HX IRLF H6 JINGLE COPIES 10 Cts. In Lots of 100 or More, 7 Cents Per Copy i^^..^ n rr 'T* "~~ iEl 25 ISM he LYING LURE F BOLSHEVISM By WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, ScD., A. M. Member Board of Trustees American Defense Society Author of "Awake! America," "A Searchlight on Germany" and "A Democracy of Crocodiles" "In Russia a wife of the great divide Stands dazedly counting her dead. Before her a barren grain-field lies; Beyond her the smokeless factories rise; Beside her the voice of Famine cries, 'Hurrah for a crust of bread!'" Pamphlet Series No. :;,::-,., *$>^ '* .\: ::-r-.fc : .- . :-.:..:: .,.-. . A -.c y PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN DEFENSE SOCIETY 1133 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY NOVEMBER, 1919 Copyright, 1919, by the American Defense Society, New York The H IV American Defense Society IS an incorporated permanent organiza- tion of our citizens, with National Headquarters in New York City and with branches throughout the United States and Insular possessions, for the purpose of doing collectively . those duties necessary for national defense which individuals are likely to leave un- done. The Society is a national center to which information of all kinds is brought. It can make an orderly dis- tribution of tasks, can speak effectively to the constituted authorities and by means of propaganda, influence public sentiment for concerted action. The Society justified its existence by repeatedly taking action in support of a vigorous prosecution of the war and in unhesitatingly attacking whatever sa- vored of disloyalty or hindered the achievement of complete victory. The Society is now as aggressively taking pari r ii^ this .."flelvtf wafr"; against the "en- emy "within.'* ' t :-": .. The Sppiety. is govercfed by a Board of T metres; and by '*a Executive Com- mittee appointed from the Board of Trustees, all of whom are giving their services free. The Society is supported entirely by its membership dues and by voluntary contributions. Membership is open to all citizens of the United States. It is strictly non-political. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S WARNING. "We should set our faces like flint against the criminal leadership of the I. W. W. "The Socialists and all the crew who stand for any form tof either Bolshevism or Kaiserism have been warned that they shall not betray this nation. "The simple truth is that the men who lead and give tone to the I. W. W. are more dangerous criminals than an equal number of white slavers and black handers. "The Internationalist of the Red Flag or the Black Flag type is an enemy of this nation just exactly as much as Hindenburg or Ludendorff was before the armistic was signed. "The utter ruin which the Bolsheviks have brought on Russia offers an illuminating example of the destruction which they would bring upon the United States." THE GREAT DIVIDE. "Something for nothing! They shall not pass!" The high-brow Socialist cried. "Down with the capitalistic class! Up with the proletariat mass! Hurrah for the great divide!" "Something for nothing!" The Anarchist came Fresh from the other side. Alien in heart and alien in name, Bankrupt in gratitude, sense and shame, He shrieks for the great divide. "Something for nothing! No work, high pay!" The I. W. W. decide. "Welcome the dawn of our sabotage day. Unless we are given our sovereign way, Destroy the machine, and set fire to the hay! Hurrah for the great divide!" "Something for nothing!" the Bolshevists yell, Sweeping all order aside. "Give us your lands and your goods as well, Your all, or we'll send your souls to hell! Now cometh the great divide!" In Russia a wife of the great divide Stands dazedly counting her dead. Before her a barren grain-field lies, Beyond her the smokeless factories rise; Beside her the voice of Famine cries, "Hurrah for a crust of bread 1" W. T. H. 436298 The Lying Lure of Bolshevism By William T. Hornaday. CONCERNING THE PARENTAGE OF BOLSHEVISM To millions of persons whose moral standards are worth about five cents on the dollar, the idea of legally robbing some one else is positively fascinating. The practice of it in America, England, Germany and Russia under the gen- eral title of Predatory High Finance, is too well known to require comment. Those who rob in from five to seven figures are chiefly responsible for the birth of the monster called Bolshevism; but let it be distinctly understood (1) that not every hated "capitalist" is a robber, any more than every laboring man is one. We have seen that many a millionaire has earned his millions just as honestly as any carpenter earns his wage of $5 per day; but the so- cialists ignor or vehemently deny this fact. It is true that we consumers have suffered from Pre- datory Capital ; and many efforts have been made to muzzle it. Now, however, the pendulum has swung too far the other way, and the world is fighting for its life against the Robber Horde. The Robber Horde is dazzled and enthralled by the lust for unearned power and wealth. Lenine and Trotzky have set the pace, and shown that the Great Divide sometimes is possible. Bolshevism is the direct appeal to Greed and Lust through Ignorance and Brute Force. Show me a Bol- shevist and I will show you a potential robber and free- lover. The lure of Bolshevism and Marxian Socialism is at once the most powerful and dangerous that ever tempted rotten-hearted and sinful men. "Stolen property" is its bait, and Ignorance is its favorite agent. Whenever its foes are commanded by General Apathy, the robbers win. THE LOGIC OF MARX-LENINE SOCIALISM The time for the academic study, or investigation of the principles of socialism has gone by. The hostiles are on the war-path with their paint on and their tomahawks sharpened for action. Under the red flag of anarchy blood has flowed in Russia in great