ROBERT E. PETERSON'S CHEAP EdIaVIONAL ^m\lS. ■i^ .ii,,i^^^ TREATISE ON ALG' \, lAJNING T^; \rosT uHful parts oi||HAT „cmjy..^, ILT.TJ«;TRATED p-y A COPIOUS COLLECTIOA ur DKSiaXKD FOIL THE T/SE OF s^''IOOI..-. BY ENOCH LEWIS. rOTTKTlI EDTTION, TIRVT'5EI> .\'Vf ^NLAFwGKr' i PI BLISHED bPrOBERT K. PET ; K'./, .^ W. CfORWKR OF FIFTH Al'Ji APOH ftTRr-ET-;.;. 1S52. j^j^^rr^ %i }. (3^'rr^ ROBERT E. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDUCATIONAL SERIES. TREATISE ON ALGEBRA, CONTAINING THE MOST USEFUL PARTS OF THAT SCIENCE, ILLUSTRATED BY A COPIOUS COLLECTION OF EXAMPLES: DESIGNED FOE THE USB OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. BY ENOCH LEWIS. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY ROBERT E. PETERSON, N. \V. C0RNP:K of fifth and ARCH STREETS. 1852. *^ Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852, BY ROBERT E. PETERSON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deacon & Peterson, Printers, 66 South Third Street. PEEFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. Since the first edition of this work was issued, a number of years have elapsed, during which several treatises on this branch of science have been given to the public 5 some of which are evidently the productions of able hands ; still the reasons which induced the author of The Practical Ana- lyst to offer his work to public acceptance, appear applicable to the present day. The generality of pupils who undertake to acquire a knowledge of algebra, require a manual which includes the general principles, and processes of the science without needless expansion, or very abstruse speculations. The work has been carefully revised, and such changes in- troduced as were judged needful to adapt it to the present improved state of the science. A number of examples, not contained in the former editions, have been inserted in this, and the original object of smoothing the path of the pupil and diminishing the labor of the instructor, has been kept steadily in view. Though the design of this treatise is rather to meet the wants of students in our schools, than to supply that class who may incline to dive into the most refined intricacies of the analytic art , yet, even to the latter class, this tract will probably be found a safe and correct introduction. 3 l^30B114 PREFACE. The mathematical sciences have been considered, since the early periods of their existence, among the noblest ob- jects of human inquiry. Of these, next to arithmetic, geo- metry occupies the first place, in regard both to importance and to time. The Grecian philosophers cultivated this branch of knowledge, with an ardor and industry, which manifest their high opinion of its value. In the Ionian and Pythagorean schools, geometry was considered an in- dispensable preliminary to the study of philosophy. When a person, ignorant of geometry, applied for his instructions to the philosopher Xenocrates, he is said to have made this laconic reply : " Thou hast not the handles of philosophy." The perspicuity of geometrical reasoning, the accurate and inimitable dependence of its arguments, and the un- faltering certainty of its conclusions, are eminently calcu- lated to form the mind to habits of attention, and to a regular and forcible cbncatenation of its ideas. No won- der, then, that it was so highly prized by that acute and inquisitive people. Two modes of procedure, according to the different ob- jects in view, were adopted by the ancient geometers: synthesis and analysis. Synthesis, or composition, consists in the direct solution of a problem ; or, the demonstration of a proposition by a series of arguments, regularly deduced, from self-evident truths, or from other propositions previously established. This method is very proper for conveying, with clearness, to another, those truths which are completely understood by the instructor. The works of ihe ancient geometers, which have escaped the ravages of the barbarous ages, are mostly synthetical. The Elements of Euclid, so well 5 VI PREFACE. known in our modern schools of geometry, furnish, proba- bly, the most complete specimen of the ancient synthesis extant. And it is a remarkable fact in the history of science, that the geometry of Euclid, though written two thousand years ago, and some time anterior to any other mathematical tract that has reached us, is still one of the best elementary works on that subject which has ever ap- peared. Analysis, or decomposition, on the other hand, assumes, as known, the proposition which is to be examined, or, as already effected, the solution which is to be made, and thence proceeds to examine the consequences necessarily resulting from such supposition, until, in case of a theorem, a conclusion is attained, the truth or falsehood of which is already known, whence the correctness or absurdity of the supposition becomes established ; or, in case of a problem, such relations are determined as prove the possibility or impossibility of the solution. In synthesis, observes Mon- tucla, we proceed from the known to the unknown, from the trunk to the branches 5 in analysis, we proceed from the unknown to the known, from the branches to the trunk. The analytical method is frequently indispensable, when new problems are to be solved, or new theorems investi- gated. No doubt, many propositions which the ancients have transmitted to us in the synthetical form, owe their discoveries to analysis. Of this method of procedure, the mathematical collec- tions of Pappus^ and the work, De Sectiones Rationis^ of Apollonius, furnish the principal specimens which the ancient geometers have left us. In the ancient geometry, the magnitudes under consi- deration, were mostly presented to the mind through the medium of representations, as similar a^practicable to their antitypes. In some instances, however, this analogy was entirely abandoned, as »in the fifth book of Euclid's Ele- ments, where right lines are the only representatives used, yet the reasoning is so conducted, as to be equally applica- ble to magnitudes of every kind, and even to abstract num- PREFACE. Vn bers. In this instance, we may discover a commencement of that species of generalization, which forms so conspicu- ous a feature in our modern mathematics. T.he ancient analysis furnished the germ of that branch of mathematics, which, in the hands of the moderns, has become the great master key to all the rest; but it does not appear to have assumed the character of a distinct science, till after the commencement of the Christian era. The earliest writer, in whose works the science of algebra is distinctly seen, was Diophantus, a mathematician of the Alexandrian school. The time in which he lived is not precisely known, but it was not later than the fourth cen- tury, as the daughter of Theon, the amiable and accom- plished Hypathia, who died about the beginning of the fifth, wrote a commentary on his w^orks. Whether Diophantus was the inventor, or only an im- prover of algebra, cannot now be known ; the latter sup- position, however, is the more probable, as the science in his hands exhibits a degree of maturity, which it can hardly be supposed to have attained in the first period of its ex- istence. A part only of the original work of Diophantus is now to be found ; in this he does not explain the first principles of the science, but teaches the solution of a great variety of difficult questions, in that branch of the subject, now called, from him, the Diophantine Algebra, or the indetermi- nate analysis^ applied to equations of the higher orders. The various questions, if original, which he has formed, and the address with which he has conducted their solu- tions, necessarily inspire his readers with a high opinion of his invention and discernment. His work, written in the original Greek, was discovered in the Vatican Library, about the middle of the sixteenth century. Though the science of algebra appears to have originated among the Greeks of the Alexandrian school, the inhabi- tants of western Europe derived their knowledge of it from the Arabs, who are by some supposed to have been its in- ventors. Dr. Wallis observes, that they differ essentially from via PREFACE. Diophantus in their manner of expressing the powers. The Greek analyst calls the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. powers, the square, cube, squared square, squared cube, cubed cube, etc. ; each power being designated by the two inferior powers of which it is the product. But the Ara- bian algebraists denominate the 5th power the first sur- solid, the 6th the squared cube ; being the square of the cube, and not the product of a square and cube ; the 7th the second sursolid, and so of the other powers. Hence, he infers, that the Greek and Arabian analyses were not derived from a common source. With due regard for the opinion of this eminent scholar, it appears quite as rational to suppose, that the Arabian mathematicians may have borrowed from their tutors, the Greeks, this branch, with the rest of the mutilated sciences, and adopted, in the denomination of their powers, a mode of expression peculiar to themselves, as to believe, that while the other parts of Grecian science were sought with avidity, this was permitted to sleep amidst the dust of ne- glected libraries, till the same thing had been reinvented by a people much less advanced in scientific knowledge, and less remarkable for invention than their predecessors.* Whether the science of Algebra was invented by the Arabs, or borrowed from the Greeks, the name is unques- tionably of Arabic origin. The names given by the Arabs, for they used a plurality, were algebra valmucahala. These words, according to Lucas de Burgo, signify restauratio et opposition restoration or rebuilding, and opposition. Golius defines the word gebera, or giabera, by religavit consolidavit, it bound or consolidated ; and mocabulat, by comparatio opposition comparison, opposition. * In the progress of science, there always appears a regular depend- ence in the successive stages. The discoveries of one age are the re- sults of those made in the former. Logarithms were invented, when the discoveries in astronomy and trigonometry had rendered their use indispensable. The discoveries of Newton could not have been made, even by that gigantic genius, in the time of Copernicus; nor could Columbus have led his trembling companions across the Atlantic, be- fore the invention of the mariner's compass. PREFACE. IX By these words they probably designed to indicate the general objects of the science. The quantity whose value is sought, is commonly interwoven with, or hound to other quantities, in such a manner as to form one or more equa- tions or comparisons of quantities set in opposition to each other. These equations are then transformed, or rebuilt^ till the unknown quantity is brought out in opposition to a given or known one.^ The most ancient authors on algebra among the Arabs, are Mohammed ben Musa, and Thebit ben Corah. The former is described by Cardan as the inventor of the me- thod of solving equations of the second degree, a discovery in which he was certainly anticipated by the mathemati- cians of the Alexandrian school. From the title given to his book, it has been inferred, that he flourished during the reign of Almamon, or in the early part of the ninth century. Whether the Arabian algebraists proceeded beyond the solution of equations of the second degree, is an unsettled question. An accurate knowledge of the mathematical sciences is seldom combined, in the same individual, with an extensive acquaintance with Arabic literature, and, therefore, little is certainly known on this subject. The Bodleian Library in England, and that of the Escurial in Spain, are said to possess a great number of Arabic works on the subject of algebra. • Leonard of Pisa, who lived near the beginning of the thirteenth century, impelled by a thirst for mathematical knowledge, traveled into Arabia and other parts of the east, and on his return, first communicated to his countrymen the science of algebra. I do not find that any of his writ- ings on that subject have ever been published. In a treatise upon trigonometry, by Regiomontanus, of Franconia, written about the year 1464, some problems are solved by algebra, in which he refers to the rules, a? though commonly known. *The name almncahala was adopted by some of the Italian writers, and it is thus designated in some of the works of Cardan ; but the term algebra appears now irrevocably fixed upon it. X PREFACE. But the earliest European author, whose works, specially on this subject, have been published, was Lucas de Burgo, before mentioned. He was a Franciscan, who traveled in the east, either in pursuit of knowledge, or for some pur- pose not now known, and after his return, taught mathe- matics at Naples, Venice, and Milan*. His work, in which the rules of algebra are laid down, was first printed in 1494. In this the science appears very far below our modern algebra. The rules for the solution of adfected quadratic equations, are given in semi-barbarous Latin verse, and the different cases separately treated. His solutions do not rise to equations above the second degree. The solution of cubic equations appears to have been first effected by Scipio Ferrei, professor of mathematics at Bologna, about the beginning of the sixteenth century. This solution, however, included but one case, namely, that in which the first and third powers only, of the un- known quantity, were involved. Some questions, including this case, being afterward proposed to Nicholas Tartaglia, an eminent mathematician of Brescia, he discovered a general solution of equations of the third degree. This discovery he communicated to Jerome Cardan, a physician of Milan, under an injunction of secrecy. Cardan, not- withstanding, having found the demonstration, published it in his work, De Arte Magna, in 1545. This is now commonly called the method of Cardan. Cardan first remarked the plurality of roots in quadratic equations, and their distinction into positive and negative. The solution of equations of the fourth degree was accom- plished soon after the discovery of Tartaglia, by Lewis Ferrari, a pupil and coadjutor of Cardan. Some intricacies belonging to equations of the third de- gree were further unraveled by Raphael Bombelli, of Bologna, and published in 1579. The algebraists, whose labors have been noted, expressed known quantities by their proper numerical characters, and therefore their solutions were destitute of that generality which constitutes so prominent a feature of our present analysis. Their modes of solution were applicable to all PREFACE. XI similar problems, but their results were confined to par- ticular questions. Francis Vieta,* by using letters of the alphabet to represent known &.s well as unknown quanti- ties, gave an extent and generality to the science which it did not possess before. By this change, algebraists were enabled to include, in a single solution, a whole class of problems, and to obtain the result in each particular case, by simple substitution. He taught the method of taking, from an equation, its second term, and thus reducing ad- fected quadratics to simple quadratics j and all cases of cubic equations to the case solved by Ferrei. He also taught the solution of cubic equations, having three possi- ble roots, by the trisection of an angle. He made numer- ous improvements in algebra, and furnished the germs of some discoveries which have since grown up under other names. Thomas Harriott, an English analyst, followed in the steps of Vieta, and made several important improvements in the science. He first adopted the plan of placing all the terms of an equation on one side of the sign of equality, and zero on the other ; and showed that an equation thus expressed, may be always formed by the multiplication of binomial factors. This naturally led to the discovery, that every equation has as many roots, or values of the unknown quantity, as there are units in the index of its highest power. Harriott, notwithstanding this observation, lay directly in his road, does not appear to have made it. The complete development of negative and impossible roots, was left to exercise the ingenuity of succeeding inquirers. Vieta employed the large letters of the alphabet, and in- dicated their powers by initials placed over them, as ex- ponents are now used ; Harriott substituted small letters, and denoted their powers by repetitions of the letter ; thus instead of ./^% A"^ etc., he wrote aa^ aaa^ etc., a small change, indeed, but still an obvious improvement in the notation. His Artis AnaSyticse Praxis, containing his dis- * This eminent mathematician was born at Fontenoy, in Poitou, in 1540, and died in 1603. Xll PREFACE. coveries, was published after his death.*" He was born at Oxford, in 1560, and died in 1621. The celebrated French philosopher, Eene Descartes, contributed largely to the advancement of algebra. He explained the nature of negative roots, and taught the man- ner of finding their number by the changes of the signs in the general equation. The use of exponents, as now ap- plied, is attributed to him ; as is also the method of inde- terminate co-efficients. The first application of algebra to geometry, was long prior to the time of Descartes, yet those sciences are in- debted to him for that intimate union, which has since con- tributed so extensively to the improvement of both. Des- cartes was born in 1596, and died in 1650. Soon after the time of Descartes, the analytical science took a flight, which, if followed, would lead me far beyond the bounds of a preface. This sketch of the history will, therefore, be closed with the remark, that this science, as enriched by the discoveries of Newton, Leibnitz, and others, has become, in the hands of our modern philosophers, the torch to guide them through the most intricate labyrinths of science ; that by its light they have traced the motions of the celestial bodies through all their mystic dance, and penetrated many of the recesses of nature, where, without its aid, they must have been bewildered and lost. The following work was undertaken from a persuasion, that the books on algebra, used in our schools, were none of them entirely adapted to the wants of a large class of pupils, many of whom do not enjoy the leisure, or the talents requisite for penetrating the depths of science, and yet are desirous of attaining a knowledge of this subject, sufficient to qualify them for studying successfully the com- mon practical branches of mathematics, to which this serves as a key. In the most popular treatise on this science, with which our schools have been furnished, the progress of the student appears to me neecflessly obstructed, by diffi- * Bossut says it was published in 1620 ; Montucla and others say in 1C31. PREFACE. XUl culties near the commencement, which, to a common in- tellect, are almost insuperable. My object has been to present the most useful parts of the science in such order, that no very abstruse process should be required, before the pupil had been sufficiently exercised, to acquire the requisite skill. The expedients demanded for solving the questions are mostly pointed out before they are called for in practice. In a popular treatise on a subject which has engaged the attention of so great a number of authors, many of them, unquestionably, endued with talents of the highest order, it would be idle to expect much originality. My object has been to smooth the path of the student, and diminish the toil of the tutor. The work, with all its imperfections, is submitted to the inspection of the public. 2 CONTENTS Definitions, ... - - - - Page 15 Addition, 18 Subtraction, 21 Multiplication, - 22 Division, -------- 26 Involution, or the Raising of Powers, - - 32 Evolution, or the Extraction of Roots, - - 36 Algebraic Fractions, 41 Equations, 50 Simple Equations, - 51 Quadratic Equations, 84- Promiscuous Examples, 101 Ratios, 106 Variations of Quantities, Ill Series, - - - - - - - -114 Summation of Series, 128 Differential Method, - - - - . 129 Construction of Logarithms, - - - - 133 Surds, 142 Equations in General, 155 Indeterminate Problems, 166 Miscellaneous Examples, 176 xiv ALGEBRA. DEFINITIONS. Article 1. Algebra, or specious arithmetic, is the science of computing by symbols or general characters. 2. Quantities, of whatever kind, are usually denoted by letters of the alphabet. 3. The relations of quantities, and the operations to be performed on them, are indicated by the following charac- ters, thus : 4. The sign + plus^ or more^ indicates addition, as a-\-b signifies that b is added to a, 5. The symbol — minus^ or less^ indicates subtraction ; thus, a — Z>, signifies that b is subtracted from a. The characters + and — are called, by way of emi- nence, the signs of the quantities to which they are pre- fixed. 