. • :• NEW CHAMPIO SPELLING BOO HICKS AMERICAN BOOK* COMPANY GIFT or PUBLISHER EDUCATION OEPT. #63/ NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK BY WARREN E. HICKS FORMERLY ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS CLEVELAND, OHIO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO BOSTON ATLANTA . . . . . • • . • • • • •••«•• Copyright, 1909, by Warrkn E. Hicks COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NKW CHAMPION BP. BK. E.P. 4 EDUCATION DEFT. PREFACE The New Champion Spelling Book preserves the gen- eral plan and organization of the original Champion Spelling Book, which has met the enthusiastic approval of teachers, principals, and superintendents throughout the country. Since its publication, however, many new words have come into use, and many investigations have been made and books published on the subject of spelling vocabu- laries by such specialists as Ayres, Cook and O'Shea, Pryor, and Suzzallo. The Champion Spelling Book has therefore been made over so far as necessary to incor- porate the additional words that need to be taught, and to omit a corresponding number of words that are less needed. In resetting the book for this purpose, the opportunity has been taken to make various other changes, especially in the grading of words and in the grading and arrange- ment of the supplementary exercises. The length of the book has been increased by a few pages in order to incor- porate a considerably larger number of dictation exercises. The course, as before, includes six sections, each de- signed for a year's work. The intensive teaching of two new words daily and the employment of spelling contests, making drill and review effective, are the prominent fea- tures in the new book as in the old, as explained in the following pages. It was by these methods that Cleveland boys and girls were prepared to win their famous victory in the National Education Association spelling contest; hence the name of this book. Warren E. Hicks. Washington, D.C. 3 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS Intensive Teaching. — This book presents about 1200 words each year, and teaches 312 of them with clearness and in- tensity. Two words are made prominent in each lesson. Their pronunciation, division into syllables, oral and written spelling, and meaning are all to be made clear to pupils. (Full diacritic marking will be found in the alphabetical list at the end of each year's work.) The prominent words are to be used in sentences made by the pupils. Center your energy on securing mastery of these two words ; the eight subordi- nate words of each lesson are review words or not difficult — although you should make sure that the meaning of each is un- derstood. Use the markings only to establish pronunciation ; write the word always as a whole, without markings or division into syllables ; drill much on enunciation* of vowel sounds ; establish the power to use the dictionary ; frequently make the recitation a combination of oral and written work. These processes contribute much to the plan of intensive teaching. Systematic Drill. — Systematic review is provided through- out the book. Each of the ten prominent words taught inten- sively in a week is listed as a subordinate word within the next two weeks ; included in a spelling contest at the end of eight weeks ; again in the annual contest at the end of the school year ; and again as a subordinate word in the following year's work ; — used five times, in all, within two years. Eighteen hundred and seventy-two words often misspelled are, in this manner, intensively taught and effectively reviewed. Spelling Contests. — The contests, when properly conducted, stimulate the schools to their highest effort. They are more effective than the spelling bee or the spell-down. The contest requires all pupils to write all the words given, and in addi- tion all other words which the pupils have actually misspelled. After this is done, the papers are collected and the words are 4 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS 5 spelled orally. Record is made of oral errors. The papers are theD marked and teachers report as follows : 1. The number of pupils taking part in the contest. 2. The total number of words misspelled in the oral contest. 3. The total number of words misspelled in the written contest. 4. The total number of errors in both. 5. The average number of errors per pupil taking part. 6. The number of pupils making no errors. The average number of errors is posted' in the schoolroom. It may be reported to the principal or superintendent, and comparisons made between the same grades of a school, the same grades of different schools, the different grades of the same school, all grades of all schools. Grades and schools may learn their rank in the community, and trace the record to girls and boys who are responsible. Thus, all join with the public in a worthy effort for improvement, centering effort on the poorer spellers. Other Features. — It is important that the dominant plan of the book be followed closely, by teaching intensively two new words daily. The subordinate words will be found arranged in helpful groupings. The supplementary lessons will serve as aids in teaching sounds of vowels, homonyms, rules of spelling, contracted forms, abbreviations, suffixes, prefixes, use of hyphens, plurals, dictation work, and word building. The words used in the National Education Association contest are given at the end of Section VI. Special Suggestions. — Spelling papers should be corrected in the recitation period and emphasis given to the correct spelling of the words misspelled. Oral spelling should move with snap. Each pupil should have but one trial on a word. The meaning of the word should always be made clear, either by using it in a sentence, or by definition, or by giving a synonym or the antonym, or by illustration with object, action, or drawing. 6 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK The Hundred Demons. — Among the prominent words pre- sented for intensive teaching are all of those which were selected by Professor W. Franklin Jones of the University of South Dakota as the hundred most troublesome words in the English language. They are often referred to as the " Hun- dred Spelling Demons." The system of this book provides for sufficient teaching and review of these words, but they are listed below so that the teacher may, if desired, give them special attention. ache done l/ making, manyv there l/ again don't 1/ though always ^ early meant V v through among easy minute tired answer enough much to-night any . been v every none too February often trouble beginning forty once V truly believe friend V piece Tuesday blue grammar raise two break guess read used* built half ready very business \ having said wear busy hear ^ says Wednesday buy heard V seems week can't here ^ separate ^ where v choose hoarse shoes since v whether color hour which V coming instead some^ whole cough just straight women/ could knew sugar won't would V 1 country know sure dear laid tear writer doctor loose they ♦ writing \l does / lose their V wrote SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS 7 Ayres Measuring Scale. — The thousand words included by- Leonard P. Ayres in his " Measuring Scale for Ability in Spelling " are those which he found to be the thousand words most frequently used. They range from words of extreme difficulty in spelling to words which offer no spelling difficulty whatever. Therefore in this book some of these thousand words are intensively taught as prominent words, and others appear only as subordinate words or in supplementary exer- cises. A few words which are learned before the pupil begins the formal study of spelling, or words which present no diffi- culty in spelling, are omitted from the book except as they occur incidentally in dictation exercises. For the convenience of teachers who may wish to review the spelling of these few easiest words, the following list presents the words of the Ayres Measuring Scale which are not included in the formal lessons or word lists of this book : 1 a fine how men say am five I miss she an fix if my six and go in nine stay are got is of ten as had it on the at hand land or up band has law pay us big hat less play we boy he let put with did her lot ran yes do his may run yet end hot me saw you 1 In accordance with Webster's New International Dictionary, this book has inclose spelled with the initial i instead of the alternative form " enclose " which appears in the Ayres Scale. CHART OF VOCALS AND VOWEL SUBSTITUTES Symbol Name Kbt Word Substitute Symbol Kbt Word I long mate e prey a short mat a medial ask a Italian ah, far a circumflex care § where a modified long preface 4 obscured medial sofa 6 long me [r seen marine 6 short met (a liar 8 tilde over k tapir sailor a modified long create i long tine 7 my i short tin f abyss 6 long bone 6 short not & what 5 medial soft 6 broad nor (au, aw fall author, saw 6 modified long obey oo long boot fo, u jew (after r) do, rude threw 00 short foot o, u wolf, push u long use, tune ew few Tl short up 6 fs done fern K circumflex urge I I 3 bird work ft modified long unite ou sound ow cow oi oil oy boy CHART OF CONSONANT SOUNDS (Cognates on the Same Line) SUBVOCALS ASPIRATES Symbol Key Word Substitute Symbol Key Word Substitute b bet P pet a dot t tin sometimes final 60L d verdure t nature g get k h kit hat e, ck, q J jet g,&g ch chin tch 1 lid 1 m mit n not n finger ng r rat, tar th that th thin V vat f fat P^gb w woe u (especially after q) wh when 5 exist gz> g§ X box ks, es, cks y yet i z buzz § s sin Q z(h) azure §i (followed byo) sh shot Qh; alsoce,ci, si, or ti (be- fore a or o) Italic letters are silent. Webster's New International Dictionary is followed as the standard authority in spelling, syllabication, and pronunciation. To avoid confus- ing the pupil, only the preferred spelling or pronunciation is given in the case of words that may be spelled or pronounced in more than one way. 9 RULES FOR SPELLING 1. Final y, preceded by a vowel, is retained before any suffix. 1 Examples : played, playful, monkeys, obeying. 2. Final y, preceded by a consonant, is retained before a suffix beginning with i, but is changed to i before any other suffix. 2 Examples: drying, copyist; dried, dries, countries, lazier, lazily. 3. Final e is retained before a suffix beginning with a consonant. 3 Examples : lovely, movement, wireless. 4. Final e is usually dropped before a suffix beginning with a vowel. 4 Examples : loving, movable, noticing, changing. But : 5. In endings ce and ye, final e is retained before a suf- fix beginning with a or o. Examples: noticeably, change- able, outrageous. 6. In endings oe and ee, final e is retained before any suffix except one beginning with e. Examples: hoeing, shoeing, seeing ; freer. 7. Final ie is changed to y before a suffix beginning with i. Examples : dying, lying. 8. Monosyllables and words accented on the last syl- lable, ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, double the final consonant on taking a suffix begin- ning with a vowel. 6 Examples: stopping, regrettable, preferred, transferring, excellent. 9. Words do not double a final single consonant on tak- ing a suffix beginning with a vowel, if the final consonant is preceded by two vowels, or if the word is accented on any syllable except the last. 6 Examples : moaning, traveling. 1 Exceptions: daily, laid, paid, said, saith, slain. 2 Exceptions: dryiy, dryness, shyly, shyness, slyly, slyness; beauteous, piteous, bounteous, plenteous, duteous. 8 Exceptions: a&ridament, acknowledgment, judgment, lodgment, argu- ment, aiofnl, duly, duty, truly, wholly, nursling, wisdom. 4 Exceptions : acreage, mileage, singeing, tingeing, dyeing, and words covered by rules 5, 6, and 7. 6 Exceptions : gases, gaseous ; chagrined; preferable, tninsfrrahle, prefer- ence, and other derivatives of words ending in -fer, with suffixes other than ed and \ng. Final x is never doubled. •Exceptions: cancelation, tranquillity, woolly; derivatives of crystal, metal, humbug, and periwig, as crystallize, metallic, htimbugged, etc. In quizzing, equipped, and other such words, the u is not really a vowel. 10 bread plum apple feel even SECTION I 1 food save fruit meat beans The boys are eating bread and butter. What kind of fruit is this ? please went take home make sweet use short key story there soon bring hoe weed 2 write this those seeing getting 3 sugar hide face hidden nose here day Sunday noon Monday they harm lamb foolish kitten aunt send come air cool n 12 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 6 1 forty two sweet race sugar fruit lazy bent life mask flour bake here bread there 7 making lock taking fence thread heard also away about above 8 early track Thursday shower Friday hundred 9 um brel'la aunt root mother tender flax leaf talk straw always deep they bottom write lO break drag camp stone muddy Supplementary Ex. 1: Dictation Break, break, break, On thy cold gray stones, sea! — TENNY80N. 1 Lessons numbered in this manner are to be given Mondays. SECTION I 13 dear 11 women rice please hope shell flour umbrella grand hundred night 12 tried ever lift two making asleep behind four thinner music 13 hear boat sink tie heard sank float oar buzz know 14 ready west wise eat dance want walk drink twelve blue 15 ever y find forty lesson true break drive always helpless Supplementary Ex. 2 : Dictation There are many flags in many lands, There are flags of every hue, But there is no flag, however grand, Like our own Red, White, and Blue. 14 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 16 lose any losing able tried song few women hear music pencil rust brass thirty dear pret'ty sang clerk steam know minute early after ready before a gain' belt front yellow house 17 shoes reap fork gather night 18 flow'er yard blue price 19 20 narrow up stairs' neat folded finger pocket field first act follow body Supplementary Ex. 3: 5, as in at. Short a back than add glad crack black sand'y whack Find words on pages 46 to 49 in which a occurs. SECTION I 15 21 yes'ter day catch tea any pretty lose minute anyway anything pencil 22 threw golden kept sixty seat clover term twenty every flower She threw the blue flower away. 23 close does time lamp clock shade fear fret dream gasp quite born burn have store 24 seems warm grapes upstairs berries wear 25 tear shoes boot shine tight moss stove formed summer You may wear your new dress if you will not tear it. Supplementary Hx. 4: Dictation Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right — Proverbs. 16 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 26 whole done threw field does again catch yesterday plow golden Did he plow the whole field yesterday ? tired 27 saucy book close coat wear bench quite tear worn friend 28 some part tart little wink start cook 29 mouse itself figure corning skin hair lark taste spin mouth cattle pear a fraid' 30 floor scare hurry chalk door snake rattle silver limb Supplementary Ex. 5: 8 as in niCt. Short e cents best desk n8xt spgnt steps held dress Find words on pages 46 to 49 in which 8 occurs. SECTION I 1 cellar 31 bit'ten good friend saucy some whole coming seems prunes ninth 32 week full eggs cash kind smoke done cent figure great 33 e nough' lady sung oak beech tired madam acorn spruce Cheat oaks from little acorns grow. 34 el'e phant bridge carry strap blow care stamp broke tumble blossom 36 useful office note south dirt high swan winter dirty fresh Supplementary Ex. 6: Dictation How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. — Shakespeare. 