BX 9702 UC-NRLF Eli IbV^HO^ 0^- LIBRARY OP CONGRESS U S3 DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY, LIST OP REFERENCES ON THE SALVATION ARMY BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1 British museum. Dept. of printed books . Subject index of the modern works added to the library of the British museum in the years 1881-1900. Ed. by G.K* Fortescue. London, Printed by order of the Trustees, 1902-03. 3 v. Salvation army: p. 462-464. Same . 1901-1905. London, 1906. 1161 p. Salvation army: p. 986-987. Same . 1906-1910. London, 1911. 1307 p. ""Salvation army: p. 1102. Same . 1911-1915. London, 1918. 1567 p. Salvation army: p. 1330-1331. 2 The Salvation army year book for 1914. London, The Salvation army book dept., 1914. 112 p. Editor: 1914 — Theodore Kitching. Salvation army publications, 6 p. at end. BOOKS 3 The Annual charities register and digest, being a classi- fied register of charities in or available for the metropolis. London, New York, Longmans, Green & co., 1919. 584 p. Salvation army: p. 344-345. 4 Atwood, Alfred L. The Salvation army girl; a novel. ^Austin, Minn., Press of P.H. McCulloch printing co., 1914^ 48 p. 5 *Bateman, C.T. Life of General Booth. New York, Association press, 1912. 100 p. 6 Begbie, Harold. Broken earthenware; a footnote in narrative to Professor William James 1 , "The varities of religious experience". New York, F.H. Revell company 1909 280 p Also published under title: Twice-born men. 7 Begbie, Harold. The life of General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation army. New York, The Macmillan co., 1920. 2 v. Reviewed in New statesman, Feb. 21, 1920. v. 14: 592-594. Reviewed by J. Telford in London quarterly review, Apr. 1920, v. 133: 237-247. '/f WU. M310233 ' Jjfi ee I #' -2- 8 Belloc, Mme . Bessie R. (Parkes) In a walled garden. London, Ward and Downey, 1895. 324 p. Catherine Booth: p. 222-231. 9 Bliss, William D.P. ed. The new encyclopedia of social reform. New ed. New York, Punk & Wagnalls co., 1908. Social work in the United States of the Salvation army: p. 1089-1090; Salvation army colonies: p. 1090-1091; International Salvation army and social reform: p. 1091. 10 Bolton, Sarah (Knowles) " Mrs . C.E. Bolton." Famous leaders among women. New York, T.Y. Crowell & company £18953 356 p. Catherine Booth: p. 159-211. 11 Booth, Ballington. From ocean to ocean, or, the Salvation army ! s march from the Atlantic to Pacific. New York, J.S. Ogilvie, £1891 - 1 186 p. £ The Peerless series, no. 36 u 12 The Salvation army memorial album, containing actual photographs of some of the principal officers. rNew York, 1895j 2 p.l. 15 illus. 13. and Maud Ballington Booth. The soldiers' manual; or piety and practice. New York, Salvation army headquarters, 1889. 58 p. 14 Booth, Mrs . Catherine. Aggressive Christianity. Practical sermons. With an introduction by Daniel Steele, D.D. Boston, McDonald & Gill, 1883 174 p. 15 Popular Christianity. A series of lectures delivered in Princes Hall Piccadilly. New York, M.B. Booth, 1887, 198 p. Same . Boston, McDonald, Gill & co., 1888. 203 p. 16 Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington (Charlesworth) After prison-- what? New York, F.H. Revell company [1903] 290 p. 17 Beneath two flags. New York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1889. 288 p. lg Branded; a monograph on prison work. New York, A.D.F, Randolph co., 1897. 49 p. 19 Th e curse of septic soul- treatment. New York, F.H. * Revell company [1892] 60 p. 20 Did the pardon come too late? New York, Toronto, _ F. H. Revell company [1897j 48 p. 21 Look up and hope. New York, A.D.F. Randoloh co., 1897. 45 p. 22 Wanted "antiseptic christians." Chicago, F.H. Revell co., rl891j 30 p. -3- 23 Booth, ^William: In darkest England, and the way out. New York, London, Punk & Wagnalls, 1890. 285 p. 24 The salvation soldier 1 s song book. Philadelphia, G.S. Railton [18801 176 p. Same. New York, 1885. 