WHERE SOCIALISM FAILED o a X H o /v. •a >> n! J! in J5 <;./<*>. I »«w iiwiiwp iiiihh^ ,1 .^ijJ0t^A-~m^^^^^^t^ » y ,( "">',V» TSpP^F^' WHERE SOCIALISM FAILED AN ACTUAL EXPERIMENT By STEWART GRAHAME WITH ILLUSTRATIONS AND A MAP NEW YORK McBRIDE, NAST & COMPANY 1912 • . • . • <.« ', 1 ci I lO rfi TO MY SON LAS GR; THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED 4. DOUGLAS GRAEME 2.*i8rj40 CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction xi Chapter I. The Great Strike _ - - - i II. A Better Napoleon - - - - n III. The Promised Land - - - - 25 IV. Saihng of the "Royal Tar" - - 38 V. A Matter of Morals - - - - 49 VI. Who Will do the Scavenging? - - 60 VII. The Arrival in Paraguay - - - /O VIII. Early Days at New Australia - - 80 IX. The First Expulsions - - - 94 X. A Hell upon Earth - - - - 103 XI. William Lane Secedes - - - 112 XII. Free and Noble Anarchism - - 122 XIII. The Association takes to Business - 132 XIV. All for One and One for All - - 142 XV. The Founding of Cosme Colony - 152 XVI. Cosme Rites and Ceremonies - - 165 XVIL Recruiting for Cosme - - - 178 XVI II. Exit William Lane - - - - 192 XIX. A Black Time at New Australia - 206 XX. New Australia and Cosme To-day - 215 XXI. Religion — Morality — Suicide - - 229 XX 11. Conclusion ------ 239 Appendices 242 Bibliography ------- 262 Index - 263 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. " Was it for this that they had left Australia?" Frontispiece FAOINO PAGE "They dumped their possessions into bullock carts" ------- 74 Some of Lane's Utopians - - - - ii6 Under Socialism most of the children had no boots 146 Mrs. John Lane and Family - - - - 156 The Ideal Home at Cosme - - - - 184 At Cosme, children were "cared for" by the community 200 New Australian children (in 1904) after Socialism was abandoned 222 MAP. Map of Paraguay showing New Australia and Cosme - - - - - - AT END INTRODUCTION. In his introduction to "The Socialist Movement," Mr. J. Ramsay Macdonald, M.P., complains that "One of the greatest of the difficulties which beset the path of the Socialist is the refusal on the part of his opponents to give an accurate statement of what Socialism means and what the purpose of Socialism is." It would appear therefore that a clear statement of what Socialism meant, and how it worked, in a particular instance where it was tried in practice, should be of value to Socialist seekers after truth as well as to the general public. "Where Socialism Flailed" is a straightforward account of William Lane's bold attempt to realise "Socialism in our Time" at New Australia and Cosme in Paraguay. Although most of the matter in the present work is fresh, about one-fifth of the text has appeared before in the " Conservative and Unionist" (pub- lished by The National Conservative Union), or in the pamphlets "New Australia" (published by H. E. xMorgan), and "Socialism: An Actual Experi- ment" (published by the Anti-Socialist Union). It was in consequence of the welcome accorded to "New Australia" in the Press and in the constitu- ences, and the many requests for fuller information, made by Socialists in particular, that the present work was undertaken. 1 take this opportunity of assuring Socialist friends that the book is not a mere compilation. I am no stranger in old Australia, and have slept over five hundred nights Xll in a mud hut at " New Australia." My own information concerning every detail of life at William Lane's two settlements was obtained, by word of mouth, direct from leading figures in the Association, from documents supplied by them, and from personal observation and experience. Exten- sive use has been made of quotations from articles, letters, etc., by those in sympathy with the move- ment, and of official reports, principally as a means of setting independent confirmatory evidence before the reader. I desire to express my obligations to the Controller of His Majesty's Stationery Office for permission to use the extracts from Foreign Office Reports quoted herein. Also to the British Agent for Cosme Colony ; and to the Editors of the follow- ing newspapers from whose columns quotations (in some cases with, in others without formal permis- sion) have been made : Sydney Bulletin, London Pall Mall Gazette, New Australia Journal, South American Journal, Barrier Miner, Cosme Monthly, London Daily News, Cosme Evening Notes, South Australian Register, Sydney Daily Telegraph, Brisbane Worker, And to the able Socialist writers upon whose works I have drawn for authori- tative "statement of what Socialism means and what the purpose of Socialism is." STEWART GRAHAME. Authors' Club, April, 1912. CHAPTER I. THE GREAT STRIKE. The Australian Socialist party commenced its career as an active fighting force in 1889, the first manifestation of its might falling like a bombshell, not at home, but in Great Britain. When the London dock labourers came out on strike — an unorganised mob not affiliated to any great and wealthy trade union — it was freely prophesied that sheer starvation would drive them back to work within a short time. The prophets were disap- pointed, however, for, to the surprise of most people in England, including the strikers them- selves, their meagre funds were reinforced by a contribution of ;^30,ooo cabled from Brisbane, and, thus assisted, the dock labourers gained the day. Considering the fact that Australia is so sparsely inhabited it was considered a remarkable thing that so large a sum could be raised from a section of its workers, almost in a moment, for the purpose of taking sides in a dispute with which they had no concern, for the benefit of men they had never met. In fact, the incident pointed not merely to the existence of a wealthy "Labour" organisation in the Antipodes but also to a new spirit of unselfish- ness in Trade Unionism, which suggested some very exceptional influence in the background. Those who troubled to probe into the matter further discovered that the central figure of the 2 THE GREAT STRIKE Australian Socialist movement was a journalist named William Lane, an individual who figures so prominently in the following narrative that it will be as well to visualise him without delay, as seen by his own supporters. "Born into English agricultural life, with Irish and Cornish blood in his veins, with an adventurous spirit, inherited from the old seafaring stock from which he sprang," one of his warmest admirers* says of him, "the dreamy, studious boy, lamed from birth, learned early to ponder on the suffer- ings of the labouring class to which he belonged. The hard struggle and premature age of his mother, in particular, sank into his heart, inspiring a chivalrous respect for women in the abstract, and a practical sympathy for the working-woman in the concrete, which characterises him to this day. When not thirsting for a sea-life, picking up scraps of Latin from a somewhat superior village school- master, or busy with the many tasks allotted to the children of the poor, the boy Lane was studying problems with large, short-sighted blue eyes, and learning to clothe his thoughts in language culled from the Bible and the Pilgrim's Progress. At the age of fifteen we find him in America, earning his own bread, learning the compositors' work, picking up Yankee ' cuteness ' with the Yankee twang, devoting all his spare time to reading, and preserving the nerve and bravado which enabled him defiantly to swim a rapid shunned by his com- panions as fatal. It is this indomitable 'pluck,' *A. T. Eose-Soley, in the "Westminster Review." A SIMPLE REMEDY 3 in an apparently frail body, which has stood him in good stead in later days, enabling him to surmount obstacles before which many a stout-hearted man would have quailed. From the compositors' he drifted into the reporters' room, and was soon wielding a vigorous pen. Some few 3^ears later, having married a large-hearted, broad-minded wife, American-bred, but grand-daughter of a shrewd Scotch University professor, William Lane migrated to Queensland, and became one of the most success- ful free-lances on the Australian press." At first Lane worked on the Observer and devoted his burning pen entirely to the cause of suffering humanity. Wherever there was an over- crowded slum or a case of sweated labour, William Lane would ferret it out and hold up to public scorn those who were responsible for such evil conditions. There probably never lived a more single-minded man, and his honesty of purpose was so clearly recognised that he won the confid- ence of the working classes completely. It was Lane's ferve.n desire "to idealise Labour, to conquer want, and hate, and greed, and vice, and establish peace on earth and good-will towards men." Thousands of other thinkers have desired to see the same beautiful programme realised, though most have despaired of its possibility on this planet. With his optimistic temperament, however, William Lane was convinced that there really did exist, ready to hand, a simple remedy for all the ills that mar the civilised world. It was his firm conviction that, if capitalism and the wages system were 4 THE GREAT STRIKE utterly abolished, and a State established in accord- ance with vSocialistic theories, envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness would utterly disappear from the earth ; crime would be no more, human nature would be automatically purged of all its unlovely features, heaven on earth would be a fact for every man, woman and child. Since he held such beliefs it was not wonderful that Lane strained every nerve to obtain converts. He rapidly gained an extraordinary ascendancy over the minds of the intelligent artisans and mechanics of Brisbane, and disseminated among them, by means of tracts, free reading rooms and Socialistic debating societies, the fascinating fictions of Bellamy and the startling doctrines of Karl Marx and his disciples. His weekly paper, The Boome- rang, met with instant success, and served as a medium for reaching the miners and shearers in the back-blocks, who fell under the spell of his glamorous phrases as readily as the townsfolk had done. This much accomplished, he tackled the leaders of the various great Trade Unions and con- verted them to his theory that it would be possible, by concerted action, to overthrow capital and con- fiscate land and all means of production for the exclusive benefit of the manual worker. Then he proved his own adhesion to the new creed by leaving his highly remunerative position, and moving into a common workman's cottage, prior to establishing a new journal on co-operative lines. This new- journal, which scored an instant success, was entitled The Worker, and had for its war-cry the motto " Socialism in our Time." In it he ran as a PRACTICAL SOCIALISM 5 serial Bellamy's convert-making story "Looking Backward." His aims are well summed up in Mr. Blatchford's statement : "Practical Socialism is so simple that a child may understand it. It is a kind of national scheme of co-operation managed by the State. Its pro- gramme consists essentially of one demand, that the land and other instruments of production shall be the common property of the people, and shall be used and governed by the people for the people." With his magnetic personality Lane seemed like a heaven-sent prophet to the eager band of disciples W'ho gathered about him and devoted all their energies to disseminating his doctrines. Of a truth there was something very attractive about them to the wage-earners, for it was Lane's amazing creed, that the factory-hand was the rightful owner of the factory, that the sheep-shearer was entitled to the full profits of the shearing industry, that the legal owners of all forms of property were robbing the manual workers of their dues. Among his followers the fallacious theory that "the frugal workman only gets about one-third of his earnings, while under Socialism he, the worker, would get all his earn- ings," found ready acceptance. Wherever manual workers were gathered to- gether, the vividly written columns of The Worker were scanned, and its burning phrases discussed with eager interest. It was thus that William Lane be(?ame a power in the land, a man who was literally worshipped by thousands; who had only to bemoan the miseries of certain strikers in another land to B 6 THE GREAT STRIKE open the purse strings of all who followed him on their behalf. It was not mere philanthropy, but a far deeper-seated motive which moved William Lane to take the action he did with regard to the London dockers. He wanted to give the world a powerful demonstration of what could be accom- plished, if only "the workers" would broaden their outlook and fight each other's battles as well as their own. The principle is a well-recognised one now, but it was novel then, "William Lane dreamed of a federated unionism which should link together all the component parts of the labour world," explains Mr. Rose-Soley. "It was with this object that he mixed himself up with strikes, albeit recognising, with most far- seeing thinkers, the absolute futility of strikes save as an evidence of strength and solidarity ; it was with this object that he cemented the bonds between labour in far-apart lands, instigating the magnificent contribution of the Brisbane wharf labourer to his starving brother, the London docker." It so happened that Australia at that time w^as tottering on the verge of a financial crisis. For ten years the "Working Man's Paradise" had lived on credit. Now the time of reckoning was at hand, and only a succession of prosperous years, un- hampered by labour troubles, could pull things through. It was an anxious time for all, and for the pastoralists in particular. Would the shearers, who had shared in their good times, stand by them during the crisis? Would "labour" combine for its own sake and that of the country, to save Australia from bankruptcy ? AUSTRALIAN LABOUR FEDERATION 7 A thousand times, no ! The Trade Unions' coffers were full, and here was the heaven-sent chance to smash "capital" in the Antipodes. The formidable A.L.F, (Australian Labour Federation) which the great Unions had set up, seized the opportunity to issue a manifesto calling upon the State to nationalise all forms of property and to institute "the just division amongst all citizens of the State of all wealth production, less only that part retained for public and common require- ments."* What the Paris Commune had failed to effect in France they hoped to achieve at one blow in Australia, which was to become a Paradise of Socialism. By first smashing the pastoralists, and then turning the battering ram of their organisation against each smaller interest in turn they expected to triumph. It was the declared object of the Federation " to attack the competitive system and openly commence a campaign which will not cease until Capitalism — that is the private holding by a few of the means whereby all must live — is no more." An excuse for the opening of a conflict was found in a dispute between certain shearers and the pastor- alists, which led to the engagement by the latter of a number of non-unionist shearers to take the place of those on strike. At once the Shearers' Union took up the position — since grown only too familiar to English employers of labour — of refusing to work where non-unionists were also employed. * See Appendix A. for full " Political Aims of the Federation." 8 THE GREAT STRIKE Furthermore the Wharf Labourers' Union intim- ated that they would handle no wool shorn by "black-legs," and declared a sympathetic strike. Next, the merchant marine were induced to join the movement, and both officers and men left their ships. Then the coal-miners of Newcastle (N.S.W.) refused to hew coal intended for the ships whose crews were on strike, and the colliery owners locked them out. When the General Strike was in full swing all trades and industries were paralysed throughout Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand from August till October, 1890, even the over-seas shipping lay idle in the harbours, and the strikers neglected no means to make their boycott of all forms of work effective. Non-unionists engaged in carting wool through the streets were charged by the strikers whose Union officials could no longer control them, and the trolleys flung into the sea. The Queensland strikers formed huge camps in the bush and incendiarism was frequent. The prinicpal towns were in a state of siege, and, on the 19th September, a pitched battle was fought between police and mounted troops on the one hand, and the determined mobs on the other. Towards the end of the year some sort of truce was patched up, but in 1891 the trouble broke out again, and once more in 1892. In the latter year a special train taking non-unionist labour from Adelaide to replace strikers at the Broken Hill silver mines, was attacked by an armed mob, who not only stoned but also fired bullets at the strike- breakers. On a number of the ringleaders being THE FINANCIAL CRISIS 9 imprisoned, howling rioters stormed the gaol deter- mined to tear it down, just as the Parisians levelled the Bastille. In fact, red revolution raged in the Antipodes for nearly two years before it spent its strength and the A.L.F. sulkily admitted defeat, and allowed its members to return to work in the ordinary manner. How the Trade Union leaders must have cursed the day they projected the General Strike, when they counted the cost of that two years' wicked, wasteful strife ! To say nothing of the many millions of pounds lost to trade in Australia (about which the Federation did not concern itself) the strikers had lost ^{^2, 000, 000 in wages, the Trade Union coffers were emptied, the leaders' credit gone, their power broken. Partly as a result of the disastrous strikes the long-threatened financial catastrophe descended upon Australia in 1892-3 and banks with liabilities of ^134,000,000 sus- pended payment. The A.L.F had demonstrated its strength, truly, but only as blind Samson proved his, when he broke the pillars which supported the roof in the house of the Philistines, and was himself crushed in the ruin which descended upon his enemies. Note : — When the struggle broke out once more in 1894, it was conducted with even greater acrimony. The following memorandum, by an eye-witness, conveys an idea of how the unscrupulous will take advantage of a purely trade dispute to promote the "class war." "It became evident that there was a large body who were not merely bent on compelling the employers to alter the agreement, but who rather regarded the whole struggle as an episode in the great struggle between labour and capital," remarks Mr. G. M. L. 10 THE GREAT STRIKE Lester in the "Economic Review." These men carried on a real and bitter warfare against capital in every shape and form. Not only did they brutally bully and ill-treat "black-legs," but they succeeded also in de.stroying the woolsheds at Ayrshire Downs, Cassilis, Redcliffe, Cambridge Downs, Murweh, Eurongella, Manuca, and Oondooroo, and Dag^vorth. The shooting case at Coombe Martin and the night attack on Dagworth are further evidences of the bitterness of this particular party. I do not believe that the actions of these violent persons met with the approval of the better sort of unionists, but it is significant that no Labour member to my knowledge, nor any Labour paper as far as I am aware, expressed any sense of shame at the excesses of their advanced guard. Moreover, pamphlets of the inflamma- tory kind common to the revolutionary and the penny novelist, were widely circulated throughout the colony, urging men to useless crime. In one of these wonderful productions Parliaments are described as "committees of corpulent robbers and polished thieves, oratorical prostitutes and abject hirelings." "The Tree of Liberty only bears fruit when manured with the bones of the fat usurers and insolent despots." Another of the same kind urges men to " study the science of death, use bullets, steel, melinite, kerosine, lithofracteur, poison, blasting powder." Finally, it says, "You must steal like Spartans, think like heroes, lie like hell." CHAPTER II. A BETTER NAPOLEON. As there has been a good deal of misapprehension on this subject, it should be clearly understood that the Labour Federation's attack on Capital was simply an act of aggression, with Syndicalism as its object. The battle was not fought by the Unions on legitimate grounds in defence of some overworked or underpaid members. Employers of Labour were under the thumb of the Unions, whose yoke was grievous to bear, and wages ruled higher, with shorter hours, than in any other country of the world. In 1882 navvies and general labourers received a minimum of 8s. daily, blacksmiths los., painters and carpenters iis., stonemasons iis. 6d., plaster- ers I2S., and bricklayers 12s. 6d. Four years later wages fell somewhat, though they were still very high, in 1888 they bounded up again, and rose once more in 1889. Thus on the eve of the Great Strike Australia might truly be called the "Working Man's Paradise." Now, observe how Trade Union greed, like the monkey with the nuts in a familiar fable, defeated its own object, and, by seeking to grasp all, lost most of what it had already secured. In bringing about the ruin of the Capitalist, the Labour Federation was startled to discover that it had also ruined " Labour." By the end of 1895, wages had fallen below the level at which they stood II 12 A BETTER NAPOLEON — before the commencement of Trade Union activity — in 1850 ! Thus the great plot recoiled upon the heads of the Trade Unions and its promoters admitted their mistake. But when the Trade Union officials were in the depths of despair over the proved inefficiency of strike methods, the way to snatch a victory from defeat was pointed out by William Lane and his chosen band of associates — -men who in the strange condition of Australia at that time, might be barristers, university graduates, ex-bank managers, or highly trained journalists although they hap- pened to be earning their livelihood as shearers, storekeepers or miners. " Since Labour alone produces wealth," they argued, "it is still possible to checkmate Capital by withdrawing Labour, not temporarily by means of another strike, but bodily to a new country, where none but the workers themselves shall profit by their industry." Foreseeing that the slump in wages would give a great impetus to such a movement, Lane began in 1890 to project a plan so daring, and so unprece- dented, that at first few people believed that it could be seriously contemplated. However, on this occasion, as always, Lane was in grim earnest, and issued his ultimatum to Capital in the form of the following Declaration of Principles. Whereas — So long as one depends upon another for leave to work and so long as the selfishness induced by AN ASSOCIATION OF WORKERS 13 the uncertainty of living prevents mankind from seeing that it is best for all to insure one another against all possibility of social degradation, true Liberty and Happiness are impossible; and Whereas — The weakness, ignorance, and doubts of society at large is the great barrier in the way of the establishment of such true social order as will insure to every citizen security against want and opportunity to develop to the fullest the faculties evolving in Humanity; Therefore — It is desirable and imperative that by a com- munity wherein all labour in common for the common good actual proof shall be given that under conditions which render it impossible for one to tyrannize over another, and which declare the first duty of each to be the well-being of all and the sole duty of all to be the well-being of each, men and women can live in comfort, happiness, intelligence and orderliness unknown in a society where none can be sure to-day that they or their children will not starve to-morrow. With this end in view an Association of Workers is hereby instituted, . . . the signatories intending and expecting to migrate to another country there to devote to the movement their possessions and their best endeavours. It was at first supposed by most thinking people in Australia that William Lane would find few to 14 A BETTER NAPOLEON back his remarkable project, but circumstances were in his favour. The Queensland Bush was still full of strikers' camps, where hundreds of capable and able-bodied shearers found themselves stranded and unable to obtain work, because many pastoralists were ruined and others were employing non-unionists only. Unlike the shearers of a by-gone day, who were notoriously illiterate, stupid and drunken, the aver- age modern shearer is sober, shrewd, and hard- headed, and perhaps the most argumentative man on earth. As a rule he has great notions on the subject of equality, and a considerable portion of his ample leisure is spent in reading and re-reading the interesting writings of Messrs. Bellamy, Blatch- ford, Karl Marx and Belfort Bax, and arguing with his mates upon them. He religiously takes in some weekly paper devoted to a red-hot Socialist propaganda, and believes himself exceptionally well-informed upon the course of all affairs that matter throughout the universe. Among such men as these, already so far converted to his way of thinking that they held as a simple statement of fact the saying that ' all save manual workers are thieves and parasites upon the rest of the community,' Lane was confident of finding fruit ripe for his plucking. In the remote Bush, moreover, there were thou- sands of others not concerned in — who might not even have heard of — the Great Strike. There were, for instance, the "free selectors" in the back- blocks, living wretchedly upon the land from which the once wealthy squatters had been driven, where PRIVATE ENTERPRISE DYING 15 they had been dumped and forgotten by a Socialistic Government. "They erect their ramshackle home- steads with no regard to taste. In them are begotten swarms of half-wild children, who will not reply to a civil question if asked, but either stupidly stare, hide behind the first tree, or creep into some hole, as the traveller passes by."* In equally bad case were the small capitalists, whose farms or orchards had gone to ruin because the artificially maintained cost of labour made hired help imposs- ible. As a newspaper put it " the country is languishing for the labour congested in the Metro- polis. Private enterprise is dying, being slowly killed by Government competition. Dairymen are turning their farms into sheep-runs because they cannot get Labour; fruit in the orchards is rotting on the trees or on the ground from the same cause. The selectors in Gippsland especially are crippled ; they find it impossible to get their land cleared. But everywhere through the State there is the same complaint of scarcity of Labour . . . the Govern- ment has raised the rate of wages to seven shillings a day; the labourer naturally prefers the Govern- ment stroke and can be tempted away from that easy and pleasant way of passing his time only by an increased rate of wages. That increased rate very few industries can afford to pay ; thus all enter- prise is crushed." Having an intimate acquaintance with their troubles Lane foresaw that a sufficient bait would catch the selectors and small capitalists by hundreds; but the bait must be sufficient. * " Leaves from a Squatter's Note Book." i6 A BETTER NAPOLEON To tempt them to join his scheme he recognised that the appeal must be a personal one. and that the missionary of his movement must possess the enthusiasm and personal magnetism of an inspired prophet. " Is not the only hope in the rising of a better Napoleon ?" he demanded. " In the elevation of a leader with the brain of a Jay Gould and the heart of a Christ?" After careful consideration William Lane decided to undertake the work himself. Turning over the editorship of The Worker to other hands, he set forth upon his whirlwind mission, sustained by a perfect faith in the righteousness of his cause — for Lane believed every word of what he preached. To him "Looking Backward" was no delightfully ingenious fiction ; he was convinced that the counterpart of everything described in Bellamy's book might be set up in real life. It was this absolute belief in the beneficence of his mission which gave Lane his convincing power. When he dismounted from his horse at sundown at some isolated shearing-shed — caked with dust and stiff from long riding, his throat parched and his head aching from the sun- — weariness slipped from him as if by magic when the shearers gathered about him and he broached the one theme which he had ridden so far to open to them. Or, in the lonely Bush, he would halt by some camp-fire and puff his pipe in company with the other wayfarers gathered round its genial flare. At first the con- versation would be upon indifferent subjects, may- be, but when they realized that their visitor was THE PROMISED LAND 17 "John Miller" (as he sio^ned himself) of The Worker, an expectant hush would fall upon the little assembly, and Lane needed no urging to talk for hour on hour about the glories of the "Promised Land," to which he w^ould lead them if they would only trust him. What an asset such a man would have been as the organiser of some saner plan of social ameliora- tion ! And yet, who knows ? it may be that the warning provided by the failure of this earnest, but mistaken enthusiast, will be of more service to the present and future generations than his moderate success in some less ambitious direction, would have been. Mere lip-service, or formal assent to the doctrines he taught, would not satisfy Lane. When once he discovered that he had won a man's secret sym- pathies, he did not rest until that man was converted to the necessity for action. "All that any religion has been to the highest thought of any people, Socialism is, and more, to those who conceive it aright," he declared.