TRANSACTIONS t'f OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED NOVEMBER 15, 1819. VOLUME XII. PART I. CAMBRIDGE: at tfce eanfocrstts AND SOLD BT M.DCCC.LXXIII. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALli'GRNIA DAVIS II. A Monograph of Ebenacece. By "W". P. HIEEN, M.A., St John's College. [Read March 11, 1872.] THE family EBENACELE was first established by Ventenat in 1799 in his "Tableau du Regne Ve'ge'tal," was revised by Jussieu in the "Annales du Museum," Vol. v. p. 417, in 1804, and was finally assigned in 1810 by Brown in his "Prodromus Floras Novse Hollandiaa et Van-Diemen" and briefly reduced to its present shape. In 1837 George Don in his "General System of Gardening and Botany," Vol. IV., gave an account of the whole family as understood by him ; he enumerated 83 species which he distributed amongst 8 genera. He however included the genus Diclidanthera with 2 species which is now placed in the family STYRACE^E: he placed in ILICINI^E instead of EBENACE^E Leucoxylum buxifolium, Blum. : and he described the new genus Diplonema which however has not been maintained by subsequent authors as distinct from Euclea. In 1844 Alphonse De Candolle monographed the family, amongst the earliest of his works, in the " Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis," Vol. vin., and produced 160 species and 8 genera, with the omission however of Leucoxylum buxifolium, Blum. Three of these 8 genera were first defined in this monograph. No subsequent treatise of an original character on the whole number of species of the family has appeared. In the present monograph 5 genera only are recognized, one of which (Tetradis) is new, and amongst these are distributed about 250 species ; an account is also given of the fossils that have been published as members of the family, but these are not included in the above-mentioned estimate. For the purpose of preparing the present paper I have consulted all the materials within my reach; I may mention the following important collections which I have examined. (i) The royal herbarium at Kew, well known to be amongst the largest in existence, where I have had the advantage of Professor Oliver's incidental assistance. (ii) The herbarium of the British Museum, containing many valuable type-specimens and a large miscellaneous collection. (iii) The herbarium belonging to the University of Cambridge, including the late Dr Lindleys herbarium and Lehmanris herbarium, the latter named for the University by Mr Bentham. (iv) The herbarium of the University of Oxford. (v) The Wallickian herbarium of East Indian plants, now the property of the Linnean Society of London. 42 28 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. (vi) The EBENACE.E of the University of Dublin, extremely rich in South African plants, got together by the late Dr Harvey. (vii) The EBENACE^E of Dr Bonder's herbarium of Hamburg, also rich in South African plants. (viii) The herbarium of Dr Van Heurck at Antwerp. (ix) The royal herbarium belonging to the botanical garden at Brussels, containing the private collection of the late Von Martins, the editor of the "Flora Brasiliensis." (x) The royal herbarium at Leiden, where is the best collection in Europe of plants indigenous to the Malay archipelago. (xi) The imperial herbarium at Berlin, where also is the important type-collection of Willdenow. (xii) The imperial herbarium at Vienna. (xiii) The royal herbarium at Munich, which is especially rich in Brazilian plants. (xiv) The type-herbarium of De Candolle at Geneva. (xv) The Delessert herbarium also at Geneva. (xvi) The herbarium of the Paris Museum, which contains the best collections from Madagascar and New Caledonia, the herbarium of Jussiew, and a very large general col- lection of plants. (xvii) The EBENACE..E of the fine Angolan collection made by Dr Welwitsch with extraordinary care and true scientific judgment in the expedition undertaken by the Portuguese government from 1853 to 1860. (xviii) The Australian collection of the great botanist Brown, now the property of Mr Bennett, late of the British Museum. I have also been favoured with the manuscript of the African genus Royena belonging to the late Dr Harvey, which he had prepared but not completed for the " Flora Capensis ;" I have taken up some new species of Royena which Dr Harvey had briefly described in this manuscript. Dr Thwaites, of the royal botanical garden at Peradenia in Ceylon, has with much kind- ness supplied me with fresh flowers in spirit, as well as dried flowers, belonging to Ebena- ceous species indigenous to that island, and published by him in his "Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniae." ECONOMIC PRODUCTS, &c. The economic properties of Ebenacese are principally connected with the wood and the fruit, though other parts in some species are of value and importance. The valuable wood known by the name of Ebony is a black hard and heavy wood, produced for the most part by members of this family. Other families, however, such as Leguminosce, Sterculi- acece, Bignoniacece, &c. supply different kinds of wood that are also called by the name of Ebony. Bertolini in Miscellanea Botanica, VIII. p. 1 (1849), discusses the various claims of different plants to represent the ebony of the ancients, and decides in favour of a Leguminous species, which he calls Fornasinia ebenifera. For an account of ebony and its varieties, a paper may be consulted which was contributed by Mr P. L. Simmonds in the Art Journal for 1872, pp. 66 68. Ebony is confined to the heart-wood of the trees MR HIERN, ON EBENAC&E. 29 ft that produce it and is chiefly, found in older trees; the wood of the younger being often of a pale colour. Ebony, as the term is used in commerce, is a close-grained and nearly black wood of high specific gravity, heavier than water, a cubic foot weighing from 1100 to 1330 oz., is susceptible of a high polish, and is chiefly used for inlaying and fancy-work. The price of the timber as imported into England varies from 8. 10*. to 9. 12s. 6d. per ton; from 700 to 1000 tons are annually imported. The wood is of an acrid pungent taste, and gives off an aromatic smell when burnt; when dried at 100 G. it is said to contain 49 - 8 per cent, of carbon, 5 '3 of hydrogen and 44'9 of oxygen ; it is also said to contain ulmic acid (see Schacht, Der Baum, p. 198). The strength of the wood is illustrated by the following experiment, but as it was tried on a piece of inferior specific gravity the result is probably below the full strength of a better class of ebony. A piece planed to one inch square and 24 inches long was sup- ported at each end by two props, the clear distance from prop to prop being 20 inches ; it was then found that a weight of 2 cwt. 3 qu. 20 Ibs. was required (when hung on the middle) to break the piece. (See Transactions of the Society of Arts, Vol. XLVIII.) Sawdust of Ceylon ebony (? Diospyros Ebenum, L.) when treated with cold water pro- duces in the latter a rich or reddish brown colour, and after boiling together for some time no further change of colour results ; the sawdust retains its original very dark colour. Ebony is employed to make pianoforte keys, the stringholder in violins, spear-points, &c. ; and the best kind of ebony is very valuable on account of its maintaining a perma- nent shape and not warping, and is therefore used for rules and measures. Many hard woods such as box-wood, pear-tree wood, &c. are now artificially dyed black, and are used in commerce as ebony. The following species supply ebony : Diospyros Ebenum, Konig. India, &c. Diospyros rnelanoxylon, Roxb. India. Diospyros Dendo, Welw. Angola, West tropical Africa. Diospyros sylvatica, Roxb. India, &c. Diospyros Gardneri, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Ceylon. ' Diospyros discolor, Willd. Malaya, &c. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. India, &c. r Diospyros Ebeuaster, Retz. Malaya, &c. Diospyros montana, Roxb. India, &c. Diospyros insignis, Thw. Ceylon and S. India. Diospyros Tupru, Buch.-Ham. India. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Tropical Africa. Diospyros truncata, Zoll. and Mor. Java. Diospyros tessellaria, Poir. Mauritius. Diospyros haplostylis, Boiv. Madagascar. Diospyros microrhombus. Madagascar. Diospyros ramiflora, Wall. N.E. India. Maba buxifolia, Pers. India, Madagascar, &c. 30 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Maba Mualala, Welw. Angola, West tropical Africa. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. South Africa. &c. &c. The following species also produce good wood. Diospyros Malacapai, Alph. DC. Wood yellow with black spots. Philippine Islands. Diospyros pilosanthera, Blanc. Ornamental wood. Philippine Islands. Diospyros pilosa, Alph. DC. Timber fit for building purposes. Cochin China Diospyros pentamera. Wood very hard, pale. Australia. Diospyros australis. Wood close-grained, fit for turnery. Australia. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. Wood pale. Circars, India. Diospyros Paralia, Steud. Wood white and hard. Guiana. Diospyros foliolosa, Wall. Valuable light-coloured wood. S. India. Diospyros leucomelas, Poir. White wood with black lines. Mauritius. Diospyros lancesefolia, Roxb. Hard and handsome wood. E. Indies. Maba geminata, Br. Australia. Royena lucida, L. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea racemosa, L. and E. undulata, Thunb. Cape of Good Hope. In New Caledonia the species of Maba and Diospyros furnish excellent woods for building. Calamander or Coromandel wood, a finely variegated and scarce wood, is produced by Diospyros qucesita, Thw. and by Diospyros oppositifolia, Thw. Black dyes are obtained from Diospyros mollis in Burmah, according to the Rev. Dr. Mason; and from Diospyros Cunalon, Alph. DC., according to Blanco. Anchors for large boats are made, in the province of Tavoy id Burmah, of the wood of Maba buxifolia, Pers. Birds are said to die soon after eating the fruit of Diospyros toxicaria; and Diospyros multiflora, Blum., Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz, Diospyros samoensis, A. Gray, and a Brazilian species of Diospyros are fish-poisoners (see Allemao, Considera Roxb. India and Ceylon. Java (?). Diospyros Kurzii. South Andaman. Diospyros ehretioides, Wall. Tavoy, &c. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Diospyros Korthalsiana. Borneo. Diospyros oocarpa, Thw. India and Ceylon. Diospyros truncata, Zoll. and Mor. Java. Diospyros borneensis. Labuan. Diospyros qusesita, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros Malacapai, Alph. DC. Philippine Islands. Diospyros attenuata, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros acuta, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros Brandisiana, Kurz. Burmah. Diospyros pruriens, Dalz. Bombay and Ceylon. Diospyros apiculata. Penang. Diospyros foliolosa, Wall. Madras. Diospyros pilosula, Wall. Silbet. 'Diospyros paniculata, Dalz. Bombay. Diospyros Horsfieldii. Malacca and Java. Diospyros densiflora, Wall. Moolmyne and Amherst. Diospyros oppositifolia, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros Carthei. Manila. Diospyros polyalthioides, Korth. Borneo. Diospyros octandra. Burmah and Pegu. Diospyros stricta, Roxb. East Bengal. Diospyros eriantha, Champ. Borneo and Sumatra. Diospyros dasyphylla, Kurz. Burmah. VOL. XII. PART I. 5 34 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Diospyros flavicans. Malacca, &c. Diospyros aurea, Teijsm. et Binn. Java. Diospyros nigricans, Wall. East Bengal. Diospyros Ebenum, Kon. (Extensive range.) Diospyros pellucida. Philippine Islands. Diospyros maritima, Blum. Java, Celebes, Timor, Samoa Islands. Diospyros philippinensis, Alph. DC. Philippine Islands. Diospyros Gardneri, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros lancesefolia, Roxb. East Bengal. Diospyros undulata, Wall. Malacca, Tavoy, &c. Diospyros multiflora, Blanc. Philippine Islands. Diospyros buxifolia. Malacca, Java, and S. Canara. Diospyros montana, Roxb. (Extensive range.) Diospyros Zollingeri. Java. Diospyros Kaki, Linn. fil. Khasia. Diospyros chartacea, Wall. Burmah. Diospyros variegata, Kurz. Pegu. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. Bombay and Madras. Diospyros cauliflora, Blum. Java. Diospyros ramiflora, Wall. Bengal. Diospyros Diepenhorstii, Miq. W. Sumatra. Diospyros sumatrana, Miq. Sumatra and Borneo. Diospyros pendula, Hasselt. Java. Diospyros biflora, Blanc. Philippine Islands. Diospyros macrophylla, Blum. Java. Diospyros oleifolia, Wall. Amhert, Pegu, and Java. Diospyros samoensis, A. Gr. Friendly Islands. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight. Ceylon and Madras. Diospyros rhodocalyx. Kurz. Siam. Diospyros frutescens, Blum. Java. Diospyros perforata. Ceram I., Oceania. Diospyros burmanica, Kurz. Pegu. Diospyros oblonga, Wall. Penang and Singapore. Diospyros Ebenaster, Ret/. Philippine Islands, Celebes, and Amboina. Diospyros discolor, Willd. Philippine Islands, Malaya, &c. Diospyros argentea, Griff. Malacca. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. (Extensive range.) Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. Malacca, S. Andaman, &c. Diospyros Cunalon, Alph. DC. Philippine Islands. Diospyros dodecandra, Lour. Cochin China. Diospyros Toposia, Ham. Bengal and Ceylon. Diospyros cystopus, Miq. S. Sumatra. Diospyros glauca, Rottl. Madras. Diospyros grata, Wall. Nepal. MR HIERN, ON EBENACILE. 35 Diospyros Hasseltii, Zoll. Java. Diospyros Kuhlii, Zoll. Java. Diospyros microcarpa, Span. Timor. Diospyros orixensis, Wight. Courtallum. Diospyros penduliflora, Zoll. Java. Diospyros pilosa, Alph. DC. Cochin China. Diospyros pilosanthera, Blanc. Philippine Islands. Diospyros pyrrhocarpa, Miq. W. Sumatra. Diospyros timoriana, Miq. Timor. VIII. TROPICAL AFRICA. Royena pallens, Thunb. Angola and Seshike, Manganja hills, &c. Royena cistoides, Welw. Angola. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. Niger, Angola, &c. Euclea fructuosa. Zambesia. Euclea bilocularis. Zanzibar. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. Abyssinia. Euclea multiflora. Angola, &c. Euclea divinorum. Victoria Falls (and Delagoa Bay). Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Benguela, &c. Maba buxifolia, Pers. var. Guinea and Angola. Maba lancea. Sierra Leone. Maba Mannii. Niger. Maba abyssinica. Abyssinia. Maba quiloensis. Quiloa, Zanzibar coast. Maba Mualala, Welw. Angola. Diospyros Barteri. Niger. Diospyros batocana. Zambesia. Diospyros crassiflora. Old Calabar. Diospyros Heudelotii. Senegal. Diospyros Kirkii. Zambesia. Diospyros Loureiriana, G. Don. Mozambique and Angola. Diospyros Mannii. Niger. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. E. and W. tropical Africa. Diospyros platyphylla, Welw. Angola. Diospyros senensis, Kl. Mozambique. Diospyros squarrosa, Kl. Mozambique. Diospyros tricolor. Guinea. Diospyros verrucosa. Zambesia. Diospyros Dendo, Welw. Angola. NATAL, DELAGOA BAY, &c. Royena lucida, L. Royena scabrida, Harv. Royena cordata, E. Mey. Royena villosa, L. 52 36 MR HIEKN, ON EBENACE^. Royena hirsuta, L. Boyena pallens, Thunb. Royena parviflora. Royena nitens, Harv. Royena glandulosa, Harv. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Euclea divinorum. IX. Royena hirsuta, L. Royena pallens, Thunb. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. Euclea tomentosa, E. Mey. Euclea multiflora. Euclea natalensis, Alph. DC. Euclea daphnoides. Euclea undulata, Thunb. Euclea macrophylla, E. Mey. Maba natalensis, Harv. Diospyros rotundifolia. KALAHARI. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Euclea ovata, Burch. Euclea undulata, Thunb. X. Royena lucida, L. Royena cordata, E. Mey. Royena villosa, L. Royena hirsuta, L. ? Royena sessilifolia. Royena pallens, Thunb. Royena ambigua, Vent. Royena glabra, L. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. Euclea tomentosa, E. Mey. Euclea coriacea, Alph. DC. CAPE FLORA. Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea Euclea acutifolia, E. Mey. lancea, Thunb. pseudebenus, E. Mey. linearis, Zeyh. lanceolata, E. Mey. ovata, Burch. multiflora. macrophylla, E. Mey. daphnoides. racemosa, L. undulata, Thunb. Maba hemicycloides, F. Maba rufa, Labill. Maba laurina, Br. Cfr. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Maba obovata, Br. Maba geminata, Br. Maba humilis, Br. Maba reticulata, Br. XI. AUSTRALIA. Muell. Maba compacta, Br. Maba fasciculosa, F. Muell. Diospyros australis. Diospyros hebecarpa, Cunn. Diospyros maritima, Bl. Diospyros montana, Roxb. Diospyros mabacea. Diospyros pentamera. Maba albens. Maba acapulcensis. (?) Maba Pavonii. Diospyros velutina. XV. MEXICAN REGION. Diospyros ciliata, Alph. DC. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. (introduced?). Diospyros texana, Scheele. Diospyros cuneifolia. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. 37 XVI. WEST INDIES. Maba Grisebachii. Cuba. Maba caribeea. Maba inconstans. Griseb. Diospyros tetrasperma, Sw. Jamaica, St Domingo and Cuba. Diospyros halesioides, Griseb. Cuba. Diospyros laurifolia, Rich. Cuba. XVII. SOUTH AMERICAN REGION NORTH OF THE EQUATOR. Maba inconstans, Griseb. Maba cauliflora, Mart. Cayenne. Maba Mellinoni. French Guiana. Diospyros tetrandra. Guiana. Diospyros velutina. New Granada. Diospyros Sprucei. San Carlos, Columbia. Diospyros cayennensis, Alph. DC. French Guiana. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. Guiana. Diospyros glomerata, Spruce. French Guiana. Diospyros caprsefolia, Mart. Surinam. Diospyros Goudotii. Diospyros (?) xylopioides, Mart. Guiana. XVIII. HYL.EA, REGION OF EQUATORIAL BRAZIL. Maba myrmecocarpa. Diospyros polyandra, Spruce. Maba myristicoides. Diospyros glomerata, Spruce. Diospyros Poeppigiana, Alph. DC. Diospyros caprasfolia, Mart. Diospyros emarginata. Diospyros artanthsefolia, Mart. Diospyros subrotata. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. XIX. BRAZIL. Maba inconstans, Griseb. Diospyros ovalis. Pernambuco. Maba sericea. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. Maba Hilairei, sp. nov. Diospyros coccolobsefolia, Mart. Diospyros velutina. Diospyros gaultherisefolia, Mart. Diospyros spiuosa. Diospyros Weddellii. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. (introduced ?). Diospyros capraefolia, Mart. Diospyros discolor, Willd. (introduced ?). Diospyros apeibacarpos, Radd. 38 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. g QJ Co "^ P- 1 & 8 J . CQ ^ f CQ I 3 .2 -a 60 11 o pq a^ CO O CO M l H g Sfi s ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^. Lists arranged in Numerical Order of numbered Collections of Ebenacece made by various principal -Botanical travellers. For use with numbered sets of distributed or large collections of plants, I have drawn up lists arranged in numerical order, so that in the case of any Ebenaceous plant belonging to such collections the name of the species can be at once ascertained when the number of the plant in the set is known. It will also give a direct view of the whole number of species of the family obtained by each botanical traveller; and as travellers have in most cases limited their journeys with respect to each set of plants to a particular region or locality, it follows that such lists are calculated to throw much light on the geographical distribution of the family. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ENUMERATED COLLECTORS. Atherstone, Cape of Good Hope and Namaqua- land. Barber, Borneo. Barter, Niger. Beccari, Keren, N.E. Tropical Africa. Berlandier, Mexico. Bernier, Madagascar. Blanchet, Brazil. Bolus, Cape of Good Hope. Bonpland, Mexico and Guayaquil. Botteri, Mexico. Brown, Australia. Burchell, Cape of Good Hope and Brazil. Burton, Congo. Chapelier, Madagascar. Claussen, Brazil. Cooper, Cape of Good Hope. Cuming, Philippine Islands. Cunningham, Australia. Deplanche, New Caledonia. Drege, Cape of Good Hope. Drummond, North America. Ecklon, Cape of Good Hope. Forbes, Delagoa Bay, South Africa. Galleotti, Mexico. Gardner, Brazil and Ceylon. Gerard, Natal and Madagascar. Glaziou, Rio de Janeiro. Goudot, New Granada and Madagascar. Griffith and Heifer, East Indies. Haenke, Mexico. Harvey, Cape of Good Hope, Friendly Islands and Australia. Heifer (and Griffith), East Indies. Heudelot, Senegambia. Hillebrand, Sandwich Islands. Hohenacker, Canara, India. Horsfield, Java. Hostmann, Surinam, South America. Irvine, Abbeokuta, West tropical Africa. Jenkins, Assam. Junghuhn, Sumatra. Kotschy, Sennar, East tropical Africa. Krauss, South Africa and Natal. Lindheimer, Texas. M'Ken, Natal and Madagascar. Mac Owan, Cape of Good Hope. Maingay, Malay Peninsula: Mann, Guinea. March, Jamaica. Miers, Brazil. Motley, Borneo. Niven, Cape of Good Hope. Oldham, Japan and Formosa. Pancher, New Caledonia. Perville", Madagascar and Seychelles. Ple"e, Martinique. Poeppig, Brazil, &c. Pohl, Brazil. Regnell, Brazil. 40 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Remy, Sandwich Islands. Richard, Madagascar and Bourbon. Ritchie, East India. Rugel, Cuba. Sagot, Cayenne. Saint Hilaire, Brazil. Sanderson, Cape of Good Hope and Natal. Schimper, Abyssinia. Schlim, New Granada. Schomburgk, Siam and Guiana. Schott, Brazil. Schweinfurth, Gallabat, East tropical Africa. Seemann, Fiji Islands and China. Sello, Brazil. Sieber, Cape of Good Hope and Mauritius. Spruce, Brazil. Thwaites, Ceylon. Trecul, Texas. Triana, New Granada. Vieillard, New Caledonia. Wallich, East India. Wawra, Mexico. Weddell, Brazil. Welwitsch, Angola. Wight, East India. Wilford, China, &c. Wright, China, Japan, Cape of Good Hope, Cuba, &c. Xantus, Lower California. Zeyher, Cape of Good Hope. Zollinger, 1828 1832. Wallich's NUMERICAL LIST OF EAST INDIA PLANTS. No. 4115. Diospyros montana. Roxb. 4116. Diospyros cordifolia, Roxb. 4117. Diospyros sylvatica, Roxb. 4118. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. 4119. Diospyros ramiflora, Roxb. 4120. Diospyros Ebenum, Konig. 4121. Diospyros stricta, Roxb. 4122. Diospyros lanceolata, Roxb. 4123. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 4124. Diospyros oblonga, Wall. 4125. Diospyros frondosa, Wall, (exclud- ed). 4126. Diospyros venosa, Wall, (excluded). 4127. Diospyros lucida, Wall. 4128. Diospyros oleifolia, Wall. 4129. Diospyros acuminata, Wall, (ex- eluded) 4130. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. 4131. Diospyros discolor, Willd. 4132. Diospyros pilosula, Wall. 4133. Diospyros tomentosa, Roxb. 4134. Diospyros Roylii, Wall. No. 4135. Diospyros chartacea, Wall. 4136. Diospyros undulata, Wall. 4137. Diospyros ehretioides, Wall, and var. mollis, Wall. 4138. Diospyros heterophylla, Wall. 4139. Diospyros amoena, Wall. 4140. Diospyros densiflora, Wall. 4141. Diospyros macrophylla, Wall. 4142. Diospyros grata, Wall. 4143. Diospyros foliolosa, Wall. 4144. Diospyros multiflora, Wall. 4145. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 4406. Diospyros Wightiana, Wall. 4407. Diospyros dubia, Wall. 6350. Diospyros Sapota, Roxb. 6351. Diospyros nigricans, Wall. 7295. Diospyros flavicans. 7461. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 7535. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 9061. " Ebenacea" est Erycibe glomerata, Wall, (excluded). MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. 41 Thwaites. ENUMERATION OF (The pages refer No. 382. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. p. 181. 477. Maba buxifolia, Pers. p. 183. 1815. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight, p. 181. 1816. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight, pp. 459, 181. 1908. Diospyros Gardneri, Thw. p. 181. 1909. Diospyros cordifolia, Roxb. p. 178. 1910. Diospyros Embryopteris, Thw. 7. nervosa. p. 178. 1911. Diospyros Toposia, Ham. p. 179. 1912. Diospyros Ebenum, Retz. p. 180. 1913. Diospyros Ebenum, Retz. p. 180. 1914. Diospyros oocarpa, Thw. p. 180. 1915. Diospyros Embryopteris,Pers.p.l78. 1916. Maba buxifolia, Pers. y9. micro- phylla. p. 183. 1917. Maba buxifolia, Pers. B. angustifo- lia. p. 183. 2437. Diospyros Ebenum, Retz. p. 180. 2438. Diospyros crumenata, Thw. p. 179. 2439. Diospyros Ebenum, Retz. p. 180. 2514. Diospyros Toposia, Ham. pp. 462, 179. CEYLON PLANTS, 1858 1864. to Dr Thwaites' book.) No. 2533. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight, p. 181. 2729. Diospyros sylvatica, Roxb. p. 178. 2730. Diospyros insignis, Thw. p. 180. 2731. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. ft. atrata. p. 178. 2833. Diospyros Moonii, Thw. p. 182. 2836. Diospyros pruriens, Dalz. p. 423. 2924. Diospyros affinis, Thw. p. 179. 3010. Diospyros qusesita, Thw. p. 180. 3011. Diospyros oppositifolia, Thw. p. 181. 3394. Diospyros Candolleana, Wight, p. 181. 3395. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 7. Ebenus. p. 183. 3396. Macreightia oblongifolia, Thw. p. 183. 3476. Diospyros acuta, Thw. p. 182. 3477. Diospyros insignis, Thw. p. 180. 3478. Diospyros attenuata, Thw. p. 182. 3717. Macreightia ovalifolia, Thw. p. 424. 3718. Macreightia acuminata, Thw. p. 424. 3774. Diospyros montana, Roxb. p. 423. 1862 3. KEW DISTRIBUTION. HB. GRIFFITH AND HELPER. EAST INDIES. No. 423. Diospyros flavicans. No. 3629 454. Diospyros flavicans. 3630. 3616. Diospyros Lotus, L. 3631. 3617. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. 3632. 3618. Maba merguensis, H. 3633. 3619. Diospyros undulata, Wall. 3621. Diospyros Ebenum, Konig. 3634. 3622. Diospyros Toposia, Hamilt. 3635. 3623. Diospyros flavicans. 3636. 3624. Diospyros stricta, Roxb. 3637. 3625. Diospyros argentea, Griff. 3638. 3626. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 3639. 3626 (1). Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. 3640. 3627. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 3641. 3627 (1). Diospyros cordifolia, Roxb. 3643 3628. Diospyros nigricans, Wall. VOL. XII. PART I. (?) Diospyros undulata, Wall. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. Diospyros lanceajfolia, Roxb. (?)Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Diospyros Kaki, Linn. fil. Bootan (cult.'). Diospyros lancesefolia, Roxb. Diospyros Ebenum, Konig, war. Diospyros undulata, Wall. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Diospyros octandra. Diospyros flavicans. (?) Diospyros flavicans. Maba buxifolia, Pers. var. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. 6 42 MR HIEKN, ON EBENACE^E. 1866 7. KEW DISTRIBUTION. HB. WIGHT. EAST INDIES. No. 1711 bis. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. Ceylon. March, 1836. 1712. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. 1713. Diospyros montana, Roxb. Courtallum. April, 1835. 1714. Diospyros Ebenum, Konig. Malacca. 1715. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Dec. 1835. 1716. Diospyros auriculata, Wight. 1717. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 1835. 1718. Diospyros obovata, Wight (excluded). 1719. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. 1720. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight. Madras. 1836, 1845. 1721. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. 1722. Diospyros orixensis, Wight. 1723. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. Calicut. 1846. 1724. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 1849. 1725. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. 1726. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 1835. 1727. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. Subbulpore. 1728. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Mangalore. March, 1852. 1729. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 1730. Maba buxifolia, Pers. B. 1731. Maba buxifolia, Pers. S. Courtallum and Coonmore. 1846. DR MAINGAY'S MALAY PLANTS. 966. Diospyros buxifolia. Malacca. 967. Diospyros oblonga, Wall. Singapore. 968. Diospyros argentea, Griff. Malacca. 969. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. var. Malacca. 970. Diospyros sp. 970 (2). Diospyros discolor, Willd. Pulo Ticus. 971. Diospyros Ebenum, Konig, var. Malacca. 972. Diospyros flavicans. Malacca. 973. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Malacca. 974. Diospyros undulata, Wall. Malacca. 975. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. Malacca (cult.}. 976. Maba Maingayi. Malacca. 977. Diospyros undulata, Wall. Malacca. 978. Diospyros sp. 979. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Malacca. 1514. Diospyros apiculata. Penang. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. HOHENACKER. 43 No. 389. Canara, India. 591. Canara, India. 869. Canara, India. 1849. Maba nigrescens, Dalz. 1847 (or 1849). Diospyros hirsuta, Linri. fil. 1851. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. RITCHIE. No. 85. Moollis, India. 1853. Maba nigrescens, Dalz. 96. Ram Ghaut and Phoondu Ghaut, India. 1850 3. 970. India. 1853. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 972. India. 1853. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 1108. Belgaum, India. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. 1240. India. 1853. Diospyros montana, Roxb. 1831. India. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 1833. Bombay. Diospyros pruriens, Dalz. 1884. Canara, India. 1853. Diospyros paniculata, Dalz. JENKINS. 277. Upper Assam. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. Assam. (See under Diospyros Zollingeri.) IRVINE. No. 141. Abbeokuta. Diospyros senensis, Kl. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. KOTSCHY. 394. 470. 973. 974. Sennar (18368). Sennar (18368). Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Gallabat. Gallabat. No. 290. Niger. 1208. Niger. 1220. Niger. 1334. Niger. 3250. Niger. 3251. Niger. 3390. Niger. 20194. Niger. SCHWEINFURTH. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. BARTER (18578). Diospyros senensis, Klotsch. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Maba Mannii. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. Diospyros senensis, Kl. Diospyros senensis, Kl. Diospyros senensis, Kl. Diospyros Barteri. 62 44 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. BURTON. 1863. Congo. Diospyros Loureiriana, G. Don. MANN. 1861. No. 839. Bagroo river, West Tropical Africa. Maba Manuii. 924. Gaboon river, West Tropical Africa. Diospyros Mannii. HEUDELOT. 1835 7. 638. Senegambia. Diospyros Hendelotii. Senegambia. Diospyros senegalensis, Perrott. BECCARI. 55. Keren. Upper Nubia or Abyssinia. 1870. Maba abyssinica. SCHIMPEE. Sect. i. No. 159. Abyssinia. 1837. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. ii. 655. Abyssinia. 1840. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. ii. 1078. Abyssinia. 1838. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. ii. 1243. Abyssinia. 1838. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. ii. 1527. Abyssinia. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. iii. 1919. Abyssinia. 1842. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. 913. Abyssinia. 1852. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. 1080. Abyssinia. Maba abyssinica. 1334. Abyssinia. 1854. Maba abyssinica. 80. Abyssinia. 1862. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. GERARD AND M'KEN. No. 12. Natal. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 28. Madagascar. Maba buxifolia, Pers. var. 30. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 33. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 92. Natal. Euclea multiflora. 99. Natal. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 110. Natal. Maba natalensis, Harv. 129. Natal. Royena pallens, Thunb. 190. ? Cfr. Diospyros toxicaria. 528. Natal. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 613. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 614. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 615. Natal. Royena pallens, Thunb. 673. Natal. Euclea macrophylla, E. Mey. 675. Natal. Maba natalensis, Harv. 699. Natal. Euclea multiflora. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^. 45 No. No. 1155. Natal. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1156. Natal. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1157. Natal. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1158. Natal. Royena nitens, Harv. 1238. Natal. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1506. Natal. Euclea daphnoides. 1604. Tugela. Cfr. Euclea macrophylla, E. Mey. 1605. Tugela. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1607. Tugela. Royena pallens, Thunb. ""* 1608. Tugela. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 1609. Tugela. Royena scabrida, Harv. 1610. Tugela. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1611. Tugela. Royena pallens, Thunb. 2013. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 2015. Zulu-land. Royena parviflora. COOPER. 1. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. British Kaffraria. Royena villosa, L. 35. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. British Kaffraria. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 44. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Euclea multiflora. 186. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. British Kaffraria. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 212. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Queenstown. Royena hirsuta, L. 272. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Queenstown. Royena pallens, Thunb. 306. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. British Kaffraria. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 408. Cape of Good Hope. 1863. Eastern Frontier. Euclea undulata, Thunb. 418. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Queenstown. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1062. Cape of Good Hope. 1862. Orange Free State. Royena lucida, L. 1157. Natal. 1862. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1238. Natal. 1862. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1253. Natal. 1862. Euclea multiflora. Cape of Good Hope. 1862. Royena lucida, L. MAC OWAN. 269. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1867. Royena hirsuta, L. 309. Cape of Good Hope. Royena lucida, L. 429. Cape of Good Hope. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 516. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1865. Royena villosa, L. 527. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1867. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 902. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1867. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1646. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1870. Royena pallens, Thunb. Cape of Good Hope. Comm. 1865. Euclea undulata, Thunb. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea multiflora. 46 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. NIVEN (17981803). No. 46. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. 47. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. 48. Cape of Good Hope. Eoyena glabra, L. 51. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Thunb. 53. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. SIEBEB. 94. Cape of Good Hope. 1824. Royena glabra, L. Suppl. 29. Mauritius. Diospyros discolor, Willd. ATHERSTONE. 2. Namaqualand. S. Africa. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. 461. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea macrophylla, E. Mey. HARVEY. 544. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Thunb. 574. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea racemosa, L. 575. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 690. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Friendly Islands. 1855. Diospyros samoensis, A. Gr. New South Wales. Diospyros australis. FORBES (1822 3). 34. Delagoa Bay. Diospyros rotundifolia. 56. Delagoa Bay. Euclea divinorum. BOLUS. 638. Graaf Reinet. Euclea coriacea, Alph. DC. 767. Cape of Good ZEYHER (1840 ). Hope. Euclea multiflora. 778. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea multiflora. 3348. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Th. 3349. Cape of Good Hope. Royena glabra, L. 3350. Cape of Good Hope. Royena hirsuta, L. 3351. Cape of Good Hope. Royena hirsuta, L. 3352. Cape of Good Hope. Royena lucida, L. 3353. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Th. 3354. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Th. 3355. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 47 No. 3356. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea racemosa, L. 3357. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 3358. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea undulata, Th. 3359. Cape of Good Hope. Cfr. Euclea lanceolata. Leaves wide. 3360. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. or E. sp. 3361. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea multiflora. 3362. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. 3363. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. 3364. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. ECKLON AND ZETHER. 1123. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1124. Cape of Good Hope. Cfr. Euclea undulata, Thunb. 1125. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea linearis, Zeyh. . 1126. Cape of Good Hope. Royena ambigua, Vent. 1127. Cape of Good Hope. Royena pallens, Th. DEEGE (182634). 9140. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea coriacea, Alph. DC. SANDERSON. 140. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Royena pallens, Thunb. 150. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 318. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Royena pallens, Thunb. 511. Cape of Good Hope. 1860. Royena pallens, Thunb. 527. Natal. 1860. Royena pallens, Thunb. 613. Natal. 1864. Royena villosa, L. 715. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 717. Natal. Royena pallens, Thunb. KRAUSS (1838 40). 226. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 423. S. Africa. Royena pallens, Thunb. 472. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 482. Natal. Royena villosa, L. 1719. S. Africa. Royena hirsuta, L. 1721. S. Africa. Royena pallens, Thunb. S. Africa. Royena glabra, L. 48 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. DR WELWITSCH, Angola, 18531860. No. 1247. Pungo Andongo. Cfr. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 1255. Huilla. Cfr. Royena pallens, Thunb. 1257. Huilla. Euclea mult : flora. 1258. Huilla. Euclea multiflora. 2527. Congo. Maba buxifolia, Pers. 7. Ebenus, Thw. 2528. Congo. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. 2529. Golungo Alto. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. 2530. Bumbo. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. 2531. Pungo Andongo. Diospyros (?) platyphylla, Welw. 2532. Pungo Andongo. Royena cistoides, Welw. 2533. Huilla. Royena pallens, Thunb. 2534. Huilla Royena pallens, Thuub. 2535. Golungo Alto. Diospyros Loureiriana, Don. 2536. I. St Thome". Ebenacea (?). 2537. Golungo Alto. Diospyros Dendo, Welw. 2538. Golungo Alto. Diospyros Dendo, Welw. 2539. Golungo Alto. Maba Mualala, Welw. 2540. Golungo Alto. Maba Mualala, Welw. 2541. Golungo Alto. Maba Mualala, Welw. 2542. Loanda. Maba Mualala, Welw. 2543. Mossamedes. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. 2544. Mossamedes. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Mey. 2545. Benguela. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. a. 2546. Mossamedes. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. a. 2547. Mossamedes. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. a. 2548. Bumbo and Golungo Alto. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. a. 2549. Mumpulla, Huilla. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. a. 2550. Mumpulla, Huilla. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. /8. 2551. Huilla. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. /8. 2552. Huilla. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. /3. 2553. Huilla. Cfr. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. 2555. Huilla. Euclea multiflora. 2557 Huilla. Euclea multiflora. BURCHELL. ENUMERATION OF SOUTH AFRICAN PLANTS, DEC. 5, 1810 TO MARCH 30, 1815. No. 2. Royena glabra, L. No. 1696. Royena hirsuta, L. (R. microphyl- 397. Euclea racemosa, Thunb. la, Burch.) 745 1. Royena pallens, Th. (cult.) 1706. Euclea ovata, Bureh. 807. Euclea racemosa, L. 1750. Royena pallens, Th. (R. decidua, 808. Royena glabra, L. Burch.) 987. ? Euclea tomentosa, E. Mey. 1792. Euclea undulata, Th. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. No. 2162. Euclea undulata, Th. var. (E. myr- No. 4356. tina, Burch.) 4501. 2371. Royena pallens, Th. (R. decidua, 4506. Burch.) 4807. 24872. Euclea ovata, Burch. 4835. 2487 7. Euclea ovata, Burch. 4873. 2502. Royena hirsuta, L. (R. microphyl- 4880. la, Burch.) 4898. 2542. Euclea ovata, Burch. 4907. 2573. Euclea undulata, Th. var. (E. myr- tina, Burch.) 4909. 2920. Euclea ovata, Burch. 4938. 2930. Royena pallens, Th. 4998. 2943. Euclea undulata, Th. 5093. 3058 1. Euclea ovata, Burch. 5256. 30582. Euclea ovata, Burch. 5367. 3080. Royena pallens, Thunb. ex Harv. 5415. (Sond.) mss. 5490. 3102. Euclea ovata, Burch. 5529. 3168. Euclea undulata, Th. 5632. 3219. Euclea racemosa, L. 5648. 3301. Royena pallens, Th. 5784. 3325. Royena pallens, Th. 6054. 3396. Royena pallens, Th. 3472. Royena pallens, Th. 6490. 3510. Euclea multiflora. 6788. 3572. Euclea multiflora. 6813. 3673. Royena villosa, L. (R. scandens ; 6941. Burch. ms.) 7186. 3789. Royena pallens, Th. 7198. 3793. Royena villosa, L. (R. scandens, 7208. Burch. ms.) 7288. 3806. Euclea racemosa, L. 7446. 3980. Euclea multiflora. 7531. 4166. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 7537. 4184. Royena pallens, Th. 8295. 4186. Royena cordata, E. Mey. Euclea daphnoides. Royena pallens, Th. Royena villosa, L. ? Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. Euclea multiflora. ? Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Royena hirsuta, L. Royena cordata, E. Mey. (R. su- pracordata, Burch. ms.) Euclea daphnoides. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. ? Euclea polyandra, E Mey. Royena glabra, L. Royena lucida, L. Royena glabra, L. Royena lucida, L. Royena pallens, Th. Royena pallens, Th. Royena pallens, Th. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. Royena glabra, L. ? Royena villosa, L. (Royena scan- dens ? Burch. ms.) Royena pallens, Th. Royena glabra, L. Royena pallens, Th. Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. Royena glabra, L. Euclea undulata, Th. Royena glabra, L. Royena glabra, L. Royena hirsuta, L. Royena hirsuta, L. Royena hirsuta, L. Euclea racemosa, L. BURCHELL. ENUMERATION OF BRAZILIAN PLANTS, April 10, 1828 Dec. 30, 1829. 6970. Maba sericea. 6986 2. Maba sericea. 6994. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. 7437. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. VOL. XII. PART I. 8396. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. 9275. Diospyros subrotata. 9923. Diospyros subrotata. 9952. Diospyros subrotata. 7 50 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. PERVILLE' (183741). No. 6. Madagascar. Tetraclis clusisefolia. 36. Seychelles. 1841. Maba Seychellarum. 275. Nossibe, Madagascar, 1841. Diospyros gracilipes. 439. Nossibe, Madagascar. Diospyros haplostylis, Boiv. 505. Nossibe, Madagascar. Diospyros haplostylis, Boiv. 525. Nossibe, Madagascar. 1841. Diospyros Pervillei. 640. Seychelles and Ambongo. 1841. Diospyros platycalyx. 700. Nossibe, Madagascar. 1841. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Madagascar. 1841. Maba diffusa. BEENIER, 1834 5. 112. Madagascar. 1834. Maba buxifolia, Pers. var. 113. Madagascar. Diospyros Bernieri. RICHARD (ABOUT 1837). 36. Madagascar. Diospyros calophylla. 388. Madagascar. Tetraclis clusiasfolia. Bourbon. Diospyros melanida ? Poir. CHAPELIER. 82. Madagascar. Diospyros gracilipes. Madagascar. Diospyros leucomelas, Poir. Madagascar. Diospyros squamosa, Boj. XAKTUS. 68. Lower California. Maba intricata. HAENKE (17901817). 47. Mexico. Maba albens. WAWRA. 168. Mexico. Maba albens. 226. Mexico. Cfr. Diospyros velutina. 249. Mexico. Cfr. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. 1029. Mexico. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. BONPLAND (17991803). 3846. Guayaquil. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 3984. Mexico. Cfr. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. , Mexico. 1803. Maba acapulcensis. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 51 POHL (about 1817). No. 455. Brazil. Diospyros coccolobaefolia, Mart. 1980. Brazil. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 4568 (Schott). Brazil. Diospyros brasiliensis, Mart. SELLO (1819). 1211. Brazil. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 1689. Brazil. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 2301. Brazil. Maba inconstans, Griseb. Brazil. Maba capresefolia, Mart. SCHOTT, 1817. Cfr. POHL. BOTTEEI. 909. Mexico. 1855. Diospyros brasiliensis, Mart. GALLEOTTI. 4609. Mexico. (1835 40). Diospyros brasiliensis, Mart. WEDDELL. 577. Brazil. Diospyros Weddellii. Brazil. (1843 4). Maba inconstans, Griseb. REGNELL. iii. 1516. Brazil (before 1843). Maba inconstans, Griseb. CLAUSSEN (about 1812). 67. Brazil. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. 147. Brazil. Cfr. Diospyros velutina. 464. Brazil. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. ex Mart. 478. Brazil. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. 1062. Brazil. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. 1063. Brazil. Cfr. Diospyros velutina. BERLANDIER, 1827 30. 3030. Mexico. Diospyros texana, Scheele. TRECUL. 1249. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. 72 52 MR HIEKN, ON EBENACE^E. DRUMMOND (1825 35). No. 204 bis. N. America. Diospyros virginiana, L. ii. 201. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. iii. 329. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. LlNDHEIMER (1843 ). iii. 451. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. iii. 452. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. iii. 453. Texas. Diospyros texana, Scheele. RUGEL. 662. Cuba. Maba caribjea. PLE'E (18207). 762. Martinique. Maba inconstans, Griseb. WRIGHT. 64. Hong Kong. Diospyros eriantha, Champ. 189. Loo Choo I. Cfr. Diospyros Lotus, L. and Diospyros maritima, Blum. 312. Hong Kong. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. 313. Hong Kong. Diospyros Morrisiana, Hance. 348. Japan. Diospyros Kaki, L. f. Cuba. D. tetrasperma, Sw. 423. New Mexico. Diospyros texana, Scheele. 1331. Cuba. Maba caribaea. 2936. Cuba. Diospyros halesioides, Griseb. 2937. Cuba. Diospyros halesioides, Griseb. 2938. Cuba. Maba Grisebachii. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea racemosa, L. SPRUCE. 1851 56. 1516. Brazil. 1851. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. 1528. Brazil. 1851. Diospyros polyandra, Spr. 1913. Brazil. 1851. Diospyros emarginata. 1938. Brazil. 1851. Diospyros Poppigiana, Alph. DC. 2542. Brazil. 1852. Maba myristicoides. 2635. Brazil. 1852. Diospyros Poppigiana, Alph. DC. 2701. Brazil. 1852. Diospyros glomerata, Spr. 3138. Columbia. 1853. Diospyros Sprucei. 3159. Brazil. 1853. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. 3166. Brazil. 1853. Diospyros polyandra, Spr. 4411. Peru. 1855 6. Diospyros peruviana. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 53 No. 1412. 1511. 1512. 2284 2813. 531. 532. 533. GAKDNEB. Brazil. 1838. Diospyros gaultherisefolia, Mart. Brazil. 1838. Diospyros coccolobaefolia, Mart. Brazil. 1838. Diospyros velutina. Brazil. 1839. Diospyros velutina. Brazil. 1839. Diospyros ovalis. Ceylon. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. Ceylon. Diospyros Gardneri, Thw. Ceylon. Diospyros Toposia, Ham. Mauritius. Diospyros nodosa, Poir. var. Mauritius. Diospyros chrysophyllos, Poir. SAGOT. 1253. Cayenne. 1859. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. SCHOMBtTRGK. 115. Siam. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 1492. British Guiana (1864). Diospyros Paralea, Steud. HOSTMANN. 547. Surinam (1843). Diospyros Paralea, Steud. MARCH. 1190. Jamaica. 1858. Diospyros tetrasperma, Sw. POEPPIG (182732). 2266. Maynas. Diospyros artanthaefolia, Mart. 2639. Brazil. Diospyros Poppigiana, Alph. DC. BLANCHET (before 1844). 1886. Brazil. Diospyros gaultherisefolia, Mart. 3358. Brazil. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. ex Mart. SCHLIM (184652). 698. New Granada. Diospyros peruviana. TRIANA. 2612. New Granada. Diospyros velutina. 2613. New Granada. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 54 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^35. GOUDOT. No. 1. S. Martha. Maba inconstans, Griseb. 3. New Granada. Diospyros Goudotii. Madagascar. Diospyros leucocalyx. GLAZIOU. 1560. Rio de Janeiro. Diospyros discolor, Willd. var. 1561. Rio de Janeiro. Diospyros discolor, Willd. var. ST HILAIRE. 375. Brazil (181622). Maba Hilairei. MIERS (18318). 3709. Brazil. Gfr. Diospyros velutina. OLDHAM. 299. Formosa. 1864. Diospyros Kaki, L. f. var. 528. Japan. 1862. Diospyros Kaki, L. f. 529. Japan. 1862. Diospyros japonica, Sieb. et Zucc. "WlLFORD. 423. China. 1858. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. 756. Tsu-Sima I., Str. Corea. Diospyros Kaki, L. f. Tsu-Sima L, Str. Corea. Diospyros Lotus, L. A. CUNNINGHAM. 157. N. S. Wales. 