194 p. 25 The vagrant and the unemployable; a proposal whereby vagrants may be detained under suitable conditions and compelled to work. London, The Salvation army, 1909. 79 p. 26 Booth Tucker, [Frederick St. George de Lautour^ The consul. A sketch of Emma Booth Tucker. New York, London, The Salvation Army publishing department, 1903. 192 p. 27 Farm colonies of the Salvation army. (In U.S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, Sept. 1903, v. 8, p. §83-1005.) 28 -- The life of Catherine Booth, the mother of the Salvation army. New York, F.H. Revell company [1892^ 2 v. 29 The Salvation army in the United States. "New York, Tbe Salvation army print. & engr. dept.7 1899. 83 p. 30 The social relief work of the Salvation army in the United States. [Albany, N.Y., J.B. Lyon company, printers, 1900J 37 p. (Monographs on American social economics. Editor: H.B. Adams. . .Associate editor: Richard Waterman, Jr. XX) 31 William Booth, the general of the Salvation army. New York, The Salvation army Drinting and oublishing house [1898: 127 p. 32 Booth-Tucker, Mrs. Frederick de Lautour. The league of love, being the assistant rescue branch of the Salvation army. New York, Salvation army orinting house, rl896^ 22 p. 33 Bosanquet, Bernard. ! In darkest England 1 on the wrong track. London, S. Sonnenschein & co., 1891. 72 p. 34 Brengle, Mrs. Elizabeth (Swift) The army drum. London, New York, The Salvation army book department, 1909. 179 p. 35 """Butler, Josephine E. The Salvation army in Switzerland. London, Dyer, 1883. 304 p. 36 Clasen, Peter A. Der Salutismus, eine sozialwissenschaf tliche Monographic u*ber General Booth und seine Heilsarmee. Jena, E. Diederichs, 1913. 329 p. Schriften zur Soziologie der Kultur, hrsg. von Alfred Weber-Heidelberg. II. bd.) "Literatue und Quell en" : p. xiii-xx. -4- 37 Coates, Thomas F.G. The prophet of the poor; the life-story of General Booth, New York, E.P. Dutton and co., 1906. 354 p. 38 Poster, Warren D. ed. Heroines of modern religion. New York, Sturgis & Walton co., 1913. 275 p. (Modern heroines series, ed, by W.D. Foster) Maud Ballington Booth, by R.V. Trevel: p. 222-257. 39 Friederichs, Hulda. The romance of the Salvation army. - London, New York, Cassell and co., 1907. 215 p. 40 Gt. Brit. Colonial office . Committee on agricultural settlements in British colonies . Report of the depart- mental committee appointed to consider Mr. Rider Haggard's report on agricultural settlements in British colonies rwith Minutes of evidence. . .appendices, analysis, and index;] London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Wyman & sons, 1906. 2 v. in 1. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 2978-2979) 41 Royal commission en poor laws and relief of distress . Report. . . London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Wyman and sons, 1909. 1238 p. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4499) Same . Appendixes. 37 v. Salvation army and poor law problem. Statement of evidence by General Booth, Appendix LVIII in Appendix vol. IX, p. 883-891. See also General Consolidated Index, Appendix, vol. XXXVII under Salvation army, Salvation army colonies, etc. 42 Gulley, Samuel S. Happy Sam, the converted miner. The reminiscences of a Salvation army captain. Louisville, Ky., Pentecostal publishing co. 1918 7 68 p. 43 Haggard, Henry R. The poor and the land; being a report on the Salvation army colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England, with scheme of national land settle- ment... London, New York and Bombay, Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. 157 p. 44 Regeneration; being an account of the social work of the Salvation army in Great Britain. London, Longmans, Green & co., 1910. 264 p. 45 Report on the Salvation army colonies in the United States and at Hadleigh, England... London, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, 1905. 74 p. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 2562) 46 '""Hollins, J. The Salvation army: short study of its defects and possibilities. London, Modern language press, 1903. 100 o. -5- 47 Huxley, Thomas H. Social diseases and worse remedies; letters to the "Times" en Mr. Booth's scheme... London, and New York, Macmillan and co., 1891. 148 p. "The Salvation army. Article of war," etc.: p. 135-148. Same . ( In his Collected essays. New York, 1902. v. 9, p.~T£8-334) 48 Lamb, Edwin G. The social work of the Salvation army... — [New York} 1909. 143 p. Bibliography: p. 140-143. 49 The life and travels of Josiah Moose. A life on the frontier among Indians and Spaniards, not seeing the face of white woman for fifteen years... Winfield, Kans., Telegram print, 1888. 400 p. 50 Lindsay, Nicholas V. General William Booth enters into Heaven, and other poems. New York, M. Kennerly, 1913. 119 j>. 51 "^Loch, C.S., B. Bosanquet, and Dwyer. Criticism of General ' — Booth's social scheme. London, S. Sonnenschein & co., 1891. 52 McElherne, Prank S. In memoriam; William Booth, founder and commander-in-chief of the Salvation army. Born 1829. Died Aug. 20, 1912. ^Chicago, J. Watson & co.-] 1913. 4 p. 53 McKenzie, Frederick A. Waste humanity; being a review of part of the social operations of the Salvation army in Great Britain. London ^Ehe Salvation army printing works, St. Albana- 1908-9. 113 p. 54 Manson, John. The Salvation army and the public; a religious, social, and financial study. London, G. Routledge and sons; New York, E. P. Dutton and co., 1906. 376 p. 55 Mocre, Harold E. Back to the land. London, Methuen & co., 1893. 216 p. (Social questions of to-day. Ed. by , H. de B. Gibbins) The Hadleigh colony of the Salvation army: p. 23-31; 212-214. 56 Newfoundland. Superintendent Salvation army schools . Report of the public schools of Newfoundland under Salvation army boards. St. Johns, N.F., 1907- 57 *Nicol, A.M. General Booth and the Salvation army. London, Herbert & Daniel, 1911. 376 p. 58 Page, Jesse. General Booth. The man and his work. London, S. W. Partridge & co., 1901. 160 p. (New century leaders series) • . -6- 59 Railton, George S, The authoritative life of General William Booth, founder of the Salvation army. New York, Hodder & Stcughton, George H. Boran co. [1912^ 351 p. 60 * Commissioner Dowdle the saved railway guide. London, Salvation army, 1901. 117 p. (Red-hot library) 61 [ ] Twenty-one years 1 Salvation army. Under the generalship of William Booth. London, International headquarters, 1890. 254 p. 62 """Randies on, Mrs . Sara A. Just one blue bonnet: life story of Ada P. Kinton, artist and Salvationist. Toronto, Canada, W. Briggs, 1907. 63 St. Helier, Susan M. E. (Stewart-Mackenzie) Jeune, baroness . Lesser questions. . .5th ed. London and Sydney, Remington and co., 1895. 291 p. The Salvation army: p. 246-261. 64 Salvation army. History of injunction litigation, the Salvation army vs. The American salvation army. New York, The Salvation army press j-1910] 46 p. 65 Selected papers on the social work of the Salvation army. Hulda Priederichs andothers . ...London \The Salvation army orinting works, St. Albans j 1907-08. 118 p. 66 Sketches of the Salvation army social work. By Geo. R. Sims and others . London rThe Salvation army printing works, St. Albans- 1906. 94 p. 67 [ J Starvations shadow. upon New England 1 s poor. [Boston? 1903J 16 p. 68 Ant I- suicide bureau . From the jaws of death, being the fifth year T s report of the operations of the Anti- suicide bureau of the Salvation army, with a foreword by the General. London [The Salvation army printing works, St. Albans j 1912. 23 p. 69 Binghampton, N.Y . Report. r_Binghampton, N.Y., 1900. J 1 v. 70 Salvation army relief work. (In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906. p. 504- 513.) 71 The Salvation army year bock for 1914. London, The Salvation army book dept . , 1914. 112 p. 72 Smith, Annie S. (Swan) " Mrs . Burnett Smith". The out- siders: being a sketch of the social work of the Salvation army. 3d ed. London rThe Salvation printing works, St. Albans j 1905-6. 