* " Without blinding us to our own weaknesses and wickedness, without offering to us any sophistry, or cajoling us with any fallacy, it enthrones Love above the universe, gives us hope for all who are down-trodden, and restores to us faith in the eternal fitness of things. Socialism is indeed a religion — ■ demanding deeds as well as words. Not until professing Socialists understand this will the world at large see Socialism as it really is." As it happened, William Lane was not alone just •"The Working Man's Paradise," by William Lane. i8 A BETTER NAPOLEON then in projecting a scheme for the estabhshment of a perfect State where all should be free and equal. Early in 1890 Herr Theodor Hertzka (at one time economic editor to the Neue Freie Presse) published in Vienna his " Freeland — A Social Anticipation," of which interesting work an English translation* appeared in 1891. Being written by an acknow- ledged authority on economic questions, this closely- reasoned Utopian romance attracted a great deal of attention, and a " Freeland Association " was formed on the Continent for the purpose of putting its teachings into practice. With apparently flaw- less logic, Herr Hertzka proved that in a state so ideally, yet simply, organised as "Freeland," such universal luxury would be enjoyed that it would seem "as if each Freelander without exception had about 120 slaves at his disposal." "What wonder that we can live like masters," one of his characters remarks, " notwithstanding that servitude is un- known in Freeland!" In addition, within twenty- five years of its foundation, the joint-wealth equally enjoyed by the 26,000,000 inhabitants of Freeland, amounts "without taking into account the incalcul- able value of the soil — to ;^i300 per head, or /;"6ooo per family." Of course the English edition of this work found its way to Australia, and prepared a harvest ready to be reaped by William Lane. Probably also it greatly encouraged him to go forward with his pro- posal, although on somewhat different lines. But then the readers of "Freeland" were prepared for some slight variations in the scheme, for, in his *Chatto and Windus, London. A SOCIALIST PARADISE 19 preface, Hertzka himself said, " I do not imagine that the estabHshment of the future social order must necessarily be effected exactly in the way described in the following pages. ... If economic freedom and justice are to obtain in human society, they must be seriously determined upon ; and it seems easier to unite a few thousands in such a determination than numberless millions, most of whom are not accustomed to accept the new— let it be ever so clear and self-evident — until it has been embodied in fact." That was precisely the view which William Lane was so fond of urging. He planned to commence his ideal State with not more than about 800 families. When they had embodied in fact, for the whole world to see, the wonderful prosperity and happiness to be enjoyed under Socialism, he believed that all civilised peoples would hasten to embrace its benefits also. The name which Lane decided to give his Socialist paradise was " New Australia," but this did not imply that only Australians were welcomed; people of any nationality might join, provided they were not coloured. It was his design to send pro- pagandist missionaries to Great Britain, South Africa and Canada as soon as a suitable territory had been found and a nucleus settlement estab- lished. Simultaneously with his own recruiting campaign, he sent forth three trusted emissaries, Walker, Leek and Saunders, all experienced bush- men, to prospect a site for his new Canaan. His instructions to them were identical in character with 20 A BETTER NAPOLEON those which Moses* gave to Joshua and his com- panions : "See the land what it is; and the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many ; "And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad ; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strongholds; "And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not." But Lane's plan of procedure differed in this vital respect from that of Moses ; that whereas the latter relied wholly upon God to give his followers secure possession of "a land which floweth with milk and honey," it was a basic principle with William Lane to exclude the Deity from any participation in the affairs of New Australia. As will be seen from the official " Basis " below, it was laid down that religion would not be recognised by Lane's com- munity. The following is the exact textf of the Constitu- tion, which all who joined the New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association signed, and pledged themselves loyally to observe. BASIS OF CO-OPERATIVE ORGANISATION. Production. Ownership by the community of all the means of production in exchange and distribution. Conduct by the community of all production in exchange and distribution. * Numbers xiii. 18-20. t At a later date the Constitution was altered in certain important respects. See Appendix C. BASIS OF ORGANISATION 21 vSiiperintendence by the community of all labour-saving co-operations. Allotment. INIaintcnance by tlie community of children under guardianship of parents. Maintenance by the community of all sanitary and educational establishments. Saving by the community of all capital needed by the community. Division of remaining wealth production among all adult members of the community equally, without regard to sex, age, oflfice, or ph3'^sical or mental capacity. Authority. vSubject to the supremacy of the laws of the state settled in, which all members pledge themselves to observe loyally, the following authority and regulations shall be observed between the members of the commu- nity : — Ballot vote of all adult members to be supreme authorit3^ Director, elected by two-thirds majority of general ballot, to be sole executive authority, advised by Board of Superintendents. Superintendents, elected by two-thirds majority of departmental ballot, to be sole departmental authorities^ subject to director. Regulations. Regulations afifccting the community at large to be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of all adult members. Departmental regulations to be confirmed by a majority of all adult members interested. All regulations to be submitted annually for continua- tion or rejection. Disputes arising between the community and any member or members to be decided in equity by an c 22 A BETTER NAPOLEON arbitrator mutually agreed upon between the communal authority and the member or members interested. Disputes arising between members to be decided in equity by an arbitrator mutually agreed vtpou by them. Dismissal from the community, for persistent or un- pardonable offence against the well-being of the com- munity, to be decreed only by a five-sixth majority of all adult members. Elections. All offices to be vacated anmially and whenever occupants cease to retain the confidence of their constituents. Individuality. The individuality of every member in thought, religion, speech and leisure, and in all matters whatsoever whereby the individuality of others is not affected to be held inviolable. Sex Equality. The sexes to be recognised as equally entitled to full membership. Religion. Religion not to be officiall}'' recognised by the community. Amendment. Amendment of this basis for co-operative organisation to be made only by a two-thirds majority of all adult members. FINANCIAL CLAUSES. Agreement. Every member of the association, by act ^ joining the association, agrees to subscribe to the funds of the association all he may possess when he is finally enrolled for actual migration, such subscription to be not less than ;(;6o. Preliminary Expenses. The necessary funds for all preliminary expenses, including prospecting^ organisation, and colonisation arrangements, shall be provided by a preliminary payment of ,^io, £^ of which must be paid within one month of provisional enrolment, the other £5 FINANCIAL CLAUSES 23 within three months of provisional enrolment : this £10 to be counted as part of the ;{;6o which is fixed as the minimiiui final subscription. Return of Payments. The pa}-ment of ^10 for pre- liminary expenses and the final subscription of not less than an additional ,^50 shall both be, when made, free and voluntary donations to the board of trustees for the purposes of the association, which no member shall reclaim if he decides, after having made either, to with- draw from membership. But any member shall be entitled to reclaim any amount over /[lo which he may have paid to the board of trustees in advance for and on account of his final subscription should he decide, before final enrolment for migration, to withdraw from member- ship. The board of trustees, if for any reason whatever it decides to strike from the roll any member who has fulfilled to the time of such striking off all the conditions of membership, shall return him his previous payments in full. Widowed INIothers. A subscription of £2,0 will be required for widowed mothers accompanying sons to the settlement. Exceptions at discretion of trustees. Men over Fifty. At the discretion of the trustees a minimum subscription of £100 may be required of men over 50 years of age applying for membership. Estimated Final Contribution. Every member on joining shall state the estimated amount of his intended final contribution, and the delegate enrolling shall certify tliat such is a fair estimate to the best of his knowledge and belief. Premium for Children. Every family enrolled after June 12, 1893, to be charged a premium of ^i" foi" every cliild over one year of age, this premium to be added to the final payment of not less than £^0. Exceptions at discretion of trustees. 24 A BETTER NAPOLEON The Liquor Question. Without prejudice to the liquor question members shall pledge themselves to teetotalism until the initial difliculties of settlement have passed, and the Constitution been established. With the circulars giving these particulars of the New Australia movement, the following notification was issued : — " This Association, organized upon the above lines, is in full accord with the Organisation of Labour, and has been recognized as such by all the great bush unions of Australia and by the Queensland A.L.F. General Council. Nearly half a million acres have been selected by its own prospectors in Paraguay and conceded it by the Govern- ment of that country. This land will never be sold but used to build up co-operative settlement. There is no humbug about New Australia." CHAPTER III. THE PROMISED LAND. In selecting a site for New Australia Lane was guided by the following principles laid down by Hertzka for his " Freeland " experiment: — "In carrying out our programme a hitherto unappro- priated large tract of land will have to be acquired for the founding of an independent community. The question now is, what part of the earth shall we choose for such a purpose? For obvious reasons we cannot look for territory to any part of Europe; and everywhere in Asia, at least in those parts in which Caucasian races could flourish, we should be continually coming into collision with ancient forms of law and society. We might expect that the several governments in America and Australia would readily grant us land and freedom of action ; but even there our young community would scarcely be able to enjoy that undisturbed quiet and security against antagonistic interference which would be at first a necessary condition of rapid and uninter- rupted success." The learned doctor came to the conclusion that such a tract of ground as he desired could be found only in Africa; William Lane, however, turned his attention to South America with its equally great natural resources still awaiting development. From his point of view there were strong arguments in favour of Paraguay as a suitable place for a large 25 26 THE PROMISED LAND body of energetic Anglo-Saxons to settle in, since that State was one of the most prosperous of the Latin republics until the disastrous war of 1865-70 brought it to utter ruin. To restore tl;e country to its old prosperity nothing more was (or is at the present day) needed than the introduction of a great many suitable immigrants, not afraid of work and capable of hard pioneering labour. In the middle of the nineteenth century Paraguay was the most progressive State in South ^America, witli so many flourishing industries that it was quite self-contained and economically independent of the rest of the world. It was the first country in South America to be provided with a railway. " When Solano Lopez succeeded to the headship of the State in 1862 it possessed a respectable standing army and a large trained reserve, a squadron of gun-boats capable of meeting anything that floated on River Plate waters; a series of fortified places on the eastern bank of the Paraguay; an arsenal, a gun foundry and a large sum of money in the national coffers," the Paraguayan Consul once proudly stated before the Society of Arts. But alas ! the mad ambitions of an autocrat brought irretrievable ruin upon the country. " In the short period of eight years the vast resources of which Marshal Lopez came into possession had completely disappeared. The soldiers were lying dead upon the field of battle, the national treasury was empty, the flotilla had been captured, the arsenal and forts had been turned into heaps of ruins, the happy and prosperous land had been devastated, the towns and villages destroyed, the rich pasture lands denuded A TERRIBLE WAR 27 of their cattle, the population reduced from upwards of a million to one quarter of that number and that remnant composed of women and children ; not a man was l^ft to till the ground, not an ox to draw the plough, and Lopez himself, the origin of all this misery and ruin, had died sword in hand upon the banks of the Aquidaban," During that terrible war against the combined armies of Brazil, the Argentine, and LTruguay, not only did the practice of all industries die out but every skilled worker perished, so that the Para- guayans of the next generation grew up ignorant of the arts in which their forbears were skilled and, for the most part, reverted to a primitive way of living not far removed from savagery. Moreover the owners of hundreds of square miles of land had perished, without leaving a single member of their families to succeed them; even the title deeds had vanished and for many rich estates the Government could find no claimants. Thus it came about that almost the whole area of the Republic was "nation- alised" as completely as the most ardent Socialist could wish, and vast tracts of country of untold richness became available, and were freely offered, for settlement, to those who could help to re-estab- lish the industries and develop the great natural resources of the country. In spite of its many advantages Lane's three prospectors did not immediately visit Paraguay, since the Argentine government was equallv anxi- ous to secure good immigrants, and offered large tracts of land on tempting settlement conditions. But the Australians had orders not to conclude a 28 THE O^OMISED LAND bargain until they were fully satisfied as to (i) climate, (2) soil, (3) water, (4) timber, and (5) ease of access, together with the friendly disposi- tion of the Government and the security of life and property, and so were not easy to please. For many months they scoured the country and admitted that much of it was admirable for sheep raising, but the more accessible parts of the Argen- tine were long since taken up and had reached inflated values; anything within reach of their means, or offered practically for nothing, was in the far south or in the remote wilderness towards the Andes. At the Welsh colony at Chubut, to which they had been referred as an example of what courageous pioneers could accomplish, the prospec- tors heard dismal tales of ruined harvests, in successive seasons, due to floods, and frost. Else- where they were told of droughts almost as severe as those from which Australia suffers; in other parts they were disheartened by the flat uninterest- ing look of the untimbered country, to say nothing of the difficulty of communication. Moreover, ^fhile the Government w:i:} most anxious to attract some thousands of able-bodied immigrants, it was scarcely prepared to concede such a measure of autonomy as they demanded. Finally, after months of fruitless negotiations and much weary riding, the prospectors decided to leave the Argentine, at least for a time, and inspect Paraguay. Undeterred by the reckless mis-statements w'hich the people of the River Plate ports jealously circulated concerning the bloodthirstiness of the amiable Paraguayans, Saunders and Leek boarded THE CHRISTIAN REPUBLIC 29 a river steamer and visited Asuncion. President Gonzales and Dr. Lopez, tlie Foreign Minister, welcomed them cordialty and at once won their hearts by agreeing to let them establish an "imperium in imperio " secure against interference from any provincial officials and subject only to the supreme Government. Contrary to what they had been led to believe in Buenos Aires, they found the Paraguayans, and particularly the graceful women, possessed of a sunnier temperament and far more winning manners than the rather staid Argentines. The resident Englishmen, of whom there were quite a number, assured them that life and property were, if anything, safer in Paraguay than in the Argen- tine, moreover they discovered that land of equally good quality could be purchased for less than one- tenth of what it would cost in the latter country. As he journeyed with them towards the territory which he considered would be ideal for the New Australia settlement, Senor Lopez informed the prospectors that they were by no means the first to dream of establishing a Socialist Paradise in Paraguay. Indeed his country owed the compara- tive civilisation of its Guarani inhabitants to the fact that they were rescued from savagery at the beginning of the seventeenth century by the founders of the "Christian Republic," under which 100,000 persons lived a Commimistic life for 150 years. lie quoted the testimony of many writers, themselves inimical to the Jesuits, to pro\e that the citizens of their thirty Communistic towns enjoyed a prosperity and happiness comparable with that of the inhabi- tants of Bacon's "New Atlantis." Even Voltaire, 30 THE PROMISED LAND that arch-enemy of the Jesuits, described their estabHshment in Paraguay as being " in some respects the triumph of humanity." When they learned that the wild Indians had been brought into such a state of civilisation under Communism, that they not only grew the raw materials for textile fabrics but actually wove them into garments, the pioneers felt that at least as much could be accomplished by highly intelligent Australians. And since the untutored Indians, in their far inland wildernesses, could construct well- built towns, surrounded by smiling fields, abound- ing in every kind of produce, how much greater things might be done by Anglo-Saxons within a few miles of a railway, shops and civilisation generally. It is interesting to note, in passing, how the citizens of the "Christian Republic" dealt with that perplexing problem of Socialism — "When all are equal how will it be decided who is to be a dust- man, and who a magistrate?" " In each settlement there were two schools, the one for the elements of letters, the other for the dance and music," Chateaubriand* tells us, "As soon as a child reached the age of seven, the priests studied his character. If he seemed fitted to mechanical employment they put him in one of the settlement's workshops, and, in that, moreover to which inclination directed him. He became a gold- smith, gilder, watchmaker, etc. The young people who preferred agriculture were enrolled among the * " Genie du Christianisrae." GOD'S POSSESSION 31 labourers, and those who retained some of the love of roaming characteristic of their old life followed the herds. "The ground was divided into several lots, and each familv cultivated one of the lots for its needs. There was also a public field, known as ' God's possession.' The fruit of these communal lands was destined to supplement bad harvests and main- tain the widows, the orphans and the sick. " The magistrates were named by the general assemblage of citizens, but only from a list formed by the missionaries. ... As suggested by Plato, the missionaries used to set aside the children who gave indication of genius in order to initiate them into the arts and sciences; it was from this excellent group that the priests, magistrates, and heroes of the fatherland would one day emerge." This nominal distinction of rank between mem- bers of the community does not appear to have bred ill-feeling since duties were assigned without dis- tinction of person. " In all their duties the missionaries took the lead," a Protestant* critic of the Jesuits admits. " Nobles by birth and learned men fresh from the universities of Europe, might be seen acting as shepherds, masons, carpenters, and carrying on all manner of common trades, for the purpose of teaching and stimulating the natives, who gazed with confused bewilderment at the strange spectacle. The result of all these precau- tions and efforts lo maintain a communit}' of goods may be summed up in a few words. " The Indians are poor, and yet lack nothing. They maintain * Rev. M. Kaufmann, "Socialism and Communism." 32 THE PROMISED LAND among themselves perfect equality, which is the strongest support of union and public tranquillity." Many writers insist that the civilisation which the Jesuits so successfully established was used principally for their own gain, and that the bulk of the goods produced were exported to enrich the coffers of their militant order. If that were so it merely proves that the wealth producing capabili- ties of the community were even greater than appeared on the surface, and that had there been no such leakages the happy Paraguayans would have been more prosperous still. Since it was possible for the "priest-ridden savages" to do so well, it seemed reasonable to suppose that the emancipated " New Australians " — having thrown off all super- stitious shackles — would do still better. When they reached the magnificent property known as the Lowry estate, which Dr. Lopez proposed to put freely at their disposal, the pros- pectors' last doubt vanished, and they at once decided that this was the ideal site for Lane's experiment. As the bona-fides, both of the pros- pectors and of the Paraguayan Government has been called in question, most unjustly, by critics who know nothing of the country, it is worth while noting that in an official report on "New Australia," from the British Legation in Buenos Aires, the concession is thus described* : — " The settlement is situated on some risingf ground and looks over a long stretch of pasture * Foreign Office. Annual Series. No. 1357. CONDITIONS OF SETTLEMENT 33 land bounded by forest and dotted by clumps of trees. There is something very English in the landscape, and this is true of other parts of Para- guay. It appeared to my companion and myself that the Government had treated the association very well, not only as regards the quantity, but as regards the quality of the land conceded. The association has secured 100 leagues (they have already received the titles for 67 leagues) of what I believe to be the best land in Paraguay. It is well-watered and well-wooded, and in Paraguay wherever there is forest the soil is very fertile, and will grow almost anything. The pasture land is also excellent and I was informed, on good authority, that the district now occupied by the association was requisitioned by the Dictator Lopez during the Paraguayan war, for 50,000 head of cattle — and met the demand." The conditions of settlement were generous in the extreme. The Government undertook : — (i) to hand over to the New Australia Association, for bona-fide settlement, one hundred* leagues of land, free of all charges, including survey, stamps and transfer fees; (2) to admit tools, furniture, clothes, arms and ammunition, seeds and anything else the immigrants chose to bring, or desired to import later, for their own use, duty free ; (3) to give the immigrants free railway transport for themselves and their possessions to the nearest point of their • Originally 40, but changed to 100 a few weeks later. The Government actually spent 450,000 dollars in buying out squatters so that the incomers might enjoy absolute proprietorship from boundary to boundary of their vast estate. 34 THE PROMISED LAND concession ; (4) to grant local autonomy, with no responsibility except to the Central Government. In return the Association were only required to establish 800 families upon the land, within four years. To this proposal the prospectors hastened to agree and a legal document was drawn up embody- ing its terms. After cabling the news to Australia Leek and Walker remained to make arrangements for receiving the first settlers, while Saunders returned to Australia in the character of Joshua to make the joyful announcement. " The land which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land." The following are the principal clauses from the prospectors' long and glowing report : — " Paraguay has no sea-board. The capital, Asuncion, is situated about 1000 miles from Buenos Ayres, by river, in lat. 25. Its communication with other countries is by rivers, the Paraguay and the Parana. The Paraguay river is navigable to Asuncion for vessels drawing 9ft. to loft., all the year round, and for about 1000 miles further for vessels drawing 6ft. all seasons of the year. There are three regular steamship lines to Asuncion which run w'eekly boats. Schooners sail right up the river, as it is miles wide nearly all the way. Enquiries made among many people show that Paraguay, while sadly in need of land workers since the war of '65, is not a disturbed country. Its constitution has remained unchanged since 1870, there is universal suffrage, religious liberty and an Elected Congress and President. It does A GLOWING REPORT 35 not have revolutions.* We cannot speak too well of the manner in which all classes treated us. Foreigners are protected by their nationality from military conscription. " The site selected and which has been secured is situated about no miles from Asuncion, near a place called Villa Rica, and within fifteen miles of railway communication. It is on the Tebicuari river which runs through it, passing under the railway line, about twenty miles from Villa Rica towards Asuncion. The river is a nice stream and clear as crystal. It is navigable to our land by boats or rafts, pushed by poles, while for export we could hardly get better convenience, very useful where there is a good deal of valuable timber. We have thus rail and water to our door. Numerous smaller streams whose water rims all the year round, a fact somewhat strange to most Australians, are on our land, affording any amount of constant water power when required. " No one that we have met questions the fertility of the soil, and it is the best watered country that we have ever seen. The high lands, or forest lands, are generally of a red sandy or loamy * In this respect, as in several others, the prospectors were misinformed. Ju.st twelve months before they visited the country there was a revolution, of which the following account appeared in the Buenos Aires "Standard," of October 23rd, 1891:— "The Paraguayan Revolution was not such a nursery affair as at first supposed. There was a fight and several funerals after it. Most of the defunct patriots appear to have been Majors, Colonels and professional warriors generally. Colonels Osuna and Mino, and Major Vera and Deputy Machain being killed." 36 THE PROMISED LAND description covered with heavy timber of different kinds. There are many useful woods, mostly hard- woods ; but there are some soft woods, also cedaf. There is timber fit for anything. Our land is mostly this timber land with red, loamy soil, though there is some of it clear camp land. " All foreigners agree that it is remarkably healthy and that sickness is scarce. It is free from fevers and such like diseases generally met with in warm climates. There is a little malarial fever sometimes among the native population in the low- lying districts close to the big rivers. But this is in a great measure due to the way in which they live and to the lowness and dampness of the soil in those localities. Villa Rica is said to be remark- ably healthy. An Englishman, Dr. Botrill, who is a London hospital physician of some repute and who has lived there for some time owing to ill- health, told us he considered it a remarkably healthy place. "The rainfall is better than it is in most coun- tries, as they are never a whole month without rain in Paraguay, and the heaviest rainfall is in the summer, which is an advantage in a warm climate. It is possible to raise crops of some kind during all seasons of the year. " The principal things grown are tobacco, sugar- cane, cotton, maize, coffee, mandioca, grapes, peaches, oranges, lemons and vegetables of all descriptions. Tobacco is the principal article exported at present, and grows splendidly. An acre of tobacco is said to return ^'20. " The disadvantages are not having a good local STARVATION niPOSSIBLE 37 market and the density of the timber on a greater portion of the land which requires a lot of labour to clear. Of these disadvantages the question of local market, so important to the individual settlers, is not of importance with our settlement methods. Timber is in great demand in the Argentine, and there is a very large saw mill at Villa Rica. There is a certain market for various products in Buenos Aires and Monte Video. The distance to London by water is only twenty-six days from Asuncion, much nearer than any part of Australasia. A great deal of the timber cleared would be useful and saleable at once. We will thus be sure of a certain remuneration for the labour of clearing. " Paraguay, like every other South American country, is no good for those who work for wages. For those who have land to work on for themselves, however, it is good. You sometimes hear of a family supporting itself, and keeping a cow on an acre of land, but you seldom see it. Neither of us ever did until we went to Paraguay. It is nothing uncommon there. The great settlement advantage is that from the beginning we can get fresh food, fruit and vegetables close at hand until we grow our own. We think that an acre cleared in Paraguay will produce as much as two in most other countries. We feel confident that with enough capital to land, sufllcient tools and food to keep us say 18 months, it will only be sheer laziness if we don't prosper. And starvation is impossible." 