6. Multiplication is denoted by the sign X , into^ placed between the factors, as axb; or by a period, as a.b; or, more frequently, by joining the letters, like letters in a word, as ab; each of which expressions denotes the pro- duct of a and b, 7. Division is indicated by the sign -r- %, placed be- tween the terms ; or by writing the dividend above, and the divisor below, a horizontal line ; thus a-H^, or -7- de- notes the quotient of a when divided by b, 15 16 DEFINITIONS. 8. The difference of two quantities, when it is unknown which is the greater, is indicated by the sign -v, placed between them ; thus, arj)^ or b^a^ denotes the difference of a and b. 9. : : : : indicates proportion; thus, a : b : : c : d^ may be read, a has to b the same ratio that c has to d, 10. = equal to, signifies that the quantities between which it is placed, are equal to each other, thus, b-\-c = fl — d+e, is a combination, called an equation, which signifies, that when the operations indicated by the signs are performed on the quantities placed on each side of the sign of equality, the results are equal to each other. 11. A simple quantity is that which consists of one term only, viz. a quantity denoted by a single letter, or several letters and figures, connected by the sign of mul- tiplication or division, expressed or understood,* as a, abc, 5cd; J- 12. A compound quantity consists of two or more sim- ple quantities connected by the signs of addition or sub- traction, as a — 6, ab — ac + bd, 13. A root is a number or quantity, from which a power is conceived to arise. 14. A power of a number or root, is the product of a unit, multiplied continually by the given root, any pro- posed number of times ; and the figure or quantity which indicates the number of multiplications thus made, is called the index or exponent; thus, 1x5x5x5x5=6255 and, IXaX axaxaxa, or aaaaa, are the 4th and 5th powers of 5 and a respectively, and are usually expressed by the root with the index of the power set over it: as 5'*, a^; hence a^= 1, whatever value may be assigned to a, 15. The second power is called the square; the third power, the cube; the fourth power, the biquadrate, etc. of their respective roots. * An absolute number, though containing numerous digits, is con- sidered as a simple quantity. DEFINITIONS. 17 16. The radical sign^ -/, prefixed to a quantity, indi- cates the square rootj ^, the cube root; -y, the fourth root, etc. Roots are also expressed by fractional expon- 1 ents; thus, y/a, or a"', denotes the square root of a; ^/a, 1 • .2 or a^, the cube root of a; and v^ri^, or a^, the cube root of the square of a, 17. A root which cannot be accurately expressed in numbers, is called a surd^ or irrational quantity, a^ V 5? 18. A quantity which has no radical sign, or which having a radical sign, admits of an accurate extraction of the root indicated by the sign, is called rational ; thus a, %/16, 4/Z>^, are rational quantities. 19. When a compound quantity has a line drawn over it, or is enclosed in brackets, the operation indicated by a preceding or subsequent sign, is to be performed on the whole considered as a simple quantity; thus, a-{-b — cXc?, and (b-\'C)x (d — e), signify that the compound quantities connected by the sign X , are multiplied together ; and y/ab-\-dc, '^{ab — cd-{-ef,l signify the sauare root, and the cube root respectively, of the compound quantities which are preceded by the radical signs. 20. A number prefixed to a letter, or combination of letters, is called the co-efficient; thus, in the expression Sab, 3 is the co-efficient. 21. A compound quantity, consisting of two terms, is called a binomial, as a + b; one of three terms, a trinomial, as ab-{-ac-{-de. 22. Like quantities are those which consist of the same letters similarly involved ; as ab, Sab, 5ab, 23. Unlike quantities consist of different letters, or dif- ferent powers of the same letters, as a, ab, Sa\ 4^ab^. 24. A simple quantity is usually termed a monomial. =*So called from radix^ a root. 18 ADDITION. A compound quantity is termed a binomial, a trinomial, or polynomial, according as it consists of two, three or many terms. Thus^ a -\-b, ab + cd, are binomials, a + ^-f^j CLb + cd+ef, are trinomials, etc. In the solution of problems, it is usual to denote known or given quantities, by the initial letters, a, b, c, etc., and unknown ones, by the final letters, v, a?, y, etc. The following examples are given for the purpose of exercising the student in the application of the algebraic signs. Required the numerical values of the following combi- nations, supposing a=7, i=6, c=5, c?=3, e=2. a' + Uc—3de=:34^3+ 120—18=445. (a5 + cc/)x(35c + 4«6Z) = (42+15)X(90 + 84) = 57xl74 = 9918. a^ + cd'—3be=:S03. b^ + d'd—lce—^bc^ 223. {ac^'-^^bd) X 6ac= 15 9425. , b' VaH^'-f«5=20 4 a'b'hl3cd^ -2^^I3S--^^-^^^^ 6ad^—2ace^ ~7 bT3d ~'^^^'^^ s/4^a^+ld'+63be=zl3 a^—a^b + 3ad^—4 is frequently prefixed to quantities which are not preceded by others, to or from which they are required to be added or subtracted ; a preceding quantity, however, may always be supposed. Algebraic quantities are said to be positive, or negative, according as they are preceded by the signs -f or — ; the former being always understood where none is expressed. 20 ADDITION 2ab^-\- 6cd^ — Sx^ — Sa^^ + 4a?y -5ab^ + 4^cd^ 6x'^y^ 4/^'- 22 MULTIPLICATION. From 17a5— 3a?y + 552 Take llab + 4^xy + '7b^ Sax — 55c lax — 76c 9aey+42~26 ISaxy^ — 9y —Sax^y~ 4j7^ 1. Divide 2Sxy^ by 7a? Y- Result, -^ 2. Divide — lOabc by 15abd Eesult, 3^ 3. Divide limn by 22m^ Kesult, 2^, 4. Divide 19xyz by 2bx^yz^ Case 2. ^^^""'25^ 34. PFAe/i ^Ae dividend is a compound quantity, and the divisor a simple one. Divide every term of the dividend by the divisor, as in 28 DIVISION. the former case, and connect the results by their proper signs, EXAMPLES. 3a -z=z6x''—5ay + 9a^ 2. Divide 15axy^ — SOb'^xy — lOx'^y^ by 6xy. 3. Divide 30a^c— ISac^+lS^c by Sac, 4. Divide 15a^bc — 15acx'^-{-5ad^ hj — 5ac, 5. Divide 21a^x'^ — la^x^ — 14Y— 12a%+36a% ^7 ^^%- 7. Divide 2Sx^y^-\-3bxY — 1(oc^y^z by 7a?y. ^ Case 3. 35. When the divisor and dividend are compound quantities. Arrange the terms, both of the divisor and dividend, in such manner that the higher powers of some one letter shall always precede the lower; then find the first term of the quotient, by using the first of the divisor and dividend, as in the first case. Multiply the whole divisor by the quotient thus found; subtract the product from the divi- dend, as in common arithmetic; and proceed till the divi- dend is exhausted. The remainder, if any thing remain, with the divisor for a denominator, must be annexed, with its proper sign, to the quotient, EXAMPLES. a+b)a^ + 3a^b + 3ab^+b\a^ + 2ab+b'' a3+ a^b 'Ha-b + Sab^ 2a''b + 2ab^ ab^+b^ a¥-\-b^ DIVISION. 29 ^^' — ^a^b -f 9a^Z>2 — lOa'^b^ a^^2ab + 6^ 3a3^3 — la^b^-^bab* 3^353 — 6a2^>3^3fij54 — a^b^-i-^ab^ — b^ —265 3. Divide a?* — 4-a7^y + 6a?y — 4a?y3 4-y* by x — y ^ Eesult, x^ — 3x-y + 3xy^ — y, 4^. Divide a^ — b^ by a — b. Result, a + b, 5. Divide a^ + b^ by a+b. Result, a'^-r-ab+b^ 6. Divide y^^3y^—4^y + 12 by y^—4<. Result, y—3, 7. Divide b^—3b^x''+3b^x^—x^ by ¥—3b^x + 3bx''—x\ Result, 53 + 36^0? + 3bx'' + a?^. 8. Divide 24a*— 6* by 3a— 65. (^03^4 Result, 8a^+ 16a^b + 32ab'^+6W+\ ^ oa — K)o 9. Divide a*-r4^a^b'''—32b^hj a + 2b. Result, a^—2a^b + Sab''—16b^ 10. Divide oj^+y^ by x+y. Result, 0?^ — a?*y4-a?^y^ — x^^+xy* — j/^H — ^ — 11. Divide x^ — y^ by x — y. Result, 0?^ + x'^y + x^y^ + x^y^ + a:*2/* 4 x'^y^ 4- a?^^^ 4- a^y^ 4 y^. 12» Divide a* -4- 4a^6 + Ga^^^ + 4a6^ + 6* + ^a^c 4- 12a26c + 12ab^c + U^c-\'6a''c^-\-12abc^+6b^c''-{-^ac^ + 4. Result, a^—^a''b-\'Tlah''—2W, This method of involution is easily extended to trino- mials, quadrinomials, etc., by considering two or more of the terms as a single compound one. 8. Required the 4th power of a-\'h — c. Here considering b — c as the second term of the bino- mial, we have {a-\-b — c)*=a*+4a^(6 — c)+Qa\b — c)^-}- 4a(6 — c)^+(6 — c)*j and involving b — c, by the same me- thod, to the powers indicated, we have (b — cy=b^ — 26c + c2 ; (6 _ cy = b^—Sb^c 4- 3bc^—c^ ; (b — cy= ¥ — ^¥c 4- 6Z>2c3 — 45c^ + c* j consequently, (a-\-b — c)*= a* + ^a^b — 4a3c+6a262 — 12a2^c-f 6a2c2+4a63 — l2abH-\-12abc^ — ^ac^J^ ^4 4,^3^2 _|. 6^2c2 ^J)c3, _J_ c4, 9. Required the 3d power oi x-\-y-\-z. Result a?3 -)- 3a:2y ^ ^xy'^^y^ + 307^2: + 6a?yz+ 3/2; + 3a:2;2+ 33/2:24-03. 10. Required the second power of a 4-6 — c — d. Result, a2^.2a64-62— 2ac— 26c4-c2— 2a6?— ^bd+'Zcd-ird^ 11. Required the 4th power oi x-\-y — 32r. Result, a?*4-4a?^2/4-6a?'^2/2_j.4a?y3 4_/ — 12a?'^2: — 3<6x''yz—3Qxy'-z—11y^z 4- ^4^x^z^+ lOSxyz^ +b4*+55 I0a''c^+30a^bc^+30ab^c^+10b^c^+10a^c^ + 20abc^+l0b^c^+6ac^ i-bbc^+c\ 13. Required the 3d power of a+b — c — d. Result, a^ + 3a^b + 3ab^+b^ — 3a''c — 3a^d—6abc — Qabd—3b''c—3b^d+ 3ac^ + 3bc^ +6acd+ 6bcd+3ad^+3bd^—c^ — 3c^dr—3cd^—d\ EVOLUTION, OR THE EXTRACTION OF ROOTS. Case I. 38. To extract the root of a simple quantity. Extract the root of the co-efficient, for the numeral part ; and divide the index or indices of the literal part, for the exponents of the root.* When the root cannot be extracted, it must be indi- cated as in definition 16. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the ^th root of 266a*x^, 4 8 v/256 = db4, the co-efficient; a'^x'^^ax^ the literal part. Hence, the root required is 4}ax% or — 4aa?^. 2. What is the 5th root of—baH^'^l The 5th root of 5 is a surd, and must be indicated 1 thus: y 5 or b^. Hence, the root required is —5'^a^b^ or — a^b^^6. * The odd roots have the same signs as their powers ; but the even roots of positive quantities may be either positive or negative. The even roots of negative quantities are impossible. These impossible or imaginary roots frequently become the subject of important investiga- tions, as will appear in the sequel of this work. EVOLUTION. 37 3. Required the square root of 16a'^b\ Eesult, ±:4^abK 4. What is the square root of 626oc^y^1 Ans. d[=25a?y. 5. Required the cube root of — 12oa^b", Result, —5a^b. 6. What is the 5th root of—3'2aH'c^^1 Ans. — 2a^bc^, 7. What is the 3d root of 7^y? Ans. x^^Ky^ ■ 8. What is the 4th root of Sla'b^l Ans. ±i3as/b% or dzSab^b. 9. Required the 5th root of —24<3a'b^ Result, — 3aby/b. Case 2. 39. To extract the square root of a compound quantity. Arrange the terms according to the dimensions of some letter, beginning with the highest. Take the square root of the first term for the first term of the root, and subtract its square from the given quan- tity. Double the root thus found, for a defective divisor, divide the first term of the above remainder by this defec- tive divisor, and annex the result both to the root and to the divisor. Multiply the divisor thus completed by the term of the root last obtained, and subtract the product from the for- mer remainder. Divide the first term of the remainder as before, for the next term of the root ; add this last and the preceding term of the root to the last complete divisor for a new divisor. Multiply, subtract, and proceed as before. J^ote, — In these additions, regard must always be paid to the signs of the quantities. 4 38 EVOLUTION. 4^3 + 1 2a5 + %^—20ac—30bc + 2bc%^a + 36—5c 4a+36 \12a5 + 9Z>2 36— 5cll2a6 + 962 4a+6^>— 5c \— 20«c— 306c + 25c2 /— 20ac— 306c+25c3 2. Required the square root of x'^'\-2xy+y^. Result, x~{-y. 3. Required the square root of a*4"4*^^+^^^+'^<^4■l• Result, a2+2a+l. 4. Required the square root of x* — '^ax^+Qa-x^ — i^a'x 4- a*. Result, x^ — ^ax+a"-, 5. What is the square root of 16 x' + 24^x^ + 89 x^+ 60 x + 100. Ans. 4a?2+3a? + 10. 6. What is the square root of 4a^ — 12a^x+ba^x^+6ax'^ +a?*'? ' Ans. 2a'—3aX'^x'', 7. What is the 4th root of a'+12a''b+54^a'b^+lOSab^ + 816*'?^ Ans. a+3b. 8. What is the 4th root of a^^4 ^0 rO 00 00 O i-H 1 o 1 + i i ^ 53 e CO ^ Tf* CO T? n Tf< + r-t 1 r<5 CO 1— i 1 ^ i + CJ 5S ^i o Q - 00 1 2. Jl 00 C3 00 o w' ^ <5 •<5 -O t- l> ®ta i> ^ C< C<1 C^ C<1 CO + + rH + O) tM , e e rf( tJ< + •«o + + ^ 1 , etc., and the first term of the power consists of the first term of the root involved to the power in question. 2. Required the 3d root of 21x^—54^x''y + 36xy"—Sy\ Ans. 3a? — 2y. 3. What is the 3d root of a?'^— 60?^+ 15a?*— 20a?^+15a?'2 —6a? -f- 1'? Ans. a?^— 2a? + 1 . 4. Required the 5th root of 32a?5— 80a?*+80a?^— 40a?2-f lOo?— 1. Result, 2a?— 1. 5. Required the 4th root of 16a^—96a^x+216a^x''- 216«a?3 + 81a?*. Ans. 2a— 3a. 6. Find the 5th root of a?^^+10a?9+35a?3+40a?7— 30a?«— 68a/5+30a?*+40a?3— 35a?^+ lOo?— 1. Result, a?H2a?— 1. 41. J^ote, — The roots of compound quantities may sometimes be obtained, with great facility, by a method of trial. To effect which, it may be observed, that the power of a binomial consists of as many terms as there are units in the exponent, increased by one. Hence, if the number of terms of a quantity, whose root is to be extracted, ex- ceeds this sum, we may conclude that the root consists of more terms than two. When the root is judged to be a binomial, take the roots of the extreme terms, and connect the results by the sign + or — 5 but when the root appears to contain more terms than two, take also the roots of one or more of the other given terms, and connect the roots thus obtained by the signs + or — , as may be judged proper. Involve this supposed root to the given power, and if ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 4fl the result agrees with the quantity given, the root is mani- festly correct. This expedient, however, is not likely to abridge the labor of a student in the early periods of his course. Section III. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 42. Algebraic fractions depend upon the same princi- ples as those in common arithmetic, and are managed by similar rules, proper regard being paid to the signs and algebraic modes of operation. EXAMPLES. 1. Required the greatest common divisor of cc^ — b^Xy and x'^+^bx+bK* x^—b''x)x^+2bx+ b\\ 25a: +263 x-\-b)x'^ — h\x — h x^-{-bx —bx--b^ —bx—b] Hence, x+b is the divisor required. * In examples of this kind, we are frequently obliged to adopt expedients which are not usual in common arithmetic. When every term of the divisor has a factor, which does not contain a letter or number common to every term of the dividend, we divide by it, and use the quotient as a divisor. When the divisor has been thus re- duced, it often happens, that the division is still impracticable ; in 4* 42 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 3^2 2a 1 2. Required to reduce ^ ^ ^g ' , -i ^^ its lowest terms."^ First to find a common divisor. 3a2_2a— -1) 4a^— 2a3— 3a+ 1 3 12a^— 6^2— 9a.+ .3(4a 2a3_ 5a + 3 3 6a^—15a+ 9(2 6a3_ 4a_ 2 — lla+11 which case, we multiply the dividend by such a number as will make its first term a multiple of the first of the divisor. By these processes we make no change in the common divisor, un- less we divide by a number or quantity which is common to the given terms ; or introduce into one of them a divisor of the other. * Solutions may sometimes be facilitated, by resolving the quanti- ties concerned into their component factors. In this example the numeratoris evidently =3^^ — 3a-^a — l=3a (a — 1) -f a — l=(3a-|- 1) (a — 1); and the deuomin?i.tor=^Aa^—4a^-\-2a^—2a^a'\-l=4a^{a—l) Hr2«(a— l)--l(o— l)=(4a24-2a— l)(a— 1). Hence a— 1 is mani- festly the common divisor, and ' ^ . ^ : the required result. In example 3, we have the numerator= o3(a2 — l!^), and from ex- ample 8, page 25, it is seen that a'^—'b^=(^a^—b^){a^J^h2), Hence, ai — J2 IS the common divisor ; and — ;; — — •= „ , -- ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 43 Com. div. a — l/Sa^ — 3a 3. Reduce— — rr— to its lowest terms. Result, r- '^■- 4. Reduce ; — to its lowest terms. Result, xy+y y P,a^+10a*b +5a^b^ . , 5. Reduce --j—, — o ^i:^ ■ n ?,■. . j.^ to its lowest terms. a^b-^ 2a^b^-{'2ab^+b'^ ^ , 6a^+da^b Result, ■ ^a^b^ab^+b^ 6. Reduce — -to its lowest terms. a^ — a^x — ax^ + x^ Result, ^ ^ , 6a'' + lax—-3x^ . , 7. Reduce^— ——r rrrrto its lowest terms. 6a^+llax-\-3x^ Result, TT — ; — ^ 3a+x 8. Reduce ^ - , ^ „ . ^ to its lowest terms. Result, ^ '3a?2+2a?+l 44? ALGEBRAIC FEACTIONS. (I 2c 3x 9. Reduce oT? q3 7~> to other equivalent fractions having a common denominator.* 6a^d Sabc . %dx '12abd' nabd' T2M 10. Reduce t-^-tt'-, and ^r- to a common denominator. 9b Sac 6ad ^^^ '12^2' 12a^' 12^ 1 3a^ 2a^4-5'^ 11. Reduce TT,— 7- , and 7-; to a common denomi- nator. 4a 4- 45 9a^ + 9a25 24^a''+12b^ Result, 12a+126' 12a + 126' 12a +126 * The least common denominator should always be foand in exam- ples of this kind. To find the least common multiple of two or more numbers or quanti- ties, divide such of them as have a common divisor, by the greatest prime number they contain. Repeat the process on the quotients and undivided quantities as long as a divisor common to two of them can be found ; then multiply these divisors, the several final quotients, and undivided quantities continually together, the product is the common multiple required. For such product must contain all the factors in- cluded in the given quantities, and none of them are repeated oftener than in the given terms. Thus to find the least common multiple of 4a^, Sab, 66^, IQbc. The only common measures of the co-efficients are 2 and 3, and the literal divisors, common to two or more, are a and b. Arranging them thus : 2)4a3, 3ab, 652, 105c 2a3 Sab Sb'^ 5bc 2^3 ab b^ 5bc 2^3 b 53 5bc 2«3X 1 XiX 5c X 2X3c5=60a3i% the quantity sought. ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 45 12. Reduce ttt^-tt j -, to a common denommator. 40 3 a ' 93a 80aa? 120a^ + 240a? •^^^" ' 120^' 120^ 120a 2a7 13. Reduce a — Trrto an improper fraction. 3^—207 Result, — 3a 2a7 8 14. Reduce 10 -| — ^ — to an improper fraction. 32x— S Result, — ^ • 15. Required an improper fraction equivalent to l+2a:— ^ . Result, ^^ 16. What is the equivalent improper fraction to a — .22 — a^ 2a- — z^ 7 Ans. a ' a 3a3? ' 1 4^?^ 17. Reduce — — to a whole or a mixed quantity. Result, 3a? -4 a-^x 2a3+252 18. Reduce -. — to a whole or mixed quantity. 4Z'2 Result, 2a +25+ =. a — b ^^ ^ , 27a3— 36^—40? +9a2 ^ 19. Reduce ^— to a mixed quantity. Result, 3«+l-?^^ 46 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS, 20. Eeduce — — to a whole or mixed quan- tity. _, , '^ax^' — h Result, x^ — a^ -\ 21. Add ^ 3^r and ^.^ together. Sum, -^^^— 22. Required the sum of a — -r- and h-\ ■. _ , _ 2ahx — 3c^2 Result, a-\-b-\ ^ • ^ _i_ 3 2a 5 23. What is the sum of 2a+ — ^, and ^a-\ — ^ 14«— 13 Ans.GaH ^^j — 24. Add — 1-, to — —,. bum — - — 7— or 2+-; — ji a — b a-\-b a^—b^ a\ — 6-, a a — X 25. What is the sum of 2a, and — --1 ^ a — X a-\-x Sx^ — ax Ans. 2a+2+ ^^3^ ^ Sa 4)a -n. . 1 ^^ 26. From-x- subtract-y- Remainder,f)g ^ Sax , 2ax ^ ax 27. From-^- take -tt . Rem. j^ 2a — b Sa — 46 28. From — -. — subtract — -^t — . Qab—3¥—12ac+16bc Kem. j23^ ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. 47 29. From 4a -{ — - — subtract 2a — ■^-— — ^ lOa^ — 5a6 — 7ac + 1 lie Eem. 2«+ ^^^^^^ a-\'CO a — X 4a? 30. Subtract^-; . from a-{- — — — r Kem. a- a(a — x) a(a + xy a^ — x^ 31. Required the continued product of -r -q- and a — X _, - , 2a — 2a? 32. Required the product of . ^ and — g^v. Prod. "^ ' «6+c2 33. Required the continued product of a r "TTT 3a? , 76 ^ , 216 75 and 7- r, Frod.-y — a — ox — a?^. b — x 34. Required the continued product of— 7-7-7 — r^' fi> -J" c? ax ~Y~ X ax and 0?+ Prod. 2a^ — ax — 2a64-6a? a— —a?* 3D. Divide ^ by ^^-. Quotient,g- 36. Divide o"- — by-7r^ — . Quot. —^ - Soay ^ 2oyz la 37. Divide a by a+- . Quoi. - a + x ^ a — X a^ -i~ax 38. Divide -— - by -— -. — --7, Quot. 1 48 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS. on n- 'A 3^— li. 1-^+^ n r^^ 39. Divide ^^-by-^^. Quot. -^^^ 40. Divide -vrT^ by-Tj-r Quot. —pr — . 12cd ^ bd. ^ I0ac2 ^1- ^^^^^^ 2a^-4aH~2^^ ^^ "4-^-4T-* Quot. 2a + ' a 42. Divide ^z:^^-j^-^^y -z:^. Quot. a:+~ Quot. a3+2a2a?+2aa?2+.r'^ 13 4 4 44. Divide a:* — -^x'^'\-x^'\--kx — 2byg^ — 2. 3 1 Quot. jo?"^ — 2^^+l. * By inverting the divisor, and resolving the terms into their com- ponent factors we have — 2{a—b) (a—b) ^ 5a(^b) "Whence by expunging the corresponding factors, from the numerator and denominator we find the fraction reduced to — 2a + a ' a In like manner — a:^— 3^ a:~h __{x^ + b^Xx + h)(x—b).(a;—b) _ x2 + b^ x^—2bx + b^Xc^-\-bx '(x—b){x^b),x(^x'fb) ~ ^ = X-^ ' X ALGEBUAIC FK ACTIONS. 49 45. Eequired the 4th power of -3^. Result, ^^ a — b 46. Required the 3d power of -^r^ Result 1- '^a^ + 3a^b-{'3at^-\-b^ 2x 47. What is the 4th power of 1 — —7 a Sx 24a?2 32a:3 I6x^ Ans. 1--+-^--^+-^ 64a?^ 4 J? 48. What is the cuhe root of ^7^'^ '^^^'"Sa^ 49. Required the square root of J^il^- 3a^ Result, 2xy^ 11 3 50. Required the square root of x^—Sx^^-^x^—^x 1 3 1 +_. Result, a^'— 2^4-j 1 1 41 43 51. What is the 3d root of go^s— -a:^ +— a:*— — a:^ 41 1 1 .1^1 52. Required the square root of a^+2b. b b^ b" 55* Result, a+~^3+^^g^, etc. 5 50 EQUATIONS. Section IV. EQUATIONS. 