AAUPL/ARTS ^ G 000 063 814 8 \GE CAGE CAGE CAGE CAGE CAGt C. S. HARTMAN , FINE ART GALLERY, ' 59 Monroe St., ''p sTAir , GVTALOGUB . or THE FEDBSTAIi:iJP:ARJ-liOAN EX-HIBITION- 1 VWCslXTfE®, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PALMER HOUfc^E, lU^sciiE * P:a:B^RiS. UJsRRGn, ♦ Fuller • & . LancG. — ^ — $2,000 Prize Designs By Mrs. C. WHEELER, Miss I. F. CLARK, and Miss DORA WHEELER. By Mr. LOCKWOOD DE FOREST. ^Mxamples by @'olman and J^I^iffany. ^ ^E^L f J^P^NE^E -J- IiE^TpEI^ * PJIPEl^^. * New French, English, and German Goods, of Fall Importation. ^ A LAHGG SCO^K OF medium AHD LOUJ PRI^GD GOODS, ID ALL TRG ^ ^ FA?5I0nABLG (JOLORinG^. ^ At the Retail Department of their Manufactory, No. 129 EAST 42d STREET, N. Y. -4- Near Grand Central Depot. -{♦ II S •:• L. D. CRIST. Successor, No. 166 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. oHarc ]\o\v on CArriiljiiiou a lib ^oz ^aie an euHrcl'ij iietu .^|■oc^^ o^ Fine* Oil* Paintings c^lcpcC.>cnl"i ucj afC trie int potlcuil" ntobetu ►li* (E o 11 n o t >.> c 1 1 r .> azd Zii-^^pcot^uttu ii tuiteb. •§-!« (EpiyqRLES 1.. Yandell k io. MANUFACTLRERS OK Illuminated Leathers ^ Hand -Painted Wall Papers, Select Textile Fabrics, ©HOICE fURNITURE, DEALERS IN ^^ntique gpariisli Leathers, Bric-a-Brac, etc., etc. DECORATIVE ARTISTS. No, 6 East Eighteenth Street, New- York, Near Fifth Avenue. Ill JAMES McCREERY & CO. BROADWAY and 11th STREET, ♦^ OJfei^ CL Iccrge clticL vevy cJxotce selection of •J- SKALSKIN GARMENTS ate aU inabc -^04^1 c^^in:^ xyui^cha^nb pteuioit^ to Ifie tecevit" la^cie abt>a4i^ce, CM lb tketi voM co^i>m.n.e |ot^ I" fie moot tWizUi baip to ai/ue &^^ tfve ^-foali ®epci.'tl:i44e'Ht ^mau 6e foimb a levu t>et^tj eleaaMi" ivnpoticb ^Jl:^tap.>, zccnivnb 6tj I Tie tatn^t ^iii^a^vmi/c^^ 'to oijfvicfv i>pecia^ attei^itioM i.> ccilTeb. JAMES McCREERY & CO. Broad^^T-aj^ and. lltli Street. MATHESIUS BROS. G^}~t^^ 4.Bn:5^i^i^n::i^6(* pholstery, * Hecorations, WALL •••• PAPER •:• AND :• FRESCOING, Swiss, Lace, Antique, Madras, Turkish and Ottoman -^ (§ui^©fiins. t 567 and 1569 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, Corner of 47th Street. IV ^fr c5e•^mA^f)ACCAn,«^ T HOUGH but just a vear old. is already recognized by the press as one of the leading literary and illustrated magazines of the United States. Among those who have contributed or will contribute to its pages are : JOHN C. WHITTIKR, Vk. JAMES McCOSH, JULIAN HAWTHORNE, KIiMl'Nt) CLARENCE STEDMAN, HARRIKI HRKSCOTT SPOP'FORD, E. P. WHIPPLE, CEO. TICK.NOR CURTIS, S. C. W. BENJAMIN, HENRV C PEDDER, GEO. PARSONS L.VIHROP, RICHARP HENRY STODDARD, PHILIP BOURKE MARSTON, JULIA WARD HOWE, AUSTIN DOBSON, JUSTIN .McCarthy, m. p., JOHN FISKE, EDNA DEAN PROCTOR, EDGAR FAWCETT, EDITH M, THO.MAS, EDMUND W. GOSSE, WILLIAM H. RIDEING, Prof. J. LEONARD CORNING, THO.MAS P. GILL, ERNEST INGERSOLL, NORA PERRY, GEO. EDGAR MONTGOMERY, H. C. BUNNER, WILLIAM H. H.A.YNE, K.\TE FIELD, LUCY H. HOOPER, JOHN JAMES PIATT, S. M. B. PIATT, R. K. MUNKITTRICK. Engagements already made with the best writers on both sides of the Atlantic will enable the publisher to provide for the leaders of The Manhattan, during the year 1884, a constant succession of brilliant articles, of gre:it variety in theme and treatment. These will consist of articles on Histor>-, Biography, and Art; papers of Travel and Adventure; entertaining explanations of facts of Natural History; Sketches, Tales, and Poems; Essays upon Literary and Social Themes — in short, a Miscellany suited to various Listes and adapted to meet the wants of the great mass of the reading public. For the illustrations no pains or expense will be spared, and the best artists — both draughtsmen and engravers — have been secured for and are now engaged on illustrations of various papers. THE NUMBER FOR JANUARY, 1884, Will have for its leading article an impressive paper on "The Luther Monument at Worms," by Prof. J. Leo.nard Corning, with the whole-length statues of the monument engraved by the best hands, and the head of Luther, which Liibke, the eminent art critic, declares to be "the finest conception of Luther which modern art has produced" — engraved by Kruell, after the only photograph of the head in the United States. Price, 913.00 a year in advance, postage free; 25 cents a number. To clubs of five, if all sent at once, $3.50 each a year, in advance, postage free, with a copy gratis for a year to the person sending the club. A new volume begins with the January number. Subscribers beginning with that number will receive the first two parts of "Tinkling Cymbals," Edgar Fawcett's brilliant story of life in Newport and New-York. Subscribers may remit in postal notes, bank checks or drafts, or by registered letters to THE MANHATTAN MAGAZINE COMPANY, Temple Court, New-York City. ^ jy^MES B. S]HEfHEF(D, ^ Decokjitive * Embroideries * GF •:• phh •:• DESCRIPIIGPS, ^ Embroidered Furniture, Table Covers, and Scarfs, Sofa Pillows, Foot Rests, Chair Backs and Seats, Buffet Covers, Tea Tray Covers, Doylies, Toilet Sets, Tidies, Rugs, Portieres, Mantle Lambrequins and Scarfs, etc, etc. ^■"— ^^— '^— ^^^ ALSO -»^— ^^^^— _i_^ All Tapestries and materials for Embroidery, Plush, Satines, Momies, Felts, Linens, etc.; Pearsall's English Filling Silks, PZmbroidery Silks, Worsteds, Crewels, Tapestry Wools, Chenille, Arrasene, etc. -^- Desigxixg and Lessons (;ivex ix all kinds of Embroidery. T ~ V — ■Jllso, Fine baskets, Small M^ares, Fancy Goods, Toilet <^rtides, etc. - + - 927 Broadway, bet. 21st and 22d Sts. NEW- YORK CITY. V 1870. R. e(. (DONTROSS, 1380 Broadway, ]N"e\v -^^Tork, BETWEEN 37TH AND 38TH STREETS. 188^. flRlISIFS' ffii\¥ FOR ALL BRANCHES OF Dl^AWING, ^AINITING, AND DeGOI^ATING. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. ^ * OIL PAINTINGS, * ♦ Choice Examples, DIRECT i FROM_t THE 4- ARTISTS' + EASELS. f A VISIT OF INSPECTION INVITED. -^ POI^ Ji^l'^'tlZ iJgE in fine draMngs, jJos. 2Q0, 291, 65O (erow Quill), and g50. -^-> •V ♦ pOI^ FI]^E V/RITi'lTJQ, pJos. 1, 303, and Ladies', lyo. ♦ ■:• ^01^ BHO.HD Wl^lf ipJQ, pJos. 2Q4, 3gQ, and gtub Point, ^49. <- ^ ^^ -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pOI^ QEJ^EH^L V/]^I1'I]^Q, T^os. 332, 404, 390, and 604. JOSEPH ©ILLOTT cS^ SONS, HENRY HOE, Sole Agent, 9' JohPI Street, N.Y. VI rniSn ■ \mW ■ C(hickering & Sons' !^ianos, ** BOSTON ATsTD JQ^ETV-YORK. *-^ VII a J\'of). 789 and 7H Broadmifj. Dealers^Kar]d)Kln]porters)i^of)K^rt)K(5oods. ^^(s> Special inducements are now offered for ]\)G Holiday trade in v\c\) 6ABINET Furniture, fflARBLES, Br0nzes, Tapestries, ^ALL SLQCKS, QNTIQUE ^ILVER, BUR0PEAN AND 0RIENTAL SHINA, BTC., BTC. oonnoisseuns, Collectors, and tbe I ublic aenerally, bave b©''© cn^ opportunity for selection not to be found elsewbere. ^^M.1- ®fREAT + SUCCESS. Jtw- The New Illustrated Art Journal, of 36 to 40 pages (size cf " Harper's Weekly "), treating OF THE FURni?BinG ♦ ADD ♦ DG?ORATinG ♦OF ♦^ •f- TBG + iniGRIOR + OF ^ CRG + ROUSG. With Practical Directions and Hints and Suggestions and Original Designs for all manner of Home Art, embracing irumishing of ^ooms, Draperies, Wall Decoration, Wood Carving, Ceramics, ^tained Glass, And Instructions for Attractive Ladies' Work, specially adapted for Beautifying the Home. THF. READING MATTER AND DESIGNS WILL BE FROM THE FOLLOWING Distiu^uislied. "Writers and Artists: John Lafarge New- York Benn Pitman Cincinnati Henry B. Wheatlev London Mrs. M. E. Haweis " Robert W. Edis " Gilbert R. Redgrave " F. Edward Hulme " Luther Hoofer London. Henry Shaw London. Lewis F. Day '■ E. W. Foley " Theodore Child Paris. Jno. W. H. Watts Ottawa, Canada. Franklin B. Hough Washington. James Thomson Boston, Mass. Frank T. Robinson Boston. S. N. Small " " Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. . New- York City. Edward Dewson New- York City. Miss Mary Gay Humphrey, " " J. W. Bliss Providence, R. I. Rafael Guastavino New-York City. " It is witlioiit doubt tlie most beaiitiftil and complete of all American i>eriodicals devoted to like pur- poses. Besides the liigli artistic character of its illustrations, its letter-press is equally meritorious." Washhifftoit (D. C.) RepubUcau, Nov. 6, 1SS3. Subscription, $4.00 per annum. Single copies, 35 cts. Specimen copy, by mentioning this advertisement, 20 cts.. ¥he 0eG©FateF and Pyraisl^eF G©. p. 0. Box 1543. 231 Broadway, New- York City. VIII "MSTP ■ P^inTinG«iE^lBI^OIDERmG. i()PVRn;HTKi) and registered in the ^IiJnited $tates by the inventor, f\Ir. R. -H- Bragdon, of the artist firm of Bragdon & Fenetti, (Mo. 23 XTnion Square, Mew-^^ork |:iity, is the most ex(iuisite of all the modern forms of decoration for textile fabrics. ?^lthough a new art, it has the effects and fascinating peculiarities of ancient needlework ; for, unlike other methods of painting, the work appears to have been wrought with the needle in marvelous stitches with iridescent metallic threads, tit is simply a superb, original, and perfect decorative art, and is regarded as such by all the art publications. 'It is adapted to the requirements of elegant, refined taste in the decoration of portieres, curtains, mantel drapery, screens, table-covers, etc., as well as countless smaller objects of beauty and usefulness. Whe work heretofore seen on textiles executed in oil colors appears crude and vulgar in comparison with the artistic gray tones that are apparent in the most brilliant of the " Ilustra " colors, which may be most nearly compaVed with the exquisite tints of the -English embroidery silks. .t>rders constantly filled for interior hangings of every description at very moderate cost, pupils received in pictorial and decorative work in oil and " liustra " painting. VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOMED AT THE STUDIO. •^^ESTABLISHED 1830. Ladies' and G-entlemen's Do. 44 U3B-31 SiD #^-r^' r\ rv r :/ U^ Between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, nexi5-yo¥i}{. IX H t e^C t X)evoe ^ C[o: Qopn^r^ F^u\[on ^ William ^tpeet^, yNew-Vor^k. Maniifaefurer.) and Imjiorte}',) of -=FlNE*COIiOKS- OObOR.S 1^1 Oils : Oo/fejH OObOI^S tSC^HITE HE/tE) : ^\\iQ SIjHITE. ^= ,T^easlv (Dixesl ^ainh«5, ^^ 3Il^lE VAR.NISIHES Aj^D ^AfA^^lS: tSCOOD Bl^JISJHES AjND ]ST/flNS. ^=^D^1NE ^RUSHES, ^i^ ^pti^h^' Qolop^ in ^^opation. ffiatl7emal:iGal In^tramenl:^ and ^ ENGINEERS' AND ^ReHITECTS' jSUPPLIES. Fred'k W. Devoe. Jas. F. Drummond. J. Seaver Page. X AS -FIXTURES lEWEST AND CHOICEST DESIGNS. ^f ^ METAL t AND t PORCELAIN t LAMPS, i ETC. ^' pirie <■ Glocl^s, -t- JVEantel -t- gets, -t- Artistic -t- Bronzes. In addition to those of our own manufacture, we offer an unequaled assortment selected with great care in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, London, and other European cities. Also, articles of Ornamental Metal Work, both antique and modern, in great variety and elegance of workmanship. Our rooms have been recently fitted up with special regard to the exhibition of these goods, to an inspection of which a cordial invitation is extended. ffllTGHELL, UaNGE ^ (§0. Nos. 836 and 838 Broadway and 13th Street, New-York. 6th Ave. Cars pass the door. THE MESSRS. LAMB ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE EXECUTED A LARGE NUMBER OF NEW DESIGNS IN ARTISTIC STAINED GLASS, WINDOW SCREENS, WINDOW PANELS, FIRE SCREENS, ETC., EMINENTLY SUITABLE FOR WEDDING, CHRISTMAS, OR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THEY WOULD CORDIALLY INVITE AN INSPECTION OF THEIR WARE- ROOMS, No. 59 CARMINE STREET, WHERE DESIGNS CAN BE SEEN IN PROGRESS OF WORK. 'emoi^ifiij: :^:fee©IfiLf©y SEND FOR CATALOGUE, BY MAIL FREE. XI THE NEW YORK Commmial ^toertiMr (ESTABLISHED 1797. A Hozxie ITeTvspaper. XAMES OF EDITORS TO DATE: NOAH WEBSTER 1797 to 1803. ZACHABIAH LEWIS 1803 to 1820. WILLIAM L. STONE 1820 to 1844. FRANCIS HALL J844 to 1863. WILLIAM HENRY HUBLBERT . . . . 1863 to 1867. THURLOW WEED 1867 to 1868. HUGH J. HASTINGS 1868 to 1883. The STOCK, PRODUCE, MININQ, COTTON, PETROLEUM, COFFEE, and Other Exchange Reports are the MOST COMPLETE of any Daily Paper. TiaziB Unexcelled in all matters relating to the Polite Current Literature of the Day. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 126 FULTON STREET, N. Y. XI THE FIR.ST tIJIP/INESE MFG. # TIDING f /A 863 BPoadwaT, bet iTtel^ and iSth StS. IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IX ^ eJ OTHER MET^L W0RK^, gCREEp^S, BRIC-^-BR^C, ETC. ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR ARTISTIC HOLIDAY GIFTS. — ^ — The special attention of Art Collectors is called to our importa- tions from time to time of rare and valuable Japanese Art Works. "]{ Perfect Sl^acle V Pixture. MORE THAN ONE & ONE-HALF MILLION SOLD THIS YEAR. No Cords or Balances To Tear Out Sljades And Injure Window Draperies. ^^LF. Acting "^j '^HADE/^OLLERSi Af^^ THE BEST ^ /Always IN ^warded 4(5old'MI]edals jkLL OVEF^T|HE WOF^LD. Oarry Shades Easily to Top of the Windo^yy^. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS, Stewart Hartshorn, 486 Broadway, New-York. XIII B. L. SOLOMON'S SONS, Union Square and Sixteenth St., Ne\v-York, Importers of Fine Materials for RUl^NIfFUl^B (sOYEr^INGS, (sUl^TAINS, AND Intbi^ioi^ Dbgoi^ations, Manufacturers of itltidtic '(Jiitiiiliiti} ffoiti Special Seiigit). — ^ A large and careftilty selected line of RARE TAPESTRIES FOR W/LL HANGINGS, In addition to tlieii* handsome assoi'tnient of WALL PAPERS. PARIS. MANCHESTER. pRADY & MCKEEVER, ^ *^ ■ W LATE ^~* RENNER & CO. y j (^ §ixth AvCnUC, Factory, 218 ^Vest 42d Street. Comer of 41st St. SPECTAI^TIKS ^i^ia-t^a-m-na^, ^lvoto(^i^ctp^<5, etc. The Frames on important works in the present Exhibition are from our house, and we can refer with confidence to the large amount of our work in pubhc and private galleries throughout the country. Particular Care used in arranging Private Cialleries. # Gollectioris of Paiiitings ]VIade and Shipped to Other Cities. '>f XIV ^HE IMERICAN (i/lLLERIESfiRT ISSOCI/ITION, No. 6 East Twenty-Third Street, (South Madison Square.) — + — ON EXHIBITION AND SALE, # ^ AND Qpienlal ^Pb QbjeGlis HIGHEST CLASS ONLY. - + — The Finest Porcelains, Embroideries, Bronzes, Lacquers, Ivory, and Metal articles, will be sent to us as they are purchased by Mr. R. Austin Robertson, resident of China and Japan. PHOTOGRAPHY + MADE t EASY. A valuable and useful is one of our Imateur For Ladies or Gentlemen, No Stains. No Trouble. _ HOLIDAY PRESENT equipinents for Photography For Young or Old. Price $10.00 and Upward. Call ami Examine, or send for Ilhistrated Catalooue. E. & H. T. A^NTHOISTY & CO. 40 years eslablisM in tbis line of business. 591 Bpoaclwav, ISTeAvYork. fr\\ f^^^^sms' AND Cngi^avbi^s' * *• Box-wood, Sools, eifg. ^ ^ •*>?, WV" -^ Vanderburorh, t Wells + & + Co. m 60I^NEI^ <• OP <• FULTON •> AND •> DUTGH •> STS. HEW-yoI^I^. N. B -Type, Presses, and Printers' Materials. XV ©HE EA BARGE ¥I¥E RRW QB. 33 East 17th Street. Recently organized for the purpose of extending the Decorative Art business heretofore carried on by Mr. John La Farge, whose artistic direction is retained by the Company. The Company is prepared to take contracts for memorial ^^^^sd QhsE dJindoWs. Also, Stained Glass, in variety of design, for Private Residences and Public Buildings. (I^osaic, J^epousee, # # # (ilXood C[arvings and X^lays, # # ^ronze Ornamental (JUiork. For ECCLESIASTICAL and DOMESTIC PURPOSES, And all interior decorations, from the simplest and least expensive to the most elaborate and costly, for which they have special advantages. Examples of Mr. La Purge's Stained Glass and other Decorative Art Work can be seen at Trinity Church, Boston, Mass. St. Thomas Church, 5th Avenue, H". Y. Memorial Hall, Harvard College. The Brick Church, 5th Avenue, N. Y. Garfield Memorial, Williams College, Mass. Church of the Ascension, 5th Avenue, N. Y. Channing Memorial, Newport, R. I. Church of the Incarnation, Madison Ave., N. Y And the follotving Private Residences : W. H. Vanderbilt, N. Y. Cornelius Vanderbilt, N. Y. Samuel J. Tilden, N. Y. Marshal 0. Roberts, N. Y. H. G. Marquand, N. Y. D. 0. Mills, N. Y. Miss Catherine Wolfe, N. Y. J. Pierpont Morgan, N. Y. H. L. Ames, Boston, Mass. W. & R. Goddard, Providence, R. I. XVI Theodore B. Starr, 206 Fifth Avenue, MADISON SQUARE, New-York, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER. CHOICE DIAMONDS, RARE PEARLS, RUBIES, SAPPHIRES, EMERALDS GOLD JEWELRY WATCHES, SOLID SILVERWARE, DECORATIVE PORCELAIN, ARTISTIC BRONZES, MANTEL SETS, CLOCKS. Special attention g emounting of family Goods sent on approval^ satisfactory refcj-ences being given. Free Inspection of the Stock Invited. CATALOGUE OF THE Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition, AT THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN 23D Street and Fourth Avenue, N. Y. DECEMBER, 1883. IHEO. L. DEVINNE & CO. PRINTERS; NEW-YORK. Xhe Pedestal Pund A^-T Loan Pxhibition — ♦{. — i9rcsi9ent : ALLEN THORNDIKE RICE. NOAH BROOKS. R. SWAIN GIFKORD. JOHN SWINTON. STvcasurer : JOSEPH B. GILDER, Scccetacj? t MONTAGUE MARKS. JBivectoc : F. HOPKINSON SMITH. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mrs. Burton N. Harrison. Mrs. Charles F. Chandler. Miss C. FuRKiss. Mrs. George L. Rives. Mrs. Edward J. Woolsey, Jr. Mrs. Wm. M. Kingsland. Mrs. Henry S. Leavitt. Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. Mrs. William M. Evarts. Mrs. Bravton Ives. Mrs. William C. Whitney. Mrs. John Sherwood. Mr. Joseph W. Drexel. Mr. A. W. Drake. Mr. William Gedney Bunce. Mr. Carl L. Brandt. Mr. Frederick Dielm.\n. Mr. Mr. Frank D. Millet. Mr. Mr. J. Q. A. Ward. Mr. Mr. Charles R. Miller. Mr. Mr. E. L. Godkin. Mr. Mr. Joseph Pulitzer. Mr. Mr. Thomas Kinsella. Mr. Mr. J. Henry Harper. Mr. Mr. Thomas Hicks. Mr. Gen. Horace Porter. Mr. Mr. Henry Watterson (Louisville). Mrs Mr. Nathan Appleton (Boston). Mr. Mrs. Erminnie A. Smith (Jersey C). Mr. Gen. Rush C. Hawkins. Mr. Mr. Barnet Phillips. Mr. Mr. Arthur Quartlev. Mr. William M. Chase. J. Carroll Beckwith. Augustus St. Gaudens. John La Faroe. Carl Schurz. Whitelaw Reid. John Foord. E.'vstman Johnson. Louis C. Tiffany. Olin L. Warner. . KlNNICUTT. Aener Colgate. Frank Moss (Philadelphia). EdwardIJoseph (London). John A. Lowell (Boston). E.mery H. Barton (Cincinnati). PiONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS. Mr. John Taylor Johnston. Mr. John Wolfe. Mr. Henry G. Marquand. Mr. J. PiERPONT Morgan. Mr. Jesse Seligman. Mr. Brayton Ives. Mr. William C. Prime. Mr. Richard M. Hunt. Mr. Robert Hoe, Jr. Mr. Cornelius Vanderdilt. Mr. WiLLi.^M M. Evarts. Mr. Erwi.v Davis. Mr. William T. Evans. Mr. Robert Graves. HONORARY COMMITTEE. Mrs. John Jacob Astor. The Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix. Mrs. John Wolfe. Mrs. Adrian Iseun. Mrs. Bayard Cutting. Mrs. Morgan Dix. Mrs. J. F. Dai.y. Miss M. A. Cooper. Mrs. Geo. W. Kidd. Mrs. Price W. HASBROircK. Mrs. S. B. Chittenden (Brooklyn). Mrs. Evans (Albany). Mr. Geo. Abbot James (Boston). Miss Emma Lazari's. Mrs. Parke Godwin. Mrs. William Preston Griffin. Mrs. Pinchot. Mrs. C. B. Foote. Mrs. John Mack. Mrs. B. Frohlich. Mrs. ArsTiN Flint, Jr. Mr. Washington Wilson. Mrs. W. C. Tuckerman. Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge. Mrs. William Lamont Wheeler. Mr. William Riggs. Mr. Nathan Afpleton (Boston). Mrs. Walter Ewing Colton (Brooklyn). Mrs. Seth Low. Mr. Edward Matthews. Mrs. William Jay. Mrs. John Taylor Johnston. Mrs. F. HoPKiNsoN Smith. Mrs. Joseph W. Drexel. Mrs. JAME.S B. Potter. Mrs. W. M. Bliss. Mrs. Brockholst Cutting. Mrs. William Amory, Jr. Mrs. Julian James. Miss Maria A. Banker. Mrs. Frank White. Mrs. J. G. Holland. Mrs. Clarence Gary. Mr. Charles C. Perkins (Boston). Mr. Hamilton J. Wilde (Boston). Mr. Thomas B. Clarke. Mr. Angelo L. Mvers. Miss RouTH. Miss BouviER. Mrs. F. B. Thurber. Mrs. Whitel.