18 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 36 just room great cellar elephant worse worst both myself queer bacon think block hurt count lounge other below week brave 37 38 39 eight bitten floor afraid bridge wheat bird ninth shears enough knob pupil class herself near through cage wolf bear claws A bird flew through the open door. Supplementary Ex. 7: I as in it; y as in myth. Short i bit'ter whiff live cit'y sim' pie big'ger Its ba'by Find words on pages 46 to 49 in which I occurs. Supplementary Ex. 8: Dictation Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie; A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby. — Herbert. SECTION I 19 40 FIRST SPELLING CONTEST bread fruit please write sweet sugar there here they aunt forty two flour making heard early hundred umbrella always break dear women night tried music hear know ready blue every lose any pencil shoes pretty flower minute upstairs again field yesterday catch threw golden close . does quite seems wear tear whole done tired saucy friend some figure coming afraid floor cellar bitten ninth week great enough elephant bridge useful office just eight worse wheat bacon knob loung e throug h Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. 20 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 41 pitch'er bought pull teach hoping office upward wheat 42 hopping useful or'ange col'or park love just trade breeze lovely hoof bacon sur prise' 43 mail gave cabin tidy sweep eight lounge clean broom running 44 laugh cape knit knob cloth button knitted 45 jacket cotton once o'clock' leak thaw flow worse through sleet water dipper Supplementary Ex. 9: Dictation God made the sky that looks so blue ; He made the grass so green ; He made the flowers that smell so sweet, In pretty color seen, — Jane Taylor. SECTION I 21 leaves 46 broad bought running mail begin pitcher surprise letter laugh break'fast 47 muffin rode color white bright path berry dishes brown un'cle 48 kitch'en yell cried sleep need help weep sheep peep noise 49 crumbs paid sold slice shall town give orange chew car'ried 50 pic'ture baking crust goose spell pudding heat dinner butter Supplementary Ex. 10 : 5 as in on ; a as in what. Short o box top was swan stop office wasp squat Find words on pages 46 to 49 in which 8 occurs. 22 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 51 hatch'et hav'ing noise broad muffin crumbs uncle o'clock kitchen breakfast 52 a mong' be gin'ning fried work more once fright flame most warp lone'some 53 oat'meal glue kick cloud storm melt thick burst leaves a'pron 54 wool'en wife took third fifty twice fifth number fourteen chase 55 bush'es wore stiff joyful keep core single spring having Supplementary Ex. 11 : u as in up ; 6 as in son. Short U rust cut ton comes must club shov'ing can' non Find words on pages 46 to 49 in which u occurs. SECTION I 56 stitch scratch papa picture carried mile hatchet lonesome beginning east A stitch in time saves nine. 57 23 be tween' chief sheet shirt tore stir among spool • 58 apron oatmeal ver'y man'y gate link name split hinge girl 59 sir wood coax neigh 'bor page till stood clip nice cost 60 stoop shod laid caught grab snap cross strike pinch chase mean kicked Supplementary Ex. 12 : Dictation For manners are not idle, but the fruit Of loyal nature, and of noble mind. — Tennyson. 24 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 piece stitch coax bushes woolen too inch jerk square throw stud'y chain bait whale caught buck'et creep spider crept stuck brought flew wasp wren sting 63 64 said scratch chief between neighbor bus'y eye foot many very nap'kin bound swell large pride pour trap rude funny struck 65 join flies knives knife knee Supplementary Ex. 13: Homonyms flour, flower here, hear be, bee to, too, two Bread is made of flour. I have a red flower. Here is a bee. Can you hear it buzz ? Please be still. I shall try to be still. She is too tall. Here are two bees. SECTION I 25 66 chil'dren cushion child study laid said piece studied busy pour half 67 hour goes hang pushed too least napkin into strong thim'ble 68 writing twig line look lying brush bucket knives bump cen'tral 69 lan'tern ice year free rent played maple blame charge sau'cer 70 used swung lucky gentle over around halter kindness manner He used to study i m hour before breakfast. Supplementary Ex. 14: Dictation I pray the prayer of Plato old, — God make thee beautiful within, And let thine eyes the good behold In everything save sin. — Whittier. 26 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 71 chim'ney lantern children cushion writing 72 pic'nic drove smile morning trying 73 knew spade rear gravel thimble 74 quar'ter army drill battle frost crook'ed that central then brought squir'rel untie bath puppy barber school stuff paint stain quart com'pa ny hour half alone tenth village dollar slant found grant 75 built light like robe fond Suggestion : Spell much orally. Drill frequently on the short vowel sounds, that pupils may readily recognize them. Attend carefully to the correct pronunciation of all words, and make sure that their meaning and syllabi- cation are understood. wrote crooked squirrel gone knew forget eas'y picnic stockings much lived began school company SECTION I 76 rinse quarter used 27 wire saucer 77 hold screw feet feed paper picked 78 79 lis'ten ashes earn chimney learn shelves cloves soak pepper smell shin'ing rabbit horn scamper meet Supplementary Ex. 15 : kitch'en ar'ti cles skillet knives forks platters spoons dishes grater strainer Supplementary Ex. 16 : Homonyms hole, whole no, know see, sea our, hour meet, meat new, knew threw, through bear, bare Use all these words in sentences ; for example : See the hole in my stocking. Give her the whole cake. Let us meet here. His arms are bare. 28 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 80 SECOND SPELLING CONTEST pitcher bought orange color surprise mail running laugh once o'clock leaves broad breakfast muffin uncle kitchen noise crumbs carried picture hatchet having among beginning lonesome oatmeal apron woolen chase bushes stitch scratch between chief very many coax neighbor laid caught piece said too busy study napkin bucket pour brought knives children cushion half hour thimble writing central lantern saucer used crooked chimney squirrel picnic school knew company quarter village built wrote rinse gone listen easy shelves much shining } Note. — . Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. SECTION I 29 doc'tor poor lean build built 81 says vest grunt shut scream knead loaf village easy team stop'ping quit offer gift check would should pump shining frame qui'et shelf mixed shelves cheese 83 84 for'est brood rinse gone scowl nine'ty listen left , wrote stole could three taffy blade much 85 coach sour lump cream grow Supplementary Ex. 17: farm'er plan taction clover silo lawn patch daisies vineyard stubble shrubs Pupils may make a list of articles in the school. 30 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK Tues'day 86 dan'de li on cane knead would stoppin g doctor forest could happy boughs 87 been seain loss sleeve ninety latch beat match blaze their 88 mur'mur chirp test chatter says pony enter bridle stable good-by' dove goat robin plant 89 to-night' brook grain farmer ground no'tice nail quick pound dizzy 90 emp'ty bunch alike nearly equal Supplementary Ex. 18 : Homonyms there, their bow, bough ring, wring so, sew ate, eight need, knead beat, beet seem, seam Use all these words in sentences ; for example : He will go there soon. They are eating their dinner. SECTION I 31 91 padlock pan'try pluck their coach been Tuesday ears dandelion boughs 92 hun'gry ker'nel to-day Easter quiet rich to-night church murmur green 93 knelt po lite' felt shoot draw fling nudge reach drew hammer 94 re view' scorch queen drank glitter quill nation good-by throne rule 95 moist nei'ther hoop agree merry curl crook settle glance maid Supplementary Ex. 19: Pronunciation and Word Building tap, tape man, mane spin, spine cap, cape can, cane din, dine scrap, scrape pan, pane bit, bite Teachers and pupils may add to this list. 32 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK straight notice knelt padlock hungry 96 ought empty polite pantry kernel waist 97 « prompt oil copper coal across review roar beyond sprang coun'try 98 cit'ies owe rush own scorch crawl city ladder tardy fair 99 ex cuse' open within knock without wipe tire wring hire la'dies lOO pleas'ant bold either forward neither scar date round second Supplementary Ex. 20: Pronunciation and "Word Building bad bed bid bud bat bet bit but ham hem him hum Teachers and pupils may add to this list. SECTION I 33 lOl mon'ey share moist waist mash cities country straight ought prompt 102 onion thou'sand wind fair tick fourth blew excuse feather verse 103 soap vel'vet place nothing mast icy ridge something cling chilly 104 touch veil rain globe calf heel shady earth horse right This horse is all right. 105 thirteen weigh father God toss praise consent staff whirl banner Supplementary Ex. 21: Groups all, alk, uff, ish all fall talk cuff fish ball tall walk buff dish call small chalk snuff wish Teachers and pupils may add to these lists. 34 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 106 fam'i \j ba na'na money onion ladies velvet share peel pleasant thousand ug'iy 107 pad'dle common joke crowd speck sense shame touch soap an'i mal 108 braid quilt veil who spoke spread soft why praised buy 109 steak street howl fire shape road clatter flash puzzle ex plain' no hand'ful pond better order sent stories plume onward trunk Supplementary Ex. 22 : Groups ell, <>/t tack' bash'ful ac €use' a mount' at tempt' beau' if a'cre * an 'gel au'thor be heve' ae'tion an'kle au'tunm be neath ad mire' aw noy' a void' bis'c^it ad vange' an oth'er awk'ward blan'ket ad vige' an'swer bade borVow al'most a piege' bal'ange bos'om a loud' ap point' band'age brage'let 1 ii'kCr. NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK breath breathe brief buck'le bur'glar bush'el butch'gr e&b'b&ge e&ck'le ea nal' ea na'ry cancel ea noe' ea ress' c&r'ol eSrVot ear toon' eauge Qel'er y q$ ment' Qer'tain ch&r'ity chestnut ikwlr. choir * chooge gin'der gi'pher clr'ele §ir eus clothes coarse eo'^oa co'eo niit eof Tee 2 coNar eol leet' eo'lon com 'bat com mand' eom plain' e5n'gert 3 eSn'qwer cor reef eoz^gh eow'ard era'dle "kSfl. eray on credit erim'gon dain'ty dau^A'ter dead d6af de glde' deg'i mal de feat' de light' de'po^ dS scribe' de stroy' disagree' dis eov'gr dis miss' dis pute' di vi'sion z ea'ger Sa'gle eighth 4 6n'S my 8 noon ; verb is eon fSrt' en gine g reef er'rand er'rOr ex act' ex'QeHent ex Qlte' ex'er Qlge ex peet' fail fe'male fe'ver fiSrqe fif'ti eth fin'ish fo^ks fringe gal76n gal76p gS ra'ni urn gl'ant glisten gold'en r6d * utth. SECTION II 8 grease jevv'el mo lest' pack 'age gn'eve jour'ney moim'tain pa?r g^ess ken'/zel mul'ti ply pal' age hab'it ker'o sene miiin'ble pa rade' hand'soine la'bor na'ture par'don health 'y learned na'vy par'lor heaven lem on ade 1 ' nee'dle part'ner his ' to ry lin'en neph'ew per'ish horVi ble live'ly nerve per mit' x host'ess lo'eate nick 'name pi an'o ho tel' lov'a ble mege pledge hus'band ma ghme' none plumper hy'phen mag'ie no'tion poi'son Im por'tant man'age noz'de po l'ige' in crease' l man'sion numb post'age In'di an mar'gin 6 bilge' po ta'toes in 'sect ma?/' or ob tarn' powl'try In'stant mead'ow oe'cti py prac'tige in stead' mel'on oc eur' prai'rie Is'land mer' chant o/fend' pre pare' I tal'ian mer'it or'chard pris'on i'vo ry met'al Sr'gan psalm jan'i tor mod'el oys'ter pub'lish 1 verb accented on last syllable ; noun accented on first syllable. 88 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK pump'kin sear'lgt sta'tion trtiinp'et piin'ish scis's&rs X J. strength twentieth pur'ple seuf'/le sub tract' twi'liyAt quail sea 'son sup'joer un fair' quar'rel se'cret sure 4 un rav'el quench sen'tenge sweat' er un rul'y qugs'tion * sep 'a rate sword un tied' raise serv'ant tau^At tin til' rai'sin sev'er al tease iip 'roar read 2 shiv'er tem'ple ush'er rea'son shov'el though vl'al re'gion sig'nal ■ thiin'der vl'6 let rg jeet' sl'lent tiin'id wait'er rg main' sir'up to geth'er wal'nut rg plied' sketch toi'let war'ble res'eue sol'dier 3 tow'el weath'er rg gist' sol'id trem'ble wel'eome rg speet' solve tii'al wel'fare Sab'iath spar'kle troNey wheth'er s&d'dle sphere trou'ble wid'ow sSt'is fy sponge trowgh wrin'kle sau'sige st&g'yer tru'ly yield Note. — Review in oral contest also other words which have been misspelled during the year. 1 kweYchun. 8 past tense ; present is road. * sol'j |«r. « shOTr. SECTION III ab'sence berth porter supper carrot . a dult' quail thrive moose approach The teacher spoke of the absence of the pupil. Only adult persons may enter the opera house. I have a lower berth on the ten o'clock train. drow'sy baffle punch fidget thump in ter rupt' confess flight convict forbid 2 3 mu'ci lage flinch chafe taunt wince jus'tice falter dread shovel drench ath let'ic depth vault tunnel differ pos'i tive keel adorn ferry crown mor'sel mingle filter shingle factor tas'sel fiber fabric ivory garter 89 90 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK at trac'tive absence absent mucilage interrupt pas'sen ger deaf coughed drowsy coffin dropped tread arbor weight hedge hardships mince biscuit filbert counter peach'es portion idiot particle detain 8 9 lO aft er noon' adult morsel justice athletic Ca na'di an jury crude murder foolhardy ex pense' solve angry moral bother herbs behold scoop Quaker sword pickles liar truly rascal beware Supplementary Ex. 1 : a as in care ; e as in there. Circumflex a wel'fare par'ent heir their prayer stair'way no'where else'where Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which a occurs. 1 Lessons numbered in this manner are to be given Mondays. SECTION III 91 11 windows stirred tassel herbs passenger expense Canadian positive hardships attractive 12 soot se vere' helmet remark remind timid knight dropped afternoon advice 13 per mis'sion affair solo bulb squint squat duet medal twinkle squeal 14 grocer j di'a ry lemonade tattle trash read strawberry prattle horrible burden 15 khaki growth vessel fleet raise coral attempt naval geranium rudder Supplementary Ex. 2 : a as in fall ; au as in auk ; aw as in saw ; 6 as in or. Broad a and broad O stall au'to awe form war daugh'ter flaw lord Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which a occurs. 