43. An equation is an algebraic expression, indicating that one quantity, or combination of quantities, is equal to another. The quantity, or combination, which stands on either side of the sign of equality, is called a member of the equation. Thus, ax-]-bx=ah-\-cd, is an equation of which ax-\-bx is the first member, and ah-\-cd the second. 44. In the application of algebra to the solution of problems, the quantities concerned, both those which are given, and those which are required, are usually repre- sented by symbols, and the conditions of the problem translated into the language of algebra. One or more equations are thus formed, including unknown as well as known quantities. 45. The number of independent equations required for the solution of a problem, is equal to the number of un- known quantities employed. 46. A simple equation is one which includes only the iirst or single power of the unknown quantity or quanti- ties, as ax+h=^cx — d, 47. A quadratic equation is one whiclr includes the square of the unknown quantity. An equation which contains no power of the unknown quantity, but the square, is called a simple qnadraticy as ax^=^h; but when the square and simple power of the unknown quantity are both included, it is called an adfected quadratic equation; as x^ — ax=bc, 48. A cubic equation is one which contains the cube of the unknown quantity; as o(f^-{-aX'-i-bx=c, 49. A biquadratic equation is one which contains the fourth power of the unknown quantity; ns x^-\'aV-{-c'''X =^bH\ 50. Equations, in general, are said to be of as many SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 51 dimensions as there are units in the index of the highest power of the unknown quantity. 51. In general, an equation which contains but one power of the unknown quantity is called a pwe equation; thus, x'^—-b-\-c^ is called a pure quadratic equation; x^=b, a pure cubic equation, etc. Great part of the business of algebra consists in de- ducing, from given equations, the values of the unknown quantities which they contain. This is effected by making correspondent changes in both the members of the equa- tion, so as to obtain, eventually, the unknown quantity on one side of the sign of equality, and known quantities on the other. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Containing one unknown quantity. To facilitate the solution of equations generally, the fol- lowing principles or modes of operation must be observed. ♦ Mode I. 52. Any quantity may be transposed, that is, removed from one member of the equation to the other, by chang- ing its sign.* EXAMPLES. Given '7x-\-5a=:6x-{-3b to find x. By transposing ba and 6x, we have Ix — 6x=3b — 5a, or x=3b — Sa, * Hence, if any term be contained in both members of the equa- tion with the same sign, it may be taken from both; and the signs of all the terms msy be changed, without destroying the equation. 52 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 2. Given Sy— 3=:7i/+5 to find y. Result, 2/=8. 3. Given 15a?— 6 =140? + 20, to find x. Result, a?=:26. 4. Given 20— 132^=45— 14y+ 4, to find y. Result, ?/=29. 5. Given 8a?+ 15=15+907—17, to find cc. Re :ilt, a:=17. 6. Given 25a? — 5=24a? + 26 — c, to find a?. Result, a?= 36 — c. 7. Given 36— 9a?=76— 8a?— 4J, to find a?. Result, a?=4c^ — 46. Mode 2. 53. The CO- efficient of an unknown quantity may be taken away, by dividing every term of the equation by it. EXAMPLES. Given ax-{-ba=ad, to find a?. By dividing by a, we have x-{-b=d; hence by transpo- sition, x=d — b. 2. Given 5a?== 25, to find a?. Result, a?=5. 3. Given 30a?=180, to find a?. Result, x=6, 4. Given 6a?+ 17=44 — 3a>, to find a?. Result, a?=3. 5. Given 3aa? — 4a6=2aa? — 6ac, to find a?. Result, a?=46 — 6c. 6. Given 3a?- — 10a?=8a?+a?2, to find a?. Result, a?=9. 7. Given 6y^—Sy''=22y^—Sy^, to find y. Result, y=3i Mode 3. 54. An equation may be cleared of fractions by multi- plying all its terms by any common multiple of the deno- minators. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 53 _,. X X X 6 ^1 Given - — r + -=l7T5to find x. 2 3 5 o Multiply by 30, and then we have 15a? — 10x-\-6x=b5; whence lla?=55, and a?=5. XXX 2. Given —+—-==: — + 7, to find x. Result, x=12. ^ ^. ^—5 ^ 284—07 ^ , 3. Given —r — [-Qx= — ^ , to find x. Eesult, x=9, ^. 11 — X 19 — X ^ _ T-, , 4. Given a? -1 ^ — = — ^ — , to find a?. Kesult, a7=::5. . ^. o 2a?+6 , llo;— 37 , , 5. Given 3a? H — =5-^ , to find x. Ai Result, a?=7. Mode 4. 55. When the unknown quantity is under a radical sign, such sign may be taken away, by first transposing the terms, so as to leave the radical quantity alone on one side of the equation, and then involving each member of the equation to the proper power. EXAMPLES. Given ^^+40=10— ^/a?, to find a?. Squaring both sides, a?+40=100 — 20 v/a?+a?. By transposition, 20^/^=60, or ^/a?=3. Squaring both members, a:=9. 2. Given x/ a? + l— 2:rr3, to find x. Result, a?=24. 3. Given 4^3^+4 + 3=6, to find x. Result, a?=7f . 4. Given sf x — 16 = 8 — sf x^ to find x. Result, a?=25. 5* 54? SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 5. Given v/4a4-a7=2V^+^ — V^j to find a?. Eesult, 0?= — ^ i — 2a — b 6. Given 's/4>a^+x^=:i^U^+x*, to find x. Result, a:=V-2^ 7. Givena? + a+\/2aa?-[-^^=^ to find x, b^—2ab+a^ Result, X= pry Mode 5. 56. When the member of an equation, which contains the unknown quantity, is a complete square, cube, etc., the equation may be reduced by extracting the square root, cube root, etc. of both its members.* EXAMPLES. Giv^n x^—6x^+ 12a?— 8= 343, to find x. Extracting the cube root, x — 2=7, or x=9, 2. Given a?24.4a?4-4=81, to find x. Result, a?=7» 1 81 3. Given ^H^+T=-r' ^^ ^^^ ^* Result, a?=:4?. 4. Given x^+Sax'^+Sa^x+a^^b^^ to find x. Result, x=b — a 5. Given 9a?2+17=:98, to find x. Result, x=3. 6. Given a?*— 4a?^-f 6a?2~-4a?+l = 256, to find x. Result, a? =5 7. Given 3a?5=96, to find x. Result, x=% * These modes of reducing equations depend upon a few self-evi- dent truths. When two quantities are equal, and equal quantities are added to or subtracted from both, or both are divided cr multiplied by the same number, or the same power or the same root of each is taken, the results in each case are equal to each other. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 55 PEOMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 1. Given -0? — 2;a?+-a7=-, to find x. Result, x=l^ 4a 2. Given s/x-^- ^2a+x= — , to find a?. Result, x=-^a o Result x=-xy/ — r— Z 4". Given a + x= ^/ a^+x s/ ^^^-i- x\ to find x. Result, x-= a 5. Given 2+ v'3a?=\/4<+5a7, to find a?. Result, x—\% 6. Given a — a?= , to find a?. Result, x=~ a — X ' 2 7. Given V«+3?+V«^ — ^= \/aa:, to find a:. 4a^ Result, 0?=-- — 7 a a 5 — 2a 8. Given --; — l-:; =5, to find x. Result, a:= V — t — ^ ^. 7a?+16 a?+8 a? , , 9. Given -jj ^___^^, to find a.. ^_ ^. 4a? + 3 , 7a?— 29 8a?+19 ^ . , 10. Given^^+g^-^=-^g-,tofinda?. Result, a?=8. ind X, Result, a?=6. 56 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 11. Given — ^r— : — - — : :7 : 2, to find a?.* to determine x and y. ( 7a?— 3y=:58 ) From the first equation x— 12^—-^. This value being substituted for x in the second equation, we have xMultiplying by —2, Ty + G^/— 168=— 116. 13 Whence ?/= =4, a?=:12— 1-=12— 2=10. 2 Given ^ ^^— %=15^' z. uiven^ 10a?+152/=825. Quere the values of a? and yl Ans. a?=45, y=25. 3. Given, 3 5"^' — -4.^=:31j to find 07 and y, Eesult, a?= 30, 3^=25 ^- ^^^^^ ^ 0? : 2/ :: 5 : 3, to find 07 and 3/. Result, 07=15, y=9 5. Given -^ + 3o?=29, to find x andy. Result, 07=9, y=:6. 62 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Rule 4. 60. Multiply one of the equations by an indefinite quan- tity, and to the equation thus formed, add the other given equation. Assume the sum of the co-efficients of one required quantity equal to 0, and thence determine the value of the assumed multiplier. The new equation will then contain but one unknown quantity, which may be found as before. iSXAMPLES. Given | o Xfi^— 1 S2 ( ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ values of x and y. Multiply the second equation by the indefinite quantity m, and we shall have 3mx-\-8my=132m, Adding this equation to the first, Smx+Hx+Smy — 9y=132m+69. 7 Assume 37?^+7=0, whence m= — —^ _ 132^+59 _ — 308 + 59 _ 924<— 177 _ ^^^y- Sm—9 " 56 ^ - 56 + 27 ~^- -3-^ 132— 8y 132—72 60 ^^ Hence x= ^—^= — ^ =—=20. 9 Or assuming Sm — 9=0, 7n=—^ 1188 ^„ 132;7^+59 _ 8 ^ 1188+472 _^^ ^'^^^- 3^2+7 "27 -" 27+56 "~^^- 8 "^ SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 63 ^ p. ( 15a?— 171/= 12, Z. triven I i7^_i0y.:z.97, to find x and 3/. Result, a?=ll, 2/=9. f 3a74-72/=79, 3. Given j o^_ -i.T=:9, to find x and 3/. Result, a?=10, 2/=7. , p. ( 807 — 5i/=60, *• vjiven ^ 102/— 3a?=75, to determine x and 3/. Result, X— 15, 2/= 12. 5. Given ^ V ^ 2 3 6 _-a:4-_y=l0— , to find a? and y. Result, a?=lO, ^=16. Examples to exercise the foregoiivg rules, ^ p. ( X — ?/=c/, ^ xy=^p, to find a: and y. Squaring the first equation, x'^ — 2xy+y'^=^d^. Multiplying the second by 4, 4a?y=4p. Taking the sum, x^-{-2xy-\-y^=d^-{-4^p. Extracting the root, x+y= ^/ d'^+4}p,(^.) d-h\/d^-\-^P Adding the first, 2x=d-{- y/d^ + 4 + 4^ — d 2?/= V c?^ + ^P — d, or y = *In the solution of these and other similar problems, the ingenious student will find expedients which are not clearly indicated in any of the preceding rules, by which his labor may be frequently abridged. 64f SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 2. Given ^ ^+2/=^» I xy=py to find x and y. Subtracting 4 times the second from the square of the first, we have o?^ — 2xy'{-y'^=s^ — 4j9. Whence x — y = zh >/ s^ — 4/?/ * and _ 5± s/ 5^ — 4p; y=szf.^s^ — 4p. ^ 0?^ — y^=n, to find a? and t/. Dividing the second by the first, a? + 2/=—, Hence, taking the half suiji and half difference as before n-i-m^ n — m^ x=—^ and 2/=-o — • ^. Lriven I ^3_ ^3^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ Subtracting three times the first equation from the se- cond, x^ — 3x^y + 3xy^ — y^=b — 3a, Hence, extracting the root, x — y=4^b — 3a, which put =c, (c/^.) Divide the first equation by this, whence xy= — (jB.) From equations ^ and J5, by proceeding as in the first example, we find , ( 4a > , ( 4a > oc=h < ^c^^ +c hy=i I VC-] c I ( c ' ) ( c ) Or divide the sum of the given equations, by equation a+b ^ and a?3 4-2a?y+2/2=:— — , * As the square of a quantity whether positive or negative is al- ways positive, the square root is often ambiguous; and therefore sus- ceptible of the sign -f or — . In this example, the ambiguity arises from the uncertainty which re or y is the greater. SIMPLE iiQUATlOiXS. 65 Whence by extracting the square root, 57+1/=^/ , Then taking the half sum and half difference of this equation and equation A^ 5. Given) oT^~^?'a i: j j I x^-\-y^=Oj to find x and y. From the first a?^+3a?22/+3a:?/2+2/3=:a3. By subtraction, 3a?^y 4- 3a?^2=a^ — b. Dividing by three times the first, a?y=~r — , which put =^c, ^^ From this and the first equation, we find as in example 2d. 00= 7^ y= 2 Otherwise, dividing the second equation by the first, b 4}b Hence, 4j I 0^+22/ + 32^=62, to find the values of Given a: 1 1 [o^, 2/, and z. 2 1 Multiply the last equation by 2, a?+-^y-i--^2;=20. Subtract this from the first equation, — y+— 2;=9. 3 Multiply by 3, and y+—z=2'7. Subtract the first equation from the second, and 2/ + 2z=33. {A,) From this equation subtract the former, and we find -2;z=6^ or 2;= 12. Take double the last equation from equation A^ and 3/= 9. Hence y+2:=21, and this equation subtracted from the first leaves a? =8. Otherwise, — From the given equations, a? =29 — y — z, a?=62— 2?/— 3;^. on ^ 1 Whence 29— y— 2^=62—23/— 32?. 2 1 And 20— — 2/— -2r=:29— y— 2r. From the former of these, y=33 — 22:. 3 And from the latter, y=27 —z. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 73 Therefore, 'jll—~z=33—2z, /u Or, 54—3^=66—4^^; r,z=12.'^ Buty=33—2z=9. And x=29 — y—z=:8. Or multiplying the second and third equations by m and n respectively, mx-{-2my-i-3mz=62m,, ■^nx-\--ny+-nz=10n. Hence, by adding these equations to the first, x-{-mx-\—^nx-\-y-{'2my-\-—ny-\-z + 3mz-{—j-nz=: 29 + 62m +1071. 1 1 Assume l+2;?^ + -?^=:0, and l^-3;?^4--7^=0 o 4* 3 1 From the former of these equations - + 37?^4--7^=rO. -^ Z Hence m= — -. o 29-^-20 29 + 62m + -i0n ^^ 6 Whence, a:= ^j =- 1 1 '• l+m + —n 1— 1 Again making l+7?z+— 7i=0, and l4-37?^+— 7i=0, We have n= —.B.ndm= — p-. *The sign .«. is used in place of the word therefore. 7 74« SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 29+62m+10n ^ Consequently, y= — =9, Hence, 2:= 12. 2. Given] a7+22/+32r= 105, , ( 07+3^+42;= 134, to find a?, y, and z. Subtract the first from the second, y-{-2z=^2. Second from third, ?/ + 2:=29. Subtracting the last, 2r=23. r.y=:6. And a?=24. C x+y=20, 3. Given < a?-f-2r=24, ^ y+2:=30, to find 0?, y, and z. Eesult,a?=7, ^=13, 0=17. C 7a?+53/+22:=79, 4. Given? 8a7-|-7i/ +9^=122, ( a?+4y + 52:=55, to determine the values of a?,'y, and z. Result, a?=4, y=9, z=3, ( ^— y=2, 5. Given < a? — z=3, ( 2/ + 2r=9, to find a?, 3/, and z. Result, 07=7, y=5, z=4f. - C 2a:+3y+4;^=38, 6. Given < 5a?+ 72/4- 112:= 98, ( 7a? -f 9y + 152:= 132. to find a?, y^ and z. Result, 07=3, 2/ =4, z=5 C aa7+5^+C2r=77?, 7. Given < dx+ey +fz = w, ( gX'\'hy-\-kz=p^ to find a?, y, and z. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 75 Kesult,* 8. Given 9. Given < _ kem — hfm -f hen — hkn + hfp — ecp aek — ahf-\- dhc — dbk-\-gbf — gee akn — afp -f- dcp — dkm -f- gfm — gen ^ ~~ aek — ahf-\- dhe — dbk +gbf—gec aep — ahn + d/im — dbp -\-gbn — gem ~ aek — afif-\-dhc — dbk +gbf' — gee ,^4-y+2:, = 33, to find z?, a:, y, and z. Result, ?;=9, a?=10, y=ll, 2:= 12. f4a7+3y+-2: 22/+22r— a7+l_ a?— z— 5 10 15 '' 5 ' 9a? + 5y— 2 2f 2a? + y— 32r_7y+2r + 3 . 1 12 5 - n + 6^ 5y4-32r 2a7+3y— 2r + 22r=y— 1 + 3a:+2y4.7 4 12 Required the values of a:, y, and 2^. Ans. 07=9, y=7, 2?= 3, f 3v + 4a?-f-5y-h62r=:102, ( 62;-!- 5a: — 7^ + 2^=7, to find v, a?, y, and z. Result, 2;= 5, a?=4, y=7, 2^=6. Examples producing simple equations. Required to find two numbers whose difference shall be 4, and the difference of the squares 64. Let 07 = the greater number, and y = the less. Then, by the question, | ^^^^Jq^^ Dividing the 2d equation by the 1st, a?+y=16 * From these general results, the values of x, y, z^ in the preceding examples, may be found by simple substitution. 76 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Taking the sum and difference of this equation and the first, 2x=20, and 2y=12. .•. a?=10, and y=6. Otherwise. Let x = the less number, then x+4} = the greater : Whence, by the question, a7-|-4]^ — a:^=64<. Or 807+16 = 64. .'. by transposition and division, x=6, and a:-h4=10. 2. A person having bought three loads of grain, the first, consisting of 30 bushels of rye, 20 of barley, and 10 of wheat, for 230 francs ; the second, containing 15 bushels of rye, 6 of barley, and 12 of wheat, for 138 francs; the third consisting of 10 bushels of rye, 5 of barley, and 4 of wheat, for 75 francs ; required the price per bushel of each of these kinds of grain. C a bushel of rye cost a?, 1 Suppose < a bushel of barley, y, > francs ( and a bushel of wheat, z, ) C 3007+203^+ 10^=230,(^.) Then by the question, } 1507+6^+122;= 138, ( 10o7+5y+42;=75. Multiplying the 2d equation by 2, and the 3d by 3, 30o7+122/+24;^=276, 3007+151/ + 12^=225, (B,) Taking the difference of these equations, 32/— 12z=— 51. (C.) Take the difference of equations (^d,) and (B,) and 5y— 22;=5. Multiplying this by 6, 30y—12z=30. And subtracting equation (C) 27y=81. Whence, y= 3. 15__5 23—6—5 , .•. z= — - — = 5, and 07= =4. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 77 3. Required to find two numbers, such that their dif- ference multiplied by their product, shall be 308, and the difference of their cubes 988. Let X — the greater, and y = the less. Then from the question, (x — y).a?y, or x^y — xy^=30S, And 0?^— i/3^988. From the latter taking thrice the former, We have x'^ — 3x''-y + 3xy'^ — 2/3=64. And taking the cube root, x — y—4<, (^A,) Dividing the sum of the two primary equations by this last, x^ -f x'^y — j?y^ — y^ =a?2-f2a?2(+2/2=324. Hence, by extracting the square root, a7+y=18. (J5.) Taking the half sum and half difference of equations {A.) and (jB.) 18+4 18-— 4 07=— ^=11, and 2/=— ^=7. 4. The sum of two numbers multiplied by their differ- ence is 20, and the difference of their 4th powers 1040 ; what are the numbers 1 Let X = the greater, y = the less. Then from the data, \ ^y^y^irolol Dividing the latter by the former, x'^-\-y'^=52. Taking the sum and difference of the first and last equa- tions, 2a?2=72, and 2y^=32. .'. x=VS6 = 6. And y= ^16=4. 5. The difference of two numbers is 5, and the differ- ence of their cubes 1685 ; what are the numbers '? Let X = the greater, y = the less. 7* 78 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Then, per dataA^T''^^'7^\r,oK ' -r J ^ ^> — y.— X685. By division, ^;;;:::^=a?2 4- ^y+S''^ 337, {A.) Squaring the first equation, a?^ — 2a:y4-2/2=25. By subtraction, 3a?2/=312. Adding i of this equation to equation (.^.) Extracting the square root, 07+3/= 21. From this and the first equation, a?=:13, and 2/~8. Or from the second equation subtract the cube of the first, whence So^^y — 30:3/2= 1560; and dividing this equa- tion by three times the first, ccy= 104' ; v^rhence as in page 63, ^25+416 + 5 ^25 + 416— 5 a?= o =13. and y— ^ = S* 6. Required to find two numbers, such that half the first added to a third of the second shall make 9, and a fourth of the first, added to a fifth of the second, shall make 5 Ans. 8 and 15. 7. A testator bequeaths to his widow § of his estate, to his son i, and the remainder, which is found to be 756 dol- lars, to his daughter; what was the estate left] Ans. 2835 dollars. 8. There are two numbers in the ratio of 3 to 5, and their sum is one fourth of the difference of their squares; what are the numbers'? Ans. 6 and 10. 9. The ages of a man and his wife, at the time of mar- riage, were in the ratio of 7 to 6, and at the end of 30 years, they are found to be as 17 to 16. Quere their ages at the former period 1 Ans, 21 and 18. 10. A post being i of its length in the earth, i in the water, and 10 feet above the water; what was its whole length 1 Ans. 24 i^^L SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 79 11. Divide 1100 dollars among A. B. and C, so tha4 B. shall have 100 dollars more than A., and C. 150 more than B.J what is the share of each'? Ans. A. 250, B. 350, C. 500. 12. There are 21 persons, whose ages form an equi-dif- ferent series ; the age of the eldest is 4 times that of the youngest, and the sum of all their ages is 525 years 5 how old is the youngest 1 Ans. 10 years. 13. At a certain election, 1296 persons voted, and the successful candidate had a majority of 120 ; how many voted for eachl Ans. 708 for one, and 588 for the other. 14. A servant agreed to serve his master for ^8 a year and his livery, but was turned away at the end of 7 months, and received only £2 13s. M. besides has livery; wlmt is . the price of his livery'? Ans. £4} 16s, 15. A servant having eloped from his master, travels 14? hours in the day, at the rate of 3^ miles an hour; at the ^ end of two days, a courier is sent in pursuit, who rides 9 hours in the day, at the rate of 7 miles an hour; in what time, and at what distance will he overtake him'? Ans. 7 days, and 441 miles. 16. The sun's mean daily motion in the ecliptic is 59' 8", and that of the moon 13^ 10' 35"; what is the time of a mean synodic revolution of the moon, viz. a revolution from conjunction with the sun to conjunction again '? Ans. 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes nearly. 17. A farmer, having hired a laborer, on condition, that for every day he wrought he should receive 50 cents, and for every day he was idle he should forfeit 20 cents, finds at the end of 420 days, that neither is indebted to the other; how many days did he labor. Ans. 120. 18. A certain number, consisting of two places of figures, is equal to the difference of the squares of its digits ; and if . 36 be added to it, the order of the digits will be inverted; what is the number 1 Ans. 48.^ 19. A vintner proposing to mix three softs of wine, viz. 80 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. at 65 cents per gallon, at 45 cents, and at 35 cents; the number of gallons at 65 cents, to the number at 35 cents, being as 5 to 3, so as to compose a hogshead worth 50 cents per gallon. Quere the number of each 1 Ans. 22iat 65, 27 at 45, and 13iat 35. 20. There are 4 equi-difFerent numbers, whose sum is 56, and the sum of whose squares is 864 ; what are the numbers'! Ans. 8, 12, 16, and 20. 21. If 38 federal dollars and 11 English crowns be given for 271 French francs, and 76 dollars and 33 crowns for 610 francs; at how many francs were the dollar and crown respectively estimated '? Ans. the dollar 5||, the crown 6f-y. 22. There is a number consisting of three digits in arith- metical progression, whose sum is 21 ; and if to the number 396 be added, the sum will be expressed by the same digits in an inverted order; what is the number 1 Ans. 579. 