2(38540 CHAPTER IV. SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR." The publication of tliis report produced a profound sensation in Australia. In spite of all that William Lane had said and written about his emigration project there had been a general feeling that he would not really succeed in carrying it through ; in fact it was believed by many that the New Australia Co-operative Association was merely some new and ingenious form of " land-swindle." But when it was known that he had actually obtained a free grant of nearly six hundred square miles of land on which to found his settlement, public incredulity gave way to consternation. Long before this Lane had thoroughly prepared his ground. Thousands of honest workers, who were actually more prosperous than their "mates" in other countries, had been hypnotised by a long course of red-hot Socialism into thinking them- selves unhappy martyrs to the capitalistic system. In the same number of the New Australia Journal which contained the prospectors' report he issued a final manifesto and a strong appeal. " Immense populations are being crowded into the ugly streets of unhealthy towns, where they are handy for the system. In the farming districts men and women sweat their lives out for the mort- gagee. In the West men live a peg lower than blackfellows, without wives, without homes, with 38 DEGRADING COMPETITION 39 Wttle but drinking and gambling to make a change in their empty hves. The small shopkeepers, the small employers, are little better off. And it is so hard to live that we are all beinsf driven to do mean and dishonourable things in order to sret an advantage over some poor struggling fellow- creature, who is striving to live as we are ourselves. You know it is so. Every man knows it is so. We are going to stop this hateful struggling, this degrading competition, in New Australia." Now that the opportunity was at hand to put in practice the whole hot gospel of Socialism, Lane's pen became more fiercely inspired than ever. "Your Labour is a mere 'commodity,' your life- blood must be sold as so much wood or wool," he wrote. " Yet Labour alone produces wealth. There can be no justice until Labour can work without asking leave of any and without paying profit to any. . . . This ownership which causes misery and vice and poverty and wretchedness unspeakable, all the social evils from which you suffer and from which the world suffers, is a verit- able sin. We have lived wickedly in taking part in a system which is wicked and sinful, which is brutish, not human, selfish not loving." Lane had another motive in addition to securing the mere material prosperity of those who accom- panied him. He believed that the success of his venture would pave the way at once to the realisa- tion of " Socialism in our time." " Industrial re-organization," he asserted, "must be pioneered by those who know it to be possible before faith and hope can come to the millions who are really 40 SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR" groping- blindly in the dark. New Australia is such a pioneering movement. Without injuring any, without abandoning any principle, without threatening violence, or preaching submission, it will prove to the workers of the world the value of working co-operatively, each for all and all for each, under conditions which secure for everyone the right to work and happiness in living. The happiness of its members will excite the emulation of the vast multitude whom no theories can reach; its methods, tried and proved, will be a sure guide for others to follow; and the influence of its example will aid tremendously in the peaceful and orderly settlement of the social problem which now threatens civilisation with utter destruction." The effect of this manifesto coupled with the prospectors' report, was electrical. With passionate eagerness thousands clamoured for a place in the great exodus, convinced that worry, and want, and social inequality would have no place in New Australia. But many, like the young man in the Scriptures, " went away sorrowful " when they heard the financial conditions. Since equality was the very essence of Lane's scheme it was ordained that every man who joined must put into the common treasury every penny he possessed. Businesses, houses, land, all must be sold and the proceeds handed over. As a mark of bona-fides every male member on joining the Association was required to pay down the sum of ^lo, which was non-returnable, and before he could set sail from Australia each man must make up his contribution to a minimum of ;^6o. " We only fix a minimum TOUCHING CONFIDENCE 41 from a necessity, so that there may be no danger of failure, and all in the settlement must start on the same footing. If any man who wishes to join has more he must throw in all he has. We do not want anybody who does not feel ready to go ' mates ' with everybody else that joins. Women are not required to pay anything." Of course there were many who wished to join the New Australia movement who did not possess so much as sixty pounds. But it was pointed out to them that they need not leave with the first party : " Those who cannot join at once will have a motive for saving by joining, will be encouraged to make a long pull by the knowledge that their comrades are at work, building up the settlement and waiting to greet them when they come." The touching confidence in his leadership which the bushmen displayed affected Lane himself to strong emotion : " It brings tears to my eyes," he once wrote to a friend,* " to see how my bushmen trust me, how they hand me over their hard earned money without a doubt or question as to the use I make of it. I would rather die than betray such trust." Certainly nothing was further from Lane's mind, for he was personally the soul of honour. But what a responsibility to undertake ! Did it never occur to him, that, just possibly his theories were wrong, that there might be some small error in his calculations ? Apparently not, for he let people sell up their homes without a protest. Having proved his own belief in the movement by throwing in the £1000 he had saved during many years of •"Westminster Review," vol. cxI, p. 530.. 42 SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR" arduous labour, it did not trouble him in the slightest when business men sold their shops for a song and selectors abandoned their improvements — fruits of the toil of years — to follow him. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the move- ment w^as that it was by no means confined to the poorest class of worker. Several tradesmen contri- buted from ^'400 to ^1500 in cheerful confidence that they sustained no loss, since within a few years every member of the Socialist band would be rich, in happiness and material comfort, beyond the dreams of avarice. Of course the Australian Press was not silent about the folly of the undertaking. All, save the Socialist journals, joined in denouncing it as mad- ness. Although it was one of the principles of the Association to recognise marriage, some realised only too well the fact that Socialism and conven- tional morality are absolutely incompatible. " I would rather see my daughter or sister take a leap off the North Head than have her join this party," one far-sighted correspondent wrote to the Sydney Daily Telegraph. " Little do they imagine the sorrow in store for them and I hope that it may not yet be too late to interfere to save them from their fate." But it was too late. " New Australia " had caught on, not with the scum of the slums of whom the cities would have been well rid, but with the pick of the w'orking men of Queensland and New- South Wales. " There is no denying the fact that the New Australia movement is calling from the ranks of Australian labour many of its best and EMPTY PATRIOTISM 43 most worthy representatives," said tiie Sydney Daily Telegraph sorrowfully. When the seriousness of the situation was real- ised, when it was known that thousands were prepared to follow provided that the first contingent "made good" and reported favourably upon the settlement, a strong appeal was made to the patriotism of the men in the movement. It was suggested that the Government should assign some choice territory in Australia for the great experi- ment in Socialism rather than that so many sturdy citizens should desert the country. But Lane made short work of such objections; like other honest Socialists he pointed out that Socialism and patriotism have nothing at all in common. " What is one country more than another to the man whose whole life is one of toil and poverty, and what does Australia do more than England does, or any other countries do, for the workers?" he demanded in the New Australia Journal. "The Labour movement is world-wide. It is not a local question nor a national question, but a life question. If the workers have not yet learnt this they will simply suffer more until they learn it, perhaps too late. It is here, as everywhere else, the landless have no rights, the poor have no country except in name. In this New Australia movement we exchange empty patriotism to a country in which we have no share, for the solid possession of a great tract of good land, secured under terms wdiich could not possibly be secured here. On this land we can build the settlement we seek, can exert our Labour as will satisfy our needs, can produce not only food 44 SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR" and clothing and buildings, but articles to export in exchange for what we must import, can have plenty and be happy, and teach the world a lesson. It is our opportunity. Are we not to take it ? Shall a great movement drop because some are still foolish enough to mistake the real needs of Labour ?" The money rolled in so fast that it was necessary to establish a company to take legal control of it. For form's sake "The New Australia Co-operative Colonisation Society " was duly registered as a company, with a capital of ;^20,ooo in ;^io shares, on which, however, it was stipulated that no interest should be paid. (See Appendix B for Articles of Association.) The directors were so convinced that the movement would be a permanent thing that they would not hear of chartering a ship to take the first party to South America. In " Freeland," Dr. Hertzka represents his ideal community as requiring its own fleet of noble steamers to bring the constant stream of recruits from the effete old capitalistic countries ; the New Australians aimed at following that plan, and, to begin with, paid ;^i200 for a sailing ship, of 600 tons, the " Royal Tar." By many members of the Association it was considered an ill-omened thing to embark in a boat with the words " Royal " as part of its name; they were extremely anxious to re-christen it, in fact : but it was found that there would be many formalities to be complied with and they decided to let the name remain. In connection with the "Royal Tar's" first voyage there was so much friction between the VEXATIOUS DELAY 45 leaders of the movement and the authorities, that the boat was delayed for two months after its advertised sailing date, during which time the passengers, having sold their homes, were com- pelled to remain on shore at the expense of the Association. To this day many New Australians assert that the vexatious delay was deliberately planned by the Government to damage the move- ment, but the fact was that the shipping officials were anxious that nothing should be left undone to safeguard the emigrants' lives. The first delay was due to an intimation that the barque would not be allowed to sail until she had been fitted with a new mainmast, new cable and anchor, and three large new boats ; the second was caused by the discovery that the vessel had been provisioned for little more than the bare time the voyage was expected to take — the authorities naturally enough insisting that sufficient stores should be shipped to last, if necessary, for 130 days; the third was occasioned by the fact that the vessel had not paid its harbour dues — an exaction insisted on strictly ir advance in the case of Socialists ! At last, however, all formalities were complied with and the boat was ready to sail. On the eve of its departure a great farewell demonstration was held at Sydney at which the speakers were Members of Parliament and prominent Labour leaders. There was something ominous in the w'ords " for the present " on which emphasis was laid in the following official resolution, passed with acclama- tion by the assembly : " That this meeting of New South Wales citizens 46 SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR'* whilst deeply regretting the loss to Australia of so many co-workers in the cause of reform, believes that the efforts of the New Australia pioneers to estab- lish in another land a co-operative settlement in which there shall be work for all and overwork for none, and where every man and woman shall have the liberty to live under fair conditions, will prove eminently successful and of great future benefit to those who are compelled for the present to remain in Old Australia : and further desires to express its indignation at the action of the authorities in impeding the departure of peaceful Australian people." In their enthusiasm the local organisers in each district refused to allow their followers to take with them any but the most essential personal posses- sions. The men sold their saddles and the women their sewing-machines, things which would have been invaluable in their new homes. Everything was sacrificed for what it would fetch, and the money put into the common fund. The keynote of the movement was faith in one's fellow man, but, as in the case Ananias and Sapphira, there were some who betrayed the trust reposed in them, and " kept back part of the price." Long before the boat was permitted to sail contingents from Queens- land, South Australia, and Tasmania reached Sydney, where they had to camp in the open for weeks. When at last they were permitted to go on board the scene was of the most remarkable description, a long stream of pilgrims wending their way to the ship, carrying all their worldly possessions upon their shoulders. Among other THE EMBARKATION 47 strange things embarked was a steam hammer, which one of the enthusiasts felt sure would be useful in the primaeval forest! "There were men and women and children," wrote a lively journalist, "boxes, portmanteaux, and tins; men struggled along the road with massive domestic cargoes on their shoulders, women struggled with their infants, and the infants struggled with each other." Some may have felt misgivings when the final moment of departure came but not so William Lane. His faith in the triumph of his cause never wavered. "What do we expect ?" he wrote. "This : — for every man the right to work, to every man friend- ship and justice, for every man and woman a fair share of the result of common work, for each and all the opportunity to marry and have comfortable homes and to live without fear and to fill life with the pleasures and joys that can be for each where all are content to labour honestly, for the children the healthy rearing which is every child's right. That is what we expect, and what we can be sure of, for Labour never fails to produce plenty where it is able to work, and the labourers are only struggling and poverty-stricken where conditions block Labour and deprive the worker of the fruit of his labouring." The hopes of all on board were high as the vessel set sail from Sydney, though some of the women gazed back wistfully at the shore ... for it is no light thing to tear up old associations by the roots and to say "Farewell for ever I " to the land of one's birth. However, each endeavoured to sup- 48 SAILING OF THE "ROYAL TAR" press any outward sign of such regrets, for were they not about to take part in a fuller, freer life, a hundred times happier than any they had hitherto experienced ? Were they not about to teach the world a lesson ? CHAPTER V . A MATTER OF MORALS. Socialists are not fond of talking about New- Australia, but when they do its distressing failure is accounted for by asserting either (i) that the country to which Lane's party migrated w^as unsuit- able for white men to settle in, or (2) that the party itself was made up of visionaries and work-shy individuals without the necessary energy and experience for pioneering. The first of these state- ments is confuted in advance by the testimony of the experienced prospectors themselves, and by the fact that other Britishers and Germans live healthily and are doing very well in Paraguay ; to dispose of the second it is only necessary to quote from the Sydney Bulletin* — a journal w'hich was utterly opposed to the movement and tried hard to dissuade the public from joining it — the follow'ing unsolicited testimonial : — "The New Australian contingent contains the best material for such an experiment the world could furnish, perhaps. The work that lies in front of them provided they are allowed to go scjuarely at it, and it proves to be worth doing, is just the sort they have been used to. There are few town- dwellers among the first batch, and the majority of those who are now rolling their swags in Queens- land and South Australia with a view to the second, •July 22nd, 1893. 49 50 A MATTER OF MORALS are of the bush. They have been trained in the tasks of settlement. Tank-sinkers, sliearers, bush- carpenters, station-hands, with artisans used to the rough-and-tumble life of Australia will not be easily knocked out." If picked men such as these, under an absolutely honest leader, failed to "make good" in their attempt it is quite evident that the general public, including the unskilled and incompetent, would make a far worse hash of a similar experiment. Nothing could exceed the enthusiasm with which the party commenced to lead the ideal life. Since social inequality was swept away there was not a "Mister" on board the "Royal Tar"; everyone was "Jack," "Tom" and "Charlie," or "Nell," "Mary" and "Sue." An urchin of ten was entitled to address William Lane as " Billy," though the leader of the movement was more gener- ally referred to as " King Billy." A good opportunity for the display of brotherly feeling was afforded when the berths came to be allotted. A vessel of less than 600 tons provided remarkably little cabin accommodation for nearly 250 persons, among whom there were 60 single men, and a number of single girls, in addition to the "grass widowers," married couples and children. Those who had seen the tiny ship in Sydney Harbour were puzzled to know how so many persons could be stowed inside her, unless they were stacked like cargo, or chained in densely packed rows as in the bad old days of the slave trade. But there were a number of bush carpenters among the pioneers, who had exercised their skill in turning LANE'S EXAMPLE 5^ every inch of the deep hold to full account. In the forecastle triple tiers of berths ran round the bulk- heads to accommodate the single men, the inter- vening space being filled with tables which could be ha\iled out of the way overhead when not required. In the ship's waist the married couples and children were so closely packed that the Sydney Telegraph remarked: — "" 'Tween decks where the emigrants will live, and eat and sleep, and have their two months' being are simply a mass of plain deal. Apart from the curtains to the cabins of the married women and the single girls, the place is destitute of those accessories which add to the pleasures of life. It is a wilderness of bare boards with no entrance for the sun's rays except what may be afforded by the dead- lights. Indeed a voyage in the "Royal Tar" in dirty weather round Cape Horn would be calculated to drive anyone but an enthusiast to the verge of gibbering lunacy." There was very little comfort on board the " Royal Tar," except in the after deck cabin where Captain Logan and his wife and daughter resided. Lane set an example of unselfishness by choosing for his own use one of the smallest and worst placed cabins on the boat, and most of his flock good- temperedly accepted the positions allotted to them, though it was arranged that lots should be drawn to settle who should have the best places if any dispute arose. For the first few days, however, till the party had found their sea-legs in fact, all was perfect peace. Such was the anxiety to be good Socialists that there was keen competition for the 52 A MATTER OF MORALS privilege of undertaking the most menial tasks. William Lane himself took his turn in the cook's galley at peeling potatoes. There was not work enough to go round; all were so eager to undertake it. As every old traveller knows there are few more trying things on board ship than squalling infants; in the "Royal Tar's" packed interior such sounds were peculiarly distracting but even the confirmed bachelor "comrades" at first pre- tended to like it. At least a dozen people were always willing to take the naughty child from its harassed mother's hands. Unhappily, however, this beautiful spirit did not last long. Though all were theoretically equal it was found absolutely necessary that some should give, while others should receive, orders. Though all were entitled to an equal voice in the Asso- ciation's affairs it was not considered practicable to navigate the ship by vote of the majority ! Just as the experienced skipper claimed the right of dictating to everybody on matters which concerned the safety of the ship, so Lane insisted on caring for its morals. ***** Now this question of morals is one about which modern Socialist writers are most wary in admitting their principles. In the old days "Free Love" was boldly proclaimed as an essential condition of Socialism, but nowadays, to avoid scaring off the timid semi-converts — the Christian Socialists and so on — great care is taken to relegate this phase of Socialism to the background. As Mr. H. G. FREE LOVE 53 Wells* confesses, so far as English and American Socialism is concerned, the assault on the family " has displayed a quite extraordinary instinct for taking cover." Nevertheless that assault upon the family is as true to-day as ever; the chief difference between the views of modern Socialists like Mr. H. G. Wells, and those of the " Palc-eo-Socialists "" (as he describes Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft^ Shelley and Harriet, and even Mr. Belfort Bax) appears to be that the former qualifies the proposals of the latter on the subject of " Free Love " by a system of State eugenics. English Socialists to-day still stand where their Continental brethren stood when the Socialist Alliance of Geneva resolved; "The Alliance declares itself atheist, it demands the abolition of all worship, the substitution of science for faith, and of Divine justice for human justice, the aboli- tion of marriage so far as it is a political, religious, judicial, or civil institution." Mr. Belfort Bax points out the logic of the posi- tion in his " Ethics of Socialism" : "The present marriage system is bound up in the general sup- position of the economic dependence of the woman on the man, and the consequent necessity for his making provision for her, which she can legally enforce. This basis would disappear with the advent of Social economic freedom, and no binding contract would be necessary between the parties as regards livelihood, while property in children would cease to exist." Again, in " Socialism," by William Morris and * " Socialism and the Family," p. 30. E 54 A MATTER OF MORALS Belfort Bax, we find, " Marriage is to give place to kindly and human relations between the sexes." It is interesting to note with what heat leading Socialist writers deny that they are tainted with views similar to those stated above. In " Socialism and the Family," pp. 44 and 45, Mr. H. G. Wells professes himself hotly indignant that the Daily Express should suggest that he and others were involved " in teaching Free Love to respectable working men." What then does he teach? On pp. 29 and 30 of the very work which contains that indignant denial, he says: — " Socialism involves the responsible citizenship of women, their economic independence of men and all the personal freedom that follows that, it inter- venes between the children and the parents, claim- ing to support them, protect them, and educate them for its own ampler purposes. Socialism in fact is the State family. The old family of the private individual must vanish before it, just as the old water works of private enterprise, or the old gas company. They are incompatible with it." When some critic suggested that he desired to reduce humanity to the condition of a stud farm, Mr. Wells complained bitterly of that individual's " thick-headedness " and strove to remove the bad impression by declaring that Socialism would insist on marriage " under conditions." But in the following passage he makes it clear that, by " marriage " he means a good deal less than the binding tie which all save savage races now insist upon. "Socialism does not present any theory whatever about the duration of marriage. . . . The A NIGHTMARE SOCIETY 55 State is not urgently concerned with these ques- tions. So long as a marriage contract provides for the health and sanity of the contracting parties, and for their proper behaviour so far as their off- spring need it, the demands of the Communit}^ as the guardian of the children, are satisfied. That certainlv would be the minimum marriage, the State marriage, and I, for my own part, would exact nothing more in the legal contract. But a number of more representative Socialists than I are for a legally compulsory life marriage. Some — but they are mostly of the older, less definite, Social Demo- cratic teaching — are for a looser tie."