LIBRARY OF OOjSTQRESS LIST OF BOOKS \1\ (WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO CHILD LABOR mn COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLKTON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER r r > ^>, ♦^ :::^, rX I \Y yk % n -f:-. . V /-. ^■vv,?ff -^?^ n ■•.^- sJ:r ::^ > \ '■■-^ LIBRARY OF CONORESS LIST OF BOOKS ( WITH REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS) RELATING TO CHILD LABOR COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A1TLF;1X).\ I'KENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON G0V?:RNMKNT I'KINTlNritain, Italy, and Swit/erland, down to 1905. J. II. van Zanten's ''Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung in den euro- paisclien Ijandern" sununarizcs the provisions of child labor laws in European countries, down to 1902. Foi- the laws of particular countries see under Great Britain: Williams, C. W., and Musgrave, C. E. France: Bonzon, ,Iac. 8^. The subject of child labor was considered in the Conference in the general surveys of labor legislation of various countries. L<^>gislation du travail aux Etats-Unis, par W. F. Willoughby, traduit par L. Dechesne, pp. 33-56; La legislation du travail en France, par Paul Pic, pp. 65-120; La r^glementation du travail des enfants et des femmes en Espagne, par J. M. Delas, pp. 121- 127; Le developpement de la legislation protectrice des ouvriers en Allemagne depuia 1890, par A. Weber, traduit par A. Hausay, pp. 187-237; La legislation protectrice en Belgique, par Louis Var- lez, pp. 2.39-291; La legislation \>. .321-377; Les lois protectrices du travail en liounianie, par F. Kobin et Ch. Staicovioi, pp. 413-422; La l('gislati(jri du travail en Hollande, par G. H. Nolens, traduit par L. Pus.semier, pp. 451-464; L' organ i.^ation et la It'gislation du travail en Rouinanie, par V, L Radu, pp. 477-498; La loi Norvegieiine du 6 aoilt 1897 relative aux restrictions apportees aux heures de travail, par Hroar Olnen, pp. 511-513; La legisla- tion 2^. -^'. {The annals of the Ameri- can (iradriin/ of polU'md a nd social sclcnci', ml. ,7'.r/', no. S.) Title appear.^ at hcaii of cover only. CoNTKNTs.— Cliild laltnr in the Inited States, by V. Adler.— Child labor in Houthcrn industry, by A. J. McKelway.— Children in • American street trades, by M. K. Adams.— Tlie test of effective child labor legislation, by O. K. Lovejoy.— (Miilil labor legislation aii'l methods of enforcement in northern central states, by II. Erickson. — Child labor legislation nnd cnlont ment in New lOng- lanress., The Macmillan .company., agents: London: P. S. King c& son, 1905. 520 pp. 8°. {Studies in history, economics rinting co.^ 189'2. 5°. "The evils of child labor," pp. 139-148; "Education of children," pp. 149-153. An argument for child labor legislation, because of increased child labor in the State, and recommends such legislation. Also rec- ommends legislation that shall secure the enforcement of the Colorado compulsory education law. Eighth biennial report, 1901-1902. Denver.^ Colorado: The Smith- Br ool<:s printing co.., 1902. 8°. "Child labor," pp. 280-292. General consideration of evils of child labor with recommendation for the creation of the office of state factory inspector. Ninth biennial report, 1903-1904. T^t'?ivtr, Colorado: The Smith-Broohs printing co..,190It.. <§°. "The women and children's eight-hour law," pp. 39-41. Commons, John Rogers, ed. Trade unionism and labor problems; ed. , with an introduction, by John K. Commons. Boston^ Nev} York^ [etc.]: Ginn <& company., \1905\ xiA)., 628 pp. 8°. (Selections and documents in economics., ed. hy William Z. Ripley.) Child labor, pp. 242, .34.5, 423, 501, 506. Connecticut. Bureau of lahor statistics. Fifth annual report, 1889. llartfyrd., Conn. : The Case., Lochwood cfc Brainard company^ 1890. 8^. Child labor, by Florence Kelley, pp. 43-65. Eighth annual report, 1892. Meriden^ Conn. : Press of the Journal pxdAishing company^ 1903. 8. "Child la])or," pp. 175-216. Makes a coinitarisoii between the census figures of 1880 an-i3H. iColuinhus, o.], pio:?. h°.) The working child. (In .National conference of chariticM and correction. Proceedings, IWh;, |)p. 161 -I (!.->. lioston, IS'.k;. 8°.) 1'2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Kelley, Florence, and Alzina P. Stevens. Wag-e-earniiig- children. {In Hull house maps and papers, pp. 49-76. New York, 1895. 8°. Library of economics and politics, no. 5. ) Kirkland, James H. The school as a force arrayed against child labor. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 25, May, 1905, pp. 558-562.) Levasseur, Pierre Emile. The American workman. An American translation by Thomas S. Adams. Edited by Theodore Marburg. Baltimm^e: The Johns Hopkins press ^ 1900. xx.,517 pp. 8''^. "Child labor," pp. 105, 106, 121, 1.34, 137, 145-170, 176, 482. "Wages of women and children," pp. 336-3.58. Lindsay, Samuel McCune. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the National child labor committee. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 25, May, 1905, pp. 565-585.) "Held in the City of New York, February 14-16, 1905." Lindsey, Ben B. Child labor legislation and methods of enforcement in the western states. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 25, May, 1905, pp. 508-515.) Loos, Isaac A. Child labor legislation in Iowa. {In Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. 3, Oct., 1905, pp. 562- 582.) Lovejoy, Owen R. The test of effective child-labor legislation. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 25, May, 1905, pp. 459-466.) McKel-way, A. J. Child labor in southern industry. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 25, May, 1905, pp. 430^36. ) Maryland. Bureau of industrial statistics. First annual report, 1893. Baltiiaore: Wm. J. C. Dulany company., \1893\ 8°. "Child labor," pp. 179-199. An investigation, undertaken at the suggestion of the Knights of Labor in Baltimore, as to the effects of child labor in that city; with letters on the subject of child labor from Cardinal Gibbons, Sidney Sherwood, and others. CHILD labor: united states 13 * Maryland. Bureau of industnal statistics. Tenth annual report, 1901. Baltimore: King hrothei's, 1902. 5°. "Employment of children," pp. 175-178. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. 32d annual report, Boston: Wright di Potter 2)ub. CO., 1902. 8'^. Labor laws of Massachusetts: Employment of women and children, pp. 332-339. Michigan. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Eighteenth annual report, 1901. 1901. Wynkoop TIalleiibeck Crawford company., Lansing.^ Mich. 8°. Child labor in Wisconsin, by John J. William.s, pp. 258-260. Milner, Madeleine ^V. Special bibliography, no. 1. Woman and child la))or. {In American journal of sociology, vol. 3, Jul.v, 1897, pp. 139-144.) Principally references to reports of Bureaus of labor in the United States. Minnesota. Bureau of labor statistics. Second biennial report, 1889-1890. Harinson c6 Smith., Minneapolis.^ \1890\ 8^. The second chapter, pp. 154-233, is devoted to child labor, and pre- sents "from the 'Report on the factory system of the United States,' by Hon. Carroll D. Wrii^ht, a short review of English legislation, with a synopsis of the Factory act of 1878 as far as it af)plies to textile factories." Eighth biennial report, 1901-1902. St. Paul : Pionrer press conijjany., 1902. 8°. "Child labor," pp. 405-419. Ninth l>icnnial report, 1903-1904. Vol. 1, [3£innea/joli.'<]: Great Wester^ti printing co., 190 Jf. 8^. "Child labor," pj.. S3-91. "A genera! review of tlic coMditions of employment of cliildrcn in th(! various industries of the st:ile." Mitchell, Joliii. Organized labor; its jjioblenis. purposes and ideals and th(! present and future of American \vag(^ earners. American book and JiibU hou.s, , rhibuhl phiu., [J90J\. xii, 4J6' pp. port mils. 8'\ "The work ]). 21-27; • Working hours of minors and women," pp. 27-29; "Labor legislation in 1904: Child lal)or," i»p. 62-<)5; "Judicial decisions relating to labor: Validity of a new child lal)orlaw," pp. 111-113; " Commissioner McMack- in's answer to the child hil)or committee," pp. 265-287. Rauchberg, Ilciiii'ich. Di(> Ei'hebuiio iibor Franon- und Kinclorarl)oit in (It'll N'crcinigten Staaten. {Jn Arcliiv fiir soziale (lesetzgel)ung uiid Statistik, vol. 12, pp. 135-147. r..Tliii, 1.S98. 8°.) Rhode Island. /I'lnau of industrial statistics. I-'il'th annual report. i^;»i. Providenee : /:. L. J'rx man d' son., 1892. .i'ii\ 191 pp. S°. CosTKNTs. — Laws of the several states relative to the cinployMicnt and education of cliildren, pp. 3-21; Ojiiuions and remarks of BUperintendent.i, iiienibers of conmiittees. piin<-i|iMls iind teiiciiers of Hr-liooln, cliTgymen, and jihy.'