1818. Diospyros australis. 284. Australia. 1818. . Diospyros cordifolia, Roxb. 306. Rodds Bay, Australia. 1819. Maba geminata, R. Br. Australia, Queensland. Diospyros hebecarpa, A. Cunn. Australia, Brisbane River. 1828. Diospyros pentamera. HORSFIELD (Ebenaceae). 180218. 1. Java. Diospyros Horsfieldii. 2. Java. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 3. Java. Cfr. Diospyros aurea, Teijsm. et Binn. 4. Java. Diospyros trancata, Zoll et Mor. 5. Java. Cfr. Diospyros maritima, Blume. 6. Java. Cfr. Diospyros aurea, Teijsm. et Binn. 7. Java. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. 8. Java. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 55 MOTLEY. No. 7. Borneo (Labuan). Diospyros borneensis. 205. Borneo (Labuan). Maba confertiflora. 721. Borneo (18578). Maba Motleyi. 766. Borneo. Maba punctata. ZOLLINGER (1841 ). 1156. Java. Diospyros truncata, Zoll. et Mor. 1516. Java. Diospyros frutescens, Blume. 1833. Java. Diospyros maritima, Blume. 2651. Java. Diospyros Zollingeri. 3247. Java. Diospyros buxifolia. 3438. Java. Diospyros buxifolia. 3467. Java. Maba hermaphroditica, Zoll. 3565. Java. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. BARBER. 167. Borneo. Maba Motleyi. JUNGHUHN (18356). 719. Sumatra. Maba sumatrana, Miq. HlLLEBRAND. 273. Sandwich Islands. Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. 274. Sandwich Islands. Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. Sandwich Islands. Maba Hillebrandii, Seem. REMY. 470.(?)Sandwich Islands. Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. 472. Sandwich Islands. Maba Hillebrandii, Seem. 473. Sandwich Islands. Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. SEEMANN. 295. Fiji Islands. 1860. ?Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. 2454. S. China. 1850. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. DEPLANCHE (1866 ). 31. I. Lifu, Oceania. Diospyros Olen. 48. New Caledonia. Maba fasciculosa, F. Muell. 206. New Caledonia. Maba fasciculosa, F. Muell. 56 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. No. 311. New Caledonia. Maba ruminata. 312. New Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. var. 446. New Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. 448. New Caledonia. Maba Vieillardi. 449. New Caledonia. Maba Vieillardi. No. 890. 891. 892. 893. 894. 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 2864. 2869. 2872. 2873. 2876. 2877. 2880. Kanala, New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New No. 249. 251. 301. VlEILLARD (185567). Caledonia (1855 60). Diospyros macrocarpa. Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. Caledonia. Maba elliptica, Forst. Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. var. Caledonia. Maba rufa, Labill. Caledonia. Maba Vieillardi. Caledonia. Diospyros Ebenum, Krenig. Caledonia (1855 60). Maba fasciculosa, F. Muell. Caledonia (1861 6). Maba buxifolia, Pers. Diospyros hebecarpa, Cunu. Cfr. Maba rufa, Labill. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Maba revoluta, Vieill. Cfr. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Maba rufa, Labill. Caledonia (18616). Caledonia (18616). Caledonia (18616). Caledonia (18616). Caledonia (18616). Caledonia (18616). New Caledonia. New Caledonia. New Caledonia. New Caledonia. New Caledonia. PANCHER. Maba buxifolia, Pers. var. Diospyros macrocarpa. Maba foliosa, Rich. 1862. Maba rufa, Labill. Cfr. Diospyros Ebenum, Kosnig. R. BROWN. AUSTRALIA. 1802 5. Diospyros rugosula, R. Br. Carpentaria. Groote Island. Jan. 15, 1803. Cargillia laxa, R. Br. Carpentaria. Jan. 4, 5, 1803. Cargillia australis, R. Br. Port Jackson, &c. Nov. 1804. Maba laurina, R. Br. Cumberland Islands. Oct. 17, 1802. Maba obovata, R. Br. Carpentaria Islands, &c. Nov. 17, 18, 1802. Maba humilis, R. Br. Broad Sound. Nov. 14, 1802. Maba geminata, R. Br. Keppel Bay. August 10 12, 1802. Maba littorea, R. Br. N. Coast Bay. March 36, 1803. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^L 57 Maba reticulata, R. Br. Prince of "^ales Islands, &c. Nov. 2 4, 1802. Cumberland Islands. Oct. 16, 17, 1802. Maba compacta, R. Br. N. Coast Island. Feb. 18, 21, 1803. CUMING (18369). No. 1142. Philippine Islands. 1841. Diospyros philippinensis, Alph. DC. 1496) r . Philippine Islands. Diospyros pellucida. loOuj 1694. Philippine Islands. 1841. Maba Cumingiana, Alph. DC. 1829. Philippine Islands. 1841. Diospyros multiflora, Blanco, non Wall. Description of the Family. EBENACKE. Vent. Tabl. regn. veg. ii. p. 443 (excl. pier, gen.) ann. vii. (1799), Juss. in Ann. Mus. v. p. 417 (part.) (ann. xiii. 1804), Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. et Van Diem. p. 524 (1810), Agardh, class, plant, p. 18 (part.) (1825), Bartl. ord. nat. plant, p. 161 (1830), Mart, conspect. regn. veg. p. 26 (1835), Perleb, Clav. class, ord. et Fam. p. 24 (1838), Endl. gen. plant, p. 741 (183640), Alph. DC. Prodr. viii. p. 209 (1844), Lindl. Veget. kingd. edit. iii. p. 595 (1853), Griseb. Grundr. syst. bot. p. 141 (1854), Agardh, Theor. syst. plant, p. 128 t. x. fig. 1113 (1858), Le Maout et Decaisne, Trait. Gen. bot. p. 222 (1868). Vaccinia, sect. iii. (part.) Adans. fam. pL ii. p. 165 (1763) ; Guaiacance, Juss. Gen. plant, p. 155 (excl. pier, gen.) (1789) ; Bicornes, Giseke, Pnelect. p. 337 (part.) (1792) ; Diospyri (part.), Trattiunick, gen. pi. meth. Nat. disp. p. 52 (1802) ; Ebenacece, trib. I. Diospyrece, DC. et Dub. Bot. Gall. i. p. 320 (1828) ; Sapotacece, c. Sapotece, bb. Mimusopece (part.), Reich. Pflanz. p. 38 (1834) ; Ebenacece (part.) et Styracece (part), Meisn. gen. i. p. 250, ii. p. 159 (1836 43); Ebenece, Horan. Tetract. Nat. p. 27 (1843) ; Diospyracece, Voigt, Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. p. 343 (1845). EBENACE/E. CHARACTER ORDINIS. Flores scepius diced, rarius hermaphroditi vel polygami, dichlamydei, 3 7-meri. Calyx inferior, synsepalus, persistens, in fructu scepe plus minus accretus. Corolla sympetala, regularis, hypogyna, decidua; lobis in prafloratione sinistrorse contor- tis, rarissime valvatis. Flos masculus: stamina 3 oo , distincta vel geminata vel ad basim plus minus con- nata, corolla lobis alterna vel alterna atque opposita, imo corollcs inserta vel hypogyna VOL. XII. PART I. 8 58 MB HIERN, ON EBENACR^. vel partim corolld partim toro inserta. Antherse basi affixes, liberce, biloculares, scepius lineari-lanceolatce et longitudinaliter dehiscentes ; connective apice seeping producto. Pollen sphcericum vel ellipsoideum, Iceve. Ovarium scepius abortivum vel nullum. Flos femineus : staminodia oo , scepius effceta, quam in mare scepius pauciora. Ova- rium liberum, integrum, 2 16- loculare; loculis 1-, rarius 2- ovulatis. Ovula ex apice anguli interioris pendula, anatropa, numero duplici stylorum vel styli loborum. Stigmata parva vel paulim dilatata, emarginata. Fructus baccatus, abortu scepe pauci-locularis et tune mono- vel oligo-spermus, carnosus vel coriaceus. Semina pendula, albuminosa, nervis depressis a basi ad apicem 2 vel 3 percursa; testd Icevi, coriaced. Albumen copiosum, cartilagineum, cequabile vel interdum ruminatum. Embryo dicotyledonous, axilis vel paulo obliquus, semine dimidio vel dodrante cirdter brevior, rectus vel leviter curvatus; radiculd superd, cylindricd ; cotyledonibus foliaceis, ovatis vel lanceolatis, radiculam subcequantibus vel excedentibus. Arbores vel frutices, ligno scepe denso gravi duro et interdum in centra nigro, succo non lacteo, foliis alternis vel rarius suboppositis vel rarissime in tribus subverticillatis, simplidbus, integerrimis, exstipulaceis, scepius coriaceis. Flores axillares vel laterales, cymosce vel solitarii, albi carnei flavescentes vel virides nunquam ccerulei. Trees or shrubs, never herbs, varying in height from a few inches to 100 feet or more. Bark various, sometimes quite smooth as in several species of Eoyena and Euclea, in other cases as in Diospyros virginiana deeply scored both longitudinally and transversely. Wood hard, heavy and durable ; in several species, namely in those which supply ebony, very dark or black in the centre and paler towards the circumference. Sap limpid, not milky. Leaves in most cases alternate, often distichous or with an angular divergence of |ths, rarely opposite or sub-opposite as in some species of Euclea and Diospyros, very rarely verticillate in whorls of 3 as in a few species of Euclea; simple, quite entire, rarely somewhat sinuous and in Euclea ovata minutely crenulate ; usually coriaceous and opaque, less commonly membranous or pellucid-punctate ; in the majority of species elliptic or oblong and often acuminate at apex ; midrib usually depressed on the upper surface, secondary veins pinnately arranged usually remote arching within the margin and anastomosing ; tertiary veins obscure or manifest, often transverse to the midrib, or in various directions; petioles usually short, rarely long or obsolete. Leaves evergreen or deciduous, in most cases pubescent at least when young, often shining on the upper surface. The general appearance of the foliage places the family in that type of vegetation which Grisebach names after the Bay-laurel. Inflorescence cymose, usually in the axils of the younger leaves, sometimes with solitary flowers as in some species of the genus Diospyros in most species of the genus Royena and in the female plants of many, other species of the family; or occasionally lateral on the older branches as in Maba cauliflora, Diospyros cauliflora, Diospyros ramiflora and Diospyros Diepenhorstii ; in most species more or less pubescent or tomentose and often ferruginous. Bracts usually present, and in many cases bracteoles also ; both of these organs are in most cases glabrous inside ; sometimes the peduncle arises from a nest of imbricated bracts. Pedicels articulated at the apex to the MB HIEEN, ON EBENACE^E. 59 flowers. Cymes in most cases few-flowered in both sexes, especially in the female sex in which the flowers are usually fewer or solitary. In those cases in which the flowers are solitary, the presence of bracts on the peduncles or at their base often indicates the tendency to a more numerously flowered cyme. In the genus Euclea the cymes are often racemose. In some species of Diospyros the short cymes are arranged close together towards the extremities of the branches and not in the axils of fully developed leaves, so that the inflorescence puts on the appearance of being terminal, as for example in Diospyros discolor. Flowers in the great majority of species dioacious, but with an occasional tendency to a polygamous condition, and in the genus Royena chiefly hermaphrodite ; nearly always regular, 3-7-merous but usually tetramerous or pentamerous, in the genus Royena generally pentamerous, in Euclea never trimerous, and in Mala mostly trimerous ; fragrant or without scent. In some cases that monstrous condition called phyllomania, in which imbricated bracts take the place and give the appearance of flower-buds, is met with, as for example in Diospyros flavicans and D. Zollingeri ; and D. platyphylla is at present known only in this state. In other cases male flowers become double (flore plena] by conversion of stamens into petaloid organs, as for instance in Maba lamponga. Male flowers usually with a rudiment of an ovary which is hairy or glabrous in corre- spondence with the hairy or glabrous ovary which is developed in the female plant of the same species. Sometimes however in the male plant the ovary is completely obsolete and the receptacle is the only representative of it. Female flowers usually thicker than the male, and in most species furnished with sta- minodes which however are commonly fewer in number than the stamens of the corre- sponding male plant, or without staminodes as in the great majority of species of the genus Euclea and in the section Ferreola of the genus Maba. Calyx synsepalous (gamosepalous), inferior, lobed to various depths or indistinctly lobed or even in a few species of Diospyros and Maba truncate and entire, and in D. Toposia closed in (male) bud and bursting irregularly as the flower opens, persistent, commonly campanulate and not reflexed in the flower, often accrescent and either erect or spreading or reflexed and sometimes plicate in the fruit, in a few species as in Diospyros Ebenum with an internal elevated rim at the top of the tube in fruit and the lobes spreading or reflexed. Rarely the calyx is irregular, the lobing being chiefly on one side, as in Maba ovalifolia. Calyx usually greenish and when hairy usually clothed with a shorter indumen- tum than that of the corolla; as exceptional cases it is whitened inside in Diospyros gra- cilipes, and violaceo-pruinose in the fruit of D. pruinosa. ^Estivation of calyx various, valvate imbricated or contorted, and when contorted sinistrorsely so (as seen from inside). Corolla sympetalous (gamopetalous), hypogynous, usually isomerous with the calyx, lobed to various depths in different species, usually exceeding the calyx and often greatly BO, hypocrateriform, tubular, campanulate, urceolate, globose or even rotate ; often hirsute sericeous or otherwise pubescent, especially on the back of the lobes, but sometimes glabrous outside, commonly glabrous inside, but in a few species hairy on both sides ; subcoriaceous or fleshy; deciduous or occasionally marcescent and detached at the top of the fruit or 82 60 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. rarely in a fragmentary state at its base; white, flesh-coloured, greenish, or yellow, never blue ; lobes equal, obtuse or rounded or in some species acute, usually spreading or reflexed in full flower, contorted sinistrorsely in aestivation as regarded from inside except Diospyros oocarpa in which the aestivation is variously imbricated and except the new genus Tetraclis in which the aestivation is valvate. Stamens in male flowers all fertile, hypogynous or more commonly inserted at or near the base of the corolla-tube or by exception about the middle of the corolla in Diospyros Dendo and some at the middle of the corolla in D. Cunalon; often in two rows or com- bined by their filaments in pairs or otherwise ; the inner ones usually shorter, or subequal ; varying in number from 3 to about 100, the average or common number being 10 in Royena, 16 in Euclea and Diospyros, 9 in Maba and 30 in Tetraclis; when equal in number to the lobes of the corolla alternating with them. Anthers usually lanceolate linear or oblong, hairy or glabrous, erect, attached by their base, free, 2-celled, dehiscing at their sides by longitudinal slits or rarely by apical pores ; pollen globular or ellipsoidal, smooth ; connective usually produced at the apex beyond the anthers, apiculate, often hairy; filaments usually shorter than the anthers, glabrous or hairy, compressed or filiform. Staminodes in female flowers without anthers or barren, often glabrous, sometimes absent. Ovary in male flower abortive or absent ; in female flower free, sessile, subglobose ovoid or conical (or " stipitato-constricted at base" in Diospyros Diepenhorstii), not lobed, syncarpous, without a disk, hairy or glabrous, 2-16-celled, usually 3- or 6-celled in the genus Maba, 4-celled in Euclea, 4-, 6-, 8- or 10-celled in Royena, and 4-, 8- or 10-celled in Diospyros, never with 5 or an odd number of cells except 3 ; cells 1-ovuled, or 2-ovuled in the section Ferreola of Maba and in the section Cargillia of Diospyros; the septa however are some- times incomplete, especially in the lower part, and the alternate ones, namely, those opposite the styles or lobes of the style, are often thinner. Styles 1 5, distinct or connate at the base ; stigmas often bifid at apex. Ovules pendulous from the inner side of the top of the cell of the ovary, commonly twice as numerous as the styles or as the lobes of the style, anatropal, oblong or ovoid ; raphe decurrent on the outer side to an inferior chalaza. Fruit coriaceous or fleshy, tomentose pubescent glandular glabrate or glabrous, globular ovoid oblong or conical (depressed in Diospyros apeibacarpos, compressed in D. dodecandra, obconical in D. stricta), varying from | 3 in. in diameter, usually small in the genus Euclea, of moderate size in Royena and Maba and rather large in Diospyros and Tetraclis; in several species edible ; indehiscent or in a few species splitting in a valvate manner from the apex ; with several or by abortion with few cells ; pericarp coriaceous or in the edible species thin and membranoOs. Seeds 1 10, pendulous, usually solitary in the cells of the fruit, usually oblong and laterally compressed or when sole globose, marked externally with 2 or 3 depressed longi- tudinal lines ; hile small ; testa smooth, thin or coriaceous ; albumen cartilaginous, abund- ant, white, uniform or in some species ruminated by intrusion of the coriaceous testa or obscurely striate in radiating lines in a' few species ; embryo axile or slightly oblique, straight or somewhat curved especially in globular seeds, whitish, ^ f ths of the length of the seed; cotyledons 2, equal, foliaceous, with or without veins, contiguous, ovate or lan- ceolate ; radicle superior, cylindrical, not thick, \ f rds of the length of the embryo. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 61 The family as here presented contains 5 Genera, namely, Royena 13 species, Diospyros about 160 species, Euclea 19 species, Tetraclis 1 species; Maba 56 species, in all about 250 species; besides several fossil species that have been described as members of the family. EBENACE.E. KEY TO THE GENERA. Corolla with contorted aestivation. Hermaphrodite or rarely sub-dioecious. Stamens in one row. I. ROYENA. i . . Dioecious or rarely polygamous. Stamens usually in 2 or more rows, often in pairs. Calyx not accrescent. Staminodes usually absent from the 9 flower. Ovary 4- (or very rarely 2- or 6-) celled. Inflorescence usually racemose, rarely panicled. II. EuCLEA. Calyx often accrescent. Staminodes usually present in the 9 flower, except in the section Ferreola of MABA. Ovary usually 3-, 6-, or 8-celled, occasionally 4- or 10-16-celled. Inflorescence cymose or 1-flowered, not racemose. Ovary 3- or 6-celled. Flowers usually trimerous. in. MABA. Ovary 4- or 8-1 6-celled. Flowers rarely trimerous. IV. DIOSPYEOS. Corolla with valvate aestivation. V. TETRACLIS. THE AFFINITIES OF EBENACRE. The following families have the closest affinity to JEbenacece. OlacinecB. Points of approach : Calyx often accrescent. Seeds usually pendulous ; albumen usually copious. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple, usually quite entire, exstipulate. Points of departure: Petals usually valvate in aestivation. Ovary usually 1 -celled. Stamens sometimes in part sterile. 62 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Styracece. Points of approach: Corolla sympetalous, with imbricated asstivation. Stamens definite or indefinite, arising from the tube of the corolla, of unequal length. Ovary several-celled. Leaves alternate, exstipulate, simple. Seeds albuminous with axile embryo. Points of departure: Filaments usually longer than the anthers. Ovary usually quite or partially infe- rior. Flowers hermaphrodite. Leaves often serrulate. Ovules 2 oo in each cell of the ovary. Albumen fleshy. Anmacece. Points of approach: Flowers usually trimerous (as in Maba). Stamens often indefinite. Albumen copious, ruminated (as in several Ebenacece). Leaves alternate, quite entire, exstipulate. Pistil superior. Points of departure: Corolla apopetalous. Pistil usually apocarpous. Ovules erect. Embryo minute. TernstrosmiacecB. Points of approach : Stamens oo or equal to or double of the number of the parts of the corolla, hypogynous or inserted at the base of the corolla. Ovary usually free. Leaves alternate or very rarely opposite, usually simple and exstipulate. Points of departure: Corolla usually apopetalous. Flowers usually hermaphrodite. Stamens not in pairs. Fruits frequently many-seeded. Sapotacece. Points of approach: Corolla sympetalous, deciduous, imbricated in aestivation. Ovary free, usually hairy. Ovules solitary. Leaves alternate or very rarely subverticillate, quite entire, shortly petioled, exstipulate. Points of departure: Sterile stamens usually present; fertile ones opposite the corolla-lobes. Testa of the seeds bony or crustaceous, with a high polish, albumen wanting or fleshy or oily. Radicle inferior. Flowers hermaphrodite. Sap milky. According to Richard the suspension of the seed distinguishes Ebenacece from Sapotacece. Ilicinete. Points of approach: Corolla sympetalous, imbricated in aestivation. Stamens inserted on the corolla. Ovary superior ; ovules solitary, pendulous, anatropal. Albumen copious. Em- bryo straight. Ptadicle superior. Leaves evergreen, alternate or opposite, cori- aceous, simple, exstipulate. Flowers often unisexual. Points of departure: Filaments usually exceeding the anthers. Albumen fleshy. Embryo small. Stamens equal in number to the parts of the flower. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 63 The following natural orders also bear some affinity to EBENACEJE, but in a less degree than the previously mentioned ones: Ericaceae. Euphorbiacese. Humiriacese. Laurineae. Tiliacese. Myrsineae. Bixineaa. Convolvulaceae (Erycibeae). Magnoliaceae. Celastrineas. Chailletiacese. Oleaceaa. The accompanying plan is intended to set 'forth the affinities of Ebenacese (see Plate I.). Mr Miers in " Contributions to Botany," Vol. I. p. 24, makes some pertinent remarks on the affinities of EBENACESE. He questions their close alliance with STYRACE^E, compares them with ANONACE^:, and considers that they ought rather to be arranged among the polypetalous groups. There is no doubt that many South American species point plainly to such a position (though I have always found the corolla to be sympetalous, even if its partitions are only slightly connate at the base); but if it be necessary to choose between a polypetalous and a gamopetalous position, I certainly prefer the latter. Indeed, several species have the corolla lobed only near the apex, and the affinity to Sapotaceae (a gamo- petalous family) is as close as to any other. Mr Miers seems to me to be quite right in maintaining the affinity of the family to OLACINE^E. Choisy, in his " Me'moires des Ternstroemiacese," p. 9 (1855) compares EBENACESE with TERNSTROEMIACE^E and points out their proximity. ON THE GENERA OF EBENACE^:. The diagnostic characters of the genera of this family are not well defined ; indeed it has been proposed to unite all into one genus. Two genera are endemic in Africa, namely ROYENA and EUCLEA and are chiefly found at the Cape of Good Hope ; however both genera enter Tropical Africa south of the Equator, and one species of EUCLEA occurs in Abyssinia. One species each of DIOSPYROS and MABA occur in South-east Africa south of the Tropic. TETRACLIS has at present been detected only in the Island of Madagascar. ROYENA is mainly characterized by its hermaphrodite solitary peduncled and drooping flowers with the stamens in one row and comparatively small leaves ; but the flowers are not always hermaphrodite, and hermaphrodite flowers occasionally occur in other genera especially in EUCLEA and DIOSPYROS ; and the remaining characters occur in several cases among the species of the other genera of the family, nor are they constant in the genus Royena. The genus approaches the section Gunisanthus of DIOSPYROS, and D. Lou- reiriana Don is closely allied to E. parviflora. EUCLEA approaches ROYENA on one hand and DIOSPYROS on the other. The racemose or cymose inflorescence and the dioecious flowers generally distinguish it from ROYENA ; and its African habitat with small fruit and non-accrescent calyx help to separate it from DIOSPYROS. MABA in the majority of its species is remarkable for the trimerous symmetry of the flower, and 3- or 6-celled ovary with 6 ovules. The flowers however are not always trime- 64 MB HIEEN, ON EBENACE^E. rous, and the section Trichanthera of MABA approaches closely the section Rospidios of DIOSPYROS. The geographical distribution of the two genera is nearly identical and co- extensive. MABA however is more frequent in New Caledonia and other islands in the South Pacific Ocean as well as in Australia, and one species (M. buxifolia, Pers.) seems to have the widest range of any species of the family. The best character to distinguish MABA is its 3- or 6-celled ovary, but some spe- cies both of EUCLEA and DIOSPYBOS occasionally, but not I think normally, possess this peculiarity ; I have therefore made this the fundamental character of the genus, and feel no doubt, notwithstanding certain cases of perplexing variability, that it is convenient for the practical classification of the family to maintain the genus MABA. I have on the other hand merged with it Alphonse De Candolle's genus Macreightia, Dalzell's genus Holochilus (the only species however of which I have not seen), and Hasskarl's genus Rhipidostigma, none of which three genera by such incorporation weakens the main cha- racters of MABA. DIOSPYROS being the largest genus, and indeed including the majority of the species of the family, exhibits the greatest amount of variation, and possesses points of contact with all the other genera. I have united with it the following genera, Cargillia R. Br., Leucoxylum Blum., Noltia Schum., Gunisanthus Alph. DC., and Rospidios Alph. DC., inas- much as I fail to find any good or even plausible ground for maintaining any separation amongst them. Cargillia with two species (C. laxa and C. australis) was made a genus by Robert Brown principally on account of having 2 ovules in each cell of a 4-celled ovary. The former species often and so far as my observation goes always has an 8-celled ovary with a solitary ovule in each cell, and it is identical with Diospyros maritima Blum. ; and the second species (C. australis) has sometimes at least an imperfect septum, partially dividing each cell of the 4-celled ovary. Again in certain other species of Diospyros, the septa of the ovary when 8-celled are alternately thinner, and are therefore difficult to discern ; so much so that Dr Solander in his manuscript notes now in the British Museum described the immature fruit of D. chloro- xylon as 4-celled with 2 seeds in each cell, although the ovary is really 8-celled. In some cases in the lower part of the ovary the alternate septa are imperfect and do not reach the axis, and therefore a transverse section across this portion would give a 4-celled ovary ; but in the middle part of the ovary the same septa are joined with the axis, and a transverse section there would shew an 8-celled ovary. Failing also to detect any peculiarity of habit to distinguish the genus Cargillia, I am obliged notwithstanding the eminence and reputation of its inventor to treat it as a mere section of DIOSPYROS. For a similar reason I consider Macreightia to be a section of MABA. The genus ROSPIDIOS was founded on the combination of a 3-celled ovary associated with a tetramerous symmetry in the flower; but this observation was made on a cultivated specimen, while the wild specimens since observed reveal an 8-celled ovary : the genus therefore lapses into DIOSPYKOS ; the name however I have retained for a section of the latter genus. MK HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 65 Several species of DIOSPTROS are remarkable for ruminated albumen in the seeds, and I have employed this character for the purpose of separating such species as a section from the remaining species of the genus. It must however be admitted that as the condition of the albumen is unknown in many of the remaining species, it is quite possible and indeed probable, that some of them will require when better known to be removed to this section. In cases where the albumen has not been observed, I have, with the exception of I). Kurzii which is evidently very near to D. sylvatica Roxb. and of D. decandra Lour., considered for the purposes of classification the albumen to be equable. The new genus which I call TETRACLIS differs from the rest of the family by a strictly valvate aestivation of the corolla instead of a contorted one. In other respects its characters do not substantially differ from DiGSPYROS. Mr Bentham's Brazilian genus BRACHYNEMA, which he described as a doubtful member of this family, certainly differs remarkably from it in habit, especially in respect of the foliage and fruit. The structure of the seed is not clearly known, but seems to me not to agree with that of this family ; on the whole it seems to shew an alliance with the family OLACINE^E rather than with EBENACE^E. Again Zollinger's second genus DREBBELIA from Java, which was described as Ebenaceous, seems to me to have characters absolutely accordant with the family OLACINE^;, and indeed may even belong to OLAX itself. However, I have not seen a specimen and therefore cannot speak with confidence about it. There is in the Kew herbarium, collected by Mann (No. 1800), a specimen of a male plant from Mount John river, West equatorial Africa, which probably belongs to a new genus of Ebenaceae; but as the female plant is unknown to me I do not venture to publish it with a new name. The characters are as follows : Flares diced. Flores masculi 1 3-ni, siibsessiles, axillares. Bractece minutes. Calyx inferior, 3 4>-fidus, campanulatus, parvus. Corolla monopetala, gracillime tubulosa, apice 3 k-loba; lobis patentibus, in prcefloratione sinistrorse contortis. Stamina 2 3, receptaculo inserta ; filamentis brevibus hirsutis ; antheris linearibus, lateraliter bilocularibus, dorso pubescentibus. Ovarii rudimentum nullum. Flores feminei et fructus ignoti. Arbor parva, foliis simplicibus integerrimis distichis obliquis subsessilibus firmiter sub-membranaceis exsti- pulaceis. Species unica, Africae occidentalis sequatorise incola. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SPECIFIC NAMES. At the time of the publication of the first edition of Linnaeus' "Species Plantarum," in 1753, only 5 Ebenaceous species were known, 3 belonging to Royena and 2 to Diospyros. The first species of Eudea was published in the 13th edition of the "Systema" of Linnaeus in 1774, and the first species of Maba in 1776 by the two Forsters. Loureiro in 1790 published several new species in his "Flora Cochinchinensis," but most of them remain a puzzle to this day, as but few of his specimens have reached Euro- pean botanists. Several Indian species were described and figured by Roxburgh in the first volume of his work on Coromandel plants published in 1795; Dr Koenig concurrently described some VOL. XII. PART I. 9 66 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. of them in the same work. In the "Encyclopaedia Me'thodique" Poiret published many new species in 1804, chiefly from Mauritius, and in the following year Willdenow described others in his edition of the " Species Plantarum." In 1810 Brown published his Australian Flora, and in it several species of the genus Maba, the new genus Cargillia, &c. In 1825-26 Blwne published some Javan species of Diospyros and a new genus Leu- coxylum. From 1828 to 1832 Wallich circulated the chief part of his lithographed list with spe- cimens of East Indian plants, and amongst them a large number of Ebenacese chiefly be- longing to the genus Diospyros. In 1837 Blanco published his " Flora de Filipinas," which contained a few new names of Ebenaceae ; also in the same year G. Don, in the 4th volume of his " General System of Gardening and Botany," described all the species of Ebenacese known to him, including a revision of the family; and E. Meyer published his catalogue of the plants of South Africa collected by Drege, containing the names of several new species of Royena and Euclea, but without descriptions. In 1844 Alphonse De Candolle monographed the family in the " Prodromus " and added many new species and the three new genera Chmisanthus, Rospidios, and Macreightia. In the following year Alexander Braun published the first fossil species of the family. The most important subsequent contributions to the family contain some plates of Dr Wight in 1850; fossil species by Unger in 1850, 1851, 1866, 1867; some Indian species by Dalzett in 1852 and 1861; Brazilian species by Martins and Miquel in 1856; Java and Sumatra species by Zollinger, Miquel, Teijsmann, Hasskarl, &c.; Ceylon species by Dr Thwaites in 1860 and 1864; fossil species by Ettingshausen, Heer, Massalongo, &c.; Mozambique species by Klotzsch in 1862; Australian species by Dr F. Mueller and Mr Bentham in 1864 1869; and Indian species by Major Beddome and Mr 8. Kurz in 1871. In the present paper between 80 and 90 new species are described and 1 new genus. In the subjoined chronological list of specific names each name is given only on the first occasion of its publication, even though the same name may have been subsequently published for a different species. EBENACE.E. Chronological List of published specific Names, with references and localities. A.D. 1753. Royena lucida, Linn. Spec. Plant, (vol. I.) p. 397. Cape of Good Hope. 1753. Royena glabra, Linn. Spec. Plant, (vol. I.) p. 397. Cape of Good Hope. 1753. Royena hirsuta, Linn. Spec. Plant, (vol. I.) p. 397. Cape of Good Hope. 1753. Diospyros Lotus, Linn. Spec. Plant, (vol. II.) p. 1057. Mediterranean region. 1753. Diospyros virginiana, Linn. Spec. Plant, (vol. n.) p. 1057. N. America. 1763. Diospyros inconstans, Jacq. Amer. p. 276. t. 174. f. 67. S. America. 1767. Royena villosa, Linn. Syst. Nat. edit. XII. vol. n. p. 302. Cape of Good Hope. 1768. Royena scabra, Burm. Prodr. Fl. Cap. p. 13. Cape of Good Hope. 1771. Vaccinium pensylvanicum, Miller, Gard. Diet. edit. VI. Cfr. Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. II. vol. III. p. 62 (1811). MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. - 67 A.D. 1774. Euclea racemosa, Linn. Syst. Veg. edit. xm. p. 747. Cape of Good Hope. 1775. Dactylus trapezuntinus, Forskal, Fl. ^Egypt. Arab. p. xxxvi. Constantinople. 1775. Paralea guyanensis, Aubl. Plant. Guin. vol. I. p. 576. t. 231. Guiana, S. America. 1776. Diospyros Ebenum, Koenig in Physiogr. Salsk. Handl. vol. I. p. 176. Ceylon. 1776. Maba elliptica, J. R. and G. Forst. Charact. Gen. PI. p. 122. Friendly Islands. 1781. Royena polyandra, Linn. fil. Supplem. p. 240. Cape of Good Hope. 1781. Diospyros Kaki, Linn. fil. Supplem. p. 439. China. 1781. Diospyros hirsuta, Linn. fil. Supplem. p. 440. E. Indies. 1783. Pisonia (?) buxifolia, Eottb. in Nye Saml. Kong. Danske Skrift, vol. II. p. 536. t. 4. f. 2. Malabar. 1783. Diospyros glaberrima, Rottb. in Nye Saml. Kong. Danske Skrift. vol. II. p. 540. tab. v. E. Indies. 1784. Euclea undulata, Thunb. Nov. Gen. PL (v) p. 86. Cape of Good Hope. 1786. Maba major, G. Forst. PI. escul. insul. Ocean. Austr. n. 21. p. 54. Friendly Islands. 1788. Embryopteris peregrina, Gaertn. Fruct. vol. I. p. 145. t. 29. E. Indies. 1788. Diospyros tetrasperma, Swartz Prodr. p. 62. W. India Islands. 1789. Cavanillea philippensis, Desrouss. in Encyl. Me"th. vol. ill. p. 663. Philippine Islands. 1789. Garcinia malabarica, Desrouss. in Encycl. Me"th. vol. in. p. 701. E. Indies. 1789. Diospyros Ebenaster, Retz. Observ. Bot. fasc. v. p. 31. n. 88. E. Indies. 1790. Diospyros lobata, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinchin. p. 227. Cochinchina. 1790. Diospyros decandra, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 227. N. Cochinchina. 1790. Diospyros dodecandra, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 228. Cochinchina. 1790. Ebenoxylum verum, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 613. Cochinchina. 1790. Euclea pilosa, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 629. Cochinchina. 1790. Euclea herbacea, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 629. China. 1794. Diospyros concolor, Moench. Meth. p. 470. N. America. 1794. Royena pallens, Thunb. Prodr. Plant. Capens., pars prior, p. 80. Cape of Good Hope. 1794. Ehretia ferrea, Willd. Phytogr. I. p. 4. t. 2. f. 2. Malabar. 1795. Ferreola buxifolia, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 35. t. 45. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Diospyros melanoxylon, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 36. t. 46. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Diospyros montana, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 37. t. 48. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Diospyros sylvatica, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 38. t. 47. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Diospyros chloroxylon, Roxb. Coromand. voL I. p. 38. t. 49. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Diospyros cordifolia, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 38. t. 50. Coromandel Coast. 1795. Embryopteris glutinifera, Roxb. Coromand. vol. I. p. 49. t. 70. Coromandel Coast. 1798. Diospyros obovata, Jacq. Hort. Schcenbr. vol. in. p. 34. t. 312. St Domingo. 1798. Diospyros digyna, Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. vol. in. p. 35. t. 313. I. Celebes. 1799. Royena angustifolia, Willd. Spec. Plant. II. p. 633. Cape of Good Hope. 1800. Euclea lancea, Thunb. Prodr. PI. Capens., pars posterior, p. 85. Cape of Good Hope. 1803. Diospyros glauca, Rottler in Gesellschaft Naturf. freunde zu Berlin. Neue Schriften. vol. IV. p. 221. Madras. 1803. Diospyros ambigua, Vent. Malm. t. 17. Cape of Good Hope. 1803. Royena ambigua, Vent. Malm. n. 17. Cape of Good Hope. 92 68 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. A.D. 1804. Diospyros tessellaria, Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. vol. v. p. 430. Mauritius. 1804. Ebenus tessellaria, Commers. ex Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. vol. v. p. 430. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros melanida, Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. vol. V. p. 431. Mauritius. 1804. Ebenus melanida, Commers. ex Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. voL V. p. 431. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros leucomelas, Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. vol. V. p. 432. Mauritius. 1804. Ebenus leucomelas, Commers. ex Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. V. p. 432. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros nodosa, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. v. p. 432. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros chrysophyllos, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. v. p. 433. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros angulata, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. v. p. 434. Mauritius. 1804. Diospyros lanceolata, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. V. p. 434. Madagascar. 1804. Diospyros revoluta, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. v. p. 435. S, America. 1804. Diospyros tomentosa, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. V. p. 436. Tranquebar, E. Indies. 1804. Royena cuneata, Poir. in Encyclop. Me'th. vol. vi. p. 322. Cape of Good Hope. 1805. Diospyros lycioides, Desf. in Annal. Mus. voL VI. p. 448. t. 62. f. 1. Cape of Good Hope. 1805. Diospyros Commersoni, Gaertn. fil. Carp. III. p. 136. t. 208. Madagascar. 1805. Diospyros rubra, Gaertn. fil. Carp. in. 138. Mauritius (?). 1805. Diospyros discolor, Willd. Spec. Plant, vol. IV. p. 1108. E. Indies. 1805. Diospyros reticulata, Willd. Spec. Plant, vol. IV. p. 1109. Mauritius. 1805. Diospyros orixensis, Klein ex Willd. Spec. Plant, vol. IV. p. 1110. E. Indies. 1805. Diospyros salicifolia, Humb. and Bonpl. ex Willd. Spec. Plant, vol. iv. p. 1112. S. America. 1805. Diospyros obtusifolia, Humb. and Bonpl. ex Willd. Spec. Plant. IV. p. 1112. Mexico. 1807. Diospyros Tupru, Buchan. Journ. vol. I. p. 183. E. Indies. 1807. Maba buxifolia, Pers. Synops. Plant, vol. II. p. 606. E. Indies. 1807. Diospyros Embryopteris, Pers. Synops. Plant, vol. II. p. 624. E. Indies. 1807. Diospyros pubescens, Pers. Synops. Plant. voL II. p. 625. Cape of Good Hope. 1807. Diospyros guiacana, Rob. Voyages, vol. III. p. 417. Louisiana and Florida. 1800 1809. Annona microcarpa, Jacq. Fragm. Bot. p. 40. t. 44. f. 7. Australia. 1809. Royena pubescens, Willd. Berol. p. 457. Cape of Good Hope. 1810. Diospyros rugosula, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 526. Australia. 1810. Cargillia laxa, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 526. n. 1. Australia. 1810. Cargillia australis, R. Br. Prodr. FL Nov. Holl. p. 527. n. 2. Australia. 1810. Maba laurina, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 527. n. 1. Australia. 1810. Maba obovata, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 527. n. 2. Australia. 1810. Maba humilis, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. HolL p. 527. n. 3. 1810. Maba geminata, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 527. n. 4. Australia. 1810. Maba littorea, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 527, n. 5. Australia 1810. Maba reticulata, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 528. n. 6. Australia. 1810. Maba compacta, R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. p. 528. n. 7. Australia. 1813. Royena latifolia, Willd. Enum. PL Berol. Suppl. p. 23. 1813. Diospyros lancesefolia, Roxb. Catal. PL class. XIII. Polyandr. monog. Silhet. 1813. Diospyros stricta, Roxb. Catal. PL class, xin. Polyandr. monog. Tipperah, E. Indies. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. C9 A.D. 1813. Diospyros bracteata, Roxb. Catal. PL class, xm. Polyandr. monog. Dooab, E. Indies. 1814. Diospyros glutinosa, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40. India. 1814. Diospyros Sapota, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40. Mauritius [cult. ?] 1814. Diospyros Mabola, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40. Philippine Islands. 1814. Diospyros racemosa, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40. Tipperah, E. Indies. 1814. Diospyros ramiflora, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40. Tipperah, E. Indies. 1814. Ferriola buxifolia, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 72. Coromandel. 1816. Diospyros sapotanigra, DC. Ess. Prop. Med. PL p. 200. Mexico. 1816. Royena lycioides, [Desf.] Cat. Hort. Paris, ex Poir. in Encyclop. Me"th. Suppl. vol. IV p. 435. Cape of Good Hope. 1817. Monodora microcarpa, Dunal Monogr. Anonac. p. 80. Australia. 1817. Diospyros caroliniana, Muhlenb. ex Rafin. Florula Ludovic. p. 139. Mississippi. 1818. Diospyros acapulcensis, Kunth in Humb. and Bonpl. Nov. Gen. III. p. 254. Mexico. 1818. Diospyros psidioides, Kunth in Humb. and Bonpl. Nov. Gen. in. p. 254. S. America. 1818. Diospyros conduplicata, Kunth in Humb. and Bonpl. Nov. Gen. in. p. 254. S. America. 1820. Celastrus crispus, Thunb. Fl. Cap. edit. ii. vol. ii. p. 115. Cape of Good Hope. 1820. Diospyros apeibacarpos, Raddi, Quar. nuov. del Bras. p. 12. n. 10. Brazil. 1821. Diospyros rubiginosa, Roth, Nov. pi. sp. p. 385. E. Indies. 1821. Royena myrtifolia, Wendl. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. p. 705. Cape of Good Hope. 1822. Royena decidua, Burch. Trav. int. S. Afric. vol. I. p. 317. South Africa. 1822. Royena microphylla, Burch. Trav. int. S. Afric. vol. I. p. 348. South Africa. 1822. Euclea ovata, Burch. Trav. int. S. Afric. vol. I. p. 387. South Africa. 1823. Diospyros chinensis, Bluine, Cat. Hort. Buit. p. 110. China. 1823. Cavanillea Mabolo, Lamarck in Encyclop. Me'th. tab. 454. Philippine Islands. 1824. Maba rufa, Labill. Sert. Austr. Caled. p. 33. t. 36. New Caledonia. 1824. Euclea myrtina, Burch. Trav. int. S. Afric. vol. II. p. 588. South Africa. 1825. Maba Ebenus, Spreng. Syst. Veg. vol. n. p. 126. Molucca Islands. 1825. Diospyros vaccinioides, Lindl. in Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 139. China. 1825. Diospyros serrata, Hamilt. ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nep. p. 143. Nepal. 1825. Diospyros cerasifolia, D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal, p. 144. Nepal. 1825. Diospyros cauliflora, Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 668. Java. 1825. Diospyros frutescens, Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 668. Java. 1825. Diospyros maritima, Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 669. Java. 1825. Diospyros macrophylla, Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 670. Java. 1826. Leucoxylum buxifolium, Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 1169. Java. 1827. Diospyros exculpta, Hamilt. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. vol. xv. p. 110. E. Indies. 1827. Diospyros insculpta, Hamilt. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. vol. xv. p. 112. E. Indies. 1827. Diospyros Toposia, Hamilt. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. vol. xv. p. 115. Bengal. 1827. Noltia tricolor, Schum. and Thonn. Plant. Guin. p. 189. Guinea, Africa. 1827. Diospyros edulis, Lodd. ex Sweet. Hort. Brit. p. 270. E. Indies. 182832. Diospyros incisa, Hamilt. Hb. ex Wallich, list n. 4122 D. E. Indies. 1828 32. Diospyros glutinifera, Hb. Madr. ex Wallich, list n. 4123 B. Quilon, E. Indies. 1828 32. Diospyros oblonga, Wallich, list n. 4124. Penang, India. 70 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. A.D. 1828 32. Diospyros (?) frondosa, Wallich, list n. 4125. Penang, India. 1828 32. Diospyros venosa, Wallich, list n. 4126. Penang, India. 1828 32. Diospyros lucida, Wallich, list n. 4127. Singapore, India. 1828 32. Diospyros oleifolia, Wallich, list n. 4128. Amherst, India. 1828 32. Diospyros (?) acuminata, Wallich, list n. 4129. Singapore, India. 1828 32. Diospyros Mabolo, Wallich, list n. 4131 A. 182832. Diospyros (?) pilosula, Wallich, list n. 4132. Sillet, India. 182832. Diospyros Roylii, Wallich, list n. 4134. India. 1828 32. Diospyros (?) chartacea, Wallich, list n. 4135. Burmah, India. 1828 32. Diospyros undulata, Wallich, list n. 4136. Amherst, India. 1828 32. Diospyros ehretioides, Wallich, list n. 4137. Amherst, India. 182832. Diospyros heterophylla, Wallich, list n. 4138. Ava. 182832. Diospyros amoena, Wallich, list n. 4139. Sillet. 1828 32. Diospyros densiflora, Wallich, list n. 4140. Moulmyne and Amherst. 1828 32. Diospyros grata, Wallich, list n. 4142. Nepal. 182832. Diospyros (?) foliolosa, Wallich, list n. 4143. S. India. 1828 32. Diospyros multiflora, Wallich, list n. 4144. Sillet. 182832. Diospyros Wightiana, Wallich, list n. 4406. India. 182832. Diospyros dubia, Wallich, list n. 4407. India. 182832. Diospyros nigricans, Wallich, list n. 6351. Sillet. 182832. Guatteria (?) flavicans, Wallich, list n. 7295. Penang. 1832. Diospyros Schitze, Buiige, En. Chin. bor. n. 237. p. 42. N. China. 1834. Diospyros Persimon, Wikstr. Jahr. Schwed. 1830. pp. 92, 96. N. America. 1834. Diospyros punctata, Decaisne in N. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. vol. in. p. 407. Timor. 1834. Diospyros malabarica, Kosteletsky, Med. Pharmac. Flora (in.) p. 1099. India. 1835. Diospyros microcarpa, Spanoghe in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. vol. I. p. 348. Timor. 1835. Diospyros dioica, Spanoghe in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. vol. I. p. 348. Timor. 1835 36. Diospyros albens, Presl, Eeliq. Haenk. n. p. 62. Mexico. 1836. Diospyros angustifolia, Lodd. Cat. ex London, Arb. et Frut. Brit. II. p. 1197 (1838). N. America. 1836. Diospyros fertilis, Lodd. Cat. ex Loudon, Arb. et Frut. Brit. n. p. 1197 (1838). N. America. 1836. Diospyros ciliata, Rafin. New Flora and Bot. N. Amer. part in. p. 25. Florida, .N. America. 1837. Diospyros biflora, Blanco, Fl. Filipin. p. 303. Philippine Islands. 1837. Diospyros pilosanthera, Blanco, Fl. Filipin. p. 304. Philippine Islands. 1837. Sapota nigra, Blanco, Fl. Filipin. p. 409. Philippine Islands. 1837. Diospyros pterocalyx, Bojer, Hort. Maurit. p. 200. Mauritius. 1837. Diospyros Loureiriana, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. IV. p. 39. Africa. 1837. Embryopteris gelatinifera, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. IV. p. 41. 1837. Embryopteris discolor, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. voL IV. p. 41. Islands. E. Trop. E. Indies. Philippine ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 71 A.D. 1837. Embryopteris racemosa, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. IV. p. 41. Sillet. 1837. Embryopteris Loureiriana, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. iv. p. 41. Cochin China. 1837. Embryopteris Kaki, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. iv. p. 41. Japan, China and Cochin China. 1837. Diplonema elliptica, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. iv. p. 42. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Diplonema ambigua, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. vol. rv. p. 42. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Maba(?) Ebenoxylon, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. 'and Bot. vol. iv. p. 43. Cochin China. 1837. Royena cordata, E. Meyer, Cat. PI. Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Royena brachiata, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Royena cuneifolia, E. Meyer, Cat. PI. Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Royena rugosa, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg, p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea rufescens, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea macrophylla, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea lanceolata, E. Meyer, Cat. PI. Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea polyandra, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea tomentosa, E. Meyer, Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea acutifolia, E. Meyer, Cat. PL exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea rigida, E. Meyer, Cat. PI. exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Euclea pseudebenus, E. Meyer, Cat. PL exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1837. Leucoxilon laurinum, E. Meyer, Cat. PL exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7. Cape of Good Hope. 1840. Myrsirue Kellau, Schimper in PL Abyss, exsicc. sect. I. n. 159. Abyssinia. 1840. Diospyros mollis, Wall, ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. edit. n. part 1. p. 514. Tavoy, E. Indies. 1840. Diospyros Paralea, Steud. Nomencl. Bot. edit. n. part. 1. p. 514. S. America. 1840. Diospyros phyllomegas, Steud. Nomencl. Bot. edit. n. part 1. p. 514. Java. 1840. Patonia Walkerii, Wight, Illustr. vol. I. p. 19. Ceylon. 1840. Diospyros calycina, Audib. Cat. Hort. Tonn. ex Spach, Hist. Vege't. ix. p. 405. N. America. 1841. Royena media, Hort. ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. edit. II. vol. II. p. 475. Cape of Good Hope. 1841. Diospyros tetrandra, Spanoghe, Prodr. Fl. Timor, in Linnsea xv. p. 336. Timor. 1842. Kellaua Schimperi, Alph. DC. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. n. vol. xvill. p. 209. Abyssinia. 1842. Diospyros mespiliformis, Hochst. in PL Schimp. Abyss, exsicc. sect. II. nn. 655, 1243. Abyssinia. 1842. Euclea Kellau, Hochst. in PL Schimp. Abyss, exsicc. sect. n. n 1078. Abyssinia. 1842. Diospyros intermedia, Hort. ex Loudon Enc. Tr. and Shr. p. 627. N. America. 1843. Royena rufescens, E. Meyer, Pflanzengeogr. Doc. Dreg. p. 154 in Flora, xxvi. ii. Cape of Good Hope. 1843. Royena opaca, E. Meyer, Pflanzengeogr. Doc. Dreg. p. 217 in Flora, xxvi. ii. Cape of Good Hope. 72 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. A.D. 1843. Royena falcata, E. Meyer, Pflanzengeogr. Doc. Dreg, p. 217 in Flora, xxvi. ii. Cape of Good Hope. 1843. Euclea ochrocarpa, E. Meyer, Pflanzengeogr. Doc. Dreg. p. 184 in Flora. XXVI. ii. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Royena sericea, Bernh. in Flora, xxvn. ii. p. 824. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea Kraussiana, Bernh. in Flora, xxvu. ii. p. 824. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea ferruginea, Bernh. in Flora, xxvn. ii. p. 825. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Royena ramulosa, E. Meyer ex Alph. DC. Prodr. viu. p. 212. n. 6. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea elliptica, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 216. n. 1. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea Dregeana, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 216. n. 2. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea coriacea, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 216. n. 4. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Euclea natalensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. viu. p. 218. n. 10. Natal. 1844. Royena macrophylla, E. Meyer ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 218. n. 10. Natal. 1844. Diospyros (?) pilosa, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 219. Cochinchina. 1844. Gunisanthus pilosulus, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 220. Sillet. 1844. Rospidios vaccinioides, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIU. p. 220. China and Malacca. 1844. Macreightia caribaea, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 221. n. 1. St Domingo. 1844. Macreightia albens, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vin. p. 221. n. 2. Mexico. 1844. Macreightia acapulcensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 221. n. 3. Mexico. 1844. Macreightia psidioides, Alph. DG. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 221. n. 4? S. America. 1844. Macreightia conduplicata, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. viu. p. 221. n. 5. S. America. 1844. Macreightia inconstans, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 221. n. 6. New Granada. 1844. Macreightia Pavonii, Alph. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 222. n. 7. America. 1844. Diospyros cayennensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 224. n. 8. Cayenne, &c. 1844. Danzleria axillaris, Bert, ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 224. n. 8. Cayenne. 1844. Diospyros Pceppigiana, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 224. n. 9. Brazil? 1844. Diospyros mauritiana, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 226. n. 15. Mauritius. 1844. Diospyros macrocalyx, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 226, n. 17. Mauritius (or Bourbon ?). 1844. Diospyros capensis, Alph. DC. vol. vm. p. 226. n. 19. Cape of Good Hope. 1844. Diospyros membranacea, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 227. n. 20. Mauritius. 1844. Diospyros anonsefolia, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 227. n. 21. Mauritius (or Bourbon ?). 1844. Diospyros Neraudii, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 227. n. 23. Mauritius. 1844. -Diospyros philippinensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 231. n. 43. Philippine Islands. 1844. Diospyros squamosa, Bojer ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 232. n. 49 ? Madagascar. 1844. Diospyros laevis, Bojer ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 232. n. 50. Madagascar. 1844. Diospyros senegalensis, Perrottet ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 234. n. 59 ? Senegambia. 1844. Diospyros Berterii, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 234. n. 61. New Granada. 1844. Diospyros citrifolia, Wallich ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 235. n 65. Burmah. 1844. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 236. n. 67. Brazil. 1844. Diospyros hispida, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 236. n. 68? Brazil. 1844. Diospyros Boutoniana, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 236. n. 72. Mauritius (or Bourbon ?). MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 73 A.D. 1844. Diospyros Blancoi, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. VIII. p. 237. n. 74. Philippine Islands. 1844. Diospyros Malacapai, Alph. DC. Prodr. vill. p. 237. n. 75. Philippine Islands. 1844. Diospyros Canoraoi, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 237. n. 78. Philippine Islands. 1844. Diospyros (?) Cunalon, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 237. n. 79. Philippine Islands, 1844. Diospyros feminina, Haniilt. ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 238. n. 83. Nepal. 1844, Maba Cumingiana, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 241. n. 4. Philippine Islands. 1844. Maba madagascariensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vin. p. 241. n. 7. Madagascar. 1844. Maba guineensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 241. n. 8. Guinea, Africa. 1844. Maba Smeathmanni, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 241. n. 9. Sierra Leone. 1844. Maba sandwicensis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vol. vm. p. 242. n. 16. Sandwich Islands. 1844. Cargilia maritima, Hassk. Cat. PI. Hort. Bot. Bogor. n. p. 159. Java. 1845. Vaccinium fragrans, Wall, ex Voigt Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. p. 345. n. 13. China. 1845. Diospyros grandifolia, Wall, ex Voigt Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. p. 345. n. 18. Mauritius. 1845. Diospyros nigra, Blanc. Flora de Filipinas, edit. ii. p. 211. Philippine Islands. 1845. Diospyros brachysepala, Alex. Braun in Leonhard and Bronn, Neues Jahrb. Mineral. p. 170. Germany. 1846. Diospyros japonica, Sieb. and Zucc. Fl. Jap. n. 12 in Abh. Bayer. Acad. IV. 3. p. 136. n. 459. Japan. 1846. Diospyros truncata, Zoll. and Mor. in Mor. Syst. "Verz. Jav. Pflanzen. p. 43. Java. 1847. Brachycheila pubescens, Harv. ex Zeyh. in Linnsea xx. p. 192. Cape of Good Hope. 1847. Euclea pubescens, Eckl. and Zeyh. in Linnsea xx. p. 192. Cape of Good Hope. 1847. Euclea linearis, Zeyh. in Linnaea xx. p. 192. Cape of Good Hope. 1847. Euclea desertorum, Eckl. and Zeyh. in Linnaea xx. p. 192. Cape of Good Hope. 1847. Euclea humilis, Eckl. and Zeyh. in Linnsea xx. p. 192. Cape of Good Hope. 1848. Diospyros Umlovok, Griffith, Itinerary Notes, p. 355. India. 1848. Diospyros pendula, Hasselt ex Hassk. Plant. Javan. p. 468. Java. 1848. Diospyros hexasperma, Hasselt ex Hassk. Plant. Javan. p. 468. Java. 1848. Diospyros ferruginea, Spltgbr. in Vriese Ned. Kruidk. Arch. p. 327. Guiana. 1849. Euclea angustifolia, Benth. in Hook. Niger Fl. p. 441. W. Tropical Africa. 1849. Maba vaccinisefolia, Benth. in Hook. Niger Fl. p. 442. W. Tropical Africa, 1849. Diospyros texana, Scheele in Linnsea XXII. p. 145. Texas, N. America. 1850. Diospyros Candolleana, Wight, Icon. tt. 1221 2. India. 1850. Diospyros capitulata, Wight, Icon. tt. 1224, 1588 bis. India. 1850. Diospyros ovalifolia, Wight, Icon. t. 1227. Madras. 1850. Maba neilgherrensis, Wight, Ic. PL Ind. Or. nn. 1228 9. Neilgherries, India. 1850. Plumeria flos-Saturni, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 433. Croatia. 1850. Diospyros Wodani, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PI. Foss. p. 435. Croatia. 1850. Diospyros Auricula, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 436. Croatia. 1850. Diospyros Myosotis, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 436. Croatia. 1850. Anona Lignitum, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 441. Europe. 1850. Celastrus europsRus, Unger, Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 459. Croatia. 1850. Tetrapteris Harpyiarum, Unger, Foss. Fl. Sotzka, p. 46. t. 29. ff. 9, 10. Europe. 1850. Getonia macroptera, Unger, Foss. Fl. Sotzka, p. 51. t. 33. ff. 6 8., Europe. VOL. XII. PAET I. 10 74 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. A.D. 1851. Diospyros amplexicaulis, Lindl. and Paxt. Fl. Card. vol. n. p. 11. n. 271. f. 139. Mauritius. 1851. Diospyros Scheuzeri, Al. Br. ex Unger, Pflanzenwelt, p. 233. Europe. 1851. Diospyros lancifolia, Al. Br. ex Unger, Pflanzenwelt, p. 233. Europe. 1851. Diospyros pannonica, Ettingsk Foss. Fl. Wien, p. 19. t. III. f. 8. Austria. 1851. Diospyros hasringiana, Ettingsh. Tert. Fl. Haring. p. 61. t. 21. f. 26. t. 22. f. 11. Tyrol. 1851. Diospyros longifolia, Stizenberger, Verzeichniss, p. 83. Europe. 1852. Diospyros paniculata, Dalzell in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. rv. p. 109. Bombay. 1852. Diospyros pruriens, Dalzell in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. IV. p. 110. Bombay. 1852. Diospyros Goindu, Dalzell in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. IV. p. 111. India. 1852. Holochilus micranthus, Dalzell in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. IV. p. 291. Bombay. 1852. Diospyros eriantha, Champion in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. IV. p. 302. Hong Kong. 1852. Diospyros Morrisiana, Hance ex Walpers Annal. vol. in. p. 14. Hong Kong. 1854. Diospyros argenteus, Griffith, Notulse, vol. iv. p. 288. Malacca. 1854. Maba hermaphroditica, Zollinger, Syst. Verzeichniss Ind. Archip. p. 135. Java. 1854. Arbutus diospyrifolius, Massal. Lett. Scarab, p. 29. n. 203 in Ann. Sc. Nat. Bologn. Italy. 1845 55. Diospyros laurifolia, Rich. Fl. Cub. in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist, de Cuba, vol. xi. p. 86. tab. 55 ex Walp. Ann. bot. Syst. vol. v. p. 480 (1858). 1851 5. Diospyros sumatrana, Miq. Plant. Jungh. vol. I. p. 203. Sumatra. 1851 5. Maba sumatrana, Miq. Plant. Jungh. vol. I. p. 204. Sumatra 1855. Diospyros aurea, Teijsm. and Binn. PI. n. h. Bogor. in Nederl. Kruidk. arch. III. p. 405. Java. 1855. Diospyros laxa, Teijsm. and Binn. PL nov. hort. Bogor. in Nederl. Kruidk. arch. in. p. 406. Java. 1855. Rhipidostigma Zollingeri, Hassk. Retzia, I. p. 104. Java. 1855. Rbipidostigma Teijsmanni, Hassk. Retzia, I. p. 106. Java. 1855. Getonia truncata, Goeppert, Tert. Fl. v. Schossnitz, p. 37. t. 25. f. 11. Silesia. 1856. Diospyros gaultheriaefolia, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 5. t. 2. f. 1. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros brasiliensis, Mart, Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 5. t. 2. f. 2. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros coccolobasfolia, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 6. t. 1. f. 1. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros artanthasfolia, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 7. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros (?) myrmecocarpus, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 7. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros (?) xylopioides, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 8. Guiana, S. America. 1856. Macreightia obovata, Mart. Fl. Brasil. Eben. p. 9. t. 2. f. 3. Brazil. 1856. Diospyros timoriana, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. vol. II. p. 1045. Timor. 1857. Maba javanica, Zollinger, Obs. Bot. Nov. p. 14 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. vol. xiv. Java. 1857. Diospyros Kuhlii, Zollicger, Obs. Bot. Nov. p. 15 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. vol. XIV. Java. 1857. Diospyros penduliflora, Zoll. Obs. Bot. Nov. p. 15 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. vol. xiv. Java. 1857. Diospyros Hasseltii, Zollinger, Obs. Bot. Nov. p. 15 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. vol. xiv. Java. or J -v'* MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 75 A.D. 1857. Drebbelia subarborescens, Zoll. .Obs. Bot. Nov. p. 16 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. xiv. Java. 1857. Brachynema ramiflorum, Benth. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. vol. xxil. (part ii.) p. 126. t. 22. N. Brazil. 1858. Diospyros incerta, Massalongo, Synops. Fl. Foss. Senigall. p. 76. n. 197. Europe. 1859. Diospyros anceps, Heer, Fl. Tert. Helv. in. p. 12. t. en. ff. 15 18. Oeningen, &c., Europe. 1859. Macreiglitia germanica, Heer, Fl. Tert. Helv. vol. nr. p. 13. t. cm. ff. 1, 2. Oeningen, &c., Europe. 1859. Cassia phaseolites, Heer, Fl. Tert. Helv. vol. III. tab. 138. f. 2 (soluni). Europe. 1859. Diospyros laurina, Massalongo, Syllab. PL Foss. Tert. Venet. p. 77. Italy, Europe. 1859. Diospyros Weberii, Massal. Syllab. PI. Foss. Tert. Venet. p. 77. Italy. 1859. Macreightia italica, Massalongo, Syllab. PL Foss. Tert. Venet. p. 77. Italy, Europe. 1859. Macreightia (?) umbellata, Massal. Syllab. PL Foss. Tert. Venet. p. 77. Italy. 1860. Diospyros pyrrhocarpa, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. I. p. 583. .W. Sumatra. 1860. Diospyros Diepenhorstii, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. I. p. 583. W. Sumatra. 1860. Diospyros Teysmanni, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. I. p. 583. S. Sumatra. 1860. Diospyros (?) cystopus, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. I. p. 584. S. Sumatra. 1860. Maba (?) lamponga, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. I. p. 584. S. Sumatra. 1860. Diospyros crumenata, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 179. n. 5. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros affinis, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 179. n. 6. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros quaesita, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 179. n. 7. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros oocarpa, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 180. n. 9. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros insignis, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 180. n. 10. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros oppositifolia, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 181. n. 11. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros Gardneii, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 181. n. 12. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros Moonii, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 182. n. 16. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros acuta, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 182. n. 17. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros attenuata, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 182. n. 18. Ceylon. 1860. Maba augustifolia, Miq. ex Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PL p. 183. Ceylon. 1860. Macreightia oblongifolia, Thwaites, Enurn. Ceylon PL p. 183. Ceylon. 1860. Diospyros vetusta, Giebel, Flora Braunkohl. in Zeitschrift, vol. xvi. p. 57. Prussia. 1861. Maba nigrescens, Dalzell in Dalz. and Gibs. Bomb. Fl. p. 142. Bombay. 1861. Macreightia intricata, A. Gray in Proceed. Amer. Acad. vol. V. p. 163. Lower Cali- fornia.' 1861. Ebenacites rugosus, Saporta, Exam. Anal. Fl. Tert. Prov, p. 31. S. E. France. 1862. Diospyros samoensis, A. Gray in Proceed. Amer. Acad. vol. V. p. 326. Navigators' Island. 1862. Maba foliosa, Rich, ex A. Gray in Proceed. Amer. Acad. vol. v. p. 326. Feejee Islands. 1862. Diospyros senensis, Klotzsch in Peters Mossamb. I. p. 183. Mozambique. 1862. Diospyros squarrosa, Klotzseh in Peters Mossamb. I. p. 184. Mozambique. 1862. Diospyros bicolor, Klotzsch in Peters Mossamb. I. p. 184; Mozambique. 1862. Diospyros Waldemarii, Klotzsch in Prinz. Waldem. Preuss. p. 101. t. 55. India. 102 76 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. A.D. 1862. Diospyros rugosa, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. IV. vol. XVII. p. 264. t. 11. f. 3. S. E. France. 1863. Maba natalensis, Harvey, Thes. Capens. vol. n. 7. Natal. 1864 Maba inconstans, Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. p. 404. Tropical America. 1864. Diospyros Arnottiana, Miq. ex Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PI. p. 423. E. Indies. 1864. Macreightia ovalifolia, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PI. p. 424. n. 2. Ceylon. 1864. Macreightia acuminata, Thwaites, Enum. Ceylon PI. p. 424. n. 3. Ceylon. 1864. Cargillia pentamera, Woolls and F. MuelL in F. Muell. Fragm. iv. p. 82. Australia. 1865. Diospyros varians, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. V. voL in. p. 111. t. iv. f. 14, t. vi. f. 4. S. E. France. 1866. Diospyros halesioides, Griseb. Cat. PL Cubens. p. 168. Cuba. 1866. Macreightia buxifolia, Griseb. Cat. PL Cubens. p. 169. E. Cuba, 1866. Cargillia mabacea, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 162. Australia. 1866. Maba quadridentata, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 162. Australia. 1866. Maba Cargillia, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 162. Australia. 1866. Maba pentamera, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 163. Australia. 1866. Cargillia megalocarpa, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 163. Australia. 1866. Maba megalocarpa, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 163. Australia, 1866. Maba interstans, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 163. Australia. 1866. Maba fasciculosa, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 163. Australia. 1866. Maba cupulosa, F. Muell. Fragm. v. p. 164. Australia. 1866. Maba sericocarpa, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 164. Australia. 1866. Maba Hillebrandii, Seem. Fl. Vit. p. 151. Sandwich Islands. 1866. Maba Andersoni, [Solamler] ex Seem. Fl. Vit p. 152. Tonga Islands. 1866. Euclea miocenica, linger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 25. t. viii. f. 8. Croatia. 1866. Euclea Apollinis, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 26. t. viii. f. 10. Croatia. 1866. Rhododendron Apollinis, Ettingsh. ex Ung. Syll. PI. Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 26. Croatia. 1866. Diospyros Zollikoferi, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. XXV. p. 27. t. ix. f. 6. Styria. 1866. Diospyros obliqua, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 29. t. ix. f. 17. jCroatia. 1866. Diospyros Royena, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 29. t. ix. ff. 18, 19. Croatia. 1866. Diospyros Parthenon, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 29. t. ix. f. 8. Europe. 1866. Diospyros Lignitum, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. xxv. p. 30. t. ix. f. 9. Europe. 1866. Diospyros lotoides, Unger, Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. XXV. p. 30. t. x. ff. 112. Europe. 1867. Diospyros assimilis, Bedd. Rep. Ind. For. Madr. p. 20. "t. i." S. Canara, India. MR HIEKN, ON EBENACE^E. 77 A.D. 1867. Diospyros mabacea, F. Muell. Austral. Veg. in Intercolonial Exhibition Essays, 1866 67. p. 35. East Australia. 1867. Diospyros megalocarpa, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. North Australia. 1867. Diospyros fasciculosa, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. East Australia. 1867. Diospyros cupulosa, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. Queensland. 1867. Diospyros sericocarpa, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. Queensland. 1867. Diospyros Cargillia, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. East Australia. 1867. Diospyros pentamera, Woolls and F. Muell. ex F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. East Australia. 1867. Diospyros humilis, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. Queensland and North Australia. 1867. Diospyros geminata, F. Muell. loc. cit. p. 35. Queensland. 1867. Euclea relicta, Unger, Foss. Fl. Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvu. p. 68. t. xi. f. 39. Negropont. 1867. Royena grasca, Unger, Foss. FL Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvil. p. 68. t. xi. ff. 40 51. Negropont. 1867. Royena Amaltheaa, Unger, Foss. Fl. Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvu. p. 69. t. xiv. f. 1. Negropont. 1867. Royena Euboea, Unger, Foss. FL Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvn. p. 69. t, xiv. ff. 24- Negropont. 1867. Royena Myosotis, Unger, Foss. Fl. Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvn. p. 69. t. xiv. ff. 5 8. Negropont. 1867. Royena Pentelici, Unger, Foss. FL Eub. in Denkschrift. xxvu. p. 70. t. xiv. f. J. Negropont. 1868. Diospyros Loveni, Heer, Fl. Foss. Arct. p. 118. t. vii. ff. 7, 8. t. xlvii. f. 8. N. Greenland. 1868. Diospyros oligandra, Bedd. Rep. Forests Madras, 1867 68, p. 25. Madras, India. 1869. Diospyros hebecarpa, A. Cunn. ex Benth. Fl. Austr. iv. p. 286. Australia. 1869. Maba hemicycloides, F. Muell. ex Benth. Fl. Austr. IV. p. 290. Australia. 1869. Maba laxiflora, Benth. Fl. Austr. iv. p. 290. Australia. 1869. Diospyros speciosa, Wood, Rep. Forests Oudh, 1867 68, p. 33. Oudh, India. 1870. Diospyros costata, Carriere in Rev. Hortic. p. 134. China. 1870. Macreightia andamanica, Kurz, Rep. Veg. Andam. edit. n. p. 42. S. Andaman. 1871. Diospyros microphylla, Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. p. 27. t. cxxxiii. S. India. 1871. Diospyros canarica, Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. p. 27. t. cxxxiv. S. Canara. 1871. Diospyros Thwaitesii, Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. p. 27. t. cxxxv. Ceylon. 1871. Diospyros nilagirica, Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. p. 27. t. cxxxvi. S. India. 1871. Diospyros rhodocalyx, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. XL. Pt. ii. p. 71. Siam. 1871. Diospyros dasyphylla, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. vol. XL. Pt. ii. p. 71. E. Indies. 1871. Diospyros Brandisiana, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. XL. ii. p. 72. Burmah. 1871. Diospyros burmanica, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. XL. ii. p. 73. Pegu. 1871. Diospyros variegata, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. XL. ii. p. 73. Pegu. 78 MR HIEBN, ON EBENACE^E. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERA AND SPECIES, EXCLUSIVE OF FOSSILS. I. EOYENA, Linn. Gen. Plant, p. 114. n. 325 (1737). Flares scepius hermaphroditi et pentameri. Calyx plerumque accrescens, campanulatus vel urceolatus vel raro depresso-kemisphericus. Corolla urceolata vel campanulata ; lobis in prcefloratione sinistrorse contortis. Stamina numero loborum corollce dupla raro plura, in verticillum unicum disposita. Ovarium hirsutum, 4-10-focwfore; ovula in loculis solitaria. Frutices rarius arbores africani ; foliis alternis, plerumque coriaceis ; pedunculis axillari- bus, ssepius unifloris. Alph. DO. Prodr. vm. p. 210 (1844); J. G. Agardh, Theor. Syst. PI. tab. x. f. 13 (1858); Harv. MSS.; non Houston in Linn. Sp. PI. p. 628 (1753) (=Loeselia). Pistachia (sp.) Pluknet. Almag. p. 298. t. 63. f. 4. t. 317. f. 5 (1691, 1696). Vitis Idcea (sp.) Plukn. Almag. p. 391. Phytogr. t. 321. f. 4 (1696). Staphylodendrum, Commelin. Hort. Amstelod. I. p. 187. t. 96 (1697). Staphylodendron, Hermann, Paradisus Batavus, p. 232 cum tab. (1698). Arbutus (sp.) Linn. Hort. Cliff, p. 163 (1737). Buxus (sp.) Linn, in Herb. Gronov. Vaccinium (sp.) Mill. Gard. Diet. edit. vi. (1771). Eoyenia, auct, non Houst. Flowers usually hermaphrodite and pentamerous, in one species tetramerous, and in JR. ambigua, 5-7-merous. Calyx 5-4-partite 5-fid or 5-toothed at apex, pubescent, usually accrescent in fruit. Corolla usually 5-fid, urceolate or campanulate, with obtuse reflexed lobes. Stamens 10, rarely 12 14, in one species 8 ; inserted in one row at the base of the corolla, usually 2 opposite each of its lobes ; filaments very short, glabrous ; anthers lanceolate- linear, hairy or in R. sessilifolia glabrous, dehiscing longitudinally by lateral slits, rarely in subhermaphrodite flowers barren. Ovary pubescent, 4-10-celled ; cells 1-ovuled ; rarely abortive in male flowers. Styles 2-5 or style 2-5-partite or -lobed. Fruit coriaceous, globose ovoid or oblong, sometimes 5-sided and splitting by valves. Seeds as in the family; albumen not ruminated. Shrubs or small trees or even large trees (see Burchell, Trav. I. 390) mostly limited to South Africa, but two species (R. pollens and R. cistoides) reaching the tropics. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, shortly petiolate or subsessile or in one species quite sessile, according to Dr Harvey evergreen. Bracts 1 5. Flowers axillary, peduncled, solitary or in R. glabra 1-5 together or in R. parvrftora in 3-5-flowered cymes. Named after Adrian van Royen, Professor of Botany in the University of Leiden, who died in 1779 at the age of 74. English name ; African bladder-nuts. Alph. De Candolle describes 10 small glands at the base around the ovary; I do not, however, notice any such in any of the species of the genus. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 79 ROYENA. KET TO THE SPECIES. Flowers 5 7-, usually 5-, merous. Fruit not glandular or rarely so. Calyx 5-lobed only at the apex. Calyx divided half way down or deeper. Leaves cordate or sub-cordate or rarely rounded at base. Style 2-lobed. Leaves subsessile. Leaves smooth. Flowers hermaphrodite. Leaves scabrous. Flowers with rudimentary ovary. Style 4 5-lobed. Leaves distinctly petiolate. Leaves narrowed at base, not cordate. 1. R. htcida. 2. R. cordata. 3. R. scabrida. 4. R. villosa. Peduncles short, not or scarcely longer than the flowers. Leaves subsessile. Anthers 10, hirsute. 5. R. hirsute. Leaves sessile. Anthers 14, glabrous. 6. R. sessilifolia. Peduncles nearly as long as the leaves or much longer than the flowers. Flowers solitary. Calyx patent or reflexed in fruit. Leaves more than ^ in. long. Flowers hermaphrodite, 5-, rarely 4-, merous. 7. R. pattens. Flowers polygamous, 5 7-merous. 8. R. ambigua. Leaves under ^ in. long. 9. R. nitens. Calyx appressed to fruit. 10. R. cistoides. Flowers in 1 5-flowered cymes. Leaves narrowly elliptical, - 1 in. long. Leaves obovate, 2 6 in. long. Flowers tetramerous or rarely pentamerous. Fruit glandular. 11. R. glabra. 12. R. parviflora. 18. R. glandulosa. 80 MR HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 1. ROYENA LUCIDA, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 397. (1753). R. foliis ellipticis vel ovatis, basi rotundatis vel cordatis, coriaceis, nitidis, breviter petiolatis ; Jloribus hermaphroditis, pentameris ; pedunculis unifloris ; calyce campanulato, ampliato, utrinque hirsute, apice breviter dentato, in fructu accrescente ; stylo bifido ; ovario ^-loculari, 4i-ovulato. Gsertn. Fruct. et Sem. pi. ii. p. 80. t. 94. f. 4 (1791). Jacq. Fragm. Bot. p. 3. t. i. f. 6 (18001809). Lam. Tabl. Encycl. ii. p. 492. t. 370. f. 1. (not good) (Anno. VIII. 1800 ?). Desf. in Annal. Mus. vi. p. 445. t. 62. f. 3 (An. xni. 1805). Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 211. n. 1 (1844). Lindl. in. Bot. Reg. xxxn. t. 40 (1846). Pappe, Silva Capensis, p. 20 (1854). Pistachia africana s. Staphylodendron dUthiopicum Movo\aa-ioKa\\r}i'ofj,i'o(j)v\\ov singu- lari hirsuto folio nitente, Pluknet! Almag. p. 298, Phytogr. Tab. 63, f. 4, tab. 317. f. 5 (1696, 1691). STAPHYLODENDRUM africanum semper virens, foliis splendentibus, Commelin. Hort. Amstelod. i. p. 187. t. 96 (bad). (1697.) STAPHYLODENDRON africanum folio singulari lucido, Herm. Parad. Batav. p. 232 cum tab. (1698), Linn. Hb. Hort. Cliff.! Royena foliis ovatis scabriusculis, Linn. Syst. Veg. p. 410 (1784). An evergreen shrub 5 12 feet high with numerous branches: Stem 612 inches thick. Bark black, rather smooth. Wood hard, tough, yellowish with brownish stripes when polished, well adapted for furniture, tools, screws, &c., but chiefly used for wagon work (Dr Pappe). Young parts covered with subferraginous pubescence. Leaves elliptical or somewhat ovate, usually pointed or apiculate at apex, obtuse or sub- acute, rounded or cordate very rarely somewhat narrowed at base, shortly petiolate, coriaceous, | 2J inches long by J IJin. wide, glabrescent and shining above, hirsute especially on the midrib and margin or glabrate beneath ; midrib in slight relief on both sides ; lateral veins not conspicuous ; petioles fa \ in. long, pubescent. Bracts small or foliaceous, sericeous, caducous. Peduncles axillary, solitary, 1-flowered, pubescent, patent or arching, \ 1 in. long, on young branches, bearing 1 3 bracts. Flowers \ J in. long, hermaphrodite. Calyx urceolate, sericeous on both sides, -J \ in. long, 5-toothed at apex, much accres- cent in fruit ; teeth short, acute. Corolla urceolate, 5-fid, with rounded lobes puberulous on both sides. Stamens (9) 10, inserted at the base 2 opposite or corresponding to each lobe of the corolla, in. long, equal ; filaments very short, glabrous ; anthers lanceolate- linear, hispid on upper half, glabrous below. Ovary conical, pubescent, 4-celled, 4-ovuled ; surmounted by bifid style, glabrous above ; stigmas punctiform. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^. Fruit ovoid or subglobose, ^ 1 in. in diameter, enclosed by inflated pubescent or subgla- brate calyx, 2 4-celled and -seeded, red and fleshy when ripe; flesh firm, whitish. Seeds glabrous, rather shining, yellowish ; testa thin ; albumen cartilaginous, hard, white ; embryo half to two-thirds of the length of the albumen, somewhat curved inwards ; cotyledons ovate, rather shorter than the radicle. In Cape Colony known by the name of Zwartbaste (blackwood). See Burchell, Travels, vol. I. p. 317 (1822). Grows in forests, stony places, on the sides of mountains, &c. South Africa. From Cape Town eastwards to Natal. Beeves!; Ecklon! 698 ("It. hirsuta," on the eastern side of Devil's Mountain) ; Drkge A. (above .the waterfall at Duivelsberg 1000 2000 ft. alt. May), B. (Bosch - rivier, in a wood, below 500 ft. alt. October), c ! (Katrivier, in a wood on a hill, 1000 2000ft. alt. November) ; T. Cooper! 1062 (Orange Free State) ; Miller!; Bowie!; DrPappe! (slope of Devil's Mountain); Burchell! 5256 (Hartebeest-Vlakte and Kaatje's Kraal), 5415 (in a forest close to Melkhout Kraal); Eoxburgh!; Harvey!; Alexander!; Mac Owan! 309 Eastern districts ; Zeyher ! 3352. NalaL Dr Sutherland ! (a low scrubby bush growing among stones). It is cultivated in St Helena, Gen. Walker! (stamens 5, abortive) ; and has long been introduced into Europe. 2. KOYENA CORDATA, E. Mey. Cat-aL PL Exs. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7 (1837). R. foliis elliptiois vel oblongis, 'basi cordatis, nitidis, coriaceis, apice obtusis vel subacutis, subsessilibus ; floribiis pentameris, hermaphroditis ; pedunculis unifloris ; calyce 5-partito, ac- crescente ; stylo bildbo ; ovario ^-loculari. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. 211. n. 2 (1844). B. opaca, E. Mey. Pflanz. Doc. Dreg. p. 217 in Flora XXVI. ii. (1843), Alph. DC. Prodr. VIII. p. 211. n. 3 (1844). B. supra-cordata, Burch. MSS. in Hb. Afr. Austr. n. 4907 (1814). A shrub with numerous branches, and a brown-ferruginous pubescence on young parts, quickly glabrescent and nitescent. Leaves elliptical or oblong, cordate at base, usually obtuse-pointed mucronate or api- culate at apex, coriaceous, subsessile, often pubescent underneath, | 2 in. long by | 1 in. wide. Peduncles \ fin. long, arching, bearing 2 alternate caducous ovate acute ciliate bracts similar to the leaves in shape \ in. long. Flowers about double the length of the calyx, \ in. long. Calyx 5-partite, villous on both sides, \ in. long ; nearly glabrate in fruit ; lobes ovate- lanceolate, acute, hirsute and ciliate ; calyx much accrescent in fruit with wide ovate cordate or auricled lobes, often nearly an inch long. Corolla 5-lobed, with, a short cylindrical tube and reflexed rounded lobes ; lobes oblong, f length of corolla, puberulous on both sides. Stamens 10, inserted at base of corolla, reaching to the mouth of the corolla, pilose. Style 2-lobed; ovary 4-celled, pilose, cells 1-ovuled. Fruit subglobose, half an inch or more in diameter. VOL. XII. PART I. 11 82 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^B. Flowers in November and December. Grows by river-sides and among mountains. It reaches 4300 feet altitude. South Africa. Eastern district of the Cape of Good Hope, and Natal. Drege !; Zeyher ! Uitenhage ; Mac Owan ! 429, 527, Mountains near Great Reynet ; Mrs Hutton! Keiskamma, British Kaffraria; T. Cooper! 35, 186, 306, British Kaffraria; Gueinzius ! Natal ; Gerrard and M'Ken ! 12, 18, 99, 1608, Natal ; Barber ! 307, Queenstown district, a shrub, grows amongst other bushes, blossoms in spring and summer, flower pale cream colour; Eurchell! 4166, 4186, 4907. 3. ROYENA SCABRIDA, Harv. MSS. R. foliis ovatis, basi cordatis, prcesertim subtus scabris, coriaceis, subsessilibus ; floribus pentameris, dicecis ; pedunculis unifloris; calyce o-partito; stylo in floribus masculis bifido, ovario abortivo. A shrub with "branches simple, 8 15 feet high," pilose at the extremities with pale hairs. Leaves ovate, cordate at base, acute or obtuse at apex, scabrous especially beneath, subsessile, shining above, sericeous when young, ranging up to 2J in. long by If in. wide ; margins subrevolute. 5 Flowers nearly in. long, white. Peduncles axillary, bracteate, much shorter than the leaves, 1-flowered. Bracts ovate, acuminate. Calyx | in. long, 5-partite, finely setose, erect; lobes ovate, acuminate, widened near base, Corolla appressedly pilose, campanulate-urceolate, divided fths way down into 5 ovate- oblong acute lobes. Stamens 10, in one xow, inserted at base of corolla, in. long ; filaments very short, hairy at apex ; anthers hairy at and near apex, linear, acute. Ovary rudimentary, hairy ; style bifid, hairy below, glabrous above. Tugela, Natal. Gerrard and M'Ken! n. 1609. Grassy plains. Flowers in September and October. Near R. cordata, E. Mey. 4. ROYENA VILLOSA, Linn. Systema Naturae, ed. xu. torn. 2. p. 302 (1767). R. foliis obovato-oblongis, basi cordatis, apice obtusis, villosis, petiolatis ; floribus penta- meris, hermaphroditis ; pedunculis 1 3-jloris; calyce 5-partito; stylo 4 5-lobo; ovario 8 10- loculari. Alph. DC. Prodr. vni. p. 213. n. 11 (1844). R. scabra, Burm. Prodr. p. 13 (1768). R. scandens, Burch. MSS. in Hb. Afr. Austr. nn. 3673, 3793 (1813). Pubescent trailing shrub with patent branches, 5 to 40 feet long. Leaves obovate- oblong with cordate base and rounded emarginate or shortly-pointed apex ; pubescent especially beneath, glabrescent and dark green above, paler beneath, some- MR HIERN, ON EBENACEA times minutely pellucid-punctate, coriaceous, petiolate ; edges recurved ; veins distinct, depressed above; 1 to 4 in. long by | to 2J in. wide. Petioles | f in. long, pubescent. Peduncles axillary, either 1-flowered about % | in. long or 3-flowered longer and with pedicels about -^ in. long, pubescent. Bracts leaf-like, but smaller and narrower than the leaves, caducous. Flowers densely pubescent. Calyx with 5 ovate or lanceolate partitions, ovate and accrescent in fruit, closely pubes- cent on both sides. Corolla with 5 oblong lobes reaching f rds down, tomentose outside except near base, glabrous inside. Stamens 10, anthers densely villous. Style 5-lobed ; ovary 8- or 10-celled ; stigmas punctiform. Fruit globose-pentagonal, tomentose or hispid, J f in. long, surrounded by the widely ovate enlarged lobes of the calyx which reach nearly as high, sometimes dehiscing by 5 valves from apex. Grows in woods. South Africa. Eastern districts and Natal. . Dregef; T. Cooper! 1, British Kaffraria, (in flower and fruit.) "Stem 3040 ft., trailing or twining among trees. Flowers yellow;" J. Sanderson! 150, 613, 715, Natal (in flower); W. T. Gerrard! 30, Natal (in flower); Krauss! 226, 472, 482, Natal (in flower-bud); Gueinzius! Natal (in flower); Dr Stuart! (in flower); P. Mac Owanf 516, Grahamstown (in flower); Bowie/ (in flower-bud); Burcliell! 3673 (in flower), 3793 (in leaf), 4506 (in flower), 6054? (in leaf); Masson! Ecklon and Zeyher! 464, Uitenhage; Gerrard and M'Ken, 613, 614, 2013, Natal; Alexander/ 5. EOYENA HIRSUTA, Linn. Sp. PL p. 397 (1753). R. foliis oblanceolatis, basi cuneatis, subsessilibus, hirsutis; fioribus pentameris, lierma- phroditis; pedunculis brevibus, unifloris; calyce profunde 5-lobo; corolla urceolatd; stamini- bus 10; stylo plerumque bilobo et ovario 4c-loculari. Lam. Tabl. Encycl. II. p. 493. t. 370. f. 2 (anno Till. 1800). Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 212. n. 8 (1844), non Jacq. nee Eckl. nee Sieb. It. angustifolia, Willd. Spec. Plant, n. p. 633 (1799), Alph. DC. I. c. n. 5. ? B. cuneata, Poir. in Encyclop. M&h. vi. p. 322 (1804), Alph. DC. I.e. p. 215. n. 18, non Spreng. B. microphylla, Burch. Trav. Int. S. Afr. I. p. 348 (1822), Alph. DC. l.c. p. 212. n. 9. B. rugosa, E. Mey. Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7 (1837), Alph. l.c. n. 7. Diospyros hirsuta, Desf. Ann. Mus. vi. p. 447. t. 62. f. 2 (1805), non L. D. pubescens, Pers. Synops. n. p. 625 (1807), non Pursh. Arbutus foliis lanceolatis integerrimis hirsutis, Linn. Hort. Cliff, p. 163 (1737). A much-branched rigid shrub, 2 8 feet high, more or less downy-canescent or tomentose. Leaves oblanceolate, obtuse or acute at apex, cuneate at base, subsessile, crowded, coriaceous, hairy and rugose with raised veins or pitted beneath, \ 1 in. long by -fa J in. wide ; margins flattish or recurved. 112 84 MR HIERN, ON EBENACEA'. Peduncles 1-flowered, arching, shorter than the flowers, ^ ^ in. long, usually bibract- eate in the middle. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, hairy on both sides ; lobes ovate, accrescent, erect or reflexed in fruit. Corolla urceolate, 5-fid, grey-felted outside, puberulous inside ; lobes rounded or obtuse. Stamens usually 10 ; anthers hairy ; filaments dilated. Styles 2 4, usually 2 ; stigmas more or less dilated, glabrous. Ovary villous, 4-, 6-> 8-celled. Fruit globose, about \ in. in diameter, more or less tomentose, often dehiscing by 2 or 3 valves. Fruiting calyx-lobes rounded, erect or reflexed. Grows among mountains and rocks and along banks of rivers and reaches 5000 feet in Natal. Flowers in August. Cape of Good Hope, Kalihari region and Natal. Dr Sutherland! Natal (in flower); Dr Zeyher ! 3350, 3351, Uitenhage and Clanwilliam (in flower); Burchell! 7531 (in leaf), 7537 (in fruit), 7446 (in fruit), 1696 (in flower), 2502 (in fruit), 4898 (in fruit) ; Dregef; P.MacOwan! 269, Humansdorp (in flower); T. Cooper! 212, Queenstown (in flower); Verreaux! ; Krauss, 1719; S. Africa, Masson Auge and Olden- burg!; Barber! 311, Queenstown district, on stony hill-sides, flowers white, blossoms in spring. 6. ROYENA SESSILIFOLIA, sp. nov. R. foliis oblongo-obovatis, membranaceis, sessilibus, obtusis, basi angustatis ; floribus pen- tameris, dicecis; pedunculis unifioris f brevibus; calyce 5-partito; cor olid urceolatd; stamini- bus in flore masculo 14, glabris; ovario abortive. A shrub with erect stem ; branches pubescent, spreading at about 70". Leaves oblong-obovate, sessile, submembranous, pubescent beneath and on both sides when young, rounded or retuse at apex, narrowed to an obtuse base, 1| 2 in. long by J fin. wide; veins inconspicuous, depressed on the upper surface. Peduncles axillary, solitary, bearing one flower longer than itself, pubescent. Flowers fragrant, \ in. long. Calyx pubescent outside, 5-partite, with lanceolate erect-patent 3-veined lobes in. long. Corolla urceolate, 5-lobed at apex, glabrous inside, pubescent outside ; lobes recurved, ob- tuse, T Vin. long. Stamens 14, glabrous; anthers dehiscing from apex; filaments short; pollen globular, smooth, -fow^ m - m diameter. O.vary rudimentary, rounded, pubescent. Pubescence whitish. Described from a living specimen cultivated in Hort. Kew ! Approaches R. ambigita, Vent, by having more than 10 stamens, but differs from it by its shorter peduncles ; differs also from all other species of Royena by its absolutely sessile leaves. A specimen in the Leiden herbarium with sessile leaves, which however are coriaceous and usually pointed at the apex and have the veins in relief on both sides, may be the same species ; it was cultivated in 1785. Cfr. R. latifolia, Willd. Enum. PL Hort. Berol. Suppl. p. 23 (1813, sine descriptione), Alph. DC. Prodr. vili. p. 215. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 85 7. ROYENA FALLENS, Thunb. Prodr. Fl. Capens., pars prior, p. 80 (1794). R. foliis anguste obovato-ellipticis, apice plerumque obtusis, basi in petiolum brevem angustatis, coriaceis ; Jloribus hermaphroditis, plerumque pentameris; pedunculis plerumque unifloris flore longioribus; calyce o-partito ; stylo 3 5-fido ; ovario 6 IQ-loculari. Alph. DC. Prodr. vnr. p. 213. n. 13 (1844) ; non Willd. Hb. ! n. 8363. R. Ursula, Jacq. Collect. V. p. 110. t. 13. f. 1 (1796), et Fragm. bot. t. 1. f. 2 (1800 1809), non Linn, nee Eckl. nee Sieb. Diospyros lycioides, Desf. in Annal. Mus. vi. p. 448. t. 62. f. 1 (An. xiu 1805). R. pubescens, Willd. Hort. BeroL p. 457 (1809), Bot. Reg. t. 500 (1820), Alph. DC. I. c. n. 12. R. lycioides, (Desf.) Cat. Hort. Paris ex Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. Suppl. IV. p. 435 (1816), Alph. DC. I. c. p. 214. n. 17. R. decidua, Burch. Trav. Int. S. Air. I. p. 317 (1822). R. cuneata, Speng. Syst. Vegetab. ir. p. 360 (1825), non Poir. . R. brachiata, E. Mey. Cat. PL Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dr g. p. 7 (1837), Alph. DC. I c. p. 213. n. 10. R. cuneifolia, E. Mey. Cat. PI. Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7 (1837), Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 214. n. 16. R. ramulosa, E. Mey. ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 212. n. 6 (1844). R. sericea, Bernh. in Flora 1844, p. 824. R, oleifolia, Desf. MSS. (1824) ex Gay MSS. in Herb. R. hispidula, Harv. MSS. A shrub or small tree, ranging up to 15 feet in height. Bark reddish brown. Branches silky-pubescent or often glabrescent, pale or cinereous. Leaves more or less narrowly obovate-elliptical, obtuse or rarely acute at apex, narrowed at base into short petiole, silky especially beneath or glabrate, coriaceous, evergreen, \ 2 in. long by \ f in. wide ; petioles ^ \ in. long. Peduncles f \ in. long, longer than the flowers, usually considerably so, 1- (rarely 2-) flowered, arching, bearing 2 3 narrow bracts about or above the middle. Flowers white or yellowish, hermaphrodite, pentamerous (or rarely tetramerous), \ f in. long. Calyx partite ; lobes ovate or lanceolate, acute, hirsute, accrescent, in fruit spreading or reflexed. Corolla deeply lobed, hairy outside ; lobes lanceolate, acuminate. Stamens (9 ) 10, about half the length of the flower ; anthers hirsute. Style 3 5-fid, hairy; stigmas punctiform, glabrous. Ovary 6-, 8-, 10-celled, hairy. Fruit subglobose or ovoid, pubescent or rarely glabrate, J 1 in. in diameter, sometimes bursting in a valvate manner. Albumen of seeds not ruminated. Reaches 5000 feet in Natal, 2500 at Graaf Reinet. Flowers in Sept., Oct. and Nov., Jan. Feb. Grows at margins of woods, &c. In South Africa on the banks of the Gariep it is called by the natives Zwartebast (black- wood). Cape of Good Hope, Kalihari region and Natal; also in West tropical Africa. Drege !; Peddie ! Natal ; Col. Bolton ! Grahamstown ; T. Williamson ! Albany ; Alexan- der!; Ecklon and Zeyher ! 1127; Burchell! 7451, 1750, 2371, 2930, 3301, 3325, 3396. 3472, 3789, 4184, 4501, 5490, 5529, 5632, 6490, 6813; Dr Zeyher ! 3348, 3353, 3354; Burke! Great 86 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Fish Kiver, and Crocodile River; Harvey! 544; Mac Owan, 1646; W. T. Gerrard! 129, 615, 1157, 1238, 1607, 1610, 1611, Natal; T. Cooper! 272, Queenstown; 418, Beaufort; 1238, 1157, Natal; Button! Howison's Port, Eastern Districts; J.Sanderson! 140, 318, 511, 527, 717, Natal; Dr Sutherland! Natal 30005000 feet alt; Sowker ! (103?) Albany; Wyley ! 103, Namaqualand ; Bolus! 128, Graaf Reinet (flowers in Oct., fruits in Nov.); Krauss! 423, Natal, 1721, Knysna; Cape. Nivenf 51, large shrub 6 or 8 feet high, dry elevated plains near Goud river. Tropical Africa, Dr Kirk! Seshike (alt. 3000 feet); C. J. Meller! Manganja Hills (tree : always found by streams). A form with leaves acute at both ends and turning black in drying and with globose fruits thinly sprinkled with rigid hairs is B. hispidula, Harv. MSS. Burchell ! Cat. no. 3789 at the Kowi Station, 26 Sept. 1813 ; and no. 4501 at the Lead mine, 29 January, 1814. Benguela. Distr. Huilla. Dr Welwitsch ! no. 2533. A shrub 4 6 ft. high, rarely a small tree of 8 ft. Leaves broad. Flowers white, rather fleshy. Fruit puberulous. Fruiting calyx reflexed, not much increased. In woods and thickets between Lopollo and Monino. Do. Dr Welwitsch ! no. 2534. Leaves narrower. Do. Dr Welwitsch f no. 1255. A small shrub, a few inches high, much branched. Leaves densely sericeous, with some species of dEcidium growing on them. A sickly specimen probably belonging to R. pollens. 8. ROYENA AMBIGUA, Vent. Jard. Malm. n. 17 (1803). B. foliis obovato-ellipticis, obtusis, basi angustatis, coriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus 5 f-meris, dicecis; pedunculis unifloris, flore longioribus ; calyce partita; corolla urceolatd; staminibus 10 14, sterilibus (?) ; stylo 5 7- (?) lobo. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 214. n. 14 (1844). Diospyros ambigua, Vent. Malm. t. 17 (1803). B. polyandra /3. ambigua, Pers. Synops. I. p. 486 (1805). Diplonema ambigua, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. rv. p. 42 (1837). Shrub with numerous erect-patent or ascending branches tomentose-pubescent (at least in wild specimen) throughout, about 3 feet high when in cultivation. Leaves obovate-elliptical, somewhat narrowed at base and rounded or apiculate at apex, dull green, sometimes minutely pellucid-punctate, coriaceous, shortly petiolate, 1 to 2 in. long by J to f in. wide. Petioles -^ in. long. Peduncles ( 2 ) arching downwards, 1-flowered, bearing 2 (or 3) alternate linear bracts about their middle, three times the length of the petiole in flower, J to f in. long in fruit. Flowers not hermaphrodite (?), drooping, orange-yellow, slightly scented. Calyx with 5 (or 6 ?) lanceolate acute partitions. Corolla uroeolate, 5 7 Mobed : lobes rounded, shorter than the tube.> Stamens in ? flower 10 14 ? shorter than the tube of the corolla, barren. Style 5 7 ?-lobed. Ovary with 5 7 ? external longitudinal furrows, 10-celled. Fruit globular, bright pale brown, pubescent, nearly in. in diameter, sometimes dehiscing by 5 valves, (in one case) 3-seeded. Fruit-calyx accrescent, reflexed, with 5 oblong-lanceolate partitions in. long. Seeds oblong, J in. long, pendulous. MR HIERN, ON EBENACILE. 87 South Africa. Burke ! (in fruit) ; Ventenat; EcJclon and Zeyher / 1126, Magalisberg. Perhaps ought to be united to It. pollens, Thunb., of which Dr Harvey considered it to be a garden variety. 