THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ' * rf L .4, CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF MERTON COLLEGE xfottr BY E. PICKARD HALL, M.A., AND J, H. STACY PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY 1880 z On M CATALOGUE OF MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. AARHTJUS. Liber Aarhusiensis. v. Ddnicarum Rerum Scriptores (Langebek). Tom. VI. . ABANO (Petrus de) Patavinus. Conciliator differentiarum philosophorum praecipue medicorum. fol. Yen. 1496. Id. fol. Yen. 1565. De remediis venenorum. fol. Ven. 1565. Commentarius in problemata A ristotdis, q. v. ABARBANEL (Isaac). Hebrew Commentary on Daniel. 4. 1551. ABBADIE (Jacques). Traite de la verite de la religion Chretienne. 2 torn, 8. Rotter. 1680. ABBO (Aurelianus). De obsessa a Nortmannis Lutecia. fol. Par. 1603. Id. v. France (Historiens des Graules et de la). Tom. VII. Id. v. Danicarum Rerum Scriptcres (Langebek). Tom. II. ABBOT (Robert), D.D., Master of Balliol College. A defence of the Reformed Catholicke of H. VV. Perkins against the bastard counter-catholicke of Dr. Bishop. 3 pts. 4. Land. 1606, 7, 9. The True Ancient Roman Catholike, being an apology or counterproofe against Dr. Bishops reproofe of the defence of the Reformed Catholike. Part I. 4. Lond. 1611. ABBOT (Robert), vicar of Cranbrook. The Holinees of Christian Churches. 12. Lond. 1640. ABENEZRA (R. Abraham). Commentarius in Decalogum Hebraice, cum version* Munsteri. 8. Basil. 1527. ABERCROMBIE (John), M.D. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. 12. Lond. 1838. a MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ab ABERNETHY (John), M.A. Discourses concerning the being and natural perfections of God. 2 vols. 80. Lo'nd. 1746. Sermons on various subjects, with a preface containing the life of the author. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1748. ABHENGUEFIT (Ibno'l Hafid). De Virtutibus Medicinarum et Ciborum. fol. Aryent. 1531. Id. fol. Yen. 1558. ABRAHAM (M.) Deffense de la Verite de Jean Maillard. 4<>. Par. 1672. ABSTEMIUS (Laurentius). Fables, with morals and reflections by sir Roger L'Estrange. fol. Lond. 1692. ABTTCHARE, v. Rasis. ABUL-FARAGITTS. Hietoria compendiusa dynastiarum, Arabice cum ver- sione Latina et appendice D. Edw. Pocockii. 4. Oxon. 1650. ABUL-PEDA (Ismael). De vita et rebus gestis Mohammedis, Arabice, cum notis Jo. Gagnier. fol. Oxon. 1723. Descriptio Chorasmiae et Mawaralnahrae ; Arabice cum versione J. Gravii. 4. Lond. 1650. ACACIA (Martinus). De morbis muliebribus. fol. Argent. 1597. Versio Latina Galeni, q.v. ACADEMIE. Histoire et Memoires de 1' Academic des Inscriptions et belles-lettres, depuis son tablissement. 51 tomes. 4. Par. 1717-1809. ACCIAIOLUS (Donatus). Commentarii in Aristotelis Ethica, q.v. ACCOLTUS (Franciscus) de Aretio. Consilia. fol. Luyd. 1529. Comment, in primam Digesti Veteris partem, et in primam et Secundam Infortiati : in primam et Secun- dam partem Digesti Novi, et in primam et Secundam partem Codicis, cum additionibus Bened. de Vadis, et summariis P. Rhoselli. fol. Lugd. 1553. ACCOROMBONIUS (Felix) Eugubinus. Interpretatio obscuriorum locorum omnium operum Aristotelis : de fluxu et refluxu maris tractatus : Theo- phrasti libri de Plantis explanatio, et in librum Galeni de Temperamentis annotationea. fol. Romae, 1590. ACCURSITTS (Franciscus) Florentinus. Thesaurus Accursianus, dictiones et sententias juris selectiores ab Accursio explicatas continens. ed. a P. Brosseo. 4. Yen. 1606. Id. (in Dige & t. Vet. seu Pandect. Vol. VI.) fol. Luyd. 1589. Ad] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. ACHILIiINTJS (Alexandrinus) Bononiensis. Opera cum auuotationibus Panaph. Montii. fol. Ven. 1545. ACKWOBTH (George). De Visibili Rom'-Anarchia contra Nic. Sanderi Monarchiam npoXfyofjievav libri duo. 4. Lond. 1573. ACTA APOSTOLOBUM. Enarrationes vetustiss. Theologorum in Acta quidem Apostolonim et in omnes D. Pauli epistolas ab Oecu- menio : in Apocalypsiin vero ab Aretha Caesar. Cap- padoc. episc. collectae Job. Hentenio interprete : ace. Remigii in XI posteriores prophetas enarratio. fol. Antv. 1546. Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, ed. C. Tischendorf. 8. Lips. 1851. ACTA. Acta Eruditorum ab Anno 1682 ad ann. 1713 : ace. indices, &c. 35 voll. 4. Lips. 1682-1713. ACTIONES. De actionibus tractatus clarissimorum in primis nostrae aetatis jurisconsultorum. fol. Lugd. 1567. ACTTTABITTS Zachariae filius. De Spiritu animali. Interpr. Jul. Alexandrino Triden- tino. De Urinis. Interprete Ambr. Leone Nolano. De Methodo Medendi. ap. Stephan. Ned. Art. Principes. fol. Par. 1567. ADALBEBTUS, diaconus Babenberg. Vita Heinrici II Imperatoris. v. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Tom. VI. ADAMANTITJS. Physiognomouica. v. Aeliani Var. Hist. (Romae imprest) ADAMS (Francis Ottwell). History of Japan. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1875. ADAMS (John). Index Villaris, or an Alphabetical Table of all the cities, market towns, parishes, villages, and private seats in England and Wales, fol. Lond. 1690. ADAMS (John). Embassage to the Emperour of China and Tartary. Lond. 1609. ADAMS (William), Student of Ch. Ch. Fifteen Sermons before the University of Oxford : publ. by Dr. H. Sacheverell. 80. Lond. 1716. ADAMUS Bremensis. Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum. v. Monu- menta Germaniae Historica (Pertz). Tom. IX. ADDISON (Joseph). Works. 4 vola. 4. Lond. 1721. The Freeholder, or Political Essays. 12. Lond. 1739. The Spectator. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1733. B 2 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ad ADEMARUS Cabamiensis. Historiae Francorum. v. Monumenta Germaniae His- toriea (Pertz). Tom. VI. Id. v. Historians des Oaules et de la France. Tom. X. ADOLPHUS (John), F.S.A. History of England, from the accession of King George III to the coucltfsion of Peace in the year 1 783. 3 vols. 80 Land. 1817. ADEIANI (Giambatista). Icitoria de' suoi tempi dall' anno 1536 all' anno 1574. 4 Yen. 1587. ADRIANTJS Rotnanus. Urbium praecipuarum descriptio generalis. 8. Franco/. 1595. ADRICHOMIUS (Christianus) Delphus. Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et biblicarum historiarum. fol. Colon. Ayr. 1593. AEGIDIUS Rom anus (de Columna). Expositio in artem veterem Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1507. Quaestiones Metaphysicales. fol. Ven. 1499. De formatione humani corporis in utero. 4. Parin. 1547. Expositio super libros Posteriorum Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1500. Expositio super libros Elenchorum Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1496. Hexaemeron (seu de operibus sex dierum). 4. Patav. 1549. AEGINETA (Paulus). Medicina, ap. Medic. Artis Principes, q. v. LI. cum praefatione Hiei\ Gemusae. fol. Bas. 1538. AELIANTJS (Claudius). Variae Historiae. Libri XIII. 4. Rom. 1545. Opera (Graece et Latine). fol. Tigur. 1556. Opera, ed. Hercher. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1864-6. AELIANUS tacticus. De instruendis aciebus. fol. Par. 1535 De antiqua ratione instruendarum acierum. 1 2. Par. 1532. AELNOTHUS, Monachus Cautuar. Vita, &c. S. Canuti regis Daniae. v. Danicarum Rerum Scriptores (Langebek). Tom. III. AEMILIUS (Paulus) Veronensis. De rebus gestis Francorum usque ad [annum 1488. fol. Par. 1539. AENEAS Gazaeus. Theophrastus, sive de animarum immortalitate et cor- porum resurrect ione dialogus : inter Theologos aliquot Graecos. q. v. AENEAS Svlvius (Piccolomini), Pius Papa II. v. Pius. Af] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. AENEAS tacticus. Commentarius de toleranda obsidione. fol. Par. 1609. Id. adnotavit R. Hercher. 8". Berol. 1870. Id. Latine ex versione Casauboni. 12. 1633. AERODIUS (Pet.) seu Ayrault. Rerum ab oinni antiquitate judicatnrum pandectae et libellus de patrio jure. fol. Par. 1615. AES CHINES. Orationes, ed. Franke. 12. Lips. 1863. Id. v. Oratores vet. Graecos., per. H. Stephani, Contra Ctesiphontem. Graece, Latine. 12. Oxon. 1696. Epistolae, in Collect. Aldina Ejristolarum Graec. q. v. AESCHYLUS. Tragoediae Septem cum Scholiis Th. Stanley, fol. Lond. 1664. Tragoediae Septem, cura P. Victorii, access. Hen. Ste- phani observations. 8. Par. 1557. Tragoediae, cum fragmentis (Dindorf). 8. Oxon. 1844. Tragedies, with Commentary by F. A. Paley. 8. Lond. 1855. Tragedies, translated by R. Potter. 2. vols. 8. Lond. 1779. Choephorae, ed. Klausen. 8. Gothae. 1835. Agamemnon, with translation and notes by J. Conirig- ton. 8. Lond. 1848. AESKILSOE. Exoi'dium monasterii quod dicitur Cara Insula. v. Danic. Rer. Scriptor. Tom. V. AESOP. Fabulae Aesopicae: ed. C. Halm. 12. Lips. 1872. The Fables of Aesop, paraphrased in verse arid adorned with sculptures, by John Ogilby. 4. Lond. 1651. AETIUS Amidenus. Hedicinae tetrabiblos, Latine per Janum Cornarium. fol. Par. 1567. De re medica, Latine a Montano et Cornario. fol. Bas. 1535. Opera, fol. Yen. 1534. AFPLICTIS (Mattheus de), Neapolitanus. In libros I-III Feudorum Comrnentaria. fol. Lugd. 1548. Consilia Feudalia. fol. Lugd. 1553. Decisiones concilii Neapolitan!, (imperf.) fol. Lugd. 1552. AFFLIGEMENSE (monasterium). Chronicon Affligemeiise, v. Gerrnaniae Monumenta His- torica. Tom. XI. AFKICA. Codex canonum ecclesiae Africanae, v. Justelli Bibl. Jur. Canon. 6 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ag AGAPETUS, v. Theolog. Orthodox, vet. Grace. AGATHIAS. De imperio et rebus gestis Justinian! libri V ; Graece, cum interp. et notis B. Vulcanii : acced. epigramnmta. 4o. Lugd. Bat. 1594. Id., v. Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Tom. II. AGATHUS (Petrus Angelus). Arcanorum liber. 4. Patav. 1566. AGNELLUS (Andreas), abbas Ravennas. Liber Pontificalis, sive vitae Pontificum Kavennatuin, v. Italic. Rerum Script. (Muratori). Tom. II. AGOBABDUS, episc. Lugdunensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. VI. AGOSTINO (Ser Antonio di Messere). Istoria dell' Assedio di Piombino dall 1448, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXV. AGBARIA. Rei agrariae Scriptores legesque variae, cura W. Goesii, cum N. Rijjaltii Notis. 4. Amstel. 1674. AGRETSO (Ser) da Ficarvolo. Commento sopra la prima Ficata del padre Siceo, con la diceria di Nasi : ad calc. de Ragionamenti di P. A retino, q. v. AGRICOLA (Georgius). Bermannus, sive de re metallica. 12. Basil. 1530. De re metallica, libri XII. fol. Basil. 1556. De animantibus subterraneis liber, fol. Basil. 1556. De mensuris et ponderibus Romauorum et Graecorum : de precio metallorum, &c. fol. Basil. 1550. De ortu et causis subterraueorum, de natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra, de natura fossilium : Berman- nus, cum interpretatione Germanica vocum rei metal- licae. fol. Basil 1546. AGRICOLA (Joannes), Ammonius. Commentarius in Galenum de locis affectis. 4. Norim 1537. AGRIPPA (Henricus Cornelius) ab Nettesheym. De occulta philosophia, libri III. fol. 1533. Opera et Epistolae. 2 voll. 12. Lugd. 1531. Three books of occult philosophy, translated by J. F. 4. Land. 1651. Vanity of Arts and Sciences. 8. Land. 1676. AHRENS (Henri). Cours du Droit Naturel, ou de Philosophic du Droit. 2 tomes. 8. Leipz. 1875. AHRENS (Henr. Ludolfus). De Graece Linguae Dialectis,libri II. 8. Leipz. 1839-43. AIDS. Aids to Faith: a series of theological essays. 8<>. Lvnd. 1862. Al] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. AIKIN (John), M.D. Manual of Materia Medica. 18. Yarm. 1785. Annals of the reign of King George III to the year 1815. 2 vols. 8. Loud. 1820. AIKIN (Lucy). Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. 2 vols. 8. Land. 1823. Memoirs of the Court of King James I. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1822. Memoirs of the Court of King Charles I. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1833. AILBEDUS, abbas Rievallensis. De bello Standards tempore Stephani Regis : de Genea- logia regum Anglorum, &c. v. Hi&t. Anglicanae Scrip- tores decem. AIMOINUS, Monachus Floriaceneis. De gestis Francorum : de inventione et translatione cor- poris S. Vincentii, libri II. fol. Par. 1603. Id. v. Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Tom. III. Vita S. Abbonis. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. X. AINSWORTH (Henry). Annotations upon the five bookes of Moses, the booke of Psalmes, and the Song of Songs or Canticles. 4. Lond. 1639. AKENSIDE (Mark). Poems. 80. Lond. 1772. ALAGONA (Petrus), e Soc. Jes. Thomae Aquinatis Summae Theologicae Compendium. 12. Eom. 1620. ALAMANNI. Annales Alamannici. v. Germaniae Mon. Hist. Tom. I. Leges Alamannorum. v. Germaniae Mon. Hist. Tom. XV. ALANUS Magnus, Insulensis. L)icta de lapide philosophico. 8. Ursellis, 1602. ALANUS (Gulielmus), i. e. Allain (Guillaume). Copie d'une missive escripte par un Gentil-homme Anglois au Mons. G. Allaiu sur le faiet de la reduction de la ville de Deventer et autres lieux a 1'obeissauce de Sa Majeste Catholique. 8. Rome, 1587. ALB ANUS (Joh. Hieronymus), cardiiialis. Disputatio de immunitate ecclesiarum : accedunt ejus- dem consilia. fol. Romae, 1553. ALBASPINUS (Gabriel), episc. Aurelianensis. De veteribus ecclesiae ritibus observationum libri duo : notae in concilium Eleberitauum, quosdam alios anti- ques canones, et aliquot Tertulliani libros. 4. Lut. Par. 1623. ALBEBICUS, Monachus Trium Fontium, Leodiensis. Chrouicon (960-1241). v. France (Historiens des Gaules MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Al et de la). Tom. XIII : and Germaniae Monum. Hist. Tom. XXIV. ALBERT! (Leandro). Descrittione d 'Italia. 4. Vineg. 1551. ALBERTINU3 (Edmundus), Parisiensis. De Eucharistiae sive Coenae Dominicae Sacramento : 3 libb., edente D. Blondello. fol. Daventriae, 1655. ALBERTINUS (Mussatus). v. Miissatus. ALBERTUS, abbas S. Mariae in Stadio. Anuales Stadenses. v. Germaniae Mon. Hist. Tom. XVI. Troilus : ed. Th. Menzdorf. 12. Lips. 1875. ALBERTUS (Leo Baptista). Commentarius de conjuratione Porcaria, cui praemit- titur vita ejusdem scriptoris. v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXV. ALBERTUS MAGNUS, Ratisbonensis Episcopus. Prima pars summae de quatuor ccequevis, una cum secunda ejusdem quae est de Homine. fol. Yen. 1498. De anima, libri III. fol. Ven. 1494. De intellectu et intelligibili, libri II. fol. Ven. 1494. De celo et mundo. fol. Ven. 1495. De animalibus, libri XXVI. fol. Ven. 1519. Liber Mineralium : de Alchemia : de lapide philosophico : compottitum de compositis. v. Theatrum Chemicum. Super Evangeliaria Matthei, Marci, Lucae, Joaunis Postillae. 4 voll. fol. Hagenau, 1504-5. In XII Prophetas Minorca Euarrationes. fol Colon. 1536. ALBERTUS de Saxonia, Tractatus Proportionum. fol. Ven. 1496. AL-IA. Annales ab anonymo circa Albiam. v. Danic. Rer. Script. (Langebek). Tom I. ALBINUS (Bernardus Siegfried). Historia Musculorum hominis. 4. Leid. 1734. Explicatio Tabularum Aiiatomicarum B. Eustachii. 4. Leid. 1744. ALBUBATER. Liber Genethliacus. 4. Norinib. 1540. ALBUCASIS. Metliodus medendi certa. fol. Bay. 1541. Chirurgia seu de methodo medendi per chimrgiam, cum figuris instrtimentorum. fol. Ven. 1531. De morbis muliebribus. fol. Argent. 1597. Liber Servitoris seu de praeparatione Medidnarum. fol. Ven. 1558. ALCASAR (Ludovicus ab), Hispalensis. Vestigatio arcani sensue in Apocalypse ; de sacris pon- deribus ac meiujuris. fol. Antv. 1619. ALCHABITIUS. Li bull us ysagogicus ad inagisterium judiciorum astro- rum. 4*. Par. 1521. Al] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. ALCHEMIA. Verae alchemiae artisque metallicae citra aenigmata doctriua. fol. Basil. 1561. Alchemia quam vocant artisque metallicae doctriua certusque modus scriptis turn novis turn veteribus. 2 voll. 80. Basil. 1572. ALCHINDUS. De temporum mutationibus. fol. Par. 1540. De rerum gr;idibus. fol. Argen. 1531. De investigandis medicinarum gradibus. fol. Yen. 1558. ALCIATUS (Andreas) Mediolanensis. Omnes qui in huric usque diem prodierunt in utrumque jus civile et canonicum luculentissimi commentarii. 4 voll. fol. Basil, 1571. Judiciarii processus compendium. 18. Col. Agr. 1566. De formula Romani imperil. 18. Bas. 1559. De magistratibus. fol. Bas. 1552. Id. v. Corp. Hist. Byzantinae. Tom. XVIII. ALCIPHRON. Epistolae: ed. E. E. Seiler. 8. Lips. 1856. Id. v. Epistol. Graecas Aid. ALCMAER. Historiscb Verhael van de Kercklijcke en Politijcke Swa- ricbeyden, voorghevailen binuen Alkmaer. 4. 1611. ALCORANUS (seu Al-Koran). Alcoranus, Arabice Latine, appositis unicuique capiti notis et refutatione : praemissus est prodromus ad refutationem Alcorani, auctore Lud. Marraccio. 2 voll. fol. Patav. 1698. Alcoranus Latine per Robeii. Retenensem et Herm. Dalmatam, cum praefatione Phil. Melancthonis, apolo- gia Theod. Bib'iandri, et confutationibus multorum authorum. fol. s. 1. 1550. The Alcoran, newly translated from the Arabic, with explanatory notes and a preliminary discourse by Geo. Sale. 4". Land. 1734. ALCUmUS, abbas Turonensis. Epistolae. v, France (Historians des Gaules et de la). Tom. V. De arte Rhetorica dialogus. v. JRhetores Latin. Antiq. ALDHELMUS (S.) episc. Schireburnensis. Opera quae extant, ed. J. A. Giles. 8. Oxon. 1844. ALDKETE (Bernardo). Varias Antiguedades de Espana, Africa y otras pro- vincias. 4. Amberes, 1614. ALDRICH (Henry), Dean of Ch. Ch. A reply to two discourses concerning the adoration of our blessed Saviour in the Holy Eucharist. 4. Oxf. 1687. A defence of the Oxford Reply to two discourses. 4. Oxf. 1688. 10 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Al ALDROANDO (Ulisse). Delle Statue antiche, clie per tutta Roma in diversi luoghi e case si veggono. 8. Yen. 1556. ALEARDUS (Franciscus). Oratio in laudem Francisci Sfortiae Vicecomitis habita Veronae 1449. v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXV. ALEMBERT (Jean-le-Rond d'). Oeuvres. Tomes I-V. 8<>. Paris. 1821. ALES seu Hales (Alexander de), doctor irrefragabilis. Paries IV summae Theologiae. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1515-16. ALEXANDER ab Alexandro. Genialium Dierum, libri VI. fol. Par. 1539. ALEXANDER, abbas Telesinus. De rebus Gestis Rogerii Siciliae regis. v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. V. ALEXANDER Aphrodisiensis. v. Aristoteles. ALEXANDER (Franciscus) Vercellensis. Apollo omnem compositorum et simplicium normam suo fulgure irradians. fol. Yen. 1565. ALEXANDER, Macedo. Fragmenta Scriptorum de rebus Alexandri. v. Miiller, Histor. Graec. Fragm. Histoire du siecle d'Alexandre. 8s 7 62. ALEXANDER II, Papa. Epistolae. v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. XIV. ALEXANDER III, Papa. Epistolae. v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. XV. ALEXANDER Trallianus. Opera, fol. Par. 1548. Practice, cum expositione Jacobi de Partibus. 4. Lugd. 1504. De singularum corporis partium vitiis, aegritudinibus, et injuriis, Latine per Al. Torinum. fol. Bas. 1533. Epistola de Lumbricis. Gr. Lat. per H. Mercurialem. ALEXANDRINUS (Julius) a Neustain. In Galeni praecipua scripta annotationes. fol. Basil. 1581. De Sanitate tuenda. fol. Col. Agr. 1575. De medicina et medico dialogus, 5 libri. 4. Titjuri, 1557. Ant-Argeutericorum suorum defensio adversus Galeni calumniatores. 4. Yen. 1564. ALFORD (Henry). Greek Testament, with a critical and exegetical com- mentary, &c. 4 vols. 8. Land. 1856-61. ALFRAGANUS. Element* Astronomica. Arabice et Latine. 4. Amstel. 1669. Elementa Astronomica et chronologica, Latine cum Al] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 11 commentario de ratione calendarii Orientalium. 12. Franco/. 1590. ALGAROTTI (Francesco, Count). Sir Isaac Newton's theory of Light and Colours and his principle of Attraction made familiar to the Ladies, &c., translated from the Italian. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1742. ALIARIS (Petrus). Rerum memorabilium Calechut. v. Nov. Orb. S.Grynaei. ALIGHIERI (Dante). La Commedia dagli Academic! della Crusca. 8. Firenze 1595. Id. Translated by the Rev. F. Gary, with a life of Dante. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1831. De monarchia libri tres. v. Alciati de formula Rom. Imperii. ExcerptaHistorica ex Commentariis Benevenuti de Imola super Dantis poetae Comoedias. v. Italic. Antiqu. Med. Aev. (Muratori). Tom. I. Sketch of the Life and Writings of Dante and Petrarch. 8. Lond. 1790. ALIPRANDO (Buonamente). Aliprandina, o sia Cronica della citta di Mantova. v. Italic. Antiquit. Med. Aev. (Muratori). Tom. V. ALISON (Sir Archibald). History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution to 1815. With Atlas. 14 vols. So. Lond. & Ed. 1849-50. History of Europe from 1815-1852. 8 vols. 8. Lond. and Ed. 1852-9. ALLATIUS (Leo). De templis Graecorum recentioribus : de narthece ec- clesiae veteris : de Graecorum hodie quorundam opi- nionibus : de mensura temporum : confutatio fabulae de Joanna Papissa. 12. Col. Agr. 1645. Graecia Orthodoxa. Tom. I. 4. Romae, 1652. ALLEGRETTI (Allegretto). Diarii Sauesi (145096). v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Mura- tori). Tom. XXIII. ALLEN (John), M.D. Synopsis Medicinae, or a summary view of the whole practice of physic. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1733. ALLIES (J. W.). The Church of England cleared from the charge of Schism upon the testimonies of Councils and Fathers of the first six centuries. 8. Lond. 1846. ALLIX (Peter). A discourse concerning penance, showing how the doc- trine of it in the Church of Rome makes void true repentance. 4. Lond. 1688. An historical discourse concerning the necessity of the 12 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Al Minister's intention in administering the Sacraments. 4o. Lond. 1688. A discourse concerning the merit of Good Works. 4. Lond. 1688. A preparation for the Lord's Supper, &c. 8. Lond. 1688. Remarks upon the ecclesiastical history of the ancient churches of the Albigenses. 8. Oxf. 1821. AL MAKKARI (Ahmed ibn Mohammed). History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain: trans- lated with notes by Pascual de Gayangos. 2 vols. 40. Lond. 1840. AL MAKRIZI (or Makrizi), Tuki-Eddin Ahmed. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks d'Egypte, traduite en Fran9ais par M. Quatremere. 2 tomes. 4. Par. 1845. ALMANAC. Groote Schryf-almanach. 12. Amstel. 1637-8. Revolutions- A Imanach, 1793-1803. 11 bde. 12. Gottingen, 1794-1804. ALMANSOR. Propositions ad Saracenorum regem. fol. Basil, 1533. ALMANSUR (Ibnlshac ibn Israel ibn Ahmed) priuceps chorasanae. Nonus liber (Kasis, dictus] Almansoris, cum expositione Sillani Papiensis et cum receptis Petri de Tussiguano super eundem. fol. Yen. 1518. Id. cum comm. Galeatii de S. Sophia, fol. Hagan. 1 533. Id. cum expositione Joannis Arculani. fol. Yen. 1504. V. Areulanus and Tornamira. ALMENAR (Joannes) Hispanus. De Morbo Gallico. fol. Yen. 1516. ALPERTUS, S. Symphoriani Mettensis Monachus. Opera, v. Germaniae Monum. Histor. Tom. VI. ALPETRAGITJS, Arabs. Theorica Planetarum Latine. fol. Yen. 1531. ALPHONSUS, rex Neapolitans. Oratiuncula, qua Christiaiii ad bellum Turcicum ex- citantur. v. Camerarii Comment, de reb. Turc. ALPHONSUS, Romanorum et Hispanorum rex. Astronomicae Tabulae, per Hamellium ed. fol. Par. 1545. ALPINUS (Prosper). De praesagieuda vita et morte aegrotantium. 4. Liigd. B. 1710. Id. 18. Franc. 1601. De Medicina Aegyptiorum, et de balsamo dialogus. 40. Luyd. B. 1718. De Medicina Methodica. 4". Luyd. B. 1719. ALSTEDIUS (Johannes Henricus). Thesaurus Chronologiae. 12. Herb. Nass. 1624. ALTENBUBG (St. Lambert in). Urkunden der Beuedictiuer-Abtei zum Heiligen Lam- Al] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 13 bertin Altenburg (1144-1522). v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 21. ALTENSTAIG (Joannes), Mindelhaimensis. Lexicon Theologicum, auctum per J. Tytz. 4. Col. Agr. 1619. ALTESERRA (Antonius Dadinus). Ascetics siveoriginum rei monasticae libri deccm. 4. Par. 1674. ALTHAM (Michael). Some queries to Protestants answered : with an ex- planation of the Roman Catholicks belief in four great points considered, cone, their church, their wor- ship, justification and civil government. 4. Lond. 1686. A vindication of the Church of England from the foul aspersions of schism and heresie unjustly cast upon her by the Church of Rome. 2 pts. 4. Lond. 1687, The creed of Pope Pius IV, or a proposal of popery. taken from that authentic record. 4. Lond. 1687. The additional articles of Pope Pius's creed no articles of the Christian Faith. 4. Lond. 1688. ALTIERI (F.). Italian and English Dictionary. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1749. ALTIMARUS, seu Ab Altomari (Donatus Antonius.) Opera Omnia. fol. Lugd. 1565. Id. fol. Lugd. 1597. ALTING (Henricus). Scriptorum theologicorum Heidelbergensium, libri III, continentes locos communes, problemata theologica et explicationem catecheseos Palatinae. 4. Freintadt, 1646. ALTING (Menson). Descriptio secundum antiques agri Batavi et Frisii una cum conterminis : sive Notitia Germaniae inferioris cis et ultra Rhenum. fol. Amst. 1697. Tabula Ptolemaica Germaniae magnae quadripartitae ad veram ab equatore distantiam revocata et expo- sitione illustrata. fol. Amst. 1697. Descriptio Frisiae inter Scaldis portum veterem et Ami- siam seu inter Sine et Emese : quae est pars altera Not. Germ, infer, cum IX tabulis. fol. Amst. 1701. ALTISSIODORENSIS (Guilli.), v. Guillelmus Alt. ALVAREZ (Alphonsus) Guerrero, v. Guerrero. ALVAREZ (Didacus) Metinensis. De auxiliis divinae gratiae, et humani arbitrii viribus et libertate ac legitima ejus cum efficacia eorundem auxiliorum concordia, libri XII. fol. Lugd. 1620. ALVAROTUS (Jacobus). Super Feudis. fol. Lugd. 1535. Id. fol. Lutjd. 1530. ALVERNUS or Arvernus (Gulielmus) episc. Parisienses. V. Guillermus. 14 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Al ALYACO or Alliaco (Petrus de). Opuscula aliquot, v. Gersonii opera. De reformatione ecclesiae Romauae curiae, praelatorum, &c., libellus, v. Gratium fascic. rerum. expetend. Quaestiones in sphaeram, Job. de Sacro Boseo, q.v. AMALRICUS (Augerius) de Biterris. Chronicon Pontifioale seu actus Romanorum Pontificum usque ad Johannem XXII (1321), v. Italic. Rer. Script, (Muratori). Tom. Ill, Part. II. AMALTHEUS (Hieronymus) Venetus. Trium fratrum Amaltheorum Hieronymi, Jo. Baptistae, Comelii carmina. 8. Amst. 1089. AMANDUS (S.) episc. Trajectensis. Aiiiialt--. &c., v. German. Mouum. Histor. (Pertz). Tom. I. AMABI (Michele). History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers : edited with introduction and notes by the Earl of Ellesmere. 3 vols. 12. Lond. 1850. AMATUS Lusitanus. Curationuiu Medicinalium centuriae quatuor. fol. Basil. 1556. In Dioscoridem de materia medica enarrationes. 4. Argent. 1554. De Morbo Gallico, v. de Morb. Gall, scriptores. AMBOYNA. A true relation of the unjust, cruel, and barbarous proceedings against the English at Amboyna by the Neatherlandish Goveruour and Council there. 4. Lond. 1624. Answer to the Dutch pamphlet in defence of the pro- ceedings against the English at Amboyna. Ibid. AMBBOSIUS (S.) episc. Mediolanensis. Opera omnia, cum per Des. Erasmum, turn per alios erudites viros euiendata, &c. 5 voll. (in 2). fol. Basil. 1538. Liber de dignitate sacerdotali, v. Tossani Pastor. Evangelic. AMEBPACHITJS (Vitus). Notae in constitutiones Caroli Magni, q.v. AMEBICA. Novus orbis, i.e. Navigationes primae in Americam. 8<>. Rotter. 1616. AMES (William). Reply to Dr. Morton's General Defence. 4. 1622. Reply to Dr. Morton's Particular Defence. Ibid. AMHEBST (Nicholas). Terrae Filius : or the Secret History of the University of Oxford : 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1726. AMIBA (Georgius Michaelis). Grammatica Syriaca sive Chaldaica. 4. Rom. 1596. An] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 15 AMIBTJCCIUS Constantinopolitanus. Opusculum de iis quae geographiae debent adesse. Ingolst. 1533. AMMIANUS Marcellinus, v. Marcellinus. AMPERE (J. J). Histoire Litteraire de la France avant Charlemagne. 2 tomes. 12. Par. 1870. Histoire Litteraire de la France sous Charlemagne et durant les X et Xl> siecles. 12. Par. 1870. AMYBALDUS (Moses). Specimen animadversionum in exercitationes de gratia universal!. 4. Salm. 1648. ANA. Ana, ou collection de bons mots, contes, pense"es de- tachees, traits d'histoire et anecdotes des hommes cele- bres depuis la renaissance des lettres. 10 tomes. 8. Amster. 1796. ANABAPTISTS. A warning to England, especially for London, in the famous history of the frantic Anabaptists, their wild preaching and practices in Germany. 4. 1642. ANACLETUS, Antipapa. Epistolae, v. France (Histor. des Gaules et de la). Tom. XV. ANACBEON. Carmina, Graece et Latine. 18. Lond. 1733. ANALECTA. Analecta Christiana in usuni Tironum edidit et adnota- tionibus illustravit C. Marriott. 8. Oxon. 1848. ANANIA (Joannes de). Consilia aurea. fol. Yen. 1496. Comm. in Decretales. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1553. ANASTASIUS, bibliothecarius Romanus. Vitae Romanorum Pontificum. v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Huratori). Tom. III. ANASTASIUS IV. papa. Epistolae, v. France (Histor. des Gaules et de la). Tom. XV. ANCHABANO (Petrus de). Consilia cum summariis et repertorio. fol. Lugd. 1532. Comment, super VI libris Decretalium, Clementinis, &c. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1519-20. ANCILLON (Frederic). Tableau des revolutions du systeme politique de 1'Europe depuis la fin du quinzieme siecle. 4 tomes. 8. Par. 1823. ANDEBSON (Adam). An historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce from the earliest accounts of the great commercial interests of the British empire. 4 vols. 4. Lond. 1787-9. 16 MEBTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [An ANDERSON (J. S. M.). History of the Church in the Colonies. 3 vols. 80. Land. 1856. ANDERSON (Sir Edmund). Reports en Envois, fol. Land. 1664. ANDOCIDES. Orationes. v. Oratores Veteres (Stephen.) Orationes : ed. Blass. 12. Lips. 1871. ANDREAS (Antonius). Scriptum in artem Veterem et in divisionibus Boetii, cum quaestionibus. fol. Yen. 1496. Quaestiones super sex principiis Gilberti Porretani, una cum quaest. Jo. Scoti super Univers. Porphyrii, q. v. Tria priucipia rerum natui-alium. fol. Yen. 1489. Quaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae. fol. Veu. 1491. Id. fol. Yen. 1513. ANDREAS Hierosolymitanus. Computus Paschalis, seu Methodus investigandi cycli Solaris et lunaris necnon paschatis. Gr. Lat. a D. Petavio. v. Petavii Uranolog. Dion. ANDREAS (Johannes), Bononiensis. Novella Commentaria in VI libros Decretalium. 3 voll. fol. Yen. 1523. ANDREAS, presbyter Bergomas. Chronicon Breve ab adventu Langobardorum in Italiam. v. Langobard. Rer. Scriptores. ANDREAS, presbyter Ratisbonensis. Dyalogus de Hussitis, scriptus feria VI post laetare 1430. v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. II. Cronica de expeditionibus in Bohemiam contra Hussistas haereticos. v. Austria. Eont. Rer. Austr. Script. VI. ANDREWES (Lancelot). Sacrilege a snare. 18. Lond. 1646. Ninety-six Sermons, fol. Lond. 1641. The Pattern of ecclesiastical discipline at large ; or an exposition of the ten commandments, &c. fol. Lond. 1650. Sermons. 5 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1853. ANGELTJCCIO (Francesco d') di Bazzano. Cronaca delle cose dell' Aquila (1436-1485). v. Italic. Antiquit. Aled. Aev. (Muratori). Tom. VI. ANGILBERTUS, abbas Centulensis. Carmen de Carolo Magno. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. II. ANGLIA. Constitutiones Angliae provinciales collectae per Gul. Lyndewoode. fol. 1501. Constitutiones Legitime seu legautine (sc. Othouis Otto- boni) regionis Anglicanae. fol. Oxon. 1679. Rerum Anglicarum scriptores pott Bedam praecipui edeiite H. Savile. fol. Lond. 1596. An] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 17 ANGLIA. Concilia decreta constitutiones in re ecclesiarum orbis Britannici, opera H. Spelman. Vol. I. fol. Lond. 1639. Rerum Britannicarum, i.e. Angliae, Scotiae, vicinar- umque insularum ac regionum scriptores vetustissimi et praecipui. fol. Heidel. 1587. Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae a Synodo Verolamiensi (446) ad Londinensem (1717) : ace. con- etitutiones et alia ad historian! ecclesiae Anglicanae spectantia a D. "Wilkins. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1737. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores decem : ed. Rog. Twysden. fol. Lond. 1652. Fleta, seu commentarius juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus, v. Selden. Monasticon Anglicanum, v. Dugdale. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores veteres, ed. G. Fulmanno. 2 voll. fol. Oxon. 1684-7. Anglia Sacra, sive collectio historiarum partim anti- quitus, partim recenter scriptarum de archiepiscopis et episcopis Angliae, ab Hen. Wharton. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1691. Chronicon Saxon: the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several original authorities, edited with a trans- lation by B. Thorpe. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1681. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome XIII. Foedera,conventiones, literae, etcujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae et alios quosvis imperatores reges, &c. ab ineunte saec. XII, accurante Th. Rymer. 15 voll. foil. Lond. 1727-35. Id. voll. XVI-XX, accurante R. Sanderson, fol. Lond. 1715-35. Id. aucta et multis locis emendata, accurantibus A. Clarke et Fr. Holbrooke. Voll. I, II, III. fol. Lond. 1816-25. ANGLO-SAXON. Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law ; by H. Adams, H. C. Lodge, E. Young, and J. L. Laughlin. 8. Boston, U. S. 1876. ANGUSOLA (Petrus Antonius) Placentinus. Consiliorum seu responsorum juris libri septem, per Joh. Vetterum revisi. fol. Franc, a. M. 1574. ANHALT. Secreta principis Anhaltini cancellaria, cum paraenesi ad Catholicos et Augustanos. 4. s. 1. 1622. ANIANUS. Fables and Morals by Sir Roger L'Estrange. fol. Lond 1692. ANNALEN der Physik und Chemie, v. Clwmistry. ANNT, sc. Year-books of Reports and Cases in Law. Henry IV. an. i-xv. in French, fol. Lond. 1562-3. Henry V. an. i-ix. in French, fol. Lond. 1563. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [An Henry VI. an. i-xxvm. in French, fol. Zone?. Henry VI. an. xxi-xxxix. in French, fol. Lond. 1557. Edward IV. an i-xvu. in French, fol. Lond. 1556. Edward V. an. i. in French, fol. Lond. 1568. Richard III. an. i-ii. in French, fol. Lond. 1576. Henry VII. (an. I.) Henry VIII. (an. xxvu.) in French. fol. Lond. 1555-69. ANNIUS (Joannes), Viterbiensis. Antiquitatum variarum volumiua XVIII. 8. Witteb. 1612. Anniarum quadraginta quaestionum libri V. 8. Witteb. 1612. Institutionum Anniarum de aequivocis libellus. 8. Witteb. 1612. De priiuis temporibus et quatuor et viginti regibus Hispaniae et ejus antiquitate. Witteb. 1612. De Etrusca simul ac Italica chronographia. Witteb. 1612. ANNUAL Register, v. Register. ANSBERTUS, clericus Austriensis. Ystoria de expeditione Friderici Imperatoris, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Script. V. ANSCHARIUS, archiepiscopus Hamburgensis. Vita S. Willehadi, v. Danic. Rer. Script. (Langebek) Tom. I. ANSELMUS, archiepisc. Cantuariensis. Omnia Opuscula, Ant. Democharis industria nunc pri- mum restituti (cum Enarrat. in S. Pauli epistolas, &c., quas alii D. Hervaeo ascribunt). fol. Par. 1544. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. XV. ANSELMUS. Canonicus Leodiensis. Gesta episcoporum Tungrensium, Trajectensium, et Leo- diensium, v. Germ. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. ANSTEY (Christopher). A Pindaric epistle addressed to Lord Buckhorse. 4. Lond. 1779. An election ball in political letters from Mr. Incle at Bath to his wife at Glocester. 4. Lond. 1787. Ad C. W. Bampfylde epistola poetica familiaris in qua continentur tabulae quinque ab eo excogitatae quae personas repraesentant poematis cujusdam Anglicani cui titulus 'an Election Ball.' 4. Bath. 1776. Envy, a poem, addressed to Mrs. Miller, &c. 4. Lond. A paraphrase or poetical exposition of 1 Cor. XIII. 4. Lond. ANSTEY (Henry). Munimenta Academica, or documents illustrative of aca- demical life and studies atOxford. 2vols. S.Lond. 1868. ANTHOLOGIA. Anthologia Graeca. 8. 1603. Id. cura Stephani. fol. Par. 1566. An] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 19 Anthologia Graeca cum notis J. Brodaei. fol. Par. 1600. Greek Anthology, translated by R. G. Macgregor. 8. Lond. 1864. Anthologia Latina, sive poesis Latinae supplementum. fascic. I. II. ed. A. Riese. 12. Lips. 1869-70. ANTIGONUS. Mirabilium Narrationum Congeries. 8. ANTIPHON. Orationes, ed. Blass. 12. Lips. 1871. ANTONII (Henricus) Nerdenus. Initia Academiae Franequerensis. 18. Franco/. 1613. ANTONINUS Liberalis. Metamorphose^ synagoge. 8. ANTONINUS (Marcus Aurelius). De rebus suis, sive de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat, cum versione et notis T. Gataker. 4. Cantab. 1652. Id. cum Annotat. Xylandri. 8. Id. translated by Jeremy Collier. 8. Lond. 1726. ANTONINUS, archiepiscopus Florent. Summa Theologica, 4 partibus. 3 voll. fol. Basil. 151 1. ANTONINUS Pius Augustus. Itinerarium, una cum Beroso, q. v. Id. in Theatr. Geogr. Veter. Bertii, q. v. A commentary on his Itinerary, by W. Burton, q. v. ANTONIO, king of Portugal. Justification du serenissime Don Antonio roi de Port- ugal, premier de ce nom, touchant la guerre qu'il faict a Philippe roi de Castile, ses subjectz et adherens, pour estre remis en son Roiaume. 4. Leide. 1585. ANTONIUS (Aelius). Dictionarium Latino-Hispanicum. 4. Antv. 1570. ANTONIUS magnus, abbas Aegyptius. Melissa, Latine interpr. C. Gesnero et J. Ribitto. fol. Tigur. 1546. ANTONIUS Astensis. Carmen de varietate fortunae sive de vita sua et gestis civium Astensium ab origine urbis ad 1342, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XIV. ANTONIUS de Augustinis, v. Agostino. ANTONIUS de Boezio, v. Buccio. ANTONIUS de Ripalta. Annales Placentini (1401-1463), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XX. ANTONIUS Callus, Genuensis. Opuscula Historica de rebus gestis populi Genuensis, et de navigatione Columbi, &c., v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXIII. ANTONIUS Hyvanus Sarazensis. Commentariolus de bello Volaterrano (1472) a Floren- tinis gesto, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXIII. C 2 20 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [An ANTONIUS Pctri. Diarium Romanum (14041417), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXIV. APHTHONIUS. In Aphthonii Progymnastica commentarius innominati autoris. fol. Yen. 1509. APIANUS (Petrus). Introductio Geographica. fol. Tngolst. 1533. Quadrans Astronomicus. fol. Ingolst. 1532. Instrumentum sinuum seu primi mobilis. fol. Lutet. 1551. Horoscopion generate, fol. Ingolst. 1533. APICIUS (Coelius). De opsoniis et condimentis cum commentariis Gabr. Humelbergii. 4. Tiguri 1542. APOLINARIUS. Interpretatio Psalmorum versibus heroicis Graecis. 18. Lond. 1590. APOLLODORUS. Bibliotheca, interp. Bened. Aegii Spoletini. 12. Rom. 1565. Id. ed. Bekker. 12. Lips. 1854. APOLLONIUS Alexandrinus. Historiae Mirabiles, v. Antoninus Lib. De Constructione seu syntaxi verborum, Gr. Lat. per F. Portum. 4. Franc. 1590. APOLLONIUS Dyscolus. Scripta minora, a R. Schneidero edita. (vol. I. fasc. I. Grammat. Graec.) 8. Lips. 1878. APOLLONIUS Pergaeus. Conica, cum Pappi lemmatibus et commentariis Eutocii. fol. Bon. 1566. Id. v. Synops. Geometr. per F. Mersenne. Id. demonstrata per Is. Barrow, q. v. 4. Lond. 1675. Opera, Latine. fol. Ven. 1537. APOLLONIUS Rhodius. Argonautica, cum annotationibus H. Stephani. 4. Par. 1574. Id. cum apparatu critico et prolegomenis R. Merkel. 80. Lips. 1854. APOLLONIUS, Tyaneus. Epistolae, v. Epistol. Graec. Aid. APOLLONIUS Tyrius. Fabula Erotica, v. Erotic. Script. APOSTOLI, v. Ada. APPIANUS Alexandrinus. Historia Romnna Gr. fol. Lutet. 1551. Id. ed. Bekker. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1852. Delle guerre de Romani, tradotte da Aless. Braccio, con 1'historia della guerra Illirica, tradotta da Girolamo Ruscelli. 18. Ven. 1575. Ar] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 21 APUIiEICrS (Lucius) Madaurensis. Opera. 24. Amstel. 1624. De ponderibus et mensuris. fol. Yen. 1558. Metamorphoseon libri xi. ed. F. Eyssenhardt. 8. Berol. 1869. Apologia, sive de Magia liber, ed. G. Krtiger. 4. Berol. 1864. Florida, ed. G. Krtiger. 4. Berol. 1865. AQTTILA, in regno Neapolitano. Collectio monumentorum Furconii et Amiterni Comita- tuum (500-1265), v. Italic. Antiq. Med. Aev. (Mura- tori.) Tom. VI. AQUILA Romanus. De figuris sententiarum, &c., v. Rhetor. Lat. Pithoei. AQUILANUS (Sebastianus). De morbo Gallico, v. Morb. Gall. De febre sanguinis. fol. Yen. 1516. AQUILEIA. Vitae episcoporum et patriarcharum Aquileiensium, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XVI. Sammlung von Acten-Stiicken zur Geschichte des Con- flictes Herzog Rudolfs IV. von Oesterreich mit dem Patriarchen von Aquileia (1358-1365), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 40. AQUILIUS (Henricus) Arnhemiensis. Chronici Gelriae compendium, cum additamentis P. Scriverii, v. Scriverium. AQUINAS (S. Thomas). Opera omnia. 17 voll. fol. Yen. 1588-95. Tabula aurea in D. Thomae Aquinatis opera omnia, auct. P. de Bergomo. fol. Yen. 1595. Opuscula quaedam ad speculationem physicam spec- tantia. fol. Yen. 1595. Summa totius Theologiae, Duacensium Theologorum opera repurgata. fol. Duaci. 1614. Summa Theologiae compendium, v. P. Alagona. Epitome in universam S. Theologiae summam, a Berardo Bonjoanne. 8. Lugd. 1579. Commentarii in Aristotelis libros, q. v. Secreta alchemiae, de lapide, &c., v. Theatr. Chemicum. Fallaciae ; Tractatus de ente et essentia. fol. Yen. 1489. Commentary on the Four Gospels, collected out of the works of the Fathers by S. Thomas Aquinas. 4 vols. in 8. (Library of the Fathers.) 8. Oxf. 1841-5. AQUITANIA. Les Annales d'Aquitaine, v. Bouchet (J.) ARABIA. Reise-beschreibung, v. Niebuhr. ABANEUS (Clemens) Raguseus. Sermones Sacri. 4. Brixiae 1586. 22 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ar ARATUS. Phenomena et diosemeia, cum scholiis. 4. Par. 1559. Id. v. Poet. Graecos. Steph. Phenomena, &c., translated with notes, by J. Lamb. 8. Land. 1848. ARBOREUS (Joannes) Laudunensis. Theosophiae libri XIX. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1540. ARBUTHNOT (John). Essay concerning the effects of air on human bodies. 8. Lond. 1733. Essay concerning the nature of aliments, and the choice of them according to the different constitutions of human bodies. 8. Lond. 1735. Miscellaneous works. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1770. ARCHELAUS episc. Mesopotaraiae. Acta Disputationis cum Manete haeresiarcha. v. Socrat. Hist. Ecclesiast. ARCHILOCHUS. De Temporibus, v. Annius. ARCHIMEDES. Opera, cum commentariis Dav. Rivalti. fol. Par. 1615. De iis quae vehuntur in aqua, ed. Fed. Commaudinus. 4. Bonon. 1565. Opera, cum Comm. Eutocii Ascalonitae. fol. Basil. 1544. Opera, illustrata per J. Barrow. 4. Lond. 1675. Opera aliquot, v. Mersenne Geomet. Synops. ARCULANUS (Joannes) Veronensis. Practica, seu expositio noni libri Rasis ad Almansorem. fol. Yen. 1504. Id. fol. Basil. 1540. Id. fol. Yen. 1560. Expositio in Avicennae quarti canonis Fen primam. fol. Yen. 1560. ARENA (Jacobus de). Super jure civili comment, fol. Lugd. 1541. ARESI (Paolo). Delle sacre imprese. 8 voll. 4. Ten. 1649, Tortonae 1630-5, e Gen. 1640. Delle tribolatione e suoi rimedi. 4. Yen. 1636. ARETAEUS Cappadox. De causis et signis Morborum. fol. Oxon. 1723. Id. v. Medic. Art. Princip. Steph. ARETHA, Caesar. Cappadociae episcopus. Comment, in Joaunis Apocalypsin. (Veronae 1532,) v. Oecumenius. Enarrationes in Apocalypsin ad calc. Oecumenii Enar- rat, fol. Antv. 1545. ARETINO (Pietro). Ragionamenti. 24. Bengodi 1581. Ar] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 23 ARETINUS (Leonardus). Dialogue de moribus ad Galeotum amicum, v. Ethica Aristotelis (Paris. 1542). ABETIUS (Benedictus). Descriptio Stocc-hornii et Nessi in Bernatium Helve- tiorum ditione montium. fol. Argen. 1561. ARETIUS (Claudius Harius). De situ Siciliae. 12. Witeb. 1622. Chorographia Siciliae, v. Italiae illust. Script. ARFEVILLE (Nicolay, sieur d'), v. Nicolay. ARGENTERIUS (Joannes) Castellonovensis. Varia opera de re raedica. fol. Floren. 1550. Id. seu de Morbis. fol. Floren. 1556. ARGOLTJS (Andreas). Tabulae primi mobilis. 2 voll. 4. Patav. 1644. Tabulae secundorum mobiliura juxta hypotheses Tycho- nicas. 4. Patav. 1650. ARGYRTTS (Is.) Computus paschalis duplex, fol. Par. 1630. ARIMINO (Gregorius de). In primo et secundo Sententiarum. fol. Ven. 1518 ARINGHUS (Petrus). Roma Subterranea. fol. Lutet. 1659. ARIOSTO (Ludovico). Orlando Furioso. 8. Ven. 1556. Orlando Furioso, translated by W. S. Rose. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1823-31. ARISTARCHUS, Samius. De magnitudinibus et distantiis Solis et Lunae, cum Pappi explicationibus : a Commandiuo in Latinum conv. 4. Pisauri 1572. De Mundi Systemate, v. Mersenne observ. ARISTEAS. De legis divinae translatione per LXX interpretes, v. Hodius. ARISTENUS. Synopsis canonum, v. Beceridge, Synodic. ARISTIDES. Panathenaica oratio. fol. Par. 1593. Opera Graece, ed. Dindorf. 3 voll. 8. Lips. 1829. ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae, ed. R. F. P. Brunck. 3 voll. 8. Argent. 1783. Comoediae IX, cum commentariis antiquis. fol. Basil. 1547. Comoediae, ed. Dindorf, v. Poet, Scenic. Graec. ARISTOTELES. Opera (Gr. et Lat.) ex bibliotheca Casauboni. fol. Lugd. 1590. Opera (Gr. et Lat.) ecL Casaubon. 2 voll. fol. Aivrel. Allob. 1605. 24 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [AT Opera (Gr. et Lat.), ed. G. du Val. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1619. Opera (Lat.) cum comra. Averrois : Levi Gersonidis in Averroem &c. 11 voll. (in 4). fol. Yen. 1550-52. Opera: ed. Bekker cum scholiis (ed. Brandis) iuter- pretatt. Latinis, et indice (ed. Bonitz). 5 voll. 4. Berol. 1831-70. Interpretatio obscuriorum locorum et sententiarum omnium operuin Aristotelis : per Felic. Accorombo- nium. fol. Rom. 1590. Organon, ed. Th. Waitz. 2 voll. 8. Lips. 1844. Colleg. Conimbric. in universam dialecticam Aris- totelis comm. 4. Col. Agr. 1611. Logica Aristotelis (Lat.) cum paraphrasi et notis. fol. Par. 1531. Disputat. super Arist. dialecticam. 4. Col. Agr. 1644. in praedicamenta comm. Simplicii, Lat. fol. Yen. 1543. in Arist. praedicamenta brevis explicatio Por- phyrii. (Lat.) fol. Yen. 1546. in praedicamenta comm. Dexippi. (Lat.) fol. Yen. 1546. In universalium librum et peryhermenias expo- sitio Gualterii Burlei. fol. Yen. 1493. In universal ibus ; praedicamentis ; postpredica- mentis ; sex principiis, et periermenias expositio Egidii Romani. fol. Ven. 1507. de interpretatione, comm. Martini Borrhai Stut- gardiensis. 4. Basil. 1541. Analyt. Priora, comm. Martini Borrhai. 4. Basil. 1541. Analyt. Priora, comm. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis. fol. Ven. 1513. Analyt. Priora, comm. Johannis Grammatici Phi- loponi. fol. Yen. 1536. Analyt. Priora, comm. Magentini Metropoliti Mitylenes. fol. Ven. 1536. Priora Resolutoria, comm. Joan. Franc. Burana. fol. Par. 1 539. Anal. Post. comm. Joan. Philoponi. fol. Ven. 1534. Anal. Post. comm. Eustratii. fol. Ven. 1534. Anal. Post, paraphrasis Themistii. fol. Ven. 1534. Anal. Post. Comment. Anonymi in librum II. fol. Ven. 1534. Anal. Post, paraphrasis Themistii, Lat. 4. Bas. 1533. Anal. Post, exposit. Aegidii Romani. fol. Ven. 1500. Anal. Post. comm. Bernard. Petrellae. fol. Patav. 1595. Anal. Post. comm. Augustini Niphi. fol. Par. 1540. Ar] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 25 Organon, Topica, comm. Alexandri Aphrod. fol. Yen- 1513. Topica, comm. Augustini Niphi. fol. Par. 1540. '' supra libros elenchorum expositio Aegidii Romani, ace. questio de medio demonstrationis. fol. Yen. \ 496. Physica. Archangel! Mercenari a Monte Sancto diluci- dationes obscurorum locorum philosophiae naturalis Aristotelis. 4. Yen. 1588. disputationes Franc. Murcia de Liana. 4. Col. Ayr. 1644. Themistii paraphrasis. fol. Yen. 1534. Themistii paraphrasis, Lat. 4. Bas. 1533. Introductio et paraphrasis Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. . comm. Colleg. Conimbricensis. 4. Lugd. 1594. comm. Simplicii (Lat.) fol. Par. 1544. comm. Simplicii cum textu, fol. Yen. 1526. comm. Philopoui in primes quattuor libros. fol. Yen. 1535. comm. Franc. Toleti. 4. Col. Agr. 1579. comm. Thomae Aquinatis, ace. summa Roberti Linconiensis in eosdem libros. fol. Yen. 1595. questiones Johannis Jendonis, ace. questio helie Hebrei Cretensis de primo motore. fol. Yen. 1488. questiones Joh. Canonici. fol. Yen. 1493. comm. Gualteri Burlaei. fol. Yen. 1589. expositio Gualteri de Burley. fol. Yen. 1482. comm. Jacobi Schegkii Schorndorffiensis. fol. Basil. 1546. De Coelo. Themistii paraphrasis (Lat.) fol. Few. 1574. comm. Simplicii. fol. Yen. 1526. expositio Cajetani. fol. Yen. 1502. questiones Aegidii de materia celi. fol. Yen. 1502. paraphrasis Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. disputationes Francis. Murcia de Liana. 4. Col. Agr. 1644. comm. Collegii Conimbricensis. 4. Lugd. 1594. questiones Joan. Jandonii. fol. Yen. 1501. De Qeneratione et Corruptione. comm. Philoponi. fol. Yen. 1527. expositio Pauli Veneti, ace. libellus de compositione mundi, cum figuris. fol. Yen. 1498. paraphrasis Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. comm. Colleg. Conimbric. 4. Mogunt. 1615. comm. Franc. Toleti. 4. Col. Agr. 1579. disputat. Francis. Murcia de Liana. 4. Col. Agr. 1644. Latine a Flaminio Nobili, cum explanatione Sim- plicii et questionibus illustrat. fol. Pat. 1596. Meteorologica. comm. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis. fol. Yen. 1527. 26 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ar Moteorologica. comm. Alcxandri Aphrodisiensis. (Lat.) fol. Yen. 1556. comm. Philoponi in lib. I. fol. Ven. 1551. comm. Olympiodori. fol. Fen. 1551. comm. Franc. Vicomercati. fol. Par. 1556. comm. Colleg. Conimbricensis. 4. Lugd. 1593. disputt. Fran. Murcia de Liana. 4. Col. Ayr. 1644. in librum IV. dubitationes Pomponatii. fol. Ven. 1563. comm. J. L. Ideler. 2 voll. 8. Lips. 1834. De Anima. Comm. Simplicii. fol. Ven. 1527. comm. Simplicii. (Lat.) fol. Ven. 1543. comm. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis. fol. Ven. 1534. comm. Philoponi. fol. Ven. 1535. paraphrasis Themistii. fol. Ven. 1534. paraphrasis Themistii. (Lat.) 4. Bas. 1533. comm. Thomae Aquinatis, ace. questiones Dominici de Flandria. fol. Ven. 1597. questiones Johannis Jandonii. fol. Ven. 1501. paraphrasis et introductio J. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. comm. secundum doctrinas venerabilis Alberti Magni. fol. Col. 1491. comm. Marc. Antonii Passeri Grenuae. fol. Ven. 1576. comm. Jacobi Schegkii. fol. Basil. 1546. comm. Ant. Montecatini, in earn partem libri III. quae est de mente humana. fol. Ferrar. 1576. comm. Collegii Conimbricensis. 4. Col. 1629. disputat. Fr. Murcia de Liana. 4. Col. Agr. 1644. comm. Antonii Ruvii. 4. Col. Agr. 1613. ed. Torstrik. 8. Berol. 1862. comm. F. A. Trendelenburg. 8. Berol. 1877. De Sensu. comm. Alexandri Aphrodis. fol. Ven. 1527. De Somno. paraphras. Themistii. fol. Ven. 1534. paraphras. Themistii. (Lat.) 4. Bas. 1533. De Memoria (parva naturalia). schol. Michaelis Ephesii. fol. Ven. 1527. paraphrasis Themistii (Lat.) 4. Bas. 1533. paraphrasis J. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. De Historia Animalium. interpr. J. C. Scaliger, cum comment, fol. Tolas. 1619. exposit. August. Niphi. fol. Ven. 1546. mit deutscher Uebersetzung und Erklarung v. H. Aubert und F. Wimmer. 2 vols. 8. Lips. 1864. De partibus Animalium. scholia Michaelis Ephesii. fol. Florent. 1548. exposit. Aug. Niphi. fol. Ven. 1546. De generatione Animalium. expos. Aug. Niphi. fol. Ven. 1546. De Plantis. comm. J. C. Scaligeri. fol. Genev. 1566. Ar] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 27 Problemata. cum duplici translations, et comment. Petri de Abano : ace. Alexandri Aphrod. problemata. (Lat.) fol. Par. 1520. Metaphysica. ed. Bonitz. 2 voll. 8. Bonn. 1848. a Bessarione Latinitate donatum, cum interpret. Argyropuli in XII primes libros : ace. introductio J. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1515. comm. Syriani. 4. Yen. 1558. comm. Alexand. Aphrodisiens. ed. Bonitz. 8. Berol. 1847. questiones Scoti. 4. Ven. 1499. quest. Antonii Andreae. fol. Ven. 1514. comm. Petri Fousecae. 2 voll. 8. Lugd. 1591-3. questiones Pauli Soncinatis, ord. predic. congreg. Lombardiae. fol. Ven. 1498. questiones Johannis de Janduno, cum annota- tionibus Marci Antonii Zimara : ace. questio de indi- viduatione nature, fol. Ven. 1505. Introductio Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Par. 1525. Ethica ad Nicomachum. comm. Joannis Majoris. fol. Par. 1530. comm. Eustratii et aliorum Peripateticorum. fol. Ven. 1536. Jo. Argyropulo interpret, cum comment. Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Paris. 1542. interpret. Leonardo Aretino. fol. Paris. 1542. antiqua conversio. fol. Paris. 1542. moralis Jac. Fabri Stapulensis in Ethicen intro- ductio, Judoci Clithtovei Neoportuensis commentario elucidata. fol. Paris. 1545. Paraphrase Fran9oise par Hierosme de Benevent. 4o. Parts. 1615. interpr. Argyropulo, cum comm. Donati Acciaioli. fol. Par. 1541. explanat. Eustratii, Aspasii, Michaelis Ephesii &c. cum praefatione Jo. Bernardi Feliciani. fol. Basil. comm. Petri Victorii. fol. Floren. 1584. explanatio et quaestiones Tarq. Gallutii. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1632-45. question. Job. Buridani. 4. Oxon. 1637. transl. by R. Williams. 8. Lond. 1869. comm. Oberti Giphanii. 12. Franc. 1608. comm. Joan. Magiri. 12. Franc. 1608. Latine, per Ant. Riccobonum, cum comm. Hanov. 1610. comm. Car. Ludov. Michelet. 2 voll. 8. Ber. 1829-48. comm. G. Ramsauer. 8. Lips. 1878. Ethica Eudemia. cum comment. Fritzscbii. 8. Ratisb. 1851. 28 MEHTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ar Magna Moralia. Georg. Valla Placentino interpr. fol. Paris. 1542. Politica. with notes by J. R. T. Eaton. 8. Oxf. 1851. interpret. Lambini et Victorii, cum comment, et scholiis. fol. Basil. 1582. comm. Jo. Buridani. 16. Oxon. 1640. ex traductione Leonard! Aretini, cum comment. Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Paris. 1543. traduictz en Francois par Loys le Roy. 4. Par. 1568. traduictz en Fra^ois par Loys le Roy. fol. Par. 1576. from Loys le Roy into English. fol. Lond. 1598. interpr. Jo. Genesio Sepulveda. 4. Par. 1548. observations upon. 4. Lond. 1652. tradotto di Greco in lingua volgare da Bernardo Segni. 12. Vineg. 1551. traduite du Grec avec des notes et des eclaircisse- ments par Charles Hillon. 3 tomes. 8. Paris. 1803. cum vetusta transl. Gul. Moerbeka : ed. F. Suse- mihl. 8. Lips. 1872. Oeconomica. ex traductione Leonardi Aretini, cum comment. Jac. Fabri Stapulensis. fol. Paris. 1543. Rhetorica. (Gr. et Lat.) cum notis Theod. Goulston. 4o. Lond. 1619. comm. Petri Victorii. fol. Basil. 1549. en Francois par Rob. Estienne. 18. Par. 1624. cum adnotatione L. Spengel ; accedit vetusta translatio Latina. 2 voll. 8<>. Lips. 1867. Poetica. explicatt. Fran. Robortelli. fol. Florent. 1548. commentary by H. J. Pye. 4. Lond. 1792. annotat. critic. J. Vahlen. 8. Berol. 1874. ARMINIUS (Jacobus). Opera Theologica. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1629. ARMSTRONG (John). Miscellanies. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1770. The art of preserving health : a poem. 4. Lond. 1744. ARMSTRONG (Sir Thomas). Proceedings against him upon an outlawry for high treason, fol. Lond. 1684. ARNALD (Richard). A critical commentary upon the book of the Wisdom of Solomon, fol. Lond. 1744. A crit. comm. upon the book of the Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach. fol. Lond. 1748. A crit. comm. upon the books of Tobit, Judith, Baruch, the History of Susannah, and Bel and the Dragon. fol. Lond. 1752. Two dissertations on the books of Maccabees and Esdras. fol. Lond. 1 752. AT] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 29 ARNAY (J. Rod. d'). Private life of the Romans (translated). 18. Lond. 1764. ARNDT (Wilhelm). Schrifttafeln zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen und zum Selbstunterricht. fol. Berl. 187478. ARNTSAEUS (Henning), Halberstadiensis. De auctoritate principum in populum semper inviolabili commentarius. 4 Franc. 1612. De subjectione et exemptione clericorum, item de potes- tate temporali pontificis in principes. Ibid. ARNOEIUS, Afer, rhetor. Disputationes adversus Gentes, per F. Sabaeum. fol. Rom. 1542. Id. Basil. 1546. Id. ad calc. Opp. Tertulliani. fol. Par. 1580. ARNOBIUS, Gallus. Commentarii in Psalmos : (v. Arnob. Afer.) fol. Par. 1580. ARNOLD (Thomas, D.D.) History of Rome. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1845. History of the Later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1845. ARNOLDTJS, Carnotensis. Opera varia, cum var. lectt. cura J. Fell. Episc. Oxon. : ad calc. opp. Cypriani, q. v. ABNOLDUS, Lubecensis abbas. Chronicon Slavorum, v. German. Honu. Hist. Tom. XXI. ARNOLDUS (Nicolaus), prof, in Francfor. Religio Sociniana, seu Catechesis Racoviana major publicis disputationibus refutata. 4. Francf. 1654. ARNULPHUS, Lexoviensis episc. Epistolae ad Henricum II, regem Angliae, S. Thomam, &c., ed. J. A. Giles. 8. Oxon. 1844. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. XVI. Invectiva in Girardum Engolismensem, v. German. Mon. Histor. Tom. XIV. ARNULPHTJS Mediolanensis. Gesta episcoporum Hediolanensium, v. German. Mon. Histor. Tom. X. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. IV. ARRIAGA (Rodericus de). Cursus Philosophicus. fol. Lugd. 1653. ARRIANUS (Flavius). Periplus Ponti Euxini et Maris Erythraei cum J. G. Stuckii scholiis. fol. Genev. 1577. De Expeditione Alexandri Magni. fol. Par. 1575. Les Faicts et Conquestes d'Alexandre le grand, traduicts en Fran9ois par Cl. Vuitart. 4. Par. 1581. Anabasis, Indica, et Fragmenta, ed. Diibner. 8. Par. 1846. 30 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. LAP ARRETIUM. Annales Arretini (1192-1343), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXIV. ARTEMIDORUS, Ephesius. Oneirocriticon libri V. ed. R. Hercher. 8. Lipt. 1864. ARTHUS Gotardus. Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus succcnturiatus. Vol. XIV. lib. III. 8. Franc. 1623. ARTICLES. Articuli Lambethani, cum Anglicana confessione et patrum, maxime Augustini, sententia collati, v. Hut- ton (M.) The XXXIX Articles of the constitutions and canons of the Church of England, &c. 8. Land. 1739. The Collegiate Suffrage of the divines of Great Britain concerning the five Articles delivered at the Synod of Dort (1619). 4o. Lond. 1629. A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, &c., by Bishop Sparrow. 4. Lond. 1661. ARVALES. Acta fratrum Arvalium quae supersunt : restituit et illustravit W. Henzen. 8. Berol. 1874. ASCHAM (Roger). Familiares Epistolae. 12. Lond. 1590. ASCONIUS Paedianus. Comment, in VI orationes Ciceronis. 4. Par. 1536. Comm. in aliquot orationes Ciceronis. 8. LugA. 1551. ASCULO (SaladSnus de). ap. Mesua, q. v. ASELLIUS (Caspar) Cremonensis. De lactibus sive lacteis venis. fol. Amst. 1645. ASHLEY (Anthony). The Mariner's Mirrour, v. Wagenaer* ASHURST (William). Reasons against agreeing with a paper intituled Foun- dations of Freedom. 4. Lond. 1648. ASHWELL (George). De ecclesia Romana dissertatio. 4. Oxon. 1688. ASINIUS (Jo. Bapt.) Comment, in titulum Digestorum de religiosis et sump- tibus funerum. fol. Flor. 1562. ASSEMBLY. Annotations on the Bible by the assembly at West- minster. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1651. ASSERIUS. or Asser. Aelfredi res gestae, per G. Camdenum, v. Script. An- glican, ex biblioth. Camdeni. ASSHETON (William). The plain man's reply to the Catholick missionaries. 8. Lond. 1686. Defence of the plain man's reply against the missioners' answer. 4. Lond. 1687. (MS.) At] MERTON COLLEGE LIBEARY. The country parson's admonition to his parishioners persuading them to continue in the Protestant reli- gion. 8. Lond. 1687. A defence of the country parson's admonition against the exceptions of the Plain-man's answer. 8. Lond. 1687. The plain man's answer to his country parson's admo- nition, together with the missioners' answer to the plain man's reply. 4. Lond. 1686. (MS.) ASTARIUS (Blasius). De curandis febribus. fol. Yen. 1516. ASTERIUS (Justus). Deploratio pacis Germanicae. 4. Par. 1636. A bewayling of the peace of Germany. 4. Lond. 1637. Examen comitiorum Ratisbonensium, sive disquisitio politica de nupera electione novissimi regis Roma- norum. 4. Hanov. 1637. ASTITTS (Fridericus). Lexicon Platonicum. 3 voll. 8. Lips. 1835-38 ASTRAMPSYCHTJS. Oneirocriticon, v. Oracula Sybill. ASTROLOGIA. Liber novem judicum in judiciis astrorum (ex off. P. Liechtenstein Colon.) 4. Venet. 1509. ASTRUC (Johannes). De Morbis Venereis. 2 voll. 4. Par. 1740. ATHANASIUS, archiep. Alexandrinus. Opera, Gr. Lat. cum interpretatione P. Nannii et ali- orum. 2 voll. fol. off. Commel 1600-1. Historical tracts, and other treatises, translated with notes (Library of the Fathers). 4 vols. 8. Oaf. 1843. History of the great Athanasius and of his famous Creed. 8<>. Lond. 1719. An historical enquiry after the author of the Creed com- monly called Athanasian. 8. Lond. 1720. ATHENAETJS. D eipnosophistae, ed. Is. Casaubon. fol. Par. 1597. Animadversiones Casauboni in Athenaeum, fol. (Com- melin.) Lugd. 1600 Deipnosophistae, Latine per Natalem de Comitibus. fol. Yen. 1556. Id. ed. Meineke. 4 voll. 12, Lips. 1858-67. ATHENAGORAS. Opera, Graece et Latine. 8. Oxon. 1682. Id. cura E. Dechair. 8. Oxon. 1706. ATKYNS (Sir Robert). The power and privilege of Parliament, and the anti- quity of the House of Commons asserted, with a dis- course concerning the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in England, fol. Lond, 1689. 32 MEETOH COLLEGE LIBRARY. [At Enquiry into the power of dispensing with penal sta- tutes, &c. fol. Lond. 1689. The Lord Russet's innocency further defended, fol. Lond. 1689. ATLAS. The English Atlas (M. Pitt). 4 vols. fol. Oxf. 1680-3. 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Atlas Geographus, or a compleat system of Geography, ancient and modern. 5 vols. 4. Lond. 1711-17. Gary's English Atlas. 4. Lond. 1787. Atlas Historique, ou nouvelle introduction a 1'histoire, a la chronologic, et a la geographic ancienne et moderne, par Mons. C. fol. Amst. 1705. Atlas of Modern Geography, by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1846. Physical Atlas, by A. K. Johnstone. fol. Edinb. 1849. Spruner's Hand Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. fol. Goth. 1871-78. Kiepert's Atlas von Hellas und den Hellenischen Colo- nien. fol. Berl. 1872. ATTERBURY (Francis), bishop of Rochester. Sermons. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1740. An answer to some considerations on the spirit of Martin Luther and the original of the Reformation. 4o. Oxf. 1687. ATJBERTUS (Jacobus) Vindo. De metallorum ortu et causis contra chemistas. 18. Lugd. 1575. AUBERY (J.) Les Bains de Bourbon Lancy. 24. Par. 1604. Au] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 33 AUBIGNE (Th^odore-Agrippa d'). L'histoire universelle. 3 voll. fol. MaillS 1616-1620. AUBIGNE (J. H. Merle d'). History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1840-53. History of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1863-78. AUBREY (John). Lives of Eminent Men, annexed to Letters, q. v. AVENTINUS (Joannes), or Turmair. Annalium Boiorum libri VII. fol. Basil. 1580. AVERROES. De Simplicibus Medicinis. fol. Argent. 1531. De Venenis. 4. Lit yd. 1517. Comment, in Aristotel. v. Aristoteles. AUGENTUS (Horatius) a Monte Sancto. Epistolae et Consultationes Medicinales. fol. Ven. 1592. AUGURELLUS (Joan. Aurelius). Chrysopoeia, &c., v. Chemic. Theatr. et Script, de Ghemia. AUGUSTA HfSTORIA, v. Roma. AUGUSTINUS (Antonius), Archiepiscopus Tarragon. Antiquitatum Romanarum Hispanarumque in nummis veterum dialogi XI, Latine redditi ab And. Schotto; cuiaccessit duodecimus de prisca religione. fol. Antv. 1617. Emeridationes et opiuiones. 12. Lugd. 1544. Ad Modestinum,seu de excusationibus. 12. Lugd. 1544. De familiis Romanorum, v. Antiq. Roman. Thes. ed. Graevius. Tom. VII. De Legibus, cum Notis F. Ursini, v. Antiq. Roman. Thesaur. ed. Graevius. Tom. II. AUGUSTINUS (S. Aurelius). Omnium operum epitome per J. Piscatorium. 2 ptt. fol. Aug Vind. 1537. Opera, per Erasmum Roterod. edita. 10 voll. fol. Bas. 1569. Opera, per Theologos Lovanienses recensita. 10 voll. fol. Par. 1614. Opera. 10 voll. fol. Col. Agr. 1616. Opera : opera monachorum ord. 8. Benedict! e congreg. St. Mauri. 11 voll. (in 14). 8". Par. 1836-9. Confessiones : Vol. I. Bibl. Patrum. 8. Oxon. 1838. The Confessions, translated. 8. Oxf. 1838. Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament. 2 vols. 80. Oxf. 1844-5. Seventeen short treatises. 8. Oxf. 1847. Expositions on the Book of Psalms. 6 vols. 8. Oxf. 1847-57. Homilies on the Gospel according to St. John and his first Epistle. 2 vols. 80. Oxf. 1848-9. 34 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [An AUGUSTINTTS, patritius Senensis. Descriptio adventus Friderici III. ad Paulum papam II. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom XXIII. AUGUSTUS, Caesar Octavianus. Res gestae divi Augusti ex monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi, ed. Th. Mommsen. 8. Berol. 1865. AVICENNA (Aboali Abinsene). Opera cum expositionibus principalium interpretum ejus. 5 voll. fol. Yen, 1523. Liber Canonis, de Medicinis cordialibus, Cantica, de removendis nocumentis, de syrupo acetoso ; interpret!. And. Alpago et Bened. Rinio. fol. Ven. 1582. Id. fol. Bas. 1556. De Animalibus liber, per Magistrum Michaelem Scotum de Arabico translatus. fol. Metaphysica sive prima philosophia. fol. Ven. 1495. A VILA y Zufiiga (Ludovicus ab). Commentarius de Bello Germanico a Carlo V. gesto, e Hispano in Latinum conversus a Gul. Malinaeo. 18. Argent. 1620. AVITY (P. d'), seigneur de JkTontmartre. Le Monde, ou description generate de ses quatres parties. 8 vols. fol. Par. 1637. AULA REGIA. Annales Aulae Regiae in Bohemia. (Die Konigssaaler Geschichts-quellen), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. VIII. AULULARIA. Aulularia sive Quaerolus, Theodosiani aevi comoedia Rutilio dedicata, ex recens. R. Peiperi. 12. Lips. 1875. AURELIANUS (Caelius) Siccensis. De Morbis acutis et chronicis, ed. C. Amman. 4". Amst. 1709. De acutis et diuturnis Morbis. 24. Lugd. 1567. Libri quinque Chronicon, v. Medic. Antiq. AURELIUS (Cornelius). Batavia. 18. Antv. 1586. Id. v. Scriverium. Diadema imperatorium, et epistolae. 18. Antv. 1586. AUBELIUS (Ludovicus). Annales ecclesiastici C. Baronii in epitomen redacti. 8. Penis. 1634. AUSONIUS (Dec. Magn.) Opera cum interpret. J. Floridi. 4. Par. 1730. Mosella, mit metrischer Uebersetzung, &c., von L. Tross. 8. Hamm. 1824. Epigrammata, v. Hist. Roman. Script. Vol. II. AUSTIN (John). Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the Philosophy of Posi- tive Law. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1861-3. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 35 AUSTRIA. Fontes Rerum Austriacarum. Oesterreichische Gesch- ichts-quellen ; Herausgegeben von der Historischen Commission der Kaiserlichen Academic der Wissen- schaften in Wien. I. Abth. Scriptores, voll. I VIII ; II. Abth. Acta et Diplomats, voll. I-XL. Annales Austriae, v. German. Monum. Hist. Tom. XI. AUTOLYCUS. De Sphaera, v. Mersenne Geomet. Synops. AYLIFFE (John). Ancient and Present State of the University of Oxford. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1723. AYBES (Philip). A short account of the Life and Death of Pope Alex- ander III., &c., translated out of the Italian (of Steph. Cavalli). 4. 1667. AZARIUS (Petrus). Chronicon de gestis principum Vicecomitum et domi- norum Mediolani (1250-1362), v. Ital. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XVI. AZO, de Ramenghis. Sum ma : locuples juris thesaurus, fol. Basil. 1572. AZOLINTTS (Cardinalis). Aphorismi Politici quae in conclavi observanda habeat Cardinalis pontificium axioma ambiens. 4. Osnab. 1691. AZOBIUS (Jo.) Lorcitanus. lustitutionum Moralium torni III. fol. Colon. 1613- 16-18. B. (A. P. F.) Mellificii Historic! continuatio sive pars quarta. fol. Franc. 1649. B. (GK) Two treatises concerning the preservation of the eye- sight, the first written by Dr. Bailey, sometimes of Oxford, the other collected out of those two famous physicians Fernelius and Riohanus. 8. Oxf. 1616. B. (H.) M.A. v. Brooke (Humphrey). BABBAGE (Charles). Scriptores Optici. A collection of tracts on optics. 4. Lond. 1823. BABENBEBG (Lupoldus de). De juribus et translatione imperii, v. Flaccium de translatione, &c. BABBIUS. Fabulae Aesopicae, ed. F. G. Schneidewin. 12. Lips. 1865. BABYLON. A relation of the siedge and taking of Babylon by the Turk. 4o. Lond. 1639. I) 2 MKRTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba BACCIUS (Andreas). De Thermis veterum, v. Antiq. Roman. Thesaur. ed. Graerius. Tom. XII. BACHAUMONT (Louis cle). Meinoires secrets pour servir a 1'histoire de la republique des lettres en France depuis 1 762 jusqu'a nos jours : ou journal d'un observateur contenant 1'analyse des pieces de theatre, &c. 36 tomes. 12. Lond. 1777. BACHOVIUS (Reinh.) Aniinadversioues in dlsputationes Hier. Treutler. 3 voll. 4o. Col 1664. BACON (Francis), Lord Verulam. Opera philosophica, moralia, historico-politica. fol. Franco/. 1665. Works. 4 vok fol. Lond. 1740. Works. 10 vols. 8. Lond. 1824. Resuscitatio, or bringing into publick light several pieces of the works civil, historical, philosophical and theological of Fr. Bacon, by W. Rawley. fol. Lend. 1671. Historic of the Reigne of King Henry VII. - fol. Lond. 1629. Confession of Faith. 4. Lond. 1641. Twoo bookes of the Proficience and Advancement of learning, divine and human. 4. Lond. 1605. Sermoues fideles, sive interiora rerum. 12. Oxon. 1861. Some account of the Novum Organum. 8. Lond. 1861. BACON sen Baconthorpe (Joh.), Carmelita. Opus super quatuor sententiarum libris, et quodlibeta a M. Ant. Zimara. fol. Ven. 1527- BACON (Nathaniel). Historical and political discourse of the laws and government of England, fol. Lond. 168U. BACON (Roger). (Speculum Alchemiae, v. Gebri libros de Alchemia. Opus Tertium : Opus Minus : compendium Philo- sophiae, edited by J. Brewer. 8'. Lond. 18,">9. BAGDEDINUS (Machometus). De superficiorum divisionibus, cura J. Dee et F. Com- mandini. 4. Pisauri 1570. BAGEHOT (Walter). Literary Studies ; with memoir : edited by R. H. Hutton. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1879. BAGLIVUS (Georgius). Opera omnia medico-practica et auatomica. 4. Lngd. 1714. BAGSHAWE (Edward). Two arguments in Parliament concerning the Cannons and the praemunire upon those Cannons. 4. Lond. 1641. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 37 BAILEY (Walter), M.D. On the preservation of the eyesight. 8. Oxf. 1616. BAILIE (Robert). Operis chronologic! et historic! libri II, una cum tribus diatribis, quarum prim a est de haereticorum autocata- crisi, secunda an quicquid in Deo est, Deus sit, tertia de praedestinatione. fol. Amstel. 1663. BAJISO (Guido de). Comment, in VI lib. Decretalium. fol. Li.i(/d. 1547. Rosarium, sive comment, ad volumen Decretorum, cum annott. N. Superantii et P. Albignani Pretii. fol. Lugd. 1516. BAILLIE (Neil B. E.) A Digest of Moohummudan Law on the subjects to which it is usually applied by British Courts of Justice; in India. Part I. The Hanifeea Code. Part II. The Imameea Code of Jurisprudence. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1869-75. BAIN (Alexander). The Senses and the Intellect. 8. Lond. 185". The Emotions and the Will. 8. Lond. 185i>. BAKEB (Sir Richard). Chronicle of the Kings of England, fol. Lond. 1679. BAKEB (Thomas). Geometrical Key ; or the gate of equations unlocked. 4o. Lond. 1684. BAKEB (Thomas), B.D., St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Reflections upon Learning. 8. Lond. 1708. BAKSCHAY (Abraham). Chronologia de rebus Hungaricis, v. Bonfinium. BALBIAN (Justus a), Flandrus. Tractatus septem de lapide philosophico, v. Theatr. Chemicum, vol. III. BALDEBICUS, Trevirensis. Gesta Alberonis archiepiscopi, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. X. BALDUINTJS (Franciscus). Constantinus Magnus, sive de Constantini legibus. 18. Argent. 1612. Comment, in libros IV. Institutionum Juris Civilis, et ad leges Romuli et leges XII tabb. fol. Par. 1554. BALDUINTJS (Fridericus). Tractatus postumus de casibus conscientiae. 4. Franc. 1654. BALDUS cle Ubaldis de Perusio, v. Ubaldus. BALE (John), bishop of Ossory. Illustrium majoris Britanniae scriptorum summarium. fol. Basil. 1559. BALGUY (John). A letter to a Deist concerning the beauty of moral virtue. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1J30. 38 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba A second letter to a Deist, concerning a late book en- titled ' Christianity as old as the Creation.' 8. Lond, 1731. The foundation of moral goodness. 8". Lond. 1728. A second part of the foundation of moral goodness. 8. Lond. 1729. Divine Rectitude. 8. Lond. 1"30. An essay on Redemption, being the second part of Divine Rectitude. 8. Lond. 1741. The Law of Truth, or the obligations of reason essential to all religion. 8. Lond. 1733. Five Sermons. 8. Lond. 1839. BALLADS. Old Ballads, historical and narrative, with some of modern date ; none of which are inserted in Dr. Percy's collection. (T. Evans.) 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1777. BALLONITJS (Gulielmus). Labyriiithi meclici extricati. 4. Genev. 1687. BALLUS (Josephus), Panormitanus. Foecunditas alma foecundans ; sive de foecundate Dei : et Dernonstratio de motu corporum natural!. 4. Patav. 1635. BALMIS (R. Abraham de). Peculium Abrae, seu Grammatica Hebraea una cum Latino. 4o. Yen. 1523. BALUZITJS (Stephanus). Capitularia regum Francorum. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1677. BALZAC (Henri de). (Euvres Completes. '/O tomes. 8. Par. 1870. BALZAC (Jean Louis Guez de). CEuvres : premiere partie. 18. Par. 1628. BANCROFT (George). History of the United States from the discovery of the American Continent. 11 vols. 8. Boston, 1874, &c. BANCROFT (Hubert Howe). The native races of the Pacific States of America. 5 vols. 8<>. Lond. 187.1-6. BANDINUS (Job.), de Bartholomaeis. Historia Seneusis (1402-1-168) : continuata per Tho- masium et Hussiuin, v. Italic. Rer. Scrip. (Muratori). Tom. XX. BANNES (Dominions), Mondragoneusis. Scholastics Comment, in I et II partes S. Thomae, &c. 4 voll. fol. Duaci 1614-15. BARANTE (Amahle G. P. de). Histoire de la Convention Nationale. 6 tomes. 8. Paris 1853. Histoire du Directoire de la Republique 3 tomes. 8. Paris 1855. BARBANTINUS (Joannes) de Zantuliete. De diaeta. 4. Lugd. 1517. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 39 BARBATIAS (Andreas). Comment, in I librum Decretalium. fol. JBonon. 1491. Comm. in tit. de Judiciis. fol. Bonon. I486 et Ven. 1508. Comm. in tit. de foro competenti. fol. Bonon. 1497 et Ven, 1508. Comm. in tit. de probationibus. fol. Bonon. 1497. Comm. in tit. de Testamentis. fol. Bonon. 1490. Comm. in II librum Decretalium. fol. Ven. 1508. Consiliorum VolL IV. fol. Trident. 1517. BABBATIUS (Job.), barbarum amator. Barbae majestas. 4. franc. 1614. BARBERINTTS (Maffaeus), v. Urbanus VIII. BABCLAIUS (Joannes). Argenis. 18. Cantab. 1673. Paraenesis ad sectaries de vera ecclesia. 18. Col. 1625. Euphormio, seu Satyricon ; cum apologia pro se. 12. Par. 1610. BARCLAY (Robert). An apology for the true Christian divinity as held forth and preached by the people called Quakers. 8. Lond. 1701. BARCLAY (William). The authority of the Pope. Lond. 1611. BARDO, presbyter. Vita Anselmi episcopi Luceusis, v. German. Mon. Histor. Tom. XIV. BARECROFT (Charles). A letter to a lady, furnishing her with Scripture testi- monies against the principal doctrines of Popery. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1688. BARETTI (Giuseppe). Introduction to the Italian Language. 8. Lond. 1755. The Italian Library. 8. Lond. 1757. BARETUS (Jo.) An Alvearie, or quadruple dictionary, containing foure sundrie tongues, namelie, English, Latine, Greeke, & French, fol. Lond. 1580. BARGAEUS (Petr. Angelius). De obelisco, &c., v. Autiq. Roman. Thes. ed. Graevius. Tom. IV. BARGRAVE (Isaac). Sermon on Ps. XXVI. 6. 4. Lond. 1624. BARLAAMUS monachus. Logistica, edita et Latine reddita et scholiis illustrata aJ. Chambero. 4. Par. 1600. De Papae principatu libellus. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1645. BARLAEUS (Caspar). Res per octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gesta sub praefectura coinitis Mauritii Nassoviae. fol. Amst. 1647. 40 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba Urbium praecipuarum Hollandiae encomia, v. Scri- verium. Les Merveilles de 1'ame humaine (trad, de Latin.) 32. Am*t. 1635. Poematum editio nova. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1631. BARLANDUS (Adrianus). Ultrajecteusium episcoporum catalogus et res gestae : Hollandiae comitum icones. Hollandiae Zelundiaeque descriptio, seu Historia. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1609. BAKLOW (Thomas), bishop of Lincoln. Popery dangerous to Protestant Princes. 4. Lond. 1679. Reasons why a Protestant of the Church of England should not turn Roman Catholick. 4. Lond. 1688. Letter to John Evelyn on the Invocation of Saints and the Adoration of the Cross. 4. Lond. 1679. BABLOW (William). Conference at Hampton Court. 4. Lond. 1603. BABNABAS (S.) Epistola : integram Graece primuin ed. Hilgenfeld. 8. Lips. 1866. Id. v. Patres (Antv. 1698). Id. translated. 8. Lond. 1833. BARNATTDUS (Nicolaus). Quadriga Aurifera : Triga chemica : &c. v. Theatr. Chemicam, Vol. III. BARNES (Jean). Traicte et dispute contre les equivoques. 12. Par. 1625. BARNES (Joshua). History of Edward III. fol. Camb. 1688. BARNEVELDT (J. van Olden). Arrest donne . . contre lui, May 13, 1619. 4. La Haye 1619. BARO Eguinarius, v. Eguinarius. BARO (Marcus). De Geometria, v. Auctt. var. rei Agrariae. BARON (Michel). L'homme de bon fortune : La coquette : (in 2 tomes). 12o. p ar i s 1808. BARONIUS (Caesar). Martyrologium Romanum. fol. Rom. 1586. Annales Ecclesiastici, a Christo nato ad 590 A. D. 7 torn. fol. Rom. 1588. Id. cum continuation usque ad 1198. 12 torn. fol. Antv. 1610. Annalium Ecclesiasticorum epitome a Lud. Aurelio Perusino. q. v. BARRADAS (Sebast.) Comment, in concordiam et historiam evangclicam. 4 voll. fol. Mogunt. 1609-12. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. BARRE (Isaac). La muse guerriere tie Hollaude, dediee aux Estats geueraux. 4. La ffaye 1638. BARRINGTON (Hon. Dames). An account of the late proceedings of the dissenting ministers at Salter's Hill, &c. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1719. BARRING-TON (Shute). The political life of Viscount Barrington. 4. Lond. 1814. BARRIUS (Gabr.) De situ Calabriae, v. Italia. BARROW (Isaac). Lectiones opticae et geometricae. 4. Lond. 1672. Works. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1683. A treatise of the Pope's supremacy : to which is added a discourse concerning the unity of the Church. 4. Lond. 1680. BARRY (Sir Edward). Treatise on the three different digestions and discharges of the human body. 8. Lond. 1763. BARSISIUS (Christophorus). De febrium cognitione et cura. fol. Bas. 1535. BARTAS (Guillaume cle Salluste du). His devine weekes and workes : and the batail of Yvry, or the breack-neck of the hellish holy league : trans- lated by Jos. Sylvester, fol. Lond. 1621. BARTHE (Nicolas Thomas). Les fausses infidelit^s : La mere jalouse. 12. Paris 1810. BARTHELEMY (Jean Jacques). Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece dans le milieu du quatrieme siecle. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1796. BARTHIUS (Caspar). Adversaria, fol. Franc. 1648. BARTHOLINUS (Bartolus). De poenula, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. VI. BARTHOLINUS (Caspar). Anatomicae Institutiones : Enchiridion ethicum. 18. Oxon. 1633. BARTHOLINUS (Thomas). De Causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis. 16. Hafniae 1689. BARTHOLINUS (Thomas). Anatomia reformata 12. Lugd. B. 1669. BARTHOLOMAEUS Brixiensis. Decretum de Portis. fol. Yen. 1489. BARTHOLOMAEUS de Neo Castro. Historia Sicula (1250-1294), v. Italic. Rer. Script, (Muratori). Tom. XIII. BARTHOLOMAEUS Ferrariensis. Libro del Polistore (1287-1367), v. Italic. Rer. Script, Tom. XXIV. 42 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba BARTOLUS de Saxoferrato, Perusinus. In universum jus civile cum repertorio. 5 voll. fol. Lugd. 1515-16. Id. 5. voll. fol. Basil 1562. BARTON (Philip). Plutarchi, Demosthenis et Ciceronis vitae Parallelae, Gr. Lat. commentariis illustratae. 8. Oxon. 1744. BASILICA. HairtXiKwv, i. e. Universi juris Romani 60 libri, Gr. per Constantinum Porphyrogenetam (ut dicit Balsamon) cum versione Latina Car. Anuib. Fabroti aliorumque. 7 voll. fol. Par. 1647. Sexaginta fiao-iXiKStv synopsis Gr. cum versione Leun- clavii. fol. Basil. 1575. BASILITJS magnus. Opera, Gr. cum praefatione Erasmi. fol. Basil. 1532. Opera omnia Latine per Wolfgangum Musculum. fol. Basil 1540. Opera omnia Gr. Lat. 3 voll. fol. Par. 1637-8. Opera quae ad nos Latine pervenerunt omnia, recensita studio Andr. Schotti, &c. fol. Antv. 1616. Liturgia Gr. (Par. 1560), v. Liturgia. Id. Lat. (Antv. 1562), v. Liturgia. BASNAGE (Samuel). De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes historico- criticae. 4. Ultraj. 1692. History of the Jews, translated by T. Taylor, fol. Lond. 1708. BASSET (Joshua). Reason and authority : or the motives of a late Protes- tant's reconciliation to the Catholick Church, with remarks upon some late discourses against Transub- stantiation. 4. Lond. 1687. BASSO (Sebastianus). Philosophia naturalis adversus Aristotelem. 18. Gen. 1621. BASTWICK (John). Answer to the information of Sir John Baucks. 4. Lond. 1637. BATAVIA, v. Scriveriut. BATEMAN (Charles). His trial for conspiring the death of the late king. 8. Lond. 1685. BATES (William). Vitae selectorum aliquot virorum. 4. Lond. 1681. BATEUS (Georgius). Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia ; simul ac juris regii et parlamentarii brevis enarratio. 8. Par. 1649. Pharmacopoeia Bateana, ed.per J. Shipton. &.Lond. 168 BATTELY (John). Opera posthuma. 4. Oxon. 1745. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 43 BATTIE (John). The merchant's remonstrance revived and enlarged. 4. Lond. 1648. BATTINARIUS (Marcus). Super nono Rasis ad Almansorem. fol. Ven. 1516. BATUTA (Ibn). His travels, translated from the Arabic by G. S. Lee. 4. Lond. 1829. BAVARIA. Leges Baiuwariorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Leges. Tom. III. BAUDIUS (Dominicus). Epistolae semicenturia auctae ; accedunt ejusdem orati- ones et libellus de fenore. 8. Amstel. 1662. BAUDBAUD (Mich. Anton.) Lexicon Geographicum. fol. Par. 1670. BAUHINUS (Caspar). De partu Caesareo. fol. Argent. 1597. BATTMANNUS. Analecta Allegorica. 4. Ulm. 1689. BAUM GARTEN (Hermann). Geschichte Spaniens vom Ausbruch der Franzosischen Revolution bis auf unsere Tage. 3 bde. 8. Leipzig. 1865-71. BAUMGARTEN (M.) History of the Church in the Apostolic age. 3 vols. 80. Edinb. 1854. BAXTER (Andrew). An inquiry into the nature of the human soul (Anon.) 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1745. BAXTER (Richard). Works. 23 vols. 80. Lond. 1830. Gildas Salvianus, i. e. the reformed pastor. 8. Lond. 1656. Reliquiae Baxterianae, or his life and times, published by Mat. Sylvester, fol. Lond. 1696. BAYFIUS (Lazarus). Annotationes in tractatum de auro, &c. 4. Basil. 1537. De re vestiaria, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Vol. VI. BAYLE (Pierre). Dictionary, historical and critical, translated with addi- tions by J. P. Bernard, T. Birch, J. Lockmar, and G. Sale. 10 vols. fol. Lond. 1734. Id. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1710. A philosophical commentary on the words of the Gospel Luke XIV. 23. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1708. BAYLY (John). Two sermons : The angell guardian and the light en- lightening. 4. Oxf. 1630. BAYNARD (Edward). The genuine use of hot and cold baths, v. Floyer (Sir J.) 44 ME ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba BAYRUS (Petrus) Tauriuensis. De medendis hum; mi corporis mails enchiridion. 24. Basil 1560. De doloribus musculorum, v. Script, de Morb. Gallico. BE ALE (Lionel 8.) How to work with the microscope. 8. Lond. 1868. BEATTIE (James). Evidences of the Christian religion briefly and plainly stated. 2 vols. S. Edinb. 1786. BEAULIEU (Luke de). A discourse showing that Protestants are on the safer side, and that their religion is the surest way to heaven. 4. Land. 1687. BEAUMARCHAIS (P. Aug. Caron de). Le barbier de Seville : Le mariage de Figaro : Eugenie, &c. 12o. Paris. 1810. BEAUMONT (Fr.) Fifty Comedies and Tragedies by Beaumont and Fletcher, fol. Lond. 1679. BEAUSOBRE (Isaac de). Histoire critique de Manich^e et du Mauich6isme. 2 tomes. 4. Amst. 1734-9. BECANUS (Joan. Goropius). Origines Antverpianae. fol. Antv. 1569. Opera hactenus inedita (Hermathena, Hieroglyphica, &c.) fol. Antv. 1580. BECANUS (Martinus). Manuale Controversiarum. 4. Herbipoli 1623. BECHAI. Schulcan Arba. (Hebr.) 4. BECKER (W. A.) Gallus, translated by Fr. Metcalfe. 8. Lond. 1849. Charicles, translated by Fr. Metcalfe. 8. Lond. 1845. BECKET (Thomas), Cantuar. archiepis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XVI. Vita, v. Ib. Tom. XIV. BECON (Thomas). His Works (edited for the Parker Society by John Ayre). 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1844. BEDA, venerabilis. Opera. 8 voll. fol. Basil. 1563. Historia ecclesiastica, v. Script, rer. Anglican, vetust. Id. cum opusculis quibusdam, cura R. Hussey. 8. Oxon. 1846. Complete works, in Latin and English, with a life of the author, by J. A. Giles. 12 vols. 8. Lond. 1843-4. BEDA (Natalis). Declaratio sententiae et ritus ecclesiae de unica Magda- lena. 4. Par. 1519. BEDFORD (Arthur). Animadversions upon Sir I. Newton's book, entitled Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. 8 Lond. 1728. BEDINGFIELD (Robert). Sermon on Romans VI. 23. 4. Oxf. 1625. BELGIUM. Belgicarum ecclesiarum doctrina et ordo (Graece et Latine), interp. Frid. Sylburgo et Jac. Rivio. 18. Hard. 1627. Belgii confederati respublica. 18. Lugd. B. 1630. BELIAL. Liber Belial ; de coneolatione peccatorum, v. Theramo. (Goud. 1481.) BELL (George J.) Principles of the Law of Scotland. 8. Edin. 1876. BELLAMERA (Aegidius de). Decisiones. 8. Lugd. 1500. Consilia ; et Tractatus super Tit. de foro competent!. fol Lugd. 1511. Comm. in I et II libb. Decretalium. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1548. BELLANTIUS (Lucius) Senensis. De Astrologica Veritate Quaestiones; et a^trologiae defensio contra Jo. Picum Mirandulanum. fol. Yen. 1502. Id. fol. Bas. 1554. BELLA PERTICA (Petrus de). Lectura super 1 parte Codicis, cum additionibus et repertorio. fol. 1'ar. 1519. Comment, in digestum novum, sc. ad XLIII, XLIV, XLV, XLVI, et XLIX, Paridectarum libros ; explica- tiones in aliquot leges, &c. fol. Franc, a. M. 1571. BELLARMINUS (Rob.) cardinalis. Opera. 7 voll. fol. Par. 1617-20. De translatione imperii Romani a Graecis ad Francos libri tres. 8. Antv. 1589. Institutiones linguae Hebraicae. 8. Antv. 1606. Vita, v. Fidigattum (Jac.) The use and great moment of the notes of the Church in answer to a late discourse concerning the notes of the Church. 4. Lond. 1687. Advice to the Confuter of Bellarmine. 4. Lond. 1687. BELLERS (Fettiplace). Delineation of Universal Law. 4. Lond. 1750. BELL1NUS (Laurentius). Opuscula aliquot. 4. Lugd. B. 16P6. Id. 4. Lugd. B. 1714. Exercitationes anatomicae. 4. Lugd. B. 1726. De urinis, pulsibus, missione sanguinis, &c. 4. Franc. 1698. BELLOKTUS (Antonius). De vita et gestis patriarcharum Aquileiensium, v. Italic. Rer. Scrip. (Muratori). Tom. XVI. 46 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Be BELLONIUS (Petrus), i. e. Belon (Pierre.) Singularium et Memorabilium Rerum in Graecia, Asia, &c., conspectaruin observationes. 18. Antv. 1589. Observations de plusieurs singularites et choses me*- morables. 4. Par. 1554. Id. 4. Par. 1588. Portraits d'oyseaux, animaux, serpents, &c., d'Asie et gypte. 4. Par. 1557. De neglecta stirpium natura. 18. Antv 1589. De medicate funere, et de medicamentis nonnullis; de arboribus coniferis. 4. Par. 1553. De admirabili operura antiquorum et rerum suspicien- darum praestantia. 4. Par. 1553. BELLONUS (Nicolas) Patritius. Super utraque parte institutionum lucubrationes. 18. Lugd. 1557. Addit. ad Porcii Comment, in Institutiones, q. v. BELLOVISTJ (Jacobus de). Aurea Lectura super autenticis et super feudis. fol. Lugd. 1511. BELLUS (Jo. Bapt.) De partibus templi auguralis, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. V. BELLUS (Julius). Laurea Austriaca : de bello Germanico. fol. Franc. 1627. BELZONI (G.) Operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1822. BEMBRIDGE (Dr.) An answer to a book, entituled Reason and Authority, &c. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1687. BENCITJS (Franciscus) ab Acquapendente. Orationes et Carmina. 18. Ingolst. 1592. BENEDICTTTS (Alexander) Veronensis. De re medica. fol. Basil. 1549. Omnium Morborum signa : aphorismi : humani corporis anatome, &c. 4. Basil. 1539. Id. (Collectiones medicinales, de pestilentia, &c.). fol. Yen. 1533. BENEDICTUS (S. Andreae Monacbus). Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. (Pertz). Tom. V. BENEDICTU8, abbas Petroburgensis. De Vita et Gestis Heinrici II. r. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome XIII. Gesta Henrici Secundi. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1867. BENEDICTIS (Benedictus de). In materia ultimarum roluntatum consilia. fol. Mediol. 1515. BENEVENTITM, v. Muratori. Script. Rer. Italic. Tom. II. Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 47 BENEVENTJTI (Bonaventura). Fragmenta Fulginatis Historiae (1198-1440), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Suppl. Tom. I. BENGEL (J. A.) Gnomon novi Testament!. 2 voll. 8. Tubing. 1850. BENJAMIN Tudelensis. Itinerarium, Latine a Bend. Aria Montano. 18. Antv. 1575. BENINCASIUS (Benincasa). Ad Tit. de Actionibus interpretatio. fol. Flor. 1561. BENIVENIUS (Antonius). De abditis nonnullis ac mirandis morborum causis, v. R. Dodonaeum. De Morbo Gallico, v. de Morb. Gall. Script. BENNET (Thomas). Grammatica Hebraea. 18. Lond. 1731. A confutation of Popery in three parts. 8. Lond. 1728. A confutation of Quakerism. 8. Lond. 1733. An answer to the dissenters' pleas for separation. 8. Lond. 1728. The nonjurors' separation from the publick assemblys of the Church of England examined. 8. Lond. 1716. A letter to Dr. Bennett requiring further satisfaction, &c. 8. Lond. A discourse of the ever blessed Trinity in Unity, &c. 80. Lond. 1718. BENSON (George). A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Thesalouians, Philemon, Timothy, and Titus. 4. Lond. 1734. BENTHAM (Jeremy). Works, published under the superintendence of J. Bow- ring. 10 vols. 8. Edinb. 1843. BENTHAM (George). Handbook of the British Flora. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1865. BENTIVOGLIO (G.) Cardinal. Raccolta di lettere. Par. 1635. Historical relations of the United Provinces of Flanders (Englished by Henry, Earl of Monmouth). fol. Lond. 1652. BENTLEY (Richard). Bentleii et doctorum virorum epistolae. 4. Lond. 1807. BENZO, episc. Albensis. Ad Heinricum IV. Imper. libri VII, v. German. Mon. Hist, Tom. XIII. BERENGARIUS. Carmen panegyricum de laudibus Berengarii Augusti, v. France (Historiens des Gaules), Tom. VII, et Italic. Rer. Script, Tom. II. 48 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Be BERESFORD (James), Fellow of Morton College. The Miseries of Human Life. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1807. The ^Eneid in blank verse. 4. Lond. 1 799. BERGIER (Nicolas). Histoire des grands chemins de 1'empire Remain. 4. Par. 1622. Id. Latine per H. C. Henninium, v. Graevii Ant. Rom. Thes. Tom. X. BERGK (Theodor). Griechische Litteratur-geschichte. l er Band. 8. B&rl. 1872. Poetae Lyrici Graeci, v. Poetae. BERGOMO (Petrus de). Tabula aurea in D. Thomae Aquinatis opera omnia. fol. Yen. 1595. BERKELEY (George). Works, with life, edited by A. C. Fraser. 4 vols. 8. Oxf. 1871. An essay towards a new Theory of Vision : Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1732. BERNARD (Richard). Looke beyond Luther, or an answer to the question where this our religion was before Luther's time. 4. Lond. 1623. Fabulous foundation of the Popedome, showing that it cannot be proved that St. Peter was ever at Rome. 4o. Oxf. 1619. BERNARD (T. D.) Bampton Lectures on the progress of doctrine in the New Testament. 8. Lond. 1864. BERNARDUS (Antouius) Mirandulanus. Institutio in universam logicam, et apologiae libri VIII. fol. Basil. 1545. BERNARDUS (S.) abbas Clarevallensis. Opera omnia. fol. Par. 1547. Id. cura Mabillon. fol. Par. 1719. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. Vita et res gestae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XIV. BERNARDUS, thesaurarius. De acquisitione Terrae Sanctae, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VII. BERNEGGER (Malth.) Tuba pacis occenta Scioppiani belli sacri classico. 4. Aug. Trev. 1621. BERNHARDI (Theodor von). Gescliichte Russlands und der Europaischen Politik in den.Tahren 1814-1831. 4 bde. 8. Leipzig. 1865-77. BERNHARDY (G..) Grundriss der Griechischen Litteratur. Th. I. und II. 2. 8. Hall. 1872-6. Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 49 BERNIUS (Guernerius). Chronicon Eugubinum Italice Seriptum (1450-72), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXI. BEROALDUS (Philippus). Comment, in Columellam, &c., v. de Re Rustica. BEROIUS (Augustinus) Bononiensis. Quaestiones familiares pragmaticis percommodae. 8. Yen. 1574. In II partem libb. I et II Decretalium comment, fol. Yen. 1578. BEROSUS. Antiquitates, cum comment. J. Annii Viterb- 12. Witteb. 1612. BERRIMAN (John). A critical dissertation on I Tim. III. 16, with an account of above 100 MSS. of St. Paul's epistles, &c. 80. Lond. 1741. BERRIMAN (William). Sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1751. BERRY (William). Genealogia Antiqua, or Mythological and Classical Tables. 4<>. Lond. 1816. Genealogia Sacra. 4. Lond. 1819. BERTACHINUS (Joannes) Firmanus. Repertorium Juris. 4 voll. fol. Basil. 1575. BERTAPALIA (Leonardus). Recollecta Chirurgica super quarto Avicennae. fol. Yen. 1546 BERTHALDUS (Petrus). Liber de ara, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VI. BERTHOLDUS. Annales, v. German. Monum. Histor. (Pertz). Tom. V. BERTHOLDUS Zwivildensis. Liber de constructione monastern Zwivildensis, v. Ger- man. Mon. Histor. Pertz. Tom. X. BERTIE (Robert), earl of Lindsey. The declaration and justification of R. B., who is now a prisoner in Warwicke Castle, &c. 4. 1642. BERTINIANI Annales. Annales Francorum, v. France (Historieus des Gaules et de la). Tom. VIII. BERTINUS (Georgius) Campanus. Medicina methodice absoluta. fol. Basil. 1587. BERTITTS (Petrus). Commentarii reruna Germanicarum. 4. Amst. 1616. Theatrurn Geographiae veteris. 2 voll. fol. Lug. Bat. 1618. BERTOCCIO (D. Giuseppe). Repertorio bibliografico delle opere stampate in Italia nel Secolo XIX : Storia. Vol. I. 8. Roma 1876. BERTRAM (prestre a Charles le Chauve). Traite du corps et du sang de nostre Seigneur. 12. 1619 50 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Be BETBAMUS (Bonaventura Cornelius). De politia Judaica tarn civili quara eccleeiastica. 8. Genev. 1580. BEBTBAND (J.) Traite de Calcul differential et de Calcul integral. 2 Tomes. 4. Paris 1864-70. BEBTBANDUS (Stephanus) de Carpentoracto. Consilia, cum indice. 3 voll. fol. Lttgd. 15314. BEBTBTTCCITTS, Bononiensis. Collectorium totius fere medicinae. 4. Lugd. 1509. BESOLDUS (Christoph.) De Aerario publico. 4. Franc. 1626. De reipublicae statu mixto : de majestate in genere, cjusque juribus specialibus. 4. Argent. 1625. Delibata juris; resolutio praecipuarum quaestionum quae in X prioribus Pandectarum libris occurrunt. 4o. Tubing. 1627-29. BESSABION (Joannes) Cardinalis. Tractatus de Sacramento, v. Liturgia. BETHELL (Christopher), bishop of Gloucester. A general view of the doctrine of regeneration in Bap- tism. 8. Lond. 1 82 1. BETHEM. Centiloquium, et de horis planetannn. fol. Bus. 1533. Id. v. Firmicus (Jul.) De significatione triplicitatum ortus, v. Plolemaeus. BETHUNE (Maximilien de), due de Sully. Memoires de Henry le Grand. 6 vols. 8. Par. 1822. BEVEBIDGE (Wm.), bishop of St. Asaph, Synodikon, sive Pandectae Canonum SS. Apostolorum et conciliorum ab ecclesia Graeca receptorum. 2 torn, fol. Oxon. 1672. Codex Canonum ecclesiae prfmitivae rindicatus ac illus- tratus. 4. Lond. 1678. The Church Catechism explained for the use of the diocese of St. Asaph. 4. Lond. 1704. Sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1708. Ecclesia Anglicana ecclesia catholica: a discourse on the XXXIX Articles. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1840. BEZA (Theodorus). Les vrais pourtraits des hommes il lustres en piet6 et doctrine ; trad, du Latin. 4. Laon. 1581. Interpretatio et notae in Nov. Testam. q. v. Responsio ad defensiones et reprehensiones S. Castelli- onis de sua N. T. iriterpretatione. 4. Par. 1563. Volnmen tractatiomnn theologicarum. fol. Genev. 1576. BEZABDES (Johannes). Chronicon Casauriense, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. II. part 2. BIANCHI (Nicomede). Istoria della Monarchia Piemontese dal 1773 sino al 1861. 2 voll. 8. Roma 1877. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 51 BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica, cum comment. Hebr. Aben Ezra, et R. Sal. Jarchi. 4 voll. fol. Yen. Biblia Hebraice, sine punctis, accurante N". Forster. 2 voll. 4. Oxon. 1750. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, complectentia textus originales Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samarit. : Chaldaicum, Graecum, &c., cum apparatu, annotatt. ed. Brianus "Waltonus. 6 voll. fol. Lond. 1657. Biblia Regia sive Antverpiana, Hebr. Chald. Gr. et Lat., Philippi II. Regis Catholici pietate et studio, ad sacrosanctae ecclesiae usum, cum praefat. Bened. Ariae Montani. 8 voll. fol. Antv. 1569-72. Vetus Testamentum multiplier lingua nunc primum impressum, sc. Hebr. Gr. et Chald. idiomate, adjuncta unicuique sua Latina interpretatio de mandate &c., ' Fr. Ximenis Cardinalis. 5 voll. fol. in Acad. Com- plutens. 1514-7. Biblia Hebraica, eharactere apud Germanos Judaeos vulgari, cum Latina Seb. Munsteri tralatione : adjectis e Rabbinorum commentariis annotatt. 2 voll. fol. Basil 1534-5. Biblia Hebr. 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Biblia Sacra cum glossa ordinaria a Strabo Fuldensi collecta et postillis Nic. Lyrani, addition. Pauli Bur- gensis, &c., per Fr. Feu-Ardentium, J. Dadraeum et J. deCuilly, theologos Parisienses. 6 voll. fol. Lugd. In90. Biblia Libri Canonici recens Latine ex Hebraeo facti a Tremellio Junio, cum Novo Testamento a Theodoro Beza. fol. Genev. 1617. The Holy Bible, conteyning the Okie Testament and the New. fol. Lond. 1517-8. E 2 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bi Id. authorised and appointed to be read in churches, fol. Land. 1633. Id. fol. Lond. 1640. Id. embellished with engravings from pictures and draw- ings, &c., by Thos Macklin. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1800. Id. containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest English versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers : edited by Josiah Forshall and Sir Frede- rick Madden. 4 vols. 4. Oxf. 1850, Annotations upon the Old and New Testaments by several learned divines. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1651. Annotations upon the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1685-1700. Disquisitiones criticae de variis per diversa loca et tem- pora Bibliorum editionibus. 4. Lond. 1684. Bibliotheca Biblica, a commentary on the Books of the Old and New Testament. Lond. 1717. La Bible qui est toute la Saincte Escriture, contenant le vieil et le Nouveau Testament, ou la vieille et la nouvelle alliance, avec les pseaulmes de David mis en rime Franchise par Clement Marot et Theodore de Beze. fol. Genev. 1615. Id. 8. Amster. 1699. Indice des principales matieres eontenues dans la Bible (par N. Malingre). 12. Genev. 1543. Biblia en lengua espanola traduzida dela verdad He- brayca. (Duarte Pinel). fol. Ferrara 1553. La Biblia, que es, los Sacros Libros del Vieio e Nuevo Testamento; por Cypriano de Valera. fol. Amst. 1602. Biblia : das ist, die Gantze H. Scrifft ; Teutsch. D. Martin Luther, sammt angefugtem Gesang-buch und D. Joh. Habermans Gebeten, &c. 12. Amst. 1700-1. Biblia : dat is, de Gantsche H. Schrifture, uyt de oors- pronckelijcke talen in onse Nederlandteche tale getrou- welijck over-geset, met nieuwe Verkkringen, &c. fol. Lr-yden 1636. Y Beibl cyssegr-lan sef yr hen destament a'r newydd. fol. Lond. 1588. BIBLIANDEB (Theodorus). Apologia pro editione Alcorani, v. Alcoran. BIBLIOTHECA. Bibliotheca fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant 2 voll. fol. IrenopoJi 1656. Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum. 8. s. 1. et a. BIDDULPH (William). Travels by him and others into Africa, Asia, &c. ; published by T. Lavender. 4. Lond. 1612. BIDLOO (Godefridus). Anatomia humani corporis centum et quinque tabulis demonstrata. fol. Amst. 1685. Bi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 53 BIE (Jacques de). Imperatorum Romanorum numismata aurea. 4. Antv. 1615. BIEL (Gabriel). Comment, in IVlibros Sententiarum. fol. TvMng. 1501. Id. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1514. Super canones missae. Lugd. 1527. BIEVRE (Georges Mare'chal, marquis de). Le Seducteur. 12. Paris 1810. BIGNE (Margarinus de la). Bibliotheca Patrum. 9 voll. fol. Par. 1589. BILLIIS (Andreas de). Historiae rerum Mediolanensium (1402 1431), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIX. BILLINGSLEY (Nicolas). The conduct of ministers with respect to themselves and their doctrines. 8. Lond. 1719. BILSON (Thomas), bishop of Winchester. The perpetual government of Christes Church. 4. Lond. 1593. The effect of certain sermons touching the full redemp- tion of mankind. 4. Lond. 1599. BINDER (Udalricus). Epiphanie Medicorum. 4. 1506. BINGHAM (Joseph). Origines Ecclesiasticae, or Antiquities of the Christian Church. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1834. BINIAKDUS (Joseph), baro Montis Seleuci. Dissertationes et epistolae, v. Muratori Nov. Thes. Vet. Inscr. Tom. I. BIOGRAPHIA. Biographia Britannica : or Lives of the most eminent persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 1747-66. Biographic Universelle, ancienne et moderne, redigee par une socie"te des gens des lettres et de Savants : avec supplement. 82 vols. 8. Par. 1814-62. BION. Idyllia, v. Poetae Gr. per H. Stephanum. BIONDI (Giov. Franc.) History of the Civil Wars of England between the two houses of Lancaster and York ; translated by Henry Earl of Monmouth. fol. Lond. 1641. BIBKBECK (Simon). The Protestant's evidence taken out of good records. fol. Lond. 1657. BIBINGUCCIO (Vannuccio). Pirotechnia. 4. Yen. 1540. BIBON (C.) Curiositez, de la Nature et de 1'Art, &c. 8. Paris 1703. 54 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bi BISHOP. Original of bishops and metropolitans, by several hands. 4o. Oaf. 1641. An ordinance for selling the land of all the bishops in England and Wales. 4. Lond. 1646. Two ordinances for the abolishing archbishops and bishops. Ibid. The tryal of seven bishops in the reign of James II. fol. Lond. 1689. Enquiry into the necessity of an uninterrupted suc- cession of bishops. 8. Lond. 1719. BISSE (Thomas). The beauty of holiness in the Common Prayer as set forth in four sermons. 8. Lond. 1717. Decency and order in public worship commended. 8. Lond. 1723. BISTERPELDIUS (Joannes Henricus). De fide disputatio. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1627. De Uno Deo, Patre Filio et Sancto Spiritu, &c. 4<>. Amst. 1659. BLACKLOCK (Thomas). Poems. 2 vols. 12. Edinb. 1760. BLACKMORE (Sir Richard). Dissertations on a dropsy, a tympany, the jaundice, the stone, and a diabetes. 12. Lond. 1727. Treatise of the spleen and vapours. 12. Lond. 1725. Discourse upon the plague, with a preparatory account of malignant fevers. 12. Land. 1721. Creation, a philosophical poem. 12. Lond. 1715. BLACKMORE (R. W.) The Doctrine of the Russian Church, being the Primer or Spelling book, the shorter and longer Catechisms, &c., translated from the Slavono-Russian originals. 8. Aberd. 1845. BLACKSTONE (Sir William). Commentaries on the Laws of England, in four books, with notes and additions by Edward Christian. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1809. Commentaries on the Laws of England (partly founded on Blackstone), by Henry John Stephen. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1853. BLACKWALL (Anthony). A new Introduction to the Classics. 18. Lond. 1718. The sacred classics defended and illustrated ; or an essay towards proving the purity, &c. of the writers of the New Testament. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1727-31. BLACKWELL (Elizabeth). A curious herbal, containing 500 cuts of the most useful plants. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1739. BLACKWELL (George). Examination faicte a Lambeth, de M. George Blakwell, Bl] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 55 faict archiprestre d'Angleterre, par le pape Clement huitiesme. 18. Amst. 1609. BLAETT (Guillaume et Jean). Le Theatre du Monde, ou Nouvel Atlas. 5 tomes, fol. Amst. 1647. Theatrum orbis terrarum, sive Atlas Novus. 2 voll. foL Amst. 1635. BLAIR (Hugh). Sermons. 4 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1789-94. BLANASCO (Joannes de) Burgundus, Commentaria super Titulum de actionibus in institutis. fol. MogunL 1539. BLANC (Lud. le). Theses theologicae in academia Sedanensi. fol. Lond. 1675. BLANCHINUS (Franciscus.) In vitas pontificuia. Romanorum praefatio, v. ItaUc. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. III. BLANCUCIUS (Benedictus). Indices tres observationum, miscellaneorum, variarum- que lectionum quibus veterum scripta partini emend- antur partial illustrantur. 4. Rom. 1597. BLARERTJS (Bartholomaeus). In L. Diffamari C. de Ingenu. manumiss. commentaria. foL Basil. 1563. BLASIUS de Parma. Tractatus de latitudinibus formae, et quaestiones de tactu corporum durorum. foL Ven. 1505. BLASTARES (Matth.) Syntagma alphabeticum rerum quae in sacris canonibus comprehenduntur, v. Vol. II pandect. Canon. BLESENSIS, (Petrus). Opera Illustrata, cum variis lectionibus notisque per J. Busaeum. 4. Mogunt. 1600. Opera, ed Giles. 4 voll. 8. Oxon. 1847-55. BLOCK (Maurice). Statistique de la France compare"e avec les divers pays de 1'Europe. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1875. BLOUNT (Thomas). A Law-Dictionary, interpreting such difficult and obscure words and tei-ms as are found in our common or statute, ancient or modern laws. fol. Lond. 1670. BLOUNT (Sir Thomas Pope). Censura celebriorum authorunu fol. Lond. 1690. De re poetica; or remarks upon poetry, with charac- ters and censures of the most remarkable poets, ancient and modern. 4. Lond. 1694. BLOXAM (Matthew). On Sepulchral Monuments in Rochester Cathedral. 1864. BLTJlfDEVILLE (Thomas), of Newton-Flotmaa. ArtofLogike. 4. Lond. 1599. Theoriques of the Seven Planets. 4. Lond. 1602. 5fi MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. BLUNT (Sir Henry). A voyage into the Levant. (Anon.) 4. Land. 1637. BLUNT (J. J.) Hnlseau Lectures for 1 832 ; Principles for the proper understanding of the Mosaic writings, &c. 8. Lond. 1833. History of the Christian Church during the three first centuries. 8. Lond. 1857. Right use of the Early Fathers. 8. Lond. 1858. Undesigned Coincidences in the Writings both of the Old and New Testament. 8. Lond, 1860. BOATERIIS (Petrus de). Expcsitio in summam artis notariae Rolandi Rodul- pnini, q. v. BOBABTIUS (Jac.) Plantarum Historiae universalis Oxoniensis pars tertia. fol. Oxon. 1699. BOBOVIUS (Alb.) Tractatus de Turoarum liturgia, peregrinatione &c., cum annotat. Th. Hyde : ad calc. itinerum muudi Abr. Peritsol, q. v. BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). De Casibus virorum illustrium. fol. Aug. Vind. 1544. H decamerone. 3 torn. 12. Lond. 1768. Le Decameron, traduit par Ant. le Maon. 32. Amst. 1597. BOCCALINI (Trajano). De Ragguagli di Parnasso. 4. Ven. 1630. Advertisements from Parnassus, with the Politick Touchstone ; English by Henry Earl of Monmouth. fol. Lond. 1674. Pietra del Paragone politico. 12. Par. 1626. Id. 12. Cormopoli 1615. La bilancia politica, 2 parti, sopra li annali di Corn. Tacito, e sopra la vita di Giulio Agricola : parte terza continente alcune lettere politiche, &c. 4. Castellane 1678. BOCEBUS (Henricur). De bello et duello. 18. Tubing. 1616. BOCHART (Samuel). Geographia Sacra. 2 partt. fol. Cadcmi 1646. Hierozoicou : seu opus bipartitum de animalibus Sacrae Scripturae. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1663. BODEBIUS (Thomas), Rhotomagensis. De rationeet usu dieruin criticorum. 4. Par. 1565. BODEUS (Ste(thanus). In quatuor ins-titutionum imperialium libros cominen- tarii. fol. Par. 1555. BODIN (Jtan). De Republica libri VI, Latine ab autore redditi, inulto autea locupletiores. fol. Par. 1586. Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 57 BODLEY (Sir Thomas). Reliquiae Bodleianae ; or some genuine remains contain- ing his life, letters, and the draught of the statutes of the Bodleian library, (G. T. Hearne). So. Lond, 1703. BOECE (Hector). Scotorum historiae a prima gentis origine. fol. Par. 1575. Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland (Bellenden). fol. Edinb. BOECKH (August). The Public Economy of Athens. Translated by G. C. Lewis. 8<>. Lond. 1842. Encyclopadie und Methodologie der philologischen Wis- senschaften. Herausgegeben von E. Bratuscheck. 8. Leipzig 1877. Philolaus des Pythagoreers Leben, nebst den Bruch- stiickeu seines Werkes. 8. Berlin 1819. Gesammelte Kleine Schriften. 7 bde. 8. Lips. 1858-72. BOECLEBTTS (Jo. Henr.) De Legione Romana, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. X. BOEBHAAVE (Hermann). Institutiones Medicae. 18. Lugd. B. 1734. De Materie Medica, &c. 18. Lugd. B. 1740. Aphorismi de coguoscendis et curandis morbis. 18. Lugd. B. 1737. Praelectiones Academicae, cum notis Alb. Haller. 7 voll. S<>. Gott. 1744. New Method of Chemistry, translated by Shaw and Chambers. 4. Lond. 1727. Elements of Chemistry, translated by Dallowe. 2 vols. 40. Lond. 1735. BOERITJS (Nicol.). Decisiones Burdigalenses. fol. Lugd. 1566. BOB -SYLVIUS (Franc, de le). Opera Medica. 4. Amstel. 1679. BOETHIUS (Anitius Manilius Severinus). Opera, cum commentt. fol. Basil. 1546. Consolationes philosophiae ; acceduut opuscula sacra, edente R. Vallino. 24. Lugd. Bat. 1656. Consolatio philosophiae, Anglo-Saxouice reddita ab Alfredo, rege Anglo-Saxonum. 8. Oxon. 1698. Philosophiae consolationis libri V; accedunt ejusdem atque incertorum opuscula sacra: ed. R. Peiper. 8. Lips. 1871. De institutione arithmetica : De institutione musica. ed. G. Friedlein. 12. Lips. 1867. BOETTIGEB (C. "W.) Geschichte des Kierstaates und Kb'nigreiches Sachsen. 2 bde. 8. Hamb. 1830-1. 58 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bo BOQUE (David). On universal peace. 8. Loud. 1839. BOHEMIA. Apologie ou declaration des raisons pour lesquelles les trois estate du roi de Boheme sub utraque ont e"t6 contra- ints de prendre les armes (trad. par 8. W.) 4. s. I. 1619. Relatio nuperi itineris proscribtorum Jesuitarum ex reguis Bohemiae et Ungariae, missa ex Helicone juxta Parnassum. 4. Prag. 1619. Raisons et considerations pour lesquelles 1'Archiduc Fer- dinand n'a peu ny deu estre admis au royaume de Boheme. 4. La Haye 1619. Answer to the information against the apologies and writings of the states of Bohemia, s. 1. 8. a. Articuli confaederationis Hungariae Bohemiae et incor- poratarum provinciarum. 4. Hag. -Com. 1620. Jus Hereditarium in regno Bohemiae Ferdinandi II Austriaci. 4. Vienn. 1620. Oratio de Ferdinandi II victoria contra Bohemos, habita ab Ad. Schulcken. 4. Col. Agr. 1620. Epistolae Maximiliani I Bavariae ducis ad Paulum V. 4o. s. 1. 1620. Renunciation by Philip III of Spaine of his right to the kingdomes of Hungary and Bohemia. 4. s. I. 1620. Sundrie letters concerning the affairs of Bohemia. 4. 1620. Nuda demonstratio illegitimae successionis imperatoris Ferdinandi II. 4. 1620. Deductio nullitatuin quibus proscriptionem in aula irnperatoria contra Electorem Palatinum decretam, nullius roboris esse probatur. 4. Hag. Com. 1621. Diverses lettres au fait du Ban touchants le different de Boheme. 4. La Haye 1621. Recit de ce qui s'est passd en la rencontre de I'arm6e du roi de Boheme, pres de Wisloch. 4. La Haye 1622. The history of the Bohemian Persecution from the beginning of their conversion to Christianity in 894 to 1632. 12. Lond. 1650. Sermones ad Bohemos, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Script. II. Todtenbuch der Geistlichkeit der Bb'hmischen Bruder, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. V. Urkundliche Beitrage zur Geschichte Bohmens uiid seiner Nachbarlander im Zeitalter Georgs von Podie- brad (1450-71): gesammelt und herausgegeben von Fr. Palacky, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 20. Quellen zur Geschichte der Bb'hmischen Bruder vornehm- lich ihren Zusammenhang mit Deutschland betreffend. verb'ffentlicht von A. Gindely. v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. H. Bd. 19. Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 59 BOHIC (Henricus). Distinctiones super V. libros Decretalium. fol. Lugd. 1520. BOHN (H. Geo.) General Catalogue. Vol. I. 8. Land. 1847. BOHTJN (Edmund). A geographical dictionary, continued, corrected and " enlarged by J. Bernard, fol. Lond. 1693. The history of the desertion ; or an account of all the public affairs in England from the beginning of Sept. 1688 to the 12th Feb. following, with an answer to a piece called ' The desertion discussed.' 4. Lond. 1689. BOIABDO (Matteo Maria). Istoria imperiale di Ricobaldo Ferrarese, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. IX. BOILEAU-DESPREATJX (Nicolas). (Euvres Divers. 8. Amst. 1692. BOISSIEB (Gaston). Cicero et ses amis : etude sur la Socie'te' Romaine du Temps de Cesar. 12. Par. 1874. La Religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins. 2 tomes. 8<>. Par. 1874. L'Opposition sous les Ce'sars. 8. Par. 1875. BOISSIERE (Gustave). Esquisse d' une histoire de la conquete et de 1' administra- tion Romaines dans le Nord de 1'Afrique et particulie"- rement dans la province de Numidie. 8. Par. 1878. BOISSY (Louis de). Le Babillard : les dehors trompeurs : 1'epoux par su- percherie, &c. 12. far. 1808-10. BOITEAU (Paul). Etat de la France en 1789. 8. Par. 1861. BOLDE (Samuel). 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Franc. 1581. BONIPACIUS (S.) Opera quae extant omnia, ed. J. A. Giles. 2 voll. 80. Lond. 1844. Epistola ad Cudbertum. 8. Oxon. 1846. BONIFACIUS VIII. Papa. Epistre escripte du temps de Philippe le Bel centre les usurpateurs de Boniface. 8. s. I. 1612. BONINCONTRUS (Laurentius). Annales ab anno 1360 usque ad ann. 1458, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXI. Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 61 BONJOANNES (Berardus). Epitome in Summam Theologiae T. Aquinatis. 8. Lugd. 1579. BONTIUS (Jacobus). De Medicina Indorum. 4. Lugd. B. 1718. BOOLE (George), LL.D. An investigation of the laws of thought on which are founded the mathematical theories of Logic and Prob- abilities. 8. Lond. 1854. BOOTH (Henry), Lord Delamere. His trial for high treason, fol. Lond. 1686. BOPP (F.) A Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Sclavonic languages, translated from the German by E. B. Eastwick. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1854. 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Censura veri et falsi libri II : de pronunciato lib I : de syllogismo libb. II. 4. Basil. 1541. In Isaiae prophetae oracula, et in apocalypsim Joannis commentarii. fol. Basil. 1561. BOBBICHIUS (Olaus). De antiqua urbis Romae facie dissertatio compendiosa, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IV. BOSCQ (Sieur du). L'honneste femme. 3 part. 4. Paris 1633-4-6. 62 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bo The Compleat Woman : parts I and II : Englished by N. N. 4o. Lend. 1639. BOSIUS (Jo. Andreas). De pontifice Romano Romae Veteris, et de pontificatu Maximo Imperatorum Rxamanorum, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. V. BOSIUS (Simeon) Animadversiones in Ciceronis epistolas ad Atticum. 8. Amst. 1585. BOSSIUS (Aegidius) Mediolanensis. Tractatus varii qui omnem fere criminalem materiam complectuntur. 4. V&n. 1565. BOSStr (Rene le). Traite du poeme epique. 18. Par. 1693. BOSSUET (Jacques Be'nigne), cheque de Meaux. Ses (Euvres. 4 voll. 8. Paris 1856. Discours sur 1'histoire universelle. 18<>. Lond. 1696. Hecueil des oraisons funebres. 8. Paris 1762. An exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church in matters of controversie. 4. Lond. 1685. A vindication of the bishop of Condom's exposition of the doctrine of the Catholic Church, in answer to a book entituled, Aja exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England, &c. 4. Lond. 1686. A reply to the defence of the exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. A Treatise of Communion under both kinds. 4. Lond. 1687. A pastoral letter to the new Catholics of his diocess, exhorting them to keep Easter. 4. Lond. 1686. A conference with Mr. Claude, minister of Charenton, concerning the authority of the Church. 4. Lond. 1687. BOSWELL (James). Life of Samuel Johnson, with a series of his correspon- dence and conversations. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1791. BOSWORTH(Jos.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon language. 8. Lond. 1838. BOTALLUS (Leonardus). v. App. ad Script, de Morbo Gallico. BOTFIELD (Beriah). 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Thesaurus verborum ac phrasium ad orationem ex His- pana Latinam efficiendam. 4. Matriti 1619. 66 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Br BRAY (Thomas). Letters upon the Church Catechism. Vol. I. fol. Oxf. 1697. BREDERODE (M. de). Relation de ce qui s'est passe a la Haye au marriage de M. de Brederode et de Mdlle. de Solins. La Haye 1638. BREDERODIUS (Petrus Cornelius). Tractatus de appellationibus. fol. Franc, a. m. 1592. BREMENSIS presbyter. Chronicon Holtzatiae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXI BRENT (Sir Nathaniel). The history of the Council of Trent, translated from the Italian, v. Paolo Ven. BRENTIUS (Joannes) Tubingensis. De clavibus regni coelorum, v. Poli (Reg.) defens. unit. eccl. BRENZONTTS (Christoph. Sylvestranus). In IV libros sententiarum opus. fol. Veron. 1591-4. BREREWOOD (Edward). De ponderibus et pretiis vet. nummorum, v. Bibl. poly- glott. et Critic. Sac. Vol. VIII. Tractatus duo de meteoris et oculo. 8. s. I. 1631. Patriarchal government in the ancient church. 4. Oxf. 1641. BRESSIUS (Mauritius). Oratio ad Sixtum V, cum Franciscus Luxemburgus, dux Pinei, eidem pontifici oboedientiam regis praestaret. 4o. Rom. 1586. BRET (Antoine). La double extravagance. 12. Paris 1810. BRETT (Thomas). An account of church government and governours : 2nd ed. with large additions and amendments. 8. Lond. 1710. Letter to Edward Hart, author of the Bulwark stormed. 80. Lond. 1717. BREVIA. La vieux natura brevium dernierement corrigee et amend'. 8. Lond. 1584. BREVIARIUM. Breviarium Romanum ex decreto Concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V jussu editum, &c. 4. Col.Agr. 1664. BRIDGES (Charles). The Christian Ministry, with an enquiry into the causes of its inefficiency : with an especial reference to the ministry of the Establishment. 8. Lond. 1839. BRIDOTTL (Toussain). The school of the Eucharist established, &c. ; made English by W. Claget. 4. Lond. 1687. Br] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 67 BRIGGS (Henry). Arithmetica logarithmica sive logarithmorum chiliades XXX. fol. Lond. 1624. Trigonometria Britannica. fol. Goudae 1633. BRIGHT (Henry). Praxis, or Course of English and Latin exercises. 8. Oxf. 1783. BRIGHT (Timothy). Hygieina ; id est, de sanitate tuenda : et Meclicinae Therapeuticae pars de dyscrasia corporis humani. 8. Lond. 1583. BRIGHT (William). History of the Church from the edict of Milan A.D. 313 to the Council of Chalcedon A.D. 451. 8. Oxf. 1860. BRISSONIUS (Barnabas). De regio Persarum principatu. 1 2. ex off. Commel. 1595. De formulis et solemnibus populi Romani verbis. 8 libr. 4. Franc. 1592. Lexicon juris, sive de verborum quae ad jus pertinent significatione. fol. Lugd. 1559. De veteri ritu nuptiarum et jure connubiorum, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. BRITAIN. Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland to the end of the reign of Henry VII, by Sir T. Duffus Hardy. Vols. I-III. 80. Lond. 1862-71. BRITTON (Johannes). Second ed. by Edm. Wingate. 24. Lond. 1640. The French Text carefully revised, with an English translation, introduction, and notes, by Fr. M. Nichols. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1865. BROCARDUS, monachus de Monte-Sion. Descriptio locorum terrae sanctae, v. Grynaei Nov. Orb. Terrar. BROCCARD (Francis). His alarum to all protestant princes, with a discovery of popish plots and conspiracies, after his conversion from popery to the protestant religion. 4. Lond. 1679. BROCH (O.-J.) Le Royaume et le peuple Norv^gien : rapport & 1'exposi- tion universelle de 1878 a Paris. 8. Christiania 1878. BROCHMAND (Caspar Erasmus). Systema universae Theologiae cum comment, inepistolam D. Jacobi. fol. Franc, et Vim. 1658. BRODRICK (G. C.) and W. H. Fremantle. Collection of the Judgments of the judicial committee of the Privy Council in ecclesiastical cases relating to doctrine and discipline. 8. Lond. 1865. BROECKHTJYSEN (Benjamin a). Oeconomia corporis animalis. 4. Amst. 1683. 68 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Br BROECKWEY (Ant.) Enarrationes in quatuor evangelia. 4. Colon. 1539. BROGLIE (le due de). Le secret du Roi : coiTespondance secrete de Louis XV avec ses agents diplomatiques. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1878. BROGLIE (Albert de). L'Eglise et 1'Empire Romain au IV e Siecle. l re partie: rgne de Constantin ; 2 me partie : Constance et Julien : 3 me partie : Theodose et Valentinien. 6 voll. 8. Paris 1856-69. BROMPTON (Job.) abbas Jornallensis. Chronicon (588-1198), v. Anglican. Hist. Script. decem. BRONCHORST (Everardus) Daventriensis. Et>avTioava>v centuriae sex et conciliationes eorundem : accessit brevis tractatus de privileges studiosorum, &c. 4o. Lugd. Bat. 1621. BROOK (Humphrey). A durable legacy. 8. Lond. 1681. BROOME (William). Poems on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1 750. BROSSAETJS (Petrus). Index antiquae et novae legum interpretationis Brossei. Remissiones seu indices capitum juris difficiliorum, v. -4ccurm'Thes. BROSSERIUS (Simon). Totius philosophiae naturalis enchiridion. 4. Par. 1546. BROUGHTON (Thomas). An historical Dictionary of all religions from the cre- ation of the world to this present time. fol. Lond. 1742. BROWN (John), D.D. An Estimate of the manners and principles of the times : with an explanatory defence. 8. Lond. 1757. BROWN (Edward). Travels in divers parts of Europe, fol. Lond. 1685. BROWN (Sir Thomas), M.D. Works, fol. Lond. 1686. BROWN (Thomas). Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. 8. Edinb. 1851. BROWN (Thomas). Works, serious and comical, in prose and verse. 4 vols. 12o. Lond. 1715. BROWNE (E. H.) An exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, historical and doctrinal. 8. Lond. 1854. Essay on Inspiration, v. Aids to Faith. BROWNE (John). Treatise on the muscles, fol. Lond. 1681. MERTON" COLLEGE LIBRARY. 69 Graphical description of all the muscles in the human body. fol. Lond. 1698. BROWNE (Peter), bishop of Cork and Ross. The procedure, extent, and limits of human under- standing. 8. Lond. 1729. Things divine and supernatural conceived by analogy with things natural and human. 8. Lond. 1733. BROWNE (R. W.) History of Roman Classical Literature. 