[1 6 3 5 i^iy UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BULLETIN Vol. XVII. No. 11. General Series No. 120. Published Monthly by the Regents of the University of Colorado. Entered at the Post Office, Boulder, Colorado, as second-class mail matter. SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES ?- s< I V i Ix ^ i i Boulder, Colorado. November. 1917 ■^ SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES PREPARED BY WILLIAM A. COOK HIGH-SCHOOL VISITOR 376817 SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES The published suggestions for high-school libraries convention- ally exhibit one or both of two defects. Either they are so formid- able in cost that they leave the typical small high school hopeless of acquiring them or their equivalent, or they stress some aspects of the library to the neglect of others. The suggested lists of books given in this bulletin have been compiled with the purpose of placing before the smaller schools properly balanced sets of library equipment that would be well within their reach financially. Different departments of the University of Colorado will gladly cooperate with schools wishing more extensive bibliographies for special fields. Three lists of books are suggested at costs of $350, $350 and $400 respectively. It is recommended that a school provide itself with all of List I before beginning on List II, and with all of List II before beginning on List III. The amounts of money assigned to the various divisions of the library have been arbitrarily deter- mined, but with the intention of leaving no field of material inter- est wholly unprovided for. The appropriations called for are not continuing except in the case of the periodicals. The proper pol- icy for boards desirous of building up the library equipment of their schools, however, is to make an annual, appropriation for that purpose in the same manner as for other needs of the school. The general principle of selection of titles for this bulletin has been to list the books found in numerous bibliographies, and then to place these books on the three lists in the order of their fre- quency of mention in the bibliographies examined. The effect of this is to eliminate the individual prejudice of bibliographers for or against a book. Obviously, however, this one principle of selection could not be followed exclusively. In the first place, it would give the much- advertised books an unmerited advantage over those less widely advertised. Again, it would give the old books an advantage over the new. It might also lead to the inclusion of books on List I, to which it would be impossible to build v/ith a subsequent list, except by wasteful duplication. Lastly, it would result in bad bal- 6 VNIVSRSITY OF COLORADO. ance within particular fields; for from the fact that in some divi- sions of a field there is a dearth of good books the few available volumes are each mentioned often in the bibliographies, while in other divisions which are covered excellently by many books there is bound to be no general favorite. Selection on the basis of fre- quency of mention in bibliographies therefore would leave large sections of some fields untouched until List III, and would over- emphasize others in List L These difficulties have been consider- ably minimized by submitting the tentative selections in their par- ticular fields to some twenty professors of the University, all of whom have counseled gladly and helpfully. Question has been raised as to whether these lists contemplate a library for the student or the teacher. The answer must be, "For both". Readable books for students have been sought, but extensive works have in some cases been incorporated for the reference of the instructor primarily. After each title is given an abbreviation of the company, seller or publisher, from which the book is to be obtained. The prices noted are usually net, and are subject for the most part to a dis- count to schools. On the whole, a saving of 10 to 20 per. cent should be made from the printed price on orders of any size. Competi- tive bids from local dealers and city jobbers should be sought if a school is to secure the worth of its money. The Librarian of the University of Colorado, Professor C. Henry Smith, will be glad to assist schools desirous of placing to advantage their larger orders. The edition and binding of each book have not been indicated, since the price will ordinarily suflSce to make these points clear. Care has been taken to avoid bindings that will not prove reason- ably durable. The print will in nearly all cases be large enough to do away with eye strain. At the same time endeavor has been made to