23. Eequired to find four numbers, such that the con- tinued product of the 1st, 2d, and 3d shall be 24 ; the pro- duct of the 1st, 2d, and 4th, 30 ; of the 1st, 3d, and 4th, 40 ; and of the 2d, 3d, and 4th, 60. Eesult, 2, 3, 4, 5. / 24. It is required to find three numbers, such that the first multiplied by the' sum of the other two shall be 96 ; the second multiplied by the sum of the other two shall be 105 ; and the third multiplied by the sum of the former two shall be 117. The numbers are 6, 7, and 9. 25. What fraction is that, to the numerator of which, if 1 be added, the value will be |, but if to the denominator 1 be added, the value will be i 1 Ans. y4_. 26. A person bought a chaise, horse, and harness, for 150 dollars; the price of the chaise was twice the price of the harness, and the price of the horse as much and half as much as the price of the chaise and harness ; what was the cost of each % Ans. harness 20 dollars, chaise 40, horse 90. 27. Two persons, A. and B., have the same income; A. saves ^ of his yearly ; but B., by spending as much in 3 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 81 years as A. does in 4, finds himself, at the end of ^ye years, 200 dollars in debt 5 what was the income 1 Ans. 600 dollars. V 28. A. and B. put equal sums in trade: A. gained a sum equal to i of his stock, and B. lost 450 dollars; when A.'s money was double of B's; what was the sum laid out by each 1 Ans. 1200 dollars. 29. Two persons comparing their ages, find them, at present, in the ratio of 7 to 5, but that 30 years ago, they were in the ratio of 2 to 1 ; what are their ages '? Ans. 70 and 50. ^ ^^ 30. A. and B. began trade with equal sums of money. In the first year A. gained J240, and B. lost .£40; but in the second, A. lost one third of what he then had, and B. gained a sum which was £40 less than twice what A. had lost ; when it appeared that B. had twice as much as A. ; what sum had each of them at first 1 Ans. £320. ^ ^ 31. A farmer sold 96 loads of hay to two persons. To the first one half, and to the second one fourth of what his stack contained ; how many loads were in the stack 1 Ans. 128. 32. If 116 be divided into four parts, in such manner, that the first being increased by 5, the second diminished by 4, the third multiplied by 3, and the fourth divided by 2, the results will all be the same ; what are the parts % Ans. 22, 31, 9, and 54. /•^ v^ 33. A shepherd, in time of war, was plundered by a party, who took from him i of his flock, and i of a sheep more ; another party took from him ^ of what he had left, and ^ of a sheep more ; afterward, a third party took \ of what remained, and \ a sheep more, when he had but 25 left ; how many had he at first \ Ans. 103. J 34. A person has two horses and a gig ; the gig is worth 150 dollars. When the first horse is attached to the gig, the value of the two is twice that of the second ; but when the second horse is put to the gig, the value is three times 82 SIMPLE EQUATIONS. that of the first horse ; what were the horses respectively worth ] Ans. the first 90 dollars, the second 120. / 35. When a company at a tavern came to pay their ^ reckoning, they found, that if there had been three persons more, they would have had a shilling a piece less to pay ; but if there had been two less, they would have had a shil- ling a piece more to pay 5 required the number of. persons, and the quota of each 1 Ans. 12 persons 5 quota of each 5s. 36. There are three equi-different numbers, whose sum is 324, and the first is to the third as 5 to 7 ; what are the numbers'? Ans. 90, 108, and 126. J 37. A man and his wife usually drank a cask of beer in 12 days ; but when the man was from home, it lasted the woman 30 days ; how long would the man alone be in drinking it 1 Ans. 20 days. J 38. A. and B. can perform a piece of work in 8 days, A. and C. in 9 days, and B. and C. in 10 days ; how many days would they severally require to perform the same work'? Ans. A. 14|| days, B. 17|f, and C. 233^. / 39. The hypothenuse of a right angled triangle is 13, "^ and the area 30 5 what are the other two sides 1 * Ans. 12 and 5. 40. There are four numbers in geometrical progression, the sum of the extremes is 18, and the sum of the means 12 j what are the numbers if Ans. 2, 4, 8, and 16. * To solve this problem, it must be recollected that the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, and that the area is half the product of those sides. t To solve this question by simple equations, put x, y to denote the means, then since, when three numbers are in geometrical progression, the square of the mean is equal to the product of the extremes, the ex- x^ yn tremes will be expressed by — , and — . Hence rr4-y=12, and — [-— =1^' From the last ics-f-j^s^riSariy. Subtracting this equa- y ic tion from the cube of the first, 3rr2y-}-3a;y3 _ 1728 — ISxy, But 2x^ H- 3a;y3==3(a;-f-y). xy = ^Qxy. Hence 5^xy = 1728 or ir^=32. Whence x and y are found as in page 64. # SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 83 41. Required to find four numbers in geometrical pro- gression, such that the difference of the means shall be 100, and the difference of the extremes 620. The numbers are 5', 25, 125, and 625, 42. There are three numbers in harmonical progression, whose sum is 26, and the difference between the second, and third exceeds the difference between the first and second by 2 5 what are the numbers % Ans. 6, 8, and 12. 43. A person having £21 6s. sterling in guinea^/- and 1/ crowns, pays a debt of il4 175., and then finds the Humber*.'' ^ of guineas left equal to the number oi*^crownstpaid awS,y; and the number of crowns left equal to the number of guineas paid , how many of each had he at first 1 Ans. 21 of each. ^ 44. There is a number consisting of two digits, which is equal to four times the sum of those digits j but 18 being added, the order of digits will be inverted. Quere the number 1 Ans. 24. 45. Required to find three such numbers, that i of the first, i of the second, and i of the third added together shall make 46 ; i of the first, i of the second, and J of the third shall make 35 ; and i of the first, | of the second, and 1 of the third shall make 28^. Result, 12, 60, and 80. 46. A person having £22 14^. sterling in crowns, gui- V neas and moidores, finds that if he had as many guineas as he has crowns, and as many crowns as he has guineas, the whole sum would be ^36 6s, ; but if he had as many moi- dores as he has crowns, and as many crowns as he has moidores, his money would amount to JG45 16s, How many had he of each 1 Ans. 26 crowns, 9 guineas, and 5 moidores. . 47. Required two numbers, such that their sum, differ- ence, and product may be as the numbers 3, 2 and 5 re- spectively. Result, 10 and 2. 48. The sum of the first and third terms of four num- bers in geometrical progression is 74, and the sum of the second and fourth 444 ; what are the numbers '? Ans. 2, 12, 72, and 432. €^^' 84 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. ^ 49. A. and B. enter into trade with different sums, A. gains 750 dollars, and B. loses 250 dollars; when their stocks are found to he as 3 to 2. But if A. had lost 250 dollars, and B. had gained 500 dollars, their stocks would have been as 5 to 9. What was the original stock of each \ Ans. A. 1500 dollars, B. 1750 dollars. Section VII. QUADEATIC EQUATIONS. 65. When an equation contains the square and simple power of an unknown quantity ; or in general, two powers, one of w^hose indices is double the other, of an unknown quantity, whether that unknown quantity be simple or compound, it is called an adjected quadratic equation. Rule I. Arrange the terms, by transposition or otherwise, so that the highest power of the unknown quantity shall be con- tained in the first, and the other power in the second term on the left side of the equation ; and the term or terms con- sisting of known quantities, on the other side. When the highest power of the unknown quantity con- tains a co-efficient, divide the equation by that co-efficient. Then add, tp each member of' the equation, the square of half the co-efficient of the unknown quantity, (or the nu- merical part of the second term,) and the first member of the equation will be a complete square. Extract the root and find the value of the unknown quantity by the former methods. Rule 2. ^^, Arrange the terms as before. When the highest power of the unknown quantity has a co-efficient, multiply the equation by four times that co-efficient, and to each QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 85 member of the resulting equation, add the square of the co- efficient of the unknown quantity contained in the primary- equation 5 then the first member of the resulting equation will be a complete square. Extract the root, and proceed by the former methods, to determine the value of the quantity sought. EXAMPLES. Given 2x^ — 9a?=266, to find the value of a?. 9 By rule 1. — ^Dividing by 2, a?^— -x— 133. 9\2 , , 9 81 2209 Adding V-) to each member, x^ — -o?^ _ 9 47 Extracting the root, x--:=~ 4r 4b .-. a?=14. By rule 2.— Multiplying by 8, 16a?2-^-72a7=2128. Adding 81 to each member, 160?^— 72a? +8 1=2209 Extracting the square root, 4a: — 9=47. r,x= — z — = 14, as before. 4 2. Given ax^+bx=c, to find the value of a?. b c By rule 1. — Dividing by a, x^-\--x—-» 52 ^ b ¥ b^-h4x +9 = 25. By evolution, 4 a:" +3=5. "2 i 1 By transp. and division, x =-^ Therefore. oc=- o 4. Given a:* — 12a?3+44a?2— 48a?=9009, to determine x. This equation is equivalent to to the following: a?*—12a:3+36a?'2+8a?2— 48^=9009, Or to this, (a?2— 6a?)2+8.(a?2_6a?)=9009. In which, x^ — 6x may be considered as the unknown quantity. Hence, proceeding as in the former examples, QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 87 (a^3__6a?)2+8.(a?2— 6^) + 16=9025. .'.x^ — 6a?4-4 = 95, or a:^ — 6a7=91. Whence, x^—6x + 9 = 100. ... 0?— 3=10, or 07=13. 5. Given ^(x — -) + v^ ( 1 )=^) to find the value of X, Multiplying by \/a?, ^/x"^ — l + y/x — l=Xs/x, bquaring this, x'^ — 1 + 2 \/ ^^ — ^^ — ^ + 1 +^ — 1 = ^^• By transposing and changing the signs, a?^ — x'^ — X + 1 — 2 \/ 0?^ — X" — X + 1 = — 1 . Here y/x^ — a?^ — ^ + 1? niay be considered as the un- known quantity. Hence, adding 1 to each side, 0.3 — ^2 — a? 4- 1 — 2 s/ a?3 — x'^—x 4-1 + 1 = 0. ... ^x'l — x'2 — ^4-1 — 1=0, or v/a:^ — a:^ — a? +1=1. .^x^—^x^ — a?+l=l; Whence a?^ — a:=l. 15 1 5 1^ 1 1 , •••^=2+2^ 6. Given 3a^2"— 2a7"+3=ll, to find x. Sa?'^"— 2a?"=8. 2 8 By rick 1. a?^" — -a7"= - 2 1 25 ^ 3^ +9" 9 0?"—^=^, or a? =2". 88 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS By rule 2. 36a?'2° — 24a?°=96. 36j:3°— 24a7° + 4=100. .6a?°— 2=10. 12 a?°=-7r-=2, or 07= V 2, as before. 7. Given a?*°— 2a:3'^ + a?°=132, to find the value of a? This equation may be changed to a?4°_2a?^° 4_a;2°_a72n + 37^== 1 32. Which is (o?^"— a?")^— (a?^"— a?°)=132. Complete the square, 1 529 (a?2°_a?°)'2— (a?3°— 0?")+-= 132i=^ 1 23 Extract the root, a?^° — a?° — o=ir /O At .-. a?2»— a?''=12. 1 49 Complete the square, a?^° — 0?° +^=12i=-^ 1 7 Extract the root, x"" — 9 = 9 .«. a?°=4, or 07= V 4. 8. Given a?^4-12a7=64. Kequired the value of a?. Ans 07=4. 9. Given 7o?2+5o7 + 4=82, to find o?. Ans. 07= 3. 10. Given^o?^— -07+71 = 8, to find 07. Ans. 07=14 11. Given o?H20o7^=224, to find 07. Ans. 07= 2. 12. Given 507^ — 4o7+3=159, to find 07. Ans. 07=6. 35 3^ 13. Given 607 -| =44, to find 07. Ans. 07=7, or |.* * This example falls under the ambiguous case, which is explained in the next note. QUADaATIC EQUATIONS. 89 14. Given 4-0? -—=14, to find the value of a:. Ans. x=4>, 1221 4^x 15. Given 3a? =2, to find the value of a?. X ' Ans. 07=19. .r r.' n ^O?— 3 ^ 3x—6 ^ , 16. Given 5x ^=^oc-i ^— - to find x. X — o z ' Ans. a?=4. 67. The foregoing solutions have been effected by exe- cuting the whole process in each case \ but it is more con- venient in practice, as v^ell as more elegant, to solve all such equations by a few general formidcR. In order to which it is to be observed, that all adfected quadratic equations are reducible to one of the following forms. 2. x''—1ax=b, C (^.) 3. x" — 2ax=^ — h, ) These equations, when the squares are completed, be- come, 1. a?^-}-2aa?+a2_.^3_j_^ 2. 0?^ — 2ax + a^=a^+b 3. a:^ — 2ax-i-a^=a^ — b. Hence, by evolution and transposition, we have 1. x= — a-\"^a^-\-b. 2. x=a'\'^/a^-rb, 3. x=a±is/ a^—bJ^ Adfected quadratic equations are sometimes expressed by one of the following forms. 1. o^x'^-\-bx=^c, ^ 2. ax^'-bx=c. >(B.) 3. ax''- See note, page 90. 8* 90 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Multiplying these equations severally by 4a, and adding b^ to each member, they become 1. 4=-^j 7 49 116, 72 , Hence, x=^+^(^^+—)=-=^. Or comparing the given equation with the 2d form, (jB.) a=9, 6=7, c=116. 74-s/ 49+4176 7+65 , Hence, a:= jg ==-l8-=^- 18. Given ^/10 + a?— -Vl0+x=2, to find the value of X, Considering VlO + ^ ^s the quantity sought, and com- paring the equation with the 2d form, (^,) we have 2^=1,6=2. 1 ...VlO + a^=^+ V2-=2. 10 + 0?= 2*= 16, and therefore, x=6. Or VlO+a?— 2=VlO+a7. Hence by involution, 10+a? — 4-v/10+j?+4=v/l0+ir. Hence, 14 + 07= 5 V 10+ a:. By involution, 196 + 28a? + 0?^= 250 + 250?. Hence, a?2+3a?=54. Comparing this with the 1st form, (^,) 2a=3, and Z>=54. 19. Given a?+ \/5a?+ 10=8, to determine the value of a?. 92 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Multiplying by 5, and adding 10 to each member, 5a? -1-10 + 5 v/ 5^+10=: 50. Considering \/5a?+10 as the quantity sought; and com- paring the equation with the first form, (*/?,) we have 2«=5, and 6:^=50. . 5 Hence V^oo-\-lO^—^+^(60\^)=z5. By involution and transposition, 5x=26 — 10. Therefore, x=3. Otherwise. — By transposition, ^/5J?+10 = 8 — x. By involutio-n, 5a?4-10=64' — 16x+x'^j Or ^^—2107=— 54. Comparing this with the 3d form, (j5,) a=l, Z>=:21, and c=54. -_ 21dbv/441— 216 _ ^^ Hence, 07= =18 or 3.* 20. Given > ^ %« ^ ^ j j ^ x + y=12j to find 07 and y. Comparing the 1st equation with form 1, (.^.) a=i, b=12Q0. Hence, 07^=— -i + \/(^ + 1260)=:35. Tf in this equation, We substitute for y, its value, 12 — x, found from the 2nd we have 1207—07^=35 or 07^— 12o7=— 35. Comparing this with third form (j1) a=6, and 6=35. Hence, o?=6dbl = 7 or 5. One of which being taken for o?, the other will be the value of y, * The ambiguity is introdnced into this solution by the involution of the given equation; for (8 — xY=^{p^ — 8)^>* and one of the values of a; corresponds to the supposition, that 52;-f-lO=(a; — 8)^, and the other to the true one, that 52;+ 10= (8 — rr)^. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 93 21. Given } 'Z2 ~Z' V to find the values of x and y. t xy=S ) Comparing the 1st equation with form 2d, (J?,) a=3, h=b, c=2. „ X 5+V/25+24 ^ Hence, -= -7; = 2. y 6 .-. x=2y, and 2^2=8. o ... y—^-z=^1^ and a?=4'. 22. Given \ ^'+^0^7 ■^?' ^ to find x and y. Assume vy=x, then v-y^=x^, and vy^=xy, .•. 'z;2y'3_|_^2/^=12, or2/2=:-— — ^^2__23/2=l, ory2=^j— ^ 12 1 Hence,— --—= — ^, or 122? — 24.=2?2^v. Therefore, v^ — llv= — 24. Comparing this with form' 3d, (^,) a=-^,5=24. Whence, 2;=^±v'(^— 24)=8 or 3. Otherwise. — Comparing the first equation with 12 times the second, x'^-{-xy=12xy — 2%^, .'. x"^ — llxy=^'24^y^. Hence, considering 3/ as a given quantity. 11±5 By form 3. (B.) x=—^y=Sy or 3y. 94 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. Whence, y=iy/6 or 1, and x=j^/6 or 3. 23. Given } y x > to find co and y, (x+y—12, ) Assume x=vy, Then v''y-\-^-=:28=a. vy-\-y=l2—b, a b Multiplying by z^^-h 1. By form 3. (J5,) v- 5+«±V«^+2a6— 36^ 26 :3 or §. Hence, y=3 or 9. Wherefore a:=9 or 3. 24-. Given < x^ ^2 Assume a?+2/=5, xy—p, -a — 5. Then ^V^^ And multiplying by xy=p, x'^-{-y^=ap — sp. But, x^+y^=s^^3sp.* ^x-\-y=Sf xy=p. From the square of the first equation subtract twice the second, "From this equation subtract the second, and x"^ — xy -\- jr2=: ^3 — 2p. Multiply by the first, and x^-\^y'=s^ — 3s/^. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 95 Again, x'^-\-y^=zs^ — 2/?. Also, ~Jr^^=(a-^sy—'lp = a^—^as^s^—^p. Hence, — + x'^ + y^ ^^^=a^ — 2as-i-2s^ — 4 r Then a: + ^ = the number A. sold, \ ^"^^ ^ ^^^^^' 90 .*. — =number of crowns received for B.'s silk. X * n 40 120 , .,..,.„ And — r-r=-^ 7= number received for A.'s silk. a?4-3 3a:+l 90 120 _ •'•^"^3¥+l""^^' 270a?+ 90 + 120a?= 126a?3 4-42a?. By transposition and division, 21a:- — 58a?=15. Comparing this with form 2, (B^) we find a=21, 6=58, c=15. V 1260 + 3364 -4-58 126 ^ Hence a? = — : ==.——=3, number of 42 42 ' ells B. sold for a crown. .'. 3 J, number A. sold for a crown. 3. There are two square yards, paved with stone, each stone being a foot square ; the side of one yard exceeds that of the other by 12 feet, and the number of stones in the two is 2120 ^ what are the sides 1 Ans. 26 and 38 feet. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 97 4. A laborer dug two trenches, one of which was 6 yards longer than the other, for £11 16s., and the digging of each cost as many shillings per yard as there were yards in its length ', what was the length of each '? Ans. 10 and 16 yards. 5. A. and B. set out from two towns, which were dis- tant from each other 247 miles, and traveled till they met. A. traveled 9 miles a day, and the number of miles walked by B. in a day, increased by 3, was equal to the number of days occupied by the journey. Kequired the number of days they were traveling, and the number of miles passed over by each 1 Ans. 13 days; and A. went 117 miles, and B. 130. 6. A. and B. having bought 41 oxen, for which each of them paid 420 dollars, find A.'s worth a dollar a head more than B.'s; how must they divide themi Ans. A. 20, B. 21. 7. Divide the number 14 into two parts, whose product shall be 48. Ans. the numbers are 6 and 8. 8. Given the sum of two numbers=9, and the sum of the squares =45 5 what are- the numbers'? Ans. 6 and 3. 9. What two numbers are those, whose sum, product, and the difference of their squares, are equal to each other I Ans. | + 5\/5, and ^ + W5. 10. There are four numbers in arithmetical progression, of which the product of the two extremes is 22, and that of the means 40 ; what are the numbers 1 Ans. 2, 5, 8, and 11. 11. There are three numbers in geometrical progression, whose sum is 7, and the sum of their squares 21 ; what are the numbers 1 Ans. 1, 2, and 4. 12. Required to find two numbers, such that the less may be to the greater, as the greater is to 12 ; and the sum of the squares may be 45. Ans. 3 and 6. 13. What two numbers are those, whose difference is 2, and the difference of their cubes 98 1 Ans. 3 and 5. 9 98 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. l^. What two numbers are those, whose sum is 6, and the sum of whose cubes is 72 1 Ans. 2 and 4. 15. Required to find two such numbers, that their pro- duct shall be 20, and the difference of their cubes 61 1 Ans. 4 and 5. 16. Required to divide the number 5 into two such parts, that if each part be divided by the other, the sum of the quotient shall be 2J. Ans. 3 and 2. 17. Divide 12 into two parts, so that their product may be equal to 8 times their difference. Ans. 8 and 4. 18. There are two numbers, the sum of whose squares is 89, and their sum, multiplied by the greater, is 104 j what are the numbers % Ans. \^s/2, and -|V2, or 8 and 5. 19. What number is that, which being divided by the product of its two digits, the quotient is 5^ ; but when 9 is subtracted from it, the remainder is expressed by the same digits in an inverted order 1 Ans. 32. 20. Required to divide 13 into three such parts, that their squares may be equi-different, and the sum of those squares may be 75. Ans. 1, 5, 7. 21. The sum of three equi-different numbers is 12, and the sum of their 4th powers 962; what are the numbers "{ Ans. 3, 4, and 5. 22. There are three equi-different numbers, such that the square of the least, added to the product of the other two, makes 28; but the square of the greatest, added to the product of the other two, makes 44; what are the numbers 1 Ans. 2, 4 6. 23. Three merchants, A. B. C, on comparing their gains, finds they amount, collectively, to 1,444 dollars; that B.'s gain added to the square root of A.'s makes 920 dollars; and that B.'s gain added to the square root of C's makes 912 dollars; how much did they severally gain 1 Ans. A. 400, B. 900, C. 144. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 99 24. What two numbers are those, whose sum, added to the square of the sum, makes 702, and whose difference, subtracted from the square of the difference, leaves 56 1 Ans. 17 and 9. 25. The sum of two numbers is 10, and the sum of , their 4th powers 1552; what are the numbers 1* Ans. 6 and 4. 26. There are four numbers in arithmetical progression, the common difference of which is 4, and their continued product 9945 , what are the numbers 1 Ans. 5, 9, 13, 17. 27. The sum of three numbers in harmonical proportion is 191, and the product of the first and last is 4032,* what are the numbers 1 Ans. 56, 63, 72. 28. The sum of two numbers added to their product makes 31; but the sum subtracted from the sum of the squares, leaves 48. Quere the numbers 1 Ans. 7 and 3. 