* But "the older, less definite, Social Democratic teaching" makes a far more popular appeal to the masses, whose votes will control the Socialistic State, than anv other version of the "creed." If so refined a man as Mr. H. G. Wells asks no more than that legal unions shall endure until the child- ren are just old enough for the State " to intervene and support them," is it not certain that the unrefined mob will demand still less? Is it not fair to assume that the loosest form of the " looser tie " will be the maximum enforced in his nightmare society ? The plain truth is that, as clearly stated in " Socialism," by William Morris and Belfort Bax, " Under a Socialistic system contracts between individuals could be free and unforced by the Community. This would apply to the marriage contract as well as others, and it would become a matter of simple inclination. . . . Nor would a * " New Worlds for Old," pp. 134 and 135. S6 A MATTER OF MORALS truly enlightened public opinion freed from mere theological views as to chastity insist on the per- manently binding nature." ***** This matter of morals was bound to cause William Lane acute anxiety, since he was aware that previous attempts to realise the Socialist dream of an ideal State had broken down from this very cause. Though the leading Socialists agree that marriage is a ridiculous institution, as husband and father Lane personally had the greatest respect for it. But he had no guarantee that the sixty bachelors in his party shared this sentiment. Was it not probable that, together with the Socialist creed he had himself disseminated, they had imbibed the logical notion that "communism of goods leads as a necessary consequence to com- munism of wives, children and parents?" Though he had provided for communism of goods and communism of children Lane was deter- mined to preserve the conventional relations between the sexes and had framed a regulation to that effect. It therefore gave him some anxiety when he discovered a tendency among some of his followers to relieve the tedium of the voyage by a little harmless flirtation. He feared in fact that it might be said of his experiment as it was of Brook Farm; "They did not seek to interfere with marriage, nay, they guarded that holy state with reverence, yet the spirit of fraternal association was found to weave itself, with infinite subtleties, into the most tender relations of man and woman. Fear came into the common dwelling." A FATAL ERROR 57 One of the first dissensions arose from the women's objection to remain in the stuffy atmo- sphere of the holds, below the water line, from sunset till sunrise. It was not much fun for either sex to spend many hours cooped up in the dim light provided by a smoking hurricane lamp, and, in consequence, many elected to spend the greater part of the night on deck, discussing the beautiful principles of Socialism with some kindred spirit under the open vault of heaven. If that kindred spirit happened to be of the opposite sex, there could be no logical objection, since sex equality under Socialism implies the permissibility of the warmest comradeship between any man or woman in spite of the fact that either or both may happen to be married. This was a question, however, about which Lane did not profess to be logical. He only believed in liberty, equality and fraternity within certain limits and so issued a decree forbidding members of the gentler sex henceforth to appear on deck after sunset. That was a fatal error ! On the first night when it was put in force the ladies held an indignation meeting, and many of the most straight laced among them agreed that it was an intolerable insult, as well as an unwarrantable act of tyranny to coop them up in such a fashion. Worse still, it was discovered that William Lane, while taking counsel with certain of the married women, had not con- sulted any maiden ladies before issuing his decree, although several of the latter were full fledged members of the Association in their own right. S8 A MATTER OF MORALS Breaking out into active rebellion they stormed the hatchway and reminded their leader that they had an equal say with him in the conduct of affairs, and had as much right to order him to his cabin as he had to order them. One indignant young lady, stepping over to the notice board, tore down William Lane's notice before his face and danced upon it. Just to assert their rights, some of the married women openly incited the younger girls to disobey, and a number made a point at once of spending the greater part of the night on deck in future, to prove their independence. As a matter of fact, however, the ladies were quite mistaken in supposing that they had yet any right to a voice in the control of things. Before leaving Australia Lane had arranged that the " Constitution " was suspended, and that he was to act (in association with three staunch hench- men on whose support he could rely) as Director for the first two years, with power to dictate internal arrangements. It is true that a two-thirds majority vote could displace him, but, as he held proxies for all members of the Association still in Australia, his single vote constituted a majority. But it is one thing to possess nominal power and quite another to be able to enforce it. When William Lane's authority was flouted a general meeting was called to decide: "whether the authority of the Chairman shall be respected?" Unfortunately Lane was too seasick to attend, and so, unswayed by his personal influence, the majority passed a resolution declaring that he was not to be obeyed ! To this William Lane retorted AN ABSOLUTE DICTATOR 59 by resigning office, whereupon even his bitterest opponents realised that they had gone too far and a second general meeting passed a resolution request- ing him to reconsider his decision. Finally William Lane called a third general meeting and played so well upon the emotions of his erring flock that they passed a vole of confidence in his rule without a single dissentient. The net result of the whole affair was simply to contirm William Lane in his authority as an absolute dictator. CHAPTER VI. WHO WILL DO THE SCAVENGING? To many of the pioneers it came as something of a shock to reahze that they were to be subject to a benevolent despotism, until such time as the second contingent arrived at New Australia, and a quite unreasonable feeling sprang up that Lane had got the better of them — unreasonable because they were supposed fully to understand the arrangement before embarking. But it is a curious trait of the Socialist rank and file that they are quite willing blindly to accept the promises of their leaders without wanting to know, in detail, how much individual liberty will be sacrificed in the process of carrying them out. Before the voyage was half over an awkward split had occurred in the ranks, and the LTtopian party were sharply divided into two factions — those who believed in Lane and were prepared to support him through thick and thin, and those who were already more or less dissatisfied with his leadership. The latter section soon got into such a state of mind that they were prepared to believe themselves slighted and victimised whenever the shadow of an excuse arose. A good opportunity to feel aggrieved was presented when Lane took stock of his resources and began to apportion tasks among his followers. W^hile on his recruiting mission in Australia Lane once explained; "At New Australia a man 60 WHEN ALL ARE EQUAL 6i may produce a loaf of bread or a painting, but there Avill be no difference in the remuneration of his labour." "Yes," interrupted a practical minded inquirer, " but who is to do the washing up?" * * * * -x- Now this question " Who is to do the washing up?" is another of those practical problems which Socialist theorists exercise a good deal of ingenuity in avoiding. In " Merrie England" j\Ir. Robert Blatchford devotes a portion of Chapter XXIV to some clever circumlocution round and about the query "Under Socialism: Who will do the disagreeable work? Who will do the scavenging?" " We have heard a good deal of more or less clumsy ridicule at the expense of the Socialist," he says. " We have heard learned and practical men laugh them to scorn ; we have seen their claims and their desires and their theories held up to derision. But can anyone imagine a sight more contemptible or more preposterous than that of a civilised and wealthy nation coming to a halt in its march of progress for fear of disturbing the minds of the scavengers?" It will not be the scavengers alone, how^ever, but the "under dogs" in every calling — at least one hundred times as numerous as the "top dogs" — who will cry "Halt!" when jobs come to be distributed. When all are equal and all clamour to be artists, or inventors, or managers, or, at the very least, foremen, how \\ill ihe difficulty be met? In his section on the subject Mr. Blatchford calls 62 WHO WILL DO THE SCAVENGLXG? on the shades of Cromwell, of Langton, of Wash- ington, and of Hampden; he ridicules the noble lords of the British Parliament ; he compares the Conservative to Mrs. Partington with her mop, but he does not answer his own question. Instead he refers the reader back to an earlier chapter, and to Mrs. Besant's paper on "The Organisation of Society."* Dealing with the latter first, the reader finds that Mrs. Besant merely re-states the problem as follows, "There are unpleasant and indispensable forms of labour which one would imagine, can attract none — mining, sewer-cleaning, etc. These might be rendered more attractive by making the hours of labour in them much shorter than the normal working day of pleasanter occupations. . . . " Further, much of the most disagreeable and laborious work might be done by machinery, as it would be now if it were not cheaper to exploit a helot class. When it became illegal to send small boys up chimneys, chimneys did not cease to be swept, a machine was invented for sweeping them." Quite so, but for the present there are numerous unpleasant tasks which must be performed by manual labour; who will do them now? It is not courageous of Mr.Blatchfprd to hide behind a lady, whose not very practical argument reminds one of Dr. Johnson's suggestion to the weary postman who had still two miles to walk to deliver a single letter (" Why don't you put a stamp on it and post it?" enquired the doctor). " For an answer to this question I must refer you * Fabian Essays. AN UNANSWERED QUESTION 63 back to my chapter on ' Socialism and Slavery,' " says Mr. Blatchford. Referring back, the reader finds Herbert Spencer attacked for describing Socialism as " The Coming Slavery." " Mr. Spencer's idea appears to be that under Socialism the State would compel men to work against their will, or to work at occupations uncongenial to them," Mr. Blatchford complains. "This is a mistake. The State would not compel any man to work. It would only enable all men to work and to live in peace and comfort by their labour." Next he attacks Ingersoll for saying, " Socialism destroys the family and sacrifices the liberties of all. If the Government is to provide work it must decide for the worker what he must do, etc. Is it possible to conceive of a despotism beyond this? The human race cannot afford to exchange its liberty for any possible comfort." Mr. Blatchford, after roundly abusing both critics, defiantly asserts, " When the State found work it would not decide what each man must do." " You will ask me how a Socialist State would apportion the work," the author of " Merrie England " continues, " I ask you how the work is apportioned now?" It is a time-honoured debating trick to put off one awkward question by propounding another. In that device Mr. Blatchford takes refuge here, and devotes five pages of close print to abuse of present conditions, without shedding the least light upon the nature of his proposed remedy. The question " Under Socialism, who would do the unpleasant work?" remains unanswered still. 64 WHO WILL DO THE SCAVENGING? In "New Worlds for Old" Mr. H. G. Wells sets himself a similar poser, " How will you Socialists get the right man in the right place for the work that has to be done ? How will you arrange promotion ? How will you determine who is to engage in Historical research in the Bodleian, and who is to go out seaward in November and catch mackerel?" The question is admirably stated, and the earnest inquirer looks for a direct answer from a writer who is habitually frank. He is, however, once more disappointed. "Through- out the rest of this book I hope that the reader will be able to see growing together in this aspect and then in that, in this and that suggestion, the com- plex solution of this complex system of difficulties," says Mr. Wells. Then, like the rest, he darts away at a tangent. The most expert solver of Baconian ciphers might search the succeeding 244 pages in vain for the slightest clue to Mr. Wells' " complex solution." Like all the theorists Mr. Wells fails utterly to explain how the commonest of the practical pro- blems of everyday life will be grappled with under Socialism. Yet the solution is by no means so complex as Mr. Wells asserts. In fact the answer is so simple that a child can understand it : — "In the Socialist State the friends of the adininis- tration xvill get the pleasant jobs and their critics will be set to do the scavenging." ***** As a matter of fact that precise question, " Who APPOINTING FOREMEN 65 is to do the washing up?" had already caused a certain amount of feeling among the men and women on the "Royal Tar." Of course there were no regular stewards, and the task of waiting upon and washing up after the 250 persons who sat down at meals had to be apportioned by rota. But what if one day's " washers-up " did not " feel up to the mark," or "refused to work beside that woman Susan "? What if the member of the "Shearers' Union " whose turn it was to scrub decks protested that it was not his trade ? Trivial questions, perhaps, but infinitely harder of amicable solution than much bigger ones ! Before the pioneers reached South America it was necessary to appoint foremen for each department of activity in which they would engage on their arrival, and also to assign to each of these the group of men who were to work under him. Before sailing it had been arranged that such matters of detail would be adjusted by mutual agreement. Nobody foresaw how unlikely it was that an individual, who was quite famous on the Downs as a crack shearer, would consent to be anything less than a foreman, although there would be no shearing to be done at New Australia, and he was quite without experience of any other occupation. Then again, before any progress could be made with agriculture big clearings would require to be made in the primaeval forest — but there were no members of a "Tree-fellers' Union" aboard; to whom should this excessively hard work be allotted? Who, on the other hand, would be lucky enough to secure such light labour as the secretarial work 66 WHO WILL DO THE SCAVENGING? should prove at first ? And which of the women would have to turn laundress for the benefit of the sixty bachelors on board ? Those who imagined that such questions as these could be settled in an amicable fashion, without invoking the arbitrary authority of the director were sadly undeceived. Ultimately, of course, the matter was temporarily decided, and a list drawn up assigning the roundest possible pegs to the squarest holes and vice-versa, with the inevitable result that fully one-third of the Utopians nursed in their breasts a conviction that they were being unjustly treated. " No matter what was proposed by this com- mittee, or, for that matter, by any committee," Mrs. William Lane herself complained, "a large section of the members were sure to flout it with a long string of captious objections." The mere statement of two distinct types of griev- ance will show that Solomon himself could not have given universal satisfaction under such conditions, (i) As responsible head of the organisation William Lane could not possibly appoint as his chief fore- men individuals who were in open rebellion against him. Yet if those rebels happened to be particu- larly competent men how could they fail to believe that they were being victimised? (2) Though all were theoretically equal, it would have been contrary to human nature if the few who had contributed large sums to the common fund had not felt that the Association was in their debt, and that thev had a special right to "soft jobs " and a share in the administration. But — to say nothing of the fact ACUTE DISSENSION 67 that ex-shopkeepers are of less use than ex-navvies in such work as forest-clearing — it would have been fatal to the movement for such undemocratic claims to be conceded. Nevertheless, since human nature is human nature, how could a business man who had put in several hundred pounds fail to feel aggrieved when he was instructed to form one of an ordinary labouring gang, bossed by a brawny artisan who had only contributed his bare minimum to the enterprise ? Quite apart from the causes of quarrel between a section of the New Australians and their leader, further acute dissension broke out among certain of the Socialists themselves over this question of contributions. In the agreement, which all signed before they were admitted to membership, it was laid down, " Every member of the Association, by act of joining the Association agrees to subscribe to the funds of the Association all he may possess when he is finally enrolled," and most had honestly adhered to this arrangement. But some days before the "Royal Tar" had left Sydney the folowing paragraph appeared in the Sydney Daily Telegraph,* "It is stated there is one man among the voyagers who has not staked everything on the success of the new system, but has kept some landed property he possesses in Brisbane as a stand-by in case, at any time, he should want money to return to Queensland." Naturallv those who saw this statement felt incensed against the unknown individual who " had kept back part of the price " and as the voyage proceeded at least half a dozen •July 11, 1893. 68 WHO WILL DO THE SCAVENGING? persons were accused of being the guilty party. Though all hotly denied the accusation the suspicion remained that a few of the Socialists had not burnt their boats like the others, but had merely moored them out of sight where they might be useful for retreat if necessary. Since the last-moment repairs, alterations, and extra provisioning of the "Royal Tar" had cost roughly ;{,'i200 William Lane was obliged to embark with only about twenty-five pounds in the exchequer — not nearly sufficient for the party's immediate needs when they reached Monte Video. As some members of the party still had a few odd coins in their possession, it was decided — contrary to Mr. H. G. Wells' belief that " Modern Socialism has no designs upon the money in a man's pocket," — to take up a final collection of everyone's last halfpenny. Theoretically, therefore, there was no money on the ship except that in Lane's possession when the New Australians stepped ashore at Monte Video— where the press went into raptures over the looks of the "exceptionally beautiful and comely" Australian women. It soon became evident, how- ever, that a few of the Socialists had indeed retained a private hoard for use in cases of emerg- ency. Their perfidy, already suspected, was proved when a number of them returned to the boat quite expensively intoxicated. Had it not been for the bad impression that such a move would have created in Australia they would doubtless have been expelled at once from the community. Lane shrank from such an extreme for the present, however, and ZEALOUS OFFICIALS 69 the sinners were let off with a severe reprimand. Mutual recriminations necessarily follow^ed this revelation of bad "mateship," and the split in the camp was daily widened. When the necessary funds arrived from Sydney, and the party embarked for the 1300 mile trip up the broad river to Asuncion, another incident, small in itself, stirred up still more ill-feeling. During the wearisome voyage from Australia, of about 60 days, the children had tasted none but the plainest food and their parents were anxious to give them a little treat. Since there was no money available for the purpose, some of them bartered various personal belongings for a barrel of native molasses, which young and old pronounced delicious. But alas ! one of those in authority declared that the molasses contained a certain percentage of alcohol, and was therefore, according to the strict letter of the New Australian law, prohibited. Disregarding the children's tears, their mothers' protests, and the stronger language of their fathers, the newly elevated officers seized the barrel and heaved it over- board where it could harm the morals of none but the crocodiles ! CHAPTER VII. THE ARRIVAL IN PARAGUAY. Asuncion did not very favourably impress Australians accustomed to the splendid buildings of Melbourne and Sydney, though the ruins of many fine structures attested the fact that it was once a busy and prosperous city. But they were charmed by the cordial welcome prepared by the citizens for "the downtrodden Britishers^ who loved liberty so much that they had forsaken their distant homes to commence life again in the free air of a South American republic!" There is probably no country in the world so generous as Paraguay in its treatment of immigrants ; on this occasion the authorities — who had lent the Opera House as a temporary home for Lane's party — went even further than usual, for, in the words of a Foreign Office Report,* "they knew the merits of the British colonist, and these Australians taken altogether were as fine a set of men and women as it was possible to collect anywhere, and of a stamp much superior to any emigrants yet seen in South America. Everybody who saw them had been struck by their manners, their appearance and their intelligence. . . . They appeared to be, in fact, the very men, representing as they did various trades, and knowing their business well, to help * Miscellaneous Series, No. 358, of 1895. 70 DAZZLING DELIGHTS 71 Paraguay on to that road to recovery so earnestly desired." In the streets and the market place of Asuncion the new-arrivals saw hundreds of merrv, white- robed women, hatless, bootless, and clad in a single garment, but few men. Naked children played among the refuse in the gutters, and a few lazy males, wearing long ponchos and enormous spurs, lolled in the shade while the women-folk laboured in the sun. The Australians looked with scorn upon the picturesque drones, but were not ill-pleased at this positive proof of the laziness of Paraguay's inhabitants. "There will be all the more chance for us," said they. Whatever Lane's personal motives, the thousands whom he had influenced in favour of the New Australia movement were not desirous of joining with the sole notion of teaching the world a lesson. The whole force of the Socialistic appeal to the man in the street lies in its promise of greatly increased material prosperity. The "Royal Tar" Socialists w'ould never have left their homes without the con- viction that the movement was going to pay. It is safe to say that the Socialist creed would make few converts were it not for the dazzling delights which Socialist writers habitually promise. It rarely occurs to the rank and file that the step to State Socialism, once made, would be irrevocable, even if it should lead to absolute ruin. " Th»y were going to join a little community which would be sure to thrive, and where they and the rest of their family might live together for the rest of their lives in peace and comfort, without any 72 THE ARRIVAL JN PARAGUAY need to separate, without any thought of the morrow. They did not apparently give themselves the trouble to understand the conditions they signed although it was decided that no man, were he to withdraw from the membership, might reclaim his donation after it had been made. It was enough for them what their leaders said," wrote the Second Secretary of the English Legation at Buenos Aires, after he had visited New Australia. "Their hopes were raised, their impressions dazzled," the same writer shortly continues, "by accounts which various writers had given of the wealth and fertility of the soil, and by reports which had appeared in a newspaper started by the associa- tion called, The New Australia. Paraguay was destined, so they were told, to be selected in the near future as the seat of central government for a Federated Republic of the whole of the South American nations, the greatest republic the world has ever seen, greater by numbers, extent, and riches than either France or North America. The forests abounded in all kinds of valuable woods, there was an unfailing market down the river, and soon the day would come when Europe would have to go to the forests of the Parana and Paraguay for her timber supplies. Cheap lines might easily be built, which would connect the colony with the Amazon and her tributaries, and the largest con- tracts might be taken and fulfilled. Cotton, rice, and maize might easily be raised and as, in a few years, machinery might be imported, so the place would become a manufacturing as well as an agricultural settlement. NOVEL SURROUNDINGS 73 " Then there was a vast field of enterprise in the improvement of cattle, and what with perfumes and dves, tobacco and mate, the introduction of which into Eurc^pe might be said to be an assured success, it would be a bold man who would dare to predict that failure was in store for the New Australian Colony." In spite, therefore, of the general feeling of strain there were not yet any secessions. For his part William Lane believed that now the wearisome voyage was over, and there was plenty of hard work to be done, petty squabbles would be forgotten and the joy of working "one for all and all for one" would quickly heal all differences. The essential thing, he realized, was to reach the concession as soon as possible and put an end to some of the friction by separating warring factions as far as possible from one another. As there were certain legal formalities to be complied with, he remained behind in the capital for a few da3'S, and the temporary leadership of the pilgrims devolved upon his principal lieutenants. It was a great relief to all to feel terra-firma beneath their feet again, and jaded spirits were much refreshed by the keen interest the travellers took in their novel surroundings. When they journeyed on the train which ran three times a week to Caballero, passing magnificent forests and well watered grazing grounds, so different from the dried-up back-blocks of Australia, they waxed enthusiastic over the prospect before them. At Caballero they dumped their possessions into " caretas " or bullock-carts, and set off over the 74 THE ARRIVAL IN PARAGUAY mountain track, towards the land of promise. Australians are accustomed to driving bullocks by means of heavy whips, but in Paraguay the goad is used — a long bamboo pole suspended over the animals' backs and provided with a four-inch steel point. At first the pioneers revolted against using this cruel instrument but, finding the bullocks feared nothing else, they soon learned to inflict wicked wounds without a tremor. Their route took them through remarkably picturesque country. Orange trees laden with fruit grew by the way-side, bananas were equally plentiful, pineapples, guavas, . and other tropical products were freely at the dis- position of the weary travellers. Red and yellow macaw parrots and other birds of gay plumage screamed overhead and butterflies of gorgeous colouring flew in and out among the trees. At first the contemplation of all these natural beauties gave the pioneers considerable satisfaction, but, when the track they were following dwindled suddenly to a narrow footpath, on the outskirts of some dense forest w'hich barred further progress, they began to be perplexed. "According to the prospectors' report, our con- cession is within fifteen miles of the railway," they said. " We must surely have come that distance and ought to be within hail of the advance party. What is the meaning of this forest before us, and what has become of the road?" Their feelings can be better imagined than des- cribed when they learned that, while New Australia was within fifteen miles of the line, as the crow flies, the fact that a bottomless morass intervened made hh r^ I^Utf>,'j ^ 1 U u u < o H 'W. "3 o C (/) c o '55 w e o tn 3 I-. t-lioru C'osnie cliild TO FACE P. 156. UNFAILING CHEERFULNESS 157 of ensuring next season's food supply. Even the women armed themselves with machetes, and accom- panied the men into the forest, to aid in the strenuous work of monte clearing. It is a peculiar character- istic of Paraguay that crops cannot be induced to grow upon the clear grass land; the earth will only show' itself bountiful towards those who clear away tall trees and matted jungle from its bosom. Once some rough shelter had been provided, no more time was wasted in building operations; from sunrise until they flung themselves down, dead-beat, at nightfall, the Cosmans fought the forest with fire, and axe, and machete. So soon as any patch was cleared of the denser growth, the soil was hoed over and so^^■ed, for it was already late in the planting season, and ploughing must be postponed till the stumps and roots were got out, next year. During the first six months the Cosmans allowed themselves only one relaxation — the compiling of a written witness of their unfailing cheerfulness for the edification of future Cosmans. This manuscript paper, magnificently titled Cosme Evening Notes, began to be published at once, and faithfully reflects the joys and sorrows of the settlers. After a day's severe toil in the monte, or the long pursuit of errant cattle w'hich had strayed into the bigestero (swamp), the weary worker with a gift for rhyme would con- sole himself and his comrades bv a cheerful forecast of the days when Cosme would know such trials no more. The following doggerel " Reflections," scrawled by the blistered hands of one of the pioneers, on August 31st, 1894, indicate some of their trials and the hopes that spurred them on : — 158 FOUNDING OF COSME COLONY The big estero then we'll drain and bid farewell to bogs, Our houses we will build of stone instead of grass and logs, Mosquitoes then will disappear, the hornets too will fly, But the bees will bring us honey in the future by and bye. Our horses, sheep and cattle too will then the world surprise, And all our wants will be supplied just as those wants arise, So let us stick together boys; though now we're but three score, The future soon will see us grow to many thousands more. But for the great hopes which buoyed them up, it is probable that many of the Cosmans would not have survived the starvation and general miseries of that first six months. Every week, Lane's followers grew gaunter-faced and more hollow-eyed. " In the store supplies ran down day by day till women washed without soap, cooked without fat, and patched the outer garments with the inner. Flour was almost non-existent. Every article of value that anyone possessed sooner or later found its way to Asuncion to be sold and the proceeds spent in buying kerosene, beans, salt, or maize. When things got very bad a tarpaulin muster brought in even wedding rings. Maize at last practically gave out. Light was available only in case of night SHOULD WOiMEN VOTE? 159 nursing, and in a day or two there was no salt," wrote Mrs. Gilmore in the Sydney Daily Telegraph. " Meantime the long hours of labour went on. Spring passed and summer came. For two weeks the colony fed wholly on unsalted beans. Then the maize came in, . . . immediately after mandioca followed, then sweet potatoes and beans." Never was a harvest more eagerly awaited ! Even when it came, however, the diet was almost entirely vegetarian, and such things as flour, tea, butter, etc., were, of course, unobtainable. All the food was of the same "starchy" variety. " Being so starchy the amount of actual nourishment is small, while the varieties of indigestion they pro- duce are severe and many. There is practically no fat. A housewife in my time thought herself lucky if she had a teaspoonful of fat in a month with which merely to grease the pan. And any man who got his food cooked with a taste of fat declared he felt stronger all day for it." In spite of all such hardships. New Year's Day, 1895, found the Cosmans