92 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 16 ar'gue op er ate peaches grate grocery affair windows stirred pickles permission There are grates in the windows of a prison, 17 par'tial dying insult century million shoe enroll celebration diameter cable trav el ing diary wrath slander severe vol un teer' janitor healthy chapel sensible com plete' phrase vowels adverb accent 18 sleigh another soot somebody scant 19 fore'head replied lofty parson belfry 20 contra ry entire overalls beauty plumber Supplementary Ex. 3: Dictation A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor than silver and gold. —Proverbs. SECTION III 93 21 frig'id gar'ment partial dying khaki argue growth volunteer buckle operate fashion hand'ker chief aloud rumble bevel scandal hustle explosion sleigh ashamed 23 no'bod j op' po site flatter pulp trough trolley salesman linger sought traveling 24 shield sud'den Ij turtle ankle blanket already shoulder forehead pajamas excellent 25 vis'i tor wealthy mimic choose clergy banish suspect bugle abrupt monster Supplementary Ex. 4 : e as in verse; l as in girl; a as in cellar; <3 as in sailSr. Tilde e germ sir • cow'ard ac'tSr lov'er vir'gin back' ward di vi'sSr Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which e occurs. 94 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 26 currant rogue garment opposite fashion frigid complete handkerchief nobody contrary Very good jelly is made from currants. 27 cud'dle as'phalt canteen untruth capture shield trample ambush surround inspect val'u a ble 28 hymn enrich shilling secure tulip provide refreshment suddenly pollen nim'ble 29 man'do lin fraud advance grudge frank shout bandage cruelty butcher seize 30 sieve brief barley arctic balloon blanch bushel poultry balance Supplementary Ex. 5: Dictation Be just, and fear not ; Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's, Thy God's, and truth's. — Shakespeare. SECTION III 95 31 gleam tow'er rogue visitor cuddle hymn currant nimble asphalt valuable 32 va'por wa'fer frolic whir attack glaze prank pastime accident tumbler 33 chair'man scen'er y garlic starch goal cough cucumber cluster island moan 34 al'co hoi ful fill' senior income Irish amount faithful wealthy marshal mandolin 35 column . min'er al nervous answer bashful filthy folks awkward bracelet burglar Supplementary Ex. 6: u as in urge; <3 as in w5rd. Circumflex U sur'ly curve w5r'thy w5rk bur'glar bur'den w5rld/ly w^rm'wood Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which H occurs. 96 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 36 or'phan re'al ly seize sieve fulfill vapor tower wafer chairman gleam 37 se'ri ous man'tle volume dead bosom angel continue author alcohol mount You should buy new mantles for these gas lights. 38 a rith'me tic tu'tor scenery carol switch action mountainous canary taxicab movement 39 re pair' bur'row afford breathe sausage cafe appointment breath cracker menu Supplementary Ex. 7: OU as in sound; OW aa in COW trout sprout growl gown hound bound drown crown Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which ou or ow occurs. Suggestion : Write forms of words, as follows : deserve, deserving, deserved. Use charge, arrange, change, argue, advise, sparkle, breathe, manage. SECTION III 40 FIRST SPELLING CONTEST absence adult* drowsy mucilage interrupt justice athletic morsel positive tassel attractive afternoon passenger Canadian dropped expense 97 hardships herbs peaches pickles windows stirred soot severe permission affair grocery diary khaki growth argue operate partial dying traveling sleigh volunteer forehead complete contrary frigid garment fashion handkerchief nobody opposite shield suddenly visitor wealthy currant rogue cuddle asphalt valuable hymn nimble mandolin seize sieve gleam tower vapor wafer chairman scenery alcohol fulfill column mineral orphan really serious mantle tutor arithmetic repair burrow Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. 98 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 41 fau'cet invent mantle pattern mineral ben'e fit livery forge overtake cringe 42 re ceive' ghost rely startle topic minis ter scout tempt orphan impure 43 rep'tile lance prime fumble quantity rural column group arithmetic bisect 44 tennis really infect serious hornet ti' dings repair local service general 45 ap'pe tite swear curse witness abuse bag'gage sworn tutor temper burrow Supplementary Ex. 8 : oi as in oil ; ny as in boy hoist coin an noy' en joy' noise choice em ploy 7 de stroy' Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which oi or oy occurs. SECTION III 99 46 es'say facto ry receive tennis rural faucet benefit minister tidings reptile 47 finer y flick' er ourselves creamery until victor understand bakery exclaim kingdom 48 ladle liquid rebel final gape stride nickel outrage scorn gait 49 schol'ar re mem'ber public protect aid pastor taught memory advise sermon 50 strangle car'riage shrank style movable accuse broadcloth wonderful grease swindle Supplementary Ex. 9: Hard and soft sounds of C and g mu'sie cen'sor guide • gen'er al ean'dle tri'cy eLe gur'gle en'gine Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which these sounds occur. 100 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK at ten'tion finery scholar flicker baggage pierce snarl ladle shred liquid ex am pie label whether borax weather axle loot flush acquaint theft post' script means coin worthy furrow 61 plat' form essay factory remember appetite 52 veins roach vermin pimple serpent 53 falsehood assert rustic accomplish correction 54 dis ease' jail finally marry independent 55 meas ure panel carpenter purchase residence Supplementary Ex. 10: Dictation So nigh is grandeur to our dust, So near is God to man, When duty whispers low, " Thou must," The youth replies, "I can."— Emerson. section, in ; 56 101 squeak example strangle falsehood attention cal'i co dingy. axle castle disease A mer'i can blotch blemish mercy cashier dwarf gayety itch holiday numb height include tough charity muscle student pierce platform carriage handsome 57 trapper death elder starvation couple 58 ar'ter y injure stumble veins wither 59 ex am me unable silk reprove shrill 60 ig no rant patient sorrow uneven invalid Supplementary Ex. 11 : Suspended bar for S and X ,egg§ nois/y ex ist ; ex ert/ po si'tion P an '§y e 5 ac ^ ex hib'it Find words on pages 125 to 128 in which these sounds occur. 102 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 pa'tri ot sol'der calico trapper American postscript i artery measure squeak student 62 gyp'sy inject examine minnow examination drowned dwarf muslin shrink crimson fountain 63 suburb parsley cider borrow pastry liver sloop digestion retail ac'tu al blend tinkle starry trinket 64 a gree a ble poppy feast matron wedding de clare' 65 ditch verge coffee alcove crayon ginger acid apricot saffron Supplementary Ex. 12 : Homonyms die, dye gate, gait wait, weight might, mite dying, dyeing birth, berth great, grate night, knight Use all these words in sentences ; for example : The poor girl is dying. They are dyeing this cloth blue. SECTION III 103 66 gram'mar grum'ble solder suburb patriot beneath height gypsy ignorant cauliflower 67 bruise im me'di ate colic actual riot eddy drowned agreeable fluid fountain 68 ped'al fourteenth fortieth eighteenth nineteenth 69 splendid cinder notch engine scissors 70 Yankee title writer bi'cy cle fuel flue kindle putty sal'a ry recent defeat forenoon dispute weap on angle collect erect twentieth item rime Blank verse is written without rimes. Supplementary Ex. 13: Dictation That best portion of a good man's life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and of love Wordsworth. 104 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 71 courage grumble ditch bicycle immediate 72 dis play salary fraction comic pedal declare bruise grammar dredge flannel cipher mattress multiplicand splendid minuend 73 ex cur sion coarse fury clothes nicely nurs'er y avoid enemy commit disagree set'tle merit bases insect direction instant hammock gable sultry basement autumn 74 75 tongue ruffle juggle stammer coward ad dress hotel Yankee pleased division in'stru ments Supplementary Ex. 14: mus'i cal harp banjo bagpipe cornet piano accordion Teachers and pupils may add to this list of musical instruments. organ mandolin SECTION III 105 pur sue' 76 veg'e ta ble sledge comic dredge display courage weapon hammock excursion se'ri al 77 wholesale nursery caress believe cackle fawn tongue homely chuckle The story will be published in serial form. 78 ein'na mon cere als scrawl certainly excite apply request command groom whisk Do you eat cereals for breakfast ? 79 ■ fur'nish cli'mate toil credit canoe error exercise cancel capsize torrid Supplementary Ex. 15 : phys i ol'o gj heart muscles lungs ab do' men artery tendon bowels backbone nerve Teachers and pupils may name other parts of the body. Suggestion: Write forms of words, as follows: try, trying, tried. Use study, pity, occupy, weary, carry, envy, apply. 106 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 80 SECOND SPELLING CONTEST faucet benefit receive minister reptile rural tennis tidings appetite baggage essay factory finery flicker ladle liquid scholar remember strangle carriage attention platform pierce veins example falsehood axle disease postscript measure squeak student calico trapper American artery dwarf examine height ignorant patriot solder gypsy drowned fountain suburb actual agreeable declare ditch grammar grumble bruise immediate bicycle pedal salary splendid weapon Yankee comic courage dredge display excursion hammock nursery tongue settlement address pursue vegetable serial wholesale cinnamon cereals furnish climate Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. SECTION III 107 81 offense' par'asol prince police pursue address quince prison pardon settlement 82 salad dis ap point' annoy decimal divisor turnip admire addition multiply vegetable 83 south'ern steward pair purpose union deal eagle message serial wholesale 84 tri'fle u ten'sil snort handy saddle usher gallop cinnamon sweater unruly 85 almond anchor fare furnish climate fail depot journey valleys brakes Supplementary Ex. 16: Homonyms fair, fare bail, bale size, sighs all, awl hair, hare isle, aisle break, brake flew, flue Use all these words in sentences; for example: Pay your fare. Is the brake all right now? Buy a bale of cotton. 108 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 86 cap'i tal char'coal trifle offense utensil salad southern disappoint parasol cereals 87 pe ri od silence lapse comfort pause court noun steward • colon hyphen ex plode' fierce < wreck terror errand 88 fa miliar ranch retreat Indian retrace fireplace circle jostle tamper disturb 89 giggle soldier finish complain destroy rejoice' assist decide arrange delight 90 in vi ta'tion satisfy lively instead partner Supplementary Ex. 17: Dictation Help the weak if you are strong, Love the old if you are young, Own a fault if you are wrong, If you are angry, hold your tongue. — Wentwouth Dillon. SECTION III 109 91 poul'tice humor almond court capital explode anchor familiar period charcoal 92 offered per suade' warmth oily quiver tickle fireplace fiftieth shiver giggle 93 problem que'ry victory giant assail became excitement • combat conquer awhile 94 scour shep'herd cedar weary cause orchard chestnut season lumber homestead 95 stomach surplus acre surface locate prairie area acquire weave meadow Supplementary Ex. 18: Homonyms poles, polls base, bass oar, ore bread, bred paws, pause vain, vein, vane Use all these words in sentences ; for example : One goes to the polls to vote. Here is a vein of silver ore. 110 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 96 trow' el va cation rejoice persuade blister query offered invitation poultice problem cro chef 97 dis honest refine flare scour strength glisten torch 98 machine shepherc anxious business engage envy slender artist dismiss seventeenth increase carnival 99 cho'rus statue dealer freak entry humor fellow sneak lOO circus cartoon rasp'ber ry fetch correct husband novel spirit hostess daughter expect hardy Supplementary Ex. 19: or as a Base in "Word Study or'ange hor'rid bor'row hor'ri ble for'eign mor'al flor'id cor'o ner Flor'i da Mor'ris foVest to-mor'row Find. other words in Section III in which or occurs. SECTION III 111 101 flo'rist forfeit stomach surplus crochet dishonest trowel vacation anxious business 102 fiery rustle shrug wrestle themselves gar'bage scalp crock squall craft 103 mo'tor mat i nee' cower statue farthest cradle piano choir concert chorus 104 mix'ture nat'u ral mere thistle guess goldenrod stilt grope leave discover 105 ga rage 7 naught tansy flimsy hunger profit melon cabbage celery potatoes Supplementary Ex. 20: or as a Base in Word Study (continued) sor'ry tor'rent sor'row tor'rid sor'rel cor'ri dor cor'al cor re spond' Select another base and build with it. 112 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 106 savage sec'tion gamble fetch motor florist .raspberry garbage matinee forfeit 107 stored sim 'pli fy tomb illness metal natural repose hospital cement mixture 108 tailor ter 'ri ble booth fever gloom wrap timber feeble regard grieve 109 va nil'la up hol'stered alert finished exact profit fiery planned eager signal no sickle scythe canal weld funnel juice sewer cavity trickle gallon Supplementary Ex. 21: Dictation Day had awakened all things that be, The lark, and the thrush, and the swallow free, And the milkmaid's song, and the mower's scythe, And the matin bell, and the mountain bee. — Shelley. SECTICtt [ III 111 billion 111 car na 'tion garage stored simplify somewhat tailor section savage terrible cleanse 112 brake' man linen collar suit model grocer palate soda vanilla 113 ache fix'ture swoon beetle female Italian terrier cockroach learned truthful 114 fra'grant fortune county lava heaven habit country wrinkle history sober 115 honor villain crew somewhere none code shark upholstered surpass craze Supplementary Ex. 22 : A long u Collection muse en sue' dupe nude fu'tile tu'mor mute due fu'sion lu/na tic tu'ber time'ful Find other words in Section III in which u occurs. 114 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 116 med'i cine mod 'era sickle fester ache fixture scythe cleanse billion carnation 117 mo las'ses north era daub alter fringe violet salve chamber dainty fragrant The waist is all right ; do not alter it. 118 per form' present ly trouble publish recess skill brakeman describe lecture injury 119 re stored' i'ci cle cocoa though thus agency coconut quench unless fortune Supplementary Ex. 23 : Drill in Enunciation ro§'e§ sol'dier riVet fore' head wa/ter often length su" preme' wis/est wick'ed strength kitch'en Teachers and pupils may add to this list. Give such drills frequently. Suggestion : Write forms of ' words, as follows : refer, referring, referred. Use commit, spur, blur, stop, beg. SECTION III 11£ 120 THIRD SPELLING CONTEST offense disappoint salad parasol southern steward trifle utensil almond anchor capital charcoal period court explode familiar fireplace giggle rejoice invitation poultice humor offered persuade problem query scour shepherd stomach surplus trowel vacation crochet dishonest anxious business chorus raspberry statue fetch florist forfeit fiery garbage motor matinee mixture natural garage profit savage section stored simplify tailor terrible vanilla upholstered sickle scythe billion carnation cleanse fixture ache brakeman fragrant fortune honor villain medicine modern molasses northern perform presently restored icicle Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. 