.r ■ r- ■. -.4 •^ ..//'' ericeibyN RRARY IVERSITY OP IlLIFORNIA 'J S c^i* .<:<,- R PROBSTHAIM b-^ •■* - : * i J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/dictionaryinassaOObronrich ;^f^ "Acy/L^ DICTIONARY ASSAMESE AND ENGLISH. COMPILED BY M. BRONSON^ jFCcst SlrCtion. AMKBICAN BAPTIST MISSION PRE88< SIBSAGOR. [800 co^k%,\ 1867. LOAN STACK W. Ward, Printer. FK PREFACE. ASSAMESE is the language usually spoken by the entire popu- laiion of the Brahmaputra Valley, and in most cases it is the only medium of intercourse with the bordering Hill Tribes. There is nothing to show that the Assamese race and their language have not existed in this Valley from time immemorial; and it is surpri- sing that, during the change of ruJers, the oppression and misrule to which they have been subjected, there are so few traces of any materia] change in their language. The A horns, a branch of the great Shan or Tai race, conquered Assam at an early period, and governed it for many hundred years, until it passed into the hands of the present Government; bat scarcely a trace of their language is found in the present dialect of the Assamese. The Burmese, the Mohammedans, and powerful Cachari Tribes have in turn waged war upon Assam without affecting the language. This may serve to show the love of a people for their owq tongue, and that if we would confer upon them the blessings of science and the true Keligion, the m3st direct and successful moJium is their own vernacular. Unfortunately au impression has prevailed that Assamese and Bengali are identical or nearly so. Hence all the Schools, Courts, and odicial business of every kin 1 are conducted in Bengali. This his greatly retarded the cause of education and general progress among the masses They have no inclination to abandon their own for a foreign dialect. The higher classes, seeing their own language ignored, strive to obtain a sufficient knowledge of Bengali to fill Government offices; but they never feel at home (in the language. In the family and social circle, nothing but the vernacular is spoken. Were Governmetit nowr »o abandon the country, Assamese would supersede all other dialects simply because it is the language of the masses. That eminent linguist Max Muller tells us, that ''there is hardly a language that in some sense may not be called a mixed language. No nation or Tribe was ever so completely isolated as not to ad- mit a certain number of foreign words." Again, "it matters not how many words may be derived in common from another language. it does not prove the identity of any two dialects. It is to tlic grammar that we must look, to decide their identity. " Now in reo^ard to the supposed identity of Assamese and Bengali, let it be borne in mind that wherever Hinduism goes, it takes its sacred language, the Sanscrit, along wifh it. In all the dialects ot India, spoken by Hindoos, religious and scientific terms are mostly of Sanscrit origin, modified more or less by the peculiarities of each dialect. But the grammars of these dialects are different; hence they are distinct languages, notwithstanding they have many words in common. So in the case before us. Both Assamese and Bengali borrow largely from the Sanscrit, but the grammars are quite different, as will be readily seen by comparing them together. It might as well be said that French and Italian are one language, because both are sprung from the Latin, a? that . Bengali and As- samese are one, because they borrow in common from the Sanscrit. After thirty years familiar acquaintance with the people, 1 am fully persuaded that it is a mistake to ignore their language. It ought rather to be cultivated, if suitable encouragement were ^iven, the educated Assamese would soon supply vernacular Schor)l Books, and a new im;)ulse in favor of education would manifest itself amorjg the masses. In no other way can education ever be popularized among them. In regard to the present work, it is the first Dictionary of the language ever published, and has necessarily been a difficult taj-k. In the fourteen thousand words here cr>llected, will be found many in daily use by the people, th^t no BengKli scholar will understand. Many of the.se words have been written as they dropped from the lips of the people. While I hive thus endeavore.l to give the spo- ken language, 1 have also inserted the m.)re common Sanscrit words that are used in the Pnthis, and therefore known to the people. These words are also used in our School Books, and Scripture Trans^ lations. But it should be borne in mind that they are often used in Assamese, with a modified meaning, and a different pronuncia- tion. A few words are used with a slight difference of form and pro- nunciation. These have been placed together as one word, and coupled by a bracket. Knglish definitions hav^J been sim'jilified and varied as much as space will allow, for tliL' sake of those who are learning English. As the iRnguage has hitherto had no standard, :md has been used vaguely, I am aware that this first edition, like all other first attempts of the kind, must be left more or less im- fierfecl. No word however has been allowed to pass without care- ful examination; and when doubts have existed, the oide&t and best lulornied of the people have been consulted. I am greatly imlebted to the Kev. Dr. Rrown, for a valuable list of words, and definitions pirtly given, all in the vernacular. The Kev. Mr. Whiting also printed a list of words as far as the letter if, without definitions. The system of Orthography adopted in this work, is that ofJotlu- rrtin liorna^ a learned Assamese Pundit, which it is believed much lietter corresponds with the actual pronunciation of the people than any other system met with. (Sec "Introduction to Brown's Gram- Nintical Notices," Page \\. ) Suggestions Irom every quarter for the improvement of the work wdl be thankfully received, and borne iu mind in the revision for a second Edition. For the liberal contributions received, I beg to return many thanks. Should health and means permit, a second Volume^ the corresponding English and Assamese, will follow. .M. Brunson. Nowgong, Aug. ItJih 1807. ?rsT ^^ ^sn^ ^^ ^rsfj <^i5i, «iic^ to^t^ -s^i, ^i ;qT^i j%cpff^ ^^ri fwrc^s 5nf3[ ^i3TT^ ^5T^ c^rr^tc^ i "^w^ ^t ^ijsr ctpts ^?t^ gfSTM CTt-^n t^rCS I <^C^^ ^tC^TH ^Ul TRJCc^ vi)t CTR Bit ^r^, 5T 51 ^5^ csT^f ^f^c^i I css'f^m^T ^mi iic^ ttc^ ^m ^Tc^, vilC^:^, ^t ClfTl^ ^^,^^ f^fsTC^ f^S '.STtf^ ^t^Tl ^:55T ^fe c=I|C^ I '^itC z^^^ 'sni^ ^c^r^ ^ta^i isifs t%i( ^tf^rr; f^^ ^fz ou ■^ *. u ^' \ \ ong , vij c e ^ k \5 d Z b < kh I? dh ^ bh ^ g ST m 1 ^ gh ^ t ? T y ^ ^ ng ^ th ^ ««o r 5 S(( :h) W d 'Jf bd. ^ bhru, ^ mp, ^ mb. ^ mbh. ^Ip, ^ St, t sth, % sk, ^ St, 3 str. ^ stu, ^ sth, 1? sn. ^ sp, ^ 3W, ^ sm. 55 sru, ^ ru> ^ hu, :^ dru, ^ hm. DICTIONARY, ASSAMESE AND ENGLISH. '«[, The first vowel in the Alphabet. In Assamese ihc sound fluctuates between long and short o, as in the two syllables of the word morrow* It is inherent in every consonant; but the mark { ^) placed underneath suppresses the vowel sound. Native writers denote the long sound of ^, by a circuninex, as ^^ black; i^ a buffalo. Before a vowel ^ l)ccoines 3:^. As i trr^f's it is equivalent to un, no, not. ^ ^sjft, inteij. Wi5fT5 IRI STTS, a particle expressing surprise. ^\5i, 5. ^sf, OT<^, 4ri, a share, division, piece. ^\fr\, s. BTfff, ^^n ^tXtf^, a partner, a sharer. ■■ ^9A \, a "^1441, 3f^ ^R Wl^r^i, f^\^y dumb, having an impediment in the speech; 5. a dunce, a stupid fellow. ^7|P1, a. ^'9 tr^ V^, f5^ fwiri; vilV ♦f#5?l Wft, marked, tattooc !; 5. a hill tribe of Assam. ^fr^n ^, n, ?rran ^4f^^ l, ^^. *T^, of diverse colours, striped ^*f?!iS^, a. ^T5 fro, ^*bf1, ft^lfW ^^W f5^, marked, stripe ?. tnttooed. ^^, a. GI(\T\, "^^t enough, sufficient. ^sniTPSn, s. ».^l C<^, «^, \^^, soft, easy to do, rK>t abstruse. ^5i^e^^, G. (M^ ^l'?!^?], ^t%^1, ^515[, free from awy thing that occasions anxiety, at euse, without an enemy. ^^•irf7(^, a. ^^^ ^C^?fJ, t^ ^S^ Cs^U C^rt^^, unsj)eakable, beyond expression. ^sr^^tl, s. ^ 5^?n ^<^, ^TOTt", ^;^^, improper talJk., obscene lan- guage, misconduct, injustice. ^^-sf^, s. ^«f^ ^Tt^r^^l, ^^, sincerity, frankness-, honesty. ^sr^-s^f^, a. 'F{^v[, c^;§rl, C«ft^, ^sr^ft^r, without hypocrisy, sincere, frank, honest, open-hearted. Nivjir4yi^ , s. f^cm^, ^^^TSJ^ C^K^^^, ^, purity, immaculateness. ^^Pri1%, «. C5^ 7^9n, f^T^, ^T^ ^^ir4y1, a. v\eiJ W , s. ^3T^^, ^^^ W^^, a misfortune, adversity, evil. ^ST^^rrr, ad. ^^, ^^^^, f^rf^l^, T^5'^» ^^r^tt^, suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly. sti[^f^ ^^j 5. ^n'V ^t^^'T;, ^t^^ *X^^j> ancestors, forefathers, pro- genitors. ^5[^lj, a. -^^^I^^, ^si^nn", ^5i^:i, useless, without cause. ^I^^, a. 5«^ C^-sft^l, ^f^^tc^ ^^c^, difficult, perplexing, intricate. -i| ''1" improper work or action, wickedness, wrong. ^5r^:s'j "stf^, a. "^rwi, ?^ "^Tsi ^flr^ ^?ri, c^c^ ^t^?^ ^if C5Ti. C*fp5n, worthless, useless, stupid. ^5Wtc^, a. ^s:?^, 5grn?i *^ C^KXPsn, ^P^fsns C^vn, premature, out of season. ^^[■ai f^^T, s. ' -^^I^l^ ST^, AMH^Jii^iLS fV^T C5T^, prenlature death, early or accidental death. ^srf^rs^, a. ^£f^m, STJmC ^t^s^, unpublished, unpromulgated. ^«rf^r/, a. «n*iJ | f^, ^>n^, '«I'«rrrr^, without renown, infamouf. ■crWrir, «. "^, ^nr =ll^f*5l, fj?, genuine, real, unalloyed, pure. ^^f^, a. 'Si^^j ^>f, C^TT^, sincere, honest, guileless. ^AV I 4 , s. CB:^ ^TI, CS^9 a boy under the age of puberty. •BT^inft, s. ^ms^J cymrfi^, crc^Fft, a girl under the age of puberty. *J<»«1#I, a. ^TT, ^^, deficient, wanting, insufficient. «^|4l#l, a. ^«iri, f^ arrftin, ^TR ^fwi, of low caste, unprivi- leged, untitled, ignoble. "SHf^, a. csTftc-pfft, C^csnrrf^i, ^arfsnifrs, want of order, irregularity. ^srftPTSfT, a. TWT^f C^lCffll'sn, %*f^T^ ^ITRl, unthankful, ungrateful. ^fap^n, s. f^?1, Vttfy5, /^1I4«, hardhearted ness, unmercifulness. ■^jftRTl, 5. 4j^.4Jr, ^BHiTST, inaction, improper action, irrcligion. ^CTlif, a. <^ ^I^ftnn, ^, dispassionate, placid, tranquil; i. the restraint of anger, dispassionateness, calmness. "Wlf^, s. F««r srrt, 'awnrtT, the absence of distress, fatigue or diffi- culty, well being. '^lStl*\, ad. jrjx^n, ^ ^of, F«#r c^nc^TTTt^, with facility, easily. ^««f(^, s. ^TS^rS, SK^ ^«rrfiR C*?yW, ^JnTF^m, a childish whim, fancy, caprice. ^ ^ ^^^^ untidy sjovenly person. ^f^j^, a. f^rc^T^sn, ^"^f 5r^?T^, ^p, not lean, fat, fleshy. ^oif^f^, a. ^Tf\*{}^ ^\'^J] 1%C5T^, a complete army, consisting of 109, 3^)0 foot, 65,640 horse, 21,870 chariots, and 21,870 elephants. ^5f|%, a. [•iA\^^, Tf^'^ destitute of a refuge, without remedy, lost to all hope of final happiness, ^fff^ 9f|%, 5. ^SRt^T^ ^1^, helper of the helpless. = '^'it^, ^ a. ^ICc^^n, ^f^ C^n^T^, 1^^^» <5if*isj|, uncounted, incal- ^^RJ, 5 culable, innumerable, countless. ^5^, a. f^ m^[^f, a. ^fl ^r^, ^ If, ^ ^fg^, ^Ton^f^, very deep, pro- found, fathomless. ^^ fW»*ii bad, useless, worthless. not discipled, not obeying a priest, or the rules of the Hindoo religion. WW^lf^ , a. ^*n5n^ ^TTRT, ^m^rrffl", ungrateful, unthankful. ^C«r;5^, a. CT CW-tn ^^, 3n4|5jj'i;W, s. riwl?!, C^C^"r5rl ^t^, 5. £tf%^, fw^ TTi ^f^ST ^1% ^n5 Ccfl^, a promise, agreement, engagement. ^ftit^r^, s. 5n ^jT C^^l W^„ a distortion of the body. ^=51^^, a. ■^ J^ft", ^^ ^"Jfl C^^5 ^si^^'tlf, without a royal umbrella, i. €. without a king or ruler. ^otjql^i s. -^V^ CW^, ^ ^^f^' ^t^ ^t^' vertigo, giddiness. ^si^f^i;, a. v6|<»Ji(li, ^l£>f4i, astonishing, surprising, sudden. W5K\-, s, ^^^5 ^5|iit;Rj, ^t^rf^, C^cTl, incredulity, disregard. ^IF^, G. 5T^ ^ ^^Rl; ^, "^iri^, immovable, torpid, fixed. IK^I, a, ?^ T^ftc^ 5^^, 5ff5r, wealthy, rich, opulent, affluent. ^5[^^ 3^51^, 5. ^n^l7pf^ C^TTCITl^, f^^firft, not subject to the infirmities of age or death, immortal. ^SRTI, a. f^^I^f, 5?1R1, foolish. ^SurrHrS, a. Csrrc^lWl. f^f^f^nt^ C*r3n, ^W^ C*1T^, obtained with- out asking, unrequestcd, unsought. ^snrTT, a. carr^fW, iri^ ^ Csnc^Wl, unproduced, unborn, having no caste. ^STfrnsfen, «. ^rrs v«^, ^m^ *m C^^l C^mi. C^. unlike the * original, deteriorated, of bad origin, bad. ^smVS ^W^ 5. £i>n^ Ji^, C=m:^^ C^*l«1 ^np, a chief enemy, an enemy that has no equal. ^^T^, a. srrs f5i mtr^ - ^I I, fe^ «nft?1, without caste, belonging to another caste. ^snn^, a, ^i^ .^^ ^f^R", f^:^^ ^T. devoid of reason, irrational, unreasonable. the name of an ancient notoriously wicked brahmin; applied also to persons notoriolisjy wicked. ^fij-jfjif , s. c^rrtm^fi c3rrc*rr^i, ^^ ^f^ c^m^t^, the doing of a thing regardless of consequences, a rash imprudent action. 'srfk^rrnf'T, a. ^f^c^^^ ^^^5 "o*^ inquisitive, rash, imprudent. "srm^ -Eft^f^, ) s. m[k srr^^, ^srlfe, fefs--, a quarrelsome litigious "^^^UlT, ^ person; a. discordant. ^;ilp*r, s. fw^ C^TClft^l, C^i^ ^srfer,, not in tatters, indigestion. ^5r^1%r, a. ^llTc?, ^^^T, ^f^T, illogical, inconsistent improbable. ^"^T, a. w^ C^^^, ten thousand. ^STC^^tJ, fl. ^'pfT:^, ^^f5^, C*J,I^<1, unworthy, unfit, incompetent. ^oTClfts, s. 7p5^ 1t^, ^ST^isr^f, r<^J~i C^TTC^n^, without subsistence, or competence. ^STCSrr^fJl, 5. t%Qf Qitrr, ^i'^liT Qt^ ^^, name of a sacred city. ^^fln, .f. ^nir!^, W^ XlVa C^"^, ^^ Ciri^, the hands joined together with the palms upward ; as much as can be held with the hands so joined. ^"^lf^, a. f%fe^, ^sr^^-s^, ^^rfTTS^, not exact, uncertain. n6jC'<> f^&^, a. ^T^ 1S^ C^lCii,!^!, ^^^, not in order, not exact, nothing in place, nothing in readiness. '^sn^fi^.?!, a. iii^f5T ^'i, ":5;c:5 ^Ti^ ^^rl, obstreperous, audacious, impudent. ^©TJ-sftf^, s. ^srf^^^ ^^^ ^ctU^ C^6 ^^R1, audacity, impudence, turbulence. <5l^in^, fld ^5117, ^^^ 5ii[l^, ^if^ ^ ^5^5^^, SO much or so little. ^rs^ c^m^, a. ^T^rfei* f-^R^pf^, ^jc^ stc^ «Tin, f^r5!n, wasted away, emaciated, thin, gaum. ^» ^ >; , 5. -A{1 »<^ , f^^«>rT^, ^TR ^ C^rsT^, impassal)lt:ness, without the means of getting through a difficulty, irremediableness. W3?T, a. isf^ c^ ic^ l -ftl l, ^«mr, f^:^, ^(\y.9, J:^t^,g»'eatly, exceedingly, excessively. 'StTt^, a. CBTTsn, tJJ CirT^, past, gone, by-gone. ^srf^sf^, *. ^srWft, SpTtft, ^Tftff%, a guest, a stranger. "^fisf^ C^l^i >. ^rwft cn^, hospitality. '*JlNfi*l't, a. 3nr?^» 7?r^, ?nBJ5!^, much, excessive •, a^. exceedingly, ^rf^'inr, «• ^pft, ^rt^ C<^ 5»n, dysentery, violent purging. 'BTjieTT, a. ^;;n ^f^ cm^^lj ^BHJ^nr, uuequalled, unsurpassed. ^rST^, ad. ^fis^r^, 4<^*, very, excessive, much. ^r5n5r3r, 5. ^SRItt'.^snjfx. ^'^rf^, violence, oppression, lawlessness. ^5J:5if3r,a. ^SRTI^ 'Sfijfi ^rcitSlt'Oppressive, overbearing, dissolute. ^■JTOT, a. ^r5 %55I, ^TTStV BTW, very good, excellent. ^n, arf. ^ra, *ii^ ^TT^ here, in this place. ^fffirf^. a. firf^ff^ arc^rni, (n^^ftr ^«t5??rr5n. unsatisfied. 'Bivrs, co/»;..3rT^, ^a^fV^^, *fn53, tP^ a. unsubdued. 'SltffXTi:^, > 5. c^i'V(f, fid. ^fe-^ -s^RI, «ilf5R, a. ^^ C^T^n, ^1^1 SRI, ^5?r C^r^. subject 10, dependent, ^srfifi^, 5. SJ^, sr^ ^in, ^z*^, M^lf^, l^rd, sovereign, king, owner. ^srfWJI, 5. -^"S ^^51^ ^snc^fc? ^IRl fiy^, a preliminary ceremony on festive occasions. ^«rf>r^r^, 5. ^r^^r^B?, Lord of th5 world, Kinc of kinas. W^, ad. ^fr^f T^sn^ JW?7, silt Sr^83, at present, now, lately. 'src^^i^, 5- ^ci^d cirrsn, a^r^st^r drrsn, descent, the going to hell, '^or\*inf^, a. i«ili^ GfiPSl], descending, sinking. ^5n:5ftt^W, 5. T^\t9^ C5l^1, a downcast look, a looking down. ^src^rt^^, s. ^91"3r ^^, the lower part. ^srorfg^, a. t^ ^, vir^, downcast, of sad countenance, bashful. ^sni^frs, a. C^nnsfWl, Tag[f5, unwashed, unclean. "WA^tWl, s. •PTOi ^fSJU* TiR 49^1, impatience, not restraining one's self. ^VTIR, 5. *fin, ^^ WT^crrcn, reading, repeating a lesson, study. ^5naT<^, 5. f^-ftnny, ^evi, ^fC^insn ♦ff^^, a teacher, an instructor. ^w^iT, 5. ^>ai, ^^, ^% a chapter, division, section, ^ff, 5. ^n^, ^R, WWT, bailed rice, food in general. ^BRlf, a. ^Hifftsr, ^rW Of 6, without body; kam deu, the Indian Cupid. ^R5, o. ^5r? sn^, ^C»W» JT^ffwW <51, f^rST, 'SR^ ^;ctt JF?*^, eter- nal, endless; f. the name of a fabulous Herpent with a thousand heads on which the world is supposed to rest. ^^n ^T?T, 1. «C^8, »;irt^T^, eternal ages, eternity. ^5R^^, ad. ^7[ ^TTC^, *n5T, W^a^W, afterwards, succeeding. ^5R<^^r^, fl. ^ CSTTOT^n. fR?<1TrfV, not guilty, faultless. ^5r;jT5, o. "^X^t '•fnS'^M C^IC^I^I^^, incessant, perpetual, constant W^^%, a. ^T^r^Tl, <^m ^TPTsn, ci!^ (RTC-tTmi, fluent, glib, ready of speech. ^SRvf^, a. ^*M^, C7«n, f^^, ftrpsT, to no purpose, fruitless, in vain. ^5RJT, 5. ^, 'srf^, 7t>, fire. ^5R1, ;iarf. ^TSTS t^l^sr^l, 5^f3?n, brought; s. one anna. A*(l^l«-*ll, ad. 7»^l« C^rtC^fTsn, f^*ir-« ^?R1, (RC^-^TI, not fully/' informed, doing any thing ignorautly or at venture. 12 ^f^ '^T^n^T^, s. c^ ^l>i<, Irf^ ^^n^T^ ^^, improper conduct, not according to rule. ^TRtHfc, a. ftfi; ^■;Fii^',6ir^&|, s. ^1 ^n^, 5>( c^;grr^, ^^1%, disrelish, aversion, reluctance. '^hRfi;, s. f^f^^ WZ'^ ^ ^, ^j%1%5, immorality, injustice. 'ssrfej, a. TTfTi^ ^51^, •5i(.^K'"ii!i ^'^^, temporary, transitory, unsubstantial. ^RrWxi, a. T^fwS CTlC^P^I^ not despised, not censured. ^f^pW?, a. "R^l W:^^ C§fT^ C^Cirt^l^ not despicable, not censurable, irreproachable. ^rf^rf%3, a. ^T?fl%3, ^C^ «t^, wakeful, watchful, sleepless. ■ ^fe il, a. f^ ^tt» f?[Tr^, 1%f5:f^C^ WlUl^iil, irregular, without rule or order. ^rfert^, a. 1%f^ C^C^:!^, f^ ^^^Tlt not regulated, not deter- mined, indefinite. ^P^'Sfer, a. ^^:^ ^^ ^ntfwi, t^ 4^ C^lt^^l, unspeakable, unutterable, indescribable. ^ 13 ^;r?f%, a. ^f^TiTT, f^7f% ;T7P^1, ^^ fe^ ^r^^l, without order, unsettled, unregulated. ^'f^*r?', s. ^77T, ^ ^^fwl. boldness, courage, fearlessness. ■^^T^, a ^5r^I%T, ^STST^f^i?!, ^*f^TT, undesired, ominous, evil. ^'fi^iD<5»lfV, a. ^<^^f^, ^f^ ^^"^nn, occasioning evil to another. '5JCT, prefix. ^«^?f f^CR, used only in composition, it usually con- veys the idea of following, agreeing, according to. WJJ^?7, a. 7^^, 3iT^i^, coinciding, acting in concert with, assisting. 'sr^I^sr, s. ;5s^, ^c^^ «1T1 PIL^Tt??, succession, order, a Fcrics. ^^oFCSI, ad. o5»C5I uFC^, orderly, successively. ^^•»rj^, nd. JrVi^, SC^S ^TC«T, JFirrCSI, perpetually, continually. ^MT, a. «ft55 C9[Wi, ^51 CWfT^n ^Tl. gone after another. WJj^srJR, 1 5. <^5 -^^5 CWmi, ^r^ Cirr«n, a following after, the ^ST^^ifS", j act of a woman burning her^'clf on the funeral pile of her husband, a follower, a Suttee. ^^, s. 2t7Tff, f;y*n, w\V\, mercy, grace, favour. ^BT^^I", s. ^BTTWHIl, W5T*t, s. cn^, f^FF. repentance, regret, remorse. ^^-(^^rf?, a. §*f^Tf< C^ICITT^, 3Fmt cmui*l1, unprofuable, not helpful, ^njs^, a. ^^ipg, ^rf% T5^, I^^i's^, unequalled, unsurpassed, incomparable. ^^*fT^ *• ^'W^ «^^n Clc^, s. (TPT ^rtc=r, 5i^7r ^1i?T, the end, the time of death. "ST^^, 5. 5R, ^115^, Tt^, f^^^, C^Wi^, the mind; a. distant, differ- ent, unlike. ^^1>{, ^f-jR, the sky, the firmament. 'sr^ft-'Pf, s. TTW^^cT c^tslft (rsrrsil f%?fr^f^1 5rT#, a headland, a cape. "^ST^^l^^ a. 5R ^TUKtn, knowing the heart. "^si^^riiT, s. ^ifJi^, ^^ri"^ C^^srl, a disappearance, a vanishing. "^r^fxs, a. ^^1, C^Ciff^rit?? ^^r^, ^^^^, disappeared, vanished. "^n^^ s. vi>f%, ^i7(^ -^cni^l^, an ear-ornament. ^I%sr, a. (Tpf, last, ulterior. ^kC^^jI^ fen, s. Fi^ F^l ^;§f ^if^ H^t? ^^^, C£l~5fen, funeral obsequies, offerings to the manes of deceased ancestors. "51^, i a. ^f^, ^5l^?i1, fV0ft^, blind, sightless. A^<>k, 5, ^"^i^, -pfo;^ ^i^f^>¥li darkness, gloom; a. dark. ^^f ^, 5 viic^ C^CF^^, C^tfC^cfl, ^^, blind. ^^Jjffi 7if%, s. ^«flt, ^1%, ^, ^?T, frg, a means, way or chance of doing a thing, a crevice, a flaw in one's conduct, ^sr^, 5. '^srT^T^, ^t^ ^# C-^TT^ 3^, boiled rice, food in general. ^^^^^, s. ftfwt^ ^'5ft^5 subsistence, maintenance, a living. ^9f \.> ^5m*^1, s. ^S f5fti% C^mrfJI^ ^iSr, a gotless, the Hindoo Ceo^. ^S £fi^*I, s. C^'T^n er^rvT St^'W ^TJ *!^l' " H»»fit>o ceremony on giving a child boiled rice for the t»r.-'t lime. ^ST^, pron. "«niT, -s^, f^#T, (XC?.?r, another, dilTercnl, other. ^SRT^n, «. f%JT ^S, TOTT^*, C^C5^sr, the contrary, the revenue. ^si^jft', 5. ^it C^tC^mi, ^5f^, WJTCT^, injustice, wrong. '^'K, firey?/. ^*T»l^, ^STJ^I ^ <:f, ^<^9rT, CT;«f fjr< ^C1 ^r^, inimical, ! •'>, liurtful, producing disease. ^*f^3, s. ^[^R ^Tl, ^sr^^T5 inPT, murder a tragical or sudden death. "^^VK^, S' ^^» TJ^1^» disgrace, di^thonor, infamy. ^oftf, 5. ^rrs^T^, "TJ;^, ^*fvr, a wrong road, an cul cusirst. ^vf CWJTI, *. ^"i f*13il5 CSTS "^1% , an apparition, a ghost, hobgoblin. ^*u.>fr^5^, 5. ^fs^rrf^, r^r^^\ JJTRI, a stranger; a. unacquainted. ^*Tf«rfr5, o. ^5;^S<7, C«^eit

n%^, a. -pft^ ^fe C^t^n, ^^^tf^, unable to read, ignorant. '^^"Ha, a. ^'.ifr^fj, ^f^, ^^^, a female denii-god; the fabled dancers and courtezans of heaven. ^SJ^Ttt, a. £t^i7[ c^C^l^sn, G{ Of'Sri, %^^f ^^^» 'sr^"^', unpub- lished, secret, unrevealed, hidden. ^srSi^Tf, 5. f^f^fir, ij:n ^"3pn, ^l^ ^ITR ^^Wsn, ir^, stubborn, disobedient. ^raK, a. ^sr^r^, vac^^, '^l^, ^l^*, causeless, to no purpose. ^T*r'5^, fl. 75? ^"fir^T^^W^j^'Tfrol, incompetent, having no skill at work, worthless, useless. ^«rfe??^, s. WM CW^ in^f^TI, the absence of trouble or evil. ^sfTOT. s. ^SRjft, BT^Jtv UlSU ^Jf^wn, injustice, wrong. union, connection of parts, continuity ^r^fifi, a. ^ m^j sryr'T cmc^l^l, unknown, invisible. ^trfV, a. WV ^ ^'S^ f^'^ffT5» C^^l^f^, unlawful, illegal. 'Slf^m^l, 5. ^ cmi^l^ll, ^W?^, impcrishableness, indestructibility. ^srf^T^rf^, a. ^annr, '^••n^, «l5r« IffVnn, indestructible, imperishable. *lR, an unmarried man, a bachelor. ^^rf^r^rfei* «• f%?n ^ ^c^rm on^tf^, wrfti frort^i, a maid, a spin!>ter, a virgin. wf^c75^, a- ftc^^^ ^ ?PT1» inconsiderate, thoughtless, careless. 'otItc^^^, i' fH] ^ ^R1, ^fir 7tf¥ C^5T«ri, want of consid- eration, discrimination or investigation. ^sr^TSTC^, ad. fe^, ^5ff%C^^. ^iftf^^. quickly, without delay. ■^f?rc*i»i, a, ^STC^B?, ^ift^, like, similar ; .«. similarity, resemblance. ■4l{^>jt5r, 5. ^srrsrRr ^itf^yi, f^rfwCTT^i without cessation or rest, ^r<^l*l, s. f%Ti^^rr^,^5rJT>tlTT,^<^S'«n, unbelief, incredulity, distrust. 3rt7rTrf%, «. "^si^i-^tf^, ^ftu^^^^ri, incredulous, unbelieving, unfaithful. ^srf^^, 5. ^SRif^rR, ^ vT^n, C^rtC^rrsn, absence, non-existence. "OT*, o. Z9 fJT^T^ ^ ^^, '^Tcrrvr, stupid, inconsiderate; s. stupidity. "^it^Ti^, a. ^5rJW3, ^^ ^^» '^srerft, unwilling, dogged, obstinate. 'S^Z\K. a, ftc^5f, ^5F«?n, dull, foolish, stupid, ignorant. 3 18 S5Tf% "^^JQ^, a- "^SW^, ^fTTTiT, latent, invisible, imperceptible. '^51^7^^^, a. ^cTt^cT ^ ^^1, out of use, obsolete. ^SRT?!, «. ^f^ C^^^TTsiI ^T?^^^, uufliminisiiable, undecliiiablti. "^m^y a. ;^1^P?f, ^ ?!r^, Mk C^mi, efficacious, effectual, infallible. ^8irl%1^, a. fjj% ^ f^R^T^ ^«ff^ feT, without occuj)ation or means of living. ^^, 5. ^ ^tf^Ul, the absence of fear; a. secure, fearless. ^^'v^^, 5. "fetif 5(tT, ^m^T ^^41, filthy obscene conversation. ''S^^^fen, a. ^Ti^TOI, W C^ftTl^ J( 5R1, not discipled. ^^e», -) «. ^f^fe, ^sr^^^l, 5^^^^ C2|"5T ^fe? ^ ??<^1, not ^JTS^T, ) devoted to, destitute of piety, irreligious. ^STS^IT, a. 5^, ^I^, a treasury of words and their meanings, a dictionary. ^1%^, «. C^Ccn^r C^C^t^l, ^C^, not separated, alike. 'Slf^gtl^? ^- ^^^> ^^ ^51, UXlt'^'WJi scope, design, object, inten- tion; the moral of a fable. 'Sil^irt^, s. ^^rt^-s^^rr^ ^^ ^1% sRI^, ^si^r^t^, "^^1%, pride, self- esteem, the sullen resentment of an affront. 'Slf^^tr, 5. ^f^?rt^, ^^ ^1, inclination, earnest desire, taste, relish. ^f%cTW, s. ^yj, C^^t^, ^siTTl, 5R c;m^, a wish, desire, lust. ^fe^TR, a. ^^1 I, «. ^^J 1>1 ^4" ^lCfTf, 3r^, disaster, calamity, an evil omen. ^5W?rf*rjn, «. ^^ffen, "^r^TSr^l SR^, hurtful, injurious, calamitous. tsrann, 1- sriFl f^» TJT, ^TTT, free from illusion, real, perfect. ^nnrT^f^", s. TJ^T T^' ^^» * place of true happiness, heaven. ^ir?1 ^•♦r, 5. ^5 "JJ-^r, *f^ ^••f» true happiness. '^^^, a. C^i%jrT6 ^ 5Tn, fsrfaff?, ^fl5>fR fe^m, undying, im- mortal, permanent; s. the name of a dictionary. ^w?^, 5. »i«ri^ nsvi** ^f^. ^«R^ *fSJT -T^T, the residence of Indra. ^nnR%f, 1 s. irWft^, T^ ^n. disrespect, incivility, dishonor. ^^^raferl^, 5. '•mllfC, ^WTOT, disrespect; a. dishonorable, mean. ^Wl, 5. ClTT^f CTW Bt^ vfl-gisf, 5^ ^^ffTT^r ^t>r, edge of the new mooll. ^srsrrs, a. ^RTtp, srTfs^ c^H'flr?!, silent, speechless. ^snili^, 5. ^rsrwVl, srW ^^4* ar vr, dishonor, want of respect. ^Wt^, a irt^ *rPnr ^BrcirtSfT, not worthy of respect or regard. ^^••l5» *• f^ "^^t ^''^ tr^^fsTT^ TSfVS, not human ; a term of abuse. ^sWTf%, 5. >«nifljo, l^^M m\W^U not consenting to, dissentient. 'BRrTTWI, s. ^«rT« ^, CWPf lljp f^lV, day of the new moon, change of the moon. ^wrf?", 5. iDfinf 9tSW •TfTi a species of tree. ^srfwi. 5. ^srf^, ^Tf, nectar, the water of life. wfspPT. a. fe <:^!(.^1'*I1, t7rlf^'» respect, honor, worship. ^B!I, s. ^rs';r, ^^;i, ^U-^"^^ ^:», earnings, gain; a. acquired. ^^TC**^, s. ^$^f<^^^, "^^^ ^T5, obtained by one's own labour. '«?-§;r, 5- *rri ?^I^ ^^ %!!. Nif^^'f^, name of one of the sons of Pandoo, famous in the story of the Alahabharat j name of a tree. ^^, 5. ^^ ^2^, «"r>f, 'WTSSI^. 5HiI. wealth, meaning, purport. ^5*1 ill, s. £ffi?, 55f^, rich, wealthy. ^5fT5, ad. ficnnz, ^5?3, namely, that is to say. ^^ftil?, 5. ^HJ «^, another meaning. ^r«f, a. ^p(, £t:«f^r^tf?, sr»lft?T?, rich; «. a pctitionftr, a beggar. ^C^. ad. ^KC^. fsifsfC?, C^5C?^, about, for the sake ©f. 'c:>f, a. ^:x], «lT?f'«ir^, J^snc-^, *fl«5TiT, half, a moiety. 'BiVfj^, 5. C9'A^ "SfUf^-oifiT, a half moou, a crescent. ^^ ^TFa 1. ?«tf ?Tf^, irrftjjl, midnight, half the night. WTT, «. ^Hfl ir<^. «T»J1. half of the body, a wife. ^Clfif, a. '8JtC«fff, >£JfX^, '«rr?.'5, half, the half of any thing. Sl'fA, 5. cma little, a small quantity. ^^Trr-si" ■^sr^l^'J^, a. l^.\ "^^^j ^5Trr[Miii, "^2^, ^15", under the protection of, by tlie assistance of. ^STiT^, a, ^5:t?5T, c=r^^^ C^C^t^, f«t^, fixed, stable, unchangeable. ^cTtF, ». r}t« ;5f$^^ll'., ^^t?^, <:^l•■< 5:f^, an incarnation, assuming a form, ^ff^'^ a. ^^TI'^ C^t^l, ^S^iTpsn, incarnate, descended as a deity to assume an earthly form. ^?^^, s. ^ flnn, ^TiT^ -s^f^i, -^^ attention, care, regard. ^s^^, 5. 1%^'R, ^1^1%, "RTTtsr, rest, leisure, opportunity, spare time. ^FTfiTf, 5. ^^3, vS^ ^l"^, 3=I^f%, extinction, end, decline. ^?1%^, fl. ^^^TiTf, <,t Jm, ^tl% <2r^. left, remaining. "^^C^, 5. T»3, a. J{'Jfi5 C^'C^A^U vifum, 'SJilite, inconsistent, iucougruous. '^^f5u), a. •«[h'5 C^rsil, 'CIC3^>5 «istl, unclean, impure. ^1», a. JI3» c^i^TC^l'sn, c^91, U^V, bad, mean, evil. Vi*I¥, 8. ^^9\,c^Z^'^UW^'S,'^^^f9V\• without trace or intimation. ^^I-^tS, s. ^r?Pn»I, ^-^VS S ^T, unbelief, incredulity, distrust. ^W-^tfij, a. "^rr^^rtf^. f3?^l>Hll4f*i incredulous, unbelieving, Oiith- less, treacherous. ^*\Qt a. ^t^, UHJ\f9i ftftr» Dol virtuous, uDchattej s. a licen- tious woman. >B|Ji>5J, a. ft^, ^Jff^pvf, untrue, false, feigned. ^*»v5J^rif, 5. fii5f^?l, >Si C^lJFi^), a liarj a. untruthful. '^>i^^, o. fr^^, CTWfSf, displeatsed, dissatisfieii. ^'R'Wf'i?1» o, ^fsf?!, Ff-ofT. sad, sorrowful, displeased. ^«r»!U^JPT, 5. cm^, C<9t<, fTK,W, sorrow, sadness, grief, displeasure. ^r»lW, a. Ty^T^ ClTT^fT C^HC^mi, ^1(1^^, ^^if^?!, ^rnfV, wild, barbarous, savage, uncivilized. ^^^^^, «• ^^ C^tsjl, f^fV C*rrc^i^U incomplete, unfulHIIed, ^^^55, a- ^^ C»(f^4l, ^ft ^l5f^"Ji'3ptT^, improbable, inconsistent, unreasonable, strange, odd, uncommon, extraordinary. 'SPT^^, 5. 'Srsj-tts, ^^7 ^ 5T» a neglect, an affront, an indignity, '5IJ1^5, a. ^nT'i, ^t?*il7?f, reluctant, averse, unconsenting. %i7\^\-, 5. ^5r:s(T, ^xi(i], Ti^ii ;(?p^l^ a dishonor, an indignity, an affroDt, incivility. 24 ^ ^^^Rilt, a. TT^;? CITrCc7t^^ ^?J C^T^t'te? ^'^^^, ^B^fj^l, with- out a priest or religious teacher, uridiscipled. K5i7iriT>1, s. 'i\^ c^TCs^t"5rl, ^«1^r^ ^ 51^1; ingratitude, unthankfulnes.«. ^^cnthf, «• T^i^ C^TCcTi^', ^<1^T^ ^ Sj^n, ungrateful, unthankful. ^Jiir;^-, s. JTJ^^i, C^W^ «T^1, impatience, non-endurance. ^^^|VJ?, «• ^f^^ CJ{T^^% C'<|^'^;:( ^^1, unendurable, unbearable. ^J^tivj'$, s. ^^cT, '^i^^^, out of season; a. untimely, inopportune. ^>iSJ^, s. 7rsi% ^ cn?ri, 'P'^f^ ^ 9t^, the want of connection, or agreement; want of relation to; without fitness cr propriety. ^^^f, X (i- ^r?ri\w, ^^^T, ^sjosft^, incompetent, unable, incapable. Mi3i5|l?t, a. ^5^iF, 'ilril ^m, uneven, undulating. "^pffij^, 1 a. '^T^"i55" (Htf^iin, belonging to Assam, Assamese. ^f^, ^ a. ^C^W, ^TBfi^, ^l, suffering, affliction, distress. "^"^T^H, a. ^5iwf%1> "^t^lTI; unhappy, sad, uncomfortable. ^■351%, G. ^«tlT5, "5^1, ^if^, ceremonially impure, unclean. ^^^, a. ^c^ ^it^, #llj fpRH, ^-s^^ «r^, incorrect, inaccurate, alloy- ed, insincere. ^^, «, "^51^1?!^, f^m, unpropitious, bad, evil. ^■jpl, 5. fii«> 5. vijR*5lf\4, a. Wfir?, ^^Ji'T. »J?5^, unstable, wavering, unsettled. ^TJ^n, 5. ^sr5>fi, ^VMJ, Cl[^1, distrust, disregard, the treating any thing with contempt as incredible. 'srgj, 5. ^^ *fTf^, 5^ cn, C^rs^, a tear. ^55-5, a. ^^^, srrgj^ ;n^, unheard of. ^gj-pfTS, s. 5^ C»n ec»rr«n,5^ *fl1^ C^mi, shedding teare, weeping. '^T?, s. rfrri, a horse. ^STTJ^T, s. ^1?.4 sfs, a species of tree; the Ahant. ^5PJC^>f, s. c^m 7i% r^nn »^, the oflcring of a horse in sacrifice, mkfk, s. \fk, *ilil^5 ^^n^^ 2t^ ^^13, a mare; in Hindoo mythology the first of the twenty seven stellar mansions. ^srf^ fsrr^, s. CHUA C^, CJfSn Itc^tT!, the fabulous physician3 of heaven; twin gods said to be begotten of Hurjyo tlie sun, and his wife Honjoya in the shape of a mare. 4 26 ^5rrt ^5r?:, interj. ^pFf, ^< C?lif^ "S^T^, an exclamation of pain or displeasure. ^Sf^Tt^, s. ^, ^oTTCs^J^IIt:^ ^^'jf^ ^51^1 5R1, pride, self esteem, egotism, self-conceit. ^5>,ipiR, «• ^ff?", i<5iJ4rl%, feic?, ?f|vf proud, haughty, scornful, disdainful, self conceited. ^51^51, s. ®Fl% 1%(7PT, ^t^ "^rfel ^l(.«2.i5T^ ^^^, the Assamese race. -o^^h"^, «f/. JiTft^, *9r|%8 27 ^t^^r^, 5. ^r^i^ tuf^, s[lt^, ^^R, ^rssrtS, a queen, a king's consort. •5:1^ (.W%T], s. ^C^IT Sl«^rfT^ CBTTST ^p^n, ^rcsrrsn, the melting or refining of metals. "57T6<5ft^, 5. Cl^ ^5, C^in firnj, bad seed, base origin. ^S^^n, «. C??1 ^^iH, €C5TTi ^^, evil communication, contradiction. ^S^^f^, a, AWJl^ ^ ^I3T?r5 ^«n 5^831, contradictory or oa- reasonable in speech, disagreeing, adverse. 28 ^^ "SllS^fen, CL 51^ fs^ f^S^5f%, s. Z,"^ Tf «ftf^, '^, a deep place in the channel of a river. '^rrsijf^.^n, a. ^?TR?n W^4?1, ^^t^'^fj^rl, not perpendicular, aslant. '^^^ ^5rr^f^, 5. ' ^M VJI W^, ^tTf f^^Tif, ^f^ ^1%, contention, strife, emulation, rivalry. ^>e^r?7, 5. ^«TPT«7, the left side, the wrong side. "STT^S^pM S[^, 5. ^!r<^lci 5rcl» C^ ^^1« ^ side blow, a slap, a shove. ^!l^ <1CT^, } «• C<*C^T-C1 ctc<3>kl, cf^ cti%» crooked, curved, "^'K^^TTIi 5 bent, turned. ^tC^K'jflSil, o. vi|^i%RC^ C^C~4T51, of one word, obstinate, self-willed, head-strong, determined. ^C<5T^T^, s. Wt ^rSTC^f, ^7^ ^^, a double armful, as much as can be clasped by both arms; with "SlTR to embrace, to clasj). "^^75, s. C^^Ti, N^t^, ^1^ C^Ivn. a mark, a point, a line, a crack. ^^752=1, 5. ■^'PlX^ "STi^, f^^R ^?f ^^the end or flowered border of a cloth. ^^t5^, ^. 'ilT^f^Hn *ilRin^ Jl '^, a tree the root oi '^75W.c, 5 which is used in coloring yellow. ■^15ilr, V. '^Z'^C^ ^^^r^l, ^I ^RS^, to scratch, to comb. -aTlTJR f^i^^, V. ^C^r:^ ^^]1% •5i'-ifTi%i^ ^TC^TTI, to scratch, to lacerate, to use every means to, obtain a livelihood. ^^Ft^, s. f^^, ^-^r^ "511, a mark, a scratch. ^^1^1, 5. "^^ ^RS^, ^^< C^fCcTT^, the act of combing the hair, scratching. v^ilbtfyf, s. ^-?.1%, Ft ^rrs^ C§rr. ^sr^l^ l%'«fT, the name of a sacred tree. ^l^*n^, s. pR, vm\ ^ir>f4 ^T» the fibrous or coarac part of anyihin^r. ^r1%5rr

vil Jisft", a famine, dearth- ^ilo|*i, 5. ^^, 9f?fJr, ^-s^f^, the sky, space, firmament, above. "^'.^m ^r1%, 5. ^rl% ^ferl -^tft ^T^PTS ^rc^rsn "^if^, a lantern suspended on high by the Hindoos in October and November, a beacon. ^i<5»i*l 5[!3c7, s. ^1^1^ ^SRm, C^rtC^^ N6Jll, the circle of the heavens. ^T|3^"^, aerial, celestial. ^^fyi '>r^, 5. -^^f ?r^, ^rw\ ^f^ ^^r^rs «r^i ^^r, the milky way ; the heavenly Ganges of Hindoo mythology. ^"i^rrpl ^T^, s. -^^f ?-|f7r, ^'^■^ <^fTl C^mi ^T^, a voice or sound from heaven, or from above. ^l(.\:h} \>\, ^cTJ, ^c a. surrounded, enclosed, enccmpassed about. CFTC^^rsn, the act of chewing the cud, mastication. ^rrc^r, ad, lU a. ^\IH\4 JTl^ C^TTI, born made or produced io the month of Aghun, 'ftll^l^ , s. ^^, ^^5, ^pn, scent, smell, fragrance. ^irnrtil, 5. ^ «W ^illftT, sUftlf •PJT, a coal of fire, a fishing net. WTwf^» 5' ^fTl[l%l[ ^r^TT^, t ring for the toe or finger. wT9f!^ s. vsn^rT!^ ^nf?^ cvtr^^ 'W i^ ^w, ^srt^ ^isr fryHr^, the branch stems ef a cluster of fruit, a spark of fire. vsnw TTW, a. TfUi ^JT^ snWT, ^Pff^T^ ifC^ C^fTBH Z] C^Vm, awk- ward, at work, stupid, incoherent. ^arrWT^I, a. ^rifsin. ^Tsi »if^ ftR, without power of procreation. ^BTTW^'C, 5. ftrec^ CJpsn, ^C«it C5mi, 5T s. ^\•^lW^, ^T^< fW 'WTfir. the act of stretching and y awning. 'BlTftf ^JW, s. ^WSCK ^ ^ '^i ^< ^^ t^:^ ^5^, a distor- tion of the face or body, contortion, grimace. ^BTt^, > 5. 1015 «fiR ^<1. Wrql^ <^^»nf?t cr^r, a fin-er, OTrfi^, » a finger's width in measure. ^srr^^. » a- ^iTTe^. f>7^^ r' C^^:^^-, conduct, behaviour, habit, '^srt^^i, 5. "^^if^, ^lt»^»l ^^^1, a s\v?tch, a stick, habit, practice. ^!^4I ^5TR, V. ctc^Fi dc^f5, Tlc^i 5T W^\, to throw back and forth with violence, to throw any thing down in anger. ^^T, a. ^5r\3, ^FSfj, f^^^ 5R1, astonishing, surprising, wonderful. ^sTTUC^psr!, 5. "R^TPsn, St^CTTsrl, the causing to do, or to be done. ^^l*!, a. "sriFfXT, wonderful, miraculous, astonishing. ^\bv\, a. ^^T^T?, TTI^, ■^^'s^, f^T^^ difficult, without means of doing, genuine, original, true. ^1F5T f^5^, «. 55? "^ C^ C^V^y difficult, intricate. NiJl!>c2_^-], a. ^ill^i^tt^l, f^lf^ ^'?i^, unfamiliar, unacquainted with. M\b\h RFiT, 5. ^51^ RE>li, ^^ ^f^ ^IJTi^ tossing in distress. ^sity^, a. 3T^r^ ^ ^^^' "^^^^ ^^r^j» friendless, alone, solitary. ^51^, 5. '^Rt;^ CPR, the country of Assam. ■^l£>iiJl'l%, S' i4 CK^rf^ cnT*5i^, a crooked staff used by travelling mendicants. "^ !&!<[, s. ^F^T^, 2t<^'^, c^^^T^, c5cT3 c^m^t c^trsn ^smr ^^ C^psrl ^^, conduct, usage, practice, pickled fruit. ^lt>l< rf ^TTt -s^, C5=i^^T^ C-^rmi, to slip and fall. ^n^T^ S(^, 5. iilk4 «. ai^r iJC^mi n ^C<-nsr, unwholesome, pro- ducing or increasing disease. ^S»f<, 5. 3rr?f^, ^?m ^"C^nsn, ^^ ^Tl,m^f*<;l ^TI, leisure, the act of finishing or completing; witli ^<, to make bare, to denude, to lay waste to complete. ^lf< TTS^, s. ^".-qri T^Jl ^tfen f?r^, ^fif?n ^^, a time of leisure, or the absence of pressing uork. ^T^jinn. cifi. ^^ff^Tl, 7^ rrf^ CSTtoa^l. at leisure, unoccupied, unemployed. ^l5>U t ^ l. ."». ^r»f> ^Rlt %«nf ^TTT. the act of finishing up, the niaking empty or bare. ^?BnifVW<1, i?. f^ fJOrmi 'rr^ *fr5i% :tT5 ^trrlTr. a vegetable or meat curry. WT^, s. ^;^t^ 7^. ^n^ C-if rsn, ^ C^rsi"!, C^ll^ ?W, a girting, tightening or compressing; with •*rft, to draw tight, to girt; with Sftft, to thicken, to coagulate, to congeal. 38 ^sn^ ■^l"?o, 1 a. 's^fRtfi^^, ^50", 5r^r1%sj1c^|^1, w^ ^^1, eight. ^^^r^^^^j a medicine composed of eight alkalies. ^^n^, «• n^ '^\% forty eight, ^^f^, a. 'il^ft ^C^, thirty eight. feast for the bridegroom at the house of the bride, on the eighth day after marriage. "^^ ^TJ^, a. ftf^ ^f% ^tt^i seventy eight. ^nW$, a. fi;R ^1% ^snt, si.xty eight. ^rr^2?r, a. F^f^ ^i^, fifty eight. WTC^ <^^, ad, C ^rt fiJlA*1!>, s. jqf^^f 7[^t\^, the custard apple. ^"51, s. rr*f, C5tl>lltS^f?T, to retch, to gag, to heave AS M'hen about to vomit. ^STT^fffPfrl, a. ^ifl CTTftrn, weighing or worth eight annas. ^«rr5fflin C«i5, s. ^ *p irn, ^W^vr^ ^1, display, show, parade. WTt5. V. B^F5^ TCTT^R. T^T C^?.t^t resi)cclful address of u co-religionist or brother disciple. ^rcrm crrvr, 5. ^ ^ffTfirP, 'snirf ^rr^^, any demonstratioo of aflfcction and respect. ^srrcrW, 5. ^^m Ctm, Wl^ ^SRTT ^^, a rupee in weight. ^5rrC5> f*ra5i, 5. sr^^ *ffts^, '«rTC«, CS^tr CPf«^t^, affec- tionate expressions of sympathy in suffering, condolence. WTT, o. ^^\, f^, '^rrc^ft^, self, one's self. ^5frvf3F5, a. ^*[fq[ ^TTI, f=TCW 7F^, done by one's self. ^srm, s. 1%^, JtR, spirit, self, the soul. 'Aii^nrivft, 5. ^smi-sn^ tttt, ^srr^jf^ sr^, "snin ^rsn, self-murder, suicide, self destruction. ♦(l-«lVlir^, s. ^^nc'sf!^ ^Tf^, one who commits suicide. 40 "^W ^Tt^fV^, a. -^151, ^tflR, independeni, not subject to another. ^1%i?l, «. ^i^fen, Tsr ^PTl, CIIWI •^itft^l, faultless, innocent. ^JtlfJl» o. ^srrfir ^r^» ^f ^tf^t from first to last; s. the begin- ning and the end. ^Bmny^f, 5. gtvfW ^^1 »nW, ^IctW ^W? ^TTTV, the first funeral ceremony; giving the funeral cake preparatory to the principal shradh. '^llifjl Stf^pf^, 5. ^rf^rC5 C^Tsn Stnyrs, GTi^ original and unform- ed matter, called in Hindoo mythology the f«MiiaI(? nriiicit)Ie from which the world is said to have sprun;: 'STTCim^fTi. ad, ^rtfir? ff5T, s. vsu)s ^5RI, ^^^ ^^m, eight annas, a half rupee. ^srrvrf^rftin, * a. "^rwf^t^r c^rnsn, ^n^ ^«rf^, obtainable for ^srnff^l^lf I eight annas. ^^, a. ^^, ^^nif^rf^, one half, a part. "^Kl ^rrfV, ad. T^JiK^, ^ ^BTXM", half and half, equal shares. "srmi ^, a. wp, fs^^rtW, ^^fN^1, f^, ^^trf^ ?s^, base, shame- less, wicked; cut half through. ^^fT-WI, ) a. ^^fm f*f^^ ^snfV, ^\irX^ ^•»;^1, coarse ^^^fT**^, ' rice flour-, a. half jiounded, coarse. "^i^Rrfiir, s. '^TTTf-'R C-t K.ril'^l , ^f^, ^^"^i loss, waste of one half. a 4^ ^^ ^^1 C^\V., «• -ilt^St*^^ C^^W, ^^1, '5n'iir^, jaded, spent, wearied. ^5rrR, a. Tjif^f^nn, ^^r^t^r, half, half shares. ^317]%^, s. '^f^, 7T, recent, modern, relating to the present time. =^iC5f^, s. "^szK^j a part. ^srrc^^, s. ^lTfC7i^, ^ C^t^sn, half a seer, two puas. wr^5!ff^?1, a, ^ifCTffel, ^"iFC^T^ 5C^, half a seer. ^snioi, s. ^, ^^sr^, ^vrn^, a chapter, the end. ^^, a. ^7U, t%^, -5^^, other, another, different. ^^6iil(.s<, ^^c=f, out of season, untimely. ^l<^2»f^?1, a. vai-qaidx!) c^l^l, produced out of season. ^ii<^'3|l, a, t:^ ^f^ -^ ^^, -^i^ 7{ c^^T^, one who does not work or who has not been put to work. ^srtZT, »• ^fz^ ^irfen Bftfij, the Dam2 of a hill tribe in norlherii Assam. ^TT^, 5. B^^^, ^lITiPR, ^i<^, a covering, a veil, the act of screenincr or coverintj. WT^ fe^, a. ^^IwJ ^f^n^m srri%^fe^PT, promiscuous barbarous tribes spoken of collectively. 'A|I^4i«5n, 5. viJSItfOTi ^^ ^^h ^ child two or three years of a^^o. WT^iC, a. ZVZ c^TT^fn, ^>l^J,®rr5» iu^, a. 1%^ CS^.X^rsn, ^ftrttTn, unmarried, applied to l>oth sexes. "^tf^n, S' ^rj ^fVi a red powder, which the Hindoos throw at each other at tlic Fdkua or Doul Jdtru. "^fTOI^, «. 2f^^, ^srfif^J^, a revelation, an unfolding, a devcl- opement. ^ I ««•<, a. ^^^,^^111, ignorant, dull of conipi- m nMun. ^srr^^, s. ^5rn:*fl^?' sn^ i:^:^ ^tn, the maintaining of one's proper dignity or slate. WT7ft -BTzfj, J. -ftr^^tK, ^ C^nc^fT^rrt^ :r51, ^n»N ^^, talking incoherently or wildly. WTC»ri4ir^|5T, s. ■^151 5rr;fl, ^fsr^l, an introduction, a preface, a preamble. ^^1, a. ^ ;§R1, ^5rf^f%, ^ c^ CfV^y ignorant of, unacquaint- ed with. n6||v»^6|1 5rit«, the mango, a disease of the bowels, diarrhea. ^srtST 4ili|vil, s. *1^ ^:t ^TfflT Mf^ ''T^'^"'* the dried pulp of the mango prepared as an article of food. ^sniR feR, a. ^>\i^\7[ Btvs, SR 5nf^ ^-^j I^R1, a call, an invitation, a wel- come, courtesy. >411iirii., 5. si^Jl, ferf^, called, invited, welcomed. '3Tt5T C^ft^f^, 5. vuf^Sf c«it^ *f«J. a species of silk worm. ^IW4^, 5. C^TSf ^^, ^nd^, the dysentery. ^ISI^i 5. ^5Wl^(.^lf^, si^, we; used occasionally for the lingular. ^rrfSR, 5. srrf^ C^-ei ^ f*t*r^ ^trsl, f^^.T^l, a surveyor, a supervisor, an investigator. ^ ^siTf^^, V, ^Iilf^^^l, ^if^ C^rsn* Hs^fe* ^^, to cloy, satiate, disgust wr^, a. C^K^ f^C^^ srT^ Z\ ^W9 T^f^l, such an one, such a person place or thing. ^tir. 5. TTf-of Ji^riT 'TT??, ^tC^f^^ 3^ftf«il^^ ^TlTjl, a frieud's mother, the wife of a father's friend. Niil^iiMAI, s. ^"f^f^^^ WS] f^OT^, ^^^ ^^» * species of vine, used in medicine. ^rrcn^, 5. i^ii, ^?p«T, ^if, (Wrrf^T, enjoyment, pleasure^ festivity ^ with ^rfV, to enjoy. 'srrCJTTfir, a. ■^ ^^\v \t JJ^^m, ^I^i gratifying, enlivening, pleasurable, jovial, pleasant to the taste. C^rr^. the period of a ruler's administration^ the gains of an office. ^TCsrW C^lfl, 5. Jjf^m c^ifl, an acid fruit. TJIiWnPITf I^, 5. f5<1TfT5C 4^ ^rf^*f^, an under officer in a regiment of native soldiers. ^csrmc^n^l, a. ?ni ^JT'^t fr5<}^. ^«kW, fragrant, sweet scented» odorous. ^iUl«l, 5. f^fT^tm?- ^fflr ^m i aia^ W^ ^flft, a shristadar of a court of justice and his officers. ^c?rr^^, V. sR srrfr, f^^ «^^, ^rr»! ar'^;;«n, to look disappoint- ed, downcast, sad, melancholy or dejected. 3rnr, 5. ^^, vs^u

it^ c^^tft; c^^rmi^ Tlf^f C-^iTsn, to slightly put to- gether preparatory, to completion. ^srT^, o. ^517^ cipi^ ccTT^, ^srr^ ^r^n, Arabic, Arabian. '^^C^^, s. ^iT^^, cR1 ^f^^^ CSTstJ, wortliy of reverence and worsliip. ^5rr^T«l, 5. -ilTT^T, ^^ M?rl% sf^^r^ST ^Tf% fw?! f^nsm C^rf , a tether. ^rft[, s. vijf^^ srTt>, ^^ ^^, ^«R[1, >8CcTtC5ir^, a species of scalc- !cs3 fish, a het, a wager; v. to suspend, to liang. ^^^r^» 5. 9n ^ ^m, ^ C^fK^n^l, CSTCT^ wwfe, the act of stretching or straightening the body when weary from long confinement in one position, ^srtft?!, s. 5?l>l*ir^ CS^rt C35I fir crc^psil ^my a torch, a llambeau. ^nfir^in, a, ^^*f ^W, f^rft C*TT^ C^rc^rsn, hump- backed, crooked. ^RTfic ^Cl, 5. ?P«ri^Wl, ^f^iTpsift^ f^nnr, a bet, a wager, a stoke. 'cn^, conj. ^5lf^, ^1% vt^, 'ttllt*!, and, also, again, furthermore. ^T^^IIT, ad, "^m^l^, 'CnWft, •J^, ♦J^TT?, 7^;^, ai^'ain, a second time^ yet again, once more. Wt^FC^fir, 5. CJn^ ?^, ^TtC^, *i?^I^i i*>c past year, again. ^arr^p C^filtsT, s. ^sr^r ^e^t^r, W^ ^3^, afterwards, next year. '>«nar, 5. fVns^ StPl, f^rs^l ^fwrit the prolonging of a musical note in singing or chanting. ^TC^^?]5^, 5. silf^ Z^, WC^ ^Wi a jungle plant used as a nicdi cine in eruptive diseases. ^t^^T^, s. f^r*»u«l^l MT^? 51^, rice cleaned from the husk by simply drying previous lo being pounded out. 'Sllt^^finn, 5. fi\v\X<9 fkfTfm ^fPir M^, rice but partiaJly boiled before being cleaned from the hu^k. *«llt4lill, o. ^^ 2^, ft]5^ :t^, ^flr]^» dry, inferior. WWr«rR, s. ^WR W f^OTl, a sort of umbrella or screen used only by the king. ^lUl^M >f^» s. T9T^ ^IC4I«(I«1 ifTli ibc king's umbrella bearer. ^rrcftWl, s. C^CcTC^frsn, ^n ^^C^nsrl, the act of separating; a. separated. 'srr^f^, s. ^n^l, -s^nrril^, counsel, a plot, with ^f^, to plan, to plot. >5K|c1vSi1cT, i. C^ C^T^I ^t€ 5f f% Cl^rsrl, ^fiTS ^^^ ^ts, ^ts^f^l ^Q, hearing or seeing while pretending not to hear or see. ■"^NlsiTl, s. ^5T^^ ^i^ 1%^, the uvula. >ojlcn\s|, s. cit^ ^PT, "^vn ^T*r, lac, leaves impregnated with lac. ^srtc^^Rl, s. -s^f^^^^, Tft^, e^^l, f^tf<(»4, C^g^, an attendant, a servant, the act of serving or waiting upon, « ^srtcTf^, s. ^tCWK, W^ C^tC^T^, ^^?f^, not symmetrical, ill favored. ^tc^'s^^^t^, ) s. c^-^^srrm, '^ifkmJl, ^^ ^^, service, attendance, ^tcT?'5l^^, * respect, with ^•^, to serve, to attend upon. ^srfcW, 5. ^1^^, 51^^, protection, refuge. ^rTc15[ f?!cw, AT. «fc^ i1 ^rrCc^irr^'?T, od. ^r^^^ ^f^ ^r^l^ CJ^rtrj, idly, to no purpose. ^t5=f5rt^^t«^, s. -pff^iyN^ ^^5T, domostic strife^ family jars. supporter, one's own friends and relations. Nsrtt^ilTr^, s. ^^ri^Tt^ fwr^, ^^rr^t^rs ^^ ^ llCci]^lM "^, «• f^rl%5 ^^, 1%^ ^^1, ^^^1%(.J1v*»^, weak, feeble. ^5rr7i^>f^, weak feeble, lean. Nj^iie*, a. 5R5rgr1,"5f%,iM^^, W^T'Jr, devoted, attached, enamonred. Wt^\^, s. W<^t, ^^, ^^7^ ^ft^ C^^^^ ^^^U'^^ doubt, hesitation, incertitude. ^^iT^, s. 5f% "^tffr ^^ ^^5 a seat, a throne, a seat of any kind. ^t^a, a. G\-^, ^V^V^, ^5^ ^^1^ near, at hand, approaching. ^TPtsj^t^, 5. ^srtc^l^ ^•■f«=^5 ^^ ^Tc?^ <^^ ^«^» the close of life, the time of death. ^^-srt^Fi, ad. ^t^r ^^^, ^tf^^ ^C^?, C^ferC^^ around, on every side. ^I5i^t1>f, s. ^*f •^^, y5f f$:7T, 5T^1'< ^T^^l, one who does not perform the ceremony of sliradh for his ancestors. ^^IcnTI^t, s. c§f^ ^T«=l1, Cl1%^ '^H^^X^ f1, ^^, ^'^, ati excuse, liiiulranco or reason for not doing work. -siTC^-Sl, 5. 'STC^rW, sec WC^-BI. ■sir^TT^, J. ^tTT4- JTUR", i^^r^^f^r, irsftl^, hastening to ^*llow demonstrations of love and respect, ^ir**, s. ^w, 2*n, ^IR ^WW, Mioying, trusting, confiding in. a term applied to Gud, and to individual ^^5RFt5=T, 5. ^?jrw, CblWl^f*( , | t^j] sn^, pertaining to the above. ^srr^t, s. Jm"?", ^&ll , leisure, cessation from, with *nc, to complete, to tinisli, to draw to a close. '**kl<, ^'. C'jrrsn ^^, cgrnR^r^ 5?rj, vfj^ irr?,^ ^[isr, food of all kinds, a Hindoo month corresponding to parts of June and July. 54 t ^t^tft", «. U,yl, on one side, aslant, bent. ^sm:^!^, 5. ^rf^^ ?m5f^, f^fi^^ ^s^^ ^r^, fj^rnf^c ^«^ c^c^ \5teT, any elevated seat, the elephant's neck on which the driver sits, a steersman's seat on the stern of a boat, a natural seat formed by the branches of a tree. ^oTTC^T^ 5nf^, V. ^n;^Tl%f^ ^^1, to sit cross-legged. ^n:^l%1X, V. ^m^ 51^1, ^ dm ^^ ^^1, to sit with the feet drawn up and crossed. NijlC^tST, 5. ^^\fji,^c^t%c3pi, descended from I ndra, the Ahom race. ^nT:i§:T^, ^^rf^, 5. ^fm ^^ ^f^, a species of plum. ^srrc^'t, intcrj. TTtnt^j^ Rri'Jr^ '^W siiJl, a word used in calling to a person at a distance. ^Tf%^, a. fPTJ^fel, fpfC^ f^C^, ^^1^ flaily, diurnal. ^t^r^T, s. f^i[5^, 5T'51, an invitation, a call. "^t^W, 5. ^, ^p(% v|^, joy, gladness, delight, mirth, festivity. ^T^Ti%l», a. -^ C^rr^l, ^fjf^, ^^, glad, joyful, mirthful. ^., ^, ^-^^^ cn$n; c^t^ 3, 5. ^vn ^m ^w, fwi^, 55 0^^^ ^ ^f<^«^ ^Tf? 3Ffcv5 ^r^:r, a signal, a hint, a wink, a nod, xviih 4ff^, lo beckon dtc. ^, in/fT/. CT^n C^rrsn Cl ^^f^i^i, ^^ sfTT, a panicle expressive of pain, surprise, anger or sorrow. ^, 5. SR, ?rr?P1, 55S1SR1, wish, desire, will, choice, inclination. ^l:yCT, ^ ad. ^ ^♦f, jt;^ Cirf^C^, spontaneously, according "^1^015, S lo ihe will or desire. t5T^ ft^T^, J. 5Tfe ^, JRTS ^TPT C^ff^Ril if^, tossing about in pain, restlessness, inquietude. ^c>I*j1, this, this one, tlie nearest of two, ihis fellow or inferior thing. "^T^, a. 'srm, 8^ vf^l, the end, (in is. tpjf^, s. f^T=^, ^^C?[^1, ^snf, detraction, reviling, contempt. 50 tt:«n ^fi;, 5. *fvi vn, t^^ ^BTI^ ^C1, worship, homage, adoration. t^, inurj. w-tf i5i, here and hereafter, this world and the next, ^, ^;, ^^ ^^ ffr^^^v^, 4|1^, intcrj. ^i^ft^ srT^, 1%I^ SRI srt^, (R CifiTt^ G^^Tt, a particle expressing surprise, or astonishment. ^^if^r^, 5. ^9r9ff%, TSr, ^S^m^'n, a full understanding or certain knowledge of an affair. ^^, 1 s. Z^n C'5ri