still a united family, principally perhaps, because all were so busy in warding off starvation that they had little appetite for meddling in politics. Meanwhile William Lane profited by his experience at New Australia to draw up a different constitution for Cosme Colony. And the first thing he decided to rule out was the suffrage of married women I " We are often asked by outsiders why women in Cosme have no vote," wrote an educated Cosme woman to an Australian sister who possessed the vote. " Perhaps they think that we should have i6o FOUNDING OF COSME COLONY brought all the political and social evils of the time with us. They seem to forget that the ' voting woman ' is only another form of the highly diseased state of city life. The Cosme woman knows that her position and welfare are too well assured to trouble her head about voting. Her governing powers are more in requisition in her immediate surroundings— her home. . . . May the question of women voters never arise in our colony, nor the need for the women to cope with the grasping sordid conditions of the competitive system of the outsider." Another important difference between the consti- tution of Cosme and the original New Australian agreement referred to the arrangements for with- drawal. Anticipating that any hardships suffered by expelled and seceding members would form an effective deterrent to future recruiting, William Lane provided that a definite share of the common property could be claimed by any withdrawing members (see Regulation, on page 164). The follow- ing is the text of The Cosme Agreement, as it stood in April, 1897. The Cosme Agreement. Villages: Cosme shall be divided into villages; each village having its own local authority, all villages being united under a central authority. Each village shall elect three (3) committeemen yearly for a term of three (3) years ; each village committee elect one (i) village executive officer yearly for a term of three (3) years ; village execu- COSME AGREEMENT i6i tive to retire if they lose seat on committee; each village elect a village chairman for a term of three (3) years, village chairman to have previously served as executive officer ; village chairman to be subject to suspension by a two-thirds majority of village committee. Central Authority : The central authority shall be composed of a general chairman elected by general vote for a term of five (5) years, and a board con- sisting of all village chairmen and of one (i) delegate-committeeman from each village committee. The central authority shall appoint one (i) general executive officer yearly for a term of three (3) years, general executive officers to retire if they lose seat onboard. The general chairman to have previously served on general executive, and to be subject to suspension by a two-thirds majority of the board. Voter: The householder in good standing to be the voter in all village and general elections. Householders to be over twenty-one (21) years of age, and one (i) year's membership. Functions : The functions of the central authority shall be the maintaining of Cosme principles, the holding of Cosme land, the holding and handling of the general funds, the establishing of new villages, the organising of co-operative action, and any other general functions which may by expressed consent or custom be assigned to it by the community at large. The functions of the village authority shall be the maintaining of Cosme principles, the organising and directing of all village industry, the holding of all village property, the regulating of all village i62 FOUNDING OF COSME COLONY matters, the assisting of the central authority, and any other functions which may by expressed consent or custom be assigned to it by the householders of its village; provided always that no function of the central authority, expressly or customarily approved by the community at large, shall be interfered with by any village authority. All land shall be held by the central authority for occupation by Cosme villages. Improvements in- separable from the land shall not be valuated for sharing purposes by any village, but in place thereof each village shall set from time to time, with the consent of the central authority, compensation to withdrawers based upon the working value of improvements. The control of natural grass, natural timber, natural water, and mines of every kind, shall always remain with the central authority. General Funds : The general fund shall consist of a loan fund, an emergency fund, and an enlarge- ment fund. Each village authority shall pay into the general funds the value of one (i) day's work per week of the full working strength of the village. The central authority shall place this payment as follows : three fifths to the loan fund, one-fifth to the emergency fund, one-fifth to the enlargement fund. All other contributions, payments and donations, not otherwise specified shall be similarly placed. Contributions by members new or old, shall be returnable upon their withdrawing from membership less a yearly deduction of one-tenth of the original amount, such refund to be a first charge upon the general funds. The general funds shall CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP 163 not be otherwise liable to any claims by any with- drawing member. Membership : Membership must be either by birthright or by admittance. No charge shall be made for membership, but no member shall have any interests outside of Cosme. All contributions to capital by incoming or other members to be placed in the general funds. The children of members shall be registered as inborn members and shall be entitled to mainten- ance and education, while minors, and to all membership rights when of due age, provided their parents continue in membership. The Cosme marriage age shall be after twenty-one for men and after eighteen for women. First cousins shall be regarded as within the forbidden degrees. All admittance shall be through the central authority but any village authority may refuse entry to its village. There can be no Cosme membership without village membership, and no residence with- out membership. Dividend: No dividend shall be made by any village until maintenance, education, sanitation, general fund payments, and other necessary expenses have been provided for. An^^ dividend made shall be allotted to all adults equally, by crediting each householder w'ith an amount propor- tionate to the number of adults in his family. For the equalisation of the sexes in the village a levy of one-third shall be struck upon all dividends, which levy shall be suspended whenever the necessity ceases; this levy shall be paid into the enlargement fund. i64 FOUNDING OF COSME COLONY Withdrmving : Any householder withdrawing from Cosme shall be entitled to claim from his village a one-tenth withdrawal share for every year he has been a householder, up to ten (lo) years; or, if inborn, shall be entitled to claim a one-fifth with- drawal share for every year over the age of twenty (20) up to live (5) years, provided that no inborn member withdrawing shall take more than a one- tenth share for each year he has been in Cosme. No withdrawing householder to claim more than a full share. The withdrawal share to be as arranged from time to time, at general village meeting with the consent of the central authority. CHAPTER XVI. COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES. When the first arduous rush of settlement work was over there followed a reaction at Cosme. It would be a very bad advertisement of the place, among "outsiders," as the rest of the world was desicrnated, if the Cosme community required sixteen hours toil daily of its members. At the earliest possible moment, therefore, the eight hour day was insti- tuted, for men and single women, with the additional proviso that nobody should be required to work for the community more than four and a half days per week. There was nothing to prevent any citizen from doing additional work in " private time," but it was expressly laid down that none should be done " for profit " except by order of, and for the benefit of, the community. It might be supposed that the citizens would make use of their ample leisure to exchange useful work between themselves ; those, for instance, who were carpenters by trade could make the homes of their neighbours more comfortable, in return for some equal benefit. There was very little voluntary interchange of service, however. Strange to say, many citizens were so jealous of doing more work for the community than their neighbours, that they forbore to improve their own residences unless told off for that purpose, as part of the building squad, L ,65 i66 COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES during the ordinary working hours. As the com- munity required to devote the whole of the working day to more productive labour, the rude and squalid mud huts, originally put up, long continued to serve as homes for all save a favoured few. In fact it was six and a half years after the first settlement at Cosme before the community so much as considered the question of providing each family with a toler- ably comfortable home. (See Appendix E.) No pen picture of Cosme could give a clearer idea of its life than the following extract from a letter, written home to his friends by an enthusiastic Scots recruit, when the settlement had been just over three years in existence : " You can imagine a little village with rude huts for houses scattered here and there, with no pretence to streets, the huts thatched with grass, with mud floors, and shutters for windows, with no showy furniture nor modern household conveniences. You can imagine a long building somewhat like a hay shed in the old country, with slab sides and boasting a W'Ooden floor — this is the single men's dining room, and where all our meetings and socials are held. You can imagine at dusk a gruff voice roar- ing out Evening Notes, and you can see men, women, and children strolling from their huts to hear Notes read at the dining room. Notes con- tains the news of the day, the work going on, interesting letters from friends and well-wishers, clippings from the latest papers, etc., etc. " Then after Notes, you can imagine little groups of men discussing the news, or the work doing or to be done ; and others playing chess or draughts or WHAT GOD? 167 cards, until it is time to stroll home again to our own firesides. At half-past five in the morning we are disturbed from a peaceful slumber by the deep sound of a horn, this reminds us that we might as well be getting up, at six o'clock another horn tells us our breakfast is ready, and at half-past six another horn reminds us that there is some work to do, and each one then goes to his day's toil. At half-past eleven the dinner horn goes, and the work horn again at half-past twelve, whence we work on till four o'clock, when we finish for the day." It will be observed that the same people w^ho argued that it was slavery under "Capitalism" for the factory hand to commence and finish work to the sound of a hooter, submitted tamely enough under "Socialism" to rising, breakfasting, working and even pleasure-making to the sound of a horn. But then, as the writer of the above letter remarked, "the theoretical Socialist has very little idea what it means to go out into the wilderness to put his pet theories into practice. There are a thousand little details he has never thought of. He finds that human nature doesn't change with new' conditions." William Lane had made that discovery too. Whether consciously or not, and in spite of consti- tutional safeguards, he managed his docile flock in almost precisely the same fashion as the Jesuits controlled their Indian communities in Paraguay, Although the Deity, as Christians know Him, had no place in the Cosme scheme, Lane realised the necessity of a theocratic domination if he would carry his scheme through. But what god should he set up; having dethroned Christ from His place? i68 COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES " No fault of his is it, if, of this strange and tearful teacher, heathens have contrived a strange and tearful god," William Lane preached to his flock at Christmas, 1898, " nor if his simple story has been overlaid by juggled legends, and twisted into pretentious framework for blasphemous oratory. It is clear that Jesus, like Tolstoi to-day, never understood the healthy physical life, and so expounded an unbalanced philosophy." Lane of course did understand the healthy physical life and -was therefore qualified to expound a properly balanced creed ! From his brief experi- ence at New Australia Lane discovered that under pure materialism, with no lofty ideal for a guiding motive, his people could not fail to degene- rate. Furthermore, he discerned the immense assistance which statecraft derives from religion, since the latter encourages to good conduct from other motives than mere fear of the policeman. He therefore decided that Cosme must have a religion after all. Just as he had emulated the majestic figure of Moses in leading the New Australians forth from Australia, so Lane copied him again in producing (though with no better inspiration than his own ingenious brain) a complete system of religion for his flock to follow. From the time he took that resolution the Cosmans could not boast that they escaped the preacher in their "ideal" community. Lane was continuously "at it," preaching the Law of Communism under which, like the Israelites under the Mosaic Law, Cosmans got short shrift for heresy. WILLIAM LANE'S FAITH 169 " I will state to-night, as clearly and as shortly as I can, the way of thinking which makes me a Communist," said Lane in one of his Sunday evening sermons. " When I say Communist, I do not mean merely one who accepts theoretically certain theoretical or even ethical conceptions of Society, but one who holds that the practice of Communism is absolutely necessary to make life natural, wholesome and happy, and that it is the bounden duty of man, even by himself, to try ceaselessly and in spite of his own shortcomings to put Communism into loving practice in his life. " With me that belief springs from an absolute and unshakeable faith in what we commonly call ' God.' And when I say God I mean neither the idol built of wood or stone by the crude hands of savages, nor the idol built of words and phrases by the equal heathenism of higher races. I mean by God the sense of the oneness, the lovingness, the completeness of that inconceivable power which, working through matter called us, and all the wondrous universe we see, into being. That power I know and feel is supreme beyond all conceiving. Nothing is beyond its control. ... In all the universe, in the whole earth, there is none but God who rules — One God and no other. . . . " But one may ask, what has Communism to do with belief in God. This; that to me Communism is part of God's law. ... He who with all his heart and soul endeavours to be Communist of him- self, freely, and to mould upon Communistic lines the social organisation without which man cannot live on earth, he is, in so far serving God and 170 COSiME RITES AND CEREMONIES obeying God's law. And he who does other is sinning, is wilfully and deliberately setting his own petty desires against God. . . . Communism, the brotherliness in society of man, is to me a part of God's law. Death comes to those who deny it. Misery and sorrow fill the world because we will not obey. . . . "All this Law we do not know as yet, and much must Man suffer ere he learns it all and understands what indeed he is. But parts of this Law we know and know clearly. . . . And Communism is a part of the known and certain Law of things. Never great teacher taught these ages back who did not teach so. . . . As I hold and believe; God laws it." The obvious advantage of such a system of theology in a Communistic State is, that any citizen who dares to criticise Communism brands himself at once as the enemy of " God " and man, and it is nothing less than the bounden duty of the authori- ties to eject him. By elevating his pet theories from a mere political creed to a revealed religion, with himself as executive High Priest, to criticise whose decisions would be little less than blasphemy in the eyes of his most faithful adherents, William Lane set up a powerful barrier to the disruption of his new community by internal factions. In order to facilitate the ejectment of intractable citizens from Cosme, Lane inaugurated a system of "trial membership," whereby no recruit had a vote until he had spent a year on the settlement and had proved his suitability. Any prospective citizens who wished or were ordered to withdraw before the SERIOUS AniS 171 expiration of the probationary period were allowed to leave with their possessions intact. To impress upon newcomers the serious nature and aims of " Cosmeism " a ceremony of initiation was also instituted. Prior to the public reading and signing of the membership certificate, and of the Mutual Agreement, by colony officials, new members and witnesses, the chairman read the following exhortation to the assembled citizens : " For the well-being and healthy growth of Cosme it is needful that we be joined by people of our own race who are one w-ith us in thought and purpose. " Only by increase of membership can Cosme realise the object of its foundation, make complete and self-sustained its industrial development, make broad and deep its social life, and prove to the world that brotherly living is both possible and practic- able to earnest people. " The taking and giving of the pledge of fellow- ship is no light matter. The endeavour to live up to the spirit of that fellowship, demands, from each one of us, deep resolve, constant thought, persistent effort and unfailing patience. The human failings and weaknesses inherent in all of us must ever hinder perfect living. But knowing these weak- nesses, we can if we will, so guard against them that in spite of stumbling we may keep moving forward. " Above all things it is needful that we cherish in our hearts the spirit of brotherhood which is the very soul of fellowship, that it may influence us in all our doings, keeping us from selfishness and strife, and leading us ever in the path of peace and 172 COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES goodwill towards that fellowship of heart and mind W'hich passeth understanding." The reference to social life serves as a reminder that this was the feature above all others on which William Lane most strongly insisted. Every evening at the sound of a horn, the people assem- bled to hear the reading of Cosme Evening Notes, each Saturday night the same folk met for a "Social" and danced together under the benevolent eye of their master, with at least affected enjoyment, although they had worked side by side all the week and had danced the same dances together some scores of times before. On Sunday nights there was a further meeting in the "Social Hall," where an oration by William Lane, or reading from standard works on Socialism took the place of any orthodox form of religious service. The following extract from the Cosme Monthly, for June, 1897 (when the resident population was 57 men, 22 women, and 35 children), conveys a clear idea of the settlement's social life : "May i2th, Cosme's 'Foundation Day,' was a public holiday. There was a communal dinner at mid-day, very successful sports in the cricket oval in the afternoon, and theatricals and dancing at night. The piece staged was a farce entitled, ' Blarney.' On the 29th, was a special wedding social on the occasion of the second Cosme marriage. The ordinary Saturday socials were carried on as usual, as also were the Sunday night meetings. Among readings given at the latter were : Hall Caine's ' Christian ' (three chapters), Nunquam's 'New Religion,' Clodd on 'Buddhism,' THE MARRIAGE SERVICE 173 two sketches by Price Warung, various short articles and some letters from absent members. Songs and glees were also sung. The Spanish and singing classes are going on steadily, many of the new members having joined, there now being 19 in the former, and 26 in the latter. The musical instruments have been increased by two violins, a banjo, and a harmonium. This last instrument was brought in by Arthur Lewis and is at the service of the social union. Sports : There has been a little fishing indulged in with moderate success. The hunters occasionally brought home small ^^ame. A little cricket was played." The wedding referred to above was that of Mrs. Gilmore (whose accounts of life at Cosme have several times been quoted). As has been noted already, William Lane differed from many Socialists on the marriage question. At Cosme couples were not merely united by the civil contract; there was also a religious service. As was only to be expected the latter differed as much from any hitherto exist- ing service as the Cosme religion differed from other creeds. It is probable that never before in history did so small a community (its adult popu- lation never totalled one hundred) trouble to provide itself with an original marriage ceremony. The following was the exact text of the : Cosme Marriage Service. The bride and bridegroom beingpresent with their parents or other witnesses in open meeting, the official representative of Cosme says : " For the lasting life of any people, it is needful 174 COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES above all things, that its men and women be honest. For although there may sometimes seem to be welfare without honest living, yet sooner or later, in one way or another, evil doing utterly destroys. " Marriage therefore, is holy if we take it rightly, being the public declaration by man and woman of their going to live together as man and wife, in accordance with the laws of God ; and of their acknowledgment on behalf of themselves and of the children who may be born to them, of the duties which they and theirs owe to the people. " Wherefore, this man and this woman, members of Cosme, have come before us all to make that public declaration which is right and fitting, and to take again upon themselves those duties and obliga- tions which give to them and to those who may be born to them, rightful claim to the standing Cosme pledges to all those who abide by its principles, and to enter into that civil contract of marriage, which, without taking from the holiness of the marriage state, makes their marriage according to the law of Paraguay. " But first, as has been the custom with our people, if there are any here who know of good cause why the marriage should not take place, I call upon them to declare it now, or for ever after to hold their peace." The bride and bridegroom then stand up in front of the meeting and the representative of Cosme then says to them : " If any take upon themselves the duties and obligations of marriage, knowing that for any cause whatsoever they are unable to do so honestly and A SOLEMN PLEDGE 175 truly, their pledge is a mocking to all, a shamming of one who trusts them, and a breaking of the laws of God. Wherefore, so that you may shun in time the suffering that fails not to follow sin, I ask you each, severally, if you know of any cause why you should not marry ? "It is moreover a sinful thing for any man or woman to enter into marriage save for love only, since we are not as brute beasts, but are men and women with human feelings, which we must keep pure and undefiled, lest we debase and degrade our- selves. In Cosme there can be no fear of want, nor greed of gain, nor any unnatural pressure to excuse the weakest for so sinning. Wherefore, I ask you each, severally, if it is of your free wall and choice that vou come to pledge yourselves in marriage, knowing that ihe pledge is for life and that without true love, marriage is sinful, bringing a curse and not a blessing ? "In the outer world many dare not marry, because of the want and fear which have been born oi men and women caring for themselves alone, and having no thought for others. Therefore because Cosme enables you to marry honestly, and without fear, I call upon you to pledge continued loyalty to Cosme, in prosperity or in adversity, and that you will teach its principles in your family and will always maintain them, and that you will work for and cherish your fellow-members and their families, as they work for and cherish you and yours." The man and the woman repeat after the repre- sentative : " We solemnly pledge ourselves to be loyal to 176 COSME RITES AND CEREMONIES Cosme in prosperity or in adversity, and that we will teach its principles in our family and will always maintain them, and will work for and cherish our fellow-members and their families, as they work for and cherish us and ours." The representative then says to the meeting : "You have witnessed the pledges given by — and to Cosme, and to you as part of its people. I call upon you to join, by standing, in the pledge of Cosme, to be repeated to them in return. "To you and at this your marriage, I repeat in the name of Cosme the pledge already given to you by your membership. ' To you for your life, in your sickness as in your health, in our prosperity as in our adversity, due place among our people, ever to try to do to you and yours as we would have you to do to us and ours. To your children all love and care and equal maintenance, during your life, or after your death ; and upon their coming of age, full and free membership, provided only that you keep truly the pledge you have given, and that your children are likewise loyal.' " The representative then asks of the bride and bridegroom respectively : " Will you take this man (or woman) to be your husband (or wife) in all honesty and truth, pledging yourself before God, whom none can deceive, to be true wife (or husband) to him (or her) as long as you both live ?" The bridegroom then repeats after the represen- tative : "ENTERED IN THE BOOKS" 177 " I take to be my wife and have my name, and do pledge myself before God, to be true husband to her as long as she lives, and I give her this ring as token of our pledge." The bride repeats : " I take to be my husband and to have his name, and do pledge myself before God, to be true wife to him as long as he lives, and I take this ring as token of our pledge." The representative then says : " I declare this woman married to this man, and that she is his wife before all from this time forward." The representative says to the meeting, in con- clusion : " In the name of Cosme I accept as married, and to be so entered in the books. I call upon every man here to show by rising, that he accepts this woman as a married sister, to be held as such at all times while her husband lives, and to be guarded as one of his own kin. And I call upon every woman to show, by rising, that she accepts this man as a married brother, to be held so at all times while his wife lives. And I call upon all, by raising our hands, to pledge ourselves not to wrong them, nor let wrong be done to them, and to join in casting out any evil-doer so that our marriages be kept unbroken, and so that our people may have God's blessing, and may live and not die." Here immediately follows the Civil Contract of Marriage. CHAPTER XVII. RECRUITING FOR COSME. In building the foundations of his ideal State William Lane was faced with a number of pressing problems, of which perhaps the chief was the need for securing against loss of the land on which it was established. During the first two years the neces- sity for scraping together the annual instalments was a cruel anxiety, and cast a shadow over the lives of the responsible officials. But, after giving the Cosmans two years in which to prove their mettle, the authorities in Asuncion came to the rescue in their usual generous fashion. On June 25th, 1896, the Government paid the balance of the purchase money (^'200) still owing to the vendor, reimbursed to the Cosmans the money they had already paid (;^20o), and made them a free gift of the territory and of another league besides. The only condition attached to the grant was that seventy-two families must be settled upon the land within two years. This repayment of a comparatively large sum of money was a welcome boon, at a time when the Cosmans were reduced to sore extremities for want of various articles they were themselves unable to produce. It should be explained that stores of all kinds were distributed to the settlers through a system of credits. Each individual was furnished with a card, on one side of which (a) or " inside " 178 CREDIT SYSTEM 179 credits were recorded, and on the other side (b) or "outside" credits. "Inside" credits referred to food, and articles of all kinds produced upon the settlement, "outside" to imported articles, such as clothing, soda, salt, soap, mate (Paraguayan tea), etc. Supplies of all kinds, equitably priced, were issued by the store, equal credits being allowed to all adults, while children enjoyed a quarter credit for each five years of age. According to the original scheme "inside" credit balances were extinguished every month, while "outside" were cumulative; but the consequence of the latter regulation was that, in course of time, some frugal members were owed considerably greater supplies of "outside" stores than the community could pay them. In fact, had it not been for the voluntary cancellation of their credits by some members the store would have become bankrupt. The immediate result of the Government's generosity was to restore Cosme's purchasing power, so that the com- plicated (a) and (b) system was replaced by an amalgamated credit, which gave much greater satis- faction (until, two years later, want of funds com- pelled a return to the old " inside " and " outside " distinction). Two other difficulties confronting William Lane proved less easy of solution; these were (i) the immediate necessity of introducing a great many more immigrants, in order to comply with the Government's condition that seventy-two families should be settled within two years, and (2) the fact that there was a serious disproportion between the number of adult men and women at Cosme. As the i8o RECRUITING FOR COSME former outnumbered the latter by nearly three to one there was no immediate prospect of matrimony for two-thirds of the bachelors, and William Lane very much feared that the temptation to take wives from among the graceful, docile, and industrious native women would prove irresistible. The obvious way to meet both difficulties was to start forthwith upon a vigorous campaign of recruit- ing, restricted, so far as possible, to families (a married couple form a family within the meaning of the Paraguayan law) and single women. Since there were already fifty men and twenty women at Cosme, it would only be necessary to recruit thirty single W'Omen and twenty-two married couples to redress the balance, hold the young men to the place by family ties, and comply with the Govern- ment conditions for the final, unconditional, sur- render of the titles to Cosme land.