\w Reid. Mrs. Bleecker. Van Wagenen. Mrs. William A. Hammond. Mrs. Wm. T. Evans. Mrs. Schuyler van Rensselaer. Mrs. LocKWooD De Forest. Mrs. Chas. a. Peahody. Mrs. Walter Lawrence. Madame Di Cesnola. Mrs. William H. Draper. Mrs. H. Victor Newcomb. Mr. William Hoyt. Mr. B. C. Porter (Boston). Mr. E. L Kane. Mrs. G. W. Ballou. Mrs. Pierrepont. Mrs. Bruce Price. Mrs. DwiGHT Collier. HONORARY COMMITTEE OF ARTISTS. Theodore Baur (s Winthrop Place). J. H. Beard (1300 Broadway). E. H. Bi.ASHFiELD (58 W. 57th Street). Albert Bierstadt (1271 Broadway). M. De Forest Bolmar (51 W. loth Street). J. B. Bristol (53 E. 23d Street). Mrs. Sara M. Campion (28 E. 14th Street) Harry Chase (58 W. 57th Street). Thos. B. Clarke (203 W. 44th Street). W. A. Coffin (152 W. 57th Street). Chas. B. Curtis (Rye, N. V'.). Miss Julia A. Dillon (142 E. tSth Street). E. Leon Durand (788 Broadw.iy). Joe Evans (36 E. 3tst Street). Henry A. Ferguson (s2 E. 23d Street). Jno. L. Fitch (51 W. loth Street). Geo. W. Flagg (8 E. loth Street). Montague Flagg (145 W. 55th Street). Chas. N. Flagg (152 W. 57th Street). Frank Fowler (Univ'tyB'ld'g,Wash'n PI.). Mrs. F. Fowler (Univ'ty B'ld'g.Wash'n PI.) D. C. French (139 W. 25th Street). Edw. Gay (Mt. Vernon, N. V.) Mrs. Helena De Kay Gilder (103 E. 15th). Wm. Hart (52 E. 23d Street). Jos. Hartley (301 W. 4th Street). E. Heine.mann (100 7lh Street). E. L. Henry (51 W. loth Street). Oliver J. Lay (52 W. 23d Street). Frank T. Lent (128 Broadway). Will. H. Low (152 W. 57th Street). W. S. Macv (52 E. 23d Street). G. H. McCord (Morristown, N. J.). E. H. McCoRD (Morristown, N. J.). Constant Mayer (1298 Broadway). Thos. Hovenden (58 W. 57th Street). Al?. C. Howland (52 E. 23d Street). Jno. O'B. In.man (ii W. 9th Street). D.wid Johnson (52 E. 23d Street). Otto Kaiser (211 5th Street). A. Kappes (744 Broadway). Chas. O. Lamdin (Germantown, Pa.). Louis Lang (13 Waverley Place). Francis Lathrop (83 Wa-:hington Sq. E ). Cyrus Lawrence (31 Broad Street). Chas. H. Miller (108 E. 23d Street). R. C. Minor (Univ'ty B'ld'g, Wash'n Sq.). J. A. Mitchell (1155 Broadway). Percy .Moran (197 9th, S. Brooklyn, N.V.). J. C. NicoLL (58 W. loth Street). Jno. H. Niemeyer (New Haven, Conn.). Wm. R. O'Donovan (19 W. nth Street). J. E.Oertel(io3 Corcoran B'g,W'n, D.C.) Chas. Parton (Care Harper & Bros., City). Arthur Parton (51 W. loth Street). Howard Pvle (Wilmington, Del.). T. Addison Richards (Nat. Acad. Design). B. F. Reinhart (52 E. 23d Street). A. P. Ryder (264 5th Ave.). P. P. Ryder (335 E. 118th Street). Wm. Sartain (152 W. 57th Street). Julian Scott (Plainfield, N. J.). A. D. Shattuck (Granby, Connecticut). Henry P. Smith (Pine Hill, N. Y.). Wm. L. Sontag (120 E. 22d Street). J. R. Stiles (52 E. 23d Street). Geo. H. Story (52 E. 23d Street). Miss E. Sutton (Room 61, Bible Ho., City). Jas. Symington (58 W. 57th Street). Jerome Thompson (52 E. 23d Street). Virgilio Tojetti (58 W. 57th Street). C.Y. Turner (Port Washington, L. L,N. Y.). G. DE Thulstrup (4 W. 14th Street). D. W. Tryon (152 W. 57th Street). C. F. Ulrich (80 Washington Square E.). Chas. Volkmar (Tremont, N. Y. City). Frank Waller (31 W. 15th Street). Carleton Wiggins (Goshen, Connecticut). D. W. Willard (39 E. i8th Street). Fred. Yuengling (i6ist St. & Morris Av.). Ch. M. Dewey (788 Broadway). Francis A. Silva (51 W. loth Street). James B. Townsend (World Office). Douglas Volk (146 W. ssth Street). SPECIAL LADIES' COMMITTEES. OLD CHINA : Mrs. CHARLES F. CHANDLER, Chairman. Mrs. Geo. L. Rives. Mrs. Brockholst Cutting. Mrs. Walter Lawrence. Mrs. Henry S. Leavitt. Mrs. William Jay. Mrs. Edward J. Woolsey. MINIATURES: Miss C. FURNISS, Chairman. Mrs. KiNNICUTT. Mrs. James K. Gracie. Mrs. Fred'k Sturgis. Mrs. Henry E. Pellew. Miss Louise Butler. Miss Howard. FANS: Mrs. EDWARD J. WOOLSEYJr. Chairman. Mrs. John .Sherwood. Mrs. William D. Sloane. Mrs. Charles F. Livermore. Miss Morris. Miss RouTH. Mrs. AsTOR. Mrs. Dudley Field. Mrs. Brockholst Cutting. Mrs. burton N. HARRISON, Chairman. OLD JEWELRY AND SIL- VER : Mrs. GEO. L. RIVES, Chairman. Mrs. Wm. T. Blodgett. Mrs. Austin Flint, Jr. Mrs. Joseph W. Drexel. Mr. H. Watson. Mr. E. C. Moore. LACE: Mrs. WILLIAM KINGSLAND, Chairman. Mrs. Astor. Mrs. William Jay. Mrs. Richard Hunt. Mrs. William M. Bliss. Mrs. Pinchot. COMMITTEE ON PORTFO- LIO of Original Slcetches and Au- tograph Letters by eminent artists and public men (to be disposed of during the Exhibition for the benefit of the Bartholdi Pedestal Fund). Mrs. burton N. HARRISON, Chairman. Miss RosiNA Emmet. Miss DoR.\ Wheeler. Miss Van Doren. Mr. James B. Townsend. Mr. Reginald Cleveland Coxe. Mr. Arthur Dudley Vinton. COSTUMES, ANTIQUE AND NATIONAL: Mrs. HENRY S. LEAVITT, Chairman. Miss Leavitt. Mrs. James B. Potter. Mrs. Clarence Cary. Mrs. Frank W. White. Miss Rosina Emmet. Mr. Walter S.\tterlee. Mr. Clarence Olcott. Mr. Reginald Cleveland Coxe. EMBROIDERY: Mrs. T. M.WHEELER, Chairman. Mrs. Walter Lawrence. Mrs. Morris K. Jesup. Mrs. E. H. Ripley. Mrs. B. Frohlich. Mrs. Schuyler van Rensselaer. Miss Cornelia King. Miss Susan Travers. Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. Mrs. F. Hopkinson Smith. Mrs. F. B. Thurber. Miss Cooper. Mrs. R. W. Gilder. Mile. DeJanon. Miss Clar.\ Potter. Mr. John Dufais. Mr. John Chadwick. Mr. Br.\yton Ives. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Mr. Burton N. Harrison. Mr. Jesse Seligman. COMMITTEE ON INSURANCE. Mr. RICHARD M. HUNT, Chairman. Mr. Robert Hoe, Jr Mr. Allen Thorndike Rice. Mr. Carl L. Brandt. COMMITTEE ON GENERAL BUSINESS. Mr. F. HOPKINSON SMITH, Chairman. Mr. Joseph B. Gilder. Mr. Burton N. Harrison. Mr. A. W. Drake. Mr. Montague Marks. Mr. Robert Hewitt, Jr. Mr. J. Carroll Beckwith. COMMITTEE ON DECORATION. Mr. WILLIAM M. CHASE, Chairman. Mr. Lolts C. Tiffany. COMMITTEE ON THE ADMISSION OF OBJECTS. Mr. WILLIAM M. CHASE, Chairman. Mr. J. Carroll Beckwith. Mr. Augustus St. Gaudens. Mr. Walter E. Colton. Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. Mr. Montague Marks. Mr. Frederick Dielman. Mr. Arthur Quartley. Mr. Barnet Phillips. Mrs. H. G. Hutchins. Mr. Edward Joseph. Mrs. Burton N. Harrison. Mr. 4I0GER RiORDAN. Mr. F. Hopkinson Smith. PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. Mr. MONTAGUE MARKS, Chairman. Mr. Barnet Pmi.Lii's. Mr. A. W. Dr.\ke. Mr. Frederick Diel.man. Mr. J AS. C. Beard. Mr. Francis Lathrop. Mr. Henry Sandham. Mr. Harrv Fenn. Mr. Robert Blum. Mr. J. Henry Harper. Mr. Ai'GfSTUs St. Gal'dens, Mr. Wiluam M. Chase. Mr. RonERT Hewitt, Jr. Mr. A. W. Drake. Mr. Joseph B. Gilder. Mr. Frederick Dielman. Special Catalogue Committee. Mr. a. W. drake, Chairman. Mr. Joseph B. Gilder. Mr. Barnet Phillips. Mr. Edward Joseph, Mr. Theo. L. De Vinne, ) A dvisory I Members. Mrs. G. W. Balloi'. Special Catalogue Illustration Committee. Mr. F. S. church, Chairman. Mr. W, Taber. Mr. Arthur Quartlev. Mr. George R. Halm. Mr. George Wharton Edwards. Mr. Geo. D. Brush. Mr. W. H. Drake. Mr. Henri Bouch^. Mr. Will. H. Taylor. Mr. Joseph Nugent. COMMITTEE ON PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. Mr. J. CARROLL BECKWITH, Chairman. Mr. Olin L. Warner. Mr. Carl L. Brandt. Mr. J. Q. A. Ward. Mr. Arthur Quartlev. Mr. Frederick Dielman. Mr. J. Alden Weir. Miss RosiNA Emmet. COMMITTEE ON COINS AND MEDALLIC ART. The Hon. A. S. SULLIVAN, Cliairmatt. Mr. Richard Hoe Lawrence. Mr. Henry H. Gorringe. COMMITTEE ON OLD PRINTS. Mr. barnet PHILLIPS, Chairman. Dr. Charles West. The Hon. Abram S. Hewitt. COMMITTEE ON WOOD-ENGRAVING. Mr. a. W. drake. Chairman. Mr. Frederick Juengling. Mr. William H. Morse. Mr. E. Heinemann. Mr. J. P. Davis. COMMITTEE ON CERAMICS, CARVING, AND FURNITURE.' General Horace Porter. Mr. Robert Prignot. Mr. Maitland Armstrong. Mr. E. C. Arnold. Mr. George Campbell Cooper. .Mr. MONTAGUE JL\RKS, Chairman. Mrs. G. W. Ballou. Mr. C. R. Yandell. Mrs. H. C. Ayer. Mr. E. J. N. Stent. COM.MITTEE ON METAL WORK. Mr. CAMILLE PITON, Chairman. Mr. Otto Heinicke. Mr. Camille Piton. Mr. W. Pringle Mitchell. Mr. J. H. Duncan. COMMITTEE ON ARMS AND ARMOR. Mr. NAPOLEON SARONY, Chairman. Mr, G. P. Morosini. Mr. Samuel Sherwood. Mr. Robert Hoe, Jr. Mr. Noah Brooks. Professor E. S. Morse. COMMITTEE ON STAINED GLASS. Mr. ROGER RIORDAN, Chairman. Mr. John La Farge. Mr. George Tiden. Mr. Maitland Ar.mstrong. COMMITTEE ON MISSALS AND OLD BOOKS. General RUSH C. HAWKINS, Chairman. Mrs. Bravfon Ives. COMMITTEE ON ORIENTAL ART. Dr. CHARLES CARROLL LEE, Chairman. Mr.=. Bravton Ives. Mr. Lockwood De Forest. Mr. Shugio. Mr. Geo. B. Myer. Mr. Joseph W. Drexel. COMMITTEE ON MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Mr. WALTER E. COLTON, Chairman. Mrs. D. Colden Murray. COMMITTEE ON ABORIGINAL ART. Mrs. ERMINNIE SMITH, Chairman. The Hon. Charles Hutchinson. Mr. George D. Brush. Mr. W. H. Holmes. Mr. H. F. Farnv. Mr. M. F. Savage. INTRODUCTORY. N ASSEMBLING the rare and carefully selected Loan Collection here presented to the public, the Committee believes that it has successfully accomplished a double task; first, in assuring the increase of a fund in which not one community alone, but the entire nation, should feel an interest ; and also, in awakening among us a potent influence in art. To the Exhibition of 1876, in Philadelphia, the country owes an enormous debt of gratitude, not only for the bequest of taste in things beautiful and refining to our homes, but for practical results in fostering in America the remunerative industries of interior decoration and adornment. Since the interesting exhibition held in this building, three years ago, increased knowledge and appreciation in matters of art have brought a large number of choice objects from the Old World to be American household gods, and the Committee has been fortunate enough to secure from the courteous owners many of these treasures for display on this occasion. The collection of paintings and sculpture is of noteworthy excellence, in which the same high standard has been conscientiously preserved throughout. The departments of Wood- Engraving, of Old Prints, of Coins and Medallic Art will yield to the seeker information of much interest. Of Metal-Work, of Arms and Armor, of Stained Glass with its kinsman in miniature. Old Illuminated Missal- Work, — an array both picturesque and valuable is seen. The lover of violins, as well as the virtuoso in other musical instruments, will find a department in which his sensitive spirit may take delit,dit. Among treasures of the storied East, decorative taste has gone hand in hand with ripe experience to furnish specimens. For all this gleaming exposition of faience and porcelain, of stately tapestries and costly plaques, the walls of luxurious homes have been rifled of their stores. Of these odds and ends of antique furniture, some have survived the wreck of dynasties, others have here jogged peacefully down from father to son since old colonial days. Between the gracious curves, the brilliant lacquer, the fine inlays of this dainty cabinet-work, what a gap must be bridged to bring the spectator in relation with the flotsam of American aboriginal art another Committee has so intelligently brought together. In the department especially assigned to the ladies of the several committees, a wide variety of smaller objects tells an animated tale of the aesthetic side of life among our ancestors. Egg-shell porcelain, relics of " tea-cup times of hood and hoop"; watches and clasps, chains and rings; drinking cups and jeweled love tokens; with many a smiling miniature from deft old English or American brushes, and tissues of the cobweb lace worn by their fair originals ; fans of every class, from those furled over bull-fights and those woven by dusk fingers on tropical islands, to the old court fans of " Chicken-skin, delicate, white, Painted by Carlo Vanloo ; Loves in a riot of Hght, Roses and vaporous blue." Perhaps the costumes, more than anything else, link us with the past we are bidding to live again by these collections. Court trains of Queen Victoria, worn in her days of rose-color, are modern enough beside the prim old colony gowns of plum satin and the tiny robe of striped brocade worn by a young Dauphine of France two hundred years ago. Peasant bodices, too, of Norway and Sweden are here, — with filmy fabrics of Eastern silk and court costumes of XVIIIth century beaux, near the gold-incrusted jacket of the toreador. In the collection of American Embroideries are displayed the fruits of a new and brilliant school of workers, which challenge admiration beside the products of old-time skill and labor hanging near at hand. In the Portfolio of original contributions by litterateurs and of sketches by artists, who have generously given them to be disposed of for the benefit of the Pedestal Fund during the continuance of the present exhibition, may be found contributions from the following eminent artists: William M. Chase, Carroll Beckwith, F. Diel- man, Arthur Quartley, R. Blum, F. Hopkinson Smith, George H. Boughton, Thomas Hovenden, W. T. Smedley, Blashfield, Bolton Jones, Joseph Pennell, Bruce Crane, Kenyon Cox, with Miss Rosina Emmet, Miss Dora Wheeler, Miss Greatorex, Mrs. Odenheimer Fowler, N. Sarony, Walter Satterlee, G. W. Edwards, Frank Fowler, Coffin, Bush, Benoni Erwin, Harry Chase, and Douglas Volk. The literary matter of the Portfolio contains specimen pages of the MSS. of various authors, the list including Longfellow, Bryant, Bret Harte, Aldrich, Howells, Whitman, Cable, Mark Twain, Henry James, R. W. Gilder, R. H. Stoddard, Auer- bach, and Edith Thomas ; poems written for the. occasion by Emma Lazarus and Julia C. R. Dorr ; with letters or other autographs from President Arthur, Attor- ney-General Brewster, Secretary Folger, the late General Dix, Joseph Jefferson, Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, Modjeska, and Salvini, and many other writings of interest. We select from its varied contents the following beautiful poem, which it is hoped will awaken to new enthusiasm the workers in our cause. THE NEW COLOSSUS. BY EMMA LAZARUS. (Written for the Portfolio of the Art Loan Collection in aid of tlie Pedestal Fund.) Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land, Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman, with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome ; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin-cities frame. " Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she, With silent lips. " Give me your tired, your poor, " Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free; " The wretclied refuse of your teeming shore — " Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me — " I lift my lamp beside the golden door ! " THK PEDESTAL. Illl-: STATUE of Liberty Enlightening the World is to be set up on Bedloe's Island, which lies half a mile to the westward of the Battery, in ^| about what may be called the center of the Upper Bay of New- York. 1 he structure will be much larger than was the Colossus of Rhodes, and not only the most noticeable ornament of the scene disclosed to one arriving at this port, but the most remarkable decoration in any of the harbors of the world. Bedloe's Island belongs to the Government of the United States, and is occu- pied as a military post. The pedestal of the Statue is to be a rectangular shaft placed in the parade of the star-shaped granite fortification known as Fort Wood. The foundation is excavated to within 13 feet of low-water mark, and covers an area of 93 feet square. The first 52 feet of the shaft is of concrete ; all above that is to be granite. The weight of the entire structure will be 48,000 tons. The height of the pedestal and statue will be 326 feet; the height of the statue, 162 feet. The work of constructing the pedestal is progressing under the supervision of General C. P. Stone, Engineer-in-chief; the artist himself, Mr. Bartholdi, is busily engaged in France in finishing the Statue. Electric lights will be used for the torch carried aloft as a beacon in the right hand of the statue, and also for the tiara on the head. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The Executive Committee of the Loan Exhibition desires to return its thanks to the following firms for favors received : Messrs. Vantine & Co New-York. Messrs. Yandell & Co New-York. Messrs. W. & J. Sloane New-York. Messrs. Archer & Bull New-York. Messrs. Pitt & Co. (Show-cases made and lent.) New-York. First Trading Co. of Japan New-York. The Catalogue Committee acknowledges its indebtedness to the following gentlemen and business firms for the loan of valuable cuts ; The Art Amateur New-York. The Century Co , New-York. Messrs. Estes & Lauriat Boston. Mr. Gaston L. Feuardent . . New-York. Messrs. Harper & Bros . New-York. The National Museum . Washington, D. C. The Gorham Co New-York. The process work of the Catalogue was done by the Photo-Engraving Company, 67 Park Place, N. Y. Citv. '/■ CONTENTS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Statue of Liberty. Outside Cover. PAINTINGS. (Page 17.) MiLT.ET. Woman Bathing. A. Mauve. Twiligiit. A. Mauve. Dutch Coast Scene. A. Neuyhuvs. Mending Sacks. A. Mauve. Dutch Coast Scene. A. Mauve. Dutch Cattle Piece. Degas. The Ballet. Mettling. After Rembrandt. L. Latouche. French Coast Scene. THE GRANT TREASURES. (Page 28.) Drawn by George R. Halm. F. S. Church. Arthur Quartley. G. W. Edwards. Robert Blum. W. M. Chase. Arthur Quardey. OLD PRINTS. (Page 31.) Albert Durer. Title to the '' Life of the Virgin." Reduced from original. Hans Burgkmair. Triumph of Maximilian. Albert Durer. Portrait of Ulrich Varnbuler. Claude Mellax. Saviour's Head ; represented by a single line. Reduced from original. MISSALS AND OLD BOOKS. (Page 39.) Virgin and Child. Fac-simile. The Last Judgment. Fac-simile. Worship of the Holy Ghost, antl Jacob's Vision. Fac-simile. Wood-cut Initials. Fac-simile. The First Telegram. Fac-simile. Tail Piece. Drawn by STAINED GLASS. (Page 49). Peacock Window. A. Locke. Small Screen. R- Riordan. Egg-Plant Window. (Cut lent by Estes and Lauriat.) " Among the Vines. F. S. Church. LACES. (Page 51.) Venetian Lace. Fac-simile. (iuipure de Belgique. Fac-simile. Point de France. Venise. Brabant. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. (Page 59.) Title Page. Camille Piton. Ole Bull Violin. Cut lent by Harper & Brothers. Japanese Guitar. Camille Piton. Malay Musical Instrument. " MINIATURES. (Page 64.) Miniature by Cosway. Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire. Cut lent by Art Amateur. C. Piton. Commander Pond, R. N. Cut lent by Art Amateur. " Horace Hone. Elizabeth and Georgiana, etc. Cut lent by Art Amateur. C. Piton. OLD CHINA. (Page 72.) Title Group. Cut lent by The Century Co. Italian Plaque. Combat. Black-Eyed Susan Pitcher. China Tea-pot. Five-clawed Dragon. F. Lungren. C. Piton. COSTUMES. (Page 80.) Russian Costume. Peasant Costume of Dalecarlia. F. S. Church. ARMS AND ARMOR. (Page 85.) Title Page Group. Venetian Sword, Javanese Kriss and old Mexican Dagger. Persian Gun. Thlinkit Chiefs Cloak, Alaska. Cut lent by The Century Co. H. Fenn. F. Lathrop. ORIENTAL ART. (Page 91.) Daimio Two-handed Sword. Daimio Box. Nipal Lamp. Antique Satsuma Vase. Geo. R. Halm. J. C. Beard. W. Taber. Tycoon Dress Sword. Japanese Sword and Scabbard. ABORIGINAL ART. (Page 103.) Transparency, Moqui Blanket Weaver. Cut lent by The Century Co. Native Iroquois Brooches. Cut lent by The Century Co. Zuiii Basketry.. Cut lent by the National Museum, Washington. Transparency of Wol-pi Village. Cut lent by The Century Co. Zuhi Basketry. Cut lent by the National Museum. Silver Brooch. Cut lent by the National Museum. Two End Pieces, The God of VVar and the God of the Plumed Serpent. Cut lent by The Century Co. FANS. (Page 115.) Chinese Fan, witli Ivory Faces. French painted Fan, Louis XV. Fan painted by Detail! e. Fan, Louis XV. Fan of the Tropics. OLD JEWELRY AND SILVER. (Page 120.) Title Page Group. Necklace of Egyptian Work. Cut lent by The Century Co. Old Norwegian Necklace. Cut lent by The Century Co. Silver Basin and Ewer. English Arm-Chair. Tall Hall Clock, Carved. OLD FURNITURE. (Page 136.) METAL WORK. (Page 139.) Japanese Bell. Fish Knife. Cut lent by The Century Co. Iron Key of Bastile Padlock. Iron Padlock from the Basiile. CERAMICS. (Page 145.) La Photographic, Pate sur pate, etc. OLD COINS. (Page 147.) Coins of Nero, Syracuse, Alexander the Great, (2) Amphipolis. Cuts lent by G. L. Feuardent. End Piece. Cut lent by The Century Co. EMBROIDERIES. (Page 150.) Chrysanthemums. Turkish Embroidery used as a Frieze. Orchard. Cut lent by The Century Co. Drawn by W. Taber. C. Piton. H. Farny. T. Moran. H. Farny. W. Taber. H. Bouche. J. C. Beard. C. Piton. W. H. Drake. H. Bouche. F. Lathrop. W. H. Drake. W. H. Drake. C. Piton. .F. Lathrop. C. Piton. C. Piton. Alfred Brennan. Jos. M. Nugent. F. Lathrop. Alfred Brennan. i^iS . ^' t^ INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Antique Furniture. Sypher & Co Mathesius Bros. . . Howard & Co. . . . Artistic Paper Hangings. Warren, Fuller & Lange Charles R. Vandell & Co Mathesius Bros B. L. Solomon's Sons Fr. Beck & Co. Inside cover, back. Artists' M.