29. Required to find three numbers m continued pro- portion, whose sum shall be 26, and the sum of their squares 3641 Ans. 2, 6, and 18. 30. Required to find two numbers whose product shall be 320, and the difference of their cubes to the cube of their difference as 61 to 1 '? Ans. 20 and 16. 31. If 700 dollars be divided among four persons, so that their shares may be in geometrical progression, and the difference of the extremes to the difference of the means as 37 to 12, what will be the several shares 1 Ans. 108, 144, 192, and 256 dollars. * In examples of this nature, we may assume, letters to denote the half sum and half difference of the required numbers ; whence, expres- sions for the numbers themselves are readily obtained, and these being involved, and the powers added together, the odd powers of the un- known quantity will disappear. Hence, if the unknown quantity does not rise higher than the 5th power, the solution may be effected by qnadratic equations. 100 QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. 32. The sum of two numbers is 11, and the sum of their 5th powers 17831 5 quere the numbers 1 Ans. 7 and 4. 33. The difference of two numbers is 8, and the differ- ence of their 4th powers is 14560 5 required the numbers 1^ Ans. 11 and 3. 34. What number is that, from the square of which, if 9 be subtracted, and the remainder be multiplied by the number itself, the product will be 80 1 Ans. 5. . 35. Required a number, from the square of which, 30 being deducted, and the remainder multiplied by the nmn- ber itself, the product shall be 56 1 Ans. 2+3 x/ 2. 36. The continued product of five equi-different num- bers is 945, and their sum 25 , what are the numbers'? Ans. 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. *In this example, assuming for the half sum and half difference, we obtain a cubic equation, whence it appears that questions of this nature are not generally solvable by quadratics. When, however, we have an equation of the form x^-\-ace=b ; if b=mri, and^^-j- ff=n, the equation may be reduced to a quadratic. For multiplying by a:^, and adding m'^^^ to each member, the given equation becomes cc^-\'ax^^m2x^=m^x'2-\-bXj or cc^'^-nx^=m'^x'2'\-?imx, whence by completing the squares and extracting the roots, x^-^-='mx ^~ , or In the above example, x being made = half the sum of the re- quired numbers, we find x^-j;-l6x=4S5=l X ^^i where 7^+16= 65, whence, x=l. If x^ — ax=mn, and m^ — a=7i ; or if .-^^ — ax = — m?f., and a — m^=7i, the equation may be reduced to a quadratic, and X found =m, as before. But if x^ — ax=miif and a — m^=n, or x^ — ax= — 7n?tf and m^ — a=n; the equation may be changed to a quadratic, from which a second quadratic x^ — mx=z^n, will arise, whence x= : — . j.e^ v^ PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 101 37. The sum of three numbers in geometrical progression is 35, and the mean is to the difference of the extremes as 2 to 3 ; what are the numbers \ Ans. 5, 10, and 20. 38. The sum of three numbers in geometrical progres- sion is 13, and the product of the mean by the sum of the extremes is 30 5 required the numbers % Result, 1, 3, 9. 39. There is a number consisting of three digits in geo- metrical progression ; the number itself is to the sum of its digits as 124 to 7 ; and if 594 be added to it, the order of the digits will be inverted 5 what is the number!* Ans. 248. Promiscuous examples to exercise the foregoing rules, 1. What number is that, to the double of which, if 44 be added, the sum will be equal to 4 times the number proposed! Ans. 22. 2. A gentleman, meeting 4 poor persons, divided a dol- lar among them in such manner that their several shares composed an equi-different series ; and the^sum given to the last was 4 times that given to the first. Quere their several shares % Ans. 10, 20, 30, and''40 cents. 3. A sum of money being divided among 6 poor per- sons, the second received 10c/., the third 14c?., the fourth * Adfected quadratic equations maybe reduced to simple quadratics, and solved without completing the square, in the following manner : If the highest power of the unknown quantity has a co-efficient, divide the whole equation by it ; then assume the unknown quantity, equal to another unknown quautity with half the co-efficient united by the opposite sign. Substitute this new value, and a simple quadratic will arise. Thus, if x^J^2ax=h, assume z — a=x, then z^ — 2az + a^=x'2, 2az — 2a^=2ax, Yience z"^ — a^=x'^--\-2axz=b, and z=\/ bJ^a^y hence x=zz — a= — a-\- \/ b J^a'^. In like manner, the second term of an equation of a higher order may be taken away by assuming a new unknown quantity with |, f , etc., of the co-efficient of the next term united by the opposite sign, in place of the quantity sought. 102 PROMTSCUOUS EXAMPLES. 25c?., the fifth 28c?., and the sixth 33d. less than the first. The whole sum divided was 10c?. more than three times what the first received. How much did they severally re- ceive 1 Ans. 40c/., 30c?., 266/., 15c/., 12c/., and Id. 4. A mercer, having cut 19 yards from each of 3 equal pieces of silk, and 17 yards from another of the same length, finds the four remnants together measure 142 yards 3 what was the original length of each piece 1 Ans. 54. 5. A grazier, having two flocks of sheep, containing the same number, sells 39 from one, and 93 from the other, and then finds one flock twice as numerous as the other 5 what number did each of them contain at first '? Ans. 147. 6. From each of 16 coins an artist filed the value off 20 cents, when the coins, being examined, were found worth only 11 dollars 68 cents 5 what was the original value of each] Ans. 93 cents. 7. The hold of a ship, containing 442 gallons, is emptied in 12 minutes by two buckets ; the greater of which, hold- ing twice as much as the less, is emptied twice in three minutes, and the less is emptied three times in two minutes. Quere the number of gallons held by each bucket 1 Ans. 26 and 13. 8. A trader maintained himself for three years at an annual expense of ^50, and in each of those years aug- mented that part of his stock which was not expended by i thereof. At the end of the third year, his original stock was doubled ; what was that stock % Ans. ^740. 9. A gentleman having a rectangular yard, 100 feet by 80, purposes to make a gravel walk of equal width lialf round it, so as to occupy one fourth of the ground. What must be the width of the walkl Ans. 11.8975 feet. 10. Eequired to find a fraction, to the numerator of which, if 4 be added, the value will be h. ; but if 7 be added to the denominator, the value will be J 1 Ans. j%. PROMISCUOUS EXANPLES. 103 11. What two numbers are those, whose difference, sum, and product are as the numbers 2, 3, and 5 respectively % Ans. 10 and 2. 12. A vintner, having mixed a quantity of brandy and water, finds that if he had mixed 6 gallons more of each, he would have bad 7 gallons of brandy for every 6 of water 5 but if he had mixed 6 gallons less of each, he would have had 6 gallons of brandy for every 5 of water. Quere the number of gallons of each 1 Ans. 78 of brandy, and 66 of water. 13. A. and B. together, are able to perform a piece of work in 15 days; after working jointly 6 days, B. finishes it alone in 30 days ; in what time would each of them singly effect itl Ans. A. in 21| days, B. in 50 days 14. A company of smugglers found a cave which would exactly hold their cargo, viz: 13 bales of cotton, and 33 casks of rum ; but while they were unloading, a revenue cutter appeared, on which they sailed away with 9 casks and 5 bales, having filled f of the cave ; how many bales, or how many casks would the cave contain 1 Ans. 24 bales, or 72 casks. 15. There are two numbers, whose sum is to their dif- ference as 8 to 1, and the difference of whose squares is 128 5 what are the numbers 1 Ans. 18 and 14. 16. Eequired those two numbers, whose sum is to the less as 5 to 2 ; and whose difference multiplied by the dif- ference of their squares is 1351 Ans. 9 and 6. 17. A merchant laid out a certain sum upon a specula- tion, and found, at the end of a year, that he had gained £69. This he added to his stock, and at the end of the second year found he had gained as much per cent, as in the first. Continuing in this manner, and each year add- ing to his stock the gain of the preceding, he found, at the end of the fourth year, that his stock was to the sum first laid out as 81 to 16. Quere the sum first invested 1 Ans. ^138. I04f PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 18. There are two numbers, whose sum is to the greater as 40 is to the less, and whose sum is to the less as 90 to the greater 5 what are the numbers'? Ans. 36 and 24. 19. The area of a rectangular parallelogram is 960 yards, and the length exceeds the breadth by 16 yards ; what are the sides 1 Ans. 40 and 24. 20. The area of a rectangular parallelogram is 480, and the sum of the length and breadth 52. Quere the sides ] Ans. 40 and 12. 21. The sides of a right angled triangle form an equi- different series, whose common difference is 3 ; what are the sides 1 Ans. 15, 12, and 9. 22. There are three numbers, the difference of whose differences is 5, their sum is 20, and their continued pro- duct 130 5 required the numbers! Ans. 2, 5, and 13. 23. The sum of three numbers is 21, the sum of the squares of the greatest and least is 137, and the difference of the differences is 3. Quere the numbers '? Ans. 4, 6, and 11. 24. There is a number consisting of two digits, which, divided by the sum of its digits, has a quotient greater by 2 than the first digit. But, the digits being inverted, and divided by the sum of the digits increased by unity, the quotient is equal to the first digit increased by 4. Quere the number 1 Ans. 24. 25. Eequired to find four numbers in geometrical pro- gression, whose sum shall .be 15, and the sum of the squares 85 1* Ans. 1, 2, 4, and 8. a;2 y'2 * Note* — If we assume x,y to denote the means, — . and — will re- y X present the extremes ; the problem will then be the same as example 21, page 94. The following solution includes an expedient which may be sometimes used with advantage. Let X denote the first term, and y the common multiplier. Then x-Yxy-i^xy'^-\-xy^=,l6=a; x^-^-x^-y^ -\- x'^y^ -{•x'^y^=S5=^b. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 105 26. There are five numbers in geometrical progression, whose sum is 242, and the sum of their squares 29524 5 what are the numbers! Ans. 2, 6, 18, 54, 162. 27. There are six numbers in geometrical progression, the sum of the extremes is 99, and the sum of the other four terms is 90. Quere the numbers % Ans. 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96. o2 Then 2:2=- But from the nature of progressionals, y^ + y^+7/+l=^-^', and 2/6 + 3'4 + S'' + l=^^; The above eqjiation may therefore be expressed thus, . ^^(y— i) ^ ^(y+i) And dividing the numerator and denominator of the first member by (y — i)j and clearing the equations of fractions, .•.a2(y4+l)==i(y4 4. 22/3 + 2^24-2^ + 1.) .-. (a2— i)y4— 2iy3__25y2_25y -f- (a2— 3)=0. ... (a2_5)y2-«23y— 25— 2i.- + (aS— 3)— =0. y y^ Now (3/4-^)2=3^24.24-^3 .•.(a2— J)(y4-_)3;=(a2— 5)y2 f 2(a2— 5) + (o^— 5)— y y^ Hence, {a^—1)){yJ^—Y—2h{y-\'-)=:2a% a quadratic equation. y y 1 1 .1 174-53 5 22/2— 5y=— 2, 3/=^li-— -=2ori. Hence 1, 2, 4, 8, or 8, 4, 2, 1> are the numbers sought. The 26th and 27th examples may be solved in a similar way- 106 RATIOS. 28. The American dollar consists of 1485 parts by weight of pure silver, and 179 of copper. Quere the specific gravity of this dollar, the specific gravity of pure silver being 11092, and that of copper 9000] Ans. 10821. 29. A person having set out from a certain place, travels one mile the first day, two the second, etc., in arithmetical progression. In six days another sets out from the same place, and travels in the same direction at the rate of 15 miles a day. In how many days will they come together 1 Ans. In 9, and in 20 days after the first sets out. 30. Heavy bodies near the earth's surface are known to fall 16yi^ feet in the first second of time ; and to pass over S'paces, which, reckoned from the commencement of the fall, are as the squares of the time. Now, a haiJU stone, being observed to descend 595 feet during the last Second ; quere how long was it falling, and from what height did it de- scend] Ans. 19 seconds, and 5806 feet. 31. The arithmetical mean of two numbers exceeds the geometrical mean by 13 ; and the geometrical mean ex- ceeds the harmonical mean by .12. What are the num- bers 1 Ans. 234, and 104. 32. The fore wheel of a carriage makes six revolutions more than the hind wheel in going 120 yards ; but if the circumference of each wheel be increased one yard, it will make only four revolutions more than the hind wheel in going the same distance. Eequired the circumference of each ] Ans. The fore wheel 4 yards, the hind 5. Section VIU. ON EATIOS. 68. Ratio is the relation that two quantities of the same kind bear to each other. RATIOS. 107 Ratio is estiiilated by the quotient arising from the divi- sion of the first term by the second. Thus, if 7=-, ^ a is said to have the same ratio to h that c has to d; or the quantities a, b^ c, c?, are termed proportionals ; which is briefly expressed thus, a : b : : c : d. The first and third terms are called antecedents, the second and fourth consequents,^ 69. When four quantities are proportionals, the product of the first and fourth is equal to the product of the second and third ; and reciprocally. a c If-=-, by multiplying by bd, ad=bc, ^, .J, y T cid be a c Eeciprocally, if aa= be, -r-j=-r-j, or 'j^-j* 70. When four quantities are proportionals, the sum of the first and second is to the second, as the sum of the third and fourth is to the fourth. ^^a c a ^ c _^ a+b c + d Or, a+b : b : : c+d : d. If the word difference be substituted for sum, the propo- sition will still be a true one. a c a c a^b c^s^d Or, a^b : b : : C'^d : d, 71. If four quantities are proportionals, the sum of the first and second is to their difference as the sum of the third and fourth is to their difference. * The terms are similarly designated when more then four are con- cerned. 108 RATIOS. For by the last article, —j — =—7—, and -^=—7—, And dividing the former by the latter, a + b c + d 7= ,. or a 4-0 : a^o : : cA-d: c^d, a^b C'^d 72. When any number of quantities are proportionals, as one antecedent is to its consequent, so is the sum of all the antecedents to the sum of all the consequents. Let a:b :: c : d: : e:f: : g : h, etc., then (art. 69.) ad=bc, af=be, ah=^bg^ etc., also ab=^ba. .*. ah-\-ad-\-af+ah^ etc. =zba-\-bc-\'be-\-bg^ etc. Or, aX fZ) + (/+/+ A, etc.} =6x Ja-f-c+e+g*, etc.} .•.(art. 69,) a : 6 :: a+c + c+g, etc. : 6 + c?+/+A, etc. 73. When four quantities are proportionals, if the first and second be multiplied or divided by any quantity, and likewise the third and fourth, the resulting quantities will be proportionals. ^ ci c a ma If a : 6 : : c : a, -r = -7, but 7= — -,: ^ b d^ b mV ^ .c nc ma nc ' . . And -,= — ,, .'. —7= — "75 or ma : mb : :nc: nd, d nd mb nd The demonstration is manifestly applicable when m and n are, one or both, fractional numbers. 74. When the first and third of four proportionals are multiplied or divided by any number, and also the second and fourth, the resulting quantities are proportionals. a c ma mc ma mc b~~ d ' ' b d nb nd"* Or ma :nb ::mc ind, m and n being any numbers, either integral or fractional. 75. If four quantities are proportionals, the like powers or roots of these quantities will be proportionals. If a:b :: c: d. then i = -7, andr- = ' h d^ 0"" RATIOS. 109 a c a"" e 1 Also, —=— 5 or a" : 6" : : c" : c?^, 6^" d- 1 I X 1 And aF:b'':i6^:d'', 76. A ratio compounded of several ratios is indicated by the continued product of the quantities which denote the component ratios. Thus, the ratio compounded of the ratios of a : 6, of c : c?, and of e : /*, is indicated by ace ace y^T^/'''^ Vdf The ratio which the first of a series of quantities, of like kind, has to the last, is the same as the ratio compounded of the ratios of the first to the second, of the second to the third, etc. to the last. Let «, 6, c, c?, e,/*, be quantities of a like kind, then a a b c d e f b c d e f 77. In tw^o ranks of proportionals, if the corresponding terms be multiplied together, the products will be propor- tionals. Let a:b:: c: d^ and e :f: : g : h, ^^^^' b~ d' f~h '''bfdh' Or, ae, :bf::cg: dh. The demonstration may be easily applied to any number of proportions. 78. A ratio compounded of two, three, four, etc., equal ratios, is called the duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, Qic, of one of the component ratios. 10 1 10 RATIOS. The ratio compounded of any number of equal ratios is the same as the ratio of such power of the first term, as is indicated by the number of component ratios to a like power of the second. a h Let a : h : : h \ c. then -7-= — ^ b c a^ ah a 0^ be c ' ' Again, let a : b : : b : c : : c : d : : d : e, etc. aaabacadae Then, y=y, y=y» T"^i:' T^^T' y=-yr,etc. to 7^, equations 5 and multiplying the first and second mem- bers respectively together, a^ a b c d e a Or, a'':b''::a :/. 79. When the ratio of the first of three quantities to the second is the same as the ratio of the second to the third, the ratio of the first to the second is termed the sub-dupli- cate of the ratio of the first to the third. Whec^four quantities are continued proportionals, the ratio of the first to the second is called the sub-triplicate of the ratio of the first to the fourth. A ratio, compounded of a simple and sub-duplicate ratio, is called a sesquiplicate ratio. 80. The sub-duplicate ratio is equivalent to the ratio of the square roots ; the sub-triplicate, to the ratio of the cube roots ; and the sesquiplicate, to the ratio of the square roots of the cubes. Let a : b : : b : c : : c : d. Also, b:e:: e:c, h a (L a a First, (art. 78,) y=y , •-. T^l ^^^ ^ ' ^ • * ^ c^ VARIATIONS. Ill i a b """ In like manner, -^=-7, ora:5: : a"^ : d 1 Also, since 5 : e : : e : c, and a : b : : c : d, e'^=bc=ad. (art. 69.) But r— =-7-= — -7=-t-> ' ^ ^ b"^ d ad e^ 3 .•. -— = — , or a^ :b^ ::a: e, in which the ratio of a : e, is compounded of the ratios of a:b, and of 6 : e, or of the ratio of a:b, and the sub-duplicate of the ratio of 5 : c. ON THE VARIATIONS OF QUANTITIES. 81. In the investigation of the relation which varying and dependent quantities bear to each other, the conclu- sions are more readily obtained, by expressing only two terms in each proportion, than by retaining the four. But though, in considering the variations of such quantities, two terms only are expressed, it must be remembered that four are supposed ; and that the operations, by which our conclusions are obtained, are in reality the operations of proportionals. 82. One quantity is said to vary directly, as another, when one is such a function * of the other, that, if the for- mer be changed, the latter will be changed in the same ratio. Thus, if B be such a function of .5, that by chang- ing Jl io a, B shall be changed to b ; making A i a i : B :b^ =* The ///7zc/io/j of any variable quantity ic, is an algebriac expres- sion, in which x, combined with invariable quantities, is involved. Thus, l + ic, (l-fa;)^, ax, iP", «^, etc. are functions of x. Analysts sometimes use the Greek letter 0, to denote a function. Thus^ (^x may represent any function of x. 112 VARIATIONS. A is said to vary directly as J5. This relation is designated thus, Ji^B, 83. One quantity is said to vary inversely as another, when the latter is such a function of the former, that the one being increased or diminished, the other will be dimi- nished or increased in the same ratio. Thus, if B be such a function of ^, that, by changing A io a^ B becomes changed to h ; making A \a::h i B, Then A is said to vary inversely as ^. Indicated thus, Aac -^ , 84*. One quantity is said to vary as two others jointly, when the two last are such functions of the first, that the ratio, which any two values of the first bear to each other, shall be the same as the ratio compounded of the ratios of the corresponding values of the other two. Thus, A varies as B and C jointly, (^AccBCj) when A being changed to ABC a, B chang-es to 5, and C to c, so that — =-7-X — . ° a c 85. One quantity is said to vary directly as a second, and inversely as a third, when the ratio which any two values of the first bear to each other, is the same as the ratio compounded of the direct ratio of the corresponding values of the second, and the inverse ratio of those of the third. Thus, A varies directly as B, and inversely as C, (Aoc YTf) when A, B^ C ; a, Z>, c, being corrresponding A B c values, — =-7-X77-. a C In the following articles. A, J5, C, etc. represent cor- responding values of any quantities, and a, 6, c, etc. any other corresponding values of quantities. VARIATIONS. 