* William Lane had not the slightest doubt that scores of recruits could be found in England, only too eager to shake off the shackles of Capitalism and bid for a share in Cosme bliss. He was anxious, however, that no new members should join who were not thoroughly imbued with the proper Cosme sentiment, and prepared to submit with docility to the existing regulations. He, therefore, determined to make a personal visit to the United Kingdom, accompanied by his lieutenant, Tozer, for the pur- pose of sifting the wheat from the chaff, and forwarding only such candidates for membership * The possibility of future extension was provided for by the Government's promise to add a further league of land for each 12 families, beyond 72, that settled at Cosme. A CORDIAL RECEPTION i8i as satisfied his exacting requirements. The two organisers sailed in September, 1896, intending to enrol and dispatch some fifty members before March, 1897, when Lane would return, leaving Tozer to keep the propaganda going for a few months longer. In addition to making arrange- ments for assisted passages, the Paraguayan Government gave Lane the hospitality of their London Consulate, where a Cosme Colony Agency was established. Immediately on his arrival in England, William Lane put himself in communication with the Labour and Socialist organisations of the United Kingdom^ and arranged for a whirlwind campaign of meetings and lantern lectures in the chief industrial centres. The years which had elapsed since he first projected his "ideal" Commonwealth had to some extent tempered his optimism, but by no means quashed his enthusiasm. The prophet of the new movement who addressed himself to British democrats was mellower and more restrained than the fiery young journalist who formerly swayed the Australian public, but his appeal was all the more likely to succeed on that account. Up and down the country he preached Cosmeism to sympathetic listeners, but took great care to emphasise the hardships insepar- able from pioneering, in order that none might claim that he had lured them to Paraguay by false pretences. It would serve no useful purpose to follow Lane's itinerary, or multiply examples of his burning oratory. Suffice it to say that he met everywhere with a cordial reception, but failed to enlist the M i82 RECRUITING FOR COSME practical support of any strong body of advanced Socialists for a very definite reason- — his obstinate insistence on the old-fashioned sanctity of the marriage vow. Though only too logical in accept- ing all the other consequences of Socialism, his "irrational" opposition to the communalisation of wives kept a wide gulf fixed between him and many other extreme Socialists, who but for that reserva- tion would cheerfullv have followed him. On the other hand drawing-room Socialists, while applaud- ing his retention of the institution of marriage, recoiled from his logical application of the extremer view in other directions. His disillusionment found expression in the report he sent back to the Cosme Central Board : " Little help is to be expected from any school of advanced thought," he wrote. "This, because those schools which agree theoretically with our industrial methods are more or less opposed to our other ethical principles, while the old-fashioned people, who agree generally with our other ethical principles do not endorse those principles which aim at fundamentally reforming industrialism. iVt the same time much sympathy and fellow-feeling for us exist among individuals attached to most of the recognised schools, and many others^ while not going all the way with Cosme, recognise that it has a distinct value as an earnest effort to solve the great social problem. In addition to meeting with fellow-feeling from many who already profess radical thought, Cosme will find fellow-feeling among many who are in reality radical, but who have been excluded by their conservatism on some THE NEW ARRIVALS 183 ethical principles, from allying themselves with advanced thought as generally presented." This does not mean, of course, that his recruiting effort met with no result. In spite of his careful weeding out of all unsuitable applications, he was able to dispatch a number of prospective settlers, who satisfied him that they would make good Cosmans, but as the tally was still incomplete he decided to remain another year in England, and dispatch additional small parties from time to time. The most interesting feature of the English and Scottish organisation was the reception which Lane's own recruits received at the hands of those temporarily in charge at Cosme. If he supposed that, because he had selected them, the new arrivals would find favour in the eyes of his original flock, he was grievously mistaken. In spite of the universal equality they professed, the pioneer "foundation" members not unnaturally regarded themselves as a sort of professed order of Cosmeism, towards whom mere novices should show^ due humility. If there were any choice as regards the quality of housing accommodation the newcomers did not get the best, being told that, " if they did have to rough it a little they might well be thankful that others did the pioneering." Furthermore, since the pioneers had hitherto done all the "hard graft," it was quite reasonable that the unpleasanter tasks should be tackled in future by the raw recruits; but, however just such arrange- ments might be, it was only natural that the new- arrivals should feel dissatisfied. On the other hand, if the management committee displaced an old i84 RECRUITING FOR COSME member from some task he liked, in favour of a more skilful British recruit, it was the former's turn to feel aggrieved. It was between the ladies, however, that the most serious friction arose. It was at least four years since most of the Cosme women had entered a shop. During that period they had battled nobly for the "Cause," many of them working daily in the forest, where thorns tore their clothes in shreds; and grinding poverty had made it impossible for their tattered rags to be replaced. Any decent garments which still remained were reserved for such special occasions as the Saturday evening socials; in the ordinary way, even such elementary necessities as stockings were not worn, and many elected to go barefoot in preference to wearing the boots of home- tanned leather which the community supplied. At any time it required a considerable fund of philo- sophy to endure such deprivations with any show of cheerfulness, but when newcomers from England appeared upon the scene, fashionably attired from head to toe, and with enough good clothes in reserve to last a year or two, there came a crisis. The love which the Cosme ladies had been pre- pared to extend to their newly arrived sisters turned to gall and wormwood, and bitter reproaches were heaped upon the latter's innocent heads. " Nobody with any sense of justice, much less of Communism, would dream of outfitting to any extent for such a place as Cosme," it was stated in a later issue of the colony's monthly paper. " However little newcomers may have they are sure to have more clothing, bedding, and tableware than are left 6 m o U (U s o DC a age of crushing and planting; and as the results of the crushing were relied on to meet the financial obligations of the colony, such stoppage was altogether undesirable. The objections to the proposals were : the having natives working on the colony, and also to any hiring of labour. The voting on the committee resulted in a tie. The chairman refrained from using his casting vote, and, with the approval of the commitee, left the matter over for decision by general meeting." It is interesting to note that Alexander Dick, a AN EVIL SYSTEM 199 member of the committee, resigned membership on September 4th, and subsequently left Cosme together with his three brothers and his mother, who had been organised in Glasgow in 1897. This did not affect the chairman's plans, however, for "At a special general meeting held on September 1 2th, it was resolved by 15 votes to 5 that the management be empowered to employ native labour to procure lirewood in the present emergency." Following this decision another committeeman, John Delugar, resigned on September 17th, but the loss of a few members was more than compensated for by the gain from the exploitation of native labour. In the year 1899, when the colonists did their own work, the sums received for sales of produce totalled $2366; in 1901, the year following the new regulations, the receipts had leaped to $9898; from May ist, 1903,- to May ist, 1904, they came to $20,658. Of course the Cosmans tried to prove to them- selves and to the outside world that they did not transgress the Socialist creed by employing native labour at such low wages (sixpence per day) that a handsome profit could be derived from their energies. But nobody was hoodwinked. From across the ocean came a letter which reproachfully stated that: "Cosme is turning its back on its principles. . . . The colonists had fled from parti- cipation in the horrors of wage-slavery, sweating, exploitation of human labour by capitalists, etc., and now in far-off Paraguay they were introducing the evil system." The Cosmans' defence to this just indictment is 200 EXIT WILLIAM LANE an amazing document : " While recognising the evils of commercialism to such an extent as to feel it incumbent on us to live with each other in brotherhood," it states, "and not to work for each other for wages, or lend to each other for interest, or take rent from each other for land or houses, but to care for and work for and share with each other in fellowship, we have never made any pretence of being guided in our business relations with outside non-co-operators by any other than business principles." The writer of that statement had strayed very far indeed from the teaching of William Lane's gospel. Nevertheless, from the organising point of view, the distinction drawn between those within and those without the fold was a brilliantly conceived notion. When William Lane went recruiting he had noth- ing to offer but a share in the common poverty ; how much more successful might a man be who could hold out the prospect of exploiting Cosme's resources by the labour of others for the Cosmans' benefit ? Finding John Lane possessed of such a commonsense point of view the Para- guayan Government once more went to great expense to assist the Cosme Colony. When, in May, 1 90 1, John Lane decided to try his fortune as an organiser, the emigration authorities paid his return fare round the world, and agreed to restore the original arrangement by which they paid the expenses of would-be Cosmans from Monte Video to the colony. At the same time the Cosme Monthly blossomed forth on greatly improved paper with an attractive illustration in each number, and At Cosme children were " cared for " by the community. TO FACE P. 200. CHANGED CONDITIONS 201 a still more attractive balance sheet, exhibiting an excess of assets over liabilities amounting to $179,485! As the population at the time consisted of only 26 men (four absent), 17 women, and 51 children, it would appear that, with such an ample balance, they could all have lived in clover, but as a matter of fact the Cosmans were enduring extraordinary hardships. The meat allowance had been sus- pended, and they were living entirely on a vegetarian diet, with the exception of a small allowance of semi-liquid lard, which was served out occasionally. As they pulled their belts tight to suppress the gnawings of hunger, how some of the men envied lucky John Lane his delightful eighteen months' excursion in civilised England and Australia ! It was John Lane's intention to send a large number of recruits to Cosme in time for the 1902 sugar season, but in this he was disappointed. To his surprise, conditions had altered remarkably in Australia during the last nine years. He accounted to his impatient fellow-Cosmans for the slow pro- gress he was making by explaining that "(i) The old unionism of the bush has gone back. (2) The old Socialistic idea has become much less prevalent. In fact it is only occasionally in these parts you drop across a Socialist. (3) There is a decided growth in the Imperialistic idea. In the old days there was very little of this. One part of the world was pretty near as good as another. There is a greater desire than before to be under the British flag. (4) The drought has made it extremely 202 EXIT WILLIAM LANE difficult for men to raise the necessary funds to proceed to Cosme." He might have added as a fifth reason that he did not, fortunately, possess his brother's magnetic personality. Nevertheless he contrived to send a certain number of recruits to Cosme before his own return in December, 1902. The newcomers, however, proved no better able to settle down happily with the "old-timers" than William Lane's recruits. In July, 1901, when John Lane sailed upon his organising campaign, the population of Cosme was 26 men, 16 women, 46 children. Total 88. By June, 1904, it had been reduced to 22 men, 11 women, and 36 children. Total 69. As before, a dismissal, " for persistent defiance of Colony authority and regulations," and subse- quent secessions of "old-timers," were largely responsible for the decrease (the expelled man was a member of six years' standing, who it was alleged " during the last four years had shown Anarchistic tendencies, and had throughout failed to work in harmony with those entrusted with the direction of the colony industries, while latterly his attitude had become increasingly and more openly antagon- istic"). Out of the fifteen "trial members," who were on the rolls in 1903, only four remained in 1904. The eleven who left were thus accounted for : " One had his membership terminated by the committee; one was notified that there was little chance of his being accepted as a full member, and he consequently took the first opportunity of going ; one left because of disagreement with the colony regulation requiring full members to contribute LAMENTABLE FAILURE 203 their capital as a free gift to the colony ; six left on account of dissatisfaction with or unfittedness for the conditions of the colony; two resigned owing to reasons other than dissatisfaction with the colony." Thus John Lane's organising campaign proved as lamentable a failure as his brother's. In May, 1904, he was replaced* by a new chairman, and next month the publication of the Cosme Monthly ceased. At that date the colony's cash liabilities amounted to $31,993, against cash in hand $623. It is true that the two colonists who acted as auditors cheer- fully set a value on the land, improvements, etc., of over $200,000, t but they ignored the fact that the conditions attached to the grant of territory (the settlement of 72 families) had by no means been complied with. Something of the changed spirit of the place peeps out in the snarling tone of the final manifesto — so different from those penned by William Lane. " Many people come here over- loaded wath cut and dry ideals," the writer com- plains. " This colony is not, and never has been, in anything like the full, usual, acceptance of the word, a Communistic one. . . . We share equally the results of our common labour; not unequally. If one man's wants are greater than another's he has got to curb them. Here, as elsewhere, a man has got to make and win his own friendships. They aren't ready made for him. . . . The daily direction of common affairs is governed by officials elected yearly, whose instructions have got to be * Shortly afterwards John Lane left Cosme Colony. tThe land with all its timber intact was bought for $20,000. 204 EXIT WILLIAM LANE obeyed whether one agrees or differs from them. . . . We employ native labour outside the village, mainly to develop our timber industry. We trust this necessity will not be continuous, but this is by the way, the point is, that we do at present, and will in all probability for some time to come, so employ for profit such labour." Many secessions from Cosme were directly caused by the admission of natives to the place; several fathers of families withdrew ostensibly for other reasons, but really because they feared admixture with the Paraguayans.* Among such were the Gilmores. When she reached Australia Mrs. Gilmore stated that there were people remaining at Cosme, with no intention of leaving it, who * Valuable light is shed on this question by Senor Don J. J. Tellechea, Chilian Consul to Sydney, N.S.W., who, in a com- munication to the " South American Journal " (December 27th, 1902) states that " Mrs. Gilmore . . . admits the kindly disposition of the native 'Paraguayo,' but when it comes to the colony's social intercourse with him she draws the line, and rebels at the idea of finally becoming assimilated to his 'inferior race.' This might have been one of the tenets of the original ' New Australia ' communistic code, but to South American eyes it appears to be a mere reflection of superiority of race which the ' gringo ' evinces over the South American 'criollo,' and which is so exasperating and in such a large measure responsible for the depth of feeling that pervades civilised Latin- America in regard to his self-sufficient lordship. Yet, assimilation becomes in the second, or at the outside the third, generation absolute and almost fatal, and there is gradually evolving from this process all over Latin-America an ultimate uniform and characteristic national type, which practi- cally everyone that has lived in that privileged continent will admit, is often and in many ways an improvement on both sides of the parent stock." BURDENED WITH DEBT 205 expressed their conviction that the children of some of those then resident would marry natives. " Up to the time we left," she said in the Sydney Telegraph, "generally speaking, one might say, there had been no intercourse with natives. . . . Speaking particularly as to certain cases, there had. . . . That is what the colony has to look to." The record of perpetual secessions, appearing in the Cosme Monthly, had proved so poor an adver- tisement of the settlement in the past that it was perhaps a wise plan for the Cosmans to cease publication and keep domestic squabbles to them- selves in future. Moreover, those who in the past possessed no vote, and w-ere obliged to keep their actual beliefs to themselves, were now "old-timers" with power to alter the Constitution, if they chose, as they thought lit. If they should come to any such decision there was no need to apprise the whole world of their intentions. After the departure of Leek, John Lane, and other original stalwarts, there was no longer any strong party w'ith deep convic- tions on the subject of Cosmeism. Burdened wdth debt on the sugar-cane crushing plant, and other machinery which they had bought out of borrowed money, and sick of living lives of drudgery amidst surroundings no better than those of the natives, many of the Cosmans only stayed on in the hope of securing a share of the spoil when, if ever, the Government offered to pay off the bank mortgages on condition that Cosme should abandon its crippling principles. CHAPTER XIX. A BLACK TIME AT NEW AUSTRALIA. To return now to New Australia, it has been shown that the affairs of the colonists at that settlement had got into a dejDlorable muddle. Yet, under any- other system of living than the Socialist regime, they might yet have retrieved their position, for, as Mr. Peel remarked, " in spite of their difficulties it must be recollected that they are in possession of 350,000 acres of the very finest land in Paraguay, with pasturage sufficient to keep at least 70,000 head of cattle. . . . Buying cattle for purposes of fatten- ing should yield in Paraguay a profit of at least 20 to 30 per cent., and the Association on starting expected that it would not be long before they were doing a good trade. They bought 2500 head and put up about eight miles of wire fencing, but owing to the causes mentioned this number has been already considerably reduced. ... In addition, they have got about 90 cows, 170 horses, and a large number of pigs and poultry. They have cleared about 70 acres of woodland .... and cultivated about 213 acres. . . . They have large forests of valuable timber, but no sawmills ; they are engaged at this moment in making bricks to start a tannery, but the work is proceeding slowly for want of proper appliances, at a time too when they ought to be engaged in erecting houses in the place of the uncomfortable barns and sheds of mud 206 WILD-CAT SCHEMES 207 and thatch in which they are at present living, and even these are not put up in a sufficient number to sheher all the colonists, a few of whom at present are sleeping under tents. . . . They have started a band which plays every evening, and one of the first steps they will take as soon as their funds will permit, will be to build a hall for the purpose of lectures, and concerts, as well as dancing.* Tanneries, concerts ! Any wild-cat scheme was good enough for New Australia to waste its energies upon, at a time when those energies were so paralysed that the place was not even self-support- ing to the extent of growing a sufficient food supply for home use. Compare the 70 acres of forest land cleared at New Australia, in one year, by 250 persons, with the achievement of a single Frenchman on an individualistic colony in another part of Paraguay. "At a short distance from the station," reported Mr. Findlav. after visiting Gonzalez, f "we turned into a narrow ' picada ' or lane cut through the virgin forest. Similar roads are cut parallel to each other at equal distances. On each side of the road at intervals were clearings planted with maize and mandioca. The first of these we visited, evidently the 'show' clearing, belonging to a Frenchman. This man had cleared a space of about 10 acres in 13 months. " When we looked at the dense forest of hard- wood trees, towering above a tangled mass of creepers and undergrowth, it seemed almost incred- ible that so much could have been accomplished by * Foreign Office, Miscellaneous Series, 1895, No. 358 t Foreign Office, Annual Series, 1894, No. 1357. 208 BLACK TIME AT NEW AUSTRALIA a single man (by no means a Hercules), whose principal instruments had been an axe and a box of matches. The little rancho was surrounded by maize, mandioca, man! (pea-nut), tobacco, beans, sugar-cane, alfalfa, melons, and every sort of veget- able. Some wheat had been grown, but was of poor quality, perhaps owing to bad seed. The colonist showed us a little hollow which he had converted into a miniature paddy-field, and the rice was coming up luxuriantly. What we actually saw growing represented a small fortune for this hard-working Frenchman." From this it would appear that one Frenchman working for himself is worth, as a colonist, some thirty-five Australians labouring for each other ! (Though, as it will presently appear, the latter were easily able to outstrip all competitors when the energy-destroying regime of Socialism was aboli- shed.) While the Frenchman plied his axe with a light heart in the forest, lived luxuriously, and rapidly piled up a comfortable competency, the Australians sank day by day into lower depths of misery and degradation. It was a black time indeed at New Australia, but the natural phenomenon that the darkest hour immediately precedes the dawn, applied forcibly in their case. Now that there was no longer anything to be gained by Socialism, even the drones were willing to suspend it. By a vote of the majority it was decided that the Constitution should be altered ; henceforth every man would be entitled to dispose as he pleased of the fruit of his own labour, and a new incentive was given to industry. SOCIALISM DETHRONED 209 According to the Socialist creed this was a retro- grade step that the New AustraUans were taking. There were one or two indeed who gloomily quoted Mr. Blatchford's dictum : "With regard to the claim that men should be left free to fight each for his own hand — is that civilisation or anarchy ? And will it result in peace or in war, in prosperity or in disaster ? Not civilisation, but savagery ; not Christianity, but cannibalism is the spirit of this doctrine of selfishness and folly. ... Is not love stronger than hate? And will not a society founded on love and justice certainly flourish, as the society founded on hate and strife will certainly perish?" But to those pessimists others replied that neither love nor justice, nor prosperity, nor civilisation, but the reverse had been found under Socialism. In fact, in every particular the claims of the theorists had been falsified. The great majority of the New Australians hailed the final dethronement of Socialism as the dawn of a new and brighter day. It was once said, in all reverence, by a famous news- paper editor that the Bible, with its terse, expressive, concentrated style, would remain for all time as an example of first-rate journalism. Certainly it would be hard to pen a paragraph more vividly describing the pass to which things had come, at New Australia, than Isaiah iii, 5, "And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour. The child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable." Freedom of action was denied to all, the smallest details of each one's daily life were jealously spied upon by some other, and the 2IO BLACK TIME AT NEW AUSTRALIA degrading atmosphere of mistrust, which turned every man against his neighbour, was exploited by the base for their own ends. A bHght seemed to descend upon everything managed by the community, and the children proved no exception to the rule. Deliberately cut off from the softening influences of religion, and brought up to ignore all distinctions of age or sex, it was natural for them lo seek always their own pleasure and ride rough-shod over the old and infirm. Untaught and unrestrained, the neglected children seemed doomed to suffer all their lives for the follies of their parents. This was perhaps the saddest aspect of the New Australia fiasco. As soon as the resolution, abolishing Socialism, was carried, Frederick Kidd, under whose sane and practical adminstration the change was brought about, set off to Asuncion to interview the Govern- ment, whom he found sympathetically disposed and prepared to do all in their power to assist the colonists. Withdrawing the original grant of territory, the President confirmed them in posses- sion of the twenty-five square miles on which they were actually settled, and approved a scheme whereby every man was entitled to select for himself an allotment of sixty squares of agricultural ground, for which he would be given title deeds, when he had built a house and complied with the usual condi- tions. The right of grazing over the grass lands was reserved in common for all, so that it was possible for every individual colonist to become a big cattle farmer if he could find the necessary capital. This fact created fresh ambition in the LABOUR'S TRUE FRIEND 211 heart of every family, and there was a general exodus of able-bodied men to the railway works at Sapucay, to Asuncion, Rosario, or Buenos Aires — anywhere where good wages could be earned by a man willing to work his fingers to the bone. One colonist, who now ow-ns many hundred head of cattle, worked as a butcher in an Argentine meat works, where wages are high, living on the odd halfpence of his pay and remitting the balance to his wife, to be carefully invested in lean cattle, for which a ready market could be found when fattened. The Administrator himself looked for work as a bootmaker's assistant in Asuncion (he had once had a prosperous business of his own), but, to his delight, a leather merchant set him up with a stock of leather and even became responsible to a third party for the value of the necessary tools. Being a good workman, he soon made headway and became a cattle owner also, though it was principally on his trade that he relied for a living. The story of other colonists was similar. One and all found salvation in the " iron law of wages," and discovered for themselves that Capital is the indispensable ally and friend, and not the enemy, of Labour. The legitimate ambition of each one was to become him- self a capitalist, for " Capital is the result of Labour and Abstinence." There is a sentence in Levy's " Outcome of Individualism " which well sums up the conditions at New Australia: "A brief but brilliant span of existence