116 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 121 tarnish cam' brie buried poison practice honor desert beckon program villain 122 at 'tic bou quet' modern psalm altar soul medicine Sabbath organ temple 123 bar gain cat'er pil lar notify northern flood needle announce molasses occur steeple 124 doubt foul perform haunt presently 125 mis' chief enjoy respect cu ri ous vise flaw labor eighth drooped icicle course subject restored margin welfare Supplementary Ex. 24 : Homonyms vice, vise soul, sole rap, wrap lacks, lax coarse, course alter, altar foul, fowl tacks, tax Use all these words in sentences ; for example : Gam- bling is a vice. He held the board in a vise. SECTION III 117 126 fla'vor vin'e gar attic doubt tarnish cambric curious bouquet bargain caterpillar 127 ge og'ra phy law'yer kidnap prosper haul farther wander explore anywhere saunter They were too tired to haul the load any farther. 128 mor'tar bea'ver twilight zone secret almost important thunder bribe silent 129 scar'ci ty mag a zine' jewel quaint uneasy usual sparkle fiction uproar seldom 130 worship tor'ment panther molest offend marble mischief prisoner quarrel mumble Supplementary Ex. 25: States, etc., and their Abbreviations Alabama, Ala. California, Calif. District of Colum- Alaska Colorado, Colo. bia, D, C. Arizona, Ariz. Connecticut, Conn. Florida, Fla. Arkansas, Ark. Delaware, Del. Georgia, Ga. 118 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 131 bu'reau be grudge' drooped lawyer flavor mortar geography punish vinegar beaver 132 bound a ry ba'sin granary collie tease peanut wheelbarrow kennel Hallowe'en scarcity 133 fright ened fa vor ite botch bundles solid inform perhaps supplied wedge magazine 134 glimpse ceil'ing bade whiz blouse sheath manage tricycle fashionable subtract Supplementary Ex. 26: States, etc., and their Abbreviations Hawaii Kansas, Kans. Massachusetts, Mass. Idaho Kentucky, Ky. Michigan, Mich. Illinois, 111. Louisiana, La. Minnesota, Minn. Indiana, Ind. Maine Mississippi, Miss. Iowa Maryland, Md. Missouri, Mo. Supplementary Ex. 27 : Dictation Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said. This is my own, my native land ! — Sir Walter Scott. SECTION III 119 135 freck'le in quire' question yolk slipped junior exception gravy tightened senior 136 loi'ter league worship basin bureau favorite boundary torment frightened begrudge 137 meth'od inner ceiling sphere glimpse 138 vo'cal toilet compose towel whispered la zi ly nature crest mountain region rec'i pe lovable merit pleasure parlor 139 riv'u let future trial ri'fle unfair scuffle sentence hereafter propel stagger Supplementary Ex. 28 : Dictation In works of labor or of skill I would be busy, too ; For Satan finds some mischief still For idle hands to do. — Isaac Watts. 120 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 140 so ci'e ty rad'ish ancient mislaid reached headache trumpet expected farmhouse overworked juicy lazily method freckle inquire buf ' fa lo lynx rifle yelp rivulet bluing mayor palace mansion servant but'ter flies heave harrow apiece district 141 ton'ic loiter vocal recipe league 142 bomb insist prettier insert underwear 143 charmed ballot raisin therefore porridge 144 leather allot foster occupy afterward Supplementary Ex. 29 Montana, Mont. Nebraska, Nebr. Nevada, Nev. New Hampshire, N. H. States and their Abbreviations New Jersey, N. J. New Mexico, N. Mex. New York, N. Y. North Carolina, N. C. SECTION III 121 145 dried misery hazel aboard horror quo'tient society bomb buffalo radish fa'mous rescue depart perish separate 146 in i'tial bluing tonic juicy charmed 147 lining sue ceed' miser merchant obtain proceed oblige customer pledge draft 148 ac cept' mac a ro'ni navy parade station remain uniform acceptance safety everybody Supplementary Ex. 30 : States, etc., and their Abbreviations North Dakota, N. Dak. Ohio Oklahoma, Okla. Oregon Pennsylvania, Pa. Philippine Islands, P. I. Porto Rico, P. R. Rhode Island, R. I. South Carolina, S. C. South Dakota, S. Dak. Tennessee, Tenn. Texas, Tex. Utah Vermont, Vt. Virginia, Va. Washington, Wash. West Virginia, W. Va. Wisconsin, Wis. Wyoming, Wyo. 122 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 149 hoarse pre serve' permit waiter warble hatch nickname leather welcome butterflies 150 path'way pos'si ble niece human valve widow nephew conduct yeast wives 151 rapid ly to 7 ward dried famous accept initial lining succeed quotient macaroni 152 spin ning sug gest' magic nerve postal parental sketch tremble meter wherever Supplementary Ex. 31: flow'ers blos'soms daisy lilac hollyhock bluebell peony crocus sunflower buttercup Teachers and pupils may add to this list of flowers. Supplementary Ex. 32: Dictation If wisdom's ways you'd wisely seek, Five things observe with care : Of whom you speak, to whom you speak, And how, and when, and where. SECTION III 123 153 rein vanished harness relish shoal sallow prepare oyster preserve sputter He ought to put new reins in that harness. 154 youth horse expose hoarse advised 155 vi o lin' hover several mustard together 156 mel'o dy sure toward vanished treasure notion crease reason motive tanned hound sponge trench splinter tying pathway suggest spinning possible rapidly Supplementary Ex. 33: Dictation Not as the conqueror comes, They, the true-hearted, came ; Not with the roll of the stirring drums And the trumpet that sings of fame ; Not as the flying come, In silence and in fear; — They shook the depths of the desert gloom With their hymns of lofty cheer. — Mrs. Hemans. 124 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 157 sable snatch squash pumpkin vial sirup 158 gasoline kerosene youth treasure ru'in since package postage walnut blunder nozzle untied reject unravel 159 la pel' wrench purple scarlet repast delighted 160 smiled danced resist rein FOURTH SPELLING CONTEST tarnish cambric attic bouquet bargain caterpillar curious doubt drooped mischief flavor vinegar geography lawyer mortar beaver scarcity magazine worship torment bureau begrudge boundary basin frightened favorite glimpse ceiling freckle inquire loiter league lazily method recipe vocal rivulet rifle society radish SECTION III 125 juicy tonic buffalo bomb butterflies charmed bluing leather dried famous quotient initial lining succeed accept macaroni hoarse preserve pathway possible rapidly toward spinning suggest rein vanished treasure youth tanned violin tying melody sable snatch ruin since lapel wrench Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. ANNUAL SPELLING CONTEST ab'senQe aTmond a,t ten'tion bl'c,y ele a-e Qept' A men -ean at'ft-e bil'Zion H-ehe an'-e&or &t tra-e'tive blu'ing a-e'tu al anx'ious l axle bomb &d dress' ap'^e tite bag'ghge bound'a ry a dfilt' ar'gue bargain 2 bou quef a/" fair' a rith'me ti-e ba'sm brake'man aft er noon' ar'ter y bea'ver bruise a gree'a h\e as'phalt be grudge' buf'/alo aT-eohol ath m*te ben'e fit bu'reau 3 i ank'shus. 2 bar 'g&n. 8 bu' ro. 126 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK biir'row -eour'age ex am'me foun'tain busi'nSss * ■eowrt ex am'ple fragrant butter m"e§ -ero qhet' ex -euYsioE i freck'le -eaTl -eo ■eu&'dle ex pense' fri^At'ened cam'bri-e -euTi ous ex pi ode' frig'id G^ na'di an -eurVant faVto ry ful fill' -e&p'I tal de -elare' false'hood fur'nish «ar na'tion di'a ry fg, mil'iar ga rage' 3 -ear'nage dis sp point' fa'mous gar'bage -eat'er pil Zar di§ eas_e' fashion gar'ment QezTing dis AoVest fau'^et ge og'ra phy ce're al§ dis play' fa'vor ite m'g^ chapman ditch fetch gleam charcoal dou&t fi'er y glimpse charmed dredge fin'er y gr&in'raar ehorus dried fire'plaQe grower y Qin'wa mon drooped flx'ture growth •el£ar\§e dr5pped fla'vor grum'ble -eli'm&te drowned flick'er gyp'sy ■eoTunm drowsy flo'rist ham'mock •eoml-e dwarf fftre'ASad hand'ker chief •eom plete' dying foVfelt hard 'ships ■eon'trjji ry eYsay 2 for'tijne height 1 blz'ode * noun ; verb is 6a say'. •ffarazh'. SECTION III Aerb§ hoarse Aon'or hu'moi hymn i'91 -ele lg no rant ion me'di ate m l'tial i m quire' m ter rupt' in vi ta'tion im'f jiis'ti^e kAa'ki » la'dle la pel' law'yer la'zi ly league leath'er lin'mg liq'uid 1 ka'ke. loi'ter ma-e a ro'ni mag a z'ine' man'do lm man'tle mat 1 nee' measure 2 med'i 9 me mel'o dy meth'od mmer al minis ter mis'chief mix'ture mod'ern mo las'seg mor'sel mor'tar motor mfi'91 lage natu ral nim'ble no'bod y 2 mezh'ilr. northern nurs'er y o/fense' offered op'er ate op^po site orphan par 'a sol partial pas'sen ger path' way pa'M ot peach'e§ ped'al per form' pe'ri od per mission per suade' pick'le§ -pierqe plat'form pos/I tive pos'sl ble 3 per mish'un. 127 post's-errpt poid'tige present ly pre s_erve' problem profit pur sue' que'ry quo'tient 4 rad'ish rap'id ly rasj/ber ry re'al If re geive' re9'i pe rem re joi9e' re mem'ber re pair' rep'tile re stored' ri'fle riv'u. let * kwo'shent. 128 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK rogue sim'pli f y stir'plus v& -ea'tion ru'in singe tailor val'ti g, ble ru'ral aleigh tanned v^ nil74 sa^ble snatch tar'nish vanished saTad s6 ql'e ty tassel va'por saT& ry sb7'der ten'nis veg'e ta ble sav'ag€ soot terVi ble vem§ s-ear'9 1 ty southern ti'dingg viTZain scen'er y spm'ning tongi^e vm e gar s-eA6Tar splen'did tbn'i-e vi 6 lin' s-eour squeak tor'ment 2 vi§'i tor scythe statue toward vo'-eal seVtion stew'ard tow'er v51 im teer' seize stirred trapper wa'fer se'ri al stom'ach 1 trav'el ing wealth'y se'ri ous stored trgas'tire 3 weap'on settle ment stran'gle tri'fle whole'sale se" vere' stii'dent trow'el win'dowg shSp'Aerd suburb tu'tor wor'ship shield su-e ceed' tying . torSnch sick'le sud'den ly up hoTstered Yan'k6e sieve sug gSst' ti teVsil youth Note. — Review in oral contest the annual contests of Sections I and II ; also words misspelled during the year. 1 stum'uk. * noun ; verb is tdrment*. 3 trc/.h'flr. SECTION IV l heir'ess bal'co ny alight adhere anthem villain compel inquire familiar astonish The heiress will have an income of forty thousand dollars a year. The general reviewed the parade from the balcony of his home. 2 cara'phor o'dor benefit league athletic axle benefited audience inquiry eightieth 3 e lec'trie dam'age morsel diet exist expel fragment grocery exert _ ferret 4 ed u ca'tion o pin'ion British dying solder adjective Great Britain bruise liquor disappoint 5 im'age jeal'ous alleys loyal poultice tissue improvement statue brakeman repent 129 130 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 knuck'le stam pede' odor balcony electric contract camphor damage ammonia bedstead judg' merit 7 na'tion al native totter lawyer opinion oath object formal voyage oc ca'sion 8 pa la'tial proof lasso molar proper peer perspire heiress perfume quo 'rum 9 ra'tions educate positive rogue polish education passenger permission pronounce io sa li'va tan'dem sprawl serial quote skulk stirrup asphalt scribble mandolin Supplementary Ex. 1: a, e, i, O, u long in closing Accented Syllables halos fe'ver ll'bel hu'inor pa'triot Topg'ka ft'ber Oklaho'ina Pupils may find twenty other words in which the long vowel occurs in this manner. 1 Lessons numbered in this manner are to be given Mondays. SECTION IV 131 priv'i lege 11 va Use' image jealous judgment national knuckle occasion palatial stampede war'rant 12 yacht target thrift throttle scenery puncture radiator taper suppose Thrift is the power to save. 13 sin cere'ly bur'i al vivid peril rations troop wrench quotient throve 14 gypsy can'o py den'tist plaid beautiful vacation elect uncertain cashmere healthful quorum 15 em'pha sis sat is fac'to ry icicle cistern fatal failed crockery cleanliness bravery failure Supplementary Ex. 2 : a, e, i, o, u short, followed by a Con- sonant other than r in Accented Syllables Japan' dlz'zy ab sSlve' adjust' protect' resist' ThQm'as rtis'set Pupils may find twenty other words in which the short vowel occurs in this manner. 132 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 16 gal'lant sta'tion er y saliva yacht clew valise warrant tandem pagan burial 17 bev'er age di vis'i ble manager nonsense pacify alcohol magnify accidental sincerely absence 18 knack lan'guage normal canopy larva affair attractive quality adult interview 19 ma'jor nu'merous safeguard vacant afternoon period American privilege undertake argument 20 dis ap pear' par' a graph dentist zigzag actual Eden agreeable incident severe rejoice Supplementary Ex. 3 : Dictation 1. One example is worth a thousand arguments. — Gladstone. 2. Love thyself last ; cherish those hearts that hate thee, Corruption wins not more than honesty. Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To silence envious tongues. — Shakespeare. SECTION IV 133 21 quin'sy ra'di ant emphasis complete knack divisible beverage satisfactory gallant language 22 ex pla na'tion tap'es try alto pursue almond cancer melody earnest appetite 23 attention vague waltz sure illegal anxious induce arithmetic numerous dishonest 24 address a ban'don cir'cuit Chinese major barge attic stationery beacon anchor 25 abide Ben' ja min siege traveling ache canine canvas traveler captive burrow leather Supplementary Ex. 4 : a, S, T, 6, v., followed by r in Accented Syllables barn fern or'der in cur 7 debar 7 infeV stir'ring bfir'den Pupils may find twenty other words in which these vowels occur in this manner. 134 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 26 con ceal' ex hi bi'tion knave tapestry vague waltz disappear paragraph quinsy radiant 27 de cay' beaver career hemstitch succeed ea'sel flange circuit de file' baggage business carriage offensive 28 buffalo abandon 29 fan'ci ful drowned gauze explanation girdle • gaFler y bluing hazy deformed pierce 30 pi'geon franc relate billion boundary fath'om gigantic basin butterflies bouquet ging'ham bomb donate upholstered bargain Supplementary Ex. 5 : a, e, i, o, u short, in Accented Syllables, when foUowed by rr or r and a Vowel car'ry par'ry peVil hur'ry b&r'rack teVrible mlr'ror m&r'row Pupils may find ten other words in which these vowels occur in this manner. SECTION IV 135 hearse 31 hom'iny siege defile Benjamin decay easel pigeon conceal mortal i de'al 32 id i ot'ic chairman fanciful imprison manufacturer compass jersey begrudge lament con cern' 33 ju'bi lant lavish alms Canadian debase massive mastiff Australian collector loy'al ty 34 lunch'eon united hoarse humor neglect contrary fathom exhibition glimmer mi li'tia 35 mir'a cle pivot patrol cereals patron currant dangerous cinnamon knowledge Supplementary Ex. 6: Dictation 1. A little learning is a dangerous thing. — Pope. 2. Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. — Tennyson. 3. Wealth and rule slip down with Fortune, As her wheel turns round ; He who keeps his faith, he only Cannot be discrowned. — Lowell. 136 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK in'do lent indolence ideal gingham idiotic ob serve' hearse hominy gallery jubilant 37 clam 'or prin'ci pal loyalty relax calico comic courage relief 38 bandit ransom ra'zor re ceipt' install initial receive tenant charcoal luncheon 39 capital cleanse splen'dor be witch' ing tropic orphan talent treble engrave court concern chorus Supplementary Ex. 7 : a medial, when followed by ff, ft, 88, at, sk, sp, nt, nee staff grass clasp chant aft'er mas ter cas'ket chance Pupils may find ten other words in which a occurs in this manner. Supplementary Ex. 8: Silent e final is dropped, when? change changing arguing advising continue continued continuing salable Final e is usually dropped on the addition of a suffix be- ginning with a vowel. (See page 10, rule 4.) Follow this rule in adding ed and ing to ache, defile, damage. SECTION IV 137 40 First spelling contest camphor odor electric damage education opinion image jealous knuckle stampede judgment national occasion palatial quorum rations saliva tandem privilege valise warrant yacht sincerely burial canopy dentist emphasis satisfactory gallant stationery beverage divisible knack language major numerous disappear paragraph quinsy radiant explanation tapestry vague waltz abandon circuit Benjamin siege conceal exhibition decay defile easel pigeon fanciful fathom gallery gingham hearse hominy ideal idiotic concern jubilant loyalty luncheon militia miracle indolent observe clamor principal razor receipt splendor bewitching heiress balcony Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. 138 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 41 con due 'tor de pend'ent artery dandy dagger curious drooped militia carnation miracle brev'i ty 42 brib'er y charmed vigor caterpillar indolent clamor vary cambric observe dahl'ia 43 cat'a ract pouch purity drowsy bewitching clever principal acquit respectfully civ'il 44 de sir'ous strife dredge soothe stockade spiral razor dropped receipt en liv'en 45 en ti'tle lobby minor dwarf muffle diary splendor narrate merchandise^ Supplementary Ex. 9: a, e, i, <>. u long in an Accented Syllable closed by Silent e preceded by a Single Consonant gale re mote' o bilge' mice mute pre cede' con fine in close' Pupils may find ten other words in which these vowels occur in this manner. SECTION IV 46 139 fer'tile brevity desirous fes'ti val bribery dahlia cataract conductor decorate viaduct syl'la ble affirm civil define absurd dis sat/is fled covet dried enlarge cornet in'ti mate tense rebuke example fortify mon'u merit profane recline prevail presence 47 48 49 50 en'er gy remit agile declare ditch har poon' doubt cuddle consume dependent in trade' shroud curt engineer essay me rid'i an examine pulpit measure perform Supplementary Ex. 10: n pronounced ng before k and g hard fin'ger thank 'ful can'ker an'kle an'ger lin'ger ban'quet un'cle Find ten other words in which n is pronounced ng before k and g hard. 140 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOE heifer 61 par'al lei enliven entitle syllable toward fertile dissatisfied festival harpoon pul'ley expense scoff expensive squirm 52 pyr'a mid energy magazine repel since re hears 'al 53 se'cre cy vital creak frigid modest crane discovery deed struggle so'cial 54 sol'emn fulfill taint absorb valid intrude fashion finery fortune trou'sers 55 fur'ni ture bicycle affect sleigh disease The disease faucet vinegar affected his throat. column factory Supplementary Ex. 11: twen'ty-one' rock'ing-chair to-day good-by looking-glass half-witted to-morrow to-night forget-me-not morning-glory Find other words in which the hyphen occurs ; consult the dictionary for each of them. SECTION IV 14 ac'cu 56 rate cau'tious pulley monument pyramid meridian 57 heifer rehearsal secrecy parallel a pol'o gy can'di date flicker gouge furnish social various stupid grapple serene 58 corpse crev'ice farce Spanish mental atone solemn Spaniard falsehood intimate 59 crys'tal de liv'er dazzle invert fetch domestic fireplace furniture source bureau 60 drought ex alt' harbor libel florist forfeit display modern climate consist Supplementary Ex. 12: Dictation 1. Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels. — Longfellow. 2.' How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! Here will we sit and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears. — Shakespeare. 142 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 fiend fo'li age khaki cautious corpse crevice trousers candidate accurate veranda grav'i ty argue lever assure apology 62 el'e va tor flavor crystal missive percentage in dorse' 63 in san'i ty freckle pilot forehead prophet progress ambulance democrat frightened ju'rist stress device indeed entreat 64 gos'pel famous lathe favorite auger li'cense 65 li'bra ry peerless produce grammar peevish growth deliver prominent garment Supplementary Ex. 13. When is final y changed to i ? copy copying multiply multiplying copied copies multiplied multiplier Final y, preceded by a consonant, is "kept before a suffix be- ginning with i, but is changed to i before any other suffix. (See page 10, rule 2.) SECTION IV 143 mis'sion 66 nioch 3r ate gravity elevator exalt indorse 67 fiend insanity foliage drought mu si'cian or'di nary editor tongue stutter fixture proverb veins 68 grumble property ne'groes reg'is ter crochet adjourn gospel 69 agony aching palsy garbage spe'cial stu'di ous jurist ardent breach excursion anteroom assertion glimpse geography serge 70 te'di OUS comfortable collide clannish herbs handkerchief comply captivate raspberry She bought this blue serge at a special sale. Supplementary Ex. 14: base 'ball' games score pitcher catcher league innings bleachers coaching umpire What other words do you Use in speaking of the national game? 144 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK con'tact al to geth'er license library mission register musician ordinary negroes moderate die'tion a ry 72 im ag'ine await gesture hinder angelic hymn relent sacred height hu man'i ty 73 in'no cent infer missile aspire merciful hammock juror warehouse journal 74 mus'cu lar pa'tience volcano unity honor festal interrupt vandal hardships special 75 o rig'i nal peace'a ble realize adjust studious wanton immediately accost ignorant infancy Supplementary Ex. 15 : Contractions don't doesn't hasn't I'm it's aren't can't isn't couldn't haven't he's she's wasn't won't Use each of these contractions in a sentence, and give also the full form ; for example : They don't (do not) weigh much. He doesn't (does not) like my dog. It's (it is) not in its place. SECTION IV 145 76 pro'noun rein'deer serge tedious recur president merge humanity contact dictionary 77 sar dine' scourge altogether imagine anticipate admiral innocent agreement invitation instantly 78 gen'er ous ten'e merit available shrine dense ardor patience muscular italic justice 79 squab'ble bo'siery ladle cargo jewelry revise liquid carbon abound classify Supplementary Ex. 16: Contractions I'll they'll I'd there's what's I've let's we'll you'll we'd where's we've you've you're Use all these contractions in sentences, and give the full forms ; thus : I'll (I shall) not go. They'll (they will) soon be here. Let's (let us) go home. You're (you are) in your own car. Supplementary Ex. 17: Dictation • "Do the duty that is nearest thee" — that first and that well; all the rest will disclose themselves with increasing clearness and make their successive demands. — Carlyle. 146 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 80 SECOND SPELLING CONTEST brevity bribery eivil desirous fertile festival dissatisfied harpoon monument meridian pulley pyramid social solemn accurate cautious corpse crevice drought exalt gravity elevator jurist gospel mission moderate negroes register serge tedious dictionary imagine muscular patience pronoun reindeer generous tenement conductor dahlia cataract enliven entitle syllable energy intimate intrude heifer parallel rehearsal secrecy trousers furniture apology candidate crystal deliver fiend foliage indorse insanity license library musician ordinary special studious contact altogether hum anity innocen t original peaceable sardine scourge squabble hosiery dependent Note. — Add other words which have been miss pel ltd dur- ing the past two months. SECTION IV 147 en've lope 81 ad'ver tise however defy fragrant bliss feud original excel peaceable ad van'tage dean felon generous abnormal 82 pam'phlet loiter pronoun deceive reindeer cen ten'ni al 83 ma te'ri als sullen sardine hosiery scourge suffix sundry lining mineral 84 ver'dict su perb' feat allude lapel zealous regular tenement admission wrought And feats of strength went round. — Goldsmith. 85 cam'er a minister personal ambition por'trait tribute mantle adornment squabble nimble Supplementary Ex. 18: Words often Mispronounced pic'ture ex clu'sive op po'nent haunt ad dress' ab do'men dis course' en've lope in'ter est ing ro mance' Drill frequently on the list. taunt launch 148 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 86 refer ence mo ral'i ty believe memorize superb pamphlet accept centennial verdict advantage What a man desires, he easily believes Longfellow. 87 stor'age medicine degree commendable clause a pos'tro phe seizure sandal arrangement secrete dra'per y 88 ves'ti bule advertise plight commission mixture nee es sary film merely method construct 89 for lorn' employ flourish socket forsake grange molasses mortar macaroni frag'ile 90 div'i dend envelope typewriter invade allowance nobody Belgian amazement materials Supplementary Ex. 19: "Words Often Mispronounced po'em truths. b&na'na, Latin sau'cy stuOrd ap pa ra'tus hearth pro nun ci a'tion fau'cet bar'i tone I tal'ian Add many words in the use of this exercise. SECTION IV 91 149 camera matinee alii ga tor portrait vestibule pri va'tions sparse fervor natural remorse fre'quent incur inclose opposite multiple man'i fest offense drapery mischief scallops vict'uals partial wealth 92 93 94 95 custom av'e ime amendment al'ti tude reference storage apostrophe morality bi'as respite forlorn barter nursery pov'er ty inspire fountain necessary northern loathe oratory option organize operate wea'sel offered theme advisable officer Supplementary Ex. 20: Long u Grouping lu'bri cate du'pli cate lu'mi nous mu'tu al nu'mer a tor in sti tu'tion il lu'mi nate su per vise' su per vi'sor su'per fine Pupils may find other words in Section IV in which u occurs. 150 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 96 im'i tate con tra diet' fragile bias frequent altitude repair dividend alligator impossible 97 ex'e cute pol'i cy salad stored pilfer peaches pickles spatter privations entertain 98 will'M see're ta ry chasm poverty ceiling pedal continent providence cupboard lazily 99 e quip' in tro duce' staple loathe stealth surely importance platinum platform Mexican lOO skel'e ton vi'sion reckon render efface veto amend manifest postscript patriot Supplementary Ex. 21: Dictation Toiling, — rejoicing, — sorrowing, Onward through life he goes ; Each morning sees some task begin, Each evening sees it close. — Longfellow, "The Village Blacksmith." SECTION IV lOl ac quaint' ance grate'ful execute weasel juicy willful imitate victuals 151 secretary contradict res o lu'tion steady frantic abreast acrobat de tached' 102 s vis'i ble affront enrage exclude explode 103 policy variety jumble shrimp 104 ruf 'fi an resort equip possible necessarily treaty e qual'i ty persuade forcible presently problem ser e nade' profit sliver pathway cor'dial ly parasol rival smuggle introduce 105 si'phon ruby sluggish stubborn preserve occur grinning Supplementary Tix, 22 : "When is the Final Consonant doubled ? begin occurrence beginning propeller submitted skimming Monosyllables and words accented on the last syllable, end- ing in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, usually double the final consonant on taking a suffix beginning with a vowel. (See page 10, rule 8.) 152 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 106 re gret'ted pitiful resolution skeleton acquaintance v ant arc 'tic grateful equality detached vocal 107 ev'i dent quire query vision visible con vene' record humble ruffian invention A quire is twenty-four sheets of paper. 108 gen'u ine ma don'na really represent bishop burly generally accomplishment publication tactful 109 prac'ti cal rem'nant squander vulgar remember scramble reptile rural shackle serenad no sher'iff shrewd ruin restored turban spoonful virtue recipe create rubbish Supplementary Ex. 23: Drill in Pronunciation Mlchl gan, asked, end'gd, out, cow, forward, a'r6 &, going, root, route, rout, roof, soot, New Or'le" an§, pa'th6s, ge" &g'r& phy , creek, white, SSat'rte, £ ritn'me" tic, hls't6ry, rasj/b6r rjf , prO'gram, gum§, to'w§Lrd§», get, steppes, what, pa'trOn, r§ search', kgt'de, laugh, t6 ma' to, VIr glnl £, as'phalt. SECTION IV 153 111 a part'ment choc'o late cordially siphon genuine antarctic convene evident madonna regretted 112 drug'gist ex hale' crisp croak rein graft radish rivulet depend museum 113 leg'end mil'li ner rifle total rapidly remnant moralist void vanished mucilage 114 ter'race sys'tem array wisdom sable swath artful practical suggest scarcity 115 shriv'el val'or trail crutch connect triple condition converse spinning society Supplementary Ex. 24 : Dictation 1. Silence is a great peacemaker. 2. It is easier to pull down than to build up. — Proverb. 3. I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. — Nathan Hale. 154 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 116 a'mi a ble sheriff exhale druggist shrewd a muse'inent coin age legend milliner apartment chocolate 117 cha'os stirred avert serious bestow terrace detail audible windows 118 a nal'y sis res'tau rant salary arrears assent soot average funeral shrivel denote 119 an nounce'ment col'lege attract occurred system attitude shield attend seize frolicsome Supplementary Ex. 25: Drill in Pronunciation PaTes tine, can, musk'rat, musk'mel on, boil, kln'dgr gar ten, frag'ment, 6f/Ice, Hawai'i, often, been, 1 again', 2 dSn'kejf, CSn'eSrd, leg'Is 13, tlve, way laid', yoZk, jtist, 6lm, part'nSr, noun, par'trldge, our§, Infamous, PhlTlp plne§, bade, height, such, touched, dls'trlet, scallops, can't, pStt tic, y6t, E van'gS line, Hiawatha, Rtis'sia. 3 St. Lou'Is, catch, dy'namite, Squa'ti6n, goal, cSl'umw, penalize, Mlssou'rl, news/paper, hSs'tlle, habit, now, Roo'sBvelt, rath'er, n6th'Ing, awnt, feTZow, won't, d&?§Srt', d6s/Srt, rige, Qhl ca'go. SECTION IV 120 THIRD SPELLING CONTEST 155 advantage pamphlet verdict superb reference morality apostrophe necessary fragile dividend frequent bias manifest loathe imitate contradict willful secretary skeleton vision resolution visible ruffian serenade regretted antarctic genuine madonna sheriff shrewd druggist exhale terrace system amiable coinage analysis shrivel envelope centennial "materials camera portrait storage vestibule drapery forlorn alligator altitude privations poverty victuals weasel execute policy equip introduce acquaintance grateful detached equality cordially siphon convene evident practical remnant apartment chocolate legend milliner restaurant valor amusement chaos announcement college advertise Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. 