8. Lond. 1853. BROWNE (Thomas) S.T.B. soc. Coll.D. Joh.Evang. Cant. Concio ad clerum in Rom. X. 15, habita coram Acad. Cantab. Jun. XI. 1687, ubi vindicatur vera et valida cleri Anglicani ineunte reformatione ordinatio. 4. Cantab. 1688. Concio altera in Rom. X. 15 habita coram Acad. Cantab. Jul. III. 1687 &c. Ibid. BROWNRIG (Ralph), bishop of Exeter. His Sermons, published by "W. Martyn. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1661-4. BRUCE (James). Travels to discover the source of the Nile in Abyssinia, from 1768 to 1773. 5 vols. 4. Edinb. 1790. BRUDUS Lusitanus. Liber de ratione victus in singulis febribus secundum Hippocratem. 18. 7 en. 1544. BRUEYS (David Augustin de). LeGrondeur: le Muet : 1'avocat Patelin. 12. Paris 1868. BRUMOY (le P. Pierre). Le theatre des Grecs. 6 voll. 18. Par. 1749. BRUNET (Jacque-Charles). Manuel du libraire et de 1'amateur de livres. 6 torn. 80. Par. 1860-65. Supplement au manuel. Tom. I. 8. Par. 1878. Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne a 1'usage du libraire. 8. Par. 1870. BRUNFELSIUS (Otho). De definitionibus et terminis astrologiae libellus isago- gicus. fol. Basil. 1533. Annotationes in Evangelia et Acta Apostolorum. fol. Argent. 1535. BRUNNE (Robert de). The Chronicle of Peter Langtoft, illustrated and im- proved, q. v. BRUNO (Jacobus Pancratius). Castellus renovatua : i. e. lexicon medicum a B. Castello inchoatum per alios continuatum, nunc ad nova artis medicae principia acconamodatum. 4. Norimb. 1682. BRUNO, clericus Magdeburgensis. Liber de bello Saxonico, v. Germaniae Mon. Hist. Tom. VII. 70 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Br BRUNUS (Albertus) Astensis. Tractatus novus de statutis feminas et cognatorum lineam a successionibus excludentibus. fol. Mediol. 1501. Super constitutionibus decretis et consuetudinibus ter- tium volumen. fol. Ast. 1518. Sollennis tractatus de augumento et de minutione monetarum, &c. fol. Ast. 1518. BRUNUS (Conradus). De haereticis in genere libri sex. fol. Mogunt. 1549. De seditiosis libri sex. de calumniis, libri tres : de uni- versali concilio libri novem. Ibid. BBUNUS (Leonardus) Aretinus, q. v. De studiis et literis (ap. Crenii Meth. Stud.) 4. Rot. 1 692. Rerum suo tempore gestarum commentarius (1378 1440), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XIX. BRUNUS, Longoburgiensis. Chirurgiae magna et parva. fol. Yen. 1546. BRUSCHIUS (Gaspar) Egranus. Chronologia Monasteriorum Germaniae. 4. Sulzbach 1682. BRUSSELIUS (Philibertus). De conditionibus libri IV. 4. Lovan. 1560. BRUTUS (Joh. Michael). Florentinae Historiae libri octo priores. 4. Lugd. 1562. BRUTUS (Marcus Junius). Epistolae cum responsis, v. Epistt, Grace. Aid. BRUYERE (Jean de la). Les caracteres de Theophraste, avec les caracteres ou les mceurs de ce siecle : nouvelle edition augmented de la defense de M. de la Bruyere et des caracteres par - M. Coste. 2 torn. 18. Amst. 1731. BRUYN (Corneille le). Voyage to the Levant ; done into English by W. J. fol. Lond. 1702. BUCANUS (Guliel.) In dominicam orationem homiliarum sylvae. 8. 1614. BUCCHINGER (Michael) Colmariensis. Historia ecclesiastica nova. fol. Mogunt. 1560. BUCCIO (Antonio di). Delle cose dell' Aquila (1363-1382) poemi due, v. Italic. Antiq. Med. Aev. Muratori. Tom. VI. BUCERUS (Martinus). De clavibus regni coelorum. Argent. 1555. Versio et comment, in Psalrnos, in Sophoniam, et librum Judicum. fol. Par. 1554. In quatuor evangelia enarrationes. fol. Paris 1553. In epistolas Pauli apostoli ad Roinanos et Ephesios metaphrasis et enarratio. fol. Basil. 1562. Scripta Anglicana ejus fere omnia, cum historia Buceri Bu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 71 et Pauli Phagii : collecta et edita per C. Hubertum. fol. Basil. 1577. Enarrationes ia Evang. Matth. XVI. Tu es Petrus. v. Poli tract, pro eccl. unit, defensione. His judgement touching the original of bishops and metropolitans, v. Bishop. ' BUCHANAN (Francis). A journey from Madras through the countries of Mysore, Canara, and Malabar. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1807. BUCHANAN (George). Rerum Scoticarum historia. fol. Edinb. 1583. Poemata. 8. Amstel. 1676. BUCHERIUS (Aegidius) e soc. Jesu. Belgium Romanum ecclesiasticum et civile a fine com- mentariorum Caesaris ad annum 511. fol. Leodii 1650. BUCHSENSCHUTZ (B.) Besitz und Enverb im Griechischen Alterthume. 8. Halle 1869. BUCK (George). History of the life and reigne of King Richard III. fol. Lond. 1646. BUCKERIDGE (W.) A discourse concerning kneeling at the Communion, and A sermon on Ps. XCV. 6 touching prostration in worship. 4. Lond. 1618. BUCKLE (Henry Thomas). The History of Civilization in England. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1861. BUCBETIUS (Dan). Supplementum XX tabul. anatom. ad Casserium, q. v. BUDAEUS (Gul.) Commentarii Linguae Graecae. fol. ap. Jod. Badium Ascensium 1529. De transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum libri III. fol. Par. 1556. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. fol. ap. Jo. Crispinum et Nic. JBarbirium. 1554. Forensium verborum et loquendi generum quae sunt a Budaeo proprio commentario descripta Gallica in- terpretatio. fol. Par. 1545. Annotationes in pandectas et forensia in quibus et vul- gares et vere Latinae jurisconsultorum loquendi for- mulae traduntur. fol. Basil. 1557. Breviarium de asse, v. Hotoman : de re numaria. BUDELIUS (Renerus) Ruremundanus. De monetis et re numaria libri II. ace. varii tractatus turn veterum turn neotericorum authorum. 4. Col.Agr. 1591. BUFFIER (Cl.) Grammaire Fran9oise. 8. Par. 1723. BULAU (Friedrich). Geschichte Deutschlands von 1806-30. 80. Hamb 1842. 72 HERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bu BULENGEBUS (J. C.) De Tributis ac vectigalibus populi Romani. 4. Tub. 1618. Id. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. De sortibus : de auguriis : de prodigiis : de terrae motu et fulminibus, &c. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. V. De Circo Romano, ludisque circensibus, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IX. De Conviviis libri IV. v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. XII. BULENGEBITS (Petrus). Institutionum Christianarum libri VIII. 8. Paris 1560. BTJLKLEY (Edward). Speculum ecclesiae pontificiae, excerptum ex variis authoribus. 8. Lond. 1606. BULL (George). Opera omnia Latina. fol. Lond. 1703. "Works concerning the Holy Trinity, translated into English by Fr. Holland. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1725. Defensio fidei Nicaenae. 4. Oxon. 1685. A companion for the candidates of holy orders. 8. Lond. 1714. BULLI ALDUS (Ismael). Philolaus, sive dissertationis de vero systemate mundi libri IV. 4. Amst. 1639. BUNDY (Richard). Sermons on several occasions, with a course of lectures on the Church Catechism. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1740. BUNSEN (Christian C. J. Baron von). Outlines of the philosophy of Universal History as applied to Language and Religion. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1854. BUBANA (Joh. Fr.) Expositio in Analyt. Prior. Aristot. q. v. BTJBCHABDUS Urspergensis. Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIV. BUBCKHARDT (Ed.) Allgemeiue Geschichte der Jahre 1815-1840, 4 bde. 8. Leipzig 1850. BUBCKHABDT (J. L.) Travels in Nubia. 4. Lond. 1822. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1831. BUBCKHABT (Paul). Duel de Compliments, Francois et Italiens. 4. Lyon. 1836. BUBGER (Gottfried Aug.) Sammtliche Werke. 4 bde. 80. Gdtting. 1844. BUBGES (John). The lawfulnesse of kneeling in the act of receiving the Bu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRAKY. 73 Lord's Supper ; also of the crosse in Baptisme. 4. Land. 1631. An answer to a pamphlet entitled ' A Reply to Dr. Morton's defence of three innocent ceremonies.' 4. Lond. 1631. BURGOS (Antonius de) alias de Salamanca. Super Titulo de emptione et venditione. fol. Lugd. 1528. BURGUNDIONES. Leges JBurgundionum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IV. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XV. BURIDANUS (Johannes). Quaestiones super libros politic. Aristotelis, q. v. Quaestiones super libros ethic. Aristotelis, q. v. BURKE (Edmund). Works. 14 vols. 8. Lond. 1815-22. BURLAEUS (Gualterus). De intensione et remissione formarum. fol. Ven. 1496. In artem veterem Porph. et Arist. expos, fol. Ven. 1493. Expos, et quaest. in physica Aristot. q. v. BURLAMAQUI (Jean Jacques). The principles of natural law ; into English by Mr. Nugent. 8. Lond. 1748. The principles of politic law ; being a sequel to the principles of natural law : into English by Mr. Nu- gent. 8. Lond. 1752. BURN (Richard). Ecclesiastical Law. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1781. Id. 2nd edit, with additions by R. Phillimore. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1842. The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1780. BURNET (Gilbert). A modest survey of the most considerable things in a discourse entitled ' Naked Truth.' (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1676. Id. 4o. Lond. 1688. A history of the Reformation of the Church of England. 3 parts, fol. Lond. 1679-1715. Reflections on the relation of the English Reformation lately printed at Oxford. 4. Amst. 1688. An enquiry into reasons for abrogating the test. 4. A discourse concerning transubstantiation and idolatry, being an answer to the Bishop of Oxford's plea re- lating to these two points. 4. Lond. 1688. A discourse of the doctrine, worship, and practices of the Roman Church. 4. Lond. 1688. A pastoral letter to the clergy of his diocess cone, the oaths of allegiance and supremacy to "William and Mary. 4. Lond. 1689. 74 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bu Four discourses delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Sarum, &c., cone, the truth of the Christian religion. 8. Lond. 1694. An exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, fol. Lond. 1 705. The History of his own times from the restoration to the treaty of peace at Utrecht in the reign of Queen Anne, together with his life. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1724-34. SUBNET (Gilbert), junior. An answer to Mr. Law's letter to the bishop of Bangor in a letter to Mr. Law. 8. Lond. 1717. Second Letter to Mr. Law. 8. Lond. 1718. A letter to the Rev. Mr. Trapp, occasioned by his sermon in answer to Dr. Hoadly. 8. Lond. 1717. BUBNET (Thomas), M.D. Hippocrates Contractus. 8. Lond. 1743. SUBNET (Thomas), LL.D. Telluris theoria sacra, orbis nostri originem et mutati- ones generales complectens. 2 partes. 4. Lond. 1689. The theory of the Earth. Lond. 1691. Archaeologicae philosophiae, sive doctrina antiqua de rerum originibus, libri duo. 4. Lond. 1692. BUBNOUF (Eugene). Introduction a 1'histoire du Buddhisme Indien. 8. Paris 1876. BUBSELLIS (Hieronymus de). Annales Bononienses (1418-1497), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIII. BUBTHOGGE (Richard). An essay on reason and on the nature of spirits. 8. Lond. 1694. BUBTON. Annales Monasterii Burtonensis, v. Script. Rer. Angli- can. Tom. I. BUBTON (Edward). Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene fathers to the divinity of Christ. 80. Oxf. 1829. Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene fathers to the doctrine of the Trinity, and of the divinity of the Holy Ghost. 80. Oxf. 1831. Lectures upon the ecclesiastical history of the first three centuries. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1839. Three primers put forth in the reign of Henry VIII. 80. Oxf. 1848. BUBTON (Hezekiah). Sermon on Matthew XXIII. 8. 8. Lond. 1718. BUBTON (John). Occasional sermons preached before the University of Oxford on public days appointed for fasts and thanks- givings. 2 vols. 80.0^.1764-66. Bu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 75 BURTON (Robert). The Anatomy of Melancholy, fol. Oxf. 1632. BURTON (Thomas). His diary from 1656 to 1659: with an introduction cont. an account of the parliament of 1654 from the journal of Guibon Goddard, now first printed : edited with notes by J. T. Rutt. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1828. BURTON (Wm.) A commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary so far as it concerneth Britain, fol. Lond. 1658. BURY (Henri Blaze de). Les Femmes et la Socie'te' au temps d'Auguste. 8. Paris 1875. BUSBEQUIUS (Aug. Gislen.) Opera omnia. 4. Lond. 1660. Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum ad Soli- manum Turcarum imperatorem. 8. Ant. 1582. Consilium de re militari contra Turcas. Ibid. BUSOLT (Georg). Die Lakedaimonier und ihre Bundesgenossen : Band I. bis zur Begriindung der Athenischen Seehegemonie. 8. Leipz. 1878. BUSSIERES (Jean de). Historia Francica a monarchia condita ad annum hujus saeculi septuagesimum. 2 tomes. 4. Lugd. 1671. Mosculi historici delibati. 8. Col. Agr. 1670. BUTIUS (Vincentinus). De calido, frigido, et temperate antiquorum potu, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. XII. BUTLER (Alban). The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints, compiled from original monuments and other authentic records, illustrated with the remarks of judicious modern critics and historians. 12 vols. 8. Lond. 1854. BUTLER (Charles). The feminine Monarchic, or the history of bees. 4. Lond. 1623. BUTLER (James), duke of Ormond. Letter to Monroe, concerning King Charles I. 4. Lond. 1646. BUTLER (Joseph), bishop of Durham. Sermons. 8. Lond. 1729. The Analogy of Religion natural and revealed, with two dissertations of personal identity and of the nature of virtue. 4. Lond. 1740. An analysis of the Analogy of Religion by J. Wilkinson. 80. Oxf. 1847. BUTLER (Samuel). Hudibras. 8. Lond. 1694. Id. 8. Lond. 1739. 76 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bu Id. with annotations by Z. Grey. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1764. Posthumous Works. 8. Lond. 1754. BUTBIO (Antonius de). Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1534. Comment, in V libros Decretalium. 7 voll. fol. Ven. 1578. BUTTMANN (Philip). Lexilogus : translated and edited by J. P. Fishlake. 8. Lond. 1846. BTTXTOBFPIUS (Gerlacus). Dissertatio historico juridica in XVII priora aureae Caroli IV. bullae capita. 4. Basil 1613. BTJXTORFIUS (Joannes). Synagoga Judaica : i. e. Schola Judaeorum in qua nati- vitas institutio vita mors sepultura ipsorum e libris eorundem descripta est. 8. Hanov. 1622. Lexicon Chaldaicum Talmudicum et Rabbinicum quod filius limavit et edidit. fol. Basil 1639. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum cum brevi lexico Rabbinico. 8. Lond. 1646. BYNGKESLA (Buhakylyha), i. e. Abou Ali Ibn-Giezla. Tacvini morborum fere omnium humani corporis ex Arab, in Latin, per Farragum Judaeum. fol. Argent. 1532 BYTHNER (Victorinus). Lyra Prophetica Davidis regis sive analysis critico- practica psalmorum. 8. Lond. 1664. Lingua eruditorum sive methodica institutio linguae sanctae. 4. Lond. 1664. BYZANTIUM. Corpus Byzantinae Historiae Graece et Latine. 19 voll. fol. Paris 1648. C. (Monsr.) Atlas historique ou nouvelle introduction a 1'histoire, chronologic, et geographic, avec les Cartes et des dis- sertations par M. Guendeville. fol. Amst. 1705. C. (le sieur D.) Voyage du Levant fait en 1'annee 1621. 4. Paris 1632. C. ( J.) and C. (J. M.) A net for the fishers of men. 8. Lond. 1687. C. (J.), D.D. Contemplations on the life and glory of the Virgin Mary. 8. Par. 1685. Apology for the contemplations on the life and glory, &c. 8". Par. 1687. Labyrinthus Cantuariensis ; or Dr. Laud's labyrinth ; being an answer to the late archbishop's relation of a Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 77 conference between himself and Fisher, fol. Par. 1658. C. (W.) bach, of laws. A tithing table, or table of tithes and oblations according to the ecclesiastical laws, &c. 4. Lond. 1635. CABALA. Cabbala denudata per Christianum Knorrium baronem de Rosenroth, q. v. Cabala, or mysteries of state and government in letters of illustrious persons and great ministers of state in the reigns of Henry VIII, Elizabeth, James I, and the late King Charles. 2 parts, fol. Lond. 1691. CABALLINTTS (Gaspar) deCingulo, i. e. Car. Molinaeus, q.v. CABALLTJS seu a Caballis (Franciscus). De animali pastilles theriacos et theriacam ingrediente. 4. Lugd. 1525. De theriaca ; una cum consiliis medicis Ant. Cermisoni, q.v. CABANIS (Pierre J. G.) OSuvres Completes. 4 tomes. 8. Par. 1823. CABASSTTTITJS (Jo.) Notitia ecclesiastica historiarum conciliorum, &c. fol. Lugd. 1685. CACCIAGUERBA (Bonsignor). Trattato della Tribolatione. 12. Vinegia 1570. CACCIALUPTJS (Job. Bapt.) Modus studendi in utroque jure. p. 434 ad calc. expositt. titulorum omnium juris per Seb. Brant, q. v. CAELIUS (Ludov.) Antiquarum lectionum commentarii. fol. Basil 1542. CAEPOLLA (Bartholomaeus) Veronensis. Opera omnia quae nunc quidem extant, fol. Lugd. 1577. Commentaria in titulum de verborum et rerum signifi- catione. fol. Lugd. 1551. Consilia criminalia. fol. Brix. 1490. Id. fol. Brix. 1502. CAESALPINUS (Andreas). Peripateticarum quaestionum libri quinque. 4. Eustath. Vignon. Atrebat. 1588. Speculum artis medicae Hippocraticum de curandis omnibus morbis. 8. Franco/. 1605. CAESAR (Caius Julius). Opera cum Hotomani Ursini et Manutii scholiis. fol. Lugd. 1574. Id. in Hist. Roman. Script. Vet. (fol. Ebrodun. 1621), q. v. Id. cum commentt. variorum studio Arnoldi Montani. 8. Amst. 1661. Les Commentaires : le tout de la version de Blaise de 78 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca Vigenere, Bourbonnois, et illustre d'annotations. 4. Paris 1603. Orationes selectae per Bernardum Gualtheri, q. v. Observations upon Caesar's Commentaries by Clement Edmundes, q. v. CAESARIUS (Nic. Pol.) Liber de morbo Gallico ( Yen. 1 566), q. v. CAESENA. Annales Caesenates (1162-1362), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Muratori. Tom. XIV. CAESIUS (Beruardus). Mineralogia sive naturalis philosophiae thesauri 5 libb. fol. Lugd. 1636. CAFFARI. Annales Genuenses, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Muratori. Tom. VI. CAGNOLUS (Hieronymus). Opera. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1569-70. CAJETANTJS (Thomas de Vio), i. e. Thomas de Vio Cajetanus, q. v. CAIBD (Edward). A critical account of the philosophy of Kant, with an historical introduction. 8. Glasgow 1877. CAIBNES (J. E.) The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. 8. Lond. 1875. Essays in Political Economy, Theoretical and Applied. 80. Lond. 1873. Some leading principles of Political Economy newly expounded. 8. Lond. 1874. CAIUS seu Gaius J. C. Institutionum Juris civilis Commentarii Quatuor. With Translation and Commentary by E. Poste. 8. Oxf. 1871. Ejus et Theodosii tractatus de limitibus. 4. Amst. 1674. CAIUS or Kay (Jo ) De methodo medendi : de ephemera Britannica, &c. 8. Lovan. 1556. CALAMY (Benjamin), D.D. Sermons. 8. Lond. 1700. A discourse about a scrupulous conscience, &c. See a collection of Cases &c. CALAMY (Edmund), D.D. Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 8. Lond. 1710. CALASIUS (Marius). Concordantiae sacrorum Bibliorum Hebraeorum cum convenientiis linguarum Arab, et Syr., ed. Gul. Romaine. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1747-49. CALCAGNINUS (Caelius) Ferrariensis. Opera aliquot, sc. epistolarum libri XVI, &c. fol. Basil. 1544. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 79 CALCAREUS (Laurentius). Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1549. CALCEOLABIUM Museum, v. A. Chioccum. CALCULUS (Wilhelmus) Gemeticensis. De ducibus Normannorum. 8 libb. edente Gul. Cara- deno, p. 605 scriptt. Anglicorum Normannicorum, &c., q. v. Historiae Normannorum continuatio, v. France (His- toriens des Gaules). Tom. XII. CALDAS (Franciscus de), Pereira et Castro. Analyticus comment, ad L. Si curatorem c. de in inte- grum restitutione Minorum. fol. Ulyssip. 1583. CALDECOTT (Thomas). Hamlet & As You Like It : a Specimen of a new edition of Shakespeare by T. C. & W. Crowe, q. v. CALDEBINUS (Jo.) Consilia sive responsa juris, una cum admixtis consiliis Gasparis ejus filii et Dom. de Sancto Geminiano. fol. Yen. 1497. CALENDABIUM. Calendarium Seraphicum ad usum utriusque sexus religiosorum divi Francisci dispositum. 8. Venet. 1675. Calendarium perpetuum, seu ordo perpetuus officii divini recitandi (auctore Claudio le Vol). 8. Yen. 1668. Calendario de Ros-Hodes fiestas, &c. que los Hebreos celebran cada ano. Calendar ia Omnia Graeca, v. Lydus : ed. Wachsrnuth. CALEPINUS (Ambrosius) Bergomas. Lexicon Lat. adauctum et recognitum. fol. Paris 1533. CALIGNIUS (A. R.) Institutiones Hebraicae. 8. Par. 1545. CALIXTUS II Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. XV. CALLIMACHUS. Callimachea, ed. Otto Schneider. Vol.1. 8. Lips. 1870. Hymni Gr. 4. Paris. 1566. Id. Gr. Lat. cum scholiis suis Graecis, poematio de coma Berenices a Catullo verso et Nic. Frischlini interpreta- tionibus duabus hymnorum, una oratione soluta, altera carmine, item Hen. Stephani emendationibus. 4. Par. 1577. CALLIMACUS (Philippus). Attila seu historia de rebus gestis Attilae p. 853 clecad. rer. Ungar. per A. Bonfinium, q. v. CALLISTHENES (Pseudo Callisthenes). Historia Alexandri Magni : ed. Huller. 8. Par. 1846. CALLISTRATUS. EK(f)pd(rfis Gr. Lat. per F. Horellum, una cum Philo- strati opp. q. v. 80 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca Id. Gr. Lat. per Gottf. Olearium, ap. Philostrat. opp. q. v. Les Statues, en Frai^ois par Blaise de Vigenere : (avec les Images de Philostrate). fol. Par. 1637. CALMET (Augustin). An historical, critical, geographical, and etymological Dictionary of the Holy Bible, transl. from the French, with remarks by S. D'Oyly and John Colson : to which is annexed Bibliotheca Sacra, and a Dissertation on the Hebrew coins. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1732. CALOVIUS (Abraham). Tomi I " operum elencticorum Anti-Socinianorum pars 3 tia i. e. Vollige Entdeckung der neuen Socinianischen hochstschadlichen Sect, &c. fol. Dantzig. 1677. Socinismus profligatus ; h. e. errorum Socinianorum confutatio disputationibus novem et viginti. 4. Witeb. 1652. CALPHURNIUS sen Calpurnius (Titus). Excerptae 51 declamationes 10 Rhetorum minorum. 80. Heidel. 1594. CALVERT (Fred.) A treatise upon the law respecting parties to suits in Equity. 80. Lond. 1847. Observations on Joint Stock Companies. 8. Lond. 1846. CALVINUS (Joannes). In quinque libros Mosis commentarii : Genesis seorsim, reliqui quatuor in formam Harmoniae digesti. fol. Genev. 1583. Commentarius in librum Psalmorum. fol. Genev. 1578. Commentarii in Isaiam prophetam. fol. Genev. 1583. Praelectiones in librum prophetiarum Jeremiae et Lamentationes. fol. Genev. 1576. Praelectiones in duodecim prophetas (quos vocant) minores. fol. Genev. 1581. Harmonia ex Evangelistis tribuscomposita,commentariis Jo. Calvini exposita. fol. Genev. 1582. Commentarii integri in Acta Apostolorum. fol. Genev. 1583. Commentarii in omnes Pauli Apostoli epistolas atque in epistolam ad Hebraeos et in canonicas epistolas. fol. Genev. 1580. Praelectiones in librum prophetiarum Dauielis. fol. ap. Earth. Vincentium 1571. Id. fol. Genev. 1591. Praelectiones in Ezechielis prophetae viginti capita priora. fol. ap. Pet. Sanct. 1583. Le9ons et expositions familieres sur les douze petis Pro- phetes. fol. Genev. 1560. Tractatus theologici omnes : ace. in libros Senecae de dementia comment, fol. Genev. 1576. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 81 Institutio Christianae religionis. fol. Genev. 1568. Id. fol. Argent. 1545. L'interim, c'est a dire, provision faicte sur les differens de la religion en quelques villes et pais d'Allemagne. 80. 1549. Epistolae et responsa : t ace. Calvini Vita a Theodoro Beza descripta. fol. Genev. 1576. CALVINTJS (Jo.) i. e. Kahl. Lexicon juridicum juris Caesarei simul et canonici. fol. Gen. 1664. CALVISIUS (Sethus). Opus chronologicum ex auctoritate S. Scripturae ad motum luminarium coelestium tempora et annos dis- tinguentium, &c. 4. Franc, a. M. 1629. CALZOLARIS (Francesco). II Viaggo di Monte Baldo, della magnifica citta de Verona. 4. Yen. 1586. CAMARLUS (Aegidius). Elias Thesbites sive de rebus Eliae prophetae gestis commentarius. 4. Par. 1631. CAMBANIS (Vitalis de). Tractatus in clausulas et conclusiones utriusque censurae. 4. Lugd. 1548. CAMBI (Giovanni ser). Croniche di Lucca, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XVIII. CAMBRAI. Extrait de la Chronique de Cambrai, v. France (His- toriens des Gaules). Tom. XIII. Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. Annales Cameracenses Lamberti Waterlosii, v. Germ. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVI. CAMBRIDGE, v. Cantabrigia. CAMDEN (William). Vita cum epistolis. 4. Lond. 1691. Britannia, sive florentis&imorum regnorum Angliae, Scotiae, Hiberniae, et insularum adjacentium choro- grapHica descriptio. fol. Lond. 1607. Id. Translated 'into English with large additions by Edmund Gibson, fol. Lond. 1695. Id. Translated into English with large additions by R. Gough. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1789. Anglica, Normannica, Hybernica, Cambrica, a veteribus scripta, ex bibliotheca Camdeni. fol. Franco/. 1603. Institutio compendiaria grammatices Graecae in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis. (Anon.] 8. Lond. 1693. Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha ad annum 1589. fol. Lond. 1615. 82 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca Camdeui et illustr. virorum ad eum epistolae, cum appendice varii argument! : ace. annaliura regni Jaccbi I apparatus et comment, de antiquitate dignitate et offirio marescalli Angliue ; praemittitur vita ejus per Tho. Smith. 4. Lond. 1691. Remaines, &c. 4. Lond. 1623. CAMERACENSES Annales, v. Cambrai. CAMERABIUS (Joachim) senior. Opuscula varia astrologica, Gr. Lat. ; sc. circulus solaria, de jtidiciis sive significationihus duodecim locorum orbis siguiferi, &c. 4. Norimb. 1532. De rebus Turcicis commentarii duo. fol. Franco/. 1598. CAMERARIUS (Joachim) fil. praecedentis. Symbolorum et emblematum, (I) ex re herbaria, (II) animalibus, (III) volatilibus et insectis, (IV) aquatilibus et reptilibus desumptorum centuriae quatuor. 4. Franco/. 1661. Editio Marantae de Theriaca (1576), q. v. CAMERARIUS (Joach.) junior (1) Explicatio arithmetices doctrinae Nicomachi. 4. Davent. 1668. CAMERARIUS (Philippus). Les heures desrobees ou meditations historiqties. 8. Par. 1610. CAMERON (John). TA 212ZOMENA, sive opera partim ab auctore ipso edita, partim post obitum ejus vul^ata, partim nusquam hac- tenns publicata, vel e Gallico idiomate nunc primum in Latinam linguam ti-anslata. fol. Francnf. 1642. Popish prejudices against the Reformed religion ex- amined and confuted. 4. Oxf. 1626. CAMPANELLA (Thomas). De monarchia Hispanica discursus, transl. into English. 4. Lond. 1654. Apologia pro Galilaeo, ubi disquiritur an ejus philoso- pliandi ratio faveat S. Scripturis an vero adversetur. 4. Franc. 1622. CAMPANUS (Joh. Ant.) Brachii Perusini vita et gesta (1368-1424), v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XIX. CAMPANUS (M.) Novariensis. Tract, de sphaera, p. 153 sphaerae Jo. a Sacro-Sosco (Yen. 1518), q. v. CAMPBELL (Colin). Vitruvius Britannicus, or the British Architect. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1724. CAMPBELL (George). A dissertation on Miracles, containing an examination of the principles advanced by D. Hume in an essay on Miracles. 8<>. Edinb. 1766. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. The four Gospels translated from the Greek, with pre- liminary dissertations and notes critical and explana- tory. 4 vols. 80. Aberd. 1803. CAMPBELL (John), LL.D. A political survey of Britain. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1774. CAMPBELL (John, Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England. 7 vols. 8. Lond. 1848. Lives of the Chief Justices of England. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1849. Lives of Lords Lyndhurst and Brougham. 8. Lond. 1849. CAMPBELL (Ninian). Carmen panegyricum. 4. Edinb. 1633. CAMPEG-IUS or Capesius (Jo.) De dote. fol. Papiae 1507. Id. p. 174. Vol. IX. Tractt. universi Juris, q. v. Id. fol. Lugd. 1527. CAMPEGIUS (Symph.) v. Champerius. CAMPENSIS (Jo.) Ex variis libellis Eliae grammaticorum omnium doc- tissimi, hue fere congestum est opera Jo. Campensis quidquid ad Gramrnaticen Hebraicam est necessarium. 80. Par. 1539. CAMPION (Edmund), e soc. Jesu. Rationes X quibus fretus Campianus certamen obtulit ecclesiae Anglicanae ministris in causa fidei (p. 139). 12. Col. 1600. CAMPOLONGUS (Acmilius). De arthriticle et de variolis libro duo, per Rich. Valcherum decerpti. 4. Yen. 1586. Tractt. de vermibus, de uteri affectibus, deque morbis cutaneis. 4. Par. 1634. CAMUS (Stephen le). A pastoral letter to the curats of his diocess touching the methods they ought to take and in what manner they should behave themselves towards their new con- verts : from the French. 4. Lond. 1687. CANAKIO (Antonius de). De executione instrumentorum, ap. Tractat. diversorum instrumentorum. fol. Ast. 1519. CANINIUS (Angelus). Institutiones linguae Syriacae, Assyriacae, atque Thal- mudicae una cum Aethiopicae atque Arabicae colla- tione. 4. Par. 1554. Novi Testamenti multorum locorum hietorica enarratio. Ibid. CANISIUS (Hemicus). Summa juris canonici, in quatuor institutionum libros contracta : his accesserunt concordia Germaniae una G 2 84 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca cum notis et commeutariis in regulas juris libri sexti Decretalium. 4". Ingolst. 1609. CANNON (Robert), D.D. A vindication of the proceedings of the Lower House of Convocation. 8. Land. 1717. Answer to part of the vindication, v. Newton. CANONES. Kavocf s T cat TO>V ay'iutv avv68a>v '. Apostolorum et sanctorum conciliorum decreta ad calc. Novellarum Justiniani Oraece editarum per Haloandrum, q. v. Canones Apostolorum : praefixus est Photii Constant. Nomocanon, i. e. canonum et legum imperatoriarum de ecclesiastica disciplina conciliatio, cum comm. Theod. Balsamonis ; Gr. Lat. per Gent. Hervetum. fol. Par. 1620. 2YNOA1KON sive pandectt. canonum, &c., recensuit prolegomenis munivit, et annott. auxit Gul. Bevere- gius. 2 voll. fol. Oxon. 1672. Cauones Apostolorum veterumque conciliorum Gr. et Lat. 1559. Codex canonum vetus ecclesiae Romanae per "Weudel- stinum. 8. Par. 1609. See also Hammond (W. A.) and under Concilia. CANONICUS (Johannes). Quaestiones super octo libros physicorum Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1505. CANTABRIGIA. Epicedium Cantab, in obitum immaturum semperque deflendum Henrici principis Walliae, &c. 4. Cantab. 1612. Continuatio epicediorum. 4. Cantab. 1641. Report of the Cambridge University Royal Commission. fol. Land. 1852. Narrative of the proceedings against the Vice-Chan- cellor, &c. for refusing to admit Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, to the degree of M.A. Lond. 1689. CANTACUZENUS. Historiarum libri quatuor, v. Byzant. Hist. CANTELIUS (Petr. Josep.) Metropolitanarurn urbium historia civilis et ecclesiastica. Tom. I. 4o. Par. 1684. CANTERA (Didacus a). Quaestiones criminales. fol. Salmanticae 1589. CANTIUNCULA (Claudius). Paraphrasis in tres priores Institutionuin civilium libros 8. Lu(jd. 1550. CAPACCIO (Giulio Cesare). La vera antichita di Pozzuolo. 8. Napoli 1607. CAPELLA (Mart. Miu. Felix) Madaureusis. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, &c. : recensuit Franc. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 85 Eyssenhardt : accedunt scholia in Caesaris Germanici Aratea. 12. Lips. 1866. CAPGRAVE (Jo.) Nova legenda Anglic, fol. impressa Londonias, domo Winadi de Worde. 1516. CAPILUPIS (Camillo). Lo stratagema di Carlo IX. re di Francia contro gli Ugonotti rebelli di Dio e suoi. 8. s. I. 1574. Id. en Fra^ois. 8. s. I. 1574. CAPITOLINUS (Jul.) Romanorum aliquot iniperatorum vitae cuni notis Casauboni et Cl. Salmasii. Par. 1620, Ebrod. 1621. Id. cum annotatt. var. doctt. virorum ; in var. editt. scriptt. hist. Augustae sive Romanae, q. v. CAPITULARIA. Capitularia regum Francorum, &c., v. Baluze. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. III. CAPIVACCEUS (Hier.) Methodus anatomica sive ars consecandi. 8. Franc. 1594. CAPPELLUS (Ludovicus). Historia apostolica illustrata ex Actis Apostolorum et Epistolis Paulinis inter se collatis, &c. 4. Genevae 1634 (imperf.). Critica sacra, cui subjecta est ejusdem criticae justa de- fensio. fol. Par. 1650. Commentarii et uotae criticae in Vetus Testamentum. fol. Amst. 1689. CAPPONI (Gino). Storia della Reppublica di Firenze. 2 Tom. 8. Firenze 1875. CAPPONI (Neri di Giuo). Commentarii di cose seguite in Italia dal 1419 al 1456, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori.) Tom. XVIII. CAFRA (Julius) Vicentinus. In librum XLI. Digestorum seu Pandectarum Justi- niani paraphrasis. fol. Basil. 1560. CAPRAEDOWUS (Hier.) Theologia Aristotelis in tres libros distincta. 4. Yen. 1609. CAPRIATA (Pietro Giovanni). The history of the wars of Italy from 1613 to 1644 : transl. from the Italian by Henry [Carey] earl of Mon- mouth. fol. Lond. 1663. CAPUANUS (Jo. Bapt.) de Manfredonia. Exp. in sphaeram Jo. de Sacro Bosco et in theoricam Gerardi Crem. et Purbachii, ap. Sphaerae Tractatus. fol. Yen. 1531. CAPYCITTS (Antonius) J. IT. D. Decisiones S. regii consilii Neapolitan!, fol. s. 1. et a. 86 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca CABACCIOLUS (Tristanus) Neapolitanus. Opuscula Historica, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XXII. CARAFA (Carolus) episcop. Aversanus. Commentaria de Germania sacra restaurata sub Gre- gorio XV. et Urbano VIII. 80. Col Agr. 1639. Deere ta diplomata et privilegia in favorem religionis Catholicae in Gerrnania. Ibid. CARAMUEL (Johannes). Mathesis biceps, vetus et nova. 2 voll. fol. Campaniae 1670. CARANZA (Alphonsus a). Tractatus juridicus et practicus de partu, cum diatriba super primore temporum doctrina in libris Dion. Petavii contenta : add. C. A. Fabroti exercitationes . duae de tempore partus et de numero puerperii. 8. Getievae 1630. CARBON-FLINS des Oliviers. La Jeune Hotesse : le retour du Mari. 12. Paris 1810. CARDANUS (Hier.) Libelli quinque ; sc. de supplemento almanach ; de res- titutioue temporum : de judiciis geniturarum ; de revolutionibus ; de exemplis centum geuiturarum, &c. 4. Norimb. 1547. De sapi'entia libri quinque. De consolatione libri tres. De libris propriis liber unus. 4. Norimb. 1543. Contradicentium medicorum libri duo : ace. disputa- tiones variae. 8. Par. 1565. Id. accedunt de Sazaparilia, &c., cum cousilio pro dolore vago. 8. Marpurgi, 1607. De subtilitate 21 lib'b. fol. Nov. 1550. De rerum varietate 17 libb. fol. Basil. 1557. Opuscula quaedam medica : sc. de aqua et aethere, de cyna radice, &c. fol. Basil. 1559. In septem aphorismorum Hippocratis particulas com- ment..ria ; ace. de veuenis de peste et de providentia temporum. fol. Basil. 1564. In Hippocratis pruguestica atque etiam in Galenis progiiosticorum exposilioneui connnentariL fol. Basil. 1568. Comment, in libros Hippocratis de septimestri et octo- mestri partu et simul in eorum Galeni commentaria. Ibid. Pro gravissime diversis morbis laborantibus consilia septem. Ibid. Ars curandi parua quae est absolutiss. medcndi me- thodus et alia mine primum edita, vol. I. 8. Basil. ex off. Henricpetrina s. a. Comment, in Cl. Ptolouiaei libros IV quadrupertitae Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 87 constructiouis ; et de VII erraticarum stellarum qualitatibus atque viribus. fol. Bas. 1578. CARDENAS (Alonso de). Eelacion de las fiestas in Loud res que hizo el Alonso de Cardenas Embaxador a la Republica d' Ingalaterra por D. A. de P. y. B. 4. *. I 1653. CABDWELL (Edward), D.D. A History of Conferences and other proceedings con- nected with the revision of the book of Common Prayer, from the year 1558 to the year 1690. 8. Oxf. 1840. The two books of Common Prayer set forth by the authority of Parliament in the reign of King Edward the Sixth, 3rd. ed. 8. Oxf. 1852. Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England, from 1546 to 1716. 2 Vols. 8. Oxf. 1844. The Reformation of the Ecclesiastical Laws as at- tempted in the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, and Queen Elizabeth. 8. Oxf. 1850. Synodalia ; a collection of articles of religion, canons and proceedings of convocations in the province of Canterbury from the year 1547 to the year 1717: with notes historical and explanatory. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1842. CARE (Henry). Animadversions on a late paper entituled ' A letter to a Dissenter.' 4. Lond. 1687. A modest enquiry whether St. Peter was ever at Rome and bishop of that Church. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. CARIBBEE Islands. History of the Caribby Islands, English'd by J. Davies of Kidwelly (from the French of M. Rochefcrt.) fol. Lond. 1666. CARKEET (Samuel) Gospel worthiness stated: a Sermon on Matt. X. 11. 8<>. Lond. 1719. CARLETON (Dudley). Balance pour peser en toute equite la derniere harangue de D. C. 4o. s. 1. 1618. CARLETON (George), bishop of Chichester. Consensus ecclesiae catholicae contra Tridentinos de scripturis ecclesia fide et gratia. 8. Franc. 1613. An answere to the author (Montague) of the appeale. 4. s. 1. et a. CARLETON (Thomas Compton). Philosophia universa. fol. Ant. 1664. CARLOMANNUS rex. Diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tom. IX. CARLSON (Fried. Ferd.) G-eschichte Schwedens. 2 bde. 8. Gotha 1855-75. 88 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca CARLYLE (Thomas). The French Revolution : a history. 3 vols. 8. Lond. s.a. History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. 10 vols. 8. Lond. s. a. CARO (Jacob). Geschichte Polens, bis 1455. 4 bde. 8. Gotha 1863-75. CARO (E.) Problemes de Morale Sociale. 8. Paris 1876. CAROLUS I. rex Angliae, v. Charles I. CAROLUS I. Magnus, Rom. iinperator. Constitutiones praecipuae. 8. Moyunt. 1602. Epistolae, capitularia, diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. V. Karoli M. et Ludovici Pii capitula sive leges ecclesi- asticae et civiles ab Ansegiso abbate et Benedict o Levita collectae, 7 libb. cum aliis eorundem regum et Karoli Calvi capitulis, addito quoque glossario. 8. Par. 1603. CAROLUS Calvus. Diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. VII. CAROLUS Crassus imperator. Diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IX. CAROLUS Simplex. Diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IX. CAROLUS IV. imperator et rex Bohemorum. Aurea bulla. 4. Ueidelb. 1594. CAROLUS V. Imp. Kerum a Carolo V. Caesare Augusto in Africa bello gestarum commentarii per varios authores. 8. Antv. 1554. CAROLUS VII. rex Galliarum cognomento Victor. Pragmatica sanctio cum glossis Cosmae Guymier et additionibus Phil. Probi ad pragmaticae sanctionis et concordatorum dissidia componenda : ace. historia pragmaticae sanctiouis et concordatorum annotationes marginales per Franc. Pinssonium. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1666. Pragmatica Sanctio cum glossis D. Cosmae Guymier, opera D. Phil. Probi. 4. Paris 1614. CAROLUS IX, rex Sueciae, v. Siyismundus III. CAROLUS LUDOVICUS, comes Palatinus, q. v. CARPENTER (Wm. B.) Principles of Human Physiology. 6th ed. 8. Lond. 1864. Principles of Mental Physiology. 8. Lond. 1875. CARRANZA (Bartholomaeus) de Miranda. Summa conciliorum et poutificum : ace. statuta quae- dam s-ynodalia cum aliis canonibus cone. Niceni uuper reperiis. 8. Luyd. 1600. CARRETUS (Ludovicus). Epistola ad Judaeos quae inscribitur, ' Liber visorum diuinorum/ ap. Buxtorf. Syuag. Jud. q. v. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 89 CARRIERE (Moriz). Die philosophische Weltanschauung der Reformations- zeit in ihren Beziehungen zur Gegenwart. 8. Stutt- gart 1847. CARRINGTON (James). The theory of Christianity in twelve plain discourses on the Christian faith. 8. Lond. 1748. CARRO al. Karo (R. Joseph). Comm. in legem sive generationes. Hebraice. CARTE (Thos.), M.A. An history of the life of James duke of Ormonde ; with a collection of letters written by his grace, the king, the secretaries of state, and other great men of his time, and serving to verify the most material facts in the history. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1735-6. CARTEROMACO (Nicolo). Ricciardetto. 3 tomi. 12. Lond. 1767. CARTESIUS (Renatus). Meditationes de prima philosophia. 4. Amster. 1678. Principia Philosophiae. 4. Amst. 1678. La Metaphysique de Descartes rassemble'e et mise en ordre par L. A. Gruyer. 8. Brux. 1838. Tractatus de homine et de formatione foetus. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1672. CART WRIGHT (Thos.) Harmonia evarigelica per analysin logicam et meta- phrasin historicam. 4. Amst. 1647. A confutation of the Rhemists translation glosses and annotations on the New Testament, fol. n. p. 1618. CARWITHEN (John Bayly Somers). A history of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1849. GARY (John). English Atlas, being a new set of county maps. 4. Lond. 1787. CASA (Joannes). Latina monimenta (sc. carminum liber). 4. Florent. 1567. CASALI (Joh. de). De velocitate motus alterationis. 4. Yen. 1505. CASAUBON (Isaac). Animadversiones in Athenaei Dipnosophistas. 15 libb. fol. Lugd. 1600. Epistolae, ed. per Graevium. 4. Brunsv. 1656. De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exercitationes quindecim ad card. Baronii prolegomena in annales et primam eorum partem de Christi nativitate vita, &c. fol. Lond. 1614. Comment, in Aeneam Tacticum, q. v. 90 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca Diatriba in Dionem ; ad calc. oratt. Dionis Chrysos- tomi, q. v. Versio atque notae in stratagemata Polyaeni, q. v. Notae atque emendationes in scriptt. hist. Augustae seu Roinanae, q. v. Animadversiones in opera C. Suetonii, q. v. The original! of idolatries, or the birth of heresies : from the French, by Abraham Darcie. 4. Lond. 1624. CASAUBON (Meric). Annotationes in Diogenem Laertium de vitis philoso- phorum, q. v. A treatise concerning enthusiasme, as it is an effect of nature, but is mistaken by many for divine inspira- tion or diabolical possession. 8. Lond. 1655. A relation of what passed for many years between Dr. J. Dee and some spirits, fol. Lond. 1659. CASELIUS (Jo.) prof, in acad. Julia. Dissertatio de lingua Latina addiscenda. 4. Rott. 1692. CASES. A collection of Cases aud other discourses lately written to recover dissenters to the communion of the Church of England, fol. Lond. 1694. For an abridgement of the Cases to recover dissenters, v. Bennet (Thos.). CASIMIR (Jean, due). Declaration en laquelle sont exposes les causes pour lesquelles il a este constraint par necessite et legitime vocation pendre les armes et entrer en la guerre de Cologne, &c. Trad. d'Allemand en Franfois. 4. s. I. 1584. CASIMIRUS (Mathias) Sarbievius, q. v. CASINUM. Epitome chronicorum Casinensium, v. Italic. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. II. CASSADOB (Gulielmus). Decisiones seu conclusiones aureae. 8. Lugd. 1546. CASSAN (Jacques de). La recherche des droicts et pretentious du Roy et de la couronne de France sur les royaumes, duchez comtez villes, et pais occupez par les princes cstrangors. 4. Par. 1632. Id. 4o. Par. 1634. CASSANDEB (Georgius). Opera omnia. fol. Par. 1616. CASSANDBE (F.) La Rhetorique d'Aristote en Francois. 8. Par. 1675. CASSEBIUS (Julius). Tabulae anatomicae octo et septuaginta cum supple- mento xx tabb. D. Bucretii. fol. Amst. 1645. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 91 CASSIA (Simon de). Gesta Christ! seu opus in quatuor evangelia. 15 libb. fol. Col. 1533. CASSIANTTS (Joannes) eremita. De coeiiobiorum institutie et VIII principalium vitiorum remediis cum Collationibus XXIV. SS. Patrum. 8. Rom. 1588. Opera. Gr. Lat. ad calc. opp. Jo. Damasceni. fol. Basil. 1559. CASSIODORTJS (Magnus Aurelius). Opera, cum notis Gul. Fornerii. 4. Paris 1588. Chronicon, ad Theodericum regem. 8. Ebrod, 1621. Id. 80. Basil. 1636. De orthographia. 8. Heidel. 1589. CASTALDUS (Restaurus) Perusinus. Tractatus de imperatore. fol. Horn. 1540. CASTALIO (Josephus). De templo pacis, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IV. Adversus feminarum praenominumassertores disputatio; de antiquis puerorum nominibus, &c. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. II. CASTELLIONO (Lapus de). Allegationes. fol. Yen. 1498. CASTELIUS (Bartholomaeus). Lexicon medicum Graeco Latinum auctum per Pancr. Brunonem. 4. Norimb. 1682. Id. fol. Lips. 1713. CASTELL (Edmund). Lexicon heptaglotton pro septem linguis Orientalibus : accessit brevis et harmonica grammaticae linguarum delineatio. 2 voll. fol. Land. 1669. CASTELLO (Amodeus Justinus de). Tractatus de Sindicatu. fol. Mediol. 1574. CASTELLO (Castello de). Chronicon Bergomense (1378-1407), v. Ital. Rer. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XVI. CASTELLUS (Didacus). Comm. in cap. XXVIII. Exodi de ornatu et vestibus Aaronis sive idea perfect! sacerdotis et hominis christiani . fol. Ant. 1671. CASTIGLIONE (Baldassare). II cortigiano. 12. Yen. 1562. Lat. (De Curiule sive Aulico) per B. Clarke. 8. Argent. 1619. Id. in English, by R. Samber. 8. Lond. 1724. CASTILIOKTAETJS (Bonavcntura). Gallorum insubrium autiquae sedes, v. p. 347, Italiae illustratae per var. auctores. CAST ONUS, seu Cassonus, archiepisc. Mediolan. Synodus provincialis Pergami habita (1311), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Muratori. Tom. IX. 92 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ca CASTRENSIS (Stephanus Rodericus). De meteoris microcosm! libri quatuor. 4. Yen. 1624. CASTRO (Alphonsus a). Opera, cum appendice Feu-ardentii. 2 torn. fol. Par. 1578. Contra haereses libri quatuordecim. fol. Col. 1539. CASTRO (Paulus de). Commentaria super Codice, Digesto veteri ac Novo, et Infortiato. 8 voll. fol. Lugd. 1544-5. Consiliorum partes duae. fol. Lugd. 1522. CAS WALL (Henry), M.A. America and the American Church. 8. Land. 1851. CATALOGUE. Catalogus librorum MSS. in bibliothecis Angliae et Hiberniae. fol. Oxon 1697. Catalogi libb. quorum auctio habebatur variis temporibus apud Jo. Elzivirium Seb. de Hoogeveen et alios. 4. Lugd. et Hag. Com. 1628, -31, -32, -33, -34, -38. Catalogus rerum ex basilica bibliothecae Christiani V. fol. Hafn. 1696. Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Bodleiana cum quad- ruplici elencho expositorum S. Scripturae, Aristotelis, Juris utriusque, et principum medicinae; per Tho. James. 4. Oxon 1605. Catalogus impressorum libb. in bibl. Bodleiana, cura et opera Tho. Hyde. fol. Oxon 1674. Catalogus bibliothecae cleri Londinensis in collegio Sionensi, per Guil. Reading, fol. Zone?. 1724. Catalogus lib. MSS. qui ab E. D. Clarke comparati in Bibl. Bodl. adservautur. Pars I. (Opera Tho. Gaisford). 4o. Oxon 1812. Catalogue of the Library of Francis Douce, preserved in the Bodleian Library, fol. Oxf. 1840. Catalogue of MSS. in the Library of All Souls' Coll., by H. O. Coxe, M.A. 4<>. Oxon 1842, and 1852. Catalogue of early printed books in the Library at Lambeth. (By S. R. Maitland). 8<>. Lond. 1843. Catalogue of the Carlyle MSS. in Lambeth Library. 8. Lond. Catalogus Codicum MSS. qui in Collegius aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie asservantur (H. 0. Coxe, M.A.). 2 voll. 4o. 1852. Catalogi Cod. MSS. Bibliothecae Bodleianae (conf. H. O. Coxe). 3 voll. 4o. Oxon 1853-8. Catalogue of the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum with indexes of persons, places, matters. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1808-12. Catalogue of MSS. in the Cottonian Library deposited in the British Museum, fol. Lond. 1802. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Lansdowne Library in Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. the British Museum. 2 parts, fol. Lond. 1812- 19. Catalogue of the MSS. in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, by W. Black. 4. Oxf. 1845. Catalogue of the early printed books in the library of Gonville and Caius Coll., Cam. 8. Gambr. 1850. Catalogus Codicum Sanscrit. (T. Aufrecht). 4. Oxon 1864. Catalogus Codicum Syriac. . . (Payne Smith). 4. Oxon 1864. Catalogus libi'orum ex variis Europae partibus advec- torum apud Robertum Scott. 4. Lond. 1674. Catalogue of National Portraits on Loan to the South Kensington Museum. 3 vols. 4. Land. 1866-8. Catalogue of printed books in Balliol College Library. 8. Oxf. 1871. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Blenheim Palace. 4. Oxf. 1872. CATHARINUS (Ambrosius) senensis. Enarationes in V priora Capita Geneseos. ace. tractatus et quaestiones rerum variarum. fol. Rom. 1552. CATLIN (Geo.). Illustrations of the manners, customs and condition of the North American Indians, with letters and notes written during eight years of travel. 2 vols, 8vo. Lond. 1866. CATO (Marcus Porcius). De re rustica, ap. Script, de re Rustica (Ven. 1514 ; Par. 1543, Lips. 1735), q. v. Praeter librum de re rustica quae extant recogn. et prolegomena scripsit Henr. Jordan. 8. Lips. 1860. CATON. Le Caton Francois, au roy. 8. s. I. 1614. CATS (Jacob). Alle de Werken. 2 Deelen. fol. Amster. 1726. CATTAN (Christophle de). Geomance pour scavoir toutes choses presentes passees et a advenir, avec la Roue de Pythagoras. 4. Par. 1558. CATULLUS (Valerius). Opera, cum variorum comm. fol. Par. 1608. Id. cum varr. lectt. et comm. 4. Cant. 1702. A commentary on Catullus by Robinson Ellis. 8. Oxf. 1876. CAVALCANUS (Borgninus). De tutore et curatore et de usufructu mulieri relicto. 80. Yen. 1571. CAVALLI (Stephen). A short account of the life and death of Pope Alexander VII, &c., with a relation of the Coronation of this present Pope Clement IX, and a Catalogue of all the 94 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Cardinals : translated out of the Italian by P(hilip) A(yres). 4. Lond. 1667. CAUCHY (A. L.) Cours d' Analyse de 1'ecole polytechnique, l re partie. 8. Par. 1821. Exercises de Mathematiques. 3 vols. 4. Par. 1826- 30. CAVE (William). Primitive Christianity, or the religion of the ancient Christians. 8. Lond. 1673. Antiquitates apostolicae, or the lives, acts, and martyr- doms of the apostles, &c. fol. Lond. 1676. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria a Christo nato ad saec. XIV : accedunt scriptores Gentiles, &c., atque appendix ab alia manu (Henr. "Wharton) ab in- eunte saec. XIV. ad annum usque 1IDXVII. fol. Lond. 1688. Pars altera : ace. ad finem cujusvis saec. conciliorum omnium historica notitia : ad calc. vero operis dis- sertationes tres, 1, de scriptt. ecclesiastic! s incertae aetatis : 2, de libris et officiis ecclesiast. Graecorum : 3, de Eusebii Arianismo adversus Jo. Clericuin. fol. Lond. 1698. Apostolici, or the lives of the primitive fathers for the four first ages of the church. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1677, 83. A discourse concerning the unity of the Catholic Church maintained in the Church of England. 4. Lond. 1684. A serious exhortation with some important advices relating to the late cases about the conformity, rec- comended to the present dissenters from the Church of England : in the var. edit, of Cases written to recover dissenters to the communion of the Church of England, q. v. CAVENDISH (George). Life of Cardinal Wolsey. 4. Lond. 1852. CAVENDISH (Margaret) duchess of Newcastle. Poems and fancies, fol. Lond. 1664. Philosophical and physical opinions, fol. Lond. 1663. Natures pictures drawn by fancies pencil to the life, fol. Lond. 1656. Orations of divers sorts accommodated to divers places, fol. Lond. 1662. Playes. fol. Lond. 1662. 211 sociable letters, fol. Lond. 1664. Philosophical letters, or modest reflections upon some opinions in natural philosophy, fol. Lond. 1664. The life of the thrice noble, high and puissant prince, William Cavendishe, duke, marquess, and earl of New- castle, &c. fol. Lond. 1667. Ce] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 95 CAULIACUS (Guido). Ars chirurgica. fol. Yen. 1546. CAUMONT (M. A. de). Ab^cedaire ou Rudiment d'Arch^ologie. 3 tomes. 8*. Caen 1869-70. CAUSETTS (Mich. Angelus) de la Chausse. De insignibus pontificis maximi : de signis militaribus : de vasis, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. V r X, XII. CATTSSE (Barthelemy). Le vrai bouclier de la foy Chrestienne mis par dialogues. 8. p >r J. Crespin 1557. CATJSSINUS (Nicolaus). De eloquentia sacra et humana. 16 libb. 4. Lugd. 1657. La cour sainte ou 1'institution Chrestienne des grands, avec les exemples, &c. fc. Par. 1624. CAUVIGNY (F. de) sieur de Colomby. Refutation de 1'Astrologie judiciare. 8. Paris 1614. CAXTON (William), v. Chaucer, Directorium. CAY (John). An abridgment of the Publick Statutes. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1739. CEBES (Thebanus). Tabula, Gr. et Arab. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1640. Id. ed. 80. Lips. 186 . A transl. by Jeremy Collier, with his translation of the Meditations of Marc. Aur. Antoninus concerning him- self, q. v. CECCHINI (Pier Maria). Lettere facete e morali. 4. Yen. 1622. Brevi discorsi intorno alle Comedie Comedianti, e Spettatori. 4. Yen. 1621. CEDRENUS (Georgius). Annales sive historiae ab exordio mundi ad Isacium Comnenum usque (A. D. 1057) compendium, Gr. Lat. cum annotationibus et tabulis chronologicis. Gul. Xy- landri. fol. Bas. 1566. CELLINI (Berivenuto). Vita, da lui medesimo scritta, nella quale si leggono molte importanti notigie appartenenti alle arti ed alia storia del secolo XVI ; con note da G. Palamede Carpani. 3 torn. 8. Milan. 1806. CELSUS (Aur. Corn.) De re medica libb. VIII. fol. Par. 1567. Id. in Medic. Antiq. Lat. fol. Yen. 1547. Id. cum comm. G. Pantini. fol. Bas. 1552. Id. cum notis variorum, cura et studio J. ab Alme- loveen. 8>. Lugd. Bat. 1746. Id. cum in primum librum H. Thriveri (seu Driver!) 96 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ce Brachelii commcntarii, in reliquos septem Bald. Ronssei enarrat. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1592. Id. ed. C. Dareniberg. 12. Lips. 1859. CENSORINUS. De Die Natali, ed. Carrius. 12. Par. 1583. Id. ed. Fr. Hultpch. 12. Lips. 1867. CENTITRIATORES. Historia ecclesiastica integram ecclesiae Christi ideam quantum ad locum, propagationem &c. attinet, secun- dum singulas centurias complectens, per doctos aliquot viros Magdeburgenses, vulgo Centuriatores, sc. Matth. Flacium Illyricum et alios. 13 voll. fol. Basil. 1562-74. CERMISONUS (Antonius). Consilia medica. Lugd. 1525. CERVANTES (Gonsalvus). In librum Sapientiae commentaria et theoriae. Pars. I. fol. Hispali 1614. CERVANTES (Miguel de). Vida y hechos del ingenioso cavallero Don Quixote de la Mancha. 2 torn. 8. Madrid 1674. Don Quixote, translated into English by T. Sbelton. fol. Lond. 1675. Exemplarie novells in sixe books, turned into English by Don Diego Puede-Ser. fol. Lond. 1640. CEYLON. A general description of the island, historical, physical, and statistical, containing the most recent information ; by an officer late of the Ceylon rifles. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. CHALCOCONDYLAS (Laonicus). Historiarum libri decem. fol. Basil. 1566. Id. in Corpus Byzant. Hist. q. v. CHALLES (C. F. M. de). Cursus seu mundus mathematicus, ed. per Amat. Vacin. 4 torn. fol. Lugd. 1690. CHALMETEUS (Antonius). Enchiridion chirurgicum externorum morborum re- media, turn universalia turn particularia, complectens, 80. Par. 1560. CHAMBERLAYNE (John). Magnae Britanniae notitia : the present state of Great Britain. 8. Lond. 1745. Oratio Dominica, in diversas omnium fere gentium linguas versa ; una cum dissertationibus nonnullis de linguarum origine variisque ipsarum permutationibus. 4o. Amst. 1715. CHAMBERS (Ephraim). Cyclopaedia, or an universal dictionary of the arts and sciences, with supplements and improvements by A. Rees. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1783-6. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 97 CHAMIERUS (Daniel). Panstratiae catholicae sive controversiarum de religione adversus pontificios corpus. 4 voll. fol. Genevae. 1620. CHAMPAGNY (le Comte de). Les C6sars (jusqu' a Neron). 4 tomes. 12. Par. 1868. Rome et la Jud6e. 2 tomes. 12. Par. 1876. Les Antonins (68-180 A.D.). 3 tomes. 12. Par. 1867. Les Cesars du Troisie'me Siecle. 3 tomes. 12. Par. 1870. CHAMPERIUS (Symphorianus) seu Campegius. Paradoxa in Galeni artem parvam. 8. Lugd. 1516. Categoriarum medicinalium libb. V. Ibid. Epitome comm. Galeni in Hippocratis libb. Aphovis- morum, Prognosticorum, Regiminis acutorum mor- borum, et Epidimiarum. Ibid. Centiloquium Isagogicum in libb. Hippoci-atis. Ibid. Comm. in Petrum Conciliatorem. fol. Ven. 1565. Clysteriorum camporum secundum Galeni mentem li- bellus. fol. Basil. 1532. De phlebotomia libri duo. Ibid. CHANCERY (court of). Calendars of the proceedings in Chancery in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to which are prefixed examples of earlier proceedings in that court from the reign of Richard II. 3 vols. (Record Commission), fol. Lond. 1827-33. CHANDEUS (Ant.) cogn. Sadeel. Opera theologica, et vita. fol. exc. Joannes le Preaux. 1599. CHANDLER (Edward), D.D. A sermon, Jan. 30th, on Judges XVII. 6. 8*>. Lond. 1718. A sermon on John I. 14. 8. Lond. 1718. CHANDLER (Henry W.) Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation. 8. Oxf. 1862. CHANDLER (Richard), Bookseller, v. Parliament. CHAPMAN (George). Plays, ed. by R. H. Shepherd. 12. Lond. 1874. Poems and minor Translations with introduction by A. C. Swinburne. 12. Lond. 1875. CHAPPUYS (Gabriel), Tourangeau. Examen des Esprits propres et naiz aux Sciences tra- duit de 1'Espagnol (Huarte, q. v.) en Fran9ois. 8. Paris 1619. La civile conversation en 4 livres trad, de ITtalien de Guazzo. 8. Lyon. 1580. CHARITON Aphrodisiensis. De Chaerea et Callirhoe amatoriarum narrationum libri octo, v. Erotic, Script. 98 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch CHABLES I, king of England. His works, with his life and martyrdom : also a collec- tion of declarations, &c. fol. Lond. 1662. The joyfull returne of the most illustrious prince Charles from the court of Spaine, &c. 4. Lond. 1623. Instructions from his majestic to all the bishops of this kingdorae. 4. Lond. 1626. Articles of Peace entercourse and Commerce between Charles I. and Philip IV. of Spain. 4. Lond. 1630. Proposition de son Ambassadeur a les Etats Gen^raux, Aug. 30, 1630. 4o. 1630. The king's declaration to his subjects concerning lawfull sports to bee used. 4. Lond. 1633. Academiae Glasguensis x a P l(rr W wv a ^ augustissimum rnonarcham Carolum. 4. Edinb. 1633. Solis Britannici perigaeum, sive itineraiitis Caroli auspi- catissima periodus. 4. Oxon. 1633. Catalogue of the dukes, marquesses, and bishops of the kingdom of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by T. "VV. 4o. Lond. 1640. Catalogue of the dukes, marquesses, &c., that sit in this parliament. 4. Lond. 1640. Catalogue of the names of the knights for the counties, &c., that sit iu this parliament. 1640. A grant of the benevolence by the clergie of the pro- vince of Canterburie. 4. Lond. 1640. Ovatio Carolina ; the triumphant manner and order of receiving his majesty into his city of London on 25th Nov. 1641. 4". Lond. 1641. The arguments of Sir Richard Hutton and Sir George Croke, &c., concerning Shipmoney. 4. Lond. 1641. A short and true relation concerning the soap busi- ness. 4. Lond. 1641. A true discovery of the projectors of the wine project. 4. Lond. 1641. Speech by Robert, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. 4. Lond. 1641. An abstract of a treatise concerning the payment of tythes and oblations in London. 4. 1641. The way towards the finding of a decision of the chief controversy now debated concerning church govern- ment. 4. Lond. 1641. Episcopal government instituted by Christ, by R. R., preacher of the gospell. 4. Lond. 1641. Question concerning the divine right of episcopacy. 4. Lond. 1641. Episcopall Inheritance. 4. Oxf. 1641. The broken title of episcopal inheritance. 4. Lond. 1642. Animadversions upon those notes which the late obser- Ch] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 99 vator hath published upon the seven doctrines. 4. Lond. 1642. Remonstrance of the Commons of England. 4. 1642. Certain considerations upon the duties both of prince and people. 4. Oxf. 1642. Two letters from Rotterdam. 4. Lond. 1642. His majestie's declaration to the lords at York ; also a letter sent from divers knights and gentlemen of Nottinghamshire. 4. Lond. 1642. Catalogues of the dukes, &c., that are now with his majesty : lists of the officers. 4. 1642. The king's disguise. 4. s. 1. & a. A warning peece for London, being a true relation of the bloody massacre of the Protestants in Paris. 4. Lond. 1642. A warning for England in the famous history of the frantick Anabaptists. 1642. King James, his judgment of a king and a tyrant. 4. Lond. 1642. The Lord George Digbie's apologie for himself. 4. 1642. Prince Rupert's raising of the siege at Newarke. 4. 1643. Necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated and proved by the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, &c. 4o. Oxf. 1643. Letter from the members of both houses assembled at Oxford to the Earl of Essex. 4. Oxf. 1643. Relation of the victory obtained by Sir T. Fairfax on June 14th, 1645. 4<>. Lond. 1645. The king's cabinet opened ; or certain packets of secret letters and papers written in the king's own hand and taken in his cabinet at Nasby-field, June 14th, &c. 40. Lond. 1645. Elenchus motuum nuperorum in Anglia, sinml ac juris regii et parliamentarii brevis enarratio (a Theodoro Veridico). 8. Paris 1645. The king's letter to the Marquesse of Ormond, and the Marq. of O.'s letter to Monroe. 4. Lond. 1646. Subtilty and Cruelty : a true relation of the horrid and unparalleld abuses exercised by Sir Sackville Crow his majesties ambassador at Constantinople. 4. Lond. 1646. Ordinance for selling the lands of all the bishops for the service of the commonwealth. 4. Lond. 1646. Ordinances sequestring the estates of delinquents, papists, spyes, and intelligencers. 4. Lond 1646. Two ordinances, one for the abolishing of archbishops and bishops, &c. 4. Lond. 1646. Two petitions of the sequestred clergie. 4. Lond. 1647. H 2 100 MERTOX COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch Three ordinances : the first for keeping in Godly ministers, &c. 4. Lond. 1647. The case of the king stated by Basilius Anonymus. 4. 1647. A religious retreat sounded to a religious army. 4. Lond. 1647. Two letters from Fairfax. 4. Lond. 1647. An answer to a letter written at Oxford concerning the Church and the revenues thereof. 4. 1647. Reasons of the present judgement of the University of Oxford concerning the Solemn League and Covenant, &c. 4o. 1647. The Scotch souldier's speech concerning the king's coro- nation oath (imperf.). 4. 1647. Relations and observations, historical and politick, upon the parliament begun 1640. 4. 1648. The history of independency, with the rise, growth, and practices of that powerfull and restless faction. 4. Lond. 1648. His majestie's paper containing several questions pro- pounded to the commissioners divines touching epis- copacy with an humble answer. 4. Lond. 1648. The king's majestie's answer to the paper delivered by the divines. 4. Lond. 1648. Humble answer of the divines to the second paper delivered by his majesty 4. Lond. 1648. His majestie's finall answer concerning episcopacie delivered in to the commissioners. 4. Lond. 1648. A proclamation for tryall of the king. 4. Lond. 1648. Letters from Paris directed to several committees and members of Parliament. 4. Lond. 1648. Charge of the Commons against Charls Stuart king of England. 4. Lond. 1648. Narrative of the tryall of the king. 4. Lond. 1648. King Charles, his case or an appeal to all rational men. 4. Lond. 1649. King Charles, his tryal. 4. Lond. 1649. Petition from Thomas Lord Fairfax to the commons of England. 4. Lond. 1649. King Charles, his speech made upon the scaffold. 4. Lond. 1649. Procez deCharles Stuart royd'Angleterre. 4. Lond.1650. The Earl of Pembroke's speech to Nol-Cromwell, Lord Deputy of Ireland. 4. Nod-nol. 1649. Vindication of the imprisoned and secluded members of the house of Commons. 4. Lond. 1649. Proclamation of the Deputy General of Ireland con- cerning the present hand of God in the visitation of the plague. 4. Lond. 1650. A seasonable expostulation with the Netherlands. 4. Lond. 1652. Ch] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 101 Twelve humble proposals concerning the propagation of the Gospel, the new modling of the universities, refor- mation of the laws, supply of the necessities of the poor, by M. R. 4. Lond. 1653. A proclamation by the Lord Protector. 4. Lond. 1654. The articles of the perpetual peace between Cromwell and the United Provinces. 4. Lond. 1654. The kingly interest of Christ and the present sufferings of his cause and saints in England. 4. Lond. 1654. To all the faithful servants of Jesus Christ. 4. Lond. 1654. A declaration of his Highness by the advice of his council showing the reasons of their proceedings for securing the peace of the commonwealth. 4. Lond. 1655. Catalogue of the Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen that have compounded for their estates. 8. Lond. 1655. The great case of Tythes : by a countreyman A. P. 4o. Lond. 1657. Sovereign's Prerogative, and subjects' privilege. Lond. 1657. CHARLES II, king of England. Replication to the city of London's plea to the Quo Warranto brought against their Chaiier. 4. Lond. 1682. Memorials of the English affairs, v. WhitelocJc. Account of the Conspiracy against him. In the Savoy. 1685. Copies of two papers written by the late king Charles II. and paper by the Duchess of York (MS.) 4. Lond. 1686. An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the Catholick Church, &c. (G. E. Stillingfleet, q. v.) A defence of the papers written by the late king and the duchess of York. 4. Lond. 1686. A reply to the answer made upon the three royal papers. Ibid. The Church of England truly represented according to Dr. Heylin in justification of the Duchess of York's papers. 4. Lond. 1686. State tracts ; being a collection of several treatises re- lating to the government, printed secretly in the reign of Charles II. fol. Lond. 1689. CHARLETON (Walter). The immortality of the human soul demonstrated by the light of nature. 4. Lond. 1657. CHARLEVOIX (Pierre Fran9ois-Xavier de). Histoire du Paraguay. 6 tomes. 12. Paris 1757. Histoire et description generate du Japon, ou Ton trou- vera tout ce qu'on a pu apprendre de la nature et des 102 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch productions du pays, du caractere et des coutumes des habitans, du gouvernement, &c., avec des fastes chrono- logiques de la decouverte du nouveau monde. 9 tomes. 12. p ar i 8 1736. CHARNOCK (Robert). The tryals and condemnation of R. C. Edward King and Tho. Keyes for the horrid and execrable conspiracy to assassinate K. William, in order to a French in- vasion of this kingdom, fol. Lond. 1696. CHARPENTIER (Fran9ois), v. Ana, tome VII. CHARRON (Pierre le). Ses GEuvres. 4. Paris 1635. CHASLES (M.) Trait^ de Geometric Sup6rieure. 8. Paris 1852. Aperu Historique sur 1'origine et le deVeloppement des Methodes en Geometric, &c. 4. Paris 1875. CHATEAUBRIAND ( Francois- Auguste, vicomte de). Le genie de christiauisme, suivie de la defense du genie de christianisme. 12. Par. 1874. CHATTERTON (Thos.) Poems supposed to have been written by Thomas Rowley, with a commentary in which the antiquity of them is considered and defended by Jeremiah Milles. 4o. Lond. 1782. Poems, &c. 8. Lond. 1777. Examination of the internal evidence for Rowley's poems, by J. Sherwen, M.D. 8. Bath 1809. Essay on evidence, &c., by T. J. Mathias. 8. Lond. 1783. CHAUCER (Sir Geoffrey). The Canterbury Tales, printed by "Will. Caxton : First ed. circa 1480. Id. modernised by Ogle. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1741. The works of Geffrey Chaucer, with additions ; also the siege and destruction of the worthy city of Thebes, compiled by John Ledgate, Monk of Bury. fol. Lond. 1687. Id. with his life, by John Urry. fol. Lond. 1721. CHAULIEU (Abbe de). (Euvres : Nouv. ed. augm. par M. de Saint Marc. 2 torn. 12. Amst. and Par. 1757. CHAUSEE (Nivelle. de la). Le Prejuge a la mode : Melanide : L'e*cole des meres : La gouvernante. 12. Paris 1808. CHAUVIN (Steph.) Lexicon philosophicum. fol. JRott. 1692. CHEITOMAEUS (Martinus Petr.) Graeco-barbara Novi Testamenti, quae Orienti originem debent notis illustrata. 8. Amst. 1649. CHEMISTRY. Theatrum cheinicum praecipuos selectorum auctorum Ch] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 103 tractatus de chemiae et lapidis philosophic! antiquitate, etc., continens. Voll. I-III. 8. Ursellis 1602. Journal of the Chemical Society of London, vols. I XXX. 80. Lond. 1849-78. Chemistry, theoretical, practical, and analytic, as applied to the arts and manufactures, by writers of eminence, in 8 divisions. 8. Lond. 1878. CHEMNITIUS (Martin). Examen concilii Tridentini. fol. Franc. 1585. Loci theologici, quibus et loci communes Phil. Melanch- thonis perspicue explicantur et quasi integrum Cliristi- anae Doctriuae corpus ecclesiae Dei sincere proponitur, 3 partt. ed. Polycarpo Leysero. 8. Franco/. 1653. HarmoniaevangelicaChemnitio Lysero Gerhardiana; 2 tomis, quorum prior est Chemnitii et Lyseri, pos- terior Gerhardi. 8. Gen. 1645. CHEBUBINUS (Laertius). Bullarium magnum Romanum a Leone magno ad Clementem X, 4 tomis, a Cherubino et Jo. Paulo a Roma quinti tomi editione auctum, cum vitis et icouibus omnium Pontificum. 4 voll. fol. Luyd. 1673. CHESELDEN (William). The anatomy of the human body. 8. Lond. 1741. CHESNE (Andr. du). Histoire gne>ale d'Angleterre, d'Escosse, et d'lrlande. fol. Par. 1634. CHESNEAU (Nicolas). Observationum libri quinque : accedit ordo remediorum alphabeticus, epitome de natura et viribus luti et aquarum Barbotanensium. 8. Paris 1672. CHETWIND (Charles). A narrative of the depositions of Rob. Jenison, with other material evidences proving that Mr. Ireland, executed for high treason, was at London Aug. 19th, 1678, notwithstanding his confident denial thereof both at his tryal and execution, fol. Lond. 1679. CHEV ALLIES, (Temple). A translation of the epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp, and Ignatius, with the apologies of Justin Martyr and Tertullian; with an introduction and brief notes illustrative of the ecclesiastical history of the first two centuries. 8. Camb. 1833. CHEVBEAU (TJrbain). Chevraeana, v. Ana. Tome IX. CHEYNE (George), M.D. An essay on the gout, with an account of the Bath waters. 80. Lond. 1720. CHEYNELL (Francis), D.D. The rise, growth, and danger of Socinianisme. 4. Lond. 1643. 104 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch CHIABBEBA (Gab.) Opcre. 3 tomi. 8. Vineg. 1757. CHICHELE (Hen.) His life, by 0. L. Spencer, q. v. CHIFLETII (Jo. Jac., Jul., Jo., Tho., et Paulus). Eorum opuscula varia. 7 voll. 4. Amat. 1688. CHIFLETITJS (Jo. Jaco.) Portus Iccius Julii Caesaris demonstratus. 4. Ant. 1627. Acia Corn. Celsi propriae signification! restituta: Alphonsus Nufiez regius archiater defensus. 4. Ant. 1633. CHILLINGWORTH (William), M.A. The religion of protestants a safe way to salvation. 4. Land. 1687. CHINA. The Chinese Classics. See Leyge (James). Histoire de la Chine, v. Mailla. CHINAZZO (Daniello). Cronaca della guerra di Chioza tra li Veneziani e Genovesi, v. Italic. Her. Script. (Muratori). Tom. XV. CHIOCCUS (Andreas). Musaeum Calceolarianum per A. C. et Beiied. Cerutum. fol. Veronae 1622. CHION, Platonicus. Epistolae Gr. inter Epistolas Graecas Aid. q. v. CHISHULL (Edmundus), S. T, B. Antiquitates Asiaticae Christianam aeram antecedentes ex primariis monumentis Graecis descriptae. fol. Lond. 1728. CHOEROBOSCTJS (Georgius). TLtpl TOV tipf^Kva-TiKov N. seu de his in quibus attrahatur v. 80. 1542. Tlpbs roiis fv iravi rois pf/fwcri Kavovas T)TOVI>TCIS KOI 6/u.otoVjTas. Ibid. CHONIATES (Nicetas Acominatus). Sex et octoginta annorum historia vklilicet ab anno circiter MCXVII. in quo Zonaras desinit usque ad annum MCCIII. libris undeviginti descripta, Gr. Lat. ex interpr. etcum annott. Hier. Wolfii. fol. Basil. 1557. CHOPIN (M.) Servie et Montenegro. 8. Par. s. a. CHOPPINUS (R,enatus) Andegavus. De sacra politia forensi. 3 libb. 4. Par. 1577. Id. accedunt de legibus Andium muuicipalibus Hbri III. fol. Par. 1589. De domanio Franciae libri tres. fol. Par. 1589. De privilegiis rusticorum. fol. Par. 1590. GHOUL (Guillaume du), seu Dut/wul, q. v. CHRISTIANITY, Christian. The crowue of the Christian Martyr, &c. 4. Loiid. 1634. Ch] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 105 Christianity as old as the Creation, v. Tinddll. Sincere thoughts of a private Christian. 8. 1719. The true state of Christianity in England, and of its decay and danger from Sectaries as well as Papists. 4o. Lond. 1674. CHRISTIANUS I, rex Daniae. Epistolae, v. Danic. Rer. Script. (Langebek). Tom. VIII. CHRISTIANUS (Andreas). Enchiridion de cognoscendis curandisque humani cor- poris morbis ex Trincavellio discerptum. 8. Bas. 1583. CHRISTINA, queen of Sweden. Her life, English'd by J. H. 4. Lond. 1646. CHRISTMANNTTS (Jacobus). Commentarius de Calendario Arabico, &c. 8. Franc. 1590. Epistola chronologica ad clarissimum virum Justum Lipsium qua constans annorum Hebraeorum connexio demonstratur et non leues aliorum errores refutantur. 4. Franc. 1593. Disputatio de anno, mense, et die passionis dominicae. Ibid. De Kalendario Romano, v. Graevii, Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. CHRONICON. Liber cronicarum cum figuris et ymaginibus ab initio mundi auxilio Hartmanni Schedel. fol. Anlhonius Kerberger Nuremberge impressit. 1493. Chronicon Preciosum, or an account of English money, &c., for the last 600 years (by W. Fleetwood). 8. Lond. 1707. CHRYSOLOGrUS (Petrus), archiep. Eavenn. Sermones, una cum opp. Leonis Magni. fol. Par. 1614. CHRYSOSTOMUS (Dion), v. Dion. CHRYSOSTOMUS (Joannes). Opera, Latine. 5 voll. fol. Basil. 1530. Opera, Graece (ed. H. Savile). 8 voll. fol. Eton. 1612. Operum Tomus Sextus. fol. Antv. 1614. Homiliae ad populum Antiochenum duae et viginti Graece, cum ejusclem homiliae decimae nonae Latina versione, opera et studio Jo. Harmari. 8. Lond. 1590. Commentarius in Matthaeum, Latine. fol. Colon. 1487. Homiliae in Matthaeum, Graece ; annottat. Frid. Field. 3 voll. (Biblioth. Patr.). 8. Cantab. 1839. Interpretatio omnium Epistolarum Paulinarum per homilias facta. 6 voll. (Biblioth. Patrum). 8. Oxon. 1849-61. Homilies on the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. John : on the Acts of the Apostles : on the Epistles of St. Paul ; and on the Statues or to the people of Antioch : translated with notes, in the Library of the Fathers. 15 vols. 8. Ox/. 1839-52. 106 MEKTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch Liturgia, Qraece. (Paris 1560), v. Liturgiae. Id. Latine, per A. de Sainctes. 8. Antv. 1562. CHUBB (Thomas). The Supremacy of the Father asserted, or eight argu- ments from Scripture to prove that the Son is a being inferior to the Father, &c. 8. Land. 1715. Two enquiries ; one concerning Property, the other con- cerning Sin. 8. Lond. 1717. Supremacy of the Father vindicated. 8. Lond. 1718. Learned enquiries cone. Justification, &c. 76. CHUCALON (Hieronymus). Additiones ad tract. Phil. Decii in lit. ff. de regulis juris, q. v. CHURCH, Churchman. The form of Church government in the Old and New Test. (Title wanting.) 4. The way towards the finding of a decision of the chiefe controversie now debated concerning church govern- ment (Jo. Hales). 4. Lond. 1641. Certain briefe treatises written by diverse learned men cone, the ancient and moderne government of the church wherein the primitive institution of episcopacie is maintained, &c. (imperf.). 4. Oxf. 1641. Declaration of several of the Churches of Christ and godly people. 4. Lond. 1654. Resolution of a case of Conscience about holding Com- munion with the Church of England. 4. Lond. 1683. Modest Examination of do. MS. Defence of the Resolution of a case of conscience, &c. 4. Lond. 1684. Sum of a conference had between 2 Divines of the Church of England and 2 Catholic Lay Gentlemen. 4o. Lond. 1687. A full answer to the second defence of the exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England in a letter to the defender. 4. n. p. or d. Letter from a Dissenter to the Divines of the Church of England in order to a Union. 4. Lond. 1687. Vindication of the Church of England. 2 pts. 4. Lond. 1687, v. Altham. Address to Ministers of the Church of England. 4. Lond. 1688. Vindication of a Sheet concerning the orders of the Church of England. 4. Lond. 1688. An agreement between the Church of England and Church of Rome evinced from the concertation of some of her sons with their brethren the dissenters. 4. Lond. 1687. The schism of the Church of England demonstrated (MS.) 4. Oxon. 1688. Twenty-one conclusions further demonstrating the Ci] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 107 schism of the Church of England, &c. (MS.) 4. Oxon. 1688. A brief but full vindication of the Church of England from the Romanists' charge of schism ; a sermon on 2 Kings XVIII. 22. 4. Land. 1688. The reasonableness of the Church of England's test. 4. n. p. 1688. The Church of England vindicated and separation from her communion shewed to be schismatical. 8. Lond. 1716. A vindication of the realm and Church of England from the charge of perjury, rebellion, and schism, unjustly laid upon them by the non-jurors. 8. Lond. 1716. The sin of schism unjustly charged by the non-jurors upon the Church of England and the charge made good against themselves. 8. Lond. 1716. An essay upon the nature of a church and the extent of ecclesiastical authority. 8. York 1718. An original draught of the Primitive Church, by Fr. ScJater, q. v. CHURCHILL (Charles). Poems in 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1766. CHUBTON (Ralph). The life of Alexander Newell, dean of St. Paul's. 8. Oxf. 1809. CIACCONITJS (Alphonsus). Columna Trajana, v. Fdbretti. CIACCONIUS (Petrus) Toletanus. De triclinio Romano, cum Fulvi Ursini appendice. 8. in off. Sanct., &c. 1590. In Columnae Rostratae inscriptionem a se conjectui'a suppletam explicatio, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IV. Ad C. Salustium notae una cum ipso Salustio, q. v. CIAMPINUS (Joannes). Vetera monimenta in quibus praecipue musiva opera sacrarum profanarumque aedium structura ac nonnulli antiqui ritus dissertationibus iconibusque illustrantur. fol. Rom. 1690. De sacris aedificiis a Constantino Magno constructis synopsis historica. fol. Rom. 1693. Examen libri pontificalis, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. III. CIBBEB (Colley). The Careless Husband. 8. Lond. 1734. CICERO (Marcus Tullius). Opera omnia (cura Orellii) ed. altera. 11 voll. 8. Turici. 1845-62. Id. 4 voll. fol. Par. apud C. Steph. 1554. Id. Manucciorum commentariis illustrata. 10 voll. in 4. fol. Yen. 1582. 108 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ci Id. notis Victorii, &c., ex recens. Is. Verburgi. 12 voll. in 16. 8. Amst. 1724. In opera omnia notae Fulvii Ursini. 8. Antv. 1581. Laelius seu dialogus de Amicitia, Galilee per Vigenere. 4o. Par. 1579. De natura Deorum libri tres : cum comment. Lescalo- perii, sub tit. ' Petri Lescaloperii Humanitas Theo- logica, in qua M. T. Cicero de natura Deorum argumentis expositionibus illustratiouibus nunc pri- mum in lucem prodit.' fol. Par. 1660. Epistolae ad Atticum cum Comm. Aus. Popmae. 8. Franeker. 1618. Id. emend. Dionys. Lambinus, recognov. Fr. Junius. 80. s. I. 1594. Id. 12<>. (Deest titulus). In epistolas ad Atticum animadversio Simeonis Bosii. 12o. Antv. 1585. In epistolas familiares notae Steph. Ricii. 3 voll. 12o. 1569-70. Les lettres familieres, traduits en Francais par Estienne Dolet et Fr. de Belle-forest. 4. Col. 1618. Le epistole famigliari tradotte (da Guido Loglio). 8. Vineg. 1551. Letters, translated by Melmotb. 3 vols. 8. Land. 1753. Epistolae selectae 3 libris. 4. Par. 1578. De fato, cum comm. Adr. Turnebi. 4. Par. 1552. De legibus, cum comm. A. Turnebi. Ibid. Id. cum praelectt. Petri Kami inter praelectt. P. Rami in octo orationes cousulares, &c., q. v. De fiuibus bonorum et malorum, ed. Madvig. 8. Hauniae 1839. Id. Edit. III. 80. Hauniae 1869. De officiis libb. III. cum comm. Hier. Wolfii. 4. Basil. 1563. De officiis libb. III. ed. per Tho. Cockman. 8. Oxon. 1695. Les offices de Ciceron, traitant du devoir des hommes avec le livre d'amitie, les paradoxes, &c. (Lat. et Franc.) 12<>. 1589. Orationis omnes, cum notis Freigii. 3 voll. 8. Han. 1614. Octo orationes consulares cum praelectt. P. Rami. fol. Baa. 1575. Orationes XIV. Philippicae, cum comm. Curionis. fol. Bas. 1551. Orationes per Phil. Beroaldum recognitae ac diligenter correctae, cum oratione in Valerium. fol. Bonon. 1499. Oration! XIX. fatte Italiane. 8. Vineg. 1556. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 109 Orationes Pliilippicae, ed. with notes by J. R. King. 80. Oxf. 1868. Orationes, with a commentary by G. Long. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1851-8. Oratio pro Rabirio, cum comment. Adr. Turnebi. 4. Par. 1553. In omnes Ciceronis orationes doctissimorum virorum enarrationes. fol. Basil, per Jo. Oporinum, 1553. In omnes de arte rhetorica libros doctissimorum vi- rorum commentaria. fol. Basil, ex off. Rob. Winter et Tho. Platteri, 1541. Thesaurus M. Tullii Ciceronis. fol. Par. apud Car. Steplianum, 1556. Q. Asconii Pediani comment, in aliquot Ciceronis ora- tiones. 4. Paris 1537. Id. 8". Lugd. 1551. Sententiae selectae per Lagnerium, q. v. CIMINELLO (Niccolo) di Bazzano. Poema Storico della Guerra dell' Aquila con Braccio da Montone (1423-4), v. Italic. Antiq. Med. Aevi. (Mura- tori). Tom. VI. CINONIO. Osservazioni della lingua Italiana, raccolte dal Cinonio accademico filergita. 4. Ferrara 1709. CIOFANTJS (Hercules). In omnia Ovidii opera observationes. 8. Antv. 1581. CITADINIS (Paulus de). Tractatus juris patronatus. fol. Papiae. 1503. CIVIL SERVICE. Papers relating to the reorganisation of the Civil Service. 80. Lond. 1855. CLAGETT (Nicholas). A persuasive to an ingenuous tryal of opinions in reli- gion. 4. Lond. 1685. An answer to the representer's reflections upon the state and view of the controversy ; with a reply to the vin- dicator's full answer; shewing the vindicator has utterly ruined the new design of expounding and representing Popery. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. Sermon on Thess. v. 12, 13. 80. 1718. CLAGETT (William). The difference of the case between the separation of Protestants from the Church of Rome and the separa- tion of Dissenters from the Church of England. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1683. A discourse concerning the worship of the blessed Virgin and the saints ; with an account of the beginnings and rise of it amongst Christians, in answer to Mde. Meaux's (i. e. J. B. Bossuet's) appeal to the fourth age in his exposition and pastoral letter. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1686. 110 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [01 A paraphrase, with notes and a preface, on the sixth chapte of St. John. 4. Lond. 1686. A view of the whole controversy between the representer and the answerer, with an answer to the representer's last reply ; in which are laid open some of the methods by which Protestants are misrepresented by Papists. 4. Lond. 1687. The present state of the controversie between the Church of England and the Church of Rome ; or an account of the books written on both sides. (Anon.) 4<>. Land. 1687. A discourse concerning the pretended sacrament of ex- treme unction. 4. Lond. 1687. A letter to the vindicator of (J. B. Bossuet) the bishop of Condom. Ibid. A letter from the vindicator of the bishop of Condom to the author of the late discourse concerning the sacra- ment of extreme unction. 4. Lond. 1687. An abridgment of the prerogatives of St. Ann, mother of the mother of God, to which a preface is added concerning the original of the story. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. The state of the Church of Rome, when the Reformation began, as it appears by the advices given to Paul III and Jul. Ill by creatures of their own. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. The queries offered by T. W. to the Protestants con- cerning the English Reformation reprinted and an- swered. 4o. Lond. 1688. The sum of a conference on Feb. 21st, 1686, between Dr. Clagett and Father Gooden about the point of transubstantiation. 8. Lond. 1689. An answer to the eight theses laid down (by Dr. Oba- diah Walker) for the trial of the English Reformation : at the end of Hutchinson's authority of counsels, q. v. Seventeen sermons. 3rd. ed. Vol. I. 8. Lond. 1699. Eleven sermons. 2nd. ed. Vol. II. 8. Lond. 1699. CLAMENGIIS (Nicolaus de). Opera omnia cum notis Joh. Mart. Lydii : ace. vita. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1613. Speculum Ecclesiae pontificiae. 8. Lond. 1606. CLARENDON (Edward, earl of) i.e. Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon, q. v. CLARK (Nicholas). The way of truth or a body of divinity consonant to the doctrine of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1717-18. CLARKE (Edw. Dan.) Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, Africa. Pt. I. Russia, Tartary, Turkey, in 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1816. Cl] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Ill Id. Pt. II. Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land, in 6 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1817-18. Id. Pt. III. Travels in Scandinavia, in 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1824. His life and remains, by the Rev. W. Otter, q. v. CLARKE (Francis). Brief reply to the relation of Don Pantaleon. 4. Lond. 1655. CLARKE (James Stanier), LL.B. The life of James II, collected out of memoirs writ of his own hand, with the king's advice to his son, and his will published from the originals, by J. S. C. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1816. CLARKE (Samuel), D.D. His works. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1738. A reply to the objections of Robert Nelson and an anonymous author (Dr. James Knight) against Dr. C.'s scripture doctrine of the Trinity. 8. Lond. 1714. A letter to Dr. Wells in answer to his Remarks, &c. 8<>. Lond. 1714. Three letters to Dr. C. from a clergyman concerning his scripture doctrine of the Trinity, with the doctor's replies. 8. Lond. 1714. Reflections upon the present controversie concerning the holy Trinity in a letter to Dr. C. 8. Lond. 1714. An apology for Dr. C., containing an account of the late proceedings in convocation upon his writings concerning the Trinity : being a collection of several original papers. 8. Lond. 1714. A paraphrase on the Four Evangelists, with critical notes on the more difficult passages. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1722. CLARKSON (Thomas), M.A. An essay on the doctrines and practice of the early Christians as they relate to war : No. Ill of the tracts of the Peace Society, q. v. CLARUS (Julius), patritius Alexandrinus. Opera omnia. fol. Franc. 1576. CLAVASIO (Angelus de). Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae cum quibusdam novis et oportunis additionibus. fol. Hagenau. 1509. CLAUDE (Jean), ministre de Charenton. An historical defence of the reformation, in answer to a book intituled 'Just prejudices against the Cal- vinists : ' faithfully translated into English by T. B., M.A. 40. Lond. 1683. A conference with Mr. Claude, minister of Charenton, concerning the authority of the Church : by J. B. Bossuet : faithfully done into English. 4. Lond. 1687. 112 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Cl Mr. Claude's Answer to Mr. de Meaux's book, intituled A conference with Mr. Claude, with his letter to a friend. 2 parts. 4. Lond. 1687-8. CLAUDE de Seissel, v. Seyssellus (Cl.) CLAUDIANUS (Claudius). Opera, quae extant ; A. C. Barthio restituta. Ed. alt. 4. Franco/. 1650. CLAUDINUS (Jul. Caes.) Tractatus de crisibus et diebus criticis. 8. Basil. 1620. CLAVEITS (Gasto). Apologia Chrysopoeiae et Argyropoeiae adv. T. Erastura. vol.11. Theatr. Chemici. (Ursellis 1602), q.v. CLAVIUS (Christophorus). Epitome arithmeticae practicae. 8. Col. Ayr. 1607. Responsio ad convicia et calumnias J. Scaligeri : Refu- tatio cyclometriae Jos. Scaligeri. 4. Mogunt. 1609. Romani calendarii a Gregorio XIII. restituti explicatio : accessit confutatio eorum qui calendarium aliter instau- randum esse contenderunt. fol. Rom. 1603. Scholia in Euclidem (Colon. 1591), q.v. CLEASBY (Richard). Icelandic-English Dictionary, enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson. 4. Oxf. 1869. CLEMENS (Romanus). Opera quae ad hunc usque diem extare comperta sunt, Rufino Torano Aquileiense interprete : ace. canones apostolorum per eundem Clementem in unum congesti una cum interpr. Greg. Haloandri et veteri editione. fol. Par. apud Jo. Roigny 1544. Opera, Gr. Lat. (Antv. 1698), v. Patres. Epistolae : et Mosis Assumptionis quae supersunt : ed. Ad. Hilgenfeld. 8. Lips. 1866. Ad Corinthios epistola prior. Transl. by Temple Che- vallier, with an introduction and notes : in a transl. of the epistles of Clement and others by T. Chevallier, q.v. Opera. (Oxon. 1847), v. Patres ApostoUci. Epistolae duae ad Corinthios, Gr. cum notis Junii, Cote- lerii, et Jo. Boisii, &c. : ed. Henr. Wootton. 8. Cantab. 1718. Epistles. Translated. (Lond. 1833). v. Patres. CLEMENS V (Papa). Clementinae Constitutions, cum appar. Jo. Andreae. fol. Yen. 1481. Id. cum varr. Comm. per Aegidium Perrinum. fol. Luyd. 1559. CLEMENS VII (Papa). Tria brevia in favorem Catharinae Angliae reginae contra Henricum VIII. super matrimonio inter cos contracto. Cl] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 113 CLEMENS (Titus Flavins) Alexandrinus. Opera omnia, cum notis Frid. Sylburgii. fol. Heidelb. 1592. Id. Gr.Lat. : post Dan. Heinsii recensionem : acc.diversae lectiones et emendationes a Frid. Sylburgio collectae. fol. Lutet. 1629. Id. recognita et illustrata per Jo. Potterum episc. Ox- oniensem. fol. Oxon. 1715. CLEMENT (David). Bibliotheque curieuse, historique et critique, ou catalogue raisonne' de livres difficiles a trouver. 9 tomes. 8. Getting. 1750-60. CLEMENT (Pierre). Histoire de Colbert et de son administration. 2 tomes. 12o. Par 1874. Jacques Co3ur et Charles VII, ou la France au XVe Siecle : etude historique, precedee d'une notice sur la valeur relative des anciennes monnaies Francaises, &c. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1853. CLEMENTINTTS (Clementius) Amerinus. Lucubrationes Medicae. fol. Bos. 1535. CLENABDUS (Nicolas). Institutiones et Meditationes in linguam Graecam, notis Sylburgii. 4. Han. 1602. Institutiones Graecae linguae, cum scholiis P. Antesig- nani. 8. Col. 1571. Epistolarum libri duo, quorum posterior jam primum in lucem prodit. 8. Ant. 1566. CLENCHE (Guglielmo). St. Peter's Supremacy faithfully discussed according to Holy Scripture and Greek and Latin Fathers. 4. Lond. 1686. CLEBC (Le) seu Clericus, q. v. CLERGY. Two petitions of the sequestered clergie of England and Wales ; one to the king, the other to sir Tho. Fairfax, with the declaration of the general and his councell of warre thereupon, as also his majestic' s proclamation against intruding into other men's cures and detaining their tythes. 4. Lond. 1647. Clergyman's companion or a collection of ecclesiastical offices. 8. Lond. 1709. A vindication of the orthodox clergy in answer to two scurrilous libels, pretending to be vindications of the lord archbishop of Canterbury, but scandalously re- flecting upon his grace and our most orthodox clergy. 8<>. Lond. 1720. The clergyman's intelligencer, or a compleat alpha- betical list of all the patrons in England and Wales, with the livings, &c. within their gift. 8. Lond. 1745. 114 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Cl CLERICUS seu Leclerc (Daniel). Bibliotheca anatomica : sive recens in anatomia inven- torum thesaurus, per D. C. et J. Mangetum. 2 voll. fol. Genevae 1685. Histoire de la m&lecine avec des figures en tailles deuces, tiroes des medailles anciennes. 3 parties. 4. AmsL 1702. Historia naturalis et medica latorum lumbricorum. 4. Genev. 1715. CLERICUS seu Leclerc (Joannes). Harmonia evangelicu cui subjecta est historia Christi. fol. Amst. 1699. Veteris testament libri historic! ex transl. J. C. cum comment, philolog. &c. fol. Amst. 1708. CLERICUS seu Clarke (Samuel). Scientia metrica et rythmica, seu tractatus de prosodia Arabica ex authoribus probatissimis eruta, ad calc. carm. Tograi. ed. Edv. Pocockio (Oxon. 1661) q. v. CLERKE seu Clercke (Earth.) Fidelis servi subdito infideli responsio cum errorum et calumniarum examine N. Sanderi in septimo libro de visibili ecclesiae monarchia. (Anon.) 4. Lond. apud Jo. Dayum. 1573. CLERY (Jean-Bapt. Ant. Hanet). Nascita carattere et alcuni fatti notabili di Luigi XVI (tradotta de Franc.) 8. Oxf. 1802. Journal de ce qui s'est passe a la tour du Temple pen- dant la captivite" de Louis XVI, roi de France : l re . ed. orne"e de gravures, et precede d'une introduction, &c. 8. Paris 1861. CLEVELAND (John). Works, containing his poems, orations, and epistles collected into one volume, with the life of the author. 8<>. Lond. 1687. CLICHTOVEUS (Jodocus). De Maria Magdalena, Triduo Christi, et una ex tribus Maria disceptatio. 4. Par. 1519. Elucidatorium ecclesiasticum exponens ea quae ad officia ecclesiae pertinent, fol. Par. 1540. CLIMACUS vel Climax (8. Joannes), q. v. CLINGIUS seu Kling (Conradus). Loci communes theologici pro ecclesia catholica. fol. Colon. 1559. De securitate conscientiae catholicorum in rebus fidei et de periculo atque errore sectariorum hujus seculi ; item confutatio mendaciorum a Luteranis adversus librum imperii seu Interim editorum. fol. Colon. 1563. CLINTON (Henry Fynes). Fasti Hellenici : the civil and literary chronology of Greece from the earliest accounts to the death of Au- gustus. 3 vols. 4. Oxf. 1834. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 115 Fasti Romani : the civil and literary chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II. 2 vols. 4. Oxf. 1845. CLIVOLO (Bartholomaeus a). De balneorum naturaliuin viribus libri IV. 4. Lugd. 1552. CLUB. A letter from Truth to a member of the Rose-Club. S. Land. 1717. CLTJSIUS (Carolus) Atrebas. Historia raviorum aliquot stirpium per Pannoniam Aus- triam et vicinas quasdam proviricias observatarum libri quatuor. 80. Ant. 1583. Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias observatarum historia libris II. cum iconibus. 8. Ant. 1576. Galliae Belgicae corographica descriptio, posthuma edita ex museo J. Moreii. 8. Lugd. 1619. CLTJVEBIUS (Philippus). Comnientarius de tribus Rheni alveis et ostiis, item de quinque populis quondam accolis, cum tribus tabulis geographicis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1611. Germaniae antiquae libri tres ; adjectae sunt Vindelicia et Noricum. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1631. Sicilia antiqua, cum minoribus insulis ei adjacentibus ; item Sardinia et Corsica, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1619. Italia antiqua. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1624. Introductio in universam geographiam. 8. Amst. s. a. COCCEIUS (Joannes), Bremensis. Opera omnia, theologica, exegetica, didactica polemica, philologica. 7 voll. fol. Amst. 1675. COCCIUS (M. Ant.) Sabellicus, v. Sabellicus. COCHLOEUS (Jo.) De matrimonio regis Henrici VIII. congratulatio ad Paulum III. pont. max. 4. Lips. exc. Mich. Blum. 1535. De invocatione sanctorum, adv. Bullingerum. 4. Ingolst. 1544. COCKBTJBN (Patrick), M.A., Vicar of Long-Horsley. On the Mosaic Deluge. 8. Lond. 1750. COCKMAN (Thos.), D.D. Salvation by Jesus Christ alone, asserted in two sermons on Actsiv. 12. 4th. ed. 8. Lond. 1733. CODINUS (Georgius), cyropalates. De officialibus palatii Constantinopolitani et officiis magnae ecclesiae libellus, Gr. et Lat. nunc primum in lucem editus ex bibl. Jul. Pacii. 8. apud Jo. Mare- schallum Lugdunensem 1588. CODBINGTON (Sir Edward). Memoir of his life with selections from his public and private correspondence; ed. by his daughter, Lady Bourchier. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. I 2 116 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co COE (Thos.), M.D. A treatise on biliary concretions, or stones in the gall- bladder and ducts. 8. Lond. 1757. COELESTINUS II, Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et dela). Tome XV. COENA Dominica. Orthodoxus consensus de sacramento coenae dominicae. Tig. 1578. De coenae administratione ubi pastores non sunt, item an semper communicandum per Symbola 1 4. Amst. 1638 (per Hug. Grotium), q. v. COENALIS (Robertus). De vera meusurarum ponderumque ratione, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom Thes. Tom. XI. COHORN, v. Koehorn. COINTE (Carolus le). Annales ecclesiastic! Francorum. 7 voll. fol. Par. 1665-83. COINTUS Smyrnaeus, v. Quintus Calaber. GOITER (Volcherus) Groningensis. Externarum et internarum partium humani corporis tabulae atque anatomicae exercitationes observationes- que variae, &c. fol. Noriberg. 1573. COKE or Cook (Sir Edward). The first part of the institutes of the lawes of England, or a commentarie upon Littleton, fol. Lond. 1719. Id. abridged by Hawkins. 8. Lond. 1711. The second, third, and fourth parts of the institutes. 2 voln. fol. Lond. 1671. The twelfth part of the reports, &c. fol. Lond. 1658. COLBERT (Jacques Nicolas) archeveque de Carthage. Philosophia vetus et nova in scholia regia Burgundia olim pertracta per Colbert et alios. 2 tomis. 4. Par. 1684. COLEBROOKE (Henry Thomas). His Life and Essays, edited by Sir T. E. Colebrooke. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. COLEMAN (Edward). His tryal for conspiring the death of the king and the subversion of the government of England and the protestant religion, &c. fol. Lond. 1678. COLERIDGE (Samuel Taylor). Biographia literaria, or biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. 2 vols. 18. Lond. 1847. The Friend. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1850. Aids to reflection in the formation of a manly character. 8. Lond. 1848. COLET (John). Oratio habita ad clerum in couvocatione Lat. Eng. p. 273 of his life by Sam. Knight, q. v. Co] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 117 COLLE (Charles). Dupuis et des Ronais : La Partie de Chasse de Henri IV: (in 2 tomes). 12. Paris 1810. COLLED GE (Stephen). His arraignment, tryal, and condemnation for high- treason, fol. Lond. 1681. COLLIER (Jer.) The desertion discussed in a letter to a country gentle- man, p. 134 of Edmund BoTiun's history of the desertion, q. v. Essays upon several subjects. 4 parts. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1703-9. A short view of the immorality and profaneness of the English stage together with the sense of antiquity upon this argument. 8. Lond. 1698. An ecclesiastical history of Great Britian, chiefly of England, from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of Charles II, with a brief account of the affairs of religion in Ireland. 2 vols. fol. Lond . 1708-14. The great historical, geographical, genealogical and poetical dictionary, being a curious miscellany of sacred and prophane history collected from the best historians, chronologers, lexicographers, but more especially out of Lewis Morery, with appendix and supplement. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1701-27. COLLINS (Anthony). A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion in two parts. 8. Lond. 1724. The scheme of literal prophecy considered in a view of the controversy occasioned by a late book entit. ' A discourse of the grounds and reasons of the Christian religion.' 8. Lond. 1727. COLLINS (Arthur). The peerage of England, containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of England, with a supplement. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1741-50. COLLINS (Samuel), M.D. A systeme of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants, with many schemes. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1685. COLLINS (William). Poems, with memoir by Langhorne. 8". Lond. 1776. COLLINSON (John). Beauties of British antiquity, selected from the writings of esteemed antiquaries. 8. Lond. 1779. The history and antiquities of the county of Somerset. 3 vols. 4. Bath 1791. COLMAB. Annales Colmarienses, v. Germaniae Mon. Hist. Tom. XVII. 118 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co COLONIA Agrippina. Canones concilii provincialis Colonieusis anno 1536 celebrati, quibus adjectura est enchiridion Christianae institutionis una cum formula ad quam visitatio intra dioecesim Colon, exigetur. fol. Colon. 1538. Antididagma seu Christianae religionis propugnatio per canonicos metropolitanne ecclesiae Colouiensis ; item senteutia delectorum de vocatione Martini Buceri. fol. Colon, apud Jasp. Gennepaeum, 1544. COLQUHOUN (Patrick). Summary of the Roman Civil Law, illustrated by com- mentaries on and parallels from the Mosaic, Canon, Mohammedan, English, and foreign Law. Vol. I, pts. 1 and 2. Lond. 1849-50. COLUMBUS (Christopherus). ^Navigatio (ab alio quodam literis mamdata) qua multas regiones hactenus orbi incognitas invenit, inventasque Hispaniae rex coli jussit et frequentari, interpr. Archang. Madrignano. in Novo orbe Simonis Grynaei, q.v. . Navk-atio, Lat. 8. Rott. 1616. COLUMBUS (Realdus) Cremonensis. De re anatomica libri quindecim. 8. Par. 1562. Id. 80. Franc. 1593. COLUMELLA (Luc. Jun. Mod.) De re rustica libri duodecem : ejusde-.n de arboribus liber. 8. Yen. 1514. De cultu hortorum. 4. Lips. 1735. COLUMNA (Radulphus de) Carnotensis. De translatione imperii. 8. Bas. 1559. COLUTHUS Thebanus Lycopolita, Helenae raptus Graece, p. 391, vol. II. inter Poett. Gr. principes, ex edit. H. Stephani, q. v. COMBACHIUS (Johannes). Metaphysicorum libri duo. 8. Francof. 1630. COMBER (Thomas). The plausible arguments of a Romish priest from scripture answered by an English Protestant. (Anon.] 8<>. Lond. 1686. The plausible arguments of a Romish priest from antiquity answered by the author of the answer to the plausible arguments from scripture. 8. Lond. 1687 A discourse concerning the second council of Nice which first introduced image worship in the Christian Church. 4o. Lond. 1688. Roman forgeries in the councils during the first four centuries ; together with an appendix concerning the forgeries and errors in the annals of Baronius. 4 Lond. 1689. A scholastical history of the primitive and general use of liturgies in the Christian Church, with an answei Co] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 119 to Dav. Clarkson's late discourse concerning liturgies. 2 parts. 8. Land. 1690. A Companion to the Temple, or a help to devotion in the use of the Common Prayer. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1688-1702. COMBIS (Joannes de). Additiones atque annotationes perutiles in compendium Theologicae veritatis. 12. Lugd. 1602. COMES (Marcellinus) Illyricianus, rectius Marcdlinus comes Illyricianus, q. v. COMICI. Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum collegit et disposuit Aug. Meineke cum historia critica. 5 voll. 8. Berol. 1839-57. CO-MINES (Philippe de). Les Memoirs sur les faits et gestes de Loys XI. et de Charles VIII., rois de France. 8. Paris 1593 Id. translated into English by Thomas Danett. fol. Lond. 1674. COMMANDINTJS (Federicus). De centro gravitatis solidorum. 4. Bonon. 1565. Comm. in Archimedem de iis quae vehuntur in aqua, q. v. De superficiarum divisionibus, una cum lit. de eadem re Machometo Bagdedini, q. v. 4. Pisauri 1570. COMMISSION. Schools' Inquiry Commission. Reports of Commis- sioners, Assistant Commissioners, &c. 20 vols. 8. Lond. 1868. COMMUNION. An essay concerning our obligation to hold communion with all who own the letter of the Bible. 8. Lmtd. 1719. COMNENA (Anna), v. Hist. Byzantin. Scriptores. COMPAGNI (Dino). Chronicon Florentinum (1280-1312), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Muratori. Tom. IX. COMPTON (Henry), D.D., Bp. of Lond. A vindication of the proceedings of his majestie's ecclesiastical commissioners against the Bp of London and the fellows of Magdalen College. 4. Lond. 1688. Narrative of the proceedings against him in the Council Chamber, anno 1686. fol. Lond. 1689. COMTE (Auguste). System of Positive Polity, or Treatise on Sociology. Vol. I. General view of Positivism and Introductory Principles. Vol. II. Social Statics, or the abstract theory of human order. Vol. III. Social Dynamics, or the general theory of human progress. Vol. IV. Theory of the future of man, witli an appendix con- sisting of early essays on social philosophy 8. Lond. 1875-7. 120 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co COMUM. De bello et excidio urbis comensis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. CONCENATIUS (Jacobus), J. C. Quaestionum juris liber singulario. fol. Lugd. 1556. CONCILIA. Concilia omnia tarn generalia quam particularia ab apostolorum temporibus in hunc usque diem a SS. patribus celebrata (collectore Petro Crabbe). 2 voll. fol. Colon, exc. P. Quentel. 1538. Concilia omnia novissima hac editione post Surianam, accessere praesertim Nicenum et Ephesinum concilia ; additae sunt eruditae notationes per catholicos theo- logos. 5 voll. fol. Ven. 1585. Tct TTpClKTlKll TT)S OlKOV^f 1/lKTJr TplTT]S (TVVoSoV TT)S (V ''E(p(T(f avyKpoTT)6(ioT)s. fol. Heidelb. 1591. Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Edited after Spelman and Wilkins, by A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs. Vols. I, II, and III. Oxf. 1869-78. Sin n ma conciliorum et poutificum. 8. Venet. 1600. Concilia Magnae Brittaniae et Hiberniae a synodo Verolamiensi A. D. 446, ad Londineusem A. D. 1717: ace. constitutions et alia ad historiam ecclesiae Anglicanae spectantia a Dav. Wilkins collecta. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1737. Concilia Galliae Narbonensis in unum collegit notisque illustravit Steph. Baluzius. 8. Par. 1668. Of the authority of councils and the rule of faith, with an answer to the 8 theses laid down for the trial of the English Reformation in the book that came last week from Oxford. 4. Lond. 1687. An historical examination of the authority of general councils, shewing the false dealing that hath been used in the publishing of them and the difference amongst the Papists themselves about their number. 4. Lond. 1688. CONCORDANCES. Concordantiae bibliorum utriusque Testamenti. fol. ex oliva R. Stephani 1555. Concordanta Graecolatin. Test. Novi. fol. ex oliva P. Steph. 1600. Id. Gr. Novi Test, per Schmidium, q. v. Concordance of the whole Bible by Newman, collected by Clement Cotton, fol. Lond. 1643. Id. Heb. p. R. Naihanem, q. v. CONDE (le prince de). Voyage en Italie. 8. Lyons 1635. CONFERENCE. Discours veritable de la conference tenue a Foutaiue- Belleau, May 4, 1600. 4. Evreux 1601. Co] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 121 CONFESSION. Corpus et Syntagma confessionum fidei diversarum ec- clesiarum, cum catholico consensu patrum. 4. Gen. 1634. CONFORMITY. Conformites (los Trois) de 1'Eglise Romaine avec le Paganisme, Judaisme et heresies anciennes par Fr. de Croi. fol. 1605. CONFOBTUS Pulex, v. PuLex. CONFUCIUS. Confucius Sinarum philosophus, sive scieutia Sinensis Latine exposita opera P. Intorcetta, Chr. Herdtrich, F. Rougemont et P. Couplet, fol. Par. 1687. The Confucian analects, &c. See Legge (J.) Chinese Classics. Vol. I. CONGBEVE (William). Dramatic works, viz. the Old Batchelor, the Double- dealer, Love for Love, the Mourning Bride, the Way of the World. 80. Lond. 1733. The works of W. C., containing the Way of the World, the Judgment of Paris, Semele, Poems on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1730. CONIMBBICA. Commentt. collegii Conimbric. in Aristotelis libros, q. v. CONINGTON (John). Miscellaneous Writings, ed. by J. A. Symonds. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1872. Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Trans, with Engl. notes, q.v. CONNANUS (Franeiecus). Commentariorum juris civilis 2 voll. fol. Par. 1553. CONNOISSEUB. The Connoisseur, by Mr. Town. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1753. CONBADUS (Paul Brunswick). De Usuris libb. tres, cum Prefat. Melanchthonis. 8. Franc. 1561. CONBADUS Schirensis. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVII. CONBINGIUS (Herm.) De Asiae et Aegypti antiquissimis dynastiis adversaria chronologica. 4. Ultraj. 1702. CONSCIENCE. The case of an erroneous conscience in a letter to the Rev. Mr. Stebbing. 8. Lond. 1719. Liberty of conscience in its order to universal peace impartially stated and proved to be the just, right, and genuine effect of true, natural, and Christian religion. 4. Lond. 1681. Reasons why the Church of England as well as dis- senters should make their address of thanks to the 122 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co king's Majesty for his late declaration for liberty of conscience. MS. 4. Lond. 1687. CONSPIRACY, v. Plot. CONSTANTINOPOLIS. Bibliotheca seu antiquitates urbis Constantinopolitanae. 4. Arg. 1578. CONSTANTINUS I. Imp. cogn. Magnus. De donatione ejusauctores varii. 8. Basil. 1566. CONSTANTINUS IV. (cogn. Pogonatus) Imp. Con- stantinop. Qeoponica seu de Agricultura libb. XX. Gr. 8. Bas. 1539. CONSTANTINUS (Porphyrogenneta). De thematibus sive de agminibus militaribus per impe- rium orientale distributis Gr. Lat. ex versione et cum notis Bon. Vulcanii. 8. Antv. 1588. CONSTANTINUS Africanus, mon. Casinensis. Opera. 2 partt. fol. Basil apud H. Petrum, 1536, 9. De humana natura, de elephantia, de remediorum ex animalibus materia. fol. Basil 1541. CONSTANTINUS Harmenopulus, v. Harmenopulus. CONSTANTINUS abbas. Vita Adalberonis II. Mettensis episc., v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VI. CONSTANTINUS (Paulus). Chronicon. fol. Basil apud Johan. Hervag. 1534. CONSTANTINUS (Rubertus). Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. fol. Paris 1592. CONTARENUS (Caspar). De republica Venetorum. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1628. CONTARENUS (Vincentius). De frumentaria Romanorum largitione, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. VIII. De Militari Romanorum stipendio. Ibid. Tom. X. CONTEST AGIO (Hieronymo de Francbi). L'Union du Royaume de Portugal a la couronne de Castille prise de 1'Italien par Nardin. 12. Besanqon 1596. CONTRACTUS (Hermannus). Chronicon, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome II. Id. fol. Basil. 1536. CONTROVERSY. Bangor controversy (v. Hoadley), the Holy Trinity, q. v. Dissenters, q. v. Roman Catholics, q. v. CONTZEN (Adamus). Politicorum libri decem, in quibus de perfectae reipub- licae forma vitiis et virtutibus, etc. fol. Mogunt. 1620. CONVOCATION. The report reported or the weakness and injustice of the proceedings of the convocation in their censure ^of Co] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 123 (Benjamin Hoadly) the lord bp. of Bangor, examined and exposed. 8. Land. 1717. The report vindicated from misreports ; being a defence of my lords the bishops as well as the clergy of the lower house of convocation in a letter from Dr. Rob. Moss, q. v. Answer to ditto by the Prolocutor v. Stanhope. Answer to five important queries in Mr. Prolocutor's postscript. 8. Lond. 1718. Protestant Popery or the Convocation, a poem. 8. Lond. 1718. CONYBEARE (John), D.D., bp. of Bristol. Sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1757. The nature and certainty of miracles : a sermon on Heb. ii. 4. 8. Lond. 1733. The mysteries of the Christian religion credible : a ser- mon on 1 Cor. xiii. 12. 8. Lond. 1732. The penal sanctions of laws considered : an assize ser- mon on Ezra vii. 26. 8. Oxf. 1727. The expediency of a Divine revelation represented : a sermon on John iv. 45. 8. Lond. 1733. A defence of revealed religion against the exceptions of a late writer (Matt. Tindall) in his book intituled ' Chris- tianity as old as the creation,' &c. 8. Lond. 1732. Scripture difficulties considered : a sermon on 2 Peter iii. 16. 8. Oxf. 1733. A sermon preached at the yearly meeting of the charity schools in and about London and Westminster on Gal. vi. 9. 4o. Lond. 1738. The case of Subscription to the XXXIX Articles : a sermon at a visitation, July 20, 1725. 8. Lond. 1732. CONYBEARE (W. J.) The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by W. J. C. and J. S. Howson. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1852. COOK (F. C.) Ideology and Subscription, v. Aids to faith. COOK (James). Mellificium Chirurgiae, or the marrow of surgery. 4. Lond. 1685. COOK seu Cooke (John). The charge of the commons of England against Charles Stuart, king of England, for high treason and other high crimes exhibited to the high court of Justice, by J. C. solicitor-general appointed for and on behalf of the people of England, v. Charles I. King Charles his case, or an appeal to all rational men concerning his tryal at the high court of justice, v. Charles I. COOKE (Job.) M.A. The preacher's assistant, after the manner of Mr.Letsome ; containing a series of the texts of sermons and dis- 124 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co courses published since the restoration. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1783. COOKE (Josiah P.), junr. The elements of Chemical Physics. 8. Boston, U. S. 1860. COOKE (Peter). His tryal for endeavouring to procure forces from France to invade England in order to the deposing of William and the restoration of king James II. Land. 1696. COOPER (Anthony Ashley), Earl of Shaftesbury. The proceedings at the sessions house in the Old Baily, London, Nov. 24th, 1681, upon the bill of indictment for high treason against Anthony, earl of S. fol. Lond. 1681. COOPER (Anthony Ashley), Earl of Shaftesbury, grand- son of former. Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1733. COOPER (Charles Purton). A brief account of some of the most important pro- ceedings in parliament relative to the defects in the administration of justice in the court of chancery, the house of lords, and the court of commissioners of bankrupt, &c, 8. Lond. 1828. Lettres sur la cour de la Chancellerie d'Angleterre avec une introduction par M. P. Royer-Collard. 8. Paris 1830. COOPER (John Gilbert). Life of Socrates. 8. Lond. 1749. COOPER (Tho.), ep. Winton. Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae cum Dic- tionario historico et poetico. (deest tit.) COPERNICUS (Nicolaus). De revolutionibus orbiurn coelestium libri sex. 4. Norimb. 1543. COPHO. Tractatus de arte medendi, p. 309 opp. Mesuae ( Yen. 1568), q.v. COPUS (Joannes). Libri quatuor de fructibus. Par. 1536. De restitutis a Christianissimo Francorum rege Fran- cisco literis oratio. 4. Par. 1535. CORASIUS (Ant. Maria). Thesaurus opinionum in causis criminalibus et civilibus. 2 voll. fol. Fran. 1584. CORASIUS (Jo.) In nobilissimum titulum Pandectarum de verborum ob- ligatione scholia, fol. Lugd. 1550. In titulum cod. Justin, de jure emphyteutico. Ibid. Ejus et Joach. Hopperi Tract, de Juris arte. 8. 1601. Comm. de posth. haered. instit., et de rei vindicat. fol. Tolos. 1549. Co] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 125 Comra. in tit. Pandectarum de justitia et jure : ace. in sequentes legum juris magistratuumque titulos com- mentarii. fol. Lugd. 1560. De jure civili in artem redigendo, p. 59, vol. I. tractt. Juris universi, q. v. CORBEIA. Annales Corbeienses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. CORDOEUS (Mauricius) Comm. in priorem librum Hippocratis de morbis mu- lierum. fol. Arg. 1597. CORDUS (Valerius). Annotationes in Pedacii Dioscordis Anazarbei de ma- teria medica libros quinque. fol. Argent. 1561. Historiae stirpium : sylva de fossilibus in Germania, &c. Ibid. Dispensatorium sive antidotarium. fol. Norib. 1592. Leges ac statuta senatus Noribergensis a Medicis et Pharmacoepoeis observanda. fol. Norib. 1592. CORKER (James), v. Sir George Wakeman. CORNARO (Giov.) Relationi di Venetia, Polonia e Boemia. 4. Ven. 1628. CORNAX (Matthias). Historiae aliquot gestationis faetus mortui in utero. 8. Col. 1581. CORNEILLE (Pierre). Ses chef-d'ceuvres, avec le jugement des savans a la suite de chaque piece. 8. Oxf. 1746. Le cid, tragicomedie. 8. Par. 1638. Commentaires sur le theatre de P. C. et autres morceaux interessans. 3 torn. 12. 1764. CORNEUS (Pet. Phil.) Consilia sive responsa juris. 4 voll. fol. Lugd. 1544. In secundam Digesti veteris partem commentarius. fol. Lugd. 1553. In primam Codicis partem commentarius. fol. Lugd. 1553. In secundam Codicis partem commentarius. fol. Lugd. 1553. CORNISH (Hen.) His tryal for raising a rebellion, fol. Lond. 1685. CORNUCOPIA. Thesaurus cornucopiae et horti Adonidis Gr. fol. Ven. Aldus, 1496. CORNWALLIS (Charles, First Marquis). Correspondence : edited with notes by Chas. Ross. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1859. CORSETTTS (Antonius). Utriusque juris repertorium solemne. fol. Lugd. 1505. CORSINI (Bartolommeo). II Torracchione desolato, con alcune spiegazioni, de Tag- 126 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Co giunta del suo Anacreonte Toscano. 2 torn. 8. Lond. 1768. CORSSEN (Willielm). Ueber die Sprache der Etrusker. 2 hde. 8. Leips. 1874-6. CORTESIUS (Paulus). De Matthaei Corvini, rcgis Hungariae laudibus, p. 192, inter scriptt. rerum Ungaricarum Ant. Bonfinii, q. v. Id. p. 660. fol. Col. Agr. 1690. CORTEZ (Ferd.) Narratio 2da et 3tia de suis peregrinationibus. 8. Roter. 1616. CORTUSII (Gul. et Albr.) Historia de novitatibus Paduae et Lombardiae (1256- 1364), v. Italic. Rer. Scriptt. Tom. XII. CORVINUS (Laurentius). Geographia, una cum Dominici Marii Nigri Ven. Geo- graphia. fol. Basil. 1557. COSCIIJS (Frans.) Repetitt. in rubricam de constitutionibus et in alios aliquot titulos juris, fol. Senae. 1554. COSENS (Jo.), v. Peter Smart. COSIN (John). A scholastical history of the canon of the Holy Scrip- ture, 4. Lond. 1672. COSMAS Pragensis. dironica Boemorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XI. COSSARTIUS (Gabriel). Consilia sacrosancta ad regiam editionem exacta per G. C. et Phil. Labbe, q. v. . jEdin. 1772. First lines of the practice of physick. 4 vols. 8. Edin. 1784. CULMANNUS (Leonhardus). Conciones in dies Dominicos festosque. fol. Norimb. 1551. CULVERWELL (Ezechiel). A Treatise of Faith, wherein is declared how a man may live by faith, &c. 8. Land. 1623. Way to a blessed estate in this life. Ibid. CTJMANUS (Raphael). Commentationes in Infortiatum et in Digestum novum. fol. Lugd. 1554. Ejus et Raph. Fulgosii. Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1548. CUMBERLAND (Richard), bishop of Peterborough. A Treatise of the Laws of Nature ; made English from the Latin, by Rev. John Maxwell. 4. Lond. 1727. A brief disquisition of the Laws of Nature, &c., by J. Tyrrell, q. v. CUMEL seu Zumel (Franciscus). Variarum disputationum tomi tres. fol. Lugd. 1609. GUMMING- (John), M. A. The conspiracies of evil designing men against the king- dom of Christ, &c.; a sermon on Ps. xxi. 11. 8. Lond. 1717. Advice to Christians to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints; a sermon on Jude, ver. 3. 8. Lond. 1719. CUNGNO (Guil. de). Super Codice Lectura, cum additamentis Raynerii. fol. Lugd. 1513. CUNNINGHAM (T.), barrister. A new and complete law dictionary. Vol. I. fol. Lond. 1771. CUPERUS (Franciscus). Arcana atlieismi revelata, philosophice et paradoxe vefu- tata, 2 libb. 4. Roterod. 1676. CURCELLAEUS (Stephanus). Opera theologica. fol. Amst. 1675. CURE (Edw. Capel). Sermons preached at St. George's, Bloomsbury. 8. Lond. 1868. CUREUS (Joachim). De sensibus et sensuum objectis libri duo. 8. Witte. 1572. CURIEL (Jo. Alphonsus). Lecturae seu quaestiones in primam secundae Tho. Aquinatis. fol. Antv. 1621. CURIO (Caelius Augustinus). Saracenicae historiae libri tres : item Marochensis regni descriptio. fol. Franco/. 1596. 134 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Cu CURSIUS (Pet.) Poenm de civitate Castellana Faliscorum non Veientium oppido ad Petruni Mellinurn, p. 733 in Italia illustrata per varios auetores, q. v. CURTIS (William). Flora Londinensis, with coloured plates. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1777. CURTIUS (Ernst.) History of Greece, translated by T. A. Ward. 5 vols. 80. 1868-73. Peloponnesos : eine historisch-geographisclie Beschrei- bung der Halbiusel. 2 bde. 8. 6^/ia, 1852. CURTIUS (Fraiicischinus seu Franciscus). De monetis, p. 125. Vol. IV. tractt. Juris Univ. q. v. CURTIUS (Fr.), jun. Conim. in Digestum vetus et in Codicem. fol. Lugd. 1533. Consilia. 2 partt. fol. Lugd. 1551. Tractatus feudalis seu de feudis. fol. Tridiid 1509. CURTIUS (Matthaeus). De dosibus. 8. Lugd. 1584. CURTIUS (Quintus Rufus). De rebus gestis Alexandri magni. 12. Ultraj 1685. De gestis Alexandri magui (ed. Zunipt.) 12. Braun- schw. 1864. Wars of Alexander, Engl. by J. Digly. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1747. Orationis selectae per GualtJien, q. v. CUSANUS (Nicolas). Opera. 3 voll. fol. Basil, ex off. Henricpetrina, 1565. Cribrationum Alcorani libri tres, in Lat. ed. Alcorani, q. v. Sententia de donatione Constantini Magni Lat. ed per Barth. Pincernum, q. v. De quadratura circuli. fol. Norimb. 1533. CUSPINIANUS (Jo.) De Caesaribus atque imperatoribus Ronianis opus 5n- signe. Cum W. Hungeri annotationibus. fol. Basil 1561. Oratio protreptica qua Christian! ad bellum Turcicum excitantur, p. 125, cum commentaiiis Joach. Camerarii senioris de rebus Turcicis, q. v. CYLLENIUS (Dominicus). De vetere et recentiore scientia militari omnium bel- lorum genera terrestria perinde ac navalia necnon tormentorum rationes complectente, libri decem : Lat. fol. Yen. 1559. CYPARISSIOTUS (Jo. Sapiens). Expositio materiaria eorum quae de Deo a theologis dicuntur ; Lat. Franc. Turriano interprete : additis etiam scholiis et annotationibus. 4. Rom. 1581. Da] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 135 CYPBIANTTS (D. Caecilius). Opera per Erasmum recognita. fol. Paris 1541. Opera, cum aduotationibus Jac. Pamelii, kc. fol. exc. Jean le Preux. 1593. Opera recognita et illustrata per Jo. (Fellium) Oxonien- sem episc. : ace. annales Cyprianici brevis historia chronologiae delineata per Jo. (Pearsonium) Cestrien- sem. fol. Oxon. e theat. Sheldon. 1682. Epistles, with the council of Carthage on the baptism of Heretics, &c. 8". Oxf. 1844. The treatises, translated with notes. 8. Oxf. 1839. CYKILLUS archiepise seu patriarcha Alexandrinus. Opera omnia. Gr. Lat. cura et studio Jo. Auberti. 6 voll. fol. Par. 1638. CYBILLUS archiepise. Hierosolymitanus. Catecheses Gr. 80. Par. 1564. Catechetical Lectures, translated with notes and indices. 8. Oxf. 1838. CYBNAEUS (Petrus). De bello Ferrariensi (1482-1484), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXI. De rebus Coi*sicis, usque ad annum 1506, v. Italic. Rer. Script, Tom. XXIV. D. (Sieur). QEuvres diverges de Sieur D. : (Longinus traduit.) 8. Amstel. 1692. DAENDLIKEB (K.) Histoire du Peuple Suisse, trad, par H me . J. Favre. 80. Paris 1879. DAHLMANW (F. C.) Life of Herodotus drawn out from his book, translated by a. V. Cox. 8. Land. 1845. Geschichte von Dannemark. 3 bde. 8. Hamburg 1841-3. DALE (Antonius van). De oraculis ethnicorum dissertationes duae, quainim prior de ipsorum duratione ac defectu ; posterior de eorundem auctoribus, accedit schediasma de consecra- tionibus ethnicis. 8. Amst. 1683. DALE (Sam.) Pharmacologia seu manuductio ad materiam meclicam. 4o. Lond. 1737. DALECAMPIUS (Jacobus). Historia generalis plantarum in libros octodecim per certas classes artificiose digesta. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1587. ALHUSIUS (J. H.) The salvation of protestants asserted and defended in 136 ME11TON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Da opposition to the rash and uncharitable sentence of their eternal damnation pronounced against them by the Romish church. 4. Loud. 1G89. DALLAETJS (Jo.) or Daille. On the right use of the fathers. 4. Lond. 1651. De scriptis quae sub Dionysii Areopagitae et Ignatii Antiocheni nominibus circumferuntur libri duo. 4. Genevae 1666. DALTON (Michael). The countrey justice, containing the practices of the justices of the peace out of their sessions, fol. Lond. 1630. DAMASCENTJS (Janus) Arabs. Therapeuticae method!, hoc est curandi artis libri septem partim Albano Torino paraphraste partim Gerardo latro Cremonensi metaphraste. fol. Basil, per Henrichum Petrum 1543 (3 exempla). Aphorismi ad filiura. 