streams, and it is flowing 4 today in the streets of other lands. Just fancy the shoot- ing down of hundreds of people mostly civilians in th quiet streets of Dresden, around the union railway station! It may be started next in Madison Square. "Revolution" is the word on the lips of many a Socialist orator; and that means civil war no more and no less. The program of the Socialists and Bolsheviks can be printed on one page. According to Marx of 72 years ago, and Lenine today, it is precisely as follows: In every country a despotic "dictatorship" of the un- washed human herd of "proletariat." "Clean out the capitalists." Seize the banks, trust companies, lands, mines, factories, railroads, telegraphs, telephones, street railways, steamship lines, docks, ferries, all public buildings and offices, forests, water power, securities, goods, jewels and houses. Strip clean all owners of property; be- cause every property owner, and every one who hires help of any kind, is a "capitalist" and a "slave-driver." Turn all property over to the class-conscious (and often ignorant!) workmen and "soldiers," to manage as they see fit, by "soviet" meetings and continuous voting. Abolish all police. Have an army ; but no general or other officer is to issue a command until he has obtained authority to do so by a vote of the "soldiers." All "profits" are to be taken out of all industries. Money is abolished. The ignorant "proletariat mass" of rough-necks under- takes to regulate and manage the production and dis- tribution of food. The land is given to the people who can work it with their own hands, without hiring help. Only those who work with their hands can vote. All those who do intellectual work (at laborers' wages) are disfranchised, because they are not producers. The intellectuals and educated people (burgeoise) are pulled down to the level of the most ignorant laborers, to bring about "equality." Socialism is bitterly hostile to the church and religion. The Marx-Lenine socialist has no country, and knows no such sentiment as patriotism. He is an "interna- tionalist." Finally, the radical socialist oppose all wars save of their own making and refuse to fight in defense of their country, whatever that may be. They oppose 5 the buying of liberty bonds, and the payment of na- tional debts. (One of Lenine's first actions was to repudiate the national debt of Russia.) Thanks to Lenine, Trotzky and their fellow gunmen this bedeviled world has been given a practical demonstration of Marxian Socialist-Bolshevism carried out to its full logical conclusion. And what do we see? We see a once-great nation in RUINS ! The idiotic socialists have, ever since Carl Marx, vocif- erously demanded that all production and distribution of food shall be under the control of "the class-conscious proletariat." Ever since November 7, 1917 (most fatal day !) the hell-hounds ,o,f Russia under Lenine and Trotzky have been in control of the production and distribution of all food. They have had "the granary of Europe" at their command. The people have had to obey them, or be shot. One full harvest time has come and gone. And where are they today? On April 11, 1919, no less an authority than Herbert C. Hoover issued publicly in Paris, a statement containing the following declaration : "In Russia the gravity of the situation can not be over- estimated. A very conservative estimate would indicate that upwards of 200,000 people are directly or indirectly dying from the food shortage [i. e. FAMINE !] monthly at the present moment, and the situation is likely to grow in intensity as the season progresses. "The Lenine and Trotzky socialization of the processes of production has so WRECKED both production and dis- tribution as to creat a state of famine in a country which formerly contributed to the food supply of the world." THE "SOCIALIST" PARTY IN AMERICA In America the pre-war Socialist party was a very dif- ferent organization from the Socialist party of 1919. It contained many men who felt that as between Capital and Labor the times were out of joint, and a new deal was necessary to put them right. Concerning the abuses of the power of combined capital, they were absolutely right. With the moderate socialists of the pre-war type we have no quarrel. They believed in the betterment of society and economics by ballot and legislation rather than by strike and the bludgeon. But the Socialist party of today is a party of radicals, extremists and red-flaggers. Those elements apparently 6 are in practically complete control. To doubt this is to doubt the evidence of one's senses. What else are we to think when we read (N. Y. Tribune, Apr. 12, 1919 such headlines as these: RADICALS FORCE BOLSHEVISM ON SOCIALIST PARTY Left Wing Has Manifesto Adopted in Queens That Pledges Aid to Russian and German Extremists. Gaining Control of Party. Referendum Through Nation Expected to Place Power of Body in Their Hands. "The so-called Left Wing of the Socialist Party is con- stantly pressing forward toward complete capture of the Socialist party machinery It was admitted by of- ficials of the Socialist party at the party's headquarters at 7 East 15th Street that the Left Wing might obtain control in the party's Central Committee, which, as the chief organ of the party lays down the rules and methods of organiza- tion and agitation. "Similar progress is being made by the Left Wing in other cities. Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, Cleveland and other centres are already in its grip." This way lie MADNESS, RIOT, CIVIL WAR, BLOOD- SHED, DESTRUCTION AND CHAOS the same as in Russia ! And so we say, when Socialist and Bolshevik travel to- gether and sleep in the same bed, we are justified in calling them all by the universal name, Bolsheviki. The Socialists, like all the other Bolsheviks of America, are industrious and persistent educators. Now they are entering seriously into the business of poisoning the minds of the young, even little children of tender years. On Mon- day, April 14, the New York Tribune published an array of startling facts under the following head-line summary: Lenine Doctrines Taught to Hundreds of Children in Socialist Schools Here. Classes Conducted Regularly on Sundays, and Pupils Quickly Learn to Hate the Capitalists. Youngsters Speak Glibby of Proletariats, Manifestos and Anarchy. Fifteen such schools are holding regular sessions. Soon there will be at least one school for each Assembly District. The locations of the Schools were given, and stenographic T reports of proceedings were printed. They are under the general direction of a Russian Bolshevist named Samuel A. Slavsky, who said: "Certainly I am a Bolshevist." At the Rand Socialist School teachers are taught every Wednesday night. A Russian who SAYS he is a Bolshevist, teaching teachers in the Rand School regularly ! Americans, how do you like the picture? THE BLUDGEON OF BOLSHEVISM. One conflagration has succeeded another. No sooner were the flames of German militarism extinguished than the fires of Russian Bolshevism began to spread beyond devastated Russia, and threaten the world. The torturers, murderers, thieves and maniacs of Russia have found quick assistance from their "brother" Socialists and anarchists of Europe, America and Argentina. Ten per cent, of Europe and one per cent, of America have gone mad with lust for robbery, blood and destruction. Here in America, at this very moment L. C. A. K. Martens is flaunting himself in public as the official representative of the ghastly Lenine-Trotzky "Soviet" chaos in Russia. Of course the American Bolsheviks are kowtowing to him. He spoke at a public meeting of Socialists at the Hunt's Point Palace, Bronx Borough, New York City, on April 2, 1919 ; and the U. S. Department of Justice tolerates Martens' presence in America, and has rejected demands for his arrest and internment as an active enemy alien. And the cables from Paris tell us that in Paris an effort was made to invite the Leninist murderers of Russia to send representatives to the Peace Conference, to help arrange terms with Russian anarchy, murder and wholesale robbery ! Doesn't it look like hell? Since we already have hell upon earth, in many places, it is perfectly right to talk about it in fitting terms. Let us prepare NOW ! "Bludgeon" is the word to couple with Socialism, as well as with Bolshevism. The Bolsheviks have put the blood into it; and with it they rob, beat down, smash, torture, kill and pulverize everything that civilized men and women hold most dear. It smashes the flag, the government, the rights of men, the honored citizen, the home, and the honor of women. Arm a gorilla or a Hun with a knotted club, turn him loose to smash everything in sight, and you have a Bol- shevik. 8 Bolshevism, or radical Socialism, is the replacement of democracies and monarchies by the most cruel and brutal form of proletariat despotism, and political and economic chaos, that ever was conceived by man. It is a wild orgy of murder, loot, lust and laziness. RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK ATROCITIES: A WARNING. In western Russia, Bolshevism now has been fully in power ever since Nov. 7, 1917. The Russian educated people and owners of property have had full time in which to learn the results of Bolshevik logic carried out to six decimal places. Mr. Albert Rhys Williams says "it is an interesting experiment"; but to the respectable people of Russia it is a bloody, hungry, ragged and hideous accom- plished fact. Mr. Herbert C. Hoover formally has an- nounced that through the utter incompetence of the Bol- shevists, and the breakdown of their Soviet systems (?) for the production and distribution of food, upwards of 200,000 people are dying of starvation every month. In order that the people may know exactly what to ex- pect whenever the class-conscious dictatorship of the proletariat once gets them by the throat, we are going to print here some Exhibits of the actual doings of Bolshevism in Russia, as it were only yesterday. Now, Reader, after you have read this section ask yourself these two questions : 1. What will be the effect upon the United States and the world at large of leaving the gorillas of Bolshevism in power in Russia? 2. Ought we to help Russia with some of our surplus war stores, or send them to the scrap pile instead? It is well worth while to place on record in these pages a very few of the records of Bolshevik atrocities that have filtered out of Russia this year. The occurrences recited below are exactly what any community confidently may expect from the rule of Bol- shevism, anarchy and communism. FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES, March llth, 1919 RUSSIA UNDER REDS A GIGANTIC BEDLAM Escaped Victims say Maniacs Stalk Raving Through the Streets of Moscow. Fight Dogs for Carrion. Starving Crowds Devour Flesh Torn from the Carcasses of Worn-out Horses GENEVA, March 9. Fugitives from Russia describe life tn Russia under Lenine's rule as a nightmare In a lunatic asylum. These unfortunates continue to straggle into Switzerland. I hare talked with many of the victims of the Bolshevist madness, who are still haunted by the terrible scenes they have witnessed, and unnerved by the mental and physical tortures they have endured, and the tales they tell are full of grotesque horror. "The City of Moscow," one of them says, "is reduced to about 1,000,000 inhabitants. Before the Bolshevist regime it had 3,000,- 000. The population is dying of starvation and plague, decimated by executions, rotting in prisons. Flight is almost impossible, for the trains have stopped running. "In the streets tragic and terrifying scenes are enacted. A horse falls exhausted with hunger and is immediately attacked by a score of