113 86. If A^B^ and m^ n denote any given numbers, -n Then A^xmBo: — , ^ . A B B mB ^B A mB ^B For since — = i-, and -r-= — 7=7-" 5 — = — i:=^~r'* a mo ^if a mo ^5 87. liAxB, then ^°x^%- and A^azB\ See art. 75. 88. If AazB, and CazD, then AC^BD. See art. 77. 89. \iA:f:BC, then -Soc^, and Coc-g-, ^ A B C Ac B B A c ^^ A^ a c aC ^ a C ^ C^ ,, Ab C C A b ,^ A ^^ Also, -^=— , or— =— X-H-, (C'gc^.) ^ aB c' c a B ' ^ B "^ From the three preceding articles it appears, that quan- tities connected by the sign oc, may be treated as the mem- bers of an equation, as far as multiplication, division, in- volution, or evolution is concerned. 90. If AccC, and J9xC, A and B being quantities of the same kind, then (^Ad:zB)QfCj and y/ABccC. ^ . A C B C A B A a Forsince — = — , and --,--= — : — =-t-. .*. 7r=Tj a c' b cab B b ^ A a ^ Ad^B a±b A±:B B C And-^d=l=T=bl, or — ^— =— ^— . .-. -— -^=— ==— B b ^ B b adub b c Again, since AccC, and B ocC, (art. 88,) ABocC^, .-.(art. 87,) s/AB^C. 91. If while A and B vary, AB=b, constant quantity, A cx-g , and B oc-^ For since AB=ab^ — ~~»' (•^^c">) 10* 114 SERIES. Sectiojt IX. OF SERIES. 92. From the nature of powers, (art. 14,) we readily discover that any two powers of the same root, multipli(:»d together, produce a power indicated by the sum of the ex- ponents of the factors ; thus a^.f^S—^S. ^m^^n__^ni4-n. _ , , , , fl^^ la,a,a.a,a aJ^ On the other hand, — =— ^ = fla=a^--=ia"~'' ,, a"^ a"^ 1 Suppose n==m + v, then —=-^=- But in this case m — n= — v^ if then— can be always de- noted by a""""; a""" must be equivalent to — Considering the consecutive powers of a given root as the terms of a geometrical series, extending at pleasure, above and below unity. 111. - i ~z-> "f 1? ^5 ^^ ^^ etc. Or the equivalent series, a~^, a-^, a"^, a^, a\ a% a^, etc. The index denotes the order of the term beginning with unity, and making the index positive or negative, accord- ing as the quantity is above or below the point of com- mencement. 93. Between any two of these terms, let n — 1 mean pro- portionals be interposed, ex. gr. between a^ (=1?) and a, calling the first x, then (art. 78,) 1 : a: : V : x"" : : 1 : a?". Our series then becomes, (x'^ being = 1 =a^,) 'r~2Il ^— n— 1 r^—U rp—2 rn—1 /y)0 -yil vt2 ... a?", a?°+S ^""^^ ^'^"j ^^"■^'S etc. SERIES. 115 Now, the product of any two terms of this series is mani- festly indicated by x, Avith an exponent equal to the sum of the exponents of the factors, as a?°X a^2''+^=a;5"+^5 ^.+1 X 0?-°= - - - X — — =: 0?^= 0?"+-^-", 1 a?" 07° ^2a+ 3 =: a:'"+ i = ^2n-h3— (n-f- 2) If for X and its powers we write a^ and its powers, the series, though changed as to the form of its exponents, evidently retains the same essential character, and the operations of multiplication and division are performed by taking the sum and difference of the exponents of the fac- tors, whether those exponents are positive or negative, in- tegral or fractional. By thus arranging the powers as the terms of a geometrical series, we perceive that the expo- nent, whether integral or fractional, serves not only to designate the power, but to indicate the situation of the term, in relation to the unit's place. 94. From these principles we readily infer, that any letter or quantity may be removed from the denominator of a fraction to its numerator, and vice versa, by changing the sign of its exponent. Thus, ~^=—x— = ax-^. x^ 1 x^ a-\-b , , , , a ^ , \„,, ==(a + b).(a''—b^)-k. ab''= ,— 95. It frequently happens in the division or evolution of algebriac quantities, as well as in common arithmetic, that to whatever extent the process may be continued, a remainder will still occur; in which case the resulting quotient or root mostly assumes the form of an infinite series. 116 SERIES. Tlius^ ~ ■ — l-\-x+x^-\-x^+x^-{-j etc. to infinity. b^ h^ b^ b¥ ^«^+A»=:« + 2--8^3+i6^-T28^.+. etc.* In some instances, when a few terms of the series are obtained, the law of continuation^ or the relation of the successive terms to those which precede them, becomes manifest. The first of the series above given may be readily continued to any proposed extent. The law of con- tinuation in the last is not obvious on first view 5 it will however, be shown further on. 96. In the investigations connected with series, the me- thod of indeterminate co-efficients is often found particularly convenient. It depends upon the following theorem. Let .^a7+5a?'2+Ca?^ + Da?*, etc. =«a?4-^a?^ + ca?^+^a?*, etc., the series being both infinite, or, if finite, extending to the same number of terms; and A^ B^ C, a, 5, c, invariable; if then the above equation be true, whatever value may be assigned to a?, A will be equal to «, B=b, etc. 5 for dividing by a?, we have A + Bx+Cx'^+Dx^^ etc.=a'\-bx+cx'^-\-dx'^, etc. Now, the equation being true for all values of a?, must hold if a?=0, in which case the equation becomes A=a; subtracting this equation from the given one, Bx + Cx^'+Dx^, eic. = bx-^cx^+dx'^, etc. Dividing by x, B-{-Cx-\-Dx\ eic, = b-{-cx+dx% etc. Whence, if a?=0, B = b, In the same manner C=c, D=d^ etc. m This equation becomes by transposition, Ax-\-Bx^'\'Cx''-\-I)x'-{', etc. ) _^. — ax — bx'^ — cx^ — c?a?*-i-) etc. ) "~ * When the successive terms of an infinite series continually decrease, it is called a converging series ; in which case, the sum of the • series may be approximated by collecting a finite number of terms. SERIES. / 117 Hence it appears, that when all the terms of a general equation are brought to one side, the co-efficients of the several powers of the unknown quantity are respectively equal to 0. This principle is applied in the following examples. 1. Required to express - — ^ : in a series. ^ ^ 1 — 2a? +07^ It is easy to perceive that the first term must be 1. Assume then - — ^ — : — -=!-{■ ax ^bx^-\-cx^-\-dxK etc. 1 — 2x-\-x^ ' ' ' Multiply by 1 — 2a? +a:^, and bring the terms to one side of the equation Then, l-\-ax-{'hx'^ -fca?^ +dx^ +, etc. 1 — 2a7 — 2aa?^ — 2Z)a?'^— 2ca7*— , etc. V =0 — 1 +0:2 _pc5^3 _j_5^i _p^ etc. ) Hence, «— 2=0, h—1a-V 1 = 0, c— 25-f «=rO, c?— .2c + 6=0. ... a=.2, 5=4—1 = 3, c=6— 2=4, c^=8— 3=5. Whence, ^ =l+2a?+3a?^+4a?'^+5a?^+, etc. in which the law of continuation is manifest. 2. Required to develope ^/a^'{-x^^ in a series. V«^+a?^=V(«^Xl + -)=ax/(l+-)=aVl+2^% a?2 Puttino; - = 2;2. Assume -,/ l-\-z''—l+az'^-\-hz^+cz^-\'dz^-\-, etc.* * If the series iJ^az-^-bz^ J^cz^^ etc. had been assumed, we should have found a=0, ^=0, etc. 1 ] 8 SERIES. By involution and transposition, l-{.2az''+2bz^+2cz^'\-2dz^+2ez^''+, etc. ^ a''z^ + 2abz^+2acz^+2adz^^, etc. V = 0. 6^2:8 +26c2r^o, etc. 3 — 1 — z"". .-. 2a— 1 =0, 2b+a^=0, 2c+2ab=0, 2d+2ac + b'^=0, etc. Whence, «=2' ^^"S'^^Tg' ^^"128' '"^256 11 1 „ 5 ... Vl+-^=l+5^--§-^+ je^^-j^8-^+256^^^ ^^^- Consequently, >• /p3 'j^ oa8 ^^^ ^ Va^+x^ = a J 1 + 2^-8^.+ i6^B-li8^s' etc. j = 07^ o:* 0?^ So;'^ • 7a?^o ' ^+2^~8^3+i6^— 128^7+256^9' ^*^- To find, if possible, the law of continuation, we observe that 1__1 —1 ^_1 —1 —3 ~B~2^T"' 16~2^ir^ 6"' 5 1 _i -_3 _5 7 1—1 —3 —5 X-J->^-7r-X-77-, K^ — nX-j-.X-^X- 128""2 4 6^8' 256~2 4 6 —7 X -T^» Hence the law is evident 97. Eequired to express ^ in a series, n being an in- tegral number. 0?— y 0? 1- -2r SERIES. 119 y Assuming 2:=-. cc 1 2^n Now, if be resolved into a series, it is manifest 1 — z ' the first term will be 1. And therefore, — = o?""^ X -z resolved into a X — y 1 — z series, will have its first term a?°~^ a?" a:" — y"^ y^ — a?** 2/^ ^ _ 1 — ^" Again, • ^—y y—^ y r i— ^ ' 1— - y making v=-^ which, resolved into a series, will have its first term y"~^. •vi^ y^ Whence it appears, that if be resolved into a se- X — y ries, the first and last terms will be x^~^^ and y""-^ respec- tively. 1 — z"" Assume then = l+az-^-bz^ -{',.,, jp z""'^ -\- qz^'-K Multiply by (1 — 2:,) and transpose 1 — z"", whence, 1+az+bz^ + cz^j pz^'-^+qz''-^ ^ — z — az- — bz^, — mz""-^ — pz""-^ — qz% > =0 —1 +z% ) .-. (art. 96,) a— 1=0, 5—^=0, c— 5=0, p^m=:0, ^— p=0, 1 — g=0. Or a=l, b=l, c=l, etc. .-. — -5- = a?^-'X {l+z+z^-\-z\ 2r^-3+2r°-'| = 120 SERIES. Whence 03^—^"=: (a? — y)X [x^-^+x^'-^y+x^'-^y'^. Here the indices of x descending regularly from n — 1, to 0, or n — 7^, it appears the number of terms in the series is n, 98. Required to develope (l+o?)'' in a series, n being a whole positive number. It is easy to perceive that the first term of the series is 1 ] and that the powers of x regularly ascend. Assume then, (1 + 0?)"— l + aa?+Z)a?2+ca?'^ + c/a?H-, etc. {A.) Consequently, {l-\-yy=::l-\-ay-\-hy'^-\-cy'^-\-dy*^ etc. By subtraction, (l+a?)° — (l-^-yY—a^x — y)+h{x'^ — y^) + c(x^ — y^) 4- d(x^ — y%) etc. Divide by 1-f a? — l+i/=a? — y, and we shall have X — y ^ X — y ^ e(^±=?(!)+)°=a° — na''-^b+n—^a''"^b^ n — 1 n — 2 , n — 1 n — 2 n — 3 ^n. —^ —a^-^¥-\-n,—^ g ^a"-*i*,etc. 99. Required to develope (l+a?)° in a series. Assume (l+x)"=l+aa?+Ja7^+ca?3+(Za7*+ea?^, etc. (^.) Then (l+^)^=l+«2^+^y'^+c?/34-c?2/+e?/5, etc. (J5.) Put (l+a?)i='y, (l+2/)r=^5 then l+a?=t;°, \^y^w'\ (l+a:)"=2;-, (l+y)^=t^-. Substituting these expressions in equations A and J?, and subtracting, we have if^ — yf^ — aix^-y) + b(x''—y^) + c(a?*^— y^) ^ (/.(a?* — 2/*)+, etc. 122 SERIES. .'.(art. 97,) {v — w)X [v'^-^+v'^-^w. w'^-^l^ d^x-'+x^y + xy^+y^ etc. | (C.) But X — y=l+x — 1+2/=:?;°— 2^°= (v — w)X .«. Dividing equation C by this, we have c(a?2 + a7y + y^) + d(x^ + a?^y ■{■ xy^ + y^), etc. Now, suppose x=y^ whence v-^w and our equation be comes (art. 97,) — =(-.—)= a + 2507+ 3ca?2 + 46Za?3 + 560?*, etc. 712;°""^ '71 V Multiply by ?;°=l+07, and we have 711 W> m — v'°=: — ,(l'i'Xy=a+2bx+3'cx^+4}dx^ + 6exS etc. aa? + 2bx^ + Sco?^ + ^c^o?*, etc. But (equation ^,) — .(l+a?)n= j ax A hx'^A cx^-\ dxf^. etc. Hence, by equating the homologous co-efficients, m m ^ -1 771 n m m — n n n* 2 n In ^ \ " -3 m m — n m — 2n , n m m — n m — 2/i m — 3n n 2n 3n ^ ' * 4f n 2n 3n 4^n SERIES. 123 Hi ta O m m m b m m — n b^ m m — n m — 27i b^ l(y). In the preceding Investigation m has been supposed to be aflSirmative ; if we now take m negative, and make the same assumptions as before, we have 1 1 w'"" — v"^ 1 1 V~^ W~^ = = > = • 7)™ 7/»^ = (x—y).\a+b(x+y) + c.{x^+xy+y^)-{- d{x^ + x"y + X2f'\'y^) + , etc. | = (o — w). { ^;"~^ 4- v''"-w. Tif-^ \ |a+6(a?+2/) + c(a?2 + a?3^4-2/2) + , etc. | Whence, dividing by n,v — w^ and assuming x=y^ 1 7n,v^~^ i^X ='y'^-^|a + 26a?+3ca?2-}-4c?a?3-{-, etc. I .*. Multiplying by ?;, and putting 1-f-a? for v% m v-'^=z 1 4- /rj a4-2&a:+3ca:H4£fa73-f , etc. | = a'\-^'bx+^cx^ + ^dx\ etc. aa?+26a?2 + 3ca:3, etc. — m, Now, multiplying equation A by , and equating the homologous co-efficients, — m — m — m — n 7^ ' n 27i ' — m — m — n — m — 2n , c= X — T. X — 5 , etc. 124* SERIES. Whence it appears that the formula is correct whether the index is positive or negative. This is Newton's cele- brated binomial theorem. 101. By the aid of this theorem, a binomial maybe raised to any power, or evolved to any root by simple substitution. Several examples of the use of this theorem, when the index is a whole positive number, are given in section second. 1. Required to develope V , sr^ in a series. ^ a Here m— — 2, 7i=3. . x.-i ,, 2 a? 2— 2— 3a:^ 2—2—3 .•.a(l + -) =ajl — -. -5-. — ^ — .— — ?r. — ^ — •. ^ a^ < 3a3 6a^3D —2—6 x^ 2 —2—3 —2—6 —2—9 ^ , 2a? 5a?2 40a?' llOa?^ 2. What is the value of Va^+6 in a series 1 b ¥ 563 105* ^ Ans. a+__— +— _^j3^-,etc 3. What is the value of V— in a series. a^ — a?2 1 a?^ 3a?* 5a?9 35a?^ ^ SERIES. 125 2 4. Required the value of (a — b)^ in a series. Result, a^ ,\1 5a 25a^ 12oa^ 26b* 4686^ 625a* 15625^5' ^ Ct ■ I /K 5. Required V in a series.* Result, 1-] |-7r-a+2r^+5-7+5-Tj^'tc. 6. What is(7 )^ in a series 1 ^b — X .c^.l < . 3a? 12a?2 52a?3 234a?* Ans.y .|l4.gjH-^,+^^3 + g-^, etc,} REVERSION OF SERIES. 102. Given ^=a?+| + g+^-f^^, etc. to in- finity, to find x in terms of z. * This quantity is reducible to 11* 126 SERIES. Assume x^az 4 hz'^ + cz^ -\'dz^ + , etc. ' Then -h= -^-{-ahz^+acsi^^ etc. , etc. 2.3"" a?* 2.3.4'' — ^r. 2 2:3 +T^*' etc. 2.3.4' = a=l, 5=—-^, 0=-^^—-^=-^, c^=— -^ — -^ + 8^4 "2i^ 4.- j^3 -j3 ^4 Whence, a?=2r— ^+^ — 7-+) e*^* where the law of continuation is manifest. z^ z^ 2. Given a?=2r- z in terms of x. 2.3^' ;, etc. to find Let 2r=aa7-f 5a?3+c^5+c^^ z^ Then — . 2.3" a3 0^6 ah^ ^ 2:3A5'^'+2:3:4^'- a7 0' — X. =0 SEEIES. 127 __, , J_ __1 1 _ 1»3 •'• ^"'■^' ^""2.3'^~2.3.2 1 1.3 1 1 1.3.5 ^~^0 A. Q'O Q F; a. Q a.* 2.4.9"^ 2.8.5 4.9.4, "^ cc^ 1.3a:5 i.3.5a;7 i.3.5.7a?9 Hence, z=x+^^+^^^+^-^+^^^-^^, etc. 3. Required to revert the general series x=ay'\-hy^-\' cf-^-dy*^ etc. Assume y^Ax+Ex'^-^-Cx^-^-Dx*^ etc. ay=Aax+Bax^'\-Cax'^'\-Dac[^^ etc. Z>y2= 6^3a>2^25^j5^^ ( j52^ ^. 2ACh)x^, etc. cy3= c./73^+3^2j?ca7*, etc. ^ =0 c;y*= dA^x^^ etc. (art. 96,)^=-, B=--,C=^—— D=- a 5^3 — ^ahc^aH a? . , X hx^ 263 — fljc 5^3 — 5a5c+a2c^ 4. Given 2r=w — -q-+-e- — ~7+"q" + > ^*^' *^ infinity, to find u in terms of z. Result, ?i=2r+§2;3+/g2;5+^Yg2r7, etc. «i2 1^3 7.4 «i5 5. Givena?=2^— ^ + |- — T^r\ — j etc. to infinity, to find y in terms of x. Result, y:=^ + -+-+^^ + -^^^, etc. 128 SERIES. SUMMATION OF SERIES. 103. Infinite series are sometimes of such nature, that a quantity can be found, to which the series continually approximates, and to which, without attaining perfect equality, it arrives more nearly than by any assignable dif- ference. The quantity to which the series, by continued extension, thus approximates, is called the sum of the in- finite series. Thus we say, .3333, etc. to infinity, =^5 for no number less than | can be assigned, which the series may not, by extension, be made to exceed. Required the sum of l-{-x+x'^-{'X% etc. to infinity, x being supposed <^ 1."^ Put y—l+x-\-x^'{'X^, etc. to infinity. .\ xy=x-\-x^+x'^j etc. to infinity. Andy—xy=l. .'.y^j^;^. 2, Required the sum of l + 2x+3x^+4!X^'\-6x*+, etc. to infinity, supposing x<^ 1. Put 2/=l+2a?+3a?2+4a?3+5a?*, etc. ... — 2xy= — 2a?— 4073 — g^s — ga?*, etc. And x'^y=x^-\-2x^ + 3x\ etc. Adding these three equations together y — ^xy-^-x^y^l, _ 1 _ 1 •'• ^"" 1— 2a7+a?3""(l— a?)2* 3. Required the sum of r^+"9~q" + o~4~5 ^^^' *^ infinity. *The character <^ is used to express inequality, the opening being presented to the greater quantity. SERIES. 129 Assume ^=l-4--rt-+-o--f-T- + "K"+j ^tc. to infinity. Then x-l=:-i+i-+-l+l+l, etc. Subtract the latter from the former, and ■^^lS "^273+31^ "^475' ^*^' *^^ ^""^ required. 4. Kequired the sum of jy3+2Ti"'"3X5'*^^^^"^^^"^' By last example, l = j;2+2:3 + 3:5"^4:5'^*^* Subtract^. ...^=^+^+^^+^,etc. By subtraction, i=.^3+^^+3|;5+j^^ Whence, ^=ji-3 + ^^ + 3^+ji^^ etc. the sum required. The student who desires to pursue this subject, may con- sult Wood's Algebra, Article 411, etc., or Young's Alge- bra, page 251 etc. DIFFERENTIAL METHOD. 104. In any series of quantities, «, 6, c, J, e, etc., if each term be subtracted from the next following one, and each term of the series of differences be taken from the next, and so on, the following series will be obtained. 1st differences, h — a, c — 5, d — c, e — ln — 2_ , dtz^=^a — nb+n.—^c — n. , d, etc. the sign + being used when n is an even number, and — when 71 is odd. If the differences of any order vanish, any one of the terms may be found by means of the others. Suppose the 4th difference a — 45 + 6c — 4c^+e=0, and c was not known, we should find, '- 6 ' 105 Let Z), D, D, D, etc. denote the first terms of the 12 3 4 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, etc. orders of differences, viz : D=: — a+b, 1 D=a—2b'\'C, JD= — a+3b—3c+d, D=a^4, 1 3 c, etc. as they ought to do. This formula, being demon- strably correct when x is integral, is assumed as a conve- nient and useful approximation when a: is a fraction. Required to find the 6ith term in the series 1, 4, 9, 16. Herea:=-^ a=l, D=3, D=2, D=0. -^ 12 3 LOGARITHMS. ' 133 , 11 3 11 9 2 169 2. Le\ a, b, c, c?, be arcs of a great circle intercepted be- tween a fixed star and the moon's centre at noon and mid- night of two successive days, it is required to find the dis- tance at 15 hours from the first noon. Here 12: 15 : : 1 :a?=^ 4. ...dist. (3^)=«+|i)+|x^Z) + Jx^x7|l)= CONSTRUCTION OF LOGARITHMS. 108. From article 92, it is obvious that) a being any number, if a°=JV, and d^=M, a^'^'^^J^M^ and «''-"= ^. If, therefore, all the numbers used in calculation were ex- pressed in powers of a, multiplication and division might be performed by the addition and subtraction of the expo- nents of a. These exponents, thus employed, are termed logarithms. When a°=^Jf^ n is the logarithm of JV. Let a? be such number, that a^ may denote any proposed number. Put a=l-f5, then (art. 98, 99, 100,) X — 1 X — 1 X — 2 0?- — 1 X — 2 X — 3. , f x'^ X \ __.__6S etc. = l+6x + 6^ J 2 -2 S + *i6-2+3i+*i2i— +^— l^*-^- 12 134? LOGARITHMS. If, therefore, we collect the terms containing the succes- sive powers of x, and denote the above equation thus, (l-\-bY=l + ^x + Bx^+Cx^+Dx% etc. We readily find that ^ ^ ¥ b^ ¥ h^ But the values of B, C, etc. remain to be determined. If for X in the above equation we substitute 2a?, we shall have (l4-i)2x=i+2^a7 + 45a?2+8Ca?3+16i)a?S etc. Squaring the same equation, (1 + ^)3^= l + 2./^a? + 25a72+2Ca?34.2Z)a?S etc. A^x^'\'2ABx'+2ACx^, etc. B^x\ etc. Comparing the co-efficients of like powers of x. A^ A^ A^ ^=^' ^=213-^=2X1' '**= A^x'^ A^x^ A*x* ...a-=(l+6)'=l+^a?+-^ + -^+2:3;-^, etc. (R.) In like manner, etc. A^x^ A^x^ A^x^ ^ . , . . = 1 4-^07 + -^+-^ +2:3:4;' ^^^- ('^•) '^ ^^'^^ 52 b^ b^ ^ •^=^+2 +3-+4:' ^^^- (^) 109. Let 1 + ^ denote a number whose logarithm is re- quired; then l+2/=(l+^r' LOGARITHMS. 135 .'. (l'\-yY={l-hbY% z being any number whatever. Here x is the logarithm of (1+b)'', or of a% or 1+y. But (l+y)^=i + F2r+-^+-^, etc. (J?. 108.) Fbeing ==y-|V|--?J + f , etc. (Q. 108.) Also (1+6)"= 1 4- ^^^H 2~"^T3~' ^*^' ^^' ^^^'^ Whence, by comparing the co-efficients of 2r, A.= V, and ,^^^y-4y-+irzJy!±Ly-, etc. = y<2. y^ y\ yS J Again, putting = a number whose logarithm is required, and making ^j =(14-6)^, we find V (the log. of (1 +5') or -^—)= -.3 t/2 y* 7® Jlfx 12/+%"+^ + 4 + 5 5 ^*^' I ^y ^ process exactly ana- logous to the former. Now the logarithm of ■- (or of 1 + yX-— — = lo- garithm of (1+2/)+ logarithm of ■— - = (r+t;=2Jlf|y + ^+^+^, etc.} {U.) As is manifest by adding together the values of x and v above obtained. 136 LOGARITHMS. 110. As A^ and consequently -^ or JIf, is given in terms of 5, {a — 1) and a may be assumed of any value whatever, (art. 108j) it follows that M is not limited to one particu- lar value. If the value of a be assumed, M may be thence deter- mined, or if we take any number at pleasure as the value of JkT,*' a will be limited ; but in this case the formula TJ may be applied to the construction of logarithms, without computing the value of a. M is termed the modulus, and a the radix of the system. Instead of fixing the value of M^ or G5, by arbitrary assumption, we may take 1 as the logarithm of any proposed number, and thence deduce the value of M, Since a^=l, the logarithm of 1 must in every system, = 0. If we make 1= logarithm of 10, the radix will be 10, and M might have been found from equation /, (art. 108,) by assuming 6=9, if that series or its reciprocal had been a converging one. As that is not the case, a different expedient must be used. jo+ 1 Let^^- -denote a number whose logarithm is to be \^y 7? + l 1 found, and put - — -^= : then ^=p; — —r : this value ' ^ 1 — y p ' ^ 2p4-l substituted for y in equation Z7, (art. 109,) will make the always converge, and more rapidly the greater the value of j9. * When Mis assumed =1, the logarithms thence obtained are termed Naperian, from th« name of the inventor, or hyperbolical, from their relation to the areas contained between the curve and asymptote of an equilateral hyperbola. LOGARITHMS. 137 Now since X --=p-f-l, it is evident that the log. of p + 1= log. i?+ log. of -— . First, let p=l, then =2, and -^ — -——-' also log. ^=.3333333333 -i=^= 370370370 (|)'=^of (|)3= 41152263 (|)' = ^of (g)5= 4572474(^0 (3)^ = 6272 (C.) (J)« = 697 (|)"=) 77 (i).) 12* 138 LOGARITHMS, If then, we divide these terms by the co-efficients, 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., we shall have — 3 ' .3333333333 1 3.33"" 123456790 1 5.3^"" 8230453 1 7.37~" 653211 1 9.39"' 56450 1 11.3^" 5132 1 13.3^" 483 1 15.3«" 46 1 17.3^7- 4 .3465735902 V- Hence, log. of 2= .6931471804 Jf, and log. of 8 (or 2^) =2.0794415412^1/: J Second, let ;?=4, then ^^:^=^ 5 Hence to find the log. of ^ LOGARITHMS. 139 .1111111111 g of {~f=^= 45724^74 I of ilY=.6B. 33870 1 . 1 C 7 ^^ (9) -21^ ^^^ .1115717757 Whence, log. of -=223 14355 14 JIf. Consequently the log. of (tX j) 10 But log. of 10 Hence, M, =2.3025850926JJf. 1. 1 2.3025850926 ,4342944822 Substituting for M the number last found, we obtain the log. of 2=. 30102999599, and thence the log. of 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. may be had by simple multiplication. Also the log. of 5= log. of 10— log. of 2=. 69897000401; whence' may be found the logarithms of all the powers of 5. The numerical value of JIf being thus ascertained, if we make p denote a number whose log. is known, we have log p + 1 =:log.j?