•( GIFT OF Mrs. Bernard Moses . *-**< ORDINANCES OF THE Town of Ferndale Also Legislative Acts Relating to Public Libraries and to Boards of Health c /0 6 *£*MArt~^ )A-M Published by the Board of Trustees January J, 1905. Compiled by M. C. DECARL1, Town Attorney. STANDARD PRINT, EUREKA, CAL. — -*- < - < — > —<- ORDINANCES OF THE Town of Ferndale Also Legislative Acts Relating to Public Libraries and to Boards of Health Published by the Board of Trustees Junuary 1, 1905. Compiled by M. C. D E C A R L 1, Town Attorney. STANDARD PRINT, EUREKA, CAL. •J50 TOWN OFFICERS. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. C. A. DOE, President. H. C. Blum, G. M. Brice, L. P. Branstetter, A. Putnam. Town Clerk, ex-offieio Assessor G. W. Dungan Treasurer F. G. Williams Marshal, ex-offieio Tax Collector, Superintendent of Streets, Poundmaster, and Sewer Inspector I. B. Barnes Town Attorney M. C. Decarli Recorder Jas. Smith. Health Officer L Michael PUBLIC LIBRARY. TRUSTEES. GERTRUDE B. FRANCIS, President. Alice Mills M. C. Decarli. F. G. Williams Elsie Dickson. Librarian — Nellie E. Winslow. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief F. Cruickshanks. Secretary D. M. Smith. Treasurer C. H. Boynton. Foreman Hose Co. No. 1 J. F. Bartlett. Foreman Hose Co. No. 2 W. A. Bartlett. Foreman Engine Co. No. 1 Wl F. Kausen. Foreman Hook and Ladder Co J, A. Collins '41838 ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OK FERNDALE ORDINANCE NO. 8. i TO PROVIDE FOR A NIGHT WATCHMAN. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That from and after the first day of Novemher, 1893, it shall be lawful for the Trustees of said Town to appoint at their discretion a night watchman. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of such night-watchman to patrol, (that part of said Town of Ferndale as shall be designated by the Town Trustees) during his continuance in office, between the hours of 8 o'clock P. M., and 5 o'clock A. M., each day, and such other duties as the Board of Trustees may direct. SEC. 3. Said Watchman shall have the same power as the Marshal of said town, to arrest any person in said town for a violation of any of the Town Ordi- nances. SEC. 4. Said watchman shall receive such compensation for his services as the Town Trustees may determine. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its approval. Approved Nov. 6, 1893. A. PUTNAM, President. G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 10. TO PROMOTE MORALITY, PREVENT DISTURBANCES AND PRESERVE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: [Section 1 Repealed.] SEC. '2. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in boxing, fencing, ball-playing, or in any game of amusement on any of the streets or thoroughfares of the town of Ferndale. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to appear upon any public street, road or alley, or in any public place or upon any private property within the Town of Ferndale in a drunken or intoxicated condition. SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any female person, between the hours of 2 ORDINANCES ; „,,,. , . pp. _* . 8 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock a. m., to be in any public drinking saloon, beer cellar or billiard room, or any room adjacent thereto or in any room used in connection therewith within the Town of Ferndale, where vinous, malt or spirituous liquors are sold or furnished. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within the Town of Ferndale to permit any minor person to enter any saloon, room or place within said town where vinous, malt, or spiritous liquors are furnished or sold. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any minor person to enter any saloon, bar room, or any place where vinous, malt or spiritous liquors are sold or furnished within the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 16 years to be upon the streets or thoroughfares of the Town of Ferndale, between the hours of 8 o'clock p. m. and 5 o'clock a. m., unless accompanied by parent or guardian. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to congregate upon any walk, sidewalk or crossing, or in any manner obstruct the same within the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 9. Every gambler or person who has no visible means of support and every person who frequents a house of ill-fame and every person who is intoxicated for a period of more than one day within the Town of Ferndale are hereby de- clared to be idle, dissolute and undesirable persons and guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 10. It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant of any land, lot or block cff land in the Town of Ferndale, bounded by any street or thoroughfare, in front of which land, lot or block of land there is a walk or sidewalk, to obstruct the same or permit or suffer the same to remain out of repair. SEC. 11. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to take up or remove any walk, sidewalk or crossing, or to injure or de- stroy the same in any manner, within the Town of Ferndale, except to reconstruct or repair the same, and such construction or repair must not exceed a period of five days, and during the continuance of such construction or repairs, the occupant of the lot or premises in front of which such construction or repair is being made, must maintain and keep between the hours of 7 p. m. and 6 a. m. good and suffi- cient lights at each end of the said walk. SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the owner, upon or in front of whose land any tree grows with boughs that extend over any portion of the street in the Town of Ferndale, to keep the same so trimmed that the limbs or branches shall not ob- struct the travel or passage on the sidewalk. SEC. 13. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dig any trench or make any excavation in any street, road or alley within the Town of Ferndale except under the direction or supervision of the Town Marshal; no trench or excavation shall remain open more than 24 hours, and within 24 hours after any trench or excavation is made, it shall be filled, and when filled the street, road or alley shall immediately be restored to and maintained in as good condition as it was before the excavation was made. Any person, firm or corporation dig- ging any trench or making any excavation in any street, road or alley in the Town of Ferndale shall keep the same properly guarded and lighted while the same shall remain open. SEC. 15. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration to drive or lead any wild, vicious or unruly animal or animals upon any street, road or alley in the Town of Ferndale unless the same are securely fastened with a rope. SEC. 16. Any person violating any of the provisions or sections of this ORDINANCES ordinance is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the town prison for not -more than sixty days or by both such fine and impris- onment, at the discretion of the court. SEC. 17. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its approval. • Passed and approved Dec. 11, 1893. A. PUTNAM, President, G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 11. DEFINING DUTIES AND FIXING COMPENSATION OF TOWN RECORDER AND ATTORNEY. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Recorder shall perform the duties required of him by Article V of Municipal Corporations of the sixth cless, enacted by the Legislature of the State of Cali'fornia, approved March 13, 1883, and of the amendments thereof, SEC. 2. The Recorder shall receive in all criminal actions for violation of any ordinance like fees as a Justice of the Peace in criminal actions; in all other criminal and civil actions he shall receive like fees for like services as are now allowed Justices of the Peace. He shall attend and file a written report at every regular meeting. [Sections 3 and 4 repealed.] SEC. 5. This Ordinance takes effect from and after the date of its approval. Passed and approved Feb. 5, 1894. A. PUTNAM, President. d. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 15. ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. There shall be held in the Town of Ferndale on the second Monday in April, 1894, and on the second Monday in April in each even numbered year thereafter, a general municipal election for the election of Town Officers con- sisting of Town Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, and Marshal: The Town Clerk shall be ex-officio Town Assessor, the Town Marshal shall be ex-officio Tax Collector. The Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal shall each hold office for a period of two years after the Monday next succeeding the day of their election and until their succes- sors are elected and qualified. Members of the Board of Trustees shall hold office for the period of four years from and after the Monday next succeeding their elec- tion and until their successors are elected and have qualified, "provided that the first Board of Trustees elected under the provisions of this ordinance shall at their first meeting so classify themselves by lot that three of their number shall go out ORDINANCES of office at the expiration of two years, and two of their number at the expiration of four years." SEC 2. It is hereby made the duty of the Board of Trustees to cause a notice to be published in a weekly newspaper printed in said Town of Ferndale for at least two weeks prior to said day of election, announcing the time of holding thereof, the officers to be chosen thereat, and the place of holding the election, to- gether with such other matters as they may deem of sufficint interest to communi- cate. SEC. 3. Prior to an election in any year, the Board of Trustees must ap- point an election board, to consist of two inspectors, two judges, two clerks and two ballot clerks, which Board shall have charge of said election, and shall conduct the same as near as practicable in accordance with the general election laws of the State of California. SEC. 4. The compensation of each member, of said election board shall be the sum of two dollars per 'day. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its ap- proval. A. PUTNAM, President, G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 17. ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF HEALTH AND DEFINING THE DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE SAME. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A Board of Health of the Town of Ferndale is hereby estab- lished to consist of five persons, one at least of whom shall be a practicing physi- cian and a graduate of some reputable school of medicine, and one, if practicable, a civil engineer. The members of the Board of Health shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale and shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointing power. They shall receive a salary of one dollar per annum. The president of the Board of Trustees shall be ex- officio president of the Board of Health. The clerk of the Board of Trustees shall be ex-officio clerk of the Board of Health. SEC. 2. The Board of Health shall hold monthly meetings at such time and place as they may designate and may be convened by the president of the Board of Trustees at any time. SEC. 3. The Board of Health may appoint, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, a health officer, who must be a practicing physician, a graduate of some medical college ahd a resident of the Town of Ferndale, and who shall be the executive officer of the Board of Health and who shall hold office at the pleas- ure of said Board of Health and said Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health: First, to supervise all matters pertaining to the sanitary condition of the Town of Ferndale and make such rules and regulations relative thereto as are necessary and proper. Second, to report to the State Board of Health at Sacramento at such times as it may re- quire; "a" The sanitary condition of the Town of Ferndale; "b" the number of deaths, with the cause of each within the town as near as can be ascertained; "c" ORDINANCES the presence of epidemic or other dangerous or infectious diseases and such other matters within their knowledge and jurisdiction as the State Board may require. Third, to recommend to the Board of Trustees whenever they shall deem necessary, such sanitary measures and such ordinances as they may consider advisable, and co-operate with them in carrying the same into effect. SEC. 5. The Board of Health shall have power to adopt and must recom- mend such measures as will, in their judgment, best promote the health of the inhabitants of the Town of Ferndale and prevent the spread of disease; to enter into and examine in the daytime any buildings, lots and places in the town: to forbid and prevent communication with infected families, houses and places when- ever they deem the same necessary to protect the public health; to generally su- pervise public buildings so far as may be necessary for the promotion of health. SEC. 6. The following diseases are hereby declared to be dangerous, infec- tious and contagious, to-wit: Cholera, small-pox, diphtheria and scarlatina, and the health of the residents of the Town of Ferndale requires any and all persons having either of the aforesaid diseases to remain isolated and separate in their dwellings or places of abode. It is hereby made unlawful for any person having either cholera, small-pox, diphtheria or scarlatina to appear in any public place in the Town of Ferndale or leave his or her place of abode until he or she obtains a permit from the Board of Health or Health Officer. SEC. 7. Whenever a case of small-pox, cholera, diphtheria or scarlatina exists in any house or tenement in the Town of Ferndale it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to require all such persons to' be kept closely confined in their re- spective dwellings or places of abode and shall immediately cause to be erected in a conspicuous place in front of such dwelling or place of abode, a Yellow flag or other suitable notice setting forth the fact, and it shall be unlawful for the oc- cupant thereof or any other person to remove such flag or notice so long as in the opinion of the Health Officer or Board of Health the same ought to remain on the said premises. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, within the Town of Ferndale except the physician, clergyman or undertaker, of those having a written permit from the Board of Health or Health Officer, to enter or depart from any house, where small-pox, cholera, diphtheria or scarlatina exists or while the corpse of any person who shall have died of such disease remains within the house nor until such building and its contents shall have been disinfected, fumigated or oth- erwise disposed of to the satisfaction of the Board of Health. SEC. 9. It is unlawful for any non-resident of the Town of Ferndale, who resides in or visits a house or other place where diphtheria, small-pox, cholera or scarlatina exists, to appear or be in the Town of Ferndale, without a written permit from the Board of Health or Health Officer. SEC. 10. It is hereby made unlawful for any physician, clergyman, under- taker or other person visiting a house or place within the Town of Ferndale where small-pox, cholera, diphtheria or scarlatina exists without immediately after leaving such place to change and disinfect their clothing. SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of each physician in the Town of Ferndale to report to the Health Officer, or to a member of the Board of Health, every pa- tient of his who has cholera, small-pox, diphtheria or scarlatina, as soon as he shall become satisfied of the nature of the disease, and to report to the same officer, or member of the Board of Health, every death from such diseases immediately there- after. ORDINANCES SEC. 12. Whenever a person is sick within the Town of Ferndale the symptoms of which indicate the disease to be either small-pox, cholera, diphtheria or scarlatina, it shall be the duty of the attending physician to immediately notify the Board of Health or Health Officer who shall cause such person to be kept iso- lated and closely confined in their respective dwelling or place of abode until the nature and character of their disease shall become definitely determined. Any person neglecting or refusing to comply with the order of the Board of Health or Health Officer in relation to such isolation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of every householder in this town to report, in writing, to the Health Officer, or to a member of the Board of Health imme- diately, the names of every person boarding at his or her house whom he or she shall have reason to believe to be sick with cholera, diphtheria small-pox or scar- latina, and any deaths occurring at his or her house from such diseases. SEC. 14. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health or the Health Officer, of the Town of Ferndale when deemed necessary to secure the pub'ic health, to enter and inspect the premises, house or other place of any person within said town, to ascertain any nuisance that may there exist, and when satisfied of the existence of such nuisance, to serve a written notice upon the owner, occupant or agent of such premises, house or other place, to abate or remove such suisance within a reasonable time to be stated in said notice, and upon the neglect or re- fusal of any owner, occupant or agent of such premises or other place, within the Town of Ferndale to comply with such notice, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 15. Whenever a nuisance detrimental to the public health shall exist on the property of any non-resident or upon any property within the Town of Ferndale, the owner or owners of which cannot be found by the Board of Health or the Health Officer after diligent search, or on the property of any owner or own- ers upon whom due notice may have been served and who shall refuse or neglect to abate the same within 'the time stated in the notice, it shall be the duty of the Board of Health to cause the said nuisance to be at once removed or abated and to draw upon the general fund for such sums as may be required for its removal or abatement not to exceed Fifty Dollars. Said sum or sums so paid shall become a lien on the property from which said nuisance has been removed or abated in pursuance of this section and may be recovered by an action against such prop- erty, and it shall be the duty of the town attorney to foreclose all such liens in the proper court in the name of and for the benefit of the Town of Ferndale, and when the property is sold enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the Town treasury to satisfy the lien and costs and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid to the owner of the property if he be known, and if not then into the court for his use when ascertained. The Board of Health is hereby vested with power to act upon, define, determine and adjudge what shall constitute a nuisance detrimental to the public health in accordance with this section, in said town, and to require the same to be abated in a summary manner. SEC. 16. Physicians and midwives must on or before the 4th day of each month make a return to the Health Officer of all births, deaths, and the number of still-born children occurring in their practice within the Town of Ferndale during the preceding month; in the absence of such attendants the parents must make such report within 30 days after the birth of the child. Such returns must be made in accordance with rules adopted, and upon blanks furnished by the Board of Health. SEC. 17. No person shall deposit or inter in any cemetery in the Town of ORDINANCES Ferndale any human body without first having obtained and filed with the Health Officer a certificate signed by a physician, midwife or coroner, setting forth as near as possible, name, age, sex, color, place of birth, occupation, date, locality, and the cause of death of the deceased and obtain from such officer a permit, and the Board of Health and Health Officer, whenever in their opinion the protection of the public health requires, may refuse to grant such permit for burial and may prescribe the mode and manner of all interments and burials in said town nor shall any human body be removed or disinterred without a permit from the Health Officer. SEC. 18. The Health Officer must keep a record of all births, deaths and interments occurring in the Town of Ferndale and file the same with the clerk of the Board of Health. SEC. 19. The Sexton of each cemetery within the Town of Ferndale must on the 1st Monday of each month return to the Health Officer the names of all persons interred or deposited in their respective cemeteries for the preceding month. SEC. 20. Any person who rfuses to comply with any provision of this ordi- nance and every person violating any section or provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 and not exceeding $100, or imprisonment in the Town Prison not ex- ceeding 50 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 21. This ordinance takes effect from and after the date of its approval. Passed and approved March 5, 1894. A. PUTNAM. President. G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 20. TO PROVIDE AGAINST THE SPREAD OF AND TO RESTRICT AS FAR AS POSSIBLE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, TO- WIT: DIPHTHERIA, CHOLERA, SMALL-POX AND SCARLATINA, WITHIN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. SECTION 1. The Board of Health of the Town of Ferndale may at its dis- cretion and it is hereby empowered, whenever it deems the public health requires, to prohibit the meeting of Lodges, Societies, Churches, Schools and other public assemblages within the Town of Ferndale during such period or time as it may deem necessary. SEC. 2. Every School, Society, Lodge, Church or assemblage of people con- vened or held in contravention of the order of the Board of Health or Health Offi- cer of the Town of Ferndale is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 or by imprisonment in the Town Jail for a period of not more than 50 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 3. It is unlawful for any person, Lodge, Society, Church organization, School or assembly of people to meet or hold any meeting within the Town of Ferndale without first having obtained written permission from the Board of Health or Health Officer of the Town of Ferndale. Every person, Lodge, Society, Church organization, School or assembly of people convening or assembling in contraven- tion of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, and punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 or by imprisonment in the Town Jail for not more than 50 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall remain in force and be enforced only for such ORDINANCES time and times as the Board of Health of the Town of Ferndale shall deem neces- sary for the protection of the public health of the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed and approved March 12, 1894. A. PUTNAM, President. G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 26. TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND CARE OF SIDEWALKS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. All sidewalks within the corporate limits of the Town of Ferndale must be constructed and laid down in conformity with the following speci- fications: First: Wooden sidewalks shall be made entirely of merchantable lumber. The planks shall be at least two inches in thickness securely spiked with at least 1^0-penny nails or spikes to stringers or sills not less than 3x6 in size. The planks shall be laid so as to form an even sufrface and at right angles with the street, hav- ing a rise from the curb of one-fifth of an inch to the foot and shall correspond with the official grade of the street at each point and shall have besides the curb- ing at least three supporting stringers or sills if on an eight-foot side walk, and at least four supporting sills or stringers besides the curbing if on a ten-foot sidewalk. Second: All wooden curbs of sidewalks shall be constructed of merchantable red wood planks not less than four inches in thickness, fourteen inches in width, and not less than six feet long, unless necessary in making street corner curves. Third: The corners of all intersection of streets must be rounded to conform to the cir- cumference of a circle having a radius of eight feet; the corners at all intersection of streets and alleys must be rounded to conform to the circumference of a circle having a radius of four feet. Fourth: The sidewalks on Main Street between Ocean Avenue and Shaw Avenue shall be ten feet in width, on all other streets of fifty feet or over in width, eight feet; on all streets less than fifty fee in width, six feet. Fifth: Every sidewalk must have a curb which shall conform to the official grade of the street of which said sidewalk shall form a part. SEC. 2. Every person who owns real property fronting on any street or thoroughfare, in the Town of Ferndale, and who has now a sidewalk laid down in front of, or along said property, must relay such sidewalk adjoining said property to conform to the provisions of this ordinance within 30 "days after its passage. SEC. 3. All persons owning real property on any street or thoroughfare ad- jacent to where the same shall hereafter be graded are hereby directed and re- quired to build sidewalks opposite to or in front of their said property, within 30 days after having been notified in writing by the street superintendent that said street or portion thereof has been graded and accepted by the proper authorities. SEC. 4. Whenever any sidewalk shall get out of repair, become inconvenient, unsafe or dangerous to walk on, the owner or owners of the lot adjacent thereto shall at once repair or rebuild such sidewalk in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and it shall also be the duty of such owner or owners to keep driven down even with the upper surface of such sidewalk all nails and spikes used in the construction thereof, and in case of his neglect or refusal to perform the duties re- ORDINANCES quired of him in. this section the street commissioner is hereby authorized and em- powered to make any needed repairs in such sidewalks and the necessary expense thereof shall be a charge against such owner or owners and shall be a lien on said property and may be collected as other taxes upon real property or by an action in the name of the Town of Ferndale against such owners. SEC. 5.' Should any of the said owners of real property neglect or refuse to relay the sidewalks in front of or along his, her or their property as required by Section 2 of this ordinance or to build sidewalks as required by and within the time specified by Section 3 of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the street superin- tendent to forthwith relay, widen or build such sidewalks, and the cost thereof, with interest thereon, shall be a lien upon the real property in front of and along which said sidewalk was relaid or built, to be collected as other taxes upon real property are collected and shall also be a personal charge against the owner or owners of such property, to be recovered with costs in a suit in the name of the Town of Ferndale against such owner or owners. SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 6th day of July, 1894. Passed and approved July 2, 1894. H. H. MOT/LER, President. S. W. SCOTTON, Clerk pro tern. ORDINANCE NO. 27. ORDINANCES. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That all ordinances of said Town offered for passage and adop- tion, shall be first read in a meeting of the Board and filed with the clerk and laid over to a subsequent meeting, not within five days thereafter. SEC. 2. All ordinances shall be passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board, or at an adjourned meeting thereof. SEC. 3. All ordinances shall be signed by the President of the Board, and attested by the clerk. SEC. 4. Every ordinance shall be published once, unless otherwise specially provided by statute, in a weekly newspaper published in said town. SEC. 5. The Town Clerk shall keep a book marked "ordinances" into which he shall copy all town ordinances with his certificate annexed to each copy, stating that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of an ordinance of the town, and giving the number and title of said ordinance and stating that the same has been published according to law. This ordinance shall take effect from and after date of publication. Passed and approved Nov. 19, 1894. Attest: L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 31 FOR THE PROTECTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of every person owning or occupying any io ORDINANCES lot or block of land In the Town of Ferndale which shall be bounded on any side thereof by any legally established sidewalk, street, lane or alley or other public thoroughfare, to keep such street, sidewalk, lane or alley free from all rubbish, filth, garbage and obstructions of every kind, as far as the middle of such street or alley, and as far as the edge of such sidewalk nearest to the street, and as far in length as the corresponding dimensions of such lot or block. SEC. 2. Any such owner or occupant who shall place or cause to be placed, or suffer or permit to be placed, or permit to accumulate on any street, sidewalk, lane or alley so adjoining his premises, any rubbish, filth or garbage or obstruction of any kind or description, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a public nuisance. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall not be construed so as to prevent any person from using one-half of the street adjoining his premises for a reasonable time, when such use may be necessary for the purpose of collecting and using material for erecting or repairing buildings; nor to prevent any person from depositing goods, wares and merchandise upon any sidewalk, lane or alley in said town for the pur- pose of immediately conveying them across the same; nor to prevent tying saddle horses or mules, and horses or mules attached to vehicles, at convenient places along the streets for a reasonable and proper time; provided that no goods, wares or mer- chandise shall remain on any sidewalk longer than is necessary for the purpose of unloading and conveying them across the same, and after they have been so con- veyed they must not be replaced thereon except for the purpose of prompt delivery thereof. , SEC. 4. Any person who shall throw, deposit or place any rubbish, filth, garbage or obstruction of any kind, except as herein above provided, in or upon any public street, lane, sidewalk or alley, shall be deemed guilty of committing a public nuisance. •SEC. 5. Any person who shall commit or maintain a public nuisance, as the same are defined in this ordinance, within the Town of Ferndale, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, upon the complaint of the Town Marshal or other person, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. SEC. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take effect from its date of publication. Passed and approved this 17th day of December, 1894. H. H. MODLER, President. J. A. SHAW, Clerk pro tern. ORDINANCE NO. 32. VIOLATION OF ORDINANCES. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A judgment that any person shall pay a fine, or fine and im- prisonment, for a violation of an ordinance may also direct that he be imprisoned until the fine be satisfied, specifying the extent of imprisonment, which must not exceed one day for every dollar of the fine. SEC. 2. The judgment may also direct that said person shall be caused to labor upon the public streets or other public property or works of the Town of ORDINANCES n Ferndale, at the rate of one day of labor for every two days of the judgment of imprisonment. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after date of publication. Passed and approved this 17th day of December, 1894. H. H. MOLLER, President. J. A. SHAW, Clerk pro tern. ORDINANCE NO. 33. TO PROVIDE FOR A SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, AND TO REPEAL ORDINANCE NO. 25 AND SEC. 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 6. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale may at any time after the passage of this ordinance appoint a superintendent of streets at a compensation to be hereafter determined by said Board. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of streets, under the di- rection and control of the Board of Trustees, to take charge of the roads, streets, alleys, lanes and sidewalks within the Town of Ferndale, and to keep the same in repair and free from obstructions, and to supervise the construction of sidewalks and grading of streets, and construction of sewers within the Tov/n of Ferndale. SEC. 3. Before entering upon his duties, the superintendent of streets shall give a bond for $1000, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty, payable to the Town of Ferndale. Such bond shall be executed by two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. Ordinance No. 25, and Section 2 of Ordinance No. 6 are hereby re- pealed. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from date of pub- lication. H. H. MOLDER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 35. TO PRESERVE THE PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to lead, ride or drive any cow, ox, horse, mare, mule, jack or jenny, whether attached to any vehicle or not, on or along any sidewalk or pavement in the Town of Ferndale, except for the purpose of crossing driveways on sidewalks or pavements. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any bicycle, tricycle or velocipede on or along any sidewalk or pavement in the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 3. Any person who shall violate any of the acts of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after date of publication. Passed and approved this 4th day of February, 1895. H. H. MOLLER, President. L. H. MINER Clerk. 12 ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 36. CHANGING NAME OF STREET. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The name of Main street, as appears on map of Arlynda Ad- dition of Ferndale is hereby changed to Kenyon street. SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after date of publication. Passed and approved this 20th day of May, 1895. H. H. MOLLER, President. J. A. SHAW, Clerk pro tern. ORDINANCE NO. 38. ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING SEWER MAPS OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION l.That the Map of Ferndale Sewer System, drawn by J. A. Shaw, be accepted and adopted as the sewer map of Ferndale. Passed and approved July 1, 1895. H. H. MOLLER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 39. ACCEPTING STREETS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. All streets and alleys within the corporate limits of the Town of Ferndale which have been dedicated by the owners thereof for the use of the public are hereby accepted and declared to be public 'streets of the Town of Ferndale This ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication. Passed and approved this 5th day of August, 1895. H. H. MOLLER President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 40. USE OF COUNTY JAIL. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That any person or persons sentenced to imprisonment for violations of any of the ordinances of the Town of Ferndale, may be imprisoned in the county jail at the City of Eureka, at the discretion of the Town Recorder; in which case the expense of such imprisonment shall be a charge in favor of the County and against the Town. ORDINANCES 13 SEC. 2. This ordinance shall 'take effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this 12th day of August, 1895. H. H. MOLLER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 44. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO HUMBOLDT TELEPHONE CO., SUCCES- SORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO PLACE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN POLES, WIRES AND OTHER CONDUCTORS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH PURPOSES IN AND UPON THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND TO EXER- CISE THE PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING TELEPHONES WITHIN SAID TOWN. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Town of Ferndale, State of California, hereby grants to Humboldt Telephone Company, successors and assigns, the right and privilege to place, lay, erect, maintain and operate in the streets, alleys and public highways within said town, poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of elec- tricity for telephone and telegraph purposes. SEC. 2. Such wires or conductors shall be stretched upon poles or other fixtures above ground in a workmanlike and proper manner; said poles shall be erected at the edge of the sidewalks in said town in a good and substantial man- ner and shall be painted. The Board of Trustees of said 'town shall have a right to cause said grantee to move the location of any pole whenever the public con- venience shall require the location of the same elsewhere; the expense of such re- moval to be paid by said grantee. SEC. 3. The said grantee or assigns may make all necessary excavations in any of said streets, alleys, or public highways for the purpose of erecting and maintaining the poles or other supports for said wires or conductors, or repairing the same, and said work shall be done in compliance with the necessary rules, regulations, ordinances or orders which may during the continuance of this fran- chise be adopted from time to time by the Board of Trustees of said town, and the same shall be done to the satisfaction of the said Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in anywise to pre- vent the proper authorities of said Town of Ferndale, State of California, from sew- ering, grading, paving, planking, repairing or altering any of said streets or thor- oughfares herein mentioned. SEC. 5. In consideration of the rights herein granted, the said Town of Ferndale, State of California, shall have the right to suspend and maintain upon the poles placed by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in the streets or thor- oughfares aforesaid, any and all wires which said town may require for fire alarm or police telegraph service, free of charge to said town. SEC. 6. The rights, privileges and franchises herein granted shall continue and be in force for the period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance. 14 ORDINANCES SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from arid after its passage and publication. Passed and approved December 2, 1895. H. H. MOLI.ER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 45. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SUNSET TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO PLACE, ERECT AND MAINTAIN POLES, WIRES AND OTHER CONDUCTORS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH PURPOSES, IN AND UPON THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUB- LIC HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE, STATE OF CALIFOR- NIA, AND TO EXERCISE THE PRIVILEGE OF OPERATING TELE- PHONES WITHIN THE SAID TOWN. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Town of Ferndale, State of California, hereby grants to the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co., successors and assigns, the right and privilege to place, lay, erect, maintain and operate in the streets, alleys and public highways within said town, poles, wires and other conductors for the transmission of electricity for telephone and telegraph purposes. SEC. 2. Such wires or other conductors shall be stretched upon poles or other fixtures above ground in a workmanlike and proper manner; said poles shall be erected at the edge of the sidewalks in said town, in a good and substantial man- ner, and shall be painted. The Board of Trustees of said town shall have the right to cause said grantee to move the location of any pole whenever the public convenience shall require the location of the same elsewhere, the expense of such removal to be paid by said grantee. SEC. 3. The said grantee or assigns may make all necessary excavations in any of said streets, alleys or public highways for the purpose of erecting and maintaining the poles or other supports for said wires or conductors or repairing the same, and said work shall be done in compliance with the necessary rules, regu- lations, ordinances or orders which may during the continuance of this franchise be adopted from time to time by the Board of Trustees of said town, and the same shall be done to the satisfaction of the said Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as in anywise to pre- vent the proper authorities of said Town of Ferndale, State of California, from sewering, grading, paving, planking, repairing or altering any of said streets or thoroughfares herein mentioned. SEC. 5. In consideration of the rights herein granted, the said Town of Ferndale, State of California, shall have the right to suspend and maintain upon the poles placed by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in the streets and thor- oughfares aforesaid, any and all wires which said town may require, for fire alarm and police telegraph services, free of charge to said town. SEC. 6. The rights, privileges and franchises herein granted shall continue and be in force for the period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of the passage of this ordinance. ORDINANCES 15 SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. H. H. MOLLER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 46. APPOINTING THE TOWN MARSHAL TO THE OFFICES OF SUPERINTEND- ENT OF STREETS AND POUNDMASTER. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be lawful for the Town Marshal, In addition to his duties prescribed by law and the ordinances of the Town of Ferndale, to also dis- charge the duties of Superintendent of Streets and Poundmaster of the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale, may, in their discretion, appoint the Town Marshal to the office of Superintendent of Streets or to the office of Poundmaster, or to both such offices. This ordinance shall take effect from and after approval and publication. Passed and approved this 1st day of June, 1896. A. BERDING, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 47. TO PROHIBIT ANIMALS FROM RUNNING AT LARGE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to allow or permit any horse, mule, ass, goat, cow, bull, calf, sheep or swine 'to run at large upon any public street, way or highway within the corporate limits of the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. Any person who violates any provision of section one shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. SEC. 3. All ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from the 7th day of April, 1896. Passed and approved this 6th day of April, 1896. H. H. MOLLER President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 48. ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC POUND AND PRESCRIBING POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE POUNDMASTER. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A public pound is hereby authorized and established, which pound shall be located at a place to be designated from time to time by resolution of this Board. 16 ORDINANCES SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to lock up, seize and im- pound all horses, mules, ass«s, goats, cows, bulls, calves, sheep, swine, or any such animals found running at large, or estrayed, or staked, or in any manner grazing, or being grazed or fed upon any public street, way or highway in said Town. SEC. 3. Any animal mentioned in section two of this ordinance found tres- passing upon any private property in said town, or running at large upon any pub- lic street, way or highway, may be taken up by any person and committed to the custody of the Poundmaster, who shall hold the same subject to reasonable demands for actual damage done, in addition to fees prescribed herein, by said animal, if trespassing upon private property, and for the fees prescribed herein if found run- ning at large upon the streets, etc. SEC. 4. The Poundmaster shall take up and securely keep all animals men- tioned in section two of this ordinance and shall receive and securely keep all animals taken up and committed to his custody in accordance with section three of this ordinance. He shall notify the owner or owners, or persons entitled to the control of such animals, of the impounding of the same, by posting iiotices thereof in three public places within the town for at least two days, and he shall provide subsistence for all animals impounded while in his custody. SEC. 5. The charges upon animals impounded shall be two dollars per head for each animal, and if such animal was taken up by any other person than the Poundmaster, such person shall be entitled to one dollar, and the Poundmaster shall be entitled to one dollar, and the Poundmaster shall be entitled to 50 cents per day for keeping the same while in his custody. SEC. 6. The owner or owners or persons entitled to the control of any ani- mal impounded may at any time before the sale thereof redeem the same by pay- ing to the Poundmaster all proper charges and costs thereon, made by virtue of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and upon the payment of said charges and costs the Poundmaster shall deliver to such person the animal so redeemed. SEC. 7. If at the expiration of said two days from the time of posting the notices required by section four of this ordinance, no owner can be found, or the owner or person entitled to the control of the animal impounded, fails or neglects to redeem the same, the Poundmaster shall sell such animal at public auction after giving notice thereof in three public places for two days before such sale, giving a description of each animal and the time and place of sale. From the proceeds of the sale the Poundmaster shall deduct charges and costs, provided for in section five of this ordinance, and in addition thereto the sum of one dollar for posting no- tices and one dollar in all sales, and shall pay the balance into the town treasury for the use and benefit of the owner or persons entitled to the control of the animal sold, if claimed within six months thereafter, which sums, if not so claimed, shall be paid into the general fund. SEC. 8. The Poundmaster shall keep a correct record of all animals taken into his custody, and shall pay into the town treasury all moneys received by him as charges and costs, after paying therefrom for the keeping of the animals im- pounded while in his custody. SEC. 9. Ordinance Number Four is hereby repealed. SEC. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 7th day of April, 1896. Passed and approved this 6th day of April, 1896. H. H. MOLLER, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCES » 17 ORDINANCE NO. 49 BONDS OF TOWN OFFICERS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the Town officers hereinafter named before entering up- on the duties of their respective offices shall each give a bond to said town, con- ditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as required by law, including in the bond the duties of all offices of which he is or may be made ex-officio incum- bent, with at least two sureties; the form of said bond to be joint and several. SEC. 2. The penalty of such bonds shall be as follows: The Town Clerk in the penal sum of one thousand dollars; the Town Treasurer in the penal sum of six thousand dollars; the Town Marshal in the penal sum of three thousand dollars. SEC. 3. Ordinance No. Two and Ordinance No. Twenty-One are hereby re- pealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publi- cation. Passed and approved this 20th day of April, 1896. H. H. MODLER, President L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 51. ACCEPTING AND NAMING STREETS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the following described streets and parcel of land now opened into streets are hereby accepted and declared to be public streets of the Town of Ferndale, viz: — that part of Church street, beginning at the terminus of Shaw avenue and running in a northeasterly direction to where Rose avenue inter- sects Church street; also, the whole of Rose avenue, which said above-mentioned streets are shown on map filed in the County Recorder's office by Isabella Shaw; also, the following described parcel of land, beginning at a point 25 feet south of the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2, township 2, north of range 2, west, H. M. (at the terminus of Rose avenue), thence north 50 feet, thence east and parallel with the section line 1358 48-100 feet to sec- tion line between sections 1 and 2, thence south 5 feet, thence east and parallel with section line 672.2-10 feet to the east boundary of the incorporate limits of the Town of Ferndale, thence south 20 feet to the section line between sections 1 and 12, thence west along the section line 672 2-10 feet to the corner of sections 1, 11 and 12, thence south 25 feet, thence west and parallel with the section line 1358 48-100 feet to the point of beginning; also begin at a point situate 25 feet north of the south- west corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of aforesaid section 2, thence north to the north boundary of Rose avenue in Shaw's Division to the Town of Ferndale, thence southeasterly along the north boundary line of Rose av- enue, if extended southeasterly, to the north boundary of the above-described parcel of land, thence west to the point of beginning, within the incorporate limits of the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. That the name of the street in the last above described parcels of land shall be Rose avenue. 18 ORDINANCES SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval and publication. Passed and approved this 13th day of July, 1896. A. BERDING, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 52. ESTABLISHING A FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. A Fire Department of the Town of Ferndale is hereby created which shall be known as the Ferndale Fire Department and which shall consist of a Chief, one Assistant Chief, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and all such regularly or- ganized fire companies now or hereafter organized in the said town, as shall be admitted to said Fire Department by the Board of Trustees of said town, on rec- ommendation of the Board of Control of the Fire Department, and which shall com- ply with the provisions and requirements of this Ordinance, and other Ordinances which may hereafter be passed by this Board; provided, that there shall hot be more than four companies in the town. Not more than sixty-five members shall be allowed to any engine company, or hook-and-ladder company and not more than twenty-five members to any hose company. SEC. 2. The Chief, Assistant Chief, Secretary and Treasurer, shall be elected on the first Thursday in February of each year by the members of the Fire Department, and confirmed by the Board of Trustees* and shall hold office only at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 3. The Fire Department shall be governed by a "Board of Control." Said Board shall consist of the duly elected and qualified Chief and Assistant Chief, together with the duly elected and qualified Foremen of the several fire companies, elected by the respective companies comprised in the department. The Board of Control shall have exclusive charge and control of all matters appertaining to the government of said department, and shall have power to adopt such rules and regu- lations for the government of the same as shall not conflict with this ordinance. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall issue certificates of active membership and of exemption to all members of the Fire Department who may be entitled to receive the same, and shall perform such other duties as may be provided in this Ordinance or in the rules and regulations of the Department. SEC. 5. The Treasurer shall take charge of and receipt for all moneys of the Fire Department and Board of Control, and shall perform such other duties as may be provided by the rules and regulations of the Department. SEC. 6. The Chief, Assistant Chief, Secretary and Treasurer, on" receiving their certificates of election or appointment, shall take and subscribe to the con- stitutional oath of office, before an officer authorized to administer oaths, which shall be endorsed upon or attached to his certificate and filed with the Town Clerk in his office. The Chief and Assistant Chief herein provided for must have been active members of the Fire Department of said town for at least one year previous to such election. SEC. 7. The Board of Control of said Fire Department may, for good cause shown and entered on its minutes, and after fair and just hearing and trial had, remove any officer appointed, or any member of this department. At least five days' ORDINANCES 19 notice of the charges preferred and the time fixed for trial shall be given through the Secretary of the Board to the accused officer or member before the trial shall be had SEC. 8. No liability shall be incurred against the town on account of the Fire Department, except such as shall be ordered or approved by the Board of Trustees. SEC. 9. Every fire company in the town shall, within thirty days after the taking effect of this ordinance, make and deliver to the Secretary of the Board of Control a certificate showing: First, the date of its organization; second, the names of its officers, and when and for how long a time they are elected or appointed; third, the time of its regular meetings and regular elections; fourth, the names of all its active members in good standing. Every fire company hereafter organized shall, before it is admitted to the department, file with said Secretary a like cer- tificate. A like certificate shall be made and filed annually with said Secretary, not less than thirty days before the annual election. Such certificate shall be signed by the Foreman and Secretary of each company. SEC. 10. The Chief, if present, shall have control and command of all op- erations of the department at fires. If the Chief is not present at any fire, the As- sistant Chief shall have control and command; and if neither the Chief nor the Assistant Chief be present, then the first Foreman who causes water to be thrown on the fire shall have such charge and command. All the members of the Fire Department sholl obey the orders of the officer in charge at any fire, and it shall be the duty of all companies in the department, with their apparatus, and of all the members of the companies to turn out at any fire unless otherwise directed. SEC. 11. The Chief shall have charge, subject to the orders of the Board of Trustees, of all property of the Department. SEC. 12. The Chief shall report to the Board of Trustees annually, on the first Monday in March, the number, location and condition of all cisterns, hydrants and fire apparatus, and the state of the fire company houses, and of all property of the town in keeping of said department. Also, all accidents by fire which have taken place, with the causes thereof, and a description of the property destroyed or injured, with the names of the owners of the same and the amount of loss and insurance; also, such other information and such recommendations as he may deem proper. He shall, furthermore, inquire into the cause of all fires. SEC. 13. The Chief shall be notified at once of any necessary repairs to houses, apparatus, etc., and all communications to the Board of Trustees in refer- ence to such matters shall pass through his hands, for approval or disapproval, prior to coming before this Board. SEC. 14. All fire companies and all members thereof shall be subject to the rules and regulations in this ordinance contained, or which may hereafter be es- tablished by said Board of Trustees. SEC. 15. No person shall be a member of said Fire Department, or of any company of said department, who is not at least eighteen years of age. SEC. 16. None of the fire apparatus of said department shall be taken out of the town without the consent of the Board of Trustees, except in case of fire, and then only by order of the officer in charge. SEC. 17. Within twenty days after the passage of this ordinance the Chief, Assistant Chief and the Foremen of the various fire companies of this town shall meet at the Town Hall and proceed with the organization of said Board of Control, and elect a Secretary and a Treasurer. SEC. 18. Any person aggrieved at any act or determination of any company ORDINANCES belonging to said department may appeal therefrom to the Board of Control by- filing a statement of the grounds of appeal with the Secretary of said Board and serving a copy thereof on the Secretary of the company appealed from; whereupon it shall be the duty of said Board to appoint a time for hearing and to hear and finally determine said appeal. SEC. 19. Any person interested may contest the election of any officer of said department by filing a statement in writing, setting forth the grounds of contest, with the Clerk of said town, and serving a copy thereof upon the person whose election is contested, within thirty days after the election contested; whereupon the Board of Trustees will, upon notice, hear and determine the matter. SEC. 20. All fire companies organized and now existing in this town are incorporated and admitted in the department hereby established, under their pres- ent management and officers, without further formality. SEC. 21. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this 15th day of March, 1897. A. BERDING, President. L H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 53. EXTENDING SIDEWALK LIMIT, ETC. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the sidewalk limits on Main street are hereby extended to the residence of Charles Rackliffe. SEC. 2. That a wooden sidewalk, six feet in width, in conformity with Or- dinance No. 26 of the Town of Ferndale, be constructed on Main street, from a point in front of L M. Smith's residence to a point in front of Charles Rackliffe's residence. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and publication. Passed and approved this 15th day of March, 1897. A. BERDING, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 54. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Every demand against the town must be made out on blanks furnished by the town for the purpose, giving all items of the claim, duly verified by the affidavit of the person making the demand or by some person in his behalf, as to its correctness and that the amount is justly due. Every claim and demand against the town shall, before being heard or considered by the Board of Trustees, first be audited by a committee of two members of the Board, appointed by the President of the Board, to whom shall be referred all claims against the town. Said committee shall recommend the approval or rejection of the claims presented. Said ORDINANCES committee shall be known as the Auditing and Finance Committee. All votes al- lowing any demand for money, or for the payment of money, shall be taken by ayes and noes, which shall be entered in the minutes of the Board. SEC. 2. Ordinance No. 29 is hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved April 5, 1897. A. BERDING, President. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 56. (As amended by Ordinances Nos. 58 and 92.) REGULATING MUNICIPAL LICENSES. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the Town of Ferndale to engage in or carry on any business, trade, calling, occupation or profession hereinafter specified without first procuring a license from said Town so to do, and paying the license tax hereby now imposed on such business, trade, calling, occupation or profession. SEC. 2. License tax shall be paid to and collected by the Town Marshal. He shall sign all licenses issued, and keep a record showing the numbers of the same, to whom issued, the kind of business for which they are issued, the amount of license paid, date of license, the date of issuing, and the date of expiration there- of. No license shall be issued by the Marshal other than those received by him from the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk shall number and keep an account of the licenses counter- signed by him, and showing the numbers, the dates thereof, to whom issued, for what, the time of expiration, and the amount of license. After countersigning the licenses he shall deliver the same to the Marshal and charge him with them. At the end of each license term the Marshal shall return to the Town Clerk all licenses so delivered to him which have not been used, and the Clerk shall credit him with them and cancel the same. SEC. 3. Licenses issued pursuant to this ordinance shall be paid for in ad- vance. They shall be dated on the day of issuance by the Clerk, and shall expire on the last day of the license term, unless otherwise herein specified. Three months shall constitute a license term, and licenses shall be issued quarterly or every three' months, unless otherwise herein specified, commencing July 1, 1897. SEC. 4. No licenses granted or issued under any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be in any manner assignable or transferable, or authorize any per- son other than is herein mentioned or named to do business without permission from the Board of Trustees endorsed thereon by the Town Clerk, who shall record such change or transfer in the proper place upon the record of the license. SEC. 5. Every person having a license under the provisions of this ordi- nance shall conspicuously exhibit the same at all times while in force in his place ORDINANCES of business and produce the same when applying for a renewal or when requested so to do by the Marshal or any other police officer, provided that peddlers and others shall be deemed not to have obtained a license, as he may by this ordinance be required to obtain, unless upon demand of the Town Marshal, or other proper per- son, he produce the same for inspection. SEC. 6. Conviction and punishment of any person for transacting any business without a license shall not excuse or exempt such person from the pay- ment of any license due or unpaid at the time of such conviction. SEC. 7. Gratuitous licenses may be issued by the Town Clerk and Town Marshal when ordered by the Board of Trustees in the same manner as other licenses are issued by them, subject to the conditions of this section, and as follows: First: To producers to sell such products as are raised and cultivated by them. Second: To persons who, by the infirmities of age, loss of limb, or other dis- abling causes, are incapacitated from earning a living by physical labor, to sell goods at retail. Third: To any person who, upon proper showing, is found by this Board to merit exemption from 'the provisions of any section hereof. All applications for gratuitous licenses shall be in writing, and must state the facts, relied upon by applicant, signed by him. The action of said Board shall be endorsed on the back of the license so issued, and signed by the Clerk of said Board. The Town Clerk and Town Marshal shall enter such endorsement in the license books kept by them. No license shall be in force until said entry is made. All licenses granted by the Board of Trustees, under this section, shall ex- pire at the end of the term for which they were issued, provided that the said Board may at any time revoke 'the same; and such revocation must be entered on the license books of the record of the Town Clerk and Town Marshal, upon due notice hereof. No gratuitous licenses are assignable. SEC. 8. The license tax shall be according to the following schedule: GENERAL BUSINESS. For every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of buying or selling goods, wares or merchandise, at a fixed place of business in said Town, shall pay a license tax as follows: Those whose aggregate sales amount to $2500 or more per month shall con- stitute the first class and shall pay a license tax of $10 per quarter. Those whose aggregate sales amount to $1500 and less than $2500 per month shall constitute the second class and shall pay a license tax of $7 50 per quarter. Those whose aggregate sales amount to $1000 and less than $1500 per month shall constitute 'the third class and shall pay a license tax of $5 per quarter. . Those whose aggregate sales amount to $500 and less than $1000 per month shall constitute the fourth class and shall pay a license tax of $3 per quarter. Those whose aggregate sales are less than $500 per month shall constitute the fifth class and shall pay a license tax of $2 per quarter. MEAT MARKETS. SEC. 9. For every person, firm or corporation having a fixed place of busi- ness, who carries on the business of a meat market in said town, shall pay a license tax of $3 per quarter. ORDINANCES 23 BLACKSMITHS, ETC. SEC. 10. Every person, firm or corporation having- a fixed place of business in the Town of Ferndale engaged in conducting a blacksmith shop, shoe-making and cobbling shop, carpenter shop, wood work shop, harness and saddlery repair shop, paint shop where painting is done, tailoring, watch and jewelry repairing, bicycle repairing, hardware and tinware repairing, upholstery repairing, shall pay therefor a license tax as follows: Those whose income per month for the same shall amount to $400 or more, shall constitute the first class and shall pay the sum of $4 per quarter; those whose income per month for the same shall amount to $300 and not exceeding $400 shall constitute the second class and shall pay the sum of $3 per quarter; those whose income per month for the same shall amount to $200 and not exceeding $300 shall constitute the third class and shall pay the sum of $2 per quarter; those whose income per month for the same shall amount to any sum less than $200 shall constitute the fourth class and shall pay the sum of $1 per quarter; provided that when repairing is done in connection with the business for selling goods, wares, and merchandise for which a license tax is paid to said Town under Section 8, no license tax shall be exacted for the income derived from such repairing. PEDDLERS AND CANVASSERS. SEC. 11. Every person, firm, association, or corporation, not having a fixed place of business in the Town of Ferndale, who peddles, or from place to place, within said Town, offers for sale, or does sell, barter, or exchange anything, or any goods, wares or merchandise then in his possession (except newspapers, peri- odicals, ice, milk, fruit, vegetables, or meat) shall pay a license tax of $2 per day, or $10 per week. This section shall also apply to any person, not having a fixed place of business in said Town, who shall solicit or take orders for the exchange, sale, barter, or delivery of the same class of goods as above enumerated, not then in his actual possession; and he shall pay the same rate of license as above. Pro- vided, however, that this section shall not apply to salesmen or agents for whole- sale houses or firms who solicit orders from, or sell for resale to, retail dealers or to manufacturers for manufacturing purposes. LIVERY STABLES, ETC. SEC. 13. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of con- ducting a livery or boarding stable or livery or boarding and stage stable shall pay a license tax as follows: For conducting a livery or boarding stable the sum of $4 per quarter; for conducting a livery or boarding and stage stable the sum of $6 per quarter. BANKS. SEC. 16. Fof every company or corporation carrying on the banking busi- ness in said Town, the sum of $10 per quarter. TELEPHONE COMPANY. SEC. 17. Every telephone company doing a general telephone business for profit within said Town shall pay a license tax of $7.50 per quarter. ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANIES. SEC. 18. For every person, company or corporation selling, supplying or 24 ORDINANCES furnishing electric lights for gain to any resident of the Town of Ferndale shall pay a license tax therefor of $6 per quarter. WATER COMPANIES SEC. 19. For every person, company or corporation selling, supplying or furnishing water for gain to any resident of the Town of Ferndale shall pay a license per quarter equal to 1% per cent of the gross receipts of the preceding quarter. PHYSICIANS. SEC. 21. Physicians are divided into two classes, permanent and traveling. Permanent physicians are defined to be physicians who are regularly licensed, and who carry on their profession at a fixed place of business in said Town. All per- manent physicians must pay a license tax of $2 per quarter. Traveling physicians are defined to be: 1. Regularly licensed physicians who have not a fixed place of carrying on their profession in said Town one month preceding the securing of a license, and who advertise by circular, or in the public prints, or by public outcry, lauding their skill in medicine or any of its branches. 2. Regularly licensed or other physicians who take up a temporary abode in said Town claiming to represent medical institutes, and who carry on their busi- ness by means of constant advertising. 3. Persons not regularly licensed who attempt to carry on the business of prescribing for persons in ill health, and endeavor to secure business by advertis- ing or puffing. All traveling physicians as herein defined must pay a license tax of $5 per day or $25 per week. DENTISTS. SEC. 22. Dentists are divided into two classes, permanent and traveling. Permanent dentists are defined to be dentists who have a fixed place of business or office in said Town; and all permanent dentists must pay a license tax of $2 per quarter. Traveling dentists are defined to be dentists who have not been permanently located in said Town for a period of thirty days preceding the securing of a li- cense, and who advertise by circular, or by constand advertising in the public prints. All traveling dentists must pay a license tax of $2 per day, or $10 per week. CD7ID ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. SEC. 23. For every civil engineer and surveyor engaged in the practice of his profession, the sum of $2 per quarter. NEWSPAPERS. SEC. 24. Every person, firm, company or corporation engaged in conduct- ing a newspaper or job printing office shall pay a license tax as follows: For con- ducting a newspaper whose circulation is six hundred or more copies, the sum of $3 per quarter; for conducting a job printing office or soliciting or taking orders for job printing the sum of $2 per quarter, provided that when job printing or so- liciting or taking orders for job printing is conducted in connection with a news- paper for which a license tax is paid under the provisions of this section, no license tax shall be exacted for conducting job printing or soliciting or taking orders as aforesaid. ORDINANCES 25 HOTELS. SEC. 26. Every person, firm or corporation who keeps or conducts a hotel, restaurant, lodging house or boarding house in said Town shall pay a license tax as follows: Hotels $3 per quarter, restaurant or lodging house $1.50 per quarter, when ten or more boarders are kept at a private house it shall be 'termed a "boarding house" and shall pay a license tax of $1.50 per quarter. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SEC. 27. Every person or firm engaged in conducting a photograph gallery, tent, or wagon, or taking and selling photographs or photographic views, shall pay a license tax of $2 per quarter. Traveling photographers shall pay a license tax of $1 per day or $4 per week. BARBER SHOPS. SEC. 28. Every person or firm engaged in conducting a barber shop, shall pay a license tax as follows. For each barber chair used, $2 per quarter. LAUNDRIES. SEC. 29. For every person, firm or company engaged in conducting a laun- dry, or soliciting for a laundry, where a vehicle is used, the sum of $2 per quarter for every vehicle used. BILL POSTING. SEC. 30. Every person who engages in the business of bill-posting, or dis- tributing dodgers, circulars, or advertisements shall pay a license tax of $1 per quarter. RENTING BICYCLES. SEC. 31. Every person or firm renting bicycles for hire shall pay a license tax of $2 per quarter. AUCTION SALES. SEC. 32. Every person, firm or corporation selling dry goods, boots and shoes, jewelry, silverware, furniture (other than second hand furniture), cutlery, drugs, hardwars, medicine or stationery at auction shall pay a license tax of $2.50 per day. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to sales made under order or judgment of any court. EXHIBITIONS, ETC. SEC. 34. Every proprietor, lessee, or manager of any theater or other place of amusement shall pay a license tax as follows: For the first performance of a drama, opera, minstrel show, animal show, concert, circus, exhibition of jugglery, necromancy or rope walking, the sum of $5; for the second performance, the sum of $3; for each subsequent performance, the sum of $2; provided, that a quarterly license may be granted to any resident manager for a production of any of the above named performances by the same theatrical company for the sum of $15 per quarter; and provided further, that no license shall be exacted for any entertain- ment of any kind given by amateur local performers when such performance is given for charitable, public or benevolent purposes. MERRRY - GO - ROUND. SEC. 35. For every person conducting a merry-go-round the sum of $2 per day. BOOK AGENT. SEC. 35a. Each book agent or solicitor, for the sale of • hooks, maps, or 26 ORDINANCES photographic views shall pay a license tax of $1.50 per week, or $5.00 per month. SHOOTING GALLERY. SEC. 35b. Every person engaged in carrying on or keeping any shooting gallery shall pay a license tax of $5 per month. ASTROLOGER, SEC. 35c. Every astrologer, seer, fortune teller, clairvoyant, phrenologist, spiritualist, spiritualistic medium, or mind or character reader demanding a fee for his services shall pay a license tax of $2 per day, or $5 per week. STREET VENDERS, ETC. SEC. 35d. Every traveling merchant, hawker, peddler, vender, street fakir or advertiser who sells or advertises goods, wares or merchandise of any kind, patent or other medicines of any kind, by music, singing, dancing, jegglery tricks, sleight of hand, buffoonery, gymnastics or spectacular plays, shows or perform- ances, or by speeches, declamation or oratory, or by any performance on the streets intended to draw a crowd about the person so selling or advertising as aforesaid, shall pay a license tax of $2 per day, or $5 per week. THROWING RINGS, ETC. SEC. 35e. Every person engaged in disposing of goods, wares or merchan- dise of any kind whatsoever, by means of casting or throwing rings, or turning an arrow or indicator on a pivot, or by other means than the ordinary method of barter and sale, shall pay a license tax of $3 per day, or $10 per week. UNDERTAKER. SEC. 35f. Every undertaker engaged in undertaking in the Town of Fern- dale shall pay a license tax of $2 per quarter; provided, that when undertaking parlors are conducted in connection with a business on which a Town license is being paid, no further license shall be paid. BOTTLING WORKS. SEC. 35h. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in carrying on a bot- tling works, and bottling beer or cider in said Town, shall pay a license tax of $2.50 per quarter. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER. SEC. 35i. Every wholesale liquor dealer selling liquor at wholesale in said Town shall pay a license tax of $5 per quarter; provided, that no license therefor shall be issued to any one who has not also paid for a retail saloon license in said Town. CREAMERY. SEC. 35j. Every person, firm or corporation operating or conducting a creamery, by buying milk and converting it into cream or butter within the limits of the Town of Ferndale, shall pay a license tax of $2.50 per quarter. MECHANICAL SHOP. SEC. 35k. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting a me- chanical shop (other than a blacksmith shop), or manufacturing establishment of any kind, shall pay a license tax as follows: Where the number of men employed or engaged in work is three or more, ORDINANCES 27 the amount of license tax shall be $2 per quarter. In other cases the amount of li- cense tax shall be $1 per quarter. TAILOR. SEC. 35m. Every tailor or other person in the Town making, or taking or- ders for, m^n's clothing, except when said business is conducted in connection with a clothing store on which a license tax is being paid, shall pay a license tax of $1 per quarter. SEC. 36. In all cases where the, amount of license tax to be paid by any person, firm, company or corporation is based upon or regulated by the amount of sales effected or business transacted, such person, firm, company or corporation shall, upon the request of the Town Marshal, render a sworn statement to the Town Marshall of the total amount of gross sales made or business transacted by them, respectively, during the three months next preceding the expiration of the last license tax, which statement shall determine the amount for which such licnse tax shall be renewed. SEC. 37. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprison- ment in the Town jail for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 38. Ordinances Nos. 5, 9, 22, 24, 43 and 50, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC. 39. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of July, 1897. Passed and approved, June 28, 1897. G. M- BRICE, President pro tern of the Board of Trustee. L. H. MINER, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 57. DEFINING CERTAIN MISDEMEANORS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall discharge any musket, rifle, pistol, shotgun, or other firearm upon any public highway, lane, street, alley or sidewalk in the Town of Ferndale, or upon any lot or block fronting upon Main, Washington, Brown, Eu- gene, Francis and Church streets, and Shaw and Ocean avenues, or upon the public school grounds, without permission from the President of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 2. No person shall fire or discharge, or cause to be fired or discharged, upon any of the public streets, sidewalks, highways', lanes, or alleys of the Town of Ferndale any Chinese or other fireworks or explosive preparation of a similar nature, loaded or charged with gunpowder or any other explosive material, with- out permission from the Board of Trustees. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, not being a public officer, or not having received a permit from the Town Marshal, approved by the President of 28 ORDINANCES the Board of Trustees to wear or carry, concealed, any pistol, dirk, brass or iron knuckles, slungshot, or other deadly or dangerous weapon. SEC. 4. No person shall discharge upon any public street, sidewalk, or place, in the Town of Ferndale, any gun, by means of which any missile is pro- jected by a spring, bow, or compressed air, or use any implement whereby stones, beans, shot, pebbles, or other substances are projected. SEC. 5. No person shall, in the Town of Ferndale, hurl or throw any stone or other missile by means of any sling. SEC. 6. No person in said Town shall so kindle or light, or cause to be kindled or lighted, any bonfire, upon any public street or place, without permission from the President of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 7. No person shall in the Town of Ferndale, 1st. Make in any place, or suffer to be made upon his premises or premises within his control, any noise, disorder, or tumult to the disturbance of the public peace, by yelling, whooping, or singing in a boisterous or rude manner. 2nd. Utter within the hearing of two or more persons any baudy, lewd, ob- scene or profane language, words, or epithets. 3rd. Address to another or utter in the presence of another, any words, language, or expression having a tendency to create a breach of the peace. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshal and all police officers to carry out the provisions of this ordinance, and to cause tne arrest of all persons violating any of the provisions thereof. SEC. 9. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100) Dollars, or by imprison- ment in the Town jail for a period «not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed and approved this 2nd day of July, 1897. Attest: L. H. MINER, Town Clerk. A. BERDING, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 62. PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL TAX LEVY IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE FOR THE PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SEWER BONDS, , AND ESTABLISHING A SEWER BOND FUND. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The Treasurer of the Town of Ferndale is hereby directed to establish forthwith a fund to be denominated the "Sewer Bond Fund." Said Treasurer must place to the credit of said Fund all moneys received by him from the sale of sewer bonds, which may be sold under the authority voted to the Board of Trustees by the electors of said Town of Ferndale at the election held in said Town on July 12th, 1899, to issue bonds of said Town of Ferndale, which election was called by Ordinance No. 61. And said Treasurer shall also place to the credit of said fund the taxes to be hereafter collected as herein provided for the purpose of paying ithe principal and interest of said bonds. SEC. 2. It is ordered that the bonds of said Town of Ferndale do issue to the number of forty of the denomination of three hundred dollars each, aggregating ORDINANCKS 29 the sum of twelve thousand dollars. The said bonds shall be numbered consecu- tively from 1 to 40 inclusive, and shall be dated November 1st, 1899, and bear in terest at the rate of five per cent per annum, and both principal and interest shall be payable in U. S. Gold Coin. The principal and interest shall be paid out of said sinking fund, as follows: Xo. 1 payable November 1, 1900, No. 2 payable November 1, 1901, No. 3 payable November 1, 1902, No. 4 payable November 1, 1903, No. 5 payable November 1, 1904, Bind so on each succeeding year until all said bonds are paid. The interest on said bonds shall be paid on the 1st day of November of each year as said interest falls due, commencing November 1, 1900. SBC. 3. — The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale at the time of making the tax levy for town purposes each year on and af>:er this date, must make an additional tax levy sufficient for the full payment of the interest accruing on said bonds and the redemption thereof as the same shall become due. SEC. 4. — All monies collected under said levy herein required shall be placed to the credit of said Sewer Bond Fund, and said interest of said bonds, and for no other purpose. SEC. 5. — The principal and interest on said bonds shall b« paid on the order of the Treasurer drawn on said Sewer Bond Fund, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to cancel and file said bonds and the interest coupons thereon as soon as they have been paid and delivered to him, and report the fact of such surrender and filing to the Board of Trustees. . , SEC. 6. — This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Adopted, August 14th, 1889. A. BERDING, President. Attest: J. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 63. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING PREPARATION, EXECU- TION,. AND ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE AGGREGATING TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX SUFFICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON SAID BONDS AND THE SEVERAL PRINCIPAL SUMS OF SAID BONDS AS THEY BECOME DUE. Whereas, the board of trustees of the Town of Ferndale did, on the 17th day of April, 1899, at a meeting of said board, duly and regularly held, pass an Or- dinance No. 60, wherein and whereby said board of trustees, by a vote of more than two-thirds of the members thereof, did determine and declare that the public inter- est and necessity of said town demands the acquisition, construction and completion of a system of sewers for the use of said town and its inhabitants, and that the cost of the acquisition, construction and completion of such system of sewers will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said town, and WHEREAS, Said ordinance was thereupon duly approved by the executive of said town and thereafter duly published for two weeks in the "Semi-Weekly 3 o ORDINANCES Perndale Enterprise," a newspaper published and circulated in said Town of Fern- dale; and WHEREAS, Said board of trustees, did, on the 8th day of June, 1899, at a meeting of said board, which was the next regular meeting of said board after the publication of said ordinance as aforesaid, for two weeks as aforesaid, and which meeting was duly and regularly held and at which meeting all of the members of said board were present, pass an Ordinance No. 61, wherein and whereby said board of trustees, by vote of more than two-thirds of the members therof, did call a spcial election, to be held in said town on the 12th day of July, 1899, submitting to the qualified voters of said town the proposition of incurring an indebtedness by said town in the sum of twelve thousand dollars for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion of a system of sewers for the use of said town and its inhabitants; and WHEREAS, Said ordinance calling said special election did recite the ob- jects and purposes for which said indebtedness is proposed to be incurred, the esti- mated cost of said proposed system of sewers, the necessity for such cystem of sewers, and that the bonds of said town shall issue for the payment of the cost of such system of sewers as in said ordinance set forth, if the proposition be accepted, by two-thirds of the qualified voters of said town, voting at such special election, and did fix the 12th day of July, 1899, on which said election should be held, and did fix the manner of holding such election and the voting for or against incurring such indebtedness; and WHEREAS, Said last mentioned ordinance was thereupon duly approved by the executive of said town and was thereafter and prior to the publication of the notice of such special election, hereinafter mentioned, duly published for two weeks in the "Semi-Weekly Ferndale Enterprise," a newspaper published and circulated in said town, and WHEREAS, Thereafter, and prior to the 12th day of July, 1899, said board of trustees did cause to be published for two weeks in said "Semi-Weekly Ferndale Enterprise" a notice of said special election, wherein and whereby was set forth the purpose for which the indebtedness is to be incurred, the number and character of the bonds to be issued, the rate of interest to be paid and the amount of tax levy to be made for the payment thereof; and WHEREAS, Said board of trustees, before the question of incurring said indebtedness was submitted at said election, caused plans and estimates of the cost of said system of sewers to be made by a competent engineer who had" had success- ful experience in such work; and WHEREAS, Such election was duly and regularly held and conducted in said town on the 12th day of July, 1899, and the proposition of incurring said in- debtedness was duly submitted to the qualified voters of said town at said election and the total number of votes cast at said election was one hundred and twenty (120) and there were ninety-eight (98) votes cast in favor of incurring said indebt- edness and issuing said bonds and twenty-two (22) votes cast against incurring said indebtedness and issuing said bonds, and all the returns of said election having been made and the reult thereof having been determined and declared, and* said result showing that more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said election having at said election voted in favor of and assented to the incurring of said in- debtedness and the issuance of said bonds, and said board of trustees having been authorized and empowered to issue said bonds; and WHEREAS, The assessed value of all the taxable real estate and personal ORDINANCES 31 property of said town is the sum of $380,370, and said town has now no outstanding indebtedness; and WHEREAS, The incurring of said indebtedness will not cause the aggregate indebtedness of said town to exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the assessed value of all the taxable real estate and personal property of said town, NOW, THEREFORE, The board of trustees of the Town of Ferndale, do ordain as follows, to- wit: SECTION 1. — There shall be issued by the Town of Ferndale forty (40) bonds of the denomination of three hundred (300) dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, payable annually. Said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one (1) to forty (40), both numbers inclusive, and shall be divided into forty (40) series, said series being numbered consecutively from one (1) to forty (40), both inclusive. Each series shall consist of one bond. The first series shall consist of bond number one (1) and each succeeding series shall consist of a bond bearing a number similar to the series number. Bond num- ber one (1) shall be payable on the first day of November, 1900, and one of the remaining bonds shall be payable and shall be paid on the first day of November in each succeeding calendar year thereafter until and including the year 1939. Said bonds shall be payable to bearer and shall be signed by the president of the board of trustees of said town and by the town treasurer thereof and countersigned by the town clerk thereof and shall have affixed thereto the seal of the Town of Fern- dale. Each of said bonds shall have attached thereto interest coupons equal in number to the number of years which the bond is to run before maturity. Each of said coupons shall represent the interest for one year upon the principal amount of the bond at the rate of five per cent per annum, to-wit; the sum of $15.00, and shall be payable the first day of November in each year. Said bonds and coupons shall be payable in gold coin of the United Slates and shall be payable at the office of the town treasurer of said town in said Town of Ferndale. Said coupons shall be payable to bearer and shall be signed by the* treasurer of said town by original or lithographed fac simile signature. Said bonds and coupons shall be substantially in the following form, to-wit: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bond No Series No SEWER BONDS OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. BE IT KNOWN that the Town of Ferndale, in the County of Humboldt, State of California, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted to the bearer hereof in the sum of three hundred dollars in gold coin of the United States, and promises to pay the bearer the said sum in such gold coin on the first day of November, 1 , at the office of the town treasurer in said Town of Ferndale, with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, payable annually, in like gold coin, to the bearer of the annexed coupons upon presentation at the time and place therein specified. This bond is issued by the Town of Ferndale for the purpose of constructing and completing sewers by virtue and in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of said State, entitled: "An Act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations incorporated under the laws of this State for the construction of water works, sewers, etc., approved March 19, 1889, and its amendments.' 32 ORDINANCES It is hereby certified that all conditions, acts and things essential to the validity of this bond exist, have happened and have been done and that all require- ments of law and of the constitution relating to the Issuance hereof have been fully complied with by the proper bodies, officers and persons and that the issue hereof has been duly authorized and directed by the voles of over two- thirds of all the qualified voters of said town voting at a special election for the purpose duly called and held and by an ordinance of the board of trustees duly passed, published and approved, and that provision has been duly made for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on this bond as it falls due, and a sinking fund has been duly constituted to pay the principal at maturity, and that the debt created hereby and this bond are within every debt and other limit prescribed by law and by the constitution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this bond is sealed with the common seal of said town and signed by the president of the board of trustees and by the treasurer and countersigned by the clerk of said town thereto duly authorized this first day of November, 1899. President of the Board of Trustses. Town Treasurer Countersigned by Town Clerk." To each of said bonds shall be attached interest coupons in the following forrn, to-wit: £'$1&.00. •• " ' Coupon No On the first day of November, , the Town' of Ferndale, Hum- boldt County, California, will pay the bearer fifteen dollars in gold coin of the United States at the office of the town treasurer in the Town of Ferndale, as interest on its sewer bond No Town Treasurer SBC. 2 — The town clerk of said town is hereby authorized and directed to procure forty (40) blank bonds with the necessary coupons attached of the form and description herein specified and provided for and to have the same specified and provided for and to have the same ready for execution on behalf of said town as soon as possible. Said bonds shall be lithographed. The town clerk, the president of the board of trustees and the town treasurer of said town are hereby authorized and directed to execute 'said bonds in conformity with this ordinance. SEC. 3. — There shall be levied and collected annually for the term of forty years, or until all of said bonds are paid, cancelled and redeemed by the proper authorities of said town at the time provided by law for the levy and collection of the taxes of said town and in addition to all other taxes levied for town purposes, a special tax on all t,he real and personal property in said town sufficient to pay one-fortieth part of the aggregate amount of said indebtedness so incurred and of the total amount of said bonds and also sufficient to pay the annual interest as it falls due on said bonds that may be from year to year outstanding. The taxes so levied and collected shall be deposited in the treasury of said toven and shall be reserved for the exclusive purpose of paying the interest coupons of said bonds and the several principal sums of said bonds as they shall fall due. SEC. 4. — Bids having been duly invited for the purchase of the bonds, the execu- tion whereof is provided for herein and Arthur D. Thomson having been the highest and best bidder therefor and this board having duly and regularly sold said bonds to said Thomson, and said Thomson having sold said bonds to E. H. Rollins & ORDINANCES 33 Sons, and having notified this board of that fact, the town treasurer is hereby authorized and directed upon the due execution of said bonds in accordance with this ordinance and upon the receipt from said E. H, Rollins & Sons of the amount bid for said bonds by said Thomson, to deliver said bonds to said E. H. Rollins& Sons. SEC. 5. — This ordinance shall take effect as prescribed by law. SEC. 6. — Upon the passage of this ordinance by said board of trustees and the approval thereof by the president of said board, the same shall be published one time in the "Semi-Weekly Ferndale Enterprise," a nwspaper published and cir- culated in said town, and the town clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause such publication of this ordinance to be made as aforesaid. Finally passed and adopted by the board of trustees of the town of Fern- dale in regular meeting assembled this 30th day of October, 1899. Ayes: G. M. Brice, A. H. Kausen, H. H. Hatch, C. A. Doe and A. Berding. Noes: None. Absent: None. A. BERDING. President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. Attest: JOS. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Approved this 30th day of October, 1899. A. BERDING, fSEALj President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. ORDINANCE NO. 65 TIME AND PLACE OF HOLDING BOARD MEETINGS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. — The place of meeting of the board of trustees shall be on the second floor in the rear room o/ the "Hart Building" situated on the westerly side of Main street on Lot Nine in Block Fourteen in Francis Division of the Town of Ferndale. SBC. 2. — The time of meeting shall be the first Monday in each month and the hour of meeting shall be at half past seven o'clock, p. m., provided, that if the first Monday falls on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the day iollowing at the same hour. SEC. 3. — If at any such meetings any business before the Board remains un- finished, the Board of Trustees may adjourn from time to time to dispose of the same, or to transact other business. SEC. 4. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. SEC. 5.— Ordinances Ncs. 1 and 23 are hereby repealed. Finally passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Fern- dale in regular meeting assembled this 15th day of May, 1900. Attest: J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. [SEAL] J. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Ayes: Berding, Branstetter, Porter and Trost. Noes: None. Approved this 15th day of May, 1900. J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. 34 ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO. 66. REGULATING THE KEEPING AND LICENSING OF DOGS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. — It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or harbor any dog within the corporate limits of the Town of Ferndale without first register- ing said dog with the Town Marshall and obtaining each year a license therefor. The amount to be paid for such license shall be $2.00 and shall run for one year from the date of issuance. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshall to issue to the person paying for such license a metal tag, which may be worn upon the collar around said dog's Meek, having the number of license plainly marked thereon. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a disdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $25, or by im- prisonment in the town jail for a period not exceeding 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 2 — Any dog found running at large within the corporate limits of the Town of Ferndale without having been registered as in section one provided, shall be taken by the Poundmaster and kept in a safe place provided for such purpose and kept for three days; and the Marshall shall forthwith post notices in three public places in the Town of Ferndale giving a description of said dog and the name of the owner, if known. Said notice shall also state that if the owner of said dog does not appear to claim and redeem from custody said dog within three days and paying the Town Marshall the fee herein provided for taking up said dog the same will be killed or otherwise disposed of. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshall to kill or otherwise dispose of all dogs taken up and not redeemed, and he shall be allowed the sum of $1.00 for each dog so taken and killed or disposed of. SEC. 3. — This ordinance shall be in force immediately. Passed and approved this 4th day of June, 1900. Attest: J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. J. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. , Ayes: Berding, Branstetter and Trost. Noes: None. Approved this 4th day of June. 1900. [SEAL] J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 67. CONCERNING THE ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No street, or portion thereof, within the Town of Ferndale shall be accepted, unless the same is not less than fifty feet in width, and unless the same is pVoperly graded and guttered, and until it has been referred to the Street Committee, or the Superintendent of Streets, and a report been received of its condition. SEC. 2. A street may be partially, or conditionally, accepted in whole or in part, under such terms as the Board of Trustees shall deem reasonable and in con- formity with law. ORDINANCES 35 SEC. 3. No street shall be accepted for its entire width until the private property thereon shall be uniform from crossing to crossing. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed and approved this 4th day of June, 1900. Attest: J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. J. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Ayes: Berding, Branstetter and Trost. Noes: None. Approved this 4th day of June, 1900. (Seal) J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 68. DEFINING CERTAIN MISDEMEANORS AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person shall maintain any awning or any other projection or suffer the same to remain, at an altitude of less than seven and one-half feet, over any sidewalk in front of premises owned, occupied, or controlled by him in the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. No person shall hereafter construct any wooden awning over any sidewalk in the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 3. No person shall keep any swine within the limits of the Town of Ferndale, except for purposes of exhibition at what is known as the "Fair Grounds." SEC. 4. No person shall slaughter or kill any animal within the limits of the Town of Ferndale, without the permission of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 5. No person shall maintain any smoke-house in the Town of Fern- dale, unless constructed entirely of brick, stone or iron. SEC. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by imprisonment in the town jail for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after pas- sage thereof. Passed and approved this 4th day of June, 1900. Attest: J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. JOS. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Ayes: Berding, Branstetter and Trost. Noes: None. (Seal) , J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 69. PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No stove pipes extending through the side walls or roofs or 36 ORDINANCES buildings in the Town of Ferndale shall be permitted unless encased in earthware or brick. All chimneys and flues hereafter constructed in buildings in the Town of Ferndale shall be at least 8x8 inches or its equivalent in the clear inside. All chimneys and flues shall be plastered thoroughly with lime or cement inside and outside. SEC. 2. Whenever in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, any building, tower, wall, chimney or smokestack, awning or other appurtenance to a building, shall, from any cause whatever, be in a condition to be dangerous to persons and property, the Board of Trustees shall give notice to the owner or owners of such buildings, tower, wall, chimney or smokestack, or other appurtenances to a building, sheds, or fences, or to his or her, or their agent, or the person having control there- of, if the owner can not be found, to remove the same forthwith; and the person receiving such notice shall immediately comply with the requirements hereof. SEC. 3. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by imprisonment in the town jail for a period not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed and approved this 4th day of June, 1900. Attest: J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. JOS. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Ayes: Berding, Branstetter and Tro&t. Noes: None. Approved this 4th day of June, 1900. (Seal) J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 72. RELATING TO TOWN OFFICERS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. All books, papers, plats, records and files, made, or made use of, by any officer or employe of the Town of Ferndale, in the performance of his official duties, shall be deemed and considered as belonging to the town, and shall be delivered to his successor in office, who shall give duplicate receipts in writing therefor, one of which receipts shall be filed with the Town Clerk. SEC. 2. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale shall provide offices for the Town' Clerk, Marshal and Superintendent of Streets, where the books and records of said officers shall be kept. SEC. 3. The offices of Town Clerk, Marshal, and Superintendent of Streets, shall be kept at the place or places where the Board of Trustees shall, from time to time, by resolution designate. SEC. 4. All books and records of the officers of the Town of Ferndale shall be open to the inspection of any citizen at any time during business hours. Copies and extracts from such books and records, duly verified, shall be given by the offi- cer having the same in custody, to any person demanding the same, upon paying or tendering ten cents per folio of one hundred words. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person to take away from any of said offices any book or any record belonging to said offithe end thereof. 1 SEC. 28. No person shall maintain any cesspool or privy vault on any land owned, controlled, or occupied by him, fronting on any open street in the Town of Ferndaje in which there is a public sewer, for any period of time langer than thirty days after the acceptance of such sewer by the Board of Trustees of said town. SEC. 29. Every person owning, controlling or occupying land on which a tenement is constructed, and which fronts on any open street in the Town of Fern- dale in which there is a public sewer, shall, within thirty days after the acceptance of such sewer by the Board of Trustees of said town, construct a house drain con- ORDINANCES 43 necting said tenement with such sewer in such a manner that all sewer waste from such tenement shall be drained into said public sewer. SEC. 30. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. SEC. 31. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed and adopted this 2d day of July, 1900. Ayes: Branstetter, Porter and Trost. Noes: Berding. Attest: J- H. TROST, ( President of the Board of Trustees. JOS. KERFOOT, Town Clerk. Approved this 2d day of July, 1900. (Seal) J- H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. ORDINANCE NO. 79. AN ORDINANCE TO PERMIT GRACE FRANCIS TO LAY WATER PIPES IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The privilege is hereby granted to Grace Francis, and her as- signs or successors in interest, to lay and maintain pipes through any or all of the streets, alleys, and highways of the Town of Ferndale, for the purpose of supplying the Town of Ferndale, and the inhabitants thereof, with fresh, pure water. SEC. 2. The said town hereby reserves the right to grant similar privileges to any other person or association. SEC. 3. The laying of such pipes must be under the direction of the Su- perintendent of Streets, and must be so laid as to do no injury to the proper use of paving, planking, or macadamizing of said streets or alleys, nor to private prop- erty situated thereon. When any excavation is necessary for 'the proper laying of such pipes, the streets, alleys, and highways must be left in as good condition as possible as they were before such digging was done; and all damages caused there- by must be repaired at the expense of said Grace Francis, her assigns, or succes- sors in interest. SEC. 4. Such pipes must be so laid as to not interfere with any pipes al- ready laid by authority of the Town for any purpose, and must be so laid that other pipes can hereafter be conveniently laid through the same streets. SEC. 5. Said Grace Francis, her assigns or successors in interest, shall properly observe all ordinances now or hereafter adopted in laying such pipes, SEC. 6. The wate'r works must be kept in proper order, and a constant supply of fresh water kept on hand fit for general domestic use, and must supply the same to every person who is willing and able to pay therefor at uniform rates, so long as the supply shall last. SEC. 7. This franchise is granted upon the further condition that the Town of Ferndale shall have the right to regulate the charges of supplying water to the Town of Ferndale and the inhabitants thereof. SEC. 8. This franchise is granted for a period of fifty years. 44 ORDINANCES SEC. 9. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and approved this 3rd day of June, 1901. J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. Attest: W. H. ROB ARTS, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 80. REGULATING THE REMOVAL OF BUILDINGS OVER OR THROUGH PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. No person, firm, or corporation shall move, or cause to be moved, any building in the Town of Ferndale on, over, or through any public street, alley, or highway therein, except having first complied with the provisions hereof. SEC. 2. No person, firm, or corporation shall move or cause to be moved on, over or through any public street, alley or highway in said Town, any building without first obtaining from the Board of Trustees a permit in writing so to do. Such permit shall not be issued until after the person, firm, or corporation so applying therefor shall have first delivered to the Town Clerk a bond, running to the Town of Ferndale, in the sum of $200.00, with at least two good and suffi- cient sureties approved by the President of -the Board, which bond shall be condi- tional that the party so desiring to move buildings in said Town will strictly com- ply with all the conditions and requirements of this ordinance, and of any ordi- nances hereafter passed regulating house-moving, and of any order, rule, or regu- lation concerning house-moving, 'that may hereafter be passed by the Board of Trustees, and that said party will pay any and all damages which may result by reason of any house-moving in the Town of Ferndale by said party, his agents, em- ployees, or workmen, to any fence, tree, pavement, streets, sidewalk, or to any telegraph, telephone, or electric light pole or wire belonging to the Town of Fern- dale, or belonging to any telegraph, telephone, or electric light company having a franchise in said Town, or to any water hydrants or water pipes belonging to said Town, or to any person, firm or corporation having a franchise in said Town, and conditioned further that said party, the said principal, will save, indemnify, and keep harmless the Town of Ferndale against all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any manner accrue against said Town in consequence of the granting of such permit, and will in all things comply with the conditions of such permit. Any such bond filed by any person, firm, or corporation shall operate as a bond for the purposes required by ithis ordinance for the term of one year from the date of filing thereof, in so far that no other additional bond need be given by such party for the removal of houses in said Town during the said period of one year, and at the expiration of said year, a new bond shall be required to be filed by such party before the issuance to such party of any permits hereunder. Such permit shall specify the character of the building to be removed, the place from which, and to which said building is to be moved, and the street on, over, or through which such removal may be made; and said building shall not be moved ORDINANCES 45 on, over, or through any other streets, alleys., or highways, except those named in said permit. SEC. 3. All removals made under such permit shall be done in a careful manner, and shall be prosecuted with diligence, and shall be under the superintend- ence and control of 'the Superintendent of Streets. SEC. 4. No person, Arm, or corporation owning or having charge of the removal of any building through the public streets, alleys or highways, shall per- mit such building to be or stand on any street, alley, highway, or public grounds, within the limits of one block for a longer period than twenty-four hours. SEC. 5. No person, firm or corporation owning or having charge of the re- moval of any building through the public streets shall allow or cause the injury of any street, sidewalk, curbing, tree, fence, or private or public property by reason of such removal. SEC. 6. When the cutting or temporary removal of any pole, or of any public or private telegraph, telephone, or electric light wire, or any other wire pass- ing along or over any street, lane or alley, becomes necessary for the removal of any building, the person in charge of such removal, at least six hours in advance of reaching the same, shall notify the person or persons having charge of and control over such wire or wires, and the person so notified shall cause such wires to be promptly cut or removed and replaced. Provided, however, that in every case in which the cutting of the wires, or the removal of poles is necessary, the person or persons having charge of the removal of buildings shall pay the entire cost and expense of the cutting, removal, and replacing of the wires and poles. SEC. 7. Every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not to exceed $100.00 or by imprisonment in the Town Jail for not to exceed 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. * SEC. 8. The Board of Trustees may, at any time, for such cause as they, or a majority of them, deem sufficient, revoke any permission or license granted under this ordinance; and it is especially ordained and declared that all such per- mits and licenses granted in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, al- though granted for the nominal term of one year, are held at the pleasure of said Board of Trustees. SEC. 9. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Finally passed and adopted this 3rd day of June, 1901. J. H. TROST, President of the Board of Trustees. Attest: W. H. ROBARTS, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 81. REGULATING THE TRAFFIC, VENDING AND DISPOSING OF SPIRITUOUS, MALT AND FERMENTED LIQUORS AND WINES, OR ANY ADMIXTURE THEREOF.IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE, PROVIDING FOR A LICENSE THEREFOR AND ESTABLISHING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, firm or 46 ORDINANCES corporation to establish, open, keep, maintain or carry on, within the Town of Fern- dale, any saloon, bar, store, stand, or any place where spiritous malt or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, are sold, furnished, disposed of or given away; or for any person, firm or corporation (except as hereinafter provided) to sell, furnish, dispose of or give away within the Town of Ferndale, any spiritous, malt, or fermented liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, without having the per- mission and license therefor, as in this ordinance provided. SEC. 2. Every person, firm or corporation receiving a license under this ordinance shall place the same so that it shall at all times be conspicuous and easy to read at his place of making sales. SEC. 3. No license issued under any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be assignable or transferable, without the consent of the Board of Trustees en- dorsed thereon, and only to such person, firm or corporation as shall have filed a bond and petition as hereinafter provided, and complied in all respects with the pre- liminary requirements of this ordinance. SEC. 4. No license shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation, unless he be of good character, and first make application to the said Board of Trustees for permission to obtain the license herein required, and receive said permission. The application shall be verified by the affidavit of the applicant, and must be accompanied by a written recommendation setting forth that the applicant is of good character, and also the location in said town for which a license is desired, which recommendation must be signed and verified by at least ten of the heads of families over the age of twenty-one years, residents within the Town of Ferndale, and who have been such residents for the period of six months immediately preced- ing the date of signing. Each person signing said recommendation must be a free- holder in said town. The "head of the family" shall be such as is defined in section 1261 of the Civil Code of the State of California. SEC. 5. Such applicant shall, at the time of making application to obtain a license, file with the Town Clerk a bond to the Town of Ferndale, in the penal sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, with two or more sureties, who shall be residents of the County of Humboldt, and shall eaeh qualify in double the amount of the penal sum of the bond; said bond to be approved by the Board of Trustees, and conditioned that the said applicant shall conduct the business for which the license is sought in a quiet, orderly and lawful manner, and shall not violate any State law or Town ordinance upon the premises where such business is conducted, nor keep a disorderly house, nor sell, give or furnish any intoxicating liquors, wine or beer to any habitual drunkard, or to any person under the age of eighteen years, or to any person in a state of intoxication. Provided, that should the said bond in the opinion of the Board of Trustees from any cause become insufficient, the Board of Trustees shall require a new bond to be given, to be the same and approved in the same manner as the first bond. If such new bond is not given within ten days after notice that it is required, said license may be revoked. SEC. 6.No license shall be issued under this ordinance until the first regular meeting of the Board of Trustees after filing the said petition and bond, nor until said applicant has filed with the Town Clerk an affidavit showing that a notice stating the name of the applicant, designating the proposed place of business and that the petition and bond have been filed, has been printed and published in a newspaper printed and published in the said Town of Ferndale, for two weeks after the filing of said petition and bond. Upon the first regular meeting of the Board of Trustees after the filing of said petition and bond, or at any regular adjourned ORDINANCES 47 meeting thereafter, and after the filing of said affidavit of publication, said Board of Trustees, if satisfied that this ordinance has been complied with, may grant or refuse the permission applied