140 p. -7- 73 Solenberger, E. D. Relief work of the Salvation army. ( In National conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1906. p. 349-366.) 74 Stackhouse, Eleanora. Facts about the Salvation army. By "Nora Marks" rpseud.] Chicago, and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1889. 239 p. 75 """Stead, William T. Biographical sketch of General Booth. — London, Isbistor, 1891. 76 Life of Mrs. Booth, the founder of the Salvation army. New York, Fleming H. Revell co. ^1900^ 256 p. 77 Strahan, James. The Marechale (Catherine Booth-Clibborn) New York, Hodder & Stoughton, George H. Doran co. j-1914^ 303 p. Appendix: 1 loose leaf at end. 78 War cry: official gazette of the Salvation army in the United States. New York city, 120-130 W. 14th Street, weekly. 79 White, Arnold H. Truth about the Salvation army. London, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co. L 1892n 59 p. Contents. — Truth about the Salvation army, by Arnold White. ^Reprinted from the "Fortnightly review." July, 1892J- -General Booth 1 s social work, by Francis Peck. [Reprinted from the Contemporary review, July, 189 2 j--" The Darkest England" social scheme, by the Ven. Archdeacon Farrar. ^ Reprinted from the Review of the churches for Julyj 80 Williams, Stephen B. The Salvation army today. Lincoln, Neb., The Church press, 1914. 35 p. 81 Ihe Salvation army to-day... an exposure revealing an unholy and unethical condition of affairs not suspected by the American public. ^2d ed.] Chicago, 111., G.W. Perry; Lincoln, Neb., The Church press, 1915. 51 p. 82 Williams, William. Why you should oppose the Salvation army. San Francisco, Cal . , 1897. 56 p. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS (Exclusive of articles in War Cry; official gazette of the Salvation army in the United States, published weekly New York city) 83 1882 Roberts, W. The Salvation army. Congregationalist, Mar. 1882, v. 11: 206-216. 84 The Salvation army. Congregationalist, Aug. -Sent. 1882, v. 11: 652-660; 719-729. . -8- 85 1882 Booth, William, P.P. Cobbe and R.T. Davidson. What is the Salvation Army? Contemporary review, Aug. 1882, v. 42: 175-199. 86 Sedgwick, A.G. The Salvation army and the church. Nation, Aug. 17, 1882, v. 35: 126-127. 87 Manning, Henry E. Cardinal . The Salvation army. Contemporary review, Sept. 1882, v. 42: 335-342. 88 Lewis, M.A. The Salvation army. Macmillan 1 s magazine, Sept. 1882, v. 46: 403-416. 89 Cardinal Manning on the Salvation army. Ccngregationalist, Oct. 1882, v. 11: 817-824. 90 Bellingham, Henry. The "Salvation Army" in Great — Britain. Catholic world, Nov. 1882, v. 36: 174-185. 91 Rogers, J.G. The churches and the Salvation army. Ccngregationalist, Dec. 1882, v. 11: 956-966. 92 1883 Dicey, A.V. The "Salvation Army" as an index of English " opinion. Nation, Jan. 25, 1883, v. 36: 77-78. 93 Osborne, C.B. The Salvation army. New Englander, July, 1883, v. 42: 421-438. 94 1884 Katscher, Leopold. Die modernen Erlo'ser. Unsere Zeit, 1884, v. It 40-59, 367-388. 95 1886 Peek, Francis. Ihe Salvationists. Contemporary review, Jan. 1886, v. 49: 55-62. 96 1889 Booth, William. What is the Salvation army? Murray 1 s magazine, Mar. 1889, v. 5: 289-302. 97 The religious value of enthusiasm. North American review, June, 1889, v. 148: 743-749. 98 1890 Mavor, James. The new crusade. Universal magazine, 1890, v. 8: 524-538. 99 The latest developments of the Salvation army. American review of reviews, June, 1890, v.l: 468-469. 100 Marshall, A. P. The Salvation army. Catholic world, Sept. 1890, v. 51: 738-746. 101 In Darkest England, and the way out. Review. American — review of reviews, Oct. -Dec. 1890, v. 2: 382-397, 492-507, 651-657. 102 Woods, Robert A. "In Darkest England, and the way out." — General Booth 1 s social plans. Andover review, Nov. 1890, v. 14: 485-490. -9- 103 1890 Peek, Francis, "In Darkest England, and the way out." - Review. Contemporary review, Dec. 1890, v. 58: 796-807. 