Settlements: viewed . 1743 3 62 NEWS (see also Great, Britain) : important, received . . 1759— 6 : 27 1759 6 28 NEWSPAPERS : ill general .... ■ ■ • • 1747 3 458 1754— 4:477 1765— 6 : 446 1765 7 30 1767— 7 : 170 1773 8 : 137 1773 8 142 Boston ..... . 1762— 6 : 272 1762 6 273 1763 6 : 316 1763— 6:379 1765 7 42 Boston Gazette • . • 1767 7 152 Evening Post .... . 1746 3:434 1747 3 476 1747- 3:504 1747— 4 : 22 1747 4 31 Essex Gazette .... • • • • 1768 7 271 London Gazette • • • • 1716 1^ 177 New Hampshire Gazette (which see above) . New Hampshire Historical Chronicle (which see above) . Post-Boy • • • ■ 1746 3 434 1747— 3:476 1747— 3:504 1747 4 22 1747— 4 : 31 1753— 4 : 353 1754 4 440 Public News Letter . ■ > • . 1718 1 231 Tuesday's Paper • 1754 4 440 NEWTOWN [Newton] : inventory . 1753— 4 : 294 1760— 6 : 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7 : 219 1773 8 156 classed for excise . 1752— 4:238 1755 4 510 petition . 1754— 4 : 476 1754 4 477 1754— 4:483 1755— 5 : 62 1756 5 74 1756— 5 : 100 1756— 5 : 180 1758 5 331 substituted for "Newton," in certain act 1755 4 517 line with South Hamilton . 1756— 5:113 1756 5 119 1770— 8: 46 1771— 8: 58 1772 8 116 relieved as to meeting . 1769— 7 : 323 1769 7 327 difficulties with Baptists in • 1770 7 340 annexing sundry parties to . 1770 7:358 1770 8 2 NEW Towns: settlement facilitated • a • • 1754 4 373 NEW YouK (see also Albany) : congress of commissioners in . . 1747— 3:501 1747 3 5U4 colonial committees to meet at ■ • • • 1765 7 20 1765— 7 : 21 1765 7 34 general congress at . . 1765— 7 : 38 1766 7 57 1766— 7: 90 1766 7 96 governor of, to interview Indians • • • 1754 4 371 government, papers from > • ■ a 1755 4 550 resolution of assembly of . 1754— 4 : 455 1756 5 89 house of assembly, speaker's letter • 1775 8 222 goods for Six Nations sent to . . 1754— 4 : 463 1755 4 530 act prohil)iting canying provisions to tlie Frencli . 1755 4 521 money at . . 1756 5 192 parliamentary grant to . 1757 5 270 1757— 5:271 1758 5 348 currency (see also York) . • • • • 1765 6 448 gentleman from • • - • 1768 7 200 sutler belonging in . , 1761 6 205 letters dated at ... ■ • • • 1762 6 300 guards witliin limits of . . 1764 6 385 boundav}' witli .... . 1765 — 7 : 5 1765 7 30 takes in part of Ilinsihilc . 1766— 7 : 90 1768 7 188 grants west of Connecticut I'iver . 1772 8 131 256 Indkx tu Juuknals of IIoiksk or Uhi-uesentatives, KlACiAltA: Ni'W Hampshire men to uuircli to NIfllOLS. .Tamks: arcoimt ..... NICHOLSON, (iKN. Fk.\ncis: comniaiKk'r of forcus to vciliuu Can NIGHT (sit Disunlcm). NIMS, KlJENKZKK : account NOBLE, Thomas: account ..... NOCKS, Skkgt. James [Knox ?] : nui>:ter-roll .... NON-CO.ALMISSIONEI) Officeus : wages NON-lNllABITANT : service of writs in review against NON-KKSIDENTS : anil proprietors of new towns regul actions aj^ainst, brouglit how . NOllRIDOEWOCK: Indians . . 1727— 2: H4 NORIUS, Moses: muster- roll, etc. 1724: — 2: (J NORTH Amehica : success of II. ^I. arms in plantations of . expeditions in . NORTH IJAMi-roN (called also Hamiton plat of .... . petition . . 17:34— 2:423 1738- 2:533 1742— 3: 30 1742— 3: 36 1744— 3 : 105 petitioners from 1752 — 4 : 265 selectmen to ai)pcar exi)rcss to classed for e.xcise ,• inventory . 1 75:5 — 4 : 2'J3 17(i7— 7:160 NORTH TIiix {sec 2>rcccdm(j). NORTlIi:UN CoLoNiKS: interests of 11. .M. 1756 — 5:192 NORTH FIELD: petition in behalf of di'l'enee of NORTH I'MBKRLAND: highway . inventory • NORTH WOOD: set oil' from Nottingham inventory . NORTON, JosiirA: under ("apt. John (iilnian NOTES (sec Treasurer). NOTIFKATIONS (we Warrants). NOTTl N( ; H A M (.see also Norlhinml) : petition . 1733— 2:381 a.la . 1711- 1: 11 1723— 1 : 31)0 ated . 1745— 3:266 1724— 2: 12 . 1758— 5 : 445 , Noirni Hill) : 1734— 2:428 17:38- 2:539 1742— 3 : 31 1742— 3: :38 1744— 3 : 106 1761— 6:144 1754— 4 : 465 ]7,-,2— 4:254 1760— 6: 86 1768— 7 : 219 1758— 5:428 1756— 5: 82 1771— 8: KIS 1772— 8: 12.". VEAB. 17:33— 2:582 1764 1761 1711 1711 1758 1726 1723 1758 1768 1734 1734 1755 1726 1758 1755 1764 1729 17:38 1742 1742 1743 1758 1765 1756 1748 1755 1761 1773 1758 1745 17G0 1772 1773 1772 1772 1773 1726 1734 VOL. 6 6 1 1 2 2 5 5 6 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 5 4 4 6 8 3 6 8 8 8 8 8 PAGE. 385 215 10 20 867 56 404 378 198 408 430 12 41 454 9 407 168 532 650 34 48 440 443 194 79 510 122 156 445 *228 43 128 160 121 126 157 II 402 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 257 NOTTINGHAiM, petition (continued) : 1738— 2 : 533 1744— 3: 85 1753— 4 : 338 agents of i^roprietors petitioners from selectmen to appear ratable estates .... jjajTiient of rates to . lands taxed .... 1760— 6 : 54 classed for excise inventory 1753— 1767— 294 160 1738— 1744— 1753— 1754— 1768— relieved riglit to send representative doubted defence of ..... 1746— 3 : 408 1746— 3 : 438 1747— 4: 25 1748— 4: 68 special meeting called proi)osed land tax inijust on tax proportion ..... line with Durham .... more convenient roads in lots in, bounds . 1765 — 6 : 435 lots and highways .... southwest parisli [ Deerlield ] . NOTTINGHA]\I West: taxation of . 1746— 3 : 388 relief from minister tax lands taxed tax i>roi)ortion . classed for excise representatives 1758— 5 : 512 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6:458 1765— 7 : 176 1768— 7 : 350 1770— 8: Ip 1772— 8 : 115 1774— 8 : 184 legality of town meeting selectmen to appear IDCtition : . petitioner from .... inventory . 1753 — 4 : 293 17G7— 7: ir.o NOVA Scotia: bountv on Indians killed westward of NOTES, KimuND : petition ...... NOYES, John: l^etition . . 1754 — 4:471 NOYES, John, and others : petition 33 1747- 1760- 1752- 1760- 1768- 1742- 1746- 1747- 1747- 1748- 1753- 3: 6: 4: 6: 7: o o : 534 107 341 466 :190 503 57 238 86 218 39 430 480 30 74 332 1757— 5 : 300 1765- 1765- 1765- 1765- 1748- 1749- 1759 1762 1763 1766 1769- 1771 1773 1774 6: 7: 7; 7 : 4: 4: 6 6 6 7 7: — 8 8: 8: 1748- 1760- 1768- 4: 6: 436 4 33 39 64 144 228 256 462 178 352 2p 144 188 63 86 218 1758- 1758— 311 386 TEAR. 1 VOL. 1743 3 1748 4 1764 6 1742 2 1767 7 1768 7 1764 6 1742 2 1745 3 1760 6 1760 6 1755 4 1761 6 1773 8 1742 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 1748 4 1753 4 1753 4 1756 5 1761 6 1759 6 1764 6 1765 6 1765 7 1765 7 1765 7 1766 7 1748 4 1747 4 1748 4 1761 6 1755 4 1758 5 1760 6 1762 6 1764 6 1767 7 1770 7 1771 8 1774 8 1775 8 1747 3 1747 4 1748 4 1765 () 1761 6 1773 8 1748 4 1773 8 1758 .5 1758 5 PAGE. 68 64 413 645 150 205 406 643 300 51 60 510 122 156 43 157 291 431 514 67 355 340 66 211 18 402 439 14 34 29 53 69 29 94 211 510 434 230 257 464 182 354 105 164 218 480 30 64 435 122 158 92 141 .321 386 258 Index to Jouunals of House of Ixepresentatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. NOYKS, Oi.ivKK: adininistnitor . 1718 1 212 NOYES, Thomas: to Jippi":!!' , 1707 7 103 NUl)]), Bkn.tamin : petition a 1756 5 84 1750— 5: 80 1750 5 92 NUDD, IlLTII : petition 1756— 5 : 172 1756 5 174 KUISANCES: common, to prevent , 1718 1 220 NUMBER One: inventory . . 17(17 — 7:161 1708— 7 : 219 1708 7 230 NUMBER Two (sec also Moiiadnock No. . >): inventory . . 1700 6 : 86 1701— 6:122 1705 466 ])rovinec tax assessed in . 1702 6 27« NUMBER Fouii [Ciiaku:st<^wn] : committee to see what inlial)itants are about 1744 3 83 jietition , 1711 3 *228 roatls and bridges .... . 1752 4 272 defence of 1750— 5: 82 1756 5 83 1756— 5 : 84 1750— 5:101 17.00 5 102 1756 5 : 108 1758— 5 : 313 175S 5 316 1758 5 : 338 1758— 5 : 352 175.S 5 353 1758— 5 : 354 1758— 5 : 357 175,s 5 370 1758 5 : 370 1758— 5:377 1758 5 4(KI soldier sick at 1703 6 304 NUMBER Six [Hicnnikek] : inventory 1707— 7:161 1708 7 220 NUPTL\LS : of Prince of Wales 1745 3:250 1747 3 510 NURSING: soldiers, etc. . 1745— 3 : 276 1740 3 : 3U6 1740 3 324 1746— 3:404 1748— 4: 78 1755 4 495 17ofi_ 5 : 92 1750— 5:118 1757 5 299 NUTfER, John: member, etc. . 1745— 3 : 129 1745— 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 189 1745 3 203 1745— 3:215 1745— 3:262 1740 3 368 1747— 3 : 453 1747— 3:467 1747 3 475 NUTTER, Leah ani> Joiix: petition 1748— 4: 76 1748 4 81 OATIJS (sec also Members, qualified) : of allegiance, administered . , , 1715 1 97 1735— 2:437 1737— 2 : 470 1740 2 543 1740— 2:548 1745— 3 : 245 1745 3 281 1745— 3 : 285 1740— 3 : 394 1747 3 512 1749— 4:112 1752— 4:216 1755 5 44 1758— 5 : 435 175S— 5 : 436 1758 5 438 1761— 6:120 1701 — : 123 1701 6 130 1761— 6 : 151 1701— 0:174 1762 6 237 1762— 6 : 245 1705— 7: 1 1705 7 125 1767— 7 : 126 1707— 7: 127 1767 7 131 1707— 7 : 134 1707- 7 : 136 1774 8 188 ap]»oint('d l)y law, taken . 1715 1 219 :iceording to act of parliament, signed . 1722 1 320 form of, committee to draw up • 1710 1 181 form of, established . 171.S 1 220 of James .JelVry, clerk, given in full 1722 1 337 council to take, as prescribed . 172.S 2 113 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 259 OATHS, — {continued) : required of ollieers to journal of the march 1746- commissary under ..... of officers, etc. (see also Recorder) 1755- 1756- 1755- 1755- 4: 4: 5: 4: 4: 376 507 68 520 523 of secrecy taken of office, in towns, administering taverners, peddlers, etc., under committees under 1753— 1754— 1755 — 1756— 1755— 1755— 825 332 441 33 77 521 528 1760— 6 : 77 1721— 1:285 1746— 3 : 386 1743- 00 1761— 6 : 126 OBER, John : jietition ..... OBITUARY : of King George II. . OBJECTIONS (see also Governor) : to act of Massachusetts, relating to the lines . of council, to treasury bill . . 1735 — 2 : 451 of council, to raising money for Louisburg expedi- tion ......... ODIORNE, Benjamin : children of, guardian relieved ODIORNE, Benjamin, and otueks : petition ......... ODIORNE, John, Jr. : petition for divorce . YEAR. 1755- divorced from Eunice Seavey . ODIORNE, JoTHAM [" Odorn, Odihokn, Odiorn"] member, councilor 60 1715 : 97 1715 : 99 1715— :101 1715— :102 1715— : 105 1715— :106 1715 108 1715 :109 1715 111 1715— :112 1715 .116 1717— :]90 1717— :192 1717— : 193 1717— :195 1717— :196 1717— : 198 1717— : 199 1717- 201 1717— • 203 1717— : 205 1717— : 206 1717— 211 1718— 212 1718 215 1718— 216 1718 219 1718— 221 1718 224 1718— 225 1718 227 17 IS— 229 1719— 233 1719— 235 1719 237 1719— 23; 1 1719— 242 1720— 243 1720— 245 1720— 249 1720— 259 1720— 260 1721— 263 1721— 264 1721— 266 1721— 267 1721— 269 1721— 271 1721— 273 1721— 276 1721— 280 1721— 281 1721— 283 1721— 284 1746 1746 1753 1755 1755 1756 1755 1755 1760 1760 1721 1754 1746 1746 1746 1761 1731 1736 1745 1773 1763 1755 1755 1756 1715 1715 715 715 715 717 717 717 717 717 717 718 718 718 718 718 719 719 720 720 720 721 721 721 721 VOL. 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 6 6 1 4 3 3 9 2 3 8 6 5 5 5 1721 1721 PAGE. 384 391 344 491 36 149 522 529 76 79 284 441 366 389 432 182 338 469 137 139 314 59 62 66 100 104 107 110 113 191 194 197 200 204 210 214 217 223 226 230 236 241 244 253 262 265 268 272 278 282 286 2G0 Index to Journals of House of Iii;ruESKNTATivES, TEAB. VOL. PAOE. UDIORNE, JoTHAM, — (co?2(i?iucd) : member, councilor 1721 — 1:287 1721— 1:290 1721 291 ITL'l- 1:21)2 1721— 1:294 1721 295 17l'l— 1:300 1721— 1 : 301 1721 303 1721— 1:305 1721— 1:305* 1721 309 1722— 1 : 310 1722— 1:312 1722 313 1722— 1:314 1722— 1:315 1722 317 1722— 1:318 1722— 1:319 1722 32(» 1722— 1:321 1722— 1:322 1722 324 1722— 1:326 1722— 1 :327 1722 330 1722— 1:335 1722— 1 : 339 1722 342 1722— 1:343 1722— 1:345 1722 346 1722— 1 : 348 1722— 1:349 1722 351 1722— 1:352 1722— 1:353 1722 354 1722— 1:355 1722— 1:356 1722 357 1722— 1:359 1722— 1:360 1722 367 1722— 1 : 369 1722— 1:371 1722 372 1723 1:373 1723— 1:375 1723 377 1723— 1:379 1723 1:381 1723 3S2 1723 1 : ;').S3 1723 1:384 1723 3S7 172;?— 1:389 1723 1 : 392 1723 393 1723— 1:396 1723 1 : 397 1723 399 1723— 1 : 400 1723— 1:402 1723 403 1723— 1 : 405 1723— 1:406 1723 408 1723 1 : 410 172.i— 1:412 1724 413 1724— 1:415 1724— 1:416 1724 424 1724— 1:426 1724— 1:432 1724 434 1724— 2: 1 1724— 2: 2 1724 2 3 1724— 2:11 1724— 2: 12 1724 2 tl2 1725— 2: 17 1726— 2: 25 1726 2 34 172G— 2: 38 1726— 2 : 53 1726 2 <;6 1727— 2: 67 1727— 2: 71 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 82 1727— 2: 92 1727 2 109 1728— 2:110 1728— 2:111 1728 2 112 1728 2 : 121 1728 2 : 135 1728 2 138 1729— 2 : 143 1729- 2:144 1729 2 147 1729— 2:149 1729— 2:151 1729 2 152 1729— 2 : 169 1729— 2:171 1730 2 319 1730— 2 : 327 1731— 2:339 1732 2 371 1732— 2 : 377 1733 2:382 1734 2 3'.».s 1734— 2 : 401 1734— 2:422 1735 2 439 1735— 2 : 440 1735 2 : 445 1735 2 447 1736 2 : 458 1737— 2:475 1737 2 490 1737— 2:492 1737— 2:494 1737 2 496 1737— 2:515 1738— 2:536 1739 2 542 1740— 2 : 546 1740 2:551 1740 2 561 1740 2 : 564 1742— 2 : 610 1742 2 615 1742— 2:616 1742— 2:634 1742 2 640 1742— 2 : 645 1712— 2:646 1742 2 649 1742— 2:651 1742— 3 : 30 1742 3 38 1742— 3 : 40 1742— 3: 41 1712 3 44 1742— 3: 45 1743- 3: 61 174:; 3 55 1744— 3: 91 1744— 3 : 93 1744 3 94 1744— 3 : 95 1744— 3: 96 1744 3 97 1744— 3 : 109 1745— 3 : 124 1745 3 13H 1745 3 : 153 174") 3:162 1745 3 163 1745— 3 : 189 1715 3:201 1745 3 229 1746— 3 : 328 17i6— 3:334 1746 3 356 1746— 3:400 1747— 4 : 41 1748 4 93 disclaims intention to atVront, "and that was ye finall end of tliat matter" . . 1726 2 52 ■Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 261 ODIORNE, JoTHAM, — {continued) : will of, executors heard . . . 1753 — 4 : 310 estate divided ..... 1754 — 4 : 456 ODIORNE, JOTiiAM, Jk. : member . . 1740— 2 : 568 1743— 3 : 57 ODIORNE, Mehitabel: petition ODIORNE'S Point: light-house at ODLIN, Dudley : account 1746— 3 : 330 muster-roll, etc 1746— 3 : 381 ODLIN, Capt. John : muster-roll, etc 1755— 4 : 494 OFFICERS (see also titles of the several, civil and mili- tary ; also Advance Pay, Fort, Navy, Ordnance, Ser- vant, Table, and Tents) : pay, Avages, allowances, etc. . . 1711 — 1: 18 1732— 2 : 370 1745— 3 : 155 1745— 3 : 268 1745— 3 : 272 1745— 3 : 293 1746— 3 : 313 commissioned, orders of, for pay, filled non-commissioned, wages pay, for provisions and rum disobeying in a military station, penalty . at Louisburg, petition and memorial of . to make oath to journals . . 1746 — 3 : 325 king's 2irerogative to appoint .... civil and military, appointed solely by governor civil and military, rule for, in taking fees, fines, and forfeitures to furnish list of men enlisted for Canada expedition at Winnepisseocke, complained of . neglecting to supply powder, etc., penalty to lay accounts before general assembly . enlisting, to give Ijonds for money . delinquent, in impressing men, punished 1758— 5:411 none to receive pay in two capacities 1761 — 6 : 193 OFFICES : assessment of vacancy in, defined OHIO Rivek: letters relating to tlie success of H. JNI. arms on OIL (see also Linseed) : for light-house ... . 1773— 8 : 135 OLCOTT, Simeon ["Alcock, Alcott, Alcut'''] member . . 1772 1772 1773— 8 1773— 8 1774— 8 OLIVE Branch : schooner, a trans^Dort OMMEWAY : Indian .... ONE Pine Hill {see Pine Hill). ORCHARD Land {see also Lands) invoice of ... 8:119 8:126 8 : 139 8 : 154 8:167 1772- 1772- 1773— 1773— 1774— 123 128 144 161 170 1761— 6 : 122 TEAR. VOL. 1753 4 1755 4 1743 o 1771 8 1765 7 1746 3 1747 3 1754 4 1755 4 1722 1 J 745 3 1745 o 1746 3 1745 3 1758 5 1745 3 1712 1 1745 3 1746 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 1747 .1 1747 3 1756 5 1756 5 175S 5 1762 6 1727 2 1765 6 1755 5 1758 5 1773 8 1772 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1745 3 1727 2 1767 7 PAGE. 333 542 59 93 19 331 518 469 495 353 168 288 329 224 378 231 45 269 384 367 381 399 424 446 473 101 116 416 255 75 457 14 454 136 124 138 152 164 172 240 84 161 202 Index tu Joi'knai.s or llousi; uf Uepuesentatives, OUDEUS : of the house (sec also links) 1722— 1 : :)27 in council, from the king 174G— -.] : 438 of governor (see also Dcati7i(j) of suhlici's, for pay (.sec also Muslcr- 17;-)3_ 4:;n7 175:J— 4:344 1756— 5:110 OltD NANCE (see also Oimclloes) : board of . 1746— 3 : 341 1746— 3 : 438 landing, preservation of, etc. . 1745— 3:220 1745— 3 : 251 1746— 3:342 master of . ORDWAY, Jamks: allowance for .... OllDWAY, Du. Neiiemiaii: account ..... ORFOKD : lands taxed jjctition inventory . representative . OSGOOD, James: account OSSIPEE ["OSAl'EE"] : enemy at . OSWEGO : ' fort, fallen into the hands of French OTIS, James: rcconimendation of . OTTER Rivek: men to winter on ... . OVERSEERS of the Pook: powers, as to children OXEN : invoice of 1742— 2:651 for expeditions, etc OYSTER KivEK [Durham] : parish of, petition .... minister of, petition ])etilioner from .... taverns ...... sale nf land at . bonud.s with northeast parish, Dover made ])arish, called " Durham" province money burnt in . 1716— 1722— 1716— 1768— 1747— liolls) 1753— 1753— 1757 — 1746— 1746— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1771— 8:108 1775— 8:218 1775- 1747- 1727- 1761- 2: 6; 1756 — 5 : 165 1715- 17 is- 1732- 178 328 316 1S7 452 318 356 196 342 439 227 274 343 YEAU. 177.3— 8 : 136 227 460 1756— 5:163 1766— 7 : 63 175 122 i;;o 368 PACKER, Thomas: memix-r, .speaker, councilor, ,sl nuister-master 1716— 1 : 167 icrilV, paymaster, 1717— 1: 199 1717 1722 1746 1746 1768 1747 1753 1753 1753 1757 1746 1746 1747 1745 1745 1746 1747 1746 1756 1745 1773 1772 1773 1775 1755 1722 1756 1766 1759 1766 1728 1767 1755 1759 1715 1716 1731 1721 1715 1716 1729 1732 1732 1716 1717 VOL. 1 1 3 3 7 3 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 8 8 8 8 7 6 7 2 7 5 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 PAGE. 191 .330 341 437 209 518 316 319 357 197 337 346 623 218 234 318 498 337 76 302 141 123 160 237 495 340 164 90 20 65 140 161 20 9 124 166 353 269 135 160 166 371 366 162 201 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 263 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PACKER, Thomas, — {continued) : membei-, speaker, counciloi-, sheriff, paymaster. muster-master 1717— 1 : 203 1717— 1:204 1717 205 1717— 1:206 1717— 1:209 1717 210 1717— 1:211 1718 1:212 1718 213 1718 1 : 214 1718 1 : 215 1718 216 1718 1:217 1718 1:219 1718 222 1718 1 : 223 1718 1 : 224 1718 226 1718 1 : 227 1718— 1:229 1718 230 1719— 1:231 1719— 1:233 1719 235 1719— 1:236 1719— 1 : 237 1719 238 1719— 1:239 1719— 1:240 1719 241 1719— 1:242 1720 1 : 247 1720 253 1721— 1 : 267 1722— 1:315 1722 330 1723 1 : 384 1723 1 : 385 1723 387 1723— 1 : 390 1723 1 : 391 1723 392 1724— 1:421 1724 1:424 1724 425 1729— 2 : 146 1729— 2 : 158 1729 2 160 1729 2 : 170 1733 2 : 379 1734 2 397 1735— 2:433 1735 2 : 441 1735 2 444 1736 2 : 457 1736 2 : 460 1737 2 475 1737— 2:492 1737— 2:495 1737 2 504 1737— 2:515 1738 2 : 533 1739 2 542 1740 2 : 546 1740— 2:547 1740 2 548 1740— 2:549 1740— 2:550 1740 2 553 1740— 2 : 563 1740— 2:564 1740 2 565 1740 2 : 566 1740— 2:568 1742 2 610 1742— 2:611 1742— 2 : 615 1742 2 626 1742 2 : 634 1742— 2:640 1742 2 644 1742— 2:647 1742— 2:653 1742 3 38 1742— 3: 40 1743 3: 47 1743 3 51 1743— 3 : 72 1744_ 3 : 81 1744 3 90 1744— 3 : 100 1745— 3 : 218 1745 244 1746— 3 : 355 1746 3 : 390 1746 3 447 1747— 3:518 1748 4: 86 1749 ' 4 128 1749— 4 : 129 1749— 4:134 1749 4 135 1749— 4 : 137 1749— 4 : 141 1752 4 *222 1753— 4 : 329 173^— 4 : 336 1753 4 337 1754— 4:435 1754 4:474 1755 4 498 1755 4 : 523 1755 — 5 : 56 1756 5 144 1756— 5 : 166 1758 5 : 360 1758 5 380 1758 5 : 421 1759_ 5 : 4G0 1759 6 5 1759— 6 : 13 1760 6: 46 1760 6 48 1760— 6: 58 1760— 6 : 74 1760 6 80 1761— 6:124 1761— 6 : 132 1761 6 140 1761— 6 : 143 1761— 6 : 207 1761 6 212 1762— 6 : 237 1762— 6:238 1762 6 239 1762— 6:246 1762— 6:252 1762 6 255 1762— 6 : 267 1762— 6:288 1762 6 289 1766— 7 : 94 1767— 7:115 1769 7 287 1770— 8 : 6 1770— 8: 16 1771 8 91 V. Benjamin Rust • • 1733 2 379 PACKER, Thomas, and othkus: petition ..... . 1714 1 79 PAGE, Benjamin: petition ..... . 1763 fi 351 1763— 6 : 353 1763 6 366 1763— 6 : 367 1764— 6:392 1764 6 393 PAGE, Caleb: petition ..... 1756— 5:119 1763 6 363 1764— 6 : 398 1774 8 195 264 Index to Journals of lie )USE OF Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PACiE, LiFATT. David: on Captain \\'()rthen\s roll 1758 6 383 PAGE, DavIK. AM) (iTIIEKS: putilion ..... , , 1768 7 186 PA(;E, Isaac: petition ..... , 1754 4 432 PA(JE, Jkkkmiaii : saitl to he hired, mistake corrected 1760 6 94 PA(;K, John [" i'AKii:"] : member, ete , 1746 3 331 1752— 4:217 1752— 4 : 239 1752 4 248 1752— 4 : 253 1752— 4 : 254 1752 4 267 1752— 4 : 380 1753— 4 : 341 1753 4 351 1753— 4 : 301 175;i— 4 : 384 1754 4 404 1754— 4 : 4( )(j 1754— 4 : 420 1754 4 438 1754— 4 : 43'.) 1754 4 : 441 1754 4 442 1764— 4 : 456 1754— 4:461 1754 4 463 1754— 4 : 470 1754— 4:476 1754 4 484 1755— 4 : 493 1755 4 : 494 1755 4 496 1755— 4 : 503 1755— 4 : 514 1755 4 519 1755— 4 : 520 1755— 4:526 1755 4 532 1755— 4 : 540 1755— 4 : 570 1755 5 1755— 5 : 23 1755 5: 30 1755 5 32 1755 5: 33 175.5— 5: 41 1760 6 63 1762— 6 : 253 1762— 6 : 2(52 * 1762 6 271 1762— 6 : 296 1762— 6:297 1762 6 303 1762— () : 458 1763— 6 : 370 1763 6 462 17(;4_ 6 : 390 1764— 6 : :592 1764 6 393 1764— 6 : 420 1764— 6:464 1765 6 453 on Captain Tash's roll , , 1756 5 131 PAGE, Stei'IIEN: to a jpear ..... . . . 1770 8 2 PAGE & BAKER : petition ..... . 1742— 3: 33 1742 3 49 PAINE, John, Jk. : estate, admini.stratrix to appear . • • 1762 6 2S1 PALMER, CiiKiSTOPliEK : ])etition, etc. .... . 1728— 2:138 1728 2 141 PALMER, Jonathan : petition ..... . 1754— 4:465 1754 4 470 PALMER, Jonathan, and Fo(;(j, Daniel: petition ..... . • 1744 3 99 PALMER, Samuel: member ..... , , , , 1732 2 376 1734— 2 : 397 17:54— 2:422 1735 2 433 1736 2 : 457 1737— 2:475 1738 2 533 1739— 2:542 1740— 2 : 548 1740 2 650 1740 2:561 1742— 2:610 1742 2 631 1745— 3 : 115 1745— 3 : 163 1745 8 172 1745— 3 : 180 1745— 3:184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 1K9 1745 3 197 1745— 3 : 203 1745— 3:215 1745 3 223 1745— 3 : 237 174.5— 3 : 262 1746 3 365 1746 3 : 361 1746 3 : 366 1746 3 368 1747— 3 : 453 1747— 3:489 1747 4 2 PALMER, Thomas: petition ..... , • 1721 1 270 PAPER: m allowance for . 1747 — 4 : 14 1747- 4: 26 1755 4 498 1756— 5 : 188 1761— 6 : 225 1762 6 270 1762— 6 : 297 1764— 6 : 404 1768 7 250 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 265 PAPER Bills (see also Bills of Credit and Fund) : currency, money, etc 1733 1735— 1742— 1744— 1757 — 17G9— 1770— 1772— 2: 2: 2: 3: 5: 7: 8: 8: 391 439 613 93 269 281 35 123 1734— 1735— 1742— 1753— 1760— 1769— 1770— 1773— 409 442 620 361 88 282 51 155 PAPERS [PuiiLiCK] (see also Cojnes, Court of Commis- sioners, and Recorder) : in hands of Charles Story's widow arranged 1716- 1731- 146 337 PARADE war i^roclaimed at the PARENTS (see also Minors and Muster-Rolls) : wages of minor soldiers paid to . 1756 — 5 : 110 PARISHES (see also Lot-Layers, Selectmen, and Trea- surer) : may maintain scliools sepai'ate fi'om town fi-om which they are set oft' .... . neglecting to supjiort ministry, to pay Avhere . bounds to Ije run once in three years of one hundred families ; selectmen to provide grammar schools in, under penalty equal assessment of ... 1727— to return persons' names and ratable estates to provide moggusons and snow-shoes 1744 — PARK, Alexander, and others : petition . . 1753—4:294 1753—4:295 1753— 4 : 301 1753— 4 : 302 PARKER, Henry : allowance to, for two sons ..... PARKER, John : lieutenant, adjutant, and sheriff .... 1758— 5:372 1761— 6:209 1769— 7:297 1774— 8 : 192 1774— 8 : 201 71 3: 108 V. Gerrish, Samuel . PARKER, Jonathan : to appear . PARKER, Lord Justice : instructions by . PARKER, Noah : account PARKER, Mrs. Susannah account PARKER, Thomas : member . 1758— 1761— 1770— 1774— 1774— 1768— 389 210 49 195 203 271 1758— 1758— 1759— 1759— 1759— 1760— 1761— 1761— 436 456 463 478 496 97 6:152 6:216 1768— 1771— 1758— 1758— 1759— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1761— 238 98 442 512 475 479 38 lOO 157 218 34 TEAR. VOL. 1731 2 1734 2 1735 2 1744 3 1753 5 1765 7 1769 7 1771 8 1774 8 1721 1 1731 2 1755 5 1757 5 1716 1 1716 1 1716 1 1721 1 1727 2 1732 2 1744 3 1753 4 1753 4 1759 5 1756 5 1761 6 1763 6 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1769 7 1770 8 1721 1 1769 7 1772 8 1763 6 1758 5 1758 5 1759 5 1759 5 17.^)9 5 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 1 1761 6 PAGE. 340 417 453 92 161 45 299 60 169 265 340 11 197 171 180 185 266 75 366 113 300 304 492 170 207 312 ■ 190 197 211 290 53 279 326 117 364 434 443 460 476 493 70 123 161 232 266 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 1 YEAB. VOL. rAOB. I'AKKKi;, I'lioMAS, — (co7ilmucd) : l)ctition, etc 17r,8_ 7:262 1768 7 265 1769— 7:284 1769 7 289 rAKKKR, Wii.iJAM (see also Brown, Kbcnczcr) : | attorney, lueniber, elerk, etc. . • 1737 2 197 1737— 2:49S 1737— 2:508 1738 2 534 1710— 2:551 1740— 2:658 1742 2 G4K 1742— 2:652 174:5— 3: 52 1744 3 S7 1745— 3:248 1745— 3:249 1746 3 3.32 174S— 4: 96 175;)— 4:3.^7 1754 4 415 1754— 4:485 1755— 4:497 1755 4 504 1755 4:570 1756 5: 73 1756 6 116 1756 5:118 1756— 5:120 1757 6 2«7 1758— 5 : 352 1758 — 5:357 1758 6 393 1760— 6: 62 1761— 6:220 1762 6 278 1765 6 : 445 17(5,5— 6 : 468 1765 6 4(59 1765— 7 : 1766— 7: 51 176(5 7 60 1766— 7:61 1766— 7 : 63 1766 7 64 1766— 7 : 66 1766— 7 : 67 1766 7 08 1766 7: 73 1766 7: 91 1766 7 95 1766— 7 : 99 1766— 7:101 1766 7 102 1766— 7 : 104 1766— 7 : 105 1766 7 177 1766— 7 : 178 1767— 7:116 1767 7 118 1767— 7 : 123 1767— 7 : 126 1767 7 136 1767— 7 : 138 1767— 7 : 140 1767 7 143 1767— 7:147 1767— 7 : 149 1767 7 151 1767— 7:159 1767— 7:162 1767 7 164 1767— 7 : 165 1767— 7 : 169 1767 7 170 1767— 7 : 182 1768— 7 : 198 1768 7. 200 1768— 7 : 225 176.S— 7 : 226 17(38 7 228 1768 7 : 233 1768— 7 : 235 1768 7 2.36 1768— 7:238 1768— 7 : 239 1768 7 244 1768— 7 : 248 1768— 7:249 1768 7 254 1768— 7 : 256 1768— 7 : 261 1768 7 264 1768— 7 : 269 1768— 7 : 278 1768 7 279 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7 : 282 1769 7 283 1769— 7 : 289 1769— 7:317 1769 7 320 1769— 7:331 1769— 7:352 1770 7 339 1770 7 : 340 1770— 7 : 343 1770 7 354 1770— 7 : 358 1770— 8 : 1 p 1770 8 2 177(1—8: 3 1770— 8 : 40 1770 8 41 1770— 8: 45 1770— 8 : 47 1770 8 48 1771— 8: 2p 1771— 8: 70 1771 8 71 1771— 8: 77 1771— 8: 80 1771 8 93 1771— 8:105 1771— 8:107 1771 8 108 1771— 8:109 1771— 8:113 1772 8 115 1772— 8:119 1772— 8:120 1772 8 121 1772— 8 : 131 1773— 8:139 1773 8 140 1773— 8:142 1773— 8:144 1773 8 147 1773— 8:149 1773— 8: 150 1773 8 151 1773— 8:152 1773— 8:1()() 1773 8 161 1774— 8:164 1774— 8: 16(; 1774 8 167 1774— .S:170 1774- 8: 172 1774 8 178 PAKKKK A: I.ivki:M(»)£i; : iiiotiiiii of, about chan<;e of fees . 1712 2 649 PARLIAMENT (see also Address) : acts, etc., of • • • 1722 1 311 1722- 1:326 1721— 2:100 1730 2 310 1730— 2 : 313 1731— 2:335 1732 2 377 1734— 2 : 398 173 4_ 2:422 1737 2 476 1759— 6 : 25 1761— 6:158 1764 6 384 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 267 PARLIAMENT, — {continued) : acts, etc., of . 1765—6:430 1765—7: 17 1765— 7: 59 1766— 7: 71 1766— 7 : 109 1770— 8 : 23 177-4— 8 : 177 1774— 8 : 179 grants, etc., of .... 1747—4: 26 1747— 4 : 58 1748— 4 : 70 1749— 4 : 154 * 1752— 4 : 242 1752— 4 : 274 1756— 5 : 192 1757— 5 : 271 1758— 5 : 348 1763— 6 : 368 1765— 6 : 437 1771— 8:112 1772— 8:114 PARRY, Capt. Obadiaii : muster-roll 1752— 4 : 261 1753— 4 : 319 PARSONS, Thomas : petition 1772— 8 : 116 PARTITION : of lands and legacies ...... of real estate ........ 1757— 5 : 201 1759— 5 : 460 1765— 7 : 13 1765— 7 : 15 of lands, etc., in case of minors . 1763 — 6 : 321 of common lands, etc. . . . 1763 — 6 : 375 1764— 6 : 388 1764— 6 : 392 1765— 7 : 47 1766— 7 : 64 PARTRIDGE, John : claim PARTRIDGE, Jonathan : volunteer PARTRIDGE, Richard: claim ......... PARTRIDGE, Whxiam : certificate of ....... . PASADA Wine: duty on PASCAL, Michael Henry [" Pascall, Paschal"]: wife of, relieved 1762— 6 : 294 1763— 6 : 317 1763— 6 : 375 1764— 6 : 388 PASS: signed by General Pepperell and Commodore Warren PASTURE : land, invoice of 1753— 4:290 1761— 6:122 PATTEE, Eliphalet : divorced from Abigail Eliot . . 1772— 8 : 120 1772— 8 : 127 PATTEE, Peter : muster-roll ........ PATTEN, John : to appear highway through land of . . 1765 — 7 : 32 PATTEN, Matthew : petition, etc 1756— 5 : 161 1756— 6 : 178 PATTEN, Samuel : rcfcrcG PATTINSON, Joseph : " ' * account ...... PAUL, James : petition 1768 — 7 : 274 TEAK. 1765 1766 1773 1774 1747 1749 1752 1757 1760 1768 1772 1753 1753 1772 1714 1755 1759 1765 1763 1763 1764 1766 1716 1746 1712 1712 1717 1763 1764 1745 1767 1772 1773 1746 1765 1765 1756 1757 1768 1772 1768 VOL. 7 7 8 8 4 4 4 5 6 7 4 4 1 4 5 7 6 6 6 7 3 1 1 1 6 6 3 7 8 8 7 7 5 5 7 8 7 PAGE. 18 82 161 181 47 126 248 270 117 245 116 317 358 117 77 501 463 34 322 376 393 87 143 404 45 53 194 374 405 253 161 126 137 310 5 33 171 251 189 130 277 268 Index to Journals of House of "Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PACK. PAUTUl K1:T .AI. .lntains : thirty-nine men scoutinj^ al bove ■ . . 1746 3 438 PAY {sec Advance Pay and \Va(ii \<). TAYMASTEK {see Murlirr, ' . ibraham ; a7id Packer, T/innias). PKABODY, Wiu.iam: IJetition .... , 1765 40 1765— 7: 42 17(Wi— 7 : 52 1766 54 1766— 7: 62 17G7— 7 : 161 1768 189 PEACE {see also Treaties) : with Frnnce 1712— 1 : 50 1713 63 17i;i— 1 : 64 1713 66 with Spain . 1730 2 310 with Indians . ■ • • 1730 2 313 blessings of, expedition succeeding: . • • • 1746 3 360 PEACOCK. John: account .... , , 1725 2: 12 1726 2 45 1726— 2: 46 1726 2 56 PEACOCK, Mahy: account .... 1745— 3:276 1745 3 292 1746— 3 : 333 1748 4 68 PEARK, Richard ["Pearea''] : petition .... 1759— 5:494 1759 6 10 PEARSE, Peter {see also Pierce and Pcirce) : surety for Richard Green , , 1767— 7 : 133 1767 7 141 PEARSON, Jethro : muster-roll, etc. 1723 — 1 : 390 1745 3:291 1746 3 431 1746— 3:532 1756— 5: 97 1756 5 110 PEARSON, Martha : petition .... . 1764— 6 : 391 1764 6 395 PX? AC . 1764— 6:399 1764 6 405 for soldiers . 1746 — 3:411 1746— 3 : 416 1756 5 117 1757— 6 : 301 1758 5 : 395 1759 6 12 tax rate . . 1752 — 4 : 251 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 548 1756— 5:136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 6 385 1758— 6:388 1759— 6 : 2 1760 6 104 1761— 6:213 1762— 6:265 1763 6 338 1764— 6 : 396 176.:i— 7 : 28 1766 7 84 PEASE, SA^a-El. : allowed bounty on wolf . , . • • 1745 3 t 159 PEASLEE, Amos : petition . 1764 — 6:412 1764— 6:422 1765 6 441 PEASJ.EE, Daniel : petition, etc. , , 1743— 3: 55 1745 3 229 1746 3 : 432 1761— 6:221 1762 6 274 PEASLEE, Joseph : petition . . 1755 — 5: 62 1756— 5 : 74 1768 5 331 PEAVY, John : deserter .... ^ , • • > 1761 6 201 PEDDLERS : suppressed , , . 1714 1 75 regulated .... . 1714— 1: 78 1716 1 176 1718— 1:221 1721 1 284 PJilRCE, Daniel {see also Pierce and Pearse) : clerk, province recorder . . 1743— 3: 50 1743 3 57 174;] 3: 60 174;}_ 3: 66 1745 3 190 1745— 3:211 1745— 3:212 1745 3 245 1745 3 : 262 1746 3 : 321 1746 3 368 1746— 3 : 385 1746— 3:391 1746 3 394 1746— 3:442 1747— 3 : 453 1747 3 610 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 269 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. PEIRCE, Daniel, — {continued) : clerk, province recorder 1747— 4 : 2 1747— 4: 26 1748 4 83 1749— 4 : 108 1749— 4:109 1752 4 228 1753 4 : 329 1753— 4 : 337 1754 4 375 1754— 4 : 395 1754— 4:405 1754 4 459 1754— 4 : 466 1755— 4:490 1755 4 502 1755— 4 : 507 1756 5: 76 1756 5 82 1757— 5 : 213 1757— 5:225 1757 5 249 1757— 5 : 252 1757 — 5:272 1758 5 330 1758— 5 : 331 1758— 5:360 1758 5 407 1759 5 : 465 1759— 6: 5 1759 6 9 1760 6: 49 1760 6: 61 1760 6 113 1761— 6 : 136 1761— 6:139 1761 6 140 1761— 6 : 141 1762— 6:241 17G2 6 250 1762— 6:271 1762— 6:297 1762 6 298 1762— 6 : 315 1763 6:320 1762 6 322 1763— 6 : 337 1763— 6 : 377 1765 6 443 1765 6 : 466 1765— 7: 39 1766 7 66 1766— 7: 67 1766— 7: 99 1766 7 109 1767— 7 : 117 1767— 7 : 119 1767 7 133 1767— 7 : 142 1767— 7:153 1767 7 166 1767— 7 : 169 1767— 7:170 1768 7 205 1768 7 : 212 1768 7:237 1768 7 239 1768— 7 : 243 1768 7:246 1768 7 247 1768 7 : 255 1768— 7:267 1769 7 299 1769 7 : 309 1769 7:317 1769 7 332 1769— 7 : 333 1770— 7:356 1771 8 58 1771— 8: 60 1771— 8: 63 1773 8 140 recorder, Rockingham county . , , , 1771 8 83 1772— 8:121 1773 8 149 guardian, petition 1761— 1761— 6:128 6:198 1761 1761 6 6 150 200 PEIRCE, Daniel, and others : petition PEIRCE, George : • • 1772 8 128 claim 1721— 1:290 1723 1 390 PEIRCE, George, and others : petition PEIRCE, Joseph : 1743— 3: 54 1770 7 356 surgeon-in-chief, etc. 1722— 1:314 1722 1 315 1745— 3:269 1745 3 : 273 1746 3 334 1746— 3:398 1747— 3:485 1747 4 30 recorder, Rockingham county . 1774— 8:169 1774 8 165 1774— 8 : 202 1774— 8:204 1774 8 215 PEIRCE, Joshua [" Peakce, Pierce, Pears "1 : member, speaker, recorder , . 1717 199 1717— 1 : 200 1717— 1:201 1717 203 1717— 1:204 1717— 1:205 1717 206 1717— 1 : 209 1717— 1:210 1717 211 1718— 1:212 1718— 1:213 1718 214 1718 1:215 1718— 1:216 1718 217 1718 1:219 1718 1:221 1718 223 1718— 1:224 1718 1:225 1718 226 1718 1:227 1718— 1:228 1718 i 229 1718 1 : 230 1719— 1 : 231 1719 1 233 1719— 1:234 1719— 1:235 1719 236 1719— 1:237 1719— 1:238 1719 239 1719— 1:240 1719— 1:241 1719 242 1720— 1:243 1720— 1:244 1720 247 1720 1 : 248 1720— 1:249 1720 253 270 Index to Journals of House of Kepuesentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PEllU'E, JosiiLA, — {continued) : niembei", speaker, recorder 1720— 1 : 259 1720 1 260 1720 261 172(t— 1:202 1721— 1 263 1721 2<;5 1721— I:2(!6 1721— 1 2(;n 1721 271 1721— 1 :272 1721— 1 27:i 1721 275 1721— 1 :27G 1721— 1 27S 1721 280 1721— 1 :2S1 1721— 1 2H2 1721 2S3 1721— 1:280 1721— 1 2K7 1721 291 1721— 1:292 1721— 1 294 1721 295 1721— 1 :296 1721— 1 297 1721 29.S 1721— 1:300 1721 - 1 301 1721 .•io;5 1721— 1:305 1721— 1 305 ♦ 1721 307 1721— 1:309 1722- 1 310 1722 312 1722— 1:313 1722— 1 314 1722 317 1722— 1:318 1722— 1 319 1722 .320 1722— 1:321 1722— 1 322 1722 .323 1722— 1:324 1722— 1 325 1722 361 1725 2: 12t 1728— 2 121 1728 2 125 1728— 2 : 127 172.H— 2 128 1728 2 131 172.S— 2:132 1728— 2 133 172M 2 134 1728 2 : 139 1729— 2 143 1729 2 144 1729— 2 : 145 1729 2 147 1729 2 149 1729 2:150 1729— 2 151 1729 2 1.^2 1729— 2 : 154 1729— 2 155 1729 2 160 1729— 2 : 163 1729— 2 164 1729 2 165 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 173 1730 2 174 1730— 2 : 307 1730 2 311 17.30 2 313 1730 2:324 1730 2 326 1730 2 327 1731— 2 : 335 1731— 2 338 1731 2 339 1731— 2 : 341 1731— 2 343 1731 2 355 1731— 2 : 359 1731— 2 361 1732 2 369 1733 2:379 1733— 2 381 1733 2 .388 1734— 2 : 398 1734— 2 401 1734 2 413 1734— 2:424 1735— 2 440 1735 2 446 1735— 2:448 1736— 2 457 1736 2 470 1737— 2:475 1737— 2 480 1737 2 482 1738— 2 : 535 1738— 2 537 1740 2 547 1740— 2:549 1742— 2 616 1742 2 628 1744— 3: 87 1747— 3 487 1753 4 332 JPEIllCP:, Joshua, Ji:.: member . .1735— 2:433 1735— 2:434 1735 2 435 1735 2 : 440 17;3G_ 2:457 1737 2 485 PEIIICE, Samuel: guardian, petition . 1768— 7:270 1769 7 282 to sell real estate • • • ■ . 1769 7 295 PELIIAM : land tax . ■ • • ■ • • 1747 3 460 1747— 3:461 1747— 3:472 1747 3 488 1756- 5 : 189 1757— 5 : 237 1757 5 238 inventory . 1753_ 4:294 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767- 7 : 160 1768— 7 : 218 1773 8 156 classed for excise • • • ■ • 1755 4 510 representative . . • 1749 4 144 1752— 4:217 17o2— 4:380 1753 4 384 1753— 4:386 17r,4— 4:552 1755 4 558 17o5— 5: 1755— 6: 41 1755 5 44 1755— 5 : 258 175(i^ 5: 95 1756 5 260 1757— 5:506 175S 5:434 1758 5 436 1758— 5:512 1759— 6:228 1760 6 230 1761— 6:232 1762— 6 : 256 1762 6 257 Province of N'ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 271 PELHAM, — {continued) : representative . 1762 — 6 : 458 1765— 7 : 176 1768— 7 : 350 1770— 8 : 1 p 1772— 8:115 1774— 8 : 184 charter, copy I'equested selectmen to appear . . . . petition ...... 1763— 1766— 176it— 1771— 1773— 1774— 462 178 352 2p 144 188 1756- 1756- 5 5; 161 171 annexing to Hillsborough county PEMAQUID : ratification at . PEMBROKE : incorporating as a parish .... incorporated from Bow, Suncook, and Backstreet inventory . 1767- petition selectmen to ajjpear . Presbyterians relieved 7:160 1763— 6 : 380 assessment of 1759— 1760— 1768— 1763— 1768— 1766— 1767— annexing to Hillsboi'ough county PEMIGEWASSET River : scouting: on borders of PEXACOOK ["Penny Cook, Pennecook"] defence of 1746- 1747- 1747- 1747- 3: 3: 3: 4: 378 462 511 27 petition districted for tax PENDEXTER, Edavaru, invalid volunteer PENHALLOW, John: muster-roll, etc. accounts . 1746— 1747— 1747— 1748— Jk. 1722— 1:350 1727— 1732— 2: 97 2:370 V. Parker, Thomas PENHALEOW, Samuel: 1722— 1722— 1724— 1729— 1734— councilor, treasurer, commissary, recorder 1714- 1715— 1715— 1716- 1717— 1717— 1720— 1721— 1721 — 1721— 1721— 97 131 153 200 209 247 263 268 285 1:306 1714— 1715— 171()— 1716 — 1717— 1718— 1720— 1721 — 1721— 1721— 1721— 30 86 219 343 263 102 148 1745— 3 : 290 3:384 3:472 4: 17 4: 67 1753— 4:291 1746— 3:308 314 352 431 162 408 1768— 7 : 265 1: 85 1: 87 1:118 1 : 143 1 : 186 201 218 248 265 271 288 308 TEAK. VOL. 1764 6 1767 7 1770 7 1771 8 1774 8 1775 8 1752 4 1754 4 1756 5 1756 5 1773 8 1726 2 1758 1759 6 1761 6 1773 8 1763 6 1764 6 1763 6 1763 6 1768 7 1767 7 1767 7 1773 8 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1748 4 1747 3 1753 4 1746 3 1722 1 1722 1 1727 2 1729 2 1770 8 1768 1769 1714 1714 1714 1715 1716 1716 1717 1719 1720 1721 1721 1721 1722 PAGE. 464 182 354 105 164 218 223 411 162 184 139 41 386 32 122 156 313 412 341 379 271 140 151 139 382 455 503 21 75 454 292 343 316 362 81 163 19 262 284 — 172(5— 1727— 1729— 1747- 174.H— 1745— 1745- 1 : :5r,7 1 : :57 1 1 : :S9:! 