9. ROYENA NITENS, Harvey MSS. R. foliis anguste ellipticis, utrinque plus minus angustatis, coriaceis, subsessilibus, dense sericeis, parvis ; pedunculis unifloris, semiuncialibus ; calyce fructifero profunde 5-lobo, paulum aucto ; fructu ellipsoideo, solitario. A closely branched shrub about 4 feet high with young shoots and underside of leaves densely covered for the most part with close sericeous persistent pale hairs. Branches terete, ascending, with dark rather shining cuticle. Leaves narrowly oval, crowded, narrowed more or less at both ends, coriaceous, dark and shining above, 1-veined, subsessile, | in. long by ^ in. wide. Flowers unknown. Fruit on the young branches, solitary, on arching pubescent peduncles nearly J in. long. Fruiting calyx deeply 5-lobed, spreading, rather more than in. across, with lanceolate lobes which are about in. long. Fruit ellipsoidal, puberulous with very short inconspicuous hairs, splitting into 5 (?) parts at the apex, | 1 in. long by ^ | in. thick, 1-celled. S. Africa. Natal. W. T. Gerrard! n. 1158, February. 10. ROYENA CISTOIDES, Welw. MSS. E. foliis anguste obovatis, apice obtusis et mucronulatis, ad basim obtusam angustatis, utrinque incano- sericeis, breviter petiolatis, margine reflexo; fructibus solitariis ; pedunculis fructum fere cequantibus ; calyce fructibus appresso. A low shrub, 1 1| ft. high, branched from the base. Wood very hard, strong. Branches terete, ultimately glabrate; shoots softly pubescent, erect; the fruiting branches arcuate- ascending. Leaves alternate, narrowly obovate, obtuse and mucronulate at apex, narrowed to an obtuse base, incano-sericeous on both sides, sub-coriaceous, | l^in. long by i-^-fin. wide, shortly petiolate ; margins reflexed ; subvenose beneath. Fruiting peduncles axillary, solitary, % | in. long, patent, hairy, 1-fruited. Fruiting calyx deeply 5-lobed, hairy on both sides, appressed to the fruit, \ f in. long, articulated to the peduncle, with 10 little pits at the base on the concave surface of the articulation probably cor- responding to the 10 cells of the ovary ; lobes elliptical, obtusely pointed. Fruit subglobose, puberulous, of shining golden colour, hard, 8 12-celled, J in. in diameter, often bursting downwards from the apex, 3 5-seeded. Seeds in. long. Albumen of seeds white, cartilaginous, not ruminated. Angola, W. Tropical Africa. Distr. Pungo Andongo, 3500 ft. altitude. Dr Welwitsch ! no. 2532. In sandy thickets between Condo and Quisonde, near river Cuanza. Fruit ripe in March. 88 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 11. ROYENA GLABRA, Linn. Sp. PL p. 397 (1753). B. foliis anguste ellipticis, utrinque angustatis, nitescentibus, subcoriaceis, subsessilibus, glabrescentibus ; floribus pentameris, subhermaphroditis ; pedunculis 1 5-floris ; calyce partita, paulum accrescente; stylo bilobo; ovario 4t-loculari. Alph. DC. Prodr. vni. p. 214. n. 15 (1844). Vaccinium pensylvanicum, Miller, Gard. Diet. edit. vi. (1771). E. myrtifolia, Wendl. ex Steud. NomencL Bot. p. 705 (1821), Alph. DC. I.e. p. 215. S. hirsuta, Sieber ! Fl. Cap. Exsicc. n. 94 (1824), non Linn, nee Jacq. nee Eckl. E.fakata, E. Mey. ! Zwei pflanz. doc. Dreg. p. 217 in Flora 1843, Alph. DC. I c. p. 211. n. 4. Vitis Idcea cethiopica, myrtinis folio, flosculis dependentibus, Plukn. ! Almag. p. 391. Phytogr. t. 321. fig. 4 (1696). Vitis Idsea sethiopica, buxi minoris folio, floribus albis, Commel. Hort. Amstelod. I. p. 125. t. 65 (1697). Vitis Idaea foliis angustissimis longis alternis, Linn, in Hb. Hort. Cliff. ! ? Buxus africana folio oblongiori non serrato, Linn, in Hb. Gronov. ! A shrub with erect or ascending branches, 2 6 feet high. Stem 5 6 in. thick. Bark thin, grey, smooth. Wood light, porous, little used except for fuel (Dr Pappe}. Young parts pilose. Leaves narrowly elliptical, usually narrowed at both ends, crowded, subsessile, at length glabrous, shining above, thinly coriaceous, | 1 in. long by j J in. wide. Peduncles about as long as the leaves, bearing 1 5 flowers, hairy ; equal to or longer than the pedicels, arching. Flowers subhermaphrodite, pentamerous. Bracts lanceolate. Calyx partite, usually but little accrescent ; lobes lanceolate or subulate, acute, hairy. Corolla exceeding the calyx, glabrous ; lobes reflexed. Stamens (9 ) 10, not always fertile. Style bilobed, hairy below. Ovary nearly glabrous, 4-celled. Fruit oblong or globose, thinly glandular-pubescent, | f in. long, subtended by the usually reflexed calyx. South Africa. Cape of Good Hope. Southern and Western districts. Robertson!, Dregef, Sieber! 94, Wallichf, Mund!, Ecklon! 699, Pappe!, Thorn!, Mac Gittivray I 610, Krauss!, Masson !, Roxburgh !, Niven ! 48, Hb. Ammannf, Nelson/, Forster!, ThunbergJ, Oldenburg!, W. Elliot!, Zeyher ! 3349, Harvey! 572, Burchell! 2, 808, 5093, 5367, 5784, 6788, 7186, 7208, 7288, Siekmann! 12. ROYENA PARVIFLORA, sp. nov. R. foliis obovatis, basi cuneatis, apice rotundatis vel ad apicem emarginatum brevissime et abrupte angustatis, membranaceis vel junioribus subcoriaceis, petiolatis; floribus pentameris, hermaphroditis, cymosis; calyce depresso-hemispherico, 5-fido, lobis deltoideis; stylo apice 5-lobo; ovario 10-loculari. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^I. 89 A large scandent shrub with terete branches. Young parts and inflorescence softly shortly and appressedly pubescent. Leaves alternate, obovate, cuneate at base, rounded or very shortly and abruptly narrowed to an emarginate apex, membranous or the smaller ones subcoriaceous, green when dry, glabrous and with inconspicuous veins above, somewhat paler delicately veined and puberulous beneath, 2 6J in. long by 1 3|in. wide; petiole ^ Jin. long. Cymes axil- lary on the young shoots, | f in. long, bearing 3 5 flowers ; common peduncle | J in. long ; lateral pedicels in. long, with a narrow bract at base about as long as themselves. Flowers hermaphrodite, small, creamy-white, articulated at base to pedicel ; in bud depresso-conical, about j-in. high and broad. Calyx depresso-hemispherical, short, 5-fid, with flat base, puberulous out- side ; lobes deltoid. Corolla much contorted sinistrorsely as regarded from within, shortly pubescent outside except on imbricated sides of the lobes, glabrous inside, 5-lobed; lobes obtuse, rounded, f ths of the depth of the corolla. Stamens 10, hairy, equal, in one row, inserted at base of corolla. Ovary covered with very short hair, depresso-conical, 10-celled, cells 1-ovuled ; style 5-lobed at apex, shortly ha ; ry. S. Africa, Zulu-land, Incansla. Gerrard and M'Kenf no. 2015. 13. ROYENA GLANDULOSA, Harvey MSS. E. foliis ovato-ellipticis, obtusis, ~basi rotundatis, subcoriaceis, subsessilibus ; floribus herma- phroditis, plerumque tetrameris ; pedunculis unijloris; calyce ^-partita; corolld urceolatd; staminibus 8 ; stylo apice 4-Zofro ; ovario 8-loculari ; fructibus ellipsoideis, glanduloso-hispidis. A large shrub, " with pretty foliage and habit," 8 10 feet high. Young shoots, peduncles and fruit glanduloso-hispid, subferruginous. Branches spreading. Leaves alternate, ovate-ellip- tical, obtusely pointed at apex, rounded at or near base, thinly coriaceous or firmly membranous, ciliate and pilosulous beneath, \ lin. long by \ Jin. wide ; petioles about ^in. long, hirsute. Flowers hermaphrodite, axillary on the young shoots, about \ in. long, urceolate, articulated to the peduncle, tetramerous. Peduncles spreading, fin. long, 1-flowered, solitary. Calyx pilose outside, pubescent inside, 4-partite ; lobes ^ in. long, lanceolate, acute, rather patent. Corolla urceolate, glabrous but margin minutely ciliate, deeply 4-lobed ; lobes rounded, recurved above. Stamens 8, in one row, inserted at base of corolla, short, equal, 2 opposite each lobe of the corolla, pilose ; filaments short. Ovary hairy (except perhaps at middle), 8-celled ; style hairy, 4-lobed and glabrous at apex. Fruit ellipsoidal, scarcely \ in. long by \ in. thick, glandular- hispid. Fruiting calyx much enlarged, \ in. long, loosely enclosing the fruit or reflexed, 4-partite; lobes ovate-oblong, foliaceous, reddish when dry, about 8-nerved inconspicuously. Barely a flower is pentamerous. S. Africa, Port Natal, Tugela. Gerrard and M'Ken! no. 1608. PLATE II. Flowering and fruiting branches, natural size. a. Peduncle, magnified 5 dia- meters, b. Hair of peduncle, magnified 30 diameters, c. Flowering calyx, magnified 5 dia- meters, d. Interior of corolla with stamens, laid open, magnified 5 diameters, e. Stamen, magnified 15 diameters, f. Pistil, magnified 5 diameters, g. Transverse section of ovary, magnified 5 diameters. VOL. XII. PART I. 12 90 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. EXCLUDED AND NOMINAL SPECIES. Royena latifolia, Willd. Enum. pi. Berol. Suppl. p. 23 (1813). Name only. Cfr. JR. sessi- lifolia. Royena, media, Hort. ex Steud. Nomencl. bot. edit. ii. voL ii. p. 475 (1841). Name only. Cape of Good Hope. Royena polyandra, Linn. fil. Suppl. p. 240 (1781) = Euclea polyandra, E. Mey. Royena (sp.) n. 15, EckL and Zeyh. ex Harv. and Sond. Fl. Cap. i. p. 71 (185960) = Aberia tristis, Sond. Royena 9140, Dreg, ex Alph. DC. Prodr. vftl. p, 216. n. * (1844) = Euclea coriacea Alph. DC. II. EUCLEA, Linn. Syst. Nat. edit. xm. p. 747 (1774), non Lour. Flores diced, rarius polygami, 4 7-meri, racemosi vel paniculati. Calyx non accrescens. Corolla campanulata vel urceolata, lobis in prcefloratione sinistrorse contortis. FLOS MASCUXUS : Stamina 10 30, scepius geminata. Ovarium plerumque abortivum. FLOS FEMINEUS: staminodia 0, rarius 2 4. Ovarium 4-loculare, rarius 2- vel 6-loculare; ovula in loculis solitaria, rarius bina in ovariis bilocularibus. Fructus parvus, saspius 1- locularis et I-spermus. Frutices vel rarius arbores African!, foliis alternis vel oppositis vel rarius in tribus verti- cillatis, cymis axillaribus. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 215. n. n. (1844). Padus (sp.) Bunn. Ran Afric. pi. p. 238. t. 84. f. 1. (1738). Royena (sp.) Linn. fil. Suppl. p. 240 (1781). Celastrus (sp.) Thunb. Fl. Cap., pars post., p. 115 (1800). Diplonema G. Don, Diet. Gard. and Bot. IV. p. 42 (1837). Myrsine (sp.) Hochst. in PI. Schimp. Abyss, exsicc. sect. i. n. 159 (1840). Rymia Endl. gen. pi. n. 4250 p. 743 (1835 40). Kellaua Alph. DC. in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. ii. vol. XVI. p. 96 (1841). Brachycheila Harv. in Linnaea XX. p. 192 (1847). MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 91 Dioecious or occasionally polygamous. Calyx campanulate or small and flattish, 4 7-lobed, usually 4 5-fid; lobes lanceolate ovate or deltoid; not accrescent. Corolla campanulate or hemispherical, 4 7-lobed, 4 5-fid or -partite or -lobed only near the apex. -dentato ; cor olid breviter 4-lobd; staminodiis ; ovario biloculari, glabro, loculis biovulatis. Glabrous. Branches at 50, sometimes whorled 3 together. Leaves obovate, cuneate at base, rounded at apex, somewhat undulating, coriaceous, alternate opposite and in whorls of 3; veins inconspicuous, in relief on both sides, dark green above, ruddier beneath; 2 Sin. long by If in. wide, shortly petiolate ; petioles about -^ in. long. Racemes of 9 flowers (in bud) short, about J in. long, bearing about 9 very short pedicels. Flower-buds -^ in. long, tetramerous, with short cup-shaped 4-toothed calyx and corolla shortly 4-lobed. Staminodes 0. Ovary 2-celled, with 2 ovules in each cell, glabrous. East tropical Africa, Zanzibar, Dr Kirk ! A male plant from Madagascar collected by Bojer ! may belong to this species ; it has 16 18 stamens. 15. E. MACEOPHTLLA, E. Mey, Cat. PI. Exsicc. Afr. Austr. Dreg. p. 7 (1837). JE. foliis in tribus verticillatis vel oppositis, obovato-oblongis, breviter petiolatis, subcoriaceis ; cymis femineis 8 15-Jloris, floribus tetrameris, calyce 4-jldo, corolla 4>-fidd, staminodiis 0, ovario 4- vel raro Q-loculari, glabro. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 218. n. 11 (1844). Glabrous. Stem nodose; branches at 60", often verticillate three together, straight. Leaves obovate-oblong, rounded at apex, cuneate at base, shortly petiolate, sub-coriaceous, opposite or subverticillate three together ; margins reflexed, plane or wavy ; veins delicate ; 2 4 in. in length by J 1J in. in width ; petiole -fa to \ in. in length. ?. Flowers in cymes which measure \ 1 in. in length and bear 8 15 flowers; pedicels JL to \ in. in length ; flowers tetramerous. Calyx 4-fid, shortly cup-shaped, with deltoid-pointed lobes. Corolla campanulate, 4-fid; lobes obtuse or mucronate. Stamens or represented by a few hairs at circumference of disk. Ovary glabrous, 4- or rarely 6-celled, with one ovule in each cell ; at the upper part the ovary is frequently 2-celled, according to Dr Atherstone, in consequence of two of the dissepiments being false; styles 2. South Eastern districts, Cape of Good Hope. Enon in woods under 500 feet high, March, Uitenhage, Drege ! in 9 flower ; Grahamstown, Dr Atherstone ! 461. 16. EUCLEA DAPHNOIDES, sp. nov. E. foliis alternis oppositis vel in tribus verticillatis, oblanceolato-oblongis, subsessilibiis ; cymis racemosis ; floris 4 5-meris ; calyce 4 5-fido ; corolla profunde 4 5-lobd ; staminibus circiter 12, uniserialibus, in flore femineo vel 4 effcetis; stylis 2 3; ovario glabro, 4- vel Q-loculari. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 103 Glabrous shrub, 2 4 feet higb or more, or even a low tree. Stem shining and turning pale yellowish ; branches at 40 50 with stem, alternate opposite or subverticillate. Leaves alternate opposite or 3 in a whorl, varnished on surface, crowded, oblanceolate-oblong, thickly coriaceous, flat or wavy, subsessile with thick articulation, 1J 3 in. in length by to J in. in width. Cymes racemose, much shorter than the leaves ; pedicels -fo in. long ; bracts small and slender. <$. Flowers tetramerous, nearly glabrous, small. Calyx 4-fid. Corolla deeply 4-lobed. Stamens about 12, in one row. Ovary rudimentary. ? . Flowers 11 21 in cyme, ^ in. in length by T ^ in. in width, ovoid, glabrous. Calyx g 1 ^ in. in height by -J^ in. in width, 4 5-fid. Corolla openly campanulate, with nearly erect lobes, Jg in. in height by fa in. in width, 4 5-lobed. Staminodes or 4, inserted at base of interior of corolla or around base of ovary, glabrous, without anthers. Styles 2 3, ^5 in. in length, somewhat concave as seen from inside; stigmas bilobed at apex, projecting beyond the corolla ; ovary glabrous, ovoid, ^ in. in length and width, 4 6-celled ; ovules pendulous, solitary in the cells. Fruit globular, J in. in diameter, dark, glabrous, 1-seeded, 1-celled ; seed marked outside by 3 depressed longitudinal lines ; fruiting calyx small ; albumen not ruminated but testa introverted at apex ; embryo slightly curved. Nearly related to E. racemosa L. from which it differs by its oblanceolate-oblong and longer leaves and its longer and more numerously flowered racemes, by its ovary being sometimes 6-celled, and by its 12 stamens being in one row in the only -fidd, staminodiis 0, ovario sericeo, 3-loculari; fructibus glabratis, subglobosis, calyce fructifero leviter aucto, intus breviter tomentoso, extus glabro. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 241. n. 6 (1844) ; Benth. Flora Austr. IV. p. 291. n. 7 (1869). M. interstans, F. Muell. Fragm. bot. V. p. 163 (1866). A shrub of 8 ft. or a tree from. 20 to 30 feet in height, erect, glabrous or very quickly gla- brescent, much branched ; branches terete, spreading at about 45 50, bark cinereous, thinly rimose. Leaves oval or obovate, emarginate or rounded at apex, suddenly narrowed or rounded at base, margins often recurved, highly reticulated above, midrib depressed above, coriaceous, 1 J to 4 in. in length by J to 2| in. in width ; petioles ^5 | in. in length. campanulato-tubulosis ; staminibus 3 vel 6 ; ovario 3-loculari, pubescente; fructibus ellipsoideis, pedunculatis, pubescentibus. J. R. et G. Forst. Beschreib. Gatt. Pflanz. edit. Kerner, p. 127. t. xv. f. 61 (1779) ; Poiret iu Lam. Encycl. Meth. Suppl. in. p. 566. t. 803 (1813) ; Labill. Sert. Austro-Caled. p. 32. t. 35 (1824) ; Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 240. n. 1 (1844) ; Ettingsh. Blatt-skel. Dikot. p. 90. t. 40. f. 2 (1861) ; non Seem. Fl. Vit. p. 152 (1866). Ebenus vulgaris, Humph. Amb. Vol. III. p. 1. t. 1 (1750). lEbenoxylum verum, Lour. Fl. Cochinch. p. 613 (1790). MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 123 Maba Ebenus, Spreng. Syst. Veg. ir. p. 126. n. 8 (1825), Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 242. n. 17, Hassk. Retz. i. p. 107 (1855), non Wight. IMaba? ebenoxylon, G. Don, Diet. Gard. and Bot. IV. p. 43. n. 10 (1837). Diospyros hexasperma, Hasselt ex Hassk. PL Javan. p. 468. n. 353 (1848). A shrub of 6 ft. or more or a moderate-sized tree or sometimes a lofty tree ; branches slender, cinereous, terete, rather rough ; shotits hairy ; glabrescent ; leaves elliptical or oblong- lanceolate, obtuse at apex, cuneate at base, glabrescent, subcoriaceous, 1^ 4 in. long by | If in. wide ; petioles -fa \ in. long. <5 . Cymes longer than the petioles, \ \ in. long exclusive of the flowers, pubescent, 3 8-flowered, crowded on the young branches ; common peduncle ^ \ in. long ; bracts linear, small, caducous; flowers trimerous, \ in. long, campanulate-tubular, pubescent; calyx cam- panulate, \ in. long, lobes deltoid-acute ; corolla tubular, 3-fid, yellowish white, lobes acute, ^ in. long, rather patent ; stamens 3 or 6, hypogynous, glabrous, distinct ; ovary rudimentary, hirsute. 9 . Cymes \ \ in. long ; flowers as in $ ; staminodes ; ovary hairy, ovoid, 3- (or according to Labillardiere 4- or by abortion 2-) celled ; cells 2-ovuled ; style short ; stigma 3 ( 4)-lobed ; fruit fleshy, pedunculate, crowded, greenish, ellipsoidal, scarcely 1 in. long by \ in. thick, pubescent or nearly glabrous, 2 3-celled ; seeds triquetrous ; albumen car- tilaginous ; plumule indistinct ; fruiting calyx not accrescent, somewhat spreading, 3-fid, \ \ in. across; lobes deltoid. Friendly Islands, Forster!, Capt. Cook!, A. Matthews ! 144 ; Navigator's Islands, Wilkes! var. foliis acuminatis; Amboina, Rumf, Teijsmann!, Hasskarl ; Java, Hasselt; Cochinchina (?), Loureiro ; New Caledonia, Labillardiere !, Vieillard ! 893 ; " Amsterdam Insula Oceani pa- cifici" (= Tonga Tabboo, Friendly Islands), J. R. and G. Forster!. Called Maba, by the natives in the Friendly Islands, and Kihariipat in Java. The plant called Anume in Navigator's Islands (see Rev. Thomas Powell in Seemann's Journal of Botany, Vol. vi. p. 278, 1868) may belong to this species ; it is eaten by children, and flowers in June or July and in January or February. Difficult when young to distinguish from M. rufa, and approaching also M. buxifolia. * 21. MABA SUMATRANA, Miq. PL Junghuhn. i. p. 204 (1851 55), FL Ned. Ind. vol. n. p. 1051, tab. xxxvi. B (1856). M. foliis ovato- vel ovali-oblongis, acuminatis, basi rotundatis, costatis, subtus secus costas hirtellis ; cymis masculis axillaribus, multiftoris ; calyce trilobo ; corolla ovoideo-tubulosd ; sta- minibus 9, glabris ; ovarii rudimento pubescente. A subferruginous, pubescent tree, about 30 feet in height. Branches terete. Leaves ovate- or oval-oblong, acuminate, rounded at base; margins flat, dark green, and with scat- tered appressed long hairs on upper face; velutinous and subferruginous, especially on veins beneath ; lateral veins numerous (about 8), plain beneath ; petiolate ; subcoriaceous ; 2| 4 in. in length by | 1J in. in width ; petioles T ' T \ in. in length. <5 . Cymes pedunculate, many-flowered, 1 in. in length ; flower (in bud) \ in. in length, oblong, subferruginous, tomentose ; calyx ^ in. in length, 3-lobed at apex ; corolla ovoid-tubular, with a slight constriction near middle, 3-fid ; lobes cordate, sub-acute ; sta- mens 9, 6 in 3 pairs, 3 distinct, glabrous; anthers as long as filaments; ovary rudimentary, hairy. 162 124 MK HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Sumatra, Dr Fr. Junghuhn! 719; in woods near Tobing, ex Miq. in PI. Jungh. I. p. 204; Java, De Vriese ! Marcreightia andamanica, Kurz in Hep. Veg. Andam. I. edit. ii. p. 42 (1870), M. oblongi- folia, Kurz 1. c. edit. i. p. xi. (1867), is said by Mr Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. vol. XL. pt. ii. p. 74 (1871) to belong to Maba sumatrana, Miq. ; it is a dull dark green shrub, with oblong submembranous leaves 7 8 inches long by 2| 3 in. wide, subcordate at base, and robust petioles ^ in. long ; it was collected in South Andaman by Mr Kurz ! in which island he states that it is common. 22. MABA VIEILLARDI, sp. nov. M. foliis obovato-ellipticis, apice rotundis vel retusis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, glabris, widatis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis brevissime cymosis, monstrosis in speciminibus ; floribus femineis solitariis breviter pedunculatis ; fructibus glabratis, albido-pulverulentis, sub- globosis, calyce trifido. A tree of about 13 feet high ; glabrous or on quite young parts slightly pubescent ; branches numerous, terete, smooth ; leaves oval or somewhat obovate, coriaceous, alternate, rounded or somewhat emarginate at apex, more or less narrowed at base, shining, of same metallic lustre when dry and without conspicuous veins on each side, coriaceous, 1 2 in. long by | 1 in. wide ; petioles ^ in. long, dark and rather stout ; wavy (in the dry state) and with revolute margins. cj . Cymes axillary on young branches, about ^ in. long, recurved, puberulous ; flowers about in. long, monstrous in the specimen (Deplanche, 449) by the stamens being petaloid, puberulous ; calyx and corolla campanulate, about in. long, deeply 3-fid ; ovaiy 0. S . Fruit solitary, on peduncles about J in. long, puberulous or glabrate, subglobose, glabrous, covered with white efflorescence, nearly J in. in diameter, 3-celled, 5 6-seeded ; seeds about n. long ; albumen scarcely ruminated, but with slight sinuous intrusion of the rather thick testa; fruiting calyx, puberulous outside, glabrous inside, not accrescent, appressed to base of r it, 3-fid, ^ in. across. New Caledonia, Vieillard! n. 897; Deplanche! 448 (in fruit), 449, Kanala; Panch&r /, Iron Mountains of Kanala, 1862. The following two species are very imperfectly known : 23. MABA ANDERSONI, Soland. MSS. in Herb. Mus. Brit., Seem. Fl. Vit. p. 152 (1866). M. arborea, ramis cinereis glabris; foliis ellipticis, apice obtusis, basi subrotundis, petio- latis; floribus pubescentibus, svbsessilibus, masculis glomeratis ; fructibus solitariis. A tree with cinereous branches, glabrous except the inflorescence, apparently dioecious. Leaves alternate, elliptical, obtuse at apex, rounded or nearly so at base, of uniform colour, with minute net-veins, 4f 5 in. long by 2^ 3^ in. wide ; petioles about - in. long. us, subcoriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3-ra's, brevissime cymosis, 3 4 5-meris; staminibus 12 11, glabris ; ovarii rudimento pubescente. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. 127 Diospyros albens, Presl, Reliq. Haenk. u. p. 62 (1835-6). Macreightia albens, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 221. n. 2 (1844); Ettingsh. Blatt-skel. Dikot. p, 89. t. 38. f. 11 (1861). A shrub or tree with pallid or cinereous bark and dull leaves; branches terete, glabrescent; young parts pubescent; leaves obovate-oblong or lanceolate, more or less narrowed at both ends, crowded, softly puberulous, dull green above, paler beneath and with minute scales, subcoriaceous, midrib slightly depressed beneath, veins slender ; 1 \ 3 in. long by f 1 in. wide ; petiole T V~ i in- long- $ . Flowers arranged on short (^ ^ in. long) pubescent 3-flowered cymes, which grow on the youngest shoots ; | in. long by in. wide ; calyx campanulate or ovoid, J in. long by in. wide, unequally 3-fid (occasionally 4 5-fid with lanceolate lobes), pubescent on both sides; lobes usually ovate ; corolla shortly 3 4-lobed, urceolate-oblong, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes oblique, imbricated sinistrorsely ; stamens 12 11 (6 filaments, 2 together ex Presl I. c.) all or some inserted at the base of the corolla, glabrous ; ovary rudimentary, pubescent. Flowers in June. Mexico, Acapulco, Presl, Haenke! 47; Soledad, Dr Wawra! 168. 29. MABA INCONSTANS, Grisebach, Fl. Brit. W. Ind. p. 404 (1864). M. foliis oblongo-obovatis vel oblongis, apice obtusis, basi angustatis, subglabris vel sub- tomentosis, tenuiter reticulatis, subcoriaceis, inter dum, minute pellucido-punctatis, breviter peti- olatis ; floribus masculis breviter cymosis, 3 4-mm's ; staminibus 6 1 2, scepius 9, incequalibus, glabris ; floribus femineis subsolitariis, 3 (4-)mm's ; staminodiis 3 4 ; ovario hirsute, 6-locu- lari ; fructibus solitariis, 6-locularibus, depresso-globosis, subglabratis ; seminibus oblongis; albu- mine non ruminato. Macreightia inconstans, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 221. n. 6 (1844). Diospyros inconstans, Jacq. Amer. p. 276, t. 174. f. 67 (1763). Macreightia conduplicata, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 221. n. 5 (1844). Diospyros conduplicata, Kunth in Humb. et Bonpl. Nov. Gen. iii. p. 254 (1818). Diospyros Berterii, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 234. n. 61 (1844). Diospyros obtusifolia, Bert, in Alph. DC. 1. c., non Humb. et Bonpl. Macreightia obovata, Mart, in Fl. Bras. VIT. Eben. p. 9. t. 2. f. 3 (1856). Macreightia psidioides, Alph. DC. Prodr. VIIL p. 221. n. 4 (1844). Diospyros psidioides, Kunth in Humb. et Bonpl. Nov. Gen. iii. p. 254 (1818). A moderate-sized dioecious (monoecious, according to Jacquin) tree or shrub, with young parts and inflorescence fulvo- or ferruginous-pubescent, more or less glabrescent. Leaves alter- nate, oblong-obovate or oblong, subglabrous or subtomentose-pubescent, reticulated, subcoria- ceous, somewhat narrowed at base, and more or less pointed or obtuse at apex; sometimes minutely pellucid-punctate; margins just recurved, 1| Gin. long, f 2| in. wide; midrib depressed above ; petioles J in. long ; cymes short, drooping, 3-flowered or 3-several-flowered in male plants, ^ \ J in. long ; bracts small, caducous, acute, ovate or lanceolate or obovate- oblong. $ . Flowers -$5 f in. long, 3 4- (usually 3-) -merous, campanulate-oblong ; calyx -fa ^ in. long, campanulate, pubescent; lobes ovate, somewhat spreading, about equalling the tube or 128 ME HIERN, ON EBENACEA exceeding it ; corolla glabrous (villous, according to Jacquin) within, pubescent outside, conical at apex in bud ; lobes ovate-lanceolate, about equalling the tube ; stamens 6 12, usually 9 (3 10, according to Jacquin), unequal, either distinct or in pairs or 3 together, inserted at base of corolla or partly hypogynous, glabrous ; ovary abortive ; receptacle hairy. 9 . Cymes soon becoming 1-flowered by lapse of the lateral flowers, fa | in. long. Calyx openly campanulate, 3- (4-) fid, with rounded lobes, about in. across, puberulous out- side, tomentose inside ; corolla widened below, the lobes extending only way down, densely ferruginous-pubescent outside; staminodes glabrous, (in one flower) 4, 2 being distinct and 2 combined by their filaments ; in another flower 3, alternating with the corolla-lobes ; ovary 6-celled, 6-ovuled, ^ in. high, covered outside with short appressed drab hairs ; style simple, columnar, ^ in. high, trifid at apex, hairy at base ; stigmas punctiform ; fruit solitary, 6-celled, yellowish, with black bitter pulp, depresso-globose, subsessile or shortly stalked, ^ | in. thick, subglabrate and shining ; fruiting calyx about f in. in diameter, reflexed or nearly flat, with 3 (4) rounded or bifid lobes, tube thickened within; seeds oblong; albumen not ruminated. The following varieties may be noticed : a. obovata. A tree or shrub with obovate-oblong leaves. # granatensis. A shrub with oblong leaves. Occasionally the leaves are couduplicate (in the dry state). Flowers in February, July, and September. S.America, St Vincent, Guilding ! ; Martinique, PUe! 762; New Granada, Carthagena, Jacquin, Triana! 2613; Sabanilla, Karsten! ; S^? Martha, Purdie! Goudot! No. 1; Guayaquil, Bonpland! 3846; Brazil, Pohl! 1980, Sello! 1211, 1689, 2301; Eio Janeiro, Gaudichaud ! ; Minas Geraes, Weddell! ; Dr Eegnell! iii. 1516. 30. MABA ACAPULCENSIS. M. foliis dbovato-lanceolatis, apice acutis, basi cuneatis, utrinque hirtellis, subtus subcanes- centibus, reticulatis, submembranaceis, petiolatis ; fructibus solitariis, subsessilibus, subglobosis, uncialibus ; calyce fructifero patente, profunde 3-fido ; albumine non ruminate. Macreightia acapulcencis, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 221. n. 3 (1844), excl. Syn. Diospyros salicifolia. Diospyros acapukensis, Kunth in Humb. et Bonpl. Nov. Gen. iii. p. 254 (1818). Terminal buds oblong, sericeous-tomentose ; the axillary ones smaller, pubescent ; shoots glabrous, dark-cinereous, smooth ; leaves obovate-lanceolate, acute, cuneate at the base, hir- tellous on both sides, especially beneath where they are subcanescent, reticulato-venose, mem- branous, 2| in. long or more, by about f in. wide, petiolate ; fruit solitary, subsessile, sub- globose, 1 in. in diameter; fruiting calyx flat, nearly 1 in. across, deeply 3-fid; lobes widely ovate, felted inside, puberulous outside ; albumen not ruminated ; cotyledons oblong, rather obtuse, double the length of the radicle. Mexico, Acapulco, Bqnpland ! MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^L 129 31. MABA SALICIFOLIA. M. ramis teretibus cinereis, junioribus pubescentibus ; foliis lanceolato-oblongis, utrinque angustatis, apice obtusis, coriaceis, supra glabrescentibus, subtus pubescentibus, breviter petio- latis, nervis inconspicuis ; fructibus solitariis, globosis, glabris, breviter pedunculatis ; calyce fructifero triftdo, utrinque puberulo, appresso. Diospyros salicifolia, Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. Sp. PI. IV. p. 1112. n. 18 (1805) ; Hb. Willd. n. 19250. Young leaves and shoots pubescent ; branches cinereous, terete. Leaves lanceolate-oblong, narrowed at both ends, obtuse at apex, glabrescent above, coriaceous, with inconspicuous veins, about 2J in. long by | in. wide ; petioles in. long, puberulous. Fruit solitary, globose, glabrous, shining, of a pale orange colour, about 1J in. in diameter; peduncles | in, long, stout, puberulous; calyx 3-fid, appressed to base of fruit, puberulous on both sides, about 1 in. across, lobes semi-elliptical, with obscure parallel veins. Equatorial America, Humboldt and Bonpland! Alph. De Candolle unites this species with M. acapulcensis, but the foliage is sufficiently different. 32. MABA PAVONIL M. foliis ovalibus, apice acutis, basi obtusis, supra subglabris, subtus velutinis, subcoria- ceis, breviter petiolatis; floribus masculis cymosis, brevissime pedicellatis, 3-meris, pubescenti- bus ; floribus femineis solitariis, breviter pedunculatis. Macreightia Pavonii, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 222. n. 7 (1844). Branches puberulous. Leaves oval, acute at apex, rather glabrous above, velutinous and paler beneath and on the petioles, 5 6 in. long by 2f in. wide ; midrib puberulous above, thinly subcoriaceous ; petioles in. long. $. Flowers $ in. long, several together on axillary fulvo-tomentose peduncles which are about | in. long ; pedicels scarcely -fa in. long. Calyx \ in. long, ovoid, hairy on both sides ; lobes ovate, acute. Corolla fulvo-sericeous outside except at base, glabrous outside, twice the length of the calyx. 5 . Flowers solitary, T \ in. long ; peduncles \ in. long ; calyx deeply 3-fid ; lobes oval, submucronate. Local name Orlaca. Peru (?) or Mexico (?) ex Alph. DC., Pawn! 33. MABA MANNII, sp. nov. M. glabrescens, foliis ovalibus, apice obtusis, basi rotundatis vel parum angustatis, subco- riaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3-nis, brevissime cymosis, trimeris, staminibus 6 9, leviter hirsutis, basi corollce insertis ; ovarii rudimento hirsuto ; fructibus solitariis, subsessilibus, subglobosis, glabratis, 5 G-lbcularibus ; calyce parvo, patente, leviter puberulo ; seminibus 5 6, albumins ruminato. A. small tree, growing by rivers; glabrescent, dark when dried; branches terete, erect- patent. Leaves oval, browner beneath, subcoriaceous, spreading, midrib and lateral veins VOL. XII. PAET I. 17 130 MR HIERN, ON EBENACILE. clear, raised beneath, depressed above, 3 to 5 in. in length by 1J to 2| in. in width ; petioles ^5 in. in length ; flowers subsessile. 6 . Cymes very short, very slightly pubescent, dark, 3-flowered, thick. Flower trimerous, \ | in. in length, slightly hairy, white when living, dark when dry. Calyx ciliate and slightly hairy, -fo in. in height, with 3 rounded lobes about ^ in. in length, campanulate, not appressed to corolla, not accrescent ; corolla tubular, glabrous, 3-lobed near apex ; lobes ^ of the depth of the corolla, rounded. Stamens 8 (6 9), linear, acute, somewhat hairy, inserted at base of corolla, in 2 series (6 in outer series). Ovary rudimentary, hairy. 9 . Fruit glabrous, of bright orange colour when ripe (glabrescent), sub-globose, ob- scurely 5 6-sided, (5-) 6-celled, 5 6-seeded, nearly 1 in. in diameter. Fruiting calyx hori- zontal, small, -fa in. across, faintly puberulous ; albumen ruminated. Flowers in April, near the Equator, West Africa, Niger Expedition, Barter! 1220; Bagroo River, Mann! 839; Quorra, Vogel! 34. MABA SEYCHELLARUM, sp. nov. M. fruticosa, foliis anguste ellipticis, apice obtusis, glabris, subcoriaceis, distichis, subsessi- libus ; floribus femineis solitariis, subsessilibus, pubescentibus, trimeris, calyce breviter S-lobo, siaminodiis 3 6, glabris, basi corollce insertis, ovario ovoideo, S-loculari, loculis biovulatis, stylo apice 3-lobo ; fructibus ellipsoideis, glabris; calyce fructifero cupuliformi, appresso; seminibus solitariis, albumine non ruminato. Shrub 10 12 ft. high ; branches dark-cinereous, terete, at 35, with sbort patent hairs at extremities, glabrescent; terminal bud with light brown pubescence. Leaves narrowly elliptical, obtuse or notched at apex, slightly narrowed at base, subsessile, distichous, somewhat convex from above in dried state ; midrib depressed above, other veins inconspicuous ; sub- coriaceous, glabrous, 1 to 2 in. in length by J to ^ in. in width ; internodes y to ^ in. in length. 9 . Flowers solitary, subsessile, with light brown pubescence, i in. long. Calyx campanu- late, in. long, with 3 shallow depresso-deltoid apiculate lobes, pilose outside, glabrous within. Corolla 3-lobed, divided more than half-way down, hairy outside except near base, glabrous inside ; lobes obtuse, imbricated. Staminodes 3 or 6, glabrous, inserted at base of corolla-tube. Ovary ovoid, glabrous except near apex or pubescent all over, 3-celled, cells 2-ovuled. Style erect, 3-lobed at apex, hairy except at apex. Fruit glabrous, ovoid, pallid, rather more than f in. long by rather more than | in. thick, 1 (?)-seeded. Albumen not ruminated, white ; fruit- ing calyx 3-cornered, shortly cup-shaped, about J in. high by J in. wide. Seychelles I., Perville! 36, mountains near the cascade; Mane", 13 Febr. 1840. A specimen with similar foliage but rather more slender branches and peduncles (spines?) \ in. long without flowers may belong here. Seychelles, Boivin ! Mahe". Fruit subsessile, solitary, axillary, ellipsoidal, J | in. long by \ in. thick, of a pale colour, shining, glabrous except at the apex where the remains of the hairy style project ; fruiting calyx pubescent or glabrescent, cup-shaped, appressed to base of fruit, 3-lobed usually with short depresso-deltoid lobes, -fa \ in. high; fruit 1-celled, 1-seeded; seed rather more than \ in. long (in one case) by in. thick ; albumen not ruminated, bony. Seychelles, Dr Perdval Wright! 1867, 30 May 23 Nov., n. 122. MB HIEEN, ON EBENACE,. 131 X ' 35. MABA LANCEOLATA. M. foliis lanceolatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, utrinque acutis, glabris, coriaceis, breviter petio- latis ; Jloribus masculis 1 3-nis, sessilibus, basi bracteatis, bracteis imbricatis, calyce hirsuto, breviter 3-lobo, corolld 3 4^-lobd, staminibus 24 32, glabris, basi corollce insertis ; Jloribus femineis brevissime pedunculatis, ovario glabro, globoso, 3-loculari, loculis biovulatis; fructibus ovoideis, glabris, nitidis. Diospyros lanceolata, Poir. Encycl. Me"th. V. p. 434 (1804) ; Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 236. n. 69 (1844) ; non Wall. A tree ; with glabrous, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate leaves, acute at both ends, especially at the apex, coriaceous, in the dry state brown on both sides, 1| 2f in. long by | 1-Jg- in. wide ; petioles spreading, | ^ in. long ; veins confluent at the margin, shining above ; margins recurved. <. Flowers 1 3 together, sessile, ovoid, acute in bud, 1J in. long; surrounded at the base by 7 imbricated rounded ciliolated unequal coriaceous bracts, glabrous except at margin, the inferior ones very short. Calyx nearly \ in. long, densely hirsute, ferruginous, shortly 3-lobed, 3-cornered, campanulate in flower (spreading in fruit much less hairy and in. across). Corolla glabrous but with broad hairy patches outside lobes, \ f$ in. long, deeply 3 4-lobed ; lobes oblong, emarginate, spreading and recurved. Stamens 24 32, glabrous, inserted at base of corolla, the outer ones shorter; filaments short. Ovary wanting. ? . Peduncles very short, recurved ; calyx urceolate, shortly 3-lobed, not accrescent ; corolla narrowed at the throat, deeply 3 4-(?) lobed ; staminodes ...; ovary quite glabrous, shining, spherical, 3-celled; cells 2-ovuled with imperfect septa in middle ; style 3-lobed, erect; fruit ovoid, glabrous, shining. Madagascar, Commerson ! The leaf described and figured by Ettingshausen in Blatt-skel. Dikot. p. 89. t. 37. fig. 12 (1861) is decidedly larger than in the specimens that I have seen of this species; it pro- bably belonged to a different species. 36. MABA NATALENSIS, Harv. Thes. Cap. n. p. 7. t. 110 (1863). M. fruticosa, ramis gracilibus patentibus ; foliis ovalibus, obtusis, glabris, supra nitentibus, subtus pallidioribus, breviter petiolatis ; Jloribus femineis solitariis, brevissime pedunculatis ; calyce cupuliformi, glabro, integro ; corolld trilobd, extus sericed; staminodiis 6 9, glabris, uniserialibus ; ovario conico, glabro, 3-loculari, loculis bi-ovulatis. A quickly glabrescent shrub ; branches pale, slender, spreading at 60 65 ; shoots flexuous, puberulous. Leaves oval, obtuse or mucronate at apex, submembranous, flat, \ 1 in. in length by \ j^ in. in width, veins delicate and inconspicuous, shining and dark green above, paler beneath ; petioles - ^ in. in length. 9 . Flower solitary, axillary, very shortly pedunculate, in. in length ; peduncle ^ ^ in. in length. Calyx ^ in. in length, truncate, entire, dark green, glabrous, semi-ellipsoidal. Corolla - in. in length, argenteous-sericeous outside, 3-lobed ; lobes in. in depth, diverging, ob- long, acute. Staminodes 6 9, free, uniseriate, ^ in. in length, glabrous. Ovary conical, drab, 172 132 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. glabrous, terminated by a style 3-lobed at the apex, 3-celled, cells bi-ovuled ; style as long as ovary, glabrous. Fruit ellipsoidal, glabrous, of pale chestnut colour, J in. in height by in. in width ; style persistent ; fruiting calyx not increased in height, hemispherical, like an acorn-cup, 1 -seeded. S. Africa, Natal, W. T. Gerrardf 110; D'Urban, Mackenf 675. 37. MABA ABTSSINICA, sp. nov. M. fruticosa, foliis lanceolato-oblongis, plerumque apice obtusis et basi rotundatis, glabris, subcoriaceis, planis, breviter peiiolatis, nervis inconspicuis ; Jloribus masculis subsessilibus, aggregatis, 3 Omen's, calyce laxo, lobis rotundatis ciliatis, corolld glabrd, staminibus circiter 14, glabris ; Jloribus femineis 3 5-nis, aggregatis, brevissime pedicellatis, 3 5- scepius 3-me- ris, calyce campanulato, non accrescente, corolld glabrd, aperte campanulatd; staminodiis 3 4, glabris ; ovario ovoideo, glabro, Q-loculari, loculis uni-ovulatis, stylo apice 3-lobo ; fructibus glabris, subglobosis ; seminibus solitariis, albumine non ruminato. A large shrub, glabrous except the inflorescence ; shoots dark, terete. Leaves lanceo- late-oblong, obtuse and often somewhat acuminate at apex, more or less narrowed at base, subcoriaceous, flat, of the same dull colour on each face, somewhat shining above, patent or erect-patent, 2 5 in. long by | If in. wide; petioles ^ in. long; midrib slightly depressed above, veins inconspicuous. Bracts pubescent, small, caducous ; flowers subsessile, clustered, axillary ; flowers mostly trimerous, sometimes 4 5-merous. <5 . Flowers in. long ; calyx -fa in. long, lax, usually 3-fid, lobes rounded, minutely ciliate ; corolla widely campanulate, glabrous, 3 4-fid, lobes rounded;, stamens about 14, glabrous, appearing at the mouth of the open corolla, mostly in pairs, inserted at the base of the corolla, filaments short ; ovary rudimentary, glabrous. 5 . Flowers 3 5 together, on very short puberulous pedicels, \ J in. long ; calyx \ in. long, or after the fall of the corolla about \ in. long, glabrous or margins of the lobes minutely ciliate, deeply 3 5- usually 3-lobed, campanulate, lobes wide or cordate at base, \ in. long ; corolla glabrous, openly campanulate, deeply 3 5-lobed, not always isomerous with the calyx, lobes spreading or recurved, oval-ovate, obtuse ; staminodes 3 4, glabrous, alternate with the lobes of the corolla; ovary glabrous, ovoid, conical at apex, 6-celled, cells 1-ovuled ; style thick, 3-lobed at apex ; fruiting calyx lax, not accrescent ; fruit glabrous, sub- globose, shining, of dark coppery colour, -fa e_ i n . l on g by \ \ in. thick, 1 few-seeded, bearing ^remains of style at apex ; albumen of seeds cartilaginous, not ruminated. Abyssinia, on the sides of the valley of Bellagass near Loegga, 5000 feet altitude, Schimperf 1854, n. 1080; Sila 5000 6000 feet altitude, Schimper! 1854, n. 1334; Keren, bank of river, Beccari ! n. 55, May, 1870. 38. MABA QUILOENSIS, sp. nov. M. glabrescens, foliis ellipticis, apice obtusis, basi subcordatis, submembranaceis, breviter petiolatis, nervis lateralibus inconspicuis ; foribus femineis subsessilibus, sub-3-nis, calyce trilobo, ovario glabro, ovoideo-conico, 6-loculari, loculis uni-ovulatis, stylo apice trilobo, glabro, caly- cem superante. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 133 Glabrous shrub; branches terete, at about 60, argenteous-cinereous, except when very young and then they become blackish in the dried state. Leaves alternate, elliptical, dark without conspicuous lateral veins, submembranous, obtuse or rounded at apex, usually sub- cordate at base, 1 to 2 in. in length by -J to 1 in. in width ; petioles scarcely i in. in length 9 . Flowers subsessile, about 3 together, dark when dry ; calyx ^ in. in height with 3 ovate diverging lobes extending down the calyx; corolla fallen from specimens- ovary glabrous, ovoid-conical, 6-celled, cells 1-ovuled; style 3-lobed at apex, glabrous, higher than the calyx. East Tropical Africa, Quiloa, Dr Kirk! Fl. Zangueb. n. 110, 10 January, 1867. 39. MABA MICRANTHA. M. foliis ellipticis vel oblongis, basi attenuatis, apice obtuse acuminatis, glabris, coriaceis, petiolatis ; floribus femineis solitariis, sessilibus, axillaribus ; calyce tubuloso, integro, truncate, in squamis paucis bifariis imbricatis insidente ; corolla tubulosd, trifidd; quam calyce triplo lon- giore, lobis ovatis obtusis patentibus ; staminodiis 6, basi corollas inseriis ; ovdrio hemisphcerico, glabro, 6-loculari ; loculis uni-ovulatis ; stylis 3, erectis. Holochilus micranthus, Dalz. in Kew Jour. Bot. IV. p. 291 (1852), Dalz. et Gibs. Bomb. Fl. p. 142 (1861). A middle-sized tree. Leaves elliptical or oblong, attenuate at base, obtusely acuminate at apex, coriaceous, glabrous, 4 5 in. long by 2 in. wide; petioles J in. long. Flowers dioe- cious ; $ flowers unknown. 9 . Flowers \ in. long, white, solitary, sessile, axillary ; calyx tubular, entire, truncate, placed among a few bifarious scales ; corolla tubular, 3 times the length of the calyx, 3-lobed nearly to the middle ; lobes ovate, obtuse, spreading. Staminodes 6, inserted at the base of the corolla-tube, distinct, filaments double of the length of the barren anthers ; styles 3, erect, rather thick, obtuse at the apex ; ovary hemispherical, glabrous, 6-celled ; ovules solitary. Fruit cylindric-oblong, supported at the base by the accrescent truncate calyx, dry, hard, 1 in. long, 6-celled; seeds solitary. In the Syhadra hills, on the Southern Ghauts, Bombay. Flowers in February and March, Dalzell. 40. MABA LAMPONGA, Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. Suppl. i. n. 1179. p. 584 (1860). M. foliis dbovato-oblongis vel ellipticis, apice rotundatis retusis, basi angustatis, glabres- centibus, coriaceis, breviter petiolatis, venis inconspicuis ; floribus masculis (monstrosis in spe- ciminibus ?) axillaribus supra-axillaribus et lateralibus, paniculatis fasciculatis umbellatis vel interdum solitariis ; floribus femineis solitariis, subsessilibus vel breviter pedunculatis, axilla- ribus, calyce tridentato, corolla- subcampanulatd, lobis elliptico-oblongis, acuminatis, ovario ovoideo, glabro, stylo brevissimo, stigmatibus 3, patentibus. Buds velutinous. Leaves minutely and appressedly downy when young, quickly glabres- cent, obovate-oblong or elliptical, acute or sub-cuneate at the base, in most cases widely rounded and retuse at the apex,' coriaceous, rather shining, griseo-pallid when dry, nearly 134 MB HIEEN, ON EBENACE^. veinless, but with slender net-veins when old, 3^ 2 in. long ; petioles short, sub-trigonous. Flowers dioecious ? $. Flowers (all monstrous?) axillary supra-axillary and lateral, sometimes in short panicles, -at other times fascicled or umbelled, occasionally solitary, pedicelled ; corolla repre- sented by 3 ovate scales united at the base, alternating with the calyx-teeth, pubescent; moreover there are placed inside numerous narrower scales (monstrous stamens?) in several series, free or united in pairs, more or less hairy at the back, plainly imbricated. 9 . Flowers solitary, subsessile or shortly pedunculate, axillary ; calyx coriaceous, cupu- liform-globose, tridentate ; teeth triangular acute, appressedly downy outside; tube of the corolla short, subcampanulate, glabrous as high as the calyx ; lobes elliptic-oblong, acuminate, densely hirsute along the middle of the back. Ovary ovoid, glabrous ; style very short, thick, stigmas 3, spreading, canaliculate in front. South Sumatra in prov. Lampong ; on sea coast. Teysmann. 41. MABA MERGUENSIS, sp. nov. M. foliis ovalibus oblongis vel ovato-oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi subrotundis vel parwn angustatis, gldbris, submembranaceis vel tenuiter coriaceis, petiolatis ; floribus masculis 8-nis, paniculatis, parvis, axillaribus, 3 4-men's, pedicettis brevissimis ; calyce aperte campanulato, minute puberulo, ciliato ; corolld subglabrd ; staminibus 14 16, glabris ; ovarii rudimento subtus glabro ; floribus femineis dense cymosis, 3 9-nis, plerumque trimeris ; staminodiis 3 vel 6, glabris, basi corolla insertis; ovario glabro, 6-loculari, loculis uni-ovulatis ; frwtibus globosis, glabris; seminibus oblongis, albumine non ruminato. Cfr. Diospyros frutescens, var., Blume, Bijdr. fl. ned. Jnd. p. 668 (1825) ; /3. Tallak, Alph. DC. Prodr. vni. p. 230. n. 38 (1844). A small tree, glabrous, with brown or dark-ashy branches, spreading at about 50. Leaves oblong or ovate-oblong, glabrous or sometimes with puberulous midrib beneath, sub-mem- branous, dark above, paler and brownish beneath, rounded or slightly narrowed at base, acuminate at apex, not black-punctate, nearly flat, veins delicately raised on both sides, or sometimes slightly depressed on the upper surface, 2 6f in. in length by 1 3 in. in width ; petioles \ | in. in length. -meris, staminodiis 4, ovario glabro, Q-loculari, loculis uni-ovulatis ; fructibus subglo- bosis, glabris. Benth. Fl. Austral. IV. p. 290. n. 5 (1869). Diospyros fasciculosa, F. Muell. Austral. Veg. in Intercol. Exh. Ess. 1866 67, p. 35 (1867). M. laanflora, Benth. I. c. n. 4. A tall shrub or lofty tree, glabrous with terete branches spreading at about 45". Leaves ovate-lanceolate oval or oblong, narrowed or acuminate at apex, obtuse, more or less narrowed at base, minutely black-punctate beneath, 2 4 in. long by | If in. wide; petioles ^ | in. long; midrib and veins more or less raised on both surfaces; margins somewhat recurved. . Flowers subsessile, crowded in axils of leaves, several abortive ; calyx sub-glabrescent, coriaceous, spreading, 3-lobed ; corolla 3-fid ; staminodes 2 3 ; style 3-lobed at apex ; ovary glabrous, 6 ?-celled, with a few hairs at base. Labuan, Lobb!, Motley! 205. 45. MABA PTJNCTATA, sp. nov. M*. foliis oblongis, apice breviter acuminatis vel apiculatis, basi subcordatis, coriaceis vel submembranaceis, minute pellucido-punctatis, supra glabris nitidis, subtus secus nervos puberulis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis dense cymosis, pubescentibus, trimeris, staminibus 9, glabris; floribus femineis 3 <*3-nis, breviter cymosis, supra-axillaribus, trimeris; fructibus sub-globosis, glabris, G-locularibus. Diospyros punctata, Korthals, MSS. in Hb. Lugd. Batav. Ebenac. n. 15. A small tree ; young parts, inflorescence, &c. softly ferruginous-pubescent ; shoots terete, pubescent. Leaves oblong, alternate, coriaceous or submembranous, minutely pellucid-punc- tate, subcordate at base, suddenly and sharply acuminate apiculate or mucronate at apex, glabrous and shining above with depressed midrib and lateral veins; midrib and about 9 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^. 