104 C, R.F. The Salvation army and Darkest England. Month, Dec. 1890, v. 70: 457-474. 105 Farrar, F.W. "In Darkest England." New review, Dec. 1890, v. 3: 489-502. 106 General Booth 1 s great plan for the poor. Our day, Dec. 1890, v. 6: 440-442. 107 1891 Schirmacher, Kathe. Das dunkle England. Unsere Zeit, 1891, v. 1: 182-190. 108 On the war path. Headquarters. All the year round, Jan. 3, 1891, v. 68: 12-17. 109 The relief of the "Submerged tenth." Andover review, Jan. 1891, v. 15: 88-91. 110 The problem of the slums. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, Jan. 1891, v. 149: 123-136. 111 Mayo, Mrs . Under discussion: "In darkest England," or, the great proposal. Leisure hour, Jan. 1891, v. 40: 196-203. 112 General Booth's Darkest England [Review] London quarterly review, Jan. 1891, v. 75: 331-345. 113 St. Helier, Susan Mary E. (S.M.) Jeune, baroness . "General" Booth's scheme. National review, Jan. 1891, v. 16: 697-711. 114 Flower, B.O. The froth and the dregs. Arena, Feb. ' 1891, v. 3: 341-351. 115 Simmons, Gilbert. The Salvation army and its latest project. Catholic world, Feb. 1891, v. 52: 633-646. 116 Bourne, H.C. "General" Booth's scheme. Murray's magazine, Feb. 1891, v. 9: 172-184. 117 "In Darkest England." Suggestions. National review, Feb. 1891, v. 16: 781-788. 118 Valbert, G.M. William Booth; General de l'armee du Salut et son livre sur 1' extinction du pauperisme. Revue des deux mondes, Feb. 1, 1891, 3. per. t. 103: 695-706. 119 Hale, Edward E. Social oroblems. Cosmooolitan magazine, Mar. 1891, v. 10: 633-635. -10- 120 1891 Mavor, James. Home colonization, Tinsley magazine, Mar. 1891, v. 46: 355-360. 121 Darkest England. By General Booth. Church quarterly review, Apr. 1891, v. 32: 223-247. 122 Stevenson, D.M. Darkest England: the way cut and the leader. Westminster review, Apr. 1891, v. 135: 429-442. 123 Valbert, G. General Booth 1 s T, In Darkest England." Chautauquan, May, 1891, v. 13: 197-202. 124 Parrar, F. W. The Salvation army. Harper* s magazine, May, 1891, v. 82: 897-906. 125 Street music L of the Salvation army- Saturday review, Aug. 15, Sept. 12, 1891, v. 72: 185-186, 292. 126 Marshall, T.C. Certain modes of modern orthodoxy. Homiletic review, Sept. 1891, v. 22: 280-283. 127 Cook, Joseph. General Booth's great plan for the poor. Our day, Sept. 1891, v. 8: 186-197. 128 1892 Rodrige, Julian, The Salvation army. Ciudad de Dios, Feb. 1892, v. 27: 193-202. 129 Shaw, Albert. A year of General Booth's work. Forum, Feb. 1892, v. 12: 762-771. 130 Noble, F.P. Organization of the Salvation army. Public Opinion, Feb. 27, 1892, v. 12: 533. 131 Lowell, Josephine S. The Darkest England social scheme; a brief review of the first year's work. Charities review, Mar. 1892, v. 1: 219-227. 132 Noble, F.P. Captain Great-Heart and the Holy war: the - story of the Salvation army. Missionary review, Mar. 1892, n.s.v.5: 161-176. 133 Preston, William C. The night shelters of the Salvation army. Sunday magazine, May, 1892, v. 21: 311-318. 134 Booth, Bramwell. Why I am a Salvationist. "*Great thoughts, June, 1892, v. 8: 389- 135 Peek, Francis. General Booth* s social work. Contemporary review, July, 1892, v. 62: 69-84. 136 White, Arnold. The truth about the Salvation army. Fortnightly review, July, 1892, v. 58:111-124. 137 Preston, William C. "Darkest England" matches. Sunday magazine, July, 1892, v. 21: 447-453. -11- 138 1892 Shrewsbury, J.V.B. The social work of the Salvation army. Magazine of the Wesleyan Methodist church, Oct, 1892, v. 115: 742-749. 139 1893 Vincent, George E. The social scheme of the Salvation army. American journal of politics, Apr. 1893, v. 2: 453-460. 140 Stead, William T. Mrs. Booth. Sunday magazine, Jan. 1893, v. 22: 58-61. 141 Hegeman, J.W. The church army and the Salvation army. "" Homiletic review, May, 1893, v. 25: 459-470; Aug.-. Sept. 1893, v. 26:177-184; 275-279. 