8. Basil. 1579. DAMASCENUS (Jo.) Hierosol. seu Joannes. Dam. q. v. DAMHOTTDERITJS (Jod.) Praxis rerum civilium et enchiridion parium aut simil- ium utriusque juris. 4. Ant. 1569. Comm. in tit. de Tutorum et curatorum munere. 8. Bragis 1543. Praxis rerum crimiualium. 8. Antv. 1570 DAMIANTJS a Goes, i. e. Darnianus a Goes, q. v. DANA (James D.) Manual of Mineralogy. 12. Lond. 1867. A system of Mineralogy : descriptive Mineralogy. (Dana and Brush). 80. Lond. 1868. Corals and Coral Islands. 8. Lond. 1872. DANCOTJRT (Florent Carton). Le chevalier a la mode : La Maison de Campagne : L'et6 des coquettes, &c. (in 3 tomes). 12. Paris 1808. DANDULUS (Andreas) Venetorum dux. Chronicon Yenetum, v. Ital. Rer. Script. Tom. XII. DANGKERFEILD (Thos.) A particular narrative of the late Popish design to charge those of the presbyterian party with a pre- tended conspiracy against his majesties person and government, fol. Lond. 1679. DANIA. Scriptores rerum Danicarum medii aevi quos collegit adornavit et publici juris fecit Jacobus Langebek, &c. 9 voll. fol. Hafniae 1772-1878. DANIEL (G.) Histoire de la Milice Francoise et des changements qui s'y sont faits depuis I'etablissement de la monarchic Franfoise dans les Gaules jusqu'a la fin du regne de Louis le Grand. 2 torn. 4. Amst. 1724. Da] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 137 DANIEL (Samuel). A collection of the History of England continued to K. Hen. VII, by Jo. Trussel. fol. Lond. 1685. DANIEL-TYSSEN (A.) Church bells of Sussex. 8. Lewes 1864. DANSEY (William). Horae decanicae rurales. 2 voll. 4. Lond. 1835. DANTE, i.e. Dante Alighieri, q. v. DARAN (Jacques). A complete treatise on the virulent gonorrhoea, &c. 8. Lond. 1766. DAREMBERG (Charles). Histotre des sciences Medicales. 2 toms. 8. Paris 1870. DARES Phrygius. De excidio Trojae Historia, rec. Fr. Meister. 12. Lips. 1873. DARIOT (Claudius). A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall judgment of the starres, transl. by Fabian Wither. 4. Lond. 1598. DARLING (James). Encyclopaedia Bibliographica. Vol. I. (Authors). 8. Lond. 1854. Ib. Vol. I. (Subjects) H. Scriptures. 8<>. Lond. 1859. DARRELL (Wm.) A vindication of St. Ignatius (founder of the society of Jesus) from phanaticism, and of the Jesuits from the calumnies laid to their charge in a late book entitul'd ' The enthusiasm of the Church of Rome,' (Wharton). 4. Lond. 1688. A letter to a lady desiring a conference with (Barecroff), q.v. MS. 1688. DART (John). Westmonasterium, or the history and antiquities of the abbey church of Westminster ; to which is added Westminster Abbey, a poem. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1723. DARU (le comte Pierre). Histoire de Venise. 8 vols. 8. Par. 1821. DARWIN (Charles). The Origin of Species by natural Selection, and the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 12o. Lond. 1866. The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domesti- cation. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1868. The Descent of Man and selection in relation to sex. 2 vols. 12o. Lond. 1871. Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. 80. Lond. 1872. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 12. Lond. 1877. 138 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Da Insectivorous Plants. 12. Land. 1875. The movements and habits of climbing plants. 12 Lond. 1875. The effects of cross and self-fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. 12. Lond. 1876. DARWIN (Erasmus), M.D. The Botanic garden, a poem. 4. Lond. 1791. DASYPODIUS (Cunradus). Tabulae in libb. IV. apotelesmaticos Cl. Ptolemaei. fol. Basil. 1578. DAVENANT (Sir Wm.) His works, fol. Lond. 1673. DAVENANTIUS (Jo.) Praelectiones de duobus in theologia controversis capi- tibus ; de judice controversarium primo ; de justitia habituali et actuali altero. fol. Cantab. 1631. Ad fraternam communionem inter evangelicas ecclesias restaurandam adhortatio, cui praefixa ejusdem de pace itidem ecclesiastica commentatio Jo. Duraeo non ita pridem missa. 8. Cantab. 1640. Dissertationes duae de morte Christi et de praedestina- tione et reprobatione. fol. Cantab. 1650. De pace ecclesiastica inter evangelicos procuranda sententia, Jo. Duraeo tradita, una cum sententus Tho. Mortoni et aliorum J. Duraeo traditis, q. v. 4. 1634. Expos, epist. Pauli ad Colossenses cum determinationibus 49 theologicarum quaestionum. fol. Cantab. 1639. Determination of the question whether civil jurisdiction is by right granted to ecclesiastical persons, p. 45. 4o. Oxon 1641. DAVENPORT (John). A just complaint against an unjust doer ; wherein is declared the miserable slaverie that the church of England at Amsterdam is in by reason of the tiran- nical government and corrupt doctrine of John Paget their minister ; in two letters, the one by J. D. to the Dutch Classis, the other given up to the English consistorie by some of the brethren. 4. n. p. 1634. An apologeticall reply to a booke called ' an answer to the unjust complaint of W(illiam) B(est), also an answer to Mr. J. D. touching his report of some passages,' &c. 4. Rotterdam 1636. The protestation upon occasion of his complaint, &c. 4o. Rott. 1635. DAVID (R.) Josephi Kimchi films. Liber psalmorum, cum commentario Hebraice. fol. *./. 1477. Commentt. in Esaiam, q. v. (Ulissyp. 1492). Michlol pars utraque: sc. (Perfectio) Grammatica et Lexicon sive liber radicum. Hebr. DA VIES (Jo.) of Kidwelly, v. Caribee Islands. De] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 139 DAVILA (Hen. Cateriuo). History of the civil wars of France, fol. Lond. 1678. Historia delle guerre civili di Francia. 4. Lione 1641. DAVISOW (John). Discourses on prophecy in which are considered its structure, use, and inspiration, being the substance of twelve sermons preached in the lecture founded by Bp. Warburton. 4th ed. 8. Oxf. 1839. DAUMITJS (Christianus). De causis amissarum quarundam Lat. linguae radicum uti et multarum vocum derivatarum. 4. Ultr. 1702. DAWSON (Ueo.), M.A. Origo legum, or a treatise on the origin of laws. fol. Lond. 1694. DAWSON (Thos.), D.D. Suspiria sacra, or the Church of England's memorial ; with an admonition to Jesuits and their patrons extracted out of the statute law. 8. Lond. 1718. Introduction to the bp. of Bangor's intended colln. of authorities, with a letter from Sion College, 1645. 8. Lond. 1718. Vindication of Preface of Suspiria Sacra and enquiry into Hobbesian religion. 8. Lond. 1719. DAY (Matth.) Excerpta in 6 priores libros Iliados Homeri. 8. Lond. 1652. DECANDOLLE (Alphonse). Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux siecles. 8<>. Geneve 1873. DECANVEB (H. C.) Catalogue of Works in refutation of Methodism. 8. Philadelphia 1846. DECEMBRIUS (Petr. Candidus). Vita Philippi Mariae vicecomitis, &c., v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XX. DECHALES (Cl. Fr. Milliet) v. Chalks (C. F. M. de). DECHAMPS (Steph.) De haeresi Janseniana ab apostolica sede merito pro- scripta libri tres : opus ante annos novem sub Antouii Ricardi nomine inchoatum. fol. Par. 1654. DECIAWUS (Tiberius). Tractatus criminales in II tomis. fol. franc. 1591. DECIUS (Philippus). Consilia omnia. fol. Lugd. 1565. Consiliorum tertii voluminis pars secunda cum quarto voluniine. fol. Lugd. 1533. In tit. ff. de regulis juris cum additt. Hier. Cuchalon et annott. Gab. Laraynae. 8. Col. Agr. 1598. In Decretalia commentaria. fol. Aug. Taur. 1571. In digestum vetus et codicem commentai'ia. fol. Aug. Taur. 1535. 140 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [De DECRETALES. Decretales Gregorii IX. Gratiani et Bonifacii VIII. fol. Lwjd. 1560-59. DEE (John). Monas hieroglyphica in Vol. II. theatri Chemici, q.v. A true and faithful relation of what passed for many yeers between Dr. J. D. and some spirits, tending (had it succeeded) to general alteration of most states and kingdomes in the world, &c. fol. Lond. 1659. D'EGLANTINE (P. F. N. Fabre). Le Thelinte de Moliere : L'intrigue epistolaire : Les precepteurs. 12. Paris 1810. DEI (Andrea). Cronioa Sanese, continuata da Agnolo di Tura (1186- 1352), v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XIV. DELAMEBE (Henry), earl of Warrington, v. Sooth (H.) DE LA NUE Gallus. Disputatio de bello Turcico Latine de Gallico sermone interpretato. fol. Franc. 1598. DELANY (Patrick). Revelation examin'd with candour. 3 vols. (Anon.) 8<>. Lond. 1735-63. Reflections upon polygamy and the encouragement given to that practice in the Old Testament; by Phileleutherus Dubliniensis. 8. Lond. 1 739. 15 Sermons on social duties. (Anon.} 8. Lond. 1744. Life of David. (Anon.) 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1745. DELAYTO (Jacobus de). Anuales Estenses (1393-1409), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVIII. DELEBOE-SYLVIUS (Franc.), v. Boe-Sylvius. DELITZSCH (Franz). Biblical Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon (translated). 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1871-5. DELL (Wm.) Right reformation : or the reformation of the church of the New Testament represented in gospel-light in a sermon on Heb. ix. 10, preached Nov. 25th, 1646, before the house of commons, with epistle dedicatory to Bp. of Bangor. 80. Lond. 1719. DELPINO (Hid. San Joseph Giral). Dictionary, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish, fol. Lond. 1763. A new Spanish Grammar, or the elements of the Spanish language. 8. Lond. 1766. DEMETRIUS Cydonius. De contemnendamorte oratio ap.Theol. orthod. q.v. 1559. DEMETRIUS (Phalereus). De elocutione. fol. Flor. 1594. DEMOSTHENES, orator. Orationes cum Ulpiani commentariis et Libanii argu- De] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 141 mentis; ace. collectae a studioso quodam (Jac. Rubero) ex. Des. Erasmi Guil. Budaei atque aliorum lucubra- tionibus annotationes. fol. Basil, per Jo. Hervagium 1532. Id. Lat. Hier. Wolfio inteprete, cum comm. Ulpiani. fol. Basil, s. a. Aoyot llovs, per Gul. Morelium. fol. Par. 1570. Orations, translated by Tho. Leland, D.D. 3 vols. Vol. I. All the orations of D. against Philip. II. The orations of D. on occasions of public deliberation, with the oration of Dinarchus. III. The orations of jEschines and D. on the Crown. 8. Lond. 1770. Id. Graece et Latine. Ed. Jo. Taylor. Tomus III. 4. Cantab. 1748. Oratio de Corona: explicuit L. Dissenius. 8. Gott. 1837. De Corona : Demosthenes and Aeschines : with introduc- tory essays and notes by G. A. Simcox and W. H. Simcox. 80. Oxf. 1872. Orationes Olynthiacae et Philippicae, cum commen- tariolis Ulpiani Graece et enarrationes in XIII ora- tiones Demosthenis. fol. Ven 1527. Sententiae selectae per Laynerium, q. v. DEMOUSTIER (Charles Albert). Le Conciliateur : Les Feinmes. 12. Paris 1810. DEMPSTER (Thomas). Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus, fol. Par. 1615. Epiuicion seu victrix academia : restablissement des Jesuites par Henri III. (lib. mutil.). 4. 1603. DENHAM (Major), Captain Clapperton, and Doctor Oudney. Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central Africa in the years 1822-4. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1826. DENHAM (Sir John). Poems and translations with the Sophy, a tragedy. 8. Lond. 1769. DENIS (Ernest). Etudes d'histoire Boheme : Huss et la guerre des Hus- sites. 8. Paris 1878. DENIS (J.) Histoire des theories et des idees morales dans 1'anti- quite\ 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1856. DENISON (Edward), Bp. of Salisbury. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8. Oxf. 1836. DENNIS (Geo.) Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1848. 142 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [De DENORES (Giason) seu Jason de Nores, q. v. DEODATUS (Jo.) Pious and learned annotations upon the Holy Bible. fol. Land. 1C 64. DERHAM (Wm.) Physico-theology : or a demonstration of the being and attributes of God from the works of creation ; being the substance of sixteen sermons preached at the hon. Mr. Boyle's lectures in the years 1711 and 1712, with large notes and many curious observations. 8. Lond. 1737. Philosophical letters of Mr. Ray and his correspondents to which are added those of F. Willoughby, Esq. 8. Lond. 1718. DESBARRES (Anatholinus). Oratione nella morte di Carlo V. intitolato Immor- talitate dell invittissimo Carlo Quinto &c. 4. DESGODETZ (Antoine). Les edifices antiques de Rome dessines et mesures exactement. fol. Par. 1682. DESIDERIUS (Guido). Epitome chirurgiae Valesci de Taranta. 8. Lugd. 1574. DESSENIUS (Bernardus) Cronenburgius. De compositione medicamentorum hodierno aevo apud pharmacopeias passim extautium. fol. Franc. 1555. DESTOUCHES (P. Nericault).. Le philosophe mari6: Le glorieux: L'honnete friponne: L'homme singulier, &c. 2 tomes. 12. Paris 180810. DEUSINGERUS (Antonius). De vero systemate mundi dissertatio mathematica. 4. Amst. 1643. DEVAYNES (William). Report of Society for clothing the British Army. fol. Lond. 1798. DEVEREUX (Robert) 2nd earl of Essex. A declaration of the practices and treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his complices against her majestic and her kingdom, and of the proceedings as well at the arraignments and convictions of the said late earle and his adherents as after, &c. 4<>. Lond. 1601. D'EWES (Sir Simonds). Speech cone, the precedence of Oxford and Cambridge. 4. Lond. 1641. The Greeke postscripts of the epistles to Timothy and Titus cleared in parliament, and an occasionall speech touching the bill of acapitation or poll-money. 4. 1641. The journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of DiJ MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 143 Queen Elizabeth both of the house of Lords and Commons, fol. Lond. 1682. DEXIPPCTS (Pub. Herennius). Quaestionum libb. III. Latine in defensionem Aristot. contra Plotinum. fol. Yen. 1546. De legationibus, Gr. 4. Aug. Vindel. 1603. D'HARLEVILLE (Colin). L'inconstant : L'optimiste : Les chateaux d'Espagne : &c. 12. Paris 1810. DIALITHUS (Christophilus). Xpj(r/ia)Sta parabolico-prophetiea de infausto Fausti Socini asseclarum exitu illustrata. 8. Oxon. 1699. DIBDIN (Thos. Frognall), D.D. Typographical Antiquities of Great Britain, or a history of printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 4 vols. 40. Lond. 1810-19. DICAEARCHUS Messenius. Descriptio Graeciae : Gr. Lat. cum interpretatione atque annotationibus H. Stephani et ejus dialogo qui in- scriptus est ' Dicaearchi sympractorum.' 8. Par. exc. Henr. Stephanus, 1589. DICETO (Radulphus de). Abbreviationes chronicorum Angliae (ab. an. 589 ad 1147) et imagines historiarum (ab. an. 1148 ad 1199), p. 429. vol. I. hist. Anglicanae scriptt. decem. ed. Rogero Twysden, q. v. Series causae inter Henricum regem et Thomam archie- pise (ab. an. 1162 ad 1172), p. 711. Ibid. Historical Works, edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. Imagines Historiarum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XIII. DICKINSON (Edmund). Epistola ad Theodorum Mundanum de quintesseutia philosophorum et de vera physiologia, cum quaes- tiohibus aliquot de secreta materia physica : accedunt Mundani responsa. 8. Oxon. 1686. Physica vetus et vera sive tractatus de natural! veritate hexaemeri Mosaici. 4. Lond. 1702. DICTIONARY. Dictionary (A New Canting), comprehending all the terms, ancient and modern, used in the several tribes of Gypsies, beggars, &c. 8. Lond. 1725. The great historical, geographical, and poetical dic- tionary, collected from the best historians, chrono- logers, and lexicographers, as Calvisius, Helvicus, &c. ; but more especially out of Lewis Horery, his sixth edit, corrected and enlarged by Mons. Le Clerk, fol. Lond. 1694. Dictionnaire de 1' Academic, Fran9oise. 4 tomes, fol. Par. 1694. 144 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Di Dictionnaire Universe! Francois et Latin (par ordre du Prince Souverain de Dombes). 5 tomes, fol. Tr&voux, 1721. DICTYS Cretensis. Ephemeridos Belli Trojani libri VI. recogn. Ferd. Meis- ter. 12. Lips. 1872. DIDEROT (Denis). (Euvres Completes, comprenant tout ce qui a 6te public a diverses epoques et tous les manuscrits inexlits con- serve's a la Bibliotheque de 1'Ermitage : accompagnees de notices, &c., par J. Azzezat. 20 tomes. 8. Par. 1875-7. DIEMERBROECK (Isbrandus de). Tractatus de peste. 4. Amst. 1665. Opera omnia anatomica et medica. fol. Ultraject 1685. Anatome corporis humani plurimis novis inventis in- structa, &c. 4. Ultraject 1672. DIBIT (Lud. de). Animadversiones in Biblia utriusque Testament!. 3 voll. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1648. DIEZ (Friedrich). Etymologisches Worterbuch der Romanischen Sprachen. 2 bde. 8<>. Bonn. 1869. Index zu D. Worterbuch von J. U. Jarnik. 8. Berlin 1878. DIGBY (lord George). His apologie for himselfe, published Jan. 4th, 1642. 4o. Oxf. DIGESTA, v. Justinianus. Justiniani August!, recogn. adsumpto in operis societa- tem P. Kriigero Th. Mommsen. 2 Tomi. 4. Berol. 1870. Digestum vetus et novum et Infortiatum cum variorum comm. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1589. Digestorum seu Pandectarum libb. 50 ex. Florentinis pandectis. 2 voll. fol. Flor. 1553. DIGGES (Thomas). A geometrical practical treatise named Pantometria divided into three bookes, Longimetra, Plauimetra, and Stereometria. fol. Land. 1591. DILLENIUS (Jo. Jac.) Hortus Elthamensis, seu plantarum rariorum, quas in horto suo Elthami in Cantio coluit Jacobus Sherrard, delineationes et descriptiones. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1732. Historia muscorum iconibus illustrata cum appendice et indice synonymorum. 4. Oxon. 1741. DINARCHTJS. Orationes tres, &c., p. 90, inter Oratores veteres ab H. Stephano editos, q. v. Oratio contra Demosthenem, Gr. Eng. v. Di] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 145 Orationes, adjecto Demadis qui fertur fragmento : ed. Fr. Blass. 12<>. Lips. 1871. DIO Cassius. Romanarum historiarum libri tres et viginti, a XXXVI ad LVIII usque ex bibliotheca regia Gr. fol. Lutet. exc. Bob. Stephanus 1548. Historia Romana cum adnotat. Ludov. Dindorfii. 5 voll. 12. Hp S . 1863-5. Excerpta de legationibus, Gr. cum notis Fulvii Ursini, q.v. Orationes IV. ex Dione Lat. cum comrn. per Gael. Sec. Curionem. fol. Bets. 1551. DIO Chrysostomus Prusensis. Orationes octoginta Gr. Lat. ex. interpr. Tho. Nageorgi ; Photii excerptis et Synesii censura illustratae cum Is. Casauboni diatriba, et Fed. Morelli scholiis animad- versionibus et conjectaneis. fol. Par. 1604. DIODATI (Giovanni) seu Joannes Deodatus, q. v. DIODORUS Siculus. Historiarum libri quindecim ace. eclogae, seu frag- menta ex libris quibusdam auctoris qui desiderantur Gr. Lat. ex versione et cum notis Laur. Rhodomanni. fol. Hanov. 1604. The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, made English by G. Booth, fol. Lond. 1700. Fragmenta de legationibus Gr. cum notis F. Ursini. 8. Ant. 1582. Excerpta e libris Diodori amissis Gr. ed. Dav. Hoeschelio. v. Legation. Eclog. DIOGENES Laertius. De vitis dogmatis et apophthegmatis eorum qui in phi- losophia claruerunt. Thoma Aldobrandino interprete cum annotationibus ejusdem. fol. Rom. 1594. Id. Cum subjunctis integris annotationibus Is. Casau- boni, Th. Aldobrandini et Mer. Casauboni, Latinam Ambrosii versionem complevit et emendavit Marcus Meibomius; seorsum excusas^Eg.Menagii observations, &c. habet, vol. secundum. 2 voll. 4. Atnst. 1692. DIOGENES (Ant.), v. Erotic. Script. DIONYSIUS Areopagita. Opera Gr.cum Maximi scholiis Georgii Pachymerae para- phrasi et Mich. Syngeli encomio. 2 voll. 8. Par. 1562. 'EK TTJS fKK\r)V ev v Gr. Lat. p. III. Liturgiarum SS. patrum (Par. 1560). Translatio S. Dionysii Areopagitae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIII. Opera Latine trium tralationum sc. veteris, novae cum scholiis Ambrosii oratoris, et novissimae cum comm. Mars. Ficini, &c. fol. Argent. 1502-3. DIONYSIUS Carthusianus. In cononicas epistolas, in Acta Apostolorum et in Apo- 146 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Di calypsin piac ac eruditae enarrationes. fol. Col. 1536 In IV libros sententiarum commentarii cum indicibus locupletissimis. fol. Yen. 1584. DIONYSIUS Cisterciensis. Liber in quatuor sententiarum nuper a Johanne mace- riensi correctus et emendatus una cum principiis ejus- dem Dionysii. fol. Par. 1511. DIONYSIUS Halicarnasseus. Opera cum versione Lat. Aemilii Porti emendata notis observationibusque variorum et variis lectionibus, Graece, cum Henr. Valesii interpretatione, observatt. Henr. Dodwelli, &c., opera et studio Jo. Hudsoni. 2 voll. fol. Land. 1704. Antiquitatum Romanarum libri decem ex bibliotheca regia Gr. fol. Lutet. exc. Rob. Stephanus 1546. Antiquitatum Romanarum quae supersunt : ed. Ad. Kiessling. 4 voll. 12. Lips. 1860-70. De Compositione artis rhetorica capita quaedam. fol. Par. 1547. Excerpta de legationibus Gr, cum notis Fulv. Ursini, q.v. DIONYSIUS Longinus seu Longinus, q. v. DIONYSIUS Periegetes. Enarratio orbis ; p. 360, inter Poetas Graecos heroici carm. principes per Henr. Stephanum, q. v. DIONYSIUS (Aelius). De indeclinabilibus uerbis Gr. in thesaur. Cornucopiae et horti Adouidis, q v. Id. Graece. 12. Basil. 1542. DIOPHANTUS Alexandrinus. Arithmeticorum libri sex, et de numeris multangulis liber unus, Gr. Lat. nunc primum editi et commentaries illustrati, auctore Claudio Gaspare Bacheto Mezeriaco. fol. Lut. Par. 1621. Lat. ex versione Guil. Xylandri cum Maximi (ut con- jectura est) Planudi scholiis in duos libros priores, et Gul. Xylandri in omnes. fol. Basil. 1575. DIOSCOBIDES (Pedacius). Opera Gr. Lat. interpr. Marcello Vergilio cum ejusdem Alarc. Vergilii commentaries, fol. Colon. 1529. De medica materia lib VI. cum comm. Amati Lusitani. 4. Arg. 1554. DIPLOMATA. Diplomata regum Francorum, v. Monum. German. Hist. Diplom. Tom. I. DIRCKINCK HOLMFELD (Constant Baron). Ueber den geistigen Gehalt der alten Religionen und My then als Einleitung zur Erklarung der Nordischen Mythen. 8. Copenh. 1828. DIRECTORIUM. Directorium sacerdotum et defensio item ordinate seu MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 147 ordinationes secundum usum Sarum (auct. Clem. Hay- deston). fol. Westminster, Caxton, n. d. (fragment only). DISPENSATORY. A New Dispensatory, containing the theory and practice of pharmacy. 8. Lond. 1753. D1SPUTATIONES. Disputationes diversorum doctorum. fol. Romae 1511. Disputatio Londini in Synodo Ecclesiae 1553. fol. 1554. DISRAELI (I.) Curiosities of literature, consisting of anecdotes, charac- ters, sketches, and observations. 1 vol. 8. Lond. 1791. DISSENTERS. A collection of cases and other discourses lately written to recover dissenters, &c. 2nd ed. fol. Lond. 1694. An answer to the Dissenters' pleas for separation, or an abridgement of the London cases (by Thos. Bennet, D.D.). The sixth edition. 8. Lond. 1728. Controversy between the Church of England and Dissenters, a coll. of tracts. 7 vols. 8. v. y. Ex Dono Tho. Herne, Coll. Mert. socii. Conduct of the Dissenters considered in a letter to the bp. ofBangor. 2 parts. 8<>. Lond. 1719. Letter occasioned by the late differences among the Dissenters, &c., by a layman. 8. Lond. 1719. An authentick account of several things done and agreed upon by the dissenting ministers at Salters-Hall, viz. 1. advices for peace, &c. : 2. the letter sent with the advices to Exeter : 3. reasons for not subscribing, as some of their brethren did, the paper offered to them on March 3rd, 1718-9. 8. Lond. 1719. A vindication of the subscribing ministers in answer to 'an authentick account.' 8. Lond. 1719. And reply to subscribing ministers, 1719. Ib. An impartial state of the late difference amongst the protestant dissenting ministers at Salters-Hall, with observations, proposals, and perswasives for accommo- dation. 8. Lond. 1719. Plain reasons; 1. for dissenting from the communion of the Church of England : 2. why Dissenters are not nor can be guilty of schism in peaceable separating from the places of public worship in the Church of England: 3. several objections brought by Churchmen against Dissenters. 1 1th ed. By a true Protestant. 8. Lond. 1718. Propositions relating to the controversy among the dissenters in the West, concerning the Trinity, in a letter to Mr. John Enty. 8. Lond. 1720. An account of the late proceedings of the dissenting L 2 148 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Di ministers at Baiters-Hall occasioned by the differences amongst their brethren in the country, with some thoughts concerning the imposition of human forms for articles of faith in a letter to Dr. Gale with a postscript to Mr. Bradbury (by J. Shute, viscount Harrington, q. v.) DITMARUS, episcopus Mersburgensis. Chronicon, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. X. DOCTOR. Doctor and Student. 8. Lond. 1709. DODINGTON (Geo. Bubb.) Diary, &c. 3rd edition. 8. Lond. 1785. DODONAETTS (Rembertus). Medicinalium observatiouum exempla rara recognita et aucta. 8<>. Colon. 1581. Physilogices medicinae partis tabulae expeditae, p. 334. Ibid. Stirpium historiae pemptades sex sive libri triginta. fol. Ant. 1583. DODSLEY (Robert). A collection of poems by several hands, published by R. D. 6 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1758. Fugitive pieces on various subjects, by several authors. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1771. A select collection of Old English Plays, 4th ed. : arranged, revised, and enlarged by "W. C. Hazlitt. 15 vols. 12. Lond. 1874-6. DODSWORTH (Rogerus). Monasticon Anglicanum per R. D. et Gul. Dugdale, q.v. DODWELL (Henry). Praelectiones Cyprianicae. 8. Oxon 1684. Dissertationes in Irenaeum : ace. fragmentum Phil. Sidetae hactenus ineditum de catechistarum Alexan- drinorum successione cum notis. 8. Oxon 1689. Two letters of advice: 1. for the susception of holy orders : 2. for studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former is inserted a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. 3rd eel. 80. Lond. 1691. Two short discourses against the Romanists : 1 . an account of the fundamental principle of popery, &c. : 2. an answer to six queries proposed to a gentleman of the Church of England by an emissary of the Church of Rome. 80. Lond. 1676. Separation of churches from episcopal government proved to be schismatical, from such principles as are least controverted and do withal most popularly explain the sinfulness and mischief of schism. 4. Lond. 1679. Do] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 149 A treatise concerning lawfulness of instrumental musick in holy offices, with a preface by J. Newte. 8. Land. 1700. DO GEN (Matthias). L' Architecture militaire moderne ou Fortification : Franc, par H. Poirier. fol. Amst. 1648. DOLETUS (Steph.) Commentaria linguae Latinae. Vol. I. fol, Lugd. 1536. DOLLINGER (J. J. I.) The Gentile and the Jew in the courts of the temple Christ : an introduction to the history of Christianity. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1862. DOMESDAY-BOOK. Libri censualis vocati Domesday-Book indices, addi- tamenta, &c. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1816. DOMINICUS de Flandria, v. de Flandria. DOMINIS (Marcus Antonius de). Confessio fidei Marii Antonii Philippi Itali Veneti olim Papistieis erroribus addicti. 4. Lond. 1631. De republica ecclesiastica ; partt. I, II. fol. Lond. 1617-20. Id. Pars tertia. fol. Hanov. 1622. DONATO (Neri di). Cronache Sanesi (1352-1381), v. Italic, Rer. Script. Torn. XV. DONATUS (Alexander). Roma vetus et recens, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. III. DONATUS (Marcellus). De variolis et morbillis : tractatus ejusdem de radice purgante quam mechioacan vocant. 4-. Mantuae 1569. DONATUS a Mutiis. In interpretationem Galeni super Aphorismis Hippoc. dialogus. 4. 1547. DONIZO, presbyter. Vita Matthildis, v. German. Hist. Mon. Tom. XIV. DONKIN (F. C.) Etymological Dictionary of the Romance Languages, chiefly from the German of F. Diez. 8. Lond. 1864. DONNE (John), D.D. Sermon on John x. 22. Dedication of a Chapel at Lincoln's Inn. 4. Lond. 1623. Five sermons on special occasions. 4. Lond. 1626. Poems, with elegies on the author's death. 12. Lond. 1669. A sermon of commemoration of Lady Danvers on 2 Pet. iii. 13 together with other commemorations of her by her sonne, G. Herbert. 8. Lond. 1627. 150 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Six sermons upoii several occasions. 4. Camb. 1634. Eighty sermons, fol. Lond. 1640. Btaddvarot, a declaration of that paradox or thesis that self-homicide is not so naturally sin that it may never be otherwise. 8. Lond. 1700. DOOLITTLE (Thos.) Protestant's answer to question Where was your Church before Luther, or Popery a novelty, with preface by R. Baxter, (imperf.) 4. Lond. 1679. DORAT (Claude Joseph). La feinte par amour. 12. Paris 1810. DORDRECHT. Judicium synodi nationalis reformatarum ecclesiarum Belgicarum habitae Dordrechti anno 1618 et 1619 de quinque doctrinae capitibus in ecclesiis Belgicis con- troversis. 4. Dordrecht 1619. The collegiat suffrage of the divines of Great Britaine concerning the five articles controverted in the Low Countries delivered in the Synod of Dort. 4. Lond. 1629. Acta synodi nationalis Dordrechti habitae anno 1618 et 1619 : ace. plenissima de quinque articulis theologorum judicia. fol. Lugd. Sat. 1620. A catalogue of the deputies of the states generall of the United Provinces, and of the divines who are now met in the national synode celebrated in the city of Dordrecht, transl. from the Lat. and Dutch copies, with a short narration of the occasions and introduc- tion of the said synodicall assembly. 4. Lond. 1618. DORLANDUS (Petrus). Vita Annae Mariae Virgiuis matris ex eo excerpta per J. Bad. Ascensium. fol. Par. 1534. D'ORLEANS (Joseph), v. Orleans (Jos. d'). DORNER (J. A.) History of Protestant Theology particularly in Germany : translated. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1871. DORNETJS (Gerardus). Clavis totius philosophiae Chymisticae in vol. I. theatri Chemici, q. v. DC naturae luce physica ex Genesi desumpta. Physica Trismegisti philosophia, &c. 8. Francfurt 1583. DORPIUS (Mart.) Ad Uollandos suos epistola. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1609. DOUGLAS (Gawin). Poetical Works with Memoir, Notes, and Glossary by J. Small, M.A. 4 vols. 12. Edinb. 1874. DOUGLAS (James). Descriptio comparata musculorum corporis humani et quadrupedis. 8. Luyd. Bat. 1738. Dr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 151 DOUGLAS (Robert K.) The Language and Literature of China. 8. Lond. 1875. DOWNAME (George). An answer to his sermon preached April 17th, 1608, intituled 4 A sermon defending the honourable function of bishops,' wherein all his reasons brought to prove the honourable function of L. Bishops to be of divine institution, are answered and refuted. 4. n. p. 1609. DOW (Christopher), B.C. A discourse of the Sabbath and the Lord's day, wherein the difference both in their institution and their due observation is briefly handled. 4. Lond. 1636. DOWNAME (John), B.D. The Christian Warfare, parts 1 and 2. 4. Lond. 1609-11. DOZY (R.) Histoire des Musulmans d'Espagne jusqu'a la conquete de 1'Andalousie par les Alinoravides (711-1110). 4 tomes. 8. Leyd. 1861. Kecherches sur 1'histoire politique et litteraire de 1'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age. Tome I. 8. Leyden 1849. DRAKE (James), M.D. A new system of anatomy. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1707. DRAKE (Nathan), M.D. Shakespeare and his times including the biography of the poet, &c., and a history of the manners and customs, &c., of his age. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1817. DRAYTON (Michael). Works. 4 vols. 80. Lond. 1753. DRECHSLERUS (Wolfgangus). De Saracenorum et Turcarum origine una cum var. editt. hist. Saracenicae Gael. Aug. Curionis, q. v. DRIEDO (Joannes) a Turnhout. De ecclesiasticis scripturis et dogmatibus. fol. Lov. 1543. De concordia liberi arbitrii et praedestinationis divinae, et de gratia et libero arbitrio. fol. Lov. 1547. De captivitate et redemptione humani generis, fol. Lov. 1548. DROYSEN (Johann Gustav). Geschichte des Hellenismus. 3 bde. Bd. 1. Alexander der Grosse : 2. Die Diadochen : 3. Die Epigonen. 8. Goiha. 1877-8. DRYDEN (John). His works illustrated with notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and a life of the author by Sir Walter Scott. 18 vols. 8. Lond. 1808. His comedies, tragedies, and operas. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1701. 152 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Du His original poems and translations : (Vol. III. of the works), fol. Lond. 1701. A defence of the papers written by the late king (Charles II) and the Duchess of York against an answer made to them by Stillingfleet. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1686. v. Charles IL Fables. Lond. 1734. v. also Virgil, Ovid, Juvenal. DUARENUS (Franciscus). Opera omnia. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1579. DU BARTAS (G. de Salluste sieur), v. Bartas. DUCHOUL (Guillaume). Discours de la religion des anciens Remains de la castrametation et discipline militaire, des bains, et antiques exercitations Grecques et Romaines, illustr6 de medailles et figures. 4. Lyons 1586. Id. Latine. 4. Amster. 1686. DUDO, S. Quintani decanus. Historia Normannorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VI. DUFF (James Grant), capt. in the Bombay native infantry. A history of the Mahrattas. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1826. DUFRESNY (Charles Riviere). La reconciliation normande : la coquette du village : le double veuvage, &c. 12. Paris 1808. DUGDALE (Richard). A narrative of the wicked plots carried on by seignior Gonclamore for advancing the popish religion and Spanish faction, fol. Lond. 1679. DUGDALE (William). Monasticon Anglicanum per G. D. et Rog. Dodsworth. 3 voll. fol. Lond. 1655-61. The Antiquities of Warwickshire, illustrated, fol. Lond. 1656. The history of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, fol. Lond. 1716. Origines juridiciales, or historical memorials of the English laws, &c., with a chronologic of the lord chancellors, &c. fol. Lond. 1671. The baronage of England, or an historical account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English nobility, fol. Lond. 1675-6. A perfect copy of all summons of the nobility to the great councils and parliaments of this realm, fol. Lond. 1685. DUHAMEL (J. M. C). Des methodes dans les Sciences de Raisonnement. 5 parties. 8. Par. 1865-73. DULCINUS or Dolcino. Historia Dulcini heresiarchae Novariensis (1304-7), v. Ital Rcr. Script. Tom. IX. Du] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 153 DULCIS (Catharinus). Schola Italica jam saepius renovata : in qua praecepta bene loquendi faciliori methodo proponuutur, selectis- simis dialogis sententiis, &c., illustrantur : ace. diction- ariolum Italico-Latinum. 8. Col. Agr. 1631. DTJLKEN (Vitus a). Ejus et Gul. a Sittart Historia Martyrum Angliae. 4. Mogunt. 1550. DUMMLER (Ernst). Kaiser Otto der Grosse. 8. Lips. 1876. DUNELMUM. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense : the Register of Richard de Kellawe, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham : ed. by Sir Th. Hardy. Vols. I-III. 80. Land. 1873-5. DUNS (Joannes) Scotus. Opera omnia notis, scholiis, et commentariis illustrata a patribus Hibernis collegii Romani S. Isidori pro- fessoribus, (cum vita auctoris per Luc. "Waddingum conscripta). 12 voll. fol. Lugd. 1639. Quaestiones super universalia, Predicamenta, ac Perier- menias, quibus sui discipuli Antonii Audreae quaestt. connectuntur. fol. Ven. 1492. Scripta IV. Oxoniensia in IV. libros Sententiarum per A. de Fantis cum illius tabula generali. 3 voll. Ven. 1516. Reportata super IV. libros Sentent. fol. Par. 1517- 18. Quaestt. in Metaphysicam Aristotelis. fol. Fen. 1499. Tractatus de primo rerum principio cum castigat. Mauritii Hibernici. Ibid. Formalitatum opus de mente doctoris subtilis Scoti, in Parisiensi gymnasio compilation per Antonium Sirecti. fol. Ven. 1517. DTTODTTS (Petrus). Peripateticarum de anima disputationum libri septem. 4o. Ven. 1587. DTJPIN (Lud. E.) seu Lud. E. du Finn, q. v. DUPORTTJS (Jacobus), S.T.P. Liber Job Graeco carmine redditus. 8. Cant. 1637. Musae Subsecivae. 8. Cantab. 1676. 2oAo/woi> fnpfTpos, sive tres libri Solomonis, sc. Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Cantica Graeco carmine donati (cum ver- sione Latina). 8. Cantab. 1646. AajS/S^s fp-peTpos sive metaphrasis libri Psalmorum Graecis versibus contexta (cum versione Latina). 4. Cantab. 1674. Homeri Gnomologia duplici parallelisms illustrata : ace. appendix, &c. 4. Cantab. 1660. DURAEUS (Johannes). Hypomnemata de studio pacis ecclesiasticse a J. D. 154 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Du suscepto ab anno 1628 ad annum 1635. 4. Amst. 1636. De pacis ecclesiasticae rationibus inter Evangelicos usurpandis, sententiae J. D. traditae, s. I. 1634. An earnest plea for Gospel-communion. 4. Lond. 1654. DUBANDUS episc. Meldensis seu Durandus a Sancto Portiano, q. v. DTTBANTE (Castore). Herbario novo, con figure, fol. Ven. 1602. DUBANTUS (Gulielmis) ep. Minatensis. Speculum juris cum Balbi de Ubaldis theorematibus. fol. Ven. 1585. DUBETTE (M.) Concerning the abuse of confessions of faith, translated by Pilloniere. 4<>. 1718. DUBEB (Albert). De symmetria partium in rectis formis humanorum corporum libri in Latiuum conversi. fol. Norimb. in aedibas viduae Durerianae 1532. De varietate figurarum et flexuris partium ac gestib. imaginum libri duo, qui priorib. de symmetria quondam editis, nunc primum in Latinum conversi accesserunt. fol. Norimb. per Hier. Formschneyder 1534. Institutionem Geometricae. fol. Par. 1532. DUBETUS (Lud.) Enarrationes et annotationes in opera Jac. Hollerii, q.v. DUSSELDOBF. La Galerie Electorale de Dusseldorff ou Catalogue raisonn6 et figure de ses tableaux. 2 tomes, fol. Basle. 1778. DUTY. The works of the author of the ' Whole duty of Man,' in two pts. fol. Oxf. 1704. DUVAIB (Guillaume). Ses oeuvres. 5 partt. fol. Par. 1625. DTTVAL (Michael). The Spanish-English Rose or English-Spanish pome- granet, v. Charles I. DTJVALLIUS (Andreas). In primam et secundain secundae partis Sumniae D. Thomae commentarii. 2 voll. fol. Lut. Par. 1636. DYEB (Sir James). La table al lieur des reportes del tresreuerend judge Sir J. D. compose per T(homas) A(she). 8. Lond. 1588. DYEB (John), LL.B. Poems, viz. 1. Grongar Hill, 2. the ruins of Rome, 3. the Fleece, in four books. 8. Lond. 1761. DYEB (Thomas Henry). The History of Modern Europe from the fall of Con- Eb] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 155 stantinople in 1453 to the war in the Crimea in 1857. 4 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1861-4. DYKE (Dan.), B.D. The mystery of self-deceiving or a discourse and dis- covery of the deceitfulness of man's heart on Jer. xvii. 9, 10. 4o. Lond. 1616. Id. en Francois par Jean Verneuil. 8. Geneve. 1634. DYKE (Jer.) A dedication Sermon on Is. xxx. 8. 4. Lond. 1623. DYMOND (Jonathan). Observations on the pacific principles of the New Testament, &c., No. VII of the Tracts of the Soc. for the prom, of permanent and univ. peace, q. v. 8. Lond. 1839. DYNUS Muxellanus. Super Infortiato, &c. 1 vol. 8. Lugd. 1513. Commentt. in regulas juris Pontificii cum annott. Nic. Boerii et aliorum. 8. Col. 1617. E (L.) Plain defence of the Protestant Religion, being a con- futation of the Net for the fishers of men. 8. Lond. 1687. EACHABD (John), D.D. The grounds and occasions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquired into, &c., together with some observations upon an answer thereto with Mr. Hobbs' state of nature considered, &c. 8. Lond. 1672. EADMEBUS sive Edmerus, Monach. Cantuar. Historiae Novorum sive sui saeculi libri sex ex bibl. Cottoniana emisit Jo. Seldenus et notas porro adjecit et spicilegium. fol. Lond. 1623. EARLE (John). Micro-Cosmographie (ed. pr. 1628), with additional characters from the fifth edition of 1629, and the sixth edition of 1633. (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1869. EASTCOTT (R.) Sketches of Music. 8. Bath 1793. EAST WICK (E. B.) The Anvari-Suhaili translated. 8. Hert. 1854. Residence of a diplomatist in Persia. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1864. Gulistan, v. Sadi. Dry leaves from young Egypt. 8. Lond. 1851. EBBO. Vita Ottonis episc. Bambergensis, v. German, Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. 156 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Eb EBERIIARDUS. archidiac. Ratisbonensis. Annalcs (1273-1305), v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. XVII. EBERT (Adolf). Geschichte der Christlich-Lateinischen Literatur von ihren Anfangen bis zum Zeitalter Karls des Grossen. 8. Leipzig 1874. EBERUS (Paulus). L'estat de la religion et republique du peuple Judaique, traduit du Latin. 8. Strasb. 1567. 'ECCE HOMO.' A survey of the Life and work of Jesus Christ. 8. Lond. 1866. ECCLESIA. Historiae ecclesiasticae scriptores ; sc. Eusebius, Socrates, Theodoretus, Theodoras, Hermias et Evagrius; Gr. fol. Par. exc. Rob. Stephanus 1544. Ecclesiae Graecae monumenta : Gr. Lat. cum notis J. B. Cotelerii. 3 voll. 4<>. Paris 1677-86. Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum ex authoritate pri- mum Henrici VIII inchoata, deinde per Edvardum VI pronecta, adauctaque in hunc modum atque nunc ad pleuiorem ipsarum reforrnationem in lucem aedita. 4. Lond. ex. off. Jo. Daii, 1571. Taxatio ecclesiastica Angliae et "Walliae auctoritate P. Nicholai IV, circa A. D. 1291. fol. Lond. 1802. Valor ecclesiastic us temp. Hen. VIII auctoritate regia institutus. 6 voll. fol. Lond. 1810-34. Onus ecclesiae hisce temporibus deplorandis conveniens (per Joannem episc. Chemensem). fol. Col. 1531. Historiae eccles. authores varii, Lat. fol. Basil 1544. Ecclesiae Anglicanae vindex Catholicus sive Articulorum ecclesiae Anglicanae cum scriptis SS. Patrum nova collatio cum G. "W. Harvey, A.M. Coll. Regalis Soc. 3 voll. Cantab. 1841. The legality of the court held by his majesties ecclesi- astical commissioners defended : their proceedings, no argument against the taking off penal laws and tests. 4. Lond. 1688. A letter to the author of the vindication of the ec- clesiastical commissioners cone, the legality of that court. 2 copies. 4. Theoria de consiliis ecclesiasticae pacis inter ecclesias Christianas capessendas. 4. 1634. Instrumenta ecclesiastica, by the Ecclesiological Society. 4o. Lond. 1847. EC HARD or Eachard (Laurence), M.A. A general ecclesiastical history from the nativity of Christ to the first establishment of Christianity under Constantino the Great, fol. Lond. 1702. The history of England from the first entrance of Julius Eg] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 157 Caesar to the end of the reign of James II. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1707-18. ECHTIUS (Reinhardus Bachovius). Notae et animadversiones ad disputationes Hier. Treutleri. 3 voll. 4o. Col. Agr. 1654. ECKARDT (Julius). Modern Russia, comprising Russia under Alexander II, Russian Communism, &c. 8. Lond. 1870. ECKITJS (Jo.) Chrysopassus praedestinationis, 6 centuriis. fol. Aug. Vind. 1514. ECTON (John). Liber valorum et decimarum : being an account of the valuations and yearly tenths of such ecclesiastical benefices in England and Wales as now stand charged with or lately were discharged from the payment of tenths, &c. 8. Lond. 1711. EDINBURGH. Medical essays revised and published by a society at Edinburgh. 5 vols. 8. Edinb. 1737 and 47. EDMONDSON (Joseph). A complete body of heraldry. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1780. EDMUNDES (Clement). Observations upon Cesar's commentaries, fol. n.p, or d. EDBYCHUS (Georgius). In libros aliquot Pauli Aeginetae hypomnemata quae- dam seu observationes medicamentorum quae hac aetate in usu sunt. 8. Lond. 1588. EDWARD VI, king of England. The two liturgies with other documents set forth by authority in the reign of K. Edw. VI. Gamb. 1844. Precatio ad deum quam habuit cum ageret animam : praemissa vera exposit. disputationis institutae man- date Mariae Reginae, Lat. factae per v. Pollanum, q. v. EDWARDS (Bryan). The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. 2 vols, with a list of maps and plates. 4o. Lond. 1793-4. EDWARDS (John). Theologia reformata : discourses on the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1713. EDWARDS (Jonathan). Complete Works : a reprint of the Worcester ed., with additions and index. 4 vols. 8. New York, 1843. EFFERARIUS Monachus. De lapide philosophorum secundum verum modum formando in vol. iii. theatri Chemici, q. v. Thesaurus philosophiae. Ibid. EGESIPPUS seu Hegesippus. De rebus a Judaeorum principibus in obsidione fortiter 158 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Eg gestis deque excidio Hierosolymomm libri V, divo Ambrosio Mediol. interpr. fol. Colon. 1544. EGINHARDUS annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. Vita Caroli Magni, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. V. EGMOND. Annales Egmundani, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVI. EGNATIUS (Jo. Bapt.) De Caesaribus libri tres una cum var. editt. Sttetonii, q. v. De Romania principibus libri III. cum additione historiae Caesarum a Maximiliano I. usque ad Rudolphum II. (Ebrod. 1621), v. Hist. Boman. EGUTNARIUS. Comment, in institutiones civiles Flavii Justiniani imp. 8. Par. 1562. EINSIEDELN. Annales Heremi, &c., v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. EKKEHARDUS Argentinensis. Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVII. EKKEHARDTTS Uraugiensis. Chronica, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. ELDON (John earl of), i. e. John Scott, earl of Eldon, q.v. ELEONOB, reine d'Angleterre. Histoire d'El^onor de Guyenne, duchesse d'Aquitaine, contenant ce qui s'est passd de plus memorable sous les regnes de Louis VII, roi de France, d'Henri II and de Richard son fils, rois d'Angleterre. 12. Lond. 1788. ELIAS Venetus. Praefatio in Livium de agnitionibus familiarum. fol. Par. 1573. ELIZABETHA regis Hungaria filia, v. Matthaeus (Petrus) J. V. D. ELLENDT (Frid). Lexicon Sophocleum : ed. alt. emend. 8. Berol. 1872. ELLICOTT (C. J.) Critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's epistle to the Galatians. 8. Lond. 1854. Id. on St. Paul's epistt. to the Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. 8. Lond. 1857. Id. on the Pastoral epistles. 8. Lond. 1856. Id. on the Ephesians. 8. Lond. 1855. Id. on the Thessalonians. 8. Lond. 1862. Historical Lectures on the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8<>. Lond. 1861. Scripture and its interpretation, v. Aids to faith. ELLIOTT (C. B.) Travels in the three great empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey. 2 vols. 8. Load. 1838. Em] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 159 ELLIS (Clement), M.A. A letter to a friend, reflecting on some passages in a letter to the D. of P. (Stillingfleet) in answer to the arguing part of his first letter to Mr. G(odwin). 4. Lond. 1687. The protestant resolved ; or a discourse showing the unreasonableness of his turning Roman Catholick for salvation. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. The reflecter's defence of his letter to his friend against the furious assaults of Mr. J. S(ergeant) in his second catholic letter, in four dialogues. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. ELLIS (Sir Henry), &c. Letters illustrative of English History. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1824. Second series. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1827. ELMACINUS (Georgius). Historia Saracenica Arab. Lat. opera et studio Tho. Erpenii (cum praefat. Jac Golii a quo post mortem Erpenii edita fuit). fol. Lugd. Bat. 1625. In Engl. by Sam. Purchas, p. 1009, part i. of Sam. Purchas's pilgrimage. (Lond. 1626), q. v. ELPHINSTONE (hon. Mountstuart). History of India. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1841. EMANTJEL seu Immanuel, q. v. EMANTJEL, Portugalliae rex. Epistola ad Leonem X pont. Max. de victoriis in Africa, v. Grynaeum. EMLYN (Henry). Proposals for a new order of architecture, fol. Lond. 1797. EMLYN (Thomas). Remarks on a book intitled the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended. 8. Lond. 1719. EMMA. Encomium Emmae, reginae Daniae et Angliae, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. EMMIUS (Ubbo). Guilhelmus Ludovicus comes Nassovius id, est Xoyos fmrd(f)ios quo genus vita res gestae et mors hujusce comitis exposita sunt : ace. domus Nassoviae schema genealogicum. 4. Groning, 1621. Vetus Grecia illustrata. 3 voll. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1626. Graecorum respublicae (pars tertia operis praecedentis). 2 partt. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1632-44. EMO Werumensis. Chronicon (1203-1237), v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIV. 1'EMPERETJR (Constantinus) . Talmudis Babylonici codex Middoth sive de mensuris templi Heb. Lat. cum commentt. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1630. 160 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Em EMPORIUS. De ethopneia ac loco communi in var. editt. rhetorum antiqq. Latinorum, q. v. ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vols. I-IX. 4. Edin. 1874-9. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 30 vols. 4. Lond. 1845-8. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8th ed. Parts I, II. 4. Edin. 1853. ENDOWMENTS. The fruits of endowments (by the Eev. F. A. Glover, q. v.) ENFANT (I 1 ), v. L Enfant. ENGELMANN (W.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum. 8. Lips. 1858. ENGLAND. History of England from the first entrance of Julius Caesar to the establishment of King William and Queen Mary. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1707-18. The Parliamentary or Constitutional History of Eng- land, collected by several hands. 23 vols. 8. Lond. 1751-61. A complete History of England to the death of William III. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1704. ENNITTS (Quintus). Fragmenta p. 78 inter Fragmenta Poett. vet. Lat. a Rob. Stephano congesta, q. v. Id. Ed. alt. accurante Franc. Hesselio : ace. M. A. Delrii opinationes necnon G. G. Vossii castigationes et notae in fragm. tragoediarum Ennii. 4. Anist. 1707. Ennianae Poesis reliquiae : recensuit Jo. Vahlen. 8. Lips. 1854. ENNODIUS (Magnus Felex). Panegyricus regi Theodorico dictus, v. Cassiodorum. ENOCH, v. Hinnock. ENTHUSIASM. The nature and consequences of enthusiasm consider'd in some short remarks on the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended, in a letter to Mr. Long and others, by a Protestant dissenter. 8. Lond. 1719. ENTY (John). A defence of the proceedings of the late assembly at Exon, being a reply to Mr. Pierce's remarks on those proceedings, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. Propositions relating to the controversy among the dissenters in the West concerning the Trinity, in a letter to J. Enty. 80. Lond. 1720. EPHEMERIDES. Ephemerides Medico-physicae Germaniae, q. v. Ephemeris epigraphica : Corporis Inscriptionum La- tinarum Supplementum. Voll. I-IV. 8. Serol. 1872-8. Ep] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 161 EPHESUS. Acta oecumenicae tertiae synodi Ephesi habitae ad- versus Nestorium haereticum Graece nunc primum e Reuchlinianae bibliothecae exemplar! peruetusto fideliter expressa. fol. Heidelb. 1591. EPHRAEM. S. Ephraem Syrus Gr. e codd. MSS. Bodleianis editus cur. Edv. Thwaites. fol. Oxon. e Theatr. Sheldon. 1709. Select works, translated by J. B. Morris. 8. Oxf. 1847. EPICTETTTS. Enchiridion Graece cum comm. Gr. Arriani. 4. Basil. 1554. Id. Gr. et Lat. 8. Amst. 1670. Enchiridion : cum comm. Simplicii : Lat. interpret. Angelo Caninio. fol. Ven. 1546. Id. Ex vers. Hier. Wolfii cum Cl. Salmasii animadverss. et notis (cura Dan. Heinsii). 4. Lugd. Bat. 1640. All his works, translated by E. Carter. 2 vols. 8. Land. 1768. EPICURUS. Fragmenta librorum II. et XI. de natura, in voluminibus papyraceis ex Herculano erutis reperta, probabiliter restituta Latine versa scholiis et commentario illus- trata a Car. Rosinio, emendatius edidit suasque adnott. adscripsit J. C. Orellius. 8. Lips. 1818. EPIGRAMMATA, v. Anthologia. Epigrammata Gr. Lat. per E. Lubinum. 8. in biblioth. Commel. 1603. Epigrammata Graeca. fol. Franc. 1600. EPIPHANIUS (S.) Opera omnia Gr. Lat. ex versione et cum notis Dion. Petavii. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1622. Contra octoginta haereses opus, Panarium sive arcula aut capsula Medica appellatum : liber ancoratus, &c. Gr. et Latine. 2 voll. fol. Basil. 1543-4. Physiologus : ejusdem in die festo palmarum sermo ; Gr. Lat. Consalvo Ponce de Leon interprete et scho- liasta. 4. Rom. 1587. EPISCOPIUS (Simonius). Opera theologica pars prima. fol. Amst. 1650; pars altera. fol. Roterod. 1665. EPISTOLAE. Collectio epistolarum Graecarum. 4. Ven. Aldus 1499. Epistolae obscurorum virorum ad Orth. Gratium. 8. Franc, ad Maen. 1643. Id. v. Hutten. Epistolae Indicae de praeclaris et stupendis rebus, quas divina bonitas in India et variis insulis per societatem nominis Jesu operari dignata est. 8. Lovan. 1566. M 162 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Er Selectarum cpistolarum ex India libri IV. J. P. Maffeo interpr. 4. Yen. 1588. Praestantium ac eruditorum virorum epistolae ecclesi- asticae et theologicae varii argument!, a C. Hartsoecker et Ph. a Limborch collectae, &c., ed. secunda altera parte auctior. fol. Amst. 1684. Delle lettere di principi le quale o si scrivono da prin- cipi b a principi 6 ragionano di principi 3 libb. per Franc. Ziletti, q. v. ERASMUS (Desiderius). Opera omnia cum praefat. Beati Rhenani vitam auctoris describente. 9 voll. fol. Basil, typ. Froben 1540, &c. Adagiorum chiliades tres. fol. Bas. 1541. Moriae Encomium cum Lestrii commentt. ; epistolae aliquot in fine additae una cum Erasmi responsione adversus Mart. Lutheri epistolam. 8. Oxon. 1633. Apologia ad ea quae in Novo Test, taxaverat Jac. Lopis Stunica. fol. Par. 1522. De ratione studii tractatus, ap. Crenium, q. v. Auris Batava, ap. Scriverii Bataviam, q. v. Ecclesiastes, sive de ratione concionandi libb. IV. 8. Bas. 1535. Annotationes in Suetonium caeterosque Caesareae his- toriae scriptores. fol. Franc. 1588. Epistola (Livii operibus praefixa). (Par. 1573) q. v. Extracts from the writings of Erasmus on the subject of War (No V. of the Peace Societies' tracts). 8. Lond. 1839. The life of Erasmus, by Dr. John Jortin, q. v. ERASTUS (Thos.) Disputationes de medicina nova Philippi Paracelsi. 4 partt. 2 voll. 4<>. Basil. 1572. De occultis pharmacorum potestatibus : ace. disputatio de inedicamentorum purgantium facultate. 4. Basil. 1574. Comitis Montani Vicentini, novi medicorum censoris, quinque librorum de Morbis viva anatome. 4. Basil. 1581. ERCHEMPERTUS, monachus Casinensis. Historia Langobardorum Beneveuti, v. Script. Rer. Langobard., p. 231. Id. v. Germ. Mou. Hist. Tom. V. ERCELLA (Alonso de) y Zuniga. Primera y seguuda parte de la Araucana. 8. Madr. 1610. ERDMANN (J. E.) Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Darstellung der neuern Philosophic. 3 Bde. in 6 Theile. 8. Riga und Leipzig 1834-53. EREMITA (Dan.) Iter Germauicum, sive epistola ad Camillum Guidium Es] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 163 de legations Magni Hetruriae ducis ad Rudolph. II. imp. anno 1609, p.297,v. Ferdinand II. (Stat. Particul.) ERICITS, rex Daniae. Actiones adversariae coram Curia Roman a, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. VII. ERIZZO (Sebastiano). Discorso sopra le medaglie degli antichi con la dichia- razione delle monete consulari e delle medaglie de gli imperadori Homani. 4. Vinegia 1259. ERMAN (Adolph). Travels in Siberia : including excursions northwards down the Obi, to the Polar Circle, and southwards to the Chinese Frontier. Transl. from the German, by "W. D. Cooley. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1848. ERMOLDUS Nigellus. Carmen de baptismo Haraldi Danorum regis, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. I. Carmen de gestis Ludovici Pii August!, v. France (His- toriens des Gaules). Tom. VI. Id. v. Ital. Rer. Script. Tom. II. part. 2. ERNESTI (Jo. Aug.) Opuscula oratoria, &c., editio secundum a multis partibus auctior et emendatior. 8. Lugd. Sat. 1751. Opuscula theologica. 8. Lips. 1773. EROTES, alias Trotula. Muliebrium liber (p. 42) Arg. 1597: et p. 667, Lugd. 1572 : et Medic. Ant. Latin. EROTIANUS. Vocum quae apud Hippocratem sunt collectio. 4. Ven. 1566. EROTICI Scriptores. Parthenius, Achilles Tatius, &c., Gr. et Lat. cum ind. historico. 8. Par. 1856. ERPENIUS (Thomas). Historia Josephi patriarchae ex Alcorano Arabice, cum triplici versione Latina et scholiis : alphabetum Ara- bicum praemittitur. 4. Leidae 1617. Grrammatica Chaldaea ac Syra opera et cura Constantini 1'Empereur de Oppijck. 8. Amst. 1628. Historia Saracenica, Geo. Ehnacini Lat. reddita, q. v. ERUDITI. Acta eruditorum Lipsiae publicata, v. Acta. ESCAETAE. Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive Escaeta- rum a regno Hen. III. usque Ric. III. cum appendice de quamplurimis aliis inquisitionibus a regno Hen. III. usque Jac. I. nuper repertis. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1806-28. ESCHID (Jo). Summa astrologiae judicialis de accidentibus mundi, quae Anglicana vulgo nuncupatur. fol. Few. 1489. M 2 164 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [E. ESCULANUS (Cicchus). Comment, in sphaeram mundi Jo. cle Saerobosco, q. v. 1599. ESCTTLO (Gratia Dei ab) ord. praed. Quaestiones ab ipso disputatae. fol. Ven. 1484. ESKILSOE. Diplomats ad ecclesiam et monasterium S. Thomae in Paraclito in Eskilsoe, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. ESPENCAEUS (Claudius), i. e. d'Espence. Opera omnia. fol. Paris 1619. L'ESPINE (Jean de). Opuscules Theologiques. 2 tomes. 12. imprime par Jacob Stoer. 1598. ESPRINCHARD (Jacques), sieur du Plom. Histoire des Ottomans ou empereurs des Turcs jusques a Mahomet III : a la fin est adjouste un traicte" des forces de 1'empire Ottoman, des desseins des empereurs, &c., item un bref discours de la derniere guerre de Perse. 8. Par. 1609. ESPRIT (M.) de 1'Acad. Fr. (Beaucliamp ?). La faussete des vertus humaines. 12. Amst. 1709. ESSKNITTS (Andreas). Triumphus crucis ; sive fides catholica de satisfactione Domini nostri Jesu Christi, asserta et vindicata ab excep- tionibus atque objectionibus Socinianis. 4. Amst. 1649. ESSEX (Robert, earl of), i. e. Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, q. v. ESTE. Chronicon Estense : gesta Marchiomim Estensium com- plectens. (1101-1393), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom.XV. ESTEIUS (D.) De certitudine salutis et perseverantia sanctorum non iuterrupta, p. 45, una cum brevi explicat. Alatth. Hutton de electione, praedestiuatione, &c., q. v. ESTIENNE seu Stephanus, q. v. ESTIUS (Guil.) In omues D. Pauli et aliorum apostolorum epistolas commentarii. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1658. In quatuor libros Sententiarum commentaria. 4 voll. Par. 1648. 1'ESTRANGE, v. L'Estrange. ETHELWERDUS. Chronicorum (de rebus Anglicis) libri quatuor, p. 830, scriptt. rer. Anglicarum edente H. Savile, q. v. ETROBIUS (Jo.) Diarum de Tuniceae urbis et Gouletae expugnatione a Carolo V. imp. anno 1535. 8. Ant. 1554. ETTMULLERUS (Michael). Opera oumia cura Georgii Franci. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1680. En] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 165 ETYMOLOGICUM. Etymologicum magnum superiorum editt. variorum- que auctt. collatione a multis ac foedis mendis repur- gatum perpetuis notis illustratum, &c. : opera Frid. Sylburgii. 4. ffeidelb. 1594. Etymologicon linguae Anglicanae per 8teph. Skinner, q.v. EVAGRIUS. Historiae Ecclesiasticae libb. VI. Graece, ap. Script. Eccles. Historiae. fol. Par. ex off". R. Steph. 1544. Id. Or. et Lat. cum notis Hen. Valesii. Par. 1673. Eccl. Hist. Libri VI. ex rec. Valesii. 8. Oxon. 1844. EVANGELIUM. Evangeliorum secundum Hebraeos, secundum Petrum, sec. Aegyptios, &c. quae supersunt, ed. Ad. Hilgenfeld. 8. Lips. 1866. Evangelia sancta Arabice cum versione Lat. interlineari. fol Rom. 1591. Evangelia quatuor Malayice, ed. Tho. Hyde. 4. Oxon. 1677. Evangeliarium quadruples Latinae versionis antiquae seu veteris Italicae, ed. Jo. Blanchinus. 4 torn. fol. Rom. 1748-9. Evangelia et epistolae quae diebus Dominicis et Festis sanctorum in ecclesia proponi solent Graecis versibus per Posselium, q. v. EVANS (Arthur J.) Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on foot during the Insurrection, 1875. 8. Lond. 1876. EVANS (John). The Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Great Britain. 8<>. Lond. 1872. EVANS (John), D.D. A letter to Mr. Gumming concerning the regard which ought to be had to Scripture-consequences. 8. Lond. 1719. EVANS (Robert Wilson). Biography of the Early Church. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1859. EUCHARISTIA. Officium Eucharisticum : a preparatory service, to a devout and worthy reception of the Lord's Supper. 6th ed. 18o. Lond. 1681. Expositio disputationis institutae mandate Mariae Reginae Angliae &c. in Synodo ecclesiastica Lond. Oct. 18, 1553 de Eucharistia cum Archiep. Cant. Epistola Apologetica. 8. Romae 1554. The Catholicks' defence for their adoration of the body and blood of our Lord, as believed really and substan- tially present in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist. 40. Oxf. 1687. 166 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Eu EUCHERIUS (S.) Lucubrationes aliquot non minus piae quam eruditae, cura ac beneticio Joan. Alexandri Brassicani editae. fol. Bfuil. ex off'. Froben, 1531. EUCLIDES. Opera orania ex rccensione Dav. Gregorii. fol. Oxon. e theat. Sheldon. 1703. Elemcntorum libri quiudecim adjecta praefatiuncula in qua de disci pliuis mathematicis nonniliil. opera et studio Sim. Grynaei : Graece. fol. Basil. 1533. Elementorum libri XV. cum Theonis comm. in XIII. priores, Latine per Zambertum et Campauum. fol. Bus. 1558. Id. cum Campani, &c. comment. Latine. fol. Par. 1516. Id. cum tribus Candallae Lat. per Mersennuin (p. 1). 4o. Par. 1644. Id. cum demonstrationibus et sclioliis Chr. Clavii 2 voll. fol. Colon. 1591. Elementorum libri XIV. cum Theonis comm. in XIII. priores Lat. fol. Ven. 1513. First six books, Eugl. by E. Scarburgh. fol. Oxon 1705. Phaenomena Lat. (apud Mersennum, p. 249). 4. Par. 1644. Phaenomena, Catoptrica et Optica : item Protheoria Ma- rini et Data Lat. cum Theouis comment, (cum ele- mentis. Ven. 1513.) Id. Item opusc. de levi et ponderoso (una cum Elementis. fol. Bas. 1558). EVELYN (John). Sylva, or a discourse of forest-trees : together with Terra, a philosophical essay of earth ; to which is annexed Pomona, or an appendix concerning fruit- trees : also Kalendarium Hortense or the Gardener's Almanack. 5th edit. fol. Lond. 1729. Memoirs illustrative of his life and writings comprising his diary, &c., with the private correspondence of King C'harles I. and sir Edward Nicholas, with that of sir Edward Hyde and sir Richard Browne, edited by William Bray. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1819. EVERARD (Edmund). Dispositions and Examination cone, a Popish plot, fol. Lond. 1679. Discourses on the present state of the Protestant princes of Europe, exhorting them to an union and league amongst themselves, wherein the general scope of this horrid Popish Plot is laid down and presented to publick view. fol. Lond. 1679. EVERARDUS (Nic.) a Middelburgo. Loci argutncntorum legales. fol. Lov. 1552. Responsa sive cousilia fol. Lov. 1554. Eu] MEETON COLLEGE LIBEARY. 1G7 EVESHAM. The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham (1196). (Arber's Eeprint.) 4<>. Lond. 1869. ETTGENICUS (Marcus). Quod divina dona sanctificentur non soluni a voce dominicorum verborum verum etiam a consequente oratione et benedictione sacerdotis virtute Spiritus Sancti Gr. Lat. inter Liturgias sanctt. patrum (Par. 1560), q.v. EUGENIUS II. Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. EUGUBINUS (Augustinus) i. e. Aug. Steuchus Eugu- binus, q. v. ETJNAPIUS, Sardianus. De legationibus excerpta Gr. 4. Aug. Vind. 1603. EUPHOEIOH" Chalcidensis. Fragmenta Gr. p. 480, part II, inter poett. Gr. prin- cipes heroici carminis, &c., ed. Henr. Stephano, q. v. EURIPIDES. Quae extant omnia, tragoediae nempe viginti fragmenta aliarum plusquam sexaginta tragoediarum et epistolae quinque, Gr. Lat., cum scholiis vet. et notis, opera et studio Josuae Barnes, fol. Cantab. 1694. Tragoediae, &c., Gr. Lat. cum annotationibus et praefa- tionibus, autore Gasp. Stiblino : ace. Jac. Micylli de Euripidis vita ex diversis auctoribus collecta : item de tragoedia et ejus partibus TT po\fy 'optva quaedam: item Jo. Brodaei annotationes nunquam antea in lucem editae. fol. Basil. 1562. Opera omnia ex recens. Dindorfii. 3 voll. 12. Oxon. 1846. Tragediae cum fragmentis. 4. voll. 12. Lipsiae 1841. Euripidea Analecta : scripsit Udalricus de Wilamowitz- Moellendorff. 8. Berol. 1875. Euripides, with an English Commentary, by F. A. Paley, in 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1864-74, Vols. I.-IL 2nd ed. 1872-74), vol. III. (1st ed.) 1864. Iphigenia Taurica, Helena, et Ion : textum emendavit et notas subjecit Car. Badham. 8. Lond. 1857. Scholia in VII. Euripidis tragoedias ab Arsenio archiep. Monembrasia collecta. 8. Yen. 1534. EUSEBIUS (Pamphilus). Ecclesiasticae historiae libri decem : ejusdem de vita Constantini quinque Gr. fol. Par. exc. Rob. Steplianus, 1544. Evangelica praeparatio Gr. fol. Lutet. ex off. Rob. Stephani, 1544. Evangelica demoustratio Gr. fol. Lutet. in off. Rob. Stephani, 1545. Evangelica praeparatio et demonstratio Latine. fol. Colon. 1539. Thesaurus temporum : sc. Eusebii chronicorum canonum 168 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Eu libri duo, interpr. Hieronymo ; item auctores omnes derelicta ab Eusebio et Hieronymo continuantes : ejusdem Eusebii utriusque partis chronicorum cano- num reliquiae Graecae, opera et studio Jos. Justi Scaligeri, cum ejusdem notis. fol. Luyd. Bat. 1606. Contra Hieroclem. Gr. Lat. v. Pkilostrati vitam Apollonii. Fragmentum de vitis prophetarum Gr. Lat. interprete Jo. Curterio, v. Procop. Gaz. in Esaiam. Eccl. hist. libb. X : De vita Constantini libb. IV. Oratio Constantini ad sanctos, et Eusebii Panegyricus, omnia Gr. Lat. cum annott. Hen. Valesii. fol. Par. 1678. Hist. eccl. cum aliis Histt. Eccles. Lat. fol. Basil. 1544. Hist. eccl. libri X : recensuit Ed. Burton. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1838. Id. Annotationes variorum. 8. Oxon. 1842. Chronicon Lat. D. Hieronymo interpr. fol. Has. 1531. EUSTACHIUS (Barth.) Explicatio tabularum anatomicarum Barth. Eustachii per Bern. Siegfr. Albinum, fol. Leidae 1744. Opuscula anatoniica. 4. Yen. 1563. Libellus de multitudine, p. 125, uua cum lexico Erotidni in Hippocratem (4. Ven. 1566), q. v. EUSTATHIUS seu Eumathius. De Ismeniae et Ismenes auioribus libri undecim, v. Erotic. Script. EUSTATHIUS metropolita Thessalonicensis. Ex comnientariis electa per ordinem litterarum Gr. in thesaur. cornucopiae et horti Adonidis, q. v. Parecbolae in Homeri Iliada et Odysseam. 3 voll. fol. Rom. 1549-50. EUSTBATIUS episc. Nicaenus. Comment, in posteriora resolutoria Aristotelis, q. v. EUTOCIUS (Ascalonita). Commentaria in libros conicorum Apollonii Pergaei, q. v. Commentaria in A rchimedem, q. v. EUTROPIUS sophista Italus. Historiae Romanae epitome 10 libris Lat. fol. Ebrod. 1621. Id. Franc. 1588. Id. Franc. 1590. Id. Lond. 1744. Id. (seu Breviarium). 12. Lips. 1853. EWALD (Heinrich). The History of Israel, trausl. by R. Martineau. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1867-74. The Antiquities of Israel, translated by H. S. Solly. 8". Lond. 1876. EXOBCISMUS. Formulae exorcismorum. v. France (Histor. des Gaulcs). Tom. IV. Pa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. EXSURPEANTITJS (Jul.) De Marii Lepidi ac Sertorii bellis civilibus opusculum, in Script. Histor. Roman, minor. EZRA, v. Meyilloth. P. (P.) vide Forster. P. (8. R. N.) Vox Coeli, or News from Heaven. 4. 1624. P. (R.) vide T. (S.) P. (T.) forsan Tho. Fuller, q. v. The sovereign's prerogative and the subject's priviledge discussed betwixt courtiers and patriots in parliament, &c. fol. Lond. 1657. PABER (Basilius). Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticae emendatus a J. M. Gesuero. 2 voll. fol. Hag. Com. 1735. PABER (George Stanley). A dissertation on the prophecy contained in Dan. ix. 24-27. 8. Lond. 1811. A general and connected view of the prophecies relative to the conversion, restoration, union, and future glory of the houses of Judah and Israel, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1809. The primitive doctrine of Election. 8. Lond. 1836. PABER (Honoratus.) Physica, id est, scientia rerum corporearum in decem tractatus distributa. 4 voll. 4. Lugd. 1669-1671. PABER (Jacobus) Stapulensis.. Introductio in metaphysicorum libros Aristotelis, q. v. Paraphrasis in quoscunque libros Aristotelis Philoso- phiae naturalis, cum Jud. Clichtovei Scholiis. fol. Par. 1525. Comm. in spheram Jo. de Sacro-Bosco. (Ven. 1599.) q. v. Id. fol. Ven. 1531. Commentt. in epistolas divi Pauli apostoli. fol. Par. apud Joannem parvum, 1531. Moralis in Ethicen Aristot. introductio. fol. Par. 1545. Commentarii initiatorii in quatuor evangelia. fol Coloniae in aedibus Quintelianis, 1541. Hecatonomiarum libri septem una cum var. opp. Aris- totelis Latine. fol. Paris 1543. PABER (Joannes) Gallus. In Justinianum Codicem Breviarium. fol. Par. 1499. PABER (Petrus), San-jorianus. Semestrium libri III : liber primus. 4. Col. AUobr. 1616 : liber secundus. 4. Lugd. 1601 : liber tertius. 4. Col AUobr. 1610. Commentarii ad tit. de diversis regulis juris antiqui, 170 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa &c., cum Graecarum allegationum interpretatione Latina. 4<>. Lugd. 1602. FABEB (Philippus). Disputationes theologicae in libros sententiarum, quibus doctrina Scoti contra adversaries defenditur. 4 libb. fol. Par. 1620. PABEB (Tanaquillus), P. Epistolae pars prima : ace. fabulae ex Locmanis Ara- bico Latinis versibus reddita. 4. Salmur. 1674. Epist. : pars altera : ace. Aristophauis EKK\rj. Lond. 1724. The life of Cardinal Wolsey. fol. Lond. 1724. FIDES. Le bouclier de la Toy Chrestienne mis par dialogues. 80. 1557. FIELD (Richard). Of the church, five books, fol. Oxf. 1635. FIELDING (Henry). Works. 12vols. 12. Lond. 1766. FILESACUS (Johannes). Opera varia : editio alt. 8. Par. 1621. FILISSON. Histoire de 1' Academic Trai^aise. 8. La Haye 1688. FILIPPUS, v. Philippus. FILLIUCIUS (Vine.) Quaestiones morales de Christianis officiis et casibus conscientiae. 2 voll. fol. Ursellis 1625. Ad tomos 2 priores appendix posthuma de statu cleri- corum. fol. Lugd. 1625. FINEUS (Orontius). Protomathesis : opus varium, viz. de arithmetica 4 libb., de geometria 2 libb., de cosmographia 5 libb., de solaribus horologiis et quadrantibus 4 libb. fol. Par. impensis Ger. Morrhii et Jo. Petri, 1532. FINLAY (George). History of Greece under the Romans (146 B. C.-717 A.D.). 80. Edinl. 1856. History of Greece from its conquest by the Crusaders to its conquest by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond (1204-1461). 80. Edinb. 1851. History of the Byzantine and Greek Empires. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1853-4. History of Greece under the Othoman and Venetian dominion. 8. Edinb. 1856. History of the Greek Revolution. 2vols. 8.EJinb. 1861. FIRMICUS (Julius). Astronomicorum libri VIII. fol. Bas. 1533. FIBMINUS. Repertorium dc mutatione aeris cum scholiis Phi. Jollaini. 4. Par. ap. Jac. Kerver, 1540. PI] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 177 FISHER (John), bishop of Eochester. De unica Ifagdalena libri tres. 4. Par. 1519. FITZGERALD (Wm.), Bishop of Cork. Ou Christian evidence, v. Aids to Faith. FITZHARRIS (Edw.) The tryal of E. F. and Dr. Oliver Plunket. fol. Lond. 1681. FITZHERBERT (Sir Anthony). La nouvelle natura brevium. 8. Lond. 1567. FITZHERBERT (Thomas), pr. An adjoinder to the ' Supplement,' &c., contayning a discoveiy and confutation, of very many foule absurdi- ties, &c., in Andrewes's answer to Bellarmine. 4. 1613. FITZOSBORNE (Sir Thomas). Letters on several subjects. 8. Lond. 1763. FITZORY (James) or Crofts. An account of what passed at the execution of the late Duke of Monmouth. fol. Lond. 1685. FLACCUS, Siculus. De conditionibus agrorum liber unus, v. Agraria. FIiACCIUS (Matth.) seu Francowitzius. Contra couimentitium primatum papae. fol. Arg. 1555. Glossa compendiaria in Novum Testamentum. fol. Bas. 1570. Clavis S. Scripturae partes duae. fol. Bas. 158081. Catalogue testium veritatis qui pontifici Romano atque papismi erroribus ante nostram aetatem reclamarunt. 2 voll. 4. Lugd. 1597. De translatione imperii Romani ad Germanos et de electione episcoporum. 8. Bas. 1566. FLAMMA (Galvaneus de la). Manipulus florum sive historia Mediolanensis, v. Ital. Rer. Script. Tom. XI. De rebus gestis ab Azone, Luchino, et Johanne Vice- Comitibus (1328-1342), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XII. FIiANDRIA. Cronique de Flandres ancienement composee par auteur incertain et nouvellment mise en lumiere par Denis Savvage de Fontenailles. fol. Lyon. 1561. Historia Flandriae christianae 267 Annorum cum diplo- matibus et sigillis Comitatum Flandriae. fol. A mst. 1686. FLANDRIA (Dominicus de). Comm. in libb. Aristotelis de Anima. fol. Ven. 1597. FLATHE (Th.) Geschichte von Sachsen. 8. Gotha 1873. FLATMAN (Th.) Poems and songs. 8. Lond. 1674. PLAXMAN (John.) Lectures on sculpture. 8. Lond. 1838. 178 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [PI FLECHIER (Esprit.) Histoire de ThSodose le Grand. 8. Par. 1682. Recueil des oraisons funebres. 8. Par. 1716. FLEETWOOD (Wm.) A complete collection of his sermons, tracts, and pieces of all kinds, fol. Lond. 1737. An account of the life and death of the blessed Virgin according to Romish writers with the grounds of the worship paid to her (Anon). 4. Lond. 1687. Inscriptionum antiquarum sylloge. 8. Lond. 1691. Chronicon Preciosum, q. v. Papists not excluded from the throne on account of religion (Vindic n . of Hoadley's preservative). 8. Lond. 1717. FLETA, v. Selden. FLETTRY (Claude) abb6. Histoire ecclesiastique. 36voll. 4. Par. 1691-1738. Table gendrale des matieres cont. dans les XXXVI. tomes. 4. Par. 1774. FLODOARDUS, Remensis. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. VII. De romanis pontificibus, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. HI. pt. 2. FLORA Danica, v. Oeder (G. F.) FLORA Londinensis, v. Curtis. FLORENTIA. Synodus Florentina cum tract. G. Scholarii Graece. fol. Horn. 1577. Museum Florentinum exhibens insigniora vetustatis monumenta quae Florentiae sunt : scilicet, Gemmae antiquae, 2 voll., cum observatt. Ant. Fr. Gorii. fol. Florent. 1731-2. Statuae antiquae, cum observationibus ejusdem. fol. Florent. 1734. Antiqua numismata, &c., maximi moduli cum observatt. ejusdem. 3 voll. fol. Florent. 1740-2. Concilium Florentinum, v. Sguropulus. Ritratti de piu celebri professori di pittura dipinti di propria mano esistenti nell' Imperial Galleria di Fi- reuze. fol. Firenze 1748. Istoria di Firenze (1406-1438), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIX. FLORENTIA (Trusianus de). Commentarii in Microtegni Galieni et quaestio de upo- stasi. fol. Yen. 1512. FLORENTIUS monachus "Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex chronicis ab initio mundi usque ad A.D. 1118: accessit etiam continuatio usque ad A.D. 1141 per quemdam ejusdem Coenobii. 4. Lond. per Tho. Dausonum 1592. Fo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 179 FLOBIAN (Jean Pierre Claris de). Numa Poinpilius, second roi de Rome. 2 voll. 8. Par. 1786. FLOBIO (Giovanni). Italian and English dictionary, fol. Lond. 1659. FLOBUS (Luc. Ann. seu Jul.) Epitome de Tito Livio seu Rerum Romanorum libb. IV. Franc. 1588. Id. cum notis Salamasii. 12. Lugd, B. 1657. Id. Par. 1573. Id. cum comm. Jo. Camertis. 8. Par. 1542. Epitome de Tito Livio : ed. Car. Halm. 12. Lips. 1853. FLOYER (Sir John), M.D. QapfjtaKo-paaravos, or the touch-stone of medicines. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1687-91. The physician's pulse-watch. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1707-10. YXPOAOY2IA, or the history of cold bathing, both ancient and modern. 8. Lond. 1706. FLUDD (Robertus), alias de Fluctibus. Tractatus theologo-philosophicus de vita, morte et resur- rectione (a Rudolpo Otreb). 4. Oppenn. 1617. Utriusque Cosmi, majoris scilicet et minoris, meta- physica, physica, atque technica Historia. Pars I. fol. Oppenhemii 1617-8. Integrum morborum mysterium, sive Medicinae Catho- licae Tomi Primi Tractatus Secundus in sectiones dis- tributus duas. fol. Francof. 1631. Philosophia Mosaica. fol. Goudae. 1638. Responsumad hoplocrisma-spongumM. Foster!, abipso ad unguenti armariivaliditatem delendam ordiuatum. Ibid. FOESIUS (Anutius), Mediomatricus. Pharmacopoeia medicamentorum omnium. 8. Bas. 1561. Oeconomia Hippocratis, alphabet! serie distincta. fol. Franc. 1588. Comm. in lib. secundum Hippocratis de morbis vulga- ribus, q. v. FOIX (Paul de), archeveque Tolose. Lettres au roi Henry III. in 3 livres. 4. Par. 1628. FOLIETA (Albertus). De laudibus Neapolis (p. 765). Franc. 1600. FOLIOT (Gilbert). Vita S. Thorn. Cant. v. BecJeet. Epistolae, ed. J. A. Giles. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1845. FOLKES (Martin). Tables of English silver and gold coins. 4. Lond. 1763. FOLLEBIUS (Petrus). Praxis censualis super pragma de censibus cum indice. 80. Yen. 1569. FONSECA (Pet.) Comm. in libros Metaphysic. Arist., torn. I-II. Lugd. 1591-93. 180 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Fo Institutionum dialecticarum, libri VIII. Ibid. FONTAINE (Jean de la). CEuvres diverges. 4 torn. 8. Par. 1758. Contes et nouvelles en vers. 8. Amst. 1685. Fables choisies. 8. Par. 1743. Tales and novels translated by S. Humphreys. 8. Edirib. 1762. FONTAINE (S.) Histoire catholique de nostre temps touchant 1'estat de la religion Chrestienne en 17 livres, contre J. Sleydan. 8. Anvers. 1558. FONTENELLE (Bern, le Bouyer de). CEuvres. 8 tomes. 8. Parts 1790. FOOTE (Samuel). Dramatic works. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1 765. FORBES (John). Instructiones historico-theologicae de doctrina Christi- ana, fol. Amst. Elzevir. 1645. FORBIGER (Albert). Hellas und Rom. : l to . Abth. Rom im Zeitalter der Antonine, 3 Bde. 8. 1872-76 : 2 te . Abth. Griechen- land im Zeitalter des Perikles, 2 Bde. 8. Leipzig 1876-78. FORD (J.) The Epistle to the Romans illustrated from ancient and modern authors. 8. Lond. 1862. The Acts of the Apostles illustrated. 8. Lond. 1866. FORESTT7S (Jac. Phil.) De claris mulieribus, p. 15, de clar. Mulieribus scriptt. var. fol. Par. 1521. FORESTUS (Petrus). Observationum et curationum medicinalium ac chirur- gicarum opera omnia. 2 voll. fol. Francf. 1619. De incerto urinarum judicio libri tres. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1589. FORGEOT (N.) Les Rivaux Amis: Les Epreuves. 12. Paris 1810. FORLI. Annales Forolovienses (1275-1473), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXII. FORLIVIO (Jacobus de). De intensione et remissione formarum. fol. Ven 1496. Super primo Canonica Avicennae expositio, cum ques- tionibus. fol. Pap. 1500. In aphorismos Hippocratis expositio, cum comment. super libros Thegni Galeni. fol. Pap. 1501. FORLIVIO (Raynerius de). Lectura super Digestum novum cum additionibus, sum- mariis, et repertorio. fol. Lugd. 1523. Fo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 181 FORMULAE. Das Baumgartenberger Formelbuch; eine Quelle zur Geschichte des XIII. Jahrhunderts, vornehmlich der Zeiten Rudolfs von. Habsburg, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Abth. II. Bd. 25. Formularium Senense. 4. Sen. 1592. Formulae veteres, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IV. FORSTER (P.) Letter to Rev. Mr. Pyle and answer to his challenge by P. (F.) 80. Lond. 1718. PORSTEBUS (Valentinus). De successionibus quae ab intestato deferuntur V. libb. fol. Bas. 1566. FORSYTE (William). The Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1864. FORTIUS (Joachim). De ratione studii, ed. Th. Crenius. 4. Rotterd. 1692. FORTUN ATI ANUS (Curius). Rhetorica. fol. Par. 1599. FORTUNATUS, episc. Pictaviensis. Carmina Historica, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome II. FORUM Julii. Historia Belli Forojuliensis, conscripta a Johanne No- tario quondam Aylini de Maniaco, v. Italicae Antiqui- tates Medii Aevi. (Muratori). Tom. III. FOSTER (Wm.), M.A. Hoplocrismaspongus, or a sponge to wipe away the Weapon-Salve, in answer to R. Fludd. 4. Lond. 1631. FOTHERGILL (Geo.) The importance of religion to civil societies; the un- successfulness of repeated fasts ; and the danger of excesses in the pursuit of liberty; three sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8. Oxf. 1744-5. FOUCART (P.) Les Associations Religieuses chez les Grecs. 8. Par. 1873. FOUILLOUX (Jacques de). De la v^nerie. 4. Poitiers 1560. FOULIS (Henry), B.D. History of Romish treasons and usurpations, fol. Lond. 1671. History of the wicked plots and conspiracies of our pre- tended saints, fol. Oxf. 1674. FOUQUELIN (Anthoine) de Chauny. La Rhetorique Fran9oise, a Marie royne d'escosse. 8. Paris 1557. FOUR (Ludovicus du) de Longuerue. Annales, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome III. 182 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Po FOWLER (Edward), bishop of Gloucester. Certain propositions by which the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is so explained, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. The texts which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine concerning the obscurity of the holy scriptures examined : p. 17 of ' Popery not founded on scripture/ q. v. FOX (Charles James). History of the early part of the reign of James II ; with an introductory chapter, publ. by lord Holland. 4. Lond. 1808. FOX (Edward). Formulae medicamentorum selectae : or select prescrip- tions of the most eminent physicians. 8. Lond. 1777. FOXE (John). Acts and monuments of matters happening in the church, with an universal history of the same, con- taining the persecutions against the true martyrs of Christ, fol. Lond. 1596. FRACANTIANTTS (Antonius). De morbo Gallico liber, p. 721, inter autores de Morbo Gallico, q. v. FRACASTORIUS (Hieronymus). Opera omnia. 4. Ven. 1555. Opera omnia ed. alt. 8. Genev. 1637. FRANCE. Archives curieuses de 1'histoire de France depuis Louis XI jusqu'a Louis XVIII, ou collection de pieces rares et interessantes, telles que chroniques, me'moires, pamphlets, lettres, vies, proces, testaments, executions, sieges, batailles, massacres, entrevues, fetes, ceremonies, funebres, &c., par M. L. Cimber et F. Danjou, I. serie. Tomes I-XV: II. se'rie. Tomes I-XIII. 8. Paris 1834-40. Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, par Dom Martin Bouquet : nouvelle edition publie"e sous la direction de M. Leopold Delisle. Tomes I XVI. fol. Par. 1869-87. Les poetes Franais : Recueil des chefs-d'oeuvre de la Poe'sie Fran$aise, avec notices litte"raires, public" sous la direction de E. Crepet. 4 tomes. 8. Par. 1861-3. Capitularum regum Francorum, v. Baluzmm (St.) Les chroniques de France, v. Gaguin. Galliae descriptio (Liber mutilatus). 8. Lugd. B. 1629. Le Rosier ou epithome hystorial de France, divis6 en 3 parties, fol. Par. 1528. Les genealogies, effigies, et epitaphes des roys de France, fol. Poict. 1545. Sommaire de 1'histoire des Fran5ois extraict de la bibliotheque de Nicolas Vignier. fol. Par. 1579. Fr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 183 L'ordre du Sacre et couronnement du Roy de France. 8<>. Par. 1610. Discours sur 1'estat present des affaires du royaume. 4. a la Hay e 1616. Le banissement des favoris de France. 8. 1624. Lettre du Synode national des e"glises re'forme'es de France, Sep. 16, 1631. 8<>. 1631. L'estat et gouvernement de France depuis Louis IV. 12. Amst. 1653. Vindiciae secundum libertatem ecclesiae Gallicanae et regii status Gallofrancorum sub Henrico IV rege. 80. s.l 1593. Les coustumes et statutes particuliers de la plus part des bailliages seneschauce'es et prevostez du Royaume de France, fol. Par. 1551. Discours sur 1'estat de France. 4. 1588. Histoire des derniers troubles de France, 4 liv., avec le 5 me contenant 1'histoire des choses advenues sous les regnes de Henri III et Henri IV. 8. 1606. Vindiciae Gallicae contra Alex. Patritium Armachanum. 80. Paris 1638. Traitez des droits et libertez de I'e'glise Gallicane. 2 voll. Paris 1639. Philosophical conferences of the virtuosi of France. 2 vols. Lond. 1664-65. Histoire d'academie royale des inscriptions et belles lettres depuis son e'tablissement jusqu'a 1784, avec les m^moires de litte>ature tirez des registres de cette academic, depuis son renouvellement jusqu'en 1793, avec des figures. 51 voll. 4. Par. 1717-1808. Histoire de 1'acad^mie Franfoise. 8. a la Haye 1688. Acts of the general assembly of the French clergy in the year MDCLXXXV concerning the religion, &c. 4. Lond. 1685. The answer of the new converts of France to a pastoral letter from a protestant minister. 4. Lond. 1686. An account of the persecutions of the protestants in France. 4. n. p. 1686. FRANCIS (Alban), v. Cambridge, 1689. FRANCE: (Adoiphe). Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques. 6 voll. 8. Paris 1848-52. Philosophie et Religion. 12o. Par. 1869. FRANCKLIN (Thos.), D.D. Sermons on the relative duties. 8. Lond. 1765. FRANCO (Pierre). Traite" des hernies. 8. Lugd. 1561. FRANCUS (Phil.) In Sextum Decretalium librum commentarii. fol. Basil. 1581. 184 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Fr FRANKENSTEIN (Christ. Frid.) De Aerario populi Romani. 4. Ultraj. 1702. FRANKLIN (Alf.) Dictionnaire de Noms, Surnoms et Pseudonyines Latins de 1'Histoire Litteraire du Moyen Age. 8. Par. 1875. FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Memoirs of his life and writings, written partly by himself, and continued by W. Temple Franklin. 6 vols. 8. L. Lond. 1684. A plain and familiar discourse by way of dialogue be- twixt a minister and his parishioners concerning the Catholick Church, in three parts. 4. Lond. 1687. The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine concerning the worship of angels and saints departed, in two parts, p. 180 of ' Popery not founded on Scripture,' q. v. FREER (Martha W.) Elizabeth of Valois, Queen of Spain, and the court of Philip II. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1857. FREHERUS (Marquardus). Originum Palatinarum commentarius, pars l ma , cum appendice. 4. Heidelb. 1559. Id. 2 part. : accedit Pet. Pithaei tractatus de comitibus Palatiuis tarn Germaniae quam Galliae. fol. Heidelb. 1612-13. Cecropistromachia, antiqua duelli gladiatorii Sculptura in Sardonyche exposita, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IX. Fr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 185 FREHERUS (Paulus). Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum. 2 voll. fol. Norib. 1688. FREIND (John). Emmenologia in qua fluxus muliebris menstrui phe- nomena period! vitia cum medendi methodo ad rationes mechanicas exiguntur. 8. Londini 1720. De febribus commentarii novem, ad librum epidemiorum primum et tertium accommodati; ad calc. Hippocratis. 4o. Lond. 1717. The history of physick from the time of Galen to the beginning of the sixteenth century. 2 parts. 8. Lond. 1725-26. De purgantibus. 8. Lond. 1719. Praelectiones chymicae. 3 voll. 8. Lugd. Bat 1734. FREINSHEMIUS (Johannes). Dissertatiuncula de calidae potu. 8. Argent. 1636. FREISING. Sammlung von Urkunden und Urbaren zur Geschichte der ehemals Freisingischen Besitzungen in Oestevreich, v. Austria. Font. Eer. Austr. Abth. II., Bde. 31, 35, 36. FRERE (John Hookham). His "Works : collected by his nephews. 2 vols. 8. London 1872. FRESH'S (Charles du) sieur du Cange. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis. 3 voll. fol. Lut. Par. 1678. Historia Byzantina duplici commentario illustrata sc. Familiae Byzantinae et Constantinopolis Christiana, fol. Par. 1680. Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae Graecitatis. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1688. FRICIUS (Andreas) Modrevius. De republica emendanda libri quinque ; quibus acces- serunt de ecclesia liber secundus, orationes item et epistolae. fol. Bas. 1559. PRICK (Dr. J.) Physical Technics or practical instructions for making experiments in physics, transl. by J. D. Easter. 8. Philadelphia 1861. PRIDERICUS, vide etiam Fredericus. FRIDERICUS IV, v. Palatinate. FRIEND (Sir John). His tryal and condemnation for high treason, fol. Lond. 1696. FRISIA. Leges Frisionum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XV. PRISIUS (Gemma) seu Gemma Frisius, q. v. 186 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Fr FRISIUS (Laurentius). Epitome opusculi de curandis pusculis ulceribus et doloribus morbi Gallic! mali frantzoss appellati. 4. Basil, apud Henr. Petrum 1532. Id. et inter autores de Morbo Gallico, q. v. FBIZIMELICA (Franciscus). De Morbo Gallico tractatus, fol. 28, vol. II. inter authores de Morbo Gallico, q. v. FRODOARDUS, v. Flodoardus. FROISSART (Jean). Les Croniques de France, d' Angleterre, descoce, despaigne, de Bretaigne, de Gascongne, de Flandres et lieux cir- cumvoisins. 4 voll. fol. Paris 1540. Id. Latine, p. 497, inter rerum Britannicarum (seu Angli- carum) vet. scriptor. q. v. FROMpNDUS (Libertus). Labyrinthus sive de compositione continui. 4. Antv. 1631. Ant-Aristarchus sive orbis-terrae immobilis lib. unus. 4o. Antv. 1631. FRONTINUS (Sextus Julius). Strategematicon libb. IV. fol. Par. 1535. Id. ex recensione Petri Scriverii. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1633. De aquaeductibus urbis Romae cum libro de Coloniis, cum conjecturis Jo. Opsopoeii. 8. Par. 1588. De aquaeductibus, v. Graevii. Thes. Antiq.Rom.Tom. IV. De agrorum qualitate et de constitutionibus limitum cum comm., v. Agraria. PRONTO (M. Cornelius). Epistolae Frontonis et M. Aurelii imperatoris : L. Veri et T. Antonini Pii et Appiani Epistularum reliquiae : recens. S. Adr. Naber. 8. Lips. 1867. PRONTO (Petr.), v. Basilius Magnus. FROSSARDTJS (Jo.), v. Froissart (Jean). PROTHARIUS, Tullensis episc. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome VI. FROUDE (J. A.), M.A. A History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 8. Lond. 1856-70. FRYER (John), M.D. A new account of East India and Persia in eight letters. fol. Lond. 1698. PUCHSIUS (Leonhardus). Operum tomus secundus de curandis totius humani corporis morbis. 8. Lugd. 1548. Apologiae tres cum aliquot paradoxorum explicatio- nibus. 4. Bas. ap. Rob. Winter 1538 et 1540 (2 copies). De Historia stirpium commentarii cum imaginibus ad naturae imitationem effictis. fol. Bas. ex offic. Isin- griniana 1542. Pu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 187 Institutionum medicinae libri quinque. 8. Basil. 1 594. De medendis singularium human! corporis partium passionibus. 4. Basil. 1539. De morbo Gallico caput ex appendice ipsius ad librum quintum de curandi rations excerptum, f. 514 inter scriptor. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. Num morbifica aliqua de Galeni sententia sit causa con- tinens disceptatio. 8. Basil. 1557. FUGITIVES. A discourse of the usage of the English fugitives by the Spaniards. 4. Land. 1595. FUGITIVE Pieces, v. Poems. FULBERTUS, episc. Carnotensis. Epistolae historicae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome X. FULDA. Annales Fuldenses, v. France (Historiens dea Gaules). Tomes VII. et VIII. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. et V. FULGENTIUS (Fabius), episc. Rusp. Opera, accedit libellus Petri Diaconi de Incarnatione Christi : Fulgentii vita, notae marginales. 8. Bas. 1587. Vita et opera : interjecto Petr. Diacono de Incarnatione et gratia Christi cui Fulgentius respondet. 8. Bas. 1621. FULGENTIUS (Fabius), Planciades. De priscis vocabulis Latinis, seu de priscarum vocum interpretatione sive de proprietate sermonum (p. 271 ap. Nonium Marcellum). 8. Par. 1583. De expositione Virgilianae continentiae liber Junii Phi- larguri in Bucolica et Georgica commentariolus : Fulvi Ursini notae ad Servium in Bucolicum Georgica et Aeneida : V. Longi de orthographia : Magni Aureli Cassiodori de orthographia. 8. in off. Sanctandr. 1589. FULGINAS (Gentilis). Comm. in Avicennam ; super tractatibus de disloca- tione et fracturis ; de lepra, &c. fol. Ven. 1544. De complexione proportione et dosi medicinarum, (p. 269). Ven. 1558. Et Ven. 1568 et f. 138 opusc. illustr. medicorum de dosibus, etc. Lugd. 1584. FULGOSIUS (Raphael). Comm. in Justiniani Codicem. 2 torn. fol. Lugduni 1547. Comm. in Digestum vetus. 2 torn. fol. Lugduni 1554. FULIGATIUS (Jacobus). Vita Rob. Bellarmini. 8. Antv. 1631. FULKE (Will.) A defence of the sincere and true transl. of the Holy 188 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pu Scriptures into the English tongue, against the cavils of Gregory Martin. 8. Camb. 1843. The text of the New Testament translated out of the vulgar Latin by the papists of Rhemes, with a transl. from the original Greek, fol. Land. 1017. A Defence of the translation of the scriptures into English against Gr. Marten, with the text of the N. T., &c. Ibid. Confutation of Popish caviles against the writings of Mr. Fulke. Ibid. PULLER (Francis), M.A. Medicina gymnastica, or a treatise cone, the power of exercise with respect to the animal economy and the great necessity of it in the cure of several distempers. 8. Lond. 1705. FULLER (Sam.), S.T.P. Canonica successio ministerii ecclesiae Anglicanae re- formatae vindicata. 4. Cantab. 1690. PULLER (Thos.), D.D. The historic of the holy warre ; the second ed n . 4. Cambr. 1640. The Church history of Gt. Britain from the birth of Christ until the year MDCXLVIII. fol. Lond. 1655. Church history of Britain, edited by J. S. Brewer. 6 vols. 8. Oxf. 1845. The history of the worthies of England (with the prin- cipality of Wales), fol. Lond. 1662. The hist, of the Univ. of Cambridge since the conquest. (At the end of the Church history?) The history of Waltham Abbey. (Ibid.) PULLER (Thos.), M.D. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea sive praescriptorum syl- loge. 8. Lond. 1708. PULLER (Win.), D.D. Sermon on Eph. iv. 7, preached before his Majesty. 4. Lond. 1625. FULMEN BRUTUM Sixti V. adv. Henr. Reg. Nav. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1586. FUMANELLUS (Antonius). Opera multa et varia cum ad tuendam sanitatem turn ad profligandos morbos conducentia. fol. Tiguri 1557. FUNCCIUS (Joh.) Chronologia, i. e. omnium temporum et annorum ab initio mundi usque ad annum 1571 computatio. fol. Witeb. 1578. PURETIERE (Antoine). Fureteriana ou Bons Mots de Furetiere, v. Ana. Vol. I. 80. Amster. 1796. FURSTENBERGIUS (Ferdinandus), episc. Paderbor- nensis. Poemata. 8. Antw. 1662. Ga] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 189 G. (E.) ' Pax vobis,' or gospel and liberty against ancient and modern papists. 2nd edit. 8. 1687. G. (J.) Defense de la Religion Reformee centre le Nouveau tra- ducteur de la lettre de M r . le Chevalier Steele (Hoadly) au Pape Clement XI. 8. Lond. 1717. GABALIS (le comte de). Le comte de Gabalis ou entretiens sur les sciences se- cretes par Tabbed de Montfaucon de ViUars, q. v. 8. Par. 1671. GABBIELIS (Gasparus), Patavinus. Dissolutiones in quaestionem Hier. Bonipetri : et de totius evacuandae materiae ratione explicatio. 4. Patav. 1550. GABUTIUS (Antonius). De vita et rebus gestis Pii V. libri sex. fol. Rom. 1605. GADALDINTJS (Aug.), v. Stephanus Athen. GADESDEN (Jo. de), seu Joannes Anglicus, q. v. GAGTJIN (Robert). Le premier volume des Croniques de France, fol. Paris, Guill. Eustace, s. a. GAIETANUS, seu Gaetanus, de Thienis. Expos, in lib. Aristotelis de caelo et mundo. fol. Yen. 1502. GALANTI (R. M<>ses). Liber quaestionum et responsionum. fol. Ven. 1613. GALANUS (Clemens). Conciliationis ecclesiae Armenae cum Romana pars prima Armen.-Lat. fol. Rom. 1650. Pars secunda Armen.-Lat. 2 voll. fol. Rom. 1658-61. GALATINTJS (Pet.) De arcanis catholicae veritatis ed. alt. fol. Basil, apud J. Hervagium 1550. GALBERTTTS, notarius Brugensis. Passio S. Caroli comitis Flandriae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XIII. Id. v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. IV. GALE (Theophilus). The court of the Gentiles, or a discourse touching the original of human literature. 2 parts. 4. Oxf. 1672. Pts. in. and IV. 4. Lond. 1677. GALE (Jo.) Sermon on Heb. XII. 14. 8. Lond. 1718. GALENUS (Claudius), v. Stephanus Athen. and Bras- savolus. Opera omnia Graece, 5 voll. fol. Ven. in aedibus Aldi et Andr. Asulani 1525. Opera Gr. Lat. cum vita per Ren. Charterium, cum Hippocrate, q. v. 190 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Oft Opera Gr. Lat. ex sexta Juntarum editione. 7 voll. fol. Ven. 1586. Opera, Latine, ed. Rusticus Placentinus. 3 voll. fol. Pajriae 1515-6. Opera, Gr. Lat. cum praefatione C. Gesneri, &c. 4 voll. fol. Basil 1562. Aliquot opera ; sc. de inequali temperie, &c., a Leon- hardo Fuchsio Latinitate donata et commentariis illus- trata. 3 voll. fol. Paris. 1550-1554. Id. Vol. I, off. Isingriniana, 1550 : Vols. II and III. Paris. 1554. Epitome operum in IV partes digesta per And. Lacunam Secobiensem : ace. annotationes : item de ponderibus medicinalibus comment, fol. Basil. 1571. Opuscula varia recensita a Tbeod. Gulston. 4. Lond. 1640. Opuscula, sc. de propriorum affectuum agnitione et remedio, de sectis, introductio seu medicus, de pleni- tudine, &c. : interpr. Guinterio Andernaci. 4. Basil. 1529. Libri aliquot, a mendis repurgati annotationibusque illustrati per Jo. Caium Britannicum. 4. Basil. 1544. De Sanitate tuenda libri tres a Th. Linacre Latinitate donati, cum comment. Leonh. Fuchsii. 8. Tithing. 1541. De tuenda Valetudine, Graece, per Jo. Caium Britan- nicum. 8. Basil. 1549. De ratione medendi, Graece, cum comment. Stephani Athen., &c. 8. Par. 1537. Id. Latine interpret, et comment. Mart. Akakia. 8. Par. 1549. Are Parva, Latine a Laurentio Florentino : ace. epithome commentariorum Galeni in libros Hippocratis, et Simphoriani centiloquius Isagogicus. 8. Lugd. 1516. Locorum quorundam apud Galenum sibi ipsis contra- dicentium castigatio. 8. Basil. 1579. De humoribus, cum comment. Archangeli Piccolbomini. 80. Par. 1556. De pulsibus et de urinis, cum comment. Leonis Rogani Cajetani. 8. Ven. 1575. De causis morborum, de differentia symptomatum, de causis symptomatum (Graece). 8. Antv. 1550. De Compositione pharmacorum localium cum interpret. et comment. Jani Cornarii. fol. Basil. 1537. De diebus decretoriis libri tres Latine facti et com- mentariis illustrati a J. Lalamantio. 4. Lugd. 1559. Galen's method of physick, translation and commentary by Peter English. 8<>. Edinb. 1656. Historiales Campi,cum comment. SymphorianiCampegii. fol. Basil 1532. Ga] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 191 De propriis libris J. Caio Britanno interprete, p. 236 J. Caii operum, q. v. De centaureo libellus Galeno adscriptus. Arg. 1531. GALFREDUS (seu Gaufredus) coenobita Monast. S. Martialis Lemovicensis. Chronicon, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XII. GALFRIDTJS Monumetensis. De origine et gestis regum et principum Britanniae, inter Rer. Britannicarum seu Anglicarum script, vetust., q.v. GALILEI (Galileo). Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche attenenti alia mecanica e i inovimenti locali. 4. Leida 1638. Opere. 2 voll. 4. Bologna 1656. GALLIA, v. France. Gallia Belgica, Illustrations de la Gaulle Belgique, anti- quite~s du pays de Haynnau, &c. 3 voll. fol. Par. 1531. GALLICANUS (Vulcatius). Romanorum aliquot imperatorum historia, v. Hist. Roman. Script. GALLUCCIUS (Angelus) e soc. Jesu. De Bello Gallico ab 1593 ad 1609. fol. Rom. 1671. GALLUS (Antonius). De ligno sancto non permiscendo. Inter Tractt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. Opuscula Historica de rebus gestis populi Genuensis et de navigatione Columbi, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIII. GAMBELLONA (Angelus) seu de Gambilionibus. De maleficiis tractatus. 4. Ven. 1502. Comment, in Institt. Justiniani. fol. Lugd. 1570. Tract, de testamentis et ultimis voluntatibus. fol. Ven. 1488. GAMS (Pius). Zur Geschichte der spanischen Staats-inquisition. 8. Regensb. 1878. GAND (Lud. de) de Brachey. Parallelum Olivae necnon Olivarii protectoris Angliae, &c. fol. Lond. 1656. GANDINO (Alb. de). Tractatus de maleficiis, cum A. Gambellona. 4. Ven. 1502. GANEATT (Estienne). Dictionnaire universel Francois et Latin. 5 voll. fol. Par. 1521. GARBETT (Edw.) The Dogmatic Faith, the Bampton Lectures for 1867. 80. Lond. 1867. GARBETT (J.), M.A. De re critica, Praelectiones Oxonii habitae. 8. Oxm. 1847. 192 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ga GAKBO (Dinus de) Florent. Expositio super III, IV, V partes Fen quarti Canonis Avicennae. fol. Yen. 1489. Compilatio emplastrorum et unguentorum. Ibid. Chirurgia : et tractatus de ponderibus et mensuris, &c. fol. Yen. 1544. GABBO (Tho. de). Tractatus de reductione medicinarum ad actum, p. 1 79, opusc. illust. Medicorum de dosibus, q. v. GARCIA (Fortunius) ab Artheaga. Tractatus de ultimo fine juris civilis et canonici, ace. comment, de justitia et jure. fol. Lugd. 1528. Commentaria in tit. Dig. de pactis. fol. Lugd. 1518. GARDEN. Observations on modern gardening (by "Wheatley). 8. Lond. 1777. GARDINER (Dr.) A brief examination of the present Roman Catholic faith contained in pope Pius his creed, &c. (Anon.) fol. Lond. 1689. GARDINER (Sam. Rawson). A history of England under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I (1624-1628). 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1875. The personal Government of Charles I, 1628-37. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1877. GARDTHAUSEN (V.) Griechische Palaeographie. 8. Leipzig. 1879. GARGILIUS (Martialis). De arboribus pomiferis fragmentum. 4. Lips. 1735. GARISSOLITJS (Antonius). Tractatus de Christo mediatore. 4. Genevae 1662. GARRATUS (Martinus). Consilia. fol. franc, ad Maen. 1575. De monetis in Vol. XII, tract. Univ. Juris, q. v. GARRO (Antonius). Commentaria in titulum Pomponii de origine juris cum Balduini Scholiis. fol. Basil, apud J. Oporinum 1543. GARTH (Sir Samuel). The dispensary; a poem in six books. 8. Lond. 1726. A complete key to the dispensary. 8. Lond. 1734. GARZONI (Thomaso). La piazza universale di tutte le professioni del mondo. 4o. Yen. 1610. GARZONIUS (Johannes). De dignitate urbis Bononiae commentarius, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXI. GASCARTH (John). The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine of Satisfactions, 2 parts, p. 489 of ' Popery not founded on scripture/ q. v. Ga] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 193 GASCOIGNE (George). Certayne notes of instruction in English verse : the Steele Glas : the Complaint of Philomene : precedec by George Whetstone's ' A remembrance of the Well- imployed Life and godly end of G. G.' 4. Lond. 1869. (Arber's Reprint.) GASSENDI (Pierre). Opera omnia in sex tomos divisa. fol. Lugd. 1658. Kalendarium Romanum compendiose exposition, v Graevii Thes. Ant. Rom. Tom. VIII. GASTBEL (Francis), bp. of Chester. Some considerations concerning the Trinity and the ways of managing that controversy. 8. Lond. 1707. Defence of do. Ibid. Remarks upon Dr. Clarke's Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. 8. Lond. 1714. GATAKER (Thomas). De nomine tetragrammato dissertatio. 8. Lond. 1645. Vindicatio dissertationis suae de tetragrammato contra Cappellum. 8. Lond. 1652. De diphthongis deque literarum quarundam sono ger- mano, &c., dissertatio philologica. 8. Lond. 1646. De Novi Instrument! stylo dissertatio. 4. Lond. 1648. Animadversiones in adversaria de causa meritoria nostri coram Deo justificationis Jo. Piscatoris Herbonensis et Lud. Lucii Basileensis. 8. Lond. 1641. Disceptatio de Baptismo infantum cum Sam. Ward. 8. Lond. 1652. Adversaria miscellanea, quae Cinnum ab ipso authore praemissum jam subsequuntur, edente Carolo T. G. filio, cum authoris vita propria nianu scripta. fol. Lond. 1659. Of the nature and use of lots, with a defence of certain passages in that treatise agst. the exceptions of Jo. Balinford. 4. Lond. 1627-28. True contentment in the gain of Godliness, sermons on Psalm Ixxxii. 6, 7, 8. 4<>. Lond. 1620. Parley with princes : a meditation on 1 Tim. vi. 6. 4. Lond. 1620. A discussion of the Popish doctrine of transubstan- tiation with a defence of the discourse. 4. Lond. 1624. God's eye on his Israel : or a passage of Balaam out of Numbers xxiii. 21, expounded and cleared from Anti- nomian abuse : with application to the present estate of things with us: a sermon. 4. Lond. 1645. Shadowes without substance or pretended new lights ; against J. Saltmarsh. 4. Lond. 1646. A mistake or misconstruction removed in answer to J. Saltmarsh. 4. Lond. 1646. 194 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Oa Preliminary discourse to M. Antoninus's conversation with himself, q. v. Antithesis Amesii et Voetii de sorte, thesibus reposita. 4. Lond. 1638. The Spiritual Watch: a meditation on Mark xiii. 27. 4o. Lond. 1619. Marriage duties briefly couched together : a sermon on Col. iii. 18, 19. 4o. Lond. 1620. Two funeral sermons on PhD. i. 23, and Eccl. vii. 1. 4. Lond. 1620. David's Instructor; a sermon on Psal. xxxiv. 11. 4. Lond. 1620. Exposition of the second Ep. to the Thessalonians. Ibid. Mysterious clouds and mists, &c., against J. Simpson. 4o. Lond. 1648. A sparke towards the kindling of sorrow for Sion : a Meditation on Amos vi. 6. 4. Lond. 1621. A good wife God's gift : a Sermon on Prov. xix. 14. 4o. Lond. 1620. GATAKO (Andrea). Istoria Padovana (1311-1406), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVI. GATTINAHIA (Marcus). Expositio in nonum Almansoris, sive practica uberrima de medendis humani corporis malis. fol. Yen. ap. haeredes Scoti 1516. De remediis morborum, de curandis febribus, &c. 8. Yen. 1559. GAVAN alias Gawen (John), v. Tho. White. GAVASSETIUS (Michael). Libri duo : alter de rebus praeter naturam ; alter de indicationibus curativis seu de methodo medendi. 4. Yen. 1586. GAUBIUS (Hier. Dav.), M.D. A complete extemporaneous dispensatory (translated). 80. Lond. 1742. GATTDEN (John). The case of ministers' maintenance by tithes, as in England, discussed. 4. Lond. 1653. GATJFREDUS, Maleterrensis. Historia Sicula, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. GAUNT (Eliz.), v. J. Fernley. GATOICUS (Lucas), &c. Castigationes et figurae in Sphaera Jo. de Sacro-Bosco, &c. fol. Yen. 1531. Quaestio nunquid sub Aequatore sit habitatio. Ib. Oratio de inventoribus et laudibus Astrologiae. Ib. Calendarium ecclesiasticum novum. 4. Yen. apud Juntas 1552. GAUTIER (Le"on). Les epopees Fran^aises : e*tude sur les engines et Ge] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 195 1'histoire de la literature nationale. Tome I. 8. Paris 1878. GAUTRUCHE (le pere P.) L'histoire poe*tique pour 1'intelligence des poe'tes et des autheurs anciens. 18. Caen. 1660. GAY (John). Plays. 80. Lond. 1760. Poems on several occasions. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1737. GAYLER (Johan.) Sermones quadragesimales de poenitentia. 4. Argent. per M. Schurerium 1512. GAZA (Theod.) Introductionis grammaticae libri quatuor : et de mensi- bus. 8. Flor. per heredes Ph. Juntae 1520. Problemata Aristotelis, Latine, q. v. De mensibus, Gr. Lat. 80. Par. 1630. GAZAEUS (Aeneas), v. Aeneas Gazaeus. GARATA (Stigacius et Petrus de). Chronicon Regiense (1272-1388), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVIII. GAZIUS (Anton.) Florida corona quae ad sanitatis hominum conserva- tionem ac longevam vitarn perducendam sunt perneces- saria continens. 4. Lugd. per Sim. Bevelaquam 1516. Quo medicamentorum genere purgationes fieri debeant. fol. Bas. 1541. GEE (Edward). Veteres vindicati in a letter to Mr. Sclater upon his 'Consensus veterum/ with animadversions on Dean Boileau's French translation of Bertram. 2nd edit. (Anon.} 4o. Lond. 1687. An answer to the compiler of ' Nubes testium,' with a vindication of the 'Veteres vindicati.' (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. A vindication of the principles of the author of the answer to the compiler of the ' Nubes testium/ &c. 4. Lond, 1688. The Primitive Fathers no Papists, in answer to the vindication of the ' Nubes testium,' to which is added an historical discourse cone, invocation of Saints in answer to L. Sabran the Jesuite. 4<>. Lond. 1688. A second letter to L. Sabran in answer to his reply. 4o. Lond. 1688. A third letter to L. Sabran Jesuit, wherein the defence of his challenge concerning invocation of saints is exa- mined and confuted. 4. Lond. 1688. A letter to the superiors, whether bishops or priests, which approve or license the Popish books in England. 4o. Lond. 1688. A letter to father Lewis Sabran in answer to his letter to a peer, &c. 4. Lond. 1688. o 2 196 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Qe Catalogue of discourses against Popery during the reign of King James II. 4. Lond. 1689. The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible for a proof of their doctrine cone, the worship of images and reliques, p. 277 of Popery not founded in Scripture, q. v. The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine cone. Seven Sacraments and the efficacy of them. p. 305. Ibid. GEIJER (Erik Gustav). Geschichte Schwedens. 3 Bde. 8. Hamb. 1832-6. GEIKIE (James). The Great Ice Age and its relation to the antiquity of man. 8. Lond. 1877. GELASIUS II. papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. GELDENHATOIUS (Gerhardus). Historia Batavica. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1609. De Batavorum insula. Ibid. GELENIUS (Sigismundus). Annott. in Titum Livium. (fol. Par. 1573.) GELL (Robert) D.D. A sermon on Deut. xxxii. 8, 9, touching God's govern- ment of the world by angels. 4. Lond. 1650. GELLIBRAND (Henricus). Trigonometria Britannica. fol. Goudae 1633. GELLIUS (Aulus). Noctes Atticae, editoribus J. Frederico et Jac. Gro- novio. 4o. Lugd. Bat. 1 706. GEMINIANTTS (Dominicus). Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1533. GEMINUS, Rhodius. Isagoge ad Arati phaenomena, Gr. Lat. cum notis Petavii. fol. Par. 1630. GEMMA (Frisius). De radio astronomico et geometrico liber. 4. Ant. 1545. De locorum describendorum ratione libellus. 4. Ant. 1533. Methodus facilis arithmeticae practicae cum Peletarii annot. 8. Par. 1572. GEMMA (Cornelius). De arte cyclognomica tomi tres. 4. Antv. 1569. GEMUSAEUS (Hier.) Epitome Strabonis. fol. Bas. 1557. GENEBRARD (Gilb.) Traict6 de la Liturgie apostolique, &c. 8. Lyon. 1594. Histoire de Fl. Josephe, Sacrificateur Hebrieu, raise en Franq-ais. 8. Par. 1623. GENESIS. TfvTis ex Codice Argenteo-purpureo Bibliothecae Vin- dobonensis Caesareae. Ed. Rob. Holmes, fol. Oxon. 1 795. Genesis cum Catholica expositione ecclesiastica ex uni- Ge] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 197 versis probatis tbeologis excerpta a quodam verbi Dei ministro (Augustino Marlorato). fol. Mog. 1584. Comm. et dispp. ia Genesim per R. P. Pererium. 4 voll. Col. Agr. 1606. GENTILIS (Albericus). Latin Letter to Jo. Raynolds, q. v. GENTILIS (Scipio). In D. Pauli Apostoli ad Philemonem epistolam com- mentarius. 4. Norirrib. 1618. GENUA (Marc. Ant.) Commentarii in tres libros Aristotelis de anima, Jac. Pratellii et Joan. Car. Saraceni diligentia recogniti. fol. Yen. 1576. GEOFFREY (Steph. Franc.) DeMateria Medica. 3 voll. 8. Paris 1741. GEOGBAPHIA. Theatri Geographiae veteris Torai duo in quo C. Ptole- maei libri aucti, &c. fol. Amst. 1609. GEOPONICA. Geoponicorum, sive de re rustica selectorum libri XX. Gr. opera J. A. Brassicani, &c. 8. Basil. 1539. GEOBGEL (1'Abbe). Me'moires pour servir a 1'histoire des 6venements de la fin du . dix-huitieme siecle depuis 1760 jusqu'en 1806-1810. 6 tomes. 80. Par. 1817-8. GEOBGIUS (Franc.) De harmonia mundi totius cantica tria. fol. Par. 1544. GEBARDUS Cremonensis. Theoricae planetarum veteres cum quorundam comm. fol. Yen. 1531. GEBABDUS Haurisius. De rebus gestis Eccelini de Romano, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. GEBBELIUS (Nicdl.) Pro declaratione picturae sive descriptionis Graeciae N. Sophiani libri septem. fol. Basil. 1549. GEBHABDITS (Johannes). Locorum communium theologicorum. 9 voll. 4. Genev. 1639. Disputationum theologicarum partes tres. 8. Jenae 1625-1655. GEBLACH (0. von). Comm. on the Pentateuch, translated. 8. Edin. 1860. GEBLACUS, abbas Milovicensis. Chronicon Boemorum (1167-1198), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Script. Tom. V. Continuatio annalium Vincentii, v. German, Mon. Hist. Tom. XYII. GEBMAKTA. Monumenta Germaniae historica ab anno 500 usque ad annum 1500, edidit G. H. Pertz. Vol. I-XXV. fol. Hannov. 1826-78. 198 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ge Id. edidit Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Germani- carura Medii Aevi, viz. Auctores Antiquissimi. Tom. I. 40. Berol. 1877. Id. Scriptores reruin Langobardicarum. 4. JJann. 1878. Id. Deutsche Chroniken und andere Geschichtsbucher des Mittelalters. Bd. II. Abth. 1. 4. Hann. 1876. Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum : sc. Monumenta Corbeiensia, Gregoriana, Moguntina, Carolina, Bam- bergensia, Alcuiniana : ed. Phil. Jaffe". 6 voll. 8. Berol. 1864-73. Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, sive Ephemerides Medico-physicae Germanicae ab anno 1670 ad 1689 inclusive, variis locis edit. (Desunt miscellanea anni 5 et 6 decuriae 2. Stuttgart 1857-8. GOFFE (Thos.) Oratio funebris in obitum Hcnrici Savilii equitis aurati cum variorum auctorum versibus encomiasticis. 4. Oxon. 1622. Go] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 203 GOFFREDUS (Saligniacus), q. v. GOFFBIDUS, abbas Viudocinensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. GOGAVA (Antonius). De sectione conica orthogona quae parabola dicitur deque speculo ustorio libelli duo authoris anonymi, ad calc. operis quadripartiti Cl. Ptolemaei, q. v. Lov. 1548. GOHOR1US (Jac.) Animadversiones in tres libros T. Livii, in Livii opp. (ed.-Par. 1573), q. v. GOLDASTTJS (Melchior). De Bohemiae regni incorporatarumque provinciarum juribus ac privilegiis necnon de hereditaria regiae Bohemorum familiae successione libri sex. 4. Franc. 1627. GOLDENKBON (or Sancta Corona). Urkundenbuch des ehemaligen Cistercienser-Stiftes Groldenkron in Bohmen, v. Austria. Font. Iler. Austr. Abth. II, Bd. 30. GOLDIONI (Leonico). Le cose maravigliose e notabili della citta di Venetia. 8. Ven. 1624. GOLDSMITH (Oliver). His works ; edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1854. GOLIUS (Jac.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1653. GOLIUS (Theoph.) Epitome doctrinae moralis, ex ethicis Aristotelis ad Nicom. 8. Franc. 1617. GOLNITZIUS (Abran). Ulysses Belgico-Gallicus, fidus tibi dux et Achates per Belgium, Hispaniam, Galliam, &c. 8. Lugd. Bat. ex offic. Elzevir 1631. GOLTZIUS (Hubertus). C. Julius Caesar sive historiae imperatorum Caesarum- que Roman orum ex antiquis numismatibus restitutae. fol. Brugis 1563. Fasti magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum ab urbe condita usque ad Augusti obitum. fol. Brugis 1566. Thesaurus rei antiquariae. Id. ad calcem Fastorum. GOMABUS (Franciscus). Opera theologica omnia. 4. Antv. 1579. 3 voll. fol. Amst. 1644. Disputatio de Sabbato, ed. a Andr. Riveto. 8. Lug. Bat. 1633. Examen controversarium de genealogia Christi, &c. 80. Groning. 1631. Conciliatio doctrinae orthodoxae de providentia Dei. 80. Lugd. Bat. 1597. 204 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Go GOMESIUS (Ludovicus). Commentarii in judiciales regulas cancellariae : venustum utriusque signaturae compendium. 8. Lond. 1557. Comment, in nonnullos libri 6** Decretalium Titulos. 80. Lugd. 1561. GOMERIUS (Antonius). Commentariorum variarumque resolutionum juris civilis tomi tres. fol. Franc. 1672. GOODMAN (John), rector of Hadham, D.D. A discourse concerning auricular confession, as it is prescribed by the council of Trent, and practised in the Church of Rome : with a postscript (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1648. A winter evening conference between neighbours, in three parts. 8<>. Lond. 1692. GOODWIN (Geo.) Automachia, transl. by J. Sylvester, q. v. GOODWIN (Mr.) of London. Transubstantiation, a peculiar article of the Roman Catholic faith in answer to a late discourse called 'Reasons for abrogating the test.' 4. Lond. 1G88. GOOGE (Barnabe). Eglogs, Epytaphes and Sonettes (1563). Arber's Re- print. 4. Lond. 1871. GORpONITTS (Bernardus). Lilium medicinae de morborum prope omnium curatione. fol. Yen. 1498. Id. fol. Yen. 1521. Id. 80. Lugd. 1574. De phlebotomia, conservatione vitae humanae et floribus dietarum. Ibid. Regimen acutarum aegritudinum, p. 964. Ibid, (et ed. 1521). Aflectus praeter naturam curandi methodus, p. 981. Ibid. (1574). Tractatus de prognostics, p. 993. Ibid, (et ed. 1521). Tractatus de Urinis. (In edit. 1521). GORE (John). Sermon on 2 Chron. xxvi. 5. 4. Lond. 1632. GORELLO (Ser.), Aretino. Cronaca intorno ai fatti della citta d'Arezzo, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XV. GORGIAS. Helenae encomium, Gr. Lat. ap. Isocrat. Par. 1593. GORHAM (George Cornelius). Memoirs of John Martyn and of Thos. Martyn, pro- fessors of botany in the University of Cambridge. 8. Lond. 1830. GORI (Jacomo), da Senalonga. Istoria della citta di Chiusi in Toscana (1436-1595), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Suppl. Tom. I. Or] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 205 GOROPIUS, v. Becanus. GORRAEUS (Joan.), v. etiam Gorrhaeus. Definitionum medicarum libri 23. fol. Par. 1563. Definitiones Graecae. fol. Franc. 1578. GORRANTJS (Nicolas), sive de Gorram. Postilla super epistolas B. Pauli. fol. Colon. 1502. In quatuor evangelia commentarius. fol. Colon, per Pet. Quentel 1537. In acta apostolorum et singulas apostolorum Jacob! Petri Joannis et Judae epistolas et Apocalypsin com- mentarii. fol. Antv. 1620. Omnium anni sermonum fundamentum aureum, ad calc. Ibid. Some account of the writings of N. de Gorram. 8. Lond. 1841. GOSSON (Stephen). The Schoole of Abuse ; and a short apologie of the Schoole of Abuse (Arber's Reprint). 4. Lond. 1869. GOTFREDUS Viterbiensis. Opera, ed. G. Waitz, German. Mon. Hist. XXIII. GOTHOFREDTJS (Jac.) Animadversiones Juris Civilis. 4. Gen. 1628. Vetus orbis descriptio Graeci scriptoris sub Constantio et Constante impp. cum duplici versione et notis. Ibid. GOTTWEIG. Das Saalbuch des Benedictiner Stiftes Gottweig, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II, Bd. 8. GOVEANUS (Antonius). Opera Juris Civilis. fol. Lugd. 1564. GOUGE (Thos.) Christian directions showing how to walk with God all the day long. 18. Lond. 1684. GOUGH (Richard). British topography, or an historical account of what has been done for illustrating the topographical an- tiquities of Gt. Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1768. Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain, &c., from the Norman conquest to the 17th century. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1786. GOULBOTJRN (Rev. E. Meyrick), D.D. The doctrine of the resurrection of the body as taught in Holy Scripture: the Bampton Lectures for 1850. 8. Oxford 1850. GOULDMAN (Francis), M.A. A copious dictionary, English and Latin. 4. Lond. 1664. GOURDON (Mr.) of Scotland. A request to Roman Catholicks to answer certain queries (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. GRAAF (Regnerus de). Opera omnia. 8. Amst. 1705. 206 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Gr GRABIUS (Jo. Ern.) Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et haereticorum seculi post Christum natum I, II, et III. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1698-1700. GBADI (Joan. Matthaeus de). Consiliorum utile repertorium : add it is Rabbi Moysi de regimiiie vitae tractatus quinque, necnon Raymundi Lulii de secretis naturae libri duo. fol. Ven. per Georg. Arrivabenum 1514. Praxis in nonum Almansoris, duabus partibus. 4. Lugd. 1527. GRADIS (Antonius de). De febribus. fol. Bas. 1535. Id. 4o. Lugd. 1527. GRAB CIA orthodoxa, v. Leo Allatius. GRAETZ (H). Geschichte der Juden von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart. 11 Bde. 8. Leipsig 1866-78. GRAEVITJS (Job. Georg.) Thesaurus antiquitatum Ronianarum per diversos auc- tores, cum aeneis tabulis. 12 voll. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1694-99. Syntagmavariarum dissertationumrariarumquasviri doc- tissimi superiore seculo elucubrarunt. 4. Ultraj.1702. GRAFTON (Richard). A chronicle or history of England, to which is added his table of the bailiffs, sheriffs, and mayors of the city of London from 1189 to 1558. 2 vols. $..Lond. 1809. GRAHME (Sir Richard). The arraignment, trial, and condemnation of Sir R. G. and John Aston for high treason against their majesties king William and queen Mary. fol. Lond. 1691. GRAMMATICA. Institutio Graece grammatices compendiaria in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis (auct. Gul. Camden). 8<>. Lond. 1693. Grammaticae Latinae auctores Latini per Heliam Putschium editi. 2 voll. 4. Hanov. 1605. Grammatici Graeci recogn. et apparatu critico instructi. Vol. I, fasc. 1, Apollonii Dyscoli opera. 8. Lips. 1878. GRAMMATICUS (Tho.) Consilia et Vota. fol. Lugd. 1566. GRAMMA YE (Job. Bapt.) Asia sive historia universalis Asiaticarum gentium et rerum gestarum. 4. Antv. 1604. GRAMOND (Gabriel Bartholomee). Historiarum Galliae ab exceesu Henrici IV libri XVIII. 80. Amstel. 1653. GRAMONT (Scipiou de). Le denier royal : traicte^ curieux de Tor et de 1'argent. 8. Par. 1620. Gr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 207 GRANADA (Ludovicus de). Tutte le opere tradotte dalla lingua Spagnuola nella nostra Italiana. 4 voll. 8. 1581. GRAND (Antonius le), v. Le Grand. GRANT (Andrew), D.D. Bampton Lectures (on Missions), 2nd edit. 8. Lond. 1845. GRASCOME (Samuel). Answer to a book entitled ' A short and plain way to the Faith and Church,' by Huddeston. 8. Lond. 1702. GRASSERUS (Job. Jac.) Itinerarium historico-politicum ex. Francofordia ad Maenum per Helvetiae et regni Arelatensis urbes ad Italiam. 8. Basil. 1624. GRATAROLUS (Gul.) Alchemiae doctrina per varies auctores ed. per G. G. 2 voll. 80. Bas. 1572. De litteratorum et eorum qui magistratum gerunt conservanda valetudine liber, p. 121, cum H. Rantzovio de conservanda valetudine. 8. Franc. 1591. GRATIADEI (Johann), Esculanus. Quaestiones. fol. Ven. 1484. GRAVES (Richard). The Spiritual Quixote, or the Summer's Ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgoose. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1774. Euphrosyne, or amusements on the road of life. 8. Lond. 1776. GRAVESANDE (W. J. s'.) Physices elernenta mathematica, sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1720. GRAVINA (Dominions de). Chronicon de rebus in Apulia gestis (1333-1350), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XII. GRAVIUS (Joh.) Binae tabulae geographicae, una Nassir Eddini, altera Ulug Beigi. 4. Lond. 1653. Anonymus Persa de siglis Arabum et Persarum as- tronomicis. 4. Lond. 1648. Pyramidographia, or a description of the pyramids of Egypt. 4. Lond. 1646. GRAY (Thos.) His poems with memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason, 2nd ed. 4. Lond. and York 1775. GREAVES (John), seu Joh. Gravius, q. v. GREENER (Paul). A brief description of the future history of Europe from 1650 to 1710 from the MS. of P. G. 8. 1650. GREEN (Robert). The tryal of him and John Berry and Lawrence Hill for the murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, fol. Lond. 1679. 208 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Gr GREEN (Robert), M.A. of Clare Hall. Principles of natural philosophy. 8. Camb. 1712. GREENE (Robert). Dramatic and poetical works with Memoir and Notes by A, Dyce. 8. Land. 1861. GREG (R. P.), and LETTSOM (W. G). Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. 8<>. Lond. 1868. GREGORIUS Ariminensis, i. e. G. de Arimino, q. v. GREGORIUS Nazianzenus. Opera, Gr. Lat. per J. Billium Prunaeum, cum comm. Nicetae, Serronii, et aliorum : accedunt epistolae quaedarn cum interpretatione Fred. Morelli. 