^< ■,.■'•':. :^: ,. ♦ t • ■■J* • "^' >' i«k>- . .■■■ r- " • V ■*' '* COMPLETE TREATISE ON PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, IN WHICH THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF EVERY BRANCH OF THE SCIENCE ARE CLEARLY EXPLAINED, AND THE MOST APPROVED FORMS OF THE PRACTICE OF THE FIRST COUNTING-HOUSES CORRECTLY EXHIBITED, 3n i^ariouief ^pccimenjs of Booifegf* Examined and approved of by several eminent Accountants. THIRD EDITION, WITH A PRELIMINARY DISSERTATION ON THE BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE, AND AN APPENDIX ON EXCHANGES, CONTAINING A COMPREHENSIVE AND ACCURATE VIEW OF THE EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE PRINCIPAL TRADING PLACES OF EUROPE, ILLUSTRATED BY EXAMPLES ON A NEW PLAN, SHEWING THE EASIEST METHOD OF CALCULATING THEM. By JAMES MORRISON, Accountant, AUTHOR OF SEVERAL WORKS ON COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. Hontion: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN & CO ; BALDWIN, CRADOCK, & JOY, PATER- NOSTER-ROW, G. AND B. WHITAKER, AVE MARIA LANE, AND OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH, TO / BXO GILBERT HAMILTON, Esq. AGENT FOR THE BANK OF SCOTLAND, AND ACCOUNTANT, GLASGOW; JOHN MORE, Esq. CASHIER TO THE ROYAL BANK, AND ACCOUNTANT, GLASGOW; WALTER EWING MACLAE, of Cathkin, Esq. AND ROBERT AULD, Esq. AGENT AND ACCOUNTANT, GLASGOW. Gentlemen, Permit me to address the following Treatise to you, as a Testimony of the respect which I have for your Professional Emi- nence as Accomptants. It would have been difficult for me to have made choice of Gentlemen more capable of judging of its merits and defects ; and as you were pleased, on examining the Manuscript, to express your entire approbation of the Work, 1 flatter myself it will be found to answer the design of its Publication — the improvement of Youth, and the interest of Business in general. I am. With the greatest respect and esteem, Gentlemen, Your most obedient, and very humble Servant, James Mobrison. GLASGOW, 21«t May, 1808. fiA^aa-Jsiis Digitized' by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://wwW.archive.org/details/completetreatiseOOmorrrich IF2iIll?ii(SIB< The Science ef Book-Keeping is of the utmost importance in this Commercial Courftry, and necessarily forms an essential Branch of Education. A knowledge of this Science enables the Man of Business to record his Transactions in such a manner, that, by inspecting his Books, he may know, upon all occasions, what is in his power to do, without embarrassing himself; and may have such a general idea of his Dealings, and punctuality of those with whom he deals, that his Speculations may be prudent, or always within his sphere. VVantof knowledge of his own affairs makes a man rash and adventurous beyond his Capital, and even beyond his Credit, and brings himself into a number of difficulties, from which it is often impossible for him to extricate himself. — This is frequently owing to an improper mode of keeping his Books. Perhaps no subject, of equal importance to the Merchant, is so imperfectly understood as Book-Keeping. A Writer*, of unquestionable ability and experience, observes, "Numerous are " the Bankruptcies that happen in Trade, from irregular Accounts only ; and this is not to be won- *' dered at, when Persons are employed as professed Book-Keepers, who having got little more " than the Theory of the Art, from some obsolete and impracticable Treatise, soon lead their too ''credulous Employers into a labyrinth, from which it is oftentimes impossible to extricate them ; " all which might, in a great measure, be prevented, if both parties could have recourse lo a Trea- " tise on Book-Keeping, drawn up with sufficient ability and experience, that might be considered "as a Standard, and be received into every Counting House, as an authority decisive in all cases " whatsoever." He adds, " Upon the failure of one of the most Capital Houses in London, 1 " remember, it was remarked, that the Insolvency was more owing to the want of a proper "Book-Keeper, than to any other cause; or rather, that the Book-Keeper wanted a proper " method. The Business of the House was become so extensive, that without a Summary mode of " bringing those immense sums which were daily circulating to the Debtor and Creditor of their "respective Accounts, it was impossible to know how any one Account stood, without having " recourse lo vague and uncertain methods, depending chiefly on imagination and conjecture." It cannot be disputed, that correct and judicious arrangement, in conducting and recording Mercantile Transactions, as much facilitates the progress of the Merchant, as, when applied to Philosophical researches, it contributes to the advancement of Science. Systems of Book-Keep- ing, therefore, which contain the most approved modes of Practice, as developed in the course of long and varied experience, by promoting the interest of Persons in Trade, acquire an importance in that State, whose prosperity depends ou their collected efforts ; and which, therefore, must rise or fall, as these are well or ill directed. Writers on Book-Keeping, though very numerous, may be divided into two Classes. The first, who are by far the most numerous, have explained the Principles of the Science, without adverting lo the improvements of Modern Practice. The second Class, though they have exhibited improvements, have not explained the Principles, nor introduced a sufficient variety, either in the Transactions, or in the mode of arranging them. Their Plan, therefore, is too con- tracted for genera! utility. The design of the present undertaking is to supply these defects. For this purpose, we are to explain the Principles and Modern Improvements of Book-Keeping, in various Specimens of Books, and to illustrate Rules, by a Series of Transactions, as they have occurred in Inland and Foreign Trade. The Work contains, an Introduction on Merchants' Accounts: — Bills, Inland and Foreign, and explains the Form and Methods of Drawing and negotiating these. The Work is then divided into two Parts : The first Part treats of Book-Keeping by Single Entry, as used in Retail Busi- ness, being the most simple and concise Method of Keeping Accounts, where the Sales are small • Mr. Booth. PREFACE. and numerous. The Second Part is on Book-Keeping by Double Entry, as used in Extensive Commerce. As this Branch of the Subject is the most important, it is treated of at considerable length: The general Principles of Double Entry are unfolded, and proper Rules laid down, to direct the Accountant to the most approved Methods, in the varieties of extensive and compli- cated Business. To illustrate these, four Sets of Books are given, which are arranged in the fol- lowing manner : SET A, for the three first Months, is Journalized Daily ; as this Method affords the young Book- Keeper the most obvious and simple idea of Debtor and Creditor ; at the end of which, a Balance. is struck, to shew the Method of carrying down the several Balances, and continuing the Business. The other three Months are Journalized Monthly, and exhibit a Summary mode oi bringing the amount of the Cash and Bills, the Purchases and Sales, &c. for each Month, in one line or sum into the*Ledger. The Method of Journalizing Daily should be adopted only where the nature of the Business is such, as to require the Ledger to be posted up every day, which is very seldom necessary. The Monthly Journalizations greatly simplify the Journal, and are least liable to error. SET B is also Journalized Monthly, and contains several new Methods of arrangement in the Journal, for abridging the number of Accounts in the Ledger. This Method, by avoiding a multi- plicity of Personal Accounts, greatly facilitates the Posting and Balancing of the Books. It is peculiarly adapted to Merchants, whose Transactions are Extensive, and mostly settled by Bills. In SET C, the Subsidiary Books are so constructed, as to supersede the necessity of keeping a Journal; and, at the end of the Ledger, an easy Method is shewn of Checking the Posting of the Books, without the trouble of comparing them. This mode of Book-Keeping combines, in a con- siderable degree, the simplicity and conciseness of Single, with all the advantages of Double Entry, aild is well adapted to those who deal in a great variety of Goods. These three Sets are formed from the same materials, in order to exhibit the different Methods of arranging and Jour- nalizing the same Transaotions. SET D is an extensive Commission Business, of West India Produce, carried on by Three Partners, and exhibits the most approved Method of Stating Partnership Accounts in Fixed Com- panies. This Set also contains varions Examples of perspicuous arrangement, peculiarly adapted to the nature of such a Business, by which the number of Accounts in the Ledger is considerably abridged. The foregoing Methods of Book-Keeping, either by Single or Double Entry, comprise such a variety, in the materials and arrangement, as will greatly assist the Accountant in forming Methods of Book-Keeping suited to every department of Business. It will be observed in the several Sets, that the Author has adopted the Real Firms of many respectable Houses. This was done, to give the Transactions, as much as was possible, the appearance of actual Business. In such Transactions, however, as have a tendency to weaken the Credit of the Merchant, as stopping or suspending of Payments, renewing Bills, or the like, ficti- tious Names are introduced. ,It may likewise be proper to remark, that the different Methods of Journalizing given in pages 6d — 81, have a reference to the Sets in their order. Thus, Method Firitt, refers to the plan fol- lowed in Set A ; Method Second, to Set B, and so on. The Author will only farther observe, that ihe Plan on which Book-Keeping is usually Taught in Schools, has long been generally and justly complained of as very defective, in conveying to the Learner a proper idea of real practice. This defect is owing chiefly, if not wholly, to the inexpe- rience of Teachers, who, without the slightest attention to the improved Practice of the present period, inadvertently introduce, and tenaciously continue, obsolete and complex Systems. It is no •wonder, therefore, that such persons as have got no more than the Theory of the Art from these Books, are, livhen placed in the Counting House, generally found ignorant of what is goingjforward in every department. The Author of the present Work is allowed to be the first in this Country, who, in teaching Book-Keeping, adopted Subsidiary Books, as in actual Business. He has been lately informed, that some Teachers have since followed his Platl; and he hopes, for the interest of Commerce, it will soon become general, if not universal. It is certainly Unnecessary to offer any apology for the Publication of a Work of this nature : what- ever tends to improve the System of Mercantile Education, and to promote the usefulness of the young Trader, miist, at all times, be acceptable to the Commercial and Trading part of the Conimu' nity, and highly deserving their regard and encouragement. JdercantUc Acadcvif/f Glatgbwy 2Ht May, 180^. TO THE SECOND EDITION. ^o render the Work still more extensively useful, and to comply with the request of several Mercantile Houses, the Author has added to this Edition, An Appendix on Exchanges; and be hopes, that what he has written on the Subject, will be found as useful and accurate, as it is concise and comprehensive. Glasgow, April, 1810. J. M. iia)Tiiig^]i^ismisp^ THIRD EDITION. The favourable reception which the two former Editions of this Treatise has met with from Merchants, and Public Accountants, has induced the Author to revise and enlarge it, by adding a Preliminary Dissertation on the Business of the Counting-House, under the fol- lowing heads: Correspondence — Purchasing and Selling— Making Consignments— Supporting Credit — Insurance and Underwriting— Bills of Exchange — Partnership— Bankruptcy— Mercantile Books, and Arbitration. The Work is intended to remove eVery difficulty, in Stating AccountSi either between Indivi- duals, or Partners', by pointing out the improvements bf Modern Practice, and directing the Book Keeper, or Accountant, to the most concise and distinct methods, in recording the transactions, of Inland and Foreign Trade. J« M» Mercantile Academy, } Wakefield, March, 1820. \ • ^e^Jtwsjiwif in ^abmtv ©f Wjf WJ«iyt* " SiK, " Agreeably to your request, 1 have attentively examined the Manuscript of Part II. of your System of Book-Keeping, which i*;, by far, the most difficult part of the Work to execute in a judicious manner. " My opinion is, that in the Six Months' Transactions, from ■which Sets A, B, and C, are composed, you have introduced more variety of Real Business, than any Writer on the sub- ject that I have seen; and your Plan is excellent in Journa- lizing the same Transactions different ways, when it can be done with propriety, which you have strictly adhered to. In Set C, particularly, there is a conciseness of Method, and at the same time, a simplicity and accuracy in the arrange- ment, which I never saw before. " As Set D concludes the Work, you have very properly made it a Partnership Concern, in order to illustrate the modern Method of Keeping and Settling such Accounts; and there are various Examples of judicious Arrangement in each of the two Journals, in order to curtail the number of Acc4nnts in the Ledger. " Sincerely wishing, that you may meet with liberal Encouragement in publishing such a Work, " I am, Sir, " Your most obedient Servant, "JAMES CAMPBELL, Accoupt. "Dumiartm, 7th July, 180C " 'SlE, 'Glasgow, lith August, 1806. " I have, at your request, perused the MSS- of the Systems of Book-Keeping, which you intend to publish. "The Plan, as stated in the Prospectus, which comprehends both the Theory and Practice of this useful Art, seems fuitli- fully followed out. Your own extensive Practice as a Public Teacher, together wiih your former experience in the Count- ing-IIouse, certainly qualifies you for such a Publication ; aud it gives me great pleasure to see it executed in such a masterly manner. " All the Sets have their peculiar merit. That of B,I think truly ingenious. The abridging of superfluous Accounts in the Ledger, which has not, as yet, been sufiiciently attended to, renders the Work highly interesting to every Man of Busi- ness. The Set D, which is under a Company Firm, and applies to a West India Concern, approaches very nearly to the Practice of a House in this City, of the first respectability, and certainly merits the attention of Merchants in that line of Business. " Many Volumes on the subject I have read, and the long Practice I have had, both at home and abroad, as an Ac- countant, has afforded me many opportunities of seeing a great variety of Plans on this Subject; an71 — 72 Bills — Accommodation Bills, .»... J III. Purchases and Sales, Buying Goods — Selling Goods — Bartering Goods, , 72 — 73 IV.Shipments Abroad, -Several Methods of stating, 78 Remarks on, T.. 74 V, Goods on Consignment, When Charges are paid on Goods Consigned 75 When any of these Goods are Sold — When any of these Goods are taken to Account — When the Account-Sales is made out — Several Methods of Stating — Remarks on, VI. Effecting Insurances. When Insurance is made on Goods, either on your own Account, or on account of another Person — Several Methods of Stating, . . . ., 76 When a Return of Premium is allowed for Convoy and Arrival of the Vessel — Remarks on, ib. VII. Bad Debts, or Entries in Bankruptcy. If the Failure be a Total Loss, « 77 When the Bankrupt pays a Composition, ib. If the Bankrupt should at any after period pay up the Balance — Remarks on ib. How to close the Account when the Loss is known at the time of Balancing, and when it is not then ascertained, ib. €HAP.IV. Cy POSTING and COMPARING the BOOKS, Method of Opening the Accounts in the Ledger, 77 Method of Entering the Accounts in the Index, ib. How to Post Simple Cases, ib. How to Post Complex Cases, 78 How to Transfer Accounts from one Folio to another, ib. When the Journal and Ledger should be written, ib. Method wf Comparing the Books, • 78 The Steps necessary for this Operation, .* *••••• 79 CONTENTS. XI CHAP. V. 0/* BALANCING the BOOKS, The Design, or Object in Balancing the Books, 79 The proper Time for takinp: a Balance ib. How a Trial Balance is made out, io. How the several Accounts are Balanced, ^ ib. > ' The Reason why the Sums of a Stock and Balance Accounts a<;ree, 80 .U,n'\ ]■' Method of Closing the Books, ib CHAl*. VI. 0/ PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS I. Occasional trade, as Joint Adventures, .. 81 When the Goods are wholly furnished by you, ib. When the Sales are finished and an Account rendered, ib. When each Partner furnishes a part of the Goods, ib. When the Agent renders an Account Sales 82 When an Adventure is from any Place ib. When the Adventure comes to an Issue, . . ^t(^^ ib. II. Fixed Companies, or where the Partners iicarry on a General Trade, ,^. 83 How to Enter the Partners Shares at ^^^imencement— Several Methods, ib. When the Capital is to be increased, ib. is to be diminished, ib. The Entries necessary at Balancing the Books, ib. When any of the Partners reside Abroad ib. SET A. Proper Trade, or when a Merchant Bui/s and Sells on his own Account, Agency Trade, or when a Merchant also Buys and Sells on Commission, Preliminary Observations, 84 — 85 Cash-Book 86—9 Bill-Book, Receivable and Payable, 92 — 96 Purchase-Book, or Invoice-Book Inwards, 99 Book of Shipments, or Invoice-Book, Outward, 112 Day Book 119 Account Sales Book 139 Journal, 146 Ledger, , •. .. ..173 SET B. y4-^ 11 * 1 * f^titvy fit til© Ooods be seized iw consequence thereof, he must bear the loss, unless custom the error be occasioned by a mistake in the Invoice or letter of advice. '""'''* The Owner bears the loss of goods seized, when attempted to be*j]'^"s-. smuggled by his orders; but the Agent, complying with an unlawful good's, order, is liable to such penalties as the law enacts. If an Agent save An Agent the duty of goods due to a foreign Prince, he shall have the benefit ; goods for ibr, if detected, he bears the loss. bouSffor If an Agent sell goods bought by his Employer's orders for his ownpjoyen' !XX11 DISSERTATION ON THE advantage, the Employer may recover the benefit, and the Agent shall be amerced, or liable for the same. J^<'^°s If an Agent receive bad money in payment, he bears the loss, but if ^y'' the value of the money be lessened by the Government, the Employer bears the loss. An Agent is not responsible for goods spoiled, stolen, or destroyed by fire, unless he guarantees them, and charges an extra commission for doing so. N«giect- If an Agent be ordered to effect Insurance, and nedect it, and the IDg to " ^ _ ' O ' make in- subjcct be lost, he is liable to make it good, providine: he had Effects surance. .,.1,1. <=> ' l o m his hands at the time. '\^efnl ^^ ^^ Agent purchase goods for his Employer, his bargain shall be bieforhis bindinff on the Employer. Agent's . transac In casc of an Agent's insolvency, the Owner may reclaim his goods: ^°J' ^ and, if they be sold on credit, the Owner, and not the Agent's creditors, Agent be- shall rccover payment of the debts. comes in- » r-, * •' solvent. A Supercargo differs from an Agent in this : The business of the ^^"J]^^^^/" former is limited to the case of a particular Cargo. He goes along with jom an jt, and generally returns when his business is completed ; the latter has a fixed residence abroad, and executes business for different merchants ; but their duties, and the circumstances for which they are accountable, are the same« Sect. IV. SUPPORTING CREDIT. ^wid f*hh "^^^ict probity and good faith are absolutely necessary to all Mer- necessar; . chants. They form the basis of the Mercantile character ; and it is not improper to the Mercantile part of this Country to say, they have car- ried none of their other qualities to a higher or more honourable degree. iDgTredit. Credit is the great foundation of Commerce, not only between man and man, but likewise between nation and nation, and therefore the principal object that a Merchant ought constantly to have in view, is the support of his personal Credit, which, if it is but once blown upon, is not without great difficulty retrieved. It cannot, therefore, be too much urged or attended too, that a Trade, like a Banker, should constantly keep his dealings within the extent of his capital, or at least such Debts as he has a moral certainty will be punctual, to retire all his obligations in due time. For should a Trader launch out to the extent of his Credit, so as to employ it as freely as his Capital, such conduct will often prove vei-y precarious, and be attended with dange- rous circumstances. Trade is liable to many unforeseen accidents ; and it is more than probable, that a Trader, who strains his credit in coming under obligations, will find reason enough to wish himself out before they are retired. BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE. XXlU A loss or disappointment will be sufficient to draw alt his Creditors conse- H)n him at once, and render him incapable of drawing in so mnch ofaioss, or his scattered effects as will pay his debts, far less of saving any thing mentr "^' to himself in reversion, although, from the face of his Books, he might well imagine he had considerably more than would clear himself with all the world. There are some, no doubt, who, from a quickness of parts, and indefatigable application, are able to preserve themselves from a total wreck in a tempest of this kind ; but these instances are rare, and the greatest geniuses, though they may save their credit and keep their embarrassment from public notice, cannot avoid incurring an extraordinary expense, which overbalances the profits arising from their extraordinary dealings; so that, upon the whole, the prudent Dealer, with fewer talents, will come much nearer his purpose* In order to give the Merchant a constant view of the obligations^ and the means he has of using them, he ought to have a Book for his inspec- a private tion, numbered in folios like the Ledger, and divided into spaces on necessary H\ie top of each, in which should be inserted the names of the twelve iL^Mer-'* months of the year, a whole folio, more or less being allowed, accord- gagement* ing to the extent of his transactions for every month. On the left hand page should be entered the payments to be made to him on each particular day of each month ; and on the right hand page, in the same manner, the payments to be made by him, by comparing which, he will not be at a loss on any occasions to judge how far he may come under new obligations, or how far he may be pinched in retiring old ones ; so that he may have recourse to some expedient for raising new funds to supply the emergency. He will likewise, by this means, be prevented from anticipating payments of debts due to him, by exposing his bills to discount, which is not only attended with a certain loss, but prevents the natural course of business, and never ought to be done but with a view of some ecctra profits ; and having the sum replaced in proper time. This will likewise be a spur to the Merchant to have his debts collected as they fall due, the neglect of which often proves detrimental to the Merchant's interest, as it midtiplies bad debts, and breaks the measures which, in expectation of each debt coming in, he had proposed for his regidation* Sect. V. INSURING AND UNDERWRITINd , ^ , Merchants Merchants beinor exposed, from their first setting out in the Com- shouu • 1 !•/• -Ill 1 T 1 . c • avaiUhem- mercial lile, to risks and hazards, send their property to foreign skives of countries, and bring home th^ produce in return, by meahs Of Insu- oAnsi! ^nce against loss at sea, with the same safety as a monied man lends "'^"Jf^, XXIY DISSERTATION ON' THE out his Money upon heritable or undoubted security, and receives it. back with interest. As, therefore, it would be imprudent to hazard too much, when thei-e is an opportunity of acting with safety, a Mer- chant will certainly act prudently to make insurance, when he has reason to imagine he runs any risk. No profit is equal to the anxiety a man must be under, who has perhaps as much at risk as he is worth ; and this anxiety, supposing in the end his property should be safe, would occasion such a confusion and disorder in his affairs, as would be more than an equivalent for the premium he had saved by not insuring. There are sonre men who have naturally adventurous spirits ; they are resolved to be all or nothing ; but we would advise such, to risk little An Under- upon the samc bottom, so that if a loss ensues, it may be the less felt. ^ou?d Those too who underwrite, will find they have the greatest chance of on oni"** succcediug, by subscribing a small sum in any one Policy, whether con- vessei. sidered hazardous or not. How the The business of Insurance on shipping is conducted by Brokers. of Su! An Insurer generally engages for a small sum only, on the same vessel, SSSL'ted. and the risk is divided among many, which contributes to the safety of those concerned, and the benefit of the public. If we had occasion to effect insurance to the amount of £1000, it might be necessary to apply to ten or more different persons, as none may be willing to engage for more than a^'lOO. To render the business easy, we may apj^ly to a Broker, who extends the Policy, or contract of Insurance, and procures subscriptions to the extent desii'ed. Tlie Insurers who subscribe their names, and the Sums they eng-aged for, are called Under nriters. The Premiums are paid to the Broker, who accounts to each Underwriter for his proportion, after deducting an allowance or Commission for his- trouble. The Premium is understood to be paid when the Insurance is effected ; but if it be not paid, the Insurers have a preferable right on the subject insured. On this subject, we shall consider what is necessary to render an Insurance valid—when the risk commences, and when it termi- nates — what constitutes a total or a partial loss^-what proof of loss is* necessary — and how the loss is adjusted. !!J1UL First, in order to render an Insurance valid, the Insured must have, necessary ' ' fo render property at risk ; the voyage must take place, under the circumstances rwee valid agreed on ; the dangers insured against not be contrary to law ; and a * candid account must be given of circumstances which enhance the d anger. The condition of possessing property was required § to prevent shi{>s i By lOth George II. CbapST. BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE XXV from beins: fraudently destroyed when insured above their value ; and Tiieinsur- ~ ■ , , ^ ed must to discourage a practice which had become common, of converting:: i>i^e Pro- ^ . , " pertyat Pohcies to the purpose of mere wagers. In transactions of this kind, risk. as the Insured had no Property, and could claim no indemnilication for partial damage ; so the Insurers, having lost their wager by the vessel being lost, could claim no abatement, though part was saved : accordingly, the Policies contained clauses of interest or no interest, free from average, and without benefit of salvage. All such Policies are declared invalid. Insurances are commonly made as interest shall appear ; and it is it is in^ incumbent on the Insured to prove the value of his Property. The onii^"in- value of the Goods may be proved by the Invoices ; and the cocquet prove the must be produced, if required, to instruct, that the goods were actually projlenv.'* shipped. It is admitted to value the vessel at prime Cost and Charges, deducting the Freights that have been drawn since purchased, if tlie Proprietors chose to stand to that rule ; but they are not restricted to it. Sometimes the value of the Vessel, or Goods, is expressed in the Policy : and this value must be admitted, although it be higher than the true one ; but it is incumbent on the Insured to prove, that he had Property at risk ; and if the Property be trifling in comparison of the Sum insured, the Insurance will be set aside as an invasion of the Statute. When the value is less than the sum insured, the Owners may claim when the a return of Premium for the excess^ less tuitii If there be several Policies on the same subject, of different dates, iwed! the earlier one is valid, and the others must be vacated. If they be of the same date^ they must be vacated in equal proportions. When a Policy is vacated, in whole, or in part, the Underwriters have when* a right to retain one-half ^ Cent, for Commission. va°cS'.* Re-insurance is a second Contract, made by an Insurer, to transfer Respect* the risk he has engaged for, to another. It is in general prohibited,* Sauci! but it is permitted to the Representatives of an Insurer, in case of his death, or to his Assignees, in case of his Bankruptcy, and it must be mentioned in the Policy that it is a re-insurance. If the Vessel do not proceed on the voyage, or if, being warranted (heTes- to depart with convoy, it depart without convoy, the insurance must^^^^jj*^ be vacated. *^«e'> «'*!• If the extent of a Trading voyage be uncertain, the longest one m Respect- contemplation is described in the Policy ; and it is agreed that part of ^"f^JJ^^^^ the premium shall be returned, if the voyage be shortened. In like voj»ge. • 19th George n. Cap, 37. . ^ i;^Ct (U ^'H«v)^i XXTl DISSERTATION ON THE manner, in time of War, when insurance is made without condition of convoy, it is agreed that part of the premium be returned in case the vessel sail with convoy. When a vessel is warranted to depart with convoy, it is understood jfrom the usual place of convoy, (e. g. the Downs), and it is insured till it arrive there. SuTn °' '^^^ common proof of sailing with convoy, is the production of sailing orders : but if a vessel be prevented by the weather from receiving the sailing orders, other proof may be admitted. A case A vcsscl was iusurcd from the Thames to Halifax, warranted to sail stated respecting from Portsmoutli with convoy. The convoy had sailed before the vessel arrived there, and the Underwriters declined to insure it without convoy for the rest of the voyage. They were found liable to return part of the premium, retaining only in proportion to the accustomed rate from The deci- Loudon to Portsmoutli. This decision seems to establish the following principle; that, when the voyage performed is only part of that described in the Policy, and when the risk can be proportioned, the Underwritei-s are bound to return part of the premium, though there be no agreement for that purpose. when^a ^ut if a vcsscl, iusurcd only against the hazards of the sea, be taken taken by the enemy, the Insured have no right to claim a return of premium^ •nemy. though the Capture happen soon, under pretence that little sea hazard was incurred. When a Jf a vesscl deviate from the voyage described in the Policy, without ates from ncccssity, it scts asidc the insurance. An intention to deviate is not described. Sufficient to sct it aside ; there must be an actual deviation ; and even in that case, the Insurers are liable for damages sustained before deviation. It is no deviation to go out of the way to the accustomed place of convoy, nor to the nearest Place where necessary repairs may be had. Deviation for the purpose of smuggling, if without the knowledge of the Owners, does not set aside the Insurance, nor when the Master is forced by the Crew to return. In Insurances to the East-Indies, and home, the Insurers are under- stood to take the risk of detention in the country and of country Voyages, insarance lusuraucc of prohibited and smuffarled Goods, asrainst the risk of of probibi- • ^ i X . , , . i- i rre Gibralter, to wait an opportunity of re-shipping, and were lost* The insurers. custom of putting goods aboard a store ship being proved, the Insur- ers were found liable. Loss of Sails ashore, when the vessel is repairing, is comprehended loss of within the insurance. What is necessarily understood, is insured, as p,lri«rming well as what is expressed ; the essential means and intermediate steps, Q"'"^''"*"^ as well as the end. Vessels performing Quarantine, are at the risk of the Insurer. Thirdly. The Insurers are liable for a total loss, when the Subject, when • 1 1 1 n ^ -t ' 1 • T> II-** ^^^ Insur- penshesthrough any of the perils msured agamst. Baratry, though it pro- ers ar - iia- perly signifies running away with a vessel, extends to any kind of fraud tJi^.^ "^ committed by the Master or Mariners. Insurance against detention of Princes does not extend to vessels that are seized for transgressing the Laws of foreign Countries. XXVIll DISSERTATION ON THE The Insurers are also liable for a total loss, when damage is sustained, and the remaining Property abandoned or vested in the Insurers. The Pro- If a vessel be stranded or taken, and kept by the Enemy, or EaveT detained by any foreign power, or seized for the service of Govem- abaildon. meut, the Proprietors have a right to abandon. Decisions But if a vessel be taken by the Enemy, and be' re-taken, or makes gardtoa its escape, before action against the Insurers; have the insured a by tbeene. right to abandon, or must they only claim for the damages sustained, ""^' as an average loss P There are opposite decisions, according as the circumstances of the case were strong. When the vessel was long detained, the Goods perishable, the yoyage entirely lost, or so disturbed, that the pursuit of it was not worth the freight, or when the da- mage exceeds half the value of the thing, they have been found entitled ' ' ' to abandon.* But, if the voyage be completed with little trouble or de- lay, they are not entitled.f When the The lusurcd cannot claim, as for a total loss, on an offer to abandon iDsurerean- ..... , ' i n • n i • •! Dot claim when the loss is m its nature only partial ; for, it this were permitted, 1^! °* they might devolve the loss occasioned by bad markets on the Insurers. The In- And in all cases, the Insured have their option to abandon, or not. thefroption They may retain their property if they please, and claim for an average to abandon, j^^^ . ^^^ ^^^^ must make their option before they claim. When If the Goods be so much damaged ; that their value is less than the Goods are i i /> i i danaaged. freight, the lusurcrs are accountable as for a total loss. Insurers The lusurcrs are liable for general average, when the property gener/r is charged with contribution ; and for particular average, when the average, property is damaged or part of it destroyed. When If the damaare be sustained through the fault of the vessel, the damage is /.ii i -i -i-m/r sustained Owucrs of the goods may have recourse, either against the Master or the Slip." Insurers ; and if the Insurers be charged, they stand in the place of the Owners, and have recourse against the Master. No aver- In Order to prevent the Insurers from being troubled with frivolous 2uJde°^ demands for average^ it is generally stipulated, that none shall be ^^^^ charged under five ^ Cent, or some other determined rate ; and com, flax, fruit, fish, and like perishable goods, are warranted free from average, unless general, or the vessel be stranded. In case of Goods being damaged, the proportion of the sum insured . for which the Underwriters are liable, is regulated by the proportion * Goss against Withers, 8 Burrow, 683. t Hamilton against Mendez, 2 Barrow, 119S« BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE XXIX of the prices which the sound and damaged Goods fetch at the Port of destination. The Prime cost of the Goods is not considered, nor the necessity of immediate sale, in consequence of damage ; although the damaged Goods sell above prime cost, the Insurers are liable. Fourthly. If a vessel be lost, and the crew saved, the loss is proved J^ « ^""^ by the evidence of the crew. If damage be sustained, the extent is proved by an examination of the subject damaged at the vessel's arrival ; and the cause by the evi- dence of the crew. If the vessel be stranded, evidence must be taken at the place where stranded. Documents of loss must be laid before the Underwriters with all DociimeDU convenient speed ; and if these be sufficiently clear, the loss should be laid before immediately settled. The Underwriters generally grant their Notes at wrjtera." a month or six weeks' date for their proportions. If a vessel be not heard of for a certain time, it is presumed lost, and if « ^,essei the Underwriters are liable to pay the sums insured, the Property being heard of, abandoned to them in the event of the vessel's return. Six months arere?is°iia" allowed for a voyage to any part of Europe, a year to America, and "®* two years to the East Indies. A vessel insured against the hazards of the sea, but not against the '^: enemy, if never heard of, is presumed lost at sea. Fifildy. In order that the manner of settling losses may be under- Manner of stood, we must explain what is meant by Covering Property. losses".^ Although insurances for greater sums than the Insured had really at risk, be contrary to Law : Yet some latitude is allowed in this respect ; for if the Owner were to insure no more than the net value of his Property, he would lose the Premium, and other expenses. For Example: If he have Goods on board to the value of £100. and An Exam- insure them @ 6 Guineas ^ Cent, then if a Total loss happen, he reco- p^® ^'''^"* vers only £94. because 5 Guineas being applied to re-place the Premium and a half ^ Cent, for Commission, and 5s. ^ Cent, for Stamp Duty or Policy, thei'e remains only;£94but if thevalueon board beonly ^^94. and the sum insured £ 100. he will be fully indemnified for the loss, and his property in that case is said to be Covered. In case of a Total loss if the sum insured be not greater than that in case of which covers the property, the Insurers must pay it all. If greater, they loss. pay what covers the Property, and return the Premium on the overplus, • Vide the Author's Commercial Arithmetic, Case II. of Mabine Iksurances. XXX DISSEJITATION ON THE d'lJ'b" Partial Losses are regulated by this principle, that whereas the Owner which par- jg not fullv indemnified in case of a Total loss unless he covers his Pro- tial Losses arereguia- perty, therefore he should qnly be indemnified for a Partial loss in the same proportion; and if his Property be not fully insured, he is considered as Insurer himself for the part not covered, and must bear a suitable pro- portion of the loss. Therefore the value of the Property is proved, and the sum required to cover it computed. If that Sum be all insured, the Underwriters pay the whole damage ; if only part be insured, they pay their share ; which is computed by the following rule: — As the Sum which covers the Property, is to the Sum insured ; so is the whole damage, to the pari for which the Insurers are liable. An exam- Pqj. Example : If the value of the Property be £2 1 30. the sum insured pie staled. ^ r ./ £ 1500. Premium 10 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 5s. Commission I ^ Cent. then the sum which should be Insured to cover the Property, is a^2400. and if damage; be sustained to the extent of £1200. the Owners will recover £750. A case of If a voyagc be Insured out and home, the Premium outward must out and be considcrcd as part of the value on the homeward Property, and the *""*' sum necessary to cover it computed accordingly. For Example : To insure £J88. out and home @ 5 Guineas ^ Cent, each Voyage (besides Policy and Commission) we compute thus : As 94 : 100 : : 188 : £200. to be Insured outward, Premium on £200. *'**• outward @ 5 Guineas ^ Cent. &c. £12. If 94 : 100 : : 212 : £225. lOs. 7d. the sum to be Insured home ; the Premium on which is £13. 10s. 7d. and if the vessel be lost on home- ward Voyage, from the sum insured home, £225 10 7 Deduct Insurance out £12 -^^^^ <^^ Insurance home 13 10 7 £25 10 7 Mode of culcula- The Underwriters Pay £200 tI?tntCT.'' It appears from these Rules, used in computing losses, that, in the liui'ed'' to ^^^^ ^^ Total loss, . it is the interest of the Insurer to exaggerate the exaggerate valuc pf property I and in case of Average loss, to undervalue it. his uroDcr- i i. ./ ' «' his proper- ty and to undervalue _ it. Sect. VI. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. ty and to . undervalue _ . I Ui ^J Import- Commercial States have experienced the utility of Bills of S of Exchange ; and, in order to support their credit, have afforded every Exchange, p^gyji^j^ security and dispatch to the Holders, and established an uni- form rule for deciding controversies which arise concerning them. BUSINESS OP THE COUNTING-HOUSE. XXXI The English Law makes a distinction between Foreign and Inland jT^^i^Jf" Bills. The custom of Merchants, general or local, reo'ulates the deci- with res- /» 11 • , pectto sion of all cases concemmg the former. BiUs. Acceptance is implied, if the Drawee enter the Bill in his book, or what eon. affix a number to it. Verbal acceptance, or promise of acceptance, accept- under a condition which takes place, is binding. The Drawee cannot ^"*^** limit his acceptance by any restrictions. If he annex any condition, (for example, if he engage to pay at a longer time, or at a different place, from that mentioned in the Bill,) the acceptance is binding, in terms of the Bill, and the annexed condition is ineffectual. An acceptance cannot be re-called, though the Acceptor repents Accept- before he has delivered back the Bill ; and, in the case of a Bill left not be for acceptance, and lost, the Drawer, in the mean time, having proved insolvent, the Drawee was discerned to pay it, on the presumption that he had accepted it, and secreted it, in order to conceal his acceptance. When a Bill is refused acceptance, the Holder should cause it to be when a protested for non-acceptance, and intimate the same to the Drawer, or refused Person from whom he received it. He may either return the Bill with ance^'or protest, or he may keep it till due ; and if then refused, protest it again P*y™«nt for non-payment. If a foreign Bill be notprotested on the last day of grace, the Holder a Biii loses all recourse against the Drawer and Indorser. When protested, he protested may recur on the Drawer or any Indorser, who are liable, in solidum, for day of ^ the value, with damages. If an Indorser pays it, he has recourse on the ^""^' Drawer and prior Indorsers, and the first Indorser on the Drawer only. A person who held the Bill on a blank indorsation, and transmitted When a it to another, without mdorsing it, is liable as an Indorser, by the indorsed. custom of Merchants, on proof of such possession. If a Bill be due before it comes to hand, the Holder preserves if a Bill be recourse, if he protests it so soon as he receives it. it comes The Holder may lose his recourse against some of the other Parties, even after a regular protest, by an action, which marks his satisfaction in the credit of one ; and, by implication, releases the others. If several Persons, responsible to the Holder of a Bill of exchange, when se- become Bankrupts, theHolderisentitledtodrawadividendfromtheeffects sons are of each, if these do not amount altogether to more than the sum due him. S^rBiu? Although a Bill be forged, or the names of the Drawer or some of the a forged Indorsers be imaginary, the Acceptor is obliged to pay it, and the ' „.„. Indorsers have the usual recourse against each other. .. If acceptance or payment be refused by the Drawee^ the Bill maybe Whenoo- accepted or paid supra protest^ by soifte other person, for the honour « pay ** XXXU DISSERTATION ON THE ment is of the Drawer, or any Indorser, in case the Holder consent ; and the refused. •' . ' • • /• i i Drawee may accept or pay it with that permission, for the lionour of any Indorser. The Person who pays a Bill supra protest^ has recourse against all the parties liable to the Holder. The The Drawer and Indorsers of a Bill, regularly protested, are answer- Md Tndor- able, not only for the sum of the Bill, but for the charge of protesting- S how *^' iiiterest, and re-exchange. The Holder being disappointed of the faranswer- payment, may find it necessary to take up money, by drawing a Bill of Exchange on the Place from which he received it ; and the charge occasioned thereby, is called re-exchange. It is due, by the customs of many Places, although no such Bill be actually drawn ; and the extent is also determined by custom. Ten ^ Cent, is allowed for re-exchange, on Bills from the West Indies. When the If the acccptor die, the Holder may protest the Bill at the place and Hold- where he resided, to presei*ve recourse. But if the Holder die, the " '*' Bill cannot be protested; and the Acceptor is not bound to pay, till the representatives of the defunct have completed their right by letters of administration. Inland Inland Bills are not regarded by the common Law, nor regulated by regulated^ the custom of Merchants. They were formerly of little authority, and derive tiieir force from particular acts of parliament ; the chief of which are, 9th and 10th William III. cap. 17; and 3rd and 4th Ann, cap. 9. The former appoints Inland Bills to be protested for non-payment; and such protest intimated w'lihm fourleen days, in order to subject the Drawer to damages ; and requires the Drawer, if a Bill be lost, to grant a new one. The latter gives validity to Promissory Notes, and ren- ders them indorsable ; authorises the protesting of Inland Bills, for non- acceptance; anddeclares Bills, delivered in payment of Accounts, unless protested, full payment. By these statutes. Inland Bills are brought to stand nearly on the same footing as Foreign ones. When a If a Bill be appointed to be paid out of a precarious fiind, e. g. from Tvithinthe an officcr's growing subsistence, it is not within the statue; but if the when lus. Order for payment be absolute, it is not invalidated by a direction to place it to account of a particular fund. If payable against a day, which may never take place, it is no good Bill ; for instance, at the arrival of a Ship ; for the ship may never arrive. But a Bill, payable I at the death of the Acceptor's Father, is a good Bill ; for though the time be at present undetermined, that event must certainly take place. A Bill on If a person gives a note on a Banker in payment, the Receiver is tnt person, undcrstood Only to take it on condition of its being paid, unless the contrary be expressed ; and he has recourse, in case of non-payment, if he demand it within a reasonable time. Even though he agreed to BUSINESS OP tHE COUNTING-HOUSfe XXXIU take the note as absolute payment, if the granter knew that the person whom he drew it on was in an insolvent condition, he shall be answerable for it. A Merchant is answerable for his Clerk or Servant, who has been amm- . . /» 1 • TT • 11^ chant is re- in the use of receivmg money for him. He is even answerable aiter sponsible he has left his service, if recently, and before the Payer knew that he cLrk* had left it. In eeneral, no extrinsic evidence can be admitted to invalidate a Evidence ^ . ... toinvali- Bill which is good ipsa facie. But as this i-ule is intended for the*iateaBiii. security of onerous Holders^ it will not avail where the Holder is a party to the fraud, or knew of it at the time of indorsement. The Laws of Scotland, in general, adopt the custom of Merchants i-aw«of with respect to Foreign Bills. The regulations concerning acceptance, with res- protest for dishonour, and recourse, are the same as formerly mentioned. ^508111". Inland Bills must be protested, in case of non-payment, before the expiration of the days of grace, and the dishonour intimated within fourteen Days, otherwise there is no recourse against the Drawer or Indorsers.* Bills are exempted from the legal Solemnities required to give B'Hspro^ validity to other deeds ; and although executed without witnesses, date. they prove their own datCy in questions with the Heir or Creditors of the Debtor. Bills bear interest from the time of falling due against the Acceptor, interest tliough no Protest be taken. Biiirrroni Bills of Exchange are considered as bags of money ; therefore they fSfiin^dw^ cannot be compensated by money paid on separate Receipts, or any *'" ^^^' other Debts due by a Holder; and the value cannot be arrested byBiHsof the Creditors of a Holder in the Hands of the Acceptor. These <*annot bo rules are intended for the security of Commerce, by exempting Bills tedX m^ from latent objections ; and therefore do not extend to set aside compen- o^yf^mte sation and claims against the ultimate Holder, nor to secure any receipts. Holder that knew that Bill was liable to litigation, or who did not pay the full value for it. For the same reason, although Deeds, in favour of particular Creditors, by Persons who become Bankrupts within Sixty Days, are, in general, subject to reduction. Bills indorsed for value recei- ved cannot be questioned. It is otherwise, if the Bill be only granted in security of a former Debt, due to the ultimate Holder, or if the In- dorser was a notour Bankrupt at the time of indorsation Bills which, ex ipsa facie, are mere donations, or which contam extrinsic stipulations, inconsistent with the nature of Bills, are not valid, • By Act 12. Geo. III. cap. T«, i XXXIT DISSERTATION ON THE A Bill may be protested, notwithstanding the Acceptor's Death, for preserving recourse, but not for obtaining damages. Laws of The Laws of Scotland are particularly favourable to Bills of Scotland , . , ^ , particular- cxchangc, m TCgard to speedy execution. Je trBiUs Foreign Bills, protested for non-acceptance, or non-payment, may be cbfnge. registered in the Books of Council and Session, or other competent judicatures ; and letters of horning^ on six day*s charge^ and other summary execution, shall pass thereon, against the Drawer and Indorsers, if for non-acceptance, and against the Acceptor, if for non- payment.* The same privileges are extended to Inland Bills. f Summnry Summary diligence is granted on accepted Bills against the Drawers and Indorsers, (unless where the indorsation is qualified without recourse) and is competent to any Indorser who pays the value, and produces a receipt for the same.;]: Summary execution is only granted for the sum of the Bill, with Interest from the date, if not accepted ; otherwise from the time of falling due. Re-exchange and damages must be sued for by ordinary actions ; but, in case of suspension they may be added to the charge. When a The Drawcr of a Bill which is refused acceptance, is instantly liable Bill is re* . fused ac- for the valuc ; contrary to the custom of other Countries, where no ceptance. ^gjjj^^j^jj agaiust him is competent till the Bill falls due. The time The time which a Bill remains in force as a proof of Debt and Bill is in ground of Action, is now limited to six years from its falling due; but force. ^^ Debt may be proved afterward by the Oath of the Debtor. promissa- Promissary Notes are allowed the same privileges, in respect to bearing Interest, transmission by Indorsement, summary Execution* and recourse, as Bills of Exchange. Sect. VII. PARTNERSHIP. Katnre of Partnership is a contract among two or more persons, to carry on a ship. certain Business, at their joint expence, and share the Gain or Loss which arises from it. Of this there are four kinds. occMion- I. Occasional joint Trader when two or more Merchants «1 jotnt ' . Trade, agree to employ a certain sum in Trade, and divide the gam or loss so soon as the Adventure is brought to an issue. This kind of contract being generally private, the parties concerned are not liable for each other. If one of them purchase Goods on credit, the furnisher, w ho * By Act 20. Par. 3. Charles II. t By Act 36. Sess. 6. Willinm. By IZth Geo. III. cap. U. BUSINESS OP THE COUNTING-HOUSE. XXXT grants the'credit through confidence in him alone, has no recourse, in case of his insolvency, against the other partners ; they are only answerable for the share of the adventure, that belongs to the insolvent Partner. If it be proposed to carry the Adventure further than originally agreed on, any Partner may withdraw his interest ; and, if it cannot be separated from the others, may insist that the whole shall be brought to an issue. II. Standing Companies, which are generally established bystandiDg awritten Cow/rac< between the Parties, where the Stock, the Fu-m, dura- *'""p^°'^* tion, the division of the gain or loss, and other circumstances, are inserted. When two or more Merchants in Company, assume some denomination f it is called their Firm, under which their business is con- ducted ; and all Partners use it, in subscribing papers or accQiwtSf which relate to the Company. rf ^ vf ,n • The powers of each Partner, are, in general, discretionary ; but R^peot- they ought not to act, in matters of importance, without consulting Parmer's together, when there is an opportunity. No partner is liable to make '^*'^"* good the loss arising from his judging wrong, in a case where he had authority to act. If he exceed his power, and the event prove unsuc- cessful, he must bear the, loss ; but, if it prove successful the gain belongs to the Company : Yet, if he acquaint the Company imme- diately of what he has done, they must either acqiesce therein, or leave him the chance of gain, as well as the risk of loss. All Debts contracted under the Firm of the Company, are binding Debts con- on the whole Partners, though the money was borrowed by one of the firm of them, for his private use, without the consent of the rest. And, if a n^^a^rT' '^' Partner exceeds his power, the others are nevertheless obliged to imple- S'^part"" ment his engagements ; though he is responsible to them for his conduct. "''"• A Debt due to a Company is not cancelled by the private Debt of J^^J'J'*^ the Partners; and, when a Partner becomes insolvent, the Company company. is not bound for his Debts beyond the extent of his share. The Debts of the Company are preferable, on the Company's effects, conmuny* to the private Debts of the Partners. • ^^ Partnership is generally dissolved by the Death of a Partner ; yet, Dissoiu- when there are more Partners than two, it may, by agreement, subsist Panner- among the survivors. Sometimes, it is stipulated that, in case of the *'"^' death of a Partner, his place should be supplied by his Son, or some other Partner condescended on. The Contract ought to specify the time and manner in which the surviving Partners shall reckon with the Executors of the deceased for his share of the Stock, and a reasonable time should be allowed for that purpose. '"- XXXVl DISSERTATION ON THE The com When Partnership is dissolved, there are often outstanding Debts standing that cannot be recovered for a long time, and EfTects that cannot easily effects. ^^ disposed of. The Partnership, though dissolved in other respects, still subsists for the management of their outstanding affairs, and the money arising from it, is divided among the Partners, or their Representatives, when it is recovered. But as this may protract the final settlement of the Company's affairs to a very inconvenient length; other methods are sometimes used to bring them to a conclusion: either in consequence of the original Contract, or by agreeement at the time of dissolution. Sometimes the Debts and Effects are sold by Auction ; sometimes they are divided among the Partners ; and, when there are two Partners, one divides them into shares, as equal as pos- sible, and the other chooses either share he thinks best. When the If a Partner withdraw, he continues responsible for Debts contracted wTtMraw by the Company, till it be publicly known that he hath done so. A coDcernf deed of separation, registered at a Public Office, is sufficient presump- tion of such notoriety. Companies J|J COMPANIES, WHEN THE BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED BY OFFICERS. when the '. ^ » . i . . . . Business is There are many Companies of this kind in Britain, chiefly established conducted ^ - ^ ' -i • i l • n/r i bj-officers for purposc which require a larger capital than private Merchants can command. The Laws, with respect to these Companies, are the same as the former, but the articles of their agi-eement usually very different. The capital is specified, and divided into a certain number of shares, whereof each Partner may hold one or more, but is generally restricted to a certain number. Any Partner may transfer his share ; and the company must admit his assignee as a Partner. The Deatli of the ., , ,, Partners has no effect on the Company. No Partner can actpersonally in , the affairs of the Company ; but the execution of their business is entrus- ted to Officers, for whom they are responsible ; and, when the Partners are numerous, the superintend ance of the Officers is committed to Direc- tors chosen annually, or at other appointed times by the Partners. Companies jy. COMPANIES INCORPORATED BY AUTHORITY. A Roval fncorpora- , i i z-t ted by Au- Charter is necessary to enable a Company to hold Lands, to have a common Seal, and enjoy the other privileges of a Corporation. A Charter is sometimes procured, in order to limit the risk of the Part- ners ; for, in every private Company, the Partners are liable for the Debts, without limitation ; in incorporated Societies, they are only liable for their shares in the Stock of the Society. The incorporation of Societies is sometimes authorised by Act of Parliament; but this high authority is not necessary, unless for conferring exclusive privileges. BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE. XXXVii Sect. VIII. BANKRUPTCY. A Bankrupt must be a Merchant, or a general dealer. As that DeflBitioB occupation is attended with greater hazard than any other, there is not fa^u^^^' the same presumption against the insolvent, as in another profession. Those who obtain their living by buying and selling ; also Bankers, who are Brokers, and Agents, are capable of becomingBankrupts; so are Smiths, the Bank- Shoemakers, and other Tradesmen, who purchase materials, and sell and wh^*' the article into which they are manufactured. But those who exercise a ^^^ °°'' handicraft occupation are not within the Statutes of Bankruptcy, such as Vintners, Schoolmasters, Farmers, Government-Contractors, &c. ; be- cause they only sell to those who resort to their houses, or on particular occasions. Buying or Selling must be open and general. Aliens or Foreigners, who carry on trade in this Country, may be Bankrupts, but no person may in consequence of his trading in another Country. If a Merchant has given over trade for several years, he may never- theless be a Bankrupt in regard to the debts he contracted while in « business, but not for any new ones, if new securities be gi-anted. The chief purpose of imprisonment is to compel a full surrender ofThepur- the Debtor s Effects. Other objects may be to punish the negligence, prisonment extravagance, or imprudence, by which Bankruptcy is frequently occa- sioned; and to excite the punctuality and diligence of the Merchant, by the terror of the consequences of insolvency. All these purposes may be attained in a sufficient degree, by impri- Limited sonment of a limited duration; yet the general Law of England is for ruaiimpSl perpetual imprisonment. If the Debtor be set at liberty, it is by the ^°°™^*- mercy of the Creditors, or by Laws whereof the efficacy is limited to particular times or persons. Debts are always binding on the consci- Debts are ence to the utmost of the Debtor's power, till extinguished by payment ; wndtng on Yet when an unfortunate Debtor has delivered all his Property into the etceSf" hands of his Creditors, and has nothing left him but the fruits of his p'^''^* industry to subsist on, it would be hard that these should be coni^tantly exposed to the rapacity of his Creditors; and as his efforts would be lan- guid in so unfavourable a situation, the power of attaching them is gene- As to fu, rallyoflittlebenefitto the Creditors, though of great detriment to the Deb- fectsof a tor and the Public. On these considerations, the Laws of some Nations have granted a full, or limited discharge from legal execution to the honest but unfortunate Debtor, on a full surrender of his Property. The requisites to make a Bankrupt both in regard to the qualification Requisites of the Person, and the act of bankruptcy committed, are strictly con- Bankrupt. k XXXVlll DISSERTATION ON THE fined to the instances enumerated in the Acts of Parliament, and cannot be extended by implication* — All proceedings on Bankmptcy are Steps ne- carHcd on before the Court of Chancery. It is necessary, previous to TeSsto *^^ obtaining a Commission of Bankruptcy, that a Creditor for £.100 obtaining a Qy upwards (and who is styled the Petitioning Creditor), shall make sion of an Affidavit, that the Person against whom the Commission is intended cy. to be obtained, is indebted to him in that Sum, and he must also enter into a Bond to the Lord Chancellor, conditioned for the due provin"- such person a Bankrupt within the true intent and meaning of the several Statutes in force concerning Bankrupts, and for establishing his debt, and the same are lodged at the Bankrupt-Office ; a docket is then struck, and a Petition presented to the Lord Chancellor, upon which his Lordship immediately grants a Commission. The first business of the Commissioners nominated, is to qualify themselves before they can act. They then take the deposition or oath of the petitioning Creditor as to his debt; examine Witnesses as to the trading, and act mSu" or acts of Bankruptcy ; and if such debt, trading, and act or acts PereoSfto ^^ Bankruptcy, are fully proved to their satisfaction, they then declare ^^t^nd*^ such person to be a Bankrupt, and give notice in the London Gazette^ give notice appointing three Meetings of the Creditors of such Bankrupt. At one in the Ga- * . ,. />i^ aette. 01 these. Assignees are chosen by the majority oi the Creditors who At the third havc provcd their debts ; and at the last meeting, at the farthest, the thrcredi? Bankrupt is required to surrender himself, to deliver up whatever he thest**the' ^^^ ^^ ^^'^ powcr, and to answer all questions tending to the discovery Bankrupt of his Estate and Effects : he ought not, however, to be asked any to surrcD" ^ V der himseJf qucstious which may lead him to accuse himself. If he does not sur- render himself at such last Meeting before twelve o'clock at night, 'till which hour the Commissioners are obliged to wait for his surrender, lu case of he is proclaimed an Outlaw ; but if he should afterwards appeal, and rupt not prove, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, that he did not receive JTto notice, notice of his Commission untjl too late for him to appear, the Chan- cellor will, on Petition presented to him by the Bankrupt, reverse the Outlawry; and the Commissioners will then appoint a time for the Banknipt to appear before them, and pass his Examination. TheEf- The Eff*ects surrendered, become vested in the Assignees, and this rendered cxtcuds to real, as Well as personal Estates; it even extends to Estates veste"b tail, and contingent remainders, which the Bankrupt himself could ^Assig. Yvaiwe disposed of. When a Commission of Bankruptcy is taken out, it has a retrospect to the time at which the act of Bankruptcy took place. All conveyances of Property by the Bankrupt from that time, * Vide Cook's Bankrupt Laws. BUSINESS OF THE COUNTING-HOUSE. XXXIX except for full value, and to Persons totally ignorant of the Bankruptcy, are null and void ; and if any person knew of the Bankruptcy, and paid their debts to the Bankrupt, they must pay it again to the Assignees. The Assignees should use every les-al measure to recover the Bank- "^.