142 Walsh, George E. The Salvation army as a social reformer. Chautauquan, June, 1893, v. 17: 328-333. 143 Converse, Ch. Crozat. The Salvation army* s music. Homiletic review, June, 1893, v. 25: 560-562. 144 Dawson, Albert. Florence E. Booth (Mrs. Bramwell Booth) . "*Young woman, June, 1893, v. 1: 291- 145 1894 Socialistic anarchists and the Salvation army. Our day, Nov. -Dec. 1894, v. 13: 532-540. 146 Briggs, Charles A. The Salvation army. North American review, Dec. 1894, v. 159: 697-710. 147 1895 Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington. Salvation army work in the slums. Seribner' s magazine, Jan. 1895, v. 17: 102- 114. 148 The Salvation army. Lend-a-hand, Mar. 1895, v. 14: 163- 169. 149 The Salvation army 1 s annual expenses. Lend-a-hand, Mar. 1895, v. 14: 208-217. 150 Booth, William. Inner history of the origin of the Salvation army. Our day, Apr. 1895, v. 14: 207- 212. 151 Cook, Joseph. General Booth and the Salvation army. Our day, Sept. 1895, v. 15: 119-125. 152 Wheatley, R. Salvation army charity. Free review, Dec. 1895, Feb. 1896, v. 5: 259-267; 509-514, 153 Vivian, Herbert. A Salvation army shelter by day. Saturday review, Dec. 28, 1895, v. 80: 862. 154 1896 Bolton, Sarah K. Mrs. Catherine Booth, 1828-1890. Chautauquan magazine, Jan. 1896, v. 22: 467- -12- 155 1896 Speer, Robert E. The foreign missionary work of the Salvation army. Missionary review, Jan. 1896, n.s.v.9: 21-34. 156 Vivian, Herbert. A Salvation army shelter on Christmas eve. Saturday review, Jan. 4, 1896, v. 81: 10-11. 157 Whiton, J.M. The Salvation army. Outlook, Feb. 22, 1896, v. 53: 320-325. 158 Booth, William. The Salvation army in America. Independent, Apr. 2, 1896, v. 48: 437. 159 The Salvation army in India. Independent, Apr. 9, 1896, v. 4: 489-490. 160 Small, Charles H. Salvation army, Catholic apostolic church, Plymouth Brethern, Mormons, Spiritualists and ethers. Treasury of religious thoughts, July, 1896, v. 14: 184-192. 161 The Salvation army in India. Missionary review, Dec. 1896, n.s.v.9: 925-928. 162 1897 Guerlac, Othon. Le "General" Booth et l»armee du Salut. Revue encyclopedique, 1897, p. 759-761. 163 Bishop, J.B. Salvation by noise. Nation, June 3, 1897, - v. 84: 411. 164 Booth Tucker, Frederick St. G. de Lautour. The farm colonies of the Salvation army. Forum, Aug. 1897, v. 23: 750-760. 165 Booth, William. Work in which I am interested. The story of the Salvation army. Quiver, Sept. 1897, v. 32: 963-971. 166 Tooley, Mrs. Sarah A. The life stcry of General Booth. — Temple magazine, Nov. 1897, v. 2: 128-138. 167 Besant, Sir Walter. The farm and the city. Contemporary review, Dec. 1897, v. 72: 792-807. 168 1898 Booth Tucker, Frederick St. G. de Lautour. Back to the land, or the farm colonies of the Salvation army. National magazine, May, 1898, v. 8: 130-134. 169 Hollins, J. The Salvation army: a note of warning. — Contemporary review, Sept. 1898, v. 74: 436-445. 170 1899 Farm colony and other recent work of the Salvation army in the United States. Treasury of religious thoughts, Apr. 1899, v. 16: 895-904. -13- 171 1699 172 1900 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1901 180 181 182 1902 183 184 Booth, Bramwell. General Booth: an appreciation. Review of reviews for Australasia, May 15, 1899, v. 14: 574. Hunt, William H. The development of the "Darkest England" scheme. A chat with Commissioner Cadman. Great thoughts, 1900, 4th ser. v. 6: 40-43. Social life in Darkest England. I. The shelter; II. The prison-gate house; III. The rescue home; IV. The elevator; V. The farm colonyi VI. Lodging houses, etc. Great thoughts, 1900, 4th ser. v. -6: 53-55; 117-118; 181-182; 261-262; 325-326; 389-390. Booth, William What has come out of the Darkest England scheme. Sunday strand, Jan. 1900, v. 1: 82-93. Through the slums with Mrs. Ballington Booth. Ladies' home journal, v. 17, Feb. 1900: 9-10. Carson, Catherine. Hadleigh labour colony: how the Salvation army raises the fallen. Temple magazine, Aug. 1900, v. 5: 