j,, 5. «l«(4 f^M4 SW, ear wax. ^5RT^,%, 5. ^iiflof 505 C-^r^ 5^, ^W ft>f ^fT^, s. vilfTIV ^^ >fR, a species of small grain. ^f^ t^, 5. Jif^ f>^e! «r5^ sff^, a tree bearing a poisonous fruit. ^ffinn, 5. iTrin fk^^ c^re^^n if^^ c5r«rTm, a bride. ^far^, a. T-oci c^rsri srt^^ ^nif^ c^^, to wander about bewildered and perplexed^ to paralyze fish by cnsting poison into the water. ^srtS^, 5. 7i70^]%^ ^[c?r 'pflTs f^C^, thfci drinking vessel of an ascetic. ilR5j, ^ ^i^J^, a kind of salt; a. harsh, rough, hard. 7^^'"^, s. #T^ C^lWl^i^ ^RTf, ^^5f^, the noise of gnashing or grinding the teeih together. ^ll^^t^, 5. "^iT^ i;^?^T^ ^1t^, the lines in the palms of the hands ^^ 97 <*\j^ 7P^ fir^ JTsri, ^nfv^, discipled, tributary to a priest or spiritual guide. a streak stripe or line, the mark of a vine growing around a tree, stripes or wrinkles on the horns of cattle. firt5T!, ^rt^l '^J^, a bead roil or rosary. ^^f^-sliR, «• "R^r^.. ^C^f^j C^I^Cs^^, scattered about in disorder, mixed promiscuously together. ^^]%¥l^ «• ■^^•Ti f^C'T, dry, unseasoned, juiceless, without flaror. ;^^ftri, 5. v^^l, Cv\t, gum, paste, any sticky substance. ^1%, V. ■^■^, to do, to act, to perG)rm. C^>j%, i cowry. ^RTi't", s. ^»S?1 FT^f ^% ^t^tf^; (.cTt^R Oft^STRl^ ^TCTt^, the flour of parched rice, called hdndoh; v. to cause to do. ^^rt^, a. ^^^^1j f^f'^^, fs^i, penurious, stingy, miserly. ^rf^^fen, 5. crT^^tf^ -pix^FTSTT^ -s^ft^ •^fft: ^rf^ ^"Jfi, "^r: «ft^, a kink or twist in a rope or thread. ?1j I>1^^- tions of water noured out for the dead. ^fel, «• ^^pPt^t WTO1, f^JT, dry, parched, arid, juiceless. ^5^, 5. ;5/r ^r^ viif^lf, a species of lar^e bird. ^in C^Sfi, s. ^Rif c^JFl, an acid fruit, the coronda, ( Carissa Carodas.) ^T^r*r , ad. tm^ r*i»M^^ passing from ear to ear. TP^r^, s, sS[9 LiffR 3?W, ihe country of Mysore. 7S^(-^, s. Tf^H, ijsrl% 3^, ^TtT^ ^fef ^^fW 51,^, s^sBfVf f^i{9Ri J(fk, ^, 5. -s^-Tf^ ^?RPrT 5f^, T!XZ ^pfetvT 5f^, a rippling sound, the cooing noise of little children when beginning to talk. ^j%, s. f^^^ ws^ ^^TT^, the tenth and last Hindoo incarnation. ^^^rf^^, 5. ^f^<[ c^9r feJi^, a disease of the leg. 35cl^, 5. f^f^^ *f^1 CST^ C5T^j "srr^t?, an insurmountable diffi. culty, a dilemma. C^r*ff^3 55 ^rr?: f^, to be op- pressed with sleep or borne down with sorrow. <^'H;)(5 > ? i| '? , v. 4 ! >»iijci|'? , C^T«i, 5, ^^ sr^ t%9r, T-BF^ f%^, the flower of the plantain tree, the heart. iffi^n^, 5. ^snrrfe, ^^n T^R^ snfb, stone or fossil coal. , a species of the kosu plant. ^rc^?!!^^, 5. "^^j^^ CT^, the name of a district in Nowgong. ^]%^, 5. ^1%^ 1^] T^j^^ '5^fk, a flower bud. ^msrlj s. ^^^ ^?Trf\5?f^ C5)^>iT5fJ, a. r ^F^ ^TI, ff^tf^T, restless, quarrelsonne, licentious, ^^«rc^f^, 5. viit%'fiS?», a crow, a raven. ^6^, 5. C^l^ C*fR, l'> puns or I2S1> cowries. ^t^fel, a. vU^rs^?^ C^r^l» worth or obtainable for one kaun. ^5^rs, 5. ^r^f^ fsi^rrs, entreaty, earnest supplication. ^i^, s. ^s^, ^^, a thorn, a prickle, a foe, a cause of anxiety. ^l^^f^, 5. 4«^^|t^ vf^ ^i^, a place full of thorns or difficulties. sii^^l, a. 5^1^^ ^T^, thorny, prickly, ^t^r?", 5. ^'.5 v£jf7r>f, a fish resembling' the eel. ^15 4ts, s. *frf^ ^rl%T 3^^, ^ C^Cff <:»r3n, a roaring rambling sound as of water or of anything in rapid motion. 9n9, s. 7f9 cTtsr. a loosely platted basket. il*^i^, 5. wrs^ls, ^rr^f%, ft^ ^Fcar. 1C4 55t9f ^f^^rsn, a. ^ c??f1, 5:f^"^1, laid under tribute, subject to taxation. ^Irf^, 5. i^ltwr^ ^t5Tf^ ^5C3[ ^T^, the point of an ox goad. ^tlT^;, s. ^f^?rf^ 3Tt^'5 -F^^l srrf^j the beam of a native sugar mill ^^, s. ^1^, 5T^, an arrow, a dart. ^t^ ^tf^", V. 3Ff5 srclj to discharge an arrow. %R, 5. ^t^ ^rtrrfTun, ^^1, ^t^ WTiif f^ ^epf^, an archer, a class who in the days of the Assam Kings were appointed to do cooley work j v. to pound out, to clean of husks. 4t¥i^, s. #TC^C^ CM'f^, 15#1rl C^^, a cross-bow, a sutia bow, ^t^, 5. feM 'K\\ KC^PT, :^ 4t^, bell-metal, a gong. 4t1x, 5. ^^T^ c-*rmi ^^r^, #T^ i%TcT^ ^TcT, ^^ ^fef, a platter of white brass or bell-metal, a species of grass, ^?t^, 'pron. c^^ M'^'^y ^T^tX, whom? s. a crow. ^T^^f%5, 5. ^^tT5: 5TiT^ C^mt^ sr^^ C^^ ^f^t, a shaster that teaches how to divine by the cawing of crows, divination. <»1ft ^r^ c^l, ^ CctT^, ^%^ !r«^, entreaty, supplication. <{»1C<>R, 5, C^n^ft^ C^C-s^^l, a goldsmith's pincers, ^•^r, 5. C^T^, ^<34>< , s. ^TW^fei, ^^Wl, a brownish or brindio colour. ^5Tf^, s. '^5\f4, ft^T^Tf^. a court house. ^1%, .«. ^r^ CTWI ^^rf^, ^Q ^^1 C5^^, a sickle, a l)oat rope. ^FTf^ *1Tf<, V. fvff^ ^R, to etjuip, to attire, to make ready. ^jTiijf^, s. 5fwi, a waist cloth. ^Ijfel, ft. 5R?1 C9TT^, old enough to wear a waist cloth. 5l, Jl^, funeral obsequies, offerings TfXSl if^, / made to deceased ancestors. 4 W^^i, ^f^, indolent, inactive, slow. ^1^, 5. ?|rT^, ^r^, ^r^ ••flTr, wood, timlwr. ^WKiil, 5. TFft ?P^ 'It^^i ^Tt^, a carpenter, a woodman. ^^SCctT^1 ^«7, a mushroom, n fungus. ^^1%:, «• ^^i'^'ifs, ^Wlf^R", ^T%, barren, without offspring. ^^^, a. 7^^ fvz, see ?PT^i;. ,^ ^l^fen? s- '^^ C^Fl CcnT^, ^^#^^, a dealer in wood. ^^'n'^'^5 5. •iff^ fTt6?lci, s. 5Ti"5 TT^] ©T«=T ^R5f, ?T^ U"^, a fishing net, an obstruc- tion of split bamboo placed across a stream to catch fish. ^lB?I<^, a- *fT?n?, f^^^, "^^f?^, expert, clever, skillful, able. T^^y s. ^^, Cl^, a portion, division, a limb, a member. ^TStf^, s. ^fen^, '^tlj'^ ^^lWf a pilot, a helmsman, a steersman. <5>li<, s. ■^^^n?, ^fi'^S, M<^'i>1, a. ^t^ C5n ^^1, "R^lfj WW^, ear-cropped, a term of reproach arising from the custom of cropping the ears of offenders practiced by the Assam Kings. '<^1»J<><^|, a. ^tu^ '^^P!j^i ^^"Ij ^®^^« ^"'^ ^^ hearing. ^t^ ^kT, v. 5^ fpf, "^jlTr, to listen, to hear, to attend. 4>k^r«»l, s. -sff^r ^f^^, a species of bird. ^^ 107 :^l^frT?. s. ^^nr tlsro C^rsn tn^, a discharge from the ear. ;gi « <41d^, fl. sr^l 5T?XPr ^sT^rs C^*f1 srrr^: ^f^, deafening, stunning. ^Fpl*fT1, 5. Ci^l*< Ji?fR ^T5T^ ^1^ C?rr^n, sr fwi, the taking a burden from another's shoulder, bearing another's burden, the giving heed, paying attention, listening. 5?T^f, the ceremony of piercing the ears. ^;nT3ri, *• ^TT5 ^^ ^'TC^'SII, shifting from shoulder to shoulder. ^My ffT, s. ^? fs^l snf^, a pole or bamboo for carrying burdens. ^nr^rrf^T, 8' ^1*^4 C^lRI, a disease of the ear. :^RJT5lf^in, V. «M< ^PT13( «14 rfgT, 5. '^Q^f^ WC^ ^, t^«si fff ^"^t hearing while pretending not to liear. ^Wm^, a. \'5^, C53^, T5^, wide awake, alert, vigilant. ^^^rsi, 1 *• ^R^ ai|, whispering, speaking in the ear. ^TC^ 3Iim;jtr^vii, ad. ^p^'Trfjl", TCpf VC^ (XV^, just sufficient, barely^ ^srpi, 5- fsnr. ^Tf^, beautiful, beloved, dear, desirable; 5. a husband. ^T^, 5. ^TlfJI, '^'^ fs, a beloved wife; a. beautiful. ^iHt, s. c^rr^lt 2t^t^ C»^n5, glofji brilliance, splendor. TFtT'i'r?", a- CTTSTsi^, ^*i>i^^, glorious, glowing with light. ^rPi^, a. c^nf^, lTf FOTS, beautiful, sparkling with gems. -*!**! -T, ) s. dpiT5(, l7[5n*f, weeping, crying. *l'Hf^ .! 109 ^tsrt ^sT^, s. ^-f^, ^tfef^^ S'5^ ^^, li»e shoulder. ^iT^1^, s. 5rt5 v£if^5f, a species of fish. ^-pf, ) 5. •^rfir, Crf^fR, ct^^ ^4if^^ a pen, a bunch of rattans. ^«f ^-pf^ a. -^7^ ^1%1 ^5 i^, a. -^^sr^t^ nfs, ^J^^<, lewd, wanton, amorous, lascivious. ^tfir, s. Tp¥Ci tt^^ f\^ 153^1, a long narrow piece of split bamboo. \*\, one of the hiodoo castes, a person who has a Khetrio lather and a Soodra mother. ^fl^, a, 'nf pains taking, assiduous. ^rf, the name of a hindoo shaster. ^TC^5, ad. C^K^^Q, (with a negative) belonging to no one. ^C^^, 5. -^m-^ '^ns >Qii.iip, 5. 2:)" C^t^, of a particular time. ^f^f^, a. ^cn-pf ^c^-pf "pf^;^ t^ ^51^, a little, growing a little light, applied to the early morning. ^rtir, s. "5^ vili%5f, a species of fish. ^^T%, s. ^^, -irR, wood, timber. ^t^^ 5. C^^, ^Kj ?Tf3, the side, edge, border. f^ lit ^TPT, 5. n5^ C<^ ftc^T^, ^I3rr^5. far^^/nr, the city of Benares. ^l^*1"i s. irfi{ ilSf^, CfWJS rr ^rnalf bells, any tinkling ornament. T%5f^Fl^, V. fZ9pnK\t, Jffir ^tf?^ «rr5 crrfff C^r?n «^^, to feel the disatrreeable sensation caused by dust and {)erspiratioii. r*i».r^t>f^, 5. tnsr'5 ^ -^fP^^, f5Vf^f^, an itching sensalion from dust and heat. t7F5pr5, ». 3TVI, ^^ ♦fftrW r^C'lf. a raisin, a dried grape. f?p^, a. ^W*f, ^5T^^, W»^, a little, a few, a small quantity. f^C3, ad, ^rsTC^ns, shortly, in a little while, narrowly, applied to an escape from danger. f^RniS, a. f^5, 'SrsT^f. a very little. f^, 5. C*rr^, an insect, n worm, a maggot. f^^/i^^ ^tf^f « ^ionk, a volume. f^fsp^fTT, s. '^sm^f ^5I?T*^^ ^^ <1T, ^ ^ ^cnfTf 7§^::^ ip?*, the sound of a gentle dropping of rain or wainr, the twang of a stringed instrument. f^^f^f^, a. ^-^^ f«rf^C?[T^1, drizzling, falling in very small drops* ■fTF^, a. >R f?f (rirrsri, purchased, bought; s. the act of buying. ftsR, V. "^^tJ f¥, dS»^ ^f%, to buy, to purchase. PP^, co/»/. 1;^]^, f^?C^, ^T5 ^K9, but, moreover, furlhcrinorc. in f^f^ Af s. ^$f?ftf fabulous beings willi horses heads on a human figure, celestial choristers or musicians. -ft^, a. ^:m^] ^^i^^C^C^O '^, son^ething unseen or unknown. f^tf^R? w. tpT, ^t^ f%5f c^C^6ir««1l>f, s. CW SR, 3?5f 7T*1, evil inclination, wicked desire, lust. ^^lt4W, J 5. CW ^I5l^, ^ ^T5T^, ''Bl^nnr, wickedness, evil 5^51^> i conduct, bad practices. ^^Blft, '. ?rf^, T9iV^ X^f^, f^, ^^^srfsi ^*wf*r, smoky, hazy, foggy. ^ft, r. C^^'ifT^ C*I*I1, ^(15 cilclil*! ir^, to shrink, to contract, to shrink back, turn back as in sudden fright. ^f5 \ ^' "f1^^ '^^> ^'?T©T, an evil deed, viciousness. ^\, evil desire, lust. (Xf"^, a mountain tribe of north Cachar Assam; a basket used by hill people for carrying burdens on the back, a small flower basket. ^r<»ci, s. "^fm ^^T^i the Indian black cuckoo. ^^?, 5. csft^f^ ^^ fe^^, C^T^ C^^^ 5:Rn -ff^, a dog, a stake used in fastening the bottom of a partition. s. 5^7^ ^nf^^ srr®^ crr^^ tW, ( • ' ) a mark of punctuation, ^^f^, y. -^U ^^ Cltt^T^ 1^T5 ^Tort^t, a pain in the joints. ^f5 115 f^^fe Vl, a. •^•^rfe^i W^ ^Tsri"^ ^' ^^feli ^W^*'?n, in^ ^f%5f, ft^ ffiRTl :iTf^, a tale bearer, a whisperer, an instrument for ruling lines, a species of fish. ^1?31I«7, 5. ^fsf^*fTTi^, fsRlfH C^T^^l, C5TTC^ Grf^ r.wl^'^1, one who stirs up strife or is always at variance with others^ a. odious, hateful, offensive to the sight. ^^rrfir, 5. ^^if^, ^T^W^rf^T, a tale bearer, Narod-Uke. ^, 5. fsiU C'^m, ^^pt^ ^, a bit of straw, a small bit of any- thing; a. cut into small pieces, chopped. 5^rf5^1, s. ^m fssri, f^5^^ ^T, (/*/•) the breaking in two of a bit of straw, i. e. complete separation, sundering, parting. ^Tlf f^f ^I^r^Pin fnfk, •nw*!^ ^, to cut into small pieces; 5. a ludicrous story, a womaa without fingers, the tip end of a plough handle. ^^ ?F9ri, s. C>iwfwi ^^. Ji ludicrous story or narrative. ^09T, a. ^5^^, ^*f&, '!?[«! •TlC^l^l, ct^, insincere, hypocritical, disingenuous, insidious. 7^V, s. fsT^, msn Bffl, a relative, a family, a kinsman, a connexion. ?j^9ri, a. *]^^» tI^$ short. 35^15;, «. C4l1^4I ^TV, ^, gruffness, sharp retort. 7^)5, s- ^ crr^, ^MJ^ CTT^. the leprosy. ^"^f^, s. c^il^lfepf, c^rrtn, an apartment, a room. ^^, 5. ^ jp^ ^jsrs fropf, an ^ar ring. ^njT, a. t^f*5r5, C^, ^sr^^f^, low, mean, ugly, uncomely, deforra- edy evil, despicable. 116 ?.^ ^^^, s zi^ fk^^y^i^mtzWf^^iW, false rensonin^^ unsound argument. ^^cT, 5. 'STt^^, C^r5rt1%, play, sport, pastime. f *fy^^, s. ^5r^^ w^T^^ an evil appeara^nce, the sight of an evil omen. "^f^, s. C^ ^ 'o^'*' suppressed sound as of crying or singing, the twang or vibrating sound of a stringed instrument, ^^J<^^T^, V. ^^^pfi', wm 5^;^ ^^ ^ C^T^, to utter a low sup- pressed or humming sound. ^^Tt^, 5. W^^, C^^, s. f^^l ^^, ^ifc?, abuse, obscenity, scurrillity. ^^rf^, 5. '^^^ 1^•5^^^ a wrong way, evil conduct. ^\, an alligator, a crocodile. ^^^W^^ ^^1^, s. c^^ T^^ "STrfsf ^KiSfT^'R, a slight pain in the breast or bowels. ^^51, 5. ^^]%?rl, ^Tf^ Iw, milk slightly curdled; a. curdled. fT3, TT^f^ c^^, a fan for winnowing grain, the hood of a snake. ^TTarPr, 5. ^?TTvn7, ^V^ STTV^ f^rf^T. conduct contrary to the rules of caste, a terra of abuse. ^«1IE>4^L^. ^"9 WJJTT •rnr, ^^ •nfrJC ^^n^r, ihc name of a power- ful demon, name of a mountain. ^^\b\A, 5. c^^tf'T^ WTMT, ^W', the customs of a caste or family. ^CTT^t 5. '^\f\K srars ^nrn, one contemptable among bis people. ^fir* 9* «4f^>r 99n &4I^, ^^^!^' ^''^ Indian cuckoo, a coolie, ^t^, a. ^inr ^1 inu, of high descent, noble, honorable, of a good family, belonging to the highest caste of Brahmuns. J^nn, fl. irrs ^Wf^in, ^f^?!, relating to cante. ^, 5. ft»ij :rci5 »ni5 firn? ^£*v fir^f , ?t«t ^^ tTi, »?f73 ^^^ viift^ f^^, one of the seven hindtio continents, name of one of the sons of Ram, a species of sacred grass used in peli- gious ceremonies aud sacrifices. J'W* i' t^^TTR, ^, STJfsr, fSrrr^f^f, happiness, welfare, safety, good fortune, prosperity. ^jrf^T, a. ^-siT^, ^^?n^, ijf^, prosperous, happy, fortunate, lucky, ^^<, a. j^^^, c^ 9ifn. ^;rT»in, Cl^tV, displeased, dissatisfied^ discontented, reluctant, piqued, unwilling. ^^TT^R, s. ^- ^J^ ^^> ^o,^»,' ^^^ "^^® -Q^ ♦'^^ Kuli or Indian cuckoo. •^^, 5. ^R^ SlT'^TS Qf3 1 C^^l, 5. Cirr^l ^'5^', a species of snake. C$^, s. ^fk, C^K'^, a tender leaf or shoot*, pron. any body, (with a negative) no one, nobody. •C^:^, s. M^ 5rr5, ^f^t^ C^C^T^ sit^, C^qTR, a groan. C^^^, ^ V. C^'^A ^^, C^^^n^^ to groan, to moan, to grunt. C^^R, a. ^*f5 lo||, 5. Wjt ^ ^J^felX 5rr5, C^C^r^l C^^fk, a groan, a moan, C^C^TC^U^, flf/. Cfe{»l(.>i^t^, C^tC^ £t^tC^ ot^ ^R1, barely, after some sort or manner, at the utmost stretch of one's strength. C^C^TI, a. ct^, €t^ C^^, ^3^^"^, ^9^ ^T^ fWl, t\^^ 1^'W^, crooked, bent •, s. a crab, a joint of bamboo attached to the sides of small boats to support the covers or roof. C^t;^»'Hl5', V. C^^t^T^, fs^ •^mt*', to curve, to bend. C^CT^1 C^lc 4>* i ^ t C ^, ad. ^if^i, ^Ic^^T5, lacking but a little, narrowly, barely. C^pfsrn, ad. C^m yj^, ^^tf^, when ? C<&lNif^^M1, ad. ??t^lPilf^5:f ^^1^, a species of fragrant flower, a bird. C<5Urferl, 5. ^^^ ^ottC^ t^ 91^, ^»iC^ opium. c

{, hard, dry, wiiiiout moisture. C^f^tBTT, 5. If5 ^a^ ^5^ C^ ^Tl> a bantering about the price of anything. C^PTOI^, s. cf8 ^ "^R^ C^, hire, rent. C3l< , 5. •?i»rr^ 'sftft^ 5rn§l^ 5r^,f%, the stamen of a flower. C^Tff^, «., 1^^^^ ^C^ -yfcTJR^ ^ J^ s^'fTt^, to loiter in doing or obeying. C^C5^, ad. C^t^ ^l^t«^, ^«^, whither? to what place? t^, V. to say, to speak, to tell, to declare. t^'S^I", 5. <#, C5*Uf. ^*f^, «i grutlge, secret ill will, hate. t^s?rj7T, 5. fJT?^ ^^^1 ^f^, f^^*lf^, the fabled abode of Iliwo. C^rsr^, 5. ^51?, ^.-s[ %Sy a king's son, a prince. C^^, s. ^^ ^1-51^ C^*T^l^ CSTC^n^T^ ifC^ 5f^, «fT^ v^^f, the gathering logetiier of the ends or sides of a shoulder cloth to receive anything, a caste or division of people. C^ C4l C9TC5?, ^iJt^, the gathering up in clusters, or binding in bundles or separate tresses. C^f^^ft, s. ^^r^?n ^5fl C*1T5P *f5T, a species of wild silk worm. cr<|, 5. c^3f1 sflf^, a species of tree and its fruit. C^^, s. c^ftC^^, Ofpif, 9^^-^ spl, a hollow in a tree, a cave. C^t^t m^ s. 51^ ^t^ vfif^, a species of fruit. C^»>Tt^5f^, s. ^HTiil 7\^ c^^Rl sijR5f, a species of the egg plant. C^B, r. v£|3i c=i^, if^ f^l^, ten million, a crore. liK5 C^PtH C^C^t^l, s. ^f%Sf TR 9ff^ Tl^, a species of bamboo. C^ltl, s. 3Ff^ 7^ C<1^f5T, a small room, an apartment. <.l^i, 5. C'^i^rl^T CMlC<>lR, ad. "^fwr^f^, cornerwise, diagonally. C<&i(.mj pron. C^Q, ody. ClWl "^W^j ad. C^i%?rt«, ^wrf^fS, (with negative) never, at no time. C^IX^ Cl(.»{|, ad. Pf^ vi)^, several, a few. C^TU^Rl, pron. f^f^^ ^T®>n ^^^, some one, somebody. C^T^, s. fsTj- srtlfl, "^CiWl, a rough model, an outline. C^T^, 5. c^tFlj, C^tc^l, a bundle of sticks, reeds or sugar cane. C^^WrSil, V. f^ 5Tt^ ^^^1, ^li^rt ^^ ^^U to fashion, to model, to shape, to reduce to proper size. C^r^, s. cigst^, r^, a species of pumpkin. (??T^, s. C^ItflfT, srtf^ •JriTI ^51^ fklTfP], crr^r, a hoe, disease in general. C^Sft^^rtt, V. C^C^ 9m, C%^f^ ^^^fW^ Jrrs, to croak, to rumble, to utter a low harsh sound as a frog, or the bowels. C^^l, i. Ttfsf ^5T5, C^tC^C^ -^W, a heavy load carried by poles on men's shoulders; a. hoed, dug over. C^ftTT?", V. C*lC4C^ -iRi^, to dig. C^^R, 5. iT^STsn^ *n3, C^PT^'lsr, the Koran. C4ilCi(.lll^ l *fTf^, 15«r, a decoction. C^STft", 5. iMni ^ 5?F, the corners of the mouth. C^jTCSTT^, s. >f ^1% 5^srf^, Flf^e ^FTC^T ^^1 t^ «r^, haziness. C^TT, «. frfr, ^y^, ^3^1, nearness, proximity, side, edge ; a. near, close, at hand. C14*'i>l, 5. Rhfj ^ the trimming otf of an edge of anything, C^^l, 5. <2[®t^ Bl^^ft^, a sacrificial vessel. C^t$, 5. a^ *ff3^, C>il^fif^^^ the sea of mercy. f^-s^^, a. WW^^, ^^;(15I5", merciful, gracious. f^vftcT, a. ^tT^, ^ 5. C-affer^, i^cTT^, '5'^, a cultivator, a farmer, a f^f^^, J husbandman, a peasant. ^ fepi, 5. c^ffe ^f^, cultivation, agriculture, husbandry, tillage. :Sp^, a. f^OTl, ^l^n>4; fn^r^i^^nn^l, cruel, pitiless, hard-hearted. C4FI»I, s. Mfi ¥T^ ^I^, ^% C^^rr^ tVS *i1%f^, a measure of distance equal to four tliousand cubits or nearly nine furlongs. Ca^' Btsf^J^, gt^, weariness, languor. JfPS^^, a. ^^sf^^,sr?t^in[C^T^, C^E^^rftin, weary, languid. fiy^, 5. ^*^'^'T^, fi *t*^ ft^ ft^i neuter, a hermaphrodite, QpT, 5. ^ J-^r, BTtm, 'JTf^, distress, afBictiou, sufTering. Cjpnrnr^, a. j-^f ft^^, afflicting, distressing. ^tT3, ad. ?rrf575, C«f^9l4l, ^Iflftl, sometimes. ^tvr, 5. -&JftR ftcarmi ♦ftf^, a decoction. ••f, ••f^tJC, ^rW^, ^pT, the aspirate kh, sounded uniformly like kh, as in the compound word brickhous::. It is ofton incorrectly pro- nounced like A; the sky, the atmosphere. •«rt^, 5. •^fjt', 'BW^^ ^I^ wasting, wearing away by attrition. ^9, 5. Z^ CBT^, C^^lt^?, excessive hunger or desire. ^^J^1» a. ^fWl> ^fWI» TTrsf1, ^^i^s? ^w^J ir^,.^unaccustomed to, unpracticed. •if^^j s. ^-^nc^, 1%, in a bungling confused (l, trampled under foot, trodden, •ftt^l^, V. 9t^%, ^ft^C"^ C^T^tl%, to trample, to mix by treading. CR <^, i. e. a cloth. <5(c^, a. ^nW^C^, a'PFCmc^, C^ftC^-sf^, all, the whole. irwr, ad, ^n st^, Gn;?^«r C?r^9f, a quarry, a mine, a burrow;> a hole. •^rf^«^1, 5. c^t4, 5. ft;4/14<>, ^R"^j without presence of mind, unsteady. •it^tTTt"^ ad. •sf^TTt", f^ff^^, immediately, instantly. causing to be refined or freed from alloy. <^, 5. cf 3 i ^5 t fti ^ifinr irny, ^frf^rs c-trrw^ sin?, a deep heavy sound as of a gong or of anything dropped into deep water. •«r^, 5. ^^ ff^p ^rrfinr ^W^* ^^\ "cws of war or any important event, general intelligence. doing anything confusedly, without order or exactness. <(%![, a. ••rsl, ft^, ^r^, exact, true, complete, neither more nor less. <^^, s. c^7[ 'snfinr trfrs ercstT^n C^rsn "tr^, a bamboo grooved to receive the lower edge of a reed or bamboo wall or partition. ^tfr-^nrr^, v. jt^JT ^*f^ ^rrftr T^ ^PTI, to make a rustling sound as of new cloth. ••rsHffro, fl» ••rsT<3; ^'tfl^ ^, rustling, as of silk cloth when rubbed. utterly wasted. f ^sff% ^?ri ^. the Indian Jessamine. •arf^^Jn finr), *. T^TTS fTf% ^^ ^^, putting upon a spit for roasting. t tho urinary organs, bleaching or expelling the ul . ; 'iualitics. •«ru^l^^, a. "trc^ftfl, C^^TTW, f^'«f|i:"«nn, very quick, swift. ••rcl^, a. ^mwT f^, tfc^rrj^, c^pr^m, c^isnt ^fiw vpp, expert, active, quick at work. wels. ^^ Onn, 5. C^n^ ^, trenching, preparing ground for sowing in drill... 130 ^ "^^T^fl, s. "S^-s^f, «itt?5, a layer, a fold of cloth^ a story or floor of a house, a succession of things one above another. '3>r^'^, 5. ^^-^t?, CZZ-^, ^'^y C'?;c«T*nt, the whole (collectively.) the entire assemblage of parts. •^r^fs^fj ^fk^, a species of fish. a treasurer, a cash keeper. '•JT^^, 5. fTC5r^, ^V^ "^ cisn ^r^n, a bedstead. '^f^f^, s. ^r^^ ^rt%c ^ft^ «T«ti ^m, ^r^ 'srwrc^r C5n^jr belonging to a farm, a lai)orer on a khat , <\W1, \ s. C-^mi 5?[5T5T, ^srmi^, "^r^ ^^1 C^^f^, food of all i|t^, .» a brief period of time. •^rtf^fftj ^' •^I'tRj c=d^^.^, a bunch of several skeins of thread looped together, •fttt^, 5. 'fl^H '^'^ fell, ^^ C5t^, •^^, a lying in wait, an ambush, an ambuscade, a story of a house, a layer or division of things placed one above another, a cascade. ^, a. c^^ C^rrni, •«m5n, coagulated, thickened, clotted. •^rismft, V. c?fT^ 5I^, 'irf^:^, f*r5 ^n ^^ ^"l, courageous, bold. -ar^;f5, r. "JiCsil^ ^irR 'i31. 5. honorable name or title, osleniatious, showy, pretentious. f-oiT]^, 5. IfJ^fgi, •onrti^, fTsr^f, show, display, ostentation. RilJ, s. f^fSy f2rf>fl%, >f5f^, ^ir'3?T, the earth. f«ri^vff%, 5. f^r^-s^ff^, TTg^l, ^*ff%, a king, a sovereign. f^R, a. f^^, STJf^ ^l^f^F^l, C^^3ri, dried up, lean, tiiin in flesh. R^*(D>il, a. J[VK ^1^ 9f^, fks^, emaciated, wasted away. f-of^lt", V. f^^t"^, ^\7[ VW^ ^tfir ^T^, to grow thin or emaciated. fT^, ^^fhn,f5l^f>f, haling, wishing evil toothers. f^rsTTt^, ^ 5. vif5, »r^C5TTsfl »3n, f>ir31<^, «Proi, fame, celebrity. ^/rfj, ^ rumour, report. f^r?r2T, 5. f5\Ji1, WTC^rw, CJtl, ^rfrs f^, hatred, malice, spile. fnn ^, ancient, remaining in one place for many generations. fir^n, 5. ^fl-pfl^, •if^, 1tt1» a single leaf of a tree or paper. f^ifM, s, c a window. Rc?^^, 5. f5rj% si^l, smt^ jr?1, nailing or fastening with nails. <^rt, r. ;k)j>|^, V. t%lf5Ti%^ <^ ^R f^ R^^l, 10 idle away time in mere pretence of doing, or in mere preliminaries. •5fJ>^, ad. ^^^ ^?I'5l-, c^rc^ ^C^, very little, slowly. <5^ ^fjC, s, •^^^^ft", ^^1 ^^{15 R'^ fiT^^I, spending much time in accomplishing little. <^Tft", ad. cTT^^t^ 3Fi^?^, slowly, gently, with a low voice. «^5Rfrvr5rf^,f5%f5(,B^,-5n^T?1, fear, con- •srt^ o^ift, i sternation suspicion, uncertainty. •»r If, a. ^$^, ^^ ^W, ^r^f, ^f^^., small, little, minute. < JC^ft^, 5. #ftc5Vf^, ^f^«fTf^, ^"51, the discharge of urine. fr54', C«r^ 5t«n, s^C^f^l, hungry. "•TlV^. «. l^fV^, '•rw C-^rW, CB;^ 5i?n, an hungered, 'trj? inn, a. T^ ?isn, ^^, C5» "^ffl^^l. maimed, wounded, muiiiate*!. •^J^f^,' o- ^s^^RTl, CTI^rB r^, •^'J^, the refuse of pounde!l, butting, as sheep or cattle. «^, 5. ^^^, "^ "^^^l 1513, a razor. ^^•^Ijfen, a. ^:rit ^9n ^^, ^iir;-^ -< r?^ f^l%^1 ^T1515 ^^^n, ready to crumble at the touch, light and empty like chaff. "i^^^fj^, s. ^j^i^iT, "^c ^C^T5T1 f^5?, ^.R'< Iflr^T^, a stone on which razors are sharpened, a hone, a strop. ^51, s. t^ -Jt^^ C^^^ ^ ^tf^ sm c^c^r^ 3T?ri, thin splints of bamboo, used in making boat covers &lc. yttrT-^if^, ) s- ^'^^ a throw, a cast, a crossing over; e.g. throwing a shuttle, casting a net, crossing a stream in a boat. Cl'5r^, s. 'ift^^, a bamboo implement for digging holes. fl-^r^T^, s. ^^ vSCcTT^I ^^, phlegm. €*aI^S?rl, a. M\fv\ir\, difacult, perplexing. C-dff^ 145 C-^r^^C^f^, s. -fete! TT^^ ^PR SITT, .. c-ifk^r^, 5. ^mn ^n, ^^*f ^<*m5 im^ ^^'^ m^ ^^; ^>»ffgiing about the price of an article or in making a bargain. C'«rc^\WC^\, s. C^C?l^, >ilM>Ii^M, ^^'.'^TTl, dispute, wrangling. C-^^, \ s. T^JU ^R1, «t«rt^, fopf^, TJTT, a cultivation, a field, a C'^fl, ^ farm, the crop of standing grain. 19 146 c^rsfi C-^f^?^, .•^. C<^fz ?P^IIT^^, f:^y{^, ^tcm^l ^1, a cultivator, a farmer, a husbandman, a peasant. C-d^ 5. CW:S, '^^\^, fl59f tfw, ad, 5^^t^f^, a^rTC^I%, pursuing in turn, rapidly, quickly. C**lTrl%» ^- C^^^i "^'f^ <^^i^ ^^1' *o roil, to stir up, to muddle. CitfWi V. Tf^ ^i%, ttn'jr Si"K"^^ c^f% ^si^l ^ Cl^T^I, to drive away, to pursue; with "sr^, to rush towards, to advance. C-^fpf^, o. Pff<^, f^l%^, C^'^^c^, distressed, grieved, sorrowful. driven off, expelled, banished, chased away. C^y s. ^^J^, R^f^ ^^, C^f^, «T^, a fixed time or period. C<^^C^, ad. siiirc^(.<5», C^^CS, fe^n:^, in a moment, quickly. C«5rf5T, s. %«Tft", f^p^l, ^^"^5 a taunt, a jeer, a joke. C, ^TC^^C^, ^l^T^'S, in a moment of time: C-^r^;^, ) ^- C^tC^j C8"5rti^ orrsn, cl!. a labourer who works for food and clothes, a labourer. t to stir up, to loosen, to open out. C-^tCFRI, s. C^j%, ^lling sound. ^-r--^ 5. ^f^ ^J[r^ f^^, ^r^^ ^^. a f'^ot print, the space pass- ed over by the foot in walking or running. c-3fTif ^fC V. . cmirrfsr c«r-«Tr^i mm, c^rr^ sifci *fTM, c^m, muddi- ness, turbid ness, foulness. C-5r.7i, «. V«n ^s'c^ C^rrc-trnsTrt C?»T«1, C^^ftin' ^ CZVsn, stam- mering; 5. a stammerer, a stutterer. <:-9r:c^, jjron. CiTi, pressing in the toes io walking with care not to slip. c^.-j^f^ 'tfTs. V. Bf^ ?(:'«fc^ ^rrciTT^ srTf< ^n» 'm^ ^C9 ^t7 . ^^ •*rTcT, ^54iJ*l1 Hvi, a shallow pit, a cavity. C-*::^ CcTRsn, s. t^ C^ir^n, if^ ^fifvil ^Sft CS^Vsn, the understanding of an affair, the act of burrowing, making a place of resort. C-^rr^l, a. Crfc^Bri. ^^T, ^FT^R, WT, stout, large, heavy. ^1%, s. sjfJvrM, 9fC5 t^irs C reckoned, counted, esteem- ed ; with a negative regardless of fear or favour. StT^HoHj s. ^l[], |%11, '5 3 ^iCJ C^r^iri^ ^^], secret conversation about the probabilities of some rumour or event. 'i\% V. 9RiT ^R, Crif^r, CJrr^Tt, stTR, to count, to add up, to enumerate, to calculate, to esteem, to account. ^rf^^1, s. C^jgl, ^iB", a harlot. ^TO, s. %R"^, C^ff% ^^, musk. 9f^5^^, s. ;§7Tf5 "5^^, ^'jfl I?-"^^, a kind of sandal wood or perfume. ^f^CTc^, s. ^'jff^ C5cT, ^srr^^ ^Ht, perfume in general. ^^^3T, 5. ^tR ^^, myrrh. ^^, s. ^-s^C^^lil^ ^^"5 9fliR, a demigod, the fabled choristers of the hindoo heaven. 9f^f^, s. "W:'^^"^, 'itW^'^ t%C^Tl, fem. of the above, the female dancers or courtesans of the hindoo heaven. 9t^^^^, s. C^K^l^ ^T^ ^f^'<, the Sassafras tree, the timber of which is much used for boats, ^r^, a. 9liTf%, C^'Ot c^ «^9t1, £t^t^, numerable, calculable. ^-5^, s. ■^ii*4\-^, ^-^, ^^«f^ lf?, V. 5rr*f fpr» ^^tR^^, sr-^sft, to swell or sprout seed previous to sowing, to be reserved or sullenly silent. ^*fTM'f*f, s. TTtc^T! PfC^T 9r^ ^;j1, a mutual estrangement. ?tf*f, r. r<5W5m ^rrft, 5t^rc7, to ihiuk, to consider; a. boastful, proud. ?rfMf*f©, ». f5T%, ^^rf^r, ^t^nr^ 15\t, fez^^ ^R, to think over, to revolve in the mind, to look at on all sides. ^r*^, «. ^^^if^, CstKWW, disdainful, scornful, reserved. 'Jtmin^f^f, a. C^cvmi CiTCilfl^r, cto?1 C^C^C, disdainful, estranged. ^n^^^, swollen, sprouted, reserved, secret ?fm^, 5. ^errs^, 5f ^tf^ ^^ft^t^r ♦ncfrai ^ ^*nt T^qh], an instigator, aider or abettor of crime. sm^, 5. snsi «Tri, 5jf^5 «1^, a n»a'e child. ifiT, 5. ^hSrrsT, ^sn^, TJB, au intimation, a hint, a perception, an in- distinct idea or conception, apprehension. ^5i?ffirin, «. «)ft^ ^^y «7^^, chcerlcda, gloomy, dismal. sr;R, 5. C ^sr^siR ^fTl, thought over, reflected upon, im- agined, conceived in the mind. ^nrtf^, s. ^t vflfw, an ornamental tree, ( gmclina arboria. ) ?f|^, ». ^r^, f^ni, '«i'4vm ^ft, to think, to reflect, to conceive of. 'iTsrj, a. ^ft^ 5^^, accessible, practicable, attainable, passable. sf^^, 5. f%lR, ^^T, "T^S^fj^, an enclosed and sheltered place. ^r^^i ) «. ^ft^, Ifj ^'^ ^^Q, deep, profound, grave, sober, ^r^, ) stern. ^t?1» 5. fz^ ^^ f^C^i^, a city in Behar, a place of pilgrimage. 51^, s. 5fl^, 5f^f^, ^^ ^*f, ^l>Jil4 ^^, a sleeper or support of a superstructure, a wall, a breast work, a fort, a stronghold. sf^^, a. €^ in hindoo mythology the bird 9f^r3, / and vehicle of Vishnoo, being something between a man and a bird, and regarded as the regent of birds. 5f^^^fi^, the secrets of the mind. ^5:, s, tT^,iffTf5Pf^,firfB^,^«f,?rW51, likeness, similarity, resemblance. ^^Rt s. sf^T^ C^, ^P5 ^9\J CK5, the price paid for making or repairing brazen or metal vessels. S1X1, a. f^ ^ f^flft ^^, Jiwl z\ firiv^ ^T\, censured, forged. STl¥5, a, f^M^, ftf^, Jfsrf^, dfpWtVT «m, tf«r, despicable, handsome, comely, bcautilul. ^IWI C«(1 ^ JfCWT^n, forging, working in metals. ^fT, 5. ?rt, f^ftf, C^, the neck. 8'pr^ ^sf, 7{T^ feuni ^, the upper part of the neck, the prow of a boat. ^>f|, s. ^J^T^ JrpST?" f%SR >G'5f5 ^R1 ^ft^, the beam in whicii the screw of a sugar mill revolves. 158 ifrl% •yTrl^t-i^rr^, s. ^7\^^v\, fk, the dewlap of cattle. •rr^-pf^jl, 5. t%^ o ^*f 'Jtl ^'^i i- fei '5'5, C<5t5i ^cR, one's own house, an adjoining house ^t^®, 5. ^^y\^k '^.f^^* 1W^ ^jfe^ ^C^ ^JTf^ C^t^, a glandular swelling, sr^, 5. 9T>^* f%*rt^ smtfcT, -i^ftrsC ^trj^ ^-PlX, ^V^y t%^^, a tender sprout, gauze; a. inner, secret. sffU'^f^^^ 5. 9fn§J^ 6?r< C*ft^1, to regret, to be sorry or vexed with one's self. ^^, s. 9nvt%, ^if^, an ass, a donkey. ^tt'I?1, WF?f3, corpulent, pregnant. ^r^, s. C?rT^4[ C-CBf, fyf^ vS^«1l wrfV^ ■feTn, the pace of a horse, the headman of several mountain tribes of Assam. str^«9fr^, 5. ^f^ ^' ^ ^^^* ^^ arc^rCTC^S ^s?1, to stretch, to yawn. M'lCsrrsI, 5. sfl C^I^, ^ JTFI, a towel, a napkin, a handkerchief. %^4 Ciff^, the noise of a multitude. fsHsfi, s. B¥^l, ^5n^1?f^, ^^^^ C^i^l, the public worship of God. f^'tSR", ^. fc{$?i^ CrTT^^ c^t\ ^^1 ^^ 75:^] ITT^, a complainant. ^1^, V. c?r, to go away, to depart. ^FSTI, a. -^^ 7^^^ fi{51^ <^, 7{'^ 7^], taken away, removed. ^;;f^^, ad. Ji^t^, briefly. ^f^ ^^t^, C^^]^^ ^^, a button, a storehouse, a warehouse, a magazine. sr%1, a. i iiethcr good or had, virtues or defects as shown by the conduct. ^ft, s. *fTrr^ ^WJ, 4l4 ip ^W *|fvr, Khrishna's life written by Shrce Ilongkor. ^6|l, one who wears a mask, an actor, a player, a hypocrite. ^5[<»t^[f^, 5. 5T5i9t5i 7p^, ^TT^R, a roaring rumbling sound. ^tsCtf, ad. C^?fi^, •. TTT^^ '?rj% ^^1, ^aVr^, ^T*3Tf^, a helmsman, steersman, sr^, 5. f^'»rj^, ^ ^-^TC^^, a religious teacher, a spiritual guide. ^T^t;^, a. 2^]'^, 7?, great, heavy, important. sr^^^T^^r, a. ^^ <>f^, ^^ f^cerrsrns ^ ^*irr^ c^v^ f.^T^, reduced to pulp or jelly as from over ripeness or from beating. ?t5TSt5if^, s. sr-stsf^tr^r, an inward burning sensation. St?I^?f;^, V. Sfr*f ^^U to feel an inward burning sensation. M5!sji%nn, a. ^3rt^ *f^, jItbt, fully ripe. mf^, s. i^fi^ nrmrs iflClfC^ ^rnnrtST f^nn Sff^, an ornamental loop or tassel belonging to a sedan or jf'pi. ^?5T5P, s. Jif?^ IP5T, a species of flower. ^f*fin, a. c^rWT^t ^5]^ 44M>II, like a rose, rose coloured. WT^, ac/. ^5rf3 'TiTBt^, *fTC^ HU^, plentifully, as 'much as possililc. SfSTTT, 5. T?n:i ^f^J^f, a species of flower. 5Tf5T, 5. f^^ ^^ ^, ^ns C9m vftr, a^ ball, a pill, a bullet; v. to mix, to dissolve in water. ^r^"^1, 5. 9^ :r?i, shooting or causing to be shot, diasolving in water. ^jfa^l^, V. fi^ mf^, to shoot. ^ST, 5. c^vf, $f«f«t«ff5r, close, confined, pent up, wiihoul air. ^vnf ZW^, s. OTT'*^ IRS 9f*f^pff^ *rr, want of veniilution and lighc« ^fT, s. ^t 5>jsn t;7, fro ♦f^, «Tv vD^ OTf^^^ ^ >R9[?pr crrc?^, the ignis fatuus, supposed by the ' 3e to be an evil spirit, that points out where money i^ buried. ^^?^ ^rs, 5. T^ (XtU^nw ^e, a large canoe. ^1, s, '.[^j, *n^rT5 srrr, a cave, a cavern, a grotto. MJtJTTT, 5. C-tTPPir, ^ft^'k, sn?r5T7, the anus. C9R, s. 5^1^ C*fl>»J!fft14 ^^, «nft «(^ ^rr^ CVfti, the umbilical cord of young birds, the umbilical vessels of plants. csr^, s. ii^Ti WS] C*fmTf%, a buffalo male calf. C^R^f^, 5. ^J^f^ ^, ^ C^-^^^, to snarl, to show the teeth. C^mc^nnt, v. ^^^ r^r^ CT^nn ?R-f, to feel pain from a thorn. arsi, a. cf5l, C^cnl, pressed, shoved, pushed. m^, s. c^C^W, W] ^>1^<^ ;rr?r5 C^ftorr^ ^rsh, the poi.-ited end of an instrument that is inserted in a handle. 166 ?fTl% C^«ff^, a. T5t^, \^^ ^t^l ^Tt%j thick, dense^ (as forest or ]jiingle.) ■C^fcSfTl, s. C^C^^l SThS, CSfTC^"^! ^Tt^, angry retort, cutting \*ords. C^fc^rTl, a. C1?C^^ qI"^, ^^1 ^^^1,. inactive^ torpid, stationary. C^rc^c^l C9fC^I%, a. dc^^l C^C^R, ^m srrc^C^ ?T5r^, mutually dis- pleased, speaking in an angry fault finding manner. cyfC^^Tjl, a. c^d^m 5(^1, ^^^I, f^i% C^rc^mi, hard and unripe, applied to fruits, boils, &c. ineffectual. C^, -i s. ci5^, cs[m\-^, (75^, lees, dregs, sediment. C^nrc^fiWl, G. a[TfC5rR-ii|%5C ■W-?fi%l?f^, tying, stringing, arranging in rows. C«n^» fl. csn^ fwrtii 9f^C?r «f^, braided, platted, strung logclhor. Cfh^, s. <^5^^ «*1^ ^'^t^ ^fW C^m, a muslacl^e. C§Wr^, a. c«fW tW TT^^i having a muMa^if^ C9rm» a. 7fn, a fair complexion, white, Euro^ C^in f5«TTfe, 5. ^N^nfw CRI, European or while soldiers. CSfTTr^, 5. t^^, orjYI, SJ^, ire7»^, a Hindoo name for God; a gooroo or religious teacher, the head of a religious sect. csf fUf^T, s. cwf^y ^'ihi Clff^ ^f^, ir^^^ b:®!, a goddess, the wife of a gooroo. C^T^f^, *. 5Tf^ "srf^Tn ^lC^i:i ^rrfr^?1, S^rrfif f^^W, a title given by the Assam kings to certain families of royal descent. C^, 5. ^^, ^>»f ^S?^, an ox, a cow, a stupid fellow. C^tTsn, 5. sn^ ^^, *n^ ^n, singing, chanting, reading. C^rrsTi^, r. ^|7( ^^I^, to cause to read, re))eat or sing. CsrpsiM, a. ^ai^^lf^-, ^vD ^^^, haughty, self conceited, obstinate, CSfT^^, a. c^m, ^^ ff^, vile, filthy, unclean. csn^^t^, s. C^^5pf^, ^^J{ ^^, ^^fi?, a filthy place. C^t2?:i s. ^^^Tc^i c?n>Tt, i;?it5? ^.^ c^fT^S to walk in an abstracted manner. C^fKlT^.^, V' C?fC^^1 5i:f^, to cause to roar. C5fi^, s. ^^, ^*T, lfi(ciV bad, contemptible, worthless. C^TTf^^, 5^. "fe^^ Ji^^ ^^, a name of Krishnoo. C^ft^^^R, s. ^K'^ Cifr^T^ ^Jlf5fi}JT5f, a species of vine used as an antidote to the bite of snakes. C^ftsi^fM, 5. lilR^f 5ft^, ilci TTf-si" vi}|%%r, a species of poisonotrs serpents C^W, a. CjTTC^^ ^^^, 511%^ ^ dingy? soiled, sullitjd,. dusky. CfTM^j V. CT>IC5r l>Tf% C^TT^I, to be overcast with clouds. C^fTC^rt^lj a. C^fin, f^^) faded, tarnished, soiled. C9fTC5rt^, a. C^fT^n^ C^l^% overcast, darkened, cloudy. C^ft^, s. 9TfV, '^tf^, the foot, the base, foundation or beginning. C?fT^, 5. cnlfo]-, ^^WT, a kick, a stroke of the foot. C9ft^ CfTTr^, V. «TTf^l5 ^tp5 t^, to submerge, to put under mud and Wcjter. C^rnctf^? «• ^fr^i belonging to the root or larger end 3 5. the blunt end of a thing, the tree near the root. c^tu^mi, s. ^f^^ '^r^ ^[ft, -s^rf^ ^tht^j ^f^ ^i c^^^t c«rt^i, the heel; a. placed under mud and water. C^lr^t^, a. ■^^ It, "fer W, C^ftC^s^, precipitous, steep, perpeHdicular. C^rt^^l, s. "S^STfwi ^^t^ 9m 5^ ^fi^^, a bright yellow pigment.- C^TKrr^f^, 5. ^JT^ C^C^rt^K"^ SRly stamping with the foot. C^tCTT^j s- C9fC^^, ^c? CWV^f ^R ^^, submerged in water, soggy. C^rRlc^, 5. 9f^f^1, ^S ^<^f^, a curse,. a curse of cowboys employed for the purpose, they being considered especial favourites of Krishnoo. C^rT«n, a. -sfTR Tw CUM ^^1, ^^ C^^l "Sr^, mixed or dissolved itt water; s. a merchant's shop, a storehouse, a granary. Cit^^, s. TF^ ^Tzr, a rose. C^fTcTTf^t ®t^, 5. C^I^*t^ ini^^ ^fk^ ^^ WP'9 the rose apple. 5f^ 171 Cfrmrsi, s. Wi^, ^f'^9 ^Tl, a servant, a slave. C9rr5^rf^, 5. cr rf»T, ^rf^, ^^^rf^, the female of the above. csrrc^rrsn, 5. cm^n, 1%^ -^puivs], je ^drm, causing to dissolve; a. dissolved, mixed . CSflc^il*, 5. t^%, fi»^^ ^^ )sf^t the paradise of Krishnoo. C^i^, ? 5. ^\^, viic^ ^31^^, ?rnf^, Jineage, deKcent, family, cJan, C^rrf^, S race. Cirmf^, s. CW^T], VT^WR, sp?, a god, a religious teacher, the liead of a religious sect. <:?rif3^7l, s. srsi ^fVf, a species of vine. csrr^rfsr, s. ^PTT €C«1^1, cvrmrt, «Tfrf^^I?, lord of the Veds, a title given to brahmins as teachers of the Veds. CitlTTf^", 5. C«rT5^, fsTWiR, StT^» » request, making known a desire. €?nTrl%, t. sf^ ^W1 "^i a house or shed fur cattle. TT? ^1% ♦fVI vn C^J^fir, the fourth incarnation of Boodh, now worshipped by the Burmese and Buddhists geoeraJly. Cnr wrfirs *fri, swallowed, eclipsed, seized, invol- ved in some erU, ^, 5. ^^wTfw, a planet. 5^^, 5. ^ ^'V «p5r, c?Tt3n, 5^ -JJlfV ST?rt FVI, an eclipse, a seizure, an acceptance. 5^, 5. CS9 ^T« <1^ arr«r, the dysentery. ^firf^, a. 5r5 «^sn, worthy of being received, accepted or regarded. ^^«l^* ) ^' !t^^ v5\.HtL*i ^Tfi C^t'J *|jn, propitiatory offerings to 5f^»^, i the planets. 5^*ff5, 5. ^, the sun. 172 ^f^ <5t^f*f^, s. ^^ <^ f«fTl, 5^^ ^1^1 W'^^ sickness supposed to be caused by the adverse inflaence of a planet. ^ ^tf?, 5. -yf^ ^TC^ ^^ ^^^il;, designed to propitiate the planets. -jnr, s. IrtS, a village. ^tfil, a. ^t^frnlll, pertaining to a village, rural, rustic. 7m, s. ^rrr^, C^rmi, a mouthful, the act of swallowing a mouthful. *?rt^^, s. Crft^^rrc^, c^iz^, one who takes or receives. ^rt^, s. ^mw^, C^^, a reception, an acceptance, a seizure, fabled monster of the deep, any large fish or marine animal. 1«1, s. ^C^^ srfig^ ^fk t^^ '^^fiT ^ ^^tc=f :if "^j an event, an occurrence, an accident. TT^^, 5. >c»i|«^f, the house sparrow. ^R^ftr, 5. viim ^rrf^ finn ^rrrt^ ^*f^, ^fiw^ Tan ^T5tI%?i, -5- ^T C^rsn ^«i^ ^f??f, a kind of colored silk cloth. i74 Ti;g[1 ^RTt, V, vst^ 7^, C^^r6^f^t?P, ^tC^ ^tr^ ^tfe to thicken, to set close together, to frequently come or do any thin nr, •5rf^, 5. srtF 5:m tt^:^ ^TfcT^ vH^ ;§f^ a bamboo fish trap. ■511^, ad. ffer, ^tC^ ^TC"^, quickly, repeatedly, frequently. WJ{ "^rc^, «i. C^f^il C^fiT'i], ^T^'^'R, repeatedly, frequently. ■JlC^^fn?, «^- C^f?T^ '5fnf, :.gain and again, often. •jrc^rPsil, a- \5T^ ^^5 "^R^^ ^Tl, thickened, pressed together, coagu- lated, curdled, congealed; s. the act of thickening &c. ■5r^, 5. ?^T^:^ ^FJ l%C7i^ "^fIt, Pf^ \B"T^, a bell, a clock, an hour. 'ST'^t^C^, ad. "^I^^^t^, C^ttC^^, at once, quickly, suddenly. ^^f^r^t Tp^], s. xsrr^f •• fijf^, t^f^, the mistress of a house. ilU*\^ \ s. -^^f^ C-^T^jCf rc^I^r^ ^^, friction, rubbing, filing, polishing. SI^^, a. "51^^, TR^ Cv\r^, ^rc*TPr, belonging to a house, home- made or produced at liouie, one's own. ^^^Tj%, a, XT^ f^fBJnt^, ^^C Wa[ Z^ ^n, like to one's own, working for anotlier as for cue's self. Tllj, HC^, ad. Jjfr ^C^, each houje, from house to Ijouse. ■^^ *^C^, ad. Jic^ Z[C9, at home and abroad, in one's own family and out of it. trCTPsnT, 5. ^*firr^^?r, ^ZTC[^, the whole household. ITC^T^rrf^ a. fST^f^, ^S^nf^, having a family. TF9T], 5. fTTf^^fn* abuse, abusive language, reproach. ^rcrrt, r. snf^ *f^^, ft***! ^^I^, to cause to abuae or rcpioach. HI, 5. , f^T^r^r ^ cmi^I*n ^9«[, a waicr jar. ^^^M'fOT, a. ^fsm, «ri3 ^*T^ ^f5?lt3y Z%\ ^ C9Jmi, a term applied to the manner of winding a cloth about the body. TnfVr, 5. wm^, C^FT^^ ^^ WT ^^^t^ nR *frlT, a place of refuge, a place where the necessaries of life are abundant. TTtrr^, s. ^fv( "^ISiTrT, an small tinkling ornament. xrf^, 5. t:^^ *rr5 (Xr^l ^ *tlf^ ^srI ^r^, a ferry, a landing place, a flight of steps leading down to the water. HT^ TSJX^Vy s. JRJ^rs STpp TO*f^ ^V, a child bereaved of both par- ents in infancy. 170 f^ ■srrf^, s. Vf]% ^^^, ^1% fkf^ C^^tf^, a fault, a crime, an ofTence. •5ri# Ci J^^, s. ^^ ^1:51, ^5Tt^R, ^STpI-sf -^x^^ ^SC^^, a slight rumor, uncertain information. TTT^r, s. ^ irr-si", ;§?^, ^^"^ ^Ic^T^I ^T^ -^ftfTT, perspiration. irTsr ^Ici, 5. m^ ^tf^j If^ , abuse, reproach, defamation. 1%^, s. fkn, "ST<< ^TiSf^ C^*1T[»T ^9f, clarified butter, ghee, vulgarly used for the brains also. f%ltf^^^, V. Ct^A cTTf^ ^^ ^^l, to reverberate, to make a sound as of thincrs striking tocrether. nf^fV^f^, s. f%^ 1%^ 71^, ^^^5 C^^^ ^:^r, reverberation, confu- sion, hubbub. fklf^'^, s. Cira: ^tt^ viii:tmi a favorite play in which ghilas arc used. tWi:\5rr«nn, a. X^t snsrs ^^CT *r. ^r^ ^rm crr^n, alternately deep and shallow, the sudden deepening of water in a river. fv i fl^l^l^ i. «il1%>f T^lftnn T^p 1S^, a species of wild duck. IFJF,?, V. Ta^W 5nfi»ilC7[ atrcTW* ^ST'PT^ P.^tfV, to insert or thrust into an orifice, to pcnclraie. lo search carefully, ^f^, V. C^TZP^nft, ^[rs ^T«n^, to gouge out, to dig out with the finger or nails. \?^» "• ^'"» C<«C5ym ti^ «W, bowed, bent over, crooked. ^^ (D^ AI, 5. ^srr^C? C^, / portioned, comely. Tl^^S^"' ^' ^f^*l^j ^^i small and short, well proportioned. ■^, 5. Tsrtt tt^ 5f^ C^rt^, ^5r?ff^, ft^ «r^, a small destruc- tive insect that bores timber &.c. a. broken, defaced, bored. TTT^^f^, s. vp{ (KPsn ^ft, the dust made by the above insect. ^=Rn, a. ^^ c^rrsn, ^T5 ^ft ^srrt^ -^ t^ ft^ , to tease, to worry by importunity. cfn, 5. str^C^ *^ C^I, a. c^rn, f^ v\9t], bad, hateful, despicable. CV]C.*"5l C^rsn, fl. '^lU^ Vrt^ ^^ ^ro, passed around from place to place and rejected. orc^p^, 5. ^c^ C55TOT ^ ^ vrc^rW, one stroke, one bite. Orc^RT^, ad, viic^ C.^lw'J, ^f^TT^, cut or bitten at once. Orc^l^, a. cvilC^I^i liT^, ^^51 ^1^, troublesome, difficult. ar?f, 5. ^^^ c^^r^, ^^^ C^lft^ ^tl, the yelp of a dog. 180 C^"T^ an;5?p5i1, s. CJtnsi^R sr^-l, vm) ^feli^ csrc^rr^, the act of snarl- mg, growling, lolling. c^^, V. ?r^ f ^^ ^t1%^ 1mi ^f%tt c^fcTtt ^^, to loll, to to thrust out the tongue, as a dog, from heat or exertion. C^r^r^, a. C1, a. c6|f«i CWr^l, «rt^ to, broken, old, shamelew. C^'Wt s. ^tti4 fwn>m *^f^ ^wn ^r^, a wild beast little known but said to be black and to resemble the tiger. worldly illusion, a dilemma, a gordian knot. sp^rf^? 7TW> &n indiMolublo bond, the matrimonial tie. CirTC^W, 1 a, 7T97, Ti^^i large, stout. C^^, 5. rfnn, a horse. (Xr^Cin^, 5. , ^ 51^, ^, ^rft^, v£jwr55i7r, terrible, dreadful, horrible, formidable, dark, gloomy; with •JTT^, to bend, to curve. 162 fr,-^ CETt^'^rt^l, a. ct^l C^j^1, C^tTI'irt^, bent, curved, bowed. C^TT'^C^T^T^, V. c^mirrs VSf^ <5i1^, Ol^R^ 1%]% ^^^, to snore, to purr as a cat. -^ C^^3T, «. ^ ^«?R^, "^f^ ^•jy^M, very large; ad. exceedingly. CSrT^fvf^, s. ^, six yards io length; holding three seers dry measure. KS4 5^1 ^T^jf:^ , t%c?n, the female of the above; a wheel. ^^5=1, N s. '^]Z^ ^ "Jtr^RlTl •f^'Clj a slice, a round thin bit of ^^cTf, I anything. blotches or slight swellings in patches covering the body. IJ^^cTl C^, s. vfit^Jf cf^U: m's^, an acid fruit. ^??f?5?n, a. C^L^f^ ■5r_^<[R?n ^1 ^•^'rir^rl, round and thin. ^^^fsTTrfs", V. -sft^^.t^ C^i<^ C^<^t^ ^f^, -sfsfelt, to cut in round thin slices. 