\terials. N. E. Montross F. W. Devoe & Co I II III XIII Artistic Gas Fixtures. Mitchell, Vance & Co. Art Furniture. Sypher & Co. B. L. Solomon's Sons. \ii \iii Am.ateur Photographic Equipments. E. & H. T. Anthony & Co Artists' and Engravers' Tools. Vanderburgh, Wells & Co. . Art Pottery. D. B. Bedell & Co Art Schools. A. L. Blanchard. Auctioneers. Bangs & Co Books. E. P. Dutton & Co XXX J. W. Bouton ■ XXXI W. R. Jenkins xxxi White, Stokes & Alien xxxii Harper & Bros xxxill D. Appleton & Co xxxv Bronze and Antique Frames. Grady & McKeever xiii T. A. Wilmurt xvill Cards and Monograms. W. R. Jenkins xxxi White, Stokes & Allen xxxil Carriage Robes. E. A. Newell xix Curtains. B. L. Solomon's Sons xiii Decorative Artists. C. R. Vandall & Co ii Embroideries. J. B. Shepherd iv The Lafarge Decorative Art Co xv Engravings. Fred'k Keppel & Co xxxi Grady & McKeever . xiii European Express. The Morris European and General Express xxvii Financial. Hatch & Foote xxiii J. & W. Seligman & Cc xxiv John Munroe & Co xxiv Fisk & Hatch xxv A. M. Kidder & Co xxv Fine Art Publications. L. Prang & Co xxix Fine Arts. Kohn's Gallery (L. D. Crist) II Grady & McKeever XIII The American Galleries and Art Associat'n Xiv Frederick Keppel & Co xxxi M. Knoedler & Co. Goupil Gallery xxxvi Fine Shoes. William Arnold viii Foreign Bankers. John Munroe & Co X.XIV Gents' Furnishing. E. A. Newell xix Hats — Gents' and Ladies'. R. Dunlap & Co. Insidt cover, front. D. D. Youmans .xviii House Furnishers. Lewis & Conger XX Illuminated Leathers. Charles R. Yandell & Co ii Lnsurance. (Fire). Royal Insurance Company XXIII Insurance. (Life.) Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York xxviii Jewelry, Precious Stones, etc. Theo. B. Starr xvi Lithographers. Eckstein & Porr XX Lustra Painting and Embroidering. Bragdon & Fenetti. Vlll Newspapers and Periodicals. The Decorator and Furnisher vii The Manhattan iv The New York Commercial Advertiser.. xi The Art Amateur xvii The Art Interchange x.xx The Century xxxiv St. Nicholas xxxiv Ocean Travel. The Florio-Rubattino Line XXVII The Royal Mail Line xxvil Oil Paintings. N. E. Montross V Oriental Art, Bric-a-Brac, etc. Sypher & Co vii The First Japanese M'f'g and Trading Co. XII Wilhelm & Graef xxix Pianos. Chickering & Sons VI Picture Frames, Mirrors, etc. T. A. Wilmurt xviii Printers. Theo. L. De Vmne & Co xxvil Safe Deposit Companies. The Safe Deposit Company of New York . . xxvi Seal Skin Garments. James McCreery & Co Ill Shade Rollers. Stewart Hartshorn XII Silver Ware. Howard & Co xvii Gorham Manufacturing Co. Outside cover. Stained Glass. J. & R. Lamb x The Lafarge Dec. Art Co xv Stationers. W, R. Jenkins . . xxxi White, Stokes & Allen ' xxxii Steel Pens. Joseph Gillott & Sons v Trust Companies. Central Trust Company xxii United States Trust Company XXII Watch Keys. J. S. Birch & Co -NXVII Wines and Brandies. Le Beuf & Cuzin xxi L. W. Morris XXVII A SPECIAL NOTICE. This Catalogue had to be printed before the objects referred to were put on exhibition, and, in order to get it out in time, copy had to be sent to the printer as fast as it came from the chairmen of the various committees. As a consequence, it was impossible to arrange the departments con- secutively. But as each department has a title-page of its own, and the objects in each department are numbered consecutively, there will be no difficulty in following the references of the catalogue. Tlie exhibition of Costumes, Antique and National, will be found in the room to the right of main entrance, ground-floor. The exhibition of Aboriginal Art will be found in the room adjoining that devoted to Costumes. An exhibition of Proofs and Modern Wood-cuts will be found in the corridor leading to the departments above named. ERRATA. On account of the haste with which the Catalogue has been prepared, errors may be discovered. In the next edition, which will be ready in a few days, it is believed that they will all be eliminated. Owing to limited space, all the numbers in the catalogue of prints cannot be shown at the same time. This collection will have new ones presented during the course of the exhibition, to embrace all the prints numbered in the catalogue. The Pedestal Fund Art Loin Exhibition will open on Monday, December 3, 1883, and continue for four weeks. PAINTINGS. 165. Millet. Woman Bathing. From Erwin Davis Collf.ction. ^ :F'I5,OjyE FINE- 'AB^^-^LLERY, r^k^onroe St., ^'^ ota.. .. a-:Ea.i^ PAINTINGS \o. Loaned by 1 Meissonikr (J. I.. K ). Water Color. The Cavalier. Mrs. R. T. Stuart. 2 MuNKACSY. In the Garden. " 3 CoROT (J. B. C.)- Landscape. " 4 Daubigny (C. F.). The Cooper. Wm. Schaus. 5 CoROT (J. B. C). La Danse des Amours. Chas. A. Dana. 6 Millet (J. F.). The Turkey Guardian. " 7 Jacque (Chas.). Sheep and Forest. " 8 Diaz (N.). La Mare aux Grcnouilles. " 9 Daubigny (C. F.). On the Seine. " 10 Rousseau (Theo.). Harvest. " 1 1 Troyon (Constant). Holland Landscape, with Cattle. Miss Catharine Wolfe. 12 Di.\z (N,). Holy Family. 13 Corot (J. B. C.). Ville d'Avray. 14 Ha.mon (J. L.). Etruscan Merchant. " 15 Fortuny (Mariano). Water Color. Camels Reposing. " 16 Meissonier (J. L. E.). General and .\diutant. " 17 Barc.ue (C). Bazi-Bazouk in a Turkish Cafe. " 18 BoNHEUR (Rosa). Staghound. " 19 VoLLON (A.). French Farmyard. " 20 Henner (J. J.). Listening Nymph. " 21 Pasini (A.). Fair Day. Theodore Havemeyer. 22 Troyon (C). " 23 Laurens (J. P.). " 24 Stevens (Alfred). " 25 Charlemont (E.). " 26 Ethofer. " 27 " 28 Jettel. " 29 GlERMSKV. " 30 Breton (Jules). Brittany Peasant. John G. Johnson. 31 Millet (J. F.). Hylas Tempted by the Nymphs. L T. Williams. 18 11/ ;■/ 173. A. Mauve. Tvvilkiht. From Erwin Davis Collection. ^ >^-Q Loaned by 32 Hii.i. (C. 1-.). Landscape. I.T.Williams. ;^^ Diaz (N.). The Lovers. 34 Maris (J.). Turkish Lady, 35 MoNTicELLi. The Festa. 36 Millet (J. F). The Quarriers. 37 Rousseau (Theo.). Landscape. 38 Michel (Georges). Hills of Montmartre. " 39 VoLLON (A.). Portrait of the Artist's Sister. '' 40 On the River. " 41 Jacque (Chas.). Shepherdess. " 42 Maris (M.). Corner of the Hague. " 43 RovBET (F.). Moorish Captive. " 44 Maris (M.). The Flirtation. " 45 RiBOT (T.). The Studio. 46 Millet (J. F.). Peasant and Child. Albert Spencer. 47 Nude. 48 Knaus (L.). Pigs. " 49 Troyon (C). Landscape. " 50 Animals. " 51 Delacroix (Eugene). Descent from the Cross. " 52 Fromentin (Eugene). The Rest, " 53 MoNTicEi.Li. The Pic-nic. L T. Williams. 54 CoROT (J. B. C). Twilight. ". 55 DuPRE (Jules). Marine. " 56 BosBooM. Cathedral Interior. " 57 Maris (J.). Holland Scene. " 58 RiBOT (T.). The Cook's Assistant. 59 BoLDiNi. In the Meadow. G. Reichard. 60 Henner (J. J.). La Nymphe. " 61 Couture (Thos.). Sketch from the Courtesan. R. M, Hunt. 62 Millet (J. F.), Susanne. " 63 Stevens (Alfred). Young Girl. Moore & Clarke Co. 64 RovBET (F.). En Grand Seigneur. 65 Masterless. 66 Vollon (A.). Still Life. 67 CouRBET (G.), Ocean. 68 The Valley. 69 Pasini (A.), Door-way in Constantinople, George Kemp. 70 Prayer Rug, Framed. (Not properly belonging among the Paintings). " 71 C«SAR DE KocK. Spring Woods near Paris. " 72 Henner (J. J.). The Bather. S. P. Avery. 73 Cazin (J. C). Hagar and Ishmael. " log. A. Mauve. Dutch Coast Scene. From Cottier Collection. No. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 &3 84 «5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 lOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 Dkiaille (P>nouARD). Saluting the AVounded. Dk Nittis (J.). Place de la Concorde, Paris. MiLLKT (J. F.). The Wood-Chopper. TissoT (J.). Sculpture CjalJery of the Louvre. RovHKT (F.). Rare Vases. Basiien Lepac;e. La Petite Fauvette. CokoT (J. B. C). Le Canal Horde d'Arbres au Crepuscule. TissoT (J.). Richmond. Stevens (Alfred). Mother and Child. DupRE (Jules). Evening. Stevens (Alfred). At the Seashore (Havre). The Fortune Teller. Bellinger and Matthew Marls. Diana. BosBOOM. Dutch Interior. BouLARD. Female Head. Cameron (Hugh). Maternal Care. CoRoT (L B. C). Moonlight. 1 .andsca])e. Orpheus. Landscape. CouRBET (G.). The Cave. Daubionv (C. F.). Dort on the Maas. Landscape. Dlaz (X.) Flower Piece. Bouquet de Fleures. Fontainebleau. Snow Scene. Mountain Furze. Landscape. L.vroucHE (L.). French Coast Scene. Maris (J as.). Dutch Landscape. Dutch Landscape. Tired Out. Idyl. Cattle. Dutch Coast Scene. Dutch Catde Piece. Le Repas. Figure Study. .•\mong the Curios. Diversion. Portrait of a Boy. Viola. Loaned by S. Hawk Estate. Mr. Knoedler. C. C. Cooper. L. D. Crist. Daniel Cottier. (iE(;ERFELDl Hill (C. F.] Mancini (A.). Maris (M.). Mauve (A.). Mettlinc;. Metilinc \x\. A. Nkuyhuys. Mending Sacks. From Cottier Collection. No. Loaned by ii8 Mettling. After Rembrandt. Daniel Cottier. 119 Michel (Georges). View in Holland. ^' 120 Landscape. " 121 Landscape. ' " 122 MoNTicELLi. Italian Scene. " 123 Italian Fete. " ■ 124 Fete xMusicale. " 125 Landscape. " 126 Italian Terrace. " 127 La Festa. " 128 Gateway. " 129 The Barn. " 130 Neuvhuvs (A.). The Lesson. " 131 Mending Sacks. " 132 Reynolds (W.). Cathedral Town in France. " 17,^ RiBOT (J ). Guitarist. " 134 The Vendean. " 135 RousseaC (Philippe). Still Life. " 136 RoYBET (F.). The King's Kitchen. " 137 Arab Girl. " 138 Return from the Chase. " 139 ToRNA (Oscar). Moonlight. " 140 Valton. Donkey Ride. " 141 VoLLON (A.), Study of a Child. " 142 Donke}-. " .143 Portrait of Rembrandt. " 144 CouRBET (G). Music. Erwin Davis. 145 Diaz (N). Flowers. " 146 Rousseau (1'h.). Trees. " 147 Ribot (T.). Head. " 148 Wahlberg. Landscape. " 149 CoROT (J. B. C). Landscape. " 150 (iERiCAULT, Dead Lamb. " 151 Michel (Georges). Landscape. " 152 Henner (J. J.). The Bath. ' " 153 Manet. Boy with Sword. " 154 t)AGNAN BouvERET. Child and Vase. " 155 Diaz. Rocky Gorge. " 156 KowALSKi. Napoleon in Russia. " 157 VoLLON (A.). Fruit. « 158 CoROT []. B. C). Landscape. " 159 RiBOT (T ). The Lesson. " 160 DuPRE. Landscape. « \rC.,ra^-iW^^X A. Mauvk. Dutch Coast Scene. From Cottier Collection. ^ 5? '- \1 A. Mauve. Dutch Cattle Piece. From Cottier Collection. 26 No. [6i 162 ,63 ,64 '65 66 ,67 [68 [69 70 71 7-' '73 74 75 76 77 7« 79 r8o '83 184 ■85 [86 [87 [88 [89 [90 [91 [92 '93 [94 '95 Daubujny (C. F.). On the River. Couture (Thus.). Head. C'ouRBKT (G.). Landscape. Mettling. Portrait of Hoy. Millet (J. F.). Woman Bathing. CciURBET. The Wave. Me'ithng. Flowers. VoLLoN (A.). Head of Cavalier. Degas. The Ballet. Diaz (N.). La Tristesse. CoRoT (L B. C). Moonlight. Maivk (A.). Sheep. Twilight. ). Moonlight. Children. Willows. Coquetry. Border of the Village. Constantinople. Landscape and Sheep. A Mountain (Jorge. Portrait of a Ladv. Loaned by Erwin Davis. Clays (P. J. Neuyhuys. Maris (M.). Stevens (A. Daubignv. Pasini (A.). Jacque (Ch.), Courbet (G.) Manet (E.). Cazix (J. C). Landscajje. Barve. Animal Piece. Blo.mmers. Dutch Interior. BosBooM. Interior Dutch Kirke. Lessore (Jules). St. Marc, Venice. Bridge of Sighs. New York from Martin's Wharf, Brooklyn. Lockhart (W. E.). View in Spanish Town. Manet (E.). Toreador. Mauve (A.). Dutch Coast Scene. Mesdag (H. W.). On the Beach at Schevenening. Whistler (J. McN.). Snow. Water Color. Troyon. Cattle and Landscape. William T. Evans. Erwin Davis. Daniel Cottier. H. Wunderlich. Thomas Hicks. 169. Degas. The Ballet. From Erwin Davis Collection THE GRANT TREASURES Souvenirs presented to Ex- President Ulysses S. Grant while on his memorable tour around the world. a The Large Gold Casket in th.e case in the centre was given to General Grant by the Common Council of the City of London, with a decree granting him the honorary freedom of the city contained within it. It is most exquisite and appropriate in design, and will repay careful study. The decree itself, beautifully illuminated upon parchment, with the seal of the city and that of the Lord Mayor upon it, is placed in the front of the Cabinet, where it can be read easily. At the right of the London Casket is b A Gold Casket, which was presented with a decree of the Town Council of Ayr, constituting General Cirant a " Burgess of the Burgh of Ayr." In front of this is- c A Box " Made of Mulberry Wood from Shakespeare's Tree, at New Place. Slratford-on-Avon," as the inscription carved upon the top of the cover informs us. This was presented to General Grant when he visited the place made famous by Shakespeare's genius. d A Silver Casket, with an elaborate and beautiful cover, contains the honorary freedom of the City of Edinburgh. e A:' Gold Ca.sket, on the left-hand side, was given with a decree which made General (irant a " P]urgess and Guild Brother of the City of Glasgow." Each of these Caskets is of exceedingly elaborate design, and is of great intrinsic value. Such presents, in a material way, testify the foreign appreciation of " the first citizen of the Republic." u8. Mettling, after Rembrandt. From Cottier Collection. I05. r.. I,AToi;cHK. French Coast Sckxe. From Cottier Collection. OLD PRINTS ^^ ** 667. Albert Durer. Title to the "Life of the Virgin." Reduced from Large Wood-Cut. From the Sewall Collection. OLD PRINTS. LOANED BY DR. CHARLES E. WEST. No. 600 Niello. Engraved Plate (Silver), and an Impression of the same on Paper. Xiello is the Art to which the origin of Engraving is due. Finiguerra, a Florentine goldsmith (1410), was the first to take impressions of engraved metal-work on paper. Sulphur had been previously used. 601 Albert Durer (born 1471). The Knight of Death. 602 Saint Hubert. 603 The Effect of Jealousy. 604 The Great Fortune. 605 The Little Horse. 606 Angel Holding the Holy Handkerchief. 607 St. Jerome (framed). 608 Martin Schoengauer (born about 1420). The Nativity, 609 Marc Antonio Raimondi (born 1488). A Group of Figures from Michael Angelo's Cartoon of the Battle of Pisa. 610 Dido and .^neas. 611 Lucas Van Levden (born 1494). The Monk Sergius and Mahomet. 612 Hans Siebald Lautensack (born 1528). A View of Nuremberg. 613 Jacques Callot (born 1592). St. Nicholas Preaching in the Woods. 614 GiULio Bonasoni (born 1500). The Nativity, after Parmegiano. 615 Adrian Van Ostade (born 1610). A Family of Peasants at Table Saying Grace (a drawing). 616 The Interior of a Dutch Ale House. 617 The Interior of a Peasant's Cottage. 618 Hendrick (ioLTZius (bom 1558). Jupiter. 619 Sol. 620 Claude Lorrain (born 1600). Bouvier (in frame). 621 Rembrandt Van Ryn, Paul (born 1606). The Hundred Guilder Piece; or, Christ Healing the Sick. From the collection of Giovanni Delia Bella, of Florence (in frame). 622-23 The Ecce Homo (in frame). 624 Christ Before Pilate (in frame). 625 The Crucifixion; or, The Three Crosses (large). From the Cambridge (England) University (in frame). 32 fc.- ^ O S W Of ^Jj-^ jP^^-^m- 34 No. 626 Rkmhrandi- \'an Ryx, Paul (born 1606). The Descent from the Cross (in frame). 627 The Three Trees (in frame). 628 The Burgomaster Six (in frame). 629 Uytenbogaert, the (iold-Weigher. 630 Coppinol (the (ireat). 631 Utenbogardus, a Dutch Minister. 632 The Resurrection of Lazarus (large print). 633 Rembrandt's Portrait. 634 Tlie Pancake Woman. 635 AxToiNE Trol'Vain (born 1656). Rene Antoin Hanasse. Portrait. 636 Benoit Audrax (born 1661). f'enelon. Portrait 636A Gerard PLdelinck (born 1649). Messire Edouard C'olbert. 637 Robert Nanteuil (born 1630). Queen of France and Navarre. 638-39 Paoi.o Toschi. Camera di San Paolo. Vine Arbor at Parma: two of sixteen l)ieces of the ceiling. From the collection of W. C. Macready, the tragedian. 640 The Annunciation. 641 John (iK(^R<;K Wille (born 1717). Sarah Bringing Hagar to Abraham. 642 Death of Marc Antony. Cleopatra bending over him. 643 Claude Mellan. Saviour's Head Crowned with Thorns. Copy. Represented by a single line, beginning at the tip of the nose. David Wilkie (born 1805). A set of eight etchings. 644 Gentleman at his Desk. 645 Reading of the Will. 646 Two Women, Child and Dog. 647 The Pope Examining a Censor. 648 Child Playing with a Woman. 649 Boys and Dog. 650 Woman Reading to a Woman and Child. 65 1 A Girl and Boys. 652 Raphael M()R(;hen (born 1758). Diana and Adonis. 652A Magdalen (in frame). 653 WujJAM WoLLETT (born 1735). Dido and .tineas. 654 Francesco Bartolozzi (born 1730). Venus and Cupid. 655 Edward Mandel (born 1809). Madonna and Child. 656 A. Laure (born 1850). A Tree with Ivy. ORKHNAL DRAWINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE (born 1757). A selection. 656A The Angel Blowing the Last Trumpet. 656E Death's Door. 65611 Descent of Man into the Valley of 656F The Soul Exploring the Recesses of Death. the (irave. 656c Reunion of the Soul and Body. f^S^o The Suicide. 656D Nebuchadnezzar. 656H An Illustration in " America." VltuchvsVarnbvliuzoldxxii:^^ 666. Albert Durer. Portrait of Ulrich Varnbuler. Reduced from Large Wood-Cut. From Sewai.l Collection. 36 FROM THE SEWALL COLLECTION. No. 657 Albert Durer (147 1-1528). Portrait of Emperor Maximilian. Wood-cut. 658 Portrait of Ulrich Varnbuler. Wood-cut. ^59 'J'itle to the Life of the Virgin. Wood-cut. (And another impression of same after letter-press was suppressed). 660 Lucas Cranach, the Elder (147 2-1 553). A Lady and Gentleman on Horseback. Wood-cut. 661 Hans Burgkmair (1472-1559). One of the Series of the Triumphs of Maximilian. Wood-cut. 662 Andrea Mantegna (1431-1505). The Flagellation of Christ. 663 Martin Schoengauer (1420-1499). The Procession to Calvary. 664 The Crucifixion, Angels Attending. 665 Matthias Za(;el (worked about 1500). St. Catharine. 666 Benedetto Montagna (worked about 1500). St. Jerome. 667 Marc Antonio Raimondi (1488-1539). The Almighty Appearing to Noah ('). 668 Holy Family(') . 669 Lucretia ('). 670 Alexander Depositing the Books of Homer in the Chest of Uarius ('). 671 A Man Bearing the Base of a Column ('). 672 Agostino Veneziano (1480-1540). Study for the School of Athens (the Vatican fresco by Rafael). 673 Agostino Caracci (1558-1601). St. Jerome, after Tintoretto. 674 Annibale Caracci (1560-1609). St. Jerome. An Etching. 675 Spagnoletto ( 1 589-1656). St. Jerome. An Etching. 676 CiuiDO Reni ( 1 575-1642). St. Christopher. An Etching. 677 Simone Cantarini (1612-1648). Mercury and Argus. An Etching. 678 Antony Van Dyck (1599-164 1 ). Portrait of Peter Breughel. The pure Etching. 679 Portrait of Snellinx, in the same state. 680 Portrait of Franck. Early impression before the error in the name was corrected. 681 Scheltius Bolswert (1586). Holy Family after Van Dyck. Proof before letters. 682 Wallerant Vaillani- (1623-1677). Early mezzo-tint artist. Portrait of Van Dyck, 683 Rembrandt (1606-1674). Etchings. St. Jerome. The larger plate. 684 Portrait of Clement de Jonge, the print-seller. First state. 685 Portrait of Ephraim Bonus, "The Good Doctor," a Hebrew phy.sician. 686 Landscape. A cottage with white pales. 687 Landscape. "The Gold-weigher's Field." 688 Ferdinand B()l"(i6ii-i68i). St. Jerome. An Etching. 689 Jerome WiERix (1552). St. Jerome. 690 — — Portrait of Madame d'Entragues (Ami de Henri IV.). ( ' ) All from the designs of Rafael. .The HEAD of oxvt gATTOTJR.-'crown.ed-with.Th.ciiD^ C ¥^>s^ .. > \\->,-.^,'m 'Jytf/A'^. /cr JzrAnfli ir7i/d£j_ ojcM-e'rcerj.-n nUift <^f^/'.^i^:_ 643. Claudf. Mellax. Saviour's Head Crowned with Thorns, Represented by a Single Line, Beginning at Tip of Nose. From West Colleciton. 3S No. 691 Ci.AiDK LoKRAiN (1600-1682). Ktchings b} . The Dance Under the Trees. 692 The Sea-]iort with ;i J,ii;ht-house. 693 (li.RARn Kdki.ixck (1627-1707). Tlie Holy Family of the Louvre after Rafael. Im- pression before the arms of Colbert. 694 Jean (iKokcii.s Wii.lk (1717-1807). Instruction Paternelle (the Latin Dress). Proof before any letters, or the arms. 695 Nicolas Hkrc.hkm (1624-1683). The Bai,q)ii)er. First state, before any letters. Etching. 696 Ax lONV ^\'ATKRl.()() (1618-1679). Le Petit Eossu. Etching. 697 Hf.r.man Swanevklt (1620-1690). Mort d'Adonis. Patching. First state. 698 John Both (1610-1650). The Ponte MoUe at Rome. Etching (represents the bridge as it was in XVI. Century), bet'ore name of artist and the sky are finished. 699 \\'i:ncf.slal s Hollar (1607-1677). The Royal Exchange at London in 1644. 699A The Chalice after Mantegna. 699B The Four Seasons. 6990 ^^'estnlinster Abbey, as it was in 1654. 6991) ]. M. W. TiRXKR. Jason and the Dragon. An Etching by Turner in the first state of the mezzo-tinted plate. The figures at the right of the artists' names represent their nativity and decease. None of the above have ever been exhil)ited here before. MISSALS AND OLD BOOKS 5 o o cs ^. a. ^ ^ ^;;:3 ta o cr, iir '^::^:r-^ 4Y T^ 'It .