137 or 10 lateral veins on each side, puberulous, distinct and in relief beneath; lower surface slightly and appressedly puberulous, with evanescent reddish pulverulence ; 3J 10J in. long by 1J 3 1 in. wide; petioles Jin. long, thick, terete, pubescent; usually some depressed glands are visible on the lower surface of the leaves especially at the base. <$ . Inflorescence axillary, dense, many-flowered, short, -j^ | in. long (exclusive of the flowers) ; bracts acute, numerous, hairy ; pedicels varying in length up to J in. ; flowers in. long, white ; calyx J in. long, campanulate, shortly 3-fid, shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside, lobes deltoid ; corolla tubular, hypocrateriform, -fa in. wide, shortly 3-lobed, sericeous outside, glabrous inside ; lobes acute, spreading, ^ m . long ; stamens glabrous, 9, hypogynous, equal, 6 united by their filaments in 3 pairs of which the inner ones are the shorter, and 3 distinct ; anthers longer than the filaments, linear, acute ; ovary ; receptacle glabrous. 2 . Inflorescence supra-axillary ; cymes 3 many-flowered, | \ in. long (exclusive of the flowers) ; bracts small acute caducous ; fruiting pedicels thickened upwards, ^ in. long ; pericarp rather thick ; fruit ovoid f in. long by f in. thick, terminated by style ^ in. long 3-lobed at apex, glabrous (in diy state), subverrucose, shining, 6-celled, 6-seeded ; fruiting calyx appressed to young fruit and sericeous, quite patent and nearly glabrate in older fruit, not accrescent, J in. across, 3-fid with ovate or deltoid lobes. Borneo, Foot of Gunong Pautie on Serpentine Rocks. Mr Motley I n. 766 ; Korthals f, Beccari! n. 1423. PLATE IV. A fruiting branch, natural size. a. A piece of a male branch in flower, natural size. b. A piece of a female branch, natural size. c. A fruit, natural size. 46. MABA TEIJSMANNI. M. arborea, hermaphrodita (?), foliis subdistichis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice breviter acu- minatis, basi angustatis vel obtusis, glabris, breviter petiolatis ; floribus cymosis, 5 9-nis, 3 4<-meris, urceolatis, staminibus 3 4, basi corollce insertis, ovario ovoideo glabro Q-loculari ; fructibus coriaceis, calyce aucto reflexo. Rhipidostigma Teijsmanni, Hassk. Retz. I. p. 106 (1855). A tree with erect-patent cinereous asperulous branches and terete glabrous or minutely gland ular-ciliate shoots whose bark is often somewhat chartaceous ; hermaphrodite (?). Leaves subdistichous, oval or oblong, cuspidate or shortly acuminate at apex, narrowed or obtuse at base, 2 4 in. long by 1 2 in. wide, glabrous ; midrib and veins slenderly depressed on the upper surface ; petioles \ J in. long. Cymes axillary, \ J in. long, 5 9-flowered, puber- ulous ; calyx 3 4- lobed, glabrous, lobes ^ \ in. long, ovate, with reflexed margins, spreading ; corolla urceolate, shortly lobed, | in. high, \ in. wide, slightly hairy outside ; stamens 3 4 ) inserted at base of the corolla; ovary ovoid, 6-celled, glabrous, surrounded at base by a ring of hairs. Fruit smooth, f in. long by \ in. thick, pericarp coriaceous, flesh slightly glutinous ; seeds | in. long or more, \ in. thick, albumen cartilaginous. Java, Teijsmann!, flowers in April; Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1822. 47. MABA HERMAPHRODITICA, ZolL Syst. Verz. Ind. Archip. p. 135 (1854). M. arborea, hermaphrodita (?), foliis alternis, sparsis, oblongo-lanceolatis, utrinque attenua- tis, subcoriaceis, glabris, breviter petiolatis; floribus breviter cymosis, 3 6-nis, 3 4>-meris, VOL. XII. PART I. 18 138 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. urceolatis, staminibus 3 4, basi corollce insertis, ovario glabro, 6-loculari ; fructibus obovato- ellipsoideis vel oblongo-ovoideis. Rhipidostigma Zollingeri, Hassk. Retz. I. p. 104 (1855). Hermaphrodite (?) ; glabrous except the inflorescence ; a moderate-sized tree with erect- patent, terete, cinereous-white, punctately asperulous branches and green glabrescent shoots; bark of shoots papery. Petioles in. long ; leaves subcoriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, attenuate at both ends, sometimes acuminate at apex, 1J 3 in. long, f 1| in. wide, with subreflexed margins. Cymes short, \ J in. long, pedicelled, usually 3-flowered, sometimes 4 6-flowered ; bracts very short, ovate, acute, at the base of the pedicels, green, deciduous ; pedicels terete, -j^ J in. long, green, glabrous. Calyx fleshy, green, 3 4-partite ; tube very short, cupuli- form, scarcely ^ in. high ; lobes ovate, acute, -^ in. long, \ in. wide at the base, with reflexed margins. Corolla urceolate, white, ^ in. high ; tube subglobose ; lobes 3 4, patent, ovate, shorter than the tube. Stamens 3 4, inserted at base of corolla and included, abortive (?). Ovary depresso-globose, glabrous but with a ring of hairs at base, 6-celled, cells 1-ovuled ; styles 2 or 3, bifid at apex, glabrous. Fruit obovate-ellipsoidal or oblong-ovoid, ? in. long, in. thick, 1-celled, 1-seeded. Flowers in April. Java, Z oiling er ! 3467. Local name Ki Kbning Kajoe. The next following species is very imperfectly known ; it was described by Zollinger from a drawing of Kuhl and Van Hasselt in the botanical garden at Buitenzorg. 48. M.ABA JAVANICA, Zoll. obs. hot. nov. p. 14 in Natuurk. tydschr. Neerl. Ind. Vol. xiv. (1857). M. foliis ellipticis utrinque breviter acuminatis c/labris vix lucidis, floribus subsessilibus, confertis, calycis lobis margine revolutis acutis, baccis breviter pedunculatis oUongis, stylorum vestigiis mucronatis. Java, Zollinger. 49. MABA MAINGAYI, sp. nov. M. monoeca (?), foliis obovato-ovalibus, apice rotundis emarginatis vel brevissime acuminatis, obtusis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, subglabrescentibus, petiolatis ; cymis 3 o-floris, breviter pubes- centibus, floribus 4 3-meris, calyce campanulato, lobis rotundatis valde contorte imbricatis, staminibus 20 22, in fl. fern. 8 ? ; ovario glabro, fusiformi, 3-locularibus ; loculis 2-ovulatis ; fructibus oblongis, seminibus solitariis, albumine ruminato. A tree, monoecious according to Dr Maingay; young branches rufous-puberulous, after- wards softly subglabrescent, blackish, terete. Leaves obovate-oval, rounded emargiuate or very shortly and obtusely acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, coriaceous, alternate, puberulous when young, subglabrescent, 2 4 in. long by 1 2| in. wide ; petioles ^j -fa in. long, dark, puberulous when young, subglabrescent. (J. Stamens 20 22; filaments very short or wanting, arising from the receptacle; anthers very long, linear-lanceolate ; calyx deeply 4 3-lobed ; limb of corolla 4 3-lobed ; ovary 0. ?. Cymes 3 5 -flowered, ferruginously and shortly pubescent, about in. long; flowers mostly on long stout pedicels nearly in. long, suberect, | in. long or more. Calyx -' in. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. 139 long by in. wide, openly campanulate, ferruginously and shortly pubescent outside, glabrous inside, 3- fid but apparently subtruncate by the close contorted imbrication of the rounded lobes. Corolla somewhat salver-shaped, with inflated tube, glabrous, deeply 4 3-fid, with spreading oblong obtuse lobes, much imbricated in bud. Staminodes 8 (?), glabrous, small (in the bud), equal, inserted at base of corolla, in one row. Ovary glabrous, spindleshaped, about T 3j in. long by scarcely -^ in. thick (in the bud) ; style very short ; stigma 3-lobed ; ovary 3-celled with 2 pendulous ovules in each cell at lower end of the ovary. Fruit 1 -seeded, 1J 2 in. in length by about 1 in. thick, oblong, narrowed at base; testa crusta- ceous, intruded deeply in about 15 planes into the albumen which is therefore ruminated; pericarp about ^ in. thick, dark and somewhat rugose outside. Fruiting calyx not accres- cent ; tube stuffed ; lobes patent. Malacca, Maingay ! 976, Oct. 25, 1867; Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1550. 50. MABA MOTLEYI, sp. nov. M. foliis ellipticis vel oblongis, apice rotundatis, basi angustatis, glabris, coriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; foribus subsolitariis, tetrameris, pedunculis glabris ; calycis lobis rotundatis, emargi- natis, valde imbricatis ; staminibus 25, glabris, receptaculo insertis; in flore femineo staminodiis 16, ovario ovoideo-conico, glabro, 3-loculari, loculis biovulatis ; fructibus oblongis, glabris, I-spermis, calyce fructifero parvo, patente ; seminibus teretibus, albumine ruminate. A tall slender tree, glabrous except the extremities and inflorescence where there is a weak ferruginous or whitish pubescence ; branches spreading at 45 55. Leaves alter- nate, elliptical or oblong, coriaceous, glabrous, rounded at apex, slightly narrowed at base, 2 3 \ in. long by 2 in. wide, petiole -^ f in. long ; midrib depressed above, lateral veins rather close, inconspicuous. Flowers yellow, subsolitary on short glabrous peduncles -^ \ in. long, tetramerous. $ . Corolla J in. long, funnel-shaped, deeply 4-fid with spreading lobes, glabrous ; stamens 25, mostly equal, inserted on the receptacle, free, with very short filaments; anthers linear, glabrous. $. Flowers f in. long. Calyx \ ^ in. long, with scattered short weak hairs, 4-fid ; with rounded emarginate much imbricated lobes, giving the calyx the appearance of being truncate. Staminodes 16 or more, glabrous; style 4?-lobed at apex; ovary ovoid-conical, glabrous, 3-celled, cells bi-ovuled. Fruit oblong, glabrous, f in. long by in. thick, 1-seeded. Fruit-calyx small, 4-fid, \ in. across, loose or spreading ; seed \ in. long, nearly terete, \ in. thick ; albumen ruminated. Borneo, Bangarmassing, Mr J. Motley ! n. 721 ; Labuan, Mr Barber ! n. 167, common on sandy soil near the barracks. 51. MABA MYRMECOCALYX, sp. nov. M. qlabra, foliis ellipticis, alternis, apice breviter et obtuse acuminatis, basi obtusis vel subro- tundis, coriaceis, nitentibus, petiolatis; fructibus solitariis, axillaribus vel lateralibus, breviter pedunculatis, ellipsoideis, nitentibus, apice obsolete pubescentibus, calyce fructifero hemisphcerico, breviter 4:-lobo, coriaceo, verrucoso, glabro. 182 140 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Glabrous. Leaves alternate, elliptical or sometimes somewhat ovate, shortly and obtusely acuminate, obtusely narrowed or nearly rounded at base, coriaceous, shining and brown (in dried state) on both sides, 2 4J in. long by 1^ 2f in. wide ; petioles | in. long ; veins inconspicuous. Fruit solitary, on the young branches, axillary or lateral, ellipsoidal, shining, smooth, obsoletely pubescent at apex, 1 1| in. long by f 1 in. thick, 5-seeded, cells im- perfect ; peduncle thickened upwards, in. long, somewhat verrucose, glabrous ; calyx cup- shaped, verrucose, about 1 in. across, shallowly 4-lobed, half as high as the fruit ; seeds oblong, | in. long. Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 3568. 52. MABA BECCARII, sp, nov. M. foliis elliptico-dblongis vel ovalibus, apice breviter et obtuse acuminatis, basi rotundatis, coriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus breviter pedunculatis, solitaries vel aliquando bint's ; calyce 4-fido, truncato, lobis rotundatis, arete imbricatis, sinistrorse contortis ; fructu immature pubes- cente, S-loculari(f), apice conico ; stylo brevi, apice 3-lobo. Young shoots ferruginous, shortly tomentose; branches puberulous, spreading at about 55. Leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong or oval, shortly and obtusely acuminate at apex, rounded at base, coriaceous, quickly glabrate except the shortly tomentose and strong midrib beneath ; veins indistinct ; | 2 in. long by f 1 in. wide ; petioles in. long, rather stout, shortly pubescent. Known only after the fall of the corolla. Flowers shortly pedunculate, solitary or occa- sionally 2 together ; peduncles ^ in. long. Calyx campanulate, in. long by in. thick, shortly pubescent with rufous hairs, 4-fid, apparently truncate by closely contorted imbrica- tion of the rounded lobes ; ovary (or young fruit) rufous with short hairs, conical above, exceeding the calyx, 3-celled (?) ; style short, 3-lobed at apex. Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1948. 53. MABA SERICEA. M. foliis lanceolatis, disticJiis, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, coriaceis, supra nervo ex- cepto glaberrimis, subtus dense pubescentibus, pilis appressis flams sericeis, breviter petiolatis; floribus polygamis (?), subsessilibus, pJerumque pentameris, calyce campanulato, corolla 5-fldd, staminibus 50 60 vel in fl. hermapkrod. circiter 32, Jiispidis ; ovario 6-loculari, sericeo, loculis \-ovulatis ; fructibus flavo-pubescentibus, Q-locularibus. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. Prodr. vill. p. 236. n. 67 (1844), Miq. in Mart. Fl. Bras. vil. Eben. p. 3. n. 1. t. 1. f. 2 (1856). A polygamous (?) small leafy tree, 15 feet high, with patulous horizontal ramification and the leaves arranged in a pinnate manner ; shoots navo-pubescent. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, somewhat narrowed at base, distichous, patent, coriaceous, dark shining and glabrous except along depressed midrib above, densely flavo-sericeous beneath ; with lateral veins not con- spicuous ; 1 3 in. long by | 1 in. wide ; petioles ^ f in. long, pubescent. Bracts lanceo- late, fulvo-pubescent ; flowers usually pentamerous. . Cunakm. MB HIERN, ON EBENACELE. 151 VII. ERMELLINUS. Fruiting calyx-tube without internal elevated rim at top. Stamens 8; leaves not velutinous. Leaves glabrous ; branches glabrous except extremities. Leaves cuneate at base, 1J 3 in. long. 62. Leaves obtuse at both ends, 4 5 in. long. 63. Leaves appressedly pubescent, at least on veins beneath ; shoots pubescent. 64. Stamens 9 10; leaves velutinous-pubescent; flowers 4 5-merous. 65. Stamens 12 ; leaves velutinous beneath ; lateral flowers 3-merous. 66. Stamens 12; leaves glabrous, not velutinous ; flowers 5-merous. 67. Stamens 14 20. Fruit obconical. Fruit rounded at base. Corolla-lobes acute or acuminate; ovary hairy. Calyx-lobes lanceolate. Calyx-lobes rounded. Leaves and petioles glabrous. 70. Leaves and petioles more or less pubescent. 71. Corolla-lobes obtuse; ovary glabrous. Leaves ferruginous-pubescent beneath, rounded at base. Leaves glabrescent, narrowed at base. <5 Calyx glabrous outside, tomentose inside; peduncles J | in. long Calyx more or less hairy outside ; peduncles very short. Calyx deeply 4-lobed; ovary 4-celled. Leaves somewhat ovate. 74 Leaves somewhat obovate. 75. -floris, calyce campanulato apice 4 Q-lobo, staminibus 12 18; floribus femineis solitariis brevissime pedunculatis, staminodiis 6, fructibus subglobosis vel ovoideis glabris, calyce pro/wide 4 6-fido, lobis ovatis margine extus reflexis ; albumine ruminato. Hamilt. (olim Buch.) in Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. Ill (1827). Diospyros exculpta, Hamilt. I.e. p. 110, D. exsculpta, Alph. D.C. Prodr. VIII. p. 223. n. 3 (1844), Bedd. Fl. Sylv. t. 66 (1870) ? fr. Diospyros insculpta, Hamilt. I.e. p. 112, Alph. DC. I.e. n. 6. Diospyros tomentosa, Roxb. Hort. Beng. p. 40 (1814), Fl. Ind. edit. 1832 vol. 2. p. 532, Roxb. draw. n. 1728 in Hb. Kew, R. Wight Ic. tt. 182, 183 (1840), non Poir. ID. speciosa, Wood, Rep. For. Oudh 1867 68, p. 33 (name only, 1869). Called Tupru (Carnatic), Kend (Hindoo), Kendu (Bengal) according to Hamilton, and Kallindoo (Sanscrit), Kyou and Tumala (Bengal), according to Roxburgh; Tunki in the Cuddapah district, and Tumboornee in the Bombay presidency, according to Beddome. A tree either of small moderate or large size up to 60 80 ft. high ; dioecious or poly- gamous; the heart-wood is black in some trees and of a hard and heavy substance called at Munghur Batti and at Saseram Abnus. The latter word is said to be of Persian origin and a source from which our word Ebony is derived. Trunk grey-black, bark very closely cracked both transversely and longitudinally. Branches cinereous, alternate or opposite, ramified as in the oak ; young shoots ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves opposite subopposite and alternate, elliptical ovate or subrotund, bright green, more or less coriaceous, usually almost glabrous on the upper side and tomentose beneath, sometimes glabrous on both sides; obtuse or rounded at the base ; emarginate rounded or obtusely narrowed or sometimes apiculate at apex; 3 14 in. long by li 7^ in. wide; petioles ^ fin. long; lateral veins usually prominent beneath; deciduous. 6 ^Flowers 3 or 4, on recurved thickened tomentose peduncles equalling or rather longer than the petioles, 4 5-merous, white, | ^in. long; bracts small; pedicels very short ; calyx tomentose, campanulate ; corolla much longer than the calyx, with short lobes, hairy outside; stamens 12 18, inserted on the receptacle, glabrous (?); ovary rudimentary, hairy. 9 Flowers solitary, subsessile or shortly stalked, 4 6-merous; peduncles about -j^in. long ; bracts 3 4, scale-like, caducous ; calyx campanulate, 4 6-fid ; corolla shortly 4 6- lobed; staminodes 6; ovary 4 (-6?) -celled, somewhat hairy; styles 2 ( 3). Fruit egg- shaped or globose, glabrescent, about 1 in. long by f in. thick, usually 4-celled and 3-seeded ; seeds Jin. long by Jin. wide and Jin. thick; fruiting calyx surrounding the base of the MR HIERN, ON EBENACEA 159 fruit or spreading, pubescent on both sides, | fin. across, not or scarcely accrescent; testa shining, marked with reticulated depressions; albumen cartilaginous, ruminated, grey. "The fruit when ripe is sweet and not very bad tasted;" according to Hamilton the cotyledons in D. insculpta are conduplicate. This valuable tree sheds all its leaves in the cold season, and they appear again in the beginning of the hot weather (Beddome) ; not uncommon in the Cuddapah, Salem and Kurnool forests in Madras. Difficult to distinguish from D. melanoxylon, Roxb., to which species it ought perhaps to be united. N.W. India. Hb. Eoyle!; Brundekund, Edgeworth! 6004; Hb. Stocks/ ; plains of Behar, &c., Dr Hooker ! 440, 441 ; Magadi (used for small beams and posts), Hejuru, S.W. Mysore (a large tree ; timber good), Hitch. Ham. Journey vol. I. p. 183. vol. n. p. 125. W. Himalaya, Dr Stewart! 5. DIOSPYKOS MELANOXYLON, Roxb. Coromand. p. 36. t. 46 (1795). D. foliis oppositis suboppositis vel alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice rotundatis vel leviter angustatis, basi cuneatis vel rarius rotundatis, pubescentibus tenuiter coriaceis, petiolatis ; pedun- culis florum masculorum longitudine petioli plurifloris, calyce campamdato, tomentoso, breviter 4 5-lobo, staminibus 12 16, rarius 8, glabris vel antheris leviter hirsutis ; floribus femineis solitariis brevissime pedunculatis 5 4-mem, staminodiis 8 vel 10, ovario 4 (8-) loculari, fruc- tibus globosis vel ovoideis, pubescentibus vel glabratis, plerumque k-sperinis ; albumine ruminate. Alph. DC. Prodr. VIII. p. 224. n. 7 (1844), non Blum, nee Hassk. D. Wightiana, Wall.! List n. 4406 (182832), Alph. DC. Prodr. vni. p. 223. n.2, Beddom. Fl. Sylv. Madras, t 67 (1870). D. Eoylii, Wall. List n. 4134 (182832), D. Roylei, Alph. DC. I.e. p. 239. n. 89. D. dubia, Wall. n. 4407, Alph. DC. I. c. p. 223. n. 4, non Goepp. Cfr. D. rubiginosa, Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. p. 385 (1821), et D. montana, Heyne ex Roth I. c., non Roxb. Tumki Tumi and Tumbi in Tamil and Telugu, ex Beddome, Fl. Sylv. Madr. t. 67 (1870) ; Tumida of the Telingas, ex Roxb. 1. c. ; Tumballi of the Tamuls, ex Roxb. Fl. Ind. edit. 1832, vol. II. p. 531; Tindoo of the Hindoos ex Roxb. I.e.; (Tendoo, Beddome); Coromandel ebony tree; Thomboorah Marum in Hb. Wight; Toomrie, Dr Ritchie (Belgaum). A large tree with a trunk 8 10 feet in circumference, sometimes only a small shrub ; dioecious ; young shoots very downy, pale-ferruginous. Leaves opposite subopposite and alternate, pubescent especially beneath, thinly coriaceous, oval or oblong, cuneate or rarely rounded at base, rounded or somewhat narrowed at apex, 2 6 in. long by 1 2 wide ; petioles in. long ; veins less conspicuous than in D. Tupru; deciduous. -nis, globosis, parvis, scepius 4-meris interdum 3- vel 5-meris ; staminibus 13 22, glabris; floribus femineis solitariis pedunculatis, scepe in ramulis junioribus racemose dispositis, 4 3-meris, globosis; staminodiis 4, glabris; ovario 8- vel 6-loculari; fructibus globosis; albumine ruminato. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 231. n. 41 excl. var. /3 velutina (1844). Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PI. p. 178. n. 3 (1860). Bedd. Ic. PI. Ind. Or. (Part vn.) p. 25. t. 121 (1871). D. orixensis, Klein ex Willd. Sp. PI. iv. p. 110 (1805), Alph. DC. I.e. p. 230. n. 35, non Wight. Native names : Tella-gada of the Telingas ; Nella-gada (Hb. Roxb.) ; Soodoo-Kadoombai- reya-gass in Ceylon. A pretty large tree ; foliage turning black when dry ; branches spreading at 60 75, glabrous or the young shoots pubescent. Leaves alternate, oval, pointed or acuminate, thin, usually somewhat narrowed at base ; nearly or quite glabrous, 2 6 in. long by f 3 in. wide ; petioles ^ ^ in. long, often puberulous ; midrib and veins depressed on upper side, but not conspicuous ; lateral veins not very close. 5 \ in. long, white and fragrant when growing, 3 5-merous, usually 4-merous; calyx very short ^ ^ in. high by Jjj in. wide, 3 5-fid, pubescent or ciliate, glabrous inside; corolla obconic-subglobular, lobed at apex, nearly glabrous ; stamens 13 22, mostly in pairs and inserted at base of corolla, glabrous (or rarely with a few short hairs) ; anthers about the length of the filaments, dehiscing laterally from apex ; ovary rudimentary, somewhat hairy at apex or glabrous. 9 . Flowers solitary, on peduncles ^ \ in. long, larger than the $ , 3 4- usually 4- merous; staminodes 4, glabrous, alternating with the corolla-lobes; ovary 6- or 8-celled, glabrous or hairy at apex ; cells 1-ovuled ; styles 3 or 4 ; fruit globose, glabrous or with a few appressed hairs around apex, in. or more in diameter; fruiting calyx spreading, accres- cent, f in. in diameter. Seeds 2 8 ; albumen somewhat ruminated. Wood very hard, used for fancy work. VOL. XII. PART I. 21 162 MH HIERN, ON EBENACE^. India, Circars, Roxburgh !; Concan, Law !; Bombay, Law /, 3000 ft. alt. Ceylon, Thwaites ! C. P. 2729, damp forests up to 4000 ft. alt. 8. DIOSPYROS KUEZII, sp. nov. D. foliis alternis, ovato-ovalibus, mox gldbratis, apice acuminatis, basi cuneatis, breviter petiolatis, nitentibits, nervis lateralibus crebris tenuibus ; floribus femineis sub-S-nis, breviter cymosis, tetrameris, urceolatis; staminodiis 4, gldbris ; ovario 4<-loculari, 4<-ovulato, stylis 2, basi connatis. Young branches pubescent with short appressed silky fulvous or brown hairs; branches at about 40. Leaves ovate-oval, quickly glabrescent, alternate, dark, very dark and shining above with crowded delicate lateral veins which are also in relief beneath where the leaf is slightly paler, acuminate at apex, more or less narrowed at base, thinly coriaceous; 2 3 in. long by 1 If in. wide ; petioles ^ \ in. long ; midrib depressed above. 2 Cymes axillary, I \ in. long (excluding flowers), about 3-flowered, with very short pedicels, pubescent, and with small caducous bracts at base of calyx. Flowers in. long. Calyx T \>in. long, puberulous outside, glabrous inside, shortly 4-fid, bigger in young fruit. Corolla 4-lobed at apex, with rounded lobes pubescent on both sides, urceolate ; staminodes 4, glabrous, alternating with corolla-lobes; ovary glabrous except apex, 4-celled; cells 1-ovuled. Styles 2, straight, erect, slender, hairy, long, connate at base. South Andaman, S. Kurz! 9. DIOSPYROS EHRETIOIDES, Wall. List, n. 4137 (1828 32). D. foliis alternis, ellipticis, vix coriaceis, discoloribus ; floribus masculis x-nis, cymosis, subglobosis ; staminibus 22 29, glabris, ovarii rudimento hirsuto ; floribus femineis solitariis, breviter pedunculatis ; fructibus globosis, glabratis ; albumine ruminato. Alph. D.C. Prodr. vin. p. 231. n. 42 (1844). D. mollis, Wall, ex Steud. Nomencl. bot. edit. ii. I. p. 514 (1840). Young shoots and inflorescence ferruginous-pubescent; branches spreading, alternate, terete. Leaves elliptical, rounded or somewhat narrowed at base, rounded obtusely pointed or apiculate at apex, alternate, thinly coriaceous or submembranous, glabrous except the veins, ferruginous or reddish-brown beneath, greener or slaty-brown above, 3 9 in. long by 21 5 in. wide; petioles \ |in. long. 5- seeded. Fruiting calyx somewhat or but little increased, with undulated margins, appressed to fruit or spreading. Seeds shining, | | in. long; albumen cartilaginous, somewhat ruminated; embryo straight; cotyledons linear-lanceolate; radicle shorter than the cotyledons. Difficult to distinguish by technical characters from the Indian species Diospyros hirsuta, Linn, fil., of which it may be taken as the African representative; its forms also are subject to considerable variation. Tropical Africa. Abyssinia; native name Aj6 or Ajejeh, near Docheladscheranne, Schimper! sect. ii. nn. 655, 1243, in flower, June ; Petit in Hb. Franq. iv. Coll. n. 434, in fruit ; Schimper (1862)! n.155, September, 4400 ft. alt.; Nubia, Fayohel, Kotschy ! n. 470, in fruit; Dr Martin St Angel in young fruit; Tinn6 Expedition, nn. 170, 394, fruit in flavour like that of Theobroma Cacao; Benischangul, Cienkowski, n. 966; Gallabat, Matamma, Schweinfurth! n. 973, 974; Mo- zambique, between Tette and the sea coast, Dr Kirk ! in fruit ; near Lupata, Dr Kirk ! in fruit, January ; native names, Sechuana dialect, Makudima; Tette dialect, Kasinjamtolmera ; 50 miles above Tette, Kaurabassa; Sena, Dr Peters!; Niger, Barter! 1208, 1334; Senegambia, Le- prieur !, Whitfield!, Lelierre!, Perrottet/, Dr Daniell! ('Monkey Guava"); Livingstone Expe- dition, (" Mocheka") Dr Kirk!; Angola, Distr. Golungo Alto, Dr Welwitsch! 2529, frequent, " M: usolveira ;" Benguela, in woods from Serra da Xella towards Mumpulla, Dr Welwitsch! 2530 ; Congo, in rocky and sandy woods near Ambriz, Dr Welwitsch ! 2528 ; Cape Coast, Brass ! 13. DIOSPYROS BURMANICA, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XL. Pt. ii. p. 73. n. 96 (1871). D. foliis alternis, ovalibtts, apice obtusis vel brevissime acuminatis, basi rotundis vel sub- cuneatis, breviter petiolatis, tenuiter coriaceis, junioribus supra tomento tenui fugaci adspersis subtus appresse tomentosis; floribus masculis 4 Q-meris, breviter cymosis, tomentosis, urceolato- oblongis, staminibus scepius 8, rarius 14 16, glabris ; floribus femineis solitariis, fructibus globosis, glabris, nitentibus, vulgo 4:-spermis, albumine seminum pukherrime ruminate, calyce fructifero margine undulato. A small tree with young parts appressedly fulvo-pubescent. Branches cinereous. Leaves alternate, oval, obtuse or slightly acuminate at apex, rounded or wedge-shaped at base, thinly coriaceous, covered when young especially beneath with appressed pubescence, at length more or less glabrate, 1 6 in. long by ^ 2 in wide ; veins not prominent ; petioles . Flowers cream-coloured, urceolate-oblong, 4 6- usually 5-merous, $ |in. long, fulvo-tomentose, in short 3 5-flowered axillary cymes, on young branches. Calyx \ \ in. long, hemispherical, tomentose on both sides, shortly 4 6-fid ; lobes deltoid or cordate-ovate. Corolla shortly 4 5-lobed, glabrous inside ; lobes rounded, reflexed. Stamens glabrous, ME HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 167 usually 8, occasionally 14 16, hypogynous or inserted at base of corolla, about $in. long; anthers linear, acute, longer than the filaments. Ovary rudimentary, fulvo-pubescent. 9 . Flowers solitary, pentamerous. Fruit globose, shining, 1 1 in. in diameter, commonly 4-seeded. Seeds about f in. long, reticularly wrinkled outside, shining ; albumen grey, beau- tifully ruminated. Fruiting calyx about Jin. in diameter, at base of fruit, tomentose; margins undulated. Burma, in sandy and hilly woods, 3rd Kioudweng, 13 May, 1837, Griffith! 3638 [see Journal of Travels, p. 104 (1847)] ; Pegu, Zeebenthlah, October, 1861, Dr Brandis ! 952 (vernacular name Tayben) ; M c Lelland ! ; Kurz! 3010. Authentic specimens of this species seen during the printing of this paper prove that it embraces the specimens of Griffith and M c Lelland, which I had previously named D. octandra and so printed on pages 33 and 41. 14. DlOSPYEOS LATEEALIS, sp. nOV. . ' D. ramis teretibus cinereis glabris, gemmis et inflorescentid ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, tenuiter coriaceis vel submembra- naceis, glabris, petiolatis, nervis tenuibus manifestis ; floribus masculis tubulosis breviter cymosis ; cymis lateralibus secus ramos et axillaribus, 3 9-floris; calyce oblongo apice 5 Q-lobo, corolld tubulosd plerumque 5-fidd, staminibus 10 14, inaequalibus, fere glabris, antheris apice minute setulosis, filamentis glabris ; ovario hirsuto rudimentario. Buds and inflorescence ferruginous-pubescent ; branches terete, glabrate, cinereous. Leaves oval, alternate, narrowly acuminate, cuneate at base, glabrous, submembranous or thinly coriaceous, 2 4 in. long by 1 2 in. wide ; lateral veins slender, manifest, about 6 on each side the midrib, margins slightly recurved ; petioles | f in. long, glabrous. $. Cymes lateral on the older branches and axillary on the younger ones, \ Jin. long, 3 9-flowered ; flowers tubular ; calyx oblong, T 3 ^ in. long, 5 6-lobed at apex, glabrous inside, lobes somewhat spreading, often unequal ; corolla tubular, exceeding the calyx, usually 5-fid, lobes obtuse; stamens 10 14, very nearly glabrous, unequal, anthers minutely se- tulose at apex, filaments glabrous; ovary rudimentary, hairy. Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1600. 15. DIOSPYEOS VEERUCOSA, sp. nov. D. fructicosa, foliis ovato-oblongis, alternis, apice angustatis, obtusis, mucronulatis, basi rotundatis, tenuiter coriaceis, supra mbglabris, subtus appresse pubescentibus ; fructibus soli- tariis, pedtmculatis, subtetragono-ellipsoideis vel -globosis, verrucosis, pubescentibus, k-locularibus, 4<-spermis ; pedunculis robustis, patentibus ; calyce fructifero parvo, patente, 4s-lobo, pubescente ; seminibus oblongis, sulcatis, albumine ruminate. A shrub; branches numerous, at length glabrescent, terete; young shoots densely and 168 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. shortly pubescent, subferruginous. Leaves ovate-oblong, alternate, thinly coriaceous, some- what narrowed and mucronulate at apex, rounded at base, nearly glabrous above except that the depressed midrib is sometimes puberulous, paler with soft appressed pubescence beneath and rufous-pubescent on the raised midrib and lateral veins; 1 3| in. long by $ If in. wide, including petiole -fa in. long, rufous, densely puberulous ; lateral veins about 6 on each side the midrib. 9 . Flowers solitary, on distinct densely puberulous rather slender peduncles, axillary ; bracts small, rufous-hairy, caducous, near base of peduncle ; fruiting peduncles stout, thickened upwards with wide articulation at apex, nearly ^ in. across, puberulous or subglabrate, J in. long, patent ; fruiting calyx subtomentose-pubescent on both sides, spreading, 4-fid, ^ in. across; with depresso-deltoid lobes slightly recurved at apex. Fruit oblong or globose, pulpy, roundedly 4-sided, verrucose, at length smoother with pale ferruginous short pubes- cence between the raised warty prominences, obtusely umbonate at apex, 1 l^in. long by 1 in. across from one side to the opposite side, 4-celled ; cells 1-seeded ; seeds | f in. long, enclosed in a thin chartaceous envelope, transverse section a quadrant of a circle of radius -$jin., shewing several intrusions of the testa into the albumen corresponding with depressed lines on the exterior of the seed ; embryo nearly straight, nearly the length of the seed; radicle superior, much shorter than the compressed 1 3-nerved cotyledons. In one case the calyx is triangular and flat. The pulp of the fruit is eaten. E. Africa, Prov. Zanguebar, Dr Kirk ! ; Zambesia, Rovuma R., 20 miles above the mouth. Dr Kirk!, August 1862. 16. DlOSPTROS KOETHALSIANA. D. glabra, foliis altemis ellipticis, apice obtuse acuminatis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, costis inconspicuis ; fructibus solitariis, axillaribus, pedunculatis, glabris, apice cum stylorum reliquiis appresse ferrugineo-hirsutis, ellipsoideis, 8-locularibits, 8-spermis ; seminibus oblongis, albumine ruminato. Diospyros macrocarpa, Korthals MSS. in Hb. Lugd. Batav. Ebenacese No. 2, non mihi. Glabrous ; branches (in dry state) drab. Leaves elliptical, cuneate at base, obtusely acuminate at apex, alternate, coriaceous, 2 4 in. long (besides petiole \ | in. long) by | 1| in. wide, palish brown (in dry state) on both sides, shining above, midrib depressed above ; veins inconspicuous. Fruit solitary, on axillary peduncles which are fin. long, suberect, thickened upwards and thicker than the extension of the young branches from which they grow; fruit ellip- soidal, glabrous except at apex, dark and shining, about lin. across, by scarcely 2 in. (?) long, 8-celled, 8-seeded, tipped by appressedly ferruginous-hairy remains of style. Pericarp in the dry state ^in. long; seeds | in. long by |in. wide and in. thick in the dry state, pendulous from inner side ; albumen somewhat ruminated. Fruiting calyx nearly glabrate outside, appressedly hairy and smooth inside, very crass, MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 169 shallowly cup-shaped, 1 in. across, 4-cornered and shortly 4-lobed ; about J in. high ; tube with elevated rim ; lobes much thinner, reflexed ; verrucose-rugose outside. Borneo, Korthals! 17. DIOSPYROS AFFINIS, Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PL p. 179. n. 6 (1860). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice obtusissimis, basi anyustatis vel subrotundis, tenuiter coriaceis, glabris, petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3 7-nis, cymosis, pubescentibus, 4-mm's, calyce apice lobato, corolld urceolato-oblongd ; staminibus 6 16 glabris vel leviter hirsutis ; floribus femineis sotitariis, pedunculatis; staminodiis 6 8, glabris, ovario 6 (?) -loculari; calyce inter lobos marsupio-dilatato, lobis acuminatis; albumine ruminato. Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. (Part vn.) p. 26 t. 127 (1871). A moderate-sized tree; buds ferruginous hairy; branches quickly glabrescent. Leaves oval or oblong, alternate, quite obtusely narrowed at apex, narrowed at base, thinly coria- ceous, glabrous or puberulous below, 1J 4 Jin. long by \ l^in. wide; petioles \ in. long ; midrib canaliculate above, net-veins numerous, raised on both sides. $ . Flowers in. long, cymose, 3 7 together; cymes fin. long excluding the flowers; ultimate pedicels short, not exceeding -j^in. long. Calyx semi-ellipsoidal, with short hairs on both sides, 4-toothed at apex, -Jin. long. Corolla shortly salver-shaped, tawny-hairy outside ; tube inflated below, constricted at top ; lobes 4, spreading, oval, somewhat pointed at apex, about ^ the length of the tube. Stamens 6 16, usually about 9 and some or all in pairs, short, usually hypogynous and unequal ; filaments glabrous, shorter than the anthers which are glabrous or somewhat hairy. Ovary rudimentary, represented by a bunch of hairs. ? . Flowers solitary, in. long and wide ; peduncles axillary, \ ^ in. long, equalling or rather shorter than the flower, puberulous. Calyx -^jin. long, hairy inside, subglabrate outside, 4-fid, plicate ; lobes acuminate with very wide sinuses ; somewhat enlarged in fruit. Corolla shortly 4-fid with 6 8 glabrous staminodes at base inside. Ovary 6-celled (4-celled ?, conical), hairy ; styles 2, bifid at apex. Fruit globular, apiculate, usually 4-seeded, 1 in. long, finally glabrous ; seeds $ in. long or more by ^ in. wide, with ruminated albumen. Ceylon, Thwaites ! C.P. 2924. 18. DIOSPYROS CRUMENATA, Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PL p. 179. n. 5 (1860). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, obtuse et breviter acuminatis, coriaceis, glabris, petiolatis ; floribus masculis breviter cymosis, 3 5-nis, tetrameris, pubescentibus, staminibus circiter 12, glabris; floribus femineis solitariis, breviter pedunculatis, tetrameris, calyce inter lobos marsupio-dilatato, staminodiis 8, glabris; ovario 8-loculari, hirsuto; fructibus subglobosis glabrescentibus, albumine ruminato. Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. (Part VII.) p. 26. t. 126 (1871). A large tree; branches glabrous. Leaves oval or oblong, alternate, obtusely shortly VOL. XII. PART L 22 170 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. and abruptly acuminate at apex, rounded or narrowed at base, coriaceous, glabrous, with midrib channelled above and net-veins numerous and raised on both sides, 2 5 in. long by 1 2 in. wide; petioles in. long, canaliculate above. -fidd; staminodiis 8, osqualibus, uniserialibus ; ovario hispido ; fructibus globosis, subgldbris, succulentis. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 230. n. 38 excl. var. (1844), non Hassk. Plant. Javan. rar. p. 467 (1848). Young shoots puberulous; branches dark, terete, smooth. Leaves alternate, elliptical, firmly submembranous, somewhat narrowed at base, acuminate at apex, glabrous and shining, 2| Sin. long by 1J 2|in. wide, petioles \ Jin. long; veins inconspicuous above; midrib depressed above ; margins neatly recurved. 9 . Cymes axillary or lateral, fasciculate, many-flowered, J f in. long (excluding the flowers), shortly pubescent, ferruginous (or fuliginous) ; common peduncle obsolete ; pedicels J jin~ long; bracts ovate acuminate, near base of pedicels. Flowers about ^in. long; calyx about in. long, puberulous outside, deeply 4-lobed ; lobes with sides reflexed from a longitudinal internal edge ; corolla glabrous except 4 longitudinal puberulous lines outside, 4-fid, suburceolate ; tube in. long and thick, lobes f in. long spreading, ovate, subciliate and pointed at apex by inflexion of sides near apex, contorted in asstivation ; staminodes 8, equal, inserted in one row near base of corolla, f in. long, appearing at mouth of corolla- tube, filaments longer than the barren anthers, hairy near top ; ovary globose below, ovoid above, terminated by 2 hairy styles, ferrugineo- or (nigro-) hispid, 4- (10-) celled, 4- (10-) ovuled ; stigmas emarginate. Fruit globose, subglabrate, 1| in. in diameter, succulent ; (seed scarcely 1 in. long by f in. wide, transversely sulcate outside ; albumen ruminated). Fruiting ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 171 calyx | in. across, spreading, puberulous outside, with raised 4-sided thickened stellate border inside; lobes wide, short, undulated. Java, Blume! , Horsfield drawings n. 128 (part) in Hb. Kew. 20. DIOSPYROS DENSIFLORA, Wall. List, n. 4140 (182832). D, foliis altemis, anguste ovalibus, utrinque obtusis, interdum subacutis, glabris, coriaceis, supra nitidis venis inconspicuis, petiolatis; floribus cymosis, tetrameris, pubescentibus, calyce profunde lobato, lobis margine refiends, corolld tubulosd, staminibus 15 16, antheris glabris, filamentis brevissimis hirsutis; fructibus globosis, ferrugineo-pilosis, calyce fructifero plicato, seminibus oblongis, transverse notatis, albumine ruminate (?). Alph. DC. Prod. vin. p. 233. n. 56. (1844). Branches glabrous terete. Leaves alternate, coriaceous, oval-oblong, glabrous, obtuse or obtusely acuminate at apex, slightly narrowed at base, 4 Sin. long by 1J Sfin. wide; petioles about ^ in. long, glabrous, strong, wrinkled ; midrib depressed and lateral veins slightly raised on upper face. -fidd, lobis ovatis acuminatis, staminibus 12, glabris ; fruc- tibus solitariis, subsessilibus, depresso-globosis, ferrugineo-sericeis, 8-locularibus ; calyce fructi- fero ampliato, lobis erecto-patentibus. Terminal buds ferruginous-hairy; young shoots pubescent at apex, glabrescent shining and terete below. Leaves alternate, somewhat obovate, acute and apiculate at apex, cuneate to an obtuse base, subcoriaceous, fulvo-velutinous and conspicuously rich-veined beneath, darker nearly glabrescent and nitescent above, except veins ; midrib depressed above ; 1 2 in. long by J 1| in. wide, pellucid-punctate; petioles ^ ^ in. long, ferruginous- pubescent; bracts ovate, small, fulvo-pubescent. $ . Flowers \ in. long, in (1 ) 3-flowered sessile or subsessile fulvous-hairy short cymes, on short pedicels ; calyx campanulate, fulvo-velutinous, unequally 4-lobed, \ \ in. long ; lobes deltoid, acute, less than half the length of the tube, unequal. Corolla hairy outside, glabrous inside, campanulate-oblong, f J in. long, 4-fid ; lobes ovate-lanceolate. Stamens (11 ) 12, glabrous, unequal, 8 in 2 rows opposite lobes of corolla, the inner 4 of which are on shorter filaments than the outer 4 and inserted above them (or united with them in 4 pairs) and 4 alternate with the corolla-lobes, and inserted on corolla near its base ; filaments slender ; ovary rudimentary, fulvoushairy. a * base of peduncles. Calyx about f in. long by J in. thick, finely fulvo-tomentose outside, appress- edly silky inside, tubular, irregularly and shallowly toothed at apex. Corolla about 8 in. long when straightened, nearly glabrous but with ciliate margins to the lobes, 5-fid ; lobes oval, imbricated, reflexed. Staminodes 10, glabrous, in one row, inserted at base of corolla. Style 4-lobed; ovary conical, ferruginous-tomentose, 8-celled; cells 1-ovuled; dissepiments thin. Fruit large, with a sweet black pulp, globose, fulvo-tomentose, crowned with short style, surrounded half-way up by burst calyx. Native name malam kuning. Tamgong Vinbong, Labuan, rather uncommon, Mr Motley ! 7. 25. DlOSPYROS BATOCANA, sp. HOV. D. foliis alternis, ovalibus, utrinque rotundatis, coriaceis, glabris, supra nitentibus, subtus pallidis albidis, margine refiexo, nervis tenuibus, petiolis rugosis ; floribus masculis sessilibus glomeratis secus ramos annotinos in nodulis dispositis, pentameris, fuligineo-hispidis; calyce apice lobato, corolld crassd, avoided; staminibus circiter 12, glabris, inosqualibus, ovarii rudi- mento hispido. A large bush, quite or nearly glabrous except the buds and inflorescence; branches nigro-cinereous, spreading at about 45. Leaves alternate, oblong-elliptical, shining above, whitish beneath, firmly coriaceous, glabrous or with a few minute black setae beneath, more or less rounded at both ends, with reflexed margins and veins in delicate relief on both sides, 2 2| in. long by | 1 in. wide ; petioles J in. long, thick, angular, obliquely and in other directions wrinkled, often twisted or recurved. . foliis alternis, elongato-ovatis, apice acuminatis, basi rotundis, glabris, nitentibus, coriaceis, subtus reticulatis ; petiolis robustis ; floribus masculis ferrugineo-tomentosis, sessilibus, aggregatis, e pulvino convexo surgentibus, bracteis basi obtectis, calyce apice lobato, corolld breviter k-fidd, staminibus 11 13, glabris, ovarii rudimento dense piloso ; fructibus solitariis, subsessilibus, ferrugineo-tomentosis, subglobosis, 8-locularibus ; calyce fructifero, cyathiformi, breviter 4t-lobo, aucto. A tree, 20 30 feet high, glabrous except the fruit and inflorescence, bark rather rough, gum sometimes exudes from it. Leaves elongate-ovate, rounded at the base, acuminate at the apex, alternate, coriaceous, shining, 2| 5 in. long (besides robust petiole about \ in. long) by 1 2 in. wide, midrib depressed above, finely reticulated as in D. tessellaria. $. Flowers 5 12 together sessile or axillary, very short ferruginous hairy dense nodular cymes; bracts imbricated, unequal, ferrugineo-tomentose outside, nearly glabrous inside, oval, some (outer ones) J in. long; buds ovoid, ferrugineo-tomentose, in. long; calyx lobed at apex, hairy outside, glabrous inside. 'Corolla shortly 4-fid, hairy outside, glabrous inside. Stamens 11 13, glabrous; ovary wanting ; receptacle hairy. Native names 176 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^. Sifatatu, Alacainisi. Madagascar, Tranomaro, sands near the sea, July 1862, Dr Heller I Natives say that birds die soon after eating the fruit. 9 . Bracts caducous, imbricated. Fruit solitary, ferruginous-tomentose, subsessile ; young fruit scarcely the length of the accrescent calyx, ovoid or subglobose, \ in. high, umbilicate- depressed at apex, 8-celled, 8-ovuled; pericarp thick; fruiting calyx ferruginous-tomentose on both sides, cup-shaped, shortly 4-lobed. Native name Vorongi. Madagascar, Tranomaro, July 1862, Dr Heller I The following may belong to this species: (1) Specimen with ovoid fruit ferruginous-tomentose 2 in. high, fruiting calyx 1J in. across appressed to base of fruit, leaves 4J 6 in. long by 1| 2J in. wide; Madagascar, Lastelle! 1841, seen in the Paris Museum. (2) Fruit nearly 1 in. long, rufous-tomentose. Fruiting calyx spreading in. across; Madagascar, Chapelier! Seen in the Paris Museum. (3) Fruit IJin. long by 1J in. thick, ferruginous-tomentose, 8-celled; fruiting calyx spreading. Without leaves. Said to come from S. Africa, but probably this is a mistake; Gerard ! n. 190, seen at the Kew Museum. 28. DIOSPYROS TESSELLARIA, Poir. in Enclyc. Me*th. V. p. 430. n. 6 (1804). D, ramulis fusco-cinereis ; foliis alternis, ovalibus vel ovatis, apice rotundatis, basi rotundis, glabris, nitentibus, coriaceis, tenuiter reticulatis, petiolatis ; floribus masculis sessilibus, scepius aggregatis, e pulvino convexo ferrugineo piloso surgentibus, tetrameris, tomentosis, bracteis imbricatis ovato-rotundatis extus sericeis intus glabris ; calyce apice lobato, staminibus 12 13, glabris; floribus femineis aggregatis, tetrameris; fructibus subglobosis, ferrugineo- sericeis vel subglabratis, 8-locularibus, edulibus. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 225. n. 12 (1844). Ebenus tessellaria, Commers. ex Poir. I. c. D. Ebenum, Poir. 1. c. p. 429. n. 4, non Koenig. D. reticulata, Willd. sp. pi. iv. p. 1109, n. 6 (1805), Alph. DC. I, c. n. 11 excl. $ timoriana, non Decaisne. A tree or shrub with dark-cinereous glabrous branches. Leaves alternate, oral or ovate, rounded at both ends, especially at base, where they are sometimes slightly cordate, glabrous, coriaceous, shining, finely reticulated, 3 6 in. long by 1J 3 in. wide; margins slightly reflexed; petioles stout, J J in. long. Flowers densely clustered, sessile, arising from lateral nodules on the young branches, fulvo-sericeous, tetramerous; calyx tubular, lobed at the apex, ^ \ in. long; . tessettaria, Poir. or if not to D. chrysophyllos, Poir. 29. DlQSPYEOS HAPLOSTYLIS, Boiv. MSS. D. foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice anguste acuminatis, basi angustatis, C3riaceis, nitidis, snbglabris, subtus tenuiter reticulatis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3 6-nis, brevissime cymosis vel aggregatis, ferrugineo-sericeis, 4 5-meris, calyce breviter lobato, staminibus 1012, glabris, biserialibus ; floribiis femineis solitariis, brevissime pedunculatis, ferrugineo-sericeis; 4 5-meris, staminodiis 4, glabris, ovario sericeo, depressoglob&so, 8-loculari, stylo apice 4<-lobo; fructibus subglobosis, glabrescentibus, 8-locularibus. A shrub of 12 feet or an erect tree 22 feet high or more ; heart-wood black, very- hard ; young parts puberulous ; branches glabrescerit, terete, subcinereous, smooth. Leaves alternate, oval, narrowly acuminate at apex, somewhat narrowed at base, coriaceous, glabrous with depressed midrib above, highly and minutely reticular beneath with scattered appressed inconspicuous hairs, somewhat undulated, 2 3| in. long by 1 If in. wide; petioles \ in. long. glabrous, short, alternate with corolla-lobes ; ovary densely sericeous, fleshy, depresso-globose, ^ in. high by in. thick, 8-celled, terminated at apex by style; style -^ in. long, 4-lobed at apex. Fruit ferruginous-sericeous when young, glabrescent, subglobose, 1J in. long by 1 in. thick, 8-celled ; cells 1-seeded ; fruiting peduncle ^ in. long, sericeous ; fruiting calyx in, long and wide, hairy on both sides, campanulate or nearly flat, spreading. Madagascar, Nossi Be, Boivin! 2108 bis, PervilUl 439> 505; mountains at Diego, Suares, Bernier! 259 (excL fr.J. '-""-.. . . - - .> .. 