1^^, a. "511% f^% ^^1, Priili <*cp5n, -pfTp^ ^T?P, ^t^f^ "srf^^ ^"^^^^ C^l"? refined, strained, filtered, tasted; s. the seed vessel of the water lily; the signet of a ring. ^^ft", V. C^Ti^i^ C^i^t^ f^^'iNS? <*r^ fe'PFf, a stool, a bench. ^ferpSf, a. "41s 5f^U vf^JH 5^r^^, ^i^rr, relating to a sentry.. 55, 5. c^3, af^, WWrfsf?, fj0, ^^ tf^ ^liR"< IftS, the eye- sight, a knot or part of a tree where a branch shoots out, the protuberant bud of a plant. ^pn, a. 55 5ir^, ^!^ ^t^ iva ^t^, hatin^r eyes, knotty. ^^^^rs, 5. 1?^^ C^K f4C*i*l, a disease of the eye. 555^, a. 7{7f 3T^, very small. ^J *fWft^, 5. i|| ^rt^ »ilfw, the ruddy goose ( anas casarea ) called the Brahmani duck, said to have re- ceived the curse of Ram, not to produce more than two young in twelve years. l^^^:Tf, s. ir^ ^r^ ^ ^^tt JRI ••rrn ^rftj fe^, a bamboo wheel made to revolve by the ignition of gunpowder. -iPpFT^, I a, i?3ir5 faf^i, ^;5^f;^, circular, round, of the ahnpu ./'if^fr, ' of a wheel or discus. 24 5 ^' ^i^^^> ^1^ ^^ '^TTf^ 3T^, ^■'i?>''5f^, a flapping, floundering as a fish out of water, a crackling rustling sound. F?ytt^, V' ^^"^'^l^, C^S-fttf^, ^^J?^Tt, to flounder, to pop. ^^^^ftR, ^^, independence; with 7^^, a period of peace and tranquility. PTl, s. shrewdness, cunning, sharpness. F^^tf^T, a. c^wrrfiT, Tfinr^, cunning, shrewd. ^^, a- "^^ CW^, the fourth. l^^^i s, CAM4 Mft ItR, f^f^if Re*!*!, the fourth day of a lunar - month, a certain festival. 5^gTf3T, a. t5VT, Mft *5rfir^ RT, the fourteenth. 5^ifl^, 5. 5^ t5VT ft^, f%^ filWI, the fourteenth day of a lunar month. Fi^fTPT, 5. Ftf^r fJFf, citfw^, the four cardinal poiots. 5^ o. S[fk Bffr?!, rrft ^f^nH, relating to the four principal castes; the four principal colors, white, black, blue and red. ^"^^JSf, a. ^rf^ ^fen, f^JC '^^ ^^> four armed, as VislmDo. F^C^Tft, a. 5Tft Ff^P?1, quadrangular, four cornered. ^■^^iif, a. Sf^ C^fWl four footed, quadruped. 53r, s. Ml^, an umbrella. F^^, s. ^BTI, Mf^ ^L< t «1, a king; ( /i7. ) the carrier of an umbrella. ^^^^> S' ^®1 ^^, ^4l«, the subversion of dominion, loss of empire. 5F^, a. f^pvt^, sff^^ •«rt^ ^Rfl, despicable, universally despised. F^, 5. f^«R ^,5Ii5 si^ 9$ fvi(.*i*i, a waste or desert place; a rope used to frighten iish into a net. 388 T5f5 i?»i<9i, ff. c!^' ^1^, sandal wood, several other kinds of fragrant wood are thus called. F^TRl, 5. ^lifl /^T? q]^ ^J^i '5'^t^9 a species of parrot. I?^JT^5t'si"j s. Wf^'s^, vS-J^lXS "^T^l -^iv.^^[ 1, s. cTi^ -pf^, ^^^1, shame, mortification; a. mortified &c. w^fir, a. fi(U] Xoi cTi^ -pfTl, mortified by the exposure of one's own misdeeds. K^irtwr^, s. F^lM^^ v8«^T5 ^^ ^<^5 a canopy, an awning. F^, 5. CSiX^, ^^^5 the moon. ^^^T^^ 5. ^fv^ ^^^ ^J^tl ^, ^tl&t^ GfTR c£iti<^, s. f2|i%f%^ §1 15^^ *T^1, an eclipse of the moon. l>T^if\^, 5. FC^t^^j an awning, a canopy. ijT^^^irR, a. F^p^ WC^ "^^PT ST**!"? moon-faced, beautiful as the moon. F^RT^, s. ^ST^TPT^ 'STT'^r^:^ ^S'^WJ C ) '^^ ^^C^^- "fe-JT, the nasal character, (" ). F^tS&T, s. F^^ C^ <1 5^^, the lunar orb, the moon's disc. ^^^, s. CSiX^f ^, M^k*^, "R^^HJ, the moon, the queen of night. bs^sjf^f, a. (rgftTTiT^, "^r*^, moon-faced, beautiful as the moon. ^^14, s. ^fk'4 f^fw^ ^»{5T^1<, a kind of necklace. M^^^, s. CSil'^i'^, CSit^^ -^iT^i moonlight, moonshine. W 189 Sr^tflT?, *. C^T^ 6C5rr^, o^ £(^rr:?J, the rising of the moon. C^f?*^, ^ s. fviirt^: ^1% l?f*f C^TrSfT^ 5.1^, a clod, a clump or shapeless mass. 5i^rt, V. c#mt^, 1S1^< ^f^, ^m^, to bow, to bend the head, to lower, to let down. 5<^TT5<»fT, fl. C^^f^GSr*^, ^ be gathered together, pressed, printed or stamjKjd. S>t^, ) 5. ^T^m <^ Ito?^, ;ct^ CTSltsi mf ^5rt^:5 (Xr^, ^Tf^ CSrr^, rt t^Tl%e^^» ^^.1^, near, close at hand. ^■?T^1, s. -^Itrl" ^rl, FlR *ftFl, an anna. ^^7{, s. ^«fV, ^^, a foot, the feet, used figuratively for favor, protection. ^^^rj, ) s. ^:g;^ ^ft ic;^ ^Ttf^, ^m^iW^, -^^^ W^^ the water ^^^it^, •' in which a brahmin or gooroo's foot has been washed. IPCSl, «• ^t^> ^^9 ^'^t shame, labor, fatigue. 5^1, ) if- ^<5nt 5T^rai -Kf^ C5l(. 5^TT^ C^T^, a wash-bowl or basin, a spy, a secret informer. ^^, J. €T5 "STirif T^l 31I&^ *frT, an earthen cooking vessel. "59^, a, ^7^, TSJ, f^ut, true, real, exact, not imaginary or fictitious. |?$C*f, ad, I^C?, JiCST, ^^4C^ truly, certainly, in like manner. ^^'T^ s. ^f^W«^, 'STf^f^T^, gofer nment ^5»Tf^, a. ^R^CT-uT, ^^a W--^ 5T1 ^r>^rtT^ ^T^ft?, ^tsT^fOT, re- lating to government, public, common to all. ^1% ». ^t 5T?(i, ^^r^ ••pn cf1, 5. 'cnf^. fsff^, 51^?, jv, reverence, love, respect. ^Jft^W^, 5. ^fs? ^^1, circumcision. 5D2 ' R% IS^: s. Sf^'^^sn, ^\f^, ^flrt^, ^, a stratagem, a de?ice, trick, pre- tence, artifice, fraud, forgery; a. easy to do. t*<5u'i], s. '^Tfo]"^, SR «1T55T, unsteady, unstable, volatile. ^5T^T, «• 5?Tl^?T, ^l?t®ns, having intercourse. F^TiT, 5. ?n5^ fT^^ TTTm C^^tTTs? Bt^, the joining cr soft part between the upper and lower shell of the turtle. T?7I^^ -sftl^, s. ^S^i3f ^[7{, <-r4 ^R, shallow water. ^c^rif, 5. "^yt ^f>f, ^rf%cilt>ci, a. ciTt^ ^511^, ^aili^lsiTi;, F^rn;, ^«T J?r^, CSrr^^St^, rich, wealthy, opulent. 5^ 1t?1, s. ^^t1 t^, fet ^srW Of<^^1, finding out a secret by flattery or false promises, the holding out false inducements. "5^^, 5. ^nn, ^ 9(73, a thickly settled place, a village. 5^fel, ) 5. ^^^ «r?Pl ^\^, a villager, an inhabitant of a thick- l>^4»^1, ' ly settled place. 5^^, a. ^f^t»T 5»I, 'RR tt^, level, passable, easy of access^ 5^5Tl>i^cfj|, 5. b^^\^, ^rftrj?^!, %1^ •Ttt^, fraud, imposition. ^^, rt. ^IRI, ^, ftcsTfsri, unlearned, unpdishcd, rustic. 5^Tt, ». ^rt 5t^ ^fir, m ^fir, ^sf f[ft 5r?, to carefully observe. irrrti, «. 5Tft, rtPw C^, four. M'lsil^fl^, a. ^5^, M^ :Tt© ^T^ C^ ^^, worthless, as ashes dtc ^r?^^, a, Vfil ^4fCTCt C^WT^ ^p^» fierce, cross or surly looking. 5r^T3r, «. «rT^^ 2tt^ w^ ^ft^t»!?irt otpbti c«r»r *flfer, a class appointed by the Assam Kings as public executioners. 5T^|vr, 5. C^I?: C^, t»Rr vW ^, a military camp, a barrack. M^, s. ^?5|C», ITPiR STT^ rice, husked rice. ^t^ ^;j'«n, ». nRpl^i^ ^ ^rt^l 5f ^1, the loss of means of support or the loss of life. ^T%iT SRI, 5. f^f<4t? ^, without a living or means of support. ^sf^, 5. C-^rc^C^ ^^ C^mi, the giving a coating of grass, thatching. -§1, s. iw "^t^i T^ 5(*fTl, a shadow, a shade, darkness, obscurity. ^T^, 5. ^ .^51 ^s^; 5TC5R, a carpenter's adz. iVsf^, s. ^51^ "feft C^t^, equivocation, speaking without strict regard to truth. "Stf^, V. fwsv\ ^f^, St5^ sitft, to shave, to hew, to smooth. 5TC^T^» ^ ^^ 5^ ^3, ^T5, a carpenter's adz. 25 194 5T'^ 5 l^i<&C^, a(^. ^51^^^, C^?fC^, at once, suddenly. ^ttf, s. ^, cst^, the moon. Stm, s- ^, fs^ Sfra, FT^ f^rf^, 5^ shade, a shadow, a type. M^, s. ^^, ^^, ^5rf2R[ ^^I^ ^t^ ^®1 15^, a potter's wheel, a circle, a discus. 15t»4ll^<. ^^^^ ^^% to taste, to strain or filter; s. a lamp, the signet of a ring, an ornament of flowers. 1^11% CFt^, s. C^rt^srlW C^i^l, C5CeTl% C5^^, testing by the taste. Frf% «1in, s. ^^R^S ^^f^rtt^ ^^«i C^^1» the inserting round fiorured flowers into the border of a cloth. o Ftt^ ^C^^, 5. ^m <^^^ TT^, a species of bird, the barta- velle or red-legged partridge. ^9!^, 5. Fl-yf, ^1 ^?f, a he-goat. ^T?ri%, s. ^rft1% Fi^rf^, a she-goat. ^it^, ad. i%5jTf^, ^7[5T1, ;§;TC-4l, probably, perhaps, possibly. ^r^, s. W^, *fl^© '^rt^ ^t^, a platform, a scaffolding, a stage, yt^ "^R, s. Ff^^ ^-s^R^ 3^1 "51^5 a house with a raised floor. FTwf^^ s. i^\-^p^ ^srtfTR- ^s^^^ ^^ i>5i1 ^t^fsf ^srrfiF Itfj^ ^;^ Jivn, a side blou'jsubmerging, covering, overshadowing; a small quantity, a sprinkling, an innplement for stirring treacle; a stick on which turmeric &c. are strung at the ceremony of washing cattle. ^f^, n. *f|t%'v& ;t^, the act of stamping, pressing, or printing; a. pressed, printed, stamped. FT<^, a. "ip, e'^f C^rtL^T^n, i^iCviU sr^ ^r^, low, short, of small stature, a clapping of hands, a blow with the open hand. Ft«^^t^, V. Frf the affixing a stamp or seal, charging with a crime without proper proof. ^t^, s. ^ixTt^j ^^^ ^srrjir c^rt^ > tn^er;. ^m c^c^| siTlJ, ^^, ^Tc^^n STt^, a word expressing approbation ; well done ! bravo ! Ml%, s. ^^t^ ^fe a key. FT^^, f- b'LV^A C^^ C???R, a whip, a scourge. ^W9 ^Tfl, 5. MT^ C^TTsn, a class who in the days of the Assam Kings inflicted punishment by scourging. S^zi, 5. sr5 ^f^, vflC^ e^n^ viii:^ C^T^l ^ ^ C^sf ^f^, a tree valuable for timber, succession, order, the produce of one season, a crop, a stage of a disease. Ft^ 55^T?T, 5. ^T^ ^^ ^?^, the fruit of the above tree. gisi :i>^^ 1, s. -JTrFt? W5^ ^P3TT*ft^¥l ^T^^ C«tl^ Jlf?^, a species of caterpillar. 5plfj(, s. c^^ 77^ ^»fT5 ^ I?^, T, the cream or thick part that rises to the surface of liquids. pmf^ srrft, »• c»rpi ^rs^ >8*it5 ^^ ^rrfw, ^t ^if^, w^ srtft, to rise to the surface as cream on milk, to scab over, as a soxe. ^7R[, 5. cSl^4 , a or whisk made of the tail of the Yak or Tartar cow. 5T5lft, 5. f^^fk *rB[, the Tartar cow. irpjy, s. »w ^«1 frow, a epoon. FforT^, J. ^ *9fttf, %<>fCinm, a spirit, t ghost, an apparition. MT, a- ^ifW, ^, fn? ^rrf^Ol iVl ^fff frftt C«ft^, sufficient, abundant, excessive ; s. pasturage, plenty, overplus. PT^^n^, ». ^Kr^T, C9rT«^i 5^fe, ^«rr5 ^••r ^ri. ruin, destruction, com- plete alienation of friendship, extinction. ^1T^ C*rP«ri, s. C*!l*4[ f*m '^3;«llL5n, very poor, utterly destitute. ^M^rfsi Cf^T'5Tf^ "safw ^^ ^STl ^trs, a sieve. l^rsffpf^, s. (TTt^ ^■^ f^^l, a hroad plank with feet, used for sleeping. ^TciT^, s. j^j *1"C^T^1, ■^f^'f f^CSTJT, an invoice, a bill of lading, a list of articles or letters despatched. 5Tf5T, V. 5T?iR sitR, ^rorm^ ^^rs cl^T^?n, a. 71^ ^W CFTsiTf^j small, young, applied to children of two or three years of age. M?«T, «. ^^1^.?I1, ^5^1, ^f^, ' ^ i g T ft*?ft ^••ffi, ) 5ff^, to scream, to cry aloud, to ycil, to roar. f5in, a. ^?ft5T 3!3J t^ CJTPsn ^ ifTSl J^, tapering, contracted in the middle. ft^, J. rt ^f^W^ C3fW^ T?]P, f5^^ SfTT, the groin, the screech of the sika or musk-rat. ft^^t^, r. tWlt^ irn, to screech, as the mosk-rat. r&*r&ft?l, a, ^^id^, f^t§ft?1, M^5^3r, shining, gbssy, sleek. fu^, a, 1^«^1, C^JC^, f%f«13r, tough, tenacious, tight, stingy. f^;^^, a. ^^^, ^^, *ip, beautiful, excellent, nice, fine, sleek, fat. ^^5^59, ad. ^v\ ^Ctt^ '^ ^-m ^^ '^m, to bound in or drive in, as drops of rain. 1%f^f* W\f, ^, a hole.a perforation, a (j|ult, a blem- ish, a chance, an occasion. f^, s. f5^, 151^, 9l» au ucijua nu- ance or person well knowo. f55rrf^f^, a. ^CSIC*! WCm ftft C«fr«n, acquainted. f5^ CWTV, 5. ^if^^S vW •«» carT9, a species of leech. fM^, ». *ff?5^ vfc, ^ftr, GrfRf^, fiffV?fil, thought, meditation, auxiouj* f^, ) thought, solicitude. fF^T^, fl. f5^TC^ ^TJIT, fiRJtS ?f«1?n C^T«I1, di-^tractod with anxious thought, perplexed. fs^l nf ^ , 5. ^^'^rf^ nf^ frow, a fabulous gem, said to give the possessor whatever he desires. f^|%, t'. ^5TR, ^(fm ^f^, 'i[fk ^TTR, to think, lo meditate, to be anxious, lo have great solicitude. t%f%"5, a. «Tf^, anxious, perplexed. CcTT'^ ^TT^. a slip knot, a sudmandeT of a com- pany of sepoys; the head of a hundred. ft^f^, s. tJRl, ^5ft^, a native soldier, a sepoy. f^C^lTsn, 5. f^^ sr^l, Tftl-^rc^ f^^, laboring to breathe or to- swallow.. tWi, s. ;Rt^, 'srt^f^ ^t^ <ic^, s. f^^ ^t«T, Wi:^T^ 1lR, TiTff^, ^c^s ^PtfiTr a long, period^ during all time, forever. ftT^rfsT, s. 1^arched rice pounded. fF^1%^, a. 5ciltc^, f^^^tfk^ ^^, C^-sf^ C^r-^r^, split, into strips. f^TT^p, 5. £t^^ ■'^f^I? 7^5, a seraph, an angel' of the highest order^ ft*lfiir*T5l, ' drowsiness. f^, ». f^sr!^, ^5^ T^ %5f, piercing, corroding, pungent; with ^f^, to pierce, to cut, to wound by cutting words. T5J(^r5, s. ^^^, ^\yf, ^^, C^lcTt"-^, destruction, overthrow. ^JIR, s. ;§i^^ C-sf^^ flr^nl, the kidneys. -^f^ ^^1, s. WZW*{ ^n^ circumcision. ^ *f5 -Kt^, V. ^^1U^ ^ Sift, ^-^r^ f^ 1^ ^5>T^, to flatter, to persuade by flattery or soft speecli. ^^-pfflf, *. ^'^ ^^, ^-^r ^V^, mutual retort. 5^^X^C^ ^fk, C5^^ f^'sn, to suck; s. an oil vessel. 5J1, 5. ^jf^, *f^^f3 1^ trC^W, ^STM 5«p^^ -pftFS C»Tn ^C?T C^- fl^rm ^ ^5^ Z'9lf, a divi-sion, a portion, a heap, a clump, a tuft; as nn affix meaning many, much. CJ^JXrn, 5. €5^ Tr!^% eff^rf^, a neighbor. Tj^sn, 5. 5j^, srjcsr::^ ^^rs ^••r iR^n, a kiss. ^^?srt^, ad. f^f^^t^lf ^rfij; ^^, finely, in minute parts. TS^C^n, ' theft, clanJrstiaely taking another's goods. 5j finn, 5. ft*ff^ ^m. arcaoi ^rf^ cm^utt^ ^-tn, the pre.- venting of growth or increase by incantations. 5jn, s. ft?, coarse or unrefined sugar, treacle. ^fkjn, s. \fj^, *^^p^ ^sm^TTS, a man's waistcloth. ^Jpf^, r. c^^^CT f5^Rl^. lo scrape ofT the surface of the ground with a hoe. Pjjpin, s. "^^^T^ ^Tl IR, a male thief, ^^^f^, s. 5JJC ^T] f^Tl3l, a female thief ^ffl Ctrmi, I. CJirsmr f^^rft C^*f, a shallow minded person, unchaste. ^?r^TJ%, a. C^5=n:5f%¥1, ^f^' unsteady, volatile, unchaste. 51%, ». 5iM", ^•5rc"3[ ^3^ ^if^, to suck, to draw into the mouth. ^^r^^ C-^rc^t^ sn^j to strain or filter, to cut into portions, to chip for hewing; iiiterj. a word for driving away dogs. C^S, 5. ^T5^ ^sm^T^ I%C7W, ^r^f, Tn1%, running, rapidly moving. C^f^, 2.'. ^t§ ^Tf^^. 5n^ mf^, T?t<^m C5rj%, to run, to bound. C5T?f^, s. ?ii^>(l, ^^ ^^1, C551 -sf^l, respite from heat, coolness, the cold stage after fever. cSfI, a. ^M ^^^, ^^, ^i^ ^^U '^M^f cold, without zeal or spirit. C55, s. ^T^ 'F*5rr^:r\n\^4^ j)^ ^iX^, 7^ ^*fTf^, a mussulman class or titidar prefix to a name. <:5^C5^t^, V. czmzmtt, ^^<>^ a kind of acid fruit. C^sf, 5. 557, ^♦n^, a chance, a good opportunity, artifice, pretext* C5sr Si^, V. 5?f 5T^, to watch for an opportunity of dcceivinor. C5^ SRTI, «. 5«7 M^ ^ft^ ^Pin, F5T ♦n^ ^^ ^ ^Rl, doing slightly or quickly, seizing an opportunity for doing anything. C5>(TCMC^^1, ad. STtC^ sm:w ^ijf^ TPH, C^^TH^ C^sf^?!^, here and there, now anR, false hair. C^^CSWf^, 5. ^C? C^^T^f ^<, ^^5^5?, the smarting paio of a burSr CBr«rC5f?nn, a. TK 'Z^H, very hot. C5W T^1» i. *flf^^ ^^, 'J]^ 5^1, a kind of greens, the act of adorn- ing with false hair. c5Tfi, 9* ?n5 ^fef, embIing a child in manner and opinion^. C^T^, . 5. fa?, sm^, 1T^ C^fWl, V5 C*n^, the understandings C5T^, J intelligence, sensation, life, feeling, perception. C^Z'^ *n^, V. ^^ -s^f?^, vflR *f it, li'S *nt. »lfsf, to be awakened^ aroused or admonished, to come to ooe self. C5^, s. fro, V^l, CBif, fst^t^, a boundary, the end of a division^ C55f^, s. ^I^, C«? ^^1, fs^T^ ^PTt, the act of severing or dividing, C^^<::^, a, tCi^^r^, 'jiff'?, having no space between, incessant, continuous. C^fif, o. ^fe, csn ^^fky to sunder, to sever, to divide. C5LW^tffv^, a. ^rfff f^fVf ^^r^ csran, broken and flattened out. C5^, 5. 5Rr^ C^nn C^fi^n^pfl^ C^r^, a play of tossing and catching. several things simultaneously in the hand. 1% ^^1 tJf, f^m^ ^if^n J3^, scattered one by one. C5R, s. ^f?:?!^ ^tftf^ ^^C^iC^ ^^1 CJTt^^^ ^^, sugar. C5fjfClft^> s. '^f^K ^^ .:;5^p5rl, a. CH'^ ^1, ^T^f^CT ^'^l, bled, lanced. C5^, 5. ct^, C5^, narrow, confined. CU^, s. -sf^"^ -s^tf^ ^1%«^1, ^^ ^^5^ 5Tt^3 f^ (fy% :it5 ^^t ^^, the act of wringing out water from a cloth, of press- ing out juice of sugar cane &c. a bamboo fish trap. C5*fl ^^1, 5. cfSi 7[\ fy-pfl W^, "RCS^ C^^, the act of squeezing, com- pressing or pinching; a. compressed, narrowed, squeezed. Of^f, V. C5^ fw, cffs, ^i^Tt "sftf^ ^f^T^i^, to compress, to squeeze, to pinch, to press, to wring out. C5f^ ^1^1, s. f^^Ti <| c^^t^ ^51^, a gradual compress, narrowing or pressing toward one side. C5f^ 5i"?1, a. C5^ 5iTf^ ' a, C^^vS C^Tsn, *fT5f^, the last of all. c:>^C155f=T, s. ^fjf :5r«f5 C5?T fSs ^it^ -pfrf^ -pift ^1 ^r^, any sputtering or hissing sound, as of water dropped into hot oil. C5^::5rf^, «?• "S^fS CS^ 'STtfiri fD tax, having a looseness of the bawefjf, CBV^ C5L^ ^^1, % s. <14t<» ?f^, f^TR ^8 5:f^, ^t% "^^^ doing in mere pretence; listlessness, un<;oncern, indifference. C^cTl, 5. ^ C^fwl R^c? C^^T??, a centipede. C^cTTt", V. ^S's^^^ ^^, the eyebrows. cF^n lift", 5. f5R \FfeTt^ c?rr^ ^ft, C^c^IT^ f^5^ C^^ IJR, a cord of three strands so braided as to resemble a centipede. CF^C^ff^, s. «ftf^ C§rr^, a species of leech. C^citVf, s. *{i|%k, 21^51, a salutation. C^rTif^, s. ^ (TJT^ SRI ^t^C^ ^iWT^ ^^1, C^t -S 2Wlt, a cere- mony of respect, as firing a military salute, presenting anns &c. C^c^, s. ^R^ ^, ^57, a chance, means, facility. CFCc^^, s. ^f^ ^rt^T a species of fish. CFC^T^, ff. 1%TtC?: cttFT, licked; s. the act of licking. C&Ccil(.t>TC^tn, ad. STtuif srTCSf ^.ft JTtClf STTrs? ^^Tl, here and there, doing in one place and omitting in another. CU^f^r V. ttotC^ fj%, to lick. (3mf^ Cf^^ 5t^, crushed bamboo, the outer covering of the bamboo; the fibrous outer covering of plants; scrapings. cfi^fk, s. C^IC^ri^ wfi, a noose, a slip knot; with -if 1^, to tighten, to draw up, to compress. C5V5 *fTl, «• "^ ^TTl^ ^J^^, *J[*lt 3WR W^, the drying up of water or healing of a sore; a. leveled, dried up. C5T51, 5. ^Jsfsnn, C^lt^l^l, scraping off the surface of anything. <5W srrfi, », ^si^ f»ICJ, 5J5, to go or do quickly; to scrape off. CsTc^tJn, s. %jfT ^PTl, Ja^r^, dragging, crawling, creeping, scraping. olLoki"?, V, :nfe '*lirtf>5 ^Tf^ f^, to drag along on the ground. C5V5 ^CT, ad. C^sTSC^C^, C^^fCS, quickly, speedily, in a moment. CFTST^, s, ^^STR si'^ '^\r^ ^WT^ tX^j the open space in front of a dwelling, a court-yard. C5r5T5RT^, 5. C5n5T?r5 'i^l'S t^ ^r^ ^^ C*fT^, a species of insecL C^UT, f- ^jfk *f^ C^tCTTC^ ^^ ri^R, a fly-brush, a fly- flap. CFf^, s. ^rT7[, lC, 5. "^^T^ ^r^ ^rJX ^i%?n ^pi^, ( lit. ) the four timbers forming the wooden frame of a door or window. C5tf^, 5. ^^ 1%?^ "l^l 5=fC5rr^l ^^ ^srPR, a chair, a stool. C^t-^rm s. :»5rc ^,T C^rr^^ ^r^rt CmV, ^^f^, enquiring into a matter through a second party. <:5t5,%5, a. F^f It Mfr, forty- four. C5t5f5!?l, a. 5rf^ f^, ad. 5Tf5T« ^rc^ :^^Pn fiTC^, on all sides, all around. C5)*f^, s. c*fPT, 5. mItts ?frT?T, Mf, ) as from sickness or fatigue. cyT^Tr^, a. MR ^R t5^^, ninety-four. CsWrf^T, a. 5TR f f^ 5T[>, forly-four. cufer, cz. j^^ t55:fj, fifty-four. 214 ®?5 C^Vr^^i a. fsf^ ffk t'B^J, seventy-four. cim^, a. fjif^ ^fk 5tR- sixty-four. C^^f s- ^tf^ ^ ^TR^ 5if^ V^\ a-? quadrangle. This letter is properly an aspirate of the preceding letter, 5, and as used iii the Bengali and Sanscrit alphabets may be represented by the Knglish letters chh; but in Assamese both forms of the letter are pronounced like simple s. Therefore for all practical purposes the first form only need be retained. ^, 5§R, W^T^, b<\^4. T^^ ^?r, 'iiR5f, this letter is pronounced like zf/, or si in vision, ( vizyun, ) corresponding to French j. At the end of words the sound of the y is scarcely per- ceptible, as CST^, CT§i, pronounced mez, (ez. It is used in composition to mean born from, "produced by, as "Sirs^, i. e. produced from an egg, oviparous; ;§irr§T, i. e. sprung from water, produced in water, aquatic; a cock's comb, a spe- cies of rice. mt, s, ;^5f5 f©^l, «T^;;§rt" ^ri, ^T^"^ PrfV, victory, conquest, triumph, success; v.'ith ^|%, to conquer, to overcome, to subdue, to succeed in an undertaking. ^\i{\f] 5t^, s. C^rc^t 911 CSfT^TR l<»^, cause, reason. ^t, a. -^T^ MC<^] '^^, Ut^ C^T^% ^5i sm, to stand erect, (applied to the bristling of the hairs of the body ; ) to leap up, ns a shoal of fish from the water. ^^^t%15, a. ^ bl*l'?

itn>r^, ¥-5rj^ 1%R, a fabulous creature, a fairy; wife of the demon Jokh. ^^1, 5. 'ii?.i CTSJ ^Cc=Tt^i ^f^'< C^T'yf, a disease, pulmonary consumption. ;§j«$r, a kind of fabled beings said to superintend wealth. ^^TS, .f. ^^^^5 "^^t ^^® world, the universe considered as passing away or transitory. Sf^TTi^'i:, s. ^9fT^ "^X-^rTi, the support or supporter of the world. ^^5'si'fe 5. ®5r5^ ^Tl> "pf^ ^3j^, the Lord or Governor of the world. ^9rrr 5. £|tf^, ^^ '^"l#, an animal, whether man'Jpr brute. WiH, s. ^^, ^^f^, ^t% ^^T ^fpf, a machine, an engine, an im- plement, an instrument, a trap. WS^Tfj, s. ^*ff^ ^^ 8'51^1 1tt^, a birth day. ^^^■5, 5. ^^ Sr^ fji^ S[^, a succeeding birth, another state &c^ ^f^iT, V. ^«lf®, t^, to bear, to produce, to be. WCVPen, s. «*TC^T'5n, £t^6 ^^1, birth, production j a. born, produced. BRT, 5. f ^sri, a bamboo clothes basket, repeating the names of the gods, packing, or folding up; a. packed, piled, folded, shut. S*T1^, V. ^ ^fir, •Cail WS^, a rake. «^F^VT^, ». «i<^IU Brr^? ^51^, to rake. W^, «. MIwIj STJ^PTPR, a foreigner, a mussulraan. ^r^^r^t^F, ad. •«r*flj's^t^ ^fV^ ^TCJ, hesitatingly, tremblingly. »^^, s. «rT^^ f^f3^, C5TT^ f?(f% f^icirr^ 'H^, rubbish, greens boiled without salt. «?9n, a. ^*Vt, jjC^ ;(^^, worthless, stupid. 220 ^ ©■^, s. 5jJ5r ^f^lfj a species of flower* WSl^ 5. fsr^J, ^QiM' 1 1^, death, Jom, the fabled regent of death. Si^T^Tc?, a. 'sr^Ti TT'V^, ^^in"5 ^fjln ^ tT^ ^^ c^^l ^t^, ^yM, possessed by evil . spirits, enchanted, haunted. ¥f?r, a. 1%!C^1^1,f§?^ ^IR, victorious, conquering, triumphant, successful. W^j s. s5T^, C^T^T:, a fever. ^^^^, s. "^rrf^^R^ 3T^, a rustling noise, ^^•^rt'stf^, s. cn^ CTt^ f^CTI^, the spleen. to spill, to drop plentifully, to shower. ir5^fil^, 5. 3T^Tf^ ^?r^ ^^1 f^^j an epithet of Vishnoo, repre- sented as sleeping on the ocean. ^^T^t^, 5. irCH ^ ^rf^ C^T^ C^n, the diabetes. ^^ 223 ^o^f^l, a. (MBL^rtTi], cTft^ C^C^^, dropsical. ®in^ ^ slovenly, negligent of order or neatnesa. ^ri^^, a. >rr^ ^srr-^rs ^fV^ ^nf^ c^T^i, *rfet, having too much water, (a culinary term.) «»fn, a. srf?? nt^P], JOftlf^^l wrf^^ C^TPff^, f^^l, blazing, burning, pungent, spicy, perforated. IWI^, 5. ^I^^^ f?r^l 1^f«!f^, SfVt^ ^[, ajU4 <^^ CTt^ 91^, VTirV, illegitimate, 5. a bnslarJ, 'W, «. C^TTCWmi »l^ rR ^nfw, C^CSTT^I ^f^, a species of fra- grant rice, a species of pumpkin. if^^, r. sr*nt, fijnrrftt^, to boast, to brag, to vaunt. ®^sn^, s. »^ viif^, a species of wild animal. ®^ir«l> *• C8 ti^, (fiPilR ^s^'^IT, ) to dissolve, to melt; s. a braggart, a boastful person. «^S7, a. m £{^^, ^^^, known of all, public. 224 ©t-^r 5K:^n^j a. ^gft^ (TgJt^f, ^V5 fli^ C^T^% ^§t^ ??T1, decomposed, rotted. W, s. CWS^ Z] C^^T^n^ t%i:^T5l, an appellation used between the wives of an elder and younger brother. Wit^p^i, s. ^9rf% ?r5«n1 ^rf^, ¥:f5 ^^, the nutmeg plant and fruit. sfi^R:, S' ^^j ^zcf^ 3^<^^ '>\p ^f^ c^^i, ^sK^c^ 4c^ c^f??^ ^Tl, a crowd, a r.iultitude, what is done at one time by a crowd of people, a crop of fruit, the produce of one season. ;|tt, 5. •^r^, m^y 5n^i% C^f^> fktri ^^, anger, frenzy, hydro- — ,— phobia; a female cat; the discharge of a gun or a volley. ^TC, 5. ^T'^^ fef, "5^7 ^n; ^zf^ C^V^I ^^, ^t?[ C ^^> ^ "^^- f^f<'^ f*^!"^^' ^C^^C-if ^^ 71^, in concert, ;ilT^-5-5i:^lJ ^<^ ^ i''^ unison or time. ® ife s. V^ ^r3? §rt'5^, s. C\5S ^Ti, StTc?, cTir^^p, a jump, a bound, a spring, a leap. ;§}T'5?f:51i'rC'!^% ad. ^f^ TO^ cmV^% ^^mt ;5if^8^5 ;s\i4ft ? lt^ csri^ *f?1, bearing abundantly. «T^^ «. C^Tlrf^nrT^, f«^, a petitioner, a suitor, a beggar. «tf5 f^ »- wTcnm t5TC5 ^, csnc^mrt^ finn, the giving without being asked, offering for acceptance. 9TS^, s. C^TTcrrftlSi *jplTft ^T^, a priest, one who offers sacrifices. 9T5, 5. iiin» ^vff f^Yt a caste, a species, a clas?. yrs^U J. ^^, ^fpnftf, pain, agony, anguish, torment. ®rf3, i. ^, fw, *flfiw ^» ^, if?^. caste, a family, race or nation; a kind, 9pecies, genus; a species of bamboo; mild. yif% ^%, s. ^5tf>5 ^it, 5^»«^ ^PT^, sandal wood. €rr%Ffe, 5. 5rr5 C»l*ll, "Slirrf? C^t^n, the loss of caste j a. outcasu srfsfe^, a, ^wlHf, 'ar^l^, without caste. ;srnr5^, ad. f^r^?, f^C5^,^1^, truly, certainly, very, altogether. ©tCTl, conj. 1%s?n:^, ^!U^, for, because. ;srr^, s. m ^T^f, *rrl^ C«mi on^, ^Itj, ^ftt, perception, un- derstanding, a drain, a trench, a channel, a creek. ®tf^, V. zj^y to known, to understand, to perceive. mfk^, ad. f^yj^iTj, f^f^]^ c^C^ £t^C^, (lit.) understand, for mslancc, after a fashion, something hke to. 29 226 , t,U ^tfe?rt^, ?'. poetical form of ®itl^^, let him know. ;gfrfi[^f^, V. Z^ ^tSf '^f^f ^fsr TtVSi, to know and to Iicar, i. c to have full knowledge of. -> m^, 5. ^^^^^, %-^, ^ttj ^-^r^r ^t?f, the thigh. ®fT^'5flf%5 ^'' "^t^ *frf^, ^^^^C^tcTTt,' to kneel, to bend the knee. ;g?!c^, s. f^f^l Cit^^ ^srt^ ^TW, the famous King of Mithila. srlTi^f??, s. TT^^ ^»T^1 f^'j Hita the wife of Ram. ;§rrc^i, \ ad. -^xM, t%®fTR, ^f^5^ «^TC^ cTtC^r doing confusedly as if ashamed or frightened. ^SfW^^, s. f%31dy ; to winnow. C^4f4, a net, a web, a snare; a Hame of ilre, heat whether of fire or spices. Bt^WT, 5. afk^ C^rmri, 1WV1R55 ^n, ^*f ^ C^iVffk ^, im- perfect vision, seeing as tltrough a net or fUm indistinctly, the diminution of heat, cooluess. ^^T^^^ . 'iW »tf^, ». w? fisrrt ^ ifft. trr^ ^bttI^ ♦m? ftfi ^ (^jmi srrf^, c^irmsT ^, v^f^ ^g, recovering Sic, ftiT, 5. ^ffW ^^ vufbf, cummin seed. f«Tf^, V. trjt^ ^, ^TTf, to rest, to repose. ftrarrt :hTlt, r. iTr^-rn ^fr, t^l?, ^sR ^ f?^ ?T^^tt^. to take one's ease, to go or do leisurely, to rest from ciiT6 or solicitude. f^-f^r^, 5. WC^W Wt3 ^^1, tattered, torn to 8tr^p8. f»C^T^, 5. fjifT'I 55r^, 'Tt^ (Xriffl, rest, quietude, freedom from care. fkni, a. ^fi{, flR, ^ l^ftm, old, worn out, rotten, decomposed. fijsrfirfvRn, «. see cinnxnf«Tiii. fil^^firsT, 5. ^f^ ^r^n »nv, firfW, a species of wild plant used for food; brightness, glitter. f»?rfVf«nn, a. fiff«rf^ ^r^, f^fftHl?!, glittering, shining, sparkling. ftin, s. ^T« OTT vT^ «fT^, a town or township, a district. firf%T, 5. 4f5W ^ft ^n Cjo, Dwapor^ Treta, and Koll. ;^^C§Jt^% ^ a. ^r;{^ Vn-i{ (M\^^, <^ ^f^?1, lasting, enduring. m^, s. ttM a^l ^ ^T^ -^^ C^T^ Irtn;, a juggler, a serpent charmer, a caste of people whose occupation is to rear the mulberry silk worm. irf?r ^f^, s. c^TR? >ilR^, ^ ^Tiyi, a Ivind of insect, a tree. ^^jl/, o. S^'Sl?, Cgft^l, f«r^, W^l?, ready, prepared, fitting. M^^, a. sl^, "^M^, short, low. ■^f^ C^t^, s. '5\V^ C5?5[1, CTT^^ CcTTsn, ^Tc7 C^t^ 2f^T^ ^Ml, the act of tasting, trying or testing the quality of anything. ^^•4^, s. C§iT«ri ^"51, ^1^ vSCcTT^ ^1, the outside and imperfect silk of a muga cocoon. ^J^^^rt, V. CT^5 <1 T!i\^\ ^ii^c^ ^^5t ^1% to make a low tinkling sound as of small bells or feet ornamenls. ^-^^/^Ij a. -^j ^^1^,- ^ST^f^l, very dry, sonorous. i^^, 5. f^ 'SrSC'5 *ltf ••r^oTI, ihc imroduciur) >i.mza to ;i sun^^ form'mg afterward the chorus of each verse. ^fel, s. CTTWnr f^f^ C^TrSn, TSf^ f^5Tft C-iTrSTI, dainty, squea- mish, fastidious. ®?;jgi^^, s. C^^^ ^tfwir 'v^'T, the tinkling sound of feet ornauieiits. ;St^, s. ir^ f^flTST ^rt^^ ;Sr<^;r?^ ^W Tm, a rattle, a small bell. ;^f'sf, r. ^fsi, rince, an heir apparent. ^^1, n. CS^, aitjR, young, youthful; 5 a young man. ^^r^yit, ». <1Tf^ 391 f^ff, ^t^» to dip in a liquia, to submerge. 9Jt, J. 7[Tj^, WrTf, ^T^, a multitude, a crowd, a flock, a gang. W^rra^sr, i ad. mT^ wyf, ZV^ Z\^, in multitudes, in crowds. WlTTirfsT, f IjfV, V. ^^fV M^, wf*f, ••rt^f 1^. to peep, to look through a crcficc. Jf^^, 5. C3Tn5S C^^hTS JIC^ JTC^ ^ft ^T^T, tllo silting down in silent grief} a. pensive, sad, dejected. IJ^, 5. wt ^[•♦n VR Cc obtained. ^^^1, fi. TTft"^ OT^ST^, 5ji?, ^Sftm, ntunicd in growth. »^^, 5. C5i^, c^JTB, *fif c 5»jf, distraction, perplexity from a multi- plicity of objects &,c. a style of native chanting. W^, a. C551, t%155T, 5IT^, C5TC^, cool, dispassionate, tranquil, placid. 9J9T ^CT, a, 5. C551 ^Jjvr, ^M *tTf^, a cooling draught, a decoction. ^J^, a. 9rr< «-rsn :nt, ^r^ irrf^, pulverised, ploughed, friable. ^^r^ I'. d51 to diflfuse, to spread, to filloto cover; s. a rill, a rivulet. ®r^ ^m, s. C^ 5r^1,^t*5jf^5Rl, the act of surrounding, hemming in. ;^f^ ^^1, s. C^t^lt ^T^r ^Wl, ^^ 'it^H CS^Vi ?^1, the binding together by the top as of grass &c. binding a green wisp around a tree to prevent the muga silk worm descending. ^f^?1, «. ffl^lj C^r^j belonging or relating to a pair. ;§i^^1, a. C5^1 '^Vi ^'^ ^^^'j cooled, refreshed or comforted. ^^^cTpSi^c^ ^fe V' C^^l^'^ ^f^, ^m f^l, to be drenched. ;gf^f^lf'5^f%, s. ^^t^ fs^, soaked or saturated. ;§T^1%, is. ■5rt5T t^ C^t^l, f%f^f^, the flowing of perspiration. lf^f^ ^f^nr., ^rm^, liquid; of thin consistency. ^T7{, a. Iff^ ^r^ ^'^^> a swing. T^, s. ;^frr Nail'5 c^, ^C^ ^tpW 5[^, ??^e?, the peevishness or capriciousness of children. CliS'51, s. C^C^^tt^ CTi^Ti C^, a fence, a hedge. cif^, S Cy^T^, r. C^FJCS^rt", 1%f5, to dampen, to moisteii. CWf^, V. CS\c^f7!s, fsTit, to be damp or moist. Ci?C^^C^^, a. ^^^sifft, ^t\ 5=f^, sticky, viscid, gluey, gummy. Cl?f:^3l, ) 5. g the grain twisted or gnarled. C®C^f«1" Xfk, V. vi^l cTtf^T, (ML^\^, to adhere, to cling together, to stick, C^C^n^l, 5. CSS"^, a fence. CSOTT^, a- C^==tC¥fwl, C^U^, '5fn5?f, sparse, scattering. CSJcnx;^^, V a. v^t^^, ^^t^ ^^, fgiRf^T, ihin, skzy, boseJy C^^Tf^c^t^j / woven, torn and banging in shreds. CSJc^TST, ) s. vilf^ ^^rrt «1-1%T?c^ ^fi^^ cTTF -pftR, the purging of CSuc^, \ the silk worm preparatory to forming the cocoon. CiirT^, 5. ^^If5^^, a slug or snail without a shell. CSr^f^^, a. C^j% f^5^ C^l^sri, slimy, sticky, clammy like the shig. (M^^f s. f^R ^tf?^ '5'%*'^ ^ C^v\^ ©]%, a narrow binding to secure tl>e edge of plaited or braided work. (M^^, s. C3TT^? f*t^ fe^^Tf^ a kind of sweetmeat, CS%, a. -^^W^, "^^cH Sj^ S*r§1, the eldest, the first bom. CSJT^, »' t^f^^^^ ^C?^, a wife's elder sister. C^'pSTt't', s. 1%«il^^ fVff^^il^, a son in law, C^t^lX, s. 5fr^^ ^^ the tying of several things together so as to hang down like a cluster. CSJt^^, V. •ftfSf crPJ^ft", to provoke, to vex, to excite to Inger, to stir up. C®T^T^, s. vm\ ^^, f^^^, a shaking, a trembling. C®r^^ , to supply, to furnish, to provide. C3fl5f :^, s. f^5ifvs 3PC<^ f^ ^^. a stated or regular supply of anything. C^Tffr^R, S' ^J\4\^'At a particular postare supposed to be ftvourable for abstract meditation. ClftfVf, s. ^RJlf^, KIV^ ^uiVS\t to ascetic, one wliose iiiiad is fixed. on a single object or oa God. CllfM^I^, 5. cwrsf TSr^ f^r^r, CSfl^lf^^ *rTf^Piir, a female ascetic, a companion of a deity. CWtf«fl% ^n, s. i)9 ^ffvnr ^HT, one of the Hindoo sacred books. CirtSTJ, a. ^f5:5, *f I3J, "^dC ^tf^m, worthy, capable, suitable, fit, proper^ C9TW, *• 5»T^^^ WC^ ^T^ CWTIfl, IPT, a thorn, anything pointed. CSTW^t «• TTsf f5?1 ^fTI, C«|gri ^^Tl* ibe act of sharpening to a point. ciJT^I, ) o. 'dtff f^j $T5"^ tfC^C CWTWl (X{^, pointed, having C^tSflc^, ^ a sharp point. CSTsi-f^ff^, $. zc\^ ^f^, a species of fish. CSTWTj^, V. CST^Tt^ ^f&, ^wf^, to sharpen to a point. CWT«^, s. jj*f^ C^fii^ 70^, -sifw casff, a measure of distance equal to four Krus, which, reckoning SOOO cubits or 4000 yard to the Krus, will be nine miles. aj-t«1. a. f^, ^9fi;, ready, prepared. 23d C5it^] CirrcST^, s. fff^T^, ^-s^lt^ «TW "^^^ C^"TO, a simile, an allu- sion, example or illustration, a charade. CSrt^ ^ff, s. tfn ^^JT^ TlPi^ f^^ C5T^, the comparing of the nativities of bride and bridegroom, matching, pairing. ciV^y 5. Jilosrki, F^t^ vfic^ ?pj% ^^1^ yoking, joining, tying togellier. C^T^T^, V. C^^it, c^^r^T^fff, ^"^1%, ^^^W^ ^R, to associate, to join together, to yoke or harness, to unite the letters anci vowels of a word in spelling. C^"iFfirf%, s. ->;,^t'' CWi\:s, s. 5p«5l1%, ^W^, f^i%, power, wealth, greatness, prosperity. C^-^ r't ■ Cirr1%, s. 1% 1%^, ^srr^^ TT^, the vulva, the place from which anything originates, a source. C§iT<^, 5. cmW, ^TC5l 's^zz 9r^ ^5 ?1 3T^ TTR the act of looking slyly, a bush or bushy tree, a clump or cluster of jungle. <:m^tcm^, a. cflcSiT's^ ^C^-^, ^C^(?? CllT'sn? bushy, covered with bushes, full of branches. Cirt«»rt^n, s. WL^^I^ ^f^ ^ ^ir^PI, staring idly about. CSTrc^rm, a. ^ C^i% ^^W?^ C^r^, thick and wide spreading. C^ttm, s, ^f'^ ClJpsn, ^nr ^r^, It 5rt ^^, peeping or looking slyly, cr^, s. ^r?[, ^ 5I?r ^r^f], ^R, a pair, a couple, a match; with ^f^, to match, to pair; -KlflJ, to cohabit, to live with. CSfrf ISKsn^y s. C?rrc^r^ ^rort^r, betelnut that has been buried. CSlVr^y I s. f^r^ ^.r f^^vsn to make the above noise, to express satisfaction, to make bare. fe^, s. ^-s^^ ^Jl, 5^^, ^^] '<\'^ ^tW, d5<^ W^ ^Tt^, a rupee, money, a bamboo clapper, a narrow waistcloth. ^^1%, 5. V^T^ 7[^, ^5Tt9r» a sharp clicking noise of the tongue. ^IWI, 5. 7\^ •^^, ^^^^ ^^, ^^^^to? C«tT^1, a pair of small scales for weigiiing up to a rupee; worth or weighing one rupee. ^C^, s. ^t«=I 9f5^ ^C^ ^f^^ ^5, 5T^^R f^f^ ^fk^ m^, a species of fan palm, a species of spider. ^^f^^rf^, V. ^r^^j^^^ ^1%, ^.<^pr5 Rc^ ^f^ c^it^r, to stagger, to totter, to tremble, ^^t^^^l, s. ^l"^^^^^ W^l, a shaking as from extreme debility. ^'Jf^'jfj, «. ^lSf"i>Tf%, ci«»f 7^, a species of coarse grass. ^gftf^r, 5. "^ zr^y ^^f?=! ^m^n^l, a girdle, a sash. ^f^, 5. C'9rn5 ^T#'5 <^ #?1 "C-iT <^irT, a high watch-house. ^fanrm, 5. ^^ «P53I irr^^, one who occupies a tongi or watch- house, a watchman. ^^1, a. ^-^^T^fXiHt vh^^Hjf^if^n^, solitary, stripped of every thing. ^^, a. ?^ ^^^ "^^^ 5j[*|tcirran, dried up; applied tostreams, &c. ^frm, a. fl Tl C8rr?T ^vr^, ^gp^l^ carrsn, dried up, as food in cooking. ^^, a. fz^fif, ^ C*T3n, disconcerted, abashed. ^^rf^fl^l, a. W^, ^'s, deprared, wicked, annoying, cunning, crafty. ^^tft, a. ?Fy%^, V^tfV, ^n^fv?n, penurious, lighl-fiated, scarce. ^, 5. firCTtV, ^fifT, contention, liostility, discordance. 'DwQtVI*^? «• ^"^ ff'^ *m, ^T^, able to bear suffer or endure. W^ft. V. T^t^ f^if, fs'inff^ ^nff, to throb with pain, to pulsate. \>*JJ>fiV l, a. f^ C^OT:«n, l^ ^jms ^r^ C?TW1, drawn tight, stretched, strained, tense. ^J, 5. CSVPf ^«tfil f5M1 ^ ^f ^•Jf^? 5?^ T», a sound of sudden snapping or cracking asof a cord or healed bamboo. ^TO, s, ^^TP! ^T#T Cimr^ 'W'^' C^fmi, • strain or spraii* of the joints of the body. ^, 5. ^J5T tW?1, ^1<&>H ^R1, ^«t^, puHing, drawing or attracting, a narrow waistcloth; n, drawn, attracted. V^^llJf^, 5. ^^ [jt:^ ^, pulling back and forth. ^, 5. »T5i ^R1 ^1 c^rsn srrfr, ibe bamboo frame to which a scoop net is attached. tert^, s. 7P^ fif^'Sl, the causing to draw. ^*t^4|*^;c^, C*fTC5?t, quickly, suddenly, rapidly. ^^^9 5. «fif^ Z^ srcl ^% a plunging sound. ^rRPl sr^l, 5. fsTSiSi fWI^ ^^^ :ic^"t5r9ft^, ^f^ tn:> to glitter, to quiver. ^fpi, «. CWR, 9fi%, fe^5^1 ^^, to see, to search, to thoroughly investigate or understand a matter. ^C^^c=it, ) ad. -s^tLH ^1, gc^iog needlessly or to no purpose^ l>i^|?, V. ^^:ti; -i-W\v\ )s^ t^, -^TTt^ c^l cTff9f, to be stiflT from remaining long in one position; to h« offended by the hearing of a thing. ^^C^^l^ S' ^ ^i^m Wic=T ^'U^'i^^l, ^^T^S C^ f*f^, ?^%, ^^r^', hard, difficult, sever^, cruel, indexible^ sting}', dear, tense, rigid. ^ snn, s. csf j^ si^, C^^^^n T^1> « hardening or drying up. ^rft, c. Z?r "^ f^, ^I^-fs^ 55nr, »o pull, to dra^v, to attract. ^rR \['^y \ ad. C^C^t^, TC^ xc;r, ^^ 55<^*^f«T, somehow, ^;n^ sar^, / with diliiculty, hardly. ^rfn^'^1, s. ^Bjirf^nn T^SC^ VTM ftfV 5JT, ^rft^B^, the making a lilile suffice, pretence. .^ j;,.j , L>il^fA*l^r^, S' fsr^rftf^t^? vri. pretending to do; pretence. ^fil^irf^, a. 2r,uiie or number of bundles bound up in one cloth. tlPR^iTlf, s. 5?1 5Pfi, ^^nc? ^1''^> the taking by stealth dtc. ^f^^t^T, s. M*Tf?P{rl 5l^H T5f, childish frolic, prattle or rrlcn. ^if^ra^, s. ^ CSl^TfJI C^l^, a significant nod of the head 6lc. ^, c 5. JH^ n C-^S srrft ^51, a sharp cutting pain in the ^r^f^, hack or chest. ^ift, V. C^Pt^ ^ ^;^ JTt.'^l ^1% dr^ ?1 -ftfj^ ^^it, ^ft, •iTTTw, to feel a sharp pain as above; to press together; to ram do*»:5)W. in loading a gun. '31 242 f^^ 0, affix, 's^-^f^^^, ^5J :Tg"felc^ ^^-^ Ji^ ^sn^ C§tC^ v\X>^, ^^, affixed to noons, and denoting dimlnutiveness or affection. fe mischievous. 0?pf^^t^, V Clfftvi} ^1 3T^ 5Trf% ^Tf^Cf ^14 ^?I ^!^, a commentary; certainty; definite knowledge; elevated land; the hip. feT^^"S a^. TtC^ «TTC^ CVI^I ^ ^, slowly, gently; (applied to going or cutting. ) p^Tli s- •iTJTI, CSt^f^, a piece. tl'^^?^' ar/. •sjr^T^JT^, C^ ^i[, ^5?^, ^m^ deficiency. ^fen, 5. s^srfet^, ^<^^, Tp^ ^snt ^51, a whisperer, a back- biter, a slanderer, a mischief maker. ^^1%1, o. ^ C^mi 6< C5:mi, full, puffed out, applied to the belly; vT^ st (ilfTT^f 51^ ^n^, a species of small bird. ^^, 5. ^9r ^^, Sf'.f^T ^1^^ ^, l^^ lf^-^ ^^^ ^ ^'"g^ projecting jjoint; a high sand bank in'Mhe bend of rivers. ^^"^1%in, a. "^yftc? ^-^r, "^ 51^1, moist ; applied to the month. ^^tic?, s. 7f^ C^tC^tT^) a very small 'bundle. ^-cif?", V. ^-ff "^^^j ^9\ cn9fT^, to tip, to sharpen to a point. V^^ ^^ ^1, s. Tj-^cn fs[V\ 5131, the utterance of downright falsehood, ^f^, s. "igj? f^Wl ^^, -ilC^^lj a cap, a hat^ a drop of liquid. ^f^^^1, 5. (f^i^Tr^^TC«t «f^i 5rK5^^f 5- C^C^^t"^ ]%^?1, an officer over twenty tekelas. C^C^i%, s. ^Ttf^ fsf^ ^^ ^^ '5^!^, a small earthern water jar. C^C^s", V. (MWm-^it Qrt]%, to scold, to speak crossly. (f^W^, 1 a. "^f^icl^, FSJ, ^f^?r^, wild, shy, cunning. c'^^l, a. x5I|[ ^7f fi>1, sour, acid, cutting; 5. acid fruit. 1%^, acidity of the Stomach; vinegar. C^^l^rl«n, «. ^^UH Y< C-ffnsn, ftrr^fen, famished, disgusted. C^yl c^?n, a. CTSt^ 5=^?n, ^tSTR ^sn, soured, displeased, disgusted. c^r^Tiit, V. c^r^ft c-irt^rt^, Ff«»nrit c^vsi ^urfif, to limp, to. C^^^fi?, 5. M^5?f^ C^?n, C^ 2T31 vijf^*f^, a. c^^ ^1 ^^ ^-^^^^ ^il or raising the hand as in shooting or striking. C^tC^tc^l, s. ^^Tf 5rr5 ^i1^ ^1iOT CTTPRl, the crop or first stomach of birds or fish. C^t^^r^T^, V. 7\^ ^R srf^tt, to rap, to knock. C^T^I^, s. 51^5^-51%, ^fi^^ ©^, ^-iTR |%f^, a small tank; a small animal resembling the ground rat. Ci^t^^, s, czm ^r^^^T ^^, ^.^ ^t^RiC^ 5r^1, an instrument for blood-letting; a snap or tap with the finger. C^m, .V. vfTR ^fpf ^f% C^c^nT^I, the act of wiping dry or en- tirely removing a blot or any liquid. C^t^tR, s. ^R? ^^^^ ^iTj^T^, a bait for catching fish, the food of an unfledged bird. C^r^tf^, s. f^JI, riJlfF, sleep, drowsiness. c^i*ff^ ^n, «• snuc^ ^ft C^rrsi, suspended, hungup; j. suspension. C^l^if^ ^^1, *. 'TK^ <^. ^r^ ^'^^ sleeplessness, wakefulness. C^r-t^f^ C^r^l, s. *f •'J *fIT ^f^ ^i»n ^n, the waiting in ht>pc. C^r^ff^lt, r. ^Wj r ft ^r t, C^»ff^«i| ¥T, to sleep, to nod, to drowse. C^M C^II'sn, «. ^ni?;^ ^PTI, ^T^I *fT^ ^i^, taken, as a fish seizes a hook and bait; #. a confident expectation. C^tm, 5. ^'\f^ Z] CWr?T^ ^f^ 3T^^ BTft, 1^^, a drop; a very small qoamity. c^r^^t, p. 7^r«#f c^f^nt, f, ad. «ilC§f«n ^l^r^f^, in drop» or continuous drops. c^T«fT9r, 5. ftii ^ r^5 c^rc^psrs ^rsr^ ^r•. tt^ snf^ >1^1, 714^ c<(i5 5iini 5i(^1, sharp cutting pain. 25a (^ W^ P' cf fi5 Cjf^f f^yrf%^, to stuff, to jjrcss (ugetl^er, to ram down, as a cartridge, ft^, a. '^^'^, f^^^, "H.vl^iy certain, true, exact. ^^p^, ad. ■^^'s^t^, fwfsTS ^TC?, certainly, positively, exaclFy. f^Vr^. a- ^^'^» cn^^ C^C^T^, exact, correct, accurate, irr place. ft^f^l, s. f^5t ft^, ^r^rt^ C^T^, certainty, certitude. ft^1, s. C^5 ft^ ^R C^tC^I ^m C'^T^T, working- or paying :rt a definite rate. f^^ T^, t^^ f^^ <[^ ^'n, a prop; the striking of two things together, a stake, a stanchion. C^^^, V. vgy^ 5'cfrt', C5^ ^f^, to draw near, to contract, to narrow. Ctf^, V. c^ ^^, C^fu, C5f*f, to contract, to press togetlier. C^3f, s. isf^, -ppf, 5^, ^^^f^ ^T1^^ 4^, the leg; a support. ctw ^T^. *. cTfT^rrs ct^ csrsn ^r^, ^r^ *f«n5[, the foot of a bed. C^^fl, *. C^^rs f*f^ 7:3, *n^c;i5n, pamaloons, drawers. C^gft?f, s. j\7f srrs ^5Tr^4 a class of Cacharis. d^y \ 9. '^liri ^tfpR (7?5{1, IIJ JT^ "Sr^T, a small sprout or shooL ct^CSIC^, 9. «il%^^ Or^^C^ST, ^ftsi "StS, C^?n, indifference, careless- nc;$s, sluggishness, unconcernedness, indecision, irresolution. C^WCW^^, ad. C^^Xt9, carelessly, unconcernedly, sluggishly. Ct7, 9. ifrr^ ^<^r^ 59J, ^rf^, '^^^ » chance, a way, a means or opportunity; a stem, a refuge, an abode. dC^i^l, a. ^f 1 C^wi, 5ilu( C??TCl[T^l, stiff, rigid, numb, not pliable. C^9T^C>;?n5icT, ad. JfTfWI «ff^*flC^, abounding in seed*, seedy. C^, ^ 1. (^fvt t^, rfn a push, a shevoj a acuing aside; a. C^STTsTg"!, J shoved, pushed, set aside. Ct^Ltf^y a. d5Kit5, fi^f^9 mutually pushing, swaying back and forth, as of a crowd of people. dsf^, V. d^f^t df5 ft, to push, to skeve, to thrust aside. c^lwrctf^ ^?1, 9. t^ f^^ wit c«fi:»rmTc*ff9T, ^\fw ^rrfVf, a mutual recrimination, competition, emulation. C^^, s. cixw^t C*f5, ^rsTR, sullen ness, moroseDess, the sullen resentment of an affront, pouting. C^JfTl, ) 5. ci\^ ♦m, C*f5, ^ ^*f ^n, sulkiness, stHbbornnesa, C^^ry, i sullenness, thrusting out the lips sullenly. <^W^f a. (^\U}, «C^i^ ^ C^^ f5l, hollow, shrunk or shrivelled. C^T^C^lTt^, V. C^^tC^C^ sn^ IK;^ t^ t^^ to mutter, to grutnhle. C^cit^, o. ^T^ ^f^ ^r^ C^T^, ^? ^^T^s this letter corresponds with the English d in claj/ ; pro- nounced by bringing the tip of the tongue for back against the palate. xf'^, s. ^!3, ^Tf%, a fine, a punishment. \F^^ CrTT^, s. ^Z-^ ^c^ 5113 ^i1^>il t? Ql^, the rising and remain- ing stationary as fish on the surface of water. ^^^tc7, a. C^-^, ci^] C^i^i^l, straight, direct, undeviating. ^f%^, 5". ^feri ^n^ vi)f?rvf, a species of the pheasant. vFR'^'Tl, s. ^^ Sft^ ^f^^, a species of small fish. \?ft^-1, s- ^"^ ^d%?: ^151, ■ft'^c? cTi^ ^^fk ^11^, a river in upper Assam, a species of long gourd and bean. \bferfi?, «• C^n^, C<^ C^tC^T^, ^1%^, without a bend ( as a straigtit section of a river; ) subject to. vF^?r1, a. \E^^, -^tf^^t^ ^^ 5f^, \HTC^f<5?l, beginning to ripen, approaching maturity. having light or grey eyes. ^^^i%?1, a. C<^z^ r^: ^^^^ C^tW1, TTjn, the noise of a rapid current over and uneven surface, robbing, pillaging. \5^^, V. Tj^CcTit^ ^*5fi^, C**fi'% ^»rtf^, 5it1%, to drive or collect to- gether in a drove. \5^^, s. \S^ #^*^, a robber, a highwayman. \F*5f^ \?y, linrd. ^?fT.%, s. ®^ *rr5 «il,V"?t* lyf, lo caution. ^7]f?^i, 5. «T^fl?l ®Tf3 TPJJ^ v«f7'eU like au hour- glass; Iluda Jliwo's insignia. •^7[, s. W^, 3p^, UT^, fear, alarm, panic, terror, fright. ^F^<^T> o. ^W^, TT^ C^CV'PSD, fearful, timid; 5. a coward. v55l, s. ^ifei fw el^T ^^ ^TI Trt&, <«»tJ with a well defined boundary. \5f1^, ». 15^ ^i't, to fear, to be alarmed. ridged, as from flogging or as a rice field divided by ridges. ^$"371, 5. B^ courageous. vH^^, «. ^r^rs ^ 5igf^^, (/cwi. ) fat, flesliy, stout. nSTR, s. ^srfinTri ^tfvigr ^Tf^Ttnrrft, 9. ^i^ »Jfn irrrf^, a bainboo tray with feet. ^gtfiw, ». C^^n, ^J^ vUftr, the pomegranate tree and fruit. ^rf^, #. »iJMl^ ^^ ^ 5"- ^R» ^'^> an egg, spawn. T%^S?, a. ^fs^^ "pf^l ^^, produced from an egg, oviparous. f^irfj^fr, o. ^>r^ ;fC^ ^^f^ ^^C^ ^^C^ ^f^: ¥r2rtt, to boast, to ex- aggerate, to ujisrepresent. the flower of tlie plantain, the lieart, courage. ■^JCI srf^gfT ^TR, a cob, pill, or spike, around which fruit grows, as the jack fruit, maize &c. an axis, the beam of a plough. ^1%, V. \5o1 ^IRC^ Clit^lR, to separate the coarse part of any- thing from the fine by shaking. \|5RD1, «. C^K^ C5"if, c^ CMI^I, a platform across a stream for catching fish j a species of tree ; a. scorched. ci rsn^, s. ^f^s vij^ If t^ vt^ Tj^, an old channel of a river where water stands. into sections. C^FtTT, 5. SftC^rr^, 5lT^ STRTTl «lrT5, a fisherman, a caste of people. C^lTWf^, s. ^t1^ -eCcTpsn ^l*fT, a cloth torn or worn to shreds. CS^, 5. ^fk, CvT^, *|Trl ^Tfif, a string, a rope^ a cordr C^Tcit^, V. CSt^f v\9\it Trf%, to attach cords for the purpose of binding, suspending or carrying. I>, T?^^, 3FpcfVT's^ srrf^, to strike with the open palm. 1?t%yit%t^, ad. -JRt^ ^1, ^zT^Tl^^^ ^«f^ ^Tl^^ ^c^ sr^l^ thickly gashed or hacked; badly worn, as applied to cloth. ?^^, s. ^5TC5[t«7 ^1?"5 -sTIlT^ ^f^^ C^'t^n, a sheath or membrane investing the young leaf or branch of of palm. F^1, a. Tiyg ^iffR ^fstf^ ^^I C^TPsil ^ CTi^C^ff^^n, lean, thin, poor, imperfect, applied to grain and fruits. ^75 * 259 1?3^C^, a. ^ifl, ^i^ a^ 5(Tti^?r;, ^^f^, entirely open or unen- closeJ, wide open, wholly destitute. Ij^um, a. eating and drinking. ^1*^, a. orr^, vfftlfiTC ^. ftfi[ CTO^«n, coarse, applied to thread, or work of any kind. ^^, 5. ^ ^\fk TO, *TV, » freshet, a flood, t multitude. l?9r5sfiT, 5. CBrrc^rrvf^, ofrj ♦ftf^ Cirarran, the da«hing of waves over the side of a boat or resseJ. F?