^^ ^^ ~ J n signees' riipt's Property, and make a dividend thereof to the Creditors. The •^"^y. dividend's Composition, is made equally on all Debts proved under the Bankruptcy though some were preferable against the Debtor. If the Bankrupt withholds his Books, or conceals his Effects, with a if the design to defraud his Creditors, he is liable to be punished with death. wSholis The discharge of the Debtor depends on his obtaining his Certificate, ^. ^^^^'. which is the voluntary act of his Creditors. The Certificate states, that ''harge de- the Bankrupt has acted fairly, and performed what the law requires of obtaining a him ; it must be signed by three-fourths of the Creditors, in number j^J^ J^ ^' and value, who have proved their debts under the said Commission, signed by three- and whose debts respectively amount to the sum of £.20 or upwards; fourths of and such Certificate must be accompanied by an affidavit of the per-tors/^ ' son seeing such Certificate signed by the Creditors, and also an affida- vit made by the Bankrupt, that his Certificate was obtained without fraud, and that he has conformed to the several Statutes in force concernino; Bankrupts. Notice is civen in the Gazette, and if no Cre- ^°''°^ •* . ... ,, given m ditor opposes the Certificate, it is signed and allowed by the Chancellor, the Ga- The Bankrupt, on obtaining his Certificate, is fully discharged from The certi- the debts he owed at the time of his Bankruptcy; but the Certificate JjpfJ""^ is of no avail if he allows a fictitious claim against his Estate or Effects ^^^ ^^^J^- ^ rupt. to pass undetected. The Law of Scotland, in regard to Bankrupts, is now reduced to nearly The sects tlie same as that of England*. The description of Persons who are regard to liable to sequestration as Bankrupts, comprehends Merchants, and ^° ™^**' Traders in gross, or by retail ; Bankers, Brokers, Underwriters, Manu- facturers, Artificers, and Mechanics. The acts which constitute Bankruptcy, besides those mentioned in England, are being under diligence by horning, attended with arrestment, or poinding with moveables, or adjudication of heritable Estates. Sequestration is sequestra- granted upon application to the Court of Session, by Creditors, to the ed by S" same extent as in England; or by the Debtor, with the concurrence g°"g"^j°f of such Creditors. The Court usually fixes a meeting within three weeks, to appoint an interim Factor, and another Meeting when an within six weeks, to appoint a Trustee, in whom the whole Property Factors or Estate of the Bankrupt, real and personal, is vested ; and who is pXted.*^' * tiie last Act of Parliament tO this effect, is 83 Geo. Ill, Cap. 74. Xl DISSERTATION ON THE authorised to dispose of the same for the common behoof of the Cre- ditors, reserving such rights of preference on the real Estate, as sub- sisted before the Bankruptcy. TwoMeet- Xwo meetings are to be appointed for examining the Bankrupt, his examining Family, and others connected with his business ; and, on the day fol- rupt. lowing the last of these examinations, a meeting is to be held for instructing the Trustee, and for choosing three of the Creditors as Commissioners, for auditing his Accounts, and giving their advice and assistance ; with whose concurrence, the Trustee may settle all doubt- Four-fifths ful claims, either by compromise or submission. Four-fifths of the ditors m7y Creditors in number and value, may direct the remaining Effects to be sak of his sold by public sale. With concurrence of the majority, the Court will Effects, grant the Bankrupt a protection, because his assistance may be needed. By the By the Laws of Scotland no person can be imprisoned, or obliged to no person find bail, during the dependance of a civil action, unless the Creditor to find^baii make oath before a Magistrate, that he has credible information of the aSJ ex- Debtor's intention of leaving the country. His Effects, however, may 1? gS^w t>6 attached by arrestment in the hands of Debtors or Possessors ; leave the vyarraut for arrestment is ^ranted by the Court before which the Action country. _ ^ ^ •' is raised. ^Sfws Execution after judgment may be obtained against his goods by goods or poinding, and against his person by caption or act of warding; and the debts owing him may be recovered by process of forth-coming against his Debtors, founded on an arrestment laid in their hands. No dili- gence can be executed against a debtor's person or Effects, till after a charge of six days at least. Respect- Whcu Several Creditors have arrested in the hands of the same Per- prrference son, the arrestments were formerly preferable according to the priority Sir». of time, although there was not above three hours of difference. As this gave an unreasonable preference to those Creditors who had earlier notice of their Debtor's insolvency, and occasioned much ex- pense and litigation, it is now enacted, that when an instrument or poinding is executed within thirty days befoi-e bankruptcy, or four months after, any other Creditors making claim within these four months, sJ^all be entitled to an equal proportion of the subjects arrested or poind^ci. The mean- Th^ term Bankrupt in the Scots l^w ia not; confined to men of a lernj particular profession, but signifies any persoa whose kisolvency ap- Sssie2i^^:i(fJ\^w^'| Glasgow, '7 tk January, 16l%y^^- Three months after date, pay Mr. Peter Dtinkwater, or brdex. Two hundred and ten pounds, ten shillings Sterling, value received. — , v. i,. Messrs. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. \ A. 3K, .'vminA Bankers, London. j £»fererf, No. 177. (Set B.) Remarks. — In this Draft, as in every one drawn in favour of anotlier, there are three Persons concerned : A. B., the drawer ; P. Drinkwater, the payee, or the Person to whom tlie Bill is made Payable, or, in other words, in whose favour it is drawn; and S. D. and Co. the Drawees, or the P,«^r$^n»,pm,whom it is drawn. * •T ')tlt .iir.U • The above is ai Draft on a Banker in London. When a Bill is drawn, tlie Drawee is generally advised of it by a Letter from the Drawer, in which case the words " as advised," or "<^ advici," are inserted ; but if no Advice is given, then the words " without further advice,^ are used. When merchants' accounts. 8 a Person draws on a Banker, or Person on whom he frequently draws, the Drafts should be numbered^ Avhich affords an additional check against fraud or forgery. ^ No.V. . ., £172 // 9//10. Due -^^ April. Glasgow, 1th January, 1817. Three months after date, pay to my order in London, One hundred and seventy-two pounds, nine shillings, and ten pence Sterling, value received. Messrs. Rob. Wilson & Co. \ A. B. Manchester. 3 Accepted, Rob. Wilson Sf Co. Entered, No. 179. Payable at Messrs. Lefevre Sf Co. Bankers. Remarks.— The Terttl at which English Merchants accept Bills for Goods, purchased in this Market, is usually at three or four months, allowing the Account to run the rest of the credit. Their Bills are generally made payable in London, which is from twenty-Jive to thirty days' interest in favour of the drawer in Glasgow ; as the Banks allow twenty-five, and Merchants about thirty days premium on London Bills, which have only from two to three months to run ; but when the Banks are required to draw upon their London Correspondents, they charge from forty-five to fifty days premium. ; Sometimes the Accepter accepts the Bill by using the above words, and writing them through the body of it with i-ed ink. The Time when a Bill falls due is generally marked as above, -^ April ; which means, that the term of the Bill expires on the 7th April, to which the three days allowed for grace must be added. Others avoid the fractional form, by saying due 10th April. When a Bill falls due on Stmday, or any Holiday, it must be paid on Saturday, or d^y before. A Bill dated on a Simday is not vaUd. If a Bill be not payable at the place where the Acceptier resid'es-i and no particular house be mentioned in the Bill for payment, it is proper to add to his Acceptance the House at which he intends to pay it as above. II. FORMS OF PROMISSORY NOTES. •mwx No. L . ..^aiJavi . £$q4 I/O if 9. , Glasgow, 11th January, 1817. Four months after date, I promise pay to the order of Mr. A. B., at my house here. Two hundred and sixty-four pounds and nine pence Sterling, value received. No. 180. John Cochran. Remarks. — The phrase *' at my House here," though often used in drawing Bills in Scotland, is superfluous ; as it is always understood, that a Bill is payable at the Accepter's House, or Office, miless otherwise expressed. .\;^iaw ^^wftU "^ , >V«i jr .Jqocl .Uiil ..■ ,\....'V ..^\ ..f\ :'-A :■' '.<<) Jt is a matter of indifference whether we say, ** to the order of A. B.," or, '^to A. B or order ;" both expressions are often used, and are of the same import ; but we thinJt, the first of these is more elegant. No. IL . : .■ ■ ^ ^ • , £303// 6// 8. . Glasgow, 4th June f IQn. Six months after date, toe promise to pay to the order of Messrs. Gordon, Barron^ Sf Co. Three hundred and three Pounds, six shillings, and eight pence Sterling, value received. , j,' . '. f ., Kibble, Forster, & Co. Remark. — The above Sill is not entered in the Bill-Book, it being a Bill received on account of the proprietors G. B. and Co. ; A. B. acting only as Agent, not as Proprietor. For a further explanation of this entry, the Learner is referred to the Bills of Parcels, ci '■>'^^' ^•- 4 INTRODUCTION No. III. £250 // 4. Glasgow, 5th July, 1817. Two months after date, we^ jointly and severally, promise to fay to tht order of Mr, James Stewart, Two huv^dred and fifty pounds, four shillings Sterling, value received. John Miller. William Young. Remarks, — The above Bill, as also the Receipts which follow, have no connexion with the Sets from which the others are taken. This is a joint-promissory Note. When two or more persons grant their Acceptance, attention should be paid to their promising jointly and severally ; in which case, the payee may sue them jointly, or he may sue any of them j but, if they promise only jointly, and not jointly and severally, he can only sue them jointly. If, instead of the words " or Order," the words " or Bearer" be written, it is unnecessary to indorse the Bill, if it be good; if one of these expressions be not written, the Possessor cannot negotiate it. In Bills, and other obligations drawn in Scotland, and payable there, the word " Sterling/* is usually written after the Sum, as otherwise Scotch money might be understood. In English Bills, where there is na other kind of money, that word is seldom, if ever used. III. FORMS OF RECEIPTS. A Receipt is a written Acknowledgment of having received a Sum of money, or a Bill, in the settlement of an account. Glasgow, lAth August, 1817. — Received of Mr,^ Walter Brown, Twelve pounds, twelve shillings Sterling, in part of his Account. James Watson. Received on 10th September, 1817, from Mrs, Stewart, Five pounds in part of her Account tf £9 ti \iiyd,for grocery articles. John Swanston & Co. Borrowed from Messrs. William and Hugh Grieve, One hundred pounds Sterling, which /pro- mise to repay on the 20th instant. Glasgow, 10th September, 1817. Peter Muir. Or, / owt Messrs. William and Hugh Grieve One hundred pounds, to be paid on the 20th instant, Peter Muir. FORMS OF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN SETTLING ACCOUNTS. 1817. Sept. 14. Settled the above, ^ stamp receipt. Or, By Cash in full. Oct. 10. Received in part. Or, By Cash in part. Nov. 11. By your PromistorifNotjefat four nt^nths.Qr^ By your Acceptance, at four months. CHAP. II. Foreign Bills op Exchange. A Bill of Exchange is a written Order from one Person to another, requiring him to pay a certain Sum of money to a third Person, or to his order, and that either on demand, or at a speci- fied time. At !H I It is by means of Bills of Exchange, that money is usually remitted from one Coimtry to another. There are generally four persons concerned in a Foreign Bill ; two at the place where MERCHANTS ACCOUNTS. 5 the Bill is dravvn, and two at the Place of payment. Thus, for instance, A. of Amsterdam owes to B. of London ; and, instead of remitting the money in specie to B,, he applies to C, residing at Amsterdam, to whom D. at London is indebted. A. pays the money to C., and receives from him a Bill addressed to D., to pay the amount to B., or to any other appointed by him, who sends it; to his Correspondent B., with an order that the Money be paid to him by D. But it often happens, that only three Persons are concerned ; as, for example, A. residing at Amsterdam, and wishing to remit money to B. at London, and having C. owing him money in London, addresses his Bill to C, desiring him to pay the sum therein mentioned to B., or to his order. The Term of a Bill varies according to the agreement of the Parties, or the custom of the Countries. Some Bills are drawn at Sight; others at a certain number of days after Sight, or after Date ; and some at Usance. Usance is the usual time at which Bills are drawn between certain Places, such as one, two, or three months after date ; and doul>le or half usances, means doul)le or half of the usual time. If the Usance be one Mouth, fifteen days are allowed for half Usance. Days of Grace, are a certain number of days granted after the term mentioned in the Bill is expired. These also vary according to the custom of the different Places. Bills at sight, however, must be paid when presented. The Form and use of Bills of Exchange will appear from the following Examples : No. I. Amsterdam on London. £450. Amsterdam, Vlth February, 1817. At Usance, pay this my first of exchange to Mr. Thomas Hopp, or order. Four hundred and fifty pounds, value received, as per advice. Mr. Erancis Gibson, 7 Edward Vanderkempt. London. j Accepted, Francis Gibson. Elucidation. — To explain the Business transacted by this Bill, it must be supposed, that T. Hopp, who resides at Amsterdam, has occasion to remit to London, and applies to E. Vander- kempt for a Bill on that Place. Vanderkempt agrees to supply him, and draws the Bill upon his Debtor, or Banker, F. Gibson, according to the above form. Hopp, on receiving the Bill, pays the value to Vanderkempt, and sends it to his Creditor ; suppose John Holmes of London, first writing on the back of tlie Bill, .i : Pay Mr. John Holmes, or order, , t - Which writing is called the Indorsation, or Indorsement. When Holmes receives this Bill, he appUes to Gibson, and requires whether he be willing to bind himself to pay it Avhen due. Gibson agrees to tliis, and writes at the foot of the Bill, Accepted, Francis Gibson, and dehvers it back to Holmes, who may either keep it till due, and demand payment, or transfer the Property to another, by indorsing it again ; and thus it may pass through any number of Person^,^jt?jr successive Indorsements. n \o nrni v\ ,}i oJ is'vi'i ,)1c. "■;;>;'; E. Vanderkempt is called the Drawer of the Bill; Tho. Hopp;'the htdoner; John Holmes, the Holder, or Possessor ; and Francis Gibson, the Drawee, or Accepter. B Q INTRODUCTION. j^Q jl London on Amsterdam. 4850 Gnilders, 16 Stivers, London, 9th June, 1817. At Usance, pay this my first of exchange to Mr. Edw. Vanderkempt, or order. Four thousand eight hundred and fifty guilders, sixteen stivers, value received, and place the same to account, as per advice. Mr. Thomas Hopp, ) Francis Gibson. Amsterdam. y Remark. — Bills of Exchange are mostly drawn iu the Money of the Places where they are to be paid. If the Sum be expressed in the Money of the Place where it is drawn, the Rate of Exchange should be mentioned, or it may be drawn payable at the Current Exchange, which, in that case, is settled between the Parties, according to the rate which prevails when the Bill falls due. No. Til. Paris on LoNDOiir. 3765 Livres, 15 Sous, at 2,5^d. Paris, 8th April, 1817. Two Months after sight, pay to the order of Messrs. Stirling, Hunter^ and Co. Three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five livres, fifteen sous, Toumois exchange, at '2b^d. per eco. for value received, as advised. Mr. John Parker,) O. Thurneyson & Sons. London. j No. rv. London on Paris. Exchange, 9600 Livres Toumois, London, \AthJuly, 1817. At Double Usance, pay this my first hill of exchange (second and third not paid) to Mr. Rob. Rainey, or order. Nine thousand six hundred livres, Toumois, value received, and place the same to account, as per advice. ^^' ^^^l^^ I^^"«^' J James Hill & Co. Remark. — As a security against accidents or delays. Merchants frequently make out three or four Bills at the same time, all of the same Tenor or Date, which are called a Set of Exchange. These are transmitted by different Ships, or Posts> and when one of them is paid, the others are of no force. In drawing the second Bill, write, My first and third not paid. In the third Bill, My first and second not paid. No. V. Hamburgh on London. £263//17s. Hamburgh, 10th April, 1817. At Three Months after date, pay to the order of Messrs. Holfordp Rucker, and Co, Two hundred and sixty-three pounds, seventeen shillings, value received, and charge the same to the account of Mr. John Noi DuFay, 7 Moses Reiss. London. 3 Entered, No. 219. In case of need, apply to Messrs. Ellis and Co. Remark. — When Merchants draw Bills on a House which they suspect may not be inclined to come under more obligations, or in case of an accident happening with the drawee, such as a failure or disappointment, it is common to write, either at the foot of the Bill, or on a small piece of paper attached to it. In case of need, apply to Messrs. Ellis and Co., their Correspondents at the Place of payment. This prevents the expense and loss of credit which arise from Bills being returned. MERCHANTS ACCOUNTS. No. VI. New York on London. £237// 12*. New York, IQth January, 1817. Sixty Days after sight, pay this my first of exchange (my second and third unpaid) to the order of Mr. A. B. Two hundred and thirty-seven pounds, twelve shil- lings sterling, value received, and place the same, with or without further advice, to the account of Richard Conder. Messrs. G, & R. Kennedy, 7 London. ) Entered, No. 190. (Set iB.) Accepted, 12d Feb. 1817, G. & R. Kennedy. Remark. — Bills from America and the East Indies are generally made payable at so many days' or months' sight, on account of the uncertainty of their coming to hand at any fixed time. When a Bill is drawn after sight, as the above, the Accepter marks the date of his acceptance, in order to fix the time of payment. The incidents which Bills are subject to, after they are delivered by the Drawer, are Indorse- ment, Acceptance, Payment, and Protest. I. Indorsement is commonly written across the paper on the back of the Bill, and against the end of the lines. It is not necessary to mention the Place and Date; but if a Bill, drawn in England, and also made payable there, be sent abroad in the course of business, an Indorsement dated from a Foreign Place has the effect to bring it under the regulations of Foreign Bills; whereas, if the indorsement be not dated, the Bill, after it is sent back to England, carries no eviden'ie of having been abroad, and is considered as an Inland one. The Possessor of a Bill may indorse it blank, by writing onl}' his signature on the back of it ; and the Bill, in this situa- tion, may pass through several hands, and the last Possessor may fill up the Indorsement in his own favour ; but it is not safe to send Bills by Post, unless the indorsements be filled up. II. The Acceptance is written at the foot of the Bill, as in the foregoing specimens. A Bill should be presented for acceptance as soon as it comes to hand ; and if the -person on whom it is drawn subscribes his Name, or even any other writing which does not imply a refusal, it is suffi- cient to bind him for the payment. If he hesitate with regard to acceptance, the; possessor may mark the date when it is presented, in order to fix the time of payment. In London, bills are generally left at the house of the drawee, and called for next day. III. Payment of a Bill shoiUd be made exactly when due. In order to know when a Bill becomes due, attention must be paid to Usance and days of grace in different countries. In Great Britain and Ireland three days of grace are allowed. The following Table shows the usance and days of grace, in Foreign BUls, with respect to London. London on Usance. Grace. London on Usance. Grace. Amsterdam, Hamburgh, Paris, Madrid, Leghorn, 1 m. date, 1 m. date, 30 dys. date, 2 m. sight, 3 m. date, 6 days. 12 — 10 — 14 — no fixed No. Naples, Genoa, Venice, Lisbon, Dublin, 3 m. date, 3 m. date, 3 m. date, 30 d. date, * 3 days. 30 — 6 — 6 — 3 — " Bills drawn from London on Dublin are, generally, either at Twenty-one days' »ig-W, or Thirty days' date: also at Thirty-one days' sight, Forty-five days' date, and Sixty days' date. 8 INTRODUCTION. IV. Protest, is an indorsement, or writing, in favour of the Holder of a Bill which is not duly honoured. If a Bill be refused acceptance when presented, or payment when due, it must be protested. The Protest is taken by a Notary-Public, in presence of two Witnesses; containing a Copy of the Bill; a relation, that acceptance, or payment, has been demanded, and refused; and for what reason, if any be assigned ; and a declaration, that all Parties shall be liable to the holder foj the value, with all Costs. If the Holder neglect to protest the Bill on the last day of grace, he loses recourse against the Drawer and Indorsers, and can sue the Acceptoronly for the payment. Foreign Bills should be returned, with protest, in course of Post. Iidand Bills may be kept fourteen days, but no longer. The Holder of a Bill, Avhen he is to pay it away, indorses it, by Kriting his Name on the back of it ; and every indorser is liable for the fate of the bill. The person to whom a bill is made payable, must be the first indorser. This transference may be continued through any number of persons ; and in case the Bill, in the event, should prove bad, it generally retreats in the same way it advanced; at least, in the way of courtesy. The Holder, or last Indorser, demands Principal and Costs of the One who preceded him, from whom it is presumable he had the Bill, and so on to another, till it reaches the Drawer, who is finally accountable. In case of diffidence, however, the Holder may sue all the preceding Indorsers and Drawer together. — The fate of Bills, iVb. 190 am/ 201, entered in Journal A,, pages W and 2^, will illustrate these observations. CHAP. III. Bills of Parcels. A Bill of Parcels is a Note of the Quantity and value of Goods sold, which is delivered to the Purchaser, by the Seller, along with the Goods. Glasgow, 3d May, 1817. Mr. William Arnot Bought of A. B. Mule twist, No. 40. 6 bundles, 50 lbs. at 6/6 £l6w6//0 — 4-2. 9 90 — 6/8 30 // // — 43. 10 100 -— 6/9 33//15 // — 44. 8 80 — 6/10 27 // 6 // 8 32 320 lbs. £107 // 6 // 8 Discount 37^ ^ Cent. 40 // 5 // Ditto — 62. 7 bundles, 35 lbs. at 8/8 £14//17 // 6 — 68. 5 25 — 9/1 11 // 7 // 1 — 70. 8 ■ 40 ~ 9/4 18//13 // 4 -£67 // 1 // 8 20 100 lbs. £44//17//ll Discount 42| ^ Cent. 19 // 1 // 7 25//16 // 4 Bill at 6 months. £92 //18 // j Remarjis. — When the Account is a Copy -of Goods sold at the time, the expression is, Bought »f A. B., but if any part of the Account be for work done, or for goods sold at a former period, make it. Dr. to A.B. When the Articles are sold at one time, the Place and Date is written at the top of the Account ; if not, the different dates are pladed in the margin. merchants' accounts. 9 When an Account is to be settled either by Cash or Bill, a receipt is granted at the foot, in vhich the manner of settUng it is expressed. If a partial Payment be made, it is placed imder the Account, and subtracted. If several partial payments be made, they are short-extended, and their sum subtracted. In making out an Account of Goods formerly sold, it is sufficient to express only the date and sum of each Bill of Parcels ; and refer, for particulars^ to the Account which was sent with the Goods at the time of purchase. By referring to the date of the above Bill of Parcels in the Day-Book, it will be seen,that the first quantity, 320 lb. is Yarn supposed to be sold on commission, and guaranteed by the owner of the books ; in which case no distinction from his own yarn is necessary to be made in making out the Bill of parcels. The last 100 lb, is supposed to be his own yarn. An account of the above is made out in the following manner : Mr. WiUiam Arnot Glasgow, 1817. , To A. B. Dr. May 3. To Cotton-Yarn, Bill a 6 m. as ^ Account rendered, £92//18 // June 5. By your Promissory Note, this date, at 6 months, , 92//18 // Remarks.— With propriety, the word Dr. should be annexed to the name of the purchaser (i. e. in the present instance Mr William Ariiot, Dr.) but, out of eourtesy, it is usual either to annex or prefix it to the Seller's name ; and it is sometimes omitted altogether. Messrs. Kibble, Forster, & Cou Glasgow, 4th May, 1817. Bill at 6 months. ■ Bought of Gorden, Barron, & Co. Cossaes, 200 Pieces, each 28 yards,' 5600 yards at l/l £303 // 6 // 8 Messrs, Kibble, Forster, & Co, Glasgow, 18th June, 1817. ^ Bills at 6 months. Bought of A. B. okj io " On Account of Marshall, Stewart, and Blacki ~ v ; ^ Muslins, 60 Pieces,^ each 28 yards, 1680 yards, at lid. £77 // // 4 do. 50 24 1200 l/l 65 // // I Cambrics, 100 24 2400 1/4 160 // // £302 // // Remarks. — The two last Bills of Parcels are the forms generally used, when Goods are sold and not guaranteed by the Agent. By mentioning the name of the Proprietor, it shews the Pur- chasers, to whom they are accountable for the debt ; when they grant their Acceptances, they make them payable to the Proprietors accordingly. See Bill received for the first of these Bills of Parcels, in the Chapter on Inland Bills. But when Merchants abroad Consign any produce to this Country, as the several Charges for Duties, Freight, &c. paid by the agent here, are very considerable, it is usual for him to make out the bills of Parcels in his own name, although he should not guarantee the debt; accordingly the purchasers' bills are made payable to his order, and he is re-imbnrsed for the money advanced, with the least trouble. This is done in set D.. C 10 INTRODirCTION. CHAP. IV. Invoices. An Invoice, is an Account of Goods sent off generally by Sea, either in consequence of an Order from the Person to whom tliey are sent, and at his risk, or consigned to him for Sale at the rfck of the Owner. Invoice o/430 Barrels Flour, skipped hy Richard Conder, on board the Sally, Kerr master, from New York to Greenock, hy order, for Account, and risk of, and consigned to Mr. A. B. Glasgow. A. B. Glasgow. 430 Barrels American Flour, at 5 Dol. 10 Cents. . Charges. Entry, bond, and Bills of Lading, 7 dol. Cooperage on the whole, 9 Dollars. .. 2193 50 -34 Cartage, wharfage, and other Charges, ... . 22 Commission on D. 2231.98, at 2^ ^ Cent. 55 -14 79 Oi '7'7 Exchange, at 4/6 ^ Dollar, , . . 2287. 77 is £514wl5 // New York, 10th March, 1817. Errors Excepted, Richard Conder. Elucidation. — It will be observed from the above specimen, that the Title, or Preamble, con- tains the name of the Person who ships the Goods, the Master, Place of destination, and the name of the Person to whom they are sent, and at whose Risk. An account is next given of the quantity and value of the Goods, with the marks, if any, exhibited on the margin. The Charges at Shipping are added to the cost of the Goods ; and if there is Commission due for Purchasing and Shipping the Goods, it is generally charged on this Sum. If Insurance be effected by Uie Person who Ships the Goods, he charges a small allowance, generally \ ^ Cent, on the Sum insured. This sum, in order to cover the Premium and other Expences in case of Loss, is allowed to be something more than the Value at Risk. Remarks. — \.st, When an Agent or Shipper of Goods, charges what is called the Long Price, he, either deducts the Drawback from the Sum of the Invoice, or gives his coiTespondent credit for the same when he receives it; but when he only charges the Short Price, he keeps the Debentures, or Drawbacks, to himself. When he receives a Certificate of the landing of the Goods at the destined Port, he is entitled to receive the drawback. U Id, It is common for an Agent, when he Purchases a Cargo on Commission, to transmit the several Shopkeepers and Tradesmen's Bills of Parcels, for Ids Employer's satisfaction ; in which case it is sufficient to express the Sum of these in the Invoice, and refer for particulars to the Bills of Parcels. 3) Cr. .... 470 // 5 // Last Balance, £l24 // // May 16 days to run. June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 230 days. It requires a knowledge of the principles of Book-keeping to understand fully the nature of an Account-Current. We have only to notice at present, that in making out this Account, all the particulars are set forth as expressed in the Journal, and Subsidiary Books, and instead of the collective term Sundries, every reference is supplied. Charles Todd & Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817. July 5. 7. Aug. 15. Dec. 31. July 5. Oct. 10. Nov. 18. Dec. 31. By Cash paid us here hy Finlay & Co. *......... By Net Proceeds of 12 Bales Cotton, due \Oth Oct By Ditto 10 Pun. rum, 18 • 1 Brown, William .•• ....... 2 Balance 4 Crosby, Joseph 2 Campbell, James * 3 Douglas, Lady 1 Dalgleish and Frame 2 Edwards, Joshua 4 Freeman, William 1 Gordon, Miss 2 FOL. Oillepsie, William, & Co. ^ . . . . 3 Hamilton, David, 1 Laing, Mrs. James 1 Parker & Sewell 4 Rowan, John .i 3 Robertson, John 3 Stewart, Francis <, 1 Swanston, Joseph 2 Watson, Hugh, & Co 3 White, Edward • • • 4 (1) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 19 DAY BOOK, OR LEDGER. 1817 Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Jan. George Buchan, Glasgow To 1 piece Irish Linen, 25 yards, @ 4/6 By Cash, in full, Francis Ste\yart, Glasgow. To 2j yards Kerseymere, @ 10/6 I ' do. Toilonet, @ 5/6 By Cash, in full, (abated 4d.). Mrs. James Laing, Glasgow. Jan. To 1 pair Black Stockings, silk, @ 15/. 3 do. White do. @ 14/. Dr. Balance, £2 u 17. William Freeman, Glasgow, To 21 yards Superfine Cloth, drab, @ 20/6 do. blue, % 24/. 3| do. Dr. Balance, £7 'f 1 // 3. David Hamilton, Glasgow. Jan. 8 30 To 4 yards Fine Holland, @ 6/9 11 do. Quilting, @ 11/. ... lido. Toilonet, @ 5/6 ... By Cash, in full, (abated 9d.) Lady Douglas. Jan. To 2 large Silk Shawls, @ 60/. . . 3 do. Handkerchiefs, @ 5/6 1 Parasol, @ 31/6 25 By Cash, in full, 1 // 6 // 3 // 4 // 1| 0//15 // 2// 2 // Dr. Cr. 12 12 U. 10 2//11 // 3 4//10 //O I // 3 // ;)//16 // 6 0// 8 // 3 6 // // 0//16 // 6 1//11 //6 17 27 16 10 17 18 20 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (2) DAY BOOK, OR LEDGER. L4 21 n Joseph Crosby, London. By an assortment of Haberdashery, cash in one 1 month, amount per Invoice, j To Cash paid William Bow, ^ Receipt To Cash remitted, Bill on Downe & Co. at 45 days. Miss Gordon, Glasgow. To 5 yards fine Velvet, @ 21/ 3 do. Satin, @ 15/a 10 do. Silk Lace, @ 14/ Dr. Balance, £14 1/ 1\ i/ G Joseph Swanston, Glasgow. To 1^ yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 23/ 2| do. Woollen Cord, @ 10/ 2 do. Kerseymere, @ 10/6 i do. QuiltiiTg, @ 10/6 By Cash, in full, > ■ « DalgLiEish & Frame, Glasgow. By an Assortment of Prints, and Hankerchiefs, 5^ ) Cent, for cash j To Cash paid them in full, Discount 5 ^ Cent William Brown, Grangemouth. To 7J yards flowered Silk, @ 15/ 23 do. blue Flannel, @ I8^d. 12 do. red ditto, @2ld By Cash, in part, To 6 pair Cotton Stockings, @ 4/ 6 do. Thread ditto, {^4/0 7 do. kid Gloves, at 3/ 6 Hats, @ 0/. 10/6. 12/. 14/. 16/. and 17/. Dr. Balance, £10 // 19 // 11 •» // 5 // J // 6 // 6 7 // // Dr. 2 // 3 // 1 1 I lib 1/ I // 1 I/O 1/ 7vl0.' 5// 12 II Q I //15 // 5 1 I // 1 // I // 4 // I w 8 // 6 I // 1 // 3//17 // 6 8 24 14 25 1 t; 18 11 11 Cr, 33 27 86 4 2 70 2 9 10 17 (3) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 21 DAY BOOK, OR LEDGER. 1817. Jan. 19 Jan. Feb. 24 15 Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. 28 16 Jan. Feb. 28 John Rowan, Glasgow. To 15 yards green Baize, @ 2/3 33* do. Shirting, @ 1/8 ... Received in part, Dr. Balance, £l // 11 // 3 Hugh Watson & Co. Glasgow. To 6 yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 20/ lo'do. do. black do. @ 21/ 8 do. do. drab do. @ 20/6 6 do. Sarcenet, @ 10/ By Bill on William Sinie, 6th instant, at 3 months, 1 due 9th May, j To Cash paid them balance, William Gillespie & Co. Anderston. By Cotton-printed Handkerchiefs assorted, pel- bill 1 at three months, ^ Invoice, j To Bill dated 4th instant, at 3 months, due 7th May Discount 1 ^ Cent ..../ John Robertson, Edinburgh. To 75 yards Russia Sheeting, @ 2/3 50 do. Serge @ 2/11 ........ Packing, , , By 25 yards Russia Sheeting returned, @ 2/3 By Cash in full Discount allowed To 1 doz. Chip Hats. @ 3/. 5/. 7/. 8/6, 10/6, 15/. \ 17/. 19/. 21/. 23/. 24/6, 26/ j Dr. Balance, £8 // 19 // 6 i James Campbell, Glasgow. To 25 yards Dowlas, @ 1/6 30 do. Diaper, (Uj 1/4^ By Cash, in full. !I ".rf* ^rripT; lvl6 // 3 2//15 // 4//11 // 3 3 // // 6 // // 10 //lO // 8 // 4 // C 3 // // 30// 16 //O 0//10 // 3 8 //8 //9 7 // 5 /lO //2 //5 2 /16 //3 12 /14 //O iiQ //& 1//17 1/6 2 // 1 // 3 Dr. 27 51 15 11 14 17 IS 18 110 L6 Cr. 29 51 15 3 18 100 5 17 F 23 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE E^fTRY. W DAY BOOK, OR LEDGER. 1817. Jan. Feb. Feb. 25 Feb. Feb. IS Feb. 28 JosHCJA Edwards, London. By an Assortment Haberdashery, 3 months, and bill 7 at 3 months, ^ Invoice, J By do. do To Cash remitted, Carrick's draft on Moffat & Co. 7 50 days, J Discount, Ih^ Cent, allowed for ditto and pence, Cr. Balance, £17 // 9 // 6 Mrs. Allan, Glasgow. To 20 yards Lawn, @ 3/6 23 do. Gauze, @ 2/ 6 pair women's Hose, @ 3/6 By Cash, in full, Parker & Sewell, London. By an Assortment of Hats, ^ Invoice, To cash, in part, Cr. Balance, £20 // 15 !. Edward White, Glasgow. To 6 pair Cotton Stockings, @ 4/9 5 do. Thread ditto, @ 5/2 By cash in full, (abated 4d.) Balance. To Mrs. James Lain^, . J*/. .V Fol. 1 To William Freeman, . . 1 To Miss Gordon » 2 To William Brown, 2 To John Rowan, 3 To John Robertson, , 3 To Cash in hand, , By William Gillespie & Co. bUl, due 7th May, . .3 By Joseph Edwards, (balance) 4 By Parker & Spell,. ,. 4 By money in hand at opening the Books, 3//10 v 2 // 6 // 1 // 1 // 41//15 // 11 If I/O 1 // 8 // C 1 // 5//10 2//17 // 7 // I // 3 14//11 // 6 10//19//11 1//11 //3 8//19 // 6 50//16 //O 1 7// 19 //fi 20 //1 5 1/ Dr. 32 2 n 13 17 14 44 15 ,v- 46 288 14 Cr. 35 17 4 19 17 20 15 2 83 14 89 300 10 (5) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 23 READY MONEY AND RETAIL SALES BOOK, 1817. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Weekly. Jan. 2 7 15 21 28 1/ 1/ 1//14//3 I/O I/O 1/9 1/ 4 I/O 1/ 1/ I/O 1 I/O 1/6 0//13 // 9 // 5 // 3 0//11 1/6 2//14//10 1 // 6 // 9 0//16 // 7 I //16 // 8 2// 12 I/O 0//16 // 1/ 1/ 1 1/2 1/4 I/O I/O // // 0//14 // 5 1//I8//6 0//li 1/6 0//18 // 1/ 1/ 2// 18 1/1 3//14 // 2 1//19 1/1 2vi2 1/9 1/ 1/ 7 9 5 6 3 s. 3 14 3 2 3 d. 10 2 9 // 6 31 7 3 Feb. 1 3 13 18 24 I/O 1/ I/O I/O //O I/O 0//14 // 1 I/O 1/ I/O I/O 1 1/9 I/O 0//15 // 4 1 //4 //2 1/1 1/6 I/O 1/ 2 1/6 1/8 3 1/1 I/O J 1/11 1/ 1 // 9 // 5 1/ I/O 0//10 1/8 2 1/18 1/ 5 I/O 1/ 0//14 // 1 1//14 1/ 1 2 I/O 1/ 6 5 1/1 1/2 1 1/2 I/O I/O I/O 2//12 1/4 4 1/2 1/8 3//19 // 3 2//16 // 6 I/O I/O 4 10 16 7 2 6 9 1 7 11 5 6 2 9 If 40 15 10 ' CIIECK ON THE BALANCE. Amounts. 1 Fol. Led. 2 3 4 Deduct for William Gillespie & Co's. bill due 7lh May,, Add for Cash in hand, Add for Goods on hand (amount) Dr. 27//16//10 96 // 4 1/ 2 110//16//3 44// 15 // 4 279 //1 2 1/1 b0i/\6 1/ 228//16 1/ 1 288// 14 // 9 517//11 // 4 Cr. 17//18 1/ 7 70 //12 // 9 100 // 5 w 6 83 //9//10 272 // 6 // 8 300 // // Capital 572 // 6 // 8 • Here insert the value of the Goods on hand taken by an Inventory. 24 BOOK-KEEPING BY STNGLE ENTRY. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON SET B. This Set is composed of the same materials as the former ; and where the Business is more extensive than the other is supposed to be, we would recommend the use of two Books — a Day- Book and Ledger. In the Day-Book, we have allotted t\t'0 columns, one for money received, and the other for money paid, which supersedes the necessity of keeping a Cash-Book. The Cash on hand may be checked at any time. It will be observed, that, for the sake of the Learner, every transaction which is not posted in the Ledger, is entered a little farther from the margin, as a distinction from the others. These are. Retail Sales, House Expences, Carriage of Goods, Goods bought for Cash, Repairs of the Shop, or Furniture. Such Sales as happen to be paid within the course of the month, do not require to be entered in the Ledger. Of this kind are D. Hamilton, Lady Douglas, and the like. It is sufficient to mention the settlement at the foot of the Sale, and to carry the sum received into the cash column. We may mark in the folio designed for the Ledger a stroke or dash, thus — or 0, to shew that no account is opened in the Ledger, being already discharged. The Ledger is supposed not to be posted till the end of the month. The sums received for the Retail Sales, and the items paid for incidental charges, are entered weekly for tlie first month, and monthly for the last. In the Ledger, we have so arranged the Accounts, as to have all the Crs. and Drs. following each other. "When the business is extensive, this arrangement will be found very useful before a Balance, and Ave recommend it as preferable to the plan adopted by some Shop-keepers, of keeping two Ledgers, one for the Drs., called the retail Ledger , and the other for the Crs. called the wholesale Ledger. To those who object to the labour of writing a regular Ledger, we have amiexed a kind of Index, with columns for entering the Drs. and Crs. and for the folio of the Day-Book, from which every entry is taken. The two outer columns of Dr. and Cr. are reserved for recording the JBalances owing at the time, when a general Balance is taken, and are not inserted till that time. The other columns shew how much is received and discharged monthly, and the amount is a suffi- cient check on the sums extended to the outer columns, the amount of Avhich should be equal; ta the difference of the inner columns. From the advantages which this Index, of kind 6f Ledger, has, and the ease with which it may be kept, it may be worth while to keep an Index in this form along with a Ledger. It affords such a check against any omission, or error, in posting the Ledger, as scarcely to admit the possi- bility of a mistake passing unobserved. But we think this Index may be sufficient in many cases to answer the purpose of a Ledger. It has the folio of the Day-Book from which the entry is taken, and as in almost every instance tlie Day-Book is referred to when an account of the articles is wanted, so the Ledger, in such cases, is of no more use than an Index in this form. To those who object to the monthly columns for Dr. and Cr., tliis book may be ruled with only one column for Dr. and another for Cr., with the two folio columns of the Day-Book^ the outer- columns in both cases being the same. If this method be followed, it is evident that a larger space under each accomit will be necessary. The Balances in this Ledger are {supposed to be transferred to the new one, which is marked C, being the third letter in the alphabet. (') BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLK ENTKY. 25 DAY-BOOK B. 1 Glasgow, 1st January, 1817. Cash Received. To Cash for amount in hand this day, 2. .'- George Buchan, Glasgow, Dr. To 25 yards Irish Linen, @ 4/6, Francis Stuart, Glasgow, Dr. To 2| yards Kerseymere, @ 10/6, . . £l v 6 w 3 I do. Toilonet, @ 5/6, // 4 // 1 ^ il/rs. James Laing, Dr. To 1 pair blaek'silk Stockings, @ 15/ £0//15 // 3 ditto white ditto, @ ly 2 // 2 // fVilliam Freeman, Glasgow, Dr. To 2J yards Superfine Cloth, drab, @ 20/6, £2//Il // 3 3| do. do. blue, @ 24/. .. 4//10//0 Received for Retail Sales since the 1st, inst. Paid for incidental charges, 8. David Hamilton, Dr. To 4 yards fine Holland, @ 5/9, £l // 3 // 1| do. Quilting, @ 11/ 0//16 // 6 1^ do. Toilonet, @ 5/6, // 8 // 3 30th, Received Payment, (abated 9d.) 9. Lady Douglas, D. To 2 large silk Shawls, @ 60/ £6 // v 3 ditto. Handkerchiefs, @ 5/6, 0//16 // 6 1 Parasol @ 31/6, ; 1,./11 // 6 25th, Received Cash in full, i * a 9 Joseph Crosby, London, Cr. By an assortment of Haberdashery, 1 month, amount ) ^ invoice, * i Miss Gordon, Dr. To 5 yards fine Velvet, @ 21/ £5 // 5 // 3 do. Satin, @ 15/6, 2vl6//6 10 do. silk lace, (§ 14/ 7 // // Carried forward. 5//12 1/ 6 1//10//4I 2//17 //O 7 // 1 // 3 300 2 // 7 // 9 8 // 8 // 33//10//0 14//11 f/6 317 10 10 Cash Paid. 10 10 26 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGI.E ENTRY. (2) Day-Book, nth January, 1817. Brought forward, Paid John Anderson, in full, for Furniture, 12. Received for Retail Sales this week. Paid for incidents . , ditto, , , 14. Joseph Swanston, Dr. To 1|- yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 23/. £2 // 3 // 1^ 2| do. woollen Cord, @ 10/ 1 // 5 // 2 do. Kerseymere, @ 10/6 1 // 1 // I do. Quiltings, @ 10/6 0//7//I0| 27tb, Received in full. 15. Bought for Cash an assortment of Stockings (^Invoice, Dalgleish Sf Frame, Cr. By an assortment of Prints and Handkerchiefs 5 Cent, for Cash, 16. Paid John Foggo for repairs to Shop,. 17. William Brown, Grans;emoutli^ Dr. To 7^ yards flowered Silk @ 15/ £5//12 // 6 23 do. blue Flannel, @ 18|rf. l//15//5^ 12 do. red do. @ 21rf 1 // 1 // 4//17 // 27 // 5 //6 Taken for House Expences, Received for Retail Sales this week, Paid for incidents, — 19. 8 // 0//11 John Rowan, Dr. To 15 yards green Raise, @ 2/5 £l//16 // 3 33 'do. Sheeting, @ 1/8 2//15 // Received i\i part 4// 11 // 3 3 // // 24. - Hugh Watson Sf Co. Dr. 6 yards superfine blue Cloth, @ 20/. . £6 //ft // 10 do. do. black ditto, @ 21/. . 10wl0//0 8 do. do. drab ditto, @, 20/6 .. . 8 // 4 // 6 do. do. Sarcenet, @ 10/ 3//0//0 """ : '.;'ii .illlfH William Gillespie 8f Co. Anderston, Cr, By Cotton Handkerchiefs assorted, ^ Bill 3 months, . . 1//11 //3 27//14 // p 51 // 6 //3 Paid Carriage of Goods from London, Paid M. Ogle, in full, for Stationary, Carried forward. Cash Received. 317 18 14 17 10 340 13 Cash Paid. 11 13 21 14 1 1 46 "i (3) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. '27 DAY-BooK,26th January, 1817. Brought forward, Received for Retail Sales this week, Paid for Incidents ditto 28. ■ Joseph Croshy, London, Dr. To Cash paid William Bow on liis account, ^ receipt, John Robertson, Edinburgh, Dr. To 75 yards Russia Sheeting, @ -2/;} £8 // 8 // 9 50 do. Serge, @ 2/11, 7 // 5//10 Packing, // 2 // 5 James Campbell, Dr. To 25 yards Dowlas, @ 1/6,... £l//I7 if Q 30 do. Diaper, @ 1/4^ 2 // 1 // 3 29. — Joshua Edwards, London, Cr. By an Assortment of Haberdashery, 3 months, and 1 bill 3 months, j 31, _ Received for Retail Sales since the 26th, .' . . Paid for Incidents do. . By Balance of Cash in hand, carried to next mouth,. . 1st February. To Balance of Cash in hand brought from last month, Dr. Mrs. Allan. To 20 yards Lawn, @ 3/(3, £3//10 // 23 do. Gause, @ 2/ 2 // 6 // 6 pair Women's Hose, @ 3/6, 1 // I // 25th, Received Payment, . 4. '- Cr. William Broivn. • f ,9\<» I , . ! '\' By Cash received in part, *».;.....; ;,.... Cr. George Buchan. By Cash received in full, , 6. : ■ ■ Paid carriage of Goods from London, ■.■.■..'.'.*.'. House Expences, 8. : 1 Cr. Parker Sf Sewell, London. By an Assortment of Hats, ^Invoice, .. Dr. Parker Sf Sewell. To Cash paid them in part, Carried forward. 15//17 // 3// 18 //9 35 // 4 // 6// 17 I/O 4I//15//0 Cash Received. 340 6 349 294 13 i I < .'■ 19 13 11 Cash Paid. 46 294 349 19 17 12 6 312 I) f 21 // 2 11 ;C 27 28 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (4) Day-Book, 8th February, 1817. Brought forward, Dr. Edward White. To 6 pair cotton Stockings, @ 4/9, £l v 8 // 6 6 do. thread do. (ti^ 5/2, 1 // 5//10 19th, Received Piiyment, (abated 4d.). Dr. WiUiam Brown. To 6 pair cotton Stockings, @ 4/ £l // 4 // 6 do. thread do. @ 4/9, 1 // 8 // 6 7 do. kid Gloves, @ 3/ 1 // 1 // 6 Hats, @ 8/. 10/0, 12/. 14/. 16/. 17/. 3'/17 n 6 Cr. Francis Stewart. By Casli, in full, and abated 4^d. Cr. John Robertson. By 25 yards Russia Sheeting, @ 2/3 returned,, Cash, in full, and abated 6/9 Cr. Joshua Edwards. By an Assortment ofHaberdashery, 3 months, f^ Invoice, 12. Dr. Dalgleish 8f Frame. To Cash paid them in full, discount allowed, - 13. Dr. Joseph Crosby. To Cash, remitted draft on Downe & Co. 45 days,.. 14. Dr. William Gillespie Sf Co. To Bill dated 4th instant, @ 3 months, 7 ^.. , _ . due 7th May,., i. j Discount 1 ^ Cent, 0//10 // 3 15. Cr. Hugh Watson Sf Co. By their Draft on W. Sinie, 6th instant, @ 3 months. Dr. Hugh Watson Sf Co. To Cash paid them, balance of the above Bill -^ l6. Dr. John Robertson. To 1 doz. chip Hats, @ 3/. 6/. 7/. 8/6, 10/6, 15/. 17/. 10/. 21/. 23/. 24/6, 26/ 2//14 // 4 7//11 // 2//16 // 3 17//1S//6 1 // 7 '/ 9 51 1/6 r/ 3 29 // 3 // 6 8// 19 // 6 Caih Received. 312 Dr. Joshua Edwards. To Cash remitted Carrick, on MofFat 7 x-^^ , . &Cd.@50day.s j £32.11.0 Discount 7^ ^ Cent, for do 2//13 // Cr. James Campbetl. By Cash, in full, . 17. 35 // 4 // 19. Discounted Bill on Sime, due 7th May, and received. Discount (77 days) £0 // 6 // 1. i 28. Received for Retail and Ready money Sales this month. Paid for incidental Charges, By Balance for Cash in hand, ^ 12 14 10 14 3 28 40 402 |13 Cash Paid. 27 6 9 25 24 &2 1 288 18 17 11 402 113 5 (1) LEDGER B. 29 1817 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 12 Feb. 14 Dr. J. Crossby, To Cash paid William Bow, . To Cash, bill ou Dowue, . . . Dr. J. EdwARDSj To Cash, draft on Moffat, . To Discount To Balance at new Ledger, , Dr. Dalgleish&Fram'e, To Cash and Discount, i , . . Dr. W. Gillespie, & Co. To Bill due 7th May, ...... Feb. Jan. To Discount, Dr. Parker & Sewell, To Cash, in part, To Balance at new Ledger, . . Jan. 2 Jan. Dr; &EORGE BUCHAN, To 25 yards Irish Linen @ 4/6 i Dr, F'rancis StewaAt, To Sundries, ........ ; i k . . ; Dr. Mrs. J. LaiNG) To 4 Pair Silk Stockings . . . . 27 1817 Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. 15 London. Cr. By Haberdashery @ 1 month, London. Cr. By Haberdashery, .•.%*... By ditto 12 Jan. 24 Jan. 10 17 Feb. Qlaigow^ Cr. By Prints-and Handkerchiefs Anderston. Cr. By Cotton Handkerchiefs, . 33 10 53 4 19 2 27 5 London. Cr. By Hats, Glasgow. Cr. By Cash, Feb. Feb. 28 Glasgow, Cr. By Cash and odd Pence, . . . 51 41 15 Glasgow. Cr. By balance at new Ledger, . 12 10 17 H 3(0 LEDGER B. (2) 181? Jan. Jao. Jan. Feb. Jan. Dr. W. Freeman, To 6^ yards Superfine Cloth, Dr. Miss GordoNj To Sundries, Dr. William Brown, To Sundries, « To ditto Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Jan. Dr. JToHN Rowan, 19 To Sundries, 28 Dr. H. Watson & Co. ToSundri.es,.. ...,...,..». .. To Cash paid balance, .... Dr. J. RoB£|tTSOK, To Sundries,. ... ........... ,,,,, To 1 dozen Chip Hats,'.". . . . . 14 Dr. J. Campbell, ToSundries,. . ,,4>„'nmn»:**f 11 1817 Feb 8 11 11 19 11 11 28 Feb. 28 16 17 8 19 24 16 18 Feb. 1 ) Glasgow. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, Glasgow. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, 14 11 6 Feb. Feb. '> '.! 28 Gransemouth. Cr, 15 Feb. Feb. 17 By Cash in part,"* By Balance at new Ledger, Glasgow. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, Glasgow. Cr. By Bill on Sime, 9lh May, . . n Edinburgh. Cr. By 25 yards of Sheeting retfi. By Cash, and discount 6/9 . . By Balance at new Ledger, Glasgow. ,^/(J'> By Casbj. ... » • . . •• i^^^^^t.. 5 10 19 15 19 11 11 11 29 2 13 8 |24 16 19 16 18 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 31 Dr. BALANCE. 1817. Fol. Feb. 28 To Mrs. James Laing due me, To William Freeman To Miss Gordon, To William Brown, To John Rowan, To John Robertson, To Cash in hand, -^ Day- ) Book, j To Goods on hand (here insert the amount on hand, if an}') 2 7 14 10 1 8 288 1817. // Feb. 28 3 6 LI 3 6 9 2 Fol By J. Edwards, due him, , , , . 1 By Wm. Gillespie & Co. bill, By Parker & Sewell, By money in hand at com- \ mencemeut, ^ P. B. . . j ''t'»J3''flftlt V Cr. 1719 6i 5716 20 15 300 369 100 oi 'a! Hi,. AN INDEX, Intended to supersede the Labour of fVriting a regular Ledger. finit nl nil*;) /ji. B L P R S w George Buchan, . . William Brown, . . Joseph Crosby, . . James Campbell,. . Dalgleish & Frame, Joshua Edwards,. . William Freeman, Miss Gordon, .... W. Gillespie & Co. Mrs. James Laing, Parker & Sewell,.. John Rowan, .... John Robertson, . . Francis Stewart, . . Hugh Watson & Co. Cash, Pa. Daj Bo. January. Dr. Pa. Cr. 5//12 // 6 8 // 8//11 8//13 // 7 // 1 // 3 I4//11 //6 2//17 // 21 trO I/O 4//11 v3 15//17 // l//10//4^ 27//14 // 117//16//9I 317^1 8 //lO 22//14//11 9 // 5 // 6 5//12//e 33//10//0 27 // 5//9 35 // 4//0 61 // 6//3 41//15//0 3 // 0//0 Pa. 197//13//6 0//10//4 45//10//8 9 // 4//4 February. Dr. Pa. 7//llv0 24//17//0 3//18//9 27 // 5//9 35 // 4//0 51 // 6//3 8//19//6 1 // 9//6 160//11//9 17 // 9 1/6 90//10//0 Cr. 5 // // 3//18 // 9 17 //19 // 6 Bill due 7th May. 15// 17 vO 1 //lO // 4| 29 1/3 1/6 73 1/9 i/lh // 6 // 9 ] //11//11 j Goods on hand (here insert the amount,) Money in hand at opening the Books, . Balance 28th Feb. Dr. Cr. 10 19 11 • 17 19 6 7 1 3 14 11 6 50 16 // 2 I? // 20 15 // 1 11 3 a 19 6 46 5 89 10 6 288 14 9 300 // 1/ 134 15 2 389 10 6 32 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY, PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON SET C. Day-Book. Every transaction to be posted into the Ledger, is entered in this Book. Th^ particulars of the Purchases and Sales are not inserted, as the writing of them would take up tinie without answering any good purpose her6, and bedause these are given in the following Set, which is formed from the same materials* We do not approve of copying the particulars of the Purchases, because, when any reference is necessary to any Invoice, the original one should be consulted. It -wiW be found very useful to have the Day-Book arranged witli colunnis, for entering the Goods bought and sold. Other columns may be added, as the nature of the Business may require ; such as a column for Money-sales, and Sales oh Credit ; and when these are added at the end of each month, they Avill shew what proportion the Sales bear to the Purchases; which last may be diminished or extended according to circumstances. The entries of G oods returned, and of those where allowance has been given for short measure, require a second entry in the Ledger, as that book is supposed in this set to be posted daily. But in Set D these second entries are avoided, because the Ledger is posted only monthly, and there- fore these circumstances can be known and rectified before they be posted into the Ledger. In this Set and the last we have given two methods of expressing the entries in the Day-Book, and the merchant may choose that one which he thinks best; but certainly the method which expresses Dr. or Cr. first, as given in the last month in SetB, is preferable, as at first view it points out to what side of the Ledger the account is to be posted. Ledger. In this book we have given ho reference-column for the Day-Book. Instead of say- ing, as in Ledger D., To or By Cash, when an account is settled on which discount is allowed, we have said. Cash and Discount. In Ledger D. only Cash is mentioned, aS the latter is posted from the Cash-Book, and the former is not. >i.| hH I i; i '.V ' ovrr- 1 f ■ .'li ) A riwc.' lU' s\ QHl 1 ov> Mv^tr- oTi r (I) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRT. 33 DAY-BOOK c. Glasgow, March 2cl, 1817. James and Hugh Evans, Manchester, Cr. For Assortment of Corduroys purchased, ^ bill @ 2 raos. William Ainsworth, Manchester^ Cr. For amount of 9 pieces Dimity, Cash in 1 month, .... John and Daniel Beckford, Manchester, Cr. For amount of Goods purchased, present bill at 30 days, 6. Bought for Cash, Goods assorted, amount entered in C. B Thomas Kendal, Manchester, Cr. For amount of Goods purchased, Cash in 1 month, , . 8. Muir and Gray, Glasgow, Cr. For an assortment of Corduroys purchased, ^ bills @ ) 1 and 2 months, ^ 9. Palmer and Smith, Glasgow, Cr. For 5 pieces Cambric and 22 pieces Calico, ^ bill @ 3 mos. 18. . r James Tail, Kilsyth, Dr. To Goods sold him @ 3 months, . , . , John and Daniel Beckford, Dr. To my acceptance of their Draft in favour J. Smith, 7 and Co. 2d inst., @ 30 days, j William Taylor, Dr. To 5 pieces Calico sold him, , 19. Murray and Steven, Glasgow, Dr. To Goods sold ^ bill @ 3 months, Alexander Adams, Falkirk, Dr. To 12 pieces Calico, 336 yards, @ 1/6|, bill @ 2 mos. 20. James Walker, Glasgow, Dr. To Goods sold @ 3 months, Sold for Cash, 26| yards mixed Cord, @ 3/7 Discount 2^ ^ Cent Entered C. B. Carried forward, I 38//13//3 4//l4//ll^ // 2 // 5| Goods Bought. 71 32 38 25 29 95 48 13 12 340 Goods Sold. 30 17 6 12 8 10 26 25 19 113 10 18 34 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (2) Day-Book, March 22d, 1817. Andrew Dalgldsh, Falkirk, Dr. To Goods sold @ 2 months, . . . Brought forward. Thomas Kendal, Dr. To 2 pieces Dimity, 118 yards, being damaged, packing 6d. . . , 23. I8|d, returned 7 John Jervey, Glasgow, Dr, To 3 pieces Calico, 84 yards, @ 1/6|., sold him, .... Alexander Adams, Cr. By his Acceptance dated 19th March, @ 2 months, . . 25. Thomas Kendal^ Dr. To Cash, remitted him More's draft on Downe@45days, 26. Thomas Balfour^ Stirling, Dr. To Goods sold (ffi 3 months, Muir and Gray, Dr. To my Acceptance of their Draft dated 7 r-.-, ^ , ^ 8th inst., @ 1 month, j ^^^"^^ " ^ Ditto @ 2 months,.. .. 47//10 // 8 James Douglas, Stirling, Dr. To Goods sold @ 2| #' Cent, for Cash, William Taylor, Cr. By Cash in part received of him, 28 — Andrew Dalgleish, Dr. To Goods sold @ 2 months, 29. Andrew Dalgleish, Cr. By his Bill on Gow, dated r2th February, @ 4 months. 25// 18 // C 20 // // (i 95 // 1 // 8 5 // // 28 1/ 5 I/O Goodi Bought. 340 340 10 8 10 Goods Sold. 113 8 14 11 21 185 16 14 (5) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 35 Day-Book, April 3d, 1817. William Ainsworth, Dr. To Cash remitted More's draft on Downe & Co. 45 days, £3l//ll // Discount 11^ Cent, allowed 0//16 // 4. ArLay Sf Harvey, Glasgow, Cr. For Goods bought at 3 months, James Walker, Dr. To Goods sold at 3 months, Thomas Hay, Glasgow, Dr. To 3 pieces white Calico, , David Stirling, Greenock, Dr. To Goods sold @ 2^ ^ Cent, for Cash or 3 months,. . James Tail, Dr. To 24i yards worsted Cord at 3 months, i. . . Andrew Dalgleish, Cr. By 1 piece 12 yards Cambric @ 3/. returned being too thin, Taken for my own use, 4^ yards fancy Cord, Palmer Sf Smith, Dr, To my Promissory Note, 4th inst. at 3 months, .... 8. James Douglas, Cr. By Cash received in full, £11 // // 6 Discount 2| ^ Cent.. //5 //6 William Lyle, Greenock, Dr. To Goods sold at 2 months, Murray Sf Steven, Cr. By their Promissory Note, 4th inst. at 3 months, .... 0. . John Jertey, Cr. By Cash received in full, _ ji. Alexander Adams, Dr. To 18 yards printed Quilting, @ 4/8, at 2 months . . 12. Sold for Cash, 2 pieces Calico, 56 yards, @ 18^d Discount for Cash, Entered C. B. Carried forward. 32 // 7 // 48 //12 // 6 11 tf 6 // 26//10 // 6 6 // 9 // 6 4 // 6 // 4 // 1 // 4 Goods Bought. 11 1 16 Goods Sold. 11 15 19 10 16 10 4 44 14 3a BOOK- KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (4) Day-Book, April r2th, 1817. Goods Bought. Goods ^ctd. Brought forward, James Walker, Cr. By his acceptance of my Draft 8lh inst., at 3 months, James Cochran, Paisley, Dr. To Goods sold at 3 months, 15. John Ramsay, Ayr, Dr. To Goods sold at 2 months. George Bonnar, Leith, Dr. To Goods sold @ 2| Mar. 26 Mar. 26 Apr. 26 Dr. Alex. Adams, To Goods, bill at 2 months Todilto, Dr. James Walker, To Goods, at 3 months, . . . Toditto Dr. Andrew Dalgleish, To Goods, at 2 mouths,. . . To ditto, , Dr. John Jervey, To Goods, Dr. Thomas Balfour, To Goods, at 3 months, . . . Dr. James Douglas, To G oods, 2^ ^ cent for cash, Dr. M'Lay & Harvey, To Cash and discount, . . . . 10 9 6 14 11 11 1817 Apr. Mar. Apr. Apr. Mar. Apr. Apr. 12 Apr. Apr. 8 Apr. 30 Glasgow. Cr. By Bill due, 7th July, Falkirk. Cr. By Bill, due 22nd May,. . . . By Balance, at new Ledger, Glasgow. Cr. By Bill, due 11th July, . . . , 25 4 30 Falkirk. Cr. By Bill, due 15th June, By Goods returned, By Balance, at new Ledger, Glasgow. Cr. By Cash, Stirling. Cr. By Balance, at new Ledger, •f A JI I.: A 1 . 1 > V Stirling. Cr. By Cash and discount, ... Glasgow. Cr. By Goods, at 3 months, . . . , 26 to 18 4 23 30 10 10 14 LI 11 42 LEDGER C. '(3) 1817 Apr. Apr. 4 Dr. Thomas Hay, To Goods, Apr. Dr. David Stirling, To Goods, 2|<^Ct. for Cash, Dr. William Lyle, To Goods, at 2 months,. To ditto, 19 Apr. 12 Apr. 15 Apr. 15 Apr. 17 Apr. 20 Dr. JAMEf Cochran, To Goods, at 3 months,. . Dr. John Ramsay, To Goods, at 2 months, . . . . Dr. George Bonnar, To Goods, 2| f Ct. for Cash, Dr. William Hamilton, To Goods, at 2 months,. . . . Dr. David Ferguson, To Goods, at 2 months,. . . 11 10 5 1817 Apr. Apr. 9 9 19 18 18 Apr. Apr. 10 18 Apr. Apr. 30 Glasgow. Cr. By Cash and discount, . . . . Greenock. Cr. By Cash and discount, . . . . Greenock. Cr. By Cash and discount, . . . By Balance at new Ledger,' Paisley. Cr. By Goods returned, ...... By Balance at new Ledger, 19 6 11 10 16 5 30 13 14 IP Apr. Apr. 30 80 Ayr. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, Leith. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, 10 19 4 Kilmarnock, Cr, By Balance at new Ledger, 13 Glasgow. Cr. By Balance at new Ledger, 14 18 (4) LEDGER C. 43 Dr. Hugh Gow, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Apr 25 To Goods @2i^ Cent, for Cash, 12 1817 Apr 30 By Balance, 12 Dr. Balance, 30th April, 1817. C r. To James Tait, due by him, . . Fol. I To Alexander Adams, 2 To Andrew Dalgleish, To Thomas Balfour, To William Lyle, 3 To James Cochran, To John Ramsey, To George Bonnar, To William Hamilton, . . To David Ferguson, To Hugh Gow, 4 To Cash in hand, . ^^ t\ «r. HT c 25//18 // 22 May, j To Goods on hand, 37 14 4 4 4 // II 12 10 14 8 9 6 2 4 7 5 10 9 1 10 19 4 9 13 // 1 14 18 // 12 9 1 758 16 5 91 12 10 989 IC 1 1 By J. & H. Evans, due to "> ^ , , them.f'C. B Jlol. 1 By Bills under acceptance, viz. Muir «& Grav's, due ) .. ,„ ^ nth May, \ 47^/10.8 Palmer & Smith July 7, 48//12 v 6 J. & H. Evans, June 20, 2C//13 // By Money in hand at opening the | Books, \ Net Gain since> 41 125 800 967 21 989 16 16 // 12 17 10 5 2 \i 7 6 1 INDEX. FOt. Ainsworth, William 1 Adams, Alexander. 2 Beckford, John & Daniel 1 Balfour, Thomas v 2 Bonnar, George .^,...4 3 Balance, 4 Cochran, James 3 Dalgleish, Andrew 2 Douglas, James 2 Evans, James & Hugh , 1 Ferguson, David 3 Gow, Hugh, 4 Hamilton, William 3 Pot. Hay, Thomas * ^ » .... 3 Jervey, John „ 2 Kendal, Thomas 1 Lyle, William 3 Muir & Gray, 1 Murray & Steven, 2 M'Lay & Harvey, 2 Palmer & Smith, 1 Ramsay, John 3 Stirling, David 3 Tait, James 1 Taylor, William 1 Walker, James 2 44 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTHY. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON SET D. Invoice Book. The figwre on the margin of the Invoices refers to the page of the Book of Wares, in which tliey are entered. It was necessary to give the Numbers of the Goods very minutely, for the sake of the Learner, otherwise he could not have entered them distinctly in the Book of Wares, because tlie same kind of Goods is sometimes expressed differently in the Invoice and Sales Book. As a Book of Wares, or Stock-Book, is used in the present Set, it is necessary to give the particulars of the purchases, in order to enter them into that Book. . To have extended this Set, by introducing a greater variety in the Articles, would have served no good purpose; because, if the method be approved of, with the specimen here given, it will be found applicable to whatever articles in which a Merchant in this line may be supposed to deal. Sales Book. It has already been observed, that the materials which compose Set C, are the same as in the present. The first, or left-hand column, contains the folio of the Ledger where the Purchaser's Account is opened ; the next figure refers to the page of the Book of Wares, where the Articles are entered ; then follow the description of the Goods, with their number, from the Invoice-Book ; and, lastly, the pieces, with the number of yards, and the price. In such a Business as the present, we recommend to enter the Sales by themselves, as is here done. By adopting this plan, it will gl-eatly facilitate the operation of checking the Stock on hand, and will be less liable to mistakes, as we have only to look over such Transactions as are entered in the Book of Wares. To curtail the number of Accounts in the Ledger from that of Set C, and to answer every good purpose, we have classed those Sales where the payments are to be made within a few days, imder the denomination of Money Sales. That x\ccount is debited with the Amount of such Sales, expressing the Person's name, and the day of payment, when known. When these are paid, each is credited oppoMte to its corresponding debtor. By this means, the Persons who constitute the Balance of this Account will be as readily seen as any other in the Ledger. Cash-Book. As the Cash is posted from this Book, we think it better to enter here only such Sums as are posted into the Ledger, than to enter every sum promiscuously, as is done in Cash- Book C. Every other Sum received, or paid, may be entered apart by itself in the form here given ; and when a general Balance is made, the difference of the two sides of these is entered on the pro- per side of the principal Cash-Book. If this method is not followed, the whole Cash may be entered in one Book, and those sums which are not carried to the Ledger, may be entered a small space from the margin, as a distinction from the other entries. Bill-Book. The Bills are here recorded at the time they are received, or accepted, and no further notice is taken of them until tliey are paid or discounted, when they are placed to the pro- per person's debit or credit. Ledger. Had it been agreeable to System, we might have here opened an Account of Goods; and we would recommend it to to those who are in this line of Business to do so. The Day-Book has two columns for Dr. and Cr. or for the amount of Goods bought and sold; so that, by opening an Account of Goods in the Ledgei:, it will exhibit the amount of the Purchases and Sales, with the profit or loss, in a concise point of view. Book of Wares. In the upper columns of this Book are entered the particulars of the Piir- chaises, Avith every charge added to the Invoice. The under part of the page contains the Sales. The first column refers to the page of the Sales-Book. This Book should nearly keep pace with the Sales-Book, and it will be found extremely useful; and at the time of taking stock, nothing will remain to be done, but to go through the whole Goods, and mark them off as you go along. See end of the Sales-Book for the Stock of Goods on hand. This Book should have a copious Index to every article in which the Merchant deals ; and care should be taken not to render it complex, by having more than five or six columns on one page. (I) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 45 INVOICE BOOK No. I. Manchester, 2d March, 1817. Mr. A. B. (J jjuiitr Bought of James & Hugh Evans. No. 19, Olive Tabby Cord, 4 Ends, 125 yards, @ 1/9. £l0//18//9 , « x,,^. 23, Do. Genoa do 2 do. 56 do. 5/-2- ft // 1 ,/ 4 '**^'^^ 43, Fine, do. do. 2 do. 49| do. 61, Do. do. do .2 do. 69| do. 1* 33, Drab, do. do ..2 do. 49| do. 62, Do. do. do 2 do. 46§ do. 73, Olive Constitution Cord,.... 1 do. 33| do. 36, Fine Olive Velveteen, . . 2 do. 48| do. 2 38, Do. Drab, do 1 do. 46 do. Pillow Fustian, 6 Pieces, 18/6, Sheets and Cord, 0//12 rr 2/2, 6 // 1 // 4 2/9, 6//16//11 3/. 8 //IS // 6 2/11, 7 // 4 // 41 3/2, 7 // 7 // 3 2/2, 3//12 // 7 2/10, e//17 // 5 3/4, 7 //13 a/ 4 18/6, 5//11 // Bill at 2 Months. 71 //12 // 8 Deduct 1| yards short measure, @ 2/2, of No. 73. // 3 // 3 £71 // 9 // 5 Entered in Led. Fol. 1. No. II. Manchester, 2d March, 1817. Mr. A. B. BouGHt of William Ainsworth. No. 1, Fancy Dimity, ,... 2 Pieces, 112 yards, @ 12|d. £ 5//19 // 3 3, Ditto, 7 do. 381 do. 16|d. 26 // 3// 10 J Sheet and Packing, , 0//4//l| 1 Month. £32 // 7 // Entered in Led, Fol. 1. No. III. Manchester, 2d March, 1817. Mr. A. B. Bought of J. & D. Beckford. T^o. 8, I White Calicoes, 22 Pieces, @ 24/. £26 // 8 // 3 19, Fancy Dimity, 3 do. 174 yards, 12^d. 9 // 1 // 3 Nankeen, 54 do. 12|d. 2//16 // 3 .: js i(fa Making up, // 7 // 9 Present Bill at 30 days, 7 £38//13 // 3 Payable in Glasgow, j" Entered in Led. Fol. 1. No. IV. Manchester, 6th March, 1817. Mr. A. B. bouGHT of William Richardson. No. 12, Plain Grandrel, 2 Pieces, 75^ yards, @ I4d. £ 4 // 8 // 1 14, Striped Do 1 do. 47^ do. 16^d. 3 // 5 // 3| 4 13, DrabTwillet, 2 do. 101^ do. 16d. 6//15//4 18, Printed Quilting, 60 do. 3/6, 10//10 // Sheet and Cord, // 6 // 4 £25 // 5 // At same time settled hy Cash, • These figures on the margin refer to the Book of Wares, where the Sales are entered. M M INVOICE BOOK. (2) No. V. Manchester, 6th March, 1817^ Mr. A. B. Bought of Thomas Kendal. No. 6, Dimities, ............... 4 Pieces, 226| yards, @ IS^d. £17// 4// 5^ 5 16, Do. 2 do. 119| do. 20id. 10 // 1 // 7| Fancy Cord, 6 do. 6/6, 1//19//0 29 // 5 // 1 Deduct making up, // 5 // 1 ' £29 // // 0> 22d, Returned, for being damaged, 2 pieces Dimity, 118 yards, @ 18|d. 8//19 // 5| Packing, // // 6| - ' ■■ ' ■■■ 9 // // O 1 Month. Entered in Led. Fol. 1. £20 // // 0^ No. VI. Glasgow, 8th March, 1817.. Mr. A. B. Bought of Muir & Gray. No. 90, Olive, 6 shaft Cord, 66 yards, @ 2/2|, £ 6// 3// 8 30, Do. Woollen do 100| do. 2/3, 11 // 6 // 1| 69, Drab back and face do 49 do. 2/10, 6//18//10 18, Do. 9 shaft do 51^ do. 2/11, 7//10 // 2j 6 49, Do. Constitution do.... 49 do, 2/11, 7 // 2//11 88, Do. do. do 49| do. 3/0|, 7//10//6| 66, Do. back and face do 26^ do. 3/2, 4//3//11 91, Do. Woollen Cord, 75j do. 4/6, 16//18//7i 64, Mixture Cord, 23| do. 4/6, 5 // 6//lo| 6 9, While Calico, 20 pieces, 22/. 