-ic'ians relative to cliild labor, i)p. 22-02; Censu.s of children employed by occujiations, age, place of 2(1191—06 3 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS birth, parent nativity, and sex, pp. 63-165; Wages of children, pp. 166-181; School attendance and absentees, pp. 185-188. Riis, Jacob A. The children of the poor. N^ew York: Charles Scribner^s sons, 1892. a?^, SOO jpp. 8°. " The little toilers." pp. 92-117. Robbing, Hayes. The necessity of factory legislation in the South. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 20, July, 1902, pp. 181-188.) Roberts, Peter. Anthracite coal communities; a study of the dem- ography, the social, educational, and moral life of the anthracite regions. JVeio York, London: The Macnvillan company, 1901^,. xiii, 387 pp. Maps. Plates. 8°. Bibliography, pp. xi-xiii. "Our educational apparatus: 1. Schoolhouses in mining towns. 2. The men and women who teach. 3. The boys and girls in school. -1. The boys in the breakers. 5. Can our educational system be improved?" pp. 151-187. The employment of girls in textile industries of Penns3^1vania. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 23, May, 1904, pp. 434-444.) Employment of girls in the textile industr}^ of Pennsylvania. {In Commons, John R., ed. Trade unionism and labor problems, pp. 423-434. Boston, 1905. 8°.) " From the Annals, American academy of political science, vol. 23, 1904, pp. 434-444." Robinson, Harriet H. Loom and spindle; or, Life among the early mill girls; with a sketch of "The Lowell Offering" and some of its contributors. JVeio York and Boston: Thomas Y. Crotoell . 8°. Contains statistics relative to the occupations and earnings of women and children; relative efficiency of women and children and of men engaged in same occupations; comparison of earnings of women and children and of men of the same grade of efficiency; reasons for the emjjloyment of women and girls. CHILD labor: united states 19 United States. Bureau of labor. Index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the United States prior to March 1, 1902. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright. Washington: Government printing office., 1902. 287 pj)- '^°' Contains references to the material oi; child labor contained in the various state reports. Labor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating- thereto. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright. Washington: Government pHnting office^ 1901^.. 11^.13 pj^- ^°' {Tenth special report of the Commissioner of labor.) Contains the laws of the various states relating to child labor. Laws relating to the employment of children in the United States. {In United States. Bureau of labor. Bulletin, no. 62, Jan., 1906, pp. 197-285. Washington, 1906. 8°.) "Bulletin No. 52 of this Bureau, issued in May, 1904, contained a compilation of the laws relating to child IaV)or in force at the close of the year 1903. Numerous changes have been made within the past two years, and the general interest in the subject is deemed sufficient to warrant a reproduction of this body of legislation, incorporating the recent amendments and additions thereto." Census office. Twelfth census., 1900. Occupations at the twelfth census. Prepared under the supervision of William C. Hunt. Washington: Government irrinting office.. 190Jf.. cclxvi^76Spp. Maps. Diagrams. ^^. "Summary of the state and territorial laws regulating the employ- ment of cliildren," pp. ccliii-cclxvi. Til dust rial commission. Reports. Washington : Government jyrinting office^ 1900-1902. 19 vols. 8'-. Vols. 5, 7, 9, 12-17, 19, contain Isvidciicc, etc., on cliild lalxir. Van Vorst, |l)essie] '" .I//n. Jolin \':iii N'orst" aiiiiild-lal)<>r in Jlliiiois and othci- states. American acadeiny <>f jwlitical and Hoeial t■'>): IJ^jl-lJ^S. 1904. Child labor in New Jersey. Charities, vol. J.: (Jan. 9, 190. 't): 60-62. 1904. Child laboi- is murder. Railroad telegrapher, vol. 21 {Jan., 190 4): 27-28. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1904. Sweating; its cause and cure. J. Ramsay MacDonald. Indejjendent review^ vol. 2 {Feb.^ 190 Jf): 72-8S. 1904. The charity side of the child-labor problem. Homer Folks. Charities, vol. 12 {Mar. 19, 190 1^): 9.93-Wli,. 1904. Child-saving laws sustained: Judge lioesch's opinion. Charities, vol. 1<2 {Mar. 26, 190 If): 309-310. 1904. Frauen- und Kinderarbeit in den Vereinigten Staaten. F. A. Sorge. Mue Zeit, n. Jahrgang {Mar. 5, 12, 190 J^): 716-723; 757- 7i •^65. 1904. Foster-children and the shop: a study of the inter-action of placing-out standards and child-labor laws in different states. Florence D. Dale. Charities, vol. 12 {Apr. 2, 1904): 3^-3^6. 1904. A national child-labor committee: the announcement of its organization. Charities, vol. 12 {Apr. 23, 1904): 409-411. 1904. Child labor again. ''Dixie,'' vol. 20 {Apr., 1904): 20-21. 1904. Child labor reform. Independent, vol. 56 {Apr. 28, 1904): 985. 1904. Child labor in New Jersey. Outlook, vol. 76 {Apr. 9, 190^): 860-861. 1904. Enforcement of child labor laws in New York state. Annie E. S. Beard. Wo7''ld to-day, vol. 6 {Apr. , 1904) •' 554- 1904. The national child-labor committee. Edgar Gardner Murphy. Charities, vol. 12 {June 4, 1904): 574-576. 1904. Streetlabor and juvenile delinquency. JosephineC. Goldmark. Political science quarterly, vol. 19 {Sept., 1904).' 41'^ -4^8. 1904. Child labor and the law. Homer Folks. Charities, vol. 13 {Oct. 1, 1904): 19-25. 1904. Has Illinois the best laws in the country for the protection of children? Florence Kelley. American journal of sociology, vol. 10 {Nov., 1904): 298-314. 1904. Child labor in eastern Pennsylvania. Peter Roberts. Outlook, vol. 78 {Dec. 17, 1904): 982-985. CHILD labor: united states 29 1905. Child labor advance in 1904. Charities, vol. 13 (Jan. 21, 1905): 382. 1905. Children in the canning industry. Ernest Stagg Whitin. Outlool; vol. 79 {Jan. 21, 1905): 177-179. 1905. Child labor sentiment in North Carolina. Charities, vol. 13 {Feb. 4, 1905): Jt.09-If.10. 1905. The child labor campaign national in scope. Samuel McCune Lindsa}'. Charities, vol. 13 {Jfar. U, 1905): 525-531. 1905. The National child labor meetingf. Charities, vol. 13 {Mar. ^, 1905): 532-5^0. 1905. Legislation, enforcement and present problems. Charities, vol. 13 {Mar. 4, 1905): 536-5 J^O. 1905. Census statistics of child labor. H. L. Bliss. Journal of jJolltical tcwtomy. vol. 13 {Mar. 1905): 21^5-257. 1905. Children of the stage. E. Fellows Jenkins. Charities, vol. IJ^ {Apr. 8, 1905): 655-656. 1905. The needless destruction of boys; night work in New Jersey glass works. Florence Kelley. Charities, vol. U {June 3, 1905): 798-800. 1905. Child labur and the church. Charities, vol. IJ^. {June 10, 1905): 826. 1905. The loophole of a child labor law. Harriet M. Van Der Vaart. ('h/. ;,v;. i!Kir.): W22-102J^. 1905. The (uit'orcfiiiciii urdiiM labor It-gislntioii. ( )\\ en K. Lovejoy. ChuritUs, vol. 1', (Anq. „v;, Vjor,): 102Jt.-1026. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. Sohot)l-house or coal-breaker, Owen K. Lovejo}^. Outlonk, roL SO {Amj. 26, 1905): 1011-1019. 1905. The child hibor situation in Marjdand. Charities, vol. 11^ {Sej^t. 10, 1905): 1079-1080. 1905. A 3'ear's work for chikl labor. M. V. Shailer. World to-day, vol. 9 {Oct., 1905): 1123-1125. 1905. The necessary sequel of child-labor laws. Josephine C. Gold- mark. Americai} journal of sociology, vol. 11 {Xov., 1905): 312-325. 1905. Child labor in the District of Columbia. Charities, vol. 15 {Dec. 2, 1905): 270-271. 1905. The national child labor meetings: Philadelphia- Washington* Samuel McCune Lindsay. Charities, vol. 15 {Dec. 16, 1905): 367-371. 1905. Righting wrongs of childhood. Puhlic opinion, vol. 39 {Dec. 16, 1905): 787-788. "The two industries in which child labor is most firmly entrenched and dangerous are the cotton and glass industries. " 1905. The children who toil. Robert Hunter. World's work, vol. 11 {Dec, 1905): 6991-6995. 1906. A human view of child labor. Graham Taylor. Charities and the commmis, vol. 15 {Jan. 6, 1906): Jt31f.-It35. 1906. Meeting the poverty excuse for child labor. George A. Hall, Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Jan. 20, 1906) : 527. 1906. California child labor law sustained. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Feb. 3, 1906) : 573-57 If.. 1906. Can the state afford to pay the cost of overworking its children ? Scott Nearing. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Feb. 3, 1906): 602-606. 1906. Child labor legislation in Maryland. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Feb. 17, 1906): 687. 1906. Another poverty excuse for child labor. Caroline Goodyear. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Feb. 17, 1906): 705. 1906. The cry of the children. Independent, vol. 61 {Feb. 22, 1906): ^61-J^62. CHILD labor: united states 31 1906. Talks on labor: before National child labor committee, Wash- ington, D. C. Samuel Gompers. American federationist^ vol. 13 {Mar.., 1906): 167-168. 1906. "When Congress acts as a state legislature. [Child labor law for the District of Columbia.] Samuel McCune Lindsay. Charities and the commons, coj. l'> {Mar. -i, 1906): 755-757. 1906. Child labor at the national capital. Charles P. Neill. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Mar. 3, 1906): 795-800. 1906. A businessman's view of child labor. S. W. Woodward. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Mar. 3., 1906): 800-801. 1906. The child labor movement in the South. Charities and the commons, vol. 15 {Mar. 10, 1906): 81i7-8IfS. 1906. Factory laws for women and children. Ladies' home journal, vol. 23 {3far., 1906): 19. 1906. The cry of the children; human documents in the case of the new slavery. 2frs. John Van Vorst. The Saturday evening post, vol. 178 {Mar. 10., 1906): 1-3, 28-29', {Apr. U, 1906): 3-5; {Apr. 28, 1906): 10-11; {May 5, 1906): 11-13. 1906. ^Medical testimon}^ of the evils of child labor. Charities and tJie commons, vol. 16 {Aj)r. Uf, 1906) : 92-93. 26191—06 5 CHILD LABOR: GREAT BRITAIN Adler, Nettie. Children as wage-earners. {In Fortnightly review, vol. 73, May 1, 1903, pp. 918-927.) Agahd, Konnid. Das englische Kinderschutzgesetz. {In Die Zeit, vol. 38, Mar. 5, 1904, pp. 111-113.) [Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, Lord]. Infant labour. {In Quarterly review, vol. 67, 1840, pp. 171-181.) Review of a pamphlet by Leonard Horner on the employment of children in factories. Aves, Ernest. Kinderarbeit in London. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 8, July 6, 1899, cols. 1078-1080.) Bosanquet, Helen Denby (Mrs. Bernard Bosanquet). Little drudges and troublesome boys. {In her The standard of life and other studies, pp. 174-182. London, 1898. 12°.) Bo'wstead, William. The law relating to workmen's compensation under the workmen's compensation acts 1897 & 1900. With an appendix containing the rules, regulations, and orders under the acts, and forms. London : Sweet and Maxwell., limited., 1901. xviii., 313 pp. 8^. Burke, Thomas. Wage-earning school children in England. (//( Forum, vol. 33, May, 1902, pp. 283-292.) Campagnac, E. T. and C. E. B. RusseU. The education, earnings, and social condition of boys engaged in street-trading in Manchester. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. 8, pp. 653-670. London, 1902. 8°.) The school training and early employment of Lancashire children. London., 1903. Hi, 39 pp. 8"^. ( Great Britain. Board of education. Special rep>orts on educational subjects., Suyple- rnent to vol. 8.) 32 CHILD labor: great BRITAIN" 33 Child-labour. I. Minimum age for labour of children. Henry Edward, Car'dinal Manning. II. The half-timers. Henry Dunckley. {In Contemporary review, vol. 59, June, 1891, pp. 794-802.) Children's employment commission. {In Christian remembrancer, vol. 5, May, 1843, pp. 675-704.) Review of the iirst and second report of the Great Britain commis- sion on children's employment, 1842 and 1843. Children's employment commission. {In Edinburgh review, vol. 79, Jan., 1844, pp. 130-156.) The Children's employment commission, 1863-1866. {In Quarterly review, vol. 119, Apr., 1866, pp. 364-393.) Review of the reports of the Great Britain "commissioners appointed to emuiire into the employment of children and young persons in trade and manufacture." Children's employment commissioners' reports: second and third. {In Christian remembrancer, vol. 49, April, 1865, pp. 332-356.) Clarke, Allen. The effects of the factory sj^stem. London: Grant Richards, 1899. viii., 178 2)p. 16^- "Effects of the factory system on children," pp. 92-118. Cunningham, William. The growth of English industry and com- merce in modern times. Part II. Laissez faire. Cambridge: University -press, 1903. xii^ 609-1039 j^P' 8°. 'Conditions of children's work," pp. 774-790. Drage, Geoffrey. The labour problem. London: Smith, Elder, -261; "The lines of sug- geH(efiH of the report of the Interdepnrtim'iilal coiiunittee on the employment of school children, pulilislicd In 1901, Command paper 849. 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Das englische Gesetz iiber die Kinderarbeit 1903. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 13, Oct. 29, 1903, cols. 121-122.) The Factory children. {In Economic review, vol. 5, July, 1895, pp. 370-379.) Gribbins, H[enrj] de Beltgens. Economic and industrial progress of the centur}'. London & Edinhxirgh: W. d; E. Chamhers^ Ihnited; Phila- delphia^ Detroit \etc.\ The Bradley- Garretson co.^ limited^ 1903. XXX, {2\ 52 Jf 2>P- Portraits. 5°. {The nineteenth century sei'ies, vol. xv.) "The factory workers of Great Britain: A story of misery and progress," pp. 315-324; "Children's employment in various industries," pp. 325-330. Gorst, John E. School children as wage earners. {In Nineteenth century, vol. 46, July, 1899, pp. 8-17.) GREAT BRITAIX PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS Arranged chronologically Great Britain. Select committee on the state of children emjjloyed in the manufactories of the United IGngdorn. Report of the minutes of ev^idence. (Jn Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1816, vol. 3.) Committer on employment of hoys in sweeping of chimnies. Report, together with the minutes of evidence taken before the Committee and an appendix. Ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed, 23 June 1817. 51 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional j9a^^r«, 1817., vol. 6.) Connmittee on factories hill. Report from the Committee on the "Bill to regulate the labour of children in tlie mills and factories of the United Kingdom;" with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed 8 August, 1832. 682 pp. F". {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papet^s, 1831-2., vol. 15.) Factories inquiry commission. First [second and supplemen- tary] report of the Central board, ... as to the employ- ment of children in factories and as to the propriety and means of curtailing the hours of their labour; with minutes of evidence and reports by the District [and medical] com- CHILD labor: GEEAT BRITAIN 35 missioners. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 28 June, 1833 [15 July, 1833, 25 March, 1834]. 5 vols. F^. First report, in Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1833, vol. 20, pt. 1. Second report, Same. 1833, vol. 21. Supplementary report. Same. 1834, vol. 19, 20, pt. 1-2. Grreat Britain. Select committee on the act [to regulate the lahour of children and young persons in] mills and factories. First- [sixth] report, together with the minutes of evidence taken before them, appendices, and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed 3 April, 1810-17 July, 1810. 6 pts. Facsimiles. F^. {Great Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessimial jjapers, IS^O, vol. 10.) Report. Ordered, bj* the House of Commons, to be printed 18 February, 1811. vi, 33 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliuvient. Sessional 2>apers, 184-1, vol. 9.) Children'' s employ metit commission. First report of the Com- missioners. Mines. Appendix, part 1-2. Reports and evidence from subcommissioners. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1812. 4 vols. F^. {(iix'at Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 18li.2, vol. 15, IG., pt. 1-2., 17, pt. 1-2.) Second report of the Commissioners. Trades and niaiuifactures. Apjjondix and index to second report. Presented to l)oth Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1813-1845. 4 vols. Folded map. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 181/3, vol. 13, U, 15; 18 J^, vol. 42.) Poor lain commission office. Reports of special assistant poor law commissioners on the emi)lovm('nt of women and chil- dren in at^riculture. Presented to botli Houses of Pailia- merit by command of Her Majesty. 1843. xiv, (2), 3T8 pp. 8*^. {Great Britain. Parliament. St'rfi, 18()3, vol. 18. Second report, Snme. 1S()4, vol. 22. Third r.'port, Sitme. 18(54, vol. 22. Fourth report, Snme. 18(>5, vol 20. 3(3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Fifth report, Same. 1800, vol. 24. Sixth report, Same. 1867, vol. 67. Vol. 1, pp. 325-336, contains "Laws and regulations of foreign countries respecting the labour and education of children and young persons employed in trades and manufactures." Great Britain. Education department. Report of departmental c'oininittee appointed to inquire into the conditions of school attendance and child labour. Ordered, b}" the House of Commons, to be printed 6 Jul}-, 1893. 46 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1893-H, vol. 68.) Reports on foreign countries: France, Germany, Switzerland, pp 30-33. Royal comm,issio7i on labour. The a^ricultui-al labourer. Vol. 1-5. 1893-94. 5 vols. F°. ( Great Britain. Par- liament. Sessional paj^ers, 1893-9 J),., vol. 35, 36, 37, pt. 1-3.) Contains much general information and statistics relating to child labor in agriculture in England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales; and vol. 5, pt. 2, contains "Memorandum on the reports and proceed- ings of the Children's employment commission, 1862, and the Commission on the employment of children, young persons, and women in agriculture, 1867, by William C. Little." Royal commission on l€d)our. Fifth and final report. Part II. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. May, 1894. (2), 594 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 189 If., vol. 35.) "Memorandum on the evidence relating to the factory and work- shop acts, 1878-1891: What the law is," pp. 568-572; "Special provisions for the protection of children, young persons, and women in certain industries," pp. 576-581. Board of trade. {Labour department.) Report by Miss Collet on the statistics of employment of women and girls. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1894. vii, (1), 152 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 189If., vol. 81, pt. 2.) JEducation dejxirtment. Return "showing- the number of half timers in the inspected schools of each county of England and Wales, ... in the j^ear ending 31st day of August 1896 (in continuation of Appendix E. of the Report of the Departmental committee on school attend- ance^ and child labour, 1893)." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 8 February 1898. 4 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1898, vol. 70.) CHILD labor: great BRITAIN 37 Great Britain. Board of trade. {Labour departmeyit). Report by- Miss Collet on changes in the employment of women and girls in industrial centres. Part I. Flax and jute centres. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty 1898. iv, 113 pp. F^. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessioiial jx^p&rs, 1898^ vol. 88.) Education dejxirtment. Elementary schools (Children work- ing for wages). Return "for England and Wales, giving (1) the number of children attending elementar}' schools who are known to be working for wages or employed for profit, witli their ages, standards, occupations, hours of work, and rates of paj", (2) the different classes of employ- ment into which the boys and girls . . . went on leavinsf school during some complete year. Part 1, ordered by the House of Commons, to be printed. 1 June, 1899. Part (2), 9 February 1899. 2 parts. F° {Go-eat Britain. Par- liament. Sessional lepers, 1899.^ vol. 75.) Em])loyment of school children committee. Report of the Interdepartmental committee on the emploA^ment of school children, appointed by H. M. principal secretary of state for the homo department [and minutes of evidence with appendices and index]. Presented to both houses of Parlia- ment by command of His Majesty. 1901-2. 2 vols, in 1. F-^. {Great Britain, l^irliament. Sessional jmpers^ 1902., vol. 26.) Street-trading children committee {Ireland). Report of the Inter-departmental committee on the employment of child- ren during school age. especially in street trading in the large centers of population in Ireland. . . . together with minutes of evidence and appendices. Presented to both Houses of Parliament l)y connnand of His Majesty, 1902. XV, (1), isT, ( 1 ) PI). F . {(h'lat Britain. Parliament. Sessiomd papers, 1902^ ml. JfD.) Slandimj cani in ittn' on fradf . . . sjiippi ihu and manufac- tiirtf-s. Report on the (•ni})l<>vniciil of children hill; with the proceedings of the conunittee. OrdercMl. by the House of ( oniMions, to beprinte(l, 7 May 19(»;]. 19 ))|). F^^. {Great Britain. J*arliament. Scsxional j^apf-'i'^i 1903., vol. 5.) ll;^S.5o 38 LI BEAR Y OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Board of trade. {Labour department.) Ninth annual abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom. 1001-1902. Presented to Parliament l)}^ command of His Majesty. 1903. 236 pp. r°. {Great Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessional papers^ 1903, vol. 07.) Occupation of children under 15 years of age, pp. 192-195; Number of children employed in factories and workshops, pp. 196-203. Home (>jfi,ce. Employment of children act, 1903. Report to His Majesty's principal secretary of state for the Home department on the byelaws made by the London county council under the employment of children act, 1903, by Chester Jones. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. 1906. 28 pp. F°. ( Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1906. Cd.2809.) Hogg, Edith F. School children as wage earners. {Ill Nineteenth century, vol. 42, Aug., 1897, ])p. 235-244.) Wage-earning children. {In Economic review, vol. 10, July, 1900, pp. 345-.354.) Hutchins, B. L>.,and A. Harrison. A history of factory legislation. With a preface b}^ Sidney Webb. Westminster : P. S. King de son, 1903. xviii, 372 pp. 8°. For references relating to children's employment, see index under this heading. International congress for the welfare and protection of children. Report of the Proceedings of the Third International con- gress, held in London, 15th-18th July, 1902. Ed. by Sir William Chance. London: P. S. King c&i son, 1902. xayviii,3Jf8 pp. Diagrams. Portraits. 8'^. M'MiUan, Margaret. Child labour. {In Oliver, Thomas, ed. Dangerous trades, pp. 90-97. London, 1902. 8°.) Peacock, Robert. Employment of children with special reference to street trading. {In International congress for the welfare and protection of chil- dren. Report of the Proceedings of the Third International con- gress, held in London, 15th-18th July, 1902, pp. 191-202. Lon- don, 1902. 8°.) CHILD labor: great BRITAIN 39 Ruegg, Alfred Heniy. The laws reoulating the relation of employer and workman in England. A course of six lectures deliv- ered at the request of the Council of legal education during Michaelmas term, 1904. Lmidon: TT! Clmces and S07is, limited, 1905. viii, 199 pp. 12-. The Second report of the children's employment commission. 1862. {In Meliora, vol. 8, 1865, pp. 102-120.) Senhouse, R[obert] ]M[etcalfe] Minton- Work and labour: being a compendium of the law affecting the conditions under which the manual w^ork of the working classes is performed in England. London: Sweet tfc MaxweJl, Id., 190 1^.. xcviii, 379 pp. 8°. Sherard, Robert Harborough. The child-slaves of Britain. London: Ilui'st and Blackett, 1905. xix\ (5), 267 pp. FUifc.s. 12°. CoNTENT.s. — 1. On child-slaverj- in London in general; 2. On child- slavery in London in detail; 3. On the alien iniiiiigration and its effects; 4. On child-slavery in Manchester; 5. In Birmingham; 6. In Grimsby; 7. In Scotland; 8. In Liverpool and other large towns; Appendix. Spahr, Charles B. Child labor in England and the United States. (//(. Chautaufjuan, vol. oU, Oct., lS9Vt, pp. 41-4:3.) Spencer, F. 11. Child labour and the half-time sj^steni (i/i Economic review, vol. 8, Oct., 1898, ])p. 4();i-4Sl.) Sykes, T. P. The factory lialf-timer. (In Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 4(i, Dw., 1889, pp. 823-8:31.) Taylor, R. Whately Cooke. Introduction to a history of the factory .S3'stem. London: Rlcliard li< nlltj d' soii., ISSO. icviii, Jf.Jf 1 j)p. S°. Employment ..f children, j.p. 28, 35, ^f,2, 393, 401. Webb, Pxatricc (Potter), et/. Tiic case 1 j>j>. S^. Webb, Catht riiie. The committee on wagc-oarning children. (In Economic review, vol. 14, Apr., 19(i4, pp. •_'()8-211.) Webb, Sidney, and Beatrice Webb. Industrial democracy. London: Lo7)r/?nan'<, (i i" n ((nd <(>., 1897. ,J ro/s. <9°. lioy-ialM.r, vol. L', pp. 4K2-489, .')73, 704-715, 7ti8, 7(i9, 811. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Williams, C. Willoiighln^ and Charles E. Musgrave. The factory and workshop act, 1901 : its o-eneral effect and parliamentary histor}', with notes and other information (including the full text of tlic act) for the guidance of emploj-ers of labour, and others. London: Effingham Wihon^ 190'2. ]96 pp. 8°. Wood, George H. An outline of the history of the employment of women and children in industry. (In The Co-operative wholesale societies, limited. Annual for 1904, pp. 209-238. Manchester, Glasgow.) Zanten, J. H. van. Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung in den euro- paischen Liindern. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer^ 1902. xii., 338 pp. 8°. Child labor in England, pp. 10-13, 41-43, 48-50. CHILD LABOR: FRANCE Bonzon, Jacques. La legislation de Tenfance 1789-1894. 2. ed., avec un appendice de 1894 ti 1898. Paris: Lihrairie Giiillamnin et c^, 1S99. {% 3W pi). 12^. ( Cent ans de lutte sociale.) "L'atelier: L'apprenti. Loi du 4 mars 1851," pp. 181-190; "Le jeune ouvrier. Histoire de la protection de I'enfance ouvriere. Lois du 22 mars 1841 et du 19 mai 1874. Loi du 2 novembre 1892," pp. 191-219. Bouquet, Louis. La reglementation du travail dans Tindustrie. 5. ed. entierement refondue et mise a iour, par Paul Razous. Paris \etc.^: Berger-Levrault d; &^ , lOOJf.. viii, 398 pjy. 8^. Contains "Textes legislatifs et r^glementaires relatifs a la duree du travail des enfants, des filles mineures et des femmes;" "Com- mentaire des prescriptions relatives il 1' hygiene et ii la securitc? des enfants, des filles mineures et des femmes." "Loi du 7 dccembre 1874 sur la protection des enfants dans les professions ambulantes. " Brereton, Cloudesle3\ The rural schools of north-west France. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on edu- cational sul)jects, vol. 7, pp. 1-244. London, 1902. 8°.) History of compulsory education, pp. 77-86. Brunhes, II. J., t/fid F. II. McLean. Child l:il»()r in France. (//(Charities, vol. 14, Apr. 22, 190.'), p]>. (i7()-682.) Bry, Georges. Cours elementaire de legislation industrielle; travail industriel et questions ouvrieres, propriety industrielle, del its de contrefaeon et concurrence deloyale. Paris: Z. Larose, 1895. {2), 800 pp. 8"^. "R^giementation du travail des enfants et des femmes dans les (''tabiissemeiits industrielf.. Loi du 2 novembre 1892." ])p. 323-348; "Loi du 30 mars 1900 modifiant la loi du 2 novembre 1892 sur le travail des enfants, . . ." ])p. 789-792. Courcelle, Louis. Code anriot<^ des lois ouvrieres. Paris: Marchnl et BilhrnU 1902. (ram^, 321 2>p. 12^. "Lfji du 2 novembre 1892. Sur le traviiil Mcs enfants, des filles mineures et des femmes dans les ('■tablissemciits iiiduHtriels," pp. 20:',-304. 41 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Courcelle, Louis. Traite de legislation ouvriere. Avec une preface de Paul Boaureoard. Farh: T. Giard <& E. Brieve, 1902. (2), Hi, (1), xv, (i), 58 J/. "Surveillance, hygiene et securite des ouvriers. Enfants, filles mineures et femmes," pp. 115-189. Dagan, Henri. Los enfants "'industrialises." {In La Nouvelle revue, vol. 22, June 15, 1903, pp. 43.3-444.) Masse, Daniel. Legislation du travail et lois ouvrieres; classification, commentaire, jurisprudence, legislation comparee, projets et propositions de lois. Paris: Naix/cy, Berger-Levrault et c^*, 190 Jf.. xii^ 97 If. pjp. Talle.s. <§°. "Protection generale des enfants, des filles mineures et des femmes," pp. 253-303.. Medd, John C. Kural education in France. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on edu- cational subjects, vol. 7, pp. 245-310. London, 1902. 8°.) School attendance, pp. 256-260. Rachou, Louis. Les conditions de travail des enfants ages de moins de treize ans. {In Le G^nie civil, vol. 46, Feb. 11, 1905, pp. 242-243.) Le Travail industriel des femmes et des enfants. {In La Reforme economique, 12'* annee. Mar. 20, 1904, pp. 376-379; Mar. 27, 1904, pp. 414-416.) Zanten, J. H. van. Die Arbeiterscliutzgesetzgebung in den euro- paischen Landern. Jena: Yerlag von Gustav Fischer., 1902. xii., 338 pp. 8°. Child labor in France, pp. 14-15, 127-129, 133-135. CHILD LABOR: GERMANY Agahd, Konrad. [Child labor in Gerinanv.] (In United States. Report of the Commissioner of education, 1899- 1900, vol. 1, pp. 816-825. Washington, 1901. 8°.) Die Erwerbsthiitigkeit schulpflichtiger Kinder im Deutschen Reich. {In Archiv fiir soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik, vol. 12, pp. 373- 428. Berlin, 1898. 8°.) Gesetz betr. Kinderarbeit in g-ewerblichon Betrieben. Vom 30. Marz 1003. Ausfiihrliche Erliiuterungen zum Gesetz und Vor^chlage zu seiner Diirchf iihrung. Je)ia: G. Fischer, 1903. i^i, [1] /y^ 8^. {Schrlfteyi der G&sellschaft fiir soziale Reform, hft. 10.) Die gesetzliche Regelungder Kinderarbeit in Landwirtschaft und Haushalt. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 14, June 22, 1905, cols. 985-989; June 29, 1905, cols. 1009-1012. ) Die g-ewerbllfhe Kinderarbeit in Kiel. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 12, Aug. 6, 1903, cols. 1184-1186.) ■ Kinderbar])oit in Chemnitz. (/?i Soziale Praxis, vol. 11, Jan. 16, 1902, cols. 404-406. ) Kinderarbeit und Gesetz gegen die Ausnutzung kindlioher Arbeitski-aft in Deutsrhlaiid. (Tntor Boriic-ksichtiguno- din* Gesetzgebung des Auslandcs und der Heschaftigung der Kinder in der Landwirtschail.j Jeva: G. FUcher, 1902. vii, 200 j>/>. 8°. Kinderarbeit und gesetzlicln'r Kindrrsduilz in Osterreich luid Deutschiand. {In Zeitschrift fiir Surialw is>.-iiscliaft. vol. 7, May, 1904. pi>. 3:^0- 3.35. ) Die Kirider.schutzge.setzgi'bung in Oeulxliland. I //( Die Zeit, vol. .34, Feb. 28, l!tO:'., pp. l(il-102.) Die naclistc I'ciut'^- und ( ic\vrrl»rz;ililun!^ \\\\(.\ (Icr Kinder- schut/. (Jn Soziale Praxi.s, vol. 13, Juiif Hi, I'.KM, cols. 992-995.') 43 44 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Agalid, Koniiul. Zvi den Grundziigen der gesetzlichen Regelung der o-eworblichen Kinderarbeit ausserhalb der Fabriken. (/n Soziale Praxis, vol. 10, Sept. 12, 1901, cols. 1257-1262.) Zur ^^'u^dio•ung' der Statistik iiber die gewerbliche Kinder- arbeit ausserhalb der Fabriken in Deutschland. (In Soziale Praxis, vol. 10, Oct. 18, 1900, cols. 52-56.) Agahd, Konrad, and M. von Schulz. Gesetz betr. Kinderarbeit in g-ewerblichen Betrieben. Vom 30. Ill 1903. 3. Aufl. Jena: G. Fkcliei\ 1905. xvl, JfiS pp. S°. Not at present in the Library of Congress; has been ordered. Anton, Giinther K[urt]. Geschichte der preussisehen Fabrikgesetz- gebung bis zu ihrer Aufnahme durch die Reichsgewerbe- ordnung. Leipzig: Duneher (& Ilrimhlot, 1891. xvi., W2 pp. 8°. {Staats- und socialwissenchaftliche ForscJiungen. Bd. 11, Eft. 2.) Geschichte der preussisehen Gesetzgebung zum Schutze der jugendlichen Fabrikarbeiter, pp. 1-132. Die Ausfiihrung des Kinderschutzgesetzes in Preussen. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 13, Dec. 17, 1903, cols. 305-306.) Bekanntmachung, betreflend Ausnahmen von dem Verbote der Beschiiftigung eigener Kinder nnter zehn Jahren. ' {In Reichs-Gesetzblatt, no. 49, Dec. 23, 1905, pp. 775-778. Berlin, 1905. 8°.) Child labor in German}' outside of factories. {Ill United States. Report of the commissioner of education, 1900- 1901, vol. 1, pp. 5-1-80. Washington, 1902. 8°.) "Translated from Vierteljahrshefte des Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amts. 1900, Heft III." Results of an official inquiry (1898) by the Imperial Chancellery. Contents. — Purpose and nature of inquiry; Results of the inquiry: Number of children employed outside of factories; Kinds of occu- pation of children; Age of wage-earning children; Daily work- ing hours; Arrangement of workrooms; Legal conditions of child labor; Wages of children; Police regulations concerning child labor; Propositions for the future regulation of industrial child labor; Supi^lement 1. Regulations concerning industrial occupation of school children in some foreign countries: England; France; Austria; Other countries; Supplement 2. Discussion (A translation of an article by Dr. Wiese in the Berlin Tdgliche Rundschau, No. 275, 1899). CHILD labor: GERMANY 45 Daumay, Maxime. L'enquete allemande sur le travail des enfants hors de la fabrique. {In Questions pratiques de legislation ouATiere et d'economie sociale, vol. 2, (1901), pp. 105-109. Paris, 1902. 8°.) Desmets, J. La nouvelle loi allemande 8nr le travail des enfants dans les exploitations industrielles. {In La Reforme ^conomique, 12. annee, Nov. 8, 1903, pp. 1366-1367.) Dix, Arthur. Das Kiuderschiitz-Gesetz im deutschen Reichstag. {In Politisch-anthropologische Revue, vol. 2, June, 1903, pp. 226-230.) Dodd, Edward Arthur. Die Wirkung des gesetzlichen Schutzes auf die Lage der jugendliohen Fabrikarbeiter Deutschlauds. Halle a. S., 1897. (^), 59, (1) j>j?. . 2)^^. {Guttentag'sche Samndung UeutHcher Reic/ufgeaetze, iVV. 7 J.) 48 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Stern, Louis. Child and female adult labor in Germany. {In United States. Consular reports, vol. 45, no. 165, June, 1894, pp. 204-205. ) Female and child labor in Germany. {In United States. Consular reports, vol. 59, no. 223, Apr., 1899, pp. 634-635. ) Stieda, W. Child laborers and their protection in Germany. {In Chautauquan, vol. 18, Oct., 1893, pp. 88-91.) Washburn, Albert H. Woman and child labor in Germany. {In United States. Consular reports, vol. 42, no. 152, May, 1893, pp. 172-178.) Welck, M. Freiherr von. Fabrikschulen und Fabrikarbeit schul- piSichtiger Kinder in Sachsen. ( In Wissenchaf tliche Beilage der Leipziger Zeitung, Mar. 28, 1899, no. 37, pp. 145-148. ) Wolff, Helhuuth. Ein Kapitel Kinderarbeit. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 15, Nov. 30, 1905, cols. 224-226.) Zanten, J. H. van. Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung in den europa ischen Landern. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1902. xii, 338 pjp. 8°. Child labor in Germany, pp. 13-14; 77-78; 85-89. Zisterer, Dr. Zur Ausfiihrung des Kinderschutzgesetzes in Wiirt- temberg. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 15, Mar. 30, 1905, cols. 678-680.) Zur Ausfiihrung des Kinderschutzgesetzes. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 13, Oct. 8, 1903, cols. 32-34.) Zur Durchf iihrung des Kinderschutzgesetzes. {In Soziale Praxis, vol. 12, Sept. 17, 1903, cols. 1326-1327.) CHILD LABOR: BELGIUM Belgium. Office du travail. Lois & reglemonts concernant le travail des femmes et des enfants. la police des etal)li.ssements classes, le pavement des salaires aux ouvriers, les reglements d'atelier et rinspectiou du travail. Bruxelles: J. Lehegue et d^ [etc., J. Goemaere^ imp. du roi\, 189S. 268 pp. J2°. Salaires etdurcedu travail dans les industries textiles au niois d'octobre 1901. Bruxellea: P. Weissenhruch, 1905. ir.r, Jf.27.. 691 pp. JfP, Gives statistics of wages and hours of labor of children in various industries for the period 1896 to 1901. Office du travail et administration des mines. Rapports an- nuels de Tinspection du travail. 8. anuee {VM'l). BruxelU-s: L. Lehegue et &\ 190.J. (2), r, (3), 304,pp. 8^. Contain;^ rejjurts of district insjx^ctors in the enforcement of child labor laws in their respective districts. Dubois, Ernest. Child lalxn- in Ucloiinn. {In AincriiiiiL:' in ii (rustur Fis,/i, r. 190,1. ./•//, 338 pp. 8^. Child lalxjr in iiclgium, i-p. Itv-i7. 244-245, 250-251. 49 CHILD LABOR: AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Agahd, Konnid. Kinderarbeit und ^esetzlicher Kinderschutz in Oster- reich und Deutschland. {In Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft, vol. 7, May, 1904, pp. 330- 335.) Austria. Bericht der k. k. Gewerbe-Inspectoren iiber ihre Amts- thjitigkeit im Jahre 1901. Wten^ 1902. Druck und Yerlag der Jcaiseriich-kdniglichen Hof- %ind Staatsdruckerei. cvi, 5Jf.8 pp. 8°. Child labor and the schools in Austria. (In Journal of political economy, vol. 13, Mar., 1905, pp. 303-306.) Fehlinger, Hans. Child labor in Austria, {In American federationist, vol. 10, July, 1903, page 565.) Giinther, R. von. Die Beschaftigung der Scbulkinder mit gewerb- lichen, landwirtschaftlichen und sonstigen Arbeiten. (Jn Austria. Statistische Monatschrift, vol. 29, pp. 406-418. Wien, 1903. 8°. ) Kraus, Siegmund. Kinderarbeit und gesetzlicher Kinderschutz in Osterreich. Wie?i imd Leipzig: F. Deuticke., 190 Jf. vi, W3 pp. 8°. (Wiene)" staatsvnssenschaftliche Studien. 5. Bd.., 3. lift.) "Literaturnachweis," pp. 200-203. Schv/immer, Kosika. Staatlicher Kinderschutz in Ungarn. {In Deutschland, vol. 5, Jan., 1905, pp. 429-435.) Zanten, J. H. van. Die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung in den europai- schen Landern. Jena: Yerlag von Gustav Fisdtei\ 1902. xi% 338 pp. 8°. Child labor in Austria, pp. 191-192, 197. 50 CHILD LABOR: OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ITALY, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, THE NETHERLANDS, SPAIN Balfour, R. Primary education in the Netherlands. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Speoi'".! reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. 8, pp. 293-440. London, 1902. S°.) "Historical introduction to the Compulsory education act, 1900," pp. 387-398; Compulsory education law, July. 1900, pp. 399-411. Baudoin, LioneL La reglementation kVale du travail des feuunes et des enfants dans Tindustrie italienne. Par /.v.- ILnrij PauliH et &% 1905. {2), 100 pp. S°. 1. partie. La loi du 19 juin 1902; 2. partie. La Convention franco- italienne du 15 avril 1904 et la rcjilementiition K'-gn'*^' enfants et des fenunes en Kspa^^tie. {In Congn^H internatidiiHl dc legislation dn travail tiiiii u I'mxtllcs du 27 an 30 Heptembre 1H1I7. p|.. 121-127. Mruxelle.s, 1S9H. 8°.) Ferraris, ( 'uil<> 1' . I 'a- neue ilalieni-rhe (ie.set/. Iiet i. die l'"r;uien- iind Kindeiarld'it. {hi .\rcliiv fiir soziale (iesetzgebiing mid Statislik, vol. Is, pp. ,r,f^_577. U.-rlin, H»02. 8«.) Griretti, Ldoardo. l/i le;.:;,^' miI la\<»ro . . . for/iilo delle donne. (In (riornalc iliudi e<«iii<>iiii.-ti, >er. 2. V'>l. 2(. (>it. 11H)3. pp. .399-40L) 0/1 tlie Italian law of July 19, nM)2, in regard l<> the ialmr <>f wnnicn aixi < hildreii. r.i 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Italienisches Gesetz iiber Kinder- unci Frauenarbeit. {In Sociale Rundschau, vol. 3, Aug., 1902, pp. 177-183. Wien, 1902. 8°. Italy. Legg'e .sul lavoro delle donne e dei fanciuUi. {In La Giustizia amministrativa, vol. 16, Dec, 1905, pp. 533-537.) Landniann, Julius. Die Arbeiter-schutzgesetzgebung- der Schneiz. Basel: Helhing ds Liclitenhahn^ 190]^. cvi, (^6'), Jf96 pp. Tables. 8°. Gives the text of the laws relating to child labor. Morant, R. L. The national organisation of education of all grades as practised in Switzerland. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. .3, pp. 1-82. London, 1898. 8°.) Federal law on compulsory primary education; Federal law on child labour," pp. 13-14. Profumo, L. G. Le assicurazioni operaie nella legislazione sociale. Torino: Fratelli Bocca editor i^ 190S. xxi,, (1), 4^02 pp. 8°. {Biblioteca di scienze soeiali^ vol. IfJ^.) "Le leggi sul lavoro delle donne e dei fanciulli," pp. 122-132, 384- 388. Sigg, Jean. L'enfant dans Tindustrie domestique en Suisse. {In La Revue socialiste, vol. 38, Sept., 1903, pp. 346-369.) Vogel, H. Der Arbeiterschutz in Spanien. {In Neue Zeit, vol. 20, Mar., 1902, pp. 689-692.) CHILD LABOR: BRITISH COLONIES AUardyce, W. L. The S3'stem of education in Fiji. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. 14, pp. 171-195. London, 1905. 8°.) Compulsory attendance, page 175. Balfour, R. The system of education in the North-west territories of the Dominion of Canada. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional subjects, vol. 4, pp. 409-465. London, 1901. 8°.) "Attendance laws and truancy," pp. 429-432. The system of education in the province of British Cohnubia. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional sul)jects, vol. 4, pp. 467-513. London, 1901. 8°.) "Regulations as to compulsory attendance," pj). 484-485. Brandon, Lowthor E. The system of education in the Falkland Islands. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special reports on educa- tional sul)ject.^ vol. 14, i)p. 197-204. London, 1905. 8°.) "The school attendance ordinance, 1895. An ordinance tt) regu- late the attendance of children at school," ])p. 202-203. Bushe, R. Gervaso. The .system of cihuation in 1 rinitlailand ri)ha<:"o. {In Great Britain. Board of education. Special report.s on educa- tional subjects, vol. 12, Colonie.-J, 1, ]>p. 175-25t). London, 1905. 8°.), "Report of the C'oininiHsion appointed to eminire into the t|iieH- tion.s of free and coniinilsory education in the primary scliools of the colony," etc., pp. 241-256. Capper, T., ami .M. F. Sadler. Tlic .system of ('ihuatioii in .laniaica. (Ill (ireat I'ritairi. Iloiird of 4>32. Cole, (i. The .system of cihualion in the liahamas. (/n Great Britain. Hoard of education. Special nporl.s on eihua- tional HubjcM t«, vol. 12, (V)|nnie»4, 1, pp. 1-10. London, liK)5. 8°. ) Compulfiory clauneH ad7-536. London, 1901. 8°. ) Compulsory and free education, pp. 471, 518. AX'THOR i:srT3EX Page Adams, Myron E 7 Adams, Thomas Sewall 7, 12 Addams, Jane 4, 7, S, 27 Adler, Felix 7 Adler, Xettie 32 Agahd, Konrad 32, 43, 44, 50 Allardyce, W. L 53 American academy of political and social science 4, 7 Anderson, Xeal L 8 Andrews, Eliza F 22 Angell, Stephen H 5 Annuaire de la legislation du tra- vail 5 Anton, Giinther Kurt 44 Ashby, Irene M. >S'ee Macfadyen, Irene M. Ashby. Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, Lord... 32 Aves, Ernest 32 Bacon, Mary A j)ple\vhite 27 Baernreither, J. ;M 8 Baldwin, Jesse Armon 24 Balfour, R 51,53 Baudoin, Lionel 51 Beard, Annie E. S 2s Beauregard, Paul 42 Belgium. Offue du travail 4!l Betts, Lillian W 25, 26 Bliss, H. ] 29 Bolen, George Lewis 8 Bonzon, Jan, Lowther K 53 Brercton, Cloude.Hlcy 41 Brewer, Franklin N 8 Br<)f)kH, John ( Jraliam 1 Brmihcs, II. J •' Bry, George-^ " Page Burke, Thomas 32 Bushe, K. Gervaso 53 Cahoon, Haryot H()lt 23 Campagnac, E. T 32 Campbell, Helen 22 Capen, Edward Warren S Capi>er, T 53 Cavanaugh, H ugh 24 Chance, Sir AVilliaiii 3S Chauvet, fimilf -"il Chevaillier, A. A 22 Clarke, Allen 33 Cole, G 53 Collet, Clara E 3M, 37 Colorado 9 Common.*, John Rogers 9 Congriis international de legisla- tion du travail 5 Connecticut i', 10 Cooreman, ( u'rard 411 Courcelle, Louis 41,42 Cnifte, Wilbur F 23 Croly, Jane C 23 Crowell, John F 22 Cull, J. li 54 Cunningham, William 33 Dagaii, lli'iiii 42 Dale, Florence i > 28 Darnel, Anna S 10 Dauriuiy, Maxime 15 1 )a vicH, Ivlgur T 10 DeclifxiU', L 5 Delit", JoK'ph-Mario i. 'd DeiiHou, Dainy 2(5 De.siiieUi, J -1.) Devine, K. T 10 Dix, Arthur 15 Podd, Edward Arthur 45 Dowd, .leroiiie 23 Druge. < ieoffrcy 3.3 IhiliuiH, l'!rn«'Hl 49 humkley, Ilf-nry 33 67 58 AUTHOR INDEX Page Purland, Kellostr 26 Eii-hthal, Eugene d' 5 Ellis, Leonora Beck .... 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 Erickson, Halford 7, 10 Esche, Arthur 45 Falkenbach, Jos^eiih 45 Farquhar, A. B 10 Fehlinger, Hans 50 Feld, Wilhehn 45 Ferraris, Carlo F 51 Findeisen, H 45 Flower, B. O 24 Folks, Homer 25, 28 Fox, Hugh F 8,10,25,27 France. Direction du travail 54 Frost, Edward W 4 Frowne, Sadie 24 Fiirth, Henriette 45 Germany 46 Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens 34 Gibbons, Cardinal 12 Giretti, Edoardo 51 Gorres, Karl 46 Goldmark, Josephine C 26, 28, 30 Goldmark, Pauline 25 Gompers, Samuel 4, 31 Goodyear, Caroline 30 Gorst^ JohnE 34 Graffenried, Clare de. &eGraffen- .ried, Mary Clare. Graffenried, Mary Clare 21, 22 Granger, Mr><. A. O 8, 10 Great Britain. Board of education. 54 Parliamentary papers 34-38 Gi'mther, R. von 50 Gunton, G 24 Hall, Freds 27 Hall, George A 30 Harris, Henry J 4 Harrison, A 38 Hausay, A 5 Herz, A , 5 Hesse ( Grand-duchy) 46 Hirsch, Emil G ' 8, 10 Hoffman, Frederick L 10 Hogg, Edith F 38 Horton, Isabelle 11 Hunt, William C 19 Hunter, Robert 11, 25, 30 Hutchins, B. L 38 International conference on labour. 6 International congress for the wel- fare and protection of children . 38 Page Iowa 11 Jackson, Cyril 54 Jenkins, E. Fellows 29 Kelley, Florence 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29' Kelsey, Carl 23 Kirkland, James H 8,12 Kober, George M 4 Kraus, Siegmund 47, 50 Landmann, Julius 52 Levasseur, Pierre Emile 12 Lindsay, Samuel McCune. 4, 12, 29, 30, 31 Lindsey, Ben B 8, 12 Little, William C 36 Loos, Isaac A 12 Lovejoy, Owen R 4, 7, 12, 29, 30 Macarthur, W 26 MacDonald, Mrs 5 MacDonald, J. Ramsay 28 Macfadyen, Irene M. Ashby 23, 24 McKelway, A. J -1, 7, 12 MacLean, Annie Marion 27 McLean, F. H 41 McMackin, John 15 M'Millan, :Margaret 38 Manning, Henry Edward, Cardinal. 33 Marburg, Theodore 12 Marot, Helen 29 Maryland 12, 13 Massachusetts 13 Masse, Daniel 42 May, IMax 47 Medd, JohnC 42 Metin, Albert 54 ^Michigan 13 Milner, Madeleine W 13 Minnesota 13 Mitchell, John 13 Montana 14 Montgomery, John B 14 Morant, R. L 52 Muench, Hugo 47 Murphy, Edgar Gardner 14, 26, 28 Musgrave, Charles E 40 National child labor committee. . . 14 Nearing, Scott 30 Neill, Charles P 4, 31 Neumann, Fritz Stefan 47 New Hampshire 15 New Jersey 15 New York' 15 Nichols, Francis H 25 Nitti, F.S 5 AUTHOR IXDEX 59 Page Nolens, G. H 5 Noyes, "William 4, Olsen, llroar 5 Orchardson, C 22 Patterson, Annie C 27 Paulding, James K 29 Peacock, A. J 54 Peacock, Robert 38 Pic, Paul 5 Poetzsch, Hugo 47 Profumo, L. G 52 Pussemier, L 5 Rachou, Louis 42 Radu, V. 1 5 Raphael, M 23 Rauchberg, Heinrich 15 Razous, Paul 41 Rhode Island 15 Rich, Edith J 6 Riis, Jacob A 16 Robbins, Hayes 16 Roberts, Peter 16, 28 Robin, F 5 Robinson, Harriet 11 16 Ruegg, Alfred Henry 39 Russell, C. E. B 32 Sadler, M. E 53,54 Sanville, Florence Lucas 29 Schindler, Solomon 22 Schulz, M. von 44, 47 Schwimmer, Roi^ika 50, Robert Metcalfe Minton- 39 Sewall, Hannah R 16 Shailer,M. V oO Shaw, William B 17 Sherard, Robert Ilarborough 39 Sherwood, Sidney 1 - Sigg, Jean 52 Sikes, Madeleine Wallin 17 Simpson, George 55 Smith, Hoke 1" Smith, James Henry 47 Sorge, F. A -•'* Spahr, Charles V> -':5, 35) Spangenberg, H ■47 Spargo, John 18 SiHUcer, F. H '^^ Staicovi ., C'h . . •' Stern, LoiiIh '^ Stevcnn, Alzina I'iirHniiM 12,22 Stieda, W.. •*« Page Stimson, Frederic Jesup 18 Strong, Josiah 17 Sumner, Helen L 7 Sykes, T. P 39 Taylor, Graham 4, 30 Taylor, R. Whately Cooke 39 Thimme, Edward 22 Twentj-man, A . E 55 United States: o9th Congress, 1st session 18 Bureau of education 18 Bureau of labor 18,19 Census office 19 Lidustrial commission 19 Van Der Vaart, Harriet M 27, 29 Van Vorst, Bessie ( -I/jw. John Van Vorst ) 1 9, 31 Van Vorst, Marie -- 19 Varlez, Louis 5 Vermeersch, Arthur 49 Vogel, H 52 Walling, William Englisii 24, 25 Washburn, Aibi-rt II 48 Weber, A 5 Weljer, Adiia F 20 Webb, Beatrice ( Potter) .'.9 Wei il ), Catherine 39 Wfbl), Sidney 39 WeUk, M. Freilurr von 48 Wliitham, C. L 55 Wiiitin, Ernest Stagg 29 Wliittelsey, Sarali Scivill 20 Whitten, Robert H 20 Will, Tliumas E 22 Willey, Freeman ( >tis 20 Williams, C. Willoiighby 40 Williams, Jolin J 13 Williamson, llmily K 20 Willnughby, William Franklin... 5,0, 21 22 Wilmer, C. B 21 Wisi hnewetzky, Fluniic- Kdlcy. Sie Krllt-y, Flori'iice. Wisconhiri 21 Wolff, llrlhiMlth 4S W(»od, < leorgt' 11 40 Woodbridgr, Alice L 22 Woodward. S. W ),:;) Writ:ht, (iirroll 1> i::, b; Zunten, .1. II. van .... 0,40,42,48,49,50 ZiHteriT, />r 48 SUBJECT INDEX Page Agriculture: Germany — Agahd, Konrad 43 Great Britain — Great Britain. Poor law commission office 35 Royal commission on labor. 36 Alabama: Sewall, Hannah E 16, 17 See also 23,25 Australia : France. Direction du travail.. 54 Jackson, Cyril 54 Whitham, C. L 55 ^Villoughby , W. F 6 Austria-Hungary 50 International conference on labour 6 Laws — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Laws relating to 6 Willoughby, W. F 6 Bahamas: Cole, G 53 Baltimore, Maryland: Maryland 12 Bibliography: Milner, Madeleine W 13 U. S. Bureau of lahor 19 Seealso 22, 23 Belgium 49 International conference on labour 6 Laws — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Laws relating to 6 Vermeersch, Arthur 49 Willoughby, W. F 6 60 Page Bermuda: Simpson, George 55 Birmingham, England: Sherard, Robert H 39 Boston, Massachusetts 25 British Colonies 53-55 British Columbia: Balfour, R 53 California 30 Canada: Balfour, R 53 Canning industry 29 Ceylon: Cull, J. B 54 Chemnitz, Germany: Agahd, Konrad 43 Coal mines: Lovejoy, Owen R 4 Roberts, Peter 16 See also 25, 30 Colorado 9 Commercial life: Brewer, Franklin N 8 Kelley, Florence 11 Seealso 23,26 Compulsory education: British colonies 53-55 Central Europe — School attendance 6 Colorado 9 Connecticut — Capen, Edward Warren.. 8 Foreign countries — Great Britain. Children's employment commission {1863) 36 France — Brereton, Cloudesley 41 Great Britain. Education department 36 Medd, JohnC 42 SUBJECT INDEX 61 Page Germany — Great Britain. Education department 36 Kraus, Siegmund 47 Great Britain — Great Britain. Education department 36 Netherlands — Balfour, R 51 Rhode Island 16 Switzerland — Great Britain. Education department 36 Morant, R. L 52 United States — American academy of po- litical and social science'. 8 Kirkland, James H 12 Shaw, William B 17 Sikes, ^Madeleine W 17 U. S. Bureau of education. 18 See also School children. Connecticut i', 10 Capen, Edward Warnii 8 Dangerous occlpations: Sewall, Hannah R 16,17 Denmark: International conference on labour 6 District of Columbia: Harris, Henrv J 4 Xeill, Charles P 4, 31 U.S. 59th Congress, Isl session. 18 Seeako 30,31 Domestic work: Kelley, Florence 11 England — See Great Britain. Factories: Europe — Kichthal, K. d' 5 Germany 4". 47 Agahd, Konrad 43,44 Dod'l, Ivlward A 45 Falkcnbacli, Joncph 45 Feld, Wilhelm 46 FiudeiwM, 11 45 Fiirth, llenriette 45 Smith, James Henry 47 Spangenl)cr(;, H 47 Great Britain «14 (lark.-. Alien 33 (Jreat Britain. Hoard <>/ Irndi: "'^ Page Great Britain — Continued. Committee on factories bill ." 34 Factories inquiry com- mission 34 Select com m iltee 35 Hutching, B. L. and A. Harrison 38 Sykes, T. P 39 Taylor, R. WhatelyCooke. 39 Webb, Beatrice P 39 Williams, C. W. and C. E. Musgrave 40 United States — Kelley, Florence 11 McKelway , A.J 4 Minnesota 13 Robbins, Ihiye,-^ 16 Robinson, Harriet H 16 Van Vorst, Bessie ,19 See also 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31 Falkland Islands: Brandon, Lowther E 53 Feder-VFEU ]\Ialay State.s: Great Britain. Board of educa- tion 54 Fiji: Allardyce, W.I 53 France 4 1-42 Great Britain. Education dc- jxirlmcut 36 International c( inference on laiiour 6 l-aws — .\nnuain' de la li^isialiun (111 travail 5 B(jn/on, Jacipies 41 Bou(iuet, Louis 11 IJry , ( !e< )rges 41 ("ongn-H international 5 Courcelle, Louis. 41,42 LawH relating to <> M-.isyr, !>aniel 42 Willougliby. W. V 6 (iKOlKitA: Sewall, HannHli K. 16,17 Si <• aUo 27 ( i KKM ANY 43-48 Kiii])loyincnt of children 6 <;reat Uritain. Education dc- jKirluinit 36 0-J SUBJECT INDEX Germany — Continued Page Intoniatioiial conference on labour Laws — Agahd, Konrad 43, 44 Agalul, Konrad, and M. von Schulz 44 Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congrcs international 5 Findeisen, H 45 Gorres, Kari 46 Laws relating to 6 Die Reichstagssession 47 Spangenberg, H 47 Willoughby, W. F 6 Glass industry: Kelley, Florence 11 Lovejoy, Owen R 4 See also 27, 29, 30 Great Britain 32-40 Minnesota 13 Willoughby, William F 21 See also 23 Laws — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Drage, Geoffrey 33 Hutchins, B. L., and A. Harrison 38 International conference on labour 6 Laws relating to 6 Ruegg, Alfred H 39 Senhouse, R. M. M 39 Williams, C.W., and C. E. Musgrave 40 School children — Child labor 44 Grimsby, England: Sherard, Robert H 39 Half-timers: Great Britain — Child labour 33 Great Britain. Education department 36 Spencer, F. H 39 Sykes, T. P 39 Health: Sewall, Hannah R 16,17 See also 31 Hesse (Grand Duchy): Laws 46 Home labor: Page Germany — - Agahd, Konrad 43 Switzerland — Sigg, Jean 52 Hours or labor: Belgium 49 Colorado 9 Europe — Angell, Stephen H 5 France — Bouquet, Louis 41 Germany — Child labor 44 Great Britain — Great Britain. Factories inquiry commission 34 Massachusetts — Whittelsey, Sarah S 20 New York 15 Norway — Congres international 5 United States — Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Illinois: Addams, Jane 4 Kelley, Florence 11 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 See also 22,23,27,28 Illiterates: Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Smith, Hoke 17 See also 26 Injurious occupations: Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Iowa 11 Laws — Loos, Isaac A 12 See also 23 Ireland: Great Britain. Street-trading children committee 37 International conference on labour 6 Italy' : Employment of children 6 International conference on labour 6 Laws — Annuaire de la Irgislation du travail 5 Baudoin, Lionel 51 Congres international 5 Ferraris, Carlo F 51 SUBJECT INDEX 63 Page Giretti, Edoardo 51 Laws relating to 6 Profuino, L. G 52 Willoughby, W. F 6 Jamaica: Capper, T. and 'M. E. Sadler. . 53 Kiel, Germany: Agahd, Koarad 43 Labor rxioxs axd child labor: Gompers, S 4 Lancashire, England: Campagnac, E. T.,and C. E. B. Russell 32 Laws: Australasia — Willoughby, W. F 6 Austria-Hungary — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Laws relating to 6 AVilloughby, W. F 6 Belgium — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Laws relating to 6 Vermeersch, Arthur 4!t Willoughby, W. F (i Canada — Willoughby, W. F 6 Connecticut 10 Denmark — Willoughln, W. F 6 France — Annuaire de la legii^lation du travail 5 Bonzon, JaccjueH 41 Bouquet, Louis 41 Bry, Gforgcs 41 Congres international 5 Courcelle, Louin 4 1 , 42 Laws relating to 6 Mam; Haniel 42 Willou^'hl.v. W. F 6 Gennany — Agahd, Konrud 43, 44 Agahd, Konrad, miil M. von Kchidz 44 Annuaire de la l<'sfi»«lati<»n du travail ^ Conyn'H intenmtional 6 Findeisen, H 46 Page Gorres, Karl 46 Laws relating to 6 Die Reichstagssession 47 Spangenberg, H 47 Willoughby, W. F 6 Great Britain — Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Drage, Geoffrey 33 Hutohins. B. L., hikI A. Harrison 38 Laws relating to 6 Ruegg, Alfred II 39 Sen house, K. -M. M 39 Williams, C. W. ami C. E. Musgrave 40 Italy— Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Baudoin, Lionel 51 Congres international 5 Ferraris, Carlo F 51 Giretti, FMoardo 51 l^iws relating to 6 Prof umo, L. Ci 52 Willoughby, W. F (i Massachusetts 13 Whitti-lsey, Sarali S 20 Netherlands — Congres international 5 Willoughby, \V. F (5 New Jersey — Fox, Hugh F 10 New York 15 Norway — willoughby, \V. F 6 Prussia — Anton, (iiintlier K 44 Houmania— Congres int Spain — Chauvel, Kiuile 51 CongreH ii)th-Marie M SweL' L'lWH r<'l:i1ing to (i Willoughby. W. F l\ 64 SUBJECT INDEX Page Laws — Coniin ued United States — Addanis, Jane 7 Amerit'an academy of po- litical and social science . 7,8 Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congms international 5 Erickson, Halford 10 Kelley, Florence 11 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Stimson, Frederic J 18 U. S. Bureau of labor 18, 19 Census office 19 Weber, AdnaF 20 Whitten , Robert H 20 Williamson, Emily E 20 See also 25 LivEEPOOL, England: Sherard, Robert H 39 London, England: Aves, Ernest 32 Sherard, Robert H 39 Luxemboubg: International conference on labour 6 Manchestek, England: Campagnac, E. T.,and C. E. B. Russell 32 Sherard, Robert H 39 Maryland 12, 13 Sewall, Hannah R 16,17 See also 30 Massachusetts 13 Childlabor 8 Sewall, Hannah R 16,17 Whittelsey, Sarah S 20 Messenger Boys: Kelley, Florence 11 Middle States: American academy of political and social science 7 Kelley, Florence 11 Mills: See Factories. Mines 29 Great Britain. Children's em- ployment commission 35 See also Coal mines. Minnesota 13 Missouri: Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Montana 14 Page Netherlands: Balfour, R 51 International conference on labour 6 Laws — Congres international 5 Willoughby, W. F 6 Newark, New Jersey 29 New England: American academy of political and social science 7 Connecticut 9 Kelley, Florence 11 New Hampshire 15 New Jersey 15 American academy of political and social science 8 Childlabor 8 Fox, Hugh F 10 Sewall, Hannah R 16,17 See also 27, 28, 29 New South Wales: Great Britain. Board of edu- cation 54 New York (State) 15 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 See also 24, 25, 27, 28 New York City : 22,29 New Zealand: Great Britain. Board of edu- cation, 54 Sadler, M. E 54 Newsboys 29 Night Work: Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 See also 26 North Carolina: Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 See also 26, 29 Northern Central States: American academy of political and social science 7 Norway : International conference on labour 6 Hours of work — Congres international 5 Laws — Willoughby, W. F 6 Occupations: Great Britain — Great Britain. Board of trade 38 SUBJECT INDEX 65 Page United States — Rewall, Hannah R 16,17 U. S. Bureau of labor 18 Ontario: Great Britain. Board of edu- cation 54 Pennsylvania : Sewall, Hannah K 16, 17 See also 26, 28, 29 Portugal: International conference on labour 6 Prussia: Laws — Anton, Giinther K 44 Rhodk Island 16 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Rocmania: Laws — Congres international 5 Russia: Willoughby, W. F 6 Saxony: Welck, M. Freiherr von 48 School Children: Austria — Child labor 44 Giinther, R. von 50 France — Child labor 44 Germany — Welck, M. Freilu')T von.. 48 Great Britain — Child labor 44 Great Britain. Kilucatio)i departimrd -^7 Kiiiphiiinent of srliool children committee 'M Hogg, Edith F 38 (S'eeaAsoComiiulHorycdiicatidM. Scotland: Shcntrd, KolMtt II .*?'.• SoNNLiiicR'i, Kkei»k: .May, Ma.x 47 The S: Conntvticiil 9 66 SUBJECT INDEX Page Textile industries — Continued. Minnesota 13 Pennsylvania — Roberts, Peter 16 See also Factories. Tobago: Bushe, R. Gervase 53 Trinidad: Bushe, R. Gervase 53 United States 7-31 Spahr, Charles B 39 Laws — Addams, Jane 7 American academy of po- litical and social science. .7, 8 Annuaire de la legislation du travail 5 Congres international 5 Erickson, Halford 10 Kelley, Florence 11 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 Stimson, Frederic J 18 U. S. Bureau of labor 18, 19 Census office 19 Weber, Adna F 20 W bitten, Robert H 20 Page Williamson, Emily E 20 See also 25 Victoria : Peacock, A. J 54 Wages: Belgium 49 Germany — Child labor 44 Rhode Island 15, 16 United States — Levasseur, Pierre E 12 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 17 U. S. Bureau of labor 18 Washington, D. C: See District of Columbia. Western States: Laws — American academy of po- litical and social science . 8 Lindsey, Ben B 12 Wisconsin 21 Frost, Edward W 4 Michigan 13 Sewall, Hannah R 16, 1 7 WtJRTTE.MBERG: Zisterer, Dr 48 \ Ylb4 L1U5C ^^■^ . / U.S. Library j sion or b ^b lio-, f graphy - List of books (YTith refer- ences .to. j3eriodi- cals) relating to Z 71CA L\VJl5V^ _ ^^ last date stamped below ^ T' ■'S A ' V- / \ AA 000 497 199 o V ' ^ 'v>, s T 1 r . \^ \ > y [•; \ y ;^'f -. V ^^ ^ > ^^^^■ ^K 1^