1 : 408 1 :417 2: 10 2: 42 2: 70 2:171 4: 48 4: 77 :5:152 3:178 TENliALLOW \- \\'ii;ii:i>: lot of, proposed site of governor's house PENNSYLV.VNIA : y:r:iiit l)y . payment from . PEN( )HSCOT : liitlians 1763— 6:368 1765— 6:437 1727 17 PENSION: to Salathiel Denbow cnniniutcd in case of Benjamin Tlionias PEPPKUELL, William brigadier-general 2: 84 3:266 1742— 2:638 1745— 1745— 1745— 1753— 1753— 159 199 250 309 333 PERAMBULATION (.w also Bounds) : of town and })arish bounds PERU A. M, 1745— 174,>— 1745— 1745— 1753— 175:3— 1715— 1715— 3 : 148 3 : 178 :5 : 200 3:251 4:310 4:342 1 : 135 1:137 garrison of, near Araoskeag PERIIAM, William: selectman of Dcrrylield . PERKINS, AiiKAllAM: jH'tition, etc. 1754 — 4 : :595 TERKINS, Bkn.iamin: enlisted, but not jjassed . PERLEY, Rev. Samikl [" Pearlkv '"] : settlement of, rcirulated . 17r,:3— 6:348 1770- 1770- PERl'LEX'l) Condition (see also Distresses) of public affairs PERQUISITES : of comnussary . I'EKRY {.«ee Excise Act). PERRY, (AfT. Ai!i:aiiam: nuister-roll PERRY, Rkiiaki.- claim, etc. . 1721 — 1726— 1729— 174:3— sick soldier 1749- 174.3- 7 : 346 8: 40 4:126 3 : 282 1757— 5 : 197 1722 1722 1723 1723 1724 1726 1726 1727 1746 1748 1760 1745 1745 1771 1755 1765 1727 1755 1742 174(5 1745 1745 1745 1745 1753 1755 1715 1715 1747 1753 1767 1760 1770 1770 1749 1746 1757 VOL. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 6 3 3 6 6 2 5 2 3 3 3 3 :? 4 4 1 1 4 4 7 6 8 8 4 3 PAGE. 368 372 402 412 7 2H 65 71 390 64 65 1.39 179 72 4 467 85 12 641 404 149 195 220 253 328 516 136 138 15 353 146 117 10 65 157 391 220 1 : 290 172:5— 1 :390 1724 1 417 2: 56 172f— 2: 99 1729 2 146 2 : 160 17:53 2:386 1742 3 30 3: .50 1743 3: 51 1743 3 75 , 1759— 5 : 491 1760 6 39 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 273 PERRYSTOWN [Sutton] : inventory .... PERSIA^ king of, victorious . PERSONAL Estate (see also Estate) : sold, by slierilf at vendue PEST-HOUSE : on account of small-pox . 1773— 8 : 137 1748— 4: 61 PESTILENTIAL Disordeus : to i^revent ...... PESTILENTIAL Distemper (see also Small-Pox) spread of, to prevent PETERBOROUGH ["Petersburg^'] : correct name of "Wolfe" assessment of 2>i'ovince tax in inventory . 1767 — 7 : 161 petition . . 1771— 8: 108 1768— 1771— 1767- 1768- PETERBOROUGH Slip [Temple, Sharon, etc.] inventory ..... PETERS, Obadiah: claim PETITION : right of, colonists claim . PETITIONS (see also Memorials) : of Rev. Hugh Adams of Dr. Samuel Adams 1746— 3 : 435 of Susanna Adams 1765 — 7 : 45 of Benjamin Alverman of Capt. Jolm Alleoek of Joseph Allcock 1761 — 6 : 135 1761— 6: 145 1740- 17 1753- 1765 1761— 1761— of Doctor Allen of .Jacob Ames of Stephen Ames of Amesbury . of Amherst of Amoskeege . of Andrew & Gillman of Henry Appleton and wife of Atkinson of Theodore Atkinson, etc. of Abiel Austin of Josei^li and Samuel Austin of Jost;ph Avary of Mrs. Mar^' Avis, executrix of Phinehas Bachelder of Benjamin Baker . of Christian Baker . of Joseph Baker of Henry Balciwiii 1764— 1774— 1761 — 1757— 175-2- 1766— 1743— 1734— 1764— 1747— 1758— 5 : 347 218 109 161 219 549 80 356 : 47 137 148 6 : 392 8 : 194 1753— 4:328 6: .") : 4: 7 : 3: 2 : 6: 3: 123 226 270 75 oo 429 392 460 of Sarah Ball and others (see also of sundry women below). of Charles Bantield 1761— 6 : 135 1761— 6 : 137 1761— 6 : 145 1761— 6 : 148 35 i YEAJB. VOL. 1773 8 1759 6 1773 8 1747 3 1761 6 1774 8 1758 5 1758 5 1761 6 1762 6 1773 8 1771 8 1768 7 1773 8 1747 4 1766 7 1737 2 1740 2 1746 3 1753 4 1766 7 1722 1 1757 5 1761 6 1761 6 1721 1 1764 6 1746 3 1744 3 1763 6 1748 4 1743 3 1764 6 1764 6 1774 8 1746 3 1753 4 1761 6 1761 6 1757 5 1753 4 1766 7 1743 3 1735 2 1764 6 1747 3 1744 3 1761 6 1761 6 PAGE. 168 28 149 498 159 165 345 375 200 278 158 110 238 158 18 59 514 550 434 357 55 339 237 144 166 280 414 402 85 317 62 59 390 393 200 307 334 121 131 285 308 85 49 443 396 461 *228 144 166 274 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, VKAK. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {amtinucd) : 1 of llu<;li 15:iiiticl(l .... . 1716 1 165 of John liuiifield {or Daufill) . . 1753 4 329 1753— 4:334 1758 5 311 1774— « : 1115 1774— 8:203 1774 H 212 of Kobcrt HiirlxT . 17(50 6 39 of UL'iijainiii Biirkcr 1745— 3:294 1745 .3 295 of (Ii'or^e liuiiR's .... 1761— 6:121 1761 6 ; 134 of .J(isf[>li IJanu's • . 1770 8 53 of lianistcad . 1765 — 6 : l."!:! 1770— 8: 47 1770 8 77 of Col. Samuel liarr 1760 6 69 17 Co— C: 70 1764 6 ; 415 of Mrs. Martha Langdon Barrel! 1765— 7 : 43 1765 7 1 4S 1766— 7 : G81 1766 7 69 of Natlianiel Hant'll • 1765 6 455 of Nathaniel Banell, and others • 1766 7 99 of William Harrell . 1766— 7: 81 176*; 7 90 of Moses Barrett, and others . • ■ • 1745 3 300 of Barrington .... 1742— 2:632 1742 9 634 1742— 2:646 17(il— 6: 127 1774 8 189 of Moses Barron 1767— 7:161 1768 7 1H!» of (iideon Bartlett .... 1769— 7:323 1709 7 327 of Richard Bartlett . ( ■ • • 1763 6 332 of Stephen Barton . 1731— 2:354 1731 2 .358 of Abraham Batclielder . 1755— 5 : 14 1755 6 15 of Batelielor, au«l others . . 1742 3 37 of Samuel Bathrick 1745— 3 : 165 1745— 3:167 1745 3 246 of John Baulch , . . . 1761 6 1.H7 of Col. Jacob Bayley . 1758— 5 : 397 1763 6 341 1763 6:344 1763— 6 : 345 1765 6 446 of George Bean . 1742— 2:651 1742 2 652 of James Bean, and others > • - 1762 6 274 1762— 6:279 1763— 6:319 1763 6 34H 1763 — 6 : 355 1763 6:356 1763 6 365 of Josiah ["John?"] Bean . . • • 1759 5 4H3 1759— 5 : 491 1759 5 497 of Joshua and William Bean . 1769 7 309 1769— 7:324 1769 7 327 of Bedford . 1756— 5 : 161 1756— 5:171 1756 5 178 of John Belknap . 1758— 5 : 370 1758 6 375 ' of Moses Belknap . • 1769 7 323 of William Bell . 1758 5 3(57 of Major Benjamin Bellows {see c tlso of Willard, etc., bcloir) .... . 1763 6 353 of Capt. Kphraim Berry . . 1765— 7 : 17 1765 7 23 of James llerry . 1766 7 : 102 1767 7 110 of Charles Biekt'ord - • • • 1757 5 269 of Kliakim Bickford . 1757 5 808 of Enns Bishop . 17.^,(;— 5: 179 1756 5 181 of Nathan Blak.' . . I7(;i— r, : KIG 1761 6 ♦ VJf> of Joseph Blanchard . 1748 4 72 174S — 4: 75 1748 4 82 1748— 4: 85 1754— 4:397 , 17,54 4 407 1758— 5 : 394 175S— 5: 396 1762 6 270 1762— 6:272 17(;2— (;:294 1762 6 295 of Bl(»ody Point 1714 1 80 of Rev. John Blunt . • 1740 2 .549 1740— 2:550 17fn 2:. ^51 1742 2 631 1742— 2:632 1742— 2:634 1742 2 (535 1742— 3: 31 1712— 3: 32 1743 3 74 of Mrs. Sarah Blunt . 1763— 6:344 1763 6 345 Province of JSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 275 PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Uea. Stephen Boardman . . 1774 — 1774— of Patrick Bonner .... 1770 — of Henry and \VMlliam Bostwick . 1764 — of Bow {see also of Timothy Walker, below) of Peter Bowen of Joseph Boyce of Kobert Boyee 175^ 1757— 1736— 1742— 1758— 1761— 6 of Robert Boyce, and others of Arthur Boyd of Moses Boynton . 1756- 5 of James Brackenridge . 422 210 458 63i) 336 141 189 1772— 8:131 of Ichabod Bracket of Mathew Bradford of Brentwood . 1742— 1743— 1743— 1743— 1762— : 31 49 69 73 283 of Richard Brewster of Samuel Brewster of Sarah Briant of Abigal Briard of Abel Brown of Edmund Brown of Elisha Brown of Ezekiel Brown 1754— 1766— 1736— 1757— 1758— 1761— 1759— 1759— 1756— 1758— 1772— 1773— 176*4— 1734— 1742— 1743— 1743— 1743— 1763— 1746— 1770— 1761— 1742— 8: 6: 2: 3: 3: 3: 3: 6: 3: 8: 6: 2: 1770— 1756 — 1756— of John Buss . of Mr. Bussell . of Ichabod Bussell of Joseph Butler of James Caldwell of Philip Call . of Annas Camell 1745- 1754- 300 4 : 432 1773— 1754— 1754— 202 204 339 392 466 86 :459 308 337 142 483 :496 120 320 121 138 394 424 37 50 70 74 325 440 2 139 639 8: 9 5:172 5:178 of John and Elijah Brown of Mrs. Mary Brown . . . 1755—4:540 of Mr. Brown & Co. [see also John Calfe & Co., 2W 793, 799, Provincial Papers, vol. 5] . of Samuel Brown of Stephen Brown, Jr. of Theophilus Brown of John Bryant .... 1768— 7 : 263 of Walter Bryant .... 1765— 6 : 448 of John Bunker of Martha Burleigh of Lieut. John Burley of John Burns . 1761— 6:139 136 408 435 1766— 7 : 94 YEAR. VOL. 1774 8 1774 8 1770 8 1764 6 1754 4 1757 5 1767 7 1770 8 1760 6 1737 2 1758 5 1761 6 1761 6 1765 7 1759 5 1759 5 1756 5 1758 5 1772 8 1772 8 1774 8 1764 6 1764 6 1734 2 1742 3 1742 3 1743 3 1743 3 1743 3 1764 6 1747 4 1770 8 1761 6 1742 2 1770 8 1754 4 1771 8 1756 5 1763 6 1761 6 1755 4 1720 1 1770 8 1759 6 1763 6 1768 7 1770 8 1758 5 1774 8 1770 8 1761 6 1718 1 1762 6 1773 8 1754 4 1754 4 1763 6 1754 4 1767 7 PAGE. 203 213 1 397 401 206 142 53 40 488 327 140 147 40 491 497 133 396 120 130 170 392 407 427 30 38 64 72 75 414 23 9 219 641 46 478 65 173 348 128 573 260 14 11 371 271 6 358 193 6 141 225 274 137 411 440 360 431 138 27(5 Index to Journals of House of Kepresentatives, 1763— 6 : 360 of Ichabod Chestley 1768— 7 : 214 of Joseijh Chesley, etc. . 1723— 1:38-4 1734— 2:424 of Paul Cliesley and wife of Thomas Cheslee . of Chicliester . of of of of of Claremont . Anna Clark . James Clark- John Ck'irk . Josiah Ckark 17o9— .5:460 of Valentine Clark of Jonas Clay . of James Clement of Cajjt. Job Clements and men of Peter Clements . Timothy Clements Israel Clifrord Joseph Cliirord . of of of of Abner Clough 1717— 174H— 1774— 1742— 1744— 17.')(i— 1773— 4: 29 4: 63 8 : 190 2 : 630 3: 80 r, : 190 8:134 PETITIONS. — (continued) : of Samuel Campbull of Caiidi;i .... of Canterbury .... 1742— 2:638 17.^6— 5: 189 1701— 6: 146 of Canterbury Gore . of Jonathan Carlton of Moses Carlton of Theodore Carlton of Greenwood Carpenter of Carr «t of John Carr's widow, etc of Moses Carr and wife of Ezra Carter 17oG— o:161 1764— 6:413 of Thomas Carter . of John Cartty of James Cate . of Cajit. William Cate of Moses Caverly, Jr. of Ejjhraim Chamberlain of Abiel Chandler 1771—8: 7o of John Chandler of Charlestown of Nathaniel Chase and wife of Chester . 1737— 2 : 488 1740— 2:551 1743— 3: 50 1771— 8:109 of Chester, northwest [Freetown] 1744— 3 1761— 6 1771— n.'jG— 1756— 1737— 1742— 1748— 1772— 1763— 1763— 1768— 176.H— 1759— 5: 1756— 5: 1 756— 6 : 1767— 17.^>8— 1756— 5 : 151 17(;'.i— 7:323 1770— 8: 45 1756— 5 : 90 17;-,6— 5:188 1765— 6:434 1767- 7 : 151 109 198 ♦ 80 90 1755 — 5 : 45 1723— 1 17.34— 2 1766— 7 1760— 6: 1770— 8: 173 491 650 : 71 121 :341 361 202 221 3.S.-) 42s 60 96 47 476 84 92 1759- 5:483 149 362 1770— 8 : 1 1 , YEAK. VOL. 1717 4 1748 4 1 1774 8 1 1742 2 1744 3 1761 6 1773 8 1765 6 1756 5 1769 7 1 1772 8 1771 8 1742 3 1768 7 1765 7 1756 1764 6 1765 6 1768 7 1756 5 1723 1 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1773 8 1756 5 1768 7 1756 5 1756 5 1737 2 1742 3 1769 7 1773 8 1763 6 1764 6 1768 7 ! 1768 7 1721 1 1723 1 1734 2 1766 7 1767 7 1765 6 1771 8 1770 7 1763 6 1737 2 1759 5 1756 5 1764 6 1761 6 1759 5 1758 5 1748 4 1770 8 1754 4 1721 1 1718 1 1771 8 PAGE. 30 66 194 631 81 145 137 452 156 327 123 77 34 186 12 92 412 469 192 141 377 165 202 201 202 149 92 273 172 178 511 34 325 138 355 389 210 252 269 386 429 64 155 433 77 347 318 488 478 89 402 198 493 373 74 12 403 280 215 102 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 277 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Jeremiah Clough 1754— 4:431 1754 4 465 of Zacheus Clough . . 1757— 5 : 303 1758 5 313 1758— 5 : 315 1758— 5 : 323 1758 5 324 of James Cochran 1759 — 5 : 4G0 1759- 5:467 17 GO 6 40 of Edmund Coffin . 1770 7 .356 of Eliphald and Tristram Coffin • • • • 1719 ] 236 1726 2: 37 1726 2 38 of Joseph Coffin • • • • 1747 4 22 of John Colby .... • • 1761 6 187 of Spencer Coleby . . 1747 3 469 of Colcord & Light . . 1743 3 57 of Jonathan Combs . 1753 4 344 of sundry inhabitants on Connecticu t river 1773 8 136 of David Conner • • • ■ 1763 6 341 of Contoocook .... 1747— 4: 21 1747 4 22 of John Walter Cook and others ■ • • • 1769 7 316 of Coos grants . 1752— 4 : 265 1752 4 266 of Samuel Copp > > • 1763 6 364 of Copps & Frost . 1760 6 97 of Andrew Craige . 1757— 5 : 242 1757 5 243 of Benjamin Cram . > • • 1747 3 484 of John Cram, etc. . 1744 3 *228 of Isaac Cummings . . 1754 4 475 of Josiah Cummings 1747 3 480 of Josiah Cmiimings and others • • > 1747 4 29 1747— 4: 30 1748 4 63 of Samuel Cummins 1747_ 3 : 456 1747 3 458 1747— 3 : 460 1747 3 470 of Aaron Currier 1770 7 : 340 1770 7 357 of Jonathan Currier, etc. . 1770 7 339 1770— 7:358 1770 8 2 of John Cutt and guardians . 1712 1 5o of Samuel Cutt . 1716 1 160 of Samuel Cutts, etc. 1766 7: 92 1766 7 93 of Ammi R. Cutter, etc. . • • ■ 1774 8 169 of Jonathan Dam 1768— 7 : 191 1768— 7:215 1768 7 216 of Theojihilus Dame . 1773 8 136 of Elijihalet Daniels • • • 1747 3 491 1755 — 5 : 55 1755— 5 : 57 1756 5 63 1766— 7: 54 1766— 7: 96 1768 7 192 of Peletiah Daniels . 1760— 6:110 1761 6 148 of James Davis 1754 — 4 : 421 1755 — 4 : 548 1755 4 549 of Love Davis .... 1766— 7 : 60 1766 7 64 of Capt. Samuel Davis • • ■ 1763 6 355 of Maj. Thomas Davis • ■ * • 1745 3 235 1745— 3 : 236 1745 3 241 1755 4 : 550 1755 4:570 1755 4 573 of Timothy Davis • 1716 1 184 of Elkanah Day .... . 1773 8 149 of Rowland DePaibas 1764— 6 : 392 1764 6 397 of John Dearborn and others . 1742— 2:649 1742 2 650 of JoseiDh Dearborn • > • 1740 2 552 1740— 2 : 561 1740 2 563 of Levi Dearborn . 1758 5 . 440 of Deerfield 1773— 8 : 140 1773 8 148 of Deertield, south .... . 1774 8 192 of Elijah Denbo .... 1760 6 57 of Ichabod Denbo .... 1767— 7 : 136 1767 7 146 of Salathiel Denbow 1730— 2 : 331 1742 2 638 1742— 2 : 641 1745 3 269 278 Index to Journals ov TIousk of Kepresentatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — (ronlinncd) : ol' John I)('nt 1757— 5:215 1757 5 285 1759— 6: IS 1 759 6 24 of Derrylit'ld . 175.3— 4 : 322 1753 4 353 1754— 4 : 398 1766 7 74 of D:ivicl Doflf^o . , , , 1765 6 433 of Daiiic;! Doe, etc. . 1747— 3:511 1747 4 45 1747— 4: 46 1761 6 127 of Nathaniel Doe . 1753— 4:291 1753 4 292 of Niihohis Doe . 1754 4 485 of Kiclianl DoUof . . 1715— i : 103 1718 1 217 of AVilliani Doiiiiils . , , , , 1731 2 354 of Dover .... , 1722— 1:343 1722 1 344 1722— 1 : ;;45 1723— 1 : 394 175G 5 173 17G0— 6: 35 1765— 6:443 1770 8 41 1770— 8: 42 1771— 8: 57 1771 8 58 1771— 8: 69 1772— 8:123 1772 8 127 of Dover, northeast end . 1729 2 : 145 1729 2 149 1729— 2: 155 1729— 2: IGG 1729 2 171 of Dover, Avest end . , , , , , 1743 3 48 1743— 3: G9 1743 3: 70 1744 3 106 1754— 4 : 404 1754— 4 : 405 1754 4 449 of Al)rani Dow 17G1— 6:142 1761 6 147 of Rieliard Downing , , , 1764 6 405 of Dracut , 1746 3 426 of Jo.se])h Drew 1744— 3: 80 1744 3 85 of 'J'honias Drew . 1744 3 87 of Samuel Drown . , . 1747 3 *485 of Bill Dudley . . . 1760 6 97 of James Dudley 17G1 — 6:123 1761 6 136 of Capt. John Dudley 1747— 3 : 456 1747 3 460 177:3— 8 : 148 1774 8 166 of George Duncan, etc. . 173G— 2 : 458 1736 2 459 of Dunstable . , . , , 1744 3 *228 1747— 4: 28 1748— 4: 62 1748 4 72 1748 4: 75 1748 4: 82 1756 5 179 1757— 5:216 1757 — 5:287 1762 6 240 17fi2— 6 : 241 1762— 6 : 243 1762 6 256 17G2— G : 257 1763— 6 : 314 1764 6 413 of Dunstable, west jjarlsh . 1744 3 •228 of Dunstal)le, northwest part . . . 1763 6 344 f' of Durham, ete. , . , 1743 3 69 1755 — 5: 54 1757— 5 : 300 1758 5 351 1758 5 : 365 1758— 5 : 386 1762 6 247 17G5— 7: 45 17GG— 7: 55 1766 7 92 17G6— 7: 94 17G8— 7:192 1768 7 214 of Aliigail Dwinell . 1759— 6: G 1759 6 7 of Daniel Kades . 1753 4 322 of East Kingston , , . 1747 3 459 of Capt. El)enczer Eastmai 1 1729- 2 : 147 1747 3 454 1747— 3 : 503 1748 4 85 of Philli]) Eastman . 1764— 6 : 392 1764 6 396 of Caiit. Rieliard Eastman 1748 4 62 of Benjamin and Sarah Eaton . 17G0— 6:116 1761 6 123 of Zaciiariah Edi:('rly . . 1755 4 516 of Benjamin Edwards 1754— 4:474 1 755 4 496 of David Elliot 175:)— 4:349 1753— 4 : 350 1753 4 357 of David and Richard Elliot 1747— 3 : 474 1747 3 476 of Sanmi'l Elliot 17Gl«- 6: 162 17G1 6 163 1767- 7 : 137 17G7 7 138 of Rev. Daniel Emerson . • • 1756— 6: 93 1756 6 141 Province of Kew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 279 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Edward Emerson , , > • ■ > 1765 6 467 of INIary Emerson and otb ers • • • . 1734 2 408 of Phillip Emerson and a\ ife • • • • 1762 6 *262 of Solomon Emerson . 1755— 4:516 1755 4 243 of Antliony Emery . . 1757— 5:242 1757 5 243 of Epping 1747— 3:456 1747 3 458 1747— 3 : 471 1748 4 61 of Epsom • > • . 1743 3 71 1744- - 3: 84 1744— 3: 85 1762 6 294 1762- - 6 : 296 1764— 6 : 414 1765 6 434 of Exeter . 1744- - 3: 99 1744— 3:104 1744 3 110 1744- - 3:111 1755— 5: 50 1755 5 54 of Exeter, north [afterwards Newmarket, which see bchnv'] . 1727— 2: 94 1737 2 499 of Exeter, south 1742- - 2:616 1742— 2 : 623 1742 2 625 1742- - 2 : 638 1742— 2 : 649 1742 2 651 for bridge over Exeter river • • • • 1746 3 432 1746— 3 : 433 1747 3 467 1747- - 3:469 1766— 7 : 57 1766 7 77 of Capt. John Eyers [Ayers ?] . 1742— 2:625 1742 3 38 1742— 3: 43 1743 3 65 of Samuel Fifield . 1755— 4:499 1760 6 90 of John Flagg , , , , 1747 3 491 of John Flood . • . . 1740 2 550 of Richard Flood • . . . 1744 3 *228 of Daniel Fogg • • . 1744 3 99 of Rev. Jeremiah Fogg • • . 1760 6 116 of Stephen Fogg • ■ > • 1760 6 97 of Joseph Follett , . 1768 7 265 of Anna Folsam • • > . 1743 3 57 of Jonathan Folsam • • • • 1766 5 107 1756— 5 : 177 1756 5 178 of Samuel Folsam 1712- - 1: 40 1772— 8 : 116 1772 8 117 of William Forsaith , • • - • 1761 6 136 of Mrs. Ann Foss , 1767— 7:158 1767 7 159 1767- - 7 : 162 1767— 7 : 163 1767 7 164 of Zachariah Foss . , 1767— 7 : 164 1772 8 129 of Abiel Foster 1774— -8:167 1774— 8:190* 1774 8 195 of Moses Foster , • 1747 3 467 of Daniel Fowle , • • • 1774 8 212 of Messrs. Fowle ^ • ■ ■ 1773 8 137 of Philip Fowler 1768- - 7 : 190 1768— 7:209 1768 7 221 1768- - 7 : 239 1768— 7 : 247 1768 7 248 1768- - 7 : 252 1768— 7:253 1768 7 255 of Edward Fox , • ■ • 1758 5 368 of Franeestown 1773— - 8 : 137 1773— 8 : 148 1774 8 166 of Abraham French , , • • • 1760 G 51 of Jolin French • • . 1711 1 4 of Josi'pli Frencli 1748 4: 62 1748 4 72 of Moses Frcncli , ■ ■ • 1770 8 46 of Samuel French . . 1763 6 321 of William French . 1757— 5 : 222 1757 5 225 of A\'illi;ini Frcncli and ot lers . 1746— 3:410 1747 3 446 from the frontiers . 1744 100 of George Frost , 1768— 7:235 1768 7 242 of Capt. John Frost • • • 1722 1 353 of Frost and other s ■ • ■ 1745 3 294 of Col. John (iage . , 1765— 6 : 446 1773 8 155 of Cols. Gage, Wallingfoi rd, and otl lers . 1768 7 213 of Phebe Gage . 1758 5 372 280 Index tu Julknals uf House of llEruESENTATivES, YBAB. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Joliii (Jarliuitl .... 1770— 8: 2 1770 8 9 of <;('iifial as.Sfiiiltly to <^()Vi'riior and council , 1764 6 422 of Paul (Jerrisli . . , , 1756 5 172 of ('apt. Sauuu'l (uTrisli . . , 1757 5 249 17(il— 6 : 201 1761— 6 : 203 1763 6 352 1763 6 : 372 1765— 7: .S 1765 7 12 1705— 7: 22 1765— 7: 23 176H 7 271 1769— 7:290 1769— 7:302 1769 7 304 of Ziljuloii (iiddiii;,'^ .... , , , 1754 4 466 of Andrew (iiliiian and otlicrs . , , , 1742 2 651 of Antipas Gilnian and others . , , 1753 4 331 1753— 4 : 332 1753 4 357 1753— 4:358 176;;— 6 : 370 1764 6 390 of Antipas and Jonathan (Jilnian , 1763 6 370 of lienjaniiii (lilnian, etc. , , 1753 4 330 1754— 4 : 377 1754 4 393 of C'apt. Israel (Jilman . 1754— 4:485 1755 4 532 of Major Julin (iilnian 1757— 5 : 291 1761 6 139 of Joshua (iilnian .... 1747 3 484 of Peter Gilman .... 1755— 4 : 540 1755 4 547 1755— 4 : 566 1755 — 5: 11 1755 5 27 of Dr. Robert CJilman 1745— 3 : 294 1746 3 39H of Samuel Cilnian .... , 1755 4 540 1755— 4:547 1755— 4:566 1755 5 11 1755— 5 : 23 176S— 7:192 1768 7 197 of Samuel and Nicholas Gilman 1742— 2:649 1742 2 650 of (Jilmanton . 1760—6:112 1761— 6:139 1766 7 86 of James Gilmore .... 1766— 7: 77 1766 7 89 1771— 8: 59 1771— S: 63 1771 8 99 of James Gilmore and wife 1768— 7:211 1768 7 215 of Gilsum ..... 1768— 7:271 176.H 7 272 of BfMJamin Glaizer , 175s 5 37;i of William (Jlcden .... . , 1757 5 236 of Jose})!! Godfrey .... . , 1765 6 451 of John Gode 1747— 3 : 460 174M 4 74 1753— 4 : 362 1757 — 5 : 234 1757 5 24.S 1758— 5 : 389 1758— : 390 1760 6 112 of John Gotte and others 1761— 6 : 140 1761 6 143 1761 — 6 :215 1766 7 91 of John Gofte, Jr . , 1734 2 42M 1734— 2:429 1735— 2:444 1735 2 445 1737— 2:48S 1737— 2:489 1737 2 490 of Goft'stowu ..... 1771— 8:108 1772 8 121 1772— 8:126 1772 8 127 of Gosj.ort . 1742—2:633 1742— 3 : 228 * 1747 3 467 1747— 3:471 1760— 6: 35 1761 6 16« 17(;r,_ 7 : 81 1766— 7: 88 1767 7 141 of John Gove ..... 17;14— 2 : 427 1734 2 428 of Samuel Graves 1731— 2:341 1734- 2:427 1742 2 6;m of Peter Greeley .... 1720 1 295 of Pradiniry Green .... 1747 3 484 of Isaac Green ..... \72\— 1 : 270 1721 1 ;50« 1721 — 1:317 1722 1 33K of Nathan Green 175(i — 5:172 1756- 5:174 1770 8 32 1771— «: 91 1771 — 8:103 1772 8 121 of Greenland . 1714— 1 : 80 1725— 2: 24 1732 2 36.S 1763 6:315 176;;— 6 : 316 1763 6 31.S 1763— 6:319 176-3_ 6:320 1763 6 333 of Maj. Stejdieu Greenleaf 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3 250 1747— 3 : 492 1748 4 81 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 281 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Capt, Daniel Greenough • • • > 1722 1 338 1722— 1:344 1722 1 353 of David Gregg, etc. . 1754— 4 : 420 1754 4 437 of Capt. James and Samuel Gregg . 1745— 3 : 294 1745 3 295 of Cajjt. John Gregg • < • > 1765 7 31 of Capt. William Gregg . . 1765— 7 : 5 1765 7 12 of John Griffith ifot)— 5 : 498 1759— 6: 29 1759 6 30 of Moses Grimes 1759— 5 : 483 1759— 5:491 1759 5 496 of Benjamin Hadley . 1759— 5 : 484 1759 5 491 of Samuel Haines • • ■ • 1770 7 356 of Abigail Hale . 1757 5 308 of John and Henr}' Hale . 1766— 7: 53 1766 7 75 1766— 7: 86 1766— 7:103 1766 7 108 of Nathan Hale 1754— 4:466 1754 4 467 of Samuel Hale 1772— 8 : 126 1772— 8:129 1774 8 169 of John Hall . 1743 3 : 58 1743— 3: 73 1764 6 413 of Joseph Hall .... 1759— 5 : 494 1759 5 495 1761— 6:202 1761 6 206 of Samuel Hall • • ■ 1769 7 320 of Thomas Haley • ■ • 1760 6 40 of Daniel Ham • 1765 6 436 of Hampstead .... • • • 1768 7 276 of Hampton .... . 1723 1 399 1724— 2: 4 1724— 2: 8 1737 2 499 1737— 2:500 1742— 3: 34 1758 5 400 of Hampton Falls . . 1712 1 52 1726 2: 34 1726— 2: 52 1737 2 488 1742— 2:652 1765— 7 : 44 1766 7 52 1766 7: 74 1766— 7 : 85 1766 7 95 1767— 7 : 159 1768— 7 : 188 1770 8 4 1770— 8 : 15 1773 8 : 146 1773 8 148 of Hampton Falls, west end . 1732— 2:366 1733 2 381 1735 2 : 443 1736 2 460 in behalf of Thcmias Hancock • • • 1761 6 166 1761— 6 : 186 1761 6 200 of Elizabeth Hanson 1734 2 : 424 1734 2 428 of Isaac Hanson 1747 — 3 : 470 1757— 5 : 226 1757 5 285 of Maul and Jonathan Hanson 1742— 2:640 1742 2 642 of William Hanson .... • ■ • 1763 6 364 of Theophilus Hardy • • • 1774 8 167 1774_ 8 : 169 1774 8 170 of Capt. Samuel Hart {sec also Ahn 9ry, Robert) 1734 2 428 1734— 2:429 1736 2 462 1737— 2:479 1737 2 491 of Nicholas Hartford 1747— 3:516 1747 3 520 1759— 5:494 1759 5 497 of John and Richard Harvey . 1759— 6 : 18 1759 6 20 1759— 6: 31 1760 6: 43 1760 6 52 1760— 6: 62 1760— 6: 63 1760 6 65 of Thomas Hays .... • 1761 6 201 of Capt. John Hazen 1763 6 : 341 1763 6 342 1763— 6 : 344 1763 6 345 of Richard Hazzen .... • • 1754 4 393 of Richard Hazzen, Jr. . • • • 1729 2 147 of Sarah Hazzen, etc. 1755— 4:540 1755 5 6 1755 5: 10 1755 5 23 of Samuel Heard 1756 — 5 : 191 1757— 5:214 1769 7 332 of Bartholomew Heath • • • 1756 119 of Caleb Heath .... • 1762 6 273 of Joseph Hicks .... • • » 1773 8 351 36 282 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 17(;s_ 7:203 2: 3: (i2o 53 PP:TITI0NS, — {mnttnucd) of Mrs. I licks . of Cliarlcs lli;,rl,t of IK'iiry Hill . of Jonathan Hill of William Hill of John Hills . of nillsborouok of James Philbrouk . of Joses Pliilbrook, etc. 1754— 4:467 1756— 6 : 193 of Ephraim Piekeriu of John Pickering . of Joshua Pickering 1752— 4 : 278 17.-,3_ 4:289 of jNIrs. Anno Pierce 1767 — 7:112 of Doctor Pike of Pine Hill . . . of Thomas Pijier and wife of Al)raliam Place ... of Elisha Plaisled 1742— 2:633 of Plaistow .... of Plaistow, west 17('i6 — 7 : 75 of .John PlumnuT of Plymouth boundary committee of John Pollard of Enoeh l\)or of Nathaniel Porter regarding Portsmouth selectmen of Portsmouth ... 1700- C: .S3 176.5— 7: 43 of Portsmouth, etc. (see also of liyc 1764— 6: 174.3— 3: 1761— 6 1756— 5: 1761 — 1761— 176H— 7 1756 — 5 1756 — 5 1753— 1753— 17.^)4- 1743— 1771— 1771— 177.3— 17.04— 17.56— 1716— 176.3- 1752— 1753— 17.53— 1767 — 1760— 17.")8— 1742— 1754— 1766— 1763— 6: 1763— 6: 1714— 1 174.S— 4 1764— 6 1769— 7 beloin) 1763— 6 422 5.5 221 74 12« 198 1743— 3: 54 270 161 171 1748— 4: 64 :309 333 395 50 109 108 137 1756— 5:181 474 194 171 377 270 281 305 117 97 392 634 474 194 76 312 330 88 61 454 325 348 1 YEAR. VOL. 1765 6 1746 3 1762 6 17.58 5 17.54 4 1761 6 1761 6 1772 8 1770 7 1774 8 1769 7 17.56 5 1756 5 1763 6 1748 4 1747 3 1753 4 17.53 4 1763 () 1743 3 1771 8 1738 2 1773 8 1773 8 1743 3 1712 1 1756 5 1757 5 1761 6 1754 4 1754 4 17.57 5 1760 6 1763 6 1765 6 1752 4 1753 4 1753 4 1767 7 1721 1 1763 6 1761 6 1758 6 1742 2 1754 4 i 1774 8 1767 7 1772 8 1771 8 1 1764 6 1 1772 8 1763 6 1763 6 1714 1 1714 1 1759 (1 1765 7 1773 8 1763 6 1763 6 PAGE. 441 432 274 331 466 150 200 12« 356 169 282 162 184 313 72 454 310 342 348 51 110 533 136 138 68 40 179 250 205 466 475 218 112 374 437 277 282 306 118 280 366 214 396 646 475 200 139 126 78 421 123 313 331 85 90 29 19 1.36 347 351 Province of Neav Hampshire, 1711-1775. 289 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of Bauk and j\Iill-(lam parties, Portsmouth 1718 1 218 of Portsmouth selectmen 1718— 1:227 1763 6 381 1764— 6:389 1764 6 401 of Portsmouth surveyors • ■ 1758 5 403 of Portsmouth, south 1737— 2 : 492 1737 2 499 1737— 2:500 1737— 2:526 1738 2 539 1740— 2:546 1740— 2:550 1740 2 560 of Silas Potter .... 1765— 7: 17 1765 7 20 of Isaac Powers .... • • • 1765 6 456 of Prescot .... • • • 1737 2 498 of Andrew Prescutt 1768— 7 : 235 1768 7 242 of Benjamin Prescott . • 1757 5 299 1758— 5 : 317 1758— 5 : 321 1758 5 322 1768 7 : 233 1768— 7:260 1768 7 261 of Capt. Jonathan Present's men • • ■ 1746 3 427 of Joshua Prescutt .... 1753 4 : 356 1753 4 357 1754— 4:409 1754 4 460 of Paul Pressey 1759— 5 : 487 1759— 5 : 491 1759 5 495 of sundry i)risoners . 1765 6 467 of Thomas Prowse and wife • • • 1766 7 81 1766— 7 : 88 1766 7 109 of Jonathan Pulcefer • • • 1760 6 39 of Capt. Mieliael Purcell 1766— 7 : 108 1767 7 167 of Joshua Purington • . • 1745 3 291 of Quakers . 1731— 2 : 341 1761— 6 : 123 1761 6 128 17()1_ 5:131 1761— 6 : 147 1768 7 213 of Benjamin Quinby . 1765 6 436 of Eleazer Quinby .... • * . 1761 6 179 of Edmund Quincy .... • • 1757 5 249 1757— 5 : 289 1757— 5 : 290 1758 5 325 1758— 5:331 1758— 5 : 318 1758 5 319 1758— 5 : 322 1758— 5 : 340 1758 5 342 1758— 5:345 1758— 5 : 347 1758 5 357 of William Rackly .... , , ■ 1759 6 4 of Richard Rand and Mark Randall 1755— 5 : 59 1756 5 106 of Paul Randall 1756— 5 : 172 1758 5 : 320 1758 5 396 of Samuel Rankin .... 1765 7: 40 1765 7 42 of Alice and Samuel Rawlins . 1754 4 : 485 1754 4 486 1755— 4 : 522 1755_ 4 : 539 1755 5 38 of Henry Rawlings .... ■ * • 1755 4 533 of Noah Rawlins .... 1770 7 : 338 1770 7 339 1770— 7 : 345 1770 8 : 1 1770 8 5 of Raymond 1768 7 : 267 1768 7 277 1770— 7 : 343 1774— 8 : 190 1774 8 194 of recruiting officers • • • 1747 3 508 of Mason Rendell .... ■ • ■ 1757 5 225 of retailers of spirituous liquors 1748— 4: 63 1748 4 64 of Samuel Richardson 1760— 6 : 40 1760 6 60 of Capt. William Richardson . 1757— 5 : 308 1758 5 324 of Ann Rindge .... 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3 167 of John Rindge .... • • • 173S 2 536 of Axwell Roberts .... • • 1722 1 317 of James Robinson .... , , , 1763 () 370 of John Robinson .... 1764 6 : 391 1764 6 394 of Samuel Robinson 1763— 6:367 1763 6 370 of Rochester • • * 1734 2 403 1737— 2:490 1737— 2:491 1742 2 626 1742— 2:627 1747— 3 : 458 1747 4 21 1747— 4: 22 1770— 8: 41 1770 8 42 1771— 8:108 37 1772— 8:120 1772 8 121 200 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PET riTIONS, — (coHlitlurd) : of Dr. Daniol Rogers 1764 6 402 1768— 7:246 1768 7 247 of Daniel Rogers iiiul others . . 1764— 6:422 1770 8 13 1771— S: 63 1771 8 65 of Madame Rogers . • ■ ■ • 1729 •J 171 of Col. I?t'iijannii Rnllc . . • > • 1744 3 *22H 1745 3:177 1745 3 228 of Alexander Ross . . 1738 2 539 of Sarah Ross . . . . • • 1762 6 273 of Isai;di Rowe • • • • 1761 6 179 of Nathan Rowe 1747— 3 : 4 H4 1767— 7 : 166 176H 7 238 of William Rowell . . 1755— 5 : 62 1756 5 74 1758— 5 : 3 31 1770— 7:340 1770 7 357 of Joseph Rowlings . 1742— 2:650 1742 2 651 of Joshua liowlins . . ■ • . 1761 6 124 of Rumlord . . . . . 1748— 4: 62 1756 5 90 1756— 5 : 92 1756 5 188 of Rumiiey . . . . . 1771— 8: 62 1771 8 78 of Edward Russell . . 1764— 6:411 1765 6 433 of Benjamin Rust . 173;}— 2:379 1738 2 533 of Rye . . 1729— 2 : 1 68 1730— 2:315 17.30 2 322 1730 2 : g .28 1751— 4 : 466 1763 6 331 of Rye and Portsmouth . • • • • 1764 6 407 of Salem . . 1756 — 5 : 97 1756— 5 : 98 1756 5 172 1756— 5 : 1 79 1756— 5 : 180 1757 5 217 of John Salter . . . . • > • ■ 1731 2 355 of Daniel Sanborn . • • . • 1766 7 86 of Josiah Sanborn . • • • ■ 1766 7 261 of Sanbm-n . • • • • 1742 3 30 of Reuben Sandburn • • • • 1755 5 37 1756— 5 : 96 1756 5 97 of Oliver Sanders ■ • • > 1764 6 415 of William Sanders • • • > 1756 5 172 of Sandy Beach . 1725— 2: 23 1725 2 21 1726— 2: 29 1726— 2: 36 1726 2 37 of Abner Sawyer • 1759 6 15 of Dr. Benjamin Sawyer . • • ■ 1763 6 364 of llumplirey Scammon . . 1753- 4:2)^2 1753 4 284 1753— 4 : 5 !85 1753 4:286 1753 4 340 f of Joseph Scoby . 1760— 6 : 62 1760 6 96 of Benjamin Scribner • • • 1762 6 279 1763— 6 : 348 1763 6 375 of John Scribner . 1769— 7:283 1769 7 309 1769— 7 : 324 1769 7 32.S of Samuel Scribner . 1759_ 5:494 1759 5 497 of Joseph Senter . 1774 8 170 of John Shackford . • ■ • > 1742 2 630 1742— 2:633 1742 2 635 of Ichabod Shaw • • • • 1760 6 82 of Joseph Sheflield . • ■ > • 1734 2 428 17.Si_ 2:429 1735 2 441 of Capt. John Shepherd . • 1757 5 219 of John Siiepard, Jr. . 1765 7 40 1765— 7: 42 1766 7 52 of Thomas Shepherd . • - - 1748 4 61 of Henry Sherburne . i744_ 3:228* 1745 3 126 1758— 4:271 1752 4 275 of Henry Sherburne's widow • ■ ■ ■ 1770 8 5 1770 8: 15 1773 8 139 of John Sherburne . . 1721— 1:270 1762 6 281 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 291 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of John Sherburne 1762— 6 : 303 1773— 8:155 1774 8 169 of Capt. Joseph Sherburne , , 1748 4 72 of Mary Shei^burne . , , 1745 3 252 of Noah Sherlnu-ne . , , 1772 8 721 of Jacob Silloway . , , 1757 5 206 of John Simpson , , 1773 8 153 of Thomas Simpson . 1754— 4:466 1754 4 467 1774 8:166 1774 8 167 of William Simpson . , , , 1773 8 136 of Ebenezer Sleejier and others • • , 1765 6 435 of Ebenezer and Stephen Sleeper , • , , 1765 6 451 of Ambrose Sloper . . 1770 8: 35 1770 8 42 1771— 8: 63 1771 8 64 of Elizabeth Sloper , , , , 1721 1 276 of Richard Sloper , , , 1712 1 55 of Samuel Smallcorn . 1765- 6 : 445 1765 6 448 of Jabez Smith 1742— 2:621 1742 2 630 of John Waldron Smith . 1757— 5:308 1758 5 404 of Nathan Smith . 1763 6:332 1763 6 364 of Nicholas Smith . 1753 4:367 1754 4 434 of Richard Smith 1770 8: 9 1771 8 65 of Smith and Davis . , , . 1757 5 299 of sundry soldiers 1743— 3 : 75 1761— 6:121 1764 6 418 for soldiers, etc. 1745 3:228 1756 5 67 of Somersworth . 1743— 3: 49 1743 3 50 1748 4: 90 1754— 4 : 404 1754 4 405 1754— 4:421 1770 8: 41 1770 8 42 of Souhegan West 1744— 3 : 228 * 1747— 3:467 1747 3 471 of South Hampton 1742— 3 : 30 1742 3: 33 1742 3 36 1742— 3 : 38 1742— 3: 40 1742 3 42 1746— 3:323 1746 3:331 1746 3 332 1756— 5:113 1756 5:119 1756 5 138 1757— 6 : 256 1760 6: 38 1771 8 58 of Ebenezer Spaulding and others , , , 1746 3 337 1754— 4:332 1754 4 396 of Lieut. John Spear , , , 1758 5 372 1758 5:389 1765 6 446 of Ebenezer Spencer 1761— 6:224 1762 6 274 of Mr. Stanions , . 1742 2 630 of Ai-chibald Stark .... , . 1748 4 62 of Joseph Steele and others , , , 1770 7 340 of Ebenezer Stephens 1742— 3: 37 1742 3 38 of Benjamin Stevens 1755 4:499 1761 6 150 1761— 6 : 170 1761— 6:172 1761 6 174 of Rev. Phineas Stevens . , ^ , 1748 4 74 of Reuben Stevens .... , , _ 1758 5 373 of William Stevens .... 1761— 6:121 1761 6 178 of Stevens, Eastman & Co. , , 1747 4 21 of Jonathan Steward , , , 1762 6 274 of Eleanor Stickney 1756 5: 63 1756 5 113 of William Stiles & Co. . , , ^ 1720 1 260 of James Stinson .... . . 1774 8 167 of James Stoodley .... 1747— 3:492 1748 4 81 1762— 6 : 296 1763 6 315 of James Stoodly, Jr. 1753 4:291 1753 4 292 of Stoodly & Wniidden . , , 1745 3 165 of Stratham . 1746 3 : 427 1746 3:428 1747 3 457 1747— 3:470 1747— 3:496 1747 3 503 1760— 6 : 36 1761— 6:187 1768 7 199 of John Sullivan .... . , , 1774 8 212 292 Index to Journals of ITofse of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — (continued) : of Suiicook .... 1744— 3 : 228 * 1747 3 493 17.17_ ;3:.ll»4 174.H— 4: 62 1758 5 386 of Kbpiipzer Swan . 177:^— H : 152 1773 8 155 of Kcnjaniin Sweet . . , 1761 6 148 of Klisli;i Sweat . 1755— 4 : 499 1761 6 150 of Josfjili Sweet , , 1761 6 208 of Moses Sweet , , , 1761 6 188 of Jonathan Swett . . 1754— 4 : 377 1754 4 393 1754— 4 : 404 1770 8 12 of Maj. Tliomas Tash , 1756 5 131 1756— 5 : 155 1756 5 156 1701— 6 : 197 1761— 6:214 1767 7 155 of John Tasker 1754— 4 : 421 1755 4:548 1755 4 549 of Jolui Tayh)!- and others , 1742 3 30 of Tewksliurv .... 1758— 5:430 1758 5 431 of Nathanicil Thing . . , , 1761 6 ♦198 of Stephen Thing . . 1766— 7:102 1767 7 146 of Pienjamin Thomas . 1745— 3:291 1746 3 307 of Jonathan Thomas , , 1763 6 338 of Capt. Joseph Thomas and others 1755— 5: 50 1755 5 53 1769— 7 : 327 1770 8 52 of Ebenezer and Robert Thompson . 1757 5 299 1757— 5:300 1758 5:321 1758 5 322 of George Tompson . 1746 3 411 of Jonathan Tomson, Jr. , 1754 4 487 of Robert Thompson . • 1756 6 78 1756— 5: 88 1756 5 90 1757— 5 : 299 1758— 5 : 322 1761 6 140 1761— 6:141 1761— 6:142 1763 6 352 1764 6 : 397 1764— 6:409 1764 6 410 1765— 6:445 1766— 7: 61 1766 7 79 of Robert Tliompson [and others] 1761— 6:152 1761 6 155 of Thomas Thompson 1742— 2:622 1756 5 104 of ISIatthew Thornton and others . , 1762 6 239 1773 8:138 1773 8 139 of Aaron Tibbetts . 1768— 7:204 1768 7 278 of Jnlin Tibbitts 1757— 5 : 234 1757 5 283 1706- 7: 94 1766— 7: 95 1767 7 137 of Jolin and Tamesen Tibbets . 1729 2 150 of Obadiah Tibbitts . 1761 6 130 of Rose Tiljbitts 1764 6 401 of Abraliani Tiltnn . 1757 5 252 of Benjamin Tilton . 1747 3 484 of Capt. Jacob Tilton 1772 8 117 of Timl)erlane [Hanipstead] . 1744 3 85 of Capt. John Titcomb 1757 5 210 1758— 5 : 379 1758 5 382 of Patrick Tobin 1758 5 373 of Andrew Todd, etc. 1760 6 97 of Jolm To] ford 1748 4 71 of Christopher Tappan 1768 7 192 of Elisha and Phillip Towle . 1759 6 20 1759— 6 : 24 1760— 6: 41 1760 6 50 of Jonathan Towle .... 1761— 6 : 129 1761 6 216 of Philip Towle .... , , , 1769 7 282 of Zachariah Towle 1765— 6 : 443 1765 6 451 of George Townsend • ' . 1738 2 539 of Robert Trail .... 1766— 7: 102 1766 7 104 of Ebenezer Tniesdell , , , 1745 3 *228 of John Tuck . 1765— 7 : 23 176.5— 7: 26 1765 7 29 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 293 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. PETITIONS, — {contmued) : of Francis Tucker 1745— 3 : 235 1745— 3 : 241 1757 5 221 of John Tucker . • ■ > 1767 7 147 of Ebenezer Tuttle . . 1729— 2 : 167 1729 2 168 1742— 2 : 622 1742— 2:624 1742 2 626 of Thomas Tuttle 1761— 6 : 121 1761— 6 : 123 1761 6 131 of Two-Mile Streak • ■ • ■ 1748 4 61 of John UndeiTVOod • . • « 1723 1 394 of Phinehas Underwood, etc. . • • • • 1755 4 512 of John Upton 1757 — 5 : 305 1757— 5 : 306 1758 5 421 of Elliot Vaughan 1747— 3 : 469 1747_ 3 : 476 1747 3 507 of Martha and Mary Veazie . • ■ • • 1763 6 378 of Margaret Vincent . 17.59 6 494 1759— 5 : 495 1759 6 7 of Ebenezer Virgin . . 1765— 6 : 434 1765 6 469 of Wadleigh . 1744— 3 : 85 1744 3 99 of Jeremiah Walford • 1731 2 353 1731— 2 : 857 1731 2 358 of Capt. George Walker . 1729— 2 : 147 1729 2 149 1742— 2 : 632 1742— 2 : 641 1742 2 643 1742— 2 : 647 1742— 3 : 31 1742 3 34 of Timothy Walker . > • . 1764 6 390 1764— 6 : 393 1764 6 394 of Capt. William Walker • • • • 1753 4 349 of Wallace and others • • • • 1737 2 488 of Robert Wallace, etc. . . 1768 7:261 1768 7 262 1768— 7:269 1769 7 283 of Thomas Wallingford . 1748 4: 82 1748 4 84 1748 4: 90 1760 6: 62 1760 6 80 of Colonel Walton . 1722— 1 : 321 1740 2 550 of Daniel Ward • 1747 3 484 of Hezekiah Ward . • . • • 1761 6 205 of Richard Ward • • • ■ 1729 2 158 of Nathaniel Ware . • • • 1712 1 40 of Daniel Warner 1774— 8 : 197 1774— 8 : 203 1774 8 212 of Walter Warren . 1746— 3:426 1747 3 486 of Jonathan Weare . 1770— 8: 9 1771 8 65 of Jeremiah Webster . 1755 4 517 1766— 7 : 75 1766 7 85 of John Webster . 1748 4 62 of John Webster, etc. 1768— 7 : 191 1768 7 215 1708- 7 : 276 1769 7 283 of Jonathan Webster • ■ ■ 1760 6 118 1761— 6:203 1761 6 215 of Samuel Webster . • • ■ 1773 8 141 of Jonathan Wedgwood . 1761— 6 : 129 1761 6 218 of Col. John Weeks . 1761 6 157 1761— 6 : 208 1761 6 215 of Thomas Wells . • ■ ■ 1748 4 71 of John Wendell .... 1756 5: 73 1756 6 88 of Capt. Benjamin Wentworth • • • 1721 1 308 of Daniel AVentworth 1759— 5 : 494 1759 5 497 of Elizabeth Wentworth . • • • 1734 2 402 1734— 2 : 407 1734 2 411 , of Ephraim Wentworth . • • • 1755 5 52 1756— 5: 56 1761 6 201 of George AA'entworth . 1772 8 120 1772 8:128 1772 8 129 of Hunking WentAvorth . 1747— 3:476 1747 3 507 of Capt. John Wentworth 1760— 6 : 52 1760 6 80 of John Wentworth and wife . • • 1773 8 36 294 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, / YEAR. VOL. FAOE. PETITIONS, — {continued) : of M:irk Ilunking Wentwortli . 