1000-1007. Hunt, W.H. Interesting industrial experiment ^Hadleigh farm colony] Westminster review, Sept. 1900, v. 154: 285- 297. McKenzie, F.A. Salvation army as a social force. Windsor magazine, Nov. 1900, v. 12: 689-699. Booth, Bramwell. Minor campaigns of the Salvation army. Sunday strand, May, 1901, v. 3: 498-504. Stead, William T. General Booth: a character sketch. Young man, June, 1901, v. 15: 181-185. "Out of darkest England" up-to-date. Review of — reviews (London) Dec. 1901, v. 24: 687-690. The power that transforms. How S.A. officers are made, and what they do. Sunday straid, Mar. 1902, v. 5: 297-302. Booth, W. Bramwell. The Salvation army officer. Temple magazine, Mar. 1902, v. 6: 549-557. Shaw, Albert. A successful farm colony in the irrigation country rPort Amity, Col.j American review of reviews, "Nov. 1902, v. 26: 561-566. 185 1903 Warwick, Frances E. A social experiment tHadleigh farm colonyi. Nineteenth century and after, Aor. 1903, v. 53: 665-669. -14- 186 187 188 189 190 191 1904 1905 1907 Cook, C. Salvation army- and General Booth. World 1 s work, (London) Aug, 1904, v. 4: 228-231. Booth Tucker, Frederick St. G. De Lauteur. Greatest Christmas charity in the world. Woman 1 s home companion, v. 31, Dec. 1904: 3-5. Manson, John. The Salvation army; a review. Monthly review, v. 17, Nov, 1904: 56-81. Booth, Evangeline C. Salvation army 1 s system of charity. Reader, Apr. 1905, v. 5: 554-556. Car st ens, C.C. Sh§l the Salvation army take the public into its confidence? Charities, Aor. 27, 1907, v. 18: 117-122. 192 193 1908 194 1909 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 1910 1911 1912 Criticism of the Salvation army. American academy of oolitical and social science. Annals, Nov. 1907, v. 30: 545-556. Business methods of the Salvation army. Hcmiletic review, Dec. 1907, v. 54: 426-428. Hodges, L.M. Gen. Booth, the man who hungered for hell. Outlook, Sept. 26, 1908, v. 90: 174-178. Laut, A.C. Salvation army and England f s unemployed. American review of reviews, Jan. 1909, v. 39: 71-76. Russell, Charles E. Rescuer of ruined lives; William Booth and the Salvation army. Missionary review, June, 1909, v. 32: 451-456. Booth, Evangeline C. The life work of General Booth. Van Norden magazine, Sept. 1909, v. 5: 632-637. Warren, G. The Salvation army and its conquest of poverty. Metropolitan magazine, Mar. 1910, v. 31: 789-800. Roosevelt, Theodore. Rider Haggard and the Salvation army. Outlook, July 1, 1911, v. 98: 476-477. Rider Haggard 1 s tribute to the Salvation army. Current literature, Aug. 1911, v. 51: 174-176. Bates. A. Work of the Salvation army. World 1 s work (London) Sept. 1911, v. 18: 416-420. Gen. Booth and his army. Nation, Aug. 29, 1912, v. 95: 184-185. Founder of the Salvation army William Booth ; and his successor [William Bramwell Boothj. American review of reviews, Oct. 1912, v. 46: 427-429. -15- 203 1912 204 205 206 207 1913 208 1914 209 Two General Booths of the Salvation army. Current literature, Oct. 1912, v. 53: 400-403. General Booth and the future of the Salvation army. Current literature, Oct. 1912, v. 53: 438-441. Foreign missions of the Salvation army. Missionary review, Nov. 1912, v. 35: 849-852. Stead, W. T. General Booth. Fortnightly review, — Dec. 1912, v. 98: 1042-1050. Roosevelt, Theodore. University of humanity. Outlook, Aug. 23, 1913, v. 104: 892-893. Battersby, H.E.P. Mission of William Booth. Living age, Aug. 8, 1914, v. 282: 381-383. Thompson, G.A. Salvation army as a benevolent association. New England magazine, Nov. 1914, n.s.v.52: 107-116. 