156 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 121 ar'mor y ghast'ly attire valor utmost insure victim gross defense indulge 122 ar riv'al pe ti'tion sieve ancestor integer coinage atom cartridge ascribe amiable 123 as cend' me chan'ic assort inspector scour chaos appreciate application strangle amusement 124 lo cal'i ty in'flu ence snatch aspect student suburb astonishment content assemble restaurant 125 scheme as sist'ance analysis college Arabic colony announcement approve scholar settlement Supplementary Ex. 26: Dictation If we fail, it can be no worse for us. But we shall not fail. The cause will raise up armies ; the cause will create navies. The people, the people, if we are true to them, will carry us, and will carry themselves, gloriously through this struggle. — Webster. SECTION IV 126 157 stand'ard at'mos phere arrival petition ascend article locality approval armory mechanic 127 ca'pable attain' support annul floral sickle applaud apologize splendid vegetable 128 de clar'a tive ghastly satin annoyance savage 129 stead'i ly anecdote section shepherd civilize 130 pen'sion scheme southern influence interfere aught annual annex surplus entice mea'sles Russian ample summit fender doily stomach guilty affliction adjacent Supplementary Ex. 27 : Homonyms due, dew tied, tide hall, haul sell, cell peel, peal ought, aught sight, site choir, quire Use all these words in sentences ; for example : Isn't the train due soon? You ought to know. It may be in sight, for aught I know. Do you hear the bells pealing f Time and tide wait for no man. NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 131 for'eign er standard aught declarative atmosphere 158 com merce telegram attain telephone assistance 132 com pact' simplicity foil adaptation abridge pi'ous abolish myrtle steadily cartilage poise excess treasure sensitive fric'tion inscribe insight acquittal steward 133 134 independence skirmish 135 com plex' capable detest simplify quotation com po si'tion picket beseech terrible wreath chaste skillful trapper challenge con cede' trifle measles trowel sympathy Supplementary Ex. 28: Dictation A poor man, served by thee, shall make thee rich ; A sick man, helped by thee, shall make thee strong ; Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense Of service which thou renderest. — Elizabeth Barkett Browning. SECTION IV 159 136 tor na'do con'fi dence doily pension pious foreigner compact friction complex commerce 137 suite breth'ren tutor information tidings tennis cherish composition coincide garage They engaged a suite of four rooms. 138 dai'ry ing cour'te sy tassel reliable tailor tower tying combine precise descend 139 change'a ble crit'ic poise immense chastise gleam persistent particular battlement tarnish 140 shriek cudg'el gurgle lusty clutch complaint effort colander torment comparison Supplementary Ex. 29: 'Words to be Distinguished lose sit presents prove accept false loose set presence proof except faults Use all these words in sentences ; for example : Where did you lose it ? This screw is loose. I can prove that he accepted those presents. 160 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 141 threshold main tain' suite concede tornado courtesy wreath conquest unfortunate confidence 142 ex treme'ly flex'i ble tackle tonic brethren tanned compete complicate compliment security 143 mes'sen ger out ra'geous attendant composite dairying utensil volunteer conclusion compound probably 144 ox'y gen pe cul'iar vapor verdant - visitor recollect vegetation fertilizer condense valuable 145 cit'i zen re mod 'el compute critic consider English changeable crouch confession England Supplementary Ex. 30: Words and "Word Groups Always two words : all right Always one word : almost, always, although all ready to go already gone all together in one place altogether too many Use these words and word groups in sentences. SECTION IV 146 161 rep e ti'tion extremely cudgel shriek flexible cab'i net threshold maintain messenger outrageous 147 sen sa'tion vanilla peculiar res'tive violin creature viol description conviction contrast 148 re volve' se'ries Swedish royal disgust slovenly Norwegian fiery loathsome wealthy The city must sell a new seines of bonds. 149 ro bust' sterling dictate oxygen wholesale ferment weapon dough dimension wafer sur vive' ISO suf lice' digit rigid Yankee vaseline motor worship squeak penitent Supplementary Ex. 31 : Dictation There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true ; Then give to the world the best you have And the best will come back to you. — Madeline Bridges. 162 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 151 wor'sted tor'ture citizen sensation revolve remodel series repetition restive cabinet trai'tor 152 tran'som - disgrace blamable robust famine passage referred youth displace wharf 153 abstract drain drawl extent exchange random dwindle fickle abstain thor'ou 154 re lieve' entrance enjoyment gourd tomato escort esteem impose sterling 155 gran'ite graduate gulch exclamation excusable mis spelled' preferred groove excessive effect The medicine had no effect. 156 bap'tism chis'el traitor suffice wharf torture survive transom disinfect abstract SECTION IV 157 163 di'a mond lease orator impair worsted mis'chie vous ledge, recede instruction launch 158 cler'i cal col lapse' gorge hastily relieve haven gender thorough urgent exploration e qua'tor locust marvel mushroom meager 159 tern 'per a ture suddenly medium lukewarm limitation 160 FOURTH SPELLING CONTEST arrival petition ascend mechanic locality influence scheme assistance standard atmosphere capable attain aught declarative measles steadily doily pension commerce foreigner compact friction pious complex poise composition wreath concede tornado confidence suite brethren dairying courtesy changeable critic shriek cudgel threshold maintain 164 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK extremely flexible messenger outrageous oxygen peculiar citizen remodel repetition cabinet restive sensation revolve series robust sterling survive suffice worsted torture traitor transom wharf abstract thorough relieve granite misspelled baptism chisel diamond mischievous clerical collapse equator temperature armory ghastly Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. ANNUAL SPELLING CONTEST a ban' don a muse'ment a* slst'ance breWren ab'straet 1 anal'ysis aVmos phere breVi ty ae'dir&te an nouncyment at tarn' brfl/er y ae quaint 'ance ant are' tie ad van'tage a part'ment a poT6 gy a pos'tro" phe" aVmor y ar riv'al a* cend' aYl'ver tl§e ai7r ga tSr ai'ti tude al to geth'er a/ mi a ble aught bur'I al * bal'eo" ny e&b'i net bap'ti§m eam'er a Ben'ja mm eSm'phOr beVer age eSn'di date be" witeh'fng ean'6 p>' bi'as ea'pa ble 1 noun and adjective ; verb is accented on last syllable. « Ur'i al. SECTION IV 165 eSt'a raet eon'fi denge die'tion a ry. ex'e eiite eau'tious eon'taet dis ap pear' ex hale' gen tSn'm al eon tra diet' dis sat/ is fled ex hi bi'tion change' a ble eon vene' div'i dend ex pla na'tion eAa'8s eor'dially 2 di vis/i ble ex treme'ly . chis/el e6rpse doi'ly fan'gi ful choe'6 late eour'te" sy dra'per y f&th'om qir'eiiit ereVige drou^t fer'tile c.it'1 zen erit'ie druggist fes'ti val giv'il erys'tal ea'sel fiend el&m'or eridg'el edu ea'tion flex'i ble eleVi eal daAl'ia e lee' trie fo'li age eoin'age daVry ing el'S va t5r for'eirous tyranny manifest rhythm ional decompose numerous prosecute 123 ap par'el pro fi'cient steadily colonel observe epitaph ordinary parliament penetrate original 124 strafe gy an ni ver'sa ry paragraph thorough oxygen spinach outrageous exhibition privations mystery 125 et'i quette ar'bi tra ry pulley consumption palatial principal precipice scavenger clamor reduction Supplementary Ex. 27 : Drill in Pronunciation Dan'ish, beyond', ex'tra, aus'pi c8§, facade 7 , Isolate, frtis'tum, recess', debitt', bon'wet, mis'ehie vous, larynx, phar'ynx, drowned, receipt', preferable, r6c/ipe, fron'tter, zoSl'ogy-, precedent, nozzle, v5l eanle, creek, won'dgr, wan'dgr, gin Qlrc nat% subtle, te leg'ra pher, Los An'ggl 6s. 196 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 126 crit'i cize can eel la'tion trophy attorney innocent proficient destitute strategy anniversary committee a'er o plane 127 a'vi a tor pronoun tribune pyramid vagrant vigilance patience partiality education a non'y mous 128 bar'ba rism portrait parallel gratitude abutment practical wizard temperature peaceable in sur'ance 129 drain' age buoy assessor yacht peculiar archipelago pliant circumstances petition e van'gel ist poise apparel quorum ceremony 130 al'ien transportation pious communication bequeath Supplementary Ex. 28: Dictation 1. Every right action and true thought sets the seal of its beauty on person and face. — Ruskin. 2. People who have not made friends with the birds do not know how much they miss. Especially to one living in the country, of strong local attachments and an observing turn of mind, does an acquaintance with the birds form a close and invaluable tie. — Burroughs. SECTION V 131 197 per pen dic'u lar sym'me try aviator aeroplane anonymous cancellation etiquette arbitrary criticize barbarism 132 syn'o nym re sourc'es receipt constancy drainage comely insurance composure dairying remodel slaugh'ter radiant daffodil register crocodile 133 cyl'in der heifer reindeer derivation rehearsal 134 anx i'e ty ruffian disperse reference director des'per ate divorce axiom satisfactory sediment 135 ac com'mo date char'ac ter restive erosion alloy siphon repetition experience remnant mercury Supplementary Ex. 29 : Long u Grouping du'bi cms il lu'sive su per sede' su per sti'tion tu'bu lar com mute' su per flu'i ty su per struc'ture nu'tri ment su per vi'sion sti per an'nu ate su per in tend'ent Add other words to this list. 198 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 136 pro ce'dure synonym alien evangelist surge con'fer ence desperate anxiety hemlock garrison chem'i cal slaughter cylinder perpendicular symmetry 137 .tes'ta merit gondola canvass fragmentary election 138 nau'se ate laud 'able saliva sterling habitation hesitate splendor hydrant impediment treasurer al lies' 139 com pan 'ion special revolve intricate sardine session infinitive stampede indemnity sus pi'cious 140 ac count'ant skeleton colonies studious resources scourge secrecy locomotive Jehovah Supplementary Ex. 30: Homonyms plain, plane hail, hale serge, surge canvas, canvass cession, session bolder, bowlder Use all these words in sentences ; for example : A biplane has two planes. The canvass shows that the bill can be passed at this session of Congress. What a hale old man he is ! The crowd surged into the room. SEC :tion V 199 141 in her'it ance bal'us ter allies usage nauseate laudable alliance accommodate conference chemical 142 chiv'al ry con'scious shrewd miraculous sheriff serenade character mechanism mutilate management 143 em'bas sy lieu ten 'ant superb giblets secretary storage standard oculist procedure nominate 144 con demn' he'li o trope series cabinet testament phantom suffice political preposition situation 145 jug'gler y an'guish sensation pioneer suite profanity pulverize companion scrofula responsible Supplementary Ex. 31: Dictation I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. — WORDSWOKTH. 200 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 146 max'i mum de vel'op chivalry accountant suspicious conscious embassy recreation lieutenant baluster vogue trivial sobriety condemn stability 147 tes'ti mo triangle subjective tapestry inventor de spair' tornado allurement trousers inheritance 148 woe'ful politics tedious likewise superior ve'hi cle 149 wield transom zodiac heliotrope vindicate conduce abdominal threshold valuation ad he'sion 150 a bom'i na ble valor obligation tenement admonition torture albumen impatient sacrifice Supplementary Ex. 32: Dictation The tumult and the shouting dies ; The captains and the kings depart ; Still stands thine ancient sacrifice, An humble and a contrite heart. Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget — lest we forget ! — Kipling. SECTION V 201 151 debt'or com mer'cial anguish jugglery develop maximum testimony mathematics system industrial 152 bias pheme' syn'di cate vogue headquarters valise verdict intrusion inauguration aptitude apprentice 153 chrys'a lis ex ist'ence vehicle despair export vague victuals establishment brocade bacillus con gen'ial 154 suf fi'cient waltz weasel decrease ensilage coerce woeful warrant chandelier 155 pres'sure e.con'o my wreath despise account wield wreathe consequence distribute congress 156 Fil i pi'no a pos'tle adhesion syndicate phase debtor blaspheme abominable chrysalis commercial 202 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 157 sep'ul cher in trep'id amnesty commodious affiliate tactics neutrality circumference antipathy alternate 158 an tique' chron'i cle ascension combination apathy arsenic artesian aristocratic assassin appendix 159 su per'flu ous authorize appliance explosive automobile u nan'i mous atheist auction existence rational 160 FOURTH SPELLING CONTEST committee destitute apparel proficient strategy anniversary etiquette arbitrary criticize cancellation aeroplane aviator anonymous barbarism insurance drainage evangelist perpendicular alien symmetry synonym resources slaughter cylinder anxiety accommodate desperate character procedure chemical conference testament nauseate laudable allies companion suspicious inheritance accountant baluster SECTION V 203 chivalry conscious embassy lieutenant condemn heliotrope jugglery anguish maximum develop vogue testimony despair woeful vehicle wield adhesion abominable commercial debtor blaspheme syndicate chrysalis existence congenial sufficient pressure economy Filipino apostle sepulcher intrepid antique chronicle superfluous unanimous trophy attorney Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. ANNUAL SPELLING CONTEST • abhor'rence adhesion an'guish Sspir'ant i£b 6 li'tion ad' mi ra ble a bom'i na ble ad mis 'si ble a bun'dant ad ven'ttire an ni ver'sa ry as si<7n' a non'y mous at tftr'ney an te ced'ent a'vi a tdr a ead'e my a'er 6 plane an tique' b&ch'e I5r ac cede' ag'gra vate anx I'e ty 1 bal'us ter a FIRST SPELLING CONTEST battalion bulletin cantaloupe catechism cutlery declension eccentric financier descendant imbecile beneficiary- jardiniere irresistible prestige veracity necessity periodical neuralgia deceased reconcile scientific technical vaccinate corps affidavit chauffeur chamois coercion delirious colleague frontispiece gazetteer picturesque licorice irrelevant medieval operetta pecuniary rheumatism seminary pneumonia reprisal antiseptic aqueduct commissary hygiene caricature emaciated miscellaneous mirage incorrigible lozenge crystallize architect perennial reservoir indisputable sovereign confederacy asthma magnanimous fictitious incredible mortgage fanatic pleurisy rhubarb statistics chiffonier volatile auctioneer contagious chagrin dexterous epilepsy infantry amateur adjutant Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. 