famished dogs, who begin tearing it. Red Guards with loaded revolvers keep off the crowd which soon assembles, watch- ing the horrible sight with ferocious looks of envy. But some- times the guards do not arrive on the scene in time, and then men and women cast themselves upon the carcass, slashing it with their knives and fighting with the snarling dogs for the bleeding strips of flesh, which they devour on the spot, not having sufficient will power to carry home to cook. "Such is the communist paradise which the Bolsheviki promised their miserable dupes. Fear and famine have engendered a ver- itable epidemic of insanity. The asylums are overcrowded and for the last two months have been unable to accept new patients. Lunatics and maniacs of all kinds stalk raving through the streets. The prisons are full of madmen. In the maternity hospitals the death rate is incredibly high. According to the managing physic- ian of one of these establishments 90 per cent, of the mothers die after child-birth, and infant mortality is scarcely lower. "Funerals, like everything else, are 'nationalized.' That is to say, the dead are carried away in carts and dumped into a vast common grave at the cost of the State. No religious ceremony is performed, and no crosses may be erected over this gruesome pit. "The nationalization of women has been carried out in various provincial towns, but so far Moscow has escaped this crowning infamy. In some districts, however, the local Soviets have gone even further and have instituted a sort of conscription of women for immoral purposes. An informant has communicated to me the following authentic document: "WORKMEN'S SOVIET OF MURZILOWSKA, Dec. 16, 1918. The Soviet herewith gives full authority to Comrade Gregory Savelieff to commandeer after his choice for the needs of the ar- tillery regiments garrisoned at Murzilowska, District of Briansk, sixty young women and girls of the bourgeois classes, and deliver them at the barracks. Kamenkin, President of the Soviet. Sabelnikoff, Secretary." "While the people including the proletariat, are starving and dying of disease by thousands, sunk in the most abject misery," says another fugitive, a Swiss engineer who was in Moscow two weeks ago, "the Bolshevist leaders and high officials live a life of luxury and dissipation in the finest palaces and hotels of the city. Each Commissary has several handsome and elegant 'lady secre- taries' attached to his person. Every night these Bolshevist officers are dining and carousing with their female secretaries in the most fashionable restaurants in Moscow the Empire and Na- tional into which only prominent members of the Soviet, equipped with special entrance tickets, may penetrate, for inde- acribable orgies are enacted there." 10 FROM THE N. Y. TIMES of Feb. 15th, 1919. OMSK ARCHBISHOP TELLS OF ATROCITIES Gruesome Picture of Bolshevist Rule Drawn in Letter to Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Details Confirmed by Information Reaching the Foreign Office, English Primate Says. LONDON, Feb. 14. An appalling arraignment of the Bolshe- vist regime was read by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the con- vocation today. It was contained in the following message from the Archbishop of Omsk, President of the supreme administra- tion of the Orthodox Church: "Having seized supreme power in Russia in 1917 the Maximal- ists proceeded to destroy not only the cultivated classes of society but have also swept away religion itself, the representatives of the Church, and religious monuments venerated by all. "The Kremlin cathedrals of Moscow and those in the towns of Yaroslav and Simferopol have been sacked and many churches have been defiled. Historical sacristies as well as the famous libraries of the Patriarchs of Moscow and Petrograd have been pillaged. Vladimer, Metropolitan of Kiev, twenty Bishops, and hundreds of priests have been assassinated. Before killing them the Bolsheviki cut off the limbs of their victims, some" of whom were buried alive. Religious processions followed by great masses of people at Petrograd, Toula, Kharkov, and Eoligalitch were fired upon. "Wherever the Bolsheviki are in power the Christian Church is persecuted with even greater ferocity than in the first three cen- turies of the Christian era. Nuns are being violated, women made common property, and license and the lowest passions are ram- pant. One sees everywhere death, misery, and famine. The population is utterly cast down and subjected to the most terrify- ing experiences." FROM THE N. Y. SUN, of Feb. 4th, 1919. BOLSHEVIK TERRORS TOLD BY REFUGEES Railroad Workmen Drink Naphtha, Benzine and Kerosene with Maddening Effects. Moscow City of Death Bread $50 a pound and fuel unobtainable at any price. OMSK, Feb. 3. Foreigners and Russians arriving here from Russia paint a terrible picture of conditions prevailing under Bol- shevist rule. Absolute confiscation of every commodity appears to be universal. Everything has been taken from the peasants except where they have combined to resist spoliation. In some districts it is the military order that no less than twelve Red Guards are allowed to enter a village, because smaller numbers are set upon and destroyed. Railway communication except for military purposes is prac- tically non-existent owing to the condition of the workmen, who drink naphtha, benzine and kerosene with maddening effects. The situation in Moscow is described as ghastly. All the shops except those maintained by the Soviet are closed; nothing is obtainable 11 without cards and only those associated with the Bolshevists ob- tain cards, so that the people who stand aloof suffer indescrib- able hardships. Although the cold in Moscow is only a little less severe than in Siberia there is no coal in the city and hardly any wood for heat- ing; the latter is coarsely rationed and only Bolshevist partisans share in the little available heat. It is impossible to estimate how many persons are dying of starvation, but everybody coming from Russia declare the Bolshevists are deliberately endeavoring to exterminate the intelligenzia. Many of the churches in Moscow have been turned into theatres. The famous sacred Strastnoi Monastery has been transformed into a dancing hall, where women revel nightly. The Bolshevists, having been excommunicated by the church, are doing everything possible to destroy its influence among the peasantry by propa- ganda and violation. It is now known as certain that many pris- oners returning from Germany and Austria have been impressed into military service, the unfortunate being kept without food and clothing until ready to do anything to save their lives. Every town is a military camp, where training on a large scale is con- tinually going on. Many officers of the old army, especially those with staff train- ing, are forced to serve, as their wives and families are being held as hostages for their loyalty. When an officer without domestic ties is doubted a batch of his friends are warned that all will be shot if he deserts or fails to perform his duty. The powers of the regimental commissary are absolute, and gangs of desperadoes are employed with every unit to shoot down disaffected officers and men. From the N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 6th, 1919. U. S. WOUNDED MUTILATED BY REDS WITH AXES Report shows dead also are hacked by Bolsheviki on Archangel Front. Kadish is Recaptured. Village is taken second time by Americans fighting in the deep snow. WITH THE ALLIED ARMY OF THE DVINA, Jan. 4. (By the Associated Press) American Troops, fighting desperately near Kadish, have driven back Bolshevist troops, who made an advance there. The Bolsheviki also launched attacks on the Onega sector and bombarded the Allied front. The Americans came into battle along the Petrograd road and in the frozen swamps that border it. The battle was fought in snow from two to four feet in depth. Further evidence that the Bolsheviki are mutilating Allied wounded and dead came to headquarters today in a report from Lieut.-Col. Corberly, who was in command of American forces in the vicinity of Shenkursk on November 29. Americans were the victims, according to the report. A patrol of sixty American soldiers and two officers was sur- prised early on November 29 by a force of about 700 Bolsheviki. Seven Americans were missing and seven others were killed after the fight. Following is the report of Lieutenant Colonel Corberly as to the condition of the bodies found after the epcagement, the names Of the men being omitted. 11 "No. 1, lieutenant; head smashed with axe. "No. 2, corporal; head so smashed with axe that only parts of the face remained. "No. 3, corporal; head smashed in with axe and arms and legs broken by blows, apparently from blunt side of axe. "No. 4, private; head smashed with axe. "No. 5, private; head smashed and throat cut open, apparently with axe." The discovery of mutilated bodies has brought a new spirit to the Americans, who are now fighting mad. FROM THE NEW YORK SUN, December 30th, 1918. PETROGRAD ON ROAD TO PHYSICAL RUIN Principal Streets are Filthy and Many Buildings Boarded Up. Trotzky Moral Leper Murders and Tortures Directed by Him. Children Learn Atheism. WARSAW, Dec. 29 There is a sort of Jacobin court which meets in a street whose name is now infamous to the ears of Russians the Garochovaia, or Street of Peas. The chief judge is an obese Jewess with oiled locks who lolls on a seat while all around her press her crew of Soviet delegates, largely consisting of more or less self-designated members. This court is called "the extraordinary committee fighting the counter revolution, speculation and sabotage." As might be expected, open war has been declared upon all forms of religion. Trotzky has given great attention to the schools, into which cartloads of his army rations are sent regu- larly, so that the starving population will be sure to send their children where food awaits them. But in all the schools have been organized compulsory lessons, beginning with the youngest children, to train them to believe in the non-existence of the Di- vine Being. Those courses are pompously called "atheism courses." A tax has been established upon the ikons, or sacred images of the Russian Church. Divorce and marriage have been made mat- ters of ten minutes and before some vague official or Soviet officers designated for the purpose. Incompatibility of temperament al- lows a quick divorce. These great evils, however, pale before some of the atrocities that are being regularly committed in and out of the jails, in towns and in the country in pursuance of Trotzky's policy of fer- rorization. You have been reading merely of thousands being shot. There is much worse than mere shooting in Russia. Tales cf what happens in prisons such as the Peter and Paul are shock- ing, but exact evidence of the happenings outside the prisons is bad enough for anybody. A nephew of a former Russian Ambassador to Great Britain told me yesterday that he had escaped only three weeks ago from near Petrograd, and that during his dangerous journey he had met brother officers who were shaken men without nerves. They told him comrades of theirs had been stripped and hung head downwards to trees, and that Trotzy's fiends had then begun to flay them alive. This occurred near the town of Pskov. 13 The general procedure is to brand upon the naked shoulders of officers a semblance of their epaulettes and stars that used to designate their rank. In Volhynia officials who were trying to reach Poland were taken and stripped. Their limbs were broken one after another with blows of hammers or rifles, their teeth beaten in, and their tongues pulled out. Their bodies were thrown in the snow. A man of distinguished family and education who had seen these terrible sights gave me the details. From the New York Tribune, Nov. 19, 1918. TRANSLATIONS FROM "THE IZVESTIA," OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE KOTELNICH SOVIET OF THE WORKMEN, SOLDIERS AND PEASANT BEGGARS DEPUTIES, Sunday, Sept. 29, 1918. No. 46. Order of the Extraordinary Committee attached to the Soviet of Peoples Commissaries to fight against counter-revolution on the Szecho-Slovak front, Viatka Section: The Extraordinary Commission hereby makes it known to the citizens of the city and district of Kotelnich that if the slightest attempt to protest against the power of the workmen, as well as every agitation and spreading of false rumors, the guilty will be taken as hostages and turned over to concentration camps where they will be shot. All street meetings will be quelled mercilessly by means of military forces. The above order becomes effective from the date of its publication. Chairman, Poutte. According to a resolution passed by the Extraordinary Com- mittee the following persons were shot for counter-revolutionary actions, and speculation: "Here follows a list of 60 names, all of whom are Russians, and probably peasants.) Now let us cull a few items from the newspapers of the week ending April 20th, 1919. I would like to ask Mr. A. Rhys Williams what he thinks of the starving to death on the island of Haoen of seventy thousand men, women and children in one block. FROM THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 18, 1919. REDS EXILE 70,000 ON ISLAND WITHOUT FOOD. STOCKHOLM, April 17. The Bolsheviki are carrying out a rapid and systematic annihilation of all the bourgeois elements in Riga, according to reports from Libau to the "Svenska Dag- bladet." The victims of the Bolshevik terror are taken to the island of Haoen, in the Dvina River, and are said to number 70,000, in- cluding women and children. No one is permitted to take food or money to the island. Poor, unhappy, abused Russia is a frightful object lesson to the world. Will America wake up and take sufficient heed of it? Time alone will tell. 14 AMBITION OF THE BOLSHEVIKS. The radical Socialist has a vast and lurid imagination. Having conquered the best portions of Russia and Buda- pest, he is reaching for the throat of all civilization. His dream is to lay the world in ruins, and take his chances on getting a long lease of world power out of the cha,o. But first he aims to bring all mankind down to the simple level of cave men. In the Zoological Park we have a big, black chimpanzee who is a genuine Bolshevist. He is powerful, ugly, and has dangerous teeth. He has the lustfulness of a Hun officer ,o|f infantry, the temper of a wild boar and the heart of a raging devil. Morning, noon and night, sleeping or waking, his one dominant thought is to smash things, and to hurt some one. His cunning is truly devilish, and all of it is directed toward destruction. He knows no such sentiments as gratitude or affectio;n, and personally is as ugly as he is wicked. That animal would make a fine patron saint for the Russian Bolshevists. They have no more reasoning power than he, and exactly the same ethical code. The greatest difference between them is that they can shoot and bomb and the chimp cannot. The lying lure of Bolshevism is the lowest form of the appeal (O ( f Greed and Lust to Ignorance, Poverty and Brute Force. Its slogan, as developed in Russia, is the acme of directness and simplicity: "HELP YOURSELF!" These are the words used by an American officer who saw Socialism at work in Petrograd. Yes! "Help yourself," to your neighbor's land, house clothes, grain, cattle, implements, money, bank, factory, mine, church and crucifix. In some parts of Russia today it also is "help yourself" to your neighbor's young wife and daughters, and change them once a month, if you like! In Bolshevik Russia, unless you work with your hands as a laborer, you are not permitted to vote! If you hire even one servant or assistant, you are a "slaver-driver," and "a capitalist," and you are out of the Soviet. If you work with your Drain for the Soviet, you are a low under- ling, and you can not vote, because you are "not a producer." To millions of Americans outside of the large cities, all this will seem absurd, ridiculous, exaggerated, and im- possible. But the pity of it is, every word of it is TRUE! Ask the American Bolshevik, Albert Rhys Williams, about it. I am sure that he will not dispute any feature of the IS story. They all revel in the bludgeon idea, and joyfully contemplate the smashing of all Civilization. They are the most cheerful degenerates on earth. "Bolsheviki" means the demanders of extremes. Of the five political parties in Russia (Bolsheviki, Mensheviki or Social Revolutionists, Constitutional Democrats and Prop- erty Owners) they form the extreme Left, because they demand chaos ! Even their nearest neighbors, the Men- shiviki, are moderates, or demanders ( qf moderate things. The Bolshevik wants the earth, and in a state, of chaos. THE BIRTH OF THE RUSSIAN MONSTER Bolshevism was actually born into the world in Russia, on Nov. 7, 1917. Whether it was conceived in the slums of Petrograd or Riga, or in the East Side of New York, we do not know. At all events, we know that immediately following the overthrow of the Czar and the rise of Kerensky, what now is Bolshevism received a powerful impetus, in men and in money from New York. One American from Russia who testified before the Overman Senate Committee said that the bitterest Bolshevists that he saw in Russia were American-Russians. The Russian anarchists of New Yoirk became exceedingly active; and among the agitators who rushed from New York to Russia to help overthrow Kerensky's Constitutional Government and promote Bolshevism, were the following examples : Leon Trotzky-, now Minister of Military and Marine Af- fairs of the Soviet "government" ; a cold-blooded devil who has caused the ruthless slaughter of tens of thousands of the finest people of European Russia. His cruelties are as yet only slightly known to the world. S. Epstein, organizer of the Ladies' Waist Makers Union. S. Shubin, in New York a radical newspaper writer and agitator. Dr. Max Goldfarb, formerly a "labor" writer and agitator. J. Vostron, organizer of the Jewish Carpenters' Union, later a Bolshevik organizer in Moscow. GERMANY'S PART IN RUSSIAN BOLSHEVISM. Germany was largely instrumental in the creation of Bol- shevism in Russia. She furnished a countless number of active German agents to spread its propaganda, and it is said that Germany furnished Lenine and Trotzky sums of money variously estimated at from $11,000,000 to $20,- 000,000. As soon as Trotzky reached Switzerland from New York, in the summer of 1917, Germany shipped both 16 Trotzky and Lenine quickly and very safely across Ger- many to a po/int where they could safely cross into Russia. Those two worthies had so much money that a little later there was found in the possession of Lenine's sister in Berne the tidy sum of 1,000,000 rubles which she could in no wise explain or account for. Apparently Lenine was not, when the getting was good, so very greatly opposed to individual wealth, after all ! It would be right interesting to know just how many mil- lions in cash Lenine and Trotzky have stolen from Russian banks and trust companies up to date, and securely hidden away for their own personal use. But that is a trifle, light as air. No one can expect that a bold and free Bolshevik shall live up to his own creed. Germany's ,o,bjects in planting Bolshevism in Russia were, and still are, precisely as follows : 11 She wished to overthrow a democratic government; 2. She wished to produce ruin and chaos; 3. She wished to paralyze all Russian power ; 4. She wished to seize all Russian factories and raw materials ; 5. She wished to monopolize and control Russian trade ; and 6. Finally, she wished to cheat America and the Allies out of their victory, and have the war end in a triumph for Germany! She has already accomplished Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4!. Will she land 5 and 6? German officers now are, and all along have been, direct- ing the movements and fighting of the Red armies. German agents now are busy buying up, at nominal prices, the idle and smokeless factories of Russia, for Germany. The Russian Soviet "government" ( !) is eating out of the hand of the Hun. And up to date, America and the Allies have not even made a good beginning at helping the Real .People of Russia to throw off the Bolshevik yoke, and regain their feet! Only yesterday there was great danger that America would recognize and treat with Lenine ! And what a tremendous impetus toi world Bol- shevism that would give ! If things go on as they are now going, Russia will be- come the vassal of Germany; Germany will recover her war-lost wealth, at the expense of Russia, and FIFTEEN YEARS hence Germany, with 10,000,000 Bolshevik soldiers at her back, will be ready to sweep across Europe to the very door-steps of Great Britain! 17 Can any American in his senses DOUBT this? Germany would leap for joy to see the United States in the throes of civil war with the I. W. W.'s, the profes- sional strikers, the Advanced Socialists, Anarchists and all the other ists and isms that in combination make up the American Bolsheviki. BOLSHEVISM IN AMERICA So far as we can determine today the Socialism in America that deliberately intends to pull do,wn the pillars of the temple of Law and Order, overthrow all power, "clean out the capitalists" and seize all banks, trust com- panies, railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, LANDS, MINES and PUBLIC BUILDINGS, is composed of the following organizations and elements. Of course some are mojre radical and intense than others. 1. The "class-conscious" Bolshevists, alien and native ; 2._The "Left-Wing" Socialists; 3. The Anarchists; 4. The I. W. W.'s ; 5. The People's Council; and 6. The Rand School of Social Science. The Extreme Socialists, or Bolshevists. It is not by any means my purpose to give a historical sketch of each of the Socialistic organizations of the United States; but I must notice two or three of them. The extreme Bolshevists are the "class-conscious" parties who have come to America from Russia or elsewhere to escape trouble at home and to make trouble abroad, or else have developed here out of Envy and Discontent. New York is full of them ; and they are a bold, blatant and a potentially dangerous lot. When Morris "Hillquit," born a Russian in Riga under the name of Hilkowitz, ran for mayor in 1917, 142,000 of them voted for him. And that was before the days of female suffrage. Now his vote would be about double that figure. This group includes such men as Dr. Judah P. Magnes, a Russian rabbi, who on February 17, 1918, in a speech at the Central Opera House, New York, said, "Only through peace [with Germany] can your revolution suc- ceed." He meant the CIVIL WAR that the Bolshevists lo^k forward to starting soon in the United States! New York City is the greatest American hotbed for the propagation of socialism, Bolshevism and anarchy. To give even half a description of its newspapers, magazines, 18 schools, speakers, and its taw-brow and high-brow leaders, twenty pages like these would be required. Consider the following newspapers: The Rebel Worker, "organ of revolutionary unionism" (I. W. W.) ; The Forward, The Marxian and The Call, The Liberator (edited by Max Eastman and which is a daring defender of Bolshevism, and has wide influence. The Mes- senger, for negroes, and perhaps the worst iOjf all, it will be noticed elsewhere). In the World of June 4 Mr. Sherman Rogers classes the following magazines with