22 // a // Bills at 1 and 2 months, 1 £95 // 1 // 9 Payable in Glasgow. 3 Entered in Led. Fol. 1. No. VII. Glasgow, 9th March, 181T. Mr. A. B. BacGHt of Palmer & Smith. . No. I*. I Cambric, white, .. 4 Pieces, ea. 12— 48 yards, @ 2/2, £ 6 // 4 // ^ 2, f Do. do..... 1 do. 12 do. 2/6, 1//10 w 21, I Calico, buff, ......22 do. ea. 28-^16 do. 16/^ 42 // 7 // 49 // 1 // Deduct 1 ^ Cent, on the Prints // 8 ^ 6 Bill at 3 Months. ■ £48//12 // 6 Entered in Led. Fol. 1. No. VIII. Glasgow, Ath April, 1817. f Mr. A. B. Bought of M'Lay & Harvey. Twilled Cotton Cloth, 1 Piece, 28 yards, @ 13d. £l//10//4 7 Fine Calico buff, 1 do. 28 do. 17id. 2//0vl0 Muslin, 1 do. 24 do. ^Od. 2 v // 3 Mouths, or 2| «^ Cent, for Cash. £5//ll // 2 Entered in Led. Fol, 2. Glasgow, 6th April, 1817. Returned by Andrew Dalgleish, Falkirk, 7 f Cambric No 2. 1 piece, 12 yards, @ 3/. £lwl6//0 Enteied in Led. FoL 3. (1) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTKY. 47 SALES-BOOK D. Glasgow, 18th March, 1817. Yards Sold James Tail, Kilsyth, 3 mos. or 2| ^ 3* Faucy Dimity, No. Do/ do 5 Drab Constitution Cord, . . 6 Mixt Worsted Cord, White Calico p Cent, for Cash, 1 3 18 91 9. 2 pieces,. . Glazing 2 Pieces 8d. Sheet and Cord 3/. Sold William Taylor, Glasgow, 6 White Calico, No. 9. 3 pieces, , 3 Do. do 8. 2 do. . Glazinsr, . -19. Sold Murray &^ Steven, Bill at 3 taos, 4 Fancy Dimity, No. 6. 5 Olive" Cord, 30. 2 Pillow Fustian, 6 White Calico, 9. 3 Do. do 8. 4 pieces,, 6 do. , 5 do. , Sold Alexander Adams^ Falkirk, Bill at 2 mos. 7 Superfine Calico-plate, No. 21. each 28yds. 12 ps. 20. Sold James Walker, Bill at 3 mos. 4 Black Grandrel, No. 12. 3 Dutch Cord-dimity, 3. 4 South Wallet, 6. 6 Fine Drab Constitution Cord, 88. For Cash, 6 Woollen mixt Cord, No. 66 Off2|f^ Cent, discount,.. 58| 87 24^ 51 54| 26 J 336 25 57J 53| 40| m Price. J/31 1/B| 3/31 5/1 25/ 25/ 28/ 4d. 1/91 2/7 20/6 24/6 27/ ^M 1/5 '/; 1/8 3/5 3/7 Sums. 3 7 4 12 2 25 18 18 6i 7i 3 30 //I7 // 9 5 2 111 H 6 6//12 // 8 26 '/lO // « 19 //4//9 ■" These figures refer to the page of the Book of Wares, where the Sales are entered. 48 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (2) Sales-Book, 22d March, 1817. Sold Andrew Dalgleish, Falkirk, 2 nios. 7 Buflf Calico, No. 21. .. 6 White Calico, 9. . . / 7 ^ Cambric, 1. .. 4 do 2. ., 1 piece, 1 do. 1 do. 23. Money Sales. — Sold JoAw Jerwey, lobepaidDth Apr. 7 Fine Buff Calico, .... No, 21 3 pieces, 26. Yards Sold Thomas Balfour, Stirling, 3 mos. 3 Nankeens, 5 Drab Cord, No. 69. . 1 Fine Double Genoa, . . 33. , Sold James Douglas, Stirling, 2J ^ Cent for Cash, 4 Striped Grandrel, . . . . No. 14 Fancy Quilting, 18 7 f Cambric, 1 28. Sold Andrew Dalgleish, Falkirk, 2 mos. 5 Olive Corduroy, No. 90 Ditto, 30 6 White Calico, 9 4 pieces. Glazing, .... 4 pieces. =4th April^ Sold James Walker, 3 mos. 7 Stout twilled Cotton-Cloth, Muslin, Money Sales.— Sold Thomas Hay, to be paid 18th, 6 White Calico, No. 9. ...... 2 pieces, 3 Ditto, 8. ...... 1 do. Discount. . Sold David Stirling^ Greenock, 2J ^ Cent, for Cash, 4 Drab Twillet, No. 13 Hair-cord Dimity, .... 16 56 12 12 84 28 49 26 48 12 36 56 74 28 24 m 58 Price. 1/61 26/ 2/5 3/ 1/6} 1/6 3/4 mi 1/8 4/8 2/6 2/6 2/7 26/ 4d. 1/9 25/6 28/6 I/IO 5m»w. 6 6 9 16 8//17 // 4 14 // 8 // 9 16 10 11 4 1 11 // 6 // 2i//16//6 13 2 10 3//15//10 11 8 19 1 3vl8 // n 4 11//10 // 5 (^) BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 11) Sales-Book, Gth April, 1817. Sold James Tail, Kilsvtli, 3 mos. 6 Gr6y Worsted Cord, No. G4. 4 Fancy Ditto, Taken for my own Use^ 4 Fancy Worsted Cord, 6Mixt 3/1 3/6 1/8 Sums. 5 12 1 IS 2 n 10 9 6// 16 // 7 10 1/3 1/0 4 //4 I/O 14 14 .7/! 10^ 7 // 5//10 9 // 1//10 19 // 4 // 9 13 I/O f/l N 50 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (4) Sales-Book, 20th April, 1817. Sold David Ferguson, 2^ ^ Cent, for Cash, or 2 luos. 1 Olive Genoa Cord, No. 23 1 Ditto ditto,.., 61.... 2 Drab Velveteens, 38 Pillow Fustian, 1 piece. Money Sales. — Sold Hugh Gow, to pay 2d May, 2 Fine Olive Velveteen, .... No. 36 5 Drab Constitution Cord, 49. -26. Sold William Lyle, Greenock, 2 mos. 1 Olive Tabby Cord, No. 19. 1 Drab Genoa, 33. Yards Price. Sums. 28 33 23 24A 49 23 23A 2/6 3/7 3/0 23/6 3/6 3/4 3/3 3 5 4 1 10 18 6 3 3 3 6 4 8 2 3 5 3 9 4 6 16 4i 14// 18 II 12 // 9 // 1 6 // 2 // 4 Inventory of Goods on Hand, 30/A JpnV, 1817, (asperBookof Wares.)* Fol. 1. No. 19. Olive Tabby Cord, ....» . 65 yards, at 2ld. £4//16//3 — 23. Do. Genoa do 28 do. 2/2, 3 // w 8 2. 36. Fine Olive Velveteen, .... 24 do. 2/10, 3 // 8 // — 38. Do. Drab do 23 do. 3/4, 3//16 // 8 — — Pillow Fustian, 1 piece, 18/6, 0//18 // 6 3. 3. Demities 179| yards, 16|d. 12 // 6 // 5^ — 19. Ditto, 174 do. 12|d. 9 //I// 3 — 8. White Calicoes, 12 pieces, 24/. 14 // 8 // — — Nankeen, 26 yards, 12|d. 1 // 7 '/ 1 4. 12. Plain Grandrel, 26 do. 14d. 1//10 // 4 — 18. Quiltings, 30 do. 3/6. 5 // 5 // 6. 91. Woollen Cord, 24j do. 4/6. 6 // 9 // 1| — 9. White Calico, 1 piece, 22/. 1//2//0 7. 2. 4 Cambric, ., 12 yards, 2/6, 1//10//0 — 21. I Buff Calico ^^ 38 do. 16^d. 1//18//6 £69//17//10 Furniture in Warehouse, as ^ D. Scott's Account, 21 //16 // £91//12//0 This Inventory might have been entered at the end of the iBook of Wares. BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 51 1817 Mar. Apr. 20 21 23 25 15 17 23 PETTY EXPENSE-BOOK D. In which are entered all Sums received and paid, which are not ■posted into the Ledger. Paid David Scott for Furniture for Warehouse, ^ Account, Paid W. Richardson for Goods bought this day, <^| Invoice-Book, .3 Paid for Family Expenses, Received for Goods sold this day, ^ Sales-Book, p. 1 Paid for one stone Moulded Candle, Paid for a Letter from London, Paid for a Bill stamp, Paid Carriage of Goods from Manchester, , Paid Postage for two Letters, Paid for a Bill-stamp, w Received for Goods sold this, day, ^ S. B. p. 3 Paid for a Bill-stamp, Paid for Coals, Paid Porterage of Goods, Paid for Postages, Received for Goods sold this day, ^ S. B. p. 3 Paid for House Expenses, Paid Postage of a Letter from Manchester, Paid sundry Carriages of Goods to Greenock and Ayr, «... 30th April. Balance, Entered to the Credit side of the Cash- Book, Sums Sums Received. Paid. 21 15 II 25 5 II 4 10 II 4 12 6 13 II 1 1 Q\ 2 15 II // // n 4 12 6 55 1 2 // 1 6| 4 5 II // 1 6^ ' // 13 II // // 9 // 3 6 2 6 8 5 // II // // 9 2 4 II 11 4 2 61 4 7 11 4 2 50 " 5 ^« BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. (0 CASII- ;i8i7 Mar. Apr. 8 8 16 18 •26 29 30 Creditors. To William Ta\lor, received of Itim in part, • To Andrew Dalgleish, discounted his iiidor. on r. A¥lI.l.IAM AiNSWORTH , Manchester^ c r. Apr. 1 - 3 ■ To Cash, Downe, & Co. 1 L 82 7 // Mar. 2 By Goods, 1 mo 1 32 7 II 1 " I) \. i John & Dan . Beckford, Manchester. c r. Apr. 4 To Cash paid Bill, ...... J L 38 13 3 Mar. 2 By Goods, Bill @ 30 days ] [\ 38 t 13 3 D r. Thomas Kendal,, Manchester. c r. Mar. 25 To Cash, Downe, & Co. I 20 // II Mar. 6 By Goods, 1 mo \ I 20. // II E >r. Muir & Gray, Glasg-ow. Cr. Apr. 11 30 To Cash paid Bill, I To Balance, o 47 47 11 10 II 8 Mar. 8 By Goods, Bills 1 and j ^ 2 mos. 3 ^ \ 95 1 8 95 1 8 j 1 i Dr. Palmer & Smith, Glas<;ow. Cr. Apr. 30 To Balance, , 48 12 Mar. By Goods, Bill @ 3 mos. 48 12 (2) I.EDGER 1>. OO D r. M'Lay & Harvey ,. Grlasgow. c r. 1817. Apr. 2fi To Cash, 1 5 11 2 1817. Apr. 4 By Goods, 3 mos. or 1 ^ ^ f'Cent...... j - 5 11 2 Dr. James Tait, Kilsyth. c r. Mar. Apr. To Goods, 3 mos. or ) I 2if Cent ly- To Ditto, 3 30 6 37 14 Apr. 30 By Balance, 14 Dr. William Taylor, Glasg-ow. Mar. 18 To Goods,. 12 Mar. Apr. By Cash,. B^ Bittq, Cr. o VI 1-2 Dr '• Murray & Steven, Glasgow. c r. Mar. 19 To Goods, Bill at 3 mos. 1 26 10 6 Apr. 16 By Cash, discounted 7 Rill "Tih Fiilw ( ' 26 to 6 1 Di r. Alexander Adams, Falkirk. c 'r. Mar. 19 11 To Goods, Bill at 2 mos. 1 Td Ditto, t 25 i 4 18 4 // II Apr. 30 By Balance, 1 ;> 30 2 II Apr. 1 1 i 30 2 II Dr.. James Walker, Glasgow. Cr. Mar. Apr. ToGoods,Billat3mos. To Ditto, 19 3 23 9 10 Apr. 16 By Cash, discounted ^ BillllthJuly,...'. ] 1 1 i 1 f 23 1 7 56 tEBGEK D. <3) Dr. Andrew Dalgleish, Falkirk. Cr. 1817. Mar. To Goods, Billat2 mos. To Ditto, 1817. 2 8 17 4 Mar. 29 21 IC « Apr. 6 30 30 13 10 By Cash, disco. BilH on Gow, 15th June, 3 By Goods returned,,. By Balance, 1 1 28 5 II 2| 1 16 II 5 ! // 12 10 '30 13 10 Dr. Money Sales. • Cr. Mar. Apr. To Goods, John Jer- ") ' vey, due 9th April, 3 1 To do. T. Hay, 18th Apr - To do. H. Gow, 2d May, 4 3 12 22 Apr. By Cash, . By Ditto, . Bv Balance, 1 6 9 6 - 3 18 II 5 12 9 1 22 16 7 ■ f Dr. Thomas Balfour, Stirling^. Cr. Mar. 26 To Goods, 3 mos. 1 2 14 8 9 Apr. 30 By Balance, 14 Dr • James Douglas, Stirling. c r. Mar 26T'nOnoHs.9lde'Cent. ^ . ! 11 6 II Apr. 8 By Cash, 1 11 6 II for Cash, 3 • ! D f. Da STID Si "IRL ING, G reenock. c W. Apr. 4 ToGoods,2j^Cent.) g or 3 mos ji 11 10 5 Apr. 18 By Cash, 1 11 10 5 (4) I.EDGER D, 67 Dr. William Lyle, Greenock. 1817. Apr. To Goods, 2 mos. To ditto, 10 6 3 2 It 4 16 5 4 1817. Apr. By Cash,.. . By Balance, Cr. 10 3 II 6 2 4 16 5 4 — Dr. James Cochran, Paisley. Cr. Apr. 12 To Goods, 3 mos. 10 Apr. 30 By Balance, Dr. John Ramsay, Ayr. 10 Cr. Apr. 15 To Goods, 2 mos. 3 9 1 10 Apr. 3G By Balance, 10 Dr. William Hamilton, Kilmarnock. Dr • Ge ORGE Bo NNAR, Leith. c r. Apr. 1.5 To Goods, 2|^Cent.| for Cash, j 3 19 4 9 Apr. 30 By Balance, 5 19 4 9 Cr. Apr. 17 To Goods, 2 mos '3 13 Apr. 30 "Ry Balance, 13 Dr. David Ferg rsoN » Glasgow, C r. Apr. 20 To Goods, 21^ Cent. )L for Cash, ] ^ 14 18 II Apr. 30 By Balance, I , 14 18 II 58 LEDGER D. (5) Dr. Balance, 30th April, 1817. Cr. To James Tait, due by him, Fol. To Alexander Adams, To Andrew Dalgleisb, To Money Sales, H. Gow,.... To Thomas Balfour, To William Lyle, To James Cochran, To John Ramsay, To George Bonnar To William Hamilton, To David Ferguson, '^V^'c*B.^?."'^:}^'32.17//5 ToG.orf*;n*h*and,7 g^^^^2.10 ^ S. B. p. 4, . . 3 2 37 14 4 // 30 2 II 3 II 12 10 // 12 9 1 // 14 8 9 4 6 2 4 // 7 5 10 // 9 1 10 If 19 4 9 It 13 // 1 II 14 18 II 824 989 10 3 10 1 — By J. & H. Evans, due them,. . By Muir& Gray By Palmer & Smith, By Stock, for Cash in hand at opening the Books, C. B. £800 iiO iiO Net Gain since, .... 2liin u 6 71 47 48 821 989 17 iC INDEX. Ainswortli, William, 1 Adams, Alexander, 2 Beckford, John Sc Dan, »^.,.. 1 Balfour, Thomas, 3 Bonnar, George, 4 Cochran, James, 4 Dalgleish, Andrew, 3 Douglas, James, 3 Evans, J. & H 1 Ferguson, David, 4 Hamilton, William, , 4 Kendal, Thomas, •...!« 1 FOt. Lyle, William, 4 Muir & Gray, i M'Lay & Harvey, 2 Murray & Steven, a Money Sales, 3 Palmer & .Smith, i Ramsay, John, 4 Stirling, David, s Tait, James, 2 Taylor, William, , 2 Walker, James, , 2 BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE ENTRY. 59 BOOK OF WARES, OR STOCK BOOK FOR SET D. INDEX TO EACH ARTICLE SEPARATELY. :,; . Page. Calicoes, whFte, ■\,4 . »%,■»* . ^ i, 6, 3 buflF, r.. 7 Cambrics, -f 7 * 7 Cotton-Cloth, twilled, 7 Cords, olive Tabby, 1 olive Genoa, 1 drab Genoa, ^...... . .. 2, 1 olive Constitution, 2 drab Constitution, 6, 5 fancy, 4 olive, 6 shaft, ..» 5 drab, 9 shaft, .«. 5 drab, back and face, ...6,5 mixture, *.....,,, 6 Dimities, fancy, , ,.., 3 Dutch Cord, S south waltet, 4 PusTiAN, pillow, 2 Grandrels, plain, 4 striped, 4 Musrm, , , 7 Nankeens, 3 quiltings, *.... 4 TwiLTETs, Striped, 4 drab, «..^..... 4 Velvetbens, olive, ,..*. 2 drab, ....•., 2 60 BOOK OF WARES. 0) a » 1^ CO CO H|C^ eo o o T3 (/3 Brought forward 20/6, 3/6, 2A 3/9, 23/6, .. 3/6, 36 4 8 3 5 4 62 16 61 tr 9 4 9 9 a m BOOK OP WARES. (3) O iHKN -HKM o o r-l H ^ ::> C5 8 3 O s < 174 174 28 26 54 o Q T3 3 1/34, 1/8J. 28/ 27/ 1/7. .... 1/6 28/6, 28/6, ..... 1/6^ V2^. 11 2 6 4 2 1 2 4 3 39 4 16 15 11 2 8 17 7 5 2i // // // 6 // 10| 3 104 (4) BOOK OF WARES. 63 H W Tjt © % Si S: S: 00 O lO o Tf « CO © C X -"t -^ O CO CO © . t: . S: © lO S: % © -^ «* CO s s o Invoices, Nos. IV. & V. Dated Manchesttr, MarchQth, 1817. Purchased from William Richardson, /or Cash, Thomas Kendal. -HKM CO H a CO CO o © a u S < 8 S ■*-' S3 a> a 4) » Mar. Apr. Murray & Steven, . James Walker, . . . James Douglas,. . . David Stirling, . . . James Tait, For my own use, . William Lyle, , . . Alexander Adams, James Cochran, . Stock, ...... . . . 25 54| 53J 48 12 80^ 58 21 61 24^ 26 18 30 1/9|, .... 1/5, 1/8. 1/8. 4/8, 1/6|, 1/10 7/3, ... 6/6, ... 1/7, 1/10 4/8, . 1/5, . 48 101| 60 108J 4 6 6 11 1 7 4 1 43 15 64 BOOK OF WARES. (5) <0 i-i 03 « Hit © r-l Invoice, No. VI. Dated Glasgow, 8th March, 1817. Purchased frpm MuiR & Gray. -a CO o a •o It o ;s o 6 r-lKN o o 1»% O u S "O o v. Mar. Apr. James Tait, , Murray & Steven, . Thomas Balfour, , Andrew Dalgleish, William Hamilton, Money Sales, •••, 1 1/ / ' If 2 If / ' 56 a ( 1/ 4 I // 56 // 26| // 74 // // lOOi If If 49 // If 49 24^ 27 // 51 i 49 49 3/3^,.... 2/7, .... 3/4, .... 2/6, 2/7, 3/4, .... 3/4, .... 4 3 8 16 4 8 44 8 3 11 10 3 re 7| 4 2 Hi (6) BOOK OF WARES. 65 Oi «0 rH r-l O Hot H'=< 1> O o o s o pa Invoice, No. VI. Continued. o -a Oi 05 ©1 U Mar. Apr. James Tait William Taylor,.. . Murray the Sales, or other Returns. The Balance, after valuing the quantity on hand, is placed on the Cr., and shews the gain or loss. In general, Accounts of Property contain, on the Dr., the value of the property, and all expen^ ses laid out on them ; on the Cr. the sales, or advantages arising from them, such as freights, rents, or the like. The Balance is theg-flm or loss, when the value of the Property, or Subject on hand, is added to the Cr. Thirdly^ FICTITIOUS, or NOMINAL ACCOUNTS,— which are those of Stock, and Profit and Loss. f Stock is used instead of the name of the merchant or owner of the Books; on the Dr. id entered the amount of his debts at commencement; and on the Cr., the arftount of his subject, or^ in other words, the amount of the Cash, Goods, Debts, and other property, then belonging to him^ The difference, therefore, shews his net Stocky or Capital, at that time. * Profit and Loss contains on the Dr. every article of loss, and on the Cr. every article of gain. The difference, when the several Items arising from the closing of the Ledger Accotots are placed to their proper sides, shews the net Gain or Loss on the business. To shorten and methodise the Profit and Loss account, it has been found convenient to open several Subsidiary Accounts, such as the following : Charges, — on the Dr. are entered all Expences paid or incurred on the Business-, which do hot belong to any particular Account; on the Cr., usually the sums we charge our employers for Warehouse or Cellar Rent, Postages, or the like. Sometimes this Account is first Debited with the Charges on Shipments, and then Credited for the same. House, or Proper Expenses, — on the Dr. the sums of money) or the value of any tiling else taken for private use. There is seldom any thing entered on the Cr. ; but there may be part of a Sum which was withdrawn, and not all expended at the time of closing the Books-. Interest, — on the Dr. all sums paid or incurred by us, for interest or discount on Bills, or odd pence kept off in receiving a settlement; on the Cr. side, the sums for interest, or discount allowed us. Commission, — on the Cr. are the Sums we receive as an allowance for the trouble of transacting business for others. It is not usual to have entries on the Dr. ; and if there be any, it must be Commission which we owe to others ; for instance. Bankers, who allow us to draw Bills on them, and charge a Commission. Insurance, — on the Cr. are entered the preiiiiums we receive for effecting insurance for others on the Dr. the Losses sustained on the same. The Balance shews the gain or loss from being concerned in Insurance. Frequently, however, an Insurance Account is kept without regard to systematic order. It is made Dr. for Sums insured with others, and Cr. when these sums are charged to the respective S 70 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. Accounts on which they are due. The difference of all these Subsidiary Accounts is placed on the proper side of Profit and Loss. When we have posted a few Accounts into the Ledger, it will readily be perceived, that every .Sum which is entered on the Dr. side of the Books, is also entered on the Cr. side ; and it follows from this, that. If all the Accounts in the Ledger be added, the amount of the SUMS OF the Dr, SIDE WILL BE EQU^L TO THOSE OF THE Cr. SIDE. CHAP. III. Op the journal, and RULES for Journalizing. The Journal cont ains an arrangement of the whole Transactions in each mouth, with the £>rs., and Crs. pointed out, that they may be easily posted into the Ledger. The Rules for distinguishing Dr. and Cr. are inferred from the nature of the accounts in thfr Ledger. In Personal Accounts, nothing is plainer than who are Dr. and ( V. ; in actual Business this is not only understood, but felt. The following general Rides will apply in all cases, whether in Personal, Real, Fictitious, or Nominal Accounts. I. PERSONAL ACCOUNTS. The Person, to whom any Article is delivered on credit, is Dr^ The Person, /row whom any Article is received on trust, is Cr. II. REAL ACCOUNTS. Every Article bought, or received, is Dr. Every Article sold, or delivered, is Cr. III. FICTITIOUS, or NOMINAL ACCOUNTS. ^ Profit and Loss, jj°^«^^^y '''*?' ^? ^^' T^ I tor every gain, is. . , Cr. When any entry is to be made in the Journal, we must consider, to which Accounts in th« Ledger it is proper to be placed, both on the Dr. and Cr. sides. As the whole art of Journalizing consists in a proper choice of Drs. and Crs., which is reckoned the most difficult part of Book- keeping, it is proper to be more minute in the Rules ; and that these may be easily referred to, Ave shall arrange them into distinct heads. We begin with the Journal- Entries which occur at the opening of the Books, • First, For the Inventory. Sundries, l>r«,*to Stock. Cash, for the money in hand. Goods, or other Property, for the quantity and value. ^ £ills Receivable, for the bills on hand. Personal Accounts, for the Sums due to us on Open Accounts. Secondly, for the List of Debts we owe. 4 Stock, Dr. to Sundries. To Personal Accounts, for the Sums we owe on open accounts. To Bills Payable, for our Acceptances not due, not paid. * There is a difference among Acconiptants witli respect to using Cr. or Dr. after plnral titles of Accounts. It seems to be the proper way to use tlie plural after Sundries only, and the singular after plural titles, which stand for one Account only, as Bills Receivable, Di.-r^Smith Sf Bafrd, Dr. &c. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 1\ I. CASH TRANSACTIONS. Cash is Dr for every sum received. Cash is Cr for every sum paid. Receiving Money on Discount.* Method 1st. Cash Dr. to A. B. (the Payer) for the net Sum received. — Then Interest Dr. to A. JS. for the discount allowed him. 2d. Cash Dr. to A. B. for the whole sum, — and Interest, or Profit and Loss, Dr. to Cash, for discount, or by the Cash-Book. Debit Cash, and say. To A. B. then. Credit Cash, and say. By Interest for Discoimt. Paying Money on Discount. Method 1st. A. B. (the receiver) Dr. to Cash, for the net sum paid. — Then A. B Dr. to Interest, or Profit and Loss, for discount. 2d. A. B. (the receiver) Dr. to Cash for the full sum. — and Cash Dr. to Interest, qi Pro£t and Loss, for discount. II. BILL TRANSACTIONS. Bills Receivable is Dr for all bills received. Bills Payable is Cr for all bills accepted. Receiving Payment of Bills. Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable, for No. — Some, at the time of receiving a Bill, make no entry farther than recording it in the Bill-Book ; and when it is paid or discounted, they enter Cash Dr. to A. B., on whose account it was received. Paying Bills. .'■■. ad ilia oA] YI ,^.1^ Bills Payable Dr. to Cash, paid No.— ■ ;^^ 5^ -.^ Some also, when they grant or accept a Bill, do not make any Journal-Entry at the time, but only record it in their Bill-Book, and when it is due or paidj the entry is ^|,rB. (on whose account the Bill was granted,) Dr. to Cash, j^>j ^. Discounting Bills, Cash Dr. to Bills Receivable, for the sum of the bUl. — And Interest, or Profit and Loss, Dr. to Cash, for the discount. According to the old Systems — Sundries Drs. to Bills Receivable; Cash, for the proceeds of the Bill ; Interest Account, or Profit and Loss, for the discount. Drawing and Remitting Bills. Method 1st, A. B. (to whom remitted) Dr. to C. D. on Avhom drawn. 2d. Bills Receivable Dr. to C. D.— And A. B Dr. to Bills Receivable. If we purchase Bills on London for cash, to be remitted, we enter A. B. (to whom remitted ) Dr. to Cash, — and when we pay away, or indorse a Bill, which we bad entered, we make A. B. (to whom paid or indorsed) Dr. to Bills Receivable. • In the old Systems, the method of Journalizing fhis transaction, and others of a similar nature, is — Sundries Drs. to A. B.—Cash for the nrt sum received, and Interest, or Profit and Loss, for the discount ; but such an entry is made on the supposition, that the Cash is daily brought through the Journal, which is not according to the improvements of modern practice. 72 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBI.E ENTRY. Renewing Bills. First, If the Bill be in our own hands. A. Bi (the accepter) Dr. to Sundries. To Bills Receivable, for the Sum of the old bill . To Interest, or Profit and Loss, for the Interest added to the new bill. And, then, Bills Receivable Dr. to A. B. for the new bill. These entries suppose that interest is allowed for the time the Bill is renewed, and included in the new Bill. If the interest be paid in Cash, enter Cash Dr. to Interest, or Profit and Loss for the Interest. If Interest be not allowed, there is no occasion for any entry at the time when the bill is renewed. Some, however, would make either of the following entries. Bills Receivable Dr. to Ditto, for the old Bill paid by the new one — or, A. B. Dr. to Bills Receivable for the old Bill — then. Bills Receivable Dr. to A. B. for the new Bill. Secondly, If the Bill be discounted, or paid away. A. B... .. .. .. Dr. to Cash, when you pay his Bill,— -and A. B.., .. .. . .Dr. to Interest, or Profit and Loss, for interest,— then Bills Receivable Dr. to A. B. for the new bill. In these entries we have supposed, that interest is included in the new Bill for the tijlie it is renewed, as is usually done. If the new Bill be drawn for the same sum as the former, and the Interest paid in Cash, there is no occasion to bring the Interest to A, B's. account; it is sufficient to enter. Cash Dr. to Interest, or Profit and Loss for the interest. Protesting Bills. First, If the Bill be in our own hands. Metliod 1st, A. B. (on whose account it was received) Dr. to Bills Receivable. — And A. B k Dr. to Cash, for expences of protest. 2d, A. B « Dr. to Sundries. To Bills Receivable, for the Bill. To Charges, for expenses of Protest. Secondly, If the Bill be discounted, or paid away. A. B...., Dr. to Cash, paid his billj with expenses, — or, A. B Dr. to Sundries To C. D. (to whom the Bill was given) for the amount of the bill, with charges paid by him. To Charges, for additional expenses paid by us. Accommodation Bills. "When we grant our Bill to atiother, without receiving any value, merely for his accommodation, it is sufficient to note the particulars into a Register Bill-Book, and take an obligation from him tJiat he is to provide for it when it becomes due. If he then be unable to pay the Bill, the entry is A.B.Dr. to Cash. III. PURCHASES AND SALES. Goods are Dr. for all Purchases and Charges laid out on tliem. ^T Goods are Cr. for all Sales, or other Returns arising from themi ^^^ Buying Goods. If for Cash, • • .«•».. Goods Dr. to Cash. — on Credit, » Goods Dr. to A. B. the seller. — on Bills, Goods Dr. to Bills Payable. — - on Indorsed Bills,. . • Goods Dr. to Bills Receivable. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 73 If we purchase Goods, partly for Cash, and partly on Credit or Bill — the Seller is credited for the amount of the Goods, and debited for the Cash and Bills. Selling Goods. If for Cash, Cash Dr. to Goods. — on Credit, ,. .. A. B. the Buyer, Dr. to Goods, — on Bill, * Bills Receivable Dr. to Goods. If we sell Goods, partly for Cash, and partly on Credit or Bill, the Buyer is debited for the amount of the Goods, and credited ior the Cash and Bills when received. In these complex cases, we have taken no notice of the methods usxially given hy writers on this subject, as they are obsolete and useless in business. Bartering Goods. First, When the value of the goods received and delivered is equal. Goods received. Dr. to Goods Delivered. Secondly, when the value is unequal. Goods received Dr. to A. B. from whom they are received. — And A. B Dr. to Goods Delivered, When the value of the Goods received is more or less than the value of those delivered, it is best to enter such Transactions as a Purchase and Sale, by crediting A. B. for the amount of his Goods, and debiting him for the amount of the Goods delivered to him. The reason is, that imless the difference be settled either by Cash or Bill, an Account must be opened for A. B., and in that case, it is proper that the extent of our Transactions with him sho.uld appear at his Account in the Ledger, IV. SHIPMENTS ABROAD. Goods may be sent off either as a Sale, in consequence of Orders from the Person or Company to whom they are addressed, or as an Adventure, consigned to our Agent for Sales and Returns. A. B. or Adventure Dr. to Sundries. Method 1 st. To Export Goods, for amount of goods. To Charges, for charges at shipping. 7o Commission.. .. for our commission, if any. To the Broker, . . . for premium of insurance. — Or To Insurance,*.... for premium. or, — 2d, To Goods, for amount of goods and cdlximission on ditto. To Charges for charges at shipping. To Insurance.. .. for premium. or, — 3d, To Goods, for amount, with charges, commission, and insurance. Then make Goods Dr. to Cash, . . for the charges ; and Goods Dr. to Broker, for premiimi of insurance, if it has been added to the Invoice ; if not. Employer Dr. to the Broker for the premium. •If the owner of the Books do not underwrite himself, it is understood that Insurance must then be made Dr. to the Broker for the preminm. 74 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. or, 4th, To Merchandise, for amount, with charges and commission. To Debts Payable, ... .for amount of freight, due the owners of the vessel, if not belonging to us ; if our own vessel. To Ship, (naming her) for ditto. To Insurance, for premivmi and commission, if underwritten by us; if not, To the Company's office for premium ; and, To Profit and Loss for commission on insurance. It is evident from the three last methods, that the Commission, or any other profit arising from Shipping Goods, remains as a gain at the Account of Goods; and, in that case, a Commission Account in the Ledger is not needed. It is certainly more methodical and satisfactory, to have the Gain or Loss to appear at that Account from which it arises, and therefore we Avould give these methods a preference to the first. For the same reason, we think the Charges paid out should appear at the Goods- Account, as it serves no good purpose to carry a Sum to the Dr. or Cr. side of an Account of Charges, when we know before hand, that the same Amount must be entered on the opposite side of that Account. In consigning Goods to an Agent abroad, it was formerly the custom to open several Accounts, (all branches of the same adventure) ; but experience has found, that such distinctions are useless ; for it is sufficient for Merchants to keep the vouchers they receive of the arrival of the Goods to the Agent, without making any entry to that effect in their Books. In cases where the Agent remits in full of the Adventure, no intermediate account is necessary, and the adventure is closed by the Remittance ; or, if the Goods be lost, the Adventure is closed by Profit and Loss ; or by the Underwriter's settlement, if insured. If the Agent send an Account-Sales, either in whole or in part of the Consignment ; or if he make Remittances in part, it is better to open an account for the Agent, and debit him for the amount of the Sales, and credit the Adventure for the same ; then give him credit for the Remittances. This method is particularly useful where the Consignments to one house are frequent, as it keeps the two Accounts perfectly distinct : The balance of the Adventure shews what Goods remain in the Agent's hands, and when the Sales are finished, it shews the Gain or Loss ; and the balance of the Account for the Agent shews how much the Sales exceed his remittances. Some Merchants do not bring the Adventure or Consignment through their Books, till they receive an Account of the Sales from the Agent ; and then he is made Dr. to Goods for net proceeds. This method may do very well where the issue of the Adventure is soon expected, and it saves the trouble of opening some Accounts in the Ledger. When you and your Correspondent reciprocally act as Agents and Employers for each other, such transactions may be entered at two separate Accounts, distinguished by the mark h/a and m/a, signifying his Account and my Account. The business which I transact for him is entered at the former, and that which he does on my account at the latter. These distinctions are peculiarly useful in cases of Bankruptcy ; for if the Agent fail, the Employer can claim and recover his Consignments, or any Balance which may be due him ; but if the Employer himself become insol- vent, all such property must be given to his Creditors. In like manner, when two Merchants draw Bills on one another, and each of them pay his own Bills, it is better to open two Accounts. A. B. h/a Bills, for the Bills drawn by him ; and A. B. tn/a Bills for these Bills drawn on him. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 75 V. GOQDS ON CONSIGNMENT. When Charges are Paid on Goods Consigned. Mediod 1st. Charges Dr. to Cash. 2d. A. B's. Goods Dr. to Cash. Instead of A. B's Goods, the title may either be Sales of Cotton-Yarn^ Muslins, Sugar, &c. ; or, Sales ^ the Ship, mentioning her name. Though any of these titles may be adopted for the first entry, there is no room for choice afterwards; every subsequent entry must be journalized in conformity to the original one. When any of these Goods are sold. If for Cash, Cash Dr. to A. B.^s Goods, or Sales of Cotton, or the like. — on Credit, The Buyer Dr. to Ditto, or Ditto. — on BiU,. ....... Bills Receivable Dr. to Ditto or Ditto. If the Goods be sold for Cash, the transaction is accordingly entered in the Cash-Book, and th* particulars of the Sale inserted m the Dai/- Book, or in the Account-SaleS'Book. . , ,. When we take any of these Goods to Account. Goods Dr. to A. B's Goods, or Sales of Cotton, &c. When the Account-Sales is made out. Method Jst, Sales Of Cotton Dr. to Sundries. To Charges, for the charges paid out, and warehoiise rent. To Commission,.. ..for our commission. To Interest, (if any) charged on money advanced. To Consigner, for net proceeds, 2d, Sales of Cotton Dr. to Sundries. To Charges, for the charges, as before. To CoMsiffner,., ., ..for net proceeds. ' ., 3d, A. B's Goods X)r. to Sundries. To Cash,, k for charges. To A. B for net proceeds. If the Accoimtant chuses, he need not open a separate Accoimt for each Consignment, though it is usually done ; but only one general Account, entitled Sales on Commission. In posting the Ledger, the different Consignments, as stated in the Journal, are carried to this Account. This method is followed in Sets B. and D. It will be observed, that by the second method, the Commission and Interest charged remain as a profit at the Account of Sales, and, by the third method, at A. B's Account of Goods. Sometimes all the Charges and Interest on Shipments and Consignments already entered, and to be entered, before taking a Balance, are collected from the Subsidiary Books, and posted in one line to the Cr. of the Account of Charges and Interest respectively, and to the Dr. of the Sales on Commission. This method saves much trouble at the time of posting the Ledger, when these Transactions are numerous ; and> instead of having a line or Sum for each Shipment, as required by the first method, or for each month, as in the second method, at the Cr. of Charges, or Interest Account, it only requires one hne for the whole Shipments, from one Balance to another. This is ■ done in Set. D. 76 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. VI. EFFECTING INSURANCES. When Insurance is effected on Goods, either on your own Account, or on Account of another Person. Method 1st, Adventure, or A. B. Dr. to Sundries. To the Broker, for the premium. To Commission, or Profit and Loss, for Commission. or, — 2d, To Insurance, for the Prem,ium and Commission ; then„ Insurance Dr. to the Broker, for the premiimi. or, — ^3d, Adventure, or A. B. Dr. to Insurance. For amomit of premium, with Commission ; then make, Insurance I ^^' '" -^'■''^"'» if insured by him ; or, * \ Dr. to the Company's Accoimt of Insurance, if underwrote by the Company. When a Return of Premium is allowed for Convoy, and Arrival of the Vessel. The Broker Dr. to Sundries, viz. To the respective Accounts, (which were formerly charged with the full Premium) for the return of premium. Some enter only the Short Premium at first, Avhich avoids the above entry ; but in cases where it is uncertain if the Vessel arrive with convoy, it is better to enter first the full premium : for should the Vessel not arrive with Convoy, it requires a second entry to the Broker's €r., which has a confused appearance. The advantage of opening an Account for Insurance, where Insurances are frequent, although the Merchant shoidd not underwrite himself, is obvious, from collecting the several Premiums insured with each Broker, and carrying them, once a month iixto the I^edger. This cannot be done where no Account of Insurance is kept. If the Ship arrive safe, no other entry is necessary till the Premium be paid. If the Ship be lost, the Accountant will be able to make the necessary Entries to close the Transaction, according to the foregoing methods. — In the following Sets, several methods are given for settling cases of this kind. Though some Merchants open an Account for each Underwriter, yet we would by no means recommend doing so : an Account for the Broker, or Assurance Company, is only necessary. In an extensive Business, where Insurances are frequently made, as it often happens that there are not less than twenty Underwriters concerned in a single Policy, this would occasion a great number of Accounts to be opened in tlie Ledger, without answering so good a purpose as a general one. It is sufficient to refer to the Broker's letter containing the names of the Underwriters, and the sums they engage for. We may note imder the entry in the Journal, the names of the Underwri- ^rs, with the extent of their several Subscriptions. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 77 VII. BAD DEBTS. "i^jf ^«» ••^'.•» hi"" Where Debts become bad tlirough the failure of the Debtors, and any part not likelr «oon to be recovered, it is more convenient to transfer them to one account, which may be entitled Bad Debts. This method shews the amount of such Debts at one point of view, and it saves the trouble of opening particular Accounts in a new Ledger. At this Account, the Banki-upt's name, and the sum he owes, are mentioned, in order that the value of the debt may be more easily estimated at taking a Balance. JFSr**, If THE Failure BE A TOTAL Loss, enter j Profit and Loss Dr. to Bad Debts, Mentioning the Bankrupt's name, and amount of his debt. As it very seldom happens that any failure turns out a total loss, it is proper not to throw any Debt, however bad, out of the Books entirely, until the Bankrupt has obtained a discharge ; as, previous to this, there is some chance that part may be recovered. Secondly, When the Bankrupt pays a Composition, Profit and Loss Dr. to Bad Debts, for the deficiency ; And when a Dividend is received, or a final Settlement made, enter The Article received, or Person accountable for it. Dr. to Bad Debt*. Tliirdly, If at any after Period the Bankrupt should pay up the Balance, Cash Dr. to Profit and Loss for the sum received. When the Composition on any Banknipt's Subject is known at the time of taking a Balance, make Profit and Loss Dr. to Bad Debts ; for the loss occasioned by the failure, and carry only the difference to Balance, which is the Composition to be received. If the Composition be not ascertained at Balancing, make such an allowance for a loss as it is probable will be sustained, when a State of the Bankrupt's Affairs is made out, and charge Profit and Loss Dr. to Balance for this sum, as so much against the Business. This method may be adopted with Accounts of Property, such as Houses, Ships, or the like, whose real value sometimes, at a Balance, cannot be exactly known. An allowance for Interest on borrowed money, payable at a future period, may be stated in the same manner; and also In- terest on money in Bankers' hands, especially when no Accoimts are opened for them in the Ledger. CHAP. IV. POSTING AND COMPARING the BOOKS. Thepostii^ of the Ledger, is the transferring of the Accounts in the Journal-entries into the Ledger. The first step is to allot a space for each Account. The room for every Account cannqt be exactly known, but must be conjectured from the number of the transactions which are likely to follow. The Accounts may be opened as they occur in tlie Journal ; or Accounts of the same kind may be placed together. This last arrangement is more convenient in extensive B.nsiness, where it is often necessary to look into several of these Accounts at the same time. JNText, an Index will be necessary for pointing out the folios of the Ledger where the Accounts are opened. The titles of the accoimts are entered alphabetically in the Index ; that is. Personal Accounts by the first letter of the sirname. Companies by the sirname of the Person who ; stands first in the Firm, and every other Account by the first letter of the first word. In posting the Ledger, proceed in the following manner : First, turn, by the help of the IndeK, to the Account that is Dr. in the Journal-post, where it is opened in the Ledger; then, on the Dr. side of the Account, write the date on the margin, and on the same line say, To the Account that is Cr., annexing a short narration if necessary ; next insert, in the reference column, the page of Ae Journal from which you are posting, and the sum in the money column; then turn to the 'Cr. in the Journal-post, and on the Cr. side say, By the Account th&t is Dr., inserting the and at which the Owner would be willing to purchase. It is more correct and satisfactory to estimate the value of the Goods at the present prices, than at prime cost ; for the design of affixing any value, is to point out the gain or loss ; for the gain is, in reality, obtained as soon as the prices rise ; or the loss suffered, as soon as they fall. Having posted into the Ledger all the articles in the Journal, before you close the accounts, it is proper to make a Trial Balance, in order to try if the Dr. and Cr. sides correspond. For this purpose, prepare two sheets of paper, ruled with two money-columns, for Dr. and Cr. ; write Profit and Loss as the title of the one sheet, and Balance as the title of the other ; then leaving Stocky and Profit and Loss, open till the last, take the balance, or difference of every AQCfJuut, in the following manner : — - \v U ,'\r,ui»v-i *% In the Cash Account enter the difference, which is the Cash on hand, on the Dr, side of the balance sheet. In Personal Accounts, if the Dr. be greatest, enter the difference on the Dr. side of the balance sheet ; but, if the Cr. be greatest, the contrary. In Bills Receivable, enter the difference, which is the Bills on hand, to the Dr. side of th« balance sheet. In Biils Pat/able, enter the difference, which is the sum owing in accepted bills, to the Cr. side of the balance sheet. la Goods, or other Property, if the whole be on hand, enter the amount on the Dr. side of the l)alance sheet. If all be sold, and the Cr. side of the account be greatest, enter the difference, which is gain, to the Cr. side of the profit and loss sheet; but if the Dr. side be greatest, the difference is loss, and is entered on the Dr. side. If part be on hand, enter the value of it, (esti- mated at prime cost, or at the current prices,) to the Dr. side of the balance sheet, and then ascertain the gain nv loss on the part sold, which enter on the proper side of the profit and loss sheet. In Accounts of Adventures, when no returns have been made, enter the amount which stands at the.jDr., on the Dr. side of the balance sheet. If returns be made, and the account credited for the proceeds of the Sales, tnter the gain or loss on the C)r. or t)r. side of the profit and loss sheet accordingly. In Accounts subsidiary to Profit AND Loss, such as Charges, House, or Proper Expenses, Interest, Commission, and Insurance, enter the difference lo the proper side of the profit and loss sheet* "When you have in this manner collected all the balances, add the Profit and Loss sheet, inclu-' ding the sums which stand at that Account in the Ledger. The difference is the net gain or loss : To this, add the difference of the Stock Account) and the sum exhibits your net Stock or Capital, and which will correspond to the difference of the balance Sheet, if the Books be correctly posted, and the balances exactly collected, — The reason of this will appear from what follows : 80 HOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. The Balance Account contains on the Dr. the Cash on hand, the value of the Goods, or other Property which belongs to you, and all debts due to you. The Cr. contains the sums you owe in open Accounts, and in accepted Bills. The difference of Balance, therefore, exhibits your Net Capital at present. The Stock Account contained your Effects and Debts at the commencement of the Books ; therefore, the difference shews your net Capital at that time ; and when your Profits dire added, or Losses subtracted from this Sum, it will, of course, also shew your net Stock or Capital. Hence, the proof of Book-Keeping by Double-Entry consists of two methods of ascertaining what your net Stock or Capital is : the one, from a view of your present effects and debts; the other, from your former Stock, allowance being made for your profits or losses ; and both will correspond, if the Book be correct. The difference of Stock and Balance being found to agree, your next work is to close the ieveral Accounts. For this purpose, transfer the sum or difference of each Account to its proper place in the Ledger; or if the particulars of the Balance and Profit and Loss sheets are to b« inserted in the Journal, which is frequently done, make the following entries : — 1st, Profit and Loss Dr. to Sundries, viz. the several Accounts on the Dr. side of the profit and loss sheet; and 2nd, Sundries Drs. to Profit and Loss, viz. the several Accoimts on the Cr. side. 3d, Balance Dr. to Sundries, for the Cash and Goods on hand, and Debts belonging to us — th» particulars of tl^e Dr. side of the Balance-Sheet. 4th, Sundries Drs. to Balance, for the debts owing by us on the Cr. side. When the articles, which are comprised in these Entries, are posted into the Ledger, all the Personal, Real, and JSominal Accounts, will balance, and you may add them as they are posted. The only Accounts that remain open are Stock, Profit and Loss, and Balance. To close these Accounts, some Accountants transfer the difference of Stock to the Cr. of Balance Account ; others think, that every article in the Ledger should be posted from the Journal; and therefor* they make the two following entries to close the Books : 1st, Profit flwrf Loss JDr. fo S/ocA:, for net gain ; or < • Stock Dr. to Profit and Loss, iornei loss. 2d, Stock Dr. to Balance, for Net Capital. The reason of ihe difference of the Stock Account agreeing with that of Balance, may be ex- plained in a different point of view. It was formerly observed,* that the whole sums of the Dr. and Cr. sides of tlie Ledger are equal ; and therefore, if the sides of every Account, except one, be balaiiced, that one will balance of its own accord. The Balance Account alone remains open, and, upon trial, you will find that both sides are equal. 'd Though the Books mnst balance if no mistake has been committed, yet it is sometimes difficult to adjust them exactly in extensive Business, when the Ledger has been posted daily. If the error he so trifling as we do not think it worthwhile to make farther search to discover it, we may close the Books by making Profit and Loss Dr. or Cr. for the same. This introduces an article on the one side of the Ledger, which has none corresponding to it on the other, but is balanced by some niidiscoTered error. It is not necessary to begin new Books after balancing, nor to open the Accounts anew, unless the present Folios be filled up. The Balances msiy be brought down, and the Accounts contmued in the same folios ; but it is best to begin a new Ledger, if the present one appear to be insufficient to contain the Busii^ess till another Balance. The articles of the Balance Sheet supply materials to begih the hew Books, and these are made the first entries in the Journal. Sometimes the severaJ balances are transferred from the old Ledger into the new one, without being brought through the Journal. When a person in theeonrse of Business conies to hate several sets of Books, it is usual to dis- tbiguish'them by'the letter of the alphabet. Tbe-flrst set is marked A, the second B, and so 0B.t — * ' ' ■ ■---.- ^-' ■ ■../,..,■■ . -■.,.■,..; [ ■ — ' ■ ■ ■ ' ' " *8««>Pig >; : ir • 82 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. There is no occasion for any other entry until you receive an Account- Sales, in which the Net proceeds are ascertained- The Agent is then made Dr. to Sundries, To Adventure in Co. for the outset charge, To each Partner for his share of the gain, and To Profit and Loss for your share, if the Business has yielded profit ; if otherwise, the necessary entries will easily occur to the Accountant. Method 2d, Adventure in Co. Dr. to Sundries: Viz. the several Creditors as before. — Then, ^ Each Partner Dr. to Adventure in Co, for his share of the cost. When you receive an Account Sales, enter the Agent Dr. to Sundries, To Adventure in Co. for your share of net proceeds, and To each Partner for his share. It is obvious that, by this entry, the difterence of the two sides of the Adventure in Co., exhibits your Net Gain or Loss, and which may. be closed at this time, or at any future period. Thirdly, When an Adventure is from any Place, — on receiving the Invoice some enter. Method 1st, Adventure from — in Co. Dr. to Sundries, To the Person from whom the Goods were ordered, for the amoimt ; To the Broker, for the premium, if the goods be insured ; and To Charges, if any be paid hy you. When the Adventure comes to an issue, and has been successful, each partner is credited for his share of the profit, and To Profit and Loss for your share. If there has been loss, these Accounts are debited for their respective proportions. Method 2d, Sundries Drs. to the Person, from whom the goods were ordered. Each Partner .... for his share of the cost. Goods in Co for your share, and all charges paid by you. It is more convenient to enter the amount of the Charges to the Debit of Goods in Co., as the dividing of the Charges would occasion several complex entries ; besides, the Account of Goods in Co. should shew the extent of the Adventure, which could not be the case if that account were debited for your part of the Charges only. In the Account Sales, the Charges are deducted in ascertaining the Net proceeds, and therefore the result is the same as if each Partner had been debited for his proportion of the Charges. The first of the two methods here given is followed in Set A, and though it has the appearance of simplicity, yet it is very defective. — The second is given in Set B, and is much more satisfactory and correct, because each partner should be debited with his share of the cost ; for, whatever way the sales of the Goods turn out, the Partners are accountable to you for their proportion. For the Sales — the several Purchasers are made Dr. to Goods in Co., and when the Sales are finished, the entry is. Goods in Co. Dr. to Sundries.* To Charges for Rent, and for Incidents during the sale. To each Partner.. for his Share of the Net Proceeds. This entry closes the transaction betwixt the Partners and you, and when posted into the Ledger, the difference of the two sides of the Account of Goods in Co. shews your gain or loss on the adventure. If the Accountant chuses, he may now close the Account of Goods in Co. by inserting in the above entry, To Profit and Loss, for the difference being your gain, if tlie Adventure has yielded profit; if otherwise. Profit and Loss Dr. to Goods in Co. for the loss. " The manner in which the Account of Goods in Co. is stated, shews your whole Profit or Loss from being concerned in the adventure. It is unnecessary to open an Account for Commission if any, because it is ultimately carried to Profit and Loss; and it is better that the whole Gain or Loss should appear at the Account which gave rite to it. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 83 II. Fixed Companies, that is, where the Partners carry on a general Trade, under a certain Firm. Every Partnership of this kind should begin with a new Set of Books, and the outstanding Debts of any former Concern ought never to be allowed to constitute a part of the Joint-Stock of any of the Partners in the new Concern. There is no occasion for making any entries in the Books until Qie Partners advance their shares.* When these are paid in, the entries may be according to any of the following methods. Method 1st, Cash, or the article advanced. Dr. to Stock,— -HixGrx Stock Dr. to Sundries. To each Partner for his share 2d, Sundries Drs. to the Partner. For the articles paid in. , 3d, Sundries Drs. to Stock in Co. For the articles paid in, mentioning each Partner's share. The Accountant may adopt any of these methods which he chuses. We recommend the firSt and third methods, because, though the second method saves the trouble of opening a Stock- Account, it does not exhibit, in one point of view, the extent of the Company's Capital. Where the Partners are numerous, and think it prudent to conceal from the Book-keeper the amount of their respective Capitals, we prefer the third method to the first, because it does not require a distinct Account for ai;y of the Partners, unless he has dealings with the Company as a neutral person. If it be thought necessary to open Two Accounts for any, or all of the Partners, for money withdrawn from the Trade for their private use, these Accounts are to be kept entirely distinct. The Account in Co. should contain only the Partner's Capital, with the gain or loss arising from the Business ; and the Account-Proper, the Cash, and the value of any thing else drawn for his private use ^ or the contrary, the Cash and Goods paid into the Concern, with the Interest allowed on his Capital, or on his Account : At balancing, the difference of the Account-Proper is carried to Balance like any personal account, as a debt due to, or by the Company. No other entry is necessary until some of the Partners are leaving the concern, or till an alte- ration of the shares takes place ; in either case, the Books should be previously Balanced, and the Partners' Accounts closed. If the Capital be increased, the entries are the same as at commencement; if it be diminished, these entries are reversed. At Balancing the Books, if the Business has been successful, and the profit is to be divided, enter Prqfirt and Loss Dr, to each Partner's Account- Proper. When the profit is to be applied to increase the stock, enter Profit and Loss Dr. to Stock for net Gain, and Stock Dr. to Partner's Account in Co., if two Accounts be kept for the Partners. If there has been a loss on the Business, reverse the entries. If any of the Partners reside abroad, and has a branch of the Business under his management, he should keep a distinct Set of Books, in which only are entered the Transactions which relate to the Company. These Books should be kept in the species of Money which is current in the Place where he resides. • If thie entries be deferred till the Capitals be advanced, a second Account at that time is aroided^ which greatly simplifies the transactions. As some, however, still follow the old Systems, by making entries previously to the shares being paid in, we shall mention the entries necessary in this case. Method 1st, Stock Dr. to Sundries. To each Partner's Account in Co., for his proposed Capital— then Sundries Drs. to Stock. Each Partner's Account proper for the same. 2d, Each Partner's Account proper Dr. to Ditto's Account in Co. For the Capital to be advanced. 3d, Sundries Drs. to Stock in Co. Each Partner's Account proper for the i>roposei capital, — And When the Partners pay in their respective shares, the entry is Cash, or the article advanced Dr. to Partner^s Account proper. At the time of balancing, if the entries have been made as above, the interest allowed on each Partner's capital, is calculated on his Account Proper, because that Account shews the dates when it was advanced. If no entry be made till the Capitals be paid in, the Partner's Accottnt in Co. will of cour»« shew the proper dates for compnting the Ihterest. 84 BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON SET A. Cash Book. The Cash for the first three months is posted into the Ledger from this Book, and only the monthly amount of the Sums received and paid entered in the Journal. The reason is, that the Books, for that time, are journalized daili/, and to have entered the Cash Transactions in the Journal, would have been merely a repetition of the Cash-Book. The Net sums received or paid on discount, are only entered, and the discounts stated in tlie Day- Book, , Likewise money lent or borrowed for a few days, is only short extended, which is a suffi- cient memorandum in balancing the Cash ; and when repaid, these entries will of course balance themselves. Such Transactions should never be brought through the Books. The incidental Charges on the Business, and those on Goods consigned to you, are entered once a month, being taken from the Petty-Cash-Book kept for that purpose ; and, for the tliree first months, the persons to whom shipments are made are debited for the charges from this Book*, Although money deposited in the Banks may be considered Cash on hand, as it can be had at any time within Bank hours, yet we have opened Accounts for the Banks in Sets A, B, and D. In extensive Trade it will be found useful, particularly where a Cash-Account is kept, which is supposed to be the case in these Sets. Those who do not open Accouiits for the Banks, keep a Check-Ledger, which is ruled with a number of columns for computing the interest. Each Transaction is added to, or subtracted from, the former balance^ by which the state of the Account at any period is shewn.* Bill-Book. As the three first months are journalized daily, the Bills are not brought through the Journal, but only the monthly amount entered; neither are any London Bills recorded in the Bill-Book for the same time. This will account for the Nos. of the Bills not agreeing with Set B, where every Bill is supposed to be entered. Eor the three last months every Bill is entered, and journalized from the Bill-Book, as references to that Book for particulars are frequently made ; yet sometimes bills may be entered in the Bill-Book which should not be journalized from it. Of this description are Bills drawn in Foreign Money, which cannot, at the time of entry, be reduced into Sterling at a fixed rate of Exchange ; no farther notice should be taken of these Bills until they be negociated, and then they are entered in the Cash-Book. In order to give the learner a distinct idea of the nature of the Bills drawn on, and those remitted to the Banker, we have, for the first three months, noted the particidars in the Day- Book, though this is seldom if ever done in Modern Practice. Purchase-Book. The Inventory of the Goods on hand at the different periods is inserted in this Book, which is done to avoid increasing the number of the Books. A separate Book, however, is generally, if not always, used for tliis purpose. The Bills of Parcels and Invoices are supposed to be the originals, and this is the reason why this Book is not ruled with money columns. With regard to the Goods bought for Exportation, as they are supposed not to be purchased until you receive orders for them, and as several parcels are sent off" to one House witliput being opened up, to have given the particulars of these would have been but a duplicate of the Invoice Book outward: For this reason, the particulars of the Exported Goods for the last three months are not inserted. Invoice-Book Outward. This Book, as was formerly observed, f contains an Account of all Goods Exported, or Shipped . off". It is necessary only to add, that when a Consignment to any House is frequent, it is best to enter these Jbyt^ifilli^aelves, as it will be found more convenient in checking the Account of Sales. •' I 1 :i.i > .11 1 \' < I ' l ■ — — ■ * See page 12, Method Second, for computing the Interest. t Page 68. BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. 85 Day-Book. This Book begins with an Inventory of the Owner's Effects, and a list of his Debts supposed to be transferred from the preceding Balance. This, however, is done merely to connect the Trans- actions for the sake of the learner. In Business, the articles of the former Balance are usually inserted in the Journal only before they are posted into the Ledger. Every Transaction for the three first months, excepting the Cash and Bills, is entered in this Book. The particulars of the Shipments for the same time are not given, because these will be found in the Invoice-Book outward. The Sales for Cash are inserted in order to check the Stock on hand, but posted from the Cash-Book. The Sales of Goods on consignment made in May and June are inserted, with the initials of the Proprietor's name on the margin, for distinction, and entered as mentioned under the description of the Accomit-Sales-Book, page 66. Ac<56tj5s'T-S ales-Book. We have given two forms for drawing out an Account, of Sales. The form, with the several Charges, on tlie first or left hand page, and the particulars of the Sale on the opposite page, in the manner of Dr. and Cr., is best adapted for West India produce. The other form, with the Sale and Charges on the same side, is preferable for such articles as compose these Sets.* ■ Some of the Sales are guaranteed by the Owner of the Books, and some are at the risk of the Proprietors. The settlement with the Proprietors in these two cases is different, if they reside in or near this market. In the case where you, as Agent, guarantee the Debt, the Proprietor either receives your acceptance for the Net proceeds of the Sales, or you remit him a Bill on your Banker. In the other case, the Agent has nothing farther to do with the debt than to collect the Purchaser's Bills, which are made payable to the Proprietors, and to remit them. These Bills are not entered in the Bill-Book, but noted in the Day-Book, At the time of Balancing, it sometimes happens that a small Sale or two of a Consignment is made, which may not be worth while to enter into the Account-Sales- Book ; yet to take no notice of these Sales, would occasion a false Balance. In such a case, you may, from the amount of your own Goods on hand, deduct the sum of these small Skies after the charges are taken off. This prevents the necessity of bringing the Net proceeds of the Goods sold to the Proprietor's credit, until the Sales of the Consignment be finished, and leaves the Account in such a state as can easily be continued. See Balance, Ledger C, page 27. Journal. For the three first months- every Transaction is journalized singly, and the form of expressing Dr. and Cr. in the entries is varied in the third month. For the last three months, the Transactions are journalized monthly, except the Shipments, which are entered daily. This was done to intro- duce a greater variety, the Charges for the former period being posted from the Cash-Book, and for the latter from this Book. The additional column on the margin for the month of March, is for inserting the folios of the Dr. and Cr. articles separately. This plan, at the time of Balancing, will be fomid to answer the purpose of repeating the particulars of the Balance Sheet. Ledger. The Dr. and Cr. sides are placed on the same page, which is now become very general. This Book, especially in extensive Business, should be posted from monthly Journal-Entries, in order to exhibit, in a concise point of view, the state of every Account. * For a farther explanation of an Account-Sales, see p. 11. Y 86 CASH-BOOK. (0 Cash Received in January, 1817. Dr. 14 21 22 25 To Balance in hand, To Thistle Bank, ^ order, (including the interest due me,) To Royal Bank, , . . To Bills Receivable, received payment of No. 157., H. Glen & Co ^ To Bills Receivable^ discounted No. 163., Ord & Dow, 27th March, 212 w 6 // 175., Will. Arnot, 8th April, . .145//10 // 7 To William Ferguson, received in full, 3 To Cotton Yarn, received from F. Wood, as ^ Day-Book, page 3 2 To Bills Receivable, discounted No. 164, William Simpson, due 15th April, 5 To Royal Bank, ^ order, *•••,••♦ •«,• .• Entered monthly amount, ^ Journal, p. 3., £1505 v 8 // 5 32 172 120 28i> 857 111 37 196 220 16 12 17 5 // 1537 18 Received in February^ 41 19 21 25 To Balance from last month, To Thistle Bank, ^ order, To Royal Bank, do To Bi//s/?eceit?fl6/e, discounted No. 179. R. Wilson & Co. due 10th Apr. 172 // 9//10 1 65. J. Denny & Co. on Brodie, 25th, 234// 12 // 6 170. Will. Stirling & Sons, 7th May, 410 // 7//10 To Robert Easton, received in full, To J5i7/«Kecdt;flWc, discounted No 173. T.Bissland&Co.due 26th Apr. 163 // 4 // 8 176. J. Howie & Co. 10th May, 110 // 4 // 186. T. Bissland & Co. 18th 114 // 3 // To William Arnot, received back £200. To Interest received from ditto, To Thistle Bank, ^ order, To Royal Bank, do. , , . , , Entered monthly amount, ^ Journal, p. 5., £2027 //15 // 8 10 110 270 817 112 387 210 120 10 10 2038 8 10 (1) CASH-BOOK. 87 Cash Paid in January, 1817. Cr. By Bills Payable^ paid No. 57. Dunn, Smith, & Co ^ By Strange, Dashwood, S^ Co. remitted them Mora's draft on Downe & Co, ^ 45 days, due 21 st February, 3 By Royal Bank, <^ receipt, (including the interest due them,) .•••••• By Interest, paid discount on 2 bills, / By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, f. By Thistle Bank, do , By Interest^ paid discoiint on a bill, , By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, By Cotton Yafn, paid sundry carriages, By Bills Payable^ paid No. 68. J. Handyside, By Madder, paid freight and charges on 9 casks from London, By House Expences this month, By Charges, paid postages, stamp bills, &c. this month, <^ Expense Book, .. By Balance to next month, , i < < . Entered monthly amount, ^ Journal, p. 3, £1527 //14 // 1 195 11 120 // 286 12 4 // 390 // 110 // 2 4 200 // 7 4 178 4 10 3 21 // 2 12 m 4 1537 18 10 Paid in February. 5 2 8 to 12 14 5 14 1 19 14 10 5 o 21 2 22 17 23 18 25 16 26 4 28 16 15 By Bills Payable, paid No. 65, James Finlay & Co By James Finlay Sf Co. paid them in full, By Interest, paid discount on 3 bills, By William Arnot., lent him till 19th, £200. By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, >. By Thistle Bank, do By Interest, paid discount on 3 bills, By William Bogle 8f Co. paid them in full, By Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co. remitted draft on Downe & Co. at 45 days, ) due 8th April, ^ 3 By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, By Bills Payable, paid No. 71. Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. to J. Buchanan & Co. By ISimmo Sf Bell, paid for protesting their bill due this day, By Mayne S^ Rowley, paid charges on Goods ^ Atlantic, By Robert Strong, my porter, paid wages to this date, 8 weeks, at 12s By Ashes, paid duty, freight, and charges, on 110 barrels, from New York,.. By House Expences, this month, By Charges this month, ^ Expense Book, ,...,.. By Balance to next month, • • . Entered monthly amount, ^ Journal, p. 5, £2024 // // 1 112 15 II 266 9 6 7 14 4 600 II // 120 II // 4 1 1 8 4 // 183 11 // 400 // // 210 13 // II 3 II 1 13 6 4 16 // 81 4 10 20 II // 2 14 10 14 // 1 2 2038 II 88 CASH-BOOK. (2) Cash Dr. Received in March, 1817. 