save in every possible direction. Books listed at $AS under Book Supply Company are the Burt's Home Library; those listed at $1.13 are the Household Edition of the Poets. Books listed at $.50 under E. P. Button are the second grade of Everyman's Library. Titles and prices have been verified from the latest catalogues. Hardly any of the books should be found out of print. The disturb- ance in the publishing world, due to the war, may render a few of these titles not available for the present, but it is assumed that this condition is likely to be only temporary. SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 7 The significance ot the abbreviation after each title is as fol- lows: Allyn^Allyn «ji. Bacon American — American Book Co. Appleton — Daniel Appleton & Co. Baker — Baker, Voorhis & Co. Barnes — A. S. Barnes & Co. Blakiston — P. Blakiston's Son & Co. Bobbs — Bobbs-Merrill Co. Book — Book Supply Co. Burt— A. L. Burt Co. Cambridge — Cambridge Univ. Press. Century — Century Co. Comstock — Comstock Pub. Co. Crowell— T. Y. Crowell Co. Dodd— Dodd, Mead & Co. Dodge — Dodge Pub. Co. Doubleday — Doubleday, Page & Co. Duffield— Duffield & Co. Dutton— E. P. Dutton & Co. Funk— Funk & Wagnalls Co. Ginn — Ginn & Co. Gorham — E. S. Gorham. Grosset — Grosset & Dunlap. Harper — Harper & Brothers. Heath— D. C. Heath & Co. Holt— Henry Holt & Co. Houghton — Houghton, Mifflin Co. Jacobs— G. W. Jacobs & Co. Judd^Orange Judd Co. Lemcke — Lemcke & Buechner. Lippincott — J. B. Lippincott Co. Little— Little, Brown & Co. Longmans— Longmans, Green & Co. Lothrop— Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Luce — John W. Luce & Co. McClurg— A. C. McClurg & Co. Macmillan — The Macmillan Co. Marquis — A. N. Marquis & Co. Merriam — G. & C. Merriam Co. Merrill — Charles E. Merrill Co. Methodist — Methodist Book Concern. Moffat— Moffat, Yard & Co. Newson — Newson & Co. Open Court — Open Court Pub. Co. Outing— Outing Pub. Co. Oxford — Oxford Univ. Press. Page — Page Co. Putnam — G. P. Putnam's Sons. Rand— Rand-McNally & Co. UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO. Revell— Fleming H. Revell & Co. Scott— Scott, Foresman & Co. Scribner — Charles Scribner's Sons. Seller— A. G. Seller. Sliver— Silver, Burdett & Co. Stecliert— F. C. Stechert Co. Stokes— F. A. Stokes Co. Van Nostrand — D. Van Nostrand Co. Whitcomb — Whltcomb & Barrows. Wilde— W. A. Wilde Co. Wiley— John Wiley & Sons. Wilson — H. W. Wilson Co. GENERAL REFERENCE. LIST I— $125. 1. One of the following: (prices on each according to paper and binding.) New international encyclopedia. 24 vol. Dodd. (preferred). Encyclopedia Britannica. 28 vol. Cambridge. New Americana. 22 vol. Scientific American. 2. One of the following: New international dictionary. Merriam. $12. New standard dictionary. Funk. $12. 3. One of the following: Complete atlas of the world. Rand. $3.50. New census atlas. Rand. $3.50. . 4. Robert— Rules of order. Scott. $1. 5. Wiswell — How to use reference books. American. $.60. 6. Harper — Dictionary of classical literature and antiquities. American. $6. LIST II— $25, 1. Lippincott's new gazetteer. Lippincott. $10. 2: Bennett — Latin grammar. Allyn. $.80. 3. Lewis — Elementary Latin dictionary for schools. American. $2. 4. Liddell & Scott— Greek-English lexicon. Intermediate edi- tion. American. $3.50. 5. Goodwin — Greek grammar. Ginn. $1.50. 6. Prokosch — German for beginners. Holt. $1. 7. Fliigel-Schmidt-Tanger — School and hand lexicon of the Ger- man and English languages. 2 vol. Lemcke. $5.20. LIST III— $15. 1. Who's who in America. Marquis. $5. 2. Smith — Synonyms discriminated. Holt. $1.80. 3. Coester — Spanish grafnmar. Ginn. $1.25. 4. Cuyas— Appleton's new English-Spanish, Spanish-English dlc.- tionary. Appleton. $2.50. -ua SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 9 5. Fraser & Squair — French grammer. Heath. $1.15. 6. Elwall — French and English dictionary. Stechert. $4. PERIODICALS. LIST II— $15 annually. 1. One of the following: Independent. $4. Literary digest. $3. Outlook. $4. Survey. $3. 2. One of the following: Review of reviews. $3. World's work. $3. 3. One of the following: Journal of home economics. $2. Scientific American. $4. Scientific monthly. $3. Technical world, and Popular mechan- ics. $1.50 each. 4. One of the following: Educational review. $3. School and society. $3. School review, and Elementary school journal. $1.50 each. 5. National geographic magazine. $2.50. LIST III— $15 annually. 1. One additional from each of the first four headings under der List II. 2. One of the following: American journal of sociology. $2. Atlantic monthly. $4. Forum. $2.50. North American review. $4. PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, AND RELIGION. LIST I— $2.50. 