1742— 3: .37 1742 3 38 17,04— 4:. 398 1772 8 121 of Moses Wcntwortli • ■ • • 1701 6 221 of S;inui('l Wcntwortli • • • • 1700 39 of K.lwMld WL-St . . 1721— 1:270 1721 1 *305 of West Held .... • • • • 1761 6 221 of "Wostmorclaml . 1708 7:271 1708 7 272 of Klcazcr Wlu'clock • ■ • • 1702 6 278 17(i2— 0:279 1702— 0:282 1702 6 280 1702— : 298 1702— 0:315 1771 8 94 of ret(>r Wheeler . • • ■ • 1701 141 of Isaac White 1700— 7 : 102 1707 7 140 of James White, etc. • • ■ ■ 1707 7 102 1768— 7 : 188 1708 7 202 of Philips Whito • • • 1770 8 40 of AiKlrew Wigiriii . • > • 1770 8 6 of Chase Wip;ireii • • 1701 178 of Josiah Wifr£:i'n . • • ■ 1761 6 180 of Josiah Willard . . . . 1745— 3 : 228 ♦ 17,05 4 503 of IVIosfsi "Willard • ■ • 1754 4 478 of Willard. Bellows & Parker 17.00— 5 : 64 1750 5 66 of John Willey . . . . • • . 1702 6 274 of Edward Williams ■ • ■ 1757 5 285 of ^lary Williams ■ • • 1738 2 535 of Willson . . . . 1742— 3 : 34 1742 3 35 of Windham . 1710— 3:442 1747— 3 : 446 1748 4 03 174.S— 4 : 66 1708— 7 : 261 1768 7 269 1771— 8:107 1774— 8:194 1774 8 200 of Judith Winn 1709— 7 : 280 1769— 7 : 296 1769 7 299 of sundry women {see also of Sarah Ball and others. ahovc) 174.0— 3 : 175 1745 3 221 of John Wood and wife . . 1765 7 12 of Edward Woodman ■ ■ . 1747 4 46 of Samuel Woodman, etc. • • • 1771 8 61 1771— 8: 66 1771 8 70 of Joshua Wright . . . . • 1761 6 203 of Hezekiah Young . . . . . > . 1761 6 124 of Ensign Jonathan Yrmng 17.08— 5 : 372 1758 6 389 hearing of, deferred, etc. 1743 3: 47 1746 3 418 174()_ 3 : 422 1747_ 3 : 446 1747 4 13 1747— 4 : 17 1747— 4 : 43 1760 6 60 1700— 6: 94 1762— 6 : 294 1763 6 341 170 1— 6 : 389 1766— 7 : 52 1766 7 103 PETTY CHAPMEN : regulated • 1710 1 70 suppressed • • • 1718 1 221 PEVY, JosKi'ii : petition . 1738 2 533 PHELPS, Alexakdek : petition, etc 1771— 8:108 1773 8 136 1773— 8:137 1773— 8:138 1773 8 141 PHH.RPvTCK, Skugt. Benjamin: nuister-roll 1746— 3:408 1740 3 532 I'll 11.1 '.RICK, Jedidiaii [" Philbrook, J eueihaii ■']: member . . 17.") 2 — 4:217 1752— 4 : 2.30 1752 4 235 ]7;,o— 4:239 17.02— 4:248 1752 4 203 17.02— 4 : 267 1752— 4:208 17.02 4 380 17.03— 4 : 289 17.03— 4:298 1753 4 301 1753— 4 : 302 175.3— 4:338 17.03 4 340 1763— 4 : 342 1753 4:346 1753 4 349 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 295 ~ TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PHILBRICK, Jedidiaii, — {contimied) : member . . 1753— 4 : 358 1753— 4:366 1753 4 384 1753— 4 : 401 1754— 4:404 1764 4 406 1754— 4 : 409 1754— 4:414 1754 4 425 1754— 4:426 1754— 4:433 1754 4 434 1754— 4:437 1754— 4 : 438 1754 4 652 PHILBRICK, JosEi'H : member ...... 1745— 3:115 1745 3 128 1745 3 : 131 1745— 3:1591 1745 3 160 1745— 3 : 168 1745— 3:172 1746 8 175 1745— 3 : 178 1745— 3:180 1746 3 203 1749 4 : 100 1749— 4:104 1749 4 105 1749— 4 : 106 1749— 4:111 1749 4 123 1749— 4 : 127 1749— 4:140 1749 4 163 1750— 4 : 10 1751— 4: 9 1752 4 216 1752— 4:230 1752— 4:267 1752 4 276 1752— 4 : 278 1752— 4:279 1752 4 380 1753 4 : 294 1753— 4:306 1753 4 326 1753— 4 : 344 1753— 4:346 1753 4 367 1753 4 : 368 1753— 4:384 1754 4 369 1754— 4 : 376 1754— 4:401 1754 4 404 1754— 4 : 406 1754— 4:409 1754 4 411 1754— 4:415 1754— 4:425 1754 4 *442 1754— 4:479 1754— 4:486 1754 4 652 1755— 4:498 1755— 4 : 613 1755 4 517 1755— 4 : 519 1755 4 : 520 1755 4 568 1755 — 4 : 567 1755— 4:669 1756 6 1755 — 5: 1 1755 5: 6 1755 6 10 1755— 5 : 20 1755— 5: 26 1765 5 31 1755— 5 : 38 1755 5: 41 1760 6 63 PHILBRICK, Robe KT Tufton : account . . 1745 3 276 PHILBRICK, Simon : legal representatives of . , • • 1747 3 622 PHILBROOK, Elias: petition ..... • • • 1712 1 40 PHILBROOK, Ephraim ; petition, etc 1756— 5:179 1756 6 181 1757— 5:220 1767 6 260 PHILBROOK, James : on Captain Tash's roll . 1756— 5:131 1761 6 205 PHU.LBROOK, John : to appear . • 1766 7 24 PHILBROOK, JOSES : petition, etc. . 1754 — 4 : 466 1754— 4 : 467 1754 4 474 1754— 4 : 475 1756— 6:193 1766 5 194 1757— 6 : 218 1767— 6:219 1757 5 233 PHILBROOK and others : l^etition, etc. .... , 1743 3 68 PHILLIPS, Adolpii [" Phillipse"] : of New York .... . 1730 2 : 316 1730 2 322 1730 2 : 325 1730 2:326 1730 2 342 PHILLIPS, John : member ..... , , , 1755 6 43 1755— 5 : 47 1755— 5: 54 1755 6 258 1756— 5 : 261 1762— 6:296 1771 8 105 1771— 8:108 1771— 8:109 1771 8 113 1772— 8:114 1772— 8 : 116 1772 8 116 1772— 8 : 120 1772— 8:123 1772 8 128 1773— 8:135 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 139 1773— 8:144 1773— 8:147 1773 8 162 296 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, rillLLll'S, .]i>i\s, — {continued) : iiK'iiil)or . . 1771 — 8 : 1(5 1 IMIirrs, I'lioMAS ["rim-s"] : slifi-ilV, (.'tc. .... 171t;— 1 : 1(')6 rUllTS. I.IKl TKNANT (ioYKKM^U: letter from . 1755 — 4:545 1755— 5: 25 PHYSIC "K (.see also Medicine) : allowanee for . I»I('KEKINC4. Danikl: estate of . PR'KKKlNt;, Dc.uoTiiv: to eonvt-y certain 1;uk1.s PICKERING, El'ilKAiM ["PiCKElilN"] : petition ..... PlCKKKlN(i, Cai'T. John 177 1715- 171t;- 1755- 1755- 8 : 1G5 1: 99 1 : 184 5: 8 5: 58 YEAR. member, etc. muster-roll PICKERTNC, Joshua petition 1716— 1:171 1763— 6:374 1773— 8 : 154 1774— 8:211 1759— 5:477 1752- 1753- 4:278 4 : 289 1718- 1763- 1773- 1774- 1759- 1760- 1752- 1753- 1753- 1:218 6 : 377 8 : 161 8:212 5 : 474 6: 78 270 281 305 V. Tovvle, Matthias . PICKERING, Samuel: bearer of dispatches PICKERING, Thomas ["Pickekin"] : t'ortv-two men of, entertained . PICKWAKET: enemy at PIER [OK Bason] : at Go.sport [Shoals] . . ■ 1766 — 7 : 81 1767— 7 : 141 1767— 7 : 157 PIERCE, IsKAEi. {see also Pearse and Peirce) : serving under Captain Clements .... PIERCE, Nathaniel: estate of . . 1767—7:112 1767—7:117 'pierce, Capt. Thomas : account ......... PIERMONT: granting township of 1765— 6:441 inventor}' . i'lKK, DOCTOK : claim PIKE, Joseph: liir»'d, wages stojH . PILLORY : erectcil at Excti-r erected at IIanii)ton . PILOT : wages of sloop Abigail PIX-PLAYINf; {see Cards). PINE IhLL [One Pine Hill, Dunstable]: petition 1764- 1765- 6 : 423 6 : 449 1721— 1:280 1774 1715 1733 1755 1757 1746 1766 1766 1760 1718 1765 1774 1774 1759 1765 1752 1753 1753 1753 1758 1747 1722 1766 1767 1753 1767 1727 1764 1765 1765 1773 1721 1760 1732 1737 1747 1772 1763 VOL. 5 5 3 7 7 6 1 6 8 8 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 3 1 7 7 4 7 2 6 6 6 8 1 6 2 2 3 8 PAGE. 172 100 389 9 221 375 81 109 112 219 437 167 214 475 446 277 282 306 317 421 470 340 88 163 365 121 99 422 440 450 160 290 76 370 485 469 129 366 Province of jSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 297 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PINKHAM, Thomas : widow's claim .... • • • 1742 3 41 PINKUM, Solomon : volunteer • • • • 1746 3 404 PINLY, IMercy : account • • • • 1761 6 221 PIPEK, Thomas and Wife : petition ...... 1760 6: 97 1761 6 214 PIPON, Captain : ship of, lost .... • • • 1738 2 536 PIRACY : trial for . . 1770— 7 : 338 1770— 7 : 340 1770 7 342 1770 7 : 347 1770— 8: 14 1770 8 33 PISCATAQUA HARBOR: lighthouse at . . 1765 7 19 PISCATAQUA River: as bound of pi'ovince ■ • • 1720 1 256 main, bordering on, defended . • • • 1747 4 19 fish in, protected 1770— 8 : 19 1773 8 153 PITCH : tax rate . . 1752— 4 : 251 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 549 1756— 5 : 136 1757 — 5 : 277 1758 5 385 1758 5 : 389 1759— 6 : 2 1760 6 105 1761— 6 : 213 1702- 6:265 1762 6 338 1704— 6:396 1765— 7 : 29 1766 7 84 PITMAN, Benjamin : gaol-keeper, etc 1745 3 : 167 1746 3 428 1747— 3 : 488 1757 5 284 PITMAN, Ezekibl : volunteer ...... • • • 1746 3 404 PITT, William : British secretary 1758 5 362 1758— 5 : 440 1759— 5:484 1759 5 485 1759— 5:486 1761— 6:120 1761 6 170 1761— 6:172 1761— 6:174 1761 6 182 PLACE, Abraham: in service under Captain Clements • • • 1753 4 327 petition . . 1758 — 5 : 392 1758— 5 : 396 1759 5 485 PLACENTIA : affair kept private from . • • • • 1711 1 10 PLAINFIELD : inventory . 1767 — 7 : 161 1708— 7:220 1773 8 159 PLAISTED, Elisha : petition, etc. .... 1742— 2 : 633 1742 2 634 1742 2 : 646 1742 3 44 PLAISTED, John : member, speaker, councilor, treasui'er 1711 10 1711— 1: 31 1713 1: 66 1714 81 1715— 1: 97 1715— 1: 99 1715 100 1715— 1:101 1715— 1:132 1716 143 1716 1 : 159 1717— 1:190 1717 191 1717— 1:192 1717- 1:193 1717 194 1717— 1:195 1717- 1:196 1717 197 1717— 1 : 198 1717— 1:202 1717 204 1717— 1:205 1718— 1:218 1722 326 1722— 1:329 1722— 1:330 1722 332 1722— 1:335 1722— 1:339 1722 342 1722— 1:343 1722— 1:345 1722 346 1722— 1:348 1722— 1:351 1722 35.^ 1722— 1:354 1722— 1:355 1722 356 1722— 1:357 1722— 1:359 1722 w 361 38 298 Index to Journals of IIo USE OF KeI'UESENTATIVE ^, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. I'LAISTED, John, — {continued) : member, speaker, couiuMlor, treasurer | 1722— 1:364 1722— 1:365 1722 367 1722— 1:36S 1722— 1:369 1722 :i7i 1722— 1:372 1723— 1 :373 1723 375 1723— 1:377 1723— 1:379 1723 381 1723— 1:382 1723— 1:383 1723 381 172:?— 1:3H7 1723 1:3S9 1723 :{|i:; 1723— 1:396 172:5— 1:397 1723 :599 1723 1 : 400 172:J— 1:402 1723 405 1723— 1 : 408 172:5— 1:409 1723 410 1723— 1:411 172:5— 1:412 1724 413 1724— 1 : 124 1721— 1:425 1724 426 1724— 1:432 1724— 1:433 1724 4:54 1724— 2: 1 1724— 2: 3 1724 2 4 1724— 2: 8 1724— 2: 9 1724 2 10 1724— 2 : 11 1724— 2: 12* 1725 2 tl2 172.5— 2: 13 1725— 2 : 15 1725 2 19 1725— 2 : 21 1725— 2: 22 1725 2 23 1725— 2 : 25 1725 2: 26 1725 2 27 1726— 2 : 33 1726— 2 : 34 1726 2 38 1726 2: 39 1726— 2: 40 1726 2 44 1726— 2: 45 1726— 2: 50 1726 2 54 1726— 2 : 55 1726 2: 59 1726 2 63 1726— 2: 66 1727— 2: 67 1727 2 68 1727— 2: 69 1727— 2: 73 1727 2 74 1727— 2: 78 1727— 2: 80 1727 2 84 1727— 2: 87 1727— 2: 93 1727 2 94 1727— 2 : 109 1728— 2 : 133 1728 2 141 1729— 2 : 153 1729— 2 : 157 1731 2 351 1733— 2 : 389 1734— 2:408 1734 2 413 1742— 2 : 631 1742— 2:634 1742 3 44 TLAISTED, Samuel: V. C-dpt. Benjamin Wentworth . 1721 1 308 PLAISTOW [IIav'euiiill Distiuct] : represeutatives . 1752 4 217 1752— 4 : 380 1753 4 : 384 1753 4 386 1754— 4 : 552 1755— 4:558 1755 5 1755 5: 41 1755— 5:258 1756 5 95 1756— 5 : 260 1757— 5:506 1758 5 434 1758— 5 : 436 1758— 5:512 1759 6 22H 1760— 6 : 230 1761— 6 : 232 1762 6 256 1762— 6 : 257 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 462 1764— 6:464 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 182 17()S— 7 : 350 1769 7 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770— 8: Ip 1771 8 p2 1771— 8 : 105 1772— 8:115 1773 8 144 1774— 8: 164 1774— 8:184 1774 8 188 1774— 8:194 1771— 8 : 200 1775 8 p218 charter, copy I'equested . . 1752 4 223 classed for excise • • • • 1755 4 510 inventory . 1753 4 294 17f;o— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 1768— 7:218 1773 8 156 petition . 1754— 4:474 1754 4 475 1774— 8:194 1774 8 20( » petitioner from despatches sent to . . . . 1756 — 5 : 151 1756 5 156 • 1758 5 421 jiart nf, annexed to Ihunpstead . 1766— 7: 75 1766 7 76 West, Atkinson incorporated from . 1766— 7 : 75 1766 7 76 1767- 7 : 139 1767— 7 : 147 1767 7 148 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 299 161 1775— 8 : 218 inventory . bounds representative , POLLARD, John : petition POLLICY Pond [Windham] : families living near . POLLS (see also Head and Selectmen) : valuation of ... . ratable, selectmen to invoice . ratable, inventory of tax on soldiers, abated half of i)rovince tax laid on number of, in towns 1754— 1757— 1759— 1762— 1765— PLAISTOW, — {continued) : polling off from Atkinson to . 1768— 7 : partition of lands in ..... PLAN {see also North Hampton and Portsmotith) : of Merrimack and Newichwanock rivei's {which 1737— 2: of this i^rovince .... 1742 — 2 : 1745— 3 : 235 1754— 4 : of southern Ijoundary of way from crotch of Merrimack river to Coos of prison ........ PLANK : for fort William and Mary .... white oak, tax rate 1732 — 4 : 251 1756— 5 : 136 1758— 5 : 388 1761— 6:213 1764— 6:396 PLANTATIONS {see also Trade) : 11. M. in America PLANTING : gari'ison guarded at . PLAT {see2)lan). PLATES {see also Sea Coast and Types) of bills of credit 1722— 1 : 323 1742— 2 : 653 1745— 3 : 243 1745— 3 : 283 1755— 5 : 22 1756— 5 : 90 1756— 5 : 156 PLAYS : discountenanced PLOT {see also Conspiracy) : against the king, etc. PLUMER, Daniel : scout .... PLUMER, John ["Plummer"] : l^etition .... PLUMER, Richard : scout .... PLUMER, William : under Capt. Samuel Gerrish PLYMOUTH : 1767— 7 188 see) 498 616 442 445 277 2 265 29 1726— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1755— 1756— 1759— 1768— 1770— 1775— 1727— 2: 1761— 6: 44 153 267 306 53 91 477 1722— 1:329 220 49 227 TEAR. 1767 1768 1766 1737 1745 1772 1745 1753 1753 1745 1755 1758 1760 1763 1766 1721 1746 1718 1742 1745 1745 1748 1756 1756 1759 1762 1723 1745 1772 1745 1763 1773 1771 1775 1764 1747 75 1728 , 1729 , 1753 22 1767 , 1756 , 1763 , 1773 VOL. 7 7 7 2 3 8 3 4 4 3 4 5 6 6 7 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 1 o 8 3 6 8 8 8 6 4 2 2 4 7 5 6 8 PAGE. 162 202 93 505 1159 116 241 329 345 235 548 385 105 338 85 279 374 231 646 230 282 93 67 140 478 275 376 228 126 228 330 160 78 237 421 29 140 172 290 161 123 321 156 300 Index to Journals of House of Kei'resentatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. POLIA', Ki>\VAiii): widow's land sale . 1720 1 246 rOMFKUV. Joseph: estate of . 1720 2 30 POOR : prisoners, out of state, supported . 1729— 2:15^ 1729 2 103 ehildren of tlie, employed 17»;6_ 7 : 63 1760 7 65 niaintenanee of the 1771— 8: 69 1774 8 lOS POOR, Damei.: to appear . 1774 8 194 POOH, Enoch: petition ..... . 1772 8 123 POOR, Thomas: rei)ort . 1750 5 74 POPLIN : set ofV from Brentwood . . 1764 6 414 ineori)orati<)n from Brentwood 1704— 0:419 1764 6 420 selectmen to appear • • • • 1765 6 435 petitioners from . 1705 6 451 inventory . 1767 — 7 : 161 1708— 7 : 220 1773 8 157 PORK : packing • 1743 3 51 treasurer has none for scouts . • • • 1745 3 257 of this country, for soldiers • • 1746 3 378 of this country, or Connecticut ■ • • 1746 3 444 for soldiers • . . . 1746 3 410 1747— 3:455 1748— 4 : 69 1748 4 95 1748— 4: 96 1755— 5: 18 1755 5 20 1759— 6: 12 1700— 6: 59 1760 6 105 allowance to each soldier • > 1756 6 117 tax rate . . 1752— 4 : 251 1754— 4:445 1755 4 548 1756— 5:136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 5 3K5 1758— 5:388 1759- 0: 2 1700 6 105 1761— 6:213 1702— 0:205 1763 6 338 1764— 6 : 396 1705— 7: 29 1706 t 84 PORRESINE : Indian ..... 1727 2 84 PORT RovAL (see also Annapolis Royal) : exjiedition .... 1711— 1: 5 1711 1 11 PORTER, Nathaniel : sutler . . 1762— 0:262 1703— 6:312 1703 6 313 l^ORTER & Caldwell: sutlers 1763— 6:330 1763 6 331 P0RTLEI)(;E {see also Ferriage) : bills 1724— 2: 6 1726 2 56 1745— 3:230 1744— 3:237 1745 3 240 1745— 3:241 1745— 3:272 1745 3 273 1745— 3 : 274 1745 3 : 270 1745 3 277 174o_ 3 : 290 1745— 3:304 1740 3 411 PORTSMOUTH (see also Bank, the ; and Torons) : bounds unsettled • • • 1712 1 40 bounds poranilndated 1715— 1:136 1720 1 *253 setting oft' lands from, to Newingt on 1763— 6:374 1763 6 377 line with Newington 1764— 6:400 1705 6 437 )ort free from imjiost 1712— 1: 41 1712 1 54 learing of two sets of selectmen • 1714 1 85 1714^ 1: 88 1714 1 90 selectmen, "scandalous reflections and false accu- sations " against . 1710 1 171 disturbances about minister's salary, settling . 1710 1 168 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 301 115 115 187 1715- 1722- 1728- 1732- 1 1; 2: 2: 117 32(3 121 376 1735— 2:433 1739— 2:542 1745— 3 : 184 1745— 3 : 262 1745— 3:299 1745— 3 : 311 1747— 4 : 2 1749— 4 : 104 1751— 4: 9 1753— 4 : 384 558 43 PORTSMOUTH, — {continued\ : succession of ministry, inserted in act, strengthen- ing 1723— 1:401 ditterences between Milldam and Bank parishes, vote explained two parishes strengthened . . . . . rejiresentatives 1715— 1 1717— 1 : 190 1727— 2 : 101 1731— 2:335 1734— 2:422 1737— 2:475 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 : 298 1745— 3:307 1746— 3 : 368 1749— 4 : 100 1751— 4: 6 1752— 4:380 1754— 4 1755— 5 1756— 5 1758— 5 1760— 6 : 230 1763— 6:462 1766— 7 : 51 1766— 7 : 103 1768— 7 : 350 1770— 8 : 1 p 1772— 8:115 1774— 8:184 taverns keeper of gaol may sell, excise fi'ee courts in court-house . 1730— 2 : 330 selectmen to settle themselves about two schools . free school of province located at . petition {see also Rye) . . . 1718 — 1:227 1760— 6: 83 served with copy of Newington petition south parish, petition . . . 1737 — 2:492 1737— 2:500 1737— 2:526 1740— 2 : 546 1740— 2 : 550 selectmen, memorial of ..... . selectmen of, and church wardens of parishes in, to ajjpear ......... selectmen to appear . 552 : 41 95 436 1755— 4 1755— 5 1756— 5 : 260 1758— 5:512 1761— 6 : 232 1764— 6 : 464 1766— 7 : 99 1766— 7 : 178 1769— 7 : 352 1771— 8: 2p 1773— 8 : 144 1774— 8 : 187 1715— 1 : 135 1716— i : 188 1737— 2:490 TEAR. VOL. surveyors, petition of petitioners from 1729 — 2 : 147 1767— 7 : 133 allowing swine to go at 1748- 4: 82 1761— 6 : 128 1767— 7 : 147 large in, penalty 1722— 1 : 323 regulatino; hoo-s in ...... . swine regulated in trustees of public money in 1722— 1:361 old prison in, to be sold (see also Bridewell) . H. M. gaol in 1723 1718 1720 1715 1716 1727 1730 1734 1736 1742 1745 1745 1745 1746 1748 1750 1752 1753 1755 1755 1757 1759 1762 1765 1766 1767 1770 1771 1774 1775 1718 1726 1730 1737 1718 1724 1748 1763 1723 1737 1738 1740 1738 1747 1748 1766 1758 1761 1769 1723 1759 1771 1722 1727 1724 1744 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 o O 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 / 7 7 7 8 8 8 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 6 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 7 5 6 7 1 6 8 1 2 1 3 PAGE. 411 218 249 97 173 100 307 397 457 610 185 287 301 313 4 10 216 386 258 506 228 458 176 102 182 354 105 164 218 227 64 327 494 212 5 61 347 385 499 539 560 534 513 76 86 403 198 316 402 32 59 359 108 426 79 302 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, rOKTSAIOUTII, — (corUmued) gaol in, built 17.".3— 17.")G— 1774— 4 : 344 .">: IS") S: vj:, prison lot sold or exchangeil records of deeds kept in . l)ul)lic records, niiiy be removed from, wlien . building state house at . . . 1720 — 2: 47 17.J0— [>: O'J 17o0— 6:185 locating state house in . . . state house on the parade holding town meetings of, iu slate house 1704— G : 389 lands in, valued at six shillings per acre trade valuation in . classed tor excise .... 1752 — 4 : 237 excise sale in . inventory 1700— G : 86 1707- 7 : 160 1708— 7 : 218 common lands in, pro])rietors of, regulated certain estate partly in, taxed in Greenland . tax proportion relieved as to assessments l)art of, i)lat claim constables, claim public entertainments at, Louisburg . volunteers from men to drill in artillery at fort soldiers transported . ill-convenienced by reason of infection of small-pox lately brought in pest-house built in . small-pox at infectious disorders at, to prevent partition of messuage in estate in, divided .... 1704 — G : 421 estate in, sold 1759—6: 29 estate in settled road from t^oos to . road from, to Rye highway to, from Stonington, etc projjosed shire town of Portsmouth county 1755— 4:504 provisions and stores purchased at . market n-gulated monopoly of fresh provisions in, to prevent . mob at, seize long-boat paving streets of ... . 1759 — 6 : 29 17(;0_ C : 80 1760— G : 83 plays, etc., in, discountenanced . 1762 — 0:275 potash works in ....... lighthouse near mouth i>f Piscataqua harbi)r, at . 1737— 2:485 • • • • • on news of reduction of . 1740— 3 : 403 1705 — : 450 apothecary m . I'ORTS.MorTII County 1708— 7:252 establishing POST-BOY : newspaper . • • 1740 1747— 3:470 1747— 3 : 504 1747 1747— 4: 31 1753— 4:353 1754 YEAR. 1756 1757 1774 1720 1747 1752 1757 1753 1754 1703 1704 1728 1728 1755 1770 1753 1701 1773 1754 1758 1761 1769 1729 1737 1753 1745 1746 1747 1747 1747 1747 1765 1774 1747 1765 1759 1707 1752 1705 1768 1755 1756 1703 1765 1757 1760 1760 1773 1765 1765 1768 1755 VOL. 5 5 8 2 3 4 5 4 4 6 6 2 2 4 8 4 6 8 4 5 6 7 o 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 8 3 7 6 7 4 6 7 4 5 6 7 5 6 6 8 6 7 7 3 4 4 PAGU. 69 3(»5 201 42 464 276 306 322 428 381 401 136 140 510 41 293 122 156 *442 368 211 325 168 486 346 251 404 478 518 490 498 454 165 615 45 30 121 273 457 277 511 151 351 43 311 36 84 136 469 19 253 504 434 22 440 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 303 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. POSTAGE : of governor's letters 1757— 5 : 274 1761 6 217 1766 7: 64 1767— 7 : 116 1769 7 294 1770— 8: 17 1771— 8: 81 1772 8 125 1772 8:129 1773 8 : 152 1774 8 210 POSTMASTER : voted £3 for expediting public lettei rs, free 1723 1 394 at Boston. • • ■ 1728 2 142 POSTMASTER-GENERAL : Henry IVIarshall paid as . • • • 1726 2 66 POSTHUMOUS CHILDREN : provided for ..... . 1714 1 77 POTASH : manufacture . 1765 — 6 : 467 1765— 6 : 468 1765 6 469 POTTER, Abner : deserter • • • 1761 6 199 POTTER, Hugh : pauper, sui)})orted . • 1774 8 200 POTTER, Silas : petition 1765— 7 : 17 1765 7 20 POUNDS : provided, and rescous and breach pi evented . 1718 1 220 POWDER (see also Gimpoivder) : money, etc . 1711 1 7 1717— 1 : 209 1718— 1:220 1719 1 240 1720— 1:256 1722— 1 : 351 1726 2 57 1727— 2 : 76 1727— 2 : 80 1728 2 116 1728— 2 : 129 1729— 2 : 154 1731 2 358 1738— 2 : 356 1740 2 : 564 1740 2 565 1740— 2:566 1745 3 : 257 1747 3 473 1768 7 : 244 1768 7 : 248 1768 7 249 1768— 7 : 251 1768— 7 : 254 ' 1768 V 255 1768 7 : 258 1772— 8 : 129 1774 8 203 supplies, etc 1717— 1:203 1721 1 271 1721— 1:277 1726— 2: 57 1727 2 70 1743— 3: 68 1743 3: 73 1745 3 163 1745— 3 : 218 1745_ 3 : 220 1745 3 222 1745— 3 : 223 1745 3 : 226 1745 3 252 1745 3 : 256 1746— 3:322 1746 3 333 1746— 3 : 335 1746 3 : 337 1746 3 338 1746— 3 : 341 1746 3 : 342 1746 3 343 1746— 3 : 345 1746— 3 : 414 1746 3 422 1746 3 : 423 1746— 3 : 425 1746 3 43(i 1746— 3 : 438 1746— 3:439 1746 3 441 1746 3 : 442 1747— 3 : 451 1747 3 473 1747— 3 : 521 1747— 3 : 526 1747 4 41 1755— 5 : 10 1755— 5 : 19 1755 5 29 1755— 5: 34 1757— 5 : 205 1761 6 222 Iiouse 1716— 1 : 177 1721 1 276 1746 3:337 1746 3 439 horns for soldiers • • • • 1758 5 371 POWELL, William : deserter • • • 1722 1 315 POWERS, Isaac : constable, relieved . • ■ • • 1765 6 456 POWERS, Cai't. Petek : muster-roll .... 1756— 5 : 97 1756 5 130 POWERS, WiiiTCOMii : account ..... > • ■ • 1768 7 236 POWERS OF ATTORNEY: recorded . . . . 1766 7: 66 1766 7 70 304 Index to Journals of House of UEriiESENTATivES, 17(;0— 0: 96 POWNAI.L, (i..v. 111. .mas: lotttT from . 1760— 6 : 66 PKATT. Mu. : vessel of ........ . iidvice of ........ . PRF.CEDKXT : none to l)e urnfed, for paying without grants therefor never to be pled, for eidisting contrary to orders, cle without [" unprecidentar'] House's request that council give reasons ...... PRECEPTS r.sYc also Sh< rij's and Members rcltirncd) : for choice of reiiresentatives .... 1717— 1:206 1718— 1 1762— 6 : 246 1762— 6 1762— 6 : 256 1765— 7 17(jG— 7 : 51 1766— 7 1706— 7 : 79 1766— 7 177;^_ 8:149 1774— 8 1774— 8:200 1774— 8 PRECINCTS : to return persons' names and ratable estates . rates for new i>roportion in to provide PREMILM {src lioiuUij) PREROGA'l'lVE : of the king 224 252 38 56 99 194 205 snow-shoes and moggisons 1742— 1756— 1768— 2 : 612 5 : 138 7:196 of the jjovernor 1728— 1742— 1767— 1768— 1749— 1761— 122 648 162 257 174 181 PRESBYTERIANS : in Chester pray for relief against paying Congrega- tional minister ....... Gofistowii, seek new parish of IIanii)ton, annexed to Hampton Falls of Hampton Falls {aftericards ScaOrook)^ dissat- isfied Pembroke, set off 1766— 1766— 1763— 1763— 52 95 341 380 PRESC( )TT, : petition .... with arms for the State PPtESCOrr, Andkkw: petition .... PRESCOTT, Benjamin : petition, etc. 1758— 1768— PRESCO ri\ Ben.iamin, .Ik. : to aj.pear .... PRESCOIT. IIknuv: 1766— 7 : 1770— 8 : 1763— 1768— 171.".— 74 : 9 6 : 343 7 : 263 3 : 126 1768— 7:235 321 261 1 757— 1 758— 17t)8— 5 : 299 5 : 322 7 : 271 YEAR. VOL. 1760 6 1722 1 1754 4 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1716 1 1758 6 1762 6 1765 7 1766 7 1766 7 1774 8 1774 8 1732 2 1742 2 1745 3 1735 2 1756 5 1768 7 1775 8 1749 4 1775 8 member . 1774— 8. 170 1774— ,S: 172 1774 1774— 8 187 1771— 8 197 1774 1774— 8 211 177,t- 8 214 1775 PRESCOTT. Jc.iin: muster-roll , , , • , 1724 invalid soldier . , , . 1747 1737 1772 1769 1765 1766 1771 1763 1768 1737 1745 1768 17.58 1768 1770 1768 2 8 7 7 7 8 6 7 2 3 5 7 8 8 8 8 2 3 FAOE. 98 343 419 239 407 416 78 440 255 40 73 102 196 209 366 649 113 454 129 195 234 176 235 491 127 282 44 85 65 379 271 498 127 242 317 260 2 234 184 199 218 6 462 PiioviNCE OF New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 305 PRESCOTT, Cai't. Jonathan : men under, etc. 1745- 1746- 3:269 3 : 444 1747- 1754- 3 : 462 4 : 409 1724— 2: 1733— 2:377 1765— 6 : 451 1765— 7 : 34 1766— 7 : 51 1768— 7 : 185 1768— 7 : 266 1746— 3 : 427 PRESCOTT, Joshua : petition, etc. . 1753— 4 : 357 PRESCOTT, Mks. Maky Fuost : will of, executors to sell land . PRESCOTT, Peter : claim ..... PRESCOTT, Samuel : to apjjear ..... PRESCOTT, WILLIAM : wounded v(jlunteer . PRESENTS : to Peter Colcord .... lieutenant-governor . to the Six Nations PRESIDENT (see also Walton, Shadrach) of the province (see Ctitt, John) of the covuicil .... 1731— 2 : 364 1745— 3 : 119 1765— 6:453 1765— 7 : 46 1767— 7 : 165 1768— 7 : 225 of council for plantations (see also Lord Com- missioners) PRESS : tenders of the, in printing bills, paid 1743 — 3 : 65 PRESSEY, Paul : l^etition . . 1759- PRESSING (see Impressing) . PREST Arms (see also Ar7ns) to be accounted for . 1759 1759 PRETENDER : Prince of Wales, the PRETENDING : to be military officers, penalty PRIEST, Mrs. Sarah (see also Assembly) account ...... 1747— 3:507 PRINCE : birth of a . 1738— 2 : 529 PRINCE OF WALES (see also Pretender) : nuptials of the .... 1745 — 3 : 250 PRINCESS Sophia : Protestant succession through PRINTINCt (see also Busscll, Eleazer, and Laws and Secretary) : laws 1747— 3 : 508 1748— 4 : 99 1754— 4 : 462 1758— 5 : 319 1758— 5 : 356 1759— 5 : 463 public, session laws forms of oaths, etc., with laws . . . . bills of credit {which see) 5:487 5:469 5:472 1759— 5 : 491 1759— 5 : 470 1759— 5 : 473 1745— 3:248 1748— 4: 83 1738— 2:531 1721— 1:281 TEAK. VOL. 1745 3 1747 3 1753 4 1754 4 1768 7 1744 3 1770 8 1746 3 1724 2 1715 1 1754 4 1731 2 1733 2 1765 6 1765 7 1766 7 1768 7 1775 8 1744 3 1743 3 1759 5 1759 5 1759 5 1759 5 1735 2 1724 1 1746 3 1753 4 1738 2 1747 3 1735 2 1716 1 1754 4 1758 5 1767 7 1766 7 1716 1 1717 1 1737 2 PAGE. 285 484 356 460 249 109 2 404 7 139 371 347 390 452 37 101 186 236 107 66 495 468 471 476 436 419 381 321 532 516 436 187 426 330 170 68 181 203 486 39 306 Index to Journals of House of Kepkesentatiyes, TEAK. VOL. PAGE. PRINTINC;, — (coiUinned) : » proceeilings of session, libeling court of apjicals . 1728 2 115 governor's prochiiuations , 1745 3 131 joiirniils . . 1745 — 3 : 147 1745 3 : 161 1749 4 109 1765— 7 : 4 1765— 7 : 18 1768 7 256 17G8— 7 : 27i) 1769— 7 : 291 1769 7 332 votes and joiu'nal of assembly . 1758 5 444 government (sec aho Fnwlc) . • • 1758 5 338 175H— 5 : 34(i 1758— 5:423 1760 6 39 1761— 6 : 156 1762— 6 : 280 1765 6 457 1767— 7:116 1768— 7 : 250 1769 7 332 1769- 7:333 1770— 8: 12 1770 8 18 1770— 8: 19 1771— 8:103 1773 8 154 ritlSONS (fcc also Kci/s, SheriJ^'s, mid Turnkey fi) : building, repairing, removinir, etc. 1714— 1 : 7H 1715 101 1715 1:120 1715— 1 : 121 1715 125 1718— 1:161 1718— 1: IS I 1718 225 1718— 1 : 226 1718— 1:227 171H 228 1719— 1:238 1720— 1:253 1721 285 1721— 1:290 1724— 1 : 423 1728 135 1728— 2 : 137 1731— 2 : 359 1734 2 399 1734— 2:404 1734— 2:410 1734 2 411 1734— 2:415 1734— 2:417 1734 2 418 1734— 2:419 17:3.j_ 2:425 1735 2 439 1735 2 : 440 1735— 2:442 1735 2 44H 1735— 2:453 1737— 2:486 1737 2 490 1737— 2:494 1740— 2:552 1740 2 653 1742— 2 : 645 1744— 3 : 79 1746 3 405 1746— 3 : 417 1747— 3:487 1747 3 497 1747_ 3 : 518 1747— 3:522 1747 4 20 1747— 4 : 39 1747_ 4 : 5() 1748 4 65 1748— 4 : 79 1752— 4:276 1753 4 329 1753— 4 : 330 1753— 4:342 1753 4 343 1753— 4 : 344 1753— 4:345 1754 4 409 1754— 4:481 1755 4 : 488 1755 4 489 1755 4 : 500 1755— 4 : 503 1755 4 523 1755 4 : 529 1755— 4:566 1755 5 1 1756— 5 : 69 1756— 5 : 78 1756 5 153 1756— 5 : 185 1757— 5 : 303 1757 5 304 1757— 5:305 1758 5 : 392 1758 6 393 1759—6: 6 1765— 6:440 1765 6 444 1765— 6:446 1765 6 : 447 1765 7 32 1765— 7: 42 1765— 7 : 43 1765 7 46 1766— 7 : 68 1766 7: 94 1770 8 13 1770 8: 48 1771— 8:101 1771 8 108 lot sold or exchanged 1774— 8:190* 1774 8 192 1774— 8:195 1774_ 8:197 1774 8 201 Iniilding, in IIainj)t()n, Kxeter, and V >over 1726 2 47 towns, except rortsniouth, to provid e . . . 1730 2 327 escapes, actual or feared, " insulliciency," etc. 1714— 1: 77 1716 1 152 1716— 1:184 171?<— 1:225 1734 2 431 1744— 3: 79 1746— 3:403 1747 3 485 1751— 4:432 1754— 4:433 1754 4 434 1754 4:447 1755_ 4:523 1756 5 120 1756— 5: 133 1756— 5 : 172 1758 5 396 1764— 6 : 392 17fir,_ 7: 99 1767 7 149 1768— 7 : 187 ]7(;>i»- 7:188 1768 7 192 176.S— 7 : 236 1770— 8: 11 1770 8 12 1770— 8: 13 1770— 8: 15 1770 8 33 1770— 8: 59 1771— 8: 90 1771 8 91 Pkovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 307 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. • PRISONS, — {continued) : escai^es, actual or feared, "insufficiency," etc. 1771— 8: 99 1771— 8:101 1771 8 103 1772—8:116 1772—8:121 1773 8 136 payment of charges by, secured .... 1718 1 220 ceepers (see also Daniels, Eliphalct, and Pitman, Benjamin, and Tucker, Francis) 1726 2 64 1765 5: 37 1755 5 38 PRISONERS : committed for theft, charges upon province for, to prevent ........ 1718 1 220 poor, out of State, supported . . 1729 — 2 : 158 1729 2 163 support of . 1754— 4 : 478 1756— 5 : 97 1760 6 64 1763 6:381 1765 6:467 1766 7 54 for debt, relieved .... 1745— 3 : 167 1745 3 177 1745 3:178 1745 3:217 1745 3 242 1745 3:249 1764 6:409 1764 6 418 1764— 6 : 423 1765 6 : 440 1765 6 454 1765— 6 : 457 1765— 7 : 13 1765 7 14 1766— 7 : 54 1766— 7 : 64 1767 7 149 1767 7:151 1770 8: 52 1770 8 60 1770— 8: 70 1772- 8:129 1774 8 169 1774 8 : 170 1774— 8 : 193 1774 8 203 of war {see also Captives, French, and names of Expeditions) 1714 1 75 1714 1: 81 1745 3:235 1745 3 241 1745— 3 : 277 1745— 3 : 284 1745 3 292 1746 3:324 1746 3:339 1747 3 450 1747— 3:452 1747— 3:4.59 1747 3 502 1747— 3:503 1747— 3:517 1754 4 478 1758— 5 : 371 1758— 5 : 373 1758 5 424 1759 6: 9 1759 6: 17 1762 6 283 PRIVATES {see also Soldiers and Wages) : wages 1761 6 193 PRIVILEGES : of members 1718— 1 : 221 1735 2 435 of house 1749— 4 : 114 1749 4 120 1749— 4 : 130 1749— 4 : 131 1749 4 142 1749 4:153 1749 4:170 1761 6 181 of British colonists 1766 7 58 PRIVY Council {see also Lords) : king's, comjjlaint, referred to . 1774 8 166 PROBATE {see also Judges and Court) : act, additional ........ 1753 4 332 act, revived . 1754— 4 : 402 1757— 5 : 200 1757 6 201 oiiice, books for ....... 1758 5 393 PROCESS : mean, sureties in 1718 1 220 PROCESSES : return of, in courts 1771 8 96 PROCLABIING : King George H 1728— 2 : 136 1729 2 160 King George HI 1761 6 120 lieutenant-governor's commission .... 1728 2 142 1729— 2 : 167 1731 2 355 PROCLAMATION {sec also Thanksgiving) : king's, discountenancing vice and encoui-aging re- ligion 1761 6 138 governor's, etc. 1712 1 57 1722— 1:325 1730— 2:330 1737 2 495 1738— 2:528 1741— 2:609 1746 3 131 308 Index to Journals of House of IvEpresentatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. PROCLAMATION, — {Conlimicd) : governor's, etc. 174r) 3:138 1745— 3:1.39 1745 3 150 17.ir,_ 3:ir,2 1745 3 : 200 1745 3 229 1745— 3:278 1752— 4 : 233 1755 5 11 1755— 5: 25 1756 5:162 1767 5 291 Ur>x— 5:311 17(i0— 6:119 1761 6 226 1702— 6:2()3 1762— 6:269 1764 6 427 17(;(;_ 7: 70 1766— 7 : 100 1768 7 280 17r,n_ 7:336 1770_ 8 : 34 1771 8 97 1771— 8: 99 1771— 8:100 1771 8 107 1771— 8:108 1771— 8:109 1774 8 193 dispersing .... . 1745— 3:259 1745 3 287 177;^_ 8:155 1774 8 203 money [" jn-oco"] . . 1742— 2:635 1742 2 638 1742— 2:639 1742— 2 : 644 1742 3 34 1742— 3: 41 1743 3: 61 1743 3 66 1744— 3: 81 1745— 3 : 143 1745 3 210 1745 3 : 244 1745 3 : 271 1745 3 279 1747— 3:492 1752— 4 : 272 1753 3 359 1757— 5 : 270 1757— 5 : 271 1758 4 347 ' 1758— 5 : 348 1758— 5:349 1758 5 449 1758— 5 : 455 1759— 6:458 1761 5 144 1765— 6:457 1765— 6 : 466 1765 6 467 1765— 6:468 1765— 7: 23 1765 6 27 1765— 7 : 28 1765 7: 30 1766 7 78 1760 7: 79 1772— 8:116 1772 8 122 1772— 8:129 1773— 8 : 134 1773 8 149 PRODUCE : countiy, for soldiers • ■ • • 1746 3 378 PROFANE Cursing (see also Cursing and Swearmg) : and swearing, to prevent . 1747 3 496 1747— 3:497 1747— 3:508 1752 4 257 1753— 4 : 295 1766— 7: 90 1770 8 48 PROFANITY : to suppress .... • 1718 1 220 PROPORTIONING (see also Committee, Inventories, and Tax): province tax among towns 17 k; 1 170 1723— i : 389 1723 1 391 1724— 2: 2 1727— 2: 71 1727 2 75 1727— 2: 79 1727— 2: 80 1728 2 131 172.S— 2 : 138 1728— 2 : 141 1728 2 142 1728— 2 : 143 1729— 2:156 1729 2 172 1731— 2:603 1732— 2:366 1732 2 371 1735— 2 : 451 1735— 2 : 452 1742 2 623 1742— 2:631 1742— 2:643 1742 2 649 1742— 2:651 1742— 2:652 1743 3 52 1743— 3: 61 1745— 3 : 2U9 1745 3 271 1745— 3:279 1752— 4 : 246 1752 4 247 175.3— 4 : 290 175.3— 4:292 1753 4 294 1753— 4:315 1753— 4:328 1753 4 333 1763 4 : 338 1753— 4 : 339 1760 6 92 1760— 6 : 100 1761— 6:139 1761 6 147 1761— 6:152 1761— 6:199 1761 6 203 1761— 6 : 204 1701— 6:205 1761 6 206 1761— 6:208 1761— 6:211 1761 6 215 1761— 6:218 1761^ 6:219 1761 6 234 1767— 7:117 1767— 7 : 160 1768 7 216 1768— 7 : 247 1768— 7 : 259 1773 8 136 1773— 8 : 149 1773— 8:152 1773 8 160 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 309 PROPORTIONING, — (contmued) : province tax among unincori3orated persons 1742— 2:623 province tax among settlements on north of Massa- cliusetts line levy of 10,000 men among lirovinces PROPRIETARIES : regulated PROPRIETORS ; regulated . 1759— 1762— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1765— 460 287 375 392 4 33 1742— 1756— 1753— 1759— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1765— 632 74 307 462 346 376 393 6 34 1718— 1:220 1740— 2 : 560 1752— 4 : 275 1757— 5 : 201 1758— 5 : 396 1758— 5 : 422 1759— 6 : 6 1761— 6 : 156 1761— 6 : 157 1761— 6 : 166 1761— 6 : 176 1762— 6 : 275 1762— 6 : 277 1762— 6 : 284 1765— 7 : 47 1768— 7 : 278 1771— 8 : 60 1774— 8 : 169 1774— 8 : 170 1774— 8 : 203 1774— 8 : 204 PROTEST {see Dissent). PROTESTANT (sec also Princess Sophia) : cause, smiles of Providence on the .... succession, adhered to ..... . PROVIDING : in case of sickness ....... for posthumous children PROVINCE (.see Accounts, Bills, Box, Debts, Lands, Lines, Lotteries, Plan, Eeco?'ds, Seal, and 2'ax). PROVINCE House (see also Council and Governor) : building, repairing, etc. . . . 1711 — 1 : 1 1773— 8 : 134 PROVISIONS (see also Beans, Biscuit, Bread, Diet, Drink, Flour, Oinger, Indian Meal, Meat, Molasses, Peas, Pork, Rum, Spirituous Liquors, and Stores) : YEAR. VOL. for soldiers tax paid in 1721- 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1755 — 1755— 1756— 1758— 306 231 252 272 280 824 332 524 365 379 391 433 472 68 96 526 18 141 425 1722— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1755— 1755— 1756— 1758— :325 :2o3 257 ;276 ;281 :325 ;338 :525 366 :380 416 :462 3:488 69 97 1 20 142 442 1742 1742 1756 1755 1759 1763 1764 1764 1765 1770 1734 1754 1758 1759 1761 1762 1762 1766 1774 1774 1774 1759 1766 1774 1714 1770 1773 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745 1746 1746 1747 1746 1746 1746 1747 1748 1748 1755 1755 1756 1758 1759 1722 4 5 6 6 6 6 8 2 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 o o 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 1 PAGE. 625 638 79 514 463 352 388 406 7 47 408 404 420 15 165 263 281 62 168 193 211 20 57 169 77 53 137 216 247 271 277 285 329 349 526 378 384 421 463 67 95 525 17 117 420 9 350 310 InDKX to JOIRNALS OF IIoUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. i'U(AISl()XS, — {conliituol) : and stores ilisposeil of ]7.J7_ 3:506 1747 4 29 of i)roviiic'i', stolon .... 1747 4 34 none for the French 1755 5 3 fresh, monopoly of, prevented . 1765 7 43 PKOWSE. Thomas and y\\vv.: ]t('tition . . 1766 — 7 : Si 17f,(;_ 7:88 1766 7 109 PllUDKN riAL Affairs : regulated • • 1714 1 78 PUBLIC Accounts {see Accounts). PUBLIC K Entkktainmkn IS : in Portsmouth and at fort William and Mary on news of reduction of Louisburg 1745 3 251 PUBLICK (Jazetti: : proclamation in .... • 1737 2 459 PUBLICK IIoisES (see also Taverns): licensed by justices .... 1715 1 : 135 1742 3 42 1742— 3: 43 1742 3 44 PUBLICK NEWS-LETTElt : newspaper . 1718 1 231 PUBLIC Revenue {see Revenue). PUBLICK Sekvice : compelling' attendance on • 1716 1 143 PUBLICK Stocks {see Storks). PUDNEY, JosEi'ii [PutnevP]: soldier at Rumford .... 1748 4: 85 1753 4 356 PULCEFER, Jonathan : petition ...... . 1760 6 39 PUllCELL, GuEGOKY : jjetitioner _ 1765 7 19 PURCELL, Capt. Michael: allowance to, for care of sailor w lo froze both lefi:s (sec Swinsoji, John) • « • 1766 7 lOK petition . 1767 7 167 PURINGTON, Joshua: petition . 1745 3 291 PUTNAM, 1)K. Amos: account . 1757 5 274 (iUAKEPvS: allirm 1742— 2:611 1753 4 348 petition . . 1731— 2:341 1761— 6:123 1761 6 128 1761— 6:131 17(31_ 0:147 1768 7 213 when constables, excused fi'om collcc ting ministers' rates 1731 2 346 exempted from impressment and line \ '. '. '. 