-^ ent by Mrs. Astor. Mrs. N. W. T. Hatch. Miss S. R. C. Furniss. Century. Genoa Point. Rose Point, XVIIth Century. Point de France, Fond Rosace. Venetian Point. Sm^all Piece Old d'Alen^on. Fichu, Trimmed with Old Point d'Alen^on. Barbe, Point de Bruges. Point d'Argentan, 1690. Point de Bruges, 1740. Fichu, Point d'Alen^on, 1660. 54 Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt. Mrs. Jesse Seligman. Point de P'ranxe. 1690- 1700. Lent by Mrs. Astor. No. 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6020 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 603. S 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 56 Point de Flandres, 1700. Three Pieces Point de Bruges, 1700. Smyrna I.ace, Modern. Point de Venise. Handkerchief, Point de Espagne. Handkerchief, Point d'Alen^on. Handkerchief, Point d'Angleterre. Three Handkerchiefs, Old Italian Lace. Florence Point de Flandres. Gros Point de Venise. Gros Point de Venise. (iRos Point de Venise. Florence. Cc^LLAR. Japanese Handkerchief. Point d'Espaone. Point de Venise. Rich Silk Embroideries, XVII. Century. Cobweb Picture. Embroidery, Italian. Embroideries by Ladies of a Harem. Small Specimen of Guipure d'An(;leterre. Point d'Alen^on. Point d'Alen^on, Louis XVI. Point d'Angleterre, XVI Ith Century. Point Cerepe, XVI I Ith Century. Old Russian Lace. Point de Bruges, Louis XV. Flemish Cap, XVIIth Century. Very fine Point Tue, made by a French Peasant in this Century. Point de Venise, XVIIth Century. Point d'Alen^on. Point D'ALENyoN. Couverture of Burano Lace, XVIth Century. Couverture of Antique Persian Gold and Silver Lace, XVIIth Century, mounted upon Modern Plush. Florence, Six Yards long. Twenty-five Inches deep, Old Cardinal Rose Point, XVIth Century. Narrow Trimmings to match Point de Venise. Old Venetian Point, Six Yards. * Two-and-a-quarter Yards Venetian Point. Pair Sleeves, Venetian Point. Loaned by Mrs. Jesse Seligman. Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow Mrs. W. Butler Duncan. u Mrs. Geo. W. Kidd. Mrs. Henry Haight. Mrs. W. M. Kingsland. Mrs. Kemp. Mrs. Butler Duncan. Mrs. J. W. Pinchot. Herter Bros. Mrs. Lilly Barrett. Point OK VK^,s^:. i65o-i;oo. Loan ED BY Mrs. Astor. \(-. I .ert by 6061 Barbe Point d'- AcuiLLE. Mrs . Herzog. 6062 Brussels Round Point. " 6063 ll\Ri5E Brussels Point, outlined with goldthread '( 6064 Lace Dress, de- signed & made by Miss Atkinson. 6065 Point d'Angle- TERRE. Mrs. Theo. Gibbs. 6066 Point deVenise. a 6067 Flounce, Point Mrs. deVenise. Robt. L. Stuart, 6068 Cape. " 6069 Fi,ouNCE, Gros Point de Ven- ise. t( 6070 Collarette, Pt. de France. (i 6071 Small Piece of Pt. de France. (> 6072 Piece of Gui- pure. a 6073 Dress Trimming, Pt. d'Angleterre, 1 7 50- 1 800. Mrs. Astor, 6074 DressTrimming, Point deVenise, 1650-1700. .. Point dk Brabant, i 750-1800. Lent by Mrs. Astok. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS m ^^^ m ^-^ ^ '^=XH elnfona) rfrttffffft"^ ; kytu einfpn ij o^o l t-<>< ^ Treble Part in the Mass for Five Voices. By Roland de Lassus. XVIth Century. Owner, J. Drexel. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS No. 1600 1601 160: 1603 1604 1605 Cellini Gaspard da Salo Brescia, 1568. Made con- jointly by Benvenuto Cellini and Gaspard da Salo, by order of Cardinal Aldobrandini, and by him presented to the Museum of Inspruck, in the Tyrol. After the assault of that city by the French, in 1809, this violin was removed to Vienna, and became the property of Councillor Rehazek, who left it by will to Ole Bull. The scroll, finger-board and tail-piece are the work of Cellini. CiASPARD DA Salo Brescia, 1 562 until 1850. This violin remained in possession of one of the churches of Rome, was purchased by a German musician named Lansberg, brought by him to Breslau, sold to Amtmann Zoller, and by him sold to Ole Bull. i860. Joseph Guarnerius del Jesu Cremona, 1744. A fine example of maker's last period. Joseph Guarnerits del Jesu Viola, Cremona, 1737. From the collection of Count Cozio de Salabue, of Milan. Only three violas by this maker are known : One in St. Petersburg, one in London (formerly the property of the Prince Consort), and this one, which is the best preserved of the three. Nicholas Amati Cremona, 1643. Grand pattern, but without the ridge. Nicholas Amati Cremona, 1647. Grand pattern witli the ridge. Acknowledged the finest example of the maker extant. Purchased in 1690 by Cardinal Otto- boni, and presented by him to Archangelo Corelli. Brought to England about 1715 by Geminiani, afterward passed to Felice Giardini. Purchased about 1800 by Sir W. Curtis, sold to King George IV., purchased by Sir W. Curtis, and sold, at his death, to Mr. Oliphant, of East India Company. Sold by Mr. Oliphant's son to Ole Bull. Presented to Walter E. Colton by Mrs. Bull. 60 Loaned by Mrs. Ole Bull. Walter E. Colton. Mrs. Ole Bull. Walter E. Colton. 6i 1600. Olk Bull's Violin. Scroll Carved by Benvenuto Cellini, between i 560-1610. Owner, Mr. W. E. Colton. No. 1606 Nicholas Amati Cremona, 1661. Grand pattern, round model, without ridge. Distinguished by great beauty of wood and workmanship, and of unusually solid construction. 1607 Jacoeus Steiner Absom, 1662. A perfect specimen of the maker's best period. 1608 Jean Baptiste Guadagnini Placentia, 1747. Acknowl- edged to be the most perfect specimen of the maker extant. Loaned by Dr. S. B. Tuthill. H. K. Sheldon. F. A. Ward. 62 ^ Japanese Guitar, covered with Snake's Skin. Ivory Bridge and String Holder. Owner, J. Drexel. Malay Musical Instrument. Reeds, Fibers being used as Strings. Owner, J. Drexel. 63 Jai'ankse Gltitar. OwNra<, J. Drexf.l. Malay Musical Instrument in Hollow Wood, with Woookn Sticks on the Upper Part. Owner, J. Drexel. No. 1610 to 1612 Original Manuscripts, Illustrating the devel- opment of the present musical notation. 1614 Viol di Gamba. 1615 Viol d'Amour. 1 6 16 One Mechanical Organ. Period of First Empire. Formerly owned by Empress Josephine. Bass added. 161 7 Bust of (tottschalk. 1618 Chinese Guitar. 1619 Banjo. 1620 Large Fiddle. 162 1 Small Fiddle. 1622 Flute. 1623 Drum. 1624 Clarionet. 1625 Cymbals. Lent by Jos. W. Drexel. Sypher & Co. Mrs. Golden Murray. Geo. H. Chickerini^. MINIATURES. Mimati:rf, by Cosway. Elizabeth, Duchess op Devonshire. OwNKK, Mk. Edward Joseph, of London. MINIATURES. ^'o. Lent l^y 3000 Portrait of Louis XIV., on Porcelain. J. W. Britton. 3001 Portrait of a French Officer, by Passot, 1817. " 3002 Portrait of Charles II. " 3003 Portrait of Washington. " 3004 Portrait of Queen Hortense, on Porcelain. " 3005 Portrait of an Austrian Officer, on a snufif-box. " 3006 Portrait of a Lady, on a snufif-box. " 3007 Miniature of Napoleon, on a snufif-box. Duplicate of one in the Kensington Museum. " 3008 Portrait of Lafayette, on a snufif-box, presented by General Lafayette to a Lady in New-York, on his first visit to America. " 3009 Portrait of an American Lady. " 3010 Portrait of the Russian Consul at Boston, 1840, by Susan Goodrich. " 30 11 Old American Miniature. ' " 3012 Portrait of a New-Yorker, by Dodge (1831). " 3013 Portrait, supposed to be of James Monroe. <' 3014 Portrait of an American Lady. " 3015 Portrait of an American Gentleman. " 3016 A Pair of Old English Bracelet Clasps, marked " Tom and John," supposed to be brothers. " 3018 Portrait of an Englishman. " 3019 Portrait of Lad\" Clopton. " 3020 Portrait of an English Lady, by Cosway. " 3021 French Portrait of the Revolutionary Period. " 3022 Portrait of a German Merchant and his Wife (1804). " 3023 Portrait of Furst Kaumitz. " 3024 Mythological Subject. " 3025 Antique Portrait. " 3026 Portrait of a Spanish Officer. " 3027 Portrait of a Dutch Lady. " 5 65 66 MiNIATLKE liV COSWAY. COMMANDER POND, RoYAL NaVY. Owner, Edward Joseph, of London. No. 3028 Portrait of a Dutch Lady. 3029 Pair of Clasped Hands. 3030 Portrait of a German Officer. 3031 Portrait of a Musician. 3032 A German Professor, by Weinelbaum. 3033 An Old German Miniature. 3034 Portrait of a German Lady. 3035 Portrait of a German Officer. 3036 Portrait of the Princess Elizabeth — German. 3037 Portrait of a French Gentleman. 3038 Portrait of an English Gentleman. 3039 Portrait of an English Lady. 3040 Portrait of English Gentleman. 3041 Portrait of a Pastoral Poet of the XVIIIth Century. 3042 Portrait of a Scotch Officer. 3043 Portrait of an English Gentleman. 3044 Portrait of Sir James Douglass, by Hayman. 3045 Old English Miniature. 3046 Old English Miniature. 3047 Old English Miniature. 3048 Old English Miniature. 3049 Portrait of a J^ady. 3050 An Irish Gentleman. Lent by J. W. Britten. 67 No. Lent by 3051 A French Officer. j. w. Britton. 3052 Portrait of a French Lady. " 3053 Portrait of a French Naval Officer. " 3054 Portrait of a French Lady, by Pasquier. " 3055 Portrait of a New-Yorker (1835). " 3056 A French Miniature. " 3057 A French Miniature. " 3058 Portrait of a Belgian Lady. '' 3059 Portrait of a Lady, by Delatour. " 3060 Portrait of a French Gentleman. " 3061 Maria Carolina, consort of Ferdinand L " 3062 Insignia of a London Guild. " 3063 Portrait of a Dutch Lady, Frau Van Seebach. " 3064 Portrait, by Maricot (1836). '•' 3065 Portrait of a French Officer, by Lepinoy (1824). " 3066 Portrait of a French Lady, by Lepinoy (1824). " 3067 Portrait — French. " 3068 Prince de Metternich, by P. Gomier (1827). Vienna. *' 3069 Miniature, by Mme. Monvoinne. " 3070 Lady Jane Grey, by F. Hall (1532). '' 3071 Portrait — French. '' 3072 Vase and Flowers. '■ 3073 Miniature, by H. Macleary. '■ 3074 Portrait of a Boy. " 3075 Portrait of a Lady of Dublin. " 3076 Due de Richelieu. '■ 3077 Portrait of an Old Gentleman. " 3078 Portrait — German. " 3079 Tom Moore. " 3080 French Miniature. " 3081 Bishop John Tillotson. " 3082 French Panel Miniature. ■ " 3083 Robert McGregor, Esq.. of Edinburgh. " 3084 Portrait of an English Lady. '' 3085 Portrait of an English Lady (1838). " 3086 Portrait of an Old New-Yorker. '" 3087 Portrait of Mother of Mrs. Felicia Hemans. " 3088 Portrait of Member of Old New-York Family. 3089 Old French Miniature. 3090 Earl of Uxbridge. 3091 French Lady of Rank. 3092 Sir Joseph Banks, Astronomer, XVIIIth Century. " 3093 Portrait of an English Lady. " No. 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 68 Portrait of a Lady. Portrait of a Gentleman. Portrait, supposed to be Washington Irving. Prince of Frichstein. A French Officer, by Piazzi. An Irish Lady. Portrait of a Lady, by Isabey. Princess of Wales. Lent by J. W. Britten. G. S. Havward. No. 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 Miniatures by Horace Hone. Elizabeth and Georgiana, Duchesses of Devonshire. Owner, Edward Joseph, of London. Harold Hayward. Mrs. Halhed. Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon I. Copy by G. S. Hayward, after Isabey. Copy of a Cosway Portrait, by G. S. Hayward. Portrait of an English Lady (1770). Lady of the French Court, by Petitot. Lady Ashley, by Sir Wm. Ross. Lent by G. S. Hayward. 69 No. 3109 Daughter OF Hans Sloan, founder of the British Museum. 31 10 Portrait of a Lady, by George Shelley (1760). 31 1 1 Silver Snuff-box, with portrait of Charles II., presented by him to Sir John Lee. The top is made of a piece of the oak in which the King was concealed. 31 12 Portrait, by Sir William Ross. 3113 An English Lady (1813). 31 14 An English Gentleman. 31 15 Old English Souvenir Ring, 31 16 Old English Souvenir Ring. 3117 Old English Locket. 31 18 Portrait (1820). 31 19 One of Frederick II. Officers. 3120 Count D'Orsey. 31 2 1 Portrait of Col. Gibbs, by Malbone. 3122 Portrait of the Comte de la Marche (1783). 3123 Portrait of Mon. de Prepaud, Gov. of Cayenne. 3124 Portrait of the Comte de Lezert. 3125 Portrait of Governor Wolcott, of Connecticut, by Trumbull. 3126 Miniature, by Angelica Kauffmann. 3127 Original Portrait, by Malbone. 3128 Group, by Miss Ann Hall. 3129 Two Portraits, by Miss A. Hall. 3130 Mrs. C. Ward, by Staigg. 3 13 1 Charles de Wolf, by Malbone. 3132 British Officer (1750). 3133 An Original Portrait — English (1793). 3134 Portrait, on porcelain, of Ben. Franklin. 3135 The Hon. Walter and Mrs. Bown, by Malbone. 3136 Portrait of Lord Nelson, (1794). 3137 Portrait of a Lady. 3138 One Plaque, set with three miniatures of portrait of an old lady — English : Miss Duyckinck, by Miss Hall (1832); Mr. Duyckink, porcelain; miniature by Sturm, of Dresden. 3139 French Miniature Portrait, set in carved boxwood frame. 3140 Miniature Portrait, in Gainsborough style. 3 14 1 Portrait of Mme. Victoria, daughter of Louis XV., as Juno. 3142 Profile Portrait of Mme. Etienne Villoyer Coster, of the Royal Academy of Painting (1770). Lent by G. S. Hayward. Mrs. d'Oremieulx. Mrs. S. L. M. Barlow. Mrs. James K. Gracie. R. M. Hall. Mrs. Fred. Sturgis. Miss S. R. C. Furniss. D. Lydig Suydam. W. B. Lawrence. Henrv E. Pellew. Mrs. J. R. Cornell. Mr. Sypher. No. 3^43 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3U9 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3i^3 3^64 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 70 Miniature of Mrs. Hemans. Miniature of a Lady, painted by Velire from the Ham- ilton Palace collection. Miniature Portrait of a Gentleman, on ivory, from the Hamilton Palace collection. Miniature of a Lady, by G. Perin. Miniature of a Lady, on ivory. A Portrait of a Lady, in fine enamel case, set with rubies, from the Hamilton Palace collection. Original Miniature Portrait of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, by Boze (1787), owned by the family of its original possessor, and lent by the owner. Mme. Anguie, one of the ladies of the Court of Marie Antoinette, lent by the owner. A Lady of the Court during the reign of Marie Antoinette. Portrait of Charles L, painted on silver from life, in 1626, purchased in London 1783. Mrs. Van Rensselaer (1805). Lady Stanhope, daughter of Hon. Francis Malbone, of Newport, R. L Hon. Richard Kidder Randolph, of Newport, R. L,by Malbone. General Lachlan McIntosh, by Charles Wilson Peale. Bracelet, containing several miniatures, lent through An Original Portrait of Eliza Bonaparte, by Fabius Fabrini. An Original Portrait of Pauline Bonaparte, by Fa- bius Fabrini. Copy of the Cenci, by Miss Ann Hall (1855). Original Portrait, by Robelot (1838). Original Portrait, by Freeman (1855). Original Portrait, by Freeman (1855). Miniature. Portrait of an English Gentlem.-vn. Cobweb Miniature Painting. Cobweb Miniature of Philippina Welser, wife of Fer- dinand IL, Archduke of Austria. Plaque of Celebrated Temples in India. (Three miniatures.) Miniature Painting of the Study of a Young Girl, by Otto Heiningke, Dresden. Portrait of Henry Post, Esq., by Binsse (1805). Pencil-Case, with which Washington wrote all his dispatches. Lent by Watson & Co. Mrs. Georse C. Genet. Mrs. James H. Strong. Mrs. Wm. P. Van Rensselaer. Mrs. Cruger. Frank ALalbone Breese. F. M. Breese. Mrs. J. F. Cox. Mrs. E. J. Woolsey, Jr. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Miss S. R. C. Furniss. Mrs. E. J. Woolsey, Jr. Miss Lazarus. Miss Furniss. W. W. Evans. Otto Heiningke. Miss Post. W. W. Evans. No. 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3^78 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 71 Portrait of Anthony Walton White, by Robertson (i^ Portrait of Washington, painted from life by Elizabeth Sharpless. Indian Bracelet, from Delhi. With eight portraits set in virgin gold. Portrait of Mrs. Edward Rudge, of London, by Opie. Virginie Lebrun, portrait of the Artist. Armida and Rinaldo. Rococo frame, Louis XV. Mrs. Bruce (1804), wife of Dr. Bruce. Dr. Bruce (1804). Early Portrait of Mrs. Bruce (1796). Mr. Bayley (1804), by Cottellini. Portrait of Mrs. Robinson (1800). Mrs. Fitz Wagram (1800). Portrait of an Italian Lady. Portrait of a Lady, by Saunders. Miniature of Mary Clinton, by Ames (1806). Portrait, by Malbone (1794). Miniature, in Oil, of Lindley Murray (1820). Miniature, by Rogers. Lent by W. W. Evans. Mrs. Murray Livingston. John H. Hodges. Theo. D. Seligman. Mrs. J. W. Munroe. Mrs. Samuel G. Ward. Mrs. Janvier Le Due. E. J. Hawley. Mrs. D. C. Murray. W. H. May. OLD CHINA. OLD CHINA No. 2003 2004 2009 2010 2015 2016 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2069 2070 207s 2076 2081 2082 2087 2088 2093 2094 2099 2230 2231 2236 2237 2240 2241 2244 Chinese Vase, 1623. Antique Incense Burner, from Palace of Pekin. Tile, from Palace of Ferdinand and Isabella, Seville. Old Majolica Tazza. Old Queen Ware Bowl, with open work cover and plate. Tall Vase, colored floral decoration, old faience. Marked F. F. C. Vase of Modern Venice, china. Tankard, Docia, Florence. Supposed to be " Capo di Monte." Tea-pot, Chinese five-clawed dragon. Decoration very rare. Plaque of old Italian faience. HisPANO MoRESco Plaque. Lent by Mrs. Barlow. Miss Cooper. Miss C. Furniss. Mrs. G. S. Hayward. Miss C. Furniss. John Chadwick. Antique Arabic Plaque. Old Talavera Plaque. Old Spanish Plaque. Old Talavera Plaque. Old Spanish Plaque. Old Triana Plaque. Capo di Monte. Old Milan Vase. Bowl (marble luster). Old Silver Luster. Antique China Vase. Mrs. Henry Day. Mrs. Barnard. Three pieces. Pitcher (Preston Pans) 73 Italian Faience Plaque. XVIIth Century. (Combat aux Portes d'une Ville.) Owner, Miss Furniss. •256 75 Pitcher (old luster). Tea Set (gold luster). Six pieces. Old Worcester China Tea-pot, red, blue, and gold, with old square mark. Bowl, similar decoration, with crescent. Large Saucer, similar decoration. The King of Prussia Mug, dated 1557. Marked Richard Holdfast's device, '• The Anchor," one of the oldest and rarest of print decorations. Cup and Saucer, with Richard Holdtast's mark. Speci- men of " Print " decoration known as the " Tea Party " cup and saucer, marked with crossed swords on the bottom, in imitation of the Dresden. Another Cup and Saucer, smaller, similar decora- tion. Large Cup and Saucer, " Print " decoration, in purple, the " Milkmaid." Old Cup Decoration, with peasants, with dark scale, blue filling. Square mark. Small Plate. Similar decoration. Large Plate, with deep blue border, with pheasant painted in center, from a set once belonging to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Crescent mark. Blue and White Plate, with imitation of Chinese mark on the back. Blue and White Tea-pot, with Crescent mark. Lent by Mrs. Barnard. Robert Hoe, Jr. OLD DRESDEN PORCELAIN. Large Chocolate Pot, mounted with silver. Example of the ware made by Bootcher before he discovered white porcelain clay. Tea-pot. Same Bootcher ware, lighter colored. Chocolate Jug of the earliest Dresden white porcelain, decorated with hunting scene, silver top. Tea-pot. Silver chain on cover, decorated witli Chinese figures; mark on the bottom, K. P. M. and crossed swords. Vase, similar decorations, with Augustus Rex mark. Cream Jug, decorated with figures, crossed swords mark. Large Tea-pot, painted with figures, crossed swords mark. No. 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2300 2301 2302 2303 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 76 Cream Jug, with Dutch figures after Teniers. Small Jug, painted with dragons. Six Bon-bon Boxes, various decorations of figures. Six Cups and Saucers, of the Marcolini period and. earlier. Three Plates. OLD VIENNA PORCELAIN. Chocolate Pot and Bowl, decorated with figures in colors. Capo di Monte Coffee Set, composed of Coffee-pot, Sugar and Stand, Cream, six Cups and Saucers (sixteen pieces). Old Saxe Dishes. Lent by Robert Hoe, Jr. Old Delft Dishes. Old Pitcher, called the Black-eyed Susan Pitcher. Spode Tea Set, three pieces. Copper. Luster Tea-pot. Pitcher. Rockingham Plate. Lille Plaque, French, date 1767. 1767. Chinese Enameled Plate. Old Chinese Plate. Small Moorish Tea-pot. Old Worcester Milk-jug. Tea-pot. Plate, Old Crown Derby. Soup Tureen, Old Crown Derby. Salad Bowl, " Dish. OLD BOW CHINA. Three Figurines, Representing Fire. Shepherd. Shepherdess. H. G. Marquand. Mrs. M. D. Collier. Mrs. W. M. Kingsland. Mrs. C. F. Chandler. Mrs. H. M. Day, H. Legrand Cannon. Mrs. A. R. Randolph. Mrs. Eugene Lynch. 77 Soft Paste Sevres Bouillon Bowl. Bouillon Bowl, Sevres, blue, with flowers. Soft Paste Sevres Vase. Old Dresden Cup and Saucer. Old Vienna Plate. Demidoff sale. Hard Paste Sevres. Chinese Vase. Old Worcester Vase. Sevres Tea Set. Old Chinese Plates, rare. Lent by Mr. Sypher. English Black-eyed Susan Pitcher. XVIIIth Century. Owner, Mr. Kingsland. Chinese Vase. Tea-caddy. Box. Bowl. Turtle. Bowl. Plate. Plate. Hawthorn Vase. Lent by Mr. Sypher. 78 No. 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 ^431 2432 -^433 2434 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 Chinese Tea-pot. Vase. Hawthorn Vase. Italian Vase. Chinese Vase. Lent by Mr. Sypher. Vase. Crackle Vase. Spode Plate. Davenport Plate. Old \Vorcester Cup and Saucer. Old Delf Cow. Old Chinese Plate. English Transfer Plate. Old Chinese Plate. Celadon Vase. Powder Vase. Soft Paste Sevres Plate Dinner Service, Louis XV. Davenport Bouillon Bowl. Old Chinese Plate. Jewel Case, Royal Dresden. Pair of Vases, old. Old Derby (Crown) Punch Bowl. Ancient Breakfast Piece, unknown. Capo di Monte Jar. Mrs. Harriet Ayer. Mr. Sypher. Mrs. Woolsey. Old China Basket, Berlin or Dresden. Old China Basket. Old Dresden Plate. Basket. Old Chinese Plate. Very Old Dresden Plate. Cup and Saucer, French, very old. Chamberlain Worcester Plate. Mrs. E. J. Woolsey, 79 Chamberlain Worcester Dessert Pieces. Capo di Monte Plaque of the last Century. Ureino Plaque, by Xante, about 1535. Said to have belonged to a set of fifty-four given by the IXike of Tus- cany to the " Bargello " in Florence. Tea-pot. French, 1825. Canole Ornament. Cup and Saucer. Wedgwood. Old. Cup and Saucer. Lowestoft Mug. New Hall Plate. Thuringrau China. Cup and Saucer. New Hall Cup. Saucer. Specimen of Hochst China. Lent by Mrs. E. L. Woolsey. Fellowes Morgan. Mrs. W. B. Lawrence. Mrs. Sydney De Kay. Tea-pot. Five-clawed chin.a., specially made for the use of the Imperial Household of China. Rare. Owner, Mr. Hayvvard. COSTUMES. ^ Russian Costume. Lent by Miss Van Doren. COSTUMES No. 7000 yoor 7002 7007 7008 7010 701 I 7012 7013 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 Wedding Dress, worn in 1837. Oriental Costume. Belonged to one of the Sultansi of Bokara. Full Dress Uniform and Sword of Lieutenant-Colonel James Lee, N. G., S. N. Y., on Governor Yates's Staff, 1824. Worn at a Ball given to the Marquis de La Fayette. Syrian Dragoman's Costume. French Costume, Louis XV. Norwegian Peasant Costume, Beaded Bodice. Olive Satin Coat and Waistcoat. Embroidered. Italian. XVIIIth Century. Embroidered Waistcoat. French. F^arly part of XlXth Century. Embroidered Green Silk Coat. Italian. XVIIIth Century. Tlrkish Costume, Red Velvet, Cream Color and Gold, with Silver Jewels. Turkish Robe, Violet and Ciold. Japanese Cape, Yellow and Purple. Persian Green and Gold Brocade Robe. Louis XVth Court Costume, Gorge de Pigeon. Red Embroidered Japanese Robe. Green Satin and Gauze Court Costume, with Train, Applique Embroidery. Priest's Vestment, Cream Color and Gold. Lady's Jacket, Red and Gold. Spanish. Turkish Robe, Green, lined with Scarlet Cashmere. Japanese Robe. Dauphine Costume, worn in time of Louis XIII. Dark Blue Armenian Jacket. Light Blue Armenian Jacket. 6 81 Lent by Mrs. Walter B. Lawrence. Augustus Gurnee. Mrs. Cornelius Lee. H. Madison Jones. Mrs. Pinchot. Miss C. Furniss. H. Legrand Cannon. Mr. Watson. No. 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 82 Persian Robe, Dull Blue, Gold, Silver, and Variegated Passementerie. Venetian Costume. Dull Red VV^aist, with Gold Em- broidery. Striped Brocade Court Dress, worn by the present Queen of England. Old Genoese Velvet Court Costume. Persl-^n Robe, Violet and Gold. Japanese Daimio Robe, Fawn Color, brocaded with Gold. Old Green Brocade Dressing Gown. Cotton Jacket, made and decorated by Sioux Indians. Sioux Head-dress. Spanish Buff Leather Leggins. Blue Costume, worn by North American Indian Squaw. Sandwich Islands Costume. Dark Blue and Gold Jacket. Tunisian. Old Venetian Striped Gown, Blue and White and Yellow Toreador Costume, jacket and vest, blue embroidered and black cap. Bonnet of early part of present Century. Syrian Head-dress, Silver Cap, with Coins worn by Woman in Lebanon Mountains. Veil, worn on Lady's Bonnet early i)art of present Century Toreador Costume. Lady's Brocade Basque, XVIIth Century. Spanish. Moorish Hat, made by Refif Pirates on the Coast ot Barbary. Hand-made Head-dress, South America. White Spanish Lace Mantilla, such as painted by Goyer 150 years ago. Fans worn in the Hair by Japanese Ladies. House Costume of Japanese Daimio, Red Silk Crape, White Lining. Old Vestment of Buddhist Priest, Gold Brocade and Embroidery. Chinese Blue Silk Robe, too years old, woven design of Gold Thread. Spanish Lace Mantilla, Black. Spanish Spangled Fan. Italian Peasant Child's Costume. Woman's Costume. Bethlehem Peasant Woman's Costume. Modern Swedish Costume. Lent by Mr. Watson. Mr. Sarony. (( (( I. San ford Saltus. u Mr. Sarony. u u Mrs. Wm. Kingsland. a a Mr. Chadwick. Mr. Vantine. Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Pierrepont Morgan. Miss Dora Wheeler. I 83 No. 7063 Hardanjer Fjiord Costume. 7064 Waist of Bridal Dress, worn in 1795. 7065 Wedding Dress, worn in 1819. 7066 Lace Scarf. Old Point d'Angleterre. 7068 Russian Costume. 7085 Modern Greek Costume, — Shoes, Leggins, Trousers, Skirt, Sash, Jacket, Shirt, Coat, and Cap. Lenl by Miss M. A. Cooper. Mrs. Wm. Kings! and. Madame von 'I aube. Miss Van Doren, H. Legrand Cannon. % Peasant Costume of Dalecarlia. Lent by Miss Dora Wheeler. No. 7086 Man's Hat, time of the Directoire. 7087 Cardinal's Hat, from Cardinal's Tomb. 7089 Plum-colored Satin Old Colony Dress. 7090 Black Lace Dress and Mantle. 7091 Old Colony Costume and Fan. 7092 White Brocade Costume, 1753. 7093 Moorish Hat. Lent by H. Legrand Cannon. Walter Satterlee. u Mrs. G. C. Satterlee. Mr. Sarony. No. 7094 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 84 Spanish Red Hat. ZuNi Costume, purchased at Zuni by Lieut. R. T. Emmet, consists of Blouse, Breeches, Leggins, Moccasins, Sash, Gaiters, Stockings, Knife Pouch, Ear-rings, Bracelets, and Bow-guard for the Wrist. White Silver Embroidered Waistcoat, worn by Dr. Robert Emmet, Dublin, about 1780. Painted Satin Cloak, made from Dress worn by Lydia Field about 1770. Moorish Costume. Highland Costume. Cashmere Shawl. Took Prize at the great World's Exposition in Paris. Alsatian Costume, consisting of 7 pieces. Swiss Costume, Canton of Berne. Embroidered Handkerchief. Took prize at Crystal Palace. Two India Muslin Scarfs, embroidered with gold and silver. Embroidered Crape Shawl. Tyrolean Hat. Japanese Embroidered Dressing Gown. Lent by Mr. Sarony. Miss Rosina Emmett. Louis Howland. (ien. H. AV. Benham. Mrs. Fargo. Miss Berst. Miss Gordon. Miss Schenk. Mrs. Kidd. Miss Cooper. Mr. Avery. "^ ARMS AND ARMOR. Malay Kriss. Algerian Gun. Owner, Mr. W. M. Chase. Canteen, XVI Ith Century. Two-handed German Sword, XVIth Century. Spanish Rajjier, XVIth Century. Spanish Sword, XVlth Century. Owner, Mr. T. de Thulstrup. Antique Persian Shield, Damascened in Gold. English Tournament Helmet. East Indian Cliief- tain's Dagger and Decorated Scabbard, XVIth and XVIIth Centuries. Owner, Mr. W. Hull Wickham. Turkish Gun. Owner, Mr. G. Sanford Saltus. Breastplate and Armor, XVIth Century. Owner, Mr. P. Lorillard Ronalds. Sporting Cross-Bow (Switzerland), XVIth Century. Algerian Gun, XVI Iih Century. Owner, Mr. N. Sarony. 8S ARMS AND ARMOR. No. Lent by looo Revolution.\rv Sword of Gen. Wm. North (War of jyyS). Mrs. F. B. Austin, looi Revolution.\rv Pistols of Gen. Wm. North (War of lyjS). Miss H. E. North. 1002 Pistols, OLD French, Capt. John North (War of 1745). " 1003 Old Helmet. P- Lorillard Ronalds. 1004 1005 ■' 1006 1007 Shield. 1008 Sword. 1009 EOIO lOI I 1012 1013 10 1 4 Bre.\stpl.\te. 1015 1 01 6 Crossbow. 1017 1018 Horse's Head Armor. " 10 1 9 Two Handed Sword, XVI. Century. T. de Thulstrup. 1020 Venetian Sword, beginning XVI I. Century. " 1021 Spanish Rapier, XVII. Century. " 1022 Spanish Sword, XVI. Century. " 1023 Italian Sword, XVI. Century. , " 1024 Canteen, used by artillery of Louis XIII. '• 1025 Swiss Crossbow, XV. Century. W. S. Hoyt. 1026 German Crossbow, XV. Century. '• 1027 Spanish Arquebus, dated 1680. " 1028 English Arquebus, dated 1581. " 1029 Dagger, time of Henry II. of France. " 1030 Moorish Stirrup, XII. Century. " 86 No. 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1 04 1 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1056 1057 ios8 ^059 1060 1 06 1 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 87 Spanish Main Gauche, XVII. Century. Saxony Miner's Axe. Two Wheel Lock Sportin(; Arquebuses. Wheel Lock Pistol, Tortoise-shell stock. Revolver, three barrels. Pair English Pistols, butts silver arabesque. Pair Silver Mounted Pistols. Persian Axe, inlaid. Persian Axe Knife. Persian Dagger, carved ivory handle. Arbalete a tour. Four Rapiers. Brass Pistol, spring bayonet. Turkish Gun, heavily chased mountings. Turkish Sword, blade covered with inscriptions. Scotch Dagger, formerly the property of Fechter. Bull Fighter's Sword, Spanish. Algerian Gun. Javanese Krees, silver mounted. Malay Krees, brass mountings, sheath wood. Persian Dagger, brass sheath, repoussee. Old French Sword, found in dredging the River Seine. French Pistol, flint lock, brass mounting. Pair Small Pistols, flint lock, French. Old Mexican Dagger. Javanese Dagger, of Indian or Persian workmanship, grooved blade, damascened. Spear Head, Persian, damascened and inlaid gold. Poniard, Persian, inlaid with silver, sheath and blade damascened. Battle Axe, Persian, damascened and ornamented with gold and silver. Albanian Sword, two-edged blade, broad and grooved damascened, hilt embossed with silver. Persian Poniard, grooved damascened blade, carved ivory handle. Persian Poniard, engraved case. Very Old Persian Pistol, brass mountings, barrel en- graved. Turkish Sword. Malay Krees. Persian Short Gun, barrel heavily inlaid, raised silver. Flint Lock Pistol, XVIIL Century. Lent by W. S. Hoyt. John S. Ellis. J. Sanford Saltus. W. M. Chase. N. Sarony. ^y. M. Chase. N. Sarony. 88 No. to68 1069 1070 107 1 1073 1074 1075 1076 L077 1078 1079 1080 1081 108: 1083 Lent by Moorish Gun, barrel inlaid with silver, stock ornamented with brass and ivory. N. Sarony. l.ONc; Algerian Gun, brass and silver mountings. " French Court Sword, last cent- ury, pierced steel guard, inlaid with gold and silver. Wm. Hall Wickham. French Court Sword, last cent- ury, pierced steel guard, orna- mented with trophies. " French Court Sword, silver hilt and guard. " French Court Sword, pierced steel guard, peculiarly shaped, engraved blade. " Hunting Sword, agate handle, silver mount. " Hunting Sword, German, bone handle, brass mounts, broad blade, richly engraved with stir- ring illustrations of the chase. " Sword, basket hilt of steel, lined with velvet. " Intedomine." " Sword, Stuart period, basket hilt, lined with leather. " Long Saber, XYIth Century, pe- culiar iron hilt. " Sword of XVIth Century, Span- ish, held in left hand while rapier was held in right ; double edge point. " Sword of about same time, double edge. " Sword of XVIth Century, per- forated guard, ring for thumb. Rapier, time of Carl Felix, guard mountings, leather scabbard, gilt. Mexican Sword, Spanish en- graved blade, leather handle, sheath embroidered with silver thread. " Venetian Sword, XVIIth Century. Owner, T. DE Thulstrup. Javanese Kriss. Owner, W. M. Chase. Old Mexican Dagger. Owner, N. Sarony. ♦ No. 1084 1085 1086 1087 10S8 1089 1090 1 09 1 1092 89 Large Dominican Machette, with bone-wood hilt, stamped leather scabbard. Sicilian Bronze Poniard, " Othello," elegantly en- graved figures on hilt and scabbard, unique specimen. Persian Poniard, hilt and scabbard, cloisonne on copper. Old Turkish Poniard, embossed and repoussee silver hilt and scabbard, cartouche of Sultan Sulieman. Yataghan from Montenegro, dated 1792. Persian Yataghan Blade, heavily inlaid with gold. Persian Dagger, peculiar metal hilt and scabbard, gilt. Italian Armlet, of fine steel, damascened in gold, richly lined velvet glove piece. Cross-bow of XlVth Century, heavy steel bow, with wind- lass and pullies to set the same. Lent by Wm. Hall Wickham. Persian Gun, XVIIth Century. Owner, N. Saronv. No. 1093 Early English Battle Mace, formerly in the Meyrick collection. 1094 Persian Dagger, enameled handle, blade conii)letely en- graved with inscriptions. 1095 Back-hand Dagger, East Indian. 1096 Hindoo Khouttar, with blade called "Langue de Boeuf." 1097 Antique Persian Shield, engraved and damascened in gold. 1098 English Tournament Helmet. 1099 East Indian Chieftain's Dagger, remarkably strong, heavy blade, and curiously carved, and decorated scab- bard, very grotesque. Lent by Wm. Hall Wickham. 9° No. 1099A Per&ian Gun, barrel inlaid with silver, brass mountings. 1099B Flint-lock Carbine, with spring bayonet and brass barrel. 1099c Swiss Hunting Cross-bow. 1099D East Indian Sword, X^'Ith Century, straight blade and grooved. 1099E Powder Horn. 1099F Old Spanish Pistol, stock inlaid with steel. 1099G English Double-barreled Pistol, flint lock and brass barrels. 1099H English Flint-lock Pistol, brass barrel, stock very heavily mounted with silver. 10991 Pair Small Pistols, French, stocks and barrels inlaid with silver. 1099J African Dagger. 1099K Dagger from Zanguebar, East Coast of Africa. 1099L Moorish Gun. Lent by N. Sarony. C. S. Homer. |r. Thlinkit Chief's Ci.oak. (Alaska.) ORIENTAL ART. 1307. Daimio Two-ha.nded Sword. Lent by Sutton & Kirby. ORIENTAL ART. No, 1300 1301 1302 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1320 1321 Japanese Idol, from Temple at Nara, Japan, of carved wood and pure gold lacquer; halo or background of wrought bronze. Daimio Box, several compartments ; black lacquer, with ornamentation in gold and vermilion lacquers. Daimio Paper Box; perfection of art in lacquer work. Large Rock-crystal ball of exceeding purity ; diameter 6 inches. Antique Saki Kettle, shape of Turtle of Longevity. Antique Chinese Porcelain Vase; mustard -yellow- glaze, with rose souffle. Daimio Sword, two-handed; remarkable for fineness of blade and artistic treatment of hilt, mountings, and orna- ments. IvoRV V'ase, section of large tusk ; lacquered ornamenta- tion. Daimio Reading Desk; highest (juality of old black lac- quer, with gold ornamentation. Set of Eight Plates, illustrating the process of Japanese cloisonne art (inlaid work). Series of Eight Chinese Snuff-Bottles, in Porcelain, agate, etc. Solid Gold Sword Guard. Solid Gold Knife Handle. Silver Sword Guard. Gold Pipe. Daimio Pouch, with gold ornaments and mountings. Inro, or Medicine Case. Gold Lacquer Box. Daimio Short Sword, silver mountings. Mandarin Lantern, egg-shell porcelain, with pierced panels and painted and enameled decoration. Sang de Bceuf Vase. Lang You specimen. 92 Lent by [as. F. Sutton. Thos. E. Kirbv American Art Association. 93 I ^02. Daimk) Box. Lent hy Sltto.n & Kikkv. No. 1322 Specimen of Old Satsuma. 1323 HiRADo Porcelain Jar; blue decoration beneath glaze. 1324 Antique Chinese Blue and White " Hawthorn Jar." 1325 Chinese Egg-shell " Roseback Plate." 1326 Chinese Porcelain Bowl, " Grains of Rice" decoration. 1327 Antique Chinese Porcelain Vase, turquoise glaze. 1328 Mandarin Bowl and Cover, rifw^i?-r^n«7 glaze, decora- tions in gold. 1329 Silver Bronze Vase, relief antl inlaid ornamentation in precious and other metals and enamels. 1330 Antique Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Incense Burner. 1 33 1 Ancient Incense Burner, Japanese silver work. 1332 Daimio Short Sword, silver mountings. 1333 Daimio Short Sword, gold mountings and ornaments. 1334 Specimen of Finest Antique Japanese Lacquer. 1335 Collection of Knife Handles. 1336 Daimio Tobacco Pouch, with pipe case attached ; orna- ments and mountings of solid gold. Lent by American Art Association. 94 No. Lent by 1337 Carved Ivory Pipe Case. American Art Association. 1338 Gold Lacquer Inro or Medicine Case. " 1339 Silver Pipe. " 1340 Daimio Tobacco Pouch, with pipe-case attached; orna- ments and mountings of solid gold. " 1 34 1 Two Sword Guards. " 1342 Chinese Gray Jade Jar and Cover; emerald green spots. Brayton Ives. 1343 Chinese Emerald Green Carved Slab of Jade. " 1344 Chinese White Jade Bull. " 1345 Lady's Sword, ii inches, Japanese. " 1346 SiLVERWAVE Sword, gold and silver fishes, 13 inches. " 1347 Silver Dress Sword, 17 indies. " 1348 Silver Dress Sword, solid gold mounts, 16 inches. '* 1349 Gold Sword, black lacquer, 15 inches. " 1350 Gold Sword, gold cock on scabbard, 18 inches. " 1 35 1 Short Sword, imitation of old wood, insects, and metal snake, 18 inches. " 1352 Short Sword, silver hilt, green lacquer, 18 inches. " 1353 Cat and Rat Sword, lacquer scabbard and hilt, 16 inches. " 1354 Short Sword, old iron carving and silver scabbard, 14 inches. " 1355 Straight Sword, braided silver and leaf pattern, 18 inches. " 1356 Jeweled Sword, chrysanthemum blossoms in gold, with pearls, 28 inches. " 1357 Buddhist Priest's Sword, heavy silver mounts, 29 inches. ' 1358 Peacock Sword, silver hilt, gold and silver birds inlaid on scabbard, 34 inches. " 1359 Officer's Sword, for state occasions, silver and shakudo mounts, 41 inches. " 1360 Long Sword for beheading criminals, two-handed, 44 inches. " 1 36 1 Tycoon Dress Sword. A nobleman's sword worn on state occasions in honor of the Tycoon. Solid silver hilt and scabbard, with long panels representing water with carp and other fish in gold, silver, and shakudo. 37 inches. " 1362 Souffle Vase, Kea King period; old Chinese. Fine imitation of agate. . Dr. C. C. Lee. No. 1363 1364 1365 1366 No. 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 95 Antique Satsuma Vase ; lozenge decoralion of the fa- mous poets of Japanese mythology. Example of finest period of the art. Companion Vase. Antique Carved Wood Statue of Japanese " God of War." From Temple at Kamakura. Turquoise Stand ; old Chinese faience. Lent by Dr. C. C. Lee. NiPAL Lamp. From Collection of Lockwood de Forrest. Large Turquoise Blue Bottle, with raised figures. Yellow Bottle-shaped Vase, decorated with brown and black dragons. Very Old " Iron Rust " Water Jar. Two " Hawthorn Blue " Ginger Jars. Very rare. PiSTACHE Green Engraved Vase. Kien-Lung period. Lent by C. A. Dana. 96 No. Lent by 373 White Enciraved Vase. Ming period. C. A, Dana. 373 " Lang Jao" Vase, raised figures. " 374 Yellow Bottle, crackle glaze, small. " 375 Slender Minc; Vase, white ground landscape and figure. " 376 Lar(;e "Sang de Bceuf" Bottle. " 377 Yellow Bowl, fine crackle. " 378 Blue and \A'hite Vase, crackled with yellowisli drab, silver cover. " 379 Small Turquolse Blue Bottle, black decoration. " 380 Coral Red Bottle. " 381 Red and Purple Gourd. " 382 Flat Bottle, splashed with red. " 383 Satsuma Incense Burner. " 384 Tall Bottle, drab ground, drab decoration. " 385 White Bottle, raised figures. '' 386 Dark Bottle, opalescent figures. " 387 37 Pieces of Rose-back and Egg-shell Porcelain Plates, cup and saucers and bowls, old Chinese. Win. L. Andrews. 388 Three Incense Burners; i crackle, i Satsuma, i Poly- chrome. " 389 Japanese Female Fi(;ure. " 390 Mandarin Vase. " 391 Grotesque Incense Burner. " 392 Votive Offering. " 393 Baby's Rattle. " 394 Tazza, " grains of rice " pattern. " 395 Coral-Colored Poi-Shaped Vase. " 396 Sacrificial Cup. " 397 Double Reticulated Cup. " 398 Yellow Bowl. " 399 Pair Shallow Bowls, imitation of wood. " 400 Tall White Cup. " Grains of Rice " Pattern. " 401 Dog Fo, with Perforated Ball. " 402 Teapot, reticulated sides. " 403 Snuff-box. " 404 Decorated White Crackle Vase. " 405 Cup and Saucer, Raised Decoration. " 406 Cup, with Floriated Design. " 407 Small Cup, with Figures in Medallion. " 408 White Engraved Cup, Decorated in Blue. " 409 Decorated Cup. " 410 Carved Ivory, Warrior and Two Citizens. W. E. AUis. 411 Carved Ivory, Equestrian fording Stream. " 97 No. 141 2 Solid Silver Box, Inlaid Gold and Bronze. 1413 Pure Gold Lacquer Perfume Box, Crest Designs on Checker-board Pattern. Lent by W. E. Allis. 1363. Antique Satsuma Vase; Lozenge Decoration of the Famous Poets of Japanese Mythology. From Collection Dr. Lee. No. 1414 Daimio Pouch, of Undressed Leather, Gold Dragon and Carved Ivory Tiger for Netsuke. 141 5 Daimio Pouch, Carved Cocoa-nut Shell and Leather, Unique Carved Wood Pipe Holder. 7 Lent by W. E. Allis. No. 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 Lent by W. E. Allis. Dr. James L. Little. Mrs. Lockwood de Forest. Lockwood de Forest. A. A. Vantine & Co. 98 Small Sword, Carved Bamboo Scabbard, Ivory Mount- ings. Set of Ten Small Cups and Saucers. Old Chinese Decorative Porcelain. Five Pieces of Nepaul Metal Work. One Ladak. Prayer Wheel. Indian Jewelry. Two Silver Necklaces. One Gold Necklace. Pair Armlets and Waist Band. Fifty Old Arabic Tiles. Imperial Yellow Bottle and Stand. Mustard-yellow Crackle Bottle and Stand. Splash Glaze Bottle and Stand. Blood-red Bottle and Stand. Coral-red Bottle and Stand. " Lang-Furnace " Vase and Stand. White Crackle Glaze Bottle and Stand. Rose-Souffle Bottle and Stand.* Camellia-green Crackle Bottle and Stand. Black Glaze Bottle and Stand. Apple-green Crackle Bottle and Stand. Powder-blue Bottle and Stand. Engraved White Vase and Elaborate Stand. Turquoise Bottle and Stand. Chocolate Glaze Bottle and Stand. Sea-green Crackle Vase and Stand. Violet-blue Bottle and Stand. Steel Lustral Bottle and Stand. Rose-pink Bottle, Engraved, and Stand. " Iron-rust " Souffle Jar and Stand. Famille Verte Bottle and Stand. Cup and Saucer, Oriental Agate. Oriental Agate Bowl and Stand. Chinese " Ching Hwa " Vase, " Black Hawthorn." Chinese Red Lacquer Wall Hanging. Japanese Inlaid Iron Plaque. " Chinese Lacquer — decorated Vase. " Old Lacquer Box. The First Japanese M'f'g and Trading Co J. M. Munoz. (By Koyosai.) (By Harumasa. 99 Lent by The First Old Lacquer Box. By Ha- Japanese Mfg. i""'"asa. and Trading Co. Old Lacquer Box. Red Old Lacquer Letter Box. Old Lacquer Writing Case, by Korin Old Lacquer Wine Cup. Old Red Lacquer Tray. Old Lunch Box, Old Cake Box. Twelve Old Lacquer Inros. Old Lacquer Box. Smoker's Pouch. Three Old Silk Draperies. Iron Inlaid Box. Iron Inlaid Koro. Old Iron Wine Pot. Six Kakemenos. Corean Jar. 1361. Tycoon Dress Sword. From Collection Brayton Ives. Corean Plate. " Old Hirado Vase. " Old Red Kutani Vase. " Old Green Kutani Plate. " Old Imari Bowl. " Old Imari Plate. " Old Satsuma Ornament. " Old Lacquer Writing Case. " Old Herat Carpet, dated 1 22 1, of the Hegira, with Description and Emblem- atical Design. A. A. Vantine & Co. Antique Ghiordes Prayer Rug. Very Fine, with Silk Edges. " No. 1492 •493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 Oi.D Anatolia Ric. Blue Center. Fine specimen of the kinJ. Ancient Laidec Rug. Red Center. Turkish Embroidered Hanging Prayer Rug. Two Pairs ok Turkish Embroidered Mosque Hangings. Silver Embroidered Turkish Table Cover. Gold Embroidered Turkish Bed Cover. Persian Baby's Quilt Cover. Embroidered Gold and Silver on Black Velvet. Rare Lahore Camel's PIair Prayer Rug. Lent by A. A. Vantine & Co. Jai'ankse Sword and Scabbard (Silver and Gold, chiseled). P'rom Brayton Ivfs' Collection. No. Lent by A. A. Vantine & Co. 1500 Two Hanging Rugs. FineShirvan. Daghistan District. 1 50 1 Fine Gold Embroidered and Silk Applique Persian Prayer Rug. " 1502 Bokhara Ornamental Tent Stripe. " 1503 Silver Koro. The First Japanese M'f'g and Trading Co 1504 Silver Tea-pot. " " 1505 Old Bronze Vase. " " 1506 Old Cloisonne Fire Brazier. " " 1507 Old Cloisonne Vase. " « 1508 Gold Mounted Sword. " « 1509 Tapestry. " " No. Lent^by 15 10 Silk Embroidered Table Cover. The First Japanese M'f 'g'and Trading Co. 15 1 1 SwoKD Guards. " " 1512 Tapestry. " " 1 5 13 Solid Silver Sword Guard. Fishes. Bravton Ives. 1 5 14 Steel Guard, Eagles, with Gold Inlaid. " 15 1 5 Silver Sword Guard, "Pelting the Oni." " 1516 Wrought Iron Guard. Masks. " 1517 Inlaid Guard, Silver and Gold God and Tiger. 1518 Biberon Shape (Ivory White Colors.) Antique Chinese Porcelain. Thos. B. Clarke. 1 5 19 Jar (Orange Yellow). " 1520 Ovoid (Turquoise Crackle). " 1521 Biberon (Sang de Boeuf). " 1522 Ovoid (Bleu de Sevres). " 1523 Embroidery on Yellow Satin. A. A. Vantine & Co. 1524 Large Bronze Vase, made in Japan by the Famous Bronze Worker, " Goroso," and exhibited in the late National Exhibition at Tokio, Japan. Messrs. Herter Bros. 1525 Companion Vase. " 1526 Turkish Cushion Cover, Gold Decoration. A. Bielenberg. 1527 Turkish Dagger, Silver Scabbard. " 1528 Cup and Saucer, of Rhinoceros Horn and Skin. " 1529 Large Jar AND Cover. Old Nankin, " Blue and White." Mrs. x\. M. Dodge. 1530 Large Cover and Jar. Old Chinese "Rose-back." " 1 53 1 Mandarin Jar, with Cover. Old Chinese Egg Shell, " 1532 Enameled Ewer. Chinese " Painted Enamel." " 1533 King's Dish, 9 pieces. Mrs. Frederick W. Downer. 1534 Blue Rice Plate. " 1535 Plaque, Hawthorn. " 1536 White Plaque, Birds. " 1537 Yellow Plaque, Dragon. " 1538 Butterfly Plaque. " 1539 Hawthorn Plaque. " 1540 Pomegranate Plaque. " 1 541 Yellow Plaque, Flowers. " 1542 Lotus Leaf Tray. " 1543 Pomegranate Tea-pot. " 1544 Incense Burner. " 1545 Light-blue Bowl. "' 1546 Yellow Bowl. " 1547 Yellow Bowl, 5 plaques with rose back. " 1548 Tea-Caddy. " 1549 Box, carved cover. " No. 1550 1551 1552 1553 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 15^4 1565 1566 Lilac Jar. Chrysanthemum Tea-pot. Blue Cup and Saucer. White Cup and Saucer. Five Small Cups and Six Saucers. Blue and White Covered Dish. Yellow Vase. Box, King's Seal. Green Saucer. Two Green Saucers, with figures. Pear-shaped Box. White Covered Bowl. Four Saucers, figured. Persian Brass Plate. Imari Plaque. Keen- Lung Period. Blue and White Plaque. Fragment of Moorish Mosaic, from Mosque at Cor dova, Spain. Lent by Mrs. Frederick W, Downer. JAPANESE Sword Rack, in Lacquered Wood. From Brayton Ives' Collection. ABORIGINAL ART. 1704. Transparency, MoQui Blanket Weaver. Lent by the National Museum, Washington. ABORIGINAL ART. No. Lent by 1700 Indian Pictograph on Muslin. Mrs. Erminie Smith. 1 701 Transparencies. Pueblo of Woli)i, Arizona. Bureau of Ethnology. 1702 * " 1703 1704 Blanket Weaver — Mocjui Indian. " 1705 Donkey Train — Zuni. " 1706 Drilling Turquoise. '• 1707 Moqui Spinning. *' 1708 Making Pottery. " 1709 Zuni Water Carrier. '' 1710 Cliff Ruin, Colorado. " 171 1 Canon de Chelly. " 17 12 Captain's House, Tewa, Arizona. 17 13 Pueblo Indian Basketry. J 7^4 Bureau of Ethnology. 1715 17 16 " 1717 1718 » 1719 u 1720 « 1721 a 1722 a 1723 1724 ,, 1725 1726 ,, 1727 1728 1729 1730 Blanket. ». 1731 ^732 104 No. 1733 t734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 75° 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 [768 769 770 771 772 773 Paraphernalia of Sun Dance, Pueblo Indians. 105 Lent by Bureau 0/ Ethnology. Buckskin Pouch. Pueblo Indians. E:\IEROIDERY. Native Iroquois Brooches. Made from Silver Coin. From Collection of Mrs. Erminie Smith. Sash. •' Pueblo Indian Shield. Arapahoe Indian Shield. TuscARORA Squaw's Beaded Skirt. Mrs. Erminie Smith. Jacket of Same, decorated with Silver. " Collar. " Belt. " Leggins. " Moccasins. " Necklace of Teeth. " Gourd Rattle. " Elm Bark Bowl. " Canadian-Indian Snow Shoes. " TUSCAR.ORA War Club. " Corn- Husk Bottle. " Anklets of Bears' Claws. " Waterfall of Scalps. " Indian Painting, on Mushn. " Tuscarora Flag, with Clans. " Iroquois Wampum Belt. Native Indian Drawing, representing Stone Giant. Native Drawing, representing Iroquois Thanksgiving Dance. Native Iroquois Brooches. Made from Silver Coin. FromCollectiOxN of Mrs. Ekmime Smith. No. 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 106 Indian Drawing, representing the Ancient and Modern Mode of Dress. Drawing, representing Battle Scene between the Iroquois and Masasgos Tribes. South American Indian Blow Gun. Spears. Quiver, with Poisoned Arrows. Mexican Blanket. God of Pain. Indians' Nolls. Apache Shield. Quiver and Arrows. RiATTA. PuEHLo Pottery. Lent by Mrs. Robt. Gilchrist 22822 1713-14. ZuNi Baskktry. Le.\t by the National Museum, Washlngton. No. 1789 Chief's Dress, decorated with Porcupine Quills and Scalp Locks. 1790 Leggins to same, decorated with Bead Embroidery. 1 79 1 Beaded Belt and Scalps. 1792 Moccasins. 1793 Head-Dress of Eagle Feathers. 1794 Necklace of Bears' Claws. Lent by Oscar Sachs. I07 No. Lent by 1795 Scalping Knife and Sheath. Oscar Sachs. 1796 Bow AND Arrows. " 1797 Tomahawk. " 1798 War Club. " 1799 Collection of Pipes. " 1800 Squaw's Gown of Deer Skin, embroidered with Beads. " List of Drawings and Photographs of Specimens illustrative of Aboriginal Art in the Collec- tions of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Univer- sity, Cambridge, Mass. The specimens are represented of natural size, unless otherwise indicated. The drawings and photographs of pottery have been made for a work on the Ancient Pottery of America, now in preparation by F. W. Putnam, the curator of the Museum. The photographs of various objects from the Altar Mounds of Ohio are to appear, with many others, in the Memoir on the Mounds of the Little Miami Valley, by F. W. Putnam and C. L. Metz, to be published by the Museum. DRAWINGS. 801 Spade; made of Horn of Rocky Mountain Sheep. Cave in South Utah. 802 Chipped Implements of Flint. Stone graves in the Cumberland Valley, Tenn. 803 804 805 Objects Made of Native Copper. Mounds of Ohio and stone graves of Tennessee. 806 Copper Ornaments. Mounds and graves, Ohio, Tennessee, and Arkansas, 807 Bronze and Silver Ornaments. Ancient graves, Peru. 808 Copper and Bronze Implements. Mexico and Peru. 809 A Molded Jar; Pottery. Both sides made in same mold. Peru. 810 Large Ancient Jar. Pueblo of Cochiti, N. M. 811 Vase, representing Human Head. Mound in Arkansas. 812 Dish. (When found it was inverted over the human head vase.) Mound in Arkansas. 813 Vase, Bird form. Mound in Arkansas. 814 Jar. Mound in Arkansas. 815 Vase, with Feet. Mound in Arkansas. 816 817 Vase, representing the Human Form. Grave in Missouri. 818 Dish, with Human Head Ornaments, and Vase of Human Form. Stone graves, Ten- nessee. 819 Bottle, of Animal Form. Stone grave, Tennessee. 820 821 Dishes, of Various Forms. Stone graves, Tennessee. 822 Water Bottle, Human Form. Stone grave, Tennessee. 823 Three Views of a Pottery Image of Human Form. Stone grave, Tennessee. 824 Images, etc., of Human Form. Children's toys. Stone graves, Tennessee. 825 Various Objects. Stone graves, Tennessee, toS No. 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 Transparency of Wol-pi Village. Lent by the National Museum, Washington. Vase, Human Form, and Dislies. Stone graves, Tennessee. Water Bottle or Vase, Ornamented with Two Human Heads. Stone grave, Ten- nessee. Vases, in the form of Birds. Stone graves, Tennessee. Dish, Bird Shape. Stone grave, Tennessee. Water Bottle, Gourd Form. Stont^ grave, Tennessee. Water Boitle, of pecuhar shape. Hollow Handles. Stone grave, Tennessee. Water Bottle, with Hollow F"eet. Stone grave, Tennessee. Water Bottles. Stone graves, Tennessee. Water Bottle. Stone grave, Tennessee. Two Small Symmetrical Vases. Stone graves, Tennessee, Two Small Vases. Stone graves, Tennessee. Cooking Pots, with Handles. Stone graves, Tennessee. Dishes, etc., of various forms. Stone graves, Tennessee Dishes, of Bird, Fish, and Animal Form. Stone graves, T Cup, with ornamented edge. Stone grave, Tennessee. No. 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1849 1850 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1867 log Cups, of different patterns. Stone graves, Tennessee. Dishes. Stone graves, Tennessee. Small Vessels, probably toys. Stone graves, Tennessee. PHOTOGRAPHS. Pottery Vase, Human Form. Stone grave, Tennessee. Pottery Dish. One-half natural size. Mound in Arkansas. to 1 85 1 Ancient Pottery Vessels of Pueblo Type. Greatly reduced. Ruins of Pueblos, Southern Utah. Recent Pottery Vessels. Greatly reduced. Pueblo of Zuni, New Mexico. Fragments of Ancient Pottery. Reduced size. Ruins of Pueblos, New Mexico. Pottery Vessels. Ancient burial mounds, Nicaragua. Large Covered Dish, Red and Yellow Color. Greatly reduced. Ancient burial place, Nicaragua. Various Objects in Pottery. Greatly reduced. Ancient burial place, Nicaragua. Portions of Ornaments and Large Vessels of Pottery. Flonduras. to 1866 Carved Shell Ornaments. Stone graves and mounds, Tennessee. Mass of Meteoric Iron. Mound, Ohio. 1715. Zuni Basketry. 11723 Lent by the National Museum, Washington. No. 1868 PoTTKRV Vksskl. Mound, Ohio. 1869 Vessel Made of Shell. Mound, Ohio. 1870 Ornaments, cut from Native Copper. Altar mound, Ohio. 1871 Objects of Native Copper, and Two of Terra Cotta. Altar mound, Ohio. 1872 Ornaments, cut from Native Copper. Altar mound, Ohio. 1873 cut from Native Copper. Altar mound, Ohio, 1874 cut from Native Copper. Altar mound, Ohio. 1875 Ear-rings, made of Native Copper; some are covered with Native Silver. Altar mound, Ohio. 1876 Bracelet, made of Copper; covered with silver, and silver and gold from other cop- per objects. Altar mound, Ohio. 1877 to 1878 Carved Stone Dish, two. views. One-half natural size. Altar mound, Ohio. 1879 to 18S1 Carved Stone Dish, three views. Three-fourths natural size. Altar mound, Ohio. 1882 Samples of over 50,000 Pearls, found in Altar mound, Ohio. 1883 to 1887 Ornaments, cut from Mica. Altar mound, Ohio. 1888 Cloth, made of bark. Salt Cave, Kentucky. 1889 Bag, made of twine from bark fiber. Salt Cave, Kentucky. 1890 Cords, made of bark fiber. Salt Cave, Kentucky. 1 89 1 to 1894 Shoes, made from the braided leaves of the cat-tail rush. Salt Cave, Ken- tucky. 1895 to 1896 Face, carved in stone. (Two views.) The face is represented as within the mouth of a Puma's skin. Cave Acapulco, Mexico. 1897 to 1900 Ancient Peruvian Pottery. 1 90 1 to 1902 Two Views of a Large Burial Jar. Original about three feet high. Paco- val, Brazil. This represents the human form, with serpents for arms. 1903 Large Burial Jar. Original over two feet high. Elaborately incised. Pacoval, Brazil. 1904 to 1905 Bead Work of the Omaha Indians. Lent by 1906 View of the Peabodv Museum of American Arch/E- OLOGv and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass. 1907 Moccasins. Oscar Sachs. 1908 Necklace. a 1909 Indian Kennikinick. Tobacco, made from inner bark of red willow. « 1910 One Shield of Assorted North American Indian Articles. 27 pieces. Napoleon Sarony. 1910A Mexican Blanket. Mr. Conkling. 1910B Small Mexican Figures. " 1910C Cast of Aztec Calendar. u 191 1 One Shield of Aboriginal Art. South Sea Islands, Africa, America, Greenland, War Clubs, Paddles, etc. 23 pieces. Napoleon Sarony. No. 1912 1913 19^4 1915 1916 Shark Tooth Sword, South Sea Islands. Indian Feather Head-Dress. Indian Drum. Pair of Leggins, ornamented with Quill Embroidering. Horse Trappings. Head Ornaments. 1917 1918 Pair of Sacks, for packing; Tobacco Bag (bag very old), most elaborately finished with Minute Quills. Lent by J. Sanford Lathers. Napoleon Sarony. NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. 19 19 Knife Case. 1920 Bag, Transparent Trimmings. 192 1 Knife Case. 1922 Squaw's Head-Dress. 1923 Pair Bead Moccasins. 1924 Buckskin Rifle Case. 1925 Head Trimmings. 1926 Very Old Tobacco Pouch. 1927 Paint Bag. 1928 Tobacco Pouch. 1929 Horse Trappings. 1930 Small Paint Bag. 1 93 1 Packing Bag. 1932 Grass Game Bag. 1934 Breast Ornament. 1935 Necklace, pair of Bear's Claws. 1936 Four Wooden Dishes (Arizona), 1937 A Kneeling Female Statue. 1938 A Man, sitting on the ground, a serpent on his chest, holding on his knees a small cup. 1939 Kneeling Idol, with long Braids. 1940 A Jar, with four human faces forming whistles. TOLTEC AND AZTEC ANTIQUITIES. CuvERCLE, with Handle. Sitting Priest, with plates of Obsidian and hieroglyphical inscriptions. A Jar, on four feet, surrounded by a snake in demi-relievo, with Cuvercle. Vase, with ornaments and four Medallions, representing human faces. Jar, with demi-relievo ornamentation. Statuette of Stone. Bust of a Man (Volcanic Tufa), Stone Figure, 112 1756. Nativk Silver Brooch, made from Silver Coin. From the Collection of Mrs. Erminie Smith. No. 1949 1950 1 950 A 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 i960 1 960 A Stone Figure. One Zuni Blanket. One Pair Snow Shoes. One Indian Shirt. One Squaw Chemise. One Wood Fiber Chemise. Gun Cover, ornamented. Bow and Arrow Quiver. Riding Whip. Elk Tooth Hair Ornament. Grizzly Bear Claws. Puma Teeth Necklace. Deer Tail Tuft. Lent by Napoleon Sarony. a Mrs. Q. Struble. Hon. Charles Hutchinson. 113 Beaded War Stick. Beaded Dancing Stick. Tomahawk. Spoons. No. 19601; Ornamented Scalp-lock. 1 960c War-dance Rattle. 1960D Bone Necklace. 1960E Deer Hoof Ratile. 1 96 1 Dancin(; Rattle. 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Beaded Knife Scabbard. 1970 Beaded Sack. 1970A Beaded Paint Sack. 1970B Beaded Pocket-book. 1 970c Gambling Stick. 197 1 Silver Pipe. 1972 Boy's Scalp Ornament. 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Lent by Hon. Charles Hutchinson. Wampum Belt. Wedding Cake. Seneca Indians. Indian Stone Hammer. War Club. Indian Bead-work. 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Knife Scabbard. Ball Bat. Hair Brush and Skin Dressing Hoe. Deer Hoof Anklet. Garnished Ball. Elk Hoof Anklet. Hair Ornament. Whistle-bone, ornamented. Bone Ornament. Awl Case and Bear's Claws. Dancing Ornament, Hair Sticks. Boy's Snow Shoes. 114 No. 1997 Fkathicr Hi;ai) Oknamknt. 1998 Child's Moccasins. 1999 zuni pottkry. 1999A 'rw() Fk.ures. 199915 Two Water Cooikks. 1999c Onk Ju(; (Zuni). Lent by Hon. Charles Hutchinson. u Charles Seidler. FANS. ib^^"?'^y^aL ^3^ )^' :^ ^ J^^f; 8009. Turkish Embroidery. Used as a Frieze. Lent ky IIerter Brothers. 8027 8028 8029 S030 8031 8032 8033 8034 TURKISH EMBROIDERY. Turkish Frieze, XVI I th Century. Curious specimen of double applique in woolens. Turkish Portiere. Saddle Cloth. Portuguese Embroidery, XVIth Century. Lent by Herter Bros. Moorish Door Hanging. Small Piece of Spanish Embroidery, silk, XVIIIth Century. Spanish Embroidered Frontal on White Silk, XVIth CenturY. John Chadwick. 153 No. 8035 Spanish Embroidery on Roman Silk, supposed to be history of a family. 8037 Piece of Spanish Embroidery. INDIAN EMBROIDERY. 8038 Indian Embroidery, XVIIth Century. 8039 XVIIIth Century. 8040 Rare Piece of Persian Embroidery on Camel's Hair. MISCELLANEOUS. 8041 Red Velvet, Gold and Silk Embroidered Tiara. 8042 Gold Embroidered Tiara. 8043 Two Pieces Red Velvet Embroidery, XVIIIth Century. 8044 Ecclesiastical Embroidery of Beads. School unknown. 8045 Gothic Gold Embroidered Tiara. Lent by Mr.'^. A. M. Dodge. Mrs. Del Monte. Herter Bros. H. G. Marquand. L Chad wick. Mrs. R. M. Hunt, [ohn Chadwick. ANCIENT AND MODERN ALGERIAN AND MOROCCO EMBROIDERIES.* 8046 Portion of old Algerian border, silk on linen, XVIth Century. Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. 8047 Border of Algerian Work, colored silks upon thin linen. " 8048 Very Fine Specimen of Ancient Morocco Work, red silk on linen. " 8049 Broad Border, Morocco work, crimson twisted silk on linen. " 8050 Very Fine Handkerchief Border, Algerian lace embroidery, XVIIIth Century. 8051 Very Fine Specimen of Ancient Open Lace Stitch, upon linen. From Seville. 8052 Beautiful Piece of Modern Algerian Work, done in the school founded by Madame Luce, with photograph of pupil who executed it. 8053 Modern Cut Work, derived from Algerian work, designed and worked by 8054 Piece of Drawn and Lace Work, upon linen, wrought by Marie Antoinette during her imprisonment. 8055 Handkerchief, Caracus. 8056 8057 8058 Piece of Old Ribbon Work, time of Marie Antoinette. Mrs. Del Monte. Mrs. Mack. Mrs. Weld. Miss Margaret Blake. Mrs. Shears. Mrs. Frolich. Mrs. Del Monte. * Note. — This school is considered of importance, as having influenced the Fayal, Morocco, Minorcan,. South American, and Mexican work. No. 8062 8063 8064 8065 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 S071 8072 8073 8074 8076 8077 8078 8079 OLD TAPESTRY. Fink Old Bkauvais. Designed by Teniers. I lALiAN, X\'th Century. Head of Christ, in old Goljelin tapestry. Tapkstrv. Lent by Mrs. M. T. Van Beuren. A. S. Hewitt. Maitland Armstrong. O. G. Hillard. Mrs. Arthur Dodge. EARLY AMERICAN AND COLONIAL EMBROIDERIES. Picture. Holy Family. -^ Six Work-bags. [ c. -n r Done at the Moravian School, Bethlehem, Penn Small Pieces. | ' Sampler, 1740. J Piece on White Satin. Worked by Miss Jemima Camp- bell at the Moravian School during the Revolution. \\"ork-bag. Embroidered at the Moravian School, 1809. Cushion of white satin with flowers. Motto upon reverse: "Wrought where the peaceful Lehi flows." Small Pin Ball, 1809. Card Case, white satin, 1809. Pincushion, for infant's basket. Worked at the school in 1803. Flowers and motto: "May Health, Joy and Prosperity Attend this Infant Constantly." Miss M. A. Cooper. Mrs. Geo. B. Ripley. Mrs. Geo. L. Perkins. Mrs. Walter B. Lawrence. EARLY AMERICAN. 8120 Hai.ar and Ishmael in the Wilderness. Embroidered by Margaret Taylor, 1800. 81 21 Series OF Five Pictures, Sorrows of Werter. Done by one of the ancestors of owner, 1800. 8122 Series of Three Pictures, supposed to be portraits and record of family incidents. Done about 1780. 8123 Linen Curtain. Embroidered in 1748. 8124 Basket of Flowers, on white satin. Embroidered by Charlotte Perkins, Nova Scotia, about 1800. 8125 Samplkr. Done by Mary Van Antwerp, aged 6 years. 1760. 8126 Sampler. By Mary Lawrence. 1733. 8127 By Elizabeth Elmendoff", aged 11. 1766. Robert Glover. C. Garretson. Mrs. Isaac Johnson. Miss Perkins. C. H. (i. Mrs. \\'alter B. Lawrence. Mrs. Van Rensselaer. 155 No. Lent by 8128 Warwick Casile. Embroidered on white satin by Mary Rae. 1802. Mrs. Van Rensselaer. 8129 Family Group. Painted on silk, in 1810, by Elkanah Tisdale, artist, in Connecticut. Embroidered by a yomig lady of 14. H. W. Hubbell. 8130 Sampler, by Lucy Perkins. 1792. Miss Perkins. 8131 Scriptural Subject. Miss Cooper. 8133 Embroidered Dress, Tambour Stitch. Mrs. SchoUe. MODERN AMERICAN. 8134 Apple Blossoms, by Mrs. Holmes. C. Vanderbilt. 8135 Light in the Window. " 8136 Snow Storm. " EXHIBIT OF SOCIETY OF AMERICAN EMBROIDERIES. 8137 Series of Needle-woven Tapestries, belonging to Cornelius Vanderbilt, wrought by the Associated Artists, designed by Miss Dora Wheeler. 8139 Portiere, designed by Miss Caroline Townshend. 8140 Portiere "Autumn," designed and embroidered by Miss H. M. Weld. 8141 Table Scarf, designed and embroidered by " 8142 Piece of Embroidery, '• Roses," designed and embroid- ered by Miss Jessie D. Savage. 8143 Panel for Screen, " Raphael Hours." " 8145 Portiere, "Chrysanthemums." Miss H.M.Weld. 8146 Table Scarf, designed by Miss Annie Lee; embroidered by Miss Frances H. Lee. " 8147 Sofa Cushion, designed by Miss Annie Lee; embroid- ered by Miss Frances H. Lee. " 8148 Hanging, for music cabinet. Society of Decorative Art, Detroit. 8149 Landscape, "Sunset." Designed and embroidered by Mrs. Andrew J. Peters. 8150 Figure, "Twilight." Designed by Miss Dora Wheeler; embroidered by Miss Cora Thompson. 81 5 1 Set of Doylies, by Misses Lee, Boston. 8152 Piece OF Embroidery, designed and embroidered by Miss E. Griswold. Mrs. Fredk. Schenck. 8154 Bolting-cloth Curtain. Designed and executed by Miss M. A. Williamson. 8155 Screen. Designed by Miss Rosina Emmet; embroid- ered by Miss Emmet. Mrs. Robeit Temple Emmet. 8156 Embroidery Sketch upon Silk, " Sea Cliff " Designed and embroidered by Mrs. L. D. Shears. 8157 Light-house, off coast of Alexandria. " 8158 Embroidered Lion. Miss Ahce King. No. 8i6: 8163 8164 8165 8166 8167 •8168 8171 817? 8173 8174 8175 8176 8177 8178 8179 8180 8181 8188 8190 8191 8192 8193 8194 8195 8196 8197 8198 8199 8200 8202 8203 Piece of Embkoidery, for screen, '-Jar of Chrysanthe- mums." Drawn by Miss Dora Wheeler; embroidered under the (hrection of Associated Artists. Pair of Portieres, "Jar of Roses." Designed and worked by Portiere, " Fleur de Lis." Designed and executed by Door Hanging, " Bed of Pansies." Bolting-cloth Curtain, " Roses." Hanging E.mbroidery, on bamboo silk. Designed by Miss Ida F. Clark. Hanging of Needle-woven Tapestry. Arranged from the painting of the " Arena," by H. Le Roux ; by Miss Ida F. Clark. Wrought by Tapestry. Designed by Mrs. W. S. Hoyt. Executed at the Pelham Industry. Wall Panel, " Milk Weed." Mrs. W. S. Hoyt. Set for Bed. Open-work and darning. " Half Curtain. " Snow Balls." Mrs. W. G. Weld. Screen Panel. " Hydrangea." Lent by Miss Cooper. Associated Artists. Curtain. Aj^plicpie. Fire-board Screen. Sofa Pillow. Embroideries. . Boston Soc'y of Decorative Art. FABRICS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Table Cover. Sample Chinese weaving, very rare, art lost. Persian Gold Brocade, of XVIIIth Century. Spanish Gold. XVIIth Century. Ancient Japanese Silk and Gold Brocade. Ancient Japanese Brocade, gold and silk. Japanese Gold Brocade. (ioLD Silk Broche, period Louis XIV. Fine Example of Gold-Woven Kincob, part of Greek skirt. Piece of Modern French Velour, designed by Cloth of Gold and Silk, American. Modern French. Japanese Weaving, of a Curious Kind. Brocade. Orchard. F. Hoj)kinson Smith. John Chadwick. Herter Bro^. Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. Herter Bros. Mrs. T. M. Wheeler. Herter Bros. Associated Artists. F. W. Cheney. Mrs. Del Monte. I WOOD ENGRAVINGS. No. 700 From Wordsworth's Poems. Artist, St. John Harper. Cut for the Manhattan Publishing Co., N. Y. 701 Portrait, S. L. Clemens. Artist, A. H. Thayer. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 702 Inside the Bar. Artist, iWinslow Homer. Cut for The Century Co. 703 Modjeska. Artist, Wyatt Eaton. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 704 Spanish Creole. Artist, Mary Hallock Foote. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 705 Madame Uelpliine's House. Artist, J. Pennell. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 706 Turkey Pasture. Artist, George Fuller. Cut for The Cent- ury Co., N. Y. 707 Winifred Dysart. Artist, George Fuller. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 708 Sub-Title of Brushwood. Illustration to " Drifting." Artist, F. Dielman. Cut for J. B. Lippincott & Co., Phila. Drawn on wood. 709 Professor Landing a Double. Artist, Cocks. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 710 Virgilia. Artist, Thomas Woolner. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 711 Castle Rock. Artist, Harper. Cut for G. Putnam. 712 Illustration. Artist, G. Dore. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 713 Pansies. Artist, F. French. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 714 Spring. Artist, Chaplin. 715 Roaring Brook. Artist, J. D. Woodward. Cut for Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. 716 Studio of G. H. Boughton. Artist, C. Vanderhofif. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 717 Daisies. Artist, A. Parsons. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 718 " The First Profit." 719 Faust. Artist, E. A. Abbey. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 720 A Sunday Morning in Surrey. Artist, Alfred Parsons. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 157 Engraver. Horace Baker, T. Cole. R. C. Collins. W. B. Closson. John Dalziel. H. Davidson. J. W. Evans. Louis C- Faber. Frank French. Gaston Fay. John Hellawell. A. Hayman. Thos. Hellawell. Lizzie J. Hall. Robert Hoskin. \o. 721 722 723 7^3 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 Stratford. Artist, A. Parsons. Cut for The Century Co. N.Y. A. Daudet. From photograph. Cut for Tlie Century Co., X. Y. Portrait. H. Longfellow. From jjhotograph. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. Portrait. Peter Cooper. From photograph. By Cox. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. At Sea. Artist, Elbridge Kingsley. Cut for The Century Co.. N. Y. , Stratford, Artist, Lummis. Cut for Belden Bros. Head of Old Peasant Artist. F. P. Vinton. Cut for The Century Co.. N. Y, Herd of Buffaloes, .\rtist, Geo. Inne^s, Jr. Cut for Scrib- ner's Monthly. Poetry Kissing Lenore. Artist, Dore. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. Verdier Rose. The Eugenie Cut from Photo, direct from nature. For The Century Co., N. Y. P'rangois-Michelon Rose. Cut from Photo, direct from nature. For The Century Co., N. Y. Portrait. George ^Vashington. Artist, Gilbeit Stuart. Cut for Harper & Bros.. N. Y. Portrait. Martha ^Vashingto:^. Artist, Gilbert Stuart. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. The Beacon Light. Artist, J. D. AVoodward. Cut for Roberts Bros., Boston. Fables. Artist, P. Moran. Cut lor E. H. Butler (S: Co., Philadelphia. At the Piano. Artist, J. A. M. Whistler. Cut for Scribner's Monthly, N. Y. Christ before Pilate. Artist, M. Munkacsy. Cut for Con- tinental Publishing Co. Fingal's Cave. Artist, E. A. Abbey. Cut for Har])er & Bros., N. Y. The Rabbit Hunt. Artist, \V. H. Gibson. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. The Milk Carrier. Artist, J. F. Miller. Cut for The Cent- ury Co., N. Y. Bolton Pass. Artist, F. B. Schell. Cut for Belden Bros. Village in Canada. Artist, W. C. Fitler. Cut for Belden Bros. "The Prado"at Sunset. Artist, Robert Blum. Cut for Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. Engraver. J. F. JungHng. T. Johnson. Elbridge Kingsley. Emil Kunzc. S. S. Kilburn. F. S. King. G. Kruell. A. M. Lindsay. Miss C. A. Powell. F. A. Pettit. Florence W. Richardson. C. Schwarzburger. T. L. Smart. E. R. Tichenor. 159 No. 744 Gov. Prince's Birthplace. Artist, G. W. Edwards. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 745 A Little Transaction. Artist, C. S. Reinhart. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 746 Interrupted Pilgrims. Artist, W. M. Laftan. Cut for Scribner's Monthly, N. Y. 747 The Haunted House. Artist, W. Gibson. Cut f r Harper & Bros., N. Y. 748 Shandon Bells. Artist, W. Small. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 749 French Soldiers. Early Morning. Artist, R. F. Zogbaum. 750 Burial of a Founder. Artist, Henry Sandham. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 751 Old Fish House at Gloucester, Mass. Artist, S. Parrish. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. From Etching. 752 The Etcher. Artist, R. Blum. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. From Etching. 753 Mammy " Saurkrauts" Row, Phila. Artist, J. Pennell. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 754 Old Tool House. Artist, Alice Barber. Cut for Our Con- tinent, N. Y. 755 Gate-way, St. Joseph. Artist, J. Pennell. Cut for Our Con- tinent, N. Y. 756 In Godmother's Garden. Artist, Girard. Cut for E. Heine- man n. 757 The Wood Engraver. Artist, C. Ulrich. Cut for E. Heine- man n. 758 Washington's Headquarters at Newburgh. Artist, C. A, Vanderhoof Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 759 Tadema's Designing Room. Artist, C. A. Vanderhoof Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 760 Sunrise, Mass. Artist, Henry Sandham. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 761 Mermaid. Artist, F. S. Church. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 762 Driving a Field. Artist, H. Poore. Cut for J. B. Lippin- cott. 763 Carnival. Artist, Gavarni. Cut for Hetzel. From draw- ing on the wood. 764 A Type. Artist, Gavarni. Cut for Hetzel. From drawing on the wood. 765 Lilacs. Artist, Riscreux. Cut for Didot. From drawing on the wood. Engraver. M. J. Underbill. Henry Wolf. (Jtto C. Wigand Otto C. Wigand. A. J. Whitney. J. H. E. Whitney. Lettie R. Willoughby. a G. Winckler. W. R. Bodenstab. a H. C. Atwood. E. Heinemann. a Felix Leblanc. i6o No. 766 Althoea. Artist, Riscreux. Cut for Didot. From drawing on the wood. 767 La Bohemienne. Artist, Franz Hals. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 768 In the Pines. Artist, W. H. Gibson. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 769 City of Kambalu. Artist, A. Fredricks. Cut for Osgood & Co. 770 Venice by MoonHght. Artist, Ross Turner. Cut for Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 771 Illustration for Gray's Elegy. Artist, G. F. Murphy. Cut for J. B. Lippincott. 772 The Tramp of Odin's Steed. Artist, C. Beckwith. Cut for Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 773 Riding Tory on a Rail. Artist, C. S. Rhinehart. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 774 Mexican Diligence. Artist, A. C. Redwood. Cut for Harper & Bros., N. Y. 775 Landscape, Artist, Alfred Parsons. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 776 The Voice of The Sea. Artist, A. Quartley. Cut for Har- per & Bros., N. Y. 777 The Professor. Artist, F. Duveneck. Cut for American Art Review. 77S Bayard Taylor. Bas-Relief. Artist, R. O'Donovan. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 779 The Penitents. Artist, L. Perrault. Cut for Harper &: Bros., N. Y. 780 Edmund Burke. Artist, Joshua Reynolds. Cut for Har- per & Bros., N. Y. 781 Salvini as Macbeth. Artist, Robert Blum. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 782 Eager for The Fray. Artist, Walter Shirlaw. 783 Dartmouth Moor. Artist, R. Swain Gilford. 784 Twilight. Artist, George Inness. Cut for The Century Co., N. Y. 785 The Bath. Artist, Alma Tadema. Cut for Our Continent. 786 Snake Falls. Artist, T. Moran. Cut for Aldine Co. 787 Gates of Paradise. Cut for Harper & Bros, from a photo. from the Gates. 788 Emile Augier. ' From Photo. Cut for The Centurv Co., N. Y. En f; raver. Felix Leblanc. Wdly Miller. J. D. Sugden. H. E. Sylvester. it H. Velten. J. G. Smithwick. W. H. Morse. Fred. Juengling. R. A. Muller. Geo. P. Bartle. 7ohn P. Davis. A. Measom. G. E. Johnson. H. Velten. HEO. L. DE VINNE S CO. PRINTERS, 63 MURRAy STREET, NEW-TORS. XVII The Best Practical /Irt Magazine Is " ©I7C fIFJ© flCQflSeUI^," which gives, monthly, from 30 to 50 foHo pages of working designs (with full instructions), illustrations, and information relat- ing to decorative and pictorial art. Invaluable to amateur artists. m ]iome Decopation arid jf^umishiiig. # EXPERT ADVICE FREE INSTRUCTION IN CHINA, OIL, AND WATER-COLOR PAINTING, WOOD-CARVING, ETCHING, DRESS, ETC. ART NEEDLE-WORK DESIGNS FROiyi TIjE ROYAL SCHOOL, SOUTI^ KENSINGTON, A SPECIALTY. E- JCRT-^MATEUf^- INCLUDES among its contributors Theodore Child, Clarence Cook, Edward Strahan, Roger Riordan, Camille Piton, Benn Pitman, Louise McLaughlin, Constance C. Harrison, and Mary Gay Humphreys. Subscription, $4.00 a year — 35 cents a number. Specimen copy, 25 cents, zf tJiis advertisement is mentioned. MONT^GOE M^RK?, PUBIilgJIER, 25 W^W SQU^^E, ]SIEW-Y0RK. Howard & Co. No. 264 Fifth Avenue, New-York, Invite an examination of their large collection of Old English Silver AND # # Antique Furniture. XVIII H|««l(- CELEBRATED Opera Hats in Satin, Silk, and Merino. '0) Liadies'^RMiH •®: 1^ mm 180 BROADV^/AY, Near John Street. 719 BROADV/AY, New-York Hotel. 1107 BROAD\VAY, Albemarle Hotel. T. A. WILMURT, 54 East 13th St, New-York. Pine * Qold * ai^d * ]^P8Fize + PFaR^es, pRTiSTic Designs in ®RIC-A-nSRAC, gflsANTEL ©LASSES, ^HEVAL ©LASSES, :]^IER gj^IRRORS, &c. l^aiiitiiig) 7){cjtouJ. 3ycgi(diiig and 3{cpaitiiig' done in t^e7^^'^^'^^0''^^'"^^^- Special Attention given to Arranging Galleries and Dwellings. Careful Packing for Shipment by Rail or Water. Waliep (I©l0PS, En g pavings, ar^d PhotQgpaphS ffi©u^feed and Fpanp^ed. XIX * B. p. Fl -^'^ ^1^ ens rautfitter, 859 Broadway. fOfie d(wr above lyih St.) -♦- HIGH CLASS NOVELTIES IN IMPORTED icarfs, Mufflers, handkerchiefs, i^loves, Imbrellas, ganes, l.obes de Shambre, Souse ©oats, lath (|owns, etc. etc. ^ ALSO, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE •CARRIAGE* F^OBES To be found in the city. ALL suitable for Holiday Presents. XX <• LEWIS & CONGER, •> HOUSE FURNISHERS. foreign and ^omestic C(ooking O^tensils, C(iitlery, (^hina, and glassware. EDDY'S PREMIUM REFRIGERATORS. 601 and 60s gixth Airenue, ISSS and IS40 Broadway. D. B. BEDELL & CO. 866 BROADWAY, Bet. 17th and ISth Sts. NEW-YORK, Have alv^ays on exhibition a large stock of Fine t China + and + Artistic + Pottery, CONSISTING OF NOVELTIES IN ^oyal "^^Slforcester, ^Bioore, ^oulton, ^rown ^erby, ]©resden. men CUT G-LJlSS, artistic LJLMrS. 16 Wc^st 33d Street, Now- York. ]T[HOROUGH instruction given in Drawing, Painting from Life, and a Decorative ^ course, including mineral Oil and Water Colors. Instruction also in Art Needle- work, and choice Designs furnished for Ball and Wedding costumes, Portieres, Screens, etc. Visitors always welcome, and Circulars sent on application. fl. li. BLANGHAI^D, ©i^ingipal. PI^ANI^ eCKSniEIN. IXOUIS 5. eORR. ECKSTEIN & PORR, d j_fe I V I rj I ^ rs) 1^1 I© 58 dc 60 FULTON STREET, FANCY CARDS AND SHAPE \ r~\ T T NOVELTIES A SPECIALTY. .-:kjP;^ ItjEW'yOl^I^. I mm m XXI EBEUF & CUZIN, 94 Bleecker Street, New -York. iMPOr^iPEr^S AND BOITTLBI^S OP Claret aiid Burguiidy I^iiies, S|HERRIES AND fORTS. JBrANDIES and ]^RENCH 0ORDIALS. Family Trade Solicited. J ULES DU1VEE2 Extra Dry Champagne, RAYNAL & CO. cognac. i.i t < XXII Central Trust Company of New -York. No. 15 NASSAU STREET, CORNER OF PINE STREET. Capital, $1,000,000 in U. S. Bonds, with $1,100,000 Surplus. Allows interest on deposits, returnable on demand, or at specified dates. Is a legal depository for money paid into Court. Is authorized to act as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, or in any other position of trust. Also as Registrar or Transfer Agent of Stocks and Bonds, and as Trustee for Railroad Mortgages. HENRY F. SPAULDING, President. FREDERIC P. OLCOTT, K,. ^ ., , B. B. SHERMAN, ' J Vice-Presidents. C. H. P. BABCOCK, Secretary. GEORGE SHERMAN, Ass't Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. JACOB D. VERMILYE, BENJ. B. SHERMAN, SAMUEL D. BABCOCK, CHARLES LANIER, FREDERIC P. OLCOTT, ISAAC N. PHELPS. FREDERICK H. COSSITT, EDMUND W. CORLIES. Class of 1884. A. A. LOW FREb'K H.' COSSITT, JACOB D. VERMILYK, W.M. ALI.EN BUTLER, PF.RCV R. PYNE, WM. H. APPI.ETON, EDMUND W. CORLIES, GEO. M.-^CCULLOCH MILLER, CORNELIUS N. BLLSS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Class of i88j. SAM'L D. BABCOCK, ISAAC N. PHELPS, JONATHAN THORNE, AMOS R. ENO, GUSTAV SCHWAB, JAMES P. WALLACE, JOSIAH M. FISKE, HENRY F. SPAULDING, JOHN S. KENNEDY. Class of 18S6. DAVID DOWS, GEO. W. LANE, BENJ. B. SHERMAN, J. PIER PONT MORGAN, CHAS. LANIER, GEORGE I. SENEY, CHAS. G. LANDON, WM. H. WEBB, FREDERIC P. OLCOTT. United States Trust Company OF NEW -YORK. •^•^ No. 49 Wall Street. — ^ — CAPITAL and SURPI.US, S5,S50,000 This Company is a legal depository for moneys paid into Court, and is authorized to act as guardian or receiver of estates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, which may be made at any time and withdrawn after five days' notice, and will be entitled to interest for the whole time they may remain with the Company. Executors, .Administrators, or Trustees of Estates, and Females unaccustomed to the transaction of business, as well as Religious and Benevolent Institutions, will find this Company a convenient depository for money. TRUSTEES. DAN H. ARNOLD, THOMAS SLOCOMB, CHARLES E. BILL, WILSON G. HUNT, WILLIAM H. MACY, JOHN J. CISCO, CLINTON GILBERT, DANIEL D. LORD, JOHN A WM. H GEORGE T. ADEE, SAMUEL SLOAN, JAMES LOW, WM. WALTER PHELPS, D. WILLIS JAMES, JOHN J. ASTOR, JOHN A. STEWART, S. M. BUCHINGHAM, HENRY E. LAWRENCE, ISAAC N. PHELPS, ERASTUS CORNING, S. B. CHITTENDEN, JOHN HARSEN RHOADES, ANSON PHELPS STOKES, CHARLES H. RUSSELL, ROBERT B. MINTURN, GEO. HENRY WARREN, WILLIAM LIBBEY, GEORGE BLISS, JOHN CROSBY BROWN, EDWARD COOPER. ». .%) ^.?^^V,^'''^"^="'- JAMES S. CLARK, Second Vice-President. MACY, \ ice-President. HENRY L. THORNELL, Secretary. LOUIS G. HAMPTON, Assistant Secretary. XXIII ^ATCH Sl fOOTE, Bankers, JMO. 12 WAbb STREET, JMEW-YORK. We buy and sell U. S. Bonds, execute orders in Stocks, Bonds, and Miscellaneous Securities, for investment and on a margin. Interest allowed on deposits. OF blVEF^POOb, ENGLAND. Office, No. 50 Ylall Street, Kew-York. (ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDING.) Statement of the United States Branch, June 30, 1883. U. S. Bonds (market value) $2,333>253-75 Real Estate 1,041,952.56 Cash in Bank and in Office 117,818.88 Unpaid Premiums and Accrued Interest • • ■345»6p°-H Total Assets $3,838,693.33 Unearned Premiums and other Liabilities 2,107,626.84 Surplus $1,731,066.49 E. F. BEDDALL, WM. W. HENSHAW, MANAGER. ASST MANAGER. Committee of Management. B. B. Sherman. Jacob D. Vermilye. Royal Phelps. Henry A. Smythe. H. DeB. Routh. Osgood Welsh. XXIV cJ. & W. SELiejVIAN & eO )K jankers, ^^ Mills Building, corner Broad St. and Exchange Place. Issue Lxetitei^s op ©i^edit bo^ ©i^avelek;s Payable in any part of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGE And make Telegraphic Transfers of Money on Europe and California. TR A /US ACT k GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Dealers in United States Bonds. Negotiate first-class State, City, and Railway Loans. JOHN MUNROE & CO. No. 8 WALL STREET, - - _ _ _ NEW-YORK. No. 4 POST-OFFICE SQUARE, - - - - BOSTON. LeCCGRS ♦ OF ♦ CRGDIC ♦ FOR ♦ Trsyglgrs EXCHANGE on LONDON, PARIS, BERLIN and GENEVA. ^ (28. Z, Rye SsMbe. I XXV Inveshnent Sec74rtttes. f ISK & |-!ATCH, JMew-York 5 JSIASSAU STREET. Dealers in GOVERNMENT BONDS and FIRST GRADE RAILROAD, CITY, and STATE BONDS. Accounts of Banks, Corporations, and Individuals received, subject to check at sight Orders for the purchase or sale, on Commission, of all marketable Stocks and Bonds executed in the Stock Exchange or in the open market. Called United States Bonds Received at full value in exchange for Government Bonds (uncalled) or other approved securities, of which descriptive lists will be furnished on application. CKy Co. 18 WAXL STREET, NEW- YORK. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, INCLUDING THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STOCKS AND BONDS FOR CASH OR OX MARGIN. BUY AND SELL INVESTMENT SECURITIES. A. M. KiDllEU, WAYLANK TUASK. H. J. MOUSE, \VM. C. Hill, P. O. Bo.x No. 2,647. X X \' I THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO OF NEW YORK. 140, 142 & 146 BROADWAY, FRAlVCIiS II. J£IVKS, President. THE BUILDING KNTIKELY OF BKICK, Tiir BiiR'K Walls of its; Two FitOMs ovkklaid with lATHITE MARBLE. The First Fstablislietl iu tUe AVorld FOIt THK SAFE-KEEPING OF VALUABLES, Bonds, Stocks, Plate, Jewelry, Wills, &c., l^DER «I AltVXTEE, RENTING OF SAFES IN ITS Fire ^ Burg'lar-Proof Vaults. With evpi y convciiieiice, separate desks, etc., are provided VERY flAM lADlES .U5E REXTERS (IR DEPIISITORS. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO VISIT THE PREMISES tflu'ther for biisitnesa or from cttriosity. A Foliceman on the pr.mises, to assist Ladies from or into con- veyances or across Eroadway. Premises Guarded Day and Night by Armed Ten. XXVII The Florio-Rubattino Line The Royal Mail Line Fortnightly DIRECT for the MEDITERRANEAN. Steamers Vincenzo Florio, Gottardo, Washington, Archimede, Indipendente. L. W. MORRIS, BO Broadway, N. Y. Weekly, via EOTTERDAM-AMSTERDAM, to Germany, the Rhine, and Switzerland. Steamers Maasdam, Schiedam, Amsterdam, Edam, Zaaudam, Leerdam, Scholten, Caland. L. W. MORRIS, 50 Broadway, N. Y. THE MORRIS Kuropean and General Foreign EXPRESS, 50 Broad"way, New- York. Forwards and receives by every steamer merchandise, luggage, paintings, statuary, and all kinds of packages and parcels to correspondents in every large place on the globe. L. W. MORRIS, 50 Broad"way, New- York, Sole Agent in the U. S. for the I. & V. FLORIO (PALERMO) Celebrated growth of Marsala Wines. THEO. L. DE VIXNE & CO. SUCCESSORS TO FRANCIS HART & CO. PRINTERS, 63 & 65 MURRAY Street, NEW-YORK. XXVIII THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company OF New-York. F. S. WINSTON, President. XXIX WILHELJVI & GRAEf, 0hina and ^lass, Broad^vay and Twenty-Sixtli Street. Unequaled Collection of Porcelain Paintings; Rich Cut, Enameled, and Engraved Glass; Royal Dresden Figures, Groups and Plates; Italian Porce- lains and Marbles; English, French, and German Novelties. 4* OPEN EVENINGS. L. PRANG & CO. FlI]E.:.^RT :^ :PnBLI6:^TI0I]S, fRANQ'S GHRiSTMAS AND JMEW YEAR CARDS, By Miss Dora Wheeler, Miss Rosina Emmet, Miss Fidelia Bridges, Mrs. O. E. Whitney, Miss L. B. Humi-hrev, Miss L. B. CoMINS, Mrs. C. H. Shepherd, Mrs. E. T. Fisher, Miss F. B. Townsend, Elihi- Vedder, Walter Satterlee, Thomas Moran, H. Giacomelli, Jean Robie, D. E. Wyand, Harry Beard. E. B. Bensell, F. W. Dewing, R. Rlmpf, Alois Lunzer, G. M. White, A. F. Brooks, A. F. Tait, T. L. Smith, G. Coleman. I lUSKIN i/ILENiyiK FOR 1884. •^ ft SaFlar^d §f lioT/e. ^ s I An elaborate CHft-book, comprising twelve Love Sonnets, by Mrs. Emily Sh.uv ForiviaiV, illustrated by twelve Landscapes and a Title-page, by Miss F. Bridges. Bound in a cover of rich Japanese silk, uniquely em- bellished with silk cord and balls, tassels, and metal ornaments, and title, and encased in a box of Japanese leatherette. PRANG'S ARTISTIC PAINTING COPIES. PRANG'S ART PRINTS ON SATIN. PRANG'S NE^W YEAR CALLING CARDS. PRANG'S BIRTHDAY CARDS. PRANG'S WEDDING CONGRATULATION CARDS. PRANG'S BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS. PRANG'S CONDOLENCE and IN MEMORIAM CARDS. IH PREPARATION: A very Elegant and Artistic line ofVALEI\ITII\IE CARDS. New-York: 38 Bond Street. Philadelphia: iiio Walnut Street. Chicago: 112 Monroe Street. San Francisco : 529 Commercial Street li. l^RFRS ^ ae. Fine fipli l^ublishePS, OSTON, Mass. XXX E. P. DUTTON & CO. Beautiful aijd prlistic Books for Gtirislrpas, BoLind to oiii' own oidd*. oxpi-es^-^ly for oiii- RETAIL DEPARTMENT. We invite the attention of all lovers of fine books to this beautiful display. POEMS. I PROSE. JjongFellow, (^ennyson, ' ^E^o^rnes, Jjamb, 0)arvel, JHowell, Cpporc, j^oe, | Jjowell, J^^^^cott, jQcott, 3?r<^^^^^> (j^hittier, ^J^ulwer, [Dickens, ^cott, 0Jeredith, jS^x^- ^awthorne, C(ooper. PHOTOGRAPI^ ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALENDARS. All the great authors are represented in these new styles and patterns, and together they form an elegant collection of great interest to book lovers. A// New Books may be seen on our Counters as they are Fublishcd. E. P. DUTTON & CO. Publishers and Retail Booksellers, No. 39 West Twenty-Third Street, New-York. ESrABLISHED 1878. 15 CENTS A COPY. IKIjf ^rt Intcrcl)ait^rriC)>r this c^a^x^t^ootl-e. •GENTLEMEN wishing to dispose of their Libraries, or any portions, ^-^ large or small, can do so both easily and advantageously by the use of our experience and facilities. Correspondence is solicited, or lots may be shipped immediately to us, the receipt of which will be acknowledged. BANGS & CO. Nos. 739 & 741 Broadway. New- York. Regular Auction Sales of Libra- ries. Books, Coins, Medals, Autographs, and Literary property generally. XXXI J. W. BOUTON, 706 BROAD^A^AY, NEW-YORK, HAS NOW READY: Une Journee D'Enant. (A Day in the Life of a Child.) By Adrikn Marie. 20 Plates in Heliogravure by Dvijardin, with an Introduction by Henry Strahan. P'olio, beautiful ornamental French binding, $8.00. Brillat-Savarin's Hand-book of Gastronomy. New and Complete Translation. With 52 original Etchings by Lalauze, printed on China paper, i vol. 8vo. Edition limited to 200 copies. $15.00. SPLENDID NEW WORK ON THE ARTS OF JAPAiW The Arts of Japan. By M. Louis Gonse. Illustrated with 64 full-page engravings, 30 of which arc to be in colors, executed either by chromo-lithography or by new processes; 13 etchings, 21 helio.gravures by the Dujardln process, and over 700 engravings scattered through the text, exclusive of the fac-similes of seals and autographs 'of artists. Representing altogether about a thousand articles, paintings, designs, and patterns of Japanese art, forming a complete cyclopaedia on the subject. 2 vols, large 4to, in exquisite yellow satin binding. $60.00. An English Version of the Eclogues of Virgil. By the late Samuel Palmer. With 14 illustrations by the author. Folio, beautifully printed and bound in white vellum, only 25 copies. $25.00. The Art of the Old English Potter. An Account of the Progress of the Craft in England, from the Earliest Period to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. By L. M. Solon. Forming a handsome volume in imperial quarto, printed on Dutch hand-made paper, and the letterpress accompanied by 50 plates etched on copper by the author, the printing of which has been done with the greatest care upon superior paper. 1 he book will be issued to subscribers only, and the number of copies will be limited to 250, of which 25 will be ofYered for sale in Amenca at i}>50.oo each. Imme- diately after the publication the plates will be destroyed. ^ Qim fron] tte Paris Saloi] of 1S35. — I — " Lies ^ancalaises." p new and beautiful etching by partial, from the painting by Feyen-^errin. in the liuxembourg Gallery. Specially appropriate for a holiday present. Frederick I^eppel, 23 €ast i6th Street (Union Square), Importer of high-class Gngravings and etchings, and flmerican ^gent for the etchings of Seymour F^aden. ^f: WILLIAM R. JENKINS,*^ No. 850 SIXTH AVENUE. Corner of 48th Street, NEV/-YORK, BQ^KselleP, Sfeafei©nep and fpinteF, JIas the largest stock of Books and Stationery up town. Sells the Best articles at the Lowest prices, and all Books at 20 per cent. Discount . Ai' stamping, Erigrairing, and Weddirig gtatioriery gpecialties. •^--- Store open Evenings until 9 P.M.; during the Holiday Season until lO^P.M. •^ PaBLIgHBR .?iND IJ^PQRI'ER QP PREN^H B00K3. *- XXXII MeUr,). KHITE, STOKES 4^ JILLEK, Imjt crtvi'd^ •■ ^^^^^^^J^ cin d Station er^j "For hyin ivas ievere Itave at his beddes heed Twenty bookes, clad in bUik or reed, Than robes riche or fitJiele or gay snutrie." Call attention to their new establishment at 182 Fifth ^ vexue, Xew- York, Where they display a large collection of rich Ob JETS d'Art i^t Bronzes^ Pottery, Plaques, Inkstands, Albiuns, etc., etc., in great variety, fi'om the jHost celebrated foreign mannfactnrers. They make WeiUUmjj ^irfhdaijj and JTolidm^ ^reMnU ^ SPEei^LTY. 7 hey have opened a department where the latest pictures and original designs in frames can be seen. They are cojistantly receiving Sefd of ^oof^d and Simjle Volume^ j In new and tasteful styles of binding, in calf, morocco, sealskin, crushed levant and tree calf as well as all the neiu novels and books of the day. They offer a discount of twejity per centujn from the published prices of all books, and take pains to procure projnptly any books which i7tay be desired. In their stationery department they give especial attention to Weddino Inritafiondj ''At Homes f Visiting Cards, Monograms and Crests, Menus and Dinner Favors, in all of which their work is unsurpassed. An examination of their valuable stock can be made by visitors, who Jieed feel UTider no obligation to make purchases. Ordei's received by mail will be given the personal attention of one of the members of the firm. i XXXIII SUMPTUOUS ART BOOKS. I. THE LAST COMPLETE WORK OF GUSTAVE DORE. The ^mfeiij By EDGAR ALLAN POE. With Twenty-six Full-page Illustrations by GUSTAVE D0R£. Comment on the Poem, by Edmund Clarence Stedman. Folio, Ornamental Cloth, Ciilt Edges, and in a neat box, $10.00. Uniform with Dore's "Ancient Mariner." " As to the workmanship of the engravers, and the general get-up of the volume, we will only say that nothing more superb could be desired by the most enthusiastic admirers of PoE and of DoRE. * * * ^j-e all the best books this season to come to us from America ?" — Academy, London. " The publication of " The Raven " by the Harpers is an advent in American book-making. It is perfect from the beginning of Mr. Stedman's charming ' comment on the poem ' to the last engraving. The typography is without a flaw. The engraving is beautifully done by skilled artists. Vedder contributes a title-page, and before the portals of the folio sits a mighty angel at the Gates of Death throwing the light of his torch upon the approach, but guarding from profane touch the key that opens to the unknown beyond." — Commercial Bulletin, Boston. II. Selecficnf) from tlw Poefrij of Robert derrick. With Drawings by Edwin A. Abbey. 4to, Illuminated Cloth, Gilt Edges, $7.50. "The best-illustrated book that has ever been issued in America. It is far more than this. It is, in our opinion, the finest work of illustrative art that has appeared since the days of William Blake."— iV. Y. World. III. iLiohwai^d and ^(jim(j/>; Or, Saunterings in New England. By W. Hamilton Gibson. Illustrated by the Author. 4to, Illuminated Cloth, Gilt Edges, $7.50. " Nothing finer has been done in this country, or elsewhere, in the direction of engraving on wood. * * * xhe book is a delight to the eye, and it gratifies the literary and artistic senses in an unusual degree." — Boston Journal. IV. PaMoral Patjd ; Or, Memories of a New England Year. By W. Hamilton Gibson. Superbly Illustrated. 4to, Illuminated Cloth, Gilt Edges, $7.50. "Need we say that this author-artist is a poet though he writes in prose, or that his text and pictures are essentially a poem of the New England Year?" — N. V. Evening Post. Published by HARPER <& BROTHERS, New- York. '^Harper cr' Brothers will send any of the above luorks by mail, postage, prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. XXXIV The Century Magazine. n^HE November and December numbers of The Century are the 1 first of a new volume, which will be without an equal in the history of magazines. The well-known hospitality of THE CENTURY to American story-writers has won for it a unique position among the monthlies, asso- ciating it inseparably with the development of fiction in this country. In stories by native writers, in literary criticism, art, history, illustrations, and the discussion of scientific matters in an untechnical way, THE Century, for 1883-84, will be especially strong. The contents of the volume may be judged from The Notable Features of the November and December numbers, which include: — First chap- ters of " Dr. Sevier," George W. Cable's new novel of New Orleans life from 1855 to 1865 ; "'An Average Man," a serial story of New York, by Robert Grant, author of "Confessions of a Frivolous Girl" ; "The Im- pressions of a Cousm," by Henry James, and " The Silverado Squatters," both complete in the two numbers. The illustrated articles comprise "Queen Victoria," by Mrs. Oliphant ; "The Bull-Fight," by Charles Dudley Warner; " Tourgueneff in Paris," by Alphonse Daudet; " Rec- ollections of Peter Cooper," "The Pretenders to the Throne of France," and many others of strong popular interest. Features To Be Soon Published include authentic papers on Generals Sherman and Sheridan, with full-page portraits ; an illustrated paper on the French Academy; a series of untechnical articles on Astronomy ; Mr. Benjamin's illus- trated papers on a Cruise in the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; General Garfield's Diary in England : the series on American architecture, etc., etc. That famous anonymous novel. " The Bread-Winners," is now appearing in The Century, and new subscribers who begin with November can buy for 10 cents a pamphlet containing all the installments previous to November. Price of the magazine, $4.00 a year; 35 cents a number. All dealers receive subscriptions and sell copies, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers. THE CENTURY CO., New York. HAND OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. (From an artkUin Scribner's .Monthly, for June, iSyj. ) THE DOUBLE, HOLIDAY NUMBER ST. NICHOLAS, THE LEADING MAGAZINE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The most beautiful Holiday gift-book of this season for the price is the Double Number of St. NlCHOL.^S, consisting of the November and December numbers bound in a richly colored cover. This grand issue includes nearly 200 pages and 150 pictures, with a colored frontispiece, etc. Among the contributors to its pages arc John G. VVhittier, Mayne Reid, E. S. Brooks, Louisa M. Alcott, Frank R. Stockton, J. T. Trowbridge. Mrs. LizzE \V. Champney, William O. Stoddarh, Charles Dudley Warner, HjALMER H, BOYESEN, Julian Hawthorne, Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. This issue is especially intended for those who are not regular readers of St. Nicholas. It should be in thousands of stockings on Christmas morning. Price, 50 cents. The cover, printed in eight colors, IS worth more than 50 cents as a Christmas card. Purchasers may subscribe for the rest of the magazine year, /. e., from January to October, 1884, inclusive, for $2.50. THE CENTURY CO., New York. XXXV D. APPLETON & GO'S BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. jf7air M/ords About Fair IVoman. GATHERED FROM THE POETS BY O. B. BUNCE. With Nine Illus- trations from Designs by Will H. Lo7v. Oman Svo, cloth, extra gilt. Price, $3.00. A colleclion of poems in exaltation of woman, gathered from English, American, Italian, French, German, and other poets, choicely illustrated and elegantly bound. pifty Perfect Poems. A Collection of Fifty Ackno^mledged Masterpieces by English and American Poets, selected and edited by Charles A. Dana and Rossiter Johnson. With Seventy-two Original Illustrations from Drawings by American artists. The engravings in this work, which are very fine and artistic, are printed on Japanese silk paper, and mounted on the page, producing a unique and beautiful effect. Large Svo, cloth, extra gilt. Price, $9.00. j^ ours with Art and Artists. An imperial quarto volu/ne, containing Twelve Engravings on Steel and Eighty-nine Illustrations on Wood (many of them large, full-page ), printed on heaty, cream -tinted paper. A large and sumptuous volume. Imperial quarto, cloth, extra gilt. Price, •$y.^o. The artists represented in this work include a large number of the distinguished painters of the present time, American and European. ^he Household Book of Poetry. Collected and edited by Charles A. Dana. Illustrated with Steel Engravings. Square Svo, cloth, extra gilt. Price, Sj-OO. An entirely new edition of this long-established favorite, wholly from new plates, enlarged and brought down to the present date. Contains one hundred and sixty poems not in previous editions. Y^he Bryant Birthday -Book. With Portrait of Bryant and Twelve Engravings illustrative of the Months. Printed with red lines. i8mo, cloth, gilt or red edges. Price, $1. 25. This is the handsomest of all the birthday-books. It is well illustrated, beautifully printed and bound. landscape in American Poetry. With exquisite Views of Scenes described in the Poetry of Longfellow, Bryant, Whittier, Lowell, and others, from Drawings by Apple to? i Bnnvn. Very artistic and beautiful. Cloth, extra gilt. Price, $3.00. ^ryanfs Poetical IVorks. ILL USTRA TED EDITION. With One Hundred Engravings by Birket Foster, Harry Fenn, Alfred Fredericks, and other Artists. Biographic Sketch by R. H. Stod- dard, and Viezv of Bryant's Residence at Roslyn. Cloth, extra gilt, $4.00. D. APPLETON & CO. Publishers, 1, 3, & 5 Bond Street, New- York. XXXVI Oil Paintings Continually on exhibition and for sale, comprising the choicest works of eminent artists, viz. : ALMA TADEMA, MEISSONIER, TROYON, ROSA BONHEUR, DIAZ. COROT, GEROME, MILLET, DOMINGO, DUPRE, FORTUNY, BOUGUEREAU, VIBERT, SCHREYER, VAN MARCKE, MEYER VON BREMEN, AND OTHERS. Also a large Selection of Choice W/fTEF(-eOL>Of^ fAINTIJSIGS, By French, Italian, and American Painters. B\f}E LIRE ERGRflVIRSS # • 0liQ pRD /x\0DERR EICEIRSS. Pholo- Engravings and Colored Pholographs. M. KNOEDLER & CO S2(ccesso7's to GOUPIL & CO. NEW-YORK. ALL^APER X)ECORATIONS Now on Exhibition. Mew Designs and latterns for 1884. ALSO, QUAINT OLD VENETIAN AND DUTCH LEATHERS, GENUINE VEIA'ETS FOR WALL COVERING, ^ ANTIQUE METAL DESIGNS, VIENNA OIL PAINTINGS FOR CEILINGS, 4i CHOICE AND EXPENSIVE FABRICS, WOVEN TAPESTRIES. Special Designs prepared Suitable for (Selling Decoration. R. ECK & O. iMainifac'tiiT'ei's. Retail Department, 206 West 29th Street, cor. of 7th Ave. THE NEW INDESTRUCTIBLE AND IMPERISHABLE X^ecoration FOR WALLS, CEILINGS, FURNITURE, AND ART OBJECTS, IN SOLID RELIEF. ?;;.INCRUSTA-WALTON is the MOST BEAUTIFUL and fee PERFECT DECORATION for Walls and Ceilings. High Art designs by Prof. Dresser and others of European reputation. ♦ The Patterns are all in solid relief. The Material is water-proof, a non-absorbent, and as durable as the walls. An Apartment decorated witltLincrusta- Walton secures protection to Artistic Furniture. Art Objects and Pictures can be hung on exposed walls with perfect safety. Sold in rolls, and as easy to mount as Wall- papers. Price quite moderate. Lincrusta-Walton is a perfect decoration in its own natural colors, which may be of any tint. In various degrees of relief it has the appear- ance of stamped leather, carving in hard or soft woods, Terra-Cotta, and other materials. It is also capable of extra embellishment with oil colors, or gilding in gold, silver, and bronze. Presents opportunities for Wall and Ceiling decorations in full accord with pure art. Its Economy is one of its greatest advantages. Send foi- De.sci-iptive Paiiiplilt^l . FR. BECK & CO. Sole Agents for the United States. STERLING SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARES OF THE GORHAM MANUFACT- URING COMPANY, INCLUDING EXAMPLES OF THEIR PRO- DUCTIONS IN OTHER METALS, ARE ON EXHIBITION AT THE COMPANY'S SALESROOM, 37 UNION SQUARE. AUTUMN 1883 ON OR ABOUr MAY isr, 1884, WE SHALL REMOVE TO THE NEW BUILDING NOW BEING ERECTED FOR IIS AT BROADWAY AND iqth ST ' GORHAM MFG. CO. ' SILVERSMITHS. /\GE CAGE GAGE CAGE CAGE CAGE Use Only Library Usci FALL RESERVES FALL RESERVES