216 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 41 cos met'ic coun'ter feit function artificial frivolous appearance injurious adversary - apparently distinguished 42 cus to'di an di leni'ma rhubarb dramatic jugular subpoena atrocious eavesdropper ludicrous precarious 43 con sci en'tious Pas'teur ize statistics elegant document infantry collateral constitution auctioneer inflammation 44 em'pha size drudg'er y eloquent inheritance volatile epilepsy enormity confectionery electricity dexterous 45 met ro pol'i tan in trigue' enamel migratory encore chiffonier epitaph demonstrate enthusiasm contagious Supplementary Ex. 6: Dictation There are men of esprit who are excessively exhausting to some people. They are the talkers who have what may be called jerky minds. Their thoughts do not run in the natural order of sequence. They say bright things on all possible subjects, but their zigzags rack you to death. After a jolting half-hour with one of these jerky companions, talking with a dull friend affords great relief. — Holmes. SECTION VI 217 squal'or cosmetic custodian chagrin counterfeit 46 ster'i Pasteurize emphasize lize dilemma drudgery in sid'i ous 47 in teg 'rity egotism efficiency disaster detachment epidemic influenza derelict emergency in etiquette courteous trin'sic Egyptian masculine 48 gro tesque' economy commercial executive adventure 49 pre ten'tious ges tic'u late culture conscientious embassy evangelist lieutenant accommodate European equivalent 50 a bridg'ment rou tine' exquisite negligence orchid desperate laudable foreclosure association mercantile Supplementary Ex. 7 : "Word Building ; ir the Base Ir'ri gate mlr'ror Ir'ri tate Ir ri ta'tion Ir'ri tant ir rev'er ent Ir reg'u lar Ir ri ga'tion Teachers and pupils may add to this list. Pronounce distinctly. Select other bases and build with them. 218 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 hy pot'e nuse bel lig'er ent insidious squalor intrinsic abroad metropolitan condemned integrity sterilize 52 hyp'o crite de bris i glacier grandeur glorious hurricane heretic gallows chemical ammunition prev'a lence 53 fas tid' i ous gorgeous allusion gauge generosity incredulous installment sentiment pretentious gel'a tin 54 hos'pi table guitar intrigue geyser genius clandestine larceny intensity invidious im mac'u late 55 rev'er ence agility aspirant gesticulate harangue liability grotesque anthracite bituminous Supplementary Ex. 8: Dictation 1. It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds, and these invaluable means of communication are in the reach of all. — Channing. 2. I believe that in every kingdom, state, or empire there must be, from the necessity of the thing, one supreme legis- lative power with authority to bind every part. — Samuel Adams. SECTION VI 219 56 ma lig'nant nu tri'tious depreciation debris alien fastidious abridgment routine revolutionary belligerent 57 symp'toms pan o ra'ma heliotrope existence ointment litigation perpendicular personnel monotonous ordinance 58 prop a gan'da de mo'bi lize hickory gelatin percolator heroine vehicle hospitable pantomime suffrage 59 in iq'ui ty te na'cious hypocrite propriety hideous resources hypotenuse predicament prevalence financial 60 ve'he ment habit'u al irksome spectacle strategy assets illiterate revulsion sagacious rectitude Supplementary Ex. 9: Dictation Be useful where thou livest, that they may Both waut and wish thy pleasing presence still. Find out men's wants and will, And meet them there. All worldly joys go less To the one joy of doing kindnesses. — Herbert. 220 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 61 buoy'ant * bron chi'tis reverence conservation symptoms demobilize panorama immaculate malignant nutritious 62 in i'ti ate el e men'ta ry dialect insignificant savory illustrate almanac determination succulent impulsive 63 vaude'ville gym na'si urn incentive transparent university theology incapable propaganda intelligent tenacious 64 hy'a cinth im por tune' impartial revival incense project prospective indignant imaginary calculate 65 stat is ti'cian men in gi'tis inferior inclosure aurora aluminum excruciating reputation aboriginal approbation Suggestion : To secure the vocabulary of the school environ- ment, pupils may make a list of ten words that are suggested by each of the following : dry goods, real estate, advertising, agricultural implements, amusements, hotels, architects, art dealers, attorneys, bicycles, automobiles, churches, manufac- turers, bakers, confectioners, banks, barbers, lumber, painters, furniture. SECTION VI 2: mon'arch y 66 ped'agogy bronchitis habitual vehement elementary buoyant develop forfeiture gymnasium tor'toise 67 jeop'ard y pauper initiate indigent behavior intimacy capricious individual importune 68 chrys an'the mum rat i fl ca'tion jonquil itinerary hyacinth confluence iniquity anxiety consistency conceivable al le'giance 69 lam'en ta ble debtor intrepid inclusive corporation expedite vaudeville infallible credential 70 deg ra da'tion- e man'ci pate covenant thoroughly corrosive dedicate desertion degenerate detriment denomination Supplementary Ex. 10: Dictation In point of all-round development, Franklin must stand as the foremost American. The one intent of his mind was to purify his own spirit, to develop his intellect on every side, and make his body the servant of his soul. We know of no man who ever lived a fuller life, a happier life, a life more useful to other men, than Benjamin Franklin. — Elbert Hubbard. 222 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK ec'sta sy epithet meningitis librarian ratification in cen'di a ry jeopardy tonsillitis statistician discourteous hyp'no tisin jocular allegiance jugglery electrocute 71 hy poth'e sis tortoise pedagogy monarchy chrysanthemum 72 e co nom'i cal dubious dilapidated junction disseminate 73 per' qui site juvenile symbol enormous fundamental 74 res ti tu'tion sergeant latitude so lic'it ous adept enterprise lamentable longitude exhaust expenditure lus'cious lenient maniac geometry insolvent 75 ' aes thet'ic furlough award ferocious performance Supplementary Ex. 11: Dictation When nature made the bluebird she wished to propitiate both the sky and the earth, so she gave him the color of the one on his back and the hue of the other on his breast, and ordained that his appearance in spring should denote that the strife and war between these two elements was at an end. — Burroughs. SECTION VI 223 76 sub stan'tial ar te'ri al incendiary economical ecstasy perquisite degradation emancipate woeful hypothesis 77 ma nip'u late leisure lycenm illustrious hydrogen en cum'brance implicit companion convenience menagerie hys ter'ics laundry hypnotism solicitous restitution 78 pneu mafic luscious competent intimidate substitute 79 ri die /u lous strat 'a gem mediator faculty iodine lucrative malicious miniature mistletoe jurisprudence Supplementary Ex. 12: Words Used in 1 3ie World War billet Foch Entente 3 B61 sh6 vik' convoy VerduN' 1 Br6st B61 she" vi ki' platoon mo rale' Belleau 4 Bol'she vi§m sector han'gar Reim§ Jugo-Slav 7 salient air'plane Meuge Czecho-Slovak 8 slacker barrage 2 Ar gonne' rep a ra/tion exemption In tern'ment St. Mihiel 8 mill t£ rl§m mobilize ean'ton ment Versailles 6 re ha bll I ta'tion Add other words to this list ; many are given in other parts of this book. 1 n is not sounded; it indicates thatthe preceding vowel is nasalized, that is, pronounced as if it were followed by ng. * ba razh'. « 5n taNT'. * be"l 16'. 6 saNmeyeT. 6 ve>sa'y\ i yoTJ'go slav'. 8 ch8k'6 s!6 vak'. 224 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 80 SECOND SPELLING CONTEST custodian dilemma conscientious Pasteurize emphasize drudgery metropolitan intrigue squalor sterilize insidious integrity intrinsic grotesque pretentious gesticulate routine abridgment hypotenuse belligerent hypocrite debris prevalence fastidious gelatin hospitable immaculate reverence malignant nutritious symptoms panorama iniquity propaganda demobilize tenacious vehement habitual buoyant bronchitis initiate elementary gymnasium vaudeville hyacinth importune statistician meningitis monarchy pedagogy chrysanthemum jeopardy tortoise ratification degradation ecstasy allegiance emancipate lamentable hypothesis incendiary economical hypnotism perquisite restitution solicitous luscious aesthetic arterial substantial manipulate hysterics ridiculous pneumatic encumbrance stratagem cosmetic counterfeit Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. SECTION VI 225 81 am'e thyst a poth'e ca ry optical masquerade mystery photograph microscope parallelogram missionary aesthetic An amethyst is a precious stone, colored purple. 82 ap pen di ci'tis as par'a gus arterial mileage millionaire pharmacy osteopath provincial peculiarities precedence 83 av oir du pois' col lo'qui al hysterics manipulate maximum renegade enervating substantial rhinoceros energetic 84 con cur'rent con'ju gate despair sedentary precipice sophomore massacre pneumatic encumbrance admirable 85 con spic'u ous con'tro ver sy martyr statuary negative neutral marriage symmetrical ridiculous stratagem 86 co quette' cri te'ri on amethyst apothecary conjugate colloquial avoirdupois concurrent appendicitis asparagus 226 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 87 cui sine' chat'tel official vertebra accessory obstinate nuisance accompanied nauseate administration pat'ron age 88 die ta to'ri al officiate opaque arbitration elaborate oasis caucus associate affinity 89 bou'le vard carnivorous bullion as sas'si nate noticeable celestial blasphemous courageous orchestra opportunity 90 per pet'u ate dis ci'ple concourse coalition federation memorandum allotment contiguous persuasion commonwealth Supplementary Ex. 13: Dictation Hence, of all people, children are the most imaginative. They abandon themselves without reserve to every illusion. Every image which is strongly presented to their mental eye produces on them the effect of reality. No man, whatever his sensibility may be, is ever affected by Hamlet or Lear, as a little girl is affected by the story of poor Red Riding Hood. She knows that it is all false, that wolves cannot speak, that there are no wolves in England. Yet, in spite of her knowl- edge, she believes ; she weeps ; she trembles ; she dares not go into a dark room lest she should feel the teeth of the monster at her throat. Such is the despotism of the imagination over uncultivated minds. — Mac aula v. SEC r noN vi 227 en vi'ron ment 91 os'tra cize cuisine conspicuous coquette apparel vogue controversy criterion dictatorial es'pi o nage 92 ter ri to'ri al paralyze contemplate circular credulous curiosity parenthesis converge constituent pur suit' 93 me'di o ere plentiful deposition perjure chattel vicious paralysis delicacy debatable in er' ti a 94 in gre 1 r di ent pendulum conception diligence peninsula boulevard patronage discretion assassinate in ter me'di ate 95 par'ti san embezzle prejudice piracy effectual emulation disconsolate dungeon pessimist 96 lab'o ra to ry va lid'i ty ostracize linear territorial disciple espionage insertion environment profession 228 mos qui'to exaltation pursuit perpetuate monopoly NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 97 pre co'cious extortion essential expedition enthusiast 98 typ'i cal melancholy proficient chloroform testament pro mis'cu ous glucose prophesy ingredient fraternity 99 vi vac'i ty sou ve nir' quinine imminent quartet physician inertia mediocre hilarity hypnotist lOO ste nog'ra phy innovation intuition unanimous indecisive ex empt'ed o le o mar'ga rine usury infinite analogy reception 101 vuTner a ble definite precocious mosquito abhorrence typical intermediate laboratory promiscuous 1Q2 suit'a ble aux il'ia ry partisan legislature parable admissible vacuum liniment souvenir irreparable co he'sion velocity mania validity moccasin SECTION VI 229 103 coun'te nance violence vertical mysterious mercenary 104 dif 'fi dence vivacity accede parliamentary am big'u ous vicinity treason overture observatory slaughter 105 re trieve' et y mol'o gy wield politician conscience pedigree perpetual recommend precipitate brilliant 106 av'a rice pressure peasant stenography auxiliary im mu'ni ty recruit rebellion regiment exempted tan'gi ble countenance cohesion synonymous vulnerable 107 ju di'ci a ry refrigerator republic oleomargarine primitive Suggestion: To secure the vocabulary of the school environ- ment, pupils may make a list of ten words that are suggested by each of the following: tailors, farming, housekeeping, booksellers and stationers, boots and shoes, builders, car- penters, cereals, chemicals, china and glassware, dentists, department stores, florists, grocers, hardware, heating, hos- pitals, insurance, jewelers, laundries, market, newspapers, photographers, physicians, railroads. 230 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 108 ar'mi stice ob'li ga to ry rhythm reticent referee reprieve satellite diffidence civilian righteous 109 palm'is try punc tu a'tion burlesque suitable synagogue specific superstition resignation subordinate rivalry no va'ri e gat ed sub scrip 'tion religion utility vindictive biennial retribution ambiguous remembrance temporary ill tran quil'li ty vol'un ta ry depleted judiciary retrieve tangible immunity etymology armistice obligatory 112 ab bre vi a'tion ru'di merits skeptic contingent avarice partition sarcasm accusation alderman adulterate 113 car'bu ret or li mou sine' aristocracy sarcastic schedule astronomy specifications avalanche palmistry. apparition SECTION VI 231 114 pre lim'i na ry u nique' sequence semicolon spinach salmon punctuation intrepidity Coliseum centenarian 115 gen e al'o gy hem'or rhage sanitary signature specialty compatible contemptible sepulcher convivial connivance 116 ig no min'i ous tac'it ly variegated bankruptcy limousine voluntary abbreviation subscription carburetor syndicate 117 nar cot'ic ma neu'ver sculpture diphthong deficient mustache symmetry synonym semester rudiments 118 > ca tas'tro phe ab'scess perilous conducive autocratic democracy capillary superfluous tranquillity despondent 119 ty'phoid quar'an tine unique antique testimony dolphin aggravate distinction preliminary efficient 232 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 120 THIRD SPELLING CONTEST asparagus appendicitis colloquial avoirdupois conjugate concurrent chattel controversy coquette criterion cuisine conspicuous patronage dictatorial disciple assassinate perpetuate boulevard ostracize environment espionage territorial pursuit mediocre inertia ingredient partisan intermediate validity laboratory mosquito precocious typical promiscuous vivacity souvenir suitable oleomargarine vulnerable exempted auxiliary stenography cohesion countenance tangible abbreviation retrieve etymology avarice preliminary immunity ambiguous armistice ignominious palmistry punctuation variegated subscription tranquillity voluntary diffidence rudiments carburetor limousine judiciary unique genealogy hemorrhage obligatory tacitly catastrophe maneuver narcotic abscess typhoid quarantine a ,methyst apothecary Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled dur- ing the past two months. SECTION VI 233 121 ter res'tri al eq'ui ta ble tacitly genealogy equipage hemorrhage ellipse excelsior enunciate systematic 122 tran'sient clique tableau archives combatant ignominious envious allies tantalize conference 123 or'a cle dem'a gogue facility texture frivolity telegraph il lu'sion gangrene narcotic flagrancy maneuver 124 fric as see' heredity catastrophe hypocrisy acknowledgment tolerate abscess