30. DIOSPYROS MELANIBA, Poir. in Encycl. Me'th. v. p. 431. n. 7 (1804). Z>. foliis alternis, avalibus, utrinque rotundatis vel obtuse angustatis, glabris, coriaceis, petiolatis, mediocriter reticulatis ; flonbus masculis 1 3-m's, aggregatis, sessilibus, 5 6-meris, calyce subglabro apice lobato, corolla 5 6-fidd, extus sericed, staminibus 22 24, glabris, basi corollce insertis ; fioribus femineis solitariis, fructibus subglobosis, sessilibus, IQ-locularibus, calyce fructifero aucto, 5 Q-lobo, tubo concava, lobis recurvis scepe undulatis ; seminibus oblongis, albumine cavtilagineo t non ruminato. VOL. XII. PART L 23 178 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 227. n. 22 (1844). Ebenus melanida, Commers. ex Poir. I. c. (?) D. pterocalyx, Boj. Hort. Maurit. p. 200. n. 7 (1837), Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 225. n. 141 A tree with glabrous stem and branches. Leaves alternate, oval, rounded or obtusely narrowed at either end, glabrous, coriaceous, 1 8 in. long by 3 in. wide, petioles J J in. long; margins slightly recurved, net-veins delicate, often coloured beneath. . capensis, Alph. DC.! I.e. p. 226. n. 19. (i)D. Neraudii, Alph. DC. I.e. p. 227. n. 23. (?) D. Boutoniana, Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 236. n. 72. A glabrous shrub or tree ; branches especially of the male plants often nodose at the inflorescence. Leaves oval or oblong, alternate, more or less rounded at both ends or occasionally cuneate at base, coriaceous, 1 6 in. long by 1 3 in. wide; petioles \ fin. long. -fidd, staminibus 16, geminatis, glabris; in fiore femineo stamino-: diis 0, ovario glabro(1), 8-loculari ; ,fructibus solitariis, glabris, 2 8-locularibus. A shrub from 10 feet high to a tree 30 feet; occasionally subhermaphrodite or polygamous; branches terete, pale-cinereous or smooth and reddish; young shoots softly flavido-pubescent. Leaves membranous, alternate, obovate-oblong, suddenly narrowed or acuminate or occasionally rounded at apex, cuneate or nearly rounded at base, subglabrescent and deep green above with depressed midrib, somewhat flavido-pubescent or subglabrescent beneath, 2 7J in. long x 1 3 in. wide, besides hairy petiole T \j J in. long. Inflorescence axillary, in short 1 5-flowered cymes, flavido-pubescent, with small caducous bracts, at base of very short pedicels; flowers greenish-yellow, fragrant; $ peduncles not exceeding \ in. long. -nis, tetrameris, pubes- centibus, calyce quadrifldo, corolld tubulosd, staminibus 6 8 vel pluribus, incequalibus ; floribus femineis solitariis, staminodiis 7 8, ovario ovoideo, sericeo, in stylum subulatum attenuate; fructibus subpyramidatis, glabr is, junior ibus k-locularibus ; seminibus 2 4. Noltia tricolor, Schum. et Thonn. Plant. Guin. p. 189 (1827), in Kong. Danske Vidensk. Sel. Phys. og Mathem. Skr. III. p. 209 (1828). A much-branched shrub, 2 4 feet high ; branches terete, ferruginous-tomentose, diverg- ing, sometimes flexuous, procumbent. Leaves alternate, distichous, elliptical, obtuse, nearly rounded at base, with few lateral veins, green and glabrescent above, white-silky with the midrib and margin often ferruginous beneath, 1 Sin. long by | 2 in. wide, the young ones silvery-silky on both sides ; petioles ^ in. long, tomentose. Flowers solitary or 3 4 together, axillary, sessile. . Calyx 4-fid, lobes acute, silky-tomentose, ferruginous ; corolla tubular, 3 times the length of the calyx, scarcely dilated below, sub-4-lobed, subcoriaceous, " red," silky outside, in. long ; lobes acute, erect, inflexed at the margin ; filaments 6 " 8 or more, unequal, 4 often double the length of the rest, half the length of the corolla, pubescent below, inserted on the receptacle, either distinct or 2 3 together at the base," anthers subulate, erect ; ovary rudimentary. 9 . Flowers solitary ; corolla rather inflated at the base ; staminodes 7 8, distinct ; ovary ovoid, silky, attenuated into a subulate style ; stigma acute ; fruit conical-oblong and ferruginous-silky when young, afterwards conical, obsoletely tetragonal, yellow, quite glabrous, 1 in. long by in. wide, 1-celled, 4-seeded ; seeds oblong ; pulp sweetish ; calyx of young 184 MR HIERN, ON fruit i in. high, 4-fid with acutely deltoid lobes, erect; young fruit 4-celled, 2 cells of which are each 1 -seeded. Local name, Aumbce. West tropical Africa, Guinea, Thonning ! , common in the vicinity 'of the shore ; Cape Coast, Brass ! I have without doubt referred this plant to Diospyros, thus following the suggestions of Messrs Bentham and Planchon. See Niger Flora p. 442 (1849) and Annal. Sc. Nat., ser. IV. vol. 3. p. 293 (1855). Plate V. fig. 1. A fruiting branch, from Brass' specimen in Hb. Mus. Brit, natural size. 40. DIOSPYROS FULIGINEA, sp. nov. D. foliis ovali-oblongis, apice anguste et valde acuminatis^ basi scepius rotundatis, glabris vel subtus subglabris, coviaceis, costd superne depressd, venis inconspicuis, margine tenuiter revoluto, petiolo tereti, robusto, fiasco; fructibus ternis, 8-locularibus, 8-spermis, in cymis disiinctis axillaribus fuligineo-hispidis dispositis ; calyce fructifero aperte campanulato, 4 fido, fuligineo- hispido, lobis deltoideis> erecto-patentibus, non plicatis. Branches cinereous, scattered more or less with .small fuliginous spots, gtabrescent; young shoots fuliginous-hispidulous ; leaves alternate, oval-oblong, narrowly and usually suddenly acuminate at apex, usually rounded at base, glabrous or scattered with short appressed inconspicuous hairs beneath, coriaceous, 4| 7 in. long by 1J 2| in. wide, midrib depressed above, veins inconspicuous, margin finely revolute; petioles stout, terete, YuscoUs, with short dark hairs, \ in. long. 9. Cymes many-flowered (?), fuliginous-hispid, fin. long exclusive of the- flowers, bearing in one case 3 fuliginous-hispid fruits with firm pedicels | in. long; young fruit globose, with conical apex, exceeding the calyx, 8-celled, 8-seeded ; fruiting calyx widely campanulate, about i in. in diameter, 4-tid, thickly coriaceous, not plicate ; lobes deltoid, spreading. Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 2486. 41. DIOSPYROS BRANDISIANA, Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. vol. XL. Pt. n. p. 72. n. 93 (1871). D. foliis ovalibus, alternis, apice acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel acutis, chartaceis, adnltis glabris vel secus costas sparse appresse hirsutis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus cymosis e ramis ortis vel axillaribus, 5 4-mms, calyce o-fdo, lobis lineari-lanceolatis, acutis, corolld 5-fidd, lobis obtusis, staminibus circiter 16,. filamentis brevissimis, pubescentibus, antheris glabris; in floribus femineis staminodiis 5, ovario dense fulvo-pubescente, 10-loculari, fructu imrnatura ovoideo, acuminato. Flora, 1871, p. 342. A tree with young parts shortly pubescent. Leaves alternate, oblong- to elliptic-oblong and oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, rounded or acute at base, entire, chartaceous, 4 6-^-8 in. long, the adult ones glabrous pr usually sparsely and appressedly hirsute on the midrib; petioles ^ in. long, puberulous, somewhat depressed above. Flowers ^ & m - l n g ^ n ^e bud, pentamerous or tetramerous, in rather dense much-branched minutely-bracteated black-brown cymes springing from the branches or axillary ; pedicels ^5 J in. long, afterwards elongated' MR HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 185 tomentose ] bracts minute, oblong-lanceolate, tomentose ; calyx covered with slight black or dark brown tomentum, ^ in. long, deeply lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate, acute; corolla- tube appressedly pubescent, ^in, long, rather widened towards the base and commonly 5-sided, lobes equalling the tube, oblong, obtuse. (J. Stamens 14 16 ; filaments very short, pubescent; anthers linear, mucronulate, glabrous. Receptacle hairy, 2 . Staminodes 5 ; ovary densely fulvo-pubescent, 10-celled, terminated by the rather long simple crass style. Very young fruit, ovoid-conical, acuminate, shortly pubescent. Burma, Martaban, Dombamee forests, Dr Brandis ! 42. DIOSPYROS SUBACUTA, sp, nov. D. fruticosa, foliis ovato-oblongis, distichis, apice acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel subcor- datis, sub-glabris, margine subciliatis, nitidis, snbsessilibus, nervis inconspicuis ; fructibus soli- tariis, axillaribus, oblongis, apice conicis, appresse pubescentibus, pedunculatis ; calyce fructifero 4>-Jido, pateriformi, pubescente. Shrub ; young parts rufous-pilose-hispid with scattered hairs ; branches dark, terete, glabrescent. Leaves ovate-oblong, distichous, subcoriaceous, glabrous or nearly so and shining, acuminate at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, subsessile, rich brown beneath in the dry state, darker above with elevated midrib ; veins inconspicuous ; 1 3 in. long by | 1 in. wide, spreading ; petioles ^ fa in. long, thick, dark, subpilose ; margins of leaves subciliate with pilose long hairs. 9 . Fruit solitary, axillary, f in. long by ^ in. thick, oblong, conical at apex, covered with short appressed brown pubescence, with several (?) cells ; flowering peduncles ^ in. (or more?) erect-patent, rough; bracts caducous; fruiting calyx 4-fid, pubescent, Jin. across by in. high, shallowly cup-shaped. Madagascar, S!f Marie, Boimn! 43. DIOSPYROS PRURIENS, Dalz. in Kew Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 110. n. 2 (1852). D. foliis alternis, ovali-oblongis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel subcordatis, tenuiter coriaceis, supra nervo excepto subglabrescentibus, subtus prcesertim secus nervos piloso-hirsutis, breviter petiolatis; floribus masculis axillaribus, pedunculis confertis, 1 2- floris, calyce 4>-partito, utrinque piloso, corolld profunde 4t-fidd, extus sericed, lobis obtusis, gtaminibus 13 14, glabris, hypoyynis; floribus femineis 4 5-meris, staminodiis 4 5, glabris, ovario ferrugineo-hispido, 4-loculari, loculis \-ovnlallis; fructibus piloso-prurientibiis, ovoideo-conicis, 4*-locularibus, loculis 1-spermis. Bedd. Ic. PL Ind. Or. (Pt. vn.) p. 26. t. 129 (1871) ; (?) Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PL p. 423, (1864). Young shoots, peduncles, petioles and underside of leaves, especially on the veins, softly pilose-hirsute, fulvous; branches terete, dark, glabrescent. Leaves oval-oblong; shortly and usually obtusely acuminate at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, thinly subcoriaceous, alternate, 2 4 in. long by | If in. wide, with petiole -^ in. long, subglabrescent above, except the depressed midrib; lateral veins not strong. VOL. XII. PART I. 24 186 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. -Jido, pubescente, ovario breviter pubescente, 8-loculari ; fructibus oblongis obtusis, calyce fructi- fero aucto patente coriaceo. From a shrub 10 feet high to a large tree, glabrous except the extremities and inflo- rescence ; branches at 25 35. Leaves alternate, oval ovate or nearly oblong, obtuse, usually acuminate at the apex, more or less narrowed at base, glabrous, coriaceous, of the same (metallic) colour on both sides, reticulated, shining, 2 5 in. long ^ Sin. wide; petioles -fa | in. long. ? . Peduncles slender, on young branches or clustered on the old wood, 1 If in. long, puberulous or glabrescent, 1-flowered, with small deciduous bracts below the middle ; calyx in. long, coriaceous, covered on both sides with close pale tawny pubescence, deeply 4-fid, with ovate-deltoid lobes dilated towards the base undulating at the margin and shortly acuminate ; ovary shortly hairy, ovoid-tetragonal, 8-celled, cells 1-ovuled ; styles 4, short ; fruiting calyx spreading, with very short pubescence on both sides, whitened within, l 1| in. across, 4-fid; fruit oblong, rounded at apex, ^in. long, ^in. thick, nearly glabrous, whitened in parts, 8-celled. Madagascar, Bojer! ; Forest Lomoume, Nossi Be, Perville'f 27-5; East side, Chapelier! 82; native name Ozou-matana. 53. DIOSPYEOS GRACILIFLORA, sp. nov. D. foliis ovalibus, alternis, apice anguste acuminatis, subcaudatis, basi cimeatis, firmiter submembranaceis, costd utrinque puberuld, ceterum glabris, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis solitariis, gracillimis, gradllime pedunculatis, tetrameris ; staminibus S, glabris, ovarii mdimento glabro. 192 MB HIERN, ON EBENACEJS. Branches slender, terete, puberulous, leafy ; leaves oval or somewhat obovate, alternate, narrowly acuminate or subcaudate at apex, cuneate at base, shining, firmly submembranous, glabrous except the midrib which is puberulous on both sides and depressed above, 1| 4| in. long by | H in. wide; veins inconspicuous above, lateral veins few; petioles ^ j^in. long, puberulous. ,$ . Flowers solitary, very slender, f in. long, on very slender remotely setulose peduncles J | in. long, which arise from small bracts on the young branches ; calyx ^ in. long, cam- panulate, 4-fid, puberulous outside, glabrous inside, ciliate, lobes rounded; corolla narrowly tubular (in bud), fin. long by -j^in. thick, deeply 4-fid, glabrous, somewhat constricted below lobes ; lobes obtuse, much contorted ; stamens 8, biseriate, glabrous, unequal, anthers oblong, filaments more or less connate at base into hypogynous ring ; ovary rudimentary, glabrous. Borneo, 0, Beccari! n. 1560. 54. DIOSPTROS PERVILLEI, sp. nov. D. foliis anguste ovalibus, alternis, apice acuminatis, basi cuneatis, glabris, coriaceis, unicoloribus, petiolatis, nervis gracillimis ; fructibus 1 3-nis, rigide cymosis, subglobosis, subglabris, nitidis, plurilocularibus, calyce aucto, reflexo, coriaceo, 4s-partito, nervoso. A tree 40 feet high, very nearly glabrous in all its parts ; branches at about 50. Leaves alternate, narrowly elliptical, acuminate at apex, narrowed at base, glabrous, coria- ceous, of same (metallic) colour on both sides, shining, about 6 in. by 2 2f in. wide ; petioles about in. long, strong ; veins numerous, slender. 9 . Cymes about 3-flowered, rigid in fruit, common peduncle \ f in. long, fruiting pedicels \ \ in. long ; fruiting calyx 4-partite, coriaceous, veined, lobes reflexed, oblong, rounded at apex, | 1 in. long by \ \ in. wide. Fruit subglobose, 1 in. long by f in. thick, nearly glabrate but with a few scattered short appressed weak hairs, shining, with remains of 4 styles at apex, 8-celled and -seeded (?) ; seeds fin. long, albumen not ruminated (?). Madagascar, Nossi Be, Perville ! 525. 55. DlOSPYROS DICTYONEURA, sp. nOV. D. foliis ovali-oblongis, alternis, glabris, apice, acuminatis, basi parum angustatis vel sub- rotundatis, coriaceis, utrinque reticulatis, nitentibus, petiolatis; floribus masculis pentameris, cymosis; cymis uncialibus, multiftoris, axillaribus; calyce partito, basi plicato ; corolld tubulosd, carnosd staminibus 20, plerisque binis, antheris linearibus glabris, filamentis brevibus hispidis. Shoots terete, softly puberulous. Leaves alternate, oval-oblong, acuminate at apex, slightly narrowed or slightly subrotundate at base, glabrous, coriaceous, shining, with raised well- marked net-veins on both sides, 6 7 in. long by 2^ 2 in. wide ; midrib depressed above ; margins recurved ; petioles stout, wrinkled, | J in. long. <5. Cymes axillary, lin. long exclusive of the flowers, many-flowered, pubescent ; flowers pubescent, pentamerous; calyx about fin. broad and high, partite, plicate at base, lobes ovate- deltoid, sides sometimes plicate towards base, subobtuse, shortly pubescent on both sides; MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 193 corolla glabrous inside, in. long, shortly 5-fid, lobes rounded ; stamens 20, mostly in pairs, subequal ; anthers linear glabrous, filaments very short, hispid, more or less combined at base. Ovary rudimentary, represented by a bunch of hairs. Borneo, 0. Beccari! 2542, 2615. 56. DlOSPYBOS ASTEROCALYX, Sp. nOV. D. foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice breviter acuminatis, basi obtusis, glabris, coriaceis, subtus conspicue reticulatis, petiolatis; floribus femineis racemosis tetrameris, racemis 5 7-floris, basi bracteatis ; calyce profunde 4<-lobo, ferrugineo-velutino, stellate, lobis margine revolutis, corolla urceolatd 4-jidd ; staminodiis 3 4,- ovario velutino, 8-loculari, loculis \-ovulatis. Buds and inflorescence ferruginous-velutinous, in other parts glabrate ; leaves alternate, oval, shortly acuminate at apex, obtuse at base, coriaceous, conspicuously net-veined beneath, 2| 7| in. long by 1 3^ in. wide; margins recurved; petioles J fin. long. 9 . Flowers racemose ; racemes 1 2 \ in. long, pedicels patent, unequal, ranging up to ^ in. long, the lower ones the longer. Calyx thickly coriaceous, deeply 4-lobed, stellate, f | in. in diameter ; lobes widely ovate but much revolute. Corolla widely urceolate, under in. high, 4-fid, lobes hairy on both sides, obtuse ; staminodes 3 (in one case), glabrous, inserted at base of corolla, alternate with its lobes. Ovary velutinous, ovoid, conical at apex, 8-celled, cells 1-ovuled ; style very short, lobed at apex, velutinous ; stigmas glabrous. Borneo, 0. Beccari I n. 2612. 57. DIOSPYROS HORSFIELDII, sp. nov. D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi subrotundatis vel obtusis, glabrescentibus, tenuiter coriaceis, supra nitentibus depresso-venosis, subtus reticulatis, breviter petiolatis; cymis later alibtts vel axillaribus, fuligineo-hispidis, calyce plicato, 4s-lol>o, cor olid urceolatd 4:-lobd, staminibus 14 16 (in fl. fern. 12, sterilibus), antheris glabris, filamentis hispidis, ovario in floribus femineis dense hispido, 8-loculari ; fructibus globosis. Diospyros frutescens, Hasskarl, Plant. Javan. Rar. p. 467 (1848), non Blume. Branches numerous, terete and glabrous, spreading at about 70, green when young, afterwards turning black. Leaves oblong or elliptical, alternate, soon quite glabrous, acuminate at apex, somewhat narrowed or nearly rounded at base, with veins plainly depressed on upper surface and in conspicuous relief beneath, shining above, thinly coriaceous, 4 9J in. long by If 4 in. wide ; petioles J J in. long. -fidd, lobis late rotundatis, staminibus 12 14, glabris, plerisque geminatis, ovarii rudimento pubescente. Young branches and inflorescence ferruginous-pubescent ; shoots terete, shining, rather dark. Leaves alternate, ovate-lanceolate or -oblong, rather obtusely acuminate at apex< cordate at base, subcoriaceous, shining brown and nearly glabrous above with somewhat sunken veins, rather paler and nearly glabrous beneath with somewhat ruddy raised mid- rib and clear but not close net-veins, 2| 6J in. long by 1 2f in. wide ; petiole T J 2 J in. long, thick, pubescent. -partito, lobis margine revolutis vel undulatis; corolld 4t-fidd, lobis obtusis; staminodiis 8, glabris; ovario glabro, 4>-loculari, loculis I-owlatis. Young parts, petioles, underside of leaves and inflorescence ferruginous-pubescent ; shoots longitudinally wrinkled. Leaves oval-oblong, narrowly acuminate, obtuse at apex, rounded or rarely slightly narrowed at base, thinly coriaceous, glabrous above with indistinct veins, flat, 2 6 in. long by 1 2J in. wide ; petioles stout, terete, $ J in. long. ? . Flowers solitary, axillary, subsessile, with several caducous ovate bracts at base ; bracts unequal, shorter than the calyx ; calyx campanulate, \ f in. long, hairy on both sides, 4-partite; lobes ovate, with reflexed or undulated margins; corolla (immature) 4-fid, glabrous inside ; lobes obtuse ; staminodes 8, glabrous, equal, in one row ; ovary glabrous, ovoid, 4-celled, cells 1-ovuled. Borneo, 0. Beccari! nn. 2492, 2591. 73. DIOSPYEOS OLEIFOLIA, Wall. List n. 4128 (182832). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel dblongis apice obtuse acuminatis, basi angustatis, subco- riaceis, glabrescentibus, utrinque l-loculari, loculis 1-ovulatis ; fructibus oblongis, glabris. Guatteria ? flavicans, Wall. List, n. 7295 (182832). A dioecious shrub 8 10 feet high or small tree, with virgate terete and somewhat flexuous branches, appressedly ferruginous-pubescent as well as the leaves when young, gla- brescent, spreading at about 50. Leaves alternate, oval-oblong, usually much acuminate at apex into a long obtuse point, somewhat narrowed at base, thinly coriaceous, 2 5|in. long by | 2 in. wide, besides petioles T \j in. long; quickly glabrescent, somewhat shining on both sides; midrib somewhat depressed and lateral veins not conspicuous on upper surface, the latter clear and slender and anastomosing near margin beneath. Inflorescence axillary, shortly cymose, ferruginous-pubescent, with long bracts, 1 several-flowered; flowers white. ff . Cymes very short ; flowers clustered (or solitary) ; with short pedicels bearing long lanceolate foliaceous bracts at base sometimes Jin. long. Calyx \ Jin. long, pilose on both sides, 4-partite or deeply lobed rarely 5-lobed, lobes ovate acute foliaceous, with plicate- valvate sides, lax. Corolla salver-shaped, about double the length of the calyx, pubescent outside, glabrous inside ; tube tetragonal, 4 5-fid or partite. Stamens 14 16 18 20, inserted at or near base of tube of corolla, in pairs, the inner shorter on bent filaments, glabrous ; anthers apiculate, equalling or shorter than the filaments ; ovary 0. 9 . Cymes 1 few-flowered, \ \ in. long ; bracts pubescent outside, glabrous inside, vary- ing in size, leaf-like, at base of pedicels, \ Jin. long. Calyx ^j |in. long, pubescent on both sides, 4-partite; lobes widely ovate, cordate, with undulated and recurved sides and base, plicate, foliaceous. Corolla caducous. Ovary glabrous, tetragonally pyramidal, 4-celled, terminated at apex by an erect glabrous bilobed style -fa in. long or shorter ; cells 1-ovuled. 206 ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Fruit glabrous, oblong, f 1 in. long by -^ f in. thick, obtusely tetragonal, rounded at apex and terminated by remains of style, 4-celled. Fruiting calyx loosely embracing base of fruit, ^ in. high, deeply 4-fid ; margins wavy-reflexed. Mergui, Tenasserim, Griffith f (Cfr. Notulse, vol. iv. p. 291. n. 2. 1854) n. 3639 ; Malacca, Griffith ! Kew List 454, 3623 ; Penang, G. Porter ! from the hills (Wall. List 7295 !) ; (?) Tenasserim and Andamans, Herb Heifer f 3640; Malacca Maingay ! 972, "<5 Feb. 19, 1868, stamens 17 18, $ testa subosseous." An instance of phyllomania occurs in a specimen probably of this species collected by Heifer I n. 423, Tenasserim or Andamans. 75. DIOSPYROS SAPOTOIDES, Kurz MSS. D. foliis alternis, obovato-ovalibus, apice breviter acuminatis, basi cuneatis, mox glabrescen- tibus, tenuiter coriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis aggregatis, subsessilibus, tetra- meris, urceolato-oblongis, calyce profunde lobato, utrinque pubescente ; corolld 4<-fidd, lobis obtusis, staminibus circiter 16, glabris, biserialibus, incequalibus, ovario rudimentario. Branches terete, smooth. Leaves alternate, obovate-oval, shortly acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, quickly glabrescent, thinly coriaceous, glaucescent (bluish green in dry state) above, 3 10 in. long by 1^ 3| in. wide ; lateral veins 12 15 on each side the midrib, arching and anastomosing near the margin ; petioles % J in. long. . Flowers J in. long, urceolate-oblong, tetramerous, clustered, several together, sub- sessile, in axillary nodose dense abbreviated cymes. Calyx about \ in. long, openly campa- nulate, hairy on both sides, deeply lobed; lobes cordate-ovate. Corolla 4-fid, hirsute outside at least along 4 hairy lines on tube; lobes oval, rounded. Stamens 15 16, in two rows, glabrous ; inner row shorter. Ovary wanting. Pegu; flowers in April, 8. Kurz! n. 3013. 76. DIOSPYROS AUREA, (?) Teijsmann et Binnendijk PI. Nov. Hort. Bogor. in Nederl. Kruidk. Arch. in. p. 405 (1855). D. ramis fastigiatis ; foliis bifariis, elliptico-oblongis, breviter acuminatis, basi acute angustatis, glabris, nitidis, tenuissime coriaceis, petiolis crassiusculis ; floribus masculis aggre- gatis subsessilibus tetrameris, calycis lobis deltoideis acutis, corolld tubidosd, lobis ovali-oblongis patentibus, staminibus 16, glabris, antheris apiculatis; floribus femineis solitariis 4 5-meris, staminodiis 10 11, "stigmate profunde 3-fido"; baccd globosd, aurantiacd. Walp. Ann. v. p. 478 (1858). A small tree ; trunk 4 feet high with fastigiate terete contiguous leafy branches which form a dense head; young shoots petioles and pedicels ferruginous-puberulous as well as the midrib of the leaves beneath. Leaves alternate, distichous, glabrescent, oval-oblong, acuminate at apex, narrowed at base into petiole, very thinly coriaceous, shining, with midrib depressed and lateral veins slightly raised above, 4 8 J in. long by 1| 2| in. wide ; petioles ^ Jin. long, rather thick. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 207 5 Flowers in very short many-flowered dense nodular cymes with very short pedicels, in the axils of fallen leaves, | |in. long, slender. Calyx ^in. long, scattered with few inconspicuous short ferruginous hairs, 4-fid ; glabrous inside ; lobes narrowly deltoid, acute, spreading. Corolla tubular, 4-fid, glabrous except 4 lines of short hairs outside ; tube J in. thick in middle where it is slightly inflated ; lobes oval-oblong, spreading. Stamens 16, glabrous, unequal, inserted on the tube of the corolla a little above its base, -fa |in. long ; anthers ovate, apiculate, ^ fa in. long ; the longer filaments exceeding the anthers, in length. Ovary rudimentary, glabrous. $ . Flowers axillary, glabrous, subsessile, of a golden colour, solitary ; calyx 4 5-lobed, with shallow rounded wide plicate lobes, glabrous. Corolla 4' 5-fid, constricted at the apex, scarcely twice the length of the calyx. Ovary 10-celled, glabrous. Staminodes 10 11. Stigma deeply 3-fid (?). Fruit globose, | fin. in diameter, of orange colour, tipped by style, subsessile, with flat or reflexed calyx. Gum sometimes exudes from the young branches. Java, Dr Horsfield ! Ebenacea? nos. 3, 6 ; Bantam, Teijsmann and Binnendijk. 77. DIOSPYROS NIGRICANS, Wall. List n. 6351 (182832). D. foliis alternis ovali-oblongis, apice valde acuminatis, basi obtuse angustatis, firmiter membranaceis, glabris, nitidis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3 6-nis, axillaribus, bre- vissime cymosis, subsessilibus, tetrameris, corolld, gracili, profunde lobatd, staminibus 32, in- ceqwalibus, nonnullis minutis, glabris; fructibus solitariis, breviter pedunculatis, glabris, 4-focw- laribus, sub-globosis, loculis monospermis, albumine non ruminato, calyce fructifero 4i-partito patente vel reflexo. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 239. n. 87 (1844), non Dalz. A tree 50 feet high, with many lax cinereous, glabrescent branches ; young shoots and petioles minutely puberulous. Leaves oval-oblong, much acuminate at apex, somewhat nar- rowed at base, alternate, turning black when dry, firmly membranous, glabrous except on midrib which is puberulous and depressed on the upper surface ; lateral veins and net- veins delicate, not conspicuous above ; 3 5 in. long by 1 If in. wide ; petioles ^ | in. long. 6. Flowers in few (3 6) -flowered short axillary puberulous cymes, subsessile, \ J in. long ; bracts small, imbricated. Calyx with scattered short ferruginous hairs outside shortly 4-lobed. Corolla with few scattered short hairs outside deeply (frds) lobed, slender; lobe.s reflexed at apex. Stamens 32 in one case, very unequal, many minute, glabrous. $ . Fruit glabrous, ovoid or globose, pointed at apex, about in. long, 4-celled, 4-seeded, solitary. Fruiting calyx 4-partite, with scattered ferruginous hairs outside, nearly glabrous inside; with oval, flat, spreading or reflexed lobes, in. long. Seeds oblong, $ in. long; albumen not ruminated, embryo nearly as long as the albumen. Fruiting peduncles shortly hispid, | in. long, patent, unilateral, bearing 2 small bracts. Khasia, Churra, 2000 ft. alt. ; Drs J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson ! 842, June, in fruit ; East Bengal, Griffith! 3628; (Silhet), Wallich! 6351. 208 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 78. DIOSPYROS EBENUM, Koenig in Physiogr. Salsk. Handl. I. p. 176 (1776). D. ligno duro in centra nigro, foliis alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice obtuse acumi- natis, basi obtuse angustatis, tenuiter coriaceis, reticulatis, glabris, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis subsessilibus, breviter cymosis, scepius 3-5-ms, tetrameria, calyce campanulato, ciliato, breviter 4<-lobo, corolld tubulosd, media constrictd, glabrd, 4-fidd, staminibus 16 32, fila- mentis 8 ; floribus fernineis solitariis, staminodiis 16 geminatis vel paucioribus, ovario 8- loculari, glabro vel appresse pubescente, calyce fructifero aucto, tubo campanulato margine in- tus elevato, lobis patentibus vel reflexis, fructibus subglobosis, glabris vel appresse pubescentibus, seminum albumine non ruminato. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 234. n. 63 (1844); Ettingsh. Blatt-skel. Dikot. p. 89. t. 37. f. 13 (1861); Linn. fil. Suppl. PL p. 440 (1781); Koxb. drawings; Beddome, Fl. Sylvat. Madr. t. 65 (1870) ; Wight. Ic. t. 188. (1840). D. glaberrima, Rottb. in Act. Hafn. 1783. vol. II. p. 540. t. 5. D. melanoxylon, Willd. Hb. n. 19243; Sp. pi. iv. p. 1109. n. 8 (1805); non Roxb. D. reticulata, Wall. ! List, p. 159. n. 4120 E. (182832), non Willd. D. Ebenaster, Spach, Hist. Teg^t. IX. p. 407 (1840), t. 135 (1846), non Retz. D. nigricans, Dalz. in Kew Journ. Bot. iv. p. 110 (1852); Bedd. Ic. PI. Ind. Or. (vil.) p. 25, excl. t. 124 (1871) ; non Wall. D. assimilis, Bedd. Report Forests of Madras for 186667, p. 20. t. 1 (1867). A large tree with glabrous branches. Leaves glabrous, alternate, oblong or oval, obtusely communicate or retuse at apex, somewhat narrowed at base, thinly coriacious 2 7 in. long by f 2| in. wide, with petioles \ J in. long ; net-veined, of same colour on both sides. (5. Flowers 3 15 together, subsessile, on short pubescent cymes which about equal the petioles, about fjin. long in bud; Bracts small, caducous. Calyx funnel-shaped, about in. long, shortly 4-lobed, nearly or quite glabrous outside with ciliated margins, hairy inside; lobes rounded. Corolla tubular, constricted at middle, glabrous, 4-fid, with imbri- cated lobes. Stamens 16, unequal, more or less in pairs, glabrous, inserted at base of corolla, or ranging up to 32 on 8 filaments ; ovary rudimentary or wanting. 9. Flowers solitary, with 2 bracts at base, shortly stalked. Calyx much longer than in the -fidd, staminodiis 6, leviter pubescentibus, ovario ovoideo-conico, fulvo-pubescente, 4e-loculari, loculis 1-ovulatis. Young shoots buds inflorescence and underside midrib and margin of young leaves covered with short tawny tomentum ; branches glabrescent. Leaves oval, rather shortly and obtusely acuminate at apex, obtusely narrowed at base, thinly coriaceous, alternate, gla- brescent, shining above, 2 5 Jin. long by 1^ 2^ in. wide; petioles in. long; midrib depressed above ; lateral veins distant, slender, inconspicuous especially above. 9 . Flowers in axillary 1 3-flowered bracteated cymes with several imbricated scales at the base, or solitary near the base of the young shoots of the year; peduncles or pe- dicels -3*5 % in. long ; bracts rounded, tawny-pubescent ; scales at the base of the young shoots several, much imbricated ; flowers f in. long, tawny-pubescent outside, erect. Calyx J in. long, loose, glabrous and shining inside, deeply 4-fid with rounded or sometimes api- MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^. 213 culate imbricated lobes. Corolla glabrous inside, 4-fid ; tube \ in. long by \ in. thick ; lobes oval, spreading and recurved, somewhat cordate at base, round at apex, imbricated. Sta- minodes 6 (in one flower), equal, somewhat tawny-hairy. Style very short, cut at apex. Ovary ovoid-conical, tawny hairy ! 4-celled ! ; cells 1-ovuled ; according to Alph. DC. I. c. the ovary is glabrous and 6- (or 6 8-) celled. Manila, Philippine Islands, Cuming ! 1142. 84.. DIOSPTROS PILOSANTHERA, Blanco, Fl. Filipin. p. 304 (1837). D. caule arboreo, foliis alternis, lanceolatis, coriaceis, glabris, lasi 2 S-glandulosis, bre- vissime petiolatis; floribus [femineis ?] axillaribus sessilibus, 6-nis vel ultra, calyce 4 5-lobo t lobis revolutis, corolld calyce longiore pilosd, 5-lobd, staminibus 5 6, antlieris medio pilosis (sterilibus 1\ stylis 4, baccd 10-spermd. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 237. n. 77 (1844). A tree with hard wood. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, glabrous, coriaceous, with 2 or 3 glandular depressions at the base beneath ; petioles very short. 9 (?) Flowers axillary, sessile, 6 or more together; calyx with 4 or 5 large teeth recurved and bordered at maturity; corolla longer than the calyx, covered with hair outside, naked at the throat, 5-lobed ; stamens 5 6 ; filaments short ; anthers with a line of hairs along the middle; stigmas 4; fruit baccate, 10-seeded, edible; like a small guava; seeds horny, semicircular and thin at the two sides, and convex on the exterior. Philippine Islands, Blanco. 85. DIOSPYROS LANCE^FOLIA, Roxb. Cat. PI. Fl. Ind. (1813). D. foliis alternis, oblongis vel lanceolatis, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, coriaceis, glabris ; floribus masculis fasciculatis, dense cymosis, 3 5 -mis, pubescentibus, tetrameris, calyce campanulato, corolld tubulosd, staminibus 14 16, geminatis, incequalibus, subglabris ; floribus femineis solitariis, subsessilibus, axillaribus, 4 5-meris, staminodiis 8 10, ovario pubescente, 8-loculari, fructibus subglobosis, tomentosis, seminum albumine non ruminato. ' Fl. Ind., Edit. 1832, vol. II. p. 537 ; Roxb. drawings no. 2508 ; Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 232. n. 46 (1844). D. multiflora, Wall. List, n. 4144 (18281832), Alph. DC. Prodr. VIII. p. 231. n. 45, non Blanco. (?) D. amaena, Wall. List. n. 4139 (182832), Alph. DC. I.e. p. 231. n. 44 (1844), Ettingsh. Blatt-skel. Dikot. t. 41. f. 11 (1861). Qoolal or Goolul is the vernacular name in Sillet, ex Roxb. I. c. A pretty large tree, furnishing hard durable timber suitable for the construction of houses ; glabrous except the buds under side of young leaves inflorescence and fruit. Leaves oblong oblong-lanceolate or -ovate, more or less narrowed at base, acuminate at apex, with midrib depressed on upper side, coriaceous, alternate, rather pale on both sides, with veins not conspicuous above, 2 3 6 9J in. long by 2 in. wide, besides petioles $ Jin. long. 214 MR HIERN, ON EBENACEJ3. J 1 . Flowers fascicled on very short dense cymes, 3 5 together, densely ferruginous- pubescent, | | in. long, tetramerous. Calyx campanulate, -fa \ in. long, hairy on both sides, 4-fid or more shortly 4-lobed, with deltoid lobes. Corolla tubular with inflated tube, glabrous inside; lobes spreading, shorter than the tube. Stamens 14, 16, united in pairs by thin filaments and inserted at base of corolla, or hypogynous ; inner ones shorter, f in. long, glabrous except base of anthers or apex of filaments; common filaments ^ in. long; con- nective apiculate. Ovary 0; receptacle hairy. 9 . Flowers solitary, subsessile, axillary, near together, 4 5-merous, \ in. long, densely tawny-pubescent ; bracts short, pubescent, imbricated. Calyx in. high, 4 5-lobed ; lobes with sides sometimes reflexed. Corolla-lobes cordate (ex Roxb.), imbricated. Staminodes 8 10, short, inserted at base of corolla. Style very short, about 8-lobed ; ovary 8-celled, hairy. Fruit ovoid or globose, usually pointed at the apex, tawny-torn entose or appressedly silky, 1 in. or more long. Fruiting calyx pubescent on both sides, 1 in. across, with crass somewhat concave tube and 4 or 5 lobes spreading or recurved and much thinner towards the margins. Albumen not ruminated. East Bengal, Griffith! 3631, 3634; Sillet, Wallich! 4144, 4139 (?); Khasia, Churra, foot of hills; Drs J. D. Hooker and T. Tlwmsonl 20 June 1850, in young fruit. In Khasia? or Cachar? it is called Soi-lo and is a poison for fish, Drs J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson/ 86. DIOSPYHOS GARDNERI, Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PI. p. 181. n. 12 (1860). D. foliis alternis, oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi leviter ang-ustatis, tenuiter coriaceis, gla- bris, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 1 4-m's, subsessilibus, tetrameris, pubescentibus, calyce campanulato, corolld hypocrateriformi, staminibus 16, pubescentibus ; floribus femineis solitariis, ovario 8-loculari, fructibus depresso-globosis, subglabratis. Beddome, Ic. PI. Ind. Or. (Pt. VII.) p. 27. t. 132 (1871). Patonia WaUcerii, Wight, 111. I. p. 19 (1840). A moderate-sized tree; young shoots puberulous, quickly glabrescent. Leaves alternate, thinly coriaceous or submembranous, glabrous, shining above with inconspicuous veins and channelled midrib, oblong, acuminate at apex, somewhat narrowed at base, 3 7 in. long by 1 2 in. wide ; petioles | | in. long ; lateral veins depressed on the upper surface in the thinner-leaved specimens. -fido, extus tomentoso, corolld campanulatd utrinque MR HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 219 tomentosd, breviter 4- rarius 3- vel o-fidd, lobis obtusis, staminibus 13 16, plerisque geminatis, corollce basi insertis, antheris glabris, apice rimosis, filamentis tomentosis, ovario rudimentario. Young parts ferruginous, shortly pubescent ; branches pale, cinereous, terete. Leaves alternate, obovate, rounded or emarginate at apex, narrowed or nearly rounded at base, coriaceous, puberulous with curved hairs on both sides especially beneath, crowded, 1 3 in. long by | 1| in. wide ; petioles | in. long, puberulous, margins revolute, reticulated with delicate inconspicuous veins in faint relief on both sides, midrib slightly depressed above. $ . Inflorescence axillary on young shoots, \ f in. long, ferruginous, pubescent with short hairs; peduncle -^ fin. long; pedicels -fa in. long; flowers ^ Jin., openly cam- panulate ; calyx I in. long, hemispherical, tomentose outside, 4-fid, sometimes unequally so, lobes widely ovate-deltoid ; corolla campanulate, shortly 4-fid, occasionally 3- or 5-lobed, tomentose on both sides, lobes ovate-oval, obtuse; stamens 13 16, all or mostly in pairs, inserted near base of corolla, inner ones shorter, anthers glabrous, equal, lanceolate, acu- minate, filaments tomentose ; ovary rudimentary, receptacle tomentose. Madagascar, Port Leven, Vesco ! , St Marie, Boivin! 2539 b. 94. DIOSPYROS MORRISIANA, Hance ex Walp. Ann. iii. p. 14 (1852). D. foliis ovalibus, alternis, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, tenuiter coriaceis, glabris, petiolatis ; floribus masculis S-nis, breviter cymosis, tetrameris, calyce utrinque pubescente, 4-fido, corolld urceolata, breviter 4>-lobd, lobis obtusis, staminibus 16 25, scepius 20, plerisque geminatis, corollce basi insertis, antheris linearibus, pubescentibus, ovarii rudimento glabro; fructibus glabris, nitidis, subglobosis, 4>-locularibus, loculis monospermis, seminum albumine non ruminate, calyce fructifero patente, subglabro. A shrub (or tree ?) quite glabrous except the buds inflorescence and extremities ; branches dark, terete, spreading at about 30 35. Leaves oval, acuminate at apex, more or less narrowed at base, glabrous, alternate, thinly and firmly coriaceous, with recurved margins, 2 3|in. long by 1 l^in. wide, besides petiole | |in. long; shining above; veins few and slight. -fido, lobis ovatis, ciliatis, corolld urceolatd, breviter 4s-lobd, staminibus 16, geminatis, glabris vel subglabris, corollce basi insertis ; floribus femineis solitariis, breviter pedunculatis, staminodiis 4 12, glabris, ovario glabro globoso, 8-loculari, loculis 1-ovulati's, stylis 4, glabris, seminibus 2 8, albumine non ruminate; calyce fructifero paulum aucto, plus minus reflexo. Wall. List n. 4115, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 230. n. 34 (1844), Wight Ic. t. 1225 (1850). D. cordifolia, Roxb. 1. c. p. 38. t. 50 (1795) ; Wall. List n. 4116 ; Alph. DC. I. c. n. 36 ; Wight, Illustr. Ind. Bot. Vol. n. t. 148 (1850). D. rugosula, R. Br. Prodr. p. 526 (1810)'. D. bracteata, Roxb. Cat. PI. Fl. Ind. (1813); Fl. Ind. edit. 1832, Vol. IL p. 539 ex specimine in Hb. Mart.!; Alph. DC. I.e. p. 239. n. 93. D. heterophylla, Wall. Cat. Burm. 599, List n. 4138 (182832), Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 230. n. 39. D. sylvatica, Wall. List n. 4117! (182832), velutina, Alph. DC. 1. c. p. 231. n. 41 var., non Roxb. D. punctata, Decaisne, in N. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. III. p. 407 (1834) ; Herb. Timor. Discr. p. 79 (1835) ; Alph. DC. I c. p. 230. n. 37. D. rugulosa, Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 229. n. 32 (1844). D. Goindu, Dalz. in Kew Journ. iv. p. Ill (1852). D. Waldemarii, Klotzsch in Waldemar Reise, p. 101. t. 55 (1862). Yerra-gada of the Telingas (R. montana, Roxb.) ex Roxb. I. c. ; Kak-woolymera of the Telingas (R. cordifolia, Roxb.) ex Roxb. I.e.; Vakanoi, Neilygerry Mts., base, Leschanault ! 198 (large tree), seen in Hb. Mus. Paris; Tumala, the Sanscrit name, Bun-Gaub, in Bengal, ex Roxb. Fl. Ind. (edit. 1832) vol. II. p. 538 ; Kola Goindu in Canara, Kala Nuddi, teste Dr Ritchie; Makar Kend, Hindwi dialect of Behar, ex Hamilt. in Tran. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 113 (1827) ; Gavindu or Goindu, ex Graham, Cat. PL Bomb, p. 108 (1839) ; Jugalagunti (signifies scolding wife), ex Buchanan, Journey, vol. I. p. 183 (1807). A tree often with spines scattered over the trunk and larger branches; young branches softly pubescent, of a pale colour. Leaves oval, oblong, obovate, or ovate-oblong, alternate, sometimes cordate at base, thinly coriaceous, of nearly the same yellowish-green colour (in the dry state) on both sides, softly pubescent or glabrescent beneath, softly puberulous or glabrous above, with depressed midrib and weak veins, deciduous, 1 4 5 in. long by 2 2| in. wide ; petioles -fa \ in. long, pubescent or glabrescent. Flowers white, scentless. -locularibus, loculis monospermis, albumine non ruminato, calyce fructifero pro- funde 4>-lobo appresse pubescente, aucto, foliaceo, lobis suberectis, ovatis, acuminatis, basi cor- datis. Young parts inflorescence petioles and midrib of leaves beneath covered with short stiff puberulence. Leaves firmly submembranous, oblong, alternate, with a long narrow acumen at apex, cuneate at base, distichous, 2| 5 in. long by |? 2 in. wide ; petioles J ^ in. long ; veins slightly depressed above, in relief beneath ; lateral veins 5 6 ; very minutely and vaguely pellucid-punctate. 9 . Cymes rather lax, about \ in. long or shorter (excluding the flowers) ; peduncles \ in. long, about 3-flowered ; pedicels with yellowish hairs, thickened upwards ; bracts foliaceous, caducous. Fruit (unripe ?) oblong, f \ in. long, glabrous ; style, erect, glabrous (broken), dis- tinct. Fruiting calyx deeply 4-lobed, appressedly pubescent, erect or sub-erect, nearly as long as the young fruit ; lobes ovate, acutely acuminate, wide and cordate at base, foliaceous, wavy ; seed \ in. long; albumen not ruminated; young fruit glabrous, 4-celled; cells 1-seeded. Sumatra, Korthals !, distr. Angkola, Junghuhn /; Borneo, Kortlwh / 114. DIOSPYROS PENIHJLA, Hasselt ex Hasskarl PL Javan. p. 468. n. 352 (1848). D. foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, utrinque acuminatis, gla'jris, breviter petiolatis, Jloribus masculis solitariis, femineis I 2-ra's vel breve-racemosis, calyce 4<-fido, nigro-piloso, corolla} lobis revolutis, jilamentis 8, villosis, antheras 2 3 gerentibus, ovario ovoideo, 4 8-loculari, fructibus carnosis. A lofty dioecious tree. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate at both ends, 2J 3| in. long by 1 2 wide, shortly petiolate, glabrous. $. Flowers solitary. 9- Flowers solitary 2 together or collected in small racemes, pendulous. Calyx 4-fid, bright green, nigro-pilose. Corolla pale yellow, with reflexed lobes. Filaments 8, short, hairy, bearing 2 3 anthers. Ovary ovoid, 4 8-celled ; style thick, attenuate at the apex (or 2 4 connate styles) ; stigmas 4, emarginate. Fruit fleshy, pilose when young, 4 8-celled ; cells 1-seeded. Java, Bantam Province, Mt. Pulassarie, flowers in June, between 4000 ft. alt. and the crater, Hasselt. ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. . 237 115. DioSPYROS MACROPHYLLA, Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. p. 670 (1825). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel ovali-oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel interdum subcordatis, tenuiter coriaceis, supra glabris, subtus glabriusculis, nervis gracilibus, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis paniculatis, pedicellis brevibus, calyce breviter 3 5-fido,- urceolato, corolla breviter 5-lobd, crasso-ligned, staminibus 12, geminatis, glabris, cymis femineis pauci- floris brevibus, fructibus tomentosis subglobosis, calyce fructifero aucto. Alph. DO. Prodr. vin. p. 228. n. 27 (1844), non Wall. D. phyllomegas, Steud. Nomencl. Bot. edit. ii. vol. I. p. 514 (1840). A tree 60 feet high, with dark terete branches. Leaves alternate, oval or oval-oblong, acuminate at apex, rounded or sub-cordate at base, thinly coriaceous, nearly glabrescent above with clear slender arching lateral veins, glabrous above, 3 10 in. long by 1J 4j in. wide ; petioles J J in. long. ,J. Flowers axillary, paniculate, in. long, pubescent ; panicles many-flowered; 1 1 J in. long, ultimate pedicels mostly short. Calyx shortly 3 5-fid, globose-urceolate, T 3 ff in. long, lobes deltoid ; corolla silky outside, ovoid in bud, shortly 5-lobed, tube very crass and hard ; stamens 12, unequal, in pairs, glabrous. 2 . Cymes few-flowered, short, calyx 4 5-fid, hairy on both sides, accrescent in fruit ; fruit tomentose, sub-globose, 1 in. or more in diameter. Java, in mountainous places, Blume ! Local name Kitjallung. 116. DIOSPYROS OVALIFOLIA, R. Wight, Ic. t. 1227 (1850). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice obtusis, basi angustatis, tenuiter coriaceis, glabris, petiolatis, jloribus aggregatis, 3 6-m's, brevissime cymosis, 4 5-mem, urceolatis, calyce brevi, pubescente, corolla subglabrd, lobis obtusis, staminibus 13 20, glabris, subcequalibus, plerisque geminatis ; in Jlore femineo staminodiis 7, ovario hirsuto 4- vel 6-loculari, loculis l-ovulatis ; fructibus solitariis, globosis, glabratis, seminum albumine non ruminato. Thw. Enum. Ceyl. PL p. 181. n. 13 (1864). A moderate-sized tree, glabrous except the inflorescence. Leaves oval- or obovate-oblong, rounded or obtusely pointed at apex, more or less narrowed at base, thinly coriaceous, alternate, midrib depressed above, 1^ 6 in. long by \ 2| in. wide, with petiole \ Jin. long, turning yellowish when dry, paler beneath with reddish midrib. $ . Flowers clustered, 3 6 together, on very short hairy cymes, in the axils of fallen or present leaves, 4 5-merous, \ \ in. long. Calyx -fa in. long, tawny-hairy on both sides, openly campanulate, with rounded or somewhat deltoid lobes about half the length of the calyx. Corolla twice the length of the calyx or more, urceolate, glabrous, or nearly so, 4 5-fid or less deeply lobed, with obtuse spreading or recurved lobes. Stamens 13 15 20, glabrous, mostly inserted on the receptacle and in pairs, nearly equal, J in. long, filaments j^ in. long. Ovary rudimentary, hairy. 9 . Flowers clustered, 3 6 together, on very short cymes, 4 5-merous, thicker than in -fidd, staminibus circiter 16, antheris linear i-lanceolatis, hirsutis, filamentis brevibus glabris ; floribus femineis subsolitariis vel aggregatis, subsessilibus, staminodiis 8, ovario tomentoso, 8-loculari; fructibus globosis, subglabratis, seminum albumine non ruminato. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 224. n. 10 (1844), Miq. in Mart. Fl. Bras. vn. p. 6. t. 3 (1856). Paralea guianensis, Aubl. PI. Guyan. I. p. 576 (1775). P. guyannensis, Aubl. I. c. t. 231 (stain, char, et fig. excl.) ; Paralia guianensis, Desv. ex Hamilt. Prodr. PI. Ind. Occ. p. 45. n. 89 (1825). D. ferruginea, Spltgbr. in Vriese Ned. Kruidk. Arch. p. 327 (1848). D. longifolia, Spruce in Journ. Proceed. Linn. Soc. Lond. V. p. 7 (1861), PI. Bras, exsicc. n. 1516 (1851). A small moderate-sized or lofty tree of hard white wood ; young shoots buds and inflorescence ferruginous-tomentose. Leaves oval-oblong or ovate-oblong, alternate, more or less rounded occasionally somewhat narrowed at base, acuminate at apex, coriaceous, ME HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 241 shining and glabrous or nearly so with depressed midrib above, pubescent puberulous or nearly, glabrescent beneath especially on the marked midrib and recurved margins (hairs rufous in dried state ; leaves bordered when young with white hairs which fall off, according to Aublet) ; lateral veins several, slender ; leaves 3 8 in. long by 1 2 J in. wide ; petioles \ f in. long, glabreseent. Bracts rufous-hairy. -loculari (?). Flora, 1871, p. 332, , : . A small tree with young parts appressedly pubescent. Leaves oblong or oval-oblong, rarely obovate-oblong, retuse or rarely (on the same stock) obtusely apiculate, on slender and short petioles, acute or obtuse at base, chartaeeous, of variable size 1 2 or 3 4 in. long, VOL. XII. PART I. 31 242 MK HIERN, ON EBENACE^R. glabrous and shining above, for the most part slightly pubescent beneath on the midrib ; veins conspicuous, net-veins lax. Flowers tetramerous, small, sessile or subsessile, axillary ; bracts linear, densely fulvo-tomentose, short. $ . Cymes very short, tomentose, calyx densely tawny-pubescent ; lobes oblong, lanceo- late, rather obtuse, corolla glabrous, scarcely in. long ; tube inflated ; lobes short, oblong. Stamens about 16, inserted at the base of the corolla; filaments short, bearded; anthers linear, acuminate. Ovary rudimentary. 