may be attained by a Socialistic State living on the capital of its predecessors ; but it soon runs through this capital and goes out like a sjDent 212 BLACK TIME AT NEW AUSTRALIA squib and leaves a nasty smell." The " nasty- smell " at New Australia took the form of rancour and bitterness of spirit, so that many families were not on speaking terms with their nearest neighbour — not that anyone had time or inclination in those terrible days for sociabilities. Women, whose husbands were away earning wages, worked like niggers in the cornfields for themselves and for their children. The sternest Individualism now prevailed, for, when all were on the verge of starvation, no man would share his children's bread with the work-shirkers. There was no longer any talk of an eight hour day, or of Trade Union regulations as to what particular task a given individual might perform. From sunrise to sunset men, women, and even children worked at whatever task came first to hand, unheeding the rays of the tropical sun. Even the coming of night did not see the cessation of their labours, when the moon's bright light illuminated the cornfields. In an incred- ibly short space of time houses shot up, surrounded by well-tilled kitchen gardens, carefully fenced in to keep men or brutes from damaging the crops, and very soon the grass lands were once more dotted with cattle — cheap, sorry beasts some of them, but precious beyond all reckoning for the sake of the regained joy of ownership which they personified. It was not long, moreover, before the self-banished fathers and husbands were able to return with money in their pockets and restored hopefulness. Some used the money thus earned to convey themselves and their dear ones back to Australia, others determined to make the most of the country's RAPID PROGRESS 213 natural advantaefes, and to combine the rearing of cattle with lumbering operations or store-keeping. On these lines rapid progress was made, and, within a few years, many of the 130 colonists who remained at New Australia possessed from 100 to 600 head of cattle and horses, to say nothing of pigs, poultry, etc., and in addition grew a great deal of fruit, vegetables, and maize (for the last of which, as also for all kinds of live-stock, there was always a good market). It must not be imagined, of course, that every colonist was equally successful. Nature does not discount the intelligent industry of the energetic, or supplement the efforts of the idle, incompetent, or stupid, in order to level things down " without regard to sex, age, office, or physical or mental capacity." But even the laziest were compelled by necessity to do infinitely more for themselves than they ever did under Socialism, while the indus- trious were encouraged by that self-interest which is so essential to progress, by means of forethought, thrift, and diligence, to put by for their old age and lay the foundations of prosperity for their children. It would be pleasant to record that the instant change for the better at New Australia was spiritual as well as physical. But unfortunately that was not so — for many years at least. The hatreds which had sprung up during the period of Socialist rule left deep feuds which it took a long time to heal, and the mutual jealousies were so bitter that even the children, who lived at the villages of Los Amigos, or Loma Rugua, were hardly on speaking terms with those of Las Ovejas or Tuyu. Worse o 214 BLACK TIME AT NEW AUSTRALIA than that, such bitterness had arisen in some cases between members of the same family that father and son who lived on adjacent blocks forbade one another to cross the dividing fence. Moreover everyone's energies were now concentrated to such an extent upon the anxious desire to repair the ruin of their fortunes that nobody worried about such a matter as the need for educating the children. In consequence lads and lasses grew up in total ignor- ance, except for those few who attended a native school and acquired Indian habits of thought together with the Guarani tongue. Nor was such a state of things wholly accidental, for there were loud-voiced men upon the colony who claimed that education was in itself an evil, while many held as the fundamental article of their belief that religion was the curse of the world. In consequence, when Bishop Every (Anglican Bishop in the Argentine) took a long and wearisome journey for the purpose of visiting the colonists, he was not permitted to hold Divine Service. Some of the settlers, however, approached him privately and begged him to send a schoolmaster to New Australia. Naturally, the Bishop could not use Church funds to pay the stipend of a man who would not be allowed to mention religion to his charges, but he stated the case in England, and a young Cambridge man (who was ordered abroad for the benefit of his health) volunteered to go out at his own expense and do what he could for the children. It will not be without interest, perhaps, to a certain number of readers, to follow the youthful pedagogue to Paraguay and see how he fared at New Australia. CHAPTER XX. NEW AUSTRALIA AND COSME TO-DAY. It was the month of March, 1904, when the School- master arrived at New Austraha. By correspond- ence it had been arranged that he should board with the T family, at La Novia. His first view of this, one of the earliest village settlements, was extremely depressing. Situated on a clearing just within the forest, it still consisted of the original, roughly-built mud huts, which the pioneers had thrown up nearly eleven years before. In all there were five half-ruined houses, in such bad condition that it was necessary to re-dress the walls with thick coatings of mud several times a year to keep them from tumbling down. Interest- ing illustration of the value of work done "by all for all " was forthcoming on close examination of the material used in the construction of some of these houses. Much of the wood used was soft and unsuitable for the work, but easier to handle than the hard woods. The floors were still of mud or ant-bed, although good timber was abundant, and the rough walls of red "pug" were not even smoothed inside. Though so many years had passed since they were first built, some of them were still without any verandah to keep the torrential rains from washing away the walls. Neither fire- place nor windows were provided (pivoted wooden 215 2i6 NEW AUSTRALIA TO-DAY shutters served to exclude the cold) and the draught- admitting gaps, between roof and walls, made it impossible to keep a lamp alight when the wind blew. The house in which it was arranged that the Schoolmaster should board contained three rooms, and a low lean-to in which the colonist's three sons slept. Originally it had consisted of two rooms separated by a " galpone " (a covered space open on two sides), but the latter had been boarded in with pieces of packing case, etc., to form a living room. The kitchen was a separate outbuilding. As if the house were not sufficiently overcrowded the T children kept an amazing number of pets, which wandered in and out of the house as they chose. In addition to the dogs, of which four lived principally indoors, there were a tame owl, several pigs, which had to be forcibly ejected at meal times, and a miscellaneous collection of fowls, wandering where they pleased and even roosting in the bedrooms. The average Irish hut v^-ould com- pare more than favourably with the T home- stead. It must not be supposed, however, that all the homes at New Australia were of this type. After the abolition of Socialism it became worth while for any individual who prized hygiene and comfort to erect better accommodation for his family. After leaving La Novia, the next village settlement, reached by a rough track cut through the forest, was Tuvu Rugua, a big clearing on the edge of the open plain, well enclosed with strong fencing, with two very large paddocks stretching down into AN INDUSTRIOUS FAMILY 217 the low-lying land towards the river. At the time of the disruption, when each colonist chose his favourite site on which to settle and build, the K contingent, consisting of old Mr. K — the father of the colony— and his five sons, took up their allotments all together, each allotment consisting partly of camp and partly of monte, in the proportion settled by the rules governing New Australia. Thus they monopolised all the frontage to the camp at that point, and no room was left for anyone else to settle there. In consequence the K s jointly possessed quite a large domain, which they had turned into a valuable property by assiduous labour. Their well-built homes were a standing reproach to those lazy individuals who were still content to live in squalor. In the first house lived old Mr. and Mrs. K with two adult sons. In addition to owning cattle, and engaging in agriculture, they kept a store and traded in timber with the merchants of Villa Rica and Caballero. Through the slip-rails was the home of Alf. K , an industrious cattle farmer. The walls of his house, built after the 'split' by himself, almost unaided, were fortified by stout planks of cedar and hard-wood, felled in the forest and sawn with infinite labour. A double verandah protected the outside walls, and the interior, with its cooking-range, its smooth walls artistically tinted, its serviceable furniture and well-constructed floor was as comfortable as an English villa. The well-dressed children played happily upon the big lawn surrounding the house and took a keen interest in their flower garden. The builder of this happy 2i8 NEW AUSTRALIA TO-DAY home who, by sheer hard work, had regained prosperity, offered the Schoolmaster a warm welcome and promised to send his three children for tuition. So the Schoolmaster rode on, across open camp, through bog and forest, visiting every house in this scattered community, and hearing many amazing theories of life. "You think we're a lot of cranks," said one man. " Well, of course we are, or we shouldn't be here. We came to Paraguay to get away from convention, and be as cranky as we please. If you're a crank too we're delighted to welcome you, but if you are a missionary, whose object is to teach our children all the old conven- tional lies, that we have run away from, you will find the colony an unhealthy place to live in." This man's remark was a frank statement of the general feeling. The New Australians had set out to teach the world a lesson ; and many of them resented the suggestion that an outsider could instruct them or their children in anything. On the whole, however, the Schoolmaster was well received, chiefly perhaps because he was a good listener and took an interest in each rival scheme propounded for the readjustment of the universe. That night the Schoolmaster slept at a tiny cabin on the extreme boundary of the colony, and next morning started on his return trip by a different route, so as to take in Loma Rugua and Los Amigos, thus making a complete circuit of New- Australia. Notwithstanding the conviction ex- pressed by many colonists that he would not remain with them more than a few weeks, the Schoolmaster A STORMY SCENE 219 felt quite hopeful, and asked the Administrator to call a general meeting for the purpose of discussing plans for the establishment of a school. Messages were sent accordingly to all the stores, fixing a date for the meeting, and the Schoolmaster employed a couple of "handy-men" to knock together some rough forms and desks. On the day appointed for the general meeting every colonist who could find a horse rode over 10 Las Ovejas. The Schoolmaster, though already assured of considerable support from the Los Amigos, La Novia, and Tuyu Rugua contingents, anticipated a stormy scene, and in this he was not disappointed. Most of the assembled citizens proved to be stern-browed, bearded men, with faces tanned to the colour of mahogany from constant exposure ; they were dressed in the usual costume — riding boots, baggy trousers, and rough shirt, loose at the neck — and most carried revolvers and sheath knives; some had long machetes* secured to their saddles, while one or two even carried rifles. It looked more like a Council of War than a peace- ful assembly ; but everyone's intentions were harm- less enough. It is the usual thing to wear revolver and sheath knife on all occasions in the Paraguayan bush country, and a machete is constantly required, in riding through narrow forest tracks, to cut away any vines and tangled scrub which impede the way. Those with guns or rifles were the sportsmen of the community, who hoped to carry home venison or wild game to the family larder. As this was the first occasion on which many of *The machete resembles a sword without any crosspiece. 220 NEW AUSTRALIA TO-DAY the men had met for five years, or more, it was only to be expected that old, half-forgotten feuds should be revived. Certain rival politicians, who had argued against each other in the early days of the colony, took the opportunity to display again the rancour of party feeling. It was sufficient for any one man to make a proposal to produce a storm of objections from old foemen on the instant. In fact, after a time, there were almost as many counsels as there were people present — many insisting that a "gentleman" from England, "who had never done a fair day's work in his life," had no right at New Australia at all, and, least of all, the right to set up a school in which to teach Capitalistic notions to the rising generation. Nevertheless, when the Schoolmaster rose to speak he was given a fair hearing. Taking his cue from their own profession of equality, he claimed that he had as much right as any other person to settle at New Australia. Next, he argued that it would be an unwarrantable interference with private liberty if the majority refused to allow any settler who chose to open a school if he w-ere so disposed, or if any other settlers were prohibited from sending their children to school if they so desired. Though there were some who hotly contested the claim (a few on the ground that "book-learning" was in itself an evil), its justice was finally admitted, and the Schoolmaster gained his first point, though only on condition that religious instruction should be excluded from the curriculum. So much conceded, the Schoolmaster then entered upon a fresh argu- ment, in favour of holding a Sunday School, quite SCHOOL TEACHING BEGINS 221 independent of the Day School, which at once aroused a storm of opposition. It was liardly surprising, considering that they honestly beheved with Mr. Blatchford that the Chris- tian religion was false and an obstacle to progress, that many desired to see it still excluded from New Australia. It was just at that time that "Nunquam's" popular assault upon religion : " God and my Neighbour " was published, and it nowhere met with a warmer welcome than at New Australia. It was only logical, therefore, for some convinced atheists to assert that they "would run the School- master off the Colony if he got trying to introduce religion." Nevertheless, the Schoolmaster secured a majority in favour of permitting him to hold Sunday School, after a long and exhausting debate, to which the Administrator Gontributed the common- sense remark that any parents who did not want their children taught religion could keep them away on Sundays. Thus school teaching commenced at New Australia, and soon there were fifteen (shortly increased to twenty-six) children in attendance, many of whom had to ride or walk great distances to reach the school-house.* Having spent their days hitherto in running wild upon the camps, or in the forest, as unaccustomed to discipline and restraint as the birds of the air, it was very difficult at first for the children to sit still in class, and the Schoolmaster had to resort to unaccustomed * Later the Schoolmaster ran two schools, at Las Ovejas and La Novia respectively, at which he taught on alternate days, some children attending both schools. 222 NEW AUSTRALIA TO-DAY methods of teaching to retain their attention. It was singularly interesting to note the wonderfully rapid progress made by many of the hitherto untutored lads and lasses, who literally lapped up knowledge, with an avidity wholly unlike the indif- ference to learning displayed by most more happily circumstanced children. The deplorable state of disunion which had so long prevailed at New Australia was demonstrated by the fact that children from different parts of the settlement at first formed hostile cliques. Thus, the Los Amigos children had little in common with those from Tuyu, and it was very difficult to induce them to play together. All such artificial distinctions soon disappeared however, and it became evident that the school would have a powerful effect in the healing of old feuds. The following true incident illustrates the dis- tinctly primitive notions entertained by some of the children. As the water in the school-house well was rather bad, the Schoolmaster was in the habit of sending one boy, or two girls, with a bucket to bring good cool water from a spring bubbling up just inside the forest. Whenever the Schoolmaster fetched this water himself it was particularly clear and bright, but w'hen the children brought it it was often quite muddy. One day the Schoolmaster had sent two girls to fill the bucket in the usual way, but started after them to show them how to draw it without stirring up the bottom. The mystery was explained when the Schoolmaster reached the monte and found, resting upon the empty bucket, a small c o a S o o G etc., are of equal importance, in a religious sense, with the Bible narrative, it is no more probable that he will turn Christian when he reaches years of discretion than that he will become a Mohammedan. The establishment of a Socialist government in this country would prepare the way for Anti-Christ in a single sreneration. Some effects of the banishment of religion from a community have been illustrated in the story of New Australia. One of the most startling of the phenomena which mark the spread of Socialism on the Continent is the increase of suicide, particularly among young children and the aged (of neither of whom can it be alleged that they take their own lives 'for fear of conscription '). In the light of history, however, this deplorable sign of the times can hardly be considered surpris- ing, for a materialist creed has ever tended to the light holding of life. Among the ancients, a high value was set on life by those who maintained the immortality of the soul* and vice versa. In modern times, while suicide is regarded with abhorrence by those who hold any religious belief, materialists advocate a State-aided system of "euthanasia" for those who are weary of living. Self-destruction was considered wholly permissible by Zeno, that Stoic leader who foreshadowed modern Socialism in his cosmopolitan " Republic," where money should not circulate, and where courts of justice, churches, and family life would have no place. His disciple, Seneca, for * " Pythagoras forbids us to abandon our guard and post of life without the orders of our commander, that is, of God." — (yicero, " De Senectute." 234 RELIGION— MORALITY— SUICIDE years before he died by his own hand,* devoted much anxious thought to the "way out." In precisely the same way, Paul Lafargue, son- in-law and disciple of Karl Marx, the founder of Modern Socialism, deliberately planned the date of his own extinction ten years in advance. The celebrated author of "Droit a la Paresse"t devoted himself with zeal, from the days of the Commune onwards, to the propagation of Socialism not only on the Continent but in England also. When he committed suicide (in November, 1911) by means of prussic acid, hypodermically injected, he was suffering from no painful disease, as his last testament shows. " Sound in body and mind," he declared, " I am killing myself before ruthless old age, which has taken from me one by one the pleasures and joys of existence, and has deprived me of my physical and intellectual powers, paralyses my energy, and breal^s my will, and makes me a burden to myself and others. " For many years I have pledged myself not to pass the threescore years and ten ; I have fixed the time for my departure from life, and I have prepared the method of carrying out my resolution — a hypo- dermic injection of prussic acid. " I die with the supreme joy of being absolutely certain that, in the near future, the cause to which * It is true that Seneca ultimately committed suicide at the invitation of his ruler, but his writings clearly show that he had deliberately contemplated the act for years before he was called upon to execute it. t " The Right to Laziness." AT NEW AUSTRALIA 235 I have devoted myself for forty-five years will triumph. " Vive le Communisme ! Vive le Socialisme international ! Paul Lafargue."* Nor was this an isolated case, due to some personal eccentricity of Lafargue, the chosen disciple of Karl Marx, for two of the latter's daughters, who were equally impregnated with the pure gospel of Socialism, took their own lives. The first was Eleanor, wife of Dr. Edward Aveling, leading Socialist and lecturer in biology at London L^niver- sitv ; the second was Laura, wife of Paul Lafargue, who perished with him. This is not the place to embark upon an elaborate examination of the ethics of suicide. The writer wishes, however, to emphasise the fact, upon which medical authorities are agreed, that suicide does not necessarily imply insanity; the discovery that all mundane things are vanity, coupled with unbelief in extra-mundane compensations, may quite reason- ably induce a sane, strong-minded Atheist to end his profitless existence from sheer boredom. If this be the case, it is to be expected that the revival of a purely pagan outlook on life will be accompanied by public approval of, and hasty resort to, the "way out," for the most trifling of reasons. The tendency for suicide to associate itself with Socialism was illustrated in a remarkable manner at New Australia. When the Schoolmaster arrived there in 1904 he called upon A, one of the original ♦ The "Daily News," November 28th, 1911. 236 RELIGION— MORALITY— SUICIDE settlers, a hard-working decent man, with a comfort- able house, surrounded by much evidence of praise- worthy industry. A, who had married a Scottish woman — a seceder from Cosme— was a man of considerable intelligence, an extreme Socialist, and an Atheist. He was universally liked, especially by the children, and was remarkably gentle in his manners. He was, in fact, quite the last man of whom one would expect any violent action. Yet, next time the Schoolmaster visited that house, it was in tragic cirumstances ; A had killed his wife and taken his own life. How little that poor woman thought, when she left her home in Scotland, to experience the joys of Cosmeism, that this would be her fate ! Next, there was B, a man of education and the kindest and most generous disposition. In his case, fortunately, assistance came in time, and the Schoolmaster had the satisfaction of nursing him back to complete recovery. C, was a personal friend of the Schoolmaster. An Englishman of sterling worth, a veteran who had fought many years before against the redskins in the Western States of North America. A bachelor and teetotaller, C was so devoted to children that the Schoolmaster employed him as caretaker and assistant at the Las Ovejas school, which he conducted single-handed during the rainy seasons, when the floods made it impossible for the Schoolmaster himself to get there, from La Novia, for a week or more at a time. When the School- master returned to England, towards the end of 1905, he continued to pay a small salary to C to THE POSITION OF WOMAN 237 carry on the school until someone else could take up the work. Some time later he was inexpressibly shocked to learn that C had died, by his own hand, in tragic circumstances. These cases, which all occurred within a period of eighteen months, among a population of less than ninety adults, while proving nothing, certainly lend colour to the theory of some intimate association between suicide and Socialism. Since the honourable position of woman in the modern State is entirely due to the influence of religion upon conduct, accumulating through the ages, it is not surprising to find Socialists them- selves admitting that the destruction of religion will be accompanied by the degradation of womankind. Although this subject has been touched upon in Chapter V, the following quotations from works by leading Socialists may be added : " In the new moral world the irrational names of man and wife, parent and child-, will be heard no more. . . . All connection will be the result of affection . . . (woman) in her trial will be comforted and caressed by the whole community . . . the children will undoubtedly be the property of the whole community." — Robert Owen. " Because we hold that Socialism will ultimately survive as the only tenable moral code, we are convinced that our present marriage custom and present marital law alike must soon collapse." — Professor Karl Pearson in " Socialism and Sex." " Human beings must be in a position to act freely where their strongest impulse is concerned, as in the case of any other natural instinct. . . . 238 RELIGION— MORALITY— SUICIDE No one has to give an account of himself or herself, and no third person has the slightest right of inter- vention." — Herr Bebel in "Woman." Evidence may be adduced to an indefinite extent to show that such ideas are not confined to an extreme set of writers in some one country. They are the common property of sober-minded, well- living, Socialist thinkers of all countries, at the present moment. Any reader who doubts the truth of this assertion, need only apply to any of the well- known Socialist organisations for a list of leaflets and works dealing with the subject. This is not a topic upon which the writer cares to dilate at any length in a work of this character. It may be stated however, that, small though the community was, illegitimacy was not unknown at " New Australia." Such a statement may easily be met by an asser- tion that irreligion, suicide, and loose morals are by no means unusual phenomena in society as at present constituted. True, but whereas, at present, such evils are legislated against, and to a great extent kept under by the force of a strong public opinion, under a Socialistic regime they will be deliberately approved and fostered by the State. That is a distinction which makes all the difference. Those who have studied at close quarters the manners and customs of primitive races will see a close correspondence between their habits and the ideals of Socialism. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that State Socialism amounts to nothing less than a hideous form of State-enforced barbarism. CHAPTER XXII. CONCLUSION. Although it is notoriously dangerous to pro- phesy, the progress which the New AustraHans commenced to make immediately Socialism was abandoned, irresistibly suggests the query : Sup- posing a similar attempt at colonisation had been made in Paraguay, by the same people, with equal capital, but on an Individualistic orsimple co-opera- tive basis, what would have been the result ? From personal observation on the spot, from careful discussions with those New Australian colonists who have snatched some measure of success from failure, and from the opinions expressed by other Englishmen who have prospered exceedingly in Paraguay, the writer has formed his own conclusion. It is his firm conviction that, if New Australia had been run on ordinary commercial lines, so that every individual was encouraged to labour by the knowledge that he, and his children, would enjoy the fruits of his industry, the venture would have proved an unqualified success. The landing in South America of a great body of sturdy Anglo-Saxon colonists might have done as much for that continent as the advent of the New Englanders did for North America. Paraguay would have awakened from its long stagnation and 239 240 CONCLUSION resumed its place as one of the most progressive of the sister RepubUcs ; the EngHsh bondholders and others, whose interests in Paraguay run into millions, would, among others, have reaped the benefit of its renewed prosperity. By this, the twentieth year of New Australia's existence, the territory should have become a great centre of industry, dotted with prosperous towns, connected by railway with the Brazilian ports, as well as with Asuncion and the Argentine. These and much greater things could, and, in the writer's opinion would, have been achieved, had the New- Australians not been burdened with the curse of Socialism. If, instead, patriotism had been the animating spirit of the New Australian movement, it thrills the imagination to project a vision of what might have been accomplished. But patriotism has nothing in common with Socialism. Mismanagement, extravagance, favouritism, in- dolence, discontent, heathenism, these are the necessary accompaniments of Socialism ; while industry, economy, thrift, independence, self- respect, and satisfaction are sterling qualities called forth by legitimate pride in individual ownership. Of this truism the plain story of New Australia serves as an excellent illustration. William Lane set out to provide the world with an object lesson — and succeeded in doing so. But history shows that the world has rarely profited by object lessons. Nations, like individuals, usually insist on buying their own experience. From the rapid progress Socialism is making to-day, it seems probable that there are those now living who will see modern REAL TRAGEDY 241 civilisation reduced to chaos bv it. The sordid drama rehearsed, on a tiny stage, at New Austraha and Cosme, may soon be played on a vast scale with the whole world for a theatre. When that day comes it will be tragedy indeed ! The End. APPENDIX A. Political platform of the A. L. F. issued after THE collapse OF THE MARITIME STRIKE OF 189O. ' The general Council of the Australian Labour Federation recommends to its various districts the consideration of such political action as is demanded by the increasing intelligence of the age, and the desire for social justice which now moves the workers of the world, ' Federated political action is a force, the potency of which, if rightly appreciated, is second only to federated social action. All forces must be availed of, if it is the purpose of the workers of Australia to root out those social wrongs which deprive the workers in other lands of all the happiness of living, and already show themselves in this so-called "paradise" of the working-man,' ' This general Council is individually and collec- tively convinced, and believes, as the vast majority of thinking workers are coming to believe, that social misery, poverty, vice, and enmity are the natural fruits of the industrial system as it exists to-day, denying to the workers the liberty to work and live except by permission of a class which is 242 APPENDIX A 243 permitted to hold for its o\vn advantage the means of production and distribution, Avithout which none can Hve. And this general Council is further con- vinced, and believes, that by industrial re-organisa- tion, as hereafter proposed, every man or woman would be insured work, every old person and young person and sick person would be insured comfort, and every child born into the State would be ensured full opportunity to develop its brain and body as is possible in our civilisation, did we only cease to compete with one another. 