1758 5 392 1759— 5:488 1759 5 489 1759— 5 : 494 1759 5 497 relieved from tax .... • • • 1761 6 131 1761— 6:136 1761 158 17fil_ fi: 166 1761— 6:221 1763 6 311 17(j;}_ 0:348 17(i3— 6:355 1763 6 356 17(33— 6:360 1763— 6:365 1763 6 375 1764 6:394 1764— 6 : 396 1764 6 397 Brentwood, relieved from tax, etc. . • • • 1762 6 274 1762— 6:279 1762 6 280 17fi2— 6:283 1767— 7:120 1769 7 309 Durham, gathering from, stayed 1714— 3: 80 1745 3 301 polling ofi from Hampton Falls ... 1768 7 213 QUARANTINE : vessel lying at, from small-pox . 1738 2 539 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 311 QUAETERMASTER : jjrovided . wages 5:493 6:193 General, 1759— 5 : 495 1761— 6 : 203 etc. , Publick 1742- o : 41 1759— 1761— QUARTER Sessions (see also Houses and Sessions') : license tuverners, etc. adjourning .... constables' attendance at . QUARTERLY Court (see Court). QUEBECK : certain aflair, kept i)rivate from reducing .... lleet proceeded toward ship sent to . . . prisoners at, redeemed commissioners to proceed to sign of, drinldng king's health at the (JUEEN, The (see Address, Exchequer, and Tlianks) transcript of laws laid before the . made peace with France and Indians 1712— 1 QUERIES : proposed by Governor Shirley and Admiral Warren, answered QUIETING (see also Book Debts) : of credit 1715 — 1 : 138 QUIGLY, John: claim ...... QUIMBY, Asahel: hired, wages stopt .... QUmBY, Benjamin : re-imbursed lor bills burnt in his house QUIMBY, David: on Captain Tash's roll QUINBY, Eleazer: petition ...... QUIMBY, Samuel: petitioner ...... QUINCY, Edmund: petition 50 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 5:289 5:319 5 : 331 5:345 1757— 5 : 290 1758— 1758— 1758— 322 340 347 QUINCY, J. ['^(iuiNSV"] : speaker of Massacluisetts house QUINTON, James: son of, soldier, had small-pox . QUIT-RENTS : H. M., collected QUOTA : 1737— 2:501 province RABY [Buookline] : inventory . RACKLY, William : cajjtivated RAM ACT (see Sheep). 1722- 1756- 1758- 1 : 342 5 : 157 5:411 1722— 1:829 1755— 5 : 9 1757— 5 : 231 1763— 6 : 356 TEAK. VOL. 1758 1759 1762 5 6 6 1727 1730 1742 2 2 3 1711 1711 1711 1714 1714 1747 1761 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1711 1 1713 1 1746 3 1716 1 1773 8 1760 6 1765 6 1756 5 1761 6 1746 3 1757 1758 1758 1758 1758 5 5 5 5 5 1737 2 1761 6 1773 8 1722 1756 1758 1763 1 5 5 6 1773 8 1759 6 PAGE. 399 4 254 80 314 44 10 11 24 75 81 502 207 63 409 143 149 76 436 131 179 331 249 318 325 342 357 502 224 138 341 79 362 362 158 4 312 Index to Journals of House of Kepresentatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. RAND, Richard: (lesertor • • • 1722 1 315 RAND, lvi(iiAKi>, ANU 11ani)AI-l, Mai;k: pelititui, etc. ..... 1755— 5: 59 1756 5 106 1757— 5 : 256 1757 5 257 HAND, William: claim • 1746 3 407 RANDALL, James (see alsu Rcndtll) : member ...... 1711— 1 : 1 1711 . 1 8 1711— 1 : 23 1711— 1: 24 1711 1 25 1711— 1: 28 1711— 1: 29 1711 1 32 1711— 1: 33 1711— 1: 34 1712 1 35 1712— 1: 3G 1712— 1: 37 1712 1 39 1712— 1: 41 1712— 1 : 42 1712 1 44 1712— 1: 46 1712— 1: 47 1712 1 48 1712— 1: 50 1712— 1: 51 1712 1 52 1712— 1: 54 1712— 1 : 55 1712 1 56 1713— 1: 58 17i;J— 1: 62 1713 1 63 1713— 1: 65 171:5— 1: 66 1713 1 68 1713 1: 69 1713— 1: 70 1714 1 79 1714— 1 : 85 1714— 1 : 86 1714 1 91 1714— 1: 92 1714- 1 : 94 1714 1 95 RANDALL, Mauk (see liayid, above). RANDALL. Paul: petition . . 1756— 5:172 1758— 5:320 1768 5 396 RANDALL, Samuel: muster-roll 1746 3 : 429 1746 3 533 RANDALL, William : committed for damning genei •al assembly 1754— 4 : 395 1754 4 396 RANDOLPH, Peyton: speaker house of burgesses, Virginia 1770— 8 : 24 1770 8 27 RANCIERS (see also Rogers, Captain) : three companies of . 1757 5 288 enlisted 1758 5 344 in H. M. service .... 1759 5 4S7 RANKIN, Samuel: account ■ • ■ 1759 6 10 guarcUans for 1765— 7 : 40 1765 7 42 RANSOISL KiciiAKL) AND Thomas: under Capt. Samuel Gerrish • • • 1763 6 330 RATABLE Estates: to be returned for assessment . 1732 2 366 invoice of 1761 6 122 for qualification of voters 1771— 8: 82 1771 8 109 schedule of , 1773 8 136 list of 1773 8 156 inventories of, in unincorporated places , 1774 8 211 RATABLE Polls (.see Polls). • RATJvS (see aUo Iiivciiiori/ , Tax, a?id Valuation, also Bar- kij, Bayhcrry Wax, Beef, Beeswax, Codfis h. Flax, Hemp Indian corn. Iron, Joist, leeUhcr, Peas, Pork, L'yc, Tal- low, Tar, Turpentine, and Wlicat) : province to be paid into treasury , 1729 2 166 selectmen to make .... , 1728 2 140 of persons now added to the government 1742 2 625 for new proportion . . ' . . 1742 2 649 minister, made , 1743 3 58 asses.'^ment and collection of . 1753 4 360 for taxes , , 1754 4 445 1755— 4 : 548 1756— 5 : 13C . 1757 5 277 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 313 YKAR. VOL. FAGE. KATES, — (co7itinued) : for taxes . . 1758 — 5 : o8o 1758— 5:388 1759 6 2 17GU— G : 101 1761— 6 : 213 1762 6 265 1703— 6:338 1761— 6 : 396 1765 7 28 RATING : method , . 1770 8 3 1770— 8: 4 1770 8 9 RATIONS : allowance for ..... 17.59— 5 : 461 1760 6 43 RAWLINS, ETC. (see liollins) . RAYMOND : inventory .... 1768— 7 : 220 1773 8 157 fee of certain land in, settled . . 1768 271 petition ..... . 1774 190 petitioner from .... . 1768 233 meeting-house located, on Sled Hill 1768 267 1768 7 : 277 1769— 7:311 1770 343 READ, Hugh: member . 1717 190 1717— 1:191 1717 192 1717— 1 : 193 1717— 1 :194 1717 195 1717— 1 : 196 1717— 1 : 198 1717 199 1717— 1:200 1717— 1 : 201 1717 202 1717— 1:203 1717— 1 : 204 1717 205 1717— 1 : 210 1717— 1 : 211 1717 212 1718— 1:213 1718— 1:214 1718 215 1718— 1:216 1718 1:217 1718 219 1718 1:221 1718— 1:222 1718 223 1718— 1:221 1718— 1 : 225 1718 226 1718— 1:227 1718 1 : 229 1718 230 1719— 1:231 1719— 1 : 233 1719 234 1719— 1 : 2.35 1719— 1 : 236 1719 237 1719— 1:239 1719— 1:240 1719 241 1719— 1:242 1720— 1:243 1720 246 REAL Estate (see also Lands and Tenements) : attachable for debt . , , 1718 1 220 execution on, return of • 1770 8 47 partition of ... . 1755 4 501 1759— 5 : 460 1759 5 463 1765 7: 13 1765— 7: 15 1765 7 34 REASONS : of appeal, misreciting . . 1734 2 411 of appeal, errors, etc., amended . 1738 9 540 of appeal need not be i'\\vx\ when . 1743— 3: 75 1713 3 76 for I issent, filing by members . . . 1745 3 204 of governc)r, for vetoing vote . , , 1746 3 341 council not obliged to give . 1746 3 416 not customary for council to give , 1756 5 67 REBELLION : king addressed on account of . , , 1746 3 317 RECEIVERS : of boards ..... ^ , , , 1721 1 286 of excise . , 1721 1 281 1721— 1:281 1735- - 2:445 1735 2 447 1772— 8: 118 1773— - 8 : 137 1774 8 168 RECEPTION : of governor (which sec also) . . 1747 4 41 RECESS : governor petitioncnl for a . 1773- 8 : 141 1773 8 143 RECORD Book (see also Books) : allowance for .... • • . 1745 3 291 40 31-4 Index to Journals of TIorsK of Uki'keskntatives, YEAR. ' VOL. I'AUE. UEC01iI)P:K (see also CommiUec, Register Secretanj, and names of several Recorders) : of deeds. et<'., for the provinee : 1 William Vuu^diaii . 171S 1 213 Samuel Peiiiialiow . 1719 1 237 Mark Hunkiiig , 1722 I .367 Joshua IVircie , 1743 2 147 Daniel I'eiree 1743— 3: 57 i 1756 5 HO Andrew (larkson . 1756— 5: 67 1756 5 76 ehoiee of, additional • • > 1742 3 40 1742— 3: 43 ]74:J— 3: 4.'^ 1743 3 5H 1743— 3: 59 1745— 3: 12(j 1745 3 127 174.5_ ;3 : 122 1745— 3 : 152 ^ 1745 3 175 1745— 3:17S 174.5— 3:17U 1745 3 196 1745— 3: 197 1745— 3 : 19,^ ! 1745 3 212 1745— 3:213 1749— 4 : 161 1749 4 163 1749 4:165 1752— 4:221 1752 4 241 1756— 5 : «1 1759— 5 : 465 » 1765 6 442 choice of. for counties (xcc fiUo several names) : Cheshire, Josiaii Willard . 1771 8 85 Cheshire, Josiah AVillard. .Ir. 1774 8 205 CJrafton, John Ilurd 1773 8 141 IlilLsboro', Samuel IIoIkuI 1771 8 84 Koekin<;ham, Daniel I'eiree 1771 8 83 Rockingham, Joseph Teiree 1774 8 165 StralVord, Thomas W. Waldron 1773 8 141 pro tempore : Daniel Peirce 1743 3 50 chosen every three years 1722 1 372 chosen by house alone , , 1742 3 39 1742— 3: 4r ) 1742 3 43 fees . . . 172G— 2: 42 1730— 2:32/ ' 1732 2 369 1733— 2:379 1733— 2 : 3Si J 1733 2 392 173 1— 2 : 401 1735— 2:44( 5 1737 2 480 173.S— 2:535 1740— 2 : 54i 1742 2 62H 1745— 3:212 1745— 3 : 2K 5 1746 3 3H(i 1747— 3:510 1749— 4 : 165 > 1752 4 228 1753— 4 : 329 1751— 4 : 37/ ) 1754 4 397 1755— 4:491 1755— 4:50; " : 1756 6 68 175C— 5 : 76 1757— 5:2i: \ ; 1757 5 252 175«— 5:330 1759— 5 : 46/ ) 1759 6 5 17G0_ D: 49 1760— 6: 6 I 1761 6 137 1761— 6: 139 1762— 6:24^ 1 1762 6 242 1762— 6:250 1762— 6:27 1 1763 6 320 1763 6 : 322 1765— 6 : 44; I 1766 7 67 1m. nd . . 1745— 3:245 1746— 3 : 31; ) 1746 3 394 1747- 3:512 1754— 4 : 37. i 1754 4 404 17.54— 4:405 175.5— 4 : 49 I 1755 4 507 1755— 5 : 59 1755 5: 6! 2 1756 5 6M 1756— 5: 76 1756— 5: 81 I 1757 5 213 1757— 5 : 225 17,58— 5 : 33( ) 1 1758 5 360 1759— 5:465 17o9— 6: 1 ) 1760 6 49 1760— 6: 61 1761— 6:i;V 1761 (; 139 1762— 6:242 1762— 6:25( 1 1762 6 271 1763 6:. 320 1763— 6:33' 1766 7 67 1767— 7: 117 1768— 7:23' 1 < 1768 7 247 oaths (iv/iiek see also) • 1746 ■^ 394 1761— 6:141 176tti^ 7 : 6' J 1767 7 117 1768— 7 : 237 1768— 7 : 24" 1 , 1770 7 356 records transferred . . 1722— 1:37: i 1729 2 151 records constantly kei)t in the Bank in 1 'ortsmoutl 1 1726 2 42 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 315 RECORDER, — {contiymed) : papers arranged ami indexed . enabled to i)erfect books and deeds 1743— 1765— 3: 7: 72 34 66 153 1762— 6 : 241 papers in ollice examined office closed .... office re-oi^ened office regulated the late, no complaints heard of arraigned for dilatoriuess, etc., declares fees insuf- ficient ....... certificate of, required for work books of, jjrinteil blanks for recording regulated . . . 1766 — 7 : 1773— 8 : RECORDS : I)ublic, safety of . . . public, fire-proof building for . province, custody of ..... of general assembly, copies given . RECOVERY OF Debts (see Debts). RECRUITING Officers (see also Muster Master) : to account for bounty money .... bonds (which sec also) ..... allowance to .... . 1760 — 6 : 1762— 6 : 264 1762— 6 : petition ........ RECRUITS : letter about, from Genei-al Wentworth . REDEMPTION (see also Bills of Credit and Captives) of lands taken by execution .... of mortgages ....... REDMAN, John: member ..... 95 293 REDMAN, Joseph: invalid volunteer REDNAPP, Colonel: royal engineer . REED, James: meetings called by 1722- 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1724— 1725— 1725— 1725— 1726— 1726— 1726— 1727— 1 : 330 1:342 1 : 346 1:351 1:355 1 : 359 1 : 369 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 377 382 387 396 430 1 12 20 23 34 49 59 74 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1724— 1724— 1725— 1725— 1725— 1726— 1726— 1726— 1727— 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 2: 326 335 343 348 353 356 366 373 379 383 389 413 432 3 13 21 27 39 60 63 79 1746— 3 : 330 1712- 1774— 8 50 170 TEAR. VOL. 1742 2 1743 3 1743 3 1766 7 1749 4 1749 4 1752 4 1756 5 1762 6 1763 6 1765 7 1766 7 1773 8 1747 8 1762 6 1773 8 1758 5 1747 3 1760 6 1762 6 1762 6 1747 3 1742 2 1717 1724 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1722 1723 1723 1723 1723 1724 1724 1724 2 1725 2 1725 2 1726 2 1726 2 1726 2 1727 2 1727 2 1746 3 1711 1 1712 1 1774 8 PAGE. 652 70 74 62 126 154 227 76 241 353 39 70 154 464 249 140 431 491 103 254 298 508 616 197 428 327 339 345 349 354 357 367 375 381 384 393 426 433 8 15 22 30 45 55 67 87 404 2 51 212 31(5 Tni>kx to Journals of House of liKrRESENTAXivES, YEAU. VOL. PAGE. KEKI), (Ai^r. I'liii.i.ii-: of sloop Spooilwcll .... 174G — 3:314 1747 3 44 'J 1717_ ;]:450 1747— 3:452 1717 3 459 UEFOUMATION : of iiiiiniitTs, to secure ...... 17 IS 1 220 REGlS'l'KIt OK Dkkds (.sw also lUnnukr) : fon.'iultiitioii on, with p^overiior .... 1743 3 47 one in cacli i-onnlv, prf)posetl ..... 1755 4 511 IIKGISTIIY «.K DKKu.sr C(;rt;iiii reccnuls in, made jrood and valid, tic. . 17GH 7 247 KEdlSTKR OF Wii.l-s (s,r also rrohfite) : books for ......... 1714 3 81 REGiSTK.VnoN {sec also Births mid Deaths) : of births, ete 1727 2 104 of christenings, etc. ...... 1727 2 107 of nianm-rs ........ 17G0 G io<; RE-lMr.i;i!SEMENT: of rxprn.se incurred by pi'ovince .... 1758 5 425 RE-ENFOK("EMENT: necessai-y at Louisburjj, etc 1745 3 207 1745— 3:20'J 1745— 3:210 1745 3 220 17.1o_ 3:224 1745— 3 : 22G 1745 3 231 1745— 3:232 1745— 3:235 1745 3 24G 1745— 3:252 1745— 3:253 1745 3 259 1745 3:285 174G 3:320 174G 3 394 174(J_ 3 : 407 1748— 4 : 74 1755 5 9 1755— 5: 24 1755— 5: 34 1756 5 135 RELKIION : .school to instruct Indians in .... . 1763 G 321 REMONSTRANCE: ao;ainst insufficiency of prison 171G 1 184 of the * 1722— 1:358 1722 1 368 of house to appoint committees, un( oubted 1744 3 98 RIGHTS : of Britisli colonist s . 1766 7 58 natural, of Britisli subjects 1770 8 22 and privileges of Americans . 1774 8 215 RINDCiE (^sce also Howl y-Canaila) : inventory . . 1773 8 159 RINDGE. Ann (see als< Names Changed) ])ctition . • . • 1745— 3 : 165 1745 3 167 RINDCiE. Danikl: of the council . 1765— 7: 19 1766— 7: 98 1767 119 1767— 7 : 122 1767— 7:170 1768 194 1768— 7:197 1768— 7:198 1768 205 1768 7 : 237 1768— 7 : 266 1768 272 1769— 7 : 299 ]7(;9— 7:314 1769 319 1769— 7:321 1770— 7:340 1770 343 1770 7:344 1770— 7 : 356 1770 357 1770— 8: 5 1770— 8: 7 1770 8 8 1771— 8: 63 1771— 8: 84 1771 8 88 1771— 8: 93 1771— 8: 95 1771 8 110 1772— 8 : 121 1772— 8:122 1773 8 149 1773— 8:151 1774— 8 : 165 1774 8 170 1774— 8 : 188 1774-5- S: 1S9 1774 8 195 1774— 8:201 1774— 8 : 202 1774 8 207 RINDGE, Isaac: account • • . ■ 1769— 7:324 1769 7 332 Province of N'ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 319 IIINDGE, John: agent at court, member, comicilor 2:361 2 : 395 2 : 403 2:411 2:422 426 439 446 468 464 2:475 2:481 2:492 2:530 2:536 2 : 550 107 119 130 462 242 251 6 : 265 6:282 1731— 1733— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1735— 1735— 1736— 1736— 1737— 1737— 1737— 1738— 1738— 1740— mortgage of John Hall to RING, Setii: to apjjear MOT (see also Assault) : act 1727— 1728— 1728— 1754— 1762— 1762 — 1762— 1762— breaking and rescuing from prison in Portsmouth, long-boat seized RIVERS : sux'vey of the .... obstructing passage of fish in . ROADS (see also Highvmys) : through the province, necessary 1771— 8 : 75 ROBBERY : to suppress .... ROBERTS, Alexander, etc. : claim ..... ROBERTS, Axwell: account ..... 1722— 1 : 317 ROBERTS, Daniel : on Captain Tasli's roll ROBERTS, John: scout ..... ROBERTS, JosEi'ii : muster-roll, etc. ROBEirTS, Moses : mistake regarding, corrected ROBERTS, TiMOTUY : muster-i-oll .... ROBINSON, James: petition ..... 1731— 1731— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1734— 1735— 1735— 1736— 1736— 1737— 1737— 1737— 1738— 1740— 1740— 339 363 400 406 416 423 429 441 2:447 2 : 460 2 : 465 2:477 2:486 2:515 2:531 2:544 2:560 1721— 1:269 1728— 2: 112 1728— 2 : 120 1754— 4:441 1758— 5 : 319 1762— 6 : 243 1762— 6:252 1762— 6 : 268 1762— 6:298 TEAR. 1770— 7:343 1770— 8 : 43 1771— 8 : 79 1747— 4: 17 1723— 1:370 1726— 2: 56 1724— 2: 6 1745— 3:276 1731 1731 1732 1734 1734 1734 1734 1735 1735 1736 1736 1736 1737 1737 17.37 1738 1740 1740 1743 1745 1721 1728 1728 1754 1761 1762 1762 1762 1770 1754 1758 1727 1764 1770 1770 1771 1771 1718 1747 1722 1723 1756 1745 1763 1757 1745 1763 VOL. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 4 6 6 6 6 8 4 5 2 6 7 8 8 8 PAGE. 335 359 367 401 410 417 424 433 445 457 463 469 480 489 517 534 548 565 58 123 283 114 128 448 219 250 264 271 48 432 311 112 399 337 35 60 80 220 18 315 392 131 228 313 232 278 370 320 Index to Journals of House of liEi'UESENTATivES, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. KOBINSOiN, J.. UN: iiccount, etx:. . , , 172;)— 1 : 390 1726 2 56 1727— 2: 'jy 1729— 2 : 146 1729 2 155 1729— 2:10!< 1730— 2 : 332 1744 3 92 17(50 (i: 1763 6 330 ROE, RoiJERT: claim ■ • ■ 1746 3 444 ROGERS, Captains: two, of the Rangers . 1757 5 288 ROGERS, Daniel: three sons of, names changed . 1768— 7 : 246 1768 7 247 1768— 7 : 252 1768 7 : 253 1768 7 259 of the council . 1769— 7 : 281 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 299 1769— 7 : 307 1769— 7 : 308 1769 7 311 1769— 7:313 1769— 7 : 314 1769 7 316 1769— 7:317 1771— 7 : 326 1771 8 63 1771— 8 : 73 1771— 8: 95 1771 8 110 1772— 8 : 122 1772— 8 : 125 1773 8 141 1773 8 : 142 1774— 8 : 188 1774 8 197 1774— 8:201 1774— 8 : 207 1774 8 214 ROGERS, Danikl and otiieks: petition ...... 1764— 6:402 1764 6 422 1770— 8 : 13 1770 8: 63 1770 8 65 ROGERS, Rev. James: settlement 1716— 1 : 168 1718 1 218 ROGERS, James and Charles: claim ...... • • ■ 1748 4 77 ROGERS, Madam: petition > . • 1729 2 171 ROGERS, Rev. Nathaniel: interest on bonds held by . . 1720 1 261 1721— 1 : 275 1722 1 322 supi^ort of successors by tax . ■ • • 1723 1 401 ROGERS, Dr. Nathaniel: member, speaker .... • • • 1735 2 433 1735— 2:439 1735 2 : 430 1735 2 446 1742— 2 : 645 1745— 3 : 115 1745 3 116 1745 3:117 1745— 3 : 120 1745 3 123 1745 3 : 153 1745— 3 : 158 1745 3 161 1745— 3 : 1(53 1745— 3:172 1745 3 178 1745— 3 : 180 1745— 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1748 3 : 189 1745 3 197 1745— 3 : 201 1745— 3:202 1745 3 204 1745— 3 : 205 1745— 3 : 207 1745 3 212 1745— 3:215 1745— 3 : 217 1745 3 229 1745— 3:233 1745 3 : 237 1745 3 245 1745— 3 : 250 1745— 3:284 1745 3 287 1745— 3 : 298 1746 3 : 313 1746 3 322 desired to a(hninistcr to soi'cly wounded soldier 1745 3 227 estate of, administrator's account . 1746 3 343 ROGERS, l)u. RoiJKRT : captain, major • • • 1745 3 302 1746 3 : 330 1756 5 124 1756— 5 : 133 1761— 6 : 222 1761 6 321 1761— 6 : 326 1763 6 : 327 1763 6 329 ROGERS, Stei'HEN : account . 1769 7 295 ROGUES : to suppress ..... 1718 1 220 ROLFE, Col. Benjamin [" RoLi-ir'] : clerk of boundary commission . 1737 2 508 orders sent by • > * 1744 3 105 petition, etc. 1744— 3 : 228 * 1745— 3 : 177 1745 3 199 1745 3 : 206 1745— 3:225 1745 3 228 41 322 Index to Journals of House of Kepresentatives, YKAR. VOL. FAQE. KULFK, Col. I'.iin.iamin, — (Conlinued) : member elect ..... • • • 1745 3 116 muster-roll . 1745— 3:197 1745— 3 : 198 1745 3 206 ROLLS (Sec Muster- RulU) : ROLLINS, Alice and Samuel: petition 1754— 4:485 1754 4 486 1755— 4:522 1755— 4:539 1755 5 38 ROLLINS. Dkuukaii : to appear ..... • • 1770 7 339 ROLLINS, IlENHV: )etiti(in ...... . 1755 4 533 ROLLINS, John: under Capt. John Gihnaii . 1726 2 41 estate of . 1753 4 349 soldier, had small-pox . 1761 6 178 ROLLINS, Joseph: petition, etc. . 1742—2:050 1742— 2:651 1746 3 404 muster-roll • • • 1746 3 380 ROLLINS, Joshua: petition ..... . 1761 6 124 ROLLINS, NoAii: petition 1770— 7 : 338 1770 7 339 1770— 7:345 1770— 8: 1 1770 8 5 ROLLINS, S.vmlel: soldier under Colonel Blanchard • . • 1756 5 75 ROLLINS, Thomas : claim 1752— 4:254 1753 4 341 ROMAN, Feteu: French prisoner, cared for . 1746 3 324 ROOMS ( • 1764 (! 407 petitioner from . . . . 1755— 5 : 59 1755 5 60 1755 5: 62 1757— 5 : 218 1760 6 116 selectmen to appear • • . 1756 5 194 constables . 1730 2 327 soldiers 1745— 3:251 1747 3 478 1747— 4: 28 1757 5 257 rolling off to . 1747— 3 : 513 1766— 7 : 86 1767 7 163 ottery for opening a harbor at • . • 1757 5 233 and Portsmouth, lottery . • • 1765 7 4 1765 7 : 6 1765— 7 : 7 1765 7 33 1765—7: 34 1765— 7: 48 1766 7 77 marsh, securing, building wharf, etc. 1763 6 : 334 1763 6 335 1763— 6 : 375 1763 6 376 road from, to Portsmouth 1765— 6 : 456 1765 6 457 326 Indkx to Journals of IIoupr of Ukpuksentatives, IIYMACK, AlJUAlIAM: claim RYME8, Sami i:i.: recoipls Ironi . SABBATH (wc Lord'ti Day). SABLE Island [" C'ai'e Saiu.f,"]: minihcr of ships met witli near SAFE(UA1II)ING: His Majesty's subjects SAHvOIv («( (dsi> SwinsoH, Jofm) : wlu) froze both legs SAILOHS (sec also Scrimcn') : enlistment of, encom'aged pay . . 1745— 3:240 St. CLAUl: IJi'ig St. CLAHl, LlKtJTKNANT.CiENEUAI. : commanding troops 174G— 3 : 358 St. FRANCIS: Indians . . 1745— 3:266 1772— 8: 121 St. JOHNS Indians: war declared against St. JOHNS Rivkk: Lieutenant Daniels taken at SALARIES {see Wages) . SALEM : representative 1752 — 4:217 1753— 4 : 386 1755— 5 : 41 1756— 5: 95 1757— 5 : 264 1758— 5:512 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6 : 458 1765— 7 : 176 17 OS— 7:350 1770— 8 : 1 p 1772— 8:115 1774— 8: 184 charter, copy requested . inventor}- papers relating to classed for excise petition 1767— 7 : 1753— 4: 1756— 5: 161 338 97 179 17ir._ :!:418 174.- 3:241 i-^An. 1746— 3:356 1746— 3 : 364 1754— 4 : 482 1772— 8:122 1745— 3:266 1752— 1754— 1755— 1756— 1758— 1759— 1762— 6 1763— 6 1766— 7 1769— 7 1770— 8 1773 177 8: 8: 380 552 44 260 434 228 256 462 178 352 2p 144 188 part of, exempt from tax to Methuen tax collector .... annexing, to Hillsborough county SALEM-( ANADA [LrNDEUOKOUGn] : men desired at . SALEM [Mass] : escaped ])risoner secured in owners of estate residing in wounded soldier from 1760— 6 : 86 1768— 7 : 219 1753— 4 : 339 1756— 5 : 98 1756— 5 : 180 and Dracut . 1757— 5 : 223 1712 1727 i7k; 1745 1766 1745 1747 1748 1746 1746 1755 1772 1755 1747 1753 1755 1755 1756 1758 1760 1762 1764 1767 1770 1771 1774 1775 1752 1753 1761 1773 1753 1755 1756 1757 1756 1757 1764 1773 1744 1716 1745 1757 VOL. 1 2 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 4 8 4 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 4 4 6 8 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 8 1 3 5 TAOB. 44 88 422 270 lOS 152 486 93 357 436 524 129 12 484 384 258 515 436 230 257 464 182 354 105 164 218 223 294 122 156 340 510 172 217 99 242 415 139 •228 152 295 305 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 327 SALISBURY (see also Baker's Town) : inventory ..... SALISBURY (Mass.) [" Salsbury"] : demands rates of JSTew Ilamijshire men Massachusetts assembly at SALMON : fisheiy, regulated SALMON Falls: mills, etc. . 1760 — 1761— SALMON Falls Rivek: frontiers of, defended 1737— 2 : 496 1760— 6 : 40 52 131 1760— 1761— SALT Works: of James Hudson .... SALTER, John : l^etition SALTER, Titus : petitioner, etc. .... SANBORN, Benjamin: will of, executor may reconvey lands SANBORN, Caled : claim, etc. ..... innliolder ..... SANBORN, Daniel : petition ...... SANBORN, EZEKIEL : muster-roll, etc. 1754 — 4 : 469 1765— 7 : 1754— 5 ; 1770— 8; SANBORN, John [" Sandburn, Jonathan"] member 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1724— 1725— 1725— 172.5- 1726— 1726— 1726— 1727— 1727— 1727— 1727— 1728— 1728— 1728— 1728— 1729— 1729— 1729— 1730— 327 339 345 349 354 357 367 375 381 384 391 413 1 12 16 23 35 49 59 68 78 87 105 113 122 131 141 151 164 169 307 1715— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1722— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1723— 1724— 1724— 1725— 1725— 1725— 1726— 1726— 1726— 1727- 1727— 1727— 1727— 1728— 1728— 1728— 1729— 1729— 1729— 1730— 1731— 80 133 1756— 5: 82 1770— 7 : 346 19 14 1755— 4 : 493 136 330 342 346 351 355 359 369 377 382 387 393 426 3 13 20 27 39 50 63 73 84 94 107 117 125 134 143 153 165 173 335 YEAR. VOL. 1773 8 1721 1 1737 2 1760 6 1760 6 1761 6 1745 3 1756 5 1770 7 1731 2 1766 7 1755 5 1746 3 1771 8 1766 7 1755 4 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1722 1 1723 1 1723 1 1723 1 1723 1 1723 1 1724 1 1724 2 1725 2 1725 2 1726 2 1726 2 1726 2 1727 2 1727 2 1727 2 1727 2 1728 2 1728 2 1728 2 1728 2 1729 2 1729 2 1729 2 1730 2 1732 2 PAGE. 158 270 501 111 82 223 254 142 347 355 109 15 405 103 86 495 326 335 343 348 353 356 366 373 379 383 389 396 430 8 15 21 30 45 55 67 74 86 100 110 121 128 139 145 155 168 174 376 328 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SANI30KN, John, — (continued) : membex'. .... 1735 1745- 1745- 1745 1745 1745 1745 1745- 1745 1745 1740- 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746 1746- 1746 1746 1746 1746 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1747 1748 <— 2:440 3: 3: 3 745— 3 3: 3: 3: 3; 3: 3 3: 3: 3 3: 2 3 : 1.S5 3: r.»7 215 234 244 3 : 2G2 3:271 2«7 3 : 303 3 : 320 3:344 360 368 377 3S'J 394 405 3 : 413 3:419 428 453 461 464 3 : 489 3:523 15 34 41 75 4: 4 4: 4: muster-roll, etc. SANBORN, JOSEIMI : muster-roll SANBORN, JosiAii: petition SANBORN, Reuben: petition SANBORN. Sill iiAEL: invalid volunleei SANBORN, Tkistuam mfml)er . SANBORNTON : inventory . 17(57— tlcliin|uent proprietors' lam SANDERS, IIenky: menil)er .... 1752— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— SANDERS, Oliveii : tax collector 7: Kil 1 sold 4 : 277 4 : 2 13 4:321 4:333 4 : 394 4:447 4 : 458 4 : 552 173 1736— 1715— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746- 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1748— 1724— 172G— 2:422 2:457 3:187 3 : 202 3:226 3 : 241 3:246 3 : 205 3 : 273 3 : 294 3 : 304 3 : 323 3 : 347 3:363 3 : 372 3 : 380 3 : 390 3 : 398 3 : 406 3:417 3 : 422 3 : 432 3:457 3:462 3 : 471 3:509 3 : 528 4: 16 4: 35 4: 4: 2: 2: Gl 80 6 30 1746— 3:430 1755— 5 : 37 1756— 5 : 96 17;; l_ 2:422 17G.S— 7:220 1745— 1752— IIG .3S0 1752— 4 : 2 IG 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1754^ 1755— 325 342 437 450 459 'I YRAR. VOL. 1734 2 1735 2 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 174G 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1747 4 1747 4 1748 4 1748 4 1724 2 1726 2 174G 3 1768 7 1755 5 175G 5 1746 3 1737 2 1773 8 1768 7 1752 4 1753 4 1752 4 1753 4 1753 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 17.''»5 5 17G4 6 PAGE. 397 433 184 189 203 231 242 247 267 284 298 314 326 355 3G6 376 381 393 399 411 418 424 441 459 463 481 522 2 20 39 73 84 11 45 532 261 38 97 331 475 157 261 217 309 267 327 3S4 442 451 463 41 415 II Province of [N'ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 329 YEAE. VOL. PAGE. SANDERS, Robert : relieved 1760— 6 : 108 1761 6 130 SANDERS, William : jetition ..... . 1756 5 172 SANDER'S Point: bridge . 1719 1 237 SANDOWN : polling off" from Kingston to . . . . 1760 6 82 inventory ..... 1761— 6:122 1767 7 161 1768— 7 : 219 1773 8 157 SANDWICH : highway through 1769 7 : 291 1770 7 341 inventory .... . 1773 8 158 SANDY Beach [Rye] : petition 1725 2: 23 1725 2 24 1726 2: 29 1726— 2: 36 1726 2 37 a parish named Rye . 1726— 2: 40 1726 2 41 SARAH & Elizabeth: schooner, a trans^jort 1745 3 : 241 1745 3 274 SARGENT, Catherine {alias Brown] : wife of Epps Sargent, land divided . 1745 3 295 SARGENT, John : claim 1758 5 377 SARGENT, Dr. Nathaniel : army surgeon . 1745 — 3 : 159 1746— 3 : 331 1746 3 333 174(3— 3:395 1753— 4 : 329 1753 3 341 1756— 5:191 1758— 5:427 1760 6 91 estate of, divided 1764 — 6 : 421 1765— 6:440 1765 6 441 1765— 6:442 1765— 7 : 4 1765 7 45 SARGENT, Paul Dudley : member • • • 1775 8 218 SARGENT & Dearborn: account ■ 1753 4 337 SAVAGES (see also Indians) : grievous oppi'essious of the , 1711 1 19 SAYH7LE [Wendell] : inventorv ..... . 1773 8 159 SAWYER, Abner : petition . 1759 6 15 SAWYER, Dr. Benjamin: petition ..... ■ • • • 1763 6 364 SAWYER, Edmund: V. Hazen, Richard . 1757— 5 : 253 1757 5 276 SAWYER, John: to appear .... • • • 1755 4 543 SCALES, James: account, etc. .... 1744 3: 77 1744 3 80 1744— 3 : 107 1745 3 : 274 1746 3 375 SCALPS : Indian, bounty on . . 1722 1 346 1744— 3 88 1745— 3:266 1746 3 325 1746— 3 384 1746— 3 : 385 1747 3 468 1747— 3 521 1747— 3:525 1747 3 526 1748— 4 92 1748— 4: 93 1755 5 12 SCAMMON, lIuMi'HREY: petition 1753— 4:282 1753 4 284 1753— 4:285 1753— 4:286 1753 4 341 SCHOOLS (see also Vagrant, etc.) : at Hampton Falls . • 1712 1 52 parishes may maintain, separate fr om town from which they are set off . . 1716 1 171 42 330 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAK. VOL. PAGE. SCHOOLS, — {contimicd) : ft-ee town, parishos excused from su pporting, when 1716 1 171 Latin, at Portsmouth • • ■ 1718 1 212 free school of province at rortsniou th . 1724 2 6 grammar 1721— 1:266 1724 2 5 g:i-aniniar, at Dover 1722— 1 : 343 1722— 1:344 1722 1 345 OTamuiar, at Londonilerry for " aboriginal natives," etc. . > 1727 2 108 . • 1763 6 321 not kecj)ing. fin<'s for 1721— 1 : 266 1771 8 68 nine tenths of towns without . ■ ■ 1771 8 111 SCHUYLER, Col. Pktku: at Boston, for conference • 1722 1 349 account, etc 1759— 6: 9 1759 6 17 1759— 6 : 20 1760 6 69 SCIRE Facias : prosecution of, stayed . 1747 3 520 SCOBY, JosErii: petition 1760— 6: 62 1760 6 96 SCOTT, Edwaud: letter, etc. . 1755— 5 : 14 1755 — 5 : 15 1760 6 63 SCOUTS ["ScouNTS," "SciiouTs"]: distributed, supplied, paid, etc. 171-2_ 1 : 40 1712 1 50 1712— 1: 51 1721— 1 : 296 1722 1 325 1722— 1:328 1722— 1:329 1723 1 380 1723— 1:381 1723— 1:395 1724 1 434 1724— 2: 7 1724—2: 9 1744 3 97 174^_ 3:105 174.5— 3:158 1745 3 165 1745— 3:217 1745 3:228 1745 3 230 174.5— 3 : 255 174.5— 3 : 257 1745 3 275 1745— 3:276 174.5— 3 : 277 1745 3 278 1745 3 : 286 1745 3 : 290 1745 3 291 1745 3 : 296 174.5— 3:. 304 1746 3 310 1746— 3:314 1746— 3 : 329 1746 3 330 1746 3 : 338 1746— 3 : 349 1746 3 375 1746— 3:378 1746— 3 : 379 1746 3 382 1746— 3 : 383 1746— 3:408 1746 3 409 1746— 3 : 412 1746 3:413 1746 3 414 1746— 3:415 1746— 3 : 422 1746 3 423 1746— 3 : 424 1746— 3 : 429 1746 3 430 1746— 3:431 1746— 3 : 433 1746 3 438 1747—3:462 1747— 3:471 1747 3 472 1747— 3:473 1747— 3:488 1747 3 524 1747— 4: 29 174.S— 4: 74 1748 4 81 1748— 4: 89 1748— 4: 92 1753 4 316 1753— 4 : 328 1753— 4: 344 1755 4 566 SCRIBE (sec also Clerk) : colonel allowed a . . . • 1758 6 406 SCRIBNER, Ben.iamin : Quaker, relieved .... 1762— 6:274 1762 6 279 1763— 6:348 1763 6 375 SCRIBNER, Joiin: petition ..... 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 309 1769— 7:324 1769 7 328 SCRIBNER, Samuel: ])etition ...... 1759— 5:494 1759 5 497 SEABROOK (see also Hampton Falls): dividing line with IIam))ton Falls . • • • 1768 7 212 jjarish with Hami)ton Falls .• 1768 7 246 1768— 7 : 247 1768 7 259 settlement of Rev. Samuel Perley regulated (see also Perley) . 1770 7 346 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 331 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. SEABROOK, — {continued) : petitioners from .... 1770 8 2 inventory 1773 8 157 SEA-COAST (see also Southack) : plating the [chart] .... 1717 1 204 SEA Gulls (see also Gunning) : shooting, to prevent 1711 1 5 SEAL [Province] : to be affixed to certain laws 1716 1 145 SEALS : want of, not to invalidate certain warrants 1763 6 319 SEALER: of linen in Londonderry . . 1731 2 345 SEAMEN (see also Sailors) : wages 1745— 3:268 1746 3 411 SEAVEY, Amos: member , • , 1755 5 43 1755— 5: 49 1755— 5:258 1756 5 70 1756— 5 : 80 1756— 5: 82 1756 5 106 1756— 5 : 130 1756— 5:141 1756 5 143 1756— 5 : 149 1756— 5:151 1756 5 152 1756— 5 : 159 1756— 5: 169 1756 5 186 1756— 5 : 187 1756 5 : 190 1756 5 260 1756— 5:515 1757— 5:203 1757 5 217 1757— 5:229 1757— 5:234 1757 5 241 1757— 5 : 242 1757— 5:243 1757 5 250 1757— 5 : 255 1757— 5:264 1757 5 *268 1757— 5:274 1757 — 5:289 1757 5 295 1757— 5 : 307 1757— 5:506 1758 5 322 1758— 5:327 1758 5:332 1758 5 338 1758 5 : 339 1758— 5:352 1758 5 353 1758— 5 : 354 1758— 5:362 1758 5 371 1758 5 : 375 1758— 5 : 378 1758 5 379 1758- 5:381 1758 5 : 383 1758 5 386 1758 5 : 387 1758 5:388 1758 5 393 1758 5 : 397 1758— 5:409 1758 5 416 1758— 5 : 419 1758 5:432 1758 5 434 1758 5 : 436 1758 5:512 1759 5 458 1759— 5 : 466 1759 5:495 1759 5 496 1759— 6 : 3 1759— 6: 7 1759 6 8 1759— 6: 10 1759— 6: 13 1759 6 17 1759— 6 : 18 1759 6: 21 1759 6 23 1759— 6: 26 1760 6: 39 1760 6 41 1760— 6 : 42 1760 6: 55 1760 6 56 1760 6: 81 1760— 6: 89 1760 6 92 1760— 6: 99 1760 6:103 1760 6 106 1760— 6 : 107 1760 6:115 1761 6 196 1761— 6:199 1761— 6:202 1761 6 212 1761— 6:213 1761— 6:218 1761 6 224 1761— 6:232 1773— 8 : 144 1773 8 149 1773 8:150 1774— 8:164 1774 8 172 SEAVEY, Eunice (see Odiorne, J.). SECRECY (see also Oaths) : regarding affairs of convention enjoined . a 1746 3 356 SECRETARY (see also Atkinson, Story, Waldron, and Message) : messages by, etc • , 1731 2 349 1731— 2:352 1731— 2 : 354 1731 2 357 1732— 2:365 1732— 2:371 1732 2 372 1732 2 : 375 1733— 2 : 396 1734 2 398 1734— 2:412 1734— 2:419 1734 2 424 332 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. FAOE. SECRETARY, - — {conlimicd) : messages by, etc. 1734— 2 : 42S 1734— 2:430 1735 2 433 1735— 2:435 1735— 2:436 1735 2 444 1735— 2:446 1735— 2:447 1735 2 452 1736— 2:45'J 173C,_ 2 : 474 1737 2 475 1737— 2:495 1737— 2:511 1737 2 517 1740— 2:551 1740— 2:553 1740 2 558 1740— 2:559 1740— 2:569 1742 2 649 1742— 2:650 1742- 3 : 29 1742 3 31 1742— 3: 35 1712— 3: 40 1742 3 45 1743— 3: 49 1743— 3: 54 1743 3 55 1743— 3: 67 1743— 3: 60 1743 3 62 174:3_ 3 : 63 174:3— 3 : 65 1743 3 66 1743— 3: 67 1743— 3: 68 1743 3 69 1743— 3: 75 1744— 3: 76 1744 3 79 1744— 3: 81 1744— 3: 83 1744 3 85 1744— 3: 87 1744— 3 : 88 1744 3 89 1744_ 3 : 98 1744— 3 : 99 1744 3 103 1744— 3 : 105 1744— 3 : 106 1744 3 107 1744— 3:112 1744— 3:113 1745 3 118 1745— 3 : 145 174,5— 3:154 1745 3 156 1745— 3 : 157 174;5_ 3:159 1745 3 161 1745 3 : 164 174,5_ 3: 1(35 1745 3 167 1745— 3 : 176 1745_ 3 : 182 1745 3 194 1745 3 : 195 1745— 3:214 1745 3 217 1745— 3:219 1745— 3 : 220 1745 3 223 1745— 3 : 224 1745— 3:226 1745 3 228 1745— 3 : 230 1745 3 : 236 1745 3 240 1745— 3 : 242 1745— 3:243 1745 3 244 1745— 3 : 245 1745— 3:252 1745 3 253 1745— 3 : 254 1745— 3:256 1745 3 257 1745 3 : 261 1745— 3:265 1745 3 273 1745— 3 : 286 1745— 3:289 1745 3 290 1745— 3 : 300 1745 3 : 304 1746 3 309 1746— 3:315 1746— 3 : 321 1746 3 322 1746— 2:335 1746— 3 : 337 1746 3 341 1746 3 : 348 1746 3 : 349 1746 3 361 1746— 3:362 1746— 3:367 1746 3 372 1746— 3:376 1746— 3 : 380 1746 3 382 1746— 3 : 386 1746— 3:392 1746 3 401 1746— 3:402 1746— 3:413 1746 3 421 /' 1746 3 : 422 1746 3:423 1746 3 425 1746— 3:426 1746— 3:427 1746 3 436 1746— 3:440 1746— 3:445 1747 3 449 1747_ 3:4,52 1747— 3 : 454 1747 3 455 1747— 3:456 1747— 3 : 465 1747 3 466 1747— 3:467 1747— 3:470 1747 3 472 1747— 3 : 473 1747— 3:474 1747 3 475 1747— 3:482 1747— 3:483 1747 3 484 1747_ 3 : 485 1747— 3:486 1747 3 492 1747— 3 : 495 1747- 3:497 1747 3 498 1747— 3:499 1747— 3 : 501 1747 3 609 1747— 3: ,511 1747— 3:516 1747 3 617 1747— 3:521 1747— 3:523 1747 3 627 1747— 3 : 528 1747— 4: 15 1747 4 16 1747— 4 : 23 1747— 4: 24 1747 4 28 1747— 4: 32 1747— 4: 40 1747 4 43 1747— 4: 46 1747— 4: 48 1747 4 50 1747— 4 : 51 1747— 4: 52 1747 4 63 1747— 4 : 54 1747— 4: 56 1747 4 57 1747— 4: 59 1747_ 4 : 60 1748 4 61 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 333 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. SECRETARY, - - {continued) : messages by, etc. 1748— 4 : 62 1748 4: 63 1748 4 64 1748— 4: 70 1748 4: 71 1743 4 72 1748— 4 : 74 1748 4: 75 1748 4 76 1748 4: 80 1748— 4: 86 1748 4 87 1748 4: 91 1748 4: 94 1748 4 95 1749— 4 : 105 1749— 4:108 1749 4 109 1749— 4:110 1749— 4:111 1749 4 112 1749— 4:119 1749— 4:120 1749 4 121 1749— 4:122 1749— 4 : 124 1749 4 127 1749— 4 : 128 1749— 4 : 132 1749 4 133 1749— 4 : 136 1749— 4 : 140 1749 4 143 1749— 4 : 144 1749— 4 : 145 1749 4 146 1749— 4 : 147 1749— 4 : 149 1749 4 *154 1749— 4 : 155 * 1749— 4:156 1749 4 157 1749— 4 : 158 1749— 1:159 1749 4 160 1749— 4 : 163 1749— 4:164 1749 4 166 1749— 4 : 167 1749— 4 : 168 1749 4 170 1749— 4 : 171 1749— 4:172 1749 4 173 1749— 4 : 174 1749— 4 : 175 1750 4 176 1750— 4 : 177 1750— 4 : 178 1750 4 179 1750— 4 : 180 1750— 4:181 1750 4 182 1750— 4 : 183 1750— 4 : 184 1750 4 185 1750 4 : 186 1750— 4 : 187 1750 4 188 1750— 4 : 189 1750— 4 : 194 1752 4 205 1752— 4 : 215 1752— 4 : 217 1752 4 218 1752— 4 : 222 * 1752— 4 : 223 1752 4 233 1752— 4:234 1752— 4 : 244 1752 4 245 1752— 4 : 248 1752— 4 : 249 1752 4 250 1752— 4 : 254 1752— 5 : 256 1752 4 257 1752— 4 : 263 1752— 4 : 269 1752 4 270 1752— 4:271 1752— 4 : 275 1752 4 278 1752— 4:280 1753— 4 : 288 1753 4 292 ]753— 4:293 1753 4:294 1753 4 295 1753 4 : 298 1753 4 : 300 1753 4 301 1753— 4:303 1753 4 : 305 1753 4 306 1753 4 : 309 1753— 4 : 321 1753 4 322 1753— 4:323 1753— 4:325 1753 4 826 1753 4 : 328 1753 4 : 328 * 1753 4 329 1753— 4 : 344 1753— 4 : 345 1753 4 347 1753 4 : 352 1753— 4 : 356 1753 4 361 1753— 4 : 362 1753— 4 : 363 1753 4 364 1753— 4 : 368 1754— 4 : 369 1754 4 375 1754— 4 : 377 1754— 4 : 393 1754 4 395 1754— 4 : 396 1754— 4:398 1754 4 401 1754 4 : 403 1754— 4:406 1754 4 407 1764 4 : 408 1754— 4:411 1754 4 416 1754— 4:419 1754_ 4 : 421 1754 4 427 1754— 4 : 431 1754— 4:432 1754 4 435 1754— 4:436 1754— 4 : 438 1754 4 439 1754— 4 : 445 * 1754— 4 : 446 1754 4 448 1754— 4 : 449 1754— 4:450 1754 4 451 1754 4 : 453 1754— 4:454 1754 4 460 1754— 4:462 1754— 5 : 463 1754 4 464 1754— 4 : 467 1754— 4:468 1754 4 469 1754— 4 : 470 1754 4:471 1754 4 474 1754— 4 : 476 1754— 4:478 1754 4 484 1754— 4 : 487 1754— 4 : 488 1755 4 492 1755— 4 : 508 1755 4 : 513 1755 4 514 1755— 4:517 1754— 4:519 1755 4 521 1755— 4:527 1755— 4:529 1755 4 537 334 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SJXllETAllY, — {cojitinncd) messages by, etc YEAR. VOL. PAGE. cd) : 1755— 4:5n0 1755 4 : 540 1755 4 541 1755— 4 : 542 1755 — 4: 544 1755 4 645 1755 — 4 : 54(5 1755— 4:550 1755 4 666 1755— 5: 2 I7r,r>_ 5: 3 1755 6 13 1755— 5: 14 1755 — 5: 17 1755 5 22 1755— 6 : 36 1755— 5: 39 1756 5 47 1755— 6: 48 1755— 5: 51 1755 6 55 1755— 5: 69 1755 — 5 : 61 1755 6 62 1756 6: 73 1756 — 5: 76 1756 6 HO 1756— 5: 84 1756— 5 : 87 1756 5 8H 1756— 5: 89 1756— 5: 90 1756 5 93 1756— 5: 96 1756— 5: 97 1756 5 98 1756— 5 : 103 1756— 5: 108 1756 5 113 1756— 6 : 120 1756— 5 : 124 1766 5 128 1756 5 : 130 1756 5 : 137 1756 6 138 1756— 5:139 1756— 5 : 140 1756 5 143 1766— 5 : 146 1756— 5: 151 1756 5 153 1756— 5 : 154 1756 5:162 1756 6 163 1756— 5 : 169 1756— 5 : 170 1756 6 176 1756 — 5 : 177 1756— 5:178 1756 6 179 1756— 5 : lh2 1756— 5:189 1756 6 191 1757— 5 : 20() 1757— 5:211 1757 5 216 1757— 5 : 233 1757— 5:239 1757 5 242 1757— 5 : 243 1757— 5 : 248 1757 6 249 1757— 5:255 1757— 5:269 1757 6 271 1757— 5 : 27 1 1757— 5 : 277 1757 5 286 1757— 5 : 289 1757— 5 : 291 1757 5 293 1757— 5 : 29(; 1757— 5:297 1757 6 309 1758— 5:310 1758— 5 : 312 1758 6 320 1758— 5 : 322 1758— 5 : 323 1758 5 328 1758 5 : 329 1758— 5 : 330 1758 6 338 175.8— 5:341 1758 5 : 350 1758 5 351 1758— 5 : 300 1758— 5 : 367 1758 5 371 1758— 5 : 3«4 1758— 5:391 1758 5 392 1758 5 : 399 1758— 5:402 1768 6 403 1758— 5 : 407 1758— 5:408 1758 6 409 1758— 2:410 1758— 5 : 415 1758 6 417 1758— 5:419 1758— 5 : 424 1758 5 425 1758— 5 : 432 1758— 5:433 1758 5 437 1758— 5:438 1758— 5 : 439 1758 5 452 17,-,9— 5 : 484 1759— 5:488 1759 6 493 1759 5 : 494 1759— 5 : 497 1759 6 498 1759— 5 : 499 1759— 6: 2 1759 6 3 1759— 6 : 4 1759— 6 : 5 1759 6 6 1759— 6: 9 1759— 6 : 15 1759 6 16 1759— 6 : 25 1759 6: 27 1759 6 33 1760— 6 : 34 1760— 6: 42 1760 6 46 1761)— 6: 49 1760 6: 69 1760 6 77 1760— 6: 93 1760— 6: 94 1760 6 96 1760— 6 : 104 1760— 6 : 105 1760 6 109 1760— 6:113 1760 6:114 1760 6 115 1700— 6:110 17G0— 6:119 1761 6 120 1701— 6:121 1761— 6:123 1761 6 169 1761— 6:170 1761— 6:171 1761 6 173 17r,l_ 6:179 1761— 6:180 1761 6 188 1762— 6 : 245 1702— 6 : 255 1762 6 *263 1762— 6:264 1702;- 6 : 275 1702 6 278 1762— 6 : 281 1762— 6 : 283 1702 6 287 1762— 6 : 288 1762— 6 : 289 1762 6 294 1762— 6 : 296 1762— 6 : 298 1702 6 299 Peovince of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 335 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. SECRETARY, — (contiimed) : messages by, etc. 1762 — 6 : 301 1762— 6 : 302 1762 6 304 1762— 6:305 1762— 6 : 309 1763 6 312 1763— 6 : 314 1763— 6 : 320 1763 6 341 1763 6 : 346 1763— 6 : 355 1763 6 374 1763— 6 : 375 1764— 6 : 883 1764 6 387 1764— 6 : 411 1764— 6 : 427 1765 6 439 1765— 6 : 444 1765— 6 : 445 1765 6 449 1765— 6 : 450 1765 6 : 454 1765 6 469 1765— 7 : 1 1765— 7: 2 1765 7 4 1765— 7 : 14 1765— 7 : 19 1765 7 21 1765 7: 23 1765— 7: 25 1765 7 30 1765— 7 : 81 1765— 7: 34 1765 7 85 1765— 7 : 39 1765— 7 : 44 1765 7 49 1765— 7 : 50 1766— 7 : 69 1766 7 70 1766 7: 80 1766— 7 : 86 1766 7 90 1766— 7 : 98 1766— 7 : 99 1766 7 100 1766 7 : 101 1766— 7 : 103 1766 7 108 1766— 7:110 1767— 7:111 1767 7 124 1767— 7 : 126 1767— 7:127 1767 7 181 1767— 7 : 132 1767— 7 : 144 1767 7 146 1767— 7 : 149 1767— 7 : 153 1767 7 159 1768— 7 : 221 1768— 7 : 223 1768 7 226 1768— 7:227 1768— 7 : 229 1768 7 252 1768 7 : 259 1768— 7 : 265 1768 7 280 1769— 7 : 281 1769— 7 : 320 1769 7 330 1769— 7 : 333 1770— 8 : 4 1770 8 9 1770— 8: 35 1771— 8:118 1772 8 116 1772— 8 : 129 1773— 8 : 138 1774 8 218 compensation {see also Council, clerk of) . . 