1. Betts — Mind and its education. Appleton. $1.25. 2. Sharp — Course in moral instruction for the high school. Univ. of Wisconsin, Free. 3. Van Dyke — Gospel of the age of doubt. Macmillan. $1.25. 4. Watt — Training of the memory. Longmans. $.50. LIST II— $5. 1. Abbott — Great companion. Grosset. $.75. 2. EJverett — Ethics for young people. Ginn. $.50. 3. Munsterberg — On the witness stand. Doubleday. $1.50. 4. Ribot — Diseases of the memory. Open Court. $1.50. 5. Van Dyke — Counsels by the way. Crowell. $1. LIST III— $10. 1. Adler — Moral instruction of children. Appleton. $1.50. 2. Cabot— Everyday ethics. Holt. $1.25. •^sBmrrmrr'rrsTi 10 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO. 3. Conklin — Conversation: what to say and how to say it. Funk. $.75. 4. Gulick — Mind and work. Doubleday. $1.35. 5. Hale— How to do it. Little. $1. 6. Marden — Success. Wilde. $1.25. 7. Markwick & Smith — True citizen: how to become one. Amer- ican. $.60. 8. Paine — Girls and women. Houghton. $.75. 9. Stelzle — American social and religious conditions. Revell. $1. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. LIST I— $2.50. 1. Laselle & Wiley— Vocations for girls. Houghton. $.85. 2. Rollins — What can a young man do? Little. $1.50. LIST II— $5. 1. Bloomfield — Vocational guidance of youth. Houghton. $.60. 2. Fowler- Starting in life. Little. $1.50. 3. Parsons — Choosing a vocation. Houghton. $1. 4. Weaver — Profitable vocations for boys. Barnes. $1. 5. Weaver — Profitable vocations for girls. Barnes. $.80. MATHEMATICS. LIST II— $5. 1. Ball — Mathematical recreations and essays. Macmillan. $3.50. 2. Whitehead — Introduction to mathematics. Holt. $.50. 3. Young — Teaching of mathematics in the elementary and sec- ondary school. Longmans. $1.60. LIST III— $5. 1. Bragdon — Primer of higher space (fourth dimension). Manas Press. $1. 2. Cajori — History of elementary mathematics. Macmillan. $1.50. 3. Klein — Famous problems of elementary geometry. Ginn. $.50. 4. Miller — Historical introduction to mathematical literature. Macmillan. $1.60. 5 White — Scrapbook of elementary mathematics. Open Court. $1. SCIENCE — Astronomy. LIST II— $5. 1. Martin— The friendly stars. Harper. $1.25. 2. Todd — New astronomy. American. $1.30. 3. Young — Manual of Astronomy. Ginn. $2.25. LIST III— $5. 1. Jacoby — Astronomy. Macmillan. $2.50. 2. Serviss — Astronomy with the naked eye. Harper. $1.40. 3. Serviss — The rfioon. Appleton. $1.50. wmmmm SUGGESTED BOOKS FOR HIGH-SCHOOL LIBRARIES. 11 SCIENCE— Physics. LIST I— $12.50. 1. Cajori — History of physics. Macmillan. $1.60. 2. Gibson^Scieiitific ideas of today. Lipprncott. $1.50. 3. Handbook of chemistry and physics. Chemical Rubber Co. $2. 4. Houston— Wonder book of light. Stokes, $1.50. 5. Houston — Wonder book of magnetism. Stokes. $1.50. G. Smith & Hall— Teaching of chemistry and physics. Long- mans. $1.50. 7. Watson — Textbook of physics. Longmans. $3.50. LIST II— $17.50. 1. Boys — Soap bubbles and the forces which mould them. Gor- ham. $.85. 2. Duncan — New knowledge. Barnes. $2. 3. Edser — Heat for advanced students. Macmillan. $1.10. 4. Edser — Light for students. Macmillan. $1.50. 5. Jackson & Jackson — Elementary electricity and magnetism. Macmillan. $1.40. 6. Mach^Popular scientific lectures. Open Court. $1.50. 7. Millikan & Gale— First course in physics. Revised edition. Ginn. $1.25, or Black & Davis — Practical physics. Mac- millan. $1.25. 8. Morgan — Wireless telegraph apparatus for amateurs. Van Nostrand. $1.50. 9. Parry — ^^Spinning tops. Gorham. $.85. 10. Phin — Seven follies of science. Van Nostrand. $1.25. 11. Rotch— Conquest of the air. Moffat. $1. 12. Smith — Story of iron and steel. Appleton. $.75. 13. Wright — Optical projection. Longmans. $2.25. LIST III— $22.50. 1. Campbell — Principles of electricity. Dodge. $.25. 2. Gregory — Discovery. Macmillan. $1.75. 3. Holland — Historic inventions. Jacobs. $1.50. 4. Jones— Thomas Alva Edison. Crowell. $2. 5. Kimball — College textbook of physics. Holt. $2.75. 6. Lempfert — Weather science. Dodge. $.25. 7. Lodge — Pioneers of science. Macmillan. $2. 8. Maunder — Science of the stars. Dodge. $.25. 9. Maunder — Sir William Huggins and spectroscopic astronomy. Dodge. $.25. 10. Northrup — Laws of physical science. Lippincott. $2. 11. Phillips— Radiation. Dodge. $.25. 12. Phillips— Science of light. Dodge. $.25. 13. Poincare — The new physics and its evolution. Appleton. $1.75. 14. Raffety — Radio-activity. Longmans. $1.25. 15. Tyndall — Fragments of science. Appleton. $4. 16. Whetham — Recent development of physical science. Blakis- ton. $2. <^^ ' I --»•>) >6,>\3,"j