8 11 12 16 19 20 25 26 To Balance from last month, To Bills Receivable, discounted No. 180. J. Cochran, due 14th May, 264 // // 9 188. J. Pattison & Co. 31st 204^13 // 4 14 To Cotton Yarn, received from J. Millar, as ^ Day-Book, p. 8 To William Ferguson, received from him in full, To Robert Easton, ditto, To Bills Receivable, discounted No. 187. T. Bissland & Co. due 28th May, . . To Michael Watson, received from him in full, To Campbell, Dale, Sf Co, ditto To Bills Receivable, discounted No. 190. Crombie & Carnegie, 7 ion i« c 178. Will*. Gillespie & Co. 8tb, 240// 15 // 6 4th June, To Royal Bank, ^ order, To Thistle Bank, do. To Bills Receivable, discounted No 171. P. & J, Macadam, 14th June, 368 // 4 // 9 172. Watson, Arthur, & Co. 11th, 3a3//18 // Entered Journal, p. 8, £2555 i/l i/ 3 468 4 139 65 286 107 73 377 140 230 12 11 Received in April, 1 2 6 8 10 13 17 23 25 To Balance from last month, To Penman Sf Brown, received back from them £150. To Royal Bank, ^ order, . , To Debentures, received drawback ^ Isabella, , .... To Thistle Bank, ^ order, To Thistle Bank, do To Royal Bank, do To Interest, received 23 days' discount on draft remitted Strange & Co To Will Ferguson, received balance of barter betwixt Yarn and Muslins, .... To Bills Receivable, discounted No. 202. J. Howie & Co. on Hill, 7 -,a» to a 8th July, : ;|l23.16//0 197. Will Arnot, 11th, 147//11 '/ 6 185. W. Simpson, 19th, 189 // 4 // To Ord Sf Dow, received dividend of 3/6 ^ £ on £212 // 6 Entered Journal, p. 11 168 650 55 160 450 260 // // 460 37 2242 17 12 10 (2) CASH-BOOK. 89 I? Cash Paid in March, 1817. Cr. 4 3 514 ' 5 1116 5 1214 20 I 1 I 6 16 1 1621 1914 19; 5 20 2 4 251 2 2621 14 6 10 16 3115 By Cotton Yam^ paid carriage of a bale from Manchester, By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, , By House Expenses, By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, By Interest, paid discount on a Bill, By Holford, Rucker, Sf Co. paid charges on Goods ^ Isabella, By Thistle Bank ^ receipt, By Furniture, paid for a desk, By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, By William Tate Sf Co. My Account Consignments, paid charges, ^ Jessie, , . . , By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, By -S^flng-e, Z)flsAtt'oo4',,* Interest, paid discount on 3 bills, ,.. i, ,,,.,,.;. i.^ • •• •• Charges^ paid expenses of a journey to Manchester and London, Royal Bank, per receipt, ,...,. ^ ,,., , Madder, paid freight and charges on 12 casks from London, Charges, paid carriages, stamp bills, &c. per Expense-Book,., ........... ^... Balance to qext month ,.. ....,',.. '.".i. J J i.ii ii j......^>\V,Vp\». Entered JoviLJiAL, p. 11. 150 // 369 15 113 // 2.35 15 6 145 10 // 460 15 10 253 18 3 4 10 6 4 4 // 7 7 1/ 1 19 9 5 2 9 55 2 // 400 // // 14 13 5 10 17 4 10 1 6 2242 12 10 -i — 1- m CASH-BOOK. (8) Cash Received in May, 1817. Dr. To Balance from last month, , . , To Cotton Yarn, received as ^ Day-Book, page 15, To Royal Bank, ^ order, To Robert Easton, received in full, To John Cochran, ditto, To Penman Sf Brown, received in part, To Bills Receivable, discd. No. 181, Will. Stirling & Sons, due 6th Aug. 241 // 3 // 192, Kibble, Forster, & Co 267vl5//2 15 22 24 25 31 To Bills Receivable, discd. To Thistle Bank, ^ order. To Bills Receivable, discd. 203, Wm. Tate & Co, due 7th July, . . 445 // 4 // 213, Strange, Dashwood, & Co. 1 1 th July, 470 // 9 // 183, Todd & Shortridge, 12th August, 184, Watson, Arthur, & Co. 14th Aug. 117 t/b 1/2 98 // 2 // 4 To Debentures, received drawback <^ Triton, , »>•►•» To Thistle Bank, ^ order, .i'.^». To Bills Receivable, discd. 218, Conder on Lees & Co. due 28th August, To Royal Bank, ^ order, ., To Bills Receivable, discd. 219, Reiss on Du Fay, due 13th July, ...... To Ord & Dow, received dividend of 8s. ^ £. on £212 // 6s. being the last. jBnfcrerf Journal, p. 15. 10 29 300 130 60 60 508 915 160 215 56 300 418 390 263 84 18 6 9 // 10 3904 • ■ • • Received in June. To Balance from lastmonfh,...;....'.;'.'.'.^'.;'.i.,*'.V>'v** •••*•******' *<•*"• To Royal Bank, ^ order,, . ..;;.;:.;;...':.•: :'. . Ji'. ;'.^;'. i.'i . 'J; , liVl .... . . . To Bills Receivable^ discd. No. 212, Wm. Stirling & Sons, 12th Aug. 114 // 9 // 8 21«, H. Houldsworth & Co. 14th Aug. 294^12 // 2 7 12 21 25' To To To To To 22 To 24 To To To To Bills Receivable, discd. 224, Strange Dashwood & Co. due 10th Sep. . . . Debentures, received bounty ^Triton, Orhart, White, Rose, Sf Co. received Balance betwixt Account and Bill, Royal Bank, ^ order, Bills Receivable, received payment of No. 193, Watson, Arthur, & Co Commission for receiving £690. on Account of, and remitted P. Drinkwater . Sales of Cotton Yarn, received for 12 bundles of Smith & Townley's Yarn, as f Account Sales B. p. 5. « Royal Bank, ^ order, .« ..«..•;«.•.....■.•.. ... Thistle Bank, .;:;;;;;;;;;•.•. ;' . ; :V. '.'; '.' . . '. . . Interest^ received for discount on 2 Bills, retired this day. No. 86 and 88, . . . Entered Journal, p. 20. 2 190 409 346 23 12 160 129 3 39 800 420 18 10 8 // 2654 11 1* (3) CASH-BOOK. 91 Cash Paid in May, 1817> Cr. By Charges^ paid sundry Charges <^ Dolphin, ...... ...... By Strange, Dashivood, Sf Co. remitted draft on Downe & Co. 45 days, due 18th 7 June, Kennedy's Bill, j By Cotton Yarn, paid for 350lbs. bought at Public Sale this day, I. B By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, By Thomas Shiels ^ Co. paid them in full of Bills of Parcels of 12th and 20th April, By John M'Fee S^ Co 15th ult By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, By Bills Payable, remitted More's draft to pay No. 82, due 11th, Scruton and 7 Campbell to Kelly & Gow, j By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills sold at 30 days' par, , By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, By Thistle Bank, ,-. By Cotton Yarn, paid J. Cochran for an error in Bill at par. 15th April By Sales of Cotton in Co. paid duty, freight, and charges on 50 Bales, ^ Fanny,. . By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, By Ashes, paid duty, freight, and charges, on 100 barrels from New York, ....... By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, By Charges, paid a half year's rent of Warehouse and Cellars By Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co. remitted draft on Esdaile & Co. due 23d instant, . . By Interest, paid prem. on ditto, 30 days' par, By Interest, paid discount on a Bill, By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, » By House Expenses, By Bills Payable, remitted More's draft to retire No. 83, Mayne & Rowley, due 27lh, By Charges, paid sundry charges, ^ the Susanna, By Interest, paid discount on a Bill, By Royal Bank, ^ receipt, «....« By Cotton Yarn, paid carriage of a Bale from P. Drinkwater, ..^ By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, ! I By Charges, paid Carriages, Stamp-Bills, and postages, ^ By Balance to tiext mouth, .-i^. E. B. .**... • * . '• A'nf erf rf Journal, p. 15. '.ijiiiS oiiol ri 245 m 260 267 151 6 302 3 400 290 II 172 2 73 140 47 289 II 3 380 35 385 11 // 260 3 80 14 2 3904 12 21 25 30 Paid in June. 4 By Alexander Bryce Sf Co. paid them in full of Bill of par. 15th April, , . . . By Dalgleish Sf Frame, 26th do By Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, By Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co. remitted draft on Downe & Co. due 22d July, .... By Interest, paid discount on 1 Bill, By Rothsay Spinning Company, paid them in full, By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, By Bills Payable, paid No. 79, Michael Watson, ^^.^..-.^^ ., . By James Irvine, my clerk, in part wages, , * . . . .j. . . By House Expenses, , i ...... ... .... ','\ ,\ . J. . . By Thistle Bank, ^ receipt, ..;>^. .'i'j.l.'. .'..V..l'».^l.i. .. By Bills Payable, paid on discount. No. 86, W. Gillespie & Co. 9th Oct. 245V/ 19i // 3 88, Rothsay S|»inniug Co. 13th, IO97//I2 // 6 By Robert Strong, my porter, wages to this date, . . . .^ . . . il'-Ilvit ; . .i. » . | . ,'. ,i . . . By Charges thh month, ^E. B.,... •.:*i-v.,..i. .i.j. .. By Profit and Loss, lost a note value , .\l'. . . . i . . . J. . . By Balance in hand, %.... ..«......i...Ji... Entered Journal, p. 20. 236 6 // 151 1 // 3 18 10 200 // // 8 6 266 9 80 // // 134 5 10 20 10 // 39 14 // 130 1/ // 1253 11 i 6 12 // 8 8 3 10 // // 10 11 // 2554 11 10 92 BTLI^-BOOK. (0 BILLS No. 173 174 175 176 177 178 17» 180 When Received. 1817 Jan. Led. Fol. From whom Received. Thomas Bisslaud & Co. D. Johnson, Son, & Cree William Arnot John Howie & Co. Campbell, Dale, & Co. William Gillespie & Co. Robert Wilson «& Co. John Cochran .'rrji By whom Drawn. Themselves Ditto Himself Themselves Myself Ditto Ditto Himself On whom Drawn. Thomas Bissland & Co D. Johnson, Son, & Cree W. Arnot John Howie & Co. Campbell, Dale, & Co. William Gillespie & Co Robert Wilson & Co. John Cochran I ii itii'r To whom Payahli My order Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto BILLS No. When Received. Fol. From whom Received. By whom Drawn. On whom Drawn. To whom Payable 181 Feb. 3 13 Williarii Stirling No. 4 9 1 14 No. 1 11 1 24 5 10 2 22 2 8 3 20 6 7 S 24 3 13 2 6 7 12 2 25 33 3 22 40 3 1 Draft 12 Draft 16 83 3 10 40 2 13 Tare 3 3 Tare 3 2 14 36 3 27at848 15& 7 a 30 3 7 , atSOs 123 6 No. 8 9 7 No. 11 9 1 21 9 9 20 12 10 2 4 *® ^ ^ ^ 19 3 25 27 3 8 Draft 8 Draft II 19 3 17 27 2 24 Tare 13 4 Tare 2 1 25 18 13 at 82s 74 6 6 -■ 25 27 at728 90 17 4 ~. 443 15 1 220 Bundles Cotton Varn. Water Twist, No. 18 36 bundles at 258. £45 19 24 258. 6d. 30 12 20 48 26s. 62 8 21 24 2ffs. 9d. 82 2 22 50 278. 6d. 68 15 23 18 288.3d. 25 8 6 S4 20 298. 3d. 29 6 , 293 10 6 220 £1676 3 8 Entered Day-Book, page 1. 0) 99 THE PURCHASE-BOOK, OK INVOICE-BOOK INWARD. Paisley, 4th January, 1817. Mr. A. B. BOUGHT of Thomas Bissland & Co. Mole Twist, No, 72. 1 bundle 6lbs. @ 9/7, ^ 2i/n // 6 73. 4 24 9/8^, 11//13//0 74. 6 36 9/10, 17'/14//0 75. 9 54 9/nh, 26^/17 //9 77. 6 36 IO/2I, 18// 7// 6 78. 5 30 10/ 4," 15//10//0 80. 3 18 10/7, 9//10 // 6 34 204 lbs. £102//10 // 3 Discount 45 ^ Cent ^ . . . . 46 // 2 // 8 £56//7'/7. No. 90. 3 bundles 15 lbs. @ 12/1, £9 // 1 // 3 92. 6 30 12/7, 18//17//6 94. 4 ...... 20 13/1, 13 //I// 8 95. 5 25 13/4, 16//13 // 4 96. 2 ...... 10 13/7, 6//15//1Q 98. 2 ...... 10 14/1, 7//0//10 100. 3 15 14/7, 10//18//9 102. 7 35 15/1, 26//7//U 104. 4 20 15/7, 15//11//8 105. 3 15 15/10, 11//17//6 ^ , , 39 195 lbs. £136 // 6 // 3 Discount 50 ^ Cent 68 // 3 // 2 Bill at 6 mos. 68 // 3 // 1 £l24//10//8 Entered Day-Book, page 2. INVOICE ofl Bales Cotton Yarn purchased by order of Mr. A. B. of Glasgow, and forwarded by Scott's Carts to his address from Peter Drinkwater. Manchester, 10th January, 1817. No. 1. & 2 . A. B. Mule Twist, No. 50. 5 bdles25lbs.@4/3,£ 5 // 6 // 3 No. 62. 4 bdles 20lbs. @ 4/8, £4//13 // 4 52. 7 .; ..35.... 4/4, 7//U//8 63. 8 40 4/8^, 9 // 8 // 4 54. 13 .. . . 65 4/5, 14 // 7 // 1 64. 7 35 .... 4/9, 8 // 6 // 3 56. 12 .. . . 60 . . . . 4/6, 13//10 // 65. 2 .... 10 4/9|, 2 //7//11 68. 9.. . . 45 . . . , 4/7^ 10 // 8 // 1 66. 5 25 4/10, 6 // 0//10 60. 10 .. .. 50 .... 4/9, 11//17//6 68. 11 ... 55 5/. 13//15 // — 70. 6 30 5/1^, 7//13 // 9 66 280 £63 // // 7 43 215 52 // 5 // 5 56 28a 99 495 £ 63 // // 7 ' 115 // 6 // Charges, Papering & packing .... Sheets & ropes Carriage to Glasgow .... £0//7//4 . 0//13 // 6 2//17 // 8 3//18 // 6 £119// 4// 6 2 mos. and Bill on London at 2 mos, Entered Day-Book; page 2. 100 PURCHASE-BOOK, (2) ! oj Mr. A. B. of Glasgow, and \ruton. Sf Campbell. London, 14th January, 1817. INVOICE of 9 Butts Madder, purchased by order and for Account of Mr. A. B. of Glasgow, and shipped in the Jessie, Nicol, to Leith, at his risk, by Scruton Sf Campbell. No. 13. 8 // 3 // 3 No. 17. 9 // 0//11 No. 20. 9//1//II 14. 7 '/ 1 '/ 7 18. 10 // 2 // 6 21. 7 // 3//2ef 15. 8 // 2 // 19. 11 // 0//23 16. 8 // 3 // 3 '^ 17 // 1 // 9 30// 3// 12 Draft 8 33 // 1//13 Draft 12 Draft 4lb. ^ Bult 16 17 // 1 // 1 30 // 3 // Tare 1 // 2 // 5 33 V 0//25 Tare 2 // 3 // Tare lOib. ^ Cwt. 2 // 3//24 Cwt. 15 // 2//24@84/.£66 // i/O '- Cwt. 28//0//0 80/. 112 // // Cwt. 30 //I //I 76/.114//19//8 £292//19 // 8 Charges. Cartage and Wharfage , * ; £ 0//16 // 4 Shipping, Charges, and Bills of Lading . . 2^/10 // 8 Commission on £296//12 // 5, @ 1 ^ Cent. 2//19 // 4 Insurance on £300, @ 12/9, ^ Cent. .... 1//18 // 3 Policy, 2/9, ^ Cent i/ 8 // 3 Commission oa ditto, J ^ Cent. ....... i 0//15 // 9/^13//lO £302 //13 // 6 Bill at 3 mos.from Qth Feb. \ payable in London. y Entered Day- Book, page 3. INVOICE 0/228 Bundles Water Twist, from B lackey, Hardisty, <5r Co., ordered by Mr. A. B. of' Glasgow, and forwarded by Scott's Carts. Keswick, 22wrf ./awMary, 1817. @ 26/ £31 1/4 t/0 26/6, 47 //14 f/0 27/. 64viq//0 27/9. c... 40//19 I/O 28/8, 51 // 6 // 29/3, ...i...... 35 w2 //O 30/3, ......«..: 9(i 1/6 1/6 ter Twist, No. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. tJ3. 24. 24 bundles, . . 36 ..@ 48 ., 36 36 24 24 228 bundles. & ^ Cent, discount for Bill on London, ) at 2 mos.from 26 Prox°. y Entered Day-Book, page 3. £318 * 7 // « Mr. A. B. Glasgow, 9th February, 1817. BOUGHT of James Finlay Cambric, fancy Check 17; 47ftw*-**iJ2/l^., ■ -i9//H i^fttO 4 ' 60 Trunk, &c. 0//19//6 158 // 8 // 4 ^.„ £492//19//2 Bill at 6 mos. Entered Day-Book, page 6. 2 c 102 PURCHASE-BOOK. (4) INVOICE of l5 Casks Madder, shipped hy the Susanna, Young Master, for Leith, hy order of Mr. A, B. of Glasgow, and to him consigned. London, 4th March, 1817. Cwt. Qr. lb. Cwt. Qr. lb. No. 25. 9 // 1//10 No 29. 9 // 3 // 6 26. 10 1/1 1/6 30. 10 // // 4 ■^n. 11 // 0//14 28. 8 // 1//12 19 // 3//10 Draft .... 8 39 // 0//14 Draft 4 lb. ^ Cask, 16 19 // 3 // 2 ■ Tare 1 // 3 // 2 38 // 3//26 18 @ 82/. £73//l6 // 6 Tare 10 lb. ^ Cwt. 3 // 1//26 ^ 35//2//0 @74/. 131//7'/0 No. 35. 8 // 3//18 36. 7 // 3//26 37. 9 // 1 // 5 No. 34. 8 // 1//17 38. 10 // 2//12 Draft .... 4 36 // 3 // 5 8 // 1//13 Draft..,. 16 Tare 0//3//0 36 // 2//17 7 // 2//1 3 . . . . @ 86/. 32//14//11 Tare .... 3 // 1 ^ 3 33//1//14 @84/. 140// 3// 6 No. 40. 11 // 0//16 41. 9 1/1 1/3 No. 39. 8 // 3 // 4 42. 8 // 3//14 Draft // // 4 29 1/ 1 1/5 8 // 3 // Draft. ... 15i Tare 6 // 3 // 4 29 // 0//21 7 // 3//24 . . . .@ 87/. 34//12//10 Tare .»,. 2 //2//12 26//2//9.., @88/. 116//19//10 £529//13 // 3 Charges: Cartage & Wharfage, * .;....;..;. £l i/ 3 // 9 Charges at Shipping & Bills Lading, 6 // 1 // 7 Commission on £5361 //18 // 2, at 2I ^ Cent. 6 // 7 // 5 '. 12//12 u 9 £642 y 6 //e 2 m08, Sf hill on London at 3 mos. £. £. ScRUTOK & Campbell. ^-.» V. Entered Day-Book, page 0. (5) PURCHASE-BOOK. 103 INVOICE of 2 Bales Cotton Yarn purchased by order of Mr. A. B. of Glasgow from Peter Drinkwater, and forwarded hy Scott's Carts. Manchester, 4th March, 1817. Bundles, 20 lbs. @ 17/7^, £l7//12//6 40 18/2^, 36// 8// 4 35 I8/9J 32//16 // 3 50 19/4, 48 i/'6 V 8 45 lQ/11, 44//16//3 80 20/5^, 81//16//8 50 21/2,~ 52//18//4 30 21/10|, 32//16//3 45 22/7, 50//16//3 20 23/3I, 23//5//10 25 24/. 30 // // 9 India Twist, No. 160. 4 162. 8 164. 7 166. 10 168. 9 170. 16 Bales, 3 & 4 172. 10 174. 6 176. 9 178. 4 180. 5 88 Bdles. 440 lbs. Sheets & Ropes 0//14 // 8 1 nfo. Sf bill on London at 2 mos. £452 // 8 // Entered Day-Book, page 8. Mr. A. B. Anderston, 9th March, 1817. Bought of William Gillespie & Co, 1^ Cambric bord. Handfs. 23 pieces black, 47 doz. 4 do. 44 blue, 90 8 do. 2 pple, 4 2 do. 45 red, 92 1 114 pieces, 234 3 @ 21/. *. £245//19 // 3 - iSills at 6 mos. Entered Day-Book, page 9. Mr. A. B. Glasgow, 9th March, 1817. Bought of Todd & Shortridge. No.l.|fMuslins, smoliegrd.andyellow, 12ps.25doz.l0,(§! 17/6, £22//I2 //I 2. do. do. with pink, .... 6 13 . . 18/6, 12 // // 6 3. do. blue ground, ....19 41 . . 2, 20/. 41 // 3 // 4 4. tlo. light ground, . . . .29 696 yards, . . 20d. 60//18 // 66 1. - Box,&c. 0//11//9 137 * 5 // 8 5. ^i Muslins, light ground, ea. 24, 20 ps. 480 yards,. . 21d. 42 // // 6. do. green grouiid, .... 16 384 21|d. 34 // 8 // 7. do. smoke & blue, ... .19 41 doz. 2, 30/. 41 ir 2 u 4 55 2. Box. &c // 9 // 4 . 118 //O// 8 8. -Jf Muslias, light grd. blossom 49 ps. 1176 yards,, .21d. 102//18 // 9. do. green ground, ... i 16 384 21|d. 34 // 8 // 65 3. Box, &c..*,i 0//10//11 137//16//11 £393 // 3 // 3 Deduct 1 £72//9//0 for Cash, 1st May. j Entered Journal, page 12. Glasgow, llth April, 1817. Mr. A. B. Bought of Thomas Shields & Co, 126 Pieces Printed Goods,* bill st 6 months, £273//17 // 6 Entered Journal, page 12. Glasgow, 12,Ut'. @75/. 132//19//10 No. 50. 9//0//17 No. 53. 9//1//21 .iow fi U \.Vja 51. 1O//3//0 54. 10// 2// 4 52. 11//1//14 19 7/ 3//25 31 //I// 12 Draft 8 Draft 12 - ^.? ; ; : 19 // 3//17 31 // I // Tare 1 // 3 // 3 . . , Tare 2 // 3 // 5 ^- 18//6//14 @ 82/. 74 // 6 // 3 0,.,,,...,,.. 57 * // Ovdi ?a. 5Q,t,At^%*.» .?»/3,(j,»^^,,^^^^...«^.. 73//2//6 200bdies, £280//10//0 Cash, 4tth Mm* ^ ■^. X . /,. . . piscount 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, 14 //O// 6 A J. \i Ofl , I\9 — £266 uQ uQ Entered Journal, page 16, ,: .Mr. A. B. Glasgow, 5/A May, 1817. BOUGHT of Dalgleish and Frame. 3 Boxes printed Cambrics, ...,,» ..»»... Bill at 6 naos.,,..^^ , ,, £214^/11 jk 2. JJnfered Journal, page 16. .. ^ t ^e i rv ,». -^ ^^^v- INVOICE of 100 Barrels Ashes, shipped on Board the Nancy, M'Lae Master ,^ for Greenock, by order, and for Account and Risk of Mr. A. B. there. Ajf w Oi .T^ . ! 'New York, Qth May, 1817. i^g^^i: \\(\ . __^ 'llwl w il, . 70 Barrels Pot Ashes, wg. 179//3//21 Tare^ 22vl//27 >r\-ie -DoZ. Ccnf*. 157//1//22 @ 7 Dol. 60 Cents. ,. .. 1180 // 84 30 Barrels Pearl, , , . 76//2 // Tare I , 9//2//7 66//3//2l@8Ll>ol. «.»... ...«,. 535// 50 — — j "^ .dior « v' 1716^34 Charges till on board, 54 // 16 Bill at 3 moi. Exchange @ 4/6, 1770 // 50 is £39& w 7 // 8 i \» j: 'h E.E. Richard Condes. £Jn Mr. A. B. 2 Boxes printed Goods,. Glasgow, lAth May, 1817. BOUGHT of Alexander Bryce & Co. Bill at 6 mos £l97//13 u 5 Entered Journal, page 16. INVENTORY of Goods on Hand, 30th June, 1817. I ' ;> liJofo'jC.oiidroiiO^'aM Mule Twist, w No. HI. X Water Twist, No. 23. 50 bundles, @ 29/3,,^^,;, .^^^j £.73 tf 2 // 6 , j. 45. 16 80 lbs. 6/11 , £27//13 ii 4 46. 20 100 .... 7/. 35 tf // 48. 20 100 .... 7/2, 35//16//8 56bdles. 280 lbs. £98//10//0 Off 42|<^ Cent 41//17//3 .•r?j ,>lm..'; 56//12//9 Georgia Twist, No. 112. 6 bundles 30 lbs. 8/.5, 12//12 // 6 » 114. 4 20 .... 8/9, 8//15'/0 • 118. 5 25 9/4|, ll//14//4^ 120. 10 50 .... 9/8|, 24 // 5 // 5^ Z^t Ashes, c 25 bdles. 125 lbs. 10 Barrels Pearl, wg. 24 // // Tare i- . . . . Z ii » 0- :^:\-v)Tl 57 // 7 // 3 £187// 2// 6 21 Owt. at^S'^dtel: 168 Doll. Exchange @ 4/6, £37// 16 // Proportioji of Charges, £95. on £398, is 9 // 1 // Cotton, 2 Bags Pernam<». No. 14. 17/-3y/.2 46// 17 // 16. lr/2/A20 i^- olUL lie iiuietim!»p3 . T 1 ,. ^ . . 3 // 2 // or 392 lb. Leakage 11 lb. Draft 2 lb., & 2| ^ lOO lb 22 370 lbs. @ 2/5|, 45 // 9 // 7 Madder, 4 Casks, No. 25. to 28. Net 35 // 2 // Value at last 7 "'*''' "-'~nce, @ 74/ ^ 47. to 49. 53. to 64. 18 // 0//14 ." 82/. 74 // 6 // 3 8 & c Balance, @ 74/. ......... . . . .~ .T.T. .".7 \ ^^^^ "T "0 3 No. 47. to 49. 28 // 2 // 4 '.'.*.'.* @ 76/. 108 // 8 x/ 8 £314 // 1//11 Proportion of charges £30 // 9 // on £530, 18 // 1 // 1 Entered Journal, page 25. .... 332 // 3 // £611 //12 // 1 112 (1) THE BOOK OF SHIPMENTS, or INVOICE-BOOK OUTWARD. INVOICE of Printed Goods shipped on board the Atlantic, John King Master, from Greenock to New Yoric, by order of Mayne and Rowley, Merchants there, for their Account and Risk, and to them Consigned. * Glasgow, 23d February, 1817. M R I Cambric, 2 coloured Check, 48 ps. ca. 28, 1344 yds. @ 23d 1&3 1 Trunk, Sheet, &c. ^ Calico, 2 coloured Check, 5lps. ea. 28, 1428yds. @ 19d. 2 Trunk, Sheet, &c. I Fine Calico, blue Ground 15ps.ea. 24, 360yds. @ 23d. Cambric, Check, .... 6 ...*... . 144 .... 2/3|, ^ Muslin, yellow Ground, . , 20 28, 660 .... 17d, 41 Trunk, &c. CHARGES. Carriage to Greenock, £0//13 // 6 Custom-house Entry and Fees, . . . k . . . . <^ 8 // 6 Bills of Lading and Agency, • . • . . 0//11 // 6 Commission on £337 // 3//10, @ 2^ ^P* Cent Insurance on £355. @ 2 guineas, 7 // 9 // 1 Policy, 5/6, ^ Cent. 1 // 2 // Commission on ditto (Bh W Cent.* . «« , .. 1//15 // 6 .,u .0 * It • Entered Day-Book, page f . o \i 8 * iu; t j*'! 128// 16 // 1 // 1 // 6 113 // 1 // 1 // // 34 //lO // 16 //1 // 39 A/13 // 4 0//18 // 6 1//13//6 8 // 8 // 7 10 // 6 // 7 129 114 91 335 20 17 3S5'/10//0 '*:♦: ,0fitJ3t my \\.AY-BOOK. (2) Glasgow, 2d January, 1817. / / Sold William Simpson. Water twist, No. 20, 10 bundles, @ 30/. 21, 20 3G/9. 22, 45 31/G. 15 // // 30 //1 5 //O 70//17 '/ 6 Bill at 6 mos. 75 Bought of Thomas Bissland & Co. Mule twist, 73 bundles, 399 lbs. bill at 6, mos. amount, as ^ Bill of parcels Sold Watson, Arthur, & Co, 2 Casks madder. No. 5, 10 // 2//22 7, 12 //2//25 £i7Z fli 6 mos. 23 //1//19 Tare, lOlb. perCwt..^... .. 2 // 0//10 -21 // 1 // 9, @ 92/. Drawn on Strange, Dashwood, & Co. this day, at 3 mos. in favour of Peter Drinkwater, and remitted him the bill due 10th April, » Sold Crombie & Carnegie, Anderston. 2 Bags Pernam** Cotton, No. 2. 5, Draft 2 lb. and tare 2| ^ 100 lb. Present, bill at 4 mos. 1 // 2//12 .1//2//27 3 // 1//11 // 0//11 '3 // 1 // or 3641b. @ 2/3|. Sold Todd and Shortridge. 3 Casks Madder, Bill at 6 mos. No. 4. 6. 9 // 1 //14 7 // 3//2 4 17//1//10 Tare 10 lb. per Cwt.. . 1 // 2 // 5 . 15 // 3 // 5 — 10. No. 12 10 // 2 // 4 Tare, // 3//21 9 W2//11 @95/ 90/9. Received from Peter Drinkwater. Mule Twist, 99 bundles, 495 lbs. ; 2 mos. and bill on London at 2 mos as ^Invoice, ...., ..•• ^ 12. '■ • Sold John Cochran, Mule Twist, No. 56, 6 bdles, 30 lb. @ 7/10... 11 //15 // 58, 5 25 8/1 10 // 2 // 1 CO, 10 50 8/4 20 //16 //8 42 //13 //9 Discount, 35 ^ Cent. 14//18//10 Do. 90, 02, 94, 95, 96, 100, 3bdle§. 15 lb. 6 30 4 20 5 25 2 44 10 15 12/1 9//1 '/3 12/7 18//17 '/6 13/1 13 1/1 f/Q. 13/4 16//13//4 13/7 6//15//10 14/7 10//18 1/9 220 lbs. 75 // 8 // 4 Bill at 6 mos» Discount, 42^ ^ Cent. 32 // 1 // 45//11//10 71 //13 //4 27//14//11 116 124 12 6 10 98 210 10 41 117 119 5 2 43 // 7 // 4 71 (3) DAY-BOOK. 1:^1 Glasgow, I4th January, 1817. Received from Scrutoii & Campbell. 9 Casks Madder, <^ the Jessie, agreeable to my order. Bill at 3 mos. from 8fh February, payable in London as 4^ Invoioe, Allov^ed William Ferguson discount on his Account, 15. Sold Thomas Bissland & Co. Paisley. 6 Bags Pernam**. Cotton, Bill at 4 months. No. 1. 3. 4. 3 lb. dft. and tare) 21 lb. ^ 100 lb, } 1 // 1 // 4 1 // 3r/26 1 // t//14 4 II 2// 16 II 0//16 No. 6. 9. 11. 1 // 1^/12 1 // 2//24 1 // 2//10 4 II 2//18 Dft. and tare, // 0//16 A II 2, II 0, or 504 lbs. 4 // 2 // 2, or 506lbs. @ 2/3| . yn- Sold William Stirling & Sons. 6 Casks Madder, Bill at 6 months. No. 1 11 // i//24 2 8//3//21 3 13 ^/2 //8 13 8 // 3 // 3 14 7 // 1 // 9 16 8 // 3 // 2 58 II 3//11 Tare, 10 lb. ^ Cwt 5 // 1 * 1 17. -53 // 2 //ID, @ 90/. Sold Campbell, Dale, & Co. Water Twist, No.' 18. 25 bundles, 19. 24 20. 29 21. 16 23. 14 Bill at 6 mos. 108 bundles. @29/. @ 29/6. @ 30/. (§ 30/i). @ 32/3. Made Insurance at William Bogle .i4,« U//I3//0 Water Twist, 34. 20 21. 10 . 19 • j^ 7 !T?iscount,.37i ^ Cent. 4//7 //5 9 bdies. @ 3 l/.V^.Vv.^iV.iV '.'...... i3//t9 // 11/9 15//17 II Q Discount for Cash, Entered C. B. 2h 122 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 22*:^ January, 1817. (4) / / Sold Thomas Bissland & Co. 7 Bags Cotton, Bill at 4 months. Pernam'*, No. 10. 1//2//11 Georgia, No. 43. 3//1//8 12. 1//3//18 44. 2//^// 2 13. 1//1//16 45. 3//0//12 14. 1//2//22 6//2//11 Dft. lib. ^ bag, 4 8//3//19 6//2//7 Tare5lb.^Cwt. 1//17 Tare2^lb.^l00lb. 18 ■O ' Received from Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. Water Twist 228 bundles, .5 ^ Cent, discount for Bill on at 2 months, from 26th prox** ^ Invoice, Lond< -25. Dft. 8//3//22 3 6//1//17 or 717 lbs. 28. 8//2 //2or954lbs. !3/3l .2/21 Sold John Pattison & Co. 7 Bags West India Cotton, Bill at 4 months. No. 31. 2//2//19 32. 2//2 // 4 83. 2//2 // 5 34. 2//lvl9 No. 20. 2//1 // 9 21. 2//I//12 22» 2i'l//25 Dft. 10//0r/19 4 10//0//15 Tare 5lb.^ 100 lb. 2 //I Dft. Tare, 7//0//18 3 7//0//15 1 12 9//2//14orl078lbs. 6//3//3or759lbs. !2/4| 2/li 316 157 // 7/ 3 79// 18 //3 90 // 2 // 7 114// iO// 9 236 204 J8 13 41 Amount. of the Purchasa • and S 'ales this Month." Cotton Purchases. Bund. Libs. Yarn. Sales. Rund. Libs. Cotton. Pur. Sales Bags. Madder. Pur. Sales. Casks. \ Stock on hand, 1st Jan. Purchases and Sales to 3 1st 220 228 894 202 314 314 580 37 22 12 9 11 Stock carried to next mo. 4^18 894 202 246 37 22 ir> 21 11 10 448 894 44d 894 37 37 21 21 * ThU statement of th« amount of the Purchases and Sales moathly, which is conlinned only for the first three months, is given merely to assist'the Learber in chtcking the stock on hand. (5) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, Ath February, 18lt. 123 / Sold William Ferguson. Water Twist, No. 18. 24 bundles, @ 29/ 34// 16 // 38 // 7 // 27 // /' (' 23 //12 // 6 22//11 // 6 146 77 4 57 158 14 129 7 3 6 IV (} '' 6 5 9 6 19. 26 29/6, 20. 18 30/ 22. 15 31/6, 23. 14 32/3, 5 ^ Cent, discount for Cash. 97 J 2i//io//e I5//15//0 39// 18 I/O / Sold Campbell, Dale, & Co. Water Twist, No. 21. 14 bundles, @ 30/9, ,,.,. 22. 10 31/6 24. 24 33/3, 48 Bill at 6 mo8. or 5 ^ Cent discount for Cash. 3 1/9 If G 16// 6 / Eftected Insurance at William Bogle AY-BOOK. Glasgow, llfh Februari/, IBTfl (6) /, / / Sold Crombie and Carnegie, Anderstoo, 4 Bag$ Cotton, Bill at 4 months, Pernamo. No. 7. 1//2//20 West India, No.l5.2//l//21 8.1//0//19 17.2//1/M 2//3//11 4//2//25 Dft.2lb.tare,2ilb. ■) „ „ ,„ Dft.2lb.and tare} ,, ^ „ ^ 1001b. JO'^O^IO -u :.^...n ^0//l//0 51b. ^lOOlb.j 4//1//25 or 5011b. @ 2/4|, 2//3//1 or SOOl'bs. . . , ^/4, Sold William Simpson, Water Twist, No. 21. 30 bundles, @ 30/. 22. IG 31/6, 23. 10 32/3, Bill at 6 months. 56 -14. Allowed Robert Easton discount ta 31st Dec. last, 16. Received from Mayne & Rowley, 110 Barrels Ashes, ^ the Frances from New York, as <^ my order, 90 days' Bill on receipt, ^ Invoice, 18. Received from Richard Conder his draft on G. & R. Kennedy, London, at 60 days' sight, and remitted it to Strange, Dashwood, & Co. due 26th April, Sold Watson, Arthur, & Co. 24 Casks Pot-ashes, weighing 65 // 2//10 Tare^ 8 // 0//22 Bill at 4 mos. 57//l//16@45/. 20. Bought of William Stirling & Sons, 200 Pieces Printed Goods, ^ Bill at 6 mos. amount ^ B. P. . 22. ^ Nimmo & Bell's Pro. Note, due this day, not being paid, I have 1 protested the same , ».. ... , . y __:_ ._ 23. • >V Shipped on board the Atlantic, J. King Master, for New Vork, by order of Mayne & Rowley, merchants there, for their Account and risk, and to them consigned. is Trunks Export Goods, 140 pieces, amount as ^ Invoice-Book, Commission on £337 //3//10, @ 2^ fff* cent Insured on ditto at Wm. Bogle & Co's on £355. @ 2 guineas ^7 cent, and Policy 22/ ...... ..^. .....««.. .*»*^. y Commission on ditto, at | <^ cent,- :»»ni>«'i4/.Vk^W«i..>«jU¥4;^%^/10, 164. 3 15 44/2,.. 166. 5 25 45/6,,. 168. 6 25 46/10, 170. 3 15 48/2, . . » 172. 4 20 49/10, 174. 2 10 61/6,.. 176. 3 15 53/2, . . 32 160 Bill at 6 mes. TTT 8. Discount, 47i No 68. 3 bdls. 16 lbs @ 9/1, Discount 37J ^ Cent DiscouBt for Cash, Entered «f C. B. 22//14 // 6 40//15 // 8 4 93 // 3 // 3 1I3//18//1^! 63 542 452 10 20//16 I/O 53// 10// 10 33 // 2 // 6 56// 17 //(> 58//10//10 36 // 2 // 6 49 //16 // 8 25 //16 I/O 39'/ 17 1/6 374 // 8 V 1 177 //1 7 I/O 61/16 1/ 8 2//11 // 1 A 1/ b 1/ ~ // 4 V 1-. 4 // 1 // 207 196 n (9) DAY-BOOK. 12^ Glasgow, Qth March, 1817. / / / Sold Crombie & Carnegie, Anderston. 4 Bags West-India Cotton, Bill at 4 mos. No. 23. 2 // 2 // 5 24. 2 // 2 rf 8 25. 2 :/ 1//18 26. 2 //I// 17 Dft. 41 b. & tare 5lb. 9 // 3//20 lOOlbs. // 2 // 3 9 // i//17, or 1053lbs. @ 2/2, Bought of William Gillespie & Co, Anderston, 114 Pieces Printed Goods; Bill at 6 mos,; Amount, ^ B. P, .. Bought of Todd & Shortridge. 186 Pieces Printed Goods ; 5 ^ Cent, discount for Cash, 1st Apr. 11. B.P. The discount allowed Wm. Ferguson on parcel 4th Feb. is The discount allowed Robert Easton on ditto, 6th Feb. is., 12, - -^ — -^ Sold Penman & Brown. Muk Twist, No. 60. 14 bdles. 70 lb @ 0/4 62, 18 90 63. 12 60 64. 14 .... 70 65. 10 .... 50 66. 5 25 «8. 9 .... 45 . . 29 // 3 // 4 8/6, 38 // 5 // 8/7, 25 //15 //O 8/8, 30 // 6 // 8 8/9, 21 //17 //6 8/10, .. 11 //0//10 9/1,. 20 // 8 // 9 62 410 176 //17 // 1 Discount, 40 ^ Cent. 70//14//10 bo. 72. 75. 77. 78. 80. 1 bdle. 6 4 5 2 .... 6 lb @9/7 2//17 //6 36 O/U^,.. 17//18 1/6 24 .... 10/21,.. 12//5//0 30 10/4, . , 15//10 // 12 10/7, . . 6 // 7 // Bill at 6 moi. 18 108 Discount, 42^ 54//18 // Cent. 23 // 6 // 8 / / / Bought of James Finlay & Co. MuleTwist.lQohdls. .5M(Hbs. 5^Cent.discountforCflyA.lst Apn^^B.P, Bought of Kotbsay Spinning Company, Water Twist, 300 Bundles ; Bill at 6 mos, <^ B. P. Sold Todd & Shortridge. 3 Casks Madder ; Bill at 6 mos. No. 29. 9 // 3 // 8 No. 39. 8 // 3 // 6 30. 10 //O w4 ...... i. Tare, 0// 3// 4 Tare lOlb. 19// 3// 12 cwt. 1 // 3 // 3 "8 // // 2 @ 105/, . . lei // // 9 97/. . . 14 Casks Pot Ashes, weighing. ... 33 // 3//26 Tare ^, 4 // 1 // Bill at 4 most 29 // 2//26 @ 45/. . * ^ k * . 106 // 2 // 3 114 245 389 7 2 19 31 //1 1 //4 42V/1//10 87'/13 //9 129// 15 //7-I 66//17//11 137 118 432 196113 61 128 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 12th March, 1817. (10) / The Discount on Michael Watson's Account is ., 334 // V 8 9//16//1 11 // // 4 ! 4 // 354 55 575 602 273 3 406 119 16 9 3 4 7 6 7 3 16 8 17 6 14 1 4 6 / Shipped on board the Isabella, Brown Master, for Hamburgh, by order of Holford, Rucker, order and for account of Richard Conder, New Yoik, at his risk, and consi<^ned by his order to Murray and Macnab of Hambirrgh. 10 Bales Water Twist, 580 bdles. amount ^ Invoice-book, . . Insured at Wiu. Bogle & Co's on £925, at 2 guios. ^ Cent and ) Policy, .5/6 5 Commission on ditto, @ i^ Cent Nimmo and Bell being necessitated to suspend their payments, have offered 2C>/. ^ £, with interest, which I have accepted of, and receive the Bills, as ^ B. B. The Interest included in the Bills, is 31. Due James Irvine for 3 months' salary, Robert Strong do 16 // OvlO 15 // 5 // 31//15//0 48 //1 5 // 73 ff 3 // 27 v8 '/O 34 //5 //3 35 f/b I/O // 5 w 6 38m14 // 7 127//14 // 8 887 //12 // 6 22 // 3 // 6 4//12 // 6 17// 10 // 7vl6 // 282 166 914 / 4 25 11 Amount of the Purchases and Sales this Month. Stock from 1st month, Purchases and Sales, . . Stock on hand as ^ i Inventory-book, No. 2, j Cotton Purchases, Bnn. Libs. Yarn. Sales. Bun. Libs. Cotton. Pur. Sales. Ba^s Madder. Pur. Sales. Casks. Aslies- Pur. Sales. Cas^s. Export Goods. Pur. Sales. Pieces. 135 700 835 363 940 751 933 n 19 21 1 15 7 53 14 60 300 366 1303 751 84 835 933 370 30 21 9 16 7 9 53 '4 39 ''seo 360 835 1303 1303 30 30 16 16 53 53 360 350 2k 130 DAY-BOOK. (12) Glasgow, 2d April, 1817. 13 Insured at William Bogle & Co's on 100 barrels Ashes, ^ the Nancy, M'Lae, from New York to Greenock, £410, at 3 guineas ^ Cent to return 1^ ^ Cent, tor convoy and arrival, Policy, 5/6, 13 13 13 13 Sold Penman and Brown, Mule Twist, No. 62. 5 bundles, 25 lb. @ 8/6, 66. 11 55 8/10, 68. 2 10 9/J, 18 90 6 Months. -5.- Discount, 40 ^ Cent. Sold James Denny & Co. India Twist, No. 160. 2 bundles, 10 lb. @ 41/6, . . 162. 3 15 ...42/10, 164. 4 20 44/2... 166. 5 25 45/6, .. 168. 3 20...... ..46/10, 170. 7 35 48/2... 172. 3 15 49/10, 174. 4 20 51/6,.. Bill at 6 months. 32 6. 860 Discount, 50 ^ Cent. Made Insurance at William Bogle & Co's on 12 casks Madder, from London, ^ the Charlotte, £445, @ 12/9, ^ Cent Policy, 2/9 . — 9. 12//18 // 3 1 // 7 // 6 10// 12 i/G 24 //5//10 4//10//10 39 // 9 // 2 15//15 // 8 20//15 // 32 // 2 // 6 44 // 3 // 4 56//17 // 6 46// 16 // 8 84 // 5//10 37 // 7 // 6 51//10 // 373//18 // 4 186//19 // 2 Sold William Stirling & Sons> 4 Casks Madder. Bill at 6 months. No. 15. 8 // 2 // 1 Tare, // 3 // 1 7 // 3 // @84/. 40. 11 // 0//16 41. 9 // 1 // 4 42. 8 // 3//14 29 // 1 // 6 Tare 10 lb. ^ Cwt. 2 // 2//13 -26 // 2//21 25 Barrels Pearl-ashes, 57 // 2 // 1 Tare ^, .... 7 // 0//21 -50 // 1 // 8 Bill at 4 months. 95/6, 45/6, Sold Penman & Brown, India Twist, No. 170. 5 bundles, 25 lbs, @ 48/2, . 13 I72i 1 5 49/10, 176. 6. ....... 30 53/2, . 178. 4 20 54/iO, 180. 6.. ......25 56/6,. 2//18 // 0//13 I/O 32//11 // 127 // 8 // 8 159//19 // 8 114 1/9 1/6 BUlut 6 months. 21 105 Discount) 52| ^ Cent. 60 // 4 // 2 12 // 9 // 2 79 //15 // 54 //16 // 8 70// 12 // 6 277// 17 // 6 145//17 // P 14 23 13 186 19 11 274 13119 m (13) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 9th April, 1817. 151 14 14 13 14 13 Received advice from Peter Wood, New York, that he has, agreeable to my order, shipped on board the Fanny, Ker master, for Greenock, 50 Bales of Cotton, amounting with charges, as ^ Invoice, to ... « This Cotton I have ordered in Company with John Buchanan & Thomas Dunlop, each ^ share, and who allow me 2| ^ Cent, on the Sales for managing the same. Insured the above with the Tontine Insurance Company, £1350 @ 3 guineas ^ Cent., to return 1| ^ Cent, for convoy & arrival. Policy, 5/6, do Commission I ^ Cent 11. Sold Henry Houldsworth & Co. Anderston. 7 Bags Georgia Cotton, Bill at 4 mos. No. 46. 2 // 2//26 No. 50. 3 // // 2 47. 2 // 2//26 51. 3 // // 48. 2//3//25 62. 2//2w27 49. 2 // 2//23 8 // 3 // 1 Dft. & tare 5 lb. #'Cwt. 11 // 0//16 Dft. and tare, // 1//19 I // 2 // 4 8 // 1//10 or 9341b. @ 2/11, 10 // 2//12 or 11881b 2/8, 13. Effected Insurance at William Bogle & Co's. office on Goods by the Triton, Campbell, for Philadelphia. £335. @ 46/. ^ Cent., and Policy 22/ Received Account. of Sales from William Tate & Co. London for last mo They advise, that I may draw for the same at 3 mos.; the net proceeds is. 15. Sold John Cochran, Georgia Twist, No. 112. 10 bundles, 50 lb. . . @ 17/9, 114. 12 60 18/5, 116. 12 60 19/1, 118. 9 45 19/9, 120. 10 50 20/5, 53 265 Bili nt 6 mos. Discount, 50 ^ Cent. 42//10 // 6 3// 17 // 6//15 // () 136 w 4 // 2 158 //8 I/O 44//17 // 6 55 // 5 // 57 // 5 // 0, 44 // 8 // 9 51 // 0//10 25^// 17 //I 126 // 8 // 7 1290 16 53 1343 18 294 12 12 445 ]26 8 6 The error of lOs. here is made designedly, and rectified next month. ia2 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, nth April, 1817. (14) 13 Sold William Ferguson, In barter for 97 Pieces Calicoes & Shawl Cloths. Water Twist, No. 23. 54 bundles @ 30/3, 24. 30 31/3, 84 25. Sold Robert EastotK Mule Twist, No. «0. 10 bdles. 50 lbs. @ 8/4, . . G2. 8 40 .... R/(!, .. ' 64. 5 25 R/8, .. C6. 9 .... 45 8/iO, . . £20//16 // 8 . . n f/0 I/O . . 10//16//8 . . 19^/17 // 6 13 14 14 14 14 32 160 Discount 40 68// 10// 10 Cent. 27 // 8 // 4 Georgia Twist, No. 100. 6 bdles. 30 lbs @ 14/7 21//17 // 102. 12 00 15/1,.... 45//5//0 104. 10 50 ... . 15/7, ..., 38//19 // 2 106. 9 45 1()/1, 36// 3// 9 108, 10 .... 50 ... . 16/7, 41 // 9 // 2 47 235 183//14//7 Discount 471 ^ Cent. 87 // 5 // 5 5 ^ Cent, discount for Cash. 30. Richard Conder's draft on G. & R. Kennedy, London, due the 26th i inst. remitted Strange, Dashwood, & Co. 18t'h February, is this day \ leturned by them, with protest for non-payment, and amounts, with i expenses, to .. I have therefore advised Conder of the same, charging him with ? 20 ^ Cent, on the principal (as usual) for damages. The difference is j The Charlotte having, on her passage from London, suffered consi- derable damage, the Average loss is estimated at £27/11// <^ Cent, on £455. insured on Madder, .......;;,', t:;i;; The discount allowed by Todd exchanged on the llth, j 81// 13^/ 6 46//17 // 6 41 // 2 // 6 96 // 9 // 2 242 // 8 // 5 42 //14 // 128 11 137 II 19 // 9 // 5//19 // 5 // // 4 0//12 // 6 285 11 11 25 12 10 (15) DAY-BOOKi Glasgow, 2rf May, 1817. 133 18 18 18 18 Sold John Howie & Co. B. H. & Co. Water Twist, No. 18. 19. Bill at 6 mos. 37 bundles, @ 27/. . 33 27/6, 70 Sold William A root. Mule Twist, No. 62. 7 bundles 35 lbs. @ 8/6,. . . . £14//17 i' C 68. 5 25 .9/1, 11// 7 //I 70. 8 -10 9/4,.... 1B//13 1/4 20 Too 44 //1 7 //I I Off 4-2 1 * * • •^*'^'*"^*' Postaores, <..... // 1 1/4 366 3 4 17. Sold John Cochran. _____ Georgia Twist, No. 110, 8 bdles. 40 lbs. @ 17/1, . . . . Mi* • • • G Mos. Off 50 ^ Cent ,. 1 8. Sold Kibble, Forster, & Co. M. & Co. 100 pieces Shawl Cloths: Bill at 6 mos. (S. B. p. 4.) Sold Rothsay Spinning Co. 10 Bales Dcmarary Cotton, in Co. ^ Fanny; Bill at 4 mos. {S.B. Tp.l.) - 1 9. Sold Penman & Brown. P. & Co. Mule Twist. 56 bdles : Bill at 6 mos. (S. B. p. 5.) . . Sold John Cochran. Mule Twist, No. 114. 8 bdles. 40 lbs. @ 18/5. 116. 4,, 20 19/1. 1 »— r r •' r » • 12 6 Mos. 60 Off 50 ^ Cent. Sold Dinwiddle & Paterson. S. & T. Georgia Twist, 13 bdles. ; 6 m0$. (S. B. page 5) . 20. ^.-^ Received Acco»Bt of Sales from Roack & Co. Hamburgh, of part of my joint shipment with Wm, Rainey, ^ the Dolphin, to be remitted for next month ; the proceeds amount to ,.,........,...,.. The whole loss on that part sold, is , 3 M 56//12 // 9 5//11 // 9 34 // 3 // 4i 11 vluQ 36t'16 n 8 19 /i' 1 // 8 55// 12 // 4 57 //lO // 2 36 10 12 51 1 17 108 296 83 27 39 19 506 121 16 15 13S BAY-BOOK. (20) Glasgow, 2UhJmie, 1817. 21 Sold William Gillespie & Co. Anderstou. 3 Casks Madder. Bill at G mos. No. 60. 9 // 0//17 61. 10// 3// 9 52. 11//1//14 21 23 23 2'] 23 23 24 24 24 23 24 31 // 1//12 Tare lOlb. ^ Cwt. 2 /^ 3 // 6 -28 // 2 // 6 @ 91/. Sold William Stirling & Sous. 20 Barrels Pot Ashes, weighing, 52 // 2 // 8 Tarei 6// 2// 8 Bill at 4 mos. 46 @ 40/6, Sold Thomas Bissland & Co. Paisley. 10 Bales Pernamo Cotton in Co. ex. fanny. Bill 4 mos. (S. B. pa. 7.) . 25. Sold Dinwiddie & Paterson. Georgia Twist, No. 112. 10 bdles. 50 lbs. @ 17/9, . . 6 Mos. Off 50 '^' 2 N 142 ACCOUNT SALES-BOOK. (4) SALE of 50 Pieces Cossaes on Account and Risk of. Thomas H. Marshall, Perth. ■ . l A : ; ;'.> 1817. DB June 16. 19 By Kibble, Forster, & Co. sold them; Bill at 6 mos. I Cossaes, 50 ps. ea. 28 yds. 1400 yds. @ 11/. . CHARGES. Postage & Porterage, , , // 2 // 1 Warehouse rent, &c. ^ ^ Cent ,.,....' // 1 // 7 Comm« on £64 // 3 // 4, @ 2^ ^ Cent ' 1//12 // I Entered Journal, page 24. 64 15 9 62//7//7 SALES of 310 Pieces Muslins, on Account and Risk jof Marshall^ Stewart, S^ Black, Perth. Bills at 6 mos. ^^r . June 16. 18, i> % N\ 19 19 )T6 •>j .c-VV'l By Kibble, Forster. & Co. sold them. ^ Muslins, 60 ps. ea. 28 yds. 1680 yds. @ lld,\ , I do. 50. .....24 1200 l/l. Cambrics, 100..,. , . . 2400 1/4, 210 5280 By Kibble, Forster, & Cd. §6M them. I Shawl Cloths, 40 ps. 80 doz. @ 13/6, I do. 60 .. 60 ..... . 18/. :'r:^'f \m 100 140 Charges — Carriage of 2 bales to Glasgow, Postage and Porterage, 2 Bill Stamps, Warehouse rent, &c. I ^ Cent Comra°. on £410. @ 2^ <^ Cent Entered Journal, page 24. 77 t/0 I/O 65 // // 160 // // 54 //Q//0 54 // 0. // 3//11 1/9 // 1 // 9 // 9 // OvlO // 3 10// 5 I/O 302 I 108 410 14 17 395//2//a (^ ACCOUNT SALES-BOOK. 143 SALE of 66 Bundles Cotton Yarn, on Account of Thomas Pollock Sf Co. Paisley. 1817 June 19 fa D. li 19 Mule Twist, No. 72. 5 bdles. 25 lbs. 73. 76. 78. 11 80, 82. 84. 86. 88. 90. 10 .. 5 .. 2 .. 8 .. 7 .. 4 .. .. 10 .. 10 .. 55 .... .. 50 .... .. 25 .... .. 10 .... .. 40 . . 35 .... .. 20 .... 66 280 Discount 45 9/7... 9/Hi i-'/lli, 10/4, 10/7, 10/10, ll/l, 11/5, 11/9. 12/1. Bill at. 6 mos. Discount 45 ^ Cent- Commission and Risk 5 ^ Cent. Entered Journal, page 24. 11//19//7 4//17 // 1 4//i9 I'l 28 // 8 // 4 26 // 9 // 2 13//10//10 5//10//10 22// 16 // 8 20// 11 1/2 12 // 1 // 8 151 ^ 5 // 68 //I » 3 83 4 79 // v 7 SALES of lb Bundles Cotton Yarn on Account and Risk of Smith 8f Townley, Manchester. June 20 24 19 Sold Dinwiddie & Paterson, payable in 6mos. Georgia Twist, No. 130. 5 bdles. 25 lbs. @ 23/9, 136. 8 .... 40 ... . 26/3, 13 65 Disct. 52^ ^ Cent. Sold for Cash, Georgia Twist, No. 138. 5 bdles. 25 lb. @ 27/1, 140. 7 35 .... 27/11, 12 60 Disct. 50 ^ Cent. Disct. for Cash, Charges — Carriage of a Bale to Glasgow, .. Postage and Porterage, . , ...... Entered Journal; page 42. 29 //1 3 u 9 62//10 // 82 // 3 // 9 43 // 3 // 33 //17 // 1 48// 17 // 1 82// 14 // 2 41 // 7 // 1 41 // 7 // 1 2 // 1 // 6 1//19//2 //3//H 2 // 3 // 1 39 39 78 6 4 144 ACCOUNT SALES-BOOK. («) Dr. SALE$ of 50 Bales Cotton, received ^ the Fanny, Ker,from New York, in company with 1817. April May Jane 10 25 To Peter Wood, for Amonnt of his luvoice received this day, To Insurance on £1350, at 3 guineas per Cent.; Policy 778. and Commission I per Cent Deduct 1^ per Cent, for Convoy & arrival, . . . . To Duty on 13,350 lbs. at 16s. 8d. per 100 lbs. To Freight on ditto. Id. per lb To Charges at Weighing & Delivery, To Cellar Rent, To 3 Bill Stamps, , To postage & Porterage, * , To Commission on £1683 : 10 : 8, at 2^ per Cent. . ■ To John Buchanan; his one-third of profit,.. To Thomas Dunlop ; his one-third of Profit, To my one-third of Profit, 53 2 € 20 5 111 6 G 6 12 5 5 14 g 3 6 12 6 13 10 42 1 10 46 13 11 46 13 11 46 13 11 1290 32 172 47 140 16 17 12 1683 10 (7) ACCOUNT SALES-BOOK. 145 John Buchanan and Thomas Dtinlop, each one third share concerned. Cr. 1817. May 18. Pa D.B 17 June 18. 25. 17 19 10 By H. Honldsworth & Co, sold them. Bill at 4 mos. No, Cwt.qr. lb. 20 Bags Georgia. Cwt.qr. lb. No. 20. 2 2 26 5 21. 2 3 II 22. 2 2 27 23. 2 3 14 24. 2 3 18 14 12 Dft. 5 14 7 Tare, 2 14 Dft. Tare 5 lb. per Cwt. 40 3 10 15 40 1 2 23 3 8 13 1 21 or 1605lbs. at 2s. 9^d. 38 3 15,or4355lbs 2s.9d. By Crombie & Carnegie sold them- 7 Bags Georgia, if 3 Bags Permm. No. 16. 2 2 23 14 No. 40. 1 26 3 41. 1 19 42.' 1 12 — 4 5 10 Dft. 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 2i. 2 26. 2 27. 2 Bill at 4 mos. 3 14 2 26 3 18 19 1 24 5 1 27 D". 7 Tare 2ilb. pr 1001b. 15 are 5 lb. ) 2rCwt. 3 Tare 5 lb. per 19 1 17 2 13 6 1 12 or eOOlbs. at 28. 3d. 210 1 5 598 16 3 808 17 -18 2 4,or2076lbs 2s. 9|d. By Rotbsay Spinning Co. sold them. 10 Bags Demerary, W. No. " Bill at 4 mos. 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 7. 2 1 16 2 20 3 14 dam. 1 lb. 3 16 2 26 3 25 dam. 21bs. 3 11 No. 8 9 2 3 4 2 2 26 10. 2 3 15 67 10 289 15 6 19 1 16 Dam 31b. Dft. lOlb. Tare 5 lb. per Cwt. 8 19 1 17 1 16 27 3 5 13 27 1 2 20 26 26 1 22 or 2962lbs. at 2s. By Thomas Bissland & Co. sold them. Bill at 4 mos. 10 Bags Pernam. No. 30. 1 3 8 31. 1 2 27 dam. 21b. 32. 1 3 14 33. 1 2 25 34. 1 3 16 35. 1 3 4 36. 1 8 23 18 12 12 3 5Dft.l0lb.&dam.21b. 12 No. 37. 1 3 11 38. 1 2 24 39. 1 3 5 17 12 3 5 18 Tare 2ilb. per 100 lb. 1 22 Errors and Bad Debts Excepted. 17 2 6 or 1966lbs, at 2s. 3d. 357 296 221 1683 140 (1) JOURNAL, A. Glasgow, Ist January, 1817. 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 J) 9 10 5 5 Sundries Drs. to Stock. For the following Balances in ray favour 31st ulto. transferred. Cash for Balance in hand Thistle Bank, Bills Receivable. For the following in hand, viz. No. 157, 159, 163, 164, 165, 170, 171, & 172, Amount Cotton Yarn, 220 bundles, Wafer Twist, Cotton, . . . 37 bajjs, value <^ Inventory, . , Madder,... 12 butts, ditto, Furniture William Simpson, Robert Easton, Campbell, Dale, &Co... William Ferguson, John Cochran, John Howie & Co William Arnot, William Gillespie & Co. Thomas Bissland & Co. D. Johnson, Son, «fe Cree, Robert Wilson & Co. k. Richard Conder, in Warehouse, Glasgow, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto ditto, Anderston, . Paisley, Perth, Manchester, . New York, . Stock Dr. to Sundries. For the follow'ng Balances against me 31st ulto. transferred. To Royal Bank, Credit of £1000 To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Bankers, London, i rtdit £l iOO To Bills Payable. For the following under acceptance, viz. No. 57, 65, 68, 71, 74, & 76, Amount, To James Finlay & Co. , Glasgow, To Wm. Bogle & Co. .. ditto, , To Michael Watson Leitli, To Geo. Bowie & Co. .. A bet dt en .*. To Peter Drinkwater, . . Maochesterj » . . . . 32 //lO // 2 t022 //7 //4 293 vlO // 6 938^18 y/1 443//10 // 1 72//11 //6 II3//19 t/6 211 //6 //6 ll7'/10//0 192// 18 //6 110 // 4 // 145// 10 I/O 240// 15 //6 16 J '/ 4 // 8 95 // 6 " 172 //9//10 237 //1 2 // 4 105417 221016 1676 71 1873 688619 15612 619 5 1125 7 43617 8 370 160 2i0 3387 13 10 6 8 V 4 10 (?) JOURNAL. Glasgow, 2d January, 1817. 147 It? n William Simpson Dr. to Cotton Yarn, Sold him 75 bundles Water Twist, . , 4. Cotton Yarn Dr. to Thomas Bissland S^ Co. Bought of them 399 lbs. Mule Twist, Watson, Arthur, & Co, & Co. Dr. to Madder, Sold them 2 Casks, 14 Peter Driukwater Dr. to Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co , For my dft. on them at 3 mos. in his favour, remitted him, Crombie & Carnejjie Dr. to Cotton, Sold them 2 Bags Pernam«>. Todd & Shortridge Dr. to Madder,. Sold them 3 Casks. 10. Cotton Yarn Dr. to Peter Drinkwater, Received of him, as ^ my order, 495 lbs. Mule Twist, 12. John Cochran Dr. to Cotton Yarn, Sold him 220 lbs. Mule Twist, 14. Madder Dr to Scruton Sf Campbell, Received from them 9 Casks, ^ my order by the Jessie, Interest Dr. to William Ferguson, For discount allowed on his Account received this day,, 15. Thomas Bissland & Co. Dr. to Cotton, Sold them 6 Bags Pernam<*. William Stirling & Sons Dr. to Madder, Sold theui 6 Casks 17. Campbell, Dale. & Co. Dr. to Cotton Yarn, '. Sold ihem 1U« bundles Water Twist, , . \ shes Dr. To William Bogle Sc Co For Fretu. aud Policy of Insur. on 110 Bar. ^ Frances, from New York, 116// 12 // e 124//10//8 98 // 2 // 4 210//10 //O 41 // 6 // 7 117 // 5 // 2 119// 4// 6 71 // 2 // 3 302 //1 3 // 6 5//17 // 6 114 // 3 // 1 241 // 3 // 162 // 6 // 6 9 // 7//11 116 i2 124 10 98 210 10 41 117 119 71 302 13 17 114 241 162 11 148 JOURNAL. Glasgow, 21st January, 1817. (3) 13 8 3 17 17 3 Diuwiddie & Paterson, Dr. to Cotton Yarn, | 14 // o,/io Sold lliem 60 lbs. Mule Twist, 22. Cotton Yarn Dr. to Blackey, Hardisty, Sf Co. Bought of them 228 bundles Water Twist, . . . 25. Thomas Bissland & Co. Dr. to Cotton, Sold them 7 bags Georgia and Pernam** 28. — John Pattison & Co. Dr. to Cotton, Sold them 7 bags West India, Cash Dr. to Sundries. For Amount received this month, ^ Cash-Book, Sundries Drs. to Cash. For Amount paid this month, ^ C. B. Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries, For Amount of Bills received this month, ^ Bill-Book,, No. 173, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 7U, & 180. Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For Amount of Bills accepted this month, <^ B. B. No. 77, 78, 79, & 80. 14 // 0//10 14 9 10 316 // 7 // 316 7 // 236//18 // 6 236 18 6 204 //13 // 4 204 13 4 1505 //8//5 - 1527 //14 // 1 1318 // 4 // 9 887 If 4//10 . (4) JOURNAL. Glasgow, 4th February, 1817. 149 William Ferguson, Dr. to Cotton Yam. For 97 bundles Water Twist, Campbell, Dale, & Co. Dr. To Cotton Yarn. For 48 bundles Water Twist Madder Dr. to William Bogle Sf Co. For Prera. & Policy of Insurance on 15 Casks, ^ Susanna from London, Robert Easton Dr. To Cotton Yarn. For 162 lbs. Mule Twist. -S.- William Gillespie & Co. Dr. to Madder. For 4 Casks, James Finlay & Co. Dr. to Interest. For Discount on their Account paid this day, -9.— Cotton Yarn Dr. to James Finlay 8f Co. For 90 bundles Water Twist, -11. vVA.««> . \ ..O. Crora,hie & Carnegie Dr. to Cotton. For 4 bags Pernam*. and West India, n William Simpson Dr. to Cotton Yarn. For 56 bundles Water Twist, -14.- 14i Interest Dr. To Robert Easton 6 For Discount on his account received this day, 16. — Ashes Dr. to Mayne Sf Rowley. For 110 Barrels received ^ Fanny, -18. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Dr. to Richard Conder. For his Dft. on G. & R. Kennedy, London, at 60 days, remitted them. Watson, Arthur, & Co. Dr. to Ashes. For 24 Casks Pot, -20.- Export Goods Dr. to William Stirling Sf Sons. For 200 pieces Printed Goods, , 2p 146 77 57 1.53 17 19 14 129 95 10 10 86 385 11 237 12 129 492 19 I5rt JOURNAL. Glasgow, 22rf Februari/, I817. (5) 18 18 10 18 4 4 18 3 Nimmo •.•_• • 17 5 14 -26. Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. Dr. to Sundries. To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. for ray dft. at 2 mos. To Interest, discount on parcel thus remitted, Michael Watson Dr. to Ashes. For 20 barrels Pearl, , 335 //ID // 4 10 // 4 // 1 8//11 // I 205//19 // 8 61//15//6 300//11 // 15//16 // 145 11 354 267 15 14 10 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For amount received this month ^ C. B. Sundries Dr*. /o CflsA. For amount paid this month ^ C. B. Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For amount received this month <^ B. B , No. 181, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, & 188. aiLf>'! .h(\ .on •?, Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. .?,wVr*. y, ■^.-.W^i^^- For amount accepted this mouth <^ B. B. •< «*«««•«*«<••• . No. 81, 82, «5k83. 2027//15 // 8 2024 w // J 1448.. 8 i/A 812//13i/l 316 112 (6) JOURNAL. Glasgow, 2 // 7 66//17//11 4 // 4 // 354//16 // 9 334 // // 8 11// 12 // 1 9 // 4 // 14. Cotton Dr G. & R. Dennistoun & Co. Cr. 16 18 10 11 19 H. Houldsworth & Co. Dr. Cotton, Cr. \ * Interest, Dr. Campbell, Dale, & Co. Cr. 406//14 1/ 1 William Tate & Co. London, My Account Consig. Dr , For amount shipped per the Jessie, M'Queen, for London. Crs. To Export Good, 403// 8 //I To William Bogle & Co. Prem. of Insurance on £410. @ 12/9, ^ | , « « ^ Cent, and Policy, 13/9 ) -J // o ^^ u 18 55 // 3 // 4 575 // 7 // 6 602 // 7 // 3i 273 //16 // 8 3// 17 // 6 196 4 354 16 55 575 602 273 16 117 Peter Drinkwater, . . , .Dh'.V.".'.".'.'. .".■..■, ., , Strange, Dashwood,& Co Cr. for my dft. on them at 2 mos. remitted } him, j 19. D. Johnson. Son, &Cree, Dr. Cotton Yarn, Cr.. 22. Kibble, Forster, & Co. Dr. Madder. 119 // 4 // 6 282//H u e 166 // 9 // 3 406 14 119 282 11 166 91 3 (8) JOURNAL. Glasgow, 2Gth March, 1817. Ie53 10 Richard Conder> Dr » For Amount sliipt per the Hopewell, Ranken, for Hamburgh. Crs. To Cotton Yarn, To William Bogle & Co.; Insurance on £9-25. at 2 gs. ^ Cent. To Commission, 17 14 15 Nioimo &: Bell,. , . .Dr , Interest, Cr. fur Amount included in their install. Bills, Cash Dr. to Sundries. For Amount received this month, #* C. B. Sundries Drs. to Cash. For Amount paid this month ^ C. B. Bills Reckivable Dr. to Sundries. For Amount received thi.s mo. ^ B. B... No. 189, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, & 196. Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For Amount accepted this mo. ^ B. B. No. 84, 85. Charges Dr. to Sundries. To James Irvine, 3 mos. Salary, To Robert Strong, ditto, .... Profit & Loss Dr. to Sundries. To close the following Accounts. 10 14 16 16 To Thomas Bissland Sf Co. To Richard Conder, .... To Interest, To Charges, To House- Expenses, . . . . 2 Q 914 // 8 // 6 8B7^/12 //G 22 1/3 1/6 4//12 // 6 4 // 7 '/ 4 2555 // 7 '/ 3 2400 //lO // 4 924 1/3 //G 621//19 /' 2 17//10 I/O 7//16 // // // 1 // // 4 21 1/18 1/ 1 34' ;7//10 53 // 5 // 914 6 25 116 154 JOURNAL. Glasgow, :Ust Martli, 1017. (a) 15 3 3 4 4 L4 15 29 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 9 10 12 13 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 Sundries Drs. to Profit Sf Loss. For Gain on the following Acconnts Cotton Yarn, Cotton, Madder , Ashes, , Commission, ,. Profit & Loss Dr. to Stock. For Balance of the former Account, being the net Amount of my Gain for the last three months, 224//12 // 1 92vl4 //6 125 // 3 // 9 55// 15 // 5 26 // 8 // 8 Balance Dr. to Sundries. For closing all those Accounts in my favour. To Cash To Thistle Bank, To Bills Receivable, No. 174, 178, 181, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, & 19G To Cotton Yarn, To Cotton, To Madder, ►, To Ashes, To Royal Bank To Furniture^ To John Cochran, To D. Johnson, Son, Sf Cree, To Richard Conder, To Crombie Sf Carnegie, To Diniciddie and Paterson, • To Debentures, To Mayne Sf Rowley To Kibble, Forster, Sf Co. To Henry Houldsworth Sf Co To John Kingan, To Penman 6,' Brown, To Holford, Rucker, Sf Co To IVilliam Tate 6f Co, My Account-Consignments, To Ord «?r Dow, 52414 108 168 1120 1901 438 346 329 162 1615 80 63 282 923 114 28 55 355 166 480 196 137 357 412 212 9950 13 17 // 1 6 10 6 8 4 ff 3 9 4 7 (10) JOURNAL. Glasgow, Slst March, 1817. 155 •29 2 5 8 10 10 11 12 !3 16 20 21 29 Sundries Drs. to Balance. For closing all those Accounts against me Bills Payable, No. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, & 85, . Strange, Dashwood, &f Co William Gillespie Sf Co James Finlay £f Co , , . . William Bogle Sf Co , Peter Drinkwater, Todd 8f Shortridge, ..... Scruton Sf Campbell, Robert Strong, my Porter, Rothsay Spinning Company , G. <^ R. Dennistoun Sf Co Stock Dr. to Balance. For the Net Amouat of uiy Capital,, 2421 398 245 118 56 452 192 542 3 1007 602 6042 3907 19 156 JOURNAL. Glasgow, ^pril, 1817. 0') 25 15 16 23 25 21 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received tiiis month. To Royal Bank, ^ order, 13th ditto, To Debentures ; received Drawback, ^ Isabella, To Thistle Bank, ^ order, , 10th ditto, , To Interest; discount on Dft. remit. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. To William Ferguson, for balance of barter, To Bills Receivable ; discounted No. 185, ditto 197, ditto 202, To Ord & Dow ; dividend of 3/6, ^ £ on 212 i/ 6. SuNDRiES^ Drs. to Cash. For the following Sums paid this mouth. Royal Bank, ^ receipt, 23rd ditto. Todd #.•.;•.•,«•;••-«( • f.t •«•»,) Export Goods Dr. to Sundries. For amount purchased this month, as per P. B. To Thomas Shiels & Co . . . 12th ditto, 20th ditto, To Dalgleish & Frame, , 26th ditto 18 23 23 ■23 24 To John M'Fie & Co. To Alexander Bryce 340 1 19 19 // 9 9 To Charges, 312 18 For amount of Bounty on Goods, ^ the Triton, ....• 79 14 3 8 19 5 11 12 9 9 9 9 For Prem. of Insurance on the following this month, per D, B. Ashes; Prem. on 100 barrels, by the Nancy, M'Lae from New York, £410, at 3 gs.; and Policy 27/6, 23//13 f/6 13i//19//10 to return 1^ ^ Cent, for Convoy & Arrival. Madder ; Prem. ou 12 Casks, by the Charlotte from London, £456. @ 12/9, ^ Cent. ; and Policy, 13/9, Insurance; Prem. on Goods, <^ the Triton, Campbell, for Philadel- phia, £335. @ 45/. ^ Cent. ; and Policy 22/ 26 10 3 4 2 6 V 8 8 4 For amount sold the following this month, per D. B. Penman & Brown, ...«......•••••• •.... 155 186 126 128 137 735 274 13 19 8 11 11 3 9 9th ditto, James Denny & Co. •••••• ••••••••••«•••••••■•.•«••....« >•.. 159//19 // 8 114 // 9 // 8 John Cochran «•••••••••■••■••••*••••..•..••«....••«•.•••. William Ferguson, ..•••••*• •'*• ••••••••*••••••.••••••• Robert Easton ...•••'.' •.•.■•••••••■• a-kk^* •>■•«'*••»»•»••• •• .. .. .. .. William Stirling & Sons Dr. to Sundries. For the following sold them this month, per D. fi. To Madder • 4 Casks, Bill at 6 mos. ., To Ashes ; 25 do. Pearl, Bill at 4 mos. . « '. 1 /. '• • • • ^' • t^^ . . (14) JOURNAL. Glasgow, April, 1817. \5$ 14 Adventure of Cotton in Co. Dr. to Sundries. To Peter Wood, for amount of 50 Bales Cotton, shipped by the Fanny, from New York, ^ Invoice, To Tontine Insurance Co. for Premium of Insurance on £1350. at 3 gs. ^ Cent, and Policy 77/. to return 1^ ^ Cent, for Con- voy and arrival, To Commission,^ for | <^ Cent, on Insurance, 1119 Henry Houldsworth Sc Cp- -Or. to Cotton. For amount of 7 Bags Georgia, ^ Bill at 4 mos. ^ D. B. 1290 46 6 1343 1323 21 30,10 4 30 Will. Tate & Co. Dr. to Will. Tate Sf Co. A/. Consignments. For the net proceeds of the Sales for last mo. ^ D. B William Bogle <5k Co. Dr. to Madder. For Average loss on 12 Casks by the Chparlotte from London, £455 at £2. lis. ^ Cent. ^ D. B 10 16 29412 2 Richard Conder Dr. to Sundries. For his Draft, No. 190, on G. & R. Kennedy, due 26th inst. remitted 18th Fehruary last, and now returned with protest and expenses for non-pay- ment, per D. B. To Strange, Dash wood, & Co. for the above, , To Profit & Loss ; 20 ^ Cent, on the Principal, as usual, for da mages— the difference is ^ Sundries Drs. to Interest. Todd & Shortridge ; discount allowed by them, James Finlay and Co. ditto, William Arnot ; interest inclyded in Bill taken for his accom^. Interest Dr. to Sundries, oJfit To John Kingan ; pence retained from Bill, . « . . .V* /•'•'. To John Howie & Co. difference of interest included in Bills ex changed, ., .*•».. t • 445 4, // nil 242 42 285 19 5 2 27 8 14 9 19 1 911 12 // 12 4 6 10 160 Journal. (15) Glasgow, May, 1817. 3 \ 4 ] 3 5 6 7 20 2 10 15 31 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following sums received this month. To Cotfon Yarn, received as ^ D. B To Royal Bank, ^ order, , 24th ditto, ...;i^;i:v':;.:;i.',;;vv;.'.L.:, To Robert Easton, received in full, , To John Cochran, ditto, ,.......,., To Penman & Brown, in part, To Bills Receivable ; discounted No. 181 • iiK '■■1 ditto, 192,. 8th, ditto, 203,, ditto, 213,, 14tli, ditto, 183,. ditto, 184, . 22d, ditto, 218, 25th, ditto, 219, To Thistle Bank, ... 25th, ditto, 'i:\ :;^^' . . L . i ;v; .'. Sales of Cotton in Co. paid Duty, Freight, & Charges, on 50 Bales, ^ Fanny,.. ; Ashes; paid Duty, Freight, «fe Charges, on lOO Bar. fr. New York; House Expenses— r for family expenses, 6 // 5 // 47//10 // 11//15 //I 14 // 2 // 7 245 // // 289// 1 3 //O 66//15//10 0//10 // 3vl6 1/6 260 // // 290 // // 140 // // 80 // // 2322 460 56 84 3894 14 // 11 18 79 534 71 6 //6//10 3//11 // 2 2//13 // 6 0//19//10 3// 14// 7 0//11 1/1 12 13 770 267 151 302//13 // 6 385 //8//I1 400 // // 380 // // 260 v A' 17 688 1040 172 73 35 3902 17 (16) JOURNAL. Glasgom', May, 1817. 161 •22 613 818 10 20 19 8 2:3 22 11 13 3 4 13 3 3 20 Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For Bills received of tlie following, this month. To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. No. 209, . . . , 8th ditto. 213, To James Denny & Co 210, To William Stirling R I E s Drs. to In icrest. For discount allowed by the following, for prompt payment this month. Thomas Shiels & Co. John M'Fee & Co Profit & Loss Dr. to Ord &> Dow. For a Loss of 8/6, per £ on £212. Os. lost by them, and discharged 1 this day, ^D. B '. j 808 17 8 357 5 6 1166 3 2 10 // // 170 7 // 153 11 // 85 13 9 276 5 4 9 7 11 27 3 11 8 19 2 73; 8 1 381 4 // m 14 // 6 5 9 11 12 II 465 16 8 6 17 8 3 3 7 3 // // 13 1 3 14 .2 3 8 t/ 6 22 2 9 90 4 7 (20) JOURNAL. Glasgow, June, 1817. lb*5 12 •22 24 25 23 2;3 14 5 20 1 12 •30 8 22 10 5 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received this month. To Royal Bank, ^ order, 12th ditto, 25th ditto, To Bills Receivable, discounted, No. 212. . , ditto, 216 7th ditto, ........224......... 21st received payment of . . 193 To Debentures, received bounty ^Triton, ,., To Orhart, White, Rose,&: Co. received balance of Account &Bill, To Commission, received for money remitted Drinkwater ,. To Sales of Cotton Yarn, received for Smith & Townley's Yarn,. . To Interest, discount on 2 Bills paid on discount, To Thistle Bank ^ order, Sundries Drs. to Cash. For the following Sums paid this month. Alexander Bryce & Co. paid them, Dalgleish & Frame, do Interest, paid discount on 2 Bills, 7th ditto, 1 Strange, Dashwood, & Co. remitted dft, on Downe & Co. 22d July, Rothsay Spinning Co, paid them in full, Thistle Bank, ^Receipt, 21st ditto, Bills Payable, paid. ,.......,,.. .No. 79 25th paid on discount 86. , ditto 88. . James Irvine, my Clerk, in part wages, House expenses, this mo Robert Strong, ray Porter, wages to this date,... Charges this month, ; Profit and Loss, lost a Note, value . . , , 190 // // 160 // // 800 // // 114 1/9 i/S 294//12 // 2 346//16//0 129 // 2 // 8 3//18//10 3 // 3 // 8 80 // // 130 //O //O I «k^« • • • • Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For Bills received of the following persons this month. To William Arnot, No. 220 , To James Denny & Co. 221 To Richard Conder, 222 To Strange. Dashwood, & Co, ....,,, . 223. 7 224.y 134 // 5//10 245 //1 9 // 3 1007 '/12 1/6 1150 885 23 12 3 39 18 420 2552 Carried forward,. 170 // 7 // 346// 16 // 236 151 200 266 210 l3vS7 20 39 6 8 10 2544 92 63 285 2 11 17 10 14 12 8 •// // 10 517 958 3 // 2t 16(5 JOURNAL. Glasgow, June, 1817. (21) 8 19 10 24 12 15 9 2 7 5 2 12 25 2 6 27 23 4 1 11 7 19 10 12 12 13 3 12 24 4 7 19 16 8 Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. — Continued, To Henry Houldsworth & Co. ♦ No. 225. To Joseph Taylor & Sons, 226. To Crombie & Carnegie, 227. To D. Johnson, Sou, & Cree 228. Sundries Drs. to Bills Receivable. For Bills indorsed and remitted this month. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. remitted them. No. . , . .222. William Wright, ditto, 223. Orhart, White, Rose, & Co. indorsed 204. Sundries Drs, to Bills Payable. For Rills accepted to the following Persons this month. Thomas Pollock & Co No. 93. Thomas Shiels & Co 94. Sundries Drs. to Ashes. For amouiit sold per Bills at 4 mos. this month, as per D. B. Michael Watson, 20 barrels Pearl, Kibble, Forster & Co. . . . . 20 Pot, . . Watson, Arthur, & Co. 14 ^ . ^ . . . do. . . William Stirling & Sons, 30 do. . . 24th... ..20 do. .. 104 Todd on Coram, this month. To Thomas Pollock & Co, 56 bundles, guaranteed, due 7th Jan. To Smith & Townley, 25 (part Cash,) To Charges, ^ To Commission, ; 26 30 25 22 15 14 29 29 15 Sales of Cotton in Co. Dr. to Sundries. For the following to close that account, per D. B To Adventure of Cotton in Co , To Charges, To Commission, ., To John Buchannan; his third of prt)lit, To Thomas Dunlop ; his third of profit, To Profit and Loss ; my third of profit, , 30 30 15 16 16 Sundries Drs. to Interest. Alexander Bryce & Co.; discount allowed by them, Dalgleish and Frame Ditto, Thistle Bank ; Interest due by them, Royal Bank, ditto, D. B. Sundries Di's. to Strange, Dashwood Sf Co, For the following due them, as per D. B. Interest, Commission, Charges, Charges Dr. to Sundries. For Salary due the following. To James Irvine, 3 months, , To Robert Strong, ditto, , 62 395 4 11 474 7 2 16 17 79 76 2 4 16110 1323 5 42 46 46 46 1510 12 7 18 19 13 1 1 13 13 13 18 6 4 10 11 11 11 2 10 7 57 3 2 10 6 2 18 13 8 2 17 7 10 16 25 6 2u 170 JOURNAr. Glasgow, June, 1817. (25) 30 15 3 6 8 15 16 22 26 24 30 15 3 4 4 14 14 21 24 30 30 Profit & Loss Dr. to Sundries. To close the following Accounts. To Cotton, loss on it, To Furniture, allowed for tear and wear 2.^ ^ Cent < To John Howie Sf Co. suppose a loss ot' 2/6, ^ £. on £247 ,. To Charges ; balance of that Account, To House Expences, To James Denney Sf Co. supposed loss of 7/6, ^ £. on £250 // 2 // 9, To Consignment to Hamburgh in Co. allowed 12| ^ Cent, on £111 // 12 // 5, 1 being balance in hand, ) To Insurance, , Sundries Drs. to Profit Sf Loss For Gain on the following Accounts. Cotton Yarn, , Madder, Ashes , Interest, Commission William Tate S^ Co. my Account-Consignments, Muslins Stock Dr. to Profit Sf Loss. For Balance of the latter Account, being llie amount of my Loss for the last) three months, ) Balance Dr. to Sundries. For closing all Accounts tliat balance in my favour. To Cnsh, To Thistle Bank, ;.;... ; * . . . i To Bills Receivable, i ; . i ...;.... ; To Cotton Yarn, i . . ; . To Cotton, .i ....;.;; To Madder, To Ashei, To ttoyal Bank^ ■. To Furniture, To William Simpson, To fVilliam Ferguson, To .fohn Cochran, To John Howie Sf Co , To William Gillespie Sf Co To Thomas Bissland Sf Co To Richard Gander ^ * .« j To Michael Watson, To Watson, Arthur Sf Co To Todd Sf Shortridge, To William Stirling Sf Sons, To Dinwiddle Sf Paterson, To James Irvine, 6 2 30 135 75 93 13 4 361 lOf) 19 7 83 165 43 428 10 628 3813 187 45 332 40 474 78 10 45 45 216 166 221 403 103 61 129 235 122 3 7379 17 10 9 2 3 11 19 12 16 9 10 6 9 6 3 2 // 6 1 19 3 (26) JOURNAL. Glasgow, 30th June, 1817. 171 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 22 23 24 26 26 26 28 28 28 29 2 5 10 13 17 22 23 23 25 25 27 27 27 27 28 29 29 1 Balance Dr. to Sundries. Continued, To NimmoSf Bell, , To Debentures, To Mayne S^ Kowtey, To Kibble, Forster, Sf Co To John Kingan, To Penman Sf Brown, , To Rothsay Spinning Co To Holford, Rucker, Sf Co ' To James Denny Sf Co To William Tate Sf Co To Joseph Taylor 8f Sons, To Consignment to Hamburgh in Co To William Rainey, To Henry Smith To Gordon, Barron, Sf Co To Stirling Sf Co To Roack Sf Co Sundries Drs,to Balance. For closing all Accounts wherein the Balances are against me. Bills Payable, Strange^ Dashwood, Sf Co William Bogle Sf Co Scruton Sf Campbell, Blackey, Hardisty, Sf Co Peter Wood, ; • Dalgleish Sf Frame, Alexander Bryce Sf Co Tontine Insurance Co Brunton Sf Ballantine, William Wright, Thomas Pollock Sf Co, Smith Sf Townley Thomas H. Marshall, Marshall, Stewart, Sf Black, , John Buchanan, Thomas Dunlop, Stock, 7379 69 84 269 706 32 83 296 94 156 187 337 97 147 231 14 165 506 10861 19 1 18 10 7 15 3 4 // 6 15 15 13 18 17 12 12 16 2952 1202 62 447 37 795 241 339 46 83 51 79 71 59 395 46 46 3903 10861 9 2 // 10 // 2 3 6 2 // 7 1 7 3 11 11 11 in- INDEX TO LEDGER A. Ashes Arnot William Adven. of Cotton in Co. B Bills Receivable Bills Payable Bissland T. & Co Bogle Wm.Sc Co Bowie Geo. & Co Blackey, Hardisty, & Co Bryce Alex. & Co. . . Brunton & Ballantine Buchanan John Balance . . . . > Cash Cotton Yarn Cotton CamphelJ, Dale, cSf Co. Cochran John Conder, Richard Oombie & Carnegie Commission Charges Consig.toHambiirgh in Co ,. D Drinkwater Peter . . . Dinwiddle & Paterson Debentures Dcnnistoun G. & R. <^ Co Denny James Si Co. . . Oalgleish & Frame . . ,Dunlop Thos Easton Robt. . Export Goods Furniture Fersruson AVm Fintay James & Co. G Gillespie Wra.ife Co. .. Gordon, Barron, & Co. H Howie John r Campbell.. Stirling Wm. & Sons Strong Robert Shiels Thomas & Co, .. Sales of Cotton in Co. Smith Henry Sales of Cotton Yarn Sales of Muslins . . . . Smith &Townley Stirling & Co. * Thistle Bank Todd & Shortidge .. Tate Wm. & Co, A. Conslgts Tate Wm. & Co Taylor Jos. & Sons . . Tontine Insurance Co. U W Wilson Robert Sc Co Watson Michael .... Watson Arthur, & Co. Wood Peter Wright William (1) LEDGEH A. IIS Dr. Stock. Cr. 1817 Jan. 1 Mar. 31 June 30 To Sundries, To Balance^ . To Profit and Loss. Loss To Balance, . . 