210 1915 211 212 1916 213 1917 214 1918 215 216 1919 217 218 219 220 Wilberforce, M.B. Fresh air camp at Canton, Mass. New England magazine, Mar. 1915, n.s.v.52: 224-229. Salvationist war theology. Literary digest, Oct. 23, 1915, v. 51: 907. Salvation army's campaign. Outlook, Apr. 26, 1916, v. 112: 943. Salvationist soldiers of the soil. Literary digest, June 9, 1917, v. 54: 1784. What the Salvation army has done. Literary digest, v. 56, Mar. 16, 1918: 38-39. # Anderson, H. In the cellar of the world. World outlook, Oct. 1918, v. 4: 37. Shower of bills, silver and applause for the S.A. Literary digest, v. 60, Mar. 1, 1919: 89-92. Salvation army drive for a home- service fund. Literary digest, v. 61, Apr. 26, 1919: 30-31. Shannon, Betty, Still on active service: Evangeline Booth. Everybody's magazine, v. 40, May, 1919: 90. Salvation army drive. Outlook, May 28, 1919, v. 122: 140. O'Connor, B.A. Army of the helping hand. Woman citizen, May 10, 1919, v. 3: 1070-1071. -16- 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 1919 Booth, Evangeline C. Secrets we read in the hearts of folks. American magazine, v. 87, June, 1919: 34-35. Millions for the Salvation army. Literary digest, v. 61, June 7, 1919: 39-40. Salvation army has fought Satan 54 years. Literary digest, v. 61, July 19, 1919: 34. Cox, W. H. Salvation army around the world. Missionary review, Aug. 1919, v. 42: 581-587. 1920 Whiteing, R. Jubilee of the Salvation army, Sept. 20, 1919, v. 302: 732-734. Living age, Builders of a true Pan-Americanism. Pan-American magazine, Feb. 1920, v. 30: 203-205. Booth, Evangeline C. Around the world with the Salvation army. National geographic magazine, Apr. 1920, v. 37: 346-368. SALVATION ARMY IN EUROPEAN WAR 228 Bateman, C.T. Salvation army and the war. Contemporary review, Jan. 1916, v. 109: 104-112. Living age, Feb. 26, 1916, v. 288: 544-550. 229 Booth, Evangeline C. Mothering the boy at the front. Forum, Sept. 1918, v. 60: 303-309. 230 Pies and doughnuts in the trenches. Ladies' home journal, v. 35, Seot. 1918: 21. 231 ■- Salvation army and the war. Boston city club bulletin, Mar. 1918, v. 12: 155-162. 232 Salvation army's mission in France. New York Evening post, June 29, 1918, p. 2. 233 Salvation army mothers in war work. Woman citizen, Sept. 7, 1918, v. 3: 294. 234 Salvation army women under fire. New York Evening Post, May 14, 1918, sect. 2, p. 9. 235 Booth, Evangeline, and Grace L. Hill. The war romance of the Salvation army. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott co. [1919^ 356 p. -17- 236 Booth, Mary B. With the B.E.F. in Prance, 2d ed. London, The Salvation army, 1916. 121 p. 237 Brown, R.J, Salvation army in war and peace. Independent, May 17, 1919, v. 98: 252-253. 238 Copping, Arthur E, Souls in khaki, being a personal investi- gation into spiritual experiences and sources of heroism among the lads in the firing line. New York, Hodder & Stoughton, George H. Doran co. rl917j] 212 p. 239 Jones, R.T. Salvation army doing its part in the war. City builder (Atlanta) v. 3, Oct. 1918: 21, 25. 240 Motherly Salvationists. Literary digest, v. 57, May 11, 1918: 32. 241 Purviance, H. Doughgirl on the firing line; she made the first doughnut in Prance. Forum, Dec. 1918, v. 60: 648- 656. Literary digest, v. 60, Feb. 22, 1919: 85-89. 242 Salvation army at the front. Survey, Oct. 6, 1917, v. 39: 23. 243 Salvation- army pie and prayers at the front. Literary digest, v. 59, Oct. 19, 1918: 63-67. 244 Starbard, R.C. Pies and doughnuts; a new kind of war munitions furnished by the Salvation army. Outlook, June 5, 1918, v. 119: 220-221. 245 Taggart, George, and Wallace Winchell. A Yankee major invades Belgium; the chronicle of a merciful and peaceful mission to Europe during the world war. New York, Fleming H. Revell co. r 19163 209 p. 246 Ulrich, Charles K. Fires of faith; the romance of a Salvation army lassie. New York, Grosset & Dunlap ]\L919j 270 p. 247 Vandyck, I. Why the salvation army lassie made good. Ladies 1 home journal, v. 36, Sept. 1919: 39, 248 Willsie, H. Doughnuts for Christmas, Delineator, v. 93, Dec. 1918: 5-6. "Not at present in the Library of Congress •*. MZlOSKi.'! »* i» v V) THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 8Jan'52ESB 14BSWIII IN STACKS FEB 2 1 1962 APR**t»T68 L °AN D£* T D2BAD "3JUN'63YE, Kti^ L WK 8 1967 1 1 LD 21-100m-9,'48XB399sl6)476 MAV2 9G7-J0AM