1731 2 335 1731— 2 : 336 1781 2 347 1734 2 : 410 1735— 2:448 1735 2 451 1735— 2 : 452 1737— 2:485 1744 8 93 1745 3 : 167 1745 3 : 196 1745 3 206 1746— 3:339 1746— 3 : 887 1746 3 389 1747— 3: 497 1747— 3:510 1748 4 85 1753— 4 : 313 * 1755— 4:571 1755 5 87 1755— 5: 38 1756— 5 : 130 1756 5 145 1757— 5: 27 1758— 5 : 379 1759 6 12 1760 6: 70 1761— 6 : 166 1762 6 267 1763— 6 : 349 1764— 6 : 403 1765 7 272 1766 7: 78 1766— 7 : 82 1767 7 114 1769— 7 : 287 1769— 7 : 297 1769 7 298 1770— 8 : 16 1771— 8: 91 1772 8 122 1773— 8 : 149 1774— 8:198 1774 8 214 to keep one key to province box • 1745 3 283 duplicate list of recorder's books to be lodged with the . 1747 3 511 invoices to be lodged with the . • • • 1753 4 293 to procure copies of Dummer's treati es . 1754 4 420 to ay king's writ before house . 1755 5 49 captains to lodge muster-rolls with tl le . 1756 5 123 1757— 5 : 241 1760— 6 : 75 1762 6 254 to furnisli i)rinter copj" of act . • • . 1758 5 319 to fiu-nish ti'ea.surer names of men in service . 1758 5 419 stoppages to be reguhited by the . 1759 5 481 SECRETARY (Dki'uty) (see also Wibird, li., and King, George) : messages by . 1768 — 7:201 1668— 7:285 1768 7 264 1768 7:277 1769— 7:290 1769 7 824 1769— 7:335 1770— 7 : 337 1770 7 838 336 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. SECRETARY (Deputy), — (continued) : message's by . 1770 — 7:340 1770 7 : 345 • 1770 7 346 1770— 7 : 347 1770— 7 : 35!- > 1770 7 359 1770— 8: 4 1770— 8: £ . 1770 8 9 1770— 8: 11 1770— 8: VI \ 1770 8 32 1770— 8: 35 1770— 8 : 4C I 1770 8 46 1770- 8: 47 1770— 8 : 4£ 1 1770 8 50 1770— 8 : 53 1770— 8: 5J [ 1711 8 59 1771— 8: 60 1771— 8: 61 1771 8 63 1771— H: 67 1771— 8: 72 t 1771 8 75 1771- 8: 77 1771— 8: 7^ i 1771 8 94 1771— 8: 97 1771— 8:11(. ) 1772 8 125 1772— 8 : 134 1772— 8 : 13£ . 1773 8 137 1773— 8 : 139 1773 8:14C > 1774 8 165 1774 8 : 166 1774— 8:17C ) 1774 8 189 1774— 8 : 190 ♦ 1774— 8:195 ! 1774 8 193 1774— 8 : 195 1774— 8:197 1774 8 202 1774— 8 : 204 1774— 8 : 206 . 1774 8 207 1774— 8 : 210 1774— 8:211 1774 8 216 1775— 8 : 220 1775— 8:22C i 1775 8 229 1775 8 : 231 1775— 8 : 23i ! 1775 8 236 SECRETARY [RoyalI (see also Conway, Delafay, New Castle, and Pill) : correspondence with, etc. . 1721 1 279 1768 7 : 22£ 1 1768 7 240 1772- 8:121 1772— 8:131 1773 8 140 SELECTMEN (see also Bcll-Mnn and Ihdcs ): to inspect and order the eliikh'en of their parishes 5 1712 1 45 to provide grammar schools, under penalty 1721 1 266 to take invoice and report same , 1729 2 172 to assess jioUs ami estates . 1738 2 535 to take invoice of polls and estates . , . 1753 4 290 to return invoice to clerk of house . , . 1753 4 291 to return invoice to secretary of pro\ ■ince 1753 4 293 snow-shoes and moggasons deposited with 1744 3 108 to change highways, etc. . , 17G5 7 15 17(i,-,_ 7: le » 1765 7 18 1765— 7: 34 1765— 7: 47 1766 7 62 fines of, for not keeping schools . , 1771 8 68 SELLING (see Licenses). SJi'.NTER, Joseph : petition . 1774 8 170 SENTINELS [" Centinels"] : pay . . . 1722— 1 : 339 1724— 1:427 1724 2 3 1744— 3 : 109 1745— 3:21( » 1746 3 325 1746— 3 : 384 1746— 3 : 387 1756 5 117 1757— 5 : 238 1758— 5:371 1758 5 378 lined for non-appearance , 1740 2 550 cidistment of, encouraged 1745 3 152 SEPARATION: of NfW Hampshire from Massachusi tts . 1742 2 612 from wife sought (see also (Jrcen, Nathan) 1756— 5 : 172 1756 5 174 SERGEANTS [" Sauoents, Serteants, Seiuants"! : pay 1714- 3:10S 1745 3 168 1746— 3 : 216 1746— 3 : 32;: . 1746 3 384 1746— 3 : 387 174H— 4: !>* 1755 5 18 1756- 5:117 1757-* 5 : 23^ i 1758 6 378 1759— 6 : 4 17(;i_ 0:193 1762 6 254 SERVANT : fi-ee from any impress, ministers shall each have a 1712 1 43 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 337 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. SERVANT, — {continued) : allowance for .... . 1757— 5 : 252 1758 5 343 1758— 5 : 358 1758— 5:413 1759 5 477 1759— 5:492 1760 6: 35 1760 6 112 SERVANTS : absenting, to ])rcvent , ^ , , 1714 1 77 none, under age, to take up wages without master's consent ..... • • , , 1722 1 325 SERVICE {sec also Execution, Expedition , Great Britain, and Members) : certificates of members . . 1714— 1: 92 1714 1 93 1715— 1:114 1715— 1:115 1715 1 116 SESSIONS {see also Court, Quarter and Spring) : to grant taverns • » , , 1753 4 368 SETTING Off {see also Demands) : debts and mutual demands . 1765— 7: 16 1765 7 17 1765— 7: 34 1765 7 35 SETTLEMENTS (.see also Estates): on north of Massachusetts line proportioned • • 1742— 2:632 1742 2 638 SEVERITIES : inhuman, to resti'ain , . 1718 1 220 SEWARD, Mary: claim . 1743— 3: 70 1743 3 75 SHACKFORD, John: petition . . 1742— 2:630 1742— 2:633 1742 2 635 SHACKFORD, Samuel: account . • • 1726 2 61 SHAD: at Amoskeag Falls, protected . , , • • 1760 6 111 SHANNON, CuTTS: attorney ..... . 1755 — 4:504 1759 6 31 1760 6:303 1763 6 338 SHAW, Gideon: to appear , , , 1770 8 14 SHAW, Ichabod: petition , , • • 1760 6 82 SHAW, John: account , , , , 1731 2 356 SHAW, JosiAH: volunteer . • • 1746 3 404 SHAW, Samuel: lot of, at Sled Hill, Raymond . . . •769 7 311 SHEAFE, Jacob: commissary, member . 1746— 3:416 1752 4 263 1765— 7: 6 1765— 7: 16 1765 7 27 1765— 7 : 28 1765— 7: 32 1765 7 38 1765— 7: 43 1765 7: 47 1765 7 48 1765— 7 : 49 1765— 7:176 1766 7 54 1766— 7 : 68 1766 7: 84 1766 7 87 1766— 7 : 94 1766— 7: 96 1766 7 100 1766— 7 : 109 1766— 7:178 1767 7 118 1767— 7 : 119 1767— 7:120 1767 7 121 1767— 7 : 127 1767— 7 : 136 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 185 1768 7:194 1768 7 198 1768 7 : 236 1768 7:237 1768 7 244 1768— 7 : 249 1768— 7:262 1768 7 272 1768— 7 : 273 1768— 7:350 1769 7 299 1769— 7 : 330 1769— 7:352 1770 7 342 1770— 7 : 343 1770— 7 : 346 1770 7 354 1770— 7 : 856 43 1770 7:357 1770 8 Pl 338 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. SHEAFE, Jacob. — {Continued) : commissary, member 1770— 8: 1 177U— 8: 3 1770 8 5 1770— 8: 1:5 1770— 8 : 18 1770 8 32 1770— 8: 44 1770— 8: 46 1770 8 61 1770— 8: 62 1771— 8: 2p 1771 8 84 1771— 8: 93 1771— 8:101 1771 8 106 1771— 8:109 1772— 8:115 1772 8 118 1772— 8: 120 1772— 8: 121 1772 8 122 1772— 8:124 1772— 8 : 128 1772 8 129 1772— 8 : 130 177:^— 8:i:35 1773 8 138 1773— 8:141 177:3— 8:144 1773 8 161 1774— 8 : 164 1774— 8:165 1774 8 169 1774— 8 : 170 1774— 8:172 1774 8 184 1774— 8:187 1774— 8 : 192 1774 8 196 1774— 8 : 202 1774— 8 : 203 1775 8 218 1775— 8:220 1775— 8 : 222 1775 8 223 SIIEAFE, Sampson ["Siiealf"]: of the council, etc. 174C— 3 : 320 1746— 3:328 1746 3 348 1746— 3 : 356 174G— 3:363 1746 3 367 1746— 3:383 1746— 3 : 395 1746 3 400 1746 3:411 1747— 3 : 463 174G 3 473 1747— 3:475 1747— 3:493 1747 3 503 1747— 4 : 28 1747— 4 : 40 1748 4 85 175:5— 4 : 323 1754— 4:416 1755 4 503 1755— 4 : 570 1755— 4:573 1756 6 70 1756— 5 : 76 1756— 5 : 134 1756 6 168 1756— 5 : 179 1757— 5 : 206 1767 6 286 1758 5 : 363 1758— 5 : 382 1758 6 421 1759— 5 : 478 1759— 6:486 1760 6 63 SHEEP : tax-free, for encouragement . • « 1727 2 75 increase of 1757— 5 : 257 1767 6 268 1761— 6 : 220 1762— 6 : 241 1762 6 242 1762— 6 : 251 1762— G : 252 1762 6 264 1762— 6 : 265 1762— 6 : 268 1762 6 271 1760— 6 : 282 1762— 6:298 1770 8 47 SHEFFIELD: soldiers sick at .... . 1760 6 63 SHEFFIELD. Joseph: petition . . 1734— 2 : 428 1734— 2 : 429 1736 2 444 SHELBURNE: ]iit,'liwav . 1772 8 128 SIIELIUJRNE, Eaul of: letters to . 1768 7 231 SHEPAKD, Capt. John : muster-roll, etc 1756— 5 : 187 1767 5 196 1757— 5:219 1757— 6:228 1757 5 233 1757— 5 : 288 17G0— 6: 57 1761 6 134 SIIEPARD, John, Jk. : petition, etc . 1765 7 40 1705— 7 : 42 17GG— 7 : 52 1766 7 64 1766— 7: 62 1771— 8: 85 1774 8 205 SHEPARD, Thomas : memorial, etc. . . . • ■ 1747— 3:497 1748 4 61 SIH:ilBrRNE, Daniel: account, etc. ..... 1770— 8: 6 1770 8 11 SHERBURNE, Henry : • member, clerk, councilor, treasurer • 1720 1 244 1720— 1:245 1720— 1:246 1720 1 247 1720— 1 : 248 1720— 1 : 249 1 1720 1 263 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 339 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. SHERBURNE, Henry, — {Continued) : member, clerk, comicilor, treasurer 1720— 1:259 1720 1 : 260 1720 261 1720— 1:262 1721— 1:263 1721 273 1721— 1:275 1721— 1:276 1721 278 1721— 1:280 1721— 1:281 1721 282 1721— 1:283 1721— 1:286 1721 287 1721— 1 : 291 1721— 1:292 1721 294 1721— 1:295 1721— 1:308 1723 393 1727— 2: 77 1727— 2: 97 1728 2 119 1728 2:121 1728— 2 : 131 1728 2 135 1728— 2 : 138 1728 2 : 142 1728 2 144 1729— 2 : 146 1729— 2:152 1729 2 155 1729— 2:160 1729— 2 : 163 1729 2 164 1729— 2 : 167 1729 2:171 1730 2 316 1730— 2:317 1730— 2 : 322 1730 2 332 1731— 2:339 1731— 2 : 346 1731 2 359 1731— 2:361 1731— 2:362 1731 2 369 1732— 2 : 371 1733 2 : 381 1733 2 382 1734 2 : 402 1734— 2:408 1734 2 413 1735— 2:440 1735— 2:447 1735 2 448 1736— 2:460 1736 2:461 1737 2 479 1737— 2:494 1738— 2:536 1739 2 544 1740— 2 : 550 1740— 2 : 551 1742 2 627 1742— 3: 31 1742— 3 : 39 1743 3 51 1743— 3: 58 1743— 3 : 59 1743 3 60 captain • •••■• 1744_ 3 : 106 1745 3 126 1745— 3 : 159 * 1745- 3:228* 1747 3 454 colonel 1747— 4: 41 1752— 4 : 271 1752 4 275 obsequies t • • 1758 5 310 SHERBURNE, Henry, Jr. : member, clerk, speaker, councilor . . 1742 3 39 1745 3:115 1745 3 117 1745— 3 : 118 1745 3 : 123 1745 3 124 1745— 3 : 126 1745— 3 : 129 1745 3 131 1745— 3 : 132 1745— 3 : 134 1745 3 139 1745 3 : 140 1745— 3 : 144 1745 3 145 1745— 3 : 147 1745— 3 : 149 1745 3 151 1745— 3 : 152 1745— 3 : 153 1745 3 154 1745— 3 : 156 1745— 3 : 158 1745 3 tl59 1745— 3 : 161 1745— 3 : 163 1745 3 172 1745— 3 : 180 1745 3 : 184 1745 3 185 1745— 3 : 187 1745— 3 : 189 1745 3 193 1745— 3 : 199 1745 3 : 201 1745 3 202 1745— 3:204 1745 3 : 205 1745 3 207 1745 3 : 229 1745— 3:232 1745 3 237 1745_ 3 : 249 1745 3 : 250 1745 3 254 1745— 3 : 255 1745— 3 : 256 1745 3 262 1745 3 : 265 1745 3 : 269 1745 3 271 1745— 3 : 272 1745— 3 : 275 1745 3 280 1745 3 : 281 1745— 3 : 285 1745 3 288 1745— 3 : 292 1745 3 : 295 1746 3 310 1746 3:317 1746— 3 : 323 1746 3 334 1746— 3 : 348 1746 3 : 355 1746 3 360 1746— 3:363 1746— 3:368 1746 3 381 1746— 3 : 390 1746— 3 : 399 1746 3 401 1746— 3 : 415 1746— 3:418 1746 3 427 1746— 3 : 436 1746 3 : 437 1747 3 449 1747— 3 : 453 1747— 3 : 465 1747 3 *484 1747— 3 : 485 1747— 3:486 1747 3 487 1747 3 : 496 1747 3 . 499 1747 3 516 340 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SHKRBURNP:, FIf.nky, Ju. mcniljtT, clerk, spoil , — (Conti cr, couiu 747— 747— 747— 748- 74'J— 741»— 749— 749— 7r)(»— 7^)1- 752— 752— 752— 752— 753— 753— 753— 753— 754— 754— 754— 754— 754— 755— 755 — 755 — 755— 755— 755 — 755— 755— 755— 756— 756 — 756— 756— 756— 756— 756— 757 — 757 — 757— 757— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 759— 759— 759— 759— 760— 760— 760— 3: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4 : 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 5: 6: 5: 5: 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5 : 5: 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5: 5: 5: 5: 5: 5 : 5: 5 : 5: 5: 5: 5: 5 : 6: 6: 6: 6: nucd) ilor 528 19 39 98 105 118 158 163 10 9 225 239 245 276 301 326 360 366 393 430 443* 456 474 491 496 507 523 538 8 41 51 62 68 76 100 142 168 180 260 253 286 295 307 329 344 357 366 374 377 401 425 437 459 485 492 28 49 81 118 747— 747— 747— 749— 749— 749— 749— 749— 750— 752— 752— 752— 752— 752— 753— 753— 753 — 753 — 754— 754— 754— 754— 754— 755 — 755 — 755 — 755— 755— 755— 755— 755— 755 — 756— 756 — 756— 756— 756— 756— 757— 757— 757— 757 — 757— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 758— 759— 759— 759— 76ft— 760— 760— 761— 2 31 46 100 108 132 159 165 183 216 227 240 267 380 323 340 361 384 415 439 446 464 476 492 503 508 530 548 17 44 59 258 70 77 103 154 169 LSI 213 264 292 296 309 330 349 359 371 375 383 404 429 444 465 487 18 38 63 107 121 YKAK. 1747 1747 1748 1749 1749 1749 1749 1749 1750 1752 1752 1752 1752 1753 1753 1753 1753 1754 1754 1754 1754 1754 1754 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1755 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1756 1757 1757 1757 1757 1757 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1758 1759 1759 1759 1760 1760 1760 1761 VOL. PAGE. 4 16 4 35 4 71 4 104 4 110 4 •154 4 162 4 170 4 194 4 219 4 231 4 244 4 274 4 299 4 325 4 345 4 362 4 376 4 429 4 441 4 455 4 471 4 482 4 493 4 505 4 514 4 537 6 6 38 5 47 5 60 5 64 5 74 6 98 5 109 6 166 5 170 5 186 5 228 5 *268 5 293 5 302 5 506 5 343 5 352 5 363 5 373 5 376 5 392 5 411 5 436 5 512 5 479 5 489 6 20 6 43 6 69 6 112 6 138 Province of JSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 341 SHERBURNE, Henry, Jr., —{Continued) member, clerk, speaker, councilor 150 156 180 210 1761— 6: 1761— 6 : 1761— 6; 1761— 6 : 1762— 6 : 239 1762— 6 : 247 1762— 6 : 251 1762— 6 : 283 1762— 6 : 300 1763— 6 : 337 1763— 6 : 462 1764— 6 : 387 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 7 1765— 7 1765— 7 : 1766— 7 1766— 7 1766— 7 : 1 8 41 68 97 178 widow's petition, etc. SHERBURNE, John [" Shearburn "] petition, etc. member 1722— 1755— 1762— 1766— 1766— 1767— 1767— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1772— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1761- 1761- 1761- 1761- 1762- 1762- 1762- 1762- 1762- 1763- 1764- 1764- 1765- 1765- 1765- 1765- 1766- 1766- 1770- 1770- 1773- 6 : 152 6:171 6:184 6:232 6:242 6:249 6 : 264 6:284 6:458 6:348 6:383 6:400 6:437 7: 2 21 176 73 98 99 7: 7: 7: 7; 8: 15 8: 139 ;360 519 281 102 :180 118 127 152 185 213 237 256 269 350 289 :340 346 358 : 3 8 18 : 41 48 2p 84 101 108 117 120 123 8:130 8 : 137 8:141 8:148 8:155 1729- 1755- 1762- 1766- 1767- 1767- 1767- 1767- 1768- 1768- 1768- 1768- 1768- 1769- 1769- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1770- 1771- 1771- 1771- 1771- 1772- 1772- 1772- 1773- 1773- 1773- 1773- 1773- 2: 5 : 6: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7; 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 7; 8: 8; 8; 8; 8: 8; 8: 8: 146 10 303 103 113 119 136 170 200 225 244 262 272 282 320 343 354 IP 5 13 32 44 51 72 93 8:105 8:109 8:118 8:121 8:125 8:135 8 : 139 8:144 8:149 8:161 YEAK. VOL. 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1763 6 1764 6 1764 6 1765 6 1765 7 1765 7 1766 7 1766 7 1766 7 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1773 8 1721 1 1746 3 1755 5 1765 7 1766 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1767 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1767 7 1768 7 1769 7 1769 7 1770 7 1770 7 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1771 8 1772 8 1772 8 1772 8 1772 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 PAGE. 154 174 194 238 246 250 280 285 320 368 386 415 453 6 38 67 95 109 6 5 94 141 270 381 29 19 104 114 122 138 182 205 236 249 266 273 285 352 344 356 1 7 17 40 46 53 80 95 107 115 119 122 128 136 140 147 151 164 342 Index to Joirnals of House of IJepresentatives, TBAB. VOL. PACK. SIIERBUIINK, .John.- (r,>;j/iH«ed) : momber : 1774— 8:105 1774— 8:168 1774 8 169 1774— 8:170 1774— 8: 172 1775 8 220 SHERBURNE, JoSKi'ii : (if the council .... . 1734— 2 : 401 1734 2 403 17.! J— 2:424 1735— 2 : 439 1735 2 445 17:55- 2:447 1736— 2 : 458 1737 2 494 1737— 2:512 1737— 2:521 1738 2 637 1740— 2:649 1740— 2 : 559 1740 2 560 1740— 2:565 1742— 2 : 624 1742 3 38 1742— 3: 39 1743— 3: 53 1743 3 60 oaptiiin ..... . 1746— 3 : 392 1748 4 72 SHERBURNE, Mauv : petition ..... . . 1745 3 252 SHERBURNE, Noah: petition ..... . • 1772 8 121 SHERBURNE, Samuel: account, etc. . 172fi — 2 : Gl 1770— 8: 6 1770 8 11 SHERIFF (sec also Atkiyismi, Qamblimj, Packer, Phipj)s, Russell, and High Sheriff) : to common gaol , . 1714 1 78 accounts, i-eports, attendance, etc. , • . 1715 1 99 1715— 1:100 1716 1 165 1716 1:184 1717— 1 : 202 1718 1 226 compensation . 1726 — 2 : 65 1729— 2: 152 1731 2 344 1732— 2:370 1734— 2:410 1735 2 448 1737— 2:485 1746— 3 : 339 1746 3 389 1747— 3:610 1748— 4: 86 1753 4 336 1753 4 : 337 1755— 4:571 1756 5 144 1758 5:380 1759— 6: 13 1763 6 350 1764— 6 : 403 1765 7: 27 1766 7 79 1767— 7:115 1769— 7 : 287 1770 8 16 1771— 8: 91 1772— 8:122 1773 8 155 report jail needs repairs, etc. . , , . 1731 2 358 1732— 2:373 1745 3 244 1747_ 3 : 485 1747— 3:522 1747 4 20 1755— 4:523 1756— 5:184 1765 7 40 1766— 7: 99 1766— 7:100 1770 8 6 precepts {which see also) . . . 1749 4 135 1749— 4:136 1752 4 223 to sell personal estate at vendue . 1773— 8 : 137 1773 8 149 execution served by . . 1774 8 169 SHINGLES : assize of . . 1728— 2:112 1728 2 127 1728— 2:128 1728— 2:130 1743 3 51 SHIPPING {see also Embargo) : horses, penalty . 1714 1 78 paj'ing powder or money . . 1711— 1: 7 1727 2 76 1727— 2: 80 1747 3 473 British, duty on . . . . 1773— 2 : 378 1773 2 380 SHIPS {sec also Fleet, Frigates, Oreal Britain, Navigation, Pipon, Thomlinson, Trnde, Abigail, Ann & Jane Betty, Charming Molly, Endeavor, Entcrjiris e, Exeter, Flying Fish, Molli/, Neptune, Olive Branch, St. Clair, Sarah & Elizabeth, Speedwell, Squirrel, Sterling (Jostle , Trey- ton, and Warren) : with governor's packets, bunit . . 1722 1 311 of war . . 1711— 1: 19 1755— 5: 9 1758 5 349 from London .... . , , 1734 3 398 near Isle of Sables . . 1746— 3:418 1746 3 422 1 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 343 SHIRLEY, Capt. Washington: letter of SHIRLEY, Gen. William: governor of Massachusetts 1745— 3 : 121 1745— 3 : 146 1745— 3 : 194 1746— 3 : 387 1747— 3 : 454 1747— 3:481 1747— 3:499 1747— 3 : 604 1747— 3:516 1747— 4: 24 1754— 4:449 1755— 4:521 1755 — 5 : 58 1756— 5 : 97 1756— 5 : 115 1756— 5 : 130 175g 5 . igf) SHIRTLEFF (see Shurtleff). SHIRTS (see Holland). SHOALS, Isle of (see also Oosport and representative .... tax ....■• express to .... pier or bason .... SHOES : for soldiers .... SHOOTING (see also Gunning) : sea gulls out of boats, etc. SHUFFLE-BOARD (see Cards). SHURTLEFF, Rev. William: chaplain to assembly 1745— 3 : 194 report, etc. . 1725— 2 : 27 SHUTE, Samuel ["Shoot"]: governor 1717— 1 : 198 1718— 1:213 1718— 1:229 1719— 1:242 1721— 1:279 1722— 1:329 SIAS, JOSKIMI : muster-roll .... guai'dian, to make conveyance SICKNESS {see also Small-Pox) : wounds, etc., allowance for 1742— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1748— 1755 — 1755— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757 — Lotteries) '. 1716— 1767— 1768— 611 128 1591 252 395 455 494 501 509 517 : 61 488 531 74 104 116 137 270 1:172 1746- 1726- 1716- 1717- 1718- 1719- 1720- 1721- 1722- 3: 2: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1; 163 274 1758— 6 : 414 310 29 181 208 222 232 255 306 332 1746— 3 : 429 . 1714— 1: 77 1752— 4 : 249 1752— 4 : 269 1761— 6 : 202 1761— 6 : 206 1761— 6:216 1763— 6:321 1763— 6 : 334 1763— 6 : 353 1763— 6 : 364 1763— 6 : 365 1763— 6 : 367 1763— 6 : 371 providing in case of SILLIMAN, Ebenezeu: speaker of Connecticut house of representatives TEAK. VOL. 1755 5 1744 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1754 4 1755 4 1755 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1756 5 1758 5 1715 1 1720 1 1746 3 1767 7 1768 7 1768 7 1759 6 1711 1 1745 3 1747 3 1743 3 1717 1717 1718 1719 1721 1722 1727 2 1746 3 1768 7 1746 3 1760 6 1761 6 1763 6 1763 6 1763 6 1764 6 1774 8 1774 8 PAGE. 58 82 130 160 265 409 477 498 502 512 13 373 489 5 79 105 120 138 409 135 247 420 157 272 275 123 510 74 190 211 224 239 272 311 103 533 206 403 127 210 333 355 366 421 169 179 344 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SILLOWAY, ,)a. on: petition SILVER (see also Hills of Credit, Coin, Currairi/, and Money) : bills redeemable in . 17:?:]— 17G4— 17G5— 1753— 1758— 175G— 386 424 29 359 348 115 17t;7— 7 : 128 1769— 7 : 332 1774— 8 : 166 receivable for tax as stanchml . 1742—6:642 1757— 5:271 borrowed of (u'nei'al Shirley . soldiers jjaid in ... inal)ility to procnre . as legal tender eurrenc}' established SIMMS, JosKi'ii (see also Sy7nms) : account SIMONS, Joseph : invalid soldier .... SIMPSON, David: to api)ear ..... SIMPSON, Joux: jtetition ..... SIMPSON, Patten : to apjiear SBIPSON, Thomas: petition 1754— 4 : 467 SIMPSON, Wiluam: petition ......... SINCLAIR, Nathaniel ["Sinkleu"]: question of his clei'Kship ...... on Lieutenant-Colonel Hart's roll .... SITUATION, The (see Difficult, Disorderly, Distresses, Grievance, Hardship, Impositions, Insult, Labyriyith, Manners, Melancholy, Memoranda, Mobs, Monsters, Ne- cessaries, Perplexed, Pi'eccdent, Prudential, Reasons, Re- bellion, Reformation, Right, Uncomfortable, Unhappy, Unjust) . ^IX Nations {see also Five, etc.) Indians .... 1747— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— SLA\'KS {see also Indians, Mulatto, Negroes, etc.) Indian, importation of, prohibited . Indian and negro assessed neirro, Indian, and mulatto assessed female, not assessed invoice of . SLAYTON, Mks. Ann : claim 1745— 3 : 274 heirs of, to appear .... real estate of, sold 1760— 6 : 92 estate of, v. lianfield & Allcock SLED II ILL (see Raymond). YEAB. • 1747— 3 477 3 482 1754— 4 371 4 395 1754— 4 400 4 410 1754— 4 412 4 416 1754— 4 427 4 454 1754— 4 455 4 458 1754— 4 463 1728— 2 : 136 I7G1— 6:122 175;^}— 4 341 1759^ 6 21 1761- 6 144 1761— 6 196 1757 17G4 1765 \TM 1766 1754 1758 1756 1758 1759 1764 1765 1767 1772 1747 1761 1773 1773 1754 1774 1773 1757 1757 VOL. 1747 1754 1754 1754 1754 1754 1755 1714 1727 1728 1728 1767 1743 1755 1760 1761 1761 6 6 2 7 4 6 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 3 6 8 8 4 8 5 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 2 7 3 5 6 6 6 PAGE. 206 423 457 487 89 426 349 116 412 489 415 453 165 127 513 128 153 148 466 167 136 208 264 480 394 402 413 453 457 681 83 75 140 140 161 67 29 43 151 197 m Province of ITew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 345 TEAB. VOL. PAGE. SLEEPER, Ebenezer, and others : polling off fi'om Poplin to Epping 1765— 6:435 1765 6 451 SLEEPER, John: voluuteer . . 1746— 3 : 330 1746 3:331 1746 3 404 SLOOPS (see also Ships) : masters of , . 1721 1 284 coasting from Connecticut, etc. . . 1729 2 154 SLOPER, Ambrose: to appear ...... . . 1712 1 55 petition 1770— 8: 35 1770 8 42 1771— 8: 63 1771 8 64 SLOPER, Elizabeth: petition . . 1721 1 276 SLOPER, Capt. Henry: accounts . . 1745— 3 : 202 1745— 3:246 1745 3 259 SLOPER, Richard: petition ...... . . 1712 1 55 SLOPS [Drawers, Underwear] : for soldiers . 1724— 2 : 12 1745 3:206 1758 5 399 SMALL, Joshua: testimony of . . 1756 4 417 SMALL, Mrs. Susanna: accoimt ...... 1723— 1:390 1724 2 12 1725 2: 12t 1726 2 30 SMALL, Thomas: account . 1720— 1:253 1722— 1 : 364 1724 1 428 S]\IALL-POX (see also Distemjier, Inoculation, Pestilential Distemjjer, and Sickness) : on board vessels .... 1738— 2:539 1766 7 88 adjourns quarter sessions . . 1747 3 490 adjourns general court 1747— 3:493 1761 6 170 deranges business .... 1761— 6:136 1761 6 182 pest-house built (see also Smoke-House) . , 1747 3 498 1748— 4: 61 1761 6 159 act ....... , , , 1752 4 249 1752— 4:269 1754— 4:409 1755 4 547 1755— 4 : 569 1758— 5:345 1758 5 347 1758— 5:375 1759— 6: 15 1759 6 16 1761— 6 : 175 1761— 6:176 1761 6 177 1762— 6 : 243 1762— 6 : 250 1762 6 252 1762— 6 : 264 1762— 6:265 1762 6 268 1762— 6:271 1762— 6:279 1762 6 282 1762— 6 : 298 1763— 6:315 1763 6 375 1763— 6 : 376 1764— 6 : 388 1764 6 392 1764— 6 : 393 1765 7: 14 1765 7 15 1765 7: 16 1765— 7: 34 1765 7 48 cases of, expenses on account of, etc 1757— 5:299 1758 5 344 1758— 5 : 345 1758— 5:371 1758 5 437 1761— 6:123 1761— 6:134 1761 6 136 1761— 6 : 144 1761— 6 : 167 1761 6 170 1761— 6 : 177 1761- ■ 6 : 178 1761 6 179 1761— 6 : 187 1761— - 6 : 188 1761 6 196 1761— 6 : 198 * 1761— ■ 6 : 201 1761 6 202 1761— 6 : 206 1761- - 6 : 207 1761 6 208 1761— 6 : 209 1761— -6:213 1761 6 214 1761— 6 : 215 1761— -6:221 1761 6 224 1762 6 : 274 1762- - 6 : 283 1762 6 296 1763— 6 : 310 1763— - 6:314 1763 6 315 1763 6:316 1763- - 6 : 325 1763 6 342 1763— 6 : 343 1765- - 6 : 434 1765 6 454 broke out in governor's family 44 • • • 1761 6 186 346 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. PAGE. SMALLC'ORN, Samuel: ilivorce 1765— 6:445 176.5— 6 : 448 1765 6 457 17G5— 7: 4 1765— 7 : 9 1765 7 33 1765— 7 : 48 1765— 7 : 49 1766 7 62 SMART, Benjamin : undei: Ctiptiiiii Marston . • • • 1763 5 331 SMART Money-: allo\v:ince for . 1756— 5: 141 1756 5:178 1757 5 206 SMITH, Cheney: assistant army suro^eon . 1757— 5 : 240 1757 5 249 SMITH, Cai-t. Isaac: muster-roll 1757— 5 : 204 1758— 5 : 347 1758 5 404 SMITH. Itiiiel: (^laker, exempt fn Dm tax . 1763 6 365 SMITH, .Iahez: sek'ctman of Hampton • 1721 1 277 petition • ■ • 1742— 2 : 621 1742 2 630 estate of, divided . 1762— 6 : 279 1763 6 313 1763— 6 : 315 1763 6 : 316 1763 6 368 SMITH, Jacob: claim • . • . 1723 1 401 SMITH, Jacob, and others: illegally rated, relieved . 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 328 SMITH, James: claim • • • • . 1773 8 149 SMITH, John: member . 1757— 2 : 475 1737— 2:515 1739 2 542 SMITH, Cxn. John : muster-roll . • • • . 1746 3 438 SMITH, John Waldron : ])etition • 1757— 5:308 1758 5 404 SMITH, Joseph : member, clerk . • 1711— 1: 1 1711 8 1711— 1: 25 1711— 1: 27 1711 32 1711— 1: 34 1712— 1 : 37 1712 39 1712— 1 41 1712— 1: 42 1712 43 1712— 1 : 44 1712— 1 : 48 1712 52 1712— 1 54 1712— 1: 55 1712 56 1713— 1 59 1713— 1: 60 1713 63 1713— 1- 64 1713— 1 : 65 1713 66 1713— 1 68 1713— 1: 72 1714 74 1714— 1 75 1714— 1 : 79 1714 80 1714— 1 83 1714— 1: 85 1714 86 1714— 1 87 1714— 1 : 90 1714 92 1714— 1 93 1714— 1: 94 1715 97 1715— 1 99 1715— 1:100 1715 101 171.5— 1 102 1715— 1 : 103 1715 104 1715— 1 105 171.5— 1:106 1715 107 1715— 1 108 1715— 1 : 110 1715 111 171.5— 1 .112 1715— 1:113 1715 114 171.5— 1 :117 171.5— 1:124 1715 128 171.5— 1 :129 171.5— 1:1.32 1715 133 1715— 1 : 134 1715— 1: 135 1715 137 1715— 1 :138 1716— 1:140 1716 141 1716— 1 :142 1716— 1 : 143 1716 146 17 If,— 1 :147 1716 1:151 1716 l.")7 1716— 1 :163 nifi— 1: 164 1716 166 1716— 1 :167 171ti— 1:168 1716 169 1716— 1 :173 1716— 1:174 1716 177 1716— 1 :178 1716— 1:179 1716 180 1716— 1 .182 1716— 1:183 1716 186 1 Province of Neav Hampshire, 1711-1775. 347 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. SMITH, Joseph, — {continued) : member, clerk . 1716 — 1 187 1716— 1:189 1717 190 1717— 1 191 1717— 1:192 1717 193 1717— 1 194 1717— 1:196 1717 197 1717— 1 198 1717— 1 : 199 1717 200 1717— 1 201 1717— 1:202 1717 203 1717— 1 204 1717— 1:205 1717 206 1718 1 212 1724— 2: 3 1734 2 410 SMITH, Col. Joseph : claim • ■ ■ • 1747 3 449 member ■ • • • 1755 5 43 1755— 5 : 51 1755— 5: 61 1755 5 62 1755— 5 : 258 1756— 5 : 77 1756 5 85 1756— 5 : 89 1756— 5 : 125 1756 5 137 1756 5:188 1756 5 : 139 1756 5 142 1756— 5 : 146 1756— 5 : 154 1756 5 162 1756— 5 : 169 1756 5 : 170 1756 5 171 1756— 5 : 175 1756— 5 : 187 1756 5 260 1756— 5:515 1757— 5 : 213 1757 5 215 1757— 5 : 242 1757— 5 : 249 1757 5 252 1757— 5 : 254 1757— 5 : 264 1757 5 273 1757— 5 : 276 1757— 5:506 1758 5 311 1758— 5 : 312 1758 5 : 349 1758 5 362 1758 5 : 363 1758— 5 : 366 1758 5 422 1758— 5 : 425 1758 5 : 429 1758 5 434 1758— 5 : 436 1758— 5 : 512 1759 5 457 1759— 5 : 462 1759 5 : 485 1759 6 18 1759— 6 : 27 1760— 6 : 45 1761 6 121 1761— 6 : 127 1761— 6 : 158 1761 6 161 1761— 6 : 166 1761— 6 : 175 1761 6 196 1761— 6 : 200 1761— 6 : 223 1761 6 232 1762— 6 : 238 1762— 6 : 303 1762 6 309 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 : 356 1763 6 373 1763 6 : 462 1764— 6 : 464 1775 8 218 SMITH, Maj. Joseph (see also Smith & Chestley) : member • • ■ • 1758 5 434 1758 5 : 438 1758 5 512 1759— 5 : 460 1759— 5 : 479 1759 6 15 1759— 6: 23 1759— 6 : 30 1760 6 38 1760 6: 46 1760 6: 51 1760 6 72 1760 6: 91 1760— 6 : 93 1761 6 122 1761— 6 : 137 1761— 6 : 150 1761 6 151 1761— 6 : 164 1761— 6 : 232 1762 6 246 1762— 6 : 247 1762— 6 : 263 1762 6 264 1662— 6 : 296 1762— 6 : 309 1762 6 815 1762— 6:458 1763— 6 : 349 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 464 1765— 6 : 441 1765 6 444 1765— 6 : 446 1765— 6 : 447 1765 7 4 V. Thou.pson, Robert • 1763 6 352 will of, executors regulated • • . . 1766 7 61 1766— 7 : 79 1767 7 136 1768— 7 : 211 1768 7 216 estate divided .... . 1766— 7 : 77 1766 7 92 SMITH, Major : to be sent for .... . . . 1711 1 21 SMITH, Nathan : petition . 1763 6:332 1763 6 364 SMITH, Nathaniel : claim • • • • 1756 5 127 SmTH, Nicholas: petition .... • . 1753— 4 : 367 1754 4 434 348 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SMITH, Obadiah: allowance to constalilc of lirentwood SMITH, Kk'HAKD: petition SMITH. Samifx: int'nibcr, councilor 1770— 8: 9 17:16— 1738— 1710— 1742— 1740— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1747— 17o2— 1758— 1760— 457 5:36 566 41 151 213 249 356 40 276 358 56 17:54— 17:i7— 1739— 1740— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1748— 1753— 1759— 1760— 397 475 542 568 116 154 214 :283 ;400 ; 89 ;332 :482 ; 57 YEAB. SMITH, Solomon : claim . . . . . SMITH, Thomas : claim SMITH, William: account SISHTH & CiiESTLEV : V. Robert Thompson SMITH & Davis : ])ctitinn . . . . . SMOKK-IIOUSP: (see also Small-Pox) for small-pox cases . SNAPSACKS (see K7iapsacks) . SNOW, Cait. Jonathan : muster-x'oU . . . . 1764— 6:409 1753— 1753— 287 319 SNOW: oft" the o^round, danger from the enemy SNOW-SHOES: with strings and straps, provided 1722— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 357 302 305 443 3 : 325 3:448 1745— 3:113 1745— 3:304 1746— 3 : 314 preservation, care of 1746— 3 : 340 stolen from Rochester, etc; S0CH:TY Land [Antium, etc.] : road 1770— 8 : 5 part of, to form Francestown ..... inventory ......... SOLDIERS (sec nUo Advance Pay. Anwmnifion, Arlificers, Billetuiy, BlankcLs, Boarding, Burial Charges, Candles, Clothing, Enlisting, Entertaining, Expcdilion, Frying- pans^ nalf-paij, ITose, Kits, Laws, Levies, Medicines, Men, Miliiia, Moccasons, Musqnelecrs, Mnsler-Bolls, Nursing, Privates, Provisions, Recruits, Scouts, Shoes, Sickness, Slops, Snow-shoes, Stoppages, Surgical Care, Travel, lYoopers, Troops, Victualing, and Volwntccrs) pay, supplies, etc. 1722— 1734— 1 : 365 2 : 410 1711- 1 1724— 2 1734— 2 18 11 417 1756 1763 1771 1734 1737 1740 1742 1745 1745 1745 1746 1747 1749 1756 1760 1760 1746 1726 1768 1764 1764 1757 1765 1753 1753 1755 1744 1745 1746 1748 1746 1747 1747 1771 1772 1773 1718 1725 1734 VOL. 5 6 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 6 2 7 6 6 5 6 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 8 8 8 FAOB. 189 310 65 422 515 548 624 129 187 242 325 486 148 76 55 63 428 56 238 397 410 299 454 317 364 544 108 303 312 65 326 57 35 57 127 158 1 2 2 220 17 418 Province of JSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 349 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. SOLDIERS, — {continued) : pay, sui^plies, etc. 1743— 3 : 75 1744— 3: 91 1744 3 106 1744_ 3 : 109 1745 3 : 230 1745 3 240 1745— 3 : 241 1745— 3 : 279 1745 3 293 1746— 3 : 313 1746 3 : 329 1746 3 365 1747— 3 : 462 1747_ 3 : 465 1747 4 15 1748 4: 67 1757— 5 : 288 1757 5 309 1758— 5 : 355 1758— 5 : 371 1758 5 397 t 1758 5:402 1759— 5: 19 1761 6 121 1761— 6 : 132 1761— 6 : 134 1763 6 330 • 1764— 6 : 418 1772— 8 : 124 1773 8 153 located, etc. 1712— 1 : 40 1721— 1:270 1721 1 306 1722— 1 : 315 1722— 1:316 1722 1 324 1722— 1 : 343 1722— 1:345 1744 3 103 1745 3 : 228 1745— 3 : 265 1745 3 268 1745— 3 : 270 1745 3:271 1745 3 272 1745 3 : 279 1745— 3 : 281 1745 3 288 1745— 3 : 289 1746 3 : 341 1747 3 458 1747— 3 : 467 1747— 3:518 1747 3 519 1748— 4 : 61 1748— 4 : 62 1748 4 64 1748— 4 : 71 1756 5: 67 1758 5 424 SOLLEY, Samuel : of the council . • • • « • • • 1743 3 51 1743 3: 53 1743 3: 73 1744 3 80 1745— 3 : 124 1745— 3 : 125 1745 3 126 1745— 3 : 129 1745 3 : 130 1745 3 132 1745— 3:138 1745 3 : 147 1745 3 151 1745 3 : 157 1745— 3 : 158 1745 3 165 1745— 3 : 168 1745 3 : 189 1745 3 201 1745— 3 : 213 1745— 3:220 1745 3 223 1745 3 : 226 1745 3 : 235 1745 3 286 1746— 3:348 1746— 3 : 356 1746 3 362 1746 3 : 363 1746— 3:367 1746 3 382 1746— 3 : 395 1746— 3:400 1747 3 456 1747— 3:463 1747— 3:498 1747 3 500 1747— 3 : 501 1747— 3:517 1747 4 35 1753 4:358 1755 5: 16 1755 5 52 SOLICITOR-GENERAL (see Attorney, etc •)• SOMERSWORTH : petition • • • . 1743 3: 49 1743 3 50 1743— 3 : 68 1748— 4: 90 1754 4 404 1754— 4:405 1754— 4:421 1770 8 41 proprietors, etc., to appear • ■ • • 1760 6 52 1761— 6 : 123 1772 8 121 to choose collector • • • • ■ • ■ 1748 4 82 classed for excise • • • . 1752— 4:238 1755 4 510 inventory • • - • • • • 1753 4 293 1760— 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 160 1768 7 : 218 1773 8 157 Quakers, exempted from war tax • ■ • • 1761 6 131 parish set off from Dover . 1743 3 70 1744— 3: 76 1748 4 91 town, incorporated • ■ • • • ■ 1754 4 *442 representative . . • • • • 1755 5 43 1755— 5 : 258 1756— 5: 95 1756 5 260 1756— 5 : 515 1757— 5 : 264 1757 5 506 1758 5 : 434 1758— 5 : 436 1758 5 512 1759— 6:228 1760 6 : 230 1761 6 232 1762— 6:252 1762— 6:458 1763 6 462 1764— 6:464 1765— 6 : 176 1766 7 178 1768— 7 : 350 1769— 7 : 352 1770 7 354 350 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, SOMEllSWOllTII,— (co?i • 1728 2 125 choice of, by house, receded from . • • • 1728 2 126 to keep one key to province box • . • 1745 3 283 to order attendance of members 1758 5 : 409 1758 5 413 to answer letters from sister colonies • • • 1774 8 215 chosen : Richard Gerrish 1711— 1: 1 1715 98 1715 1 : 118 1716 174 John Plaisted .... • ■ • 1717 190 Thomas Packer .... ■ • • 1717 200 Joshua Peirce .... • • • 1719 242 Peter Weare .... • ■ • 1722 326 Nathaniel Weare 1727— 2 : 100 1728 2 121 Andrew Wiggiu • • • 1728 2 126 1731— 2:336 1732— 2:377 1734 2 398 1734— 2:423 1735 2 : 437 1736 2 457 1737— 2:476 1740— 2:544 1742 2 611 Nathaniel Rogers • • • 1745 3 120 Ebenezer Stevens • • • 1745 3 189 Richard Waldron • • • 1749 4 106 Meshech Weare ■ • • 1752 4 219 Henry Sherburne, Jr. 1755 5: 44 1758 437 1762 6 : 238 1762— 6:246 1765 7 1 Peter Gilman .... 1766— 7: 98 1768 7 225 John Wentvvorth 1771 8 107 1774— 8 : 188 1775 8 220 pro tempore, chosen : Joseph Smith .... 1715— 1:134 1715 1 138 1716— 1 : 140 1716 1 : 141 1716 1 142 1716— 1:146 1716— 1 : 147 1716 1 151 Theodore Atkinson . • • • 1716 1 144 1716— 1:145 1729 2 169 James Davis .... 1717— 1:145 1718 1 225 Peter ^Veare .... . 1719 1 237 John Plaisted .... 1723— 1:397 1724 2 1 1725— 2: 23 1727— 2: 67, 1727 2 80 Ebenezer Stevens 1742— 2:650 1742 3 37 1743— 3 : 57 1745— 3 : 166 1745 3 178 John Sanborn 1746— 3 : 309 1746 3 : 336 1747 3 489 Peter Gilman 1747 — 4 : 44 1749— 4 : 163 1753 4 316 1753 4:321 1753— 4 : 323 1753 4 347 1754— 4:419 1754— 4:424 1754 4 432 1755— 4 : 523 1755 — 4 : 530 1754 4 541 352 Index to Journals of IIouse of Representatives, SPEAKER, — {continued) : pro tempore, chosen : Teter Gilniaii 1755— 1758— 1758— 1759— 1760— :762— Richard Jenness Henry Sherburne, .Jr, Eleazcr Russell 175 1755- :546 316 405 :491 35 263 ; 439 548 1756— 5 : 63 1757— 5 : 268 1760— 6 : 75 Clement March Thomas Millet . ^Meshech Weare John Sherburne 1773— 8 : 136 SPEAR, Lieut. John (see also Speer) : petition . . 