theater horizontal 125 ho me o path'ic tariff treatise incongruous inflammatory im promp'tu transact tractable typhoid quarantine Supplementary Ex. 14: a in Unaccented Syllables, pronounced a, a, a, a, or with Obscure Sound as in final man'age preface Cu'ba u'sual man'date ul'ti mate A mer'i ca ramp'ant ded'i cate as'phalt Buf'fa lo at tend'ance 234 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 126 lith'o graph mac ad'am ize vocation clique oracle equitable electrotype fricassee terrestrial demagogue 127 nas tur'tium na tiv'i ty tuition trophy Pharisee Israelite leprosy inventory spiritual interpose 128 pen i ten'tia ry nav'i ga ble whimsical zenith monastery civics meritorious transient wholesome mariner 129 sar sa pa ril'la ther mom'e ter obviate penurious patriarch opportune illusion oxidize nitrogen nucleus 13C main'te nance > a'er o naut predecessor priority administrator cancellation physics porcelain relaxation mahogany Supplementary Ex. 15: e in Unaccented Syllables, pronounced 6, S, 6, 6, or with Obscure Sound as in prudent 6vent' forev'Br col'lege colo'nel benefit obsolete privilege mon'u ment tel'e" gram de" plor'a ble 6x pe" di'tious in'tel lfict SECTION VI 235 131 phos'phate se ren'i ty nasturtium lithograph apostle macadamize homeopathic impromptu nativity penitentiary 132 cir cum stan'tial co ef fi'cient autopsy scorpion revenue subsistence anomaly requisite socialism sarsaparilla 133 guar an tee' con cil'i ate venison chronicle Amazon supplement terminal transgress abduction thermometer 134 dis guise' con va les'cent guise allegory tyrant abyss adversity adoration navigable alimentary 135 cor'pus cle cre'o sote cholera arsenal cycle antiquity collusion morose strenuous approximate Supplementary Ex. 16: i in Unaccented Syllables, pronounced I, l, or I or'i gin ta'pir bi ol'o gj bro'mlde pal'lld na'dir criterion sul'phite dispatch' pacifist Philippines sacrifice 236 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 136 re cip'ro cate an aes thet'ic aeronaut coefficient conciliate procedure guarantee circumstantial separable maintenance 137 de nun ci a'tion de rog'a to ry serenity council banquet obstinacy biography corporal caravan commandant 138 de te'ri o rate diph the'ri a caboose concussion asterisk chemistry precious convalescent naphtha concentrate 139 dis crep'an cy dis par'age infatuate corroborate devout conjecture disguise consecutive delinquent contribution 140 do mes'ti cate dys pep'si a phosphate character croquet coupon competitor defendant decision deceptive Supplementary Ex. 17 : o in Unaccented Syllables, pronounced 6, 6, o, 6, or with Obscure Sound as in connect big'dt fur'row 6 pin'ion di'a ldgue fag'6t pr6 voke' tel'e scope cat'a l&gue pro't6 c6l of f end'ed pr6p 6 si'tidn con tin'u al SECTION VI 237 141 em broid'er y en cy clo pe'di a corpuscle creosote anaesthetic absorbent denunciation derogatory deteriorate diphtheria 142 tu ber cu lo'sis e qui noc'tial episode diagnose parliament defunct emperor departure congregation derision 143 er y sip'e las con sen'sus discipline distortion diploma disparage indispensable discussion discrepancy disposition 144 in com'pa ra ble ex traor'di na ry alumni eclipse eloquence anguish elocution emerald reciprocate elegance 145 hy dro pho'bi a hy drau'lic submarine sentinel eternal deposit equestrian endurance encampment designer Supplementary Ex. 18: u in Unaccented Syllables, pronounced u, u, u, u, u, or with Obscure Sound as in circus tin do' tin seat' ac'cu rate in'sti ttite supreme' unhitch' undula'tion Feb'ruary av'e nue er'u dite ul ti ma'tum sup plied' 238 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 146 in can des'eent glyc'er in tuberculosis dyspepsia erysipelas counsel domesticate equinoctial embroidery encyclopedia 147 fu'gi tive in qui si'tion exterior felony fidelity facial exonerate experiment consensus extraordinary 148 em bar'rass im ma te'ri al gorilla guardian tyranny genesis evolution galvanize fortitude franchise 149 fu sil lade' ex ag'ger ate idolatry evidence hostility fumigate humorous imperative impudence hesitancy 150 met a phys'ics mil len'ni um conveyance treacherous skepticism incomparable consignment initiation inclemency inconsistent Supplementary Ex. 19: Dictation Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs, And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns. — Tennyson. SECTION VI 239 or ni thol'o gy 151 scru' pu lous glycerin inquisition hydraulic embarrass immaterial hydrophobia currency incandescent pe tro'le um 152 phe aom'e non fatigue kangaroo insurgent fatiguing interrogation fusillade invincible intemperance al lege' 153 i ras'ci ble lyric conscious literary assign larynx manikin lymph leopard in i'ti a tive 154 pro eras' ti nate culpable municipal fugitive referendum sufficient metaphor monetary exaggerate psy chol'o gy 155 rem i nis'cence officious besiege optimism opponent paradox obsolete oblivion oblivious con de scend' 156 spor i ta'ne ous pernicious millennium allege metaphysics petroleum phenomenon supersede conservatory 240 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK 157 in'sti gate weird pique perdition irascible possession tragedy initiative pennant pedestal 158 be reave' a sy'lum privacy premises forage propensity profusion reciprocal precinct precipitous 159 a cous'tics vi va'cious luxuriant ornithology clinic significant scrupulous entomology syringe development 160 FOURTH SPELLING CONTEST transient clique demagogue oracle impromptu fricassee homeopathic illusion lithograph phosphate nasturtium nativity penitentiary navigable sarsaparilla guarantee maintenance aeronaut macadamize serenity circumstantial coefficient thermometer conciliate convalescent disguise corpuscle creosote reciprocate anaesthetio denunciation derogatory deteriorate diphtheria discrepancy disparage domesticate dyspepsia encyclopedia embroidery equinoctial consensus glycerin embarrass irascible petroleum initiative condescend bereave SECTION VI tuberculosis erysipelas extraordinary incandescent immaterial millennium phenomenon procrastinate spontaneous asylum terrestrial hydraulic fugitive fusillade scrupulous allege psychology instigate weird 241 incomparable hydrophobia inquisition exaggerate ornithology metaphysics reminiscence acoustics vivacious equitable Note. — Add other words which have been misspelled during the past two months. ANNUAL SPELLING CONTEST aft bre vl a'tion am a tewr' ar te'rl al a bridg'ment am blg'u ous as par'a gus ab'scSss am'e thyst as sas'sl nate a eous'tles an a8s thet'Ie as/ft'ma ariTju tant an tl sgp'tle a sy'lum a/er 6 naut a pSth'e ea rjf aue tion eer' a£s thet'Ie ap pen dl Qi'tis aux Il'ia ry af /I da'vlt aq'ue duet av'a Tlqe a? lege' ar'eM teet aZ le'gianqe ar'ml stlqe » ben e fisn'i I ry be7 llg'Sr ent beneft'clary 1 be reave' bou'le" vard bron eM'tls bul'te tin bwoy'ant ean'ta loupe av oir du pois/ car'bu r6t 5r ba£ tal'ion ear 'I ea ture 242 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK ea tas'tr6 ph£ con ta'gious d$ scgnd'ant 6n cj elo pe'dl ij eat'S cM§m cba grin' qham'ols chattel qhau/feur' 1 chlf /6 mer 7 eftn'tro vSr sjf dS te'rl 6 rate 6n vi'ron ment eonvalgs'cent dex'tgrous gp'Ilepsy e6 qn&tte' die ta to'rl al e qui noe'tial corps dlf '/I denqe eq'ul ta ble eor'piis cle dl lgm'ma 6r f sIp'S las eS§ mgt'Ie dlph the'rl a es'pl 6 nage eArysan'theTnum eoun'te nanqe dls cj'ple et y mSl'o g^ cjr cum stan'tial eoun'tgr felt dls erep'an qy gx ag'^Sr ate ere'6 sote dls giuge' ex gmpt'gd eri te'rl on dls par'age gx traor'dl na ry er^s'tal llze do mgs'tl cate fa natle eui s/ine' drtidg'gr J fas tld'I ous etis to'dl an dys pgp'sl a fie tl'tious eut'lgr f ee Qgn'trlc fin an cji'gr' de bris' 4 e eo n6m1 eal f rle as see' de" qeased' ge'sta sjr fron'tls piece de elgn'sion 61 £ nign'ta ry fu'gl tlve dggrada'tion Sma'ciatgd 6 fu stflade' d§ llr'I ous e" man'cjt pate gaz et teer' dgm'$, gogwe 6m bar'rass ggl'a tin c6n scl gn'tious 3 de mo'bl llze 6m broid'Sr y g6n 6 al'6 gf con sgn'sus de ntin el a'tion gm'pha size g6s tle'fi late con splc'ti. ous de" r&g'a t6 rjf 6n cum'branqe glyc/Br In cliqwe eog/fl'cient 2 co Sr'cion co he'gion colleague co/ lo'qul al eSm'rals sa vf eon cti'I ate con eiir'rent c6n dS scgnd' confgd'gracjr eon'ju gate • shOf&r'. '-flsh'ent. » k&n shl dn'shus. * dfi bru\ » fima'ahl at 3d gr6 t&sque' guar an tee' gym na/§I um ha bltfu al hgm'or ih&ge homeopath'Ie hSs'pI ta ble hy'a qlnth hy drau'lle hydropho'bla hy'gl ene hyp'no tl§m hyp'6 erlte hy pftt'e nuse hy p5th'e sis hys ter'Ies Ignominious ll lu'gion Im'be cfle Im mae'u late Im ma te'rl al Im mu'nl ty Im por tune' SECTION VI Im pr5mp'tu j ar di niere' 4 In can decent jeop'ard y In Qgn'dl a ry ju dl'cl a ry 5 Incomparable lab'6 ra to ry In eor'rl gl ble lam'en ta ble In ergd'I ble lle'6 rlqe In dls'pu ta ble li' mou §Ine' Iner'tla 1 lithograph In'fan try l5z'enge In gre'dl ent In Iq'ul ty Inl'tlate 2 Initiative 3 liis'cious 6 mac ad'am ize magDan'I mous main'te nanqe In qui gl'tion ma llg'nant In sldl ous ma neu'vgr In'stI gate ma nlp'u late In teg'rl ty me dl e'val In tgr me'dl ate me'dl 6 ere 7 In trigwe' men In gi'tls In trln'sle m6t a phy§1es 1 ras'cl ble m6t ro p6l1 tan Ir rgl'e vant mIZ len'nl um Ir re §Ist'I ble mi' rage' 8 243 mis eel la'ne ous mon'areft y mortgage mos qu'i'to nar eot'Ie nas tur'tium 9 na tlvl ty nav'I ga ble ne cgs'sl ty neft ral'gl a nu trl'tious Sb'H ga to ry oleomargarine Sp gr et'te, 5r'a ele Sr nl thol'o gf 5s'tra cjze paZm'Is try- pan 6 ra'ma par'tl §an Pas'tewr ize pat'ron age pe eu'nl a rjr Mngr'shifc. »inish'iat. 3 in ish'i&tiv. * zharde nyar'. 6 jOTdish'iS ry. 6 lush 'us. i -kSr. 8 me razh'. 8 nas tur'sbum. 244 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK pgd'a go gf psy e/iSl'6 gy sgm'I na ry t6r rl to'rl al pen I ten'tia ry pune tu a'tion se ren'I ty per en'nl al pur suit' so lie/It ous pe rl Sd'I eal quar'an tine sou. vS ni'r' pSr p6t/u ate rat I ft ea'tion s&v'6r elan per'qul §Ite re cjp'ro eate spon ta/ne" ous tu bSr eu lo'sls pe tro'le um ree'on qlle squal'or ty'phoid phe noni'e nSn r6m I nls'cenqe stat Is tl'cian typ'I eal thgr mSm'e" t£r tor'tmse tran qull'fl ty transient 3 phos'phate re prlg'al pie t$r gsqwe' rgg'Sr voir 2 pleu'rl sy r6s tl tu'tion pneu mat'Ie re trj'eve' pneu mo'nl a reVgr enqe pre eo'cious rfteu'ma tl§m sub stan'tial pre llm'I n£ ry rTm'barb suit'a ble pr6s tige' ■ rl dle'u lous symp'tom§ pre" ten'tious rou tine' t&c/It ly preVij lenqe ru'dl ments tan'gl ble pr6 er&Vtl nate sar sa pa rll'/a teeft'nl eal pro mls'eil ous sci en tlf le tS na/cious prSp a gan'da seru'pu lous ter reVtrl al sta tls'tles u n'iqwe' st6 nSg'ra phy vae'cl nate steVl lize va lid? tf strat'a gem va'rl £ gat 6d sub serlp'tion vaude'vlUe 4 ve'h£ ment v$ rSQ'I tf vi va'cious vi v&qI tf vSl' a tile vSl'un t& rf vul'ngr a ble weird Note. — Review in oral contest the annual contests of Sec- tions IV and V ; also words misspelled during the year. 1 prSstSzh' * r&t'Sr vw6r. 8 -shent. vod'vil. N. E. A. SPELLING CONTEST, CLEVELAND, OHIO, JUNE 29, 1908 Written List which disappear regretted chimney separate mischief noticeable necessarily develop character restaurant partition whether pursue curiosity capitol February- origin miniature muscle benefited exercise poem preparation grammar handkerchief brethren victuals accommodate potatoes persevere disease embarrass iron umbrella millinery business together arctic sovereign acquiesce beginning particular mischievous parallel surprise adjacent several judgment thorough pumpkin laboratory until negroes except balloon management fulfill recognize geography analysis principal similar cistern lettuce 'professor admittance misspelled elm descendant irrelevant equipage precede government foreigner cemetery occasion analyze deceit conscience divisible detached hygiene architect changeable governor siege stationery supersede cleanse niece athletic occurrence vertical alley convenience committee prejudice ceiling sufficient 246 NEW CHAMPION SPELLING BOOK Oral List busy immediate believe receive salary expense speak sieve raisin « recommend aqueduct neuter juicy disease license salad axle truly skillful jewel gingham cabbage vinegar proceed cedar celery prairie panel arithmetic forcible kerosene cancellation disconsolate argument extravagant battlement accomplishment i accident get intemperance educate rather visible American Capabilities candidate animal engine yet Italian solemn definition ceremony genuine barbarism clemency representative collateral volunteer gracious fatigue excessive countenance collapse seize reverence indelible vaccinate apparatus acid salve dissatisfy strategy emanate perilous caterpillar ascend decimal knowledge^ elevate area position gnaw guise criticize Benjamin syllable maintain dying cereal exempted eulogy tactful convalescent territorial necessity weird exhilarate latter inquisitive correspond condescend foreign irresistible wonder wander recede disappear secretary deference urgent fulfill perilous supreme drowned address N. E. A. SPELLING CONTEST 247 lemon magazine tariff mattress sheriff to too two write through their there every guide sure children careful already altogether certain daily enough shoulder weather meant tongue village principle straight scholar language occur ankle boundary sentence relative declarative refer applaud rinse adhere offense rehearse grateful rustle object recess discord influence express illustrate peaceable blamable sensible baggage fairies capitol decease illusion allusion petition spherical scheme remedy villain tragedy strategy accidentally farthest fiery religious neuralgia excellent haggard immaterial apparel possession massacre managing vicious predecessor plausible righteous paralyze miracle organization l stationary definite advertisement gas adjustable experiment accept Harvard providence statement sentiment benevolence amusement parliament independent rudiments audience prominent vehement electricity irascible indispensable history equipped lieutenant creditor superintendent fragile admission business PRONUNCIATION CONTEST bouquet preferable bisect millionaire incomparable lamentable address statistician indisputable rise (n.) nonchalant pronunciation inquiry despicable gallant contrary impious Italian mustache exemplary Iowa franchise alternate obligatory disreputable accent (v.) acclimated frustum New Orleans accent (n.) contrast (v.) forehead Cincinnati discourse automobile disputable Seattle mischievous obliquely chauffeur picturesque precedent(n. ,) laureate depot exquisite precedence experiment salmon meningitis gross biography Roosevelt finance romance St. Louis attacked appendicitis route Illinois envelope Arab suite squalor Evangeline Concord creek recess area Danish maniacal waylaid debris docile often lyceum debut frontier almond illustrate guardian legislative facade advertisement Hiawatha research telegrapher politic cupola vehement juvenile Arkansas cerebrum water Palestine Missouri abdomen zoology dynamite economical Los Angeles 248 VB 36528 €28012 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY . ■■••••-_• .. ■ ■-. = ;•; : ■,;■ . mmm lh :^•/;;//^^ ; : : :£f: : /; : ;;i: ■ £§11 '..• ' ■.-:- : - ;: ; .. : .■;;: F: "... : .'.'.'. '■:'■ '". '■' ■■' ..... '.':':.'■'. '::;';