^ T'<4 A Publication of The College of i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI LAWN PLANTING and CARE H. M. Butterfleld Warren Schoonover Harry W. Shepherd ~ ,s i>' :.:...■■..?:■■■' >"'~ . '<:!,, .i:\ : :m * ' \ ■ - • •sii {% 5 ^;^.':f: CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE -* ■/",' 4 ~- f TMrl' : - a ^-■■■ t / . *f sjs&l- * ,Vlt * ^ ^ f -Jk-J" v.."*.:-* ■ lis. !fr : - • fflfe*. -- ' '\J/ ' **m .f CIRCULAR 181 , ■ liii m P fipf IBl 1 III •'fr- Hi ! 1 1 i •'$' •'.kiiti , ; "£• 1 1 i .V- In this garden, space is made to appear greater by the use of stepping stones in a turf of mixed bent. October, 1951 THE AUTHORS: Mr. Butterfield is Agriculturist in the Agricultural Extension Service. Mr. Schoonover is Extension Soils Specialist in the Agricultural Extension Service. Mr. Shepherd is Professor of Landscape Architecture. rf yo&ct taunt is the result of a correctly prepared and planted seedbed. This means that a home owner needs to know what seed to choose for a particular climate and soil; how to irrigate, fertilize, and mow; and how to control lawn diseases, pests, and weeds. He also needs to know that for every 400 square feet of good lawn, at least 2Vi hours of weekly care, including watering, are necessary. If business or other duties prohibit this allotment of time, it is better to landscape, at greater first cost, with brick, tile, gravel, or pavement. A lawn may be expensive to establish if soil and climate are not favor- able. If the homesite has been chosen with the requirements of plant growth in mind, however, and if the techniques of planting and care are learned, a satisfactory lawn should be easy to establish and maintain. *7^e CteCHtiaJl fioietfo of lawn planting and care under the semiarid climatic conditions of Cali- fornia are discussed in this circular under the following twelve headings: PAGE Relating the lawn to the landscape 4 Preparing the seedbed 9 Planning for irrigation 11 Knowing the grass species and varieties and their characteristics . . . . 12 Selecting the seed 21 Safeguarding the seed with fungicides 22 Planting the seedbed 24 Planting lawns by sodding or sprigging 25 Maintaining the lawn 25 Controlling lawn diseases, pests, and weeds 29 Renovating a lawn 37 Estimating certain costs of lawn planting and care 38 JL