1758 — 5 : 372 SPECIALTIES : bills of credit lawful tender on SPECIE : payments, etc. . 1722— 1745— 1754r- 1757— 350 210 445 277 counterfeiting . SPEECH (see Address). SPEEDWELL : sloop SPEER, Lieut. John (see also Spear) : discharged from stands of arms SPEER, Roi'.EUT: under Captain Hazen Fencer, ebenezer: petition . . SPENCER, Mk. : returned "deserter" SPIRITUOUS Lk^uoks (.see also Excise) retailers of, petition . excise on . . 1760 — 6 : 48 import and excise on license fees . 1771 — 8:109 for soldiers .... SPIRITS (see also Excise Act) : duty on ..... SPOFFORD, John [" Si'afford "] : allowance to ... . SPRING Sessions: preventing, impracticable SQUADRON (see also Fleet) : of royal ships of war SQUIRREL : brigantine named 1757— 1758— 175.H— 1759— 1760— 1765— 1752— 175;J— 175^ 1755 — 1754— 1756— 1757— 1761— 235 320 411 26 71 37 256 ;288 446 17 375 103 281 120 1755— 5 : 47 1671— 8 : 107 1773— 8 : 148 1758— 5 : 389 1721— 1742— 1745— 1755— 1759— 1744— 3 : 100 284 041 271 548 2 1711— 1: 5 1747— 3:459 1718— 4: 63 1760— 6:100 1772— 8:114 YEAR. VOL. 1758 6 1758 5 1758 5 1759 6 1760 6 1766 7 1753 4 1753 4 1753 4 1755 4 1755 6 1755 5 1755 6 1759 5 1761 6 1754 4 1755 5 1762 6 1772 8 1774 8 1765 6 1734 2 1721 1 1743 3 1745 3 1756 6 1764 6 1773 8 1747 3 1747 3 1757 6 1763 6 1761 6 1762 6 1748 4 1761 6 1767 7 1774 8 1772 8 1721 1 1744 3 1773 8 1711 1 1726 2 PAGE. 310 350 452 31 81 61 281 307 362 537 38 56 233 498 220 422 53 269 121 166 446 412 287 66 280 136 396 134 449 492 228 331 224 274 64 221 134 169 124 284 101 135 20 66 I Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 353 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. STAFF Officers (see Muster- Boll) . STAGE Flays: ' forbidden 1773 8 : 137 1773 8 140 STAGNATION : of business, waiting governor's determination . | 1765 7 26 STAGPOLE, Jamks [StackpoleP] : invalid soldier ..... • 1763 6 371 STAGPOLE, Samuel: '^ soldier under Captain Gerrisli . . 1761 6 201 STAMP Act: deprecated .... 1765 6 : 430 1766 7 59 repeal of the .... 1766— 7 : 71 1766 7 73 1766— 7: 82 1766 7 109 acts succeeding the, deprecated 1770— 8: 21 1770 8 23 STAMPS (see also Meserve, Oeorge) : distributer of • 1766 7 81 STANDARD : for Col. John Hart's regiment . • • • 1758 5 414 STANIONS, Mr. [Stanyan?] : petition • • • 1742 2 630 STANVV OOD, William : declaration of • • 1746 3 418 STAR Island: to be a town called Gosport 1715 1 139 STARK, Archibald: petition . 1748 4 62 STARK'S Garrison: at Amoskeag .... • • 1748 4 67 STARKSTOWN [Dunbarton] : i:)etitioner from , 1756 5 119 inventory . 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1761— 6:200 1764 6 397 province tax .... ■ • • ■ 1763 6 363 STATE House: building a, in Portsmouth • • • • 1726 2 47 1730— 2 : 333 1737 2 494 1752— 4 : 276 1753 4 : 322 1754 4 428 1756— 5: 69 1756 5: 80 1756 5 153 1756— 5 : 185 1757— 5 : 212 1757 5 213 1757— 5 : 221 1757— 5 : 303 1757 5 306 1760— 6: 91 1761— 6 : 143 1761 6 155 finishing and furnishing . / 1761 6 158 1762— 6 : 253 1762— 6:297 1763 6 314 1763— 6 : 315 1763— 6 : 378 1764 6 419 1765— 6 : 467 1767— 7 : 118 1769 7 332 repairing ..... . 1771— 8: 86 1772 8 127 1772— 8:129 1773 8:141 1773 8 142 cai'ing for .... • ■ • • 1773 8 154 illuminated to commemorate vie Lories 1759— 6: 28 1761 6 217 as place for Portsmouth town meeti ngs . 1763 6 381 1764— 6 : 389 1764 6 401 STATUTE (see Act). STATUTES : of England, purchased . . 1762 6 278 1762— 6 : 294 1762 6 299 of England, received • • • • 1765 6 452 STAYERS, John: claim • • • ■ 1772 8 125 STEELE, David: claim ..... • • • • 1773 8 149 45 354 Index to Journals of House of Kepuesentatives, YKAB. VOL. PAGE. STEELE, Ezekiel: anus ileliveivd to • • 1757 5 228 STEELE, .lo^sKi'ii, AND OTllEKS : petition • • • • ■ • 1770 7 340 STKKLLN'c; Castle : H. ^L ship of war > ■ • • 1757— 5 : 270 1767 5 271 1758— 5 : 349 1758 5 409 STEVENS, Hi;n.iamin [• ' Stephens " twice uiembur . 1754— 4 : 438 1754— 4 : 439 1754 4 441 1754— 4:456 1754— 4 : 462 1754 4 653 1755— 4 : 4S,' 1755— 4 : 490 1755 4 493 1755— 4 : 500 1755— 4:518 1755 4 629 1755 4 : 533 1755— 4 : 558 1765 5 1755 — 5: 1 1755 — 5 : 5 1765 5 7 1755— 5: 41 1755— 5: 43 1755 6 47 1755 — 6 : 62 1755— 5:258 1756 5 98 1756— 5 : 105 1756— 5 : 126 1756 6 154 1756— 5 : 156 1756— 5 : 169 1756 5 187 1756— 5 : 194 1756— 5 : 260 1756 5 515 1757— 5 : 240 1757— 5:264 1757 6 308 1757— 5:506 1758— 5 : 331 1758 6 337 1758— 5 : 346 1758— 5 : 347 1758 5 359 1758— 5 : 389 1758— 5 : 406 1758 5 421 1758— 5 : 424 1758— 5 : 434 1758 6 436 1758— 5 : 512 1759— 5 : 458 1759 5 460 1759— 6 : 463 1759— 5 : 492 1759 6 24 1760— 6 : 39 1760— 6: 40 1760 6 63 1760— 6: 74 1760— 6 : 91 1760 6 94 1760— 6: 98 1761— 6:124 1761 6 138 1761— 6 : 148 1761— 6 : 151 1761 6 152 1761— 6 : 164 1761— 6 : 186 1761 6 202 1761— 6 : 216 1761— 6:219 1761 6 225 1761— 6 : 232 1762— 6 : 273 1762 6 274 1762— 6 : 297 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 337 1763 6 : 349 1763— 6:379 1763 6 462 1764— 6:464 1765— 6:453 1765 6 466 petition • • • ■ 1755— 4 : 499 1761 6 150 1761— 6 : 170 1761— 6:172 1761 6 174 STEVENS, Ebenezeu [" Stephens "] : member . 1726— 2: 39 1726— 2: 40 1726 2 45 »' 1726— 2: 50 1726— 2: 55 1726 2 59 1726— 2 : 60 1726 2: 63 1727 2 67 1727— 2": 74 1727— 2: 78 1727 2 84 1727— 2 : 86 1727— 2: 87 1727 2 94 1727— 2 : 100 1727— 2 : 105 1728 2 110 1728— 2:113 1728— 2: 117 1728 2 121 1728— 2 : 125 1728 2 : 128 1728 2 131 1728— 2 : 134 1728— 2: 139 1729 2 143 1729— 2 : 145 1729— 2:151 1729 2 155 1729— 2 : 165 1729— 2 : 169 1780 2 173 1730— 2 : 174 1730— 2:307 1731 2 335 1732— 2:376 1734— 2:397 1735 2 433 1736— 2 : 457 1736— 2:469 1739 2 642 1740 2 : 548 1740— 2:552 1740 2 564 1742— 2:610 1742— 2:634 1742 2 637 1742— 2:650 1742— 3: 37 1742 3 38 1743— 3: 49 174:3— 3: 53 1743 3 57 1743— 3: 62 174A- 3: 64 1743 3 69 1743- 3: 72 1743— 3 : 73 1744 3 83 1744— 3: 86 1744— 3 : 89 1744 3 94 1744— 3: 95 1744— 3: 97 1745 3 113 Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 355 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. STEVENS, Ebenezer, — {contiyiued) : member . . 1745 — 3:115 1745— 3:116 1745 3 117 1745 3:118 1745— 3 : 119 1745 3 125 1745— 3:126 1745 3 : 132 1745 3 147 1745— 3:148 1745— 3 : 151 1745 3 152 1745— 3: 154 1745— 3 : 159 1745 3 t 159 1745 3:172 1745— 3 : 175 1745 3 180 1745— 3:184 1745— 3 : 185 1745 3 187 1745 3:189 1745— 3:190 1745 3 203 1745 3:212 1745 3 : 223 1745 3 231 1745— 3:245 1745— 3:250 1745 3 255 1745— 3:262 1745 3 : 271 1745 3 280 1745- 3 : 283 1745— 3 : 284 1745 3 285 1745 3:302 1746— 3:306 1746 3 309 1746 3:325 1746— 3 : 336 1746 3 342 1746— 3:355 1746 3 : 360 1746 3 362 1746 3:363 1746— 3 : 366 1746 3 368 1746— 3 : 422 1746 3 : 437 1747 4 448 1747— 3 : 453 1747— 3:465 1747 3 489 1747— 3:511 1747— 4: 2 1748 4 93 17 SB- 4:337 1768 7 : 277 1768 7 311 custodian of key to province box • ■ ■ 1754 4 404 STEVENS, James [""Stephens ' ']: account .... • • • 1726 2 28 STEVENS, Rev. Phineas: petition .... . . 1748 4 74 accountable for certain money ■ 1753 4 358 STEVENS, Reuben: under Capt. Jacob Bayley . . 1758 5 357 petition .... . . 1768 5 373 STEVENS, Simon: member .... , • • ■ 1768 7 237 1768— 7:271 1768 7 : 350 1769 7 286 1769— 7:316 1769— 7 : 329 1769 7 352 1770— 7:354 1770 8 : 1 p 1771 8 p 2 STEVENS, William : petition, etc. . 1755 — 4:495 1761— 6:121 1761 6 178 STEVENS, Eastman & Co. : petition .... . 1747 4 21 STEVENSON, John : of Durham • • • 1761 6 208 STEVENSTOWN [Salisbury] : provisions at . . . 1755 5: 18 1755 5 20 settlement of . 1765— 7 : 21 1766 7 92 inventory .... 1767— 7 : 161 1768 7 218 STEWARD, John : to appear .... . 1761 6 219 STEWARD, Jonathan : sick soldier ■ ■ • 1762 6 274 STEWARD, Robert : Baptist, to appear . 1770 7 340 STEWARD, William : arms delivered to • • ■ 1757 5 228 claim .... • • • 1757 5 229 STICKNEY, Eleanor (Wilson) : divorce from James Stickney . • 1756 5 63 1756— 5:118 1756 5 64 1756 5 : 107 1756 5 113 1756— 5:120 1757— 5 : 200 1757 5 201 STILES, William, & Co. : to appear .... • • • • • 1720 1 260 356 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL, FAOE. STILSON, Jamks: account . > • • . 1773 8 149 STINSON, Jamks: l)etition, etc. . • • . 1774— 8:107 1774 8 195 STOCKS : public, money in, sold 1705— 7: 8 1765 7 34 1705- 7 : 41 1765 7 40 STODDAIJT) (sec Limerick). STUDL>AKD. Colonkl: letter of . . 1747— 3 : 477 1747 3 481 STOLEN : goods, receiving, penalty . 1714 1 77 stores and provisions . 1747 4 34 1747— 4: 38 1747 4 39 STONE. Mu. : letters from • • • • • • • 1744 3 95 STONINGTON : jctitioner from • ■ • • . 1747 4 258 lighway . • • • • 1768— 7:274 1768 7 277 1709— 7 : 291 1770 7 341 STOODLEY, James (ju .) ["Stddley"] excise collector, etc. 1747— 3:492 1748 4 81 1752— 4 : 238 1753— 4:291 1753 4 292 175:3— 4 : 332 1754— 4 : 421 1754 4 459 1755 — 5 : 33 1750— 5 : 134 1758 5 382 1759— 5 : 492 1701- 6:153 1762 6 296 1762— 6:459 1763— 6:315 1766 7 109 1770— 8: 41 1770— 8: 49 1771 8 81 STOODLEY & WiliDUEN : petition • • • • 1745 3 165 STOPPAGES adjusted . • • • • 1759— 5 : 481 1760 6 87 1701— 6 : 128 1762— 6:255 1702 6 258 1762— 6 : 273 1763— 6:313 1763 6 331 STORAGE : of chests of arms • • • ■ • • • 1771 8 94 STORES (see aUo Navy, Stolen, and Sub-comjniisioners) : military . 1711— 1 : 5 1717— 1:203 1722 1 311 1722— 1 : 321 1722— 1:371 1722 1 372 1724— 1 : 428 1724— 2 : 12 1725 2 16 , 1725— 2: 17 1720— 2: 60 1726 2 62 f 1727— 2 : 72 1728— 2:114 1728 2 115 1729— 2:161 1730— 2:321 1730 2 324 1745— 3 : 127 1745— 3 : 209 1745 3 210 1745 3 : 227 1745— 3 : 233 1745 3 251 174.5— 3:271 174.5— 3 : 272 1745 3 280 1745 3:281 1745— 3 : 285 1746 3 337 1746— 3:342 1746— 3:343 1746 3 .346 1746— 3:416 1746— 3 : 424 1746 3 425 1746— 3:443 1747— 3:506 1747 4 29 1747— 4: 34 1747— 4 : 38 1747 4 39 1748— 4 : 93 1748— 4: 97 17.52 4 248 1752— 4:249 1752— 4 : 250 1752 4 251 1753— 4:297 17.-,3_ 4:3.55 1754 4 399 1755— 5 : 3 175.5— 5: 17 1755 5 20 1756— 5 : 141 17.-,H— 5 : 425 17.58 6 442 1700— 6: 105 17G0— : 100 1701 6 1.52 STORY, CnARi.ES : • secretary . . . 1711 1 12 1711— 1: 22 1711— 1: 27 1711 1 37 1712— 1: 49 1714— 1: 80 1710 1 145 Province of jSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 357 STORY, Charles, — (continued) : papers in widow's hands to be examined 1716— 1 : 146 STOVE: for court-room for representatives' room 1771— 8:110 STRAFFORD County : privileges, courts, etc. . . . 1772 — 8 : 124 1773— 8:137 recorder, Thomas W. Waldron .... 1773— 8 : 150 Rockingham county to pay judge of probate, i^roceedings established meetings in ....... . STRATHAM representatives 1722— 1730— 1734— 1736— 1742— 1746— 1749— 1761— 1762— 1753— 1755 — 1755— 1756— 1768— 1759— 1762— 1765— 1768— 1770— 1772— 1774— 326 307 397 457 610 368 100 6 224 384 558 43 515 434 228 458 176 350 IP 115 184 public house ferry at, granted to Jonatlian Wiggin firing guns in, restricted lands, valuation in . trade, valuation in . volunteers fi-om selectmen to appear disorderly height in calling minister petition petitioner from bridge 1716- 1727- 1731- 1734- 1737- 1745- 1747- 1749- 1751- 1752- 1753- 1755- 1756- 1757- 1758- 1760- 1763- 1766- 17G9- 1771- 1773- 1774- 1719- inventory classed for excise lottery small-pox at STRAYS : regulated STRONG Beer (see Beer). 1747- 1747— 1747— 1766— 1768— 1753— 1767— 457 503 488 57 202 293 160 173 100 335 422 475 3 : 115 4: 2 105 9 380 386 95 264 512 6 : 230 6 : 462 7:178 7 : 352 8: 2p 8:144 8:187 1:236 1 2; 2 2 2 1747— 1760— 1760— 1747— 1766— 1768— 1760— 1768— 1752— 1760— 1746— 3:428 3:470 6: 36 6:117 3:493 7: 77 7:205 6: 86 7:219 4 : 238 6: 86 YEAR. VOL. 1721 1 1770 8 1771 8 1773 8 1772 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1773 8 1774 8 1717 1 1728 2 1732 2 1735 2 1739 2 1745 3 1748 4 1750 4 1752 4 1753 4 1754 4 1755 5 1756 5 1757 6 1759 5 1761 6 1764 6 1767 7 1770 7 1771 8 1774 8 1775 8 1727 2 1721 1 1724 1 1728 2 1728 2 1746 3 1746 3 1756 6 1746 3 1747 3 1761 6 1762 6 1760 6 1768 7 1770 8 1761 6 1773 8 1755 4 1760 6 1761 6 1718 1 PAGE. 265 52 109 138 129 140 141 153 153 153 170 190 121 376 433 542 262 4 10 217 347 552 41 260 506 457 232 464 182 354 105 164 218 89 282 419 136 140 404 410 64 427 496 187 283 36 199 7 122 156 510 89 201 220 358 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, STRONGBOX (sec Box). STRONG DiUNK (see also /Acenscs, Spirils, TipjAe, and names of kinds) : sellinj; ami drinking not to be sold to Indians . STUART. Roheut: servant of Cornet Chuk . STUART, Wai.tkk: ixn'tledge bill . SUBALTERNS : to be continued in pav SUB-COMMISSIONKRS : stores returned by . SUBSISTENCE (see also Trcastirer) allowance for . SUCCESSION : Protestant, happy establishment of the . SUGAR : duty on 1714 — 1002— G : :302 1747— 3:478 1740— 3 82 416 for soldiers .... act, repeal of SUITS : concerning towns, villages, and pi-oprietors of com- mon and undivideil land . . . . . against borderers on province lines suspended 1731— 17G1— 1705- in law, avoiding continued, though one party die SULDEN, Rohekt: sick soldier .... SUI.LIVAN, : counterfeiter .... SULLIVAN, Dennis: under Captain Marston . SULLIVAN, John : attorncy-at-law 1766— 7: 94 1766— 1767— 7:134 1767— 1770— 8: 51 1771— SUMMERSWORTH (see Sumersworth) . SUMMONS: forms of, committee to draw up to sundry persons to apjjear in riot case . SUNCOOK: defence of .... petition .... grants under Massachusetts Pembroke incorporated from river, bridge over SUPERIOR CoiKT [ofJli)ICATURe] : 1745— 1747— 1747— 174.S— 1759— 1746— sessions, etc. trials, appeals, etc. judges' compensatioi 1716— 1 752— 175.5— 1 767— 1774— 188 230 505 154 169 1740- 2 1756— 5: 64 181 1752— 175.5 — 1767— 1774— 1728-»2 1717— 3 17;30— 2 1756— 5 342 158 16 95 137 110 3 : 177 3 : 467 3 : 493 4: 62 : 30 ;434 :222 240 :511 :158 :193 :111 :495 :331 ; 65 VKAR. VOL. 1721 1 1742 3 1758 6 1724 2 1762 f. 1 1725 2 1755 4 1766 7 1715 1 1756 5 1765 6 1718 1 1731 2 1771 8 1765 7 1763 6 1758 5 1763 6 1766 7 1767 7 1770 8 1774 8 1716 1 1754 4 1745 3 1748 4 1747 3 1758 6 1754 4 1759 6 1746 3 1731 2 1752 4 1767 7 1769 7 1774 8 1734 2 1760 6 1755 4 1758 5 PAGE. 285 45 413 6 303 17 495 57 104 117 430 221 346 64 17 333 360 331 92 133 49 212 181 434 *228 67 494 386 417 32 435 346 244 152 311 204 418 65 505 448 II Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 359 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. SUPP:RI0R Court, —{continued) : judges' compensation 1758— 5 : 455 1759— 5 : 458 1759 6 19 1759 6: 21 1759 6: 31 1760 6 *34 1760 6: 98 1760 4:100 1760 6 101 1760 6:102 1761 6:141 1761 6 142 1761— 6 : 218 1763— 6 : 369 1763 6 373 1765 7: 5 1765 7: 11 1765 7 14 1765— 7 : 15 1765— 7 : 19 1765 7 20 1765— 7 : 22 1769— 7 : 330 1769 7 334 1771— 8: 82 1771— 8: 86 1771 8 87 1772— 8 : 128 1773— 8 : 149 1774 8 208 judges' memorial .... 1740 — 2 : 565 1742 2 640 judges to value bills of credit . . 1747 — 3 : 483 1747 3 523 judges, charges referred to 1766 7 94 clerk's i^ay, etc. (see also King, George) . 1771 8 86 1771— 8 : 87 1772 8 129 1774— 8 : 209 1774 8 214 constables at . 1730— 2 : 327 1742— 3 : 41 1742 3 44 book of records for 1745 3 235 mandamus of . 1746 3 432 SUPERNUMERARIES : retaining 1755 5 9 SUPPLIES (see also Stores and vai'ious kinds) : military . . 1745— 3 : 241 1746— 3 : 379 • 1756 5 104 SUPPLY (see also Bills of Credit, Ministry, Scouts, and names of state officers) : bill 1767— 7:114 1766 7 119 1768 7:232 1768 7:250 1768 7 256 1768— 7 : 260 1768— 7 : 267 1768 7 269 1770 7:347 1770 8: 33 1772 8 129 SUPPRESSING : disorders in licensed houses . . 1716 — 1 : 141 1716 1 150 SUPREME Court of Probate (see also Court) : the council . 1717—1:212 1771—8: 70 1774 8 170 SURETIES : in mean process in civil actions .... 1718 1 220 SURGEONS (see also Cutler, Hale, Miller, Peirce, Sargent, and Smith) : army . . 1745— 3 : 155 1745— 3 : 159 1746 3 398 1755— 4:534 1756— 5:117 1756 5 146 1756— 5 : 148 1756— 5 : 153 1757 5 238 1757— 5 : 240 1757— 5 : 268 * 1758 5 378 1759 6: 4 1761 6:193 1762 6 254 mates 1756 — 5 : 117 1757 5 238 1757 5:268* 1758 5:393 1759 6 4 1761— 6 : 193 1762— 6 : 254 1763 6 332 SURGICAL Care : allowance for . 1756— 5 : 97 1756— 5 : 104 1756 5 144 1756— 5:176 1756— 5:191 1758 5 369 SURRY : incorporated from Gilsum and Westmoreland 1768 7 271 1768 7 : 272 1769 7 285 inventory ......... 1773 8 159 SURVEY (see also Hollaiid, Samuel; Mitchell, George; and Rivers) : of province 1770— 8 : 50 1770 8 51 1711— 8: 61 1772— 8:114 1772 8 116 SURVEYORS : of province line 1719— 1 : 234 1737— 2 : 525 1769 7 324 of highways . 1721— 1 : 267 1721— 1 : 268 1743 3 71 360 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. SURVEYORS, (—co7iiinucd) : of lii^ihwuys . 1754 — 4:427 175S— 5:403 1764 6 406 generrtl, of tliu woods . 1717— 1:210 1720 1 257 1730 2:310 1731— 2:430 1740 2 556 SUSrKXl)IN(J: claiLsc, ill laws 175 1 — 4 : 370 1754— 4:461 1754 4 463 SUTl.ERS: supplies 175S— 5:451 1759 5 482 1760— 6: 98 1761— 6:203 1761 6 205 stojjpages on account of . • • • 1760 6 87 1762— 6:258 1762— 6:262 1763 6 312 1763 6 : 313 1763— 6:330 1763 6 331 complaints ajjainst .... 1760— 6: 97 1762 6 273 excluded from rolls .... 1761— 6:193 1762 6 255 SWAN, EiJENEZEK: petition ...... 1773 8 : 152 1773 8 155 SWAN, John: account • ■ • 1768 7 238 SWANSEY (.see also Winchester) : inventory 1760 6: 86 1761 6 122 1767— 7:160 1768— 7:219 1773 8 159 liljcllant in divorce case from . > > ■ 1771 8 87 SWART, Dekick: sutler ...... • • • 1759 5 482 SWEA1{ING (see also Oaths, Cursing, and Profane) : of town officers on entering . 1716 1 180 people scvn]mlous of, to ease . • ■ • 1718 1 220 profane, penalty .... 1747— 3 : 496 1747 3 497 1764— 6 : 398 1764— 6:399 1764 6 401 SWEET, Benjamin: petition . 1761 6 148 SWEET, Capt. Elisha: muster-roll, etc. 1755— 4:499 1756 5 94 1756— 5 : 112 1761 6 150 SWEET, Capt. John : muster-roll . 1759— 5 : 463 1759— 5:464 1759 5 470 SWEET. JcsEi'ii : petition . 1761 6 208 SWEET, Moses: petition . 1761 6 188 S\yETT, Jonathan : petition, etc. . 1754 — 4 : 377 1754— 4 : 393 1754 4 404 1760— 6: 58 1760— 6: 78 1770 8 12 to prosecute review v. Macress ■ • ■ 1754 4 411 SWETT, Moses: to apjiear .... . 1770 8 2 SWINE {sec also Hogs) : jToingr at large, regulated • • • 1718 1 220 O O Cj ' C3 1722— 1 : 323 1723 1 402 management of . . . . 1767— 7 : 147 1767 7 151 1770— 8: 48 1771— 8: 58 1771 8 64 in Portsmouth, regulated . • • • 1771 8 59 valuation of . 1727— 2: 75 1728— 2 : 140 1742 2 651 SWINSON, John: allowance for cure of . 1767 7 167 SWORD: representatives, not wearing during session, lined 1718-» 1:219 1722 1 330 SY''MMS, Wn.i.iAM (see also Siynyns) : memorial of . 1752 — 4 : 254 1752— 4:263 1752 4 265 1752— 4 : 266 1752— 4:267 1752 4 268 '!■ Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 361 SYMMS, William, memorial of muster-roll {continued) : 1752— 4 : 269 1752— 4 : 275 TABLE : officers, supported . TALCUT, Joseph: governor of Connecticut TALLENT, Hugh: to appear . TALLOW : tax rate . 1758— 1761— 1764— TAMWORTH : highway through TAPPAN (see Toppmi). TAR: tax rate . 1752- 1756- 1758- 1761- 1764- 4; 5; 5: 6: 6; 389 213 396 251 136 389 213 396 TARBELL, Thomas: account .... TARR, Vincent: V. Gerrish, Richard TASH, Thomas: captain, major, etc. 1756 — 5 : 1756— 5: 1756— 1: 1759— 5 : 1761— 6 : TASH, Thomas, and wife : V. Zacheus Clough . TASKER, John: petition, etc. 1755— 4 : TAVERNERS {see also Excise) : to pay excise . licensed, sworn regulated number lessened 98 132 156 472 197 549 1752— 4 : 270 1752— 4:276 1756— 5 : 104 1761— 6 : 209 1730— 2:232 1766— 7: 53 1759— 6: 1762— 6 : 1765— 7 : 2 265 29 1769— 7 : 291 1754— 4: 1757— 5 ; 1759— 6: 445* 277 2 1762— 6:265 1765— 7 : 29 1742— 2 : 639 1756- 1756- 1758- 1759- 1761- 5: 5.: 5: 5: 6: 1754— 1756— 1758— 5 : 1758— 5 125 134 350 495 214 421 97 331 336 TAVERNS {see also Londonderry, and Licensed, Publick, and Tipjiling Houses) . number limited 1715 — 1 1758— 5 135 421 1758- 1758- o : 5 419 423 sessions to grant augmenting, regulating, etc. 1760— 6 : 105 1770— 8 : 47 TAVERN-KEEPERS : oaths administered to restrained .... granted to towns TAXPiS {see also Bills of Credit, Polls, Proportioning, Qua- kers, Rates, Sheep, Treasurers, and names of several towns) : abated 1712^ 1 : 43 46 VEAK. 1752 1753 1756 1762 1730 1730 1766 1760 1763 1766 1770 1755 1758 1760 1763 1766 1768 1742 1756 1756 1759 1760 1767 1758 1755 1756 1721 1727 1752 1758 1758 1758 1758 1753 1760 1766 1754 1761 1770 1756 VOL. 4 4 5 PAGE. 2 2 6 6 7 4 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 6 7 4 5 1 2 4 5 4 6 6 4 6 271 358 127 272 316 326 86 105 338 84 341 549 385 105 338 85 236 44 131 155 465 78 155 315 548 121 284 80 236 332 337 420 430 368 99 148 441 138 54 123 362 Index to Journals of House of UEruESENXATivES, TEAR. VOL. FAOE. TAXES, — {continued) : apportioaed .... . 1716 1 170 1720— 1 : 247 1720— 1 : 248 1720 1 250 172(1— 1:253 1720— 1:3S9 1723 1 391 1724— 1:423 1724— 2: 2 1727 2 79 1748— 4: 89 1748— 4: 90 1748 4 98 1748— 4 : 250 1752— 4:252 1760 6 92 17G0— 6: 99 1761— 6:139 1761 6 147 1761— 6 : 152 1761— 6:211 1761 6 205 1767— 7:117 1767— 7 : 160 1768 7 216 1768— 7 : 247 1768— 7:259 1773 8 136 1773 8:149 1773— 8 : 152 1773 8 160 assessed aiul collected {sec also Act reynhUitKj asscss- 77ients, etc., and AssessmciUs) . 1718— 2: 20 1721 1 284 1721— 1:288 1729— 2 : 150 1732 2 366 1734— 2:400 1734- 2:404 1734 2 409 1737— 2:479 1740— 2:560 1742 2 642 1743— 3: 67 1744— 3 : 108 1744 3 113 1746— 3 : 380 1747— 3:513 1747 4 45 1747— 4 : 46 1747— 4: 54 1747 3 55 1747— 4 : 57 1753— 4 : 360 1754 4 445 1755— 4 : 502 1755— 4 : 503 1755 4 506 1755— 5 : 52 1756— 5: 65 1756 5 66 1756— 6 : 84 1756— 5: 85 1756 5 107 1757— 5 : 277 1758— 5 : 374 1758 5 376 1758— 6 : 377 1758 5 : 385 1758 5 388 1759— 6 : 2 1760— 6 : 104 1761 6 213 1762— 6 : 265 1762— 6 : 277 1762 6 282 1762— 6 : 283 1762— 6 : 298 1762 6 306 1763 6:319 1763 6 : 321 1763 6 335 1763— 6 : 338 1763— 6 : 345 1763 6 349 1763 6 : 367 1764— 6:396 1765 7 28 1766— 7 : 84 1768— 7 : 269 1768 7 277 1770— 8: 9 1771— 8 : 60 1774 8 207 raised, specific sums stated • • . . 1714 1 81 1722— 1 : 350 1723 1 379 1723— 1:381 1723- 1:389 1723 1 391 1723 1 : 395 1724— 1:422 1724 1 428 1724— 2: 10 1725— 2: 21 1725 2 25 1726— 2 : 58 1726— 2: 6o 1727 2 69 1727— 2 : 83 1729— 2 : 156 1729 2 171 1729— 2 : 172 1730 2 : 318 1730 2 322 1732- 2:372 1733— 2 : 384 1737 2 482 1737— 2:483 1737— 2:487 1737 2 490 1737— 2:491 1737— 2:500 1737 2 515 1737— 2:517 1737— 2:523 1740 2 562 1740— 2 : 566 1740— 2:567 1743 3 56 1743 3: 59 1744— 3:100 1744 3 103 1745 3 : 209 1745— 3 : 270 1745 3 279 1747— 4: 55 1753— 4 : 315 1753 4 351 1754— 4 : 456 1754— 4:483 1755 5 24 1756— 5:108 1756— 5 : 149 1757 5 231 1757— 5 : 254 1757— 5 : 282 1758 5 329 1758— 5 : 373 1760— 6 : 88 1760 6 90 1761— 6 : 156 1761— 6 : 157 1761 6 166 1761— 6 : 173 1762— 6 : 306 1763 6 317 1763— 6 : 367 1764— 6:392 1764 6 894 1764— 6 : 395 1764^ 6 : 397 1765 6 430 1765 6 : 431 1765— 6 : 452 1765 6 453 176.5— 7 : 27 1766— 7 : 87 1774 8 214 payment regulated 1715 — 1 : 98 1729— 2 : 163 1730 2 327 Province of jSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 363 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. TAXES, — {continued) : payment regulated 1735 — 2 : 449 1735— 2:451 1737 2 487 1742— 2 : 625 1742— 6 : 642 1742 2 644 1743— 3: 56 1745 3 : 133 1745 3 143 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 : 548 1756 5 77 1756— 5: 78 1756 5: 80 1756 5 84 1756— 5 : 144 1759— 5 : 466 1760 6 37 1761— 6 : 174 1763— 6:367 1765 7 29 1765 7: 34 1766— 7: 89 1770 8 51 of certain districts .... 1743— 3 : 61 1753 4 292 trom settlements west of MeiTimack river 1758 5 374 upon American colonies, remonstrance against 1765 6 430 only by consent .... • • • 1766 7 58 imposed as duties, deprecated . 1770— 8 : 21 1770 8 23 province, lessening 1763 — 6 ; 317 1763 6 : 322 1763 6 325 1763 6 : 326 1763— 6:336 1763 6 348 1773— 8 : 135 1774— 8:189 1774 8 190 TAYLOR, Colonel: orders escaped prisoners apprehended 1716 1 152 TAYLOR, John, and others: petition ...... • • • 1742 3 30 TEA: duty on 1756— 5 : 84 1756 5 85 TEBBETTS, Ephraim, Jr.; scout . • • 1745 3 228 TEIVIPLE : inventory . 1773 8 158 TENDER (sec also Bills, Coin, and Money) : lawful 1734— 2:412 1742 3 35 1764— 6:415 1764— 6:419 1764 6 423 TENEMENTS {see also Real Estate) • attachable • • • 1718 1 220 pai'tition of • • • 1763 6 322 TENOR : Massachusetts 1718— 1 : 231 1755 5 21 4» old, equals 1^ new 1742— 2 : 629 1742 2 642 change of, next September . 1742 2 649 new 1742— 2:626 1742 2 638 1742— 2 : 646 1742— 3 : 35 1742 3 39 1743— 3: 60 1745— 3 : 149 1745 3 266 1747— 3:515 1747— 3 : 516 1747 3 524 1752— 4:261 1753 4 : 282 1753 4 284 1753— 4 : 285 1753— 4 : 297 1753 4 305 1753 4:312* 1753 4 : 313 1753 4 *313 1753 4:315 1753— 4 : 321 1753 4 324 1753— 4 : 327 1753 4 : 330 1753 4 335 1753— 4:336 1753 4 : 337 1753 4 338 1753— 4 : 340 1753 4:341 1753 4 342 1753— 4 : 343 1753— 4:344 1753 4 345 1753 4 : 346 1753— 4 : 349 1753 4 351 1753— 4 : 355 1753 4 : 363 1753 4 364 1753— 4 : 365 1754— 4:394 1754 4 402 1754— 4 : 408 1754— 4 : 409 1754 4 413 1754. _ 4 : 427 1754— 4:437 1754 4 439 1754 4 : 440 1754— 4 : 441 1754 4 442 1754_ 4 : 442 * 1754— 4:443 1754 4 445 1754 4 : 445 * 1754— 4:448 1754 4 449 1754— 4 : 450 1754— 4 : 453 1754 4 455 1754— 4:456 1754_ 4 : 457 1754 4 459 1754 4 : 460 1754— 4:463 1754 4 467 1754— 4:476 1754 4 : 483 1754 4 485 364 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, Y£AK. VOL. PAGE. TENOR, — (continued) : uew . 17.>l— -1:486 1754 4 : 487 1766 4 503 1755 — 4 : 505 175.5— 4:515 1755 4 619 1755_ 4 : 526 1755— 4:540 1755 4 541 17y5_ 4 : 544 1755_ 4 : 569 1755 4 570 17r,5_ 4:572 1755— 4:573 1755 4 574 1755 — 5 : 1 1755 5 : 7 1755 6 13 1755_ 5 : 15 1755— 5: 18 1755 5 19 1755— 5: 21 1755— 5 : 29 1756 6 35 1755— 5: 36 175.5— 5: 38 17.56 5 76 1756— 5: 83 17.56— 5: 86 17.56 6 104 1756— 5 : 144 1756— 5:145 1756 5 147 1756 5 : 148 1756— 5 : 149 1756 5 155 1756— 5:188 17.56 5 : 190 17.56 6 191 1757— 5:272 1757— 5 : 273 17.57 5 282 1757— 5 : 283 1757_ 5:305 1757 5 307 1757— 5 : 309 1758— 5:317 1758 6 323 1758— 5 : 364 1758— 5 : 365 1758 5 379 1758— 5 : 380 1758— 5 : 382 1758 5 404 1758 5 : 423 1758— 5:444 1759 6 459 1759— 5 : 481 1759— 5 : 484 1759 6 493 1759 5 : 495 1759— 5:496 1759 6 497 1759— 5 : 498 17.59— 5 : 499 1759 6 4 1759— 6 : 7 1759— 6 : 8 1759 6 11 1759— 6: 12 1759— 6 : 13 17.59 6 14 1759— 6: 30 1760— 6 : 38 1760 6 39 1760 6: 40 1760— 6: 42 1760 6 43 1760— 6: 46 1760— 6 : 50 1760 6 51 1760— 6 : 55 1760 6: 56 1760 6 57 1760— 6: 59 1760— 6: 60 1760 6 63 1760— 6: 77 1760— 6: 79 1760 6 84 1760— 6 : 85 1760— 6 : 90 1760 6 91 1760 6: 93 1760— 6 : 104 1760 6 106 1760— 6 : 107 1760— 6 : 109 1760 6 113 1761— 6:127 1761— 6 : 134 1761 6 139 1761— 6 : 140 1761— 6 : 153 1761 6 164 1761— 6 : 155 1761— 6 : 156 1761 6 158 1761— 6:159 1761— 6:166 1761 6 168 1761— 6 : 195 1761— 6 : 196 1761 6 207 1761— 6:208 1761— 6 : 212 1761 6 213 / 1761— 6:215 1761— 6:217 1761 6 218 1761— 6:225 1762— 6 : 242 1762 6 250 1762— 6 : 256 1762— 6:266 1762 6 267 1762— 6 : 268 1762— 6 : 270 1762 6 277 1762— 6 : 282 1762— 6 : 283 1762 6 284 1762— 6 : 292 1762— 6 : 295 1762 6 296 1762— 6 : 297 1763— 6:310 1763 6 311 176;^— 6:315 1763 6:317 1763 6 320 1763— 6:333 1763— 6 : 334 1763 6 336 176:5— 6:337 1763— 6:345 1763 6 349 176:?— 6:350 1763— 6:. 351 1763 6 352 1763— 6:357 1763— 6 : 358 1763 6 369 1763— 6:371 176.3— 6 : 382 1764 6 390 1764— 6 : 395 1764— 6:398 1764 6 401 1764— 6:402 1764— 6:403 1764 6 404 1764— 6 : 405 1764— 6 : 424 1764 6 426 1765— 6 : 434 1765— 6 : 443 1765 6 448 1765— 6 : 449 176.5^ 6 : 452 1765 6 466 1765— 6 : 467 1765 6:468 1765 7 10 1765 7: 15 176.5— 7 : 16 1765 7 30 1766— 7 : 87 1766— 7 : 107 1767 7 113 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 365 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. TENOR, — {continued) : new . . . 1768— 7 : 186 1768 7 : 189 1768 7 272 old 1742— 2:627 1742 3 39 1742— 3 : 41 1743 3: 59 1743 3 60 1743 3: 64 1743— 3 : 65 1743 3 70 1744 3: 86 1744 3: 92 1745 3 294 1745— 3 : 296 1746 3 : 326 1746 3 328 1746— 3 : 345 1747— 3:516 1747 3 524 1752— 4 : 254 1752— 4 : 255 1752 4 260 1753— 4 : 284 1753— 4 : 336 1753 4 364 1753 4 : 365 1754— 4:412 1754 4 416 1754— 4:423 1754— 4 : 424 1754 4 426 , 1754— 4 : 427 1754— 4:430 1754 4 431 175'i— 4 : 449 1755— 5 : 21 1756 5 176 1757— 5 : 218 1757— 5 : 232 1757 5 236 1758 5 : 369 1758 5 : 377 1758 5 390 1758— 5 : 397 1758— 5 : 449 1760 6 39 1760 6: 46 1760— 6 : 88 1760 6 91 1760— 6 : 95 1760— 6 : 97 1760 6 107 1760— 6 : 117 1761— 6:140 1761 6 143 1761— 6 : 144 1761— 6:177 1761 6 178 1761— 6 : 187 1761— 6:198* 1761 6 206 1761— 6 : 217 1761— 6 : 224 1762 6 256 1762— 6:272 1762— 6 : 296 1763 6 351 1763 6 : 353 1763— 6 : 359 1763 6 373 1763 6 : 374 1763 6 : 377 1764 6 410 1764— 6 : 425 1765 6 : 436 1765 6 448 1765 6 : 466 1765— 6 : 468 1765 7 10 1765— 7: 30 1765— 7 : 33 1767 7 120 1769— 7 : 314 1769— 7 : 327 1769 7 328 TENTS : for officers 1758— 5 : 414 1761 6 209 TEST: signed by members .... • , , 1715 1 129 TEWKSBURY : petition 1758— 5 : 430 1758 5 431 farms, inventory .... • 1773 8 158 THANKS : to certain gentlemen of Boston 1738 2 540 to the governor and lieutenant-governor 1722 1 340 1733- 2:390 1737 2 489 1757— 5:215 1766 7 105 to the king ■ • • 1730 2 333 to Col. Samuel Moore and others . • • • 1747 3 519 to Agent Newman .... • • • 1726 2 62 to the queen ..... 1711— 1:191 1711 1 20 to John Rindge .... • • • 1734 2 400 to John Thomlinson • ■ • 1734 2 429 1735— 2:441 1736— 2:460 1737 2 481 1740 2 : 548 1742— 2 : 643 1746 3 337 to William Wallace .... • • • 1716 1 177 and £10 to Colonel Walton ■ • ■ 1721 1 276 to Nathaniel Weare, retiring sjieaker • • ■ 1728 2 126 THANKSGIVING : proclamation carried • ■ • 1745 3 259 proclamation made .... . 1759 6 27 THEATRICAL Exhiuitions : forbidden 1762— 6 : 275 1773 8 136 1773 8 : 137 1773 8 140 THEFT : prisoners committed for, not chargeable to province 1718 1 220 366 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. THING, Baktholomew memljcr . . • 1727 2 100 1727— 2:105 1727— 2 : 107 1727 2 108 1728— 2:110 1728— 2:113 1728 2 117 1722— 2 : 121 1728— 2:125 1728 2 128 1728 2:131 172.H— 2:134 1728 2 139 1729— 2 : 143 1729— 2:144 1729 2 145 1729— 2 : 140 1729— 2:151 1729 2 153 1729— 2 : 155 1729— 2 : 162 1729 2 164 1729— 2:165 1729— 2:169 1730 2 173 1730— 2 : 174 1730— 2:307 1730 2 326 1731— 2 : 355 1731— 2:339 1732 2 369 1732— 2:371 1732— 2:376 1733 2 381 17;;4_ 2:397 1734— 2:401 1734 2 403 1734— 2:422 1734— 2 : 424 1735 2 433 estate of, tliviiled • • • • • • ■ 1767 7 149 THING, BKX.IAMIX : member, etc. . • • • • 1726— 2 : 28 1731 2 335 THING, Nathaniel: soldier, had small- pox ■ • 1761 6 *198 THING, Samuel: member . • • ■ • • > • 1713 64 1713— 1 : G5 1713— 1: 66 1714 74 1714— 1: 75 1714- 1: 79 1714 80 171.1_ 1 : 82 1714— 1: 83 1714 89 1714— 1: 90 1715— 1: 97 1715 99 1715— 1:100 1715 1:101 1715 102 1715— 1 : 103 1715— 1:104 1715 110 1715— 1:111 1715— 1 : 115 1715 117 1715— 1 : 124 1715 1 : 132 1715 133 1715— 1 : 134 1715— 1:135 1715 137 1755— 1 : 138 1716— 1 : 140 1716 141 1716— 1 : 142 1716— 1 : 143 1716 144 1716 1:142 1716 1:143 1716 144 1716— 1:155 1716— 1:157 1716 158 1716 1:164 1716— 1:165 1716 166 1716— 1 : 167 1727— 2:100 1727 2 105 1727— 2 : 108 172.S— 2:110 1728 2 113 1728— 2:121 1728— 2 : 125 1728 2 128 1728— 2 : 131 1728— 2:132 1728 2 134 * 1728— 2 : 139 1729— 2 : 143 1729 2 144 1729— 2:145 1729— 2 : 151 1729 2 155 1729— 2 : 165 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 173 1730 2:174 1730— 2:307 1730 2 317 estate of, divided • • • • ■ • • 1754 4 397 THING, Stephen : to make partition of lands 1766— 7 : 102 1767 7 146 TIIIRDKI) [Read third timeI : motion, vote, bill. etc. 17G4— 6 : 423 1765 7 18 THOMAS, Ben.iamin: on connnittee . • • • 1723 1 411 invalid volunteer 1745— 3 : 226 1745— 3:227 1745 3 259 1745— 3 : 275 1745_ 3 : 291 1746 3 307 1746— 3 : 329 1746— 3:343 1746 3 404 THOMAS, John : volunteer . . . • • . 1746 3 404 TIIO]\IAS, Jonathan: petition . •. 1763 6 338 THOMAS, C'AiT. Joseph: excise collector, member . 1747— 4 : 29 1752 4 217 1752— 4:233 1752 4 238 f* Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 367 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. THOMAS, Capt. Joseph, — {continued) : excise collector, member 1752 4 : 240 1752— 4 : 245 1752 4 254 1752— 4 : 263 1752— 4 : 278 1753 4 292 1752— 4 : 295 1753— 4:319 1753 4 325 1753— 4 : 328 1753— 4 : 330 1753 4 331 1753— 4 : 332 1753— 4 : 336 1753 4 340 1753 4 : 346 1753 4 : 357 1753 4 382 1754— 4 : 394 1754— 4 : 395 1754 4 404 1754— 4 : 406 1754— 4:409 1754 4 450 1754— 4 : 454 1754— 4:475 1754 4 552 1755 4 : 502 1755— 4:503 1755 4 507 1755— 4 : 516 1755— 4:528 1755 4 530 1755— 4 : 531 1755— 4:532 1755 4 537 1755 4 : 540 1755— 4 : 543 1755 4 550 1755— 4 : 558 1755— 4:569 1755 4 571 1755 4 : 572 1755 5 : 1755 5 25 1755— 5 : 41 1756 5 : 134 1758 5 382 1760 6: 63 1769— 7 : 327 1770 8 52 THOMAS, Joseph, and otheks : petition . 1755— 5: 50 1755 5 53 THOMLINSON, John : agent at court .... . 1734 2 400 1734— 2:403 1734 2 406 1734— 2 : 416 1734— 2:429 1735 2 441 1735— 2 : 446 1735— 2:449 1735 2 451 1735 2 : 452 1736 2 : 459 1736 2 460 1736— 2:468 1737— 2:481 1737 2 516 1737— 2:517 1737— 2:518 1737 2 526 1737— 2:527 1740— 2:548 1742 2 643 1742— 2 : 644 1742— 3: 35 1743 o 47 1744— 3 : 76 1745— 3:226 1745 3 256 1745— 3 : 286 1746— 3 : 309 1746 3 310 1746— 3 : 321 1746— 3 : 322 1746 3 323 1746— 3 : 333 1746— 3 : 335 1746 3 337 1746 3 : 346 1746 3 : 393 1746 3 422 1746— 3 : 436 1746— 3 : 437 1746 3 439 1746— 3 : 441 1747— 3:450 1747 3 452 1747— 3 : 457 1747— 3:459 1747 3 473 1747— 3:476 1747— 3:492 1752 4 242 1752— 4 : 243 1752— 4 : 247 1752 4 248 1752— 4 : 249 1752— 4 : 275 1753 4 352 1753— 4 : 363 1753 4 : 366 1754 4 418 1754— 4:442 1754— 4 : 442 * 1754 4 *443 1754— 4:455 1754— 4 : 456 1754 4 457 1754— 4 : 458 1754— 4:462 1754 4 463 1754— 4 : 466 1754— 4 : 482 1754 4 483 1755— 4 : 499 1755— 5: 1 1755 5 11 1755— 5 : 19 1755 5: 26 1755 5 31 1755 5: 32 1755 — 5 : 35 1755 5 108 1755— 5 : 271 1758— 5 : 328 1758 5 329 1758 5 : 349 1758 5 : 359 1758 5 442 1758— 5 : 447 1758— 5 : 455 1759 5 490 1759— 6 : 23 1760— 6: 50 1760 6 98 1760— 6 : 117 1760— 6:118 1760 6 119 1761— 6 : 184 1762— 6 : 306 1762 6 307 1763 6:310 1763— 6:311 1763 6 326 17G3— 6 : 335 1766— 7 : 83 1767 7 121 THOMLINSON, John, Jk. : associate ao-ent, etc. . 1763— 6 : 327 1763 6 333 <~j 1763— 6 : 335 1766 7 83 368 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAK. VOL. PAGE. TIIOMLIXSON, Cai't. rmi.ur: sliij) of, lost ..... . 1738 2 636 TIIOMLI.NSON & IlANiiiin : bills of exchange drawn on . 1765 6 448 THOMPSON, Ebenezek: member . . 17r)6 — 7 : 73 1766 7: 80 1766 7 87 1700- 7 : 178 1767— 7 : 118 1767 7 124 17r,7— 7 : 143 1767— 7 : 145 1767 7 146 17(;7— 7 : 148 1767— 7:150 1767 7 152 17(;7— 7:164 1767— 7: 182 1768 7 213 17()S— 7:214 1768— 7 : 221 1768 7 2:M 1768- 7 : 252 1768— 7 : 350 1769 7 311 1769— 7 : 320 17(30— 7:329 1769 7 335 1769— 7 : 352 177t)— 7 : 354 1770 7 356 1770— 8: Ip 1770— 8: 1 1770 8 2 1770— 8: 3 1770— 8: 15 1770 8 45 1770— 8: 54 1771—8: 2p 1771 8 68 1771— 8: 04 1771— 8: 80 1771 8 88 1771— 8: 95 1771— 8:105 1772 8 115 1772— 8:117 1772— 8:121 1772 8 122 1772— 8:123 1772— 8:128 1773 8 135 1773— 8:136 177:?— 8 : 137 1773 8 138 1773- 7 : 139 177r)_ H : 140 1773 8 141 177:}— 8:144 1773 8:147 1773 8 150 1774— 8:164 1774— 8:167 1774 8 169 1744— 8 : 170 1774— 8:172 1774 8 184 1774— 8:187 1774— « : 190 * 1774 8 193 1774— 8: 196 1774— 8 : 204 1774 8 205 1775— 8 : 218 1775 8:221 1775 8 234 TIIOMPSON, Ebenezeu and Koi'.ekt: father's estate divided, etc. 1757— 5 : 299 1757 5 300 1758— 5 : 321 1758 5 :?22 TIIOIMPSON, Geokge: volunteer ...... 1746— 3:404 1746 3 411 THOMPSON, James: escape of . 1753 4 323 THOMPSON, John : muster-roll 1746 3 : 349 1746 3 408 1746— 3:409 1746 3 429 THOMPSON, Jonathan : memi)er • ■ • 1742 2 610 1743— 3: 50 174,j_ 3:115 1745 3 128 1745 3 : 154 1745— 3:159t 1745 3 164 1745— 3 : 165 174.0_ n : 172 1745 3 177 1745— 3 : 179 174.')_ 3:180 1745 3 203 1749— 4:100 1749— 4:108 1749 4 119 1750 4: 10 I7r>()— 4 : 183 1751 4 9 175:3— 4 : 347 1755 4:497 1756 6 78 THOMPSON, Jonathan, AM) wife: to appear ...... . 1757 6 300 THOMPS(JN, JoN.vTHAN. Ji;. : petition . 1754 4 487 THOMPSON, ]\Iatiif.w : e];iini ...... . 1745 3 287 TH()>H'SON, Nathaniel: to appear, etc. . 1755 — 5: 51 1755— 5:560 1755 6 61 1756— 5: 78 17o6_ 5: 93 1758 7 265 TIIOMPSON. Roi'.eut: real estate of 1758_«5 : 824 1758 5 325 V. Samuel Thompson and wife 1758— 5:373 1758 6 374 memorandum of ... . . 1764 6 391 Province of ISTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 369 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. THOMPSON, Robert, etc. : petition 1756— 5: 78 1756 5 88 1756— 5 : 590 1757 — 5 : 299 1758 5 322 1761— 6 : 140 1761— 6:141 1761 6 142 1761— 6 : 152 1761— 6 : 155 1763 6 352 1764— 6 : 397 1764— 6 : 409 1764 6 410 1765— 6 : 445 1766— 7: 61 1766 7 79 THOMPSON, Samuel : estate of , ■ • 1758 5 322 THOMPSON, Samuel, and wife: to convey lands to Robert Tliompson 1758— 5:373 1758 5 374 THOMPSON, Setu: nndor Capt. Samuel Gerrish . . , 1763 6 330 THOMPSON, Thomas : lands of, divided .... , , , 1742 2 622 executors, etc., to appear 1742— 2:635 1742 2 638 wounded soldier .... . , , 1756 5 104 THORNTON : inventory ...... • . 1773 8 160 THORNTON, Matthew : member, etc. . 