+log.' p + 1 P :l0g.;7 + 2^+1"^ 3.(2p + l)2 "^5.(2^ + 1)^+7.(2^ + 1)2' ^^^* 140 LOGARITHMS. Where Jl^ B, C, etc. denote the preceding term exclu- sive of the divisor, 3, 5, etc. ; and thus the logarithms of all the prime numbers may be computed. But as the above series, when the number p is small, converges but slowly, and therefore requires a considerable number of terms to be used, the labor may be abridged by proper expedients, a few of which are subjoined. Let the log. of 3 be required j putp=80, then 2p+l 161 And log. of ^=^+3^^921- -0053950319 To which add log. of 80=^1+3 log. of 2== 1.9030899880 Hence, log. of 81, or 4 log. of 3= 1.9084850199 And log. 3=. 4771212549. Again, let the log. of 7 be required. Put J3=27, then 1___ 1 2^+1 ~^55 28 2M Jl And log. ^=:^ +^^ = .0157942671 Adding log. of 3^ or of 27 = 1.4313637647 Log. of 28= 1.4471580318 Subtracting log of 4, .6020599920 Log. of 7 = .8450980398 * As the logaritlims of 10 and its powers are wholly integral, it ia manifest the logarithnn of a number is changed only in the integral part; by varying the position of the decincial point in the number itself^ LOGARITHMS. 141 In general, suppose a?4-2 to denote a prime number whose logarithm is required, those of the inferior numbers being known. (x—lYx(x+2) x^—Sx + 'i , , , femce , ^-z.rr-1 rr,='^ — is ?»? where both terms (a? + 1)2 X [x — 2) x^ — 307—2 ' are divisible by 4, because x — 1, and 07+1 are even num- bers, it follows that this fraction in its lowest terms, may p+1 be expressed by , and therefore the log. of (07—1)2.(07+2) (a;+ 1)2.(07—2)' be obtained from the formulse above given ; to which add- ing 2 log. (o7+l) + log. {x — 2) — 2 log. (07 — 1) the result will be the log. of 07+2. Let the log. of 13 be required. Here 07=11, and our fraction becomes 10U3_ 1300 __ 325 T2"2;^'~1296~35i Hence, .?.=324, and g^j=^ 325 Whence, log. ^^ = .0013383507. To which add 4 log. 3+log.of 4-2, logof5=. 1126050039 Log. of 13 = 1.1139433546 In this manner the logarithms may be derived from those already obtained, to any proposed extent. The dif- ferential method may be advantageously applied to the completion of a logarithmic table. But the labor of those computations, being already finished, and not likely to be renewed, a further elucidation of the subject is deemed unnecessary. 142 SURDS. Section X. SURDS. 111. It has been remarked (note, art. 38,) that the even roots of negative quantities are impossible ; hence when- ever, in the solution of a problem, the square' root of a negative quantity appears in the result, such result is im- possible, or imaginary. But instead of abandoning, as hopeless, every example in which such expressions appear, they are found conformable to the general principles of the science, and sometimes connected with the most refined analytical processes. Impossible roots may be introduced into a problem in two ways, quite distinct from each other. First, by ad- mitting incompatible assumptions into the data of the pro- blem ; in which case the impossible root serves to detect that incompatibility ; and its appearance or disappearance marks the limits of the problem. Thus in the equation x'^ — 2aa?= — 5, we have (by art. 67,) a?=azfc^/a2 — b as the general expression of the value of X, If now a^^b,^ a^ — b is positive, and therefore, 's/a^ — bj and consequently x, a possible quantity. But if a^v'^+N/« — 2by/7i .x= :^ * These principles may be applied to determine the maxima and minima of geometrical quantities. Let b = the base, « = the altitude of a plane triangle, x = altitude of its inscribed rectangle ; thenbx = the area of the rectangle, which put =c ; a whence we find x=-zi^K/ ('- ), which is impossible when 2 4b ^ab If c——, x=z~, this is, therefore, the greatest possible value of x, 4 2 and the greatest rectangle is — ^ - the triangle. 4r 2 14i^ SURDS. And y= — ^c—. Which are general expressions for the values of a? and y. If now we take n= — 1, or a?^ — y^=a, the above expres- sions become X— ^ 7Z ■ N/a+26v/— 1— \/a— 26v' — 1 2/= 27=1 These values, though expressed by imaginary quantities, are real ones. For putting — 1 instead of n^ in equations JkT, JV, and multiplying, we have a?2+y3_^^3_|.4^3^ (P.) But from the first equation, a?^ — y^=.a. Consequently, by addition and subtraction, 2x''=y/a^-\-^b^-\'a. And 2y2=v/aH4^^'— «, ora^=:( g f; y=( g ) The same conclusions may be obtained by squaring the values of x and y first found, and extracting the square roots of the results. The impossible surd V — 1, was evidently introduced into the result, by adopting a process in the general solu- tion, which was not applicable to the particular equation x^ — y'^—a; yet the values of x and y, when cleared of imaginary surds, are the true ones , as may be shown by a different solution of the problem. SURDS. 145 To the square of the first equation adding 4 times the square of the second, x^-\-2x'^y^'^y~=^a'^ + 4:b^. Whence, by evolution, x'^-\-y^= y/a^-{-4^b^j the same as equation P, deduced from imaginary surds. 113. From what is shown in the foregoing article, we readily infer, that when, in the solution of a problem, the value of the quantity sought appears in terms of imaginary surds, we are not thence immediately to conclude, that the data are inconsistent ; as the adoption of an inapplicable process may produce such a result ; yet in this case the imaginary surd may be eliminated by the use of proper expedients. When, however, the data are inconsistent, no analytical address can clear the final equation of its im- possible quantities. Imaginary surds differ from real ones in this important particular. Keal surds, however complex, admit of an approximation to their value ; but imaginary surds admit of no approximation, and must either be eliminated, when practicable, or remain the intractable indications of incon- gruous assumptions. The following cases exhibit the most useful applications of algebra to surd quantities. Case I. 114. To reduce a rational quantity to the form of a surd. Raise the given quantity to the power denoted by the index of the surd, and to this power apply the radical sign or index proposed. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce 5 to the form of a square root, and a to that of a 4th root. 5=v^5-=v/25, and a=(a^y=i/a\ 2. Reduce 3 to the form of a cube root. Result, -727. 13 146 SURDS. 3. Express — -^a in the form of a cube root. o I A. Result, (—^a^)'. 4. Reduce 2\/5 to the form of a square root. Result, v'20. 5. Reduce 3 \/ 2 to the form of a ^th root. Result, (324)*. 6. Express a-^b in the form of a square root. 7. Express — ^ — in the form of a quadratic surd Result, v/a'^+2a6 + 63. 2 surd. 6+2v/5 Result, s/ - . Case 2. 115. To reduce radical quantities^ having different in- dices^ to other equivalent quantities with a common radical sign. Reduce the fractional exponents to a common deno- minator, involve the given quantities to the powers de- noted by their respective numerators ; and to the results apply the reciprocal of the common denominator as the common exponent. EXAMPLES. 2 3 1 1. Reduce a^^ b"^, and c^ to equivalent quantities, having a common exponent. 2 3 1^ ^ . , _ 40 45 12 3, -, g reduced are equivalent to g^, g^, - 2 1 4C Hence, a^ = (a'^)^^=a^^', 3 1 45 1 1 12 SURDS. 147 1 JL 2 Keduce 3 , and V to a common mdex. Eesult, 27^, 16^. 3. Keduce a^, b^, to a common radical sign. Result, aT\ b'f~5. 4. Reduce {a-\-x)^, (a — x)^ to a common index. Result, {a''+2ax-{'X^)^, and (a^ — 3a^x-^3ax^—x^)^. IX 1 5. Reduce a^, and a?* to the common index —.* I/O Result, (a*)i"5, (a?3)T2. 1 i 6. Reduce 4^, and 5"* to a common index. Result, ( 16)7^2 and ( 125)^5. , Case 3 116. To reduce surds to their most simple terms. Resolve the surd, if possible, into two factors, one of which shall be the greatest power it contains. Extract the root, and thereto annex the other factor with its proper radical sign. EXAMPLES. 1. Reduce V250 to its simplest terms. 250:^125X2=5^^X2. .-. ^250=5^2. 2. Reduce x/32 to its simplest terms. Result, 4 v^ 2. * When the common index, to which the fractional exponents are to be reduced, is given, divide each of the given exponents by that com- mon index, and involve the given quantities to the powers indicated by the quotients. 148 SURDS. ^ 3. Reduce V243 to its simplest form. Result, 3 Vs. 4. Reduce V^IS^ to its simplest terms. Result, 12 V 3. 5. Reduce (144)* to its simplest terms. Result, 2 V 3. 6. Reduce [a^b — a^x)^ to its most simple terms. Result, al/b — x, 18 7. Reduce \^t^ to its simplest terms.^ 3 Result, ^VIO. 8. Reduce V 5 to its simplest terms. 9 Result, I Vs. 9. Reduce — -^ j^- to its simplest form. Result, 8+2v/ 15. Case 4. 117. To add or subtract surd quantities. Reduce the quantities, when fractional, to a common denominator; and when the exponents are different, to a common radical sign. Also express the surds in their simplest terms. If then the reduced surds are alike, they may be added or subtracted as other algebraic quantities. * When the given surd is fractional, the denominator nnay generally be made rational, without changing the value of the fraction, by mul- tiplying both terms by proper numbers or quantities. When the de- nominator consists of two quadratic surds connected by the sign + or — 5 the proper multiplier consists of the same surds connected by the opposite sign. SURDS. 149 When the surds are unlike, the operation must be merely indicated. 1. Required the sum and difference of 1/ 128 and V 16. V128=4V2, V 16 = 2^2, 4V2+2V2=6V2, 4^2— 2V2=2V2. 2. What is the sum of ^/27 and >/48'? Ans. Tv/S. 3. What is the difference between \/50 and v/18'? Ans. 2v/2. 4. Required the sum of ^56 and Vl89. Ans. 5V7. 5. What is the sum oi ^^/a'^b and 5 V 16a*5 '? Ans. (3a +20^2) ^5. 6. What difference is there between ^2^a^h^ and V 54a6* 1 Ans. (2a6— 36^) ^Z 6a. 7. Required the sum of Vt and V 09 '^ Ans. J V 2. ^/14+^/12 8. Required the difference between — j^ j-^ and ^3~^^ ^ Ans. 872+4.x/21 + 4x/3. Case 5. 118. To multiply or divide surd quantities. Like quantities, with different exponents, are multiplied or divided by adding or subtracting their indices. 13* 150 SURDS. When the quantities are different reduce them, if neces- sary, to their equivalent ones with a common radical sign. Then the product or quotient, with a common radical sign applied, will be the quantity sought.* EXAMPLES. 1. Eequired the product of 5V2 by 7^3. 5V2=5V4, 7v/3=7V27, 5 V^^X 7V27=r:35Vl08. 2. Divide x/21+v/15 by ^7— v/5. x/21+n/15_ x/21 + \/15 V7 +v/5 _ 12v/3 + 2v/105 v^7_^5~- ^7—^5 ^ V7+v/5 ~ 7—5 = 6v/3+'>/105, the quotient required. 3. Required the product of 5 v/ 2 by 7 V 3. Result, 35 v/ 6. 4. What is the product of 3 v/ 5 by 4V25 % Ans, 60. 5 3 9 2 5. What is the product of^v/^ by tkn/c'? ^^^•20^^^- 6. What is the product of 2V U and 3 V^^ '^ Ans. 12 V 7. 7. What is the quotient of 6^972 by 31/21 Ans. 6Vl8. • In the division of surds, as well as of rational quantities, it is fre- quently convenient to set down the terms as a vulgar fraction, and to reduce that fraction to its simplest forijp. SURDS. 151 gs/^ divided by |v/g 5 1 3 2 8. What quotient will -fV^ divided by -VT make % Ans.QV5. 9. What is the product of (a+b)^ and (a + b)^ 1 Ans. (a+byk 10. What is the product of{a + 2Vb)^ and (a—^Vby^l Ans. (a^ — 4.6)2". 11. What is the product of 3+ v" — -2 by 5— x/— 2'? Ans. 17 + 2V— 2 12. What is the product of (a + V—b)^ by (a--'2 s/ —b)i 1 Ans. (a3+2&— av/— 5)i 4 2 6 ^ 13. Divide ^Vfl^ by- V«' Quotient, -a^. XX 3 ^r? 14. Divide 3a ° by ^a"' Quot. ^a ™ ' 15. Divide 5+3^^—3 by 7— 2v/— 3. 17 31 Quot.g^+g3V-3. As involution is effected by the multiplication of equal factors, this case evidently includes the involution of surd quantities. 16. What is the 3d power of 4 v" 2 1 Ans. 128 v/ 2. X n 17. Required the nth power of a"" 1 Ans. am, 18. What is the 3d power of 3+2n/— 1 1 Ans. 46 x/— 1—9. 152 SURDS. Case 6. 119. To extract the roots of surd quantities. When the quantity consists of one term only, the root is obtained by dividing the index of each quantity by the index of the power. When the quantity is a compound one, the root may sometimes be extracted, as in article 39. When the given quantity is a binomial, one term, at least, of which is a quadratic surd, the square root may sometimes be extracted by the following formula. Let y/adt:y/b=^x, put s/a^ — 6=c?, then * This formula is thus obtained. Let \/a-±:'^h—'sJv:^s/w, Then a±is/h=v±i2s/vW'\-w, Now, as a rational quantity cannot be equal to a surd, we must take a=v+w^ (Jf.) and s/h—^s/vw. By squaring these equations, a2=2;3^2vw+wj2, and b=4tvw. Whence, by subtraction and evolution, V «^ — b = s/ v^ — 2vw -^w^y or d= v — w. From this and equation N, we have v=o^ 4 o«) a^d w=-^a — -^d. X— y/vdzs/wz= ^ (-a + ^d) ±:y/ (^a — -d.) Hence, it appears that this method applies only to the case where a^ — h is a complete square. SURDS. 153 EXAMPLES. 1. Eequired the square root of 16^/6, ^/16=4, and ^6^=6^, .-. ^1l67Q=4<\/6. 2. What is the square root of 6^ 1 Ans. 6^ or 6v^6. 3. What is the cube root of ^x/SI Ans.gV3 4. What is the square root of a^ — 6a v/ — b — 9^? Ans. a — 3\/ — b, 5. Required the square root of 6+2\/5. Herea=6, n/6=:2v'5= V20. .'.b=20, and ^=v/ 36— 20=4. 1 6+4 6 — 4 Whence (6 + 2v/5)^= V'-^^ N/-y- = v^ 5 + 1, the root required. 6. Whatisthesquareroot of 3— 2v/2'? Ans. V2— 1. 7. What is the square root of 7— 2n/ 10 '? Ans. v'5— v'2. PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 120. Required the difference between V5+2n/5 3+ n/5 n/5 + 2v/5 2"" ^'''^2V(5 + '2V5)' 2 ' 154 SURDS. 5 + 2V5 5 + 2v/5 3 + v/5 2v/(5 + 2n/5)' 2v^(5+2n/5) 2v/(5 + 2v/5)" 2v/(5+2V5r2^/(5+2v/5r ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^- ^^^ V5+2V5 1 denom. by ^/5-2^/5) ^ ^^^" =oV^ (l + 5>/5) the difference sought. 372+2 2. Kequired the sum of 5^2 — 1, and ^ ^ y-^ 1 Ans. 8^2 + 3. 3. What is the sum of 12V j and ^V'^'l 27 Ans. "-tn/J^. 4i. Required the difference of 3V3 and X/121 Ans. v/9. 5. What difference is there between 2 n/ a^6* and a/ Sa^i^ 1 Ans. 2ab(a—b)l/b. 6. Required the product of 4 + 2 V 2 by 2— v/ 2 '? Ans. 4. • 7. Multiply a+bs/—l by a— 5s/— 1. Product, a2+53. 44- V— 3 , 1— n/— 3 8. Divide —^-^ by ^ . . l + 5v/— 3 Quotient, j^ . 9. Required the square root of 51 — lOv/21 Ans. 5^2— 1. EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 155 10. Required the 3d power of a — 6y— 1 % Axis, a?^— 3a2^V — 1 — SaS^+^V — 1. 11. Required the square root of 7 — 24x/ — 1 \ ^ Ans. 4— 3v/— 1. 12. Divide a?'\-h^ by a—hsf—X^ Quotient, a-^hsf — 1. 13. Add —-7—; — 17 to r-, r. 2a3— 2^2 Sum, — T-nir* \/7 a/ 3 14. Add -^^-^and-^-^--^ Sum, g. 15. Divide 18 + 26V— Iby 3 + >/— 1. Quot. 8 + 6 y—l. 16. Required the square root of 13 — 20 x/ — 3 % Ans. 5— 2v/— 3. Imaginary surds are of great importance, in the investi- gation of several valuable formulss, in the arithmetic of sinesc Section XI. EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 121. It has been remarked, page 90, that quadratic equations sometimes admit of more answers than one. The principles on which the ambiguity of quadratic equa- tions depends, are productive of similar results in equations of the higher orders. 156 EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. In the general -equation a?° — •j9a?''~^+5'a?"~^......dbr=0, where p^ q, r, are supposed to be given, the different values, of which X is susceptible, are called the roots of the equa- tion. 122. If two binomials, as x — a. a?-W, be multiplied to- gether, the product x"^ — ax — bx-^ab, or a?^ — (a-^b)x-{-ab, is manifestly a quadratic; if now, x — a— Of or x — ^=0, we have evidently 0?'^ — (a-\-b)x+ab—0. On the other hand, the given quadratic equation x^ — px-\-q—0, may be re- solved by making a-{-b—p^ ab=q^ and determining a and b. For, on these assumptions being made, the equations become identical, and their conditions are fulfilled by taking a?=a, or x=b; the equation x" — px-\-q=0, has, therefore, two positive roots, which are both possible when {p^ is greater than q^ and both impossible when q exceeds i/>2. This expression corresponds to form 3d, ^, (art. 67.) ^ 123. Again, a? — axx-^b=x^ — ax-i-bx — a5, which being supposed =0, corresponds to x'^-i-px — ^'=0, or to x'^ — px — ^=0, according as b is greater or less than a. The conditions of this equation are answered by taking X — a=0^ or x-{-b=0; the equation has, therefore, two roots, a, and —b. These expressions correspond to forms 1, 2, c/f, (art. 67.) These equations consequently admit of a negative and a positive root, which are both possible ; be- cause when the square is completed, the second member consists of positive quantities. 124^ Moreover, {x-\-a),{x-^b)=x"-{-ax-{-bx-{-ab, which being supposed =0, agrees with x'^-\-px-{-q=^0. Hence an equation of this form is resolved by making a-\-b=p^ ab=zq^ and determining a and b. The roots of this equation are manifestly both negative; and (as in art. 122,) both possible or both impossible. 125. It is worthy of remark, that in the equation a?2 — px+q=::0^ the signs are alternately -|- and — , that is, they are twice changed ; and the equation has tivo positive roots. But in the equations (art. 123,) the same sign is EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 157 once continued, and the sign once changed ; and these equa- tions have one affirmative and one negative root. In the equation (art. 124,) the sign is twice continued^ and this equation has two negative roots. It also appears, from what is above shown, that every quadratic equation has two roots, which are both possible, or both impossible.* 126. Assuming three factors, (a? — a).(x — b).(x — c)= x'^ — (a-i-b + c)x''^+(ab'^ac + bc)x — abc, which being sup- posed = 0, will be identical with a?^ — px'^ + qx — r=0, if p = a-{'b -{-c^ q=ab-\-ac-j'bc^ and r=abc. But the condi- tions of the former are answered by making x — a=0, X — 6=0, or X — c=0; therefore, the latter has three posi- tive roots, a, bj and c. It has likewise three changes of the signs. 127. If instead of x — c we take a?+c, our equation (x — a).(x — b).(x-\^c) = x'^' — (a 4-5 — c)x''^ + (ab — ac — 6c)a? + abc=0, will, manifestly, have two positive roots, a and b, and one negative root, — c. In this case, if a+b'^c, the sign of the second term is — , the equation may, therefore, be expressed x^ — px^dzqx-^r=0, in which there are two changes of the signs, and one continuation of the same sign. If c^a4-6, the second term will have the sign +, but the third — , because in that case {a-\-b), c^{a-^bY, and therefore, ^ab. The equation then becomes x'^-^px^ — qx-{-r=0 ; having as before two changes of the signs, and one continuation of the same sign. 128. A cubic equation, composed of the factors (x — a), (a? + 6) . (a? + c) = o?"^ + (6 + c — a)x'^ — (a6.4- ac — bc)x — abc= 0, has plainly one positive root, «, and two negative roots, — &, and — c. But in this case, if 6 + 6-^a, the sign of the second term is +5 and the equation may be expressed x^-^px^ztzqx — r=0, having one change of the signs, and *In form 3, A, (art. 67,) when h=a^, the roots are equal to each other. In forms 1 and 2, if 2a=0, the equation becomes a simple quadratic, and the roots are equal quantities with contrary signs. Every simple quadratic has, therefore, a positive and negative root. u 158 EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. two continuations of the same sign. . If a^h-\-c^ the second and third terms are both negative, because (h-\'C)d^(b-\-cf ^bc; the equation, therefore, may be expressed x'^ — px'^ — qx — r=0, having, as before, one change of the signs, and two continuations of the same sign. 129. If we use the factors x-\-a, x-\-b, ^+c, their pro- duct a?^+(«-|'6-fc)a?'2+(a6+ac+Z>c)a7+a5c, being put —0, the equation may be expressed, a?^+j9^-+ga?4-r— 0, in which there are three continuations of the same sign. The equation has likewise three negative roots, — a, — 6, and — c. By pursuing this inquiry it will be found, that any equation of this kind admits of as many roots as there are units in the index of the highest power of the unknown quantity ; that the number of positive and negative roots will be, respectively, equal to the number of changes in the signs, and the number of continuations of the same sign. It likewise appears, that the last term, or absolute number, is the continued product of all the roots with their signs changed. 130. It may be observed, that as every cubic equation is composed of three factors, and every quadratic of two ; a cubic equation may always be considered as the product of a simple and a quadratic equation. But (art. 125,) every quadratic has, either two possible, or two impossible roots ; hence, a cubic equation, the terms of which are possible, having one impossible root, has two; and, as in the multiplication of compound quantities, containing im- possible parts, those impossible parts can disappear only when two like roots are multiplied together, it follows, that every cubic equation, consisting of possible quantities, has, at least, one possible root. 131. In like manner, it appears that every equation con- sisting of possible quantities, having an odd number of roots, has, at least, one of those roots possible. And that EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 159 every equation which is made up of possible quantities, has all its roots possible, or an even number of impossible roots. 