2 . Flowers solitary, sessile or subsessile. Calyx larger than in the ; lobes widely oblong, obtuse, at the base with margin plicate-dilatated and tinged with red. Corolla \ in. long. Staminodes 8 10. Ovary oblong densely fulvo-tomentose, 4-celled (?). Siarn, Kadburf and Kanburf, Teijsmann 6000, 6007 in Herb. Bogor. According to Kurz, somewhat resembling in general habit " D. heterophylla, Wall., and best placed near D. tomentosa," Poir. I have not seen a specimen. 122. DlOSPYROS MACBOCABPA, sp. HOY. D. foliis alternis, oblongis, apice acutis vel subacuminatis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, subtus pubescentibus, subglabrescentibus, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis axillaribus, breviter cymosis, subsessilibus, pubescentibus, tetrameris, calyce campanulato, ^-fido, corolla 4-fidd campanulatd, staminibus 16, geminatis, filamentis dense pilosis; fructibus solitariis, subsessilibus, ovoideis, glabratis, seminum albumine non ruminato. Cargillia macrocarpa, Vieill. Hb. Young parts shortly densely and softly pubescent. Branches dark, glabrescent. Leaves oblong, acute or slightly acuminate at apex, somewhat narrowed at base into petiole, alternate, coriaceous, dark-cinereous glabrous and shining above with slightly depressed midrib, paler appressedly pubescent and sub-glabrescent beneath with duller veins; margins more or less undulated ; 2 5 in. long (besides petiole ^ \ in. long) by f 1| in. wide. cJ. Cymes axillary, short, bearing about 35 subsessile flowers, about equalling the petiole, softly pubescent, subferruginous ; common peduncle in bud about ^ in. long. Bracts minute. Flower-bud ovoid, about in. long, scarcely exceeding the calyx. Calyx cam- panulate, erect, 4-fid, with deltoid acute lobes; glabrous except near margin and shining inside. ^Corolla 4-fid, with rounded or mucronate sinistrorsely imbricated lobes ; hairy outside, glabrous inside. Stamens 16 in 8 pairs, the pairs arranged in one row ; filaments short, dilated and united in pairs at the base and (in young state) almost forming a short tube at base of corolla, densely setose-pilose especially the outer ones; anthers lanceolate- linear apiculate comparatively glabrous, but the outer ones surrounded by the dense long hairs of the filaments. Ovary rudimentary, small, pubescent, surmounted by 2 styles. 9 . Fruit solitary, subsessile, ovoid, glabrate, about 1 in. high by 1 in. thick or more, apparently 4-celled, fleshy, with rather thin pericarp. Bracts caducous. Fruiting calyx flat, 4-fid. f | in. across, shortly sub-pubescent outside, pubescent inside ; lobes widely ovate, obtuse or mucronate. Seed rather more than 1 in. long, oblong, albumen not ruminated. New Caledonia, Balade, Wagap, Vieillard! n. 890; Puncher! n. 251. MRHIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 243 123. DlOSPYROS PERFORATA, sp. noV. D. gldbra, foliis ovali-oblongis, alternis, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, firmiter mem,' branaceis, perforato-punctatis, breviter petiolatis, nervis patentibus; floribus masculis aggregates, subsessilibus, pubescentibus, campanulatis, calyce profunde 4*-fido, corolld urceolatd (?), 4>-fidd, lobis latis, staminibus 16, geminatis, receptaculo insertis, interioribus brevioribus, antheris hispidis, filamentis superne hispidis inferne glabris, ovario 0, receptaculo leviter hispido. Glabrous except the inflorescence and buds; branches cinereous, longitudinally wrinkled. Leaves alternate, oval-oblong, acuminate, narrowed at base, firmly membranous, scattered with small dark glands especially alongside the midrib beneath, in places perforated, 6-jr7^ in. long by If 2J in. wide, dark and shining above with depressed patent lateral veins, pale brown beneath with rather distinctly marked lateral veins ; petioles channelled above, \ in. long. polygamis, pedunculis brevibiis uniftoris vel masculis pluriftoris, calyce 4 Q-fido, lobis ovatis margine revolutis, corolla urceolatd, apice lobatd, staminibus 8 20, leviter pubescentibus, ovario pubescente, 4 \Q-loculari; fructibus magnis edulibus, 4 10-spermis, albumine non ruminato. Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 235. n. 64 (1844) ; non Spach ; nee D. Hebenaster, Gaertn. Fruct. et Sem. PI. n. p. 478. t. 179. f. 9 (1791). D. digyna, Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. vol. in. p. 35. t. 313 (1798); Alph. DC. I.e. p. 238. n. 80; non Hort. D. revoluta, Poir. in Encycl. Meth. v. p. 435. n. 18 (1804); Alph. DC. I.e. p. 234. n. 60. D. obtusifolia, Humb. et Bonpl. ex Willd. Sp. PI. iv. p. 1112 (1805) ; Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth, Nov. Gen. et Sp. PI. in. p. 253. t. 247 (1818); Alph. DC. I.e. p. 227. n. 24; non Bert. D. Sapota, Roxb. Hort. Beng. p. 40 (1814), Fl. Ind. edit. 1832, vol. n. p. 535; Bot. Mag. LXix. t. 3988 (1843); Alph. DC. I.e. p. 228. n. 25. D. sapotanigra, DC. Ess. Prop. Med. PI. p. 200 (1816). D. edulis, Lodd. ex Sweet, Hort. Brit. p. 270 (1827) ; Alph. DC. I. c. p. 239. n. 90. D. decandra, Boj. Hort. Maurit. p. 200 (1837), non Lour. Sapota nigra, Blanco, Fl. Filip. p. 409 (1837). D. membranacea, Alph. DC. ! I. c. p. 227. n. 20 (1844). D. nigra, Blanco, Fl. Filip. edit. ii. p. 211 (1845). D. laurifolia, A. Rich. Fl. Cub. in Ramon de la Sagra, Hist, de Cuba, vol. XI. p. 86. t. 55 (184555), ex Walp. Ann. Bot. V. p. 480 (1858). D. brasiliensis, Mart. Fl. Bras. vil. p. 5. t. 2. f. 2 (1856). Hebenaster, Rumph. Amb. in. lib. IV. p. 13. t. 6 (1750). Sapotte Negro, Sonnerat, Voy. a la Nouv. Guin. p. 45. tt. 14 16 (1776). A tall shrub or even lofty tree, quite glabrous except the inflorescence ; branches dark. Leaves alternate, elliptical or oblong, usually obtuse at apex, somewhat narrowed at base, firmly membranous, shining, evergreen, 3 12 in. long by 1| 3 Jin. wide; midrib depressed above; net-veins not conspicuous; petioles ranging up to | in. long. Flowers polygamous, 4 6- merous, \ 1 in. long, pubescent ; peduncles axillary, pubescent, solitary, those producing male ffowers with several flowers, those with hermaphrodite or female flowers 1-flowered, \ \ in. long, bracteate. Calyx ample, \ | in. long, somewhat hairy on both sides, 4 6-fid, lobes ovate, with revolute margins and sinuses. Corolla urceolate, twice the length of the calyx, yellowish white or greenish, thick and fleshy, 4 6-lobed at apex, silky or nearly glabrescent. Stamens 8 20, slightly hairy, often some or all in pairs; filaments some- what pilose. Styles 2 5 ; ovary pubescent, 4 10-celled. Fruit globose, \\ 4 in. in dia- meter, glabrous, shining, of olive yellowish-green colour when ripe, filled with a dark soft and paste-like pulp, edible; towards the centre of the pulp are 410 cells, each con- taining a large oval compressed seed; albumen cartilaginous, not ruminated. Fruiting calyx spreading, much thickened in middle, 5 6-fid, 1 l^in. in diameter or less, puberulous on both sides, lobes undulated.- Fruiting peduncles about \ in. long. MH HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 245 Local names, Faux Magostan in Mauritius, Lolin in Amboina, Sapotte negro, &c. Philippine Islands, Sonnerat, Blanco, flowers in July; Celebes, Jacquin; Amboina, Rumf. Cultivated in Mauritius, at Calcutta, and Malacca, Maingay! 975 ; introduced into England and France &c., where it requires a hot-house for protection. Occurs also in cultivated places in tropical America, perhaps introduced; Mexico, Orizaba, Botteri! 909; Vera Cruz, Galeotti! 4609 (2000ft. alt.); Cuernavaca, Humboldt and Bonpland! 3984 (5000ft. alt.); Lizardo, Wawra! 249; Miradon, Wawra! 1029; Brazil, Rio Janeiro, Schott and Pohlf 4568; Cuba, Richard; Montserrat, Ryan! ex Hb. Vahl. Blanco loc. cit. states that the tree in the Philippine Islands grows to a height of 24 30 feet and is carefully cultivated as well as indigenous. He says that the flesh of the fruit is blackish, and although it is eaten the taste is not well flavoured, that the leaves have caustic properties, and that the unripe fruit is reported to poison fish. An evergreen tree 30 50 ft. . high with light even-grained wood grown at Cordova, Mexico, and called Zapotillo, probably belongs to this species; a specimen exists in the Kew Museum. The type of this species cannot be found in Retz' herbarium at Lurid in Sweden. 126. DIOSPTROS SAMOENSIS, A. Gray in Amer. Acad. V. p. 326 (1862). D. foliis alternis, ovali- vel ovato-oblongis, apice obtuse angustatis, basi angustatis, coriaceis, glabris, petiolatis ; floribus masculis 3 9-nis, tetrameris, pubescentibus, calyce campanulato, 4>-Jldo, lobis obtusis, corolla campanulatd brevi, 4<-fidd, lobis obtusis ; staminibus 8 10, glabris ; floribus femineis solitariis, petiolatis, ovario hirsute, 8-loculari; fructibus globosis glabris, calycis fructiferi aucti tubo concavo depresso-cupuliformi, intus margine elevato ; seminum albu- mine non ruminato. Branches glabrous or young ones scarcely puberulous. Leaves alternate, glabrous, oval or ovate-oblong, coriaceous, obtusely narrowed at apex, somewhat narrowed at base, 3 6 in. long by 1J 3 in. wide; midrib depressed above; lateral and net- veins raised, slender; petioles i | in. long. <5 . Peduncles 3 9-flowered ; flowers tetramerous, - J in. long, ovoid in bud. Calyx cam- panulate, in. long, shortly puberulous, 4-fid ; corolla silky outside, 4-fid; stamens 8 10, glabrous, unequal, some in pairs. 9 . Calyx-lobes rounded ; calyx about equalling the corolla ; peduncles solitary, \ J in. long, puberulous, 1-flowered, equalling the flower; ovary hairy, 8-celled ; fruit globose, f lin. in diameter, glabrous ; fruiting calyx-tube flat or cupuliform with a raised border receiving the base of the fruit, and with 4 obtuse spreading or recurved lobes, glabrous, about f in. wide ; seeds | in. long, closely packed together ; albumen not ruminated, white. Navigators' Islands, South Pacific Exploring Expedition ! ; Friendly Islands, W. H. Harvey !, (caustic berry for burning ringworms, &c.) " Tutuna." The foliage and fruiting calyx resemble D. Ebenum, Koenig, but the plant is of a paler green colour and the flowers shorter. According to the Rev. Thomas Powell in Seemann's Journal of Botany, vol. vi. p. 281 (1868), the wood of this large tree is hard and used for axe-handles and spear-points ; the fruit is used for poisoning fish ; and the secretion of the fruit is a vesicatory and turns the human skin black. Also the Samoan children are said to insert the midrib of the cocoa-nut leaflet into the fruit and apply the liquid thus obtained to their arms to produce blisters and eventually permanent pro- minences which they consider an ornament. Mr Powell describes the flowers as hermaphrodite. 246 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 127. DIOSPYROS OLEN, sp. nov. D. gldbra, foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, nitidis, utrinque delicate reticulatis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus femineis solitariia, breviter pedun- culatis, axillaribus, bracteatis, 4- rarius 3-meris, calyce subglabro profunde lobato, lobis late ovatis acuminatis basi cordatis, tubo intus margine elevato, corolla 4 3-fidd, lobis acutis, staminodiis 6, glabris, ovario superne pubescente, inferne glabro, 8-loculari. Dark-cinereous, and except the inflorescence glabrous. Leaves oval, alternate, coriaceous, narrowed at base and usually with a short obtuse acumen at apex, of the same cinereous colour on both sides, somewhat shining on upper surface, with midrib depressed on upper side and net- veins delicately raised on both sides, 2^ 4 in. long by 1 1 in. wide ; petioles j^ | in. long. 9 . Peduncles solitary, 1-flowered, axillary, \ Jin. long, patent, pubescent, bearing caducous patent lanceolate alternate bracts. Flowers usually tetramerous, rarely trimerous. Calyx about 1 in. across when spreading, deeply lobed, very nearly glabrous ; lobes widely ovate acuminate, widened and cordate at base, \ \ in. long, spreading or reflexed, with numerous parallel slight longitudinal veins ; tube with raised internal hairy border at top. Corolla about \ in. high, glabrous in upper part, puberulous at least in places beneath, 3 4-fid, conical above in bud ; lobes acute arching in flower outwards ; tube urceolate in flower. Staminodes inserted on corolla, glabrous, about 6 (in a trimerous flower) or wanting (m a tetramerous one). Ovary glabrous beneath, pubescent and suddenly narrowed towards apex ; terminating in a short 4-fid style glabrous at apex ; ovary 8-celled ; cells 1-ovuled. Indigenous name Olen. I. Lifu, Deplanchef No. 31. 128. DIOSPYROS CARGILLIA, F. Muell. Austral. Veg. in Intercolonial Exhibition Essays, 186667, p. 35 (1867). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel oblongis, apice obtusis, basi cuneatis, coriaceis, glabris, pallidis, breviter petiolatis, nervis subtus inconspicuis ; floribus masculis breviter cymosis, pubes- centibus, tetrameris, axillaribus, campanulatis ; calyce k-fido, lobis deltoideis, corollce lobis obtusis, staminibus scepius 16, glabris, geminatis, corollas basi insertis; floribus femineis 1 3-nis, bre- vissime cymosis, axillaribus tetrameris; staminodiis 8, uni-serialibus, glabris, corollce basi insertis; ovario ovoideo, pubescente, 4>-loculari, loculis bi-ovulatis; fructibus glabratis, ovoideis vel globosis, I-spermis, albumine non ruminato. Annona microcarpa, Jacq. Fragm. Bot. p. 40. t. 44. f. 7 (1800 1809). Monodora microcarpa, Dunal, Monogr. Anon. p. 80 (1817). Cfr. Brown in Tuckey, Congo, p. 475 (1818). Cargillia australis, K. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. et Ins. Van-Diem, p. 527. n. 2 (1810) ; Alph. DC. Prodr. vnr. p. 243. n. 1 (1844); Bot. Mag. t. 3274(1833); Ettingsh. Blatt-skel. Dikot. p. 90. t. 35. f. 6 (1861) ; Benth. Fl. Austral. IV. p. 288. n. 3 (1869); F. Muell. Fragm. iv. p. 82 (1864). Maba Cargillia, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 162 (1866). This species is cited on pages 30, 31, 36, 46, 54 by the name of Diospyros australis. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 247 A large shrub or tree 20 40 or even 100 feet high, glabrous, or the young parts and inflorescence with short hairs; trunk sometimes 2 feet in diameter. Leaves oblong or oval, alternate, coriaceous, obtuse at apex, more or less narrowed at base, palish green especially beneath, 1| 4in. long by | IJin. wide including petiole Jin. long; mid- rib flattish depressed above ; lateral and net-veins in relief and not conspicuous ; frequently with small black spots arranged in a row on each side of midrib beneath. Flowers dioe- cious, tetramerous (or rarely trimerous ?). -loculari, loculis 2-spermis. A small tree having yellow wood, with some black spots ; said to keep off bugs when fresh. Leaves alternate, oval, with some scattered glands especially at the end. Flowers axillary, 1 3 together ; calyx 4-lobed ; fruit baccate, globose, 4-celled ; cells 2-ovuled. Local name Malacapai (Blanco, Fl. Filipin. p. 302, 1837); Tagatog, Philippine Islands, Blanco. 130. DIOSPYROS SPINOSA, sp. nov. D. spinosa, foliis alternis, ovalibus, apice acuminatis vel obtusiusculis, basi rotundatis vel subcordatis, junioribits subtus pubescentibus ; margine revolutis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus 248 MR HIERN, ON EBENACPLE. masculis brevissime cymosis, parvis, tetrameris, calyce hemisphcerico, corolld profunde 4-lobd, staminibus 16, glabris, ovarii rudimento glabro. Dull, spinous ; young parts and inflorescence ferruginously tomentose-pubescent ; branches terete. Leaves alternate, coriaceous, oval, acuminate or pointed at apex, rounded or sub- cordate at base, with whitish loose hairs beneath when young, subglabrescent, dark green above, browner beneath, 1| 3 in. long by f 1 in. wide; margins recurved; petioles in. long, pubescent, terete. tJ. Inflorescence arranged in very short axillary cymes on the young branches; flowers jtj in. long fin bud), subglobose, tetramerous. Calyx about half the length of the flower, hemi- spherical, appressedly hairy outside, glabrous inside, deeply 4-fid ; lobes rounded, sinistrorsely contorted in bud. Corolla subglobose, glabrous except 4 hairy lines outside along middle of lobes, deeply 4-lobed ; lobes rounded, sinistrorsely contorted in aestivation. Stamens 16, glabrous, subequal (?), in two rows (?), distinct, inserted at or near base of corolla ; anthers lanceolate, acute, longer than the filaments, dehiscing laterally from the apex ; ovary rudimentary, glabrous. Brazil, Nartius! Herb. Eeg. Monac., Ebenaceae n. 144. 131. DIOSPYROS OVALIS, sp. nov. D. fruticosa, foliis alternis, ovalibus, utrinque rotundatis, apice mucronatis, basi subcorda- tis, suprcu glabris nitidis, subtus villosis, subcoriaceis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis breviter cymosis, tetrameris, profunde lobatis, corollas lobis obovatis patentibiw, staminibus circ'- ter 20, glabris. A shrub, 2 3 feet high. Young parts underside of leaves and inflorescence and especially the buds subferruginous-pubescent. Branches terete, glabrescent and nitescent, numerous. Leaves (of the shoots of the current season) oval, alternate, subcoriaceous, mucronate at apex, subcordate at base, dark shining and glabrous above except depression of midrib, without conspicuous veins, shaggy underneath with ciliated margins, about 1 in. long by | in. wide ; petioles about ^ in. long, pubescent. (5. Inflorescence 'at the base of the shoots of the current season, cymose, with few or several flowers rather loosely arranged ; cymes (excluding the flowers) J in. long ; pedicels abeut \ in. long ; bracts oval, densely pubescent. Flowers -fa in. long, tetramerous, green. Calyx % in. long, partite with lanceolate erect-patent lobes, pubescent on both sides. Corolla in. high (^ in. long when straightened), glabrous except 4 lines of hairs outside; lobes $7 in. deep, obovate, erect-patent and recurved at apex. Stamens 20 (18 20 ex Benth. MS. in Hb. Cantab.), equal, glabrous; anthers linear; filaments short, united almost in a short tube. Ovary rudimentary, glabrous (?), minute. Brazil, Pernambuco, sandy open places, Rio Preto, September. Gardner! 2813. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 249 132. DIOSPYROS HISPIDA, Alph. DC. Prodr. VIIL p. 236. n. 68 (1844). D. foliis alternis, ovalibus vel ovali-oblongis, apice cuspidatis vel acuminatis, basi scepius obtusis, subcoriaceis, subtus ferrugineo-hispidis, breviter petiolatis ; floribus masculis 2 4-m's, breviter cymosis, 4-meris, calyce hispido, 4c-partito, lobis lanceolatis, corolld profunde lobatd, lobis oblongis, staminibus 18 24, subcequalibus, glabris, ovarii rudimento pubescente; floribus femineis 4 5-meris ; fructibus solitariis, gldbosis, dense ferrugineo-hispidis, carnosis, 8-locula- ribus ; calyce fructifero 4 5-partito, patente, lobis lanceolatis. Miq. in Mart. FL Bras. vil. (Eben.) p. 4. n. 2 (1856). An arborescent shrub or tree, 10 30 feet high, with shoots underside of leaves and inflorescence ferruginous-hispid; branches spreading. Leaves oval or oval-oblong, cuspidate or acuminate, usually obtuse at base sometimes narrowed or in subcordate, subcoriaceous, alternate, 2 5 in. long by 1 2 in. wide, darker and pubescent-velutinous above ; petioles | in. long, hairy. tJ . Flowers f in. long, in 2 4-flowered distant or usually contiguous cymes (\ f in. long) ; pedicels -fo \ in. long. Calyx f \ in. long, ferruginous-hispid on both sides, 4-partite, with lanceolate lobes. Corolla green, deeply 4-lobed, pubescent along longitudinal stripes ; lobes oblong, somewhat narrowed at apex. Stamens 18 24, subequal, some or all in pairs, glabrous; anthers linear; filaments short. Ovary rudimentary, globose, hairy. 9 . Flowers few together, in short cymes, tetramerous or pentamerous. Fruit solitary, on pedicels -^ \ in. long, densely ferruginous-hispid, globose, pointed at apex, about 1 in. in diameter, fleshy, 8-ceiled, 8-seeded. Fruiting calyx 4 5-partite, spreading, 1J in. across; lobes lanceolate. Seeds 8, oblong, compressed, \ in. long. Brazil, between Goiaveira and Corrego de Jeragua, Burchett ! 7437, f fl. Aug., tree 20 30 ft. high, corolla green ; between Corrego-fundo and P6rto-Real, Burchell ! 8396, in young fruit, November, tree 20 ft. high; Gozaz, 10ft. high, Burchett! 6994; Minas Geraes, Claussen! 478. 133. DIOSPTROS GOUDOTII, sp. nov. D. foliis alternis, ovato-oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi subcordatis, subsessilibus, sub- membranaceis, suprA glabrescentibus, subtus puberulis; fructibus globosis, solitariis, axillaribus, pedunculatis, papilloso-verrucosis, pilis aspersis, calyce patente, 5-lobo, non aucto. Young parts tawny- or ferruginous-pubescent ; shoots terete, puberulous, glabrescent. Leaves alternate, ovate-oblong, widest near the middle, submembranous, acuminate at apex, subcordate at base, subsessile, glabrescent and dark green above with conspicuously de- pressed veins, puberulous and reddish brown below at least on veins, 6 10 in. long by 2 4 in. wide ; petioles % in. long, ferruginous-pubescent. Fruit globose about 1 in. in diameter, scattered with pilose hairs, ferruginous-pilose at apex where is base of broken style ; papillose-verrucose. Fruiting calyx not accrescent, hairy on both sides, spreading, in. across, with 5 ovate or lanceolate lobes J in. long. Fruiting peduncle f | in. long, ferruginous hispid-pubescent, thick, erect-patent, axillary, solitary, 1-fruited ; bracts at base of peduncle, ovate, imbricated, caducous, ranging up to J in. long, New Granada, Muzo, Goudot! No. 3. VOL. XII. PART I. 32 250 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 134. DIOSPYROS GAULTHERLEFOLIA, Mart. Fl. Bras. vii. (Eben.) p. 5. n. 5. t. 2. f. 1 (1856). D. foliis distichis, oblongis, apice obtusis, basi subcordatis, tenuiter coriaceis, subtus prcssertim secus nervos ferrugineo-hispidis, breviter petiolatis, marginibus in sicco late refiexis ; Jloribus masculis aggregates, brevissime cymosis, 5-meris, calyce campanulato, o-fido, corolld profunde lobatd, staminibus oo oo pilosis, Jloribus femineis subsessilibus aggregates ; fructibus solitariis vel binis, globosis, apice abrupte conicis, setosis, papilloso-verrucosis, albumine non ruminato. A shrub or small tree 12 14 feet high ; with rufous-hairy terete branches, spreading at 60", glabrescent. Leaves oblong, distichous, obtusely lanceolate at apex, subcordate at base, thinly coriaceous, margins widely reflexed in the dry state ; dark shining and glabrous except the midrib, with depressed veins above ; ferruginous-hispid especially on the veins beneath ; 2 5 in. long by 1 2 in. wide ; petioles -fa in. long. in. long. -meris, staminodiis 1 12, pubescentibus, ovario farinaceo-glanduloso, scepius 8-loculari, stylis 4; fructibus globosis ml ellipsoideis. Excl. syn. Lam., Bot. Reg. t. 499 (1820), Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 235. n. 65 (1844), Griff. Notulae iv. p. 289 (1854), Thw. En. Ceyl. PL p. 178. n. 1 (1860), Bedd. Fl. Sylv. Madras t. 69 (1870), non Boj. Embryopteris peregrina, Gaertn. Fruct. I. p. 145. t. 29. f. 2 (1788). Garcinia malabarica, Desrouss. in Encycl. Me'th. in. p. 701 (1789). Embryopteris glutinifera, Roxb. Coromand. I. p. 49. t. 70 (1795) ; E. globularia, ex Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. n. p. 1048. n. 16 (1856). Diospyros glutinosa, Roxb. Hort. Bengal, p. 40 (1814) ; Konig ex Roxb. Fl. Ind., edit. 1832, ii. p. 533. Diospyros glutinifera, "Wall. List n. 4123 B (182832). Diospyros malabarica, Kosteletsky, Mecl. Pharmac. Flora (ill.) p. 1099 (1834). Embryopteris gelatinifera, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. IV. p. 41 (1837). Diospyros citrifolia, Wall. ex. Alph. DC. I. c. Embryopteris glutenifera, Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Or. Vol. in. pt. 2, p. 4, tt. 843, 844 (1843 47). Diospyros melanoxylon, Hassk. Cat. PI. Hort. Bot. Bogor. II. p. 159 (1844), Ettingsh. Blatt- Skel. Dikot. t. 41. f. 9 (1861), non Roxb. A middle-sized or large evergreen tree, glabrous and shining except the buds inflorescence and fruit ; there is however occasionally a slight puberulence upon the petioles, &c. Branches straight, spreading. Bark scaly. Leaves oblong or narrowly oval, alternate, usually rounded at base, sometimes subcordate or slightly narrowed, acute lanceolate acuminate or obtuse at apex, highly reticulated with veins in relief on both sides with the exception of the midrib which is depressed on the upper side, coriaceous, of a pale green colour, persistent, 3 12 in. long by | 3| in. wide ; petioles 5 | in. long, usually channelled above. Flowers yellowish- white, dioecious or polygamous. . Flowers solitary, axillary, bracteate at base, about f in. long, subterminal-spicate, tetramerous or pentamerous, sessile. Calyx open, about in. high ; lobes nearly in. long and wide, |-oval, coriaceous, cordate at base, appressedly silky outside, glabrous and shining inside, imbricated in various ways. Corolla |in. long, shortly tubular, contracted about middle, silky outside except near base, glabrous inside ; tube $ m - long, truncate-' ovate, lobes about as long as the tube, spreading, J-oval, obtuse, margins incurved, im- bricated sinistrorsely. Staminodes usually 4, occasionally 5 or even 10, much shorter than the corolla ; filaments about as long as the barren (?) anthers ; all glabrous, alternate with corolla-lobes ; ovary very densely pilose, large, 8- or more-celled, fleshy, 8 !-celled in specimen of Dr Maingay, depresso-conical, cells 1-ovuled; styles 4, distinct, hairy outside or glabrous, arched, converging at apex. Fruit thick, fleshy, globose or subglobose, densely hairy, reddish, like a quince, 4 6-seeded, with flesh rose-coloured, 3 4 in. in diameter, pulp white; hairs ferruginous ; albumen cartilaginous, not ruminated ; fruiting calyx flattish, appressed, rather more than 1 in. in diameter. The wood is very hard, of a dark flesh colour, which in time becomes black like ebony. The fruit has an agreeable smell like a quince (but sometimes not so), and is edible after removing the hairs and skin. Local names Mabolo in Tagalog, Amaga in Bisaya, Talang in PampangOj according to Blanco, I. c. Philippine Islands, Manila, Gaudichaud ! ; Blanco. Cultivated in Mauritius (Hb. Kunth I) and in the Calcutta and Paris Gardens; also introduced at Malie" I. Seychelles, Home/ 345; 262 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Guadalope, Perottet! cultivated (?); Malaya, Pulo Ticus, "Stem thin," Dr Maingay! 970/2; Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1892, Wallichf 4131. A form with leaves pale and having numerous inconspicuous veins on hoth sides, pro- bably introduced, is found at Eio de Janeiro, Brazil, Glaziou! 1560, 1561. 152. DIOSPYEOS ARGENTEA (D. argenteus), Griff. Not. rv. p. 288 (1854). D. foliis alternis, oblongis, apice acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel cordatis, coriaceis, supra glabris, subtus dense argenteo-pilosis, breviter petiolatis; floribus masculis breviter cymosis, scepius tetrameris, sericeis ; calyce 4-fido, campamdato-cylindrico, lobis ovalibus; corolld bre- viter tubulosd, lobis ovalibus; staminibus 22 24, subwqualibus, hirstttis, geminatis, ovarii rudimento pubescente ; floribus femineis solitariis, breviter pedunculatis, staminodiis 4 5, ovario dense hirsute 4i-loculari, locidis imperfecte dinisis; fructibus ellipsoideis, strigoso-pilosis, 8-locidaribiis, seminibus 6 8, albumine non ruminato; calyce fructifero 4t-partito, aucto ; lobis oblongis. Buds lanceolate-acuminate, with silvery silky hairs ; branchlets somewhat compressed, covered as well as inflorescence and petioles with very brilliant silvery and silky hairs which at length become ferruginous-silvery. Leaves alternate, oblong, coriaceous, cordate or rounded at base, sharply acuminate at apex, glabrous above, densely velutinous-pilose beneath with silky shining silvery hairs, which afterwards become ferruginous-silvery and at length mostly fall off, leaving an appressed pubescence and the under surface of the leaf pale, 7 11 in. long by 2 3| in. wide ; petioles ^ ^ in. long ; margins reflexed ; midrib stout, depressed above ; lateral veins inconspicuous. $ . Cymes axillary, spreading, near ends of branchlets, \ | in. long (exclusive of the flowers), bearing 3 oo flowers ; common peduncle \ f in. long ; ultimate pedicels short ; bracts ovate, glabrous inside. Flowers (closed) nearly | in. long, silky outside, usually tetra- merous. Calyx ^in. long, campanulate-cylindrical, silky on both sides, 4- (in one case 3-) fid, lobes oval. Corolla -| in. long, shortly tubular, 4-lobed, silky on both sides especially outside, lobes ^ in. deep, oval. Stamens 22 24, in pairs, nearly equal, very hairy, filaments much shorter than the anthers ; ovary rudimentary, hairy. 9 . Flowers solitary, in axil? of upper leaves ; peduncles \ in. long. Calyx about \ in. long, 4-fid, densely furred on both sides, campanulate; calyx-lobes ovate, apiculate. Corolla - T 7 ff in. long, 4-fid, tomentose ; lobes oval, apiculate, imbricated, hairy inside. Stami- nodes 4 5, alternate with corolla-lobes, hairy above ; ovary globose, densely hairy, 4-celled ; cells imperfectly divided ; ovules 8 ; styles 4, hairy, erect, \ in. Fruit with 1 oval bract at the base | in. long, ^ in. wide, glabrous inside, egg-shaped, 2| 3 in. long by \\ 2 in. thick, very strigosely pilose, greenish-white or yellowish, shortly cuspidate at the apex, 8-celled. Fruiting calyx 4-partite, sometimes 3 in. wide ; lobes very large, oblong, concave, obtuse, with metallic lustre, very silvery-silky outside, veined inside, 1| 2 in. long by | in. wide ; seeds 6 8, subcylindrical, slightly attenuated at both ends ; ranging up to 2 in. long by | in. wide, imbedded in pulp ; albumen cartilaginous or horny, white ; embryo ^ f in. long ; radicle thick, clavate, about equalling or shorter than the cotyledons. Malacca, Griffith! 3625; Maingay! n. 968. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^L 263 153. DIOSPYEOS TOPOSIA, Hamilt. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. XV. p. 115 (1827). D. foliis alternis, oblongis ovatis vel lanceolatis, apice acuminatis, basi obtusis, coriaceis, glaberrirnis, crebre reticulatis, petiolatis ; floribus masculis axillaribus, cymosis, calyce initio clauso lobis connatis demum irregulariter apice rupto, corolld iirceolatd, apice 4 5-lobd, staminibus , glabris; floribus femineis solitariis, staminodiis 12 16, ovario 4- (rarius 6-) loculari, fructibus subglobosis vel ellipsoideis, glandvloso-pubescentibus vel glabrescentibus, seminibus 1 4 ; calyce fructifero 3 4-lobo, pubescente. Ettingsh. Blat-Skel. Dikot. t. 42. f. 7 (1861); Bedd. Ic. PI. Ind. Or. (Part. VII.) p. 25. t. 122 (1871) ; Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 237. n. 73 (1844). D. racemosa, Roxb. Hort. Beng. p. 40 (1814) ; Fl. Ind., edit. 1832, vol. n. p. 536 ; Wight, Ic. t. 416. D. lanceolata, Wall. List n. 4122 (182832), non Poir. D. incisa, Hamilt. ex. Wall. I.e. Embryopteris racemosa, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. and Bot. IV. p. 41 (1837). Called Toposi in Bengal, where it is cultivated on account of the fragrancy of the flowers ; Kahakaala-gass in Ceylon, see Thw. 'Enum. Ceyl. PL p. 179. n. 4 (1860) ; Goolul in Silhet and Tipperah, see Eoxb. Hort. Beng. p. 40 (1814). A large or middle-sized tree with glabrous terete branches. Leaves alternate, oblong ovate or oval, acuminate at apex, obtusely narrowed or rounded at base, coriaceous, closely and clearly net-veined, with midrib depressed on upper surface, shining 'above, quite glabrous, 3 8 in. long by 1 3f in. wide ; petioles J in. long. Foliage like D. paniculata, Dalz. $ . Cymes axillary \ 1 in. long, slightly hairy or glabrescent, usually 3-flowered, in cultivated specimens 3 12-flowered; flowers Jim long, yellow, pedicels shorter than the calyx ; bracts caducous, at the top of peduncle : calyx at first closed in bud with con- nate lobes, afterwards irregularly broken from apex in unequal acute lobes, scattered with inconspicuous short setae, about in. high. Corolla urceolate, 4-lobed at apex, glabrous except a few short hairs outside along the middle lines of the lobes ; Dr Hamilton states that the corolla is 5-lobed. Stamens numerous, indefinite, in one case 33, glabrous, mostly hypogynous ; filaments very short ; ovary rudimentary. 9 . Flowers solitary ; fruiting peduncle \ \ in. long, sometimes at base shortly adnate to the branch so as to become supra-axillary ; bracts at top of peduncle, caducous. Calyx as in -fido, appresso vel leviter patente, extus piloso, lobis obtusis. Young shoots petioles and peduncles hirsute, afterward puberulous, ultimately glabrous, terete; leaves alternate, thinly coriaceous, elliptical, obtuse at base, obtusely narrowed or shortly acuminate at apex, glabrescent, brown on both sides, midrib slightly depressed above and veins inconspicuously raised above, more manifest beneath, subnitescent, 1 3^ in. long by 1 in. wide ; petioles % in. long, strong. 9 . Fruit solitary, axillary, dark, subglobose, about $ in. in diameter, on peduncle about equalling the petiole ; bracts caducous ; fruiting calyx deeply 4-fid, appressed to base of fruit or somewhat spreading, in. across, subpilose outside ; lobes obtuse ; seeds 2 3, oblong, . long. Courtallum, Hb. Wight! 156. DIOSPYEOS DODECANDEA, Loureiro PI. Cochinch. p. 228. n. 5 (1790). D. foliis alternis, late-lanceolatis ; floribus axillaribus; corollce tubo subgloboso, lobia 4, brevibus ; staminibus 18, corollce basi insertis; baccis compressis, lentiformibus, 8-spermis. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 238. n. 86 (1844). Embryopteris Loureiriana, G. Don, Gen. Syst. Card, and Bot. IV. p. 41 (1837). MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 265 A large tree with sub-patent branches. Leaves widely lanceolate, quite entire, alter- nate. Flowers hermaphrodite according to Loureiro, axillary, white ; corolla 4-lobed, tube subglobose, large, lobes short ; stamens 18, inserted at the base of the corolla. Fruit pallid, compressed, lentiform, 1-celled [?], 8-seeded, pulpy; pulp moderate, somewhat sweet, astrin- gent, edible, not good-tasted ; seeds compresso-ovate, bony, large. Spontaneous and cultivated in Cochinchina, Loureiro. Local name, Cay Thi tram. Wood like that of D. decandra, Lour., but without the very black veins in the heart; white and smooth and with dense fibres. Used in gardens to support black pepper plants. 157. DIOSPYBOS (?) PILOSA, Alph. DC. Prodr. vin. p. 219 (1844). D. caule arboreo, foliis alternis, ovato-lanceolatis, subtus tomentosis, breviter petiolatis ; fioribus masculis racemosis, rubro-fuscis, calyce 5-lobo, lobis ovatis, corolla 5-lobd, tubo brevi, laciniis ovato-oblongis, crassis, patentibus, calyce sublongioribus, filamentis 15 brevibus, antheris oblongis. Euclea pilosa, Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. p. 629 (1790). A large tree with ascending branches; dioecious. Wood fit for house-building. Leaves alternate, ovate-lanceolate, quite entire, tomentose beneath ; petioles short. Flowers reddish- brown, " in terminal racemes." -partito, intus albido-pruinoso, lato, lobis late cordatis, acuminatis, foliaceis. A small shrub, glabrous, dark green but shining. Leaves alternate, subcoriaceous, oblong, obtusely acuminate at apex, rounded or subcordate at base, 1 foot long by 5 inches wide ; midrib and lateral veins strong beneath ; petioles more than | in. long, strong, dark, tumid- crass. Fruiting calyx 4-partite, white-pruinose within, 2 in. high by 3 in. or more wide, erect-patent ; lobes widely cordate, ovate, acuminate at apex, foliaceous. Madagascar, Ambanivoule, Qoudot! A. D. 1833. 342 268 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^. 166. DIOSPYROS BERNIERI, sp. nov. D. foliis alternis, ovali-lanceolatis, apice subacuminatis, basi angustatis, coriaceis, glabris, breviter petiolatis, nervis inconspicuis ; fructibus solitariis, appresse hirsutis, breviter pedun- culatis; calyce fructifero utrinque pubescente, 4:-fido, tubo concavo, tetragono, incrassato, lobis reftexis, undulatis, late ovatis. Glabrous except the inflorescence; branches pale, terete. Leaves alternate, dark above, oval-lanceolate, somewhat narrowed at base, obtusely or sometimes acutely sub-acuminate at apex, coriaceous, veins indistinct, reddish brown beneath ; midrib depressed above, blackish beneath ; 2 3| in. long by f 1 in. wide ; petiole in. long, black in the dry state. Fruiting peduncles very thick, \ in. long and as thick, pubescent, solitary ; fruiting calyx \ in. high by nearly 2 in. across, pubescent on both sides, 4-fid ; tube concave, 4-sided, thickened; lobes reflexed, wavy, widely ovate. Fruit ferruginous, shortly and appressedly hairy. Madagascar, common in the forests of Tintingue ; vernacular name Vbane Silac, Bernier ! 113. Foliage of D. Icevis, Bojer. 167. DlOSPYROS PRIJINOSA, sp. nov. D. bracteis exceptis glaberrima, foliis alternis, ovato-ovalibus, utrinque obtusis, vix coriaceis, brevissime petiolatis, nervis inconspicuis; floribus masculis axillaribus, brevissime cymosis ; fructibus solitariis, axillaribus, 8-locularibus, breviter pedunculatis, bracteatis, subglobosis, cum calyce 4 5-fido plicato patente aucto violaceo-pruinosis. Quite glabrous except the small shortly and slightly ciliated bracts ; branches pale brown, terete. Leaves alternate, ovate-oval, more or less obtuse at both ends, submembranous or sub- coriaceous, of a rich brown colour when dry, rather paler beneath, 1 2 in. long by | 1 in. wide ; petioles -fa jV i n - ^ on S > ve i ns indistinct, spreading ; midrib flat above, darker beneath. . venosa, Wall. Diospyros obovata, Wight, Icon. t. 1226 (1850), non Jacq., = Sapotacea. Diospyros obtusifolia, Bert., non Humb. et Bonpl., = Maba inconstans, Griseb. Diospyros psidioides, Kunth = Maba inconstans, Griseb. Diospyros pubescens, Pers., non Pursh, = Eoyena hirsuta, Linn, ME HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 271 Diospyros punctata, Korth., non Decaisne, = Mala punctata. Diospyros salicifolia, Humb. et Bonpl. = Maba salicifolia. Diospyros sericea, Alph. DC. = Mala sericea. Diospyros sericocarpa, F. Muell. = Maba rufa, Labill. Diospyros serrata, Hamilt. ex D. Don, Prodr. FL Nep. p. 143 (1825) = Eurya acumi- nata, DC. Diospyros wnosa, Wall. List, n. 4126 (1828 32) = ? Anonacea. Diospyros virginica dulcis = Carpodinus edulis, Don. Cfr. Alph. DC. Prodr. vm. p. 329 (1844). Diospyros (sp.), Salt! Voyage to Abyssinia, p. 14 (1814) =Eudea multiflora, var. V. TETKACLIS, gen. nov. $. Flores dioeci. Flores cymosi, tetrameri, subglobosi. Calyx depresso-globosus ; lobis brevibus depresso-deltoideis, prcefloratione valvatis. Corolla carnosa, k-fida, extus puberula, intus hirsuta; lobis prcefloratione valvatis. Stamina circiter 30, pleraque geminata, prope corollce basim inserta ; filamentis brevibus compressis pubescentibus ; antheris hispidulis oblongis liberis, lateraliter bilocularibus ; pollen globosum, Iceve. Ovarii rudimentum nullum. 9 . Bractece caducce. Fructus superus, solitarius, pedunculatus, subglobosus, subtomen- tosus, femtgineus, carnosus, 8 (T)-locularis et -spermus ; pericarpio crasso. Calyx profwnde 4i-lobus, accrescens, appressus, semina pendula oblonga, testa, non nitidd. Arbor madagascariensis ; foliis coriaceis altemis siniplicibus integerrimis exstipulatis ; floribus axillaribus, apice 4 lineis cruciatis prsefloratione notatis. 1. TETRACLIS CLUSLEFOLIA, sp. nov. T. foliis oblongis vel obovato-oblongis, apice rotundatis, emarginatis vel breviter acumi- natis, obtusis, basi cuneatis, subglabris, coriaceis,, petiolatis, nervis tenuibus, crebris. PLATE XI. A fruiting branch, natural size. a. A male inflorescence, natural size. b. A male flower, magnified 4 diameters, c. The same after the removal of the calyx, magnified 4 diameters, d. A vertical section of a male flower, magnified 6 diameters. e. A transverse section of male flower, magnified 5 diameters. A large tree with young parts puberulous; branches dark, somewhat angular, gla- brescent, remotely rugose-verrucose. Leaves oblong or obovate-oblong, rounded emarginate or shortly acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, with recurved margins, subglabrous, yellowish green and shining on both sides ; midrib depressed above ; lateral veins close, widely spreading, very feeble, and in relief on both sides of the leaf; [the lateral veins on 272 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. the lower side of the leaves are too distinctly rendered by the lithographer in Plate XL] ; 5 10 in. long (besides channelled petioles f 1 in. long) by 1 f 3 in. wide. subcoriaceis vel submembranaceis, integerrimis, petiolatis, penninerviis, nervis secun- dariis atternantibus, remotiusculis, sub angulo acuto Vel recto egredientibus, curvatis ramosis, ipsis et ramis dorsalibus marginem Versus arcuato-conjunctis, brochiodromis ; calyce quadrifido, media cicatrice annulari impressd notato, lobis brevibus, late ovatis vel rotundis, apiculatis; baccd exsuccd, semipollicari. IJng. Blatt Swoszowice in Nat. Abh. Gesamm. t. XIV. f. 15 (1849) ; Heer, Miocene Baltische Flor^ p. 84. n. 65. t. xxvil. fig. 16; t. xxvm. f. 1. (1869), FL Tert. Helvet. III. t. en. fig. 114 (1859), Fl. Foss. Arct. p. 117. t. xv. f. 1012, t. xViI. f. 5 h, i, t. XLVII. fig. 4 b, c, d> 57 (1868), Braunk. Bornstadt in Abh. Nat. Halle, t. ill, fig. 7, 8 (1869), Phil. Trans, vol. 159. pt. n. p. 475. n. 48. t. L. f. 13, t. LV. f. 8 (1870) ; Sismonda, Pal. Pidm. p. 55. t. XI. f. 6, t. xvi. f. 5, t. xix. f. 3 (1865) ; Ettingsh. Foss. FL Bilin, in Denkschrift. Akad. Kais. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. Bd. xxvm. p. 232. t. xxxvill. f. 28, t. xxxix. 1 (1868); Schimp. Pal. V<%. II. p. 949. n. 18 (1872). Tetrapteris Harpyiarum, Ung> Foss. Fl. v. Sotzka, p. 46, t xxix. fig. 9 (1850), in Denkschr. Bd. n. t. L (1851). Getonia petrceceformis, Ung. Foss. Fl. v. Sotzka, t. xxxlll. f. 2 4, in Denkschr. Bd. ll, t. Lrv. (G. petrcecefolia ex Schimp. I. c.) G. macroptera, Ung. Foss. Fl. v. Sotzka, t. xxxlll. fig. 8, in Denkschr. Bd. II. t. LfV. G. truncata, Goepp. Tert. Fl. v. Schossnitz, p. 37. t. xxv. fig. 11 (1855). D. lancifolia, A. Br. ex Bruckm. Fl. Oening. Foss. in Jahr. Ver. Nat. Wiirtemb. p. 232 (1850), non Lesq. D. langifolia, "Al. Braun" ex Stizenb. Verst. Baden, p. 83 (1851). Arbutus diospyrifolius, Massal. Lett. Scarab, p. 29. n. 203 in Ann. Sc. Nat. Bologn, (1854); Fl. Foss. Senigall. p. 296. t. xxvi xxvu. f. 3, t. XLV. f. 7 (1859). D. longifolia, "Stiz." ex Heer, Fl. Tert. Helvet. in. p. 11 (1859), non Spruce. D. latifolia, "Al. Br." ex Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 949 (1872). Upper middle and lower Miocene formations; North Greenland, W. Prussia, France, Switzerland, Italy. Leaves 1^ 5 in. long by |-^2 & in. wide ; petioles ranging up to f in. long. Calyx \ in. in diameter. 10. DIOSPYROS PARADISIACA, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilih in Denkschrift. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. XXVIIL p. 234. t. xxxvm. fig. 2931, 34 (1868). D. foliis lanceolatis, utrinque angustatis, basi acutis, integerrimis membranaceis, petiolatis, nervo primario distincto recto, nervis secundariis tenuibus, inferioribus sub angulo 45, mediis et superioribus sub angulis obtusioribus, arcubus laqueorum maculis externis instructis, nervis tertiariis tenuissime dictyodromis ; baccd ovided, exsuccd ; calyce 5-partito, patente, deciduo, ladniis linearibus obtusis, nervoso-striatis, vix semipo licaribus. 280 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^. Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 946. n. 5 (1872). Miocene; Tripoli de Kutschlin, Bohemia. Leaf .3J in. long or more by T 9 ff in. wide; petiole i in. long; calyx-lobes | -fin. long by Jg | in. wide; fruit (?) fin. long. 11. DIOSPTROS LOTOIDES, Ung. Syll. PI. Foss., pug. in., in Denkschrift. Kais. Akad. . Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxv. p. 30. t. x. fig. 1 12 (1866). D. foliis lanceolato-oblongis utrinque attenuatis longe-petiolatis, margine plus minus undulato, integerrimis plurinerviis, nervo primario valido, nervis secundariis crebris, sub angulo plus minus acuto emissis, marginem versus arcu brevi conjunctis, apice se conjunctis, nervis tertiariis trans- versalibus utplurimum dbsoletis vel parum conspicuis, cali/ce minima, 5-fido, patente, laciniis rotundatis. Ung. Foss. Fl. d. alt. Braunk. d. Wetterau, p. 59 ; Schimp. Pal. Teg. II. p. 951. n. 20 (1872). Borraginites myosotiflorus, Ludw. Palseontogr. in Mey. Beitr. Naturg. Vorw. vin. p. 116 (I860). Miocene; lignite at Wetterau, Germany. Leaves 3 5^ in. long by If in. wide; petiole T |- Ijin. long. Apparently not Ebe- naceous. Cfr. Juglans acuminata, Ludw. and J. ventricosa, Ludw. 12. DIOSPVROS PRIM^VA, Heer, Phyll. Crdt. der Nebraska, p. 19. t, I. fig. 6, 7. D. foliis oblongo-ovalibus, apice obtusiusculis, integerrimis ; nervis secundariis serpentinis, ramosis, camptodromis. Schimp. Pal. Vdg. n. p. 948. n. 14 (1872). Upper cretaceous deposits (?) in Nebraska, N. America. D. anceps of the Miocene of Europe and D. alaskana of the molasse of North America greatly approach this species from Nebraska. 13. DIOSPTROS AURICULA, Ung. Gen. et Sp. PL Foss. p. 436 (1850), Syll. PI. Foss. in. p. 26. t. ix. f. 1 4. D. foliis ovatis utrinque attenuatis integerrimis membranaceis, nervo primario valido, nervis secundariis subremotis, sub angulo acuto egredientibus, sursum repetito-arcuato-anasto- mosatis, subarcuatis, apice ramosis; calyce quadrifido vel quinquefido deciduo patente, laciniis suhquadratis emarginatis basi callosis striatisque semipollicaribus. Schimp. Pal. Teg. II. p. 947. n. 10 (1872). D. auriculata, Stiehler, Synops. Pflanz. Vorw. I. 147 (1861), non Wight. Eocene ; Croatia, in marly schist at Radoboj. Leaves somewhat narrowed at both ends, obtuse at apex, 3| 4f in. long by 1| IfJ in. wide ; petiole $ -fa in. long ; calyx-lobes J in. long. The characters given agree with Diospyros. MR HIEKN, ON EBENACE^E. 281 14. DIOSPYROS BUBIA, Goeppert, Tert. Fl. Java, p. 47. t. xn. f. 72 (1854). D. foliis ovatis subobtusis subcoriaceis integerrimis penninerviis, nervis secundariis alter- nantibus subremotis sub angulo acuto 60 circa exorientibus adscendentibus curvatis ramosis, ramulis ante marginem in maculas transeuntibus in rete solutis. Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 947. n. 9 (1872), non Wight. Pliocene ? ; Pesawahan, Java, Jwnghuhn 353. Leaf (estimated from a fragment) probably about 2 in. long by 1 in. wide. Family quite conjectural. 15. DIOSPYROS VARIANS, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. v. vol. ill. p. 111. t. IV. fig. 14, t. vi. fig. 4 (1865), vol. vin. p. 91. t. x. fig. 7, 8 (1867). D. foliis lanceolatis ellipticis oblong o-lanceolatis vel ovatis, apice obtusis quandoque breviter attenuatis, basi parum incequalibus, subcoriaceis, breviter petiolatis, integerrimis; petiolo trans- verse rugoso ; nervo primario valde expresso ; nervis secundariis tenuibus numerosis reticulatis ; nervis tertiariis in rete flexuoso subtiliter venuloso coeuntibus. Schimp. Pal. Ve"g. n. p. 944. n. 1 (1872). Tertiary; S.E. France, frequent. Leaves 2-J in. long by J in. wide, 3 J in. by 1 in., 3 J in. by f in. 16. DIOSPYROS OBSCTJRA, Sap. Etud. n. p. 283 in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. v. vol. iv. p. 138 (1865). D. foliis lanceolatis, coriaceis, breviter lateque petiolatis; nervo primario valido, secun- dariis obliquis, secus marginem areolatis, inconspicuis. Schimp. Pal. Ve"g. n. p. 947. n. 8 (1872). Upper Tertiary; S.E. France, Armissan; rare. Only differs from D. varians by thicker and little longer petiole, by the more regularly lanceolate leaves, and by the less ramified secondary ascending veins, which are united near the margin by very obtuse curves. 17. DIOSPYROS PAL.OG^:A, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxvin. p. 233. t. xxxvm. f. 2426, 32 (1868). D. foliis ovalibus, obtuse acuminatis, basi angustatis, integerrimis, coriaceis, petiolatis, 4, 5 pollices longis, nervo primario distincto, nervis secundariis crebris, tenuibus, flexuosis, ramosis; baccd globosd, exsuccd, fere pollicari; calyce firmo, quinque-partito, patente, deciduo, semipollicari, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, acuminatis. Schimper, Pal. V^g. vol. n. p. 945. n. 4 (1872). Miocene; Tripoli de Kutschlin, Bohemia. Leaf 4| in. by 1| in. wide ; petiole in. long ; calyx nearly | in. in diameter. VOL. XII. PART I. 36 282 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 18. DIOSPYROS H^RINGIANA, Ettingsh. Tert. Fl. Haring, p. 61. t. xxi. f. 26, t. xxn. f. 11 (1851). D. foliis lanceolatis vel elongato-lanceolatis, petiolatis, integerrimis, sub-coriaceis, utrinque angustatis, petiolo rugoso ; nervatione dictyodroma, nervo primario valido, nervis secundariis tenuibus, sub angulo 60 80 orientibus, arcuatis, ramosis ; calyce 4>-fido, segmentis parum productis, acutis. Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. iv. vol. xix. p. 72. t. ix. f. 1 (1863) ; Schimper, Pal. Ve"g. II. p. 945. n. 2 (1872). Tertiary ; in calcareous bituminous schist at Haring, Tyrol ; marly beds, S.E. France. Leaves 1| 3| in. long by \ fa in. wide, narrowly elliptical, obtuse at apex ; calyx J in. in diameter. 19. DIOSPYROS PANNONICA, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Wien, p. 19. t. in. f. 8 (1851). D. foliis ellipticis, basi angustioribus, integerrimis, petiolatis, nervis secundariis undulatis, sub angulo 50 60 orientibus, apice ramosis et in rete abeuntibus, nervis reticulatis e nervo primario sub angulo recto, e nervis secundariis sub angulo acuto egredientibus, ramosis. Schimper doubtfully unites this to D. anceps, Heer. Vienna, in marly schist. Leaf 2 in. long by 1^ in. wide. Very like leaf of D. brachysepala, but apparently more obtuse. 20. DIOSPYROS ROTENA, Ung. Syll. PI. Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. Kais. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxv. p. 29. t. ix. fig. 18, 19 (1866). D. foliis ovalibus breviter petiolatis integerrimis sesquipollicem longis, nervo primario distincto, nervis secundariis crebris tenuibus ramosis ; calyce firmo quinquelobo patente deciduo semipollicari, laciniis acuminatis. Schimp. Pal. Ve'g. n. p. 952 (1872). In marly schist; Radoboj, Croatia. Leaves 1^ in. long by f in. wide ; petiole -^ in. long. Calyx-lobes -fa in. long by in. wide. Family quite uncertain. 21. DIOSPYROS STENOSEPALA, Heer, Fl. Foss. Alaskana, p. 35. t. viii. fig. 7, 8 (1869). D. foliis ovalibus, basi rotundatis, integerrimis, subcoriaceis ; calyce fructifero quadripartito, lobis oblongis, apice rotundatis. Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 949. n. 16 (1872). Miocene ; English Bay, Alaska, N. America, Furuhjelm. The shape and size of the calyx correspond with those in D. brachysepala, but the lobes are longer and narrower. Calyx f in. in diameter; leaves If in. wide. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE.E. 283 22. DIOSPYROS BILINICA, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Eilin, n. p. 45, in Denkschrift. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxviii. p. 233. tab. xxxix. fig. 17, 18 (1868). D. foliis coriaceis, oblongo-ettipticis, crassiuscule petiolatis, basi rotundatis, apice sub- obtusis, integerrimis, nervo primario basi valido, apicem versus sensim angustato, nervis secundariis sub angulis acutis orientibus, tenuissimis, subremotis, nervis tertiariis obsoletis ; calyce profunde quadrifido, deciduo, patente, minima, laciniis ovalibus, longitudinaliter nervoso- striatis, basi coarctatis. Schimp. Pal. Veg. II. p. 947. n. 10 (1872). D. bohemica, Schimp. 1. c. p. 945. n. 3. Miocene ; menilite-opal of the valley of Schichow near Bilin, Bohemia. Leaf 4| in. long by If in. wide ; petiole f in. long. Calyx \ | in. in diameter, lobes rounded. The leaf much resembles that of D. Auricula, Ung., but differs by the more con- siderable thickness of the petiole and midrib. 23. DIOSPYROS OBLONGIFOLIA, Heer, Braunk. von Bornstadt in Abhandl. d. Nat. Gessellsch. zu Halle. XI. Bd. p. 17. t. in. f. 9 (1869). D. foliis oblongis, utrinque obtusis, integerrimis ; nervis suprabasilaribus ultra medium productis, cwteris utrinque 4 remotis, patentioribus, apice cum nervis tertiariis transversis arcuato-conjunctis, nervulis e nervo media et e nervis secundariis sub angulo recto emissis, inter se parallelis, reticulo minuto. Schimp. Pal. V<%. n. p. 950. n. 19 (1872).' Eocene ; Bornstadt near Eisleben, Saxony, about N. Lat. 51|. Leaf nearly 3 in. long by rather more than 1 in. wide, rounded at both ends. 24. DIOSPYROS PARTHENON, Ung. Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. Kais. Akad, Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxv. p. 29. t. IX. f. 8 (1866). D. foliis ovato-acuminatis basi subcordatis integerrimis membranaceis longe petiolatis, nervo primario valido, nervis secundariis crebris tenuibus subpatentibus apice diviso anasto- mosatis. Schimper, Pal. Veg. n. p. 948. n. 13 (1872). Miocene; lignite at Wetterau, Germany. Leaf 4 in. long by 1^ in. wide ; petiole |f in. long. The long petiole associated with a subcordate leaf-base is not suggestive of Ebenacea3. 25. DIOSPYROS OBLIQUA, Ung. Syll. PI. Foss., pug. iii. in Denkschrift. Kais. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxv. p. 29. t. ix. fig. 17, 17* (1866). D. calyce quinquelobo deciduo minima patente, laciniis e basi lata angustatis linearibus obtusis. 362 284 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Schimper, Pal. V^g. n. p. 951. n. 23 (1872). In marly schist, Radoboj, Croatia. Calyx about J in. in diameter ; lobes about in. long. Like Royena Myosotis, Ting., but calyx-lobes narrower. Cf. Porana. 26. EBENACITES RUGOSUS, Sap. in Sap. et Math. Exam. Anal. Fl. Tert. Provence, p. 31 (1861). E. foliis (?) ovatis, petiolatis, int egerrimis ; nervis secundariis curvatis, nervis tertiariis sinuosis transversim reticulatis; floribus unisexualibus ; calyce 5-lobo lobis incequalibus, extus rugoso-sulcatis, intus Icevibus, cestivatione imbricatis ; masculorum corolld erectd breviter urceolatd calycibus breviore; feminorum segmentis calycinis primum erectis, ovarium 2 3- stylum foventibus, demum patentibus, indurato-persistentibus, baccam globosam ipsis breviorem stipantibus. Diospyros rugosa, Sap. in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. iv. vol. xvii. p. 264. t. xi. f. 3. A, B, C, D, E, F. (1862) ; Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 946. n. 7. (1872). Tertiary ; beds of gypsum at Aix, S.E. France, common. The styles are not Ebenaceous in character. Male flower f in. diameter, calyx and corolla lobed half way, lobes ovate ; female flower in. thick, calyx deeply lobed, lobes ovate acuminate, styles ^ in. long. 27. DIOSPYROS ZOLLIKOFEEI, Ung. SylL PI. Foss., pug. iii., in Denkschrift. Kais. Akad. xxv. p. 27. t. ix. f. 6 (1866). D. seminibus ovoideis, compressis, distinctis, numero octo in orbem dispositis residuis fructus baccati globularis. Schimp. Pal. Ve"g. II. p. 951. n. 21. (1872). Miocene ; Hengsberg, Styria. Seeds ^ f in. long by ^ in. wide. IV. KEY TO THE FOSSIL SPECIES OF MACREIGHTIA. Peduncles not thickened upwards Leaves If 2J in. long by f ^ in. wide. 1. M. germanica. Leaves more than 3 in. long by 1J in. wide. 2. M. microcalyx. Peduncles thickened upwards. Calyx-lobes ovate-acuminate. 3. M. longipes. Calyx-lobes ovate or cuneiform, obtuse 4. M. vmmzenbergensis. 1. MACREIGHTIA GERMANICA, Heer, Fl. Tert. Helvet. in. p. 13. t. ciii. fig. 1, 2 (1859). M. foliis late-lanceolatis acuminatis in petiolum mediocrem attenuates integerrimis vel margine incequali passim denticulatis coriaceies, nervo media rdbusto, nervis secundariis e MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^. 286 nervo primario sub angulo acuto egredientibus subsimplicibus rectis parallelis ; calyce firmo pedunculate tripartite, lobis basi ovato-acuminatis nervosis ; baccd rotunda calyce basi cinctd. Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin, p. 234. (1868); Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. 953. n. 1 (1872); Ung. Syll. PL Foss., pug. iii. p. 26. t. viii. fig. 12, 13 (1866). Celastrus europceus, Ung. Gen. et Sp. PI. Foss. p. 459 (1850), Syll. PI. Foss., pug. ii. p. 10. t. ii. fig. 1015 (1864). Tertiary ; Parschlug, Styria ; Croatia ; Oeningen, &c. Calyx only like Macreightia (Maba) in being trimerous ; if the leaves are sometimes denticulate as stated, the plant cannot belong to Ebenaceae. In Celastrus europoeus the leaves measure If 2J in. long by -fa in. wide ; petioles about J in. long. 2. MACREIGHTIA MICROCALYX, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. v. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Wissensch. Math.-Naturw. xxviii. p. 234. t. xxxix. f. 2 5. n. 2 (1868). M. foliis lanceolo-oblongis, basi angustatis, obtusis, apicem versus angustatis, margine integerrimis, nervis secundariis camptodromis, nervo primario valido, nervis tertiariis obsoletis; calyce submembranaceo, pedunculate, tripartite, extus pilose, lobis ovato-acutis, basi latis, apice breviter cuspidatis, nervoso-stnatis ; baccd rotunda, calycis basi cinctd. Schimper, Pal. Ve"g. ii. p. 953. n. 2 (1872). Miocene ; Kutschlin, Bohemia. Leaf 1J in. wide by more than Sin. long. Calyx J ^ in. long; perhaps a fourth lobe at the back of the impression is concealed by the front ones. 3. MACREIGHTIA LONGIPES, Ettingsh. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Tertfl. Steierm. p. 58. t. IV. f. 10, 11. M. calyce longe pedunculate, pedunculo sursum sensim incrassato. lobis ovato-acuminatis, acutis. Schimp. Pal. V<%. ii. p. 954. n. 3 (1872). Lignite at Leoben, Styria, Austria. 4. MACREIGHTIA MUNZENBERGENSIS, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. d. alt. Braunk. d. Wetterau, p. 59. M. calyce tripartite lobis ovatis vel cuneiformibus, obtusis, nervosis. Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 954. n. 4 (1872). Hydrocharis ovata, Ludw. Palseontogr. in Mey. Beitr. Naturg. Vorw. VIII. t. xxiv. f. 6 (1860). Tertiary ; sandstone at Miinzenberg, Darmstadt, S.W. Germany. Calyx (?) -lobes f f in. long. As much like a calyx of Barringtonia or a split fruit of Viola as Maba. Peduncles thickened upwards. The following names of fossil species have been published apparently without descriptions or with extremely meagre ones. 286 ME HIERN ON EBENACE^). Diospyros laurina, Massal. Syllab. PI. Foss. Tert. Venet. p. 77 (1859). Macreightia italica, Massal. I. c. Macreightia? umbellata, Massal. I. c. Diospyros discreta, Saporta, Ve'g. Sud-Est France, Ep. Tert. in Ann. Sc. Nat., ser. v. vol. xv. p. 321 (1872). Diospyros ambigua, Saporta, I. c., non Vent. Diospyros rhodendrifolia, Saporta, I. c. Diospyros corrugata, Saporta, I. c. Diospyros styracifolia, Saporta, 1. c. p. 333 ; D. tyracifolia, Sap. in. Bull. Soc. Gdol. France, xxv. p. 895 (1868). Diospyros raminervis, Saporta, I. c. p. 333 ; in Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, xxv. p. 895 (1868). Diospyros Scheuzeri, A. Br. ex Ung. Pflanzenwelt, p. 233 (1851), is Labatia Scheuzeri, A. Br. ex Stiehler, Synops. Pflanz. Vorwelt, I. p. 147 (1861). ADDITIONS AND COKKECTIONS. During the time that the previous sheets have taken in passing through the press numerous new specimens of Ebenaceae have reached this country and been presented to my notice, containing indeed several new species and affording additional matter for the more complete knowledge of old ones. So far as circumstances allowed, I have incorporated the additional matter in its proper place, and such information as was not sufficiently early for that purpose, I now add at the end : I also take the same opportunity of correcting the misprints, mistakes, and omissions that have been noticed, and of making any slight additions that further research has rendered desirable. The estimate given on page 61 for the number of recent species in the family and in the genera Maba and Diospyros will require a slight increase in each case ; thus the whole Natural Order contains more than 260 recent species, of which about 100 are new or not previously described; and if the fossils are included the whole number will be at least 300. P. 27, 1. 10. For ILICINLE read ILICINE.E. P. 28, L 5 from bottom. For Bertolini read Bertoloni. P. 30, 1. 11. For Paralia read Paralea. 1. 27. For Blum, read Blanco. P. 33, 1. 4. Add, Java, Sumatra and Borneo. L 18. Strike out Java (?). P. 37, 1. 10. Strike out Mart. 1. 18, 24, 33. For caprsefolia read capresefolia. P. 40, 1. 19. For 4117. Diospyros sylvatica, Koxb. read 4117. Diospyros sylvatica, Wall. L 24. For Eoxb. read Wall. P. 41. Insert, among the numbers of HB. GRIFFITH AND HELFER, 3620. Diospyros Horsfieldii. P. 44, 1. 7. For Hendelotii read Heudelotii. 288 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. P. 44. Insert BECCARI. 18C5 1868. No. 1399. Maba punctata. 1422. Diospyros coriacea. 1423. Maba punctata. 1429. Maba (?) cordata. 1550. Maba Maingayi. 1560. Diospyros graciliflora. 1600. Diospyros lateralis. 1(170. Maba merguensis. 1787. Diospyros pergamena. 1822. Maba Teijsrnanni. 1837. Maba(?) cordata. 1892. Diospyros discolor, Willd. 1948. Maba Beccarii. 1949. Diospyros (sp.). 1973. Diospyros buxifolia. For 1854 read 1852. Borneo, District Sarawak. No. 2285. Diospyros rigida. 2486. Diospyros fuliginea. 2492. Diospyros Beccarii. 2542. Diospyros dictyoneura. 2591. Diospyros Beccarii. 2612. Diospyros asterocalyx. 2615. Diospyros dictyoneura. 3052. Cfr. Diospyros Toposia, Ham. 3101. Cfr. Diospyros. 3120. Diospyros (sp.). 3225. Diospyros plectosepala. 3455. Diospyros coriacea. 3567. Diospyros rotundiflora. 3568. Maba myrmecocalyx. P. 44, 1. 20. Under GERHARD AND M C KEN insert 18. Royena cordata, E. Mey. P. 45. 1606. Euclea daphuoides. 1. 10. For cordata, E. Mey. read glandulosa, Harv. At bottom, add, 1740. Cape of Good Hope. Euclea lanceolata, E. Mey. P. 46. Under BOLUS add, 128. Graaf Reinet. Royena pallens, Thunb. 527. Royena cordata, E. Mey. 572. Euclea ovata, Burch. 655. Euclea undulata, Thunb. P. 50. Under BERNIER add, 259 (excl. fr.). Madagascar. Diospyros baplostylis, Boiv. P. 51, 1. 9. For Maba capreasfolia read Diospyros capresefolia, and prefix 1011. P. 57, 1. 4 from bottom. After lobis insert integris. P. 60, 1. 2. After equal insert entire. P. 67, 1. 32. For p. 38 read p. 37. P. 69, Insert 1827. Ferreola guineensis, Schum. and Thonn. Plant. Guin. p. 448. Guinea, Africa. 1. 4 from bottom. For Sweet, read Sweet,. P. 72. Insert 1843. Rymia polyandra, Endl. Cat. Hort. Acad. Vindob. II. p. 123. n. 4583. Cape of Good Hope. P. 73. Insert 1850. Anona macrophylla, Ung. Gen. et Sp. PI. Foss. p. 442. Croatia. last two lines for 1850 read 1851. P. 75. Insert 1861. Diospyros longifolia, Spruce in Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. V. p. 7. South America. 1861. Diospyros glomerata, Spruce in Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. V. p. 7. South America. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 289 1861. Diospyros polyandra, Spruce in Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. V. p. 7. S. America. 1861. Macreightia myristicoides, Spruce in Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. v. p. 8. S. America. 1. 6 from bottom. For Island read Islands. P. 76, insert 1865. Diospyros obscura, Sap. Etud. n. p. 283 in Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. V. vol. IV. p. 138. S.E. France. P. 77, insert 1868. Diospyros palreogsea, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Kais. Wissensch. Math. Naturw. xxvui. p. 233. t. xxxvui. fig. 2426, 32. Bohemia. 1868. Diospyros bilinica, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Kais. Wissensch. Math. Naturw. xxvm. p. 233. t. xxxix. fig. 17, 18. Bohemia. 1868. Diospyros paradisiaca, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Kais. Wissensch. Math. Naturw. xxvm. p. 234. t. xxxvui. fig. 2931, 34. Bohemia. 1868. Macreightia microcalyx, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. Bilin in Denkschrift. Akad. Kais. Wissensch. Math. Naturw. xxvm. p. 234. t. xxxix. f. 2 5. 1868. Diospyros grseca, Saporta in Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France xxv. p. 321. S. E. France. 1868. Diospyros styracifolia, Saporta in Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France xxv. p. 895. S. E. France. 1868. Diospyros raminervis, Saporta in Bull. Soc. Ge'ol. France xxv. p. 895. S. E. France. 1869. Diospyros oblongifolia, Heer Braunk. v. Bornstadt in Abh. Nat. Gesell. Halle, xi. Bd. p. 17. t. III. fig. 9. Saxony. 1869. Diospyros stenosepala, Heer Fl. Foss. Alaskana in Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Akad. Handl., Ny Foljd, vni. p. 35. t. vili. fig. 7, 8. N. America. Macreightia longipes, Ettingsh. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Steierm. p. 58. t. IV. fig. 10, 11, ex Schimp. Pal. Veg. II. p. 954 (1872). Austria. Macreightia miinzenbergensis, Ettingsh. Foss. Fl. d. alt. Braunk. d. Wetterau, p. 59, ex Schimp. Pal. Veg. n. p. 954 (1872). Germany. Diospyros prima?va, Heer Phyll. Cre"t du Nebraska, p. 19. t. i. fig. 6, 7. N. America. 1872. Diospyros bohemica, Schimp. Tr. Pal. Ve'g. n. p. 945. n. 3. Bohemia. 1872. Diospyros alaskana, Schimp. Tr. Pal. Ve'g. II. p. 949. n. 17. N. America. 1872. Diospyros Koxburghi, Carriere in Revue Horticole, p. 253. N.E. India. 1872. Diospyros discreta, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat., ser. V. vol. xv. p. 321 (sine descriptione). S.E. France. 1872. Diospyros rhododendrifolia, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat., ser. V. vol. XV. p. 321 (sine descriptione). S.E. France. 1872. Diospyros corrugata, Saporta in Ann. Sc. Nat., ser. V. vol. XV. p. 321 (sine descriptione). S.E. France. P. 92, 1. 7. For Stamens 1617 read Stamens 16 22. P. 94, 1. 25. For Stamens 1617 read 1622. PP. 95, 96. Euclea rigida, E. Mey. must be removed from E. pseudebenus, E. Mey. to E. lancea, Thunb. P. 99, 1. 3 from bottom. For Stamens 16 read Stamens 12 16. P. 100. To the localities for EUCLEA DiviNORUM add Basuta country, T. Baines! Add as a synonym of EUCLEA MULTIFLORA Diospyros (Sp.), Salt, Voyage Abyss, p. 14 (1814) ; VOL. XII. PART I. 37 290 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. And among the localities for this species, add Sofala Bay, Mozambique, 19 August, 1809, SdlA! P. 103, 1. 10 from bottom. For (1847) read (1851). P. 104, 1. 13. After Fruit insert edible. P. 106. To EUCLEA UNDULATA, Thunb. add Wooded chasms, Swellendam, a tree, Lichtenstein ; Basuta country, " Tolangoola," T. Baines !. According to Thunberg, the berries when bruised and fermented yield a vinegar. P. 107, last line. After pilose insert except M. (?) cordata. P. 141. In the character of MABA CORDATA insert floribus mascidis tubidosis, 5-meris, lobis lanceolatis, calyce partita, staminibus 12, glabris, incequalibus. And in the description insert $ . Flowers tubular, f in. long, pentamerous. Calyx \ in. long, partite ; lobes narrowly lanceolate, glabrous inside. Corolla-tube equalling the calyx, pubescent outside above ; lobes | in. long, oval-lanceolate, subacute, puberulous outside, glabrous inside. Stamens 12, unequal, glabrous, inserted on the receptacle ; anthers apiculate ; filaments unequal, more or less combined at base. Ovary 0. Pedicels \ in. long ; bracts caducous, unequal. Borneo, 0. Beccari! n. 1837. P. 142, 1. 16. For MSS. read in Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. v. p. 8 (1861). P. 144. At the end of the descriptions of the species of MABA insert EXCLUDED SPECIES OF MABA. Maba Cargillia, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 162 (1866) = Diospyros Cargillia, F. Muell. Maba pentamera, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 163 (1866) = Diospyros pentamera, Woolls et F. Muell. Maba quadridentata, F. Muell. Fragm. V. p. 162 (1866) = Diospyros mabacea, F. Muell. P. 144, 1. 2 from bottom. Add non Solander ex Lowe Man. Fl. Madeira vol. II. p. 34 (1872). P. 151, 1. 11. For glabrous read subglabrous. P. 159, 1. 19. Prefix the reference Kern. Hort. Semperv. t. 64. P. 161, 1. 16. Add ; non Wall. P. 197, 1. 1. For Golunto read Golungo. P. 201, 1. 7 from bottom. Add ; non Hort. P. 218, 1. 9. After Bat. insert n. P. 221, 1. 17. Add D. dioica, Spanoghe in Hook. Comp. Bot. Mag. I. p. 348 (1835). P. 222. Among the localities for DIOSPYROS MONTANA, Roxb., insert Pegu, Kurz! 3008, 3009. P. 225. At end of synonymy of DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA, Linn., add D. stricta, Hort. ex Loud. Encycl. I.e., non Roxb. D. digyna, Hort. ex Loud. Encycl. I.e., non Jacq. P. 240, 1. 4 from bottom. Add non Heer. P. 244. To the synonymy of DIOSPYROS EBENASTER Retz. add Cfr. Lolin, Valentyn, Oost-Ind. Deel m. Stuk i. p. 223. t. LXIV (1726). P. 286, 1. 7. For rhodendrifolia read rhododendrifolia. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE LATIN NAMES. The Numbers on the right-hand of the names denote the page* on which the names severally occur; the Numbers on the left-hand, in the case of adopted specific names of recent species, denote the number of the species under its genus. Aberia tristis, Sond., 90. ^cidium (sp.), 86. Atnuxis (), 146, 156. Aimona microuarpa, Jacq., 68, 144, 246. Anona Lignituin, Ung., 73, 278. macrophylla, TJng., 277, 288. Anonacese, 62, 63, 271, tab. I. Arbutus (sp.), Linn., 78, 83. diospyrifolius, Massal., 74, 279. Barberia () 107, 110. Barringtonia, Forst., 285. Bicornes, Giseke, 57. Bignoniacese, 28. Bixinese, 63, tab. I. Bocagea elliptica, Hook. f. et Thorns., 270. Borraginites myosotiflorus, Ludw., 280. Brachycheila pubescens, Harv., 73, 90, 93. Brachynema rauiiflorum, Benth., 65, 75. Buxus (sp.), Linn., 78, 88. sempervirens, Linn., 231. Cargilia Auct. Cfr. Cargillia. Cargillia, R. Br., 60, 64, 66, 144, 145, 146, 155. ,, arborea, A. Cunn., 239. australis, K. Br., 56, 64, 68, 246. laxa, R. Br., 56, 64, 68, 211. mabacea, F. Muell., 76, 239. macrocarpa, Vieill, 242. maritima, Hassk., 73, 211. megalocarpa, F. Muell., 76, 211. pentamera, Woolls et F. Muell., 76, 239. Carpodinus edulis, G. Don, 271. Carpophaga magnifica, Selby, 240. Casasia calophylla, Rich., 126. 38 17 Cassia phaseolites, Heer, 75, 274. Cavanilla, Auct. Cfr. Cavanillea. Cavanillea, Desrouss., 144, 146, 156. Mabolo, Lam., 69, 260. philippensis, Desr., 67, 260. Celastrineae, 63, tab. I. Celastrus, L., 274. crispus, Thunb., 69, 90, 99. europseus, TJng., 73, 285. Chailletiacese, 63, tab. i. Convolvulaceae, 63, tab. I. Cordia, Plum., 96. Cunalon, Blanco, 197. Cunalonia (), 146, 150. Dactylus trapezuntinus, Forsk., 67, 144, 224. Danzleria (), 146, 153. axillaris, Bert., 72, 145, 231. Diclidanthera, Mart., 27. Diospiros, Auct. Cfr. Diospyros. Diospyracese, Voigt, 57. Diospyrese, 57. Diospyri, Tratt., 57. Diospyros, Linn., 30, 32, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 107, 144, 165, 184, 264, 270, 272, 273, 276, 280, 287, 288, tab. i. acapulcensis, Kuiith, 69, 128, 270. acuminata, Wall., 40, 70, 270. acuta, Thw., 33, 41, 75, 149, 182. affinis, Thw., 33, 41, 75, 147, 169. alaskana, Schimp., 276, 278, 280, 289. albens, Presl, 70, 127, 270. ambigua, Sap., 286. ambigua, Vent., 67, 86, 270. amoena, Wall., 40, 70, 213. amplexicaulis, Lindl. et Paxt., 74, 1 79. 372 292 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Diospyros anceps, Heer, 75, 276, 277, 280. angulata, Poir., 68, 178. angustifolia, Lodd., 70, 225. 32 anonaefolia, Alph. DC., 38, 72, 148, . 179. 169 apeibacarpos, Radd., 37, 60, 69, 269. 44 apiculata, Hiern, 33, 42, 149, 186. 152 argentea, Griff, 34, 41, 42, 74, 156, 265. Arnottiana, Miq., 76, 171. 144 artanthsefolia, Mart., 37, 53, 74, 155, 255. assimilis, Bedd., 76, 208. 56 asterocalyx, Hiern, 150, 193, 288. atrata (var.), 259. 37 attenuata, Thw., 33, 41, 75, 149, 182. 76 ,, aurea, Teijsm. et Binn., 34, 54, 74, 151, 206. Auricula, ITng., 73, 276, 280, 283. auriculata, Stiehl., 280. auriculata, Wight, 42, 188. australis, 30, 31, 36, 46, 54, 246. 45 Barteri, Hiern, 35, 43, 149, 187. 25 batocana, Hiern, 31, 35, 148, 174. 72 Beccarii, Hiern, 151, 204, 288. 166 Bernieri, Hiern, 38, 50, 268. Berterii, Alph. DC., 72, 127, 270. bicolor, KL, 75, 165. 90 biflora, Blanco, 34, 70, 152, 217. bilinica, Ettingsh., 276, 283, 289. Blancoi, Alph. DC., 73, 261. bohemica, Schimp., 283, 289. 58 Boivini, Hiern, 38, 150, 194. 24 borneensis, Hiern, 33, 55, 148, 173. Boutoniana, Alph. DC., 72, 178. brachysepala, A. Br., 73, 272, 276, 279, 282. bracteata, Roxb., 69, 221. 41 - Brandisiana, Kurz, 33, 77, 149, 184. brasiliensis, Mart., 51, 74, 244. 13 burmanica, Kurz, 34, 77, 147, 166. 92 buxifolia, Hiern, 34, 42, 55, 152, 218, 288. 1 calophylla, Hiern, 38, 50, 147, 156. calycina, Audib., 71, 225. calycina, Bedd., 188. canarica, Bedd., 77, 164, 165. Candolleana, Wight, 41, 73, 164. Canomoi, Alph. DC., 73, 216. Diospyros capensis, Alph. DC., 72, 178, 179. capitulata, Wight, 73, 233. 142 capreajfolia, Mart., 37, 51, 155, 254, 287, 288. 128 Cargillia,F. Muell., 77, 155, 246, 290. caroliniana, Muhl., 69, 225. 63 Carthei, Hiern, 33, 151, 198. 110 cauliflora, Blume, 34, 58, 69, 1 54, 234. cauliflora, Mart., 142, 270. 105 cayenneusis, Alph. DC., 37, 72, 153, 231. cerasifolia, D. Don, 69, 270. 103 chartacea, Wall., 34, 40, 70, 153, 230. chinensis, Blume, 69, 227. 108 chloroxylon, Roxb., 30, 34, 40, 41, 42, 64, 67, 153, 233. 34 chrysophyllos, Poir., 38, 53, 68, 148, 177, 180. 99 ciliata, Alph. DC., 36, 153, 223. ciliata, Rafin., 70, 225. citrifolia, Wall., 72, 258. 137 coccolobffifolia, Mart., 37, 51, 53, 74, 155, 251. Commersoni, Gaertn. fil., 68, 179. 96 coinorensis, Hiern, 38, 153, 220. concolor, Moench, 67, 225. conduplicata, Kunth, 69, 127, 270. cordifolia, Roxb., 40, 41, 54, 67, 221, 222. 149 coriacea, Hiern, 156, 259, 288. cormgata, Sap., 286, 289. costata, Cam, 77, 227, 228, fig. p. 229. 150 crassiflora, Hiern, 35, 156, 260. 18 crumenata, Thw., 33, 41, 75, 147, 169. 61 Cunalon, Alph. DC., 30, 34, 60, 73, 150, 197. 168 cuneifolia, Hb. Delcss., 36, 268. cupulosa, F. Muell., 77, 114, 270. 161 cystopus, Miq., 34, 75, 266. 71 dasyphylla, Kurz, 33, 77, 151, 203. decandra, Boj., 244. 6 decandra, Lour., 31, 33, 65, 67, 147, 160, 265. 60 Dendo, Welw., 29, 35, 48, 60, 150, 195, tab. x. 20 densiflora, Wall., 33, 40, 70, 147, 171. 65 dictyoneura, Hiern, 150, 192, 288. 112 Diepenhorstii, Miq., 34, 58, 60, 75, 145, 154, 235. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE LATIN NAMES. 293 Diospyros digyna, Hort., 290. digyna, Jacq., 67, 244. dioica, Span., 70, 290. 151 discolor, Willd., 29, 34, 37, 40, 42, 46, 54, 59, 68, 156, 260, 288. discreta, Sap., 286, 289. 156 dodecandra, Lour., 34, 60, 67, 264. dubia, Goepp., 276, 281. dubia, Wall., 40, 70, 159, 160. dulcis (van-.), 226. 125 Ebenaster, Retz., 29, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37, 42, 50, 67, 154, 179, 244, 290. Ebenaster, Spach, 208. 78 Ebenum, Koen., 29, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 56, 59, 67, 151, 208, 209, 245. Ebenum, Poir., 176. ebenus, Auct. Cfr. D. Ebenum. edulis, Lodd., 69, 244. 9 ehretioides, Wall., 33, 40, 70, 147, 162, 163. 146 emarginata, Hiern, 37, 52, 156, 256, t. xi. embriopteris, Blanco, 261. Embryopteris, Boj., 261. 148 Embryopteris, Pers., 29, 30, 31, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 53, 54, 55, 68, 156, 257. 69 eriantha, Champ., 31, 33, 52, 74, 151, 202. exculpta, Hamilt., 69, 158. exsculpta, Auct, 158. Cfr. D. ex- culpta, Hamilt. fasciculosa, F. Muell., 77, 135, 270. feminina, Hamilt., 73, 270. ferruginea, Spltgbr., 73, 240. fertilis, Lodd., 70, 225. 74 flavicans, Hiern, 34, 40, 41, 42, 59, 151, 205. 47 foliolosa, Wall., 30, 33, 40, 70, 150, 188. frondosa, Wall., 40, 70, 270. 19 frutescens, Blume, 34, 55, 69, 134, 147, 170. frutescens, Hassk., 193. 40 fuliginea, Hiern, 149, 184, 288. 86 Gavdneri, Thw., 29, 34, 41, 53, 75, 152, 214. 134 gaultheriasfolia, Mart., 37, 53, 74, 155, 250. Diospyros geminata, F. Muell., 77, 119, 270. glaberrima, Rottb., 67, 208. glabi-a (var.), Alph. DC., 224. glauca, Rottl., 34, 67, 233. 141 glomerata, Spruce, 37, 52, 155, 254, 288. glutinifera, Wall, 69, 258. glutinosa, Roxb., 69, 258. Goindu, Dalz., 74, 221, 222. 133 Goudotii, Hiern, 37, 54, 155, 249. 53 graciliflora, Hiern, 150, 191, 288. 52 gracilipes, Hiern, 38, 50, 59, 150, 191. grseca, Sap., 274, 289. grandifolia, Wall., 73, 270. 154 grata, Wall, 34, 40, 70, 264. guiacanaj Rob., 68, 225. hseringiana, Ettingsh., 74, 273, 276, 282. 23 halesioides, Griseb., 37, 52, 76, 148, 173. 29 haplostylis, Boiv., 29, 38, 50, 148, 177, 288. 158 Hasseltii, Zoll., 35, 74, 265. hebecarpa, A. Cunn., 36, 54, 56, 77, 209. Hebenaster, Gaertn., 179, 244. heterophylla,Wall., 40, 70, 221, 222, 242. 87 Heudelotii, Hiern, 35, 44, 152, 215, 287, tab. v. fig. 2. hexasperma, Hasselt, 73, 123, 270. hirsuta, Desf., 83, 270. 11 hirsuta, Linn, fil., 29, 33, 41, 42, 43, 67, 147, 163, 164, 165, 166. 132 hispida, Alph. DC., 37, 49, 51, 72, 155, 249. 57 Horsfieldii, Hiern, 33, 54, 150, 193, 287. humilis, F. Muell., 77, 120, 270. incerta, Massal., 75, 276, 278. incisa, Hamilt., 69, 263. inconstans, Jacq., 66, 127, 270. insculpta, Hamilt., 69, 158, 159. 2 insignis, Thw., 29, 33, 41, 75, 147, 157. intermedia, Hort., 71, 225, 226. japonica, Sieb. et Zucc., 54, 73, 224. Kaki, Blanco, 261. 102 Kaki, Linn, fil., 30, 31, 34, 41, 52, 54, 67, 153, 227, 228, fig. p. 229, 230. 294 MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 65 Diospyros Kirkii, Hiern, 31, 35, 151, 199. 16 159 8 106 85 14 165 33 100 59 118 122 115 129 n n n Korthalsiana, Hiern, 33, 147, 168. Kuhlii, Zoll., 35, 74, 265. Kurzii, Hiern, 33, 65, 147, 162. Isevis, Boj., 38, 72, 153, 232, 268. lancesefolia, Eoxb., 30, 34, 41, 68, 152, 213, 264. lanceolata, Poir., 68, 131, 270. lanceolate, Schimp., 278. lanceolata, Wall., 40, 263. lancifolia, A. Br., 74, 279. lancifolia, Lesq., 278. langifolia, Stiz., 279. lateralis, Hiern, 147, 167, 288. latifolia, Schimp., 279. laurifolia, A. Rich., 37, 74, 244. laurina, Massal., 75, 286. laxa, Teijsm. et Biun., 74, 172. leucocalyx, Hiern, 38, 54, 267. leucomelas, Poir., 30, 38, 50, 68, 148, 179. Lignitum, TJng., 76, 276, 278. lobata, Lour., 67, 227, 228. longifolia, Heer, 74, 279. longifolia, Spruce, 240, 241, 288. lotoides, TJng., 76, 276, 280. Lotus, Blanco, 216. Lotus, Linn., 30, 31, 41, 52, 54, 66, 153, 223, 226, 228, 230, 272. Lotus, Lour., 195. Loureiriana, G. Don, 35, 44, 48, 63, 70, 150, 194. Loveni, Heer, 77, 276, 277. lucida, Hort., 225. lucida, Wall., 40, 70, 164. lycioides, Desf., 68, 85, 270. mabacea, F. Muell., 36, 77, 154, 239, 290. Mabola, Roxb., 69, 260. Mabolo, Wall., 70. macrocalyx, Alph. DC., 72, 178. macrocalyx, K.I., 195. macrocarpa, Hiern, 38, 56, 154, 242. macrocarpa, Korth., 168. macrophylla, Blume, 34. 69, 154, 237. macrophylla, Wall., 40, 216. malabarica, Kostel., 70, 258. Malacapai, Alph. DC., 30, 33, 73, 155, 247. 143 Diospyros Mannii, Hiern, 35, 44, 155, 255. 82 maritima, Blume, 34, 36, 52, 54, 55, 64, 69, 152, 211. mauritiana, Alph. DC., 72, 178. megalocarpa, F. Muell., 77, 211. melanida, Neraud, 179. 30 melanida, Poir., 38, 50, 68, 148, 177, 179. melanida, Sieber, 261. melanoxylon, Blume, 172. melanoxylon, Hassk., Ettingsh., 258. 5 melanoxylon, Roxb., 29, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43, 67, 147, 159, 160, 161. melanoxylon, Willd., 208. membranacea, Alph. DC., 72, 244. 12 mespiliformis, Hochst., 29, 31, 35, 43, 44, 48, 71, 147, 165,267. mexicana, Scheele, 238. microcarpa, Sieb., 224, (var.) 226. microcai-pa, Span., 35, 70, 270. microphylla, Bedd., 77, 218. 46 microrhombus, Hiern, 29, 38, 150, 187. mollis, Wall., 30, 40, 71, 162. montana, Heyne, 159. 97 montana, Roxb., 29, 34, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 67, 153, 220, 222, 290. Moonii, Thw., 41, 75, 164. 94 Morrisiana, Hance, 31, 52, 74, 153, 219. 89 multiflora, Blanco, 30, 34, 57, 152, 216. multiflora, Wall., 40, 70, 213. Myosotis, TJng., 73, 274. Myosotis, Web., 278. myrmecocarpus, Mart., 74, 141, 270. Neraudii, Alph. DC., 72, 178. nervosa (ear.), 259. nigra, Blanco, 73, 244. nigricans, Dalz., 208. 77 nigricans, Wall, 34, 40, 41, 70, 151, 207. nilagirica, Bedd., 77, 164. 31 nodosa, Poir., 38, 53, 68, 148, 178, 179. obliqua, TJng., 76, 277, 283. oblonga, G. Don, 270. 124 oblonga, Wall., 34, 40, 42, 69, 154, 243. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF THE LATIN NAMES. 295 73 127 21 155 116 131 51 120 91 138 79 114 160 119 123 109 139 54 83 157 84 48 164 Diospyros oblongifolia, Heer, 276, 283, 289. obovata, Jacq., 67, 197. obovata, Wight, 42, 270. obscura, Sap., 276, 281, 289. obtusifolia, Bert., 127, 270. obtusifolia, Humb. et Bonpl., 68, 244. ocanensis (var.), 253. octandra, Hiern, 33, 41, 167. oleifolia, Wall., 34, 40, 70, 151, 204. Olen, Hiern, 38, 55, 154, 246. oligandra, Bedd., 77, 164. oocarpa, Thw., 33, 41, 60, 75, 145, 148, 171. oppositifolia, Thw., 30, 33, 41, 75, 147, 157. orixeiisis, Hb. Wight, 35, 42, 264. orixensis, Klein, 68, 161. ovalifolia, Wight, 34, 41, 42, 73, 154, 237. ovalis, Hiem, 37, 53, 155, 248. palffiogEea, Ettingsh., 276, 281, 289. paniculata, Dalz., 33, 43, 74, 150, 190, 263. pannonica, Ettingsh., 74, 276, 282. paradisiaca, Ettingsh., 276, 279, 289. Paralea, Steud., 30, 37, 52, 53, 71, 154, 240, 241, 287. Parthenon, Ung., 76, 276, 283. parvifolia, Hiern, 38, 152, 217. Pearcei, Hiern, 155, 252. pellucida, Hiern, 34, 57, 151, 209. pellucido-punctata (var.), 231. pendula, Hasselt, 34, 73, 154, 236. penduliflora, Zoll., 35, 74, 266. pentamera, Woolls et F. Muell., 30, 36, 54, 77, 154, 239, 290. perforata, Hiern, 34, 154, 243. pergamena, Hiern, 154, 234, 288. Persimon, Wikstr., 70, 225. peruviana, Hiern, 52, 53, 155, 253. Pervillei, Hiern, 38, 50, 150, 192. ,, philippinensis, Alph. DC., 34, 57, 72, 152, 212. phyllomegas, Steud., 71, 237. pilosa, Alph. DC., 30, 35, 72, 106, 265. pilosanthera, Blanco, 30, 35, 70, 152, 213. pilosula, Wall., 33, 40, 70, 150, 188. platycalyx, Hiern, 38, 50, 267. 163 Diospyros platyphylla, Welw., 35, 48, 59, 266. 67 plectosepala, Hiern, 151, 201, 288. 145 Poeppigiana, Alph. DC., 37, 52, 53, 72, 156, 256, 257. 64 polyalthioides, Korth., 33, 151, 198, tab. vn. 136 polyandra, Spruce, 37, 52, 155, 251, 289. primseva, Heer, 272, 276, 280, 289. 167 pruinosa, Hiern, 38, 59, 268. 43 pruriens, Dalz., 33, 41,43,74,149,185. psidioides, Kunth, 69, 127, 270. pterocalyx, Boj., 70, 178. pubescens, Pers., 68, 83, 270. pubescens, Pursh, 225, 226. punctata, Decaisne, 70, 221, 222. punctata, Korth., 136, 271. 162 pyrrhocarpa, Miq., 35, 75, 266. 26 qusesita, Thw., 30, 33, 41, 75, 148, 157, 174. racemosa, Roxb., 69, 263. Ill ramiflora, Roxb., 29, 34, 40, 58, 69, 154, 235, 236. raminervis, Sap., 286, 289. reticulata, Decaisne, 209. reticulata, Sieb., 179. reticulata, Wall., 208. reticulata, Willd., 68, 176. revoluta, Poir., 68, 244. 121 rhodocalyx, Kurz, 34, 77, 154, 241. rhododendrifolia, Sap., 286, 289, 290. 147 rigida, Hiern, 156, 257, 288. 10 rotundiflora, Hiern, 147, 163, 288. 36 rotundifolia, Hiern, 36, 46, 148, 181. Roxburgh!, Carr., 227, 228, 289. Royena, Ung., 76, 276, 282. Roylei, Auct., 159 = D. Roylii, Wall. Roylii, Wall., 40, 70, 159, 160. rubiginosa, Roth, 69, 159. rubra, Gaertn. fil., 68, 177. rugosa, Sap., 76, 284. rugosula, R. Br., 56, 68, 221, 222. .rugusola, Alph. DC., 221. salicifolia, Humb. et Bonpl., 68, 128, 129, 271. 126 samoensis, A. Gr., 30, 34, 46, 75, 154, 209, 245. Sapota, Roxb., 40, 69, 244. sapotanigra, DC., 69, 244. 75 sapotoides, Kurz, 151, 206. 296 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. Diospyros Scheuzeri, A. Br., 74, 286. Schi-tse, Bunge, 70, 227. senegalensis, Perr., 44, 72, 165. 35 senensis, Kl., 35, 43, 75, 148, 181. sericea, Alph. DC., 51, 53, 72, 140, 269, 271. sericocarpa, F. Muell., 77, 114, 271. serrata, Hamilt., 69, 271. speciosa, Wood, 77, 158. 130 spinosa, Hiern, 37, 155, 247. 81 Sprucei, Hiern, 37, 52, 152, 210, tab. vin. Sprucei (var.), 253. 95 squamosa, Boj., 38, 50, 72, 153, 220. 50 squarrosa, KL, 35, 75, 150, 190. stenosepala, Heer, 276, 282, 289. stricta, Hort., 290. 68 stricta, Roxb., 33, 40, 41, 60, 68, 151, 201. styracifolia, Sap., 286, 289. 42 subacuta, Hiern, 38, 149, 185. 49 suberifolia, Decaisne, 150, 189. 135 subrotata, Hiern, 37, 49, 155, 250. 113 sumatrana, Miq., 34, 74, 154, 236. 7 sylvatica, Roxb., 29, 33, 41, 65, 67, 147, 161, 287. sylvatica, Wall., 40, 221, 287. Tallak (var.), 134. 28 tessellaria, Poir., 29, 31, 38, 68, 148, 175, 176, 177. 80 tetrandra, Hiern, 37, 152, 210, tab. VI. tetrandra, Span., 71, 211. 62 tetraspenna, Sw., 37, 52, 53, 67, 151, 197. 117 texana, Scheele, 32, 36, 51, 52, 73, 154, 238. Teysmanni, Miq., 75, 203. 107 ' Thouarsii, Hiern, 38, 153, 232. r, Thwaitesii, Bedd., 77, 164. timoriana, Miq., 35, 74, 176, 209. tomentosa, Poir., 68, 233, 242. tomentosa, Roxb., 40, 158. 153 Toposia, Hamilt., 34, 41, 53, 59, 69, 145, 156, 263, 288. 27 toxicaria, Hiern, 30, 38, 44, 148, 175. 39 tricolor, Hiern, 35, 149, 183, tab. v. fig. 1. 22 truncata, Zoll. et Mor., 29, 33, 54, 55, 73, 148, 172. - II II ft 4 Diospyros Tupru, Buch., 29, 31, 33, 68, 147, 158, 159. tyracifolia, Saporta, 286. Umlovok, Griff, 73, 224. 88 . undulata, Wall., 34, 40, 41, 42, 70, 152, 215. vaccinifolia, Ettingsh., 230. 104 vaccinioides, Lindl., 31,34, 40, 41, 52, 54, 55, 69, 153, 230. varians, Sap., 76, 276, 281. 70 variegate, Kurz, 34, 77, 151, 203, 223. 66 velutina, Hiern, 36, 37, 50, 51, 53, 54, 151, 200. velutina (var), 221. venosa, Wall., 40, 70, 270, 271. vernalis (var.), 195. 15 verrucosa, Hiern, 35, 147, 167. 93 Vescoi, Hiern, 38, 152, 218. vetusta, Giebel, 75, 276, 277. 101 virginiana, Linn., 30, 32, 52, 58, 66, 153, 223, 224, 228, 230, 290. virginica, Auct. Cfr. D. virginiana. virginica dulcis, 271. Waldemarii, KL, 75, 221, 222. Weberi, Stiehl. Cfr. D. Weberii. Weberii, MassaL, 75, 276, 278. 140 Weddellii, Hiern, 37, 51, 155, 253. Wightiana, Wall., 40, 70, 159, 160. Wodani, Ung., 73, 276, 277. 170 xylopioides, Mart, 37, 74, 269. Zollikoferi, Ung., 76, 277, 284. 98 Zollingeri, Hiern, 34, 43, 55, 59, 153, 222. (sp.) Bedd., 222. (sp.) Salt., 271, 289. Diospyrus, Roxb. Cfr. Diospyros. Diplonema, G. Don, 27, 90. ambigua, G. Don, 71, 86. elliptica, G. Don, 71, 92. Drebbelia subarborescens, Zoll., 65, 75. Dyospyros, Dumort. Cfr. Diospyros. Ebenacites rugosus, Sap., 75, 272, 277, 284. Ebenoxylon, Auct. Cfr. Ebenoxylum. Ebenoxylum vennn, Lour., 67, 122. Ebenus, Commers., 144, 146, 148. Ebenus, Rumph., 122. Cfr. Maba. leucomelas, Commers., 68, 179. melanida, Commers., 68, 178. tessellaria, Commers., 68, 176. MR HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 297 Ehretia ferrea, Willd., 67, 107, 117. Elaeis guineensis, Jacq., 107. Embryopteris, Gaertn., 144. discolor, G. Don, 70, 261. gelatinifera, G. Don, 70, 258. glutenifera, Wight, 258. glutinifera, Roxb., 67, 258. Kaki, G. Don, 71, 227. Loureiriana, G. Don, 71, 264, peregrina, Gaertn., 67, 258. racemosa, G. Don, 71, 263. Ericaceae, 63, tab. i. Ermellinus, Csesalp., 144, 146, 151, 223. Erycibe glomerata, Wall., 40. Erycibese, 63, tab. i. Euclea, Linn., 27, 32, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 90, 144, 273, 275, tab. i. 4 acutifolia, E. Mey., 36, 71, 92, 94. angustifolia, Benth., 73, 96. Apollinis, Ung., 76, 275. 14 bilocularis, Hiern, 35, 92, 102. Burchellii (var.), 105. 3 coriacea, Alph. DO, 36, 46, 47, 72, 90, 91, 92, 94, 99. 16 daphnoides, Hiern, 36, 45, 49, 92, 102, 288. desertorum, Eckl. et Zeyh., 73, 97. 10 divinorum, Hiern, 31, 35, 36, 46, 92, 98, 99, 289. Dregeaua, Alph. DC., 72, 93. elliptica, Alph. DC., 72, 92. ferrugiuea, Beruh., 72, 93. 12 fructuosa, Hiern, 35, 92, 101. herbacea, Lour., 67, 106. humilis, Eckl. et Zeyh., 73, 105, 106. 17 Kellau, Hochst., 35, 44, 71, 92, 103. Kraussiana, Bernh., 72, 93. 5 lancea, Thunb., 36, 67, 92, 95, 96. 8 lanceolata, E. Mey., 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 71, 92, 96, 97, 272, 288. 7 linearis, Zeyh., 36, 47, 73, 92, 96. 15 macrophylla, E. Mey., 36, 44, 45, 46, 71, 92, 102. macrophylla, E. Mey. d., 101. miocenica, Ung., 76, 275. 11 multiflora, Hiern, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 92, 100, 271, 289, tab. m. myrtina, Burch., 49, 69, 105, 106. 13 natalensis, Alph. DC., 36, 72, 92, 101. VOL. XII. PART I. Euclea ochrocarpa, E. Mey., 72, 97. 9 ovata, Burch., 36, 48, 49, 58, 69, 91, 92, 98, 288. pilosa, Lour., 67, 106, 265. 1 polyandra, E. Mey., 36, 46, 47, 49, 71, 90, 92. 6 pseudebenus, E. Mey., 30, 35, 36, 46, 48, 71, 92, 95. pubescens, Eckl. et Zeyh., 73, 93. 18 racemosa, Linn., 30, 36, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 67, 92, 103, 104. relicta, Ung., 77, 272, 275. rigida, E. Mey., 71, 96. rufescens, E. Mey., 71, 99. 2 tomentosa, E. Mey., 36, 48, 71, 92, 93. 19 undulata, Thunb., 30, 31, 36, 45, 47, 48, 49, 67, 92, 105, 288, 290. n. 9140, E. Mey., 94. Euphorbiacese, 63, 106, tab. i. Eurya acuminata, DC., 271. symplocina, Blume, 270. Extractum Diospyri, 259. Ferreola, Roxb., 59, 107, 108. buxifolia, Roxb., 67, 117. guineensis, Schum. etThonn., 117, 288. Ferriola buxifolia, Roxb. 69, 107, 117. Ficus (sp.), Ksempf., 144, 227. Fornasinia ebenifera, Bertol., 28. Garcinia malabarica, Desr., 67, 144, 258. Getonia macroptera, Ung., 73, 279. petraesefolia, Schimp., 279. petrseasformis, Ung., 279. truncata, Goepp., 74, 279. Guaiacana, Tourn., 144, 146, 150. Guaiacanse, Juss., 57. Guaiacum (sp.) Gerarde, 144, 223. Guat'teria flavicans, Wall., 70, 145, 205. Gunisanthus, Alph. DC., 63, 64, 66, 145,146,150. pilosulus, Alph. DC., 72, 189. Hebenaster, Rumph., 144, 244. Highulaenda, Herm., 117. Holochilus, Dalz., 64, 107, 109. micranthus, Dalz., 74, 133. Humiriacese, 63, tab. i. Hydrocharis ovata, Ludw., 285. Ilicinese, 27, 62, 287, tab. I. Juglans acuminata, Ludw., 280. ventricosa, Ludw., 280. Juniperus communis, L., 96. 38 298 MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^. Kellaua Schimperi, Alph. DC., 71, 90, 103. Labatia Scheuzeri, A. Br., 286. Laurinese, 63, 270, tab. I. Leguminosse, 28. Leucoxilon laurinum, E. Mey., 71. (Eaxl.). Leucoxylon, Auct. Cfr. Lexicoxylum. Leucoxylum, Blume, 64, 66, 144, 146, 152. buxifolium, Blume, 27, 69, 218. Lignum Vitse, Gerarde, 144, 223. Loeselia, L., 78. Lotus (sp.), Camer., 144, 223. Maba, Forst., 30, 32, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 106, 270, 273, 285, 287, 290, tab. i. 37 abyssiuica, Hiern, 35, 44, 109, 132. 30 acapulcensis, Hiern, 36, 50, 109, 128, 129, 270. 4 acuminata, Hiern, 32, 108, 112. 28 albens, Hiern, 36, 50, 109, 126, 270. 23 Andersoni, Sol., 32, 76, 108, 124. angustifolia, Miq., 75, 117. 52 Beccarii, Hiern, 110, 140, 288. 12 buxifolia, Pers., 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 48, 50, 56, 64, 68, 108, 116, 123. Cargillia, F. Muell., 76, 246, 290. 26 caribsea, Hiern, 37, 52, 109, 125. 57 cauliflora, Hiern, 37, 58, 110, 142, 270. 18 compacta, R. Br., 36, 57, 68, 108, 121,124. 44 confertinora, Hiern, 33, 55, 110, 136. 54 cordata, Hiern, 110, 141, 288, 290. Cumingiana, Alph. DC., 57, 73, 117. cupulosa, F. Muell., 76, 114. 1 diffusa, Hiern, 38, 50, 108, 111. Ebenoxylon, G. Don, 71, 123. Ebehus, Spreng., 69, 123. Ebenus, Wight, 117. 20 elliptica, Forst., 32, 38, 56, 67, 108, 122, 125, 270. " elliptica, Seem., 116, 118. 42 fascioulosa, F. Muell., 36, 38, 55, 56, 76, 110, 135, 270. 7 foliosa, Rich., 38, 56, 75, 108, 113. 15 geminata, R. Br., 30, 36, 54, 56, 68, 108, 117, 119, 270. glabrescens (var.), 118. granatensis (var.), 128. 25 Grisebachii, Hiern, 37, 52, 109, 125. guineensis, Alph. DC., 73, 116, 117. 3 hemicycloides, F. Muell., 36, 77, 108, 1 1 1. 47 Maba hermaphroditica, Zoll., 33, 55, 74, 110, 137. 58 Hilairei, Hiern, 37, 54, 110, 143. 19 Hillebrandii, Seem., 38, 55, 76, 108, 122. 16 humilis, R. Br., 36, 56, 68, 108, 119, 120, 270. 29 inconstans, Griseb., 37, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 76, 109, 127, 201, 270. interstans, F. Muell., 76, 121. 27 intricata, Hiern, 32, 50, 109, 126. 48 javanica, Zoll., 33, 74, 110, 138. 40 lamponga, Miq., 33, 59, 75, 107, 110, 133. 13 lancea, Hiern, 35, 107, 108, 118. 35 lanceolate, Hiern, 38, 109, 131, 270. 9 laurina, R. Br., 36, 56, 68, 108, 115. laxiflora, Benth., 77, 135. littorea, R. Br., 56, 68, 117. madagascariensig, Alph. DC., 73, 117. 49 Maingayi, Hiern, 33, 42, 110, 138, 288. 24 major, G. Forst., 31, 32, 67, 108, 124, 125. 33 Mannii, Hiern, 35, 43, 44, 109, 129. megalocarpa, F. Muell., 76, 211. 59 Mellinoni, Hiern, 37, 110, 143. 41 merguensis, Hiern, 33, 41, 110, 134, 288. 39 micrantha, Hiern, 33, 109, 133. microphylla (var.), 117. 50 Motleyi, Hiern, 33, 55, 110, 139. 2 Mualata, Welw., 30, 35, 48, 108, 111. 56 myi-isticoides, Hiern, 37, 52, 110, 142. 51 myrmecocalyx, Hiern, 110, 139, 288. 55 myrmecocarpa, Hiem, 37, 110, 141, 270. 36 natalensis, Harv., 36, 44, 76, 109, 131. neilgherrensis, Wight, 73, 117. 10 nigrescens, Dalz., 32, 43, 75, 108, 115. 5 oblongifolia, Hiern, 32, 108, 112. 14 obovata, R. Br., 36, 56, 68, 107, 108, 119. obovata (var.), 128. 6 ovalifolia, Hiem, 32, 59, 108, 113. 32 Pavonii, Hiem, 36, 109, 129. pentamera, F. Muell., 76, 239, 290. 45 pimctata, 'Hiern, 33, 55, 107, 110, 136, 271, 288, tab. iv. quadridentata, F. Muell., 76, 239, 290. 38 quiloensis, Hiern, 35, 109, 132. 17 reticulata, R. Br., 36, 57, 68, 108, 121, 122. MB HIERN, ON EBENACE^E. 299 Maba revoluta, Vieill., 56, 114. 8 rufa, Labill., 36, .38, 56, 69, 108, 114, 123, 270, 271. 43 ruminata, Hiern, 38, 56, 110, 135. 31 salicifolia, Hiern, 109, 129, 271. 11 sandwicensis, Alph. DC., 38, 55, 73, 108, 116. 53 sericea, Hiern, 37, 49, 110, 140, 270, 271. sericocarpa, F. Mnell., 76, 114. 34 Seychellarum, Hiern, 38, 50, 107, 109, 130. Smeathmanni, Alph. DC., 73, 117. 21 sumatrana, Miq., 33, 55,74,108, 123, 124. 46 Teijsmanni, Hiern, 33, 110, 137, 288. vaccinisefolia, Benth., 73, 117. 22 Vieillardi, Hiern, 38, 56, 108, 124. Mabba, Mason. Cfr. Maba. Macreightia, Alph. DC., 64, 66, 107,109,273, 285. acapulcensis, Alph. DC., 72, 128. acuminata, Thw., 41, 76, 112. albens, Alph. DC., 72, 127. andamanica, (Kurz), 77, 124. buxifolia, Griseb., 76, 125. caribsea, Alph. DC., 72, 126. caribsea, Griseb., 126. conduplicata, Alph. DC., 72, 127. germanica, Heer, 75, 284. inconstans, Alph. DC., 72, 127. intricata, A. Gr., 75, 126. italica, Massal., 75, 286. longipes, Ettingsh., 284, 285, 289. microcalyx, Ettingsh., 284, 285, 289. raiinzenbergensis, Ettingsh., 284, 285, 289. myristicoides, Spruce, 142, 289. oblongifolia, (Kurz), 124. ' oblongifolia, Thw., 41, 75, 112. obovata, Mart., 74, 127. ovalifolia, Thw., 41, 76, 113. Pavonii, Alph. DC., 72, 129. psidioides, Alph. DC., 72, 127. umbellata, Massal., 75, 286. Macreigthia, Stiehl. Cfr. Macreightia. Magnoliacese, 63, tab. I. Marcreightia, Kurz, 124. Cfr. Macreightia. . Melonia (), 146, 147, 235. Monodora microcarpa, Duoal, 69, 144, 246. Myrsine Kellau, Hochst., 71, 90, 103. Myrsineas, 63, tab. I. Noltia, Schum., 64, 144, 146, 149. Noltia tricolor, Schum. et Thonn., 69, 183. Olacineae, 61, 63, 65, tab. L Olax, L., 65. Oleacese, 63, tab. I. Padus (sp.), Burm., 90, 104. Paralea, Aubl., 144, 146, 154. guianensis, Aubl., 67, 240. guyannensis, Aubl., 240. Paralia guianensis, Desv., 240. Patonia (), 146, 152. Walkerii, Wight, 71, 145, 214. Pishamin, Parkins., 144, 225. Pisonia buxifolia,. Rottb., 67, 107, 117. Pistachia (sp.), Plukn., 78, 80. Plumeria Flos-Saturni, Ung., 73, 277. Porana, Burm., 274, 284. Pseudo lotus, Cam., 144, 223. Rhipidostigma, Hassk., 64, 107, 110. Teijsmanni, Hassk., 74, 137. Zollingeri, Hassk., 74, 138. Rhododendron Apollinis, Ettingsh., 76, 275. Rospidios, Alph. DC., 64, 66, 145, 146, 155. vaccinioides, Alph. DC., 72, 230. Royena, Linn., 28, 32, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 78, 79, 84, 195, 273, tab. i. Amalthese, Ung., 77, 273, 274. 8 ambigua,Vent., 36,47,67,79,84,86,270. angustifolia, Willd., 67, 83. brachiata, E. Mey., 71, 85. 10 cistoides, Welw., 35, 48, 78, 79, 87. 2 cordata, E. Mey., 35, 36, 44, 45, 49, 71, 79, 81, 82, 288. cuneata, Poir., 68, 83. cuneata, Spreng., 85. cuneifolia, E. Mey., 71, 85. decidua, Burch., 48, 49, 69, 85. euboea, Ung., 77, 273, 274. falcata, E. Mey., 72, 88. 11 ' glabra, Linn., 36, 46, 47, 48, 49, 66, 79, 88. 13 glandulosa, Harv., 36, 79, 89, 288, tab. n. gweca, Ung., 77, 273, 274. hirsuta, Eckl., 81. hirsuta, Jacq., 85. 5 hirsuta, Linn., 36, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 66, 79, 83, 270, 272. 382 300 MR HIERN, ON EBENACEJE. 12 Royena hirsuta, Sieb., 88. hispidula, Harv., 85, 86. latifolia, WUld., 68, 84, 90. lucida, Linn., 30, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 66, 79, 80. lycioides, Desf., 69, 85. , macrophylla, E. Mey., 72, 101. media, Hort., 71, 90. ,, microphylla, Burch., 48, 49, 69, 83. Myosotis, Ung., 77, 273, 274, 284. myrtifolia, Wendl., 69, 88. nitens, Harv., 36, 45, 79, 87. oleifolia, Desf., 85. opaca, E. Mey., 71, 81. pallens, Thunb., 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 67, 78, 79, 85, 86, 87, 270, 288. parviflora, Hiern, 36, 45, 63, 78, 79, 88. Pentelici, Ung., 77, 273, 275. polyandra, Linn, fil., 67, 90, 92. polyandra, ft, Pera., 86. pubescens, Willd., 68, 85. ramulosa, E. Mey., 72, 85. rufescens, E. Mey., 71, 99. rugosa, E. Mey., 71, 83. scabra, Burm., 66, 82. scabrida, Harv., 35, 45, 79, 82. scandens, Burch., 49, 82. sericea, Bernh., 72, 85. Bessilifolia, Hiern, 36, 78, 79, 84, 90. supra-cordata, Burch., 49, 81. 4 Royena villosa, Linn., 35, 36, 44, 45, 47, 49, 66, 79, 82. (sp.) n. 15, Eckl. et Zeyh., 90. (sp.) n. 9140, Drege, 90, 94. Royenia, Auct., 78. Cfr. Royena. Rymia, Endl., 90. polyandra, Endl., 92, 288. Sapota nigra, Blanco, 70, 145, 244. Sapotacese, 62, 63, 270, tab. I. Sphseria (sp.), 100. Staphylodendron, Herm., 78, 80. Staphylodendrum, Commelin., 78, 80. Sterculiaceae, 28. Styracew, 27, ^62, 63, tab. I. Tamarix, L., 96, 98. Ternstroemiacese, 62, 63, tab. i. 1 Tetraclis clusisefolia, Hiern, 27, 32, 38, 50, 60, 61, 63, 65, 271, tab. i., tab. xi. Tetrapteris Harpyiarum, Ung., 73, 27.9. Tiliacese, 63, tab. i. Trichanthera (), 64, 107, 110. Vaccinia, Adans., 57. Vaccinium (sp.), 78, 145. fragrans, Wall., 73, 230. pensylvanicum, Mill., 66, 88. Sprengelii, Wall., 230. Viola, L., 285. Vitia Idsea (sp.), Plukn., 78, 88. Ximenia americana, L., 98. Xylopia frutescens, Aubl., 269. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. EBENACK^E, 3*1 ; economic products, 28 ; geographical distribution, 31 ; lists of numbered collections, 39; description of the family, 57; affinities, 61, tab. i.; genera, 63 ; brief history of the specific names, 65 ; chronological list of published specific names with references and localities, 66 ; description of the genera and species exclusive of fossils, 78 ; Royena, 78, t. n. ; Euclea, 90, t. in. ; Maba, 106, t. iv. ; Diospyros, 144, tt. v x; imperfectly known species of Diospyros, 264 ; Tetraclis, 271, t. xi. ; fossil Ebenacese, 272 ; additions and corrections, 287; alphabetical index of the Latin names, 291. 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