1758 — 5 : 869 1758— 5 : 434 1758 5 436 1758— 5 : 443 1758 5:445 1758 5 451 1758— 5 : 512 1759— 5:461 1759 5 479 1759— 5 : 483 1759— 5:490 1759 5 492 1759— 5:493 1759— 6: 6 1760 6 38 1760 6: 45 1760— 6: 46 1760 6 47 1760— 6 : 48 1760— 6: 52 1760 6 55 1760 6: .56 1760— 6: 57 1760 6 66 1760— 6 : 74 1761— 6 : 123 1761 6 124 1761— 6:125 1761— 6:126 1761 6 134 1761— 6:142 1761— 6 : 145 1761 6 175 1761— 6:219 1761— 6 : 232 1771 8 107 THORNTON, Matthew, and others: petition . . 1762— 6:239 1773— 8:138 1773 8 139 THURSTON, Moses: account ...... . • 1762 6 274 TIBBETTS, : bill read [record incomplete] . • , , 1737 2 490 TIBBETTS, Aaron : re-imbursed for bills, etc., burnt , , 1768 7 202 1768— 7:204 1768 7 278 TIBBETTS, C.APT. Ichabod: account, etc 1745- 3:236 1745 3 237 1745 3:239 1745 3 240 TIBBETTS, Jeremiah : allowance for apprehending • , 1755 4 497 TIBBETTS, John : petition 1757— 5 : 234 1757 5 283 1766 7: 94 1766 7: 95 1767 7 137 TIBBETTS, John and Tamesen: petition ...... • , 1729 2 150 TIBBETTS, Joseph: Quaker, affirmation of . . . , . 1753 4 348 insane, guardian for 1765 6:441 1765 6 444 1765 6 : 446 1765— 6:447 1765 7 4 TIBBETTS, Obadiah: petition . . 1761— 6:130 1761— 6:131 1761 6 133 TIBBETTS, Paul: in service under Captain Clement . , , 1753 4 354 TIBBETTS, Rose: petition 47 • • 1764 6 401 370 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TEAR. VOL. PAGE. TI1515ETTS, Samuel [• TllTITS, Tll'ETS, TePKTS"] : member . 17i:>— 1:117 1715— 1 : 124 1715 126 1716— 1:127 1715— 1:128 1715 129 171.^— 1:133 1715— 1:134 1715 135 171.0— 1:137 1715— 1:138 1716 140 171G— 1: 141 1716— 1:142 1716 144 171C.— 1:146 1716— 1:147 1716 14« 171G— 1:151 1716— 1:158 1716 163 171(; - l:lfi4 1716— 1: 166 1716 167 17 U)- 1:16S 1716— 1:169 1716 170 1716— 1:172 1716— 1:173 1716 174 1716— 1 : 177 1716— 1:178 1716 179 1716— 1 : 180 1716— 1 : 182 1716 1H7 1716— 1:LS9 1717— 1:190 1717 191 1717— 1:192 1717— 1:193 1717 194 1717— 1:196 1717— 1:197 1717 198 1717— 1:199 1717— 1 :200 1717 201 1717— 1:203 1717— 1:204 1717 205 1717— 1:209 1717— 1:210 1717 211 1718— 1 : 212 1718— 1:213 1718 214 1718— 1 : 215 1718— 1:216 1718 217 1718— 1:219 171.S— 1:223 1718 224 1718— 1 : 225 1718— 1:226 1719 231 1719— 1:233 1719— 1:235 1719 236 1719— 1:239 1719— 1:241 1719 242 1720— 1 : 244 1720 1 : 249 1720 *253 1720- 1:259 1720— 1:265 1720 266 1721— 1:268 1721— 1:272 1721 273 1721— 1:276 1721— 1:291 1721 292 1721— 1:294 1721— 1:295 1721 297 1721- 1:298 1721— 1:300 1721 301 1721— 1 : 303 1721— 1:305 1721 • 305 1721— 1:307 1721— 1:309 1722 312 1722— 1:313 1722— 1:314 1722 317 1722— 1:318 1722— 1:319 1722 320 1722— 1 : 321 1722— 1:322 1722 323 1722— 1 : 324 1722— 1 : 326 1722 327 1722— 1:330 1722— 1:335 1722 339 1722— 1 : 342 1722— 1:343 1722 345 1722— 1 : 346 1722— 1:349 1722 351 1722— 1:353 1722— 1:354 1722 355 9 1722— 1:356 1722— 1:357 1722 359 1722— 1:360 1722— 1 : 361 1722 366 1722— 1:369 1722— 1:372 1723 375 1723— 1:377 1723— 1:381 1723 382 1723 1 : 383 1723— 1:384 1723 389 1723— 1 : 391 1723— 1:396 1723 397 1723 1 : 399 1723 1 : 4(X) 1723 402 172:i_ 1 : 405 1723— 1 : 406 1723 408 1723— 1:410 1721— 1:415 1724 424 1724— 1:426 1724— 1:432 1724 434 1724— 2: 1 1724— 2: 3 1724 2 10 1725— 2: 12* 1725— 2: 13 1725 2 15 1725— 2: 17 1725— 2: 21 1725 2 22 1725— 2 : 23 1726 2: 33 1726 2 39 1726— 2: 45 1726— 2 : 46 1726 2 47 1726— 2: 50 1726— 2: 55 ; 1726 2 59 1726— 2: 63 1727— 2 : 67 1727 2 74 1727— 2: 78 1727— 2: 84 1727 2 86 1727— 2: 87 1727— 2: 94 1727 2 100 1727— 2 : 101 1727— 2 : 105 1727 2 107 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 371 TEAR. VOL. PAGE. TIBBETTS, S AMTJEi.,— (coniimied) : member . . 1728— 2:110 1728— 2:113 1728 2 117 1728 2:121 1728— 2 : 125 1728 2 128 1728 2:131 1728— 2:134 1728 2 139 1729— 2 : 143 1729 2 : 145 1729 2 151 1729— 2:155 1729— 2 : 165 1729 2 169 1730— 2:173 1730 2 : 174 1730 2 307 TICONDEROGA : attempt on . . . TILGHMAN, Matthew: • . 1756 5 74 si^eaker of Maryland house of representatives TILLOTSON, Daniel : 1774 8 167 account .... , , 1773 8 : 138 1773 8 140 1773— 8: 141 1773 8 142 TILTON, Abraham: petition .... TILTON, Benjamin: • • • ■ 1757 6 252 petition .... TILTON, Daniel: • • ■ • 1747 3 484 member .... , , 1711 1 1711— 1: 8 1711— 1: 24 1711 25 1711— 1: 28 1711— 1: 29 1711 31 1711— 1: 32 1711— 1: 33 1711 34 1712— 1: 35 1712— 1 : 37 1712 39 1712— 1: 41 1712— 1: 42 1712 43 1712— 1: 46 1712— 1: 47 1712 50 1712— 1: 51 1712— 1: 52 1712 54 1712— 1: 55 1712— 1: 56 1713 59 1713 1: 63 1713 1: 64 1713 65 1713— 1: 66 1713— 1: 72 1714 79 1714— 1: 89 1714— 1: 90 1714 94 " infirm and antient " ^ , * • ■ 1714 84 TILTON, Capt. Jacob : muster-roll . 1761 — 6:149 1761— 6:191 1761 6 192 1761— 6:209 1762— 6:261 1762 6 262 1763 6:319 1763 6 : 324 1763 6 331 petition, etc. . 1771 — 8:103 1772— 8:117 1772 8 118 TILTON, Capt. Jonathan: muster-roll , , 1756— 6: 94 1756 6 110 1761— 6:143 1763 6 371 member .... , , • • • 1771 8 105 1772— 8:114 1772— 8 : 115 1773 8 144 1773 8:148 1774— 8 : 164 1774 8 172 TIMBER (see also Trees and Masts) : nursery of TIMBERLANE [Hampstead] : petition ["Tiberlane"]: . • ■ • • • • 1730 1744 2 3 313 85 TIPPLE (see also Strojig Drink) allowance for . " ■ • • 1745 o O 250 TIPPLING-HOUSES (see also Taverns) : unlicensed, suppressed , • • • 1715 1 135 drinkers of strong drink at , to be put J to their oaths 1721 1 285 TIRIONET : tribes waiting at • ■ • • • 1727 2 84 TITCOMB, James: claim .... ■ • • • • 1726 2 56 TITCOMB, Capt. John: muster-roll, etc. , , ■ • • 1757 5 197 1757— 5:210 1757— 5:285 1758 5 317 1758— 5:323 1758— 5 : 335 1758 5 360 1758— 5:374 1758— 5 : 379 1758 5 382 372 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. vou FAQE. TITCO^SIB, Cait. John, — (conlimicd) : muster-roll, lite. 1758— 6:383 1758— 6 : 384 1759 6 481 TITLE (scr also If(,l>/»/. Sir Charlis) : t'xofution ui)()ii land gives, when . 1716 1 145 to lands, appeal, where concerned 172r,— 2: C.l 1727 2 no 1727— 2: 111 1727 2 112 to province lands .... • • • 1716 1 156 TOBA( VO : duty on ..... . 1714— 1 : 82 1715 1 104 TOBKY, Anna ["Annau"]: :i]tpre]iending ..... « 1768 7 238 TOBIN, Patkick: petition • 17.58 6 373 TODD, C'Ai'T. Alexandf.k: muster-roll .... , , , 1759 5 464 ] 7.^,9— 5:473 1759— 5:491 1760 6 59 17G0— 6: 70 1760— 6: 74 1760 6 78 17G0— 6: 96 1761— 6 : 141 1761 6 148 1761— 6:155 17(;i_ 0:192 1761 6 209 TODD, Andkeav: member • 1742 2 610 muster-roll .... 1746— 3 : 408 1746 3 532 1752— 4:253 1753— 4:317 1753 4 319 to appear . 1768 7 261 TODD, Andrew, etc. : petition . 1760 6 97 TODD, Cai't. James: muster-roll .... 1756 5: 94 1756 5 111 TOLCOTT (see Talcut). TOLFORl), Capt. John: muster-roll, etc. 1746— 3 : 413 1746 3:532 1748 4 71 TONGS : for use of general assembly . . 1770 8 19 TONNAGE : regulated ..... . 1716 1 181 TOOGOOD, Edward, etc.: account 1723— 1 : 390 1724 2 11 TOOLE, Capt. Anthony: muster-roll . 1758 — 5 : 354 1758 5 : 377 1758 5 387 TOOLS : provided, etc. . 174G — 3 : 443 1747— 3 : 484 * 1747 3 485 TOITAN, Chuistophek ["Tappan"]: member 1762 6 238 1762— 6 : 242 1762— 6 : 255 1762 6 293 1762— 6 : 296 17(;2— 6:458 1763 6 317 1763- 6:318 1763— 6:328 1763 6 .331 1763 6 : 334 17(;4_ 6 : 386 1764 6 415 1764— 6:417 1764— 6:464 1765 6 437 1705— 6:444 1765— 6 : 445 1765 6 448 1765— 6:452 17(;.5_ 6:454 1765 6 467 176.5— 7 : 8 176.5— 7 : 17 1765 7 24 1765— 7 : 26 1765 7: 27 1765 7 44 1765— 7 : 176 1766— 7: .55 1766 7 74 1766 7: 75 1766— 7 : 95 1766 7 178 1767— 7:114 1707- 7:125 1767 7 1.55 1767— 7 : 158 1767— 7 : l.")9 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 186 1768— 7 : 192 1768 7 194 1768— 7 : 200 1768-»7 : 204 1768 7 205 17(58— 7 : 22(; 17r,8- 7:236 1768 7 249 1768— 7:262 176.S— 7 : 266 1768 7 277 1768— 7 : 278 1768— 7:. 350 1769 7 282 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 373 TOPPAN, Christopher, — {co7itinued) member . . 1769— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— TOWLE, Jonathan: muster-roll petition .... TOWLE, Joseph: member .... TOWLE, Mary: V. Towle, Amos TOWLE, Matthias : V. Pickering, Joshua TOWLE, Elisha akd Phillip petition, etc. 319 342 354 IP 8 45 54 69 81 95 107 115 118 8:124 8:136 8 : 139 8 : 147 :165 :168 :184 ;189* :195 1769- 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1746— 1761— 352 343 356 3 15 49 2p 78 82 96 113 116 120 128 137 141 161 166 169 187 190 196 429 129 TEAB. 1765— 6 : 456 1742— 2:610 1765— 6 : 457 1753— 4 : 281 6: 6: 41 54 1759— 1760— 1760— 20 50 56 1765— 6 : 443 1:180 1760— 1760— TOWLE, William : wounded soldier TOWLE, Zachariah : daughter of, restored to her law TOWNS (see also Collectors, Constables, Conmers, Districts, Military Commission, Schools, Sealer, Selectmen, Sur- veyor, Ti'easurer, Tythingmen, and Watchvieii) : officers, — choice, oaths, etc. 1716— 1 1718— 1 1760— 6 1760— 6 meetings, regulated (see also Voters') 1718— 1:220 1748— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1766— neglecting to settle minister, to pay towards port of ministry where .... bounds, to be run ti-iennially {see also Lot-Layers) . 1718— 1 : 230 inhabitants, admission of . . . 1718 — 1 : 220 176 220 76 95 4: 99 6:334 375 409 16 62 1716— 1743— 1760— 1763— 1748— 1752— 1763— 1763— 1764— 1765— 1770— 53 77 332 87 249 337 377 419 34 47 sup- 1770 1770 1770 1770 1770 1770 1771 1771 1771 1771 1772 1772 1772 1772 1773 1773 1774 1774 1774 1774 1774 1774 1746 1761 1743 1765 1753 1759 1760 1769 1760 1765 1716 1716 1748 1760 1771 1716 1748 1761 1763 1764 1765 1765 1771 1716 1716 1719 1747 VOL. 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 6 3 6 6 6 7 6 6 1 1 4 6 8 1 4 6 6 6 7 7 8 1 1 1 4 PAGE. 340 344 357 7 41 53 60 80 88 105 114 117 122 129 138 144 164 167 172 188 193 203 532 216 bb 467 317 24 51 282 107 451 141 185 97 79 71 180 97 125 351 392 14 47 61 180 185 240 36 374 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, TOWNS, — (conlinued) : inlial)it;iiits, admission of . , 17(i<) — 7 : <> I iiilialiitants, t-arrit'd to the pr-t-liousc, cxpciisc of . iifw, in'ojirietors and non-ie-idL-nts of, regulalod may sue and be sued of 100 faniilii's ; sdoctnion to provide grammar schools, untli-r penalty ..... lines of, for not keeping schools .... taxes (sec also Act, Fruportioning, and Taxes) 1721— 1:288 to receive printed hiws 1773— S : i:}7 to receive votes and Journals choosino; jurymen y' fower antiunt: Portsmouth, Exeter, Dover, Hampton (see also Doomaije) . 17.'50 — 2:327 to p;iy rei)resentatives out of their town stock . representatives' i)ay added to jirovince tax of . basis of representation . . . 17G2 — 6 : 257 sending re]jreseutatives, regulated .... to contribute towards expense of settling province line sundry, annexed to Massachusetts .... new settlement of . to provide nioggusons and snow shoes [well 1744— 3 1706— 7 : 1770— 8 : 1727 with strajjs] to supply soldiers quartered there to provision soldiers may establish houses of correction granted tavern-keepers commons, trespass on TOWNSIIIl'S: regulated . . 1718— 1 : 220 TOAVNSENl), Geoikji:, etc. : ])etition ........ TOWNSEXD. LoKi) Justice: instructions by . TRADIO (see also Indians, Lords Commissioners, Truck) : of ships from England f illegal, with Cape Breton, forlndden 1721 — and commerce with P^astward Indians 1721 — 1728 — 2: 127 172K— with Indians ..... 1714 — with French, Spaniards, or Indians jn-ohibited with French ])rohil)ited .... British, the Fishery, recovered income upon, assessed l)romotcd 1731— 2:349 colonial, restrictions on, dejirecated boanl of . and ])lantation, commissioners TRAIL, Koi'.EHT- V. Fades, Daniel sole l)rew(!r of strong beer TUAINING-FIFIJ): gallows in the old TRANS I^OirrATloX (sec also Ilanliny) : of French prisoners . of ti'oops by water . li.\t 108 or. 47 95 and 2G7 29(; 128 75 1727— ]7;$0— 1731— 76 309 351 1743— 3: 47 17G6— 7 : 102 TEAB. nr.G 1747 17;)4 1718 1721 1771 VOL. 1760 6 172G 2 1773 8 1758 5 1726 2 1758 1731 1774 1762 1774 1737 1746 1754 1744 1747 1748 17GG 1770 1771 1740 1738 1721 1719 1756 1721 1728 1742 1744 1755 1745 1728 1730 1735 1766 1753 1772 1753 1766 1718 1747 1759 7 3 2 1 1 8 6 2 8 6 8 2 3 4 3 3 4 7 8 8 1 5 1 2 3 3 5 3 2 2 2 7 4 8 4 7 3 6 PAGE. 498 408 221 266 G8 95 32 142 444 Gl 319 353 207 ' 2G2 203 527 426 373 113 462 67 70 54 68 560 539 279 240 71 297 130 45 96 5 260 140 312 442 59 363 116 323 108 227 459 489 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 375 TRANSPORTS (see also Portledge and SMjjs) providing 1711— 1: 10 1711— 1: 14 1746— 3 : 365 service in, allowed for 209 240 414 for Canada expeditions . 1745— 3: 1745— 3 : 1746— 3 TRAVEL (see also Members, mileage) home, allowance to soldiers for to courts, allowance for . TRAVELERS (see also Taverns) : refresliment of . TREADWELL, Jacob, etc. : account .... TREASON : high, penalty . TREASURER (see also Penhalloiv Sherburne ; also Commiltec) : accounts of ... . 1713— 1 : 64 1716— 1 : 179 1721— 1721— 1722— 1726— 1727— 1732— 1733— 1734— 1736— 1742— 1742— 1742— 174.5— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1749— 1752— 1753— 1754— 1755— 1756— 1757— 1757— 17.58— 1758— 1758— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1761— 1711— 1711— 1746— 1712— 1746— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— Jaff'rey, Plaisted 1 1 1 2 : 2 2: 9.- 2: 2: 3; 3: 3; 3: 3: 3: 290 302 316 60 105 370 379 2:414 2:462 614 627 41 138 257 292 335 475 :489 505 524 163 240 302 446 519 63 250 309 406 444 455 518 87 110 128 165 o ; o o ; 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 5 : 5; 5: 5; 5 : 5: 5; 6; 6: 6 6 1711— 1713— 1718— 1721— 1722— 17-22- 1726— 1731— 1732— 1733— 1734— 1737— 1742— 1742— 1743— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1749— 1752— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1756— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 17.59— 1759— 1760— 1760— 1761— 1761— 11 18 366 42 411 142 210 241 415 and : 2 : 67 :221 : 296 :314 :358 : 62 :345 :374 :380 :429 :485 :624 :628 : 48 :207 :258 :323 :344 :485* :495 :515 : 33 :164 :241 :414 :474 : 8 : 67 :268 :366 :409 :447 :477 : 15 : 89 :116 :130 :194 YEAK. VOL. 1711 1 1711 1 1711 1 1759 5 1712 1 1747 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1760 6 1773 8 1721 1 1774 8 1714 1 1712 1 1716 1 1719 1 1721 1 1722 1 1723 1 1727 2 1731 2 1733 2 1733 2 1736 2 1740 2 1742 2 1742 3 1743 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 o 1747 3 1747 3 1748 4 1752 4 1752 4 17.54 4 1754 4 1755 5 1756 5 1757 5 1758 5 1758 5 1758 5 1759 5 1759 6 1760 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 9 13 20 489 44 486 156 233 256 424 78 148 286 169 78 51 175 238 299 315 404 82 347 378 394 461 551 625 38 75 249 291 334 457 487 496 521 84 231 244 *446 480 14 192 270 403 442 450 479 23 97 126 1.54 217 37G Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. TREASURER, — {omtinucd) : accounts of . . 17f •,2—6:279 1762— 6: 2H0 1762 6 283 17(;2— 6:281 17(;2— 6:287 1762 6 2S9 17(;2— 6:290 1762— 6:292 1762 6 293 176:?— 6:327 176:5— 6:337 1763 6 357 17t;:!— 6 ::)(')!» 176:!— 6 : .378 1763 6 379 17(;i_ 6:398 1764— 6:424 1765 6 472 17(;r,_ 7: 6 1765— 7 : 9 1765 7 15 17C.5— 7 : 16 1765— 7: 44 1766 7 73 17i;6— 7: 76 17(;6— 7: 78 1766 7 1(»8 1767— 7:114 17(i7— 7:118 1768 7 198 176S 7:227 176.H— 7:233 1768 7 253 17(j8— 7 : 261 1770— 7 : 338 1771 8 76 1772— 8:120 1772— 8:122 1772 8 123 177:5-8:134 1773—8:146 1773 8 147 1773 8:151 1774—8:189 1774 8 190 1774—8:192 1774—8:198 1775 8 223 1775— 8 : 233 1775— 8 : 235 1775 8 237 to proviiU- subsistence . . . . 1711 1 22 to report state of H. M. stores of powder and otlier aninuinition ....... 1717 1 203 to receive powder from vessels trading . 1721 1 277 to supply scouts, etc., with provisions and ammuni- tion 1722— 1: 325 1745 3 257 to build block-house, etc 1722 1 347 to buy powder with contingent fund 1743 3 73 to make provision for men at I'ort .... 1755 5 7 to pay wives, etc., of certain soldiers 1757 — 5 : 289 1768 450 to receive names of men in ser\ice .... 1758 5 419 1759— 6: 17 1762 6 296 to advance a month's pay, etc. 1758 6 419 1759— 6: 16 1762 6 296 to deliver up bonds of recruiting officers, who have fully accounted 1761 6 194 ronorl. etc., regulated (see also Treasury, slate of Ihe) 1716 1 186 ^ 1717— 1 : 201 1721 1 292 1722— 1:358 1722 1 367 1722— 1:368 1722— 1:371 1722 1 372 1723 1 : 378 1724— 1 : 414 1726 2 44 1726— 2: 45 1761— 6:194 1773 8 151 to oft'er reward for detection of counterfeiters . 1718 1 231 ' to supply money, etc. . . . 1716— 1:161 1735 — 2 : 443 1716 1735 1 2 162 445 to recover interest 1721—1:275 1721—1:278 1721 1 308 to call in all money due province for export, im- port, excise, and interest 1723 1 378 to ])ut bonds of delinquents in suit . 1737 — 2 :479 to collect outstanding dfbts and taxes 1747— 4: 32 1760 6 103 1747 4 37 to hire warrants delivered, and collect ilues 17G3— 6:3:35 1766 7 88 to recover government debts 1765 6 455 176*— 6 : 466 1765 7 4 17G.5— 7 : 6 1765— 7 : 7 1765 7 33 1765— 7 : 47 1766— 7 : 54 1766 7 62 to receive bills of credit for taxes .... 1770 8 51 to receive certain bills for taxes .... 1755 6 18 to receive sterling bills for taxes . ;. ;. 1761 6 174 to receive any money for taxes . 1765—7: 39 1765— 7 : 46 1765 1766 7 7 41 89 to exchange bills of credit . . 1772 — 8 : 124 1773 8 155 tn rficfiint for excise bonds 1756 6 69 I Province of 'Ni :w Hampshire, 1711- -1775. 377 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. TREASURER, — (continued) : to issue extent against purchaser of excise, etc. 1770 8 6 to issue extent against assessors of tax in Bow 1756 5 92 to stay issue of extent, on account of sraall-jjox 1761 6 136 to redeem his notes (sec also Bills of Credit and Fund) 1772— 8:128 1772 8 130 1773 8:137 1773 8:161 1774 8 193 salary, etc 1725 2 17 1732— 2 : 372 1742— 2 : 639 1746 3 336 1746— 3 : 343 1746— 3 : 348 1747 3 509 1753 4:282 1773 8:151 1774 8 198 commissions charged by . 1742 2 639 1760— 6:116 1763 6 327 to defray charge of governor's reception . 1728 2 118 1728 2:119 1728 2 128 1728 2 : 130 1730 2 174 to sell Vaughan's land 1742 2 631 to keep one key to province box .... 1745 3 283 charged with open affront and insult to legislature 1762 6 293 to sell tract of land in Hampton Falls 1771 8 83 TREASURERS : town and parish 1763 6 332 county, fines, etc., for liquor licenses, payable to . 1771 8 109 1772—8:114 1774 8 169 TREASURY (see also Bills of Credit, Taxes, and Acts for state of the 1711 1 24 1711 1: 27 1715 1:120 1722 1 311 1722— 1:313 1722— 1:319 1723 1 374 1724— 2: 6 1731— 2:337 1732 2 372 1734— 2 : 399 1737— 2 : 478 1745 3 125 1747 3:474 1749 4:125 1749 4 155 1752— 4 : 220 1755— 5 : 7 1757 5 304 1760— 6 : 45 1760— 6 : 48 1760 6 89 1762— 6:251 1768— 7:198 1768 7 212 1768 7:251 1768 7:258 1770 7 341 supply of the 1723 1 : 386 1730 2 313 1731— 2 : 340 1731— 2 : 352 1732 2 365 1732— 2 : 368 1733— 2 : 389 1733 2 391 1733— 2 : 393 1733— 2 : 395 1733 2 396 1734— 2:404 1734— 2:405 1734 2 417 1734— 2 : 421 1734— 2 : 425 1735 2 439 1735 2:442 1735 2:444 1735 2 452 1735 2:455 1736 2:466 1736 2 468 1736— 2 : 471 1736— 2 : 472 1736 2 474 1737— 2 : 476 1737— 2 : 528 1740 2 554 1742— 2 : 641 1742— 2 : 644 1742 2 653 1758— 5 : 323 1762— 6 : 292 1765 7 15 1766— 7 : 88 1766— 7 : 97 1767 7 121 payments out of the, to boundary agent . 1720 1 248 bill, considered .... 1735—2:450 1736 2 469 plates of bills of credit to remain in the . 1737 2 493 TREATIES (sec also Indians and Peace) : with Indians 1722— 1 : 328 1722 1 334 1722— 1 336 1722— 1:352 1725 2 21 1725 2 23 1726— 2: 28 1726 2 37 1726— 2 39 1726— 2: 41 1726 2 46 1727— 2 84 1727— 2: 85 1727 2 86 1727— 2 88 1727— 2 : 89 1745 3 259 1754— 4 372 1754— 4 : 420 1754 4 456 with Fi-ance 48 1763 6 343 378 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 1747— 3:501 1743— 3 : 74 1743— 3: 62 TRUCE : flag of, to Canada TRUCK : house, built master, appointed TRL'ESDELL, Ei'.knezer : petition TRUNDY, John : account . . 1723— 1:390 1734— 2:410 TRUSTEES (see also Bills of CredU) : of old cypher bills, etc. . 1728— 2 : 133 1729— 2:163 of bonds securing public loans 1729— 2:152 1729— 2 : 155 1734— 2:402 1712— 2:634 TRY DICK, Henry: invalid volunteer TUCK, John: member . 17G7— 1770— 171S— 1740— 1740— 1758— 1730— 1734— 1711— 1747— 1747— 1747— 1756— 1717— 1:201 1717— 1:204 petition TUCK, JONATILVN; member . 1765 — 7 29 1729— 1735 — 172H— 1731— 1722— 1729— 1729— 1734— 1743— 1717— 1717— 1717— 176.5— 1765— 121 21 1746— 3:333 220 552 569 330 332 411 TRECOTIiiC K, Baiu.uw : agent at court .... 1766— 7 : 83 1769- 7:335 TREES (sec also Timber and Mast) : for II. M. navy TREI'K'riIKN. IIknky: volunteer ..... TRESl'ASS (sec also Ejectment) : penalty 1729— 2:171 1740— 2 : 567 1755— 5 : 37 writs of TREYTON [Triton ?] : ship, Capt. Ednumd Coflin TRIAL liY Jury (see also Piracy) : an inherent right TROOPERS: located, supplied, paid, etc. 1745— 3 : 300 1746— 3 : 430 1758— 5 : 370 TROOPS (see also Men) : located, supplied, paid, etc. ]74(;_. 8:. 367 1747— 3 : 456 1747— 3 : 495 1747— 4: 58 1745— 3 : 274 1745— 3 : 310 1746— 3 : 431 1761— 6 : 143 19 448 486 33 154 1747— 3:502 1744— 3 : 77 1743— 3 : 74 146 448 135 355 361 153 157 408 65 199 202 205 23 48 1753— 4 : 299 YEAR. VOL. 1765 7 1768 7 1772 8 1761 6 1746 3 1724 2 1740 2 1746 3 1771 8 1730 2 1738 2 1764 6 1766 7 1740 2 1745 3 1746 3 1747 3 1761 6 1711 1 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1762 6 1747 3 1744 3 1743 3 1745 3 1732 2 1737 2 1727 2 1729 2 1731 2 1722 1 1727 2 1729 2 1732 2 1734 2 1743 3 1746 3 1717 1717 1717 1765 1766 1753 4 PAGE. 39 245 130 197 404 55 553 315 68 333 540 408 58 552 277 429 516 217 20 449 491 47 249 517 80 75 ♦228 370 486 108 158 357 359 108 154 369 413 66 333 200 203 206 26 62 325 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 379 TUCK, Jonathan, ■ member . TUCKER, Benjamin account TUCKER, Francis : prison keeper TUCKER, John : restored to his law TUCKER, Lewis : invalid volunteer TUESDAY'S Paper: (co7itmued) 1753— 1753— 175-1— 1754 — 1754— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1755— 1758— 1759— 1761— 1761— 1761— 4:327 4 : 345 4:369 4:398 4:429 4:441 482 520 567 5 37 436 479 139 146 164 1744— 1745— newspaper TUFTONBOROUGH highway . TUFTS, Thomas: invalid volunteer TURNKEYS : allowance for . TURPENTINE : act about, passed tax rate . TUTTLE, Ebenezer : petition 3:109 3:277 1762— 4 : 251 1756— 5 : 136 1758— 5 : 389 1761— 6 : 213 1764— 6:396 1742— 2 : 624 TUTTLE, Thomas : petition TWO-MILE Streak ["Strake''] : petition defence TWOMBLY, Sergt. Samuel : muster-roll .... TYPES (see also Plates) : of sterling bills TYTHENGIMEN: town 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1755— 1755 — 1755 — 1758— 1759— 1761— 1761— 1761— 334 368 393 406 438 445 483 524 570 19 41 437 486 6:141 6:154 6:177 1745— 3:235 1746— 3 : 339 1746— 3 : 333 1768— 7 : 274 1769— 7 : 291 1746— 3 : 308 1754— 4 : 445 * 1757— 5 : 277 1759— 6 : 2 1762— 6 : 265 1765— 7 : 29 1729— 2 : 168 1742— 2 : 625 1761— 6:121 1746— 3:414 UNCOMFORTABLE Aspect (see also Distresses) of public aflairs YKATt. VOL. 1753 4 1753 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1754 4 1755 4 1755 5 1755 5 1758 5 1758 5 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1761 6 1773 8 1744 3 1745 3 1757 5 1767 7 1746 3 1756 4 1768 7 1770 7 1746 3 1758 6 1717 1 1755 4 1758 5 1760 6 1763 6 1766 7 1729 2 1742 2 1742 2 1761 6 1748 4 1748 4 1746 3 1765 7 1716 1 1749 4 PAGE. 336 384 397 423 439 481 552 558 35 434 512 123 142 158 232 153 87 241 221 147 404 440 277 341 309 420 209 649 386 106 338 86 167 622 626 123 61 67 633 49 140 124 380 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, UNDKinVOOD, JAMrs UU'llllxT . 1 7 (').-.— 17«;7— 1767— 17»;.H— 1772— 177:5— 1774— 177J 7:170 182 11>7 Ho 149 172 l'J7 1707— 1768— 17r.S— 1772— 1774— 1774— 1774— 178 147 188 1118 12:5 164 184 11)8 TEAR. 1765— 4 : 0l2 1742— 2:62^) 1757— 5 : 243 UNDKinVOOD, J(»HN: petition ...... UNDKKWOOI). PniNKAS, etc.: |)rtiti(in, etc. ..... UNDIVIDKI) I>ANDS (see Lands). UNHAPPY Situation (see also Distresses) of our iniblio afVairs .... UNLMl'UOVKl) Lands (see Lands). UNINC()UP()1{ ATED Persons : proportioiu/il ..... UNlNCOKPOPvATED Places : to take inventories .... calling meetings in . UNIFORM Clothing : for soldiers ..... UNITY : inventory ....... UNJUST KEruESENTATiONS (see also Distresses) made against this province UPPER CoHASS (see also Qreat Cohass) : highway to ... . UTTON, John: petition . . 1757— 5 : 305 USHER, J.. UN: lieiitenant-g(A'ernor .... 1711 — 1 USURY (see also Interest) -. excessive, restrained . . . 1705 — 6 1769— 7:284 1771— 8 UTTERING Money: diminished or i-ounterfeit, jienalty . 1768— 1757— 186 306 12 ; 454 : 76 VACANCIES (see also Members) : governor reriuested to issue forth his precept to supply Newcastle to supply VACANCY : in office, defined VA(iAB()NDS: suppressed .... VAGRANT Masters : of schools, worse than none VALUATION (sec also J'J(/uitt/, Inventories, Money, Rates, Bating, and names of Ihinr/s valued) : act . . . 1728— 2:140 for taxes ..... VANDUSEN, Roijekt: account ..... VANDYKE, Henky: account ..... VARNEY, Moses: scout ..... 1770— 8 9 1742— 2 651 177:3— 8 137 1766 1707 1707 1768 1771 1773 1774 1774 1774 1723 1766 1749 1742 1774 1774 1757 1773 1756 1768 1758 1716 1769 1771 1768 1717 1720 1766 1718 1771 1770 1752 1773 1758 1768 1746 VOL. 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 5 7 5 1 7 8 1 1 6 1 8 8 4 8 5 6 3 PAGE. 29 141 160 192 105 144 170 188 200 394 172 169 626 211 213 246 169 107 192 421 122 283 79 248 2.)6 246 467 220 111 15 250 138 356 356 255 I Province of Neav Hampshire, 1711-1775. 381 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. VAUGHAN, Elliot: petition, etc. , . 1729— 2:149 1747 3 469 1747— 3:476 1747— 3 : 507 1757 5 233 VAUGHAN, Geokge: colonel, lieutenant-governor , , , , 1713 61 1715— 1:117 1715 120 1715 1:122 1716— 1 : 155 1716 169 1716— 1:173 1716— 1 : 177 1716 "1 182 1717— 1:200 1717— 1 : 205 1717 206 1720— 1:244 1720— 1 : 261 1721 275 1723 1 : 390 1723— 1:392 1723 393 1723 1 : 394 1729— 2:147 1729 2 149 1729— 2 : 150 1737— 2:478 1742 2 634 VAUGHAN, Margaret: heirs of . , , , • • 1747 3 515 VAUGHAN, William: major, recorder . . 1712— 1: 45 1718 1 213 1719— 1 : 237 1729— 2:147 1729 2 149 1742— 2 : 631 1742— 2:632 1742 2 633 1742- 2 : 634 1742— 2:643 1742 2 647 1742— 2:651 1742— 3: 40 1743 3 50 V. Gate, Edward 1716— 1:164 1716— 1:165 1716 1 172 V. Rowlings, Joseph , • 1742 2 651 VEAZTE, Capt. George: account .... . • • 1745 3 247 VEAZIE, Martha and Mary: petition .... , • • 1763 6 378 VEAZIE, Thomas: account .... . • • 1725 2 18 VENDUE (see also Sheriff, and Wendell, John) : personal estate sold at, by sherift" , , 1773 8 149 VERNON, Admiral: . letter from , . 1742 2 649 VESSELS (see also Light, Men of War, Quarantine, Ships, Small-Pox, and Transports) : fitting out, regulating, etc. . , . 1721 1 277 1721— 1:306 1722— 1 : 343 1722 1 351 1723— 1:403 1723 1:412 1724 1 432 1731— 2:358 1745— 3 : 154 1745 3 156 1746— 3:365 1746— 3:366 1746 3 387 1746— 3:406 1746— 3:424 1747 3 450 1747— 3:454 1754 - 4:460 1766 7 88 VETO (see also Beasons) : power of lieutenant-governor . . 1728 2:122 1728 2 123 VICE-ADMIRALTY (see Admiralty). VICTORY : over French army « • • 1755 5 45 VICTUALLING: soldiers . . 1747— 3:462 1748 4: 67 1761 6 210 1761— 6:217 1762— 6:269 1768 7 236 VILLAGES : may sue and be sued • , , • • 1718 1 221 VINCENT, Margaret: petition .... , , , , 1759 5 494 1759— 5:495 1759 6 7 VINCENT, William: to appear .... . , , , , 1759 6 495 VIRGIN, Ebenezer: jjetition .... . . 1765— 6:434 1765 6 469 VIRGINIA (see also Alexandria) : act ..... . . 1754— 4:421 1754 4 437 382 Index to Journals of IIol SE OF IxEPKESJ ENTATIVES, TEAB. VOL. PAGE. VIRGINIA, —\conlinutd) : house of l)urgesses 1768 — 7 : 260 1768— 7:263 1770 7 338 1770— 8: 22 1770— «: 27 1773 8 161 177r,_ 8 : 162 1774— 8: 177 1774 8 178 1774_ 8 : 179 1774— 8: 179* 1774 8 *181 VOPRELL, M.: letter of, to governor - 1725 2 15 VOLUNTEKUS (,stc also KnliMiiuj and Men) : encouruged.Jregulatetl, etc. . 1711 1 1 1711— 1: 6 1711 1 18 1722— 1:343 1722— 1:345 1722 1 347 1725— 2: 15 1744— 3: 88 1745 3 141 1745— 3 : 151 1745— 3 : 152 1745 3 176 1745— t5 : 177 1745— 3:201 1745 3 206 1745— 3:208 1745- 3:221 1745 3 226 1745— 3:253 1745— 3 : 258 1745 3 265 1746— 3:363 1746— 3:376 1746 3 382 1746— 3:384 1746— 3:385 1746 3 386 1746— 3:387 1746— 3 : 402 1746 3 403 1746— 3:404 1746— 3:409 1746 3 414 1746— 3:415 1746— 3 : 417 1746 3 421 1747— 3:456 1747_ 3:491 1747 4 31 VOTE {see Act and Members) . VOTERS (sec also ricprcscntalion) : 120 riualified, to a representative • 1762 6 *262 qualitications ..... 1763— 6:332 1764 6 388 legal, tleterniiiK'd .... . 1770 8 9 ratable estate, for qualifieation of . 1771— 8: 82 1771 8 109 WADLEIGII, Jonathan {sec also Langdon, etc.) : on committee . 1715 1 136 WADLEIGII. .loSKi'li: on committee . 1747 3 486 WADLEIGII, Captain : muster-roll, etc 1722— 1:360 1746 3 438 WAGES {see also names of various officers) of soldiers {which see also) • • • 1711 1 1 1711— 1: 24 1722— 1:353 1745 3 177 1745 3:216 1745— 3:223 1745 3 224 174.5— 3:268 1745— 3 : 272 1745 3 276 1745— 3 : 277 1745— 3:282 1745 3 285 1745— 3:289 1746— 3 : 338 1746 3 340 1747— 3:465 1747— 3:472 1747 3 473 1747— 3 : 519 1747— 3:522 1748 4 68 1748— 4 : 77 1753— 4:317 1753 4 318 1753 4:307 1753— 4 : 336 1753 4 344 1753— 4 : 349 1753— 4 : 356 1753 4 360 1754— 4 : 434 1754— 4 : 435 1755 4 626 1755— 4:533 1755— 5 : 18 1755 5 24 1755— 5 : 28 1755— 5 : 34 1756 6 94 1756— 5 : 113 1756— 5:117 1756 5 167 1757 — 5 : 235 1757— 5 : 238 1757 5 241 1758— 5 : 364 1758— 5 : 378 1758 5 382 1759— 6: 4 1759— 6 : 5 1760 6 53 1760— 6: 75 1760— 6:112 1761 6 121 1761— 6:176 1761— 6:193 1761 6 195 1762— 6 : 254 1762— 6:273 1764 6 418 WAGONERS : • for expeditions .... . 1757 5 195 WAITER: to assembly • • • 1772 8 118 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 383 YEAR. VOL. PAGE. WAKEFIELD {see East Town). WALDEN, John: invalid volunteer . 1746 3 308 WALDRON, John: member 1774— 8 : 170 1774 8 172 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8 : 187 1774 8 205 1774 8 : 209 1774— 8:213 1774 8 214 WALDRON, Luthrick: bonds of • • • 1720 1 261 WALDRON, Richard [" Waldrond "] : member, councilor, secretary . . 1714 1: 80 1714 81 1716— 1:143 1716— 1:148 1716 166 1717— 1 : 202 1717— 1:206 1717 209 1718— 1:223 1718— 1:230 1719 234 1719— 1:238 1719— 1:240 1720 253 1720— 1:261 1720 1 : 263 1721 267 1721— 1:269 1721— 1:270 1721 275 1721— 1 : 290 1721— 1:291 1721 307 1722— 1 : 313 1722— 1:314 1722 323 1722— 1:336 1722— 1:341 1722 349 1722— 1:361 1722— 1:366 1722 369 1722— 1:372 1723— 1 : 377 1723 378 1723— 1:382 1723— 1:383 1723 388 1723— 1:389 1723 1 : 390 1723 392 1723 1 : 393 1723— 1:395 1723 397 1723 1 : 402 1723— 1:403 1723 407 1723 1 : 408 1723— 1:412 1724 414 1724— 1 : 419 1724— 1:421 1724 426 1724 1 : 427 1724— 1:431 1724 432 1724— 1:433 1724— 2: 1 1724 2 2 1724— 2: 4 1724— 2: 5 1724 2 8 1724— 2: 10 1725— 2: 12t 1725 2 14 1725 2: 15 1725— 2: 16 1725 2 18 1725— 2: 21 1725— 2: 23 1725 2 24 1725 2: 25 1726— 2: 27 1726 2 32 1726— 2: 34 1726— 2 : 35 1726 2 87 1726— 2: 38 1726— 2: 41 1726 2 43 1726 2: 50 1726 2: 51 1726 2 52 1726— 2: 53 1726— 2: 60 1726 2 61 1726 2: 64 1727— 2: 67 1727 2 68 1727— 2 : 71 1727— 2: 79 1727 2 81 1727— 2 : 82 1727— 2: 83 1727 2 85 1727— 2: 88 1727— 2: 89 1727 2 98 1727— 2: 94 1727— 2: 97 1727 2 102 1727— 2:107 1727— 2 : 109 1728 2 116 1728— 2:118 1728— 2:119 1728 2 126 1728- 2 : 131 1728— 2:140 1729 2 144 1729— 2:146 1729— 2 : 148 1729 2 150 1729— 2 : 153 1729— 2 : 154 1729 2 161 1729— 2 : 166 1729— 2:167 1729 2 168 1729— 2 : 169 1729 2:172 1730 2 174 1730 2 : 314 1730— 2:316 1730 2 817 1730— 2:319 1730— 2:320 1730 2 327 1730 2 : 331 1730— 2:332 1730 2 338 1731— 2:345 1731— 2 : 347 1731 2 359 1731— 2 : 361 1732— 2 : 362 1733 2 395 1784— 2 : 401 1735— 2:446 1736 2 457 1736— 2:459 1736— 2 : 474 1737 2 510 1737— 2 : 518 1737— 2:521 1737 2 525 1738— 2 : 529 1739— 2 : 542 1740 2 549 1740— 2:551 1740 2 : 565 1740 2 667 384 Index to Journals of House uf Representatives, YEAB. VOL. PAGE. WALDRON, RiciiAKU, —{continued) : member, councilor, secretary 1742—2:621 1 742— 2:628 1742 2 637 1746— :;::507 1 749— 4 : 100 1749 4 104 1719— 4:105 1 74'j_ 4 : 1()«; 1749 4 107 1749— 4: 110 1 749— 4 : 132 174!l 4 146 1749- 4 : 148 1 749— 4 : 154 1750 4 10 1750— 4:183 1 761— 4: 9 1752 4 275 1752— 4 : 279 1 752— 4 : 380 1753 4 296 1753— 4:299 1 753— 4:300 1753 4 347 clioscn speaker ..... . 1749 4 106 elioiee disajjproved by governor • 1749 4 107 WALDlvOX. UiciiAKD, JiC: claim • • • 1729 2 170 WALDKON, Thomas Westhuook: member, councilor, recorder, etc. . • • • 1748 3 269 1755 — 5 : 43 ] 1755— 5 : 51 1755 6 57 1755— 5 : 60 ] 755 — 5 : 61 1755 6 258 1756 — 5 : 65 ] 756— 5: 67 1756 5 74 1756— 5: 81 1 1756— 5 : 89 1756 5 93 1756— 5 : 95 1 756— 5 : 98 1756 5 100 1756— 5 : 105 1 1756— 5 : 106 1756 5 109 1756—5:114 ] L756 5:116 1756 5 137 1756— 5 : 177 ] 756— 5 : 180 1756 5 1S4 1756— 6 : 186 1 756— 5 : 187 1756 5 191 1756— 5 : 192 L756— 5: 193 1756 5 260 1756— 5 : 515 ] L757— 5 : 207 1757 5 213 1757— 5 : 242 ] 1757— 5 : 243 1757 5 246 1757— 5 : 249 ] L757— 5 : 252 1757 5 251 1757— 5 : 255 ] [757 — 5 : 257 1757 5 264 1757— 5 : 268 * ] 1757— 5 : 286 1757 5 288 1757—5:291 ] L757— 5 : 293 1757 5 299 1757—5:309 ] 1757— 5:506 1758 5 311 1758 5 : 320 ] L758— 5 : 323 1758 6 374 1758- 5 : 376 ] [758— 5 : 432 1758 5 434 1758— 5 : 436 ] 1758— 5 : 437 1758 5 441 1758— 5 : 444 ] 1758— 5 : 451 1758 5 512 1759—5:458 ] 1759— 5 : 462 1759 5 479 1759— 5 : 480 ] 759— 5 : 485 1769 5 493 1759— 6: 11 ] 1759— 6: 18 1760 6 33 1760 6: 43 ] 1760— 6: 46 1760 6 47 1760— 6: 48 1 1760— 6: 55 1760 6 56 1760— 6 : 57 1760— 6: 66 1760 6 84 17(10- 6: 91 ] 1760— 6 : 92 1760 6 102 1760— 6 : 107 1 760- 6:112 1760 6 118 1761— 6:123 1761— 6:124 1761 6 132 1761— 6:142 1761— 6:145 1761 6 146 1761— 6:155 ] 761— 6:156 1761 6 171 1761— 6:200 1761— 6:206 1761 6 232 17(i2— 6 : 237 1762— 6 : 239 1762 6 240 1762— 6:247 1762— 6:249 1762 6 253 1762— 6:264 1762— 6 : 280 1762 6 283 1762— 6:284 762— 6 : 285 1762 6 2SS 1762— 6:2S!t 1762— 6:292 1762 6 295 1762— 6:303 1762— 6:304 1762 6 307 1762— 6:309 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 312 176;i— 6:340 ] 1763— 6 : 357 1763 6 360 17r,3— 6:373 1763—^:462 1763 6 3S3 17(;4_ 6:409 17(34_ 6:410 1764 6 464 1765— 6:440 1765— 6 : 444 1765 6 446 1765— 6:447 1765— 6:448 1765 6 465 ^Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. B85 YEAE. VOL. PAGE. WALDRON, Thomas "Westbrook, — {continued) : member, councilor, recorder, etc. 1765 6 : 456 1765 7 : 2 1765 7 6 1765— 7 : 8 1765 7: 17 1765 7 21 1765 7 : 176 1766 7 : 178 1767 7 125 1767— 7 : 120 1767— 7 : 132 1767 7 149 1767— 7 : 152 1767— 7 : 162 1767 7 165 1767— 7 : 182 1768 7 : 225 1768 7 228 1768— 7 : 241 1768 7 : 261 1768 7 262 1768 7 : 350 1769— 7 : 282 1769 7 285 1769— 7 : 299 1769— 7 : 302 1769 7 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770— 8: Ip 1770 8 3 1770 8: 15 1771— 8: 27 1771 8 80 1773— 8 : 141 1773— 8:150 1742 8 188 feoffee, in case of Thomas Johnson • • • 1761 6 204 WALFORD, Jeremiah : petition . . 1731— 2:853 1731— 2:357 1731 2 358 WALKER, Capt. George: member, etc • 1717 1 190 1717— 1 : 191 1717— 1:192 1717 1 193 1717— 1:194 1717— 1:197 1717 1 198 1726— 2: 28 1726— 2: 30 1726 2 56 1726 2: 57 1727— 2:100 1727 2 101 1727— 2 : 105 1728 2:110 1728 2 113 1728— 2:117 1728— 2 : 121 1728 2 125 1728— 2 : 128 1728 2:131 1728 2 132 1728— 2 : 134 1728— 2:139 1729 2 143 1729— 2 : 145 1729— 2 : 147 1729 2 149 1729— 2:151 1729— 2 : 155 1729 2 164 1729— 2 : 165 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 173 1730 2 : 174 1730— 2 : 307 1730 2 332 1732— 2 : 376 1734— 2:422 1734 2 426 1734— 2 : 427 1736— 2:457 1737 2 475 1739 2 : 542 1742— 2:610 1742 2 632 1742— 2 : 641 1742— 2:643 1742 2 647 1743 3: 31 1748 3: 34 1743 3 57 WALKER, Sir Hovenden: admiral of the royal squadron • • ■ 1711 1 19 WALKER, Rev. Timothy: agent in England for Rumford, etc. 1754— 4 : 417 1754 4 418 petition . . 1764— 6:390 1764— 6 : 393 1764 6 394 WALKER, Capt. William: muster-roll, etc 1752— 4 : 253 1753 4 319 1753— 4:349 1758 4 351 WALLACE, Colonel: muster-roll • • • 1712 1 42 WALLACE, Nathaniel: claim • 1758 5 o — -^ WALLACE, Robert, and others: petition 1768— 7:261 1768 7 262 1768 7 : 269 1769 7 283 WALLACE, William: thanks to . • ■ • 1716 1 177 WALLACE, and others: petition ...... . • 1737 2 488 WALLINGFORD, Thomas [" Wallensford "1 : V. Samuel Walton .... • • • 1734 2 402 member . , 1737— 2:542 1740— 2:543 1740 2 546 1740 2 : 552 1740— 2:563 1740 2 610 1742— 2 : 611 1742— 2 : 637 1743 3 47 1743— 3: 56 1744— 3: 94 1745 3 115 49 386 Index to Journals of House of I^epresentatives, WALLINCFORD. Tik >mas. — {conlinncd) muinljer . . 1745 — .'5:124 1745— 1745- 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1740- 174G— 1746- 174G- 174G— 1747— 1747- 1747— 1747— 1747- 1747— 1747- 1747— 1748— 1748— 175-1- 4 : 442 insults and atVronts to 1745— 3 : 160 WALPOLE : inventory .... 1767— linseed oil mill, monopoly WALTER, Gkougk : o:172 3: 185 3:190 '^ : 204 ;5 : 207 3 : 217 227 250 25'J 338 355 366 390 437 447 3 : 453 3 : 483 499 ;513 : 24 3 3: 3; 3 3; 3 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 4; 4: 4: 4: 4; 27 37 82 95 IGl member 1732— 1734— 1735— 1736— 1737— 1738— 1740— 1740- 1742— 1743— 174.3— 174.0— 376 422 439 2 : 458 512 531 546 553 615 49 73 123 45- 4.0- 45- 4.0- 45- 4.0- 45- 4.0- 4.0- 15- 46- 46- 46- 4(i- 46- 47- 47- 47- 47- 47- 47- 47- 48- 48- 3 : 14H 3 : 180 3:187 3:193 3 : 205 3 : 210 3:218 3 : 231 3 : 256 3 : 262 3 : 342 3 : 360 3 : 368 3:411 3 : 444 449 454 485* 500 2 1748- 60- 45- 47- 60- 68- 3 3: 3 3: 4; 4: 4: 4: 4: 4: 6: 25 28 78 84 97 52 3 : 155 3:445 6: 86 7:219 1733— 1734— 1735— 1737— 1737— 1738— 1740— 1742— 1742— 1743— 1744— 1745— 378 423 447 475 515 536 2 : 547 2:610 2:626 3: 51 3: 94 3:128 WALTER, Samiel: V. Wallin<;f()rd, Thomas . supplies from ..... WALTON, Col. SnADUACH ["Walttone member, eouneilor, president, etc. 171.0— 171.0— 171.0— 171.0— 171.0— 1716— 1716— 1716— 1716— 121 126 129 132 135 140 143 147 158 1715- 171.0— 171.0— 171.0— 171.0— 1 171.0— 1 ITIC— -1 1716— 1 1716— 1 1716— 1 1 : 113 1:122 1:127 1 : 130 133 137 141 144 151 163 YEAU. VOL. 