'Therefore this general Council recommends and urges the unions and members of the Federation to authorise its executive to declare that the present industrial system, commonly called the competitive system, is destructive, pernicious, and altogether evil and must be replaced by a social system which will not leave it in the power of one man to take advantage of the necessities or disabilities of another, and which will provide for all the workers opportunities to avail themselves of the bounties of nature, and to partake fully of the fruits of civilisa- tion, to receive the full benefit of their share of the common toil.' The Federation's political aims are stated thus : ' I. The nationalisation of all sources of wealth and all means of production and exchanging wealth. ' 2. The conducting by the State authority of all production and all exchange. '3. The pensioning by the Slate authoritv of all child, aged, and invalid citizens. ' 4. The saving by the State authority of such pro- portion of the joint wealth-production as may be 244 APPENDIX A requisite for installing, maintaining, and increasing national capital. ' 5. The maintenance by the State authority from the joint wealth-production of all education and sanitary institutions. * 6. The just division among all the citizens of the State of all wealth-production, less only that part retained for public and common requirements. ' 7. The re-organisation of society upon the above lines to be commenced at once, and pursued uninter- ruptedly until social justice is fully secured to each and every citizen.' APPENDIX B. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION. Chapter I. — -Name, Object, Duration. Art. I. The Name of the Company is "The New »» AustraHa Co-operative Colonization Society, founded to carry out the objects expressed in tiie following articles. Art. II. The object of the Company is to acquire and pioneer the lands granted by the Paraguayan Government in the Departments of Ajos, Villa Rica, Mbocyaty, Caaguazu, and other lands that may be acquired beforehand, with the object of forming a Co-operative Colony. Art. III. The Company will have its head office or seat in the colony Nueva Australia, Department of Ajos, Paraguay. Art. IV. The duration of the Society remains fixed for twenty years, to count from the day on which these statutes are approved by the Superior Government. This term can be prolonged by a general meeting of shareholders whose members represent three-quarters of the total number of shares subscribed. Art. V. The Society can cease before the limit of duration by a decision of a general meeting called for that object, if sanctioned by a number of share- holders representing three-quarters of the total. ^ 245 246 APPENDIX B Chapter II. — Capital, Shares, and Rights of THE Shareholders. Art. VI. The capital of the Company is fixed at ;^2o,ooo, divided into 2000 shares of ;^io each — already subscribed and paid, which shares will pay neither interest nor dividend. Art. VII. Each shareholder will have the right to effect contracts relating to his share with the approval of the Directors, and only according to their stipulations. A faithful copy of any contract will be deposited in the head office of the Company, and will be read immediately after the opening of a general meeting of shareholders, and before begin- ning to treat of other matters. No share will be transferred in the books of the Company in a manner contrary to the stipulations of such contracts without previous consent of the Directory. No shareholder will be recognised in any general meet- ing contrary to the stipulations of these contracts. Art. VIII. The President of the Company for the time of its duration will act as mandatory of all the shareholders residing abroad, excepting those shareholders who give notice in writing that they have named another shareholder to act individually in their name. The shareholders residing abroad will have the right to meet to examine accounts and investigate the business of the Company, and can at this meeting name their mandatories to represent them in Paraguay. They and their representatives will vote unanimously with the shares which they hold. Art. IX. Each six monthg a general meeting will APPENDIX B 247 be called at the head office of the Company on the first Monday in September, and the first Monday in March, at 3 p.m. Fifteen days beforehand notice will be given, with a list of the matters to be discussed. Any other matter despatched in such meeting without a previous notice of forty-eight hours will be considered null and void. If a majority of shares are not represented by either the presence of the shareholders or of their representa- tives no such meeting nor any other meeting will be valid, but will remain adjourned from week to week for twenty-eight days. After the termination of this period, any number of shareholders will con- stitute a legal meeting. Art. X. The half-yearly meeting of shareholders will elect Directors and President, and will have full power to investigate matters and examine the business of the Company. The votes at all meet- ings will be by shares, counting each share as one vote. Art. XI, An extraordinary meeting can be called at any time by the President, and will be held at the head office of the Company after the shareholders have received notice a week before date of such meeting. Such meeting will have all the rights of the half-yearly meeting, and if representing a twentieth part of the shares can call at any time a general meeting of shareholders, giving to the President, with their signatures at the foot, fifteen days notice. Art. XII. The first Directory will consist of four persons whose functions will be honorary : William Lane (President), Alfred Walker, Charles Holyer, 248 APPENDIX B and James Mooney, who will manage the business of the Company for six months. Three Directors form a quorum. The Directors will be eligible for re-election, in case of a vacancy it must be filled by the President until a general meeting can be called. Art. XIII. The functions and duties of the Directors are : (a) To manage all the society's in- terests, and work for their greatest advantage ; (h) to fix the Budget and authorise extraordinary matters; (c) dictate internal regulations ; (if) authorise contracts made by the Society, including those of buying and selling; (e) present at the general meet- ings the balances and reports, according to Art. XVI. Art. XIV. The functions and duties of the President are : (a) To represent the Society legally ; (b) to convene ordinary and extraordinary meetings according to the statutes and with consent of the Directory ; (c) to preside at the meetings and decide the voting in cases of equality of votes in the sessions of the Directory ; (d) to execute the resolu- tions of the meetings and of the Directory, and to provide for the carrying out of these statutes ; (e) to sign, together with one Director, the provisions and definite titles of the shares, receipts, transfers, con- tracts, acts, and other documents that emanate from the Society, and carry them through; (J) to sign, together with one Director, the writings relating to the concession of the land in favour of the Company by the Superior Government. Art. XV. There must be elected an Auditor every six months at the general meeting. Art. XVI. The Directors will present to the APPENDIX B 249 Auditor a report of the Company every three months, which will be published for three days, and each six months a balance and detailed account of the operations of the Company, with proposals for Reserves, etc. The Auditor will examine and give his report in this respect. Ten days before the general meeting the report and balance sheet will be published in a newspaper which circulates in the vicinity of the Company. Art. XVII. A majority of three-fourths of the shares will be required at an extraordinary meeting called to resolve the following : Dissolution of the Company, prolonging its duration, fusion with other companies, reduction of capital, increase of capital, change of object, all other modifications of the Constitution. APPENDIX C. After the arrival of the second contingent from Australia certain regulations were altered in order to check the dictatorial powers of the directors, and many new ones were established. After revision, (see p. 20), Clauses 10 and 11 read thus : Executive Authority. 10. Director and a Board of Management elected by a two-thirds majority in a general ballot, to be sole executive authority. Departmental Authority. 11. Superintendents elected by a two-thirds majority of departmental ballot to be sole departmental authority, subject to the Director, and Board of Management. The following is the text of the other supplement- ary clauses introduced after the Socialists had reached New Australia. Note the multiplication of office-holders — directors, deputy-directors, man- agers, superintendents, agents, etc. INITIATIVE. 30. Any twenty-five members may at any time take the initiative and convene a public meeting, of which seven days' notice shall be given, for the con- sideration of any stated business ; such meeting may select its own chairman, and, provided a two- thirds majority be obtained at a ballot vote seven clear days after such meeting, the decision arrived at shall be held valid and become law. 250 APPENDIX C 251 MEMBERS. 31. Members of the Association shall be those who have (a) satisfied the Board of Management or any authorised agent as to their desirability ; (b) signed the constitution and have complied with all conditions. MEMBERSHIP LIST. 32. The membership list of the N.A.C.S. A. shall be kept in the central office of the Association in Paraguay, and the persons whose names are on the list shall be regarded as constituting the said Association, and the list shall be subject to alteration by the Director on twenty-one days' notice being given of any intended addition or erasure of names. MANAGEMENT. SS- The control of the Association shall be in the hands of a Director and a Board of Management. COMPOSITION OF BOARD. 34. The Board of Management shall be composed of the Director and a Deputy Director, and two managers from each community, elected by a two- thirds majority vote of all voters. 35. The Board of Management may receive any written suggestions, complaints, or other matters which members may wish to bring before it. 252 APPENDIX C S6. Re-arrang-ement of representation upon the Board of Management may be made at any time by a two-thirds majority vote of all voters. FUNCTIONS OF BOARD. 37. The Board of Management shall have full authority (a) to expend the funds in its hands as may seem to it best for the good of the Association ; (b) to make such terms and arrangements with the Government of Paraguay as may conduce to the maintenance of cordial and loyal relationship with such Government ; (c) it shall have all other powers necessary for the carrying on of the purposes of the Association. EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY. 38. The Director shall exercise the authority, and execute the recommendations and resolutions of the Board of Management, excepting only the expend- ing of the general funds of the Association. DEPUTY DIRECTOR. 39. The Deputy Director shall supervise all departments, and shall give a general monthly report of all work done in each. SUPERINTENDENTS . 40. Departmental Superintendents shall supervise all work in their particular department ; shall faith- fully keep a job time sheet, which they shall supply to the Deputy Director in their respective communi- ties, at least once a week, and shall have full APPENDIX C 253 control of, and be responsible for, all tools and materials in their department. TREASURER. 41. Election: A Treasurer shall be elected by a two-thirds majority vote of all voters. 42. Functions : He shall have charge of the bank books of the Association, and shall pay no money except by order of the Board of Management. He shall produce vouchers for all cash payments, and any securities he may hold in hand at every audit of accounts. He shall, on receipt of a written notice, signed by the Director and any three of the Board of Management, deliver up to the Director, within seven days, all books, monies, cheques, and other property of the Association which he may possess. 43. Suspension : He shall be subject to suspen- sion by the Director pending notification to the members of the Association, who may by a two- thirds majority declare the office vacant, and elect another Treasurer at any time. SECRETARY. 44. Election : The Secretary shall be elected by a two-thirds majority vote of all voters. 45. Functions: He shall sign all official letters and announcements of the Board of Management. He shall receive all monies for the Board of Management and put them at once into the bank named by the Board, forwarding the deposit slip to the Treasurer within three days of making the deposit. He shall be under the instructions of the 254 APPENDIX C Director, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him. He shall keep for reference all reports and correspondence received by the Board of Management, and copies of all reports and correspondence emanating from the Board of Management. Any member may examine the records of the Association at any time and may request a copy of any specified record at any time. 46. Suspension : He shall be subject to suspen- sion by the Director pending notification to the members, who may by a two-thirds majority declare the office vacant and elect another Secretary at any time. EDUCATION. 47. It shall be incumbent on all children, between the ages of 6 and 15 years, to attend the Association schools. Children who will not attend school shall be compelled to work. CO-OPERATION IN WOMEN'S WORK. 48. It shall be incumbent on all women to organise for assisting in communal work to the best of their ability, and for this purpose the women in each settlement shall form themselves into a committee for the purpose of deciding upon and apportioning the work to be done by each. 49. In case of non-fulfilment of duties appor- tioned by such committee they shall have power to report the same to the Board of Management, who will deal with the matter as provided for. APPENDIX C 255 MARRIAGE. 50. The Association may at its discretion prohibit the marriage of any man under 18 years of age or any woman under 16 years of age. MEMBERSHIP. 51. Qualification: Members of the Association shall be those who have satisfied the Board of Management, or their authorised agents, as to their desirability, and signed the constitution. 52. Disqualification : The following shall not be admitted to membership : (a) Any not knowing English so as to understand and be understood, excepting relatives or sweethearts of members ; (b) any person of colour, including any married to persons of colour; (c) any living together otherwise than in lawful marriage ; (d) any of questionable reputation ; (e) any person of such unsound health as would render him or her a danger or a burden to the community; (/) any objectionable by reason of past disloyalty to the labour movement, or such as are clearly opposed to the common good. PAYMENTS. 53. Every member, by act of joining the Associa- tion, agrees to subscribe to its funds all he may possess when he is finally enrolled, tradesmen's tools and personal effects excepted. Such subscrip- tions to be not less than ;£i"30 for every male adult above the age of eighteen years. VOLUNTEERS. 54. Volunteers will be enrolled on the payment of a preliminary fee of £10, which sum remains the 256 APPENDIX C property of the Association and cannot be with- drawn. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE. 55. All charges of freight, passage, etc., from the point of departure to the colony, to be defrayed by such volunteers. PROBATION. 56. At the expiration of three months from the date of their arrival in the colony, all volunteers will be required to complete the necessary conditions of membership, or leave the colony at their own expense. WIVES AND SINGLE WOMEN. 57. Wives of members are admitted free; also all single women between the ages of 16 and 25 years. EXCEPTIONS. 58. Exceptions may be made to all of the above at the discretion of the Board of Management; or its duly authorised agents. AGENTS. 59. The Board of Management, with the consent of members, shall appoint agents and such other officers as will enable organisation to be effectually conducted, and shall see that such officers are acceptable to, and have the confidence of, all members in their respective localities. APPENDIX C 257 60. To facilitate organisation, groups shall be formed by authorised agents whenever convenient, and shall be recognised as the centre of the Associa- tion in their respective districts. 61. No agent shall bind the Association to the carrying of any contract by a greater bond than the deposit of such sums as may be at the time in his hands, but he may, at his discretion agree by such deposits, to increase the bond at a future date. 62. The authorised agents shall supervise emigra- tion so as to lighten, as far as possible, the attendant hardships; shall see that every member is provided with personal necessaries, and that carriage is avail- able, as far as possible, for personal effects ; shall advise whenever necessary, and shall make regula- tions as may seem desirable for the well-being of emigrating members. ADVANTAGES TO NON-MEMBERS. 63. The Association offers grants of lands to individuals, or groups of individuals, not members of the Association, on terms to be arranged between such individuals and the Board of Management or its duly authorised agents. Such terms to be approved of by a two-thirds majority vote of all voters. AMENDMENT. 64. Amendment of this constitution and regula- tions to be made only by a two-thirds majority vote of all voters. APPENDIX D. "LABOUR-CHECK" SYSTEM. 1. Each adult member of the Association is entitled to a credit of $4.20 per week ; minors between the ages of 15 and 18, $4; children as below.* 2. A list of prices of articles, likely to be required, will be kept posted in the store. The storekeeper to order any articles asked for, if a credit exists to the amount ordered and the article can be obtained in Asuncion. 3. All articles grown on the settlement must be sold through the store. Prices to be fixed by a committee, consisting of the Director, the Secretary, and the Storekeeper, and as far as possible at current rates. 4. Members who receive their food from the co- operative mess will form a committee, and instruct the cooks at what rate they can draw from each credit. 5. If the quantity of any article be limited, and the demand greater than the supply, the said article shall be divided among the applicants. * Children between and 1 $0.50 „ „ land 5 1.80 „ „ 5 and 10 2.10 10andl5 3.0 258 APPENDIX D 259 6. Each person over 15 years of age is also entitled to a clothing allowance of $2 per week ; under 15 years, $1 per week. The accumulation under this rule to be solely spent on necessary articles of clothing, ordered through the store. 7. A receiving book shall be kept by the Store- keeper at each settlement, and all articles, whether produced or imported, be entered therein, and copies furnished to the central office. 8. The scale of diet, both as to quantities and prices, shall be adjustable from time to time. 9. The Board of ^Management is empowered to reduce any person's credit for proved offences. May 2 1 St, 1895. Note.— The Paraguayan dollar ^vas worth, in 1895, roughly sixpence of English money. APPENDIX E. THE IDEAL HOME. In January, 1901, when Cosme Colony had been in existence six and a half years, the citizens were still living in such squalid dens that the community drew up an official standard of design for dwellings, to be erected "one for all and all for one." The following w^as the standard (by no means realised) adopted for size and build of Cosme dwelling- houses : Class i. For Single Men or Women : A single-roomed cottage with floor space to the amount of 144 sq. ft. with walls eight feet high (from floor to the top of wall plate), of sawn slabs with smooth side outward and pugged within ; one fireplace and chimney ; two windows (maximum size, 3^ by 2^ ft.) and one door, or two doors and one window; verandah 5I ft. wide on one side of cottage ; earthen floor ; posts of round hardwood ; plates, rafters, and battens sawn ; gable ends of sawn boards ; roof of whatever material may be most convenient — thatch or shingle. Class 2. For Families with not more than Two Children, the elder of whom is not more than five years old : A two-roomed cottage with floor space to the amount of 288 sq. ft.; walls 8 ft. high, pugged on 260 APPENDIX E 261 both sides; partition 8 ft. high, of boards; fireplace and chimney to living room. Floor and general manner of building as for cottage 'Class i.' Front verandah 5^ ft. wide, back verandah 7 ft. wide. Detached kitchen with floor space of 120 sq. ft. in addition to fireplace. Fireplace fitted with oven ; walls of kitchen 6^ ft. high with projecting eaves. Class 3. For Larger or Older Families than Class 2 : For each child or pair of children, more than tw^o children, under four years of age, an additional room will be provided by making verandah rooms of the back verandah, the w-alls of which rooms will be of sawn timber. In families where there are children of each sex over six years of age, arrangements to be made for separate bedroom accommodation. R BIBLIOGRAPHY. For a note of the authorities mentioned in the body of this work, see Index. For further information concerning the origin and develop- ment of Socialism in Australia, see : Australian Socialism, by A. St. Ledger. 1909. Macmillan. 4s. 6d. net. For a rapid survey of other attempts to realise in practice the ideals of Socialism, see : ^ The Failures of Socialism. With an Introduction by Thomas Mackay. Anti- Socialist Union. Id. For authoritative Socialist exposition of the aims of modern Socialism, see the publications of : The Clarion Press, 44, Worship Street, E.G. The Fabian Society, 3, Clements Inn, Strand, W.C. The Independent Labour Party, 23, Bride Lane, E.C. The Social Democratic Party, Chandos ITall, Maiden Lane, W.C. For non-Socialist criticism of modern Socialism, see : A Critical Examination of Socialism, by W. H. Mallock. 1908. John Murray. 6s. 262 Map showing position of Cosme and New Australia. INDEX. Adelaide Advertiser, 130. Anarchism, see Wells. Asuncion, 70. Australian Labour Federation, 7 (see Appendix A). Australian Socialist Party, 1. Barrier Miner, 101. Bax, Mr. Belfort, 53, 229. Bebel, Herr, 89, 238. Bellamy, 5, 16. Besant, Mrs., 62. Blatchford, Mr. Robert (" Nun- quam"), 61-63, 88-93, 97, 100, 113, 124, 136, 143, 147, 221, 230. Botrill, Dr., 36, 84. Buenos Aires Standard, 35. riage service, 173 ; system of credits, 179, 193; recruiting for, 180, 200; housing at. Appendix E : disputes at, 184, 192 ; secessions from, 186, 191, 199, 204 ; expulsions from, 190, 202 ; W. Lane leaves, 197 ; changes principles, 198 ; aban- dons Communism, 227. Cosme Evening Xotes, 157. Co^me Monthly, 156, 194, 203, 205. Credits, 143, 179, 193, Appendix D. Daily Xews, 235. Daily Express, 54. "Droit a la Pare.sse," 234. Casey, Mr., Ill, 127. Chateaubriand, 30. Christian Republic, see Jesuits. Chubut, 28. Clarion, 96, 230. Conservative and Unionist, xi. " Co-operative Commonwealth," see Gronlund. Cosme Colony, founded by W. Lane, 155 ; privations at, 158, 194 ; and women's suffrage, 159 ; Agreement, 160 ; life at, 166, 172; initiation, 171; mar- Economic Review, 10. "Ethics of Socialism," 53, 229. Every, Bishop, 214, 228. Expulsions, 96, 190, 202. "Fabian Essays," 62. " Freeland," see Hertzka. "Genie du Christianisme," 30. Gilmore, Mrs., see Sydney Daily Telegraph . "God and my Neighbour," 221, 230. 263 264 INDEX Gonzalez Colony, 106, 107. Gonzalez. President, 29, 106, 107 Gronlund, Laurence, 122, 144, 147, 148. Hertzka, Dr. Theodor, 18, 25, 76, 96. Ingersoll, 63. Jesuits, The, 29. Kaufmann, Rev. M., 31. Kennedy, Mr., 224. Kidd, Frederick, 116, 210. Labour Check System, see Credits. Lafargue, Paul, 234. Ij Ami du Peujile, 117. Lane, John, 155, 197. Lane, Mrs. William, 3, 66, 87, 156. Lane, William, early career, 2; founds The Worker, 4; "The Working Man's Paradise," 17; New Australia Journal, 38; and morals, 52, 56 ; appointed Administrator, 80 ; benevolent despotism, 93 ; expels New Australians, 99 ; and justice, 105; resigns office, 115 ; secedes from New Australia, 116; founds Cosme Colony, 155 ; and religion, 168; visits Eng- land, 180 ; expels Cosmans, 190; leaves Cosme, 197. La Novia, 215, 219. Las Ovejas, 83, 113, 213, 219. "Leaves from a Squatter's Note- Book," 15. Leek, 19, 28, 34, 205. Logan, Captain, 51. Loma Rugua, 113, 213, 218. "Looking Backward," see Bellamy. Lopez, Dictator, 33. Lopez, Dr., 32, 81. Los Amigos, 150, 213, 218, 219, 222. Macdonald, A., 146. Macdonald, Mr. J. Ramsay, M.P., xi. Maeterlinck, 95. " Merrie England," see Blatch- ford. Miller, John ( = W. Lane), 17. Morality, see Socialism. Morris, William, 53. Neue Freie Presse, 18. "New Atlantis," 29. "New Australia," by Stewart Grahame, xi. "New Australia: A Report to the British Board," by Rogers, 114, 138. New Australia Journal, 38, 43, 72. New Australians, character of, 49, 70, 106 ; disputes among, 57, 66, 77, 86, 103, 141, 220; expulsion of, 96 ; secessions of, 104, 112; re-patriated, 108; revise Constitution, 124 ; and INDEX 265 the eight-hour day, 138 ; aban- don Socialism, 208 ; and suicide, 235 ; and illegitimacy, 238. New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association, prin- ciples, 12 ; colour line, 19, 150 ; Constitution, 20 ; selection of site, 25 ; negotiations with Paraguayan Government, 29, 32; prospectors' report, 34; Articles of Association, 44, and Appendix B ; organisa- tion for, 16, 46, 109, 127, 156 ; report to British Board of, 114, 138 ; Board of ^lanagement, 116, 126, 135, 137 ; revision of laws, 124, and Appendix C ; disastrous contracts, 139 ; labour checks, 143, and Ap- pendix D ; clothing allowance, 144; natives admitted, 150; receives Government subsidy, 149 ; Constitution changed, 208 ; grant of land withdrawn, 210. "New Worlds for Old," see H. G. Wells. "Nunquam," see Blatchford. Observer, 3. Officials, 66, 69, 122, 132. Official Gazette, 80. " Organisation of Society," 62. "Outcome of Individualism," 211. Owen, Robert, 237. Pal.TO-Socialists, 53. Pall Mall Gazette, 137, 146. Paraguay, history of, 25. Pearson, Professor Karl, 237. Reign of Terror, 94, 117, 230. "Religion of Socialism," 230. Reports, Foreign Office, Diplo- matic and Consular, 70, 105, 108, 112, 135, 207, 225. "Republic," by Zeno, 233. " Revolutionists' Hand-Book," see Shaw. Rossel, General, 136. "Royal Tar," 44, 65, 109, 127. Saunders, 19, 28, 34 Schoolmaster, at New Australia, 214. Segerland, Detective, 111. Shaw, Mr. Bernard, 100, 120. "Socialism," by Flint, 229. " Socialism," by Morris and Bax, 53, 55. "Socialism," by Stewart Grahame, xi. Socialism, and morality, 42, 52, 237; the ferocity of, 94; and liberty, 113 ; and waste, 137 ; and children, 210 ; and religion, 214, 221, 229; and .suicide, 233. "Socialism and Communism," 31. "Socialism and Sex," 237. "Socialism and the Family," 54. " Socialist Movement," xi. Socialist Sunday Schools, 231. "Socialist Sunday School Hymn Book," 231. South Atnerican Journal, 204 (note). 266 INDEX South Australian Register, 81. Spencer, Herbert, 63. Strike, The Great, 1. "Sunday Schools," 232. Sydney Bulletin, 49. Sydney Daily Telegraph, 42, 51, 67, 151, 153, 158, 159, 205. Sydney Worker, 197. Taylor, H. S., 153. Telegram, a bungled, 110. Timber, valuable, 132. Tozer, 80, 180, 188. Tuyu Rugua, 213, 216, 219, 222. Voltaire. 29. Walker, 19, 34. Wells, Mr. H. G., 53, 64, 68, 88, 119, 120 Westmijister Review, 2, 41. Women's Votes, 58, 125, 159. Worker, The 4, 97, 117. Zeno, 233. Sherratt ct Hughes, Printers, London and Manchester. AA 000 394 870 o