2 voll. Par. 1609-11. Orationes XXXVIII. Billib. Pirckheymero interpreta : Item, Tractatus, Sermones, et libri aliquot, Ruffino presbytero et Petro Mosellano interpret, fol. Par. 1532. GREGORIUS, Nyssenus. Opera omnia, Gr. Lat. cum notis Joh. Lewenklaii, Front. Ducaei, et Gretseri. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1615. GREGORIUS Catinensis. Opera, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIII. GREGORIUS Turonensis. Opera omnia. 8. Paris. 1858. Historia ecclesiastica, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome II. GREGORIUS I, papa dictus Magnus. Opera, per Lud. Blaublomeum. fol. Par. Cl. Chevallon 1523. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome IV. Morals on the Book of Job, translated with notes. 3 vols. 8. Oxf. 1844-50. GREGORIUS VII, Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XIV. Monumenta Gregoriana : in Bibliotheca rer. German. Tom. II., q. v. GREGORIUS IX, papa. Decretales libris V. cum annott. et exposs. fol. Lugd. 1559. GREGORIUS (Petrus), Tolosanus. Syntagma juris universi atque legum pene omnium gentium et rerumpublicarum praecipuarum. fol. Franc, ad Maen. 1611. GREGOROVIUS (Ferdinand). Geschichte cler Stadt Rom. im Mittelalter vom V. bis zum XVI. Jahrhuudert. 8 Bde. 80. Stuttgart 1869- 1875. Corsica. 2 Bde. 12. Stuttg. 1878. GREGORY (David). Astronomiae physicae et geometricae elementa. fol. Oxon. 1702. Gr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 209 The elements of astronomy, physical and geometrical : into Engl. with additions : to which is annexed Dr. Halley's synopsis of the astronomy of the comets, revised by Edmund Stone. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1726. GREGORY (John), M.A. of Ch. Ch. Oxford. Posthuma : viz. a discours of the LXX interpreters : what time the Nicene creed began to be sung in the church : a sermon on 1 Cor. xv. 20 : Kawav devrepos : or a disproof of him in Luke iii. 36 : episcopus puer- orum : de acris et epochis : the Assyrian monarchy : the use of the terrestrial globe and of maps and charts : with a short account of the author's life by J. Gurganie. 4o. Lond. 1650 GRENVILLE (George). Oxford and Locke. 8. Lond. 1829. GRESSET (J. B.) CEuvres. 2 tomes. 8. Londres 1780. GRESWELL (Edward). Dissertations upon the principles and arrangement of a harmony of the Gospels. 4 vols. 8. Oxf. 1837. Prolegomena ad Harmoniam Evangelicam. 8. Oxon. 1840. An exposition of the Parables and of other parts of the Gospels. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1834. GREVERUS (Jodocus). Secretum alchemiae, p. 783, vol. III. Theatri Chemici, q. v. GREW (Nehemiah). Musaeum regalis societatis, or a catalogue and descrip- tion of the rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham college, whereunto is subjoined a comparative anatomy of stomach and guts. fol. Lond. 1681. The anatomy of plants with an idea of philosophical history of plants, and several other lecturer read before the Royal Society, fol. Lond. 1682. GREY (Richard). A system of English ecclesiasticall law. 8. Westminster 1732. GRIBALDUS (Matth.), Mopha. De methodo ac ratione studendi libri tres. 8. Lugd. 1564. GRIFFITH (J. W.), and Arthur HENFREY. The Micrographic Dictionary, a guide to the examina- tion and investigation of the nature and structure of microscopic objects. 2 vols. in 1, 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1860. GRIFFITHS (John). Enactments in parliament specially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 8. Oxf. 1869. 210 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Or GRIFFO (Rizzardo). Statuta leges ac jura Venetorum. 4. Ven. 1628. GRIFFONIBTJS (Matth. de). Memoriale historicum rerum Bononensium (1109- 1428), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVIII. GRIMESTONE (Ed\v.) A generall history of the Netherlands, fol. Lond. 1608. GRIMM (Fred. Melch. baron de), Correspondance litteraire, &c., addressee a un sonverain d'Allemagne par le baron de Grimm et par Diderot. 17 torn. 8. Par. 1813-14. GRIMM (Jacob). Deutsche Alterthiimer. 8. Gottingen 1854. GRIMM (J. and W.) Deutsches Worterbuch. Vols. I, II, III, IV (Abth. i, 1 ; Abth. ii), V. 8 Leipzig 1854-78. GRIMSTON (Sir Harbottle). His argument concerning bishops, with Mr. Selden's answer : also severall orders concerning church govern- ment. 4. Lond. 1641. GRINFIELD (E. W.) Apology for the Septuagint. 8. Lond. 1850. GRIPHITJS (Leonardos). De conflictu Brachii Perusini, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXV. GRISONS. The proceedings of the Grisons in 1618. 4. n. p. 1619. GROPRETIUS (Robertus). Regimen Sanitatis, cum tractatu de peste. 4. Par. 1539. GROSCESIUS (Joannes). De puerorum morbis tractatus locupletissimi ex ore Hieronymi Mercurialis excepti. 8. Franc. 1584. GROSE (Francis). Olio, a collection of letters, dialogues, essays, anecdotes, &c. 8 Lond. 1792. GROSTHEAD (Robertus), episc. Line. Sphaerae compendium (Ven. 1531), v. Sacro-Bosco. GROTE (George). History of Greece from the earliest period to the close of the generation contemporary with Alexander the Great. 12 vols. 8. Lond. 1846-56. Fragments on Ethical Subjects. 8. Lond. 1876. Plato and the other companions of Sokrates. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1865. Aristotle : edited by Bain and Robertson. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1872. GROTE (John). An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. 8. Lond. 1870. A Treatise on the Moral Ideals. 8. Cambr. 1876. Or] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 211 GROTIUS (Hugo). Liber de antiquitate reipublicae Bataviae. 8. Lutjd. Bat. 1630. La piete cles estats de Hollande et West Frise defendue, (traduit du Latin). 4. Leyd. 1613. Apologeticus eorum qui Hollandiae et Westfrisiae praefuerunt ante mutationem anno 1618, cum refuta- tione eorum adversus auctorem, &c. 8. Heidelb. 1629. De jure belli et pacis libb. III. cum comm. Gul. Vander Muelen et annott. Jo. Fr. Gronovii. 3 voll. Ultraj. 1696. Excerpta ex tragoediis et comoediis Graecis, turn quae extant turn quae perierunt, versione ac notis illustrata. 4o. Par. 1626. De veritate religionis libri sex cum annott. auctoris. 8. Par. 1640. Id. ed. alt. fol. Par. 1650. Grollae obsidio cum annexis anni 1627. fol. Amst. 1629. Epistola ad Benj. Auberium Maurerium de studiis bene instituendis. 4. Rott. 1692. Dissertatio de coenae administratione ubi pastores non sunt : item an semper communicandum per symbola (Anon.} 4o. Amst. 1638. Commentatio ad loca quaedam Novi Testament! quae de Antichristo agunt aut agere putantur: Explicatio decalogi ut Graece extat : in vol. I. annott. in Novum Testamentum ut infra. Annotationes in Novum Testamentum. vol. I. fol. Amsterdami 1641. Voll. II, III. fol. Par. 1648-50. Annotata ad Yetus Testamentum. 3 voll. fol. Lut. Par. 1644. Annales et historiae de rebus Belgicis. fol. Amst. 1657. Epistolae quotquot reperiri potuerunt, editae per Hug. et Jan. Grotios. fol. Amst. 1687. GROUCHIUS seu Gruchius (Nic.) De comitiis Romanorum, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. I. GROVE (George). Dictionary of Music and Musicians : by eminent writers English and foreign. Vol.1. 8. Loud. 1878. GROVE (Sir W. R.) The correlation of physical forces. 8. Lond. 1877. GROVE (Robt,), ep. Cicestr. The Protestant and Popish way of interpreting Scrip- ture, in answer to 'Pax vobis,' &c. 4. Lond. 1689. GRULINGIUS (Philippus). Florilegium Hippocrates-Galeno-Chymico-Novum. 4. Lips. 1665. P 2 212 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Gr GRUTERUS (Janus). In obitum Scip. Gentilis J. C. Condiscipuli sui, &c. 4. 1618. GRYLLUS (Laur.) Libri duo de sapore dulci et amaro, opera Adanii Landavi. 4. Prague 15G6. Oratio de peregrinatione studii medicinalis. Ibid. GRYNAETJS (Simon). Praefatio ad Euclidem de disciplines Math. fol. Bas. 1533. Novus orbis regionum ac insularum veteribus incogni- tarum cum tabula cosmographica et aliquot aliis consimilis argument! libellis. fol. Basil, ap. J. Her- vngiuin 1537. De utilitate legendae historiae (1573), v. praef. Justini. GTJAINERIUS (Antonius). Practica medicinae. fol. Ven. 1508. GUALDO, Monachus Corbeiensis. Poema de vita S. Anscharii archiep. Hamburgensis, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. I. GUALTERUS, Tervanensis episc. Vita Caroli Boni Flandriae comitis, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tom. XII. GUALTHERI (Bernardus). Orationum ex Latinis historiographis syntagma. 12. Col 1623. GUALTHERUS (Rod.), Tigur. Homiliae in primam partem Psalmorum (et in secundam partem autore Jo. Wolphio, collectore Radolplio). fol. Tig. 1601-02. Id. in Tsaiam. fol. Tig. 1583. Id. in Prophetas minores. fol. Tig. 1572. Id. in Matthaeum. 2 torn. fol. Tig. 1581-84. Id. in Marcum. fol. Tig. 1577. Id. fol. Tig. 1561. Id. in Lucam. fol. Tig. 1 579. Id. in Johannem. fol. Tig. 1582. Id. in Acta et Epistt. D. Joh. fol. Tig. 1577. Id. in Corinth. I and II. fol. Tig. 1578. Id. in Rom. et Galat. fol. Tig. 1572-6. GUARDIAN. The Guardian. 2 vols. 12". Land. 1729. GUARINI (Battistaj. II pastor Fido, faict Italien et Francois. 1 2. Par. 1622. In English. 12. Lond. s. a. Lettere. 8. Ven. 1600. GUAZZO (Stephano). La Civil Conversatione, traduit en Fran$. par G. Chap- puis Tourangeau. 8. Lyon 1579. Gu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 213 GUERRERO (Alph. Alvarez). Thesaurus christianae religionis et speculum summorum Romanorum pontificum, imperatorum, regum, et episcoporum. fol. Venetiis 1559. GUEVARA (Ant. de), &e. Les e"pistres dorees et discours salutaires in 3 livres, trad. d'Espagnol en Fran9. par Seigneur de Guierry. 8. Anvers. 1591. Epistolas familiares. 8. Madrid 1673. GUENDEVIKLE (Mons.) Atlas Historique. fol. Amst. 1705, v. Atlas. GUHL (E.) and W. KONER. The Life of the Greeks and Romans described from Antique Monuments, trans, by F. Hueffer. 8. Lond. 1875. GUIBERTUS, abbas. De Novigento Monodiarum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XII. GUICCIARDINI (Franc.) La historia di Italia riveduta e corretta per Franc. San- sovino. 2 voll. 4. Presso Giacomo Stoer 1636. Historiarum sui temporis libri viginti ex Italico in Lat- inum conversi, Caeli Secundo Curione interprete. fol. Basil. 1566. The History of Italy from 1490 to 1532, translated by A. P. Goddard. 10 vols. 12. Lond. 1755. Two discourses wanting in the thirde and fourth bookes of his histories in the Italian, Latin, and French copies. 4o. Lond. 1595. GUICCIARDINI (Ludovico). La description de tous les Pais Bas. fol. Anvers. 1581. Cornmentarii della cose piu memorabili seguite in Europa, specialmente in questi Paesi bassi (1529- 1560). 4o. Antv. 1565. Hollandiae Zelandiaeque descriptio, inserta sunt C. Barlaei urbium praecipuarum encomia, p. 192, Hu- gonis Grotii de antiq. republ. Batav. q. v. GUICHARD (Estienne). L'harmonie etymologique des langues, Hebr. Syr. Chald. Graec. Lat. Franc. Ital. Allemande, Flamende, An- gloise, &c. 8. Par. 1606. GUIDO (Bernardus). Vitae nonnullorum pontificuin, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. III. GUIDO (Johannes). De temporis astrorum annique partium integra atque absoluta animadversione, libri duo. 4. Par. apud Jac. Bogarduin 1543. GUIDOTTUS (Thos.) M.D. De thermis Britannicis tractatus : accedunt observati- 214 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Gu ones hydrostaticae chromaticae et miscellaneae unius- cujusque balnei apud Bathoniam naturam proprie- tatem et distinctionem exhihentes. 4. Lond. 1691. GUIDUBALDO de Bonarelli (C.) Filli di Sciro, pastorale. 8. Lond. 1728. GUILAND NUS (Melcluor). Theon, seu npologiae adversus Petr. Andrcam Matthae- olum. 4. Patav. 1558. De stirpibus aliquot epistolae quatuor: item descriptio manuco-diattae seu aviculae Dei. 4. Patav. 1558. GUILLERMUS Altissiodorensis. Sumraa aurea in quatuor libros sententiarum perlucida explanatio. fol. Par. Fr. Regnault. 8. a. GUILLERMUS Parisiensis. Operum sumina. fol. Paris 1516. GUILLERMUS, archiep. Tyrius. Belli sacri bistoria libris 23 de Hierosolyma ac terra promissionis per Occidentales principes Christian os recuperata : edente Phil. Poyssenoto. fol. Bas. 1549. GUILLERMUS Apuliensis. Poema de rebus Normannorum in Sicilia Appulia et Calabria gestis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. Gesta Roberti Wiscardi, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XI. GUILLIM (Jo.) A display of heraldry, 6tli edit., with observations upon the laws and customs of nations by Sir Geo. Mackenzie of Rosshaugh. fol. Lond. 1724. GUIMIER (Cosma). Commentarius ad pragmaticam sanctionem in synodo Basiliensi sub papa Eugenio IV. et Carolo VII. Francorum rege editam cum appendicibus, &c. : acce- dunt concordata inter Leonem X. et Franciscum I. Galliarum regem. 8. Par. 1614. Id. cum supplements Fr. Pinssonii. fol. Par. 1660. GUINTERIUS (Joh.) Andernacus. De medicina veteri et nova turn cognoscenda turn faci- unda commentarii. 2 voll. fol. Basil. 1571. GUISARDUS (Herricus). Vindiciae testamentariae, &c. , p. 801 comm. in epist. ad Hebraeos per Lud. Tena, q. v. (1661). GUIZOT (Franc. P. G.) His'.oire de la civilisation en France. 4 tomes. 12. Paris 1859. Discours sur 1'histoire de la Revolution d'Angleterre. 4 vols. 8. Paris 1850. GUIZOT (Guillaume). Menandre : tude historique et littcraire sur la Comcdic et la Society Grecques. 8. Paris 1855. GULDENPENNING (A.) uiicl J. IPLAND. Dcr Kaiser Theodosius dcr Grofcsc. 8. Halle. 1878. Gu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 215 GULIELMUS Gerneticensis cognomento Calculus, q. v. GULIELMUS Malmesburiensis. De gestis regum Anglorum libri quinque inter rerutn Anglicarum scriptores postBedam, q. v. (Land. 159T5.) Historiae novellae duobus libris. Ibid. De gestis pontificum Anglorum libri quatuor. Ibid. GULIELMUS Nass., i.e. Gul. Mauritius, Nassoviae princeps, q. v. GULIELMUS Pictaviensis. Gestae Guillelmi ducis Normannorum, v. France (His- toriens des Gaules). Tom. XL GULIELMUS Neubrigensis seu Neubergensis. Rerum Anglicarum libri quinque et p. 357 rerum Bri- tann. i.e. Angliae Scotiae, &c., scriptt. vetustior. 1587. (v. Anglia.) De rebus Anglieis, v. France (Historians des Gaules). Tom. XIII. GULIELMUS I. Angliae rex. Fragmentum de Guil. conq. ex antiquo libro monasterii S. Stephani Cadomensis, p. 29, inter Anglica Norman- nica, &c., ex bibl. G. Camdeni, q. v. GUNDECHARUS. Liber pontificalis Eichstedtieasis, v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. IX. GUNTON (Symon), M.A. History of the church of Peterburgh, with a supple- ment by Sym. Patrick. foL Lond. 1686. GURNEY (Joseph John). An essay on war, &c. (Tract No. XII. of the Peace Soc.) 8. Lond. 1839. GUSTAVUS Adolphus, king of Sweden. Literae, &c., super negotio unionis Sueciae et Poloniae. fol. 1632. Le soldat Suedois, ou histoire veritable de ce qui s'est passd depuis la venue de roy de Suede en Allemagne. 8. Rouen 1634. The causes for which Gust. Adolphus is constrained to move with an army into Oermanie, Lat. 4. Stral- sundi 1630. GUTCH (John). Collectanea curiosa, or miscellaneous tracts relating to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. 2 vols. go. Qxf. 1781. The history and antiquities of the university of Oxford by Ant. a Wood, q. v. GUTHEBIUS (Jacobus). De officiis domus Augustae publicae ac privatae libri tres. 4o. Par. 1628. De vetere jure pontificio tirbis Homae, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. Y. 216 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Gu Rnpella rupta, poema ad Carclinalem du Richelieu. 4. Paris. 1628. Tiresias, seu de caecitatis, et sapientiae cognitione, Ibid. De jura inanium, &c. : ace. Choartius major, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XII. GUTHRIE (Will.) A Geographical Grammar. 4. Lond. GH7YSE (Jacque de). DCS Chroniques et annales de Haynnau ; extrait des livres de Jacque de Guise, fol. Paris 1531-32. GYLLIUS (Pet.) De Bosporo Thracio libri tres. 4. Lugd. 1561. De topographia Coristantinopoleos et de illius antiqui- tatibus libri quatuor. 4. Lugd. 1562. GYRALDUS (Lilius Greg.) Opera. 2 vol'l. fol. Basil. 1580. H. (H.), i. e. Henry Holland, q. v. H. (J.) A relation of the life of Christiania Queen of Sweden, &c. 4o. Lond. 1656. H. (R.) Considerations on the Council of Trent, being the 5th discourse cone, the guide in controversies. 4. Lond. 1671. The life of Christ, with 100 aphorisms containing the matter of Calvin's institutions. 12. Lond. 1596. HABERTUS (Isaac). 'ApxwpariKov : liber pontificalia ecclesiae Graeciae ex euchologiis aliisque probatissimis monumentis collectus et notis illustratus. fol. Par. 1643. HABINGTON (William). Castara (Arber's Reprint). 4. Lond. 1870. HACKET (John). Scrinia reserata, a memorial offered to the great de- servings of John Williams, D.D., keeper of the great seal of England, fol. in the Savoy 1693. HADDAN, v. Concilia. HADRIANUS I. Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. V. HADRIANTTS IV. Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. HADRIANI (Giov. Batt.), Fiorentino. Historia dc suoi tempi. 4. Ven. 1587. HAECKEL (Ernst). Generclle Morphologic der Organismen. 2 Bde. 8. Tier/in 1866. Anthropogenie odor Entwicklungs-geschichte des Men- schen. 8. Lcij>s. 1877. Ha] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 217 HAEMRODITJS (Cornelius). Bataviae omniumque inter Helium et Flevum gentium atque urbium descriptio : accedunt disceptationes cho- rographicae. 8. Hardrovici s. a. HAERSOLTE (Arnoldus ab) Tuollensis J. C. Adversaria de actionibus omnibus tam civilibus quam criminalibus. 8. Antv. 1583. HAEX (David). Dictionarium Malaico-Latinum et Latiuo-Malaicurn. 4o. Rom. 1631. HAFNIA. Academiae Hafniensis leges ab archiep. Lunclensi Jo. Brostorp sancitae, v. Dqnic. Rer. Script. Tom. VJII. HAIMOTJT. Vita Williheltm abbatis Hersaugieusis, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. HAITHONUS Armenus. Liber de Tartaris, p. 419, ap Nov. Orb. Sim. Grynaei, q.v. fol. Bas. 1537. HAKEWILL (George). The auncient ecclesiastioall practise of confirmation, written upon occasion of the confirmation of his high- nesse prince Charles. 4. Lond. 1613. An apologie or declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world, fol. Lond. 1635. HALBERSTADT. Gesta episcoporum Halberstadtensium, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIV. HALBRITHERUS (Jo.) Oratio de privilegiis doctorum. 8. Tub. 1616. HALE (Sir Matthew). Contemplations moral and divine, with meditations on the Lord's prayer. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1710-11. The primitive origination of mankind examined accor- ding to the light of nature, fol. Lond. 1677. A discourse of the knowledge of God and of ourselves : to which are added a brief extract of the Christian reli- gion, and considerations seasonable at all times, for the cleansing of the heart and life. 8. Lond. 1688. HALES (Sir Edw.) His tryal upon an action of 500 brought ag* him on K. James II. dispensing with the Stat. 25 Car. II. etc. fol. Lond. 1689. HALES (John). A sermon on 2 Pet. iii. 16, concerning the abuse of obscure and difficult places of Scripture. 4. Oxf. 1617. The way towards the finding of a decision of the chief controversie now debated cone, church government. 4. Lond. 1641. A letter to archbp. Laud cone, his tract on schism, 218 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ha p. 34, with ' The difficulties which attend the study of the Scriptures,' by Fr. Hare, q. v. Golden remains : the second impression, with additions from the author's own copy. 4 Lond. 1673. A tract cone, the sin ags* the Holy Ghost. 8. Lond. 1677. Several tracts : I. of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper : II. paraphrase on S. Matthew's gospel : III. of the power of the keys : IV. of schism : V. miscella- nies. Ibid. HALES (Wm.) D.D. A new analysis of chronology to explain the history of the primitive nations of the world and the prophecies relating to them. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1830. HALL (Edw.) seu Halle. The chronicle, containing the history of England during the reign of Henry the IV. to the end of Henry VIII. 4. Lond. 1809. HALL (Joseph), bishop of Norwich. Works. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1647. Righteous Mammon : an hospitall sermon on 1 Tim. vi. 17. 8. Lond. 1618. His remaining works, with some specialities of divine providence in his life. 4. Lond. 1660. HALLAM (Henry). View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1819. The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VIL to the death of George II. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1829. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1837-9. HALLERUS (Albertus), M.D. Physiology, transl. by Sam. Mihles, M.D. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1772. Primae lineae physiologiae in usum praelectionum aca- demicarum auctae. 8. Getting. 1751. HALLET (Joseph). The belief of the subordination of the son of God to his father no characteristic of an Arian. 8. Exon 1719. The unity of God not inconsistent with the divinity of Christ. 80. Lond. 1720. Reflections on the defence of the account of the reasons why many of the citizens of Exon have withdrawn from the ministry of J. Hallet and Is. Pierce. 8. Lond. 1720. HALLIEB (Franc.) De sacris electionibus et ordinationibus ex antiquo et novo ecclesiae usu. fol. Lut. Par. 1636. HALY, filius abbas. Liber totius mediciuae quern Haly regi inscripsit : uude Ha] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 219 et regalis dispositionis nomen assumpsit : a Stephano quodam ex Arab, in Lat. reductus necnon a M. de Capella illustratus. 4. Lugd. per Jac. Myt. 1523. Comment, in libros Microthegni Galieni. fol. Papiae 1501. - HALY (Abu Hasen), Abenragel. De judiciis astrorum Lat. per Ant. Stupam. fol. Bas. 1551. Id. et fol. Ven, 1520. HAMBDEN (Jo). His tryal for disturbing the peace of the king and stirring up sedition, fol. Lond. 1684. His tryal for conspiring the death of the king and raising a rebellion, fol. Lond. 1685. HAMBURG. Liber memoriarum et donariorum ecclesiae Hambur- gensis, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. du HAMEL (Johan. Bapt.) Opera philosophica. 2 voll. 4. Norimb. 1681. Regiae scientiarum academiae historia. 4. Par. 1698. HAMILTON (Autoine comte). (Euvres. 3 torn. 8. Par. 1812. HAMILTON (David). Tractatus duplex: 1. de praxeos regulis, 2. de febre miliari : accessit febris miliaris historiarum fasciculus. 80. Lond. 1710. HAMILTON (Patrick). Gratul. ad Carolum R. 4. Edin. 1633. HAMILTON (Sir William). Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform. 8. Lond. 1853. Lectures on metaphysics and logic. 4 vols. 8. Edin. (vols. 1 and 2, 1859), (vols. 3 and 4, 1860). HAMMER (Joseph von). Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches, grossentheils aus bisher unbenutzen Handschriften und Archiven. 4 Bde. 80. Pesth 1840. HAMMOND (Hen.) Works and life. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1674-84. HAMMOND (Will. Andr.), M.A., Ch. Ch. Oxon. The definitions of faith and canons of discipline : the six (Ecumenical councils, &c., with the Apostolical canons. 8. Oxf. 1843. HAMOND (Walter). A paradox prooving that the inhabitants of Madagascar are the happiest people in the world ; with a descrip- tion of that island. 4. Lond. 1640. HAMPDEN (Renn Dickson). The scholastic philosophy considered in its relation to Christian theology (Bampton lecture 1832), 2nd edit. 8. Oxf. 1837. 220 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ha The Fathers of Greek Philosophy. 8. Edin. 1862. A course of Lectures introductory to the study of Moral Philosophy, 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1856. HAMSFORTIUS (Cornelius). Chronologia rerum Danicarum, v. Danic. Her. Script. Tom. I. HANCOCK (Thomas), D. M. The principles of peace, &c., 3 parts, 2nd ed. enlarged (No. IX of Peace Society's tracts). 8. Land. 1838. HANDIITS (Ferdinandus). Tursellinus seu de particulis Latiuis Commentarii. 4 voll. 8. Lips. 1829. HANKIUS (Mart.) De Romanarum rerum scriptoribus libri duo. 4. Lips. 1669-75. De Byzantinarum rerum scriptoribus Graecis liber. 4. Lips. 1677. HANNAH (J.) Divine and Human Elements in Holy Scripture (Bampton Lecture 1863). 8. Lond. 1863. HANNONIA. Les chroniques et annales de Haynnau (3 vol. fol. Par. 1531), v. Guyse. HANWAY (Jonas). An historical account of British trade over the Caspian sea with a journal of travels : to which are added the revolutions of Persia during the present century with the history of Nadir Kouli. 4 vols. 4. Lond. 1753. HARCOTTRT (A. G. V.) and MADAN, H. G. Exercises in Practical Chemistry. Series I. 8. Oxf. 1869. HARCOURT (Will.), v. Tho White. HARDIVILERIUS (Petrus). Actio pro academia adversus presbyteros et scholasticos collegii Claromontani. 4. Par. 1612. HARDWICK (Charles), M.A. History of the Articles of religion, to which is added a series of documents from 1536 to 1615, A. D. 8. Lond. 1851. HARDY (T. Duffus), v. Britain. HARE (Francis), bishop of Chichester. Psalmorum liber in versiculos metrice divisus, cum dissertatione de antiqua Hebraeorum poesi aliisque quaesitis ad psalmorum librum pertinentibus, &c. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1736. The difficulties and discouragement which attend the studies of the scriptures in the way of private judge- ment (Anon.), 7th ed., to which is added a letter from John Hales to Archbishop Laud upon occasion of his tract cone, schism. 8. Lond. 1716. Ha] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 221 Church authority vindicated : a visitation sermon on Heb. xiii. 1 7, preached at Putney ; 4th ed. 8. Lond. 1719. A Letter of thanks from a young clergyman for his visitation sermon at Putney. 8. Lond. 1719. HARINGTON (Sir John). Nugae antiquae, being a collection of original papers in prose and verse written in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1769. HARLEIAN MSS., v. Catalogue. HARMENOPULUS (Constantinus). Epitome juris civilis (Graece) quae legum procheiron et hexabiblos inscribitur, cura Th. Adamaeo. 8. Par. 1540. Id. Latine a Bernhardo a Rey. 8. Colon. 1547. HARPOCRATION. Lexicon in X. Rhetores. Gr. fol. Yen. 1527. HARRINGTON (James). The Commonwealth of Oceana. fol. Lond. 1656. HARRINGTON (James), student of Ch. Ch., M.A. Some reflections upon a treatise call'd Pietas Romana et Parisiensis : with a vindication of protestaut charity in answer to E. M(eredith) (Anon.) 4. Oxf. 1688. An account of the proceedings of Jonathan, bp. of Exeter, in his visitation of Exeter College with a copy of proceedings of Dr. Master on the Commission of Appeal (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1691. A defence of the proceedings of the visitor and fellows of Exeter College. 4. Lond. 1691. HARRIS (James). His works, with an account of his life and character. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1801. HARRIS (John), D.D. Lexicon technicum, or an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1704-10. A compleat collection of voyages and travels. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1705. HARRIS (Robert). Sermon mis en Francois. 8. Hollande 1631. HARRIS (Walter). De niorbis acutis infantium : ace. gravioribus observationes medicae. HARTLEY (David), A.M. Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations. 4. Lond. 1791. HARTMANN (Robert). Die Nigritier : eine Anthropologisch-Ethnologische Monographic. Bd. I. 8. Berl. 1876. HARTMANNUS (Georgius). Perspectiva Communis. 4. Norimb. 1542. de morbis aliquot 80. Lond. 1720. 222 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ha HABTMANUS (Jo.), M.D. Opera medico-chymica. 7 torn, in 1. fol. Franc, a. M. 1684. HARVEY (William). Opera omnia, edita a collegio medicorum Londinensi. 4. Lond. 1766. Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus. fol. Amst. 1645. HABVEY (W. Wigan). Ecclesiae Anglicanae Vindex Catholicus sive articulorum eccl. Angl. cum Scriptis SS. Patrum nova collatio. 3 voll. 8. Cantab. 1841. HASCABD (Gregory). A discourse about the charge of novelty upon the re- formed Church of England made by the papists asking the question, "Where was our religion before Luther (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1683. HASCABDTJS (Petrus). De morbo Gallico tractatus, inter auctores de Morbo Gall., q. v. HASLEBUS (Joannes). De logistica medica. 4. Augustae 1578. HAVEBS (Clopton), D. M. Osteologia nova, or observations upon the bones : with a discourse of the cartilages. 8. Lond. 1691. HAVEBS (Geo.) A general collection of the discourses of the virtuosi of France, fol. Zone?. 1664. Another collection of philosophical conferences of the French virtuosi Engld. by G. H. and J. Davies. fol. Lond. 1665. HAVEBNICK (H. A. Ch.) Introduction to the Old Testament. 8. Edinb. 1852. HAUBEAU (B.) Histoire de la Philosophic Scholastique (l re partie). 80. Paris 1872. Singularity historiques et litteraires. 12. Paris 1861. HATTTEBOCHE (Noel Lebreton, sieur de). Crispin Medecin : Le cocher supposed 12. Paris 1808. HAWKESWOBTH (John), LL.D. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of his present majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere (drawn up from the papers of Sir Jos. Banks). 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1773. Plates to his voyages, fol. n. p. or d. HAWKINS (Edw.), D.D. Sermons on Scriptural Types and Sacraments preached before the University of Oxford. 8. Oxf. 1851. HAWLES (John). Remarks upon the tryals of Fitz-Harris, Colledge, Sidney, &c. fol. Lond. 1689. He] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 223 HAYES (sieur des). Voiage de Levant. 4. Par. 1632. HAYLEY (Thos.), D.D. Mutual charity: a sermon on Coloss. iii. 14, 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1718. HAYLEY (William). Poems and plays. 6 vols. 12. Lond. 1785. HAYMO ep. Haberstadlensis. In omnes Psalmos explanatio : editore Erasmo. fol. Frib. Brisg. per. Jo. Fabrum 1533. Homiliae in evangelia dominicalia per totius anni circulum et de sanctis quibusdam praecipuis. 8. Col. 1536. HEAD (Sir Edmund W.) Shall and Will : or two chapters on auxiliary verbs. 12o. Lond. 1856. HEABNE (Thos.), A. M. Journeys to Reading and to Whaddon Hall, annexed to Letters written by eminent persons, &c., q. v. Works (sc. Robert of Gloucester's chronicle, 2 vols, and Peter Langtoft's chronicle, 2 vols.). Vols. I-IV. 8. Lond. 1810. Reliquiae Hearnianae : ed. by Ph. Bliss, 2nd ed. 3 voll. 12o. Lond. 1869. His life together with the lives of Anthony a Wood and John Leland, q. v. HEDA (Wilhelmus). Historia episcoporum Ultrajectensium, notis illustrata ab Arnoldo Buchelio, Batavo IO. fol. Ultraj. 1642. HEDERICUS (Benjamin). Lexicon manuale Graecum. 4. Lond. 1739. HEDOUVILLE (le sieur de), v. Journal (des Scavans). HEEREN (Arnold Herrmann Ludwig). A sketch of the political History of ancient Greece, from the German. 8. Lond. 1847. A manual of ancient history, transl. from the German. 80. Lond. 1848. Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, transl. from German, 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1851. Historical researches into the politics, intercourse, and trade of the chief nations of antiquity. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1846. A manual of the political system of Europe and its colonies from its foundation at the close of the fifteenth century to its re-establishment upon the fall of Napoleon. 8. Lond. 1846. HEGALDUS Floriacensis. Epitoma vitae Robert! regis Francorum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome X. 224 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [He HEFELE (C. J.) History of Christian Councils, transl. by W. R. Clark. 8. JSdinb. 1871. HEGEL (Carl). Geschichte der Stadteverfassung von Ttalien seit der Zeit der Rb'mischen Herrschaft bis zum Ausgang des Zwolften Jahrlmnderts. 2 Bde. 8. Leips. 1847. HEGEL (G. W. F.) Werke : vollstandige Ausgabe, durch einen Verein von Freunden des Verewigten. 18 Bde. 8. Berlin. 1834-47. Encyclopaedic der Philosophischen Wissenschaften ira Grundrisse : mit Vorwort von K. Rosenkranz. 8. Berl. 1845. Leben, beschrieben von Karl Rosenkranz. 8. Berlin 1844. Logic (from the Encyclopaedia), translated with Prole- gomena by W. Wallace. 8. Oscf. 1874. HEIDANUS (Abr.) De origine erroris libri octo : accedunt diatriba de Sociuianismo et judicium de Pelagianoruin doctrina. 4. Amst. 1671. HEIDEGGEBUS (Joh. Henr.) Dissertationum selectarum sacram theologiam illustran- tium tomus tertius. 4. Tig. 1690. Tumulus Tridentini concilii, juxta ejusdem anatomen seu sceleton antehac exhibitum, noviter erectus. 2 voll. 80. Tig. 1690. HEILIGENKREUZ. Urkunden des Cistercienser-Stiftes Heiligenkreuz im Wiener Walde, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Abth. II. Bde. 11, 16. HEINE (Heiurich). Sammtliche Werke. 22 Bde. 12. Hamburg 1861-69. HEINECCIUS (Joh. Gottlieb). Opera omnia editn, a filio Jo. Christ. Gott. Heineccio. 9 voll. 4o. Genev. 1766-71. Antiquitatum Romanarum jurisprudentiam illustrantium syntagma, cum notis atque operis Heinecciani epicrisi per Christ. Gottl. Haubold. 8. Franc. a.M. 1841. HEINRICUS. Chronicon Lyvoniae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIV. HEINSIUS (Daniel). Rerum ad Sylvam-ducis atque alibi in Belgio anno 1629, gestarum historia. fol. Liigd. Bat. 1631. Sacrarum exercitationum ad Novum Testamentum libri viginti, quibus accessit Aristarchus Kacer. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1639. Catalogus librorum bibliothecae Lugdunensis : praefixa est D. H. ad academiae curatores oratio. 4. s. I. et a. He] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 225 HEISTERTJS (Laurentius). Institutiones chirurgicae. 2 voll. 4. Amst. 1739. Compendium anatomicum. 2 voll. 8. Norimb. 1741. HELBACHIUS (Wendelinus). De eminentia Theatri hujus Mundi. 4. Franc. 1595. HELIODORTJS Emissenus. Historiae Aethiopicae libri decem, Graece, edente Vin- cent. Obsopaeo. 4. Bas. ex. off. Job. Hervagii 1534. Aethiopica : ab Imm. Bekkero recognita. 12. Lips. 1855. Id. Gr. Lat, 8<>. Franc. 1631. Td. in English by "W. Barret. 4. Lond. 1622. HELIOT (Pierre), le per Hippolyte. Histoire des ordres monastiques religieux et militaires, et des congregation seculieres de 1'un et de 1'aiitre sexe qui sont ^tablies jusqu'a present. (Anon.) 8 voll. 4. Paris 1714-19. HELLERTJS (Joachim). Praefatio in Joan. Hispalensis epitomen astrologicam. 4o. Par. 1549. HELMOLDUS, presbyter Lubecensis. Chronica slavorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXI. HELMONT (Jo. Bapt. van). Opera Omnia. fol. Lugd. 1667. HELPS (Arthur). The Spanish Conquest of America, and its relation to the history of slavery and to the government of colonies. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1855-61. Friends in Council : 1st and 2nd series. 4 vols. 12. Lond. 1872-3. HELVETIA. Helvetiorum respublica, diversorum autorum, quorum nonnulli nunc primum in luceni prodeunt. 8. Lugd. Bat. ex. off. Elzevir 1627. HELVETIUS (01. Adrien). (Euvres Complettes. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1776. HELVICUS (Christophorus). Tractatus historicus et theologicus de Chaldaicis bibli- orum paraphrasibus, p. 857, cum comm. in epist. Pauli ad Hebraeos per Lud. Tenam, q. v, HELYOT (Hippolyte), v. Heliot. HEMINGITTS (Nic.) Comm. in omnes Apostolicas epistt. fol. Arg. 1586. HENDERSON (Ebenezer), Iceland : or the Journal of a Residence on that island during the years 1814-15, containing observations on the natural phenomena, history, literature, &c. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1818. HENDERSON (E.) Book of the twelve Minor Prophets, translated from the original Hebrew, with a commentary. 8. Lond. 1858. 226 MERTON COLLEGE LIBEARY. [He HENGSTENBERG (E. W.) Comm. on the Psalms. 3 vols. 8. Edin. 1860. Christology of the Old Test., 2nd ed. 4 vols. 8. Edin. 1858. Comm. on Ecclesiastes. 8. Edin. 1860. HENNEQUINUS (Joannes). Notarum ad Accursium libri miscellanei. fol. Lugd. 1589. HENRICUS II, rex Angliae. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XVI. HENRICUS VIII, rex Angliae. Assertio septem sacramentorum adv. Lutherum, transl. by T. W. with his epistle to the pope, and Mr. Clark's oration, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. Exemplaria sive copiae trium Brevium Apostt. in favore Dominae Katharinae, &c. 4. HENRICUS I, Francorum rex. Diplomata, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tome XI. HENRICUS III, rex Gallice. Journal des choses memorables, advenues tout le regne de Henri III. 8. 1621. Id. augmentee de plusieurs pieces curieuses et en- richies de figures et de notes pour ^claircir les endroits les plus difficiles. 2 toines. 8. Colog. 1720. HENRICUS IV, rex Galliae, Magnus dictus. Lettres patentes de restablisserneut des Jesuites es villes de Thoulouze, Auche, &c. 4. Brutuni fulmen papae Sixti V, adv. Henricum regeni Navariae. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1586. Moyens d'abus entreprises et nullites du rescrit et bulle du pape Sixte V, &c. Ibid. HENRICUS, archiep. Remensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XVI. HENRICUS, archidiac. Huntindoniens. Historiarum iibri octo ; inter reruin Anglicarum scrip- tores post Bedam, q. v. Id. v. France (Recueil des Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XIII. HENRICUS Seynensis, q. v. HENRICUS (Martinus). Quaestionum mcdicarum tomus primus : accedit con- silium de diabete. 4. Papiae 1567. HENRY (Robert), D.D. The history of Gt. Britain from the invasion of it by the Romans under Caesar, with a life of the author. 12 vols. 8. Lond. 1814. HENRY (Thos.), Apothecary. Experiments and observations. 8. Lond. 1773. He] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 227 HENZEN (Guil.), v. Arvales (fratres). HEPTATEUCHTJS. Heptateuchus, liber Job et evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo- Saxonice ; cum historiae Judith fragmento Dano- Saxonice ; edidit ex MSS. codicibus Edw. Thwaites. 8<>. Oxon. 1698. HEBACLIDES Ponticus. Excerpta ex Heraclide de politiis Gr. in var editt. Aeliani hist., q. v. (Rom. 1545). HEBALDTJS (Desiderius). Quaestiones quotidianae et observationes ad jus Atticum et Romauum, &c. fol. Po/r. 1650. HERBERT (hon. Algernon). Britannia after the Romans. (Anon.) 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1836-41. An essay on the Neodruidic heresy in Britannia, pt. I. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1838. Nimrod : a discourse on certain passages of history and fable. (Anon.) 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1828-29. Cyclops Christianus : an attempt to disprove the sup- posed antiquity of the Stonehenge and other Megalithic ornaments. 8. Lond. 1849. HEBBEBT (Edward), lord Cherbury. De veritate prout distinguitur a revelatione, a verisimili, a possibili et a falso. 4. Paris 1633. Expeditio in Ream insulam. 8. Lond. 1656. The life and reign of king Henry the Eighth, fol. Lond. 1672. HEBBEBT (George). Jacula prudentum, or outlandish proverbs, sentences, &c., selected by him. 8. Lond. 1651. Commemorations of Lady Danvers. 8. Lond. 1627. His remains : or sundrey pieces of that sweet singer of the temple. 8. Lond. 1652. The temple, sacred poems and private ejaculations. 8. Lond. 1709. HEBBEBT (Ph.), earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Speech to Nol Cromwell, with an account of his entertainment of him July 12th, 1649. 4. Lond. 1649. HEBBEBT (Tho.), comes Pembrochiae. Numismata antiqua in tres partes divisa : collegit olim et aeri incidi vivens curavit, T. H. 4. Lond. 1746. HEBBEBT (hon. William). Works. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1842. Miscellaneous poetry. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1806. Helga : a poem, with minor poems. 8. Lond. 1820. HEBBEBTUS de Boseham. Opera quae extant omnia : ed. J. A. Giles. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1845-6. Q 2 228 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [He HERBORDUS. De vita Ottonis episc. Bambergensis, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV, XX. HERBORN (Nicolaus). De India convertendis. 8. Rott. 1616. HERCULANUS (Jo.) Expositio in pi-imam fen quarti canonis Avicenne. fol. Yen. 1506. HERDER (Johann Gottfried von). Ideen zur Philosophic der Geschichte der Menschheit. 12. Leipzig 1869. HERETIC. Sure and honest means for the conversion of all hereticks, with a preface by Will. Wake. 4. Lond. 1688. HERIGERUS Lobiensis. Gesta episcoporum Tungrensium Trajectensium et Leo- densium, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. HERMANN (Dr.), of Zurich. Elements de Physiologic, traduits de 1'Allemande par Roye. 80. Paris 1869. HERMANNUS, abbas Altahensis. Annalee, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVII. HERMANNUS (Gothofredus). Opuscula. 6 voll. 8. Lips. 1827-35. HERMANNUS, seu Herimannus, Augiensis. Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VII. HERMAS. Hermae Pastor, ed. Ad. Hilgenfeld. 8. Lelpz. 1866. Id. Graece Lat. (Antv. 1698), v. Patres. Id. translated (Lond. 1833), v. Patres. HERMES Trismegistus. Poemander, seu de potestate ac sapientia divina, Latine : cui accedit Aesclepius, Lat., cum commtt. Rosselli. 3 voll. fol. Cracov. 1586. De decubitu infirmorum. 4. Par. 1555. Centum aphorismorum liber, Lat. fol. Bas. 1533. Id. p. 118, cum Cl, Ptolemaei quadripartit. (ed. 1493), q.v. HERMIAS Christianus philosophus. Gentilium philosophorum irrisio. fol. ap. And. Ges- nerum. 1559. HERMOGENES Tarsensis. Rhetorica Gr. cum comm. Gr. Syrcani Sopatri et Marcellini. fol. Yen. 1509. HERMOLAUS Barbarus. In Dioscoridem corollariorum libri V. fol. Colon. 1530. HERNE (Thos.), of Merton Coll., M.A. An essay on imposing and subscribing articles of religion, with a postscript by Phileleutherus Cantabri- giensis, 8. Lond. 1719. He] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRAKY. 229 Three discourses: 1. a defence of private judgment: 2. against the authority of the magistrate over con- science : 3. some general considerations on the reunit- ing of protestants by Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis. An account of all considerable pamphlets publ. in the Bangorian controversy to the end of 1718. By Philagnostos criticus. 8. Lond. 1718. False notions of a Christian priesthood examined and refuted, by Phileleutherus Cantabrigiensis, 1st and 2nd edd. 8. Lond. 1718. v. Dissenters, Hoadley, Trinity. Continuation of account of pamphlets in the Bangorian controversy. 8. 1720. Short vindn. of the archp, of Canterbury from an imputation, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. HERO Ctesibii, Alexandrinus. Spiritalium liber Lat. per Fed. Commandinum. 4. Urbini 1575. De gli automati overo machine se moventi libri due ; trad, da Bern. Baldi. 4. Yen. 1589. HERODES Atticus. Oratio de republica. Gr. (Par. 1575.) ap. Rhet. Aldin. HERODIANUS. Historiae sui temporis, G-r. et Lat. per Ang. Politianum. fol. Franc. 1590. Orationes selectae per G-ualtheri, q. v. Ab excessu divi Marci libri octo ab Imm. Bekkero recogniti. 12. Lips. 1855. HERODIANUS (Aeiius). IIapv TOV 'Hpa>8iavov : Ad- juncti sunt libelli in idem facientes. 8. 1542. Excerpta ex scriptis ejus : deductiones difficulter decli- natorum verborum : de inclinatis et encliticis et coen- cliticis dictionibus in Cornucopia ap. Aldum, q. v. (1496). HERODOTUS Halicarnassensis. Historiarum, lib. IX., cum Ctesiae quibusdam. Gr. fol. Par. 1570. Id. ed. Gronovius. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1715. Id. recens. Henr. Stein. Torni 2. 8. Berol. 1869-71. Id. e recens. Baehr. 2 voll. 18. Oxon. 1845. Egyptian and Graecian History, transl. by Littlebury. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1723. History, translated with notes and dissertations by Geo. Rawlinson, M.A. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1858. HEROLDUS (Basil. Joh.) Originum ac antiquitatum Germanicarum libri, viz. leges Salicae Allemanorum Saxonurn, &c. fol. Sas. per Henr. Petri. 1557. Chronologia Pannoniae, Rer. Ungaricarum per A. Bon- finium, q. v, (p. 614 Col. Agr. 1690). 230 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [He HEBOLT (Johannes). Sermones omnes. fol. Arg. 1495. HERRICK (Robert). Complete works, edited with memorial-introduction and notes by A. B. Grosart. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. HERRMANN (Ernst.) Geschichte des Russischen Staates. 5 bde. 8. Hamburg 1846-66. HERSCHEL (Sir John F. *W.) Preliminary discourse on the study of Natural Philo- sophy. 8. Lond. 1851. Outlines of Astronomy. 8. Lond. 1867. HERSFELD. Annales Hersfeldenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. HERVE (Francis). A residence in Greece and Turkey, with notes of the journey through Bulgaria, Servia, Hungary, and the Balkan. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1837. HERVEY (James), of "Weston-Favell, M.A. Theron and Aspasia, or a series of dialogues and letters. 2 vols. 8. Glasg. 1790. HERZBERG (Gustav Friedrich). Geschichte Griechenlands seit dem Absterben des antiken Lebens bis zur Gegenwart. 4 bde. 8. Goiha 1876-8. HESIODUS Ascraeus. Opera, Gr. cum expositt. Tzet/ae, Moscopuli et Procli. 4. Yen. per J. "W. Trincavelum 1537. Id. cum notis variorum, ed. T. Robinson. 4. Oxon. 1737. Id. inter Poett. Gr. priucipes per H. Stephanum, q. v. Hesiodea quae feruntur Carmina : rec. Arm. Koechly : lectionis varietatem add. Godofr. Kinkel. 8. Lips. 1870. HESSEY (James A), D.D. Sunday, its origin, history, and present obligation. (Bampton Lecture for 1860). 8. Lond. 1861. HESYCHIUS, grammaticus Alexandrinus. Lexicon Graece (Editio Princeps). fol. Ven. aptid Aldum 1514. Id. cum doctorum virorum notis, et Joh. Pricaei indice auctorum qui ab Hesychio laudantur, cura C. Schre- velii. 4. Lugd. Sat. 1668. HESYCHIUS presb. Hierosol. Opera Gr. 80. Par. 1553. In Leviticum libri septem, Lat. edente J. Sichardo. fol. Basil, apud And. Calandrum 1527. HEVELIUS (Joh.) Selenographia, sive lunae descriptio : accedit lentes ex- poliendi et telescopia diversa construendi nova ratio, fol. Gedani 1647. Cometographia, totam naturam cometarum exhibens : Ha] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 231 accedit omnium cometarum a mundo condito hucusque ab historicis annotatorum historia. fol. Gedani 1668. HEVRAET (Henricus van). Epistola de curvarum linearum in rectas transmutatione. 4. Franc, a. M. 1695. HEURNIUS (Joannes). Opera omnia. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 16578. Methodus ad praxin medicam. 3 libb. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1590. De febribus liber. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1598. De morbis oculorum, aurium, nasi, dentium et oris liber. 4. ap. Raphelengium 1602. De morbis pectoris liber. Ibid. Versio Lat. et Comm. in prolegomena et progn. Hip- pocratis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1597. De morbis qui in singulis partibus humani capitis insi- dere consueverunt. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1594. HEURTLEY (C. A.) Justification (Bampton Lecture for 1845). 8. Oxf. 1846. HEXHAM (Henry). Eelation of the siege of Breda. 4. Delft 1637. Relation of tbe siege of the Busse and the surprising of Wesell. 80. Delft 1630. HEY (John). Lectures in divinity delivered in the Univ. of Cambridge from 1780-95, second edit. 4 vols. 8<>. Cambr. 1822. HE YD ON (Sir Christopher). A defence of judiciall astrologie in answer to a treatise by John Chamber. 4. Camb. 1603. HEYLIN (Peter), D.D. Cyprianus Anglicus, or the life and death of William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, with the ecclesiastical history of England, Scotland and Ireland, fol. Lond. 1671. Arius redivivus, or the history of the Presbyterians. fol. Lond. 1672. Ecclesia restaurata : the history of the reformation of the Church of England, fol. Lond. 1674. His historical and miscellaneous tracts, with his life. fol. Lond. 1681. Cosmography in four bookes, contayning the choro- graphie and historie of the whole world, fol. Lond. 1670. Theologia veterum, or the Summe of Christian Theo- logie contained in the Apostles' Creed. Lond. 1673. HEYMAN (Jo.) Musarum Anglicarum analecta. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1692. HEYNE (Christian Gottlieb). Opuscula academica collecta et animadversionibus lo- cupletata. 5 voll. 8. Gotting. 1785-1802. 232 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [He HEYWOOD (Thomas). A true description of H. M. royall Ship built 1637 at "Wool-witch. 4. Lond. 1637. See also Welby. HIBEBNIA. Geographical Description of the Kingdom of Ireland by G. N. Declaration and proclamation of the deputy-general of Ireland concerning the Plague. 4. Cork 1650, v. Ireton. De Scriptoribus Hiberniae. 1639. State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late king James's government. 4. Lond. 1691. Report of the Commissioners on the Revenues and Condi- tion of the established Church (Ireland). Dublin 1868. Report of H. M. Commissioners on the Queen's Colleges of Belfast, Cork and Galway. fol. Lond. 1858. HIBERNICUS (Tho.), seu Thomas Hib., q. v. HICKES (Geo.) Linguarum veterum septentrionalium thesaurus gram- matico-criticus et archaeologicus in 3 partt. fol. Oxon. 1703-5. Speculum Beatae Virginis : a discourse of the due praise and honour of the Virgin Mary on Luke i. 28. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1686. An apologetical vindication of the Church of England. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. The gentleman instructed in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life : 3 pts. 8. Lond. 1714-13. HICKMAN (Chas.), bp. of Deny. Twelve sermons on the festivals. 8. Lond. 1713. HIEREMIAS patriarcha Constantinop. Acta et scripta theologorum Wirtembergensium et Hie- remiae de Augustana confessione, Gr. Lat. fol. Witeb. 1584. HIEROCLES philosophus Alexandr. Commentarii in aureos Pythagorae versus, J. Curterio interprete. 8. Par. 1583. HIERONYMUS, Foroliviensis. Chronicon Foroliviense (1397-1433), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIX. HIERONYMUS (Eus.) Stridonensis presb. Opera omnia quae extant, per Des. Erasmum emen- data, &c. 9 voll. fol. Paris. 1546. Chronicon. fol. Bas. 1536. HIGGONS (Theoph.) A sermon preached at Paul's Crosse, on Eph. ii. 4-7. 8". Lond. 1611. HIGGS (Griffin), Mert. Coll. Socius. Problemata theologica, quae in Acad. Lugd. Bat. de- fendit pro privilegiis Doctoris in Theologia. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1630. Theses Misscellaneae. Ibid. Hi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 233 HILARIUS, episc. Pictavorum. Lucubrationes olim per Des. Erasmum emendatae, nunc vigilant! cura recognitae. fol. Par. 1544. HILDEBERTUS, episc. Cenomannensis. Epistolae, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tom. XV. HILDEGARDIS (S.) Vita S. .Robert! confessoris Bingionum ducis. 4. Mog. 1602. HILDESHEIM. Annales Hildesheimenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. HILDBOP (John), rector of Wath, D.D. Commentary on the 2nd Psalm. 8. Lond. 1742. HILL (Samuel). The Catholic balance ; or a discourse determining the controversies cone, the tradition of Catholic doctrines, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. HILLARY (Win.) A practical essay on the small-pox. 8. Lond. 1740. HINCMARUS, archiep. Remensis. Epistolae, cum notis J. Busaei. 4. Mogunt. 1602. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome IX. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. HIND (Thos.), M.A. The Divinity of Jesus Christ proved from the scripture : a Sermon. 8. Oxf. 1717. HINDLEY (Charles). The Old Book Collector's Miscellany, or a collection of readable reprints or literary rarities illustrative of the history, literature, manners, and biography of the English Nation. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1871. HINNOCK. Liber Hinnock (seu Enoch) Hebraice. 4. Yen. HIPPARCHUS, Bithynus. In Arati et Eudoxi phaenomena commentaria ; ejusdem liber asterismorum : Achilles Statius in Arati phae- nomena : Arati vita et scholia veterum quorundam in ejus poema, Gr. fol. Florent. in officina Juntarum. 1567. In Aratum et Eudoxum libri tres. ap. Uranologium Petarii, q. v. HIPPOCRATES Cous. Opera omnia Graece, cum vita ejus per Soranum. fol. Yen. in aedibus Aldi, 1526. Id. Gr. Lat. cum annotatt. et var. lectt. per Anutium Foesium, cumque Palladii scholiis Graecis, ad librum Tttp\ dyp.>v. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1595. Opera Gr. and Lat. per Hier. Mercurialem. fol. Yen. 1588. Opera Gr. Lat. : accedunt Cl. Galeni opera, edente Re- nato Charterio. 13 voll. fol. Lut. Par. 1679. 234 MEKTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Hi Aphorismorum libri septem Lat. ex interpretatione J. Heurnii. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1627. Id. Gr. Lat. cura T. J. ab Almeloveen. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1732. Oeconomia Hippocratis, alphabet! serie distincta, in qua dictionura ap. Hippocr. omnium usus explicatur; per An. Foesium. fol. Franc. 1588, Tit pi (papfjuinav fiifiXtov, ed. per J. Caium (p. 77 ap. lib. aliq. Galeni). 4. Bos. 1544. De morbis mulierum, Gr. Lat. interpr. et comment. Maur. Cordaei Rhemi. fol. Par. 1586. Coacae praenotiones Gr. Lat., interprete et enarratore Ludovico Duretto. fol. Par. 1588. Praenotiones. fol. Gen. 1665. De morbis popularibus liber primus et tertius Gr. Lat. : his accommodavit novem de febribus commentarios Joannes Freind. 4. Land. 1717. De morbis vulgaribus liber II., cum comment. A. Foesii. 8. Basil. 1560. Epidemiorum libri VI., Latine per Leonh. Fuchsium, cum ejusdem commentariis. fol. Basil. 1537. Prolegomena et prognostica cum versione et comm. J. Heurnii. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1597. Hippocrates Cous prosperi Martian! notationibus expli- catus. fol. Rom. 1626. Commentaria XXII. tabulis illustrati Gr. cum Lat. ver- sione Cornarii per Zwingerum. fol. Bas. 1579. HIPPOLYTUS, episc. Portuensis, et martyr. Refutationis omnium Haeresium librorum decem quae supersunt : recens. Latine vert. L. Duncker et F. G. Schneidewin. 8. Gotting. 1859. HIKE (Philippus de la). Lectiones conicae in novem libros distributae, cum expositione septem librorum conicorum Apollonii Pergaei. fol. Par. 1685. HIKSCH (Ferdinand). Byzantinische Studien. 8. Leipz. 1876. HIRTIUS (Aulus). De bello civili liber octavus ; in var. editt. J. C. Caesaris comm., q. v. De bello Caesaris Alexandrine liber unus. Ibid. De bello Africano liber. Ibid. De bello Hispaniensi liber. Ibid. HISPANIA. Hispania, sive de regis Hispaniae regnis et opibus commentarius per Joh. de Laet, q. v. The estate of English fugitives under the king of Spaine. 4. Lond. for John Dra water 1595. Vox populi, or newes from Spayne, translated from the Spanish. 4. n. p. 1620. Vox caeli, or news from Heaven, wherein Spain's Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 235 ambition and treacheries are unmasked in a consulta- tion of king Henry VIII, Edw. VI, &c., written by S. R. N. J., printed in Elisium. 4. 1624. Letters from an English traveller in Spain in 1778, on the poetry of that kingdom. 8. Lond. 1781. HISTORY. An universal history from the earliest account of time to the present, compiled from the original authors ; with a general index. 65 vols. 8. Land. 1747-66. Sceleton historiae universae, in usum gymnasiiComitatus Leszirensis. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1633. HOADLEY (Benjamin), Bp. of Bangor, &c. The reasonableness of conformity to the Church of England with the defense of it, and the persuasive to lay conformity ; to which is added the brief defense of episcopal ordination, together with a reply to the introduction of the second part, and a postscript relating to the third part of Mr. Calamy's ' Defense of moderate non-conformity.' 8. Land. 1712. A collection of tracts relating to the Bangorian con- troversy. 19 vols. 8. Ex dono Tho. Herne hujusce Coll. Socii. A letter to a friend in Lancashire occasioned by a report cone, injunctions and prohibitions. (Anon.] 8. Lond. 1714. A preservative against the principles and practices of the non -jurors, 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1711. The nature of the kingdom of Christ, in a sermon on John xviii. 36. 8. Lond. 1717. An answer to Dr. Snape's letter to the bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1717. An answer to a calumny cast upon the bishop of Bangor by Dr. Sherlock. 80. Lond. 1718. An answer to a late book written by Dr. Sherlock, intituled ' The condition and example of our blessed Saviour vindicated.' 8. Lond. 1718. A report of the committee of the lower house of con- vocation appointed to draw up a representation to be laid before the bishops of the province of Canterbury concerniug several dangerous positions contained in the bp. of Bangor's ' Preservative ' and ' Sermon/ 5th ed. 8. Lond. 1717. Advertisements and letter by Bp. of B. and others. 8. Lond. 1717. A letter of thanks to Dr. Hoadley, by a British Com- moner. 80. Lond. 1718. A new defence of Bp. of B.'s sermon on John xviii. 36, by an impartial hand. 8. Lond. 1720. Sermon on Phil. ii. 4, before the Ancient Britons, on St. David's Day. 8. Lond. 1717. 236 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ho A Rehearsal, or a brief recapitulation of the argument for and agn. the Bp. of B.'s ' Sermon.' 8. Land. 1717. The Report reported, or the weakness and injustice of the proceedings of convocation (Anon.), 2nd edition. 80. Lond 1717. An answer to the representation drawn up by the committee of the lower house of convocation cone, several dangerous positions contained in the Bp. of B.'s 'Preservative' and 'Sermon.' 8. Lond. 1718. A letter to Dr. Snape prefixed to Pilloniere's reply. 8. Lond. 1718. The common rights of subjects defended, and the nature of the sacramental text considered in answer to the dean of Chichester's (Dr. Sherlock) vindication of the corporation and test acts. 4. Lond. 1719. An answer to Dr. Hare's sermon intituled 'Church authority vindicated, &c./ with a postscript occasioned by the bp. of Oxford's charge to his clergy. 8. Lond. 1720. Exposn. of the XXXIV Article, &c., referred to in a report of Committee of the Lower House of Convoca- tion by a Clergyman. 8. Lond. 1718. HOADLEY (Benjamin), M.D. Three lectures on the organs of respiration. 4. Lond. 1740. HOADLEY (John), D.D., Chaplain to the king. Sermon on 1 Cor. x. 11 (on Jan. 30th). 8. Lond. 1718. HOBBES (Thomas). Collected works, edited by Sir "W. Molesworth. 16 vols. 8. Lond. 1839-45. Historia ecclesiastica carmine elegiaco concinnata. 8. Augustae Trinob. 1688. Leviathan, or the matter, form, and power of a common- wealth ecclesiastical and civil, fol. Lond. 1651. A survey of Hobbes's Leviathan, by Edw. Hyde earl of Clarendon, q. v., 1676. HOBHOtTSE (Rev. E.), Bp. of Nelson. Life of Walter of Merton. 80. Oxf. 1859. HOCHMANNUS (Henr. Christoph.) De benedictione nuptiarum commentatio. 4. Altdorf. 1685. HODGSON (Christopher). Instructions for the Clergy. 18. Lond. 1838. HODY (Humphrey). De bibliorum textibus originalibus, versionibus Graecis, et Latina vulgata, libri quatuor. fol. Oxon. 1 705. HOEFLER (K.), professor zu Prag. Die Husitische Bewegung in Bbhmen, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. Tom. VII. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 237 HOELZERMANN (L.) Lokaluntersuchungen die Kriege der Roemer und Franken sowie die Befestigungs-manieren der Ger- manen Sachsen und des spateren Mittelalters betreffend. 4. Miinster 1878. HOESCHELIUS (David). Eclogae legationum per varies auctores Graece. 4. Aug. Vinci. 1603. HOFMANNUS (Caspar). Commentarii in Galenum de usu partium corporis humani. fol. Franc, ad Maen. 1625. De thorace ejusque partibus commantarius tripartitus. fol. Franc. 1627. Institutionum medicarum libri sex. 4. Lugd. 1645. HOFMANNTTS (Fridericus). Opera omnia physico-medica. 6 voll. fol. Genevae 1740. HOGHELANDE (Theob. de). De alchemiae difficultatibus liber : in vol. I. theatri Chemici,p. 122 (1602). HOHENFURT. Urkundenbuch des Cistercienserstiftes B. M. V. zu Hohenfurt in Bb'hmen : herausgegeben von M. Pangerl, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 23. HOLBACH (Paul Henri Dietrich, baron d'). La moral universelle, ou les devoirs de 1'homme fondes sur la nature. 3 tomes. 8. Paris 1820. Systeme de la nature, ou les lois du monde physique et du monde moral. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1821. HOLCOT (Robert). Super quattuor libros sententiarum quaestiones : item quedam conferentie de imputabilitate peccati et deter- minationes quarundam aliarum quaestionum. fol. Lugd. per. Joh. Trechsel. 1497. HOLDEN (George), M.A. An attempt to illustrate the book of Ecclesiastes. 4. Lond. 1822. HOLDSWORTH (Richard). Praelectiones theologicae habitae in Collegio Gresha- mensi ; opera R. Pearson, duabus partibus. fol. Lond. 1661. HOLE (Matthew), D.D. Practical Discourses on the Liturgy of the Church of England. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1837. HOLINGSHEAD (Raphaell). Description and chronicle of England, Ireland, and Scotland first collected by R. H., W. Harrison and others, continued from the year 1577 to 1586 by Joh. Hooker alias Vowell. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1587. HOLLAND (Henry). Herwologia Anglica : hoc est, clarissimorum et doctis- simorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno 1500 238 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ho ad 1620 vivae effigies vitae et elogia. 2 voll. foL Lond. 1620. HOLLAND (Henry), M.D. Travels in the Ionian Isles, Albania, Thessaly, Macedo- nia, &c., during the years 1812 and 1813. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1819. HOLLAND (John). The tryal of him and Wm. Davis for imprisoning Wm. Chancey to extort money from him, with the tryal of them and Agnes Wearing for Burglary, &c. fol. Lond. 1685. HOLLAND. Illustrissimorum Hollandiae Zelandiae comitum ac dominorum Frisiae icones et historiae a P. Scriverio collectae, q. v. Proposition del Ambassadeur de la Grande Bretagne sur le Traicte d'Espagne livrez aux deputies des Estats Generaux 13th aout 1630. 4. Causes et raisous qui ont contrainct les estats geueraulx des Pais Bas de pourveoir a leur deflence centre Don Jehan d'Austrice. 4. Anvers. 1577. Arrest donn6 prononce" et execute centre Jehan d'Olden- barnevelt (13 May, 1619). La Haye 1619. Extraict de la lettre envoy^e aux Provinces conferees par les hauts et puissants Seigneurs mess, les Estats generaulx. 4. la Haye 1619. Digitus Dei, or Good News from Holland sent to Jo. Treffry and Jo. Trefusis, Esquires. 4<>. Rotter. 1631. HOLLERITJS (Jacobus) Stempanus. Institutiones de materia chirurgica. fol. Paris 1552. Id. unacum libris II. de morbis internis cum scholiis ejus et Dureti ; et Tract, de febribus ; de peste, de remediis KOTO. TOTTOVS in Galeni libros. 8. Paris 1572. Liber de materia chirurgica. 8. Luyd. 1567. Ad libros Galeni de comp. medic. 8. Paris 1571. HOLLOWAY (James). Confession and narrative with proceedings agt. him for High Treason, fol. Lond. 1684. HOLLOWAY (William). Relation of the late Seidge and taking of the City of Babylon by the Turke, &c., (translated into English by G. W. H.). 4o. Lond. 1639. HOLLYNGUS (Edmund). Medicamentorum oeconomia nova. HOLM (Ad.) Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum. 1870-4. HOLMAN (James). Travels in Madeira, Sierra Leone, Teneriffe, St. Jago, Cape Coast, Fernando B., Princes' Island. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1840. 8. Ingolst. 1615. 2 Bde. 8<>. Leipzig Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 239 HOLSTENIUS (Lucas). Notae et castigationes in Stephanum Byzantium de urbibus. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1684. Commentariolus in veterein picturam Nymphaeum referentem. Ibid. Id. v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. IV. HOLYDAY (Barten). Three sermons upon the passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Saviour on 1 Cor. ii. 8, 1 Cor. xv. 30, and 1 Pet. iii. 22. 4. Lond. 1626. HOME (Sir Everard). Lectures on comparative anatomy with a supplement. 5 vols. 4o. Lond. 1814-28. HOMEBUS. Opera Grace cum notis per Jac. Micyllum et Joach. a u si* i rium. fol. Basil. 1541. Opera cum comment. Eustathii et indice Devarii. 4 voll. fol. Romae apud Ant. Bladum 154250. Id. inter. Poett. Gr. principes per H. Stephanum, q. v. Id. et cum veterum scholiis ut et prolegomenis var. lectt. notis indicibusque cura Josuae Barnesii. 2 voll. 4o. Cantabr. 1711. Ilias cum annotat. S. Clarke. 2 voll. 8. Edinb. 1845. Odyssea cum annotat. S. Clarke. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1758. Ilias, ad fidem librorum optimorum : ed. La Roche. Pars prior. 8. Lips. 1873. Odyssea, ed. La Roche. 8. Lips. 1867-8. Odyssey I XII, ed. with notes by W. W. Merry and J. Riddell. 80. Oxf. 1876. His Iliads translated, adorned with sculptures, and illus- trated with annotations by John Ogilby. fol. Lond. 1660. The Iliad of Homer translated by Mr. Pope. 5 vols. 4o. Lond. 1715-20. Id. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1732. The Odyssey translated by A. Pope. 5 vols. 4. Lond. 1725-26. Id. with the battle of the frogs and mice. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1725-6. Gnomologia. 8. Cantabr. 1860. Hymni Homerici : recens. adnotationem subjunxit Aug. Baumeister. 8. Lips. 1860. HOMES, or Holmes (Nathaniel), D.D. The resurrection revealed in seven books, fol. Lond. 1653. HOMILIES. Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory, and now thought fit to be reprinted by authority, fol. Lond. 1673. 240 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ho HOMODEIS (Ant. Phil. de). Aetnae mentis topographia, p. 1465 Italiae illustrat. q.v. HONESTTJS (Chr.) Obscrvationes in tres priores libros Jo. Mesuae. fol. Yen. 1558 et Yen. 1568. HONORIUS (Phil.) Thesauri praxis prudentiae politicae pars prima. 4. Franc. 1610. HONORIUS II. papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XV. HONTHEIM (J. N. de). De statu ecclesiae et legitima potestate Romani ponti- ficis. 4. Bullioni 1765. HOOGEVEEN (Henricus). Doctrina particularum linguae Graecae. 2 voll. 4. Typ. Damm. 1769. HOOK (Walter Farquhar). Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. 1 1 vols. 8. Lond. 1867-75. HOOKE (Nath.) The Roman history from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth, with maps and plates. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1751. HOOKE (Robert). His posthumous works and life, by Richard "Waller, viz. his Cutlerian Lectt. and other discourses before the Royal Society, fol. Lond. 1705. HOOKER, alias Vowell (John). A continuation of Holingslie&s chronicle, q. v. HOOKER (Richard). His works, with life by Isaac Walton, fol. Lond. 1723. HOOPER (George). The Church of England free from the imputation of Popery. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1685. A fair and methodical discussion of the first and great controversy between the Church of England and Church of Rome concerning the infallible guide : in three discourses, MS. HOOPER (John), Bishop of Gloucester. His Early Writings (Parker Society). 8. Camb. 1843. HOORNBEECK (Johannes). Socinianismus confutatus. 3 voll. 4. Ultraj. 1650-64. Pro convincendis et convertendis Judaeis libri octo. 4o. Lugd. 1655. Theologia practica. 2 voll. 4. Ultraj. 1689. HOPP (Charles). De historiae ducatus Atheniensis fontibus. 8. Bonn. 1852. Chroniques Greco-Romanes inedites ou peu connues, Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 241 publics avec notes et tables ge"ne"alogiques. 8. Berlin 1873. HOPKINSONUS (Job.) Descriptio Paradisi, p. 845, cum comm. et dispp. in epist. ad Hebraeos per Lud. Tenam (ed. 1661), q. v. HOBATIUS (Q.) Flaccus. Opera cum comment. Acronis, Porphirionis, Aerailii, Modesti, &c. fol. Bas. 1555. Id. cum comm. Dion. Lambini. fol. Franc, ad Maen. 1577. Id. cum commentariis et annotationibus grammaticorum XL. fol. Bas. 1580. Id. cum comm. P. Gualt. Chabotii. fol. Bas. 1594. Id. ex edit. Chr. Plantini. 24<>. Raphd. 1604. Id. e typographia regia. fol. Par. 1642. Id. ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita per Jac. Talbot. 4. Cantab. 1699. Id. cum notis R. Bentleii. 4. Amst. 1713. Id. recensuit J. C. Orellius. 3 voll. 8. Turici 1843. Id. Carmina quae extant omnia juxta editiones Doering Orelli et Lipsianam accurate recensita. 18. Oxon. 1845. A poetical translation of his works, with the original text and notes collected from the best Latin commen- tators by Ph. Francis. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1747. Ses ceuvres : une nouvelle traduction avec des re- marques critiques par Andre Dacier. 10 voll. 8. Par. 1681-9. Epistolae ad Pisones et Augustum, translated with an English comm. and notes, &c. (by Bp. Hurd). 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1753. Index rerum et verborum in Horatio a Th. Tretero. 8. Ant. 1575. Paraphrases in librum de Arte Poetica a Pr. Robortello, q.v. Odes, epodes, and carmen seculare in English prose with the Latin text. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1741. Satires, epistles, and art of poetry in Eng. prose, with the Latin text. 8. Lond. 1743. HOBBEBY (Matthew). Eighteen sermons on important subjects. 8. Oxf. 1774. HOZEN (Nicolas). Tractatus proportionum et de latitudinibus formae. fol. Yen. 1505. HOBNE (George), bp. of Norwich. His works. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1831. HOBNECK (Anthony). An account of Edw. Sclater's return to the Church of England and his public I'ecantation. 4. Lond. 1689. The crucified Jesus : an account of the Lord's Supper. 8. Lond. 1689. 242 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ho Sermons on Matthew v. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1700- 1698. HORNIUS (Georgius). Orbis Politicus, imperiorum regnorum principatuum renim publicarum cum memorabilium historicis et geographia veteri ac recenti. 8. Vesaliae 1669. HORSEY (Sir Jerome). Observations in Russia and other countries adjoining, p. 973 of PurcJuis's pilgrimage (ed. 1626), q. v. HORSLEY (Samuel). Tracts in controversy with Dr. Priestly upon the his- torical question of the belief in the first ages of our Lord's divinity, revised and augmented ; 3rd eel. with an appendix by the Rev. Heneage Horsley. 8. Dundee 1812. Biblical criticism on the first fourteen historical books of the Old Testament, also of the first nine prophetical books. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1820. Theological works. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1820-33. HORSTIUS (Greg.) Opera medica. 3 voll. 4. Goudae 1661. HORTENSIUS (Lambertus) Montfortius. Secessionum civilium Ultrajectiuarum et bellorum, ab anno 1524 usque ad translationem episcopatus ad Bur- gundos libri septem. fol. Ultraj. 1642. De bello Germanico a Carolo V. gesto libri septem. 8. Argent. 1620. HORTUS. Hortus sanitatis de herbis animalibus lapidibus. fol. 1517. HOSIUS (Stanislaus). Verae Christianae et Catholicae doctrinae propug- natio et confutatio prolegomenorum Jo. Brentii, &c. fol. Col 1558. HOSPINIANUS (Rodolph.) De origine progressu usu et abusu templorum ac rerum omnium ad templa pertinentium libri quinque. fol. Tiguri 1587. De origine progressu Monachatus ac ordinum monasti- corum equitumque militarium omnium, libri sex. fol. Tiguri 1588. De origine progressu ceremoniia et ritibus festorum di- erum Judaeorum, Graecorum, Romanorum et Tur- corum, libri tres. fol. Tiguri 1593. De origine festorum dierum Christianorum liber unus. fol. Tiguri 1593. Historiae sacramentariae partes duae. fol. Tiguri 1598- 1602. Concordia discors : seu de origine et progressu formulae concordiae Bergensis. fol. Tiguri 1678. Historia Jesuitica. fol. Tiguri 1570. Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBEARY. 243 HOTMANUS (Antonius). De veteri ritu nuptiarum, de sponsalibus et jure matri- moniorum, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. YIII. HOTOMANUS (Franc.) Opera, 3 voll. foL per haeredd. E. Vignon et Jac. Staer 1599-1600. Advertissement sur le fait de 1'usure, extrait de deux livres Latins composes par Fr. Hoteman. 8. Lyon. 1552. Commentarius verborum juris antiquitatum Romanarum elementis amplificatus. fol. Basil. 1558. Commentarius in quatuor libros Institutionum juris civilis. fol. Basil. 1560. Francogallia. 8. Franc. 1586. De re numaria populi Romani liber, et disputatio de aureo Justinianico. 8. ap. Guill. Leimarium 1585. De magistratibus Romanorum eorumque institutione : de Senatu : de formalis antiquis, v. Graevii Antiq. Roman. Thes. Tom. II. Opuscules Francoises des Hotmans (Franc., Jean, An- thoine.) 8. Paris 1616. HOTTINGERTJS (Job. Henr.) Smegma orientale : eordibus, barbarismi, contemptui praesertim linguarum orientalium oppositum : Lib. I. de usu linguarum orientt. in rebus sacris. 4. Ifeidelb. 1658. Promptuarium sive bibliotheca orientalis : viz. Smeg- matis orientalis libri tertii pars secunda. 4. Heidelb. 1658. Kriais fgarjpepos : id est historiae creationis examen. 4. Heidelb. 1659. Bibliothecarius quadripartitus. 4. Tiguri 1664. HOVEDEN (Rogerus de). Annalium pars prior et posterior, fol. Land. 1596. HOUTTEVILLE (1'abbe). La religion Chretienne prouvee par les faits. 3 voll. 4o. Par. 1740. HOWARD (Hen.) earl of Surrey. Songs and sonnets, edited by Geo. F. Nott. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1815-16. HOWARD (Hen.) 7th duke of Norfolk. Proceedings on the bill of Divorce between him and lady Mary Mordant, fol. Lond. 1700. HOWARD (Wm.) A patterne of Christian loyaltie, whereby any man may perceive in what manner the new oath of allegiance may be taken by Roman Catholikes. 4. Lond. 1634. HOWARD (Wm.), viscount Stafford. His trial for high treason, fol. Lond. 1680-1. HOWELL (James). Dodona's Grove, or the vocall forrest ; with England's II 2 244 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ho Tears for the present warres, and the Preeminence and pedigree of Purlements. 8. Cambr. 1645. Epistolae Ho-Elianae; Familiar letters. 8. Land. 1737. Instructions for forreiue travell (Arber's reprint). 4. L. Lond. 1742. A system of moral philosophy, in three books. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1755. Hy] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 247 Synopsis metaphysicae ontologiam et pneumatologiam complectens. 8. Glasg. 1756. HUTCHINSON ( ), v. Clagett. The authority of the councils and the rule of faith. 4. Lond. 1687. HUTTENUS (Ulricus). Opera quae reperiri potuerunt omnia, ed. Ed. Booking. 5 voll. 8. Lips. 1859-61. Operum supplementum : Epistolae obscurorum virorum cum illustrantibus adversariisque scriptis. Tomi II. 8. Lips. 1864-69. In libellum Laur. Vallae contra effictam et emeutitam Constantini donationem ad Leonem X. pont. max. praefatio, p. 250, cum Lupoldo de Babenberg de juribus regni Romani, q. v. 8. Bas. 1566. HUTTON (Matthaeus). Brevis et dilucida explicatio verae certae et consolutionis plenae doctrinae de electione praedestinatione ac reprobatione. 8. Hardrovici 1613. HUTTON (Sir Richard). The arguments of Sir Rich. Hutton and Sir Geo. Croke together with the certificate of Sir John Denham upon a scirefacias brought by the king agst. John Hampden concerning shipmoney, &c. 4. Lond. 1641. HUXHAM (John), M.D. An essay on fevers and dissertation on ulcerous sore- throat. 8. Lond. 1757. HUXLEY (Thos. H.) Lectures on the elements of comparative anatomy. 8. Lond. 1864. HYDE (Anne). A copy of a pa*per written by the late Duchess of York with copies of two papers written by King Charles II, q.v. HYDE (Edw.), Earl of Clarendon. A brief view and survey of dangerous and pernicious errors in Mr. Hobbes's Leviathan. 4. Oxf. 1676. The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641. 3 vols. fol. Oxf. 17024. His life written by himself, with a continuation of the earne from the restoration to his banishment in 1667. fol. Oxf. at ifie Clarendon Press 1759. HYDE (Thos.) Catalogus impressorum librorum in bibliotheca Bod- leiana. fol. Oxon. e tfeatro Sheldon. 1674. Castigatio in Angelum a Sto. Joseph, al. dictum de la Brosse, Carmelitam discalceatum, cum itin. muudi per Abr. Peritsol, q.v. (4. Oxon. 1691). HYGINUS (Gromaticus). De limitibus constituendis, p. 150, Auct. Rei Agrariae. (4o. Amst. 1674). 248 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. |Hy HYPEKIUS (Andreas). Comnientarius in epistolam Pauli ad HebraeoB, opera J. Mylii. fol. Tiyuri 1584. HYPSICLES Alexandrinus. Comni. in Euclidis 14 um lib. Elementorura. fol. Yen. 1513. Id. in 14'n et 15m libb. fol. Eas. 1558. HYVANUS (Antonius) Sarazanensis. Commentariolus de bello Volaterrano, anno 1472, a Florentiuis gcsto, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XXIII. IACCHINTTS (Leonardos), Emporiensis. In nonurn librum Rasis Arabis ad Almansorem regem commentarii : ace. praecognorcendi methodus, de rationali curandi arte, de acutorum morborum cura- tione. 8. Lugd. 1578. Id. ace. opuscula (1563). 4. Basil. 1564. IAGO (Richard). Poems, moral and descriptive. 8. Lond. 1781. IAMBLICHUS Chalcidensis. Vita Pythagorae Lat. versione Obrechti et notis Lud. Kiisteri. 4. Amst. 1707. In Nichomachi Geraseni arithmeticam introductionem et de fato Gr. Lat. a S. Tennulio : accedit J. Camerarii explicatio in duos libros Nichomachi. 4. Arnlieim. 1668. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum, liber, Gr. Lat. cum notis Tho. Gale : praemittitur epistola Porphyrii ad Auebonem Aegyptium. fol. Oxon,. 1678. IBN KHALLIKAN. Biographical Dictionary : translated from the Arabic by M'Guckin de Slane. 4 vols. 4. Paris 1843-71. IBRAHIM Abzengiani. Liber Tasriphi, de conjugationibus verbi Arabici. 4. Rom. 1610. ICONOGBAPHIE Grecque et Romaine, v. Visconti. IGNATIUS, martyr arcbiep. Antiochiae. Opera Gr. Lat. (Par. 1698), v. Patres. Quae supersunt Gr. Lat. (Oxon. 1847), v. Clemens. Epistolae XII. Gr. et Lat. fol. 1559. Epistolae Gr. Lat. cum notis Isaaci Vossii. 4. Lond. 1680. Epistolae septem genuinae Graece cum G. Polycarpi epistola ad Philippenses, ex MS. Florentine Mediceo, cum versione vet. Lat. et notulis C. Aldrich. 8. Oxon. 1708. The anticnt Syriac version of the Epistles of St. Ignatius, Im] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 249 edited with an English translation and notes by W. Cureton. 8. Lond. 1845. A transl. of the epistles of Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius, &c., with brief notes illustrative of the ecclesiastical history of the first two centuries by T. Chevallier, q. v. Id. 8". Oxf. 1833. IGNEUS (Joannes). Commentaria in tit. de Sillaniano et Claudiano senatus- consulto, et quorum testamento aperiantur, libro digestorum. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. apud JoJi. Barboum 1539. Commentavii in aliquot constitutiones principum, et in aliquot responsa jurisconsultorum. fol. Lugd. apud Jon. Barboum 1541. IGNORAMUS. Comoedia sic dicta (per G. Ruggle, q. v.), 1630. IHNE (Wilhelm). The history of Rome. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1871-7. ILLOCO (Nic. ab) Bosniensis. Calendarium novissimum seraphicum. 8. Yen. 1675. IMBERT (Barthelemi). Le Jaloux sans Amour. 12. Paris 1810. IMHOPF (Jac. Wilhelmus). Regum pariumque Magnae Britanniae historia genea- logica. fol. Norimb. 1690. Excellentium familiarum in Gallia genealogiae. fol. Norimb. 1687. IMMANTTEL (R.), bar Jacob. Comm. in Proverbia Salamonis, Hebr. fol. s. 1. et a. IMOLA (Jo. de). Comm. in 1, 2, 3 Decretalium, &c. fol. Yen. 1501. Comm. in libros Clemen tinarum. fol. Lugd, 1551. Id. fol. Yen. 1486. Consilia. fol. 1539. Commentarius super primo secundo et tertio libro Decretalium una cum repertorio super hisce commen- tariis necnon additionibus ad eadem per Joannem de Gradibus. fol. Tridini 1525. In primam et secundam Infortiati Digestique novi partes commentaria (et consilia 1532). 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1547. IMPERATORES. Imperatorum Romanorum Catalogus. fol. Franc. 1588. Imperatorum Romanorum et Constantinopp. series chronol. duplex, fol. Franc. 1590. Notitia utraque cum orientis turn occidentis ultra Arcadii Honoriique tempora, v. Notitia. Syntagma tractatuum de imperial! jurisdictione per varies authores edidit S. Schardius. fol. Argent. 1609. 250 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Im IMSSEBUS (Phil.) Tabulae in theoricas planetarum Purbachii, q.v. INDAGINE (Johannes ab). Chiromantia physionomia ex aspectu membrorum ho- minis : periaxiomata, de faciebus signorum : canoues astrologici : de judiciis aegritudinum ; astrologia na- turalis : complexionum notitia, juxta dominium plane- tarum. fol. Argent. 1531. INDEPENDENCY. History of Independency. 4. Lond. 1848. INDEX Villaris, v. Adams. INDIA. Epistolae Indicae de multarum Gentium conversione per Jesuitas, q.v. (8. Lov. 1516.) INFALLIBILITY. Doubts concerning the Roman infallibility. 4.Zont?. 1688. INGEBUBGA, regina Daniae. Diplomata ad historiam ejus, v. Danic. Her. Script. Tom. VI. INGHIBAMIUS (Curtius). Etruscarum antiquitatum fragmenta. 4. Franc. 1637. INGBAM (James). Memorials of Oxford, with engravings by John Le Keux. 3 vols. 8. Oxf. 1834. INGULFUS abbas Croyladensis. Historia Anglicana v. Rer. Anglic. Script. INNES (Alexander), D.D. The absolute authority of the church in matters relating to conscience reconcil'd : occasioned by the bp. of Bangor's 'Preservative' and 'Sermon.' 8. Lond. 1717. INNES (Cosmo). Sketches of Early Scotch History and Social Progress. 8<>. Edinb. 1861. Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiquities. 8. Edinb. 1872. INNOCENTIUS. Ex libro XII. Innocentii et notis juris exponendis ; p. 221 inter rei Agrariae auctt., q. v. INNOCENTIUS II. papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. INNOCENTIUS IV. papa. Commentarius super quinque libfis decretalium. fol. Lugd. 1520. INQUISITIONES. Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem sive Escae- tarum temporibus regum Hen. III. Ric. III. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1806-28. Appendix de quamplurimis aliis inquisitionibus a regno Hen. III. usque Jac. I. nuper repertis. Ibid. Calendarium inquisitionum post mortem in ducatu Lan- castriae, q. v. Is] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 251 INSCRIPTIONES. Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum, auctoritate acade- miae Litterarum regiae Borussicae : ed. Aug. Boeckh. q.v. Corpus inscript. Latinarum, auctoritate Acad. Litter. Reg. Boruss. Voll. I-VII. fol. Berol. 1863-76. Inscriptionum Atticarum Corpus. Voll. I. II. pt. 1, III. pt. 1. fol. Berolin. 1875-78. Memoires de 1'acad. des Inscriptions, v. France. INSTRUMENT A. Tract, diversorum Instrurnentorum, s. a. et I. Instrumenta ecclesiastica, v. Ecdesiast. INSULANUS (Gulielmus). Aula, dialogus (8. Arg. 1619), cum B. Castiylione, q.v. INTERIANO (Paolo). Ristretto delle historic Genovesi. 4. Lucca 1551. IPERIUS (Joannes). Chronicon Sithiense S. Bertini, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XIII. IRELAND seu Hibernia, q. v. IRELAND (Win.) Trial of him, Tho. Pickering, and John Groves for conspiring to murder the king. fol. Land. 1678. IRENAEUS (S.) Libri quinque adversus haereses, opera Nic. Gallasii, cum annotationibus. fol. ap.J. lePreux et J. Parvum 1570. Id. cum notis J. E. Grabe et aliorum. fol. Oxon. 1702. IRETON (Hen.) Proclamation concerning a fast for the Plague. 4. Lond. 1650. IRVING (David), LL.D. An introduction to the Study of Civil Law. 8. Lond. 1837. History of Scottish Poetry : ed. by J. Aitken Carlyle. 80. Edinl. 1861. ISAACSON (Henry). Saturn! ephemerides, sive tabula historico-chronologica. fol. Lond. 1633. ISAACUS (Job.) Opera mineralia in voll. II. et III. theatri Chemici, q.v. ISAACUS Judaeus Sol. Arab. reg. f. De diaetis universalibus et particularibus. 8. Basil. 1570. ISAEUS. Orationes X. Gr. fol. Par. 1475. Orationes, cum aliquot deperditarum fraginentis, ed. Scheibe. 12. Lips. 1860. 252 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Is ISERNIA (Andreas de). Super usibus feudorum commentaria. fol. Isugd. 1541. ISIDORUS. De arte rhetorica in editt. antiq. Rhetorum Lat., q. v. ISIDORUS Hispalensis. Opera, fol. Col. Agr. 1617. ISLANDIA. Annales Islandorura, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. et III. ISOCRATES rhetor. Orationes omnes Lat. cum comm. per H. Wolfium. fol. Baa. 1548. Orationes et epistolae Gr. et Lat. interpr. H. Wolfio. 8. Genev. 1651. Id. cum diatribis septem H. Stephani. fol. Par. 1593. Orationes, ed. Gust. Ed. Benseler. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1871. Orations translated by Dimsdale. 8. Lond. 1752. Orationes duae sc. ad Nicoclem et ilia quae dicitur Nicocles sive Symmachicus Gallice par Louis le Roy. Par. 1568. ISSELT (Michaelis ab.) De bello Coloniensi, ab electione Gebhardi Truchsesii in archiepiscopum Coloniensem, libri quatuor. 8. Colon. 1584. ITALIA. Rerum Italicarum Scriptores praecipui, v. Muratori. Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, v. Muratori. Italia illustrata, per varies authores. fol. Franc. 1600. De principalibus Italiae tractatus varii. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1631. De Italia medii aevi dissertatio chorographica, autore anonymo Mediolanensi regio Ticiui lectore, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. X. Museum Italicum, seu collectio veterum scriptorum ex bibliothecis Italicis eruta ab J. Mabillon et Mich. German. 2 voll. 4. Lut. Par. 1687-89. ITINERARY. The antiquarian Itinerary. Vols. I, II. 8. Lond. 1815-16. IVRESSE. L'loge de 1'Ivresse. 8. Leide 1715. J. (B.) Les entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene (par M. Guesnois). 80. Par. 1734. J. (J.) S. P., v. Historia. Ja] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 253 JACKMAN (John). Success no rule : being the first part of a reply to Mr. Pierce's defence of the Dissenting Ministry and Pres- byterian ordination. 8. Oxf. 1718. JACKSON (John). Examination of Mr. Nye's explication, &c. 8. Lond. 1715. A discourse showing that the expositions which the Ante-Nicene fathers have given of the texts alleged against Dr. Clarke, by a learned lay-man (Mr. Nelson), are more agreeable to the interpretations of Dr. Clarke than to the interpretations of that learned layman. (Anon.) 80. Lond. 1714. A collection of queries, wherein the most material objections from scripture, reason, and antiquity which have as yet been alleged against Dr. Clarke's scripture doctrine of the Trinity and the defences of it, are pro- posed and answered, with an appendix. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1716. The grounds cf Civill and Ecclesiastical Government, with the defence of Bishop of Bangor against Mr. Law. 8. Lond. 1718. Chronological antiquities of the most ancient kingdoms from the creation of the world, for the space of five thousand years. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1752. JACKSON (Thos.), D.D. His works, by B. Oley, with his life of E. Voghan. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1673. Peter's teares : a sermon on Matth. xxvi. 74, 75. 4. Lond. 1612. A treatise of the divine essence and attributes in two parts. 4. Lond. 1628-9. JACOBAEUS (Oligerus). Museum regium, seu catalogus rerum tarn naturalium quam artificialium quae in basilica bibliothecae Daniae Norvegiaeque monarchae, Christian! quinti Hafniae asservantur. fol. Hafn. 1606. JACOBSON (William). Patres Apostolici, ed. tert. 2 voll. 8. Oxon. 1847. JACOBUS Auriae. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. JACOBUS (Petrus) de Monte Pessulano. Practica. 4. Lugd. 1519. JACOMB (Geo.) A particular account of the proceedings of the assembly at Exon, May 6th, 1719. 8<>. Lond. 1719. JACOPINUS, v. Joh. Maria Rirnin. JAFFE (Philippus). Bibliotheca Rerum Germanicarum. Tomi VI. 8. Serolini 1864-73. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum, v. Pontifices. 254 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ja JAHN (Joannes). An introduction to the Old Testament, transl. from the Latin and German, with additional references and notes by Sam. H. Turner and W. R. Whittingham. 80. New York 1827. The history of the Hebrew Commonwealth, translated from the German. 8. Oxon 1840. Biblical archaeology, translated from the Latin. 8. Oxon 1837. JAHN (Otto). Aus der Alterthumswissenschaft : Populare Aufeatze. 80. Bonn. 1868. JAMES (St.) the Greater. Recherche et ad vis sur le corps de S. Jacques le majeur. 80. Angers 1610. JAMES (St.) the Less. Divina liturgia seu missa ejus, Graece, p. 3, inter Litur- yias var. patrum, q. v. (1560). Id. et Lat. inter Liturgias patrum per Cl. de Sainctes. (80. 1562.) JAMES I, king of Great Britain. His workes (prose), published by James Montacute, bishop of Winchester, fol. Lond. 1616. Apologia pro juramento fidelitatis ; praemittitur prae- fatio mouitoria. 4. Lond. 1609. Declaratio pro jure regio sceptrorumque immunitate, adv. card. Perronium, Latine. 4. Lond. 1616. The magnificent entertainment given to king James, queen Ann his wife, and Henry Frederick the prince, upon the day of his majesty's triumphant passage thro' his honourable city of London 1603. 4. 1603. The supplication of certain Masse-priests, falsely called Catholikes, &c., publ. with a Marginall Glosse and an answer. 4. Lond. 1604. Present Royal, ou instructions de sa majeste" a son fils Prince Henri. 8. Hanau. 1604. His judgement of a king and of a tyrant extracted, &c., with certain Notations. 4. Sept. 8, 1642. The Essays of a Prentise in the divine art of poetry, and a counterblaste to Tobacco (Arber's reprint). 4. Lond. 1870. JAMES II, king of Great Britain. Reasons why the Church of England as well as Dis- senters should make their address of thanks to the King's Majesty for his late Gracious Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, MS. 4. Lond. 1687. The king's disguise : a poem, v. Charles I. JAMES (John Thomas). Journal of a tour in Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1819. Ja] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 255 JAMES (E.) M.D. A new universal Engl. dispensatory. 8. Lond. 1747. JAMESIUS (Thomas). Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Bodleiani, cum quad- ruplici elencho expositorum S. scripturae, Aristotelis, juris utriusque et principum medicinae. 4. Oxon. 1605. A manuduction, or introduction unto divinitie, con- taining a confutation of papists by papists (imperfect). 4. Oxf. 1625. JAMIN (J.) Cours du Physique de fecole Polytechnique. 3 voll. Paris 1863-69. Appendice au tome I re . 8. Paris 1875. JANDUNO (Johannes de). Quaestiones super libros Aristotelis de anima, q. v. In libros Aristotelis de anima et de coelo et mundo, q. v. (fol. Yen. per Bonetum 1501.) Quaestiones in libros physicorum Aristotelis (Flor. 1485), q.v. Quaestiones in XIV. libros metaphysices ad intentionem Aristotelis et magni cornmentatoris Averrois, cum M. A. Zimarae annotat. locoruin in quibus Joh. a via comment. Averrois deviavit : ace. quaestiones de indi- viduatione naturae, fol. Yen. 1505. JANET (Paul). Histoire de la Science Politique dans ses rapports avec la morale. 2 tomes. 8. Par. 1872. JANSENIUS (Cornelius), episc. Gandavensis. Comment, in suam concordiam ac historiam evangeli- cam. fol. Lugd. 1606. JANSENIUS (Cornelius), episc. Ibrensis. Mars Gallicus, seu de justitia armorum et foederum regis Galliae libri duo per Alex. Patricium (i. e. Corn. Jansenium). 8. s.l. 1637. Vindiciae Gallicae adv. Alexandrurn Patr. Armacanum. 8<>. Par. 1638. Augustinus, seu de doctrina S. Augustini contra Pelagianos et Marsilienses. 3 torn. fol. Rothom. 1652. JANSONIUS seu Janssonius (Joh.) Novi Atlantis, seu Theatri orbium terrarum, vol. IV, in quo Magnae Brit, et Hib. regna exhibentur. fol. Amst. 1659. JANUS. The Pope and the Council : authorized translation, 2nd ed. 80. Lond. 1869. JAPHAB. De mutationibus temporis, p. 20, cum Alchindo, q.v. (Par. 1540.) 256 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ja JASON (D.), Medicus Pratcnsis. De tucndu sanitate libri quatuor. 4. Antv. 1538. De arcenda sterilitate et progignendis liberis. 4. Ant. 1531. JEBB (R. C.) The Attic orators from Antiphon to Isseus. 2 vols. 8<>. Land. 1876. JELP (Rev. W. E.) Grammar of the Greek Language. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1851. JELINGER (Christopher). Sermon on Cant. ii. 1 : The excellency of Christ or the Rose of Sharon. 8. Lond. 1641. JENISON (Robert). Narrative of the popish plot. fol. Lond. 1679. JENKINS ( ) An historical examination of the authority of general councils. 4. Lond. 1688. JENKINS (Sir Leolyne), v. W. Wynne. JENKINS (Robert). Reasonableness of the Christian religion. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1721. JENYNS (Soame). A Free inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. 80. Lond. 1757. JEREMIAH. Jeremiah and Lamentations ; a new transl. with notes by Benj. Blayney. 8<>. Oxf. 1784. JERMIN (Mr.), v. Ld. Digby. JESUITS. Literae apostolicae quibus institutio confirmatio et varia privilegia continentur societatis Jesu : constitutiones societatis Jesu et examen cum declarationibus. 8. Antv. 1635. Epistolae praepositorum generalium ad patres et fratres societatis Jesu. 8. Antv. 1635. Instructions ad provinciales et superiores societatis. 8. Antv. 1635. Canones congregationum generalium societatis Jesu. 80. Antv. 1635. Ratio studiorum. 80. Antv. 1635. Bullae, decreta, epistolae, &c., quae instituti societatis Jesu impressioni Antverpiensi ab anno 1636. Antv. 8. 1639. La Mercure Jesuite ou recueil des pieces concernant les progres des Jesuites depuis 1'an 1620 jusque a 1'annee 1626. 2 voll. 80. Geneve 1631. Mysteria patrum Jesuitorum, ex ipsorum scriptis cum fide eruta. 8. Lamprapoli 1631. Le catechisme des Jesuits, ou examen de leur doctrine (par E. Pasquier). 8. Vitlefranche 1602. Jo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 257 The Jesuites' reasons unreasonable; reprinted, p. 93, of a colln. of several treatises cone, the reasons and occasions of the penal Laws, q. v. The Jesuits' morals collected by a Doctor of the colledge of Sorbon., transl: from the French, fol. Lond. 1670. The Jesuits' loyalty manifested, with preface by Edw. Stillingfleet. 4. Lond. 1677. Relations des Jesuites, contenant ce qui est passe de plus remarquable dans les missions des peres de la compagnie de J6sus, dans la Nouvelle France. 3 tomes. 8. Quebec 1858. JEVONS (W. Stanley). The Principles of Science : a Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1874. Pure Logic, or the Logic of Quality. 8. Lond. 1864. The Theory of Political Economy. 8. Lond. 1871. JEWELL (John), seu Juellus, q. v. JIRECEK (Constantin Joseph). Geschichte der Bulgaren. 8. Prag 1876. JOANNES Chrysostomus, v. Chrysostomus JOANNES, Jacobitarum Abissinorum Archipresbyter. Speculum Britannicum, poema. 4. Lond. 1647. JOANNES Anglicus, cogn. de Gadesdeji. Rosa medicinae. fol. Pap. 1492. Id. fol. Yen. 1516. Id. 2 voll. 40. Aug. Vind. 1 595. JOANNES, abbas Gorziensis. Vita Johannis, abbatis Gorziensis, v. German. Mon. Hist, Tom. VI. Vita Chrodegangi, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XII. JOANNES de Cermenate. Historia de situ origine et cultoribus Ambrosianae urbis ac de Mediolanensium gestis sub imperio Henri ci VII, v. Italic. Rer. Script, Tom. IX. JOANNES Diaconus. Chronicon Venetum et Gradense, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. JOANNES de Bazano. Chronicon Mutinense (1002-1363), v. Italic. Eer. Script. Tom. XV. JOANNES de Mussi s . Chronicon Placentinum (222-1402), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVI. JOANNES Climax. Opera Gr. Lat. interprete Matthaeo Radero. fol. Par. 1633. JOANNES de Cornazanis. Historiae Parmensis fragmenta, v. Italic. Rer. Script, Tom. XII. JOANNES (S.), Damascenus. Opera Gr. Lat. item Joan. Cassiani eremitae non 258 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Jo prorsus dissirailis argument! libri aliquot, fol. Basil. 1559. Opera auctiora et converse per Jac. Billium. fol. Par. 1619. "Ort 6 ifpovpyovfjifvos tiprot KOI mvos OVK fan rvirot rov Kvpia- KOV [MTOs a\\' avro (Kflvo d\TjOS>s TO tdiov v, p. 125, inter Liturgias Graecas (ed. 1650), q. v. JOANNES Ferrariensis. Annales principum Estensiura (1409-1454), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XX. JOANNES, prior Hagustaldensis. Continuatio Simeonis Dunelmensis liistoriae de gestis regura Angliae, p. 257, hist. Anyliae scriptt. decem, q.v. JOANNES Saresberiensis. Opera omnia ed. J. A. Giles. 5 voll. 8. Oxon. 1848. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XVI. JOANNES XXII papa. Extravagantes a J. Fontano anctiores redd. fol. Lugd, 1559. JOANNES (Ericus). Chronologia Brevis ab an. 1040 ad 1450, T. Danie. Rer. Script. Tom. II. JOBUS liber. Catena Graecorum Patrum in librnm Job. Or. Lat. per Nicetam, q. v. JOCUNDUS, presbyter. Translatio S. Servatii, v. German. Rer. Script. Tom. XIV. JOEL (R.), Oben-Shoaib. Sacrificium sabbathi, ex Num. xxviii. 10 : continet conciones in legem pro diebus sabbathi. fol. Yen. 1582. JOHNSON (John), M.A. The unbloody sacrifice and altar unvail'd and supported. 2 pts. 8. Lond. 1714-18. JOHNSON (John Noble). Life of Thomas Linacre. 8. Lond. 1835. JOHNSON (Ric.) Aristarchus Auti-Bentleianus, 46 Bentleii errores super Q. Horatii Flacci odarum libro primo ostendens, &c., duabus partibus. 8. Nottingliamiae 1717. Grammatical commentaries : being an apparatus to a new national grammar. 8. Lond. 1706. JOHNSON (Sam.) The absolute impossibility of transubstantiation demon- strated. (A wow.) 4. Lond. 1688. JOHNSON (Samuel), LL.D. A dictionary of the Engl. language, to which are prefixed a history of the language, and an English grammar. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1755. JO] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 259 "Works. 14 vols. 80. Lond. 1811-23. His life by Boswell, q. v. Poetical works. 8. Lond. 1785. JOINVILLE (Jean sire de). Histoire de St. Louis : Credo et Lettre a Louis X : texte original acconipagn^ par une traductiou par Natalis de Wailly. 8. Par. 1874. JONES ( - - ), Dr. Chaplain to the King. Fifteen Sermons. 8. (imperf.) JONES (Edw.) Index to records called the Originalia and Memoranda on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's side of the exchequer. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1793-5. JONES (Henry). Poems on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1749. JONES (John), D.M. The mysteries of opium revealed. 8. Lond. 1701. JONES (Thomas), LL.D. Prolusiones academieae, seu recitationes solennes in tit. De judiciis : item theses de origine dominii et servi- tutis cum oratione inaugurali. 8. Oxon. 1660. JONES (Sir William). His works and life: with the Asiatic Researches. 9 vols. 4o. Lond. 1799-1806. JONES (William), Minister of Nayland. Theological and miscellaneous works. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1826. JONSENIUS (Job.) De Spartis aliisque nonnullis epistola : cui accedit ejusdem de ordine librorum Aristotelis fragmentum. 4o. Ultraj. 1702. JONSIUS (Johannes). De scriptoribus historiae philosophicae libri quatuor. 80. Franc. 1659. JONSON (Benj.) His works, fol. Lond. 1692. Panegyre on the entrance of James our soveraigne to his first high session of parliament. 4. Lond. 1603. JONSTONITS (Arturus). Paraphrasis poetica Psalmorum Davidis. 8. Lond. 1742. JONSTONITS (Joannes). Historia naturalis de quadrupedibus, avibus, piscibus, insectis et de serpentibus (1665), cum figuris aeneis. fol. Amst. 1657. JORDAN (H.) Kritische Beitrage zur Geschichte der Lateinischen Sprache. 80. Berlin 1879. JORDANES (Magister). Chronica de translatione imperil ad Germanos. 8. Basil. 1559. S 2 260 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Jo JOBDANUS. De phmisphaerii figuratione cum planisphaer. Ptolemaei (ed. 1558), q.v. JOBDANUS (Thomas). Pestis phaenomena, seu exercitatio de iis quae circa febrem pestilentialem apparent. 8. Franc. 1576. Responsio ad Laureutinum Joubertum, Ibid. JOBDEN (Edward), D.M. A discourse of naturall bathes and minerall waters. 4. Lond. 1631. JOBNANDES seu Jordanes give Jordauus episc. Ra- vennas. De Getarum sive Gothorum rebus gestis. fol. Par. 1588. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. 1. De regnorum ac temporum succession, fol. Ebrod. 1621, et Franc. 1588. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom I. JOBTIN (John), S.T.P. Six dissertations on different subjects. 8. Lond. 1755. The life of Erasmus. 4. Land. 1758. Discourses on the Christian religion. 8. Lond. 1746. JOSEPH (R.), Ben David. Comm. in Megilloth, libb. Psalm., Job., Prov., Ezr., et Paralip. JOSEPH (R.), Haccohen. Comm. in Bereshith. 4. JOSEPHUS Aegyptius, v. Beveriyii canon. SS. apostt., q.v. JOSEPHUS Indus, ap. S. Grynaeum, q. v. JOSEPHUS (Flavius). Opera, Graece, cura A. P. Arlenii. fol. Basil, ap. H. Frobenium 1544. Opera Gr. Lat. per Gelenium et Rufinum. fol. Aur. Allobr. 1611. Opera Gr. Lat. ; ad codices recensuit, nova versione donavit, et notis illustravit Job. Hudsouus. 2 voll. fol. Oxon. 1720. Opera Latine per Rufinum. fol. Basil. 1524. His works, transl. by Sir Roger 1'Estrange with two discourses and several remarks upon Josephus. fol. Lond. 1702. Histoire mise en Francois par D. Gilb. Genebrard, et depuis corrigee par F. Morel. Tome I. 8. Par. 1622. Del' antichita di Giudei. 4. Yen. 1580. Delle antichita e guerre Giudaiche : tradotto per P. Lauro, Modenese. 4. Yen. 1616. Works, in English, fol. Lond,. 1754. JOUBEBTUS (Laurentins). Opuscula. 8. Luyd. 1571. De peste liber. 8. Lugd. 1567. De quartana febre, de paralysi, &c. Ibid. Ju] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 261 Medicinae Practicae priores 3 libri. 8. Lugd. 1577. Isagoge Therapeutices, &c. Ibid. JOVIANUS (Joannes) Pontanus. De Ferdinando I Neapolitano rege libb. VI. 8. JBas. 1566. JOVIUS (Paulus) Novocomensis episc. Nucerinus. Opera omnia. 2 voll. fol. as. 1578. Historiae sui temporis. 2 voll. fol. Lutet. 1533, 4. Ex historiarum sui temporis libro XXXIII. fragmeutum declarans quibus artibus Hariadenus Mithyleneus cog- nomento Barbarussa regno Tuuetano potitus Muleassem regem legitimum exegit, p. 70. 8. Ant. 1554. Elogia viroruin bellica virtute illustrium. fol. Basil. 1575. De Moscovitarum legatione libellus in nov. orb., &c., per Sim. QrynaeumiBas. 1537), p. 532, q. v- Coini et Comensis Lacus descriptio, p. 393, Ital. ill., q.v. JOURDAIN (Amable). Recherches Critiques sur 1'age et 1'origine des Traduc- tions Latines d'Aristote. 8. Paris 1843. JOUBDAIN (Charles). Histoire de I'Uuiversite' de Paris au XVII me et au XVIII'ie siecle. fol. Par. 1866. Index clironologicus chartarum pei'tinentium ad histo- riam Universitatis Parisiensis ab ejus originibus ad finem XVI. seculi. fol Par. 1862. JOURNAL. Le journal des scavans par le Sieur de Hedouville et autres, 13 torn. 12<>. Amst. 1679-86. JOWETT (Benjamin). The Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians and Romans, with critical notes and dissertations. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1855. The dialogues of Plato translated, q. v. JUELLUS (Joh. or Jewell), ep. Sar. The Apology of the Church of England. 8. Lond. 1685. Defence of the Apology in answer to Mr. Harding. 8. Lond. 1567. Reply unto Mr. Harding's answer. 8. Lond. 1565. Vita per Laur. Humfredum, q. v. JULIATffUS, canonicus Cividatens. Fragmenta chronici Forojuliensis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIV. JULIA3STUS Imperator. Quae supersunt praeter reliquias apudCvrillum omnia: ed. Fr. C. Hertlein. Voll. I, II. 12." Lips. 1875-7. Opera, cum notis Petavii, et Cantoclari notis in Caesares. 4o. Par. 1630. Epistolae Grraece inter Epistt. Aldin., q. v. 1499. Caesares sive satyra in Romanes imperatores Gr. Lat. ap. Rom. Hist. Script. Graec. Miu., q. v. 262 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ju JULIUS Alexandrinus, v. Alexandrinus. JULLEVILLE (L. Petit cle). Histoire de la Grece sous la domination romaine. 8. Par. 1875. JUNCKEN (Job. Helfricue). Chymia experimentalis curioaa, ex principiis mathe- maticis deraonstrata. 8. Fianc. 1681. Praxis medica. 8. Franc. 1689. JUNCKERUS (Jo.), Halensis. Conspectus medicinae theoretico-practicae. 4. Halae 1734. JUNIUS Letters. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1814. JUNIUS (Franciscus) senior. Examen enunciationum et argumentationum quasGrat. Prosper pro exemplis logicis adduxit. 8. Luyd. Bat. 1696. Grammat. Linguae Hebr. 8. Gen. 1596. Opera tbeologica. 2 voll. fol. Genev. 1613. De politiae Mosis observatione. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1602. JUNIUS (Fr.) junior. De pictura veterum libvi tres : accedit catalogus om- nium arebitectorum, &c. una cum praefatione et vita auctoris per J. G. Graevium. fol. Lond. 1694. Paraenesis missa Alb. de Vere comiti Oxon. 4. Rott. 1692. JUNIUS (Hadrianus). Bitavia, sell. Bataviae historia. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1588. De anuis et mensibus : Fastoruin liber, v. Graevii Roman. Antiq. Thes. Tom. VIII. JUNIUS (Melcbior). Loci communes ex Ciceronis oratiouibue, cum explica- tione. 8. Arg. 1594. Quaestionum politicarum centum ac tredecim. 8. Ary. 1611. JUNIUS (Patricks). Catena Graecorum Patrum in Beatum Job, &c. Lond. 1637. JUS et JURISPRUDENTS. Jurisprudeutiae Antejustinianae qnae supersunt : receus. adnot. Th. Ed. Huschke. 12<>. Lips. 1867. Corpus juris Canon ici : ed. Lipsiensis secunda : post Aemil. Lud. Ricbteri curas, ad librorum MSS. et edi- tionis Romanae fidem recognovit et adnotatione critica iustmxit Aemilius Friedberg. 4. Lips. 1876-9. Utriusque juris metbodus. fol. 1481. Variorum disputationes juris, fol. Papiae 1511. Regulae utriusque juris tarn civilis quam pontificii. 2 voll. fol. Luyd. 1579. Modus legeudi abbreviaturas in ntroque jure sive pro- cessus Juris, fol. Hayenau 1506. Ju] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 263 Tractatus ex variis Juris interpp. collecti voll. V. et VIII. fol. Lugd. 1549. Corpus juris civilis, cum notis D. Gothofredi. 2 voll. fol. Col. Alldbr. 1615. Repetitiones seu commentaria in varia jurisconsultorum responsa. 9 voll. fol. Lugd. 1553. Tractatus universi juris duce et auspice Gregorio XIII. in unum congesti. 21 voll. fol. Yen. 1584. Thesaurus communium opinionum sive receptarum sententiarum. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1583. Id. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1576, Quaestiones juris variae ac selectae. fol. Lugd. 1572. Singularia doctorum. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1579. Singularia doctorum. fol. s. a. et I. JTJSTELLUS (Christopborus). Codex Canonum ecclesiae Africanae. 8. Paris 1614. Bibliotheca juris canonici veteris Gr. Lat. cum notis ejus et aliorum. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1661. JUSTINIANUS (Augustinus). Castigatissimi annali della republica de Genoa, fol. Genoa 1537. JUSTINIANUS (Fabianus). Explanationes in Tobiam. fol. Ro r mae 1621. De hostili saevitia peccati et de superbia ejusque gra- dibus ac reraediis. Ibid. JUSTINIAlOrS imperator. Novellae constitutiones, Graece, editae per Greg. Halo- andrum (.cum Canon. Apost.) 8. Par. 1542. Novellae constitutiones, Lat. per Julianurn patric. et antecess. urbis Constantinop. fol. Lugd. 1561. Id. fol. Basil. 1576, Id. per Jo. Leunclavium. fol. Basil. 1575. Institutiones a D. Syl. Aldobrandino annotationibus illustratae. 8. Lugd. 1553 (another copy 1554). Institutiones, Graece. fol. Basil. 1534. Id. cum notis marg. Mart. Trehetii. fol. Par. 1562. Id. cum comm. Accursii per Jo. Chappuis. 8. Exc. Rembolt, s. a. Digestum vetus, seu pandectae juris civilis : cum com- ment. Accursii, scholiis Contii et paratitlis Cujacii. 6 voll. fol. Lugd. 1589. Digesta, recognita a Th. Mommsen. 2 voll. 4. Berol. 1870. Authenticae seu novellae constitutiones. fol. Lugd. 1 589. Instt. Juris libri IV. Ibid. The Institutes, with English introduction, translation and notes by J. C. Sandars. 8. Land. 1853. Leges de re rustica item novella constitutio prima de haeredibus et lege Falcidia Gr. Lat. cum scholiis Fr. Balduini ad calc. comm. in tit. Pomponii de origine juris per Ant. Garrone/n (ed. 15-13), q. v. 264 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ju JUSTINUS, philos. and martyr. Opera Graece. fol. Lufet. 1551. Opera Latine interp. Joach. Perionio. fol. Par. 1544. Works now extant, translated with notes. 8. Oxf. 1861. 'EK TTJS 'lova-rivov dnoXoyias irepl Xttrovpyias, inter LiturgidS Gr. q. v. p. 121. The apologies of Justin Martyr translated, at the end of the Epistles of Clement. 8<>. Camb. 1833. JUSTINUS (Amodaeue). De syndicatu, ap. vol. II. tract, univ. Juris, q. v. JUSTINUS (M. Junius) historicus. Trogi Pompei Historiarum Philippicarum epitoma : re- cens Just. Jeep. 12. Lips. 1859. Id. fol. Ebrod. 1621. JUVENALIS (D. J.) Satyrae cum comm. Jo. Britannici. fol. 1503. S'atyrae Juv. et Persii cum Gael. Sec. Curionis, &c., Comm. fol. Bas. 1551. Id. 8. Lond. 1716. Id. et Persius, ed. Ruperti et Koenig. 2 vols. 8. Glasg. 1825. Id. et Persius (typis regiis). fol. Par. 1644. Saturarum libri V. cum scholiis veteribus : rec. et emend. Otto Jahn. 8. Berol. 1851. Juvenalis et Persii satyrae juxta editionem Heinrich accurate impressae cum variis lectionibus. 18. Oxon. 1845. Les satyres traduites en Franais avec Sommaires, apos- tiles, et annotations, par A. du Chesne. 8. Par. 1607. Juvenal and Persius transl. into Eng. verse by Mr. Dryden and other hands, to which is prefixed a dis- course cone, the original and progress of Satyr. 8. Lond. 1735. Id. fol. Lond. 1693. JUVENCUS (C. Vettius). De evangelica historia carmen. 8. Paris. 1846. JUVENIS (Joannes). De antiquitate et varia Tareutinorum fortuna libri octo, p. 1219 Jtaliae illustratae, q. v. K. (R.) Catena sive elegiac quatuor effusae in vinculis apud Hibenios. 4. Lond. 1647. K. (T.) Veritas Evangelica, or the Gospel Truth asserted, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. KAHL (Johann). v. Calvinus. KAIBEL (Georgius). Epigraminata Graeca ex lapidibus contexta. 8. Berol. 1878. Ke] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 265 KALAWEN" ( Abr.) seu Calovius, q. v. KALISCH, M. M. A historical and critical commentary on the Old Testa- ment. Vol. I. Genesis, 8. ; Vol. II. Exodus. 8. Lond. 1850. KALLAY (Benjamin von). Gescliichte der Serben : aus dem Ungarischen von J. H. Schwicker. Bd. I. 8. Buda Pest. 1878. KALMAB (Georgius). Defence of Dr. Sharp's two dissertations on the Hebrew words Elohim and Berith in reply to Mr. Aboab's remarks. 8. Lond. 1751. Mr. Bates' s answers to Dr. Sharp's two dissertations answered. 8. Lond. 1751. Reply to Mr. Holloway's remarks on Dr. Sharp's two dissertations. 8. Lond. 1751. KAMPEN (N. G. van). Gescliichte der Niederlande. 2 Bde. Hamb. 1831-33. KANITZ (F.) Serbien : Historisch-ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1859-68. 4. Leipz. 1868. Donau-Bulgarien und der Balkan : Historisch-geograph- isch-ethnographische Reisestudien aus den Jahren 1860- 78. 3 Bde. 4. Leips. 1875-79. KANT (Immanuel). Sammtliche Werke, in chronologischer Reihenfolge her- ausgegeben von G. Hartenstein. 8 Bde. 8. Leipzig. 1867-8. Critique of Pure Reason translated by Meiklejohn. 80. Lond. 1860. KAYE (Job..) bishop of Lincoln. The ecclesiastical history of the second and third cen- turies, illustrated from the writings of Tertullian. 8. Camb. 1829. Some account of the writings and opinions of Justin Martyr. 8. Lond. 1836. Account of the Council of Nicsea. 8. Lond. 1853. Some account of the writings and opinions of Clemens of Alexandria. 8. Lond. 1835. KEATE (George). Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1781. KEBLE (John). Praelectiones Poeticae. Oxonii habitae annis 1832- 1841. 2 voll. 8. Oocon. 1844. KECKERMANNUS (Barthol.) Systema logicae minus. 8. Hanov. 1618. KEIL (J. M.) Commentary on Joshua, Kings, and Chronicles. 3 vols. transl. 8. Edin. 1857. KEILL (James) D.M. Anatomy of the human body, abridged. 8. Lond. 1738. 266 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ee KEILL (John). Introductions ad veram physicam et veram astrono- miam : accedunt Trigonometria : de viribus centra- libus et de legibus attractionis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1725. An examination of Dr. Burnet's theory of the earth. 80. Oxf. 1734. An Introduction to Astronomy. 8. Lond. 1730. An introduction to natural philosophy. 8 Lond. 1733. KEKULE (August). Lehrbuch dor organischen Chemie oder der Chemie der Kohlenstoffe-verbindungen. Bde. I, II, III. l te Liefg. 8. Erlangen. 1861-7. KELHAM (Robert). A dictionary of the old Norman language, collected from acts of Parliament, &c. : to which are added the Laws of William the Conqueror. 8. Lond. s. a. KELLY (John). Manx Dictionary, edited for the Manx Society by W. Gill. 80. Douglas 1866. KEMPIS (Thomas a). De imitatione Christi. 8. Paris. 1826. KEN (Thomas). Animadversion by way of answer to a Sermon preached by him by F. J. R. C. J. 4o. Lond. 1687. KENNEDY (Rann and C. Rann). The works of Virgil translated. 2 vols. 8 Lond. 1849. KENNETT (Basil), M.A. Romae antiquae notitia : or the antiquities of Rome, with two essays on the Roman learning and education. 80. Lond. 1731. KENNETT (White), bishop of Peterborough. Parochial antiquities attempted in the history of Am- brosden, Burcester, and other parts in the counties of Oxford and Bucks, greatly enlarged (from the author's MS. notes) by Bulkeley Baiidinel. 2 vols. 4. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press, 1818. Complete history of England. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1706. KENNICOTT (Benjamin). Two dissertations, the first on the Tree of Life in Para- dise ; the second on the oblatious of Cain and Abel. 80. Oxf. 1747. The state of the printed Hebrew text of the Old Testa- ment considered; a dissertation in two parts. 8. Oxf. 1753-9. The ten annual accounts of the collation of Hebrew MSS. of the Old Testament. 80. Oxon 1770. KENRICK (John). Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1850. Ki] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 267 KENWRICK (Geo.), M.A. The surest guide to eternity, or a body of divinity extracted out of the writings of the Old and New Testament, and digested under proper heads in words of Scripture only : in 8 parts. 8. Oxf. 1725. KEPPLERUS (Job,) Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum, &c., p. 169 universae geometriae synopsis per F. M. Mersennum, q. v. KERSEY (John). Elements of that mathematical art commonly called Algebra, 4 bks. fol. Lond. 1673-4. KETTLEWELL (John). A complete collection of his works. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1719. KEYES (Thomas). His tryal and condemnation, with the tryal of Robert Chamock, q. v. KEYSLER (John George). Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzer- land, Italy, and Lorrain, giving a true and just de- scription of the present state of those countries, their natural and political history, &c. : translated from the second edition of the German. 4 vols. 4. Lond. 1756. KIDDER (Richard). The judgement of private discretion in religion defended, a sermon on 1 Thess. v. 21. 4. Lond. 1687. A second dialogue between a new Catholick convert and a Protestant. 4. Lond. 1687. The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine of the sacrifice of the mass, p. 357 of Popery not founded on Scripture, q. v. KIEPERT (H.), v, Atlas. KILNER (Jos.) Account of Pythagoras's school at Cambridge, fol. s. a. KIMCHI (R. David) seu R. David Kimchi, q. v. KING. The necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated : That the power of the king is not of humane but of divine right. 4. Oxf. 1643. KING (Charles). The British merchant, or commerce preserved. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 172L KING (Edw.) His tryal and condemnation, with the tryal of Robert Chamock, q. v. KING (Henry). A sermon on John xv. 20 in defence of his father. 4. Lond. 1621. KING (John), bp. of London, D.D. A sermon on 1 Chron. ult. 26, 27, 28. 4. Oxf. 1608. 268 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [EL A sermon on Ps. xi. 2, 3, 4. 4. Oxf. 1 608. A thanksgiving sermon for his majesty's recovery, on Esay xxxviii. 17. 4. Lond. 1619. A sermon on Ps. cii. 13, 14. 4. Lond. 1620. KING (Peter), lord King. History of the Apostles' Creed, with critical observa- tions on its several articles. 8. Lond. 1703. KING (Win.) archbp. of Dublin, D.D. An answer to the considerations which obliged Peter Manby to embrace the Roman Catholic religion. 4. Lond. 1687. De origine Mali. 8. Lond. 1702. The right method of interpreting scripture in what re- lates to the nature of the Deity and his dealings with mankind, illustrated in a discourse on predestination (on Rom. viii. 29, 30), with notes by Richard Whateley. 8. Oxf. 1821. KINGTON (T. L.) History of Frederick the Second, Emperor of the Romans, from chronicles and documents published within the last ten years. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1862. KIPPIS (Andrew), D.D. Biographia Britannica. 7 vols. fol. Lond. 174766. KIRCHERUS (Athanasius) e soc. Jesu. Magnes, sive de arte magnetica libri tres. fol. Rom. 1654. Ars magna lucis et umbrae decem libris. fol. Rom. 1646. Musui-gia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni. 2 voll. fol. Rom. 1650. Obeliscus Pamphilius, seu interpretatio obelisci hiero- glyphici quatuor libris. fol. Rom. 1650. Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosae luis, quae pestis dicitur. 4. Rom. 1658. Mundus subterraneus. 2 voll. fol. Amst. 1665. Ars magna sciendi sive combinatoria. 2 voll. fol. Amst. 1669. Latium id est, nova et parallela Latii turn veteris turn novi descriptio. fol. Amst. 1671. Phonurgia nova sive conjugiura mechanico-physicum artis et naturae, paranympha phonosophia coucin- natum. fol. Campidonae 1673. Sphinx mystagogica sive diatribe hieroglyphica de mumiis. fol. Amst. 1676. Remarks out of his antiquities of China, Englished by J. Ogilby. fol. Lond. 1669. KIBCHMAIB (Georg.) Denkwurdigkeiten seiner Zeit (15191553), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. I. KIRCHMANNUS (Johannes). De anuulis liber singularis. 8. Lubecae 1623. Kn] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 269 KIRK (John Foster). History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. 3 vols. 8. Land. 1863-8. KITTO (John). Cyclopaedia of Bihlical Literature. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1856. KLING (Melchior). Euarrationes in quatuor libros institutionum juris Jus- tiniani. 8. Luyd. 1546. KLOPSTOCK (Friedrich Gottlob.) The Messiah attempted from the German with his in- troduction on divine poetry, by Jos. Collyer. 3 vols. 8. Land. 1784. KOSTERNEUBTJRG. Codex traditionum ecclesiae collegiatae Claustroneobur- gensis (1108-1260), v. Austria (Font. Rer. Austr. Abth II. Bd. IV. Urkundenbuch, v. Ibid. Bde. 10, 28. KNATCHBULL (Nortonus). Annotations upon some difficult texts in all the books of the New Testament. 8. Cambridge 1693. KNIES (Carl). Das Geld. 8. Berlin 1873. "Weltgeld und Weltrniinzen. 8. Berl. 1874. Der Credit. 2 Bde. 8. Berl. 1876-9. KNIGHT (E. Cornelia). Marcus Flaminius : an historical novel, in a series of letters supposed to be written in the time of Ger- manicus. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1795. KNIGHT (Sir Christopher Heydon). Defence of Judicial! astrologie. 8. Camb. 1603. KNIGHT (Jas.) Sermon on Deufc. xvii. 12. 8. Lond. 1719. KNIGHT (Sam.) The life of John Colet, dean of St. Paul's. 80. Oaf. 1823. KNIGHT (Fran.) A relation of a seven years' slavery under the Turks of Argeire, &c. 4. Lond. 1640. KNIGHTLEY (Alex.) Arraignment, confession and condemnation for con- spiring to assassinate King William in order to a French invasion, fol. Lond. 1696. KNIGHTON (Henr.) Chronica de eventibus Angliae, &c., p. 2311 inter hist. Anglicanae scriptt. decem, q. v. Depositio regis Bicardi II. p. 2743. Ibid. KNOLLES (Richard). The generall historic of the Turkes, together with the lives and conquests of the Othoman kings and empe- rours unto the year 1610. fol. Lond. 1610. 270 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Kn KNOLLYS (Hansenl). An exposition of the first chapter of the Song of Sol- omon, with spiritual meditations upon every verse. 4. Lond. 1659. KNORRIUS (Christianus), baro de Rosenroth. Kabbala denudata, seu doctrina Hebraeorum transcen- dentalis et metaphysica atque theologica, 2 voll. 4. Sulzbaci 1677. KNOX (Alexander). Remains of Alexander Knox, Esquire. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1844. KOBIERZYKITTS (Stanislaus). De luxu Romanorum, v. Antiquit, Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. VIII. KOEHOORN (Miuno, baron of). New method of fortification, translated from the Dutch by Tho. Savery, gent. fol. Lond. 1705. KONIGITTS (Georgius Mattheus). Bibliotheca vetus et nova scriptorum variarum gentium eorum patriam nomina, &c., ostendens. fol. Altdorf. 1678. KORAN seu Alcoranus, q. v. KORNER (Theod.) Samrntliche Werke. 12. Berlin. 1863. KORTHOLTIUS (Christianus). De calumniis paganorum in veteres Christianos. 4. Kttonii 1668. KOSKINEN (Yrjo). Finnische Geschichte. 8. Berlin 1874. KRANTZIUS (Albertus). Chronica regnorum aquilonarium Daniae Sueciae et Norvegiae. fol. Argent, apud Joan. Schottum 1546. KRAUS (Georg.), Schassburger Notarius. Siebenbiirgische Chronik (1608-1665), v. AustriaYoiit. Rer. Austr. Script. 3, 4. KRAUSE (Joh. Heinrich). Die Byzantiner des Mittelalters in ihren Staats-, Hof-, und Privat-Leben. 8. Halle 1869. KREMER (Alfred von). Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen. 2 Bde. 8. Wien 1875-7. KUGLER (Franz.) Handbuch der Kunst-Geschichte. 2 Bde. 8. Stuttgart 1872. KUHN (Emil). Ueber die Eutstehiing der Staedte der Alten : Komen- verfassung und Synoiki^mos. 8. Leipzig. 1878. KUHNIUS (Joach.), v. Diogenes Laert. KUINOEL (Christianus Theoph.) Commentarius in libros Novi Testament! historicos. 4 voll. 8. Lips. 1816-18. La] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 271 KURTZ (J. H.) History of the Old Covenant (transl.) Edlnb. 1859. 3 vols. 8. L. (J.), i. e. Jolm Leybourne, q. V. LABBAEUS (Carolus). Observationes et emendationes in synopsin Basilicwn. 80. Paris 1666. LABBE (Philippus), Bituricus. Notitia dignitatum imperil Romani, cum aliis opusculis. 8. Par. 1651. De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis dissertatio. 2 voll. 8. Par. 1660. Chronologia historica. 3 voll. fol. Par. 1670. Concordia chronologica. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1670. Sacrosancta concilia ad i egiam editionem exacta : adjiciuntur alicubi notae S. Binii. 17 voll. fol. Lut. Par. 1671-2. LACRETELLE (Charles). Histoire de France, pendant le dix-huitieme siecle. 14 tomes. 8. Par. 1819-26. LACROIX (Paul). Les Arts au Moyen Age et a 1'Epoque de la Renais- sance. 8. Paris 1871. Moeurs, Usages et Costumes au Moyen Age et a 1'Epoque de la Renaissance. 8. Par. 1872. La Vie Militaire et Religieux au Moyen Age et a 1'Epoque de la Renaissance. 8. Par. 1873. Sciences et Lettres au Moyen Age et a 1'Epoque de la Renaissance. 8. Paris 1877. LACROIX (Silvestre Francois). Traite du calcul differential et integral. 3 voll. 4. Par. 1810-19. LACTANTIUS (L. C.), Firmianus. Opera cum annott. Erasmi. fol. Col. 1544. Opera commentariis illustrata a Th. Spark et cum H. Dodwelli dissertatione de Ripa Striga. 8. Oxon. 1684. LACUNA (Andreas a), Secobiensis. Epitome omnium Galeni operum. fol. Bas. 1551. LACY (Edmund), Bp. of Exeter. Liber pontificalis, ed. P. Barnes, Esqr. 8. Exeter 1847. LAET seu Laetus (Johannes de). Hispania sive de regis Hispaniae regnis et opibus com- mentarius. 8". Lugd. Bat. 1629. Belgii confoederati respublica. 8. Lugd. Bat. Elz. 1630. 272 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [La Novus orbis seu descriptio Indiae occidentalis. fol. Lutjd. Bat. 1633. LAETUS (Jul. Pomp.) De antiquitatibus urbis Roinae libellus. ap. T. Livium. 1575. Augustae historiae compendium (Franc. 1588, Ebrod. 1622), v. Historia Romana. LAFONT (Josephide). Le Naufrage : Les trois freres rivaux. 12. Paris 1810. LAGNERIUS (Petrus). Sententiae selectae ex Cicerone Demosthene ac Terentio. 12o. Lond. 1614. LAGRANGE (J. L.) Me'chanique analytique. 2 voll. 4. Par. 1811-15. LAKE (Edw.), D.D. Officiura Eucharisticum, a Preparatory Service to a devout and worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper. 8. Lond. 1681. LALAMANTIUS (Johannes). Exterarum fere omnium et praecipuarum gentium anni ratio, et cum Romano collatio. 8. s. I. 1571. Liber de anno Romano : Kalendarium Romanum, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. LAMB (Charles). Essays of El ; a. 80. Lond. 1862. LAMB (Catherine), v. Tenison. LAMB (John), D.D., Dean of Bristol. The Phaenomena and Diosemeia of Aratus, transl. into Engl. verse with notes. 8. Lond. 1848. LAMBECIUS (Petrus). Annales Francorum Lambeciani, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. pt. 2. LAMBERTUS, episc. Atrebatensis. Epibtolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. LAMBERTUS Schnafnaburgensis seu Hersfeldensis. De rebus gestis Germanorum, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tom. XI. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VII. LAMBERTUS Canonicus. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VI. LAMBERTUS Ardensis presbyter. Historia comitum Ghisnensium, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XIII. LAMPADIUS (Johannes). Mellificii hiftorici pars tertia, duabus prioribus partibus Pezelii addenda, complectens historiam quinque ulti- marum periodorum Novi Testamenti. fol. Franc. 1649. LAMPE (Frid. Adolph.) CommentariuB analytico-exegeticus evangelii secundum Joannem. 3 voll. 4o. Amst. 1724-6. La] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 273 LAMPRIDIUS Romanorum aliquot impei'atorum historia in var. editt. Hist. Augustae sive Romanae Scriptt. (Ebrod. 1621, Fran. 1588, Par. 1620), q. v. LAMY (Bernard). Apparatus Biblicus, or an introduction to the holy scriptures, illustrated with copper-plates : transl. by R. Bundy. 4. Land. 1723. LANCASTRIA. Ducatus Lancastriae, calendarium inquisitionum post mortem temp. Edw. I Car. I : and a calendar to pleadings, depositions, &c., from Hen. VII to Phil, and Mary, and to the pleadings of the first thirteen years of Elizabeth : three parts, fol. Land. 1823-7. LANCELOTTUS (Paulus), Perusinus. Institutionum juris canonici libri quatuor. 8. Lugd. 1577. LANDOB (Walter Savage). Works, and life (by J. Forster). 8 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1876. LANDULFUS senior. Historia Mediolanensis, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. X. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. X. LANDULFUS junior (de S. Paulo). Historia Mediolanensis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XX. LANDULFUS Sagax. Chronicon ad Historiam Miscellam Pauli Diac., q.v. LANDULPHUS (Caesar). De curis febrium. fol. Ven. 1516. LANDUS (Constantius), Complani Comes. Veterum numismatum Romanorum miscellaneae expli- cationes. 4. Lugd. 1560. LANFRANCUS, Archiep. Cantuar. Opera quae supersunt omnia : edidit J. A. Giles. 2 voll. Oxon. 1844. LANFRANCUS (Jeffredus) Balbus. Decisiones juris, fol. Franc. 1573. Repetitiones. fol. Colon. 1488. LANPRANCUS, Mediolanensis. Chirurgia parva : ace. ars completa totius chirurgiae et antidotarium. fol. Ven. 1546. LANPRANCUS de Oriano seu L. de Oriano, q. v. LANPREY (Paul). History of Napoleon the First. Vols. I-III. 8. Lond. 1871-5. LANGE (Friedrich Albert). Geschichte des Materialismus und Kritik seiner Bedeu- tung in tier Gegenwart. 2te Aufl. 2 Bde. 8. Iserlohn. 1873-75. LANGE (J. P.) Commentary on St. Matthew. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1861. 274 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [La LANGE (Ludwig). Rbraische Alterthiimer. 3 Bande. 8. Berl. 1867-76. LANGEBEZ (Jacobus). Scriptores rerum Danicarum Medii aevi, q. v. Chronologia rerum Septentrionalium a morte Anscharii usque ad finem Saeculi X, v. Dame. Rer. Script. Tom. V. LANGHORN (Richard). His tryal for conspiring the death of the king, sub- version of the government and Protestant religion, June 14, 1679. fol. Lond. 1679. LANGHORNE (John), D.D. Poetical works. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1766. LANGIUS (Joan.) Lembergius. Epistolarum medicinalium yolumen tripai'titum. 8*. Franc. 1589. Epistolae med. 8. Lugd. 1556. LANGIITS (Jos.) Caes. Index vocabulorum in Martialis poematibus. 12. Arg. 1595. LANG-IUS (Wilhelmus). De veteri anno Romanorum, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. LANGOBARDI. Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum Saec. VI IX. ed. Societas aperiendis fontibus rerum Ger- manicarum medii aevi. 4. ffannov. 1878. LANGRISH (Browne), Modern theory and practice of physick. 8. Lond. 1738. LANGTOFT (Peter). A chronicle from death of Cadwalader to the end of Edw. the First's reign, with an appendix and glossary by Tho. Hearne, q. v. LANIADO (R. Abraham). Comm. in Cantica Hebr. 4 & . LANSBERG-IUS (Jacob), M.D. Apologia pro commentationibus Ph. Lansbergii in motum terrae diumum et annuum, adv. Fromondum et J. B. Morinum. 4. Middelb. 1633. LANSDOWNE MSS., v. Catalogus. LAPIDE (Cornelius Cornelii a). Commentaria in omnes Pauli epistolas. fol. Antv. 1627. Id. in Pentateuchum. fol. Par. 1633. Id. in quatuor Prophetas Majores. fol. Lugd. 1622. Id. in Threnos et Baruch. fol. Lugd. 1622. Id. in Prophetas iliuores. fol. Pat: 1635. Id. in Acta Apostolorum epistt. et Apocalypsin. fol. Par. 1631. Id. in Ecclesiasticum. fol. Antv. 1634. Id. in Salomonis Proverbia. fol. Antv. 1635. La] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Id. in Canticuin Canticorum. fol. Lugd. 1637. Id. in quatuor Evangelia. 2 voll. fol. Lurjd. 1638. Id. in Ecclesiasten et librum Sapientiae. fol. Ant. 1649. Id. in Josue, Judices, Ruth, quatuor libros Regum, et duos Paralipomenon, 2 voll. fol. Antv. 1642. Id. in Esdrae, Nehemiae, Tobiae^ Judith, Esther et Machabaeoruin libros. fol. Ant. 1645. LAPLACE (le marquis Pierre Simon de). Trait6 de mecanique celeste. 5 voll. 4. Par. 1799- 1827. LAPPENBEBG (J. M.) England under the Anglo-Norman kings, trans, by B. Thorpe. 80. Oxf. 1857. Geschichte England, v. Pauli. LABCHEY (Loredan). Dictionnaire de 1'Argot parisien. 8. Paris 1872. LABDNEB (Nathaniel), D.D. "Works. 5 vols. 4. Lond. 1815. LABGELATA (Petms de). Chirurgia : sex libris. fol. Yen. ap. Locatellum 1497. Id. fol. Yen. 1531. LABGUS (Scribonius). De compositione medicamentorum liber, fol. Par. 1528. Meclicamenta. 4. Yen. 1532. LATHAM (Symon). Falconry, or the falcon's lure and cure in two bookes. 4. Lond. 1633. LATHAM (R. G.) The English Language. 8. Lond. 1848. LATHBUBY (Thos.), M.A. A history of the Non-jurors ; their controversies and writings : with remarks on some of the Rubrics in the book of Common Prayer. 8. Lond. 1845. A history of the Convocation of the Church of England, being an account of the proceedings of Anglican ecclesiastical Courts. 8. Lond. 1853. LATIMEB (Hugh). Sermons (Parker Society). 8. Cambr. 1844. Seven sermons before Edward VI. on each Friday in Lent, 1549. (Arber's Reprint.) Sermon on the Ploughers (Arber's Reprint.). 4. Lond. 1869. LATINUS. Fragmenta de terminis, p. 254 Agrariae Rei, q. v. LATOMUS (Bartholomaeus). In aliquot Ciceronis orationis enarrationes. fol. Par. 1537. LAVATEBUS (Ludovicus). In librum Proverbium sive sententiarum Solomonis commeutarii. 8. Tiguri 1562. T 2 276 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [La LAUBACH. Annales Laubacenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. LAUD (Wm.), Archbishop of Canterbury. A relation of the conference between Arbp. Laud and Mr. Fisher, the Jesuite, with an answer to the excep- tions of A. C. fol. Lond. 1673. The history of his troubles and tryal written by himself, with the diary of his life. fol. Lond. 1695. The second vol. of his remains written by himself, collected by H. "Wharton. fol. Lond. 1700. LAUDER(Wm.), M.A. An essay on Milton's use and imitations of the moderns in his Paradise Lost. 8. Lond. 1750. LAVELEYE (Emile de). La propri6t6 et ses formes primitives. 8. Paris 1864. LAVERGNE (Leonce de). Les Economistes Frangais du dix-huitieme Siecle. 8. Paris 1870. LAUNOIUS (Jo.) Regii Navarrae gymnasii Parisiensis historia. 4. Par. 1677. Epistolae octo partibus comprehensae. fol. Cantab. 1689. LAURENCE (Eichard), Abp. of Cashel, LL.D. An attempt to illustrate those articles of the Church of England which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvinistical in eight sermons preached at the Bampton Lecture in the year 1804. 8. Oaf. 1838. LAURENT (Auguste). Methode de Chemie. 8. Paris 1854. LAURENTIUS (Andreas). Hist, anatomica humani corporis (cum iconibus). fol. Franc. 8. a. De crisibus libri tres. 8. Lugd. 1605. A discourse of the preservation of the sight, of melancho- like diseases, of rheumes, and of old age : transl. out of French by R. Surphlet. 4. Lond. 1599. LAURENTIUS de Brezina. De gestis et variis accidentibus regni Bohemiae (1404- 1422), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Aust. Script. II. Carmen insignis Boemiae. Ibid. LAURENTIUS de Leodio. Historia episcoporum Virdunensium, v. France (His- toriens des Gaules). Tom. XIII. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XII. LAURENTIUS (Josephus). Polymathiae sive variae antiquae eruditionis libri duo. fol. Lugd. 16G6. LAURENTIUS de Monacis. Ezerinus III. de Romano, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. La] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 277 LATJRENTIUS (Valentius). Q-eneralis coutroversia de indulgent/us, fol. Cracoviae 1593. Pro scholastica theologia oratio, pt. I. ad calc. Ibid. Oratio in funere Martini Pilsnen canonici Cracovien. Ibid. LATTRESHAM. Annales Laureshamenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. LAURET (Christophle) de Provins. La doctrine des temps et de 1'astronomie univereelle. fol. Paris 1598. LAURISSENSES. Annales Laurissenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. LAW, v. Leges. A colln. of several treatises concerning the reasons and occasions of the penal laws. 4. Lond. 1677. A discourse for taking off the texts and penal laws about religion. 4. Lond. 1687. The judgement and doctrine of the clergy of the Church of England concerning one special branch of the king's prerogative, viz. in dispencing with the penall laws, asserted by Archbp. Bancroft, Laud, Usher, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. An answer to a late pamphlet intituled ' The judgement and doctrine of the clergy of the Church of England,' &c. 4. Lond. 1687. LAW (Edmund), bp. of Carlisle, D.D. Considerations on the theory of religion, in three parts. 8. Lond. 1759. LAW (Win.), M.A. The Bp. of Bangor's late sermon and his letter to Dr. Snape answered, 6th ed. 8. Lond. 1717. A second letter to the Bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1717. A reply to the Bp. of Bangor's answer to the represen- tation of the committee of convocation. 8. Lond. 1719. Remarks upon a late book intituled ' The fable of the bees/ to which is added a postscript containing an observation or two upon Mr. Boyle. 8. Lond. 1725. The case of reason or natural religion fairly and fully stated, in answer to a book intitled ' Christianity as old as the creation.' 8. Lond. 1755. Notes for the Biography of "VV. L. 8. Lond. 1854. The Oxford free-thinker's letter to Law. 8. Lond. 1719. The absolute unlawfulness of the stage-entertainment fully demonstrated. 8. Lond. 1755. LAYARD (Austen H.) Nineveh and its remains. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1849. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. 8. Lond. 1853. LAYER (Christopher). The whole proceeding upon his arraignment, tryal, 278 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [La conviction, and attainder for high treason (with other tracts on the same subject), fol. Lond. 1722. LEARNING. Reflections upon learning, wherein is shown the insuf- ficiency thereof in several particulars in order to evince the necessity of revelation (by Thos. Baker, q. v.) LE BRTTN (Corneille), v. Bruyn. LECKY(W.E.H.), M.A. History of European morals from Augustus to Charle- magne. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1869. LE CLERC (Dan.), v. Clericus. LE DRAN (M.) Operations in Surgery, translated by T. Gataker. 8. Lond. 1782. LEE (James). Introduction to Botany. 8. Lond. 1765. LEE (Nathaniel). Theodosius, or the Force of Love. 8. Lond. 1744. LEE (William). On the Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 8. Lond. 1854. LEFEVRE (Jacques). Nouveau recueil de tout ce qui s'est fait pour et contre les Protestants en France. 4. Paris 1686. LEGAPENUS (Georgius). De construction verborum, Graec6. 8. Florent. 1520. LEGATIONES. Eclogae legationum Graece. 4. Aug. Vindel. 1603. LEGENDA Nova legenda Anglic, per Joh. Capgravium, q. v. Legenda aurea sanctorum, per Jac. de Voragine, q. v. LEGES. Leges Langobardorum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. I, pars 2. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXII. Codex legum antiquarum. fol. Frane. 1613. LEGGE (James), D.D. The Chinese Classics, with a translation, critical and exegetical notes, prolegomena and copious indexes. 5 vols. in 7. 8. Hongkong 1861-72. LEGH (Gerard). A letter to the Rev. Mr. Stebbing. 8. Lond. 1718. A letter from Edinburgh to Dr. Sherlock rectifying the committee's notions of sincerity, defending the whole of Bp. Hoadley's doctrine, &c., by Gilbert Dalrymple (i.e. G. L.). 8. Lond. 1718. LEGRAND (Antonius). Institutio philosophiae secundum Principia D. Renati Descartes. 4<>. Norinb. 1683. LEGRAND (Marc Antoine). Le farnille extravagante : le roi de Cocagne : le galant coureur, &c. 12. Paris 1808. Le] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 279 LEHRS (Karl). Populare Aufsatze aus dem Alterthum. 8. Leipz. 1875. LEIBNITIUS (Gothof. Gulielmus). Opera omnia, studio Ludovici Dutens. 6 voll. 4. Genev. 1768. Opera philosophica quae extant Latina Gallica Ger- manica omnia (ed. J. E. Erdmann). 8. Berlin 1840. Essais de Theodice'e, sur la bont^ de Dieu, Ja liberte de 1'homme, et 1'origine du rnal. 8. Amst. 1714. IiEIDDEKKERTTS (Melchior). De republica Hebraeorum libri duodecim : subjicitur archaeologia sacra contra T. Burneti theoriam. fol. Amst. 1704. De vario reipublicae Hebraeorum statu libri undecim. fol. Amst. 1710. LELAND (John), D.D. The divine authority of the Old and New Test, asserted with a particular vindication of the character of Moses, &c., against the false reasonings of a book in- tituled ' The moral philosopher.' 8. Land. 1739. The divine authority of the Old and New Test, asserted, &c., being a defence of the first volume of this work against the exceptions and misrepresentations in the second vol. of the ' Moral philosopher.' 8. Lond. 1740. The advantages and necessity of Christian revelation, with a discourse on natural and revealed religion. 2 vols. 8<>. Glasg. 1819. LELAIpUS (Jo.) His itinerary published from the original MSS. in the Bodleian library, by Thos. Hearne. 9 vols. 8. Oxf. at the theatre 1710-12. The lives of J. L., Tho. Hearne and Anth. a Wood, with an authentic account of their writings and publications from original papers. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1772. LEMBKE (F. W.) Geschichte von Spanien. 8. Hamburg 1831. LEMNIUS (Levinus). De Zelandiae insulis ac gentis hujus moribus, anti- quitate, &c. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1609. LE MOBT (Jacques). Pharmacia medico-physica. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1688. LEMOSIUS (Ludov.) De optima praedicendi ratione libri sex : item judicii operum magni Hippocratis liber unus. 8. Yen. 1592. Comment, in Galeni libros de morbis medendis. fol. Salmant. 1581. L'ENFANT (Jacques). Notes on the New Test, by J. L. and J. Beasobre. 2 vols. 4. LENG (John), bp. of Norwich, D.D. Natural obligations to believe the principles of religion 280 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Le and divine relation, in sixteen sermons, preached at the lecture founded by R. Boyle. 8. Lond. 1730. LENT. The holy fast of Lent defended against all its prophaners. 4. Lond. 1677. LENTULUS (Scipio) Neapolitanus. La Grammaire Italienne, traduite en Frang. et Alle- n land. 4. S. I. et a. LEO I, magnus, papa. Opera, per P. Canisium Noviomagum. fol. Col. 1546. Id. per Laur. Surium. fol. Col. Agr. 1561. Id. (cum P. Chrysologi Ravenn. opp.) fol. Paris 1614. LEO IX papa, antea dictus Bruno. Lucubratioues ejus aliquot, fol. Col. Agr. 1561. LEO, Cardinalis, Marsicanus. Chronicon sacri Honasterii Casinensis. fol. Paris 1603. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. IV. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. LEO (Ambrosius). De urbe Nola libri tres, p. 875, Italiae illustratae, q. v. LEO (Heinrich). Geschichte der Italienischen Staaten. 5 Bde. 8. Hamburg 1829-1832. LEO (Joannes) Africanus. De scriptoribus Arabicis, v. Biblioth. Hottingeri. LEODIUM, i. e. LIEGE. Epistola ad Papam ex ecclesia Leodiensi. 8. 1636. Response a la lettre escrite par 1'enfant d'Espaigne aux Bourguemeister de la cit6 de Liege. 8. 1637. LEONICENUS (Nicolaus). De morho Gallico. fol. Yen. 1516. LEOMTITJS mechanicus. De constructione sphaerae Aratacae in edit. Arati q. v. LEONTJS (Dominicus) Lunensis de Zuccuno. Ars medendi humanos particularesque morbos. 8. Franc. 1597. Metliodus curandi febres tumoresque praeter naturam. fol. Bon. 1562. LEOVITIUS (Cyprianus) a Leonicia. Ephemerides ab anno 1556 ad 1606 : item de eclipsibus, de erigeudo themate, de ratioue judicandi, de locis frtellarum fixarum, &c. fol. Aug. Vind. 1557. LEBOTJX (P. J.) Dictionnaire comique, eatyrique, critique, burlesque libre et provincial. 2 tomes. 8. Pampelune 1786. LE BOY (Loys). De la Vicissitude ou variete" des choses de 1'univers. fol. Paris 1579. LESAGE (Alain-Rene). Ses (Euvres. 8. Par. 1868. La promenade de St. Cloud. 2 tomes. 8. la llaye, \ 738. lie] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 281 LESCALOPERIUS (Petrus). Expositio in Ciceronem de natura deorum, q. v. LESCTJT (Nicolaus de). Actiones juris, in compendiosas formulas redactae. fol. Haganoiae, 1536. Les Institutions Imperiales avec certaines glosses et arbre civil. 8. Paris 1547. LESLAEUS (Jo.) i. e. Lesley. De origine, moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum. 4. Rom. 1675. Du droict et tittre de Marie royne d'Escosse et Jacques VI. son fils a la succession du Royaume d'Angleterre. 8. Rouen. LESLIE (Charles), H.A. Theological Works. 7 vols. 8. Oxon 1832. LESSING (Gotth. Ephr.) Samnitliche Schriften herausgegeben von K. Lachmann, aufs neue durchgesehen und vermehrt von W. V. Maltzalm. 12 Bde. 8. Leipzig 1853-57. LESSIUS (Leonardus). De justitia et jure caeterisque virtutibus cardinal- ibus libri quatuor : cum tractt. 2 de honestate aequi- vocationis, &c., et de Monte pietatis. fol. Lugd. 1653. Opuscula varia. fol. Lugd. 1651. L'ESTRANGE (Sir Roger). An answer to a letter to a dissenter upon occasion of his Majesties late declaration of indulgence. 4. Lotid. 1687. Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists. 2 vols. fol. Land. 1692-9. LE TELLIES, (Car. Maur.) Bibliotheca Telleriana, give catalogus librorutn ejus bibliothecae. fol. Paris 1693. LETTERS, v. Epistolae. Lettere di principi. 4. Ven. 1570. A pastoral letter from the four Catholic bishops to the lay Catholics of England. 4. Lond. 1688. Letters written by eminent persons in the 17th and 18th centuries, to which ai m e added Hearne's journeys to Reading and to Whaddon Hall, and lives of eminent men by John Aubrey, Esq., q. v. Original letters illustrative of English history, &c., with notes and illustrations by H. Ellis, q. v. LEVERA (Franciscus). Prodromus universae astronomiae restitutae. fol. Rom. 1663. De inerrantium stellarum viribus, et excellentia se- cundum quatuor positus earum insignes, una cum tabula declinationum, ascensionum rectarum, et caeli mediationum. fol. Rom. 1664. 282 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [lie JjEUNCLAVTUS (Johannes) Amelburnius. Annalea Sultanorum Othmanidarum. fol. Franc. 1596. Historiae Musulmanae Turcorura, de monumentis ip- sorum exscriptae libri 18 : accessere coramentarii duo, Libitinarius index Osmanidarum, et apologeticus alter. fol. Franc. 1591. Jus Graeco-Roraanum tarn canonicum quam civile Gr. Lat. fol. Franc. 1596. LE VOL (Claud.), v. Vol (C. le). LETTS (Malth.) Reginae Pecuniae laus, poema. 8. s. I. 1623. LEUSDEN (Job.) Compendium Graecum Novi Testamenti. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1688. LEUTHOFF, v. LudoJfus. LEVER (Thomas). Sermons (1550). (Arber's Reprint.) 4<>. Lond. 1871. LEVY (Jacob). und Chaldaisches Worterbuch iiber die Talmudim und Midraschim. Bde. I, II. 8. Leipz. 1876-9. LEWES (George Henry). Aristotle : a chapter from the History of Science, in- cluding an analysis of Aristotle's Scientific writings. 8. Lond. 1864. A History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte. 4th ed. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1871. Problems of Life and Mind : first series, the Foundations of a Creed, 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1874-5. Second series. The Physical Basis of Mind with illus- trations. 8. Lond. 1877. Third series : Problem the first : the study of psy- chology, its object, scope, and method. 8. Lond. 1879. LEWIS (Jo.), M.A. Remarks on a letter from the Prolocutor, &c. 8. Lond. 1718. The unbloody sacrifice, v. Johnson (Jo.) The lives of J. Wiclif and R. Pecock. 8. Oxf. 1820. LEWIS (Sir George Cornwall). On the methods of observation and reasoning in politics. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1852. Inquiry into the credibility of the early Roman history. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1855. An historical survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients. 8. Lond. 1862. LEWIS (Thos.) Origines Hebraeae : the antiquities of the Hebrew Re- public. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1724. LEWIS (William). Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh, translated, &c. 8. Lond. 1748. Li] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 283 LEXICON, v. also Dictionary. A Greek-English Lexicon, based on the German work of Francis Passow, by H. G. Lidclell, and R. Scott, 4. Oaf. 1845. Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, v. Gesenius, Levy. Icelandic-English dictionary, v. Cleasby. Spanish dictionary, v. Delpino, Minsheu, Stevens. Italian dictionary, v. Altieri, Florio. The Manx Dictionary, v. Kelly, John. Lexicon Hispanico-Anglicum, et vice versa per anony- mum. fol. Lond. 1599. Gazophylacium linguae Persarum, cum clavi Ital. Lat. and Gall, fol, Amst. 1684. LEY (John). An acquittance or discharge from Dr. E. H(yde) his demand of a fifth part of the rectory of Br(ightwelle) in Berks. 4. Lond. 1654. LEYBOTJRN (J.) A Papist misrepresented and represented, or a twofold character of Popery. 4. n. p. 1685. Id. second part, and catholic representer. 4. Lond. 1687. Id. third part, with a preface containing reflections upon two treatises : the one the State, the other the View of the controversie between the representer and the answerer. 4. Lond. 1687. Reflections upon the answer to the ' Papist misrepre- sented.' 4o. Lond. 1686. An amicable accommodation of the difference of the representer and answerer. 4. Lond. 1686. A reply to the answer of the ' Amicable Accommoda- tion,' being a fourth vindication of the ' Papist mis- represented.' 4. Lond. 1686. Papists protesting against Protestant Popery in answer to (Sherlock's) discourse intituled ' A Papist not mis- represented by Protestants.' 4. Lond. 1686. LEYBOURN (Win.) The compleat surveyor in seven books, fol. Lond. 1674. Cursus mathematicus, or mathematical sciences in nine books. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1690. LEYCESTER (George Hanmer). Some observations on the inconvenience of the ten com- mandments. 8. Oxf. 1795. LEYSERTJS (Polycarpus), prof, in Acacl. Helmstad. Historia poetarum et poematum Medii Aevi, decem, post annum a nato Christo CCCC, Seculorum. 8. Hal. Magd. 1721. LHUYD (Edward). Archaeologia Britannica ; or an account of the language, histories, and customs of the ancient Britons, fol. Oxf. 1707. 284 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Li LIBANIUS rhetor. Praeludia oratoria et declamationes : cura Fr. Morelli. fol. Paris 1606. Epistolae Graece in Epistt. Gr. Collect. (Apud Aldum), q. v. LIBAVIUS (Andreas). Syntagma selectorum Alchymiae arcanorum : accedunt exanien philosophiae novae quae veteri abrogandae opponitur, et analysis confessionis frateruitutis de Rosea Cruce. fol. Franc. 1613-1615. IiICETUS (Fortunius) Genuensis. De vita libri tres. 4. Genuae 1607. De perfecto constitutione hominis in utero liber unus. 4o. Patav. 1616. De animarum coextensione corpori libri duo. 4. Patav. 1616. De intellectu agente libri quinque. fol. Patav. 1627. Libri quatuor explicantes opinionem Aristotelis de ani- malium rationalium immortalitate. fol. Patav. 1629. De aniina subjecto corpori nil tribuente, deque seminis vita et efficientia primaria in formatione foetus contra Ant. Ponce Sanctacrucium. 4. Patav. 1631. De natura primo-movente libri duo. 4. Patav. 1634. De rationalis animae varia propensione ad corpus libri duo. 4. Patav. 1634. Athos perfossus sive rudens eruditus : in Criomixi quaestiones de alimento dialogus prior. 4. Patav. 1636. De natura assistente dialogus. 4. Utini 1637. Mulctra, sive de duplici calore corporum naturalium dialogus. 4. Utini 1636. LIDDON (H. P.) The Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Bampton Lectures for 1866). 8. Lond. 1867. LIDGATE (John). Story of Thebes (fol. Lond.}, v. Chaucer. LIGHTFOOT (J. B.), D.D. Commentary on Epistle to the Galatians. 8. Lond. 1869. Id. Epistle to the Philippians. 8. Lond. 1868. Id. Epistle to the Colossians and Philemon. 8. Lond. 1874. LIGHTFOOT (Jo.) Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae impensae in choro- graphiam terrae Israeliticae. 4. Cantab. 1658. His life and works. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1684. Horae Hebraicae in quatuor Evangelistas. 4. Cantab. 1658-74 and Lond. 1671. Id. edited by Rev. R. Gandell. 4 vols. 80. Oaf. 1859. A handfull of gleanings out of the book of Exodus. 4o. Lond. 1643. LIGNANO (Joannes de). De bello, represaliis et de duello tractatus. fol. s. a. et I. LiJ MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 285 LIGNABJDUS (Hermannus). Traicte et tableau du jubil6 (traduict en Francois). 8. 1607. LIGNY (Caesar de). Les ambassades et negotiations du cardinal du Perron ; ensemble les relations envoyees au roy Henry le Grand. 80. Pans 1633. LIGORIUS (Pyrrhus). De vehiculis antiquorum diatriba. 4. Franc. 1671. LIGUE (la). Le premier recueil des choses adveniies sous la ligue : premiere partie. 8. 1590. Le second recueil contenant 1'histoire des choses plus memorables advenues sous la ligue, avec une exhorta- tion aux rois et estats Chrestiens. 8. 1590. Le quatriesme recueil, &c. 8. 1595. Discours politique, compose par un gentilhomme Fra^ois centre ceulx de la Ligue qui taschoyent de persuader au roy de rompre 1'alliance qui'l a avec 1'Angleterre, &c. 4. 1588. Discours sur 1'estat de France, avec la copie des lettres patentes du roy, depuis qu'il s'est retire de Paris, &c. 8<>. s. I. 1588. LILLY (Wm.) An astrologicall prediction of the occurrences in England, part of the yeers 1648-50. 4. Lond. 1648. LIMBOBCH (Phil, a), S.T.P. Theologia Christiana ad praxin pietatis ac promotionem pacis Christianiae unice directa. 4. Amst. 1686. De veritate religionis Christiauae arnica collatio cum erudito Judaeo. 4. Goudae 1687. Historia Inquisitionis : accedit liber sententiarum Inqui- sitionis Tholosanae. fol. Amst. 1692. LINDEN (Jo. Antonides van der). De scriptis medicis libri duo : quibus pi'aemittitur manuductio ad medicinain. 8. Amst. 1637. Id. purgata a G. A. Mercklino. 4. Norib. 1686. LINDENBROGIUS (Fridericus). Codex legum antiquarum, quibus accedunt formulae solennes priscae publicorum privatorumque negotiorum et glossarium rerum vocumque difficilium et obscurio- rum. fol. Franc. 1613. LINFOBD (Th.) Some dialogues between Mr. G. and others with reflec- tions upon a book called ' Pax vobis.' (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1687. The texts which papists cite out of the Bible, &c., p. 453 of Popery not founded on scripture, q. v. The texts examined, &c. Ibid. LINGAKD (John), D.D. A History of England from the first invasion by the Romans. 14 vols. 80. Lond. 1825-31. 286 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Li LINGUET (Simon N. H.) Histoire du sidcle d'Alexandre. 8. Ainst. 1762. LINIUS (Thos.) In quatuor institutionum juris Justiniani libros explica- tiones. fol. Franc. 1553. LINNAEUS (Caroltis). Amoenitates academicae, seu dissertationes variae phy- sicae medicae botanicae antehac seorsim editae : accedit hypothesis nova de febrium intermittentium causa. 6 voll. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1749-64. LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huygen van). The fight and cyclone at the Azores : (the last fight of the Revenge.) (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1871. LINUS (S.) De passion e Petri et Pauli ad ecclesias orientales libri duo, v. Faber Stapulensis. LINWOOD (William). Anthologia Oxoniensis. 8. Lond. 1846. LIPENIUS (M. Martinus). Bibliotheca realis medica. fol. Franc. 1679. Bibliotheca realis juridica. fol. Franc. 1679. Bibliotheca realis philosophica. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1682. Bibliotheca realis theologica. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1685. Strenarum historia a prima origine ad nostra usque tempora, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XII. LIPOMANUS (Aloysius), ep. Vernon. Catena in Genesim ex authoribus ecclesiasticis. fol. Par. ex. off. Carolae Guillard 1546. SS. priscorum Patrum vitae per varios auctores con- scriptae. Voll. I-IV. 4. Yen. 1551-4. Vol. VIII. Rom. 1560. LIPPI (Lorenzo). II Malmantile Racquistato. 12. Paris 1768. LIPSIUS (Justus). Opera. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1613. De amphitheatre : saturnalium sermonum duo, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IX. Dellu grandezza di Roma e del suo imperio. (trad, per F. Pigafetta). 80. Roma 1600. Dispunctio notarum Mirandulani codicis ad Corn. Taciturn (Antv. 1627), q. v. De vesta et vestalibus syntagma, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. V. Vita ejus per Aub. Miraeum, q. v. LISLE (Edw.) Observations in husbandry. 4. Lond. 1757. LITHQOW (Wm.) The totall discourse of the rare adventures and painefull peregrinations of long nineteen yeares traveyles from Scotland to the famous kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Aflrica. 4. Lond. 1632. LI] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 287 LITTLETON (Adam). Sixty-one Sermons preached mostly upon public occa- sions, fol. Lond. 1680. LITTRE (E.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Fran9aise, avec Supplement. 3 voll. 4. Paris 1863-77. Auguste Comte et la Philosophic Positive. 8. Paris 1863. LITURGIA, v. Preces. Liturgiae sive missae SS. Patrum Jacobi, Basilii, et Jo. Chrysostomi ; cum opusculis variorum de ritu missae et eucharistiae ex libris Dionysii Areop., Justini M., Jo. Damasceni, Gregorii Nyss., Nicolai Methonensis, Samonae Gazae archiep., Germani archiep. Constant., N. Cabasilae, Maximi monachi, Bessarionis card., et Procli archiep. Const., Gr. Lat. fol. Paris 1560. Liturgiae Lat. : quibus accessit ad calcem e libris Joannis Chrysost. locorum annotatio, et initio aliquot capita unde liturgica comprobantur : auctore F. Claud, de Sainctes. 8. Antv. 1562. LIVIUS (Titus). Historiarum Romanarum. libri XLV. accedunt Flori epitome, Sigonii chronologia, &c., cum notis variorum, fol. Lut.Par. 1573. Id. ex recensione Gronovii. 3 voll. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1654. Id. fol. Ebrod. 1621. Id. ex recensione Crevieri. 5 voll. 4. Paris 1735. Historiarum Romanarum libri qui supersunt, ex recens. Jo. Nic. Madvigii : iterum ed. Madvig. et Ussing. 4 voll. 8. Hauniae 1864-73. Id. (ed. Tauclmitz). 6 voll. 18. Lipsiae 1848. Les decades qui se trouvent, mises en langue Francoise, par Bl. de \ r igenere, Jean Hamelin, et Anthonie de la Faye. fol. Paris 1583. Orationes selectae per Gualtheri, q. v. LIUTPRAND, v. Luitprand. LLANA (Franc. Murcia de), v. Murcia. LLORENTE (Juan Antonio). Histoire critique de 1'inquisition d'Espagne depuis 1'epoque de son etablissement par Ferdinand V. jusqu'au regne de Ferdinand VII. traduit de 1'Espagnol per A. Pellier. 4 tomes. 8. Paris 1818. LLOYD (Nicolaus). Dictionarium historicum geographicum poeticum (a Carolo Stephano inchoatum) suppletum et emacula- tum. fol. Oxon. 1671. LLOYD (Wm.) The late apology in behalf of the Papist, reprinted and answered in behalf of the royallists. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1673. 288 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [LI A seasonable discourse showing the necessity of main- taining the established religion in opposition to Popery, 5th ed. 40. Land. 1673. A full answer and confutation of a scandalous pamphlet called a ' Seasonable discourse' (by Rog. Palmer), q.v. A reasonable defence of the ' Seasonable discourse,' or a reply to a treatise called ' A full answer and con- futation of a scandalous pamphlet/ &c. 4. Lond. 1674. The difference between the church and court of Rome considered, in some reflections on a dialogue entitled ' A conference between two protestants and a papist.' (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1674. LLOYD (W. Watkiss). The history of Sicily to the Athenian war, with elu- cidations of the Sicilian odes of Pindar. 8. Lond. 1872. LOBECK (Ch. Aug.) Pathologiae Graeci Sermonis Elementa. 2 voll. 8. Regiom. 1853-62. Aglaophamus sive de theologiae mysticae Graecorum causis. 2 voll. in 1. 8. Regiom. 1829. Paralipomena grammatices Graecae. 8. Lips. 1837. 'PrjfjutTiKov. 8. Regiom. 1846. Sophoclis Ajax. 8. Lips. 1835. LOBEL (Matth. de). Adversaria nova stirpium per M. L. et P. Penam. fol. Lond. 1571. LOCKE (John). His works. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1740. Id. 10 vols. 8. Lond. 1812. An essay concerning humane understanding, fol. Lond, 1690. LOCKHABT (George), of Carnwath. The Lockhart papers, containing memoirs and com- mentaries upon the affairs of Scotland from 1702- 1715 : his secret correspondence witli the son of King James II from 1718 to 1728, and his other political writings, &c. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1817. LODGE (Edmund). Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners from Henry VIII to James I. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1791. LODOVICUS (Antonius). Varia opuscula medica. fol. Olyssipone, apud Ludov. Rotovigium 1540. LOGARITHMS. Scriptores logarithmic!, or a collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of logarithms ; edited by Baron Maseres. 6 vols. 4. Lond. 1791- 1807. LOGGAN (David). Oxouia illustrata: sive omnium celeberrimae istius Lo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 289 universitatis collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae Bod- leianae, scholarum publicarum, theatri Sheldoniani, necnon urbis totius scenographia. fol. Oxon. 1675. Cantabrigia illustrata : sive omnium celeberr. istius universitatis collegiorum, &c., necnon totius oppidi ichnographia. fol. Cantab, s. a. LOGTJM (Locus Dei) Monasterium. Diplomata ad historian! ejus (1173-1578), v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. LOISEL. Annales Francorum Loiseliani, v. France (Historiens des Graules). Tome V. LOLLARDS. A proper dyaloge betwene a gentillman and a husband- man ; together with a compendious olde treatyse, shevvynge howe that we ought to have the Scripture in Englysshe : written by a Lollard. (Arber's Reprint.) 4o. Land. 1871. LOMBABDICA historia per Jac. de Voragine, q. v. LOMBABDUS (Joan. Franc.) Synopsis eorum quae de balneis aliisque miraculis Puteolanis scripta sunt, pp. 789-1499, Italiae illus- tratae, q. v. LOMBABDUS (Petrus). In omnes Pauli epistolas collectanea ex Augustino aliisque contexta. fol. Par. 1537. LOMEIEBUS (Joh.) De veterum gentilium lustrationibus syntagma. 4. Ultraj. 1681. LOMMITTS (Jodocus). Medicinalium observationum libri tres. 8. Antv. 1560. Id. 8. Amst. 1720. De curandis febribus continuis liber. 8. Hotter. 1720. LONDON. Epicedia in obitum 3 senatorum ex-Praetorum Londini et panegyricum inaugurale Praetoris Londinensis. 4. Cant. 1641. Declaration of several churches of Christ in and about London "concerning the kingly interest of Christ, &c. 4o. Lond. 1654. Medical observations, &c., by a society in London. 6 vols. 80. Lond. 1771-84. LONG (George). The decline of the Roman Republic. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1864-72. LONG (Roger). Astronomy in five books. 4. Camb. 1742. LONGINUS (Dion.) De Sublimitate. 8. Oxon. 1718. Id. cum nova versione notis additis etiam omnibus fragmentis opera Zach. Pearce. fol. Lond. 1724. 290 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Lo LONGUERUE (Lud. du Four de). An historical treatise written by an author of the Com- munion of the Church of Rome touching transubstan- tiation (translated by Wake). 4. Lond. 1687. LONGUS Sophista. Pastoralia de Daphnide et Chloe, v. Script. Erotic. LONGUS (Velius). De orthographia. 8. Heid. 1589. LONICERirS (Adamus). Naturalis historiae opus novum. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1551. LONNERtJS (Andreas). Relegatio Jesuitarum ex omni bene ordinata republica vi IX argumentorum demonstrata. 4. Giessae 1602. LOPIS (Jacobus) Stunica. Annotationes contra Erasmum \ item apologia Erasmi in J. Lopidem et ejusdem Stunicae annotat. in Jac. Fab. sup. epistolas Pauli. fol. Luteciae apud P. Vi- douaenm 1522. LORINUS (Jo.) Commentarii in librum Psalmorum. 3 voll. fol. Col. 1619. Id. in Leviticum. fol. Ant. 1620. LORRAINE. Cession and transport des duchezr de L. et de Bar, au Nich. Franc. Cardinal de L. par son frere Charles IV. le due de L. a Mirecourt le 19 Jan. 1634. 8. LOTHARIUS Rex. Diplomats, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IX. Deux lettres de Henry de Lorraine. 4. 1588. LOTICHIUS (Joh. Pet.), M.D. Consiliorum et observationum medicinalium libri sex. 4. Ulmae 1658. LOTZE (Hermann). Mikrokosmus : Ideen zur Natur-geschichte und Ge- schichte der Menschheit. 3 Bde. 8. Leipz. 1869. LOTJDUN. Libres discours pour 1'afiermissement 1'assemble'e tenue a Loudun. 8. 1621. LOUIS XV. Journal Historique ou Fastes du regne de Louis XV, surnommd le Bien Aime. 2 parties. 12. Paris 1766. LOVAT (Simon lord), i. e. Simon Fraser, lord Lovat, q.v. LOVE (Christopher), M.A. Grace ; the truth and growth and different degrees thereof; the summe and substance of 15 sermons : to which is added a funerall sermon on Job xxx. 23, being the last sermon he ever preached. 8 Lond. 1652. Lu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 291 LOVELING (Benj.), M.A. Sermon preached at Banbury on Jo. 1 8. 36. 8. Lond. 1717. LOWER (Rich.), M.D. Tractatus de corde, item de motu et colore sanguinis et chyli in cum transitu. 8. Lond. 1680. LOWMAN (Moses). The principles of an occasional conformist stated and defended. (Anon.} 8. Lond. 1718. A defence of the Protestant Dissenters, in answer to the misrepresentations of Dr. Sherlock in his vindica- tion of the corporation and test acts. 8. Lond. 1718. Remarks on Dr. Sherlock's answer to the Bishop of Bailor's late book. 8. Lond. 1719. LOWTH (Robert). De sacra poesi Hebraeorum praelectiones academicae Oxonii habitae, subjicitur metricae Harianae brevis confutatio et oratio Crewiana. 4. Oxon. 1753. Isaiah : a new translation with a preliminary disserta- tion and notes critical and explanatory, fol. Lond. 1779. LOWTH (William). A vindication of the divine authority and inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. 8. Lond. 1699. A commentary on Isaiah. 4. Lond. 1716. A commentary on Jeremiah. 4. Lond. 1718. Directions for the profitable reading of the Scriptures, &c. 8. Lond. 1735. LOYER (Pierre le). Edom, ou les colonies Idumeanes. 8. Paris 1620. Colonies Pheniciennes. Ibid. LUBIWUS (Eithardus). In Juvenalis satyrarum libros ecphrasis succincta. 8. Rostoch. 1602. In A. Persii satyrarum librum ecphrasis. 8. Rostoch. 1602. LUCANUS (M. Annaeus) Cordubensis. Pharsaliae libri X. recensuit scholiisque interpretatus est C. H. Weise. 8. Lips. 1835. Id. cum scholiaste hucusque inedito, et notis variorum, curante Francisco Oudendorpio. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1728. Lucan's Pharsalia, translated into English verse by Nicholas Rowe. 2 vols. Lond. 1722. LUCAS (Franc.) Brug. In quatuor Evangelia commentarius, cum aliis ad S. scripturae lucem opusculis. fol. Antv. 1606. Supplementum Commentt. in Lucam et Johannem. fol. Ant. 1612. LUCAS (Richd.), D.D, Sermons preached on several occasions. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1702-9. Sixteen sermons. 8. Lond. 1710. Discourses upon repentance, &c. 8. Lond. 1717. u 2 292 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Lu Sermons on death and judgment. 8. Lond. 1722. Practical Christianity, or an account of holinesse which the gospel enjoyns. 8. Lond. 1685. An enquiry after happiness. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1685. LUCE (Simeon). Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin et de son Epoque. Tom. I. 8. Par. 1876. LUCIANUS Samosatensis. Opera Graece. fol. Florent. 1496. Id. cum notis Bourdelotii, Th. Marcilii, et Gilb. Cognati. fol. Lut. Par. 1615. Ex versione Joh. Benedicti cum notis variorum : acce- dunt scholia ex bibliotheca J. Vossii. 2 voll. (in 5). 8. Amst. 1687. Opera Latine per varies, cum annott. J. Micylli. fol. Franc. 1538. Opera : Franciscus Fritzschius recens. Vol. I, II, III, part. 1. 80. Rostock. 1860-74. Id. translated by several eminent hands, with his life by John Dryden. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1711. Toxaris Gallic^ par Vigenere. 4. Par. 1579. LUCILIUS (C.) Saturarum Reliquiae : edidit F. D. Gerlach. 8. Turici 1846. LUCIUS IL papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. LUCIUS (Joh.) De regno Dalmatiae et Croatiae libri sex. fol. Amst. 1666. LUCIUS (Ludovicus). Historia ecclesiastica. 3 voll. fol. Bas. 1624. De causa meritoria nostrae coram Deo justificationis : dis- ceptatio inter eum et Jo. Piscatorem. 12. Lond. 1641. LUCRETIUS (Titus) Carus. De rerum natura cum comm. D. Lambini, addita vita Lucretii per eundem. 4. Par. 1570. Id. ed. Lachmann. 8. Berlin 1860. Id. with Eng. Transl. and Notes by H. A. J. Munro. 2 vols. 8. Cambridge 1864. De rerum natura libri sex ad fidem codicis canoniciani mine primum emendati. 18. Oxon. 1846. Id. Done into Engl. verse with notes by Thos. Creech. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1714. LUDOLPHUS de Saxonia. Vita Christi. fol. Par. 1534. LUDOLPHUS (Jobus). Tetragonometria tabularia. 4t. Franc, et Lips. 1690. Lexicon Aethiopico-Latinum, cum grammatica et notig, &c. 4. Lond. 1661. Commentarius in Aethiopicam historiam. fol. Franc. ad Moen. 1691. Lu] MEBTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 293 LUDOVICUS Romanus patritiug. Navigationes per Aethiopiam, Indiana, Persidem, &., Latine per Archang. Hadrignanum : in novo orbe re- gionum vett. incognitarum per S. Grynaeum, q. v. LUDOVICUS I. imperator. Capitula sive leges ecclesiasticae et civiles, cum capitulis Caroli Magni ex Bibl. Pithoeana, q. v. (Paris 1603), Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules) Tom. VI. LUDOVICUS VII. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XVI. LUDOVICUS XIII., rex Galliae. Declaration du roy sur la reduction de la Ville de la Rochelle. 4<>. Hag. 1628. LUDOVICUS XV., v. Louis XV. LUDOVICUS (S. Franeisci)- Globus canonum ac arcanorum linguae Hebraicae et scripturae. 4. Rom. 1587. LUISINUS (Aloysius). De morbo Gallico omnia quae extant apud omnes me- dicos cujusque nationis : per A. L. et Jord. Zilettum. 2 voll. fol. Ven. 1566-7. LUITPRAHDIUS epiecopus Cremonensis. Opera, cum notis tlier. de la Higuera et Laur. Rami- rez, fol. Antv. 1640. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. VII. LULLIUS (Rnymundus). Praxis universal is magni operis: clavicula et apertorium alchymiae in vol. III. theatri Cliemici, q. v. De secretis naturae libri duo. fol. Ven. 1514. LUNADORO (Girolanio). Relatione della corte di Roma con ottanta lettere del Cardinale Lanfranco al Cardinale de Medici. 4. Ven. 1635. LUND. Liber daticus Lundensis (1086-1391), v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. Ill, IV. LUPUS (Christ.) Iprensis. Opuscula posthuma : ed. per Gul. Wynants, Tom. I. 4. Brux. 1690. LUPUS (P. Rutilius), seu P. Ruiilius Lupus, q. v. LUPUS Protospata. Chronicon rerum Neapolitanarum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. LUPUS (Servatus) Ferrariensis abbas. Vita S. Wigberchti Fritzlar confessoris, p. 339, Hinc- nvt.ri epistt., q. v. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. VIII. 294 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Lu LUSCHTTS (Antonius). Commentaria in aliquot Ciceronis orationes, v. Asconii comm., p. 129 (Paris 1536). LUSSIGNANO (Petrus de). Super nono Almansoris. fol. Ven. 1518. LUTHER (Martin). Opera Latine cum praefatione Phil. Melanthonis. 7 voll. fol. Witeb. 1550-83. His select works translated by the Rev. Henry Cole of Clare Hall. 4 vols. 8. Land. 1826. Adversus papatum Romae a Sathano fuudatum, p. 96. Reg. Poli pro eccles. unit, defens., q. v. The religion of Martin Luther, neither Catholic nor Protestant, proved from his own works, with some reflections in answer to the vindication of a discourse by Abraham Woodhead, intituled ' Martin Luther's spirit,' printed at the Theater in Oxford. 8. Oxon 1688. LTJTWYCHE (Sir Edward). Un livre des entries, contenant aussi un report des resolutions del court sur diverse exceptions prises as pleadings et sur autres matters en ley. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1704. LUYTS (Jo.) Institutio astronomica. 4. Traj. ad Rn. 1689. LYCOPHRON Chalciclensis. Cassandra cum versionibus duabus, una ad verbum a Gul. Cantero altera carmine expressa per Jos. Scali- gerum, cum annotationibus Gul. Canteri. 4. Basil. 1566. Id. cum commen tarns Isaacii Tzetzis et notis Jo. Potteri. fol. Oxon. 1697. LYCURGUS orator Atticus. Oratio in Leocratem : ed. Scheibe. 12. Lips. 1869. Id. et in editt. Oratt. et Rhett. Gr. (Par. 1575). LYDIAT (Thomas). Canones chronologici necnon series summorum magis- tratum et triumphorum Romauorum. 8. Oxon. 1675. LYDUS (Job. Laur.) Liber de Ostentis, ex codic. Ital. auctus, ed. Curt. "Wachsmuth. 12. Lips. 1863. LYE (Edw.) Dictionarium Saxonico et Gothico-Latinum. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1772. LYELL (Sir Charles). Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. 8. Lond. 1863. Principles of Geology : lOthed. 2 vols. 8. 1867. Elements of Geology, or the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants considered as illustrative of geo- logy. 8. Lond. 1865. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 295 LYLY (John). Euphues : the Anatomy of Wit. Euphues and his England. (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1869. LYNDE (Sir Humphrey). La voye seure, conduisant un chrestien a la vraye foy trad, par J. de la Montague. 8. Geneve 1634. IiYNDEWODE (Gul.) Provinciale seu constitutiones Angliae, cum surnmariis atque justis annotationibus. fol. Par. per Andream Bocard. 1501. Id. adjic. constitutiones Legatinae Othonis et Othoboni, cum annotationibus Joh. de Athona. fol. Oxon. 1679. LYRA. (Nic. de). Postilla ad Biblia cum additt. Pauli Burgensis et replicis Matth. Thoringi. 6 voll. fol. Lugd. 1590. LYRICI Graeci, v. Poetae Gr. LYSERUS (Polycarpus), v. CJiemnitius et Leyserus. LYSIAS Ath. Opera quae extant interprete J. Taylor : accedunt Jer. Marcklandi conjecturae. 4. Lond. 1739. Orationes, rec. Car. Scheibe. 12. Lips. 1874. Apologia de Eratosthensis caede cum versione Lat. Guillonii et scholiis Bellandi Grasseni. Par. 1549. Vita per Dionysium Hulic. fol. Par. 1575. LYSONS (Daniel), M.A. The environs of London ; being an historical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets within twelve miles of that capital. 4 vols. 4. Lond. 1 792-96. LYTTELTON (George), lord Lyttelton. Dialogues of the dead. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1760. The history of the life of king Henry II, and of the age in which he lived, in five books ; to which is prefixed a history of the revolutions of England from the death of Edward the Confessor to the birth of Henry II. 4 vols. 4. Lond, 1767. M. (E.) A letter to Dr. E(dward) S(tillingfleet) concerning his late letter to Mr. G(odwiu), and the account he gives iu it of a conference between Mr. G. and himself. 4. Lond. 1687. M. (P.), i.e. Pierre Matthieu, seu Matthaeus, q.v. M. (T.) The tragedy of Julia Agrippina. 8. Lond. 1639. MAASVICIITS (Pancratius). Notae in stratagemata Polyaeni (ed. 1690), q.v. MABILLON (Dom. Joannes). De re diplomatica libri sex. fol. Par. 1681. De liturgia Gallicana libri tres : ace. disquisitio de 296 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma cursu Gallicano seu de divinorum officiorum origine et progressu in ecclesiis Gallicanis. 4. Par. 1685. Dissertationes dime, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. III. MABLY (1'abW Gabriel Bonnot de). Collection complete des oeuvres. 15 voll. 8. Par. 1794-5. MACABJUS Aegyptius. Homiliae quinquagiuta ex bibl. regia. Gr. et Lat. 8. Par. 1559. MACAULAY (T. B.) History of England from the accession of James II. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1849. Critical and Historical Essays. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1860. MACBRIDE (David), M.D. A methodical introduction to the theory and practice of physic. 4. Lond. 1772. MAC* CAUL (A.) Prophecy and the Mosaic Record of the Creation, v. Aids to Faith. MACCLESFIELD (Thomas earl of),i.e.Thos.Par^r, q.v. MAC CRIE (Thomas). History of the progress and suppression of the reforma- tion in Italy in the sixteenth century, including a sketch of the history of the reformation in the Grisons. 80. Edinb. 1827. History of the progress and suppression of the reforma- tion in Spain in the sixteenth century. 8. Edinb. 1829. MAC CTJLLOCH (J. B.) Principles of Political Economy, with some enquiries respecting their application. 8. Edin. 1864. Treatises and essays on subjects connected with Political Economy. 8. Edinburgh 1853, MACER (Dominicus). Hierolexicon sive sacrum dictionarium ; ace. apparentes S.scripturae contradictiones conciliatae. fol. Rom. 1677. MACHIAVELLI (Nicolo). Opere. 5 partt. 4. Geneva, appr. Pietro Alberto 1550. The works of the famous N. M. citizen and secretary of Florence, fol. Lond. 1675. Libro dell' arte della guerra Latine. 8. Argent. 1610. Histoire de Florence, trad, en Fran. par le Seyneur de Brinon. 8. Par. 1615. MACKINTOSH (Sir James). Miscellaneous Works. 8. Lond. 1851. MACKNIQHT (James), D.D. A harmony for the four Gospels with a paraphrase and notes. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1 756. MAC LENNAN (John Ferguson). Studies in Ancient History, comprising a reprint of Primitive Marriage. 8. Lond. 1876. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 297 MACLEOD (Henry Dunning). A Dictionary of Political Economy. Vol. I. 8. Lond. 1863. Principles of Economical Philosophy. Vol. I, II, part 1 . 8. Lond. 1875. MACPHERSON (James). Fingal, composed by Ossian. 4. Lond. I 762. Temora, an ancient epic poem, composed by Ossian. 4. Lond. 1763. MACQUER (P. J.) Elements of Chymistry. 3 vols. 8. Edinb. 1768. MACRAY (W. Dun). A manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600, containing a chronological account of the early chroniclers and monkish writers, their printed works and unpublished MSS. 8. Lond. 1845. MACROBIUS (Aurelius Theodosius). Opera, ed. Franc. Eyssenhardt. 12. Lips. 1868. Id. recens. Pontanus. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1628. Id. 8. Lond. 1694. MADERUS (Joachim Joannes). De coronis, nuptiarum praesertim, sacris et profanis, v. Graevii Antiq, Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. MADOX (Thos.) The history and antiquities of the exchequer of the kings of England from the Norman Conquest to the end of the reign of Edw. II : with a dissertation concerning the great roll of the exchequer, styled the roll of Quiuto Regis Stephani. fol. Lond. 1711. MADVIG (Jo. Nic.) Opuscula Academica. 2 voll. 8. Hauniae 1834-42. Kleine Philologische Schriften. 8. Leipz. 1875. MAESTLINUS (Michael). Alterum examen novi pontificialis Gregoriani kalendarii. 4.0. Tubiny, 1586. MAFFEIUS (Jo. Pet.) Selectarum ex India epistolarum Maffeio interprete 4 libri. 4. Yen. 1588. MAFFEITJS (Raphael). Excerpta de Mohammede ejusque legibus et Saracenorum rebus. 1550. MAGAZINE. The Gentleman's Magazine. 64 vols. 8. Lond. 1781- 1814. MAGDEBURG. Historia ecclesiastica per doctos aliquot viros Magde- burgenses vulgo centuriatores, sc. Matth. Flacium Illyricum et alios. 8 voll. fol. Basil. 1560-74. Annales Magdeburgenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVI. 2H8 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma MAGEE (Wm.), D.D. Discourses on the scriptural doctrines of atonement and sacrifice, with an appendix. 3 voll. 8. Lond. 1832. MAGENTINUS metropol. Mitylenes. Enarratio in priora analytica Aristotelis, Gr. uua cum prior analyt. Aristotelis (Ven. 1536), q.v. MAGISTEB (Thomas), seu Thomas Magister, q. v. MAGISTRATUS. De jure magistratuum in subditos efc officiis subditorum erga magistratus. 8. Franc. 1608. MAGNINUS Mediolanensis, v. Salernum. Regimen sanitatis salernitanum, &c. 4. Lovan. per Jo. de Westfalia 1482. Id. 40. Lugd. 1517. MAGNO. Notae seu abbreviaturae jm*is. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1600. MAGNUS presbyter. Annales Reicherspergenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVII. MAGNUS (Olaus). Historia de gentium Septentrionalium variis conditio- nibus. fol. Basil. 1567. MAGNUS (Petrus). De consilio ad Octavium Farnesium Parmae ac Pla- centiae ducem. ace. orationes tres ; I. pro eodem ad Gregorium XIII ; II. ad Sixtum V. pont. max. ; III. in funere ejusdem Octavii : item carmiuum liber. Rom. 1587. MAHAFFY (J. P.) Social life in Greece from Homer to Menander. Lond. 1874. MAHON (Philip H. Stanhope, lord). History of England, from the peace of Utrecht to the peace of Versailles (1713-1783). 7 vols. 8". Lond. MAI (Angelo), v. Mains. MAIGNAN (Emanuel). Perspectiva horaria sive de horographia gnomonica, turn theoretica turn practica libri quatuor. fol. Honi. 1648. MAIL AT H (Johann. Grafen.) Geschichte von Oestreich 5 Bde. 8. Hamb. 1834-50. MA ILL A. (Joseph- Anne-Marie de Moyriac de). Histoire G^n^rale de la Chine, ou Annales de cet Em- pire, traduites du Tong-Kien-Kang-Mou : publiees par 1'abbe Grosier : enrichie de figures et de cartes geo- graphiques, &c. 13 voll. 4. Paris 1777. MAILROS. seu Melrose. Chronica de Mailros. fol. Oxon. 1684. MAIMBOURG (Louis). La methode pacifique pour rainener sans dispute les 4. 12. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRAEY. 299 protestants a la vraie foy, in English (by W. G.) 4. Lond. 1686. The history of the crusade, or the expeditions of the Christian princes for the conquest of the Holy Land : Englished by Dr. John Nalson. fol. Lond. 1685. MAIMONIDES (R. Moses), seu R. Moses Maimonides, q. v. MAINE (Sir Henry S.) Ancient Law : its connection with the early history of society, and its relation to modern ideas. 8 Lond. 1861. Village Communities in the East and "West. 8. Lond. 1871. The early history of Institutions ; more particularly as illustrated by the Irish Brehon Law. 8. Lond. 1875. MAJOR (Georgius) Wittebergensis. Opera. 3 veil. fol. Witeb. 1569-70. MAJOR seu Majoris (Johannes). In quatuor evangelia expositiones et disquisitiones et disputationes contra haereticos, &c. fol. Par. sub prelo Ascensiano 1529. Disp. de ecclesiae monarchia episcoporum et paroch- orurn auctoritate, p. 675 vol. I. opp. Jo. Gersonii (ed. 1606), q. v. MAIR (R.) Ben Aramah. Comm. in Jobum. MAIRO seu Mayro sive Mayronus, ord. min. Passus super universalia et predicamenta Aristotelis (Yen. 1489), q. v. MAITLAND (S. R.) The Dark Ages : a series of essays intended to illus- trate the state of religion and literature in the 9th- llth centurijss. 8. Lond. 1844. Essays on subjects connected with the reformation in England. 8. Lond. 1849. MAIUS (Angelus Cardinalis). Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus edita. 10 voll. 4. Romae 1825-38. MAKKARI, v. Al-Makkari. MAKRIZI (Taki Eddin Ahmed). Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks d'Egypte, trad, en Fran. par M. Quatremere. 2 vols. 4. Par. 1845. MALASPINA (Salla). Rerum Sicularum libri VI. (1250-1276), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. MALCHUS Philadelphiensis. De legatiouibus excerpta, Gr. 4. Aug. Vind. 1603. MALCOLM (Sir John). The history of Persia from the most early period to the present time. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1829. 300 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma A memoir of Central India, including Malwa and ad- joining provinces, with the history arid copious illus- trations of the past and present condition of that country. 2 vols., 3rd ed. 8. Land. 1832. MALDONATUS (Johannes). Summula, quaestiones casuum conscientiae difficillimas in se complectens. 8. Colon. 1604. Commentarii in qtiatuor Evangelistas. fol. Hog. 1602. MALEBBANCHE (Nicole). De la recherche de la verite. (Anon) 2 voll. 8. Amst. 1688. Id. Lat. (interpr. Jac. L'Enfant). 4. Genev. 1685. MALESPINI (Ricordano). Historia Florentina, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VTII. MALHERBE (Fr. de). Poesies avec les observations de M. Menage. 8. Par. 1666. HALLE (Bureau de la). Economie Politique des Romains. 2 Tomes. 8. Par. 1840. MALLET (David). His works. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1759. MALLET-DUPAN (Jacques). His memoirs and correspondence : illustrative of the history of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1852. MALMUNDARITTM. Triumphus S. Remacli de Malmundariensi Coenobio, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIII. MALPIGHIUS (Marcellus). Opera omnia figuris elegantissimis in aes incisis illus- trata. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1687. Dissertatio epistoiica de bombyce. 4. Lond. 1669. MALTHUS (T. R.), M. A., late fellow of Jesus Coll.,Camb. An essay on the principle of population, or a view of its past and present effects on human happiness, a new edit, very much enlarged. 4. Lond. 1803. Principles of political economy, considered with a view to their practical application. 8. Lond. 1820. MALVASIA (Cornelius). Ephemerides motuum caelestium ab anno 1661 ad 1666. fol. Mutinae 1664. MALVECIUS (Jacobus). Chronicon Brixianum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIV. MALVEZZI (Vergilioj. Discorsi sopra Cornelio Tacito. 4. Ven. 1635. Discourses upon Cornelius Tacitus, translated by Sir Richard Baker, fol. Lond. 1642. II ritratto del private politico Christiano estratto dall' originale d'alcune attioni del conte duca di S. Lucar. &\ Bologna 1635. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 301 Romulo ed il Tarquinio Superbo. 12. Yen. 1635. Davicle perseguitato. 12. Yen. 1636. MANARDUS (Jo. Jac.) Epistolarum medicinalium, libri XX. fol. Bas. 1535. Id. fol. Bas. 1540. Id. fol. Liigd. 1556. Annotationes et censurae in Jo. Mesue medicamina. fol. Bas. 1535. Id. M. Bas. 1540. MANASSES, episc. Aurelianensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. MANBY (Peter). A reformed catechism in reply to "W. King. 4. Lond. 1687. The reasons which obliged P. M. to embrace the Roman Catholic religion. 4. Lond. 1687. MANBY (Thomas), v. Pulton (F.) MANDEVILLE (Bernard de), M.D. A letter to Dion occasioned by his book called Alci- phron. 8. Lond. 1732. A treatise of the hypochondriack and hysterick passions. 80. Lond. 1730. An enquiiy into the cause of the frequent executions at Tyburn, &c., to which is added a discourse on trans- portation. 8. Lond. 1725. The fable of the bees, or private vices publick benefits, with an essay on charity and charity schools, and a search into the nature of society, 4th ed. to which is added a vindication of the book from the aspersions contained in a presentment of the Grand Jury of Middlesex, &c. 8. Lond. 1723. The fable of the bees. Part II, 2nd ed. 80. Lond. 1733. An enquiry into the origin of honour and the useful- ness of Christianity in war. 8. Lond. 1732. Free thoughts with practical applications. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1721. MANDOSIUS (Quintilianus). Comment, in regulas Cmicellariae Apostolicae Julii III. 4. Yen. 1553. MANETHON. Manethoniana : relegit Arm. Koechly. 12. Lips. 1858. Supplementum historiarum Berosi (p. 94), q. v. MANETTI (Jannotte). Chronicon Pistoriense (in Tom. XIX) : Vita Nicolai V. (in Tom. Ill), v. Italic. Rer. Script. MANGETUS (Jo. Jac.) Bibliotheca medico-practica ; sive rerum medicarum thesaurus. 4 voll. fol. Geneva 1695-98. Bibliotheca chirurgica sive rerum ad artem Machao- nicam quoquo modo spectantium thesaurus. 4 voll. fol. Genevae 1721. 302 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma MANGEY (Thos.), D.D. A sermon on Ps. xciii. 5. 8. Land. 1719. MANILIUS (Marcus). Astronomicon libri V. fol. Basil. 1533. Id. ace. lectiones variae e MS. bibl. Palatinae et aliis cum notis F. Junii Biturigis. 8. Heidelb. in off. Sanctandreana 1590. Id. a Jos. Scaligero ex vet. cod. Gemblacensi mendis repurgati: ejusdem Jos. Scaligeri notae. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1600. The Sphere of Manilius ; made an English poem, with annotations and an astronomical appendix, by Edw. Sberburne. fol. Lond. 1675. MANNA (Eliseus della). Victoria Oemonensiuin in navali bello, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XXV. MANNIA, the Isle of Man. Chronicon regum Manniae, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. III. MANNING (H. Edward). Sermons. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1845-50. MANNING (Owen), v. Lye. Dictionarium Saxonico-, et Gothico-Latiuum. 2 voll. fol. 1772. MANNIUS (Domin. Maria). Commentario della vita del famoso Capitano Giovanni Aguto Inglese, general coridottiere d'armi de Florentine, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Supplem. Tom. II. MANSEL (H. L.) Letters, Lectures, and Reviews, including the Phron- tisterion, or Oxford in the 1 9th century (edited by H. "W. Chandler). 8. Lond. 1873. The Limits of Religious Thought : Bampton Lectures for the year 1858. 8. Lond. 1858. Metaphysics, or the philosophy of consciousness. 8. Edinburgh 1860. MANSELL (Col. Rob.) Narrative of the late Popish intrigue, &c. fol. Lond. 1680. MANSO (J. C. F.) Geschichte des Ost-Gothischen Reiches in Italien. 8. Breslau 1824. MANSVELT (Regnerus a). Adversus anonymum theologo-politicum liber singularis. 4. Amst. 1674. M ANTIC A (Franciscus) Utinensis. De conjecturis ultimarum voluntatuin libri duodecim. fol. Franc, ad Moen. 1580. MANTUA (Marc.) Benavitus, q.v. MANUTIUS (Aldus), or MANNTTCCI (Aldo). Vita di Cosimo de Medici primo gran duca di Toscana. fol. Bologna 1586. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 303 De Toga Romanorum : de Tunica : de tibiis veterum, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. VI. MANUTIUS (Paulus). De civitate Romana, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. I. De legibus Romania, v. Graevii. Tom. II. MANZINI (Gio. Battista). Furori della Gioventu esercitii rhetorici. 8. Bologna 1636. Della peripeteia di fortuna, overo sopra la caduta di Seiano. Ibid. MAPS, v. Atlas. MARANGONE (Bernardo). Croniche della citta di Pisa, al 1406, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Supplem. Tom. I. Id. Latine, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIX. MARANTA (Barth.) Method! cognoscendorum simplicium libri tres. 4. Yen. 1559. Libri duo de theriaca et Mithridatio ex Ital. in Lat. sermonem conversi per Joach. Camerarium. 8. Franc, ad Moen. 1576. Delia theriaca e del Mithridato. 4. Ven. 1572. MARANTA (Robertus). Speculum quod aureum juris et advocatorum lumen, sive etiam aurea praxis merito vocatur. fol. Franc. 1586. MARBAIS (Nicol. de). Supplication et requette a 1'Empereur centre Paul Cinquiesme. 8. Leyde. 1613. MARCA (Petrus de). De concordia sacerdotii et imperil, seu de libertatibus ecclesiae gallicanae : Steph. Baluzius hanc sec. edit, recognovit emendavit illustravit et quintum librum supplevit. fol. Par. 1669. Dissertationes tres. (sc. de epist. Yigilii ; de primat- ibus ; de tempore quo primum suscepta est in Galliis Christi fides) cum notis Steph. Baluzii. 8. Par. 1669. MARCELLINUS comes Illp-icianus. Chronicon rerum orientalium : ed. Jos. Scaliger. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1606. Id. 8. Heidd. 1558. MARCELLINUS (Amm.) Romanorum imperatorum historiae, &c. : libri 31. fol. Ebrod. 1621. Id. p. 304, vol. II. scriptt. hist. Romanae per Frid. Sylburgium, q. v. Id. ed. alt. cum auctioribus adnott. Henr. Valesii : huic edit. Adr. Valesius Lindenbrogii ampliores observatt. et collectanea var. lectt. adjecit et Ammianum multis 304 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma in locis emendavit notisque explicuit, &c. fol. Par. 1681. Id. recogn. Eyssenhardt. 8. Berol. 1871. Orationes selectae per Gualtheri, q. v. MARCELLUS empiricus. Liber de medicamentis empiricip,physicis,ac rationalibus. fol. Basil, per Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episeopium 1536. Id. p. 238, vol. II. inter principes artis Medicae per Henr. Stephanura, q. v. (fol. Par. 1567). Id. inter Medicos antiques Aldinos, q. v. (fol. Yen. 1547). MARCELLUS (Nonius). De proprietate sermonis cum doctissimorum virorum notis et var. lectt. libello. 8. Par. 1583. MARCHE (Olivarius de la). Memoires mis en lumiere par Denis Sauvage, avec la chronique de Flandres, q. v. Lugd. 1562. MARCHISIUS Scriba. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. MARCULFUS monachus. Formularum libri duo in vol. II. capitular. Steph. Baluzii, q. v. Id. v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IV. MARCUS, archiepisc. Ephes. seu Marcus Eugenicus, q. v. MARCUS, Eremita, Exercitor. Opuscula, Gr. Lat. 8. Par. 1563. MARGARITA. Margarita Decreti seu tabula Martiniana Decreti per fratrem Martinum ord. praedic. dom. papae peniteuti- arium et capellanum. 8. Paris 1511. MARGUERITE de Valois. Memoires. 8. Par. 1628. MARIA Scotorum regina. L'innocence de la tres-illustre, tres-chaste et debonnaire princesse madame Marie royne d'Escosse (par Fr. de Belle-Forest). 8. Lyon 1572. Martyre de la royne d'Escosse, douariere de France (par Adam Blackwood). 8. Edinl>. 1587. Du droict et tiltre de la serenissime princesse M. a la succession du royaume d'Angleterre (trad, du Latin de John Lesley}, q. v. MARIA (Jo.) Eiminaldus. Comm. in 2 am codicis partem. fol. Ven. 1520. Ejus et Jacopini Consilia, cum additt. 3 torn. fol. Lugd. 1558-9. MARIANA (Jo.) Historia general de Espafia. 2 torn. fol. Madrid 1650. Historiae de rebus Hispaniae libri XX. fol. Toleti. 1592. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 305 Relation de lo que al Juan de Mariana pone en con- sideration el Miguel Sanza de Veniza y Esquibel. De rege et regis institutione libri tres. 8. Franco/. 1611. De poncleribus et mensuris. Ibid. MARIANO Santo Barolitano. Compendio di Cirurgia. 4. Yen. 1560. MARIANTJS Scotus, v. Scotus. MARINUS, Neapolitanus. De Procli vita et felicitate liber Or. Lat. fol. Hamb. 1618. Id. ed. J. A. Fabricius. 8. Land. 1703. Comm. ad Euclidis data Lat. fol. Yen. 1513. MARIN (M.) Histoire de Saladin, Sulthan d'Egypte et de Syrie, avec une introduction, une histoire abregee de la dynastie des Ayoubites, &c. 2 tomes. 12. a la Haye 1758. MARIO (Giov.) de' Crescimbeni. L' Istoria della volgar poesia. 4. Rom. 1698. MARISCOTTUS (Agesilaus). De personis et larvis, eai'umque apud veteres usu et origine, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IX. MARIUS (Hier.) Eusebius captivus, sive modus procedendi in curia Romana contra Evangelicos. 8. Tiguri 1597. MARIUS (Dominicus) Niger, v. Niger. MARIVAUX (Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de). La Surprise d' Amour : le Legs : les fausses Confi- dences : le jeu d'amour et du hasard : 1'Epreuve. 12o. p ar i s 1810. MARKHAM (Gervase). The Souldiers Exercise in 3 books, containing the Souldiers accidence and the Souldiers grammar. 4. Land. 1639. The last fight of the Revenge at sea : or the Tragedy of Sir Richard Grinvile. (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1871. MARLIANUS (Aloysius). De Bataviae laudibus epistola. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1609. MARLIANUS (Bartholomaeus). Topographia antiquae Romae, 7 libris. 8. Lugd. 1534. Id. cum notis ineditis F. Ursini, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. III. Id. una cum opp. Livii (ed. 1573, q. v. De origine urbis Romae una cum opp. Livii (ed. 1573), q.v. MARLORATUS (Augustinus). Genesis cum catholica expositione ecclesiastica. fol. Morgiis. 1584. Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. fol. s.l. 1605. 306 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma Esaiae prophetia cum catholica expositione ecclesiastica. fol. Gen. 1610. In Psalmos Davidis et aliorura prophetarum explicatio ecclesiastica ; item cantica sacra ex diversis Bibliorum locis, cum si MI ill expositione. fol. Genev. 1585. Thesaurus S. Scripturae propheticae et apostolicae, nominum, verborum, &c., quae in S. Bibliis continentur summaiu complectens, ab A. M. ex S. Script, primum collectus, deinde per Guil. Feuguereium digestus, &c. 8. Genev. 1613. MAHLOWE (Christopher). Works, with some account of the author and notes by A. Dyce. 8. Land. 1870. MARMONTEL (J. F.) CEuvres posthumes. 4 tomes. 12. Par. 1807. Moral tales. 3 vols. 8. Edinb. 1768. CEuvres. 7 tomes. 8<>. Par. 1819. MABOT (Clement). Version Francoise des Pseaumes de David, 8. Caen. 1562. MARQTTARDT (Joachim). Handbuch der Romischen Alterthiimer von J. Mar- quardt und Theodor Mommsen. 8. Leipzig 1871-79. Bde. IV, V, VI, von J. Marquardt. MARRACCIUS (Lud.) Versio notae atque refutatio ad Alcoranum, q. v. Prodromus ad refutationem Alcorani, in quo Mahumetis vita ac res gestae ex probatissimis apud Arabes scrip- toribus collectae referuntur, &c. Ibid. MARRIAGE, v. Matrimonium. MARRIOTT (C.), M.A. Analecta Christiana Graece. 8. Oxon. 1848. MARRYAT (Thomas), M.D. The art of healing, or a new practice of physic. 8. Birm. 1776. MARSDEN (Thos.) Roman catholics uncertain whether there he any true priests or sacraments in the Church of Rome ; evinced by an argument urged and maintained (upon their own principles) against Mr. Edw. Goodall. 4. Lond. 1688. MARSDEN (William). The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants. 4. Lond. 1811. MARSH (Herbert). A comparative view of the churches of England and Rome. 8. Camb. 1814. MARSHALL (Nathaniel), D.D. Answer to the non-jurors. 8. Lond. 1718. Sermon on Ephes. iv. 11-13. 8. Lond. 1719. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 307 A defence of our constitution in church and state, or an answer to a late charge of the non-jurors accus- ing us of heresy and schism, &c. : with an appendix of several papers never before published. 8. Lond. 1717. MARSHALL (Stephen), B.D., v. Symmons. Meroz cursed : a fast sermtfn on Judges v. 23. 4. Lond. 1641. A sermon on the baptizing of infants on 1 Pet. iii. 21. 4o. Lond. 1614. MARSHALL (Wm.), v. Sir Geo. Wakeman. MARSICANTJS (Leo). Chronicon Casinense. fol. Par. 1603. MARSILITJS (Hippolytus). Practica rerum criminalium quae Averolda nuncupatur ; cum comm. Rubricae dequaestt. in digesto novo : et Repetitiones. fol. Lugd. 1551. MARSTALLERUS (Gervasius). Artis diuinatricis quam astrologiam seu judiciariam vocant encomia et patrocinia per varios auctores. fol. Paris 1549. Theoremata Gerv. Marstalleri quibus ostendit quidnam sit de arte diuinatrice quam astrologiam vocant sentien- dum : ad init. Ibid. MARSTON (John). The metamorphosis of Pygmalion's image and certain satyres. 12. Lond. 1764. MARTHA (C.) Les Moralistes sous 1'Empire Remain, philosophes et poetes. 80. Paris 1865. MARTIALIS (M. Valerius). Epigrammatum libri XV : animadv., emend., et com- mentariolis explicat. a T. Farnabio. 8. Lond. 1615. Id. cum comm. Matth. Raderi. fol. Mog. 1627. Id. cum var. doctt. virorum commentariis notis obser- vationibus emendationibus et paraphrasibus unum in corpus conjectis. fol. Par. 1617. Id. illustrat. a V Parisiensis Academiae professoribus. 3 voll. 8<>. Paris 1825. Index omnium vocabulorum quae in Martialis poemati- bus reperiuntur a Jos. Langio. 8. Argent. 1595. MARTI ANUS (Prosper). Commentarii in Hippocratem. fol. Rom. 1626. MARTIN (Benjamin). The young gentleman and lady's philosophy. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1759. MARTIN (David). A critical dissertation on 1 John v. 7 against Mr. Simon and the modern Arians : translated from the French. 80. Lond. 1719. X 2 308 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma MARTIN (Henri). Histoire de France depuis des temps les plus recules jusqu' en 1789. 17 tomes. 8. Par. 1865. MARTIN (Thomas), LL.D. Historica descriptio, complectens vitam ac res gestas Gulielmi Wicami quondam Wintonieusis episcopi. 4. Oxon. 1690. A defence of priestes manages agaynst a civilian nam- yng himselfe Tho. Mai-tin (by Matth Parker, q. v.) MARTINENGUS (Jo. Bapt. Thorn.) Codex medicamentarius. 4. Paris 1748. MARTINEAU (Harriet). History of England during the thirty years' peace. 4 vols. 8. Lond 1877. MARTINEAU (James). Essays philosophical and theological. 2 vols. 8. N. Y. 1879. MARTINITTS (Martinus). Novus Atlas Sinensis (sc. descriptio imporii Sinensis una cum tabulis geographicis). fol. Amst. 1655. MARTINIUS (Matth.) Lexicon philologicum praecipue etymologicum in quo Latinae et a Latinis auctoribus usurpatae voces ex originibus declarantur. fol. Franc, ad Moen. 1635. MARTINUS ord. Praed., v. Margarita. MARTINUS (Jacobus) Dunkeldensis. De prima simplicium et concretorum corporum genera- tione disputatio. 8. Cantab, ex off". Thomae 1584. MARTINUS Oppaviensis. Chrouicon pontificum et imperatorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIII. MARTINUS (Jo.) Disp. de phrenitide. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1629. MARTYR (Pedro) or MARTIRE (Pietro) Felina da Crenon. Cosas Maruvillosas de la alma ciudad de Roma. 12. Rom. 1610. Id. (in Italian). 12. ftoma 1625. MARTYR (Petrus). De rebus oceanicis : de Babylonica legatione libri tres. 8. Colon. 1574. De rebus Aethiopids : Damianus a Goes. Ibid. De insulis nuper repertis liber in nov. orb. per Sim. Grynneum. q. v. 8. Rot. 1616. MARTYR (Petrus) Vermilius. In epist. S. Pauli ad Romanos commentarii. fol. Basil. 1568. Defensio sui adv. Ric. Smythaei duos libellos de coelibatu sacerdotum et votis monas-ticis. 8. Basil. 1581. Defeusio doctrinae veteris de Eucharistia contra Ste. Gardinerum. Ibid. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 309 In primum libruin Mosis, qui vulgo Genesis dicitur, commentarii : addita est initio operis vita Martyris a Jos. Simlero descripta. fol. Tiguri 1582. In D. Pauli Apostoli priorem ad Corinthios epistolam commentarii. fol. Tiguri 1579. In librum Judicum commentarii. fol. Tiguri 1582. In Samuelis prophetae libros duos conmientarii. fol. Tiguri 1595. Melachim : id est, Regum libri duo posteriores, curn commentt. Pet. Martyris in primum totum et secundi priora undecim capita et Jo. Wolphii in secundi quat- uordecim ultima capita, fol. Tiguri 1581. MARVELL (Andrew). Miscellaneous Poems, 8. Land. 1681. MARY, queen of Scots, v. Maria reg. Scot. MASCARDUS (Josephus) Sarzanensis. De probationibus. 3 voll. fol. Franc. 1585-8. MASERES (Francis), M.A. The principles of the doctrine of life -annuities. 4. Lond. 1783. . Scriptores logarithmici, or a collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of logarithms. 6 vols. 4. Lond. 1791-1807. MASIUS (Andreas). Josuae imperatoris historia illustrata atque explicata. fol. Ant. 1574. Id. in vol. VI. Bibliorum polyglott. Waltoni, q. v. MASKELL (William), A.M. Monumenta Ritualia Ecclesia Anglicanae, or occasional offices of the Church of England, according to the ancient use of Salisbury, the Prymer in English, &c., with dissertations and notes. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1846-7. Holy Baptism : a dissertation. 8. Lond. 1848. MAS-LATRIE (M. L. de). Histoire de 1'isle de Chypre sous le regne des princes de la Maison de Lusignan. 3 tomes. 8. Paris 1861. L'isle de Chypre ; sa situation presente, et ses souvenirs de Moyen Age. 12. Paris 1879. MASON (Francis), B.D. Of the consecration of the bishops in the Church of England, with their succession, jurisdiction, and other things incident to their calling, as also of the ordina- tion of priests and deacons ; five bookes wherein they are cleared from the slanders and odious imputations of Bellarmine and other Romanists. (With a MS. note by the author.) fol. Lond. 1613. Id. ed. secunda priori Anglicana longe auctior et emenda- tior : opus ex idiomate Anglicano traductum et locuple- tatum ab ipso authore. fol. Lond. 1625. The validity of the ordination of the ministers of the 310 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma reformed churches beyond the seas maintained against the Romanists. 8. Oxf. 1641. MASON (William). Poems. 8. Land. 1764. MASP^KO (G.) Histoire aucienne des peuples de 1'Orient. 12. Paris 1876. MASSA (Nicolaus). Liber iutroductorius anatomiae sive dissectionis cor- poris humani. 4. Yen. 1559. Epistolae medicinales. fol. Lugd. 1556. MASSARIA (Alexander). De peete libri duo. 4. Ven. 1579. MASSEY (James). The travels and adventures of J. M., translated from the French by Steph. Whatley. 8. Lond. 1733. MASSILLON (Jean B.), eveque de Clermont. (Euvres. 2 voll. 8. Paris 1860. MASSINGER (Philip). His plays, with notes critical and explanatory, by W. Giffbrd. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1805. MASTERS (Robert), B.D. The history of the college of Corpus Christi and the B. Virgin Mary (commonly called Bene't) in the University of Cambridge. 4. Cctmb. 1753. MATHEMATICS!. Canon mathematicus seu ad triangula. fol. Par. 1579. MATHER (Cotton), D.D. Magnalia Christi Americana, or the ecclesiastical history of New England from its first planting in 1620 to 1698, in seven books, fol. Lond. 1702. MATHIEU (Pierre), seu Petrus Matthaeus, q. v. MATRIMONIUM. Matrimonialium Consiliorum tomi duo : quorum prior per Jo. Bapt. Zilettum, posterior per Nicol. Ruckerum collectus. fol. Franc. 1580. MATTHAEUS archiepisc. Eboracensis, i. e. Matth. Hutton, q. v. MATTHAEUS Westmonasteriensis. Flores historiarum praecipue de rebus Britannicis, ab exordio mupdi isque ad A.D. 1307 edente Matth. Parkero. fol Lond. ex off. Tho. Murshii 1570. MATTHAEUS (Pet.) J. U. D. Elizabeth, fille du roy d'Hongrie, Histoire. 12. Paris 1607. Histoire de France, durant sept annees de paix du regne de Henry IV, roy de France, en 7 livres. 2 tomes. 8. Col. 1617. Histoire de Aelius Sejanus recueillie de diuers autheurs, et enrichie d'obseruations utiles et necessaires. 8. Rouen 1626. Ma] MEKTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 311 Id. in Eng. entit. ' The powerfull favorite, or the life of Aelius Seianus.' 4. Par. 1628. Sur la vie et les services de Mons, de Villeroy. 8. Rouen 1626. Histoire des prosperites malheureuses d'une femme Cathenoise. Ibid. MATTHAEUS (J.) de Gradi, v. de Ferrariis. MATTHAEUS Paris, v. Paris. Matth, MATTHEWS (Henry), M.A. The diary of an invalid, being the journal of a tour in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and France, in the years 1817-19. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1824. MATTHIOLT7S (Pet. And.) Opera quae extant oinnia. fol. Basil. 1598. Commentarii in lihros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis de Me- dica Materia, de ratione distillandi, &c. 2 voll. fol. Yen. 1565. Epistolae medicinales. fol. Prag. 1561. Id. 8. Lugd. 1564. MATJDSLEY (Henry). The physiology of mind. 8. Lond. 1876. MATTPAS (Charles). Grrammatica et Syntaxis Gallica in ling. Latinam a Theod. Jacomoto versa. 8. Lugd. 1623. MAUREB (Georg Ludwig von). Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark-, Hof-, Dorf-, und Stadt-Verfassung, und der offentlichen Gewalt. 8. Miinclien 1854. Geschichte der Marken-Verfassung in Deutschland. 8. Erlangen 1856. Geschichte der Fronhofe, der Bauernhb'fe, und der Hof- verfassung in Deutschland. 4 Bde. 8. Erlangen 1862. Geschichte der Dorf-Verfassung in Deutschland. 2 Bde. 80. Erlangen 1865. Geschichte der Stadt-Verfassung in Deutschland. 3 Bde. 8. Erlangen 1869. MATTRER (Conrad). Die Entstehung des Islandischen Staats und seiner Ver- fassung. 8. MuncTien 1852. Island von seiner ersten Entdeckung bis zum Unter- gange des Freistaats. 8. Milnchen 1874. Das alteste Hofrecht des Nordens. 8. MuncTien 1877. MAURICE (Fred. Denison). Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy : Vol. I. Ancient Philosophy and the first to the thirteenth centuries ; Vol. II. the fourteenth century and the French Revo- lution, with a glimpse into the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1873. The patriarchs and lawgivers of the Old Testament. 8. Lond. 1878. 312 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma The prophets and kings of the Old Testament. 8. Lond. 1879. MAURICE (Peter), M.A. The true causes of the contempt of Christian ministers, a sermon on Tit. ii. 15, before the university. 8. Lond. 1719. MAURICE (Henry), D.D. Doubts concerning the Roman infallibility. 4. Lond. 1688. MAURICEAU (Franois). Trait6 des maladies des femmes grosses et de celles qui sont nouvellement accouch^es. 2 tomes. 4. Par. 1712. MAURICIUS Hybernicus, &c. Lectura accuratissima in q. doc. subtilis super ysagogis Porphyrii ; modorum quoque significandi seu gram- matices apeculatiue ejusdem subtilis Scoti, ut fama est, tractatus. fol. Ven. 1512. MAURINIACENSE. Mauriniacense (Horigniacense) Chronicon, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XII. MAURO (Lucio). Le antichita de la citta di Roma. 8. Ven. 1556. MAUROCORDATUS (Jo. Nic. Alex.) Liber de officiis Graece conseriptus ; editione hac se- cunda Latine conversus (a Steph. Berglero). 4. Lips. 1722. MAUROLYCUS (Franc.) Opuscula mathematica. 4. Ven. 1575. Arithmeticorum libri duo. Ibid. Sphaericorum libri duo p. 230 universae geometriae synopsis, &c., per F. M. Mersenne, q. v. 4. Par. 1644. MAURUS (Rabanus), seu fiabanus Maurus, q. v. MAURUS (Terentiauus). De literis syllabis et metris Horatii Nic. Brissaeo com- mentatore et emendatore. 4. Par. Sim. Colinamx 1531. MAURY (L. F. Alfred). La Magie et 1'Astrologie dans 1'Antiquite" et au Moyen Age. 12. Par. 1864. Croyances et 16gendes de 1'antiquite". 12. Paris 1868. MAXEY (Anth.), D.D. Five Sermons before the King. 4. Lond. 1614. A Sermon preached in Lent (the vexation of Saul). Ibid. MAXIMUS monachus et confessor. Loci communes, p. 174 (Tig. 1546) Antonii Melissae, &c. q. v. Aphorismi seu capita de perfecta charitate et aliis virtutibus, &c. Ibid. p. 266. Computua ecclesiasticus seu brevis eunaratio Christian! paschatis Gr. Lat. (Par. 1630) interpr. D. Petavio, q. v. Ma] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 313 MAXIMUS episc. Tauriuensis. Homiliae ad calc. opp. Leonis magui. fol. Par. 1614. MAXIMUS (Tyrius). Disputationes XLI. Graece. 8. Lugd. 1631. MAXIMUS (C. Valerius). Factorum et dictorum memorabilium collectanea, fol. Lutet. 1510. Id. cum Oliuerii Arzignanensis commentario et Jod. Badii Ascensii expositions : adjectis quatuor et viginti exemplis ab Aldo prius impressis. fol. Par. Jehan Petit. 1522. Id. in English by Speed. 8. Lond. 1684. MAXWELL (James Clerk). A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. 2 vols. 8. Oxford 1873. MAXWELL (John), M.A. An essay cone, the city or kingdom of God in the rational world, and the defects in heathen deism, prefixed to his translation of bp. Richard Cumber- land's treatise of the laws of nature, q. v. An essay upon the imperfectness of the heathen morality. Ibid. A summary of the controversy between Dr. Sam. Clark and an anonymous author concerning the immateriality of the thinking substance, subjoined as an appendix. Ibid. A treatise cone, the obligation, promulgation and ob- servance of the law of nature. Ibid. MAY (Edw.) A most certaine and true relation of a strange monster or serpent found in the left ventricle of the heart of John Pennant, gentleman, of the age of 21 years. 4. Lond. 1639. MAY (Sir Thomas Erskine). The constitutional History of England (1760-1860). 3 vols. 12o. Lond. 1871. MAYERBERG (Augustinus, liber baro de). Iter in Moschoviam A. b. de M. et Hor. Guliel. Cal- vuccii eq. a Leopoldo imp. ad Tsarem Alexiuin, anno 1661 ablegatorum. fol. s. e. et a. MAYERNE-TURQUET (Louis de). The generall history of Spaine, written in French by L. de Mayerne Turquet, and translated into Engl. and continued (from 1583) unto these times by Edw. Grimeston. fol. Lond. 1612. MAYERNIUS-TURQUETUS (Theodoras). Praxeos Mayernianae in morbis internis praecipue gravioribus et chronicis syntagma : ex adversariis consiliis ac epistolis ejus concinnatum. 8. Lond 1690. Id. Syntagma alterum. 8. Lond. 1696. 314 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ma MAYERNITJS-TURQUETUS (Theoph.) med. Opera medica. fol. Lond. 1703. MAYNERIUS (Gul.) Commentaria in titulum Paadectarum de regulis juris. fol. Lugd, 1545. MAYNUS (Jason). Commentaria super Tit. de Actionibus per Balth. Severi- num illustrata. 8. Lugd. 1540. Commentaria super Codice, digesto vetere, infortiato, digesto novo; cum indice. 4 voll. fol. Lugd. 1533. Id. 5 voll. fol. Lugd. 1556-7. Consilia sive responsa. 4 voll. fol. Mediol. 1534. MAYO (Richard). A plain scripture-argument against Dr. Clark's doctrine concerning the ever blessed Trinity. 8. Lond. 1715. MAYOR (J. B.) Guide to Classical Literature. 8. Lond. 1874. MAZOLINUS (Sylvester). Summa Sylvestrina, quae summa summarum merito uuncupatur a Pet. Vendraemano locupletata et illus- trata. 2 partt. 80. Lugd. 1582. MAZURE (F. A. J.) Histoire de la revolution de 1688 en Angleterre. 3 voll. 8<>. Par. 1825. MAZZELLA (Scipio). De Puteolis et Cumis, p. 775, Italiae illustratae per varios auctores, q. v, MAZZINI (Joseph). His Life and writings. 6 vols. 12. Lond. 1864-70. MEAD (Richard), M.D. De imperio solis ac lunae in corpora humana et morbis inde oriundis. 8. Lond. 1746. De variolis et morbillis liber et Rhayis comment, de iisdem morbus. 8. Lond. 1747. Medica sacra sive de morbis insignioribus qui in Bibliis memorantur commentarius. 8. Lond. 1749. A mechanical account of poisons in several essays. 8. Lond. 1708. A short discourse concerning pestilential contagion, and the methods to be used to prevent it. 8. Lond. 1720. A discourse on the plague. 8. Lond. 1744. A discourse on the scurvy. 8. Lond. 1749. Monita et praecepta medica. 8. Lond. 1751. MEDALS. Promptuaire desMedaillesdes plus renommees personnes qui out este depuis le commencement du nionde. 4. Lyons 1553. MEDE (Joseph), B.D. His works (with a general preface and account of his life by John Worthington). fol. Lond. 1672. Me] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 315 Clavis apocalyptica ex innatis et insitis visionum characteribus eruta et demonstrate. (Anon.) 4. Cantab. 1627. The reverence of God's house : a sermon on Ecclesiastes v. 1. 4. Loud. 1638. MEDICES (Sebastianus). Tractatus de regulis Juris. 8. flor. 1572. MEDICINA. Medici antiqui omnes qui Latinis literis diversorum morborum genera et retnedia persecuti sunt. fol. Ven. apud Aldifilios 1547. Medicae artis principes post Hippocratem et Galenum. 2 voll. fol. Par. exc. Hen. Stej)hanus 1567. Opuscula illustrium medicorum de dosibus seu de justa quantitate et proportione medicamentorum, edente Paulo Meieto. 8. Lugd. 1584. Epiphanie Medicorum per D. Udalricum. Binder, q.v. Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica, v. Germania. Medical essays and observations revised and published by a Society in Edinburgh. 6 vols. 8. Edinb. 1747. Medical transactions publ. by the college of physicians in London. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1772. Medical observations and inquiries by a society of physicians in London, 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1771. MEDICO (Joseph Salomo del). Liber Elim in quo quaestiones variae physicae, &c., nostro proponuntur a R. Zerach. Ben Nathan. 4. Amst. 1629. Fons hortorum aliter Fundamentum fundamenti : sectio prirna scil. partis secundae, quae continet re- sponsiones ad quaestiones in priori propositas, p. I. Ibid. Statuta seu ordinationes caeli, sectio secunda, p. 73. Ibid. Potentiae seu fortitudines Domini : de motionibus stellarum eclipsibus, &c., sectio tertia, p. 141. Ibid. Fons sigillatus in hoc libro septuaginta paradoxa mathe- matica solvuntur sectio quarta, ad calc. Ibid. MEDINA (Earth, a). Scholastica commentaria in 1, 2, 3, partem D. Thomae. fol. Col. Agr. 1619. MEDINA (Pedro de). L'Art de Naviguer traduict avec augmentation et illus- tration de plusieurs figures et annotations par Nicolas de Nicolai. fol. Lyons 1554. MEDIOBARBUS (Franc.) Biragus. Additamenta ad Numism. Imperat. Roman. Occonis, q. V. 316 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Me MEDIOLANUM. Annales Mediolanenses, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVI. MEGILLOTH. Comm. in Megilloth, Dan. Ezr. et Chronica, He- braice. MEGINHABD. Historia de translatione S. Alexandre Wilde&husam, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. MEIBOMIUS (Marcus). De fabrica Triremium, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XII. MEIEBUS (Justus). Juris publici quaestio capitalis sintne protestantes jure Caesareo haeretici et ultimo supplicio afficiendi, &c., contra sanguinarium Gasp. Schoppii classicum. 4. Argent. 1621. MELA (Pomponius). De chorographia libri tres : ed. Gust. Parthey. 8. Berol. 1867. Id. cum la Vossii observationibus. 4. Ifagae-Com. 1658. MELAMPUS. Ex palpitationibus divinatio. Gr. f. 105 b. una cum var. historiis Claud. Aeliani, q. v. Ex naevis corporis divinatio Gr. 4. Bom. 1545. MELANCHTHON (Philippus). Opera omnia. 4 voll. (in 5). fol. Witeb. 1601. Praefatio in librum Schoneri de judiciis nativitatum. 4o. Par. 1549. Id. fol. Norimb. 1545. Pars praefationis in Sphaeram Jo. de Sacro-Bosco. lUd. Epistolae selectiores aliquot. 8. Witeb. 1565. Ethicae doctrinae elemeuta et enarratio libri V. ethi- corum. 8. Witeb. 1593. Argumenta in Ciceronis epistt. familiares cum And. Miseni sen. annott. gram, et Ste. Ricii scholiis. 3 tomes. 8. 1569-70. Comm. in Ciceronis orationem pro Marcello. Par. 1537. Praemonitio ad Alcorani lectorem (1550), q. v. MELCOMBE BEGIS (Geo. Baron of), v. Dodington. MEMOIRS. Collection des memoires relatives a la Revolution Fran- 9. Par. 1560. Commentarii in librum Job : adjecta est Theod. Bezae epistola, in qua de Merceri doctrina et istorum com- mentariorum utilitate disseritur. fol. Genevae 1573. Comm. in Saloraonis Proverbia, Ecclesiasten, et Can- ticum Canticorum : ace. harmonia sive tabulae in Pro- verbia et Ecclesiasten. fol. Genevae 1573. Comm. in Prophetas quinque priores. fol. Gen. 1573. MERCKLINUS (Geo. Abr.), v. Linden (van der). MERCURIALIS (Hier.) Variarum lectionum libri quatuor, in quibus complu- rium maximeque medicinae scriptorum infinita paene loca vel corrupta restituuntur, vel obscura declarantur, &c. 4. Yen. 1571. Var. lectt. libri quinque ; quatuor priores multo quam ante et auctiores et emendatiores, quintus plane novus. 8<>. Basil. 1576. De morbis cutaneis et omnibus corporis humani excre- mentis tractatus, excepti et digesti a Paul. Aicardio. 4o. Yen. 1572. De morbis puerorum tractatus locupletissimi ex ore Hier. Mercurialis, &c. 4. Ven. 1584. Praelectiones Pisanae in epidemicas Hippocratis histo- rias. fol. Ven. 1597. Tractatus de compositione medicamentorum : et de morbis oculorum et aurium a M. Columbo editi. 4. Ven. 1590. De morbus muliebribus libri quatuor. fol. Arg. 1597. Medicina practica, seu de cognoscendis discernendis et curandis omnibus humani corporis affectibus earumque causis indagandis libri quinque, post obitum autoris editi opera Pet. de Spina. fol. Franc, ad Moen. 1601. Consultationes et responsa medicinalia. 8. Basil. 1588. Id. fol. Ven. 1587. De arte gymnastica libri sex. 4. Ven. 1601. MERCURIUS, v. ArtoM. MERCURIUS Trismegistus, v. Hermes. MEREDITH (Edward). Some farther remarks on the account given by Dr. Te- nison of his conference with Mr. Pulton, wherein the doctor's three exceptions against E. M. are examined, ' &c. 4o. Lend. 1688. Me] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 319 MEBIVALE (Charles). History of the Romans under the Empire. 7 vols. 8. Lond. 1850-62. MERLE d'Aubigne", v. Aubigne. MERLIN (Jacques). Saintes prieres recueillies de plusieurs passages de 1'an- cien et Nouveau Testament, &c. 24. La Rochelle 1607. MEBBICK (James). Annotations on the Psalms. 4. Reading 1768. A transl. or paraphrase of the Psalms, q. v. A poetical transl. and notes to Tryphiodorus, q. v. MEBSEBUBG. Chronica episcoporum ecclesiae Merseburgensis, v. Ger- man Mon. Hist. Tom. XII. MEBSENNE (Marin). Cogitata physico-mathematica ace. tractatus mechan- icus. 4. Par. 1644. Universae geometriae mixtaeque mathematicae synopsis, et bini refractionum demonstratarum tractatus. 4. Par. 1644. Nova observationes physico-mathematicae quibus ace. Aristarchus Samius de Mundi systemate. 4. Par. 1647. MEBULA (Gaudentius). Antiquitatum Galliae Cisalpinae libri tres : ace. ejusdem querela apologetica, p. 251 Italiae illustratae, q. v. MEBULA (Geo.) Historiarum Mediolani decas secunda, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXV. Enariationes vocum priscarum in libris de re rustica in var. editt. scriptt. rei Rusticae. Yen. 1514. MEBULA (Paulus). De statu reipublicae Batavicae, p. 121 republ. Hollan- diae, q. v. MESSALA (Marcus Valerius). Epitome Romanae Historiae de Octaviani August! pro- genie primoque urbis Romanae regimine : Ebrod. 1621. 8. Par. 1542 (p. 304), et Franc. 1588,etPr. 1573. MESSALAHACH vel Messaliallach. Libri tres de receptionibus planetarum una cum ' Quad- ripartite' Ptolemaei (Yen. 1491), q. v. De ratione circuli et stellarum et qualiter in hoc seculo operentur. fol. Bas. 1533. MESSANA. Historia liberationis Messanae a Sarracenorum jugo per Comitem Rogerium Normannium factae, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. MESSIA (Pietro). Selva renovata, di varia lettione in 5 parti. 4. Yen. 1626. MESUE (Joannes). Canones Universales : de simplicibus medicinis solu- 320 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Me tivis, de mediciiiis compositis, de aegritudinibus cum comment. Mundini, &c. fol. Yen. 1558. Opera : ed. Jo. Costa, fol. Ven. 1568. Receptarium antidotarii ad calc. censurae in Mesuae antidot. &c. Lugd. 1546. METASTASIO (Pietro). Opere. 5 voll. 8. Ven. 1750. METASTHENES Persa. De judicio temporum et annalium Persarum, &c., cum comm. Jo. Annii (p. 218 Witeb. 1612), q. v. METEBEN (Emanuel de). L'Histoire des Pays-Bas, traduite de Flamand en Fran- ois. fol. La Haye 1618. METHODISM. Catalogue of works in refutation of Methodism, by H. C. Decanver. 8. Philadelphia 1846. METHOLD (William). Relations of the kingdome of Golchonda and other neighbouring nations within the gulfe of Bengala, &c., p. 993 of Purchases pilgrimage (Land. 1626), q. v. METTENSES. Annales Francorum Hettenses, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tom. II- V. METIUS (Adrianus). De genuine usu utriusque globi tractatus ; adjecta est artis navigandi ratio. 8. Amst. 1626. MEURSIUS (Joannes). Glossarium Graeco-barbarum : ed. altera emendata et aucta. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1614. Cecropia sive de Athenarum arce et ejusdem antiquita- tibus liber singularis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1622. Graecia ludibunda sive de ludis Graecorum liber sin- gularis. 80. Lugd. Bat. 1625. Areopagus sive de senatu Areopagitico liber singularis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1624. Athenae Batavae, sive de urbe Leidensi et academia, virisque claris qui utramque ingenio suo atque scriptis illustrarunt. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1625. De luxu Romanorum liber singularis : item raantisa. 4. Hag. Com. 1605. Id., v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. VIII. Regnum Atticum, sive de regibus Atheniensium eo- rumque rebus gestis libri tres. 4. Amst. 1633. Theophrastus, sive de illius libris qui injuria temporis interciderunt liber singularis: ace. Theophrastearum lectionum libellus cum Vorstii epist. de obitu Meursii. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1640. MEYER (Georg). Lehrbuch des Deutschen Staatsrecht. 8. Leipzig 1878. MEYERUS (Ludov.) Philosophia S. Scripturae interpres. 8. Amst. 1674. Mi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 321 Ad. calc. tract. Theologico-polit. Beued. de Spinosa, q.v. MEZEBAI (Franfois Eudes de). Histoire de France depuis Faramond jusqu'a mainte- nant : avec les portraits au nature! des roys, des reynes, et des dauphins. 3 voll. fol. Par, 1643-51. MICHAEL, Ephesius. Annott. in Aristotelis parva naturalia, sc. de memoria et reminiscentia, de somno et uigilia, de somniis, de diuinatione per somnium, de motu animalium, de lon- gitudine et breuitate vitae, de juuentute et senectute, et uita ac morte, de respiratioue, de gressu animalium. Gr. fol. Vm. 1527. Scholia in Aristotelis libros de partibus animalium Gr., una cum Porphyrio de non necandis ad epulandum animantibus. Ibid. Explanatio in lib. V. Ethicorum Nichomachicorum Aristotelis, una cum Eustratio, &c., q. v. Expl. in Moralia Aristotelis, Lat. per J. B. Felicianum. fol. Basil, s. a. MICHAEL Glycas, v. Glycas. MICHAELIS (Jo.) med. Opera medico-chirurgica. 4. Norimb. 1688. MICHAELIS (Jo. David). Supplementa ad lexica Hebraica. 6 partt. 4. #0^.1792 Introduction to the New Testament : translated from the German and considerably augmented with notes, &c., by Herbert Marsh. 6 vols. S. Camb. 1819. MICHAUD (Joseph). Histoire des Croisades : Nouvelle Edition augmented d'un appendice par Huillard-Breholles. 4 tomes. 8. Paris 1867. MICHELET (Jules). Histoire de France. 17 tomes. 8. Paris 1835-76. MIDDLETON (Conyers). A letter from Rome, showing an exact conformity be- tween popery and paganism, 4th edit. : to which are added a prefatory discourse containing an answer to all the objections of the writer of a Popish book intit. 1 The Catholick Christian instructed, &c.' and a post- script in which Mr. "Warburton's opinion concerning the paganism of Rome is considered. 8. Land. 1741. The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1741. A free inquiry into the miraculous powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church from the earliest ages through several successive cen- turies. 4. Lond. 1749. MIDDLETON (Empson Edw.) The first two books of the ^Eneid translated with notes. 8. Lond. 1870. 322 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mi MIDGLEY (R.) Geographia universalis, or the present state of the world. 8. Lond. 1694. MIDRASH. Midrash Tehillim. Hebraice. fol. MILBOURNE (Luke). A short defence of the orders of the Church of England as by law established, against some scattered objec- tions of Mr.Webster of Linne. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. MILICHIUS. De astrologia oratio ap. G. Marstallerum, q. v. 4. Par. 1549. MILIS (Nic. de). Repertorium juris, fol. Lugd. 1510. MILL (James). An Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind : ed. by J. S. Mill. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1869. The History of British India. 6 vols., 2nd edit. 8. Lond. 1820. MILL (John Stuart). A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive, being a connected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation. 2 vols,, 6th edit. BO. Lond. 1865. The Principles of Political Economy, with some of their applications to social philosophy. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1849. On Liberty. 8. Lond. 1859. Utilitarianism. 8. Lond. 1863. Dissertations and Discussions. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1859-7. An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings. 8. Lond. 1865. MILL (William Hodge). Sermons preached in Lent, 1845, and on several former occasions, before the University of Cambridge. 8. Cambr. 1845. Five Sermons on the Temptation of Christ our Lord in the wilderness. 8. Cambr. 1844. Fire Sermons on the nature of Christianity, preached in Advent and Christmas-tide, 1844. 8. Cambr. 1848. MILLAETTS (Joannes). Praxis criminis persequendi. 8. Paris 1541. Adnotatt. ad commentt. Lud. Gomesii in judiciales reg- ulas cancellariae, q. v. MILLER (Philip). The garderner's dictionary. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1 73 1-9. Figures of plants described in the gardener's dictionary. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1726. (coloured). MILLER (Win. Allen).- Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1862-3. Mi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 323 MILLETIERE (M- MILLS (Charles). de la), v. Rivet ( ). History of Muhammedanism, comprising the life of the Arabian prophet, &c. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1818. The history of the Crusades. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1822. MILLS (Henry), It, A. A full answer to Mr. Pilloniere's reply to Dr. Snape, and to the bishop of Bangor's preface, so far as it re- lates to Mr. Mills, &c., in a letter to the bishop of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1718. MILMAN (Henry Hart). The history of Latin Christianity. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1854. The history of Christianity in the two first centuries. 3 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1840. Id. (2nd ed.) 8. Lond. 1863. The history of the Jews. 3 vols. (3rd ed.) 8. Lond. 1863. M1LNER (Joseph). The history of the Church of Christ, by I. and J. Milner, continued by J. Scott. 7 vols. 8. Lond. 1834. MILTON (John). A complete collection of his historical and miscellaneous works ; with an historical and critical account of the life and writings of the author (by T. Birch). 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1738. Minor poems, ed. by Thos. "Warton. 8. Lond. 1785. Paradise Lost, a poem in 12 books ; the 4th edit. adorned with sculptures, fol. Lond. 1688. Id. with notes of various authors by Dr. Tho. Newton. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1753. Id. Latine interprete Guil. Dobson. 2 voll. 4. Oxon. 1750-53. Paradise Regained, a poem in four books, to which is added Samson Agonistes. fol. Lond. 1688. Id. to which is added Samson Agonistes and poems upon several occasions, with notes of various authors, by Dr. Tho. Newton. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1753. The history of Britain, that part especially now called England, from the first traditional beginning continued to the Norman Conquest. 4. Lond. 1671. Areopagitica, preceded by illustrative documents (Ar- ber's reprint). 4. Lond. 1869. MIMNEE-MTJS Colophonius. Fragmenta Gr. p. 484, part II. inter Poett. Gr. heroici carm. principes per Henr. Stephanum, q. v. MINERBETTI (Piero di Giovanni). Cronica (1383-1409), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Supplem. Tom. II. MINISTERS. Three ordinances for keeping in godly ministers placed T 2 324 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mi in livings, by authority of Parliament for regulating the sale of bishops' lands and for the relief of Chester. 4o. Lond. 1647. A letter to the triers of ministers concerning certificates. 4o. Lond. 1654. A true account of what was transacted in the assembly of the united ministers of Devon and Cornwall met at Exon May 5th and 6th. 8. Lond. 1719. A vindication of the subscribing ministers in answer to a late paper entit. 'An authentick account/ &c. 8. Lond. 1719. A reply to the subscribing ministers' reasons in their vindication for declaring their faith at this critical juncture and in other than express scripture words. 8. Lond. 1719. The second part of a reply to the vindication of the subscribing ministers, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. MINNO, baron of Koehoorn, q. v. MINSHEW (John). 'Hyfpnv ds ras yXwo-trar, i. e. ductor in linguas : the guide into tongues, cum illarum harmonia et etymologiis ori- ginationibus rationibus et derivutionibus in undecim linguis. fol. Lond. 1617. A most copious Spanish dictionarie. Ibid. Dictionary Span.-Eng. and Eng.-Span. with a Span. grammar and dialogues, &c. 4. Lond. 1599. MIRABELLA (Vincenzo) e Alagona. Le dichiarazioni della pianta dell' antiche Siracuse e d' alcune scelte medaglie, &c. fol. Nap. 1613. MIRACLES. The miracles of Jesus vindicated ; in four parts. 4th ed. 8. Lond. 1732. MIBAEUS (Aubertus). Origines equestrium sive militarium ordinum libri duo. 4o. Ant. 1609. Liber de rebus Bohemicis. 8. Lugd. 1621. Vita Justi Lipsii. 8. Antv. 1609. MIRANDULA, v. Picu*. MIRROR. The Mirror of Parliament. 15 vols. fol. Lond. 1828-31. The Muses' mirror, a collection of poems. 8. Lond. 1778. MISCELLANEA. Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica academiae naturae curiosorum Sancti Romani fmperii : Decuriae Primae. 4. Lips, et Jenae. 1670-1680. Decuriae Pecundae. Ann. I-VIII. 4. Norimb. 1683-90 MISCHNA. Mischna, sive totius Hebraeorum juris rituum, &c. systema, cum Maimonidis et Bartenorae commentariis integris, ace. variorum auctorum notae ac versiones in Mo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 325 eos quos ediderunt codices : Latinitate donavit ac notis illustravit Guil. Surenhusius. 6 voll. fol. Amst. 1698. Misne Torah. Vol. I. Hebr. MISSALE et Missa. Missale secundum ritum S. Romanae ecclesiae ex decreto concilii Trideutini restitutum et Pii V. jussu editum. 80. Par. 1598. Id. ed. alt. dementis VIII. auctoritate recognita. Lut. Par. 1637. MISSENUS (Andr.), v. Mdanchthon. MISSIONARIES. The Missionaries' arts discovered, or an account of their ways of insinuation, their artifices, and several methods of which they serve themselves in making converts ; with a letter to Mr. Pulton challenging him to make good his charge of disloyalty against Protestants, &c. 4o. Lond. 1688. A defence of the missionaries' arts, wherein the charge of disloyalty, rebellious plots and treasons asserted, page 76 of that book, are fully proved against the members of the Church of Rome, &c. 4. Lond. 1689. MITCHELL (Sir Andrew). Memoirs and papers, edited by Andrew Bissett. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1850. MITFORD (Wm.) History of Greece, with additions, to which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author, by his brother lord Redesdale. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1829. MOCENICTTS (Philippus). Univer sales institutiones ad hominum perfectionem. fol. Yen. apud Aldum 1581. Id. fol. Eust. Vignon. Atrebat. 1588. MODERATOR. The Catholike moderator (deest titulus) 4. MODESTTTS (Julius). De vocabulis rei militaris. fol. Par. 1535. MOEHLER (J. A.) Symbolism : or an exposition of the doctrinal diffe- rences between Catholics and Protestants, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1843. MOHAMMED, ebn Batuta, v. Ibn-Batuta. MOLENDINAEUS (Carolus), i.e. Car. Molina&us,<.v. MOLIERE (Jean Baptiste Poquelin). (Euvres, French and English. 10 vols. 8. Lond. 1748. MOLINA (Ludov.) Commentaria in primam Divi Thomae partem. 2 voll. fol. Yen. 1602. De justitia et jure. Voll. I and LT. fol. Hog. 1602. Vol. Ill, pars. I. Ant. 1609. 326 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mo MOLINAEUS (Carolus). Extricatio Labyrinth! de ' Eo quod Interest.' 1 vol. 8. Lugd. 1555. Novus intellectus 5 legum. 8. Lugd. 1560. Consilia et analytica. fol. Lugd. 1561. Commentariorum in consuetudines Parisienses Pars. I. fol. Par. 1554. De eo quod interest, de inofficiosia testaraentis, dona- tionibus, &c. (sub nom. Gaspar. Caballini). 8. Ven. 1574. Conseil sur le faict du concile de Trente. 8. Lyon 1564. MOLINAEUS (Ludov.) A short and true account of the several advances the Church of England hath made towards Rome, or a model of the grounds upon which papists for these hundred years have built their hopes and expectations that England would ere long return to Popery. 4. Lond. 1680. A true report of a discourse between M. de 1' Angle, minister of the French Church in the Savoy, and Lewis du Moulin. 4. Lond. 1679. MOLINAEUS (Petrus). Lettre a M. du Balzac avec sa response. 8. Gen. 1633. Apologie pour la sainte Gene du Seigneur centre la presence corporelle et transubstantiation. 8. Geneve 1615. Defense de la foy catholique contenue au livre de Jaquesl. roy de Grand' Bretagne et d'Irlande contenue en trois liures contre la response de F. N. Coeffeteau, transl. according to his first coppie. 4<>. Lond. 1610. Accomplissement des propheties : traitte ou est monstre^ que les propheties de S. Paul et de 1'Apocalypse tou- chant les combats de 1'eglise sont accomplies, &c. 8. Sedan 1624. Renwassinghe der Wateren van Siloe. 8. Akmaer. 1606. Bouclier de la foy, &c., transl. into English. 4. Lond. 1623. De la vocation des pasteurs. 8. Sedan 1618. Sainctes prieres, plus divers traittez. 8. Geneve 1622. Du combat Chrestien ou des afflictions. 8. Geneve 1622. Les elements de la philosophic morale (traduits du Latin). 80. Gen. 1637. Nouveaute du papisme opposed a I'antiquit6 du vray Christianisme ; contre le livre de M. le card, du Perron intit. ' Replique a la response du roy Jaques I.' fol. Sedan 1627. Jugement de M. du Moulin sur le livre du sieur de la Milletiere (savoir, sa lettre au sieur de la Milletiere commented par M. de la Milletidre). 8. s. I. 1636. Mo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 327 Anatome missae (Latinitate donata a Lud. Molinaeo authoris filio.) 8. Lugd. Bat. 1637. Decade de sermons. 8. Sedan 1637. MOLINAEUS (Petrus) Fil. ndpfpya : Poematum libri tres : 1. hymni in symbolum Apostolorum : 2. ecclesiae gemitus : 3. sylva variorum. 80. Cantab. 1670. MOLITOR (Johannes). Repertorium totius summae Antonini Archiep. Floren- tini. fol. s. I. et a. MOLL (Herm.) Atlas Geographus, oracompleat system of geography, q.v. MOLLERUS (Henricus). Enarrationes Psalrnorum Davidis : ace. partes Psalmo- rum, observationes locorum doctrinae, articulorum praecipuorum notae, ex doctissimis interpretibus a quodam theologiae studioso collectae et singulis psalmis subjunctae. fol. Genevae 1603. MOLYNEUX (Wm.) Dioptrica nova : a treatise on dioptricks in two parts, wherein the various effects and appearances of spherick glasses in telescopes and microscopes are explained. 4o. Lond. 1692. MOMMSEN (Theodore). The History of Rome, translated by W. P. Dickson. 4 vols. 80. Lond. 1862-66. Corpus Latinarum Inscriptionum, v. Inscriptlones. Romische Alterthiimer, v. Marquardt. De Collegiis et Sodaliciis Romanorum. 8. Kiliae 1843. Commentationes Philologicae in honorem Theodori Mommseni : scripserunt amici. 4. Berol. 1877. MONACHUS (Jo.) Picardus. Super sexto Decretalium commentaria, Glossa aurea nuncupata. fol. Par. 1535. MONASTERIO (Arturus a) seu du Monstier. Neustria pia, seu de omnibus et singulis abbatiis et prioratibus totius Normaniae, quibus extrueudis fun- dandis dotandisque pietas Neustriaca eluxit et com- mendatur, &c. fol. Roihom. 1663. MONGEZ (Antoine). Iconographie Romaine. 4 voll. fol. Par. 1817-26. (Le premier volume est par Enn. Q. Visconti, q. v.) MONGINOT (Francois). Resolution des doutes, ou sommaire decision des con- troverses entre 1'eglise reformee et TegHse Romaine. 80. Nyort. 1624. MONMOUTH (James, duke of). An account of his execution, &c. fol. Lond. 1685. MONRO (Alexander). The anatomy of the human bones, to which is added an anatomical treatise on the nerves. 8. Edirib. 1741. 328 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mo MONSTBELET (Enguerran de). Chroniques, contenans les cruelles guerres ciuilles entre les maisons d'Orleans et de Bourgongne, 1'occupation de Paris et Normandie par les Anglois, &c. fol. Par. 1512. MONTACUTIUS (Richardus) seu Montague. Analecta ecclesiasticarum exercitationum. fol. Lond. 1622. Apparatus ad origines ecclesiasticas. fol. Oxon. 1635. De originibus ecclesiasticis commentationes. 2 partt. fol. Lond. 1636-40. Diatribae upon the first part of the late history of tithes. 4. Lond. 1621. MONTAGNANA (Bartholomaeus). Consilia CCCV ; tractatus de balneis Patauinis, de mirachialidispositione,de modo componendi medicinas: et antidotarium. 4. Lugd. 1525. Id. fol. Yen. 1565. De modo componendi medicinas et de dosi earum, p. 50, opuscc. illustr. Medicorum de dosibus, q. v. MONTAGNANA (Earth.) junior. De morbo Gallico consilium, pt. I, vol. II, var. scriptt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. MONTAIGNE (Michel Seigneur de). Essais en trois livres. fol. Par. 1595. Id. done into English by John Florio. fol. Lond. 1613. MONTAIGNE (J. de la). La voye seure. 12 Gen. 1634. MONTALDP (Adam de). De laudibus familiae de Auria, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXI. MONTALTTTS (Hieronymus). De homine sano libri tres. 8. Franco/. 1591. MONT AN US (Comes) Vicentinus. De morbis ex Galeni sententia libri quinque. 4. Yen. 1591. Defensio librorum suorum de morbis adversus Thomam Erastum. 4. Yen. 1584. MONTANUS (Jo. Bapt.) In Fen libri primi canonis Auicennae explanationes : in !" Fen. 8. Yen. 1554; in 2 am 1557; in 4 am 1556 (two copies). Opuscula a Donzellino edita. 2 tomi. 8. Bas. 1558 (two copies). De uterinis affectibus, cum decem consiliis de iisdem, p. 303 ("Wolfii Gynaecia). fol. Argent. 1597. In artem parvam Galeni Explanationes a Valentino. 8. Yenet. 1554. Consultationes medicae, studio atque opera Jo. Cratonis. fol. Basil 1565-72. Consultationes medicae. fol. s.l. 1583. Mo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 329 Consultationum medicarum centuria secunda. 8. Yen. 1559. Lectiones in nonum librum Rhasis ad Almansorem. 8. Bas. 1562. Id. 8o. Yen. 1554. Lectiones in lib. I 11 Aphorism orum Hippocratis. 8. Yen. 1555. Id. in 2m lib. 80. Yen. 1565. Id. 80. Yen. 1554. Opuscula de charactt. febrium, &c. Ibid. Explanatt. in 3 am sectionem libri l mi Epidemiorum Hippocratis. Ibid, De differentiis medicamentorum, tractatus excerptus ex ore enarrantis, IV part, primi libri Avicennae. 8. Witteb. 1561. MONTANUS (Joannes). Oratio funebris in morte Philippi Mariae Vice Comitis, Mediolani ducis, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XXV. MONTE (Hieron ) Tract, de finibus regendis ciuitatum castrorum ac prae- diorum tarn urbanorum quam rusticorum ; ace. alle- gationes Jac. de Puteo et Luchini de Curte in eadem materia, et variae quaestt. juris. 4. Ven. 1574. MONTECATINUS (Antonius). Comm. in 3 um librum Aristotelis de Anima. fol. Ferrar. 1576. MONTESAURUS (Natalis). De dispositionibus, quas vulgares Mai Franzoso appel- lant, tractatus, p. 100, part 1, var. scriptt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. MONTESQUIEU (Charles de Secondat baron de la Brede et de). L'Esprit des Loix. 2 voll. 8. Geneve, s. a. CEuvres complettes. 6 voll. 8. Par. 1816. Considerations sur les causes de la Grandeur des Remains et de leur de" cadence. (Anon.) 8. Amst. 1734. MONTFAUCON (Bernardus). Diarium Italicum, sive monumentorum veterum, bibli- othecarum, musaeorum, &c., notitiae singulares in itinerario Italico collectae, additis schematibus ae figuris. 4. Par. 1702. Palaeographia Graeca, sive de ortu et progressu litera- rum Graecarum, et variis omnium saeculorum scrip- tionis Graecae generibus, &c. fol. Par. 1708. Antiquity explained and represented in sculptures : translated into English by David Humphreys. 5 vols. fol. Lond. 1721-22. Supplement to antiq. explained. 5 vols. in 2. fol. Lond. 1725. 330 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mo MONTFAUCON de Villars (I'abb6). Le comte de Gabalis ou entretiens BUT les sciences secretes. (Anon.) 1 2. sur la coppie impr. & Paris 1761. MONTFLEUBY (Antonie J.) La ferame juge et partie. 12. Paris 1810. MONTHLY Review. The Monthly Review, or Literary Journal enlarged. Vols. X-LXXV. 1793-1814. MONTICULTTS (Sebastianus). Tractatus de inveiitario haeredis. 4. Yen, 1574. Antiphanuccius. Ibid. MONTLUC (Blaise de). Ses commentaires. 8. Par. 1626. MONTUCCI (Ant.), LL.D. L' instruttor giocondo, owero la cbiave de' classici Italiani, &c., Ital. and Eng. 8. Lond. 1793. MONTTJUS (Hieron). Anasceues morborum tomus I. 8. Lugd. 1560. MOORE (Sir James). New system of mathematics. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1681. MOBBUS. De morbo Gallico omnia quae extant apud omnes medicos cujuscunque nationis, ed. Aloysio Luisino. 2 voll. fol. Yen. 1566-7. MOBDANT (Lady Mary), v. Howard Duke of Norfolk. MOBE (Sir Th.), v. Moms. MOBE (Hannah). Essays on various subjects, principally designed for young ladies. 8. Lond. 1777. MOBELL (J. D.) Historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe in the nineteenth century. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1847. MOBELL (Tho.) Lexicon Graeco-prosodiacum. 4. Etonae 1762. MOBELLIUS (Gul.) Verborum Latinorum cum Graecis Gallicisque conjunc- torum locupletissimi commentarii. 4. Par. 1658. MOBELLUS (Petrus). Methodus praescribendi formulas remediorum : adjuncto materiae medicae systeniate. 8. Amst. 1680. MOBENA (Otto et Acerbus). Annales Laudenses, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. MOBEBI (Louis). The great historical, geographical, genealogical, and poetical dictionary with Edm. Bohun's collections. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1694. MOBESINI (Andr.) L' imprese et espeditione di Terra Santa et 1' aquisto Mo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 331 fatto dell' imperio di Constantinopoli, dalla republica di Venetia. 4. Yen. 1627. MOBESTELLUS (Petrus). Philomusus, sive de triplici anno Romanorum, &c., v. Graevii Rom. Antiq. Thes. Tom. VIII. Pompa feralis, sive justa funebria veterum. Ibid. Tom. XII. MOBETON (A. H.) Civilization, or a brief analysis of the natural laws that regulate the numbers and condition of mankind. 8. Lond. 1836. MOBGAGNUS (Jo. Bapt.) Nova institutionum medicarum idea. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1740. MOBGAN (Lewis H.) Ancient Society, or Researches in the lines of human progress from savagery, through barbarism to civiliza- tion. 8<>. Lond. 1877. MOBGENSTEBNUS (Greg.) Sermones. 8. Arg. 1513. MOBGTTES (Matthieu de). Consolation aux Affligez par la malice des hommes. 8. Anvers 1632. L'Ambassadeur chimerique, ou le chercheur de duppes clu card, de Richelieu. (Anon.) s.l. 1635. MOBIGIO (Bonincontro). Chronicon Modoetiense ab origine Modoetiae usque ad annum 1349, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XII. MOBINUS (Jo. Bapt.) Solutio problematis de telluris motu vel quiete. 4. Par. 1631. Responsio pro telluris quiete ad Jac. Lansbergii apolo- giam pro telluris motu. 4. Par. 1634. MOBISOW (Robert). Plantarum umbellifarum distributio nova per tabulas cognationis et affinitatis ex libro naturae observata et detecta. fol. Oxon. e theatr. Sheldon. 1672. Id. pars secunda inscript. Plantarum historia univer- salis Oxoniensis seu herbarum distributio nova, &c. fol. Oxon. e theatr. Sheldon. 1680. Id. partem tertiam post auctoris mortem explevit et absolvit Jac. Bobartius, q. v. MOBLEY (George), D.D. The bp. of "Winchester's vindication of himself from divers false scandalous and injurious reflexions made upon him by Mr. Rich. Baxter in several writings. 4o. Lond. 1683. Several treatises written both before and since the king's restauration : wherein his judgment is fully made known concerning the Church of Rome, &c. 4. Lond. 1683. 332 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mo MOBLEY (John). Voltaire. 80. Land. 1878. Rousseau. 8. Lond. 1878. MOBNAEUS (PLil.),=de Moraay, seigneur du Plessis. Vitae mortisque atque adeo humanarum actionum Christiana ac pia consideratio, interpr. Am. Freitagio, ad calc. lib. de veritate religionis Christianae (ed. 1609) ut infra. De veritate Christianae religionis, contra Atheos, Epi- cureos, Paganos, &c. 8. Herb. Nass. 1609. De 1'institution, usage et doctrine du sainct sacrement de 1'eucharistie en 1'eglise ancienne, &c., Latine. fol. Hanov. 1606. Response livre public par le sieur e"vesque d'Eureux sur la conference tenue a Fontaine-Bleau, May 4, 1600. 4. Saumur 1603. Mysterium iniquitatis, seu historia papatus : quibus gradibus ad id fastigii enisus sit quamque acriter omni tempore ubique a piis contra iutercessum. fol. Salmur. 1611. MOBON (Claudius). Introductio sive tabulae in Institutiones. fol. Par. 1553. MOBT (Jacques le). Pharmacia, fol. Lugd. Bat. 1688. MOBTON (John), M.A. The natural history of Northamptonshire, with some account of the antiquities, to which is annexed a transcript of dooms-day book so far as relates to that country, fol. Lond. 1712. MOBTON (Richard), M.D. Phthisologia, seu exercitationes de pthisi. 3 libb. 8. Lond. 1689. Pyretologia, seu exercitationes de morbis universalibus acutis. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1692-4 (2 copies). MOBTON (Thomas). Causa regia, sive de authoritate et dignitate principum Christianorum dissertatio, adversus card. Bellarmini tract. ' De officio principis Christiani ' inscriptum. 4. Lond. 1620. Antidotum adversus ecclesiae Romanae de merito proprie dicto ex condigno venenum. 4. Cantab. 1637. A catholike appeale for protestants out of the con- fessions of the Roman doctors, &c. fol.Lond. 1610. A reply to Dr. Morton's generall defence of three nocent ceremonies, the surplice, the cross in baptism, and kneeling at the sacrament (by "Will. Ames). 4. n.p. 1622-23. A reply to Dr. Morton's particular defence of three nocent ceremonies. 1623. The grand imposture of the (now) Church of Rome ; Mo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 333 manifested in this one article of the new Romane creede, viz. ' the holy catholike and apostolike Romane church, mother and mistress of all other churches, without which there is no salvation,' &c. 4. Lond. 1628. Of the institutions of the sacrament of the blessed bodie and blood of Christ, (by some called) the masse of Christ : eight bookes. fol. Lond. 1631. Sermon on Romans xiii. 1 (May 5th, 1639). 4. New- castle 1639. MORTIS (Alexander). Ad quaedam loca Novi Foederis una cum comment. Lud. Tena in epistt. D. Pauli ad Hebraeos (Lond. 1661), q.v. MOBUS (Henricus). A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the Holy Euchar- ist, wherein the witty artifices of the bp. of Meaux and M. Maimbourg are obviated. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1686. MOBUS (Thomas). Omnia quae hucusque ad manus nostras peruenerunt Latina opera, fol. Lovan. 1566. The workes of Sir Tho. More knyght, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. fol. Lond., at the costes and charges of John Cawod, John Waly, and Rich. Tottell, 1557. De optimo respublicae statu deque nova insula Utopia. 8. ffanov. 1613. Utopia, translated into English by Ralph Robinson. (Arber's Reprint). 4. Lond. 1869. Utopia, translated into English. 8. Lond. 1639. Dissertatio epistolica de aliquot sui temporis Theolo- gastrorum ineptiis, deque correctione translationis vulgati N. T. ad Mart. Dorpium. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1625. Epigrammata. 8. Lond. 1638. Vita Edvardi II. regis Anglorum. fol. Frame. 1603. MOSCHION medicus Graecus. De passionibus mulierum, Gr. cum emendatt. Conr Gesneri. fol. Arg. 1597. MOSCHOPULTTS (Manuel). De ratioue examinandae orationis libellus Graece. 4 Par. exc. Rob. Stephano 1545 Vocum Atticarum collectio, una cum collect, dictionum Atticarum Thomae Magistri (8. Par. 1532), q.v. MOSCHUS Siculus. Opera quae extant Gr. inter Hen. Stephani Poetas Graecos Heroici carminis principes, q. v. MOSCOVIA. Moscoviae et Tartarian descriptio per varios. 8. Lugd Sat. 1630. 334 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Mo MOSES (R.) seu MOYSES. Tractatus V de regimine vitae. fol. Ven. 1514. Aphorism! ex Galeno collect! : Castfgatio quorundam locorum Galeni sibi ipsis contradicentium, &c. 8. Basil. 1579. MOSES (R.) Gdlanti seu R. Moses Galanti, q. v. MOSES (R.) Kimchi ben Joseph. Dikduk seu Grammaticum Heb. Lat. cum comm. Eliae. Lat. per Seb. Munsterum. 8. Bas. 1536. MOSES (R.) Maimonides, seu Aegyptius. Dux, seu director dubitautium et perplexorum, in 3 libris, et summa accuratione Augustini Justiniani, Nebiensium episcopo recognitus. fol. Par. Opera Jod. Bad. Ascensii 1520. MOSHEIM (Jo. Laur.) An ecclesiastical history, ancient and modern, from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the present century, &c. : translated from the original Latin with notes, &c., by Dr. Archibald Maclaine. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1826. MOSS (Robert), D.D., dean of Ely. The report vindicated from misreports, being a defence of the bishops as well as the clergy of the lower house of convocation, in a letter from a member of that house to the prolocutor concerning their late consulta- tions about the bp. of Bangor's writings, &c. (Anon). 8<>. Lond. 1717. The prolocutor's answer to Moss' letter. Ibid. MOSTO (Aluise di ca da). Navigation! con il discorso di Gio. Batt. Ramusio sopra il medesimo libro ; Lat. Archangelo Madrignano in- terprete ; nov. orb. Sim. Grynaei (1537), q. v. MOTHE-LE-VAYER (Felix de la). Legatus, seu de legatione legatorumque priuilegiis officio : ace. munere libellus. 4. Par. 1579. MOTLEY (T. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic, 2nd ed. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1864. History of the United Netherlands. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1860. Life and death of John of Barneveld, advocate of Holland, with a view of the primary causes and move- ments of the Thirty Years' War. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1874. MOTTE (A. H. de la). Fables et nouvelles. 8. la Haye 1720. MOUPETUS (Thos.) Dialogus de jure et praestantia chemicorum medica- mentorum in vol. I, var. editt. theatri Chemici, q. v. MOULIN (du), v. Molinaeus. MOUNTAGUE (Rich.) seu Rich. Montacutius, q.v. Mu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 335 MOXON (Joseph). Mechanick exercises, or the doctrine of handy-works. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1683. MOYSES Mutius Bergomas. Carmen de rebus Bergomensibus Justiniani II. jussu conscriptum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. MOZLEY (J. B.) Bampton Lectures 1865: on Miracles. 8. Lond. 1865. Ruling Ideas in Early Ages and their Relation to Old Testament Faith. 8. Lond. 1877. Essays, historical and theological. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1878. MTJDGE (Zach.) Sermons. 8. Lond. 1739. MUGELIiO seu Mugilo (Dynus de), q. v. MUGNOTIUS (Andreas). Eremi Camaldulensis descriptio, 2 libb., p. 647 Italiae illustratae, q. v. MUILIEBS (Ch. de). Introduction a la langue Flamande. 8. Amst. 1633. Deu sleutel van de Fransche tale. 80. Del/. 1633. Institutio compendiosa linguae Italicae. 8. Lugd. Eat. 1631. MUIB (Sir Wm.) The Life of Mahomet : new edit. 8. Lond. 1877. MUISITJS (Simeon) seu de Muis. Opera omnia. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1650. MULERIUS, v. Muiliers. MULIEBES. De memorabilibus et claris mulieribus aliquot diverso- rum scriptorum opera, per Jo. Ravisium Textorem. fol. Par. ex. aed. Sim. Colinaei 1521. Gynaeciorum sive de mulierum affectibus, v. Wolphius. MULLACH (F. G. Aug.) Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta, q. v. MtJLLER (Carolus). Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum. 5 voll. 8. Paris 1853-68. MULLEB (Karl Otfried). The Dorians : translated from the German by Henry Tufnell and Geo. Cornewall Lewis. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1839. History of the Literature of Antient Greece : transl. by J. C. Lewis and J. W. Donaldson. 8. Lond. s. a. MULLEB (Jul.) On the Christian Doctrine of Sin. 2 vols. 8. Edin- burgh 1852. MULLEB (Lucian). Geschichte der Klassischen Philologie in den Nieder- landen ; mit einem Anhang iiber die Lateinische Versi- fication der Niederlander. 8. Leipzig 1869. 336 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. |Mu MtfLLEB (Max.) Lectures on the Science of Language. First and second series. 8. Lond. 1861-4. Introduction to the Science of Religion. 8. Lond. 1878. MUMPOBD (James). The question of questions, which rightly resolved resolves all our questions in religion ; this question is who ought to be our judge in all these differences, 2nd edit. 8. Lond. 168^. The Catholic scripturist, or the plea of the Roman Catholics, 2nd edit. 8. Lond. 1686. MUNDELLA (Aloisius). Epistolae medicinales : ace. annott. in Musae Brassavoli examen. 4. Bos. 1543. Epistolae mediciuales. fol. Lugd. 1556 (2 copies). Theatrum Galeni : hoc est universae medicinae a Galeno traditae promptuarium. foh Basil. 1568. MUNK (S.) Melanges de Philosophic Juive et Arabe. 8. Par. 1857. MUNSTEBUS (Seb.) Horologiographia post priorem editionem per Seb. Munsterum recognita et plurimum aucta atque locu- pletata. 4. Basil, exc. Hen. Peirus 1533. Kalendarium Hebraicum ex Hebraeorum penetralibus jam recens in lucem editum. 4. Basil. 1527. Hebraice Grammaticae praecipua ilia pars quae est de uerborum conjugationibus et eorum affixis cum tabula conjugationum absoluta. 8. Basil, exc. Hen. Petrus 1536. Dictionarium Hebraicum : tertia ed. 80. Basil. 1535. Grammatica Hebraica Eliae Levitae, Latiuit. donat. 8. Basil. 1525. Versio Lat. et annotationes ad Proverbia et Ecclesiasten. 80. Basil. 1527. MUNTON (Anth.) Sermons. 8. Newcastle 1756. MUBATOBI (Lud. Ant.) Rerum Italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae Christianae D. ad MD. 25 voll. fol. Medial 1723-51. Supplementum ad Italic. Rer. Script. 2 tomi. fol. Florent. 1770. Autiquitates Italicae medii aevi. 6 tomi. fol. Mediol. 1738. Novus thesaurus veterum inscriptionum. fol. Mediol. 1739. Annali d' Italia dal principio del era volgare sino al anno 1769. 15 voll. 8. Milan. 1818-21. MUBCIA (Franc.) de Liana. Cursus philosopbicus siue disputationes circa universam Aristotelis philosophiam selectae ex subtiliori doctrina acacL Coniplutensis, 3 partt. 4. Col. Agr. 1644. Mu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 337 MURCHISON (Sir Roderick Impey). Siluria : a history of the oldest rocks in the British isles and other countries. 8. Lond. 1867. MURE (William). Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1850-7. MURETtTS (Marc. Ant.) Orationes epistolae et poemata, cum praef., &c., J. Thomasii. 8. Lips. 1714. MUSA (Ant.) Brasavolus, q. v. MTTSAETTS. De Herone et Leandro Gr. recensuit H. Stephanus inter Poett. Gr. principes heroic! carm., q. v. MUSCATI (R. Jehuda). In librum Cozri commentarius dictus, vox .Tudae. MTTSCULUS (Wolfgangus). Commentariorum in Evangelistam Joannem heptades tres. fol. Basil, apud Jo. Hervagium 1545. In Euangelistam Matthaeum commentarii. fol. Basil. 1551. In Mosis genesim plenissimi commentarii. fol. Bas. 1600. In Ambas Apostoli Pauli ad Corinthios epistolas com- mentarii. fol. Basil. 1611. In Epistolas Apostoli Pauli ad Galatas et Ephesios commentarii. fol. Basil. 1561. In Esiam prophetam commentarii locupletissimi. fol. Basil. 1570. In Davidis Psalterium commentarii. fol. Basil. 1599. In D. Pauli Epistolas ad Philippenses, Colossenses, The- salonicenses ambas et primam ad Timotheum com- mentarii. fol. Basil. 1578. Loci communes theologiae sacrae. fol. Basil. 1 560. In Epistolam D. Apostoli Pauli ad Romanes commen- tarii. fol. Basil. 1555. MUSITANUS (Carolus). Chirurgia theoretico-practica seu trutina chirurgico- physica. 4 voll. 4<>. Col. Allobr. 1698. MUSSATTJS (Albertinus). De Gestis Italicorum post mortem Heinrici VII, &c., v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. X. MUTIIS (Donatus a). Dialog, in interpretationem Galeni super 1 4 Aphorismos Hippocratis. 4. 1547. MUTINA. Annales veteres Mutinensium (1131-1336), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XI. MUTUS (Salvinius). Dialogus contra duas epistolas (a Ricciolo et Cassiono) nuper editas in prodromum Franc. Leverae. fol. Rom. 1664. 338 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [My MYDORGE (Claude). Definitiones ct propositioncs prodromi catoptricorum, &c., p. 332 universae geometriae synopsis per Mar. Mersennum, q. v. MYLAEUS (Christophorus). De scribenda universitatis rcrum historia libri quinque. fol. Basil. 1551. MYLIUS (Jo. Dan.) Complementum operis medico-chyraici continens tres tractatus sive basilicas : 1. Basilica niedica continens tres libb. de medicina Hippocratica; 2. Basilica chymica contineus libb. septem de metallis, &c. ; 3. Basilica philosophica, tractat de medicina universal!. 4 voll. 4. Franco/. 1618. Tractatus secundi seu basilicae chymicae liber septiraus de animalibus. 4. Franco/. 1620. Antidotarium medico-chymicum reformatum continens libros quatuor distinctos. 4. Franco/. 1620. Philosophia reformata continens libros binos. 4. Franco/. 1622. Anatomia auri, sive tyrocimum medico-chymicum, 5 partt. 8. Franco/. 1628. MYNSENGERTTS (Joachimus) a Frundeck. Apotelesma sive corpus perfectum scboliorum ad quat- uor libros Institutionum juris civilis. fol. Helm. 1595. la tres libri II. Decretalium titulos, de probationibus, de testibus et de fide instruraentorum commentarii : ace. enarrationes in solenne ac memorabile cap. Quo- niam frequenter, &c. fol. Helmstad. 1-382. MYREPSUS (Nic.) Medicamentorum opus, in sectiones quadraginta-octo digestum, a Leonharto Fuchsio e Graeco Latinum recens conuersum, et luculentissimis annotationibus illustratum. fol. Basil, per Jo. Oporinum 1549. Id. p. 336, vol. II. inter Medicae artis principes per Hen. Stephanum, q. v. De compositione medicamentorum cum exposs. ac glossis Jo. Platearii, p. 196. Yen. 1558. Id. et p. 196. Yen. 1568. In antidotarium expos. J. a Sancto Amando. Ibid. MYRSILUS, seu Myrsilius, Lesbius. De origine Italiae et Turrhenorum ; inter var. ed. Antiq. per J. Annium (Witteb. 1612, Paris 1588), q.. v. N. (G.) A geographical description of the kingdom of Ireland, by a well-wilier to the peace of both kingdoms. 4. Land. 1642. Na] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 339 N. (M.), i. e. William Camden, q, v. N. (N.), v. Boscq (sieur du). N. (N.) Catholick answer to seeker's request. 4. Lond. 1687. NABBS, v. Welby. NALDITTS (Naldus). Vita Jannotii Manetti (1396-1459), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XV. NALSON (John). An impartial collection of the great affairs of state from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in 1639 to the murther of K. Charles I. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1682. A true copy of the journal of the High Court of Justice for the tryal of K. Charles I. fol. Lond. 1684. NALSON (Valentine). Sermons. 8. Lond. 1737. NANI (Battista). History of the affairs of Europe in the present age, but more particularly of the Republic of Venice, translated by Sir Robert Honywood. fol. Lond. 1673. NANNTJCCI (Vincenzio). Manuale della Letteratura Italiana del primo Secolo della lingua Italiana. 2 voll. 8. Firen. 1874. NANTES. History of the Edict of Nantes ; English by Cook. Vol. I. 4o. Lond. 1694. NANUS (Dom.) Mirabellius. Polyanthea. fol. Lugd. 1522. NAPLES, v. Neapolis. Giornali Napolitani (1266-1478), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXI. NABDIN (M. Ph.) L'union du Royaume de Portugal a la couronne de Castille. 8. Besancon 1596. NABDINUS (Famianus). Roma Vetus : libri VIII. ex Italica translati, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. IV. NABES (Edward), D.D. Els dtos, els pf. Cantab. 1684.) Syntagma de studio militari. Ibid. Traite des Atheistes, &c., ad calc. tomi 2& Raemundi, q.v. NAUGEBITJS (Andreas). Oratio in funere Leon. Lauredani, Venetiarum prin- cipis. 4. Ven. 1555. Oratio in funere Earth. Liviani, Veneti exercitus im- peratoris. Ibid. Poemata. Ibid. Storia della repubblica Veneziana, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIH. NAUMACHIUS. Institutionis puellae fragmentum Gr. p. 477 inter Poett. Gr. principes heroici carm. per Hen. Stephanum, q. v. NATJNTON (Sir Robert). Fragment* Regalia, or observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her times and favourites (Arber's reprint}. 4o. Lond. 1870. NEAL (Dan.), M.A. The history of the puritans or protestant non-conform- ists, from the Reformation under Henry VIII. to the Act of Toleration under William and Mary. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1822. NEALE (J. M.), Warden of Sackville Coll. History of the Holy Eastern Church : Part I. General Introduction. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1850. Id. Part II. History of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1847. Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1867. NEANDEB (Mich.) ex Valle Joach. Elementa sphaericae doctrinae, cum praecipua computi astronomici materia. 4. Bas. 1561. NEANDEB (J. A. W.) General History of the Christian religion and Church : translated by J. Torrey. 8 vols. 8. Edin. 1847-51. NEAPOLIS. Chronicon episcoporum S. Neapolitanae ecclesiae, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. I. 2. Decisiones Neapolitanae. fol. s. a. et 1. NECKEB (Jacques). Reflections on the Calamities of War and the superior policy of Peace ; transl. from the Fr. of a treatise ' on the administration,' &c. 8<>. Lond. 1839. (Tract No. XI. of the Peace Society.) NELSON (Robert). Transubstantiation contrary to Scripture : or the pro- testant's answer to the seeker's request. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. Ne] MEETON COLLEGE LIBEAEY. 341 A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England, with collects and prayers for each solemnity. 8. Lond. 1708. The life of Dr. George Bull, bishop of St. David's, with the history of those controversies in which he was en- gaged, &c. 8. Lond. 1713. NENNIUS Banchorensis coenobiarcha. An Irish version of his Historia Britonum, edited with translation by Dr. Todd, preface by Hon. Algernon Herbert. 4<>. Dublin 1848. NEPOS (Cornelius). Vitae excellentium Imperatorum. 8. Oxon. 1697. Id. cum D. Lambini commentariis. 4. Lutet. 1569. Cornelii Nepotis quae supersunt apparatu critico adjecto ed. C. Halm. 8. Lips. 1871. NEBDENUS (Hen. Ant.) Initia Academiae Franequerensis. 4. Fran. 1613. NERITO (Steph. di). Annali de li abbati de S. Benedicto che gubernava la ecclesia de S. Maria de Nerito, v. Italic. Eer. Script. Tom. XXIV. NETHEBLANDS. A seasonable expostulation with the Netherlands. 4. Lond. 1652. NEUBAUEB (Adolphe). La Geographic du Talmud. 8. Paris 1868. NEUGEBAUEBUS (Salomon). Historiae rerum Polonicarum libri quinque. 4. Franco/. 1611. NEVILL. Testa de Nevill sive liber feodorum in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. fol. Lond. 1807. NETTSTIFT, i. e., Novecellense Monast. (in Tirol). Urkundenbuch, v. Austria. Font. Eer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 34. NEWCASTLE (Margaret duchess of), i. e. Marg. Caven- dish duchess of Newcastle, q. v. NEWCOME (Peter). Catechetical course of sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1700. NEWCOME (Will.), D.D. An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the twelve minor prophets. 8. Pontofr. 1809. NEWMAN {John Henry). An essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine. 8. Lond. 1846. Historical sketches. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. NEWMAN (Samuel). A large and complete concordance to the Bible in English, fol. Lond. 1643. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ne NEWTON (Henricus), LL.D. Epistolae orationes et carmina. 4. Lucae 1710. NEWTON (Sir Isaac). Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. 2 libb. 4o. Land. 1687. Mathematical Principles of natural philosophy : English by Motto. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1729. Opticks, or a treatise of the reflections, refractions, in- flections and colours of light (in three books), 3rd ed. 80. Lond. 1721. The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended, to which is prefixed a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe to the conquest of Persia. 4. Lond. 1728. Observations upon the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. 2 parts. 4. Lond. 1733. NEWTON (Rich.), D.D. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, to which are added four sermons. 8. Oxf. 1784. NEWTON (Thos.), D.D. Dissertations upon the prophecies which have remark- ably been fulfilled and at this time are fulfilling in this world. 8. Lond. 1832. NICANDEB. Theriaca et Alexipharmaca, cum interpretat. et comm. 4o. Colon. 1531. Id. una cum Dioseoride (Aid. 1499), q. v. Id. absque scholiis, p. 3J8, part II, inter H. Stephani Poetas Gr. principes carm. heroici, q. v. Theriaca et Alexipharmaca recens., emend., commentat. addidit Otto Schneider : accedunt scholia. 8. Lips. 1856. NICEPHOBUS Callistus fil. Xanthopuli. Ecclesiasticae historiae liber duodeviginti Lat. ex Jo. Langi versione cum ejusdem notis. fol. Bas. 1544. Id. ed alt. auctior. fol. Franc, ad Maen. 1588. NICEPHOBUS, Gregoras, patriarcha Constantinopoli- tanus. Homanae h. e. Byzantinae historiae libri undecim, quibus res a Graecis imperatoribus a Theodore Lascari priore usque ad Andronici Palaeologi posterioris obitum gestae describuntur, Hier. "Wolfii labore Gr. Lat. editi. fol. Basil. 1566. NICETAS Acominatus Choniates seu Nic. Acorn. Cho- niates, q. v. NICETAS Eugenianus. Nicetae Eugeniani narratio amatoria, v. Erotic. Script. NICETAS Heracleensis sive Serrareensia. Catena Graecorum patrum in B. Job, collectore Niceta Heracleae metropolita, Gr., nuuc primum in lucem Ni] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 343 edita, et Lat. versa, opera et Studio Junii Patricii : ace. ad calc. textus Jobi a-Tixnpns juxta septuaginta seniorum interpretationem. fol. Land. 1637. NICHOLLS (Francis), M.D. Compendium anatomico-oeconomicum. 4. Lond. 1742. NICHOLLS (William). Historiae sacrae libri septem. 8 Lond. 1711. Au answer to an heretical book called ' The Naked Gospel' ; with some reflections on Dr. Bury's new edition of that book. 8. Lond. 1691. A comment, on the book of common prayer and admin- istration of the holy sacraments, &c., with the addi- tional notes of bishop Andrews, bishop Cosins, &c. fol. Lond. 1710. NICHOLSON (William), bp. of Carlisle, &c., seu Gul. Nicolsonus, q. v. NICHOLSON (Wm.), D.D., bp. of Gloucester. A plain but full exposition of the catechism of the Church of England enjoyned to be learned of every child before he be brought to be confirmed by the bishop. 8. Lond. 1686 et 4. Lond. 1655. NICHOLSON (Wm.) Description of Germany (being the 2nd and 3rd vols. of Pitt's English Atlas), q. v. NICOLAUS, episc. Botrontinensis. Relatio de itinere Italico Henrici VII. imperatoris ad Clementem V. papam, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. IX. NICOLAUS, Aragoniae Cardinalis. Vitae nonnullorum pontificum Romanorum, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. III. NICOLAUS. Rescripturn missum ad Marcum Exercitorem ob prae- cepta salutaria quae illi per epistolam scripserat. 8. Par. 1563. NICOLAUS episc. Methonensis. Sermo ad eos qui haesitant aiuntque consecratum panem et vinum non esse corpus et sanguinem Jesu Christi, etc. ad calc. Liturgiarum SS. patrum, &c. (Par. 1560), p. 129, q. v. NICOLAUS de Jamsilla. De rebus gestis Friderici II. imperatoris ejusque fili- orum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. NICOLAUS IV. papa. Taxatio ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae auctoritate Nicholai IV. circa A.D. 1291. fol. Lond. 1802. NICOLAUS Specialis. Historia Sicula in VIII libros distributa (1282-1337), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. X. NICOLAY (Nicolas de), seigneur d'Arfeville. Augmentation illustration de plusieurs figures et anno- tations sur 1'art de naviguer de Pierre de Medina, q. v. 344 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ni Navigation du roy d'Escosse Jaques cinquiesme autour de son royaume. 4. Parii 1583. NICOLSONUS (Gul.) The English historical library, or a short view and character of most of the writers now extant, either in print or manuscript, which may be serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of this kingdom. 3 parts, fol. Lond. 1714. A collection of papers scattered lately about the town in the Daily Courant, St. James's Post, &c., with some remarks upon them in a letter to the bishop of Bangor (Benj. Hoadly). 8. Lond. 1717. EICOMACHTJS Gerasenus. Introductionis Arithmeticae libri II. rec. Ric. Hoche. 12. Lips, 1866, NIDER (Jo.) Compendiosus tractatus de mercatorum contractibus (p. 147 Stracchae de mercatura). 8. Col. Agr. 1576. NIEBUHR (B. G.) History of Rome: translated by Hare and Thirlwall. 5 vols. 8. Camb. & Lond. 1832-45. NIEBUHR (Carsten). Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. und andern umlie- genden Landern. 3 voll. 4. Copenh. 1772-1837. NIELLE (Charles de). Annotations sur le Cantique des Cantiques. 8. s. I. 1594. NIEM (Theodoricus de). Historia de vita Joannis XXIII. pontif. Romani. 4. Franc, ad Maen. 1620. NIEIIEMBERGITTS (Jo. Eusebius). Historia naturae, maxime perigrinae, libri sedecim : ace. de miris et miraculosis naturis in Europa libri duo; item de iisdem in^^erra Hebraeis promissa liber unus. fol. Ant. 1635. Vita divina y camino real para la perfeccion, con la vida del venerable padre Pedro Canisio. 8. Madrid 1635. NIEUHOVIUS (Jo.) Legatio Batavica ad magnum Tartariae Chamum Sung- teium, in Engl. by J. Ogilby. fol. Lond. 1669. NIETJWENTIIT (Bernhardus). The religious philosopher, or the right use of the con- templation of the world for the conviction of atheists and infidels ; transl. from the Low Dutch by John Chamberlayne. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1724. NIGELLUS (Ermoldus). Narratio de baptismo Haraldi Danorum regis de rebus gestis Ludovici Pii carmen, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. II. No] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 345 NIGER (Dora, Marius). Geographiae commentariorum libri undecim, una cum Laur. Corvini geographia et Strabonis epitome per Hier. Gemusaeum translata. fol. Basil. 1557. NIGER (Petrus Alonsus). Navigatio Lat. per Arch. Madrignanum in var. editt. novi orbis per Sim. Grynaeum, q. v. NIG-RIS (Sillanus de). Expositio ad 'Nonum librum' Almansoris, q. v. NIL US Asceta, monachus. Opera quaedam nondum edita Gr. Lat., interpr. Pet. Possino (cum ejusdem notis). 4. Par. 1639. NILUS archiepisc. Thessalonicensis. De primatu Papae Romani libri duo Gr. Lat. 8. Lugd. 1645. NIPHUS (E. Aug.) Comm. in Aristotelis de histor. animalium de partibus animalium et earum causis et de generatione anima- lium ( Ven. 1546), q. v. Commentaria in octo libros Topicorum Aristotelis, q. v. De Auguriis, v. Antiq. Roman. Thes. Cfraevii. Tom. V. NITZSCH (Car. Lud.) System of Christian Doctrine. 8. Edinburgh 1849. NITHARDUS. Historia, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome VIII. NIZOLIUS (Marius). Nizolius, sive thesaurus Ciceronianus nunc iterum Caelii Secundi Curioais labore atque industria quarta parte auctior. fol. Basil. 1551. NOBILIUS (Flaminius). Versio et comment, in Aristotelem de generatione et corruptione, q. v. Notae in var. lectiones versionis Septua., v. Bible. NOLA (Jo. And.) Quod sedimentum sanorum aegrotorumque corporum non sit ejusdem speciei adversus Ferd. Cassanum et alios. 4. Ven. 1562. NOLDEKE (Th.) Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sas- aniden ; aus der Arab. Chronik des Tabari, q. v. NONAE. Nonarum inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii tempore regis Edwardi III. (Rec. Comm.) fol. Lond. 1867. NONIUS (Ludov.) Diaeteticon, sive de re cibaria libri quatuor. 4. Ant. 1646. NONIUS vulgo Nunez (Petrus). Opera, fol. Basil. 1592. De arte atque ratione navigandi libri duo ; ejusdem in theoricen planetarum Geo. Purbachii annotationes, et in problema mechanicum Arietotelis de motu navigii 346 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [No ex remis annotatio ; ejusdem de erratis Orontii Finaei liber, &c. fol. Conimb. 1573. Id. v. etiam Jo. de Sacro-Bosco. NONIUS (Tobias). In titulos quosdam Institutionum. Ven. 1566. NONNUS poeta Panopolitanus Aegyptius. Dionysiaca (48 libb.) mine primum in lucem edita ex bibl. Jo. Sainbuci cum lectionibus et conjecturis Ger- arti Falkenburgii, Graece. 8. Ant. 1569. NORBERTUS, abbas Iburgensis. Vita Bennonis, episcopi Osnabrugensis, German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. NORES (Jason de). Delia rhetorica libri tre ne' quali, oltra i precetti dell' arte, si contengono vinti orationi tradotte de' piu fainosi et illustri philosophi et oratori. 4. Ven. 1584. NORFOLK (Henry duke of), i. e. Hen. Howard, duke of Norfolk, q. v. NORIMBERGA. Leges ac statuta senatus Norimbergensis ad medicos pertinentia. fol. Norlmb. 1592. NORISITTS (Henricus). Epistola consularis, in qua collegia LXX. consulum, &c., v. Graemi Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XL NORMANDIE. Les Croniques, et excellens faits des dues, princes, barons, et seigneurs de la noble duche de Normandie. 4. Paris. Extrait de la cronique ou histoire manuscrite de Nor- mandie, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XIII. NORRIS (Charles), M.A. A dialogue between Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester, and Dr. Sherlock, Master of the Temple, being a justi- fication of Mr. Sykes's charge, and a full reply to what the Dean of Chichester has offer'd in order to reconcile himself unto himself. 8. Lond. 1718. The reconciler, or the Bangorian controversy abridged, made familiar, and brought to a final period by a full discovery of its being only mere battology. 8. Lond. 1718. NORRIS (John). A collection of miscellanies, consisting of poems, essays, discourses and letters. 8. Lond. 1692. Practical discourses. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1707. An essay towards the theory of the ideal or intelligible world. 8. Lond. 1704. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, v. Morton J. NORTON (John Bruce). Memories of Merton. 8. Lond. 1861. NORWOOD (Anthony). A clear optick, discovering to the eye of reason that No] HERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 347 regality is not inconsistent with the ends, that episco- pacy and presbytery are of the essence, that indepen- dency is incorporated into the body, and that levelling is allowable in the constituting, of government. 4. Lond. 1654. NORWOOD (Cornelius) of New College. Divine eloquence : of tropes, &c., contained in Holy Scripture. 8. Lond. 1694. NOSTRADAMUS (Mich. de). Les vrayes centuries et propheties de Maistre Mich. Nostradamus. 8. Leyde 1650. NOTARIATUS. Ars notariatus : sive de officio exercitioque tabellionum : libri duo. fol. Franc. 1539. NOTITIA. Notitia utraque cum Orientis turn Occidentis ultra Ar- cadii Honoriique Caesarum tempora : praecedit autem D. Alciati libellus de magistratib. civilibusque ac militaribus officiis partem ex hac notitia partim aliunde desumptus ; cui succedit descriptio urbis Romae quae sub titulo Pub. Victoris circumfertur, &c., ed. Sigism. Gelenio. fol. Basil. 1552 (?). Id. fol. Lugd. 1608. Notitia Dignitatum et Administrationum omnium tarn civilium quam militarium in partibus Orientis et Oc- cidentis, ed. Ed. Booking. 3voll. 8. Bonn. 1839-53. Id. cum Pancirolli comment., v. Graevii. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VII. NOTTINGHAM. The copie of a letter sent from divers knights and gen- tlemen of Nottinghamshire to the knights serving for that county in parliament. 4. York 1642. NOVALICIA. Chronicon Monasterii Novaliciensis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. 2. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. NOVATIANUS. Tractatus de Trinitate et cibis Judaicis una cum notulis p. 705. Par. 1675. Id. et ex edit. Pamelii, p. 1233. Ant. 1584. Id. et ex edit. R. Laurentii, p. 492 et 653. Par. 1580. ^ NOUE (Francis de la)^ Discours politiques et militaires. 12. Rochelle 1590. NOVELLAS. Novellae imperatorum decem, per Jo. Leunclavium in Latinam linguam transcriptae. fol. Basil. 1575. NOWELL (Alexander) S. T. P. His life, by Ralph Churton, q. v. NOWER (Francis), v. Guillim (Jo.) 348 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [No NOY (Wm.) A Treatise of the principal! grounds and maxims of the lawes of this kingdome. 4. Lond. 1641. NT7BES TESTIUM. Nubes Testiura, or a collection of the primitive fathers, giving testimony of the faith once delivered to the saints, being a full discovery of the sentiments of the ancient fathers in the chief points of controversie at present under debate, with an appendix. 4. Lond. 1686, v. Gee(Edvr.) NUBIA. Geographia Nubiensis. 4. Rom. in typogr. Medicea 1592. NUCK (Ant.) De ductu salivali novo, de saliva, ductibus oculorum aquosis, et humore oculi aqueo. 8. Lugd. Bat, 1685. NUENABE (Hermannus, comes a) seu Neuenahr. De novo hactenusque Germaniae inaudito morbo I8po- irvpfTov hoc est sudatoria febri, quern vulgo sudorem Britannicum vocant, Hermanni a Nuenare Simon- isque Requini judicium. 4. Colon, ajmd Jo. Soterem 1529. NUNNEZ (Fernando). Glosa sobre las Trezientas d'Juan de Mena. 8. 1548. NUNNUS (Fr. Didacus) Cabezudus. Disputationes in 3* partem D. Thomae. 2 torn. fol. Valleoleti 1601-9. NUTT (David). Catalogue of theological books. 8. Lond. 1857. TT5TE (Stephen) rector of Hormead, Hertfordshire. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the manner of our Saviour's Divinity, as they are held in the Catholic Church and the Church of England, with a discussion of two (late) famous books on those subjects, ' The judgment of the Jewish Church ' by Dr. P. A(llix), and 'Bilibra' by Guil. Vorstius, &c. 8. Lond. 1701. GATES (Titus), D.D. A true narrative of the horrid plot and conspiracy of the popish party against the life of his sacred majesty, the government and the Protestant religion, with a list of such noblemen, gentlemen, and others that were to effect it. fol. Lond. 1679. His tryal upon a writ of enquiry of damages to H.R.H. James, duke of York, &c. fol. Lond. 1864. His tryal, conviction, and sentence upon two indict- ments for perjury, fol. Lond. 1685. OATH. Considerations humbly offered for taking the oath of Od] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 349 allegiance to K. William and Q. Mary (by Whitby). 4. Lond. 1689. OBERTUS cancellarius. Annales, v. German, Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. OBSERVATOR. Animadversions upon those notes which the late Ob- servator hath published upon the seven doctrines and positions which the king by way of recapitulation (he saith) lays open so offensive. 4. Lond. 1642. OBSOPAEUS (Vincentius). Annotationes inAnthologiam epigrammatum Graecorum, q. v. OCCHAM (Gul. de). Dialogus. fol. Lugd. 1494. Compendium errorum Joannis papae XXII. ad calc. dialogi ut supra. Lugd. 1494. Summaria, seu epitomata operis nonaginta dierum. fol. Lugd. 1496. Littere recitatorie gestorurn Michaelis de Cerzena, &c. ad calc. Ibid. Super quattuor libros Sententiarum annotatioues et centilogium theologicum. fol. Lugd. per Jo. Trechsel 1495. Super potestate summi pontificis octo quaestionum de- cisiones. fol. Lugd. per Jo. Trechsel 1496. Summa totius logicae. fol. Ven. 1532. Id. 80. Oxon. 1675. OCCO (Adolphus). Impp. Romanorum Numismata a Pompeio Magno ad Heraclium, nunc vero additionibus usque hac deside- ratis criticisque observationibus exornata curantePhil. Argelato. fol. Mediol. 1730. OCKLEY (Simon). The history of the Saracens. 8. Lond. 1718. ODO Rex. Diplomata, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome IX. ODO, abbas Belli Loci. De Danorum in Galliam irruptionibus et de Turonensi urbe ab eis obsessa, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. II. ODO, Fossatensis Monachus. Vita Domini Burchardi, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. X. ODOFREDTTS. Matura diligentissimeque repetita interpretatio in un- decim primos Pandectarum libros : ace. permultorum eruditissimorum virorum elucubrationes. fol. Lugd. ex Pet. Compater et Blasius Guido 1550. In primam partem Infortiati commentarii. fol. Lugd. Franc, et Claud. Marchant fratres 1550. Perelegans et elaborata elucidatio in novem posteriores 350 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Od libros Infortiati. fol. Lugd. Pet. Computer et Blasius Guido 1550. In primam Codicis partem complectentem libb. I-V. praelectiones (quae lecturae appellantur) cum breves turn utiles. fol. Lugd. 1550. In secundam Codicis partem praelectiones, &c. fol. Lugd. Franc, et Claud. Mar chant fratres 1550. Super tribus libris Codicis praelectiones, &c. fol. Lugd. Franc, et Claud. Marchant fratres 1550. In secundam Digesti Veteris partem praelectiones, &c. fol. Lugd. 1552. ODOMABUS (Magister). Practica chemica, v. Alchemiae verae doctrinam (8. Bas. 1572). Id. et in vol. III. theatri Chemici, q. v. ifJrseUis 1602). OECOLAMPADIUS (Jo.) In librum Job exegemeta ace. in Danielem Prophetam, libri duo. fol. Genevae 1553. Commentarii omnes in libros Prophetarum. 2 voll. fol. Genevae 1558. OECUMENIUS. Expositiones antiquae ac valde utiles, &c., ex diversis sanctorum patrum commentariis ab Oecumenio et Aretha collectae in hosce Novi Testamenti tractatus ; Oecumenii quidem in Acta Apostolorum, in septem Epistolas Catholicas, in Pauli omnes ; Arethae vero in Joannis Apocalypsim Graece. fol. Veronae apud Stephanum et fratres Sabios 1532. Enarrationes veterum theologorum in acta apostolorum, &c., Jo. Hentenio interpr. ; ace. quaedam fragmenta ex D. Epiphanio aliisque praeter Remigii Altisiodorensis episc. enarratio in undecim posteriores Prophetas. fol. Ant. 1545. OEDEB (Geo. Christian.) Flora Danica : Icones plantarum sponte nascentium in regnis Daniae et Norwegiae, &c. fol. Hauniae 1764-87. OGEBIUS (Alferius). Chronica Astensia (1070-1325), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XI. OGEBIUS Panis, v. Annales Genuenses. OGILBY (John), v. Virgilius, Homerus, Aesopus. Britannia, or the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales actually surveyed, with a description of the principal roads, &c. fol. Lond. 1675. Embassy to the Grand Tartar Cham, Emperor of China, v. NieuJiovius. OGILVIE (Jo.), D.D. Poems on several subjects. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1769. OISELIUS (Jacobus), J. C. Thesaurus selectorum numismatum antiquorum cum On] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. singulorum succinta descriptione et accurata enarra- tione. 2 partt. 4. Amst. 1677. O'KEEFE (R.) Report of the action for Libel brought by Rev. R. O'Keefe against Cardinal Cullen, with introduction by H. C. Kirkpatrick. 80. Lond. 1874. OLAHUS (Nicolaus). Atila, v. Bonfinii rer. Ungaricarum, p. 862. Franc. 1581 et p. 637 Col. Agr. 1690. OLAI (Petrus), minorita Roskildensis. Chronica regum Danorum a Dano ad obitum Johannis regis, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. I. OLDENBARNEVELT (Jean) sen Sir John van Olden Barnavelt, q. v. OLAUS magnus seu Magnus (0.), q. v. OLDENDORPIUS (Jo.) De copia rerum et verborum in jure civili. fol. Col. 1542. In verba legum XII. tabularum scholia : nomina atque tempora Prudentium ex quorum scriptis Digestorum opus est concinnatum : nomenclatura jurisperitorum, &c. fol. Basil. 1544. OLDHAM (John). His works and remains. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1722. OLIVA (Felicianus de) e Sousa, Lusitanus. Tractatus de foro ecclesiae. fol. Col. Allobr. 1678. OLIVIER de la Marche, seu Oliv. de la Marche, q. v. OLMO (Francesco). Relazioui della republica di Venetia, del regno di Po- lonia, e del regno di Boemia. 4. Ven. 1628. OLSHAUSEN (Hermann). Translations in Clark's Foreign Theological Library, viz. Commentary on the Gospels and Acts. 4 vols. 80. Edinburgh 1847-50. Commentary on the Romans. 8. Edinburgh 1849. Id. on the Corinthians. 8. Edinburgh 1851. Commentary (by O. and Wiesinger) on the Philippians, Titus and Timothy. 8. Edinburgh 1851. Commentary (by 0. and Ebrard) on the Hebrews. 8. Edinburgh 1862. OLYMPIODORUS Thebanus. Excerpta historiae libb. viginti duo Gr. cum vers. Lat. et notis Frid. Sylburgii, p. 853, vol. III. scriptt. hist. Romanae per Frid. Sylburgium (Franco/. 1590), q. v. OLYMPIODORUS. Comm. Gr. in Metaph. Aristotelis, q. v. fol. Ven. 1551. OMAR, Tiberiades. Libri de nativitatibus. fol. Bas. 1533. ONCKEN (Wilhelm). Oesterreich und Preussen im Befreiungskriege : urkund- liche Aufschlusse uber die politische Geschichte des Jahres 1813. 2 bde. 80. Berlin 1876-9. 352 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [On ONOSANDER. De Imperatoris Officio. recens. Arm. Kochly. 12. Lips. 1860. OPIE (Jo.) Lectures on painting. 4. Lond. 1809. OPIMIUS (Martin). Oration to Frederick K. of Bohemia. 4. 1620. OPPIANTTS Anazarbius. De venatione libri IV. et de piscatione libri V. Graece. Par. 1555. OPTATIANIUS. Panegyricus. 8. Paris 1846. OPTATUS Milevitanus episcopus. De schismate Donatistarum libri sex. 1549. De schismate. Donatistarum libri septem, ad MSS. codd. et vett. editt. collati : ace. historia Donatistarum una cum monumentis veteribus ad earn epectantibus, &c. opera et studio Lud. Ell. Dupin cum ejusdem notis, ut et Gabr. Albaspinaei et Aliorum. fol. Ant. 1702. OPTATUS (Caesar). Opus tripartitum, de crisi, de diebus criticis, et de causis criticorum. fol. Yen. per haeredes Octav. Scoti. 1517. De hectica febre. 8. Lugd. 1560. OPTICI Scriptores, v. Eabbage. ORACTTLA. 2i/3i/AAtaKol xPWV-oi) noc es t, Sibyllina oracula, op. et studio S. Gallaei, etc. 4. Amst. 1689. Castigationes ad opusculum Is. Vossii de Sibyllinis oraculis. 4. Lond. 1684. ORANGE (Prince of). Apologie de tres illustre Prince Guill. Prince d'Orange presentee a messieurs les Estats generauls centre le Ban publi6 par le roi d'Espagne. 8. Leiden 1581. Lettre du Roy tres Chrestien, &c. touchant le titre d'Altesse attribu6 au tres illustre Prince d'Orange. 4<>. a Id, Haye 1637. La justification du prince d'O. contre les faulx blasmes que les calumniateurs tascbent a luy imposer a tort. 80. 1568. ORATORES, v. etiam Phetores. Oratores Attici ex recensione Imman. Bekkeri. 5 voll. 8<>. BeroL 1823, 4. Oratorum veterum orationes, edente Hen. Stephano, cum interpretatione Lat. quarundam. fol. Par. 1575. ORBELLIS (Nicolaus de). Summula pbilosophiae rationales, seu logica, cum textu Petri Hispani. fol. Yen. 1489. Super sententias compendium. 8. Paris 1520. ORBICELLARIUS (Bernardus). De urbe Roma, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Supplem. Tom. Ij Or] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 353 ORBICITTS seu Urbicius. De ordinibus exercitus. 8. Paris. 1532. ORDERS (Monastic and military). Histoire des ordres, &c. (par H. Helyot, q. v.). ORELLITTS (Jo. Casp.) Inscriptionum Latinarura selectarum amplissima col- lectio ad illustrandam Romanae antiquitatis discipli- nam accoramodata, cum notis ineditis Jo. Casp. Hagenbuchii, &c. 2 voll. 8. Turici 1828. ORPORD (earl of), i. e. Horace Walpole, earl of Orford, q.v. ORIANO (Lanfrancus de). Practica judiciaria super cap. Quoniam de probationibus, &c., cum annotat. Bened. Vadii et Celsi Hugonis, &c. 8. Col. Agr. 1572. Repetitiones Juris, fol. Col. 1481. ORIBASIUS medicus. Opera Lat. interprete Jo. Bapt. Rosario, p. 769, vol. I. inter Medicae artis principes, q. v. ORIG-ANUS (Dav.) Calendarium anni 1637 et 1638 Belgice. 8. Amst. 1637, 38, v. Almanack. ORI GENES Adamantius. Opera omnia. 4 voll. fol. 1530. Contra Celsum libri octo : ejusdem Origenis Philocalia Gr. Lat. ; Grul. Spencei'us utriusque operis versionem recognovit et annotationes adjecit (ace. notae Dav. Haeschelii in octo libros Origenis una cum notis Jo. Tarini in Philocaliam). 4. Cantab. 1658. In S. Scripturas commentaria quaecunque Graece repe- riri potuerunt : Pet. Dan. Huetius edidit Latinas inter- pretationes partim a se, partim ab aliis elaboratas Graecis adjunxit, universa notis et observatt. illus- travit; idem praefixit Origeniana, tripartitum opus quo Origenis narratur vita doctrina excutitur scripta recensentur. 2 voll. fol. Rothom. 1668. Dialogus contra Marcionitas, sive de recta in Deum fide : exhortatio ad martyrium ; responsum ad Afri- cani epistolam de historia Susannae ; Gr. nunc primum e MSS. codd. prodeunt, versiones partim corriguntur, partim novae adjiciuntur, additis notis, &c., opera et studio Jo. Rod. Wetstenii. 4. Basil. 1674. De oratione Gr. Lat. 8. Oxon. 1686. Hexaplorum quae supersunt ex MSS. et ex libris editis eruit et notis illustravit Bern, de Montfaucon; ace. opuscula quaedam Origenis inedita, &c. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1713. ORLANDIUS (Caesar). De urbis Senae ejusque episcopatus antiquitate, p. 675, Italiae illustratae, q. v. ORLETON (Adam de). Responsiones ad appellationem contra ipsum propositam A a 354 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Or A.D. 1334, p. 2763, hist. Anglicanae scriptt. decem edentc Rog. Twysden, q. v. ORME (Robert). A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan from 1745 : to which is prefixed a dissertation 'on the establishments made by Mahom- edan conquerors in Indostan. 4th ed. 3 vols. 4. Madras 1861-2. ORMEROD (G. W.) Classified Index to the Transactions, Proceedings and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (to 1868), 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1870. ORONTIUS Fineus, v. Fineus. OBOSIUS (Paulus). Adversus Paganos historiarum libri septem ut et apolo- geticus contra Pelagium de arbitrii libertate, additis integris notis Franc. Fabricii. 8. Coloniae 1574. ORPHEUS. Opera Graece inter Poett. Gr. principesher. carm., q. v. ORTELIUS (Abr.) Theatre of the whole world, translated by Jo. Norton. fol. Lond. 1606. Thesaurus geographicus. fol. Ant. 1587. Tabulae aliquot geographiae veteris una cum geograph. Cl. Ptolem-iei (Lugd. Bat. 1618), q. v. ORTHODOXI. Theologorum aliquot Graecorum veterum orthodoxorum libri Graeci et iidem Latine donati ed. And. Gesnero. fol. Basil. 1559. ORTLIEBITS. De fundatione monasterii Zwifildensis, v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. XII. ORTUS Sanitatis, v. Hortits, &c. ORVIETO. Cronica d' Orvieto (1342-1368), v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XV. OSBORN (Fr.) Works: divine, moral, historical .political. 8. Lond. 1689. OSSAT (Arnaud), Cardinal d'. Lettres au roy Henry le Grand et a Mons. de Villeroy de- puisl'annee 1594 jusques al'annee 1604. fol. Par. 1627. OSSIAN. Fingal, an ancient epic poem in six books, with several other poems : translated from the Gaelic language by James Macpherson. 4. Lond. 1762. Temora, an ancient epic poem in eight books, with several other poems : translated from the Gaelic lan- guage by James Macpherson. 4. Lond. 1763. OSSOLINSKI (Geo.) Oratio habita Ratisbonae in Collegio electoral! Sept. 25, J636. 4o. Hay. Com. 1636. Ov] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 355 OTHLONTTS, mon. Fuldensis. Vita S. Wolfkangi, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VI. OTHO et Othobomis cardinales papae legati in Anglia Constitutiones legatinae Othonis et Othoboni in var. editt. constitutt. provinc. Gul. Lyndewode, q. v. OTOBONUS scriba. Annales, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. OTREB (Rudolfus), v. Fludd (Rob.) OTTER (Wm.), M.A. The life and remains of the Rev. Edw. Dan. Clarke, professor of mineralogy in the university of Cambridge. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1825. OTTO de S. Blasio. Chronicon, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. OTTO Frisingensis. De gestis Friderici I. imperatoris, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. Opera, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XX. OUDIN (Caesar). Grammaire Italienne mise et expliquee en Francois. 80. Par. 1631. OVERALL (Jo.) His convocation book, 1606, concerning the govern- ment of God's catholic church and the kingdoms of the whole world. 4. Lond. 1690. OVERTON (William). Oratio habita ad clerum Lichfieldiensem super Act. XX. 28, 29. 4o. Oxon. 1601. OVIDITTS (Publ.) Naso. Fasti, Tristia, Pontus, Ibis. fol. Basil. 1550. Opera cum variorum doctorum virorum commentariis et emendationibus unum in corpus congestis. 3 voll. fol. franco/. 1601. Opera, ex recens. J. Micylli et G. Bersmanni, cum annot. Sabini. 3 voll. 8. 1614. Id. cum integris Jac. Micylli, Here. Ciofaui, et Dan. Heinsii notis, et Nic. Heinsii curis secundis, et aliorum in singulas partes annotationibus ; cura et studio Pet. Burcnanni, qui et suas in omne opus riotas adjecit. 4 voll. 4. Amst. 1727. Opera. 4 voll. 8. Franc. 1619. Epistles, transl. by various hands. 8. s. I. and a. Metamorphoses, translated by Dryden and various hands. 2 vols. Lond. 1720. Fasti, English, by John Gower (Ovid's Festivalls or Roman Calendar). 8. Cambr. 1640. Fasti, translated by "W. Massey. 8. Lond. 1757. De Ponto, translated by W. S. 8. Lond. 1640. Heroides Dirae in Ibin consolatio ad Liviam, &c. 12. In libros observationes Herculis Ciofani Sulmonensis. 80. Antv. 1587. A a 2 356 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ov All Ovid's elegies : 3 books, translated by C. M. ; Epi- grams, by J. D. 8. MiddleburgJi. OVIEDO (Franc, de). Integer cursus philosophicus, ad unum corpus redactus : 2 voll. fol. Lugd, 1G51. OUTRAM (Wm.) De sacrifims libri duo, quorum altero explicantur omnia Judaeorum nonnulla gentium profanarum sacrificia, al- tero sacrificium Christi. 8. Lond. 1677. OWEN (Jo.) S.T.P. Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 7 vols. 80. Edinb. 1812. The Church of Rome no safe guide, or reasons to prove that no rational man, who takes due care of his own eternal salvation, can give himself up to the conduct of that church in matters of religion. 4. Lond. 1679. OWEN (Lewis). The running register ; recording a true relation of the state of the English colleges, &c., in all forraine parts. 4. Lond. 1626. OXFORD, v. Loggan, Twyne, Aylijfe, AmTierst. Catalogus librorum in biblioth. Bodleian, q. v. Ultima linea Savilii, sive in obitum clarissimi domini Hen. Suvilii justa academica. 4. Oxon. 1622. Solis Britannici perigaeum, sive itinerantis Caroli auspi- catissnma periodus. 4. Oxon. 1633. Corpus statutorum universitatis Oxon sive pandectes constitutionum academicarum e libris publicis et re- gestis universitatis consaroinatus. fol. Oxon. 1634. Report of the Oxford University Royal Commission, fol. Lond. 1852. Report and evidence upon the recommendations of her Majesty's commissioners for inquiring into the state of the University of Oxford. 8<>. Oxf. 1853. Marmora Oxonieusia, cum comm. Hump]. Prideaux et Seldeni et Lydiati annott. &c. fol. Oxon. 1676. Registrum privilegiorum almae universitatis Oxoniensis. 4. Oxon. e typoyr. Clarend. 1770. A reply to the reasons of the Oxford clergy against addressing. 4. Lond. 1687. An impaiiial relation of the whole proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen College in Oxon in the year 1687, containing only matters of fact as they occurred. 4. n. p. 1688. Id. Second edition. 4. Lond. 1689. Reasons of the judgment of the Univ. of Oxford con- cerning the Solemn League and Covenant &c. 4. 1647. Exactments in Parliament, especially concerning the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, collected by Rev. J. Griffiths. 8. Oxf. 1869. Pa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 357 Eldon Testimonial : the Eldon law scholarship founded at Oxford and list of subscribers. 4. Lond. 1830. Oxford English Prize Essays (1771-1836). 5 vols. 80. Oxf. 1830-6. OZEDA (R. Samuel). Comm. in Ruth. Hebraice. 4. OZEBIUS (Jo. Fra.) Comment, in libb. Institutionum. fol. Yen. 1543. P. (A.) The great case of tythes truly stated, clearly opened, and fully resolved. 4. Lond. 1657. P. (A. D.) Taxe des parties casuelles de la Boutique du Pape. En Latin et en Francis. 8. Leyden. 1607. P. (H.) Good newes from Holland. 4. Rotter. 1639. P. (J.) presbyter of the Church of England. A letter to a young divine containing some brief direc- tions for composing and delivering of sermons, &c. 8. Lond. 1692. P. (P.) The happy future State of England, a letter to the Earl of Anglesey, vindicating him from the reflections of an affidavit publ. 1680. fol. Lond. 1688. The obligation to defend the dispensative power of the king, &c. Ibid. PACHOMIUS (S.) Regula, interprete S. Hieronymo. 8. Rom. 1588. PACHYMERA (Geo.) Paraphrasis in omnia Dionysii Areopagitae opera, q. v. Historia rerum a Mich. Palaeologo gestarum, v. Hist. Byzant. PACIANUS (Fulvius) Mutinensis. Tractatus cui incumbat onus probandi, cum additt. Francisci Calleti. 2 libb. fol. Franco/, ad Moen. 1595. PACIANUS (S.) episc. Barcilonae. Extant Works, translated ; at the end of St. Cyprian's Epistles. 8<>. Oxf. 1844. PACIUS (Julius). Juris quo utimur epitome, secundum ordinem imperia- lium institutionum digesta. 8. Monspetti. 1604. PAETS (Cornelius). A humble apology for St. Paul and the other apostles, or a vindication of them and their doxologies from the charge of heresy. 8. Lond. 1719. PAETUS (Lucas). De mensuris et ponderibus Romania et Graecis, cum his quae hodie Romae sunt, collatis, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XI. 358 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa PAGE (William) B. D. A treatise or justification of bowing at the name of Jesus, with an examination of such considerable rea- sons as ai*e made by Mr. Prinne in a reply to Mr. Widdowes concerning the same argument. 4. Oxf. 1631. A further justification of bowing, &c. 4. Oxf. 1631. PAGET (John). An answer to the unjust complaints of Wm. Best, . Lond. 1688. Letters from Paris received Jan. 15th, 1648, directed to several members of parliament, &c. 4. Lond. 1648. PARISANUS (Aemylius). De microcosmica subtilitate exercitationes, 4 ptt. 3 voll. fol. Yen. 1623-38. Par et sanius judicium de seminis a toto proventu ac de stigmatibus. fol. Ven. 1633. PARISIUS de Cereta. Chronicon Veronense, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. PARK (Mungo). Travels in the interior districts of Africa. 4. Lond. 1816. PARKER (Matthew), Archbishop of Canterbury. De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae et privilegiis eccle- siae Cantuariensis cum archiepiscopis ejusdem 70. (Caret titulo.) fol. (in aedibus propriis Lambethae) 1572. Catalogus cancellariorum procancell. procuratorum ac eorum qui in achademia Cantabr. ad gradum docto- ratus aspiraverunt, &c. (in cole, libri jwaeced.) De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae, &c. fol. Han. 1605. A defence of priestes manages, stablysshed by the im- periall lawes of the realm of Englande agaynst a civilian naming himselfe Thomas Martin. (Anon.) 4. Lond. by Richarde Jugge, n. d. PARKER (Samuel) P., Bishop of Oxford. Disputationes de Deo et providentia divina. 4. Lond. 1678. Reasons for abrogating the test imposed upon all mem- bers of Parliament. 8. Lond. 1688. The reasonableness of the Church of England's test asserted, in answer to the bishop of Oxon's (Parker's) fallacious reasons and precarious assertions against it : Pa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 363 also the worship of images, &c., proved idolatry. 4. n.p. 1688. Samuel, lord bishop of Oxford, his celebrated reasons for abrogating the test, and notions of idolatry an- swered by Samuel, archdeacon of Canterbury (the author John Phillips), q. v. Discourse sent to the late King James, to persuade him to embrace the Protestant Religion, with two letters, (i) from Sir Leol. Jenkins, (2) from S. Parker. 4. Land. 1690. Answer to the bishop of Oxford's reasons for abrogating the Test, 4. Lond. 1688. PARKER (Samuel) F. Bibliotheca Biblica, being a commentary upon all the books of the Old and New Testament gathered out of the writings of fathers and ecclesiastical historians down to the year of our Lord 451, &c. 5 vols. 4. Oxf. 1715-35. PARKER (Thomas), Earl of Macclesfield. His tryal in the house of peers for high crimes and misdemeanors, fol. Lond. 1725. PARKINSON (John). Theatrum botanicum : the theater of planets, or an herball of a large extent, fol. Lond. 1640. Paradisus terrestris, or a choice garden of all sorts of rarest flowers, &c. fol. Lond. 1656. PARKYNS (Sir Will.) Tryal and condemnation for conspiring to assassinate King "William in order to a French invasion, fol. Lond. 1696. PARLIAMENT, v. Charles I. The Statutes made and established from the time of King Henry III. unto the fyrste yere of Hen. VIII. fol. Lond. 1543. The second volume, conteinying the statutes made in the time of Henry VIII. fol. Lond. 1551. made in the firste year of Edw. VI. fol. Lond. 1548. 1552. 1553. 1552. 1553. Actes made, &c., 1 1554. 1 Mary, parliamentum secundum. 1554. 1 and 2 Phil, and Mar. Ibid. 1555. 2 and 3 Edw. VI. fol. exc. R. Graftonus, 3 and 4 Edw. VI. fol. Lond. by R. Grafton, 5 and 6 Edw. VI. fol. exc. R. Graftonus, 7 Edw. VI. fol. Lond. in aed. R. Cfraftoni, Mary. fol. in aed. J. Cawoodi, Ibid. 364 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa The Statutes, &c., 2 and 3 Phil, and Mar. fol. Lond. in aed. J. Cawoodi, 1555. 4 and 5 Phil, and Mar. Ibid. 1558. 1 Eliz. fol. Lond. by R. Jugge and J. Ca- wood, 1559. 5 Eliz. 8 Eliz. 13 Eliz. 14 Eliz. 18 Eliz. 23 Eliz. 27 Eliz. 29 Eliz. 31 Eliz. Barker, 1589. 35 Eliz. 39 Eliz. 7 Jac. I. 21 Jac. I. fol. Lond. by R. Jugge, 1563. Ibid. 1566. Ibid. 1571. Ibid. 1572. Ibid. 1575. fol. Lond. by Chr. Harker, 1581. Ibid. 1585. Ibid. 1587. fol. Lond. by the deputies of Chr. Ibid. 1593. Ibid. 1597. Ibid. 1610. Ibid. 1624. The whole volume of Statutes at large from Magna Charta until the XXXI yeere of Elizabeth, with mar- ginall notes, fol. Lond. 1591. The Statutes at large, conteyning all acts from Magna Charta until the XVI yeere of James I, with mar- ginall notes. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1618. The Statutes from 13th year of Charles II. to 5th year of George III (by H. M. printers). 57 vols. fol. Lond. 1670-1765. A collection of the Statutes now in use, with notes, &c., by Ferdinando Pulton and Thos. Manby. fol. Lond. 1670 (q. v.). The Statutes at large, containing all the public acts of Parliament from Magna Charta to the 7th year of King George II. (by W. Hawkins). 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1734-5. The Statutes of the Realm, printed by command of George III. in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons. 9 vols. with index (in 12). fol. 1810-24. The Criminal Code. 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1825-29. The Statutes of the United Kingdom, from 1850-1868. 22 vols. 8. Lond. 1850-68. A collection of the public general Statutes, from 1869- 77. 8 vols. 80 Lond. 1869-77. Cases in Parliament upon petitions and writs of error. fol. Lond. 1698. A collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England from the year 1668 to the present time. 21 vols. 80. Lond. 1739-42. The history and proceedings of the House of Commons. vols. 13, 14. 1743, 44. The parliamentary or constitutional history of England Pa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 365 from the earliest times to the restoration of Charles II. 24 vols. 8. Lond. 1751-61. Votes and speeches in Parliament, by the king's printer. 15 vols. fol. Lond. 1762-80. The Parliamentary writs and writs of military sum- mons, together with the records and muniments re- lating to the suit and service due and performed to the king's high court of Parliament. 4 vols. fol. Lond. 1827-34. The kingdom's brief answer to the late declaration of the House of Commons, Feb. 11, 1647. 4. Lond. 1648. Mirror of Parliament, q. v. PARMA. Chronicon Parmense (1038-1309), v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. IX. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XVIII. Diarium Parmense, v. Italic. Eer. Script. Tom. XXII. PABMA (Blasius de). Questiones super tractatu de latitudinibus formarum Johannis Horen determinate, fol. Yen. 1505. De tactu corporum durorurn questio ; ad calc. lib. praeced. PARNELL (Thos.), D.D. Poems on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1770. Posthumous works. 8. Lond. 1758. PAROEMIOGRAPHI. Paroemiographi Graeci, ed. Leutsch et Schneidewin. Tomi 2. 80. Gotting. 1839. PARR (Richard), D.D. The life of James Usher, archbishop of Armagh, fol. Lond. 1686. PARRHASITJS (Eleutherus). Veri speciininis patrocinii libri II, quibus manifestantur nullitates proscriptionis contra Fridericum regem. 1633. PARSONS (Robert) or Persons, alias Coobuck, alias Doleman, Jesuit. A treatise concerning the broken succession of the crown of England. 4. Lond. 1655. PARTHENIUS Nicaensis. De amatoriis affectionibus liber inter Script. Erotic., q. v. PARTIBUS (Jac. de). Glossa interlinearis ad practicam Alexandri Medici. fol. Lugd. 1504. Expositio super Fen II. partes non expos, a Jac. For- livio. fol. Papi 1500. PASCAL (Blaise). Les provinciales, ou les lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte a un provincial de ses amis, et aux P. P. Je'suites sur le sujet de la morale et de la politique de ces peres. 4 torn. 8. Amst. 1735. 366 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa Penates, Fragments et Lettres ; edites par P. Faugere. 2 vols. 8. Paris 1844. Thoughts, translated in Engl. 8. Lond. 1688. PASCHALIS II. Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. XV. PASCHALIUS (Michael Jo.) In Paschalii methodum curandi scholia a Petro Paulo Pereda. 8. Lugd. 1600. PASQUIEB (Estienne). Les recherches de la France, fol. Paris 1621. Ses lettres contenans plusieurs discours sur les affaires d'estat de France et touchant les guerres civiles. 2 vols. 8. Par. 1619. PASQUIN. The visions of Paaquin, or a character of the Roman court, religion, and practices, &c. ; also an exact description of purgatory and hell in a dialogue be- tween Pasquin and Marforio, translated out of Italian. 4. Lond. 1689. PASSAGEBITTS, v. ftodulpJius. PATAVINUS monachus. De rebus gestis in Lombardia et Marchia Tarvisina (1207-70), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. PATAVIUM. Annales S. Justini Patavini, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIX. PATEBCULUS (Velleius). Historiae Romanae libri duo, v. Histor. Roman. Id. cum animadversionibus J. Lipsii et vita P. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1591. Id. ed. Lipsius. fol. Antv. 1627. In Romanam Paterculi historiam varr. lectt. notae et animadversiones Burerii, Manutii, Ursini, Lipsii, Schegkii, AcidaKi and Gruteri. 12. . a. et I. PATBES, v. Canones. Patrum qui temporibus apostolicis floruerunt opera omnia, cum quorundam actis et martyriis, cum ver- sionibus et notis J. B. Cotelerii, J. Clerici et aliorum, ed. per J. Clericum. 2 voll. fol. Ant. 1698. The Library of the Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church ; translated by members of the English Church. 40 vols. 8. Oxf. 1838-61. Bibliotheca sanct. patrum, virorum doctiss. scholiis, observationibus, &c., illustrata per M. de la Bigne. 9 voll. fol. Paris. 1589. Spicilegium SS. patrum ut et haereticorum seculi post Christum natum I, II, et III, edidit Joh. Ernest Grabius, q. v. Patres Apostolici, v. Jacobson. Bibliotheca patrum ecclesiae Catholicae. 11 voll. 8. Oxon. 1838-52. Pa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Patres Ecclesiae Anglicanae : edidit J. A. Giles. 35 voll. 8. Oxon. 1843-8. Patrum doctrina de verbi incarnatione, Gr. p. I. vol. VII. script! vet. nov. coll. ab A. Maio, q. v. The genuine epistles of the apostolical Fathers : trans- lated by W. Wake. 8. Land. 1833. PATRICITTS (Alexander) Armacanus, i. e. Jansenius, q. v. PATRICK (John). Transubstantiation no doctrine of the primitive fathers, being a defence of the Dublin letter herein against ' The papist misrepresented by J. Leybourn, part II, chap. 3.' 4. Lond. 1687. PATRICK (Symon), bp. of Ely. Advice to a friend. 2nd edn. 8. Lond. 1674. A discourse of profiting by sermons in a collect, of cases to recover dissenters to the church of England, q. v. A discourse about tradition shewing what is meant by it and what tradition is to be received and what to be rejected. 2nd edn. 4. Lond. 1685. A sermon preached on St. Mark's Day on Ephes. IV. 14. 4. Lond. 1686. A sermon preached on St. Peter's day on Matt. XVI. 18, with some enlargements. 4. Lond. 1687. The pillar and ground of truth ; shewing that the Roman church falsely claims to be that church men- tioned by St. Paul, 1 Tim. III. 15, in 3 parts (Anon). 4o. Lond. 1687. The texts examined which Papists cite out of the Bible to prove the supremacy of St. Peter and the Pope over the whole church. 2 pts. 4. Lond. 1688. The Virgin Mary misrepresented by the Roman church in the traditions concerning her life and glory, and in the devotions paid to her as the mother of God, part I. 4. Lond. 1688. A full view of the doctrines and practices of the ancient church relating to the eucharist wholly different from those of the present Roman church and inconsistent with the belief of transubstantiation. 4. Lond. 1688. Commentaries on the Old Testament. 11 vols. 4. v.y. PATRITITTS (Franciscus). Magia philosophica, hoc est Zoroast. oracula, &c., Lat. 8. Hamburgi 1593. Res militaris Romana, ex Ital. in Lat. ling, conversa, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. X. Paralleli Militari. 2 partt. fol. Rom. 1594-5. PATRU (Ollivier). (Euvres di verses. 2 torn. 8. Par. 1692. PATTERSON (James). Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject and the 368 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa Laws of England relating to the Security of the Person. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1877. PAULI (R.) und Lappenberg. Geschicbte von England. 5 bde. 8. Hamburg und Gotlia 1834-58. PATTLUS, S. Apostolus. Epistola ad Galatas Syriace et Lat. 4. Gen. 1570. PAULUS, Bernriedeusis. Vita Gregorii VII, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. III. PAULUS seu Paullus diaconus Aquilegiensis. De gestis Romanoruna ap. Hist. Rom., q. v. Historia Miscella : Fr. Eyssenhardt recensuit. 8. Berol. 1869. Historia Langobardorum, v. German Hon. Hist. 4. Berol. 1878. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. I. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome V. PAULUS Venetus ord. eremitarum S. Augustini. Expositio super libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis; ejusdem de compositione mundi cum figuris. fol. Venetiis per Bouetum Locatellum, 1498. PAULUS, Venetus Servita, cogn. Sarpius. Historia del concilio Tridentino. fol. Lond. 1619. Id. fol. Aug. Trinob. 1622. Id. in Engl., by Sir Nath. Brent. 2nd edit. fol. Lond. 1629. Id. en Francois avec des notes critiques de par Pierre F. Le Courayer. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1736. Historia particolare delle cose passate tra '1 pontifice Paolo V. e la republica di Venetia gl' anni 1605, 1606, 1607. 4. Mirandola 1624. Id. in Engl. from the Italian, by Chr. Potter, dean of Durham. 4. Lond. 1626. Controversial memorabiles inter Paulum V et Venetos. 8. Sanvincent. 1607. Histoire des diffe'rens entre le pape Paul V et la Rp. deVenise. 80. 1625. A treatise of ecclesiastical benefices and revenues. 8. Westminster 1727. PAULUS (Conradus), J. V. D. De usuris libri tres, cum praefat. Phil. Melancthonis. 8. Franc. 1561. De excommunicatione consultatio, p. 114. Ibid. PAULUS (Jo.) a Roma, v. Cherubinus. PAULUS (Marcus) Venetus. De consuetudinibus et condicionibus orientalium regio- num libri tres, inter novi orbis region, cura Sim. Grynaei, q. v. PAULY (August). Real-Encyclopadie der classischen Alterthums-Wissen- re] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. schaft. 6 bde in 8. 8. Stuttgart. 1864-52. [Bd. I. (2ter Ausg.)] PAVONITTS (Franciscus) Catacensis e soc. Jesu. Summa ethicae, sive introductio in Aristotelis et theo- logorum doctrinam moralem. 8. Moguntiae 1621. PAUSANIAS Caesariensis. De tota Graecia, libri X Lat. per Abr. Loescherum. fol. Bas. 1550. Graeciae Descriptio, Gr. Lat. (comment. Gul. Xylan- dro). fol. Franc. 1583. Graecia descriptio, Gr. 3 voll. 12. Lips. 1829. Descriptio Graeciae, recogn. J. H. Ch. Schubart. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1870. PAYNE (Wm.), D.D. A discourse concerning the adoration of the host, &c., in answer to T. G. and Mr. Boileau's book ' De adora- tione Eucharistiae.' 4. Lond. 1685. A discourse of the communion in one kind : in answer to a treatise of the bp. of Meaux's of ' Communion under both species,' lately transl. into Engl. 4. Lond. 1687. A discourse of the sacrifice of the mass. 4. Lond, 1688. The texts examined which papists cite for the proof of their doctrine cone, the celibacy of priests and vows of continence in 2 pts. p. 741 of 'Popery not founded on scripture,' q. v. PEACE. Society for the promotion of permanent and universal Peace, Tracts, no. I-XII. 80. Lond. 1839. Obstacles and objections to the cause of permanent and universal peace considered, by a layman. 8. Lond. 1838. PEACOCK (Geo.) Life of Thomas Young, M.D. 8. Lond. 1855. PEARCE (Zachary). The miracles of Jesus vindicated, in 4 parts. 4th edn. 8. Lond. 1732. PEARSON (Johannes), S. T. P. Opera posthuma chronologica, etc., per Henr. Dodwel- lum ; quibus praefiguntur annales Paulini et lectiones in Acta Apostolorum. 4. Lond. 1688. Vindiciae epistolarum S. Ignatii. 4. Cantab. 1672. Id. p. 236, voll. II, edit, patrum apost. Cotelerianae per J. Clericum, q. v. Annale Cyprianici. fol. Oxon. 1682. Minor theological works ; with a memoir of the author, notes and index : by E. Churton. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1844. An exposition of the Creed, fol. Lond. 1662. Id. edited by E. Burton. 2 vols. 8<>. Oxf. 1847. Bb 370 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pe PECCAM (Johannes). Perspectivae communis libri tres. 4. Norimb. 1542. PECHLINUS (Jo. Nich.) Observationum physico-medicarum libri tres. 4. Hanib. 1691. Ephemeris vulneris thoracici et in earn comm. Ibid. PECOCKITTS (Reginaldus), episc. Cicestrensis. A treatise proving scripture to be the rule of faith writ by R. P. about the year 1450 (with a preface by Henry Wharton). 4. Lond. 1688. His life collected from records and MSS., by John Lewis, q. v. PEDEMONTANTTS (Franciscus). Suppletnentum in secundum librum secretorum reme- diorum Joannis Mesuae, q. v. PEELE (George). Dramatic and poetical works, with memoir and notes, by A. Dyce. 8<>. Lond. 1861. PEEKS (Richard). Description of the 17 provinces of the Netherlands, being the 4th vol. of Pitt's Engl. Atlas, q. v. PEILE (John). An introduction to Greek and Latin Etymology. 8. London 1872. PEIRCE (James). Some reflections upon dean Sherlock's vindication of the corporation and test acts. 8. Lond. 1718. The dissenter's reasons for not writing in the behalf of persecution in a letter to Dr. Snape. 8. Lond. 1718. An answer to Mr. Enty's defence of the proceedings of the assembly at Exon. 8. Lond. 1719. A letter to Mr. Eveleigh, in answer to his, printed at the end of the 'Account of the reasons,' &c. 8. Exon. 1719. A second letter to Mr. Eveleigh, in answer to his ' Sober reply,' &c., with a confutation of a slanderous report. 8. Exon. 1719. Animadversions upon a pamphlet entitled 'A true rela- tion of some proceedings at Salter's Hall,' with a letter to Mr. J. Eveleigh. 8. Lond. 1719. A letter to Mr. Peirce in ansr. to his 'Animadversions on some proceedings at Salter's Hall,' &c., by one of the Subscribing ministers. 8. Lond. 1719. A letter to a subscribing minister in defence of the 'Animadversions on some proceedings at Salter's Hall.' 8<>. Lond. 1719. Remarks upon the account of what was transacted in the assembly at Exon. 8. Lond. 1719. The case of the ministers ejected at Exon. 8. Exon. 1719. A defence of the case of the ministers ejected at Exon. 8<>. Exon. 1719. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 371 A defence of 'The account,' &c., in answer to Mr. Peirce's 'Defence of the case.' 8. Land. 1719. A justification of ' the case ' and of the 'Defence ' of it; being a reply to ' The defence of the account,' &c. 8. Lond. 1719. The Western inquisition ; or a relation of the contro- versy among the dissenters in the west of England. 80. Lond. 1720. A paraphrase and notes on the epistles of St. Paul to the Colossians, Philippians and Hebrews. 2nd edit. 4. Lond. 1733. An account of the reasons why many citizens of Exon have withdrawn from the ministry of Mr. J. Hallet and Mr. James Peirce. 8. Lond. 1719. The innocent vindicated ; or those falsely called Arians defended. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1719. Sermon on 1 Cor. i. 1 3, on the first Lord's day after the ejectment of the ministers. 8. Lond. 1719. The loyalty, integrity, and ingenuity of High Church, the dissenters, and other respective writers compared. 80. Lond. 1719. A charge of misrepresentations maintained against Dr. Sherlock's Preface to his answer to the Bishop of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1719. PELETARIUS (Jacobus). De conciliatione locorum Galeni sectiones duae. 4. Par. 1560. Id. 8<>. Par. 1565. Compendium de fractionibus astronomicis et de cognos- cendis per memoriam Calendis, ap. Gem. Frisium, q. v. PELISSON (Paul). Histoire de 1'academie Fran?oise, jusqu'en 1652. 12. LaHaye 1688. PELLEGBINO (Camillo). Due discorse : d'un antico significato del nome Porta : dell' antico sito di Capua, v. Italic, Her. Script. Tom. V. De ducatu Beneventano, v. Ibid. PELLING (Edward). The good old way : a discourse concerning the ancient way of the church, and the conformity of the church of England thereunto. 4. Lond. 1680. Antiquity of Protestant religion, 2 parts, in answer to Sclater and Nubes Testium. 4. Lond. 1687. A third letter to a person of quality. 4. Lond. 1687. A fourth letter, showing the novelty of transubstantia- tion. Ibid. PEMBERTON (Henry). View of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy. 4. Lond. 1728. Observations on poetry, occasioned by the publication of Glover's Leonidas. 8. Lond. 1738. The dispensatory of the Royal college of physicians B b 2 372 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa London, translated into English, with remarks, &c. 8. Lond. 1746. PEMBLE (Wm.), M.A. His theological works, fol. Oxf. 1659. PEMBROKE, earl of, first earl of Montgomery, i. e. Herbert, q. v. PENA (Petrus), v. Lobd (Matth. de). PENDLEBEBBY (Henry). A plain representation of transubstantiation as it is received in the church of Rome. 4 a . Lond. 1687. PENN (William). Good advice to the church of England, Roman catholick and protestant dissenter, in which it is endeavoured to be made appear that it is their duty, principles and interest, to abolish the penal laws and tests. (Anon.) 40. Lond. 1687. PENNA (Lucas de). Lectura super X, XI, XII libros codicis. fol. Pans 1 529. PENNOTTUS (Gabriel). Propugnaculum humanae libertatis. fol. Lugd. 1624. PENOTUS (Bernard G.) De vera praeparatione et usu medicamentorum chemi- corum tractatus varii, vol. I. theatri Chemici, q. v. Quaestiones tres de corporali mercuric cum responsioni- bus, &c. vol. II. Ibid* PEPYS (Samuel). His Diary and Correspondence, from his MS. cypher in the Pepysian library, with a life and notes by Richard Lord Braybrooke, with additional notes by Rev. My- Hors Bright. Vol. IV. 8<>. Lond. 1877. PEBANZONE (Nic.), v. Petrarcha. PEBCY (Mr.), v. Lord Digby. PEBCY (Thos.), D.D. Reliques of antient English poetry. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1765. PEBEDA (Petrus Paulus). In Mich. Jo. Paschalii methodum curandi scholia. 8. Lugd. 1600. PEBEFIXE (Hardouin de). Histoire du roy Henry le Grand. 8. Amst. 1664. PEREIRA (Gometius). Novae veraeque medicinae, experimentis et evidentibus rationibus corroboratae, pars prima. fol. Methym Duetti. 1558. PEBEBIUS (Benedictus). Selectarum disputationum in S. Scripturam. 3 voll 4. Ingol. 1601-6. Comm. in Genesim, q. v. (1606). PEBIONIUS (Joachim). Dialogorum de linguae Gallicae origine ejusque cum Graeca cognatione. 4 libb. 8. Par. 1555. re] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 373 PERITSOL (Abrah.) Itinera mundi, sic dicta nempe cosmographia : cum Latina versione notisque a T. Hyde : accedunt Tur- carum liturgia, &c., et castigatio in De la Brosse. 4. Oxon. 1691. PERKINS (Wm.) His works. 3 vols. fol. Cambr. 1608. PERNUMIA (Joan. Paulus). Therapeutice, sive medendi ratio affectus omnes praeter naturam. 4. Yen. 1564. Id. 80. Franc. 1596. Philosophia naturalis. fol. Patav. 1570. PERRAULT (Charles). Parallele des Anciens et des modernes en ce qui con- cerne les arts et les sciences. 2 torn. 8. Amst, 1693. Les hommes illustres qui ont paru en France pendant ce siecle. 2 tomes. 8. Par. 1698. PERRON (Jac. Dav. Card. du). Actes de la conference entre le sieur evesque d'Evreux et le sieur du Plessis. 8. Evreux, 1601. Les ambassades et negotiations du Cardinal du Perron. 8. Paris 1633. PERRY (John). State of Russia. 8. Lond. 1716. PERRY (Charles). A view of the Levant, particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt and Greece, fol. Lond. 1743. PERSA anonymus. De siglis Arabum et Persarum astronomicis. 8. Lond. 1648. PERSICO (Panfilo). Del segretario, lib. IV. 8. Yen. 1629. PERSIUS (Aulus). Satyr a cum comment. Joan. Britannici et Barthol. Foncii. fol. Venet. 1494. Id. cum Gael. Sec. Curionis et aliorum Comm. fol. Bas. 1551. Id. Typis regiis. fol. Par. 1644. Id. 80. Lond. 1716. His satyres translated into English by Barton Holyday. 80. Lond. 1617. Id. in English by J. Dryden. 8. Lond. 1693. Id. en Francois par A. du Chesne. 8. Par. 1606. PERTZ (Geo. Hein.) Monumenta Germaniae historica inde ab anno D usque ad annum M D. Vol. I-XXVI. fol. ffanov. 1826-78, i. e. Scriptores. XX voll. Leges V. Diplomata I. PERUSIO (Angelus Ubaldus de, q. v. PESHALL (Sir J.), bart. The antient and present state of the city of Oxford, 374 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. fPe chiefly collected from A. ;i Wood, with additions. 4. Lond. 1773. PETAVIUS (Dion.), v. Epiphanius. Uranologion, give syntagma variorum authorum qui de sphaera ac sideribus eorumque motibus commentati sunt, Graece, cum var. dissert, fol. Par. 1630. De veteri anno Romanorum, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. Rationarium temporum. 8. Franeq. 1700. Theologica dogmata. 6 torn. fol. Ant. 1700. PETER (Hermannus). Veterum Historicorum Romanorum Relliquiae : diep. H. Peter. 8. Ldpsiae 1870. PETERS (Charles), M.A. Dissertation on the book of Job. 4. Lond. 1751. PETIT (Samuel). Leges Atticae, Comment, libri VIII. fol. Par. 1635. PETITUS (Jac.), v. Theodoras archiep. Cant. PETRARCH A (Franciscus). Opera Latina, Epistolae, &c. fol. Ven. 1501. Sonetti, Canzone e triumphi. 4. Ven. 1513. Id. con tre commenti del Fr. Philelpho Ant. de Tempo e Nic. Peranzone, overo Biccio Marchesiano. fol. Milan. 1507. PETRELLA (Bernardinus). Logicarum disputationum libri eeptem. fol. Vincent. 1591. Comm. in 2 libros posteriorurn Analyticorum Aristotelis. fol. Pat. 1595. PETRI (Antonio). Diarium Romanum (1404-1417), \.Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIV. PETRONE (Paolo di Liello). Mesticanza della cecita de' Romani, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIV. PETRONITJS (Alex. Trajanus). De morbo Gallico libri septem. Vol. II. script, de Morbo Gallico, q. v. PETRONIUS (Titus) Arbiter. Satyricon cum Petroniorum fragmentis : accedunt notae variorum. 8. Helenopoli 1610. Quae supersunt, cum integris doctorum virorum com- mentariis et notis Nic. Heinsii, &c., cura Pt. Bur- manni. 4. Traj. ad Rhen. 1709. Satyre, traduite en Francois avec le texte Latin. 2 tomes. 8. Colog. 1694. PETRUCCELLI della Gattina (S.) Histoire diplomatique des Conclaves. 4 tomes. 8. Paris 1864-6. PETRUS Blesensis. Opera omnia, ed. J. A. Giles. 4 voll. 8. Oxon. 1846-7. Pe] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 375 PETRUS (8.), apostolus. Missa apostolica, sive divinum sacrificium; Gr. Lat., cum apologia pro eadern per "W. Lindanum, cujus commentarii adjiciuntur. 8. Antv. 1589. PETRUS, abbas Cellensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XVI. PETBUS, abbas Cluniacensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XV. PETRUS, episcopus Brixiensis. Repertorium utriusque juris. 2 torn. fol. Pat. 1480. PETRUS Magnus. De consilio ad Octavium Farnesium Parmae et Placen- tiae ducem, cum orationibus tribus, et carminum libro uno. 4. Romae 1587. PETRUS diaconus. De notis literarum more Romano liber, p. 92. Lug. B. 1600. PETRUS, diaconus Casinensis. De viris illustribus Casinensibus, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. PETRUS, diaconus Graecus. Petri et aliorum, qui in caussa fidei a Graecis ex ori- ente Romam missi fuerunt, liber de incarnatione et gratia Domini nostri Jesu Christi ad Fulgentium et alios episcopos Africae. 8. Bas. 1587. PETRUS de Hallis. Summa de literis missilibus : liber Formularum, v. Austria Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 6. PETRUS de Mladenowicz. Historia de fatis et actis Mag. Johannis Hus Constan- ciae, v. Austria Font. Rer. Austr. Script. II. PETRUS patricius et magister. De legationibus Gr. 4. Aug. Vind. 1603. PETRUS (Suffridus) Leovardiensis. Appendix ad Chronicon Jo. de Beka. fol. Ultraj. 1643. PEUTINGER (Conradus), J. V. D. Tabulae Peutingerianae, in opp. Ptolemaei, q. v. Lugd. Bat. 1618. PEYERUS (Jo. Conr.) Exercitationes medicae de glandulis intestinorum cui subjungitur anatome ventriculi gallinacei. 8. Scaf- Jiusae 1677. PEZELIUS (Cbr.) Mellificium historicum, complectens historiam trium monarcniarum sc. Chaldaicae Persicae Graecae, 2 partes. Franc. 1649. Tertiam et quartam partem ediderunt Lampadius et A. P. R. B. q. v. 376 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pf PFEIFFEBTTS (Jo. Ph.) Antiquitatum Graecarum Gentilitium libri IV. 4. Lips. 1689. PFISTEB (J. C.) Geschichte der Teutschen. 5 Me. 8. Hamb. 1829-35. PFLEIDEBEB (Otto). Die Religion, ihr Wesen, und ihre Geschichte. 2 bde. 8. Leipz. 1869. PHAEDBTJS (Aug. libertus). Fabulae Aesopicae, ed. Luc. Miiller. 12. Lips. 1873. PHALABIS. Epistolae inter epistt. Grace. 4. Ven. Aid. 1400. Id. cum vita authoris et annotationibus cura Car. Boyle. 8. Oxon. 1695. PHALETBANUS (Geor. Ericus). Exercitatio historico-philologica de sceptri Judaici ab- latione. 4<>. Ultr. 1702. PHANUCCIIS (Phanuccius de). De jurejurando in litem. 4. Ven. 1562. PHABMACOPOEIA. Pharm. Augustana cum ejus mantissa et animadv. J. Zwelfer. 80. Dord. 1672. Ph. Londinensis. fol. Lond. 1721. Id. 8. Lond. 1724. Id. 4o. Lond. 1746. Id. 80. Lond. 1767. A draught for the Reformation of the London Pharma- copoeia. 8. 1742-5. An essay for a Reformation of the London Pharmaco- poeia. 8. Lond. 1744. The Plan of a New London Pharmacopoeia. 8. s. 1. 1745. Pharmacopoeia Parisiensis ed. per M. Jo. Bapt., Tho. Martineng. 4. Par. 1748. The Pharma. of the Royal Coll. of Physicians at Edin- burgh, by W. Lewis. 8. Lond. 1748. Pharmac. Meadiana faithfully copied from original pre- scriptions. 8. Lond. 1756. PHAVOBINTJS. Dictionarium sive totius linguae Graecae commentarii. fol. Basil. 1538. PHILALETHES (A. M.), Oxon. Protestant Popery, or the Convocation : a poem. 8. Lond. 1718. Letter from the Pope to Dr. Snape. Ibid. PHILANAGNOSTES Criticus, v. T. Herne. List of Pamphlets on the Bangorian Controversy. PHILANDEB (Guil.) In decem libros M. Vitruuii de architectura annotationes. Lugd. 1586. Epitome in omnes Georgii Agricolae de mensuris et ponderibus libris ad calc. var. edd. Vitruvii, q. v. 1585. Ph] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. PHILABETUS. De pulsuum scientia La tine (Par. 1567), v. Medic. Art. Principes. PHILELEUTHERUS Cantabrigiensis, i. e. Thos. Herne of Merton Coll. Oxon, q. v. PHILELETJTHERUS Dublinensis, v. Delany. PHILIPOT (Thomas). Elegies offered up to the memory of "Will. Glover, esq. 40. Land. 1641. Congratulatory elegy to the Earl of Essex on his investi- ture with the dignity of Ld. Chamberlain. 8. Lond. 1641. PHILIPPUS (M. Ant.) de Dominis. Confessio fidei. 4. Lond. 1631. PHILIPS (J. Tho.) Halabarian conferences. 8. Lond. 1719. PHILIPS (Ambrose). The distressed Mother: a tragedy. 8. Lond. 1734. PHILLIMORE (Sir Robert). The Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. Supplement to the Eccles. Law. 8. Lond. 1876. PHILLIP (Arthur). Voyage to Botany Bay. 4. Lond. 1789. PHILLIPS (John), Professor of Geology. Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames. 8. Oxford 1871. PHILLIPS (John), Milton's nephew. Samuel Parker, bishop of Oxford : his celebrated reasons for abrogating the test, and notions of idolatry an- swered by Sam. archdeacon of Canterbury. (Anon.) 4. 3rd edit. Lond. 1688. PHILLIPS, (John) of Ch. Ch. Poems on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1728. Cyder: a poem. 8. Lond. 1791. PHILO Judaeus. Opera Gr. fol. Parisiis, A. Turnebus. 1552. Id. notis et observationibus illustravit Tho. Mangey 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1742. Lucubrationes omnes, Latine, per Sigism. Gelenium fol. Basil. 1554. Breviarium de temporibus, inter Annii antiquitatt variar. volumina, q. v., p. 223. Witt. 1612. PHILOLOGTJS (Thomas), Ravennas. Consultationes medicae de modo collegiandi. 4. Ven 1576. PHILOPONTJS (Jo.) Gramm. In Aristotelis priora et posteriora analytica Comm. Gr fol. Ven. 1534-36. Id. libros de Anima Comm. Gr. fol. Ven. 1535. Id. in primum Meteorol. scholia, Gr. fol. Ven. 1551. Id. in IV. priores Physic. Comm. Gr. fol. Ven. 1535. 378 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ph Comm. in libros de generations et interitu Gr. fol. Ven. in aed. Aldi. et And. Asul. 1527. Contra Proclum de mundi aeternitate, Gr. fol. Ven. Barthol. Casterzagensis 1535. De dialectis Graecorura : de encliticis Gr. foL Ven. 1496. PHILOSOPHY and PHILOSOPHERS. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society. 144 vols. 4. Lond. 1705-1878 ; 3 vols. to the end of 1700 : 66 vols. (with index) 1661-1780; 41 vols. (with index 178 1-1 820, &c. Philosophorum Graecorum Fragmenta Graece et Latine ed. Mullach. 2 voll. 8<>. Paris. 1860. Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques, par une So- cle" t6" des Professeurs de Philosophic. Tomes VI. 8. Paris 1844. Philosophia vetus et nova, ad usum Scholae accomodata in Regia Burgundia olim pertractata, &c. 2 voll. 4o. Par. 1684. Cursus Philosophicus : a Roder. de Arriaga. fol. Lugd. 1653, q. v. Universa Philosophia, a Petro Hurtado de Mendoza. fol. Lugd. 1624, q.v. Cursus Philosophicus ; a Franc, de Oviedo. fol. Lugd. 1651, q.v. Philosophia Universa, a Th. Compton Garleton. fol. Antv. 1664, q.v. Lexicon rationale, sive Thesaurus Philosophicus a St. Chauvin. fol. Eotter. 1692. Bibliotheca Realis Philosophica a Mart. Lipenio. fol. Franc. (1682) q.v. PHILOSTORGIUS Cappadox. Excerpta Gr. Lat. Par. 1673. PHILOSTBATUS, Lemnius. Opera quae extant : Philostratijunioris Imagines etCal- listrati ecphrases, &c. fol. Par. 1605. Philostratorum opera, recensuit Gottfridus Olearius. fol. Lips. 1709. Opera auctiora, ed. C. L. Kayser accedunt Apollonii epistola, &c. 2 voll. 12<>. Lips. 1870-1. Icones, heroica Grace. Callistrati ecphras. fol. Yen. 1517. Les tableaux de platte peinture des deaux Philostrates et les statues de Callistrate, en Francois par M. Blaise de Vigenere. fol. Par. 1637. PHILOSTBATUS, junior. Icones, cum Philostrato Lenm. q. v. PHILOTHETTS (Abraham). Anarchic reviving, or the good old cause on the anvile, being a discovery of the present design to retrieve the late confusion of Church and State. 4. Lond. 1 608. PHLEGON Trallianus. Quae extanl opuscula cum notis Meursii. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1620. Ph] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 379 De mirabilibus et longaevis Gr. Lat. interp. Xylandro, p. 55, v. Anton. Liber. De Olympiis fragmentum. Ibid. PHOCYLIDE3 poeta gnomicus. Fragmenta inter Poet. Gr.principesperH. Stephanum, q.v. Id. inter Poet. Lyric. Grace. (Bergk), q. v. PHOTIUS. Bibliotheca Graece edid. Hoeschelius, Latine vero red- didit Andreas Schottus. fol. Rothomagi 1653. Nomocanon, Gr. Lat. fol. Par. 1620. E. Procli chrestomathia Grammat., seu e laudabilibus quae Proclus ex grammaticis excerpsit electa, Gr. Lat., per A. Schottum et cum notis ejusd. et P. J. Nunnesii ad calc. Apollonii Alexandr. (1590), q.v. PHRISIUS, v. Frisius. PHRYNICUS Bithyuus. Verborum Atticorum Collectio Gr. 8. Par. 1532. PICART (Bernard). The religious ceremonies and customs of the several nations of the known world, represented in above a hundred copper plates, designed by the famous Picart ; now published in English. Vols. I-III. fol. Lond. 1731. PICCOLOMINEUS (Aeneas), v. Sylvius (Aeneas). PICCOLOMINEUS (Franciscus). In librum Galeni de humoribus commentarii. 8 Par. 1556. Libroruni ad scientiam de natura pertinentium partes quinque. fol. Ven. 1596. Universa philosophia de moribus. fol. Ven. 1594. Comes politicus, pro recta ordinis ratione propugnator. Ibid. PICOT (Georges). Histoire des tats Generaux consideres au point de vue de leur influence sur le gouvernement de la France de 1355 a 1614. 4 tomes. 8. Par. 1872. PICTET (Adolphe). Les origines Indo-Europeennes ou les Aryas primitifs, essai de Paleontologie Linguistique. 3 tomes. 8. Paris 1877. PICTOB (Quintus Fabius). De aureo saeculo et de origine urbis ap. Annium Vit. q. v. PIOUS (Jo.) Mirandula. Opera et opuscula, &c. fol. Bas. 1601. PIOUS (Jo. Franc.) Opera cum opevibus Joannis Pici (Bas.) q. v. De rerum praenotione libri uovem pro veritate religi- onis contra superstitiosas vanitates edito : de fide theoremata, &c. fol. Argent. 15067. De auro libri tres vol. II, Theatri Chemici, q. v. PIECES, v. Poems. Fugitive pieces on various subjects by several authors. 2 vols. 12. L on d. 1761. 380 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. PIENS (Franc.) Tractatus dc febribus in genere et specie. 4. Gen. 1689. PIERCE (James), or Peirce, q. v. PIERIUS (Jo.) Valerianus. De fulminum significatiouibus, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. V. Compendium in sphaeram de Sacro-bosco, q. v. Hierogyphica, seu de Sacris ./Egyptiorum aliorumque gentium literis comm. fol. Lugd. 1595. PIEBO (Paolino di). Cronica (1080-1305), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Suppl. Tom. II. PIEROTTI (Ermete). Jerusalem Explored. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1864. PIGAFETTA (Filippo). Discorsi intorno all' historia della aguglia, &c. 8. Roma 1600. PIGHIUS (Albertus). Hierarchiae ecclesiasticae assertio libris sex compre- hensa. fol. Col. 1544. PIGHIUS (Steph. Vinandus). Annales Romanorum : recens. per A. Schottum. 3 voll. fol. Antv. 1615. PIGNA (Jo. Bapt.). Poeticae Horatianae arbor, fol. Yen. 1561. PIGNORIUS (Laurentius). Characteres Aegyptii delineati sive mensae Isiacae ex- positio. 4. Amst. 1669. De servis et eorum apud veteres ministeriis commenta- rius. 8. Amstel. 1674. Magnae Deum matris Idaeae et Atthidis initia. 4. Amstel. 1669. PILLONNIERE (Francis de la). Answer to Dr. Snape's accusation, with a preface by bishop Hoadley. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1717. A reply to Dr. Snape's vindication of a passage in his second letter to the bishop of Bangor relating to Mr. Pilloniere, to which is prefixed a letter by Hoadley. 8". Lond. 1718. Histoire Apologetique de P. et une Preface du Mr. L'Eveque de Bangor. 8. Londres. 1717. A third defence, &c. 8. Lond. 1718. Defense des principes de la Tolerance. 8. Lond. 1718. Pilloniere's Preface, etc., to his French translation of Sir Richard Steel's Epistle to Clement XI, &c. 8. Lond. 1717. Defense de la Religion Reforme'e, &c., v. G. (J.) PILPAY. Fables : translation of the Persian version, by E. B. Eastwick. *8. 1854. Pi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 381 PINDARUS, Thebanus. Opera cum Sclioliis Graecis. 4. Paris. 1599. Id. cum Latin, vers. carmine lyrico per Nic. Sudorium. fol. Oxon. 1697. Opera quae supersunt, ed. Aug. Boeckh. 3 voll. 4. Lipsiae 1811-21. Id. curavit F. Schneidewin. 8. Gothae 1843. Id. inter Poetas Lyricos Graecos (Bergk.), q. v. Some Odes, translated by J. Bannister. 8. Salisb. 1791. His Odes, translated from the Greek by Gilbert West, to which is added a dissertation. 8. Lond. 1749. PINDER (North). Selections from the less known Latin poets. 8. Oxf. 1869. PINEDA (Jo. de). Commentariorum in Job libri tredecim. 2 voll. fol. -Ant. 1612. Salomon Praevius seu de rebus Salomonis regis. fol. Mogunt. 1613. In Ecclesiasten Comment, fol. Antv. 1620. PINEDO (Thos. de). Notae ad Stephanum Byzantinum de urbibus, q. v. PINELTJS (Arius) Lusitanus. Comm. in Constitt. codicis De Bonis Maternis. fol. Conimbr. 1557. Id. 8. Franc. 1573. Id. et de rescind, vend. fol. Salm. 1573. PINETON (Jacques). History of persecutions of Protestants by the French king in the principality of Orange. 4. Lond. 1689. PINGAUD (L.) Les Saulx-Tavaues : etudes sur 1'Ancienne Societe Fran- caise. 80. Par. 1876. PINN (Lud. Ellies du). Nouvelle bibliotheque des auteurs ecclesiastiques, in English by Wm. Wotton. 8 vols. fol. Lond. 1693 ; and 1692-99 (in 8 vols.) Id. a complete history of the canon and writers of the books of the Old and New Testament. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1699-1700. An ecclesiastical history of the 17th century, translated by Digby Cotes, fol. Oxf. 1725. PINUS (Jo.). Vita divae Catharinae Senensis, p. 160. Textor. de clar. Mulier. q.v. PINZONTJS (Vincentius). Navigatio, Latine per Anchangelum Madrignanum. 80. 1616. PIPPINUS (Franciscus). Chronicon (1176-1314), v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. IX. 382 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. PIBOVANUS (Gabriel). De astronomiae veritate opus. fol. Bas. 1554. PISA. Marmor Pisanum de honore Bissellii, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VII. Chronica Pisana, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI, XV, XXIV. Excerpta e chartis archivi Pisani archiep., v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. III. PISCATOB (Joannes). Commentarius in utrumque testamentum. 5 voll. fol. Herb. Nass. 1646, &c. Scripta quaedam adversaria ejus et L. Lucii de causa meritoria nostri coram Deo justificationis cum Tho. Gatakeri animadv. in utramque. 8. Lond. 1641. PISCATOBIUS (Jo.), Lithopol. Epitome operum D. Aurelii Augustini. fol. Aug. Vindel. 1537. PISIDES (Geo.) Opus sex dierum seu mundi opificium et de vanitate vitae Gr. Lat. per Morellum. 4. Par. 1585. Id. v. ^Elianus, ed. Hercher. PISIS (Raynerius de). Summa. Vol.1, fol. Norimb. 1473 ? PISO (Carolus). Observationes et consilia de praetervisis hactenus morbis. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1714. Id. 4. Ponte ad Monticulum 1618. PISO (Nicolas). De cognoscendis et curandis praecipue internis humani corporis morbis libri tres. fol. Franc. 1580. Id. 8<>. Franc. 1585. Liber de febribus. Ibid. PISTOBIA. Istorie Pistolesi (1300-1348), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XI. PITATUS (Petrus). Verba ex ephemeridibus desumpta. 4. Par. 1549. PITCABN1US (Archib.), M.D. Dissertationes medicae : subjuncta est Thomae Boeri ad Pitcarnium epistola. 4. Edinb. 1713. Opuscula medica. 4. Rott. 1714. Elementa medicinae physico-mathematica. 8. Lond. 1717. PITHOEUS (Pet.) Observationes ICtorum ad Codicem et Novellas Justi- niani per Julianum translatas : ace. legum Romanarum et Mosaicarum collectio notis illustrata. fol. Paris. 1689. Corpus juris Cononici, Gregorii XIII. Pont Max. jussu editum, cum appendice continente librum VII. Deere- PI] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. talium et Lancelotti institutiones. 2 voll. fol. Paris. 1613. Adversariorum subsecivorum libri duo. 8. Paris. 1565. Traitez (avec preuves des libertez) des droits et li- bertez de 1'eglise Gallicane. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1639. PITT (Moses). The English atlas. 4 vols. fol. Oxon. 1680-3. PIUS IV, papa. His profession of faith vindicated from novelty in addi- tional articles. 4. Lond. 1687. Bullae quaedam, v. Canones concilii Tridentini. PLACEKTIA. Annales Placentini, v German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XYIII. PLACETTE (Joh. la). De insanabili Romanae ecclesiae, &c., in Eng. by Dr. Tenison. 4. Lond. 1588. Six conferences concerning the eucharist, wherein is shewed that the doctrine of transubstantiation over- throws the proofs of the Christian religion. 4. Lond. 1687. PLACITA. Placitorum in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asser- vatorum abbreviatio temp. Ric. I, Joann., Hen. Ill, Edw. I, Edw. II. fol. Lond. 1811. De quo Warranto (in Scaccario Westmon. conservata) temp. Edw. I, II, III (Rec. Comm.) fol. Lond. 1818. PLACUS (Andr.) Interpretatio difficiliorum locorum in libro Geneseos. 80. Basil 1536. PLAGUE. Admonition to all England, &c., a sermon concerning the plague on Jo. v. 14 (title page wanting). 4. A succinct account of the Plague at Marseilles, trans- lated from the French. 80. Lond. 1721. A collection of pieces relating to the Plague. Ibid. PLANCK (J. W.) Das Deutsche Gerichtsverfahren im Mittelalter, nach dem Sachsenspiegel und den verwandten Rechtsquellen. 2 bde. 8. Braunsch. 1878-9. PLANTA (P. C.) Das alte Raetien, staatlich und kulturhistorisch dar- gestellt. 8. Berlin. 1872. PLATEA (Jo. de). Comment, in 3 ultimos libros Codicis. fol. Lugd. 1528. PLATEABIUS (Jo.) Practica brevis. fol. Yen. 1497. PLATEBUS (Felix). Praxeos, seu de cognoscendis, praedicandis, praeca- vendis, curandisque affectibus hominem incommodanti- bus, tractatua. 8<>. Basil 1602. 384 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. De mulierum partibus generation! dicatis. fol. Arg. 1597. PLATINA (Bartholomaeus Sacchus, e vico). Liber de vita Christi ac pontificum cum annotationibus Onuphrii Panvinii, &c. fol. Lovan. 1572. De falso et vero bono dialogi tres. Ibid. Contra amores dialogus. Ibid. De Optimo cive libri duo. Ibid. Panegyricus in laudem Bessarionis cardinalis Patri- arch. Constantinop. Ibid. Oratio ad Paulum II de pace Italiae confirmanda et de bello Turcis indicendo. Ibid. Historia urbis Mantuae, v. Italic, Rer. Script. Tom. XX. Lives of the Popes, continued to the present time by Paul Rycaut fol. Lond. 1685. PLATO. Opera omnia cum commentariis Procli in Timaeum et Politica ; tliesauro veteris philosophiae maximo. fol. Bas. apud Valderum 1534. Opera ex vetust. exemplarum collatione, multo emen- datiora. fol. Bas. 1556. Id. Gr. et Lat. per Jo. Serranum cum ejus et H. Stephani notis. 3 voll. fol. exc. H. Stephanus. 1578. Id. Marsilio Ficino interprete emendat. Sim. Grynaei. fol. Basil. 1546. Id. cum Marsilii tralatione Grace. Lat. fol. Lugd. 1 590. Id. recensuit et commeutariis instruxit G. Stallbaum. 9 voll. 80. Gothae 1827-42. The Dialogues of Plato, translated into English with analyses and introductions, by B. Jowett, M.A. 4 vols. 80. Oxf. 1871. Les ceuvres de Platon, traduits en Francois avec des remarques. Tomes I, II. 8. Paris 1701. La republique, et le Phedon, traduicts par Loys le Roy. fol. Paris 1600. Axiochus, aut de morte dialogus, Gr. et Lat. cum versione Joach. Perionii, una cum ejusdem aimota- tionibus. 8. Par. 1 547. Phaedrus : with English notes and dissertations, by W. H. Thompson, D.D. 80. Lond. 1868. Philebus : with introduction and notes, by Ch. Badham. 80. /^(Z. 1855. Epistolae Gr. inter Epist. Gr. Aldi, q. v. Lysis, traduit par Vigen6re. 4. Par. 1570. Phaedo : edited with introduction and notes, by W. D. Geddes. 80. Lond. 1863. Sophistes and Politicus, with a revised text and English notes, by Lewis Campbell, M.A. 8. Oxf. 1867. Theaetetus, with a revised text and English notes, by L. Campbell. 80. Oxf. 1861. PI] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 385 PLAUTTJS (M. Accius). Comoediae : ed. Fr. Ritschelius. Voll. I, II, III, partes 1, 2. 80. Elberfeld 1849-53. Comoediae cum interpretatione Joannis Baptistae Pii. fol. Mediolani per Ulder. scinzenzeler. 1500. Comoediae accuratissime editae. 8. Amst. 1652. His comedies, into English blank verse, by B. Thornton. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1763. Comedies, traduites en Francois par Mdlle. le Febre. 3 torn. 80. Par. 1730. PLAYPERE (Thomas). The whole sermons of that eloquent divine, T. P. 8. Lond. 1633. PLAYS. A collection of miscellaneous plays. 3 vols. 8. v. y. PLESSIS (Armand Jean du), due de Bwhelieu, q. v. PLESSIS (P. Mornaeus, M. du), i. e. Mornaeus du Plessis, q. v. PLINIUS (Caius), Secundus, Senior. Naturalis historiae libri 37, cum notis Jo. Harduini in usum Delphini. 5 voll. 4. Paris. 1685. Id. seu historia mundi. fol. Basil. 1535. Id. Recensuit et commentariis criticis indicibusque instruxit Jul. Sillig. 8 voll. 8. Hamb. et Gothae 1851-8. Praefatio in Nat. Hist, cum notis Turnebi. 8. Par. 1556. The Historic of the World, commonly called the natural historic of Pliniua, translated into English by Philemon Holland. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1634. Histoire du monde, mise en Francois, par Antoine du Pinet. 2 tomes, fol. Paris 1608. PLINIUS (Caius Secundus), junior. Epistolae et panegyricus, notis illustrata. 8. Oxon. 1677. Epistolarum libri et Panegyricus: ed. Schaefer. 8. Lips. 1805. His letters, translated with occasional remarks, by W. Melmoth. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1763. Panegyric, translated by Sir R. Stapylton. 4. Oxf. 1644. PLOT, v. Gates. An account of divers proceedings of Parliament relating to the Popish plot. fol. Lond. 1679. History of the plot. fol. Lond. 1679. A narrative of the phanatical plot, &c., to which is added a relation of the evil practices of John Rowse, &c., by Jo. Teale, Gent. fol. Lond. 1683. An account and declaration of the conspiracy, &c. fol. Lond. 1685. Copies of the informations. Ibid, History of the Whiggish Plot, &c. M. Lond. 1684. C c 386 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [PI PLOT (Robert), LL.D. The natural history of Oxfordshire, fol. Oxf. 1677. The natural history of Staffordshire, fol. Oxf. 1686. PLOTINUS. Opera omnia philosophica, Gr. cum Lat. interpr. et comm. Ficini. fol. Sas. 1590. Opera, recogn. Ad. Kirchhoff. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1856. PLOTUS (Jo. Bapt.) Tractatus de in litem jurando. 8. Lugd. 1559. PLOVE (Nicolaus de). De sacramentis et divinis officiis tractatus sacerdotalis sc. de expositione missae, &c. 4. Paris. 1514. PLUCHE (Noel Ant.) The truth of the Gospel demonstrated from the dis- pensations of Providence preparative to it, &c. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1751. The history of the heavens considered according to the notions of the poets and philosophers, compared with the doctrines of Moses, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1740. PLTTKENETITTS (Leonardus). Phytographia, cum iconibus. fol. Lond. 1691. PLUMBING (Benedictus de). Lectura super digest am novam cum addit. Nicol. Boberii. 4. Lugd. 1517. PLUTARCHTJS, Chaeronensis. Opera cum Lat. interpretatione Hermann i Cruserii Gulielmi Xylandri et doctor, virorum notis, &c. 2 voll. fol. Franco/. 1599-1620. Opera omnia, voll. Y. ed. Doehner et Diibner. 8. Par. 1855-7. De procreatione animi in Timaeo Platonis Gr. Lat. 4. Par. 1552. Commentarius de primo frigido, Lat., Andr. Turnebo interprete. 4. Par. 1552. De claris mulieribus Lat. per Almannum Rauutinum (1521), v. Textor. Ravis. De placitis philosophorum cum interpret. Lat. Gul. Budaei. 4. Sas. 1531. Problemata, seu quaestiones Romanae. Par. 1520. Morals, transl. by several hands. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1718. Vitae Demosth. et Cic., ed. P. Barton. 8. Oxon. 1744. Les vies des hommes illustres, translatees par Jacques Amyot. fol. Paris 1567. Vite, tradotte per Lud. Domenichi ed altri. 4. Veneg. 1568. Id. 80. Ven. 1587. Liber de Oraculorum defectu, cum notis Turnebi. 8. Par. 1556. POCOCZE (Richard), LL.D. A description of the East, and some other countries. fol. Lond. 1743-45. Po] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 387 POCOCKE (Edward). Specimen historiae Arabum : accessit historia veterum Arabum ex Abu' 1 Feda : Arab, et Lat. per Jos. White. 4. Oxon. 1806. A commentary on the prophecy of Hosea. fol. Oxf. 1685. On the prophecy of Joel. fol. Oxf. 1691. On the prophecies of Micah and Malachi. 2 vols. fol. Oxf. 1677. Liturgiae Eccles. Anglicanae in ling. Arab. trad. 8. Oxon. 1674. Lamiato' 1'Ajam, carmen Tograi, poet, Arab, cum vers. Lat. 8. Oxon. 1661. POEMATA et Poetae. Septem illustrium virorum poemata. 8. Amst. 1662. Musarum Anglicanarum praecepta, sive poemata quae- dam melioris notae per varies authores Anglicanos. So.Oxon. 1699-1692. Works of the minor poets. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1749. A collection of original poems by the Rev. Mr. Black- lock, and other Scotch gentlemen. 2 vols. 12. Edinb. 1760-62. Miscellaneous pieces of ancient English poetry. 8. Lond. 1764. The Muses Mirror, a collection of poems. 8. Lond. 1778. Poems chiefly by Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall. 2 vols. 8. Bath 1792. Reflection : a poem, in four cantos. 4. Bath 1790. Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis et alii nonnulli Graece ex edit. H. Stephani. fol. H.Stephanus 1566. Poetae Lyrici Graeci ; tertiis curis recens. Theod. Bergk. 8. Lips. 1866-67. Poetae Graeci veteres carminis heroici scriptores, Gr. et Lat., cum variis lect. et notis marginalibus per Jac. Lectium. fol. Aur. Allobr. 1606. Poetae Graeci veteres tragici comici epigram matarii Gr. Lat. per Jac. Lectium. fol. Col. Allobr. 1614. Poetae Minores Graeci, Gr. Lat. cum notis Rad. Wintertoni. 8. Cantab. 1661. Poetae Christian! (Juvencus Optatianus Sedulius Severus Ausonius Rutilius). 8. Paris. 1846. Opera et fragmenta veterum poetarum Latinorum pro- fanorum et ecclesiasticorum, a Michael Maittaire. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1713. Poetae Scenici Graeci : accedunt perditarum Fabularum Fragmenta : recognovit et praefatus est Guil. Din- dorfius. 8. Lip. et Lond. 1841. POGGENDOBP (J. C.) Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 8. Leipzig 1869- 79. v. Chemistry. c c 2 388 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Po Tom. XX. 4 tomes. 8. Paris 80. Basil. 1606. 4. Hannov. 1615. POGGIUS (Jacobus). Historia Florentine, v. Italic. Rer. Script. POQGIUS (Jo. Franc.) Epistolae; editas collegit et emendavit plerasque ex codd. MSS. emit notisque illustravit Tho. de Tonellis. Vol. I. 8. Vlvr. 1832. Fables and morals, with reflexions, by Sir R. 1'Estrange. fol. Lond. 1692. Poggiana, v. Ana. Tom. I. (8. Amst.) POQ-ONATUS (Constantinus), Constantinus IV (cogn. Pogonatus). POINTER (John), M.A., Chaplain of Merton Coll. Chronological history of England. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1714. Account of the Roman pavement at Stonesfield, Oxford- shire. 8. Oxf. 1713. POIRSON (Auguste). Histoire du regne de Henri IV. 1862-7. POLAND, v. Polonia. POLANTIS (Amandus). In Danielem prophetam comment. Syntagma theologiae Christianae. POLCASTRIS (Sigismundus de). Quaestiones aliquot medicae. fol. Ven. 1506. POLEMON Atheniensis. Physionomia, p. 79, Aeliani var. hist. (ed. 1545), q. Y. POLIG-NAC (Melch. de) Card. Anti-Lucretius, sive de Deo et natura libri novern. 8. Lipsiae 1748. POLITIA. Thesoro politico cioe relationi, instruttioni, trattati dis- corsii varii d'ambasciatori. 4. Col. 1609. POLITIANUS (Angelus). Operum tomi II et ILT, cont. ea quae ex Gr. in Lat. convertit. Lugd. 1545-6. POLITUS (Ballanus seu Bassanus). Quaestio de modalibus et tractatus proportionum intro- ductorius ad calculations Suiseti (1505), q. v. POLITUS (Lancellottus). De substitutionibus. 8. Lugd. 1540. POLLANUS (V.) Vera expositio disputationis institutae mandati D. Ma- riae reginae Angliae in synodo ecclesiastica, 1553. 80. Earn. 1554. POLLIO (Trebellius). Romanorum aliquot imp. vit. cum notis Salmasii. Par. 1620. POLLUX (Julius). Onomasticon Gr. Lat., per Rod. Gualtherum et cum notis Wolfg. Seberi. 4. Franco/. 1608. Po] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 389 POLONIA. Respublica sive status regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prus- siae, &c., diversorum autorum. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1627. Annales Poloniae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIX. Chronicon Polonorum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XI. POLUS seu Poole (Matth.) Synopsis criticorum biblicorum, quinque tomis. fol. Lond. 1669-1676. Annotations upon the Holy Bible wherein the sacred text is inserted and various readings annexed. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1700. POLUS (Reginaldus), card, archiep. Cant. Pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione libri quatuor. fol. Argent. 1555. Discorso intorno alle cose della guerra. 4. Ven. 1558. POLYAENTTS. Strategica ed. Ed. "Wolfflin. 12. Lips. 1868. Strategematon libri octo, P. Maasvicius recensuit, &c. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1690. POLYBITJS. Historiarum Reliquiae, Gr. et Lat. cum indicibus. 8. Par. 1859. Libri qui supersunt, ed. I. Casaubonus. fol. Paris. 1609. General history of Polybius in 5 books, translated from the Greek by Mr. Hampton. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1761. Fragmenta ex libb. Polybii, &c., de legationibus perF. Ur- sinum. 4. Antv. 1582. De militia Romana. 12. Lugd. 1634. POLYCABPUS (S.) Opera. Gr. Lat. (Par. 1698), v. Patres. Id. 8. Oxon. 1847. A translation of the epistles of Clement, Polycarp, &c., with brief notes illustrative of the ecclesiastical history of the first two centuries by T. Chevallier. 8. Cambr. 1833. Id. 8<>. Land. 1833. POMET (Pierre). History of drugs, with additions, translated. 4. Lond. 1712. POMIS (David de). Liber dictus ' Germen Davidis : ' est lexicon Hebraico- Rabbinico-Italico-Latinum. fol. Venet. 1587. POMPONATITTS (Petrus). Dubitationes in quartum meteorologicum Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1563. PONCE de Leon (Gonsalus). Versio et Scholia in Hpiphanii physiologum et ser- monem in festo palmarum, q. v. 390 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. LPo PONS (Jacobus). Medicus seu ratio ac via aptissiina ad recte turn dis- cendam turn exercendam medicinam. 8. Lugd. 1600. In historiam generalem plantarum Rovillii annotationes. Ibid. De nimis licentiosa ac liberaliore intempestivaque san- guiuis missione. Ibid. PONTANUS (Gul.) Perusinus. Quotidianarum lectionum vespertinarum Enarrationes in l am Infortiati. fol. Yen. 1541. PONTANUS (Jo. Jovianus). Dialogus de astrologia, p. 165, cum Gervasio Marstal- lero, q. v. PONTANUS (Job. Isacius). Disceptationes geographicae de Rheni divortiis atque ostiis, eorumque accolis populis. 8. Amst. 1614. Rerum Danicarum historiae libb. decem : accedit choro- grapbica regni Daniae descriptio. fol. Amst. 1631. PONTANUS (Lud.) Consilia, studio Horatii Mandosii. fol. Franco/. 1577. In primam atque secundam Codicis Digesti Novi, Di- gesti veteris, Infortiati partes commentaria. 4 voll. fol. Venet. 1580. PONTANUS (Robertus). De sabbaticorum annorum periodis .a mundi exordio. 4. Lond. s. a. PONTIFICALS. Pontificate secundum ritus sac. Romanae ecclesiae, de- mentis VIII. jussu restitutum, et Urbani VIII. aucto- ritate recognitum. fol. Ant. 1663. PONTIFICES. Conclavi de' pontifici Romani. 4. s. I. 1667. Vitae pontificum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. Ill, part 2. Pontificum Romanorum Regesta ab condita ecclesia ad annum P. C. MCXCVII. ed. Ph. Jaffe. 4o. Berol. 1851. Pontif. Roman. Regesta ab anno P. C. 1197 ad annum 1304 ed. Potthast. 2 voll. 4<>. Berol. 1874-5. POOR LAWS, Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to the act for procuring returns relative to the expense and maintenance of the poor in England, fol. Lond. 1804. POPE and POPERY. The morning exercise against popery, or the principal errors of the Church of Rome detected and confuted. 4o. Lond. 1675. The representation of popery, shewing that it is only new-modell'd paganism. 4. Lond. 1679. Popery anatomised, or papists cleared from the impu- tation of idolatry, MS. 4. Po] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 391 The Pope's supremacy asserted, &c., in a dialogue between a church divine and a seeker in vindication of Nubes Testium. 4. Lond. 1688. Popery not founded on Scripture, &c. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1688-9. Thirty plain, sound reasons, why protestants dissent from popery, to which is added thirty-four points which were never yet rationally proved by any one of them. 4. Lond. 1688. A catalogue of all the discourses published against Popery during the reign of King James II. by the mem- bers of the Church of England and by the non-con- formists, with the names of the authors of them (by Edw. Gee). 4. Lond. 1689. A net for the fishers of men. 8. Lond. 1687. Primitive Fathers no Protestants. 4. Lond. 1687. A collection of texts of scripture against Popish errors. 8. Lond. 1686. The Pope and the Council, by Janus, q. v. St. Peter's supremacy faithfully discussed, v. Clenche. Five short treatises. 4. Oxf. 1688. POPE (Alexander). His works (verse), fol. Lond. 1717. Works. 4 vols. in 8. 12. Lond. 1736-42. The Dunciad, variorum, with prolegomena of Scriblerus. 4o. Lond. 1729. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer translated, q. v. POPMA (Titus), Frisius. De operis servorum liber. 8. Amstel. 1672. POPULATION. An abstract of the answers and returns made to an act intituled ' An act for taking an account of the popu- lation of Great Britain,' printed by order of the House of Commons, 41st Geo. III. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1802. Id. 51st Geo. III. fol. Lond. 1812. Id. 1st Geo. IV. fol. Lond. 1822. Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, with the annual value of real property in the year 1815, printed by order of the House of Commons, fol. Lond. 1831. Abstract of the answers and returns, &c., relating to the population of Great Britain. 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1833-4. POBCELLIUS. De Gestis Scipionis Picinini, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXV. Diarium rerum a Jac. Picinino gestarum anno 1452, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XX. POBCIANO seu Sancto Porciano (Durandus), q. v. 392 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Po POBCHABDUS. Carmen de gestis Witigowonis abbatis, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VI. POBCIUS (Christophorus), Papiensis. In tres priores institutionum libros commentaria, ed. Nic. Bellonio. fol. Lugd. 1550. POBCIUS (Leon.) De sestertio, ponderibus, mensuris, . Lond. 1719. Le Nouveau Testament en Francois. 8 vols. 12. Amst. 1728. QUEVEDO VILLEGAS (Francisco de). Politica de Dios i govierno de Christo. 8. Madrid 1655. Las Obras en prosa. 2 torn. 8. Madrid 1658. El Parnasso Espanol y musas Castellanas. 8. Madrid 1659. Las tres Musas ultimas Castellanas. 4. Madrid 1716. QUICKE (John). Synodicon in Gallia reformata; or the acts, &c., of the national councils of the reformed churches in France. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1692. QUINAULT (Phil.) Le theatre : contenant ses tragedies, comedies et operas. 5 torn. 80. Par. 1739. QUINCY (John), D.M. Essay on the different causes of pestilential diseases, with remarks on the infection now in France. 8. Lond. 1721. QUINTILIANTTS (Marc. Fabius). Institutiones oratoriae ex tribus cod. MSB. et octo im- pressis emendavit lectionesque variantes adjecit Edm. Gibson ; accedunt emendationum specimen et ' Tri- bunus Marianus' declamatio. 4. Oxon 1693. Institutiones Oratoriae libri XII, rec. Car. Halm. 8. Lips. 1868-69. Id. cum notis Mosellani Camerarii et Pini in declam- ationes. fol. Par. 1589. Institutes, translated by W. Guthrie. 2 voll. 8. Lond. 1756. Declamationes. 8. Heidel. 1594. QUINTINUS (Job,) Insulae Melitae descriptio ex commentariis rerum quo- tidianarum, p. 1505, Italiae illustratae, q. v. D d 2 404 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Qu QUINTUS Smyrnaeus. Posthomerica : ed. Arm. Kb'chly. 12. Lips. 1853. Derelictorum ab Homero libri XIV. 8. Yen. (Aid.) QUIBINTJS (Ferd.) Expositio in Proverbia Salomonis. 2 torn. fol. Col. Agr. 1621-22. Pro immaculata Deiparae virginis conceptione defensio. Ibid. B. (A.), or Alex. Rowley, q. v. B. (D.) Rationes LXX de Sigismundo III non bellum gerendo contra Hungarian!, Bohemiam, &c. (Deest titulus). 4. B. (E.) A letter to a dissenter in Exeter (probably James Peirce) occasioned by the late heats in those parts. 8. Land. 1719. B. (M.) Twelve proposals cone, the propagation of the Gospel, new modling of the universities, &c. 4. Land. 1653. B. (E.) Episcopal government instituted by Christ and con- firmed by cleere evidence of scripture and invincible reason. 4. Lond. 1641. RABANTJS (seu Hrabanus) Maurus, Archiep. Mogun- tinus. In Ecclesiasticum comment, fol. Par. 1544. BABBY (Nicolaus). Quid pro quo apothecariorum. 4. Lugd. 1517. RABELAIS (Francois). His works in five books, translated by Sir Th. Urqu- hart, and explained by Motteux and Ozell. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1750. BABIBITTS (Junius). De hastarum et auctionum origine, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. III. BABTTTIN (Roger de), Comte de Bussy. Ses Memoires. 3 voll. 8. Amst. 1731. BACINE (Jean). Ses ceuvres. 3 voll. Par. 1775 (Theatre Francaise). La religion : poeme. 2 tomes. 18. Lond. 1785. BACK (Edm.) Essays, letters, and poems. 8. Bath 1781. BADBEBTUS (Paschasius) Corbeiens. abbas. Vita Adalhardi et Walae, abbatum Corbeiensium, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. II. BADCLIFFE Observatory. Astronomical Observations. Vols. I-XXXV. 8. Oxf. 1840-77. Ba] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 405 BADEVICUS Frisingensis. Appendix ad Ottonem de rebus gestis Friderici I, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VI. BADULPHUS, Archiep. Cantuariensis. Epistola Calixto papae missa de injuria sibi et eccl. Cantuar. illata in consecratione archiepisc. Eborac., &c., p. 1735, hist. Angl. Scriptt. per Twysden, q. v. Decreta papalia de primatu Cantuariensi, Ibid. BADULPHUS de Diceto, q. v. BADULPHUS Cadomensis. Gesta Tancredi principis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. V. BADULPHUS Flaviacensis. In Moysi Leviticum libri viginti. fol. Col. 1536. BAEMOND (Job.. Car. Florimond). L'histoire de la naissance progrez et decadence de 1'heresie de ce siecle, divise"e en huit livres. 2 voll. Rouen 1623, et Par. 1624. L'anti papesse, ou erreur populaire de la papesse Jeanne. 8. Cambray 1613. BAFFLES (Sir Th. Stamford). The history of Java. 2 vols. 8. Lond, 1830. Antiquarian, architectural, and landscape illustrations of the History of Java. fol. Lond. 1844. BAGUEAU (Francois). Indice des droicts roiaux et seigneuriaux. 8. Lyon. 1620. BAIMO (Ludovicus de). Historia rerum in regno Neapolitano gestarum (1197 1486), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIII. BAIUS (Jo.), or Ray. Historia plantarum. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1686-88. Historia plantarum, tomus tertius ; accessit historia stirpium ins. Luzonis et reliquarum Philippinarum a Geo. Jos. Camello conscripta : item Jos. Pitton Tournefort corollarium institutionum rei herbariae. fol. Lond. 1704. The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation. 8. Lond. 1727. Three physico-theological discourses. 8. Lond. 1713. Travels through the Low Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with curious observations, natural, topo-. graphical, moral, physiological, &c. : also a catalogue of plants, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1738. Philosophical letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his ingenious correspondents, natives and foreigners. 8. Lond. 1718. Synopsis methodica avium et piscium. 8. Lond. 1713. BAKOCKY (Franz). Actenstiicke zur Geschichte F. R.'s und seiner Ver- bindungen mit dem Auslande : aus den papieren 406 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ra seinen Agenten, v. Austria Font. Rer. Austr. Abth.If. Bde. 9, 17. BALBAG (Rabbi). Comm. in Jobum ex vet. edit. Hebraice. BALEIGH (Sir Walter). The history of the world, part the first, fol. Lond. 1614. The last Fight of the ' Revenge ' at Sea. (Arber's Re- print.) 4o. Lond. 1871. BAMAZZINUS (Bernardinus). Opera omnia medica et physiologica. 4. Lond. 1718. BAMBATJD (Alfred). Histoire de la Russie depuis les origines jusqu'a 1'ann^e 1877. 12o. p ar i s 1378. L'Empire Grec au dixieme siecle ; Constantin Porphyro- g^nete. 8. Paris 1870. BAMBLEB. The Rambler. 4 vols. Lond. 1763. BAMEE, v. Ramus. BAMSAY (Andre Michel de). Histoire de Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne. 4 voll. 8. Paris 1736. BAMUS (Petrus). Arithmeticae libri duo, cum comm. "Willeb. Snellii. 4. ex off \ Plautii. 1613. Geometriae Epitome ap. Geomet. per Mersennum, q. v. Praelectiones in Ciceronis orationes octo consulares una cum ipsius vita per J. Th. Freigium collecta; acce- dunt Basilea oratio Rami : De optimo statu reipublicae : Oratio habita principio suae professionis : Brutinae quaestiones : Oratio de conjungenda eloquentia cum philosophia : In librum de legibus Ciceronis : In li- brum de fato : In somnium Scipionis : De optimo genere oratorum : Distinctions rhetoricae in Quinti- lianum : In epistolas Platonis. 4. Bas. 1575. Dialectique. 8. Paris 1577. Liber de militia C. Julii Caesaris cum praefatione J. Th. Freigii. 8. franco/. 1584. Id. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. X. Id. trad, en Francois par P. Poisson. 8. Paris 1583. BANALLO (Buccio). Poema rozzo delle cose dell' Aquila (1252-1362), v. Muratori. Antiq. Italic. Med. Aevi. Tom. VI. BANDOLPH (Geo.), D.M. An inquiry into the medicinal virtues of Bristol water, &c. 8. Lond. 1750. BANGABE (A. R.) Histoire Litterairede la Grece Moderne. 8. Par. 1877. RANKE (Leopold von). SammtlicheWerke : Bde. I-XLV. 8. Leipzig 1869-79. Sc. Bde. I-VI. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeitalter der Reformation. Raj MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 407 Bd. VII. Zur Deutschen Geschichte von Eeligion- sfrieden bis zum dreissigjahrigen Krieg. Bde. VIII XIII. Franzosische Geschichte vornehm- lich im 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert. Bde. XIV-XXII. Englische Geschichte vornehmlich im 1 7ten Jahrhundert. Bd. XXIII. Geschichte Wallensteins. Bd. XXIV. Abhandlungen und Versuche. Bde. XXV-XXIX. Zwolf Biicher Preussische Ge- gchichte. Bd. XXX. Zur Geschichte von Oesterreich und Preussen Zwischen den Friedenschliissen zu Aachen und Hubertusburg. Bd. XXXI. Die deutschen Machte und der Fiirsten- bund : deutsche Geschichte von 1780 bis 1790. Bde. XXXIII-IV. Geschichten der Romanischen und Germanischen Volker von 1494 bis 1514. Bde. XXXV-VI. Die Osmanen und die Spanische Monarchic im 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert. Bde. XXXVII-XXXIX. Die Romischen Papste in den letzten vier Jahrhunderten. Bde. XL-XLI. Historisch-biographische Studien. Bd. XLII. Zur Venezianischen Geschichte. Bde. XLIII- XLIV. Serbien und die Tiirkei im Neunzehnten Jahr- hundert. Bd. XLV. Ursprung und Beginn der Revolutionskriege, 1791 und 1792. History of the Popes during the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries, translated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1840. The History of the Reformation in Germany, translated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1845-7. The History of England, principally in the seventeenth century. 6 vols. 80. Oxf. 1875. The History of Servia and the Servian Revolution, transl. by Mrs. A. Kerr. 8. Lond. 1847. RANZOVITJS (Henr.) De conservanda valetudine liber. 12. Franc. 1591. RAPHELIUS (Georgius). Annotationes in sacram scripturam, ex Xenophonte, Polybio, Arriano, et Herodoto collectae. 2 voll. 8. Lugd.Bat. 1740. RAPIN (Paul de) Thoyras. The history of England, translated with additional notes by N. Tindal. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1732. RAPIN (Rene). Ses CEuvres. 3 tomes. 8. a la Haye 1725. Hortorum liber, eclogae, liber de carmine pastorali, odae. 12. Lugd. Bat. 1672. On gardens, a Latin poem Englished by James Gar- diner. 8. Lond. 1708. 408 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ha BASIS (Abubater). Opera exquisitiora per Gerardum Cremonensem, An- dream Vesalium, Albanum Torinum, Lat. donata, ac collata et restaurata. fol. Has. in off. H. Petri 1544. Liber Helehauy, id est Continens artem medicine et dicta predecessorum in hac facultate, per Hieronyraum Saliurn Fauentinum erroribus purgatus. 2 voll. fol. Ven. per Bonetum Locatdlum 1515. Liber Halhavy, seu Continens, Lat. per Jo. Britan- nicum Brixianum. fol. Brix. 1486. De pestilentia cum castigat. Jac. Goupyli. fol. Paris 1548. Ejusdem Alhavi libri 14 tantum priores. fol. Brix. 1486. De simplicibus medicinis. fol. Argent. 1531. Liber Genethliacus sive de nativitatibus. 4. Norimb. 1540. BASTED. Cbronicon Monasterii Rastedensis in Comitatu Olden- burgico (1059-1463), v. Dame. Rer. Script. Tom. III. BASTELL (Johan.) Tabula l me partis Magni Abbreviamenti. Lond. 1517. BASTELL (William). La novel natura brevium d'Anth. Fitzherbert (q. v.) avecques une table comp. p. G. R. A collection of entrees, of declarations, barres, replica- catious, rejoinders, issues, verdits, judgements, execu- tions, proces, continuances, essoynes, and diverse other matters, fol. in aed. Hie. Tottel. Lond. 1574. BATHGEBEB (Georg.) Grossgriechenland und Pythagoras. 4. Gotha 1866. BATISBONA. Epistola de conventu Ferdinandi cum quibusdam Im- perii electoribus Ratisbonae celebrate an. 1630. 4. Lond. 1631. BAUMEB (Friedrich von). Contributions to modern history from the British Mu- seum and the State Paper Office : Vol. I. Frederick II and his times : Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1836-7. BAUWOLF (Leonhart). Travels into the Eastern Countries, v. Raius Travels BAVANELLTJS (Petrus). Bibliotheca sacra, seu thesaurus scripturae canonicae. voll. fol. Genev. 1650. BAVENNA. Spicilegium Ravennatis historiae, v. Italic. Rer. Script Tom. I. pt. 2. BAWLET (John). A dialogue between two protestants, in answer to a popish catechism against sectaries. 8. Lond. 1686. Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 409 BAWLINSON (George). The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. 3rd ed. 3 vols. 80. Lond, 1873. The Sixth Oriental Monarchy. 8. Lond. 1873. The Seventh Oriental Monarchy. 8. Lond. 1876. BAWLINSON (John), D.D. Vivat rex, an inauguration sermon on 1 Sam. x. 24. 4. Oxf. 1619. BAY (John) or Raius, q. v. BAYNAL (Thomas Guill. Fr.) Histoire philosophique et politique des e^ablissements et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. (Anon.) 6 tomes. 8. Amster. 1772. BAYNAITDUS (Theophilus). Theologia naturalis, siue entis increati et creati intra supremam abstractionem ex naturae lumine inuesti- gatio. 4o. Lugd. 1622. Moralis disciplina. fol. Lugd. 1629. De pileo caeterisque capitis tegminibus, tarn sacris quam profanis, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VI. BAYNEBIUS de Graneis. De proeliis Tusciae poema, v. Italic. Her. Script. Tom. XI. BAYNOLDS (John). Censura librorum apocryphorum Veteris Testamenti adversum pontificios. 2 voll. 4. Oppenheim 1611. The summe of the conference betweene J. R. and John Hart touching the head and faith of the church, &c. ; Latine. H. Parraeo interpr. fol. Oxon 1610. Th' overthrow of stage playes ; by way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes, whereunto are added in th' end certeine latine letters betwixt Rai- noldes and Gentiles. 4. Middelb. 1600. A defence of the judgment of the reformed churches, that a man may lawfullie not onelie put awaie his wife for her adulterie, but also mavrie another; wherein both Bellarmin and an English pamphlet of a namelesse author are confuted. 4. n. p. 1609. His judgement touching the original of episcopacy p. 49 of the originall of bishops, &c., q. v. BAZI (Mohammed Abou-Bekr Ibn-Zacharia), v. Basis. BEADING (Gul.) Bibliothecae cleri Londinensis in coll. Sionensi cata- logus. fol. Lond. 1724. History of Sion college and the library. Ibid. BEADING (Nathan.) His tryal and conviction for attempting to stifle the king's evidence as to the horrid plot. fol. Lond 1679. BEBTJFPUS (Petrus). Tractatus juridici varii. fol. Lugd. 1581. 410 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Be Tractatus concordatorum quae inter Leonem X. et Franciscum Francorum regem sunt edita, cum glossis. 80. Lugd. 1576. In t it ilium Digest! de verborum et rerum significatione comm. fol. Lugd. 1576. Commentaria in constitutiones seu ordinationes regias. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1554-57. Praxis beneficiorum : cui apposuimus bullam caenae doraini jejuniorum ac supplicationum, &c. fol. Lugd. 1579. Repetitiones variae. fol. Lugd. 1583. BEBUFFUS (Jac.) Lectura super 3 ultimos libros Codicis. fol. Lugd. 1513. BECLTTS (Elie). The Earth, a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe (transl. by Woodward). 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1871. The Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. BECOBDS. Reports from the select committee appointed to inquire into the state of the public records of the kingdom. fol. Lond. 1800. Report from the commissioners appointed by his majesty to execute the measures, &c., respecting the public records of the kingdom, fol. Lond. 1812. Id. 1800-19. fol. Lond. n. d. BEDI (Francesco). Experimenta circa varias res naturales, speciatim illas quae ab Indiis afferuntur : ace. observationes de vi- peris, &c. 12. Amstel. 1685. BEDUSIIS (Andr. de). Chronicon Tarvisinum (1368-1428), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIX. BEES (Evan). Sketches of the horrors of war chiefly selected from La Baume's narrative of the campaign in Russia, 1812. No. 5 of Peace Society's tracts, q. v. BEEVES (John). A history of English law from the time of the Saxons to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. 5 vols. 4. Lond. 1787-1829. BEFLECTION. Reflection; a poem. 4. Bath 1790. Reflexions morales. 12. Par. 1690, v. Rochefoucauld. BEFOBMATIO. Refonnatio legum ecclesiasticarum ex authoritate pri- mum Henrici VIII. inchoata, deinde per regem Ed- ouardum VI. provecta. 4. Lond. 1590. BEGESTA (Pont. Roman.), v. Potthast and Jaffe. Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 411 BEGINALDTTS (Valerius). Praxis fori poenitentialis ad directionem confessarii. fol. Col Agr. 1633. BEGINO, abbas Prumiensis. Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. BEGIOMONTANUS (Johanne). Epitoma in almagestum Ptolomaei. fol. Norim. 1550. Id. fol. Basil. 1543. De triangulis omnimodis libri quinque. fol. Nor. 1533. Dialogus de quadratura circuli. Ibid. De Torqueto, astrolabio armillari, regula magna Ptole- maica, baculoque astronomico. 4. Norimb. 1544. Epist. ad D. Bessarionem de compositione et usu cu- jusdam meteoroscopii armillaris. fol. Ingolst. 