^"«f[1', ad. '«n^rtC^T, J!?f5irrt«, in multitudes, abundantly. ijiTCtrmi, a, W^ CirmT, ^ csrrt C-^r^sn, heaped together, piled up. 5?f3f<^?T?f , *. f«fi: CTTC^mi, m« ^fflff t^f3 f^T^ 9V» swaying to and fro, rolling, rocking, as a boat. ^«n, *. JiT5 ^rf^? ^^, Z\f9 finn, the act of pouring out or of casting melted roetals in a mould; a, poured, cast. pJTlt, a. JT^c^TCV viWT^ltwr ^r^t^ C*f»rrt, to cast down, to prostrate. I>t^, a. TFlts tw:, Tf^, leaning, prostrated, cast down. ^f^ <^, 5. ^ *f^, VTf% t5: ♦W, m srrfir *f^, ^f%, failing together promiscuously; a. aslant, leaning, inclining. Bffviiitt, V. Ji<^^v\t^ ^•iifi^, to tend to one side, as the channel of a river, or a boat. i>1^ii »• fTl TT^^, F?Tl *rt2, a founder, a caster; a. cast, moulded. ^T5, .'. ^5W^rr3 ^f^^ ^^, the sound of sudden falling. >t5fT5 ^^, ad. m^ irw ^5rarfj9rC3 *f^, in quick repetition. ^Tf^bJ^, r. ^1^^ f*!*^^, ^Ptf^" wrf^, to take by violence. ^^, 5. ^ anrr, a kind of large drum. irr^PM?T, s. srrf^ n?^^ T?r ^T??, the cutis or second skin. 5C0 ^# blofrj, ) 5. 's^'iW^j '3:1<<^, a cover, a lid, a covering, a screen. l>l<»W<1, s. Tiffert^ irr1^ -s^^l, ^R •5rt^ -5^^, the covering of a place or field by a flock or crowd of people; a. covered. Utl%, V. ^srt^f^, ^T^ fw, ^^ ^fr, to cover, to hide, to conceal. lFlT?tCs^t^, looseness, slackness. ■§jk, V. r5i|< j | , a. ^•sr^l, ^M «^^1, not plump or full, applied to grain. I?5n?fWlj «• ^f T CcTi ^S^T^"^ ^ctTs* C^^1, ready to burst into tears. 15f5=T, V. 911 C^tcn^ ^fc «T5t^j to sway to and fro, to oscillate. l^lWl, s. c^m ^liT^^^I, a drummer. (OTI 261 5^f5p, s. vnf^ OFtv^j a kind of drum struct wFlh the fingers. c^w^, s. Gftmr cf^ cm^ srifr, d^"!^ ^^ ^, the foot of a dhooly or litter, the noise of violent laughter. cSf^y s. ^t%C^ Jfi^ TT^ grnr, a pedal for cleaning rice. dl%»rr*f, 5. \&1^4 JfT-pf »i)f^?f, a species of large snake. Ci>r<»*i|«i, s. c^fTp *rn TR" ^ ^f?, where a rice pedal is placed. CK'^^f s. ^9rr^ Jpjf, eructation, the noise of belching wind from the stomach. cfe^^, 5. ^T?r^<>f^ ^^TW^n^ C^TTV, a class of people in Kamroop. CK^Ujn, \ 5. ^ ^«f^ *^|eT, imperfect fruii of the jack tree. C5^, ^. ^nt »ilf^, 2^ ?pf<^ C^rsRI ^nr^ fT1 rjsn JfT^ vnfirvf, a species of yegetablc. ci>, 5. SR aJm 'snfirar ^ms, ^?t^ ^, the sound of neigh- ing, al.so of violent laughter. ci>f%^l, 5. 7^ 3TPP vUfz^r, a fern of the genus petris, a general name for several species of the brake. CI^r^ilt-sfi^Tn, a. CljftTT ^fTTT ?CT^WT1 W15 ^T^, ^f^ vflf^, having long stripes, striped ; 5. a species of tiger. affjpjn^, s. s^V c<^ irr^^, an office or class of people in the days of the Assam Kings. cusic^finn, ) a. 7\7[^ -pnfsr «:^, ♦ff^n ^«i^if, ifcv»> ^^!t c^t^i C^l, ' watery, without richness or flavor, insipid. C^«fC^T!» a- ^^^ ^TTTT, f^, having a dull sound, as of un- baked earthen ware, or a loose drumhead when struck. C^ofl, n. ^^^ CAlM'fi), C^mr, f^rrf^T, not firm, flabby and weak. CK*f5?1, > a. fAillill^ ^iS^4 7^5T, 4!^5T -pfillTC^, wide or C?C*f5n C5C<1^, S broad, applied to leaves, or the hem of a garment^ CR5r^, a. vSt^fel, -«l4i^* ^ C^nc^rmi, cloudy, shady, murky. r.5^, rt. ^c^^, T^T, 5T75", ?iTT, much, many, abundant. CF^i^, V. Wv[\t, 7\^-^ ^jf^, to collect in abundance. ct^^kix, ad. qjfC^fC^^, ^STl?^, heaps upon heaps, abundantly. 202 C^tC^I C^?^/^, s. CspER ?rt¥f^, zm^^nn^ m, thunder, the reverberating or rolling sound of thunder. Q^^SZ^nwi, s. ^t^lsr^l t^: ^nfw ^1^ floating half dead on the water. C^rrqjf^^l, ff^ asf ^Ttr^?1, C^Tl C^ic^^pii, pale, wan, not ruddy. CljcTl, a. cum ^^^, £|tt ^<5ri, ^T:f^1, pale, obscure, cloudy. CijFrTt^^^l, «. T^^U, ^f^ it-^1, having the white of the eye large. <:5f5r^CI?^^, s. '^f^^lm ^^\U ^f ^P^^iP ^^^^ ^^® setting of the eyes in death. CI?C?^C^^^, s. C^m^Z's^LmW, ■ilf%^, ^^ Sl^ ^t^f^, a species of water snake. cll4lr^5Tl%, s- CW^ ^5rr1?J| >i}^^t^ s^^i, enshrouding, overshadowing. m^r^^y s. ^"tl «C?=IT^1 ^t%sc ^^ 9f^^ the caoutchouc or Indian rubber tree. c^K^m, s. cmz'^m, dfsccrl: c^tsiit, ^ftc^ ^ ^t, elastic, yielding to pressure and recovering the original form. C^Rt^, } a. C^c^r^l, C^ ^ ^trf y^i^^ C^^1, big-bellied, Cl>Tt^1^1, J large waisted. 1¥ 203 CM9T, s. ^WJ '^f^^f ^t^ ^t1^^ CSTK a drum, a measure. the swallowing of water by a drowning man, the dashing of waves into a boat. C?iT5>, repeatedly swallowinrg water, repeatedly shipping- wave« C^, s, ^Tl^ ^1 C>fli4 C^\'Zli ^ ^flfsf, a wave, a billow, a swell. C^^lt, r. -mf^ 5T^Tt, C5t ^1%, ^^ *tTi'^ C^^^TTt, ^s^ Si^T^ ^, to raise in waves, tc agitate. C^^sn ^^1, 5. MTS *fTf^ CWTsn ^«1, the rising of blisters; a, blistered. Cl?t^, s. ^31^ *rrf^ ^^, ^9U«1^I4, *• 'fW^ ^f^, ^PSPT?T, waves^ ihe raging of the sea. Cirtc^^l, a. SfTP^f^ ^Tfr^ ^ *1"rf^, ^^ C¥5[ Cirf<, white, whit- ish, as a large sand bank appears ai a distance. C^C^Y'KT, «'. \W^ *nf^ C^J^VT vvff, widely, extensively, wide opci. C^ srpf Cirr«n, *. *rrf^ ^V^ CCr^, the subsiding pf wavesr a cafm. •I % cfsppT, this letter is pronounced in Assamese words precisely as ^, II. It is never used as tb« initial of a word. 1 ^, v8^U , the first of the dental class, prooouoced like / in water ; applying the tip of the tongue to the roots of the teeth, as when about to otter the word think ; or *, in Mat-thtw, :st, pron, >ililMJ n ^S^lf^nn^ f ^ ^i^^, you, ( addressed to io- feriors. ) vj^, 5. <3f, C^sr, »^, anger, haste^ excitement. ^^ ^, *. «I^f C?^ ^, the rising of anger, excitement. OTT^iir«, restless, unstable, fickle. viTf, prort. CTi^^, ^sTTCs^sirir, thine. ^5^^, s. 5T^, uncooked rice. ;y5, ff. 4l, s, ^^SIT^ ^T^l, ^l?^Tli undefstaiiding, perceiving, the doing a thing understandingly. vj>i<>t«^, ad* f^wm ^*tc?, (Tjf^ill^, C^ ^c^, so long a time, so long. ^ST^rjTf'n?, ad. IJZlf^, C^iTT^, C^ C^^^^, at once, at that instant, immediately, suddenly. vSTptirl, -s. C5^\ Tw "^o'*« ^^^» ^^^^> ™*^'^^- T5^, €id. ^5H, C^ tTt^, there, therein, in that place. "^5^^, a. ^V5 ^^], situated there, of that place. ^orrm, ad. ^qITIM, C^«, l^^^, even, even though, yet, still. 'Zm^ s. Sf?rt?f, ■=5^«rr<^, an accurate idea, reality, truth, nature, the first principle, reason. "JJ^^TTt^, s. ^9!T?f^^l^, ^^C^T^iTt knowledge nature, truth &c. ^JiH, "d. c^ft ^^, C^ ^i:«f, C5C^, thus, there, the same, ditto. T5^rr^, > ad ^us, C^t ^itcT, in that place, there. "^^iT, ) conj. C5S, ^J^sTIM, notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet^ ■J5<^^Tf% i still, even. ^in ^^^^ ^i^e to, in order, elegant, neat. \5iR^^, ad. ^T^ '^X^'e, v5t7 ^tCSf, afterwards, after, then, next. ^ 265 "SW^ s. ^5J ftst^, CJPT ^«lt^ ^^^t^, investigation, inquiry, aim. TW^Tfi ad. ^1^ *frC5, vSfJ ^fCif, afterwards, moreover, besides. ■j^ffvf, a^/. CSS, T'^ttf^l', although, notwithstanding. TTij^, s. 3T^ T^» ^f5I«fR, his or her answer or reply. TSi^, ad. (p(t "^^f HV^ fkf5'^\ like unto, of the same shape or kind. 35f1, \ s. f^5p5t^ ^Z^ ^C^ 5Tt 'itm, ^ 2?f«fl, ^^ 8^^, stare- ^>n5^^, ' »"g in silent amazement, fixed in a gaze of astonishment. IR, s. ff, a tontro or religious treatise, teaching formulas and rites for worship in tho form of a dialogue between Hiwo and Doorga. ^yjsrji, s. Tprf^J^, tro^ cvrwi ^»fft ^5^, peculiar and mystical formulas and riles for the worship of the deities; a charm for the cure of diseases and the prevention of evil. ^5% '• '^ "^^f f5^/nf««Il C^«t(^, drowsiness, lassitude. ^5?JT«T, a. ^ngit >f?n, "T^ fs^jTsj, 2|t5, drowsy, sleepy. 15*f, I s. tftjir^ filSf^ ^(X t^^ ^ir^RI ^V, Z^^, penance, ^^PTTl, i religious austerity. ^n sistl, dumb, silent from astonishment. ^5^5n, s. ^ITfj vijf^Jf, a musical instrument, a tabor. ^S^^y i ^, darkness, gloom; in hindoo philosophy, the third and lowest of the three natural qualities. 34 ^66 r^ s5S[cj^i, a. ^«ftin f t^, ^T^ wr^ -pf^l ^t^^ unripe, applied to bam- boos not too ripe to split inta strips for strings or withes. ^55rrc^, s. ^^?rfi^f^?1, proud, arrogant, boast- ^CSTt^ff^l, ) ing, insulting, inert, btupid, ignorant. v5^^, s. ^IT^ vi]l7r5f, a drum. s5t%, r. flfit^, ^t^ tc?, fsRit ^^5T^ «?rtf2F» to rest, to stop a while to take breath, to take one's ease. vjrrtC^SW, s. vi in layers, of sorts &c. ^5^f*TT, ^^, ^^, fear, terror, dread, alarm, trepidation. ^SrrJT, s. f*fT?nr ^rf^, ^l^^f^j^ 9fT5T, a metal dish, a tray, a plate. isf^, V. f^^r^ t?, ^r<^ ^rrlT, *ft?r ^rfir csifk c^srrt, to cross over, to escape, to be saved, to spread out, as a sail. ^^, 9. f^-Jfj, sr5, a tree, a plafti. ^*^ft, 5. >tm fr^r^ ^rr«T, the handle of an instrument used in thinning out a field of uewly sprouted grain. T^^srnapnr, *• v^f^ ^^r, a species of flower. iSV^, 5. «^ ^^, CJ^t ^^f -^t »* young man ; a. young, new. ^ipf^, *. CFC^fif, fl'nSJi;, ^rSf fcm. of Ihe above, a young woman. ^5CT, arf. ^5TC:^, by land. vSC^rsn, a. ^>fTf ^f^l, ^^fPr^ ^sn, sived, helped over a diflSculty. N&C4l^l^> 5. '•IW, ^5(^ ^5r3, a sword, a ci meter. ^, 8. 3m vuItw, ^Tir, Vi*n^ W «f, f^r^rr, the science of reasoning, logic, discussion, disputation, investigation, search, inquiry. Hf^, V. fe^lRl ^j, ^fm 7Tf¥, ^5T^ ^ft, to investigate, to look into a subject, to reason, discuss. ^vfk, f. TTf^, fTBRf threatening, scolding, storming, ^f^, 5. 7TI wnrf?!?^ OTf^ 'cmrf^, the fore finger. ^SW^ 5. CIFK 7i[] 31^ 'SST, a balance, a pair of small scales. ^^^f^, a. jT^f, ^VSm, Ortli C^rci^r^J, ^f^, fickle, volatile, light- minded, shallow. 'OT'tfi, s. TTTPUItK, <^5T^, ^^ «1, rtTT\, great saflering, losa or trouble; with 9f^ to give trouble and anxiety; with ti^, to be troubled, afllicted or anxious. 3*R, 9. fv4*^ 1^ W^TT-^fsr, the ceremony of pouring out water to the manes of deceased ancestors; libation to the dead. ^rr^, V. flr^fef?, f^f^f^f, to glitter, to dazzle, to sparkle. vS^l^nrl, a. fiH^fnw\^\, frnf^lfw ^r^% sparkling, glittering. ^5\^, s. Jif^^ 5T31 9(1^ 5p5i, the watermelon plant and fruit. ^5^, a. ^5f;, ^rrsr, 'src^l^sr, ^rfs CW, •^, ^fsj^r, under, beneath, below, subject to, dependent; s. the bottom, subjection. ^S^f^'*^^^ 0. H^5rt«jjt, ^9f^ffT, Cri\^^'^, upside down, confused. 263 ^ ^?r -fefel* ^- "sr^N^I, ^^ fwm ?1 C^^mi, secret, clandestine. ^^c^^fen, «• *fli^ C^*fr^i, ^r^f, not buoyant, heavy. v5^9f, V. ^Jk, ^i%, ^MTf?i; t^, to sink, to be submerged. vSc^fen, I «• "^^^ ^f^ <^^» CWWlj ^?rrR ^c7, ^fsf^, dropped ^c^f5?n, S off, as ripe fruit j last or youngest, dependent, subject to. v55^, s. ^^W5 '^fk Pfi<|, ^. ^^^5 ^rai, ^f^ ^Tt^ ^5^ ^5c^ ^t% ?r^1, the shedding or falling off of fruit or leaves; a. fallen off. ^^^n, s. T^vl^ cm^ ^t^ t1%, ^r^ ^t^, ^^^=[^1^, the bottom of water vessels &c. the embroidered end of a native pillow ; a padlock; an understanding of a matter. ^ cilv&ri, s. n[ C^i'Tl Wjl, a loom. ^rfr, 5. *fr^ ^*R: C^T^ ^'•TT irnjB[, a weaver, a class of people called the weaver caste. ^TW, pron, crtl^, ^iSIMj^ CVP^ TIT, him, it. TT^f, s. f cmcsTt^rfw ^•f?, a card or game of cards. ^IWI, 5. ir5?WPrf ^[f5 t«l ^♦^l %T^5«, a mussulman observance. TTT, a. CP[f ^r?^, there, in that place. 3T3^, ad. f^^^tv, above that, more than that. TT5*f5fT, 5. ^^♦n^, '^rfBSn^, 9W)pe, object, design, a moral. v5TC3, ac/. C^ ^ftCS, vflt C^^C^, in that place, therefore. TTCTI, «l*c*irc"5 «fT9f5, ready, accompliihed, skilled. TTT, .?. TfT, ?fr^ jlf^, copper. 270 ^m ^Tif ^.^, s. n^ ^T^ ^1^5 ^^, ^^^Tf, an alloy of brass and copper; n. firm, strong (as the above alloy.) 15]'5l ^Tfen, «. ITTsr ^W;^, ^rf*!^ "^-^j copper colored. v^T^lf^T^, a, 15^ ^f^, dark, dull, inert, stupid, see i;5r. ^Tfir, s. vStira' ^tf^, a copper cup. \5t:5J%, s. sT^I ^^, a class wlio prepare tamul for the nobility. vSt^fi^ ^fkWf ^' ^"R^ ^^1 ff3, the moon. "^StTlSTQc^, s, ^5^1 71^1^ Ql]-^^ the starry region or firmament. ^Tf^, V, "R^f^, ^5i"if^, C^r^t^ -SR ^f^, to save, to deliver, to extricate, to press the splints of braided work or the woof in the loom dose together. "v5Tl%«5r, s. 5[T^^ PRC ^'vgent. ^r|%, 5. ^"5 yT*rf^ CTpsn, ^^rf^r, clapping the hands; a pat«li. ^f«T K^^, a. IWI ^arrtR'sfl ^^ ^^rc ^^l, pungent, piercing. Ttl^ s[n, 5. ^rr-pf^^ TT^tf^ 5r^» c^rr^ ^srrfif^ ^c^i srri, patcKiog, mending, inserting the bottom piece of a brasw water vessel, Tt^, *. flR8*^^ ^l^, ^^^ ^^ ^^, the pala4e, the roof of tlie mouth, the crown of the iiead. TSlter, pron. Of^ %t^t^i 'ss:\'i^^^ ^l ^lS[t?T, to that place, person dt«. ^^^r, 5. ^c*np^ ^Rii^, ^•«">il^^ TO<^, address of a father's friend, or of the father of a son's friend. >5l*iVl<, pron. f^^f^STT^r^, OSs'nrsrr^^, their, ( poetic. ) ^rlrns^, pron. f^fr^", f%f%«Tr^;|, their. sTtrrcs, fi. 3TC1J, Cf^ ^rtC^, there, upon that. ^ST^rf^, ad. ^C^ \W^\ "^rrciRir, CVf^lZI, formerly, a long time aga ^TOPf, 5. ^TT^ ^TT? ^I^ ^tysn 5IT^ silfr *. CSX^, *l(.^l*«, sharp, keen, edged. f s ftg i y i, ad. -pTC^, T5Tfi?T«, ^f9» quickly, shortly. frn. a. Cir^, f%in, f^ ^IW »«f^*f, damp, wet, bitter. frn^, V. *nf^ f^Rrrt", f%wfl', c»*l"l, to wet, to dampen. fTTRJ^T, \ 5. vflftif faol* ^ ^ ^, a medicinal, plant and fSTT^^jy, J flower. fAAI^r^?!, a. ^ 5n 5rc^^3 F< *fT^ e, a species of gourd. frfr, »• *^'«e persons or things. t%f^, a. ft^, f^'T^'«^n, fir, three. fif^SSt^'y, s- ''^^^l ^*fft?1, wfsT, ^f?, morning noon and evening, continually. 272 TS9[. fsf^J^, s. fz^i Vi^^ ^^ CT^ c^^n, a place where three roads meet. U P'< 1 .'^> «• f^f^ ^Tfr^ ^^, ^^ ^^^FT^ ^*TJ, t^fq ^Tfis; ,2^ ^^TS^ ^*rtl4 Csri^^. a smalbcoin of the Assam kinsg. f^7i»ft", s. ^^ Sf-^l -s^TT:?, f5*fTl%, a movable furnace or fire place. f^, a. ^^, ^nf^ "itT, CirT^, pungent, sharp, keen, quick. ^ fi 'V j I •i, ad. CTTsn»r, so much, (a correlative.) ifert^^, ad. C^TTiliTTt^, at that particular rate or proportion. Tsfki S' afT^f^^ "^fz \b'i4fr< ^Tt^, a fabulous fish of enormous size, applied also to the whale. fi;f5r^, s. "-^K^^k, ^%'^'^i darkness, obscurity, blindness. fl5*riTr, 5. sfl cvrn5r"i~5 fZTi 'ffen. i^e cloth wet at bathing. ^ ^ woman, a female. ftc^tlfl, s. ^5Tl§fi, t^f^J)^ frflr, a wife. 1%^ y. 51^ 'srrf^ <^ C-iHa, a place of pilgrimage, any sacred spot, especially a sacred bathing place. flJQf^nfar, p «, ■nj^ftcf c^rPsil, going on pilgrimage; s. a traveler, fi;3f, a. ''^f^^f^, ^ ^'^ ^^^ ^^» ^-."^ ^"^'^ '" °^'^*^''' repaired, packed and bound up, ready. ^1^^, V. W5^I^, f^tl^ isrpn C^^^^mt, to deceive by false hopes or promises, to allure. ^?f^|^[^, *. ^'PflJ'J^I, «t?^ n ^^ fwr., the act of deceiving ifcc. vb^Tt, p. ^^^i^, 5^ 7^1^, li^ ^, to encourage or stimulate. vjW, (1. ^'^nr, t ^^C^V^, ^nrC^vn, C«r?r^;T^ ,contempl, diaesiecm. ^t%, *. 'Sft, ij^ ported, attired, adorned. t^ri'^ll, 5'. ^^tS ^ "5^1^ "snfif ^TI. splitting into long thin splints. ^5IT, a. ^STiTT, Rf^^, Tjf^Tf, equal, alike, similar; 5. similarity, analogy; with ^fV, to liken to, to compare with. ^5TT?ni^, S' 5WT^ 51^1, -ilC^ ^^j the esteeming different persona or objects alike. ^yUVSW, "' >i^l*{ ^5^J7, similar and dissimilar, like and unlike. ^^, a. 7f^^, ^pf^, pleased, gratified, glad, acceptable, pleasing. ^3^, s. 1,p C^^1, ^^^, ^srr^^n?, pleasure, delight, enjoyment. ^f^, «^- fe'ST, C^'yff?', now, immediately, at once. <;15S, conj. IS^^ltf^V yet, notwithstanding. C5^* j?row. C^it ©^, 5[i^^ srlT, he, ( honorific. ) C5^, ^. "5^, C^Itf^, blood. CZ^ C^RI, a. ^5i^*1" ^^n, ^^51, having a ruddy complexion. Cl^ *1X1, <^. C*ilc»si CJS? •s^'^l, ^f^ CTT^f, dysentery, bloody flux. C5®*fh5j *. «ilf^5f ^?fi% «fr5, the leaf of a tree, ( laurus cassia,) used as a condiment. C'ifeVJ^, s. ^foa ^, a species of tree. C5^^T6 "stn^ s. CTiVs CTC5T 31 K^ «^^% "^l^ fl^f^, mucous and bloody discharges from the bowels. C5Sp3r, fi. gt^Stfpf, fFr^^^, splendid, illustrious. C51%, r. ^:5Jtf9f, »ilf^, ^^ ^r^, to leave, to forsake, a. very red. Crl%'5^, a. ■^^ ^^1, ©^i^'fer., red like Wood, blood -red. C5fi;5(.>s<>^ flfZ. CTftirt^, f^^iiTr, :5:5f'4rf^, so much, so many, (a correlative) as^lif^, s. ^t%^ C^^^ ^ ^1 ^^, the tamarind tree and fruit. CSCl^ ^^in, a. c%uif^ ^^U-^ wm f^V^^, ^ C5C^', narrow and thin like the leaf of the lamtrind. C5T9f 275 ClkT^, a. C^^, '^Jk*i^, f%1^, ^T^, cunning, s-ly, artful. CS^TT, a. C^,^ ^"^f, Cscr^^^l, K), thus. CTC^, fl. C^t ^C-s^t, ynT5nC5P, ^STT^Ttf-^Tt^, exactly so, all, the whole. CTC^^ysn, a. CTT?- ^«T, CSCTT, TP^ W^. C"5C^^, like, similar. (TTC^^^t^, \ ad C^ TfC?r, ^SH f^r^^TTt^, in like manner, thus. CWC,4^v??r, . co/j;. CZZZt C^C? ^:5r, if «o, in that case, then. cum, i CT5, a. 3[C?riW^, thirteen. CT^i^-^, a. 5Tf2r ^f^ f, a species of fish. CJmR, } s. t,^ f4.ljim (Xr^ fen, a ceremony perform^ CTT^f^ ft?1j ^ ed on a daughter's reaching the age of puberty. 276 ^'^^1 CTi^fi^ «^'^t?r ^^1, ^^T^^ ^tt^ vFtiT^ 1^^5? ^f1. ^T^ ^^, tearing up by the roots"; rearing children or animals; a. lifting, raising, gathering up; eight annas in weight. CZ\^\% V. CriT^-^ TT^ft -^fm, to cause to be raised, lifted &,c. Ct[^^, ) o- f^'^^3 ^^1^^ ^^^ ^^' ^^'^ ^^'^^^®' destroyed, strip- CTT^, 5. ^ ^5% 5iC^t3^ ^^^1, the giving pleasure or gratificatiou. cTtcTt^^, ». ^^c-^rtfi ^R, ^ ^^irr^c^^ ^c^ irc^ t^ t^, to do or speak in a flurried or confused manner. ■5jt ;£j>!/<•{< ^'^ift", a way of salvation. :^^, s. ^, \Hf, ^r^, fear, terror. ^tf^, o. ^«, s. f«ti^, srrfi, 5T^^, ^^ ^1^ ^\7f, the three families of one's father, mother and wife. ftc^T^, 5. f^f^ ^, a triangle. ftr; 277 fuz^fk^, «. flif^ 5^ ftr^ l^^J^^ triangular, trigonal. fi;?r;^, 5. 5T^, ^IJ, T^ ^\>I^ f^r^ W, the three inherent natural qualities of matter ; threefolJ, iljrice, triple. fl!5, a. c^ ^^, thirty. f3I®M15, s. ?a^, T5J, «n3l5^, the three worlds; the universe; heav- en, earth and hell. fljfer, a- fjf^T^ 'T^•«^J1, fl?f=^ 5I'N^ '5tRfsr5 ^1%? ^?f, the second C^^^^^t^ > Jhot or age, in the mythological chronology of the hin- ^ does, consisting of l,29o,000 years. ^^rfe?, s. ^^^ £f^^53[ 1%c7iT, the rule of three in arithmetic. t^fCcnt^, ^. 1%R ^^5 ^^ fef^Rj <^TTr^, the three worlds, heav- €ffl, earth and the infernal regions, ^'^J^, a. ^f^i^, ^, '^, 5r, v^^ ■pjf^ ^ suddenly, quickly, unexpectedly. «r«tf^^l, ) 5. ^«TR^^, ^ti:TC^ cTtC^t?? 5TT!j the act of gently ^^^ftST^, 5 patting with the hand. 9f%^'3n, 5. qh^ stt, ^vs"^ i^^^K^ stf^ 5iir:^ ^^, 1%5t1^ ^rrl?ii «rM si^, the act of clatcbing; the beatiug of a mass into shape by patting. ^r*^?T^, V. «n''**fnf5[, vTTf^i", to clotch, to pat, to pounce down upon. ^f ^f^^^j ^^ ^ C'^ C^^^t^i, of ordinary size, of good proportion. ^5^3, ad, ^^C5, 'T^f^i C«fM(r5, by wholesale, in the gross, ^r;^, s. ;g|, fkrz l^, to remain, to stay, to abide, to waiu <^rc^in, s. lit^ Sn^, f^tPT, an inhabitant, a dweller, a resident. Q^^r^V^, N rtrf. T^ \5T«?> ^T^ ^r^, in confusion, thrown about •9fT^^57, » in disorder. ^W, *. ^f?', ^=?^^ C^rn ^Rl ^f?, a place, a dwelling, an abode, a sacred place or place of worship. *4V^ ^T«f^, s. i;*S ^T^'^, a roll of cloth. ^^rr^rf^rs, s. ^^rtf^^^ "^r^ ^ tl^, f^rns c^'Jn, a permanent or fixed abode, fixedness, permanence. ^TPTTTT, a. ^itr^oTRy C^l^ C^ii^, Pijfs, scattered about in disorder. oTT^, s. 5f^ ^f^T!"^ ^^j a police station, a watch-house. ^Mi«f*isilt, to rain in small drops. fvTTlW, a. f5[5^, ^**f, ft^, true, certain; with t^J^, arf. truly 6lc. f^tfj^fk, s, iff^Qm] '^'»p» r^vf^^f^, mist, small raindrops. fvfC^CT, ad, enc^ ffTtCT, 3JW V^ST, f^fC^C?, slowly, gently, gradually. X s. C3Tvf, i^Hir^ «:*ll«ll *nft, spittle, saliva. vf^T^, r. «f% C*W^, to spit, to eject saliva from the mouth. ^CKU^rrsn, > s. c^^-^ C*fC^r«n, f^^ Of*}^^, spitting,, a way of ^^^, } expressing disgust. with '^it, to gather together, to assemble. < (f- ^^f Cjfi^, ^, a collection, a group. ^fjk, \^ s. ^cTl '^m ^;t%f C9fT^, the sheath of the plantain, <^jl%*iT5, •' the young ear of corn or grass before it shoots forth. ^t^ik^ i;Tarrrr, 5. -s^r^^ c^rra ^\m ^:^p«n ^rcsrr?!, tamui enclo- sed in pan leaf. ^^fen. S' fzU^]Ti'^ ^ '^^, an ear ornament worn by women. «rft?ft, V. c^l^ Jilfsi, ^ferR CQTT^ ^R, 10^ roll up, to lay in folds or plaits, as the end of a suria or waistcloth. ^f^?:!?:^!, 5-. CPfT^if^ si^l ^r^ ^rf^r^ ^^n, the retaining or hold- ing up of the milk by a Buffalo that has lost her calf. ^^fk, s. f^fiiT^, «rc^^, ^pj^^f^c^, a moment, a short time. 5ro=T, 5. 7^b§?, Ti^, a meeting, an assemblage of persons. ^y^fl^?!, a. '^17% «i^, fully ripe, soft, mellow. ^?i^^, a. sfl 9ff^s£) ^1^:5, ^viif^, large and well proportioned. ^r^or^ ^C^, I ad. ^srf^ c^]i^, ^f^ ^r^ mr^", very soft, tender, ^^^fen, i as applied to young leaves, sprouts or fruit. C^iTST^cT, ^ V. 'nrp^ TTi 7c.\f^ C^C-s^^ ^R, Wt5fTRtt mftf «r^ C;>r^ t^ ^1 ^I«^, the south; «. south, soutliern. iffT;i?i 5TI% ^2^ TtlRr ^^ 'nr, name of one of the lending hindoo religious establishments in Assam. ;fP4Ri, s. -jprr sns^l ^T> Ft^, f^^f f^i%:^ 1^^1 WU, a fee, a present to a priest or a preceptor, a funeral gift. Trrf1, ) fl. OT^, CrtCTt^n, inactive, Ia2y, sluggish, slow, stubborn. ;f9f^, 5. vijtr^f 7tWT, fjy, ^fs 'T^PT, a kind of musical instru- ment; a, very, very strong. 7^, a. C*ftTl. *jf>r ^T^ ^^, ift^ ^F^, burnt, calcined, scorched. ;nS1, fl. »A|S|flfl»>iij| f^r^ fe^PT, unlucky, s^ an unlucky lunar day. Wfl, *• €*nr^ C5T?n, f^ ^JTI, lifting up; o. raised, lifted, elevated. tfsflt, V. CTfsn^, ^^R^ ^f^j to lift up, to raise or straighten. iFWl^tTI, f' ^PTTt^ ITWI, W\fw ^i^, the lifting or rr:oving about. »f3, 5. «TrIWJlfj|, ^iri, »sr, holding or swaying a staff or sceptre; hence a pilgrim, a king, Jvm. ^•Bfsr?:, ^ a. 7^:1%^, arf5TT, iri^ir <*ni[, punishable, worthy of punish- W^T^y S mrnt. ^'-ZZy s. U^r\ t^ «i^1, ^^t3f Sprrsr, prostration, the falling flat on the ground; lit. like a staff; with ^Tl, «. fallen &c. Wf^, s. m"^iu» ?7S*^, *i^Jir*i feJFW, bearing a staff, a pilgrim. ;f5i «• ^r^ ^n, ^?1, given away, bestowed. W€], a, TOl fwi C^l^lfVr, given in marriage; s. a betrothed damsel. 286 Tm wwf^, s. ^tC-!^??^ "SX?^; ■3Jjriif ^ ^TR ^rr^? ^sr^J «tf^. a father's younger brother, a slepfalher. PtTH, s. 7^^^'^, c^^ Sf«, an eldefMbrother. ifWl^^^, 5. t^rfe?^^ ^fWK^r^, a wife's uncle. Wfk, s. IF 9fTf^5r^, C?rT^ ?r^ ^rR^-,- curdled milk. iTHfi)^, ) 5. tif C^f^, ^•'T^ ^5Ti?f5r?n ^f^ ^rsT:, churning milk, Wf^.%.'^, f the title of a popular Assamese drama. «f,%rrff?, 5. 1x^ irc^ Vf ^Filf, the male calf of a cow, an upright support in the frame of a roof. ;fs:5!l, s. 5^2?!1 ^C-K ^^[^ tlF ^••r^l, a swelling; with Tlf^, to swell. wsr^n^rrf^, 5. ^-tr^l ^f, ^. pride, arrogance. W»iiir«T, > a. Wt«T, SffTf, irf*r, ^^^ C^r^lT, Cffl^l*!, proud, arro- ^f^t I gant, conceited, boastful. 'R, »• ^^f 15911, BIG, fsrfs^, £W^, price, cost, likeness, similarity. Wf9, #. ^I5IV?[ VJ9T *a^ acr^, Durrung, a District of Assam. if^^Tt, u. (£s\ errfsf, if^ •nf'Sf, to feel a chilly sensation. »f?^, 5. ^V, CTT^ ^TPT^ ^^, medicine. if^JTO, #. JfTfir^ ^n ^Tf C^» monthly wages, salary. WTl, f' ^, f^^ ?R:TITI 1R, Tlftr, a bridegroom, one who leads a marriage procession; hence WTlf^n^, which see, Sf^lfeiVinnil* '• W€\ iJ^f, the attendants of a bridegroom. iftT[^l. *. sn^^ irrCTar ^9^X ^f^'S^I, the straightening out of cotton with the jaw of the borali fish. irftj, a. wf^nn, *it!8^, f^f^, poor, needy, indigent; 5. poverty Ate, f f^T^t r. JflU^^T ^^TT^ Ff*5iin^, to comb out cotton ; see ^f^S'STf, ?C^T5n, s. mi ^T!, ^« ^RTI, the pricing an article. W^, s. ^^^14. W^y il^VA, pride, vanity, conceit. W^% s, "^fif, ifit^fT^, a mirror, a looking glass. iff^f, a. ^SRTvrR, flf^y irt 5r5Tl%, ^q^.'^f, proud, boastful, arrogant. IRI^, J. ^Tlf 5f»', ^T® cir?^, a court, a hall of audience. ^^^, s. Gf<1, fw1$ ^^, ci^T^, a sight, a view; with 1^, to appear. 283 ^fy W^ifs, i\ C!f'^i% 1%^1^, to show, to point out. W^Tf, V' '^V^l ^fki ^ ^sftf', to prevent, to intimidate. Wv(v^\]) s. ^ 2nC?rr5n, "^f ^l* t^^^t^^ C^t^lj intimidating, deterring. Wv^, s. Vf ^hVZ C5.i^l ^ilf^5f ;t*t, ^^ ^ ^, a species of aquatic grass, a portion, a gang, a party, a body of troops. 5rc7, s. cW^^i 51^, ^r^5 W^i a shrine, a temple; a. abundant, much. W^^, \ s. ^T^Tft-c^ 2^5^!^ ?R^ C^'RTR ^Tt?, a leading person, vf^c?, * a chief artificer, an astrologer. ;f5=i^il?, s. ^isftif ^^1 If 1^, a species of red rice. ;frf^, s. ;^?i ^TC^I, H\f^ *i1?: C^^l ^^t JTi:^, a bridge. Wv[^% s. sn^ ^r^] ^^^ ^t^lf, a fish trap. nclFl, 5^. OTTl ^srrlw^ f'^^H twin ^«T^, a saddle cloth. •W^j^^ ^C^, rzf/. c^'l^t^ ^^*??"r^ «lf< «i^, contentedly, without crying, (applied to infants.) W^Wv^, s. Bff #C5? ^Tl C^t^l ^, fsf^f^, a bog, a miry place. ^cTW"f?i^, n. PT C^T^ <^1^> ^^f^ C^Mf^, miry, yielding or shaking like boggy ground. Wr\^, s. f^1, C^TT^Tl, 'S^f grinding or rubbing, as with mill stones. pfcTfir, 5. W^ 5ii|iHrffs[, ad. '^ ^T^Z ^"^T^, thickly ridged or blotched. ?f?Tt^, V. ^sx^T^ C^rr^s", W^% to gather together, to heap up. JfT-il^rr, a. TfSTiTfsI, ^C5T.^ <5IC^^, ^tWtfV^, very many, iff%. 5. 5*Ri, F-srfen sn© ^i f^^ "^^ csrr^R, €r, a clod, a clump, a throw from the hand; v. to grind or rub on a stone; with 5Tf^T"f^fen» ^- ^f^ ^^ ^^^ T^^f% fe^^, a long handled mallet for breaking clods. ^f^rsitf^, ^ V. f^Si^ftcn srrf^ '^f^-, to throw to a distance, to fling, ■^f^irt^, f to cast aside. ^f%f^, s. "^^'^^fsT, ^j% ^1 ^, a place abounding with clods. PfrMiTi^rr^T, V. -c^-^^^T^ ffi%?lt', to throw back and torlh. JfJR, s. If^, #i3, a loath, a tusk. iF^iir, a. w^J. Tf^if^TT, f^^ ^f^ C^nsi If.^^i3;^,,aii cpUhet of Vishnoo ; tit. he who became ten times incarnate. W*\\(k'{, a. ^r9T»J, W^^r^), ^^ 55»fj%l5ri, unlucky, unlortuMJite. Jf^^, *. ir^<5, ^IT ^F^ f» r'^ f^l^ >n^. an alloy, an amalgam, pewter. W^j, ff. f^fs, HI, ^S, custom, practice, habit, usage. iT'Sf JfTS, ad. f^r^ Tiri, ¥TC«C^, J^UfT^ STCIT, according to usage. Jf5, a. TKi\, J^v^ri f?:cJi^, ton. ^^^, r C*fH|a(, irr^ ^s^l, combustion, conflagraiiou. JTC^rfinn, rt. ^t ^I3i[ ••trariLS C*fr^1, aa much as caa be cJaspcd with tke ten lingers. WV^ T5^, s> 5141 fsT '^fk 1^» '^ J^^^I^, the bearing away and buroiog a dead body. ?fTTl, 8- Wf. stm, tf^]^(%, 5^515, in aritbnietio ten ^ondai or forty. '^Tt, 5. C«fW, U^R wa: ^^'5 ^?1 ^sr, a burning, a ceremony for 4he dead j^erformed leu days after death. ^f^, r. *tfe ^T55T^ ^lst4 tTf^^[T!, to burn ; «. the fringe of a cloth. iffi^^, s. >iil%^ C'^mn ?f5, a 8[)ecies of the arum plant, the stalks of which are edible. src^f^l, s. Vi^ 9^^ e*f^3 ^^, an overseer of Ion ; iit. having ten. m, s. ^^1 f^Sfl ??TC5=rc^ ^n f^C^RT, a da or long knife used alao as a sword, ifrt, s. ^-(^r^, Gfm, f5j, s?5r^, ^r^ ^ri^ Ji^ ^rfe, a fault, a crime^ an error 3 0. to reap. 37 299 tn^r mff^, s. ^^fJt, f*f>jTf^f^, a witch, an evil spirit. rr^f^, s. ' ^^ '■""5 '^^^ »peetii!y. ;fTT, 5. it^, ?f^R, a tooth, a tusk, a- fang. ^rj^^^f^, 5. #T15 C^C^r^l, the gnashing or grinding of the teeth. Wtvft^^ftJ, ) V. litCTC^ 7i¥ ^r^, to grate or gnash the teeth. ^t4«M'^R, V. ^KH WK'5 V, ^KH -GCt C5l'!^ ?ff^, vFlf^ #, to bite or grind the teeth, to rage, to scold. tT^5TC^r^, 5. wiUS'.'^ T^ ^Cl, ^TWrt" -ftt^?^ f^' the bearing or carrying in the hands or arms. ?fTf^, V' ^pT, ^S^^t^T f^, to raise, to lift up. H I t?f ^ 1 1% s. "iVS 5f^ 5rt1%, a rod of a native loom to which the warp is fastened. ;fr^, 5. "f^^'in, FTf^, a giver, a liberal person. W]wf^, s. C^vTi, c^SUl, a term of abuse or insult. Pft^f^^Psn, a. 7T^«n, CT42^ C-5ft^, lazy, stupid, mean, low. W\ Kth S' ^g ^T^^ >^^ Cns, a will, a testament, a legacy. WT^^f s. ^^^i CWZVl'^ "^f^, ^^S> tWTJ, a demon, a fiend, a grant. ifRTT^f^, «. r^5^ ^^ S^KR ^R, ^-^ %^^ ^rrir, benevolent, giving generously, the name of a shasler. JTTt^, a. W'R ^Ti ^1^> tT7 ♦flC'^TSri, bountiful, liberal, benevolent. vrfe«*iUfR f<*iyi, a native head officer of police^ a superintendeat. 292 fwcTl W\7i, ^. ^pvr, 1%^^, C^g^, ^"ic^^^, a slave, a servant, a worshiper. Wtf^, s. c^B, C^^f^if^, '<^1v\^li;, a female servant or worshiper. WT^J, a. Wl^ ^^1%?, servile, slavis}^. ^fl^T^si, s. zf^W ^sr, ^Tcnt-s^^TST, menial service or occupation. ^t?:, V s. ^-^ "R?!, C^TiTlj a burning, combustion^ conflagration ?tt:^5^^i, a. ^fei^s cri^i f^st^r^, c^n naked, poverty stricken. ■j%5rRl|t, a. Tj^C^ ar^ fs?C^t^l. rgfr^^"^^^ fsC<^ii;b all-conquering everywhere victorious. l^^fRf^^r, Of/. ^Fj^Ccii ?PicT, ^t^ fe, everywhere, on all sides, •f^^r^?:, a- ■^1'^^, f^ZS, f^I, Si^tfsT, naked, stripped, an epithet of Hoda Hiwo, a naked mendicant. f^, s. #^ t^'^rc^, length, extension ; a. long. 1r5??T, a. 1^'^f f^"?, ff^?", long, extended; s. length, extension. i^TH^^'^f^, V. Tf^I^ t^, ^^t^ £i^^ ^r^, to fall prostrate. f^-^Iril, a. "^"^Ivi C^t'SJl, long, applied only to man. 1^'5riln?1, ) a. ttnc^ ^Tl^f^, #iM, tall, long, ( used compara- -f^mc^.^TR, / tivejy.) 1^H1, 5". ' "^T!^ C§ri"«r, i^'^f length, extension. ^U^, ad. fiZ'^j t^'5K;c?, in length, lengthv.ise. 1$;t, s. ^ Qmt ^^ ^r^, "t^, ^t?T, (lay time, a day, tiiue. t^^r^?, s. ?ee fTRT^^. Iff^r^K, *. ^§r, l^'^s^T^, ihc sun; lit. tl»e lord of day. ing of lime, living. fsf^R?!^, V, T^m ^1 Jjsit C ^f?n^, Wf«r:5, poor, needy, destitute. 1%i?;^, s. fjf^^ C^l^, ^ C^Ii"5T. radiaui.^liuiiur, illustrious. Twf^^'M, a. fwfn ^cillAi St^t^^t, bright, shining, effulgent. f;f6,'C"^4rVrrfT31J, Z'^wf^, far seeing, prudent, having forecast; s. a wise or prudeiit person. fwrfRTT^, s. "nfirilt^ "^TIT^ ^.?1, ^^T^T^, a sigh, a long breath. #^'T^T^, (I. fw^^ C^Vsl^3 fwTlf^Ti), oblong, lengthwise. IWl?^, s. 1wfk1%, fwnc^ "^1^^^ long life, longevity. 1?^, 5. OT^ Wf^'^ ^tfrf Rif, course, direction a point of the compass, f^, s. ^r-^1, 3rr^ ^^fw C^^^, ^«ft^, «Tn« ^1^, curry of varieties. f^^l, s. ^, fe^T^, "^^l, C^^^l, a way or means of doing or going, direction, order; with ]%, to direct, to supervise, ff^tf^fe nd. ^tC? to?, 5Tf%vS ^r«T?^, this way and that, all about. w^ 7i«vf «W, ifJfCirT^W^, double, in two folds or I.iyer?*. i^Tfs^vi, n- ^ ^«n Wy!, ^^[f, C56 €. ^5 c^^Tt 7[cTrr^t> C?rr'5^r^, to nod assent, to press down- ward as with a lever. -^ ^5pi%5% a. ■t?T^f^, i s. -PJ^R ^t-sf^ C^l'^l sr^l f3T?f^, the turning and W^f% ST^l. i isowing together the ends of two cloths. PfC?!, a. ^'t'^Tt, both. ^, «. RG=iST, ^T^f% ^^1, stinking, offensive in smell, fetid. Ifiih, a. SfH ^ ^f^^ C^m^l, WUl^ ^f^, difficult of entranco or approach, narrow, strait. ^^sfi, s. 'i^mfi;, mtcTl'^ ^^, sfift m^^ ^, the goddess Durga. "Fsf^, 5. C^-. t^*^ ^^r^T, WJffnj, ^^ret^, ill fortune, adversity. tf i|9rTfVf f^c?r5l, hateful to the sight, despicable, as a woman hated by her husband. if^iron, fl. bi^^^^f^jn, ^strft^, wretched, unfortunate, miserable. JTSTStT^ 5. C^if] ^*fn?r, ir^r'Ri, misfortune, ill fate. wfB'^h s. ^ir^r^, jfvTcl, * desire, evil inclination. K^^^* a. ^ «I?sf, mrifl, exorbitant in price, dear. Fj5f(^ '«rr5?ST. an evil act. a fjpfi I crime, misconduct. W%f^f a- ' ^ryi, idolatry, the worshiping of images or imaginary deities. Cif«^^, s. ^fer^, T^-^T^^ 2?-^ 1?^, R^lil TT^, Sunday, the first day of the week. CW^^, 1 s. t'si'^^^ ^C^r^, a husband's younger brother. C^^CWI^?n, a. CS^crfell, "^ri ^tf?^ ^ttf^ ^^ift c. CWCiRt s. C^r^ 9fif^, cs[T[ 9t'iWi^, thunder. Orrsi, ». C^Qy ^ ^f^, a god, a deity. ar^^rf^, s. 'Jsrr^f^ ^tf^r, a voice from above, an oracle. Orj^mSl, ». ^^if^fr, C^rST^ ^n^, Oaiti, the mother of the gods. af?rt%V *. Of .Ti^t^ *:j^i^ ^5nf¥ f^'W^ srr^^, a priest &:c. atten- dant on an idol. Onr^, *. CIRTTT^ T^. C^« *f 9!^ f^C^ finn 5R ^t^, property consecrated to the gods. Ofrr?^, 5. Cif^Tl^ ^it, ^o* temple. CifC?r5ir, ». Gf aN5T? ^OW fwm srrlS' ^snf^, an endowment of a temple. C?^, s. fSfRf^^ ^Tf R c^^ ^t, a country, a province, a region. CIRT5TT, .f. CW^W f^f^t a custom prevalent in a country. cwrrrpf^l?, i. CfHvK ^tiff,»nft !WTctT5, curdled milk, Fplints of a certain tree from which a kind of fine mat is made. t'T^TTI, s» ^\^ 4f^, a species of fish bird. twTTt 5. ^*j[^, wm^, a demon, a fiend. Xw^f 5. ^ffr^, ^^, i*fT^, ^f?¥, fate, consequences of the actions of a former birth, providence; a. providential, divine. t^f^, 9. ^ af?4| ^T«l, fjr^^ rr^, Krishnoo's mother. tTRf^j^pjf^T, s. §if^, CstT^rr^, Krishnoo; lit. the son of Doiwoki. ^tw^f[7, s. ^R^, c5rrt%fVi7n, a fortune teller, an astrologer. t?W^, 8. ^*fTC!T ^^^511, TT^RTC^ C^^l ^P^, a providential cir- cumsiaoce, a fortuitous event. tw^^^^ 5. ^-pftvTl C^^, ^^^^ ^I>1i a fortuitous or providential combinaiion of circumstances. tlf^srrc^f, a^' 2<2-:cs, ^^^TCTj^^L^, viic^^, accidentally, unexpect- edly, providentially, by chance. titTT3, ad. ^ST^^li;, ^^Tj suddenly. tit^fsiR, a. t:g^tfV^, ^T^;f^^, subject to providence or fate. f^C^t^Jr^ ^srrst^ f^C^lTT, the ceremony of rubbing curdled milk on the faces of the bride and bridegroom on the mornins of the weddinfj dav. tiff^i^, ^SiR, a retail shop, a bazaar. CTtTbii;wo,^fT, ^?, fearful, frightful,g!oomy, very, great. Oft*'! ns, *. ^TIT Tf? <^«n ^^1^ ^ ^r^, a contrivance for holding the reed of 1! loom which separates the tlireads of the warp. CH;«^»K, *. Cjr^TS ^f^ ^ ^trrf^ t^W fwmtil »nO, oscillation. OfT^T^n^, #. l[9I^f CTTH^^, confusion, tumult, disorder. palkec, a litter. a.vHy, ». ^7Pi«st?T f^T«»t??i 5iri^, p'.r^ #in;^ 5-«M fei ^*t^. to cause to oscillate or swing back and forth. Cifpsn «f^l, a. il'\9 <\^ '^iV.y sunken in the middle, concave. arm «Tf^, «. afi?ll ^^ C^t^. ifj«^, a dooly bearer. C?T?mfel, s. ^at^ flR^ C^C^^i;^ C^rc! ftc^:^, a class of orderlies in the days of the Assam Kings. CWt^, J. ^*f^l5f, ♦n*f, 9«n, ftj, irit, guilt, fault, crime, offence. CJfPiyj. a. -m-s^ ^ ^^^^ <^, a. 3^3, ^R, ^cT5, '^^'^, fk^^, firm, stable, substantial. fj^^, ad. -^^^nt^, f^^t"?^, ^R CKTC^T^tt^, certainly, truly &c. frflf^t^, s. ^iv*T ^1 ft<3? ^2[1, an asservation, an assurance. fw^t^, s. ^-stJll, ^t^ ^qTI, •5^r^^T, a similitude, a parable, a figure. f^f1$, s. Gf^n, f^R-irjiT, ^'k, sight, vision, perception. fjf$ CTft^^, a. U-?^ ^^, '^ll'^t^, felRt^ CWf^tf i» sight, in view, within seeing distance. fjW'sfiT, s. ^^ nFt^, destruction, ruin, devastation ; with ^\7[-7{, J ^r^, to destroy d'.c. ^\^^, a. ^^ ^C^Tin, ^^^1%, l^'vFT, ruinous, destructive, destroying. ^^1, s. oqf^^ <^ ^r^ ^ ^T^ ^, the thorn apple. ^^Mfen, ) a. ^^X^ ^?If "^if^'f^C^^ shaped like the petals ^5^i5^?rl^ 1 of the above flower. ^<^ 303 Vf^T, *. C^i^^T, tobacco. 'earance. ^ifr^?!, a. ^^, ^fs^^ ^^, ^^:^f^, useless, unworthy, unfil. *R, «^. f^ns, ^«f, ^Vl, wealth, property, riches, money. ^-fk^, s. ^l|[^^, ?f^ »^ ^Rl, ^ ^Uf?, an epithet of Orjun; iit one who conquers wealth; a. large, great. ^•l^Hli <• C1f?Tt^ C7V, the fabled physician of the gods, produced from the churniDg of the ocean. '<^^fs, s. ^^, Kfk, Kuver, the god of wealth; a. rich, wealthy. JR?^, i a. >fr^, 'dfV', ^TFT3l^, 5^f^, rich, wealthy, opulent. *f5rfi^, n. f;Riff^, VWt^J, 'ffirji poor, indigenl, poverty-stricken. ^f^nfif^Tf , *. «R*ff^, *R?[ M4l(%, a tide or right to property or having a title or right. '<^\^0{, 9, iR C*n^» ^ 'Wii 'H'B, the acquisition of wealth, gain. >rf5I, a. s^T'P, 'pnr, opulent, rich; 5. a sound, an echo. 'f^, 5. c>f^, il^ r\ ^T^^f5 inn «^^» a bow, an instrument usee* also for cleaning cotton. ^^^, a. If^, «f^ c^sn, costing money, bought or sold for money. ^l?!?!?, ». Cf^ CW1^< T^, the twang of a bowstring. 5f^"^if%, s. mn T^ffl* the sign Sagilarius. ^^^^» '• ^^^ ®^^» OrR, the siring of a bow. 5f^*f^, 5. >f^ t?I ^fpp^rsi, bearing a bow, an archer, a bowman. ^RJ, a. ^^51, t^^R ^5?, *f^ ^% ^^fJiTT^, Sf^i^f:^, happy, blessed, praiseworthy, praised. if^mRJ, interj. ^7^\f^ 7^4] znn, well done! ^(^U^iH, y. ^J^'s^n, ^^^, ^f3 ^r^, thanksgiving, praise, applause-, thaaks; with ^R, to give thauks, to praise. ^«mf7r, 5. •5rr5 ^i, ^^^JT^R, %fV, amoyar.ce, threatening. 304 %rf^ sf^ir-s^t, V. Cvj3n, loud abasj^ve talk, scolding. ', s. \sifV> C^iC^T^r^, a threat, scolding, chiding. 5fSjif5rf^, ^. ¥5" ^srffPR 7^?, -^'^T^i^ ^if*T ^"tl 3T a. K^ ^51, TiiV, ^i^J?^, ^f^, virtuous, religious, pious, Sffsf, ' just, righteous, godly, hojjest. V^, «. XH ^"^Tl, f>:ri^ to seize or cause to be seized, to make sliarp. '4^(» tl»e ubscrvanco or practice of the duties of religion. 'nr« ♦ff«f, ^ltW41, tho holy scriptures, the Bible; Uio body of hindoo law. • vjrf^^, I «. '«^«T^,*rf'f',*f5J^^fCtnn, pious, religious, virtuous, jusl. ^rm, *. ''^^ ^rtm, ^, ^n^, the Holy Spirit, a holy person. ^m, s. "PTT^f *15T, religion and irreligion, merit and demerit. vnfr^^t?, *. *nrR ^JTT?* f?? fl^» *" incarnation of justice or religion, Jesus Christ the true Incarnation. ^fifi I a. ^^^"5 ^W, TI^T, *nfj^, pious, godly, just, righteous, >r(%^, ' honcJt. ^, 9. «tr5 ^fTI, ^11, a laying hold of, possession by an evil spirit. ^9T, f. ^rtrsc ^ftf^, ^sfl, a Hood, a fresbet, a. white. tifi^^nr, -i »' \?TtTr, i^t of^^, ••r^^n, ^^r^r^ ^^«t, scolding, in[Jr^fir, S storming, fuming, hurrying. >fft", 5. ?fTtTrv,»Tn C5r»niTTV, ^^TSTTTI, a wet nurse, a foster mother. VfT^ft, 5. >fT^f^, ^T^R, It^, 'WrPn, anxiety, solicitude, earnest desire or expectation. ^ftCWn, 8' C^\y9i\\ c^*ff^3 ^^ ^ ^PI<1, the smiling or crying of an infant in sleep. ^rsi, s. fW5l, £ff5<>fT«^, 3W1, a nourisher, a prolcclor, an epi- thet of Brahma, providence. ^r^, 5. ^5T5[ ^1^, ms, f*nj, ^, csv ^rt^ ^fe^^ ^, f%?r, r^^ili, fbp?n Ti5^^ ^JST, a metal, an elementary or primary substance, the breath, life, a verbal root, 'ft^^^l, a. ft^fV C^rsn, ^ 5!^, frightened, panic-slrickcu. 30 306 f^^ ^1^51^, a. ^\^-^, 5^t^^, metal ic. ^wfk, ^ a, ^^f^, c^5ffsr, ^^^ srrc^ fisft, ^Jr^fsmi ]%f^^ ^frfsT, ^ corpulent. ( fem. ) SfR, 5. Sfl^, ^^ tTC3T^, paddy or unhusked rice, grain in general. 5:rt^f^, s. 5fT^^ *f9r^^, Sft^ 4^1 «^^t^, a rice field. ^m, 5. FT^^ 9r< 5f^l SffpT, ;^f%, ^iTU, a beam, a support, a dwell- iug place, an abode. ^f^-^fel, a. t^-^ ^^ c^rs^ Tf 5Tt5r c^t^i, alternately deep and shallow, applied to a rapid current over an uneven surface. Sft^Sfsr, s. f^ ^I5t?:, ^1% WfiJ?C'6jk1, a. TT^ "i^fk foftv <^1, standing idle. f^jt^f, s. J\f^>i S^T^, ^^?1 '^im "tt^.:, a kind of bird, the wild goose. f5fl%^1, ) «• ^^ ^^»JfT C^K^T^I, r?rft", V. \sT[^ <^f^i f^T^i ^1%, to meditate, to reflect, to contemplate. ■fet^, s. ^fjt^, fb^^, ^t^f^y C^t^ ^^, meditation, reflection. * f5f^, a. yn^, '5tf%'^. steady, gpavc, serious, solemn. >(H 307 ffr^3r, ^^ t^ 9r^,a waislcloth; a, washed. >R, 5. f^*R, C^rre^, C*f5, C^. decoration, dress, finery, display. ^j^«4l, \ s. fr^, 5. ^911 ^«rrt^ ^f^T ^y^, 41*^ vfltTW, ^?t^ C^C^TTWl, separating cotton fibres with the bow. ^^^TiT^, «■• viit^ *»t5f^n?rt, f pieces, like cotton by the bow. >f f^, V. C^^pi ^1^ TJJf^^lff?,^^t^C5rW^,to bentco«o«i with the bow. rfeirr«n, s. ^ c^CSfC? CITTWI, the act of going quickly. ^rf^^f^nn, *. arftTrt C^^Tt f?nn, taking or drivmg awty quickly. ^f^nn, a, iy^fsiy CTrf%5, of fine appearance, showy, gnudy. ■^»«n, 5. ^srP»m, ^rc^fi^ ^W^, doubt, mistrust, 8U9picioM, depressiom V ^f^, *• vJifif^ vrsT^r P^, 5. ^f-BftU 5Tvri ^^f^ f^*f JI^ Tffk, to make a sound as of heavy foot- steps or of any thing falling. tP«n, a. CvSSi, ^5m*f G5^ CWT^, scorched, browned, as in cooking. ^^"^V^ftN, a, ^fsr f^fsf ^C5P1 ^^r^, scattered, pillaged, laid waste. 5f 5- 'l^f^^ C^C^rW "i^r^, C^^T^I ijt^ ^^, somewhere, at some unknown place or country. 5f<^^, 5. ^^^ "s^TT^ 3Fr^, the sound of heavily fallino-. 5f^lS a. ^f^ ^f% CTf^ ^^?fTt^ ^fc ^^1, lying at full length with the limbs extended. ^\^fi, V. ^T^ ^f^ csif^ ^R^Tlt^ -s^ff^, to lie as above. ^, 5. ^t^ ^ ^t^fe a heavy beetle or mallet. 5rsi^^1, a. ^f^ CTTT^ ^c=i1, very black. 5fsr^c^1, a. ^1% ^T^ ^?}1, f^^t ^"^g;^!, ^^ <5rn, very deaf. SfllC^^, a. ^T^3i^ 15^1 ^"t ^ -pf^:^, ^^c>5l, a meteor, a luminous body floating in the atmosphere. 5f5r;^fi?, s. ^^^^, CSfi *1T5R, irritation, worrying, bustling about. 5J5i5!f5iR, s. CUM ^srrf^ ^TClrmT^ 3T^, the sound of beating, as of drums. SfsiT-iJ^I, ) a. ^f^ ^7T, ^, ^1%Ti^, severe, heavy, driving, pressing, Sfsrll^t', y as of rain or urgent work. Sj^rr^rsT, ad. f^mi^1^\X^, C^^ftC^fsr, quickly, rapidly, hastily. 5f^1, s. ^^ ^^t^ ^^^^.^ a tempest, a storm of wind. ^fsr, a. 5f nsjI ^^fi^, of a smoky or purple color; smoke. ^^], s, f?r5 '5^ A 2f^5T ^^ fPT, introductory stanza of a song. 5f:5, fl. C^W^. ^^3 wily, knavish, subtle, crafty, sly. 5dirif%, s. C^^^fc=T, if^Tf^, slyness, craftiness, subtilty. 5fcTl, ^ s. c^^vi ^f% 5n# ^ ?rr1%:, '^^ (•'^^^ ^"st, the pollen of a 5^t%, ^ flower. ^fc^rsjt, ) a. ^f^f^, Sffe^ U^l, 5rl%^ f^r^l, ^^ C^t^l, dusly, 5ff5n5r¥, ' covered with dust, like dust; i. e. powdered, pulverized. 5rf^?n, s. irt^ ffr?l '^fk Wr^, any powdered medicine applied to a sore. 5fj%fC5r?n7:>fCSrf5f, «. tc^ f^C^ ft ^51^. ^j ^^1, clean, clear, pure, washed, cleared out; t. e, nothing left. rfl^l, s. ^1^ ^*f t%C3Fpi, ^, smoke. CKT^srrc^^r^ll, see >f «r<5T ^*^f^, C>fp5rp5T, 5. ^ qst, »f^, rfr^friT, a large rope, a cable. C^rCJft^ a. sncwf^ ^^ffl f?^1 «W, rfrc*n«n, hollow, tubular. Ofpr, *. ^*f^? f^^ * washerman, a d/wba. C^TUtft, #. l-lfsfi C^R[^ f5i:^n5l, a washerwoman. C^Vfe^, «. TOW t^ Tf^t fs^tft^ t^ ^^i, rent, split into parts. Cart's, «. Wr^, ^ltC^f^yc^, a(L fi{zit ?sn, T3r ^»(1, very while or clean. ^fjR, i. f'f?!^, flWr, ^t^5(, meditation, religious contemplation, reflection, thought; with ^f^, to meditate Slc. 5fXtf^, a. ^fjnc ifrfin, meditative, contemplative, thoughtful. 5f^5,a. f^?, t^t, ^"5^ 0*51* «Pin ^^ 3^1, fixed, permanent, stable, certain, sure; with 3Tl »• the {x>lar star, the north pole. ^fir\7T, 5. ;;r^, ^^rs, destruction, rui:i. *JI\3^^, ) a. "^ WiiVS\, ^^i^fz, destructive, ruinous. 5f, ^hp:^, ^^, ^^sT Ti\^n, ^cr^ ^rsrs itrrf^sr f^c^^ ^ >8C5n^ ^^ ^®Tt, C5C^ ^^, ^r^r, a. PT^r^il tA'^ C^T^^I, unable to endure fatigue, effeminate. 5{t^, ad. ^^t^, W^ft, newly, recently, a second time, ^j^if, s. ^srnjfi^^ ^^ C5T^ ^% *t/^^ C^I5^ ifTl%, a toe or finger nail, a claw, a talon. ^N3||, ) citizen. ^9f1, ;?. -s^RTTl litn; f^C^, a Naga, a race inhabitating the moi^i- tains south-eastward of Assam. ^9f1t'^, 5. J\f^^ c^^, a species of lemon. '^('JttlJtf?", s. ■^T^^ Tfsil I?t"R", a kind of large bamboo mat. ^^fMC^, s. ^5rr5 ^fk^ ^-5^, a kind of Naga cloth. ^^^tf%, s. ^^Jltf^, ^^ 5!Tt%, extreme punishment or suffering. ^^, a. fjffsif C7(tC^t^1, ^^fi^^l, ^^1, unaccomplished, unsuc- cessful, unconquered. ^5(Trfel, a. 7{t^ "^fk "^R ^nfl! Cr\1^., newly residing in a place. ^^v\], s. H^il^ "ST-ir^ yio^ fVfCvDJ^ 9fi(v49, a buabaod's younger sister. ;r1, o. ^R1 C*(IC^I^I, not brought; with t9, oJ. without bringing 5(^^. *. ♦I^, ^fC'S^, a son. ^f^f^^ s. f», ^s^n, fljftfi, ^fel, a daughter. ^CJt^, s. fsrf^vU^^ «R-ii^, see 5(;?'Jf, ^*f^l, a. c^yi, *f^ cartC^Tsn, green, unripe. ^*ffl[?n, a. ^fen, ^fVnn, siok, unwell; as a substantive, sickness^ a eunuch, a hermaphrodite; a, destitute of virility, neuter. J^fi^iri^, V. fjifV ^t^, ^ ^Vff^, ^f^, not to come pass, to be incflfectual. 312 ;j^1 ^^1^, V .s. ^1?^T^ 5jf3 r^c^i^^ a nabob, a viceroy. ;^f^7i:, a. ;t^^, ^, ^^ *t^^> ®'^» ^ man, a male, mankind. ^^^,) ^. *Tt'=^'5 ^p^ C^T^ ^ft", hell, one of the sixty four infer- ^^, J nal regions of the hindoo books. 5(^7pf^, s. 'C?rr^f^, ^^1% ^^, any filthy detestable place. ^^f%, • a. y.4<>4* ^^, '^f\f^, "^^r^t hellish, infernal, wicked, ^f^ ' impious. ^^f^, s, ^-^ ^^^^ ^^,'*rfiT^^^ f^W^ ^^ t^tf%, an instrument for cutting the nails, engravers, tools. ^^•5ffl51T 5^51, a species of acid vine. •lilfw, 5. ^nT5 ^1^, a patch of reed jungle. ST^ra^, *• vi|f^5f *fT5 ^rf^fin Sttrfjf, a species of wild animal. ^«TTli «• fVc^ ^T^, ^TT?, unshaken, immovable, fi.Tcd, firm, stable. ^2n, 5. vnf^ cwmi fro, flr^er rftrc^ri'll ♦ftl, a drain, a lube. ^f?T. 9. 3Fi^ fir^f^rgl rfrc^^mi mf? C^rw, a tube, the trachea. =rf«15l, *. ^J'srrC'^rr^rr? STTft", the upright tube of the hooka. ^:5r, a. ^^ 5T\'4fJl «t^^, the ninth. ^^fsT, s. 5^ ^3^ fjR, ftfvf from, the ninth day of a lunar month. ^^, «. irrf^, C^iTl, 5^, spoiled, destroyed, ruined, debauched, defiled, corrupted. ;r^^, 5. vnfTHl V5^\ a garlic, (allium sativum.) ^t^, Off. cmi^l^l, W5T5, ^f%, a negative, no, not; ». the navel. •(l'?f*yi, 5. 