the "parlor Bolshevik" variety of publications: The World Tomorrow, The Nation, The Dial, and The New Republic. On April 12 the New York Tribune published with great fulness af detail the discovery that at that date there existed in the upper end of New York City 15 schools for teaching Bolshevik Socialism to little children, with a Russian named Samuel R. Slavsky as general superintend- ent, who said: "Of course I am a Bolshevik!" On June 4 it was stated by Sherman Rogers, in the New York World that in New York City there are 45 publishing houses de- voted to printing Socialist and Bolshevik literature; that some "250 different Socialist, radical Socialist, I. W. W. and Bolshevik newspapers and various Bolshevik pamphlets are openly sold in New York," and that "great masses" of this literature are daily purchased by the "youthful students" of Bolshevism. The "Highbrows." There is nqw another type of Bol- shevist in our midst, the "Highbrow" or "Parlor" kind, composed of people who are either in the "intellectual" or "rich" classes. 1 could write down the names of at least 50; but what is the use? The Socialists. The former Socialist party has landed squarely in the ranks of the Bolsheviks, and the Aid name might just as well disappear. All socialism now should be spelled B-o-l-s-h-e-v-i-k-i. To this rule the old Inter- collegiate Socialist Society, with roots and branches in sixty-two of our colleges and universities, is no exception. When I asked the Conference of that Society held at Dela- ware Water Gap on Sept. 10, 1918, to disavow the Bolshevik St. Louis platform of the Socialist Party, they politely sidestepped and took no action. Until they definitely aban- don the present brand of socialism, we must hereafter put down the Intercollegiate Socialist Siociety as true Bolsheviks. It is said that the Socialist party has thrown out of its ranks all the leading men who are not Bolshevists, and who wish to see Germany properly punished for her crimes. 19 Every Wednesday at the Rand School of Social Science the Russian Slavsky instructs classes of socialist Sunday- school teachers in teaching Bolshevism. BOLSHEVIK AGITATORS AMONG SOUTHERN NEGROES. FROM THE NEW YORK WORLD, JUNE 4, 1919. The radical forces in New York City have recently embarked on a great new field of revolutionary endeavor, the education through agitation of the Southern negro into the mysteries and desirability of revolutionary Bolshevism. There are several different powerful forces in New York City behind this move. The chief established propaganda is being distributed through The Messenger which styles itself "The only magazine of scientific radicalism in the world published by negroes." Its editors are A. Philip Randolph and Chandler Owen, with George Frazier Miller contributing edi- tor. This radical journal is published at 2305 Seventh Avenue, New York City. With the exception of The Liberator, it is the most radical journal printed in the United States. The following excerpts demonstrate the radical policies of this new revolutionary organ: "The time is ripe for a great mass movement among the neg- roes. It ought to assume four distinct forms labor unions, farm- ers' protective unions, co-operative business and socialism. * * * Fourth and last, negroes must get into the Socialist Party." (Left wing.) "We want more Bolshevik patriotism in this country. * * * We want a patriotism represented by a flag so red that it symbolizes truly the oneness of blood running through each one of our veins. What we really need is the patriotism of liberty, justice and joy; that is, Bolshevik patriotism, and we want more of it in the United States." At the present time the direct action forces are concentrating their brainiest American speaking agitators on the negro districts in the South. They are enlisting the services of a great many negro preachers, and are succeeding in their agitation to an alarm- ing degree. They put up an argument to the colored worker that is practically irresistible, inasmuch as they guarantee him abso- lute social equality until the doctrines set forth by the I. W. W., and naturally this appeal acts magically on the average Southern negro laborer. The Bolshevik leaders are confident of organizing a major portion of the negro element in the South during the coming year, therefore are concentrating their most magnetic propaganda and propagandists on Southern fields. To the above reliable news from the World I wish to add, for the special benefit of the Southern negroes, this bit of friendly advice : Don't you touch Bolshevism with anything shorter than a ten-foot pole. If you do, you will see a tremendous revival of the old Ku Klux Klan; and you will get the worst of it. This is not an idle per- sonal opinion on my part. I know Southern men who say, "I will be mighty sorry to see the Southern negroes go in for Bolshevism ; for we wish them well." 20 The Bolshevist Bludgeon as Applied to Property Rights. All that we have read in the newspapers and magazines regarding the seizure of property in Russia under Bol- shevism is merely one drop in the bucket in comparison with the stern realities. After reading even the first two pages af the text of the official "Russian [Bolshevik] Land Law," the brain fairly staggers under the magnitude of the total and sweeping destruction of all individual and cor- porate rights in land, as effected in Bolshevik Russia by that instrument. It is difficult to believe that even the craziest lunatics on earth could actually frame and carry into effect such a scheme as this. The whole Bolshevik scheme is so complex, s,o, wildly visionary and so utterly impossible of realization that millions of helpless Russians, men, women and children will starve to death while the baboons of Bolshevism are juggling with their plans ! But let me, without further comment, transcribe the first eight Articles