26 3387 3907 7295 4 3903 3907 19 1817, Jan. I 1 Mar. 31 Apr. By Sundries, By Projii and Loss. Gain By Balance, 10 6886 408 7295 3907 3907 19 10 1 11 19 Dr. Cash. Jan. 1 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 ^ 30 Mav. 31 June 30 To Stock, To Sundries To Ditto, .. To Ditto; v. To Balance, To Sundries To Ditto, . . To Ditto, . . 3210 1505, 8 2027jlo 25551 7 6121 168 17 2073] 15 38941 6 255211 8689' 10 Jan. ]31 Feb. ,28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 13 June 30 Cr. By Sundries," " By Ditto, ...: By Ditto, .; By Balance,' By Sundries, By Ditto,..., By Ditto, By Balance, 1527 2024 2400 168 6121 2232 3902 2544 10 8689 10 i)d Thistli: Bank. !»*0 aT 'Ck-.i.iJ Jan. Feb. Mat. Apr. May June To Stock, To Cash , To Ditto, , To Ditto,. To Ditto,. To Ditto, To Balance,. To Cash,..., To DittQ,... To Interest,, l'' 1022 7 4 .// 110 // // 200 // // 120 // 2 320 // // 70 // // 1842 7 4 » 1120 II (5 770r II 20 210 II 24 18 2 7 2118 2 7 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June By Cash,.,..} By Ditto,.... By Ditto,.... By Ditto, ..*, By Balance^* , By Cash, ... By Ditto...... By Ditto,.,, By Balance,, 17S 7 lltf // ^10 230 1120 1842 610 460 420 628 2118 2 X 174 LEDGER. C^) Dr. Bills Receivable. Cr. 1817, Jan. Feb. Mar. 28 31 Apr. May June .Stock, 157, 59, 63, 7 i, 5, 70, 1, 72, . . i > Sundries, 173,4, 5, 1 J, 7. 8, 9, 80, 3 To 4 To ToDitto,181,2.3,4,7 6, 6, 7, & 188, . . 3 To Ditto, 189,ao,l, 2,7 3,4,6,6, i To Balance, . To Sundries, To Ditto,... To Ditto,... 2210 1318 1448 924 5901 1901 2990 2861 2657 16 4 4 9 8 4 6 1211 1817 Jan. Feb. Mar. 19 16 710 8 1 1041112 1 Apr. May June By Cash, No. 157 By Ditto, ..163,75, By Ditto,.. 164 By Nimnio and Bell, 159 By Cash, 165, 170, J By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Balance, 174, 7, 81. 2. 179, ( 173, 176, 1 186,5 180, 188, 187, 178, 190, 171, 172, Balance, 174, 7,) Jl,2,3,4, 6, 9,91, J J, 3, 4, 5, Si 196, j By Cash, By Sundries, , By Cash, By Sundries, , By Cash, By Sundries, , By John Howie & Co. By James Denny & Co By Balance, 289 357 196 Ho 81 387 468 236 377 722 1901 5901 460 1047 2322 733 885 652 246 250 3313 1211 10411 12 G 3 6 6 6 11 // 9 2 Dr. Bills Payable. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June To Cash, No. 57. . . To Ditto,.... 68. .. To Ditto,.... 65. .. To Ditto,.... 71. .. To Ditto 74. .. To Ditto,.... 76. .. To Balance, 77,8,9, 80, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 To Cash, 11 To Ditto 16 To Ditto, 20 To Balance, 26 195 178 112 210 184 243 2421 3647 696 688 1387 2952 5725 U 4 2 5 17 14 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June By Stock, 57, 65, 8, 7 71,4,76, j BySundries,77, 8,9, 80 By Ditto, 81, 82, 83,.. By Ditto, 84> 86 « . ; . By Balance, . By Sundries, By Ditto, . By Ditto, . 1125 987 812 621 3547 2421 1624 1261 427 5725 17 18 1 8 IS) LEDGER. 175 Dr. Cotton Yarn. Cr. 1817 Jan. 1 4 10 22 24 Feb. 9 Mar. 4 12 13 4 31 Apr. May June To Stock To Thos. Bissland & Co To Peter Drinkwater .. To Blackey, Hardisty, ) «Y « Dr. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Bankers, London. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June To Cash on Downe & 1 Co. due 21st Feb... j To Richard Conder on ) Kennedy, due 26tb, ^ To Cash on Downe ... To Cotton Yarn, To Cotton Yarn, To Sales of Cotton Yarn, 1 117 10 // Jan. 14 4 146 7 // Mar. 11 263 17 // 13 128 11 Apr. 17 18 45 3 9 June 30 173 14 9 By Interest, By Casb, . By Interest, By Cash, . , By Cash, . , By Muslins, By Balance, 11 13 25 5 111 7 139 263 128 45 173 17 12 6 1 1'7 14 Dr. John Cochran, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Mar. Apr. June To Stock To Cotton Yarn To Ditto, To Balance, . . . To Cotton Yarn To Ditto. 1 192 18 6 Jan. 12 2 71 2. 3 Mar. 13 6 63 10 1 327 10 10 9 63 10 1 May 6 13 126 8 13 23 45 // 10 June 6 30 234 19 5 By Bills Receivable, 180, By Balance, By Cash, ^.. By Bills Receivable, By Interest, By Balance, 15 16 19 25 264 63 327 10 10 60 126 3 45 234 10 6 6 7 10 19 18» LEDGER. (8> Dr. John Howie & Co. Glasgow. Cr. ■ 1817 Jan. Apr. May June To Stock, WiiiV*... To Bills Payable, .... To Sales of Cotton Yarn, To Sundries, 110 371 95 247 713 4 // 14 1817 Jan. Apr. June By Bills Receivable, 176, By Bills Receivable, . . By Interest, By Sundries, Bill, By Profit and Loss, .... By Balance, 110 4; // 370114 // ull 6 95] 6| 6 3017 G 216 3 6 71314 // Dp, William Arnot, Glasgow Cr. Jan. Apr. May To Stock, To Cash, ,..,, To Interest, To Sales of Cotton Yarn, To Cotton Yarn, ...... 145 145 2 67 25 240 10 Jan. Apr. Juqe By Bills Receivable, 176, By By Ditto, Ditto, 14510 147|11 9218 240 9 Dr. William Gillespie & Co. Anderston. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. June To Stock," To Madder, . . . , To Balance, ... , To Bills Payable To Madder. ... 240 153 245 640 245 166 412 14 Jan. Mar. Apr. 1 June 30 By Bills Receivable, 178, By Export Goods By Bills Receivable, 189, By Balance, By Balance, 240 246 153 640 245 166 412 y^ (9) LEDGER. 181 Dr. Thomas Bissland & Co. Paisley. Cr. iai7 Jau. 1 15 25 Fe b 4 May 11 June 25 To Stock To CoUon, To Ditto, To Bills Payable, 81, To Bills Payable. .... ToSale«ofCottoninCo, 163 4 114i 3 23618 12410 638:16 72 221 293 1817i Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Jun€ By Cotton Yarn, .. By Bills Receivable, 173, By Ditto, 186, 187, By Profit and Loss, By Cotton Yarn, . . . By Balance, 2 1 1 8 12 124 163 351 10 8 4,' 8 ll //I 1 ()38 le'i 1 I I I ^72 221 •'/ 3 6 29312 6 Dr. D. Johnson, Son, & Cree, Perth. Cr. Jan. Mar. Apr. May To St6cfc;w'"J"/, To Cotton Yahi,, To Balance To Sales of Cotton Yarn, To Cotton Yarn, ...... 95 282 377 282 157 49 489 17 Jan. Mar. Apr. June 31 By Bills Receivable, 174, By Balance, By Bills Receivable, By Ditto, 95 282 377 282 206 489 6 6 6 8| 2! :. Dr. Robert Wilson & Co. Manchester. Cr. Jan. 1' To Stock, 172 910 Jan. 10 By Bills Receivable, 179, 172 10 2z 18a I^EDGER. (10) Dr. Richard COnder, New York. Cr. 1817 Jan. Mar. Apr. May To Stock To Sundries ^ Hopewell To Cash, Charges, .... To Balance* To Sundries, .... To Sundries, ^ Betsey, To Mayne & Rowley, 1 1817 1 237 12 4 Feb. 18 b! 914 8 ' S 5 4 Mar. 31 1161 6 2 9 923 l3 io May 18 14 285 2 5 6 17 286 16 6 June 7 19 10 12 // 9 30 1505 1 By Strange, Dashwood 1 &Co ] By Profit and Loss, . . By Balance, By Bills Receivable, , . By Ashes, .......... By Bills Receivable. . . . By Balance, 237 923 1161 418 398 285 403 1505 12| 9 Di James Finlay & Co. Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. To Bills Payable, 77, To Interest, ...... .. To Cash, , To Bills Payable, 84, To Balance^ ...... To Cash, To Interest, 156 14 266 129 118 684 113 5 17 19 1J819 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. By Stock, By Cotton Yarn, By Ditto By Balance, • . . . 1 436 17 1 129 // 118 19 684 17 10 118 19 — 118 19 — Dr. William Bogle & Co. Insurance Brokers. Cr. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 19 3) To Cash ... To Balance, loss, To Madder, aver. To Sundries, To Jos. Taylor & Sous, To Balance f 1 10 8 56 4 18 6 Jan. Feb. 1 n 4 23 Mar. 12 16 26 65 2 6 14 18 22 26 11 : 6 8 P2 11 3 12 17 // // 9 2 Apr. May 1 30 3 89 3 11 By Stock, ByAshes.insur^Frances By Madder, ^ Susanna, By Mayne & Rowley, 7 ^ Atlantic, . . .\ j By Holfor(J, Ruckcr, \ & Co. ^Isabella,} By Wm. Tate & Co. Jessie, By Richard Conder Hopewell, "\ By Balance, By Sundries, By Insurance 1 8 4 2 9 7 4 4 6 5 8 11 7| 9 4 8 22 3 7 3 6 65 2 10 56 18 L3 26 10 18 5 15 89 a; CO LEDGER. 183 Dr. Michael Watson, Leith. Cr. 1817 Jan. Feb. June To Bills Paval.le, 78, 79, To Ashes, ...... .... To Ashes, 2i 370 112 48-2 lOS 2 4 t 2 1817 Jan. Mar. June 30 1 By Slock, . 12! Bv Interest, By Cash, . By Balance, 25 370 1 4 4 10717 482 2 103 7 Dt. George Bowie & Co. Aberdeen. Cr. Jan. 12 To Bills Payable, 80, , . 46015 10 Jan. 1 By Stock, 46015 10 Dr. Peter Drinkwater, Manchester. Cr. Jan. 7 Mar 18 31 Apr. May 8 4 To Strange, Dashwood 7 &Co ] To DittP, To Balance, , , . , To Bills Receivable, , . To Ditto, 210 119 452 782 452 377 829 Jan. Mar, Mar. Apr. By Stock, By Cotton Yarn, By Ditto, .... By Balance, . . . . By Cotton Yarn, 210 119 452 782 452 377 829 184 liEDGER. (12) Dr. Watson, Arthur, & Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Jan. Feb May June To Madder, To Ashes, To Sales of Muslins, To Ashes, ..« 98 2i 4 129 2i 8 227| sl' If 16210 61 151 li _ __\ i 224 5 // 1817 Feb. Mar. June By Bills Receivable, 184, By Ditto, 193. By Sundries, By Balance, , Bills, 1 98 2 1 129 2 227 5 22 162 10 25 6i 15 224 5 Di. Crombie & Carnegie, Anderston, Or. Jan. I 8 To Cotton, Feb. Ill I To Ditto, . Mar. 8 To Ditto, . Apr. Mav IjT^o Balance, 9 22 To Sales of Cotton in Co. 19 41 95 114 250 114 357 471 Mar. 12 By Bills Receivable, 190, 31 By Balance, Apr. June By Bills Receivable, By Ditto, . . . . 136 114 250 114 357 457 Di. Todd & Shortridge, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Mar. Apr. June To Madder, To Sundries, To Balance To Cash, . . To Interest, To Muslins, 117 196 192 606 9 2 C69 15 // 19 9 // 129 2 6 518 6 F^b. 9 Mar. 9 Apr. 1 13 Jane 30 By Bills Receivable, 183, By Export Goods, . . . . By Balance, • By Bills Receivable, By Balance, 117 389 506 192 196 129 518 (13) tEBGEH. 185 Dr. ScRUTON & Campbell, London. Cr. I8l7j Feb. jll Mar. 81 May 11 June 30 To Bills Payable, 82. To Balance, To Bills Receivable, To Bills Payable, . . To Balance, 1817 1 302 13 6 Jan. 14 10 542 6 // Mar. 4 844 19 6 16 355 18 Apr. i // 186 7 May 3 26 447 12 989 18 // By Madder^ . . . By Ditto, . . . . « ««^ •,• • By Balance, By Madder, 10 16 302 542 844 542 447 989 13 6 19 18 Dr. William Stirling & Sons, Glasgow. Cr. \ Jan. Mar. Apr, June To Madder, To Bills Payable, 85. To Sundries, To Ashes,,. 2 1 13 21 241 492 3 19 2 Feb. May June 20 3 6 30 734 274 235 2 9 15 2 4 1 510 4 5 By Export Goods, . . . . By Bills Receivable, 181, By Bills Receivable,, By Balance, ....... 16 25 492 241 734 274 235 510 Dr. DiNWiDDiE & Paterson, GlaSffOW. Cr. Jan. 21 Feb. 25 Apr. 1 May 15 June 19 25 To Cotton Yarn, To Ditto, .. To Balance, 9 To Cotton Yarn, 18 To Sales of Cotton Yarn, 22 To Cotton Yarn, 23 14 14 28 18 2818 32 8 39 // 22 3 12212 10 Mar, 10 31 8| June lo' 9 9 30 By Balance^ By Balance^ 3 A 28 28 18 18 25 12212 122 12 3iS6 LEDG£R. (14) Dr. Interest. Cr. 1817 Jan. FeU. Mar. Apr. May June 14 |8 22 14 jl2 il9 11 12 16 5 12 19 26 23 31 30 30 To William Ferguson, . , To Cash, ,,, k To DUto, ........ To Robert Easton, . . . , To Casli, To Ditto, To Sundries, To Michael Watson,, . . . To Campbell, Dale, & Co. To Cash, ...., To Ditto, To Ditto, , To Ditto, , To Cash, 11 To Sundries, To Cash, To Sundries, ,,...... To Cash, .....,, To Strange, Dashwood, ) & Co. ..., j To Profit and Loss,, , , . 5 4 2 1 7 4 9 4 3 4 ^ 4 7 62 17 13 7 10 83 137 17 10 1817 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June By James Finlay & Co. By Blackey, Hardisty, ] &Co. .......... I By Cash, ,... ....... By Nimmo /t Bell, ,,. By Projit and Loss, , 13 By Cash 30 By Sundries, 31 By Sales of Cotton Yarn, Bv Sundries, 25 By Cash, ...., , 16 By Cotton Yarn, ...... 30 By Sundries, ., , 14 15 2718 62: 5 9 11 14 19 // 20 23 24 //'16 27 8 .22 18 2 57 11 2 9 // 10 2 13717 10 Dr. Commission. Cr. Mar. 31 June 30 To ProJlt 4' Loss, , . ToStrange,Dashwood, 1 & Co , / To Piofit and Loss, . . 26 26 165 170 15 Feb. Mar, Apr. May June 94 31 8 Jane 22 16 30 By Mayne & Rowley, By Holford, Rucker,& Co By Richard Conder, By Joseph Taylor & Sons, ByAdven. of Cotton inCo. By Consignt. to Ham- \ buruh hi Co. ...... ) By William Rainey, . . . . By Henry Smith, By Sundries, . . ...... By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Sales of Muslins, , . By Cash, By Cotton Yarn, ...... By Sales of Muslins,. . . . By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Sales of Cotton iq Co. 13 14 17 // // // 19 // 20 23 24 10 11 4 26 9 6 12 12 1 25 27 11 3 2 11 4 42 170 5 6 8 11 11 // 7 1 2 10 (15) LEDGER. J 87 Dr. Charges. Cr. iyi7i Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May JuDe To Cash, ,..A:^Si\.. To Ditto, To Ditto, To Cash, , To Ditto, , To Ditto, , fo Strange, Dashwood, &Co.,... To Sundries, To Sundries, .,..,,.,.. 8 1817 1 2 12 7 Mar. 31 f/ 2 14 10 i 2 4 4 5 8 25 6 /' 34 17 10 11 72 9 7 Apr. 18 15 78 12 8 17 20 8 8 3 24 2 2 // May 3 // 25 6 // 24 31 8 Joiie 16 27 30 187 18 1 By Pre/it & Less, By Jos. Taylor & Sons, By Wm. Tate & Co. 1 ray Accot. Consigns, j By Consignment to 7 Hamburgli in Co. , . 3 By William Rainey, .... By Henry Smith, By Sundries, , By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Sales of Muslins, . . . By Cotton Yarn, By John Howie & Co. . . By Sales of Muslins, . . . . By Sales of Cotto» Yarn, By Sales of Cotton in Co. By Profit & Loss, . . . . 8 34 17 10 34 4 1 1 2 11 9 6 // 11 4 2 6 135 17 10 19 16 16 11 15 7 5 1 3 16 3 1 9 10 9 6 1 11 9 4 // 5 1 4 4 187 18 6 Dr. Profit & Loss. Cr. Mar. ;May June 31 31 20 30 To Sundries, To Stock. ..,..,.. Gain, To Ord & Dow, To Consign, to Ham- 7 burgh in Co... .... 3 To Cash, ,.., To Sundries, 116 408 524 90 60 10 361 522 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 June 30 By Sundries, , , By Richard Conder,. . . . 14 By Sales of Cotton in Co. 24 By Sundriies, , . . . , 25 By Stock, for Loss, , , . ,25 liOji. a . i 524 524 14 5 14 5 42 46 4 ^522 14; // 13 11 19^ 2 19 188 LEDGER, (16) Dr. House Expenses. Cr. 1817 Jaa. Feb. Mar, May June 31 To Cash, 28 To Ditto, 11 To Ditto, 22 To Cash, 12 To Ditto, 21 20 12 53 35 39 75 1817 Mar. June 31 30 By Profit Sf Loss,. By Profit Sf Loss, 25 53 53 75 76 Dr. James Irvine, my Clerk. Cr. MarJ26 June 12 To Cash, To Cash, 17 20 20 10 10 10 Mar. June By Charges, By Charges, By Balance, 24 25 17 17 3 20 10 10 10 Dr. Robert Strong, my Porter. Cr. Feb. 25 Mar.31 Apr. 15 June 30 To Cash, . . To Balance, To Cash, To Ditto, 16 16 Mar. Apr. June 31 By Charges, By Balance, By Charges, 10 24 16 16 3 7 10 16 16 (17) LEDGER. 189 Dr. Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. Keswick. Cr. , 1817 Feb. JuDe 26 To Sundries, To Sundries, To Balance, , .Biils. 316 289 37 276 1817 Jan. May 22 12 By Cotton Yarn, By Sales of Cotton Yarn, 19 316 276 276 Dr. John Pattison & Co. Glasg^ow. Cr. Jan. 28 Te Cotton, 3 204 13 4 Feb. 16 By Bills Receivable, 188, 20413 4 Dr. NiMMO & Bell, Glasgow. Cr. Feb. Mar. May To Bills Receivable, 159. To Cash, protest, , . . . To Interest, To Sales of Cotton Yarn, 18 145 150 159 159 14 14 Mar 26 une 10 30 By Bills Receivable, 194, 5,6 By Sundries, Bill. By Balance, 150 150 22 26 90 69 159 12 1 14 11 8 3 B tm I.EBGER. (18) Dr. Export Goods. r. 1817 Feb. Mar. Apr. May To William SJirling&Sons ToWilliamGillespie&Co To Todd & Shortridge, To Sundries, To Ditto, . . 492 245 389 1128 1619 848 2467 8 4 1817 Feb. Mar. Apr. May 23} By Mayne & Rowley, 12 By Holford Rucker& Co //; By Debentures, 16 By W. Tate & Co. A. Con 13 By J. Taylor & Sons, . . r/ By Debentures, nJByW.Tate&Co.A.Con 3 By Consign, to Ham- 7 I bro' in Co j i/\ By William Rainey, , . . . //! By Debentures, 24l By Sundries, 5 335 10 1 334 // II 55 3 II 403 8 1128 2 13 309 14 // 79 19 // 340 19 17 401 14 // 401 14 // 84 18 // 848 6 2467 8 4 8 4 J 5J — i a! 9i I II \ 10 10 7 7 Dr. Debentures. Cr. Mar. Apr. May 12 To Export Goods, Isabella, 4 To Balance, 13 To Export Goods, ^\ Triton, j 3 To Ditto, ^ Dolphin, 55 55 79 84 220 Mar. Apr. May June 31 By Balance, 6: By Cash, n 15jBy Ditto. 15 12 By Ditto 20 30 By Balance. , . . 26 55 55 56 23 84 220 3 4 3 4 11 8 \i 18 "T!8 Dr. Mayne & Rowley, New York. Cr. Feb. 23 To Sundries,"^ Atlantic To Cash, .... Charges, To Bills Payable, 88. . . Apr. May To Balance, . • . . To Sundries," ^ Betsey, 5 354 5 1 6 Feb. 16 1 113 6 Mar. 31 1 9 385J 8 11 11 74li 7 1 35519 // Mav' 8 17 27910 1 18 June 30 1 ' 635 9 i 1 By Ashes, ^ Fanny, By Balance, By Bills Receivable, By Richard Conder, By Balance, 385 8 35519 741 35519 lOl 269jl0 635' 9 111 a i; (19) LEDGER. 191 Dr. Kibble, iFoRSTEii, & Co. Glasg^ow. Cr. 1817 : Feb. 25 To Sundries,, Mar. 22 To Madder, . Apr. I 1 To Balance, May i 4 To Sales of Muslins,. , . . June! 7, To Ashes, I To Madder, 30 To Sales of Muslins,. . . . 267 166 434 166 303 87 144 474 1175 1817 Miir. Apr. June By Bills Receivable, 192, By Balance, , 15 By Bills Receivable,. . . . 7 By Sundries, Bill. 30 By Balance, 12 22 26 267 166 434 15 9 166 303 705 1175 9 3 6 8 710 3 $ Dr. Henry Hqulpswoi^th & Co. Aiiderston. .May June 31 By Balance, ... ,^. ^ ^-^ , v By Bills Receivable, , . . , By Ditto, .i By Dit^o, ^ 12 16 21 49P18 480 480 18 I? 294 J^ 808 17 1584 Dr. John Kingan, Gl^§go^. .<*r. Mar. Apr. May To Cotton Yarn, , To iBalance, . . . . To Cotton Yarn, 196 11 ;..6i.4 ^Sir. i^pi-. Jjune By Balance, *g».?#Ai»,fj' By iBills Receivable, . . . . By Interest, Pence ^y ^alance, r^ 12: 26 1«6 ?L1 id6 1 2^9 11 // 15 loa LEDGER. (20) Dr. Penman & Brown, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Mar. Apr. June 12 To Cotton Yarn, To Balance To Cotton Yarn, To Sales of Cotton Yarn, 137 137 155 83 376 13 10 1817 Mar. Apr. May June 31 By Balance, By Bills Receivable, By Cash, By Bills Receivable, By Interest, By Balance, 137 137 60 92 3 83 376 18 131 7'. 13 4 9 Dr. RoTHSAY Spinning Company. Cr. Mar. 31 Apr. June To Balance, To Bills Payable, To Cash, To Sales of Cotton in Co, 10 1007 1007 1007 266 296 1570 12 12 Mar. Apr. May June By Cotton Yarn, By Ditto, By Balance, .... By Cotton Yarn, By Balance, ,,,. Dr. HoLPORD, RucKER, & Co. Hambiirg"h. 6 432 5 7 575 7 1007 12 10 1007 12 16, 266 9 26 206 4 1570 6 Cr. Mar. 12 Apr. To Sundries, ^ Isabella, To Cash, .... Charges, . , To Balance, 35416 3 // 357 357 17 17 35717 Mar. May June 31 By Balance, By Bills Receivable, By Balance, .*.... 367 357 263 94 357 17 17 (21) LEDGER. 193* Dr. Geo. & Rob. Dennistoun & Co. Glasgow, Cr. 18171 iMar. 31 Apr. 16 To Balance, To Cash, To Bills Receivable. 602 7 595 602 1817 Mar. Apr. 14 By CottoD, '.V •,*** '*j By Balance, 10 602 602 602 Dr. William Tate & Co. London, my Accot. Consigts. Cr. Mar. Apr. June 16 To Sundries, per Jessie, To Cash. Charges, . . 1 To Balance, 17 To Sundries, ^ Mary, 30 To Profit S^ Loss, ... 406 5 412 412 342 43 708 11 Mar. A pr. June 31 By Balance, By Wm. Tate & Co. By Ditto, By Stirling & Co. . 14 22 412 9 9 412 445 187 165 798 Dr. Ord & Dow, Glasgow. Cr. Mar. Apr. To Cash, . . To Balance,, 212 212 212 6 // Mar. Apr. May By Balance, By Cash, By Ditto, , By Projit Sf Loss, 11: 15 19 212 37 84 90 212 fK n 194 liEDGER. (22) Dr. James Denny & Co. Glasg-ow. Cr. 1817 Apr. May Juue To Cotton Yarn, To Sales of Cotton Yarn, To Bills Receivable, . . 1 i I 18619 2 206181 71 250 2 9 644 1817 May June 4; By Bills Receivable, 5| By Ditto, .... 6 By Sundries, ....Bill, 30 By Profit and Loss,. . By Balance, 18619 63 3 143 15 9316 156; 6 ! 644' Dr. Adventure of Cotton in Co. Cr. Apr. To Sundries, ^ Fanny, 14 i34318 1343 18 May June 4 By Sundries, 25 By Sales of Cotton in Co. 20, 5 // 132313 6 134318' 6 Dr. Peter Wood, New-York. Cr May June 8 To Bills Payable, 30 To Balance, 495 795 1290 16 Apr. By Adven. of Cotton in Co 14 1290 1290 16 16 Dr. Sales of Cotton Yarn. Cr. May June To Sundries, To Ditto, . 731 161 892 18 May June By Sundries, 18 By Ditto, 22j By Cash, 20 73J 122 89 892 18 (23) I.EDGER. 195 Dr. WiiiLiAM Tate & Co. London. Cr. 1817 Apr. June To William Tate & Co. Accot. CoQsig To Ditto, 445 187 632 19 1817 Apr. June By Bills Receivable,, By Balance, 445 187 Q32 19 Dr. Thomas Shiels & Co. Glasgow. Cr. May June To Cash, To Interest, To Bills Payable, 267 14 273 555 Apr. 30 By Export Goods, 12 555 555 Dr. Dalgleish & Frame, Glasgow. Cr. May June 8 4 30 To Bills Payable, To Cash, To Interest, . . . . To Balance, . . . . 496 151 7 241 896 Apr. May By Export Goods, By Ditto, . . . 655 241 896 11 11 Dr. Alexander Bryce & Co. Glasgfow. Cr. Ji^ne To Cash, . . . . To Interest, . , To Balance,^. 236 12 339 588 Apr. May 15 By Export Goods, . » . . 12 31 By Ditto, 16 24815 339 7 588 im I.EDGER. (24) Dr. John M*Fee & Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817 May To Cash, 15 To Interest, 19 151 8 159 1817 Apr. 15 By Export Goods, 12 159 159 18 18 Dr. Muslins. Cr. Apr. June To William Ferguson, To Profit Sf Loss, . . 128 129 e June By Todd & Shortridge, 21 129 129 Dr. Joseph Taylor & Sons, New York. Cr. Apr. May To Sundries, ^ Triton, To Ditto, Betsey;, 332 340 672 15 June jBy Bills Receivable, . . By William Bogle & Co By Balance, 326 8 337 672 DK Insurance. Apr. May To William Bogle & Co, To Sundries, 51 59 12 16 Apr. May June By Jos. Taylor & Sons, By Consign, to Ham-") burgh in Crf. . . . . j By William Rainey,. . . . By Henry Smith, By Sundries, By Profit and Loss, . , 13 8 12 17 10 3 1 10 3 1 5 15 ] 20 17 26, 4 5 59 16 (25) LEDGER. 19' Dr. Tontine Insurance Co. Cr. 1817 May June To Sundries, To Balance,, 20 46 67 1817 Apr. May By Adven.of Cotton in Co By Insurance, ........ 14 18 46 2017 67 6 Dr. Sales of Cotton in Co. Cr. May 10 June 25 To Cash, . . . To Sundries, 172 1610 1683 10 May June By Sundries, By Ditto, . . . 9 23 1166 517 1683 3 7 10 Dr. Orhart, White, Rose, & Co. Glasgow. Cr. June 12 To Bills Receivable, 21 196 196 13 13 May !lO June 12 By Export Goods, By Cash, 16; 20 183 12 196 18 15 13 Dr. Brunton & Ballantine, Glasgow. Cr. June 30 To Balance,, 26 83 10 May 16 By Export Goods, . . . . 3d 16 8310 198 I.£DGER. (20) Dr. Consignment to Hamburgh in Co. Cr. J 1817 May To Sundries ^ Dolphin, 17 425 425 18 18 1»17 June By Roack & Co :2:3 By Profit and Loss,. . . . By Ditto, '25 By Balance, !26 253 60 13 97 425 Dr. William Rainey, Glasgow. Cr. May To Sundries, ^Dolphin, 17 42518 423 18 May June By Insurance, . , By Roack & Co. By Balance, , . . , 24 253 147 425 18 Dr. Henry Smith, Hamburorh. Cr. May To Sundries, ^ Dolphin, 17 231 17 8 June 30 By Balance,, 26 231 17 Dr. Sales of Muslins. Cr. May June i i To Sundries,, To Ditto. . . , 465 474 940 May June By Sundries ByKibble,Forster,&Co, 465 474 940 (2?) I.EDGER. 199 Dr. William Wright, Manchester. Cr. 1817 June To Bills Receivable,. To Balance f 170 61 221 8 // 1817 May June By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Cotton Yarn, 19 23 170 51 221 Dr. Thomas Pollock & Co. Paisley. Cr. June To Bills Payable, To Balance, . . . . 153 79 232 11 11 May June By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Ditto, 19 24 153 79 232 11 11 Dr. Smith & Townley, Manchester. Cr. June To Sundries, Bill. To Balance, 90 71 161 17 May June By Sales of Cotton Yarn, By Ditto, 19 24 85 76 161 13 3 17 Dr. Thomas H. Marshall, Perth. Cr. June To Sundries, Bill. To Balance, ....*•.... 70 59 129 May June By Sales of Muslins, By Ditto, .... 19 24 m 62 129 14 7 1 7 200 LEDGER. (28) Dr. Gordon, Barron, & Co. Aberdeen. Cr. 1817 June 7 To Sundries,.... Bills. 22 395 16 8 1817 May June 8 30 By Sales of Muslins, . . By Balance, 19 26 1 881 14 4 12 8 395 16 8 395 16 8 Dr. Stirling & Co. London. My Accot. Goods. Cr. June 1 To William Tate & 1 Co. A. Con j 22 165 12 3 June 30 By Balance, 26 i 1 16512 3 Dr. Marshall, Stewart, & Black, Perth. Cr. June S \0 To Balance, 26 395 2 3 June 18 Rv Salps of Muslins. . . 24 395 2 3 , Dr. RoACK & Co. Hamburgh Cr. June 20 To Sundries, 23 506 16 // 1 June 30 By Balance, 26 506 1 16 // - 1 1 1 (29) LEDGER. 201 Dr. John Buchanan, Glasg-ow. Cr. 1817 June 30 To Balance,, 26 46 13 11 1817 June 25 By Salee of Cotton in Co 24 4613 11 Dr. Thomas Dunlop, Glasgow.. Cr. June 30 To Balance, 26 46 13 11 June 25 By Sales of Cotton in Co 24 4613 11 Dr. Balance. Cr. Mar. 31 June 30 To Sundries, To Sundries, 9 26 9950 5 5 8 7 7 1 Mar. June • 31 30 9950 10861 By Sundries, By Stock, . , By Sundries, 10 26 6042 3907 9950 10861 6 // 7 dB 202 PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON SET B. As it is a general custom among Merchants in this Country to settle at the beginning of a*month for such Purchases and Sales as Avere made during the preceding montli — to open personal ac- counts for such transactions is not absolutely necessary ; besides, it swells the Ledger without answering any good purpose. To avoid the trouble of opening such accounts, and at the same time that the IBooks may afford every necessary information, we have here arranged such transactions into general heads in tlie Journal-entries, according to the following plan. All the debts owing the merchant in this country, as stated in the Inventory, and those which afterwards occur in selling, are classed under the title Sales ; and those debts of the same descrip- tion, which he owed at commencement, and such as he contracts in buying Goods, under the title Purchases* The returns from the cprrespondents in other countries, being more uncertain than the settlements at home, accounts become necessary to be opened for them, and especially as sometimes they require an Account-Current. Although we have openetl accounts for the correspondents in England, yet they might have been considered in the same point of view as those where the merchant resides, and entered accordingly with the Purchases or Sales. In a word, personal accounts are here opened in the usual manner for every transaction, except for such Sales and Purchases as are mentioned above : and although the transactions are unfa- vourable for exhibiting the present method to advantage, on account of such transactions, as stopping, renewing, and paying Bills occurring so frequently, yet nearly one-half of the accounts which are in Set A. are here avoided. We shall now explain how any account can be made out from the Journal. If it be required to settle for Goods formerly bought, suppose T. Bissland & Co. 4th January — -you turn up to the account of Purchases in the Ledger, which shews, that the amount purchased for Januui-y, is posted from fol. 4. in the Journal ; by referring to that Book, you have every necessary particular in that entry. From the Sales in the Journal, the monthly accounts are made out, and referred to in the same manner, Merchants find it necessary, when their Sales are numerous in the place where they reside, to keep a Memorandum Book for noting the monthly accounts sent in for settlement. When the Purchases are numerous, they may also be noted and marked off when settled. By keeping this Book accurate, it will be found to be particularly useful in the present Set ; and by carrying for-^ ward the accounts which are not settled monthly to the succeeding month, and so on till a general Balance is intended to be struck, they avUI be found to agree with the Balances of tlie accounts of Sales and Purchases in the Ledger j and the particular Drs, and •Crs. which constitute these are at once seen, as in the Balance at the end of the Journal. As the Cash and Bill Books in the present Set, are the only subsidiary Books which differ in the arrangement from the former, we have given a specin^en of each for qae month, which, when understood, wiU be perfectly suiHiclenti CASH-BOOK. This book is ruled with an additional inner column, in which are entered the discounts received and -paid ; -each &um being placed 4irectly opposite to that account from which it arises ; by whicli means such entries of Discounts as are stated in the Day-Book for Set A. are Jivoided. The inner columns are added monthly, and the balance of these is carried to the proper side of the outer column, as a difference betwixt the sums received and paid for Discounts, &c. during the month. When such entries occur frequently, this method of arranging the Discounts in columns will greatly shorten the Cash in the Journal ; as the balance or difference only of the two sides is carried into the Journal in one line monthly, instead of the particulars of such entries as is done in Set A., and it requires only one line in the Ledger for each month. The outer columns on either side contain the gross sums received and paid, which are entered to their respective accounts in the Journal, and from thence into the Ledger. The other principal alteration in this Book from the preceding Set, occurs in the charges ; in the present Set a sum is occasionally taken for incidents, and accounted for before a general balance, by the clerk who keeps the petty Cash, The sum which he then has on hand is entered to the credit of the Account of Charges. This will account for the monthly br.lances not agreeing with the former Set, until the last in June, f These titles may b< varied, if the Accountant cliuficsj the former may be Buyers, and the latter Sellers. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON SET B. 203 BILL-BOOK. All that is necessary to notice on this Book, is to observe if the Bill received or granted be for a settlement of goods, and the party reside in this country ; in Avhich case it is accordingly entered either to the accounts of Purchases or Sales, as it may happen to Ijelong to these respective accounts ; — if any transaction difl'erent from these occur, accounts are accordingly opened in the Ledger for the Party, as may be seen in the specimen liere given. The Bills received drawn on London, although recorded in this Book, are not Journalized from it, but from the Cash-Book. In most cases it is usual to consider short-dated Bills on London as Cash. JOURNAL. For the three first months we have arranged the several Drs. and Crs. in columns, and the amount of each page will be found to agree, and which is carried forward to the end of each month. The inner column is reserved for classing items of the same kind together, and carrying the amount to the proper outer column ; by which method errors can be more easily detected than by carrying each sum singly to the outer columns. By having the Journal ruled in this manner, the posting of the Ledger can be readily checked without the necessity of comparing the Books ; for by taking from the Ledger the amount monthly, or oftener, of the Drs. and Crs. they will be found to agree with the amounts in the Journal, if correct. The columns may also be considered as a farther check for pointing out the several Drs. and Crs. The first, or left-hand column on the margin, contains the date, and the next the folio of the Ledger where the account is posted. When the articles in which a merchant deals are bulky and not numerous, the Purchases and Sales may be arranged in columns, such as the present Set, for the three first months, and only one general account of Goods opened in the Ledger. By this method many repetitions in the Journal-entries are avoided, and the quantity of each kind of Goods on hand at any time can be readily seen. It also shews what proportion the Sales bear to the Purchases, which is an essential point. In a few instances, the terms of the Purqhases and Sales are omitted for the conveniency of printing. Some may probably object to the opening of only one General Account for all Goods on the Merchant's own account; but it should be remembered, that the Ledger is not always the proper place to shew the gain or loss upon each article. In many a business this would be quite impracticable; it is enough to shew the gain or loss upon the whole. The Book of Wares, or Stock Book, (a specimen of which has already been given,) is the place where every particular of this kind should appear. The Sales which are not guaranteed, are marked with the initials of the proprietor's name to the entries in the Journal, which shew in whose favour the Bills are to be drawa. LEDGER. The Ledger ought to be considered merely as a copious Index to the Journal, and the Jouinal the same to the Subsidiary Books. The Bills both Receivable and Payable are here entered singly : this became necessary from the method laid down of suppressing personal accounts. In the Bills Receivable Account, there is a difference in the Balance from the preceding Set, which arises from two Bills remaining at that account of J. Denny & Co's, who are supposed to be bankrupts : As these Bills are not due at the time when a general balance is struck, they may, with propriety, remain at the Bill Account till that time, or at least till a settlement takes place. It was not necessary to have entered singly the Purchases and Sales made fn the course of the month, as the Bills ; because the former are generally settled for at the lieginning «f the succeeding month. It was formerly observed,* that when Adventures are soon expected to come to an issue, we may defer making any Journal-entry at the time when the Goods are shipped off, by which an accoimt for the Adventure is avoided ; and when an Account Sales is rendered by the Agent, debit him for the proceeds. This method is here followed. , The several Bankrupt Accounts, upon which the probable loss is allowed in Set A., are here entered in tlie maimer recommended under Bad Debts, page 75. - -- — — ^ , ,. ■-- .,■■..■■-.■, ^ , — * See Shipments Abroad, page 74. 204 SPECIMEN OP A CASH AND BILI, Cash Received in February, 1817. 1 ' To Balance brought from last month, 5 To Thistle Bank, 8 To Royal Bank, 12 Toi5j7/s7?ecejrflA/e,disc''.No.'l65,Wm. Brodie&Co.due7 ^-,«. i„ « «-.u A I /■ 3b234//12 // 6 2alh April, .. 3 170, W. Stirling & Sons, 7th May. 410 // 7// 10 180, R. Wilson & Co. 10th April, 172 // 9// 10 28 To Sales, Robert Easton, received from hira in fnll, To liichard Conder, received his dft. on Kennedy, No. 190, pence retained. To Bills Receivable, disc ^ . No. 173, T. Bisslaud'.!' Co. due > ^, ^^ . ^ 26tl) April,.. . . 3 176, J. Howie & Co. lOlh May, 1 10 // 4 // 187, T. Bissland & Co. lOlh May, 114 // 3 // To Intfrcst, rec^. 7 days' Int. on £200. from W. Arnot 3/10, To thistle Bank, 2o| To Royal Bank, > ^6 To Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co. for my dft. in fav. Blackey & Co. No. 191, To Projitand Loss, for difference betwixt discounts received and paid 1 this month and 3/10, as above, . . . . j Entered Jour. Pa. 5. Discount Paid. 7//14 u 4 1 // 9 // 6 // // 4 4 If Iff] 16// 11 //3 29//16 // 6 Gross Swns Received. 7 .2 1 110 n // 270 It // 817 10 2 113 19 6| 237 12 4 387 11 8 210 li // 120 It // 300 \\ // 16 15^ 1 2591 ii'ioj Bills Jour. No. When Reed. On Account of By whom drawn. On whom drawn. To whom Payable. 3 3 8 3 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1817 Jan. 4 5 // 7 // 8 // 10 12 Sales, T. Bissland & Co. D.Johnson, Son, &Cree William Arnot John Howie & Co. Strange, Dashwood, & Co* Sales, Campbell, Dale transferred from the preceding Ledger. Cash, for Balance in hand. Thistle Bank, Goods, Cotton Yarn, 220 Bdles on hand, as ^ Tnvent. Pa. Jm, Cotton, 37 Bags Madder, 12 Casks, 2 Bills Rec Ely A3 LE, for the foUowingBills in hand, m. No. 157, Hugh Glen Sc Co's,, due eth Jan 159, Nimmo to & Bell Dr. to Sundries, To Bills Receivable, No. 159, due this day, not 146 // 7 // 77 // 3 // 57//17//5 153//19 f/9 95//10//10 8G ijQ 1/6 129 // 2 // 8 14 // 8//10 205// 19 // 8 61 //1 5 //6 112 //I //l> To Charges, for protesting Ditto, y, not 1 paid, j f M ,&u. ;ii,H ^ , /-^iio/vli. ^< . . ♦ . . . 8800 1140 8800 145 10086 14 1140 145 10080 12 (») JOURNAL. Glasgow, March, 1017. 213 11 Cash, Dr. to Sundries, Received this month. To Bills Receivable, disc. No. 181, due 14th May, // ditto, 189,....3Ist May, 12thditto, 188,.... 28th .... 19 ditto, 193,.... 4tii June, // ditto, 179,.... 8th .... 26 ditto, I7l,....14lh .... 2692 ditto. ,172, 11th 18 20 25 To Goods, received for 3 bundles Cotton Yarn, ^ 1 D. B. Pa. 8. / To Sales, William Ferguson, reed, in full, tf Robert Easton, ditto 12th Mich. Watson ditto, .... 16 Camp^bell, Dale, & Co. ditto, .... To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. for my dft. in fav.7 Drinkwater, No. 197, j To Royal Bank, ^ order, To Thistle Bank, 264 // // 9 204//13//4 236//18 // 6 136//17 // 5 240// 15 If 6 368 // 4 // 9 353//18 // 146 // 7 // 57 //17 // 5 1 12 // 1 // 77 // 3 J' 6 11 12 16 1'/ 18 19 20 26 31 9 7 u 8 Sundries Drs. to Cash. Paid this month. Goods... ..Paid Carriage of Yarn, from Manchester, 16th Charges, ^ Jessie, for London, 20 Freight & Charges on Madder, 1 from London, j Royal Bank,. . . .^ receipt, 11th ditto, .. 26 ditto, .. House Expenses, Thistle Bank,....^ rect. 16th ditto. . FuRNiTURE..Paid for a Desk, Charges.. Taken for Petty Charges, Peter Drinkwater, remd. dft. on Strange, DashO wood, & Co. No. 197. j Strange, Dashwood, & Go. remd. dft. on Downe 7 & Co. 45 days, j Bills Payable.. Paid Ne. 74, 25th 76, Ord & Dow, paid their bill, Ibey having failed, James Irvine, my Clerk, 3 months' Salary, .. Profit and Loss, discounts paid this mo Carried forward, 3 H 1//15 1/2 5//15 // 8 13//10 f/ 3 460 // // 200 // // 305 // // 320 // // 70 // // 21 1 965 12 184//16 // 8 243 // 6 // 6 390 8 17 119 4 310 // 428 3 212 6 1710 36!l8 ^80 6 1805 4 393 119 140 230 2538 8 11 5230 214 JOURNAL. Glasgow, March, 1817. («) 26 11 Brotigh t forward. Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundrks For the Bills received this month. ToSales,..W. Gillespie & Co.No.l92, dueSep.lO 12thCronibie & Carnegie, 193,. . . .June 4 // Wm. Simpson, 1J)4,. . .Sept. 8 // Kibble, Forster, & Co. 195, .... Aug. 6. 13 Watsou, Arthur, & Co. 196, June 21. 153//19 // 9 136//17 // 5 86 // 6 // 6 267// 15 //'^ 129 // 2 // 8 5230 924 5230 5 To NiMMO & Bell, their draft 7 ,go on Brown & Co. j^ '** // Ditto 199, . . , // Their own acceptance . .200,. . . • July 9, .Sept. 9. ,Dec. 9. '^t Purchases Dr. to Bills Payable. For the Bills accepted this month. James Finlay & Co. No. 84, due Sep. 10 Wm. Stirling & Sons,. . ..85,.., ,..^.. .10. To To Goods Dr. to Sundries, For amount bought this month, P. B. Exp. I GoodsMadr Pieces Casks 37 // 2 // 3 56 // 3 // 56 //16 // 9 129 // // 492// 1 9 //2 5 To 26 114 SCRUTON & CamJ»3ELL, Peter Drink WATER,.. Purchases, Wm. Gilles- pie & Co. 9th Todd & Shortridge, .".! 186 12 James Finlay & Co, . // Rothsay Spinning Co 13 Ditto 14 Dennistoun & Co... , 300 Coin. Yarn Bun. 15 15 88 100 300 400 19 621 774 150 19 621 19 8358 19 888 NiMMO & Bell, Dr. to Profit Sf Loss. For amount of interest dne on, and included in their instal- ment bills, received this day, as per D. B.. . . . . 245//19 //3 389 // 4 v 118//19 i/b 432 // 5 // C 575 // 7 // 6 602 // 7 // 3 Carried forward, »v 16 542 452 2364 10139 11 10 10139 11 10 (10) JOURNAl.. Glasgow, March, 1817. 215 12 28 Brought Forward) Sundries, Drs. For Goods shipped by their order for Hamburgh, by the fol- lowing Vessels, this mo. per I. B. Pa HOLFORD, RucKER, & Co. <^ the Isabella, Brown,... 2 Richard Conder, <^ the Hopewell, Rankine, 3 '*.k> Ex. Goods Pieces. 186 Crs. Yarn. Bundles, 580 Amount with Coinm** 12 To Goods,.. . To Charges, To Insurance, .with Comni" Sales Dr. to Goods. For Amount sold this iJioilth, I>. B. Ashes Mad. Cotn 2d John Cochran, ...... 7 John Kingan // H. Houldsworth & Co. 16 Ditto, 8 Crombie and Carnegie, 12 Penman & Brown, . . . . // Todd & Shortridge, . . // ..Ditto, 19 Johnson, Son, & Co. .. 22 Kibble, Porster,, & Co. Casks; Cask! 14 14 Bags 7 10 4 . 24 Yarn Bun. 48 32 100 171 351 16 Sundries, Dis. to William Bogle 8f Co For preni. of Insurance, on the foUovviiig this month, D, B Insurance, Prcm. on Goods by the Isabella, Brown for Hamburgh, on £360. @ 4-5/. ^ Cent and Policy 22/ 26th Prem. on Goods by the Hopewell, Ran- kine, for Hamburgh, on £925. at 2 guin ^Cent. and Policy 55/ Goods, Prem. on Goods by the Jessie, for London on £410, @ 12/9, ^ Cent., and policy 13/9' ;s ;} 63// 10 // 1 196//11 1/4 207 // 2 // 1 273// 16 // 8 114 // 1 //6 137//13//7 129// 15 //7 66'/ 17// 11 282//11 //6 166 1/9 uS T .oK bi 9 // 4 // 22 // 3 // 6 10139 357 923 11 10 10 10139 11 10 1231 12 37 1638 1638 34 13 31 3 13094 13094 ?t6 JOURNAL. Glasgow, April, 1817. (10 17 23 25 30! Cash, Dr. to Sundries, Received this month. To Royal Bank, ^ order, 13th ditto, To Goods,,. Received Prawback on Goods by the Isabella, To Thistle Ba?*k, ^ order 10th ditto, , To Stranoe, Dashwood, & Co. for my dft. fav. Drinkwater, | No. 204, due 12th Juue, j To Sales, .,W, Ferguson, received from him balance of barter, To Bills Receivable, disc. No. 186, W. Simpson, due JuJy 19, ditto,. ...201, W. Arnot, 11, ditto,.... 206, J.Howie & Co 8, 650 ff // 260 // // 160 // // 450 // // To Ord & Dow, received dividend of 3/6, ^ £ on £212/6 To Profit & Loss, for difference betwixt sundry disc. &c. this mo, Sundries Drs. to Cash, Paid this month. 9 13 17 To Royal Bank, ^ rect. 23d ditto, . . Purchases.. Todd & Shortridgc, paid them in full, // James Finlay & Co. 16th G. & R. Dennistoun & Co. balance. Bills Payable, paid No. 78, Michael Watson,. . lOtb^ 80, Geo. Bowie & Co. William Arnot, paid his bill for his Accommodation, .... Charges, Taken for petty Charges, , 15th Paid Robert Strong Wages, 7 weeks, 12/. . . 23 Paid Expences of a Journey to Manchester, Peter Drinkwater, remd. him dft. on Strange & Co. No. 204, Strange, Dashwood, & Co. remd. him dft. on Boldero & Co. ) due 8tb June, ) Goods, Paid Charges on Goods, ^ Mary, for London, 25th Paid. Freight and Charges on 12 Casks Madder, } from London, ^ 189 i/4u0 147// 11 // 6 123/716 // 150 // // 400 // // 389 // 4 // 118^/19 // 5 7 // 7 // 235//15 // 6 460//15//10 16 // 8 // 4 // 4 // 55 // 2 // 910 55 610 452 A 11 II 8 // i 2 u 460 37 21 2546 550 // 515 696 145 10 1//19 J/9 14//13 y 5 76 452 263 16 14 8 18 13 2706 (12) JOURNAL. Glasgow, April, IHI7. 11 16 U 10 Bills Receivable Dr„ to Sundries, For the Bills received this month, .I'^iTr f: To Sales, ...John Kingham No. 202, dufe Oct. 9, 9tb, Penman & Brown "iOS, ,8, 13, Todd & Shortridge, 208, Sep. 11, // Croinbie & Carnegie, 200, July 11, 15, Kibble. Forster, & Co 210 Oct.l3, I, H. Holdsworth. & Co 21! July 15, // D. Johnson, Son, & Cree, 212, .... Oct. 1 1, ToWm.Arnot^ his Pro. Note. 201, ....July 12, To J. Howie, & Co. their Draff on Brown,.. . .205, June 27, /; Hill & Gow,.... 206,.... July 8, Purchases Dr. to Bills Rectivalle. For Bills indorsed the following:, viz. G. & R. Dennistoun & Co. No. 209, due July 11, Ditto, 211, 15, Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For the Bills accepted this month. Purchases, Wm. Gillespie, &; Co. No. 86, due Oct. 9, 13th, Rothsay Spinning Co 88, 13, J. Howie. & Co 11 April, at 6 months, 87,... .July 14, Goods Dr. to Sundrie-. For amount bought this month. P. B. To Peter Drinkw ater Cotton Yarn, To Purchases, ..Thomas Bissland, & Co. ditto, 11th, Thomas Shiels & Co. Printed Goods, 273 17 6 12, Ditto, 115 17 20, Ditto, 165 13 3 15. 26, 15, // Dalgleish & Frame, 496 10 6 Ditto, 1.58 9 10 Alex. Bryce, & Co. John M'Fee, & Co. 217 S I 196//11 //O 137// 13 //7 196// 13 //6 114 //I //6 1 6 // 9 // 3 480// 18 // 9 282// 11 i/C 246//13 // (J 123// 16 // 114 // 1 // 6 48C//18 //9 /'« 1571, 147 370 i 2093 245// 19 // 3 1007 //1 2 // 6 72 // 9 // 555 // 7 '/ 9 655 // // 4 248 //1 5 1/2 159//18 // 6 19 1 11 6 14 // 4 7 595 // 1253 371 H>24il8 377 1 1691 10 206812 3 218 JOURNAL. Glasgow, Jpril, 1817. (13) 17 13 13 SuNHRiES Drs. to Goods. P. B. GooDis, . . for 97 pieces Muslins, received in barter for 84 bun- 1 dies Cotton Yarn delivered, D. B. j Sales. . William Ferguson, for Balance due by him, Joseph Taylor & Sons Dr. to Sundries. For amountof Invoice of Printed Goods, per the Triton for Philadelphia, per Invoice-Book. To Goods. with comm'* To Charges, To Insurance with comra*> Sundries Drs. to William Bogle Sf Co. For Insurances effected on the following this month. Da. B. Goods... Prem. on 100 bar. Ashes, per the Nancy, M'Lae, ") from New York, £410. at 3 guins. &: Pol. 27/a, J Gth, Prem. on 12 casks Madder, per tiie Charlotte \ from London, £455. @ 12/9. c^ cent. & Pol. 13/9, \ Insurance.. Prem. on Goods by the Triton, Campbell, for 7 Philadelphia, on £335. @ 45/. ^ cent, ik Pol. 22/. j Sales Dr. to Goods. For amount sold this month. Da. B. 3d, Penman (^ Brown, .... Cotton Yarn. Bill at 6 mos. 9th, Ditto, ditto, 5tli, .Tames Denny & Co ditto 9tb, \Vm. Stirling & Sous, . . Madder, , Ditto, Ashes, 11th, H. Houldsworlh .Sr Co. Cotton, lolh, John Cochran, Cotton Yarn, . 25th, Robert Easton, ditto, , 6 6 4 4 6 .... a .... Deduct for odd pence retained by J. Kingan from his' Bill received 8th, 12 13 12 128 1/9 vO 1/2 r/0 lAub f/9 3//11 // 9 23//13//6 131//19//10 159 //19 // 8 114// 9 //8 * • f •:*. **'* • ' 128 317 4 10 332 17 8 nil lol 6 6 3 8 8 26 155 186 274 204 126 137 1175 H 1157 10 13 19 13 4 2 6 8 2 4 10 (14) JOURNAL. Glasgow, April, 1817. 219 913 10 10 14 914 8 8 9 13 3013 12 8 30 9 6 10 8 StNDHiES Drs. to Peter Wood. For amount of Invoice of 50 Bales Cotton, shipped by him, per the Fanny, Ker, from New-York, which is ordered in company with J. Buchanan, and T. Dunlop, each D. B. John Buchanan, his one third, Thomas Dunlop, , his one third, Cotton in Co my one third, Cotton in Co. Dr. to Insurance. For the premium of 50 Bales, per Fanny, £1350, at 3 Guineas per Cent, Policy 77s. to return 1| per Cent for convoy and arrival; Commission 135s Insurance Dr. to Tontine Insurance Company . For the Premium and Policy on the above, William Tate & Co. Dr. to Goods. For Net-proceeds of the Sales of the Goods consigned them by the Jessie in March, due in 3 mouths, Richard Conder Dr. to Sundries. For his Draft on Kennedy, London, due the 2Gtli, returned with Protest and Expenses, for Non-payment, tib i To Strange, Dash wood, & Co. for the above, To Profit and Loss, for 20 -^ Cent, on the prin> cipal, as usual, for damages, the diflFerence ' ^ Pa 13 13 I 430 5 ! 430; 5 i 430, 5 129016 13 14 11 William Bogle & Co. Dr. to Goods. For average loss on 12 casks Madder, insured by them, ^ the Charlotte, £455. @ £2i/lls. ^ Cent. William A knot Dr. to Profit and Loss. For Interest due by him, included in Bill taken for his accom modation om-') ion, j 14 14 Profit and Loss Dr. to John Howie Sf Co. For difference of Interest, due them, included in Bills ex-") changed this day, y iilii LlSV(3J)»l hu£. ;s PoHcy 49/6, Commo 85/ y 24 5 20 51 U 15 17 3 6 // 8 9 To William Bogle & Co. Prem. on £235. @ 2 guin. #'7 Cent, and Pohcy 16/6, on goods, as above, ( 9 To Tontine Insurance Co. Prem. on £905. @ 2 ^ Cent. « on goods by the Betsey, Lucas, for New York, and ' Policy55/...^ ^..^^... .,,......, .,. ....j 17 • •••.•«•.••• a li 222 JOURNAL. Glasgow, May, 1817. (•') Sundries Drs. to Sundries. For Goods sbipped on board the Dolphin, M'Lean, for Hamburgh, as per Invoices, dated this day. -Drs,- Henry Smith, Adventure to Hamburgh in Co with W. Rainey, my half, William Rainey, his half;..,. Crs. Goods, , i] Pao^e I. B. Goods with Comm° Charges. 222// 7 //6 2//11 1/6 823//11 // 6 1045 //19 // Charges. 3//13 // 6 G 1/5 I/O Insurance with Comm' 6//18 // 8 21//11 //6 231 425 425 Insurance. » i3l//l0//2 24 13 13 13 9 9 14 6 Sundries Drs. to Sundries. For Goods shipped by their order, and for their account, on hoard the Betsey, Levi Lucas, for Mew York, as per Invoices, dated this day. ' ■Drs.- Mayne & Rowley, .... Richard Conder, . . . . Joseph Taylor & Sons, Crs. Goods, Page LB. Goods with Comnio 265vl0//ll 276//14//4 327 // 5 // 6 869 //1 // 9 Charges. Charges. 6 // 2 // 8 2 // 3 // 2 3 // 9 // 3 11//15 // 1 Insurance, Insurance with Comm' 7//16 // 6 7'/19 // 9//12 // 108314 279 286 340 25 // 7 // 6 , — —I , ,.,.\t..'-', tt.... — — -Sundries Drs. For Return of Prem. for convoy and arrival of the following Vessels. Tontine Insurance Co. on£l35o. @ 1^ ^ Cent. <^ Fanny. William Bogle & Co. 410 ^Nancy< ~ Crs. Cotton in Co #* Fanny, Goods.. Ashes, ^ Nancy, Page D.B 16 // 20//5,'/0 6 // 3'// 20 1/5 1/0 6 1/3 I/O 906 13 26 26 (18) JOURNAL. Glasgow, May^ 1817. 223 8 18 18 31 31 // 13 31 8 31 // 5 6 6 14 13 13 8 9 6 15 15 15 11 16 16 8 Sales Dr. to Sundries. For Amonnt sold this month. D. B. To Sales on Commission, viz. 2d John Howie «fe Co B. H Yarn, Bill at 6 mos. 3 James Deuny & Co... B. H Ditto, Pa 15 // // 16 // // 17 16 // 16 17 16 16 16 17 // // 17 17 1 1 2 3 2 2 95 // 6 // 6 143//15 //O 303 // 6 // 8 162// 10 // 90//i2/'ll 45 If St/9 1197 140 1166 2503 10 90 170 153 809 15 1149 4 7 3 15 // 4 7 11 17 13 8 9 10 2 9 // 7 •1 // // 1 8 9 4 Kibble, Forster, & Co. G. B. Cossaes, 8 Watson, Arthur, «& Co. T. M. Ditto, 70 // // G. B. Shawl Cloths, 92//10 // 13th Nimmo & Bell, S. & T. Cotton Yarn, 22 William Ferguson, B. H. . . Ditto, . . 5 . ► 224 JOURNAL. Glasgow, June, 1817. (19) I 1 4 1 2 7 13 // 12 12 6 // 5 24 6 // 1 30 8 // 8 X 4 12 u 5 7 15 // 1 9 8 12 4 // 7 // 7 30 8 To Royal Bank, Cash Br. to Sundries. Keceived this month, border, 12th, ditto, 25 ditto. To Bills Receivable, disct. No. 216,W. Stirling & Sons, due 7 12 Aug. J // . ditto, 220, H. Houldswortb & Co. 14 21st,rec.Payment,196, Watson, Arthur, & Co. ToRiCHAEDCoNDER,forhisdft.onGoldsmid,No.226,duel4July To Strange, Dash WOOD, & Co. my draft on them, 227,.. ..7 Aug. // ditto, ditto, 228, . . 10 Sept. To Goods, .... received Bounty, ^ Triton, To Purchases, received Balance betwixt Bill and Account, from 1 Orhart & Co. | To Sales on Commission, received for Smith & Townley's Yarn, To Thistle Bank, ^ order, To Charges, Balance of petty Charges in hand, To Profit and Loss, for difl'erence hetwixt Sundries allowed 7 and given this month, j Sundries I>r&. to Cash. Paid this month. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. remitted them draft on Downe, 7 due 22 July, | 7lh, ditto, ...«. .Goldsmid,.. ...,. ..14 , Purchases, paid Alex. Bryce & Co. in full Bill of Par. 15 April, // ditto,.. Dalgleish& Frame....... 26 .... 7th, ditto,.. Rothsay Spinning Co... ..3 May, William Wright, remitted him draft on, Strange & Co. due 7 7 Thistle Bank, ^receipt,- ;:;;;;;. :;;;•.•....... , 21st, ditto, Charges, taJien for petty Charges, .. » 30lh, paid R. Strong Wages to this date,. Bill* Payable,.. ..paid No. 70,. Michael Watson, ......... 25th paid.... 86, W. Gillespie & Co. on discount, // paid.. ..88, Rothsay Spinning Co. ditto,». James Irvine, my Clerk, House Expenses, ............. .^. . Profit and Lops, lost a Note, value Jio*J .r>r>r.»ro1 190 V // 160 // // 800 // // 114// 9// 8 294/rl2//2 129 // 2. // 8 170 i/ 7 // 346//16 // 200 tf // 285. // 2 // 5 248//15,//2 158 If 9//10 266 V 9 // 6 80 // // 130 // // 5 // // 6^/12 //O 134// 5 //lO 245// 19 // 3 1007// 12 // G 1150 538 285 517 23 12 39 420 2 34 3023 le 485 673 170 210 11 1387 20 39 10 3008 12 17 (20) JOURNAL. Glasgow, June, 1817. 225 10 Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For the Bills received this month. B. B. 5 To Sales, viz. William Arnot, No. 224, on J. Murphy, 7 due Dec. 8,3 // JamesDenny &C0...225, ownNote ....,// 8th, H.Houldsworth&Co.229, Sept. 21, 10, Crombie & Carnegie, 231, 25, 15, D.Johnson,Son,&Cree232, ...Dec. 18, D. B. 3th J. Denny & Co. fav. Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. 1 due Dec. 9. j 6, J. Howie & Co. // ditto, 9, 7, Kibb]e,Forster,&Co.fav.Gordon,Barron,&Co5, // Watson, Arthur, & Co. // ditto,.... 9, if Ditto // T. H. Marshall, .... // 10, Nimmo & Bell, .... // Smith & Townley,. . 8, 13 To Jos. Taylor & Sons, No. 230, J. M'Call, on Allan & 7 Smith, Oct. 13, j Pa 18 3 611 Sundries Drs. to Bills Receivable. For Bills drawn in favour of, and remitted, also for Bills indorsed this month' Blackey, Hardisty & Co. remd. them, J. Howie & Co. |^ , accept, as above, j ditto, .... J. Denny & Co. .... // .... 7 16, Gordon, Barron, & Co. ditto,. . . .Kibble, Forster, & Co // ditto, .... Watson, Arthur, & Co // // 10 12 1012 10 Thomas H. Marshall, ditto, ditto, w . , . . Smith & Town ley, ..ditto,.. . .Nimmo & Bell,.... // .... Purchases, indorsed Orhart,White,& Co. N0.208, due 11 Sept. Sundries Drs. to Bills Payable. For the Bills accepted this month. Thomas Pollock & Co No. 93 due Dec. 7, Purchases Thomas Shiels <& Co. 49, Sept. 7, William Tate & Co. Dr, to Goods. For the Net-proceeds of the Sales for last month, due in 6 months, as ^ D. B. ^ And they advise that they have put the remainder (being Box, No, 5,) of the consignment into the hands of Stirling & Co. as desired, amount, £165:12:3 William Bogle & Co. Dr. to Jos. Taylor Sf Sons. For the preminm of Insurance on Goods, per the Triton, Campbell, for" Philadelphia, Sl>ip and Cargo being lost, and which is settled will Underwriters this day, , per '. __ 2ll, for") ith the V D. B. ) 92 //1 8 I/O 63 // 3 // 7 808// 17 // 8 357 // 5 // 6 206//10 // 8 143//15//0 95 // 6 // 6 303 // 6 // 8 92 //lO // 70 I/O I/O 90//12//11 18 19 95 // 6 // 6 143//15 // 303 // 6 // 8 92//10 //O i^Wiq tSi/' 2324 326 2650 239 395 70 90 196 992 153 273 427 187 7 3 13 V 8 // 11 6 15 12 226 JOURNAL. Glasgow, June, 1817. (21) 5 16 18 14 16 20 14 11 20 Sales Dr. to Sundries. For Amount sold this month. D. B To Goods, viz. Michael Watson, 20 barrels Ashes 3d, Todd Si Shortridge, . .97 pieces Muslins, . . 7, Kibble, Forster, &. Co. 4 casks Mad. 144 // 2 // // Ditto, 20 // Ashes,87 //2 //6 10, Watson, Arthur, & Co. 14 casks A shes, 12, William Stirling & Sons, 30 do. . . 142// 12 // 1 24th, Ditto, 20 ....do... 93 // 3 // 16, William Gillespie & Co. I ..Madder, 36// 10 // 5 24th, Ditto,.,.... 3 ....do... 129//18 //4 17, John Cochran 40lb. Cotii. Yn. 1 7 // 1 // 8 19th, Ditto, 60 do... 27//19//2 25, Dinwiddle vn Todd & Shortridge, Crombie & Carnegie Kibble, Forster, & Co. . , H. Houldsworth & Co. . , D. Johnson, Son, & Cree, To William Aknot, . . To John Howie & Co. Ditto, Carried Forward,. No. 157 159 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 17S 176 178 179 181 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 192 193 194 195 196 198 199 200 iVhendue Jan. Feb. Mar April May June April July April May July June May April Aug. July Aug. July May Sept Junp Sept. Aug. June July Sept. Dec. 202 203 208 209 210 211 212 201 205 206 Oct. Sept. July Oct. July Oct. July June July Sum. 289 146 212 196 234 410 368 353 163 95 145 110 126 240 264 241 246 117 98 189 114 236 204 153 136 86 267 129 37 5« 56 196 137 196 114 166 480 282 246 123 Monthly Amounts. 1817 Jan. Feb. Jan. 2210 16 4 1145 14 172 9 1448 8 4 T74 1 6 150 2 1574 19 147 11 370 14 7994 17 C Feb. 12 Mar. 26 Feb Jan. Feb. Mar, Feb. May May Apr. Feb. Mar. Mar. May June June Apr. Apr. Apr. June Apr. 16 Paymeuta Ueceived, By Cash, ....... By Nimmo&Co By Cash By Ditto, By Ditto, • By Ditto, ., By Ditto, . By Ditto, . By Cash, . By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, . By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, . By Cash, . By Ditto, Sum. By Purchases, By Purchases, . By Purchases, . By Cash,.... By Howie & Co By Cash, Carried Forw. *;4«a ij\0'\' 12 289 145 212 196 234 410 368 353 163 145 110 240 264 172 241 117 98 189 114 236 204 136 267 129 196 114 480 147 240 123 6352 (3) I.EDG£R« 233 Dr. Bills Receivable. 1817 Way 31 Received by me. Jour. June 30 Brought Forward, To Sales this mo . .Fol, 16. . James Denny & Co W. Stirling <& Sons, Ditto, .. Penman He Brown, H. Hoiildsworth & Co. .. Joiiu ('ochran, To Sundries this mo. Fol. 20 To Sales, W. Arnot James Denny & Co ,. H. Hoiildsworth & Co Crombie & Carnegie, D. Johns^on, Son, & Cree, . , Janu's D^nny & Co John Howie & Co Kibble, Forster, & Co , Watson, Arthur, & Co Ditto, Nimnio & Bell, No 214 215 216 219 220 221 224 225 229 231 232 To Jos. Taylou & Sons, . . . Wkendue Nov. Aug. Nov. Aug. Nov. Dec. Sep. Dec 230 Oct. 13 Sum. 18619 169 114 92 294 126 92 63 808 357 206 143 95 303 92 70 90 18 7 Monthly Amounts. 7994 17 6 1817 975 2 C Jniie June Payments Received Brought Forward Sum. 11620 13 9 Tune 6 7 By Cash, By Cash, , By Blackey & Co By Ditto, By Gordon & Co By Ditto By T. Marshall, By Smith & Co. By Balance f . . . 6352 11 114 294 '2C 23 143 95 303 92 70 90 4063 11620 15 6 6 10 1211 15 11 13 9 3n 254 LEDGER. (4) Dr. Bills Payable. Cr. 1817 Payments Made Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar Apr June To Cash,. To ditto,. To ditto,. To ditto,. To ditto.. To ditto,. Sum. 1817 Apr. 10 May June To Cash,. To ditto,. To ditto,. 8 To ditto,. 24 To ditto,. 25 Jnne 30 To ditto,. To ditto,. 15 19 195 112 178 210 184 243 To Balance, 235 134 460 'Jan. 15 6 10 15 30213 385 8 245 1007 24 2952 6850 10 Feb Mar. 31 14 Accepted hij me. Jour, By Stock, as follows,. . . .Fol. 2 Dunn, Siiiitli,& Co I 57 No Pf^hen due 31 28 Apr. May June 30 I2l0 31 30 James Finlay & Co. James Handyside, Blackey, Hardisty, 6i Co. Cliristie & Sliavv, Dale &M*Intosli By Purchases, James Finlay & Co Micliael Watson. . Ditto, .Fol. 3. 77 July 78 Apr. 79 June George Bowie & Co [80 Apr. By Sundries this month,..Fol. 6 By Pur. Tlio. Bissland & Co.. . By ScRUTON & Campbell,.... By Mayne,& Rowley, By Purchases this mo. . .Fol. 9 James Finlay & Co WilUaiu tttirling & Sons Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar. By SuND:tiEs this mo. . .Fol. 12. By Puu. William Gillespie & Co Rothsay Spinning Co By John Howie & Co. By Sundries this mo. ..Fol. 16, By PuR. Dalgleish & Frame,... Tho. Bissland & Co'. .- By Peter Wood, By ScRUTON 6c Campbell,. . . . By Sundries this mo.. .Fol. 20, By Tho. Pollock & Co By Pur. Tho. Shiels & Co 87 Aug. May Sep. Oct. July Nov. July Aug. Dec, Sep. 14 Sum. 195 112 178 210 184 243 l.'>6 235 134 460 129 492 245 1007 19 496 72 Monthly Amounts. 1125 T 6 987 4 10 124 10 8 302 13 C 385 8 11 621 19 2 1253 II 9 371 6 6 568 19 6 495 15 186 7 153 11 273 17 6 ' 6850 li 10 (5) LEDGER. 235 Dr. Purchases. Cr. i»l7 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June To Bills Payable, . . To Cash, To Bills Payable, . . To Ditto, To Cash, To Bills Receivable, To Bills Payable, . . To Cash, To Bills Payable, . . ToCash, , To Bills Receivable, To Bills Payable, ., To Balance, . . ... 987; 410 28010 // 12410 8 621 515 595 1253 19 lo! // 11 441} 8 56819 67314 195 ] 3 27317 664 8 7197| 9 5 1817 Jau. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June By Stock,. By Goods, By Ditto, . By Ditto, . By Ditto, . By Ditto, . By Cash, . 1267 124 621 2364 1691 1114 12 7197 10 8 2 5 9 1 6 Dr. Sales. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. ■ May June To Stock, . . To Goods, . . To Ditto, .. To Ditto, .. To Ditto, . . To Ditto, ». To Sundries, To Ditto, .. 1 4 7 10 13 // 18 21 1463 1418 1140 1630 II 1175 2503 2119 11459 6 3 12 9 2 13 15 12 15 2 // 8 6 // 10 9 5 4 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 14 31 14 28 31 // 17 30 6 31 30 // By Cash, By Bills Receivable, • By Cash, By Bills Receivable, . By Cash, By Bills Receivable, . By Cash, By Bills Receivable, . By Cash, By Bills Receivable, . By Ditto, By Balance, 117 1145 113 1448 393 774 11 1574 264 975 2324 2328 11459 11 6 4 11 6 1 9 6 6 4 2m LEDGlBR. (6). Dr. Goods. 1817 Jan. Feb. Mar Ex Goods Pieces 1 To Stock, ...... for amount ou hand this day, 31 To Cash, ......for sundry Carriages & Fret, To Sundries,.. . .for Amount bought this mo. n To W. Bogle & Co. for Insurance ^ Frances, 28 To Cash, forDuty ,&c.onl 1 OBar. Ashes, // 1 To Sundries,.. ..for Amount bought this mo. 4 To W. Bogle & Co. for Insurance ^ Susanna, To Cash, for sundry Charges, To Sundries, .... for Amount bought this mo. To W. Bogle & Co. for Insurance <^ Jessie, . . 31 Apr May June 16 Amount purchased last three months. 200 300 500 Ashes Casks 110 110 Mad- der. Cask! 12 9 15 36 Cotn. 37 Cotn Yarn jpo Bdles 19 56 220 400 90 888 1598 To Cash, ...for Freight and Charges on Sundries,.. To Sundries, .... for Amount bought this month, To Goods, ... ...for97ps. Muslins received in barter for84 bun. Cotn.Yn To W. Bogle & Co. for Premium of Insurance on sundry Goods, , To Cash......... for Sundries this month, To Sundries, ....for Amount bought this month, To Ditto, for Proceeds of 28 bundles Cotton Yarn taken to Account, To Profit Sf Loss, for Gain on this Account, 23 1676 17 802,15 91 7 81 4 I007i 8 4: 6 21 l! 3358 16J 3 6 1613 2068 12I 128| 9 17|17' 6 144 1 12 196015 51 745 12175 Dr. Sales on Commission. May June To Sundries, for Net Proceeds of the Sales this month. To Ditto, for.... Ditto, Ditto, To Profit Sf Lossj for Gain on this Account, 1149 8 61913 63 1832 16 18 («) LEDGER. 237 Contra. 1817 J^D. 21 31 Feb. 23 28 Mar. 8 31 If Apr, (> 13 17 30 13 30 31 May 3 4 24 31 June 12 10 30 // // By Cash, for By Sales, for Amount sold this mo. By Mayne & Rowley, for Amount ^ Atlantic, By Sales, , for Amount suld this mo. By Cash, for ^ By Sundries, for Amo. of 2 Shipments By Sales, ...... ..for Amount sold this mo. Amount sold last three mouths,.... Wilh W. Tate & Co. Lon. to sell On my Account on hand this day <^ Inv. p. 104 Ex Goods Pieces 140 186 326 174 500 Ashes Casks 57 14 71 39 110 Mad. der. Cask: 11 9 27 36 Cotn Bags, 22 21 47 56 Cotn. Yarn Bdles 25 239 242 3 580 351 1440 158 159H By Cash, for Drawback ^ Isabella, ByJ.TaylortfeSonSjfor Amount shipped <^ Triton for Philadelphia, By Sundries, .... for 84 bdls. Cotn. Yn. given in barter for 97 ps. Muslins By Sales, for Amount sold this month By W. Tate ik Co. for Net proceeds of Account Sales for last month, . . ByW. Bogle & Co. for Average loss on 12 Casks Madder <^ Charlotte, By Cash, fo: Sundries this month, By Sundries, ... .for Amount shipped <^ Doiphin for Hamburgh By Ditto, for Return of Premium on 100 Barrels Ash^s<^ Nancy, By Ditto, for Amount shipped <^ Betsey for New York By Sales, for Amount sold this month, By Cash for Bounty «f Triton, By W.Tate & Co. for Net proceeds of Account Sales tor iasl month, .. By Sales,. for Amount sold this month, By Debentures,., for Drawback <^ Dolphin owing at the Custom-house, By Balance, .... for Amount unsold this day, Fo Cr. 37 1418 343 1140 4 1231 1638 317 128 J 175 445 11 85 1045 6 869 140 23 187 1005 84 777 12175 11 8 // 3 6 3 11 il .3 4 11 12 19 3 10 7 8 15 17 la 4 4 9 9 10 9 Contra. Cr. May June By Sa LES, for Amount sold this month. By Cash, for 12 Bundles Cotton Yarn, By Sales, for Amount sold this month. 1197 39 596 1832 18 3 o 238 LEDGER. (7) Dr. Furniture. Cr. 1817 Jan. Mar To Stock, To Cash, 71 8 80 1817 June 30 By Balance, 24 80 2 Dr. Debentures. Cr. June 30 To Goods, 22 84 18 7 June30 By Balance, 24 84 18 Dr. House Expenses. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. May June 31 To Cash. 28 To Ditto, ll! To Ditto, 22I To Ditto, 12 To Ditto, 21 20 12 35 39 128 in I' u\ II 5' n 11! // 14' // 10 June 30 By Profit & Loss,. 23 128 10 // Dr. Mar Jnt To Cash, To Ditto, James Irvine, mv Clerk. 17 20 38 June Cr. By Charges, By Balance f 35 3 38 // (8) LEDGER. 239 Dr. Charges. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June To Cash To Ditto, To Ditto To Ditto To Ditto....... To Ditto To James Irvine, 1817 3 5 5 Feb. 23 5 7 19 22 8 17 7 Mar. 31 11 75 14 Apr. ly 15 82 10 May 3 13 11 12 24 24 35 // June 3i 30 27 30 II 16 30 235 7 /' By Mayne and Rowley, .. By Ninimo and Bell,.... By Sundries By Jos, Taylor & Sons, .. By Sundries, By Ditto, Bv Sales on Commission, By Cash By Goods, By John Howie & Co. . . By Cotton in Co By Sales on Commission, By Profit and Loss, , , . . 12 4 6 11 15 2 // r/ 5 6 168 235 Dr. Insurance. Cr. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 30 To VVilliam Bogle & Co. . To Ditto, To Ditto, To Tontine Insurance Co, To Sundries, .......... To Profit Sf Loss, 811 3l! 7 812 46; 7 51 22 168 Feb. Mar, Apr, May By Mayne & Rowley, .. , By Sundries, By Jos. Taylor & Sons, .. By Cotton in Co. ...... By Sundries, By Ditto 6 10 13 14 17 // 10 37 10 53 31 25 168 6 16 6 2 10 7 9 7 3 6 2 6 Dr. Profit & Loss. Cr. Jan. Mar Apr. May June To Cash, 3 To Ditto, 8 To John Howie & Co. ... 14 To Cash, ;i5 ToOrd&Dow jl8 To Cash, |19 To Adven. to Hamburgh, :21 To Strange Dash wood & Co!22 To Sundries, . ; 23 To Stock, 23 To Balance, for the purpo- ses Dientioned in Journal. 24 12 36 11 8 90 10 60 18 296 404 140 1079 12 10 Feb. Mar. Apr. June By Cash, By Nimmo & Bell, . . By Cash, By Richard Conder, By William Arnot,... By gash, By Sundries, By Ditto, 16 4 21 42 2 34 37 920 1079 310 «40 LEDGER. (9) Dr. William Bogle & Co. Insurance Brokers, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Feb. Apr. May June loss. 19 To Cash, 30 To Goods, aver. 9 To Sundries, lO' To Jos. Taylor & Sons, 30 To Balance, J817 5 8 4 // Jau. 1 14 11 11 // 17 17 6 3 // Feb. 23 20 8 12 9 Mar. 31 24 62 17 2 Apr. May 30 3 97 7 11 1 I 1 By Stock, By Goods,.. Insur. By Sundries, By Ditto, By Ditto, ....... By Ditto, 2 8 4 4 9 7 6 12 17 10 j 34 to 13 ! 26 10 ■ 5 I;.. 7 97 il 1 6 3 11 Dr. Tontine Insurance Company. Cr. May June To Sundries, To Balance, 20 4G 67 4 6 Apr. Mav By Insurance, J>y Sundries, . 46 7 3017 07 6 Dr. NiMMo & Bell, Glasgow. Cr. Feb. Mar. To Sundries, To Profit and Loss, 145114 150 Mar, 26 By Bills Receivable, 9 150 2 150 2 Dr. Mar. 26 To Cast), Ord k Dow, Glasgow. i 212 212 Apr. May By Cash, ,,,4W.« •••« By Ditto, By Profit and Loss, • . Cr. 37 84 90 212 (10) liEDGER. 241 Dr. William Ajinot, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 I Apr. 8 To Cash, 11 To Profit and Loss, 14 145 2 147 1817 Apr. 8 By Bills Receivable, Dr. John Howie & Co. Glasg^ow. 12 147 11 6 Cr. Apr June lljTo Bills Payable, 27 To Sundries, .... 12 371 21 247 618 Apr. June 11 30 By Bills Receivable, By Profit .Bl0ACK & Co. Hambm-gh^jii i Cr. June 20 To Sundries, n^.^.^.,., 20 506 16 June 30 By Balance, 24 506 16 3 a 246 LEDGER. (15) Dr. Henry Smith, Hamburgh. Cr. 1817 3, To Sundries, 17 231 17 1817 8 1 June 30 By Balance, 24 231 17 8 Dr. William Wright, Manchester. Cr. [June 7 30 To Cash dft. To Balance, » • • . 170 51 221 // May !31 June 16 By Sales on CommissionJiS By Goods, 21 170 7 51 1 8 221 Dr. Smith & Townley, Manchester. Cr. June 10! To Bills Receivable,, 30 To Balance. ....... 9012 71 4 16117 May June 13 By Sales on Commission, 30 By Ditto, 8513 76 3 161 17 Dn Thomas Pollock & Co. Paisley. Cr. June 6 To Bills Payable, 30 To Balance, ,,,, 153 79 232 11 11 May 31 June 19 By Sales on Commission, 18 By Ditto, 22 15311 79 232 n (16) LEDGER. 247 Dr. Thomas H. Marshall, Perth. Cr. 1817 Juue To Bills Receivable. To Balance, 20 24 70 59 1/ 1 ff 7 1817 May June 8 16 129 1 :? By Sales on Commission, By Ditto, 18 22 6G 62 129 14 Dr Gordon, Barron, & Co. Aberdeen. Cr. June To Bills Receivable, . . •20 395 16 May June By Sales on Commission, By Balance f 18 24 381 14 395 4 12 16 Dr. Marshall, Stewart, & Black, Perth. Cr. June 30 To Balance, 24 395 2 3 June 30 By Sales on Commission, 22 395 Dr. Balance. Cr. June 30 To Sundries, ^ Jour... 24 11002 June 30 By Sundries, ^ Jour,.. 24 1002 248 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON SET C. This Set combines, in a considerable degree, the simplicity of Single, with all the advantage* of Double Entry, and perhaps no method more simple, possessing the same advantages, could be devised. Posting from the Subsidiary Books, in the common way, without a Journal, is, we con- fess, a slovenly and laborious task, and where the business is extensive, liable to error, from the multiplicity of entries at the Real Accounts : From these disadvantages the present Set is exempted. The Cash, Bill, and Day Books, are disposed in such a manner, as to exhibit at one view the monthly Amount of the Cash received and paid, the Bills received and granted, and the Purchases and Sales ; these are carried only once a month to the respective Accounts in the Ledger, by this means, the Accounts are prevented from extending to a great length, which is unavoidable by the common method of posting each entry singly. In the Chapter on the Ledger, it was observed, " that if all the Accounts in the Ledger be added, the Amount of the Dr. side will be equal to that of the Cr. side." This agreement of the Dr. and Cr. sides of the Ledger, however, does not prove, that the Books have been correctly posted : for, according to the usual mode in which Books are kept, an entry in the Subsidiary Books, or in the Journal, may be entirely omitted to be posted, or an error in the addition of one side of the Ledger may correspond to an error or omission of a like Sum in the other, and yet the Books will Balance, and consequently, such mistakes may remain undiscovered. At the end of the Ledger to the present Set, we have given an easy, yet certain method, of proving the Posting of the Books, •without the trouble of comparing them. This is certainly an advantage of much importance, and more than compensates the additional trouble of posting the personal Accounts daily, when no such check is obtained. As some Merchants wish to open an Account in the Ledger for every person with whom they have dealings on credit, we have here avoided no personal Accounts, although these may be entered mider general heads, as in Set B. Although the method here laid down cannot be followed in an extensive and complicated Trade, such as Set D. is supposed to be, with the same advantages as where a Journal is used monthly ; yet for a Merchant, or Agent, in an ordinary trade, it may be used with much satisfaction ; and to a Calico-Printer, or an extensive wholesale Haberdasher's business, it is peculiarly applicable. It may be observed, that when beginning a new Set of Books, the different Articles wliich con- stitute the Stock, viz. the Cash, Bills, Goods, and Debts owing us, which are transferred from the old Books, are posted from the respective Books; that is, the Cash in hand is entered from the Cash-Book ; the Bills in hand, and those under acceptance, from the Bill-Book ; the Goods on hand, from the first part of the Day Book ; and the Personal Accounts, both in favour of, and against Stock, are posted from the beginning of the Day-Book : by these means the Amount of each of the Articles which compose our Subject is shewn at the Stock Account. Cash-Book. This Book is ruled with three additional colianns on the Dr. and Cr. sides. In the inner column on the Dr. side, which is titled Bills Receivable, are entered the Bills discounted and paid ; in the next, titled Goods, are entered the Sums received for Goods sold for Cash, whether your own or consigned ; and in the third, titled Profit and Loss, are inserted the Discounts, &c. allowed you on Payments made. In the inner column on the Cr. side, titled Bills Payable, are entered the Bills paid by you ; in the next, titled Goods, the Sums paid out on account of Goods, whether your ow n or consigned, or in which any other person may have a concern in the way of adventure. The outer columns on each side contain the Sums received and paid on such Accounts as do not fall under the inner co- lumns. The Charges on the Shipments, and on Goods consigned to you, are entered only once a month, being generally paid in small sums. These can be collected from the Invoice and Account JSales Books, At the end of the month the inner columns are added, and the total of these carried to the outer cohtmns, by which the Accounts expressed by the title of the inner columns require only one Una in the Ledger each month. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON SET C. 249 In some entries, as Discount on Bills, and Charges paid on Goods in March and June, we have classed two entries together in one line. This was done, to prevent the matter extending so as to crowd the page, and for the same reason, some of the narrations are occasionally shortened. The Balance of Cash in hand, brought from one month to another, is distinguished with a line drawn under it. In adding the Cash received, the former balance is not included until the amount received in the present month is set down, and then it is added with it. Bill-Book. This Book is ruled in a manner somewhat different from the Bill Books to the former Sets, in order to exhibit a greater variety to the learner. No Bills received from Abroad, nor any drawn on the Banker, are recorded in this Book, but entered a^ Cash in the Cash-Book, or vmder the third head of the Day-Book. Day-Book. This Book is divided into three parts, and the entries, which fall under each, are explained at the beginning of each part. The Purchases, and the Net -Proceeds of the Sales on Commission, are entered with a reference to the Invoice and Account Sales Books, which contain the particulars : the narrations are here given as full as is necessary. The entries of Insurances, and those under the third part, being the original entries, are more fully narrated. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that the Sales are to be entered with the particulars, as iu Day-Book A ; as these are given in that Book, they are here suppressed : To have repeated them would have extended the Day-Book, without answering- any good purpose. In the Shipments abroad, the amount only is entered in the Day- Hook, with a reference to the Invoice-Book, where the particulars are inserted. When no such Book is kept, the particulars of these entries must of course appear in the Day-Book. Ledger. As no Accounts are opened for the Banks, the Interest due by them till the 30th June, is deducted from the Sum allowed to insure the Debts. See the Balance at the end oj the Ledger^ 9r 250 CASH-BOOK FOR SET C. (') Cash Di. to Sundries. For the followiiiif Sums received in January 1817. Fol. Led. Date. 17 5 8 14 21 22 31 To Stock,,, for Amount in hand this day,, 289// 10 //7 212 //6 //O 145// 10 //O To Bills Receivable, reed. payt. of No. 157, To. . ,. Ditto, discd. No. 163, due 20 Mar. 176, // 8 April To William Ferguson, received from him, 1 in full, j To Goorf*, ,. received for 25 bdles. Cotn. Yn. To Bills Receivable^ discd. No. 164, due 7 15 April, 5 To Bills Receivable, Amt. reed, this month,' 843// 1 1 // 7 To Goods, Ditto, Bills Recoivabie. 196 //5 //O Goods. P^ofi' ^n** Loss. 37//17//0 37/^17 // Total received this month. 898 117 10 881 1897 For the followins: Sums received in February. Fol. Date, 16 1 8 12 14 19 28 To Balance, .... from last month. To Profit Sf Loss, reed, diset. from 7 J. Finlay & Co. j To Bills Receivable, discAiio I65due25 Apr 170 // 7May 179 // 10 Apr To Robert Easton, reed, from him in full. To Bills Receivable, discd No 173 due 26 Apr 176 // lOMav 186 // 18 // To Profit Sf Loss, reed int. from W. Arnot To Bills Receivable, Amt. reed, this month, To Profit Sf Loss, Ditto, ....... Bills Receivable. 234 //1 2 // 6 410 //7//10 172 // 9//10 163 //4 //8 no //4 //o 114 //3//0 1205 // 1//10 Goods. i^rotit and Loss. 14 // // 6 1/ 3//10 14 // 4 // 4 .Total Received this month. 1350 113 19 1219 1333 2683 10 (>) CASH-BOOK FOR SET C. 251 Sundries Drs. /o Cash. For tlie following Sums paid in Jannary 1817. Fol. Ltd. Date. 2 9 4 8 14 22 24 25 4 31 It 2 u 3 It 4 If 1 II It By Bills Payable, paid No. 57, By Strange, Dashwood. Sf Co. renul dft. ) on Dowiie <^ Co. 45d. ) By Profit^' Loss, paid disc, on two Bills, By». Ditto,, .pd. disc, on W. Ferguson's Act By . . Ditto, . . paid disct. on a Bill, By (loodi, . . pd. carr iage of Co' ton Yarn . . By Ditto,., pd. fret. A'C. on 9 casks Madder. By Bills Payable, paid No. 6B By House Expenses, paid this month, .... By Pro/tf<5j-Lo«i,pd.iucidenls^Exp. Book By Bills Payable,., Amt. paid this month. By Goods, Ditto, By Projit Sf Loss, Ditto, BiiU Payable. 195// 11// 10 178 II 4 1/6 373//16 // 4 Goods. 7 // 4 // 2 iO //3 // 8 17 '/7//10 Frotit aurt Loss. 4 // // 9 5//17 // 6 2 // 4 // 7 2//12 // 7 14//15 // 5 Total paid this month, By Balance, Carried to next month, 120 21 405 546 1350 1897 19 For tlie following Sums paid :n February. Fol. Date, 18 19 9 5 8 12 14 19 21 23 25 26 // 28 By Bills Payable. . paid No 65 By James Finloy S) Co.., paid them By Projit S^ Loss, pd. disct. on three Bills, By Z)i//o, .. paid disct. on R. Easton's acct. By Ditto, . .paid disct. on three Bills,.. . . By William Bogle Sf Co... paid them,. . . . By Strange, Dashwood, S^Co. remd. dft. > on Downe & Co. 45d. j By ^«7/* Payable,.. paid No. 71 By Goods,., paid charges ^ Atlantic,. . . . EyProJitSf Loss, pd . R Strong wgs. to this day By Goods, pd. duty &c. on 110 har. Ashes. By House Expenses By Pro^f^f Loss, pdiucidents<^EB this mo. By Bills Payable,,, Amount pdiid this mo. By Goods, Ditto, Bills Payable. 112// 16 I/O 210//13//0 323 // 8 // Goods. 1//13 // 6 81 // 4//10 82// 18 1/4 By Profit Sf Loss, Ditto, Profit and Loss. 7//14 // 4 I // 9 AT 6 4 // 1 // 1 4//16 // 2//17//10 20 //18 // 9 By Balance,.. *... , . Total paid this month, to next month, 280 8 183 20 42^ 919 1764 2683 10 4 11 10 10 252 CASH-BOOK. (2) Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums recf ived in March, 1817. Fol. 11 14 // 17 16 19 2G t)ate. To Balance from last oionth. 12 5 ;To Bills Receivable, discd. No 180, due 14 Maj I 18«, // 31 // Goods .... reed, for 15lbs. Cotton Yarn, fVil/iarH Ferguson, reed, from liim in full, Robert Eauion,. .ditto, Bills Receivable, discd. No 187, due 28 Ma\ Michael Watson, reed, from him in full,.. Campbell., Dale,SfCo.Terd. from Ihem in full Bills Receivable, discd. No. 190, due4 June 178, // 8 // Bills Receivable, 171, // 14 // 179, // 11 ,y 8 To 11 To // iTo To To To( To To 31 To Bills Receivable, Amount this month, . , . . Bills Receivable 264 ^/ // 9 204// 13 1/4 236// 18 1/6 136// 17 //5 240 //1 5 // 6 368 // 4 // 9 353// 18 I/O 1805 // 8 // 3 To Goo^s,.. ditto, Goods. 4 // 1 // 4 // 1 // Profit & Loss. 1 Total received this month, , 1764 // 146! 7 67 17 112 77 1809 2202 3966 18 18 For the following Sums received in April. pol. 17 Date. 1 6 // // 13 17 23 23 25 30 To Balance, . . from last month To Profit ct Loss, disct. alwd by Todd * Co To Ditto, ditto,....!. Finlay & Co. To Debentures^ . .reed. Drawback ^Isabella To Prrty?fc^Los«,disctonrf/' By Goods, Ditto, By Profit ^ Loss, Ditto, Goods. Profit and Loss. 4 .'/ 4 // 690/11 1/4 14//13 // 5 6//10 // 3 9// 15 // 5 '/ 2 // 9 55 1/2 II 1 // 2 // 4 389 118 145 253 4 19 10 18 30// 58 //8 65// 1 1 in By Balance to next mouth. .Total paid this month, '.fift 3s • <»( • ♦• «. '■Jr. 793 1 1 L707 1775 6 |3483i ll 3 254 CASH-BOO^. (3) Cash Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received in May 1817. Fol 16 17 22 9 10 5 6 7 23 2 3 Date 14 15 22 25 31 To Balance, from last month. Bills Recivable. Goods. To To To To To To To To To To To To To Goods, reed, for 65lbs. Cotton Yarn, , , . . Robert Easion, . . . .reed, from him in full, , . . . John Coehran, ditto, Penman 8f Brown ditto in part, Bills Receivable, dised. No. 181, due 6lh Aug.. 192, // 6th // .. Profit Sf Loss,. ,discots. reed, on 2 accots Strange Dashwood, Sf Co. d/t. fav. Smith & Co, William Tate, Sf Co dft. to order, Bills Receivable, discd. No. 183, due 12th Aug. 184, // 14th //.. Debentures,, » reed, drawback ^ Triton, .,,.,. Richard Conder, for dft. on Lees at 90 days,.. Holford, Rucker, Sf Co. ditto on Du Fay, .... Ord, ^ Dow, reed. divd. of 8s. «f £, on £212, Qs. 29 1 241 3 267 15 2 117 98 5 2 2 4 // To ^i7/i i?eccirfl We,.. amount received this mouth, 724 5 8 1/ To Goods, ,. ditto, « // To Profit S$ Loss, ditto, ...* 29 1 Profit & Loss. 22 2 9 22 2 9 .Total received this month. J 775 1 137 63 63 470 445 56 418 263 84 775 2779I1O 455411 8 For the following Sums received in June, 1817. Fol 5 25 Date 1 4 // 7 12 // 21 22 24 25 30 To Balance from last mouth. To Bills Receivable, discd. No. 209, due 12th Aug 211, // 14th // To Profit Sf Loss,,.i^ecd. diseot. on two accounts, To Strange, Dashwood, ^' Co. teed, for my dft. 7 on them. J To Debentures, ...reed, bounty ^ Triton, To Orhart, White, Rose, ^ Co... reed, balance of bill, To Bills Receivable,., reed, paymt. of No. 193, .. To Profit Sf Loss, Com** on money rfwrf Drink water. To Goods reed. for 12bds. of Smith & Townley's yaVn. To Profit tSf Loss, reed disct on two bills pd. on disct. bills Receivable 114 9 8 294 12 2 129 2 8 To Bills Receivable,, .itmount received this roonlh,'538 4 6 ToGoods, ditto, ...; To Profit ^ Loss, ditto, .... . , , .Total Received this month. (\*»i<][ Goods. 39 5 7 39 6 7 Frotit & L^ss. 19 18 f/ 3 9// 18 13 // 42 // // 2427 // 346 16 // 23; 8 1215 619 1002 3429 10 (3)- CASH-BOOK. 255 Sundries i^n-. to Cash, For the following Svms paid in May, 1817. Fol 9 •>3 24 Date 4 1/ 1' It If 8 10 i 14 15 // 22 // 24 25 // 31 By Strange Dashwood and Co. rerad. dft, on Downe I & Co By Goorfs, ..paid for 350 lbs. Yarn hot. this day,. . By Profit and Loss, paid discots. this day and the 6th, By Thomas Shiels 8f Co., . .paid lliem, i. By John M'c Fee ^ Co ilitto, By Bills Payable, remd. to pay No. 82, due llth By Goods,. . Duly, &c. on 50 bales Cotton in Co.. . Ditto, .... paid J. Cochran for error, By Profit and Loss,. . discots. this day and tht 8th, By Goo(/«,.. sundry Charges this day and 14th, .... By Strange, Dashwood, and Co. rcnid. dft on Esdaile, By Profit and Loss, paid discots. today and tlie 15th, By House Expenses, By Bills Payable, remd. to pay No. 83. due 27th, By Goods,, . paid car. of Yarn from Manchester,. . By Profit and Loss, paid discot. on a Bill, By Goods, paid Charges on 5 Shipments ^ E. B. . . Charges on Goods consigned, .... By Profit and Loss,^. paid incidents this month, .. By Bills Pai/abli, . .iimount paid this month, .... By Goods, . . . . ^ ditto, By Profit and Loss, .... ditto, Bills Paynble. 302 13 6 385 8 11 688 2 6 Goods. m 15 10 17212 3 // 10 // 121 // 3 316 6 18 // 1 10 3 // 392 17 U Profit «fe Loss. 19 8 1 6 4 8 4 14 5 // 11 7 3 19 7 34 18 4 ., .. .... ..Total paid this month, k t // By Balance to neKt month, 245 281 159 10 18 G 289 35 11 1115 18 2127 2427 11 4554111 For the following Sums paid in June 1817. 24 24 9 L4 4 Bv "By '/ By ; By 7, By "By 12 iBy "iBy 25 By 30 Alex. Bryoe 8f Co paid them, Dalgleish ^ Frame, ditto, Pritfit ^ Lo«s,. . ..paid discot. on two bills, .. Strange, Dashwood, 5f Co. remd. dft. on Downe, Rothsay, Spinning Co. . . paid them in full, .... Profit ^ Loss, . . paid discot. on a dft Bills Payable, . . paid No. 79, James Irvine, . . paid him , House Expences, .• • • • Bills Payable, .... paid on discot. No. 86, .... ditto, 88, ..., Profit Sf L0«$,..paid R. Strong Wages to this date,. ....... Goods, paid Chargies on Goods consigned ^ E. B Profit &^ Loss,., incidents this month, -.ditto,. . ..lost a Note, value, Bills Payable,. .amount paid this month, ,,., Goods,,.. i ditto, i. . Profit Sf Loss, ditto, Bills Payable. 134 5 10 245 19 3 1007 12 6 1387 17 7 Goods. 4 3 11 4 3 11 t Profit and Loss. 3 18 10 3 3 8 6 12 27 18 10 Total paid this month,..*. «.,...^* • J... »^i.. By Balance.. ..in hand, i.V.. . . . ; . *r^y[A* « . . . ^f * ' %^^ 248 158 200 266 2 10 // 6 20 39 1420 2363 1075 3429 U 256 BILL-BOOK FOR SET C. 0) Bills Receivable, Dr. 1 For the Bills in hand the 31st uU. transferred from the pi eceding Bill-Book, and Fol. Led. Date. No. Old Bin B. On Account of Drawn by Payable to Character, or upon whom drawn. 1 1807 To Stock for the following Bills in hand, viz. Jan. 1 157 H. Glen & Co. Myself My Order My Draft on them 159 Nimmo & Bell Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 163 Ord & Dow Myself Ditto My Draft on them 164 William Simpson Ditto Ditto My Draft on him 165 James Denny & Co. Themselves Their Order Wm. Brodie & Co. 170 William Stirling & Sons Ditto My Order Their Pro. Note 171 P. & J. Macadam Myself Ditto My Draft on them 172 Watson, Arthur, & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto 2 On hand this doy •••••• •••• i 1 . For Bills Received of Fol. Led 14 When Reed. No. On Acconnt of Drawn by Payable to Character, or upon whom drawn. Jan. 4 173 Thomas Bissland & Co. Themselves My Order Their Pro. Note 13 5 174 D. Johnson, Son, &. Cree Ditto Ditto Ditto 18 // 175 William Arnot Himself Ditto His Ditto 18 7 176 John Howie & Co. Themselves Ditto Their Ditto 17 8 177 Campbell, Dale, & Co. Myself Ditto My Draft on them 15 // 178 William Gillespie & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto 10 10 179 Robert Wilson & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto 17 12 180 John Cochran Himself Ditto His Pro. Note 2I • • ■ • ., Received this month For Bills Received of 20 Feb. 3 181 William Stirling & Sons My Draft on them Myself My Order 17 6 182 Campbell, Dale, & Co. Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Notcj 20 9 183 Todd & Shortridge Ditto Ditto Ditto 19 12 184 Watson, Arthur, & Co. Myself Ditto My Draft on them 16 16 185 William Simpson Himself Ditto His Pro. Note 14 // 186 Thomas Bissland & Co. Themselves Ditto Their Ditto — // 187 Ditto Myself Ditto My Draft on them 21 II 188 John Patison & Co. Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 2 Received this month ■ ■ ; : I . .. »v For Bills Received of 15 Mar. 1 189 William Gillespie & Co. Themselves My Order Their Pro. Note 15 12 190 Crombie & Carnegie Myself Ditto My Draft on them 16 // 191 William Simpson Himself Ditto His Pro. Note 21 // 192 Kibble, Forster, & Co. Myself Ditto My Draft on them 19 13 193 Watson, Arthur, & Co. Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 21 26 194 Nimmo & Bell Ditto Their Order Brodie it Craig — // 195 Ditto I)itto Ditto Ditto •— . // 196 Ditto Ditto My Order Their Pro. Note 2 Received this month •«•«••• ■ '" - , J :'; (0 BILL-BOOK FOR SET C. 2A7 to Sundries. those which are received, in the following months. Place. Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Date. 1816 3 July 19 Sep. 23 Sep. 12 Oct. 22 Oct. 4Nov. 11 Dec. 8 Dec. Term. 6mos 5 DIGS 6 mos. 6mos G mos 6 mos 6 mos 6 0108. Where Payable. Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. When du e. 6 Jan 22Feb 26 Mar 15 Apr 25 Do 7 May I4June 11 I. Amount Sum. When 289 145 212 196 234 410 368 353 2210 16 7 Jan. 8Feb. // Jan. Feb. Mar and how disposed of Received Payment, , . . . Nimnio&BeriwiProt D.B Disc.wtTliistleBiink,C.B, Ditlo, Royal ........ . . .Ditto, Thistle Bank, .. Ditto, Fa. Casl)- Book 1 14 1 1 1 1 2 2 the Following, in January. ISl-T. Place. Paisley Perth Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Date. 23 Dec. 1817 5 Jan, Jan. Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, U Jan Term. Where When Payable. due. 4 mos. Glasgow 6 mos. 3 mos, 4 mos, 6 raos, 5 mos, 3 mos, 4 mos. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. London Glasgow 26 Apr. 8Julv 8 Apr. 10 May 4 July 8 June 10 Apr 14 May Amount Snm. 163 4 95 6 145 110 126 240 172 264 1318 4 When Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar Feb. Mar 19 and how disposed of. Discd. with Royal Baiik, Royal . Thistle Royal . Thistle Ditto .. ihe FoUowine, in February, 1S17. Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Paisley Glasgow Do. Feb Feb Feb. Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. 28 Jan. 4 mos 6 mos. 5 mos. 6 mos. 6 mos. 5 mos. 4 mos. 4 mos. Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 6 Aug 9 July 12 Aug 14 Do^ 19 July l8May 28 May 31 May 114 3 // 236 18 6 Amount 241 246 117 98 189 351 204 1448 May 7 May 14 I " Apr.23 Feb Mar Discd. with Roval Bank, Royal , Ditlo . Ditto . Thistle Royal . Ditto . the Followinfr, in March, 1817. Anderston Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 7 Mar 1 Mar 5 Mar 3 Mar 18 Feb. 6 Mar 6 Mar 6 Mar Smos 3 mos 6 mos 5 mos 4 mos 4 mos 6 mos, 9 mos. Glasgow Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 10 Sep. 4June! SSep.l 6Aug.| 2lJune 9 July 37 2 3 9 Sep. 56 3 9Dec.!56 16 9 Amount 15319 136 86 267 129 150 924 8 6 Mar May June Discd. withThistle Bank. Royal Received Payment, 3t 258 BILL-BOOK. (2) Bills Receivable Dr, For Bills received of - Fol, Led. 18 When Reed. No. On Account of Drawn by Payable to Chnratar, or upon whom drawn. Apr. 8 197 William Arnot Himself My Order His Pro. Note 22 // 198 John Kingan Myself Ditto My Draft on him 22 9 199 Penman & Brown Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 18 11 200 John Howie & Co. Ditto Their Order James Brown // 201 Ditto Ditto Ditto Hill & Gow 20 13 202 Todd & Shortridge Ditto My Order Their Pro. Note 15 // 203 Crombie & Carnegie Myself Ditto My Draft on them 21 15 204 Kibble, Forster, & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto 16 // 205 H. Houldsworth & Co. Ditto Ditto Ditto 13 // 206 D. Johnson, Son, & Cree Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 2 Received this month .... • • • • For Bills received of 23 May 4 207 James Denny «fe Co. Themselves My Order Their Pro. Note 20 6 208 Wm. Stirling & Sons Myself Ditto Mv Draft on them // 209 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 22 10 210 Penman & Brown W. Smith &Co. Penman&Brown Orr & Denny 16 // 211 H. Houldsworth & Co. Myself My Order My Draft on them 17 13 212 John Cochran Himself Ditto His Pro. Note 2 . . . . « • • • Received this month, For 1 Jills received of 18 June 5 213 William Arnot Himself His Order John Murphy 23 // 214 James Denny & Co. Themselves My Order Their Pro. Note 16 8 215 H. Houldsworth Sz Co. Myself Ditto My Draft on them 19 10 216 William Bogle & Co. John M'Call Ditto Allan & Smith 15 // 217 Crombie & Carnegie Themselves Ditto Their Pro. Note 13 15 218 D. Johnson, Son, & Cree Ditto Ditto Ditto 2 • • • • « • • • Received this month, , (2) BILL-BOOK. 259 to Sundries. the following in April 1817. Place. Date. 18»T Glasgow 8 Apr. do. 6 Apr, do. 5Apr. 1816 do. 24 Dec. 1817 do. 5 Mar. do. 8Apr. do. 8 Mar. do. 10 Apr. do. l2Mar. Perth 8Apr. Term. 3 mos, 6 mos, 6 raos, 6 mos, 4 mos 5 mos, 4 raos. 6 mos. 4 mos. 6 mos. Where Payable. Glasgow do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Wbtndue 11 July 9 Oct. 8 Oct. 27 June 8 July 11 Sept. 11 July 13 Oct. 15 July 11 Oct. 246 18 1/ 123 16 // Amount, Sum. 147111 196|ll 137 18 14 370 19613 114 166 480 282 2093 When Apr. June Apr. June Apr. Apr. I Pa. and how disposed of. Cash- ^ Beck, Died. with Royal Bank, John Howie «fe Co. DB Discd.wh. Thistle CB Indsdto»Orhart&CoD3 do. Dennistoun & Co do. Dennistoun&Co 16 2 16 14 14 the following in May, 1817. Glasgow do. do. do, do. do. 6May 6mos, 7May'6raos, 9Apr. 4mos, 7May 6mos. llApr.4mos. 8May6mos. Glasgow 9 Nov. do. do. do. do. do. Nov. Aug. 159 19 8 114 9 8 10 Nov. 14 Aug, 11 Nov. Amount, 186 274 92 294 126 975 19 4 4 12 2 8 6 June June Discd. with Thistle Bk. Discd. with Royal. the following in June, 1817. Glasgow do. do. do. Anderston Perth 5June6mos. 5June6mos. 18May4mos. I0june4mos. 22 May 4 mos. I5June6mos. Glasgow- 8 Dec. do. 8 Dec. do. 21 Sept. do. 13 Oct. do. 25 Sept do. 18 Dec. Amount, 92 63 808 326 357 206 1855 260 BILL-BOOK. (0 Sundries Ors. For the Bills under Acceptance the 31st nit. transferred from *'ol Led Date. 1817 Jan No. Old BillB. On Account of Drawn by 57 65 68 71 74 76 Stock for the following Bills under acp. viz, Dunn, Smith & Co, James Finlay & Co. J. Hand)!side, Blackey,Hardisty & Co, Christie & Shaw, Dale & Macintosh, 2 Under Acceptance this day . Themselves Ditto Myself Themselves Ditto Myself Payable to Their Order Ditto His Order J. Buchanan & Co Smith Sc Gray, Their Order Place. Gla^gow. Do. Do. Keswick London Glasgow For Bills Accepte(i to Fol. Is 14 12 2 When Granted No. Jau. 5 77 LI 78 // 79 12 80 On Acconnt of James Finlay & Co. Michael Watson Ditto George Bowie & Co. Accepted this month. Drawn by Themselves Myself Ditto Themselves Payable to Their Order His Order Ditto Their Order Place. Glasgow Do. Do. Aberdeen For Bills Accepted to 14 Feb. 4 81 9 11 82 6 23 83 2 Tho. Bissland & Co. Seruton & Campbell Mayne & Rowley Myself Themselves J. Baker & Co. Accepted this month . Their Order Kelly & Gow Christie & Shaw Glasgow London Do. For Bills Accepted to 18 Mar, 11 84 20 // 85 9, James Finlay & Co William Stirling & Sons Accepted this month. Themselves Myself Their Oi'rfer Ditto Glasgow Do. For Bills Accepted to Apr. 61 86 11 87 13 88 William Gillespie & Co. John Howie & Co. Rothsay Spinning Co. Accepted this month Themselves Myself Ditto Their Order Ditto Ditto Anucrston Glasgow Do. For Bills Accepted to 24 May. 8 89 6 // 90 9 // 91 4 // 92 ? Dalgleish & Frame Peter Wood Seruton & Campbell Thomas Bissland & Co. Accepted this month,,.. Myself Himself Themselves iDitto Their Order J. & R. Ritchie Their Order Ditto. Glasgow New-York Glasgow Paisley For Bills Accepted to 15 June 6 93 23 H 94 2 .... •• .... Thomas Pollock &, Co. Thomas Shiels . . . 16. To William Bogle Sf Co. For Insuring £410 on Goods, by the Jessie to London, at 12s. 9d. per Cenj. & Policy 138. 9d _26. ^ To William Bogle Sf Co. For Prera. of Insurance on Goods by the Hopewell, Rankin, for Hamburgh, £925, at 2 guineas per Cent. & Policy 55s Pa 4 542 452 245 19 389 118 432 19 Amount of the Purchases S{ Insurances in March, 576 602 22 3393 6 11 (4) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 2d April 1817. 265 Fol. 19 11 19 14 Goods Dr. to Sundries. To William Bogle ^ Co. For Prem. of Insurance on 100 Barrels of Ashes by the Nancy, M'Lae, from New York to Greenock, =£"410, at S guineas per Cent. & Policy 27s. 6d. to return H per Cent, for Convoy and Arrival, _ 5. To Peter Drinkwater, Manchester, For 900lbs. Georgia Twist, Bill at 2 mos. 6. P. B. To William Bogle Sf Co. For Insuring £455, on 12 Casks Madder from London by the Charlotte, at 12s 9d. per Cent. & Policy 13s. 9d , . 9. To Thomas Bissland Sf Co. Paisley, For 300lbs. Mule Twist, Bill at 6 mos To Peter Wood, New York, For 5© Bales Cotton, Shipped by the Fanny for Greenock, as per his letter re- ceived this day, Atuount of Invoice, John Buchanan & Thomas Dunlop, have each one third share of this Cotton, and who allow me 2^ per Cent, on the Sales of the same. 19 23 23 19 24 24 24 17 To Tontine Insurance Co. For prem. of Insurance on the above ^1350, at 3 Guineas per Cent. & Policy 77s. to return 1^ per Cent, for Convoy and Arrival , « 11. : To Thomas Shiels Sf Co. »'■ o..;... xxv For 126 Pieces Priqted Goods, Bill at 6 mos ....;, . _ 12. 14 377 11 72 1290 16 46 To Thomas Shiels 4r Co. For 44 Pieces of Printed Goods, 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, ^. 13. To William Bogle ^ Co. For prem. of Insnr. en Goods per the Triton, Campbell, for Pliiladelphia, £335, at 45s. per Cent. & Policy 22s ««•..,..,.. 15.-^ ^ To Dalgleish Sf Frame, ■;, « .^ For I Box & 154 Pieces Printed Goods, Bill at 6 iapi|.^.«»;j*^,^,..^. To Alexander Bryce Sf Co. For 2 Boxes Printed Goods, 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, To John M'Fee Sf Co. For 1 Box Printed Goods, 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, . 17. ^ To William Ferguson, For 70 Pieces of Calicoes, & 27 Pieces Shawl Cloths received in Barter for 84 Bundles Water Twist, <.*....., ...* . .'Hi D i«Ii(h,8tKlM-. } -, . . Carried Forward, 273 115 17 17 15 496 248 139 138 10 15 18 3236 11 // 11 266 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 20tli ApriU 1817. (5) Foi: 2S 24 Goods Dr. to Sundries. Brought over, 9 8 14 19 24 13 12 11 25 24 25 n 24 To Thomas Shiels Sf Co. For 1 box Priuted Goods, 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, P. B. 26. To Dalgltish Sf Frame, For 1 box Printed Goods, 5 ^ Cent, for Cash, ,Amouut of the Purchases and Insurances in April, ■May 3.- To Scruton Sf Campbell^ London, For 12 Casks Madder received by the Charlotte, Bill at 3 mos To William Rainey, For prem. of Insur. on of 850, at 2 Guineas per Cent, on Goods by the Dolphin M'Lean, for Hamburgh, Poliry, 49s. 6(J. Comm''. 85s. to return 308 per Cent for Convoy and Arrival To Rolhsny Spinning Company, For 200 bundles Water Twist, Cash 4th June, 10 3236 165 158 3560 447 24 11 3 10 11 260 To William Bogle Sf Co For prem. of Insur. on „f235, at 2 Guineas per Cent, and Policy 16s. 6d. oir Goods by the Dolphin for Hamburgh, 5. . To Dalgleish Sf Frame, For 3 boxes Printed Goods, Bill at 6 mos -6. To Richard Conder, T^ew-York, For 100 barrels A shes, by the Nancy, Bill at 3 mos , 8. To Thomas H. Marshall, Perth, For Net-proceeds of the Sales of 50 pieces Cossaes, not guar anteed, as pei Account Sales-Booi(, To Gordon, Barron, <5f Co. Aberdeen, For the Net-proceeds of the Sales of 300 pieces WjmWhs, not guaranteed. -9. To William Wright, Manchester, For the Net proceeds of the Sales of 92 bandies of Cotton Yarn, guaranteed, due 4th June, 10.. To Orhart, White, Rose, Sf Co. For Q boxes White Cambrics, Bill at 4 mo^.I i'lli'.lf ^,.. .. . .P. B. . 12.- _ _^. ... To Alexander Bryce Sf Co. For 1 box Printed Goods, Bill at 6 mos , .,,.,. To Brunton Hf Ballantine, For 4 boxes Saddlery, at 3 months, , , ,^ ,;> ^^^^ , ,,, ' 13'- ^-! .v.;.''f -I To Smith Sf Toivnley, Manchester, For Net-proceeds of 30 bdles. Cotton Yarn, not guaranteed, . . . . S. B 14. To Alexander Bryce ^ Co. iFor 2 Boxes Printed Goods, Bill at 6 mos. P. B. i'. ' Carried forward, 15 11 11 241 11 398 14 11 11 12 12 381 170 183 141 83 85 197 18 13 10 13 13 10 2695 // a ^6) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 22nd May, 1817. 267 Fol. 12 19 15 Goods Dr. to Sundries. Brought forward, To Blackey, Hardisty, Sf Co. Keswick, For Net-proceeds of 200 bdles. Water Twist, not guaranteed,,, S.B. 24 To Tontine Insurance Co. For prem. of Insnr. on £905, at 2 per Cent, on Goods by the Betsy, Levi Lucas, for New York, and Policy 55s ■J'-: To Thomas Pollock 8f Co. Paisley, For Net-proceeds of the Sales of 114 bundles Cotton Yarn, guaranteed, due 7tb December, Amount of the Purchases, Insurances, and Net-proceeds, of the Sales in May, -June 16,- ^'r.r ■s'jh.tf Riiiiy, 13 11 13 15 25 23 To Thomas H. Marshall, Perth, For the Net-proceeds of 50 pieces Cossaes, not guaranteed, . . . .S. B. To fVilliam Wright, Manchestsr, For 280!bs. Mnle Twist, taken to acconnt to finish his Sales, tlic amonnt due 4th July, P.B. 18. To Marshall, Stewart, Sf Black, Perth, For the Net-proceeds of the Sales, of 310 pieces Muslins, not guaranteed, S. B. 19. . To Thomas Pollock ^ Co. Paisley For the Net-proceeds of 56 bundles Cotton Yarn, guard, due 7th January,. .. . 25. To John Buchanan, For his one-third share of the Gain on the 50 bales Cotton in Co. by the Fanny, closed this day, To Thomas Dunlop, For his one-third share of the Gain on the 50 bales Cotton in Co. by the Fanny, closed this day, , Amount of Purchases, Net-proceeds of the Sales, S^c. in June,* , . . ,, 2695 276 20 153 3145 62 51 395 70 46 46 5 17 11 14 13 11 13 11 680 19 368 (7) DAY-BOOK. c. t' I - ( Glasgow, 2nd January ^ 1817. PART II. Fdl. Led 16 19 15 I 20 17 14 20 17 20 14 21 3 Sundries /)rs. to Goods. For tbe Sales on Credit— Shipments and Adventures, with the Gharges, Commissioa & Insurance — Debentures, &c. William Simpson, Water Twist, 75 bundles, -4.- Watson, Arthur, Sf Co. Madder, 2 casks, -8.— Cromhie Sf Carnegie, Anderston, Cotton 2 bags,.. Todd fy Shortridge, f^ ^^.^... ,j.. ,,. ,^}t,H ^mio ..favj^oi.i-jj Madder, 3 casks,.. .'.,.... 116 12 i I JB) -12.- John Cochrant Mule Twist, 220lbs. 15.- Thomas Bissland Sf Co. Paisley, Cotton, 6 bags. William Stirling Sf Sons, Madder 6 casks. -17.- Campbell, Dale, Sf Co. '•■> ?' n Water Twist, 108 bundles, . . . -21.- DinU)iddie ^ Paterson, Mule Twist 60lbs. -25. Thomas Bissland Sf Co. Paisley, Cotton, 7 bags, -28.- John Patison ^ Co. Cotton, 7 bags. ,,.,d..j,, Amount Sold in January, 98 41 117 71 114 241 162 14 230 3 10 18 204 13 1418 (8) BAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 4tli February, 1817. 269 Fol Sundries, Drs. to Goods. 17 William Ferguson, Water Twist, 97 bundles, ••il*: v« 17 16 15 15 Campbell, Dale, ^ Co. Water Twist, 48 bundles. 6. Robert Easfon, Mule Twist, 162lbs. IVilliam Gillespie Sf Co. Anderston, Madder, 4 casks, . , 11. Crombie 8f Carnegie, Anderston, Cotton, 4 bags, . 16 William Simpson, Water Twist, 56 bundles, , 19 18. Watson, Arthur, Sf Co. Ashes, 24 Casks Pot, 23.- !S>ljl5-> .'. 21 20 14 Mayne Sj Rowley, New York, For 3 Trunks Printed Goods shipped on board the Atlantir, J. Kin^, Master, from Greenock to New-York, on tlieir Account & Risk, & to them consigned, Amonnt, with Charges, as per! Invoice-Book, Page 1, .- , ...j 25. Kibble, Forster, 8f Co. Madder, 5 casks, .. Ashes, 1.3 Ditto Pot, Dinwiddie Sf Paterson, Mule Twist, 55lbs, 26. Michael Watson, Leith,, Ashes, 20 casks Pearl, Amount Sold iti February, 3 Y 146 77 57 153 17 19 95 10 10 86 129 6 6 355 19 205// 19 //8 61//15 // 6 267 14 15 10 112 1496 270 Day-book Glasgow, 2d. March, 1817. (9) Fol. 17 16 22 15 22 Sundries Drs. to Goods. John Cochran, Mule Twist, 240 lbs. , i .i. «'.VV. . 7. . ■■• Henry Houldsivorlh Si' Co. Anderston, Cotton, 7 bags, , John Kingan, India Twist, 160 lbs.. 8.- '(Crombie Sf Carnegie, Anderston, I Cotton, 4 bags, 'ilf'km''i'Mji -12.> Penman Sf Brown, Mule Twist, 518 lbs. 20 16 13 21 Holford, Rucker, *M«j«fte*,«.V'«< 11.- Henry Houldsworth t^f Co. Anderston, Cotton, 7 bags, . 13. .... Richard Conder, For 5 boxes sundry Goods, shipped as above, amount per I. B. p. 7. Joseph Taylor ^ Sons, For 5 boxes sundry Goods, shipped as above, amount per I. B. p. 7. Amount Sold, Consigned, ^c. in May, 64 //1 2 //O 92// 11 '/O 49 //7..8 17 208815 I 206 10 90 12 32 808 45 357 69 279 286 340 4605 9 11 10 10 16 9 10 '6 z 274 DAY-BOOK. GLAS60W, 1st June, 1817. (13) Fol. 14 20 21 19 20 21 15 17 21 14 22 17 20 15 20 14 20 10 Sundries Drs. to Goods. Michael Watson, Leith^ Ashes, 20 barrels Pearl, 3 Todd ^ Shortridge, Calicoes, 70 pieces, and 27 pieces of Shawl Cloths, 7. Kibble, Forster, S^ Co. Madder, 4 casks, and 20 casks Ashes Pot, , 10. ^~ fVatson, Arthur, Sf Co. Ashes, 14 casks Pot, • 12. William Stirling Sf Sons, A^hes, 30 casks Pot, • . 16. ; Kibble, Forster, Sf Co. T. M. Cossaes, 50 pieces,.. M. & Co. ]^nslin$, 110 ditto, and 100 pieces Cambrics, William Gillespie, Sf Co. Anderston, Madder, 1 cask, ... ., 17. John Cochran, Georgia Twist, 40lbs 18.— Kibble, Forster^ Sf Co. M. & Co. Shawl Cloths, 100 pieces, Rothsay Spinning Co. Cotton in Co. 10 Bales ^ Fanny, 19. Penman (5f Brown, P. & Co. Mule Twist, 280lbs. , John Cochran, Georcia Twist, 60lbs. Dinwiddie Sz Paterson, S. & T. Georgia Twist. 65lbs. ; 24.- William Gillespie ^ Co. Anderston, Madder, 3 casks, . . . . William Stirling 8^ Sons, Ashes, 20 casks Pot, Thomas Bissland «Jf Co. Paisley, Cotton in Co. 10 Bales ^ Fanny, 25 Dinwiddie 8f Paterson, Georgia Twist, 50 lbs , . . , . 27. William Simpson, Mule Twist, 40 lbs 64 // 3 // 4 302 // // Amount Sold in June. 103 129 231 61 142 366 36 17 108 296 83 27 39 129 9i 221 22 10 2119 15 12 3 10 3 19 1/ 8 3 (14) DAY-BOOK S75 Glasgow, 7th January, IBl'T. PART III. Fol. Led. 9 21 2 4 12 9 11 21 4 18 ~4 11 ~9 _A "Ti _io ~~9 Sundry Accounts Dr. to Sundries. For all complex Entries, and those that cannot with equal propriety come under the former parts. Peter Drinkwater Dr. to Strange, Dashwood, Sf Co. For my Draft on them at 3 nios. date remitted him, due 10 April, -18th February.- Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Dr. to Richard Conder, For his Dft. on G. & R. Kennedy, London, at 60 ds. remitted them, due 26 Apr 22. Nimmo&Bell Dr. to Sundries, To Bills Receivable,. , . .for their Pro. Note now due not paid,. . , . To Profit & Loss, . , .... expense of protesting ditto, 26. Blackey, Hardisty, & Co. Dr. to Sundries, To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. for my Dft. at 2 mos. remd. them, due 29 Apr To Profit & Loss, discount allowed by B. H. & Co.,. -I8th March. Peter Drinkwater Dr. to Strange, Dashwood, &; Co. For my Dft. on them at 2 mos. remitted him, due 21 Mav, ., .. 26. —' . Nimmo & Bell, Dr. to Profit ^ Loss, For Interest included in their instalment Bills received this day, -8th April. William Arnot Dr. to Profit Sf Loss, For Interest due by him, included in his Pro. Note, taken for his accomm" -9.- Peter Drinkwater Dr. to Strange, Dashwood, ^ Co. For my Dft. on them at 2 months remitted him, due 12 June, . . 11. . Profit & Loss Dr. to John Howie Sf Co. For difference of Intst. due them, included in Bills exchanged this day, 13. William Tate & Co. Dr. to W. Tate 8f Co. my Accot. Consignts. For Net Proceeds of the Sales for last month, due in 3 mos Carried forward, 145//1I //8 // 3 // 300//11 I/O 15//16//0 210 10 237 145 316 699 12 14 7 13 119 4 123 4 10 452 12 445 900 276 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, icth /ipril, 1817. (15) Fol. 22 ~2 11 Sundry Accounts Dr. /o S'l/nrfriw. Brought for 145 1805 460 595 724 538 196 246 4063 10825 7 10 8 3 (> 11 Dr Bills Payable. Cr. Jan. 31 Feb. Mar, Apr May 31 June 30 28 31 30 To Cash, . . To Ditto, . . To Ditto, .. To Ditto, .. To Ditto, . . To Ditto, .. To Balance, 373 323 428 696 688 1387 2952 6850 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June By Stock, . . By Sundries, By Ditto, . . By Ditto, . . By Ditto, .. By Ditto, ,. By Ditto, .. 621 191 2 162418 3 12511 l| 6 427 8j. 6 685012)0 1125 987 812 7; 6 410 13 1 (3) LEDGER. 281 Dr. Furniture. Ct. 1817 Jan. Mar, To Stock, To Cash for a Desk, . . , . 7« 8 80 1817 June 30 By Balance, 26 80 80 Dr. Goods. Gr. Jan. 31 Feb. Mar, To Stock, ... To Cash, ,. To Sundries) Srg^To Cash, ... w To Sui»dries, SI To Cash, ... // jTo Sundries, Ap. |^|To Cash, ... // |To Sundries, Mayj3lTo Cash, ... I // jTo Sundries, JuneSOJTo Cash, ... To Sundries, To Profit 4- Lossy Amounts from Day-Books, 1676 2 872 1.. 21020 2... 33393 2... 53560 3... 63145 8... 6 680 AmooBts from Cash Book. 17 82 33 30 392 4 14349 833 15744 61 8 18 8 1711 i 311 10 8 3 2 7 2 Jan. Feb. |Mar. Apr. May June By Cash, ... By Sundries, By Ditto,... By Cash, ... BySundries, By Ditto,... By Cash, ... BySundries, By Cashi ... BySundries, By Balance, 26 Amounts from Day-Boole. 1418 1496 3387 2071 4605 2119 ■-', '' Amounts from Cash -Book. 37 29 39 15098 358 15744 17 7 10 4b 282 LEDGER. (4) Dr. House- Expenses. Cr. 1817 Jaa. Feb Mar. May June 31 To Cash,. 26 To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, 21 20 12 35 39 128 '/ // v\ 1/ 5 10 // 1817 June 30 By Profit ^ Loss. 12810 12810 Dr. Profit & Loss. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar Apr, May June ui 3lToCash, 28 To Ditto, 31 To Ditto, 30To Ditto, ... 11 To John Howie & Co. ... 31 To Cash tf To Ord &Dow, 30ro Cash, 20 To Consign, to Ham. in Co. 30 ToStrangeDashwood&Co // To James Irvine, 1/ To House Expenses, Fol. // To Richard Conder, . . ... // To Thomas BisslandSf Co. 1/ To John Kingan, // To Stock, for net Gain, u To Balance, to remain at the Cr. of this Account as an allowance on bad Debts. 26 1416 2018 41 2 6511 //!l2 3418 90| 4 2718 6o!l7 18 3.5 128 404 103 1046 2 5 Feb 9 5 1 Mar. Apr. 6 4 7 10|May 10 June '28 By Cash, , |22|By Nimmo& Bell i26 By Blackey Hardisty &Co 26 By Nimmo & Bell, 30 By Cash, 8 By William Arnot, 30 By Richard Cooder, '31|By Cash, 30|By Cash, 27, By John Howie & Co,.... 30By William TateSf Co. Fol. // iBy Goods, 14 V lb 4 26 2 42 22 42 If 43 833 4 3 16 7 4 1 14 2 // 3 2 3 1046 2 <5) LEDGER. 283 Dr. James Irvine, my Clerk. Cr. 1817 Mar. June To Cash, To Ditto, 17 20 38 1817 June 30 By Profit ^ Loss, By Balance, .... . . az/ 1.1/1 16 26 35 3 38 Dr. Debentures. Cr. Mar.l2 Apr. May To Goods,.. ^Isabella, To Ditto, ....Triton, To Ditto, ....Dolphin •:i "^ Bi'. 55 79 84 220 Apr. May June By Cash, . . By Ditto, . . By Ditto, . . . By Balance,, 2 3 3 26 35 56 23 84 220 34 11 9 8 18 l| 8 884 LEDGER. (6) Dr. RiCltARD CONDER, New-York. JaiK Mar. Apr. May €r. To Stock, To Goods, Cr. May 3i To Goods ^ Dolphin, 11 231 17 June 30 By Balance, •••^••.•26 231 17 (9) LEDGER^ 2S7 Dr. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Bankers, London. Cr. 1817 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June To Cash on Downe & Co. Toditto, To Richard Conder, , . . . To Cash on Downe & Co, To ditto, Boldero & Co. To ditto, Downe & Co. To ditto, Esdaile & Co. To ditto, Downe & Co. To Richard Conder,, . . . To Balance, 120 183 237 310 233 245 289 200 285 1202 3327 1817 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June By Stock, By Peter Drinkwater, ByBlackey Hardisty,&Co By Peter Drinkwater, . . By Ditto, By Richard Conder,. . . . ByCashdft.fa. Smith & Co By Peter Drinkwater, By Cash,, .dft. to order. By William Wright, .. By Profit Sf Loss, . . 619 210 300 119 452 242 470 377 346 170 18 3327 Dr. ScRUTON & Campbeli., Londom- Cr. Feb. May June To Bills Payable, . . . . To . Ditto, To Mayne & Rowley, To Balance, 30213 186 7 35519 44712 129211 Jan. Mar. May By Goods, <^ Jessie, ... . By Ditto, .... Susanna, . . By Ditto, Charlotte, 302 542 447 1292 11 Dr. WiLMAM Tate & Co. London, Acco*. of Consign*'. Cr. Mar. Apr. June 16 To Goods ^ Jessie, .... 17 To Ditto ^Mary..... 30 To Profit Sf Loss, .... 412 342 43 798 11 Apr. June By Will. Tate & Co. .. By Sundries, 14 16 445 353 4 7 // 3 3 798 11 288 LEDGER. (10) Dr. William Tate & Co. London.-- -^A-^i,:, Cr. 18171 Apr. 13 June 10 To VVm. Tate«& Co.Accol Consign... To Ditto, iU....Tf>i -iiU V» '' 445 187 632 1817 May June By Cash, dft. to order,. . By Balance, .,i>ljj. 445 187 632 4. 15 // 19 V Dr. Stirling & Co. London, my A ceo', of Goods. Cr. June 10 ToW.Tate&Co.Accot Consign... 16 16512 June 30 By Balance, .V3-' 26 165 12 Dr. Robert Wilson & Co. Manchester. Cr. Jan. To Stock, 172 10 Jan. 10 By Bills Receivable, 172 10 (11). LEDGER 289 Dr. Peter Drinkwater, Manchester. Cr. 1817 Jan. Mar. Apr. May To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. » . To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto. 210 119 452 377 USD 1817 Jan. Mar. Apr. By Stock, . By Goods, Bv Ditto. . By Ditto,.. Dr. William Wright. Manchester. 1 2 3 4 210 119 452 377 1159 10 4 8 1 4 Cr, June To Strange, Dashwood, &Co... To Balance, 170 51 221 May June By Goods, Accot. Sales, By Ditto, 170 51 221 Dr. Smith & Townley, Manchester. Cr. June 10 90 90 12 12 11 11 May June By Goods, Accot. Sales, By Balance, •.....*. 4 D 85 4 90 12 11 wo LEDG£R. (12) Dr. Blackey. Hardisty, & Co. Keswick. Ch 1817 Feb. June To Sundries,.. Bill, &c. 14 To Ditto, ....Bills, ..jl5 To Balance, J!6 316 239 37 592 12 1817 Jan. May By Goods, By Ditto, Accot. Sales, 316 276 592 12 Dr, George Bowie & Co. Aberdeen. tf. Jao. 12 To Bills Payable, 46015 10 Jan. By Stock,, 460 15 10 Dr. Gordon, Barron, & Co. Aberdeen. Cr. ■June* I :i X ■ i To laundries, ;.BiH«; .. 15 395 He 395 16 8 1 May June By Ooods, Accot. Sales, By Balance, 5 26 81 14 395 as) LEDGER. mt DV. D. Johnson, Son, & GHeb, Perth. Cr. 1817 Jan. Mar. May To Stock, . To Goods, To Ditto, , 95 283 206 584 1817 Jan. Apr. June By Bills Receivable, By Ditto By Ditto, 1 2 1/ 95 282 206 6 11 10 584 8 DfJ Thomas H. Marshall, Perth. Cr. Juhe To Watson, Arthur, & Co, To Balance, 70 59 129 May June By Goods, Accot. Sales, By Ditto, B6 62 129 Dr. Marshall, Stewart, & Black, Perth. Cr. June 30 To Balance, »i»;»j 26 395 2 Juneil8 By Goods,.,Accot. Sales, ^tiidt/^i;'; ...-;!;* 395 292 LfSDGER. (14) Dr. RoTHSAY Spinning Company. Cr. 1817 Apr. June To Bills Payable, To Cash, To Goods, . . . . 1007 266 296 1570 1817 Mar. Mav Juiu l2fBy Goods,., 13 By Ditto, . 3|By Ditio, .. 301 By Balance, 4321 5 ■575! '7 266l 9 296 1570 Dr. Michael Watson, Leith. Cr. Jan. Feb. June To Bills Payable, To Goods, To Ditto, 370 112 103 585 Jan. Mar. June IBy Stock, ., 12!By Cash, . 30 By Balance, 370 112 103 585 Dr. Thomas Bissland & Co. Paisley. Cr. Jan. Feb. May June To Stock, By Goods,. .>.... To Ditto, To Bills Payable, To Ditto, To Goods, 163 114 236 124 72 221 932 Jan. Feb. Apr. June 4 By Goods, ...... u iBy Bills Receivable, 16 By Ditto 9:By Goods, 30 By Profit Sf Loss, // By Balance, .•...••• 2 1 1 4 4 26 12410 163 1 4 351 ! 1 72j 9 // // 22l| 3 932: 9 (15) LEDG£R. 293 Dr. Thomas Pollock & Co. Paisley. ^^^^ Cr. 1817 June 6 To Bills Payable, 30 To Balance' 153 232 11 11 1817 May June 24 By Goods, Accot; Sales,! 6 19 By Ditto, // 153|11 79 232 U Dr. William Gillespie & Co. Anderston. Cr. Jan. 1 Feb.i 8 Apr.; 6 June 16 24 To Ditto. To Stock, . . . . To Goods, . . . . To Bill Payable, To Goods, . . . . 240 153 245 36 129 807 Jan. Mar June By Bills Receivable, By Ditto, By Goods, By Balance, 240 15 153jl9 24519 166' « 807 3 Dr. Crombie & Carnegie, Anderston. Jan. Feb. Mar. May 8 To Goods, .......... 7! 11 To Ditto,. 8 To Ditto, , 22 To Ditto, . 41 81 95 9 114 12 357 608 Mar. Apr. June Cr. By Bills Receivable,, By Ditto, 10 By Ditto, 136 114 357 608 17 5 1 6 5 6 4 E 294 LEDGER. (16) Dr. Henry Houldsworth & Co. Anderston, Cr. 1817 Mar. Apr. May To Goods, To Ditto, . To Ditto,. To Ditto.. 207 273 294 808 1584 2| 1 16j 8' 12 2 17j 8 8J 7 1817 Apr. May June 15 By Bills Receivable, 10 By Ditto 8 By Ditto, 48018 294112 80817 1584 Dr. William Simpson, Glasorow. o Cr. Jan. Feb. June To Stock, . . To Goods, To Ditto,. To Ditto, . . 1 7 8 13 72 116 86 10 286 11 12 6 19 10 6 6 6 6 // Fel Ma Jul r. le 16 12 30 By Bills Receivable, .. 1 By Ditto, 1 By Balance, .......... 126 189 86 10 286 10 Dr. Robert Easton, Glasorow. Cr. Jan. Feb. Apr. To Stock,. To Goods, To Ditto, 113 67 137 309 Feb. Mar. May ,By Cash, By Ditto By Ditto, 113 57 137 309 {\1) LEDGER. 295 Dr. Campbell, Dale, 8c Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Jan. Feb. I To Stock, 17 To Goods, 4 To Ditto, 211 162 77 450 61 6 6 6 31 6 1817 Jan. Feb. Mar. 16 6 8; By Bills Receivable, «! Bv Ditto 16 By Cash, 126 246 77 450 14 10 3 16 Dr. Jan. Feb. Apr. May liTo Stock,. 4j To Goods, 17 To Ditto, . 22 To Ditto, . William Ferguson, Glasgow 1 8 10 12 117 146 128 45 437 10 7 11 3 11 // // // 9 9 Jan. Mar. Apr. June 14 11 17 // 30 Cr. By Cash, .. By Ditto, .. By Goods, . . By Cash, . . By Balance^ 1 2 4 2 26 117 146 128 // 45 437 Dr. JoilN Cochran, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Mar. Apr. June To Sfock, To Goods, To Ditto. To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, 192 71 63 126 27 499 Jan. May June By Bills Receivable, .... 1 By Cash, 3 By Bills Receivable,. ... 2 By Balawe, 26 264 63 126 45 9 1 6 10 499 296 LEDGER. (18) D r. John Howie & Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Jan. Apr. May June To Stock To Bills Payable, To Goods To Sundries,.. Bill, &c no 371 95 247 823 4 // 6 6 6 I // 18i // 1817 Jan. Apr. June By Bills Receivable, By Ditto, By Profit & Loss. . . Int. ByBlackeyHardisty& Co By Balance, 1 2 14 15 26 110 370 // 95 247 823 4 14 12 6 1 18 D r. William Arnot, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Apr, M ay To Stock, To Cash, ..,.. To Profit & Loss, ..Int. To Goods, 145 145 2 92 385 Jan. Apr. June By Bills Receivable, By Ditto, By Ditto,, 145 147 92 385 19 Dr. James Finlay & Co. Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 'L> h ■}:' To Bills Payable To Cash, To Bills Payable To Cash. 166 280 129 118 684 Jan. Feb. Mar. 436 129 118 684 17! 1 (19) I.EDGER. 297 Dr. William Bogle & Co. Insurance Brokers, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 I I Feb-jlO] To Cash, 1 Apr. 30| To Goods, aver, c^ Char. lOi May 9 T^iDitto.rfturnc^Nancy, II June 10 T«» Jos. T^iylor & Sons, IG 30 To Balance, 26 8| 11 6 335 62 423 1817 4 //! Jan. 1 11 II 17 3 II Feb. 4 // II 23 17 2 Mar. 12 16 26 Apr. 2 6 13 May 3 June 10 15 2 By Stock, By Goods, Ins. f^Frances, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, Susanna,. Atlantic,.. Isabella, . . Jessie,.. . , Hopewell, Nancy, , , Charlotte, Triton, . . Dolphin,.. By Bills Receivable, 8 4 9 711 4 8 9 3 22 14 3 8 5 326 42315 2 Dr. Tontine Insurance Company, Glasgow. Cr. May June 4 ToGoods, return^Fanny 30 To Balance^ 11 26 20 46 5 19 // 6 Apr. May 9 24 67 4 6 By Goods, Insur. Fanny, By Ditto, Betsy, 46 7 20 17 67 Dr. Jan. Feb. May June Watson, Arthur, & Co. Glasgow. To Goods, To Ditto, , To Ditto, To Ditto, 98 2 129J 2 162' 10 6115 45110 4 F Feb. Mar June 12 By Bills Receivable,.,. By Ditto, By Gordon, Barron,&Co. 15 By T. H. Marshall, By Balance, 26 Cr. 98 129 92 70 61 451 15 10 298 JLEDGER. (20) Dr. ToDJD & Short RiDGB, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Jan. Mar. Apr. June To Goods, To Ditto, . To Cash, . To Goods, 117 196 389 129 832 i817 Feb. Mar. /Vpr. June By Bills Receivable. By Goods, By Bills Receivable, By Balance, 117 389 196 129 832 Dr. William Stirling & Sons, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Mar. Apr. June To Goods, To Bills Payable, To Goods, To Ditto, To Ditto. 241 3 492 19 274 9 14212 93 3 1244 iFeb. May June By Bills Receivable, By Goods, By Bills Receivable, By Balance, 241 492 274 235 1244 3 19 9 15 6 Dr. DiNWiDDlE & Paterson, Glasgow. Cr. Jan. Feb. May June To Goods, To Ditto, ., To Ditto, . To Ditto, . To Ditto, . 14 14 32 39 22 10 10 10 9 9 12212 June 30 By Balance,. 26 122 12 12212 (81) LEDGER. •299 Dr. John Pattison & Co. Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Jan. 28 To Goods, 204131 4 1817 Feb. 16 By Bills Receivable, . . 1 204 13 Dp, NiMMO & Bele, Glasgow Cr. Feb. j22 Mar. 26 May 13 24 To Sundries, To Profit & Loss,.... Int. To Goods, To Ditto, 14.5 4 90 69 309 16 Mar. 26 June By Bills Receivable, .. By Smith & Townley,. . By Balance, Ij 150 2 16 9012 26 69! 1 30916 Dr. Kibble, Forster, & Co. Glasgow. Cr. Feb. Mar. May June To Goods, 8 To Ditto, I 9 To Ditto, ...11 To Ditto, 113 To Ditto, j // To Ditto i // 267 166 303 231 366 108 1442 11 Mar. Apr. June 12; By Bills Receivable, . . 15 By Ditto, 7 ByGordon,Barron5«& Co, 30 By Balance,,, 267 166 303 705 1442 15 2 9 3 6 8 710 1811 SCO LEDGER. (22) Dr. John Kingan, Glasgow. Cr. 1817, I Mar. 7, To Goods, May 8 To Ditto,. 196 11 3215 229 11817 I 4 Apr. j 8i By Bills Receivable, .. //jjune 30 By Profit Sf Loss, .... By Balance^ 2 1 190 4' r/ 26 32 229 Dr. Penman & Brown, Glasg-ow Mar. Apr. June To Goods, I 9 To Ditto, 10 To Ditto, // To Ditto... 13 137 13 7, Apr. h 2313! 6 May' 6 131sl9 10 831 3 9 !_ 376:10 1( June3() By Bills Receivable, By Cash, By Bills Receivable, By Balance, Cr. 137|I3 7 63 // 92|l3 83 3 376 10 8 Dr. Geo. & Rob. Dennistoun & Co. Glasgow. Cr. Apr. 16 To Cash, 1/ To Bills Receivable, 7, 7 695j // 602 7 Mar. 14 By Goods, 802 7 602 7 (23) LEDGER 301 Dr. Ord & Dow, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 Mar. 26 To Cash, Dr. 212 212 1817 Apr. May 25 By Cash, , 31i By Ditto, , // By Profit Sf Loss, James Denny & Co. Glasgow. 2 3 15 37 84 90 212 3 18 4 Cr. Apr. Mav To Goods, To Ditto,. 186 206 393 17 May June By Bills Receivable, . . By Ditto ByBlackeyHardisty&Co 2 2 15 186 63 143 393 19 3 15 17 Dr. Thomas Shiels & Co. Glasgow. Cr. May 7 To Cash, 3 June 6 To Bills Payable, .... 1 281 273 555 Apr. By Goods, By Ditto,., By Ditto,. 4g 273 115 165 555 17 17 13 79 302 LEDGER. (24) Di. Dalgleish & Frame, Glasgow. Cr. 1817 May June To Bills Pavable, To Cash, ..'....-. To Balance f ..... 496 158 241 896* 1817 Apr. May By Goods,. By Ditto, . By Ditto, . 4 5 // 496 168 241 10 9 11 6 10 2 896 11 6 Dr. Alexander Bryce & Co. Glasg-ow. Cr. June To Cash, . . To Balance, 3 26 248 339 15 7 2 3 Apr. May 15 12 14 588 2 5 By Goods, By Ditto, . By Ditto, . 248 141 197 588 Dr. John M'Fee & Co. Glasgow. Cr. May To Cash, 3 159 18 6 Apr. 15 By Goods,. 4 159 18 « (25) I.EDGER. 303 Dr. Orhart, White, Rose, & Co. Glasgow. Cr, 1817 June 12 To Bills Receivable, 16 19613 19613 1817, May 10 June !l2 By Goods, By Cash, , 183 12 196 18 // 15' 6 i 13 6 Dr. Brunton & Bai^TvAntine, Glasgow. Cr. June 30 To Balance^ 26 83 10 2 May 12 By Goods, 83 10 Dr. John Buchanax, Glasgow. Cr. June 30 To Balance, , Dr. 26 46 1311 June 25 By Goods, share of Gain, 46 13 11 Thomas Dunlop, Glassow. Cr. June 30 To Balance, . 26 46 13 11 June 25 By Goods, share of Gain, 46 13 11 304 LEDGER. (26) Dr. Balance. 30th June, 1817. Cr. To Cash, To Bills Receivable, To Furniture, To Goods, Gil 12 1 Deduct Sale of Smith &Townley's not fi- nished, ^ Accot. S. Book, p. 5. . . 76 3 3 To James Irvine, To Debentures, To Richard Conder, To Mayne & Rowley, To Joseph Taylor & Sons,. . . . To Holford, Rucker, & Co. . . To Consignt. to Hamb. in Co. To William Rainey ToRoack & Co To Henry Smith, To William Tate & Co To Stirling & Co. Acco*. Goods. To Smith & Townley, To Gordon, Barron, & Co, , . To Rothsay Spinning Compy.. To Michael Watson, To Thomas Bissland & Co. . . To William Gillespie efore taking a Balance, will agree with each other, & as the Balance Check will correspond with eilherside, orincasecifa mistake with the side of the Ledger which iscorrect; this points outthe sidewhere the error lies, and of course, directstheAccouutanl'ssearch in examining the Books As this Check on the Posting is so easy, and so soon per- formed, we recommend to the Book-Keeper to use it monthly ; and when the period arrives for a general Balance, lie has to examine only the preceding month for any mistakes which may have been made. Fol. 1 The Two sides oj the Ledger added. Cash, Dr. . , Cr... Bills Receivable, Dr... Bills Payable, Cr. . . Goods, .Dr... Cr. .. Sundry Accounts Dr. to Sundries, in Day- Book, pages 1, 14, 15, & 16, ! . Proof Anion Ills. 9794 11 llj 8719 II 11 10825 2 8 6850 12 10 14349 10 8 15098 i3 9 10702 6 6 76339 18 3 Fol. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20| 21 22 23 24 25 Dr. 13025 13 3 14723 1 6 14991 6 // 538 13 9 25H 1 8 3259 18 1 1456 10 8 116411 11 3725 4 8 971 1 1 1420 3 11 1412 1 // 654 8 2 3088 4 11 1568 18 8 2180 7 2 1387 8 5 1894 14 7 832,13 // 2199 3 9 J 957 8 10 1208 4 3 1161 11 6 1063 14 // 196 13 6 76339 18 3 — — Cr. 15449 13611 15208 169 170 3382 913 277 5418 617 1466 1434 1108 2467 1481 2169 1297 1647 880 1711 1182 1092 1161 1644 373 76339 18 3 :)!« f>ii l] Iw »t ,10,. 46 30(3 PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON SET D. The Business of a West-India Merchant, who is part Owner, and Hushand of several Ship;, affords a very great variety in the Transactions ; and to render that variety as extensively useful as possible, we have made the present Set a Company-concern. As the Subsidiary Books in the preceding Sets were given complete for the information of the Young Accountant, there is no occasion here for more than a specimen of such as require any explanation, excepting the Day-Book. DAY-BOOK. The design of the present Day-Book is to record every transaction in Trade (except the money received and paid, which is entered in the Cash-Book), necessary to be entered in the Journal, and posted from it into the Ledger ; having always a reference to the Subsidiary Books, when more minute details are wanted. The amount of the Net Proceeds of the Sales, and the Ship- ments, are the only entries which are extracted from these Books until the period for striking a general Balance. However, if the Accountant chuses, these entries may be made from the ori^ ginal Books, especially when they are numerous. But the fewer Books we have to refer to, at I the time of writing the Journal, tliere will be the less room for errors or omissions. ! As the Transactions in a Business of this kind are pretty much diversified, we have expressed the entries in the style of Dr. and Cr., which we recommend, as it very much facilitates the writing of the Journal ; besides, the Accountant must recollect the circumstances of the transaction better at the time, than afterwards. In one instance, hoM^ever, namely in entering the Sales, we have deviated from this mode. The reason of this, was, the suppressing of Accounts in the Ledger for the Purchasers. The articles in which a West- India Merchant deals, being bulky, and the Terms being expressly understood by the Parties at the time of the Sale, it is not necessary to burthen the Journal and Ledger with such Post-entries as opening an Account for each Purchaser, and closing it by the Bill or Settlement. It is sufficient to record the Bill in the Bill-Book, and to note the TVo., Term, and ,^Sum, at the entry in the Day-Book. ■ The particulars of the Sales are not inserted in the Day-Book, as these appear with more propriety -f^n the Account- Sales- Book, from which duplicates to be furnished the Employers are made out. !*' The Agents in Greenock, to whose care the Goods on Consignment are addressed, and who pay Charges at Import, Cellar-rent, and delivery, generally furnish their Employers with a state of the Charges paid on the different articles before Balancing, which is the reason why the Sums received by them from others on their account appear in the Day-Book at that period. The Charges paid by the Company on account of Goods Exported, and on Sales on Commis- sioh, with the Interest, and the further proportion of Charges belonging to each, are collected from the Subsidiary Bo6ks, and entered to these respective Accounts, immediately before taking a Balance, consequently the Accounts of Charges and Interest in the Ledger require only one line for such transactions, from one Balance to another. ACCOUNT-SALES-BOOK. The Sales here entered, are supposed not to be furnished the Proprietors, until the whole of the Consignment on that Account be disposed of, even although the Goods were imported by different Vessels. This is a better mode than rendering partial Sales ; for, besides avoiding the multi- plying Accounts, it shews the whole at one view ; and when there is no necessity to do otherwise, this ought always to be followed. The Net Proceeds of such Sales, therefore, are only brought monthly through the Day-Book, JOURNAL. This Book commences ^ith the articles of the former Balance, supposed to be transferred frotn the preceding Books. The first or left hand column refers to the pages of the Ledger, to which the several articles are posted, and the next contains the day of the month. We shall only farther observe, that the entries in the Cash-Book are Journalized at the end of each month, according to the practice of some Merchants. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON SET D. 307 LEDGER. In the first Folio of this Book are opened two Accounts, of Stock, and Stock in Co. The first of which is merely nominal, and serves the purpose only of reversing the Account of Balance in the preceding Ledger, and of restoring again the several Drs. and Crs. to iheir proper stations — The other exhibits, not only the Company's Net Stock, but also the Profits since the former Balance, and the present share of each Partner. Accounts in Co. for each Partner are therefore unnecessary. The Bill-Accounts are next to be explained. The Bills Receivable are entered as in Set B. The Bills Payable remain on record in the Bill-Boot till paid : when they are entered as Cash to that person's Account on whom paid ; and the Bills under Acceptance at a general Balance are then entered singly into the Ledger, and the persons debited for the same. Circumstances may occur to occasion deviations in the method followed in these Accounts ; of this kind in the latter Account is an entry in page 23 of the Journal. Debts Payable on open Accounts — for \\\e Purchases &c. made at home; as these are either paid on discount, or when due in Cash, they are classed under this title ; and the Debts due to the Company for Freight,' &c. at a Balance, are entered under the title of Outstanding Accounts. By having only such Personal Accounts in the Ledger as are unavoidable; or in other words, as in general require Accounts Current. The Balancing of the Ledger will be greatly facilitated. Besides, the Accbuntant can see, at one view, the state of those Accounts upon which the Com- pany's Funds so- much depend, and can, in a short time, when required, produce such a statement to his Employers, as may enable them to determine what oifers for the advance of money on ad- ditional Consignments may with propriety be accepted of from Correspondents. Under the Account oi Merchandise, are entered all Goods purchased for Exportation, with the Charges thereon, and which exhibits the Gain or Loss. The Herring Account, although kept distinct from that of Merchandise, might have been entered with it. Instead of opening an Account for the Goods consigned by each vessel, or an Account of each kind of Goods, we have opened only one general Account for all consignments, under the title of Sales on Commission. This we prefer to opening Accounts for each Article, especially if they are numerous. But when the articles are few, as in the present Set, an Account may with propriety be opened for each. The Account of Sales on Commission is debited with the Duty, Freight, and Charges, of what remained on hand at the former Balance — the additional Charges paid by the Agents on the same, and similar Charges on what has since been received for Sale — Interest on the Duties &c. the Net proceeds of the Sales, and Profit & Loss for the Balance, which is gain. On the Credit side are entered the Amount of the Sales, and the Duty, Freight, and Charges of what now remain on hand, constitute the Balance. The reason why we have opened distinct Accounts for each Voyage of the Company's ships is, because the different Voyages are often referred to at a future period, to shew how they have turned out, and other circumstances : it is proper that the Ledger should afford that information. At the Ship-Accounts are entered only the Cost of the Vessel; and an allowance for Tear and Wear is made at the Profit «& Loss Account. Interest should, in general, be charged on all Property, Real and Personal, previous to taking a Balance, especially in Partnership Concerns. This is done in the present Set, except on such Accounts as are settled at a future period ; when Interest is paid on these, it is carried to the proper side of the Interest Account from the Cash-Book. Of this description are the Bank Accounts, and the Bond and Bill Account; an allowance being made at the Profit & Los* Account for the Interest on these due at this period. 308 (1) DAY-BOOK. D Glasgow, 4th Ju/y, 1817. Jq Sold John Phillips, Cwt. M. & Co. 40 Hhds. Sugar, Net 546//3//3, at 77/. Cwt. as ^ Sales-Book, p. 1 No. 179, Bill at 3 months, due 7th Oct 505 // 1 (/ 186, ../A.. 4..//....'. ..7th Nov 547 v9 //9 181, ..//.. 4 ..//.. 7th .// 547 // 8 // 6 182, . //.. 5.W/ 7th Dec , 505 ir 1 // 9 2105 // 1 // 9 9. Merchandise Dr. to Wilson & Greeuhill, For 4 Bales Osnaburgs shipped by them <^|the Toy, Packet, 10. . , 2105 9 Moses Louis Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £125 underwrote by us on 5 Hhds. Sugar ^ the Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Guineas ^ Cent, to re- turn 4 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival. Policy 1 1/. ...1*2 // 7 '/ 3 Commission | ^ Cent. 0//12 // 6 Sir John Towers Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £300 underwrote by us on 15 Hhds. Sugar, and 120 .... ditto ........ on 10 Pun. Rum, £420 consigned us ^ the Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock — Premium as above. Policy 27/() 41 // 1 // 3 Commission f ^ Cent. 2 // 2 // M R'; 163 Samuel Johnson Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £132 underwrote by us on 6 Hhds. Sugar ^ \hv Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Gs- -^Cent. as above. Policy 11/ 13 // // 4 Commission i^Cent.O// 13 v 3 Insurance Dr. to Company Assurance, For the Premium on £G77, being the Amount underwrote by us this day, with Policies 49/6. and Commission 67/9 12. . Meymott & Co. Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £280 underwrote by us on 10 Hhds. Sugar, and 80.... ditto on 5 Bags Coitou, I 360 ^ the Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock,! at 9 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 22/ 35 v 2 // 4 Commission*! ^ Cent. 1//16 // 12 19 431 3 13 69 13 16 ^ 36 (2) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 12tb July, 1817. Samuel Johnson Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £600 insured on 20Hhtls. Suirar<^ the St. Ann, Campbell, Jamaica to Greenock, atO Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 33/ 58 // 7 // Commission I ^ Cent. 3 // // Insurance Dr. to Sundries, For Premium on £960 insured on Produce this day. To Co. Assurance, for Preni. on £360 -^ Happy-Return, Pol. 22/. Com.30/. 36//18//4 ToTontinelnsuranceCo.for ditto 600 ^ St. Ann, .... Pol, 33/ 58// 7//0 ■13- Mures, Fordyce, & Co. Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £600 insured on 20 Hhds. Sugar, 240...ditto...on 20 Pun.Rum, and 320...ditto...on 20 Bales Cotton, £1160^ the Clyde, M'Gee, Jamaica to Greenock.at 9 Guineas^ Cent. Policy 66/ 1I2//18 // 4 Commission ^ ^ Cent. 5//16 u // Insurance Dr. to Sundries, To John Alston & Sons, for Prem. on £660, part of the above, Pol. 38/6,... 64//51//1 To Company Assurance, for ditto on 500, ditto, Pol. 27/6. Cora.... 50/. 51//2 //6 --20.- Sold John Pattison & Co. M. & Co. 20 Bales Cotton, Net 3950lbs. at l/H. ^ S. B. p. No. 183, Bill at 4 months, due 23d. Nov. Sales on Commission Dr. to Meymott & Co, 6 For Net proceeds of 40Hhds.Sugar^theHappy-Return,due7thNov.ll34//l4//0 20 Bales Cotton ^ Atlantic, 23d . . 306//15//6 Sales-Book, page Sold E. Jones, P. 10 Hhds. Sugar, Net 130 2 4, at 80/. ^ Cwt. as ^ Sales-Book, pa. No. 184, Bill at 4 months payable in London, due 23d Nov. Sales on Commission Dr. to John Public, For Net proceeds of the above 10 Hhds. Sugar, due 23d Nov. ^ S. B. p. -.22. Sales on Commission Dr. to Alan Ker & Co. For Charges paid by them at shipping 80 Planks Mahogany, M. W. ^ the Dublin Trader, O'Hara, master, consigned to James Forbes & Co.forSale, being for Yard Reat 1-5/9. and other Charges 17/6 4 I 309 61 95 118 115 378 14 10 10 1441 522 289 10 15 13l 310 DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 3d. August, 1817. (3) 8 Sold Robert & James M'Nair, I. H. 15 Hhds. Sugar, Net 200//1//7 at 78/3. ^Cwt. as No. 185. Bill at 4 mouths, due 6th Dec. 'S. B, pa. Sales on Coiiimission Dr. to John Hanson, For Net proceeds of 15 Hhds. Sugar by the Happy- Return, due 0th Dec. as ^ Sales Book, pa 1 0, Merchandise Dr. to Wilson & Greenhill, For 4 Bales Osnaburgs, received by the Dundee Packet, 13..^ Invo.... Murray & Waller Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £450 insured on 15 Hhds. Sugar, 60.. ditto on 5 Pun. Rum, and 120.. ditto on 70 Planks Mahogany, £630 consigned us ' Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Guineas < the Happy-Return, Cent. Policy, 38/0 61//9//2 Comul". I ^ Cent, 3//3//0 Insurance Dr. to John Alston & Sons, For the Premium & Policy on the above, Sold James Forbes & Co. Dublin, M. L. 20 Pun. Rum, Containing 2220 gallons, W.H. 10 // ditto, // 1115 30 Gallons, 3335 at .?/. Customhouse guage. No. 187. Bill at 4 months, due 16th Dec. No recourse in case of Leakage. Cellar-rent to be paid by the Purchasers, if not shipt in 1 month. Sales on Commission Dr. to William Hanson, For Net proceeds of 10 Pun. Rum ^ the Columbus, due 16th Dec... S. B.p... -14. Adventure lo Jamaica Dr. to Sundries, For 500 barrels Herring, shipped ^ the Cecilia, Captain Hamilton, consigned to J. & D. Kinsey, Jamaica, deliver- ableat Kingston or !§av-annah La-Mar, as they shall order. To Herring, for 500 barrels, at 30/ 750 w // To Alan Ker & Co. for Freight to be paid by them at 6/.^ barrel, \ i -«,«// c and Charges at shipping already pa '. <^ barrel, 1 id, £oir2i/6 j" Store ia St. Kitts Dr. to Ingram, Hunter, & Co. * Received advice^ their letter of the 11th current, that they had insured on Rum and Molasses by the General Washington, Brigantine, Frank- lin, (the vessel being American property,) £525 Sterling, from our Store in St. Kitts to Philadelphia, Premium at 3 Guineas ^ Cent Policy 33/. .»-> 783 441 175 14 11 61 61 12 500 128 13 7 906 18 3 (4) BAY-BOOK. Gi»Asaow, 14th August, 1817. 3li Sundries Drs. to Insurance, Received advice this day to Insure on Produce by the Minerva, James Noble, St. Kitts to Clyde. On account of the following, viz. Sir Richard Parnell,,. Premium on £1050 insured on 35 Hhds. Sugar, at 7 Guineas ^ Cent.. .Policy 60/6 80 // 4 // Commission i 4^ Cent. 5 // 5 // Francis Barlow, Premium on £600 insured on 30 Hhds. Sugar, at 7 Guineas <^ Cent... Policy 33/ 45//15 // Commission | ^ Cent. 3 // // John Vanderkemp, . . . .Premium on £750 insured on 25 Hhds. Sugar, at 7 Guineas ^ Cent. . . Policy 44/ 57 // 6 v 6 Commission I ^ Cent. 3// 15 // Hector & Daniel Riley, Premium on £900 insured on 30 Hhds. Sugar, at 7 Guineas ^ Cent... Policy 49/6 68//12 // 6 Commission \ ^ Cent. 4// 10 // Store in St. Kitts, ... .Premium on £1292 : 6 ; 8 on specie, (£2196, 19 // 4 Currency, at 70 ^ Cent.) at 7 Gui- neas ^ Cent. Policy 71/6 Insurance Dr. to Sundries, For the above Premiums and Policies, To Tontine Insurance Company, ditto, on £1650. ..at 7 Gs. ^Ct. Policy 93/6 To John Alston & Sons, ditto, on 1050. .at. .do // 60/6 To William Bogle & Co ditto, on 600. ..at. ..do // 33/.., To Company Assurance, ditto, on 1292:6:8 at do // 71/6, 19. Merchandise Dr. to James Forbes & Co. For 72 pieces Irish Linen, and 30 pieces Sheeting, purchased from them. Amount ^ Invo. . . .... Sundries Drs. to Tontine Insurance Company, For Premiums on the following Vessels, insured on their Voyages homewards ; Voyage I. of the Ship Minerva, from Nevis and St. Kitts to CIvde, .Premium on £2750, at 4 Guineas ^ Cent, certain,' Policy 154/. 123 // 4 // Voyage HI. of the Ship Happy-Return, from Jamaica to Clyde, Prem. on £1800, at 6 Guineas ^ Cent, certain. Policy 99/.. . 118 // 7 11 Voyage III. of the Ship Happy-Return Dr. to William Cuming, For further charges paid by him after settling for the Ship's Outfit, as <^ Accounts discharged, furnished by his Agent, Sales on Commission Dr. to Murray & Waller For Net Proceeds of 20 Hhds. Sugar, by the Happy-Return, due 22d, December, ^ S. B. page 24, ^ Sold Anderson, Gray, & Co. M. L. 10 Pun. Rum, Containing 1100 Gallons at 4/...S. B. page. No. 106, Bill at 4 months, due 27 December. 11 Sales on Commission Dr. to Alan Ker & Co. For additional charges paid by them, as^ Accot. of yesterday's date, on 85 Hhds, Sugar on hand the 30th June, 10 // 2 // 7 40 Pun. Rum ditto, 10//17//0 20 Bales Cotton ditto, w 7 // 6 Sales on Commission Dr. to Moses Louis, For Net Proceeds of 30 Pun. Rum by the Columbus, due 20th Dec, S. B. page. September 6th. Sales on Commission Dr. to Duties, For the Duty on the Import-Weight of the produce consigned us by the following Vessels, which arrived at GreeHock on the 3d. viz. By St. Ann, Samuel Johnson, . . 20 Hhds. Sugar, 261 // 2 // Matthew Goodair, 8 //....do 112 // 1 //7 520 10 220 21 7 389 15 28 Cwt. 373 // 3 // 7 Duty 26/8, ^ Ct. 498 // 8 // 4 Ct. 224//12 // 7 JBi/ Atlantic. Matthew Goodair, 12 Hhds. Sugar, 168 // 1 //25 Duty 26/8, By Clyde. Matthew Goodair, 10 Hhds. Sugar, 141 // lw21 MuresFordyce&Col5 // do. 192 // 1//14 26 Hhds. Cwts. 333 // 3 v 7 Duty 445 i/lif8 10 Pun. Rum 1101 Gall. Custom, lOd. 45//17 //6 20 Bales Cotton 5262lbs. Duty, 2d. 43//17 // 2 634// 16 // 4 Proprietors of Hopewell Estate Dr. to Insurance, For Premium on £1700 Insured on 60 Casks Sugar, ^ the Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 93/6 166// 6// 6 Commission f ^ Cent. 8//10 // And Premium on £600 Insured on 20 Hhds. Sugar ^ the St James's Planter, Jamaica to London, at 5 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 33/ 31 //l3 // Commission f ^ Cent. 3 // // 1257 173 34 208 17 16 13 9 6 («) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 6th September, 1817. 313 tl Insurance Dr. to Sundries, For the Premiums and Policies, as in the last entry. To Tontine Insurance Company on £ll33'/6//8, part of the above ^ Happy-Return, at 9 Guineas ^ Cent, Policy 6(3/ ,. To Company Assurance, on £566//13//4 do. Pol. 27/6. Cora°. 56/8 57//15v2 on 200 // // ^ the St. James's Planter, at 5 Gum. ^ Cent. Policy 11/. Commo. 20/. 12 // 1 //O To Ingram, Hunter, & Co... on 400 // // ^ do. Policy 22s II 11 Store in St. Kitts, Dr. to John Alston & Sons, For Premium on £450, insured on 15 Hhds. Sugar, ^ the Spooner from St. Kitts to London, at 7 Guineas ^ Cent, Policy 16/6 33//18//0 Ditto on 180 insured on 6 Hhds. Sugar & 95.. do... on 5 Pun. Rum, 275 ^ the Basseterre to Liverpool at 7 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 27/6 21//11//9 Sundries Drs. to Mures, Fordyce, & Co. For short Interest on £270, insured on 5 Hhds. Sugar, and 10 Pun. Rum,^ the Clyde, the 13th July, at £8//19. ^ Cent, after allowing ^ ^ Cent, to the underwriters as usual. ^j jjtow--. John Alston & Sons, i. on £153// 12 i/6 being their proportion, 13//15//0 Company Assurance,. ..on 116//7//6 being our proportion. , 10// 8^/3 Also for return of Premium for Convoy & Arrival on what came to hand, John Alston & Sons on *.506 // 7//6 at 4 c^ Cent 20//5 // 1 Company Assurance on 383//12//6 at // 15//6//I1 12 12 12 12 12 Tontine Insurance Company Dr. to Samuel Johnson, For return of Premium on £600 at 4 '^ Ceni. for Convoy and Arrival of the St. Ann, t 20. • Sold John Phillips, MG20 Hhds. Sirgar, Net 283//2//9,at 81/6. ^Cwt. ^S.B.pa.ll.55//ll//9 2 months interest added in bill No. 191 4//16//3 No. 190 Bill at 4 months, due 23 January, 577//16//0 n\"i»i:X. . . . 1160 //8//0 -26. Sold Greenock Sugar-House Company, S. J. 20 Hhds, Sugar, Net 257 //0//21, at 81/6. <^ Cwt. ^f S.B.pa No. 192 Bill at 4 months, due 29 January, 1048//0//0 . ' _L '-± i Sales on Commission Dr to Samuel Johnsoti'j^^'. For Net Proceeds of 20 Hhds. Sugar, ^ the St Ann, due 29 January, 28. Ingram, Hunter, «fe Co. Dr. to John Emmott, For'money received by them, from him on our Account before his Sailing for the East Indies to be applied agreeable to his instructions, as ^ their letter of the 25th instant, 110 69 22 202 55 9 9 24 35 59 3 3 11 Tbi 3 24 1160 1048 578 1760 17 14 4 K ^u DAY-BOOK. Olasgow, 30th September, 1817. in 12 13 Store in St. Kitfs Dr. to Iver M'lver & Co. j For Goods shipped by them ^ the St, Kitts Planter, Spooner, from Liverpool, agreeable to our orders as ^ their letters dated the 25th current. They consist of 22 Packages. The furnishers as under. i prom Peels & Co. Manchester, 9 mos. or 7* ^ Cent, discot. 125//11 i/ 6 . Miller & Bow, /)««o, Ditto, 171 // 3^/1 1 ' '^ J. &R. Phillips, i)/«o, Ditto, 116//17//9 413'/13//2 Mores & Lee, Birmingham, 12 Mos. or 10 ^ Cent.... 88 // 5 // 4 '^'^j Craven & Dawson, Wakejield, . . do 120 h Z ir Q Johnson & E\at, Sheffield, ....do 65 // 3 // 9 John Wakefield , Kendal, 6 mos. do. Gj ^ Cent 110//11 // 6 384 // 4//1 Their own Charge for Warehouse Rent, Customnouse Fees, Cartag" Wharfage, & Commission, , ,- .' 40 // 2//6 Merchandise Dr. to Sundries, ForGoods Purchased for Exportation of the following Persons in this month. To Debts Payable uj)on open Accounts, viz. from Carron Company, . .as ^ Bill of Parcels, dated September 2. . 151//11 // 6 23.. 107 1/6 I/O Smithfield Company, .,, 10.. 61 // 3 // 5 ") A ,9 jvbir : 25. . 58//14 // Dalnotter Iron Company, ^;. , . .. 25,, William Fulton, Anchor-Smith, .... . . 4. 1 New Rope-work Company, .,^... ,.. 18.. ■:■■■■ 'r-' 20.. J. r3//ll William King, 23 // // 4 Margaret White, 11 // 6 // 8 J. Barker & Co. in part, 70 // // Jamaica Currency at 40 , Proprietors of Hopewell Estate, 604'/16//i} Moses Louis I 282//15 // 4 Simon Turbutt, I 2«0 // // 6 Sir John Towers, | .287 // 7 // 6 Matthew Goodair, OGO // 7// 11 John Hanson,. , ! 114 // 3 // 1 William Hanson, 99//I6//6 Meymott & Co 173 // 5//10 J. & D. Kiiisey, ! 33 // 8//11 4'fU!t. ■• — Crs.— To Merchandise, 2225 // 2 // 3 To Herring cost 3/. 345 barrels, To Insurance, Herring cost. 90 // // 108 // // 126 // // 135 // // 1C2 // // 621 ;/ // Insurance with Com". 70// 14 //7 39//12//11 11 //1 7 //5 37//17 // 4 19vl9 ,'/ 2 210 1/1 1/ 5 Insurance Dr. to Sundries, For Premium on £2280, insured on Goods ^ the Dolphin, Lyon, Greenock to Jarpaica, at 8 Guineas f^Cent. to return 3 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival. To Tontine Insurance Company. . . .£1655, part of the above, Pol. 93/6, .... To Company Assurance, 625, ditto, 38/6 Sales on Commission, Dr. to Sundries, For the Duty and Freight on the Import Weight of the Produce consigned us by Meymott & Co. (^ the Caledonia. Sugar. ' . Rum. Cotton. Mahogany. 10 Hhds. 135 2qrs. 5 Pun, 554 gall. .5 Bags, 988lbs. 50 Planks. 2570 feet.' Duty on Sugar, at 26/8, c^ cwt 180wl3 // 4 Freight on ditto, at 6/. ...v 40//13 // 221 // 6 // 4 Customs on Rum, at lOd. ^gall 23 // 1 // 8 j Freight on ditto, at 6d // 13//17//0 ! 36/rl8 // 8 Duty on Cotton, at2d.^lb 8//4//8 I Freight on ditto, at i}d. ...// 6 // 3 // 6 ' 14 // 8 // 2, Duty on Mahogany,... 26//12//0 Freight on ditto,. .'.at Hd. ^foot, 16 // 1 '/ 3 42 //13 // 3 ..,, .., 315 II Q II b To Duties,... for Amount as above, 238'/ll // H To Debts Payable,.... .for Freights due the Owners of the Caledonia. 76//14 // 9 Company Assurance Dr. to Meymott & Co. For the return of Premium on £535, underwrote by us the 21st ult. for Convoy and Arrival of the Caledonia, at 4 ^Cent 765 11 4.30; 8 2601 455! 407i 249 09 173 215 3056 143 54 19H 315 f 21 8 (14) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 4th December^ 1817. 321 22 Sold Greenock Sugar-House Company, B. 30 Hhds. 422 // 0//22 V. 25 // 340 // 3 // 3 55 762 u 3//25 Net, @ 77/9. ^ Cwt. . , No. "207. Bill @ 4 mos. due 7tli April. : 6. 29(>6 Company Assurance Dr. to Darby & Dare, For amount of the Salvage on our Subscription of £800 on Sugar and Cotton, underwrote by the Eagle from St. Kitts, taken, retaken, and carried into Kinsale, which we have desired them to pay at 12| ^ Cent If we are subjected to any average Loss, it will appear afterwards. i Sold James Forbes & Co. Dublin, I D K. 10 Pun. Rum, containing 1121 gallons, J H. 25 // 2753 // 22 35 3874 gallons, @ 3/6. . . 677//19 // M&Co. 50 Planks Mahogany, ... 2570 feet @ 2/9. . . 353 // 7 // 6 1031 // 6 // 6 Charges at shipping paid by Alan Ker, & Co.... 2//16 // 6 No. 214. Reed, their Accepce. at 4 mos. due 9th April,. . 534 // 3 // 215. their Draft on Cha. O'Brien & Co. Lono. due 9th March, .... 500 // // 1034 // 3 // 22 Sales on Commission Dr. to Sundries, For Net-proceeds of Produce sold this day on account of the following, as ^ Sales-Book. To Francis Barlow,,.. .30 Hhds. Sugar ^ the Minerva, due 7th Apr. pa..... To John Vanderkemp, 25.... ditto, ditto, 7th..// To J. & D. Kinsey 10 Pun. Rum <^ the Happy-Return, 9th. // To John Hanson, 17 Hhds. Sugar ditto 7th Mar. 489 // 6 // 8 25 Pun. Rum, ditto, 9th Apr. 388//14 // 5 ToMeymott&Co 10 Hhds. Sugar .... ditto, 7th Mar. 307// 12 // 4] 50 Plks. Mahogany ^ the Caledonia, 9th Apr. 326 // 8//10j 100 1034 /^b a^ili iKiiiaixtii «aoo^i Mi lUi'L 905 730 158 878 634 10 10 3306 4 M 322 X)AY-BOOK. Glasgow, 9th December, 1817. (l.>) 22 23 15 23 23 22 Sold the Grocers, R 20 Hhds Sugar, Net 284 // 0//14, @ 78/9. ^ Cwt John Hamilton,.. . .No. 208, '^ /'223//I5 // John Swanston & Co. . . 209, 9 I 223 //1 5 // John Wilson «fe Co 210, >Bills@4 mos. due 12 April,< 223//15 // Charles Walker 211, 1 i 223//14//11 George Loban, 212,J V223//14//11 1118//14//10 JO.- ._ John Hanson Dr. to Sundries. Received advice of his having died at St. Elizabeth's Jamaica, on the 23d Oct. last. His brother William, who succeeds in the Management of his Affairs, has desired us to furnish him with our Account Current, to the date of receiving the intelligence of his death in his own name, and to transfer the. Balance, and continue the Account in the name of W. Hanson, for the Estate of Jn. Hanson deceased. This we accordingly comply with. To Bills Payable,.... for Bill in favour of Grahame^due 10 Jan 120//17 n 6 Watt,..^. // 15 // .... 117//10'/0 To Charges, for Postage and Stamp Bills, To Interest, <^ Account, , To Profit & Loss, .... for Commo. on Bills @ i ^ Cent. 1118 14 10 John Hanson Dr. to W. Hanson, for the Estate of John Hanson, deceased. For the Balance due to the deceased, as ^ Account Current of this date, and thus transferred by the Survivor's desire, -13.— Sold Port-Glasgow Sugar-House Company, P 35 Hhds. Sugar, Net 490 // 3 // 8, @ 78/ ^ Cwt. No. 213, Bill @ 4 moi. due 16th April. /'otiol :u!J lo 1{UJ0-5>." no '/rJi 238 // 9 1 7 6 18 6 9 4 310 249 19 2 516 7 3 1914 14 4 Wolfe & Eraser, Dr. to Store in St. Kitts, --u? .ah For Net Proceeds of the following, consigned thcin from our Store, by the Triton in Sept. last, as ^ Account Sales furnished us this day. (1) 5 Pun. Rum, 10 .Ian 72//10 // (2) 5 Bags Cotton, 15 // 76 ^/ 2 // 9 (3) 10 Hhds. Sugar, payable 23 Feb 330//11 // 6 "Jra»8 .*sbdH . -r—. ■ — - Sales on Commission Dr. to Sir Richard Parnell, For Net Proceeds of 35 Hhds. Sugar by the Minerva, due 16 April, as <^ Sales-Book, finished this day, _ 17. . Sold John Syrae & Co. R 20 Pun. Rum, containing 2215 Gallons, @ 3/10 424//I0//10 Cash, 24th inst. Pence not paid, // 0//10 Entered ^ Cash-Book, 424//10 u 479 1060 4 3' 7 9 (1(5) DAY-BOOK. Glasgow, 11 th December, 1817. 3-23 23 22 23 Sundries Drs. to Edward Jones, : Bills Receivable, .... for his Draft on, and accepted by, D. Giles & A Champion,; Esqrs. dated 1st. Dec. at 3 mos. payable in London, No. 216. 132//13 // 2j 5nios do 217. 106 // 2 // 6 7njos do 218. 152//11 // 21 John Public, for Loss of 5/3, ^ £ lost by Jones, On being obliged to retire E. Jones' Acceptance the 27th iilto. due 23d, — we wrotejj to Ingram, Hnnter, & Co. to inquire respecting him. They have informed us, thatjl Jones has become insolvent, and his affairs were found in great confusion owing to his improper mode of keeping his Books ; but that he has made the following pro- posals to his Creditors, with security upon D. Giles Si A. Champion, Esqrs. 5s. per £ in 3 months, from Ist- Dec. 4s 5 ditto 5s. 9d 7 ditto which we have accepted of, and received the Hills as above. 901 139 530 6 5 12 10 10 _! 8 Sales on Commission Dr. to Hector & Daniel Riley. Tor Net Proceeds of 20 Hhds. Sugar ^Minerva, due 12 April, 623//19 i> 2 20 Pun. Rum, <|f ditto, 24inst.. 262//6//1; 23. 886 James Forbes & Co. Dr, to Sundries, For Net Proceeds of 80 Planks Mahogany consigned them in July, due 1st January, as ^ Account of Sales received this day. Amount to £285//il // 6 Irish, Exchange 10| ^ Ct. is £258 // 8 w 9 Sterling. | To Sales on Commission,, .for Freight and other Charges paid here,. . 31 //16 // our Commission on £258 // 8 // 9, at 2^ <^ Ct. 6 v 9 i/ 2 38 To Murray & Waller, .... for the Net-Proceeds due them, , l! 220 24 24 _24. Alan Ker & Co. Dr. to Voyage IIL of the Happy-Return, ' ■ For Freights, &c. from Jamaica, received by them on our Account from the following persons ^ their letter of 22d. current : James Cunningham & Co 103//10 // 6 Malcolm Brown & Son, 86//14 // William Monteath 75//16 // 9 Gray & Colman, 130 // 8 // 5 Henry Simpson & Co 42//13 // Thomas Bannermau, 11 // 4 // 4 Greenock Bank Dr. to Alan Ker & Co. For Money paid into the Bank on our Acct.< their letter of the above date. 258 11 450 270 324 DAY-BOOK Glasgow, 24th December, 1817. (17) 23 Sundries Drs. to Store in St Kitts, For the Total Loss on Sugar by the Spooner from St Kitts to London, insured the 6th September. ...,...,.. 450 // // Premium, 33 // 1 // 6 And Average Loss on the Sugar & Rum by the Basseterre from St Kitts to Liverpool, insured same day £275 @ £25//7//9 ^ Cent.; being the damages awarded, 69// 16 // 3 Premium, .,..,, 20 // 4 // 3 416//18//6 49//12 yl;/7 107. 98. 14 //I 1/6 108. 99.J3//2//5 109. 14// 13// 14 */ 16// 13 // 15// 17 i' 13// 13// 15// 1 1/6 3 1/1 2 1/6 1 //4 3 //2 2// 6 1 //2 1//14 1 //7 3// 7 162 // 1// 13 154 // 3// 17 149 // 3//24 148 // // 5 152 «rl//13 154 // 3//17 149 // 3//24 148 // // 5 605 // 1 // 3 Tare & Tret, 58 // 2 // 546 // 3 // 3 Net, at 77/. ^ Cwt. By John Pattison, & Co. for 20 Bales Cotton sold them, at 4 months. No. 1. 1//2//6 2.1 1/21/4 3. 2 // 1 // 2 4. 2 // 0//10 5. 2 // // 6 6.1 .2// 2 7. 2 // 1 i/ 7 8. 1 // 2 // 1 9. 2 // 1 // 10, 2 I/O 1/2 9 1/2 I/O 9//2//12 9 // 2 // 9//2//12 10 // 1 // 3 7 // 3//27 37 // 1//14 Draft, 20 11. 2 // // 6 12. 1 // 3//24 13. 2 // 0//10 14. 2 // 0//20 15. 1 // 3//27 10 //I// 3 16. 2// 0// 16 17. 1 // 2 //1 9 18. 1 // 0//20 19. 1 // 2//16 20. 1 // 1//12 7 // 3//27 37 // 0//22 Tare, . . . I // 3//20 36 // 1 // 2 or 3950 lbs at 1/11, ^Ib. 2105 378 2483 332 INVOICE-BOOK. (') Invoice of sundry Goods shipped by Hamilton, Graliame, & Co. of Glasgow, on boaro* llie St Ann, John Campbell, Master, for StKitts, on account of our Store there, and consigned to William Fullarton, our Partner and Manager; marked and numbered as <^ margin. WF. Bale, No. 1. 2 3 4 w, U, •*. it I 6—9 10—13 14 15 &16 17—21 22—25 26 & 27 28-31 32—33 AtoG lioose Glasgow, 14th November, 1817. Best Flaxen white Osnaburgs, 6 pieces, 939 yds. at 9d.<^yd. Negro Boys' bluejackets, sorted 3 sizes,. .6 doz. ..66/.^doz .. // ..Men's i 2.. // ....3 ..//.. 78/.. //.. Men's Walch-Coats, 1 .,//..102/.. //.. Kilmarnock Caps,. .....3 ..//.. ..^9/ . //.. Tow Wrapper, 20 yards, at 6d. and Sheet and Packing, 8/9, 3 Bales Flaxen brown Osnaburgs, 27 ps. 3739 yards, at 7^d. Tow Wrappers, 3 ps. Ul. . // . . at 6d Sheet, Rope, Straw, and Packing, 31 // 9 // 3 19//16//0 11// 14 I/O 5 // 2 // 1 // 7 // 0//18 1/9 5 Casks, containing each 5 doz. Check'd Shirts, at 50/.^doz. Cost of 5 Casks, at 6/. each, 4 Bales, containing each 12 ps. Negro Blanketing, at 26/.^ps. Canvas and Rope, 1 Bale, containing 10 pieces bleached Russia Sheeting, at 75/. Packing and Canvas, 2 Hhds. containing 24 pieces blue Milled Kerseys,,. at 53/. Cost of 2 Hhds. each 16/6, 5 Bales.coarse Woollens, Slops, &e. as ^ Bill Parcels inclosed 4 Trunks. . . .Check'd and Strip'd Holland, Negro Handkfs. Nuns Thread,.. ?, Ditto, • . . .Irish and Scotch Linen and Sheeting, , , , . 4 Ditto, .... Bed Tick, Brown Linen, and Huckaback, , . 2 Ditto, «... Diaper and Damask Table Linen, 7 Boxes, consisting of Millwedges — Steel Steps— Cart & Waggon "Tyre — Cattle Chains — Sad-irons — Ma- sons', Carpenters', Cooper*, and Smiths* Tools — Hoes & Bills — Axes & Adzes, &c Carron-ware consisting of Mill-cases — Sugar Boi- • lers — Cog-wheels & Rings — Mill-gudgeons — Iron Pots— Grating Bars, &c 1 1 17 tf 3 // 1^ 1//10 //6 1 // 2 // 6 62//10//0 1//10 // 57 // 8 // 1//13 f/6 37 //lO // // 8 // 9 63// 12 I/O 1//13//0 150 Barrels Herring, .....at 36/. Charges*'! .rt/nCi Calendering the Linens, Holland and Strip'd Checks,.... Cartage, Porterage, and Lighterage,.. I 0//14 n 6 Entry Bond, Bills of Lading, and Primage, 1//16 // 3 River Freight, 9//15 // I // 1 // 9 J V A V >^i. Freight on the Dry Goods, .... , ; .-i-,- on 150 Barrels Herrings, at 6/. Commission on £2067 //19s. at 2^ ^ Cent. Premium of Insurance on £2000, at 7 Guineas ^ Cent, to return 2 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival,. . Policy Duty 5/6. ^ Cent 71 //5//0 45 1/6 I/O 147 I/O I/O 5//10 // 70 119 64 59 37 65 220 310 78 239 1668 270 1938 13 116 51 152 2272 17 1 135|l8 4 190131 5 7514 7 14 2 15 1 lOj/ 3 // (1) 333 JOURNAL, D. Glasgow, 1** July, 1817. Sundries, Drs. to Stock, For the following Balances in our favour the 30th ult. transferred from the preceding Ledger : Cash, for Balance in band, Royal Bank, .... on Deposit, Credit of £2500, . . Thistle Bank, ditto, 2000,.. Bills Receivable, For the following Bills in hand, viz. Robert & JamesM'Nair,No.l5l due Sep. 12 . . // // . . // 10 . . // 14 .. Oct. 4 .. // 7 .. // 11 .. // 25 ..Nov.ll .. // 9 .. // 15 . . // 19 West Sugar-House Co 154, James Paterson, 155, George Bell, 158, John Phillips, 159, James Paterson, , 162, Rob. M'Fee & Co 167, R. & J. M'Nair,..........169, Ditto, 172, John M'Aulay & Co 173, George Smith, 176, John Phillips, , . . . . 177, Peter M'Farlane, 178, // 27 Merchandise, for Balance on hand, as ^ Inventory, .... Herring, for 500 Barrels @ 30/ Sales ON. Commission. For the following, liable to us for the Duty, Freight, & Charges, advanced thereon : Sugar, 85 Hhds. on hand, Rum 40 Puncheons, Cotton, 20 Bales Mahogany, 80 Planks, Ship Happy-Return, Voyage HI. of the Happy-Return, Ship Minerva, Voyage I. of the Minerva, Ship Britannia, our one-fourth, . , Continued, Pa. Old Led 1 3 3 4 525 //lO // 507 // 8 // 6 262 // 1 // 475 // 6 // 4 287 // 6 // 2 369 // 4 // 3 416 // 6 // 9 220 // 9 // 3 196 // 5 // 613 // 4 // 9 410 // 4 // 4 214 // 6 // 6 375 // 6 // 1816// 8 t/6 309 // 3 // 4 60//18 // 9 30 // 2 // 9 15 1720 760 48711810 235 750 13 4 2216 2530 120 2750 152 627 16749 13 13 4 3 2 8 9 10 6 4p 334 JOURNAL. Glasgow, July, 1817. (2) 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 Brought over. ht Sundries Dra. to Stock. New Rope-work Company, our one-sixth One Year's Interest, due the Partners,. Counting-room & Cellars, Argyle-street, Outstanding AccTs. For Duty, Frt.&Passages owing us,viz. James Sharp Duty <^ Freight,. . John Lang WiUiam Lyon David M'Aulay, Daniel M'Ciean Passage, James Fuller Alexander Campbell Outstanding Debts in Jamaica, viz. Ephraim Mendez .... James Jenkinson ...... Samuel Laureuce . . . . John Wilkinson William King Margaret Why te Moses Pessea Estate of Abram Lopez John Barker & Co William Parker & Co. . Currency of Jamaica at 40 ^ Cent. Hector & Daniel Riley, Nevis, Store in St. Kitts, . . . .Under the management of Wm. Ful- 1 lerton as ^ State furnished by him 1st March, | William FuUerton, . , Private Account. . St. Kitts,. , Sir Richard Parnell Ditto Sir John Towers, Bart. . . . , Jamaica Moses Louis Ditto , . Simon Turbut Ditto Matthew Goodair, Ditto John Flanson Ditto William Hanson Ditto Meymott & Co. Ditto Murray & Waller Ditto Hopewell Estate, in Jamaica, our one-third, Under the | ManagemeRt of John and Arch. Sidney, § 14 14 18 21 450 // // 22// 10 // 16 17 17 18 25 25 27 28 28 29 29 31 32 16749 13 2//15//9! 5 // 7 // 9 9//11 //7j lvl9 // 91 7 // 7 // 0| 21 I/O i/6\ 1 1/1 1/ Oi 65 // 2 // 7i 32 // // 5! 24 // 3// 111 73 v8//10| 23 // // 4 11 //6//8 13 // 2 // 3 24 t/l rrG 116 // 2 // 1 34 // 9 // 2 416// 17 // 9 472 650 10 55 10 29715 120 5742 560 272 406 133 623 204 304 410 GtO 637 3175 31426 15 18 11 17: 8 8 5 7 9 11 2 9 (3) 386 Glasgow, Julyt 1817. 1st Stock Dr. to Sundries. For the 'following Balances against us the 30th ult. transferred from the preceding Ledger : 2 18 19 20 20 21 11 To ereenock Bank, on our Credit of £2000, To Lefevre & Company, Bankers,, . . . London, , . To Joseph Gattey & Co Bristol, . . . . To John Emmott, in the East India service, To Darby & Dare, Cork, To Alan Ker & Co. Agents, ...... ....Greenock, To William Fullarton's Accot. Proper, St. Kitts,.. Pa. Old Led, 3 33 34 36 37 38 To Bills Payable, For the following Bills under acceptance, and which were charged to the respective Accounts on the 30th Jane, with the Discount off: Moses Louis,, . . .Fav. Wallace. No. 92, due July Sir John Towers,. .//. .Jackson, 93, Matthew Goodair, // . . Wilson, 1)5, 13 William Cuming, . .//. .Kinloch, . . ,.96, // Simon Turbutt, //. .Malcom,.. ..98, Aug. 9 Ditto, //. . Davids 100, 12 Ditto, //..Wilson, 103, 13 James Towers, .... ir. .Craig,.... . ..104, May 1 James Thomson, his Order, 105, Aug. 21 William Wilson,.,.. //..do 106, 27 John Barker, Fav. Why te,.. ..108, Sep. 6 Robert Brown, ....//.. Parker, 109, 11 Sol. Sheldon & Co. //...Lamb, 110, Oct. 15 To Debts Payable, on open Accounts. For Amounts of Goods purchased from the following Persons for Export and for Ships outfit, viz. Scott & Company, Carpenters, William Fulton, Anchor-Smith, Sraithfield Company, New Rope-work Company, Clyde Sail-cloth Company, Duntocher Woollen Company, , Stocking Factory, .^ , John Smith, Hosier, Joshua Senior, Manchester Goods,,. Moffat & Galloway, Ditto, M'Laren, Henderson & Co Ditto, Aitkin &: Campbell, Haberdashers, . . . . Alan Pollock, Grocer, William Telfer, Shoemaker, Ephraim Gardner...... Tanner, William Ingles, ,.,.. Cooper, Continued, 18 100 //O / /O 103//10 / /O 246// 17 / /6 110 //O/ 367 // 4 / /O 139//10 / /O 210 // 4 /O 70 //O /O 470// 11 / /O 163 // 4 /O 120 //5 /7 50 //O /O 393//14 /9 112 // 7 // 9 53// 10 I/O 62 // // 4 76 // 0//10 73// 6// 11 91 // // 34 // 6 // 8 57//11 // 9 214 // // 6 115 // 6 // 5 108 // 1 // 4 64 // 9 // 22 // // 9 19//12 //O UOz/ll V 4 31 // 4 // 2 1320 1722 815 739 514 30 1121 // // 2 1 2614 10 1225 10103 336 JOURNAL. Glasgow, July, ISlt. (4) 7. 1.. Stock Dr. to Sundries Brought over, To Bonds & Bills. For Money borrowed upon Int. viz. Eliz. FuUarton, <^ Bond payable at Candlemas,.. . , Emilia Coats, <^ ditto, .,,..,,,. .Whitsunday, .. Helen Pollock, ^ Bill, ditto, To Profit & Loss, to remain at the Credit of that Act. for the purposes expressed in the Docquet to last Balance, To Stock m Company. For Net Capital in this Concern, and which belong to the Partners in equal propor- tions, viz. To G. A. Hamilton, .... one-third, To John Grahame, .... one-third, To William FuUarton, . . one-third, ••». 10103 1700 360 700//0//0 500 I/O I/O 500 // // 6421 // // 8 6421 // i/ 8 6421 // // 8 19263 2 31426 7 9 («) JOURNAL. Glasgow, July, 1817. 337 Bills Receivable Brs to Sales on Commission. For Amount sold this month. D. B. 10 21 23 13 13 16 1512 1613 4lh, John Phillips, . .40 Hhds. Sugar, " Bill No. 179, due 7 Oct.. .505 // 1 // 9 180,.... 7 Nov. 547// 9// 9 181 7 // 547// 8// 6 182,.... 7 Dec. 505 // 1 // 9 20th, E. Jones, ... .10 Hhds. Sugar, Bill 184, due 23 Nov. 522 // 2//10 If John Patison & Co. 20 Bales Cotton, .... Bill 183, due23Nov. 378//10//10 3005 //l 5 // 5 Merchandise Dr to Wilson Sf Greenhill. For 4 Bales of Osnaburgs, Amount ^ Invoice, 23 23 10 24 24 Sundries Drs. to Insurance. For Cost of Insurances made this month, en Produce consigned us by the following Vessels from Jamaica to Greenock, Premium at 9 Guineas per Cent, to return 4 per Cent, for Convoy & Arrival. Moses Louis, for Prem. on £125 on Sugar ^ the Happy Return, Policy 11/, Commission 12/Q. Sir John Towers,... for Prem. on £420 on Sugar and Rum ^ ditto, Policy 27/G, Commission 42/. . . Samuel Johnson,. . .for Prem. on £l32 on Sugar ^ ditto. Policy 11/. Commission 13/3 12th, Prem. on £600 on Sugar ^ the St. Ann, Campbell, Policy 33/. Commission 60/. Meyraott & Co for Prem. on £360 on Sugar and Cotton ^ the Happy-Return, Policy 22/. Commo. 36/ Mures,Fordyce,&Co.for Prem. on £1160 on Sugar, Rum, and Cotton, ^ the Clyde, M'Gee, Pol. 66/. Comm«. 1 16s Insurance Dr. to Sundries. For the Premiums and Policies, as above. To Company Assurance, on £677 ^the Happy-Return, this day, Pol. 49/6. Coram". 67/9. 12th, on £360do. Pol. 22/. Comm«. 36/... // on 500 ^ Clyde, Pol. 27/6, Cornm''. 50/ 2105 // 1 // 9 522 // 2//10 378//10//10 To Tontine Insurance Co. on £600 ^ St Ann, Pol. 33/ To John Alston & Sons, on 660 % Clyde, Pol. 38/6. . ... £2797 13//13//7 61 // 7 // 3005 15 163 69 //16 // ' 36// 18 hA bl If 2 1/6 12 43 75 36 19 3 118 18 14 286 16 157 58 64 11 280il0 4a 338 JOURNAL. Glasgow, July, 1817. (6) Sales on Commission Dr. to Sundries. For Net-Proceeds of the Sales this luontii. id 18 6 21 1 2 20 22 13 3 Ko 11 15 1/ 16 18 D. B. To Meymott & Co. 40 Hhds. Sugar ^ Happy-Relurn, due 7 Nov, 20 Bales Cotton ^ Atlantic, 23 // To John Public,... 10 Hhds. Sugar, 23 // Sales on Commission Dr. to Alan Ker §• Co. For Charges paid by them at shipping 80 Planks Mahogany, per the Dublin-Trader, O'Hara, consigned to James Forbes & Co. 1134//14//0 306//15 // 6 Cash Dr. to Sundries. For Uip foHowing Sums received this month, To Royal Bank,.. <^ order, .1..'.... 13th, 25th 27th ^. s: To Thistle Bank,. .^ order, 16th, .^,,,^.j^ .^^(^ ^..'fti^jhy tfh'iisrf-'itu :t\^*'i*f ^^ • To Simon Turbutt,. .received on his account from J. Young, . . 2'iO // // 320 // // 1060 // // 450 // // 70 // // 160 // // 160 // // 1441 289 1731 To Bills Receivable, disct. No. 154, West Sugar Co. due 12 Sep // 155, J. Paterson, .... 10 // To Outstanding Accounts.. received from James Sharp, . . . //..... ; William Lyon, . . 16th, .^ D. M'Leaii // . . •r,l^rT,f »s • • A. Campbell, . . . To New Rope-work Co. bur^Jth, reed, one year's Int. on Stock, . . To Interest pence allowed by A. Pollock, 25th, Sundries, To Murray & Waller, , . received Bill on Lefevre & Co. at 60 days, .ftib >idi ,faul9a-/r|q«H sdi^TrOl z ' uijHoO ^>\ri: .to4 ,»l>tD "^ OC' \i)u .507 // 8 // 6 262 //I //O 2//15 if 9 9//11 //7 7 // 7 // 7 // 7 // // // 9 // 1 // 9 2050 390 I 710 769 n, I ■>'.«?.'.■ I'ftf^O*'' 27 22 497 13 4467 I 10 8 (7) JOURNAL. Glasgow, July, 1017. d3^ 13 22 21 7 2 2 18 21 22 3] Sundries Dr«. fo CflsA. iwiwO «(< For the following Sums paid this month. Debts Payable, On open Accounts, paid Scott & Co. '/ New Rope-work Company, 16th William Fiilton, .' // Alan Pollock 22d Ciyo'e Sail Cloth Company , // MofFnt & Galloway, , If Joshua Senior, .... 25th John Smith, // M'Laien, Henderson & Co // Aitken & Campbell // Stocking Factory, Sir John Towers, .... advanced his Millwright, Alexander Young, . . .our Clerk advanced him one quarter's Salary Bills Payable, ..paid No. 92. M. Louis, . 1. 8th 93. Sir J. Towers, 13th. 95. M. Goodair, // 96. W. Cuming, Alan Ker & Do. . . remitted them, Interest, paid discount on two bills, Greenock Bank . . . ^ receipt, Samuel Johnson, . . from Jamaica, paid him ^ receipt, Royal Bank ^ receipt, Lefevre & Co remitted them More on Downe, at 45 days, Wilson &Greenhill, paid bill lav. Graham, John Hay, paid on Account paid bill fav. Watkinson, , Charges, this month ^ Expense Book, 112 // 7 // 9 76 // 0//10 53// 10 // 22 // // 9 73 //6//11 115 // 6 // 5 214 //O //G 57wll 1/9 lOB //I // 4 04 // 9 // 34 // 6 // 8 100 // y 163// 10 //O 246//17 II Q 1 10 // // 250 // // 25//11 II Q a;H i^jtt' 931 10 37 620 7 30 615 760 105| 480; o| 1030 163 2 275 12 11 4426 1 6 340 JOURNAL. Glasgow, August, 1817. (8) 3 Bills Receivable Drs. to Sales on Commission, 6 For Amount sold this month. D. B. 3d. Robert & James M'Nair,.. 15 Hhds. Sugar, Bill No. 185, due 6 Dec. 13 James Forbes & Co 30 Pun. Rum. . Bill No. 187, due 16 Dec. 19 Robert & James M'Nair, . .20 Hhds. Sugar. Bill No. 188, due 22 Nov. 471//12//7 189, // 22 Jau. 471//13//0 24 Anderson, Gray & Co. . . 10 Pon. Rum . , Bill No. 186, due 27 Dec. Pa 3 // 4 5 783//14//6 500 // 5//0 943 // 5//7 220 // 0//0 6 oAAin r.' ll Sales on Commission Dr. to Sundries. For the Net Proceeds of the Sales this month. 14 3 To John Hanson, . . 15 Hhds Sugar t^ Happv-Returndue 6 Dec. 3 1 441 9 5 14 13 To William Hanson. . 10 Pun. Rum ^ Columbus 16 // 1/ 1 128 13 7 lo U) To Murray & Waller, 20 Hhds. Sugar ^ Happy-Return,22 // 5 520 10 IS 24 To Moses Louis .... 30 Pun. Rum ^ Columbus, 20 // // 389 1480 15 3 ~3 6 Merchandise Drs. to Sundries. For Goods Purchased of the following this month. 2J 10 To Wilson & Greenhill, .... 4 Bales Osnaburgs, ,.,.,., 3 4 175//I1//2 87//10//0 263 223 1 n 19th, 1 u Sail Cloth, 20 19 To James Forbes & Co, ... 4 // Irish Linen and Sheeting, // ^1 ^ 5|6 486 6 8 23 Sundries Drs. to Insurance, 1 For Cost of Insurances made on Account of the following this month. 15 13 Murray & Waller, for Premium on £630, on Produce ^ the Happy-Return ,Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Guin. ^ Ct. Policy 38/6, Comm^. 63/. ... 3 64 12 9, 12 14 Sir Richard Parnell, ...for Premium on £1050, on Sugar ^ the Minerva, St. Kitts to Greenock, at 7 Gui- neas ^ Cent. Policy 60/6, Comrao. 105/. 4 85 9 12 19 Francis Barlow for Prem. on £600, on Sugar ^ do. at do // If Policy 33/. Comm^ 60/ .* // ■ 48 15 John Vanderkemp, ...for Premium on £750, on Sugar, ^ do. p If at do. Policy 44/. Coram** 75/ // 61 1 6 Hector i& Daniel Riley,for Premium on £900, on Sugar, ^ do. at 11 If do. Policy, 49/6, Commo. 90/ // 73 2 6 Store in St. Kitts, for Premium on £1292 // 6 // 8, Specie, «. ^ do. at do. Policy 71/6. 1/ 98 11 S 431 11 5 (9) JOURNAL. Glasgow, Augmt, 1817. 341 23 24 24 24 23 13 24 8 19 18 6 21 11 19 8 25 6 21 14 14 19 24 1 I 2 Insurance Dr. to Sundries. For the Premiums and Policies, as in the preceding entry. D. B. To JoliQ Alston &: Sons,. , On £G30, ^ the Happy-Return from Jamaica, at9 Guin. ^ Ct, Policy 38/0, 14th ditto, on 1050, <^ the Minerva from St. Kitts, at 7 Guin. 2 13 2 1 7 24 Bills Payable, paid No. 98, S. Turbutt, . . . , 12tli,... 100,... Ditto, .^,.,. 13th, ... 1 03,. . . Ditto, . . , . .^ 2 1st,.... 105, James Thomson, 27th, .. . 106, William Wilson, 9// 11 i/6\ // // 4 442 // // 110// 10 I/O 552// 10 // 12 19 // 19 11 42 172 620 12 11 367 // 4 // 139//10 // 210 // 4 // 476// 11 I/O 163 // 4 // William Fullerton's Accot. Proper, paid Mrs. Scott for the two Boys, John Hay, to Account, ,,.,,, .......•*. .••••.• .v^..... Royal Bank, ^ Receipt,,... ;i;;.,;,,,i;,,'i,,.'V«iu, -*.'.... 27th, •. :<:;:; ;;;" • ''^^'^ Sir John Towers,..paid Passage for his Millwright to Jamaica -^l the Westmoreland, ) advanced him a3 desiriid, Thifille Bank, -^Receipt. .-. Charges, this month, . , ii«/iw X 'ij .ii «ai". . 300 // // 440 I/O I/O 10//10 1/ 5 // 5 // 500 1356 45 262 740 15 130 25 3919 15 // 11 (11) JOURNAL. Glasgow, September, 1817. 343 6 23 23 16 11 23 24 23 19 24 Sales on Commission, Dr. to Duties. For the Duty on tlie Import Weight of the Produce consigned ii.« per the following Vessels: . . . . • . . . .D. B On 28 Hhds. Sugar, by the St. Ann 12 . . // . . do Atlantic 25 ..//.. do Clyde, 10 Pun. Rum, ditto, 20 Bags Cotton, ditto, Sundries Drs. to Insurance. For Cost of Insurances made on account of the following this month : To Proprietors of Hopewell Estate, . .for Prem. on £1700, on 60 Casks Sugar <^ the Happy- Return, from Jamaica, @ 9 Guin. ^ Cent. Policy 93/G Comm''. 170/... Ditto on £600, on 20 Hhds. Sugar ^ the St. James' Planter, for London, @ 5 Guin'! ^ Cent. Policy 33/ Commission 60/. Store in St. Kitts,..for Prem. on £450, on 15 Hhds. Sugar ^ the Spooner, St. Kitts, to London, and on £l80, on Sugar and Rum ^the Bassetere, to Liverpool, @ 7 Guin. «f Cent. Policies 44/ 16 24 23 Insurance Dr. to Sundries. For the Premiums and Policies as above: To Tontine Insurance Co. on £ll33//6//8, by the Happy-Return, Policy 66/ To Company Assurance, on 566//13//4, ^ do. Policy 27/6... Comm". 56/. d .... on 200//0//0, ^ St James' Planter, Pol. 11/. Com2 20/. To Ingram, Hunter, & Co. on To John Alston & Sons,, .on on 400//0//0, ^do. Pol. 22/. ,. 450//0//0, ^ Spooner, and 275//0//0, ^ Bassetere, Pol. 44/ 302&//0//0 Sundries Drs. To Mures, Fordyce., Sf Co. For Return of Premium on Sugar and Rum short shipt by the Clyde, and for Convoy and Arrival on what came to hand j John Alston & Sons,..£l53//12 //6, @ £8 // 19,^ Cent. .... 506 /' 7 // 6, @ 4 <^ Cent, return of Prem. Company Assurance,. . 116 // 7 // 6, @ £8 // 19, ^ Cent 383//12 // 6, @ 4 ^ Cent, return of Prem, 445 // 1 // 8| 45// 17 i/G 43vl7 // 2 498 8 22412 173//16//6 34 //13 // 57 //15 1/2 12 // 1 // 13//15 // 20 // 5 // 1 10 // 8 // 3 15//6/rll 534 1257 17 208 55 263 110 69 22 55 257 34 25 59 16 19 2 // 9 11 15 15 344 JOURNAL. Glasgow, September, 1817. (12) 24 16 Tontine Insurance Co. Dr. to SamuelJohnson. D. B 120 For return ofPrem. on £600 for Convoy & Arrival of the St Ann, @ 4 ^ Cent Bills Receivable Dr. to Sundries. For the Sales this month. To Sales on Commission J. Phillips, 20 Hhds. Sugar, 26th, Greenock Sugar-House Co. 20 //.... do. . To Interest, for 2 mos. Interest included in Bill No. 191,, Deduct pence retained from Bill 192,, -BlLLS.- Pa John Phillips,. . . .No. 190, due 23d. Jan. . . Ditto, .191, // 23d. March, Greenock Sugar Co. . . 192, u 29th. Jan. . . ^126 16 1928 20 Sales on Couuissiofi Dr. to SamuelJohnson. For Net-Proceeds of 20 Hhds. Sugar ^ the St Ann. due 29th Jan, Ingram Hunter, & Co. Dr. to John Emmott. For Money received by them, from him on our Account, to be ap- plied agreeably to his Instructions, as ^ their Letter on the 25th Inst 11 21 30 Store in St. Kitts Dr. to her M'lver Sf Co. 'i«** For Goods shipped by them per the St. Kitts Planter, Spooner, from Liverpool, as per their letter of the 25th CHrrent. They consist of 22 Packages. The Farnisliers as under, From Peels & Co. . . . < . ...Manchester, . . Miller & Bow, ..... Ditto, *..... J. & R. Phillips, . . Ditto, Mores & Lee, .... Birmingham, Craven & Dawson, . . Wakefield, . , Johnson & Evatt,, . . Sheffield, . . . . John Wakefield, .... Kendal, , , . . Their own Charge for Warehouse-Rent, Custom-) House Fees, Cartage, Wharfagfe, & Commission, J !(?« 11S6//11 //9 1048 // // 9 4//16 // 3 // // 577 //16 // 582 //12 » 1048 // // 2208 // 8 /y 24 220312 415 2208 8 125// 11 //6 171 // 3//11 116//17 //9 88 // 6 // 4 120 // 3 // 6 65 // 3 // 9 110//11 //6 797// 17 // 3 40 // 2 // 6 67817 176014 83719 (13) JOURNAL. . Glasgow, September 1817. 345 Merchandise Dr to Sundries^ For Goods jiurcliastd for Exportation of the following persons iu this niontli,as per Bills of Parcels. To Debts Payable od open Accounts, viz. from D. B. Page 7 Carron Company, Sep. 2cl 23d 22 Sinithfield Company, ,10th 25th Dalnotter Iron Company, 25th William Fulton Anchor-Smith, .. 4th New Ropework Company, 18th 20th J. & W. Scott, Copper 'Smiths,. 2d ■ James Lockhart, .... Hardware, 25th 27th 151//11 i/Q 107 // 6 // 61 // 3 // 5 58// 14 II 75*- 19 nil 45 //1 1 // 5 67// 10 // 2 17//12 // 7 Thomas Smith & Co Saddlers, John Hood, Cooper, , ,26th ,18th 24th To John Hay,.. Mrs. William Miller, Victualler, 23d John Cowan & Co Breivers, 21st Alexander Wilson, ,,.. Stationer 19th John Reid, Upholsterer, . . . .24th 25th Aitken 4.S UQ JOURNAL. Glasgow, September, 1817. (14) 7 // 310 214 924 16 3 211 6 ll| // 4 // 22 10 19; // 21 2 // 1414 1316 25 14 2 22 23 Cash Dr. to Sundries For tlic following Sums received this month. To Roval Bank,..f>' Order, 6th, 20th 160 f/0 I/O 560 // // 550 irOifO 'To Interest,.. received discount on I bill paid on discount, To Bills Receivable, discd. No. 159, J. Phillips, due 4ili Oct // 173.J.M'Aulay&Co.9thNov, // 172, R.&J.M'Nair,//llth // 17tli, 179, J. Phillips,... // 7th Oct, // 180, Ditto, // 7th Nov, To Thistle Bank,..^ Order, 20th, . . . . To Ship Britannia, Our 4, received our share of gain at settlement,. Sundries Drs. to Cash. For the following Soms paid this month. Proprietors of Hopewell Estate, pd, their bill fav. Craig, due4th Nov. Wilson Sc Greenhill, . . remitted them Murray's Pattison&Co. 23d // // 184, Edward Jones,.... //.... 7th, due.. » ...162, James Palerson, this day, * < 15th, discd. 177, Jolui Phillips, 19th u- II 178, Peter M'Farlane, 27th // // 176, George Smith, . . .15th // // 182, John Phillips, ..7th Dec. // 186, Anderson,Gray,&Co.27th 29th, 192,Greenock Sugar-House Co. due 29th Jan. To Royal Bank,. .de, , 16th, prime entry^ Happy-Return, Royal Bank, , ,^ receipt, 7th, .... 15th, G. A, Hamilton's Accot. Proper, paid him, Matthew Goodair paid Bill in fav. Louia, . . . , . Murray ct Waller, . . . .paid Hume, Sales on Commission, paid Freight 4P St Ann, . . •// ^ Atlantic, 19th, 'ifClyde,... 395 // // 2000 w // 600 // // 60 // // 0, 100 //o II a 114 11 3 // 9 125 // 1 // 8 64//12 // 7 134 II Q II 8 2000 // // 820 // // 600 // // 1000 //O //O 112 //2//10 50//10//10 160'/ll t/1 Sir John Towers, paid Bill fav. Williams, . . . :i'i'^i??L.l'n/.Tfi l'i»jl'iV3'.. John Emmolt, paid James Stewart, Joseph Gattey part of the above. Policy, 93/6, To Company Assurance, .... 625, ditto, ditto, 38/6 Company Assurance Dr. to Mtymott ^ Co. For the Return of Premium on £535, underwrote by us tlie 21st ult. for Convoy & Arrival of the Caledonia, at 4<^Ct D. B. Page 13. Cash Dr. to Sundries, For the following Snms received this month : To Greenock Bank ^ Order, 27th, c To Store in St. Kitts,. . received Specie ^ the Minerva, 12th,. . ..//., . .Crowley on Harley, due I7th Jan. To Bills Receivable, discd. No. 185,R.&J.M'Nairdue6th Dec // 187, Jas Forbes &Co.l6th // 19th, 189, R. & J. M'Nair, 22d Jan. // 190, John Phillips,.. 23d // 22d, reed, payt 188, R. & J. M'Nair, now due. To Royal Bank,.... ^ Order, 9th, 12th, 16th, 25th, To Interest, .. ..for Interest included in M'Aulay's Bill, No. 203,. . 16th, Discount for diff^^. on Bills 204, 205, & Accot, To Thistle Bank,..^ Order 15th, ,. 25th, 27th, To Sales ON Commission, recd. forlSPun. Rum from Miliar & Rowan, To Ingram, Hunter, & Co. recd. Downe Sc Co.'s dft. on More at par, To John Grahame's Account Proper, received of him, To Outstanding Accounts received of J. Fuller in part, To Voyage III. of the Happy -Return, for Freight, &c. from Jamaica, received of William Alston, // John Bow & Co // Gray «fe Baird, 23d John Smith, // Walter M'Gee& Son, // George Colman, • 25th Richard Bowman, 27th James Kennedy &. Co 28th, Thomas Miliar, J /'iorao'J dJiw.. 150 // // 280 // // 1345 // 6 // 3 580 // // 783 //1 4 // 6 500 y 5 // 471//13//0 577// 16 // 471 //12 //7 70 // // 300 // // 270 // // 160 // // Oi 1700 // // 4 // 3 // 3 3 // 3 // 150 // ,'/ 300 // // 700 // // 320 // // 23 //1 3 // 0' 29 //17 // 46//12 // 5' 31 // 3 // 9 57 // 1 // 6 36// 15 //3 21 // 2 // 71 "11 '/O 36 // 7 // 6 143 54 198 2! 430 1925 2805 2500 1470 345 200 63 20 // 353 10119 (21) 25 2 23 11 3 16 17 18 12 22 1 15 4 21 20 26 JOURNAL. Glasgow, November 1817. 353 27 30 Sundries Drs. to Cash^ For the following Sums paid this month. William Cuming,. . paid him on Account, Roval Bank, ^ receipt, 19ih. Thistle Bank, ,,..^ receipt, 5tb, 19 Duties. .paid Post entry ^ 25th Prime entry Happy-Return, f Minerva, . . . Interest,. paid discount on two bills, 19th, two bills, u . , interest on bill No. 104, paid this day, William Fullarton's Account Proper, paid Mrs. Scott for the two Boys to Whitsunday, Bills Receivable, paid balance of J. M'Aulay & Co'si bill due this day, & received their Acceptance at 3 raos. with interest. No. 203, due 12 Feb.... 16th, received Miller & Rowan's indorsation on Alexander, No. 204, due 26 February, Ditto,., ..do. on Brown 205. due 10 Apr. As <^ Contra this day. 700 // // 500 If I/O 640 I/O rfO 470 // // 500 // // 804 // 3 // 1 2400 // 1/ Oi 6 // 2 // 9 9 // 5 // 8 1//15 I/O William Hanson, paid bill favour Hume, Matthew Goodair, Payne, . Mevmott & Co Zouch, 22d, Wicks, Samuel Johnson, ...... .,,... Home, J. & A. Sidney, Jones, Lefevre & Co, rem'', them Crowley's dft. on Harley, due 17 Jan, John Vanderkemp, . . paid bill fav. Craig // Zouch. Thomas Wallace, . . our Clerk, paid him Profit & Loss, .... paid Poor's Rates, Murray & Waller, . paid bill fav. Craig, Bills Payable, . paid No. 104, Towers fav. Craig, Wilson & Greenhill, paid bill fav. Gray, , John Emmott, .... remitted Sir W. Forbes Sc Co. on his Account E. Jones, paid his bill with expenses, returned this day from London under Protest for non-payt Charges, ........ this month, <^ E. B 317 // 8 // 190 //I I I/O 312// 5 I/O 63 // 5 // 8 TSi/lO 1/ 7 190 I/O I/O 125//11 1/6 150 1200 1610 3204 17 73 820 149 57 136 82 70 580 4 10 12 285 5 15 245 70 205 551 530 49 10110 II 5 11 11 1/ 17 12 12 6 14 2 4u 354 JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. (22) 21i 6 Bills Receivable, Dr. to Sundries, For the Sales this month. To Sales on Commission, viz. D.B. // Greenock Sugar House Co. 55 Hhds, Sugar, 6th James Forbes & Co, // 35 Pun. Rum,.. // Ditto, ..50 Planks Mahy. 9tli The Grocers, 20 Hhds. Sugar, 13 Port Glas. Sugar House Co.35, ... do To Alan Ker & Co. for Charges paid by them at shipping the Rum & Mahoi^any to Dublin, 2966 // 1 // 2 677 //1 9 // 353 // 7 i' 6 1118//14//10 1914// 14 //4 -Bills at 4 Months. Greenock Sugar-HouseCo. No. 207, due 7 April, . . ...... The Grocers, J. Hamilton, No. 208, duel2April,223//15 // J.Swanston&Co. 209, ... // .. . .223//15 /' J. Wilson & Co. 210,.. // 223// 1 5 // Charles Walker, 211, . . // . . ..223//14//11 George Loban, 212,.. // . , . .223//14//11 Port-Glasgow Sugar House Co. 213,duel6thApril James Forbes & Co 214, // 9th // 534 // 3 // Ditto, on O'Brien, 215, // 9thMar500 // // 2966 // 1 // 2 7030 2 1610 1616 7033 13 23 20 12 12 17 14 15 12 9 Company Assurance Dr. to Darby Sf Dare, For Amount of the Salvajje on Our Subscription of .£809, on Sugar and Cotton, underwrote by the Eagle from St. Kitts, taken, re taken, & parried into Kingsale, wliich we have desired them to pay at 12^ per Cent in8//14//l0 1914//14 1/4 1034 // 3 // 7033 //13 // 4 Sales on Commission, Dr. to Sundries, For Net Proceeds, of the following produce to this month. To Francis Barlow, .. 30 Hhds. Sugar^Minerva, due7thAprii, To John Vanderkemp, 25 // ...do do // 7lh // .. To J. & D. Kinsey, . .10 Pun. Rum,<^ Happy-R,eturn,9th if ... To John Hanson, .... 17 Hhds. Sugar, do. » . 7th March 25 Pun. Rum, do. .. 9 th April, To Mieymott & Co. 14 10 Hhds. Sugar, ... .do. ... 7th March 50PlanksMahogany^Caledonia,9 April,! ,/ 13 To Sir Richard Parnell,35Hhds.Sugar^Minerva, duel6th April 15 , // 12th // ..16 24th Current n ToH. & D.Riley.... 20 // do do. 20 Pun. Rum ..do. // 489 // 6 // 8 388//I4//6 307// 12 1/4 326 // 8//ia 623 //1 9 1/2 262 // 6 // 9 100 905 730 158 878 634 1060 3 9 10 10 886; 5 5252 17 11 11 (23) JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. 355 14 If 4 ) John Hanson (now deceased) Dr. to Sundries, As pt-r Account Current transmitted liis brother William to this date. D.B. To Bills Payable, for billfav. GFahame, Nolll,due lOthJan. Watt, 112, // loth // To Charges for Postage & Bill Stamps, ... Pa 15 1 I20//17 // 6 117 //lO //O 238 II 9 1 7 R 7 7 7 141 17 191 11 261 3 18 20 2 15 112 24 3 18 6 4 310 To Interest ^P* Account, .• «.. •••»••••••! To Profit Si Loss, lor Commission on bills at f ^ Cent .. 15 15 * * 16 72//10 // 76 // 2 // 830// 11 //6 249 19 2 D John Hak&on Dr, to William Hanson, for the Estate of John Hanson. For the Balance due to the Deceased, as ^ Account Current of this date, and thus transferred by the Survivor's desire, 516 7 3 479 391 139 4 6 5 3 10 10 Wolfe & Fraser Dr. to Store in St. Kifts, For Net Proceeds of the followinff Consigned them from our Store by the Triton in September last, as per Account Sales received this day, 5 Bags of Cotton, //....15th // 132// 13 //2 106 // 2 // 6 15^2//! 1 //2 7 Sundries Drs. to E. Jones, For his Composition of 14s. 9d. per £, with Security on the following Bankers — aud the Proprietor for the Balance. Bills Receivable, His Draft on, and Accepted by D. Giles and A. Champion, Esqrs. dated 1st. December, @ 3 months, Payable in London, No. 216,,.,. 5 months . . . • • do 217 .... 7 months, do 218, . . . . John Public, .... for Loss of 5/3. ^ £, suflfered by Jones, 16 31//16 // 6 /y 9 // 2 530 12 8 3 James Forbes & Co. Dr. to Sundries, For Net Proceeds of 80 Planks Mahogany, consigned them in July last, due 1st January, as per Account Sales received this day, Amount to £285 11 6 Irish at 10|d. is ^251 8 9 Sterling. To Sales ON Commission, for freight «& other Charges paid here Our ComuiP. on £258//8//9, @ 2| ^ Cent. To Murray & Waller, for the Net Proceeds due them 1st. Jan. 38 220 i 258 53 1 466 519 5 3 8 5 10 16 2 7 17 •V 4i6//18//6 49//12 // 9 6 ~3 5 Sundries Dis, to Store in St Kitts. For the Total Loss on Sugar by the Spooner from St. Kitts to London, and Average Loss on the Sugar&Rum by the Bassetere to Liverpool, insured the 6th September last. John Alston & Sons, for the Premiums due the underwriters,.... Bills Rfeceivable, for H. Riddel's note at3 mos.No.219, due 28 Mar. for G. Hamilton's // 3 // ... 220, // 28th// 356 JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. 91 124 2631 21 2 26 7 8 25 31 8 26 31 Alan Ker & Co. Dr. to Sundries. For the following Sums received by them on onr Account. D. B. To Voyage III. of the Happy-Return.. For Freights, &c. from Jamaica, received by them of the following persons, ^ their letter 22d inst James Cunningham & Co Malcolm Brown & Son, William Monteath, Gray & Colraan, Henry Simson & Co , Thomas Bannerman, To Voyage H.of the Minerva.. For Freights to St. Kitts under their collection, due by the following persons, John Robb, , Jacob Brown & Sou, William Laing & Co , To Merchandise .... For Bounties and Drawbacks on Goods exported to St. Kitts and Jamaica received by them, To Voyage I. of the Minerva.... For Freight from St. Kitts received of James Thomson, Andrew Brown, Sundries Drs. to Alan Ker Sf Co. For the following Sums paid by them oh onr Account. Greenock Bank, ...for Money paid them on our Account, Voyage II. of the Minerva, for Sundries paid by them at Outfit, Charges, for Amount of thei r A ccounts Inwards, on the Cargoes, by the Vessels, with Charges on De- livery and Cellar-Rent, as ^ Accounts furnished us to this date, , Voyage III. of the Happy-Return Dr. to Sundries. For Amount of her Accounts Inwards from Jamaica. To William Cuming, Master, : Deduct Passages received by him, . . .. Pa 16 18 18 18 17 To Charges, proportion of Expenses here. Voyage I. of the Minerva jDr, to Sundries. For Amount of her Accounts Inwards from St. Kitts. To James Noble, Master, Deduct Passages received by him,. . . . To Charges, proportion of Expenses here. 17 103//10 u6 86 //14 // 75//16 //9 130 1/8 1/ 5 42//13 // 11 //4//4 3 // 5 w 6 5// 14 // 9 13 //4 //O 3//16 // 6 // 5 // 9 800//12 I/O 36// 15 //O 815//17//2 68 1/5 I/O (24) 450 22 206 10 4 13 689 270 75 10 280 625 12 763 26 17 790 2 747 26 773 12 5 17 (26) 10 8 31 26 26 26 5 31 31 31 JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. 357 Outstanding Accounts Ih\ to Sundries,. For the following Freights owing at this date. D. B, To Voyage 111 of the Happy-Return. .For Freights, &c. from Jamaica, owing by the following persons at this date, James Simpson Peter S ith Robert Hardy, Richard Caldwell, To Voyage t. of the Minerva. . ''or Freights, &c. from St. Kilts, owing by the following persons, William Miller,. . ' David Fergus, Ciiarles Jackson, Walter Paterson, ^ 17 To Voyage H. of the Minerva.. For Freights Outwards to St. Kitts, to collect from the following. 18 Houston & Co • . Simson, Tirown, & Co, Dun, King, & Co Hunter & Smith Clemont & Hay, Voyage H. of the Minerva Dr. to Sundries. For the following Acconnts at Ont-fit. To James Noble, for Sundries paid by him, deducting a month's advance,.,. To Debts Payable.. For Amount of the following Trades- men's Accounts, Scott & Co Carpenters,.... William Robertson & Co. ....Smiths, Hugh Moody, Provisions,.... Johnston,. Biscuit Baker, . Robert Wilson. ...... Ship Chandler,. To Merchandise, for 4 additional Guns— 6 Pieces Sail-Cloth, 2 Hawzers, and 2 Anchors,... Sundries Drs. to Charges. For the Proportions particularly applicable to the following Accounts to this date. Sales on Commission, Merchandise, Sundries Drs. to Interest. For Amount cliargeable on the following Acconnts to this date. Sales on Commission, Merchandise 18 21 21 4 // 6 // 2 // 4 // 3 11^13 vO 1//16 //6 2//17 // 6 0//14 // 1 1 // 8 // 6 5// 18 1/6 05 // 4 // 9 53 // 4 // 44 1/1 I/O hlifll 1/ 1 67 // 6 // 8 127r/16 //O 22 1/6 n9 96 // 7 // 6 57//12 // 4 16 //3 //O 4x 19 19 1018 301 332 22 320 156 15 499115 280 2 3419 315 1 154 3 7 2213_2 "17616 9 10 10 II 358 JOURNAL, Glasgow, Decemler, 1817. (26) Cash Dr. to Sundries, For the following Sums received this month. To Voyage III. of the Happy-Return, received of the following for Freight &c. from Jai aica, // William Blach, , // John Murray & Co // George Craig, 9th, Robert Smith & Sons, ,.., // Duncan M'Kellar, // Hugh Blair, // William RuDceman & Co 14th, Peter MacdougaJ , ToBiLLsREcbie.discd.No.l93, James Paterson,..,due I3th Feb. // 197, C.Corbet, 17th, // // 196, Robert M'Fee & Co. 24th, // // 194, H.Houldsworth & Co. 25th, // // 204, Miller&Co.Alexander, 2Gth, // 10th, 195,M'Fee&Co.onPaterson 19tli, // // 2l5Forbes&Co.onO'Brien, 9th, Mar, 17th, 198, Leith Sugar House Co. 7th, // // 201, R. & J. M'Nair, 7th, // 24th, 200, Ditto, 7th, // . // 191, John Phillips, 23rd, // 72// 10 //O 140 // 3 // 9 25 // 1 // 32// 11 // 6 105//15 // 20 // 4 // 104 // 7 // 43//15 //O 597 // 9 // 4 201 //17 //O 428 //lO // 6 460// 10 // 3 190//11 //O 348// 15 // 7 500 // // 1485//13 // i092//16 // 9 1092//16 // 582//12 // // To Thistle Bank, . . ^ Order, 27th 17 12 11 19 7 1 19 6 8 14 To Royal Bank, . . ^ Order, , 14th, , 20th, 3l8t, To Proprietors of Hopewell Estate, received Ferries dft on Ingram, Hunter & Co. for Net Proceeds of 20 Hhds. Sugar, ^ the St. James' Planter, dated at 50 days from 9th To Store in St Kitts, received Emmott's dft. on Harris @ 90 days,... // ditto... // onDowne& Co. 60 days, // ....... Milligan, // on Houston, ... 60 // To Ingram, Hunter. & Co. rec*. Downe & Co's.dft. on More at par. To Interest for discounts allowed on Accounts paid this day, To Wolfe & Eraser, forourdftontherafav.IverM'Iver&Co. at40d. To Sales on Commission, reed, for 20 Pun. Rum from James Syme & Co 28th, received Drawback on Rum & Mahogany shipt to Dublin, 27 To Voyage I. of the Minerva, received of the following for Freight &c. from St Kitts, Johnson & Fraser, James Hamilton, Gray & Wylie, 340 // // 480 // // 240 // // 180 // // 350 // // 800 // // 175 // // 140 // // 175//11 f/6 424//10 // 188 // // 4 106//14 // 9 82//12 // 22 //'6 // 1 544 6981 820 1570 625 11 490 410 98 479 612 211 12843 11 10 11 10 19 (27) JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. 359 17 13 16 16 13 2 14 15 25 22 23 12 13 14 19 5 17 Sundries Drs. to Cash, For the following Sums paid this month. John & Archd. Sidney,, .paid Thomas Smith & Co ^ Receipt, Sir John Towers, paid Bill fav. Wallace, , Samuel Johnson, Ziiiii, , Mures, Fordyce, & Co i Home, Moses Louis Gray, Royal Bank, ^ Receipt, , 9th, 12th, , 17th, 24th, Interest, .paid Discount on five Bills, 10th, two .. .. 12th, one > . . . . 24th, two William Hanson,. ..paid Bill fav. Wilberforce,, remitted his brother in Edinburgh, Meymott .fe Co paid Bill fav. Dundas, G. A. Hamilton's Account Proper, paid him Thomas Wallace our Clerk, paid him Duties, paid Post Entry ^ Minerva, . 14th, in full, ....#' Caledonia, , Thistle Bank. .<^ Receipt, 24th, , Francis Barlow, paid William Brown ^ Receipt, 21st,.. ..Bill fav. Fleming, ^.. Le Fevre & Co. rem'd. them Eraniotton Downe & Co. due 18th Feb Iver M'lver & Co.... // .. ..Millagau on Houston, 18th // ... 1/ .. . .Our Dft. on Wolfe & Fraser, 1st // Joseph Gattey & Co. // .. . .Emrootton Harris, due 21st Mar Debts Payable on open Accounts, paid on Discount this day, viz Carrou Company, , Henry Hardy & Co. ., ,,. .. William Fulton, John Reid, John Murdoch & Co Angus Macdonald, Dalnotler Iron Company, James Lockhart, , David Marshall & Co Duntocher Woollen Company, Thomas Smith & Co Orhart, White, Rose, & Co 1250 // // 260 // // 540 I/O vO 920 // // 580 // // 20 // 8 // 8 7//15 //6 1 // 9 // ;2 18 // // 9 193 // 7 // 9 150 // // 607 // 5 // 238//11 //8 220 I/O f/0 1100 I/O I/O 80 // // 201 //1 3 // 175//11 // 6 479 // 4 // 3 Continued, 258//17 // 6 416//10 // 7 122// 19 I/O 181 //6 //6 175// 11 // 7 96 // 3 // 93 // 6 // 9 85 // 2 // 9 121 // 4 // 6 113//18 // 86//14 // 9 411 7/17/ 4 2163//12 // 3 202 23J 105 191 113 9 10 11 3550 47 14 343 130 100 10 845 16 1320 281 140 654 175 13 15 // 8443 3(50 JOURNAL. Glasgow, December, 1817. (28; 524 22 12 9 2 22 26 26 25 31 9 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 7 7 SvNDRiES Drs. to Cash. Continued.. Debts Payable, on open Accounts.. paid without Discount t lis day, viz. Mrs. William Miller, John Kilmarnock, John Cowan & Co Sniithfield Company, New Ilopework Company, 28th, Owners of the Caledonia for Freight, John Hay, .paid him on account, ............ ... . John Vanderkemp, paid bill fav. Hamilton, Hector Peter M'Farlane, 31 31 To Sales on Comm" this mo. Fo. 5 John Phillips, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, E. Jones, payable in London,. . John Pattison & Co To Sales on CoMM^.this mo. Fo. 8 R.& J. M'Nair, James Forbes & Co R.& J.M'Nair, Ditto, Anderson, Gray, & Co 30 To Sundries this month,. .Fo. 12 John Phillips, Ditto, Greenock Sugar-House Co. 31 30 ToSALEsoNCoMM°.thisnio. Fo.l5 James Paterson C. Corbet, R. M'Fie & Co. on Paterson, Ditto, own note, . . H. Houldsworth & Co 151 1.54 15,5 158 159 162 167 169 172 173 176 177 178 Dec. 16 31 To Sundries this month, ..Fo. 18 Leith Sugar-House Co. .. Ditto, R.Sc J.M'Nair, Ditto, , Dundee Sugar-House Co. John Reid, To Cash for the following, Fo. 21 John M'Aulay & Co Miller & Co. on Alexander, . . Ditto, on Brown, To Sundries this month,. .Fo. 22 Greenock Sugar-House Co Grocers for 5 Bills, , Port-Glasgow Sugar Co. . . James Forbes & Co Ditto on O'Brien, Sep. Oct Nov, Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov, Dec Nov. Jan. Dec. .Tan. Mar. Jan Feb 198 199 200 201 202 206 n 203 204 205 207 Sum. To E. Jones, 3 Bills,, Fo. 23 To Store in St Kitts, viz H. Riddell, Geo. Hamilton, Mar May Mar. .4pr, Feb. Apr, Apr 213 214 215 219 220 Mar, 525 507 262 475 287 369 415 220 196 613 410 214 375 Mar. 505 547 547 505 5n 378 783 500 471 4T1 220 577 582 1048 597 201 348 428 460 28 1485 1498 1092 109216 2164 7 540 317 8 19011 312 5 2966 1 111814 191414 534 500 Monthly Amounts. 41618 4912 4 z 4871 18 3005 2447 2208 2037 10 15, 5 5 1 15 7873 820 7033 391 466 31156 19 8 10 Payments Received. :fo\ Sum. 1817 Aug. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Aug. Sep. Oct. Sep. Oct. Nov. Oct. Nov, Dec, Oct. Dec, Dec. 17 17 Dec. 24 17 Dec. Dec. 10 6 Dec. 31 By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Ditto, By Cash, By Balance, 14 17 20 17 26 26 26 27 525 507 262 475 287 369 415 220 196 613 410 214 375 503 547 647 605 522 378 783 500 471 471 220 577 582 1048 14 5 12 13 597i 9 201117 348115 428 10 46010 1485 13 1092 16 1092 16 19011 600 12223 1211 3115dll9!"8 306 LEDGER. (4; Dr. Bills Payable. Cr. payments Madt. To 1817 July 6 8 13 4ug. 9 jl2 |l3 Vov.19 ^ug.21 27 Sep. 6 11 Oct, 15 Deo. 31 To Cash, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, 'JO Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Balance, 10 27 Sum. 1817 100 163 246 110 367 139 210 70 476 1631 4 120 5 50 396 4154 6768 14 July 10 15 8 Dee, 10 31 Bills Accepted by Ua. By .Stock, for Sundries, viz Fol 3 M. Louis, fav Wallace, Sir J. Towers, Jackson, M. Goodair, . . , Wilson, W. Cuming, Kilnocli, ...... S. Turbntt, Malcom, ...... Ditto, Davids, Ditto, VVilson, J. Towers, Craig, J. Thomson, His Order, .... W.Wilson, Ditto, J. Barker, White, R. Brown, Parker, S. Sheldon, Lamb, By J. Hanson, fav Grahaine. Fol.23 Ditto, Watts, By Sundries Jour Fol. 29 Sir R. Parnell, fav Murray, Ditto, Campbell, F. Barlow, Holmes, Ditto, Moody .1. Vandcrkeinp, Riley, M. Goodair, Kerr, W.Hanson, Stewart, Meymott& Co Dinidas, Murray & Waller, Erskine, Mures, Fordyce, & Co, HaiTis, Ditto, Ditto, S. Johnson, Gay, J. & A. Sidney, Lafont, ...• Ditto, Louis, No. Due. Sum. 92 93 95 66 98 100 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 112 131 133 125 126 141 132 Feb 136 I 138 134 July Aug. May Aug. Sep. Oct. Jan. Feb. Mar, 142 143 127 122 130 Mar, Jan. Feb lOOj 16310 246|17 6 110 3671 4 139 10 210 4 70' 476|ll 163 j 4 120; 5 50! a96 14 9 17 G 10 a 120 117 243 196 334 114 70 4' 133 17| 241 12 315 4 680 10 478 2 145 18 310 14 568 19 8114 6768 15 5 15 ft 19 13 4 6 6 Dr. Bonds & Bills. Cr, Dec. 31 To Balance, 272000 2000 July Aug.20 By Stock, for Money borrowed, as follows, Fol. 4 E. Fullarton, per Bond Payable at Candlemas, 700 Q Emilia Coats, per ditto, Whitsimdav, 500 Helen Pollock, per Bill, ditto, ". ! 50fOJ By Cash, for Bill to C. Denny, due August 23 Fol 10 j SOO^ 0i I2000' (5) lij:dg]^r. 367 Dr. Debts Payable. Cr. PaymentB Made. 1817 July Aug, July Aug. July Aug. Sep. Dec. To Cash, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto. To ditto, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto. To ditto, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto, To ditto. To ditto, To Cash, To ditto. To ditto, To ditto, To ditto. To ditto, To any, . . John Buchanan & Co John Kilmarnock, David Marshall & Co John Murdock & Co Henry Hardy & Co ; . . . Orhart, White, Rose, & Co. ... ■By Store in St. Kitts, for Freight duQ Owners of St. Ann, Fo. 18 By Sales on Commission, for Fret, due, Owners of Caledonia, 19 By Voyage II. of the Minbrva, . 25 Scott & Co William R >bertson & Co Hugh Moody, John.son, Rob. Wilson Sumg.. Monthly Amounts. 112! 7 63110 62 76 73 91 34 57 214 115 108 64 22 119 90 31 258 119 93 122 121 35 85 86 81 37 125 57 181 55 96 82 113 29 22 121 176 416 411 [17 127 22 9Q 67 •16 1225 3026 76 3W 4767 368 LEDGER. (6) Dr. Merchandise. Cr. 1817 July Aug. S.p. Oct, Dec. To Stock To Wilson & Greenhill, . To Sundries, To Ditto, To Wilson & Greenhill, . To Charges, To Interest, To Profit ^ Loss, .. Fo. 235 163 486 3960 205 34 22 110 521J) 1817 Nov. 14 25 Dec. 31 By Store in St. Kitts, ... By Sundries, , By Alan Ker & Co By Voy. II. of Minerva, By Balance, Fo 1733; 22251 206 156 897 5219 8 2 13 14 14 12 Dr. Herring. Cr. Julv 0 ;.o'J ; : . ' , ,v.. 152 123 773 1040 Nov. Dee. By Sales on Commission, il9 By Alan Ker «& Co. ... '24 ByOutstandingAccounts, 25 By Cash, 26 By Profit Sy Loss,. . . .Fo. 7 714 10 10 211 102 1049 8 2 1,9 18 7 11^10 9. 