1533. Compositio tabularum sinuum et tabulae sinuum duplices cum Purbachio super propositiones Ptolomaei de si- nubus, q. v. Contra Cremonensia in Purbachii planetarum theoricas deliramenta disputationes : in var. editt. sphaerae J. de Sacro Bosco, q. v. Ven. 1531. Libellus de Cometae magnitudine. 4. Norim. 1531. BEGISTEB. The annual register ; or a view of history, politics and literature. 120 vols. 8. Lond. 1758-1878. Registrum magni Sigilli Scotiae (1306-1424). fol. 1814, v. Scotia. BEGITJS (Henricus), or Le Roy. Philosophia naturalis, in qua tota rerum universitas per principia explanatur. 4. Amst. 1654. BEGIUS (Lud.). De la vicissitude ou variete" des choses en 1'univers. Par. 1579. BEGNABD (Jean Francois). (Euvres (Theatre Fran9aise). 12. Paris 1810. BEGWAULD (Jo. Bapt.) Syntagma communiumopinionum seureceptarum utrius- que juris sententiarum a J. B. Regnauld collectum et editum. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1576. Id. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1584. BEID (Thos.), D.D. His collected writings, edited by Sir W. Hamilton. 8. Edinb. 1852. BEIES (Gaspara). Elysius jucundarum quaestionum campus, omnium lite- rarum varietate refertus. fol. Bruxell. 1661. BEINEBUS, Monachus S. Laurentii Leodiensis. Opera Historica, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XX. BEINESIUS (Thos.), M.D. I2TOPOYMENA linguae Puuicae. 4. Ultr. 1702. De Deo Endovellico. Ibid. Syntagma inscriptionum antiquarum cum primis Romae 412 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Re veteris, quarum omissa est recensio in Jani Gruteri opere, cujus istoc supplementum dici possit. fol. Lips. 1682. RELIGION. Seek and you shall find, or a search into the grounds of religion. 4. Land. 1686. Discourse on the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian religion. 8. Lond. 1724. The religion of nature delineated, v. Wollaston (W.) Principles of religion, by the present Bishop of Puy. 80. Lond. 1752. REMIGIUS episc. Antissiodorensis. In undecim posteriores prophetas enarratio, p. 263, ad calc. Oecumenii enarrat. Antv. 1545. REMONSTRANCE. The remonstrance of the Commons of England to the House of Commons assembled in parliament. 4. n.p. 1642. REMUS AT (Charles de). Bacon, sa vie, son temps, et sa philosophic. 8. Par. 1857. RENAN (Ernest). Histoire Generate et Systeme compart des Langues Semitiques. 4 m ed. 8. Paris 1873. Averroes et 1'Averroisue. 3 me ed. 8. Par. Dialogues et Fragments Philosophiques. 8. Par. 1876. Histoire des Origines du Christianisme : I. Vie de Jesus : II. Les Apdtres : III. Saint Paul : IV. L'An- techrist : V. Les Evangiles de la seconde generation Chretienne : VI. L'Eglise Chretienue. 6 tomes. 8. Par. 1866-79. Melanges d'histoire et de voyages. 8. Par. 1878. RENAUDOTIUS (Eusebius). Liturgiarum orientalium collectio. 2 voll. 4. Francf. 1847. RENERIUS (Vine.) Disquis. astrouomica de Ethruscarum antiqq.fragmentis. 4o. Flor. 1638. RENIGERUS (Michael). De Pii V. et Gregorii XIII. furoiibus contra Eliza- betham Angliae, &c., reginam liber. 8. Lond. Th. Dauso 1582. RENODAEUS (Joannes). Dispensatorium medicum. 8. Franc. 1609. RENOUVIER (Charles). Manuel de Philosophic Moderne. 8. Par. 1842. Manuel de Philosophic Ancienne. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1844. REPETITIONES. Repetitt. juris civilis seu comm. in varia Jurisconsult- orum responsa (1553). Be] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 413 REPORTS, v. Anni, Salkeld, &c. Un livre des entries par Sir Ed. Lutwyche, q. v. Cases in chancery. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1707-15. Modern reports of select cases adjudged in the courts of king's bench, chancery, common pleas, and exchequer, since the restauration of Charles II. 5 parts, fol. Lond. 1709-22. Modern cases argued and adjudged in the court of queen's bench at Westminster in the second and third year of Queen Anne. fol. Lond . 1713. Papers relating to the Re-organisation of the Civil Service, fol. Lond. 1855. Report of H. M's Commissioners on certain Colleges and Public Schools. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1864. Report of H. M's Commissioners on the State, &c., of the Univ. and Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1852. Report on the revenues, &c., of the Established Church (Ireland), fol. Dubl. 1860. RESBURY (Nath.) Visibility of the Church, &c., v. Popery not founded on Scripture. RETZ (Jean Francois Paul de Gondy, card. de). Ses menioires, contenant ce qui c'est pass6 de remar- quable en France pendant les premieres annees du regne de Louis XIV. 6 voll. 8. Par. 1817. REUCHLINUS (Jo.) Rudimenta Hebraica, seu lexicon Hebraicum, 3 libris. fol. Phorcae Th. Anshelm. Badensis, 1506. De arte cabalistica. fol. Bas. Joan. Hervagius, 1550. REVELATION. Revelation examined with candour, by P. Delaney, q. v. REVIEW. The British critic ; a new review. 16 vols. 8. Lond. 1793. The Edinburgh Review. Vols. I-CXX. &.Edinb. 1806. The Monthly Review enlarged. Vols. X-LXXIV. 8. Lond. 1794-1814. The Quarterly Review. Vols. I-CX. 8. Lond. 1809-34. REUMONT (Alfred von). Geschichte Toscanas. 2 bde. 8. Gotha 1876. REVOLUTION. Revolutions- Almanach, v. Almanac. REUSNERUS (Elias). Isagoges historicae libri duo : accessit principum et comitum Germanicorum stemmatographia : rectorum academiae Salanae catalogus : virorum doctorum index chronologicus. 4. Jenae. 1609. REUSNERUS (Hier.) Diexodicarum exercitationum liber de scorbuto. 8. Franc. 1600. 414 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Re BEY (Bernard a). Epitome Juris civilis Constantini. Vol. I. 8. Colo- niae 1547. BEY (Claudius). Account of persecutions by French clergy. 8. Lond. 1718. BEYNOLDS (Edward), D.D. His theological works, fol. Lond. 1658. BEYNOLDS (Sir Joshua). Literary works, with his life by Jos. Farrington. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1819. BHASIS seu Basis, q. v. BHENANUS (Beatus) Selestadiensis. Rerum Germanicarum libri tres : adjecta est epistola ad Ph. Puchaimerum de locis Plinii per St. Aquaeum attactis. fol. Basil in off. Frobeniana 1531. Annott. in T. Livium. Par. 1573. BHETOBES. Rhetores Graeci, ed. L. Spengel. 3 voll. 12. Lips. 1853-6. Rhetores Latini Minores; ex codicibus maximam partem priinumadhibitis,emendabat Car. Halm. 8. Lips. 1863. Rhetores selecti Demetrius Phalereus Tiberius Rhetor anonymus sophista Severus Alexandrinus Gr. et Lat. : edidit. Th. Gale. 8. Oxon. 1676. Antiqui rhetores Latini Rutilius Lupus, Aquila Ro- manus, Julius Rufinianus, &c., ex bibl. Fr. Pithoei. 4o. Par. 1599. BHODIGINUS (Lodov. Caelius). Lectionum Antiquarum libri XXX. fol. Basil. 1542. BHOSELLUS (P.), v. Accoltus (Fr.) BIBEBA (Fran.) In librum duodecim prophetarum commentarii. fol. Duaci 1612. BIBOT (Th.) English Psychology. 8<>. Lond. 1873. BICABDTJS prior Hagustaldensis. De statu et episcopis Hagustaldensis ecclesiae, p. 285. Histor. Angl. Scriptt. per Rog. Twysden, q. v. De gestis Stephajii regis et de bello Standardii, p. 310. Ibid. BICABDTJS de S. Germane. Chronicon rerum per orbem gestarum ab excessu Guill- elmi Siciliae regis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VII. BICABDUS Parisiensis. De signis febrium Mars, de Sancta Sophia, q. v. fol. Bos. 1535. BICCIABDUS. Ricciardi Comitis S. Bonifacii vita, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. BICCIOLUS (Jo. Bapt.) Almagestum novum, astronomiam veterem novamque Ei] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 415 complectens partes I, II, tomi primi. fol. Bonon. 1651. Geographia et hydographia reformata. fol. Venet. 1672. Astronoinia reformata. 2 voll. fol. Bonon. 1665. Chrouologiae reformatae et ad certas conclusiones re- dactae tomi tres. fol. Bonon, 1669. RICHARD (1'abbe). Description historique et critique de 1'Italie. 3 torn. 80. Par. 1769. RICHARDS (Jo.) The crown of a Christian martyr. 4. 1634. RICHARDSON (John). A dissertation on the languages, literature, and manners of the eastern nations. 8. Oxf. 1777. RICHARDSON (Jonathan). An account of some of the statues, bas-reliefs, drawings and pictures in Italy, &c., with remarks by Mr. R. sen. and juri. 8. Lond. 1722. RICHARDUS Anglicus. Correctorium alchemiae in vol. II. theatri Chemici, q. v. Rosarius minor. Ibid. RICHARDUS Pampolitanus Anglo-Saxo cremita. In Psalterium Davidicum, atque alia quaedam sacrae scripturae monumenta, compendiosa justaque pia enar- ratio, fol. Colon-Melch. Novesian. 1536. RICHARDUS, ord. Praedicatorum. Confutatio Alcorani, seu Saracenorum, ex Romana lingua in Graecam per Demetrium Cydonium, deinde per Bart. Picenum e Graeco in Lat. cum Alcorano (1550), q. v. RICHELIEU (Armand, Jo. du Plessis, Card. de). A synopsis, or contract view of the life of John Armand, card, of Richelieu, to bee engraven on his toinbe ; transl. from the Latin. 4. s. I. 1643. Les principaux poincts de la foy de 1'eglise catholique defendus centre 1'escrit addresse au roy par les quatre ministres de Charenton. 8. Par. 1618. Relation de ce qui s'est passe" en Piedmont depuis 1'arri- veedeM.le R.(Mar.23, 1630). 4. Tropes 1630. Harangue a la closture des estats en la Sale du Petit Bourbon. 4. Par. 1615. Harangue en Parlement, sa Majeste y estant presente. 8. 1634. Memoires depuis 1610 jusqu'si 1638. 16 voll. 8. Par. 1823. La Recherche des droicts du Roy et de la Couronne de France, &c., &c. 4o. Par. 1634. L'ambassadeur Chimerique ou le chercheur de duppes du cardinal de Richelieu par M. de Morgues (1635), q. v. RICHERIUS (Edm.), S.T.D. Historiae conciliorum generalium in quatuor libros dis- tributae liber primus. 4. Colon. 1680. 416 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Hi De potestate ecclesiae in rebus temporalibus libri quatuor. 4. Colon. 1691. BICHEBUS. Historiae et annales, v. German. MOD. Hist. Tom. V. BICHTEB (Jean Paul). Ausgewablte Werke. 16 vols. 4. Berlin 1865. BICHTEB (Heinrich). Das "Westromische Reich, besonders unter den Kaisern Gratian, Valentinian II, und Maximus (375-388). 8. Berlin 1865. BIG OB ALDUS Ferrariensis. Pomarium Ravennatis ecclesiae sive historia universalis, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. IX. BIDDLE (J. E.) A complete Latin-English Dictionary. 8. Lond. 1846. BIDQLEY (Thos.) The unreasonableness of the charge of imposition exhi- bited against several dissenting ministers in and about London considered, and the difference between creed making as practised in former ages and their late con- duct, &c. 8<>. Lond. 1719. BIDLEY (Gloucester), D.D. The life of Dr. Nicholas Ridley, bp. of London, shewing the plan and progress of the reformation. 4. Lond. 1763. Eight sermons on the divinity and operations of the Holy Ghost. 8. Lond. 1742. BIDLEY (Nicolas). A treatise agaynst the errour of transubstantiation, to which is annexed an extract of several passages to the same purpose out of a book intituled Diallacticon, written by Dr. John Poynet (publ. by Henry Wharton). 4o. Lond. 1688. BIEZLEB (Sigmund). Geschichte Baierns. Band I. 80. Gotha 1878. BIMINALDUS (Hyppolytus). In 2 aiu Codicis partem Comment, fol. Basil, 1560. Consiliorum liber primus, fol. Yen. 1574. Consilia, v. J. Maria de Riminaldis. fol. Lugd. 1558-9. In aliquot Institutionum imperialum titulos commen- tarii. 8. Lugd. 1555. BIMINALDUS (Job. Maria), q. v. BIMINI. Cronaca Riminese (1188-1385), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XV. BING (Will.), v. Jo. Fernley. BIOLANUS (Jo.) Ambianus. Praelectiones in libros physiologicos et de abditis rerum causis : accedunt opuscula quaedam philosophica. 8. Paris. 1601. Hi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 417 BIOLANUS (Jo.) F. Schola anatomica, novis et raris observationibus illus- trata : cui adjuncta est accurata foetus human! his- toria. 8. Par. 1608. BIPA (Jo. Franc.) In primam et 2 am partem Digesti novi, et 2 am Dig. Vet. et l am et 2 am Infortiati et l am Codicis. fol. Lugd. 1542. Interpretationum et responsorum libri trea. fol. Aven. 1527. BIPA. Liber daticus Ripensis, v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. V, VII. BIPALTA (Antonius de). Annales Placeutini (1401-1484), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XX. Chronicon parvum, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XVII. BIPLEY or Riply (George). The compound of alchymy, or the ancient hidden art of archemie, &c. Lat., p. 898, vol. III. theatri chemici, ,q. v. Duodecim portarum epitome duodecim modis concin- nata in vol. II. Ibid. Liber de mercuric et lapide philosophico, p. 627, vol. III. Ibid. BIPPEBDA (John Wm. duke de). Memoirs of the duke de Ripperda, 2nd ed. with an appendix. 8<>. Lond. 1740. BIPUABII. Lex Ripuariorura, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tom. IV. BIQTJINUS (Simon), v. Herm. a Nuenare. BITIUS (Michael). De regibus Hungariae libri duo, v. Rer. Hungaric. per A. Bonfinium. Franc. 1581. BITSCHL (Friedrich). Prisca Latinitatis monumenta epigraphiea. fol. Berol. 1862. Supplementa. partt. I-V. 4. Bonn. 1862-4. BITTEB (Heinrich). History of Antient Philosophy, transl. by Morrison. 4 vols. 80. Oxon. 1838. Geschichte der lonischen Philosophic. 8. Berlin 1821. Geschichte der Pythagoreischen Philosophic. 8. Ham- burg 1826. BITUALE. Rituale Romanum Pauli V. jussu editum. 8. Antv. 1669. BIVATJLT (D.) Oratio valedictoria Academiae. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1632. BIVEBIUS (Lazarus). Opera omnia Medica. fol. Franc. 1669, E e 418 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ri RIVETUS (Andr.) S.T.P. Opera theologica. . 3 voll. fol. Rotterod. 1651-60. Critici sacri specimen : hoc est, censurae doctorum tarn ex orthodoxis, &c. 8. Dordrechti 1619. Dissertatio de origine sabbathi, in qua expenduntur quae adversus comrauiiem orthodoxorum sententiam nupero protulit F. Goraarus. 8. LugcL Bat. 1633. Le catholique orthodox oppose au catholique papiste en quatre traitez, esquels sont disputes toutes les contro- verses de ce temps touchant la religion, et le catechisme d'icelles, dresse et public par G. Baile, refute". 4. Saumur 1616. Oratio habita XI Mai. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1632. Lettres de M. Rivet de la Mellebiere et du Moulin. 12o. Sedan 1635. Sermon sur Hebr. xiii. 14 (sur la reddition de Breda). 4o. a la Haye 1637. RIVINTTS (Andr.) Diatribe de Majumis, Maicampis et Roncaliis. 4. Ultraj. 1702. Dissertationes duae de venilia et salacia necnon malacia. Ibid. RIVITJS (Thos.), D.C.L. Imperatoris Justiniani defensio adversus Alemannum. 8. Lond. 1626. RIVOLA (Franciscus). Dictionarium Armeno-Latinurn. 4. Lut. Par. 1633. ROBARTS (Foulke). God's holy house and service according to the primitive and most Christian form thereof. 4. Lond. 1639. ROBERT of Gloucester, see Hearne (Thos.). ROBERTS (John). The complete cannoniere, or the gunners guide. 8. Lond. 1637. ROBERTSON (F. W.) Sermons preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 3 series. 80. Lond. 1862. ROBERTSON (William), D.D. His Works. 10 vols. 80. Lond. 1821. ROBERTSON (E. Wm.) Scotland under her early kings : a history of the king- dom to the close of the thirteenth century. 2 vols. 80. Edlnb. 1862. ROBERTSON (Jas. C.) History of the Christian Church to the Pontificate of Gregory the Great. 4 vols. 80. Lond. 1854-73. ROBERTUS Cameracensis Capucinus. Aurifodiiia universalis scientiarum divinarum et hu- manarum. 2 torn. fol. Par. 1680. ROBERTUS de Monte. Auctarium : Chronica,v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. VIII. Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 419 Appendix ad Sigebertum, v. France (Histor. des Gaules). Tome XIII. BOBEBTUS Vallensis. De verit. et antiq. art. chem., in vol. I, theatri chemici, q.v. BOBEBTUS (Jo.) Aurelianensis. Sententiarum juris libri quatuor. fol. Lutet. 1557. Notarum libri III ad J. Cujacii. Mercatoris notatorum libros tres. 8. Aurel. 1582. BOBOBTELLUS (Fr.) De provinciis Romanorum : de judiciis : de mensium ap- pellatione, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. III. De artificio dicendi. 4. Bonon. 1567. De cognominibus legionibus : de commodis militaribus, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. X. In Horatium explicaticnes, q. v. BOBY (Henry John). Grammar of the Latin Language from Plautus to Sue- tonius. 2 parts. 12. Lond. 1872-5. BOCHEFOUCAULD (Francois due de la). Reflexions ou sentences et maximes morales. (Anon.) 12. Paris 1690. BOCHELLE. Declaration du roy sur la reduction de la ville de la Rochelle en son obeyseance, contenant 1'ordre et police que sa majeste veut y'estre establie. 4. la Haye 1628. Response au libelle intitule Advertisement a 1'assembl^e de la Rochelle. 8. Roch. 1622. BOCHEUS (Nic.) De morbis mulierum curandis. fol. Arg. 1597. BODEBICUS a Castro, i. e. Rod. a Castro, q. v. BODEBICTTS (Tho.), Rotomagensis. De diebus criticis. 4. Par. 1555. BODULPHITS abbas. Gesta abbatum Trudonensium, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XII. BODULPHUS (Glaber). Hi&toriae sui temporis, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome X. Id. v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. IX. BODOLPHIS (Laur. de). Tractatus de usuris. fol. Papiae. 1512. BODULPHUS (Rolandinus) sive Passagerius. Summa totius artis notariae : flos testamentorum siue ultimarum voluntatum : de judiciis et ordine judicio- rum : notularum tractatus : de officio tabellionatus in villis vel castris operando, cum Petri de Boatteriis expositione. fol. Taurini 1523. BOEPELL (Richard). Geschichte Polens. 8. Hamb. 1840. E e 2 420 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bo BOESLEB (Robert). Romanische Studien : Untersuchungen zur Aelteren Geschichte Romaniens. 8. Leipzig 1871. BOFFA. Registrum Roffense, v. Thorpe (J.). BOFFBEDUS Benevent. Tractatus in quo ordinis judiciarii positiones libellique peiiractantur. ace. sabbatinae quaestiones. fol. Lugd. 1561. BOG ANUS (Leo) Caietanus. In Galeni libellum de pulsibus ad tyrones commentarius de urinis libri tres, ex Hippocrate et Galeno collecti. 80. Yen. 1575. BOGEBIUS, Medicus. Libri breviter perstringens quicquid de omnium vena- rum plebotomia seire bonum medicum oportet. fol. Basil. 1541.' Chirurgia. fol. Yen. 1546. BOGEBIUS (Constantinus). Comm. in titulos aliquot Pandectarum. fol. Lugd. 1552. BOGEBS (James E. T.) History of Agriculture and Prices in England from 1359 to 1793. 2 vols. 8 l >. Oaf ' 1866. BOGEBS (John), D.D. The necessity of Divine revelation and the truth of the Christian revelation asserted in eight sermons : to which is prefixed a preface with some remarks on a a book intitled ' The scheme of literal prophecy con- sidered,' &c. (by Anthony Collins). 8. Land. 1740. A discourse of the visible and invisible church of Christ, in which it is shown that the powers claimed by the officers of the visible church are not inconsistent with the supremacy of Christ as head, or with the rights and liberties of Christians as members of the invisible church. 8. Lond. 1719. Twelve sermons preached upon several occasions, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1744. Nineteen sermons on several occasions published from the originals, to which is prefixed the author's life, with an elogium, by J. Burton, B.D. 8. Lond. 1 742. Seventeen sermons on several occasions ; to which are added two tracts, viz. 1. Reasons against conversion to the Church of Rome ; 2. A persuasive to conformity addressed to dissenters, being the third and last vol. of his posthumous works, 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1740. BOGEBS (Samuel). Poems. 2 vols. in 1. 8. Bath 1782. BOHAN (Henri, due de). Traict4 de 1'interest des Princes et estats de la Chres- tiente. 12<>. Par. 1639. La parfait capitaine, autrement I'abrege" des guerres Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 421 de la Gaule des commentaires de Cesar. 12. Par. 1638. BOLANDINTJS de Passageriis, v. Rodulphus. BOLANDINUS Pataviuus. Chronica, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIX. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VIII. BOLANDUS (Magister). Humani corporis interiorum et exteriorum morbis medendi ratio methodica certa. fol. Basil. 1541. Chirurgia libri quatuor. Yen. 1546. ROLLESTON (George). Researches and Excavations at Frilford. 4. Land. 1870. Forms of Animal Life. 8. Oxf. 1870. BOLLIN (Charles). Method of teaching and studying the Belles lettres, with reflections on taste; translated from the French. 4 vols. Lond. 1742. BOMA. Historiae Augustae scriptores Cl. Salmasius recensuit et librum adjecit notarum ac emendationum, quibus adjunctae sunt notae ac emendatt. Is. Casauboni. fol. Par. 1620. Scriptores Historiae Augustae. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1865. Historiae Romanae scriptores Latini minores, addita variantis scripturae notatio, &c., opera Frid. Sylburgii. 2 voll. fol. Franc. 1588. Vol. III. sc. historiae Romanae scriptores Graeci minores, Gr. Lat. fol. Franc. 1590. Historiae Romanae scriptores Latini veteres qui extant omnes. 2 torn. fol. Ebroduni. 1621. Romanorum Pontificum, Imperatorum Aedificiorum, &c., icones in tabulis LXXXII descriptae per varios variis locis et temporibus. Respublica Romana. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1626. Origo gentis Romanae, incerto auctore et Sexti Julii Frontini de aquaeductibus urbis Romae libri duo. 80. Par. 1588. AAoxris Romae, sive narratio historica quo pacto urbs Roma sexto die Maii 1527 ab exercitu Caroli V duce Carolo Borbonio oppugnata capta direpta vastataque sit : accessit oratio Johannis Staphylei de causis devas- tatae urbis. 4. Franc. 1625. Discours politique de 1'estat de Rome (par J. B. D. S.). 8. 1626. Historiae Romanae fragmenta (1327-1354) Neapolitana sive Romana dialecto scripta, v. Italic. Antiq. Med. Aevi. Tom. III. View of its antiquities and other Italian cities, in 8. Plates (no title page). Vedute antiche e moderne le piu interessanti della citta 422 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. |Ro de Roma, incisi da vari autori (Stefano Piale). 4. s. I. et a. ROMAN CATHOLICS. A short disc. cone, the churche's authority, in matters of faith : showing that the pretences of the Ch. of Rome, &c. 4o. Lond. 1687, MS. A demonstration that the Church of Rome and her Councils have erred. 4. Lond. 1688. Doubts cone, the Roman infallibility. 4. Lond. 1688. A colln. of tracts cone, the controversy between Roman Catholicks and Protestants. 62 vols. 8. 1670-90. Why are you not a Roman Catholic 1 A discourse occasioned by a pamphlet entituled, ' "Why are you a Roman Catholic]' 8. Lond. 1679. A vindication of the Roman Catholics from the foul aspersions thrown upon them by Jolm Tillotson, D.D. in a sermon on Hatth. xxiii. 15, preached by him Nov. 1687. 4. Lond. (date cut off). A pastoral letter from the four Catholic bps. to the lay Catholics of England. 4. Lond. 1688. The Pharisee unmasked. 4. Lond. 1687. Historical relation of several great and learned Roman - i4s who did embrace the Protestant religion, &c. (MS.) 4o. Lond. 1688. ROMANORUM Gesta. Roraanorum Gesta: ed. H. Oesterley. 8. Berlin. 1872. ROMANUS (Adrianus) Lovauiensis. Parvum theatriim urbium, sive urbium praecipuarum totius orbis brevis et methodica descriptio. 4. franco/. 1595. ROMANUS (Aegidius), v. Aegidiua. ROMILLY (Sir Samuel). Speeches in the House of Commons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1825. ROMUALDUS archiep. Salernitanus. Annales, v. German. MOD. Hist. Tome XIX. Id. v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VII. ROMTTLEUS (Bartholomaeus). Comm. seu repetitio in L. sciendum ff. de ver. oblig. fol. Ingolst. 1552. RONCHEGALLUS (Jo.) Ferrariensis. De duobus reis constituendis. 8. Lutjd. 1559. RONDELETIUS (Gul.) Methodus curandorum omnium morborum corporis human! in tres libros distincta. 8. Franco/. 1592. Id. ed. alt. 8<>. Par. 1573. De diguoscendis morbis, de febribus, de morbo Italico, de internis et externis, de pharmacopolarum officina, de fucis. Ibid. De piscibus marinis : in quibus verae piscium effigies expressae sunt. fol. Luyd. 1554. Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 423 Universae aquatilium historiae pars altera. fol. Luyd- 1555. Tractatus de fuels. 4. Pat. 1566. De morbo Gallico liber unus, p. 77 app. author, de Morbo Gall., q. v. BONSSAEUS (Balduinus). Corum. in VII poster. Libros Celsi, q. v. BOOKWOOD (Ambrose). Tryal for conspiring to assassinate K. William in order to a French Invasion, fol. Lond. 1696. BOBABITJS (Nicolaus) de Portunnone. Contradictories dubia et paradoxa in libros Hippocratis, Celsi, Galeni, Aetii, Aeginetae, Avicennae. 8. Ven. 1572. BOSA. Rosa medicinae per Joannem Ariglicum cogn. de Gadesden, q. v. BOSATE (Albericus de) Bergomensis. Comment, in jus utrumque cum dictionario juris civilis. 7 voll. fol. Lugd. 1517-1545. Singularis in materia statutorum tractatus, cum con- tradictionibus Bartoli. fol. Luyd. 1529. BOSCHEB (Wilhelm). System der Volkswirthschaft. 2 bde. 8. Stuttg. 1875. BOSCOE (Henry E.) Spectrum Analysis. 8. Lond. 1869. BOSCOE (Win.) The life of Lorenzo de Medici called the Magnificent. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1797. Illustrations, historical and critical, of the life of Lorenzo de Medici called the Magnificent. 8. Lond. 1822. Life and pontificate of Leo X. 4 vols. 4. Lond. 1805. BOSE CLUB. Letter to a member of, v. Club. BOSE (Wm. Stuart). Letters from the north of Italy. 8. Lond. 1819. BOSENMULLEB (Ernest. Frid. Car.) Scholia in Vetus Testamentum : partes III, IV, VI (Esaiam, Psalmos, Ezechielem). 8 voll. 8. Lips. 1811-33. BOSENMULLEB (Joh. Georg.) Scholia in Novum Testamentum. 6 voll. 8. Norim. 1785. BOSENBOTH, v. Christianus Knorrius. BOSINUS (Joh.) Romanarum. Antiquitatum corpus, cum notis T.Demp- steri : ace. P. Manutii libri duo, &c. 4. Amst. 1685. BOSKILD. Registrum redituum, &c., ad episcopum Roskildensem 424 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bo pertinentium circa 1370, v. Danie. Rer. Script. Tom. vn. BOSS (Chas.), see Cornwallis. BOSS (John). A voyage of discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, &c. 4. Lond. 1819. BOSS (Luclwig). Reisen auf den Griechischen Inseln des Aegaischen Meeres. 3 bde. 8. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1840, 3, 5. Reisen nach Kos, Halikarnassus, Rhodes, und der Insel Cypern. 8. Halle. 1852. BOSSELLTJS (Hannibal). Commentaria in Pymandrura Mercurii Trismegisti, i.e. Hermetis, q. v. BOSSETUS (Fr.) De partu Caesareo tractatus, p, 448, Gynaec. WolpMi (Arg. 1597). BOSSI (Jo. Bapt, de). In script! ones Christianae Urbis Romae. vol. 1. fol. Rom. 1863. Roma Sotterranea. 3 voll. 4. Romae 1864-77. BOSWEYDUS (Heribertus). De fide haereticis servanda ex decreto concilii Con- stant iensis. 8. Antv. 1610. BOTA (Domini de). Decisiones seu conclusiones novae et antiquae per Gul. Horborch Alemanum collectae. 4. Lugd. 1515. BOTA (Martinus). Boethii organon illustratum et autoris vitae descriptio apud Bovthii opera, q. v. BOTHAMEL (N.j Libertas Hollandiae ob pacem initam cum Anglia, car- mine heroico. 4. Hag. Com. 1627. BOTBODTTS, Rotomagensis episcopus. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XVI. BOTTEBDAM. Two letters from Rotterdam 14th July, 1642, wherein is discovered a design against the Parliament of England. 4. Lond. 1642. BOTULI. Calendarium rotulorum paten tium in turri Londinensi. fol. Lond. 1802. Calendarium rotulorum chartarum et inquisitionum ad quod damnum. fol. Lond. 1803. Rotulorum originalium in curia scaccharii abbreviatio temporibus regum Hen. Ill, Ed. I, II, III. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1805, 7. Rotuli hundredorum temp. Hen. Ill et Edv. I in turri Lond. et in curia receptae scaccarii Westm. asservati 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1812-18. Bo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 425 Eotuli Scotiae in turri Londinensi et in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservati temporibus regum Angliae Edw. I Hen. VIII. 2 voll. fol. Lond. 1814-19. ROUILLE (Guillaume de). Historia generalis plantarum Dalecampio tributa, q. v. Le promptuaire de medalles des plus renomm^es per- sonnes qui ont est6 depuis le commencement du monde, &c. 4. Lyon. 1553. Le grant coustumier du pays et comte du maine. fol. Paris. 1535. ROTJS (Fr.), Provost of Eton. To all the faithful servants of Jesus Christ, especially to such as labour in the word and doctrine through England and Wales ; a letter signed by F. R. J. Arrowsmith, W. Groffe, S. Marshall. 4. Lond. 1654. ROTTS (Fr.), of Merton Coll. Archaeologiae Atticae libri tres. 4. Lond. 1645. ROTJS (Jo.), v. Tho. Walcot. ROUSSEAU (Jean. Bapt. Louis Jacques). CEuvres. 4 tomes. 12. Lond. 1753. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). CEuvres Completes. 4 tomes. 8. Paris 1872. ROUSSEL (Jac.) Legationes et epistolae super negotio unionis Sueciae et Poloniae. fol. s. I 1632. ROUSSET (Camille). Histoire de Louvois et de son administration politique et militaire jusqu'a la paix de Nimegue. 4 tomes. 80. Paris. 1862-73. ROUTH (Martin Joseph), S.T.P. Reliquiae sacrae, sive auctorum fere jam perditorum secundi tertiique saeculi fragmenta quae supersunt : accedunt epistolae synodicae et canonicae Nicaeno concilio antiquiores ad codd. MSS. : recensuit notisque illustravit M. J. R. 4 voll. 8<>. Oxon. 1814-18. Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum opuscula praecipua quae- dam recensuit notasque suas et aliorum addidit M. J. R. 2 voll. 80. Oxon. 1832. ROUVROY (Louis de) due de St. Simon. CEuvres complettes. 13 tomes. 8. Strasb. 1791. ROWE (Elizabeth). Friendship in death : to which are added letters moral and entertaining in prose and verse. 8. Lond. 1790. ROWLEY (Alex.) Sodalis discipulus : the schollers companion, or a little library. 8. Lond. 1648. ROWLEY (Thos.), i. e. Thomas Chatterton, q. v. ROWNING (J.) A compendious system of natural philosophy, with notes, &c. Vol. I. 8. Gambr. 1735. 426 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ro BOY (William). 1 Rede me and be nott wrothe : for I saye no thiuge but trothe : ' written by W. R. and Jerome Barlowe, English observant Franciscan friars. (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1871. ROYAL SOCIETY, v. Society and Philosophy. ROYARDUS (Joannes). Homiliarum vol. I. sc. in epistolas et evangelia Domini- calia totius anni, &c. fol. Colon. 1550. Id. Vol. II. in omnes epistolas et evangelia sanctorum, quorum festivitates in ecclesia per totius anni decur- sum celebrantur. fol. Colon. 1550. RUBENIUS (Albertus). De re vestiaria veterum, v. Antiq. Rom. The?. Graevii. Tom. VI. De Gemma Tiberiana: de urbibus neocoris. Ibid. (Tom. XI.) RUBEUS (Hier.) De distillatione liber, in quo stillatitiorum liquorum qui ad medicinam faciunt methodus ac vires expli- cantur, &c. 4. Ravennae 1582. RUBEUS (Jo. Ant.) Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1540. Tractatus de potestate procuratoris et de querela in- officiosi testamenti. fol. Yen. 1541. RUBIUS (Ant.) seu Ruvio. Commentarii in libros Aristotelis de anima una cum dubiis et quaestionibus. 4. Col. Agr, 1613. RUCKERUS (Nic.) Consilia Matrimonialia novem, v. Zillettum. RUDDIERD (Sir Benjamin) or Ruclyerd. His speech concerning bishops, deans, and chapters. 4. n.p. 1641. Two speeches in Parliament cone, religion and a West India Association. 4. Lond. 1642. Two speeches concerning the Palatinate. Ibid. RUDING (Rogers), B.D. Annals of the coinage of Britain and its dependencies from the earliest period of autlientick history to the end of the fiftieth year of the reign of George III. 4 vols. 4o. Lond. 1817. Supplement. 4. Lond. 1819. RUELLIUS (Joannes). De natura stirpium libri tres. 2 voll. 8. Yen. 1538. Id. fol. Pan's. 1536. RUPPINUS gramm. Antioch. De compositione et metris oratorum. 4. Par. 1599. RUFFINUS Aquileiensis presbyter. Opuscula quaedam. fol. Par. 1580. In LXXV Davidis Psalmos coniinentarius. fol. Lugd. 1570. Eu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 427 Eccl. hist, libri II. fol. Bas. 1544. BUFFUS, Ephesius. De vesicae renumque morbis : de purgant. medica- mentis : de partibus corporis huinani : ed. Gul. Clinch, HJX 4o. Lond. 1726. De vesicae renumque morbis Lat. apud Medicae artis principes, q. v. BUFFUS (Joannes). De conceptu et generatione hominis libri VI. fcl. Arg. 1597. BUFINIANUS (Jul.) De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis (4. Par. 1599), v. Rhetores. BUFUS (Sextus). De historia Romana libellus (p. 280)." 8. Par. 1542. De historia Romana, p. 548, vol. I, historiae Romanae scriptorum Lat. minorum (Franco/. 1588), q. v. De regionibus urbis Romae apud 0. Panvinii reipubl. Rom. comtn. (Par. 1588 et Franc. 1597), q. v. BUGGLE (Geo.) Ignoramus, comaedia coram rege Jacobo per academicos Cantabrigienses habita. 4. Lond. 1630. BUINUS (Carolus). Consilia sen responsa cum indice. 5 voll. fol. Lugd. 1546. BUMLEY (Will.), v. Sir Geo. Wakeman. BUNDLE (Thos.) Serm. on Acts x. 34, 35, preached on the 5th of November. 8. Lond. 1718. BUOTGEBUS. Vita Brunonis Archiepisc. Coloniensis, v. Germaniae Monumenta Historica. Tom. VI. BTJPEBT (Prince). Account of his .raising of the seige of Newarke upon Trent, Mar. 21, 1643. 4. BUPEBTUS abbas monast. Tuitlensis, &c. Chronica S. Laurentii Leodiensis, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. X. De incendio Tuitiensi, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. Comm. in XII prophetas minoris, cum homiliis in Matth. et de glorificatioue Trinitatis et processione sphitus sancti, libri IX. fol. Col. 1527. Comm. in Johannis Evang. Apocalypsin et Canticum Canticorum : et dedivinis officiis libri XII. fol. Col. 1526. BUPESCISSA (Jo. de). Liber de confectione veri lapidis Philosophorum de quinta essentia liber et de viribus aquae ardentis (8. Bas. 1572), v. AlcJiemia. Et in vol. Ill Theatri Chemici, q. v. Liber lucis. Ibid. BUSHWOBTH (J h n ). Historical collections beginning in the sixteenth year of 428 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Bu King James, 1618, to the death of Charles the first, 1648. 6 vols. (in 7). fol. Lond. 1659-1701 (11680). The tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, by the com- mons then assembled in parliament in the name of themselves and of all the commons of England ; to which is added a short account of some other matters transacted in both houses of parliament precedent, concomitant and subsequent to the said tryal. fol. Lond. 1680. BUSKIN (John). Modern Painters. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. The Stones of Venice. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1874. BUSSELL (Richard), M.D. De tabe glandulari sive de usu aquae marinae in morbis glandularum. 8. Oxf. 1750. A dissertation on the use of sea-water in diseases of the glands. 8. Lond. 1755. BUSSELL (Robert). Treatise on the Sacrament. 12. Lond. 1709. BUSSIA. Russia, seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1630. BUST (Geo.), bp. of Dromore. A discourse of truth: with Lux Orientalis, by Jos. Glanvill (1682), q. v. BUSTICAE rei scriptores. Rei rusticae scriptores cum comm. Geo. Alexandrini et aliorum. 8. Par. Rob. Stephanus 1543. Id. accedunt Vegetius de mulo-medicina et Gargilii Martialis fragmentum : adjectae notae et lexicon rei rusticae, curante J. M. Gesnero. 2 voll. 4. Lips. 1735. BUTHEBFOBTH (Thos.), S. T. A system of natural philosophy, being a course of lectures in mechanics, optics, hydrostatics, and as- tronomy. 2 vols. 4. Camb. 1748. BUTILIUS (Claud.) Namatianus. De reditu suo : ace. Hadriani Flori Apuleii Anniani Sereni aliorumque saeculi A. U. C. decimi poetarum reliquiae: ed. L. Miiller. 12. Lips. 1870. Itinerarium (Par. 1588), p. 275. BUTILIUS (Pub.) Lupus. De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis, &c., in var. editt. Rhett. Lai, q. v. BUVIUS (Ant.) seu Ant. Rubiux, q. v. BUYSCHIUS (Fredr.), M.D. Observationum anatomico-chirurgicarum centuria : ac- cedit catalogus rariorum quae in musaeo Ryschiano asservantur. 4. Amst. 1691. BYCAUT (Sir Paul). History of the present state of the Ottoman empire, fol. Lond. 1670. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 429 The History of the Turkish Empire from the year 1623 to the year 1677, containing the reigns of the three last emperours, viz. Sultan Morat, or Amurat IV, Sultan Ibrahim, and Sultan Mahomet IV. fol. Lond. 1680. The history of the Turks, beginning with the year 1679, being a full relation of the last troubles in Hungary with the sieges of Vienna and Buda, &c., until the end of the years 1698 and 1699. fol. Lond. 1700. An English translation and continuation of B. Platina ' de vitis pontificum Romanorum,' q. v. BYCCABDTJS de Sancto Germane notarius. Chronica, v. Germaniae Monumenta Historica. Tom. XIX. BYCKIUS (Theod.) Dissertatio de primis Italiae colonis et Aeneae adventu ap. Luc. Holstenium in Steph. Byz., q. v. BYCQUITTS (Justus). De capitolio Romano commentarius. 4. Gandavi 1617. BYE (George), D.D., rector of Islip. The supremacy of the crown, and the power of the church asserted and adjusted ; a sermon on Luke xx. 25. 8. Oxf. 1714. A treatise against the nonconforming nonjurors in answer to the objections brought against the Church of England. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1718. BYMEB (Thos.) Foedera conventiones literae et cujuscunque generis acta publica inter reges Angliae, &c., voll. I-XVI. fol. Lond. 1704-15. Id. voll. XVII-XX publici juris facta sunt auctore Roberto Sanderson, q. v. 1727. Foedera, &c., ab A. D. 1066 ad nostra usque tempora cura T. R. et Rob. Sanderson ; denuo aucta, accuran- tibus Jo. Caley et Fred. Holbrooke ab an. 1344 ad an. 1377. 3 volL fol. Lond. 1825-30. S. (G.), v. Sandys (George). S. (J. B. D.) Discours politique de 1'estat de Rome. 8. s. I. 1626. S. (R,), v. Sheldon (Rob.) S. (T.) Several weighty considerations humbly recommended to the serious perusal of all, but more especially to the Roman Catholicks of England ; to which is pre- fixed an epistle from one who was lately of that communion to Dr. Stillingfleet. 4. Lond. 1579. 430 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. SA (Don Pantaleon). A reply to his narration by one of the sisters of the gentleman murdered on the New Exchange, Nov. 22, 1653. 4o. SAAVEDBA (Don Diego de). The Republick of Letters, being a vision, translated by J. E. A. B. 8<>. Lond. 1727. Idea principis christiano-politici 100 symbolis expressa. 8. Franc, et Lips. s. a. SAAVEDBA (Miguel) Cervantes, v. Cervantes. SABELLIANS. True account and confutation of doctrine of the Sabel- lians. 8<>. Lond. 1716. SABELLICUS (Anton. Coccius). Opera. 2 torn. fol. Basil. 1538. De situ urbis Venetae libri tres ad init. Italiae illus- tratae, q. v. De vetustate Aquileiensis patrie, 6 libb., p. 51 Italiae illustratae, q. v. Carmen genethliacon urbis Venetae, de apparatu urbis Venetae, Vicentinus crater, seu urbis agrique Viceutini descriptio. Ibid. Annott. in T. Livium, apud Livii opera cum notis variorum, q. v. (fol. Par. 1573). SABBAN (Lewis). A letter to a peer of the Church of England, clearing a point touched in a sermon preached at Chester. 4. Lond. 1687. His reply to the answer given to his letter (by Edw. Gee). 4o. Lond. 1687. Dr. Sherlock's preservative considered in two letters. 4". Lond. 1688. A letter to Dr. "W. Needham, in answer to E. Gee's third letter. 4o. Lond. 1688. An answer to Dr. Sherlock's preservative agst. popery. 40. Lond. 1688. A challenge made out against Historical Discourse concerning the invocation of saints. 4. Lond. 1688. SABBINA. Sabrina corolla in hortulis Regiae Scholae Salopiensis contexuerunt III. viri floribus legendis. 8. Londini 1850. SABUNDE (Raymundus de). Theologia naturalis sive liber creaturarum. 8. Par. 1509. SACCUS (Bern.) De Italicarum rerum varietate et elegantia libri decem, p. 415, Italiae illustratae, q. v. SACHEVEBELL (Henry), D.D. Trial of Dr Sacheverell for high crimes, &c. fol. Lond. 1710. Sa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 431 SACRAMENT. A week's preparation towards a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper after the warning in the Church, 32nd ed. 8. Lond. 1711. SACBO-BOSCO (Job. de). Sphaera, cum tribus commentis Cicchi Esculani, Fr. Capuani de Manfredonia, J. Fabri Stapul. fol. Yen, 1499. Sphaera emendata, cum scholiis Vineti ; et Valerian! compendium in sphaeram cum Nonii demonstratione quorundam de inequali climatum latitudine. 8. Par. 1577. SADEEL seu Sadelus (Ant.), v. Ant. Chandaeus. SADI. The Galistan, or the Rose- Garden, translated by E. B. Eastwrick. 8. Hertford 1852. SAGE (A. K. le), v. Lesage. SAGITTARIUS (Casparus). De januis veterum, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VI. SAINCTES (Claude de). Liturgiae, sive missae sanctorum Patrum ; Jacobi apos- toli, Basilii Magni, &c. 8. Antv. 1562. SAINTE-BEUVE (G. A.) Port Royal. 7 vols. 12. Paris 1867-71. ST. CLAIR (S. G. B.) and C. A. Brophy. A Residence in Bulgaria, or notes on the Resources ami Administration of Turkey. 8. Lond. 1869 (?). SAINT DENYS. Suite des grandes chroniques de France, dites de S. D., v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XII. SAINT EVREMOND (C. de S. Denys Seign. de). His Works. Vol. II. SAINT HILAIRE (J. B.) Le Bouddha et sa Religion. 8. Par. 1866. Mahomet et le Coran. 8. Par. 1865. ST. JOHN (Henry), visct. Bolingbroke. Miscellaneous Works. 4 vols. 8. Edinb. 1768. His philosophical works, published by D. Mallet. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1754. ST. JOHN (John), M.A., Merton Coll. Observations on the land revenue of the crown. 4. Lond. 1787. ST. OLON (Frai^ois Pidou de). The Present State of the empire of Morocco, with a faithful account of the manners, religion, and govern- ment of that people. 8. Lond. 1695. SAINT REAL (1'abbe). Ses O3uvres. 4 tomes. 8. Amst. 1732. SAINT SIMON (le due de), v. Louis de Rouvroy. 432 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sa SAINTE P ALA YE (Jean Baptiste de la Curne de). Histoire litteraire des Troubadours. 3 voll. 8. Par. 1774. SALADINUS Aesculanus, q.v. SALE (Geo.) Translation of the Alcoran, q. v. SALERNUM. Chronicon Salernitanum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. V. Schola Salernitana, seu Regimen sanitatis, cum comm. Arnoldi de Villa Nova. 8". Lav. 1482. Id. 8<>. Hag. Com. 1683. 3ALICA Lex, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome IV. SALICETO (Bartholomaeus a). Comm. in 2 am Vet. Dig. partem et in 9 Codicis libros. 2 voll. fol. Yen. 1574. SALICETO (Gul. seu G. Plac. de). Summa conservationis et curationis que gulielmina dicitur. fol. Venet. per Sonet. Locatellum 1502. Chirurgia. fol. Ven. 1546. SALIGNACUS (Bernardus). Arithmeticae iibri duo et algebrae totidem, cum demon- strationibus. 4. Francof. 1593. Tractatus arithmetic! partium et alligationis. 4. Franc. 1575. Mesolabii expositio. 4. Genev. 1574. SALIGNIACUS (Goffredus). Lectura super Infortiatum. 3 voll. Lugd. 1552. SALIUS (Petrus) Diversus. De febre pestilenti tractatus, et curationes quorundam particularium morborum cum annotationibus in artem medicam a Donat. Antonio ab Altomari conditam. 4. Bonon. 1584. SALKELD (Wm.) Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, &c. 2 vols, fol. Loud. 1721. SALMASIUS (Claudius). De suburbicariis regionibus et ecclesiis, seu de prae- fecturae et episcopi urbis Romae diaecesi conjectura. 4. Francof. 1618. Vindiciae pro conjectura de suburbicariis regionibus et ecclesiis adversus censurara Jac, Sirmondi. 4. de la Rouiere 1619. Plinianae exercitationes in Caii Solini Polyhistora : item Caii J. Solini Polyhistor, ex vet. lib. emendatus. 2 voll. fol. Paris 1629. Librorum de primatu papae pars prima, cum ap- paratu : access, de eodem primatu Nili et Barlaami tractatus (cum vers. et notis). 4. Lugd. Bat. 1645. Sa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 433 De re niilitari Romanorum, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. X. Notae in Augustae hist, scriptores, v. Roma. SALMON (Nathan.), LL.B. The history of Hertfordshire, describing the country and its antient monuments, particularly the Roman. fol. Lond. 1728. SALMON (Thos.), jun. Modern history, or the present state of all nations. 3 voll. 4". Lond. 1739. SALMON (Will.) Botanologia, or the English Herbal, fol. Lond. 1710. SALOMON. Proverbia et Ecclesiastes Salomonis translat. et annott. illustr. Lat. et Hebr. a Sebast. Munstero. 8. Basil. J. Frobenius 1527. Les proverbes de Salomon. 8. Rouen 1617. Proverbia Job Canticum Canticorum Ecclesiastes et Esther Hebraice. 12. Rapheleng. 1608. SALT. A theological and philosophicall treatise of the nature and goodnesse of salt (imperfect). 4. Lond. 1612. SALTERS' HALL. A charge of partiality, imposition, and assuming authority in matters of faith, fixed on the subscribers at Salters Hall. 8. Lond. 1719. A true relation of gome proceedings at Salters Hall, by those ministers who signed the first article of the Church of England, and the answers to the fifth and sixth questions in the Assemblies shorter catechism. 80. Lond. 1719. Animadversions upon a pamphlet entituled, 'a true relation of some proceedings at Salters Hall,' by James Peirce, q. v. A letter to Mr. Robinson wherein the consistency of his conduct at Salters Hall is considered, with a postscript concerning the doctrine of the Trinity. 8. Lond. 1719. The noble stand, or a just vindication of those brave spirits who in the memorable action at Salters Hall distinguished themselves, &c., 2nd ed., with appendix. 8<>. Lond. 1719. SALTMARSHE (John), M.A. Reasons for unity, peace, and love, with an answer to Mr. Gataker's Mistake removed, and an answer to a book called the Plea for Congregational government, and to Edward's second book of the gangraena. 4. Lond. 1646. SALVIANUS Massiliensis. Liljri qui supersunt : ed. C. Ha^. 4. Berol. 1877. De Gubernatione Dei et de justo praesentique ejus Ff 434 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sa judicio ad S. Salonium libb. octo ; ace. epistolae. 8. Paris 1617. SALVIANUS (Salust.) Variarum Icctionum de re medica libri trcs. 8. Romae 1588. SALVIATI (Lionardo). Oruzione delle lodi di Donno Alfonso d'Este, per la morte de quel signore. 4. Fer. 1587. SALUSTE (Guilaume de) sieur du Bartas, v. du Bartas. SALUSTIUS (Caius) Crispus. Opera, cum notis Putschii et Ciacconii. 8. Raph. 1602. Id. inter auctores hist. Roman. Ebrod. 1621. Opera ad fid. MSS. recensuit, cum selectis Cortii notis suisque commentariis edidit Frid. Kritzius. 3 voll. 80. Lips. 1828-52. Orationis selectae per GuaWieri, q. v. SALZADE (Mr. de). Recueil des monnoies tant anciennes que modernes ou dictionnaire historique des monnoies qui peuvent etre connues dans les quatres parties du monde. 4. Bruxdl. 1767. SALZBURG. Gesta archiepiscoporum Salisburgensium, v. German. Mon. Hist, Tom. XIII. SAMBUCAS (Jo.) Appendices, additiones et emendationes ad Bonfinii rerum Hungaricarum historiam de Ladislao, Lodovico, &c. M, Franc. 1581. De tribus summi Imperatoris virtutibus carmen, p. 937. Ibid. Decreta sive articuli aliquot priscorum Ungariae regum cum obsoletarum vocum interpret atione. Ibid. Icones veterum aliquot ac recentium Medicorum philo- sophorumque elogiis suis editae. fol. Ant. 1574. SAMMES (Aylett). Britannia antiqua illustrata, or the antiquities of ancient Britain, fol. Lond. 1676. SAMONAS Gazae archiepiscopus. Disceptatio cum Achmed Saraceno, doceus panem ac vinum esse verurn corpus et sanguinem Domini Gr. p. 123, apud Liturgias var. edente Cl. de Sainctes, q. v. SAMUEL (R.) Cohen Tsedek. NerMishpat,seu pars prima Mincath Cohen Hebraice. 4. SANCHEZ (Thomas) Cordubensis. Disputationum de S. matrimonii sacramcnto tomi tres. fol. Anlv. 1617. Opus morale in praecepta decalogi, in 2 partt. fol. Antv. 1631-37. SANCTA SOPHIA (Galeatius de). Comm. in Nonum tractatum libris Rhasis ad regem Almansorem. fol. Hayanoae 1533. Sa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 435 SANCTA SOPHIA (Marsilius de). Quaestiones super aphorismos Hippocratis. fol. Papiae. 1501. SANCTI. Ex vitis Sanctorum Excerpta, v. France (Historians des Gaules). Tom. III. SANCTIUS (Chrysostomus). Epistola de situ et moribus Hollandiae. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1609. SANCTIUS (Gaspar). Comment, in Vetus Testamentum. 7 voll. fol. Lugd. 1615. SANCT BERNHARD (Lower Austria). Das Stiftungsbuch des Klosters St. Bernhard, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. VI. SANCT AE MARIAE Scotorum in Vienna monasterium. Urkunden der Benedictiner-Abtei unserer Lieben Frau zu den Schotten in Wien (1158-1418), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. XVIII. SANCTI BERTINI Monasterium. Annales Regum Francorum, v. Italicamm Rerum Scriptores (Muraton). Tom. II. SANCTI PAULI Monasterium in Carinthia. Urkundenbuch des Benedictiner-Stiftes St. Paul in Karnten, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. XXXIX. SANCTI PETBI Nestvedense monasterium. Calendarium, obituarium, &c., v. Danicarum Rerum Scriptores (Langebek). Tom. IV. SANCTO FATJSTO (Earth, a). Thesaurus religionum quo de tribus votis obedientiae castitatis et paupertatis disputatur. 4. Lugd. 1623. SANCTO GEMINIANO (Dom. de). Super lib. 6 Decretalium. fol. Lugd. 1562. SANCTO GEORGIO(Benvenutus de), comes Blandratae. Historia Montisferrati, ab origine Marchionum illius traetus usque ad annum 1490, v. Italicamm Rerum Scriptores (Muratori). Tcm. XXIII. SANCTO GEORGIO (Jacobinus de). Lectura super Digesto Vetere et Codice, cum indice. fol. Lugd. 1521. SANCTO GEORGIO (Jo. Ant. a). Lectura super tit. de Appellationibus. fol. Lugd. 1519. In 4 um lib. Decretalium. 1490. Comm. in tit. 2 di et 4 ti Decretalium. fol. Yen. 1578. Id. in l am et 2 am . fol. Yen. 1579. Lectura super feudis. fol. Lugd. 1534. SANCTO JOSEPH (Angelus a). Gazophylacium linguae Persarum, triplici linguarum clavi Italicae, Latinae, Gallicae, necnon specialibus praeceptis ejusdem linguae reseratum. fol. Amst. 1684. Ff 2 430 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sa SANCT LAMBRECHT. Die beiden Aeltesten Todtenbttcher des Benedictiner. Stiftes St. Lambrecht in Obersteier : mitgetheilt von M. Pangerl, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. XXIX. SANCTO NAZARIO (Jo. Franc.) cogn. de Ripa. Interpretationes et consilia. fol. Avenion. 1527. SANCTO PAULO (Car. a). Geographia sacra Bive notitia antiqua episcopatum ecclesiae universae, &c. ace. notae et animixdv. L. Hol- stenii, &c. 2 torn. fol. Amst. 1703-11. SANCTO PETRO (Florianus de). Lectura super 8, 9, 10, et 22 lib. Digest! Veteris. fol. imprim. Joannes de Jonuelle, 1521. Lectura peregrina super 10 lib. Dig. ex original! Floriani extracta. fol. S. a. et I. Speculum juris. 2 voll. fol. Yen. 1585. SANCTO PORCIANO (Durandus de). In quatuor libros sententiarum questionum plurimarum resolutiones et decisiones, a Jac. Merliuo recogriitae. fol. Paris s. a. SANCTORIITS (Sanctorius) Justinopolitanus. Opera sc. comment, in primam Fen Canonis Avicennae, in primam Sectionem Aphorismorum Hippoc., in artem medicinalem Galeni ; et methodus vitandorum errorum. 4 torn. 4. Yen. 1660. SANCTO VICTORE (Hugo de). Opera, per Jodocum Badiuin. 3 torn. fol. Par. 1521. SANCTO VICTORE (Richardus a). Opera, 2 partt. fol. Par. 1518. SANCT POLTEN. Das Nekrologiurn des chemaligen Augustiner-Chor- herren-Stiftes St. Polten, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II, Bd. XXI. SANDAEUS (Felinus). Commeiitaria ad quinque libros Decretalium, 3 part, in 2 voil. cum iudice. fol. Basil. 1567. Id. cum repertorio. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1549. Lectura peregrina super quinto Decretalium. fol. s. I. 1499. SANDERSON (Robert). De obligatione conscicntiae praelectiones decem. 8. Lond. 1682. Nine cases of conscience occasionally determined. 8. Lond. 1678. A discourse concerning the church. 4. Lond. 1688. Fourteen sermons. 8. Lond. 1657. Twenty sermons. 8. Lond. 1660. SANDERSON (Win.) A compleat history of the life and raigne of K. Charles from his cradle to his grave, fol. Lond. 1658. Sal MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 437 SANDERTJS (Nic.) De visibili monarchia ecclesiae libri octo. 8. Lov. 1571. Fidelis servi subdito infideli responsio, una cum erro- rum et calumniarum quarundam examine, quae conti- nentur in septimo libro de visibili ecclesiae monarchia, a Nich. Sandero conscripto (auctore B. Clarke, q. v.). Les trois livres tonchant 1'origine et progres du schisme d'Angleterre. 8. s. I. 1587. De visibili Rom' anarchia contra Nic. Sanderi monar- chiam libri duo per Geo. Ackworth, q. v. (1573). SANDWICH ISLANDS. Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands in the years 1824-25. 4. Lond. 1826. SANDYS (Edwin), archbp. of York. Twenty-two sermons. 4. Lond. 1616. SANDYS (Sir Edwin), son of above. A relation of the state of religion with what hopes and policies it hath beene framed and is maintained, in these westerne parts of the world. 4. Lond. 1605. Relatione dello stato della religione, &c., tradotta dall' Inglese in lingua volgare. 4. s. I. 1625. SANDYS (Geo.) A paraphrase upon the Song of Solomon. 4. Lond. 1642. Travels into the East, a relation of a journey begun 1610. fol. Lond. 1658. SANFELICIUS (Josephus). Campania, p. 745 Italiae illustratae, q. v. SANG-ALLENSIS monachus. De gestis Caroli Magni, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. II. SANNAZARITJS (Actius Syncerus). Opera Latina: accedunt uotae ad eclogas elegias et epigrammata. 8. Amst. 1689. SANSON (Nic.) Geographia sacra ex Veteri et Novo Testamento de- sumpta, &c., cum J. Clerici notis. fol. Amst. 1711. SANSOVINO (Francesco). Delle orationi recitate a principi di Venetia nella loro creatione da gli ambasciadori di diverse citta, libro primo. 4. Yen. 1562. SANS SOTTCI. CEuvres du philosophe de Sans Souci. 8. Potsdam et Amst. 1760. SANTO (Mariano) Barolitano. Compendio di Cirurgia. 4. Yen. 1560. SANTJTO (Marino). Vite di duchi di Yenezia, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXII. SAPPHO. Fragmentaet elogia,&c.,cumAuacreonte. S.Lond. 1733. 438 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Sa SARACENI. Historia Saracenico-Sicula, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. I, part 2. SARASIN (Jean Fraii9ois). Ses ceuvres. 8. Par. 1694. SARAYNA (Torellus). De origine et amplitudine civitatis Veronae, &c., p. 1 94 Italiae illustratae, q. v. SARBIEVIUS (Matth. Gas.) e. soc. Jesu. Lyricorum libb. IV Epodon lib. I alterque Epigram- matura, &c. 8. Cant. 1684. SARDUS (Alexander). De nummis liber, v. Antiq. Rom. Thes. Graevii. Tom. XI. SARDUS (Baptista). Annotat. ad Silvatici librum pandect, medicinae, q. v. SARPIUS (Paulus), i. e. Paidus Venetus cognom. Sar- pius, q. v. SARPITS (Petrus), J. C. De jure asylorum liber (Lat. per Augeriuin Frikel- burgium). 4. Lugd, Bat. 1622. SAVANS. Le journal des savans. 13 voll. 8. Amst. 1679, &c. (for the years 1665-85). SAVERY (Tho.), v. Koehorn. SAVIGNY (Freidrich Carl von). Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter. 5 bde. 80. Heidelb. 1815-1 SAVILE (Sir Henry). Praelectiones tredecim in principium elementorum Euclidis Oxonii habitae. 4. Oxon. 1621. Scriptores rerum Anglicanarum post Bedam praecipui ab ipso editi, q. v. A view of ancient military matters for the better understanding of the ancient Roman stories, Lat. per Freherum. 8". lldddb. 1601. Ultima linea Savilii, sive in obitum H. Savilii justa academica. 4. Oxon. 1622. SAULNIER (J.) Cosmologie du monde, traictd d'Astrologie. 8. Par. 1618. SAUNDERS (Sir Edm.) Reports des divers pleadings, et cases en le court del Bank le Roy. 2 voll. fol. Land. 1722. SAUNDERSON (Nich.), LL.D. The elements of Algebra in ten books, to which are prefixed, (1) the life and character of the author, (2) his palpable arithmetic decyphered. 2 vols. 4. Cambr. 1740. SAVONAROLA (Joh. Michael). De laudibus Patavii, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIV. So] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 439 8. Luyd. 1560. p. 514 verae alcJiemiae 2 voll. Practica canonica de febribus. De aqua vitae libel lus, &c., doctrinae, q. v. SAVOTIUS (Lud.) = Savoy (Louis). Discours sur les medalles antiques divise en quatre parties. 4. Par. 1627. Id. Latine, v. Antiq. Rom. Thea. Graevii. Tom. XI. SAUSSAY (Andreas du) episc. Tullensis. Panopliae tres, clericalis sacerdotalis et episcopalis : accedit vita B. Andreae apostoli. 4 voll. fol. Par. 1681. SAUVAGE (Denis) de Fontenailles en Brie. Cronique de Flandres anuiennement composee par auteur incertain et novuelleinent mise en lumiere par D. S. fol. Lyon. 1561. Continuation de 1'histoire et cronique de Flandres. Ibid. Les memoires de messdre Olivier de la Marche. Ibid. SAUVAGES DE LA CBOIX (Franciscus Boissier de). Nosologia methodica sistens morborum classes. 4o. Amst. 1768. SAXO Poeta. De gestis Caroli Magni, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. I. SAXOFERRATO (Bartholus de), i. e. Bartolus de S. q.v. SAXO3STIA (Albertus de). Tractatus proportionum. fol. Ven. 1496. SAXONIA (Hercules) Patavinus. De plica quam Poloni Gwozdziec, Roxolani Koltunum vocant. 4. Patav. 1600. De febrium putidarum signis et symptomatibus ; de pulsibus : de urinis : de lue venerea. 8. Franc. 1600. SAXONES. Leges Saxonum, v. German. Mon. Hist. Legum. Tom. V. SAYRTJS (Gregorius). Clavis casuum conscientiae sive thesaurus moralium quaestionum. 1628. SAYWELL (Wm.), D.D. The reformation of the Church of England justified according to the canons of the Council of Nice, &c., in answer to ' The schisme of the Christian Church of England,' &c. 4. Cambr. 1688. SCABBING (Henry), D.D. Canada and Oxford. 8. Toronto 1873. SCALIGER (Jos. Justus). Opus de emendatione temporum, castigatius et multis partibua auctius : item vet. Graecorum fragmenta selecta, quibus loci aliquot chronologiae sacrae et Bibliorum illustrantur. fol. Luyd. Bat. 1598. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sc Emendationes ad Tlieocriti Moschi et Bionis idyllia. 8. Commel. 1596. TlapoifMiai (fifurpot : proverbiales Graecorum versus Graece. 4. Lut. 1594. Sophoclis Ajax Lorarius translatus : ace. epigranimata quaedam. 8. Bibl. Commel. 1600. Poemata omnia ex museo Petri Scriverii. 8. ex off. Plant. 1615. SCALIGrER (Julius Caesar). Poetices libri septem. fol. Anton. Vincent. 1561. Poemata omuia. 8. in Bibl. Commel. 1600. In libruin de iusomniis Hippocratis commentarius. Ibid. Commentarii et animadversiones in sex libros de causis plantarum Theophrasti. fol. Genevae 1566. In libros duos qui inscribuntur de plantis Aristotele autore libri duo. Ibid. Adversus Desid. Erasmum orationes duae, eloquentiae Romanae vindices, una cum epistolis et opusculis aliquot, qui bus etiam accedunt probleinata Gelliana. 4. Tolos. Tectosa TTJS avrf/s crvvobov irepifp^Ofjifvcov KefyaXaicov irtvTfy vrrfpanoXoyelTcu. Horn. 1577. SCHOLZIUS (Laur.) Consilia medicinalia conscripta a praestantissimis nos- trorum temporum medicis. fol. Franc. 1598. Epistolarum philosophicarum medicinalium et chymi- carum a summis nostrae aetatis philosophis ac medicis exaratarum. Ibid. SCHONERUS (Job.). De judiciis nativitatum libri tres ; item praefatio Phil. Melanthonis in hos J. S. libros. fol. Norimb. in off. J. Montani, 1545. Pars praefationis in canones Werneri de mutatione aurae. 4. Par. 1549. SCHOOTEN (Franciscus a). Principia Matheseos universalis, seu introductio ad Car- tesianae geometriae methodum. 4. Franc, a M. 1695. Tractatus de concinnandis demonstrationibus geomet- ricis ex calculo algebraico. Ibid. Commentarii, cum append, et additam. in Cartesii geo- metriam. Ibid. SCHOTANTJS (Christ! anus), S.T.D. Bibliotheca historiae sacrae Veteris Testamenti seu exer- citationes in sacram scripturam et Josephum permodum comm. in historian! sacram Sulpicii Severi. 2 voll. fol. Franeq. 1662. SCHOTTUS (Andreas). Hispaniae bibliotheca, seu de academicis ac bibliothecis, item elogia et nomenclator clarorum Hispaniae Scrip- torum. 4. Franco/. 1608. Dialogus de prisca religione diisque gentium, ap. Au- gustinum (Ant.) 1617. SCHOTTUS (Fr.), J. C. Itinerarium nobiliorum Italiae regionum urbium oppi- dorum locorum tabellis locupletatum. 8. Ant. 1625. SCHRECKENFUCHSIUS (Erasmus Osualdus). Commentarius in novas theoricas planetarum Geo. Pur- bachii. fol. Basil. 1556. SCHRODERUS (Jo.), M.D. Quercetanus redivivus, hoc est, ars medica dogmatico- Hermetica ex scriptis J. Quercetani digesta. 4. Franco/. 1648. Pharmacopeia medico-chymica, sive thesaurus pharma- cologicus. 4. Lugd. B. 1672. SCHTJLCKENIUS (Adolphus). Oratio eucharietica de victoria Ferdinandi II. contra 444 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [So Calvinistas et Rebelles Boheinos 6 Id. Novembr. 1620, obtenta. 4. s. I 1620. SCHULTZ (Alwin). Das hotische Leben zur Zeit der Minnesinger. Bd. I. 8<>. Leipzig. 1879. SCHWEGLER (A. A.) History of Philosophy in Epitome, translated by J. H. Seelye. 8. New York, 1864. SCHWEIGER LERCHENFELD (Amand, Freiherr von). Bosnien : das Land und seine Bewohner. 8. Wien, 1878. SCHYRLEUS (Ant, Maria). Oculus Enoch et Eliae sive radius sidereomysticus. fol. Antv. 1645. SCIOPPIUS (Gasp.) Consultatio de causis et modis componendi in S. R. imperio religionis dissidii. 8. Aug. Vind. 1631. Classicum belli Sacri : extract, in French. 4. 1619. Dissert, de Rhetoricarum dissertationum generibus. 4. Rott. 1692. Consultationes de Scholarium et Studiorum ratione deque prudentiae et eloquentiae parandi modis. 4. Rott. 1692. Poedia politices seu suppetiae logicae Scriptoribus po- liticis latae, &c. Ibid. SCLATER (William). An original draught of the Primitive Church, in answer to a discourse entitled An Enquiry into the constitu- tion, discipline, unity, and worship of the Primitive Church. 8<>. Lond. 1717. SCLATER (Edward). Consensus veterum, or the reasons for his conversion to the Catholic faith and communion. 4. Lond. 1686. Veteres vindicati, in an expostulatory letter to Mr. Sclater of Putney; wherein the absurdity of his method, &c. 4o. Lond. 1687. Nubes Testium, or a collection of the primitive fathers giving testimony to the faith once delivered to the saints. 4. Lond. 1686. SCODOBIUS (Bernardinus) Mutinensis. Ad authenticam habita C. ne filius pro patre commen- tatio. 80. Yen. 1548. SCOTLAND. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, fol. Lond. Regiam Majestatem : Scotiae veteres leges et constitu- tiones collectae a Jo. Skenaeo. fol. Edinb. 1609. Inquisitionum ad capellam domini regis retornatarum quae in publicis archivis Scotiae adhuc servantnr ab- breviatio. 3 voll. fol. Lond. 1871. Rutuli Scotiae in turri Londinensi et in domo capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservati. fol. Lond. 1814-9. So] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 445 Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum, 1306-1424. fol. Lond. 1814. SCOTT (John), D.D. His theological works, to which is added a sermon at his funeral on Phil. iii. 20, 21, by T. Isham. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1718. SCOTT (John), Earl of Eldon. Life of, by Horace Twiss., q. v. The Eldon Law Scholarship. 4. Lond. 1830. SCOTT (John), M.A. The history of the Church of Christ intended as a con- tinuation to Milner's church histoiy. Vols. I- III. 80. Lond. 1838-32-36. SCOTUS (Joannes Duns), q. v. SCOTUS (Marianus). Chronicon, v. German. Mon. Hist, Tom. VII. SCOTUS (Michael). Super auctore sphere cum questionibus Spherae J. de Sacro Bosco, &c. Ven, 1531. SCBIPTOBES. Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e Vaticanis codd. edita ab Angelo Maio. 10 voll. 4. Rom. 1825-38. SCBIPTUBA SACBA. Tlie contents of scripture (title wanting). 12. The sufficiency of the holy scriptures as a rule of faith and manners. 8. Lond. 1719. SCBIVENEB (Matthew). Apologia pro S. ecclesiae patribus adversus Joannem Dallaeum de usu patrum, &c. : accedit apologia pro ecclesia Anglicana adversus nuperum schisma. 4. Lond. 1672. SCBIVENEB (Fred. H.), M.A. A plain introduction to the Criticism of the New Tes- tament. 8. Camb. 1861. SCBIVEBIUS (Petrus). Batavia illustrata, per varies ed. cum tabulario antiqui- tatum et aliis quibusdam, ex musaeo P. S. 4. Lugd. Eat. 1609. Respublica Romana, per varies. 24. Lugd. Bat. 1626. Respublica Hollandiae et urbes, Hugonis Grotii Pauli Merulae, &c., omnia ex secundis curis P. S. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1630. SCBOPE (G. Poulett). Volcanoes : the character of their phenomena, &c. 8. Lond. 1872s SCULTETUS (Abrahamus), S.T.P. Medullae theologiae patrum pars prima, in qua theo- logia clariss. vet. ecclesiae doctorum, qui ante Nicae- num concilium floruerunt, expressa et a R. Bellarmini corruptelis vindicata est, cum praef. D. Parei. 4. Amberg. 1613. 446 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sc Id. para secunda, in qua theologia Athanasii et Epiph- anii expressa et a R. Bellarmiui corruptelis est vindi- cate. 4. Neap. Nemetum 1605. SCULTETUS (Jo.) Armilhientarium chirurgicum. 8. Hagae Com. 1656. SCYLAX Caryandensis. Periplus Gr. cum tralatione (Lat.) et castigationibus Is. Vossii : accedit anonymi periplus ponti Euxini, cum ejusdem versions ac notis. 4. Amst. 1639. SCYMNTTS Chius. Fragmenta Gr. Lat. notar. et castigatt. in Stephanum Byzantium de urbibus per Luc. Holstenium : ed. a Th. Ryckio, q. v. Lugd. Bat. 1684. SEBTJNDIUS, v. Sabunde (Raimond de). SECKENDORF (Vitus Lud. a). Historia Lutheranismi. fol. Franc. 1596. SECKER (Tho.), LL.D., abp. of Cant. Fourteen Sermons. 8. Lond. 1766. SECTJNDUS (Jo. Nic.) Hagiensis. Opera cum notis adhuc ineditis P. Burmanni Se- cundi : ed. per P. Bosscha. 2 voll. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1821. SEDAINE (Michael Jean). La gageure imprevue : Le philosophe sans le savoir. 12. p ar i s 1810. SEDGWICK (Adam). Discourse on the studies of the University of Cambridge. 8. Cambridge 1834. Id. 8<>. Cambr. 1850. SEDILLOT (L. A.) Histoire generale des Arabes. 2 vols. 8. Paris 1877. SEDULIUS (Caelius). Opera. 8. Paris 1846. SEEKER. The seeker's request. SEELEY (J. R.) Life and Times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age. 3 vols. 8. Cambr. 1878. SEGNERI (Paolo). Opere. 2 voll. Yen. 1738. SEGUSIO (Henr. de) card. Hostiensis. In I-VI Decretalium libros commentaria. 2 voll. fol. Venet. 1581. Summa aurea cum annotationibus. fol. Bas. 1573. SEITENSTETTEN. TJrkundenbuch des Beneclictiner Stiftes Seitenstetten, v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 33. SELDENUS (Joannes). Opera omnia : collegit ac recensuit, vitam auctoris, praefationes adjecit David AVilkins. 3 voll. fol. Lond. 1726. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 447 Tracts : the first entituled, Jani Anglorum facies altera, rendered into English, with large notes, by Redman "Westcot, i. e. (Adam Littleton) ; the second, England's Epinomis ; the third, Of the original of ecclesiastical jurisdictions of testaments ; the fourth, Of the dis- position or administration of intestate's goods, fol. Lond. 1683. Mamora Aruudeliana, &c. 4. Lond. 1629. Mare clausum seu de dominio maris libri duo. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1636. De successionibus in bona defuncti ad leges Ebraeorum liber. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1638. De successione in pontificutum Ebraeorum libri duo. Ibid. De jure naturali et gentium juxta disciplinam Ebrae- orum libri septern. 4. Argent. 1665. Uxor Hebraica seu de nuptiis et divortiis ex jure civili, id est divino et Talmudico veterum Ebraeorum, libri tres et de successionibus ad leges Ebraeorum in bona defunctorum liber singularis ; in pontificatum libri duo. 4. Franco/, ad Oderam 1673. Fleta seu commentarius juris Anglicani sic nuncupatus sub Edwardo rege primo ab anonymo conscriptus : accedit tractatulus vetus de agendi excipiendique fornmlis Gallicanus Fet Assavoir dictus : subjungitur etiam J. Seldeni ad Fletam dissertatio historica. Lond. 1685. De syneclriis et praefecturis juridicis veterum Ebrae- orum libri tres. Artist. 1679. A brief discourse touching the office of lord chancellour of England, together with a true catalogue of lord chancellours and keepers of the great seal of England from the Norman Conquest, by ~W. Dugdale. fol. Lond. 1671. Table-talk (1689). (Arber's Reprint.} 4. Lond. 1869. SELLAR (W. Y.) Roman Poets of the Republic. 8. Edinb. 1863. Roman Poets of the Augustan Age : Virgil. 8. Oxf. 1877. SELLER (Abednego). Remarks upon the reflections of the author of ' Popery misrepresented,' &c., on his answerer, particularly as to the deposing doctrine. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1686. A plain answer to a popish priest, 2nd ed., to which is annexed an , answer to the animadverter's reflections upon it. 4. Lond. 1689. The history of passive obedience since the reformation. (Anon.} 4o. Amst. 1689. A continuation of the history of passive obedience since the reformation. (Anon.) 4. Amst. 1690. 448 MERTOX COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Se SELVA (Joh. de) Lemovicensis. Tractatus de beneficio, inateriam heneficiorum opulentis- simam complectens. 4". Fr. Reynault, s. a. SEMPRONIUS (C.) De divisione Italiae et origine urbisRoraae. 8. Par. 1588. Id. cum comm. Annii (8. Witt. 1612), q. v. SENA. Fonnularium Senense, serenissimi Ferdiuandi Medices Etruriae magni ducis jussu editum. 8. Senis. 1592. SEN ABE G A (Bartholoraaeup). De rebus Genuensibus (1488-1514), v. Italic. Her. Script, Tom. XXIV. SENECA (Lucius Annaeus). Scripta. fol. Pans 1587. Opera, scholiis F. Morelli. fol. Paris 1613. Declamationum liber unus. fol. Paris 1549. Opera quae supersunt, eel. Haase. 3 voll. 12. Lips. 1852-72. Tragaediae cum notis Farnabii. 8. Amst. 1678. SENECA (M. Annaeus). Opera, fol. Par. 1587. Id. fol. Par. 1613. SENIS (Frider. Petrucius de). Consilia quaestiones juris, fol. Yen. 1508. SENNERTUS (Dan.) Opera onmia. 3 voll. fol. Lugd. 1650. The weapon salve's maladie (translated out of his fifth book, 4th pt., 10th chap. Practicae Medicinae). 4. Lond. 1637. SEPTALIUS (L.) Liber de naevis. 4. Gen. 1687. SERAPION (Jo.) De simplicibus Medicinis. fol. Argent. 1531. Practica dicta, Breviarum, et liber de simplicibus medi- cinis. fol. Fen. 1497. SERBIA. Monumenta Serbica spectantia historian! Serbiae Bosnae Ragusii, ed. Fr. Miklosich. 8. Vienn. 1858. SERENUS Autissensis. De sectione cylindri et coni. Lat. una cum Apollo- nio Pergaeo ex ed. Fed. Commandini, fol. Bonon. 1566. Id. p. 313, synops. univer. geom. mixtaeque mathemat. F. M. Mersenni, q. v. SERENUS (L.) Samonicus. De re medjca cum comm. Gabr. Humelbergii. 8. Tig. 1540. De medicina inter Medicos Antiques ap. Aldum, q. v. SERENUS (Mons.) Chronicon Montis Sereni, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XXIV. Se] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRA] I Y. 449 SERGEANT (Jo.) Five Catholick letters (against Dr. Stillingfleet). 4. Land. 1687-88. Introduction to six Catholick letters, MS. Sixth Catholick letter, MS. SERLIO (Sebastiano). Libri cinque d' architettura, Ital. et Fr. da Jehan Martin, fol. Par. e Yen. 1544-47. SERLO Monachus. Descriptio belli inter regem Scotiae et barones Angliae, p. 331, Hist. Angl. scriptorum R. Twyaden, q. v. SERMONS. An index to the sermons published since the restoration, pointing out the texts in the order they lie in the Bible, &c. (in 1 vol.). 8. Land. 1751. Sermon faite en 1'Eglise Fran9oise d' Amsterdam. 8. Sedan 1628. SERRAG-LI (Silvio). La santa Casa abbellita. 8. Loretto 1634. SERRES (Jean de). Inventaire general de 1'histoire de France, fol. Par. 1631. Id. in English, and continued unto this present by Edw. Grimeston. fol. Land. 1611. SERRE (P. de la). Le bouquet des belles fleurs de 1'eloquence. 8. Par. 1625. SERRET (J. A.) Cours d'Algebre Superieure. 2 voll. 8. Paris 1866. SERVIN (Louis). Actions notables et plaidoyez avec les arrests donnez sur iceux. 4. Par. 1631. SETHUS (Symeon). Syntagma de cibariorum facultate, Gr. et Lat. Lilio Gregorio Gyraldo interprete. 8. Bas. 1538. Syntagma de alimentorum facultatibus, ed. Bern. Lang- kavel. 12o. Ups. 1868. SEVERIANUS (Jul.) Syntomata, sive praecepta artis rhetoricae collecta de multis ; inter RJtetores antiq. Lat. q. v. (Par. 1599). SEVERINTJS (Petrus). Idea medicinae philosophicae, fundamenta continens totius doctrinae Paracelsicae Hippocraticae et Galeni- cae (2 copies). 4. Bas. 1571. SEVERUS (Sulpitius), i. e. Sulpitius Severus, q. v. SEVIGNE (Madame la Marquise de). Sevigniana, v. Ana. SEXTUS Empiricus philosophus. Opera Graece et Latine : ed. Jo. Alb. Fabricius. 2 voll. 8. Lips. 1840. Opera quae extant Gr. et Lat. (Liber mutil.). fol. Genev. 1621. 450 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Se Pyrrhoniarum hypotyposeon libri tres, Lat. interprete Henr. Stephano cum Pyrrhonis vita ex Diogene Laertio et Cl. Galeni Pergaraeni libri de optimo docendi genere. 8". Par. 1562. SEYNENSIS (Hen.) Annus ecclesiasticus concionatorius quadripartitus. 4 voll. fol. Col Agr. 1677. SEYSELLUS (Claudius de). Lectura super digesto, infortiato, et codice. fol. . I. 1495. Histoire du roy Louys douziesme, pere du peuple. 8. Paris 1587. SFORTUNATI (Giov.) da Siena. Nuovo lume, libro di Arithmetica intitulato, con tratt. di Geometria. 4. Yen. 1534. SGUROPULUS (Sylvest.) Vera historia unionis non verae inter Graecos et Latinos; sive concilii Florentini narratio Latine e Graeco per R. Creyghton. fol. Hagae Com. 1660. SHADWELL (John Lancelot). A system of Political Economy. 8. Lond. 1877. SHAFTESBTJRY (Anthony, earl of), i.e. Anthony Ashley Coojwr, q. v. SHAKESPEARE (William). William Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and trage- dies, published according to the true original copies, the 2nd impression, fol. Lond. 1632. His works, collated with the oldest copies, and cor- rected with notes explanatory and critical, by Mr. Theobald. 8 vols. 8. Lond. 1740. His works, adorned with sculptures. 6 vols. 4. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1770-71. Hamlet, and As You Like It : ed. by T. Caldecott. 8. Lond. 1832. SHARP (John), D.D., archbp. of York. A discourse cone, conscience : wherein an account is given of the nature and rule and obligation of it : in two parts, among cases to recover Dissenters, q. v. Sermons. 7 vols. 8. Lond. 1722-35. SHARP (Samuel), Surgeon, &c. A treatise on the operations of surgery, with a descrip- tion and representation of the instruments used in performing them. 8. Lond. 1743. A critical enquiry into the present state of sui'gery. 8. Lond. 1754. SHARPE (Gregory), LL.D. Dissertation on the origin and structure of the Latin tongue. 8. Lond. 1751. The origin and structure of the Greek tongue. 8. Lond. 1767. [Sh MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 451 SHABPE (Samuel). Alexandrian Chronology. 4. Lond. 1857. SHAW (Geo.) The Naturalist's miscellany, or coloured figures of natural objects, drawn and described immediately from nature. 24 vols. 8. Lond. 1790-1813. SHAW (Peter), M.D. A new practice of physic, wherein the various diseases incident to the human body are orderly described, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1745. SHAW (Thos.), D.D. Travels or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant, fol. Oxf, 1738. SHELDON (Richard). Certain general reasons proving the lawfulnesse of the oath of allegiance, whereunto is added the treatise of William Barclay concerning the temporall power of the Pope and the Sermon of Theophilus Higgons, 4o. Lond. 1611. SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe). His Poetical Works, edited by H. B. Forman. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1876-77. SHEPHERD (William). The life of Poggio Bracciolini. 4. Liverpool 1802. SHERINGHAM (Robertus). De Angloruin gentis origine disceptatio. 8. Cantab. 1670. SHERLOCK (William.) A letter to Anonymus in answer to his three letters to Dr. Sherlock about Church communion in a collection of cases to recover dissenters, q. v. A resolution of some cases of conscience which respect Church communion, ibid. The protestant's resolution of faith, &c. 4. Lond. 1686. A discourse concerning the object of religious worship or a scripture proof of the unlawfulness of giving any religious worship to any other being besides the one supreme God (Anon.}, pt. I. 4. Lond. 1685. An answer to the amicable accommodation of the dif- ference between the representer arid the answerer. 4o. Lond. 1686. A papist not misrepresented by protestants ; being a reply to the reflections upon the answer to ' a papist misrepresented and represented.' 4. Lond. 1686. Answer to a discourse intituled 'Papists protesting against protestant-popery,' being a vindication of ' Papists not misrepresented by protestants,' and con- taining an examination of M. de Meaux, his exposition of the doctrine of the Church of Rome, &c. 4. Lond. 1686. G g 2 452 MRRTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sh A protestant of the Church of England no Donatist, or some short notes on ' Lucilla and Elizabeth.' 4. Lond. 1686. A discoui'se concerning a judge of controversies in matters of religion, being an answer to some papers asserting the necessity of such a judge, with a preface concerning the nature of certainty and infallibility. 4. Lond. 1686. A short summary of the principal controversies between the Church of England and the Church of Rome : being a vindication of several protestant doctrines in answer to a late pamphlet intituled * Protestancy des- titute of scripture proof?.' 4. Lond. 1687. A brief discourse concerning the notes of the church ; with some reflections on Cardinal Bellarmin's notes. 40. Lond. 1687. A vindication of the discourse concerning the notes of the church, in answer to a late pamphlet entituled ' The use and great moment of the notes of the church as delivered by Card. Bellarmin justified.' (Anon.) 40. Lond. 1687. An answer to the request to protestants to produce plain scriptures directly authorizing these tenets. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1687. A discourse concerning the nature, unity, and com- munion of the catholick church, wherein most of the controversies relating to the church are briefly and plainly stated, part. I. 4. Lond. 1688. A vindication of some protestant principles of church unity and catholick communion from the charge of agreement with the church of Rome, in answer to a pamphlet intituled ' An agreement between the Church of England and the Church of Rome,' &c. 4. Lond. 1688. A preservative against popery, being some plain direc- tions to unlearned protestants how to dispute with Romish priests, part I. 4. Lond. 1688. Id. part II. 4o. Lond. 1688. An answer to Dr. Sherlock's ' Preservative against popery,' by Lewis Sabran, q. v. A vindication of both parts of the ' Preservative against popery,' in answer to the cavils of Lewis Sabran. 4. Load. 1688. A practical discourse concerning death. 4. Lond. 1731. Dr. Sherlock sifted from his bran and chaff. 4. Lond. 1687. A practical discourse concerning a future judgment. 8<>. Lond. 1693. A discourse concerning the divine Providence. 4. Lond. 1694. Sh] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 453 Sermons, vols. I, II. 8. Lond. 1700-7. A discourse concerning the happiness of good men, and the punishment of the wicked in the next world. 8. Lond. 1719. SHERLOCK (Tho.), bp. of London. A sermon on Luke ix. 54, 55, preached before the lord mayor and aldermen of London, Nov. 5, 1712. 8. Lond. 1717. A sermon on Ps. cxxii. 6, before the house of commons, June 7, being the day of publick thanksgiving to Almighty God for suppressing the late unnatural rebellion. 4. Lond. J716. Some considerations occasioned by a postscript from the bp. of Baugor (B. Hoadly) to the dean of Chi- chester (Dr. Sherlock). 8. Lond. 1717. Remarks upon the bp. of Bangor's ti'eatment of the clergy and convocation (Anon.), 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1717. An answer to a letter sent to him by (A. A. Sykes), relating to his sermon preached before the lord mayor, Nov. 5, 1712 ; to which are added some observations upon the account the lord bp. of Bangor has given of his intended answer to the representation. 8. Lond. 1717. Remarks upon Dr. Sherlock's answer to Mr. Sykes. 8. Lond. 1718. The condition and example of our Saviour vindicated in answer to the bp. of Bangor's charge of calumny against the dean of Chichester. 8. Lond. 1718. A vindication of the corporation and test acts, in answer to the bp. of Bangor's reasons for the repeal of them ; to which is added a second part concerning the religion of oaths. 8. Lond. 1718. Remarks on Dr. Sherlock's considerations offered to the bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1718. Principles of an occasional Conformist, in answer to Sherlock. 1718. The lord bp. of Bangor's defence of his assertion, viz. that the example of our Lord is much more peculiarly fit to be urged to slaves than subjects, considered. 8. Lond. 1718. The use and intent of prophecy in the several ages of the world, in six discourses, to which are added four dissertations : 1. the authority of the second epistle of St. Peter ; 2. the sense of the antients before Christ upon the fall ; 3. the blessing of Judah ; 4. Christ's entry into Jerusalem. 8. Lond. 1744. The case of insolvent debtors and the charity due to them considered ; a sei'mon on Matt, xviii. 29, 30, before the lord mayor. 4. Lond. 1728. The tryal of the witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus (Anon.}, llth ed. 8<>. Lond. 1743. 454 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sh A sermon t>n Mark iii. 24, before the house of Lords on Jan. 30, 2nd ed. 4. Land. 1734. A sermon on Deut. xxxii. 45, 46, before the society corresponding with the incorporated society in Dublin for promoting English protestant schools in Ireland. 4". Lond. 1738. The nature and extent of charity ; a sermon on Luke x. 36, 37, before the trustees of the infirmary in James Street, Westminster. 4. Lond. 1735. A sermon on Judges ii. 7, at the cathedral church of Salisbury on the occasion of the rebellion in Scotland. 4. Lond. 1745. Answer to the bp. of Bangor's late book entituled ' The Common Rights of Subjects defended.' 8. Lond. 1719. SHERWEN (John). Introduction to an examination of Chatterton's Poems. 8. Bath 1809. SHIPTON (James). Pharmacopoeia Bateana. 8. Lond. 1688. SHOUT (Thos. Vowler), D.D. A sketch of the history of the Church of England to the revolution, 1688. 8. Lond. 1840. SHUCKFORD (Sam.), M.A. The sacred and prophane history of the world con- nected. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1743. Creation and fall of man. 8. Lond. 1753. SHUTTLEWORTH (John), M.A. A persuasive to union, being an essay towards reconcil- ing all parties, and in order to a comprehension which may be for the honour of the church and the glory of God. 8. Lond. 1716. SIBYLLAE vel Sibyllina oracula vide Oracula. SICARDUS, episc. Cremonensis. Chronicon, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. VII. SICCAMA (Sibrandus). Fasti Kalendares Roman, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VIII. De judicio centumvirali, &c., v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. II. SICHARDUS (Jo.) In codicem Praelectiones. 2 torn. Bas. 1565. SICILIA. Fragmenta Historiae Siculae, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. X, XXIV. SICTOR (Jo.) Epicedion Friderici Henrici principis Arausionensis, A.D. 1647. fol. s. I et a. SICULUS Flaccus seu Siculus Flaccw, q. v. SIDQWICK (Henry). The Methods of Ethics. 8. Lond. 1874. Si] MERTON COLLEGE LIBKARY. 455 SIDNEY (Algernon). His arraignment, tryal, and condemnation for high treason, fol. Lond. 1684. Discourses concerning government, fol. Lond. 1704. SIDNEY (Sir Philip). The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, now the ninth time published, 1638, whereunto is added a sixth booke by R(ichard) B(eling). fol. Lond. 1638. An apology for Poetrie (1595). (Arber's Reprint.} 4. Lond. 1869. SIDONIUS (Caius Sollius) Apollinaris. Opera cum comment. Jo. Bapt. Pii. 8. Bas. 1542. SIEGMUND, Freiherr von Herberstein. Selbstbiographie (1486-1553), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. I. SIGEBERTUS, Gemblacensis. Vita Wicherti : gesta abbatum Gemblacensium, v. Ger- man. Mon. Hist. Tom. X. SIGISMUNDUS imp. Rom. Bulla integra. 4. Held. 1593. SIGISMUNDUS de Polcastris. Quaestiones. fol. Yen. 1506. SIGISMUNDUS III, rex Polonorum. Exegesis historica de causis cur Sueci Sigismundum III. deponentes Carolum IX. ejus loco substituerunt. 4. Stockholm 1610. SIGISMUNDUS, liber baro, v. Siegmund. SIGONIUS (Carolus). Regum consulum dictatorum ac censorum Romanorum fasti una cum triumphis actis a Romulo rege usque ad Ti. Caesarem : ace. de nominibus Romanorurn liber, fol. Yen. apud Paul. Manutium 1555. Fasti Capitolini. Franc. 1588. De antiquo jure civium Romanorum Italiae Provinci- arum Romanae jurisprudentiae, libri XI : adjecti sunt ejusdem de republica Hebraeorum libri septem et in B. Sulpicii Seueri historicos libros duos com- mentarii duo : addita in fine anacephalaeosi chrono- logica historiarum Sulpicianarum. fol. Franco/. 1593. Id. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom I, II. De republica Atheniensium libri quatuor. fol. Franc. 1593. De republica Hebraeorum libri septem. 8. Franco/. 1585. Historiarum de Occidentali imperio libri viginti. 4. Basil. 1579. Historiarum de regno Italiae, libri XV. fol. Franc. 1575. Historia de rebus Bononiensibus : de vita And. Doriae libri duo : quibus ace. orationes aliquot et emenda- 456 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Si tiones aduereus Franc. Robortellum et Nic. Gruchium. fol. Franco/. 1604. SILESIA. Annales Silesiae, v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. XIX. SILHON (Jean). Le ministre d'eetat ; avec le veritable usage de la poli- tique moderne. 12. Par. 1639. SILIUS (Caius) Italicus. Punicorum 17 libb. cum notis Claud. Dausqueii. 4. Par. 1618. SILLANUS fo/i vov fKK\r)(Tia(TTiK.T) 1. Lond. 1685. STAPELTONUS (Tho.) Universa justifications doctrina hodie controversa libris XII.- Par. 1582. Promptuarium morale super - evangelia dominicalia totius anni. 2 torn. 8<>. Lugd. 1602. Promptuarium catholicum ad instructionem concionato- rum contra haereticos nostri temporis, super omnia Evangelia totius anni tain dominicalia quam de festis. 2 partt. 8. Par. 1606. STAROVOLSCIUS (Simon). Sarmatiae bellatores. 4. Col. Agr. 1631. STATE-TRACTS. Treatises relating to the government from 1660 to 1689. fol. Lond. 1692. STATIUS (Publius Papinius). Opera: recogn. Gust. Queck. 2 voll. 12. Lips. 1854. Opera cum Placidi Lactantii in Thebaida et Achilleida commentario : ex bibl. Fr. Pithoei, collatis MSS., &c., edidit Fr. Lindenbruch : (ace. Dom. Calderini com- mentarius ad Sylvas). 4. Par. 1600. st] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 469 STATUTES v. Parliament. The Statutes at Large containing all the public Acts of Parliament from Magna Charta to the seventh year of George II, by W. Hawkins. 6 vols. fol. Lond. 1734. Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 13th and 14th Victoria (1850), to 31st and 32nd Victoria (1868). 22 vols. 8. Lond. 1850- 68. STAUNFORD (Sir Wm.) An exposition of the king's prerogative collected out of the great abridgement of justice Fitzherbert, and other olde writers of the lawes of England. 4. Lond. 1567. Les plees del coron diuisees in plusors titles et com- mon lieux. 4. Lond. in aed. Rich. Tottelli 1574. STEBBING- (Henry), D.D. A defence of the first head of the charge of the com- mittee of the lower house of convocation agst. the bp. of Bangor, 8. Lond. 1718. Miscellaneous observations or remarks upon some scat- tered passages in the bp. of Bungor's answer to the ' Representation ;' being the conclusion of the defence of the first head of the charge of the committee. 8. Lond. 1718. Remarks upon a position of the bp. of Bangor cone, religious sincerity ; wherein the consequences of this position are fully stated, &c. 8. Lond. 1718. Four answers to bp. Hoadley. 8. True meaning and consequences of a position of the bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1719. Answer to Stebbing on Erroneous Conscience. Ibid. STEEGHIUS (Godefridus) Amorfortius. De re medica. fol. Franco/. 1606. STEELE (Sir Richard). The Spectator. 8 vols. Lond. 1733. The Tender Husband : the Conscious Lovers : the Funeral, v. Plays. (80. Lond. 1734-41.) The Tatler. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1710. Id. 4 vols. 80. Lond. 1737. STELLA (Didacus de) i. e. Diego d'Estella. In sacrosauctun Evangelium secundum Lucam enar- rationes; marginalibus notationibus illustratae, locu- pletatae, et ab erroribus vindicatae, per Jo. Bapt. Regnauld : ace. ejusdem Did. Stellae libellus de modo concionandi. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1592. De contemuendis mundi vanitatibus libri tres ; ex Hispanica lingua in Italicam traducti per Hier. Foresti jam vero ex Italica in Latinam translati a Pet. Burgundo. 12. Col. 1544. STELLA (Georgius). Annales Genuenses (1298-1409): per Johannem Stel- 470 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [St lam continuati ad annum 1435, v. Italicarum Rerum Scriptores (Muratori). Tom. XVII. STELLA (Jo.) Bipontinus. Deploratio pacis Germanicae : in English, whereunto is annexed a briefe summarie of the treaty concluded at Prague as aforesaid. 4. Lond, 1637. STENZEL (Gustav A. H.) Geschichte des Preussischen Staates. 5 bde. 8. Hamb. 1830-54. STEPHANARDUS de Vicomercato. Poema de gestis in civitate Mediolani sub Othone vice- comite archiepiscopo, v. Italicarum Rerum Scriptores (Muratori). Tom. IX. STEPHANUS, Parisiensis episc. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome XV. STEPHANUS Phil. Atheniensis. , In priorem Galeni librum methodi curativae ad Glau- conem. 8. Yen. 1554. STEPHANUS Byzant De urbibus et populis, ed. Xylander Gr. fol. Bas 1568. Gr. Lat. interpr. Thoma de Pinedo cum ejusdem obser- vationibus his additae praeter Stephani fragmentum collationes Jac. Gronovii, &c. fol. Amst. 1678. STEPHANUS (Car.), M.D. i.e. Etienne (Charles). L'agriculture et maison rustique. 4. Antv. 1565. De dissectione partium corporis humani libri tres, una cum figuris et incisionum declarationibus a Steph. Riuerio Compositis. fol. Par. ajyad Sim. Colinaeum 1545. Dictionarium historicum geographicum poeticum ; re- censuit, supplevit, emaculavit Nic. Lloydius. fol. Oxon. 1671. STEPHANUS (Hen.) Poetae Graeci principes heroici carminis et alii nonnulli Graece (cum H. Stephani observationibus et praefatione in qua laudes poetices attingit). 2 partt. fol. Par. 1566. Thesaurus Graecae linguae cum appendice. 4 voll. fol. Par. 1572. Concordantiae Testamenti Novi Graecolatinae. fol. 1600. Dicaearchi Sympractor. 8. Paris 1589. Id. 8. Antv. 1588. Notae in Sexti Pyrrhonias Hypotypcoses. 8. Par. 1512. STEPHANUS (Rob.) Concordantiae utriusque Testamenti. fol. Paris. 1555. Dictionarium, seu Latinae linguae thesaurus, editio secunda. 3 voll. fol. Par. ex. off. Rob. Stephani, 1543. st] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 471 In Euangeliura secundum Matthaeum, Marcum, et Lucam commentarii, ex ecclesiasticis scriptoribus collecti, nouae glossae ordinariae specimen, donee melioru Dominus. fol. ex oliua Rob. Stephani 1553. STEPHANUS II, Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historians des Gaules et de la). Tome V. STEPHEN (Leslie). History of English Thought in the eighteenth century. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. STEPHEN (Sir James Fitz James). A Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punish- ments). 8. Lond. 1877. A Digest of the Law of Evidence. 8. Lond. 1876. STEPHEN (Henry John). New Commentaries on the Laws of England, partly founded on Blackstone. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1853. STEPHEN (Sir James). Lectures on the History of France. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1857. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 8. Lond. 1875. STEPHENS (E.) Confutation of the net for fishers of men. 8. Lond. 1687. STEPHENS (Wm.), M.A. The personality and divinity of the Holy Ghost, proved from scripture, and the ante-Nicene fathers : a sermon on Acts v. 3, 4. 8. Oxf. 1717. The catholick doctrine concerning the union of the two natures in the one person of Christ stated and vindi- cated : a visitation sermon on John i. 14. 8. Oxf. 1719. Sermons on several subjects. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1737. STERNE (Laurence). Works. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1803. STETTCHUS (Augustinus) Eugubinus. De perenni philosophia libri X : Item de Eugubii, urbis suae, nomine, fol. Lugduni 1540. Cosmopoeia, vel de mundano opificio ; expositio trium capitum Genesis, in quibus de creatione tractat Moses, fol. Lugd. apud Seb. Gryphium 1535. Vulgata editio an sit D. Hieronymi, p. 222 ad calc. Ibid. STEVENS (Capt. John). Spanish and English dictionary and grammar, fol. Lond. 1706. STEWART (Richard), LL.D. An answer to a letter written at Oxford (by John Fountaine), and superscribed to Dr. Sam. Turner concerning the church and the revenues thereof. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1647. 472 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. Si STEWABT (Dugald). Works. 7 vols. 8. Cambr. (U. S.) 1829. STIBLINUS (Gasp.) see Euripides. STIER (Rudolf.) On the words of the Lord Jesus : transl. by the Rev. Wm. Pope. 8 vols. 8. Edin. 1856. On the words of the Risen Saviour and commentary on the Epistle of St. James. 8<>. Lond. 1859. The words of the Apostles expounded : transl. by G. H. Venables. 8<>. Edin. 1869. STILLINGFLEET (Edward), D.D. Origines sacrae ; or a rational account of the grounds of the Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the scriptures. 4. Lond. 1680. A rational account of the grounds of the protestant religion, being a vindication of the archbp. of Canter- bury's (Lauds) relation of a conference, &c., from the pretended answer by T. C. fol. Lond. 1665. A relation of a conference held about religion at London (April 3rd, 1676), by Dr. Stillingfleet with some gentlemen of the church of Rome. 4. Lond. 1687. A letter desiring information of the Conference at the Dean of St. Paul's, MS. 4. Lond. 1687. A letter to the Dean of St. Paul's in answer to the arguing part of his first letter. 4. Lond. 1687. The unreasonableness of separation : or an impartial account of the history, nature, and pleas, of the present separation from the communion of the Church of England : to which several late letters are annexed of eminent protestant divines abroad, second ed. 4. Lond. 1681. Origines Britannicae : or the antiquities of the British churches, with a preface concerning some pretended antiquities relating to Britain, in vindn. of (Will. Lloyd), the bp. of St. Asaph. fol. Lond. 1685. The doctrines and practices of the church of Rome truly represented in answer to a book (by J. Ley- bourn) intituled ' A papist misrepresented and re- presented,' &c. 4o. Lond. 1686. An answer to some papers lately printed concerning the authority of the catholick church in matters of faith, and the reformation of the Church of England. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1686. A vindication of the answer to some late papers con- cerning the unity and authority of the cutholick church, &c. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A letter to Mr. G. (i.e. Thos. Godwin alias Godden) giving a true account of a late conference at the Dean of St. Paul's. 4o. Lond. 1687. A letter to Dr. E. S. concerning his late letter to Mr. st] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 473 G., and the account he gives in it of a conference between Mr. G. and himself, by E. M., q. v. A letter to a friend reflecting on some passages in a letter to the Dean of St. Paul's, &c., by C. Ellis, q. v. A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two letters lately published concerning the conference at the Dean of St. Paul's. 4. Land. 1687. The doctrine of the Trinity and transubstantiation compared, as to scripture reason and tradition, in a new dialogue between a protestant and a papist : two parts. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A discourse concerning the nature and grounds of the certainty of faith in answer to J. S(ergeant), his catholick letters. 4. Lond. 1688. Ecclesiastical cases relating to the duties and rights of the parochial clergy stated and resolved according to the principles of conscience and law. 8. Lond. 1698. Id. Part II relating to the exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction as far as it is allowed by law ; to which are added two speeches in the house of lords : 1 . the case of Exeter college in Oxford; 2. the case of com- mendams : with a discourse of the true antiquity of London. 8. Lond. 1704. The pernicious consequences of the principles of the Jesuits to civil government (Anon.): a preface to ' The Jesuits loyalty manifested in three several treatises lately written by them, against the oath of allegeance,' q.v. Sermons on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1707. STIRLING (Jacobus). Lineae tertii ordinis Neutonianae ; sive illustratio tractatus D. Neutoni de enumeratione linearum tertii ordinis ; cui subjungitur solutio trium problematum. 80. Oxon. 1717. STOBAETJS (Jo.) Florilegium, voll. IV (ed. Meineke). 12. Lips. 1855. Eclogae Physicae et Ethicae. 2 voll. (ed. Meineke). 12o. Lips. 1860-4. STOCKDALE (John). Voyage of governor Philip to Botany Bay. 4. Lond. 1789. STOEFFLER (Joannes). In Procli Diadochi, authoris grauissimi, sphaeram mundi commentarius. fol. Tubing ex. off. Huld. Mor- hart 1534. Calendarium Romanum. fol. Oppenheim. 1518. Variorum astrolabiorum compositio, seu fabrica : necnon eorundem usuum ac variarum utilitatum explanatio. fol. Tubing. 1610. 474 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [St STORCH (Henri). Tableau hiotorique et statistique de 1'empire de Russie a la fin du dix-huitieme siecle. 2 torn. 8. Basle. 1801. STOW (John). English Annals (Imperfect). Continuation of Holinshed, q. v. STBABO Cappadox. Geographica, Graece cum versione reficta, accedit index variantis lectionis, &c. : curantibus C. Miillero et F. Diibnero. 2 torn. 8. Par. 1853-8. Id. Is. Casaubonus recensuit, emendavit, ac commen- tariis illustravit, adjecta est Guil. Xylandri Latina versio. fol. exc. Eustathius Vignon. 1587. Id. ed. alt. cui. ace. Fed. Morelli observatiunculae. fol. Par. typi s regiis 1620. STRACCHA (Benvenutus) J. C. Tractatus de mercatura seu mercatore : ace. ejusdem auctoris quotidianus de adjecto tractatus. 8. Col. Agr. 1576. STRADA (Famianus). Prolusiones academicae. 8. Oxon. 1 745. De bello Belgico decades prima et secuuda. 8". Rom. 1648. STRAHL (Philipp.) Geschichte des Russischen Staates. 2 bde. 8. Ham- burg 1832-39. STRAIGHT (Jo.) Select discourses. 2 vols. Lond. 1741. STRALIUS (Laurentius). Annales Dauici (10841314), v. Danic. Rer. Script. Tom. III. STRANGIUS (Jo.) Oratio ad Regem Carolum : Symbolum Poeticum. 4. Edinb. 1633. STRATFORD (Nicholas), D.D., bp. of Chester. A discourse concerning the necessity of reformation, with respect to the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome, first part, second edn. 4. Lond. 1686. The luy -Christian's obligation to read the Holy Scrip- tures. (Ano-n.) 4. Lond. 1687. The people's right to read the Holy Scripture asserted in answer to chapters VI-X of the second part of the ' Popish representer.' (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A discourse of the pope's supremacy : part I, in answer to a treatise (by Clenche) intit. ' St. Peter's supremacy faithfully discuss'd,' &c., and to a sermon of St. Peter, by Dr. Tho. Godden. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. STRATTCHIUS (Aegid.) Breviarium chronologicum : transl. from the third edn. st] HERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 475 by Rich. Sault, and by him enlarg'd with all the most useful things (omitted by the author) taken from bp. Beveridge his ' Institutiones chronologicae,' and from Dr. Holder his 'Account of time,' third edn. 8. Lond. 1722. STREINNIUS (Rich.) Gentium et familiarum Romanarum stemmata. fol. Par. 1559. Id. v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. VII. STROTHER (Edward). How to manage the sinall-pox : to which is added the proper method to manage the plague. 12. Lond. 1721. STRUTHIUS (Josephus). De pulsibus morbi Gallici, p. 95, append, ad Script, de Morbo Gallico, q. v. STRYPE (John), M.A. Memorials of Archbp. Cranmer. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1812. The life of Sir Tho. Smith, principle Secretary of State to Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth : with corrections and additions. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1820. Historical collections of the life and acts of B. G. Aylmer. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1821. The life of Sir John Cheke, first instructor, afterwards Secretary of State to Edward VI, &c., with additions. 8. Oxf. at tlie Clarendon Press 1821. Annals of the reformation and establishment of religion and other occurrences in the church and state of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, with additions. 4 vols. in 7. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1824. The life and acts of archbp. Grindal, &c. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1821. The life and acts of archbp. Parker, &c. 3 vols. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1821. The life and acts of archbp. Whitgift, &c. 3 vols. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1822. Ecclesiastical memorials, relating chiefly to religion and the reformation of it and the emergencies of the church of England, under Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary. 3 vols. in 6. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1822. A general index to his historical and biographical works. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. at the Clarendon Press 1828. STUART (James). The antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by J. S. and Nicholas Revett. Vols. I-III. fol. Lond. 1762-94. STUART (Moses). Grammar of the New Testament dialect. 12.Lond. 1838. STUBBE (Henry). The Savilian professours case stated : with the several 476 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [St reasons urged against his capacity for standing for the publique office of antiquary in the university of Oxford. 4o. Lond. 1658. STUBBS (Thos.) Chronica pontificum ecclesiae Eboraci, p. 1685, hist. Anglicanae scriptt. decem per Rog. Twysden, q. v. STUBBS (Win.) Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional History from the earliest times to the reign of Edward I. 8. Oxf. 1870. STUCKIUS (Jo. Gul.) Antiquitatum convivialiuin libri tres ; ed. secunda, auctoris ipsius cura auctior. fol. Tiguri 1597. STURM (Christopher Christian). Reflections on the works of God. 3 vols. 8. Edinb. 1790. STURMIUS (Jo.) De litterarum ludis recte aperiendis. 4. Rott. 1692. Nobilitas litterata. Ibid. SUAREZ (Franciscus). Opera omnia. Voll. I-XIX. fol. Nog. 1621. SUAREZ (Rod.) J. C. Consilia duo de usu maris et navibus ^transvehendis, p. 850, ad calc. Benv. Stracchae de mercatura (Col. Agr. 1576). SUBLACENSE (Monasterium). Chronicon Abbatum Monasterii Sublacensis (595 1390), v. Italicarum Rerum Scriptorea (Muratori). Tom. XXIV. SUBJECTION. The necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated in a discourse upon Rorn. xiii. 5, i. with a discourse proving that the regal power of K. Charles is of divine right. 4. Orf. 1643. SUETONIUS (Caius) Tranquillus. Opera ex recensione Graevii cum ejusdem observationi- bus. 4. Hag. Com. 1691. Praeter Caesarum libros reliquiae : ed. Aug. Reiffer- scheid : inest Vita Terentii a Fr. Ritschelio emendata. S.Lips. 1860. Duodeeim Caesares; Is. Casaubonus recensuit et ani- madversionum libros adjecit. 4. Genevae 1595. Id. cum variorum notis in var. editt. scriptt. min. hist. Augustae (seu Romance, q. v.). Franc. 1588, Ebrod. 1621. Orationes selectae, per Gualtheri, q. v. SUGKERIUS, Abbas S. Dionysii. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome XV. Vita Ludovici VI, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome XII. Sw] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRAEY. 477 SUICEBUS (Jo. Gasp.) Thesaurus ecclesiastic us, e patribus Graecis ordine alphabetico exhibens, quaecunque phrases, ritus, dog- mata, haereses et hujusmodi alia spectant. 2 voll. fol. Amst. 1682. SUIDAS. Lexicon Graecum integram Latinam interpretationem et perpetuam Graeci textus emendationem Aemil. Portus conscripsit. 2 voll. fol. Genevae 1619. Id. Ex recensione Imman. Bekkeri. 8. Leips. 1854. Excerpta de imperatoribus orientis Gr. Lat. (Ap. hist. Rom. 1590). STTISETH (Richard). Tractatus proportionum introductorius ad calculationes Suisset, per Bassanum Politum. fol. Ven. 1505. Calculationes. fol. Papiae 1498. SULLY (Maximilien de), i. e. Maxim, de Bethune. SULPICIUS Severus. Historia sacra, 2 libb. : edente et emendante J. Drusio cum commentario libro. 8. Arriheim. 1607. SUPERANTIUS (Nicolaus). Annott. ad rosarium Guid. a Baiiso, q. v. Annott. ad Summam auream Henr. de Segusio, q. v. SURENHUSIUS (Guilielmus). Yersio Latina atque notae in Mischnam, q. v. SURITJS (Laurentius). De probatis sanctorum historiis, parti m ex tomis Aloysii Lipomani, partim etiam ex MSS. codd. col- lectis, et nunc recens recognitis, atque aliquot vitarum accessione auctis. 7 voll. fol. Col. Ayr. 1576-81. SURREY (Henry earl of), i. e. Hen. Howard, earl of Surrey, q. v. SUTCLIFFE (Mattheus). The subversion of Rob. Parsons his confused and worthlesse worke, 'A treatise of three conversions of England from paganisme to Christian religion.' 4. Lond. 1606. SUTHOLT (Bernhard). Dissertt. XIX quibus universum jus Institutionum explicatur. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1633. BUTTON (Samuel). Historical account of a new method of extracting the foul air out of ships. 8. Lond. 1749. SWEDENBORG (Emanuel). Tractatus theologici. 4. Lond. 1758. De nova Hierosolyma. 4. Lond. 1758. Apocalypsis revelata. 4. Amst. 1766. De coelo, &c. 4. Lond. 1758. SWIETEN (Gerardus van). Commentaria in Herm. Boerhaave aphorisraos de cog- 478 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sw noscendis et curandis morbis. Tomus I. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1742. SWIFT (Jonathan). His Works, edited by Sir W. Scott. 19 vols. 80. JEdinh. 1814. SWINBURNE (Henry). A briefe treatise of testaments and last wills. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1640. SWYNISHEDE (1), v. Suiseth (R.) Logica. 4. s. I, et a. SYBEL (Heinrich von). History of the French Revolution (transl. by Perry). 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1867-69. SYDALL (Elias). The True Protestant and Church of England Clergy- Sermon on 2 Cor. iv. 5. 8. Lond. 1715. SYDENHAM (Tho.), M.D., e coll. Pemb. apud Cantab. Opera universa. 8. Lond. 1705. Id. 8. Lugd. Sat. 1741. "Whole works : English, by Jo. Pechey. 8. Lond. 1715. Schedula monitoria de novae febris ingressu. 8. Lond. 1738. Processus interni in morbis fere omnibus curandis. 8. Lond. 1726. SYKES (Arthur Ashley), D.D. The innocency of error asserted and vindicated : by Eugenius Philalethes, second edn., with a preface in answer to the ' Remarks,' &c. lately made upon it. 8. Lond. 1715. The external peace of the church only attainable by a zeal for scripture in its just latitude, and by mutual charity ; not by a pretence of uniformity of opinions. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1716. An answer to the nonjurors charge of schism upon the Church of England. (Anon.} 80. Lond. 1716. The difference between the kingdom of Christ and the kingdoms of this world : a visitation sermon on John xviii. 36. 8. Lond. 1717. Some remarks upon Dr. Marshall's 'Defence of our constitution in church and state ;' with an appendix containing a brief enquiry into the meaning of those words of the 20th article, ' The church hath authority in controversies of faith.' 8. Lond. 1717. A letter to Dr. Sherlock, one of the committee of con- vocation appointed to draw up a representation cone, the bp. of Bangor's ' Preservative ' and sermon : comparing the dangerous positions and doctrines contain'd in the doctor's sermon Nov. 5th, 1712, with those charged upon the bishop in the late report of the committee (signed A. V.). 8. Lond. 1717. Sy] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 479 A second letter to Dr. Sherlock, being a reply to his answer, &c. ; with an appendix relating to a passage or two in Dr. Snape's second letter to the bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1717. A third letter to Dr. Sherlock, being an answer to his considerations offer'd to the bp. of Bangor : with an appendix in vindication of a passage in the former letter against Dr. Siiape. 8. Lond. 1717. A fourth letter to Dr. Sherlock, being an answer to his late book, entitled ' The lord bp. of Bangor's defence of his assertion considered.' 8. Lond. 1718. The dean of Chichester's conduct considered, in his remarks upon the bp. of Bangor's treatment of the clergy and convocation : his vindication of the cor- poration and test acts, and the condition and example of our blessed Lord vindicated. 8. Lond. 1718. An humble apology for St. Paul, and other apostles, or a vindication of them and their doxologies from the charge of heresy, by Cornelius Pacts. 8. Lond. 1719. The authority of the clergy and the liberties of the laity vindicated : in answer to Mr. Rogers's ' Discourse of the visible and invisible church of Christ.' 8. Land. 1720. SYLBTJRGIUS (Fr.) Belgicarum Ecclesiarum Doctrinae, Graece et Lat. 8. Hardervici 1627. Notae ad Etymologicon Magnum, q. v. SYLVESTER (Jock), v. Bartas (G. S. du). Little Bartas : Micro-cosmographia : The Mystery of Mysteries (a poem) : Simile non est idem : New Hierusalem : Automachia : Tobacco battered : Elegie on Margarite Wyts : A briefe catechistne : Spectacles : Mottoes : The woodman's bear : Epithalamion : Holy preparation to a joyful resurrection : The parliament of vertues royal : Bethulians rescue : Lachrymae lachrymarum : An elegiae-epistle consolatorie : St. Lewis the king : A hymn of alms : The batail of Yvry : Job triumphant : Memorials of mortalitie : Henrie the Great, his hopheis and tragedie transl. from Pierre Mathieu : Honor's farwel to her honorable frends, or the lady Hay's last will : The deuine weekes and workes of Quill, and Salluste du Bartas, transl. q.v. fol. Lond. 1621. SYLVESTER II (Gerbertus) Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules et de la). Tome X. SYLVESTBANUS (Christ.), v. Brenzonus. SYLVIUS (Aeneas) Piccolomineus, Pius II Papa. Epistole et uarii tractatus. fol. Lugd. 1518. De ortu et authoritate imperil Romani. 8. Bas. 1559. 480 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. SYLVIUS (Fr.) Ambianus. Comra. in Ciceronem. 4. Par. 1537. SYLVIUS (Jacobus) Ambianus. Vesani cujusdam calumniarum in Hippocratis Galeni- que rem anatomicam depulsio. fol. Par. 1551. Isagoge in Hippocratis et Galeni physiologiae partem anatomicam. 8. Par. 1560. De febribus, &c. Ibid. Observatt. in 3 priores libros J. Mesue. Ven. 1558. Id. fol. Ven. 1568. Ordo et ordinis ratio in legendis Hippocratis et Galeni libris. 8. Paris 1561. De mensibus inulierum et hominis generatione cona- mentarius. fol. Argent. 1597. SYLVIUS (Jo.) Tnsulensis. De morbo Gallico tractatus, p. 140, vol. ii. Scriptt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. De omnium febrium genere. 8. Lugd. 1560. SYMMONS (Edward). Scripture vindicated from the misapprehensions, mis- interpretations, and misapplications, of Mr. Steph. Marshall in his sermon before the house of commons, Feb. 23rd, 1641. 4. Oxf. 1644. SYMONDS (John Acldington). The Renaissance in Italy: The Age of the Despots. 8. Lond. 1875. The Renaissance in Italy : The Revival of Learning : The Fine Arts. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1877. Studies on the Greek Poets : first and second series. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1876-77. SYNAGOGA. Altercatio synagogae et ecclesiae, in qua bona omnium fere utriusque Instrument! librorum pars explicatur : interlocutores Gamaliel et Paulus : (auctore Gilberto sive Gilleberto abbate Westmonasteriensi). fol. Colon. 1540. SYNCERUS (Actius) Sannazarius, q. v. SYNESIUS episc. Gyrenes. Opera, cum Nicephori Gregorae explicatione ad lib. de insonmiis Graece. fol. Par. 1553. SYNGE (Geo.) A rejoynder to the reply published by the Jesuites under the name of Wm. Maloue, wherein the general answer to the challenge is cleared from all the Jesuites cavills. 4. Dubl. 1632. SYNGELLUS seu Syngelus (Michael) seu Mich. Syn- cellus, q. v. SYBIANUS. In II, XII, et XIII Aristotelis libros Metaphysices commentarius, a Hier. Bagolino Latinitate donatus. 4. in acad. Veneta 1558. Ta] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 481 T. (F.), i. e. Thomas Fitzherbert, q. v. T. (H.) Praxis grammatica in decalogum Hebraicum. 8. Lond. 1747. T. (S.) A letter to the Rev. Dr. Snape, wherein the authority of the Christian priesthood is maintain'd, &c. : by a curate of Wilts. 8. Lond. 1718. A second letter to Dr. Snape by a curate of "Wilts. 1719. T. (T.) A letter written to a friend in Wilts upon occasion of a late ridiculous pamphlet wherein was inserted a pretended prophecie of Thos. Becket's. 4. Lond. 1666. TABABI. Geschichte der Perser und Araber zur Zeit der Sas- aniden: aus der Arabischeri Chronik des Tabari iibersetzt und mit ausfiihrlichen Erlauterungen und Erganzungeu versehen, by T. Nb'ldeke. 8. Leyden 1879. TACITUS (C. Cornelius). Opera recensuit atque interpretatus est Jo. Gaspar Orellius. 2 voll. 8. Turici 1846. Opera cum comm. J. Lipsii. fol. Antv. 1627. Id. ad edit. J. F. Gronovii. 2 torn. 8. Glasg. 1743. Julii Agricolae vita cum comment. Mich. Virdungi. 8. Norimb. 1637. The annales of Tacitus, the description of Germanic (translated by Richard Greneway). fol. Lond. 1598. The end of Nero and the beginning of Galba, foure bookes of the histories of Tacitus ; the Life of Agricola (translated with notes, by Sir Henry Savile). fol. Lond. 1598. Annales: edited with notes, by J. P. Frost. 8. Lond. 1872. Annali et istorie, &c., tradutte in vulgar Senese dal S. Adr. Politi. 8. Yen. 1616. Orationes selectae per Gualtheri, q. v. TACQUET (Andreas). Opera mathematica demonstrata et propugnata a Sim. Laurentio Veteran! (cum vol. figurarum math.), fol. Lovan. 1668. TAFFIN (Jean). Traicte de 1'amendment de vie, comprins en quatre liures : a laquelle est adiouste Je liure des marques des enfans de Dieu, &c. 8. 1596. TAGAULTIUS (Jo.) Ambianus. De chirurgica institutione libri quinque. fol. Paris M543. Id. 80. Lugd. 1567. I i 482 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ta TAINE (Henri). Les engines de la France contemporaine, Tome I, L'Ancien Regime, Tome II, Partie I, La Revolution. 8. Par. 1876-8. TAISNIER (Joannes). Absolutissima Cheiromantia. fol. Col. Agr. 1562. TAIT (Peter G.) Lectures on some recent advances in Physical Science. 80. Lond. 1876. TALIACOTIUS (Gaspar) Bononiensis. De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem libri duo. fol. Yen. 1597. TALMUD. Masouth Talmud, Hebraice ex edit. Constantinopolitana. La Geographic du Talmud, v. Neubaiter. TANNER (Thos.), D.D. Notitia monastica : or an account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers heretofore in England and Wales, &c., pubL by (his brother) John Tanner, fol. Lond. 1744. TAPPAN (Hen. P.) Elements of Logic, together with an introductory view of Philosophy in general, and a preliminary view of the Reason. 8. New York 1844. TABANTA (Val. de). Ejus et Alex. Benedicti rara exempla observationum medic, p. 289, ap. Rembertum Dodonaeum. 8. Col. 1581. Philonium seu medicina practica. fol. Ven. 1502. Id. Lugd. 1501. TARTAGNUS (Alex.) Imolenses. Comm. in Codicem, Digestum vetus et novum et In- fortiatum. 3 voll. fol. Aug. Taur. 1575. Consilia. 3 voll. fol. Franc. 1575. TARTALIA (Nicolo). Nova scientia inventa. 3 libb. 4. Vineg. per Steph. da Sabio. 1537. Quesiti et inventioni diversi. 9 libb. 4. Ven. jter Venturino Ruffinelli. 1546. General trattato di numeri et misure. 2 partt. fol. Ven. 1556. TASSO (Torquato). II Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme liberata. 8. Padova 1749. Jerusalem delivered : done into English heroicall verse, by Edward Fairefax, 4th ed. 8. Lond. 1749. Jerusalem delivered, transl. by John Hoole, with notes. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1 764. Aminta. 8. Paricji 1735. TASSONI (Alessandro). La sccchia rapita: poema eroicomico. 8. Ven. 1748. MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 483 TATE (Nahum). Poems. 80. Land. 1677. TATIANUS Syrus. Oratio ad Graecos quod nihil eorum quibus Graeci gloriantur studiorum apud ipsos natum sed omnia a barbaris inventa sint Gr. Lat. interpr. Conr. Gesnero (p. 347). Tig. 1546. TATIUS (Achilles) Alexandrinus. De Clitophontis et Leucippes amoribus libri octo inter scriptt. Erotic. Isagoge ad Arati pliaenomena Gr. Lat. fol. Par. 1630. TATLER, v. Steele (Sir R.) TATTERSALL (Will. Dechair). Improved psalmody, or a poetical version of the Psalms, originally written by the Rev. James Merrick, divided into stanzas, &c., by W. D. T., q. v. TAULADANTTS. In Jo. Braceschum Gebri interpretem animadversio verae Alchemiae artisque metall. doctr., q. v. TAURELLUS (Laelius). Enarrationes ad Gallum et legem Velleam et ad Catonem et Pauli.m una cum emendatt., &c., Ant. Augustini. 8. Lugd. 1545. De militiis ex casu. Ibid. TAURELLTIS (Nicolaus). Medicae praedictionis methodus ; h. e. recta brevisque ratio coram aegris praeterita, praesentia, futuraque praedicendi, morbos scilicet morborumque causas. &c. 4. Franco/. 1581. TAXATIO. Taxatio ecclesiastica papae Nicholai IV, q. v. TAYLOR (Abdias). A sermon on 1 Thess. v. 21. 8. Land. 1719. TAYLOR (Isaac). Spiritual Despotism. 8. Lond. 1835. TAYLOR (James). Wholsome advices from the Blessed Virgin to her indiscreet worshippers, written by one of the Roman communion, and done out of French by (J. T.) a gentleman of the Church of England ; with a preface showing the motives to the translation. 4. Lond. 1687. A Letter of enquiry to the reverend fathers of the society of Jesus, &c. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1689. TAYLOR (Jeremy), D.D. The great exemplar of sanctity and holy life according to the Christian institution, desci'ibed in the history of the life and death of Christ. 4. Lond. 1653. A course of sermons for all the Sundaies of the year, together with a discourse of the divine institution, necessity, sacredness, and separation, of the office ministeriall. fol. Lond. 1678. I i 2 484 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ta DuctoT dubitantium, or the rule of conscience in all her general measures. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1660. Rules and advices given to the clergy of the dioceise of Down and Conner. 4. Lond. 1653. 2v/i,SoXor 6to\<>yiKov : a collection of polemicall discourses, wherein the Church of England is defended against the attempts of papists and fanaticks, with some pieces addressed to the promotion of practical religion and daily devotion, fol. Lond. 1674, TAYLOR (Jo.), LL.D. Elements of civil law. 4. Camb. 1755, TAYLOR (John), DJX The scripture doctrine of original sin proposed to free and candid examination in three parts ; the second edit, with large additions, to which is added a supple- ment, &c. 8<>. Lond. 1741. Paraphrase, with notes on the epistle to the Romans, &c. 4. Lond. 1747. The Hebrew concordance adapted to the English Bible. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1754-7. TAYLOR (Robert), M.D. Miscellanea medica. 4. Lond. 1761. TEGRINTJS (Nicolaus). Vita Castruccii Anftehninelli Lucensis Ducis (1301-28), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XI. TBLESIUS (Bernardiims). De rerum natura juxta propria principia libri novem. fol. Emtath. Viynon. 1588. TELLIER (Car. Maur. le) seu Car. Maur. Letellier, q. v, TEMPLE (Edmornl). Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year's residence in Potosi. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1830. TEMPLE (Sir Wm.) His works. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1740. TENA (Ludovicus). Commentaria et disputationes in epistolam D, Puuli ad Hebraeos. fol. Lond. 1 66 1. TENISON (Thos.), D,D. Of idolatry ; a discourse in which is endeavoured a declaration of its distinction from superstition, its notion, cause, commencement, and progress, &c. 4. Lond. 1678. A sermon concerning discretion in giving alms : on Ps. cxii. 5. 8. Lond. 1681. A defence of his sermon of discretion in giving alms, written in a letter to the author of the ' Apology for the papists.' 4. n. p. or d. A discourse concerning a guide in matters of faith; with respect especially to the Romish pretence of the necessity of such a one as is infallible. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1683. Te] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 485 The difference between the protestant and Socinian methods ; in answer to a book written by a Romanist, and intituled ' The protestants plea for a Socinian.' (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A true account of a conference held about religion between A. Pulton, Jesuit, and T. T., as also that which led to it and followed after it. 4. Lond. 1687. Mr. Pulton considered in his sincerity, reasonings, and authorities, or a just answer to what he hath hitherto published in his ' True account,' his ' True and full account of a conference/ &c. 4. Lond. 1687. An answer to the letter of (T. Ward) the Roman catholick souldier (as he calls himself) in a letter from C. D. to A. B. the examiner of his Speculum. 4. Lond. 1688. A full discovery of the false evidence produc'd by the papists against Dr. Tenison. 4. Lond. 1688. Speculum Ecclesiasticum considered (by WTtartori). 1688. The introduction to a collection of tracts, entituled ' Popery not founded on Scripture,' q. v. TENISON (Edward). Protestation in behalf of the King's Supremacy, &c. 80. Lond. 1718. Letter from the Prolocutor to Dr. E. T. 8. Lond. 1718. Letter to the Prolocutor in answer. Ibid. Letter to Dr. E. Tenison. 8. Lond. 1718. Letter to the Prolocutor on the King's Supremacy. 1718. Account of a conference, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. TERENTITJS (Publius, Afer). Comoediae. fol. Par. 1642. Id. 40. Cantabr. 1701. Id. rec. F. Hare. 4. Lond. 1724. Id. translated by S. Patrick. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1750. Id. traduits, avec remarques par Mine. Dacier. 3 tomes. 8. Par. 1707. TEBBA-BTJBEA (Joannes de). Contra rebelles suorum regum, cum postillis Jac. Bonaudi de Sauseto. 4. Lugd. 1526. TERTTTLLIANUS (Q. Septimus Florens). Opera per Beatum Rhenanum e tenebris eruta. fol. Par. 1545. Opera in V tomos distributa, cum J. Pamelii argu- mentis, &c. : ace. vita Tertulliani. fol. Antv. 1584. Id. studio et labore Renati Laur. de la Barre. fol. Par. 1580. Id. cum notis, &c., N. Rigaltii et Ph. Priori!, fol. Par. 1675. De Pallio, i. e. Du Manteau, trad, par le sieur de Titreville. 8. Paris 1640. 486 MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Te De corona ; Franc, trad, par Flor. de Raemond dans ' 1'anti-papesse.' His apology, translated : at the end of the epistles of Clement. 8. Cambr. 1833. TEST. Reasons against repeating the Occasional and Test Acts (Somerville}. 8. Lond. 1718. TESTAMENT (NEW). Testamentum novum, Graece. fol. Par. ex. off. Rob. Stephani 1550. Id. cum var. lectt. juxta edit. R. Stephani. fol. Par. ex typoyr. rey. 1642. Id. cum version! Lat. duplici, vet. et nova, cumq. annott. Th. Bezae. 1582. Id. 8. Lond. 1701 (cum notis permultis MSS.). Id. Textu Milliano. 8. Oxon. 1742. Id. una cum scholiis Graecis e Gr. scriptt. tain ec- clesiasticis quam exteris maxima ex parte desumptis, opera ac studio Jo. Gregorii : edidit Jo. Ern. Grabe. fol. Oxon. 1703. Id. cum var. lectt. MSS. exemplarium versionum, &c., etin easdem notis: ace. loca Scriptufae parallela aliaque frjyr)TiKa, &c., praemittitur dissertatio in qua de libris N. T. et canouis constitutione agitur, &c., studio et labore Jo. Millii. fol. Oxon. 1707. Bezae Cotlex Cantabi igiensis : edited with a critical introduction, annotations, and facsimiles, by F. H. Scrivener. 4. Cambridge 1864. Nov. Test, ex recens. A. Hahnii. 12. Lipsiae 1841. Id. e Cod. Sinaitico ed. A. C. Tischendorf. 4. Lips. 1863. Id. Graece ed. E. K. Hansell. 3 voll. 8<>. Ox. 1864. Id. e Cod. Vaticano ed. A. C. Tischendorf. 4. Lips. 1867. Appendix Codicum Celeberrimorum, Sinaitici, Vatican! Alexandrini (Tischendorf). 4. Lips. 1867. The newe Testament perused and enlarged in diuers places by the authors (Fulke "?) owiie hand before his death, fol. Lond. 1617. Le Nouveau Testament, avec des reflexions Morales. 8 tomes. 12. Amsterdam 1728. Id. trad, sur 1'original Grec., avec des notes literales, par MM. de Beausobre et Lenfant. 2 voll. 4. Lausanne 1735-6. Nuevo Testamento. 8. Amst. 1625. Novum Testamentum Syriace cum versione Lat. cura et studio Jo. Leusden et Car. Schaaf editum. 4. Lwjd. 1717. TESTI (il coiitc Fulvio). Poesie. 