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 174t) 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 3 1747 4 1747 4 1747 4 1748 4 174« 4 1748 4 1760 6 1745 3 1747 3 1761 6 1773 8 1773 8 1731 2 1734 2 17:'6 2 1736 2 1737 2 1737 2 1739 2 1740 2 1742 2 1742 2 1743 3 1745 3 1745 3 1734 2 1747 3 1715 1 1715 1 1715 1 1715 1 1715 1 1715 1 1716 1 1716 1 1716 1 1716 1 PAGE. 152 184 188 203 206 215 223 249 257 316 343 363 383 422 445 451 4.05 487 512 19 26 35 79 90 98 80 1.09 447 122 159 1.55 335 397 433 457 477 .021 542 548 611 629 60 115 129 402 526 117 124 128 Kil 134 i;3.s 142 146 1.07 164 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 387 YEAK. VOL. PAGE. WALTON, Col. Siiadrach, — {continued) . member, councilor, president, etc. 1716— 1:167 1716— 1:168 1716 169 1716— 1:170 1716— 1 : 172 1716 173 1716— 1:174 1716 1:177 1716 178 1716— 1 : 179 1716— 1 : 180 1716 182 1716— 1:183 1716— 1 : 184 1716 185 1716— 1 : 187 1716— 1:189 1718 227 1720— 1:244 1721— 1:271 1722 275 1721— 1:276 1721— 1 : 321 1722 344 1723— 1:384 1723— 1 : 385 1723 387 1723— 1:391 1723 1 : 392 1723 393 1723 1 : 405 1723— 1:411 1724 432 1725— 2 : 12 t 1725— 2 : 19 1725 2 21 1725 2: 25 1726— 2: 31 1726 2 32 1726— 2: 37 1726 2: 46 1726 2 51 1727— 2: 67 1727— 2 : 68 1727 2 73 1727— 2: 81 1727— 2: 86 1727 2 87 1727— 2 : 97 1727— 2 : 99 1727 9 101 1727— 2:107 1728— 2 : 111 1728 2 112 1728 2:135 1728 2 : 137 1728 2 138 1729— 2 : 151 1729— 2 : 154 1729 2 163 1730 2:316 1730 2 : 318 1730 2 319 1731— 2 : 346 1731— 2 : 347 1733 2 377 1735 2 : 440 1737— 2 : 480 1737 2 492 1737— 2:495 1737— 2 : 504 1737 2 529 1740 2 : 550 1740— 2:559 1742 2 646 WANTON, John: governor of Rhode Island • • • 1730 2 322 1730 2:323 1740 2 562 WANTON, Col. William: commissioner on the line . • • • 1730 2 316 WAR (see aUo Committee, Council of War, and Shijys) : declaration of 1722— 1 : 328 1722 1 329 1722— 1 : 332 1722— 1 : 334 1722 1 336 1722— 1 : 337 1722— 1 : 349 1723 1 373 1723— 1:376 1723— 1 : 380 1723 1 384 1730— 2 : 324 1733 2 : 383 1740 2 544 1740— 2 : 554 1745— 3 : 266 1745 3 269 1745— 3 : 270 1745 3:278 1747 3 516 1755 — 5 : 5 1755 5 : 6 1755 5 10 between France and Germany , 1734 2 : 398 1734 2 404 convention on prosecuting the . , • 1746 3 348 expenses, re-imbursed • • • 1770 7 358 WARD, Daniel : petition • 1747 3 484 WARD, Hezekiah: sutler . . 1761— 6 : 205 1762— 6 : 258 1762 « 262 WARD, Nahum: ship-master 1745 3 : 274 1745 3 290 WARD, RiciiAKi) : • petition • 1729 2 158 WARD, William: murdered by Mary Harfoi'd • 1772 8 130 WARE, Nathaniel: petition ...... • • • 1712 1 40 WAREHOUSE: hire ....... 1770— S : 17 1770 8 48 WARNER, Col. Daniel: muster-roll ..... • • • 1756 5 120 of the council . 1753— 4 : 322 1753— 4 : 324 1753 4 329 388 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, WARNER, Col. Daniel, — (continued) of the couneil claim V. Hill, Jonathan ac-cinmt l^etition WARNER, Jonathan : of the ciHUiclI . 763 — 7/»4 — 75.") — 755— 755 — 755— 75G — 75G — 75() — 75(j— 757 — 758— 758— 75!)— 759— 7(;o— 760— Tin— 7G1— 762— 763— 76i— 766— 766— 766— 767— 767— 768— 7(;9— 769— 770— 339 398 -191 5 16 ■14 65 76 107 193 209 330 421 461 11 49 66 130 6:176 6:245 310 417 77 96 107 147 168 252 308 321 358 1772— 8 : 126 1765— 1768— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 19 237 343 8 63 87 122 8 : 151 8 : 170 8:196 8 : 209 8 : 216 753— 754— 755 — 755— 755— 755— 756 — 756 — 756 — 756 — 757 — 758— 758 — 759— 760— 760— 760— 761— 761 — 762— 763— 765 — 76(!— 766— 767— 767— 768— 768— 769— 7(i9— 770— 761— 77: 4:358 4 : 43S 767— 7()S— 770— 770— 771— 771— 772— 774 — 774— 774— 774— 775 — 506 ; 6 17 47 66 77 5:126 5: 212 273 391 435 465 37 63 91 6:148 6:221 6:250 6 : 320 6:430 81 98 137 158 225 2(50 313 323 7 6 : 159 8:129 774— 8 : 203 7:119 7 : 266 7 : 356 8: 14 8: 84 8: 88 8:125 8:165 8:188 8 : 202 8:213 8 : 220 WARRANTS: for appeai'ancc of members (ivhich see also) . for money, governor with advice of council shall sign 1745— 3:210 of governor for special convention .... for detection of rioters ...... certain want, of seals not to invalidate . treasurers", delivered ...... WARREN, Ai.MiUAL: and commodore .... 1745 — 3:220 1746— 3 : 358 1746— 3 : 387 YEAR. VOL. 1754 4 17.'^4 4 1755 4 1755 6 1755 5 1755 5 1756 17.% 5 1756 5 1757 5 1758 5 1758 5 17.^)8 5 1759 5 1760 6 1760 6 1760 6 1761 6 1762 6 1762 6 1763 6 1766 7 1766 7 1766 7 1767 7 1767 7 1768 7 1769 7 1769 7 1770 7 1771 8 1761 6 1765 7 1772 8 1774 8 1774 8 1767 7 1768 7 1770 7 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1774 8 1775 8 1721 1 1745 3 1756 5 1758 5 1763 6 1763 6 1745 3 1746 3 PAGE. 876 484 544 10 25 58 68 81 l.'iO 213 318 412 441 466 40 64 118 155 242 280 356 67 86 99 138 165 226 297 317 337 110 164 45 130 197 212 122 272 357 41 86 121 149 169 189 207 214 223 300 280 166 311 319 335 253 409 Province of Xew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 389 WARREN, George account WARREN, Walter account 12 426 1729- 1747- 1716- 172 1746 WARREN : sloop WASTAGE (see also Leakage) : allowance for ...... WASTE Lands: formerly claimed by John Tufton Mason, gr 1746— WATCH : constables', settled 1715— 1 : 132 WATCHES : military, delinquent, fined WATCHMEN : town, regulated 1760 — 6 : 106 WATERS, Samuel: claim .... WATSON, John: testimony of . WATSON, Jonathan: invalid soldier . WATTS, Nathaniel: under Capt. Jacob Bayley WATTS, Capt. Samuel: muster-roll, etc. WAX {see Beeswax and Bayherry) . WAYS {see also Highways) : so bad that governor could not come up WEARE : 2:146 3:485 ants of 3:393 1:147 1740— 2:550 1760— 6 : 107 1745— 3 : 302 1757 — 5 : 205 1767— 7:161 mventory . WEARE, Daniel: muster-roll WEARE, Jonathan: l^etition .... WEARE, Meshech ["Wear"]: member, clerk, sjieaker, etc. 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 174.5— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1745— 3 1746— 3 1746— 3 1746— 3 1768— 7 : 219 1770— 8 : 9 119 125 128 154 : 1591 :162 :172 180 187 :201 204 210 :220 : 235 :249 :258 :269 ;280 :292 :313 :320 :328 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1745— 1746— 1746— 1746— 3:115 3:123 3:126 3 : 131 3 : 159 3:160 163 175 184 189 202 205 3 : 211 3:227 3:236 3:250 3:262 3:271 3:281 3 : 293 3:317 3 : 326 3:330 TEAH. VOL. 1748 4 1745 3 1748 4 1748 4 1721 1 1746 3 1716 1 1740 2 1760 6 1726 2 1754 4 1747 3 1758 5 1757 5 1753 4 1773 8 1724 2 1771 8 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 o 1745 3 1745 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1745 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 1746 3 PAGE. 79 277 79 93 284 395 150 550 110 56 417 508 357 206 323 158 12 65 118 124 127 138 tl59 161 166 178 185 196 203 206 219 232 240 251 267 272 284 310 319 327 331 390 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, 1 YKAU. VOL. 1 FACE. WEAKK, MESiiEfii. — (CO ntinticd) : luuiiilnT, clerk, spca kcr, etc. 17 IC— 3:332 1 746— 3:333 1746 3 355 17 IG— 3:361 ] 746— 3:365 1746 3 368 1746— 3 : 377 1 746— 3:393 1746 3 394 1746— 3:3'.t5 1 746— 3:398 1746 3 399 1746- 3:400 ] 746— 3 : 401 1746 3 405 1740— 3:418 1 1746— 3 : 420 1746 3 426 1746— 3:435 1 747— 3 : 453 1747 3 454 1747— 3:475 1 747._ 3 : 4S4 * 1747 3 •485 1747— 3:487 1 747— 3 : 4S.S 1747 3 489 1747— 3:4'J3 ] 747— 3:506 1747 3 508 1747— 3:517 1 747— 3:521 1747 3 623 1747— 3:527 1 747— 4 : 2 1747 4 39 1747— 4: 40 ] L747— 4 : 51 1747 4 56 1747— 4: 57 1 748— 4 : 62 1748 4 68 1749— 4:100 1 749— 4 : 104 1749 4 105 1749— 4 : lOG ] 1749— 4:108 1749 4 109 1749— 4:110 ] L749_ 4 : 158 1749 4 159 1749— 4 : 165 ] L749— 4 : 176 1750 4 10 1750- 4 : 183 ] 1750— 4 : 188 1751 4 9 1752— 4:217 ] 1752— 4:218 1752 4 . 219 1752— 4:229 1 1752— 4 : 239 1752 4 241 1752— 4 : 246 ] 1752— 4 : 256 1752 4 257 1752— 4 : 266 1752— 4:274 1752 4 276 1753— 4:281 1753— 4:313* 1753 4 316 1753— 4:323 1753 4:338 1753 4 341 1753— 4 : 345 1753— 4:360 1753 4 361 1753— 4 : 362 175:3— 4 : 384 1754 4 375 1754— 4 : 376 1754— 4 : 393 1754 4 394 1754— 4 : 402 1754— 4 : 404 1754 4 406 1754— 4 : 415 1754— 4:419 1754 4 441 1754— 4:442 1754— 4 : 443 » 1754 4 446 1754— 4:455 1754— 4:456 1754 4 466 1754— 4 : 470 1754— 4:471 1754 4 474 1754— 4 : 476 1754— 4:482 1754 4 552 1755— 4:507 1755— 4 : 518 1755 4 620 1755— 4:521 1755— 4 : 523 1755 4 630 1755— 4 : 538 1755— 4:558 1755 6 1755— 5 : 22 1755— 5: 36 1755 6 41 f 1755— 5 : 59 1755— 5: 62 1758 5 328 1758—5:337 1760— 6 : 63 1762 6 238 1762— 6:239 1762— 6 : 246 1762 6 247 1762— 6:257 1762— 6 : 259 1762 6 264 1762— 6:273 1702— 6:278 1762 6 280 1762— 6 : 2S1 1762— 6:283 1762 6 284 1762— 6:2X5 1762— 6 : 289 1762 6 292 1762— 6 : 295 1762— 6:300 1762 6 458 17r,:}_ 6:326 1763- 6:342 1763 6 343 1763— 6 : 348 1763— 6 : 354 1763 6 368 17(;;5_ 6:373 1703- 6:462 1764 6 383 1764— 6:387 1764— 6:409 1764 6 415 1704- 6:417 1764— 6:421 1764 6 464 1765- 6:433 1765— 6:437 1765 6 440 1765— 6:443 1765— 6:444 1765 6 446 17(35— 6:447 1 765— 6 : 449 1765 6 453 1765 7 : 1 1765— 7: 2 1765 7 6 1765— 7: 8 1765 — T: 17 1765 7 21 1765— 7: 37 1765 — 7 : 38 1765 7 41 1765— 7: 49 1765— 7: 50 1765 7 176 1766— 7 : 53 1766— 7 : 60 1766 7 67 I Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 391 YEAK. 1 VOL. PAGE. WE ARE, Meshech, — {continued) : member, clerk, speaker, etc. 1766— 7: 70 1766— 7: 73 1766 7 87 1766— 7 : 89 1766— 7 : 95 1766 7 99 1766— 7 : 100 1766— 7 : 101 1766 7 102 1766 7 : 104 1766 7 : 109 1766 7 110 1766 7 : 178 1767— 7 : 111 1767 7 124 1767— 7 : 125 1767— 7 : 126 1767 7 131 1767— 7 : 136 1767— 7 : 138 1767 7 143 1767— 7:148 1767— 7 : 149 1767 7 162 1767— 7 : 165 1767— 7 : 170 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 185 1768— 7 : 198 1768 7 225 1768— 7 : 228 1768 7 : 233 1768 7 235 1768- 7:239 1768— 7 : 244 1768 7 256 1768 7 : 259 1768— 7 : 280 1768 7 350 1769— 7 : 282 1769— 7 : 283 1769 7 302 1769— 7:322 1769— 7 : 327 1769 7 335 176.)_ 7 : 352 1770— 7 : 354 1770 7 359 1770 8: Ip 1770 8: 40 1771 8 p2 1771— 8: 77 1771— 8 : 80 1774 8 184 1774— 8 : 187 1774— 8 : 188 1774 8 189 1774— 8 : 189 * 1774— 8 : 190 1774 8 *190 1774— 8 : 197 1774— 8 : 216 1775 8 218 1775— 8 : 220 1775— 8:226 1775 8 234 WEARE, Nathaniel : member, speaker .... 1724— 2: 2 1727 2 100 1727— 2:101 1727— 2 : 105 1727 2 108 1728 2 : 110 1728 2 : 113 1728 2 117 1728— 2 : 119 1728 2:121 1728 2 124 1728— 2 : 125 1728— 2 : 126 1728 2 127 1728 2 : 128 1728— 2 : 131 1728 2 134 1728 2 : 137 1729— 2 : 143 1729 2 144 1729— 2:145 1729— 2 : 146 1729 2 149 1729— 2 : 150 1729— 2 : 151 1729 2 153 1729— 2:163 1729— 2 : 164 1729 2 165 1729— 2 : 166 1729— 2 : 169 1730 2 173 1780 2 : 174 1730 2 : 307 1730 2 311 1730— 2:318 1730— 2:326 1731 2 335 1731— 2:338 1731— 2:343 1731 2 350 1731— 2 : 355 1731— 2 : 359 1731 2 361 1731— 2:362 1731— 2:366 1731 2 475 1737— 2 : 477 1737— 2:480 1737 2 482 1737— 2:512 1737— 2:521 1738 2 530 children of, maintenance . • 1764 6 415 1765— 6 : 449 1765— 6:450 1765 y 4 1765 7: 23 1765— 7 : 24 1765 49 WEARE, Col. Peter [" Wire, Wake, ^^ 'lEK, WiEAK "] : member, speaker .... 1715— 1: 97 1715 99 1715— 1:100 1715— 1:101 1715 102 1715— 1:104 1715— 1 : 110 1715 111 1715— 1:112 1715— 1 : 113 1715 114 1715— 1:117 1715— 1:121 1715 133 1715— 1 : 135 1715— 1:136 1715 137 1715— 1:138 1716— 1 : 140 1716 141 1716 1:142 1716— 1:143 1716 144 1716— 1:146 1716— 1:147 1716 151 1716— 1:158 1716— 1:163 1716 164 1716— 1:167 1716— 1:168 1716 169 17;6— 1:170 1716— 1:172 1716 173 1716— 1 :178 1716— 1 : 179 1716 180 1716— 1:182 1716— 1:183 1716 185 392 Index to Journals of House op Kepresentatives, YEAH. VOL. PAGE. WEARE, Col. Pktkk, — {cotilinuctl) : ineniber, speaker 1716 — 1 : 186 1716— 1 : 187 ! 1716 189 1717— 1: 190 1717— 1: 191 1717 192 1717— 1: 193 1717— 1: 194 1717 196 1717— 1: 197 1717— 1: 198 1717 199 1717— 1: 200 1717— 1: 201 1717 202 1717— 1: 203 1717— 1 : 204 1717 205 1717— 1 206 1718— 1: 224 1718 225 171S 1 : 226 17 IS 1 : 229 1718 230 1719— 1: 231 1719— 1: 233 1719 234 1719— 1 235 1719— 1: 236 1719 237 1719— 1: 239 1719— 1: 242 1720 244 1720— 1 249 1720— 1 253 * 1720 259 1720— 1 260 1720— 1: 262 1721 263 1721— 1: 264 1721— 1: 266 1721 268 1721— 1: 272 1721— 1 : 273 1721 276 1721— 1: 278 1721— 1 280 1721 282 1721— 1 290 1721— 1 291 1721 292 1721— 1 294 1721— 1 295 1721 5i97 1721— 1 .■".00 1721— 1 .301 1721 303 1721— 1 305 1721— 1 305* 1721 307 1721— 1 309 1722— 1 310 1722 312 1722— 1 313 1722— 1 314 1722 315 1722— 1 317 1722— 1 319 1722 320 1722— 1 321 1722— 1 322 1722 324 1722— 1 326 1722— 1 327 1722 330 1722— 1 335 1722— 1 337 1722 339 1722— 1 342 1722— 1 343 1722 345 1722— 1 346 1722— 1 348 1722 349 1722— 1 351 1722— 1 352 1722 353 1722— 1 354 1722— 1 355 1722 356 1722— 1 357 1722— 1 359 1722 361 1722— 1 .364 1722— 1 365 1722 367 1722— 1 369 1722— 1 373 1723 375 172;5— 1 377 1723 1 379 1723 381 172o— 1 . 382 1723— 1 : 383 1723 384 1723— 1 386 1723— 1 387 1723 389 1723— 1 : 393 1723— 1 :396 1723 397 1723— 1 : 399 1723— 1 :400 1723 402 1723 1 -.404 172;3— 1 : 405 1723 406 1723— 1 :408 1723 1 :410 1723 412 1724— 1 :413 1724— 1 :421 1724 424 1724— 1 :425 1724— 1 :426 1724 430 1724— 1 :432 1724— 1 :433 1724 2 3 1724— 2 : 8 1724— 2 . 9 1724 2 11 1725— 2 : 12* 1725 2 : 13 1725 2 15 1725— 2 : 19 1725— 2 : 21 1725 2 22 172G— 2 : 33 1726— 2 : 34 1726 2 36 1726— 2 : 37 1726— 2 : 38 1726 2 39 1726— 2 : 45 1726— 2 : 46 1726 2 50 1726— 2 : 54 1726— 2 : 55 1726 2 59 1726— 2 : 63 1727— 2 : 67 1727 2 69 1727— 2 : 71 1727— 2 : 74 1727 2 78 1727— 2 : 84 1727— 2 : 87 1727 2 94 172.H— 2 :132 1728— 2 :133 1729 2 157 1731— 2 :355 1732— 2 :369 1732 2 376 1733— 2 :379 1734— 2 :397 1734 2 398 1734— 2 : 400 1734— » :408 1734 2 413 1734— 2 :422 1734— 2 :424 1734 2 429 WEATIIEIl (sec also Drought) : continuing exceeding coki, J: in. 1 . • 1746 3 304 Province of N"ew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 393 TEAE. VOL. PAGE. WEATHER, — {continued) : very cold, and season boisterous, Feb .24 1746 3 315 very stormy, Aug. 19 and Oct. 1-4 . 1746— 3 : 406 1746 3 425 A'^ery temijestuous, Nov. 18 . 1747 4 23 very cold and stormy, Dec. 14 . • 1747 4 43 extreme cold, Jan. 20 . . . • . . 1747 3 445 cold season, Jan. 21 . • ■ a 1747 3 446 bad, and traveling exceeding difficult , Feb. 23 1748 4 60 teriable storm of snow, Dec. 20 • ■ • 1756 5 182 ti-aveling very bad, Dec. 21 • • • 1756 5 183 a very bad storm to-day, Feb. 2 • ■ • 1757 5 223 heavy storm of snow, March 22 • • • 1757 5 255 storm increased, more violent, March 23 1757 5 256 verj' bad, Jan. 11 and Dec. 28 . 1758— 5 : 316 1758 5 453 very bad storm, imi^ossible for members to come on horseback ; violent storm of snow , Feb. 16 1758 5 340 bad traveling, Feb. 17 . . . 1758 5 341 violence of the, Feb. 21 . 1758 5 343 extremity of the, Feb. 21 1758 6 344 very bad storm of snow, March 5 . 1759 6 458 very bad (rain). May 18 . 1759 6 9 violent storm of snow, Dec. 26-31 . 1764 6 428 traveling excessive bad, rackets needed, Jan. 1-5 . 1765 6 429 traveling still bad, Jan. 9 • • • 1765 6 432 storm very violent, Jan. 31 • • • 1765 6 456 WEBB, Maj. Gen'l Daniel: commanding British forces • • 1757 5 288 WEBB, Samuel : " hired," wages stopt • • • 1760 6 76 mistake corrected .... • • ■ 1760 6 94 WEBB, William : claim . . . . 1753 4 367 WEBSTER, David : in Captain Toole's roll • • • 1758 5 387 WEBSTER, Jeremiah : petition • 1766 7 85 1755— 4 : 517 1766 7 75 appointed guardian .... , , , 1758 5 322 WEBSTER, John: muster-roll, etc 1747— 3 : 472 1755 4 494 1755— 4:495 1755— 4:543 1761 6 215 V. Hazen, Richard .... 1757 — 5 : 253 1757 5 276 member • • • 1765 7 40 1765 7: 42 1765— 7 : 176 1766 7 178 1767— 7:120 1767— 7 : 126 1767 7 132 1767- 7 : 134 1767— 7 : 142 1767 7 143 1767— 7 : 182 1768 7 : 191 1768 7 277 1768 7 : 350 1769— 7 : 289 1769 7 291 1769— 7 : 311 1769— 7 : 352 1770 7 354 1770— 8 : 1 p 1770— 8 : 1 1770 8 2 1770— 8 : 18 1770— 8 : 45 1771 8 P 2 1771— 8: 71 1771— 8:105 1771 8 108 1772— 8 : 115 1772— 8:118 1773 8 144 1773 8:149 1774— 8:164 1774 8 167 177JU_ 8 : 172 1774— 8 : 184 1774 8 188 1774— 8 : 194 1774— 8 : 196 1775 8 218 WEBSTER, JOILN, AND OTHERS : petition ...... 1768— 7 : 191 1768 7 215 1768 7 : 276 1769 7 283 WEBSTER, Jonathan : petition . . 1760— 6 : 118 1761— 6 : 203 1761 6 215 50 304 Index to Journals of House of Uepresentatives, TEAK. VOL. FACE 17(;i_ (;:167 WEBSTER, Samikl: petition WEDGW( )01), Jonathan IK'titioii WEEKS, I)K. John : account WEEKS, Col, John : jiotition WEEKS, JosiAii : under Captain Tilton WEEKS, JosniA : muster-roll . . . . . member ...... WEEKS, Catt. Samuel : on committee ..... WEIGH rs : regulated standard, memorandum of WEIGHTS AND RiEASrUES: stanilards, wanting, to be purchased standard, invoice of regulated . WEIRS [" Wakes"] : lish, removed . WELCH, John: in Captain Task's roll WELCH, Moses: allowance to AVELL : for the prison . WELL, Benjamin : on Captain Tash's roll WELLS (Malne) : incursions of enemy at WELLS, I'HiLLii': on Captain Tash's roll WELLS, Thomas: muster-roll jietition W^LSH, David: in service under Captain Walker WELSH, Margaret (see Smallcorn). WENDELL (.sec Saville). W^ENDELL, Colonel: letter from .... WENDELL, JACOI5 : claim ..... WENDELL, John : petition ..... excise vendue master WENEWEN(JC;K (sec also Weiveeiiock) : Indian ..... WENTW( )UTII, Ben.iamin : V. riaisted, Samuel . muster-roll member . . 1724 — 1724— 1725— 1726— 1726— 1761— 0:129 1761— 6:208 1722— 1 : 360 1761— 6 : 127 1766— 7: 64 1765— 7 : 32 1746— 3 : 431 1756— 5 : 73 1724— 1: 4U4 1 426 1724— 1: 427 1: 432 1724— ,2 : 1 2: 14 1725— 2: 15 2 23 1726— 2: 29 2 36 1726 2: 39 1773 1761 1746 1761 1763 1724 1734 1714 1 1718 I 1740 1760 1761 1 1764 i 1766 I 1767 I 1756 ' I 1724 i 1766 1756 1722 1756 1746 1748 1763 1765 1718 1766 1770 1727 1721 1724 1724 1725 1725 1726 1726 8 6 3 6 6 2 2 1 1 2 6 6 6 7 7 5 2 7 6 1 6 3 4 4 1 5 8 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 141 218 405 215 331 12 422 80 220 681 89 128 408 70 116 131 10 68 131 341 131 532 71 349 650 217 88 41 84 308 6 430 •12 21 32 49 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 395 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. WENTWORTH, Benking: member 1732— 2:376 1733 2 381 1733 2 : 382 1734 2 401 governor . . 1741— 2:609 1742— 2:610 1742 2 615 1742— 2 : 616 1742— 2:627 1742 2 636 1742— 3: 29 1743— 3: 75 1744 3 77 1744— 3 : 104 1745— 3:121 1745 3 139 1746— 3 : 360 1747— 4: 13 1747 4 41 1749— 4 : 135 1749— 4:143 1749 4 146 1749— 4 : 149 1749— 4:174 1750 4 184 1750— 4 : 195 1752— 4:222 1753 4 312 1753— 4 : 359 1754— 4:374 1755 5 45 1756— 5 : 144 1756— 5:164 1756 5 166 1757 — 5 : 305 1758— 5:404 1758 5 422 1758— 5:450 1759— 5:458 1759 6 14 1760— 6 : 106 1761— 6:226 1762 6 267 1763— 6 : 348 1763— 6:349 1764 6 402 1764— 6 : 403 1765— 7: 27 1766 7 73 1766 7: 78 1767— 7:112 1767 7 114 contest with the house from 1749— 4 : 107 to 1762— 4:205 grants of, west of Connecticut river , , , 1774 8 182 WENTWORTH, Daniel: petition 1759— 5:494 1759 5 497 WENTWORTH, Capt. Ebenezer : account • . 1745 3 289 WENTWORTH, Elizabeth: petition . . 1734— 2:402 1734— 2 : 407 1734 2 411 WENTWORTH, Ephraim: petition . . 1755— 5 : 52 1755— 5: 56 1761 6 201 WENTWORTH, Ezekiel: member , . 1711 1 1 1711— 1: 8 1711— 1: 23 1711 1 24 1711— 1: 25 1711— 1: 28 1711 1 29 1711— 1: 31 1711— 1: 32 1712 1 46 WENTWORTH, General: commanding in the West Indies 1742— 2:616 1742 3 29 WENTWORTH, George : granted review 1772— 8 : 120 1772— 8:128 1772 8 129 WENTWORTH, Grant : sick with small-pox .... , , 1761 6 201 WENTWORTH, Hunktng ["Huncking" ]: member, etc 1739— 2:542 1740 2 546 1740— 2 : 550 1740 2:554 1740 2 560 1740 2 : 565 1742— 2:610 1742 2 623 1742— 2 : 624 1742— 2:634 1742 2 645 1742— 2:647 1742— 2:648 1742 2 651 1742— 3: 40 1742— 3: 45 1743 3 48 1743— 3: 51 1743 3: 57 1743 3 59 1743— 3 : 65 1743— 3: 68 1744 3 79 1744— 3: 91 1744— 3: 93 1744 3 95 1744^ 3: 96 1744_ 3 : 101 1745 3 291 1745 3 : 292 1747— 3:476 1747 3 507 1753- 4:351 1754— 4:394 1754 4 459 WENTWORTH, John : member, speaker, councilor, lieutenant-govei mor. captain, colonel, agent, etc. . , , 1713 66 1716— 1:143 1716 174 1717— 1:200 1717— 1:209 1718 212 1718— 1:213 1718— 1:222 1718 224 1718— 1:231 1720 1:261 1721 263 30G Index to Journals of House of Heprebentatives, WENTWORTII, Joiis,— {continued) : member, speaker, couneilor, lieutenant-governor, captain, colonel, agent, etc, 1721— I 1722— 1723— 1725— 1727— 1727— 17:?(>— 174.0— 1749— 1740— 1751 — 1752— 1752— 1752— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1755 — 1755— 1755— 1755 — 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1760— 1760— 61— 62— 62— 62— 62— 62— 63— 63— 65— 66— 66— 67— 67— 68— f;9— 70— 71— 72— 72— 73— 73— 74— 1774— : J / !) :32'J : :;74 : 19 : 86 : 96 ;307 :193 : 104 :163 : 9 ;246 : 269 : 380 :360 :397 :447 519 :558 : 34 : 43 ;258 : 93 ;149 ;260 264 :362 379 436 445 62 91 232 242 255 264 283 288 323 356 433 39 80 89 134 143 214 281 1] 105 114 119 139 144 168 180 188 205 1721 — 1722— 1723— 1726— 1727— 1727— 1730— 1745— 1749— 1749— 1752— 1752— 1752— 1753— 1753— 1754— 1754— 1755— 1765— 1755— 1755— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1756— 1757— 1758— 1758— 1758— 1768— 1760— 1760— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1762— 1763— 1763— 176.5— 176.5— 1766— 1766— 1767— 1767— 1768— 1769— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1773 — 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— 1774— : 299 : 343 :380 : 56 : 90 :101 :317 :202 : 105 : 170 :216 : 255 :275 :328 :365 :406 :448 :529 : : 38 : 60 : 72 :105 :162 :515 :299 :373 :390 :441 :451 : 63 :138 :237 :243 :262* :268 :284 :309 :326 :462 :468 ; 42 ; 83 :101 : 135 ;182 : 225 ;352 : ll ;107 115 128 141 162 172 184 189" 214 YEAR. VOL. FACE. 1721 1722 1723 1727 1727 1728 1745 1749 1749 17.50 1752 1752 1752 17.53 17.53 17.54 1755 1755 1755 17.55 1755 1756 1756 17.56 17.57 17.57 1768 1758 17.58 17.58 1760 1761 1762 1762 1762 1762 1762 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1766 1766 1767 1768 1768 1770 1771 1771 1772 1773 1773 1774 1774 1774 1774 1775 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 306 351 393 70 95 121 190 100 108 10 233 267 276 351 384 429 613 547 5 41 61 92 114 154 237 506 376 434 443 512 80 147 240 252 263 270 2a5 458 849 464 8 176 87 178 136 196 350 354 80 108 116 186 143 164 178 187 201 218 Province of JSTew Hampshire, 1711-1775. 397 WENTWORTH, John, — {cojitinued) : member, speaker, councilor, lieutenant-governor, captain, colonel, agent, etc. 1775— 8 : 220 governor 1767— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1771— 1772— 1773— 1773— 1774— 1775— 1775— 130 167 229 259 276 328 338 8: 40 8: 91 8:113 8:120 8:134 8:150 8:190* 8:224 8:231 1775— 1767— 1767— 1768— 1768— 1768— 1769— 1769— 1770— 1770— 1771— 1772— 1772— 1773— 1774— 1774— 1775— 1775— 222 125 134 223 231 264 282 331 16 50 8: 97 8:114 8:124 8:143 8:166 8 : 198 8:225 8:234 WENTWORTH, John, and wife: petition .... WENTWORTH, John, Jk. : account .... WENTWORTH, Mark Hunking: petition, etc. . 1742 — 3: 1744— 3; 1745— 3: of the council . 1760— 6: 37 95 289 1726— 1727— 1742— 1744— 1747— WENTWORTH, Mark petition WENTWORTH, Moses : sick with small-pox WENTWORTH, Paul: muster-roll member, etc. 1761— 1762— 1766— H., AND 39 144 245 67 OTHERS ; 1732— 1734— 1735— 1737— 1771— 376 424 441 475 73 1734— 1734— 1736- 1737— 1774— 45 99 96 484 1760— 6: m 1761— 6 : 154 1763— 6:337 1767— 7:118 1761— 6 : 207 397 427 457 480 170 WENTWORTH, Samuel: petition ......... WENTWORTH, Thomas: soldier under Captain Gerrish 1761— 6:201 WENTWORTH, William and Daniel: account WEST, Daniel: tax remitted WEST, EDWARD: petition 1721— 1:270 WEST India (sec also Wentworth, Oeneral) : market, etc 1721— 1 : 281 YEAR. vol.. 1775 8 1767 7 1767 7 1768 7 1768 7 1768 7 1769 7 1769 7 1770 8 1771 8 1771 8 1772 8 1772 8 1773 8 1774 8 1774 8 1775 8 1775 8 1773 8 1726 2 1727 2 1742 3 1745 3 1747 4 1759 6 1761 6 1761 6 1765 7 1772 8 1754 4 1761 6 1761 6 1722 1 1734 2 1735 2 1736 2 1737 2 1744 8 1760 6 1758 5 1765 7 1747 3 1769 7 1721 1 1720 1 1721 1 225 127 166 228 232 268 325 333 34 77 110 116 131 146 *189 214 226 237 136 46 72 40 127 34 26 123 194 16 121 398 178 221 360 422 433 460 482 182 39 379 19 *484 328 305 257 284 398 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, • TKAR. VOL. PAGE. WEST India, — {continued) : expedition . 1742— 2:012 1742— 2:027 1742 3 41 WEST KiVKi£: Imiitms discovered at head ol" . * > • 1756 5 81 WESTlU)KOr(;iI. mass.: l)oti(ioiu'r from .... • ■ • 1758 5 376 WESTI'.KOOK, Thomas: of tlie council . 1721—1:266 1721— 1:26S 1720 2 35 1729— 2 : loO 1729— 2:152 1729 2 153 WESTKIELl): ix'tifion > • . 1701 6 221 WESTMORELAND (see also Gilsum) : , inventory 1760- 6: 80 1761 6 122 1767— 7 : 161 1708— 7:219 1773 8 159 Sim-y incorporated from . • • 1768 7 271 176S— 7 : 272 1709 7 285 ^VEWEENOCK (see also Wenewenock) : Indians 1745— 3 : 266 1755 5 12 WEYMOUTH, Samuel : claim • • • 1748 4 80 WEYMOUTH, Siiadrach: volunteer • • • 1746 3 404 WHARF (sec Ihje). WHEAT : winter, tax rate 1752 — 4:251 1754— 4 : 445 1755 4 548 1756— 5 : 136 1757— 5 : 277 1758 6 385 1758— 5 : 388 1759— 6: 2 1760 6 104 1761— 6 : 213 1762— 6 : 265 1763 6 338 1764— 6:396 176,0— 7 : 28 1766 7 84 bounty for raising .... • • 1763 6 347 1763 6 : 348 1703 6 354 WHEELER, Peter: petition . 1761 6 141 WHEELOCK, Eleazer: petition . . 1762— 6 : 278 1762— : 279 1762 6 282 1762— : 283 1702— : 298 1763 6 315 grants to • • ■ 1702 6 285 1702— 0:280 1703 : 347 1771 8 83 letter of ministers in l)ehalf of • • • 1763 6 321 memorial of . 1771 8 76 / 1771— S: 77 1773 8 139 seeks incorporation for tract of land • 1771 8 94 WIIIDDEX, Michael (see also Stoodley, etc.) : claim 1732— 2:370 1734 2 410 1735— 2 : 448 1737— 2:485 1746 3 404 WmrPLE, Rev. Joseph: claim • • • 1742 2 030 'WIII'IK. Ei.iZAiiETii: allowance to, for care of James White, soldier 1761 6 210 WHITE, Isaac: petition • ■ 1767 7 140 WIiriE, James, etc. : petition . . 1767 — 7 : 102 1708— 7 : 188 1768 7 202 WHITE, Nicholas : member elect • • • 1745 3 110 WIIITK, rHH.ii-s: petition ...... • . . 1770 8 40 WHITE, Robert: • master of sloop Exeter . 1745 3 272 WHITE, S.\JtfUEL: account • 1729 2 146 Province op New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 399 TEAK. VOL, PAGE. WHITE, Samuel, — (continued) : speaker of Massachusetts assembly • • 1765 7 21 WHITE, William: soldier • • • 1721 1 290 WHITE Hills (see also Conway) : highway east of the 1772— 8:128 1773 8 138 WHITEHALL (see also Lords Commissioners) : instructions, etc., from 1721— 1:279 1734 2 420 1736 2:471 1744 3 83 WHITING, Benjamin : account ...... a • • 1772 8 123 WHITING, Col. John: commissioner on line 1730 2 : 316 1730 2 317 WHITTEMORE, Rev. Mr. : congregational minister, Pembroke 1763 6 : 341 1766 7 102 WHITTIER, Joseph : V. Abner Clough .... ■ a • 1770 8 53 WIBIRD, RiCHAKD ["Wiberd, Wibars' '1: member, clerk, councilor, sheriff, deputy secretary 1715 117 1715— 1:121 1715 132 1715 1 : 133 1715— 1 : 134 1715 135 1715— 1:136 1715 1 : 138 1716 140 1716 1:141 1716— 1:142 1716 143 1716 1 : 144 1716— 1 : 146 1716 147 1716— 1:151 1716— 1:157 1716 2 158 1716— 1:159 1716 1 : 163 1716 164 1716 1 : 167 1716— 1 : 168 1716 169 1716— 1 : 170 1716 1 : 172 1716 173 1716— 1:174 1716— 1:177 1716 178 1716 1:179 1716 1 : 180 1716 182 1716 1 : 183 1716— 1:184 1716 185 1716— 1 : 186 1716 1 : 187 1716 188 1716 1 : 189 1717— 1 : 191 1717 200 1717— 1:209 1718 1 : 227 1719 234 1720 1 : 244 1720— 1 : 247 1720 249 1720— 1 : 261 1721— 1 : 264 1721 275 1721— 1 : 285 1721— 1:290 1722 311 1722— 1:315 1722— 1:319 1722 330 1722— 1 : 338 1722— 1:345 1722 347 1722— 1:360 1722— 1:361 1722 364 1723— 1:382 1723— 1:383 1723 391 1723— 1:393 1723— 1:398 1723 404 1723 1 : 407 1723— 1:412 1724 414 1724— 1:424 1724— 1 : 425 1724 2 7 1724— 2: 9 1725— 2 : 12 t 1725 2 17 1725— 2: 19 1725 2: 26 1726 2 34 1726— 2: 37 1726— 2: 38 1726 2 45 1726— 2: 52 1726— 2 : 53 1726 2 54 1726— 2: 60 1727— 2 : 69 1727 2 71 1727— 2 : 73 1727— 2: 81 1727 2 82 1727— 2: 83 1727— 2: 86 1727 2 88 1727— 2: 97 1727— 2 : 106 1728 2 112 1728 2:119 1728 2 : 132 1728 2 133 1728— 2 : 138 1729— 2:144 1729 2 146 1729— 2 : 149 1729— 2:150 1729 2 155 1729— 2:157 1729— 2 : 160 1729 2 167 1729— 2 : 169 1730— 2:319 1730 2 322 1730 2 : 327 1730— 2:333 1731 2 344 1731— 2 : 346 1732— 2:370 1735 2 448 1737— 2:485 1742— 2 : 611 1742 2 616 1742— 2:641 1742— 3: 32 1742 3 36 400 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, YEAR. VOL. FAOB. WIBIKI), RiCHAKi>, —(co7i(inncd) : member, clerk, counc-ilor, slierifl', deputy secretary I 1742— 3: 37 17-12- 3: 41 1743 3 49 174:^ 3: 50 1743— 3: 51 1743 3 68 1743— 3: 5 1774— 8 WILLARD. Ma.i. nieniher recorder JOSIAH : 1769— 1709— 148 169 294 354 1770— 1771— 1772— 1773— 1773— 177 354 80 115 141 152 170 1768— 1769— 1770— 1771— 1773— 1772- 8:121 WILLARD. IMiHiAM: captivated by St. Francois Indians WILLARl). MoSKS: petition ..... WILLARD. Bellows & Paukek: petition ..... WILLEY, John [" Wille "] : petition ..... WILLIAM. Henuy, and William and M WILLIAMS, Edward: petition WILLIAMS, Elijah: on committee .... WILLIAMS, Maj. Elisiia: account WILLIAMS, Mary: petition ..... WILLIAMS, William : clerk of Connecticut house of representatives Wn.LS {see Register of Wills). WILLS, William: V. Tucker, Jolin ..... WILSON, , (OK Brentwood) : 1:21?, 7:310 8: Ip 8: 85 8:150 1756— 5 : 64 ARY {see Forts). 1773— 8 : 150 YBAH. petition .... WILSON, David [nlins Wolson] : " deserter," mistake AVILSON, Eleanor {see Stickney). WILSON, John: house of . account .... WILSON, Rev. John: parish of . WILTON : inventory . . 1767 — 7 : WINCHESTER {see also Swansey) Lower Ashuelot, certificate inventory . 1742— 3: 34 175S— 5 : 334 representative 1767— 176.S— 1770— 1772— 177 161 161 350 IP 115 186 1768— 7 : 219 1760— 6 : 86 1768- 7:219 1769— 1771— 1773— 177 WINDHAM ["WiNDAM, Wendham"]: petition ..... 1743— 3 : 61 1748— 4 : 63 selectmen to appear 1746— 3:442 1743— 1746— 1748— 352 2p 144 188 52 442 66 1753— 4 : 294 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1774 1768 1769 1771 1771 1774 1754 1754 1756 1762 1757 1774 1756 1738 1774 1767 1742 1758 1723 1725 1772 1773 1744 1761 1773 1770 1771 1774 1775 1743 1747 1756 1743 1754 vol.. 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 4 4 5 6 5 8 5 2 8 7 3 5 1 2 FAOE. P 1 85 121 144 164 172 350 352 P 2 97 205 482 478 66 274 285 205 118 535 *179 147 35 370 389 t 12 121 158 3 ♦228 6 122 8 159 7 354 8 105 8 164 8 218 3 55 3 446 5 172 3 55 4 420 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 405 WINDHAM, — {continued) : rating inhabitants of Methuen in, also relief for families, south-east of Policy Pond . John Christy, innholder at ... . old meeting nullified and new called jiapers relating to 1753 — 4 : 338 1753 — 4 inventory 1753— 4 : 293 1760— 6 ; 1767— 7 : 160 1768— 7 : classed for excise Salem's jjaying tax to 339 h6 218 1756— 5 : 172 1768— 7 : 261 representative .... 1771— 8 : 107 annexing to Hillsborough county . . . . WINE (see also Excise, Canary, Fayal, George's, Madeira, Pasada) : duty on 1717— 1 : 193 1756— 5 : 85 allowance for .... WINGATE, John [" Winget"] : member 1745— 3 : 172 1745— 3 1774— 8 : 194 1714— 1: 82 1721— 1 : 281 1756— 5 ; 1745— 3: 85 250 WINGATE, Joshua; member . 190 1745— 3 : 202 1715— 1: 97 1715— 1:101 1715— 1:105 1715— 1:108 1715— 1 : 112 1727— 2 : 87 1727— 2:105 1728— 2:113 1728— 2 : 125 1728— 2 : 132 1728— 2 : 137 1728— 2 : 141 1729— 2 : 146 1729— 2 : 155 1729— 2 1745— 3 : 115 1745— 3 : 180 1745— 3 : 193 1755— 3:203 1715— 1: 99 1715— 1:102 1715— 1:106 1715— 1 : 110 1715— 1 : 114 1727— 2: 1727— 2: 94 108 1728— 2 : 117 1728— 2 : 128 1728— 2 : 134 1728— 2 : 138 1729— 2 : 143 1729— 2 : 151 1729— 2 : 164 1729— 2 : 169 1730— 2 : 307 1730— 2 : 335 1731— 2 : 339 168 1730— 2 : 174 WINGATE, Rev. Paine: minister at Hampton Falls 1766— 7 : 85 WLNIPISEOKE [sjjelt ahvays with k, never with g, some- times ck ; number qjfns, ss, is, and es variable^ : pond, dam, block-house, river, etc. 1722 — 1 : 317 1722— 1 : 325 1722— 1:344 1722— 1 : 350 1723— 1:380 1737— 2:504 1744— 3: 84 1744— 3 : 102 WINN, Benjamin: counterfeiter 1746— 3 : 324 1747— 3:446 1747— 4: 39 1722— 1:335 1722— 1:345 1722— 1:352 1727— 2:112 1737— 2:510 1744— 3: 91 1744— 3:103 1746— 3:382 1747— 4: 35* 1754— 4:403 YEAR. 1746 1747 1753 1753 1753 1761 1773 1755 1756 1757 1768 1774 1773 1715 1721 1760 1747 1745 1745 1745 1768 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1727 1728 1728 1728 1728 1728 1729 1729 1729 1730 1730 1731 1765 1767 1722 1722 1722 1722 1737 1742 1744 1745 1746 1747 1766 1755 VOL. 3 4 4 4 4 6 8 4 5 6 7 8 8 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 7 PAGE. 432 29 304 304 340 122 156 510 99 223 269 200 139 104 284 48 516 118 118 201 90 100 104 107 111 136 100 110 121 131 135 139 145 153 165 173 382 346 44 159 323 340 347 360 503 614 94 255 384 38 86 15 406 Index to Journals of House op "Representatives, YEAK. VOL. PAGE. WINN, Jri.iTii ["Win"]: l)etili.>n . . 1709- 7:286 1769— 7 : 290 1769 7 299 WINSLOW. Cai'TAIN : iirrival of ..... . 1742 3 29 WIXSLOW, (APT. Klisiia: muster-roll, etc. . 1755 — 5 : 56 1755 — 5: 57 1756 5 76 1756— 5 : 187 1757— 5 : 200 1700 6 90 WINSLOW, (JENEit^vL : letter of 1756— 5:154 1757 5 247 WINSI.OW ifc Nkal: l)illetiii<^ soldiers under . . 1756 5 71 WINTER llAitnoK: nojrotiation at . 1720 1 251 WISE, Cai-t. John: claim 1745_ 3:236 1745 3 304 WITHIN Account: allowance for the [!] 1747 3 514 [to Meshech Weare, committee to tr< sat with Maso- nian proprietors] WITNESS {sec also Evidence) : fees allowed • 1769 7 295 WIWARNA : Indian ...... • • • 1727 2 84 WOLCOTT, Major: of Connecticut .... . 1730 2 322 WOLF [Pktkuuokougii] : inventory 1760— 6 : 86 1761 6 122 no such town ..... 1761 6 200 WOLFE P.OKOUGII (see also Governor) : highways 1768- 7:274 1768 7 277 1769- 7 : 291 1770— 7 : 341 1771 8 102 inventory • 1773 8 157 WOLVES : bounty on . 1716 1 169 1718— 1 : 220 1726— 2: 31 1732 2 370 1735— 2 : 449 1737— 2:486 1745 3 t 159 1745— 3 : 241 1753— 4:346 1764 6 390 1764— 6 : 392 1764— 6 : 394 1771 8 68 WOMEN (see also Ball, Sarah, etc.) : sundry, petition of . 1745— 3:175 1745 3 221 WOOD : cord, sale of, etc 1714— 1: 77 1758 5 387 1758— 5 : 389 1758 5 392 for general assembly 1729— 2:160 1729 2 170 174G_ ;i:329 1747— 3:485 1747 4 69 1749— 4:121 1753 4 : 327 1754 4 460 1755— 4:496 1755— 4 : 544 1756 5 160 1757— 5 : 274 17.08— 5:387 1759 6 7 1760— 6: 99 1761— 6:196 1762 6 272 1763 6 : 372 1763— 6:373 1766 7 93 1767— 7 : 119 1768 7 : 237 1769 7 331 1770— 8: 17 1770— 8: 40 1770 8 48 1771— 8:102 1772— 8:126 1773 8 152 WOOD, David: invalid soldier, allowance for . • • 1746 3 403 WOOD, Dr. James: claim 1746— 3:398 1746 3 400 WOOD, John and Wife: • petition • 1765 7 12 WOODMAN, Edward : petition • • • 1747 4 46 Province of New Hampshire, 1711-1775. 407 1 TEAK. VOL. PAGE. WOODMAN, Jonathan: to appear ...... • • • 1771 8 61 WOODMAN, Samuel, ETC. : petition . . 1771— 8: 61 1771— 8: 66 1771 8 70 WOODS (see also Surveyors General) : H. M., preserved 1730— 2 : 313 1746— 3 : 399 1747 3 506 WOODWARD, Bezaleel: on committee 1773 8 : 150 1774 8 208 WORCESTER : soldiers marching to . . . . 1759 6 9 soldiers returning via • • • 1761 6 210 WORK (see also Fort) : on battery, fort, etc. 1746 3 : 441 1746 3 443 WORK-HOUSE : provincial ..... 1752— 4:277 1754 4 442 WORMALL, Daniel: claim ' 1746 3 308 WORTHEN, Capt. Ezekiel ["Worthing"]: | muster-i'oll ..... 1757— 6 : 202 1758 5 383 member • • . . 1762 ■ a 260 1762— 6 : 261 1762— 6 : 303 . 1762 6 458 1763 6:316 1763 6 : 334 1763 •• 6 355 1763— 6:361 1763— 6 : 382 1763 6 462 1764— 6 : 405' 1764^ 6:464 1765 . 6 468 1765— 7 : 7 1765 7 : 8 1765 7 20 1765— 7 : 25 1765— 7 : 27 1765 7 28 1765— 7 : 40 1765— 7: 42 1765 7 49 1765— 7 : 50 1765 7 : 176 1766 7 52 1766— 7: 53 1766— 7 : 81 1766 7 87 1766— 7 : 91 1766 7:110 1766 7 178 1767— 7 : 113 1767— 7 : 119 1767 7 127 1767— 7 : 136 1767— 7 : 143 1767 7 182 1768— 7 : 200 1768 7 : 202 1768 7 214 1768 7 : 215 1768— 7 : 216 1768 7 243 1768— 7 : 247 1768 7 : 350 1769 7 308 1769— 7 : 313 1769 7 : 328 1769 7 oo4 1769— 7 : 352 1770 7 : 339 1770 7 346 1770 7 : 354 1770— 8: Ip 1770 8 6 1770— 8: 7 1770 8: 18 1770 8 52 1771—8: 2p 1771— 8: 60 1771 8 62 1771— 8: 72 1771— 8 : 73 1771 8 81 1771— 8: 84 1771— 8 : 85 1771 8 86 1774— 8 : 184 1774— 8 : 188 1774 8 192 WORTHEN, Thomas: allowance for ..... 1755— 5 : 38 1756 5 97 WOWENOCK (see Wewee7iock). WRIGHT, Maj. Joseph [." Right "] : . member . . . . 1762— 6 : 256 1762 6 257 1762— 6 : 296 1762— 6 : 458 1763 6 334 1763 6 : 349 1763 6 : 373 1763 6 374 1763 6 : 376 1763 6:377 1763 6' 381 1763— 6:462 1764— 6 : 388 1764 6 401 1764 6:464 1765— 6 : 431 1765 . 6 453 1765— 6:454 1765 6 : 457 1765 7 6 1765— 7 : 9 1765 7: 16 1765 7 18 1765 7: 22 1765— 7 : 29 1765 7 42 1765— 7 : 47 1765 6 : 176 i766 7 91 1766— 7 : 178 1767— 7 : 123 1767 7 132 1767— 7 : 136 1767— 7 : 145 1767 7 159 1767— 7 : 182 1768— 7 : 190 1768 7 226 1768— 7 : 234 1768 7 : 255 1768 7 350 408 Index to Journals of House of Representatives, WRKillT, Ma.t. member Joseph, — (amtumcd) 176!)— 176