5(yt^, c^rrcTPSil, 5^%^, none, nothing, non-existence, extinction, death. ^^r*nn, s. c®ft? ?fC? ^»nt ^jn *flft>f «^, a species of lizzard. ^n^, conj. ^Tl, "^rr^ SW^, or, otherwise. ^S, *. c»Jl fossil coal. TTTc^r^l, s. 7[\m J)f%5f, a kettle drum. ^srl%, s. Cif5 ^fl/, a barbarian, 2. e. without caste. ^t^Cc^t^, s. <^ti;t=? s. ^^1, ^fif ^IV ^^, ^^, dancing, a dance, frisking TTTC^t^, ^ about. ^1^, s, €t^^ ^^^, ^1%, ^51 1%1%, ^tf^ ^i^3 a species of ant, a pulley in a native loom, a female dancer. ^^f^nn^, tf. ^^f^ ®i(1, skilled in dancing. ^rrf^, I V. TTT^^ ^f^, ^^5Tt% ^j% ^f^, to dance. ^Ttt^l?:, s. c^c^c^l^ st^tf^, a sheriff, an officer over peons, ^^, 5. ^Tq'^j ^t^j a dance, a pantomime, a drama. ^W, 5. ^^^1, ^^ CW«^^8^1, a dancer, an actor. ^f^fr, s. ^1, ^^cn^T, Ft'', insufficiency, inadequacy, want, lack^ ^It^-Kt^, s. ^m -s^t^ 5?f^, a species of dove. ^Tf%, s. ^^c^^ 1%^^?; ^J^a a grandson. 3n? 315 ^ftft, s. , s. ^rfVf^^, ^Ctt^, a leader, a guide, a conductor. ^t?", s. vijfTr^ JRP ^, a species of fish; (pronounced naro.) sn^^ «• af^, CWI c 5.1^1, spoiled, rendered useless. *rt^, y. ^^T5 *lir vi|^^, ^jfir, the name of a celebrated hindoo sage who caused strife among the gods by tale-bearing. ^t^t^TTl, o. 7{]T^ JfC^ P?n, F^lwi, like Narod in tattling. 316 fk^ *{V<\^A, s. fro > ^cWTs, Vishnoo, lit. he who slept on the water. ^^t a boatman. ^t3T, ) s. ^^, I^"^^ ^^^^ destruction, ruin, annihilation, death. ^rt^^, a. ^t^ ^C^t^l, ruinouF, destructive. *^if^T^, 5. ^T^, the nose. :^f%, a. ^1^, C^iC^t^l, not, not existing. sceptical, atheistical ; s, an atheist, an infidel, a sceptic. ^5»^5^T^i a- C^l^t^ *5^^7^ ^fe?m, unknown, unheard of. ;^^^, a. fk^], '^<*\4.'{f false, without cause, ^f^, V. ^T?fil^^ ^JT^f^j ^1^, not to come; ad. m^, not, ( poetic. ) f^, V, t^ tit, ^Qiv^ ^t?r5 ^f^c7 f^w5f ^1 ^^r^t^ ^^ft, c?iC^ Pr*i^j f^T^^, to take ; as a prefix it implies absence or separation, as f^cnt^, shameless, "Rc^^f, absent, fts"^, s. fertt ^^, U^^^, the taking away, consuming; preceeded by "f^^r or ^t«^, the spending of time. f^s"^^, s. ^rn SR, t?T ;§it«*^, one who takes away. fi{i, a. -R?:, see fr^u, fk'^^Jf^, 1 a. ^]^ -irr^ 5R1, 5=^^^ C^^T^I, ^^ f%f^% closely f^^^j^^, / fitting, fast, firm, penurious. P^^fel, a. <5^1R C^TC^t^%^^t^ ^^ C^it^ ^r^ C'^rt^l, fk^y lit' without a knife for cutting; hence, with c-^tt^, eating plain rice and salt, poor. f^^ft", ? V. ^. R^^isjl, a.^-7^^ ^M: C-^rr^U ^ ^C-^f C^Jfr^I^ eating sparingly or with discomfort. fiRTi, a. srfffr ^9Msi, ^^, clean, pure, white. fjT^ ^s^, a. nf^ tl^^^' T*^ ^ ^^ ^^^' purified, cleansed, re- fined, clarified) s. the act of purifying &lc. fw*l<[, i". W<, f®^^, ^s^, injury, suffering, torment. f^^lR, *. ^Tfir«r51 ^fj ^1tr \?, RTlf^, a projection, an over- hanging point. ftl"5, a. ^^src^f^ ^T^^l, independent, not having respect of persons. 1^5t^, s. 1%^, 50:§f, -s^lT^, a flag, a standard, a banner. fi{f5^, a. f^j ^^ii:^, ^sr^^ ^rsr^l, faultless, pure, vi^ithout holes ; with t^f ad. faultlessly, unceasingly. t7rf^;i1, a. ^ifn^i, w^-, "^^^^ C^C?f, in the same manner &c. f^I%, V. f^^l ^T^f^, C^r»Tf?r, to be thoughtless or free from anxiety. t^^, s. ^^ •^ftf^, Tt^ Ci?.|>4|l, a small basket for washing rice; a. assuaged, appeased, soothed. ■/^!>t^, V. 7^ ^^T^, ^t^^ >i)^^5ift', to assuage another's grief, to soothe, to comfort. fk^f ». Trf% t^, ^^^ ^fk, to be comforted, to cease crying. fwrRil'c^^1, the falling or closing up of the petals of a flower. fkwe^, a. t^C^rfsT, ^T^^ '^^), appointed, authorized. f^U, s. ^f^ piK, a million. f^C^ili^t s. fj^C^T^SR ^rftl^l, one who appoints or ordains. ftcSitf.^, s. f^^if ^^1, -s^, the act of ordaining or appointing; with ^f^, to ordain, to appoint. f;TC»tfsii;, a- fesnSi^ C^t^, appointed, authorized, ordained. /^^^?, a. see, fj(^,^^^, ^ ^^ firJl^siTI, s. f^r®5i f^nn, sn::? s^^ qT^. silence, taciturnity ; a. silent &:c. fifK^^l vr^, s. flST t^ *^, fjfilfrlf^ *1TI, C^Y^rf^r? <1^, falling suddenly senseless. ftl5, ar/. f^Tf, ^1^1^, daily, continually, constantly. fkfSf s. ftf%,Ji»rTErR,f^;nif^, good behaviour, moral conduct, morality. f^fz ^^1, *. f^'5 ^*iC^, ^« ^f^ Onn ^«i1» a moral tale a dia- course on ethics. f^r^f^, ad. Jrai^, ?1, -dry, tight, not leaky. f^^^, a. "s^^fe, ^, eminent, skilful, expert, able. f^csfi^, a. "^il^t -rrT^^il ^t^, ^, of uniform size throughout the whole length, plump. f^^, a. ^^I'C, see TOl^ irr^, T^Tl, ■feilfl[5f, the Nim tita tree, (Melia Agadirachta. ) 1km, a. f^i^ScT, fkf^, "ir^ C^C^t^l, smooth, of even surface. feri^, s. ^^t^, srsi, ^srs^, an invitation, a call, a summons. f^fl^, «. ^tSTf^i;, 5[^1, called, invited. 1^^*lt^, X a. W?Jl,f^'J^f^, ^5T C^C^T^I, unmerciful, unkind, fer^Tfil?T^, f pitiless, hard-hearted. f^^«srT*3, a. "Rc^^c^t^, 5n-5 ^rft'f^Trl, silent and solitary. f^^, a. ?Tt^ ^^iT^, ^^^, speechless, silent. f^tf%, s. 3, a written agreement, a treaty. JTTTlfirs, a. f^npf^rs, ffi^, stipulate^ fixed, appointed, settled. fT^jr^, $. fujn, dew. lit. breaking the dew, applied to aiiy part of tlie body that sweeps the dew. f^T«at, a. f^m, C^HiHil, ♦l^, ^j;^ t^?, untinged, unstained, pure- f^?^, a. 7|in, ^srf^rc^, without interval, incessant. f^R*f^i5f, s. ^<>f^l>f f^, f^^'pr, innocence, freedom from fault. f^*f^Tf^, a. f^f^, fk»Sff^, guiltless, innocent. i'^Ti'^, y a. tiCirr^R ^vT^, ^35r^rrfii«i1, ^5l^ V. f^Ti^ ^R, "^flf^ ^qT^I ^1%, to deprive of water or mois- ture, to pour off water frojp a substance. f^T^in^n^l, s. -^Ti 7(Ttf%^ ^^, ^siR f^lWrf^, secure, safe; s. security &c. fT^ift", a. C5i^ ^^f^l^ free from sickness or disease. f^^t^, a. ^t*n ^5j7!i1, hopeless, despairing. f^^TT^, a. xS"^^, ^2^ f^, without refuge or help, unprotect- ed, helpless, defenceless. f^^t^l"^, s. cnC'^rR, "^l, abstinence from food, fasting. nf^r*^", s. ^f^ ?r^ ^T^ ^1 fe[^, a fixed rate or price. f^f^^rj^, 5. cyr^, Cnifilri|, destitute of properties, worthless. f^'H, a. C^T^ ^T^j '^^^, secluded, solitary, uninhabited, fj^lf, a. 5^t^, ;§fti%, cf^1, -ir^T^ C^TC^T^!, calm, placid, cool. 1r^1j s. itTi ft,»f, MiJ f, \ cile; #. imbecility, folly. tWt, a. t^MT?, »rrfi^?T«T, 7J ^I^, bold, Icarlcss, undaunted. fj^^f a. ^^ C^iCTT^, ^>r, C3T*fl5T» without error or mistake. f^'^, a. spF! arftfwi. fswi, i3;>f, pure, clear, transparent, cloudless. f^jfr^, s. 5l»1, ^5?1, ^nTl, formation, making or fabricating. f^tfir, ) 9. C^^9 fif?1 ♦(•Vtlfir, ^ STTW, a garland dtc. offered f^T^, ' to an idol, and returned by a priest to his disciples. t^fsrs, a. WR ^n, ^11, 3»n, made, formed, built, f^?T, 5. ^51 st5, viifsw V«n ^^, indigo. r^ftl^ ^, 5. 5iirrf>Ii?» 5:^1 5^. f^"51 '^>f ft(.*i*l, blue throated, an appellation of Iloda Hiwo, a peacock, a bitter medicine. f*(»!^l^ , 5. fa[?T sr"^, ^••r^ fTTC^W, a kind of bead, a sapphire. 1^5^9r, «. ^n^, c^«^^, ijt^, absent, distant, far off, remote. f^TPf^ff?, V. W^ ^fjf, ^T'STT^, to separate, to remove, to put away. f^5isn t^5lf«t, a. ^3^1 ^l^f H^f^, *tT^ C^^, salvation, deliverance, f^"^!^^, / rescue, preservation. ' f^^^?p, a. ^tl'if'rsl, ^5i;i^^dhin, delivering; s. a deliverer. f^rart^ ^Itl, s. :g7^ ^rji, ^f^ Pfiirl, a saviour, a deliverer. f^^f^, V. m^ f^f, ^5frft, to save, to rescue. fi^7pr[%, s. 7^'fi ^^1, 57^ C^cilxJ>i|, a finishing, a decision, the final settlement or disposition of a matter. f^T^l^f^, a. fjrff1%, *fr^ ^9|^1, without sin, guiltless, innocent. f^T^ CITC^ vPBFl, ^ ^^, not cui fine, not minced. 5j<^3n, a. cmv^ ;19UI«J1, T^Cirrs;!, unfed, not fitted or" joined. ■^Kif, V. ^ JWf^", JFfT^ ^^1% not to cool, satisfy or refresh. ^"5, 5. Jpp ''snt, a. s&1^4} 9sr, deficient, less, defective, wanting. '^Jlf^^i a. Z^) ^^, ^Sf c^, more or less. ^^^, a. ft^ onci^nsn, ^a^rn, *>f^t59 m^ csncfrr^n, un pierced, unbored; indistinct, inarticulate. i^TP^I, a. ^ ^rTl^*i| *fr? CTCSrW, unblown, not opened, as a fiower bud. ^^Sl, a, 5T5R1, 'BT^jT^r ^ csrrc^trsi', f^./w, not understood, unper- ceived, slow of apprehension, dull. ^5rf«l?n, a- C^fOT, •n^fsin. youngest, last of all, very small. ^srrt, V, ^ ^fw C??m tl[, f^^:^ Iw, to go out, (as a fire or light.) ^^^, a. ispft cwrcn, C€Tm C^mi, blown out, extinguished. ^^^t, r. ^t srrtiTRn ^iV, A^'r^c ^ft, c^n^f ^f^, to put out. to extinguish, to blot out, to destroy. ^^^^, s. fjRi^ ^f1, c5IT«f ^^1, putting out, quenching Slc. ^TI, ^. C^Tu^r^l T[^, CSi^ fw ^51 S'XI, ^Ml ^5^, a scroll, a roll, any thing rolled up^ not down. ^r^^, a. "^z^^ ^1, in rolls or bundles. ^ft» r. ^Ts i^R, 51^ ^^1, not to fly; 5. a small roll. ^f^^T^, c. ^TI ^TI%, C^T^rt, to roll up, to wind. ^f^e^^l, 5. ^?rl Z^j the act of rolling or winding up. ^f^?T^1%, «. «1'C^i^'5^f^, intertwined, twisted together. "JT^^I, a. ^Fl C^tUSft^l, l>l, in former days a superintendent of tekelas. f^>S^^, » 5". C\53^1, C^^^ ^i:?r Ji^^l^ C^Crft^, the act of stepping C^6I?1, ^ over or treating as despicable. <:^S5RC-«It^1, a. W^] C'^rr^l, ^.%51 C'srr^l, despised, abused. C=^6^f^, s. ^«TT^^ ^^ ^3^1 ®1, ^^R, a native instrument for cleaning cotton from the seed. C^S^, s. C^e^RC^ ^^r^^ ^!B ^^^^» the separating &c. as above. <:^«31, s. ^^i'^ 9t^R1, the Multiplication Table. C^^j:^^R, s. ^ ^^-^^ Wti%f ^^, any pattering sound, as of rain. C^^^C^^^, V. GJ.^m^ 7\^ ^f^, to patter, as falling rain. <:^':^f%y!, ^'^in, not putrid, fresh. C^C^ROr^, a. ^CTHP, JI^?-, ^3, 05^, much, abimdant, plenty. C^arf>, s. 7\7? ^T(t ^fVi^f a species of small bird. C^CSrf^C^rr^n, s. ^f?r ^^ C-dfr^n, hair bound in a knot on the lop of the head. CT^I, s. 35["5T^ ^T9f ^1 WCg{^ i, s. ^"ST^ C5(51 ^V.f the winding of thread into skeins. C3W, 5. see c^^f, a tail. CRirW, a. CTCWC^, C^» «(^, having a tail. CSnffT^^*f^TT^, a. "^fs t^irff ^ ♦f»W C1[TWI, CT1 -T^f^l, seeming never to come to an end, as a road or a long night. C^rs^Tf^, V. ^f« ^5 C^*fT^, not to know or understand. C^9\^ liVt *• Csn ^^ ^SV f^CTT, a comet. C^rt, ». JWT^ ^{9ff, ^ CTC^Cmt, not to finish. C^^rsn, f . C3F^ ^^ri, ^r^ CTC^IC^TT'^II, ^rft vt^, non completion ; a. unfinished, incomplete. C^nj, 5. ^J, «iTf«r, the eye. cmrsm, 9. irjT •ftf^, C«Tnw, tears, /i7. the water of ihe eye. C^^f^, 1 ». ^< C^iRti ^^5 C'I'WI JTtS, C?>55^, a grunt, a groan, C^qf^^, / a moan. C^^f^i V. C^^ «tTf^, C?wnt, ^rfir C^^t, to groan, to breathe hard, not to touch bottom. C^^lf%, V* f^iTf^ ?^t5", "S^t^, not lo remain. C^C-an^, 5. c^lc^FTsn^ c^«r ^W, 151^ C^C^n^sn, a grunting or groan- ing, the not touching bottom. C^Pf^n, a. ^^, iT'R ^^^1, ^r&mf%, blind, unseen, unacquainted. C^^-^rrt, i V, m^ ^(^^it, f^f^^lt, f^r^i^t, not to explain, C^W-^s:!^, ^ shew, point out or teach. C^'^^, V. C^ii:<^^1 tiF, ^fsT, f^if ^TI SHT, not to obtain > used also as a term of interdiction, unlawful, improper. C^^T^^I, a. ^j\ C^tC^t^ill, ^^3 iiR^ C^l, a species oT acid fruit, the lime. C^CSTcTl, a. ^^t% ^^51, ^T^^ ^^, not loosed, bound. C^^l, a. ^j\ 1^1^?1, Sff^ ^^1, unyielding, holding on; with t^, ad. unceasingly, incessantly. C^lTt'CJTC's^K^ ad. '^fn C^iC^T^t^^, continuously, without ceasing. C;i1%, V, ^f^ 1t(1?, s^-f^ Qjlf^, not to cease or leave. C^f^?1, s. ^j%5f 5[r^, a species of fish. C^C^t^l, s. (iift l^f^vS'^l, ^K:'4fT^1_, a keeping, a holding on. C^^MtR, a. G{*^\^ C^<1, C^C<[^1 ^1, persevering, persistent. C^f^5 ) 5. 1%f?R; ^i^l, C^"|j the trachea or wind pipe. C^l% I' CTtC^ST^I, s. Tf^^, ^?^ ^^y ^y sloul, large, fat. CTTOif'nsn, a. CSTl^ 5T^^, ^51 C^rcSjT^, unsought, unasked. C^TC5"P5;T, a. iRiT ^^PTI, C^W-tTI, *f^''^^^% unseen, untouched. C^ICWI*!^, P. "^r^T C^TC3T5Trt^, not to vex or tease. CTTCHT^n, a. CST-^r ^T^^l, ^iC^T-^r, unmeasured, unweighed. C^TC®R1, a- ^^^^, 5TT^ C^^, insufficient. C^l^, 5. tR^ ^T^rfJT 55n ^r^Sf, a currency note, a bank note. C^TCWt^, a. 5T^3, C^TC^fT^I, stout, corpulent. C^TCSFT^CsfTcrr^, a. ^W^V^, ?r^ *:r^, C*n^ CTT^, not lean, fleshy, fat. C^ncifT^, fl. ^src^T, ^'oW«11, unwashed, unclean. GTTC*fT^, «. ^£ftf^> ^5ft"5, unobtained, unobtainable, improper. C^i^n, a. ^.^ ^5% *ft5T^ C^rcrr^, not turned back, not reversed. C^rrsi, y. C^TT^, TfT^ ^^ »r^ 5f«T, hair of the body, nap. C^H?^, a. JT^rst?^ ^nP, C^5"5 C5T^, least, born or produced last. C^Iilf^iy^l, *. 4rw «t 'srrt^ ^^ C^mr f«nr C^t^ll, horripilation, a bristling of the hairs of the head or body from terror &c. WIVIPT, a. Ji^ CTiir n51 331 J. ^J^ <^ ^1, ^Ts^^t^ c3hTff-«f5Tl, a. C^T^, 'sfTfirC^ f^T^ ^^, washed, rinsed, cleansed. *f^Ti:5JHn, striking with the wings in fighting, quarreling, ^wrangling. *fff^lf, 5. *f^3r, ^"sr?!, /iV. sprung from mud, the lotus. ^f^fen, s. ^7\^ ?t5 viif^Vf, a species of medicinal plant. *f^^ftf , s. C5^c^f^ ^5!t5 ^ ^oR" vi4t%>r, a kind of coarse silk cloth. «T55n, y. s- '^^^ ^^^, a westerly wind, also a wind blow- ing up stream. «^;§5l, s. Wi; yf^ "51^7 ^^, a temporary hut, a shanty. ^m^, 5. ^i;§;, ^.^, a germ. «^© rf^^'Tc^l, s. ^q C^fc^l, ^If 51^1, destruction of the germ or vital part; a. having a decayed or rotten germ. -5^5^, «. 4T5, five. -s^^^^f^?!, a. -pft^ Fj%.?1, ^1^ ff^?1, pentagonal. «t^^5?, -. s. f2tRj%, TT?, ^t^3T, SfcT, ^nr, in hindoo science *f 513^3^ ^ the five primary elements; viz. earth, air, ether,water, fire. a religious penance which consists in sitting in the hot sun, with four fires around and within reach. 'pf^p^fTT, a. C^ZW^, fifteen. «i'-^TfpI, s. 's^'^^l ^1 ^Tsrt^t^Jl, the fifteenth lunar day. -pf^sr, a. -sif? ^\fit^, 5. ^trft ^fW', f^-^'^ ®13 f^T^T, a people who braid mats. «^^, a. -tft^, f^^, JT^C^ri 5?^1, «Tf37, clever, expert, able. m*f5, a teacher, <^f41?, i a learned man, a scholar; a. learned, accomplished. <^3Trf^ s. 9nm [zwn^

a slice, a thin piece. 's^f^tnt, V, irrciTle^ ^rrfif ♦rr^^rt^ SlFffl'^int, to cut in thin slices. 9?1, ^1?1C^ 9T, the sole of the human foot, also a web- bed foot, gold leaf, appointing to oflice, appointed, set up. ^t^TT?, V. <;5lt, <5ift, f^nf^ VTTt, ^sfS ^Tlt, to place, to ap- point, to induct, to set, (as a stone in a ring.) «^1ST, s. 3Tt^ ^9i^ m^I, chaff, blasted or immature grain. *ff5, s. ?*f, ^fsr, fsrfH^, ^ftr^T^, Srft, a husband, a lord, a master, an owner; a. each, every. <^i%^^, a. f-^^P\ 7PT\, 3^51 SRI, believed, regarded as true. ♦fflTS, a. -J^l, ^ C^T^, 9T5 CSn^, 5^ *f4l, fallen, fallen from virtue, depraved, abandoned, outcast, lying waste or fallow. *ffT5m?[^, s. -s^fsT^ ^ ^sn, 'sflfsf^ ^j> 55CTm t^^, pu- rifying the sinful or fallen, saving sinners. <^f%^T!, i"- "^ifsn? ^|%= qT^PI fs, 5^, a wife devoted to her husband. ^ferl^, V- R^^ ^fX, ^^t^ <^fk> ^R, to believe, to give credence, -5^5:1, 5. £1^5Jt^, ^"^yn, hope, ex|^ectation. i^']%f^^, a. ^^•itJ^, t%5f^, ^f^ feT, widowed; s. a widow. -st^^i, a. 5I?[5 'sfi^ ^«t^5 abounding with leaves_, having leaves without fruit, ( a,jplied mostly to grain.) -pfdit^, s. C*^^ ^i:^T^1, the causing to be appointed. «fnrr^?:, s. ^f^^ C^M" ^ Tt^^^l, ^Tf^, a traveller, a passenger. ^W, s. ^j%, «^?rT^, C^rr^, ^U ^ f^, f^'W ^ ^H, a foot, a step, a metrical measure, a verse, an office or employment. "^Wf^, s. ;§f9fR^, W^ ^TC5T C9rT5^ ^C^, an adversary, a defendant. ^iWWm, s. F5w;^^, ^^ "mfw^ ^fk 5f^^ -s^TR, water in which a gooroo's foot has been washed. ^t^TPT, s. ^f^^ iv^, ^]%7(, the sole of the foot, subjection. ^T^SfSTT^, s. f^ ^T^, 2f5Tl^, ^tf^f, evidence, positive proof. *1?fl% s. ^^"TfV, %*f^tsr, a title, a surname, a patronymic. '^iWl} »' ^W >i)"^1, ^\W sr^, the breaking of wind backwards. "sW^rt^, s v\]f4, c^TT^ 51^1, a kick. «^Pf"r^1%, s. ^^"5 ^t"^l%, a toe. <^rf^^, 5. c^iTd, ^^^ ^5=n f^^frfc a foot soldier, infantry. '«W'*1"^^1, s« ^f^^ C^T^, a species of insect. vf^ 333 vflff-pft^, a. T5 C^^T^, disconcerted. Joss of presence of mind. vf^T^f, s. ^^f JTJ, ^^ ^1 -sfif^ ^«?f, a thing, substance, properly, matter, essence, quality, the meaning of a word Ate. vfifT^Twi, s. 1^1^ ^^^ ^J( ^r1^^ fwi, the science of natural philosophy. «1Wl'5>fk, 5. Crr^ ^ilf^Sf, spearmint. vf;fsr, 5. -s^fW, ^STifT, the water lily, the lotus. •5^W>lW*n, J. C^T*if fe^PT, a disease of the bowels. vf?5rf^, 5. *f^ t^ «f^ ^T^, a patch of water lilies. vfwf^y s. Tl^t^ fTcr, .^. *f^ a lotus. *fT5I^l"8, i'. f^HH^ »fl^ JTT^r, ///. born from a lotus; Vishnoow -s^pW^^, a. 9\m^ f^f5^ ^t%, beautiful as the lotus. vj^^TT^, s. ^Z^ ZT«*rT vUf^nr, a ruby. vfj%f^, 5. ^fr fir, ajTJf^jfjr, a Tcrj beautiful woman. <^fifT, ^. see ^yfrS', *fif, poetry. <^^, J. f^fTTT^, ^^ fjJWT, an onion. ♦ff^, a. cm^^, *fTf^ finn. CStc^^sn, watery, thin, diluted. t^fi^rs^, f. ^fbf C^^^ srft, a kioU of fruit. vp5, J. sec melted, dissolved. '?nri"5, s. ^} ^^i C?tT^» metre, verse consisting of two lines. ^^, a. ^t^l, "Rcil^nn. C^^, 2t^, other, another, after; 5. a stran- ger, the fourth part of a day or night. y f ^ "^^^ ^•^'l. aiioihor's wife. <1'^^f, a. ^C^ fm% ^Bft reciprocal, mutual, both. «T^^C^, ad. tvfl fJisij, ^^7, reciprocally, mutually. ♦f^f^, i. CTTs?^ jp^flS ^ »^^J, another's pros|>erity. the day before yesterday, tho day alter tomorrow. ♦nri, a. jRvf c^T«n, ^R^, ♦ffz3 crI-wI, v8wit»i »nn, ^nft 'swi, able, competent; spread down, fallen; prep, from, out of. ♦frn^T, 4. IW. ^iflF, s. a servant, an attendant, a follower. -^iftcs^, 5. Cbff) f^isn, f?r^?t, a limit, a boundary, a section of a book, a space in writing. 's^fejt'Jf, 5. ^^1, ^T^ ^^1, abandonment, relinquishment. 'sl'R^^, a. Tic^iTT, 7\wt, ^ST^ C^'T^i, pleased, satisfied, contented. ^fisT^, 5. i^^T^^, ^ifl^^, :5t^^"£1, a saviour, a Hberator. 'S^R^^, s. f^^^, ^ift^, ^•ifjl, salvation, deliverance. <^Rfe% a. T^fn C$:mi, satiated, satisfied. <^fk^T^j s. f^^l, ^^^ ^srrf? 9fr^ Ccrr^, the putting on of clothing, attire, ornaments &c. the circumference of a circle. ^f^^f%:, } s. ^Tf^^ ^tf^, a great grandchild. -s^^^^^, a. ^fcnt^ "Pf^, ;^-§fl^ -m^, thoroughly ripe or coo-ked. ^ft'^rf^, a. ^(Z 5!5ri, Sfl^l srci;, ^^ ;r^^1 ^^, regular, methodic cal, neat, tidy; with t^, ad. regularly, neatly. '^f^^, a. ^'^sf, :«^i, 5j^^ filled, replete, complete, full. «fRC^^^, s. c^JX SfT, CSl^l^ Qf^, a surrounding or encircling. 'sff^sn^, s. cm]i|'s^f^ noon. *ffertc7, 5. •5r^ cn^ fe^HI ^#, a family and relatives. '^Uml^f s. 5ft^ ^;gn, £lr£^'5, the payment of a debt, retaliation &c, -s^R^^, a. fim, f^%, ^^, -s^ff^^f^, clean, pure, neat; 5. purity &,c. -s^^f^l?, a. f^l ^^1, :^^ ^1 f^sfc^T ^^1, cm1%T, cleansed, purified. «r«r 339 vff^^si, s. ;r'4r, C^. SfT^, toil, exertion, labor, efTort. vff^^fir, a. Tf-ar ^if^, laborious, painstaking, industrious. <^^^T^, «• ^"^T C'sfT'sn, JT'I, ^T^R: c^^l, wearied, fatigued, tired. *Tf^^Cl> '^^ ^^"Ij fjlTT^ ^TI, left, deserted, abandoned. <1'fef^, r. viifc, ^rf^, to abandon, to leave. '5f;5;-5jl, 5. f^f^^l, ^^ f^^ RC^^, an emtnel, an ant. vf^^it c*fmi, *. ^ c^*^ ^f^ *f r^ ^R <^^, ^^ ^ c^cTt^, wandering about, losing the way, perplexity. ^"C?^, 5. t^lfo ^T^, 4*f^, f5R ^.-Sl ^1 fff^^ 5TR ^sr^ 4^«f, the fourth part of a day or night. •fC^55in, a. ^^^ C^^sn, pertaining lo the above. «fcrr<1^r^, s. c*il*< ^^f^^. assistance given lo others. ♦fC^^f^rf^, a. vf^^ ^<^^fT^ ^rfrsi, helpful to others, useful. •JT, #. ^358, -K^^, f'sf^ f^C^IT, tff^r^ ••TTJ, a festival, a feast, a chapter, a section. 3, s. f?f.^, ^n?^ fJWru^ 6< ^1%, a mountain. *t^fOT» fi- *nrT5 ^W, of or from a mountain; 5. a roountainer. •pfpr, 5. SprPI» "snc^n^ ^r^ vuft ^TR ttt^ vr^, a temporary residence away from home, a lodging. •K'T, ) s. C5r«n, ^i ^TC5C^ JI^I, the act of touching, feeling ^">)^, ^ or handling j a. touched, felt ^fj-, V, vpT ^fr, 5?, to touch, to feel, to handle. *i-^t, *. see ^R.'i^, "TO, 5- (^ ^;?f, soft mud, the soft sappy part of wood. <>fcT^1, a. f^, an animal. '5l"^'5i"f5, s. f^\^, f^T^^ *i)^ ^TU, a lion, an epithet of Hi wo. <^^, s. f/rf^, £j^T7T. ?fri^, ligbt, illumination, knowledge. -J^^^l, a. SR3 ^vl^l, ^ C^'^1, ^rr^^l, -5^^ fw C^Hlt ^R ^^1, to chew the cud, to ruminate. '^]'W^^h S' f^^l ^^H ^t'Sf "5^1, fsi^it ^^1 75;§?1, building air cas- tles, indulging in vain speculations, suspecting, scheming. •5^1^^, V. ^^rc^ "^11%, C5T«1 srrR, to imagine, to fdncy, to plan. fi^'s^?r^, ^. ^^ ^[151 *fC^^, a queen consort. ttl^fcT, ) s. c^^rwi ^ifini f^?n ^ifs, « broad hem in the bottom ^T ^f^, * of a garment. vflfe, *. 'dl^i^ fe^^, ^»TT3 *[?! PiT?^ Flf^, a kind of fine mat. *fTf§5Tl, *• *flt5 finn ^rPR f^3T, a sitting mat "Klf^l^, s. *f;ft JW1 faj^i, grass of which the above is made. ^fec^*ii1, s. ^sfz>i ^, a species of tree. vfT^^, 5. fj^T^, %*fin, an illustration, an example, a comparison. *ftC^^ft, 5. C5C^I%^ ftjRr:^ 9\9fSy a collector of revenue. *frc^r^ «f?1, *. cciln^7, *. PTc^, a flint. ! ^ | ^TifTTl fi^ f^rcw, a precious stone, an emerald. <^f^, s, «f?T, %Trv, water. *f:f^«T^f^, 8. ifltTW ♦ftf^ «W 5^rt, a species of fish bird. <^T^i5!3n, a. rTf^*r51, a. C^y«n, ^fj »!ip C^?r?T «T41, infantile, tender. -s^Tt^C-tTm, ^. f*f^Tt^ ^rt%, MC^ ^rrf^ vf^ ^it, the ground under the eaves where the water falls. •s^flftri^feT, 5. *nfi^ vil ST^, intermittent fever. -sfTfT^;^, *. ^fe ^snn, ^» the act of turning or coming back; proceeded *by SR, repentance, reformation. ^ft^T^j V. "JT^f^, SC^Tirf^i «C?Tr^I^, to turn another person about; preceeded by SR, to reform. -^fr?^, I', ^v^, ^•jfi, ^f^, to turn, to return. f V[]-5 ^V «rr«T, a kind of large fishing net. 348 f^ ^^"^tt^", a. ^H '^^^i ^c^ ^tc?, f^T^, scattered about. «tt^C5Ic=i1, s. -sft^ csm), ^clt^ ^1, the opening of a flower. <^^-^^, s. ST^^ ^©cTI, C^T?[^^ ^^ ^5^f^, water covered with vegetation. f*ff3I 349' fVf^, a. TTzf^C^ C*TCC, fine like flour, mealy. f<^r*t^, 5. ^C3T^ f?>f ^^T^ ^ffl fvf^, cakes and sweetmeats. f*f©, s. ?^fe, sr:^ 5|aiQ, s. ^»^1, TIC*!^"? TTC^f^s, a paternal grandfather. f«^Tfsiri[, s. TTC^f^f STT^, ^fTsn^, a paternal grandmother. f^f^, 5. eee fifTl, a father. f^f^Rsrf, J. ^nvf ^TI?f 5F^, funeral rites for deceased ancestors. fs^f:55R, s. t*ff^ Sf^, ^TCPns^ ^'Mfs, ancestral properly. f the abode of departed spirits. fs^f^f^, s. ^TC^

ire. f5^?ft, s. fstc^, 5^^ ^Mtt^, the eyelid. f«T^1, J. ty; a. thin, applied only to textnre. f^lfVc^rsn, *. ^^'^ 'srrf^f Jl ^tl'S ^C^tPsri'^ JfC^ «=i?n, crawling or moving lightly, (as an insect.) fvfTffVff?'.^!, f' ^ ^r?fi»?I1, ^f^?n Jif®?!, slender, slim. f«Tfs^^ Z^, s. Cr^5)>, a. festr^^, C-Ki^ ^3n> ■«rf>r^ C^l^, numeroujr, in great numbers. f*t3fT5, J. WSt <:£f5 ^^fw", a demon, a fiend, an imp. f*f^Tr5, 5. ^^f^, Cf C«TT^, warming or causing to warm by the fire. *f\, srsi, ^J5^, '^t C?n^ ^\Tw^ ^H^y * particle used in comp, denoting man, male, masculine. -pf^vf^Hf, s. fijiTi-^ f^^/TX:^?^^ ^-i *i^J^ r.5^ ^, the penis^ in gram, the masculine gender. "^''^^fe ^. *i^^rrfi=T ^, *t5^^^ 'Tf^, virility. n®, s. iir^^, a species of small fish. «J3, s. see n3i, ^tri; ^^^ ^fk c^t^i, srtf^t;^ i?if% c^T^i, t^U ^^, buried, interred. ^^^C-ftTt^, \ fi' ^X.l'^"'^ ^^ 9ftm '^t\ *^C^r^^, «^^1, ^^^, a son. ^ist, 6'. C5L'^K ^1 tr^st cTt-^^^ STT^, affectionate language used in fondling or caressing. 'Ipil'^Tl, s. 51^51 ^II, ^^^^ ^"^1, showing affection or respect. ''^, s. see ^LT^t a son. ^C*iWf^, «. '^C'S^ ^Tn;^^ "srtfff, posterity, descendents. ^R, 5. fsi, ^r^, ^^71, CSmTfc^T, a daughter. ^"^T^, s. ^^T<>, ^TCCi^^ ^TC'5^^ ^csf^j, a grandfather, ( Ahom. ) '^R, s. 3Ti^, f^Tt*f, i!"^, a book, a sh aster. ^^^^r^, ^. C^T^^TT^tT^ f??% ^^"Wo^ C^^sn, a second mar- riage j rt, marriageable. M^^Ts;, s. -s?!^ ^1^ ^^, ir^^ '^\ ^, the resurrection. ^[^2, ( cid. '5^*T^t5, ^^l"^, ^t^€, ^^^t^, again, repeatedly. ^;^1 353 ^ second time, again, *1"^%, ■ repeatedly. '^5^1%', 9' *ir^r^ cuT^ll, ^^r^ srrs src^rrsr, repetition, tautology, vf^rsf^, *. ^f3?r Sf^, ^5^ ^?W, a secoiwl birth, regeneration. *f^?^, *. ^"^rj^r RC^5^, the seventh lunar aster isnj, *ff^, 5. «fTf^ t^ ««ftTf ^r^ ^^ fe^ a species of aquatic plant. ^^C^^'t^l, 5. ^^rai ^^ vilfz^, a species of medicinal plant. -K^, 5. *f^, ^f^, 'W ^s^, religious merit. ' ^^i^t i, s. *i^ ^^Jf ^rftlJl, one who performs meritorious actions, one who sanctifies or makes righteous. *f^TJ^f^, 5. f$^ ^t^, a sacred place or place of pilgrimage. *TOir^i I «• >f?f^, TTif* *TO vfFI ^1 ^FT!, righteous, having re«. ♦f^^T^, y ligious merit. vf^, a. «T1, 5M5f*1in, 1^, T^^^i f'^fV, ^5R, full, plump, fleshy, fulfilled, come to pass; s. a town, a city. *f^, \ a. X'^f^TS, ^nr, ^*^rtl51 C^rc^fn, mature, complete, ripe. ♦f^^, 5. ^s^ fzfif ^^1 5r;R1,*f ^ ^R1, multiplication, the act of filling, -sf^f^, a. ^W^ fiff^nn, vf^i^f^vi, old, ancient. vf^fsTSTRf^. fl- ^f5 <^R, very old, (applied mostly to grain. ) *n^^l. s- ^. Indra, also the name of the last king of Assam. *^T«1"^^*C^, ad. Ti'i^Tl ^fir^ C^lC^r^srr^?^ vnt^ TTC^, without hin- drance or difficulty. T^, plentiful, abundant, overflowing. 45 354 '^ '"if^, w. WT^ ^f^, 1, s. ^'^tj^ f^CJPT* the twentieth stellar niansion. -si^^IT^, s. ^:5r c^5n, *t'^l C^^ri, the morning or early part of the day. -^C^', ad. ^rc^,-^rcsf:?r,'«rififC5, grvr^ICS, formerly, anciently, at first. 144 V^. the jjollen of flowers. ^f^jfs, fl. 5^ C?r«n, ft^l^fs, menstruous. ^fC'P^rs^J, »■ c^l^lt^ csmfs; f^J?!, the ceremony performed on reaching maidenhood. <^7gi, s. ^ a. C^Ti^l RC^^, ^c^-s^t^ C^Tf^!^ C^T^I, halt, lame, C-sf^^l, * crippled. C-s^r^T^, 5. C-^rt^t^ ^^1 f%i%, a lame woman. C^^r^f?i?T^, i\ ^Tsxi ^1%, R-Ml ^1 C-^fi^ ^ff , to mock, to deride. C^^cTTC^^^f^, 5-. 'Pf?,7Frc^ ;^i5l ^?ilt, mutually mocking or deriding. C«t^, ^. ^^, ^ 5R, ^rJT5", the belly, the abdomen ; Jig. the mind, the secret feelings. C9f^^iaiiXR, s. C-s^f^ f^JT, a griping pain in the bowels. C's^^<^^f^5r!, ) a. C^'^H ^C^^ ^'41 ^tf< C«rr^, ^^tiiTl, hypo- <:*f^C^5^f^?r!, * critical, insincere, holding a grudge. C^^9fmR, > s. C^^^ 71^, C^TC^I^R, a rumbling of the bowels. C^^Z'^W, s. m<^ Stn5^*=^ ^^' working for m'ere subsistence. C-s^^C^^I, s. C^^ 5=?T1, a purging of the bowels. C'S'f^, a. C^ ^^, cf^] ^1 ^^^Ti; C^C-s^^l C^t^l, having a belly, flattened by pressure. C-st^^t^, ) «• CTFC^^l C^t^, C^^l ClSrr^, crushed, jammed. C^f^ilJR, ^. C^W ^tilR cn^ ^^1 ^f^, a girth, a belly band. C*t^Tl%, s. rf^r ;^'sfl 1%C5pTj a kind of clothes basket. C^^T^, a. ^^ C^^ ^W], C^C^c^l, corpulent, pot-bellied. C^, s. 5115 ^Tlw^ ^TR ^1 ^3 the entrails. C^fWl, a. see C^^tc?, corpulent. C^i^f^, a. cf^ vSt^'^ fsft", C-jfC^J^, ^j'^'r, fam. of the above. C*fC^^, a. C^-s^^l, cs^^ «CcTT^, crushed, jammed, flattened. C§ ^rr> c^r^ ^r^3?r ^t 'frnr, ^f^?^ ^tt^ sfigc^c^*^, a box, a chest, the act. of grinding in a mill; a. ground. C^^T-drr^, s. srt^ C^\^n ^^ C^^^V, a chest bed on wheels. C^f^f V. ^caCT C5f*f, to express a fluid by grinding or pressing. C*1-^5^i^, 5. viif?-rtfb found, obtained; 5". an acquisition, the fourth part of a seer. CTT^r^. fid. vj'rs vfr3 c^r^;, .g^^ i^ifi, just about to reacii a place or obtain a desired object. C^roiV^, s. 57R t%C3T^, £f^r?T, coral. C'sft^rf^, a. ^l, 5. -JR^ 5^ ^ ^^5fT^ ^-if^ ^T$ 55^', C5T?, one who cuts the above, hence a thief. cnicTlC^^, ^. ^ife ^if^, ^^r^t, C<5T5TC^T^, niany bundles, an abundance, a large quantity. S60 ^^ C^^rrc^TTsfl, a. C«Tt^, Vi^ C^f% ^^?r^ f^^, C5T^?Ti%?1, erect, straigiii, tall, (applied to trees.) C<1"iC^.i ^ l'C8'PT^, ^ft^t, <^, ^# "^It]^, an inseparable preposition, expressing in- tensity or excellence; it is sometimes used in the sense of former, fore. ^^, a. ^fi:f, ^TS, '^'^i ^'^i ^ ^'^'■^» kind, method, manner. ^fgrr^T^^T, a. ^^ ^"s^, ^STP^ ^TS, of another sort, dissimilar, different. Si^T^, s. -K^^, T^, IC^^"!, C^^?T, light, lustre, a disclosure, a revelation, a manifestation ;^with ^R, to reveal, to publish. 2|^t5^, s. £:^-T7i ^cftSl, 1%1% ^C^Tl^, 2tl>l^^,' a [jublisher, an expounder. Stf^ 361 St^TR, 5. -pfTFtJT 5P^ ^.^^ 5i9n, ^^TPI^^ Clit^fj, worlhy of being Sf^PTJ, ) shown or revealed. St^m^-B^, aJ. 3f[^:9i[>ij ©^it^, ^Te^t^, openly, publicly. Sf^rPT, i^. «ir^^ ^r^-, ffirf% ^f^, -^f^T^ ^^, to shine, to show, to reveal, to publish abroad. £t^lfi"5, a. -^PT C^T^, «f^^ C^r^n, ^nsrnns, disclosed, revealed, published, proclaimed. StMpHf, 5. 9^TS, *ff¥f^, Jifg^, t%, original and unformed matter, accounted in the hindoo books as the passive or female principle from which the world arose; nature, dis{K)i)ition. Sl'^rjlT, a. 9^\ ^^1, ♦ff^, celebrated, renowned, famed. iij-^rn^f^, 5. CtrrsR, *f4ri«isr, washing or cleansing, expiation. ac^rj-K, *. cncsiT^l, casting forth, propelling. Sf^l, a. ^SirTOT, "^rflJ ^ ^ WT^W, terrible, violent, dreadful. *J5*8£r5T'*1^, «. ^? srftin, ^5rf% C5Wf^, excessive glory or eflulgence. tl5*J STSlf^, a. "«rf^ Uftma^ all glorious. asrs^nf, *. «yM9 ^*f, CifNtCVf ^ 9isn, a terrible visage or aspect. £j5f. CSTPRl, f^'sT, 5^ f5*f, the act of publishing, proclaim- ing or preaching; with 5^, the twinkling of an eye. ast^^, 9, OTPT^jp, f%5^ ^CTHSI, a proclaimer, a preacher. Sjy^, a. ^STC^^, Z^t ^^f^^y much, plentiful, abundant. ^¥f^5, a. ztt9 »f«T ^, ♦f^l^ enkindled, blazing, public. £j®i, *. ■^sn^^f^c Tt^> ^t^rr, cmv ^^jj, ^if^pnfT ■' <"''joct, a dependent, a people, offspring, progeny. ^5rr«t!%, »• ^TS^, 7[9), Brahma considered as the sire of all, a king, a sovereign. sr®T*rT^r^, *. "^iniBT^ ^?Trs*3l ^n ♦rrcwnsi, ^»1, a king, a sovereign. gtTT^f, s. «rsT5, 5r%n, splendor, dignity, glory, majesty. 2I3Tf*f, a. cmT^, srf^ff^, sound, *lt% il^ ;gW, each one, every one. £jt%1%, s. fTT^T^^, ^iU^, ^^-s^ SRI, faith, evidence, belief. £tf^i^j 5'. ^1^^ 5I^f^ WR, pay, reward, recompense. £lftm, ad fwc^ fwc^, t^^, f^rS f^I, f^C^\ daily, every day. afi;5d^, s. 7R^^ -sft^^ TT^ ^1, ^j7( %^, an echo, a reverberation. £lt%f^^, s. Jf^IM, ^:if 1%, "^oRj^ ^^^f^^^, a representative, a sub- stitute, a deputy, a proxy. £jf^9f^, \ s. fzf^ 1%C^^, ^g^?[T^ *W f?R, the first day of the £t1%*1¥, ' moon's increase or wane. Stf^^i\v\, s. C^Tt^^flcT^, cherishing or providing. tift'^]^^, s. C's^T^'^rm ^rcfli;i, C^iKiVl^ a protector, a guardian. gfft^fff, 5. 7\'^Z ^?T ^ ?Jt^, <^f%^t^, C^fT^ (T^terl, retribution, retaliation, revenge, reward; with fw, to punish, to reward. gltf^^, X s. ^^, JTmi^, Pi5fT^, 3^f^yr^, an answer, a reply. £tt%^TRr, s. f^?rtW^ ^Z'^f litigation, an answer to a charge. Sift<\iw, s. 'PtFRT^, ^1 ^T^ fpf-jTl ©^, a defendent, a respondent. Srfi;^^, s. F^?1, vSF^ "^rfel T! ^nTtf^, a. 'pff^sn'R, -s^^TR ':«fT5l!, ^^«1", substantiated, having proof, founded on evidence. ^sr^rti;, ad. ^^ ZV^ Hj^ ^Wf orally, by word of mouth. ^IXsrtTf, s. ^7(5^, ^7f, ^t^c^it^, joy, delight, rapture. *f?rt9r, 5. 1%9r f%C3T^» a place of pilgrimage at the junction of two or more sacred rivers, as of the Jumuna and Ganges. «f?rt^, s. ;§f3;R, 5^, TF-^r, ^F1, exertion, diligence, labour,"earnest desire. *^^» a. ^fsi, ^"iT^f^, ^t^if^, laborious, diligent. *1t?t^Jr, a. -sit^aFo-^. Ji<>!i!, ^sfl, need, necessity, use. <^Cr?r, a stone, a rock. " St^iTS, ) 4. *fJT5F, f^T^, ^f^, a sniiiprt, .1 topic of conversation, ♦:l^T?, ^ an occasion, an op|)ortunit\ St^Tf^, a. Tpf^, C9l<8il, ♦f^isr ?P^]. related, mentioned, told. sa^Wlt fl. ^''JS, fyf?r, *llfell, prepared, ready, prompt. gn[, a. *f«nf^ CWT<, 7^, C*Tr5i, wiii^1,^^l, 5^-1:5^ c§iT^1, the relinquishing of life, death. £fT^TWT3, s. «^t^ 51^, capital punishment. £ft3RT<«t, s. *i^, ^ns, ^tfir, iit. lord of my life; a husband, an ex- pression of endearment. Sn^^f^, 5.1 ^T^ fe^fl, -H"!^ ^TC^ 5rrc^ '^^^ ^n, hazardinor life OQ an undertaking, puting forth the greatest effort. StR^n?^, s. *if f^ ^Tf^<5 f^3 1%?n, the pretended endowing of an idol with life. ^2fT^rf*f?, a. ^m^ 3TST c^^ -s^rtg, tMR, ^T?fJT, fsT^f^, ^tU^, a prayer, a request, a peti- tion, a supplication, worship. '^t^J^I^?, a. fe^^T ^K^ ^?n, ^T5fs{1 T^^U C^i^y worthy or prop- «^ «»t) er to be asked for. £ttf«f, t^. -s^^l ^f^, to pray, to make supplication, to worship. t^ 3G7 £rrlV5» «• ^\^^ ^P^l. r.M\i^>, fWc-^frS, nskcd for, sdicitnd, prayed for. fStf%, *• f^ff^fj, C^, ^r^, <:*JI, 'ovc, airection, regard. ftt^^, a. C^C^^. fer, ^T^ ^^» separatfi, divided. fSf^^r?", V. C^CSn^rit, '^n^I^, to separate. rsff%r^, 5. BCcir^, ^•i^, ^T the earth, the worfd. fe«r, 5. ^T^ 'SS^ ^S»r^ ^T5I, an ancient kirtg celebrated as hii-v inn- ffrst trtuijht men to cultivate ihe earth. f2teech. fsnrTSTT's^, ^. sr^CTTC^ ^^ ^t31 ^?rT^> aglreeablo conversation. C£f^, *. srn, f*f^l5 f?rc3W, a ghost, a spectre, an apparition, a gobfiir. Ct^S^, s. 5RrTT JPT ^^rfi^, ^T1» ?nn ^Wtl^, ceremonies for the deaJ intended to deliver them from evil spirits. C^^l%^ '• '^^l^t ^^ ^nir?" vf r? C^r«t ^1^, the ri^cr of Ilel^^ or the hindoo styx. C*fivff^, *. W5J Tin, wrrrw» Jom the fabled regent of death. CgfTt^TT, a. CSTST ifCT, «15l" f^ftsH, 5^*T, gbaslly, hideous. C£f^, #. C5C^, JTTST, f*ff%, love, tenderness, affection. W^, J. C*nr< «fft[, JR^r? TV?. the bond of affection. C£f?rTf?r, *. Hf^T «r?, Wfn CK^, the flame of love. C2f^T>r5=", a. C*fT5 Tf^ C^Hsn, affectionately attached or devoted to** C*rlf5^, a. Ji^C9iTJJ «R1, *f^^5t3T, o|»en. publishetl. ^f-^Tj, 5. «,7r sr5, 3Tf^ fif "^f^^t, to 5plit into strips. ^f^S'531, s. ^^ 7\-^t^ f^^rSj ^Vi the act of splitting into strips. :?P^J?i%-. ^T^ snsf? i??;^i, a twitching of the muscles. ^['i*, a. TfVfT^, C^>f M4 5fT, 5. srr^ 'TmRT^ ''SrT'^I^ ^Tf^ CTPSIl TW irrf&, land not subject to inundation. ^^:t, V. C5C5«T^, ^5J*1* C^TT'^f^ ^C, to ft^el a smarting, twing- ing or burning sensation. J3n3«c^T^i, 5. Will n cyciTc^rsr, ^m^r c^n^fsr >f^, a twinging dtc. ^sf ^, 5. lff?T inf^ I'frs'TI srrfr, a stick or club tiirown Irom thf li^iwl TIRI lt^3i*, s. TFsJ^ srn, pelting with clubs or sticks. iPirfSTrtt, V. TPTt^^ mf^, VUT Tf?nnt, to pelt as abov ^?I, r ^57r ^i&, ^^, flfl^ri, SR, fruit, produce, gam, profit, reward, consequence, result; with Yfk, to bear fruit, to produce. TP?nf, J a. i^<^(?, ^TTf Ti^fen, open, unshaded. ^ff^iriTT^, fl. ^5T tH^s Tl, fruitful, profitable. 'Wr^f^, a. 9\^ ^STl, ^^r^T, productive, advantageous. ^P^?.^f ) « ^f^ 5fT, C^^ ^^, bearing fruit. comijound letter; a. split, cracked, cleft, torn. ^«iirc>R ^f^, loss or gain, failure or success, advantigu or disadvantage. 'jreifTf^, s. stf^ ^rftf ■C"9^SW ^Tl, vegetable diet. 47 370 ^tfV 5?t%, s. m^ 9ff^c^ f^-^n ^to "Kt^, c7Tts[rf^^ ^;^i ^ sit^, f^cn^, a blackboard, a slate. ^f?i^1, s. ^^1, f^tf^^ ^C^l^% -f3T]lf C^t^1, ^, splitting or tearing into strips, the coining to pass ; a. split, happened. ^j%T^. a. C^tOrl^^ CI5^ C^Ci^T^I C^f. ^Tl%. ^t^ ^r^ ^i^» W^ ^^* ^0 ^p^'^ "'^^ ^^"P^' ^^ bring to pass. 5pC5Tt^1, s. W\^ 5J5T5T ^C^T^i, splitting or causing to be split. 5pcT5r5^«, s. ^iY^1. ^«^> Cfh^ ^^5 the holi festival, fakua. ^P^jj^fiiDy a. TT!^ CW^t ^P^.fel, soft, mealy. ^615^T«5, s. 5TM ^srrfJR C^KtSTO 37^, a hissing sound. ^f^, s. ^3 ^tf? ^5iT^ C^^n^l \FT^ ^1 csrt^, a sheath, a scabbard. ^T^f^, s. ^Tf^, 15^, ^« CUW, an illusion, fraud, imposition, de- ceit, a trick. T?l1%, 5. f^r^ ^ CSt^ ^tf^fT ^^, ^«?, a couplet or verse in poetry, imposition, deception, trickery. ^T^^l, s. see ^^jtu^C- ^T^, s. ^i^ ^ dt^R: "fet^ 5^1?: 1%C5i3Fl, a kind of police station of the -Assam king. ^T^ 51^, a. z^ effaced, hidden, without sign or trace. ^i?K^<5i:c?, s. 5l%?M, ^^ f^CSftfsi^ 5It^ fe^W, a watch or policeman connected with the above. ^H?, 5. ^^ Fic^ f^ 4 C^5T ?f^rt gft^ tfi ?P^, death by hanging. ^T^C^Jjin, s. ^f)t^'l'^, ^P^^llei, a prison. ^."^TOi^r, s. <:f^?l^t iFf'^^s^ C^'sn cm^, a prisoner. Vi\^, V. Tjrr^ CSlf^T, ^^t^ tw, xyrfe fsf^, to crack, to splii, to rive. ^ifsin, i' ^*f 'CI^TI^ f%C»W, «rT8^PI^ ^ ^^ ^f^ ^^, haughti- ness, self conceit. TFI^, 5. ^r^Z f^m M8^ ^1 ^^ ITS^. a kind of sandal. ^TJ^FPT, a. ^^ ^, ^m «t»T, Cftrt C^ltt, scattered, di.sperjed. Tjsr^^, s. vuf^ 5lf^ JTC^rml ♦mr, the globe or shade of a lamp. Tf\^, 5. cMK^m iff^, wi^ '«nfir ^i «3^, srT5 'snfw^ c=r^. 5?t, ^fif, snare, a trap, the tail of a fish, the bushy pan of the a tail of animals. 55]*i»f^, s. ^9TO?tf W^ BtJf, the lower part of the leg. ^rf^, *. ^^71 f^1w5 VP«t Vfnre*^, «^j^, an elepliam trapper; o. to swell, to bulge out, to inflate. $1, a. srrcif srrc^ ^j^-^f ^?r*f 5?^, Rf^f^Tn fj% well worn, torn here and there, smiles. the exchanging of miitu.il glances and smiles. f^pTTf^, s. see ^Tfi;^1. TV-*=vfT^, V. ^IWl^^, ^^]^, to swell, to inflate, to bulge out. f^j%^C^, ad. frji^l^^ ;5l"^, ^^ r.TH^C^, quickly, at once, (appli- ed to the rising of anger.) f?isf^5?f^, s. Wf^'^f^, ^5rf|^.^% a spark of fire. fef^f^, s. ^^0^1-51^ n ^TCSlf^^T^ t^^Tf® Cc=!T^, a foreigner, appli- ed in Assam to Europeans. 1%rwVT?, w. Um ^rr, ^%ffrt, ftTTJI Vf^r, to pierce, to open ; preced- ed by ^J15, to speak out distinctly. ^^\^J, a. C7&:^rc^T5, ^:3T^ ^^. divided into several pulps. .]^^, ». f^rlj ^1 fz9] «9rT?, TP5! ^srTf% VVfvi t?, ?5VPT t?[, to burst, to open, to expand, to become generally known. ^'^••rr^f^, 5. i^w\ •>n^i^, FCI ^\'^% simple ley or alkaline salt used as salt in seasoning food. ^f^?ir5, ». c«T^ ^fiT?!:^, to take out the palp of froit. ^^^, *. fz^i fif51, piercing, bursting; a. pierced, bored, burst. ??>5i,t, V. ftfl fif, ^t f^ ^^W ^nif^^ ihecausitive of^^T^. ^$^, 5. si),^5f 7\^ srs, ^j^^ ^r^, a flowering shrub; a. spotted. ^?^'^i^» ) ^' ^^1 ^^1 "51:^5? ^"^ «t^, ^TRl ^^l^nn, of various 7?7^;<3;^f%, / colours, variegated. 48 374 5pfT^ 515^1%^, a. ^Wl C^rsil, ^^^ ^^1, spotted. a washer or head of a rivet, a weevil or small insect destrac- tive to grain. T^^, s. -s^ WW%■^^ Ct[^, ^? C^iff, giddiness, vertigo. ^^1, s. ^^^ ^^1, ^r^ ^^1, the act of walking, going. ?p'^fl', V. TT^rt", ^^15", to turn, to lead about; preceded by i^Ti; to stroke or make passes with the hand. 5pf^, I V. o-ftfTSf ^Tf^", ^^T^ ^R, I1, OFiT], the hood of a serpent. C5jr^:3rfn, ». ^Z''^ ^?n CJT^I, ^C*f '•rearer ^^^ irn the expanding of the abore. TT?^, a. SR^^ ^TTjfeT *f ^T C^^, (M-^trTi C^r\^ ^Tf?f ^ ^^^ CZ'^ ^ C"5r5i equality, affectation, show of pride, a haughty air, the width of a garment at the bottom. C^^^T^, s. 7j[3^f?r £f^rT C5 in K?n, C^I^ Sl^, the putting forth of new foliage. C^F^-fflSi, 5. sr^>f mR 3frr ^? C-^rSi', C^s^ 'f, the Ferua, see c «• I^Wl ^^1, 5Tlli C^.C-sTTe^', spongy, soft ami porotts, C^p^t'pf.fs?, ) hollow. ar^K'^\^% «• 1%fU^^l, CSTu^I^il, C^T^l, hollow, spongj, porous. <:^T^, ) s. ^^ ^^ <^y '^, a pimple, a blotch. C^f^f^, V. C^r5tC5Ti%, *^ ^^ "^r^ t^, to break out in prmpfes or blotches. C$:^, s. ^Ti^ ^TfW" C^^n^ ^8I:e^t^ ^^, a sound of hissing or of hard breathing. (TpT^C^I^T^, v. C^T^ C^i5 ^r?:, ^TC^t *»f^lffe to make a hissing soond. C^IC^I^I, s. fkl^ ^;f?fT c^C^^ ^1 ^^, cto?: ^C^ ^^ 1^, an explosive sound (as of ignited gunpowder.) ^^T^ ^Vi ^T^, any low snapping sound as of a tight cord &.c. C^T^, 5. £fQfC5r ■i'-^nt CrTT^l Pi?f^ S^, sewing, stitching. •C^TC?T^M, 5. Cf^ H^ ^TfVvfi ^TC^C^ ^^1 ^^, a snorting, snuffing sound made by cattle. tcitSi, s. t^n^J 3^5];^, troops, ^oldiers, an army. ^^C^^^, a. R^5I, STR t^ C"§fT^, dry, powdered. •C^p'tc^^'l^C^, ad. f^-^1 9ff<^ WC'^ ^^T^^ iil^e flour, mealy. letter is pronounced like h in but; at the end of words it becomes ic, and is written with a mark underneath, thus ^ as PTI Hiwo, not Sih, or is changed into vg, ^^t^S, not sicubhab as in Bengali; s. the neck of an ox, the cord that connects the treadles with the upper part of a loom. ^, s. ^^, Tif^> ^^1 ^if^ ^9R, "^^5, expenditure, outlay, a wasting, diminution. ^C*^^ ^STcq-K K^, ^^f^, a dwarf, earnest money, a pledge. :?t^T^^, s. f^-^n ^^^ ^rg 1%?tc=T ^I9f ^rf^ ^5rc^*T 5f^ f^ ^T. JT7TT f^5.:51, ^3t^ ^'iV ?r6*^, weaving, braiding, bearing a load, the sowing of seed, a weaver, a sower. ^\f?f?n, ». ^T?T -^^il, ^^rrs CSrr^l 1% r.*l^l, the inserting a handle into the enA of a spear, chisel, or other instrumenl; hence, fi'^. enlarging, expatiating, exagL'erniing. Z\'^^, s. -iliz ?2^ ^srrf^ ^Ic?, ^1, the handle of a spear, ^° ^, s. c^rra, ^ypWt ^ir^t "it^f race, lineage, stock, family, a bamboo. ^'N^C5iT5^, t. ^T57[ fsT^T c^3:l 7^ ^r^, the manna of bamboos, an earthy concretion of a milk white color, found in the hollow of bamboos, and used by the natives in medicine. ;i\TTT?f?n, *• ^^n^ZSiT t^*«n, ♦ffV a geneafo^y, a pedigree. 7[\'7\, f. Tify, ^f^, a flute, a pipe, a fife, a whistle. ^'Nf5i>f^, s. "^^fi^^f^y lf:5"B, Krishnoo; lit. the flute player. ^^f^7> a. (.^\inPf ^^, lineal, relating to a family. ^fell, 5. ^fann, ♦f^rr^rr ^^ wrl^, a path through a rice field. ^W., a. C^fz^e ^ ^^^f forest ^nifs CsnCf I^, without fruit, barren, impotent. zJ^, 8. <^f^;^, ^ai ^f^-q ^c^m *fft" fwin jrr 7^, *f^ ^»§jr ^^ «T^ ^^, a reward, a gift, a dividing into shares. ^]^, r. ^:^ ^ff 'a^^f?', to divide, to apportion. ^1^0, X. qsiif ^^^1 ^•. ZT5 ^ rf^^ 7^ ^ f^I^ ^^, the inner part of the rat- tan or bamboo. ^^f^, s. ^^ ^'-tD C^^li ^«^^f^, CT^JC^^ff^, talkativeness, garrulity. ^^^7^7^^ V. c^^.^^lt, ^ ^iin t^s, ^?fr^, m^, f^, a lump, a flake, a clot. ^•sic^T^I'^rc^, «. -5^'^:'5^^, C^T-^T^ C^T, s. <^:j, Jifs 'Wf^, ^^T, a generation, descendants, a family. ^T?^, s. ^3f CtPl ^ TT^ cm^, Bengal, the country or people. ^iflfsT, 5. ^f T^ Clf»^T, a Bengali, relating to Bengal. ^^f?1, s. see ^r^F!. ^, *. ^fvf flR vflfw, TTCSIT^T^ C«n^, ibc Orris root ; an insect injurious to young betelnuts. Z'^, ff. 55^, ^T5rr, TH^ CKPP ^ *nf, a word, a dictum, a pas- sage in a sacred book or in a code of laws. Z^, s. T[^ uT?, ^^, 'll'S.S^* fW. a year. ^5^if if^, \ ad. ^fis ^C^, ZSfr Z^y yearly, year by year. ^^r^?l, \ a. Stft ^ cm(#t ^ CM4^^ C^psn ?1 vr^FI, annual, ^j%^f%?n, ' yearly. !"■ 5 yo ^f^, ^ flf/. ^5^ 57c?T, £tf3 ^K^, ^y^ ^^TC^, annually. ^f^?1, a. ^^^ CrI^I, ^5^ 3!J?t%?, of one year, relating to a year. viif^5f, srr^ ^sn^ ^^i, ^t^ c^l SJC^I^ sntft, producing ^^i^ferR, y young yearly. 382 ^ ^Ft^, V, TT^ ^^.^1^> ^^"^ C*^ ^"^^ ^"^"^"^^j causative of" :^Tf^. ^ ft^, a- ^^f^ C^l^^ ^^ residing in a forest; s. a hermit, an anchorite. 'TC^r^1, breaking cattle to plough. ^^^ts^, 3. C^^tX, a plant resembling the turmeric. ^^, f, \tm ^Y\W •ff^ ^T^vT^j%s^1, the pounding out of rice. ^tt, V. ^sr, ^f^ ^1%, 5fR l^^tt, Tftfsi, to roam, to wander about, to pound out rice, to build, to make, to construct. ^, s. ^t^fe C^Ij CrJ5, a cause, a reason. 7^\-^, \ s. anif^, ::^r^lf^, ^.tf, a merchant, a banker. ^rf^^t'r, V. ^u 5T9rr^, sTtu^ 5rTc;§^ tr c^ftc-sic^ ^i^c^rt^, ^K-w ^i\m <^f^ ^1 f^f^, to thin out (as grain,) to ripen or turn gray here and there. ^jlTC^nt^l, s. ^^^ Cc^t^., C5^5 C^t^, the making an excuse. ^^^, «. 7^ ^^1 IJ^, f, JT^I, a Inmp, a light. ?r^^, ^ J. CJT^I, aW^T^, salulalion, worship. ^^fk^, ci' Cn^ ^HR ?T5n, *^J, worthy of homage or worship. ^1%, s. C^Ttc^rsr, ifryr, fgn, a ^lave, a dependent: ^f^^^l, fl. ^5r?W ^'911, ^^^T ^^1, hotnid, imprisoned. ^i%C^^, s. c^trftsr ^if^, ^I^ ^tf^T, slaves, male and female. ^f^C^t"^, 5. C^?tT ?R1, CSfr?^"f5I 5. ^3^ CT^PP SIP^ ^*f ar^CTW ITBI 'iC'jT^, a vocatiye, ^^TiCifS, ^ a respectful address to a smalt boy. 7*J^, *• ''^^^^ C9]^s^^ sirs, a vocative expressing pity ^'X?! *1^5^> > °'' aflfection. ^xiCSlTsn, 5. viil^^f TT^ f$^?i^ 9ff%, a cannon ball, a bombshell. 7?^, I ^. ^^, fff5^ ^T^, age, a period of life. ^. } <^r*i"jil, I a. ^ir^C^ITsn, ^src^^ ^^ C^^, of age, mature, aged. 380 ^^ ^^, ^' \Ft^^, ^i%, Et^:"^, Cgi-^, W^^ ^tta't^, ^m oqf^Vf, great, eminent, first born; s. a bridegroom, a blessing, a boon granted by a deity; the Indian fi:,nree. ^^fe s. <^ ^C^ '^'5 "511 c^lf^ C§it^1 C^l?f, the scald head, a disease of the scalp. ■^^r^l, a. ^fl-pfc^ 7^'ii] C^r^% vS^f^^tW 51^, saucy, impertinent. ^^^-s^^, s. vFT^f^ 3j^4*l< ^T^f^ T5=R Rflj^l <5 ^iWJ *ilj%5f, a kind of large drum. ^^3, 5. "^i; c^'^rT^, fasting, a fast. ^^^5itf^, s. ^f^^ ^-^ ^rfg ^n^T, a species of plantain. ^1%, a. ^^f^ colored; relatiiijr to an order. ^^*fT3[, 5. ^5T7fsr ^itT^ Wr^ f^^^ ^.-^r^, ^r^^ -pf r^r, a title of honor bestowed in the days of the Assntn kings. ^^X!, s. ^^ ^lC*f^^ ?^R^^, the wife of a falher'a elder brother. 7l"4Jlfa^ frow, C^l^lfrr Wlfif Tf^ ^FTI C^TW, a wan- dering religious mendicant, an ascetic. ^ W^, 5. vfitTW 4 ^ lilW 5T^9T, a species of rice. ^TCBrnn, 5. HR 4!r«<^"?*1 ^nn> Ihe cleaning of paddy from the husk. ^Ttf?^, 5. vflfz>f ^r^f^ cmci^l'&ll ^\W^ 3n5, a species of fish. ^rfcT^^^, *. ^»rfV ^ ^llfw, a species of medicinal plant. '^V^, 5. ^1 STT^R. f^^^ ftinsir ^2'5r?, a boar, in hindoo mythol- ogy, the third incarnation of Vishnco in the form of a boar. ^r^, 5. ajf^pf ^fV fa^, a species of medicinal plant. ^r?