8. Modona s. J. Th] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 487' TEUFFEL (W. S.) History of Roman literature, translated by "W. Wagner, 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1873. TEXTOB (Jo. Ravisius). De memdrabilibus et claris mulieribus, aliquot diver- sorum scriptorum opera, fol. Paris 1521. Officina, partim historiis, partim poeticis referta dis- ciplinis : post C. Lycosthenis vigilias disposita cum cornucopiae libello, &c. fol. Paris 1520. THADDAEUS Florentinus. Expositiones in arduum aphorismorum Ipocratis volu- men ; in diuinum pronosticorum Ipocratis librum ; in preclarum regiminis a. Lond. 1685. Transubstantiation defended and prov'd from scripture in answer to the first part of a treatise iritit. ' A discourse against transubstantiation.' 4. Lond. 1687. An answer to his discourse against transubstantiation. 4o. Lond. 1687. A discourse against purgatory. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1685. The indispensable necessity of the knowledge of holy scripture : a sermon on Matth. xxiii. 13. 4. Lond. 1587. TIMAEUS (Baldastar) von Buldenklee. Ejus et celebrium quorundam medicorum epistolae et consilia. 4. Lips. 1677. Opera medico- practica. 4. Lips. 1691. TIMOTHETTS episc. Lystrensis, i. e. D. Salvianus, q. v. TINDALL (Matth.), LL.D. Christianity as old as the creation, 2nd edit. 8. Lond. 1730. TINGHY (Philippus). Regulae utriusque juris tarn civilis quam pontificii ex var. jurisconsultt. collectae. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1597. Syntagma opinionum Communium sive receptarum juris utriusque sententiarum. Tom. I-III. fol. Lugd. 1576. TIRAQUELLUS (And.) Commentarii de nobilitate et jure priaiogeniorum. fol. Par. ajncd Jac. Kerner 1549. De poenis legum ac consuetudinum statutarumque temperandis aut etiam remittendis. fol. Lugd. 1559. To] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 495 Commentarii in L. si unquam C. de revoc. donat. fol. Lugd. 1552. De utroque retractu et municipal! ex integris in Picto- num consuetudines et conventionali, commentariis. fol Par. 1543. Ex commentariis in Pictonum consuetudines sectio de legibus connubialibus et jure maritali. fol. Lugd. 1554. TIRINITS (Jacobus). Comm. in Vetus et Novum Testamentum. Tomus II. fol. Lugd. 1656. TISSOT (S. A.), M.D. Advice to the people in general with regard to their health, transl. by J. Kirkpatrick. 8. Lond. 1768. TITELMANNUS (Fr.) Elucidatio in omnes Psalmos juxta veritatem vulgatae et ecclesiae visitatae editionis Latinae, &c. : adjuncta est elucidatio Canticorum quae ecclesiasticus usus appellat ferialia cum annotationibus. fol. Par. 1545. TITHES. A treatise concerning the payment of Tythes and oblations in London. 4. 1641. Tithe commutation returns, fol. Lond. 1848. The great case of Tythes, &c., by A. P. 4. Lond. 1657. A tithing table by (C.} W. 4. Lond. 1635. TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis de). Democracy in America (transl. by Reeve). 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1862. L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution. 8. Par. 1877. TOCSIN. Le Tocsain centre les Massacreurs et auteurs des con- fusions en France. 8. Reims 1577. TODD (Henry John). An account of the Greek MSS. of the late prof. Carlyle now in the Archiepiscopal library at Lambeth. 8. Lond. n. d. TODHUNTEB (Isaac). History of the mathematical Theory of Probability, from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. 8. Lond. 1865. Researches into the Calculus of Variations. 8. Lond. 1871. The Functions of Laplace, Lame, and Bessel. 8. Lond. 1875. TOGRAI (Abu Ismael). Lamiato '1 Ajam, carmen, Arabice cum vers. Lat. et notis opera Edv. Pocockii. 8. Oxon. 1661. TOLAND (John).. Collection of several pieces by J. T., now first published. 2 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1776. 496 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [To Nazarenus : or Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. 8. Lond. 1718. TOLETUS (Franciscus). Commentaria una cum quaestionibus, in octo libros Aristotelis de physica auscultatione : item in lib. Arist. de generatione et corruptione. 4. Col. Agr. 1579. In sacrosanctum Joannis evangelium comuientarii. fol. Col. Agr. 1611. In Lucam comment, fol. Col. Agr. 1611. TOMAIUS (Camillus). Curandorum morborum rationalis methoclus. 12. Lugcl. 1572. TOMASI (Georgio). Lettere, libro 1 (mutil.). 4. TOMASINUS (Jac. Ph.) De tesseris hospitalibus, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. IX. Cecropii votum dilucidatum cum dissertatione de vita bibliotheca et museo Laur. Pignorii. 4. Amst. 1669. De donariis et tabellis votivis, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XII. TOMITANUS (Bernardinus). De morbo Gallico libri duo, p. 58, vol. II, var. scriptt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. TOMKINS (Martin). The case of Mr. T., being an account of the proceedings of the dissenting congregation at Stoke-Newington, upon occasion of a sermon preach'd by him July 1 3th, 1718. 8. Lond. 1719. TONSTALL (Cuthbert). De arte supputandi libri quatuor. 4. Par. 1538. A sermon preached on Palme Sunday before the king on Phil. ii. 5-7. 8. Lond. 1539. TOOKER (William). Duellum siue singulare certamen cum Mart. Becano futiliter refutante apologiam et monitorium praefatio- nem ad imperatorem reges et principes, et quaedam orthodoxa dogmata Jacobi R. Britanniae. 8. Lond. 1611. TORNAMIRA (Jo. de). Introductorius libellus ad practicam medicinae. fol. Yen. 1502. Clarificatorium super nono Almansoris cum textu ipsius Rasis. 4. Lugd. 1490. TORNIELLUS (Augustinus). Annales sacri ab orbe condito ad ipsum Christi passione reparatum. 2 voll. fol. Francof. 1611. TORNIELLUS (Hieronymus). Comm. in L. a testatore ff. de cond. et dem. et in 4 m ff. ad L. Falcid cum interpretation ad L. Numinis ff. &c. fol. Patav. 1558. To] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 497 TORRELLA (Gaspar). De pudendagra, de ulceribus et dolore in eadem, et consilia quaedam contra eandem, p. 421, vol. I, var. scriptt. de Morbo Gallico, q. v. TORRIANO (Gio.) A dictionary, Italian and English, formerly compiled by John Florio, now diligently revised and enriched with considerable additions, whereunto is added a dictionary, English and Latin, with severall proverbs and instructions for the speedy attaining to the Italian tongue, by G. T. fol. Lond. 1659. TORRICELLIUS (Evang.) De sphaera et solidis sphaeralibus. 4. Florent. 1644. De dimensione parabolae. Ibid. TORSHBL (Sam.) A designe about disposing the Bible into an harmony, or an essay concerning the transposing the order of books and chapters for the reducing of all into a continued history. 4. Lond. 1647. TOSSANUS (Daniel). Opera theologica (harmonia sc. evangelica et comment, in Acta Apostt. Epistolas et Apocalypsin). 2 voll. 4. ffanov. 1604. Pastor evangelicus, siue de legitima pastorum evangeli- corum vocatione officio et praesidio, &c. 8. Ileidelb. 1590. In tres Evangelistas Matthaeum Lucam Johannem commentarii. 4. Hanov. 1606. TOSTATUS (Alphonsus). Commentaria in Pentateu churn, Josuam, Judices, Ruth, Samuelem, Reges, Paralipomena, et Matthaeum, cum caeteris opusculis. 13 voll. fol. Ven. 1596. TOTTEL (Richard). Tottel's miscellany : songes and sonnettes by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, Sir Thomas Wyatt the elder, Nicholas Grimwald, and uncertain authors. (Arber's Reprint.} 4&. Land. 1870. Collectio communium placitorum ab an 1 Hen. IV ad an 22m Edv. IV. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1562. TOVEY (D'Blossiers). Anglia Judaica, or the history and antiquity of the Jews in England. 4. Oxf. 1738. TOULMIN (G. H.), M.D. The eternity of the world. 8<>. Lond. 1785. TOUSSAINT (Fr. Vine.) (sous le nom de Panage). Les Moeurs. 8. Londres 1751. TOWERSON (Gabriel), D.D. An explication of the decalogue or ten commandments, with reference to the catechism of the Church of England; to which is premised general discourses Kk 498 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [To concerning God's both natural and positive laws. fol. Lond. 1676. An explication of the catechism of the Church of England : part I containing an explanation of the preliminary questions and answers of it, and of the Apostles creed, fol. Lond. 1678. Id. part III containing an explication of the Lord's prayer with an introduction and appendix to it. fol. Lond. 1680. An explication of the catechism, part IV, on the sacra- ments, fol. Lond. 1688. TOWNSON (Thos.), D.D. Discourses on the four gospels ; to which is added an enquiry concerning the hours of St. John, of the Romans, and of some other nations of antiquity. 4. Oxf. 1778. TRACTS. Tractatus ex variis Juris interpretatibus collecti. 2 voil. fol. Lugd. 1549. State tracts relating to the government, privately printed in the reign of Charles II. fol. Lond. 1689. Brief traicte" du jubile. 8. 1607. TRAGOEDIAE. Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmcnta: recens. Aug. Nauck. 8. Lips. 1856. TRAGTTS (Hieron.) De stirpium, maxime carum quae in Germania nostra nascuntur, usitatis nomenclaturis propriisque dif- ferentiis, &c., commentariorum libri tres ex ling. Germ, in Lat. conversi interprete Dav. Kybero. 4. Argent. 1552. TRAIL (Win.), LL.D. Account of the life and writings of Dr. Robert Simson. 4o. Lond. 1812. TRALLIANUS seu de Trallibus (Alexander), v. Alex- ander. TRANSUBSTANTIATION. A dialogue between a new catholic convert and a protestant, shewing the doctrine of transubstantiation to be as reasonable to be believed as the great mystery of the Trinity. 4. Lond. 1686. A discourse concerning transubstantiation and idolatry, being an answer to the bp. of Oxford's plea relating to those two points (by Bp. Burnet, q. v.). Transubstantiation no doctrine of the primitive fathers (by John Patrick, q. v.). A friendly debate between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant concerning Transubstantiation. 4. n.p. or d. A seeker's request. 4. Lond. 1687. Catholick letter to the seeker. 4. Lond. 1688. Catholick answer to seeker's request. 4. Lond. 1687. Tr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 499 TRANSYLVANIA. Urkundeubuch zur Geschichte Siebenbiirgens,v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 15. TRAPEZONTIUS (Georgius). Cur astrologorum indicia ut plurimum sint falsa, p. 148, Marstalleri, q. v. TBAPOLINUS (Petrus). De morbo Gallico tractatus : p. 44, vol. II, scriptt. de Morbo Gallico. TBAPP (Joseph). Lectures on poetry, translated from the Latin. 8. Lond. 1742. The real nature of the church and kingdom of Christ : a sermon on John xviii. 36, in answer to the bp. of Bangor's sermon upon the same text : with a postscript in answer to his lordship's letter to Dr. Snapc, so far as it affects the said sermon, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1717. Thoughts upon the four last things : death, judgment, heaven, and hell : a poem in four parts. 8. Lond. 1749. TRAVEL. The travells of four Englishmen and a preacher into the East, begun in the year 1600 and finished 1611. 4. Lond. 1612. TREBELLIUS (Theodosius). Latinae linguae universae promptuarum. 2 voll. fol. Basil, per Jo. Oporinum 1545. TRELCATIUS (Lucas). Scholastica et methodica locorum communium S. theo- logiae institutio. 3 libb. 8. Lond. 1608. TREMELLIUS (Jo. Immanuel). Grammatica Chaldaea et Syra. 4. Par. 1569. TRENCH (R. C.) Notes on the miracles of our Lord. 8. Lond. 1856. Notes on the Parables of our Lord. 8. Lond. 1857. Coinm. on the epistles to the seven churches. 8. Lond. 1861. TREVISANUS (Bern.) De chymico miraculo quod Lapidem philosophicum vocant in theatro Chymico (Ursellio 1602). TREVERI. Gesta Treverorum, v. German. Mou. Hist. Tom. X. TRENT, v. Tridentum. TRETERUS (Thomas). In Q. Horatii poemata rerum ac verborum index. 8. Ant. 1575. TREVOUX. Dictionnaire universel Francois et Latin vulgairement appel ' Dictionnaire de Tre"voux.' 5 voll. fol. Par. 1721. K k 2 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Tr TRIALS. The tryals of Tho. Walcot, Will. Hone, William lord Russel, John Rous, and Will. Blagg, for high treason for conspiring the death of the king, and raising a rebellion in the kingdom, July 12th, 1683. fol. Lond. 1683. A complete collection of state-trials from the reign of Richard II. 8 vols. fol. Lond. 1730-35. TBIDENTUM (Trent). Actes du concile de Trente en 1'an 1562 et 1563 pris sur les originaux. 12. 1607. Cauones et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici et generalis cone. Tridentini sub Paulo III, Julio III, Pio III I, P. P. max (cum indice Libb. prohib.). 8. Colon. 1577. Id. cum annott. ad marginem Jo. Sotealli et Horatii Lutii. 8. Ant. 1615. Instructions et missives des roys tres-chrestiens de France et de leurs ambassadeurs et autres pieces concernants le concile de Trente. 8. s. 1. 1613. Canons and Decrees of Council of Trent faithfully translated into English. 4. Lond. 1687. Urkundenbuch des Hochstiftes Trient, v. A ustria. Font. Rer. Austr. Abth. II. Bd. 5. TRINCAVELIUS (Victor). Tria consilia muliebria. fol. Arg. 1597. Consilia medica, epistolae et tractatus tres. fol. Bas. 1587. Enchiridion medicum, ex praelectionibus T. concinnatum ab A. Christiano. 80. Basil. 1583. De ratione componendorum medicamentorum eorumque usu liber 3 ius et 4^ fragmentum. 4. Yen. 1571. TRINITY. A collection of tracts concerning the Holy Trinity. 8 voll. v. y. Ex dono Tho. Hernii Merton Coll. Socii. Reflections upon the present controversy concerning the Holy Trinity in a letter to Dr. Clarke. 8. Lond. 1714. Seasonable advice relating to the present disputes about the Holy Trinity. 8. Lond. 1719. The doctrine of the blessed Trinity stated and defended by some London ministers. 8. Lond. 1719. Sincere thoughts of a private Christian in abatement of the Socinian and Trinitarian controversies. 8. Lond. 1719. A dissuasive from enquiring into the doctrine of the Trinity. 8. Lond. 1719. An account of all the considerable books and pam- phlets that have been wrote on either side. 8. Lond. 1720. Tu] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 501 TBIVETH (Nicolas). Annales sex regum Angliae, edente Ant. Hall. 8. Oxon. 1719. TRIUMPHUS (Augustinus) Anconitanus. Summa de ecclesiastica potestate. TROMBETTA (Ant.) episc. Urb. In tractatum formalitatum Scoti seutentia. fol. Yen. 1517. Quaestiones quodlibetales. fol. Yen. 1493. TROTULA, v. Erotes. TRUBACH (Volradus a). The evaporation of the apple, &c., or sifting of the answers and rescripts in the cause of the Palatinate. 40. Lond. 1637. TRUGILLO (Thomas de) seu Tho. de Truxillo. TRUSLER (John). The difference between words esteemed synonymous in the English language. 2 vols . 1. Lond. 1766. TRUXILLO (Tlios. de). Thesaurus concionatorum. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1584. TRYPHIODORUS Aegyptius. Ilii excidium Gr. 8. Ven. s. a. Id. p. 401, vol. II, Poett. Gr. princip. heroic, carm. per Henr. Stephanum, q. v. Id. translated into English (verse) with notes, by J. Merrick. 8. Oxf. 1739. TUCKER (Abraham). The light of nature pursued. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1834. TUDESCHIS (Nic. de), abbas Panormitanus. Comment, super libros I-V Decretalium : consilia quaestiones et tractatus varia. 4 voll. fol. Lugd. 1586. Tudeschi Panormitani vita. Ibid. Comm. super 3 libros Decret. cum suppletionibus Ant. de Butrio et cum addit. Ant. Corseti, cum repertorio. 5 voll. Lugd. 1506. Id. 3 voll. fol. Ven. 1492. Comm. in II um 7 librum Decretalium, cum additionibus variorum. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. 1527. Consilia jurisque responsa. fol. Lugd. 1507. Practica de modo procedendi in judicio. 4. Lovan. s.a. TULLY (George), H.A. Letter to a friend on the prophecie of T. a Becket. 8. 1666. An answer to a discourse (of Abr. Woodhead's) con- cerning the celibacy of the clergy. 4. Oxf. 1688. A defence of the coufuter of Bellarmin's second note of the church, against the cavils of the adviser. (Anon.} 40. Lond. 1687. 502 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Tu The texts examined which papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine of infallibility, p. 141, of Popery not founded on scripture, q. v. TULPIUS (Nic.) Observations medicae. 8. Amst. 1652. TUNSTALL (Cuthbert) seu Cuthb. Tonstallus, q. v. TURA de Castello. De balneis Porrectanis. fol. Yen. 1546. TURCI. Turcici imperii status per varies. 24. Litgd. Sat. 1630. TURGOT (A. R.) OZuvres, avec les notes de Dupont de Nemours et Eug. Daire. 2 tomes. 80. Paris 1844. TURISANUS de Turisanis, &c. Comment, in librum Galeni qui ' Microteehni ' intitu- latur : ace. de hypostasi tractatus. fol. Ven. 1512. TURNEBUS (Adrianus). Adversaria. 3 torn. fol. Eas. 1581. Comment, in Ciceronem pro Rabirio, Theophrastum de Moribus, &c. 4. Paris 1552-6. TURNER ( ), Dr. A sermon on Matth. ix. 13. 4. Lond. 1635. TURNER (Anthony), v. Tho. White. TURNER (John). History of the "Whiggish plot in the reign of K. Charles II. fol. Lond. 1684. TURNER (Sam.) An answer to a letter to Dr. Sam. Turner concerning the church, &c. (by Richard Stewart, q. v.). TURNER (Sharon). The history of the Anglo-Saxons. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1828. The history of England during the Middle Ages, i. e. from the Norman Conquest to the accession of Henry VIII. 5 vols. 8<>. Lond. 1825. The modern history of England, commencing with the reign of Henry VIII extending to the death of Queen Elizabeth. Vols. I-IV. 80. Lond. 1827-9. TURRE-CREMATA (Jo. de). In decreta Gratiana commentarii. fol. Lugd. 1555. TURRETTINUS (Fr.) De satisfactione Christi disputationes : adjectae sunt duae disputationes, 1. de circulo pontificio; 2. de concordi Jacobi et Pauli in articulo justificatiouis. 4. Genevae 1691. De necessaria secessionc nostra ab ecclesia Romana et impossibili cum ea syncretismo : ace. disputationum miscellanearuin decas. 4. Gen. 1691. Institutio theologiae elencticae. 3 partt. 4. Gen. 1688. Ty] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 503 TUBBIANUS (Fr.) Versio et scholia ad Cyparissioti expositionem eorum quae de Deo dicuntur a theologis, q. v. TTJBSELLINUS (Horatius). Diva Virginis : Lauretanae liistoriae libri quinque. 12. Lugd. 1614. TUSSIGNANO (Petrus de). Receptae super novo Almansoris, q. v. Repertorium in problemata Aristotelis. fol. Par. 1520. TWINUS (Brianus), M.A. Antiquitatis acad. Oxoniensis apologia. 3 libb. 4. Oxon. 1608. Miscellanea quaedam de aiitiquis aulis et studentium collegiis quondam et hodie et univ. Oxon. existentibus ad calc. Ibid. TWISSE (William). Vindiciae gratiae potestatis ac providentiae Dei ; h. e. ad examen libelli Perkinsiani de praedestinationis modo et ordine, institutum a Jac. Arminio, responsio. scholastica. 3 libb. fol. Amst. 1632. Dissertatio de scientia media, contra Gabr. Penottum et Franc. Suaresium. 3 libb. fol. Arnh. 1639. Ad Jac. Arminii collationem cum Franc. Junio : et Jo. Arn. Gorvini defensionein sententia Arminianae, de praedestinatione, &c., animad version es. fol. Amst. 1649. TWISS (Sir Travers). The Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1861-75. TWYSDEN (Rogerus). . Historiae Anglicanae scriptores decem. fol. Lond 1652. TYLEB (J. E.) Primitive Christian Worship or the evidence of Holj Scripture, &c., concerning invocation of saints, &c 8. Lond. 1840. The image worship of the Church of Rome proved tc be contrary to Holy Scripture and the faith ant discipline of the primitive church, &c. 8. Lond 1847. TYLOB (E. B.) Primitive Culture. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1871. TYBIITS (Maximus), v. Maximus. TYBBEL (Sir James), bart. A brief disquisition of the law of nature, according t the principles and method laid down in Dr. Cumber land's Latin treatise on that subject ; as also hi confutations of Mr. Hobbs's principles put into anothe method, &c. 8. Lond. 1692. TYBTAEUS. Elegia, v. Poet. Lyric. Graec. 504 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ty TYSON (Edw.), M.D. Orang-outang, sive homo Sylvestris : or the anatomy of a pigmie compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man ; with a philological essay concerning the pigmies, the cynocephali satyrs and sphinges of the ancients, &c. 4. Lond. 1699. TYSSEN (A. Daniel). The Church Bells of Sussex. 8. Lewes. 1864. TYTLEB (Patrick Fraser). History of Scotland. 8 vols. 8. Edinb. 1841-2. TZSCHIBNEB (H. G.) Der Fall des Heidenthums. Bd. I. 8. Leipzig. 1829. UBALDUS (Aug.) In Codicem Digestum Novum, et Digestum Vetus commentaria, Franc. Curtii aliorumque adnotationibus illustrata. 3 voll. fol. Yen. 1579-80. Tract, de vindicatu (p. 34). fol. Mediol. 1514. Consilia. fol. Franc. 1575. In I et II Infortiati conim. fol. Yen. 1580. UBALDUS (Baldus) de Perusio. Commentarii in Digestum Vetus Infortiatum et Codicem. 4 voll. fol. Aug. Taur. 1576. Comm. super Decretalibus. fol. Lugd. 1564. Comm. super feudis. fol. Lugd. 1536. Comm. de dote. fol. Lugd. 1527. Lectura super Instituta per Martinum Hus de Votwar. fol. 1478. Tract, de statutis. fol. Lugd. 1529. De reg. statutorum. Ibid. Dedote. fol. Yen. 1515. Super feudis opus aureum cum aditt. Andr. Barbaciae et aliorum doctorum. fol. Lugd. 1517. Consilia sive respousa cum quaestionibus additiouibus et summariis. 5 voll. fol. Francof. 1589. De constitute. 8. Col. Agr. 1536. UBALDUS (Guidus) e Marchionibus Montis. Mechanicorum liber, fol. Yen. 1595. In duos Archimedis aequeponderantium libros para- phrasis scholiis illustrata. fol. Pisauri 1588. De cochlea libri quatuor. fol. Yen. 1615. UBICINI. Valachie et Moldavie. 8. Par. s. a. UDALL (Nicholas). Roister Doister. (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1869. UEBEBWEG (F.) System of Logic and History of Logical Doctrines (transl. by T. M. Lindsay). 8<>. Lond. 1871. Us] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 505 A history of Philosophy from Thales to the present time (transl. by G. S. Morris). 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1872-4. ULPIANUS rhetor. Commentarioli in Olynthiacas Philippicasque Demos- thenis orationes, q. v. ULSTADIUS (Philippus). Caelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae liber. 4. Friburgi. 1525. ULUG-BEG. Epochae celebriores astronomis historicis chronologis (apud orientales) usitatae Persice cum versione Lat. et comm. Jo. Gravii. 4. Lond. 1650. Tabulae geographicae Persice cum versione Jo. Gravii. 4o. Lond. 1652. UNGARIA. Rerum Ungaricarum decades quatuor, per A. Bon- Jinium, q. v. Articuli confederationis Hungariae, Bohemiae, &c., In- corporatarum provinciarum. 4. Hag. Com. 1620. UNTZERUS (Matth.), M.D. Tractatus de nephritide seu renum calculo : florilegium medico-chemicum. 4. Halae 1614. UODESCALCUS. De Eginone et Herimanno, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. URBANUS II, Papa. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XIV. URBICUS (Aggenus seu Agenus). De limitibus agrorum comment, inter scriptt. rei Agrariae, q. v. URSATUS (Sertorius). De notis Romanorum commentarius. fol. Oxon. 1676. Id. on Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XI. URSINUS (Fulvus). Familiae Romanae quae reperiuntur in antiquis numis- matibus ab urbe condita ad tempora Augusti adjunctis familiis triginta ex lib. Ant. Augustini. fol. Rom. 1577. In omnia opera Ciceronis notae. 8. Ant. 1581. Appendix ad Pet. Ciaconium de triclinio Romano, q.v. Notae in Dionem Cassium (Han. 1606), q.v. Annott. in Sext. Pomp. Festum de verborum significa- tione, q. v. URSUS (Robertas). De obsidione Tifernatum anno 1474, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Suppl. Tom. II. USHER (James), Archbishop of Armagh. Gravissimae quaestionis de Christianarum ecclesiarum continua successione. 8. Hanov. 1658. 506 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Us Gotteschalci et praedestinntianae controversiae ab eo motae historia, una cum duplice ejusdem confessione. 4o. Dull. 1631. Veterum epistolaruin Hibernicarum sylloge. 4. Dull. 1632. Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates ; ed. secunda, iiianu ipsius autoris aucta. fol. Land. 1687. Annales Veteris Testament!, fol. Lond. 1650. Id. ace. chronologia sacra Vet. Test, et diss. de Mace- donum et Asianorum auno solari ed. A. Lubiu. fol. Par. 1673. Historia dogmatica controversiae inter orthodoxos et pontificios de scripturis et Sacris vernaculis ; ace. dissertt. de Pseudo- Dionysii scriptis et de epist. ad Laodicenos, cum notis et auctario per Henr. Wharton. 4. Lond. 1690. A sermon on 1 Cor. x. 1 7, with an answer to a chal- lenge. 4o. Lond. 1631. A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the church of Christ and the unitie of the catholick faith professed therein, a sermon on Ephes. iv. 13. 4. Lond. 1625. A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dublin, Nov. 22nd, 1622, at the censuring of certaine officers who refused to take the oath of supremacy. 4. Lond. 1631. Immanuel; or the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. 4<>. Lond. 1631. A disquisition touching the Lydian or Proconsular Asia, p. 71, of certaine brief treatises concerning the ancient and modern government of the church, q. v. The originall of bishops and metropolitans ; p. 51 of certaine briefe treatises concerning the ancient and modern government of the church, q. v. (p. 45, 4. Oxon. 1641). A body of divinitie or the summe and substance of Christian religion catechistically propounded and ex- plained, fol. Lond. 1647. The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the antient church. 4. Lond. 1656. Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland, wherein the judgment of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, &c. 4. Lond. 1631. Id. with other tracts. 8. Cambr. 1835. Discourse of the religion antiently professed by the Irish and British. 4. Lond. 1631. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford, 1640. 4. Lond. 1659. Letter to Jo. Dury (Duraeus), Dec. 14th, 1653. 4. Lond. 1654. Va] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 507 His life, by Dr. Richard Parr, q. v. A collection of three hundred letters between him and most of the eminentist persons for piety and learning in his time. Ibid. V (L. D.), v. Vertot. VACCA (Antonius). Expositiones locorum obscuriorum et paratitulorum in Pandectas. fol. Lugd. 1554. VACHEROT (E.) Histoire critique de 1'Ecole d'Alexandrie. Tomes III. 8. Par. 1846-51. La Metaphysique et la Science, ou principes de Meta- physique Positive. 2 voll. 8. Par. 1858. VADIS (Aegidius de). Dialogus inter naturam et filium philosophiae in vol. II, theatri Chemici, q. v. Diversorum metallorum vocabula. Ibid. VAILLANT (Jo. Foi), M.D. Numismata imperatorum Romanorum praestantiora a Julio Caesare ad Postumum, &c. 4. Par. 1694. VAIR (le sur du) garde des sceaux de France, v. Guill. Duvair. VAL (du), seu Duval, q. v VALENS (Vettius). De natura planetarum excerpta sc. ex libro primo Floridorum Lat., p. 48, opuscc. var. astrolog. per Joach. Camerarium, q. v. VALENTIA (Gregorius). De rebus fidei tempore suo controversis libri, qui hactenus extant omnes. fol. Par. 1610. Commentarii theologici, in quibus omues materiae quae continentur in summa theologica D. Thomae Aquinatis or dine explicantur. 4 voll. fol. Lugd. 1603. VALENTINE (Hen.) Four sea-sermons. 4. Lond. 1635. VALERA (Cypriano de). El Nuevo Testamento revisto y conferido con el testo Greco. Amsterd. 1625. Lives of the Popes and the Mass : in English, by John Golburne. 4. Lond. by John Harison 1600. VALERIANUS (Jo. Pierius) seu Jo. Pierius Valerianus, q. v. VALESIUS (Hadrianus). Notae in carmen Adalberonis Laudunense, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome X. Valesiana, v. Ana. Tome VII. VALESIUS (Henricus). Observat. de populis fundis, v. Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. II. 508 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Va VALLA (Laur.) Opera, fol. Basil, ap. Hen. Petrum 1540. De emendita Constantini M. donatione declamatio, p. 256. 8. Has. 1566. Judiciuin de lectione quorundam locorum apud Livium et emendatt. in sex priores libb. de bello Punico una cum plerisque editt. opp. Livii, q. v. Disp. de Tarquiniis adversus Livium. Ibid (1573). In Latinam NOT. Test, interpretationem, ap. Critic. Sacr., q. v. VALLADES (J. R), M.D. Idea generalis morborum et passionum hominis. 4. Lond. 1694. VALLAS (Guil.) In advent Sereniss Regis Gratulatio. 4<>. Edin. 1633. VALLE (Rolandus a), J. V. D. Consilia seu mavis responsa. 4 voll. fol. Franc, ad Moenum 1584. VALLERIOLA (Fr.), M.D. Enarrationum medicinalium libri sex, item responsium liber unus. fol. Lugd. 1558. Id. 80. Yen. 1555. Loci medicinae communes cum appendice : Liber Tert. 8<>. 1589. Observationum medicinalium libri sex. fol. Lugd. 1573. Commentarii in librum Galeni de constitutione artis medicae. 8. Lugd. 1577. VALLESIUS (Fr.) Covarrubiensis. Controversiarum medicarum etphysicarum libri decem. 2 voll. 80. Lugd. 1591. Controversiae medicae et philosophicae. fol. Franc. 1582. In libros Hippocratis de morbis popularibus com- mentaria, cura Jo. Pet. Ayroldi Marcellini. fol. Colon. 1588. De iis quae scripta sunt physice in libris sacris siue de sacra philosophia. 8. Lugd. 1595. VALLITJS (And. du) seu And. Duvallius, q. v. VALOR. Volor ecclesiasticus (Record Commission), see Ecclesia. VALTELINA. Discours sur 1'affaire de la Valteline et des Grisons trad, de 1'Italien. 8. Par. 1625. The proceedings of the Grisons in the year 1618. 1619. VALTRINUS (Jo. Ant.) De re militari veterum Romanorum libri septem. 8. Col. Agr. 1597. VAMBERY (Arminitis). History of Bokhara from the earliest period down to the present. 8. Lond. 1873. Va] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 509 VANBRUGH (Sir Jo.) The provoked wife. 8. Lond. 1735. VANCKEL (Joannes de). Breverium Sexti Decretaliura et Clementinarura. 4. fans 1509 VANDERANUS (Petras), J. C. De privilegiis creditorum eorumque origine. 8. Antwerp 1560. VANI^EE: (Alois). Griechisch-Lateinisches Etymologisches Wb'rterbuch. 2 bde. 8. Leipz. 1877. Fremdwb'rter der Griechischen und Lateinischen. 8. Leipz. 1878. VANIERIUS (Jacobus). Praedium rusticura, . Firenze 1877. VILLEHABDOUIN (Geoffrey de). Conquete de Constantinople, avec la continuation de H. de Valenciennes : texte original, accumpagne d'une traduction, par Natalis de Wailly. 8. Par. 1874. VILLEBOY (Nic. de Neufville, Seigneur de). Memoires d'estat. 8. Sedan 1623. VILLETTE (C. L. de). Essay on the happiness of the life to come (extracted, from his ' Essai sur la felicite de la vie a. venir '). 12. Bath 1793. VILLIEBS (1'abbe Pierre de). CEuvres en vers. 8. & la Haye 1717. VILLIEBS (George), Duke of Buckingham. The Rehearsal and the chances. 8. Land. 1731. Vi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 517 The Rehearsal ; with illustrations from previous plays, &c. (Arber's Reprint}. 4. Land. 1869. VINCENT (Win.) The commerce and navigation of the nations in the Indian Ocean, 2 vols. (vol. I. containing the voyage of NearchuB from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from Arrian, with illustrations ; vol. II. the periplus of the Erythrean Sea, with dissertations). 4. Lond.1807. VINCENTIUS (Burgundus), praesul Bellovacensis. Speculum Majus (historiale, naturale, doctrinale, et morale). 4 torn. fol. Yen. 1494. VINCENTIUS Lirnensis Gallus. Pro catholicae fidei antiquitate et veritate adversus pro- phanas omnium haereseon novationes libellus : item Campiaui Rationes decem. 8. Colon. 1600. VINCENTIUS, Pragensis. Annales, v. German. Mori. Hist. Tom. XVII. Chronicon Boemorum (1140-1167), v. Austria. Font. Rer. Austr. Script. V. VINEIS (Petrus de). Epistolarum quib. res gesta Friderici II. imp. descri- buntur, &c., glossario et indice illustrati per Germanum Philalethen. 8. Amberge 1609. VINEB (Charles). A general abridgment of law and equity, alphabetically digested under proper titles, with notes and refer- ences to the whole. 23 vols. fol. Alder shot 1742-53. VINETUS (Elias). De agnationibus Romanarum fumiliarum una cum opp. Livii (Par. 1573), q. v. Scholia in Sphaeram Jo. de Sacro-Bosco, q. v. Notae ad Volusium Rhemnium et Priscianum de asse, ponderibus et mensuris. 8. 1585. VIO (Tho. de) Cajetanus. Psalmi Davidici ad Heb. veritatem castigati et juxta sensum quern literalem dicunt enarrati cum textu Vul- gatae editionis. fol. sub prelo Ascensiano. 1532. Comm. in Job cum declaratione 1 6 locorurn et sententia de conjugio Hen. VIII, et authoris vita. fol. Rom. 1535. Commentarii in quinque Mosaicos libros adjectis ad Marg. annotationibus a F. Ant. Fonseca. fol. Par. ap. Jo. Paruum 1539. In quatuor Evangelia et acta apostolorum ad Gr. codd. veritatem castigata commentarii. fol. Par. 1532. De subjecto naturalis scientiae, ap. Aquinat. in Physica Aristotelis. fol. Ven. 1595. VIOTTUS (Bartholinus) a Clivolo. De balneorum naturalium viribus. 4. Lugd. 1552. VIBET (Pierre). De Fatti de veri Successor! de Giesu e de suoi apostoli, e degli apostati della chiesa papale. Contenenti la 518 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Vi differenza e conformita della cena di signor nostro et tlella Messa &c. libri dieci : in Italiuno volti. 8. per Giov. Luiqi Paschale. 1556. VIRGILIUS (Publius) Maro. Opera per Jo. Ogilvium edita et sculpturis aeneis adornata. fol. Lond. 1658. Id. cum comm. J. Pierii Valeriani. 8. Heldelb. 1589. Id. cum commentt. et paralipom. German! Valentis Guellii, et comm. et castigatt. Jos. Scaligeri in opuscula. fol. Ant. 1575. Id. cum comment. Donati et Servii Honorati. fol. Basil. 1613. Id. cum comment. Car. Ricaei. 8. Lond. 1696. Opera. 4. Cantab. 1701. Id. edidit Alb. Forbiger. 3 voll. 8. Lips. 1852. Id. edidit Heyue ; cura Wagner. 5 voll. 8. Lips. 1830. Id. recensuit et prolegomena critica adjecit Otto Ribbeck. 5 voll. 8. Lips. 1869-76. Id. 8<>. Oxon. 1845. Id. 8. Cantab. 1863. Id. ed. J. Conington. Vols. I, II. 1858-63. Vol. Ill by Coniugton and H. Nettleship. 1871. Aeneis cum comment. L. Hoi'tensi. fol. Basil. 1559. Id. in Jblank verse by Dr. Jos. Trapp. 2 vols. 4. Lond'. 1718-20. Id. in English verse by Christopher Pitt. 8. Lond. 1743. Id. in blank verse by J. Beresford. 4. Lond. 1 794. Id. First two books, translated by E. Middleton. 8. Land. 1870. Works, translated, adorned with sculpture, and il- lustrated with annotations by John Ogilvy. fol. Lond. 1654. Id. translated by J. Dryden. fol. Lond. 1697. Id. translated by J. Dryden. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1721. Id. translated by J. Martyn. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1749. Id. translated by Kennedy. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1849. Index ad Virgilium, per Nic. Erythraeum. 8. Franc. 1583. VIRTJNNIUS (Ponticus). Britannicae historiae libri sex, &c., in scriptt. rer. Britannicarum, (Ifeid. 1587), q. v. VIS CHER, (Wilhelm). Kleine Schriften, Band I. Historische : Band II. Arch- aologihche und Epigraphische. 8. Leijtziy 1877-8. VISCONTI (Ennio Quir.) loonographie (Jrecque, 3 voll. et un vol. de planches en folio, fol. Par. 1808. Vo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 519 Iconographie Romaine, vol. I (the three remaining vols. are by Mongez, q. v.). fol. Par. 1817. VITAE. Sommaires des vies des homnies illustres Grecs et Remains, avec somm. des dames illustres. 12. Rouen 1617. VITALINIS (Bonifacius de). Lectura super constitutionibus Clementinis, cum reper- torio. fol. Lugduni 1522. VITALIS. De limitibus inter Auctt. Finium regundorum, q. v. VITALIS (Ordericus). Historia ecclesiastica, v. France (Historians des Gaules). Tom. XI, XII. VITALIS de Cambanis. Tractatus. 8. Lugd. 1548. VITRIACO (Jac. de) episc. Tusculanus. Serniones in epistolas et evangelia dominicalia. fol. Ant. 1575. VITRINGrA (Campegius). Commentarius in librum prophetiarum Jesaiae, cum prolegomenis. 2 voll. fol. Leward. 1724. VTTRUVIUS (M.) Pcllio. De architectura libri X. 4. Lugd. 1586. Id. ed. Val. Rose et Her. Miiller-Strubing. 8. Lips. 1867. Id. ed. alt. 4<>. Lugd. 1586. Id. trad, nouvellement en Francois (par Claude Per- rault) avec des notes et des figures, fol. Par. 1684. Mis en Franc, per ,1. Martin, fol. Par. 1547. VIVALDUS (Jo. Lucl.) Opus regale, fol. Par. 1511. VIVES (Jo. Ludovicus). De ratione studii puerilis epistolica dissertatio. 4. Rott. 1692. Libri VII de corruptis artibus : libri V de tradendis disciplinis. 8. 1612. De veritate fidei Christianae libri quinque. 8. Lugd. Bat. 1639. Censura de Mohammede et Alcorano. fol. Bas. 1543. VOCABULARY. Vocabolario portabile per agevolare le lettura degli autori Italiani ed. in especie di Dante. 12. Par. 1768. VOELLUS (Gul.) Bibliotheca juris canonici veteris, opera et studio G. V. et Henr. Justelli. 2 voll. fol. Par. 1661. VOETIUS (Gisbertus). Variae disputationes theologicae. 4. Ultraj.1637-38. VOGELIUS (Edwaldus). De lapidis physici conditionibus in vol. Ill Theatri Chemici, q. v. 520 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Vo VOITURE (Vincent). Lettres et autres ceuvres. 8. Bruxell. 1677. VOL (Claud le). Calendarium perpetuum ad usum fratrum et mcnialium ordiuis S. Frnncisi. 8. Yen. 1668. VOL ATERR ANUS (Jacobus). Diarium Romanum (1472-84), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XXIII. VOLATERRANUS (Raphael), i. e. Raphael Maffeius Volaterranus, q. v. VOLNEY (Constantin. Frni^ois). ceuvres. 8 tomes. 8. Paris 1826. VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet de). (Euvres. 30 voll. 80. Par. 1764. Chefs-d'osuvre dramatique (Theatre Frangaise). 12. Paris 1870. Memoires de Voltaire. 8. Lond. 1784. VOLUSIUS ITetianus, J. C. Distributio seu liber de pondeiibus et pecuniae partibus. 1585. Id. in Graevii Antiq. Rom. Thes. Tom. XL VOPISCUS (Flavius). Romanorum aliquot imperatorum historiae in var. editt. scriptt. hist. Augustae sive Romanae, q. v. VORAGINE (Jac. de). Legenda aurea sanctorum, fol. Col. 1483. Lombardica historia, sive aurea legenda, &c. fol. Arg. 1502. VORBURG (Joh. Phil. a). Historia Romano -Germanica ab orbe cond'.to ad A.D. 877. 12 voll. fol. Franc, et IJanov. 1645-60. VOBSTIUS (Adolphus). Epistola de obitu Jo. Meursii, ad calc. lib. Jo. Meursii inscript. ' Theophrastus,' q. v. VORSTIUS (Conradus). Enchiridion controversiarum, &c., p. 369 ad calc. scholast. et method. locorum coinmunium theol. institut. auctore Luca Trelcatio, q. v. VOSSIUS (Gerardus Jo.) Opera. 6 voll. fol. Amst. 1695-1701. Ars historica sive de historiae et historices natura historiaeque scribendae praeceptis commentatio. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1653. Elementa rhetorica, oratoriis ejusclem parti tionibus accommodata. 12'. Lugd. Ba . 1634. Dissertationes tres de tribus symbolis Apostolico Atha- nasiano et Constantinopolitano. 4. Amst. 1662. De veterum poetarum temporibus libri duo qui sunt de poetis Graecis et Latinis. 4. Amst. 1662. De cognitione sui libellus : ap. Th. Crenium. 4. liott. 1692. W] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 521 De logices et rhetoricae natura et constitution libri duo. 4. Hayae Com. 1658. G. J. Vossii et clarorum virorum ad cum. epistolae : collectore Paulo Colomesio. Lond. 1690. VOSSIUS (Isaacus). De septuaginta interpretibus eorumque tralatione et chronologia dissertationes. 4. Hajae. Com. 1661. De lucis natura et proprietate, 4. Amst. 1662. Observations ad Pomponium Melam. 4. Hag. 1658. Responsum ad objecta Job. de Bruyn et Pet. Petiti (de lucis natura, &c). 4. Hag. Com. 1663. De motu Marium et ventoruin liber. 4. Hag. Com. 1663. Variarum observaticnum liber. 4. Lond. 1685. Notae in epistt. cutholicam S. Barnabae, q. v. Notae in epistt. Ignatii, q..v. Epistolae duae adversus Dav. Blondellum. 4. Cant. 1672. Castigationes ad peripl. Scylacis, q. v. VOYAGES. Relations de divers voyages curieux. 3 voll. fol. Parit, 1666. A collection of voyages and travels published by Awn- sham and Churchill. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1704-34. VTJITBY (Ad.) Etudes Eur le Regime Financier de la France avant la Revolution de 1789. 8. Paris 1878. VULTEIUS (Herm.) J. C. Jurisprudence Romanae a Justiniano compositae libri duo. 8. Marpurg. 1628. VULTURNTTM. Chronicon Vulturnense, v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. I, part 2. W. (C.) A perfect narrative of the whole proceedings of the high court of justice in the tryal of the king in Westminster Hall, with the several speeches of the king, lord pre- sident, and solicitor general. 4. Lond. 1649. W. (H.) Meditations on Genesis xxii. 4. Lond. 1631. W. (J.) Sermon on Romans x. 1 5, by author of the Clergyman's Companion in Visiting the Sick. 8. Lond. 1717. Some queries to Protestants concerning the English reformation. 4. Lond. 1687. W. (Th.) An anker of Christian Doctrine, pt. I. 4. Doway 1618. 522 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wa WACHSMUTH (Wilhelm). Geschichte Frankreichs im Revolutions-Zeitalter. 4 bde. 8. Hamb. 1840-44. Europaische Sittengeschichte vomTJrsprunge volksthiim- licher Gestaltungeu bis auf unsere Zeit. 6 bde. 8. Leipz. 1831-9. WADSWORTH (James). The present estate of Spayne, or a true relation of some remarkable things touching the court and gouern- ment of Spayne, with a catalogue of all the nobility and their reuenues. 4. Land. 1630. WAGENAEB (Lucas Jansz.) Spieghel der geevaerdt, &c. ; i. e. The Mariner : now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of English- men, by Anthony Ashley ; lieerin also may be under- stood the exploits lately achieved by Sir Fra. Drake. 2 pts. fol. Land. 1588. WAINHOUSE (W.) Poetical Essays, Latin and English. 8. Bath 1796. WAITZ (Theodor). Anthropologie der Natur-volker. 6 bde. 8. Leipz. 1859-1872. WAKE (Wm.), D.D. An exposition on the doctrine of the Church of England in the several articles proposed by M. de Meaux in his exposition of the doctrine of the Catholick Church ; to which is prefixed a particular account of M. de Meaux's book. (Anon.) 4. Loud. 1686. A defence of the exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England against the exceptions of M. de Meaux and his vindicator. (Anon.) 4. Land. 1686. Treatise on transubstantiation, v. Longuerue. A second defence of the exposition, &c., 2 pts. (Anon.) 4o. Lond. 1687-8. Two discourses of purgatory and prayers for the dead. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1687. A discourse of the holy eucharist in the two great points of the real presence and the adoration of the host, in answer to the two discourses of Abr. Woodhead's, lately printed at Oxford on this subject, to which is prefixed a large historical preface relating to the same argu- ment. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A discourse concerning the nature of idolatry in which a late author's (Bp. Sam. Parker's) true and only notion of idolatry is considered and confuted. 4. Lond. 1688. A continuation of the present state of the controversy between the Church of England and the Church of Rome ; being a full account of the books that have been of late written on both sides. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. Wa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBEARY. 523 An exhortation to mutual charity and union among Protestants ; a sermon on Rom. xv. 5-7. 4. Lond. 1689. The genuine epistles of the apostolic fathers ; the shep- herd of Hernias and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp : translated and published with a large preliminary discourse. 8. Lond. The state of the church and clergy of England in their councils, synods, convocations, conventions, and other publick assemblies, from the conversion of the Saxons to the present times ; with a large appendix of ori- ginal writs and other instruments, fol. Lond. 1703. A letter to the lord Archbishop of Canterbury, proving that His Grace, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. A short vindication of the archbishop. 8. Lond. 1719. Sermons and discussions. 8. Lond. 1716. Twentv-two sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1737. WAKEMAN (Sir G-eo.), hart. The tryals of Sir Geo. Wakeman, Will. Marshall, Will. Rumley, and James Corker for high treason for con- spiring the death of the king, &c. fol. Lond. 1679. WAKEMAN (Robert), D.D. The Christian practice ; a sermon on Acts ii. 4. 8. Oaf. 1612. WALAEUS (Joannes). Epistolae duae de motu chyli et sanguinis. fol. Amst. 1645 WALCH (Christ. Wilh. Franz.) Neueste Religious- geschichte. 8 bde. 8. Lemyo. 1771-87. WALKER (John). An attempt towards recovering an account of the num- bers and sufferings of the clergy of the Church of England, &c., in the late times of the grand rebellion, fol. Lond. 1714. WALKER (Eichard). G. Anson's voyage round the world. 8. Lond. 1748. WALKLEY (Tho.) A catalogue of the dukes, marquises, &c., of England, Scotland, and Ireland. 8. Lond. 1640. WALL (John), M.D. Medical tracts, collected and republished by Dr. Martin Wall. 80. Oxf. 1780. WALL (Wm.), D.D. The history of infant baptism, 2 parts. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1705. WALLACE (Alf. Russell). The Geographical Distribution of Animals. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. WALLACE (D. Mackenzie). Eussia. 2 vols. 80. Lond. 1877. 521 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wa WALLER (Edmond). Works in prose and verse. 8. Lond. 1730. WALLIS (John). Opera mathematica et miscellanea. 3 voll. fol. Oxon. 1695-9. Mechanica sive de motu tractatus geometricus. 3 partt. 4. Lond. 1670, 71. A treatise of Algebra both historical and practical, with some additional treatises : I. of the cono-cuneus ; II. of angular sections ; III. of the angle of contact ; IV. of combinations, alternations, and aliquot parts, fol. Lond. 1685. WALLON (H.) De 1'Esclavage dans I'Antiquite". 3 tomes. 8. Paris 1847. WALPOLE (Horatio), fourth earl of Orford. His works. 5 vols. 4. Lond. 1798. WALPOLE (Sir Robert). A dissertation on the state of parties. 8. Lond. 1739. WALSINGHAM (Thos.) Historia breuis ab Edvardo T ad Henricum Y, p. 37 inter Anglica Normannica, &c., scripta ex bibl. Guil. Camdeni, q. v. Ypodigma Neustriae vel Normanniae, &c., p. 409 inter Anglica, Normannica, &c., scripta ex bibl. Guil. Cam- deni, q. v. WALTEBTJS de Clusa. Historia Ardensium Dominorum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XIII. WALTEBUS, archidiac. Tervannensis. Vita Caroli Comitis Flandriae, v. German. Mon. Hist. Tom. XIV. WALTHEBUS (Michael). Harmonia totius S. Scripturae sive brevis et plana con- ciliatio locorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti apparenter sibi contradicentium. WALTON (Brianus). Praefatio prolegomena, &c., ad Polyglotta Biblia illius cura edita, q. v. WALTON (H. B.). First Book of Common Prayer of Edw. VI. and Ordinal of 1549, with order of Communion, 1548: Introduc- tion by P. G. Medd. 8. Oxf. 1869. WANDALINUS (Jo.) De feria passionis et triduo mortis Chi-isti. 4. Ultraj. 1702. WAB. The substance of a pamphlet entitled ' A solemn review of the custom of war, showing that war is the effect of popular delusion and proposing a remedy' (No. I. of Peace Soc. tracts). 8. Lond. 1839. Wa] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 525 An examination of the principles which are considered to support the practice of war, hy a lady (No. VIII. of Peace Soc. tracts). 8. Land. 1839. Historical illustrations of the origin and consequences of war, by the same (Tract No. X. of same series). 8. Land. 1839. WARAETTS (Jacobus). De scriptoribus Hiberniae libri duo (carent tabula). 4. Dubl. 1639. Rerum Hibernicarum annales, regnantibus Henrico VII, Henrico VI IT, Edwardo VI, et Maria, ab anno scil. Domini 1485 ad ann. 1558. fol. Dubl. 1664. De praesulibus Hiberniae commentarius, a prima gentis Hibernicae ad fidem Christianam conversione ad nostra usque tempora. fol. Dubl. 1665. WARBURTON (Wm.), bp. of Gloucester. His works (edited by Dr. Rich. Hurd, bp. of Gloucester). 7 vols. 4o. Lond. 1788. Sermons on the present rebellion. 8. Lond. 1745. Fast Sermon, Dec. 1745. 8. Lond. 1745. Sermon at St. James's. 8. Lond. 1745. WARD (Edward). Vulgus Britannicus, or the British Hudibrass. 8. Lond. 1711. WARD (Sam.) De baptismatis infantilis vi et efficacia disceptatio, pri- vatim habita inter Sam. "VVardum et Tho. Gatakerum. 8. Lond. 1652. WARD (Thos.) The pamphlet enlituled ' Speculum ecclesiasticum ' con- sidered, &c., by Hen. Wharton, q. v. Monomachia, or a duel between Dr. Thos. Tenison and a Roman Catholic souldier, wherein the Speculum ecclesiasticum is defended against the frivolous cavils, vain objections, and false aspersions of Dr. Tenisou, &c. 4. Lond. 1687. WARDI (H.) Serbien in seinen politischen Bezichungen, insbesondere zu Russland. 8. Leipz. 1877. WARDLAW (Ralph) of Glasgow. Lectures on the Socinian controversy. 8. Lond. 1837. WARING (Ed. Scott.) History of the Mahrattas, to which is prefixed an his- torical sketch of the Decan. 4. Lond. 1810. WARNER (Ferd.), LL.D. A full and plain account of the gouk 8. Lond. 1768. WARREN (Erasmus). Geologia, a discourse in opposition to Burnet's Theory. 4. Lond. 1690. A defence of the same. 4. Lond. 1691. 526 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wa WARREN (John) of Queen's Coll. Camb. Sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1739. WARTON (Thos.) Observations upon the ' Fairy Queen ' of Spenser. 2 vols. 8". Lond. 1762. The history of English poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth cen- tury, with three dissertations : 1. on the origin of ro- mantic fiction in Europe ; 2. on the introduction of learning into England ; 3. on the Gesta Romauorum. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1774-81. Poems. 8. Lond. 1777. WASERTJS (Caspar). Institutio linguae Syrae ex optimis scriptoribus collecta. 4:Luf/d. Bat. 1594. De antiquis numis Hebraeomm, Chaldaeorum, et Syrorum, quorum S. Biblia et Rabbinorum scripta meminerunt, libri duo : additae sunt figurae numorum acre expressae. 4. Tiguri. 1605. Id. inter Criticos sacros, q. v. De antiquis mensuris Hebraeorum, qnarum S. Biblia meminerunt libri tres : iuterspersae sunt mensurae Aegyptiorum, Arabum, Syrorum, &c. 4. Heidelb. 1610. Id. inter Criticos sacros, q. v. WATERLAND (Dan.), D.D. His works collected and arranged, with a review of the author's life, and writings by ~Wm. van Mildert, bp. of Llandaff. 10 vols. 8. Oxf. 1823. A general index to his works and to the bp. of Llandaff s review of his life and writings, 8. Oxf. 1828. A vindication of Christ's divinity ; being a defence of some queries relating to Dr. Clarke's scheme of the Holy Trinity in answer to a clergyman in the country (John Jackson). 8. Camb. 1719. The unity of God not inconsistent with the divinity of Christ; being remarks on the passages in Dr. Waterland's vindication, &c., relating to the unity of God aud to the object of worship. 8. Lond,. 1720. WATSON (Robert). The history of the reign of Philip II, king of Spain. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1812. The history of the reign of Philip III, king of Spain. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1793. WATSON (Thomas). Poems : viz. 'EKaTo/wra&'a, or Passionate centurie of Love : Meliboeus, sive Ecloga in obitum, &c. (an Eglogue upon the death of Sir Francis Walsingham) : The teares of fancy or love disdained. (Arber's Reprint.} 4. Lond. 1870. We] MEETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 527 WATT (Robert), M.D. Bibliotheca Britannica, or a general index to British and foreign literature. 4 vols. 4. Edinb. 1824. WATTENBACH (W.) Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 bde. 8. Berl. 1877-8. Schrifttafeln zur Geschichte der Griechischen Schrift. fol. Berlin 1876. WATTS (Henry). A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other Sciences. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1866-68. Supplements I, II, III, 1. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1872-9. WATTS (Isaac), D.D. On the improvement of the mind. 8. Lond. 1743. Logick or the right use of reason in the enquiry after truth. 8. Lond. 1736. WATTS (Thomas), M.A. Dialogues between Philerene and Philalethe, a lover of peace and a lover of truth, concerning the pope's supremacy, part. I. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. WAVERLE (Abbatia de). Annales Waverleienses, p. 129, vol. II, scriptt. hist. Anglicanae (Oxon. 1687), q. v. WAYNFLETUS (Gul.) Vita ejus auctore Jo. Buddeno, q. v. WEARING (Agnes), v. Jo. Holland. WEBBE (Edward). His Travailes (1590). (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1869. WEBBE (William). A discourse of English Poetrie (1586). (Arber's Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1871. WEBSTER (John). Dramatic Works, edited by W. Hazlitt. 4 vols. 12. Lond. 1857. WECKERUS (Jo. Jac.) Medicinae utriusque syntaxes ex Graecorum Latinorum Arabumque thesauris collectae et concinnatae. fol. Basil. 1576. Antidotarium speciale, ex opt. authorum tarn veterum quam recentiorum scrip tis congestuin, et amplius triente auctum. fol. Basil. 1588. Antidotarium generale. 4. Basil. 1580. WEIL (Gustav.) Geschicbte der Chalifen. 5 bde. 8. Mannheim 1846- Stuttgart 1862. WEISMANNUS (Christianus Eberhardus). Introductio in memorabilia ecclesiastica historiae sacrae Novi Testamenti, &c. 2 partt. 4. Hal. Magd. 1745. 528 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [We WEISSENBURG. Annales WeisseiiburgenBes, v. German. MoH. Hist. Tom. V. WELBY (Henry). The phoenix of these late times; or the life of Mr. Hen. Welby, Esq., who lived at his house in Grub- street forty-foure yeares, an. Lond. 1741. WHEATON (Henry). Elements of International Law. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1836. WHEELER (Sir George). A journey into Greece in the company of Dr. Spon of Lyons, fol. Lond. 1682. WHEWELL (Wm.) History of the Inductive Sciences. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1847. Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1847. WHISTLER (Daniel). Disp. medica inaug. de morbo puerili Anglorum quern patrio idiomate indigenae vocant ; The Rickets ' praes. Jo. Polyandro a Kerch o ven : ace. plausus amicorum, &c. 4>. Lugd. Sat. 1645. WHISTON (William), M.A. Scripture politicks: or an impartial account of the origin and measures of government, ecclesiastical and civil, taken out of the books of the Old and New Testament. 8. Lond. 1717. Mr. Wliiston's letter of thanks to the bp. of London for his late letter to his clergy against the use of new forms of doxology, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. His account of Dr. Sacheverell's proceedings in order to exclude him from St. Andrew's church in Holborn. 80. Lond. 1719. Defence of lord bp. of London in answer to Mr. Winston's letter of thanks : also a vindication of Dr. Sacheverell. 80. Lond. 1719. Mr. Whistou's second letter to the bp. of London con- cerning the Primitive Doxologies. 8. Lond. 1719. The Lord Bp. of London's Letter to his clergy defended by a believer. 8". Lond. 1718. WHITAKER (William). Opera theologica, cum vita auctoris (per Abd. Assheton). 2 voll. fol. Genevae 1610. WHITBY (Daniel), S.T.P. Disquisitioues modestae in G. Bulli defeusionem fidei Nicaenae. 8. Lond. 1718. The fallibility of the Roman church demonstrated from the manifest error of the second Nicene and Trent councils, which assert that the veneration and nonorary Wh] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 531 worship of images is a tradition primitive and apo- stolical. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A treatise in confutation of the Latin service practised, and by the order of the Council of Trent continued in the Church of Rome. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. A demonstration that the Church of Rome and her councils have erred. 4". Lond. 1688. A treatise of traditions, 2 pts. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688-9. Considerations humbly offered for taking the oath of allegiance to King William and Quee Mary. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1689. An historical account of some things relating to the nature of the English government, and the concep- tions which our forefathers had of it ; with some inferences thence made for the satisfaction of those who scruple the oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary. 4. Lond. 1690. A paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1703. A treatise of the true millennium ; shewing that it is not a reign of persons raised from the dead, but of the church flourishing gloriously for a thousand years after the conversion of the Jews, ad calc. var. editt. Ibid. An answer to Dr. Snape's second letter to the bp. of Bangor. 8. Lond. 1717. Sermons on several occasions, also an appendix proving that there can be no assurance of an uninterrupted succession of bishops, presbyters, and deacons, from the days of the apostles to our present times. 8'. Lond. 1720. Defence of the propositions considered in the bp. of Bangor's sermon, &c. 8. Lond. 1718. WHITCHCOT (Dr.) Sermon on James vi. 18, republ. by John Jeffery. 8. Lond. 1717. WHITE (Francis), D.D. The orthodox faith and way to the church explained and justified, in answer to a popish treatise entituled ' White died blacke,' wherein T. "W. P. in his triple accusation of Dr. (John) White for impostures, un- truths, and absurd illations is proved a tritier. 4. Lond. 1624. A replie to Jesuit Fisher's answer to certain question-; propounded by his majestic king James ; hereunto is annexed a conference of (Will. Laud) the bishop of St. David's, with the same Jesuit, fol. Lond. 1624. WHITE (John), D.D. Two sermons* the former at Paul's Crosse, on 1 Tim. ii. 1, upon the anniversarie commemoration of the king's M in 2 532 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wh most happie succession in the crowne of England ; the latter at the Spittle, on 1 Tim. vi. 17. 4. Lond 1624. The way to the true church, &c., with its defence M.Lond. 1624. WHITE (Jos.), S.T.P. A comparison of Mahometism and Christianity in their history, their evidence, and their effects ; in nine ser- mons preached in 1 784 at the lecture founded by the Rev. Canon Bampton. 8. Lond. 1785. A sermon on Mark xvi. 15, preached before the Uni- versity on the duty of attempting the propagation of the Gospel among our Mahometan and Gentoo sub- jects in India. Ibid. WHITE, alias Whitebread (Tho.) The trial of him, William Harcourt, John Fenwick, Jo. Gavan, and Anth. Turner, for conspiring the death of the king. Lond. 1679. WHITEHALL (Robert). 'Egavnxov 'ifpov, sive Iconum, &c., Explicatio (being an epigi-ammatical explanation of the most remarkable stories throughout the Old and New Testament). 4. Oxon. 1677. WHITPEILD (Edm.), B.D. A defence of the ordinations and ministry of the Church of England, in answer to the scandals raised or revived against them in several late pamphlets, and particu- larly in one intituled ' The Church of England truly represented,' &c. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. WHITLOCK (Sir Bulstrode). Memoirs of the English affairs, or an historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of Charles I. to Charles II, his restauration. (Anon.) fol. Lond. 1682. WIBALDTTS, abbas Stabulensis et Corbeiensis. Epistolae, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome XV. WICAMUS (Gulielmus). Historica descriptio complectens vitam ac res gesta beatissimi viri Gulielmi "Wicami, quondam Vintoni- ensis Episcopi et Angliae cancellarii, et Fundatoris duorum collegiorum, Oxoniae et Vintoniae. 4. Oxon. 1690. WICKHAM (Henry L.), M.A. A dissertation on the passage of Hannibal over the Alps by H. L. "W. et Ant. Cramer, q. v. WICLIPFE (John). Version of the Holy Bible : Old and New Testaments, edited by Forshall and Madden, see Bible. 4 vols. 4". Oxon 1850. The history of his life and sufferings by John Lewis, q.v. Wi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 533 WIDDOWES (Giles). The lawlesse, kueelesse, schismaticall puritan ; or a con- futation of the author of an appendix concerning bowing at the name of Jesus. 4. Oxf. 1631. WIDDBINQTON (Roger). Apologia card. Bellarmini pro jure principum adversus suas ipsius rationes pro auctoritate papali principes seculares in ordine ad bonum spirituale deponeridi. 8. Cosmopoli. 1611. Apologeticae responsiones ad libellum cujusdam doc- toris theologi praefatio ad lectorem. 8. s. I. et a. Disputatio theologica de jurainento fidelitatis, in qua potissima omnia argumenta quae a card. Bellarmino, Jac. Gretzero, Leon. Lessio, Mart. Becano, aliisque nonnullis contra recens fidelitatis juramentum, ex decreto regis et parliament^ in Anglia stabilitum hactenus facto sunt, examinantur. 8. Albionopoli 1613. A cleare, sincere, and modest confutation of the vnsound, fraudulent, and intemperate reply of F., who is known to be Mr. Tho. Fitzherbert, an English Jesuite ; wherein also are confuted the chiefest objections which D. Schulckenius, who is commonly said to be Card. Bellarmine, hath made against Widdrington's apologie for the right or soueraigutie of temporall princes. 4. n. p. 1616. WIDO, episc. Ferrariensis. De schhmate Hildebrandi, v. German. Mon. Hi^t. Tom. XIV. WIERTJS (Jo.) Opera omnia. 4. Amst. 1660. De lamiis liber : item de commentitiis jejuniis. 4. Basil. 1577. WILBERFORCE (Robert Isaac). On the Doctrine of the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, in its relation to mankind and the church. 8. Lond. 1848. On the Doctrine of Holy Baptism. Lond. 1849. An Inquiry into the principles of Church Authority. 8. Lond. 1854. WILCOX (Daniel). The noble stand, or a just vindication, &c., 2nd ed. with appendix. 8. Lond. 1719. Id. 2nd part. 8. Lond. 1719. WILHELMUS, abbas Eskildensis. Epistolae, v. Danic. R-er. Script. Tom. VI. WILHELMUS, decanus "Wissegradensis. Vita Ernesti archiepiscopi Pragensis, v. Austria. F.R.A. Ser. VI. WILKEN (Friedrich). Geschichte der Kreuzzuge nach morgenlandischen und 534 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. nbendliindischen Berichten. 7 Bde. 8. Leipzig 1807-32. WILKINS (David). Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberuiae a synodo Vero- lamiensi, A.D. 446, ad Loiidinensem, A.D. 1717 : ace. constitutions et alia ad historian! ecclesiae Anglicanae spectantia. 4 voll. fol. Lond. 1737. WILKINS (Jo.), D.D. bp. of Chester. An essay towards a real character and a philosophical language, fol. Lond. 1668. Of the principles and duties of natui'al religion, two books. 8. Lond. 1699. On prayer and preaching. 8. Lond. 1678. Sermons preached upon several occasions. 8. Lond. 1682. WILKINSON (Sir J. Gardner). Dalmatia and Montenegro, with a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina, and remarks on the Slavonic nations, &c. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1848. WILKINSON (John), B.A. Systematic Analysis of Bishop Butler's Analogy. 8. Oxford 1847. WILKS (lieut. col. Mark). Historical sketches of the south of India in an attempt to trace the history of Mysoor. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1810. WILLET (Amir.), M.A. De praedestinatione disputatio, opposita quibusdam non tantum e pontificiis recentioribus, sed et e pro- testantibus transmuriuis, p. 113 una cum brevi et dilucida explicatione doctriuae de electione, authore Matth. Hutton, q. v. Hexapla in Genesin; that is. a sixfold commentarie upon Genesis. 2 parts, fol. Lond. 1608. Hexapla in Exodum; that is, a sixfold commentary upon the second booke of Moses called Exodus. 2 parts. M:Lond. 1608. Hexapla ; that is, a six-fold commentarie upon the most diuine epistle of the holy apostle St. Paul to the Ro- manes, fol. Camb. 1620. Hexapla in Leviticum ; that is, a six-fold commen- tarie upon the third booke of Moses called Leviticus, perused and finished by Dr. Peter Smith, fol. Lond. 1631. Synopsis Papismi : that is, a generale view of papistrie, now the filth time published with uddition of a preface truly relating the life and death of the author, by Dr. Peter Smith, fol. Lond. 1634. Harmony of expositions ou the books of Samuel. fol Cambr. 1614. Joy of the English Church for the coronation f King Wi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 535 James I, with an exposition of the 122nd P:-alm, accommodated to that occasion. Ibid. Lectures on St. John xvii. and a comment on St. Jude. Ibid. Hexapla on Daniel, 2 books, fol. 1610. WILLIAM HENRY, Prince of Orange, afterwards William III. The Prince of Orange, his declaration shewing the reasons why he invades England, with a short preface and some modest remarks on it. 4. Lond. 1688. A letter, &c., in a collection of papers relating to the present juncture of affairs in England, anno 1688. 4. 1688. Expedition of his Highness the Prince of Orange for England by N. N. 4<>. 1688. WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). Poems. 8. Lond. 1791. WILLIAMS (Isaac). Thoughts on the study of the holy gospels. 8. Lond. 1845. A harmony of the four evangelists. 8. Lond. 1850. The gospel narrative of our Lord's nativity harmonized : with reflections. 8. Lond. 1844. The Gospel narrative of our Lord's ministry har- monized : 2nd and 3rd year. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1848-9. WILLIAMS (John), D.D. A discourse concerning the celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1685. A catechism truly representing the doctrines and prac- tices of the Church of Rome ; second ed.tion, with a vindication of a passage in the said catechism from the exceptions made against it in ' A reply to the answer of the amicable accommodation.' (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1687. An answer to a late printed paper, given about by some of the Church of Rome (2nd edition). 4. Lond. 1686. A papist represented and not misrepresented, being in answer to the first sheet of the second part of the ' Papist misrepresented and represented ' (by J. Ley- bourn), and for a further vindication of the ' Catechism truly representing the doctrine and practices of the Church of Rome.' (Anon.) 4<>. Lond. 1687. A short discourse concerning the church's authority in matters of faith, showing that the pretences of the Church of Rome are weak and precarious in the reso- lution of it. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1687. The difference between the Churches of England and Rome, second edition. 4. Lond. 1687. The protestant's answer to the catholick's letter to the 536 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wi seeker ; or a vindication of the protestant's answer to the seeker's request. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1687. An apology for the pulpits : being in answer to a late book intituled ' Good advice to the pulpits,' together with an appendix containing a defence of Dr. Tenison's sermon about alms ; in a letter (from Dr. Tenison) to the author of this apology. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. Pulpit-popery true popery ; being an answer to a book intituled ' Pulpit sayings,' and in vindication of the ' Apology for the Pulpit,' and the stater of the contro- versie against the Representer. (Anon). 4. Lond. 1688. An answer to the address presented to the ministers of the Church of England. (Anon} 4. Lond. 1688. A vindication of the answer to the popish address pre- sented to the ministers of the Church of England, in reply to a pamphlet abusively intituled ' A clear proof of the certainty and usefulness of the protestant rule of faith,' &c. (Anon.} 4. Lond. 1688. The texts examined which papists cite out of the Bible for the proof of their doctrine concerning the insuffi- ciency of Scripture and necessity of tradition, p. 53 of ' Popery not founded on Scripture,' q. v. WILLIAMS (Joshua). The Principles of the Law of Personal Property. 8. Lond. 1860. Principles of the Law of Real Property. 8. Lond. 1 863. WILLIAMS (Monier). English and Sanskrit Dictionary. 4. Lond. 1851. Indian "Wisdom, or Examples of the Religious, Philo- sophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus, &c. 8. Lond. 1875. WILLIAMS (Robert). The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle newly translated, v. Aristoteles. WILLIAMS (Sir Roger). The actions of the Lowe Countries. 4. Lond. 1618. WILLIAMS (William). Oxonia depicta. fol. WILLIBALDUS, presbyter. Vita S. Bonifatii, v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. IE. WILLIS (Browne). The history and antiquities of the town, hundred, and deanery of Buckingham. 4. Lond. 1755. WILLIS (Thos.), M.D. Opera crania studio et opera Gerardi Blasii. 4. Amst. 1682. A preservative from the infection of the Plague. 8. Lond. 1721. WILLUGHBY (Fr.) De historia piscium libri quatuor, recognovit, coaptavit, Wi] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 537 supplevit ; librum etiaui prinauin et secundum integros adjecit Jo. Raius. fol. Oxon. 1686. WILSON (Arthur). History of the life and reign of King James I. fol. Lond. 1653. WILSON (H.B.), B.D. Bampton Lectures on the Communion of Saints. 8. Oxf. 1851. WILSON (Thos.), D.D. The principles and duties of Christianity : being a further instruction for such as have learned the church catechism. 8. Lond. 1707. WINE. Discovery of the projectors of the wine-project. 4. Lond. 1641. WINER (G. B.) Grammar of the New Testament Diction, translated by E. Masson, M.A. 2 vols. 8. Edin. 1859. WING- (Vincentius). Astronomia Britannica, in qua per novam concinnio- remque methodum quiuque tractatus traduntur. fol. Lond. 1669. WING-ATE (Edm.) Method of arithmetick. 8. Lond. 1720. WINSLOW (James Benignus). An anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body, translated from the French by G. Douglas, M.D. 2 vols. 4. Lond. 1743. WINTEBTON (Radulphus), v. Poet. Minores Grace. WIPO Burgundio. Proverbia, Tetralogus, Chuonradi II imp. Vita, v. German. Hon. Hist. Tom. XIII. WISE (Fr.), S.T.B. Nummorum antiquorum scriniis Bodleianis reconditorum catalogus, cum commentario tabulis aeneis et appendice. fol. Oxon. 1750. WISEMAN (Richard). Severall chirurgical treatises, fol. Lond. 1676. WISIGOTHI. Lex "Wisigothorum, v. France (Historiens des Gaules). Tome IV. WITCHES. The tryal of six witches at Maidstone, July 30th, 1652. 4. WITHERS (John). Vindication of Dissenters from the charge of rebellion and being the authors of our civil wars, proved from the most authentick historians. 8. Lond. 1719. WITSIUS (Hermannus). Miscellaneorum sacrorum libri quatuor. 4. Traj. ad Rhen. 1692. 538 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wi WITT (Johannes de). De elementis curvarum linearum libri duo. 4. Franc. ad Moen. 1695. WITTEMBERG. Acta et scripta theologonim Wirtembergensium et patriarchae Constantinopolitani D. Hieremiae, quae utrique ab ann. 1576 usque ad ann. 1581 de Augustana confe&sione inter se miserunt, Gr. Lat. ab iisdem theologis edita. fol. Witeb. 1584. WOGAN (William). An essay on the Proper Lessons appointed by the Liturgy of the Church of England to be read on Sundays and chief festivals, &c. 4 vols. 8. Land. 1818. WOLFF (Jac.) Scrutinium amuletorum medicum. 4. Lips. 1690. WOLFHERIUS. Vita Godehardi episc. Hildensheiraensis, v. German. Mon. Hitt. Tom. XIII. WOLFIITS (Caspar) seu Gasp. Wolphius, q. v. WOLFIUS (Hier.) Versio et annott. in Isocratem, q. v. WOLFIUS (Jo. Christoph.) Cura philologicae et criticae in quatuor priores S. Pauli Epistolas : ace. examen locorum aliquot Paulinorum a L. M. Artemonio (i. e. Sam. Crellio) nuper temere et infeliciter solicitatorum, ed. secunda. 4. Hamb. 1737. Id. in decem posteriores S. Pauli Epistolas, ed. secunda. 40. Hamb. 1738. Id. in quatuor Evangelia et Actus Apostolicos, ed. tertia. 4. Hamb. 1739. Id. in SS. Apostclorum Jacobi, Petri, Judae et Joannis Epistolas, hujusque Apocal. ; ace. quaedam ex Photii Amphilochiis adhuc non editis, cum inter- pretatione Latina et notis, ed. secunda. 4. Hamb. 1741. WOLLASTON (Wm.) The religion of nature delineated. 4. Land. 1726. WOLLEBIUS (Jo.) Christianae theologiae compendium. 8. Cantabr. 1642. WOLPHIUS (Caspar). Gynaeciorum, sive de mulierum affectibus commentarii Graecorum, Latinoioim, Barbarorum. fol. Argent. 1597. WOLPHIUS (Jo.) In secundi libri Regum quatuordecim ultima capita commentarii. Tig. 1581. Homiliae in 2 am partem psalmorum, ed. per Gualtherum, q. v. Wo] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 539 WOLSEY (Thos.) H is life by Dr. Rich. Fiddes, q. v. WOLZOGEN (Jo. Lud. a). Opera omnia. 2 voll. (sell. voll. VII et VIII Biblio- thecae fratrum Polonorum). fol. Irenopoli 1656. WOOD (Antony). Historia et antiquitates universitatis Oxoniensis (ex Anglico sermone in Lat. per Ric. Peers et Ric. Reeve). 2 voll. fol. Oxon. 1674. The history and antiquities of the colleges and halls in the university of Oxford : now first published in English from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, with a continuation to the present by the editor John Gutch. 4. 0a/. 1786. The History and Antiquities of the university of Oxford, now first published in English from the original MS. in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. in 3. 4o. Oxf. 1792-96. Athenae Oxonienses ; an exact history of all the writers and bishops who have had their education in the university of Oxford, from 1500 to 1690, to which ai*e added the fasti or annals of the said university for the same time. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1691-2. Id. third ed., with additions by Philip Bliss. 5 vols. 40. Lond. 1813-20. The life of Anthony Wood, forming vol. II of the lives of John Leland, Tho. Herne, and Anth. Wood, q. v. WOOD (Edw. a). TVOXTTOV TOW 6eov KO\ yvaxTTov TOV %pi(TTov '. or that which may be known of God by the book of nature and the excellent knowledge of Jesus Christ by the book of Scripture: being sermons on Rom. i. 19, 20, and 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17; to which is added the author's last sermon on Phil. iii. 8, second ed. 8. Oxf. 1674. WOOD (Thos.), D.C.L. An institute of the laws of England, or the laws of England in their natural order according to common use. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1724. WOODFORD (J, R.) Occasional sermons. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1861. WOODHEAD (Abraham), M.A. Two discourses, the first concerning the spirit of Martin Luther and the original of the Reformation, the second concerning the celibacy of the clergy. (Anon.) 4o. Oxf. 1687. An answer to some considerations on the spirit of Martin Luther (by Fr. Atterbury, q. v.). Martin Luther neither Catholic nor Protestant. 8. Oxf. 1688. 540 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wo An answer to a discourse concerning the celibacy of the clergy (by Geo. TuUy, q. v.). Church government, part V, a relation of the English Reformation and the lawfulness thereof examined by the theses delivered in the four former parts. (Anon.} 4o. Oxf. 1687. Reflections on the historical part of church government, part V (by bp. George Smalridge, q. v.). Animadversions on the eight theses laid down and the inferences deduced from them in a discourse entitl'd ' Church government,' part V (by bp. Geo. Smalridge, q. v.). Two discourses concerning the adoration of our Blessed Saviour in the Holy Eucharist. (Anon.) 4. Oxf. 1687. Pietas Romana et Parisiensis. 8. Oxf. 1687. Some reflexions upon a treatise called ' Pietas Romana et Parisiensis ' (by James Harrington, q. v.). A compendious discourse of the eucharist, with two appendixes. (Anon.) 4. Oaef. 1688. Concerning images and idolatry. (Anon.) 4. Oxf. 1689. Protestant's plea for a Socinian. 4. Lond. 1686. WOOLSEY (Theod. D.) Political Science, or the state theoretically and practically considered. 2 void. 8. Lond. 1878. WOOLSTON (Thos.) A discourse on the miracles of our Saviour, in view of the present controversy between infidels and apostates, 5th ed. 8<>. Lond. 1728. Id. second discourse, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1728. Id. third discourse, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1728. Id. fourth discourse, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1728. Id. fifth discourse, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1728. Id. sixth discourse, 3rd ed. 8. Lond. 1729. His defence of his discourse on the miracles of our Saviour against the bishops of St. David's and London, and his other adversaries, part I. 8. Lond. 1729. WORDSWORTH (Christopher). Schola Academicae ; some account of the studies at the English Universities in the 18th century. 8. Camb. 1877. Social life at the English Universities in the 18th century. 8. Camb. 1874. WORDSWORTH (Chr.), D.D. The Apocalypse: the original Greek Text with MS. collations, and English translation and Harmony, &c. 80. Lond. 1849. Lectures on the Apocalypse, critical, expository, and practical : Hulsean Lectures for 1848. 8. Lond. 1849. Lectures on the inspiration of Holy Scripture or on Wr] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 541 the Canon of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament and of the Apocrypha. 8<>. Lond. 1851. The New Test, with notes, Part I, Gospels, Part II, Acts, Part III, St. Paul's Epistles, Part IV, General Epistles and Book of Revelation. 80. Lond. 1856-60 WORDSWORTH (Jo.) Fragments and Specimens of Early Latin, with intro- ductions and notes. 8. Oxf. 1874 WORDSWORTH (W.) Poetical Works. 7 vols. 8. Lond. 1349. WORLD. The world's epitaph (a poem), privately printed. (Anon). Lond. 1866. Plurality of worlds. 8. 1801. WORMITTS (Olaus). Danicorum monumentorum libri sex, cum adclitamentis. fol. Hafniae 1643. WORSAAE (J. G. A.) Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 8. Lond. 1852. WORSHIP. An essay to prove that Christians are agreed in the supreme object of worship, and may join together in M'orshipping the one God according to the Scriptures, &c. 8. Lond. 1719. WOTTON (Edvardus), M.D. De differentiis animalium libri decem. fol. Par. 1552. WOTTON (Sir Henry). Ad regem e Scotia reducem Hen. Wottonii plausus et vota. 4. Lond. 1633. Reliquiae Wottonianae, a collection of lives, letters, and poems, &c. 8. Lond. 1672. WOTTON (William). Reflections upon ancient and modern learning. 8. Lond. 1697. WREN (Christopher). Parentalia ; or memoirs of the family of the Wrens ; viz. of Matthew bishop of Ely, Christopher dean of Westminster, &c., but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren ; in which is contained a great number of original papers and records, &c., compiled by his son Christopher, now published by his grandson Stephen Wren, with the care of Joseph Ames. fol. Lond. 1750. WRIGHT (Edward). Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c., in the years 1720, 21, 22. 4. Lond. 1730. WRIGHT (John), MA. The rights of the Christian priesthood asserted ; an or- dination sermon on Matth. x. 16, wherein some doc- trines lately advanced by the bishop of Bangor are occasionally considered. 8. Lond. 1717. 542 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Wr WRIGHT (Robert), D.D. A speech spoken in the House of Commons by the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, being brought to the bar to answer for himself. 4. Lond. 1641. WRIGHT (Thomas). Political poems and songs relating to English History, composed during the period from the accession of Edw. Ill to that of Ric. Ill, edited by T. Wright. 2 vols. 80. Land. 1859-61. WRIGHT (Thos.) The passions of the minde in generale, corrected, en- larged, and with sundry new discourses augmented. 4. Lond. 1620. WUNDT (Wilhelm). Vorlesungen iiber die Henschen- urid Thier-Seele. 2 Bde. 8. Leipz. 1863. WUSTENFELD (F.) Die Statthalter von Agypten zur Zeit der Chalifen. 4. Gotting. 1875-6. WYATT (Sir Thos.), see Hen. Howard, earl of Surrey. WYCHERLEY (William). His Plays. 8. Lond. 1735. WYKEHAM (William of), sec Wicamus and Lowth. WYCLIFFE (J.), see Wicliffe. WYLIE (W. M.) Fairford graves, a record of researches in an Anglo- Saxon burial-place in Gloucestershire. 4. Oxf. 1852. WYNNE (William). The life of Sir Leoline Jenldns, ambassador and pleni- potentiary for the general peace at Cologn and Nime- guen, and a compleat series of letters from the beginning to the end of those two important treaties. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1724. XAVIER (Hieronymus). Historia Chrifti Persice conscripta, simulque multis modis contaminata, a Hior. Xavier Lntiiie reddita, ct animadversionibus notata a Lud. de D!eu. 4. Lurjd. Bat. 1639. Hittoria S. Petri Persice conscripta Latine reddita ct brevibus animadversionibns notata a Lud. de Dieu. ad calc. Ibid. XENOPHON Atheniensis. Opera Gr. Lat. cum annotationibus Hen. Stephani. fol. exc. Hen. Stej'hanus 1581. Opera : ace. Aemilii Port! et Fr. Porti notae. fol. Franco/. 1596. Commentarii de Socrate : ed. Kiihner. 8. Gothae 1841. Oeconomicus : Hiero : Agesilaus : ed. JBrcitenbach. 8 ir . Gothae 1842-3. Za] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 543 Hellenica : ed. Breitenbach. 8. Gothae 1853. Anabasis: ed. Kiihner. 8. Gothae 1852. Anabasis. 18. Oxon. 1847. Enseignements militaires : extraictz du premier liure d< la Pedie de Cyrus, par Xenophon : trad, par Loys lo Eoy. 80. Paris 1568. Memorabilia Socratis. 12. Oxon. 1857. XENOPHON, fil. Grypbonis. Aequivoca, cum comm. Jo. Annii, p. 109. (Wilt. 1612.) XENOPHON Ephesius. De amoribus Anthiae et Abrocomae, v. Erotic. Script. XIMENEZ (Rodericus). Historia Saracenica. 4. Lugd. Bat. 1625. XIPHILINUS (Jo.) Dionis Nicaei rerum Romanarum a Pompeio Magno ad Alexandrum Mamaea epitome inter scriptt. bist. Rom. per Erid. Sylburgium, q. v. Franc. 1590. Y. (le sieur D. T. V.) Les estats, empires, &c., du monde, avec 1'origine des leurs religions, &c. 4. Rouen 1628. YEAB-BOOKS, v. Anni. YONGE (Charlotte M.) Life of John Coleridge Pattison. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1874. YOUNG (Arthur). Travels during the years 1787-9, undertaken more par- ticularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France. 2 vols. 4. London and Bury St. Edmund's 1793-4. YOUNG (Edw.), LL.D. The works of the author of the Night Thoughts revised and corrected by himself. 5 vols. 8. Lond. 1757. Love of fame the universal passion, in seven character- istical satires, 3rd edition. (Anon.) 8. Lond. 1730. YOUNG (Thos.), M.D. Life of Young, by Peacock. 1 vol. Lond. 1855. YRIARTE (Charles). La Vie d'un Patricien de Veuise au seizieme siecle. 8. Paris 1874. YVRESSE. L'Eloge de 1'yvresse. 8. Leid. 1715. ZABAHELLA (Franciscus). Consilia responsiones allegationesque. fol. Med. 1502. Super quinque libris Decretalium comment'aria, cum additionibus summariis ac repertorio Joannis Thierry. fol. Lugd. 1558. 544 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. In Clementinarum volumen comraentaria Phil. Franchi et Nic. Superantii adnotationibus illustrata. fol. Tri- dini 1522. ZABABELLA (Jacobus). De rebus naturalibus libri X. fol. Ven. 1590. Opera logica. fol. Ven, 1586. In duos Arist. libb. Post. Analyt. Comraentarii. fol. Ven, 1582. ZACCHIAS (Paulus). Quaestiones medico-legales. 2 voll. fol. Liigd. 1661. ZACHAKIUS (Dion.) Opusculum philosophiae naturalis metallorum, cum annott. Nic. Flamelli in vol. I. theatri Chemici, q. v. ZAHEL Ismaelita. De interrogationibus de electionibus et de temporum significationibus in judiciis Latine, f. 122 b. una cum 1 Quadripartite ' Claud. Ptolemaei (Ven. 1493), q. v. ZANCHIUS (Hieronymus). Opera theologica. 8 voll. fol. exc, Steph. Gamonetus. 1605. ZANCHIUS (Jo. Chrysostomus). De origine Orobiorum sive Cenomanorum libri tres, p. 113 Italiae illustratae per And. Schottum, q. v. (1600). ZABLINO (GiosefFo). De vera aimi forma ; siue de recta ejus emendatione. 4. Ven. 1580. ZASIUS (Udalricus). Opera. 6 voll. fol. Lugd. 1550. ZEJEMANNTJS (Georgius). Controversia difficillima de imagine Dei in primo homine statuque innoceutiae : item de paradiso, arbore vitae, &c. 4o. Campidoni 1619. ZEALE (John). Narrative of the phanatick plott in the reign of King Charles II. fol. Lond. 1683. ZELANDIA, v. Holland. ZELLEB (Ed.) Socrates and the Socratic schools ; translated by O. J. Reichel. 8. Lond. 1868. Plato and the Older Academy ; translated by S. F. Alleyne and A. Goodwin. 8. Lond. 1876. The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics ; translated by O. J. Reichel. 8. Lond. 1870. ZENUS (Jacobus). Vita Caroli Zeni, patritii Veneti (1334-1418), v. Italic. Rer. Script. Tom. XIX. ZEPPEBUS (Wilhelmus). Legum Mosaicarum forensium explanatio. 8. Herb. Nass. 1614. ZEBBIS (Gabr.) Veronensis. Cautelae medicorum. fol. Papiae 1516. Zu] MERTOH COLLEGE LIBRARY. 545 ZILETTUS (Fr.) Lettere di principi le quali o si scrivono da principi o a principi o ragionano di principi. 3 libb. 4. Ven. 1581. ZILETTUS (Jo. Bapt.) Matrimonalium consiliorum totni duo : prior per Jo. Bapt. Zilettura, posterior per Nic. Ruckerum collectus. fol. Franc, ad Moen. 1580. Consiliorum selectorum in causis criminalibus tomi duo. fol. Franc, ad Moen. 1577. ZINKEISEN (Johann Wilhelm). Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches in Europa. 7 Bde. 8. Hamburg 1840-63. ZOANNETTTTS (Fr.), J. C. Repetitio de pact, inter empt. et vendit. fol. Ingolst. 1566. De venatione Germanica. Ibid. Repetitio defensionis tripertitae, &c., de Justitia et Jure. 80. Lugd. 1561. ZONAKAS (Jo.) Compendium historiarum in tres tomos distinctum Gr. Lat. ex interpr. et cum notis Hier. Wolfii. fol. Bas. 1557. In Canones SS. apostolorum et sacrorum conciliorum commentarii aucti emendati per Guil. Beveregium, apud synodikon, sive pandectas Canonum SS. apostt. ed. Guil. Beveregio, q. v. Epitome Historiarum ; cum Car. Ducangii suisque an- notationibus ed. L. Dindorfius. 6 voll. 12. Lips. 1868-1875. ZOSIMUS historicus. Historiarum libri II. Gr. et Lat. per Leunclavium (inter Romanae hist, scriptores minores Franc. 1590). ZOTJCHE (Richard). The dove, or passages of cosmography (a poem) with a memoir and notes by R. Walker. 8. Oxford 1839. ZTJCCHIUS (Nic.) Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a funda mentis constituta. 2 voll. 4. Lugd. 1652-6. ZUINGEBUS (Theod.) Methodus apodemica in eorum gratiam qui cum fructi in quocunque tandem vitae genere peregrinari cupiunt 4o. Basil. 1577. Theatrum vitae humanae. 20 voll. fol. Basil. 1571. Argumenta in Politica Aristotelis, q. v. ZUINGLIITS (Huldrichus seu Udalricus). Oecolampadii et Zwinglii epistolarum libri IV. fol Argent. 1548. Opera cum Rod. Gualtheri apologia. 4 voll. fol. Tigun 1530. N n 546 . MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Zu ZUMPT (A. \V.) Commentationes Epigraphicae ad Antiquitates Romanas pertinentes. 2 voll. 4. Berol. 1850-4. Studia Romana sive de selectis Antiquitatum Roma- narum capitibus commentationes quatuor. 8. Berol. 1859. ZUMPT (C. G.) Ueber den Bestand der philosophischen Schulen in Athen und die Succession dcr Scholarchen. 4. Berlin. 1843. ZWELFERUS (Jo.) Pharmacopoeia Augustana reformata, cum animadver- sionibus : ace. pharmacopoeia regia, et Mantissa Spa- gyrica, &c. 4. Dordrecht. 1672. ZWETL. Liber fundationum monasterii Zwetlensis, v. A^^str^a Font, Eer. Austr. II. Abth. Bd. 3. ADDENDA. ABEKEN (Wilhelm). Mittelitalien vor den Zeiten rb'mischer Herrschaft, nach semen Denkmalen dargestellt : mit eilf Tafeln. 8. Stuttgart und Tubingen 1843. ADDISON (Joseph). Criticisms on Milton's Paradise Lost. (Arbers Rejrrint.) 4. Lond. 1869. ALL SOULS' COLLEGE. Catalogue of the Archives in the Muniment rooms of All Souls' College ; prepared by C. T. Martin. 8. Lond. 1877. ANANIA (Joannes de). Consilia. fol. Bonon. 1481. ANDREAS (Johannes) Bononiensis. Mercuriale super regulas juris, fol. Ven. 1504. Lectura super libros Becretalium. fol. Ven. 1494. Lectura super Clementinas, fol. Ten. 1491. ANSTEY (Christopher). The new Bath Guide: or Memoirs of the B-r-d family, in a series of poetical epistles. 8. Dublin 1778. ARISTOTLE. The great and Eudemian Ethics, the Politics, and Economics ; translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. 4<>. Lond. 1811. Aristotelia, von A. StaJir, q. v. ASCHAM (Roger). The Scholemaster. (Arbers Reprint.) 4. Lond. 1870. Toxophilus. (Arbers fteprint.) 4. Lond. 1869. AZORES. History of the Azores or Western islands, containing an account of the government, laws, and religion : the manners, ceremonies, and character of the in- habitants : and demonstrating the importance of these valuable islands to the British Empire : illustrated by maps and other engravings. 4. Lond. 1813. BACALLAR y Sanna (D. Vicente), Marques de San Phelipe. Comentarios de la Guerra de Espafia, e historia de su rey Phelipe V el animoso, desde el principio de su reynado hasta la paz general del ano de 1725. 2 torn. 4. Pamplona s. a. BACHMANN (Adolph). Urkunden und Actenstiicke zur Oesterreichischen N n 2 548 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ba Geschichte iaa Zeitalter Kaiser Friedrichs III und Konig Georgs von Bbhraen (1440-1471) (Bd. XLII Zweiter Abtheilung. Font. Rer. Austriae). 8. Wien 1879. BACON (Francis), Lord Verulam. Novum Organon, edited with introduction, notes, &c., by Thomas Fowler. 8. Oxf. 1878. A harmony of his Essays, by Edward Arber.. 4. Lend. 1871. BAHB (Joh. Christ. Felix). Die Christlichen Dichter und Geschichtschreiber Roms. 8<>. Carlsruhe 1836. Die Christlich-rornische Theologie, nebst eiuera Anhang iiber die Rechtsquellen. 8. Carlsruhe 1837. BALDAMUS (Alfred). Das Heerwesen unter den Spateren Karoliugern. 8. Breslau 1879. BABBINGTON (Sir Jonah). Personal sketches of his own times. 3rd series. 8. Lond. 1832. BEAUNE (Florimond de). Notae breves in Cartesii geometriam, q. v. Duo tractatus posthumi, alter de natura et constitutione, alter de limitibus aequationum. 4. Franc, a. M. 1695. BEKA (Joannes de). Chronicon episcoporum Ultrajectinorum. fol. Ultra}. 1643. BENEDICTTJS (Gnlielmus). Repetitio capituli Raynut. de testamentis. fol. Lugd. 1544. BERNEB (Ernst). Zur Verfassungs- Geschichte der Stadt Augsburg vom Ende der Romischen Herrschaft bis zur Kodification des zweiten Stadtrechts im Jahre 1276. 8. Breslau 1879. BEBTHELOT (M.) Essai de mecanique chimique fondle sur la thermo- chimie. 2 voll. 8. Paris 1879. BETJLE (R) Etudes sur le Peloponndse. 8. Paris 1855. BOULTEB (Hugh). Letters written by his excellency Hugh Boulter, D.D., Lord primate of All Ireland, &c., to several ministers of ^tate in England, and some others ; containing an account of the most interesting transactions which passed in Ireland from 1724 to 1738. 2 vols. 8. Dublin 1770. BOUBNE (Vincent). His Poetical Works, Latin and English. 12. Lond. 1838. Ca] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 549 BRIOT et Bouquet (Mm.) Theorie des fonctions elliptiques. 4. Paris 1875. BRODRICK (George C.) Political Studies. 8. Lond. 1879. BROSCH (Moritz). Geschichte des Kirchenstaates, Baud I : das 1 6 und 1 7 Jahrhundert. 8. Gotha 1880. BRUCKER (Jacobus). Historia critica philosophiae a mundi incunabulis ad nostram usque aetatem deducta. 6 voll. 4. Lipsiae 1767. BRUNCH! (Rich. Fr. Phil.) Analecta veterum poetarum Graecorum, q. v. BUCHANAN (George). De jure regni apud Scotos. ad calc. Rer. Scotic. Hist. BURKE (Edmund). Letter to the duke of Bedford. 8. n. p. or d. Substance of the speech of the right hon. Edmund Burke in the debate on the army estimates in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 9th Feb. 1 790 : comprehending a discussion of the present state of affairs in France. 8. Dublin 1790. BURTON (John Hill). A History of the reign of Queen Anne. 3 vols. 8. Edinb. 1880. BUTRIO (Antonius de). Super var. titulis Decret. I. fol. Yen. 1485. CAILLEMER (E.) Etudes sur lea antiquit6s juridiques d'Athenes : Le droit de Succession le"gitime a Athenes. 8. Paris 1879. CAPES (W. \V.) University Life in Ancient Athens. 8. Lond. 1877. CAROL US V, Imperator. Constitutiones quaedam, Justino Goblero interp. fol. Basil. 1543. CARTESIUS (Renatus). Geometria, tribus libris comprehensa. 4. Franc, a. M. 1695. Compendium musicae. Ibid. The Method, Meditations, and selections from the Principles of Descartes, translated from the original texts : sixth edition, with a new introductory essay, historical and critical, by John Veitch. 12. Edinb. 1879. CASTERA (J.) History of Catharine II, Empress of Russia : translated from the French by H. Hunter. 8. Lond. 1800 CATALOGUE. Catalogi codicum MSS. Biblioth. Bodleianae partis V 550 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ch fasciculus II, viri munificentissimi Ric. Rawlinson codicum classem tertiam, in qua libri theologi atque miscellanei, complectens : ftcc. index confecit Gul. D. Macray. 4. Oxon. 1878. Calendar of Charters and rolls preserved in the Bodleian Library: ed. by W. H. Turner. 8. Oxf. 1878. Catalogue of periodicals contained in the Bodleian Library, Part I, English Periodicals. 8. Oxf. 1878. Catalogue of the books relating to classical archaeology and ancient history in the library of Worcester College, Oxford. 8. Oxf. 1878. CHALMERS (Alexander). A history of the colleges, halls, and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford, including the lives of the founders : with a series of illustrative engravings by J. Storer and J. Greig. 2 vols. 8. Oxf. 1810. CHALYBAUS (H. M.) Historical development of Speculative Philosophy from Kant to Hegel : translated by A. Edersheim. 8. Edinb. 1854. CHANCERY (Court of). Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1707. Select cases, &c. fol. Lond. 1715. CHAPMAN (B.) The history of Gustavus Adolphus and of the Thirty Years' War, up to the king's death, with some account of its conclusion, by the peace of Westphalia, anno 1648. 8. Lond. 1856. CHURTON (Ralph). The lives of William Smith, Bishop of London, and Sir Richard Sutton, knight, founders of Brasenose College, chiefly compiled from registers and other authentic evidence. 8. Oxford 1800. CLAUDIANUS (Claudius). Carmina, recensuit L. Jeep. 2 voll. 8. Lips. 1876-9. CLEOMEDES. K.vK\iKr)s 6fo>pias fjLfTfa>pS}v i/3Xi'a 8vo : ex recensione Jani Bakii, cum potiori scripturae discrepantia et adnota- tione edidit. Car. Ch. Theoph. Schmidt. 8. Lipsiae 1832. COLLIER (J. Payne). The history of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shakespeare ; and the annals of the stage to the Restor- ation. 3 vols. 4. Lond. 1879. COLMAN (George), the younger. Broad Grins. 12. Lond. 1809. COLTON (C. C.) Lacon, or many things in few words : addressed to those who think j with Remarks on the talents of Lord Ge] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 551 Byron and the tendencies of Don Juan. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1823. The conflagration of Moscow : a poem. 8. Lond. 1822. DESCARTES (R6ne), see Cartenius. DIELS (Hermannus). Doxographi Graeci : collegit, recensuit, prolegomenis indicibusque instruxit. 8. Berol. 1879. DIONYSIITS. Orbis Descriptio, commentario critico et geographico ac tabulis illustrata, a Guil. Hill, coll. Mert. olim socio. 4. Lond. 1679. DOXOGRAPHI Graeci, v. H. Diets. ELLIS (George). Specimens of the Early English poetry : to which is prefixed an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the English poetry and language. 3 vols. 12. Lond. 1803. EUTWAPIUS Sardianus. Vitas sophistarum et fragmenta historiarum recensuit notisque illustravit J. F. Boissonade : ace. annotatio D. Wyttenbachii. 2 voll. 80. Amstel. 1822. ETTSEBIUS Caesariensis. Opera: recogn. Guil. Dindorfius. Vol. I-II. Prae- paratio Evangelica ; III. Demonstratio Evangelica ; IV. Historia Ecclesiastica. 4 voll. 12. Lips. 1867- 71. EXETER COLLEGE. Register of the rectors and fellows, scholars and exhibi- tioners, and bible-clerks of Exeter College, Oxford, with illustrative documents and a history of the College, by C. W. Boase. 8. Oxf. 1879. FIPPER(C.) Das Beispruchsrecht nach altsachsischein Recht. 8. Breslau 1879. FROUDE (James Anthony). The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 8. Lond, 1872-4. FTTLGOSIUS (Raphael). Consilia. fol. Lugd. 1548. GALENTJS (Claudius). Opera omnia (edit. Hieronymo Gemusaeo). 5 voll. fol. Basil. 1538. GENNADIUS. Catalogus virorum illustrium ap. Hieronym. q. v. GERMANY. Untersuchungen zur Deutschen Staats- und Rechts- 552 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Gr Geschichte, herausgegeben von Dr. Otto Gierke. I-VI. 8. Breslau 1878-9. GREENWELL (William). British Barrows : a record of the examination of sepul- chral mounds in various parts of England ; together with description of figures, of skulls, general remarks on prehistoric crania, and an appendix by George Rolleston. 8. Oxford 1877. GUILLATJME de Tyr. Guillatune de Tyr et ses continuateurs : texte fran9ais du XIII e eiecle, revu et annotd par Paulin Paris. (Histoire ge"nerale des croisades par les auteurs con- temporains.) 8. Paris 1879. GUILLERMUS Tyrius, see Guillaume de Tyr. HARPER (Thomas), S. J. The Metaphysics of the School. Vol. I. 8. Lond. 1879. HARTEL (Wilhelm). Studien u'ber Attisches Staatsrecht und Urkundenwesen. 80. Wien. 1878. HERACLITUS Ephesius. Heracliti Ephesii fragmenta : recensuit I. Bywater. 80. Oxon. 1877. HERMIT. The hermit in the country, or sketches of English manners (by Felix MacDonogh). 4 vols. 12. Lond. 1820. The hermit abroad. 4 vols. 12. Lond, 1823. HERTZ (Gustav). Die Rechtsverhaltnisse des freien Gesindes nach den deutschen Rechtsquellen des Mittelalters. 8. Breslau 1879. HIERONYMUS. De viris illustribus liber : ace. Geunadii catalogus virorum illustrium, ex recens. Guil. Herdingii. 12. Lips. 1879. HOPMANNUS (Joh. Jacobus). Lexicon universale : historiam sacram et profanam, chronologiam, geographiam, genealogiam, &c., &c., ex- planans. 4 voll. fol. Lugd. Sat. 1698. HOWORTH (Henry H.) History of the Mongols, from the ninth to the nineteenth century : Part I. The Mongols proper and the Kalmucks. 80. Lond. 1876. HULTSCH (Fridericus). Prolegomena in Metrologicos Scriptores, q. v. IRELAND. The case of Ireland's being bound by acts of parliament made in England, stated by William Molyneux, pf Ir] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 553 Dublin, Esq., also a small piece on the subject of appeals to the Lords of England, by the same author : to which are added letters to the men of Ireland by Owen Roe O'Nial. 8. Dublin 1782. A brief review of the question, whether the articles of Limerick have been violated 1 By Arthur Browne. 80, Dublin 1788. Reports of the proceedings and arguments before the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, on the petitions of Aldermen James and Howison ; also of the proceed- ings, arguments, and resolutions of the commons of the common council, and of the aggregate meeting of the freemen, freeholders, and citizens of Dublin, &c. 8. Dublin 1790. Letter from the right Hon. Lord Petre to the right Rev. Doctor Horsley, bishop of St. David's. 8. Dublin 1790. The debate in the British House of Commons, on the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts, March 2nd, 1790, containing Mr. Fox's speech compleat, &c. 8. Dublin n. d. A letter from a distinguished English commoner (Rt. Hon. Ed d B ke) to a peer of Ireland on the Penal Laws against Irish Catholics, &c. 8. Dublin 1791. A letter from the right Hon. Edmund Burke, M.P. in the kingdom of Great Britian, to Sir Hercules Lang- rishe, Bart., M.P., on the subject of Roman Catholics in Ireland, and the propriety of admitting them to the elective franchise consistently with the principles of the constitution as established at the Revolution. 8. Dublin 1792. Sketch of the debates in the House of Commons of Ireland on "Wednesday, Feb. 9th, 1792, including the discussion on the reception of the Belfast Protestant petition, on behalf of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, &c. 8". Dublin 1792. A letter to the societies of united Irishmen of the town of Belfast, upon the subject of certain apprehensions which have arisen from a proposed restoration of Catholic rights. By William Todd Jones, Esq. 8. Dublin 1792. Proceedings in certain actions in which James Napper Tandy, Esq. was plaintiff, and John, earl of West- morland, the right hon. Arthur Wolff, &c., were respectively defendants : reported to the society of united Irishmen, on the 7th Dec. 1792. 8. n. y. and d. A letter of Charles James Fox to the worthy and independent electors of the city and liberty of West- minster. 8. Dublin 1793. 554 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. A full and accurate report of the debates in the parlia- ment of Ireland in the session of 1793, on the bill for the relief of His Majesty's Catholic subjects. 8. Dublin 1793. A report of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland, on the bill 'for the further relief of his Majesty's Popish or Roman Catholic subjects,' with an appendix containing the Catholic petition, &c. 8. Dublin 1795. The right hon. Henry Grattan's celebrated address to his fellow-citizens. 8. Dublin 1797. Speech of the right hon. John, Earl of Clare, lord high chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by the Earl of Moira, Monday, Feb. 19, 1798. 8. Dublin 1798. Pastoral instruction to the Roman Catholics of the diocese of Cork : by the right Rev. Dr. Francis Moylan, R.C.B. 8. Dublin 1798. Observations on that part of the Speaker's speech which relates to trade. 8. Dublin 1799. An historical deduction of an union between Great Britain and Ireland. 8. Dublin 1 799. A report on the debate of the Irish Bar on Sunday the 9th of December, 1798, on the subject of an union of the legislatures of Great Britain and Ireland. 8. Dublin 1799. Speech in the British House of Commons, on Thursday, Jan. 31, 1799, by the right Hon. William Pitt. 8. Dublin 1799. Speech in the House of Commons of Great Britain, on Thursday, Jan. 31st, 1799, by Mr. Richard Brinsley Sheridan in reply to Mr. Pitt's speech on the union with Ireland. 8. Dublin 1799. Speech of the right hon. John Foster, speaker in the House of Commons of Ireland, delivered in com- mittee on Thursday, llth April, 1799. 8<>. Dublin 1799. Observations on the present state of party and prejudice in Ireland : with remarks on a publication entitled ' a fair representation of the present political state of Ireland,' written by P. Duigenan. By a member of the Irish Parliament. 8<>. Dublin 1799. A fair representation of the present and political state of Ireland, in a course of strictures on two pamphlets, with observations, &c., by Patrick Duigenan (2nd ed.). 8<>. Dublin 1800. An answer to a pamphlet entitled the Speech of the Earl of Clare, on the subject of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland : by Henry Grattan, Esq. 8. Dublin 1800. Speech of the right hon. John, Earl of Clare, in the MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 555 House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by him on Monday, Feb. 10, 1800. 8. Dublin 1800. The speech delivered by Doctor Duigenan in the House of Commons of Ireland, Feb. 5, 1800, on the subject of an incorporating union with Great Britain. 8. Dublin 1800. Speech of the right Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh, upon delivering to the House of Commons of Ireland his excellency the lord lieutenant's message on the subject of an incorporating union with Great Britain, &c. 8. Dublin 1800. An answer to a pamphlet, entitled the Speech of the Earl of Clare, on the subject of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland : by Henry Grattan, Esq. 8. Cork 1800. An answer to the address of the right hon. Henry Grattan, ex-representative of the city of Dublin in parliament, to his fellow- citizens of Dublin : by Patrick Duigenan, LL.D., with Grattan's addresses. 80. Dublin 1800. Pro and Con : being an impartial abstract of the prin- cipal publications on the subject of a legislative union between Great Britain and Ireland : by a searcher after truth. 80. Dublin 1 800. The address of W. Walker, Esq., recorder of the city of Dublin, delivered on the 30th Sept. last, upon intro- ducing the Lord Mayor elect to be sworn into office, as also Mr. Baron George's charge. 8. Dublin 1803. An additional appendix to the second edition of the observations on the state of currency in Ireland, and upon the course of exchange between Dublin and London, by Henry Parnell, Esq. 8. Dublin 1804. Strictures upon an historical review of the state of Ireland, by Francis Plowden, Esq. : or a justification of the conduct of the English governments in that country from the reign of Henry II to the union of Great Britain and Ireland. 8. Land. 1804. Letter to the noblemen and gentlemen who composed the deputation from the Catholics of Ireland, on the subject of their mission; from the hon. Henry Augustus Dillon, member for the county of Mayo. 8. Dublin 1805. Mr. Grattan's celebrated speech on the motion of Mr. Fox in the House of Commons on Tuesday, May 14, 1805, for the Irish Catholics, in reply to Mr. Duigenan. 18o. Dublin 1805. The speech of Dr. Duigenan delivered in the House of Commons of the Imperial Parliament May 13, 1805, in the debate on a petition presented in the name of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, by the Hon. Charles James Fox. 8. Lond. 1805. 556 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Ja Report of the debate in the House of Lords on Lord Grenville's motion for the House to resolve itself into a committee on the Catholic petition. 8. Dublin 1805. A sketch of the state of Ireland, past and present. 8. Dublin 1808. A history of the Penal Laws against the Irish Catholics from the treaty of Limerick to the Union. By Henry Parnell, Esq., M.P. 8. Dublin 1808. An enquiry into the history of tithe, its influence upon the agriculture, population, and morals of Ireland, with a plan for modifying that system and providing an adequate maintenance for the Catholic and Presbyterian clergy. 8. Dublin 1808. The nature and extent of the demands of the Irish Roman Catholics fully explained : in observations and strictures on a pamphlet entitled 'A history of the penal laws against the Irish Roman Catholics.' By Patrick Duigenan. 8. Lond. 1810. A letter to the right hon. "W. Wellesley Pope, chief secretary to his grace the lord-lieutenant, on the proposal for a commutation of tithes in Ireland. By a clergyman. 8. Dublin 1810. Thoughts upon the veto, &c., &c. By Hervey M. Morris, Esq. 8. Dublin 1810. Sketches of Irish history, and considerations of the Catholic question, together with an answer to the mis- representations of Messrs. Newenham and Cobbett, respecting the affairs of Ireland. 8. Lond. 1811. A statistical account of Ireland founded upon historical facts : chronologically arranged and collected by George Barnes, Esq. 8. Dublin 1811. A vindication of the policy and conduct of the Irish Government in relation to the Roman Catholics. 8. Dublin 1811. The proceedings of the general committee of the Catholics of Ireland, which sat in Dublin in the years 1792 and 1793, compared with the proceedings of the Catholic committee which sat in Dublin in the years 1810 and 1811. 80. Dublin 1811. JASTROW (J.) Zur strafrechtlichen Stellung der Sclaven bei Deutschen und Angelsachsen. 8. Breslau 1878. JIRECEK (Constantin Jos.) Die Handelsstrassen und Bergwerke von Serbien und Bosnien wahrend des Mittelalters : historisch-geogra- phische Studien. 4. Prag. 1879. JOCKEY CLUB. The Jockey Club, or a sketch of the manners of the age : Part the second. 8. Dublin 1792. La] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 557 JOHNSON (Samuel). Oriental Religions and their relation to universal re- ligion in India. 2 vols. 8. Lond. 1879. JUDGES. Strictures on tbe lives and characters of the most eminent lawyers of the present day, including among other celebrated names those of the Lord Chancellor and the twelve judges. 8. Dublin 1790. KANT (Immanuel). The Hetaphysic of Ethics, translated by J. "W. Semple. 8". JEdinb. 1871. Critique of Practical Reason and other works on the theory of Ethics : translated by T. K. Abbott : being an enlarged edition of ' Kant's Theory of Ethics.' 12. Lond. 1879. KINGSLEY (Charles). The Hermits. 12. Lond. 1875. LACROIX (Paul). XVIH me Siecle : institutions, usages, et costumes : France, 1700-1789. 8. Paris 1875. XVIII me Siecle : Lettres, sciences, et arts : France, 1700-1789. 8. Paris 1878. XVII m ? Siecle : institutions, usages, et costumes : France, 1590-1700. 8. Paris 1880. LAS CASES (le comte de). Journal de la vie prive"e et des conversations de 1'empereur Napoleon a Sainte Helene. 4 vols. 8. Londres 1824. LASCELLES (Rowley). The university and city of Oxford, displayed in a series of 72 views, drawn and engraved by J. and H. S. Storer : accompanied with a dialogue after the manner of Castiglione by Rowley Lascelles. 8. Lond. 1821. LATINI (Brunette). II Tesoro di M. Brunetto Latini, Firentino, Precettore del divino poeta Dante, nel qual si tratta di tutte le cose che a mortali se appai-tengono. 12. Vinegia 1533. Libro primo della Inventione over trovamento di M. T. C. tradotto e commentate in volgare Fiorentino per ser Brunetto Latini, Cittadino di Firenze. 4. Roma 1546. LATTES (rabbi M.) Saggio di giunte e correzioni al Lessico Talmudico (Levy q. v.) 8. Torino 1878. LAVATER (John Caspar). Essays on Physiognomy, designed to promote the knowledge and the love of mankind ; trausl. by T. Holcroft. To which are added one hundred physio- gnomonical rules. 8. Lond. 1858. 558 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Le LEIO-HTON (Robert), Archbishop of Glasgow. His genuine works, with a preface by Dr. Dodd ridge ; ft new edition with corrections and additional letters, to which is now prefixed the life of the author by the Rev. Erasmus Middleton. 4 vols. 8. London 1822. LEROTTX (Pierre). Refutation d'eclecticisrae oil se trouve exposed la vraie definition de la philosophic et ou Ton explique le sens, la suite, et 1'enchainement des divers philosophes depuis Descartes. 12. Paris 1841. LEWES (George Henry). Problems of life and mind ; third series continued. Problem the second ; Mind as a function of the or- ganism. Problem the third ; The sphere of sense and logic of feeling. Problem the fourth ; The sphere of intellect and logic, of signs. 8. Lond. 1879. LOWTH (Robert), D.D. The life of William of Wykeham, bishop of Winchester, collected from records, registers, manuscripts, and other authentic evidence. 8. Oxford 1777. MABILLON (Joannes). Tractatus de studiis monasticis in tres partes distributus : Latine versus a P. D. Josepho Porta Astensi. 2 voll. 80. Venet. 1705. MAIMONIDES. The main principles of the creed and ethics of the Jews, exhibited in selections from the Yad Hachazakah of Maimonides, with a literal English translation, &c., &c. By Hermann Hedwig Bernard. 8. Camb. 1832 MANNERT (Konrad). Geographic der Griechen und Rb'mer, aus ihren Schriften dargestellt. 10 theile in 14 bde. 8. Niirnburg 1788- 1825. MANSEL (H. L.) Artis Logicae rudimenta ; from the text of Aldrich, with notes and marginal references. 8. Lond. n. d. Prolegomena Logica : an enquiry into the psychological character of logical processes. 8. Lond. n. d. The philosophy of the conditioned, comprising some remarks on Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, and on Mr. J. S. Mill's Examination of that Philosophy. 8<>. Lond. 1866. MAURICE (Frederick Denison). The Kingdom of Christ, or hints to a Quaker respecting the principles, constitution, and ordinances of the Catholic Church. 2 vols. 12. Lond. 1842. Theological Essays. 12o. Camb. 1853. . METROLOGUCI. Metrologicorum Scriptorum reliquiae, collegit recensuit Ox] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 559 partim nunc primum edidit Fridericus Hultsch. 2 voll. 12. Lipsiae 1864-6. MILES (William). A letter to Henry Duncombe, Esq., member for the county of York, on the subject of the extraordinary pamphlet lately addressed by Mr. Burke to a noble lord. 8. Dublin 1796. MORGAN (Caesar). An investigation of the Trinity of Plato and of Philo Judaeus, and of the effects which an attachment to these writings has had upon the principles and reason- ings of the Fathers of the Catholic Church. 8. Cambr. 1853. MOZLEY (J. B.) A treatise on the Augustinian doctrine of predestination. 8<>. Lond. 1855. MtJLIiER (Johannes). On certain variations in the vocal organs of the Passeres that have hitherto escaped notice, transl. by F. J. Bell, edited with appendix by A. H. Garrod. 4. Oxford 1878. MtiLLER (Max). The languages of the seat of war in the East, with a survey of the three families of language Semitic, Arian, and Turanian. 2nd ed. 8. Lond. 1855. NAVARRETE (Pedro Fernandez). Conservacion de Monarquias y discursos politicos sobre la gran consulta que el consejo hizo al seiior rey don Felipe Tercero, va al fin la carta de Lelio Peregrino a Estanislao Borbio, privado del rey de Polonia, par el mismo autor. 4. Madrid 1792. NORTH (Roger). The lives of the right hon. Francis North, baron Guilford, lord keeper of the great seal under King Charles II. and King James II. ; the hon. Sir Dudley North, commissioner of the customs and afterwards of the treasury to King Charles II. ; and of the hon. and rev. Dr. John North, master of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, and clerk of the closet to King Charles II. 3 vols. 80. Lond. 1826. NORTH GEORGIA. North Georgia Gazette or Winter Chronicle (see Parry, W.E.). 4o. Lond. 1821. OXFORD. The history of the University of Oxford to the death of "William the Conqueror (by Sir J. Peshall). 8. Oxford 1772. The history of the University of Oxford from the death of William the Conqueror to the demise of Queen Elizabeth (by Sir John Peshall). 4. Oxford 1773. 5GO MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Pa The microcosm of Oxford, containing a series of views of the churches, colleges, halls, &c., by N. Whittock, lithographist. 4. Oxford n. d. Almae Matres, dedicated without permission to the freshmen and dons of Oxford, by Megathym Splene (J. C. Thomson). 12. Lond. n. d. Oxford delineated, or a sketch of the history and an- tiquities and a general topographical description of that celebrated university and city, illustrated by a series of views. 4. Oxford 1831. Oxoniana. 4 vols. 12. Lond. n.d. Oxoriiensis Academia, by J. Pointer, q. v. Selections from the records of the city of Oxford, with extracts from other documents illustrating the munici- pal history (1509-1583), ed. by W. H. Turner. 8. Oxford 1880. The University and City of Oxford, displayed in a series of 72 views, &c. by Lascelles (R.) q. v. A history of the colleges, halls, and public buildings attached to the University of Oxford, by Alex. Chal- mers, q. v. PALMER (E. H.) , Oriental mysticism, a treatise on the Sufiistic and Uni- tarian theosophy of the Persians, compiled from native sources. 8. Carribr. 1867. PARRY (William Edward). Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-West passage, performed in the years 1819-20 in his Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, under the orders of W. E. P. 4. Lond. 1821. PARTHEY (G.) Das Alexandrinische Museum, mit einem Plane von Alexandrien. 8. Berlin 1838. PESHALL (Sir John). History of the University of Oxford, q. v. PETTY (Sir William). Political survey of Ireland, with the establishment of that kingdom when the late Duke of Ormond was lord-lieutenant, and also an exact list of the present peers, members of parliament, and principal officers of state, to which is added an account of the wealth and expenses of England, &c., by a Fellow of the Royal Society. 8<>. Lond. 1719. PHILO JUDAEUS. Opera Omnia. 8 voll. 12. Lips. 1828-30. POETAE. Poetae Latini Minores, recensuit et emendavit Aemilius Baehrens. Vol. I. 12. Lipsiae 1879. Analecta veterum poetarum Graecorum, ed. Rich. Fr. Phil. Brunck. 3 torn. 8. Argentor. 1772-6. Ho] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 561 POINTER (John). Oxoniensis Academia, or the antiquities and curiosities of the University of Oxford. 12. Land. 1749. POPE, Popery. A concise history of the origin, progress, and effects of the papal supremacy, with observations on the altera- tions made in it by Buonaparte. 8. Dublin 1810. PRUTZ (Hans). Geheirnlehre und Geheimstatuten des Tempelherren- Ordens. 8. Berlin 1879. QUINTILIANUS (M. F.) De institutione oratoria libri XII : ace. declamationum liber, fol. Paris 1549. RANKE (Leopold von). Sammtliche Werke. Band XL VI. Hardenberg und die Geschichte des Preussischen Staates. Erster Band. 8. Leipz. 1879. RAUMER (Friedrich von). Geschichte der Hohenstaufen und ihrer Zeit. 6 Bde. 8. Leipzig 1824. RAY (John). A compleat collection of English proverbs, also the most celebrated proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other languages; to which is added a collection of English words not generally used, &c., with an account of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are found in England. 8. f Lond. 1768. REMUSAT (Madame de). Memoires de Madame de Remusat, 1802-1808, publics avec une preface et des notes par son petit- fils, Paul de Remusat. 2 tomes. 8. Paris 1880. RENAN (Ernest). Le Cantique des Cantiques, traduit de 1'Hebreu, avec une etude sur le plan, 1'age, et le caractere du poerae. 8. Paris 1861. Le livre de Job, traduit de 1'Hebreu, etude sur 1'age et le caractere du poeme. 8. Paris 1865. De 1'origine du langage. 8. Paris 1864. RHYS (John). Lectures on Welsh philology. 2ndedition. 8.Lond. 1879. RICHARDSON (Samuel). The history of Sir Charles Grandison in a series of letters. 7 vols. 12. Lond. 1754. RITSCHL (Friedrich). Die Alexandrinischen Bibliotheken unter den ersten Ptolemaern, und die Sammlung der homerischen Gedichte durch Pisistratus, nach Anleitung eines Plautinischen Scholions. 8. Ereslau 1838. o o 562 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Sa BOLLESTON (George). General remarks upon the series of prehistoric crania, description of figures of skulls, &c., see Greenwell (G.), British Barrows. SAY (Jean-Baptiste). A treatise on political economy, or the production, dis- tribution, and consumption of wealth, translated from the fourth edition of the French by C. R. Prinsep ; new American edition by C. C. Biddle. 8. Philadelphia 1844. SCAWENBTJBGO (Gulielmus Zenocarus a). De republica, vita, moribus, gestis, fama, religione, sanctitate, imperatoris Caesaris Augusti Quinti Caroli- Maximi Monarchae libri VII. fol. Gandavi 1560. SCULLY (Denys). An Irish Catholic's advice to his brethren how to esti- mate their present situation and repel French invasion, civil wars, and slavery. 8. Lond. 1804. SEBVETUS (Michael), Villonovanus. In quendam medicum apologetica disceptatio pro astro- logia. herausgegeben von H. Tollin. 12. Berlin 1880. .Servet und die oberlandischen Reformatoren, Quellen- Studien von H. Tollin, Band I. Michael Servet und Martin Butzer. 8. Berlin 1880. An impartial history of Michael Servetus, burnt alive at Geneva for Heresie (by J. Toland). 8. Lond. 1724. SHAW (Robert). Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and Kashgar (formerly Chinese Tartary), and return journey over the Kara- korum Pass. 8. Lond. 1871. SILVESTBE de Sacy (Antoine Isaac). Chrestomathie Arabe, ou extraits de divers 6crivains Arabes, tant en prose qu'en vers, avec une traduction Franchise et des notes. 3 voll. 8. Paris 1806. Grammaire Arabe a 1'usage des eleves de l'e"cole speciale des langues orientales vivantes, avec figures. 2 voll. 8. Paris 1810. SOPHOCLES. Lexicon Sophocleum, ed. alt. emendatior (EUendt Frid.). 8. Berol. 1872. SOUTHEY (Robert). His Common-Place Book, 4 series, edited by his son-in- law, J. "W. Warter. 4 vols. 8. Lond. 1876. SPENCEB (Herbert). Free notes on H. Spencer's First Principles, with sugges- tions regai-ding space, time, and force, also theories of life. 8. Edinb. 1878. SPBAT (Thos.), D.D. A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy Ta] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 563 against the late king, his present majesty, and the government (Anon.) fol. Lond. 1685. SPRUNER (K. von), see Atlas. Hand-Atlas fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neueren Zeit. 3 te . Auflage, neu bearbeitet von Dr. Th. Menke. fol. Gotha 1880. STAFFORD (Thomas). Pacata Hibernia, Ireland appeased and reduced, or an historic of the late warres of Ireland, especially within the province of Munster, &c., illustrated with seven- teene severall mappes (original edition 1633). 2 vols. 4o. Dublin 1810. STANHOPE (Geo.), S. T. P. Twelve sermons preached on several occasions. 8. Lond. 1827. STAUNTON (Sir George). An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China, taken chiefly from the papers of the Earl of Macartney. 2 vols. 4o. Lond. 1797. STEUART (Sir James), of Coltness. Works, political, metaphysical, and chronological. 6 vols. 8. Lond. 1805. STILLINGFLEET (Edward), D.D. The council of Trent examined and disproved by Catholic tradition, in the main points in controversie between us and the Church of Rome &c. (Anon.) 4. Lond. 1688. STRAHLENBERG (Philip John von). A historico-geographical description of the north and eastern parts of Europe and Asia, but more particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, together with a polyglot-table of thirty-two Tartarian languages, and a vocabulary of the Kalmuck -Mungalian tongue, trans, from the High German. 4. Lond. 1736. STUART (Gilbert). A view of society in Europe, in its progress from rudeness to refinement, or inquiries concerning the history of law, government, and manners. 8. Edinb. 1778. STUBBS (William). The Constitutional History of England in its origin and development. 3 vols. 12. Oxford 1875-8. SUETONIUS Tranquillus. Quae supersunt omnia, recens. Car. Ludov. Roth. Brisgavus. 12. Lips. 1875. TAXATION. Thoughts on taxation, in the course of which the policy of a tax on income is impartially investigated. 8. Dublin 1799. o 2 564 MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. [Th THEMISTIUS. Thcmistii Orationes, ex codice Mediolanensi emendatae a Guil. Dindorfio. 8 Lipsiae 1832. THONERUS (Augustinus). Obscrvationurn medicinalium baud trivialium libri quatuor, ace. consultationum, cum diversarum regio- num medicis habitarum, et epistolarum de variis rebus medico-philosophicis disserentium, libri duo. 4. Ulmae 1651. THUMSER (Victor). De civium Atheniensium muneribus eorumque immuni- tate. 8. Vindobonae 1880. TICKNOR (George). History of Spanish literature, with criticisms on par- ticular works, and biographical notices of prominent writers. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1855. TOOKE (John Home). EIIEA niEPOENTA, or the Diversions of Purley, with numerous additions from the copy prepared by the author for republication, revised and corrected with additional notes by R. Taylor. 8. Lond. 1860. TOOKE (Wm.) The life of Catherine H., Empress- of Russia, an enlarged translation from the French. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1798. TWISS (Horace). The public and private life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, with selections from his correspondence. 3 vols. 8. Lond. 1844. ULLMANN (C.) 'Reformers before the Reformation, principally in Ger- many and the Netherlands, translated by R. Menzies. 2 vols. 8. Edinb. 1855. WAITZ (George). Das alte Recht der Salischen Franken. 8. Kid 1846. WALAEUS (Antouius), prof. Leydensis. Opera omnia, praemiss-a est vita auctoris,et Jo. Polyandri oratio in cjus obitum. 2 voll. fol. Lugd. Bat. 1647. WALLACE (Alf. Russell). Tropical Nature and other essays. 8. Lond. 1878. WARNEFRIDTTS (Paulus), or Paulus Diaconus Aquil- eiensis q. v. WHITWORTH (W. Allen). Trilinear coordinates and other methods of modern analytical geometry of two dimensions, an elementary treatise. 8. Camb. 1866. WILLIAMS (Isaac). The Gospel narrative of the Holy Week harmonized. 8. Lond 1843. Z6] MERTON COLLEGE LIBRARY. 565 The Gospel narrative of our Lord's resurrection har- monized. 8. Lond. 1845. The Gospel narrative of our Lord's Passion harmonized. 80. Lond. 1850. The Apocalypse with notes and reflections. 8. Lond. 1852. WILSOW (H. H.) A glossary of judicial and revenue terms, and of useful words occurring in official documents relating to the administration of the government of British India, from the Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, &c., &c. 4. Lond. 1855. WINTER (George). Geschichte des Rathes in Strassburg von seinen ersten Spuren bis zum Statut von 1263. 8. Breslau 1878. WOIiCOT (John). Peter's prophecy : or the president and poet, or an im- portant epistle to Sir Jos. Banks, on the approaching election of a president of the Royal Society. By Peter Pindar, Esq. 8. Dublin 1789. YSAMBERTUS (Nicolaus) Aurelianensis. Disputationes in tertiam partem S. Thomae de mysterio incarnationis et de sacramentis : 3 voll. fol. Par. 1639-43. Disp. in primam partem S. Thomae, de Deo ejusque attributis, trinitate, et angelis. fol. Par. 1643. Disp. in primam secundae S. Thomae de libero arbitrio, bonitate et malitia actuum humanorum, peccatis et gratia, fol. Par. 1648. ZANCHIUS (Basilius), Bergomas. Epithetorum commentarii, ace. index eorum quae in hisce commentariis extra literarum ordinem continentur. 4. Romae in aedibus Ant. Eladi Asulani 1542. ZOCKLER (G.) Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen Theologie und Naturwissenschaft, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Schopfungsgeschichte. 2 Bde. 8. Giitersloh 1877-8. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-32wi-8,'57(.C8680s4)444 921 sity. Merton g&8MS Catalog of the printed hooks in the Library of l|terton Z 921