v^"^*^^ Self Unfoldment CLASS LESSONS /. How to Obtain Poise and Power II. How to Develop One's Own Mediumship III. How to Send Thought Messages IV. How to Manage the Sub-Conscious Mind V. How to Heal Ourselves and Others LECTURES VI. The Common Origin of Religions VII. Spiritualism and the Poets VIII. New Thought, Christian Science and Spiritualism IX. The Practical Value of a Good Memory B. F. AUSTIN, A. M., D. D. The Austin Publishing Company Los Angeles, California GIFT OF SELF^UNFOLDMENT Class Lessons and Lectures B. F /AUSTIN, A.MLD.D. Author of "RationarMemory Training," "Glimpses of the Unseen," "Woman: Her Character, Culture and Calling," "The Mystery of Ashton Hall," "What Converted Me to Spiritualism." "Christianity and Spirituulism, Etc THE AUSTIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Copyright October, 1917 By B. F. AUSTIN FOREWORD For sixteen years the substance of the following Lessons and Lectures have been given to my Classes in all the leading Cities from New York to San Francisco and at many Camps and Chautauquas. There have been so many requests for their publication in book form that I send out this first series of them with Greetings to my many thousands of students and a fervent Prayer that they may prove helpful in the work of Self Unfoldment. B. F. AUSTIN 43325 HOW TO OBTAIN POISE AND POWER CHAPTER I Everyone has noted the difference between a machine properly balanced, accurately adjusted and well oiled and frictionless in its working and one loosely fitted, poorly lubricated, creaking, groaning and wearing itself out in its attempted service. Some lives seem frictionless, harmonious, effective ; and other people in their attempts at living wear themselves out body and mind and ac- complish little. Some lives are a constant song and some a constant discord. Why? What a difference between the planet rolling forward majestically in its own orbit, fulfilling its divine mis- sion, and singing the praises of its Maker, and the erratic shooting star. How beautifully the poised bird soars above our heads on extended pinions and how painful the efforts of the bird with broken wing. The airship under perfect control is a thing of beauty, but unbalanced, dis- abled and crashing to earth it becomes a painful vision. Pass a needle through an orange some distance from the center and holding the ends of the needle cause it to revolve and you get an irregular, wobbling motion. Pass the needle through the center and set it revolving and you have poise and grace and beauty in every revolution. So with the poised and unpoised characters of men. Multitudes have never learned how to harmonize their powers. They have not come into self-realization. They have not come to the greatest discovery of life the find- ing of one's Self. They have not found their centre. They are building in thought and labor around a false centre and can never know peace, harmony, poise and power until they find themselves and make their think- ing and life activities revolve around their real selves. Man must find his centre and his orbit before he conies into Peace, Poise and Power. The multitude go wobbling through life erratic, uncertain, undependable. The few have -found themselves and life's true mission and are stsa