-, 5. WK^ ^f^r, ^T^Ffr ^nft, f^ ;jl ^ ?^, ^^jR ti^, a pilf, a bolus, waste land ; u, lo acknowledge subjection loj «. subjugated, dependent. ^f^rrf^, *. ^T^i'^TT.'^, 5i^ ^5^ sirfif, fallow land, fand grown up a second time to jungle. ^f^, s. f?'^ ZJU15 ^W5 ^srrf? ffff^flr^ fir*r, ^ ^^, one of the hindoo mythological divisions of the earth; a year. ^^, s. ^51^ -pfTl *iTf RCiPf, an honorary title, given to various officers by the Assam Kings. ^^^, 5. S;5T^ ^f^?PT^, ^fk^^ ^, the Neptune of hindoo mythology j a species of tree. :^88 ^^ :^, *. ^TR fen C^U ^'^ ^TtW"^ "Ktft, a fringe of gold or silver to wliicii small bells are often suspended. VTC^l^L «• W^ ^1 fsT^ ^C^T^I, subjugated, on good terms. ^§f^_, s. ^^f^ ^^1, -sff^^jt^f ^Tl, abandonment, exclusion, exemp- tion, omission. ^1> ) ^^1% ^^1, TO^^^T ^Tl, ^5Tt^ ^n, polluted, unclean, "^fw^, S cast out, left, rejected. TrflT, «. 'ilR, ^T^ ^M, f^C^^ ^f%, to leave, to exclude, to except. ^l^R, «. viifjtri, 3=fKrT3, yi^5«i4 T»1 »i|«R, strong, powerful, mighty; s. a victim offered in sacrifice; the famous king /io/i, who was tricked out of his dominions by the brahmin or Dwarf Incarnation; v. to lengthen by pounding or forging. ^f^^?i, *. 3rf8T ^ c«TTv, *i*T^ yrsr isnfw ^ jn^;^, one who slays a victim offered in sacrifice. ^fjPisrf^Tr, ) the A horns a man who slays the victim with a club. ^' %ftll 511^5, ( in gram. ) the plural number. 7^ t^, a« ^CW4 St'Pl^, ^^ **f» of »»any kinds, various. 7^^Tf^, a. ^^rf^, »fT^t5» t9 «r5l, ^HCT^ ^f^l irrrfrsl, garrulous, loquacious; knowing many languages. T^IWI, \ «. "BTC^^ t^T^, ^fj ^T^r, 7W i^nr^» expensive, costly, 7^«^T, ' of great value. ^ $% (7. ^5IC^^ ^1414, ^T^ fw, of various shapes, multiform. "^^^y «• ft^<, "^TJ^^, much, many, abundant, broad, wide. ^^TPsn, 5. M^fCTT^, 5^ wrflr ^n'«m5 ilf^^, an imaginary evil water spirit. ^T^^Tlt, 5. ^f^l" ^M ^^1 ^t'5^ 'ilf%5:f» a species of water snake. :^tf%j s. ^^CTf^ ^^ 9 ^ST, C^PI <^^1j a remainder, a balance, de- ficiency, arrears. ^Tf%:T?n, a. ^lepf'Tl ^'9], '^^IW.J, having scales, husks &c. ^if^, ) V. 1^1%, ^rs ^nfiR '^t^i , V, ^if^ srif^, mp ••frt, cm^A ircr ^?r ^, to roil, to tumble, to turn over; with tj^hT, to wander from bouse to house; to frequently change situations. :^Tf«r, 5. '^j\ ^U^y ^r^fC? sn 51^1, ^inf, ^r^, a species of flower; a subterfuge, an artiflce to escape detection, a side. ^ifVrr^i,^ s. fsj^i ;r5i, c^n^^ srrs c*fc^isn. sn Jiifi ^i, evasion, ^Tfjnr^l, ) trickery, clearing one's self by implicating others. ■^rf^rVRl, s. ^tfaf 'l41, s. ^\t^ 7\]75 iiJi%?f, a thorny shrub, ( Pisonia Aculestia. ) '^■^TIF^I, s. it^ ^rs^ ^r^ ST^fC, a mode of punishment by striking with the palms of the hand joined together. '^tn^r^^l, s. iii]%^1, shut out, excluded, divulged. "^TlRl, s. c^t'[v[ f^\ ^ifR" ^1^, a musical instrument. ■^isr?:^, s. ^TR^ ^751, ^^^^1 ^tsr, out-door work. ^5j, 5. ^;^^ f^Jl, l^ l. ^. t^ ^iMTl, ^C^^-^m 55;r!, expectation, a looking or waiting for. ^^$Tf?f, V. C^^Wi ^Ptft'^, ^rf^ ^f^, to walk, to travel on foot. TT^^^l, 5. Z\l^ C^t'Sil C?TT^, <>f<^, a traveller, a passer by. ^^, f. fTTII ^^"^T^^ ^^1 '15C^T'51, ^T-s^f^, a concubine. Tf^ ^f&, 5. C^^ ^ a small clay ball for shooting from a bow. *f?PTt, ^rzt?T ^5^1 ^TT, ^nf, air, wind, flatulence; with C^T^f, rheumatism. Tt^TI, > *. 'Tfllf, ^in, ^, ^rmi, news, lo formation, intelligence. V1^51, a. C^r^T f^rft ft:.^*i, a kind of sweetmeat. rrf5, 5. 7f%, ^Tf?P, ^^TPP «ien ^f^, a lamp, a light, o candle; r. to mend, to repair. Vrs^, a. ^1^?1, ^^r3, ^f^fsn, mad, insane, foolish, crazy. ^41, 5. see ^1^, news. ^Wy s. ^^7^ Y.S\ fsi5T^ rf, an Assamew coin stamped by a maid servant. ^T^? \ s. ^f5^, ^I"©, a binding, a fastening, a lie. ^1^, ) J. ^, ^^ JlJrrwir sirs, t^fs^ ^^51, a friend, an ally, TF^T, S a relation. 7t^?Ftf^, ft- ^^T5T, PPfn^, 1^ ••n^ C^t^r^, tight, penurious, stingy. T-^^r^, .<. ^r^, ^"nf?', Sf^f^, a binding, a ligature, an incantation. ^TfsF* V. ^^ #, ^^R ^R, to bind, to fasten, to tie. ^r*f, 5. fvffj, C^*tl^, ^ ^rff 315^9^ 'jC'SiTiR, a father; a title given to scleral classes of pri(>sts. TT^f BI^, *. 5W^3r:^ srsi JTC^T^R, fatiiers and brethren, a term used in addressing a protni-^cuouH multitude. ^MHsJTK^r^, f' Z'iQ^9i^ H:^ ^rftr "^^fw ^f, hereditary property. ^T^, 5. Clfw. snx^C^ sni >iCTfT^. an affectionate ad 9. ^if^ finn m^, ^C<^, a father or as a father ; a word TTC^iC^, J U!*ed in threatening, meaning 1 will beat you as your fa- j tl»er did or without restraint; an ejaculation of surprise dtc. 717, s. f^^, <^"ir, C7U, ^^^, business, office, wages, a cause. 717^^, n, ^)s ^, a day of the week; a time or occasion; a partition in a house or boat; as two syllables it is the numeral twelve. ^U^l, s. C?r^ ^T^fT "ims 1^im^['%vil TTtf^ CS^I^I "51^ T"! ^1^, ^,7^, ^fl^ 'S'st^^ ^^ ?rr^j%, a nest, a temporary stopping place, a drove, a mul- titude, a brood, a litter, the shell of a nut. ^^^, s, f^l ^c^^ 9r5, ^tl ^S*i;i, a medicinal plant; a carrier- ?rm^, 5. ^ft ^^1 ¥3^, trn? c€t<:1 ^TT>, ^T^, a vehicle, a con. reyance, any means of transit. ^T^^^l, a. (.^'^ C-iTT^I, ^i^<: «^^3 ^1^ ^^fc=I C^t^, collected in a mass, enclosed in a shell or covering. ^t^^, 5. -^STl ^ C^rr^l't^ ^\^1j oTif^^t^r ^T1 ^^fel ^h. ^T^-iflfiir-C^I^l, ^. ^1^ ftf C<5T3:i, ^^>T^ t^ C^^l, ihe raising of the arm in soieniii asservation. ^IjTrr, 5. ^IT^ ^vT, *1"?r*^i^» ihe strength ofilie arm, mi«;hl, power. 7:^?f?=I, a. ^f^'Sl^y «1^i:^nT, strong, powerful, nnghty. nw^^y J. ^rri^f:r^ >8*R ^Tsr, ^T^ST ^rl*i, pain, distress, ache. f^C^rr^l, s. fe^T^I, 1%Cyi 5^-^% c^?(1 ^^1, paining, aching, distress. f^'^rj-nf, a. £intR, a. ^•JtTtfjr, ^f^ sj-if^ ignorant, senseless, foolish, deranged. ^!£^» ^' ^•^J ^^> ^^"^j W'^'', strife, coiilesl. 1%-5n, 5. ITTl^ H^t^ ^1 -s^T^srl^, J\7\ c^T5i, ^T^T^I, nearly half an acre ( in land measure. ) K"^n?i ) -^- '^Tfk, 5T-51, f^\^l, an impediment, a hindrance, injury, f^^l m, ) hurt, destruction, murder. f"^^^^"5^, s. Tf7%7^, ^r^ ?rTf^, abusive language. iTrfsrr^, s. ^5rr*tPr, f^-^IW, ^<^1^, an obstacle, an impediment, an obstruction, a hindrance, an oHcuce ; with ^f^, to offend j with ^"^t^, lo cause to offend. ■R^^fj^, a. ^irsr, >i=^, good, beauliful, f^^fsT, s. ^ f^Til S}t;;t, <7^7r, a fan. «^.^^» 1 a^. ^ ^5[, ^c^^ ^C^^, in scores, very many. f3"5^1, «. f^5f5 ^T1, T§J C^t^l, inquired after, sought. fr^^Tt, V. f^5TfT^, to cause to be sought. f^C^T^I, 5. R5T^ ^C'^nsil, the causing to be sought. f%5?f, a, ^15^5 ^^T^, ^ftsr, difficult, intricate, uucurrent. fk5], s. ^^ c^^fl c^r^ f^C^:^!, f^sf^C^ ZZ^^ t^C^^,^l»^t¥, <• ^>s?, to seek, to enquire, to investigate, to search for. f^r^, V. fzsf^^ ^1 tcT, to Ian. W53I, a. ^rsii, ij^^", ^C?r^ ^ WTffr «f^1, ^^ ^^?n, excellent, beautiful, variegated, handsome, spotted. f7r5^^:T, f. sec U^^X, f^fl, 5. f^^ft^, ^fV C5C^T^, utter astonishment, wonder. fe^^, a. fzirs, ^TTJ^, f^^m^, 5fTS1f C^T^I, surprised, elated, overjoyed, discomposed. f7«f, *. f^'X, >5, ?p^, ^tf&, V©?n, »eed, frnit, semen virile. fjrWT'Sf^in, J «. wns vU^l, C5C^C1, W^^l, fz^hil], n»ongrel, hastaril, fru^isn, i out of caste, base-born, hyhriU. f^lrf^I^, r. "•fwfe? f5$(%^lt, to itch, to tingle, to feel a crawl- ing sensation. frsw^l, o. T^ Jf^\ ^5s^ srn, without the power of procreation, impotent. f?»?lff^r5r, *. ^^^5?r ^^U Wi\fll fifV, the tenth day of Ahin or Kati, when the image of l)(x>rga is thrown into the river. f^«?T, «. CS^TTC^fT?!, f*f59t, C5flC^^, glutinous, viscid, slimy, slip- pery ; 5. viscidity, slime, gluten. t%5»T^, V. f^®5T t?[» to be slippery or slimy, to cxadc slime. f^^f%, n. ^fii (mK^TSV,, ^5nc«^T^ %^^TR ^JR^ 5i3^, f?^ F^, a pair of spectacles. "R^'SI, 5. R-^ftl, ^rf%, f^^-^'^i, vilification, abuse, calumny. fzHH, a. \5^ C^TC^r^, C^S '^^% C5ft^^ ^"^1, careless, unconscious, restless, disconcerted. fi^, in hindoo cosmogony the second of the infernal reorions. I%^3^^^. s. ■^^ ;§it|l!; Tf9f7(, a large species of vulture. fZ^'^, a. ^7T^^, C^l C'sT!"^, dissatisfied, displeased. |%C5T'5'R, n. '^^'^'^, ■^T^, ^ ^^, beautiful, excellent. f^\7i7(i, a. ^t:^ ^^^1, t%^R", ^W1, empty, stripped of every thing. f^ll, a, ^^, ^TF C^7c^', 7fF^1 C5:T^1, TTt, ?TJT^, learning, science, knowledge, art, profession. fwil^f, S' ^'^] ^Tl^, M^5^ ^Tm, a school, a college, a seminary. f^rtrjT?^, a. <^rrS3, f^^n -^"l ^Tfir «R ^jT^I, wbe, learned, Jiterary. f^FJtftjr, a. fzwn ^«r^, 5^, ignorant, unlearned. ft^p-pf, ^. t^^rft, f^'^1, ^1^7, f5^^, ridicule, mimicry, mockery. ft:H-.r5, a. ^®1 ^rtTnr CJI^ ^rr5T! Wr, rebellious, hostile, malicious. ftcjTt^, 5. ft^^n, C2t5:» rebellion, hostility, haired, spite. t%if, 5. £f^T^, r[J, ^m. BTM-, «T«, class, kind, sort. i^' ^'^U iirahina, God as the universal law-giver Providence. f^lff^^, . a. ^r^r^ gf^T?-, ^W fTTIf, f^ft>f, rarions, of different f?rf^vr, i kinds. f^'fR, ». fir^, ^T^l, asiTly W>f, 'wntsi. a statute, a law, a decree. f^-ff^, f^r^^ a law, a pre- cept, an ordinance, a formula; providence, fate, destiny, luck. ftr^src^S, I ad. f^rfif^ irc^, f^fi^^ ^C^f, according to precept or W^nrci;, * law. ft>f^a a. -^j c^lciO^I, :5ff^, ^51^ frow, ceremonially unclean, polluted, menstruous. a single stringed musical instrument. fz^t, . s. ^Vff^, fimf^, ^C^t C^fVP\f^, humble entreaty, sup- f^(T5, S plication. SJCWT^I, abortion, premature birth. 52 406 iTT^I f^f^, t. m ?Rrt TH^], Rvit^f, lamentation, wailing. f^;;[i=ii, ^ a. ^fj «T5^, ^It^, "^^^> superior, nice, fine^ excellent. perfect happiness, ecstasy, Miss. f^f^j^f^, V. t%rn%?nt, 7T5"f^?i c^rr^ ^^"^ c^rrsrt^ ^^, to go in and out in swarms; (applied mostly to worms and insects.) 1%^^, a. ^T^T, ^'s'T, ^^^^1, perished, destroyed, ruined, lost. ■p[^1, s. f%5T, ^TWJ >ilR"5f, C^C^T^Tt^, C^TTC^T^T^, the Indian lute; except, without, beside. •fZT^, V. 9p -Z^Xt ^ifM, t%c^M s. ^^T^, C^m ^^^ C^T^ ^ W^T^, t%€tC^ ifT^ *rtl?rtt, to cause to bore, to perforate, to pierce, to thin out grain as above. f^l 51^1, s. ^I^ siTI, Tis^l 51 fl, the closing up of an opening; a. closed, stopped up. I%f%, r. ^f^, f^^l f^, ^?l ^Tfir C^rnrr^, to bore, to perforate, to sting. f^C^r^l, a. f?^ fwrn, ^"^^1, f^^TC^ vri;^^ sr5 «ti3C?rr^l, perforated, thinned out, (as grain:) s. the causing to be thinned. f^ embarraMmcnt, an unexpected result or (iiflkiiliy. f^Sf, *. ^55. a Brahmin. f7r^9T, rt. orr^ ^>fT. ^«R«f^^, f^n»5!, fruitless, barren, useless. f5ra5C9T, o^i. fiffV C^rrc^T^sntJf, ^«r^^'»t^, fruitlessly, ineffectually. f^7r?5(, 5. f^TTf^, ^sn(, a dispute, a quarrel, wrangling, a broil. f^Tl^, a. W^jCf ft^Tf ^f1, quarrelsome, contentious, litigious. fr^i^, s. fj^n, a marriage, a wedding; with fir, to give in marriage; with vr<, to marry, fir^Tf^«» CL fz^ ^C^T«n, «ll«1. married, wedded. f^fTT^, a. ^r^l 2t^t?, ^^,^9 fZY, of different kinds, various, manifold. f^f^^, *. C^vff^ ^srrf^ ^ CVT^, incoherent talk. f^feri^, s c^-pff^ ^ ^rf^]^ ^ T^rf^, to talk incoherently, ( as in sleep or delirium.) f5j^f>r, a. tT^ C^^T^, f^^H\ ^CTT^l, f^^ ^f^ C5i^1, enquiring, discrim- inating, reflective, thoughtful, considerate. fe^y^rli *. ^r^T ^C*f f^5T^ ^^1, '31TC41I&»^I, discrimination, reflection. fkB% 9. T^fj, ^^ ^^J, RS»%, substance, property, wealth# power, dignity. 468 m "Rreif, a, C?C?nsr, ^^^, "^VS^, separate, apart, Temoved. sr^T^ ^C^ ^^ ^2i^1. sud(iea,or hasty flight or dispersion. ft^9f, 5. ^T^t, ^\Tf, a sub-division, a share, a lot, a part. 1%1%51^, s. c^^m ^51^, «J^^ ^^r?, ^5I|T5T?:, fornication, adultery &c. fef^Stf^, a. CTTTTJll^, rf'ss^, ?^, lecherous, adulterous, unchaste, lewd- f^i%'R, 5. cT??l t^-sf^ ?;sn, ^T?^ ^«T?:?5, Bibihon, the famous king ofCeylon, brother of Rawon; — mentioned in the Ramayan. ft^fr, s. JT'^f^, '^^ifj, wealth, power, majesty, glory. f^f^sr-R, a. C^R^T^, ^^f%, '^^J3^Tfc=T, rich, opulent, majestic, &c. ft^JR, *. ^^Rj ^^5 ^5l^T^ ^t^, decoration, ornament, jewels. f<^nH*» a. f«Tf% ^R ^f^ C^l^sn, ^f'T^j decorated, adorned. fi^5^, s. ^rl, ^1%^f^ C^^T^sr^l, sr^ sr^l, sad, downcast, perplexed. ftsi"R, 5. CFfTR ^^j a self-moving car or chariot of a god. t^^j^, a, ^Pif "^^^^j Si^^ C^TC^T^I, having the face averted; averse, unfavorable, ft^f^^, a, f^^rii^, ^5T9r5, WS C^C^T^I, unconscious, insensible, fallen into a swoon or trance. t%C^T5^, s. see Cirt^, ftcsrt^, a. ^T1^ -51^ C^C-s^I^, f^^^l^, f^\f^> without beginning or end, helpless, perplexed, involved in doubt or difficulty, ft^, \ 5. af^-^nfj ^nn, sr^r^, 'mt^C^^T^I, a reflected image, a 1%^ , ^ shadow, a bubble. f^lT^CF. a<^. "^ C7Z*ir, very swiftly. ftf^JTl, *. -s^TsrC t%C?r^5ri, 1%5T^, consideration, investigation, fef^, s. C^rr^nf^ 1^?1, £f^« ^^. parturition, birth. ferfr?, s. '^Zl.T? Z] f®4^ T?t 5n^<^isr, a. ^m C^rrcrmi, C^, ir'^r, bad, unwholesome, hurtful, unlike. f5r^?1, 5. f^^ m, f^^, poisoned. fzf7\^, a. ^1V, XX ^1»T, ^"9, ft^-^n^, excellent, eminent, superior. trajZ, 5. fin^ ^ifs »i^r^T»T, :»^\;ffTf58 fxix^t the equinox or the inter- section of the equator and the ecliptic. R^-J C^'^n, 5. fstffrf^?r l^rr Ci-^n, the equinoctial line. ftl^^, 5. CSPF, fs^, ^13[ ^^ f^>f,^V, a distinction, a difference, a peculiarity; a. peculiar, particular, excellent. f^^W^, nd. ^^t^, ^T^ ^fx^^i C9Wl^, especially, particularly IXL^^^T^lad. ^^-s^T, ^T^a^, truly, in reality. tTOi>R, ^. ^ 5rr5^ »I^, ^nn, aching, paining. f^^^, a. "^m^, T^T, ^^»s'«rj"!, abundant, ample, much, many. JTJ^T?, s. X"^, X]-^vu, 2^X, extension, width, breadth, a speaking out, a making public, spreading abroad. 412 f^^ t%^Tft, V, -^^n^, C5lfi?, Tr^?TT ^f^, to enlarge, to spread abroad. f^^^, s. ^T^f^lS, ^^'i; f%^ f^l, ^^n ^^^ 2f^!^ ^^1, the poison- ing a stream or pond for caiching fish. ?r^, 5. fel, f^!ft, SR, srT5^ C<^^ tirc3FiJT, the brea-t, the bosom; Jig. the mind. Z^^i, a. "^^T 'si'ffllR, T^'??fC^, breast-deep, up to llie breast. 7| C5T5n, 5. ^.?lsT?^t?f -5^41 f f^ ^UIXX C5\^^ ^f^>^> a 1^""»^J ot* jacket. ^^Trf^, 5. r^ C^-p?rrf, *. ^1^ ^j?;, iir^i;^^ ^jjj ^OT?, the planet Mercury, a sage of the Budhist sect; the ninth incarnation of Vishnoo. ^5e.ik indisfinctFy or in a low voice, to divulge imperfectly. ^^-^^1, s. ^^15 ^iTI C.v\K^ '^r\'^l75 C^i^T^t ^^1, the talking over a vague report secretly. Z^, s. CilTC^T^l, vS"^^, ^rf^^ ^^^ f.^iCsrmi, immersion, baptism, a submerging, dipping, plunging, diving. ^^PS, s. ^Ifl ^tf^'C ^T9f5 ^m?: tps^i:^, a history, a record. ^T f^RI ) s. -s^IR^ \5^ 1^ ca* curves or beuds. rf^^, a. C^Tpn ^C-trc?, wry-faced. rf5, s. cersiTt BfifT ^ifiT a J, vflf^K »*^ vnsi ftc^f^, cane, rattan. Cfsfi^, *. ^^^:^ C^3 iTsn ^t, a cane brake or thicket. cf^ C5T«n, *. ^1^ CSPII, ^^f«l «T«r!, ^r, s. fj^TT 9fi% T C^T^I C^l^f, ^?[>f^ » medical treatise. C^flf, a. ^^^ f^nn C5^1 f*t351^ ^5li, a needle for sewing. CZfsif^f s. C?^^ fri^rjl, ?r^ ®^ fsf^, a female physician, a midwife. C^C®^1, a. C^»C7fs5?i, C5r^l, flf^ cr^ir^ cn^ri, sharp, biting, cui- tinfif, pungent, irritatini: CTCST^TC^CSf^, 5. CTPC^^l C^C^i>, C^C^^ C»C9f^, crossness, snap- pishnesSj tartness. C7^, V. ;f tf^, ^T^ 5fTI fjfi", a female servant or slave, a handmaid. ryy, .-. ~j[ ^srrfpni ^f"^ ^*f(>, -^^ra^ 1551 f?[c3^, ?TT. ^ ^^f^ ^lflf,^^^fbir,'W^l*^*, on evil spirit; C^nf^s J (^a term of abu'se. ) C^rfr, 5. *ilf^?f ^^f^m ^I^, a species of wild bamb »o. C^Clf^y s. CZV^ C^'W] *f?tl, a braided rattan hoop for expressing oil. C^:"5f^C5lC7P5l1, *. •UC^ V^tC^ X^ t^ ^^, ■«I1^« :nnn ^^1» repeat- ing again and again. firm, unyielding, like the C7C"5f^, which see. C^Jiu 5. 5:^, C^C^^. ^rrf^ feJi^, an epithet of the sage Byah, which see. C^;iJr, S' ^T^F^^ ^if^ C^fr;^ 5^ ^51^, a supplementary portion of the Vedas treating of the sciences. r.^T^5t^, s. CZW^ ^15^^, the practice enjoined by the Vedas. (.Z^:^y s. s£i7P 3Fn3> snsT, c^ir ^^ t^^T nff^r, ^»'- the scope or substance of the Vedas, a treatise on the above. 413 CTPr^ c^^Tf%^, 5. c^Fi^^ «fn33, a follower of the Vedas. C^^, s. 1T33 ^ItT C%^t an altar, a mound, a platform. C^«fT^, s. c^^l, ^fegjj, t%^1 f^^l, trade, traffic, commerce. C^'^lf^y \ s, c^C^^"^, C^r^tf^,' Y^^f, a trader. C^^i>, ^. ?f^ ^ttt^ C5C"??^f^, the bleating or lowing of animals. C^^t, V. -5t^ ^Tl'if'il C^ C^ ^?Pft, C^C^fc^.?!'?', to bellow, to bleat. C^r;^, 5. C«f«^1, ^^ C^C^t^l, ^Sl^n, the act of bellowing, the loss of self possession. C^C^R^T^, a. ^t^^T^, "Sij^rT, ^T^l^arated, removed. C^?^nt^, *. ?Pi5I ^I»t fsfs, a profession, a trade, an occupation. C^?TI» *• f^fVjf^R, a rule, a statute, an established usage or custom* C^^^TT. s. '«rT5^, frft, custom, usage, practice, jniercourse, con- duct, general behaviour. C7^, *. ^R, ^15. 5^, dress, garb; with ifr^, to assume a guise, C^>rT. V a. BT6 ^fT, 5^ ^n, disguised; *. a disguise. C^^ni, s. ^f5, irufir, f^f^iMf? CJTT^, a harlot, a prostitute, a cour- tezan; a. adulterous, corrupt. tia4#<, 5. c^jgi ^f^, prostitution, whoredom, adultery. C an exclamation of surprise. C^<^ 7?^1, f. f*ff31 fiMI4[ ifCir crr^, coTered with risings or excrescences on the surface of the body. CTT^, s. ?r^^, 75^, ^«n, sins, a color, speech, a saying, an utterance. cam tWI, 5. TT^ P^srrsn 71 -^^^j cro^rpsn, ihe act of coloring dtc. C7:Tei^5J(, ) *. ^f^ ^*ff^, ^^ ^T^l, abuse, speech, conversa- Lt\m^ IT, ) tion. C7T5T1, a. c^^T^I, vilJT^ ^I^, said, spoken; s. a species of tree. crr^Tit, r. ^?( -5;^^, f^fK t^, to dye, to color, to do in excess. 54 422 2^ C^TC^^I, fl. ' "^T^ 5?C9fT3Tl, ^^ "ij^^l, ^^1, colored, dyed, increased. C^, 5. ^^^^^ t^f^il^, ^5T C^l^^ srr^^ ^C^T5R, an elder brother's wife. ci]-^, ) s. ?P5 ^TR^ '^\li CSTc^l ^t%i ^ ?i4»W, s. W^'^ ^Tl%^j f^'5^f^l5 si:£, ftf^Ts*^!, inversion^ contra- riety, deviation, variation. ^T?f-^^, *. see f^t^<[^, ^^ ^g. znfki ^- see f^, f^ 'BI^TIi the period of old age. f^rfX, 9. ^,^fVv t^ CITTWI, increase, growth, enlargement, extension, f^^, a. W^ ^3r7''V, ^C^^, a thousand millions, many. f7"*«Tl, f. f?^^ viJBRl fiK^m, ^^rf'I, the Basil plant, considered sacred by the hindood. fTfiitt^, *. I3P^ ^'® -58^1, adulterated, alloyed, ^^rf^l, rt. BCT«? 7f^]% broken to pieces; 5. broken pieces, a break, a rent. ^M'R, s. ^vil^ 71 ^r^sii^, a sister, whether older or younger. ^sRttI, a. 35T9f JiuT^y, relating to a portion. T5f?niT^, s. ^rf^, ^^PT, ?f i&lTT^, a sharer, a partner. ^r?R[^, 5. viJ^W l%i%»f TSn *pf, a king celebrated in hindoo mythology as having by austere devotions brought the river Ganges from heavtii. ^cm^. s, ^?f ^STi, ^C^r^, dividing or causing to be divided, ^if, a. see. ^sfl, ^^, s. ^911, 151, ^n, a breaking, an interruption, a defeat. ^9f]y s. ^if ?PTI» ••r^ ^5^J» breaking or expending; a. broken, e.xpended, ppent. ^J» it, r. ^Jf mit, ^iR ^^,if?; VT JWrt, ^«n fw $5^^, to cause to break, exchange or expend; to coax, to entice away. ^r*, J. STT^ BtW, ^S, gait, gesture, attitude. Slim, 5. fst^ «t?ir C5^, fl^^ C53, the close of a hymn or stnnza or of a musical strain. ^^1, s. ^TW C4f ^tf^ C«T^C^^ ^T^, a buzzing or humming sound. ^^5(T^, V. ^^Tt, C^Rj:^tmt, to buzz, to hum. t m^ 427 ^5^1, a. ?5^ ^5^, CTt«^1, composed, written, uttered. ^,^, s. ^R^ ^r^i% ^^1 ^m3[, ^(%, a younger sister; v. to com- pose, to utter. ^fJTC^T^i'?, .-?. srit'Rf srt^f "^f^^.^f f?fR^^, a woman's younger sister's husband. ^f^l, s. ^fSf ^^sn ^C"#TTf5 ^^, '^W ^T^^ C5W, the name of an author or composer. «n, s. fy^'^Tl, ^PTlj'pl, the act of thinking; a, thought of «&c. ^ r<*lJ A , a- ^T?r^ C^T^, ^51 ^sT?7, future; s. futurity, the future; in gram, the future tense. «,%5TTT7^1, *. 'CiWtsT ^^ 5T^ ^^ ^s'TIt a seer, a prophet. ^HTf, s. ^t n sii^^T fi( ^rf^ ?t c^r^, ^••rTsTfm, the second lunar mansion ; a filling up, the making up of a deficiency, damage or loss. ^^^f 5. f^f^^, 'P^, completely filled, brimful. ^T5r, s. cTI®, C^sC self possession, dignity, self respect. ^^, a- *^5 C^rsn, ^^r*1?1, fall, filled ; 5. a filling. ^^Tt, V. ^t"?, *t;5 ^TT^, ^"trr^rsl^r ^T^"^, *^^T^, to thrust into, to cause to fill, to cause to make up a loss or deficiency. 4-2S ^Tf ^f^, 5-. -s^, ^^^, ^"^tt, ^?: ^R, ^^f^ ^R, the foot; V. to put in, to fill, to make up a loss or deficiency. ^R -s^Rl, a. "^ C^T^1» ^'^^ C^T^l, ^^5r*fff^, c. TRT^ t^, «lSff ♦Ttt', to lire, to be wearied or fatigued. ■^iStilT?', V. 2^ ^^I^. ^^ V[^]^, causative of the above. ■^T'jf^iHl, a. ^T?TC l^n, JT^ OT'aii, tired, wearied, fatigued, exhausted. "ST^rS, *. ft^ V\\^A sM9 WT^ Tiar, one of the Hindoo shasters. break, to flee, to retreat; s. a partner, a sharer, a sharehuldcr. ^r'Vf^, 5. deceit, deception, artifice. ^f!B, V. 4]f^, ^T'i^1 ^R. to deceive, to dissemble. ^^, s. f^TClfl^ 51^^, "51^, cooked rice, food. ^t^5^*tf^f'4i5T 5[t^, the month Bhado, (August — September.) ^T«^, s. ^5pt, ^fs^^ '^f^ -^T^l "S^ ^^^> vapor, steam. ^t-^t >s?kl^sr, 5. ^CsiT^ ^Cc^t^l ^2?*T ^grt^tS', a steamer, a steamship. ^«T5fel, a. ^I^TTi i^^T^I, cooked or heated by steam. ^l[, s. 1%C -^i"^, ^% ^f^Str^-, thought, care, anxiety, mean- ing, sentiment, purpose. ^^1, ) s. f^^f^, 'ipfk, thought, eare, anxiety. ^T^, ^ s. ^t115, 51^1 ^mT, the famous Sanscrit epic poem usually called the Mahabharat. ^ 4&^R>1 , ^ s. t^ Ht^ t J , ®?f^^^ ^^ <*3, India proper, Ilin- «IT5^, ) doostan, from king Bharot whose patrimony it was. ^^^/TI, *. ^TTi, ^:^1, <^r^^1, hope, anticipation, trust, confidence. ^R^, s. ^^"5 ^, wsrs, Hindoostan, ignorantly the known world. ^rfiT, 5. ^:^ C^rsn srr^^, a burden bearer. «T®J1, s. f^ ^C"?!^ f^C^TBl, "W^, a wife. ^T^, «. ^151, ^, f^^^, ^Ti^, C^, good, excellent, respectable, nice; with ti[, V. io be in health, with 9f^, to amend in health to repair anything; with ^^, ad. well, thoroughly, nicely. ^^f^, a. ^^ 'C1[T^1, fir^ C^3n, JTBI^i'V. restored, reconciled, received back into favor; with Ci^Mlt, to gain favor dec. ^i?T^, 9. ZTifT^ fsSJT^ W^ sflfTflf, f?f^, filled out, plump and heavy. 1%ft, a. 'SRJtfsTcil, ^tsi^ c^TC5:T^1, ort^^ ^^1 ^<^, useless, un- serviceable; with ^-st, uncoined silver. f%C^t^, *. C?Tc^1, f^^ -^^^l, causing to bend &c. see 1%^t^. f%gj-j *• ^^ *tt3l^ ^s;^!^, Bhismo, the grandfather of the five Pandoo princes, famous in the Mahabharat. f^^'^, ^. 51^1 ^T^'^'C ^ ^j the sixth volume of the Mahabharat. «Jt 433 ^, 5. f£tf^f^, ^ISF, C^^, 9fn^, ^ff, the earth, understanding, knowledge, information, conception, consciousness. ;B"5n, s. ^if^, ^5T, ^rf%»^, deceit, deception. ^5^1 1^, r. ^51 ^?f^, Tprf^ fw, ^^^> to deceive, to impose upon. ^% s. ^fsr, c^T^ #8C«Ti^ 1^15 ^®Tf*f, a large sprout from the earth. "b^, s. ^^ C^PTSIT ^TTsr ^Ft?^^ ^flf^\f% £fvrt^ ':?lt^ fe^PT, a former privileged class of the -Assamese nobility. €^t?Tin, *. C^^j an earth worm. ^j5, *. ^^t ^5Ri wTcr, a s[)ecies of flower. ^5^, a. ?nf^ f3F, *. 4f^ «r5^ l^m^ *fT^, the bark of a tree used as a substitute for paper in writing. ^«iit, ^ V. CSTSR ^^T^, <^t, ^^ -JJ^r C«rr?r ^-^it, to feed, to ^>*1^, ^ entertain, ( as a guest,) to give pleasure or pain to another. ^^, V. c^T^f ^V^, -dat, ^fM", to enjoy or suffer, to experience &c. ^5^^1, a. ^f^, &f&, firft^l, short, dwarfed, stinted in growth. 434 ^? ^f^r to appear suddenly. ^-<^\, 5. f ftTI »T^ ^,to mould, to mildew. C^^f^ sjf^, s. vfifTj^ tT5l 5T$ ^f^, a bitter medicinal seed. c€^f«T, ^. tr^ s^sn viif^^f (.^-, c^^, a toad ; ( improperly a frog.) c€f ffir, J s. sr; ^1^^ f^SR C7 9r ilft^, a disease of the throat ,C5C?FT?r, ^ peculiar to catt'e. 4:J() CSCT5 dc^i, a. >i|C^1 7[-w^ ^t^^, r.^5n, (^^t^, stupid, dull, Ignorant, foolisli, c€c^'^^^, -y- fsT^Tf^fs'?^ ^^1 ^t^T, doing in mere pretence. C»C^T^1, s. aKf, C^ff?f, a frog. c€§Tl, ^. ^QSfl, ct^l^ ^T^"^, ^T^'t t^., lo en use to be thoroughly saturated, to temper hot water by adding cold. C*5fs», V. VBf^y fsf^, *1tR '^t^C^ CSfw, to wet, to soak, lo saturate. ?C^ C^TSIl, soft, saturated, swollen by nioislure, pale, flaccid. CW.'^sf], a. see, (r5%:Bi^?l. T3 «r3 'rt, ei^T^ ^f^, to pierce, to make public. C5T^, s. ^^» ^^ enjoy, to suffer, to undergo. CSiSftf^, a. 3j< c^T?r ^^1, ^^C5n ^^^ ^t, happy, prosperous; s. a place of plenty. CStC^tfsn, a. ^'9[ csr^ ^V, ^^1> possessed of plenty or happiness. C^ 5:5», J. \5r3f^ TTBl, ^^ C^TJT, a large assembly; ///. a large circle. C«r5C^5 ^Cf ^^ ;5T5T, a kind of cymbal. CBTCSr^, a. T\^iS, v5i^nr, C^rrc^T^I, large, stout, stubbed. C5TC'5t?l1, a. see CBtS], blunt, not sharp. 440 f^lST C^W\, «. ^t^^1, CS^l, foolish, simple, not sharp or discerning. CSMrsif, s, ^^ 'ffP^T, a great pundit, a philosopher. C^TC^r^T^, ) «. C^rnmc=T, ®fC«ftcWt^1, C^tSI t^^rf^ ^f^l, having a C^C^tTl, ^ heavy beard or long bushy hair, hirsute. C^R^tcTl, s. •dftf^ ^^^1 3Fi^^ C^imcj ^^ 5t5r, a ram. CwTST, s. 15^^ f^f^^i^^ C^tST, the eye lashes. C5T5r5l%, s. srs ^R5f, a species of tree. C^T^ci, V. 7T^^^, ^^?lt^ f^^l ^f^, to transfix, to pierce through. CSTort^l, ^. ^f^ ^^1 *f3^ -^f^^^f, '^f^^ ^^ ^T^ ^^, the large black bee ; a species of tree the seeds of which are medicinal. CStCsrt^l, a. -^^ f^%] C^t^, ^\m Pi^TC^ ^^^1, ^Wl^, pierced through, sincere, frank. C^tL^-RR, s. C^mc-5T^ ^^, C?n^C5ri^,% C^iPfC-JtlF R, a rumbling, a murmuring, muttering. C ^ t C ^l^ft", w. ^^tt, V. C^)cTt ^^, ^f%, a. ^]% ^iC^l^^, a general term for brother or cousin. 5»Tf^, 5. ^51, -pfT^^^, a mistake, a delusion, an error, a going astray. f»^, ^. T!fT^, ^f%, C^?^, I%^1[, a servant, a dependent, a slave. STTT 441 ;g5^, s. f*ri"f^^ S<^^ C^T, C^^rt^f^, the eye brows. ;g"»^?f, -r. ^^'orj, a frown, an angry glance, a scowl. ?r, 37^^, this letter is pronounced like the Enjrlish m. srt, pron. ^srr^'fjT, ^^\, ^^"ir c^3 citT^r ?ic?^ ?f^<^ ?n f^f5^ t©!^, vij^l W1^3, I myself; used also as an affix to nouns hy which they become adjectives, as Wl?n. mercy, ^fTl^l^, merciful; s, the fnbled artificer of the Danobs or demons. S^'^Wl, s. 5'^Xt *i}f%^» a species of singing bird, the moina. sltsTT, a. ^rc*fT^ HZZL^ SpTTI, *RlfV^ C^lL^TSIl, ^TS^fY, self-willed, obstinate, perverse, headstrong. ajtaissTf^T, s. ^prtnftfT, SI 4^1 f, ^^JT^, medicine in general, every known remedy. -ST^cT^iT^, 5. Ij^, ST^^iTPf T C3T^^, *»rfel Wi^, a ^Mussulman. -STUc^l, ^. ^5ri% ?r^, ^K^, spice, drugs. :3I51, 5. •f%41, ^rSR ^^% ntR ^It^ C^T^, the act of wiping, plas- tering, smearing •, a. wiped, smeared, plastered. '3Tl>|c<»t^1, a. fi=T^l Ci^T^I, ^C^T^ f*fC^T^1, cleaned and plastered over. 511%, V. f^lf'pf, 'SViM^ ^r^, "H^, to wipe, to smear, to piaster. 5[fttf, s. 5IU?I5jT^^ ;RT5r TeT^, a jTiusjid or mosque, a Mussulman place of worship. TiY^I, a- ^\V^ ^'rfer, relating to fish. sr5^ STI?", s. J\f^^ ^r^l srr?, a species of red pulse or lentil. STCUPsrr'^, V. sryi"?", C^r^"?, fcnvj^f-, the causative of sti^, which see. sni^r'snCM'Tsr, 5. viif^"< -<»^ ^\^, a species of black venomous serpent. ^Sf, 5. 9,5 vi)nr^, a species of tree. VMVi s. vijf^Sf ^fer^, ^:^ vil^T^ •^ri^.'^, a species of sugar cane, a kind of jungle reed. ^Jlfffi^l, a. -^ 7\-^ ^^C^l ^SJ^, 5r' iJwjJMyl, ^^rp^T, having a crackling sound. IT^^TPC^, . «rf. ^^rrt, ^^ fFsrrs S[^ ^m^, with the sound of 5I^^T^, ) snapping or breaking. :;r^^ iIT^, s. vDfTTVf sn^, peas. :^, a. Fi'^T^ C^ncJTPsn, sWl, 'I^PT, ^^> coarse, large, stout, stiff, unbending. 444 sr^ srf^, a. ^rrffi^ prf^^, like earth, mixed with earth. 51^, s. ?fvT, ^pi^^, ?T^, C^^, ^, a temple, a monastery, a pagoda; with ^R or ^7^'f v. to be sulky, sullen, morose or obstinate* SI^>1, a. ST^Cl, ^^3, ^fz'^ 5:fT^, stout, rough, coarse; s. a species of paddy. 5T^Til^|%, 3. •rff*f?t?ri%, C^i%?Tc^fc^, C^CsfSirTL^csffe, a mutual bickering, disdain or abuse. 5l^fi=5?l^, V. 9tn\^, CSr.V^ '• Tf^j ^^J^ ^^ ^iTTt'^, a fish, the incJirnation of Vish- noo in the form of a fish. ^rSl, t. ^^7\, C^^l, fi^si^ ^TI, C-ifsrl c-^ri^l, a male; the act of call- ing, inviting, or of begging pardon; a. male, called, invited- ?r-31, s. Sf^^ ^Ti'Tf ^r-^fC^CT ^?1^t^ C5fsrrf%, a kind of fire works. s^TIT'?", v. c^TcTTt, JTHT^ST ^^Tt, C^sn C'^rsn'f, to cause to call, to invite, to beg pardon. irf^, s. si5^, T^fif, ^1^, ^51, mind, understanding, disposition, desires, inclination. JIC15T^?FT, a. see STSf^TI. JT^r^T, s. 5[iin, in. ^^r^ Tpf^, czVfi vft, to churn. SIfW, 5. fr^f f?rc»:^, ^VT ^^^ ^^?t Mathum, a lowu ct^lebrntt-d as the birth place of Krishnoo. W, 5. *m5 ^tsrc^ -9V WT^^m ^l^, ^. C!>?M, ^.'^^, arrack, spirituous liquor. snnr, 9. 7^VBm%, ^rn, the name of the hindoo Cupid; lust. srw^l. 8. ♦f^ffs?! BTcl^ «ijf^, a species of pnrrot. J^ff^f, *. Tmf'^, 7^ *n^ ^rfj"51, a drinker of arrack, a drunkard. ^IWiJ^l, a. Tirr^ vrtW If;? C^Tittt n T^, soft, wood without heart. :m?, *. ?!•»!? fj-^Tj, the coral tree; (Eryihrina Fulgens.) Hirrf^, *. see :nrr*f, a drunkard. . 5ivn, *. ^, C^fUn, a large bundle, an armful, ( as of wood &c. ) sr>fT^C>f, aiL c*fT^ C*nc^. ^C^T«in:^ ^i C ^ H ^lCgl , bundle after bundle; in bundles. sr^, 5. ait 5Tf>»(X ^^, Cilt, honey; eu sweet, melodious. snRl, J. ^5?n sr5? STT??" JTT^ C5WC, the heart of the plantain tree- W^y 5. ^5sn Tpf^^ CSTTC^rsn srrfrjT *ri«n^ ^Ti, ^t, ^^C^ "5^0, "^TSfl, a regarding, reverencing; acclimation, clearness of perception, interdiction. 5Rt^9 V. STT^ ^i^/t", the causative of sitf^, which see. SRT^5, 5. T^^t^ "sr"^^^! vf|R"5f ^^R ^^r^J VZ\, pronouncing an incantation, the use of magic or enchantment. STr^i s. %i\v{5 ^rfrsi, Tff*i>'^, ^mi SJ^n^ ♦fTX, counsellor, adviser, the king's prime minister. 5I»i?, a. C7?n, ^, bad, evil, vile. 'JJ'Jt^, X. :7^ri5^, ar^JR *rfl5, the fabulous mountain Mondor, with which the ocean is said to have been churned by iheOhurSj in order to recover the sacred things lost by the deluge. ZnW\^f 5. see liW\J. Tfff^^, 5. cirrr^, ^, ^^^ orjl ^ri ^T^, ^^, a temple, a shrine* a place of worship. ^^^Jy s. vij^ ®^ ^^ C^r^R fV^, Si sr^ ^sr, in hindoo chronology, a period of lime consisting of 71 ju;^s of the gods or 30G,- 720, 000 years of mortals; fourteen monwontos constitute a kolpo or a period of creation and destruction. ^ s. C^i f^^, beeswax; with t[ft, a wax candle. s:-^ ^C^, ad. 5r?jr^^^, ^s^Ft^, fragrantly, sweetly. ^ffVr^t s. c^c^, ir?5r, ifi^n, affection, compassion, pity. us SR 5l-si?n, «. 'sr5wrcn':rT, hemp, jute, (Corchorus Oiitorious. ) ^^mf^-, s. f^?lTf^r«T, sif^^mrf?, ^ar^I^Jffs?. a mutual striking back and forth, n sciiOle. JRT*[. 5. SRI? ^^ f>:5i^ «?1 ^r«^, %T^ ^7[^ nm fiRl, the point of the compass, ( N. H. ) towards which the head of a corpse is laid. srrr^l, a. sr^i ^t^ «r^1, pertaining to the N. E. as abore. JHTT^ C*fri. *. 1t1 ^ C^frsn C*f?l, inRf C*(^, a coffin. srfr, ». f^r^J t5, to die, to be extinct. 1-ft, 5. vijfw C^fl, vflfz^f C*t*n, a .species of citron, a kind of trumpet. siMli'if, ». irrfTT siift ^rft t^, irrf^ srrft irrfr t^r, to cut jungle pre- paratory to planting the following year. Vf^y t. see U?^?1. srf^, s. vfifTTV c-^r^n 'tt^, ^r^ f^rs^r? ^mni ftc^w, a species of edible vegetable, verdigris. srf^?1, 5. f*n5^ ^cCrsi vii^ ai3 ^t^^, a claw of braziers. srfwr?, V. ^jff^it, c^;nt, to beat, to strike, to cause to be beaten. Tf^tfir, s. sif^?I^ fe^TSI, ftm, of HT^^, which see. «f4>il^, s. see :i^:5rr^, C^T^^^, any vital part- iPi'^, 5. see 5:^71^. Sjfaf^ V. see ST^f^. S35T, s. sifrT, ^1^]%, ^-^F^?, TpPf?; 515 ^fci, dirt, filth, excrements, or- dure, a fruit germ. 5teT-3r, ) 5. I>T2?R^ ^"^^^f^?! 5T^?I, coarse rice that remains in 5:?}"F, i the sieve after sifting. 5r?T^f^f^, «• <^, ^T^^, ^f^ ^^T, large, stout. 11^^ 1, a. cBf ^=^1, l-^sn, ^^ ^f^ C^rc^^l, ^sn, mildewed, ferment- ed, mouldy. rjc^fsf, «. ^-^f^, "Jtm ^f^, tnllT, to ferment, to sweat, to mildew. 'Si^5^5^, a. 51^1, C^T^I, rubbed, wiped. 5I?lf^, V, 5rf5, ^f^, to rub, to wipe. 5I5=i<^, 5. t^f ^^?T <^tR, f?r^ ^if^, Still or standing water. ^vm, s. ^7^r^ Cc^<^, ^1 'siTf?^ 1%m f^?l ^^^, a salve, a plaster. 5Tri5rcT 7^, srfi^ ^IF, C^^^l, f<^4W, dirty, filthy, faded. 5rf?l?n, 5. snFnsfiin ^ ^ f^flf ^SRI C^T^, one who prepares garlands. srf«1?nt, p. ^m ^finr ^«1 ^f«l >ff4, to set, (as young fruit.) .5I^^1, /. cr«l C^rmiT ^"^ Csfr^f^, stW^T^I, «rm ^< KT, a pecu- liar kind of binding used in securing the ends of a native drum; a. fleshy, having a full face. STfaFT^^, a. srr>^^, bfiif:»S, I5^^» f^Hff^I^. broken to atoms. X'Z^i *. ^, f3^^, sr:^, the head, the top. S^^, > a. ^T^TS, ^ ^^V^, large, stout, gigantic. SPPT, 5. ?IT^^ *TO T?! -^^I, a mast. SI^, *. Hf\^<, a buffalo. -^, 5. (r!r§f;,<:'«fr5n *r5Jf ^iif^^, a mosquito. ^p-a^f^, s. 51^ ^51 ^l^, a place where buff.ilocu are kept. - ^<^^5n57, 5. SI5 ^-^Tin, a keeper of buffaloes. f^^, *. vF^r??! C^T^^ ii^ ^T"^ f^C'f'T, a class of people- ?T^^, 5. see sr^^f. Sf^fsf^, a. SRT^nn, sr^^'^ C^rt^ ^1 ^^, dear, scarce; relating to the above class of people. 7 H^'^?!^, V. Ir-Ptfu^TT^, '^^^T^ C^i^f^? to trample down and destroy cultivation. T!Xl'> a- T^, ^^T, 5T^1. %1^, Sf^si, great, important, chief, noble. si^TfrT, s. ^T^^^ ^215 ^^1 C^Tt5T5Tt%, Tf^Tl%, a show of great- ness, display, ostentation. ?r^^, s. sr^Tli^, ?f/T5TW, Cfft^f^, \FTW^, a religious teacher. IJT^, s. 9f^ ^Tf^vii -^T^ C*5rT^rR TT^, the sound of chewing. 51*5*^ ^C?, ad. 51^5^ y.'Jf^, "Sjf^ ^?i^ ^i;*^, like the above sound; sweetly, fragantly. ir^:snf, s. :st^c^:^^ ^^^ ^TT's^ ^C^tl5l ;^, Mahomet, the founder of the Mussulman religion. ^S>.n[, 5. ^Pl^fr, i^-^r^, fri-^ri^, a writer, a scribe, a clerk. ir^5I, s. «T^?R1, oftsn, a district, a division of a province. ST^^, 5. gj^TT^ C^t^l, fTO"!^ <^rfwi, ^Tc^, proof, trial, examina- tion; with tc?, to examine as of a school. ^^1 "^'T!, s. 'Sltri^ ^^, counseling. a wholesale country trader ; a. belonging to a ^'^v{. 51^1, a. £t5fi7T, ^^, 51^3, f^rn?, ^rf^ ^ri, vi)f^f%^ ^t, sTtf^^^R: f9rR>g^, great, large, excellent; s, silver ,coin worth four annas, four annas in weight; the husband of a mother's younger sister. 51^|rTf*f, ^? *rrf«T, guilty of the above. 5I^*^*'Ii *. f^ CTT^, 51 ^nr^ C??f, ^ srt^ (irr^r, a saint, a great man, a nobleman; a title given to Shri Honkor and Mad ho Deo. sr^TsT^"?, 5. ^«TT^, C5^vr5^;i ?rw, tiw sei?^ ^ri^ij ^iii:^i c^^rrf^, ^ ^T*W, a dissolution of the world, occurring according to Hindoo ideas, every 42i>,000,000 of years; al.<40 the great dissolution of the universe, commensurate with the life of Brahma, when saints, gods, and Brahma himself will melt away and vanish. ( Wilson. ) ST^tfenfV, *. ^7 f^r?l*rr^, ^ crr^ ^Tfif, an incurable or mor- tar disea.^e. si^lfi^^, »• ^^^nr ^^yrf%, 5T^ f5r^, the day on which the sun passes from the last to the first sign of the zodiac. 5r^i"5T, *. 7i[ w^, fsfW'T, mm, wmr^, ^^ tt?, *i»t ♦r* ^7, a pri- mary element of which the Hindoos reckon five; viz. earth, water, air, fire, ether. STTWfer, o. ZTi srfcsrT^^, irr^rR, most noble, illustrious &c. srelxnTTI, 5. ''s:^^ »!\>rr7[, Wtfi, worldly illusion, the vanity of the world; an epithet of Durga. sr^lSTTtTT, 5. ?R V^9, STT^, H^t^, TTlff^"^, a pestilence, plague. T^T^^^TT, a, ^fr TgjTT, Z^ ^f«!71, precious, costly, high priced. K^Kilf, s. StVr^ ^sn, isfbrs, a great king or sovereign; an ad- dress to royally equivalent to "your majesty." Sift, 5. f£rr«rf^, the earth. Vfk, s. f^nrf^, *rT^ ^^fw stC«1l^l ^TTjIi ink, an earthen vessel used for fusing metals, a crucible. srfejfl, 5. t^TTTTsr, 1%f^nr?5r ^ f5?Tft C^^rrni *rt3, an inkstand. srftvfT^, 5. -^Sl, f2rf«rf^ ^fK^TTl ®^, a king, a sovereign, lit. a preserver of the earth. 5S 454 ^THf srfell, s. £f5T«, '^^WJy S![^^'^, greatness, glory, majesty, dignity. Z[f^% a. fJIi%f^, ^^^ ^iW, ^"5^5 ^?f^J^, of the value of four annas; pertaining to a niontlj. SriTPT, 5. :^§;1"5 t^f^r '^'^f^, -stT^^R, a queen consort. ST^;;^!, s. -pfTCcT^ ^ifw^ c^^l> f^^l ;?r ^^ fer^ ^f^M: "srr^ lit^ ^, a large climb- ing shrub and its seed, ( Dalbergia Marginata.) silc<&', s. ■vir>6<[ ST^^I ^«^i^ c»f5T?r, s. 51^"^ ^*t^^ «1T55r M^^, the upper or scarf skin, sir il{%fpr^ »wf^ 5rc^cT "jTcim c^rr^n *«ftvf ^, a species of tree. V'iSfi;, ) s. sri5 ^fen, »I^ sn^ ^fr^^firi, expert at fishing. TTTJTlfTO, 5. ^^^ JT^I cm^, wrcmw-rt, a fisherman. ^rj^, #. OJS^M, ITR, postage, fees, taxes. sn«, 5. WT, f%3r» ^«T, the middle, the centre, an interval; among, in the midst ; a. intermediate, central, middle. irmsrafi"^. a. 49:m ^riri (f^f^, ) having a large waist, (fern.) irr»f3 s. srrtF^C^, srT«t%?1, a middle or second one, ( applied to VT^, ^ children in a family. ) Jrr^fffT, *. W^f^ t^ SITWT vnn 5mf^, ^^Wil, an island, mew STTCW, ad. llWgifw, srofT sni^j, STWISjt^^j, C ^^rs ?! ^ ! C^fzvW, through the middle, now and then, sometimes. ¥rc«^?f. ad. ^\9[ *>fm car^, ^-^^ ^Itnf^l^, heedlessly, care- lessly, without looking to the result, irtfl, i. ^, fy%^1, earth, soil, ground. 456 STtit sitf^^Tc?, *. C^C3^ 4t\^, the pine apple, and plant. srtft^l^f^, s. ^t%^, s. 5TI^, srff^, li^fTR, '<5Jl^, mother. STll5t5[^, s. STi^^ ^Cs^pcl?, ^^T^, a maternal grandfather. vit^ilsifV, 5. iTt^?; :n^, ^f^srt^, a maternal grandmother. srTj%, V. "^f^, t^, ftrw?rTt, ^T^^ ^1 r^^^ ^f^, cllC-^SllCi;, ad. <^Q\^t .^5lTt, ^C< 'SjZ'H, ^tf?i^ ^'^f^^, word for word, abuse for abuse; tit for tat. srr^, ) ad, Z[K^^, C^5c?, ClfjTIl^, only, merely, as soon as, im. :?T^C^, ( mediately. sitra, s. "^if, srTlil, mother. SIKI, s. "^^1, VJ, fJT?, the head. STTC^n^, ad. 5lT;5, C^Ic?, only, merely. ^t?l%, 5. f^fe 5[f^^ 5rr;§J3 ^^1 ^1%^ \5l^^ sif^T f^^, a large bead or neck ornainent, which with medicine enclosed is worn as a charm or amulet. sn:rr 457 srTlffT, *. vi|f^|f¥, *ffi?i^, wf^, 'im^ cm-^. to esteem, to honor, to respect, to observe, to obey, to agree with, to suit; o. well proportioned, comely, fitting. a spark of fire struck from iron or steel, a ruby. Jrrf^r^psr^fir, s. vnf^^r ^^ Wi^l ^^, a species of paddy. srtf^, 3. ^mr f^^, ij*f? r^T^% midnight. STR^, 5. V^TJf 79, man, mankind. srr^^^^ o. f^c^r^n^ ^r^^t f^^^ crr'^n, ^r^^t ^^f^ c^i^i, recovered from emaciation; having a competence. JTR^Tt^, s. z^ CfTT^ ca^ Cif-^^ll, manliness or the afifectation of it; a parade of wealth or greatness. ail«l>llf%, 9. 8 ^rr^i ^t^^^ 1 "• ^lit'^R?, 5it^ ^r^l "^1 ^i%^ *T^, honored, venerated, siT^fT^, y worthy of respect. :tT^, 5. C^) ^tfW"^ K'^ 53ri, rust, oxide of iron. srrsiR, s. viif%^ 15l?ff C^T^f, a kind of cutaneous disease. ^iTtsr, ^. C^C^f ^1 ^TC5ll?T, v<]R5if 71^ ?g^ ^tWl^T, a species of wild betehuit. snTI> *• T5^, ^1i C'^'S^ ^Ttsif, C^n^ ait^ ^rfF, 5R^, Cf^, illusion, magic, fascination, worldly illusion, affection, love. srmTlfT?^, s. C^:'^ C^^ ^ifpR ^^^, the net of worldly illusion. sn^rrfW, a. ^m ^5Ii%?, ^tr©^^, ^'^^^, magical, worldly, illusive, fascinating; s. a magician, a juggler. iCr^, s. ^f^Ti;, ^KWT^.* ^^j ^^5^ f^^f^9 ^» <:^i^ ^t6, a blow, rice starch or gruel; with m^, a raft made of two or more boats bound together, ■srr^ t^r, v. ^^ t?, C^CW-^n t?, ^f^, ^1^ t^, to set, to disappear, to evaporate, to dry up, to become calm. ^^ (TgfT^I, s. ^W, C^T^I, ^^^ ^5rrT> ^^1, C^l^l,m^ C^mi, the set- ting of the heavenly bodies, evaporation; the subsiding of anger or of a tempest, cessation. 5rT^?T, s. t::^ -51^^ ^"iT^ ^r^, ^T^ 5^1, a portico. ^rr^m, s. 4^]^ «^^5 ^]^ scfi fw^^ ^[^ ^ ^1^, ^T€ ^tf^ ^ vi)f^*<, a transverse support of a roof restiug on the posts of a building; a species of tree. ^i%, iJR5f, a species of fragrant flower. 3fT57C^t5r, s. ^.fef Sfl^, ^rrl ^f^5d-, ^^fk?n m^ RC^^, a kind of paddy, also of plantain ; an edible wild vegetable. STTfll, f. see 515^1. srrf5T, s. ?rrf^5T^1, ^3??ICTT571 ^1 st^ srr^^, J|fT ^rt^r, ^t -5-^1, 9Vif\ ^f^ C^C*n^, a month ; a general nan\e for several kinds of pnlse; a wart. srr^f^, s. irr^TT??, srr?i (.zv^\ ^it, a field of pulse. srrft, 5. STT^C ^r^vfl^, 3!if3tir TI^, a maternal auni, a stepmother. srrf^^^, 5. ^f^ :g5n wrfirs srrrrei ^r«l?1, -ai^iiJ^lf^f, a liar, an untruthful person. ^^ f^rtn 3^ f^C^^l, false, untrue j *. a species of fish ; a kind t)f iwcetmeat. fm^y ad, isi^^9ft9n fir5Tf5rfFtV, falsely, untruly. f^rf^T, *. "^51 ^^, ^T5T. a lie, « fnUehood, an untruth. 1%%f^Tt, I ». ^r«1ilC^ ^T^ C^mti; ^C-^Ts^f^ fea^^, ^J-^ f^ft^l, a familiar address equivalent to friend. fill^ft, s. fsRA"^ tinVT, Tt fzf^^ finsi, /ewi. of the above. f^ns'i;, s. fsr:g, ^^sr, ^^, a friend, a connexion. fsjf^^Tl%, s. :5 fsi^tC^ ta fsfe ^^1, enameled or the act of enameling. fsT^fsi^^ ^C^. ad. fiK[WmK7K^, c^tC5 c^.tC^, slowly, gently, by degrees- fsif^i ;>■. SiTft ^f^Sf, a tribe of people in upper Assam. fsrf^^srf^, s. firf^f f%C^Ti;l, a female of the above Tribe. I^f^^, s. vilj%5f (f^l, ?Tf^ C^'tWt^* a kind of acid fruit, a species of fish. f^rf^^TT^, s. ^^ STf?, a kind of pulse, ( Cytricus Cajau. ) fm, 5. u£ic^ C^^, ra^T?^ ^7l OTCin^i fine, smooth, minute. ^t, V. itfw 3^73 '^riivf vftt^ ^srrf^ jfxf^, -51(30^ c, to mix any powdered substance with water to the consist- ence of dough; 9, vertigo caused by the excessive use oi' tamtii pan. ^ffT, a. l^T^, ^TT C^ 5(«W, ZW^ C^CTtWl, ff^W, loose, untied, open, uncovered,, unenclosed. ^fcT^fWI, a, ^-JfJf ^f4?1, TrfiR, ^r^I. free, unrestrained. v<%^, .s. 51^5 ^^, f^Pf^ft. a crest, a crown, a diadem, a tiara. HT^fu *. «fl^^ ^^<^' '^^l '?^"'» * ^'"*^ ^'^'* ^*'® ^^^ °" '^® cl»eek. STi^f^it, 0, ^^^ arTft". to smite with the fist on the cheek. snr/^l, s. ^ ^f^91 ^'^ fK^^, a pearl. 3rs'^l ^^, fire placed in the mouth of a corpse on the funeral pile. i^isrR, s. -s^^T^c^ c^T^i ^r^j ?1, s. ^^TC^t^^ 9t^1 'S[\^, ^9fi ^r*^?!!, one who tends the mooga silk worm; a. relating to the above. ^^r^ 5TTf^, s. see iT^ft^ ^t^l ^SC^fT^I C^fT^. ^^1 ■^^, 5. 5^1^^ ^r^^ -pf^l ^^1 :^^i, the mooga thread. 5^fVf, a. a|^5fl ^^c^c^ 5rtt"!%» of the color of mooga^ as a cow &c. ^^Sf, a. see sri?. ^^% .f. ?ee sr-ortf^. 1 5r57!55, l{«I'4i a tanner, a shoemaker &.c. ^«1, % a. ^*»1, Z\^ C^rr^nr, bored by insects, blighted, blasted. ^V, i ^^^, V. V5fv, C^rrc^T^ ••fT^, to bend, to sprain, to dislocate. ^^r<1s?U n. Rr35 ^rfw CUT^l, ^Y^ f^9\ W^H ^rfff, viHn ^^, imper- fectly cooked, small and ^«lender. sr^, 5. orT^, C?fr^, ^*f, ^IVC^rm, the sum total, substance, amount. ITXC'S, ff^/. C^iri^fC'S, «rT«'?r5, CSC^, by wholesale, as a whole. ^t^y s- ^J^ 5^fl ^713, ^fir ^nf*l *fftrirt^, a measure of length from the ellmw lo the lowor knuckle joint of the little fiiiger. '^^f^, a. «to ♦fftfrs, relating to the above measure. tt], 5. CTPfPl, 'arTi^, <:*fT«11, « large bundle, as wood, thatch Ate. sr^lJ. *. ^C^HP sr^, C*fT«TTC*fm, CVT5TI:^, many bundles; with iff^, to make up into bundles. clenched fi^t, a handful of reaped grain, a handful; the hilt of a sword; with VtHf, to clench the fist. Jift^fi', V, ^r^?! ^if^ <{nnrTt, vji jnfx irtft, f, vilC^I ^raRI, »<, Wr, foolish, stupid, ignorant, ^^fs, ^ clownish; s. a fool, an idiot. '*?» *• ^^» ^^' ^^^ ' ***^"**» * skull. "^•S^iT^il, 5. srt^T^ ^T^ '^ITI STT^n, a garland of skulls. ^, s. ^^-pflf^, <3 C^i^5, iT3f, urine. TUl, .iif%^ C?frc^t^1 ^? a species of grass used for making mats, and the roots of which are fragrant. 51^1 s. -5^ ^T^ ;§iC<^T^, Pr^. ^T^,'the act of closing the eyes; an orifice, an opening. TfWT^, V. "Sf irr^ •^•^;'?', IFlf^ ^f^, to shut the eyes; to close, or cover, to be oppressed with sleep. sjlftSf^l, s. 5^ 5IC:i f^^ 5ir, ^^ C'^:5^t^;, the act of closing or shutting up; bringing to a final end. srf^ V. ^^ ^'51'T^, 5^ ®T*T •^'^n^, to close, to shut; a. closed &:c. sr^r^l, 5. ^ ;^M "^^^l, shutting; a. closed &c. ^^^it, i;. 5^ m-siT^ft", the causative of vfw- ^iw, a. Tlt^vf, \5i^^ C^i:^^^1, Ti^T-Jf^, ^tf^^ ^R1 Cc?t^, a merchant, a trader, a banker. ^jat^, s. C^i^ ^TC^i^ TO^I^, srf^^ C^t^^l ^R^ OT^, a mace, a weapon, a kind of urinary disease. ■53], s. Wf^I^^ ^1^ fe^W, G^^ ^-H ^tf^ CSIK^, talking bj gestures with the fingers; a coin, a stamp. a>f, ) y. ^^, ^t -$17^ 5t5T^ sirsj^ flf^Tc^ (MW, the ridge of the STSf^, ) roof of a house. sr^jR-^l, 5. "SR^ 5r'<^ 5^1^!%^ c^ic^tt^l 4^1? a post that sustains the ridge pole. STSrf^srr^f^, S' micT ^-m ^rtsrs flf?n ^t^ ^1 ^T^, a ridge pole. ':§vn, 5. see ^Sf. ^JfT^pj^, «. f<'^f^, ?"T^^ sr?-, a hindoo sage or saint; au inspired writer, supposed to have obtained more or less, of the divine nature by profound abstraction and meditation; an ascetic, a hermit or devotee; preceded by ^ ^ ]%f^, a place where two or three roads meet. ^r^?i, a. 3^^, 3Frr^ ^-^ c^Ki^t^], zm;^, csn^-^ ^ ^m, iftf^^ =^vf ^t1%^ c^C^rmi, W^ rr:, vertigo occasioned by the excessive use of tamul pan. 1^, s. f^nr, Irf^, C^^, the head, end, Tnnit, boundary; with -^f^ or STR, to be completed or ended. i^^3, ad. C^^ly *ri5T, finally, in conclusion,. at last. ^^jf^?1. a- ^^ JWfjJTni 7^ \51W^, ^*'- reaching np to the head; hence, fig. heavy, large, important, as applied to work Aic. ^^f^, 5. vilf^>f ^i^^ *tf^ ^^"^f * species of carp, (Cyprimus Chry- soparius. ) ^ C^^'^i^, V. ^T 5*^^!^, a^lir ^f?, to l)ow the head, to salute. TJi, TJij^f^i 5. a]H ^^P^'SII 7T7, ^5^T^, giddiness, vertigo. ^-^^r?^, a. C7U»', 2t5i"R, a root, origin, cause, source ; a. principal, original. STrf ^T^^, s. '^Tfpf ^^[^, the first cause. 'sm 5f^, 5. -^ -pft^*^ nnri ^, ^T^^? s^^r, capital, stock in trade. ^cTl, s. '^STTc^ ^^ vfif^sf TTR?, ^^ '^W:^, a raddish ; the nineteenth stellar mansion. ^T:c^:Tpr, ad. ^^ 5f^^ Tl C§fT ^i^, a cloud. Cir^r^'iW, I s. Cir^RT ^SJR, a^C^^fjT, thunder. C^^r^^fjI^I, a. (JlTR 7^^:"5, cloud colored, dark. OlJnt, V. OiJI Z^, vSTd^r"?, to cloud up, to become cloudy. CSiciTT^, s. am C^V^, ^rsc^i'sn, SC^I^rtt C^fC^H"^, being over- cast with clouds. C^y 5. c^, ^rgf, Hi^ 'S^X^ 751, a bend, a crook, a curve; with •dn"^, or t^, to b«Mjd, as under a weight. very, (applied to black.) OJM.afsTn, o. Cir^CSrs ^C?^ ^^ri C^T^Ii brittle j very black. Csr51, a. srW ^n, ^ ^, r^n ^/Wl, bent, bent backwards or downwards. GTSlf^. 5. sr^ ♦«.»I3, »5 v«fw, a species of trcej a species of wild animal; see C17L791. CTMCsift, *. ct^ CTSl, CBCSrei C«aif^, curves, crooks, windings j a. curved, winding, curling. CTf5, *. are! f^?rt51, /«wi. of CT51, having a car*ed spine. CTC5^, 5. ^iTjn "^^ ^^1 W^ ^flfW, a species of wild animal. CTW, #. ^f ^^, «< fvnri f^OJW, a table. OWr^f^, V. vflfzv IW ^ ^, viiwrs sf5, WRt^ft ^, a kind of silk j a species of tree. orfw, s. c ^ collective noun, signi- fying several swellings or tumors. CSrC^^I, ^<'. «ilR5f ^r^^ TJT, a species of aquatic grass. C5ic"i><>l"5f?f, ^ J. CSTL^^I «r^1 ^1^, a place abounding with the C^C^TR, ^ above. CiTC^, 5. ^R ?r^ ^^ft^S ^^ ^^, the sound made by the breaking of a hard substance. that part of the edge of a mekkela or surii/a that is lucked in at the waist) the cork of an oil vessel. C:n:^?-C5n:^R ^C^, ad. v\M^ c=nc^, fs^C^rW^, slowly, gently, lazily. CS^^, s. ^W^ "sn^^ ^"i^t^^ fif?n ^T^^ C^f^, ^^^1, a small present given with the hope of gaining some request, or of ob- taining something of greater value in return; with C^^l^, to present the above j condition. woman's skirt that is worn over the breast; with liTff^, to wear the same. C^T^^fltt, V. CW.^ ^f^, <^^ ^f^ ^f^, t« delay, to loiter. OIC^T^, *. viir^^ ^mi Z] T^H-^ ^T^T ^^ f^C^I^, a species of wild mountain cow. Cir5 encircle, to surround, to wrap around. C?!?-, X. ^C75 *r^, the famous niounlaiii Mmi of thn shasters, uliich according to liindoo cosmogony forms the centre of the seven continent!*; in nstronomy, the North Pole. CTFTTl, t. ^TU51r^Tl,':Ti^f75R, consultation. deliberation. CH^f^, .<. s!if^ fR?ri, r^s ^J^l, f?Wi^, release, friend''* dismission. C^TPI fC<^5 vf^?rt«T >f^l, ^«n TPP C^rsr', presenting a subject or appointing a council for deliberation and enquiry. CT9I STTI, 5. c^^n 71 Tl^ f^T'Wf^ ^^, the closing of a council or the settlement of a question CT?TCsrf5\?1, a. CJrJfCyf^nn, C^Wl^^fsnn. delayed, put off, deferred. ar«11, a. ^ 71 «*f€1 ^^1, Orfvi finn, opened, loosed, unbound. Cir?irf^, 9. see ciTrif^. CT?nsr?l, *. m^ ^T|% f^5^?tt?1 t^\U *tf^€4^, the act of hurling or casting from the hand as of a missile weapon. CT^rrff, a. 7^?', cn:Tl^if\ Ijroad and shallow. 4 TO cirtc^l C^m, V. Z^b^ Sj^f^ ^r^, CJ!tt;^r^Tt, f^^nt, Z^vW^, to spread out, to open, to loose, to untie, to stretch forth. Csr^n^T^, ) s. CJ^ ^tx ^^1 C^T^9 a member of a council. C?rc«^5, *. see C^5. C^^, s. C^^ FT^r, St^^Sl TtfTf, a sheep, a ram; the sign Aries. C5r^C^t%?1, a. vi)Cc^s?<5I\'3r^l5t%. '•f^rft 5^T^ ^mfw^ crrwrs 5«?[ vrft ^f? c^n^, the widening of a basket near the top. csrrc^, ad. rc^, Jfffer, J^*(.«!l»ti», all together, in the whole, in all. CUTC^^I, 5. see CTTTC^T^I. cn>f, 5. C911 Tl f^teel welded on an old implement to renew it. cm^nt, ». ciTT^ f^^fr, ^jfin vs^ss c«fl f%fR pr^^, ^f^^.^^, a revenue collector. ofrfi%^1, a. C^ CM\v\-9 f^i%^l, C^ ^JI^ ^f^l, like honejr. artCl?T5T, s, C^\^ ^^, sr>r, honey. Csltf^^, *. *iinT'< C^T^if ^ f^^, a species of fig. csrtf*f?l, 9. i±fO( 5^T^, a species of bird. CSrtRSf^, s. C^^ ^5 ■JRT^ ^TIt^ ^sf, a portion of honey comb. oi^rfV, s. C^-^ ^if'^, a honey bee. Csft^^iM, 5. vijf^if *fTf^3 C^T^ 5R, a kind of aquatic grass. f5r*>f, 5. ^fiRl ^t1^ n^. a deer, a stag, an antelope. fsi^Rlf^, 5. ^^f^, snw^^rrt, the musk of a species of deer, musk. f^^l, 9. ^^ VVy fij^T^, hunting, the chase. f^^r^^l, 5. ^'^TH ^T^S, the fifth mansion of the Hindoo zodiac. fsr^, 1 «• 5^* *f^«TW C^l^» dead, deceased, defunct. fsr3£JI^, n. 5IC^ w:j C5T«n, nearly dead, at. the point of death. fsrfTTJl, s. :rrf^, ^5f>r, earth, soil, ground. fsr^T, 5. sr^, Sft^ r<(.«iSf, •?!, death, bodily dissoiutiou, decease, demise; Jom, the regent of death. f^njT-lt, *. l^^^^ fw.'Axz]^ ftj, conqueror of death, Iliwo; in a nobler sense, Christ, who was the first that rose from the dead. fW7, 5. vnf^if '^WJ, fifwif, an oval shaped drum, a tabor. fsnfftfTn, «. ftnrW ^CSrr^l, fw^? f^ftm, a drummer on the above, fjj, a. C^^TSW, fsift, mild, gentle, soft. f(]7{, a. see csn^^- C]^, a. ^^yrf^^ 'CI^BJ, C^ifTPl^ SHRI, barbarian ; *. any person heterodox as regards the hindoo faith; a barbarian. (j) vilt $C*f f^<; C^W «f^, ^n^I ^Tfflf. In Assamese thia letter is usually pronounced like the soft or French j, and should therefore be written 9, but when written with, 61 474 ^^ a dot underneath, thus (?) it becomes y. When sr CC^, FC^T^, the act of keeping, preserving, tending; a. kept, preserved, tended, ^•dft^, V, ^^^^ ^Tt5", C=^^rr^, ■pTTci^t <» ^^ ^^ f^C^, the quick beating of a drum; elation, excitement. ^f5 475 ^?r, s. ^Tt^ *i[5, fi( ^\f7[ 9n CSTiVt ^jids, giddy, flaunting, vain, light-minded; s. a flirt, a coquette. ^[5W1, s. see ^flfljaf. ^53, «. CTTH, "^JRJ ^r^t^ CsttC^nsil JfiTT, daily rations, provisions in general for an army. "^S^, s. ^t^ 5rr|% f^«4n, literary coropohition, fabrication, orderly arrangement. ^51, s. 5?^, L^r^, ^5^ ^Tl, 1^'*n, a rope, a cable; a, composed, written, fabricated. ^, s. wf>, cs:^^, 5?-^, ^5^ i, a. ^t^ c^f ^^T^, ^f^, CFtCI^, wide open, not inclosed &c. ^T3^Q, s. cn^^'i, ^T^T^ ^^^, demolition, confusion, disorder. ^r5, a. ^t^rf^ C^t^, ^7Pq5, ^ C^mi, devoted to, delighted with, enamored. T5^, s. see ^^. ^Tjf^r® C^S? ^^rr^S* ^S^^' C^fsil, just ready to bleed j as of a bruise or wound. ^1%, s. ^t^f^, SR c^T^I, ^sitm??, tsTQJ;^, ?-5T^, attachment, regard, sexual intercourse, sensual enjoyment. ^ft?n, a. ^^ ?:Tf^ *rf<5jT^R:, of the weight of one rati, or about two grains Troy weight. ^^, s- fxn ^tfif ^^ ^f^?r1 5Tf^, ^rs^, a gem, a jewel, a precious stone, anything valuable. :g^t^^, s. ^9f^, ^-^ «^cTp5n "tit, f^^ sra^ ^'^ ^R, a mine of jewels; the name of an Assamese book. :5.^im, *. "5^^ '^^^, 1X^ STJ^ ^f ^sift «Tfi, a temporary house prepared with one roof. TST, *. f^^ ^1 31^ ^, indigo or the plant. ^:r?PjW5r^, a. fTrsfirs, C^rrHs^, dressy, showy, wearing ornaments &,c. ^JT, s. farji, fiff^, sport, pUy, sensual pleasure. ^sipiT, J. Tg, BrtfJl, ^rlTR, f^C^r^, a wife, a beautiful woman. ^yj^^, s. 9\»Jf wrfinr C*fT?f^, the burning sensation of ta»te produced by spices and aromatic substances. ^r^r^, V. »5Tr^ C^^r^iJ 5ff<, to feel the above. ^fs^TTT?, V, isrlV^ ^I^f^-vil ^ ^ ^f^-, ^f^. to make a loud caw- ing sound, ( as a flock of crows. ) ^TT*^, a. ^Tn s^^. plensure, sport, fun, frolic, mirth. ■^^1, s. C^V?^ 5^1, C^T^, a faituing or suffering from hanger; a remniuing or coming to a stand; a faint, famislied. ^f%, V. ^^ fjf. In, c^r^ i?rf, •^i^C^,fV8ff^fW^,^. ^l^ST, s. viif^ ^nfi TP?r, a species of reCcil^l 1%1%, ^It^ ^^sr, political science, royal ethics. Tn§?'sn'"ll*l»l, s. £f;grt«ttcW, kingly government, sway, rule, dominion. ^I®^, 5". T^rr^ 5^, ^^^^, ^rtoT;^, government revenue, royal tribute. ^tli^, s. see ^TliJ. I tm 4si ^i?}5T55, *. ^tf^ <:51^ T[ C"SW1, public duties and obligations in distinciioM from private or n, 1 «. fiP^R' »fl«^ ^5T»J1. the favorite mistress of Krishnoo. ^f^, 5. ?r»"R t^f^, ♦fC^^, »ltRr, a queen, the wife of a king. TlW^TTiT^, 1 ». ITflT^l ^^, the preparing and serving up of ^TC«T3?^TC food. ?iwft, *. 5lflf*nrt^, BtS 'snfjf i4*1l'>, to cook, to prepare food. ?T*T, ». C5^, ^f3, >iW» effort, application, attention, regard. Tl-^, s* rfwt^, ^*f55p, ^sr^Hr, perplexity, care, anxiety, solicitude. T\^^. s. fz^jf 5i^?I ^JTTT, lRf C^CVtTl rfc^PTTI 5T51, a species of vine. ^Iaj4l«i, s. "iv^ ^^fTi^ ^fl, a rude cymbal made of bamboo. TT^^'STfJT, 5. «i|f?r^ ^^r^ ^?Tf^, a variety of the basil plant, (Ocy- mum Gratissimum.) TTsn:^^, s. cim C^^, lU. Ram's bow, the rainbow. ^I^^fir, 5. ^m^ WH fiif^, the birth day of Kain. 6'i 482 f^fs TTsr^fl^, S' t^Z C^iT5 5t^ vilf%5j" ^TT^, a species of bird. ^TfTsmR, 5. "5151 ^S^jrR^ 5J^1 ^^ *^1%, W^ •«rl%t57, the Kamaynn, a famous poem which treats of the birth &.c. of Ram. ^?R, s. c^^^ -sff^, ?pn^R, ^T^rjyrlf ?in Jili^, Rmcon, an ancient king of Ceylon or Lnngka, T\^, s. C9fTl%f^^ y[lT5 fw^Z fZ^TZ, ^Tl, ^?r, the lewd gambols of Krishnoo with the milkmaids; deficiency, decrease. ^-^cnl, s. ^r^5f 5^1]?, ^f^5f TTt^f, a species of fish; a kind of snake. ^fR, s. C5I7T fz^T ^7t^ i^ ^tf^T, a sign of the zodiac. Tit^^, s. ^Tf3=T 5r:2c?, the zodiac. ^tf%^ 5. f^f5f, ^1%^, fsr^, fsf^, Wt^, ^, abundance, succession, income, agreement; a. continuous, abundant. ^iferlc?, a. 7v^ c^I^I, ^1, ^l^fwt?, prosperous, increasing. ^1^, 5. ^§51 ^, the eighth planet of hindoo Astronomy; in mythol- ogy a Doit I/O or demon, with the tail of a dragon, whose head Kri:;hnoo cut off; but being immortal the head and body retained their separate existence, and being translated to the stellar sphere became the author of eclipses, by endeavoring to swallow the sun and moon. ^t^ff^, s. ^t^^ 5^^1, ^^ ^^^ cnffl, lit. seized by Rahu; eclipsed. ^1^^7T, s. ^T«2;^ f^l, <^5^, an eclipse of the sun or moon. f^^, 5. fk^^ 2f^ C^^, the first of the four Veds. f^^Tf^f, s. ^T^T^^ri^l C^r5I1 '^J, t^^, a support for the hooka, fk^, ) ^- fW^i '^.^T^, ^f^, a loud call, a scream, a yell, an ■f%f^, ) outcry; with ^-^ or ^"fV, to call out, to scream, to yell. f^^Ut% a, ^^j ^ \ 9^ , 5^*f^, wanting, deficient; «. deficiency. ^fVnn, fl. crtsr «r^, ^f^, ^tf^nn, diseased, sick. ill. ^5r?r, 1 *. ^r^3Tt fsrf^, 31^ Cirr^l, «m «ln5l, s. ^£|f%5f Jf^ 5it5, a species of small fish. ^«t5l%, a. ^^f^, ^^f^, ^'flf^,ftm. elegant, beautiful, handsome, having a beautiful form or figure. ^^I"^, a. ■^^^, fe^t^l^, f^C^T^T, beautiful, good, nice. ^^ft, a. ^«t5t%, ^=^f^, ^^f^, ^T« ^m vilRSf,/m. of the above; 5. a species of paddy. •^f^m a. 7nf^T#f, CTf^tfi;, C^t^R ^^l, planted; 5. rice land. ^<^^5rrl%, a. ^«f^, ^C^^^ ^^1, ^^tfsT, made of silver. ^C*f, affix, fell f^C^PR^ ^^^nT T^^RT, ;fcT, ^c?, f^J%^Tt*^ ^r^Jf, the last lunar asterism. C7^t7, s. yHf^^ TT^ c^Sf I1 ll>e punulo or shaddock ; ( Citrus Acciimana.) t?. V. ^f9, sm^ ^^fk, ^C9, ^rt 5\f, to stop, to wail, to re- main, to come to a stand, to expect. ^t^, ati. £f5^ nz^, ^fV^^^, plentifully, abundantly. ^^jnSy a. ?PI0 fjsfif ^?pfil 7F^^, ijR«T, cleared, as a path &,c. CSTT^f^, *. ^S?l c^nwi f^ft, a woman who transplants rice. ^^1, the act of planting, waiting, stopping; corn in the blade; ^. planted; left, (as a remainder.) C^tS^n, *. CfT*t^ ^::?[r^1, ^S ^rfir C^nc^srsn, causing to be plan- ted or fixed. CTt^ft, \ s. ^tft^si -aiTl^ CTW W%, an iflstrumeat for scraping C^tC«I^, ' cocoanut pulp. C?T^, 5. ^f^ 9r?Fl, oJt^, gouging, digging, scooping or scraping out. C^T^, 5. 5rfV?1, ^Xtfir, disease, illness, sickness, distemper. C^TC5T^1, s. '^c^'ct JTl, "^^^ f^J, a slii^lit wound, blemish or defect. C^l^, 5. ^r», f^:5J '^W^, Pwi, daily provision; with Sff^, to supply with daily provisions. 48G cv3? C^tsn, .«. *»t'feli"5 "^T, a mussulman fast. C^t^l, ^•. fw1, C^^> a hole, a perforation, an opening in a sore &c. C-^Vsj, s, 'i\l^ c^m, the hair of the body. C^isir?^, s. 9fr^ C^rsr f^??1, ^t^ C^l^ (r»tC^t?:1 C^mi, horripilation, a bristling of the hair. C^trT, *. ^T^, C^T^Tc?, vilTTS, a noise, tumult, confusion. C^tT, s- ^WT^j ^^^> '^^^^> coolness, reserve, dignity of manner, anger, passion, rft^, s. c^^, ^«f, ^a?r^1, sullenness, pouting, resentment. C^f^R, S' ^^iiR^ ^5 sir^, a species of fish, ( Cyprimus Denticulatus.) C^t^tCFf^i, 1 s. ;f -^ < R place together, lo unite. Cisn, CI. 9nifr=T, ^iT MT, s^Tpf ^«^, ftC^Twf^?, WTfiR. bearing fruit, adhering, needful; t. a surety, security, bail. wsrrt, ». •5;«nt, cwrsr ^fit, i? ji ncrt', frjsiit, c^n^^ f^rrc^r ^^i t9, to fasten, to cause to touch, to bring into contact. ^nit BJIlt, r. cm^f 9^ C5TT915 tv, ^^anfffl ^f^r, lo slander, to talk in a backbiting manner. fff^IBifl, a. 5wr^?1, ^rf^ ^^'^ '^'^ ^f^» related or connected; j. a connection, a relation. c^srt^fif, o. «5^I^3f^, K>5/^*11&^, adjoining, near to each oilier, adjacent; s. nearness, contiguity; with t^, arf. at hand. ^T% *. 5(r^^ ^r^, Sfg^ JvST^ CTC^^l VW, «f^ ^sn^^ »?r, a bam- boo pole used in propelling boats; the placenta or after-birth. ?if-?nn, sugit. ^r^^ sfTr?" Ittc^t^, f^r^'^ f*f5i5 cwr^ ^c^r ^ts^rr^ ^ ^5tl 7SrT^, a participial suflix, used after verbs in the future tense to imply necesiity or obligation, as ^"1 SH flfsnn, I must go. 433 5^ c^fet^f^, a. see cn^rmf^f. c^^r^l, s. ^^^r\^■^^, 1%fVr^l, fj^f^^r^, a personal attendant. er^TSTtfi?, 5, c^9T^t^ ??t5r, personal service or attendance. v['i\^,-s. ^m^ iM^l ^9ri%?l1 ^IJI, if*^ -^ir, the brahminical sacred thread, worn by the higher classes of hindoos. cl^-itift^ s- f^^T^^ ^^1 ^^71^ c^^ ^^1 ^ft ^r^l ^<^ «• ^^, f^=^ C^rsn, Cm\^ C^^l, ^iPr^ ^^, adjoining, touching, joined, united; s. a junction, the time between the rising of a sign of the zodiac above the horizon and its being completely above it. c^'^R, ) 5. ^si^T^r^, ^«i-^t^, ^T, fasting, abstinence from food. «n-^, a. -5^155?, ^5f:^ C^tC^t^l, "^^^1, light, not heavy, unimportant, trifling, trivial ; w^ith ^pf^, to disesteem, to disregard ; with -sii'if", to feel light or relieved of bodily or mental suffering. ^^CTTtfel, s. ^^T^tf^, ^-s^^ri^, ^f3?1, one who fasts, c^"^!, s. fi\\\v[ fpT-si", ^fs^^ CW^, the island of Ceylon or Lonka; in mythology, a famous city, the capital of Rawon. ?^, y. sr^^n f^C^TT, ^f^*< ^^ ^t^ ^T^ ^5, the clove tree and its fruit; a fragrant flowering plant, ( Eugenia Caryophillatas.^ ^!^^, s. ^?I^^, r:\5S^% ^fjZflJsi ^^, ^t^rjl ^^, c^?Il^, the going beyond a limit, a stepping over; the transgressing of a law. ^-s^fT^t^, ad. ■55^'5t5^^^, ^^ srlf^ ^t?f f^^tc^t^, in a bustling hurried manner; with joyful haste. €^59(51^, V. ■5T?r:5Tt, ^¥JMr^, c:^Z9t t^r^T f^t«=lt^ mki to bustle about, to run about restlessly here and there. cf^t^, ad. C^^fCJ, few, •«r*f^t^, quickly, hastily, cl^^l, a. s^tlt ^^1, v1I5t|R•• ^^r^i ^tlf, shame, bashfulness, modesty. 2^^^, s. cTt® TP^!, ^'«^T^, e^''3^^TI, abuse, reproach, disgrace. 5T-«9, «. iTTST, ^c^tf) "^^^ ^^> united, connected, in contact. 5=J^^5r^, *. ^'^% ^^1 ^rc^r^l, the act of pulling or shaking about. 5!0'^tt', r. ^t1^ ^T'^flr, ^'O'jr^ft', to pull about, to vex, to trouble. 5r^'N*f$\, a. 5if^ QlTtn, ^?T^B?^, vSC5iT^C?fr^«?15[, swinging, dang- ling, shaking about. 2^^*t^, V. VS(t[ ^\^^ ^f^, s^^-s^f^ <^ 'RI^, ^^li^ ^^, to mumble, to roll the tongue in chewing as one who has no teeth, to act with levity or wantonness, to strop a razor. c^^^ff^, s. <^ >fC^T^ 5T^' ^^ fjf"^, a razor strop, an uiicha>lt >tgT, s. 'SlW^^ «'5>f5^ 5nST ^1^, the under skin or cutis. cTStliR, S' ^r^^ ^ ^^ ^'^^15 ^m ^R^l- Sift ^, a species of tree, ( Ficus Infectoria?) ci^tf^, s. "^ ^lA ^^ ^^, a place abounding in vines. c^^-s^l, s. ^T^^tt, '^Icnf^'?! 2^3 '^^'^ ^^W ci^, things of tri- fling value^ odds and ends; a. remotely related. S^t's^fft^T^^ s. ^ft^ ^f<^^ 5t'*rn c^Tl ^1 ^, a grape vine and its fruit; with :57T, wine, w^ilh C^rfl, a vineyard. iTTtlfT^f?:, s. ^nj^^^rsr ^f^^, a wild animal resembling £he panther. cretf^^, s. 9rt^ ^^ T^ C^C^ f^^, the small reins and muscles of the body. ■ ct|%, s. ^t^^ H^ C^T^Ff, the lobe or lower part of the ear. srfwl, «• snft^ WS] TiSiit C^t^l, creeping on the ground as a vine; applied particularly to a species of the betel vine. ^f9r?rrt, r. ^t1% snf^, to kick. ^n, ) s. ^^^^ ^nfirsc^nt ^t^ ^f%, to get, to gain, to acq^uire. ?T51 491 C1-5T. ft. <^T^ ^ffnn, 5rl^, *fTr*ff3, obtainable j y. gain, profit. 5^5rrjf5i*rl, rt. ^l"?^ 5?:^1, hanging down, pendent. s^*^^, o. see rf'^^. «=P^, s. VPT, ^^1, the act of possessing, ( as evil spirits.) 2^1%, t'. 'nPfi, S^^, ^W f5prwt»f 9T?1, a tossing or turning from side to side, a flouncing struggling or springing about. ^finpfTT^, V. ifTO^T^, 5^^rt, to toss, to struggle or spring about, 5i^(;fff^t, r. inijRit, f«i^H^tt, ^^7( ^fwvfl T^ ?rfn*, to creep, to crawl. viri, s. ^w Wi cwPPTT C'^rrsn, h\fw:i[ w^, ^fijr^, c^r^fi, ^r^if^ an^> the act of running, bhaking, trembling 6lc ; a. un- steady; slightly putrid, changed. ?1TI, ». ♦pr, C«fl, ^I«1*, a boy, a son. cHTt, ». c5fT^^ ^Tt, ^T^ "^^i^-^ ^Jh'i"^ zsrri^, ^^^ ^FfV, ^ 'srn'if ^T^rf^, to shake, to stir or move about, to alter, to change. *i^ i^, V. ifrnr c^rfiT, ^f^Vit ^srrfi', ^nnrr?" ^Bn^^^^^t^ ^f^, to move about, to turn over, fig. to wait upon the sick. «WiraT, 5. c^^CT :iTf^ fir?n ^:^, ^5TVf?T?5 5R^, ^<^ the swifiljr pursuing Jom, sudden death* 492 ^ 5T^r^5^^1, ) a. •JRC'^rr, S^^t^f^, ^^Tti;?1, quick, mpid ; witli t^, «^tSfvf^^ ) quickly, rapidly. ^^tWts;f%, s. see cT^Tc^R. c?^ts[Ttf%, 5. yf-^T^ w^\ fe^n^l, a mother. cT^tc^R"., a. see c^^:i;^^1. «i4l«^f^, s. ctTI Tfi^f^, ^if^ ^i^^f^, the children of a family male and female. cTj%, V. cT^ 5111%, c^r^T^ •^ri^, ^f^, ^1%^ l^, yjrfR i^, 9ri% Jif^, C9fl%, to run, to shake, to tremble, to change, ( as the mind or features, or as fish in the first stage of putrifaction ) cnR^t%, s. vi)f^?f 7[^ 15?"t^, nrf^C^T^I, a species of bird. 57^^f%, 5. t£if^?r 3^^ STi^, a species of fish. ?Ri^l^, V, c=r^ sj-^T^, C^^tt C-iff? f^Tt, to cause to run, to drive with speed. ^^^^1, s. cT^^TC^T^^I, c^^ 1?^^1, the causing to run; a. rapidly driven, chased away. ^cTpsil, tiie act of changing, shaking, trembling, turning or stirring about ; a. changed, shaken, moved about. cf^'^l, s. ^Mc"^^ ^(f^ T^fX ^tJJ5 ^TfW" ^^ ^T^, a person carried in a cloth as a load on men's shoulders, v[■^^WT,^^^^^ s- see v^'SWi. c^T^y indulgence or by example. «TT^r?Tffi?1, a. ^^9Tflf4r, fif ^l^S^l, alone, only one, solitary. vrr^CSTCT?, a. C^Ji^ v^^ only two; (applied to things.) ^^, \ 5. vilf^ ?^T."? ^?I ^srr^ ■5i5r ^, a pumpkin plant an«l its ^]Q, S fruit. «Tr^r^ ^fC^, arf. -SlRs C^«f, (TTfif Cirr^l,) rapidly, as of growth. «TTsCrr3 ?7^ z^ JT«r^*i, very poor, destitute, lU. (having only a gourd shell.) ^5^1%. s. djf7^ ^fPT, a species of paddy. ^e^H], 5. vijf^Sf 5T^ 5n5, a species of small fish. «^I^f5*fT^f^, s. ^'iT'^^r, 5^I{5]f^, C^iC^I Sf^T:"^, in some way, by some means, in some manner, after a fashion> c^t'ir, a. c^'5i7, ^^ C^©!"^, one hun'dred thousand, a lac. c^Mf^^TI^T, a. cTt-^rrft'^r, ^yf\'4rj, ^^3, ^C^^, thousands upon thou- sands, innumerable. c^t-if T'^l'^r^, n. 9n TTF^^l, ^T^ ZH ^1^f^-!C^T:?r, a staff, a walking stick. ^5ri%Tl1, ) «. gficlt^r^?, ^MU ^t^f^, -iTT^r^?!^, necessary, c'li'^ns^irT, i needful) 5. a favourite. cTT^R, a. c?sn, ^f^ 5f^l, C^?fC^ ^t c75t1, bearing, producing fruit, readily burning. ^t'^ff^-^rn-, s. Wt c^C«Jfr^1 ^^^ ^T? ^ir^fT l ^f^, ^^ ^11^15 3Fi^T^ W, in concert, together, mutually aiding, srr^, s. Y"^!^ sr^ f\m-^U Ttfis; ^l^^i: ^^"^n srtf^, bars in a gate. way or in a pen used for confining wild animals. 55Tyf^^, s. ^trs^ ^t^f?, ')fSiiC" ^1 31^1^, a horizontal support to a partition. ^tW^T^ <^TW^TW, a. c^'3"5!3, ^Tcr^irf, separated, scattered about. «^Ti>, s. ^Uk^ 5rT5 5f^1 fpflTc? StTcT, a kind of fish net. a bending as of ripened grain or of a pole under a burden; the swinging of the hands in walking; with ^]'t, to bend. ^T5:aslilu», mt)de?5t, shy. »rr»^, «. see e^^sn. erUS, 5. caw, •i'*, TTrtfT, 31^^, a tail; a. continuous, coiiseculirc. ^1^, a. »»13|, J^^tf, vn^^I^ C»T^I coiHmuoiw, unbroken; *. the low or coarse part of Silk. iTl^^tfs, 5. JliV*i>»ga of little worllV odds and ends. •rr^fr, s, '^sn IJTI^I ^5 ^ ORW, the rclnj^r or tow n\ .\i(»o- i s.iiw ertflf^ff^, *. «^Tf5P?[^, «TH «rr^^ vn a loa4 of burden carried by an elephant. c^Tfpf, V. ©^il sr?i f5?t'?r ^fk, ttf^^ crrSil fif, to void excrement; to i>iit a l(»a(l or burden on an elephant. cTR, a. C^C'^R, «^T^, continuous, successive, unbroken. c^rf;?, s. ^Tr%, strf^, C^iC^^, Cl^^t^? cm^, a line, a row, a range; a joining, a hanging down in clusters. €^1-'5f^^1, s. «^1 'Sl5«t^ ^^1 ^f'Z^ •^i'S.^i, the lac insect, (Cocus Ficus. ) c^T%^, «. ^T^ ^itr^iim, a basket with a. handle used for baling water. vftc^, s. C5I?JT^f^, ^^f C^T^ -stTR, slaver, spittle running from the raoulh, drivel. cJt^^Tc=T, a. W5 ^Ttj%?l, f^C^^I, fw^] {gjlt, insensible, unable to move, almost dead. cTtrfft, s. see c=iT^. MT^^^I, 5. ^11%^, TTiffT^ ^tc^t'51' ^flr Q[^1, affection, friendship. cjtc^fe], ^. ciTc^f^, ;§?^ ^tf^^ t%lfj, phlegm, the white of an egg, semen. treacle, molasses; a line, a row, a joining or tying together. clVl^f^f^l, s. see t^ C?lt^^ c^tcn^^^. ciT«=T^, i S' cl^i%^ C«1"I^Tt% f^CJlTT, a tadpole, a frog in its cTT^f^, j first stage from the spawn. c^T^?^, s. ^3=151 CW^^ '4^1 ^^ ^tfs, Lalungi a tribe of people. cTTtc^, s. SIR RC^^, a precious stone (probably the chalcedony.) c!ltri^tt?f^ s. Tim ^t,>^ ■^ri'*^ ^^^ 5[f^, small porcelain beads f«nfe 497 ^^T^'STi'^ll, 5. ^C5"n5il f^'Sf^l sn^, a species of shrimp. 5Tr^^» S' C^'^WJ, C^TSl^, f^t, Jj'srsn, ///. sahness; loveliness, ami- ability; a. soft, tender, gentle, amiable. eTT3TC7*I, «. see 5itoTPT. 5^T^, i. Sfq c*f5, ^TR ^f^, show, parade, ostentation. 2^T^f3, a. ^fferi, ^ 5T^ ^1^ ^^1 flif^, ostentatious, vain. ^1^, 5. Frft[ irfel ^TC^:^^ vijc ad. f5f-^ AfC^, ^sr5!*ft^, ffST c^TC*fT3^^5?, slowly, by sffC^^Tc^, ' degrees, quietly. f^^jiyt, 5. j:9T^ ^71 lies f^^^RTT^ ^5T5 "^T^ *frtv, a class of labor- ers whose services were given by the Assam king to his officers for a longer or shorter period. fsT^, a. f^^^l, C«Tf:^^1, ^^ ^t^J WC^ fsif^sn ?re^, tough, elastic, not easily broken. ^^J^ft?1. n. fir^Rnm, sn sirtf?^^, rai«lf*lf«VII, long and slender, applied to reeds and bamboos. f5i « writing, the act of writing or painting; a. written, painted. fsi-^lt, t;. C^iWH ^-^ynf ^T^inr l^irtt ^ f^a ^P^tt, to cause to be written or painted. t%f«»f, u. 'SiT^r^ fif, f53f ^f^, to write, to paint. M^n, s. £j5tfi^ cfir^^ ^rm t^n?;^ ^^i c«tt^, ^sn^^ran, a house servant or personal attendant of the king and nobility. fi=lf«Tft, 5. 2t^R C^r^^ ^CTT^nf^ iTJni, /^w. of the above. t^^, 5. ^^[^ 1w, ^JT^^5( irc^ »i^^ inf^, the penis or male organ of generation ; in gram, the gender of a noun. f^t^fV?!, ''. t^^P^ WT$ ^ 5^$, long and thin, sparse, (applied only to hair and vegetation.) f^tft^f^, a. ^^ ^.^?1, ^^-T? 5!^^1 f^c^, very small, stinted, G4 493 ^J^ fl^fe^l, s. ^^T^T^ ^tf^^ CZnH fel 1% ^f5T?n ^r^ ^tffr, the upriglit outer supports of the sides of a granary, f^rn, a. ^it, ^ C^tC^T^l thin, lean, slender, •fct^ a, cTt' (T^rrsil, R«^ C^^i, ab'^orbed, commingled, dissolved, f^f-sfl, a. ST^I, snf^^W 'Rl, C«^8 f^?1j wiped, smeared, plastered. f5I'5^'5Tt5l, ct- 5T^ ^i^> ^C^'SjI f*ti:^^, swept and plastered over. ■ferfH, V. 5lf5, ^tf^ "^rfff ^ir^, C^S t^, to wipe, to smear, to plaster. fl^-^f^, a. Cri5, C^, f^J, an occasion, a chance, a fault. 1%f<^, ) a. •^rit ^r^, ^i^ t^ ^f^r ^?1, f^r^ t^ ^^RI, joined, j%*J, ^ united, in close contact, adhering. f^ftf%, V. w:^. ^Z'^ "^t mR, to turn over and over in the hand, to fumble about in search of anything, frr^n, *. C'^tf^, feFI, t%?iT^, play, sport, pastime, dalliance. fi^t^, s. '^C^^ IR^ ^ITS ^^^ ^^ ^jt ^tt C^51, an auction sale. l^felR, s. cmV^ '^1'^ ^HR ^t^ ^1 flT^^ c;§iT^Tr^, the tortuous motion of reptiles. fiT|%?rT^, V. CWT^ ^11%'il ^ Tl fw^ cRtt", to move as above. f^J%fen, ) a. see fil^^j%fwl. l%i%ffM^ '^fk, ^^ ^f^, to hide or conceal anything. cT-^Tl^R, 5. ^tftirfen ^C^sr^ vfiC-^, one of the four principal divisions of people among the A horns. cT^T^i^ ^T, ad, ^^c«?, ^TCT^ "SiZT^ ^fw, stealthily, quietly, noiselessly. en^c^^t^, V. ^C7{ ^m ft^TR ^T, ^^^1^, to search for steahhily or quietly; ad. steilthily^ quietly. ^7? 499 «^^f«=Tfflr?n, a. C5t^'^ WC^ 5n:^ src^ f^Stf^ ^Tl ^ ^'PTI, noiseless, sly, stealthy, wily, insidious. ^V^ ^C^, ) ad. C^^fCT, •«r*tn^, at once, without waiting. W^J^\^, V. see ^r^-sT^tt. cff^, A-. ^r^T, ^fs, ^T^T^, sifJe, direction, a turning over or about; with ^f?", to turn over. ?Tf5C4 fen C^TT^, any substance used for smearing or plastering, (as lime for whitewash.) C^T-S^I ^fen, s. c^^ ^R -pf^ igs^^, paddy that is sown for transplanting in wet soil. Ccii^, V. CW^CW^f^, C^^TC^rftt, to talk at random, to prate. C^Cc?ferl, s. Cv\-m.v^ft ^^, ^5Tt: fsr^lt t

^1, fs^f^^n TT^^I, C^TC^^f^, long enduring, tenacious, persistent. Cc^i^r, ^. 9pRl, ^'Nn[fvft^i, foppish, vain. CTfMo^, 5. ^r^s, C, j only lo trees, &c. ) c?Ti:^R:*fc^3r, «• ct^/.*^, cwcf^Tc^rcwftr, ^fi ^iHr^cwi^r^, loud- ness, a fawning manner, ( as of dogs. ) C«TC^TI, a. C^rr?!, Bf^r «^, C^tClRl, lame, hall, crippled, fern. CffC9fi[. C^flffTCiTC^^, ». OTCW^^fCJf?, ihe act of fawning or cringing. difficulty, perplexity, trouble. C9T51, s. CQ1CS41, C9TV1, a bunch, a hank, a tress. C«1^l't, r. TP^IT ^T15 C9l«ir^, «^1^, to swing, as the arms in walking, to shake, as a burden carried on a pole. C^nrrfV, *. ^^W^ 5**? fe'W. ^rs CSI^rf^, a poetic measure or metre; V. to swing the arms in walking. C»tE> ! Ctf ! 5 , s. c^lgl c^ lg, fs^ l fs ?, bunches &c. ac/. in bunches. C?^?1 ^^, s. ^srr^ ^J^irr^ ?ll^, half dried paddy. a burden carried with a pole unequally. •^02 ^^ <:?I5, s. "^t^i"^, ^5T, 1%^, ^tt c^tTi^ chance, means, fault, offence. <:«?i:5^1, ^. see cri^l. <5^C^1 m^, ^. >i)f%^ c=ii5l ^t^ ^t^ cit, a species of bean. the gleanings of a rice field; a bundle of the heads of grain. 'CcTCTJT^, s, ^'S "^Tft" CSTt^Tf^" C5ft^1, the swinging of the hnnds in walking or the springing of a pole in carrying a load. •Crfiftt', s. STiftl? ^C^rr^l ^f^'< ci'S, a species of ratan. Crff , s. 1%?r^ C^t^, ^fF, a long rope or cord. CSft^, stringy, ropy. <:c#, ^ s. ^1 ^tf^^S C^T^ ^tf^ ^^1, daub, plaster, mud ; with tc7, Cc^ft, f to daub one self, to wallow in the mud. • -Crf^-s^t, a. see C^lf^Cs^*^. 'CcT^C^^tt, V, c^t^ ^t# 3rfTf^, fil^ritt, to daub, to draggle &c. cs^^i, s, "^9ri ^TlTfT ^t^^ f^i;^^ 5!^i c^T^, c-s^f^^ f^f^s? ^iti, the chrysalis of the silk worm. c^'^]'f, V. c^^c^ ^r gt '5 i^1, o. f^5!5r tl?: iif^, laid aside for a season, dtl.iyed. C^TC^"5^^, J a. f^5^, r^Sf^^l, sticky, slimy, viscid. C^^CJ^^, a, C^^C^T^'Sn, ^^^3f1 C^TC^T^, C9ft{ f^^ C^f^ f^ ^{7[\, flexible, pliable, easily bent. CWn-^r^'B^ZZ^, s. ^1^ fV^^f C9[(.9ijZ'imx, Ciru^C^C^©, a blend- ing or mixing, uiicleaiiliness, untidines;, disorder. C5TC3T1, 1. C-^rc^^, ^LW^), CWCSfSil, untidy, slovenly, disorderly. C^lf^, ». C^yc^fftr.. Cr^, heavy, weighty. C^KW^], 9. im '^^fw, ^«T t<15:*(, filth, excrements of the body. C^W^] ^^1^, V. ^ftv\ ^rrfif^ ^TTPT tfni, J;?T^1 ^5rr«t^, irisfonune, calamity. C^, 5. C5Tr^1, 15^ *fTf^, C5(3f ®5r, C5Trif^, iron; a tear, tears. C^ff^l, 5. CcTT^ f^T^f^, S'^^ ^55Tli l^nn, an iron fetter or chain; the act of taking; a. taken, received, accepted. cm^"^, V. f*t^ ^f^ ^ifsf, ^^ 'Sim ^S^t^, 3?^ ^FCTTSlf?, to brown flour, to shed tears, to cause to take, to persuade. C5rr^II5^, s. ^SHTT^ ^T?r^ C^V^ C5^. the dross of iron. C5Tr^T^, y. ^5T, C^^, C9ri3^, a chance, a favourable opporiuniiy. C^fT^Tf^, a. C^^'W^y C^rrc? ^PTU iron, made of iron. C«TT6^1 f*rt^«ff^, *. «SJ1 f<^ ^Hr, browned rice flour. C9rT «• ^\3rr? ^Wf^rr, pertaining to or engaged in worldly ^\^Tf<(^, ' affairs, worldly, secular. ^\C5TT^, ^- ^ ^^, ^^^ ^^, a cleansing or clearing of defects, a rerising, correction. ^\%\1f f. «*flfTC?- *f^1 f^^TT^ ^:>:5 ^^1 ^^^, ^^ ^s^, any purifica- tory rite, any ceremony of iniiiaiion or of marriage. 508 ^^i ^\f%3, s. fk'^ c^T a kind of snake considered to be of ill omen if seen only. ;^'^, s. Trr^r^^ ^^^ fe^^^i, JWa:, a conch shell, ^f^r^, a. "^tf^R^I, ^^n-drjJT^Tn , sf^T^fin?!, luckless, ill-fated, un- fortunate, wasteful, prodigal. ^5, s. ^fen, 9tf^, ^VS, seed for germination, race, offspring. yC5^, ad' see ^?^^, ^C«n^. ^ [>(.:& I , ac?. 51^(751, 9f^C5l, in embryo, in the germ. ^51, a. -=5^^, C^^f^ C^rt^, 7if%^, c^>^ ^f^ -s^TR Cc?t^1, true, stored, accumulated; s. accumulation, alvine ablution. 3h^^, s. C^^i ^tfif ^T^ ^^1 ;§r!^, ^^1, a lock, a bolt or any similar fastening ; with ^&, a key. ^5T^f^, a. ^t%^^^, fe, Ti^jj, true, exact, certain ; 5. certainty, truth. ^f5, V. C^V ^f^ *fTf^ tm, to perform alvine ablution. ;^F5I1, «. ;^F^, ;R5t5T C:?lt^1, kept for seed, produced from seed, of legitimate birth. ^mVS, s. 1%^3T, <^fz^, 71^1^, trust, confidence, belief, credence. ^Tl%, s. C^tC^ ^^^ S^U ^fs^tc^T ^^T^l f^TTpT 5Tt^^, a con- fidential person sent to ascertain the facts of a case. ^Wt5T, s. ^, WflJ5, ^sit^, a revival to freshness, (as a plant, ) se- cret conversation or plotting. 5?;§rtt%, V. f^^^ t^, to be renewed in flesh after sickness, to re- kindle, to renew a fire. A'^vi, s. ^tftril, ^T^ ^Tt% ^Tl SilR ^ ^«Tt^, ^l^l%» an imple- ment, a tool, a utensil, furniture. ^^^y V. ^tt, ^rr^ t^, fSiTf^j ^S'f^ <^f'^> to cool, to tranquilize, to resf, to take one's ease; ad. leisurely. ^CTT^, s. ^^ 7P?1, fe^r^i, U^U ^n, the act of resting or of doing anything leisurely ; a. cooled, rested, refreshed. 3^5j;^, s. TFl^ isiTftf^ ^IW^ sr^l C^l, SjSI^ vfi^ ^^ ^t:T, a kind of betel box; an inferior angel of Jom, the regent of death. 3?^1, 5. ^V^fk ^TfiTC^ ^V^ 9[3JI"5n, ^^^15 <^i; C^I^I 5r5l, the act of sweeping; a man degraded in caste by an unlawful mar- riage ; a. swept. ^^I^lf^", ) s. T^^-Z 9ifjrs (X\^ C^rr^, a class of people degraded 3^T!^*f^, ^ by marrying contrary to the hindoo law of affinity. J^TTi^, s. C^<^R1, r.9f*f, ^R?1 ^tfsr, a pair of pincers; the two long narrow splints of baml>oo used in securing the top of a fence. J^^tnr, *. W. ^W, 'SiT^^T^. •f3Jm, a surmise, aa inliraalion, a conception of the mind. I^T, a. \5T3f^, fi^^, *f^, f^3t ^R, l««"ge, strong, stout, fnt, firm. ^^^^, ad, ^lf^t9, ^Rt^, largely, firmly, strongly. 5I5W, a. ^^, csnc^, »l^irit, JiZTJi, ail, wlinle, entire. 5I^T;r, *. c^jJii^, ^^ ^r^, src?llBR, business^ work, personal con- cern, afl'air, necessity. JI^^, *. '^rr^fir, ^«fTr, J^T^I, »rW, ^r? irwi, leisure, rest, interval, cessation from rain, alleviation of pain. ^1%?!^, V. C^TC^n TFUif VpRlei »Rf^ 1^, ^Tf^ ^1 C7»T? C^^T^^ C5TT*^ ^5n«tT ^rfir f^, to for»>w.irn, to give notice, to threat- en before witnesses. ^fk^y *' ^T^fs, ^9[, ^Hr.f^, CHI, power, strength, might, ability. Tf^^'PS, ^ a. ^ ^[w Vl^l, «tnwPf5I, ^9iz^ strong, powerful, 'if^^^, .♦ valiant. »lAFr^5T, a. ^tf^, f^f^t ^*fT?^, weak, feeble, impotent. jrf^, t, »i?ni r»^4 T!T, a species of plant frotn which an alkaline »ea>oning for food is prepared. jf^T^, 1 ad, c^sfClS, ^^, fsffiRT^, quickly, hastily without delay, JI^Cr^» ' at once. ^•«rnr, s. j^h yr^, the alkali produced from the abore plant. 5T^, 5. 5'«>f5*T 5Tnj5r*f, ^••fC^ ^I^fT C^TCfTTan, CWCT^ff^, flat- tery, adulation, cajolery, obsequiousness. J^:?^, V. (?['?t:^^\^, ftt\fWM ^f^y ^^^ firrsi Cir ^^m firfr?, a false or pretended friend. ^^^y a. f^Xy ^**f, exact, true, certain. 3lf^^^5», ad, fil5C?, ^^*(t^, ft^^, exactly, truly, certainly. ^^, a, v^fS^y >i\tZ C^l*II, pertaining to or produced in the three daysofthe month Ahar^ 8up{)osed by the hindoos to be unclean. ^rs, 5. ;r, t^i, ^JT, 5^5R ^t?[ *f^i -^x) ij^^f cT^r f/ ! c>!>{ , -^Tts ^f^, wish, desire, essence, juice or moisture, a perfume extracted from the sandal wood; a. one hundred. ^r^^rpi, 8. ^ifT, ^WT^, respect, honor, civility, politeness. ;jr5WCinin, s, fsr^t C5>?Tf> fif?^, \:r[\ cmr, ^e C»R1, the feign- ing of physical inability or prostration. JTJf^ifT^^, s. ^T^ 2^, an epithet of Deity, lit. ho who is the source of being and happiness. 512 i^far ^151%^1, i". C15|f?5 ^*«rj:5, the twenty fourth lunar mansion in the hindoo zodiac. >i AM i , s. see r.7Trri:TfrTf^. lyrsj^rf. s. ^<^ ^^f^ ^5 J ft'ci'l, '^T^' 151'^ ^f5, a species of medici- nal plant and its root. 3TTf^, a. f^f7[ ^t% W^, '?^'ili^ 1%r^, seventy, .s. a talkative woman. ^FH^pITft', V. ^trfT^ C^T^f^, ^^t

i 4*1'^"%, ♦ tire possessions. 5^1, s. -^^f^ ^(ITT^ 'Sil^.t 3n earthen leach for making lye. ^, y. '5^^:51, ^fsr^ ?^^^ f%^U C^W Tlf^, a wife devoted to her husband during life, and who burns with him on the funeral pile; with ^'jf, to burn on the funeral pile. 3Tl%f^, ) 5. 7I<^^, f'Jrfe?^?: ^t^ fjC^Tll, one of the several ^^rf^^^j ^ wives of one husband. ^riMiltft, s. ^^^"5^ Z^VI ^^1 5Ttf%, a stick in a native wheel band. 5l1%f^?rt^, s. 3^fi;TO: ^tr^"^ fk\^ 1%S, 1%\5!1, ^3?^tl%, enmity, hostility. ^f57, a. "^^^, ^^1, true, real, certain. ^^J i?II f^C^fPT, the judge or chief native officer of a sudder station. ^wfkf a. Sf^sifjiT, ¥^1 ^[^, »R^3 ^^1, public, known, dwelling in or belonging to a sudder station. ^^1^, ) ad. 5Riri%, f^C^, >8CTS, alwayg, continually, perpetually, ^JflT^, ad. >6C^8 ^^T^, ^^fS9^Vf, ^^t, always, coutinually. J^^rf'IJ, 9' W.^, ST^tCFS, an epithet of iliwo; lit, always prosperous. WM), a. J^^C^n, ^«nWl, all, llie whole, entire. im^i \ ad. 5r»rf^, ^f^, now, at present. WMJ, ' ^fvPT, a. I^h^i ^^^rt'if, ^^, like, similar, resembling; s, likeness. ^5ff^W, fl. JWC^H^il BRI, £t>f^» generally known, spread abroad. ^^(Ti, 5. ^nirfis, f5ff^va5y ^f^ fjSCrm, a woman having a husband. 91, asked for, desired, accomplished, instructed, demanded. JWTf , V. ^^Ri ^?Tt. M^ ^?rT^, f»T^Tt, csrr^j^ ^"sift -m^ «ifff. ?n ^rr^ C^iuft, to ask, to accomj)lish, to teach, to break in, as oxen &.C.; to demand through a second person. the act of asking, accomplishing dtc. through another. y.^, s. viiR^ ^ '^srr^ ^J. 5r^^ ^?1 ij^l, the Bengali hemp plant and its flax; (Crotolaria Juncea. ) «W»imt, r. ^«n ^fifvij C^n^rs Z] ^Csri^tlS 1^ ^, to make a rustling suund as of ^ilk worms amon^ leaves. 66 514 ^*f ^^\m, a. ^r^^tfJI, ^^1^ ^^1> ^^^^ ^^ =^t5I, eternal, everlasliiig, an atuibute of Deity. 7Hl-"N#^1, «• ^"^fc^C^ ^^ ^t^ fsi^ric^t^l, bruised and n)ixed, as the ingredients of sauce c'ondiment. tRTIX, s. C^T^ f^C^T^, C3iT^TJ%i C^9fC15 ing, mixing smearing; a. sharpened, mixed, smeared. 7^, a. TfTSd", ^f^fsT, good, virtuous. 3^^l%, \ s. c^^t^Hr, ^f^^l%, C*fl fSf, a child, children, ofT- 7\^-m, ' spring, progeny. ^^T^, s. Cnl<^, Co.^t ^C lj ^\'^, hesitation, doubt, mistrust. ^1%, s. filc^^, (TST^I, ^^^1, '^t^r^^ ^\c;§?T^, a junction, a joint, a fissure, an interstice, the permutation of letters. 'Tf^Trl, 5^. ^Kfv\, 9t:"Ti^t^?, 5TB1 ^r^, belonging or relating to an assembly. ^^\^, s. ^^ cmc^ ^sn ^f^ IV^, public worship. TTSl, s. yn?T¥, CT5T, an assembly, a society, au association, a club. 5i"5t*fn5, s. 3TOt»^ ^fV^^, the president or chairman of do. do. ^«W , s. ^^^, c^fswft", ^^^ C5^^, a member of an assembly or society, a courtier. 510 TWI 7\^, a. 5i^t^ Clft^fJ, f^^, ^~, civilized, polltn, polished. Jfsr, a. 7^t^, <^.C^5 ^^Tj level, equal, like, similar. TST^, 5. c^?Tl, C"*r^, ^Tc^, tvr?fsr^ -^f r, time, period, leisure. 5151^^1, a. Tisrmc Tis^f^^, 'ij^^ 5tT^^ ^i^ f^rf Tprft^l, belonging to an assembly; s. a mediator, a reconciler. 3WTOT, ad. t^zn, W.S5f , 5^, nearness, vicinity, continuity, proximity : a. proximate, near, contiguous. ^Fi^-if, s. ^<^ ^srrtr, JTI^TT^, W\^ ^TT, presence, front, opposite. ^^C'Jf, prep. T^Mflcs, hefore, in presence of, opposite, over ngainst. 7I^-9rf^^r-9r, s. ^•ift^f'or, *f?5»j^ Clf-^rciff^r, a personal interview; with t^f ad. face lo face. 'T'jf^'S, a. C9\'in, ^R ^^, ^^^iTj, f^B«, wealth, property, substance. JT^Tf, s. ^••r, IJB, ^'•T^ ^^T«T, happiness, prosperity, affluence. yp'pf^, *. see ^JIW. jp^Hr^, s. JWl«^CTr5l,^Tir^fif VCTr5% JWr^R ^s?n, effecting, completing, or managing; an editor, a manager. ^^^^, a. ^Tt^^, ^^^Tf, *I5 C^r«n, ftr^if CJ[t^, full, filled, com- plete, perfect, finished. ^■»^f5, ad. J{fTm, ^LW, ^f« ^Tf«T, uow, at present, now a days. ^llF, bestowing, giving in marriage; the dative in grammar. ^i^^» S' ^?, ^f^, a full year. JTil^Ti 5. see ^1qi. 'TC^^, s. CJriSfJTCs^^^, ^Jl*4W ITCS ^^ ^^T^, a mode of ad- dress, the vocative case in gnmmar. 5^8, s. ^^^ C®T9rr, ^^ *f^1, JTSfTS, *^^T, probability, possibility, livelihood, wealth, means, resource. -,18 ^? ^^^, 1 s. "^^ Trf^^ ^1^ ®^1 ^1 ^^, the deeming a tiling pos- ^^^^1, * siWe or probable. ^^'1^, s. see ^rT» ^C^T^, s. c-^TT^I, ^-^S tsii^i"^, enjoy meht, possession, sexual intercourse. ^er. ^:^ *f^1, s. "^^^ ^^1, tljc act of tailing refuge &c. 'T^^n, s. 4C?I^^, "^X^ ^ ^^1, (rj;d% *f^ T^ ^^ irit 'Bnfprr ♦nn ^ ^?T?5T <^f^, to become detached and fall. ^f^f^, a. ^5^, filfs^, 'Sic:^^, ^i n. rR all, the whole. ^^^t^?, 5'. 5iTn ^tc^, Ti^T^, all times, all seasons. 3=Ri8<>R3 ^CsrrsiTT ^ JT^, a rust- liiifT sound. ^1,) without hesitation or difficulty, readily. 7\T(-^rf, V. «f^:Tr, 3j^R j^T^ >8*rr5 f^^ ease, facility or skill acquired by practice, habit. ^^CSf, ad, ^^if^T3^, ^Rfvl", assistance, lielp, an assistant Sec. C^T^I, quick of hearing, easily awakened. 5^, u. ^^, 3^y^ ^f^, to bear, to forbear, to suffer, to endure. ^fjTS, prep, ^CZ, fflCif, with, together with. ^^?r, *. f^r^il?? ^i t^f^^.^f^ inc<1^, a father in law wliether of the wife or husband. iTC^tiT^, s. 4c^ srifii^ <^Ti «*fsn, c^nnr, ^^i^^'^ft ^f^, one of two or more born of the same mother. ^* *• '^'^ ^^f^X^ SJTI 9, a forcible expiration of breath. -HT^H, s. "^ttf, T^fT^^, a wholesale trader, a banker, a merchant. ms, J' ir*f, *f^ ^^B^.«l C^Wl ^T^ K] fitt^f^n, a curse, a mal- ediction, an imprecation. TTSST, a. J^X^y ^b ' AA 5^^ ^etT^, ilaun, the fourth Hindoo month, corresponding to parts of July aod August. TTST^rf^, ». ^e fw ^r^ ^T^f, cursing and reviling. ^8»IT« ^C^, ad. C^csrc^, j^jfij^yc^r, (Cin^, ) rapidly, smoothly, as of crawling or gliding along. ^\\, s. 7(\7i, ^fi destruction, end, conclusion, termination. ^*Ts, s. c*f^f ^TW, ^CTT ^fTT^r V^, mucous matter. ^TS-*i'TI, s. \ «. ^i;t{^, >^ ^^rrfer, ^*nf%^ ^*f jafbr, Aw. un. 5STfM, s. 3^FI, Tltsi^^, ^^ifk C^TT'Sil, acquisition; a. acquired. 3?T§f, s. 71^71, ^f^R C^cTI, t%^^ -ilC^rTT^ ^^^Ti[, evening twilight, one meal, food for one repast. 5It^l?1, a. ^^TT, ■^]f^ C^rc^t^l, f^^ ^15 'St^f^ sfl c^tC^t^l, fresh, not stale, having the body unwashed at the evening meal. 5hT^1, a. 3^1^ 3^5lf^?, >f 1^ ^^1 ^1 ^^l^?", produced in or relating to the three unclean days in the month of Ahar. yfl"^, a. 3iT^, cfol, ^^, cool, calm, quiet, tranquil, dispassionate. 7fTt%, s. TTtf^, f^^f^, tranquility, calmness, peace, rest, quiet. ^T^f^, V, ^^f^, ^TRT ^1^ ^R^ilC^ ^t€\FTi% §it ^r^, to swim. 5ftC^^, s. -s^fTf^rS ^^ ^1%^U^ ^T<8\5tf5^ «^fW ^^1, the act of swimming; with Cil]%, v. to swim. ^*t^p^, 5. irr^f^, ^t^lPR RCTfyf, a cover, a lid. yft^c?, a. -JT^ifsf, ^{?c? S:f^l, 3Tt5f^, efficacious, effectual, fruitful. 5fTl%, s. ^t^^ C^^l, a joint of the body. ^1'^f s. ij-if^t^ vfif^ JTf^ ^»T^1 ?r^, a bull let loose to roam with- out a keeper; a» free, unrestrained ; with csif^, to turn out, to roam without a keeper. iJl^-IllJCsi^l, s. '^W^^ Ri%^ *tl^ CeC2r, C^C^, (tR^,) ihe whole, entire, livelong. arrar, 5. see ^n^. TTf^^ST^, 5. ific^ ^^ snfTC3 W^t Wiyrce! C^^ ^?. a burden siis- pended from a pole and carried on the shoulders as above. ^ir>«n, a. ^^f^X9 f^ <^1, mfflr^ ^wTfi;?, capable of being car- ried as above; of or belonging to do. do. ^;"!jfT, V, ^y\^^ vijc^ CIC^ ^*f^, to tie loosely together, as cattle. mC5Fi^i^4 finn 3^» a suit of wearing apparel; things oflered in sacrifice. mftj, V. Wl^ ^r^, ^T'^ f^CTl^i, ?(^ C5^: ) given to ihree days in the month of Ahar^ from the seventh to the tenth, in which the earth is supposed to be menstruous during which time all agricultural labor is prohibited. ^tf^, a. f^f.R ^1%, sixty. ^T^, «. 7\'^, seven. ^Ti;*tTI>, s. 'SiT^f -sttF, ^t^ ^R, ^ f%, the beginning and end ; all sides of a matter. 3Tt^ ^^f%frc^ f^ ^ ^^ -^fsf, to perform, to accomplish, to worship, to ask for, to demand. JFfT^, a. if^fir, T^, ^"Srr, 3=1^, righteous, good, piou3, honest. TTJf ^9n, 5. ^*f^«n, tr5?[l^, ISl ^^fl, a fahle, a story, an allegory, fr^i a. ^tfk^ ♦f^, ^1%?, ^Hr«f, accomplishable, possible, able; s. strength, power, ability, possibility. ^^ srrc^, 0(1' iT>i» a. ;5f3, ^, fV?, JH^ dfT^, calm, tran, V. ^in^t >\Tf^, sn'^ t^, to put inside, to lay up, to hoard, to put back in its proper place, to dry up. ^tirft^, ) a, ^t5fir^, « crane; tho bow of Vishnool Jnc^r «f^l, 5. S»Tr^vr^,Tr^f sn5, ^f^tf «T5 ^ ^^, a wood- en wedge or pin, a machine, an engine, a workshop, a place where a machine id set up; a valuable timber tree; a species of fish; used also in composition, as ^f^5!l?T, a prison, C^t^l Tf{V^, a stable, ^F^^J. TT^, « blacksmith's shop &LC. ^r^^to, a. c^I^ ^iwi, C^ftC^lt^l, 3Tr«T ^IW, well proportioned, comely, good looking. jfi^^T^, 5. ^'sl^lS «"i^1 fjJ^I^ f^^ ^'i f^C^i^, the llnlogram or sacred stone, said by the hindoos to represent Vishnoo. ^Ty»5^1, a. 51^511 ftrf^;? ^n^ <^^1, of quick obeervation, sagacious. 6S 530 ^^^ yrr^^-pff^, s. zr^ ^f^ ^X. C^.^r, ^1 ^tf^ ^i5i, 5. 5©3"5n, c^r^ c^rr^t^ c*n:m^, ctpbti, ♦nfi? stj^'wi, the act of sprinkling, scattering, sowing broad cast, or of bal- ing water; a. sprinkled, sown, baled. fPih, V. 5.^?lt, U, C?rr^ Ci(l^l9 C^mt, ^ifn stSlt. to sprinkle, to scauer, Co sow broadcast, to bale. f^^ ^^, ad. sec Chl'5 ^?. f^^^tt, 17. c^^m f^nr ^f<. ^••f ft^I^, to horripilate or bristle up j to sneer, to make up faces, to show contempt by look. f>r?r?, ». C^^^ fm l^, C^mi ^ferl^> ^f^> f»*/ir^, to make a wry face, to mock, to sneer, to ridicule. W^C^r'^n, s. W?cf? «r^, ij^r f^I^^rsn, horripilation, grimace, the act of showing contempt by look. W?TfT, V. CW^fSiOf, Xj^fk^^lt ^^f^Pl ^fir, to make up faces in mockery or derision. ft^^T^, r. ':j< t%^r^, to make a wry or distorted face, to sneer. ft^C^^I, 5. ^-tr fTT^ctr^n, r< f^^ f^r^ ^f^l, the distorting ol the face, sDeering. «3« fj^VF f7\75f^, 5. f^-^Vj:, ^IrfJi, Wf.TT>T, instruction, advice, leaching. 1%^^, s. ^srt^ 5lTf&^ ?f^"T?fi; f^f^^ '^mt'^ ^'V C^tcTl 1%C^^, .1 cake of baked potter's clay, eaten by Assamese women during pregnancy. 1%^!%, s. f^f^f^, C^T'srl, a chain, a fetter, a shackle. f^^l, s, fviOn ^'^1, ^Wt^ ^"^Ij the act of learning or receiving instruction; a. taught, instructed. fj^^t^, V. f7i«$fj| fw, "^wfk JWf 57^1^. to instruct, to teach, to train. ff\f^, s. 5T(X ^5R1, ^5:1, f7i«^Jl ^R-, ^^r^T ^f%, ^m, four annas, the fourth part of a rupee; to learn, to learn by experience. 1%f^PT^?r1, «. 5if%<;i, i>Tf^ ^f^l, four annas in price. f^1%in, s. ;gifV^ 7^^ ^i^ f^l ;gfZ^, ^^fsf f%C5iTT, a contrivance made of rope for carrying burdens suspended from a pole. t^f%?rr^1%, ) *. Pir<5f^, .8^1, f3^-drj1 1^^"151, a teacher, an f^ fe^r^i y, a tutor, an instructor. f^IF, a. 1 C©lW ^^ f^(.7\7\, felc?, a horn. fai^^. s. 3TT5 *ili%5f, a species of shrimp, ^^], irritable, cross, having a head like a shrimp. t?I^f^, 5. f ^ift fj!r^?n *lt^ 5J^ ^nfjl, yr;^^, myfl^4 f^?5T, Hita, the wife of Kam, ftTI CT^T, 5. iTlfe^ -cf^l «C5n^ vijf7r?f (TS^T, earth oil, petroleum. I^ITR, s. ^^ ?*f|^ «r^ ^[IT, the head of a bed or sleeping place. f^fiRit, ^ ad. wt ftf^ finnr ^srrcsT^ ^ fra>cnl, 5. "^ ^ ^rrfif "^^ ^??1, a vowel, the vowels. W%, X. c^TC^ TR"? arr3Ti7t?T C?^^ liCrf ««U1 :^^, a breach or hole in a wall made by burglars, ftf^ fw, r. C5tC^ "Sr^-^ C^mrt^l^ C^^^ 1Z^ ^T -^TR, to make a breach in a wall as above. ftf% 7^"^, s. f7\f^^fw 5T«r^1, C5t^^ ^rfs^ -s^^l ^TT, //■/. crawling through a breach, a thief; a burglar, (used as a term'of abuse. ) Pf^, y. TT^, f^e^;;^^ ^f5^ fk^]^ -ij^ ^f^, the Indian Ocean, the river Indus, f^*tf^?ri, a, PT'^'R^ ^^, belonging to the other side. f3ff«n, s, t%l, f^-ftrjtlT? "STT^, ^Tf5f ^r?^, a root, origin, cause. f5^«>rft, «7, fiT^ C5l1%, f^l^, to take root, to become established. f^*1T^, s, t^ "STlfrf^ ^^^ *ff5, the farther or opposite side. ^mR, 5. =^?it^ ^ ^T#^ §T=n f^f^, ?prrsf, ^-^^ c^^i f^f^, a woman skillful in weaving, spinning &>c. f^lMR, . «rf. ^1^ C-pfT^.iT, ^R ^Kc?, f^^rn:^, yonder, on the f^C«fTC^, ^ other side. I%^R, s, pj^^^f^, -K^^T^, the next world, an after state of existence. f^C^^I, OL plffl am, 1^i},%t ; «. »ewe(l. fj^Tlf?', r. fy>r\^, a jackal, a fox. fjRTTfl^^rf^, 9. fj}?!^^ ^^? c«nv, odor of the urine of canine ai>rmnt:9. bavittg proimnenl cbeekd like the jm^ C^i^WI, •'. ^r^^ '^^ taT?1^ CTH^ ^W, a species of graiw. fj^^, >. ^^. ^r^«i^ a9 5^1 ^^1 ^ ^if^. cvi^ ^nn 3315, pfs vfTii ^ITfif^ ^ f>i^ ^ ^V^f the bead, a nerve, siiieir, leiidon, bloodvessel, vein, artery, the pulse; the corner or »barp edge of a board, timber &c. f^f^^l, a. f«5n, CVC^nc^l «lCtl*l1, Jong settled in a place, not dependent on others. f>i;rw. ». mw^ C^rr^rs J!f^?J-^ ¥TC« C«?T^1 HI^R" f^f^^i^, ) CUPPT^ f^m*\, 8U«lde»ly twinging, ( of mnsclcs. ) f^W^^it, r. C*l^ ^ICifT^ *rrc^rR ^f^ ^••f^ ♦nf^ em'^, to cruciate acid matter from the stomach. fJTf?*f, *• ll1, 5. Tfffl, TiTfThFi^:^ ^Tsfjl, ^t^^ns, Durga, Parboti, the wife of Hiwo. Plf3^?rf^, s. -s^lfVT ^,^f?i^^?J Sf^T^ ^1 ^^^, the simmering sound of water when near the boiling point. 1%Pi?t^, V. f^fyift^, fzUf^, lead. firfr, f/rt'M. fJ!C7:^, they, (inferior.) fjT^r^r, s. >i;?; ^^^1, FT^t^l f^^f"* *f^» a branch of a bulbous root. fjT^l, s. ^cTt^Tf^. f31*n, a lamp wick. ff^, s. ¥51 5^ 1%CJPi, ^, a fresh water porpoise. ^, «. ■^'K>i^. ^iiI5f5 ^, a species of medicinal tree. JTWW, a. f^f^^, ^^.^, ^'s^If 1%t%f^ C^C^t^l, secure, with- out difficulty or obstruction, prosperous; 5. security, freedom from care, danger or anxiety. ^ ^5^k;5T, ad. fi(RC^, ^i:cTn^, safely, easily, without difficulty. ^T^^rr?', r. f^RTi ^^, f^T^rs t^, fr^^1, i. -TOTT ^n, T^fTt CSt^l, ^^^T^ C^rnsn, the causing to be 9r?rTf3, I 5. ^1?^, 2r^\5i1, ^T^C^^tvfl ^57 C^cnl, fame, celebrity, ^•f nf^ ' renown ; a. celebrated, famous, renowned. ^^C-ftf 3FITC50', a^/. "X-al ^Tfg^, f^ "^•^T, ^Cc^ ^^C^, happily, contentedly. ^^, a. ^fs oI«1^* ^p^l, f^srHr, faultless, wen exe- cuted, applied to work; with t^, satisfactorily, well done. ^^f^ ^^ 5. vfif^K 5?^ *f5, a species of short horned deer. ^vff^"; I a. ^ i^^srfq, iifsvs, CWf^l^ ^^4, 3R^5(, beautiful, ^»tf^^, ) handsome, good looking. ^fvfirl, a. CTlst ^f^ vf^l, orraf ^5^1, dowocaat, dejected, of sad countenance; Jim, TSff^, a womao of sad countenance. ^•»t^^, s. JT» Y^, yjf^, 21JI\a^1, a good quality, praise. ^f^fj, *. ^m ^g^ ^m^ C^T^ vil^ ^I^?i[ ^in, Uugriwo, the name of a monkey king and ally of Ramsondro, when lie fought with Rawon, king of Ceylon. JT^rrsr, s. see ^5f^. ^^f, s. cwtin 3r^^ ^«f ^(^1, *. mi? ^Tl, C^l^ C^rr^l, the act of smelling; smell. ^^^, \ «• C'fr^ C^^T^, m^ ^^t, to cause to smell. ^fif, r. ^t^ tsT, 5^T^ sft^ C^fiT, to smell, to inhale by the nose ; 5. vermin that infest fowls. 538 ^< ♦■ • ■g^, X s. TJ]^^ *J^'5^> ^®*^'! ^t'^' ^^^ celebrated hindoo snge ^^^6, i ^'*^' and son of Byah. ■^^fe, *. "35;^^ ^^^, tlried fish. IJ^ISITI, s. -JTl ^1 -^r^ ^1^» "^ ^1^^ ^^^¥^' ^^^» ^^® healing or dry- ing up of a sore, any medicine used for the above purpose. ;5^?Tf^, 5. JiR?if ^^^ ^, a species of medicinal tree. yp^cw, a. f^lrif, ^^.^, ^«tTf f^ri%f^ C^C^"P5I1. secure, with- out difficulty or obstruction, prosperous; s. security, freedom from care, danger or anxiety. 7\ ^^5T, ad. f^R%, ^TT??K?, safely, easily, without difficulty. yj^^f^, r. fiRTT t^, f^TinS t^, f^^Wt, ?fT^ '^It! -^WS fkf to become dry, to become lean or emaciated. 1^^^T%, a. 5tT^^, yr§T, (^^, ) good, sound, (applied to timber.) ^ ^fer^, a. ^fi; f^«*]^ ^S CF*^-^^, very expert, wise or skilled, (used by way of ridicule or abuse.) ;FT] C^TC^T^, f»m, dry, dried up, lean, emacia- ted; fern. T^^fir. ^ ^tf^ ^TI, ^. ^ ^^T^^ c:SiT'5l1 ^^1 ^^?I, a muntro or incantation supposed to occasion emaciation of body. Jrf^, \ a. TWI, ^T^^rr^^, ^^r^, one's own, separate; with t^, ^ f^l, .» separately. :yrf^f ^^1, 3. f^T^ »niTl%, \ 5. 3jsf^, 2f^°v^1, 5T^C?Tr^ ^TeT C^\^\ fame, celebrity, Ji^rnfr, / renown; a. celebrated, famous, renowned. ^C«9r mc50", a^/. ''j:-al ^f^>a, f^^l ^<, ^rc?f ^TC«=T, bappily, contentedly. ^^, a. ^fi; -^j, f^:5t 513;. -aJlf-^Tf, fine, minute, delicate. ^9r|%, ff. TTK '»fi3, T^f^, a happy state, final emancipation. ^?r^, y. ^"Jt^j ^ST^C^T^, STrrrr^^^^^, fragrance, perfume^ odor, scent. ^?ff%, a. ^s^^ ^^, Sf^^IWI, fragrant, aromatic, sweet scented. 35[9r5r, a. ®T^t«T ^ ^f^^?^ ^5f, ^, ^RT?n^, f^J^, easy, accessible, facile; s. ease, facility, convenience. ^9rr<, a. WtCTT^tif ^^T^l, ^«!t?P ^^1, f^^Hr, faultless, well exe- cuted, applied to work; with t^, satisfactorily, well done. TTStf^r ^^t 9. ^nf^^ ^^ <^, a species of short horned deer. ^^-srfi^'^ k a. ^ T*^' ^^TS, CJfR?^ ^'R?, 3^^;?, beautiful, 1»ftT3, ) handsome, good looking. ^T?1, fl. (TlTst ^r^ «f^1, C>fT^ ^1[1, dowDCMt, dejected, of sad countenance; ftm, ^9(f^, a womao of sad counteuaDce. 'tSJ^, s. jtw ^\^, v^SH^y Q^V'fl, a good quality, praise. ^f'i^^ S' TT^ 55^ JWt C?T^ sH^ ^I'^iT? ?«1, Uugriwo, the name of a monkey king and ally of Ramsondro, when he fought with RawoQ, king of Ceylon. Jf^^, 5. see TTffW* ^jf, s, c»tin ^^^ ^«f ^n^1, having an intimation. ^3f 5T^, a. ^iBf «f^, prickly, bearded. ;^W^irr^, ». fraf^nRlt, ftrs ^Jf «ff? ^^5rf^, to feel an itching or pricking sensation. JJ^TTflf?!!, 5« srn fe^PT, a species of wild vine. »f?f1, g. TTT^ ^^1, CstiW C?^^l, the act of smelling; smell. ^fT^, ) »• Cifr^ C^^T^, ^5^ ^^Tt, to cause to smell. ^fW, ». ^15^ b^, 5^T^^ sft^ e^fsr, to smell, to inhale by the nose; 5. vermin that infest fowls. 542 ^V ^5!ft, *. ^irf^15, ^fsr^n, nectar, ambrosm. ^, V. ST^ ^f^, ^^ ts^, ^src^'t^ ^Tf^^ ^^'S f^^ C^^l t^57, to ask, to enquire; i. ceremonial purification after a birth or death. 3|#rf, ff. 2^^ ^^^» ^T^l sr^l, 'T^^l, heard, obeyed; *. the act of Prearing or obeying; a hole, a perforation. ^JRff", v. >T?^ ^s^, ^^t^ t^, to cause to hear, to proclaim. s^TH^S^, a. ^^ Cstt^, ^^ ^5r^1, heanl and known. 3^, V. ^a^ j^CSliP, 5. CJi* fsff^, ^4f ^, sunshine, a species of flower. ^'JH^^, *. "^T^ %\W^ 39^9 ^rl^ f^C^f^^f?1., ^ cloth, cool. ct[S"51, s. WlSTSf 5fiFi^ SJT»^ C^^lt the middle parting of the hair. C^^C^TH Tfc^, \ a, c^iUST, ^Tvi^TU (^r^ ^I^ ^tfif, ) immature, CT'K'Tfwi, ' soft, ( applied mostly to wrwd. ) CT^I, 5. cms fwjn, ^<, V^t the act of warming by the fire, or of applying heat; distress, trouble, sulfering. C^i%4 V. Cf[t, ^r*f fw, to warm, to heat before the fire, to roaat, to receive heat from the application of any heated substance. C^IC^P^I, ». aee C^lctl^U r.Jr?5^, s. ^K9 # ^CTPsn •nf^i mucous discharge from the nose. C^^rfii^l, a. CJ^ d^, si{U^ srs, i^nolly ; *. a species of tree. CTCW^l, a, WTT? C^C^WI 9if[); c^5^ *f?1, benumbed or stitt* from cold. C^CW^Kf^Cvf^, s. HT^T c main current of a river; a new channel or path. CTT, «• ^f ^^ ^*>^» * species of white dove. Cfm'BW]f^, s. ^^f^ »rei f^CT^l, a species of medicinal vine. (TITC^T ^C^, a. f^^lf ^C«f, C^J3^^ ^^, pale, wa», sickly. CTOl^lf^in, ^ a. f^C-^ai, C5» ^ C^rrc^l^ ^«n, pale, wan, of CJ^-51, i bloodless appearance. C^TSTC^n:^?^^, a. (TTT^l CiC^T^I, CTT^C^ ^^ ^^fl, pale, wan. C^^ s. ^^f ^IC^, 5!n, >fr^ f^C^I, a dam, a dike, a bridge, a meialiG amalgam. CJT]jj5(i, s. ^f^^ nri ^<^1 CTT^, a diseaae of the soles on the feet. C^^5T^-, .c. ^ifrT ^*1, Ji^j^ sm:® t^ tiTTU ^1 CW^ ^ ^tf«=I, the ridge of rocks extending from the southern extremity of the Coromandel coast towards the island of Ceylon, said to haire been formed by Honu'ihan at the command of Ram as a bridge for his forces to go against Rawnn. C^nr, 8. ySif^ ^I^, a kite, a bird of prey of the hawk kind. C?i^C5nsi1, s. -^-ml^ ^?n5 OR C^ ?^ CTf-ilWl ^z<^ srt^i^, a class of people employed to train kites for the king. C»R1, s. t^Rj, fshtm, ^^1, ^5fT^ an army, a soldier, a warrior. C^RT'^tfr, 5. t^Rj?: ^fV^t^, «i military commander, a general. C^f7{, s. c=i31 ^ C^'T^^ ^^ \ST?f, the stem of fruit or grain. <:^^^, 'i' iW^, fe^lTT^ C^T^ Cc^Tsil T^1 ?tix 'ilf^^f, Vermillion. CTT^f^, a. ^^1, c^^^^ Rf^sn, red, like vermillion. C^^fk^i^', s. ^1% ^^1, Jif^ <^ sn?, a species of Poraa or Toon tree, ('Cedrela Toon a. j c*i'*3'f?T. C^R, ^. ^TR ff^ ^^1 <^f<5lT^R <:®T"*r> fw^^ tW. *1"^1, a seer, two pounds avordupois, equal in weight to 80 rupees; with t^, to fall prostrate. <:^^CMT^1, s. JTJ^ C^TI, C^lk^ t^ <^, the falling prostrate, as in pretence of utter inability to work or bear a burden. CT^C^r^C?, ad. "s^fTR CW^, C^t^t^ •^ltf^?1, without flavor. c^^^.^lf^, a. C^r-^^, (T^rr^T^ ^^f^^, ^f^^, insipid^ tasteless. <^^1, s. TT^ ^cTl^ -s^tflf, C^T^15 ^^] ^r^, a cotton roll for spin- ning; a ridge or protaberance as from the blow of a ratan. (J\V 547 cn^t-fr^, s. C^^l >5l?f^ ••rf^, Inrgo niisplit firr-wofMl. CJRiC^^, ». "^TC^T^ CRI, C^^^ ^^^ 34T^ ^^1, having numerous scars or ridges. crf^, a. ^l^^ ^ff^^TM^, one seer in weight or measure. r.JI^^1, a. f^f^f Gixi; s. the neglect of divine worsliipr 548 C^lt^ C^^tfc^, s. ^f^^ Tpj^, a species of fragrant flower. C^r^, V. c^;4l <5f^, "^rsi, "STt^ffsi", to worship, to serve. C^T^, s. ^3, ^^, f3Tiri, f^5, the end, conclusion, last, final. C^^^T^, 5. "^^J^tc^, 5[^^^ ^T'?f, the' last time, the latter end, death. C^Z^f ad. ^\L5, ^^^, (71^^, "^^^?3, lastly, at last, finally, in conclusion. C^^fi;<11, a. -ftt^fi;?!, C^^^l, ^5ifri?1, last, after, youngest. C^^f?T, 5. vjrff^, s8*^^f^ ^^ "«t^, a lower portion or remainder. C^^T^, V. ^S lf?TTt ^V\^ ^T-^T-"?^ ^^t^ tc?, ^^%5 5IT15 iJ^j^Tt^ 5rTll5, to breathe forcibly wrth the mouth 0{)€n, as when burnt with pepper; to speak in a low tone or whisper. (Ti^, 5. w't^, ^Tt^, loss, damage; with cs^cTtt", to cause damage &c. C^^^l, fl. see r.^^f^?1. C^^T^l, s. ;gfc^Ti1, a. f Is ^IcT^ f^i^tc^, ^f<^, the right, in opposition to the left. C^t^^^T, s. 5[^:5«t^l, yfsr^^, recollection, remembrance, ^reminiscence. C3?T^^f^, 5. ;gj^ ^r^a^l, ^^Tf^ ^^ft fF *1'C dried leaves of the hemp plant. cm«f, 5. 'Bi^c^sm, f^^1^, ^^ jmc^i n srt t^i sics c^icvfrsn^s 971 C^TUT?, an ofTencc taken, pique, umbrage. orK^Ul, a. Jjfsnn, (^^i, ) dissatisfied, woe-begone, a term of abuse applied to old men. CTtC^?1 57^, *. «^^1 51^^, rice suitable for boiling. C^r^jI^T^, a. ^5ft msift C^*n ^r^l, crumpled, drawn into a heap, wrinkled, cmtl, 5. irm Cilt ^?1 BII^, a broom made of straw or thatch. 71 550 Oit^l C^nc^RI, a. C^K-KT^I, ^^^ C^ti;^1 -s^T, CcTC^ril, wrinkled, sliriveled, withered ; s. a furrow or wrinkle. C^tll^tWI, «. 3jf^, dropsical. cTr^^^5, s. chili's ^r^i ^5J f^f5#1 ^/i%, ^^^-pf PT-Jrc^S C^TT^CSTT^ C(.1| [^, s. -^fo^ 5ft C^rr^ f%5f1, the washing of sand for gold, C^Tt^^t^, a. 5T^tc^, fJT^, early, soon, betimes. C^t^^^^l, y. ^f^ C^^ ^^^f 5F?^, a species of plantain. C^1**tI^, p. ?f ^ fk ^^(9 ^ftt to impregnate with smoke. cmciTrsil, 5. yrvn wrf^r? ^\4\t ^yf^ ^V, the act of the abore j a. impregnated with smoke. c^^y 5. ft«n, ^n? ^snfifc'^ ^1^ snn, cffTc^rw ?wt ^^, c^, ^Jf^f^ T^, a heap, a lot, a parcel, a cork, a stopple j used also as an affix of quantity joined to nouns. CTT^nft'Tl, a. ^Vtfir^n, ^ ^tfts ^R C^TC^T^, shiftless, ineffi- cient, feeble. cm^fl 31^, «. »«^^ «r4l, *«Cfnt^1, 1i^ JR1, lazy, indolent, idlej corked or closed with a stopper; s. the act of closing with a stopper. cmt^fi^m^rrc^nT, n. cmc^rc^tc^i?, cm^rrcmn c^^, gathered or wrinkled up. C^C C5rT?P5=jTW, C^f%, -^r^^, to untie, to un- bind, to loosen. C^CTI-rsrf^, s. C^U^f^rn ^^^ ^f^W, C^l^ ?i^, any roaring or rushing sound, as of wind. C^itC^rt^tt, V. C^Z7\] 7[^w ^R, to make the above sound. with a roaring or rushing sound. (prr^, 5. ctt^l, ^j^ t^?1, V&TW5 f^^ ^, the act of sucking, evap- orating or drying up; a species of large gnat. C^^1, a. 3r^f^ f^, C%r<^, dried up, evaporated; with STtft, to draw into the mouth by suction. C^Tt^ft, arl. C^srtt, OTT^, quickly, speedily, cmnt^t^, ad. (M\Z^ Cs^t^R-il ^f^t^, ( C-iTt^l ) ^^^t'-t^, lav- ishly, greedily, vauntingly. boastingly. Cjfi, I ad. ^rf-s^ ^t^5^ ^iirTitf*fC^, ( od. C^^K^f yonit5[T^flrt, ^- "^rrsUr CiniC ^\^3 ^T^r, the name given in the I'uthis to that part of Assam extend injj ahove Bishnauth. TgS, ) 5. ^fj, ^ ^C^'^I"'5n, Sp|*s^l, praise, eulogium, applause. "^9 »' f*t?T5, ^SfT^, the female breast, nourishment from the breast. ^^, s. 4 r^fz ^^, a. f^,^, ^^-5^, 3?51, fkW ^, tnin, real, right; s. one's own religion. ^^, s. see 3T^'5fi^. ^■^T^, .<• M"nf, Ff^I^ ^fei^T, ^T^rJ, nature, disposition, nntural temper, propensity or quality. ■:5^?CT, nd. "^^^TCT, ^^sjci;, naturally, by nature, in reality. "^^R^, ff. ■^rST^C* C^t^n, ^T'^fJI C^[^1, natural, inherent, innate. ^^\, pron. ^T*jf^, 'TOT, self, own self, (indeclinable.) ^.^^'^l, s. -see Ti^i^. "^■il^^, o. f^& C^|-^l, ^T^f^ ^"^S C^T^I, self-existent, self-produced. ^^, s. ^ ^1 ^tf^ f^f^ ^ctTR ^T"«r^, 5i1^, STIT, ^^, a vowel, a sound, a voice, a note in music, a tune. ^^f^^, 1 s. f^sTci; "t^^jpi" ^Tiw-, cw^zi ^wA ^T^, tg^^ -j^ffef "^m^^, •g?f, ) the firmament, heaven, the habitation ofGod, ofgood angels, and of the blessed ; the third hindoo heaven, called the paradise of Indro. ■^^f^r^T, A s. -g^^f create, to inaki? out of nothing. ^^,5. c^HJTif, SR[^, ^snf^, love, affection, reverence, confidence, jsr, s. iriR C-^rf^ ^in, laughter, ridicule. ^^i-sTJi, 5. i^pu ^t^ ^^n c^^, <^ ^5T ^ fsc^ ^smit^u ^j^i, coquetry, flirtation, any undue familiarity with the wife or husband of another, ^^^rr^i ^'- "^f^ CM^il^, to excite laughter. ?^, a. jfsi. 5$*f, true, right, just. ^^j^^, 5. TT^l^ t^l ^^^ ■if-^S'^n ^^1 ^^, the sound of violent laughter or of vomiting. 5?Pi^^ W."^, ad. ^^t^, ^^^ *1^"?<*, (T^ ^ ^fT56^,) violently, loudly, (applied to laughter or vomiting.) ^^T^^l, s. "^^i^f Jf^ ^it, ciff^TCSilsri, mutual contention, bicker- ing, disputation. ^?n, a. CT>5 3PT1t sr?I f5?r?f ^31, Bft ^rs C^rsri, the eiacuation of the bowels. ^^rsrf?, V. ^ft Wi CVfi^T?, C>i>5 ^RT^, to cause the above. \'i[X\, a. TTC^ ^Tf-ff vf^, having looseness of the bowels. ^, *. ^TfT r^r^ ^^. ^T«^^ ^Pnr. any manual labor performed for the public. X9^\ 5. ^rlx, ^{it9, "^ ^^1 cm^, ?f%, public laborers, a class of people in the days of the Assam kings. ^-gr«rT^, 5. ^»-ft( t? C^a^nt", the office or work of the above laborers. Ol^, '• 5*M I immediately, forthwith. ^, a. ^, W C^^«n, destroyed, ruined, killed. ^:5f5ft, ) a. f^^ C^rsn, srf^7nj9T fjnn 3TT«, ///. bereft of beauty ^^fj, ' and prosperity ; a form of curse. ^"Slt", (y. c^TT?, ^C"5CI ^t^ "mfk ^TTl^ f?, to assist a person bear- ing a burden on the shoulder by raising the pole. ^Ttf^RTTf^T, 5. see if^TSHSl. ^T5fTi 5. ^c^ rrCT ^^ 7^ ^ ft*Ilf^f«T, hand to hand conflict or joint work. ^firii a. Tr5^ ^r^ CSfr-^f?, ^rs ^^, of one cubit in length ; hav- ing hands. 72 558 ^? l^^l, ^ prep. ^TC15C^3 CTfrsTT^l'T, by the hand of^ by, with, ^Ts^^, T througli, by means of. ^:5J1, s. ^ boundary, limit. i5^, 5. t^R C^''T^:ii, a si multaneous shout of the name of Hon. ^fj^, ) 5. f^, fern, of the above. TffX^, s, see i[jfi ^Tt^-ftfllf, s. ^lf ^WC5T»T, like or dislike. ^v>o(|^, r. StilJ^>ajl"5, »t VTft» to cause defeat, lo overcome. ^■^, s. ^T^pjf, ^?f, i^lVT, joy, pleasure, delight, gUiduess. ^f^, a. ^r^ eisn, ^^r*^, •pl^, glad, joyful, hrippy, delig' hted. i59i3r5?r?f 3PCT, ad, fif^iTt*, (ctrr* vrft) c^rc^niftc^rc^f^f^, with long strides or steps. i^fflf, fl. ^mrTW, ^^^, (fa,) tail and well prcporlioned. Jem. I[^51, #. sriftf ^\J 5TfV «I*f? 4'9rsr, *fTT5 ^n» in land measure one fourth of a Poora; 80 or 87 cubits square. i^fjnrl, a. ^£i3f^, ^fsin, J)^r«lt«T ^r«l «r^t aslaut, oblique, aslope. if5TJ5?T^ ^C^, ad, i^J^^ ^C^ c^t^l rft, slanting, leaning from the perpendicular^ s. a bunch of reeds or split bamboo inserted into a braided partition &c. ^mfti V' ^tns ^fx, F?r^, CifT^tt, 1%Tr^, to bend_, to bow, to cast dowD^ to prostrate. .->oo ^t^ ^^T^?i, s. ^tc=Tf^, ^^ fe, I??n55I, a deadly poison. ^i%, r. ^11%, ^^f?f^ t?, ^fjt^, to incline from the perpendicular, to lean. ^f^?fl%, ». fsTcil fstf%, "^^rT^tT, intimacy, familiarity, friendly in- tercourse. ^IWl, «. "^f^, ^tc^ ^nrl%?, one of a pair, relating to a couple. ^C«^, s. viif^Sf ^rfl ?T^?r, tiie Hidoii, a species of monkey. ^CcTiCFrsTi, s. ^T^^-dn C^Tcnl, ^si^fel 'ilf^^ f^^ C5i^l, a kind of long native coat. ^^"t^CcTi^C^, ad. -pfTRJ 1^ir?I #^5nt^, ( C^fm ^1,) with long steps and a splashling sound as when walking in water. ^^, 5. see Wl. ^^?D^5 s. ^T5 5f^1, 7%?I1, the taking of the hand, marriage. ^1%, 5. see Ttf^. ^^F^, 5. TTl%^ '^TZy an elephant's tusk, ivory. ^d%f^, s. 5Tt^f% ^in;, STT-^f^tf, a female elephant. ^?^?n, y. -cftf^ ^5n, t^C? ^t^ t^ C^gtT^ Stl^ ^1 OTlTl, the impetu- ous rush of an overflowing stream or newly formed channel. ^tT, s. Jl^t^, f5?r^, -il^t^, a noise, a scream, a yell, tumult. ^^^1%, 5. ra^^T-^r^^ C^T^1"c^, the tumult of a crowd of people, uproar. ^T^cTT^, s. -^^ CVfsrTfc?, CS^ ^tcT^ ^-^ ^■MiT, merriment, sport, joviality, enjoyment. sil^W, 5. ^R5^ 3^T«TfV?] ^^tt, a species of bird, green-dove. ^^, 5. see ^f^ FfST. ^fi^t^, 5. ^:5T«^, ^TSffinn ^?;r^ 5!fT^ iiit%Sf, yellow arsenic, or pigment, ^tt: ^T^, iw/rr/. t%7npf ^W^1 srt^, ^^, alas! alas! oh! ^T^*^1^4, s. "srCTi ^ns^^ '^tfirj ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ the sound of belching or vomitinoj. ^r^^^^T^^ ^C^, ad. Ci^TCcTT^FC^TC^lT^ ^^^, ^^^^ ^C^, vvith the above sound. ^t^fi?, s. c^, ^tf^ ?r^, ^f% n ^t^f¥, a homestead, a house and grounds. Vi%% s. ^f^ ^tf^>£l ^^w^ 5ff^^>ri 5T^i f^?^, the growl of a tiger when seizing prey. f^7P m\ Ti-TI, interj. "Z]^ ^IT^I 5IT1, take care! l>euare! an exclamation of warning or prohibition. ^l^:5prt, 5. ^S-pf^tcT ^^ ^^1 CTt^ RC^W, ^if^lt, asthma, any chronic difliculiy of breathing. fle^f^i 5. t\Tl7[ fw^i the cry of a tiger. 7T6^tS, s. TT^ ^f^^ F5^ ?^1 sr^^ fliH4 5ftvr, W'ftT SfTS^T^ ^R"; c^T^Tc=T, lamentation, wailing, a cry of uistress. "Itft, V. tr>i, ^Tjg ^R, ^r^-M ^f^, f^ptr, f^f^r?rit, to laugh, to smile, to rejoice, to ridicule; s. laughter. ^Ti%f^, s. srtt^f^ ^tT, 5\t^R, the feminine of ^T5, which see. ■^Tf^T3, s. c^T^, ^•JTJtf^, shame, ill fame, a bad reputation. ^17?, s. ^1^1, fe^l^f, r^^T^^, prohibition, a forbidding, remonstrance. "jrr^rwr^^T, s. see -Ii^h i%^T?I. ^TC^f^f^^r:^^, ^. '^n^SjR f^fCgJi^, a scrambling^or struggling to obtain. ^t^f^, s. W.'^ (7fi5 ^ft «r^, a looseness of the bowels, diarrhaea. ^rf^, V. 515? miM ^f^i C^^^ ^fk, "wR ^T^ ^, t« evacuate the bowels. ^^Pft^, s. ^Mlji-ir, fesR <^^ ^^ £tf%^Ti^^ an overlooking, superintending, oversight. ?:Tf^, *. -^fsr, ^t-yf ^^1, f^?rT^, rivalry, emulation, strife. 2rrf^?T^i%, s. ^mt^f^r, ^f^m^rf^, <^^^c^ ^«r ^i, mutual contention, strife, rivalry. ^Iff^^l, ^ s. C^-wl^ ^*TR^ ^'^f^ f^r the residence of the disciples or pupils. ^IC^r^nf??, ."5. ^1^ ^^1 ^^f»T RC'f^, a female goblin said lo haunt market places. KtS, f. ^"=5, ^^, C5iR5 "srrsfFf -pff^STi^, the hand; one cubit or eighteen inches in lenoth; with «l*Tf^, to ask for, to select. the act of taking in the hand; the beating a drum with l>oth hands simultaneously. ^T^C^^CT^, s. J{fVi^ W5 ^f& ^1P C?TI^ W15^, handcuffs. i?1« C3rW, *. ^ilCVnr, f^^T-tif^r, ^t ?li; CUT^r ^nr, the joining the hands as in supplication or in the act of receiving anything from the hand of a superior. WT5 finn, '• ^rs «TC^rr«n, ^ ^^, ihc giving the hand or the laying on of hands. ^T^ *rrl, o, crflBf^, ^fft*ft^ '^^ ^^. Vm ^f^, difficult, requiring close application; economical in expenditure. \Vt^^, a, »lint ^n? «54^ vfV, in frequent or constant use ; al- ways at hand. small cash l>ox for constant use. \Vi Wf?, V. ^TC^^ ijt, cS^r^^ fir, ¥TfT5 ^fir, to stroke, to manip. ulate or make passes with the hand. Tf*<3l5«i, ^ 5. Ft^^ «tTI TSta ^3^ ^1 f^JiJ!, the beckoning with ^T^^^f^, S the hand while calling to a person at a distance. ^rs sr^lsifV, 5. ^^^Tt KT? srT:5 t^I ^nf^ «^1, the acknowledgement of a debt or giving a pledge before witnesses. ^iTfT^, a. csr^ ^^6 ^^1, light fingered, given to pilfering. ^13 »W, s. ^sa^^ ^M 'snfinr n^ I^ C^T^, the escaping from any danger or difficulty. ^t5tf«T, a. c^m^ c^frf r<(.*i*J, a game of toss and catch. ^TCi;*fr;5, ad. 2lf5 ^TCT, in every hand. ^TC15Cmci5 5f^, a. 5;^ ^sc^KTSt ^^i| t^'ICT ^1 ^^', caught in the act of stealing. 5G4 iCf^ ^mrTW, -) «• ^W, "^f^in :rT^^1%. ?n^. s. t^^ C-^T^, ?t^, a stab, a thrust, injury, loss. ^TR, 5. Ft^, -9^1]%, -fTF, W-^^^ f^t%. C'^t^ft, harm, loss, damage; V. to slab, to pierce. ^TT^, a. ^r;?Pl ^li^, CBTi, ^5r^ir»TfM', simple, stupid, dull of comprehension. ■^T^T^ijf^'j s. ^f^ 'stnPnT'5 Z^ ^^^» exhaustion from great effort, fatigue; with "^it", to be fatigued or exhausted. ^T^^^ a place covered with litter. irrT'^?rrc=[. ^ )> far??, frjst, snow, dew, mist, (a general term.) f^^. 5. i^f^T U9h ^f^ f^'^. elephant semeo. ft;imt, s. «T?5 ?jff ^3? f^mj. fkjmjF , the fleshy port ion of the breast. f^n?r^f<, V, arwr?3 ^^ ^^^irrt, fkv^'s 5rn? siTf?, to smite on the breast in token of grief. r«nrTfi?IJWrf81, *. 1«r^ft«lf^, ^Tf^nrrf«l (^^, ) t wailing and swaying to and fro of the body, ftl, 5. vfl^ ^1 ^sn Vrc^irs ^-I^^ ^1T ^ ^, a fibre, the threads of a cocoon; with fw, to unwind the threads of a cocoon in spinning silk. fWT^, s. riTT^l, Cinr, gold. f^^ ^f^^t S' ^ ^T^R W^ tirST vflU^, the name of a fabled gigantic demon, to destroy whom Vishnoo assumed the Noro- hingho incarnation. fi ? ; m'»fT, «. fk^^ ^f^«l^ «Tqw, the brother of the above demon. f^I^?, \ *' «Tj5^1^, fsff^fff^, any roaring, rushing, rumbling fi[^^f^, i sound, fi^, s. Jlf^>f ^^ ^K?, 5^ 'im vil»Tf% IsrTT, a diamond; a low class of potters, ftt?^, 5. ^rffl ?m ^513 f?rCJi^, a gun ; with mft, to discharge a gun. f^t^l^T?, s." ^mtale. ^^f%, r. ^tr^'^rr^, f*f5t^ t^, to move backward, to retrograde, to retreat. «^, 5. RZ^, ^Qt'Sf^^T, •4r^C'«nr!> bustle, hurry, haste. ^^^:^?p ^C^, ad. -^^t^, "^fiKH ^-pf, (^^1, y) loudly, bitterly, ex- cessively, ( applied only to crying. ) ^f%, s. C^«^tft, -^m •src^C^ 5r^1 CitCSi^l, angry retort, cross and cutting words. ^f^^^, s. (T^^ft sr5l,C*>fC«fTl5Rl,the speakingcrossly or snappishly. ^fWT^, I'' CSC^fet^, •5rc^C'< C^ClJ?:i STTR, to speak crossly &c. ^^51, s. ^i?fJl, ^TCW^, t%5ft^, a verbal order or command. ^^?rl, s. srT^ Sf^ ^H^i >ilR5f f^"^1, a contrivance for catching fish. ^, s. <^^ 1%^, ^C^^ ^t^R S?^§TT?r, a pressure of work, urgency of business. ^■§^, s. sit^^"^ ^^?i, Pfc?^ a multitude, a crowd or throng of people. «^^. J 5- ^^^ ^^"5 ^c"^ f^^ <^^i c-irr^jtr ^^rr ^] ^"^13 ^?^fiT, J ^^ ^C^^ JT^i ^^^If^^, ^TC2T}^ ^TraV, the sound of beating or striking liard substances together; clan- gor, clash. ^^^1^, V. -^\^\ T[W ^f^, to clash, to strike against with noise. ^^, 5. JiC^f?! SRrs T^s ^ c^l c^rr^^ t^^ ^R^, the sound of sudden striking breaking or clashing. TB^f s. 5fq ^:9rT^1 *fl, a bill of exchange, a draft. ^iI?"-5T^, 5. see 4i*t>*]F. ^^T^FR, 5. ^, "^f^, fire. ^3Tl^, ) a. 9V\'^jf^, Sf»^, ^^^ffintTl, unlucky, unfor- ^TrW^nn, ^ tunate, evil-omened. ^7, ff. ^^ CTy5l vilfT^f, a screech-owl. ^^, 5. if^ST, ^rf^, failure, diminution, loss. ^, ad. C^C^, ( corruption of ^X^l, I hear,) used adverbially equiv- alent to tlje phrase *'as report goes" or "they say." iysrtrrf?T, .«. sr^smf^l, srs^ obstinacy, self* will. Csrgsi fttW^, \ 5. (MTTK ^ «tt»f5T, a roaring or thundering noise. fPlTlfrc^f, ad. JkC9 w:sf, ^rc^rcv fltf t^, together, in concert. fffilS^, 5. SjfT5^?[ ^}TR^ £r^^lt55 ^Tf?r fir?1, Vfil^tvj SlfT5»lJt f^CPI, the threatening of revenge fff^RII^, V. £tf^^^ ^f^3I^« fJ^IJT^ "FttT 1^, to threaten retalia- tion or revenge. er^fjnrt^, 5. W^^ f^^t^, ^5*, a sigh, a long breath. 5^, iiiterj. d[, c><|t c^r^l STTIS, a vocable used in frightening away birds; shoo ! ^^c^^n, a. ^ BSfl, ^5Tf«f or^, scattered, dispersed, fleeing panic stricken. g"^], a. ^^-Jf^T ^itf^^n, -ir^nf, <|-, (^"S?,) dry, arid, without rain. ^'^]t, V. '6'^\t ^Tf^R ^^ Brfw, to frighten away birds. ^"^tSTTS, *. ^^t^ ?F^, ^re^fi ^'JT!, a loud cry, lamentation. ^■^Ts^rnr, ad. ^^ ♦il^rcsc^, (^^) loudly, vehemently, (applied to crying.^ ^^T^^1, 5. ^?iTf^f5i, ifi?t ^r?", 55^5!, an affray, uproar, confusion,, tumult. 570 ct^ wr^, V. ^t^fR, to he wearied or fatigued. ^ft^TtR, V. -^it fw c=T'5 5Trf^, to rush upon with a loud cry ; ad. noisily, clamorously. §;^^1^, V. see ^^T^. '? ^^^1, s. ctf [5^1, ^¥^1, a stirring up, a loosening or scratching of the soil; J?^. the investigating or stirring up of an old matter. ^$f%, V. m^ ^TfJr <5f'^f ^§f'f^, to stir up, to investigate. ^^ the sound of anything falling heavily. ^Zr{, s. ^ffTrs^tr, CM^TU«tT^1, unjust force or coercion, violence, compulsion. ^^"^, \ s. see f^^f^^. ^:^'"?T^, V. "^^"^ ^1%, f^f^^T^, to make a rumbling or roaring sound. Q:5-5:1%?n, a. ^^<^ft?n, cn^ 7^m ^R^ri, ^^^f%^, frank, out- spoken, unreserved. ^5=T, s. ^t^, cmw, ^?r, a thorn, a sting, a prickle, a sliver, ^Sfl, J a goad; with ilf^, to meditate injury or harm to another; with snft, to pierce. ^c^9fc=T, ^ s. CTt^TvfR, 9f3CStrcT, 15:^T^1, confusion, tumult, np- ^^[■^5=1, 5 roar, a hubbub. iTf^i, the stirring of a liquid, the oozing out of a liquid. ^.-yiftijTt, V. cm^ ^>§ ^SiTR, ^m ?1 C^K^ ^^ fw, to stir up, ( as a liquid; ) to ooze out. ^^^f^fi, a. see ^^ c^ffl. ^Wi ) s. ^^t^ ^t ^t^^ ^^, the roaring of fire. C^, inter] . :^T5^1 7^^] ?p?n, 3T:it5f^^ 51^5, f^t Tflrsn *f ^^f^'' yiiif?f^ ^, a callous, a scar, a ?pecies of tree; a, scarred^ cauterized. cic>5 571 d^(^?1 5ii^, s. 1, "JT^, ^^r^.^rn, perplexity, difficulty, trouhle. Clc^^, . «• ^?^*f C^^, <:^r5?1, ^f^iir'^f^, out of square, oblique, ChL^O, I not parallel, winding. C^C^^C^fC^STT, a. V{^7l-^^^y J^^^ct^ vr^l, CWT^, CW?f1, cfx^s^C^s^, shaking about as anything loosely bound; s. difficulty, trouble, embarassment. C^C^^TCTC^nc, s. C^Cm, J. %«1^T5" '^fk C^I^C^T^Il, the taunting with, or frequent- ly reminding a person of favor conferred ; with ^f^, to taunt. C5:^Tfty, 5. ^irf:^ ^t3 ^"S 1%C5T3T, a small sword or rapier used by the Assam kings as an insignia of royalty. C^^tlf^?, s. ^fq W^\% ^m Tw^^ Sj^i"^, a long basket used for catching fish. C^^T^l, 5. viirit^, SR c^Tc:m^t3 ^rfw ^r^ ^TI C^^^l, a remiss- ness or loitering at work. temporary fence made of whole bamboos hung on posts. (rs§;^|rr, s. viiR5f fpflTc? H"*^' ^ species of dog. C^:^, ?. -^^1 ^^^r 5:fi^^ >iir^?f, vermillion. C^t%?1, s. -^W], C^^?I ^^^> red, like vermillion. C^^T^, ct. '^'^ 71, ^^^, a thousand. C^^T^C^r^, a. ^C^^ C^^t?:, ^f^ 5^^^. many thousands, mul- titudinous. C^CSR;?!, «. C^i^^, of a thousand, of the value of or contain- ing one thousand. C^Tf^, V. ^T^ ^tWZ "^KZZ-^ ^t^ Tw, to ease a burden on the shoulder of another by raising it with the hand. CilWl 573 COt^*f41, s. vijC^I ^^C^ C^t^$TC?1 5T?rT.5i 5*f^1 «vff^ ^^I,ll)e scrambling of several persons for anything. CWrsrrf^, *» Jia^T^ ^^ ^S*C^ ^ CST^I srlf^, a liand rail of a bridge, ctfent, w, sn^ ^tfif f%5Tf^51 '^r^H ^TCIX^ C loosed, without ^5^rf^, * -i keeper. C^i?l, U. sec ^;;f]sj. aifTf«1^Tair^f^, s. S^^J *fl5^ C*f^ ^Tcm^, after-pains. C\W\f^T9f, s. ^if^IC^ Cf\CTW^t9 C^T^ 5r^, a hanging bamboo shelf. C^irrf^TM^, 5. ^firc^ C^C^Wlt^ C^^l ^^ 5Twr, a roof in which the thatch is laid on braided bamboo splints instead of bamboo rafters. C^, cunj. vflC^, Jlfyi, like, sucb, as. t^^fJir^, conj. ^CK^, Htc# •Tft, Olt f^f^iS, therefore, so, for this reason, with this understanding. C^ZZ^^, conj. vflW OS:^, '3IT^ ^r^JV, so and so, this and that. C^^ conj. see Cf^- t^f^, V. CWX^R ^ft, 5j^, ^f^y to swing, to vibrate, to oscillate, to toss, ( as waves. ) C^T[?«TT^f5f, ^ i. C^fi^T^, iB[f^ ^W\ C^»l*ff^, oscillation, swaying, CH'H1«11, ^ vibration, dashing of waves. C^C^^lCfT'*^, s- W^-^^, R«rt VTT, ^5^ «*f? CTt^l, oscillation, vibration^ a swaying to and fro. C^»n, 5. f^stt^ ^t5 Ol^l, with CTftr, to stretch out the hand to reach. C^^fT^ 8' ^TSl^, ^ferr^, ^1, eager desire, craving, longing> with *fTTI^, to gratify a craving desire. C^f^^^l, a. c5C*f^TJ^, thin faced. c^c*n^Tc the striving to do beyond one's strength. 74 574 C^^ C^n^, a. C5^, ^T^t^, \l>f f^, stupid, simple, not quick of dis- cernment. C^TT^^rf^, S' see ^T^^f^. C^^rc^^, 5. fet^c^T, C5^1 ^f'% C^rrC^t^l, trouble, perplexity, agi- tation of mind ; with -artt, to be agitated. C^5I^, s. f^^ fe^T^, ^K^^ *t5 ^^^' ^he cold season; the two months Aghun and Puh, or about Nov. and Dec. C^^tTH^, s. c^v[], -Jtl 9f?rg-, ^r^C^t^ C^rc^t'sn, slackness, dilatorines9» remissness. C^n, > ^' ^^^ srTi;, the voice of a bovine animal, a low. C^^^f^, s. c^"^ c^^l ^^1, the lowing of bovine animals. C^C'^fi'T^rit, V. c^^ ^r?:, ^r¥^ srr1%, to low, ( as cattle. ) C^^, ^ inferj. 7\\n\^j<^ T^if;) ^fj-j, Hollo 1 used in calling to in- 4n5 ^5t5 C^T^I STtlf, a word equivalent to "what do you call it." CK-fki ifiterj. ^K^^Z^^ "sm ^X.'^^i a term of familiar address to ft"iends and superiors. C^^^n^, V, ^5Rj^ CPTt^t^t^ C5^t^> to lose or cause to be lost. C^C^^, interj. ''srtW^ ^rlTtC^^ ^^51 ^jc^T^ir^, a vocative used in ad- dressing elders or superiors. C5C^«tf^, a. C^XM'^, C^^ 51^1 ( ^f^, ) dense, interwoven as of jungle. C^C^*n, a. C^-s^I t^ ^TO, ;§{M-4nt ^W, C^*f^i» prostrated, (as grass or grain.) C^C^sj^rmi, a. ^tS^feli, -ill^mij (JRlf^,) sloping, applied only to land. cwr^] 575 C^;i5lf^, X. see C5[C^*ff^. C^'CTT'Sll, *' C?:^Tt C^T^l, the act of loosing; a. lost. C^C*f^l, a. see C^C'^-sfl. C^5^5, 5. J3f^oljjlHJ r.«i 5f^^ f??Rf^, a roaring or bellowing af of wild beasta or cattle. <:ttC^R1, s. ^^fk Tp^1, bellowing &c. or above. cfT<^, *. C^1^1, c^r^], t%75^^ ^m^ ^Tfjf |%l. a sucking or draw. ing into the mouth, ctrctr^l, s. i^ll^lvi cSfrwi, ^^^, a retrograding or going back. C^tctt^tt, V. ^VS^f, -s^T^trr f^nrfr, ^^tt, to cause to turn back. <:^t^^C^t^f^, *. ^m^ ^51 ^rr^fc ^tf^^ C^rr^ff^, the grunt of a hog. i| sitfiE, to grunt ( as a hog. ) C^UW, «. 5T^F^, ^^ ^T^^ fW¥c?, tall and stout. C^m, a. c*fi^^f^?1, ^iTaitC«l CU fsd^in, ^ CS^, the going ^Sf C5^, ) in front in order to stop or oppose. ^^?, *. ftfem? ^[^^1 Mix ^sf^^ cr^, *t^, £tTC^ 5TTf^, ^5TT^ :^t, clay, potter's clay. ^W^, s. ^r^r^^ ^^^, £^f^^ a guest, a visitor; with c^m, to entertain a guest. ^tW^, ^. cxft^ c^^ ^^1, c^Tjt^, the not asking, the not obtaining permission. ^T^^t, V. ^;gf^tt, ^itt^ ^Tf^ ^f^^ to finish up a work; to make empty. ^T^C^t^l, s. see ^tlfCTr^l. to draw near ^^i, ^^^1, s. vS^lf^ s, see ^T-^rj. ijHiir?n 5^rs?, indignity, shame- ful abuse. ^555^^, ad. cmi\l^ 57iC^ 5TX^, ( C^^"^ ^rcsnxi, ) unceasingly ; applied mostly to the griping of the bowels. ^^^C^, nd. ^ST^I" ^rf*rt^, ( ^^ ^ ^TCHT^I, ) gently, continu- ously, as of gnawing or a steady pain. ^?rcw?^i^l, fvimiM, arersion, dislike, repugnance. C^TiflST, s. see C^T^. Cs^1C^T^, "511% 71^^, ^511;^^, plentiful, very abundant. M^l, s. c^r^l, C^r^f^ t^?!, ?lf^ ^T|% f^Trn, a knitting or stringing together; a. knitted, strung together, in order, plaited. ^^r^, V. C^fr^fvT JTf?rtt', 5rR f^rrrf^, to cause to be knit, strung to- gether or arranged in an orderly manner. ^5T, s. see sf^c?. sT5l%, s. 4{^7\ ^^1 llif^, a woman who has goitre. ^i%?rl%, a. ^tf^ 9^1 z] q!w\, ( ^t<^, ) barred, woven with alter- nate rows of coarse and fine thread. ^WtC^M, s. c<^^ «i:^t^t^ vFT^^ ^^1 ^f^^ viiftsif 71^ ^^, a kind of small water animal. ^^, s. see c^rt^. ^f%?1, fl. see "^r^fiiV!- ^fsif^, s. «iif^^ sft^^ ^tir, a species of paddy. ^'^^^, s. see 5rt^^t%. M'tf^r, V. c^I^f^ ^, 5rf^ ^fpT f%, to knit, to string together, to plant. 9nl%f^, a. ^ C^mi, (5Ttti% ^^ ^Tt%,) with young; applied mostly to cattle. f^?t5T, s. see 9tJp{, knowledge, wisdom, &c. f9f?rtf^, a. see ^Jtf^, having knowledge, wise, &c. ^^t^tSTTft, V. m^^ ^ C^ -^f^ 1^, ^tft fW ?1 mf>, to fetter ani- mals by tying two feet together. 5fC ^i ^fm^, a. ^^ <^51 ^1 t^sn, over-ripe or cooked to a jelly. Cit^Ttt, V. Ci^fk^^l^ fw, *mtt, .ilf^< STT^, to cause to rot; s. a- species of pulse. C^rr^^C'»n5^1, s. *ilf7r%r 3fi^ ^f?", a species of bird, the Hoopoe. C?fT5IC5^, s. 5]>;t ^T^I ^f^ ^rr^ ^*f^, a kind of figured silk clolli. ^JlJT, s. ^1J, C^T^, f^im, C5^5^, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, idea, sense; with fw, to instruct, to advise, to counsel; with «ff^, to from a conception of, to obtain knowledge; with ^;ft, to come to one's self, to be conscious. ^tTt^ftpT, a. srrf^ Jjf^ ^^, knowingly or intentionally done. ^T5(a^, ) a. '^ft^fv, 7Wg, f^tfJU^, f'iW^. ^^1, learned, wise, stTtf^, ' intelligent, knowing, clever, shrewd, sage. ?r7TC^ft5Tr, ^. C^TC^f!5ir ^^frs 5^, VT^. ^V9t f»71, 5T^, the or- gans of sensation; viz, smelling, tasting, hearing, seeing, feeling, to which is is often added thinking. sfTTWlift, s. ^rR £f^r^ C^l'sr., r«f?m «C^^1, the riae or dawn of knowledge. TRfS^n, 5. JT5XT^^ ^r5 C5mTf9it»r y*fl, ^W, a son in law who lives in the house of his wife's father. ^5©?Tt, V. FfV*ff^, ^%m ^ ft^Tft, to grope about, to feel one's way in the dark. ^r^y *. C^5, s[f^^ ••fVI, a division in a necklace of several strings. C^^^rj%, V. csfl^rft, ^tJT^t, ^HIR ^fr, lo teaze, to harass, to Tex, to annoy. CirfV, V, c^/x, ^Rf^, to surround, to encircle. 5^1^, 5. ^5T^, fsf4i*[^, ftf^f^ft, a sudden start, as from sleep ; glitter, twinkle. &^&4^1, 9- ^f^ C s. ^^:c^^ Tjt #Tf^^ Ci^\^, '^If^ ^^, the part of the ^r^C^^I, ) abdomen on both sides below the spurious ribs. ^T^t^S^, 5*. ■^HS'^ ^fk^ ^c^"^"^, a large bead used to unite the several strings of a broulet. ^C515j::«7^1, a. see c^c^Wl- t^^^^l, a. -^t R^t C^mi, ^ff^ c^^ri, R^ C^t^, settled, deter- mined, finally disposed of. t5C^mc^^j%, a. c^T^cnt^, ^iTT^^t^, C^ft^C^T^, scattered about in disorder. C5«1^^i;W, s. see C^j:St^^. iSi^ji^^fC^, Gc/. ^ftjit^c^, (^t^^':wt^;) exceedingly 5 applied to extreme emaciation. ^^fCSrn^, s. ?«n^ ^^ JTWl TR, f^W^J. Ji^ ^^, a brick building attached to the front of a temple; a name of Khrishnii. »sr^, 5. li^, wr^ir, mt^ ^Tf?r^, relating to or produced in the cold season. UtjCIJ, ad. fiwT^ V|Tr^, C'l^ ^K"^, while, as long as, until. f%VfirW_ 7^1^, ad. 7\^r^Ti\l^y (irt^, ) greatly, applied to any pricking sensation. fsnffBffsnn, a. z^ ^prt^ ^^, fwwf^Wtt «t^, pricking, annoying, irritating. ^*f59l^, s. see Bf^nrT?. WfTSt^j r. 5J^5r5 ^Pft, ctflAI 9fX9 WSXf, to make ready, to prepare ^^, y. OT^srW, C-^PSn ^ ^?t5 «T9T, flavor, taste j with 5t^, to taste. isyf, s. see bTw. C5R:*f%1, a. CSC^ffe >f^U *fl^ im Cl^n* adhesive, sticky. CWt^, s. '«l"r^5», :5[TI ^'irTfif^ »!«T1 flrffi, a snarl, a tangle. C»T^«:ff^, ) ^. i[\US 1[TCn5 ^^ ?jrj», n, f^:^' 'o lessen or diminish ; applied also to the drying up of a stream. C^'s^^C^, ad. ^X.-^ ^^tC^, a'fCT, ( C-Jlt^l ^1 RsTl, ) at one mouth- ful, at once. C^9[\t -^^, s. T^U. ^^^1, sr^ f^nf?r1, ^t6^t^ ^^1, the not giv- incr ear, utter indifference. C^T^T^^^^I, 5. ^f%5!f «^^^T^ Jlt^, a species of ant. C^Mtf^, 2^- ^"W ^1%, to watch for anything) to hope for. to slap on the head, to break clods of earth by pounding. ^^, s. see 9f^ ^C^Y^, s. \5t^ '^tf? ^^ ^ ^"I^^ '^^j sriC^\^, a sharp sudden sound, as of anything bursting or breaking. ^^^, a. ^5T»1«^C15 ^^n (^tt^^tfw,) brittle, easily broken; applied to earthen or glass ware. C^;d^p^U^, s. CTtt^cwT<»ltl s. 5f^^'5l'tc^t^, ^TL?flRc?tj uneasiness, restlessness, ex- citement. 1? ^si^fet^, u. 51R^5T <5t«^^«^ '^fk ^ ^^FfT^ ^f^, to gasp for breath as when dying. l^lfe, V, c^«t f^ff^, to swallow one's spittle ; with , a young man who struts idly about. VW^tT^rf^, 5. see C>FS*Tt^iT. ^, a. ^o« ^^^^^ Ji\ to ofler in sacrifice, to worship. £;5rt^, s. see -s^srt^f. ^■s>n, a. ^^^ 91^ 5Rli taken eff*ect, as of medicine. ^rr^'sTr^, «• see 5t^ C-KT^. ^tfep^l, s. ^rT, £t^?^^, trickery, deception, imposture. ^t^j s. 1%^ «^^^f5f^ ^^, a species of medicinal plant. ^"STfe, ) «• see TOT®. fTf^^t^TSF, a. ^^ ^ 3(:^*I1, ^:5;<^, C^?1i ill looking, ugly. fz^Uw^^^n^, 4. 315RI ^TS Z\ Cirr^R, unintelligible talk, gabble, jargon. f^flffTnjrft. V. f5l3fl%3f ^tar^rw ^1% to talk unintelligibly, to gabble. frs^r^FRiS'Sfl^, 5. cz^ ^«1"T^, ^rr5 ^*n^, refuse cotton. C^fsTO'^^, 5. ftfsf fVsrf*^ sn? C s, 4V9l ^^ 91^, an inferior kind of bell metal. C^^^finn, *. see C^T91 t^. i^^^. »• ^^ t^ ift^ Ce Indian fig tree. 1^*4.^ IC»r ^^ C^e^^r^rsj, excitement at witnessing another's adversity or good fortune. rrsrfwi, a. i^t^ifVl Zjf^, yellow. C^cafJnn, a, C^\^T *jaif*V, relating to a thousand. C^^Tlf^l, fl. 5«it^4 ^C^ C5(rcrr«n, (srn, ) corrupt, incorrect, appli- ed to accent or pronQociatioo. 593 ^T^ ERRATA AND EMExNDATIONS. ^, is also used as a vocative; as ^ C^l-s^t^, O father! ^1%^^1, o. add to the Kng. def. s. the act of striping, marking Sic. ^^^^, a. for ^f^ Sj^, read ?PiJ^ 5R C^^. >4j^f^cT, a. for ^^«#, read ^^^fe. ^5^55", for a. read s. ^, used also adverbiallv. ^5f^, V. for ^*TC5T^1, read ^TC5T^ sjtf^, for -^ ^i^^^l, read '^It^, s. read "^t^. '!>n^C5T^T'^, V. for ^it 5*RTt srt.^ ^IRTl, read ^n:^(JC?[ ^T^ 5<»RTt. ^lfi^?1, a. for CM\^y read CifTCVr^n. ^1^^, for s. read a. for ^TC^TC^TIRI, read ^rc^TCsftWl. ^T$r 55f^, r. for JU-^nt"!; ^5R1 ^tfif, read ^ff^. ^^ ^, ». for CBf^ SfTI, read csf^ id>, for fTR fil%l, read ^TsfTO^, »• read WT^t Wt ?^ 5i1 ^Tf^, ^STTSf ^T^ ^f^. ^iftf^I, *. add the top or upper |)ortion of a shrub, branch, tree &c. ^tl5fT^IMf<, V, for c^^i c^QTffjs, read cvTC^^ C^C^fs. ^Tyf<|, 5. '5I|*RM41, a slap, a stroke, a forcible dash. ^rr5T<|'«rrt, p. read for deC f*f5?Tr s* read ^^?5f. ^•^TciSTT'irc'f, for ad. read s. bustfe, hurry, haste. ^5^T^, V. for $T^1^, read ^-pfft, to boast, to vaunt. ^"s^^^, s. read ^^SJ^J. %», o. for f^Ti TT^, read "fer. ^, for a. read 5. warmth, gentle heat as of the body. ^f^^'ift, V. alter the Assamese def. to qTRRis ^rftf%?Tt^ t^l ^^Vl^ «• omit srrf^, and substitute, fertile, arable. ^cT^^rft", V. for ST^TS ^W c^C5fT^1 ^TJT, read i^ij^ ^r^ 5T?It^, |^^^^. ^rll^, for V. read s. and substitute the Eng. def. for detraction^ reviling, the treating with disregard or contempt. 'i)tcrrr^fk, s. add irritation, an itching sensation. ^^T^^. «. add very many, abundant. ^^^, ad. read ?p^ZT3, for i^S^, read ^J^THS. ^^r^f^, a. read ^f^f^f. ^sifj^TT^, V. in the Assamese def. for TPTI* Ct.t^1> 5T^, read Tpfij, ^^•J^f, s. add filth, squalor. 55^1^, orf. for, from what place, read of what place. ^/T4C*IWMI, for «rf. read f. i.e. somebody of some unknown place. 'FC^'T^, 5, omit the second Eng. def. ^5T^R1^, 5. omit the comma afi«r ^"HFC- 9«^, 5. for Brohmo, in the Eng. def. read Brahma. ^f^, J. add to th« Eng. dei. a knob; also ft^9\ t%f^ ^jft?! ^tf^, a gusset. ^Z5y 9. read ^?^ ^lf5, o. for ^TV t^ ^1, read ^«{t^ f? TTfif, add a. not well cur- dled, applied to milk curds. 4|)e^>&ll, a. read ?PT^?^^. ^t9^1t for ad. read pron. the Accusative of C#I«(^t, somebody. *I^*^^1, a. omit the last Eng. def. ^M*li|f^y|, for V. read a, ^tf^, J. add 7f7{\ fizjW, a Wind woman. ^f^, for ». read a. ^*^, ff. read ^^rr. Off^, C^f^6, C^t^, these three words are adverbs* t?p, r. add, ^^ ^^, zfi^. C*1*MC«^, s. read c^^p(^. C^tl^, for V, read a. ftff^, s. for ^55n, read ^^. 5D7 'stf^ 4, s. add, the turning a matter over in the mind, forecaste. C^l^, C'^n^t^^l, C*^!^^? these three words are without the nasal sign, and C*^T^^ is an adjective. CiTf^, C^fTO^, these three words lack tl>e nasal mark. csn, s. for ^^r, 7(9i^t read r-of, 7{W^\, C^IT-^^I, *. read c^T «• omit ^^i^l. o99 ^ §^, f^ ^1, "l^, of these three words omit the last, connecting its Eng. def. with the second word used as an adjective. ^51, a. lacks the nasal isign.*' f<11, s. add an illusion. 5^, 5. omit the comma after ^^fsiL ^fC-s^ft^l, s, for ^^ ^^^1, read ^ Fi[^1. ^5^, rt. read shrewd, cunning, sharp. ^T^tfi?, for a. read s. shrewdness, sharpness, cunning. ^-s^l, a. add approached; 5. the act of approaching. ^^1, s. omit the " over C^^1^, also the comma after s^^^i. 15t?1, s. for ■^^^^ l^ffs^l, read 5i^ f^n>m- mf^, V. add ^T^f^ ^Tfpfl5 ^l^^l^, 5^^ ^ft, CTjt. ^tt^, ad. misprinted ^tt^f. ^tft^fe', s. read restlessness, tossing about, inquietude. ^t^, 5. add (TJrf c«i"^1 ^5«T ^t^, ^^J^l, the lower part of an oil press, f^f^^, ^. add a bounding or flying off. f^^, s. for Ct5rr^t^, for a. read crd ^^, a. add 5. speed, applied to quadrupeds. C5^f^, s. read cf^f;^. CT5^f%m, for a. read v, substitute for Eng. def. to lean, to incline. C^1, s. for the last Assamese and Eng. definition read a?'5^5 ^lf^5T C^C^mi, flabby, flaccid. CU^Tt^^^, «. for Assamese def. read'^^ ^^fl ^^ \5t^^ C^T^^l. C1?T^1, 5. omit the last Assamese def. ^ tC^TT^I, for s. read a. (J^Z^t^L"^, ad. for Assamese def. read ^t^ "^t^ C?r^ ^ f5I, \ IT^, \ 5. add a. holy, sacred. ir^, s. omit ^^^ vflf^^f, add to Eng. a. soundly beaten. 5ff5r, V, adr, s. omit the last Assamese def. -sff^^Tg^, a. add mature, accomplished. *5^n?1, s. add a watchman, a sentinel. -^f^^H, a. read *ff>j%T. ^ '^^C^^f^Tf^, «• read -pfC^^^^^rrO. ^flt^ClTRl, *. cut oat C?fR ^r^, substitute for Eng. def. tlie Hornbill . -fft^ff^, V. alter Assamese def. to C^ff^ t§T5 ^snf^ C«t^^ -5^?! '^t5>f?l, s. omit Jtrs t%C^^ and the Eng. def. a curse. *fT^, s. before the last Eng. meaning for s. read a. -straf, s. add ^WT^ ^f% fe^m, ClFTiTJ, a minister of slate. vfT^ffff, 5. tdd a dark grey color. *fTft, V. add to tlie Assame-se def. TTf^- ♦TT^, *. omit the last Eug. def. dice. ♦ft^*^1> 5. for carving, sculpture, read the notching of a border. f^flF, s. omit tlie last Assamese def. 9fv{ 5^1^. fV*rfWl. for V. read a. f<^*fTf^, a. omit flR. f^fTI'^, s. add 10 the Eng. enrolment. '*f?t^i «• for fs^Fil read f^1. f«nrT^9fsn, a, for ft^nni, read f^PTTT?. f^f^, 9' for last Eng. def. read the edge of the eyelids. ♦t\, omit cm\^ ^BTtf^ ^3», ( see •JW- ) ♦tJIC^lW^, for a. read #. «J^, s. add righteousness, ^jaj^l, *. add •j[^^ ^TTSTI. <^:51, 5. add a. fall, complete, entire. *i5'^^' 5. add ^«uw Cfn\^ C^^. ^r©T, 5. ^{] 3JJ instrument through which wire is drawn. TIr^R^ fora ill-favored woman, read an ill-favored woman. ^^;^^1, for ^. read a. ^jn a. add a perforation. C^t, omit the las. Assamese def. C^^iST, ^. add a citih screen or partition. C^p^sic^gjt^l, for 5. re^d a. C^C3^1, a. in Assamese def. insert istcsrfe?, in brackets. C^C^^I, a. for C5TC^?f, read CTTJC^T^I. CTFf^?ri, a. omit the first Assamese def. ^fel, a. add to the Assamese def. ^Tn5? »l\'»fn, read ^^-f^^ -fw^m- ^tt^ ^, 5. for ^srs^J C^t^l, read ^rrs Ot^l. 007 C?V ^l^^ip, s. omit ^-m^ ^^J^ 5TC^t5;f^. ^T^fc^^, s. add to Eng. def. used to brahmin only. ^IX^^, ^ s. omit the def. an ejaculation of surprise. TM, s. for the two last Assamese def. read f'^'^'S 1^?1 ^t*f^^ Sffs;. Eng. def thread from the fringe of a cloth, given at a shradh, in honor of the dead. ^T^^, s. omit yr^.'^l- ^rf^, a. omit ^^, in the second Assamese def. ^f^TTI, s. for c^t ftfTTI C^rc^r^l '^tl, read C^TTC^mi ^1- t%f^^, a. omit the last three Eng. def. felfT^, 5. add preceded by £fT^, death, dissolution, fkw], s. used for f%n(iit ^sr^l, condition. arT5> J* omit CSTT7, which is Bengali. ?^Tn, s. for Juggernaut, read Jagannath. ^^^41* s. omit the last Assamese def. ^«^t^, s. for the royal levee, read a royal levee. ^TV'IiW, 5. add to the Eng, def. contention, discord. *1«lf*1^, s. omit C«TC^^. 5!T1, 5. ?^^, with circumflex. 9nt, s. omit JTT^ ^fk^, see s^t^^. C^5C5J5, 5. omit the last Assamese def. C^T-s^, s. omit f^Tl%. coo ctic^i ^s^a, 5. omit J13=i?i^, and the Eng. ^"Sfk, a. omit T^^fy f^ftf, and its Eng. a talkative woman. ^fTRSJtft, s. read for Eng. def. a stick to steady the band of a wheel . 7\^y''n. omit 51^1 CW^, and Eng. def. a dead body. 'I'^tf^, s. for foul, read fowl. ^Tf^^l"^, s. in Eng. def. omit the words as above. ^^ifw^, for a. read s. ^if^, V. omit the last Assamese def. f^W, s. omit fxyiTc?. "PT^^l, a. read, fji^^^l. fjl^r^, s. for ^T^^T