132. When the roots of an equation are integral, they may sometimes be found with great facility, by seeking the divisors of the last term, and substituting them in place of the unknown quantity, till one or m.ore are found which answer the conditions of the equation. (See art. 129.) When one root has been found, the equation may be depressed by connecting that root, with its sign changed, with the unknown quantity, and dividing the given equa- tion by the sum, EXAMPLES. 1. Given x^ — Saj^-f 5a? — 15 = 0, to find the value of a?. (Art. 126,) the roots, if possible, are all positive.* Also, the divisors of 15 are 1, 3, 5, 15. Now, by substituting these for a:, 1_3.|-5_15^_-12. ... 1 is not a root. 27— 27-f 15—15=0. .-. 3 is a root. « ^ , 0?^— 3a?24-5a;— 15 ^ ^ a?— 3 = 0, and —, =a?2+5=0. X' o Whence, a:=zt:V — 5. .-. the roots are 3, ■+ -s/ — 5, and — v/ — 5. 2. Given a?^— 2a?2— 5a7+6 = 0, to find x. Eesults, 1, 3, —-2. * The rules, in the foregoing articles, for determining the signs of the roots from the changes in the signs of the terms composing the equation, being founded on the supposition that each root has but one sign, do not apply to impossible roots ; because the negative signs under the radicals, when developed by multiplication, are combined with those of the roots, and, therefore, change the signs of the terms of which the equation is composed. 160 EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 3. Given a?*^+6a?2— 7a?— 60=0, to find x Results, 3, — 4, — 5 4. Given a?^+3a:'-— 6a?— 8=0, to find a?. Results, 2, — 1, — 4-. 5. Given a?^— 2a?+4=0, to find x. Results, —2, l+\/— 1, l--v/— -1. 6. Given a?*— 10a?3 + 35a?^— 50a7+24=0, to find x. Results, 1, 2, 3, 4. 7. Given a?*-— So'H ^Sa?^— 64a? +120=0, to find a?. Results, 5, 3, 2^—2, — 2n/— 2. 133. When the roots are not integral, they may gene- rally be determined by approximation.* For this purpose, various rules have been investigated. Among these the following is probably the most convenient in practice. The demonstration is given in the subsequent article. To find the root of a general equation. 1. If all the terms of the equation are not on one side, by transposition, place them so j and arrange them accord- ing to the powers of the unknown quantity, placing the highest power on the left hand. If any of the lower powers are not contained in the equation, consider each one omitted, as having a cipher for its co-efficient, 2. Place the co-efiicients and the absolute number with their proper signs, in order, in a horizontal line. *If all the roots of the equation are impossible, this method is not applicable, (see art. Ill,) but possible roots may always be approxi- mated. EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 161 3. Find by trial the first root figure, attending to its value as being units, tens, tenths, or hundredths, etc and place it to the right of the absolute number. 4. Multiply the first co-efficient by the root figure, and add the product to the second co-efficient ; multiply the sum by the root figure, and add the product to the third co-efficient ; proceed thus to the end of the line, adding the last product to the absolute number. Again, multiply the first co-efficient by the root figure, and add the pro- duct to the sum under the second co-efficient ; multiply the resulting sum by the root figure, and add the pro- duct to the sum under the third co-efficient ', and so on, stopping under the last co-efficient. Repeat the process, stopping each succeeding time, one term nearer to the left hand, till the last sum falls under the second co- efficient. 5. Try how often the last sum under the last co-effieient is contained in the sum- under the absolute number, and take the result for the next root figure. 6. Using the first co-efficient, and the last sum in each column, instead of the co-efficients and absolute number, proceed with this new root figure as with the preceding one. 7. Obtain another root figure in the manner last men- tioned, and thus continue the operations as far as neces- sary. Jfote 1. — In multiplying by each root figure, attention must be given to its value. Thus, if it is of the order of tens, the multiplication must be made by the number of tens which it represents ; and so, for other values. Also, in the multiplications and additions, regard must be had to the signs of the numbers. 2. The signs of the successive sums under the absolute number and last co-efficient, must continue the same through- out the operation, or both change by the same root figure. 14* 162 equatio3n:s in general. If the operation for any of the root figures causes only one sign to change, another value must be taken. This will not unfrequently occur with regard to the second root figure, but it will seldom be the case for the others. 3. After two or three root figures have been obtamed, and the multiplications and additions corresponding to them have been completed, the succeeding parts of the operation may be contracted in the following manner. Cut off the right hand figure of the sum, in the column under the last co-efficient; the two right hand figures of the sum in the preceding column ; the three right hand figures of the sum in the column preceding that, and so on. If either of the figures next to the right of the marks of separation is 5, or more than 5, add, mentally, a unit to the first figure on the left of the mark, when using it in the succeeding multiplication and addition. Re- peat the same contraction for each of the following root figures. These contractions may commence, in cubic equations, after the second or third decimal figure in the root is ob- tained ; in biquadratic equations, after the first or second decimal figure ; and in higher equations, after the first de- cimal figure. And if the operation is closed when the sum under the absolute number is reduced to two figures, all the figures in the root will be true.* EXAMPLES. 1. Given 3a?*--4a?3+ 2a:— 1000=0, to find the value ofx. Ans. 4.342447603. •This rule, improved from Young's Algebra, was communicated by my friend John Gummere, of Burlington. EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 163 12 12 12 —4 48 44 96 140 144 284 14.67 + 2 176 178 ■ 560 738 89.601 —1000(4.342447603 712 —288 248.2803 24 12. —39.7197 37.39678208 36 12 827.601 94.083 —2.32291792 1.89781666 48.9 .9 49.8 .9 50.7 .9 51.6 .12 51.72 12 51.84 12 298.67 14.94 313.61 15.21 328.82 2.0688 921.684 13.235552 934.919552 13.318496 948.23804,8 .67028 330.8888 948.90833 2.0736 .67048 332.9624 949.5788,1 2.0784 .1340 335.04,08 949.7128 10 1340 51.96 .12 335.14 949.846,8 10 12 5,2.08 335.24 10 949.859 12 —.42510126 37988512 —4521614 3799436 —722178 664909 -57269 56994 —275 285 3,35.34 94,9.8,7,1 2. Given a?5+2a7^+3a?3 + 4372+ 5a?— 54321— 0, to find the value of 07. Ans. 8.41445475. 164 1 2 8 3 80 83 144 227 208 435 272 707 16.96 EQUATIC 4 664 668 1816 2484 3480 5964 289.584 )NS IN GENERj 5 3344 5349 19872 25221 2501.4336 -54321(8.41445475 42792 10 8 -11529 11088.97344 18 8 —440.02656 304.11052 26 8 27722.4336 2620.0064 —135.91604 122.02904 34 8 6253.584 30342.440,0 296.432 68.612 —13.88700 12.21504 42.4 723.96 .4 17.12 6550.016 30411.052 303.344 68.690 —1.67196 1.52700 42.8 741.08 .4 17.28 6853.3,60 30479.74,2 7.8 27.52 —14496 12216 43.2 758.36 .4 17.44 6861.2 7.8 6869.0 7.8 30507.26 27.52 —2280 2135 43.6 .4 77,5.80 ( 30534.7,8 2.8 —145 153 44.0 5,87,6.8 30537.6 2.8 30,5,4,0.4 3. Given a?^ + 9a?H4a?=80, to find x. Result, 07=2.4721359. 4. Given x^-\-x'^-\-x—^0^ required the value of a?. Ans. 07=4.1028323. 5. Given a^^-f lOa?^-]- 5^7=: 2600, required the value of x, Ans. 11.00679934. 6. Given 2a?* +1607^+40073+3007= 4500, required the value of 07. Ans. 07=5.03770809. EQUATIONS IN GENERAL. 165 134. To show the rationale of the process directed in the last article, I begin with the cubic equation ax'^-{-bx'^ + cx + d=0. Let the first figure in the root be indicated by r, regard being paid to its local value, and the remaining part of the root by y; then x=y -^r. Hence, ax^'=ay'^-\-3a7'y'^-{-3ar~y-}-ar^ ) hx'^ = by^ + 2bry + br^ I _ ^ cx= cy-\-cr d^ d Collecting the co-efficients of like powers of y, ay^+b'y'^-{-c'y-\-d'-=0. It is obvious that d'=\(ar-]-b)r-{-c\r'\'d; dz={ar'\-b)r-\-{^ar-\-h)r-\-c; b' z=ar -\- ar '\-ar -{-b . But these are the quantities found by the fourth precept. Again, since r^y, c'y-\-d' approximates to 0, or y= — — nearly ; but this is the mode prescribed in the fifth precept for finding the next figure of the root. Denoting the number obtained by the last operation by 5, and the remaining part of y by z, so that y=^z-\-s^ we shall obtain a new equation az^-{'b"z^ + c"z + d"=^0, in which d'z=\(as-{-b')s + c'ls+d'; c"=(as+b')s-{-(2as+b')s -|-c'; b"=as-\-as+as+b'; whence an approximate value of 2:, or a new figure of the root, is manifestly deducible from this new equation, as before. Assuming now the general equation ax''-\-bx''~^ mx^-\-nx+p=^0. ^==0 166 INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. And denoting as before, the first figure of ^the root by r, and making x=y-\-rj we have ax''=^ay''-{-nary^~^ etc. nar^~^y'\-ar^ bx''-^= by""-^,, etc. n — l.^r^-^y + Z^r"-^ etc. ... etc. mx'^= 2mry-^mr^ nx— ny-^nr P= P) Or ay'' + bY~^+" etc. n'y+p'=Oy in which the quantities ^'5 ^'> ?'•> ^re composed of the co-efiicients a, b, etc. and the powers of r combined, as directed in the fourth precept. P' And here as before y= — =-j nearly. Hence it is obvious, that the successive figures of the root may be obtained by the same kind of process ; what- ever may be the index of the highest power of the un- known quantity. INDETERMINATE PEOBLEMS. 135. When a problem is given, in which the number of unknown quantities employed, is greater than the num- ber of independent equations furnished by the conditions of the problem 5 one, at least, of those quantities, may be assumed at pleasure. Such problems, therefore, generally admit of an indefinite number of answers. There are, however, certain conditions sometimes annexed, by which the number of answers is partially limited. For example, the answers are required to be whole positive numbers, or they are required to be square or cube numbers. Such problems are termed indeterminate, or unlimited, though, in some instances, each unknown quantity admits of but one value. If simple powers only of the unknown quan- INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. 167 titles are included in the equations, the problem is said to be of the first decree. Case I. To find the values of x and y, in whole positive numbers,, from the equation ax=by-{-c; a, b, c, being given num- bers, positive or negative,* by-\-c Here a?=-^ — , and as x is to be a whole number, by -\-c must also be a whole number. a Now, if this quantity be multiplied by a whole number, the product must, evidently, be a whole number; also the sum or difference of this quantity, or either of its multiples, and any whole number, must necessarily be a whole num- bv -\-c ber. Let, therefore, — — be thus chano-ed till we obtain V -4~ c =2^A,f which put =J9; then y=ap — c', a quantity that must be a whole number, because n, p, and c' are whole numbers. And this value being substituted for y in by-\'C the equation x= , the value of a? will be obtained in terms of j?, and given numbers. Assuming then j9=0, 1, 2, 3, etc. successively, (omitting such numbers as make x or y negative,) the various nu- merical values of x and y become known. The number of answers will be limited when the signs of p in the values of x and y are unlike : but unlimited when p has the same sign in both. =* If ff and b have a common divisor, it must also be a divisor of c, or the problem is impossible. fl'his expression is used to designate any trholc vumlcr. 168 INDETERMINAAE PROBLEMS. EXAMPLES. 1. Given l9a?=14?/4-15, to find the values of x and y in whole positive numbers. 14y+15 , Uy + lb , 56?/+60 ^ ^ 18^ + 3 _, 19y ^ 19y 18y-f 3 y— 3 • , But --|=z.A. ... ^--A^^y—^^h^p ...2/=19;? + 3, and a?=— ^-i^-j^ — l—^=Up + 3. If now, we assume p successively =0, 1, 2, 3, etc. 2/= 3, 22, 41, 60, etc. a?=3, 17, 31,45, etc. Here the number of answers is evidently unlimited. 2. Given lla?+l'73/=987, to find a? and y in whole posi- tive numbers. 987— 17y ^^ 8— 6v , 8— 6v x= jj-^=-89— y + -^^=t^A. .-. — ^^=u'^, 8—61/ ^ 16— 12i/ 5— y V— 5 y — ^ 7 Whence y = 1 Ip + 5, 987— (11;)+5)X17 ^^ ^^ And a?:=- i—Y^-^^ =82— 17p. INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. 169 Assuming ^=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2^=5, 16, 27, 38,49. a:=82, 65, 48, 31, 14 Which are all the possible values in whole positive numbers. 3. Given 7a: + 93^= 2342, to find the number of values of X and y in whole positive numbers. 2342— 9 V ^^, 2y— 4 , 2y— 4 x= = — ^=334 — y ^ — =wL r.~^ — =wh. %-i..._8y-i6_ ,v-2_, y-2 ■X4 =y—2+^-Y-=wL .'.^=wk=p. 7 .•.3/=7p+2, and a?=332~9i?. From the first of these expressions we perceive that the least value of p is 0, and from the second, that the greatest value of p is 36. Hence the required number is 37. 4. Given 5a? + 73/ +92: =337, to find the number of val- ues of X, y, and z^ in whole positive numbers. 3^7— 7y— 9z ^^ , 2— 2y— 4^ , x=:^ -^ =67 — y — z+ 1 z=zwh. ^ 2— 2y— 42r_ * * 5 . , 2— 2v— 42? ^ 4— 4v— 82: And g X 2= 1 =wk. 52/— 5 + 102? , But -^ — ~ =wk. 5 52/-_5 + 102? 4— 4v— 82? V— l + 22r r,y=^p — 22? + 1, x=^66 — 7/? + 2-. 15 170 INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. Assuming now z successively equal to 1, 2, 3, etc. we shall have the corresponding values of x and ?/, the greatest and least values of jp, and the number of answers as fol- lows: z X y P P Gr. Least. No. of Ans. 1 Ql—lp 5p—l 9 1 9 2 6S—7p 6p—S 9 1 9 3 69— Ip bp — 5 9 2 8 4 10— Ip bp—1 9 2 8- 5 71— Ip 5;?— 9 10 2 9 6 12— Ip 5jo— 11 10 3 8 7 13— Ip 5p— 13 10 3 8 8 1^—lp 5j9— 15 10 4 7 9 Ib—lp 5/7—17 10 4 7 10 16— Ip 5;?-~19 10 4 7 11 11— Ip 5;?— 21 10 5 6 etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Here we may observe, there are seven successive values of^r, (beginning with the 5th,) which produce no change in the greatest value of p; and there are alternately two and three equal least values of p; ajid this order will evi- dently continue as long as successive values of z are as- sumed. The last three columns of the above table may, there- fore, be continued without the former ones. Gr. val. oi p, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, Least do. 11222334445566 No. of Ans. a 9889 8 8777676 6 Gr. val. of^, 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 Least do. 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 No. of Ans. 65545544333332 Gr. val. of p, 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 Least, 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 No. of Ans. 2 2 111110 The number of answers, or sum of the numbers in the last column, is 169. INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS 171 Otherwise — irom the equation z— ^ , since neither a?, nor 3/ can be less than 1, it is obvious that 2: cannot exceed 36. Then in the equation 07=66 — Tp+ar, make 2:= 36 and x=^ 102 — 7^ ; where the greatest possible value of j3=14. Put p=14f in the equation y=op — 22r+l, and 2^=71— -22r. From which we perceive that the greatest value of 2;= 35. Assuming then z= 1, 2, 3, etc. to 35, and taking all the values of p, from 14 to the lowest, which will give a positive value to y; and combining the results five by five, we shall have a series in arithmetical progres- sion, 67 -1-57+ . . . 7=259, which is the number of whole positive values of y. But some of the corresponding values of X will be or negative. From the equation x=66 — Ip+z, we find the first four values of z, 1, 2, 3, 4, render a?=0, or negative if p^9. Hence, we have 20 inadmissible values of x. For the next 7 values of z^ we have x=0^ or negative if p^lO ; which give 28 inadmissible values. Proceeding until z=35, we have the series 20 + 28-}- 21+ . .7=90. Hence 259 — 90=169, the number required. 4. Given 14a?=5?/+19, to find the least possible values of X and t/, in whole positive numbers. Ans. x=6^ y=l3. 5. Given 11a? + 5^=254, to find all the values of x and y, in whole positive numbers. Ans. a?=19, 14, 9, 4. y=9,20,31,42. 6. Given 9a?+133/=2000, required the number of values of X and y. Ans. 17. 7. Required to divide 100 into two parts, so that one of them may be divisible by 7, and the other by 11 1 The parts are 56 and 44. 172 INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. 8. Given 17a?4-193^+2l2r=400, required the number of values of ^, y, and z, Ans. 10. 9. Required to pay 1000 dollars, in French crowns, and five franc pieces, so that the number of coins used shall be the least possible \ what number of each kind will be ne- cessary, and how many ways can that sum be paid in those coins, the French crown being 1 10 cents, and the five franc piece 93 cents 1 Ans. 833 crowns, 90 five franc pieces, and 9 different ways. 10. How many gallons of liquor at 12 cents, 15 cents, and 18 cents per gallon, may be mixed, to compose 300 gallons at 17 cents per gallon 1* C at 12 cents, 1, 2, 3, etc. to 49. Ans. \ at 15 cents, 98, 96, 94, etc. to 2. I at 18 cents, 201, 202, etc. to 249. 11. In how many ways can £1053 sterling be paid without using any coins besides guineas and moidores ; the guinea being 2 J 5. sterling, and the moidore 271 Ans. 112 ways. 12. A foreigner having a bill of $1 75 to pay at a hotel, offers napoleons in payment, the landlord agrees to receive them on condition that Turkish sequins shall be taken as change ; how many pieces must be used, a napoleon being worth $7 25, and a sequin rated at $2 10 \ Ans. 35 napoleons, and 120 sequins. 13. Given 7a7 4-92/-|-232r=9999 ; of how many values will 0?, 2/, and z admit % Ans. 34365. , * When more equations than one are given, one, at least, of the unknown quantities may be eliminated, and the equations reduced to indeterminate problems. 1v3 Case 2. 136. To find a whole number^ which ^ being divided by any given numbers^ shall leave given remainders. Denoting the required number by a?, the given divisors by a, Z>, c, etc. and the remainders by /, g, A, etc. we shall have , — j — , , etc. severally equal to whole numbers. /p f Put — - =p. find the value of x. and substitute it for x a ^' in the second fraction ; reduce this new fraction, as in the former case, so that the co-efficient of p may be a unit, and put the fraction thus obtained =q; find the value of p, and thence of x, in terms of q and given numbers. Sub- stitute the value of x in the third equation, and so proceed The last value of x will be the number sought. EXAMPLES. 1. Required a number, which, being divided by 7, 9, 10, and 11, shall leave the remainders 5, 4, 7, and 9, re- spectively. Let x=i the number sought. _, X — 5 X — 4 X — 7 X — 9 , . , Then -y-, -^, -jg"' TF' ^^^ numbers. —--=:wh—p, .-.O^rrrTp + S. 7^+5-4 7^+1 , Whence, • ^ = -f^-^—.-=wh. 7p-fl , 28;?+4 ^ P-f4^ . 15* 174? INDETERMINATE PEOBLEMS. 79+4 9 -=wk=q, nnd p~9q — 4. r,x=63q — 23. And consequently. ^* =wh-=r, .-.^^lOr, anda?=630r— 23. 630r— 32 ,^ ^ 3r+l , 3r + l .-. ==51r—3+-jY-=wL .-. —j—=zwh. ^ ,3r+l ^ 12r + 4 r— 7 And-jPx4=--^j-=r+l+--^==2^A. r— 7 .•.— — -='i^A=5. .-.r— 115 + 7. And a:= 69305 4- 4387= (if 5=0)4387. Assuming 5= 1, 2, etc. other values would arise. 2. Eequired a number, which, being divided by 2, 3, 4, 6, shall leave no remainder; but being divided by 7, the remainder shall be 6 1 The least common multiple of 2, 3, 4, 6,t is 12. • If a fractional expression - ri=i^?A, and we divide the terms into iheii primes, it is plain that all the prime numbers contained in the denominator, must be also contained in the numerator ; thus, ^- z=:^'^z=wh, where the primes 2 and 5 not being contained in the 3> 10 2.5 must be contained in OCAr^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ')!*■ ^'4t->'sf'''^ l^-lsl-:?* ;^'^Ii()OI. '^EACR-n^^ AND riEADfs C^F FAi\mJEF:. ^^ F AM.. .JAR ^; ii Jlcni Ac i^ 1 J' g! J t^xt bo( ' 1 Altrs:. :■. M 1 S. L Ho. ME5^. ^vv- ., f F (*c>ri ' . 1 ji ^on C P; ! 1 f. •?• e . § ; I 1 Mil. K, . . ug to tlie citj, 1 i j^f? tr Ions;, a1 • - ' >d ' ' FnUiil ia r i >;.-n..^.'' V T>i:-^TMvn^l 1! i^^tmk J ->' • af_;smiKc I.- ^^^ '^^^^^gp ■'{• ^ ■ - ^ >^y -' (jfiinM'ily i^jtr^^ ^ '•' ]';?.sente(^l ; ■istianity , in tliv CI ■^•' Ih^ i , '^ 'il or .,)di<]. a { ^'jny he "Q(-:] i.' Iho ^jaeslious .:.;i'; !.:. '^^^(^l's on \. h l1 ■ .tnr.-ip'.c^s of Gideon, as :. ccor dcd it i j : (^M^pirr ol ^'k- ji)o >i ' ' T consider the Tolume ! k, 'If^ jf'^.c/'ssiMi 10 CI ..tifin : i oral ure, and worthy 1 = 1 \^ fHniil#and m <'.vvrv :u':it"'n\v or sdiool. h-. • ' spcciiully, ^^ '' J. IMHitiiJiN. ^ji S!j ■