for. Upon sufficient cause being shown or proof furnished to the sai dBoard of Trustees that any person, firm or corporation holding a license has* violated any ordinance of the Town of Ferndale relating to the sale of liquors, the said Board shall, upon notice being given to the person, firm or corporation holding a license, 1 evoke such permission, cancel "the license,, and declare the bond forfeited. SEC. 7. If the petition be granted it shall remain in force not more than one year, and be only for the person, firm or corporation and place named therein. The license herein specified shall entitle the owner threof to carry on the business licensed at only one place. SEC. 8. The keeping of a disorderly or disreputable house or place, or the selling or giving of any spiritous, malt or fermented liquors, or wine, or any ad- mixture thereof, to any intoxicated person or to any habitual drunkard, or to any minor under the age of eighteen years, or the violation of any provisions of this ordinance by any person, firm or corporation hereby licensed, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the Recorder's Court of said town, said conviction shall work a revocation and forfeiture of the license, as well as forfeit- ure of the bond given under the said provisions. The Board of Trustees may at any time for such cause and upon such investigation as they or a majority of them deem sufficient, revoke any license granted under this ordinance, and it is especially ordained and declared that all such licenses, though granted for a nominal term, are held at the pleasure of the said Board of Trustees. It shall be the duty of the Town Marshal and all police officers to prosecute any violation of this ordinance. SEC. 9. The rate of license under this ordinance shall be th^ sum of Fifty ($50.00) dollars per quarter, payable invariably in advance on the first days of Janu- ary, April, July and October of each year; and the Town Marshal is hereby au- thorized, empowered and required to collect all license taxes provided for by this ordinance; and he shall issue license herein provided for only to such person, firm or corporation as have been granted permission by the Board of Trustees. Licenses issued hereunder shall be called Liquor Licenses; provided that licenses may be issued for fractional quarters when necessary to make the regular issuance of the same come at the time above specified. Provided further, that regular licensed and registered druggists shall not be required to obtain licenses under the provis- ions of this ordinance for furnishing liquors upon the written prescription of a regular licensed and registered physician; such liquor in no case to be used or drank upon the premises; nor for supplying alcohol or preparations containing the same for scientific, mechanical, or medicinal purposes. Provided further, that no spiritous, vinous or malt liquors shall be sold or furnished more than once on any one prescription of such physician, and that no physician shall prescribe any in- toxicating liquors as a beverage to a person of known intemperate habits. SEC. 10. Any person who shall violate any of theprovisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the town jail not exceeding three' months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 11. — Section Number 33 of Ordinance Number 56 of the Town of Fern- dale, and all ordinances in conflict herewith, is hereby repealed. 48 ORDINANCES SBC. 12. — This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this 2pd day of December, 1901. L P. BRANSTETTER, President pro tern of the Board of Trustees. W. H. ROBARTS, Town Clerk. Approved this 2nd day of December, 1901. (Seal) L. P. BRANSETTER. President pro tern of the Boa~d of Trustees. ORDINANCE- NO. 82. ESTABLISHING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The salaries of the following named officials of the Town of Ferndale are hereby fixed as follows, — the amounts being the monthly compensa- tion for all services rendered by the official named, including all services performed in any office of which he may be ex-officio the incumbent: The Town Clerk shall receive sixteen and 66 2-3 dollars; the Town Marshal shall receive twenty dollars; the Superintendent of Streets shall receive thirty dollars; the Poundmaster shall receive five dollars; and the Sewer Inspector shall receive ten dollars; salaries shall be paid monthly in arrears for the preceding calendar month. SEC. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect May 1st, 1902. Passed and adopted February 10th, 1902. CHAS. A. DOE. President of the Board of Trustees. Attest: W. H. ROBARTS, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 86. MAKING UNLAWFUL THE PLACING OF GARBAGE, ETC., IN STREAMS, ETC., AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the limits of the Town of Ferndale, to throw, place, or conduct, or cause to be thrown, placed or conducted into any stream, creek, or slough running through any part of said town, or upon or along the banks or margin thereof, any carrion, manure, offal, filth, rub- bish, garbage, sewerage, putrid or offensive matter whatever, or any obstruction of any kind. SEC. 2. Any one violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine ORDINANCES 49 not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Adopted August 3, 1903, by the following vote: Ayes: Blum, Branstetter, Brice and Putnam. Noes: None. Not voting: Doe. C. A. DOE, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. W. H. ROBARTS, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 87. RELATIVE TO STREET POLL TAXES IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied and imposed on every male inhabitant of the Town of Ferndale, not exempt by law, over the age of 21 years and under the age 1 of 60 years, except active members of the Ferndale Fire Department and exempt firemen who have previously been members of the said Department, an an- nual street poll tax in the sum of two dollars, which shall be paid to the Town of Ferndale as hereinafter directed. SEC. 2. The Town Clerk must before the first Monday of March of each year cause ito be printed two-dollar street poll tax receipts in book form, with stubs numbered to correspond with the receipts, each book to contain one hundred, and a sufficient number for the use of the Marshal. The stubs shall have lines for the name of the poll tax payer, his age, residence, occupation, and by whom em- ployed. The Clerk shall number the said blanks, and shall make an entry of the whole number thereof, and of the first and last number placed thereon, in a book kept by him for that purpose; and he shall at any time after the first Monday of March of each year, upon demand, deliver to the Marshal the said blanks and charge the Marshal therewith. SEC. 3. The said tax shall be due and payable after the first Monday of March of each year, and it must be collected by the Marshal between the first Mon- day of March and the first day of August of each year. The Marshal must demand payment of the said street poll tax of every person liable therefor, and on the ne- glect or refusal of such person to pay the sarnie, he must collect the same by seizure and sale of any personal property owned by such person. The sale of such person- al property may be made after three hours' verbal notice of the time and place, and the provisions of sections 3791, 3793, 3794, 3795 and 3796 of the Political Code are made applicable to such seizure and sale. SEC. 4. The Marshal must deliver the street poll tax receipt, filled out with the person's name owing the taxes, to the purchaser of property at any sale. In other cases he must deliver it filled out in like manner to the person paying the tax. The receipt so delivered is the only evidence of the payment of the said street poll tax. SEC. 5. If any street poll tax due in any year is not paid before the first day of August of each year, the Marshal must add the sum of fifty cents thereto, and collect said tax, with said penalty of fifty cents added thereto, between the first day of August and the last Monday of November of each year. SEC. 6. The Marshal must keep a roll of the names and local residence, or place of business, of all persons subject to or liable for poll tax. and if paid, date 50 ORDINANCES and amount of each payment; and if not paid, cause of non-payment; provided, that no person shall be returned as delinquent unless a demand has been made upon him in person or through the postofflpe. On the day following the last Monday of November of •each year, he must deliver the said street poll tax roll to the Clerk, and must also at the same time return to the Clerk all street poll tax receipts re- ceived by him and not used, and pay to the Treasurer the total amount collected and not before paid in, and he must make a final settlement with the Town Clerk therefor. SEC. 7. Every person, firm, or corporation indebted to any one who neglects or refuses after demand to pay a street poll tax becomes liable therefor, and must pay the same for such other person after service upon him by the Marshal of a notice in writing stating the name of such person. SEC. 8. Every person, firm or corporation paying 'the street poll tax of an- other may deduct the amount of the same from any indebtedness to such person. SEC. 9. If any person assessed for a property tax in the Town of Femdale has not paid to the Marshall the street poll tax due from him or for which he is liable, said street poll 'tax, on the day following the last Monday of November of each year, becomes a lien upon the property assessed to such person to attach from the first Monday of the preceding March of each year, and must be collected in the same manner and at the same time that delinquent 'taxes are collected. SEC. 10. Ordinance No. 13 of the Town of Ferndale is hereby repealed; provided, that all acts done under said ordinance shall be preserved and continued under this ordinance. SEC. 11. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. SEC. 12. The Town Clerk shall cause copies of this ordinance to be posted in three public places in 'the Town of Ferndale, and notwithstanding the provisions of Ordinance No. 27, no other notice of its passage shall be required. Passed and adopted June 27, A. D. 1904, by the following vote: Ayes: H. C. Blum, G. M. Brice, A. Putnam, and C. A. Doe. Noes: None. Absent: L. P. Bran- stetter. C. A. DOE, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. G. W. DUNGAN, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 88. PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT, LEVY, AND COLLECTION OF TAXES IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Between the first Mondays of March and July of each year the Town Assessor shall ascertain the names of all taxable inhabitants and all property within the Town, of Ferndale subject to taxation by the Town, and must assess such property to the persons by whom it was owned or claimed, or in whose possession or control it was, at twelve o'clock M, of said first Monday of March; but no mistake in the name of the owner, or supposed owner, of property shall render the assessment thereof invalid. In assessing solvent credits not secured by mortgage or trust deed, a reduction therefrom shall be made of debts due to bona fide residents of this State. Said Assessor shall proceed in the same manner as ORDINANCES 51 provided for the action of County Assessors by Chapter III of Title IX of Part III of the Political Code of the State of California, so far as applicable; and he must prepare an Assessment Book of persons and property subject to taxation, with ap- propriate headings, alphabetically arranged, in which must be listed all property within 'the town, and in which must be specified, in separate columns, under the appropriate head, the several matters and things respecting the town assessment substantially as required by Section 3650 of the Political Code of the State of Cali- fornia, respecting assessments for State and County purposes; and he must sign and certify said Assessment Book, and take and subscribe an affidavit therein sub- stantially in the form required of County Assessors by Section 3652 of the Political Code. SEC. 2. The Town Assessor must make the abstract provided for in Section 3678 of the Political Code; but when such abstract or list be found to contain any instrument relating to lands situated part within and part without the town, it shall be the duty of the Assessor to determine the proportion of the valuation of the property described in such instrument to be assessed in the town and assess the same accordingly. SEC. 3. Every tax due on personal property is a lien upon the real property of the owner thereof; every tax due upon real property is a lien upon the property assessed; and every tax due upon improvements on real estate assessed to other than the owner of the real estate is a lien upon the land and the improvements; and each said several lien attaches as of the first Monday of March of each year at twelve o'clock M. SEC. 4. The Town Assessor must collect the taxes on all personal property when, in his opinion, said taxes are not a lien upon real property sufficient to se- cure the payment of the taxes. H)e shall pay into 'the Treasury, monthly, on the first Monday of each month, all personal property taxes collected by him, and in his hands, for any preceding month or time, and make settlement therefor with the Treasurer of the Town, taking his receipt for the moneys so paid. The Assessor shall be governed as to the amount of taxes to be by him collected on personal property by the Town tax rate of the preceding year. SEC. 6. On or before the first Monday of Mlarch of each year, the Board of Trustees must furnish the Town Assessor with blank forms of statements sub- stantially the same as provided for by Section 3530 of the Political Code of the State of California. The statement must be filled out, signed, and returned to the Assessor by the taxpayers of the Town of Ferndale in the same manner that such statements are required from County Assessors, so far as the said laws governing" such matters are applicable. SEC. 6. The said Assessment Book must be completed by the said Assessor between the first day of May and the first day of August of each year. Said As- sessment Book shall be verified by the Town Assessor by his oath, and shall be de- posited with 'the Town Clerk on or before the first Monday of August of each year. The Assessor shall, between the first day of May and the first Monday of August of each year, also make a list of all male persons residing within the limits of the town of Ferndale over the age of 21 years, and shall verify said list by his oath, and shall on or before the first Monday of August of each year deposit the same with the Town Clerk. On the first Monday of August of each year the Town Clerk must give no- tice by publication in some newspaper published in said Town of Ferndale that the Board of Trustees will meet to equalize the assessments in said Assessment Book at their usual place of holding meetings on the second Monday of August at ten 52 ORDINANCES o'clock A- M M of said day, and sit as a Board of Equalization, and continue in session from day to day until all the returns of the Assessor have been verified. The Assessment Book shall in the meantime remain open for public inspection. SEC. 7. If the Town Clerk, as Town Assessor, shall fail to complete and de- liver the Assessment Book within the time hereinbefore specified, he shall forfeit to the town the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, and any other damages the town may sustain by reason of such failure, and he is also liable to the town for all taxes on property within the town, which, through his failure or neglect, may at any time be unassessed; and he is also liable to the town for all taxes on personal property within the town, which, through his failure or neglect, have not been collected; and recovery for such penalty, damages, and loss of taxes, or either or any of such mat- ters, may be had by the town upon his official bond. SEC. 8. The Board of Trustees shall meet at their usual place of holding meetings on the second Monday of August of each year, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day, and sit as a Board of Equalization; and shall continue in session from day to day, until all the returns of the Assessor have been rectified. They shall have power 'to hear complaints, and to correct, modify, or strike out any assessment made by the Assessor; and may, of their own motion, raise any assessment, upon notice to the party whose assessment is to be raised. They shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter IV. of Title IX of Part III of the Political Code.relating to the equalization of taxes, so far as applicable. SEC. 9. The Town Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Board of Equalization, and as such must record in a book to be kept for that purpose all changes, correct- ions, and orders made by the Board; and during the sessions of the Board, or as soon as possible after its adjournment, must enter upon the Assessment Book all changes and corrections in the Assessment Book, must take and subscribe an affidavit in such Assessment Book in the same form required of County Clerks by Section 3682 of the Political Code of California. SEC. 10. The Board of Trustees must, on the first Monday of September of each year, fix the rate of town taxes, designating the number of cents on each hun- dred dollars of property levied for each fund; and must then levy the town taxes upon the taxable property in the town. SEC. 11. When the assessments have been equalized and the corrections made, and the tax levied as aforesaid, the Clerk must enter in said Assessment Book, in a separate money column, the respective sums, in dollars and cents, so levied on each one hundred dollars valuation of taxable property (rejecting the fractions of a cent) to be paid as a tax levied on the property enumerated, and foot up the column showing the total value of property in the town as corrected under the direction of the Board of Equalization, and the total amount of taxes; provided that the whole amount of taxes shall be shown and that there shall be no installments; the said computation and work of said Town Clerk to be done and completed on or before the first Monday of October of each year. SEC. 12. On or before the first Monday of October of each year, the Town Clerk shall deliver the said assessment roll to the Tax Collector of the town, who must publish immediately a notice in some newspaper published in said town, spec- ifying therein: 1. That the taxes on all personal property secured by real property and the taxes on all real property will be due and payable on >the third Monday of October, and will be delinquent on the last Monday in November next thereafter at six o'clock P. M., and that unless paid prior thereto, fifteen per cent will be added to the amount thereof. ORDINANCES 53 2. The times and places at which payment of taxes may be made — The above notice shall be published by the Tax Collector for the period of four weeks. On re- ceiving the assessment roll, the Tax Collector shall be charged by the Clerk with the full amount of taxes levied chargeable to him. SEC. 12. The Tax Collecter must mark the date on the payment of any taxes, on the assessment roll opposite the name of the person paying. He must also give a receipt to the person paying any taxes specifying the amount of the assessment, and the taxes paid, with a description of the property assessed. SEC. 14. On the last Monday of November of each year, at six o'clock P. M., all taxes then unpaid are delinquent, and thereafter the Tax Collector must collect for the use of the town an addition of fifteen per cent thereon, provided, that the taxes on all personal