7 911 (9) LEDGER. 371 Dr. Ship Britannia, our One-fourth. Cr. 1817 July 31 To Stock, To Profit^ Loss, ,, To 627 130 10 // 9 2 75719 2 1817 j Sep. 24 By Cash, Dec. 31 By Balance, Fo, 14 27 157 600 757 19 19 Dr. New Rope-work Company, our One-sixth. Cr. July To Stock. 472'10 If 47210 // July U Dec. 31 By Cash, . . By Balance, Fo, 27 22 450 472 10} // // 1/ 10 Dr. Counting-room & Cellars. Cr. July To Stock, 650 Dec. 31 By Balance, ..••... Fo. 27 650 Dr. Hector & Daniel Riley, Nevis. Cr. July Aug. Dec. To Stock, To Insurance. To Cash, To Sundries. To Balance, Fo 2 120 15 6 Dec. 17 By Sales 8 73 2, 6 28 410 15 // // 15 17 6 27 265 15 5 886 511 886 511 886 511 S72 LEDGER (10) Dr. Outstanding Accounts for Freights & Passages- Cr. 1817 July; 1 Dec.31 81 To .Stock, viz , Jas. Sharp, John Lang,.. .... , William Lyon, . , Dan. M'Aulay, ., D. M'Lean, . . . , James Fuller,... , Alex. Campbell, To Voy.III.ofH-Return James Simpson, . . . . Peter Smith, Rob. Hardy, Rich. Caldwell, 25 To VoY. I. OF Minerva., Wm. Miller, David Fergus, .... Chas. Jackson, .... Wr. Paterson, .... SI To VoY. II. OF Minerva, Houston <& Co , ' Simson, Brown, & Co Dun, King. & Co Hunter & Smith, . . . , Clemont j » , . .•i->iu:\ii- 1 T ( ijrt !.ol>'>»,i')iiii»ll ,iij/M;',ii! c iMj .'DiMrtii.'ii I 1 '•.iL. .ol) 7. IT/ 1 I/! r. 1 .| I ...... , . . ..i^-Mihiiii''. ( Ul ,<»niil Adj. Francis ^arloW, St. Ritt^j^' ' »'^'^^ Ci*. '^ukiji'^' Oct. Nov 16 Dcc.||31 To' Insurance, " ,. , , J , To CJompany Assurance, Torino, , To Cjash T<) S iindries,. To balance, Fo. 48 32 2^1 1 3 15 4^5 905 6ec. By Sales on Commission, 22 905 » 905 Dr. '' Jt)tt*r Vkkbii&^i^,' ^. Kto. ''' '^^ eti a 1 !lIo Insurance, , , , . . ,1... 1 0'Oa^hf . •«*««« |i*'M •!•« Toj Ditto« . ••«.«• .y. « b k Ttif Sundries,,, , Tq Balance, Fo. HI. ! ai 28S ■ •276 5 3 780 10 10 i)ee. By Sales oo CpiNimssi0i), 22 y.v. II- .oiijCt li' :. ,.>ii (I Vi'.o'l riUsAliiV iV •1' I »T ij; 730 io 10 11 r. ^mtQBU^ S76 Dr. Sir JiQHjs: Xow^«s, Bi^rt, Jamaica. Cn 1817 July 4 Oqt. Nov. Dec. U 7 i3i To To To To To To To To St0cky.MUi(U)4iu#»'«U r^' CRsh, 7 Ditto,... Ditto, . . . Sundries, Cash, . . , Siindries, }m9 110 115 93 455 231 22 1277 S ti II II 11 9 7 1817 Opt,) Nov, ijBi 2 pec. 31. U iO 24 1 By Sanddes, .K**».^^UV(i 4 By S»1e5, 00 jCominissiott, 18 3y BaloMSy.. ...«..Foi 217 J. ,1 01 j ,t-,;)ni)(iii;- ;' IL'I ,iIhi;:~) I Hi,- , ,Kjiil)iu8 15 ri616 i6a4 ft'' rT Ml .0 li.vi) 1277 18 l^tt. Mc>$l>$ X^ouis, jAmaic9.t Gti 4uly Nov. Dec. t> .!)! tQi To lasu/jinp^, , , ,, ^...,.,,J! S^ 25I To Sundries, 1| To Stock,.. «»>. • fi.i*,* »*n i\l\'.\ To Cash, To Sqadries, 2 133 12 430 113 8 698 Aug.^ By Sales CD CoDunission, B Oct. 24 By Sundries, ,. . ... 1€ Nov. 4 By Sales ou jCommissioii^ 1 IB Dec. 31, By -Ctftoiwji AU>*iiaFoi W Ujr. : (:&,' {• . ,nuensli .1 io ojjiiif'j a !0|l (! »ff<*k ^ To Ditto,,,,,,,. ^*.,»,i 251 To Sundries, 31 To Ditto, {;i 623 42 15 260 19 959 12 17 July Deci '•9« •«•••;■ e By Cash, ,,.,.. Sit By Balgnce, ..^.,,.Fo. Mi itl- , is: ri- ... .ti^ 6 710 1/ // .27 249 17 5 . i , . .7 1;:) 'T 1 . 1 (1 ' '' i' ■ • 1 \'<. 959jl7 5 376 liEDGER. (14) Dr. Matthew Goodair, Jamaica. Cr. 1817 July Sep. Oct. Nov. De. To Stock,... To Cash, . . , To Ditto,... To Sundries, To Cash, . . . To Sundries, 204 100 140 407 57 150 1060 1817 Oct. Dec. By Sales on Commission, By Balance, Fo. 993,15 6614 1060 10 10 11 Dr. John Hanson, Jamaica. Cr. July No Dec. To Stock, .,.•• To Sundries, To Ditto, To Will. Hanson for the Estate of J. Hanson, , . 304 249 249 516 1319 10 Aug. Dec. By Sales on Commission, By Ditto> 441 878 1319 5 1 10 Dr. William Hanson, Jamaica. Cr. July Sep. Nov. Dec. To Stock,... To Cash, ... To Sundries, To Cash, ... To Ditto,... To Sundries,. 2 14 19 21 27 28 410 73 99 149 343 260 1337 6 10 16 10 7 9 // 11 // 6 // 9 4 6 Aug. Nov. Dec. 13 4 31 By Sales on Commission, By Ditto, By Balance, • Fo. 8 18 27 128 363 84414 1337 (J5) LEDGER. 377 Dr. Meymott & Co. Jamaica. Cr. 1817 July Oct. Nov. Dec. To Stock, To Insurance, To Company Assurance, To Cash, To Sundries, « . . . To Cash, To Ditto, To Sundries, To Balance, Fo. 1817 2 610 3 2 July 20 5 36 18 4 Oct. 24 16 54 17 7 Nov. 25 17 214 3 9 Dec. 6 10 173 5 10 21 136 16 3 27 130 5 // 28 331 3 8 27 423 13 1 2111 6 8 By Sales on Commission, By Sundries, By Company Assurance, By Sales on Commission, 1441 14 21 634 2111 Dr. Murray & Waller, Jamaica. Cr. July Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. To Stock, To Insurance, To Cash To Ditto, To Sundries, To Balance, Fo. 637 64 70 245 700 525 2243 July 18 Aug.' 19 Oct. Nov. Dec. 24 25 23 By Cash, By Sales on Commission, By Sundries, By Sales on Commission, By James Forbes & Co. 4,9718 52010 25; 4 980 2 23! 220 2243 18 Dr. Hopewell Estate in Jamaica, our One-third. Cr. July To Stock, 3175 3175 6 2 Dec 31 By Sundries, « i> By Balance, Fo, 36716 280710 ! i 3175 6 5c 378 LEDGER. (16) Dr. pROPRiETOiis OF HoPEWELi. Estate in Jamaica. Cr. 1817 Sep. Nov. Dec. To Insurance, 3 To Cash, . . . . •25 To Sundries, ;il To Ditto,..,. 2265 2ft8 173 765 1117 9 6 Oct. Nov. Dec. By Sundries, |lG By Sales on Commission, IRJ By Cash, 26 * 68' //! V 15721 // 62u|ll 9 226511 Dr. Mures, Fordyce & Co. Jamaica. Cr. July Dec. To Insurance, To Cash, . . . To Sundries,. To Balmce, . 118 14 191 5 631 2 32 1 973 4 ■J Sep. Oct. By Sundries, By Sales on Commission, 59 913 973 D.^. Samuel Johnson, Jamaica. Cr. July Nov. Dec. 31 To Insurance, 16 To Cash, ... 2.5 To Ditto, .., 3 To Ditto, 31 To Sundries, To Balance f Fo, 75 // 105| 7/ 8217 105| 610 32l| 2^ 3 10317 4 793 6 Sep. Oct. Nov. 6 By Tontine Insurance Co. 26 By Sales on Commission, 24 By Sundries, 4 By Sales on Commission, 24I 578 5 185 793 // // 8 10 (17) LEDGER. 379 Dr, John & Archibald Sidney, Jamaica. Cr. 1817 Nov. Dec. To Cash, , . . To Ditto, ... To Sundries,, 70 '202 656 929 1817 Dec. 31! By Sundries,, // By Balance,, ,Fo. 73512 19317 929 Dr. John & David Kinsey, Jamaica. Cr. Oct.! 6 Nov:25 Dec.31 To Sundries, To Ditto, . . To Ditto, . . 143 5 215' 8 610 365 Dec, 31 By Sales on Commission, By Balance, Fo. 158 7| 6 2061611 365 Dr. William Hanson, for the Estate of John Hanson. Cr. Dec, :n To Balance, Fo. 27 516 7 3 Dec. 10 . By John Hanson, ...... '23 516 7 3 580 LEDGER. (18) Dr. Adventure to Jamaica. Cr. 18171 I Aug. 14 To Sundries, 906 2 6 1817 Dec 31 By Balance, Fo. %*l 906 2 Dr. John Public. Cr. Dec To E. Jones, To Sundries, ,,.,., To Balance^ Fo. 23 28 27 139 12 138 5 8 1 10 9 1 8 July 20 289 15 20 By Sales ou Commission, 28915 8 289 15 Dr. Le Fevre & Co. Bankers, London. Cr. July Nov. Dec. To Cash To Ditto, To Ditto, To Balance^ Fo, 1030 580 140 11 1761 July Dec. By Stock, . . By Sundries, 1722 38 1761 2i 1901 (19) LEDGER. 381 Dr. Ingram Hunter & Co. London. Cr. 1817 Sep. 28 To John Emmott, , , Dec. 31 To Sundries, To Balance f, •••..., .Fo, 1760 9 2137 3907 10 1817 Aug. 14 Sep. 6 Oct. 1 7 Nov. 19 Dec. 17 31 By Store in St. Kitts, By Insurance , Bv Store in St. Kilts, By Cash, , . By Ditto, By Ditto, By Sundries, 18; 3 22j 2 12256 17 1000 200 410 II 3907 Dr. Joseph Gattey & Co. Bristol. Cr. Sep. Oct. Dec. 10 To Cash, 15 To Ditto, To Ditto, To Balance, Fo. 315 320 175 28 838 July Dec 1| By Stock, ... 31 By Sundries, I 3 815 29 23 838 Dr. Wolfe & Fraser, Bristol. Cr. Dec. 10 To Store in St. Kitts, . . 23 479 4 Dec. 20 By Cash, 26 479 4 3 6D 382 LEDGER. (20) Dr. John Emmott, East India Company's Service. Cr. 1817 Oct. Nov.22 Dec. 31 7 To Cash, To Ditto, To Sundries, To Balance, Fo. 17 21 28 27 240 551 // 1743 // 12 14 7 " 5 1817 July Sep. Dec. 1 28 31 2535 13 ^«| By Stock, By Ingram,fHunter,&Co. By Sundries. 739 5 G 176014, 6 351310 25351310 Dr. Darby & Dare, Cork. Cr. Aug. Dec. To Cash, . , To Balance. ... 10 , Fo. 27 500 601 1101 10 10 July Oct. Dec. By Stock, By Store in St. Kitts, . . By Company Assurance, 3 15 22 514 486 100 1101 12 18 // 10 ' Dr. James Forbes & Co. Dublin. Cr. Dec. 23 To Sundries, 23 258 8 9 258 8 9 Aug Dec By Merchandise, .... By Balance, Fo. 27 223 35 258 (21) LEDGER. :383 Dr. Tver M'Iver & Co. Liverpool. Cr. 1817 Dec. To Cash, To Balance, Fo. 654 183 837 19 1817 } Sep. 30 By Store in St Kitts, , , 12 837 837 19 19 Dr. WiiiSON & Greenhill, Montrose. Cr. July 27 Sep. I 6 Oct. I 1 Nov.22 To Cash, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, 7 ^* 17 21 163 87 175 205 2 10 11 17 9 // 2 6 July Aug. Oct. 9 31 11 632 1 5 By Merchandise, By Ditto, By Ditto, 163 263 205 632 Dr. Alen Ker & Co. Agents, Greenock. Cr. July Sep. Oct. Dec. To Cash, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Sundries, To Balance, Fo, 30 61 50 689 7 838 July Aug Dec. By Stock, By Sales on Commission, By Adven. to Jamaica, By Sales on Commission, By Bills Receivable, . . Sundries, «••*.. 3 6 9 // 22 24 30 1 156 21 2 625 838 11 18 2 7 16 12 384 LEDGER. (22) Dr. Alexander Young, our Clerk. Cr. 1817 July Dec. To Cash, 31 To Ditto, I ' 28 3710 3710 5 // 11817 // 1 c. 31 By Charges, 29 76 75 Dr. Thomas Wallace, our Clerk. Cr. Sep 20, To Cash, No?.il5 To Ditto, Dec 7 31 To Ditto, .. To Balance, Fo. }14 21 127 27 10 5 10 4 30 Dec, 31 By Charges, 29 30 30 Dr. July Aug. Sep. Dec. John Hay, Glasgow. To Cash, To Ditto To Ditto, To Ditto, To Balance, Fo 27511 26210 210; // 145! // 381 8 931 9 Sep. 30 By Merchandise, Cr. 13 931 931 (23) LEDGER. 385 Dr. Insurance. Cr. 1817 July Aug. Sep. Nov. Dec. To Sundries, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Ditto, To Profit S^ Loss,.,.Fo. 280 411 257 198 44 1192 1817| Julybn Aug, 131 Sep.! ^ Nov. 25 By Sundries, By Ditto, . . By Ditto, . . By Ditto, .. 28616 3 43111 5 26319 3 2101 1 6 1192 8' 4 Dr. Company Assurance. Cr. Sep. I 6 Oct. 24 Nov,25 Dec. 6 31 To Mures, Fordy ce,& Co. To Sundries, To Meymott & Co To Darbv & Dare, .... To Profit 4' Loss,... .Fo. 2515| 2 64| 3 21 100 321 532 10 11 Sep. Oct. Nov. July 31 Ky Insurance Aus. 14 By Ditto, 6 By Ditto, . ., 3l| By Sundries, 16; By Francis Barlow, 25 By Insurance, . . . . 15717 98 11 69 16 119 32 54 532 1011 Dr. Duties. Cr. Sep. Oct. 'Nov. Dec. To Cash, To Ditto. To Ditto, To Ditto, 933 13 2324| 3 3204! 3 845 16 7307 17 1 Sep.i 6 By Sales on Commission, Oct. 24 By Ditto, 4 By Ditto, 4 11 1 Nov. 8 11 125717, 3 16 2804 3' 1 191324516 8 730717; // 5 E 386 LEDGER. (24) Dr. Tontine Insurance Company. Cr. 1817 Sep.! 6 To Samuel Johnson, .... 12 0» t.24 Dec. 31 To Sundries, 116 To Balance, Fo.27 24; //\ II 45i 6 8 843,13 9 1817 July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov, 913// By Insurance, . . . . . . By Ditto, By Sundries, By Insurance, By Store in St. Kitts, By Ditto, By Insurance, . . . , , , 58, 125 241 110 80 152 143 913 7 //I 19 // U // 8J // 11 © 10 // 1311 _L Dr. John Alston & Sons, Glasgow, Cr. Sep. Oct. Dec. 6 To Mures, Fordyce, & Co 24 To Sundries, 25 To Store in St. Kitts, . . 31 To Balance, Fo, 34 // ! 25; 4 I 53J 5 I 14819 261 8 IQ July Aug, Sep, By Insurance, By Ditto, ... By Ditto, . . . 64 5 141 55 261 511 (3 2 9 9 810 Dr. William Bogle & Co. Glasgow. Cr. Dec. i31 To Balance^ Fo.'27 4515 // Aug. 14 By Insurance, ! 9 4515 // (23) LEDGER. 387 Dr. William Cuming, Master of the Happy-Return. Cr. 1817J Oct. Nov. Dec. To Cash, To Ditto, To Ditto, 375 150 247 772 1817 Aug. Dec. By Voy. III. Hap. Return, By Ditto, 24 8 5 2 763117 9 772 11 Dr. John Grahame, His Account Proper. Cr. Sep. 17 To Cash, Dec. 31 To Balance, Fo. 40 148 188 // Nov.]19 // Dec. 31 By Cash, , . By Interest, .. 20 ,». 29 63 125 188 Dr. G. A. Hamilton, His Account Proper. Cr. Oct. Dec. To Cash, To Ditto, 17 27 90 100 // // // // Dec. // 190 // // By Interest, By Balance, Fo. 29 125 27 65 190 888 LEDGER. (26) Dr. Ed. Jones. Cr. 18I7 I Nov. 27 To Cash, 21 I- : 11817 53012 el Dec. 17 By Sundries, 23 530:12 I Dr. James Noble, Master of the Minerva. Cr. Oct. 20 Dec. 31 Dec. 31 To Cash, To Ditto, To Cash, 7 28 28 1 300 447 12 // 2 1 Dec. Dec. 31 31 747 12 2 10 22 12 \ By Voyage I. of Minerva. By Voyage II. of Minerva. 24 25 747 747 22 12 12 15 10 Dr. V6VAGE II. of the Minerva. Cr. Dec^Sl' To Alan Ker & Co. // To Sundries, , 76 499 575 Dec. 31 By A4an Ker & Co ByOutstanding Accounts, By Balance, Fo. 24 27 301 251 675 6 (27) LEDGER. 389 Dr. Balance. 31st. December, 1817. Cr. Balance. To Cash, 1 To Bills Receivable, 3 To Merchandise, 6 To Herring, , 6 To Sales on Commission, .... 6 To Ship Happy-Return, .... . 8 To Ship Minerva, 8 To Ship Britannia, Our ^, . . . . 9 To New Rope-work, Our ^. . . . 9 To Counting-room & Cellars, . . I 9 To Outstanding Accounts, . , . . ! 10 ToOutstandingDebtsinJamaica,! 10 To Store in St. Kitts ill ToWFullarton'sPrivateAccountI H To Sir John Towers, Bart 13 To Moses Louis, 13 To Simon Turbutt, 13 To Matthew Goodair, 14 To William Hanson, 14 To Hopewell Estate, Our i, .. 15 To John & Archibald Sidney, 17 To John & David Kinsey, 17 To Adventure to Jamaica,. . . . 18 To James Forbes & Co 20 ToGAHamilton'sAccot.Proper 25 To Voyage II. of the Minerva, 26 38 12223 897 189 1525 2530 2750 600 450 650 338 159 8434 560 684 159 249 66 844 2R07 193 206 906 35 65 251 37820 17 3 1211 14 II 6 II By Stock in Co By Royal Bank, By Thistle Bank, By Bills Payable, By Bonds & Bills, By Debts Payable, By Hector & Daniel Riley, . . By W.Fullarton'sAcco'.Proper, By Sir Richard Parnell, By Francis Barlow, By John Vanderkemp, By Meymott&Co By Murray & Waller, By Mures, Fordyce, & Co. . . By Samuel Johnson, By W. Hanson for Estate of J.H By John Public, By Le Fevre & Co By Ingram, Hunter, & Co. . . By Joseph Gattey & Co By John Emmott, By Darby & Dare, By Iver M'lver & Co ». By Alan Ker & Co ; By Thomas Wallace, | By John Hay, By Tontine Insurance Co By John Alston & Sons, By William Bogle & Co By J. Grahame's Acct. Proper, By Profit & Loss carried to next Ledger, for the pur- poses mentioned in the Doc- quet, Article VII I 2 2 4 4 5 9 11 12 12 12 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 2J 21 22 22 24 24 24 25 21287 ]05 30 4154 2000 874! 7 26515 79718 12 // 14 // ! K 10 // 3 5 11 24014 I' 1212 23 423 13 52519 32 103,17 516 7 138 1 11 2137 28 1743 60110 183i 4 7|l4 415 38! 8 843|13 14819 45 15 148 // 345 // 11 1 1 10 4 3 1 6 4 2 1 8 14 8 37820 1 5f 390 LEDGER. (28) DOCQUET. At Glasgow, the tenth day of January, One thousand eight hundred and eighteen. We, G. A. Hamilton and Jo!:n Grahame, Merchants, and two of the Partners of a West-India Business carried on Here, under the Firm of HAMILTON, GRAHAME, & CO. together with John Williamson, Esquire, Attorney for our William FuUarton of St. Kitts, our other Partner and Manager of our House there : HAVINP this Day MET to take into CONSIDERATION the STATE of OUR AFFAIRS, as contained in the preceding folio of this our Ledger; and which, after a careful examination of It, and of the Books which compose it, WE declare to be a JUST and TRUE State thereof. And Find, I. That on the thirty-first ultimo^ we had of Money in hand — in Accepted Bills — ) in Outstanding Debts here, and in Dublin, > £12701 // 7 // II. That we had in Merchandize, including Herring — on West India Produce, '\ liable to us for the Duty, Freight, and Charges, advanced thereon— in Shipping — f in a Rope-Work Company— in a Counting-Roora and Cellars, and in an Adventure^ //lo//U to Jamaica, Property to the extent of III. That our Store in St. Kitts, including the Manager's Account, and our'» share of Hopewell Sugar Plantation in Jamaica, stood indebted to us ) i'iQu\\ IV. That we had of Debts owing us in Jamaica, 2566 // 1 // £37820 // 2 // 4 V. That we were owing here, to the Royal and Thistle Banks — in Bills for"\ which we were under Acceptance — in Bonds and Bills for money borrowed — in' Debts Payable on open Accounts — for Premiums of Insurances — and in Cork,! Liverpool, Bristol, and London, « ,,y 13244// 14 // 1 VI. That we were owing in Nevis, St. Kitts, and Jamaica, to the extent of,..,. 2942 // 0//10 VII. That we had Carried forward to our next year's Profit & Loss Account, for the purposes of making an Allowaiice for the Tear and Wear of the Ships, and to I > 34a//14 n 8 Insure the Debts, so as to make good the Subject to the Surviving or Solvent Partners, r in case of the Death or Insolvency of either of them previous to our next Balance, VIII. That our Net free Stock on the aforesaid thirty-first of December was 2 1287// 12 //9 £37820 // 2 // 4 And (29) I.EDGER, 3&1 DOCQUET. And which free Stock belongs to the Partners in equal proportions, viz. To G. A. Hamilton, .. . .^. .£7095//17 n 7, Or, Seven thousand and ninety-five pounds, seventeen shillings, and seven-pence Sterling. To John Grahame, \ .. .7096// 17 // 7, Or, ceven thousand and ninety-five pounds, seventeen shillings, and seven-pence Sterling. To William Fullarton, ,..|,..7095//17 // 7, Or, Seven thousand and ninety-five pounds, seventeen shillings, and seven-pence Sterling. £21287//12 // 9, All Sterling money. IX. That in case any of the Events mentioned in the VII. Article should, unfortunately, take place, the Heirs or Creditors of the deceased or Insolvent Partner, or Partners, are to be paid off and settled with according to this State, and not otherwise, agreeable to our Contract of Copartnery, Article XII. IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, We have subscribed thisDocquet, and MUTUALLY RELEASE and DISCHARGE one another of all, and every Intromiss relating to this Concern, excepting those record*^ ' in the above and preceding State. G. A. Hamilton, John Grahame, John Williamson, for William Fvi^i-ABTpN, 392 Dr. ACCOUNT-CURRENT ROOK. Messrs. Meymott & Co. of Jamaica, their Account. 1817 July Oct. 1 12 1 19 21 12 22 25 6 31 1/ 11 II 1/ 30 1 19 12 22 6 31 // To Balance, due as ^ Account rendered the 30th Ultimo, ,, , To Premium on £360 insured on Sugar B: Cotton ^ the Happy-Return, Jamaica to Greenock, at 9 Guineas ^ Cent, to return 4 ^ Cent. for Convoy and Arrival, Policy 22/. Commission J ^ Cent To Cash, paid your Bill in favour of Burns this day, 100 u ii Q To Ditto, .ditto Gosnell, .,,,., 114 // 3 //9 610 36 214 54 136 173 130 315 3 2 9 3 18 3 17 16 .5 5 4 19 1 19 2 4 9 7 3 10 // // 8 // // 1 8 To Premium on £535 insured on Produce^ the Caledonia, Scott, Jamaica, to Greenock, at 9 Guineas ^ Cent, to return 4 ^ Cent, for Convoy and Arrival, Policy 33/. Commission | ^ Cent ". Nov. To Cash, paid your Bill fav. Zouch this day, , . . 63 // 5 // 8 To Ditto,., . ..ditto.. ....Wicks, 73//10 // 7 To Goods, ^ the Dolphin, Amount ^ Invoice, due 25th May, Dec. To Cash, paid your Bill fav.Dundas, due this day, To Our Acceptance of your Bill fav. Dundas, due 20th February, To Commission on £481 // 5 // 0, being Amount of your Dfts. paid by us, and on 315 V 4 // 0, ditto, under Acceptance, 796 // 9 // 0, at 1 ^ Cent To Postage of Letters 11/. and Stamp Bills 30/ To Interest, for the Balance thereof, as ^ Account annexed, To Balance in your favour, carried to New Account^ 42313 ( 2111 6 1 - 1817 « £610 // 3 // 2, from this day to December 31, 1817. 184 112,269 9,100 8,336 3,101 2,868 3,256 18,817 29,003 Ort 100 // v 0, ditto 91 114//3//9, ditto. 73 63 // 5 // 8, ...ditto 49 73//10//7, ditto 39 Dpp 130 // 5 // 0, ditto.... 25 285 // 2 // 0, (less Premium) to March 7th, 1808, 66 off 292//19//8, do April 9tb, 99// • N. B. By comparing the above Account-Current with Meymott Sf Co's. Account in the Ledger, folio 15, it will be found to agree in every particular. In 186,750 ACCOUNT-CURRENT BOOK. • . . .Current with Hamilton, Grah ame, & Co. of Glasgow. 393 Cr. 1817 July Oct Nov. Dec. 20 By Net-Proceeds of 40Hhds.Sugar4Pthe Hap. Return, due 7th Nov. 1 134//14 // 20 Bales Cotn. t^the Atlantic, due 23d // 306//15 // 6 Bv Return of Premium on £360 at 4 Cent, for Convoy and Arrival of the! Happy- Return, By Ditto on £535 at 4 ^ Cent, for Convoy and A rrival of the Caledonia! By Net-Proceeds of 10 Hhds.Sugar^the Hap. Return, AuelXhMTiX. 307 //12 // 4 50 Planks Mahogany ^ Caledonia, . . .9th Apr. 326 // 8//10 1441 14 21 1817 Nov. Dec. .Account.- Cr. Days. £1134//14 tf 0, from this day to December 31st 1817. 54 . . 306//15//6, ditto, : 38 .. 315 // 4 // 0, to February 20th 1818.. . 51 off 173//5//J0, May25th .....145 // 61,274 11,657 16,075 25,127 114,133 Balance carried to Account-Current, being £9//19 // 0, equal tol the quotient of 72617 divided by 7300, 72,617 In calculating the Interest, the shillings in the Product are neglected when below 10, and 1 is added to the pounds when they amount to 10, or upwards. 186,750 5g 394 APPENDIX. JOURNAL, February 1817. (For Set A.) 23 26 — Debtors. — From the opposite Crs. this month. William Ferguson, for 97 BdlesWater Twist, 5^Ct. for Cash, Cftrnphtll, Dale, Sf Co 48.. //..Ditto Ditto Robert Easton, 30. . // // Mule Twist, 3| «^ Cent. fVilliam Simpson, 56 . . // . . Water Twist, Bill at 6 mos. Dinwiddie ^ Paterson, .... 11 . . // . , Mule Twist, 6 mos. Madder, for Premium of Jnusrance on 15 Casks, from London to Leith,<^the Susanna, Young, on £545, at 12/9, «^ Ct. Pol. 16/6 William Gillespie 8f Co. for 4 Casks Madder, Bill at 6 mos. . . Kibble, Forster, ^ Co 5 // Ditto .... Ditto '205//19 // 8 } 146 1/1 If n 1/3 f/ 6 57// 17 u 5 86 // 6 // 6 14// 8// 10 153//19 // 9 Cotton Yarn for 90 Bundles Water Twist purchased, . . Crombie S^ Carnegie, .... for 4 Bags, Bill at 4 months, Ashes, for 110 Barrels received by the Frances, Strange, Dashwood,Sf Co. for Richard Conder's Dft. onG. &R.V Kennedy at 60 days' sight remitted > them, due 26th April, } Watson, Arthur, 8f Co.., for 24 Casks Pot Ashes, Bill at 4 mos... Kibble, Forster, ^ Co 13. . // // Ditto Ditto Michael Watson, 20 . . // . . Pearl Ashe8,3f ^Ct. forCash, Export Goods, ....... .for 4 Boxes Printed Goods purchased. Nimtno Sf Bell, , for their Pro. Note, No. 159, due this day, not paid, and Protest, 3/ 129 // 2 // 8 61 //1 5 1/6 112//1//0 Mayne Sf Rowley, ... .for Goods shipped by their order, and for their account and risk, on board the Atlantic, J. King Master, for New- York, as ^ Invoice- Book, page 1, Insurance, for Premium on£355, insured on Goods^^ ) the Atlantic, at 2 Guin. ^ Ct. Pol. 22/. j Blackey, Hardisty, S^ Co. for my Draft on Strange & Co, remitted 7 them, due 29th April, j Discount allowed by them, 300//11 1/ 15//16 I/O 382 4 359 129 95 385 237 302 492 145 355 8 316 3 3 19| 5 //: // 10,10 811 12 19 2 19 14 3216 10 Remarks — In the above Specimen, all the Debtors for the month in the Subsidiary Books are collected on the first or left hand page, and all the Creditors on the second or right hand page ; consequently, when both sides are added, the amount will be equal. The Cash and Bills may be arranged in the same manner. By this plan the monthly additions of boi h sides of the Ledger, when correctly posted, will present the same sum as the Journal. The Accomptant may adopt this method of proving the posting of each month, and when the period arrives for taking a general Balance, he has only to examine the last month. It is proper for the Learner to post all the Drs. before he begins to post the Crs. The method of posting by this plan will be easily understood, by attending to the following directions. When post- ing the Drs. suppose, for example, William Ferguson, look at the Cr. side, and observe for what he is Dr., which is Cotton Yarn ; and when posting the Crs., for example, on the Cr. side of Cotton Yarn, 26 APPENDIX. JOURNAL, February 1817. (Specimen II.) 395 — Creditors. — From the preceding Drs. this month. To Cotton Yarn, for Amount of 242 Bundles sold this mo. To William Bogle Sf Co. for Prem. of Insurance ^ the Susanna, . To Madder, for Amount of 9 Casks sold this month. To James Finlajf Sf Co, . . Bill at 6 months, To Cotton, for Amount of 4 Bags sold this month, . To Mayne S§ Rowley, . . Bill at 90 days on receipt, , To Richard Conder, , . , , for his Draft on Kennedy received this day. To Ashes, for Amount of 57 Casks sold this month. To IVm. Stirling 8f Sons, Bill at 6 months, , To Bills Receivable for No. 159, due this day, not paid, .... To Charges, for expense of protesting ditto, 382 3 3 4 6 // To Export Goods, To Charges, .... To Commission, . . To Insurance 145 //1 1 // 8 // 3 // To William Bogle Sf Co.. .for Prem. of Insurance ^ the Atlantic, ToS/rawg-e, DflsAM'Oorf,<^Co.forDft.remitdBIackey&Co.due29thApr. To Interest, for Discount allowed by Blackey & Co. 335tfl0 // 4 1//13//6 10 //4// 1 8//11 // 1 800/11 //O 15// 16 // 35919 129 // 9510 385 8 23712 30219 49219 14514 35519 811 316 7 3216101 6 enter By Sundries, as there are more than one purchaser for that article: Proceed in the same manner with the rest. In such entries as contain an equal number of lines for the Drs. and Crs. they are placed directly opposite to each other: where it is otherwise, the line is placed opposite to the total. The present method is not so liable to error at the time of posting as the common methods of posting the Drs. and Crs. promiscuously ; because the Accomptant has only to recollect one side of the Ledger Accounts at one time. It may be observed, that the first folio in the margin contains the date, and the second refers to the page of the Ledger, where the Account is posted. We have selected the month of February for the present Specimen, and for the one which follows, as it exhibits a suflicient variety in the transactions to assist the Learner to arrange any of the other months in the same manner. 396 APPENDIX. DAY-BOOK (for Set C.) Specimen II Dn. Cr». U — February 4ih, 1817. William Ferguson, Water Twist, 97 Bundles sold him. To William Bogle Sf Co. For Premium on £545 insured by them on 15 Casks Madder, from London to Leitb, by the Susanna, Young, master, at 12/9, ^ Cent Policy 16/6 Campbell, Dale, Sf Co. Water Twist, 48 Bundles sold them, ^6. -_ - — -^ Dr. Goods. Cr. Goods. 146 Sundry Accots. Dr. to Sundries. 6 6 Robert Easton. Mule Twist, 162lbs. sold him, 8. William Gillespie Sf Co. Anderston, Madder, 4 Casks sold them, . . . To James Finlay 8j Co. For 90 Bundles Water Twist bought of them, . . 11. Crombie Sf Carnegie, Anderston^ Cotton, 4 Bags sold them, . , William Simpson, Water Twist, 56 Bundles sold him, . 16. To Mayne Sf Rowley, New York, For 1 10 Barrels Ashes received ^ the Frances, amounting to 1713 dollars, 9 cents, at 4/6, ^ dollar, 18. Strange, Dashwood, & Co. Dr. to Rich. Conder, For his Draft on G. & R. Kennedy, London, at 60 days sight, received this day. and remitted the former, due 26th Apcil, Watson, Arthur, Sf Co. Ashes, 24 Casks Pot sold them, — . 20. To William Stirling Sf Sons, For 4 Boxes Printed Goods bought of them,. . . . 22. . NiMMO & Bell Dr. to Sundries, 145//14 i/ 8 To Bills Receivable,.. for their Pro. Note, No. 159, now due, not paid,. . . . To Profit & Loss,, .for expense of protesting ditto, Continued.... 77 57 153 17 19 129 95 10 10 385 11 237 12 129 492 19! 2 1011 14 1 746 71 8 145 // 383 APPENDIX. DAYBOOK. 397 Drs, Crs. —February 23d, 1817. Brought forward, . . Mayne Sf Rowley, New-York, For 3 Boxes Printed Goods shipped ^ the Atlantic, J. King, for New Yorlt, on their Account and Risk, and to them consigned, amount with Charges, Commission, and Insurance, as ^ I, B. pa. 1. , . . . To William Bogle Sf Co. For Premium on £355, insured by them on the above Goods, at 2 Guineas ^ Cent. Policy 22/ -25. Kibble, Forster, Sf Co Madder, . . 5 Casks sold them, 205//19 // 8 Ashes,. ...13 do... Pot, 61//15//6 Dinwiddie ^ Paterson, Mule Twist, 55lbs sold them, -26. Blackey,Hardisty&Co. Dr. to Sundries, S16i/l//0 To Strange, Dashwood, & Co. for my Draft on them al 2 mos. remitted the former, due 29th April, . . . . To Profit & Loss, for Discount allowed by B. H. & Co. Michael Watson, Leith, Ashes, 20 Casks Pearl sold him, Amount Purchased, Sold, ^c. in February,,,.. Dr. Goods. Cr. Goods. 1011 1020 14 1 11 51 2 746 355 26^ 14 112 1496 19 15 11 10 Sundry Accots. Dr, to Sundries, 383 6 8 30011 1516 // 699 13 8 Remarks. — The above is a second specimen of a Day-Book for Set C. The plan indeed requires more attention in making tlie entries and posting the Ledger than the other ; it may, how- ever, be said to possess advantages over the former. It not only avoids the inconveniency of referring to different parts of the book, but shews at one view the amount of the Purchases, the Sales, and other miscellaneous occurrences. This is an essential point, as the Merchant can extend or diminish the Purchases according to the Sales. Besides, by this plan, the Profits or Losses may be easily seen, monthly or oftener, from the Day-Book, without referring to the Ledger; for by adding to the inner column the value of the Goods on hand at commencement, and at any future period, the value which then remains on hand to the middle column, or Cr. side of Goods, the sum will shew the Profit or JLoss, according as it is greater or less than the inner column. The amounts of these columns being carried forward from one month to another, until the period for a general balance, will shew not only the Profits or Losses monthly, but also the whole Profits or Losses from one balance to another. In the above specimen it is to be understood, that the particulars of every entry are given, excepting the Purchases, which will be found in the Invoice-Book. As an additional check for pointing out the several Drs. and Crs. two columns are allotted, the first for the Drs. and the second for the Crs. The line -drawn in the opposite column from that one which is posted, is only made before posting the entries into the Ledger, which will serve as an additional index to each Dr. and Cr. The learner may first post the Drs. and then the Crs. 5h 398 APPENDIX. JOURNAL, October 1H17. (For Set D.) Specimen II. 10 21 14 22 15 21 I i 1 31 •24 24 John 0 // // , To Murray 4' Waller, 630 // // , To Proprietors of Hopewell Estate,\ 700 u u Q , 3367 V M 65 // 2 w 7 24//3//11 23 // // 4 11 //6 //8 70 // // 193// 13 //6 597 // 9 // 4 777 // 6 // 1 65 // // 54//17 // 7 113 » 4// 1 6//13 // 6 45 // 6 // « 25 // 4 // 64 // 3 // 138 6 9 41811 143 5 1374 201 460 5 «/ // 16//16 //O 5 // 5 // 8 14 //8 //O 25 // 4 // 68 nO ifO 15 17 10 11917 119 17 13413 134 13 APPENDIX. Journal, October 1817. 399 24 10 22 14 22 Sundries Drs. to Sundries. For Duty and Freiglit on the Import Weight of the Produce consigned us by our Ship the Happy- Return : Drs. Sugar on Commission, 140 Casks, , , Rum on Commission, 52 Pun Cotton on Commission 5 Bales, . . Mahogany on Commission.^ 70 Planks, - — Crs. To Duties, Duty. Freight. 2514 3 10 242 14 2 9 4 10 38 // 3 2804 3 I To Ship Happy Return, Sugar on Commission, Dr. to Sundries, For Net Proceeds, &c. of the Sales of 45 Hhds. closed this month : S. B, Pa. To Matthew Goodair, 12 Hhds. ^ Atlantic, 7 , „„ . , 8 // account of, described, 74 how balanced, 79 Agent, .« >. observations on his purchasing and shipping Goods, 10 duty of, 12 Set C. adapted to his business, 248 Balance Account, described, 80 the reason why its difference agrees with that of Stock explained, ib. Balance-Check, by Single Entry, 23 Banker, Bills drawn on, how expressed, 2 how they should be numbered 2, 3, Bartering Goods, how stated, when the value is equal, 73 when it is unequal, ib. Bill-Book, described, 66, . Specimens of, 50, 92, 203, 256 I remarks on, 84, 203, 249 Bills drawn in Foreign Money, how they are to be treated till they be reduced into Sterling, 84 Bills Foreign, definition of, 4 ^ their nature and use explained, 5 forms of, 6, 6, 7 ^ ' manner of negociating them described, 7, 8 Bills Inland, distinguished into Drafts and Promissary Notes,! definition of each, ib. forms of, 1 — 4 remarks on, ib Bills of Parcels, definition of, 8 forms of 8, 9 remarks on, tA. Bills Payable Account, described, 69 how balanced, 79 Bill Transactions, how stated, 71 Bills Received, ib. Bills Accepted, ib. Bill of Lading, form of, 16 Bills of Exchangk, forms of protests, 16 INDEX. 401 Bill Transactions, receiving Payment of Bills, 71 Paying Bills, H>. Discounting Bills, ib. Drawing and Remitting Bills, ib. Renewing Bills, 72 Protesting Bills, ib. AccommodaMon Bills, ib. Books Subsidiary, described, 67, 68 directions for writing and comparing them, 77, 78 BalancinjT and Closing them, 79, 80 Book-Keeping defined, 17 two methods of, as founded on distinct principles, ib. Buying Goods, for Cash, on Credit, on Bills, how stated, 72 Calknder Months, always understood in Bills, 1 Calico-Prtnter, Set C. peculiarly applicable to, 248 ' Cash-Account, described, 69 how balanced, 79 Cash-Book, described, 68 Specimens of, 38, 62, 86, 250 remarks on, 37, 84, 248 Cash-Transactions, how entered, 71 Receiving Money on Discount, ib. Paying Money on Discount, ib. methods according to the old Systems, ib. note Check on the Balance, in Single Entry, 23 Check-Ledger, description of, 84 Commission, Account of,. ... .described, 69 how closed, 79 Comparing the Books, method of, 77, 78 Current-Accounts, cide Accounts-Current Day-Book, described, 17, 68 Specimens of, 19, 25, 33, 119, 262, 308 Remarks on, 24, 32, 44, 85, 249, 306 Days of Grace, explained, 5 not allowed on Bills Payable at sight, ib days allowed in Great Britain aud Ireland, 7 Debts Bad, .,,•,,.»» ......to be transferred to one General Account, 77 how stated when the failure is a total Loss, ib. when a Composition is obtained, ib. when the Balance is afterwards voluntarily paid np, ib. how the Account is closed when the composition is known at a Balance, ib. when it is not known, ib. Debts Payable, a General Account for the Purchases made at home, 307 Discounting Bills, how entered, 71 Double Entry, described, 67 best adapted to extensive Trade, ib. what a Merchant's Books should exhibit when kept by fib. Drafts, forms of, 1 — 3 Remarks on, ib. Drawee, described, 2 Drawer, described, t6. Drawing and Remitting Bills, how entered, 71 Elucidation, of the Negotiation of Bills of Exchange, 5 of Invoices, 10 ^ of Account-Sales, 11 of Computing Interest, 12—14 English Merchants, the term at whicli they accept Bills for Goods purchased in Scottish markets, 3 their Acceptances generally made payable in London, i/j, Bxchange, Bills OF, defined, 4 forms of, 5, 6 manner of negotiating them explained, 5 Fictitious Accounts,. . . • described, 69 how Journalized, 70 how Balanced, 79 Foreign Bills, ..vide Bills Foreign Goods, Account of .described, 69 ' how Balanced, 79 Goods Bought, how stated, 72 Sold or Bartered, how stated, 73 Goods on Consignment, • how stated, when charges are paid on themi 75 when any of them are sold, ib. when any of them are taken to account, ib, -vhen the Account-Sales is made out, ib, Remarks on, ib. 5x 402 INDEX. Grace, Days of vide Days of Grace. HAnERDAsHERs Set C. peculiarly applicable to, 248 Holder of a Bill not dulv paid, how he may demand payment, 8 Holiday, a Bill due on a, payable the day before, 3 House Expenses, Account of,. ..described, 69 how balanced, 79 Indorsement of Bills a Blank Indorsement described, 2 a Special Indorsement explained, ib. how written, 5, 6 not safe to send Bills by post, unless the indorsement be filled np? 7 Inland Bills, :..how distinguished from Foreign, 1 Forms of, 2, 3 Remarks on, 1 — 4 should be returned within 14 days if not duly paid, 8 Insurance, Accounxof described, 69 how balanced, 79 iNSURAKCES, THE MAKING OF ...hoW Stated, 76 Remarks on, ib. Interest, methods of computing it on Accounts-Current, 12—14 Interest, Account of_ described, 69 how balanced, 79 Interest Tables, disapproved of, 15 Inventory, how Journalized, 70 Invoices, definition of 10 Specimen of one, ib. elucidation of, 10, 11 Remarks on, 10 Invoice-Book, , described, 67 Specimens of, 45, 99, 112, 332 Remarks on 46, 84 Joint Bills, how expressed, that recourse may be had on all the Accepters, 4 Journal, described, 70 Rules for writing the, ib. Directions for comparing it with the Ledger, 78 Remarks on, 85. 203, 306 Specimens of, 146, 206, 333 Ledger, described, 17, 68 — 70 Remarks on, 32, 42, 85, 203, 249, 307 Specimens of, 19, 29, 40, 54, 173, 231, 279, 363 in Single Entry, contains only Personal Accounts, 17 in Double Entry, contains Personal, Real, & Fictitious Accounts, 69 why the Sums of the Dr. and Cr. sides should agree, explained, 70 Directions for posting and comparing the, 77, 78 Letters of Crkdit, form of, 15 LoNbON, Forms of Bills drawn on, 5, 6 the Usance and Days of Grace on Foreign Bills with respect to it, 7 Bills made payable in, advantageous to the Scotch Drawer, 3 London Bill:!, when short-dated, usually considered as Cash, 203 Merchandise, Account of described, 307 Merchant, Set C. may be followed by the, with much satisfaction, 248 Merchants, English, their custom in accepting Bills for Goods purchased in the Scotch Markets,3 generally made payable in London, ib. Merchant, West India, Set D. adapted to his business, 306, 307 Months, how understood when expressed in Bills, 1 New Books, how to begin them, 80 Old Books, how generally marked, it. Old Systems of Book 15 days after sight. N. B. Payments are made in Portugal in legal money, that is, one half in Effective money, and the remainder in paper money. London on liEOHORN. Leghorn on London. 409 Accounts are kept in pezze or dollars, soldi, aud denari, each divided into 8 Rials, and exchanges with London at an uncertain number of pence ^ dollar, 12 denari, = I soldi. 20 soldi,... = 1 dollar of exchange. Exam Reduce 664 dollars, 7 soldi, 6 denari, into sterling (^ 48d. ^ dollar of 8 rials. Rule. Multiply by the price of Exchange, and 1 the product will be the answer in the same name as the Exchange, Thus, 664 1/7 1/6 4/. = 48d. 2656 1 ~ 5 soldi. // 6 zz 2 sol. 6 den. 2,0 1 2667 u 6 £L32//17 // 6 Sterling Answer. Reverse Operation. Exam. Reduce £132//17 // 6 sterling, into dol- lars. Exchange @ 48d. ^ dollar. Thus, 1 32 //1 7 // 6 20 4)26571 2 2 8)5315 Sixpences. Dollars 664, 7 sol. 6 den. Answer. Value of Usances for Bills drawn from England and Portugal 3 mos. after date. Hamburgh Holland, Spain, ...2 mos. after date. France, 30 days after date. Genoa, Milan, Switzerland, ... 8 days after sight There are no days of Grace ; but Bills of exchange are paid only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. London on Naples. Accounts are kept in ducats and grains regno. 10 grains = 1 carlin. 10 carlinsor 100 grains, zz 1 dueat regno. Exam. Reduce 1014 ducats, 16 grains, into sterling, exchange 37^ ^ ducat regno. Rule. Multiply by (S7l) price of Exchange, the product is pence, which reduce to pounds, by dividing by 12 and by 20. Thus, 1014//16 37| 7098 flflO-ft ilWB- 3042 507 6 = for 16 grains. 12 38031 .. - 2,0 I 3169,/ 3d. 'IV £158 // 9 // 3 Sterling Answer. Naples on London. Reverse OperatioiL Exam. Reduce £158//9i/3 sterling, into ducats and grains. Exchange @ 37id. ^ ducat regno. Thus 158 // 9 // 3 20 3169 12 371)38031 2 2 ducats, grains. ^ 1014 // 75)76062 ( 75 106 75 16 Answer. 312 300 ~T2 100 1200 75 450 450 The Value of Usance forBills drawn from Lon don, is 3 months after date. There are 3 days of Grace. 5 L 410 London on Genoa. Accounts are kept in lire, soldi, and denari, fuori di banco, (or out of bank.) Genoa negociates their exchanges with London like Leghorn, dividing their peeze, ducats, or dol^ lars, into soldi and denari. 12 denari, =: 1 soldi, 20 soldi... = 1 pezza, 1 pezza, =: 5 lire banco, or 5f lire, or 1 15 soldi fuori di banco. Exam. Reduce 1277 peeze, ISsoIdi, 4 denari, into sterling, Exchange 4Sd. ^ pezza. Rule. Multiply by the price of Exchange, and take a proportional part of the lower denomina- tion into the sum, and the product is the answer in pence. Thus, 1377//13 1/4 iiastewB , 45d. flo .!!; 6385— ofl o^fi 5108 I !>. 22i = 10 soldi. ) 7| = 3 do. 4 denari. 12\57495" 20/ 4791 // 3 Genoa on London. • 100 3500 318 320 318 2 Dublin on London. 411 Revese Operation. Exam. Reduce £750 // 12 // 6 British into Irish sterling, exchange at Par. ^\}) ^j. • Add. T^)750//12 // 6 Sterling. ' ' ' 62//I1 I/O Ans. £813// 3// 6 Irish. Bills^rawn from London on Dublin are gene- rally either at 21 days' sight, or 30 days' date; also at 31 days' sight, 45 days' date, and 60 days' date ; and the price of exchange is stipulated ac- cordingly. Thus, if the course be 12| at 21 days, it will be 12 | at 31 days, 12^ at 45 days, and 12^ at 60 days, each advance being' nearly equal to the interest for the corresponding time. America on Lonjdok, ., Reverse Operation. Exam. Find the value in Dollars, of a Bill of exchange drawn on London for £750, sterling, negocialed at a premium of 6 ^ Cent. Rule. Reduce the sum into dollars, by multi- plying by 40, and dividing by 9; then add the premium, or deduct the discount ^ Cent. £750 Sterling = doll. 3333^33 Add prem. 6 ^ Cent 200 Value of the Bill in Dollars 3533 // 33 m 001 .1^ ?-ij> I- Currencies OF THE UNITED STATES, With Rules for reducing them into sterling. In Georgia and South Carolina, a Dollar being worth 4/6. currency, is at par : therefore, £100 currency — £100 sterling. In New England and Virginia, the Dollar is worth 6/. currency : therefore, £133i currency r:: £100 sterling. To reduce this currency into Sterling, deduct J, In Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Penn- sylvania, a dollar-is worth 7/6. currency, therefore, £l66f currency = £100 sterling. To reduce this currency into sterling, multi- ply by 3, and divide by 5. In New York, and North Carolina, a Dollar is worth 8/. currency : therefore, £177^ currency = £100 sterling. To reduce this currency into sierling, take \ \ and add i. i 412 LoNDOiJ ON THE West Indies. Accounts are kept in pounds^ shillings, and ptoce currency . | £140 currency = £1 00 sterling. A hard, or Spanish dollar, is valued at 6^. currency. Bills and Dollars generally bear a. premium. Exam. What is the value in Currency of a Bill for £573 // 12 // 6 sterling, purchased or sold at a premium of 10 ^ Cent ? Rule. If 100 Pounds sterling be equal to 140 Pounds Currency, ivhat icill the given sum be equal to ? Thus, If 100 140 : : 573//12 // 6 _ ^ . 7 6 t8d1»Jli. 5 )4015 // 7 / / 6 j^) "803 // 1 /^ 80 f/ 6 1/2 Premium. Cost of the Bill, £883 // 7 //T Currency. East-Indies. Monies of Exchange. Bombay. 100 rees = 1 quarter. 4 qrs or 400 rees = 1 rupee, i*i Calcutta. pices = 1 anna. 16 annas, or 192 pices = I rupee. 116 Current rupees = 100 sicca rupees. Agreeable to the decision of the Calcutta Customs. Great Britain gives 1 pound sterling for 13 sicca rupees. • wn it) , Madras. 8 pices = 1 fanam. ^6 fanams, or 288 pices = 1 pagod<». ij lAll«fi! « Course of Exchange. Uncertain Prices, Certain Prices. Bombay.... rec... 2/6.... for 1 rupee. Calcutta,. ..rec... 2/8.. ..for I Sicca rupee. Madras, ...rec. ..8/9.. ..for 1 Star pagoda. West Indies on Lonoon. Exam. What is the value in sterling of 4800 dollars, purchased at a premium of 3| ^ Cent ? 4800 dollars. 190 = 60 = 2i^Ct. H 5)4980 dol. at 6/8. = 3i Cur. Ster. If_14J)^ rlO^O : : 1660 Currency.^;.^^^^ 7 5 7)8300 Aus. *;1185//14 // 3 Sterling. In the above Example, we first add the premi- um, calculating on the number of Dollars given : next, we find the value of the dollars in cur- rency ; and this is done by taking ^ part of the number, each Dollar being 6/8. currency. Last- ly, we reduce this currency into sterling by proportion. London on the East Indies. Exam. Reduce 2560 Rupees into sterling, exchange @ 2/6. <^ Rupee of Bombay. 1)2560 Ans. £320 sterling. Exam. Reduce !:^60 rupees into sterling, exchange @ 2/8. ^ rupee of Calcutta. ■ 2560 256 = 2/. 85 // 6 // 8 = 8d. Ans. £341 // 6 // 8 sterling. Exam. Reduce 1560 pagodas into sterling, exchange @ 8/9, ^ pagoda of Madras. - 2560 ^280" = 10/. 160 = 1/3. Deduct i Ans. £ 1120 sterling , 8/9. AMSTERDAM. 413 i HAMBURGH, Receives 34f stivers banco for 1 dollar banco. ditto 106 florins current for 1 20 marks banco. Example 1. Reduce 3746 Marks, 5siiillings, 4 pennings, banco, into^guilders or florins. Exchange 34| stivers banco, as above. Rule. I. guil. stiv. pen. Multiply hy (34|) price of Exchange, and divide by 40. Answer, 3231 // 4 // 4 banco. Example II, Reduce 2854 marks, 8 shillings banco, into florins current. Ex- j change @ 106 florins, current for 120 marks banco, as above. Rule II. Multiply hy (106) pr}.ce of Exchange, and divide the product hy 120 marks. Answer, 2521 // 9 // 8 cur. ooniulO PARIS, Rec. 54 grotes Flemish for 3 francs. Example, Reduce 1056 francs, 75 cents, into guilders banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply hy (54) price of Exchange, and divide by 120. Answer, 475//10//12 banco. MADRID, ... Rec. 88 grotes Flemish for 1 ducat of Ex. Example. Reduce 350 ducats, 17 sneldos, 6 dineros of Exchange, into florins^ at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply, hy (48) price of Exchange, and divide hy 48 grotes. Answer, 781 //18 // 6 ditto. LISBON, Rec. 45 grotes Flemish. for 1 crusado. Example. Reduce 669 crusadoes, 200 rees, into guilders, at the above Exchange. Rule. vi £1 Multiply hy (45) price of Exchange, and divide hy 40, as before. . Answer, 753 // 3//12 ditto. LEGHORN,... Rec. 88 grotes Flemish .for I pezzaof 8 rials. Example. Reduce 675 pezze, 17 soldi, 6 denari, into florinst, atthc abave Exchange. • ' iJ.>vr.: : , Rule. Multiply by (88) price of Exchange, and divide by 40, as above, ' Answer, 1486//I8 // 8 ditto. GENOA Rec. 85 grotes Flemish for 1 pezza, out of bank. Example. Reduce 572 pezze fuori di banco, (or out of bank,) into guildetB banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply hv (85) price of Exchange, and divide by 40, as above. ^^ ^^ ^ '^ ^HSM;er,1250#lOyO ditto. 5 M 414 HAMBURGH. AMSTERDAM, Gives 34| stivers banco for 2 marks banco. 06 florins current for 120 marks banco. Example I. Reduce 3231 guilders, 4 stivers, 4 peiinings banco, into marks, Hambro^ banco, at the above Excliange. Rule I. Mar. shil. phen. Multiply hy 40, and divide by (34|) price of Exchange. Answer, 3746 // 5 // 4 banco. Example 11. Reduce 2521 florins, 9 stivers, 8 pennings current, into marks banco, at the above exchange. Rule II. Multiply by 120 marks, and divide by (106) price of Ex- change. Answer, 2854 // 8 // banco. PARIS, Rec. 25J shillings banco for 3 francs. Example. Reduce 2760 francs, 25 cents, into marks banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (25|) price of Exchange, and divide by 48. Answer, 1466 if 6 // 1 banco. MADRID, Rec. 84 grotes, Flemish banco ,..for 1 ducat. Example. Reduce 452 ducats, 17 sueldos, 6 dineros of exchange, [into marks banco, at the above Exchange. ^ Rule. Multiply by {SA) price of Exchange, and divide by ^2 grotes. ^'><^f» ^ Answer, 1 188^/12 // 9 banco. LISBON, Rec. 42 f grotes Flemish for 1 crusade. Example, Reduce 534 crusados, 160rees, into marks banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (42^) price of Exchange, and divide by 33, as before. Answer, 709 // 12 // banco. LEGHORN, Rec. 84 grotes Flemish for 1 pezza of 8 rials. Example. Reduce 354 pezze, 17 soldi, 6 denari, into marks banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (84) price of Exchange, and divide hy 32, as before. Answer, 931 // 8 // 9 banco. GENOA Rec. 78 grotes Flemish .for 1 pezza of 115 soldi. Example. Reduce 424 pezze, 18 soldi, 4 denari out of bank, into marks banco, at the above exchange. Rule. , Multiply by (78) price of Exchange, and divide by 32, as ■^' before. ./i/wicer, 1035//11 // 9 banco. PARIS- 415 AMSTERDAM, Gives 54grotes Flemish... for 3 francs. E AMPLE. Reduce 475 guilders, '0 stivers, 12penniiigs banco, into francs and cents, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 120, and divide by (6A grotes) price frdn. cents. of Exchange. Answer, 1056 // 75 HAMBURGH,... Rec. 189 francs for 100 marks banco. Gives 25| shillings banco for 3 francs. Exam. I. Reduce 412 marks, 12 shillings, 6 pennings banco, into livres &c. at the Exchange of 196 livres for 100 marks banco. Rule I. Multiply by (\9Q) price of Exchange, and divide liv. sous. by \Wi marks. Answer,QQ/9 i/ \:* ,^>;.;,, * Exam II. Reduce 1466 marks, 6 shillings, 1 pen. banco, into francs and cents, at the above Exchange. Rule II. Multiply by 48, and divide by (25^) price of fran. cents. Exchange, Ansicer, 2760 it 24 MADRID, Rec. 14 francs, 90 cents, or about 15 livres Tonrnois, for 1 pistole of Exchange. Rec. 3 francs, 80 cents, or 76 sous Tournois, for 1 dollar of Exchange. 0(^T j-tvvExAM. I. Reduce 187 pistoles, 22 rials plate, into livres and sous, at the Exchange of 14 livres, 8 sous ^ pistole. Rule I. Multiply by the livres in the Exchange, and take liv sous. parts for the lower names Answer, 2702 // 14 Exam. II. Reduce 290 dollars, 7 rials, 17 marvedies plate, into livres, &c. Exchange 76 sous ^ dollar. Rule II. Multiply by 76, and divide by 20 sous. liv. sous. den. Answer, 1 105 // 11 // 3 LISBON Gives 460 rees for 3 francs. Exam. Reduce 135,815 rees into francs and cents, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 3 francs, and divide by (AGO) price of fran. cents. Exchange. Answer, 885 // 75 LEGHORN, Rec. 104 sous in francs, or about 5 francs for 1 pezza or dollar. Exam. Reduce 760 pezze, 7 soldi, 6 denari, into francs and cents, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (\0A) price of Exchange, and divide by fran. cents. 20 sous. Answer, 3953 // 95 GENOA Rec, 96 sous in francs for 1 pezza of 115 soldi fuori di banco. Exam. Reduce 240 pezze, 7 soldi, 6 denari, out of the bank> into francs and cents. Exchange as above. Rule. Multiply hy (^&) price of Exchange, and divide by fran. cents 20 sous. Anstcer, 1 153 // 80 ^___ ____■■ •To reduce Livres into Francsi and the contrary, see Parxs on London, page 407. 416 MADRID. AMSTERDAM, gives 88 grotes Flemish for 1 ducat of Exchange. Example. Reduce 640 guilders banco, iato dollars, &c. at the above Exchange. Rule. dolls, rials, mar. Multiply by ^1875^ and divide by the product of 34 multi- plied by (SS) price »f Exchange. Answer, 401 // // 18 HAMBURGH,. ...Gives 83J grotes Flemish for 1 ducat of Exchange. Example. Reduce 854 marks, 4 shillings banco into dollars ofplate, at the above exchange. Rule. ^olls. Multiply by 750, and divide by the product of 17 multiplied by C83f j price of Exchange. Answer, 450 ofplate PARIS, ...Gives 14 livres, 8 sous, for 1 pistole of Exchange. ....... 76 sous fori dollar or piastre. Example I. Reduce 2702 livres, 14 sous Tournors, into dollars and rials plate ; Exchange 14 livres, 8 sous, as above. Rule I. ' Multiply by 4 dollars, and divide by (14 liv. 8 sous) price ■ of Exchange. Answer, 750 // 6 plate. Example II. .8tf4a V. Reduce 1105 livres, 11 sous, 3 deniers tournois, into dollars, rials, marvedies, and plate ; Exchange 76 sous as above. Rule II. Multiply by 20 sous, and divide by (76) price of Exchange. Answer, 290 // 7 // 17 plate. LISBON, Gives 2256 rees for 1 pistole of Exchange. Example. Reduce 25,4030 rees, into dollars, rials, and marvedies, at the ' above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 4 dollars, and divide by (2256) price of Ex- change. Answer, 450 // 3 // 8 plate. LEGHORN, ...Rec. 136 dollars of Exch for 100pezzeof8rials. Example. Reduce 240 pezze, 12 soldi, 6 denari, into dollars and rials plate. Exchange as above. Rule. Multiply by (136) price of Exchange, and divide by 100 pezze. Answer, 327 // 2 plate. GENOA, Rec. 120 dollars of Exch for 100 pezze out of bank. Example. Reduce 193 pezze, 14 soldi, 2 denari, into dollars of Spain; "Exchange as above. Rule. Multiply by f 126) price of Exchange, and divide by 100, as before. '^^ '' •" ^ Jn«cer,242//6(/17plate. LISBOK. 417 AMSTERDAM, ....Gives 45 grotes Flemish for 1 crusado of 400 rees. Example. Eeduee 753 guilders, 3 stivers, 12 peniiiiigs banco, into rees and milrees, at the above Exchange. Rule. milrees. rees. Multiply by 16,000, and divide by (^ grotes,) price of Exchange. Answer, 669 crusadoesj 200 rees, = 267 // 800 HAMBURGH, Gives 421 grotes Flemish fori crusado of 400 rees. Example. Reduce 709 marks, 12 shillings banco, into rees and milrees, as above. Rule. Multiply by 12,800, and divide by (42^ grotes,) price of Exchange. Answer, 534 crusadoes, 160 reesr:213 // 760 PARIS Rec. 460 rees for3 francs. Example. Reduce 885 francs, 75 cents, into rees and milrees, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (460) price of Exchange, and divide by 3 francs. Answer, 135 v 815 MADRID, Rec. 2256 rees for 1 pistole of Exchange. Example. Reduce 450 dollars, 3 rials, 9 marvedies plate, into rees and milrees, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by {'3256J price of Exchange, and divide by 4 dollars. Answer, 254 // 30 LEGHORN, Rec. 840 rees for 1 pezza of 8 rials. Example. Reduce 756 pezze, 17 soldi, 6 denari, into rees and milrees, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (^840^ price of Exchange, and of which take parts for the lower denominations in the given sum. Answer 635 if 775 GENOA... Rec. 720 rees fori pezza, or dollar out of bank. Example. Reduce 317 pezZe, 16 soldi, 6 denari, fuori di banco, int© rees and milrees, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (720) price of Exchange, of which take parts of the lower denominations, as before. Answer, 228 if 834. 4iS I.EGHORN. AMSTERDAM ....Gives 88 grotes Flemish for 1 pezza or dollar. Example. Reduce 1486 guilders, 18 stivers, 8 pennings banco, into dollars or pezze, at the above Exchange. Rule. pez. sol. den. Multiply by 40 grotes, and divide by (88) price of Exchange. Answer, 675 t/ \7 i/ 6 HAMBURGH, Gives 84 grotes Flemish for 1 dollar or pezza. Example. Reduce 931 marks, 8 shillings, 9 pennings banco, into pezze, at the above Exchange, Rule. Multiply by 32 grotes, and divide by {84) price of Exchange. Answer, 354 // 17 // 6 PARIS ....«......#. ..Gives 104 sous in francs for 1 dollar, or pezza. Example. Reduce 3953 francs, 95 cents, into dollars, or pezze, at the above exchange. Rule. Multiply by 20 sous, and divide by (104) price of Ex- change. Answer, 760 // 7 // 6 MADRID Gives 136 dollars of Exchange for 100 pezze of 8 rials. Example. Reduce 327 dollars, 2 rials plate, into pezze, or dollars, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 100 pezze, and divide by (136) price of Ex- change. Answer, 240 // 12 j/ 6 LISBON Gives 840 rees for 1 pezza, or dollar. Example. Reduce 635 milrees, 775 rees, into pezze, or dollars, at the above Exchange. Rule. Divide by (840) price of Exchange, and multiply by 20, and by 12, for the lower names. Answer, 756 // 17 // 6 GENOA Gives li^4 soldi out of bank .for 1 pezza, or dollar. ^ Example. Reduce 227 pezze, 6 soldi, 8 denari, out of bank, into pezze, or dollars, at the above Exchange, Rule. . Multiply 6y 115 soldi, and divide by (124) price of Ex- change, Answer, 210 // 16 // 8 VENICE Gives II lire, ISsoldi piccoli for 1 pezza. Example. Reduce 2342 lire, 1 6 soldi, 3 denari piccoli, into pezze, or dollars, at the above Exchange. Rule. Divide by the price of Exchange reduced into soldi, by multiplying it by 20. Answer, 196/rl7 // 6 GENOA. 419 AMSTERDAM Gives 85 grotes Flemish.. .for 1 pezza of 5^ lire, fuori.di baaco. Exam. Reduce 1215 guilders, 10 stivers banco, into livres and pezze, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 230, divide the product by (9-5) price of Exchange, the quotient is lire; which divide by 5^ lire. sol. den. for pezze. Answer, 572 pezze, = 3289 // // HAMBURGH Rec. 46^ soldi out of bank for 1 mark Hambro' Banco. Exam. Reduce 789 marks, 13 shillings, 4 pennings banco, into lire, soldi, and denari, out of bank, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by (46^) price of Exchange, and divide by 20 soldi. lire. sol. den. Answer, 1836 // 7 // 3 out of bank PARIS Gives 96 sous in francs ..fori pezza of 5| lire out of bank. Exam. Reduce 1153 francs, 80 cents, into lire, &c. out of bank, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply Ay 115 soldi, and divide by (96) price of Exchange. Answer, 240 pezze, 7 sol. 6 den. i=1382 // 3 // 1^ ditto. MADRID Gives 660 marvedies of plate, for 1 gold crown of 10 lire, 14 soldi fuori di banco. Exam. Reduce 485 dollars, 7 rials, 7 marvedies plate, into lire, soldi, and denari, fuori di banco, at the above Exchange. Rule. Reduce the sum into marvedies ; multiply the pro- duct by 10 lire, 14 soldi, and divide by C660^ price of Exchange, Answer, 2142 // 13 // 6 ditto. LISBON', Gives 720 rees, for 1 pezza of 5| lire fuori di banco. Exam. Reduce 228,834 rees, into lire, soldi, and denari out of bank, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by 5j lire, and divide by (720) price of Exchange. • Answer, 317 pezze, 16 sol, 6 den.:z:1827 a 9//10| ditto. LEGHORN,' Rec. 124 soldi out of bank for 1 pezza of 8 rials. Exam. Reduce 210 pezze,16 soldi, 8 denari, into lire, &c. out of bank, at the above Exchange. Rule. Multiply by ( 124) price of Exchange, and divide by 20 soldi. Answer, 1307 « 3 >/ 4 ditto. VENICE, Gives 38 soldi piccoli fori lire out of bank. Exam. Reduce 1820 lire, 16 soldi, 8 denari piccoli, into lire money out of bank. Exchange as above. Rule. Multiply by 20 soldi, and divide by (38) price of Exchange. Answer, 958 « 6 ir 8 ditto. PLACES OP LESS COMMERCIAL INTERCOURSE, WITH TBEIK AND COURSE OF EXCHANGE WITH LONDON. Antwerp and Flanders. Accounts are kept in florins, patars, and pennings. > = 1 patar. \ = 1 florin. 16 pennings, or 2 grotes Flemish 20 patars, or 3| shillings. I patar, or 8 pen, 12 grotes Flemish, 20 shillings A rix dollar Also, — 1 grote Flemish. zz I shilling Flemish. =: 1 pound Flemish, r: 48 pats, or 96 grotes. Exchange with London. 37 shillings Flemish, for 1 pound sterling. Exchange money is 16| ^ Cent, better than current money ; therefore, 6 florins of Exchange, rz 7 florins current. The value of Usances is the same as at Am- sterdam, and there are 6 days of grace, Sundays and holidays included. AUGSBURGH. Accounts are kept in guldens and creutzers. 60creutzers,or| -. i ,ae„. 240 pennings, j ° 1| guldens, or, 1 -,, .i^ dollar. 90 creutzers, j Exchange with London. 9 J guldens for i pound sterling. There are Exchange money and current money. lOOrix dolls, of ex. zr 127 rix dolls, current. 200 rix dollars, =: 38 1 guldens current. 2 rix dolls, eurt. = 3 guldens current. The value of Usance is 15 days aflier accept- ance. Payments are made only every Wednes- day ; and there is one day of grace for Bills due on Tuesdays, while there are 8 for those due on Wednesdays. Berlin and Breslaw. Accounts are kept in rix dollars, good- groshen, and pennings current ; and in pounds, groshen, and, pennings banco. 12 pennings = 1 good-groshen. 24 good-groshens zz 1 rix-dollar current. And, 12 pennings ban. =i 1 groshen banco. 24 gros. ban. or 7 i 1 1. 30|oodgroshen, l^^P^""'^^^"^*'- 4 pounds banco, r= 5 rix dollars current. Exchange with London. 6 1 rix dollars for 1 pound sterling. 48 pence sterling for 1 pound banco. N. B. Bills of Exchange above 100 rix dollars, must be paid in bank money. The value of Usance is 14 days after accept- ance ; three days of grace are allowed at Berlin, inclusive of Sundays and holidays, and and 6 at Breslaw. Bremen. Accounts are kept in rix dollars and grotes. 72 grotes = 1 rix dollar. Par 38d.| Exchange with London. • 605 rix dollars for 100 pounds sterling. The value of Usance for bills drawn fron Lon- don is 1 month afterdate, and fioin Germany 15, days after sight ; 8 days of grace are allowed. Constantinople and Smyrna. Accounts are kept either in piastres and paras, in piastres and half paras, or in piastres and cents. 3 aspers, r: 1 para. 40 paras, or | = i piastre. Par 13|d. ^ piastre. Exchange with London. 18 piastres for 1 pound sterling. 120 aspers. 421 Copenhagen and Denmark, Accounts are kept in rix dollars^ skillings, and fenings Danish. 22 fenings, r= 1 skilling Danish. 96 skillings Danish, := 1 rix dollar. 6 fenings lubs, 8 skillings lubs, 6 marks Danish, And, = 1 skilling Danish. = 1 mark Danish. = 3 marks lubs. Exchange with London. 6 rix dollars for 1 pound sterhng The value of Usance is not fixed. There are 8 days of grace, which are not allowed for Bills at sight. Dantzic and Koningsberg. Accounts are kept in florins and groshen current. 30 groshen, = 1 florin. 3 florins, =: I rix dollar. Par 9|d. Exchange with London, 20 florins current for 1 pound sterling. The value of Usance is 14 days after accept- ance. There are ten days of grace, which are not allowed for Bills at sight. Franckfort on the Main. Accounts are kept in rix dollars and creutzers current, and in guldens and creutzers current. 4 creutzers, 15 batzen, or 60 creutzers, 1| guldens, or 90 creutzers, 2 rix dollars. Exchange with London. 145i batzen for 1 pound sterling. Four days of grace are allowed, but Bills at sight must be paid, or protested when due. n 1 batzen. > :i= 1 gulden. > = 1 rix dollar. r= 3 guldens. Geneva. Accounts are kept inlivres, sous, and deniers current. 12 deniers, = 1 sou or sol. 20 sous, — 1 livre current. 3 livres. r= 1 crown current. Exchange with London. 49d. sterling for 1 crown current. The value of Usance for Bills drawn fi-om France, England, and Holland, is 30 days after date, and from Germany and Italy 15 days after sight. There are 5 days of grace, exclusive of Sundays. liEiPsic AND Dresden. Accounts are kept in rix dollars, groshen, and pennings. ~ 1 groshen. = 1 gulden. ^ =: 1 rix dollar. 12 pennings, 16 good groshen, 1| gulden, or 24 good groshen. Exchange with London, 6| rix dollars for 1 pound sterling, The value of Usance is generally 14 days after acceptance, and there are no days of grace. Malta. Accounts are kept in crowns, tarins, and grains. 20 grains, = 1 tarin^ 12 tarins, zz 1 crown. Exchange with London. 50d. sterling for 1 crown, more or less. Milan. Accounts are kept in lire, soldi, and denari current. 12 denari, zz 1 soldo, zi 1 lira. zz 117 soldi imperial!. ■) 106 soldi imperiali, or 7i J lire current. Exchange with London, 31 lire current for 1 pound sterling. N. B. 106 soldi imperiali, or of Exchange, 150 soldi current. No days of grace are allowed. 20 soldi 1 crown. 1 philip. 5 o 42'i PETERSBtTRGH AND ReVEL. Accounts are kept in roubles and copecks. 100 copecks, zz 1 rouble. Exchange with London, 3l|d. sterling for 1 rouble. The Julian calendar is still in use in Rtissia; and therefore, 12 days must be added to the date of Bills from Russia, to makeup the difference be- tween the old and new style; for instance, a Bill drawn on the first day of September, from Peters- burgh upon London, at 100 days of date, becomes due, inclusive of the 3 days of grace, on the 24th of December. The old style is still used at Revel. Riga. Accounts are kept in rix dollars and ferd- ings. 80 ferdings, or 90 groshen. Exchange with London. 408 groshen for 1 pound sterling. = 1 rix dollar, Albert. Rome. Accounts are kept in crowns current and bajocchi, 10 bajocchi, r= I paoli, 10 paoli, or , . 100 bajocchi, = 1 crown current. 152 1*1 bajocchi, or , ,, f, ,n 1 • ^^1 sold crown. 240 denari, ° 1000 gold crowns, zz 1523 crowns current. There are no days of grace. Exchange with London. 48 paoli for 1 pound sterling. 51 pence steiling for 1 crown current. Sicily. Accounts are kept in ounces, tarins, and grains. 20 grains, or t x • 2carHns, -^ **'''»• 12 tarins, or 240 grains, 30 iarins, n: 1 ounce. N. B. 5 crowns, = 2 ounces. Exchange with London. 59 tarins for 1 pound sterling. There are no days of grace. rr 1 crown. Stockholm and Gottenburgh. Accounts are kept in rix dollars, shillings, and phennings. 12 phennings, = ] shilling. 48 shillings, ^ =: 1 rix dollar specie. Exchange with London. 4f rix dollars for 1 pound sterling. The value of Usance is 1 mo nth after acceptance. There are six days of grace, which are not allowed for Bills at sight. Switzerland. Accounts are kept in livres, sols, and deuiers of Exchange, and in florins and creutzers. 6 deniers — 1 sol. 20 sols, or 36 creutzers, 3 livres, r: 1 crown, or rix. doll. And, 5 penins, =; ] creutzer. zz 1 livre. 60 creutzers, or 33| sols ] = 1 florin. Exchange with London. ' 16 livres for 1 pound sterling. Bills are generally drawn upon Switzerland, at so many days after date, or after sight. There are no days of grace. Trieste. Accounts are kept in guldtfls aai creutzers. 60 creutzers, or 7 i ^^ 240pennings, | = 1 gulden. 1| gulden, or 1 • ■ j n 90 creutzers. \ ="" * •""^ ^""^^^^ ^P^^^'*^- Exchange icith London. 1 2 guldens for I pound sterling. Turin. Accounts are kept in lire, soldi, and denari. 12 denari — 1 soldo. 20 soldi, = 1 lira. Exchange with London. 19^ lire for I pound sterling. The Usance of Bills drawn from London is 3 months, from Amsterdam 2 months, and from France 1 month after date. There are five days of grace, but Bills may be protested the day after they are due. Vienna and Prague. Accounts are kept in guldens and creutzers, same as at Trieste. The value of Usance is 14 days after acceptance. There are three days of grace, which are not allowed for Bills at sisrht. W. Gawtrest and Co., Frinterf, IatelligeDcer*OSice, Leed<< 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED I LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. -. 5Nov'57FC REC'D LD 0,-ai 3 1958 Tr»oi Tnr,^R'r.R General Library VSoqi'^li nTA University of California (B9311sl0)476 Berkeley VE 02773 IW283898 H-VS^S^ M(^3 ! r> -? ^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY .•* -^y I