property, unsecured by real property, shall be due and pay- able immediately after the assessment of said personal property is made. SEC. 15. On the first Monday of December of each year, the Town Tax Col- lector must attend at the office of the Town Clerk with the assessment books, hav- ing all items of taxes collected market thereon "Paid" and at the same time he shall deliver to the Clerk a complete delinquent list of all persons and property then owing town taxes. The Clerk shall thereupon compute and enter against him the items of taxes due and unpaid, the penalty of fifteen per cent for delinquency, foot up the total amount of taxes due on the delinquent tax list, with the penalty or penalties added thereto, and charge the Tax Collector with the amount thereof, and within one week thereafter, deliver the said list, duly certified, to such Tax Collector. SEC. 16. Within one week after the second Monday of December of each year, the Tax Collector must notify all persons, by mail, when their post office ad- dress is known to him, that their taxes have become delinquent, the amount of said taxes, and that the property on which said taxes are assessed will be sold unless paid prior to five o'clock P. M., of the first Monday of February after said notice. SEC. 17. On or within five days before or after the first Monday in January of each year, the Tax Collector must publish the delinquent list, which must contain the names of the persons and a description of the property delinquent, and the amount of the taxes and costs due, opposite each name and description, with the taxes due on personal property added to taxes on real estate, where the real estate is liable therefor, or the several taxes are due from the same person, the expense of the publication to be charged against the town; and the Tax Collector must ap- pend to, and publish with, the said delinquent list a notice that unless the taxes de- linquent, together with the costs and percentage, are paid, the real property upon which such taxes are a lien will be sold. The publication must be made once a week for three successive weeks, in some newspaper, or supplment thereto, publish- ed in the town, and must designate the time and place of sale, which time of sale must be more than twenty eight days from the first publication, and the place must be in the Tax Collector's office in said town. If the Board of Trustees cannot obtain the publication of said delinquent list for a reasonable sum, they may then order the notice of the delinquent list to be given by posting a copy thereof in three public places in the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 18. The Tax Collector, as soon as he has made the aforesaid publi- cation, must file with the Town Clerk a copy of the publication, with an affidavit attached thereto, that it is a true copy of the same, and that the publication was made in a newspaper or supplement thereto, stating its name and place of publi- 54 ORDINANCES cation, and the date of each appearance, which affidavit is primary evidence of all the facts stated therein. SBC. 19. The Tax Collector must collect, in addition to the taxes due on the delinquent list, fifty cents on each lot, piece or tract of land separately assessed, and on each assessment of personal property. SEC. 20. On the day fixed for the sale, at five o'clock P. M., thereof, all the property delinquent upon which the taxes of all kinds, penalties and costs have not been paid shall, by operation of law and the declaration of the Tax Collector, be sold to the town, and said Tax Collector shall make an entry "Sold to the Town" on the delinquent assessment list opposite the taxes and he shall be credited with the amount thereof in his settlement with the Clerk as hereinafter provided. SEC. 21. The Board of Trustees may at any time after the delinquent list has been delivered to the Tax Collector, direct him no»t to proceed with the sale of any property on said list whereon the taxes shall amount to twenty dollars or more. Upon such direction the Tax Collector must make out and deliver to the Clerk a certified copy of the entries upon the delinquent list relative to such taxes. The Board of Trustees shall thereupon direct suit to be brought against the delinquent in the proper court in the name of the town of Ferndale and enforce such collection. SEC. 22. The Tax Collector must make out a certificate of delinquent tax sale for each piece or tract of land sold, dated in the day of the sale, stating (when known) the name of the person assessed, a description of the land sold, that it was sold for delinquent taxes to the town, and giving the amount and year of the assess- ment, and specifying when the town will be entitled to a deed. SEC. 23. Such certificate must be signed by the Tax Collector and be by him recorded in a book which shall contain a record of every certificate of sale made by him to the town for real estate sold for delinquent taxes, which book must be properly indexed, shall be kept in the office of the Tax Collector and shall be at all times subject to public inspection. The form of such certificate of sale and record book shall correspond as nearly as may be with the form prescribed by the State Comptroller for State and County use. In case of a redemption or a subsequent sale of any of said property by the town, the Tax Collector must enter upon the margin of the certificate, as recorded in such books, the fact of such redemption of sale, giving the date thereof, and by whom redeemed. SEC. 24. The redemption of the property sold may be made by the owner or any party in interest within five years from the date of the sale to the town in •the manner provided by sections 3817 and 3818 of the Political Code, so far as the same may be applicable to the town. When the property is not redeemed within the time allowed by law for its redemption, the Tax Collector, or his successor in offiice, must make the town a deed of the property as provided by section 3735 of the Political Code. All such deed shall be recorded by the Town Tax Collector in' a book to be kept by him in his office and also in the Recorder's office of Humboldt County, California. The Board of Trustees shall prescribe the form of all such deeds and record book. The Tax Collector shall, upon the application of 'the person desiring to redeem ony property sold for delinquent taxes, make an estimate of the amount to be paid, and shall give him triplicate receipts of the amount specifying the sev- eral amounts thereof, which certificate shall be delivered to the Town Treasurer, together with the money and the Town Treasurer shall give triplicate receipts for said money written or endorsed on said certificate to the redemptioner, who shall deliver two of the said receipts to the Tax Collector taking his receipt therefor. The Tax Collector shall forthwith file one of said certificates with his indorsement and the day of receiving it written thereon, in -the office of the Town Clerk. Upon re- ORDINANCES 55 ceiving said certificate, the Town Clerk shall charge the Treasurer with the amount specified therein. Upon the payment of said money and the feturn of said certi- ficate and Treasurer's receipt to the Tax Collector, any certificate of sale that may have been made to the town shall become vacated thereby, and all right, title and interest acquired by the town under and by virtue of the tax sale shall cease and determine. SEC. 25. In the collection of taxes on personal property, the Assessor may, at the time of making the assessment, or at any time before the first Monday of October, collect the taxes by seizure and sale of any personal property owned by the person against whom the tax is assessed. In case of failure to pay the tax on per- sonal property on demand, it is made the duty of the Assessor to resort to such seiz- ure and sale to collect the tax due. After the first Monday of October, the powers and duties respecting the collection of taxes on personal property, conferred and imposed by this section on the Assessor, are hereby conferred and imposed on the Tax Collector. The provisions of sections 3791, 3792, 3793, 3794, 3795 and 3796 of the Political Code apply to such seizure and sale. SEC. 26. The Tax Collector must, on the first Monday of February of each year, attend at the office of the Town Clerk with the delinquent list, with all items of taxes collected marked "paid" thereon, and the said Clerk must then carefully compare the list with the assessment of persons and property not marked "paid" < on the assessment book, and when the taxes have been paid, must note the fact in the proper column in the assessment book. The Clerk must then foot up the amount of taxes unpaid and credit the Tax Collector with the amount, and have a settlement with him, and the delinquent list must thereafter remain on file in the Clerk's office. The same day the Tax Collector must make an affidavit endorsed on the delinquent list that the taxes not marked "paid" thereon have not been paid. SEC. 27. Any taxes, per centum, and costs erroneously collected, may, by order of the Board of Trustees, be refunded by the Town Treasurer. In the col- lection of taxes on personal property, if it appears, after the rate is fixed for the year in which such collection is made, that a sum in excess of the rate has been collected, the excess must be repaid to the person from whom the collection was made, Or to his assignee. If a sum less than the rate has been collected, the de- ficiency must be collected as other taxes on personal property are collected. SEC. 28. When the Tax Collector discovers that any property has been as- sessed more than cnce for the same year, he must collect only the tax justly due and make a return of the facts under oath to the Town Clerk. SEC. 29. If the Tax Collector discovers befoTe the sale that on account of irregular assessment or any other error any property ought not to be sold, he must not sell the same, and the Board of Trustees must cause the Assessor to enter the uncollected taxes upon the assessment books of the next succeeding year to be collected as other taxes entered threon. SEC. 30. When land is sold for taxes correctly imposed as the property of a particular person, no misnomer of the owner or mistake relating to the ownership thereof shall affect the sale or render it void or voidable. SEC. 31. The Town Tax Collector shall pay over to the Town Treasurer on Monday of every week all taxes collected during the preceding week. SEC. 32. Ordinances Nos. 12, 14* and 41, relating to taxation in the Town of Ferndale, are hereby repealed; provided, that all taxes due thereunder, and all rights of the Town for the collection of the same are hereby preserved, and said 56 ORDINANCES Ordinances shall continue in force for the purpose of enforcing the rights of the Town of Ferndale ad to taxes and obligations arising thereunder. SEC. 33. This ordinance shall take effect upon its final passage. SEC. 34. The Town Clerk shall cause copies of this Ordinance to be posted in three of the most public places in the Town of Ferndale and notwithstanding the provisions of Ordinance No. 27, no other notice of its passage shall be required. Passed and adopted the 27th day of June, A. D., 1904, by the following vote: Ayes: H. C. Blum, G. M. Brice, A. Putnam and C. A. Doe. Noes: None. Absent: L. P. Branstetter. C. A. DOE, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. G. W. DUNGAN, Town Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 89. RELATING TO THE SEAL OF THE TOWN OF FERNDALE. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The seal heretofore used by and for the. Town of Ferndale (the inscription on which, in the center thereof, is "INCORPORATED" and around the outer edge of said seal, "TOWN OF FERNDALE, 1893") shall be and is hereby established and declared to have been and now to be the seal of the said town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. Ordinance No. 8% is hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Passed and adopted the 27th day of June, A. D. 1904, by the following vote: Ayes: H. C. Blum, G. M. Brice, A. Putnam and C. A. Doe. Noes: None. Absent: L. P. Branstetter. C. A. DOE, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. G. W. DUNGAN, Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 90. PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A PUBLIC LIBRARY IN THE TOWN OF FERNDALE The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. In accordance with and under the provisions of an act of the State of California entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment and mainten- ance of public libraries within municipalities," approved March 23, 1901, a public library is hereby established in and for the Town of Ferndale. SEC. 2. The Board of Town Trustees shall, at the time of their regular monthly meeting in July, 1904, appoint a Board of Library Trustees consisting of five members, who shall hold office for three years; provided, that the members of the first board shall so classify themselves by lot that one of their number shall go out of office at the end of the current fiscal year, two at the end of one year thereafter and the other two at the end of two years thereafter. Men and women shall be ORDINANCES 57 equally elligible to such appointment and vacancies shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term in the same manner. The Board of Library Trustees shall hold office and have the powers and duties provided for in the above named act. The regular time of appointment of members of this board shall be at the first regular meeting of the Board of Town Trustees in June of each year. SEC. 3. The Board of Town Trustees must a>t the time of fixing the rate of town taxes, fix the rate of tax necessary for the maintenance of the library for one year from the first day of November next succeeding, and must then levy such tax as other taxes are levied. The revenue derived from said tax shall be appor- tioned 56 21 LICENSE, DOGS (See DOGS) LICENSE, LIQUOR Application for 81 46 How secured 81 46 Rates of license 81 47 Wholesale dealer's 56 26 MAP, SEWER Adopting 38 12 MARSHAL Bond of 49 17 Duties as tax collector 88 52 Election of 15 3 May be appointed as Supt. of Streets and Poundmaster 46 15 Power to remove obstructions in streets, etc 75 38 Office for 72 36 Salary of 82 48 Supervision over excavation in streets 10 2 To collect business licenses 56 21 To collect dog licenses 66 34 To collect liquor license 81 47 To collect poll taxes 87 49 To enforce order 57 28 MEETING, REGULAR, of Board of Trustees 65 33 MISDEMEANORS, Airguns, firearms, etc, prohibited 57 28 Animals, driving on sidewalk 35 11 Animals, running at large, prohibited 47 15 Awning, projection over sidewalk 68 35 Boxing, ball-playing on streets, etc 10 1 Chimneys, flues, dangerous buildings, etc 69 35 Conducting business without license 56 21 Children under 16 on streets at night 10 2 66 INDEX Disorderliness 57 28 Drunkenness 10 1 Excavation in streets 10 2 Fast driving on streets 10 2 Females in saloons 10 1 Gambler, drunkard, ets 10 2 Killing animals without permission 68 35 Minors in saloons 10 2 Obstructing sidewalks 10 2 Persons obstructing streets 31 10 Regulating poles, wires, etc 73 37 Removal of buildings except as provided 80 44 Removing sidewalks, crossings, etc 10 2 Riding bicycles on sidewalks 35 11 Rubbish, garbage, ets., on streets, etc 31 10 Sale of milk and inspection of dairies 77 39 Sale of liquors, except as provided 81 45 Smokehouses, frame, in town 68 35 Solid walls in buildings .74 37 Swine, keeping of prohibited. 68 35 Trees obstructing sidewalks 10 2 Vicious and unruly animals on streets 10 2 Violation of health regulations 17, 20 5 Violation of plumbing regulations 78 43 MINORS, On streets 10 2 In saloons 10 2 NIGHTWATCHMAN, Providing for duties of 8 1 NUISANCES, Abatement of by health officer 17 6 ORDINANCES, How passed and adopted 27 9 Repealing certain ordinances 91 57 PENALTIES (See MISDEMEANORS) PIPES in streets Excavations for 10 ' 2 Franchise to Grace Francis 79 43 PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE, Regulations governing 78 40 POLL TAX (See TAXES) POLES Permission to Humboldt Telephone Company 44 13 Permission to Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company ... 45 14 Regulating erection 73 37 POUNDMASTER, Duties of 48 16 Impounding animals 48 16 Impounding dogs 66 34 RECORDER Duties and compensation 11 3 SALARIES, Clerks 82 48 Marshal's 82 48 Superintendent of Streets 82 48 Poundmaster 82 48 Sewer Inspector 82 48 SEWER SYSTEM Adopting sewer maps 38 12 INDEX 67 Providing for issuance of bonds 63 29 Providing for payment of bonds 62 28 Regulations governing sewers 78 41 SIDEWALKS, Bicycles riding on 35 11 Limits of on Main street 53 20 Manner of construction 26 8 Obstructing prohibited 10 2 Rubbish, garbage, etc., on 31 10 Tearing up and removing 10 2 STOVEPIPES AND FLUES Prohibited where 69 35 Rules governing construction 69 3o STREETS AND ALLEYS, Accepting dedicated streets 39 12 Accepting and naming certain streets 51 17 Conditions governing acceptance of 67 34 Congregating on 10 2 Erection of poles on 73 37 Excavations in 10 2 Fast driving on 10 2 Permitting Grace Francis to lay pipes in 79 43 Removal of building over 80 44 Removal of obstructions on 75 38 Rubbish, garbage, etc., on 31 10 Vicious and unruly animals on 10 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, Providing for 33 11 Marshal may be appointed 46 15 Salary of 82 42 SWINE, Keeping of prohibited 68 35 TAXES, Mode of assessment, levy, and collection 88 50 Poll taxes 87 49 TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE POLES 73 37 (See also FRANCHISES) TREASURER, bond, amount of 49 17 WATER RATES Power to regulate 79 43 ORDINANCE NO. 94. Amending sections 9, 11 and 28 of Ordinance No. 56 of the Town of Fern- dale, regulating Licenses. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale do ordain as follows: Sec. 1.— Sections 9, 11 and 28 of Ordinance No 56 of the Town of Ferndale are hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9. — Every person, firm or cor- poration carrying on the business of a meat market in said town, or selling meat therein, either by peddling or otherwise, shall pay a license tax of $3.00 per quarter. Sec. 11. — Every preson, firm, asso- ciation or corporation, not having a fixed place of business in the Town of Ferndale, who peddles, or from place to place, within said town, offers for sale, or does sell, barter or exchange anything, or any goods, wares or mer- chandise, then in his possession (ex- cept newspapers, periodicals, ice, milk, fruit or vegetables) shall pay a license tax of $2.00 per day, or $10 per week. This section shall also apply to any preson not having a fixed place of business in said town, who shall solicit or take orders for the exchange, sale, barter or delivery of the same class of goods as above en- umerated, not then in his actual pos- session; and he shall pay the same rate of license as above. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to salesmen or agents for whole- sale houses or firms who solicit orders from, cr sell for resale to retail deal- ers or to manufacturers for manu- facturing purposes. Sec. 28. — Every person or firm en- gaged in conducting a barber shop shall pay a license tax as follows: For one barber chair used, $2 per quarter; for each additional chair used, $1. Sec. 2. — This ordinance shall take effcet immediately. Passed and adopted March 5th, 1906, by the following vote: Ayes, A. Putnam, H. C. Blum and C. A. Doe ; Noes, None. Absent, G. M. Brice-and L. P. Branstetter. CHAS. A. DOE, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Ferndale. G. W. Dungan, Town Clerk. ■■■■-?■•'■■'■*■--■'•..■.■•■'■•'■.•■■•■' .'. '■•'v'-' •■••■•'..'•..■'•■■■■. V VD 0(784 ?41838 J~5££3 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY