mm m ' ■ ■ m Hi mm mm JH in ■wl HOffli Hi iae alii ■II m ■'EM i-! MW J ■H 1IB AN INDEX TO WORCESTERSHIRE FINES, 1649 — 1714. EDITED FOR THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, BY JOHN AMPHLETT, OF CLENT. PART I. ^rintcU for tfjr^Morccstcrsijtrc historical Societg, By JAMES PARKER AND CO., OXFORD, 1896 [Note.— An Index of Persons and Places will be given with the second part, 'which will complete the book.] 'AN INDEX TO WORCESTERSHIRE FINES, 1649 — 1714. EDITED FOR THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, BY JOHN AMPHLETT, OF CLENT. LIBRARY . 18 1957 $3rintc& for tfjc SHorccstcrsrjin: historical Societg, By JAMES PARKER AND CO., OXFORD. 1896. INTRODUCTION THE original of this book is among the purchases made at the sale of a portion of the late Sir Thomas Phillipps's Library in the summer of 1896 for the Worcestershire Historical Library. The title-page of the original runs thus ; — Index | to the | Pedes Finium | for | Worcestershire. | Impensis Dni. Thomae Phillipps, Bar 1 '. I Ex | Zincographia | Appelana. | 1S53. The work contains a list of the Fines for the County and City of Worcester from the first year of Charles II. (1649) to the en d °f t' ie reign of Anne. Nothing is known of it at the British Museum, but it is probably the book mentioned in Sims's Manual for the Genealogist, p. 133, as having been printed for private circulation by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. By whom the MS. was made of which the book is a lithographed, or rather zincographed, copy is not known. Appel, it is supposed, was a German by whom the process of zincography was practised, a process which consisted in writing with a prepared pencil on very thin prepared paper, and transferring the work to a plate of zinc, from which it was printed. It entailed considerable difficulty, but the result in the present case is very clear, and the writing is good. The numerous contractions it contains have been expanded in the printed book, which it is hoped, with this exception, is an accurate copy of the original, even to the very evident misspellings of names of persons and places which frequently occur, but which will be patent to any student of Worcestershire History. It must be remembered that the book is an Index only to the Fines, and does not profess to contain in any sense full abstracts of them. The consultation of them at the Record Office will reveal many names covered in the list by the words "alios" and "aliis," and possibly much information of which there is no indication at all. Fines, or Feet of Fines, are practically deeds conveying land, though in fact they are " fines," the endings, or " pedes finium," the last clauses of endings (a phrase a little tautological) of suits at law. Blackstone says, "A fine may be described to be an 355 IV INTRODUCTION. amicable composition or agreement of a suit, either actual or fictitious, by leave of the King or his justices, whereby the lands in question become, or are acknowledged to be, the right of one of the parties. In its original it was founded on an actual suit commenced at law for the recovery of the possession of land or other hereditaments ; and the possession thus gained by such composition was found to be so sure and effectual that fictitious actions were, and continue to be, every day commenced for the sake of obtaining the same security." This device is one of the oldest known to the law, and the records of fines have been regu- larly preserved since the reign of Richard I. to the date of their abolition by statute 3 and 4 William IV. c. 74, which substituted for them deeds enrolled in the Court of Chancery. The practise, owing to the important nature of the conveyance, has from time to time been regulated by statute, mostly to obtain the greatest amount of publicity possible for the transaction, for unless fines were protested within a year and a day, or afterwards within five years, they were absolute. After the reign of Henry VII. a tenant- in-tail could bar his issue by a fine. In the Record Office are Books of Entries of the Fines, from which Sir Thomas Phillipps's list seems to have been pretty directly taken, and in which the fines are arranged according to the terms of the legal year. Those fines which relate to property in more than one county are placed at the beginning of the list for the term, while those for cities, such as the City of Worcester, occur all together under the separate head of " Civitas." In fines the plaintiffs are persons to whom the right of property is to be conveyed, and the defendants are those who are about to part with the property ; and they contain a description of the estate, and the name of the locality in which it is situated. The Committee of Public Records of the House of Commons, in speaking of fines, states, " The utility of these Records to all persons desirous of tracing property and pedigree is unquestionable ; " while to a proper construction of a County History they are indispensable. INDEX TO THE FINES FOR THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER, IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. Civitas Wigornensis. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Year of the Lord. 1649. Easter Y Inter Ricardum Carwardine genero- Term. ) sum querentem et Thomam Hackett generosum et alios defendentes in Civitate Wi- gornensi in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Claynes et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi . j Inter Willelmum Kings et alios querentes et Hum- • fridum Kings et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene Inter Thomam Jordan querentem et Johannem Houghton generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree Inter Jacobum Kettle et alios querentes et Thomam Greves armi- gerum defendentem in Kings Norton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Baker et alios querentes et MHonem Clent gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Jacobum Nashe querentem et Thomam Norn's et alios defendentes in Rushock. Inter Willelmum Beale querentem et Samuelem Millard et alios defendentes in Longdon Castle et aliis. Inter Johannem Longmoie querentem et Johannem Pytt et alios defendentes in Wolverley. Inter Robertum Haye et alios querentes et Ricardum Hobday alias Lacy seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Browne querentem et Johannem Browne et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Pagett generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Cartwright seniorem et alios defendentes in Bentley et aliis. B INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Inter Franciscum Holland et alios querentes et Robertum Marrett et alios defendentes in Bncklehampton et alns. Inter Johannem Palmer querentem et Franciscum Mowle et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Ricardum Ingles querentem et Johannem White et alios defendentes in Dome et aliis. Inter Samuelem Dingley armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Packington armigerum defendentem in Wichbold et aliis. Inter Thomam Widcombe querentem et Jacobum Welshe et alios defendentes in Chadisley. Inter Ricardum Lether querentem et Ricardum Foley juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Duddeley. Inter Johannem Younge querentem et Thomam Woolmer et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Thomam Banbury querentem et Robertum Phipps et alios defendentes in Dome et aliis. Inter Humfridum Sergeant querentem et Ed ward urn Watton et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Cave generosum et alios querentes et Humfridum Grove generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Luckhill et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hancock seniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Drought et alios defendentes in Earleford et aliis. Inter Edwardum Saunders querentem et Gilbertum Hawkes et alios defendentes in Wichbold et aliis. Inter Thomam Brace et alios querentes et Johannem Higgs et alios defendentes in Chadwick et aliis. Inter Edwinum Millington generosum querentem et Willelmum Millington generosum et alios defendentes in Henley Castle. Inter Rolandum Hales querentem et Robertum Tomkins et alios defendentes in Acton Beacham. Inter Ricardum Poole et alios querentes et Henricum Hill seniorem et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Jacobum Jorden et alios querentes et Willelmum Clarke et alios defendentes in Kcysend et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. Year of our Lord. 1649. Trinity "I Inter Humfridum Tracy Baronettum "> Inter H J querent Term. J querentem et Arthurum Helme se- Wigorn. Gloucestr. Salop. Hereford. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. niorem generosum et alios defendentes de tcne- menta in Chacely in Comitatu Wigornensi et tenementa in Firley in Comitatu Gloucestri Inter Ricardum Hopton militem et alios querentes et Gilbertum Cornewall militem et alios defen- dentes de manerio de Burford et tenementa ibidem ct aliis inCcmitatu Salopensi et manerio de Stepleton et alios et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi et de manerio de Tenburie et aliis et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Willelmum Martin querentem et Joannem Smyth defendentem in parochia Sancte Helene in Civitate Wigornensi Inter Rolandum Heywood clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Houghton generosum et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigornensi Inter Johannem Taverner armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Godfrey clericum et alios defendentes in Clifton super Teame. Inter Willelmum Barkley armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Clyffe generosum defendentem in Clifton super Teame. Inter Ricardum Pencil querentem et Thomam Younge generosum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Paulum Rumney generosum querentem et Willelmum Webley et alios defendentes in Awfricke et aliis. Inter Willelmum Smyth querentem et Antonius Barnes generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Johannis in Bed- wardine. Inter Henricum Best et alios querentes et Johannem Soley seniorem et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Johannem Dormer armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Molyneux Baronettum et alios defendentes de Rectoria de Church Omborne. Inter Willelmum Yarranton querentem et Walterum Higley et alios defendentes in Astley. B 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. ) Inter Thomam Freeman et alios querentes et Willelmum Edge et alios defendentes in Hanlcy Castle et alns. Inter Robertum Ingram querentem et Dorotheam Howell viduam et alios defendentes in Prickley et aliis. Inter Thomam Benson generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Foley generosum et alios defendentes in Kings Ford et aliis. Inter Johannem Colchester querentem et Ricardum Woodborne et alios defendentes in Churchlench. Inter Ricardum Banner querentem et Willelmum Bissell seniorem et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Bissell juniorem querentem et Thomam Greaves juniorem armigerum defendentem in Yardley. Inter Humfridum Greswold juniorem generosum querentem et Thomam Greaves armigerum defendentem in Yardley. Inter Johannem Hunt querentem et Thomam Greaves armigerum defendentem in Mosley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Trewlove querentem et Willelmum Harrison et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Ricardum Grimshaw generosum querentem et Johannem Blun et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Mariam Foord et alios querentes et Johannem Seargeant et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Franciscum Goodyer querentem et Thomam Baker et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Johannem Francis querentem et Franciscum White et alios defendentes in Moorehill et aliis. Inter Armaelem Greene generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Browneing seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Hope et aliis. Inter Thomam Evens querentem et Johannem Harvvard et alios defendentes in Badsey. Inter Thomam Dyson generosum querentem et Franciscum Whoman et alios defendentes in Inckborowe. Inter Johannem Greves querentem et Edwardum Avenant gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. Year of our Lord. 1649. Trinity Term continued. Inter Thomam Haynes et alios querentes et Mariam Rocke viduam et alios defcndentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Harman alias Brewer querentem et Henricum Beseley alias Johnson et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Edwardum Wall querentem et Ricardum Dymocke et alios defendentes in Witley Parva. Inter Thomam Nashe et alios querentes et Thomam Danett armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Humfridum Harris et alios querentes et Franciscum Smyth generosum et alios defendentes in Chaddesley Corbett. Inter Robertum Betton armigcrum et alios querentes et Timotheum Colles armigerum defendentem de manerio de Earles Court et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Elianor Egiocke viduam querentem et Brome Whorwood armigerum defendentem in Inckborough. Inter Edwardum Asknill generosum querentem et Ricardum Scriven et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Mill ward et alios querentes et Willelmum Tommyns et alios defendentes in Dudley. Michaelmas | Inter Thomam Addyes juniorem et ] Term. j alios querentes et Georgium Byrche Stafford. Wisjorn. defendentem in Horborne in Comitatu Staffor- densi et in Pedmore in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Gresweld armigerum et alios querentes ■ et Stephenum Eyles clericum et alios defen- dentes in Kingsnorton in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Cubington et alios in Comitatu War- wicensi . Inter Johannem Pratt et alios querentes et Elizabe- ■ tham Adams viduam et alios defendentes in paro- .- chia Omnium Sanctorum in Civitas Wigornensis J W, S ornensis - Inter Thomam Solley generosum et alios querentes ' Warwic. Wigorn. Civitas et Walterum Tomkyns alias Wever et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Civitas Wigornensis Civitas Wigornensis. 6 NIDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. -> Inter Henricum Porter generosum et alios 1649. Michaelmas T , ,„ , , , .. ^^ J- querentes et Johannem Wakeland et alios Term continued. , . , . .. ,. ' defendentes in Yardley. Inter Robertum Tybbatts querentem et Thorn. im Greves armigerum defendentem in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Leech et alios querentes et Willelmum Hallward et alios defendentes in Earleford. Inter Johannem Wild generosum querentem et Johannem Smyth et alios defendentes in Franckley. Inter Annam Hobday viduam querentem et Ricardum White de- fendentem in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Morrell alias Roper querentem et Thomam Wool- mer et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Thomam Carter clericum et alios querentes et Edwardum Vernon armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hanbury et tenementes ibidem. Inter Georgium Ewyns querentem et Thomam Bushell armigerum et alios defendentes in Harvington. Inter Katherinam Barrow viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Browninge generosum et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Willelmum Browneinge seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Doughtye et alios defendentes in Lullesey et aliis. Inter Mariam Leight querentem et Thomam Gardner et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Edwardum Davis generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Dabitotts generosum et alios defendentes in Ridmerley Dabitott. Inter Hugonum Viccaris querentem et Thomam Hanbury et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Vincent querentem et Thomam Vincent et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Barrett querentem et Elizabetham Fownes viduam et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Henricum Hughes juniorem querentem et Henricum Lingcn militcm et alios defendentes in Dcanhall et aliis. Inter Simon Potter querentem et Johannem Browne et alios defen- dentes in Kidderminster. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 7 Year of our Lord. 1649. Michaelmas "i Inter Ricardum Geast querentem et Thomam Term continued. J Geast et alios dcfendentes in Northfeild. Inter Mariam Smith viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Hodson et alios dcfendentes in Dudley. Inter Humfridum Burton generosum querentem et Willelmum Smyth generosum et alios defendentes et Wribbenhall et aliis. Inter Franciscum Browninge et alios querentes et Willelmum Hall et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Johannem Bourne querentem et Georgium Acton generosum et alios defendentes in Clowes Rock et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bourne seniorem generosum querentem et Johannem Barnaby armigerum defendentem de manerio de Acton et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Squire viduam querentem et Thomam Daunett armigerum et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Willelmum Pardoe querentem et Edwardum Doughtie et alios defendentes in Lulsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Alderne generosum querentem et Johannem Walker seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Lyndriche et aliis. Inter Henricum Hunt et alios querentes et Thomam Lea defen- dentem in Kingsnorton, Inter Edwardum Sheldon generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Knight et alios defendentes in Bircott et aliis. Inter Georgium Caldwall generosum querentem et Ricardum Street generosum et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Georgium Symonds generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Wagstaffe et alios defendentes in Bishampton. Inter Johannem Wilde generosum querentem et Johannem Brooke et alios defendentes in Chadgesly et aliis. Inter Johannem Trye generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bearecroft et alios defendentes in Norton et aliis. Inter Thomam Martyn generosum querentem et Johannem Balam clericum et alios defendentes in Evisham. Inter Thomam Jones generosum querentem et Willelmum Martin generosum defendentem in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis. INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord 1649. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Thomam Holland generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Cox et alios defen- dentes in Debery Claynes et aliis. Inter Jacobum Ganderton querentem et Johannem Harborne alias Herbert defendentem in Eckington. Inter Radulfum Huband armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Hanbury generosum et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Hancock seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Copley seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hall Court et tenementa in Bredon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Wilkinson generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Sambuch generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Franciscum Cornwallys armigerum et alios querentes et Ca- rolum Cornwallys armigerum et alios defendentes de medieta- tem manerii de Rock et aliis et tenementa in Hollyn et aliis. Inter Willelmum Livesey generosum querentem et Willelmum Sambach generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Antonium Sambach et alios querentes et Willelmum Sambach generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Smyth querentem et Johannem Comitatu Salopensi et alios defendentes in Wichbould. Inter Robertum Abbott generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios defendentes de castro de Holte ac manerio de Holte et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Andream Colles querentem et Margaretam Colles viduam et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Vize querentem et Robertum Hey et alios defen- dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Evesham. Inter Thomam Guilding querentem et Johannem Nokes seniorem et alios defendentes in Hill et aliis. Inter Guidonem Hall generosum querentem et Georgium Stinton clericum defendentem in Astwood et aliis. Hilary j Inter Carolum Whitmore generosum et alios Term. J querentes et Ricardum Walsh armigerum et alios defendentes in Debington in Comitatu ■ Staffordensi et de manerio de Stockton et tene menta ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Stafford. Wigom. Civitas Wieornensis. *s v IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. Year of our Lord. 1649. Hilary Term "> Inter Guidonem Hall gene- ' continued. J rosum querentem et Simon Bache generosum et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Nicholai Inter Thomam Turvey generosum querentem et Thomam Baugh generosum et alios defendentes in Pershore et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage generosum querentem et Annam Hooman viduam et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Willelmum Russell Baroncttum et alios querentes et Thomam Hormold armigerum defendentem de mancrio de Hanley et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Edward um Cooper et alios querentes et Thomam Nott generosum et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Unett armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Corncwall armigerum et alios defendentes in Estham. Inter Walterum Greenwood et alios querentes et Johannem Wells et alios defendentes in Tidmington. Inter Johannem Browning generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hall et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Thomam Huband alias Hibbott querentem et Thomam Bridges et alios defendentes in Rowse Lenche. Inter Willelmum Turton generosum querentem et Ricardum Ri- chards et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Humfridum Moore querentem et Thomam Moore et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Edwardum Dolphin et alios querentes et Thomam Greves armigerum et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Johannem White querentem et Willelmum Morton militem et alios defendentes in Seaverne Stoake. Inter Johannem Bentall et alios querentes et Martham Allen viduam et alios defendentes in Wenland. Inter Thomam Butler querentem et Thomam Barker et alios defendentes in Shelsley Beauchampe. Inter Ricardum Hemyng generosum querentem et Ricardum Nicholett generosum et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Thomam Jolley armigerum querentem et Thomam Becke et alios defendentes in Coston Hackett. 10 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of our Lord. 1649. Hilary Term continued. Inter Johannem Brownelowe Baronettum et alios querentes et Johannem Porter gene- rosum defendentem in Tappenhall et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox alias Hay ward querentem et Thomam Cooke armigerum et alios defendentes in Longdon Pull et aliis. Inter Humfridum Lowe generosum querentem et Willelmum Chance et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Jocosam Viccars viduam querentem et Willelmum Wright et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Henricum Dyson querentem et Johannem Rand et alios de- fendentes in Inckborowe. Inter Annam Mariam Jenkinson viduam et alios querentes et Georgium Rotherham generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Shrawlcy et tenementa ibidem. 1650. Easter 1 Inter Willelmum Berkley armigerum "\ Term. J querentem et Samuelem Johnsons | Civitas in medicinis Doctorem et alios defendentes in | Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis Inter Ricardum Leeke alias Rudge querentem et Henricum Linton et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancte Helene Inter Robertum Lunn querentem et Johannem Bachlcr clericum et alios defendentes in Birlingliam et aliis. Inter Johannem Yardley generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Harrison armigerum et alios defendentes in Alderminster ac Rectoria ibidem. Inter Ricardum Mason querentem et Edwynum Baldwyn generosum et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Garrett generosum querentem et Johannem Egioke armigerum et alios defendentes in Aldington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Woodhouse et alios querentes et Alexander Warter et alios defendentes in Didly. Inter Johannem Hunt generosum querentem et Willelmum Keere et alios defendentes in Navington et aliis. Inter Thomam Lewes querentem et Willelmum Mogg et alios defendentes in Feckcnham. I Civitas I Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. II Year of our Lord. ^ Inter Ricardum Sliarpe juniorem et alios 1650. Easter Term „. , „. } qucrentcs et Ricardum Sharpe semorem continued. .. , . , . „ ,. . ; et alios defendentes in Hoblencli. Inter Johannem Feild seniorcm et alios querentes et Danielem Greves generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Egidium Rawlyns generosum querentem et Willclmum Tumor et alios defendentes in Sapie Pichard. Inter Edwardum Avenant ct alios querentes et Willelmum Midle- more armigerum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Dorotheam Bourne viduam querentem et Michaelem Walsh generosum et alios defendentes in Shelsley Kings. Inter Dorotheam Bourne viduam querentem et Johannem Arden et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Hunt querentem et Johannem Radford generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Alie generosum querentem et Danielem Tyas militem et alios defendentes in Kingesend et aliis. Inter Thomam Turvey generosum querentem et Abrahamum Ashe et alios defendentes in Broughton et aliis. Inter Egidium Wilkes alias Nicholls querentem et Willelmum Pynock defendentes in Pynfyne. Inter Johannem George querentem et Henricum Chauntrell et alios defendentes in Wyer et aliis. Inter Thomam Swarbrake querentem et Ricardum Swarbrake alias Swarbricke et alios defendentes in Stoneall et aliis. Inter Thomam Cresheld generosum querentem et Ricardum Har- rison juniorem generosum defendentes in Parshore. Inter Jacobum Allard querentem et Johannem Dormore armigerum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Johannem Tewe querentem et Johannem Teynton et alios defendentes in Berrowe et aliis. Inter Thomam Griffithes generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Ward seniorem et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Jacobum Rosse generosum et alios querentes ct Ricardum Nicholetts generosum et alios defendentes in Haithonhills et aliis. 12 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Inter Thomam Fizer alias Anthony querentem et Thomam Child generosum defendentem in Shraley. Inter Thomam Topley et alios querentes et Riceum Hanley et alios defendentes in Clifton super Teamde. Inter Robertum Stone querentem et Thomam Child defendentem in Shraley. Inter Edwardum Doughtie querentem et Thomam Gardner defen- dentem in Knightwicke. Inter Georgium Wynn et alios querentes et Robertum Berkley militem defendentem in White Ladyes et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Hobday generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Hollington et alios defendentes in Stock et aliis. Inter Jonam Hanbury generosam et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Nicholaum Hobday generosum querentem et Carolum Herbert juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Holway et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt et alios querentes et Margeriam Turnor viduam et alios defendentes in Martyn Hussingtry. Inter Thomam Birch et alios querentes et Margeriam Turnor viduam et alios defendentes in Martyn Hussingtry. Inter Johannem Kindon et alios querentes et Willelmum Clymer et alios defendentes in Haglcy et aliis. Inter Humfridum Greswold generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Middlemore armigerum et alios defendentes in Kings- norton. Inter Arthurum Haynes querentem et Hugonem Penrice alias Glover generosum defendentem in Marten Hussingtree et aliis. Inter Johannem Best querentem et Johannem Flooke et alios defen- dentes in Norton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Steight et alios querentes et Edwardum Evans alias Griffith generosum ct alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Johannem Flooke juniorem querentem et Johannem Trie generosum et alios defendentes in Eckington. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 13 Year of our Lord. 1650. Easter Term continued. Inter Willelmum Hancock seniorem gene- rosum et alios querentes et Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Upton super Sabrinam et tene- mcnta ibidem ct aliis. Inter Henricum Baron alias Barnes querentem et Johannem Baron alias Barnes et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Wigorn. Stafford. Warwic. VVigorn. Stafford. Trinity ") Inter Thomam Shawe et alios querentes et ^ Term. / Johannem Pritchett seniorem et alios de- fendentes in Northfeild in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Hill Ridware et alios in Comitatu Staffor- densi ..... Inter Thomam Ling et alios querentes et Aliciam Booth viduam et alios defendentes de manerio de Watton et tenementa ibidem et alios in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Yardley et alios in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Hansworth in Comi- tatu Staffordensi . Inter Henricum Bromley armigerum querentem et Scudamore Pitt armigerum et alios defendentes in Wike et aliis. Inter Johannem Cliffe clericum querentem et Willelmum Cliffe seniorem et alios defendentes in Sapie Inferiori et aliis. Inter Edmundum Millington generosum querentem et Ricardum Scrivener et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Cristopherum Winburie querentem et Margerium Hackett viduam defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Folley generosum querentem et Ricardum Folley seniorem defendentem de manerio de Kingford et tenementa in Wolverley et aliis. Inter Radulfum Sowley querentem et Edmundum Spillesbury et alios defendentes in Aston Episcopi. Inter Johannem Staunton armigerum et alios querentes et Hum- fridum Greswold seniorem generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Greete et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Henricum Evett generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Harris generosum defendentes in St. Peeters et aliis. 14 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of om Lord. 1650. Trinity Term continued. Inter Willelmum Hill querentem et Ed- wardum Grubee et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Rogerum Alderne querentem et Willelmum Dickins et alios defendentes in Witley Parva et aliis. Inter Walterum Baker querentem et Willelmum Knight et alios defendentes in Knightwicke. Inter Henricum Powell et alios querentes et Johannem Powell et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Johannem Yate et alios querentes et Robertum Yate genero- sum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Greves et alios querentes et Robertum Kinberley et alios defendentes in Hagley. Inter Thomam Hackett juniorem generosum querentem et Thomam Streete generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Johannis Bedwardine. Inter Willelmum Sherman armigerum et alios querentes et Ed- vvardum Partriche militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Alermarston et aliis et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Heynes querentem et Willelmum Stringfellowe et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Georgium Bourne et alios querentes et Edwardum Crumpe et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Cristopherum Dodington armigerum et alios querentes et Olivam Porter viduam et alios defendentes in Mickleton. Inter Franciscum Palmer querentem et Willelmum Hope et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Thomam Baldewyn querentem et Edwardum French et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree in Parshore. Inter Robertum Price et alios querentes et Willelmum Rawlyns defendentem in Comterton Magna. Inter Thomam Worfeild querentem et Posthumum Johannem Rea generosum defendentem in Powick. Inter Franciscum Francke generosum querentem et Willelmum Trible et alios defendentes in Burlingham. Inter Thomam Giles generosum querentem et Johannem Worfeild generosum ct alios defendentes in Powicke. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. I 5 Year of our Lord. ■v Inter Edmundum I'ytt querentem et Wil- 1650. Trinity Term , , , T ..... ,. , r , J J V lelmum Morton militem et alios detendentes continued. . Tr , ... > in Kynmersley et alus. Inter Humfridum Lowe generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Tilt et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Smithe et alios querentes et Johannem Packington Baronettum et alios defendentes in Wishbould et aliis. Inter Ricardum Seargeant clericum querentem et Willclmum Toy et alios defendentes in Hagley. Inter Willelmum Hunt querentem et Thomam Hunt et alios defen- dentes in Gannowe et aliis. Inter Henricum Penne querentem et Willelmum Cole juniorem et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bell et alios querentes et Jacobum Challoner et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Antonium Cole juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Cole defendentem in Belbroughton. Inter Georgium Tayler querentem et Johannem Thatcher et alios defendentes in Hooe et aliis. Inter Edwardum Westwood et alios querentes et Johannem Bache et alios defendentes in Yeldingtree et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley querentem et Georgium Heninge generosum et alios defendentes in Chaddeswicke et aliis. Inter Antonium Cole juniorem querentem et Johannem Tibson et alios defendentes in Chaddeswicke et aliis. Inter Johannem Lowe querentem et Johannem Bacon et alios defen- dentes in Chadesley Corbett. Inter Thomam Jolley armigerum querentem et Willelmum Heton generosum et alios defendentes in Coston Hackett. Inter Ricardum Foley generosum querentem et Samuelem Hut- tofte generosum et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Michaelmas 1 Inter Franciscum Holder querentem ^ Livitas Term. | et Johannem Trapp et alios defen- J J . Wigornensis. dentes infra Civitatem Wigornensim . . > Civitas Wigornensis. 1*5 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1650. Michaelmas "1 Inter Johannem Clarke queren- ■ Term continued. J tern et Jasperum Britten cleri- cum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini . Inter Willelmum Mathevves querentem et Thomam Leaper alias Casten et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Crane querentem et Thomam Hanbury et alios defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Barkeley armigerum et alios querentes et Petrum Warburton unum Justitium de communi Banco Westminster et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Guidonem Hall generosum querentem et Georgium Stinton clericum defendentem in Claynes et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smart et alios querentes et Gilbertum Gill et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Robertum Wheigham querentem et Johannem Eades juniorem et alios defendentes in Alchurch. Inter Humfridum Lowe Juniorem generosum querentem et Edwar- dum Baylies et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Thomam Rous Baronettum querentem et Thomam Huband et alios defendentes in Randolphus Lench. Inter Thomam Turvey generosum querentem et Samuelem Dingley armigerum defendentem in Shireffeslench. Inter Arthurum Sahvay clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Giles clericum et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Johannem Checketts querentem et Armaelem Ganderton et alios defendentes in Peopleton. Inter Samuelem Dingley armigerum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Haselwood armigerum defendentem de maneriis de Wicke et aliis ac scitu Manerii de Offenham et tenementa in Wicke et aliis. Inter Willelmum Fisher et alios querentes et Walterum Hanford armigerum et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Edwardum Feild generosum querentem et Thomam Geast et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Thomam Sandys militem et alios querentes et Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum et alios defendentes in Hanley. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 7 Year of our Lord. \ Inter Robcrtum Norbenie clcricum et alios 1050. Michaelmas . . , - T , y querentes et Jacobum Nashc genero.Mim et Term continued. ,. , r , . „ , , . ... / alios defendentes in Ombersley et alus. Inter Ricardum Collett querentem et Robertum Wheeler seniorem et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Edvvardum Asguill generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Stockall et alios defendentes in Wenland. Inter Willelmum Halward et alios querentes et Jacobum Rosse et alios defendentes in Magna Malverne. Inter Johannem Webley et alios querentes et Willelmum Herbert et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Ricardum Leeth et alios querentes et Willelmum Halward et alios defendentes in Earlesford. Inter Edwardum Baxter et alios querentes et Willelmum Halward et alios defendentes in Magna Malverne. Inter Izott Warner querentem et Hugonem Holliman defendentem in Magna Malverne. Inter Johannem Hill querentem et Thomam Shaw et alios defen- dentes in Beoley. Inter Robertum Fincher et alios querentes et Johannem Fincher et alios defendentes in Shelve Humbleton et aliis. Inter Thomam Walsingham et alios querentes et Johannem Fownes generosum et alios defendentes in Stoke Pryor. Inter Thomam Walsingham et alios querentes et Johannem Fownes generosum et alios defendentes in Stoke Prior. Inter Thomam Mence et alios querentes et Johannem Brooke defen- dentem in Odingly et aliis. Inter Edwardum Yarnold querentem et Edwardum Ploughmaker alias Trevis et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri prope Droythwich. Inter Willelmum Cliffe seniorem querentem et Johannem Cliffe clericum et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Chambers et alios querentes et Johannem Baker et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Thomam Dewce et alios querentes et Henricum Porter gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Ganowe et aliis. 18 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Inter Edmundum Surman et alios querentes et Thomam Geast et alios defendentes in ■NT t 1 f II Northfeild. Inter Willelmum Weston querentem et Johannem Chambers et alios defendentes in Cladsole. Inter Edwardum Hurdman generosum querentem et Willelmum Morton militem et alios defendentes in Kemsey. Inter Ricardum Buckle querentem et Willelmum Symonds et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Johannem Wheler generosum querentem et Thomam Carpenter et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Hands querentem et Willelmum Such et alios defendentes in Treddington et aliis. Inter Thomam Cotterell et alios querentes et Johannem Pitvvare et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Thomam Nashe et alios querentes et Thomam Allen et alios defendentes in Parshore parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. Hilary "1 Inter Willelmum Sommervile armigerum , Term. J querentem et Thomam Rouse Baronettum defendentem de maneriis de Rouslench et alios Wigorn. et tenementa ibidem et alios in Comitatu | Warvvic. Wigornensi et in Farneborough in Comitatu Warwicensi .... Inter Johannem Davis et alios querentes et Willelmum Gittoes et alios defendentes in Tembury et aliis. Inter Edwardum Thomas generosum querentem et Danielem Dobyns armigerum et alios defendentes in Martley. Into,' Cristopherum Catchmey armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Hanbury armigerum et alios defendentes in Hoarston et aliis. Inter Ricardum Chaundler alias Chandflower querentem et Johan- nem Armes et alios defendentes in Nevvland. Inter Elizabetham Squier viduam querentem et Thomam Dannett armigerum et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Philippum Hanbury juniorem querentem et Hugonem Penrice alias Glover defendentem in Marten Hussingtree. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 19 Year of our Lord. 1 Inter Thomam Carpenter et alios querentes 1650. Hilary Term I ^ Ricardum Fisher et alios defendentes in continued. „. , , ... ... J Eldersfeild et alas. Inter Thomam Williams generosum querentem et Johannem Winford militem et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Nashe armigerum querentem et Thomam Savage generosum defendentem in Powick. Inter Ricardum Wilcoxe et alios querentes et Radulfum Tayler defendentem in Shepley et aliis. Inter Gilbertum Wheeler et alios querentes et Gilbertum Jones et alios defendentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Higgins querentem et Willelmum Carter et alios defendentes in Evenload. Inter Willelmum Herbert generosum querentem et Thomam Rouse Baronettum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Georgium Hopkins clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Millner seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Wiggett generosum querentem et Willelmum Morton militem et alios defendentes in Kynnersley et alios. Inter Edmundum Whittington armigerum querentem et Willelmum Ligon armigerum defendentem in Powick. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum querentem et Ricardum Tayler et alios defendentes in Westmoncote et aliis. Inter Thomam Bund querentem et Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios defendentes in Upperwick et aliis. Inter Thomam Coldwall querentem et Willelmum Child seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Monyhall et tenementes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Phellipps seniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Geast seniorem et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. C 2 Warvvic. Wigorn. 20 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1651. Easter] Inter Basilium Comitem Denbigh' et . Term. J alios querentes et Herbertum Prise armigerum et alios defendentes de quarta parte manerii de Bordesley et aliis et tenementa in Aston et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Inckborowe Parva et aliis in Comitatu Wigor- nensi ..... Inter Ricardum Withie generosum querentem et -1 C 1 v 1 1~ ^ ^ Johannem Cadell generosum defendentem in Y r- -,. t wr- • Wigornensis. Civitate Wigornensi . . . J & Inter Willelmum Dagnall et alios querentes et Wil- -, C 1 v 1 1 3. s lelmum Morton militem et alios defendentes in \ ,,. . ,,,. . Wigornensis. Civitate Wigornensi . . . 1 Inter Willelmum Buckle querentem et Thomam Widcombe et alios defendentes in Chadisley. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell seniorem querentem et Stephanum Slugg clericum et alios defendentes in Bushley. Inter Willelmum Bund generosum querentem et Danielem Dobbyns armigerum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Tirer generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Smyth et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Adams generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Kempe et alios defendentes in Cropthorne. Inter Johannem Okey querentem et Ricardum Burrage generosum et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Warner querentem et Johannem Warner defen- dentem in Blockley. Inter Elizabetham Harvey armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Margaretam Palmer viduam querentem et Johannem Housman et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Robertum Ballard querentem et Edwardum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Stuckley. Inter Cristophcrum Gillam et alios querentes et Willelmum Johnsons et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Henricum Ingram armigerum querentem et Jacobum Wrenford et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 21 Year of our Lord. _ _ i Inter Thomam Osborne querentem ct Ri- 165 1. Easter Term , _ , ,. , , , Y carclum Decley et alios defendentes in continued. t, / Rudgatre et ahis. Inter Johannem Pardoe et alios qucrentes et Janam Wheeler viduam et alios defcndentes in Martin Hussingtree. Inter Johannem Freeman et alios querentes et Reginald Ensall generosum et alios defendentes in Awfricke et aliis. Inter Willelmum Newman querentem et Johannem Holbech et alios defendentes in Breedon. Inter Johannem Nokes juniorem et alios querentes et Edwardum Phillipps et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Humfridum Moore querentem et Thomam Newham alias Newnam et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Willelmum Amphlett alias Smyth querentem et Johannem Abbington et alios defendentes in Wichemford. Inter Lawrencium Hackett querentem et Henricum Bromley atmi- gerum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Peirson generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Morton militem et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis et de manerio de Blacke farme. Inter Franciscum Baggott et alios querentes et Edwardum Stone defendentem in Little Witley et aliis. Inter Johannem Singer alias Page querentem et Thomam Hould- shipp et alios defendentes in Upton Snodesbury et aliis. Inter Robertum Fowler et alios querentes et Thomam Heminge et alios defendentes in Upton Snodesbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Toby (_t alios querentes et Georgium Hormblowe et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Thomam Yardington et alios querentes et Johannem Darke et alios defendentes in Alston. Inter Ricardum Pennell et alios querentes et Willelmum Dovvler et alios defendentes in Maddersfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Hughes et alios querentes et Willelmum Pillesbury seniorem et alios defendentem in Estham. Inter Philippum Surman generosum querentem et Johannem Need et alios defendentes in Madderfeild ct aliis. 22 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1 65 1. Easter Term continued. Inter Ricardum Dunne juniorem querentem et Thomam Younge generosum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Gibbes querentem et Willelmum Ballard et alios defendentes in Blockley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Foley generosum querentem et Nicholaum Geste et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Willelmum Winshurst et alios querentes et Johannem Hill et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Thomam Dangerfeild generosum querentem et Willelmum Rufford generosum et alios defendentes in Sapy Inferiori et aliis. Inter Samuelem Holland querentem et Ricardum Holland gene- rosum dcfendentem in Tembury. Inter Ricardum Hayles generosum et alios querentes et Ri- cardum Price armigerum et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Nathanielem Washborne querentem et Thomam Bird et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Thomam Hill querentem et Walterum Higley et alios defen- dentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Thomam Dedicott et alios querentes et Walterum Tompkins alias Weaver generosum et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Trinity "I Between Francis Street esquire &c. plain- \ Term. J tiffs and Hugh Yarranton &c. defendants > y • r- t ,, ,, . ,„ ^- Worcester, in St. riellen in Worcester City . . > Between Richard Baker plaintiff and G-'orge Townesend gentleman defendant in Crafton &c. and of Lilcourt. Between Thomas Dison gentleman &c. plaintiffs and James Hen- nynge defendant in Howlborrowe &c. Between William Jesson esquire plaintiff and Aylmer Tollyot esquire &c. defendants in Yardlcy. Between James Nash gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Burton &c. defendants in Shrawley. Between William Churchley &c. plaintiffs and Richard Huband and Whoman defendants in Inckborowe &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IT. 23 Year of our Lord. 165 1. Trinity Term "I Between Thomas Beate plaintiff and John continued. J Cox &c. defendants in Castle Morton &c. Between Thomas Bache gentleman plaintiff and John Hall esquire defendant in Wicke &c. Between John Thackwell plaintiff and William Barrowe defendant in Berrowe. Between Francis Elvins &c. plaintiffs and Arnold Counard and Saunders &c. defendants in H anbury &c. Between Henry Dyson &c. plaintiffs and William Rand and Favvkes &c. defendants in Feckenham &c. Between Robert Savage &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet &c. defendants in Dorniston. Between John Palmer &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet &c. defendants in Dorniston &c. Between Thomas Rowes Baronet plaintiff and Francis Evill &c. defendants in Rouslensh. Between John Perks &c. plaintiffs and John Knight &c. defendants in Forfeild &c. Between Thomas Milward plaintiff and Robert Smyth &c. defend- ants in Stourbridge, &c. Between Mathew Barnaby &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Barker Knight &c. defendants in Newnham &c. Between Richard Garford &c. plaintiff and William Prettyman and Hoste &c. defendants in Henwicke. &c. Michaelmas "I Between Nester Helme gentleman Term. J plaintiff and Humphrey Tracy Baronet defendant in Chacely in Worcester and in Firley in Gloucester .... Between Charles Wilford &c. plaintiffs and Christ. Waad Winstanley Westcott Francis &c. de- fendants in Allesley in Warwick and in Kid- derminster in Worcester and in East Greenwich Kent in Kent . . . . ' Between Mathew Pitt gentleman plaintiff and Tho- mas Baskervile esquire defendant in Little Kier in Worcester and in Stockblisse in Hereford Worcester. Gloucester. Warwick. Worcester. Worcester. Hereford. 24 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 165 1. Michaelmas 1 Between John Marston &c. plaintiffs and Wil- Term continued. J Ham Christopher &c. defendants in Stoke. Between John Dunne &c. plaintiffs and Richard Vernon &c. de- fendants in Hanbury, &c. Between William Bayles &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Shawe &c. defendants in Beoley. Between Samuel Baldwyn esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Littleton Baronet defendant of Shelsley &c. and tenements in Shelsley &c. Between Thomas Bach gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Dison gentleman &c. defendants in Hollowey &c. Between Richard Brinley plaintiff and John Baker &c. defendants in Stourbridge. Between Nicholas Perks plaintiff and Thomas Saunders and White &c. defendants in Fladbury. Between Richard Foley plaintiff and Richard Male &c. defendants in Bedcoate &c. Between Humphrey Greswold plaintiff and Thomas Greswold esquire &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Barnes plaintiff and John Barnes &c. defendants in North Piddle. Between Thomas Hill plaintiff and John Bolt &c. defendants in Hallow &c. Between Edward Trewlove plaintiff and William Sergeant &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between William Dodson plaintiff and John Somers gentleman &c. defendants in Newbold &c. Between John Underhill &c. plaintiffs and Richard Mucklowe and Boweter &c. defendants in Kingsnorton &c. Between Thomas Wyatt plaintiff and William Walls gentleman &c. defendants in Kingston over Aston &c. Between Thomas Round plaintiff and Humphrey Moore &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Thomas Austen plaintiff and Samuel Bate &c. defendants in Northfeild. Between Edward Pennell gentleman plaintiff and Edward Whitakcr gentleman &c. defendants of Bracies &c. and tenements in Bracies &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 25 Year of our Lord. -\ Between Walter Wilkes &c. plaintiffs and 165 1. Michaelmas _ , _ , „ . . _ , V John iTeeston and Wilkes &c. defendants Term continued. ..,.,. / in Kidderminster &c. Between Thomas Turner &c plaintiffs and Richard Daunce Tavy Boulter &c. defendants in Wick Burnell &c. Between George Dowdeswell plaintiff and Peter Wilkinson and Aly &c. defendants in Busley. Between Robert Tuften plaintiff and William Herbert &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Richard Baxter plaintiff and John Mathewes and Dunne &c. defendants in Much Malverne. Between Francis Fanck &c. plaintiffs and John Bodenham &c. defendants in Severne Stoake &c. Between John Chambers gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Moore gentleman &c. defendants in Broadwater &c. Between Thomas Baugh gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Aynsworth gentleman &c. defendants in St. Crosses &c. Between John Wheeler gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Sta- verton gentleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between Thomas Bridge plaintiff and Richard Saunders Hill and Cresser &c. defendants in Kington. Between Edward Hurdman plaintiff and Richard Hurdman &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between Richard Lynnalls &c. plaintiffs and Leonard Hill &c. defendants in Nevvland &c. Between Edmund Whittington esquire &c. plaintiffs and John Lench esquire defendant in Shelve &c. Between Walter Beames &c. plaintiffs and John Tolly Mason and Walker &c. defendants in Staunton &c. Between Edward Rumney plaintiff and John Mayle &c. defendants in Eldfeild &c. Between Thomas Morris &c. plaintiffs and William Winshurst Coxes and Jones &c. defendants in Stourbridge. Between Richard Dugard Clarke plaintiff and Richard Singer alias Page &c. defendants in Grafton &c. Between Edward Feild &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Wolmer &c. defendants in Kington &c. 26 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 165 1. Michaelmas 1 Between William Dickins &c. plaintiffs and Term continued. J Richard White &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Gerard Roberts plaintiff and Robert Smyth &c. defendants in Badsey &c. Between Edward Pytts esquire &c. plaintiffs and Richard Sheffeild and Barker &c. defendants in Lyer Wyard &c. Hilary ^ Between Henry Nevill &c. plaintiffs and \ . Term. J John Atwood &c. defendants in St. Ni- >- ,,, ...„.,.. Worcester, cholas in City Worcester . . . > Between John Chetle gentleman plaintiff and Richard Hollington &c. defendants in Bradley. Between John Hill &c. plaintiffs and John Sparry gentleman and Penne Shelden &c. defendants in Burcote &c. Between George Hart &c. plaintiffs and Leonard Dunne and Round &c. defendants in Bedcote &c. Between William Shakespeere &c. plaintiffs and Richard Vernon gentleman and Nash &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between Anthony Brooke plaintiff and Anthony Lampett &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Richard Bigge esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Combey gentleman defendant in Malverne. Between Thomas Hodges &c. plaintiffs and Richard Francklyn esquire defendant of Marsh Court and tenements in Eldcr- feild &c. Between Elizabeth Francklyn widow &c. plaintiffs and Richard Francklyn esquire defendant in Elderfeild &c. Between William Jude &c. plaintiffs and Richard Cosnet &c. defendants in Parshore &c. Between William Feild &c. plaintiffs and John Higgens &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Thomas Barrett gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Gower gentleman defendant in Droytwich. Between Thomas Barrett gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Barrett Knight and Gower &c. defendants in Droytwich. Between John Wild &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Gower gentleman defendant in Droytwich. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 27 Year of our Lord. , TT .. „ "\ Between William Jeston &c. plaintiffs and 1651. Hilary Term „, , ' [ 1 nomas Shawe gentleman &c. defendants continued. . __ ,„.,.„ ) in Northfeild &c. Between Thomas Jones &c. plaintiffs and Francis Grove &c. defendants in Badsey &c. Between John Egioke esquire plaintiff and Thomas Langton &c. defendants in Moreton &c. Between James Hale plaintiff and Randall Stephens alias Weaver &c. defendants in Elderfeild. Between Christopher Savage gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Cowcher &c. defendants in Overwicke &c. Between Richard Gwatkyn &c. plaintiffs and Henry Bromsey esquire and Ligon Woolmer &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between William Morley &c. plaintiffs and John Teynton defendant in Berrowe. Between Phillip Brookes &c. plaintiffs and John Brookes &c. defendants in Aldington. Between Humphrey Chamberlaine &:. plaintiffs and Henry Nash and Hill Stretch &c. defendants in Astley &c. Between John Freeston Clerk plaintiff and Thomas Dawkes and Freeston &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between John Harrison gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Geast &c. defendants in Northfeild. Between Mathew Oadham gentleman plaintiff and John Wakeland &c. defendants in Yardley. -\ Between Samuel Demastres gentleman &c. plain- ' ' J- tiffs and Thomas Sanders gentleman &c. defend- Term. . „. _ 1 ants in Hatbury &c. Between John Twyninge &c. plaintiffs and Francis White &c. defendants in Hill &c. Between Thomas Harrison plaintiff and Thomas Brasier &c. de- fendants in Westwood &c. Between Thomas Wagstaffe esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Hicks gentleman &c. defendants in Shipton uppon Stowre. Between William Baxter plaintiff and Thomas Ferriman and Smyth &c. defendants in Upton uppon Seaverne. 28 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Between Thomas Peirson gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Littleton Baronet defendant of Franckley &c. and tenements in Franckley. Between Mary Severne plaintiff and John Hill &c. defendants in Astley. Between John Savage gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet and Hunt &c. defendants in Darmeston &c. Between Thomas Lord Coventry plaintiff and John Durston and Grove &c. defendants in Severne Stoke. Between Guy Hall gentleman plaintiff and John Cooper and Streator Browne and others defendants in Marten &c. Between Edward Feild plaintiff and John Millard defendant in Evesham. Between Thomas Powys esquire plaintiff and Edmond Walker esquire and Dobins &c. defendants of Kidderminster and tene- ments in Kidderminster &c. Between Lawrence Pearsall plaintiff and Jane Radford defendant in Kidderminster. Between Richard Clarke plaintiff and William Bowyer and Hunt &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between George Clerke &c. plaintiffs and John Clare gentleman &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between William Webley plaintiff and John Teynton and Cox &c. defendants in Bruts &c. Between William Beale plaintiff and Thomas Powell &c. defendants in Pendocke &c. Between William Marden plaintiff and Dorothy Dugmore widow &c. defendants in Pendock. Between Richard Hill gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Adam Litle and Parsons &c. defendants in Upton upon Severne. Between John Ball plaintiff and Thomas Bridge &c. defendants in Kington. Between Richard Linton plaintiff and William Need and Danger- fcild &c. defendants in Maddersfeild &c. Between Thomas Dangerfeild gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Bromley esquire and Pencil Green &c. defendants of Farly and tenements in Farly. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 29 Year of our Lord. ■v Between Anthony Pitts esquire &c. plaintiffs 1652. Easter Term I and Richard Sheffci i d and A rde.i Barker &c. continued. J defendants in Kyerwyard &c. Between William Mathewes plaintiff and Thomas Sanders and Mence &c. defendants in North Piddle. Between Benjamin Baxter clerke &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Bound gentleman defendant in Upton uppon Severne. Between Francis Godfrey &c. plaintiffs and Dorothy Baker widow defendant in Morton &c. Between Katherine Roberts widdow plaintiff and William Bolton &c. defendants in Inckbarowe &c. Between Francis Taylor plaintiff and John Jeston &c. defendants in Stourbridge &c. Between Samuel While gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Greaves esquire defendant in Moseley &c. Between Nicholas Addenbrooke gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Wannerton &c. defendants in Churchill &c. Between Thomas Merrill plaintiff and Richard Coock and Hobbs &c. defendants in Armescott &c. Between Francis Darby plaintiff and Edward Huband gentleman &c. defendants in Inckborowe &c. Between Richard Fox &c. plaintiffs and Richard Acocke &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Thomas Rooke plaintiff and William Farr defendant in Everloade &c. Between Charles Bennett &c. plaintiffs and Edward Pilkington &c. defendants in Priors Cleeve. Between Guy Hall &c. plaintiffs and John Pardoe &c. defendants in Marten Hussentiee. Between John Parkes plaintiff and William Thomyns &c. defendants in Dudley &c. Between Nicholas Blick gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Fownes gentleman &c. defendants in Stoke Prior. Between Richard Allchurch &c. plaintiffs and Ambrose Underhill &c. defendants in Sturbiidge &c. Between Thomas Kildale &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Cottrell and Tyer Fox &c. defendants in Yardley. Worcester Surrey. Gloucester. Worcester. 30 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1652. Trinity"* Between William Brereton Baronet' Term. J &c. plaintiffs and Humble Ward esquire defendant of Dudley &c. and of Hym- ley &c. and tenements in Dudley &c. in Wor- cester and in St. Saviors &c. Southwarke in Surrey ..... Between John Warren gentleman &c. plaintiffs and ' Lionell Earle of Middlesex defendant of Forth- ampton &c. and tenements in Forthampton &c. in Gloucester and of Forthampton &c. and tenements in Bushley &c. in Worcester Between John Willetts &c. plaintiffs and John Milward and Badger &c. defendants in Ould S win ford. Between John Frye &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Phipps &c. defendants in Bordesley &c. Between Robert Wild &c. plaintiffs and John Fownes gentleman and Wells &c. defendants in Stoke Pryor. Between Anne Rawlingson widdow plaintiff and Randolph Stevens &c. defendants in Whitington. Between Alice Brooke widow plaintiff and Thomas Huband alias Hibbott &c. defendants in Inckbarrowe. Between William Willetts plaintiff and John Southall &c. defendants in Belbroughton. Between Edward Feild gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Gilbert Wheler gentleman defendant in Droytwich. Between William Doverdale &c. plaintiffs and John Bridge &c. defendants in Hackets &c. Between Bartholomew Halsey &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Barrowe &c. defendants in Elderfeild &c. Between John Alderne plaintiff and Thomas Child esquire defendant in Shrawley. Between Thomas Bound gentleman plaintiff and Henry Bromley esquire and Ravenhill &c. defendants in Upton upon Severne. Between John Benton plaintiff and Thomas Greves &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Roper &c. plaintiffs and Michael Prichett and George Smyth &c. defendants in Kingsnorton &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 31 Year of our Lord. 1652. Trinity Term \ Between Thomas Heynes plaintiff and John continued. J Freeman &c. defendants in Cladsall &c. Between William Grove &c. plaintiffs and Edward Grove &c. defendants in Over Mitton &c. Between William Suffeild gentleman plaintiff and Richard Dowdes- well gentleman Addis and Walker &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Edmund Dilhvyn plaintiff and Henry Bromley esquire Ligon Archer &c. defendants in Upton upon Severne. Between John Need plaintiff and John Pitt &c. defendants in Much Malverne. Between Thomas Peters plaintiff and Mathew Gadham &c. defend- ants in Yardley. Between John Hobday &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Cartwright &c. defendants in Bradley. Between William Booth esquire plaintiff and Richard Flax gen- tleman &c. defendants in Yardley. Michaelmas "1 Between John Howe esquire &c. Term. J plaintiffs and Ralph Cole esquire defendants of Wichford &c. and tenements in Wichford &c. in the County of Wiltes and of Chedworth &c. and tenements in Chedworth &c. in the County of Gloucester and of Stath &c. and tenements in Stath in the County of Somersett and of Plympton &c. and tenements j- in Plympton &c. in Devon and of Sithney in Cornwall and of Bromsgrove &c. in Worcester and in Lackford in Southampton and in Hey- shott in Sussex and of Purfleete in the County of Essex and tythes in Elmessett in Suffolk and of the Rectory of Neott in Huntingdon and tythes in Beckington &c. in Lincoln . J Between William Langham &c. plaintiffs and Tho- mas Windesor alias Lord Windesor Lloyd Finch and others defendants of Tardbigge &c. Wiltshire. Gloucester. Somersett. Devon. Cornwall. Worcester. Southampton. Sussex. Essex. Suffolk. Huntingdon. Lincoln. and tenements in Tardbigge &c. in Worcester and of Tardbigge and tenements in Tardebigge &c. in Warwick . 1- Worcester. Warwick. 3^ INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1652. Michaelmas "I Between Richard Baggett < Term continued. J plaintiff and Danyell Tyas &c. City of defendants in All Saints in the City of Wor- Worcester, cester . . . . . ' Between Edmund Rawlings gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Merrell gentleman defendant in Flyford Favell &c. Between Thomas Awsten plaintiff and Henry Awsten &c. defend- ants in Northfeild. Between John Davies gentleman plaintiff and Humphry Hardwick Clarke &c. defendants in Bewdley. Between Richard Bowster gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Earle of Worcester Viscount Moleneux and Somersett defend- ants in Church Honyborne. Between Edward Raban plaintiff and Richard Wright &c. defend- ants in Kingsnorton. Between William Collins &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Feild &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Thomas Rooke plaintiff and William Bromsgrove &c. defendants in Evenloade &c. Between John Poolehouse alias Portman plaintiff and Edward Cowper &c. defendants in Astley. Between William Amphlct &c. plaintiffs and John Grove &c. defendants in Old Swinford. Between Thomas Hall esquire &c. plaintiffs and James Nash gen- tleman defendant in St. Peter &c. Between Richard Beeston Clerke plaintiff and Robert Moore &c. defendants in Breedon. Between Thomas Lowbridge plaintiff and Anthony Yates &c. defendants in Rushock. Between Thomas Lewes plaintiff and John Wade and Sawyer &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between William Ganderton gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Savage esquire &c. defendants in Cropthorne. Between Richard Spilsbury &c. plaintiffs and John Spilsbury and Gomcry Barker and others defendants in Sheldesley &c. Between Abell Gower esquire plaintiff and Henry Bromley esquire &c. defendants in Wick Bishop &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 34 Year of our Lord. (Between Thomas Turvey gentleman plaintiff and \\ llliam Corbett gentleman and I horn- bury &c. defendants in Derford. Between Henry Hanson &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Rous Baronet and Wolmer &c. defendants in Kington &c. Between Ursula Tompkins alias Weaver widow &c. plaintiffs and John Soley gentleman &c. defendants in Horestone &c. Between Andrew Yarrington gentleman plaintiff and John Giles gentleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between John Watts plaintiff and William Harris gentleman &c. defendants in Nethenvick &c. Between John Fincher plaintiff and Edward Fincher &c. defendants in Coulsden. Between Mathew Barrowe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Ingram gentleman defendant in Clifton &c. Between John Watts plaintiff and John Coxe and Weale &c. defendants in Brut Morton &c. Between John Ovenell plaintiff and William Stephens alias Weaver &c. defendants in Eldersfeild &c. Between Henry Malpas &c. plaintiffs and John Winford esquire and Hayward Smyth and others defendants in Kidderminster. Between Thomas Griffith gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Pitt &c. defendants in Broadwas &c. Between John Johnson plaintiff and Edward Hall &c. defendants in Overwick &c. Between William Woodward gentleman and William Knotsford gentleman &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between Henry Turbervile gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Pitt &c. defendants in Broadwas &c. Between William Hankins &c. plaintiffs and John Steward defendant in Moreton Brut &c. Between Richard Portman plaintiff and John Jones gentleman &c. defendants in Horton &c. Between Thomas Watts &c. plaintiffs and Sharington Talbott esquire defendant in Droytwich. Between William Ceycill gentleman plaintiff and Walter Thomas gentleman &c. defendants in Claynes. D 34 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. , ... , , "i Between William Smyth plaintiff and William 1652. Michaelmas ,. . ~ , Y Moreton esquire and Onyon &c. defendants Term continued. . _ , „.. , „ J in Bushops Wick &c. Between Samuel Gardner plaintiff and William Ballard &c. defend- ants in Evesham. Between Edwyn Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Saunders &c. defendants in Fladburyhill and Moore. Between Richard Marston gentleman plaintiff and William Smyth defendant in Little Eyre &c. Between William Hatton &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Collyns &c. defendants in Elderfeild &c. Between Henry Townesend esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Broad gentleman &c. defendants in Elmebridge &c. Between Richard Foxe plaintiff and Robert Yate gentleman &c. defendants in Yardley. Between John Jones plaintiff and William Jones Clerke defendant in Hadzor. Between Gilbert Kymberley plaintiff and Robert Clarke &c. defend- ants in Bromsgrove. Between Thomas Leeke &c. plaintiffs and Edward Owen and Jones Greves and others defendants of Yardley and tenements in Yardley &c. Between George Kempe Knight and Baronet &c. plaintiffs and John Nash and Tilt &c. defendants in Cookesey &c. Between Lancelott Bromwich gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Carew esquire and Dighton Williams &c. defendants in Hankley &c. Between Thomas Chettle plaintiff and William Penn and Cooke &c. defendants in Bell Broughton &c. Between Francis Walker gentleman plaintiff and William Chaunce &c. defendants in St. Peters in Droytwich and Hadsor. Between William Stile &c. plaintiffs and Godfrey Ellis &c. defend- ants in Ribbisford. Hilary 1 Between William Sandbury &c. plaintiffs -\ Term. } and Richard Carpenter and Cooper &c. de- I Middlesex. Pendants in Giles without Creplegatc in Middle- j Worcester. sex and in Severne Stoke in Worcester . J IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 35 Stafford. Worcester. Stafford. Worcester. City of Worcester. City of Worcester. Year of our Lord. 1652. Hilary Term "1 Between Humphry Carter continued. J gentleman plaintiff and Hum- ble Ward esquire defendant in Rowley Regis &c. in Stafford and in Dudley in Worcester Between Cornelius Holland esquire &c. plaintiffs and John Shelton esquire &c. defendants in Great Barre &c. in the County of Stafford and in Yard ley in Worcester Between Phillip Gardiner plaintiff and Thomas -\ Dodd &c. defendants in St. Andrewes &c. in - Worcester . . . .J Between Edmund Pitt plaintiff and Edward Moore ") gentleman &c. defendants in Worcester . J Between John Cole &c. plaintiffs and William Cole &c. defendants in Belbrougton. Between Humphry Lowe gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Tilt &c. defendants in Fockbury &c. Between Giles Dobbins plaintiff and Anthony Garrett &c. defend- ants in Broadway. Between Thomas Blisse plaintiff and John Smythe &c. defendants in Emloade &c. Between Thomas Giles plaintiff and William Brooke &c. defendants in Powicke. Between Edward Vernon esquire plaintiff and Arnold Counard gentleman &c. defendants in Feckenham &c. Between Francis Knight gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Crabb defendant in Fokebury Cattsill &c. Between Walter Pooler gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Soly gentleman and Pooler &c. defendants in Dunley &c. Between William Fetherston gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Thatcher &c. defendants in Stone &c. Between Mathew Bagge &c. plaintiffs and William Watson gen- tleman and Smart Spragge &c. defendants in Bratforton &c. Between Henry Smyth &c. plaintiffs and Richard Nicholetts gen- tleman &c. defendants in Edvin Loche &c. Between Mary Walker plaintiff and Thomas Bennett &c. defendants in Lawrence in Evesham. D 2 36 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1652. Hilary Term I Between Thomas Turvey gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Saunders gentleman &c. de- continued. . „ / iendants in bladbury &c. Between Thomas Greffitts gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Rufford gentleman and Rawlins &c. defendants in Nether Sapy &c. Between Richard Younge plaintiff and James Harris &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Edward Waldron gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Humphry Waldron defendant in Chaddeswich. Between Edwyn Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Wil- liam Russell Baronet &c. defendants in Little Witley Holt &c. Between Edw)?n Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard White &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Erasmus Phillips Baronet &c. plaintiffs and Edward Salwey esquire defendant in Stanford. Between Mary Salway plaintiff and Edward Salway esquire defendant in Eastham. Between Thomas Webster gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ed- ward Salwey esquire defendant of Stanford and in Stan- ford &c. Between Thomas Leadonton plaintiff and William Griffyn &c. defendants in Upton uppon Severne. Between Edward Pennell esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet defendant of Pepilton and in Pepilton. Between Richard Buckle plaintiff and William Morley &c. defend- ants in Castle Morton. 1653. Easter "| Between Augustine Belson &c. plain- -^ Term. /tiffs and William Gage esquire &c. defendants of Brockhampton and in Brock- hampton in Hereford and of Attingham and in Attingham in Salop and of Wychinford and in Wychinford in Worcester Hereford. Salop. Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 37 Jtl Between John Langley gen- Essex. Warwick. Gloucester. Bedford. Worcester. City of Worcester. Year of our Lord. 1653. Easter Term continued. J tleman &c. plaintiffs and Lyonell Earle of Middlesex defendant of Cop- thall and tenements in Copthall &c. in Essex and of Milcott uppon Aven &c. and in Milcott upon Aven in Warwick and of Sezingcote and tenements in Sezingcote &c. in Gloucester and of Cranfeild and tenements in Cranfeild in Bed- ford and of Goldcott and tenements in Goldcott in Worcester Between Robert Crumpe plaintiff and John Barber 1 &c. defendants in St. Peters in Worcester . J Between Thomas Chetle &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Smyth defendant in Badsey &c. Between Anchor Anchor plaintiff and Richard Ordway &c. defend- ants in Broadway. Between John Savage gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Hol- lington Huntington and Turner &c. defendants in Stock Bradley &c. Between William Bourne plaintiff and Joane Churchyard widow and Bennett &c. defendants in Kederminster. Between Nicholas Lechmere esquire plaintiff and Leicester Viscount Hereford defendant in Suckley &c. Between Thomas Chettle gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Arnold Connard gentleman &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between Richard Foley gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Humble Ward esquire and Dudley &c. defendants in Netherton &c. Between John Lench esquire &c. plaintiffs and John Watkins gen- tleman defendant in Haybury. Between Thomas Burlton plaintiff and John Bameby esquire &c. defendants in Bewdley. Between William Wight plaintiff and William Smyth &c. defend- ants in Franckley &c. Between Robert Blomer plaintiff and Nicholas Holmer and Jesson &c. defendants in Cradley. Between Henry Payton plaintiff and Thomas Sharman and Paytou &c. defendants in Dudley. 38 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Between Ralph Sowley &c. plaintiffs and Elizabeth Sowley &c. defendants in Churchill. Between John Callowe &c. plaintiffs and Francis White and Sanders &c. defendants in Moore &c. Between William Ganderton plaintiff and William Cliffe gentleman and Clerke &c. defendants in Martley &c. Between John Baker gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Foly gentleman and Hitchins &c. defendants in Swinford. Between Humfry Lowe gentleman plaintiff and John Harbert &c. defendants in Bromesgrove &c. Between Humfry Lowe gentleman plaintiff and Humfry Ashwell &c. defendants in Bromesgrove. Between Richard Aston &c. plaintiffs and John Perks &c. defend- ants in Forfeild &c. Between Edward Cookes gentleman plaintiff and Dorothy Holmes widow &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Cox &c. plaintiffs and Francis Smyth &c. defendants in Chadesley &c. Between James Badham &c. plaintiffs and William Haughton and Badham &c. defendants in Wichenford. Between John Freeman gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Arthurs Clesheld gentleman and Parker &c. defendants in Alfrick &c. Between Richard Hanbury esquire plaintiff and Mathew Odhams &c. defendants in Kidderminster &c. Between Richard Hanbury esquire plaintiff and Alice Longmore widow defendant in Horestone &c. Between William Baker plaintiff and James Smyth and Thomas &c. defendants in Lulsey &c. Between Walter Giles gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Symes defendant in Wichinford. Between John Severne &c. plaintiffs and Andrew Yarranton gen- tleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between John Nash gentleman plaintiff and William Yarranton &c. defendants in Astcley. Between George Davies gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Sheward defendants in Moore Wayes &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 39 Year of our Lord. ■v Between John Harrison plaintiff and Edmund 1653. Easter Term „ , „ , r . . Ir Broade gentleman &c. defendants in Hamp- continued. „ / ton &c. Between Edward Sheldon gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Symon Knight and Broadhurst &c. defendants in Bircoate &c. Between William Rough plaintiff and William Brooke &c. defend- ants in Powicke. Between Edward Moore gentleman &c. plaintiffs and George Orlibeare gentleman &c. defendants in Bcoley. Between William Beale plaintiff and John Coxe &c. defendants in Castle Morton &c. Between John Elvins plaintiff and Thomas Crumpe and Elvins &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between John Barston &c. plaintiffs and John Cowcher gentleman defendant in Clifton uppon Teame &c. Between William Brockhurst plaintiff and William Gage esquire &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Edward Pitt esquire plaintiff and James Winton &c. defendants in Kyre Wyard. Between John Smyth plaintiff and Edward Crumpe &c. defendants in Bromhill &c. Between Joseph Smart &c. plaintiffs and Gilbert Gill &c. defendants in Stourbridge &c. Between Gervase Wheeler gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ed- mund Smyth and Barnesley &c. defendants in Elmeley Lovet. Trinity "i Between Robert Lucy esquire plaintiff and Term. / William Sheldon esquire &c. defendants of Cherrington &c. and tenements in Cherrington Warwick. &c. in Warwick and in Guildsborough &c. in Northampton. Northampton and of Haversham and tenements V Bukingham. in Haversham in Bukingham and of Sutton and Worcester, tenements in Sutton in County Worcester and lereford. of Kingston and tenements in Button in Hereford .... 4° INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1653. Trinity Term -| Between Simon Jones &c. continued. J plaintiffs and Thomas Si- City monds gentleman defendant in St. Martins I Worcester. parish in Worcester City and in Claynes &c. Worcester. in Worcester .... Between Thomas Nevve plaintiff and Robert Harlowe esquire and Andrewes &c. defendants in Breedon. Between Thomas Payton &c. plaintiffs and Bennett Birch &c. defendants in Dudley &c. Between Henry Wheler &c. plaintiffs and John Stephyn esquire and Willetts &c. defendants in Kidderminster &c. Between John Okey plaintiff and John Burrage &c. defendants in Castle Morton &c. Between William Blake plaintiff and Francis Blake esquire &c. defendants in Cudson. Between Thomas Martyn gentleman plaintiff and Francis Gorwaye and Nicholetts &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Mary Handley plaintiff and Alice Alporte widow &c. defendants in Rock. Between Edward Bickerson &c. plaintiffs and William Heynes &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Mary Cookes widow plaintiff and Edward Huband alias Hibbotts &c. defendants in Inckborrowe &c. Between Robert Bloomer &c. plaintiffs and Nicholas Holmer and Jesson &c. defendants in Cradley. Between Thomas Chetle gentleman plaintiff and Mary Chaunce widow and Howe &c. defendants in Bromsgrove. Between Edward Freeman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Freeman &c. defendants in Dracott &c. Between John Ferrers esquire &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Bearcrofte gentleman defendant in Holloway &c. Between Thomas Shaylard gentleman plaintiff and George Dancey gentleman defendant in Defford. Between William Suffeild gentleman plaintiff and Richard Howe and Addis and Hill &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between John Johnson gentleman plaintiff and William Smyth gentleman &c. defendants in Wick Bushoppe. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IE 4 I Year of our Lord. 1653. Trinity Term I Between John Cooke plaintiff and Edmund I Between J Hill &c. Between Elizabeth Cox widow plaintiff and William Gower esquire &c. defendants in Holdfast. Between Thomas Goslinge &c. plaintiffs and Henry Porter gen- tleman defendant in Frankley &c. Between John Ovenell plaintiff and William Dugmore and Stevens &c. defendants in Pendocko. Between Robert Smyth plaintiff and Gerard Roberts &c. defendants in Badsey &c. Between Richard Pytt &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Watts &c. defendants in Droytwich &c. Between George Brinsmead gentleman plaintiff and Walter Thomas gentleman &c. defendants in Claynes. Between William Browne &c. plaintiffs and Adam Hough gen- tleman &c. defendants in Kidderminster &c. Between Thomas Crane plaintiff and Simon Uffemore &c. de- fendants in Kidderminster. Between John Gorle plaintiff and Edward Moore and Bagget &c. defendants in Kempsey &c. Between Robert Fincher gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Fincher &c. defendants in Shelve &c. Between Richard Carwardine plaintiff and William Evett &c. defendants in Bedwardine &c. Between William Rawlins gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Ferry- man gentleman &c. defendants in Harvington. Between George Evance &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Ferryman gentleman &c. defendants in Harvington. Between Richard Griffin &c. plaintiffs and Judith Talbott widow &c. defendants in Elmebridge. Between John Williamson gentleman plaintiff and John Earle of Shrewsbury defendant in Whitford &c. Between John Allen gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Robort Norbu.y Clerk and Jones &c. defendants in St. Andrewes &c. Between William Chambers &c. plaintiffs and John Blume &c. defendants in Yardley. 4 2 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of our Lord. 1653. Trinity Term continued. Between Rowland Berkley Knight &c. plain- tiffs and Henry Townesend esquire &c. defendants in Crowch &c. Between Richard Hill gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Leicester Viscount Hereford defendant in Ley &c. Between Annam Wilde widow &c. plaintiffs and John Smith and Bourne &c. defendants in Franckley &c. Michaelmas ^ Between Henry Martyn esquire plain- Term. / tiff and Henry Spiller esquire &c. Cornwall. Worcester. Gloucester. Hereford. Worcester. City of Worcester. Bacon &c. defendants of Colquite and tenements in Col- quite &c. in Cornwall and of Ellesfeild and in Ellesfeild &c. in Worcester and of Ellesfeild and tenements in Turley in Gloucester Between Robert Jenkinson esquire &c. plaintiffs and , Thomas Child esquire defendant of Wolferlow and tenements in Wolferlow &c. in Hereford and of tenements in Shrawley in the County of Worcester .... Between Edward Burford plaintiff and Edward Brooke &c. defendants in Worcester Citty Between William Spicer clerk plaintiff and John defendants in Chaddesley Corbett. Between William Yarranton plaintiff and Thomas Wall defendant in Ridmerley &c. Between John Hobday alias Lacy &c. plaintiffs and Richard Hollington &c. defendants in Feckenham &c. Between Henry Dyson plaintiff and Edward Martingdale &c. defendants in Stock &c. Between John Thurlow esquire plaintiff and George Cony gen- tleman &c. defendants in Newenham &c. Between John Perkes &c. plaintiffs and Richard Shawe &c. de- fendants in Dudley &c. Between Thomas Foley esquire plaintiff and Thomas Jorden gen- tleman &c. defendants in Old Swynford &c. Between Gilbert Kimbcrlcy plaintiff and John Crabb &c. defendants in Bromcsgrove. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 43 Year of our Lord. 1653. Michaelmas "1 Between John Allen &c. plaintiffs and Winter Term continued. J Harris &c. defendants in Upwich &c. Between Philip Wyld plaintiff and Thomas Packington esquire Dingley Lcechmcre and Cooks &c. defendants in Dodder- hill &c. Between Edward Addis &c plaintiffs and Anthony Staple gen- tleman &c. defendants in Upton. Between John Suffeild plaintiff and John Allen and Farmer &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Anne Saunders plaintiff and Gilbert Wheeler gentleman defendant in Upwich &c. Between Jonathan Davis &c. plaintiffs and John Fry and Moore &c. defendants in Morton &c. Between Edward Underhill esquire plaintiff and Thomas Underhill &c. defendants in Aldermarston. Between William South plaintiff and William Berrowe and Goodale &c. defendants in Berrow. Between William Briggcnshaw &c. plaintiffs and Francis Moore gentleman &c. defendants in Malverne &c. Between Francis Cotterell plaintiff and William Androes and Need &c. defendants in Hill Crombe. Between Nicholas Lechmere esquire plaintiff and William Archer gentleman Hornyold and Harbert &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Edmund Horneblower plaintiff and Thomas Becke &c. defendants in Cofton Hackett. Between Humfry Wyldye plaintiff and John Clare &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Gilbert Glover &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Mcnce and Newnam &c. defendants in Dodcrhill. Between Richard Smyth plaintiff and Thomas Child esquire and Fizer defendants in Shraley. Between Thomas Butler plaintiff and Thomas Barker &c. defendants in Shelsley Beauchampe. Between Gilbert Coxe gentleman plaintiff and John Alderne gentleman &c. defendants in Linbridge &c. 44 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord > Between Anne Fleete widow plaintiff and 1653. Michaelmas „,.„. t-n- 1 . t^ • r 1 , j _; • , r William Dingle gentleman Daingerleld and Term continued. TT , „ , r . .. , „ . „ ) Henly &c. defendants in Nether Sapie &c. Between Sarah Nash plaintiff and John Hanbury esquire &c. defendants in Hathway &c. Between John Strapy &c. plaintiffs and Walter Strapy defendant in Bishampton. Between Edward Feild &c. plaintiffs and Edward Trewlove and Eades &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between William Eares plaintiff and John Freeman &c. defendants in Inckbarrowe. Between Thomas Turvey gentleman plaintiff and Giles Lawrence esquire and Dingley &c. defendants in Charleton &c. Between William Pirry plaintiff and Anthony Burraston &c. defendants in Lower Sapie. Between William Mansell &c. plaintiffs and John Shawe &c. defendants in Dudley. Between Edward Haukes &c. plaintiffs and Michael Pritchett and Greaves &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Jonathan Andrews &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Saunders gentleman &c. defendants in St. Nicholas &c. Between John Nashe gentleman plaintiff and John Allen gentleman and Harris &c. defendants in Upwych &c. Between Thomas Russell esquire plaintiff and William Russell Baronet &c. of Greate Witley &c. and tenements in Great Witley &c. Between Francis Knight gentleman plaintiff and William Ashwell &c. defendants in Padstons &c. Between Thomas Carter plaintiff and George Pitwaie &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Lawrence Coles &c. plaintiffs and John Nott gentleman and Mawde &c. defendants in Shellesley &c. Hilary 1 Between Samuell Phelps plaintiff and hlary ^ Betwt Perm. J Samu defendants in Trinley in Gloucester and in Chateslcy in Worcester Gloucester. Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 4; Year of our Lord. 1653. Hilary Term "I Between Richard Hopton >, continued. J esquire plaintiff and Swayne Hooper gentleman &c. defendants of Little Hereford. Taddington and tenements in Little Tadding- j Worcester. ton &c. in Hereford and in Suckley &c. in Worcester .... Between Jacob Walker plaintiff and William Mitchell defendant in Evesham. Between Edward Davies plaintiff and William Stafford esquire &c. defendants in Droitwich &c. Between Robert Fleete plaintiff and Robert Pauncefoote Sec. defendants in Erton Moore. Between William Baldwyn &c. plaintiffs and John Bearecroft gentleman &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between Thomas Addyes &c. plaintiffs and Elizabeth Clarkson widow Rewse and Pacie &c. defendants in Powick. Between Gilbert Cockes plaintiff and Humfry Wall and Hay &c. defendants in Great Witley. Between Ralph Steward plaintiff and Richard Steward &c. de- fendants in Cladsall &c. Between Richard Walker plaintiff and James Hill &c. defendants in Bastwood &c. Between Richard Hanley &c. plaintiffs and Giles Rawlings clerk &c. defendants in Nether Sapy. Between Thomas Good clerk &c. plaintiffs and Richard Wood defendant in Shellesley Beachampe. Between John Ward plaintiff and Thomas Barnabye esquire &c. defendants in Tembury. Between William White &c. plaintiffs and William Weaver alias Stevens Pyrton and Ashler &c. defendants in Staunton &c.' Between Christopher Hales esquire &c. plaintiffs and Charles Dodd esquire &c. defendants in the Lea &c. Between John Astley &c. plaintiffs and William Christopher &c. defendants in Stoke Prior. Between Humfry Lowe plaintiff and John Harbert &c. defendants in Burneford &c. 4 6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1653. Hilary Term continued. Between William Hawkyns plaintiff and William Dodson &c. defendants in New- bold &c. Between Walter Pickeringe plaintiff and Edward Moore &c. defendants in Bedwardine. Between John Lee alias Crowe plaintiff and William Greton and Este &c. defendants in Greete &c. Between Henry Payton &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Sharman &c. defendants in Dudley. Between Anthony Cole plaintiff and William Becke &c. defendants in Chadwich &c. Between Anthony Hanbury &c. plaintiffs and Richard Saunders &c. defendants in North Pidley. Between William Walker plaintiff and John Maninge &c. defendants in Hartlebury. Between William Gore esquire plaintiff and William Sheldon esquire Day and Widman &c. defendants of Beoley and in Beoley. Between Thomas Sheward plaintiff and John Fownes gentleman and Hall &c. defendants in Feckenham. 1654. Easter "I Between Sampson Wise esquire' Term. J plaintiff and Humfry Coninsby esquire defendant of Bower &c. and in Rock &c. in Worcester and of Hampton Court &c. and in Hampton Court &c. in Hereford and in Aldenham in Hertford and of Stodeston &c. and in Stodeston &c. in Salop Between Henry Blomer gentleman plaintiff and Nester Helme "entleman &c. defendants in Firl ;ster ~| e in J- Gloucester and in Chaceley in Worcester Between Edmund Alleyn Baronet &c. plaintiffs and John Robinson esquire &c. defendants of Den- ston &c. and in Denston &c. in Suffolk and of Hope &c. and in Hope &c. in Salop and of Combe &c. in Somersett and in Tenbury in Worcester .... Worcester. Hereford. Hertford. Salop. Gloucester. Worcester. Suffolk. Salop. Somersett. Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 47 Year of our Lord. (Between John Greenow alias Leonard &c. plaintiffs and William risher &c. dc- fendants in Eckington. Between William Jefferies esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Berkeley esquire and Fitzer &c. defendants in Cotheridge. Between Thomas Aly alias Grasier plaintiff and Charles Herbert gentleman &c. defendants in Inckbarrow. Between Thomas Aynsworth &c. plaintiffs and Richard Allen defendant in Parshore. Between John Hobbins plaintiff and Margaret Haines widow and Leaper &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Mary Ligon plaintiff and Thomas More esquire &c. defendants in Powicke. Between Stephan Mundy gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet &c. defendants of Strensham &c. and in Strensham &c. Between Samuel While gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Bache &c. defendants in Woodrowe &c. Between Edward Feild gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Wheigham and Tayler &c. defendants in Alvcchurch. Between Robert Harris Dr. in Divinity plaintiff and Walter Harris clerk &c. defendants in Armescote. Between William Binkle &c. plaintiffs and John Morley &c. defendants in Longdon &c. Between William Stock plaintiff and Nestor Helme gentleman &c. defendants in Chacely. Between John Widdowes &c. plaintiffs and William Widdowes and Hartill &c. defendants in Great Aston &c. Between Nicholas Hobday plaintiff and Francis Whoman &c. defendants in Boults &c. Between John Smyth &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Ferryman &c. defendants in Harvington. Between Thomas Hunt &c. plaintiffs and Mathew Ruston and Greves &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Edward Lake plaintiff and Richard Turvey gentleman &c. defendants in Sinton &c. 4 8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1654. Easter Term continued. Between John Ganderton plaintiff and John Singer alias Padge Holdshippe and Palmer &c. defendants in Collesdon &c. Between Thomas Turvey gentleman plaintiff and William Corbett gentleman Griffith and Basker &c. defendants in Defford. Between Richard Foley gentleman plaintiff and Lawrence Peyton &c. defendants in Dudley. Between Richard Barker &c. plaintiffs and Simon Uffmore Yeomans and Baynam &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Trinity | Between Gervase Elwes esquire plaintiff^ Term. J and William Triggs esquire &c. defendants Worcester. Norfolk. in Baldnell &c. in Worcester and in Hoe in Norfolk ..... Between Richard Greaves esquire &c. plaintiffs and Richard Viscount Lumley Cooke and Porter and others defendants of Aston &c. and in Aston &c. in Gloucester and in Aston &c. in Worcester .... Between Leonard Symson &c. plaintiffs and John Pagett &c. defendants in Bell Broughton &c. in Worcester and in Tippton in Stafford Between Richard Phillips plaintiff and William " Collins gentleman and Stacey &c. defendants in St. Andrew .... Between William Swifte plaintiff and Thomas Streete ' gentleman Berkeley and Mitton &c. defendants in St. Swithine in City Worcester Between Thomas Holland &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Hayes gen- tleman &c. defendants in Suckley &c. Between John Powell &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Oliver &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Mary Stanhoppe widow plaintiff and William Lench gentleman &c. defendants of Broughton and in Brough- ton &c. Between Richard Hanbury &c. plaintiffs and Alban Francis gen- tleman and Wescott &c. defendants in Kitherminister. Gloucester. Worcester. Worcester. Stafford City of Worcester. City of Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 49 Year of our Lord. . „ . . _ "1 Between Richard Slaney esquire plaintiff and 1654. Trinity Term „,.,,. »„ , , . „ , , , } William Mucklowe esquire &c. defendants continued. r ., , , . ,, ) of Martley and in Martlcy &c. Between Thomas Hitson alias Baylie plaintiff and Roger Chclling- worth Nurton and Saunders &c. defendants in Bromsgrove. Between John Donne gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Best &c. defendants in Hartlebury. Between James Nash &c. plaintiffs and George Wintour Knight &c. defendants in Cooksey &c. Between Thomas Twittey gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Lench esquire &c. defendants in Wich alias Droitvvich &c. Between William Lench gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Humfry Hobday and Shaylard &c. defendants in Holloway &c. Between Adam Hough gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Clare Knight defendant of Cawdwell &c. and in Cawdwell &c. Between Edmund Hackett plaintiff and John Tayler &c. defendants in Abberley. Between Richard Chambers &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Sargeant and Feelde &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Jenckins plaintiff and William Brotherton Baylis and Jones &c. defendants in Clifton &c. Between William Berrowe plaintiff and Edward Bray &c. de- fendants in Castle Norton. Between Richard Collicke gentleman plaintiff and George Rumney &c. defendants in Powicke. Between John Nashe gentleman plaintiff and Daniel Hay and Wall &c. defendants in Great Witley. Between Henry Pytt esquire plaintiff and John Clent esquire &c. defendants in Dodenham &c. Between Richard Spilsbury &c. plaintiffs and Phillipp Gummery &c. defendants in Shellesley &c. Between Thomas Foley esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Littleton Baronet &c. defendants of Sheldisley and in Sheldisley &c. Between John Allen plaintiff and Thomas Addys gentleman Gibbons and Rogers &c. defendants in Powicke &c. Between Ralph Stacey gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Sanders &c. defendants in North Pyddle. E 50 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Between Edward Berkeley gentleman plaintiff and John Smyth alias Giles &c. defendants in Claynes Whistons &c. Between Thomas Rous Baronet plaintiff and Edward Holdbrooke &c. defendants in Hoblench. Between Francis Mariott plaintiff and Thomas Rous Baronet and Woolmer &c. defendants in Kington. Between Edward Davyes gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Burneford gentleman &c. defendants in Burneford &c. Between Robert Norbury clerk &c. plaintiffs and Robert Blomc gentleman Jones and Williams defendants in St. Mary Witton &c. Between Margery Parker widow plaintiff and John Kindon &c. defendants in Oddingley. Between Thomas Cooks gentleman plaintiff and Alice Forte widow &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between John Freeman plaintiff and William Stoakes &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Richard Richards alias Collett &c. plaintiffs and John Blun &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Richard Steward plaintiff and John Hobday alias Lacy &c. defendants in Cladsoll &c. Between George Brandon &c. plaintiffs and Richard Huband &c. defendants in Inckbarrowe. Michaelmas "1 Between John Wadlowe &c. plaintiffs ^ Term. / and Chichester Wrey Knight and Baronet and Countesse of Middlesex defendants of Bucton and in St. Ive in Cornwall and of Seasoncott in Gloucester and of Goldecott in Worcester .... Between Robert Scoles gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Ball gentleman defendant in Stocton &c. in Worcester and in Windsor in Berks Between John Allen plaintiff and William Bissell \ City of gentleman &c. defendants in All Saints . J Worcester. Cornwall. Gloucester. Worcester. Worcester. Berks. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 51 Year of our Lord. 1654. Michaelmas "1 Between Edward Ashby &c. "| *-... f Term continued. | plaintiffs and Tohn Walsgrave \ TTT Worcester, alias Fleete &c. defendants in St. Swithin &c. . I Between Thomas Harris &c. plaintiffs and Richard "» City of Harris defendant in St. Swithin . . J Worcester. Between John Arden plaintiff and John Hall Browning and Harries &c. defendants in Suckley &c. Between Phillip Bound plaintiff and John Jones gentleman and Leigh &c. defendants in Upton. Between John Callow plaintiff and John Cressor &c. defendants in Throckmorton &c. Between Edward Raban &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Bridgin and Harper &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Long &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Crumpe Rossc Browning &c. defendants in Alfricke &c. Between Adam Keene plaintiff and Edward Moore gentleman &c. defendants in Bedwardine. Between Edward Mitton &c. plaintiffs and Nathaniel Tomkins and Stinton &c. defendants in Claynes &c. Between Richard Ashby &c. plaintiffs and William Collins gen- tleman &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between William Jennens plaintiff and John Biddle &c. defendants in Moseley &c. Between John Chambers gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Greves esquire Yates &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Henry Holloway &c. plaintiffs and William Nash &c. defendants in Handley Williams. Between John Racster Doctor plaintiff and Rowland Hales &c. defendants in Acton &c. Between John Portman alias Poolhowse &c. plaintiffs and John Giles gentleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between Hugh Norris gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Rowland Norton &c. defendants in Claynes. Between Phillipp Burlton gentleman Sec. plaintiffs and John Hunt gentleman &c. defendants in Holloway &c. Between John Seaverne plaintiff and Richard Portman &c. de- fendants in Shrawley. E 2 52 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. -\ Between Thomas Terry &c. plaintiffs and Wil- 1654. Michaelmas .. „ ,-,-. o j r j «. • J \ ham Greenowe and Done &c. defendants in Term continued. _,„ ) Clifton. Between Richard Portman plaintiff and John Lench esquire &c. defendants in Elmeley Lovett. Between Edward Greene &c. plaintiffs and William Sambach gen- tleman &c. defendants in Offenham. Between George Bagnall gentleman plaintiff and Gib. Bagnall &c. defendants in Crowle. Between John Soley gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Taylor &c. defendants in Doddenhill &c. Between Thomas Wootton &c. plaintiffs and Elizabeth Doelittlc widow defendant in Bewdley. Between John Powell &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Olliver Hales and Adams &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Phillipp Bound plaintiff and Lawrence Hackett Weoblcy and Best &c. defendants in Upton. Between John Egicke esquire plaintiff and Charles Herbert gen- tleman and Huband &c. defendants in Morton &c. Between Richard Buckle plaintiff and Edmund Taynton Hobbs and Coxe &c. defendants in Berrowe. Between William Wilson gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Browne esquire &c. defendants in Little Comberton &c. Between Richard Moore plaintiff and Thomas Parkes esquire &c. defendants in Warley &c. Between John Parkes &c. plaintiffs and John Cotterell &c. defendants in Yardley. Between John Yate plaintiff and Robert Yate and Walker &c. defendants in Yardley. Between John Lunne gentleman plaintiff and John Dinglcy gen- tleman &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Robert James gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Spilsbury alias Pillesbury defendants in Shellesley &c. Between William Bealc plaintiff and Charles Millard &c. defendants in Longdon &c. Between Thomas Langher &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Surman &c. defendants in Wolvcrton &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. S3 Year of our Lord. __. , -\ Between Margery Norris widow plaintiff and 1654. Michaelmas b \. , _ • , 1 John Fownes alias Talbot &c. defendants Term continued. . _ J in Outwood &c Between Robert Heynes plaintiff and Richard Steward &c. de- fendants in Alvechurch. Between Richard Weston plaintiff and John Surman &c. defendants in Peopleton &c. Between John Snow plaintiff and William Craven Knight de- fendant in Norton. Between William Longman plaintiff and Robert Stone &c. de- fendants in Shrawley. Between Thomas Banbury plaintiff and Thomas Banbury &c. defendants in Dome. Between Thomas Moore &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Hormold esquire &c. defendants in Hardwick &c. Between John Stephens gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Alford and Freeman &c. defendants in Parshore &c. Between Anne Savage &c. plaintiffs and William Stephens gen- tleman and Garrett &c. defendants in Broadway. Between John Woodall &c. plaintiffs and Edward Smart &c. defendants in Dudley. Between Robert Lucy esquire plaintiff and Humphrey Lane &c. defendants in Sutton &c. Between Edward Asgill gentleman plaintiff and William Archer gentleman defendant in Hanly Castle. Between Richard Dowdeswell gentleman plaintiff and Edward Biddle Lane and Stockall &c. defendants in Pull &c. Between William Pinson gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Dison gentleman defendant in Holloway &c. Between John Turton gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Avenant gentleman &c. defendants in Alvechurch. Between Nicholas Feild plaintiff and John Day &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Thomas Firer gentleman plaintiff and Richard Wright &c. defendants in Alchurche. Between Thomas Morris plaintiff and William Morris defendant in Fladbury &c. 54 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1654. Michaelmasl BetW£en Ge ° rge N ° rt ° n eS ^ ire &C " P laintiffs Term continued, f a " d ClCely Hotchk y s widow &c - defendants J in Alton &c. Between Edward Baylies &c. plaintiffs and John Bridges &c. defendants in South Littleton. Between William Billingsley &c. plaintiffs and Richard Billingsley &c. defendants in Yardley &c. Between Richard Knight gentleman plaintiff and Stephen Knight gentleman &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Thomas Carpenter &c. plaintiffs and William Penne gentleman &c. defendants in Sheplcy &c. Between John Cox &c. plaintiffs and Francis Smyth gentleman and Cox &c. defendants in Chaddcsley &c. Between John Johnsons plaintiff and Thomas Tanner &c. defendants in Brickehampton &c. Between William Hancocke esquire plaintiff and John Richards &c. defendants in Westcncoate &c. Hilary "I Between Thomas Foley gentleman plaintiff •> Term. J and Richard Foley &c. defendants in I Dudley in Worcester and in Tipton in Stafford J Between Henry Evett &c. plaintiffs and John Jones -\ Worcester. &c. defendants in Grafton &c. in Worcester and J- City of in Worcester Cittye . . . J Worcester. Between Thomas Sheldon &c. plaintiffs and Francis ^ 'J hrockmorton esquire defendant of Throck- morton and in Fladbury &c. in Worcester and of Coughton &c. and in Coughton &c. in Worcester. Warwick. Warwick Between Edmund Cale &c. plaintiffs and George French gentleman Turvey and Palmer and others defendants in Holy Crosse &c. Between Thomas Moore &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Dobbs Phillips and Harrison &c. defendants in Great Comberton &c. Between Richard Ash &c. plaintiffs and Anne Johnson widow defendant in Eldersfeild. Between Thomas Jones gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Jane Blome widow defendant in St. Mary Wylton &c. IN THE RhxGN OF CHARLES II. 55 Year of our Lord. ^ Between William Sheldon esquire plaintiff 1654. Hilary Term I ^ John Reyte esquire and Sayagc &c> continued. . r . . ^ , / defendants in Broadway. Between Edwyn Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Bucrsrin Martin and Watson and others defendants in Offenham. Between Robert Lightfoote plaintiff and Grace Lightfoote widow and Baylis &c. defendants in Hardwicke &c. Between Roger Oldnall &c. plaintiffs and William Clymer &c. defendants in Sheynstone &c. Between John Vernon Clerke plaintiff and William Clarke and Edwards &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between Stephen Blizard &c. plaintiffs and John Bridges esquire &c. defendants in Parshore. Between Joseph Middlemore gentleman plaintiff and Robert Middlemore esquire &c. defendants in Kings Norton. Between John Symcox gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Robert Will- mott gentleman &c. defendants in Nether Mitton &c. Between Giles Cresse plaintiff and Robert Buggin and Doelittle &c. defendants in Offenham. Between Anthony Ball plaintiff and Thomas Chetle esquire de- fendant in Hallowe. Between Simon Delho plaintiff and Francis Fynch esquire Bayles and Fortescue &c. defendants of Rushock and in Rushock &c. Between William Dide plaintiff and Richard Warner &c. defendants in Blockley. Between Henry Hackett gentleman plaintiff and Margery Hackett widow &c. defendants in Upton. Between Augustus Walker gentleman plaintiff and Mary Barney widow and Smalbrooke defendants in Yardley &c. Between Francis Agberrowe widow &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Gent clerk &c. defendants in Markley. Between John Browneing gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Browneing gentleman &c. in Markley. Between Edward Browneing gentleman plaintiff and Richard Ingram gentleman &c. defendants in Markley. Between Thomas Collins plaintiff and Edmund Howsman &c. defendants in Prickley &c. 56 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1654. Hilary Term ] Between Joseph Charman &c. plaintiffs and continued. J John Hewes &c. defendants in Yardley. Between William Bach gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Dyson gentleman &c. defendants in Hollowey &c. Between John Baylis &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Mason and Gardner &c. defendants in Evesham &c. 1655. Easter "| Between John Langley gentleman , Term. J &c. plaintiffs and Lionell Earle of Middlesex defendant of Copthall and in Cop- thall &c. in Essex and of Milcott &c. and in Milcott &c. in Warwick and of Seazingcott &c. and in Seazingcott &c. in Gloucester and of Cranfield and in Cranfield in Bedford and of Goldcott and in Goldcott in Worcester ,, Between William Child Doctor &c. plaintiffs and Mathew Meyley esquire defendant in Cleobury in Salop and in Great Whitley &c. in Wor- cester ..... Between Richard Heminge gentleman plaintiff and William Taylor and Carwardine &c. defendants in Worcester Citty Between John Ballard &c. plaintiffs and Edward Grove and Whitton &c. defendants in Over Mitton &c. Between John Bearcroft gentleman &c. plaintiffs and George Wintour Knight &c. defendants in Droytwiche &c. Between Francis Bromwell gentleman &c. plaintiffs and F. Earle of Shrewsbury &c. defendants in Temple Lawrence &c. Between Josuah Hensey &c. plaintiffs and Robert Lloyd and Cookes &c. defendants in Franckley. Between Nicholas Addenbrooke gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Goodier &c. defendants in Hagley. Between Thomas Milward &c. plaintiffs and Richard Bradley &c. defendants in Glesvvinford. Between William Cookes esquire plaintiff and Edward Vernon esquire &c. defendants in Feckcnham. Essex. Warwick. Gloucester. Bedford. Worcester. Salop. Worcester. City of Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IT. 57 Year of our Lord. "1 Between John Berecroft gentleman &c. 1655. Easter Term . . ._ .. .. , J \ plaintiffs and William Vernon gentleman continued. „ , , , . „ , „ ) &c. defendants in Han bury etc. Between Edward Holdbrooke plaintiff and Thomas Bound gen- tleman Coy and Wheeler &c. defendants in Harferton. Between William Danby plaintiff and Thomas Gilbert &c. defendants in Staunton. Between John Peyton plaintiff and Simon Uffmore &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Richard Mynce &c. plaintiffs and Richard Beale gen- tleman and Turbervile &c. defendants in Welland. Between Walter Gyles gentleman plaintiff and John Andrewes &c. defendants in Witchenford. Between William Fitzer alias Anthonics plaintiff and Humphrey Wright alias Pynner Crane and Brooke &c. defendants in Astley. Between Thomas Bury plaintiff and Anthony Cawdall &c. de- fendants in Mamble. Between Humphrey Lowe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Hemynge gentleman &c. defendants in Timberhonger &c. Between Thomas Holdshipp &c. plaintiffs and Francis Goodier &c. defendants in North Piddle. Between John Callow plaintiff and Jenifer Turner &c. defendants in Dormeston. Between Edmund Kettle &c. plaintiffs and William Penne gen- tleman &c. defendants in Broomesgrove &c. Between Humfrey Lowe gentleman plaintiff and John Bromwich Filt and Blicke and others defendants in Chaddeswich &c. Between William Suffeild gentleman plaintiff and Edward Canner gentleman and Richmond and others defendants in Hanley Castle. Between William Brent gentleman plaintiff and William Miller &c. defendants in Armescott &c. Between Hester Kempson plaintiff and John Bridges and Baylyes &c. defendants in South Littleton. Between William Day &c. plaintiffs and John Merrcll &c. defendants in Flyford &c. 5S INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1655. Easter Term continued. Between William Burlton gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Burlton gentleman &c. de- fendants in Hampton &c. Between John Crumpe plaintiff and Thomas Willetts &c. defendants in Hagley. Between Joseph Walloyhall plaintiff and Rowland Draper gen- tleman &c. defendants in Bewdley. Between Hugh Viccaris &c. plaintiffs and Robert Viccaris gentle- man and Jorden &c. defendants in Astley. Between Richard Andros plaintiff and Edward Stone &c. defendants in Little Witley &c. Between William Dowler &c. plaintiffs and Richard Hurdman &c. defendants in Kempsey &c. Between William Suffeild gentleman plaintiff and Edward Canner gentleman and Richmond and others defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Henry Collins plaintiff and Edward Feild &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Powell &c. plaintiffs and Roger Palmer &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Richard Gorle plaintiff and Jeremiah Solley defendant in Bromehall &c. Between Timothy White clerk plaintiff and Francis Middlcmore widow &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Henry Ledbury &c. plaintiffs and William Turner de- fendants in Hanbury. Between Thomas Tolley plaintiff and Richard Mayer Saunders and Garland &c. defendants in Droytwich &c. Trinity "1 Between Edward Cookes gentleman plain- \ Term. J tiff and Thomas Nash gentleman &c. de- I Hereford. fendants in Avenbury in Hereford and in j Worcester. Claynes in Worcester . . . ' Between Thomas Foley gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Brode gentleman Linch and Lingwood and others defendants of Dunclcnt &c. and in Dunclent &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 59 Year of our Lord. ) Between Henry Dison plaintiff and John Rand Ballard and Robins &c. defendants ■ T 1 1 in Inckbarrowe. Between Francis Marriott &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Rous Baronet Woolmer and Webb &c. defendants in Kington. Between Andrew Baker gentleman plaintiff and Mary Walgrove alias Fleet and Nanfan &c. defendants in Woodhousc End &c. Between Francis Watkins gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Lench esquire &c. defendants in Doverdale &c. Between Elizabeth Kirle widow plaintiff and John Barker esquire &c. defendants in Bedwardine. Between Christopher Lowe gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Bell gentleman defendant of Warsley and in Warsley &c. Between Anthony Blount gentleman plaintiff and John Morse and YYoodley &c. defendants in Eldersfeild. Between Edward Hall esquire plaintiff and John Johns and Houghton &c. defendants of annual rent out of Hanbury. Between Francis Finch esquire &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Clare Knight defendant of Cawdwell &c. and in Cawdwell &c. Between Adam Hill plaintiff and Richard Hill &c. defendants in Hilhampton &c. Between John Thornebury plaintiff and Richard Symonds and Wade &c. defendants in Norton. Between Richard Greves &c. plaintiffs and Mathew Ruston Potter and Greves &c. defendants in Northfeild &c. Between Phillip Parsons gentleman &c. plaintiffs and M. Carew Knight &c. defendants in Offenham. Between Francis Kenward plaintiff and Edward Carew &c. de- fendants of Middle Littleton &c. and in Middle Littleton &c. Between Richard Walker plaintiff and James Hill &c. defendants in Bast wood &c. Between John Cooke plaintiff and John Harris gentleman Gyles and Greene &c. defendants in Clifton. Between Thomas Farrington plaintiff and William Russell Sec. defendants in Seaverne Stoke. Between William Palmer plaintiff and Edmund Baugh gentleman &c. defendants in Pencham Wicke &c. 60 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord «-- t- • •. ^ "l Between Samuel Turbervile plaintiff and 1655. Trinity Term I r , . , v George Woodward and Thornbury &c. continued. , r , . _. ,. , J defendants in Birlingham. Between Raph. Taylor &c. plaintiffs and John Hevves &c> defendants in Yardley. Between Thomas Heminge plaintiff and Edward Barrett esquire &c. defendants in Droytwich. Between William Biggs plaintiff and William Fetherston gentleman and Boukey &c. defendants in Dodderhill. Between Richard Hemynge plaintiff and Mary Hemynge widow &c. defendants in North Piddle &c. Between Henry Sutton &c. plaintiffs and William Harris defendant in Breedon. Between Theophilus Alye gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Francis Francke gentleman &c. defendants in Birlingham. Between Thomas Walsingham gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Barker esquire &c. defendants in Stoke Pryor. Between Francis Knight gentleman plaintiff and John Barker esquire &c. defendants in Stoke Pryor. Between Thomas Welles gentleman plaintiff and John Barker esquire &c. defendants in Stoke Pryor. Between Henry Baldwyn gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Strcete &c. defendants in St. Clements. Between Eleazer Jackson clerk &c. plaintiffs and Richard Vernon defendant in Moorewaisend &c. Between Richard Walford plaintiff and George Brandon &c. defendants in Inckbarrowc. Worcester. Worcester Citty. Michaelmas "1 Between Thomas Wells gentleman &c. Term. J plaintiffs and John Barker esquire &c. defendants in Barbonc &c. in Worcester and in St. Hcllen &c. in the Citty of Worcester Between Benjamin Newbrough &c. plaintiffs and William Wins- hurst gentleman Smart Laugher and others defendants in Stourbridge &c. Between William Barnard clerk plaintiff and William Dugmorc &c. defendants in Ridmarley &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 6 1 Year of our Lord. 1655. Michaelmas ") Between Thomas Harborne plaintiff and John Term continued. J Tysoc &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Richard Cowcll plaintiff and Henry Herbert Knight &c. defendants in Ribbesford. Between Edward Pitt esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Dinglcy esquire Berenger &c. defendants of Charleton &c. and in Charleton &c. Between William Byggs plaintiff and Samuel Sherley Bowkey &c. defendants in Dodderhill. Between John Birlingham &c. plaintiffs and William Hancocke Whatcott and Hands &c. defendants in Tredington. Between Edward Carew esquire plaintiff and William Say esquire defendants in Harvington. Between John Best plaintiff and John Best &c. defendants in Norchard &c. Between Edward Harpur &c. plaintiffs and John Best &c. defendants in Pep wall &c. Between Richard Hanbury gentleman plaintiff and Richard Norgrove gentleman &c. defendants in Kytherminster. Between Edward Coulding gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Clarke &c. defendants in Longdon. Between Francis Everton plaintiff and Walter Insoll &c. defendants in Rushocke. Between John Stampe gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Gent clerk &c. defendants in Martley. Between Reece Hanley plaintiff and William Cliffe gentleman defendant in Nether Sapy. Between Robert Mence plaintiff and Edward Greene gentleman &c. defendants in Hymbleton. Between George Dugard plaintiff and Edward Greene gentleman &c. defendants in Hymbleton. Between John Palmer plaintiff and Edward Greene gentleman &c. defendants in Hymbleton. Between Richard Dowdeswell gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Maiden clerk &c. defendants in Norton &c. Between William Bund gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Arundell Smith &c. defendants in Chacely &c. 62 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. _,. , -\ Between Francis Gray plaintiff and Walter 1655. Michaelmas „,. , „, , n , r . XT y Manlow I hatcher &c. defendants in Upton Term continued. _ , , ) bnodsbury. Between Richard Sturt gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Salwey gentleman &c. defendants of Crowle and in Crowle. Between Thomas Wootton plaintiff and John Chamberlayne &c. defendants in Dunley &c. Between Thomas Lewis &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Bellarmy gen- tleman Hough Penn &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between William Bateman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Longmore &c. defendants in Bewdley &c. Between Thomas Best &c. plaintiffs and Joane Dolittle widow &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Thomas Burlton plaintiff and Thomas Burlton &c. de- fendants in Breedon. Between Oliver Paulett gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Watts Mill &c. defendants in Alfiicke &c. Between Anne Saunders plaintiff and George Davies gentleman &c. defendants in Moorewaysend &c. Between Richard Fincher clerk plaintiff and Edward Greene gen- tleman &c. defendants in Phepson &c. Between Thomas Steytoe &c. plaintiffs and John Smyth &c. defendants in Emloade. Between Thomas Massam plaintiff and John Cooper Carpcnder &c. defendants in Sandford &c. Between Richard Dipple plaintiff and Thomas Carpenter &c. defendants in Bromsgrove. Between Humphry Lowe gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Tylt &c. defendants in Bromsgrove &c. Between Oliver Shawe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Perse- house gentleman Shawe &c. defendants in Dudley &c. Between Edmund Fidoe &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Bury &c. defendants in Knighton. Between John Skrymshar esquire &c. plaintiffs and Nicholas Acton esquire defendant in Bocklcton &c. Between James Nashe &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Nashe Osborne &c. defendants in Elmebridsre &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 6$ Year of our Lord. (Between Thomas Hunt plaintiff and William Lench gentleman defendant in Brough- ton &c. Between Richard Spilsbury plaintiff and Phillip Gummcrye Wood &c. defendants in Shellesley Beauchampe. Between Baldwin Hodges &c. plaintiffs and Richard White &c. defendants in Broadwaye. Between Thomas Paddy plaintiff and Richard Hurdman &c. defendants in Hollow &c. Between John Riccards plaintiff and John Best &c. defendants in Norton &c. Between John Baker gentleman plaintiff and Richard Foley gen- tleman Baker Wildsmyth &c. defendants in Old Swinford. Between Thomas Foley esquire &c. plaintiffs and John Atwoode esquire &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Richard Foley gentleman plaintiff and Lawrence Peyton &c. defendants in Dudley. Between John Weobley plaintiff and John Weoblcy &c. defendants in Awfricke. Between Thomas Waring gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Barrett gentleman defendant in Droytwich. Between Thomas Walford &c. plaintiffs and William Smyth &c. defendants in Norton. Between Richard Gibbs Sic. plaintiffs and Nicholas Hobday alias Lacey defendant in Feckenham. Between Edward Hall gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Chetlc esquire defendant of Grynhill and in Grynhill &c. Between Timothy Hood &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Turlome Dalley &c. defendants in Clifton &c. Hilary "1 Between Robert Jenkinson esquire &c. ' Term. J plaintiffs and Thomas Childe esquire de- fendants of Wooferley and in Wooferley &c. in Hereford and in Shrawley in Worcester Between Thomas Palmer gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Carpenter gentleman defendant in Al- derton &c. in Gloucester and in Washburne in YVor<-^ster .... Hereford. Worcester. Gloucester. Worcester. 64 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1655. Hilary Term 'I Between Roger Fowke plain- -v continued. J tiff and Bartholomew Kettle I Worcester. defendant in Norton in Worcester and in Sheldon | Warwick. in Warwick . . . .' Between John Stoneall plaintiff and Richard Fisher | Worcester &c. defendants in Worcester Citty . . J Citty. Between Thomas Harbage &c. plaintiffs and William Harbage Harman Shakespeare &c. defendants in Inckbarrow &c. Between Anthony Sambach esquire &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Harvvard Garrett &c. defendants in Bretforton &c. Between Mary Hill widow plaintiff and William Hill gentleman &c. defendants in Knighton. Between Richard Barker plaintiff and Daniel Dobyns esquire &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Edward Birch gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Est gentleman Gibbons &c. defendants in Yardley &c. Between Thomas Bridges &c. plaintiffs and John Penrice esquire defendant of Froxmors &c. and in Crowle &c. Between Edward Sparrow gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Willetts Dyngley &c. defendants in Wolverley. Between John Somers gentleman plaintiff and Edward Littleton Baronet &c. defendants in Piiton &c. Between George Mason plaintiff and George Warkeman Mason Pace &c. defendants in Parshore. Between Thomas Francis plaintiff and William Driver defendant in Uffermore &c. Between Anthony Sargeant plaintiff and Giles Collier clerk &c. defendant in Parshore. Between Edwyn Palmer plaintiff and John Smyth Grcenehill &c. defendants in Parshore. Between John Callowe plaintiff and William Solly alias Sowley &c. defendants in Churchill. Between Ralph Mills &c. plaintiffs and John Welles Merrill &c. defendants in Trcdington &c. Between William Freeman clerk plaintiff and William Harrison &c. defendants in Parshore. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. cs Year of our Lord. ■\ Between Richard Greves &c. plaintiffs and 1655. Hilary Term . . , TrM . p , - , V John Wilson gentleman &c. defendants in continued. T ,. 1 Kingsnorton &c. Between Henry Wheeler plaintiff and John Bacon &c. defendants in Stone. Between Richard Slany esquire plaintiff and Robert Ingram Howell &c. defendants in Pinckley &c. Between John Rande plaintiff and Francis Dison Huband &c. defendants in Holborowe &c. Between Thomas Hale gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Hor- mold esquire &c. defendants in Brecdon &c. Between Richard Hide plaintiff and Richard Smyth Lea Brooke &c. defendants in Evesham &c. Between Henry Grove plaintiff and William Middlemore esquire &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between William Dilhvyn &c. plaintiffs and William Archer gen- tleman defendant in Hanley Castle. Between Robert Butler plaintiff and John Harris Giles Greene &c. defendants in Pudford &c. Between Robert James gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Spillesbury alias Pillesbury Collyns &c. defendants in Shellesby &c. Between Anne Heminge widow plaintiff and Thomas Hemeinge Sec. defendants in Upwich &c. 1656. Easter "| Between William Roper &c. plain- 'i Term. J tiffs and Thomas Greves defendant in Kingsnorton &c. in Worcester and in Sheldon &c. in Warwick .... Between Anne Rawlingson widow plaintiff and Gilbert Cockes gentleman &c. defendants in Claynes in Worcester and in St. Nicholas parish in City Worcester Between Henry Cookes plaintiff and William Wins- hurste &c. defendants in Stourbridge &c. in Worcester and in Amblecote in Worcester Citty Between Richard Heming plaintiff and Edward Robinson Smyth Wennington &c. defendants in Worcester City .... Worcester. Warwick. Worcester. City Worcester. Worcester. Stafford. Worcester Citty. 66 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. , , „ „ "\ Between Henry Folliott plaintiff and John 1656. taster Term „ , TT „ > Barnes Smale Hay &c. defendants in North continued. { piddle> Between Thomas Bellarmy &c. plaintiffs and John Attwood esquire Arden Pytt &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Robert Griffithes esquire &c. plaintiffs and Henry James gentleman &c. defendants of Ridmerley Adam and in Rid- merley. Between Francis Younge gentleman &c. plaintiffs and George Oswald Thomas &c. defendants in Claynes &c. Between Edward Carew esquire &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Freme esquire Fox defendants of Bengworth and in Bengworth. Between Francis Hanbury plaintiff and John Tinker defendant in Hartlcbury. Between Edward Cock gentleman plaintiff and Edward Woodhouse Arris &c. defendants in Hyndlipp. Between Thomas Corbett esquire plaintiff and Thomas Lewes Brigginshaw &c. defendants in Martley &c. Between John Stephens gentleman plaintiff and Robert Garrett defendant in Broadway. Between Thomas Martin plaintiff and John Wimoll &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Edward Feild plaintiff and Thomas Martyn gentleman &c. defendants in Evesham. Between John Aston plaintiff and Richard Shewcll &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Richard Slany plaintiff and John Hall esquire Pretyman defendants of Hollesey &c. Between William Greene &c. plaintiffs and John Wood &c. de- fendants in Mathen. Between Richard Booth gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Richard Lloyde gentleman Sheldon &c. defendants in Feckcnham &c. Between Richard Dowdswcll gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Cooke esquire &c. defendants in Longdon Pull &c. Between John Vernon clerk &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Davics &c. defendants in Upwich &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. Oj Year of our Lord. 1656. Easter Term "1 Between John Tolley &c. plaintiffs and John continued. J Spooner defendant in Grimlcy. Between Edward Saunders gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John French &c. defendants in Hadsor &c. Between Hugh Viccaris &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Giles gentleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between Phillip Finchcr &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Burlton &c. defendants in Hadley &c. Between Thomas Potter &c. plaintiffs and John Bristowe &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Francis Knight gentleman plaintiff and William Sheldon gentleman Barnesley Lloyd &c. defendants in Bircoate &c. Between Edward Dingley esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Cookcs esquire &c. defendants in Norgrove &c. Between John Greene &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Souley defendant in Churchill. Between Robert Ingram plaintiff and John Arden gentleman James &c. defendants in Shellesley &c. Between Mary Hurst widow plaintiff and Thomas Haines de- fendant in Evesham. Between Richard Smyth plaintiff and Richard Nicholetts gentleman &c. defendants in Tenbury. Between John Stone &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Teynton &c. de- fendants in Berrow &c. Between John Kings plaintiff and John Bridge &c. defendants in Churchill. Between Richard Turvey gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Baugh gentleman &c. defendants in Parshore. Between Thomas Lyncecombe plaintiff and Richard Heywood &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between Edward Morris &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Strcete de- fendant in Madderfeild. Trinity | Between Humphrey Gibbons &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Term. J Easte gentleman &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Thomas Dickens gentleman &c. plaintiffs and II. Littleton esquire Jcyfreyes Wahvyn &c. defendants of Naunton and in Naunton &c. F 2 68 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1656. Trinity Term continued. ! Between Thomas Foley gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Russell esquire &c. defendants of Great Witley &c. and in Witley &c. Between Henry Brett gentleman plaintiff and John Vaulx gen- tleman &c. defendants in Staunton. Between Richard Foley gentleman plaintiff and William Allen &c. defendants in Stowerbridge. Between Giles Ganderton &c. plaintiffs and Daniel Dobyns esquire &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Thomas Tyrer &c. plaintiffs and George Wintour Knight &c. defendants in Huddington &c. Between Lane. Arden gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Walter Insell &c. defendants in Rushort. Between Phillipp Skeler plaintiff and John Manynge Tinker &c. defendants in Elmbridge. Between Humphrey Tayler &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Scrimshere gentleman &c. defendants in Bradley &c. Between Theophilus Andrcwes esquire plaintiff and Edward Greene Palmer &c. defendants in Offenham. Between William Bedford &c. plaintiffs and Walter Squire Davies &c. defendants in Droytwich. Between John Vernon clerk &c. plaintiffs and Richard Vernon gentleman Mence Turner &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between Jasper Brittaine &c. plaintiffs and George Symonds gen- tleman &c. defendants in Whitlady &c. Between Thomas Crane plaintiff and Walter Wingford gentleman I'ynner Bowyer &c. defendants in Astley &c. Between Anne Yate widow plaintiff and Thomas Fleet esquire &c. defendants in St. Clement. Between William Clapton plaintiff and Thomas Mcrrell &c. defendants in Armescott &c. Between Nicholas Lechmere esquire plaintiff and Thomas Hornyold esquire &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between John Cartwright &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Herbert Hassard Cartwright &c. defendants in Longdon &c. Between Thomas Lyncecombe plaintiff and Francis Evill &c. defendants in Upton Snodcsbury. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 69 Year of our Lord. 1656. Trinity Term | Between John Callow plaintiff and Jenifer continued. J Turnor &c. defendants in Dormston. Between Richard Turvey gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Charles Culpeper Knight &c. defendants in Pensham &c. Between Francis Vuett esquire &c. plaintiffs and John Barnaby esquire &c. defendants in Sutton &c. Between Alice White widow plaintiff and John Wilson &c. de- fendants in Hill Moore &c. Between Thomas Symonds gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Skrim- shere gentleman &c. defendants in Bradley &c. Between William Palmer plaintiff and George French gentleman South Print &c. defendants in Holy Crosse &c. Michaelmas ] Between Simon Hackett &c. plaintiffs Term. J and Mary Hughes defendant in St. Hellen &c. in Worcester Citty and in St. Peter in Worcester Between Thomas Browning plaintiff and Edmund "l Browning defendant in St. Peter . . J Between James Tayler &c. plaintiffs and Thomas "l Streete gentleman defendant in St. Andrewe &c. / Between Theophilus Alye gentleman plaintiff and -v John Stinton gentleman defendant in St. - Andrewe &c. . . . . J Between James Tayler plaintiff and William Bache ") gentleman Hill &c. defendants in St. Hellen . J Between Charles Wilford gentleman plaintiff and John Gowcr esquire defendant of Oueenhill and in Queenhill &c. Between Thomas Foley esquire plaintiff and Edward Stone Andros &c. defendants in Holt. Between Thomas Rogers &c. plaintiffs and William Winshurst Perins &c. defendants in Swinford &c. Between Hugh Jenkins &c. plaintiffs and Wroth Rogers esquire &c. defendants in Eastham. Between Richard Compton esquire plaintiffs and John Okey &c. defendants of Hill end and in Castle Morton &c. Worcester Citty. Worcester. Worcester Citty. Worcester Citty. Worcester Citty. Worcester Citty. 70 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our LorJ. 1656. Michaelmas Term continued. Between Roger Fincher plaintiff and Luke Doverdale &c. defendants in Broughton Hackett. Between Elizabeth Best plaintiff and Henry Littleton Baronet &c. defendants in Norfeild. Between Francis Brecknock &c. plaintiffs and John Fownes gen- tleman &c. defendants in Woodcote &c. Between Nicholas Feild &c. plaintiffs and Richard Lea &c. de- fendants in Evesham. Between Daniel Wood alias Attwood plaintiff and William Davies &c. defendants in Conderton &c. Between Nathaniel Tomkyns clerk plaintiff and Edward Brode gentleman &c. defendants in Elmbridge. Between John Oldnall plaintiff and Francis Smyth gentleman Pargiter &c. defendants in Chaddesley Corbett. Between Thomas Foley esquire plaintiff and William Bromhall gentleman Corbett Somers &c. defendants in Oldington &c. Between Thomas Dickens gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Hobday alias Lacy defendants in Feckenham. Between William Hall &c. plaintiffs and Richard Child Noxen &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Richard Done plaintiff and Thomas Callowhill Weston &c. defendants in Clifton. Between Daniel Butcher plaintiff and Thomas Comber &c. de- fendants in Wolverley &c. Between Edward Ashby plaintiff and Thomas Grcves esquire defendant in Belbroughton. Between Thomas Brookholdinge &c. plaintiffs and Robert Nixon gentleman &c. defendants in Powicke &c. Between John Nott gentleman plaintiff and Edmund Nott &c. defendants in Shelleslcy &c. Between William Millechap &c. plaintiffs and John Baughan Morris &c. defendants in Teamebury. Between William Rawlins &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Crompc gentleman defendant in Bretfacton. Between Simon Cowley plaintiff and John Cowley &c. defendants in Abbotts Norton. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 7 1 Year of our Lord. 1656. Michaelmas ^ Between William Biddle plaintiff and Robert Term continued. J More &c. defendants in Brcedon. Between William Vaughan &c. plaintiffs and John Smyth Wcsbury &c. defendants in Powicke &c. Between Edward Dobson plaintiff and Mathew Hall Romney Ball &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Thomas Hill gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Yar- ranton gentleman &c. defendants in Astley. Between Richard Beddoes &c. plaintiffs and Richard Vernon gen- tleman &c. defendants in Crowle. Between John Elsmore &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Clare Knight defendant in Kidderminster. Between Richard Lynton plaintiff and Anne Baxter widow &c. defendants in Cleveload &c. Between John Force &c. plaintiffs and Hugh Hollyman &c. de- fendants in Malverne. Between John Marten gentleman plaintiff and William Cliffe gen- tleman &c. defendants in Shellsley Beauchampe. Between Dorothy Wicken widow plaintiff and Robert Stone Doe- little &c. defendants in Shrawley &c. Between William Cliffe gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Wall gentleman defendant in Ridmerley Adam. Between Thomas Fletcher plaintiff and William Stephens alias Weaver &c. defendants in Between Richard Clarke gentleman plaintiff and Ralph Hill gen- tleman &c. defendants in Hightington &c. Between Humphrey Longmer plaintiff and Henry Bromley esquire &c. defendants in Wicke &c. Between Henry Finch &c. plaintiffs and John Perkes &c. defendants in Forfeild &c. Between Gilbert Jellians &c. plaintiffs and Edward Lewis Bagly &c. defendants in Dudley &c. Between Thomas Rous Baronet plaintiff and George Symonds &c. defendants in Radford &c. Between Francis Marriott plaintiff and Robert Marriott &c. de- fendants in Biicklehampton &c. 72 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. ^ Between Robert Marriott plaintiff and Thomas 1656. Michaelmas ,.,.., ,. . T . , ,. j c 1 i. - Wilkes alias Nicholls &c. defendants in Term continued. „ . , , . 1 Bricklchampton. Between Robert Lunne &c. plaintiffs and Richard Bolter Lunne Tovey defendant in Eckington. Between Edmund Mason &c. plaintiffs and Luke Heming Wyatt &c. defendants in Tembury. Between Thomas Cook gentleman plaintiff and James Robinson Ladbury Lewis &c. defendants in Berrowe &c. Between Phillip Brace esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Barrett &c. defendants in Upwich &c. Between Thomas Fox plaintiff and Thomas Hannes &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Thomas Hunt gentleman plaintiff and William Rand &c. defendants in Mocton &c. Between Isaac Keaden &c. plaintiffs and Oliver Shawe gentleman &c. defendants in Northfeild &c. Between Richard Slany plaintiff and William Pretiman gentleman &c. defendants of Lollesey and in Lollesey &c. Between Edward Hall plaintiff and William Pretiman &c. defendants in Eastbury &c. Between John Elvins plaintiff and Thomas Hanbury gentleman defendant in Hadbury. Between Andrew Baker gentleman plaintiff and George Symonds gentleman &c. defendants in Grafton Fliford. Between John Sambach gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Crompt gentleman &c. defendants in Bretfarton. Hilary "1 Between Richard Onslowe Knight &c. plain- ^ Term. J tiffs and William Cobb Knight &c. de- fendants in Holborne &c. in London and of Adderbury and in Adderbury &c. in Oxon and in Waddesden &c. in Bukingham and in Evesham in Worcester .... Between Herbert Pelham esquire &c. plaintiffs and Richard Harlackenden gentleman &c. defend- ants of Kempsey and in Stonehall &c. in Wor- cester and in St. Faithes in London . London. Oxon. Bukingham. Worcester. Worcester. LonJon. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. / 5 Year of our Lord. 1656. Hilary Term 1 Between Thomas Lambc \ „_ \ Worcester continued. j plaintiff and George Cony &c. V defendants in the Citty of Worcester . .' Between John Nash plaintiff and Edward Soley &c. "1 Worcester defendants in St. Nicholas in Worcester Citty . J Citty. Between John Blurton plaintiff and William Collyns ~| Worcester gentleman defendant in St. Peter . . J Citty. Between Roger Fowke gentleman &c. plaintiffs and B. Whorwood esquire Moore Bradnocke &c. defendants in Kingesnorton &c. Between John Stephens gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Wilson defendant of Defford and in Dcfford &c. Between Thomas Palmer gentleman plaintiff and Richard Willis &c. defendants in Cumberton &c. Between John Barneby esquire plaintiff and Nicholas Acton esquire defendant of Hull and in Hull &c. Between William Vernon &c. plaintiffs and Edward Vernon esquire Hanbury &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between George Downing esquire plaintiff and Edward Hall gentleman Pretyman &c. defendants in Eastburye &c. Between Thomas Bayles plaintiff and Edmund Eyett Cotton &c. defendants in St. Johns in Bedwardine. Between William Bartlett gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Farmer Moore Tenant &c. defendants in Evesham &c. Between Anthony Sambach esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Bayles &c. defendants in Southlittleton. Between Ralph Cooke clerk plaintiff and Samuel Hunt &c. de- fendants in Bromsgrove. Between William Garston plaintiff and John Jakeman &c. defendants in Hardwicke &c. Between Nicholas Leechmere esquire plaintiff and Thomas Lord Coventrye Overbury &c. defendants of Ryalls Court and in Ryalls Court &c. Between Jos. Holt gentleman plaintiff and John Blumm defendant in Yardley. Between Robert Gaywood plaintiff and Henry Hay Whoman &c. defendants in Bishampton. 74 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. , , TTM ~ ~\ Between James Perrott gentleman &c. plairc- 1656. Hilary Term .„ , _, „. f ^ \ titi.s and 1 nomas Bishopp gentleman dc- continued. c , . „ 1 iendant in Bayton. Between Thomas Kelk plaintiff and John Greenebanck Hill &c. defendants in Claynes. Between Ezech. Hill &c. plaintiffs and Nicholas Hill defendant in Bromsgrove. ,, \ Between Richard Evans &c. plaintiffs and Anthony ' \ Lampnett Wood Davis &c. defendants in Term. J Broadway. Between Walter Savage esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Sheldon esquire Sambach Stephens &c. defendants in Broadway &c. Between John Pettus Knight plaintiff and Samuel Sandys esquire &c. defendants of Wickwanford and in Wickwanford. Between Arthur Nott &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Done &c. de- fendants in Clifton. Between Elianor Holtam widow plaintiff and Thomas Weston &c. defendants in Hill &c. Between Edward Cookes gentleman plaintiff and H. Bromley esquire James &c. defendants in Bushoppswicke &c. Between Richard Blurton plaintiff and Henry Coxe gentleman &c. defendants in Claynes. Between Jos. Baker clerk plaintiff and Edward Doughtye Browning &c. defendants in Suckley &c. Between Thomas Twiety gentleman plaintiff and Henry Hill &c. defendants in Sheynstone &c. Between John Staverton gentleman plaintiff and Phillip Squicr &c. defendants in Witton &c. Between Edward Loade &c. plaintiffs and William Harbert gen- tleman Teale &c. defendants in Upton. Between John Walter gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William dirtier &c. defendants in Bartlcy &c. Between Richard Heath &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Newnham Rastie &c. defendants in Elmbridge &c. Between William Biggcs plaintiff and Henry Mathew Bowkey &c. defendants in Astwood &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 75 Year of our Lord. _ _ -\ Between Thomas Brooke gentleman plaintiff 1657. Easter Term . " , V and Thomas Birch gentleman &c. defendants continued. . _ ,, / in Dudley. Between Henry Townshend esquire plaintiff and William Fcild Heaminge Saunders &c. defendants in Elmley Lovett. Between John Checketts &c. plaintiffs and John Taylor Tompson &c. defendants in Eckington. Between Richard Smalbrooke gentleman plaintiff and Robert Dodd esquire &c. defendants in Kingsnorton &c. Between Robert Jacksons plaintiff and John Pardoe defendant in Martin Hussingtree. Between Richard Briginshawe gentleman plaintiff and William Briginshawe gentleman defendant in Uppton Wicke &c. Between John Morris gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Dobbs Moore Durman &c. defendants in Great Combcrton &c. Between Richard Smyth &c. plaintiffs and Richard Johnes &c. defendants in Tembury. Between John Roper plaintiff and Thomas Callowhill &c. defendants in Clifton. Between John Bache plaintiff and John Best defendant in Nor- chard &c. Between Obadiah Wowen &c. plaintiffs and Rowland Morgan gentleman &c. defendants in Areley Kings. Between Richard Slany esquire plaintiff and Edmund Howseman &c. defendants in Prickley &c. Between John Browneing gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ann Cave widow &c. defendants in Martley &c. Between John Allen gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Ma. Talbott widow defendant in Claynes &c. Between Margery Talbott widow &c. plaintiffs and Richard Norbury gentleman Darby &c. defendants in Upwich &c. Between John Nashe gentleman plaintiff and John Arden &c. defendants in Martley. Between Mathew Barrow gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Griffithes &c. defendants in Little Kire. 76 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1657. Trinity "I Between Giles Ganderton 8zc. •, Term. J plaintiffs and John Pagett gen- Worcester. tleman &c. defendants in Belbroughton &c. j Stafford. in Worcester and in Tippinge &c. in Stafford . - Between William Horniblowe plaintiff and Richard ") Worcester Gibbs and Cowper defendants in St. Martins . J Citty. Between William Hurleston &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Lampett Keyte Newman &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Thomas Cubberley &c. plaintiffs and Palmer Cubbcrly defendant in Eckington. Between Edward Baldwyn gentleman plaintiff and Theophilus Alie Merriman &c. defendants in Ripple. Between Anne Brooke &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Wagge &c. defendants in Northfeild. Between Nicholas Adenbrooke &c. plaintiffs and John Sparry &c. defendants in Bryans Bell &c. Between John Seaverne &c. plaintiffs and Richard Gillman gen- tleman &c. defendants in Crowle. Between Joyce Perry widow plaintiff and John Glasbrooke &c. defendants in Franch &c. Between Robert Johnson esquire &c. plaintiffs and Nicholas Strode esquire defendant in Great Malverne &c. Between William Fitzer alias Antonyes plaintiff and Edward Cooper &c. defendants in Astley. Between Thomas Day plaintiff and John Robyns &c. defendants in Ranslench. Between John Morris gentleman plaintiff and Edward Bray Pewtris &c. defendants in Castle Morton. Between Henry Perkes plaintiff and Thomas Bound esquire &c. defendants in Harvington. Between Thomas Nash plaintiff and Richard Turnor &c. defendants in Parshore St. Andrew &c. Between Anthony Serjeant plaintiff and John Clare defendant in Parshore. Between William Baker plaintiff and Thomas Harbach Sec. de- fendants in Astwood &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 77 Year of our Lord. 1657. Trinity Term"! Between Thomas Browning plaintiff and continued. J William Nott &c. defendants in Hollow &c. Between Francis Hickes plaintiff and Thomas Wagstaffe &c. defendants in Shipston &c. Between Nicholas Strode esquire plaintiff and Susan Steight widow &c. defendants in Much Malverne. Between William Windowe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Danby &c. defendants in Stanton. Between Henry Greswold clerk plaintiff and Humphrey Greswold gentleman &c. defendants in Elmbridge. Between Paul Giles plaintiff and John Kendrick &c. defendants in Alvechurch. Between William Treavise gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Trcavise gentleman &c. defendants in Great Aston &c. Michaelmas 1 Between W r illiam Guidott gentleman \ Bet J &c. Term. J &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Jervoise esquire &c. defendants of Herriard &c. and in Herriard &c. in Southampton and of North- feild &c. and in Northfeild &c. in Worcester and in Worcester Citty and of Birtford &c. and in Birtford &c. in Wilts and in White Waltham &c. in Berks . . . . Between Roger Fowke gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Colmore Billingsley &c. defendants in Birmingham &c. in Warwick and in Yardley in Worcester . Between Wolstan Dixie esquire &c. plaintiffs and Giles Astley esquire Bough Howldon &c. de- fendants of Wolvey and in Wolvey &c. in Warwick and in Eeles Crombe &c. in Wor- cester . . . . . Between Arthur Bradshawe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Acton esquire &c. defendants of Wolverton &c. and in Kempsey &c. in Worcester and in Bromyard &c. in Hereford Southampton. Worcester. Worcester Citty. Wilts. Berks. Warwick. Worcester. \ Warwick. Worcester. Worcester. Hereford. 78 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of our Lord. 1657. Michaelmas") Between Edward Gibbes esquire ^ Term continued. J &c. plaintiffs and Wroth Rogers | Hereford. esquire &c. defendants in St. John Baptist &c. ( Worcester. in Hereford and in Eastham in Worcester . ' Between John Handy plaintiff and Thomas Wright 1 Worcester alias Glover Shipman Acldams &c. defendants - in Worcester Citty . . .' "' Between George Hole plaintiff and Mary Luddington "> Worcester widow &c. defendants in Worcester Citty . J Citty. Between Luke Hodges plaintiff and Samuel Bache "l Worcester gentleman &c. defendants in Worcester Citty . J Citty. Between Edward Steymor gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Leicester Viscount Hereford defendant of Lye &c. and in Lye &c. Between Richard Hassard gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Hassard &c. defendants in Castlemorton. Between John Davis &c. plaintiffs and Ralph Stacy Saunders &c. defendants in North Piddle. Between Charles Herbert gentleman plaintiff and Woodchu. Clarke esquire &c. defendants in Ridmerley &c. Between Humphrey Cliffc gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Cliffe gentleman defendant in Shrawley &c. Between John Okey plaintiff and Richard Gilman gentleman &c. defendants of Crowle and in Crowle. Between Thomas Longmore plaintiff and Henry Toythe defendant in Woolverley &c. Between Anne Hemeinge widow plaintiff and Richard James gen- tleman &c. defendants in St. Peters &c. Between Robert Blanchard gentleman plaintiff and Edmund Colics esquire defendant in Broadwas &c. Between John Bearecroft gentleman plaintiff and John Lcnch esquire Doverdale &c. defendants in Crowle &c. Between Andrew Ordway plaintiff and William Nicklis &c. de- fendants in Evesham. 1 '.(twecn John Dugard plaintiff and George Dugard &c. defendants in Ilimbleton. Between John Wheler gentleman plaintiff and Richard Walford Whe! 1 &c. defendants in Dodderhill. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. /9 Year of our Lord. > Between Thomas Browne &c. plaintiffs and 16157. Michaelmas ^ . TT . , , ~ , , c , , • J/ V Francis Hickcs and Gardner defendants in Term continued. „, . ' Shipston. Between Ralph Mills &c. plaintiffs and Francis Hickes and Gardner defendants in Shipston. Between Ann Hurdman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas George Loade &c. defendants in Seaverne Stoke &c. Between William Bradnocke &c. plaintiffs and Robert Wheigham gentleman Feild &c. defendants in Alchurch. Between Edward Pytts esquire &c. plaintiffs and Henry Bromley esquire defendants of Holte &c. and in Holte &c. Between William Walker &c. plaintiffs and Richard Walker &c. defendants in Seaverne Stoake. Between Francis Waringe &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Gardner gen- tleman &c. defendants in Shipston &c. Between Richard Perrie plaintiff and Thomas Hartill &c. defendants in Blockley. Between George Mason &c. plaintiffs and Ayliffe White esquire Hangford &c. defendants in Comberton &c. Between Richard Turvey gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Symonds gentleman &c. defendants in Pinfin &c. Between Arm Greene gentleman plaintiff and Hubert Littleton esquire defendant in Naunton &c. Between Augustus Jarrett gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Bound esquire defendant in Harvington &c. Between Thomas Symonds gentleman plaintiff and John Ricards &c. defendants in Norton &c. Between William Gowcr esquire plaintiff and John Knottesford gentleman &c. defendants in Holdfast &c. Between Richard Buckle plaintiff and Thomas Clarke Sec. defendants in Longdon. Between Phillip Bound plaintiff and Lawrence Ilackett &c. de- fendants in Upton. Between James Prescott esquire &c. plaintiffs and G. Bentlcy esquire defendant in Kerswell. Between Edward Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and H. Scaly &c. defendants of Sedgborowe and in Sedgborowe. 8o INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. (Between Samuel Gardner plaintiff and Ri- 1 j i\/r Tir i o i r j chard Moore Weale &c. defendants m Shipston &c. Between John Portman &c. plaintiffs and Alice Deacon defendant in Westencoate &c. Between John Stephens &c. plaintiffs and John Spragge defendant in Offenham. Between Thomas Little &c. plaintiffs and William Walker &c. defendants in Chadsley &c. Between William Tidner &c. plaintiffs and John George &c de- fendants in Eckington. Between George Bury &c. plaintiffs and Gilbert Cornewall Knight &c. defendants in Eastham &c. Between Anthony Wilks plaintiff and John Davis &c. defendants in Bewdley &c. Between Thomas Hunt gentleman plaintiff and John Rande Hol- lington Savage &c. defendants in Inckborrow &c. Hilary ~l Between Edward Harris &c. plaintiffs and Term. j Thomas Saunders gentleman defendant in Droitwich in Worcester and in Burdenbury in I Hereford . . . . J Between Jasper Edwards esquire &c. plaintiffs and ^ William Turton gentleman defendant in Kings- norton in Worcester and in Westbromwich &c. in Stafford .... Between John Applebury &c. plaintiffs and Edward Cowper Yates &c. defendants in St. Andrew Between John Ashbye plaintiff and Fitzwilliam Coningsby esquire &c. defendants in Worcester Citty ..... Between Edward George plaintiff and William Yate "| &c. defendants in St. Peter . . . J Between John Blurton gentleman plaintiff and Jonas "| Ilanbury gentleman defendant in St. Nicholas . J Between Phillip Brace esquire plaintiff and Edward ^| Barrett gentleman Heminge &c. defendants in All Saynts . . . . j Worcester Hereford. Worcester. Stafford. Worcester Citty. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 8l Year of our Lord. TTM _ 1 Between William Nicklesse &c. plaintiffs and 1O57. Hilary 1 erm T , ... , , „ , , _, . V John Nicklesse &c. defendants in Shyne- continued. , ... _ ) hill &c. Between William Bigges plaintiff and William Mogg Edes Lewes &c. defendants in Hurtende &c. Between John Saunders gentleman plaintiff and Robert Molgrove alias Fleete &c. defendants in Upperwich &c. Between Richard Cooke gentleman plaintiff and Ralph Hill gentleman Saunders &c. defendants in Shellesley Beauchampe. Between William Bach gentleman plaintiff and Timothy Smith gentleman defendant in Norfeild. Between Edward Feild &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Bowater clerk &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between John Moseley plaintiff and Wood Clarke gentleman &c. defendants in Reddmerley &c. Between John Seaverne gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Jasper Britten clerk Berkley &c. defendants in Tibberton. Between Francis Astrey &c. plaintiffs and William Jeffery defendant in Earles Croome &c. Between Edmund Wells &c. plaintiffs and Gerald Boswell Shawe &c. defendants in Dudley. Between John Terrett &c. plaintiffs and Ann Hall widow &c. defendants in Mathon. Between John Holmes &c. plaintiffs and John Williamson gentleman &c. defendants in Whetford &c. Between Giles Lawrence &c. plaintiffs and William Watson gentle- man &c. defendants in Bretforton. Between Andrew Ordway plaintiff and Richard Phelpes &c. de- fendants in Bengworth. Between Edward Asgill gentleman plaintiff and William Archer gentleman Peast &c. defendants in Hanley Castle. Between Humphrey Smyth plaintiff and Thomas Smyth defendant in Bishampton &c. Between Michael Wright plaintiff and William Peplowe &c. de- fendants in Bromsgrove &c. Between William Browne &c. plaintiffs and Francis Lyndon &c. defendants in Kitherminster. G 82 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1657. Hilary Term continued. Between John Asgill &c. plaintiffs and John Winford Bray &c. defendants in Birch- moreton &c. Between Woodch. Clarke &c. plaintiffs and Richard Clarke &c. defendants in Redmarley Dabitott. Between Richard Clarke plaintiff and Woodch. Clarke esquire &c. defendants in Redmarley Dabitott. Between Edward Ganderton plaintiff and Thomas Prescott &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between Humphrey Cliffe gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Mincklowe esquire &c. defendants in Hillhampton &c. Between Thomas Neast plaintiff and William Arrundell &c. de- fendants in Chacely. Between Samuel Phelpes plaintiff and Nestor Helme gentleman &c. defendants in Chacely. Between Thomas Mence plaintiff and John Hunt gentleman &c. defendants in Parkehall &c. Between Richard Hemynge gentleman plaintiff and Henry Hemynge &c. defendants in North Piddle. Between Thomas Bury &c. plaintiffs and John Stretch Strech &c. defendants in Ockhampton &c. Between John Parkes plaintiff and Edward Dudley alias Sutton Boswell Dixon &c. defendants in Dudley &c. Between William More &c. plaintiffs and William Porter gentleman Parker &c. defendants in Allchurch. Between Edward Sheldon gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Penne gentleman &c. defendants in Bromssrrove. 1658. Easter "1 Between Thomas Bonner gentleman Term. J &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Wells esquire Goodwin Stephens &c. defendants in Weston &c. in Gloucester and in South Littleton in Worcester . Between William Bolles gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Henry Littleton Baronet Trevor Moore &c. defendants of Halesowen and in Halesowen &c. in Salop and in Hales G\ven Woorby &c. in Worcester . Gloucester. Worcester. Salop. Worcester. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 83 Year of our Lord. 1658. Easter Term ") Between Thomas Pearcey ' continued. J gentleman plaintiff and Ri- Worcester chard Cooke &c. defendants in Worcester t Citty. Citty Between Anne Gardner plaintiff and John Baker -v Worcester Gittons &c. defendants in St. Andrewe in Wor- V c ster Citty . . . ) - J- Between Miles Button &c. plaintiffs and William Moore gentleman &c. defendants in Beoley &c. Between John Okey plaintiff and Richard Gilman gentleman &c. defendants of and in Crowle. Between Edward Harper alias Cartwri^ht &c. plaintiffs and John Best &c. defendants in Narchard &c. Between Thomas Knight &c. plaintiffs and Richard Winslowe defendant in Kempsey. Between Margery Rumney plaintiff and Mathew Hall Dobson &c. defendants in Suckley. Between Henry Doelittle plaintiff and Walter Insoll &c. defendants in Rushocke. Between Thomas Cheatle gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Trice &c. defendants in Bromsgrave. Between Thomas Twittey gentleman Sc. plaintiffs and Edward Wheeler gentleman &c. defendants in Upwich &c. Between Walter Savage esquire &c. plaintiffs and Robert Garrett Nicklesse &c. defendants in Broadway &c. Between Slier. Sheldon gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Robert Randall alias Baylies &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Edward Bushell gentleman plaintiff and John Lord Bergavenny &c. defendants in Inkeberrowe &c. Between Thomas Hale plaintiff and William Bennett &c. defendants in Norton &c. Between Abraham Seabright &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet Sec. defendants of Strensham and in Strensham &c. Between Nicholas Heaton gentleman plaintiff and Edward Hall esquire &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between Walter Pickering &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Walker Addys &c. defendants in Powicke &c. G 2 84 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 1 Between John Roper &c. plaintiffs and Bar- - tholomew Kettle Fowke &c. defendants in continued. j Norfeild Between John Hanbury gentleman plaintiff and John Hanbury gentleman &c. defendants in Feckenham. Between Richard Fawkes &c. plaintiffs and John Taylor Fawkes &c. defendants in Birlingham. Between William Powleson plaintiff and Richard Lightfoote de- fendant in Hardwyke &c. Between George Holdshippe plaintiff and William Saunders Fincher Ernes &c. defendants in Hampton. Between Thomas Symonds gentleman plaintiff and Richard Wood- ward &c. defendants in Eckington. Between Samuel Shawe &c. plaintiffs and Robert Dodd esquire Greaves &c. defendants in Kingsnorton. Between Edward Avenant &c. plaintiffs and William Middlemore gentleman Preist &c. defendants in Northfeild &c. Between John Deaves plaintiff and Joseph Payne defendant in Norton. Between John Greene &c. plaintiffs and Henry Sims Williams alias Millman &c. defendants in Witchenford &c. Between John Jawncy &c. plaintiffs and Richard Collicke &c. defendants in Powicke. Between Francis Knight gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Robert Norbury clerk Phillipps &c. defendants in Droytwich &c. Between George Goore &c. plaintiffs and George Brandon defendant in Inckborrowe. Between Christopher Tovey plaintiff and William Rawlins &c. defendants in Harvington. Between George Windle &c. plaintiffs and Francis Godfrey &c. defendants in Abbotts Norton &c. Between William Allen plaintiff and William Garrett &c. defendants in Cladshall &c. Between Richard Bulstrodc esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Dingley esquire defendant of Charleton &c. and in Charleton &c. Between Richard Cottrell &c. plaintiffs and George Smyth Hancox &c. defendants in Northfeild &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 85 Year of our Lord. „ _ _ _ 1 Between Humphrey Greswold gentleman &c. 1658. Easter Term , . .„ , , , T , „ 1- plaintiffs and John Holmes &c. defendants continued. „.. ' in Kmgsnorton. Between Samuel Mathewes plaintiff and Richard Hopton esquire Dun &c. defendants in Suckley &c. Between Margery Floucke widow plaintiff and Edward Harbert defendant in Castle Norton. Between Roger Higgins &c. plaintiffs and John Cox Hobday Lacy &c. defendants in Bryans Bell &c. Between Richard Woodward &c. plaintiffs and Edward Leadon defendants in Great Combcrton. Between Henry Hill gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Elfe Bran- feild &c. defendants in Hallowe. Between William Mince &c. plaintiffs and Richard Mince &c. defendants in Astwood. Between Rowland Berkley Knight &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Washborne clerk defendants in Doddenham. Between Phillip Fincher plaintiff and Francis Hanbury gentleman Turner &c. defendants in Temple Broughton &c. Trinity ~i Between Rowland Tayler plaintiff and ] t- 1 t-i t 1 o , r 1 r- Worcester lerm. J 1 nomas Locke &c. defendants in St. - Hellen J Citt ^ Between Thomas Bache &c. plaintiffs and William Bache gentleman Soley Coton &c. defendants in Norfeild. Between John Marston &c. plaintiffs and Richard Acock gen- tleman &c. defendants in Yardley. Between John Tompson clerk plaintiff and William Russell esquire &c. defendants of Peopleton and in Peopleton &c. Between George Vernon gentleman plaintiff and George Dainger- feild gentleman Hanbury Watkins &c. defendants in Hanbury. Between Edmund Pitt gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Bachj &c. defendants in Worcester. Between Thomas Harris gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Greaves esquire Bearcrofte &c. defendants in Moseley &c. Between Richard Addis gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edmund Smyth &c. defendants in Elmely Lovett. ?6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. ^ „ „, . . r~ 1 Between Thomas Foley esquire plaintiff and 1658. Trinity Term I ' 4 F „ ■ George Chambers gentleman Cookes &c. continued. . . , . ._ „ , J defendants in Belbroughton. Between Thomas Collins &c. plaintiffs and Phillipp Gummery Fidoe &c. defendants in Shelsey &c. Between Robert Betton esquire &c. plaintiffs and Timothy Coles esquire &c. defendants of Earles Court and in Earles Court &c. Between Henry Meadowes plaintiff and Thomas Gillett &c. de- fendants in Evenloade. Between Francis Reade gentleman plaintiff and Fitz William Coningsby &c. defendants in Bayton &c. Between Thomas Turvey esquire plaintiff and Margery Mason widow &c. defendants in Wadberrowe &c. Between John Wynns gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Cart- wright Perks Vernon &c. defendants in Ford Impney &c. Between William Taylor plaintiff and Ralph Hill gentleman &c. defendants in Penfox. Between Robert Bastervile plaintiff and Rowland Badger &c. defendants in Upton upon Seaverne. Between Edward Asgill gentleman plaintiff and William Archer gentleman defendant in Hanley Castle. Between William Hancock esquire plaintiff and John Thorncbury &c. defendants in Eckington &c. Between John Gower &c. plaintiffs and William Gower esquire defendant in Holdfast &c. Between Thomas Hopkins &c. plaintiffs and Roger Axton Solley &c. defendants in Hindleape. Between John Stoncall &c. plaintiffs and Henry Evett gentleman &c. defendants in St. Peter's. Between George Symonds gentleman plaintiff and James Clarke clerk &c. defendants in Tybberton. Michaelmas "1 Between Thomas Rawlins esquire &c. Term. J plaintiffs and John Fortcscuc esquire defendant of Cookchill and in Cookehill &c. in Worcester and in Campden &c. in Gloucester and in Spernehall &c. in Warwick and in Wes- child &c. in Hereford Worcester. Gloucester. Warwick. Hereford. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 87 Year of our Lord. 165S. Michaelmas "1 Between John Woodyatt esquire ' Term continued. J plaintiff and Grace Nicholetts widow defendant in Bushopps Stanford in Hereford and in Acton Beauchampe in Wor- cester ..... Hereford. Worcester. Worcester. Hereford. Worcester Citty. Worcester Citty. Between Thomas Hide &c. plaintiffs and Edward Hide Bookey &c. defendants in Little Kire &c. in Worcester and in Kollington &c. in Hereford Between Richard Tillam &c. plaintiffs and Gilbert Steward &c. defendants in the parish of St. Andrewe in the Citty of Worcester Between Richard Wythie gentleman &c. plaintiffs and George Posthumus Gregorie defendant in the parish of St. Hellen in Worcester Citty Between Edward Moore gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Robert Baylyes Weston Taylor &c. defendants in Alvechurch. Between Thomas Talbott gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Edward Wheeler gentleman &c. defendants in St. Andrewes &c. Between Ralph Clare Knight &c. plaintiffs and John Attwood esquire defendant in Peardswall &c. Between Giles Rawlins clerk &c. plaintiffs and John Cliffe clerk- Henley &c. defendants in Nether Sapie. Between William Cooke plaintiff and Thomas Joyncr&c. defendants in Brodley. Between Andrew Baker gentleman plaintiff and John Nanfan esquire &c. defendants in Woodhowsend &c. Between Thomas Norris gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Wolgrave alias Waldegrove defendant in Blockley. Between Edward Heath esquire &c. plaintiffs and Timothy Stampe esquire &c. defendants in Kington &c. Between James Tyrer gentleman plaintiff and Richard Osborne Src. defendants in Rushocke. Between John Cole plaintiff and William Cole &c. defendants in Belbroughton. Between Thomas Watts plaintiff and George Davis gentleman &c. defendants in Droitwich. 88 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. •\ Between John Smith &c. plaintiffs and Wil- 1658. Michaelmas ,. „ t , ., ... „ , r , Y ham Brent gentleman Merrill &c. defendants Term continued. . . . _ 1 in Armescott &c. Between Michael Hunt plaintiff and William Russell Baronet &c. defendants in Inckberrow. Between William Baldwin gentleman &c. plaintiffs and George Sheldon gentleman &c. defendants in Broadway. Between John Leight gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Turvey esquire Desmasters &c. defendants in Parshore. Between Eliab Harvey &c. plaintiffs and William Whitmore Baronet defendant in Gildons &c. Between John Giles clerk plaintiff and John Arden gentleman &c. defendants in Prickley &c. Between William Smyth plaintiff and Henry Ingram esquire &c. defendants in Bedwardine. Between John Nash gentleman plaintiff and Anne Giles widow &c. defendants in Astley. Between John Portman alias Poolehowse &c. plaintiffs and Robert Yarranton defendant in Redstone &c. Between Peter Cockine &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Pitt &c. de- fendants in Kidderminster. Between William Adams plaintiff and Thomas Baugh gentleman &c. defendants in Parshore. Between Job Marston gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Lea Richards &c. defendants in Yardley. Between Oliver Raymond esquire &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Mazey esquire &c. defendants in Pcdmorc &c. Between Anne Jorden widow &c. plaintiffs and Edward Rumney &c. defendants in Eldersfeild. Between Edward Watson Lord Rockingham plaintiff and A. Earle of Dorsett Dowdeswell Smyth &c. defendants of Estington and in Estington &c. Between Richard Nicholetts plaintiff and John Pitt &c. defendants in Much Malverne &c. Between John Coxe gentleman plaintiff and Woodch. Clarke esquire &c. defendants in Ridmarley &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 89 Year of our Lord. 1658. Michaelmas | Between Richard Cave gentleman &c. plaintiffs Term continued. J and James Guilbert defendant in Longdon. Between John Wilson plaintiff and Francis Perry Mills &c. defend- ants in Kidderminster. Between Samuel Toye gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Longmore &c. defendants in Wolverley &c. Between William Parker gentleman plaintiff and Henry Spiller esquire &c. defendants in Elsfield. Between Thomas Phillipps plaintiff and John Bowyer defendant in Ridmarley &c. Between Anne Clarke plaintiff and Anthony Tuck ny Doctor &c. defendants in Kinghton. Between John Bosworth &c. plaintiffs and John Hopkins &c. defendents in Yardley. Between Thomas Hacker &c. plaintiffs and William Bromsgrave &c. defendants in Evenloade &c. Between Robert Yarranton &c. plaintiffs and Richard Cooke gen- tleman &c. defendants in Shellesley Beauchampe. Between Thomas Griffith gentleman &c. plaintiffs and John Noxon &c. defendants in Shellesley Beauchampe. Between Thomas Harward &c. plaintiffs and Richard Conninge &c. defendants in Offenham &c. Between Thomas Weston plaintiff and Richard Sanders &c. de- fendants in North Piddle. Between Henry Higgins &c. plaintiffs and T. Ware Baker &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Nicholas Harris &c. plaintiffs and John Harris gentleman &c. defendants in Prickley &c. Hilary "1 Between Richard Marston &c. plaintiffs and \ Term. J Jane Halland widow &c. defendants in Worcester. Tenbury in Worcester and in Rochforde &c. in j Hereford. Hereford . . . .J Between Mathevv Crabb &c. plaintiffs and Arnold Connard gen- tleman Leighton &c. defendants in Hanbury &c. Between Robert Yarranton &c. plaintiffs and John Portman alias Poolehouse &c. defendants in Astley. 90 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. 165S. Hilary Term continued. Between Thomas Aston &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Geast Surman &c. defendants in Northfeild. Between Joseph Baker gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Cremer esquire &c. defendants in Hollowe. Between William Washbourne esquire plaintiff and Joseph Maiden clerk &c. defendants of Westencoate and in Westencoate &c. Between William Gore esquire plaintiff and John Hastings esquire defendant in Dailsford. Between Anne Smyth widow plaintiff and William Walker &c. defendants in Greate Comberton. Between William Greene gentleman plaintiff and William Russell Baronet &c. defendants of Dorniston and in Dorniston. Between William Buckle plaintiff and Ralph Cuerton &c. defendants in Longdon &c. Between Anne Castle widow plaintiff and William Walshe gen- tleman defendant in Shelsley Kings &c. Between Richard Smyth plaintiff and Thomas Child esquire de- fendant in Shrawley. Between William Wilkes alias Nicholls plaintiff and Thomas Wilkes alias Nicholls Creese &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between Thomas Clarke &c. plaintiffs and William Harrison gen- tleman Tayler &c. defendants in St. Andrewe. Between Thomas Clarke plaintiff and Richard Nashe defendant in Parshore. Between Phillip Bound plaintiff and Thomas Bound gentleman defendant of Harvington and in Harvington. Between William Roper plaintiff and Raphael Wagge &c. defend- ants in Kingsnorton. Between John Wheeler gentleman plaintiff and John Houghton esquire Walford &c. defendants in Uoddcrhill. Between Samuel Gower gentleman plaintiff and Samuel Whyle gentleman &c. defendants in Moscley &c. Between Ambrose Ilolbech &c. plaintiffs and John Wells &c. defendants in Tidmington. Between John Britten plaintiff and Nicholas Acton esquire defendant in Sutton Sturmy &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 9 1 Year of our Lord. -v Between Henry Powle gentleman &c. plain- 1658. Hilary Term ..«. . T . n ., „ , I tins and John Rumney gentleman &c. de- contmued. , . . „ . , . , „ J fendants in Knightwick &c. Between Francis Knight &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Chaunce gentleman defendant in Hadsor &c. Between Francis Purshall gentleman plaintiff and James Pcrrott gentleman &c. defendants in Elmebridge. s^ 1659. Easter ~i Between Mary Soley plaintiff and } Term. J Richard Norden &c. defendants in J- All Saints . . . .) Citty " Between William Norris &c. plaintiffs and Richard | Worcester Hemminge &c. defendants in All Saints . J Citty. Between John Brewster gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Woodward gentleman Addis &c. defendants in Ridmarley Dabitott. Between Thomas Bennett &c. plaintiffs and George Cole gentleman Parsons Bushell &c. defendants in Cleeve Prior &c. Between Richard Smallbrooke &c. plaintiffs and John Saunders Master &c. defendants in Droitwich. Between William Vernon gentleman plaintiff and Francis Hanbury gentleman defendant in Hanbury. Between George Daunce clerk &c. plaintiffs and Walter Insoll &c. defendants in Elmly &c. Between Edward Baldwyn gentleman &c. plaintiffs and William Drinkwater defendant in Conderton &c. Between Sara Hall plaintiff and Richard Hall &c. defendants in Kemsey. Between Samuel Hackett gentleman plaintiff and H. Hackett gentleman &c. defendants in Upton. Between George Merry plaintiff and Edward Balton Gatfeild &c. defendants in Brincks Morton &c. Between Henry Smyth gentleman plaintiff and Richard Pitt gen- tleman &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between Elizabeth Smyth widow plaintiff and Thomas Duppa alias Tuppa Tyler &c. defendants in Tembury. Between Thomas Watts plaintiff and John Staverton &c. defendants in Witton St. Marie &c. 9 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of our Lord. , „ „ \ Between Adam Fullwood gentleman &c. 1659. Easter Term , . .„ , _. , „ " J- plaintiffs and Richard Steward &c. dc- continued. _ . _, , „ „ ' tendants 111 Cladsall &c. Between Robert Raworth esquire &c. plaintiffs and Edward Carewe esquire &c. defendants of Middle Littleton and in Middle Littleton &c. Between Anthony Webb plaintiff and John Noake &c. defendants in Defford &c. Between Nicholas Steight plaintiff and John Smyth &c. defendants in Ryall &c. Between William Biggs plaintiff and John Taylor &c. defendants in Ashwood &c. Between Nathaniel Roberts &c. plaintiffs and Richard White &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Samuel Bird &c. plaintiffs and Robert Morris defendant in Bretforton. Between Richard Mence &c. plaintiffs and William Jew &c. de- fendants in Dodderhill &c. Between John Taylor plaintiff and Henry Hill &c. defendants in Stone &c. Between Thomas Wells gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Kelke &c. defendants in Claynes. Between Richard Portman gentleman plaintiff and Jonathan Han- bury gentleman &c. defendants in Droitwich. 1659. Trinity ^ Between John Wade &c. plaintiffs and John Bentley Term. / Roberts Corbett &c. defendants in Ryall &c. Between William Yarranton plaintiff and William Yarranton &c. defendants in Astley. Between Edward Partington clerk plaintiff and Charles Cornwallis esquire &c. defendants in Snead &c. Between Edmund Russell plaintiff and William Bishopp Rea &c. defendants in Strensham. Between Edward Osland gentleman plaintiff and Charles Cornwallis esquire Partington &c. defendants in Snead &c. Between Thomas Rowbcry &c. plaintiffs and George Baylies &c. defendants in Tenbury. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 93 Year of our Lord. "1 Between Job Marston &c. plaintiffs and 1659. Trinity Term ,,,.,,. „„• , ,, • n 'u o JJ J \ William Middlemore esquire Pittway oec. continued. , c , . , J defendants in Yardley &c. Between Thomas Parker &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Lowe esquire Greves Baker &c. defendants in Bromsgrove &c. Between Richard Bloxam plaintiff and Thomas Bloxam Harris &c. defendants in Offenham. Between John Soley &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Welles gentleman Vernon Perks &c. defendants in Impney &c. Between George Benyon plaintiff and Thomas Jolly gentleman defendant in Coston &c. Between Robert Jenkinson esquire &c. plaintiffs and Richard Graves esquire defendant in Church Honyborne. Between John Palfrey plaintiff and William Knight &c. defendants in Naunton &c. Between John Rudd gentleman plaintiff and Ralph Russell gen- tleman &c. defendants in Tredington. Between Thomas Blount gentleman plaintiff and Edward Wright &c. defendants in Rushocke. Between Edward Harward &c. plaintiffs and Jane Baker defendant in Kempsey &c. Michaelmas "1 Between John Ingram &c. plaintiffs ' Term. J and John Hill &c. defendants in Hereford. Tedston Delamore in Hereford and in Clifton Worcester. &c. in Worcester Between Gilbert Heminge plaintiff and Thomas \ Worcester. Heminge defendant in Droytwich in Worcester - Worcester and in the Citty of Worcester . .) Citty. •y -, Worcester Heming &c. defendants in the Citty of Wor- V I Citty. Between Ambrose Meeredith plaintiff and Henry Hemi cester veen Francis Ballard &c. defendants in the parish o. Citty. All Saints . . • • ; Between Richard Heminge &c. plaintiffs and John ) Worcester Baker &c. defendants in All Saints &c. . J Citty. Between Somersett Hall gentleman plaintiff and -| I Worcester 94 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of our Lord. 1659. Michaelmas j Between Edward Harris plain- ] Term continued. / tiff and John Couchman &c. [■ defendants in the Citty of Worcester . . J " Between Richard Mason &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet Hornyold Strode &c. defendants in Burlingham &c. Between Edward Harris plaintiff and Thomas Story Collins Pace &c. defendants in St. Peter. Between Richard Hcmynge plaintiff and Thomas Harrison Nott Browninge &c. defendants in Hollowe &c. Between James Hemynge plaintiff and Katherine Dison &c. de- fendants in Holborowe &c. Between William Fetherston gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Bell &c. defendants in Alvechurch &c. Between Edward Addams plaintiff and Adam Hough &c. defendants in Kiderminster. Between Robert Norbury clerk &c. plaintiffs and Henry Harris &c. defendants in Droitwich &c. Between Henry Lord Hastings &c. plaintiffs and John Nanfan esquire Nanfan &c. defendants of Berrowe &c. and in Bcrrowe &c. Between Edward Baldwyn &c. plaintiffs and William Russell Baronet Horniold &c. defendants in Eckington. Between Anthony Crompe &c. plaintiffs and Anthony Sambach esquire &c. defendants in Bretforton &c. Between Andrew Ordwaye plaintiff and Joyce Mason widow Newington Maunsell &c. defendants in Offenham. Between Gyles Lawrence gentleman plaintiff and Thomas Baugh gentleman &c. defendants in Parshore &c. Between Henry Baldwyne plaintiff and John Betton gentleman Uoughtie &c. defendants in Eastbury &c. Between John Cooke &c. plaintiffs and John Cottrcll &c. defendants in Upton upon Seaverne. Between Thomas Doughty &c. plaintiffs and John Romney gen- tleman Crump &c. defendants in Knightwick &c. Between Richard Carwardine plaintiff and Edward Pennell esquire &c. defendants in Leigh. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 95 ear of our Lord. „,. , \ Between John Darliiv7e plaintiff and Ambrose 1659. Michaelmas T1 , T . n r , . r. , . >- barker Lingcn &c. defendants in Stoke Term continued. .... j Blisse. Between George George plaintiff and Alice Taylor widow defendant in Norton Eckington &c. Between William Poole plaintiff and Richard Nashe Pace &c. defendants in Parshore &c. Between Henry Harrison &c. plaintiffs and John Lewis defendant in St. John in Bedwardine. Between Robert Bloomer plaintiff and John Parr Mole &c. de- fendants in Cradeley. Between Richard Bache plaintiff and Thomas Hunt &c. defendants in Gannowe &c. Between Elizabeth Wooddall plaintiff and William Fellowe Wooddall &c. defendants in Duddeley. Between Charles Bennett plaintiff and Thomas Pilkington &c. defendants in Priors Cleeve. Between Phillip Rocke clerk plaintiff and George Lunne gentleman defendant in Birlingham. Between William Chambers &c. plaintiffs and Edward Truelove &c. defendants in Kingesnorton. Between John Feild &c. plaintiffs and John Baker Pritchett &c. defendants in Kingesnorton &c. Between Roger Wall &c. plaintiffs and William Doughty &c. defendants in Horsham &c. Between William Buckle plaintiff and John Morlcy Puffnell &c. defendants in Longdon &c. Between Thomas Fletcher &c. plaintiffs and John White &c. defendants in Dome. Hilary •> Between Richard Glover plaintiff and Ed- -, „, ' Worcester Term, /ward Shipman &c. defendants in the parish \ of bt. Andrew . . . .) J Between Edmund Wells &c. plaintiffs and Joseph Smart Nevell bhawe &c. defendants in Dudley. Between Charles Herbert plaintiff and Dorothy Dugmore Beale &c. defendants in Ridmarley &c. g6 index to the fines Year of our Lord. •i Between Edward Seabright Baronet plaintiff 1659. Hilary Term , . " . _ * . j- and limothy Robinson esquire btarkey &c. ' defendants of Moore and in Lindridge. Between Thomas Cookes plaintiff and Richard Smalbrooke Burn- ford &c. defendants in Bromsgrave. Between Thomas Foley plaintiff and John Wood &c. defendants in Witley. Between Henry Dison plaintiff and John Dodson Dison &c. defendants in Hollowey &c. Between Alexander Freizor plaintiff and John Saunders &c. defendants in Droytwich. Between John Burton &c. plaintiffs and Samuel Gower &c. de- fendants in Northfeild. Between John Hanbury esquire plaintiff and Thomas Rous Baronet &c. defendants in Feckenham. Between Thomas Gawton plaintiff and Edward Hurdman gentle- man &c. defendants in Kemsey. Between Anne Bray widow plaintiff and James Yateman &c. defendants in Elsfeild &c. Between James Yateman &c. plaintiffs and Anne Bray widow defendant in Ridmarly. Between William Walker &c. plaintiffs and Fitzwilliam Coningsby esquire Wise &c. defendants in Orlton &c. Between Thomas Cox &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Fletcher Parker Cureton &c. defendants in Eldersfeild &c. Between John Hancocke &c. plaintiffs and John Best &c. defendants in Norton &c. Between Francis Godfrey plaintiff and Francis Tandy &c. defendants in Abbott Norton. Between Richard Clarke plaintiff and John Pcarsall &c. defendants in Kidderminster. Between John Buck &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Grove Hunt Cave &c. defendants in Lickhill &c. Between John Marshall &c. plaintiffs and George Perkinson &c. defendants in South Littleton. Between John Stonehall &c. plaintiffs and William Ligon esquire &c. defendants in Lcicdi &c. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 97 Year of our Lord. , TT ., ^ \ Between Robert Nixon &c. plaintiffs and 1059. Hilary Term „,.„. T . „ , , , \ William Ligon esquire &c. defendants 111 continued. _ . , J Powickc. Between Richard Baggott &c. plaintiffs and John Gower esquire &c. defendants in St. Johns in Bedwardine. Between William Harwell clerk plaintiff and William Read Wythie &c. defendants in Worcester &c. Between Nathaniel Tomkins clerk plaintiff and Richard Turner &c. defendants in Elmebridge. Between Richard Wythie &c. plaintiffs and William Collins gentle- man defendant in Kingsnorton. Between Thomas Clarke &c. plaintiffs and James Elly Jones &c. defendants in Bedwardine. Year of the Reign. 1 2th. Easter | Between Thomas Cresheld esquire > Term. J plaintiff and William Stonehouse Gloucester. esquire &c. defendants in Murcott in Gloucester 1 Worcester and in Broughton &c. in Worcester Between Francis Maryett plaintiff and Thomas Maryett esquire and others defendants in Bricklehampton &c. Between Thomas Allen plaintiff and George Allen French Forte &c. defendants in Parshure &c. Between John Fincher &c. plaintiffs and Henry Dyson &c. de- fendants in Hollowey &c. Between Henry Dyson plaintiff and William Apperley Dyson &c. defendants in Feckenham. Between John Keyte plaintiff and Robert Garrett &c. defendants in Broadway. Between Edward Baldwyn &c. plaintiffs and George Thornbury alias Welliford &c. defendants in Birlingham. Between Edward Baldwyn plaintiff and John Farmer &c. defendants in Evesham. Between Edward Baldwyn plaintiff and William Farmer Bartlett &c. defendants in Badsey. H 98 IXDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 12th. Trinity "1 Between George Blount Baronet , Term. J &c. plaintiffs and Rowland Bartlett esquire Compton &c. defendants of Moreton &c. and in Moreton &c. in Worcester and in Win- cott &c. in Gloucester and in Dorsington &c. in Warwick . Between John Ballard gentleman &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Hiron defendant in Wolverton &c. in Worcester and in Westington &c. in Glou- cester ..... Between Josias Bull gentleman &c. plaintiffs and .. Herbert Prise Earle of Denbigh Rumbold &c. defendants of InckboroULjh &c. and in Inck- borough &c. in Worcester and of Berdesley &c. and in Berdesley &c. in Warwick Between William Hatton plaintiff and Edward Canner &c. defendants of Eldersfield &c. in Worcester and in Trinley in Gloucester Between Richard Moore &c. plaintiffs and William Scott Hughes &c. defendants in St. Nicholas . Between Thomas Philpott plaintiff and Edward Brooke &c. defendants in St. Andrewe Between Richard Swann &c. plaintiffs and Edward Andrewes esquire Harlowe &c. defendants in Breedon &c. Between Thomas Hunt plaintiff and Ralph Hunt Rand Freeman &c. defendants in Stock &c. Between Thomas Kittermaster plaintiff and Thomas Grevis esquire defendants in Kingsnorton &c. Between William Muntfort &c plaintiffs and Richard Barker Grove &c. defendants in Kidderminster &c. Between Humphrey Greswold plaintiff and Anne Walrond widow Coles Griffith &c. defendants in Yardlcy. Between Edward Wheeler plaintiff and Richard Osborne &c. de- fendants in Rushocke &c. Between Roger Oldnall plaintiff and Henry Hill &c. defendants in Stone. Worcester. Gloucester. Warwick. Worcester. Gloucester. Worcester. Warwick. Worcester. Gloucester. Worcester Citty. Worcester Citty. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 99 Year of the Keign. . -\ Between William Sheppud esquire &c. plain- ' *" J- tiffs and Thomas Child defendant of North- continued. . , . . XT . . , J wickc and in Northwicke &c. Between Joseph Maiden &c. plaintiffs and Richard Heminge Har- rison Cooke &c. defendants in Hollowe &c. Between Thomas Trevor Knight &c. plaintiffs and Henry Littleton Baronet &c. defendants in Franckley &c. Between John Ewens &c. plaintiffs and Edward Carew &c. de- fendants in North Littleton. Between Edward Baldwyn &c. plaintiffs and John Knight &c. defendants in Defford &c. Between Richard Cowcher &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Pyrton &c. defendants in Ridmerley &c. Between William Hullins &c. plaintiffs and Katherine Bachler widow defendant in Queenhill &c. Between John Fidoe plaintiff and Richard Slany &c. defendants in Shclsley &c. Between Thomas Milward esquire &c. plaintiffs and William Hall Andrewes Dannett &c. defendants in Alvechurch. Between Henry Dyxon &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Sutton alias Dudley &c. defendants in Nethcrton &c. Between John Driver plaintiff and Woodchurch Clarke esquire &c. defendants in Ridmarley Dabitott. Between William Sier &c. plaintiffs and Thomas Adams Bissaker &c. defendants in Yardley. Between John Fincher &c. plaintiffs and Humphrey Littleton &c. defendants in Upton &c. Between George Hunt plaintiff and Humphrey Littleton Geers &c. defendants in Hacketts Broughton. Between John Chamberlaine plaintiff and Thomas Crane &c. de- fendants in Dunly &c. Between Robert Yarranton &c. plaintiffs and John Nutt &c. defendants in Stockton. Between Francis Knight &c. plaintiffs and William Vernon Perk &c. defendants in Dodderhill. Between William Cookes esquire plaintiff and Henry Cookes &c. defendants in Gannowe &c. H 2 IOO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Between John Chambers &c. plaintiffs and William Truelove Holt Wheeler &c. de- fendants in Kingesnorton &c. Between William Hill plaintiff and Robert Viccaris Jordon &c. defendants in Astley. Between Lawrence Yarranton &c. plaintiffs and John Nott &c. defendants in Shellesley Kings. Between John Gittoes &c. plaintiffs and John Barneby esquire defendant in Weston &c. Between Thomas Martin &c. plaintiffs and John Winnoll defendants in Evesham. Between William Ediall plaintiff and Thomas Whitehurst Hower Homber &c. defendants in Dudley. Michaelmas "1 Inter Willelmum Yate querentem et -, . Term. f Decimum Luddington et alios defen- I " . , . . Wigomensis. dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . J Inter Ricardum Hubbold et alios querentes et Fitzwilliam Coningsby armigerum et alios defendentes in Rocke et aliis. Inter Johannem Reade querentem et Cristinam Moore et alios defendentes in Hardwicke et aliis. Inter Willelmum Muntford et alios querentes et Edwardum Bayn- ham et Heminge et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Crispe et alios querentes et Ricardum Hooper et alios defendentes in Leighe. Inter Ricardum Maris querentem et Aliciam Maris viduam defen- dentem in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Winbury viduam querentem et Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Thomam Bcllarmye et Pagett et alios defendentes in Hoo et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Clifford querentem et Janam Blome viduam defendentem in Upwith et aliis. Inter Willelmum Manscll querentem et Edwardum Wethersby et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Nicholaum Field et alios querentes et Franciscum Fcild ct Cupman ct alios defendentes in Evesham. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. IOI Year of the Reign. ... , , \ Inter Willelmum Tandy querentcm et Juliam 12th. Michaelmas TT .,, ,. __ „ _ * . , , . * _ , y Hal alias Hull et randy viduam defendentem Icrm continued. I . _,. , i in iiibhampton. Inter Johannem Wolmer et alios querentes et Franciscum Marriott et Maris et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Willelmum Tayler querentem et Rowlandum Badger gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Ricardum Fawkes querentem et Margaretam Gworle viduam Hall et Edwards et alios defendentes in Clifton. Inter Willelmum Archer generosum querentem et Simon Archer generosum et alios defendentes in Wenland. Inter Ricardum Gwatkin juniorem et alios querentes et Antonium Younge generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Taylor querentem et Johannem Littleford Smyth et Cox et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Math. Crabb generosum querentem et Arnoldum Counard generosum et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Chambers generosum querentem et Henricum Hunt et alios defendentes in Withworth et aliis. Inter Franciscum Wytton querentem et Willelmum Pen-ins et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Thomam Whitton juniorem querentem et Edwardum Woolcy defendentem in Berrow et aliis. Inter Thomam Egiocke alias Edgehogge querentem et Andreum Egiocke alias Edgehogge defendentem in Crome et aliis. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum querentem et Ricardum Dymock et Wormblowe et alios defendentes in Crome et aliis. Inter Jacobum Nashe generosum querentem et Josephum Maiden et alios defendentes in Pudford et aliis. Inter Johannem Chambers alias Ireland querentem et Thomam Hunt et alios defendentes in Gannowe et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris et alios querentes et Wintour Harris et alios defendentes in Upwiche et aliis. Inter Job Marston generosum querentem et Ricardum Biddell Paston et Hevves et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Bentley et alios querentes et Johannem Webb Gawlter et Walker et alios defendentes in Pendocke et aliis. 102 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Edwardum Bushell et alios querentes et Edwardum Carew armigerum et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Thomam Phillipps et alios querentes et Edwardum Carew et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Wigorn. Wiltes. 12th & 13th. Hilary "1 Inter Radulphum Sheldon Term. J armigerum querentem et Georgium Day armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Beoley et tenementa ibidem in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Nun Eaton et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wiltes . Inter Henricum Browne generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Browne generosum Wyniatt et Bell et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Corse et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestri Inter Timotheum Whoodes et alios querentes et Radulphum Stirrop et Downes et alios defen- dentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Johannem Waters querentem et Thomam Beavens et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Martini ..... Inter Robertum Cheaver generosum et alios querentes -. et Samuelem Luddington alias Ledington et I Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Helene et J Wigornensis. aliis . . . • ••' Inter Edwardum Cooks generosum querentem et Thomam Dickens armigerum Fleete Walker et Aduey et alios defendentes in Powicke et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Katherinam Littleton viduam Tracy et Talbott et alios defendentes de manerio de Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Matheum Barrowe generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Arden generosum et alios defendentes in Martley. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas J Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 103 Year of the Reign. , „ \ Inter Thomam Clarke et alios querentes et 1 2th & 13th. Hilary . ,. . _ . , r Antonium Palmer generosum et alios de- Term continued. . . _ , / fendentes in Comberton et alus. Inter Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios querentes et Phillipum Brace armigerum defendentem de manerio de Doverdale et aliis et tenementa ibidem. Inter Radulfum Tayler generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Middlemore armigerum defendentem de manerio de Barnte et in Bromesgrove. Inter Thomam Hunt et alios querentes et Daniel Dobyns armigerum defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Robertum Dawley querentem et Edwardum Powys et alios defendentes in Bradley. Inter Margeriam Fluck viduam querentem et Ricardum Tomkins et alios defendentes in Chacely. Inter Ricardum Moore et alios querentes et Ricardum Acton et alios defendentes in Alchurche. Inter Johannem Barton armigerum et alios querentes et Humfridum Coningsby armigerum et Wyse et alios defendentes de manerio de Cutson et tenementa ibidem. Inter Ricardum Steward querentem et Adamum Fulwood generosum et Steward et alios defendentes in Cladsall et aliis. Inter Johannem Ballard generosum et alios querentes et Humfridum Hiron et alios defendentes in Woolberton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Carpenter querentem et Johannem Addis et alios defendentes in Ridmarley. Inter Thomam Crane et alios querentes et Thomam Ware et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Neede et alios querentes et Hugonem Hollman et Arden et alios defendentes in Malverne et aliis. Inter Robertum Haye querentem et Willelmum Mucklowe armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Dunley et aliis. io 4 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 13th. Easter ") Inter Carolum Cornwallis armigerum ^ Term. J et alios querentes et Lionellum Co- mitem Middlesex et alios defendentes de manerio de Copthall et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Essex et de manerio de Milcott et aliis et tenementa ibidem in Warwicensi et de manerio de Seazing- cote et alios et tenementa ibidem in Gloucestri et de manerio de Cranfeild et tenementa ibidem in Bedfordensi et de manerio de Goldcott et tenementa ibidem in Wigornensi Inter Henricum More querentem et Franciscum Gardner et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Martini . . . . J Wigornensis, Inter Willelmum Wheeler querentem et Franciscum Sharman generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis . Inter Henricum Dyson generosum querentem et Georgium Watkyns et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai Inter Carolum Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Atwood armigerum Goodman et alios defendentes in Wolverley Parke et aliis. Inter Edmundum Court generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Bout Atwood et aliis. Inter Johannem Crispe generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hasting armigerum defendentem in Daylesford. Inter Thomam Duum Coventrye querentem et Willelmum Lole clericum Somers et alios defendentes in Pirton. Inter Johannem Ingram generosum querentem et Edvvardum Ingram generosum et alios defendentes in Upper Home et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lench generosum et alios querentes et Edmun- dum Bolte seniorem et alios defendentes in Grimley. Inter Thomam Vernon generosum et alios querentes et Humfridum Lowe armigerum V. Hanbury et alios defendentes in Murrowes end et aliis. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Vernon generosum ct alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Essex. Warwic. Gloucestr. Bedford. Wigorn. Civitas Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. IOS Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Johannem Nashe generosum querentem et Edmundum James generosum Arden Ingram et alios defendcntes in Shellesley et aliis. Inter Arthurum Lowe generosum querentem et Johannem Waller seniorem Chetwin et alios defendentes in Lindridge. Inter Willelmum Hall et alios querentes et Ricardum Whiteinge defendentem in Acton Beachamp. Inter Willelmum Bosworth generosum querentem et Thomam Oseman et alios defendentes in Leigh. Inter Johannem Pardoe generosum querentem et Georgium Downing militem et alios defendentes in Eastbury et aliis. Inter Ricardum Gower generosum querentem et Matheum Hall et Rumney defendentes in Suckley. Inter Thomam Jackman clericum querentem et Carolum Herbert et alios defendentes in Staunton. Inter Johannem Freeman et alios querentes et Willelmum Baylies et alios defendentes in High Edwin et aliis. Inter Edwardum Greene querentem et Willelmum Sambach seniorem Baylis et alios defendentes in Offenham et aliis. Inter Dorotheam Cocke querentem et Annam Cockes viduam et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Willelmum Hill querentem et Franciscum Clarke defendentem in Povvicke. Inter Thomam Pomfrey querentem et Johannem Yarnold et alios defendentes in Marten Hussingtree. Inter Thomam Aston querentem et Johannem Bach seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Thomam Carpenter et alios querentes et Phillippum Wylde Watt et alios defendentes in Wych et aliis. Inter Jacobum Bason querentem et Thomam Banner defendentem in Aston Magna. Inter Willelmum Watson clericum querentem et Johannem Feild seniorem et alios defendentes in Alverchurch. Inter Ricardum Holloway querentem et Annam Farr viduam et alios defendentes in Cleaveloade et aliis. io6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 13th. Easter Term continued. Inter Thomam Cooks generosum querentem et Johannem Lilly Mylles Linden et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Wigorn. Stafford. Civitas Wigornensis. Trinity "i Inter Johannem Tayler generosum et alios Term. J querentes et Thomam Milward seniorem et alios defendentes in VVarley et aliis in Comi- tatu Wigornensi et in Horborne in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Luciam Poole viduam querentem et Willelmum Cowper defendentem in parochia Sancti Swithini et aliis ..... Inter Edwardum Greene generosum querentem et Johannem Wylde servientem ad legem defendentem in Hadsour. Inter Willelmum Cook armigerum et alios querentes et Egidium Burneford generosum Evett Cook et alios defendentes in Burneford et aliis. Inter Johannem Dugard querentem et Johannem Wylde servientem ad legem defendentem in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Jonathanum Rogers et alios querentes et Willelmum Hartley juniorem et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Nicholaum Cormell et alios querentes et Thomam Saunders juniorem Ernes et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna. Inter Josephum Allen generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Wynnes generosum Allen et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Bund querentem et Jonam Hanbury generosum et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Phillippum Cox alias Heyvvard et alios querentes et Johannem Hatton et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Ricardum Mason et alios querentes et Willelmum Russell Baronettum Strode Edwyn et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Johannem Halseter querentem et Johannem Lewes seniorem et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Willelmum Russell Baronettum Strode Horniold et alios defendentes in Eckington. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 107 Year of the Reign Inter Willelmum Dingley et alios querentes J ) 13th. Trinity Term [ et Willelmum Russell Baronettum Strode continued. Horniold et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Edwinum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Russell Baronettum Strode Hormold et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Elizabetham Stirropp viduam querentem et Johannem Holland et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Thomam Turney armigerum querentem et Woodch. Clarke armigerum Coxe et alios defendentes in Ridmerley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Howe querentem et Henricum Waller et alios defendentes in Bengworth. Inter Johannem Crispe generosum querentem et Johannem Hasting armigerum defendentem in Daylsford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Norman querentem et Willelmum Hobday seniorem et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Gilbertum Jellians et alios querentes et Willelmum Howghton Holmer Pinley et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Bache generosum querentem et Willelmum Middle- more generosum Hand et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Tymotheum Smyth querentem et Thomam Reynold et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Henricum James armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Collins et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Adam. Inter Johannem Marshall querentem et Johannem Stinton et alios defendentes in Claines. Inter Johannem Jeffreyes et alios querentes et Ricardum Billingsley generosum Colmore East et alios defendentes in Bromhall et aliis. Michaelmas "1 Inter Julium Billers generosum et alios Term. J querentes et Ricardum Walker armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Lapworth et aliis in Comitatu Wanvicensi et in Lubnam in Comi- tatu Leicestriensi .... Wigorn. Warwic. Leicestr. ioS INDEX TO THE FINES Inter Willelmum Bridges armi- "\ gerum et alios querentes et Wigorn. Civitas Gloucestris. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Year of the Reign. 13th. Michaelmas Term continued. Milo. Clent generosum et alios defendentes in Mitton Superiori et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Twigworth et aliis in Civitate Gloucestriae Inter Johannem Darling querentem et Thomam Streete generosum et alios defendentes in Civi- tate Wigorniae .... Inter Ricardum Williams querentem et Edwardum Leeke alias Rudge et alios defendentes in Civi- tate Wigorniae .... Inter Matheum Watton et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Evell generosum et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Willelmum Vicke querentem et Willelmum Scarlett clericum et alios defendentes in Civitate , ■,,r. . Wigornensis. Wigorniae . . . . J a Inter Ricardum Kendrick et alios querentes et Thomam Hayes Higgins Wythes et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Thomam Rose et alios querentes et Johannem Smith et alios defendentes in Armscott et aliis. Inter Georgium Symonds generosum querentem et Margeriam Bo wit viduam defendentem in Inckbarrow. Inter Willelmum Southerne querentem et Johannem Cosnett et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke generosum querentem et Henricum Clifford generosum Barre Bloome et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Wood et alios querentes et Johannem Cooke et alios defendentes in Acton Beachampe. Inter Willelmum Blake querentem et Edmundum Pace et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Ganderton querentem et Johannem Hale et alios defendentes in Little Boult et aliis. Inter Phillippum Gardner querentem et Ricardum Hunt defendentem in Seaverne et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 109 Year of the Reign. ~v Inter Humfridum Cliffe et alios querentes et 13th. Michaelmas „, n „ , . ,, , „ . v J \ lhomam Colls clencum Marshall et alios Term continued. , r , . „.,, ... / defendentes in Hilhampton et alns. Inter Henricum Knottesford generosum querentem et Robertum Bright generosum et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Willelmum Glasbrooke querentem et Leo. Ensall et alios defendentes in Wich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rough et alios querentes et Edmundum Sollcy et alios defendentes in Hindeleape. Inter Johannem Brooke querentem et Thomam Vernon et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Edwinum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Jonadab Nicklesse defendentem in Shynnell et aliis. Inter Thomam Hanbury generosum querentem et Ricardum Vernon generosum et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Willelmum Walls generosum querentem et Thomam Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Alton et aliis. Inter Thomam Thornbury querentem et Thomam Foley armigerum et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Johannem Robert querentem et Egidium Clarke defendentem in Evesham. Inter Johannem Horton viduam querentem et Annam Wells viduam et alios defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Benjaminum Phipps generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Burlton generosum et alios defendentes in Wichbould et aliis. Inter Jacobum Pitt armigerum et alios querentes et Henricum Jcfferyes et alios defendentes de maneriis de Home Castle et alios et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Pulton generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Bennett et alios defendentes in Norton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Huband querentem et Franciscum Dison gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Mooreton et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Hobday generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Bout Cladsole et aliis. Inter Samuelem Whyle generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Baker Cox Jeston et alios defendentes in Old Winford. HO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , „., .,. , , ^ Inter Ricardum Hall alias Oliver querentem 13th. Michaelmas *«_.«. TTr , , ~ , V et rhillippum Wylde generosum et alios Term continued. , - , J defendentes in Old Winford et aliis. Inter Humfridum Jeson querentem et Nathanielem Sharpe et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Firer generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Jeston Smyth et alios defendentes in Wassett et aliis. Inter Johannem Greene et alios querentes et Samuelem Eyre gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Stone. Inter Robertum Walter generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Walter generosum defendentem in Spetchley. Inter Ricardum Paine querentem et Ricardum Turner et alios defendentes in Comberton et aliis. Inter Thomam Prate seniorem querentem et Willelmum Prate defendentem in Whitlady Aston. Inter Johannem Wilkes et alios querentes et Stephanum Shaw Gorton et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Allen seniorem querentem et Danielem Newman et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Antonium Sargeant seniorem querentem et Thomam Baugh generosum et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Johannem Darby generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Darby seniorem generosum defendentem in Fladbury. Inter Johannem Mucklowe et alios querentes et Willelmum Jones alias Martin Smith Geast et alios defendentes in Warley et aliis. Inter Thomam Coton generosum querentem et Robertum Middle- more generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Thomam Tolley generosum querentem et Thomam Garland clericum et alios defendentes in Hampton Lovett. Inter Johannem James querentem et Margeriam Crumpe viduam Norris et alios defendentes in Martin Hussingtree. Inter Johannem Allen et alios querentes et Edwardum Wheeler generosum Talbott et alios defendentes in Droytwich et aliis. Inter Samuelem Mathewes querentem ct Thomam Watt Coke et alios defendentes in Alfrick ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. I II Year of the keign. \ Inter Edwardum Sutton querentcm et Ro- 13th. Michaelmas „ , .. , r , . rr . V gerum Baker et alios defendentes in Kinges- Term continued. / norton. Inter Antonium Brookes seniorem querentem et Johannem Stirley alias Sterley et alios defendentes in Brodway. Inter Thomam Martin et alios querentes et Jocosam Mason viduam Blicke et aliis defendentes in Offenham. 13th & 14th. Hilary | Inter Willelmum Lemon et " Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Browning seniorem et alios defendentes de tene- menta in parochia Sancte Trinitas Minoryes et aliis in Comitatu Londonensi et tenementa in Cantebrigiensi et aliis in Comitatu Cantebrigiensi et tenementa in Martley in Comitatu Wigor- nensi ..... Inter Willelmum Jeston generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis armigerum et alios defen- dentes in Yardley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Castle Bromwich in Warwicensi Inter Johannem Addenbrooke et alios querentes et Fulke Eastroppe defendentem in parochia Om- nium Sanctorum et aliis Inter Jacobum Symonds generosum unum attor- natum de Banco querentem et Thomam Ballard defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri . Inter Johannem Twittey querentem et Ricardum Maunsell et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigornize Inter Ricardum Hemynge generosum et alios que- rentes et Johannes Harrison et alios defendentes London. Cantebr. Wigorn. Wigorn. Warwic. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigor- Wigornensis. 1113E Inter Willelmum Dolben armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Duum Brudenell Pershall Shelden et alios defendentes de maneriis de Middle Dichford et aliis. 112 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , , ^ Inter Willelmum Smith et alios querentes et nth & 14th. Hilary . , ~ , . , [- Johannem laylor Mowlc et alios defen- Term continued. . ., / dentes in Morehall et alns. Inter Johannem Bonner querentem et Ma. Nicklesse Bushell et alios defendentes in Shynnell et aliis. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum querentem et Egidium Higgins defendentem in Hardwick et aliis. Inter Henricum Cowell et alios querentes et Johannem Seaverne seniorem et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Johannem Tolley querentem et Johannem Stephens et alios defendentes in Upton Snodesbury. Inter Johannem Chellingworth querentem et Rogerum Cattle et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Bennett et alios querentes et Humfridum Bayles Doelittle Best et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Burton querentem et Ricardum Slany et alios defendentes in Prickley et aliis. Inter Humfridum Cliffe et alios querentes et Willelmum Marshall et alios defendentes in Hillampton et aliis. Inter Danielem Readinge querentem et Thomam Elliott et alios defendentes in Maddersfeild et aliis. Inter Thomam Duum Windsor et alios querentes et Egidium Ganderton et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Ligon armigerum querentem et Annam Coxe viduam et alios defendentes de manerio de Thruxton et tene- menta ibidem et aliis. Inter Hasting Ingram et alios querentes et Ricardum Rowleright alias Fuller Ingles et alios defendentes in Dome. Inter Georgium Wylde armigerum querentem et Johannem Wylde servientem ad legem defendentem in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Davis et alios querentes et Castor Higg et alios defendentes in Badsey. Inter Joscphum Pope querentem et Johannem Brewster generosum et alios defendentes in Ridmarly Dabitott. Inter Robertum Nixon generosum querentem et Johannem Jones et alios defendentes in 1'owicke. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 113 Year of the Reign. , „ , „„ -v Inter Thomam James clericum querentem 13th & 14th. Hilary _„ , \_ , . ,, . _ , V- et Edwardum Roberts scniorem Morris lerm continued. ,. , . , . _ , / et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Phillippum Surman generosum querentem et Antonium Yonge generosum defendentem in Maddersfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Allen querentem et Henricum Baldwyne et alios defendentes in Eastbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Foley querentem et Thomam Foley defendentem in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Longmore generosum querentem et Johannem Longmore et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Henricum Finch et alios querentes et Johannem Perkes Jenkins Roades et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. 14th. Easter "1 Inter Willelmum Buckle querentem Term. J et Henricum Browne et alios defen- dentes de manerio de Newhall cum pertinentiis et tenementa in Chesley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Turley in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Gilbertum Hemynge et alios querentes et -, Johannem Williams et alios defendentes in Civitas parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Civitate Wigor- j Wigornensis. nise Inter Willelmum Beale et alios querentes et Johannem Morlcy et alios defendentes in Berrowe et aliis. Inter Carolum Bridges armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Turbutt et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke querentem et Johannem Rixon et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Thomam Harris armigerum querentem et Henricum Stanton defendentem in Whittington. Inter Eliam Browne alias Glover querentem et Johannem Pytt seniorem et alios defendentes in Baldenhall et aliis. Inter Phillippum Bound querentem et Jacobum Lingam seniorem Bemannys et Towne et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. I 114 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Favvkes generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Williamson Stanley Atwood et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Bridges armigerum Beale et alios defendentes de manerio de Hutchcott et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdesvvell armigerum querentem et Edwardum Biddle Lane et Lacy et alios defendentes in Pull et aliis. Inter Georgium Dominum Coventrye querentem et Thomam Pollard et alios defendentes in Pyrton. Inter Edwardum Jennings et alios querentes et Cristinam Moore et alios defendentes in Hardwick et aliis. Inter Elizabctham Ligon et alios querentes et Thomam Hill Portman Yarranton et alios defendentes in Larford et aliis. Inter Thomam Severne generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Marriott Berwicke et Hiccope et alios defendentes in Desford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Slaney generosum querentem et Thomam Lewes Coles et Williams et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Johannem Haynes querentem et Willelmum Bromsgrove et alios defendentes in Evenloade. Inter Thomam Butler et alios querentes et Johannem Nott gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Shelsley Beauchampe. Inter Willelmum Marshall querentem et Johannem Arden et alios defendentes in Apprickley et aliis. Inter Cristoferum Gillam juniorem et alios querentes et Ricardum Douner et Webley et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Johannem Meakins querentem et Henricum Folliott et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Thomam Marten generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum Bolt et Treverse et alios defendentes in Aston Magna. Inter Thomam Trevers querentem et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Aston Magna. Inter Thomam Dominum Folliott querentem et Milonem Clent generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Nether Mitton ct redditis ibidem et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. "5 Year of the Reign. ^, _ \ Inter Johanncm Hill qucrcntcm etjonathanum 14th. Easter Term I _ ,. , , , . Y raston et alios defendentes in Kidder- continued. 1 minster. Inter Johannem Kinges et alios querentes et Thomam Sowley et alios defendentes in Churchill. Inter Thomam Greene querentem et Johannem Wilde servientem ad legem defendentem in Saltwarpe. Inter Thomam Treswallen generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Briggonshaw generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Earlescourt et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Wigorn. Warvvic. Wigorn. Leicestr. Gloucestr. Trinity \ Inter Thomam Warmistry et alios querentes ^ Term. J et Ricardum Alcocke et alios defendentes in Yardley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Lyndon et aliis in Comitatu Warvvicensi Inter Willelmum Coventry armigerum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Keyte Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Bishampton et aliis et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigor- nensi et de manerio de Sybsdon et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Leicestriensi et in Ebrington et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Carolum Winne clericum querentem et Fitz- ' william Conyngsbye armigerum et Wise et alios defendentes in Edvin Loach in Comitatu Wigor- nensi et in Bromyard et aliis in Comitatu Here- fordensi . Inter Edwardum Wheeler et alios querentes et Wil- n lelmum Yarranton Birch et alios defendentes I in Ridmarley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi I et in Burford in Comitatu Salopensi . . J Inter Thomam Chetle generosum querentem et Arnoldum Counard seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Hanburye et aliis. Inter Johannem Bennett generosum querentem et Henricum Spiller armigerum et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Thomam Morris et alios querentes et Johannem Morris juniorem et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. I 2 Wigorn. Hereford. Wigorn. Salop. Il6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign (Inter Josephum Newbrough generosum que- rentem et Johannem Raby et alios defen- dentes m Wollescote et alns. Inter Johannem Hancox querentem et Johannem Bacon et alios defendentes in Chaddesley Corbett. Inter Sidrach Tayler querentem et Johannem Baker generosum et alios defendentes in Moorehall et aliis. Inter Thomam Berry querentem et Johannem Pooller et alios defendentes in Dunly et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Hale et alios querentes et Johannem Blick et Bird et alios defendentes in Shepley et aliis. Inter Carolum Tovey querentem et Josephum Maiden clericum et alios defendentes in Witchingford. Inter Willelmum Biggs et alios querentes et Willclmum Howie seniorem et alios defendentes in Padstons et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cooks armigerum querentem et Johannem Jewe et Howton et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Woodward generosum et alios querentes et Gil- bertum Coxe generosum et alios defendentes in Claines. Inter Willelmum Ligon armigerum querentem et Thomam Hill seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Larford et aliis. Inter Henricum Browne armigerum querentem et Johannem Browne generosum defendentem in Bricklington. Inter Johannem Horton viduam querentem et Thomam Burlton juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Wichbould et aliis. Inter Edmundum Wylde armigerum querentem et Johannem Wyld servientem ad legem defendentem in Upwich et aliis: Inter Johannem Palmer querentem et Robertum Harwell et Younge et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Johannem Harrett juniorem et alios querentes et Edwardum Harrett et Buggin et alios defendentes in Cladsoll et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Stirropp viduam querentem et Thomam Lewes et alios defendentes in Horsan et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Baldwyn querentem et Willelmum George et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Jacobum Jude et alios querentes et Johannem Cosnctt et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 117 Year of the Reign. Inter Johannem Feild querentcm et Willel- mum Feild et alios defendentes in Kings- 14th. Trinity Term continued. ) norton. Inter Willelmum Baldwyn generosum querentem et Willelmum Barnes juniorem generosum defendentem in Talton et aliis. Inter Robertum Tustin et alios querentes et Georgium Leadington Birch Grunnett Spary et Best et alios defendentes in Hill Croome et aliis. Michaelmas ") Inter Johannem Hewley armigerum ^ Term. / querentem et Willelmum Palmer ar Wigorn. Kanciae. Civitas Wigornensis. migerum et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Bromley et aliis in Comitatu Kanciae . Inter Edwardum Higgins et alios querentes et Jeronim Smyth alias Gyles defendentem in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis . Inter Johannem Smith querentem et Johannem "| Haselocke et alios defendentes in Civitate Wi- I 1V1 aS ~~-„:^ Wigornensis. gornise . . . . • J Inter Johannem Covvper querentem et Johannem Morley defendentem in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Thomam Jeynes et alios querentes et Willel- mum Roberts Jeynes et Hamms et alios defen- dentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Robertum Kinnersley querentem et Willelmum -v Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Davies et alios defendentes in Civitate Wieor- Civitas niae J Wigo rnensis. Inter Thomam Hunt et alios querentes et Johannem Thomas Carles Hobday et Spicer et alios defendentes in Todderminster et aliis. Inter Robertum Martin generosum querentem et Jacobum Martin generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Harper et alios querentes et Elizabetham Heming viduam et alios defendentes in North Piddle et aliis. Inter Johannem Cawfeild querentem et Johannem Lewes et alios defendentes in Dodenham. Il8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign ... \ Inter Franciscum Warner querentem et Jo- 14th. Michaelmas , , . ,. . , V hannem Perkinson et alios defendentes in Term continued. ~ ., r ..., . / South Littleton. Inter Thomam Martin generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Winnall et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Handy querentem et Jonadab Nicklesse defendentem in Shynnell et aliis. Inter Jacobum Rushout Baronettum querentem et Johannem Addys et alios defendentes in Stone. Inter Edmundum George seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Fisher et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Randolphum Wight et alios querentes et Thomam Nott et alios defendentes in Orleton. Inter Johannem Watts querentem et Johannem Scudamore Baronet- tum defendentem in Upwich et aliis. Inter Georgium Fisher querentem et Thomam Shipman et Cotterell et alios defendentes in Wicke Episcopi et aliis. Inter Ricardum Maries generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Darbie generosum et alios defendentes in Inckberrowe et aliis. Inter Georgium Clewes et alios querentes et Samuelem Bagley Dixon et Shawe et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Bellamy seniorem querentem et Laurenciam Freeston et Soley et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Skeeler querentem et Willelmum Norris et Jones et alios defendentes in Waseley et aliis. Inter Mariam Grove viduam querentem et Johannem Fownes gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Greene querentem et Johannem Bury et alios defendentes in Lyndrydge. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum querentem et Thomam Lett defendentem in Parshore. Inter Edwardum Wheeler et alios querentes et Edmundum Harbert et Benjamins et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Charlett et alios querentes et Joscphum Trevell clcricum et Millington et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 19 Year of the Reign. _,. , , ^ Inter Georgium Tayler et alios qucrentcs ct 14th. Michaelmas _. , „ _ . , )- Simonem Cale Pace et Greene et alios lerm continued. , , , . ^ rr , ... ) defendentes in Derford et alas. Inter Edvvardum Lightfoote querentem et Johannem Bently defen- dentem in Wick Burnell et aliis. Inter Johannem Chauntrell querentem et Thomam Baker et Gibbs et alios defendentes in Moore Wyer et aliis. Inter Ricardum Whitorne querentem et Johannem Wade et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Thomam Turvey armigerum querentem et Margaretam Mason viduam et alios defendentes in Shilton et aliis. Inter Henricum Jeffryes armigerum querentem et Ricardum Done Dalley et Fidoe et alios defendentes in Clifton super Teame. Inter Georgium Bagnall generosum querentem et Josephum Maiden clericum et alios defendentes in Hollow et aliis. Inter Johannem Rudd generosum et alios querentes et Job. Alle- bone Greene et Browne et alios defendentes in Tredington. Inter Henricum Hadow generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Wilson et Bloomer et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Johannem Moreton et alios querentes et Leicester Vicecomitem Hereford defendentem in Overhowsell et aliis. Inter Johannem Ashbury querentem et Ricardum Whiteing defen- dentes in Acton Beachampe. Inter Willelmum Shawe et alios querentes et Johannem Morley Jefferis et Vernall et alios defendentes in Birchmorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox generosum querentem et Robertum Freeman et alios defendentes in Blockly et aliis. Inter Johannem Cooke querentem et Antonium Yong generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Willelmum Suffeild generosum et alios querentes et Nicolaum Langston generosum defendentem in Handley Castle et aliis. Inter Thomam Sovvley et alios querentes et Willelmum Cowper defendentem in Hacketts Broughton. Inter Ricardum Nash generosum querentem et Johannem Nott generosum et alios defendentes in Shelsley Beauchampe. 120 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ■\ Inter Johannem Perrott generosum et alios 14th. Michaelmas ' querentes et Johannem Fownes generosum Term continued. Wilson et Foxall et alios defendentes in ' Dodford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Litton armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Russell Baronettum et alios defendentes de manerio de Stren- sham et tenementa ibidem. Inter Johannem Holemden armigerum querentem et Johannem Penrice armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Frogmore Court et tenementa in Crowle. Inter Johannem Freeman et alios querentes et Johannem White generosum Rolvvright Rooke et Ingles et alios defendentes in Eviload. Inter Johannem Egiocke armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum et Smith et alios defendentes in Inkeberrowe. Inter Carolum Nott et alios querentes et Thomam Doughtie et alios defendentes in Knightwicke. Inter Johannem Pakington Baronettum querentem et Johannem Sanders generosum et alios defendentes in Hampton et aliis. Inter Johannem Smith querentem et Edwardum Harper et Best et alios defendentes in Warsley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Moore querentem et Jenifer Turner et alios defen- dentes in Dornilston. Inter Henricum Stewarde querentem et Thomam Stone Davis Gower et Rastell et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Harrison querentem et Aliciam Turner viduam et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Kimberley clericum querentem et Johannem Wil- liamson Attwood Stanley Lilly Harding et Vernon et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. 14th & 15th. Hilary "l Inter Ricardum Long et Term. J alios querentes et Humfri- Wigorn. dum Deykin et alios defendentes in Brauneford } ... . „ ,„. . . T . Hereford, et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Linton et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi . . / IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 121 Year of the Reign. 14th & 15th. Hilary "1 Inter Samuclem Newman, Term continued. J querentem et Henricum Civitas Foord generosum et Phillipps et alios defen- Wigornensis. dentes in parochia Sancti Petri . . ' Inter Johannem Cowper querentem et Johannem -v Hawe et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti I t. t . , , • Wigornensis. Nicholai . . . . J & Inter Willelmum Collins clericum querentem et Mar- -\ geriam Cawtherviduam defendentem in parochia \ c, . . ... . . Wigrornensis. bancti bwithmi . . . . J a Inter Willelmum Dormer armigerum et alios querentes et Theo- dosium Bravvne viduam Cave Marryett Dormer et Thynn et alios defendentes in Aldermarston. Inter Ricardum Smalbroke generosum querentem et Johannem Hanbury generosum Walsingham defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Burrope querentem et Thomam Crumpe et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Ricardum Goatman querentem et Johannem Grainger et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Savage querentem et Willelmum Sheldon armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Glasbrooke generosum querentem et Johannem Hanbury generosum defendentem in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Cooke armigerum querentem et Aliciam Beauchampe Rosse et Ridley et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Baker querentem et Edmundum Bradford et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Danielem Hackett generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Ricardum Yerrowe et alios querentes et Robertum Moore et Biddle et alios defendentes in Breedon. Inter Johannem Charlett armigerum querentem et Johannem Horni- blowe et alios defendentes in Hill et aliis. Inter Michaelem Russell et alios querentes et Robertum Garrett et Lampett et alios defendentes in Broadway. 122 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Inter Willelmum Brigginshawe generosum querentem et Timotheum Colles armigerum et alios defendentes in Earles Court et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bath generosum querentem et Willelmum Middle- more generosum defendentem in Kingsnorton. Inter Johannem Fidoe querentem et Antonium Fidoe et alios defendentes in Overton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cave generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill defendentem in Shrawley et aliis. Inter Thomam Crane querentem et Johannem Bury generosum et Gyles et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Ricardum Cox querentem et Danielem Gyles defendentem in Norton juxta Kempsey. Inter Annam Kent viduam querentem et Johannem Darling et alios defendentes in Stoke Blisse. Inter Samuelem Tyler et alios querentes et Georgium Cole armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Byshampton. Inter Johannem Asgill querentem et Johannem Duum Somersett et alios defendentes in Castle Moreton. Inter Thomam Mason querentem et Edmundum Mason et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. 15th. Easter ^ Inter Thomam Spilsbury querentem 1 Term. J et Franciscum Harper et alios de- l , , . 1 • /-v • c Wigornensis. fendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . J Inter Rogerum Clarke querentem et Johannem 1 Saunders viduam et alios defendentes in pa- !■„.. 1 Wigornensis. Civitas rochia Sancte Helene . . . j Inter Johannem Blurton querentem et Thomam -. Huntbatch generosum defendentem in parochia I c .. XT . . . . Wigornensis. Sancti Nicholai . . . . 1 & Inter Johannem Wilson et alios querentes et Johannem Smith seniorem et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Wintour Harris querentem et Johannem Woolmer et alios defendentes in Northwicke et aliis. Year of the Keign. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. ' 2 3 Inter Georgium Davies generosum quercntem 15th. Easter Term , V et Thomam Savage generosum defendentem continued. . ^ 1 in Dormeston et alus. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentcm et Robertum Berkley militem Littleton Powell Clent et alios defendentes in Markley. Inter Johannem Tarbutt querentem et Willelmum Allen et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Crucis et aliis. Inter Johannem Tarbutt querentem et Wilbeard Meredith et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Crucis et aliis. Inter Henricum Winford armigerum querentem et Walterum Win- ford generosum Hill et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Willelmum Panting et alios querentes et Georgium Dowler generosum Hawkins et alios defendentes in Henley Castle. Inter Thomam Prate querentem et Johannem Prate Heming et alios defendentes in Whitelady et aliis. Inter Edmundum Chambers generosum et alios querentes et Ed. Barrett Sooner et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Tayler querentem et Henricum Hill et alios defendentes in Stone. Inter Jacobum Patenton querentem et Franciscum Patenton viduam et alios defendentes in Fitton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Clarke et alios querentes et Humfridum Yarranton Serjeant Woodward Yate et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster. Inter Johannem Lunne generosum querentem et Margeriam Am- brose viduam defendentem in parochia Omnium Sanctorum. Inter Willelmum Hall generosum et alios querentes et Jeremiam Smith alias Gyles Berkeley Ashley et alios defendentes in Claynes et aliis. Inter Egidium King et alios querentes et Walterum Harris et alios defendentes in Castle Moreton. Inter Johannem Suffeild querentem et Johannem Allen Famer et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Staunton et alios querentes et Johannem Knight seniorem Benjamus et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Johannem Cotterell seniorem querentem et Willelmum Tomp- kins et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. 124 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 15th. Easter Term continued. Inter Matheum Crabb querentem et Thomam Rous Baronettum et alios defendentes in Rouslench et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris armigerum querentem et Thomam Wyld armigerum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Johannem Cox seniorem querentem et Johannem Cox juniorem et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Georgium Mason et alios querentes et Thomam Heath Gibbs et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Crucis et aliis. Inter Johannem Callowe querentem et Thomam Rous Baronettum Harwell Harris et alios defendentes in Rowslench et aliis. Trinity j Inter Johannem Woolfe generosum et alios ^ Term. J querentes et Johannem Somersett militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Pauntley et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Glou- cestri et de manerio de Acton et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Middlesex et in Ridmarley et aliis in Comitatu VVigornensi . J Inter Phillippum Probyn et alios querentes et Jo- . Gloucestr. Middlesex. Wigorn. hannem Fortescue armigerum defendentem in Gloucestr. Camperden et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et \ Wigorn. in Cookehill et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et Warwic. in Spernehall et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi . ' Inter Thomam Hall armigerum querentem et Thomam Huntbach generosum Lort Salwey et alios defendentes in Sherlsley Regis et aliis. Inter Willelmum Younge et alios querentes et Johannem Jenkins Feild Jellians Bagley et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Tompson et alios querentes et Willelmum Tompson et alios defendentes in Breedon. Inter Johannem Daniel et alios querentes et Nicholaum Hobday et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Thomam Harrison querentem et Johannem Hcming et alios defendentes in Newland et aliis. Inter Henricum Townshcnd armigerum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Mucklovve armigerum et alios defendentes in Arcly Kings. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IT. 125 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Georgium Duum Coventry querentem et Willelmum Courten armigerum defen- dentem de manerio de Pirton et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dunne juniorem querentem et Ricardum Hill gene- rosum Smith Pytt et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Morley querentem et Johannem Feynton defen- dentem in Berrowe. Inter Oliv. Shawe et alios querentes et Johannem Jenkins Feild et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Redhead et alios querentes et Georgium Sheldon generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Holford generosum querentem et Willelmum Beale seniorem James alias Jefkins et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Johannem Beachampe generosum et alios querentes et Ni- cholaum Hunt seniorem defendentem in Severnstoake et aliis. Inter Henricum Wheeler querentem et Johannem Griffine et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Robertum Wild generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bourne seniorem generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Acton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winn seniorem armigerum querentem et Johannem Moore generosum defendentem in Pixham et aliis. Inter Robertum Furton generosum querentem et Henricum Riddell et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Annam Huband viduam querentem et Jonam Hambury gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Samuelem Aylvvorth generosum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Warner et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Willelmum Bond querentem et Johannem Dormer armigerum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Ricardum Mason generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Russell Baronettum et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Willelmum Brent armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Brent generosum et alios defendentes in Aston et aliis. 126 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 15th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Rogerum Westmacott qucrentem et Josephum Cooke et alios defendentes in Defford. Inter Johannem Baugh querentem et Stephanum Blissard et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Michaelmas "| Inter Henricum Onslow armigerum et Term. f alios querentes et Thomam Cobb Ba- ronettum Onslow et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancte Andree Holborne et aliis in Comitatu Londonensi et in Waddesden et aliis in Comitatu Bukinghamensi et de manerio de Addesbury in Comitatu Oxoniensi et in Eve- sham in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Willelmum Stockhall et alios querentes et Aliciam Underhill viduam Tisoe White Roberts et alios defendentes in Eldersfield in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Cors in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Robertum Smyth gcnerosum querentem et R. Cleyton defendentem de media tenementa in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Burwarton in Comitatu Sa- lopensi ..... Inter Hesteriam Nicholetts querentem et Graciam Nicholetts viduam Pauncefort et alios defen- dentes in Edwin Loch in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Rochford in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Jeremiam Thornhill querentem et Cristinam \ Fidoe Rose et alios defendentes in parochia J- Sancti Swithini in Civitate Wigornise . J b Inter Johannem Wowen et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Phillipps et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Nicholai Inter Johannem Lawrence armigerum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Haselocke in mediam de- corem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene . ... London. Bukingham. Oxon. Wigorn. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Salop. Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 27 15th. Michaelmas Term continued. Year of the Reign. , Inter Johannem Phil pott generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Clifford generosum Turner Squire Watts et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Andree Upwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Eatheridg et alios querentes et Josephum New- brough Jorden Lamb et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Harrison querentcm et Walterum Hill et alios defendentes in Wich. Inter Ricardum Booth querentem et Thomam Stephens Rous Wag- staffe Cox Goddard et alios defendentes in Alchurch et aliis. Inter Thomam Becke generosum querentem et Samuelem Ravens- crofte juniorem et alios defendentes in Blockley. Inter Thomam Marshall querentem et Johannem Knight defen- dentem in Radford. Inter Jacobum Gibbs querentem et Johannem Redhead et alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hancocke armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Knight seniorem et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Thomam Mason querentem et Edwardum Asgill Horniold et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Willelmum Kimberly clericum querentem et Edwardum Baylis generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Willelmum Clymer et alios querentes et Mariam Potter viduam Pitt Longmore et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Stephens armigerum querentem et Franciscuni Addams generosum Crumpton et alios defendentes in Srawley et aliis. Inter Thomam Watts et alios querentes et Johannem Browninge Partridge et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Andree Upwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Crumpe et alios querentes et Johannem Allanson et alios defenentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Johannem Stuard querentem et Johannem Hanbury generosum defendentem in Bromsgrove et aliis. 128 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , ... , ^ Inter Thomam Marten generosum querentem 15th. Michaelmas * 7 . „ , Y et inomam Lrumpe btoakes et alios defen- lerm continued. , . „ / dentes in Stuckley. later Robertum Middlemore generosum et alios querentes et Ri- cardum Groves et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Cowles generosum querentem et Thomam Mihvard armigerum et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Thomam Neast et alios querentes et Johannem Hyes et alios defendentes in Chattisley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Govver generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Gower generosum Wheeler Walford et alios defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum querentem et Edvvardum Spils- bury et alios defendentes in Whitelady et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris armigerum querentem et Thomam Watson clericum et alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Oakly querentem et Edwardum Tandy et alios defendentes in Odingley. Inter Thomam Martin et alios querentes et Johannem Leight seniorem Bridges et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Crucis et aliis. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Benjamins alias Damagnes et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Edwardum Ashwyn querentem et Jacobum Ashwyn et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Johannem Eames generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Allen et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Andree et aliis. Inter Samuelem Gardner querentem et Ricardum Lea et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Samuelem Mathewes et alios querentes et Willelmum Johnson et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Rogerum Tvvittey generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Vernon generosum Turner Smith et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Meakins querentem et Edwardum Bridge et alios defendentes in Broughton Hackctt. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 129 Year of the Reign. (Inter Thomam Appletree et alios querentcs et E. Vernon armigerum et alios defendentcs in Feckenham. Inter Johannem Lunn generosum et alios querentes et Edvvardum Carcw armigerum Hopkins et alios dcfendentes in North Littleton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Young generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Allen Famer et alios defendentem in Evesham. Inter Jar. Roberts querentem et Danielem Kemble et alios defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Mart generosum defendentem in Bushley. Inter Ricardum Cartwright querentem et Johannem Wemford gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Willelmum Hancocke armigerum et alios querentes et Hum- fridum Tayler Bayles et alios defendentes in Ekington. Inter Willelmum Hancocke generosum et alios querentes et Ri- cardum George et alios defendentes in Norton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baldwin generosum querentem et Willelmum Barnes juniorem armigerum defendentem de manerio de Talton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Jonathanam Wowen querentem et Willelmum Smeeths et alios defendentes in Bewdlcy. Inter Jacobum Morton et alios querentes et Willelmum Morton defendentem in Howsell et aliis. Inter Cristinam Savage seniorem generosum querentem et Henricum Spiller armigerum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Henricum Wilde querentem et Henricum Dyson generosum defendentem in Callowhill. Inter Samuelem Rea querentem et Josephum Leake et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Lawrencii in Evesham. Inter Willelmum Gibbons et alios querentes et Johannem Fidoe generosum et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Phillipps clericum et alios querentes et Henricum Yarnold seniorem Onyon et alios defendentes in Odingley et aliis. K 13° INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 15th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Edwardum Harris et alios querentes et Ricardum Dipple et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Ricardum Turner et alios querentes et Willelmum Combee clericum et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke generosum querentem et Oswaldum Glover Fleet et alios defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 15th & 16th. Hilary "1 Inter Thomam Cooke gene- ■ Term. J rosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hobday generosum defendentem in Longdon Travers et aliis in Comitatu Wigor- nensi et in Willicott et aliis in Comitatu Glou- cestriensi Inter Robertum Wyld generosum querentem et Johannem Blourton generosum et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Petri Inter Willelmum Hughes querentem et Willelmum Yate et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum Inter Ricardum Richards querentem et Thomam Best Moore Harding Tovey Palmer Jenkes et alios defendentes in Breedon et aliis. Inter Franciscum Fitter et alios querentes et Willelmum Badger et alios defendentes in Bedcutt et aliis. Inter Heniicum Parker armigerum querentem et Willelmum Barnes juniorem armigerum defendentem de manerio de Talton et tenementa et ibidem. Inter Sar. Hall querentem et Ricardum Hall defendentem in Kempsey. Inter Edwardum Woolmore et alios querentes et Johannem Harrison seniorem et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Ricardum Leeth querentem et Willelmum Bennett et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Thomam Brawlard et alios querentes et Simonem Archer generosum Asgill Bridge et alios defendentes in Wenland et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 131 Year of the Reign. ■\ Inter Thomam Dangerfeild querentem et 15th & 16th. Hilary ....... fa /* ,. • , f Willelmum Collyns Harbert ct alios de- Term continued. I . , . _, , ... 1 lendentes in Mathew et alns. Inter Ricardum Heyward et alios querentes et Thomam Parker generosum Gilbert Mychell et alios defendentes in London et aliis. Inter Willelmum Biddle et alios querentes et Thomam Clarke Buckle et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Georgium Mason et alios querentes et Thomam Horniold armigerum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Cheatle juniorem generosum querentem et Nicho- laum Leechmere armigerum Badger Ricketts et alios defen- dentes in Henly Castle. Inter Willelmum Rooper querentem et Raph. Wagge et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Ala. Cliffe generosum querentem et Willelmum Alderne et alios defendentes in Hilhampton et aliis. Inter Johannem Stanly et alios querentes et Willelmum Best de- fendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Wilmott clericum querentem et Samuelem Wilson Mason et alios defendentes de manerio de Defford et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum querentem et Thomam Harris generosum defendentem in Evesham. Inter Johannem Morris seniorem et alios querentes et Matheum Harward et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Edwardum Moore generosum et alios querentes et Simonem Pitt generosum defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Franciscum Nott viduam et alios defendentes in Shelsley et aliis. Inter Jonathanam Hunt generosum querentem et Nicholaum Hob- dey generosum et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Ricardum Wythye generosum querentem et Josephum Payne defendentem in Norton juxta Kempsey. Inter Abel Gower armigerum querentem et Humfridum Longmore generosum et alios defendentes in Great Pittmastons et aliis. K 2 132 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 15th & 1 6th. Hilary Term continued. Inter Thomam Hornyold armigerum que- rentem ct Edwardum Asgill generosum et alios defendentes in Henley Castle. Inter Edmundum Lane et alios querentes et Edmundum Walker Walker Brittein et alios defendentes in Tembury. 1 6th. Easter "I Inter Johannem Martin querentem "1 Term. J et Edmundum Earlsgate Reece alias I Civitas Harris Pritchett et alios defendentes in parochia J Wigornensis. Sancti Martini . . . .J Inter Willelmum Vicke querentem et Radulphum -i . Maniford Bredborne et alios defendentes in pa- V ,.„.„.,.. Wigornensis. rochia Sancti Swithini . . .1 Inter Elizabethan! Ashe viduam querentem et Thomam Foley armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis. Inter Edmundum Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Hanford Rawlyns Francis et alios defendentes in Comberton et aliis. Inter Rogerum Wright et alios querentes et Thomam Weston Wilson George et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Georgium Patchett et alios querentes et Tab. Godfrey viduam Smyth Bishopp et alios defendentes in Callowhill et aliis. Inter Humfridum Sergeant querentem et Rogerum Hands alias Hanne et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Georgium Weale et alios querentes et Johannem Nicklesse Milncr et alios defendentes in Eversham. Inter Radulphum Tayler querentem et Annam Bentall viduam Eccleston Archer et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Samuelem Alexander generosum querentem et Henricum Spyller armigerum et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Edwardum Moore generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Agborowe Knidon Robinson et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster. Inter Willelmum Thornburgh et alios querentes et Thomam Foley armigerum et alios defendentes in Kinsford et aliis. Inter Rogerum Foley generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Foley armigerum ct alios defendentes in Dudley. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 33 Year of the Reign. -., _ „ "i Inter Ricardum Swan generosum et alios 1 6th. Easter Term & , } querentes et Samuelem Gibbard et alios continued. , r , J defcndcntes in Armescote. Inter Ricardum Biddle et alios querentes et Henricum Spiller et alios defendentes in Eklersfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Symonds querentem et Elizabetham Pace viduam et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Thomam Cooke armigcrum et alios querentes et Willelmum Herbert generosum et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Willelmum Trevers et alios querentes et Georgium Brent generosum et alios defendentes in Aston Magna. Inter Thomam Watson generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Harward et alios defendentes in Badsea et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Feild querentem et Thomam Cobbe Baronettum defendentem in Evesham. Inter Ad. Hough generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Mas- call generosum Steward et alios defendentes in Bentley et aliis. Inter Johannem Cole generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Gopp et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Georgium Bissell querentem et Joscphum Holt generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Johannem Baker generosum querentem et Josephum Newey clericum et alios defendentes in Timberhanger et aliis. Inter Arthurum Greene et alios querentes et Edwardum Ingram et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Johannem Somers generosum et alios querentes et Leicestri Vicecomitatu Herefordensi defendentem in Overhowsell et aliis. Inter Timotheum Hoods querentem et Ricardum Hickoxe et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Johannem Taylor clericum et alios querentes et Edwardum Foley Whitehowse Shawe Holmer et alios defendentes in Dudley. Trinity "> Inter Reginaldum Parker generosum et Term. J alios querentes et Ful. Estopp generosum et alios defendentes in Upton in Comitatu Wigor- Wigorn. ■t> Civitas nensi et in Civitate Wigorniae . . J Wi g° rnensi s- 134 INDEX TO THE FINES Wigorn. Hereford. Year of the Reign. 16th. Trinity Term 1 Inter Ricardum Hill genero- continued. J sum et alios querentes et Leicestri Vicecomitatu Herefordensi defenden- tem in Leigh in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Cradly in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Edwardum Rudge querentem et Willelmum Courton armi- gerum defendentem de manerio de Evesham et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Henricum Browne armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Yateman generosum Bray et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Jacobum Hodson et alios querentes et Jonathanum Andrewes defendentes in Whittington et aliis. Inter Robertum Dobbins generosum querentem et Thomam Perkins Jauncy et alios defendentes in Acton Beuchampe. Inter Johannem Bickerton generosum querentem et Jonathanum Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Hanbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Heming querentem et Ricardum Taverner et alios defendentes in Randolpheslench. Inter Phillippum Cownley et alios querentes et Willelmum Covvnley et alios defendentes in Tembury. Inter Henricum Finch querentem et Oliv. Dixon seniorem et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Shawe clericum et alios querentes et Jan. Chaunce viduam et Tomkins et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Walterum Eyles generosum querentem et Gilbertum Norton generosum et alios defendentes in Barbon et aliis. Inter Johannem Callow juniorem querentem et Johannem Cresser defendentem in Throckmorton Hill et aliis. Inter Samuelem Vincent generosum et alios querentes et Henricum James armigerum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Michaelmas "I Inter Ricardum Lucas querentem et ' Term. J Nicholaum Parker generosum Thick- nesse et alios defendentes in Buckenhall et aliis in Comitatu Warvvicensi et in Yardlcy et aliis n Comitatu Wigornensi Warvvic. Witrorn. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 135 Year of the Reign. 16th. Michaelmas ] Inter Willclmum Fetherston ' Term continued. J generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Felkingham clcricum et alios defen- Wigorn. dentes de media manerii de Abbotts Morton et Stafford. ibidem in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Utceter in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Johannem Woodyate et alios querentes et ' Thomam Ambler defendentem in Hampton Charles in Comitatu Herefordcnsi et in Quynton in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Wynford militcm querentem et Jo- ' hannem Holmden armigerum defendentem de manerio de Froxmere Court et in Crowle et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Bishopps Froome et alios in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Thomam Bray querentem et Willelmum Vick et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swythini infra Civitate Wigorniae Inter Johannem Smyth viduam querentem et Willel- mum Bagnall generosum defendentem in pa- , rochia Sancte Andree in Civitate Wigorniae . J ° Inter Ricardum Salway generosum querentem et ' Johannem Smyth viduam Bagnall et alios de- fendentes in parochia Sancti Swythini in Civitate Wigorniae .... Inter Georgium Inite querentem et Thomam Writer seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis .... Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Ricardum Langley seniorem Spilsbury et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Franciscum Mulso armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Fownes armigerum defendentem in Dodford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Webb querentem et Johannem Noake et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Henricum Heming et alios querentes et Jacobum Heming Cartwright et alios defendentes in Holborow et aliis. Hereford. Wigorn. Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. I3 6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. _., „... , "i Inter Johannem Penn et alios querentes et 16th. Michaelmas „,.,,, „ , , , . „, , , , _ V Willelmum Penn defendentem in Chaddesley lerm continued. ,.. J et ahis. Inter Willelmum Rose et alios querentes et Johannem Hodges generosum defendentem in Broadway. Inter Henricum Doverdale et alios querentes et Thomam Godfry seniorem defendentem in Mathon. Inter Willelmum Yates querentem et Thomam Clarke et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Johannis. Inter Thomam Symonds generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Milner juniorem generosum defendentem in Evesham. Inter Thomam Embury querentem et Thomam Harris armigerum et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Antonium Crumpe generosum et alios querentes et Rogerum George defendentem in Badsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Gale querentem et Willelmum Hardman defen- dentem in Evesham. Inter Ricardum Staunton et alios querentes et Johannem Taylor Ward et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Crucis et aliis. Inter Jacobum Gibbs et alios querentes et Georgium Sheldon gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Taylor generosum querentem et Thomam Foley armigerum Bright Pearshall Bennett et alios defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Arden generosum et alios defendentes in Prickley et aliis. later Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Taylor generosum et alios defendentes in Bellington et aliis. Inter Johannem French generosum querentem et Henricum Clifford generosum Phillipps et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Ricardum Norbury querentem et Henricum Clifford gene- rosum Higg et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Robertum Knightley armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Heminge generosum et alios defendentes in North Piddle et aliis. Inter Rogerum Higgs querentem et Humfridum Lowe armigerum et alios defendentes in Burneford et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 37 Year of the Reign. . , , 'v Inter Thomam Duum Windsor querentem et i6th. Michaelmas „, „ ,. „ ,. y I noma m Bellarmy seniorem Penn et alios Term continued. . . , . T _. , , J defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum et alios querentes et Ra- dulphum Tayler generosum defendentem de manerio de Diers ct tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Filt generosum querentem et Jonathanum Butler et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Mace defendentem in Droitwich. Inter Robertum Bishopp et alios querentes et Nicholaum Stonnall Grymott Poley et alios defendentes in Croome et aliis. Inter Johannem Tayler clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Wilkes Finch et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Webb armigerum querentem et Nathanielem Sharpe et alios defendentes in Bedcott et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox alias Hey ward querentem et Robertum Bright seniorem et alios defendentes in Castlemorton. Inter Ricardum Cooke querentem et Georgium Lunne et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Edwinum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Noake juniorem et alios defendentes in Woodencoate et aliis. Inter Josephum Bovey querentem et Franciscum Smart et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Robertum Dowler et alios querentes et Georgium Hill defen- dentem in Upper Bentley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Sowthell generosum querentem et Thomam Homer et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Portman alias Poolehouse et alios querentes et Thomam Palmer defendentem in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Burlton et alios querentes et Thomam Burlton seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Breedon. Inter Thomam Hall armigerum querentem et Mar. Hall viduam Sherman Gay et alios defendentes in Shelsley Regis et aliis. 138 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. 1 6th & 17th. Hilary ~\ Inter Thomam Twittey gene- • Term. / rosum et alios querentes et Civitas Willelmum Lench generosum et alios defen- 1 Wigornensis. dentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Josephum Fox et alios querentes et Johannem Greves Piddock Deeley et alios defendentes in Norton Regis et aliis. Inter Johannem Keyte generosum querentem et Robertum Garrett et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Samuelem Chandler et alios querentes et Thomam Taylor et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Johannem Somers generosum et alios querentes et Arm. Cosnett Reddinge et alios defendentes in Claines et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cookes generosum querentem et Johannem Cooke generosum et alios defendentes in Claynes et aliis. Inter Willelmum Dobbins querentem et Franciscum Kite armigerum et alios defendentes in Cutson. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Alderne generosum et alios defendentes in Hilhampton et aliis. Inter Thomam Carpenter et alios querentes et Georgium Harding et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Eckells et alios querentes et Georgium Harding et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Dowdesvvell generosum et alios querentes et Danielem Hackett et alios defendentes in Upton super Sa- brinam. Inter Humfridum Joston et alios querentes et Mariam Tayler viduam defendentem in Old Swinford. Inter Johannem Cox generosum querentem et Johannem Smyth armigerum Saunders et alios defendentes in Wichbold et aliis. Inter Johannem Carpenter et alios querentes et Thomam Carpenter Ryall Higgins et alios defendentes in Alchurch. Inter Abr. Cullen Baronettum et alios querentes et Willelmum Walker generosum et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Edwardum Fcild et alios querentes et Samuelem Gardner defendentem in Bengeworth et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 39 Year of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Harris querentem et Wil- lclmum Harris et alios defendentes in Mitton et alus. Inter Johannem Barnes et alios querentes et Thomam Barnes senio- rem et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Robertum Foley generosum querentem et Robertum Blount armigerum et alios defendentes in Kenswicke et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage generosum querentem et Johannem Hanbury generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Thomam Bridgins et alios querentes et Jonathanum Paston Bate et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Elton et alios querentes et Davidium Hide armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Upperwich et aliis. Inter Hurr. Horton querentem et Johannem Ewens Partridge Smith et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Thomam Hodges et alios querentes et Robertum Garrett Sowle et alios defendentes in in Broadway et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hill juniorem querentem et Ricardum Simons et alios defendentes in Areley Regis. Inter Robertum Moore et alios querentes et Robertum Wheigham generosum defendentem in Alchurch. Inter Johannem Harbage querentem et Willelmum Harbage et alios defendentes in Egiocke et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Venacker generosum querentem et Franciscum Finch armigerum Bayles Fortescue et alios defendentes de manerio de Rushock et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Warwic. Wigorn. 17th. Easter"! Inter Thomam Dingley generosum et Term. J alios querentes et Robertum Addams Hurleston et alios defendentes in Tamvvorth in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Beoly in Comitatu Wigornensi . . . . ' Inter Davidium Edwards querentem et Thomam Hill generosum Monnox et alios defendentes in Alton et aliis. Inter Johannem Steward et alios querentes et Johannem Hanbury generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. 14° INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 17th. Easter Term } Inter J ohannem In g r am generosum et alios ' , \ querentes et Johannem Fidoe seniorem et continued. ,. , , ' alios defendentes in Sapie Pitchard et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum querentem et Ricardum Knight Smart Stanly et alios defendentes in Bently et aliis. Inter Clem. Clerke generosum querentem et Ricardum Brounch defendentem in Bromsgrove. Inter Rogerum Chillingworth juniorem et alios querentes et Ri- cardum Albott et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Ricardum Yerrow et alios querentes et Samuelem Higgins seniorem et alios defendentes in Hardwick et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walford querentem et Nicholaum Hobday gene- rosum Roberts et alios defendentes in Boults Magna et aliis. Inter Antonium Arnold generosum querentem et Ricardum Castell et alios defendentes in Blockley. Inter Johannem Fidoe juniorem querentem et Johannem Gyles generosum et alios defendentes in Shelsey Kings et aliis. Inter Phillippum Bearcroft querentem et Thomam Turney et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Abr. Seabright querentem et Johannem Combey defendentem in Magna Malverne. Inter Robertum Sollers juniorem querentem et Henricum Woodward generosum defendentem in Thorne Boults et aliis. Inter Jacobum Gilbert querentem et Thomam Jefferye et alios defendentes in Longden. Inter Aliciam Clarke viduam querentem et Josephum Yates et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Herbert generosum querentem et Johannem Clemens Hampson et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Cooke querentem et Thomam Bound generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Trinity j Inter Johannem Mason querentem et Franciscum Addys Term. J defendentem in Leigh. Inter Antonium Lampott querentem et Georgium Sheldon gene- rosum Edwards Smith et alios defendentes in Broadway. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 141 Year of the Reign. Inter Walterum Moyle et alios querentes et 17th. Trinity Term continued. Gervasium Wheeler seniorem generosum ct alios defendentes de manerio de Waresley et tenemcnta ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baldwyn seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Stephens seniorem et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Walterum Parker et alios querentes et Henricum Best gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Johannem Chauntrell querentem et Johannem Hornyblow et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Georgium Hopkins generosum querentem et Thomam Milner seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Pewtrace et alios querentes et Willelmum Pevvtrace et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Thomam Turvey armigerum querentem et Thomam Hornold armigerum et alios defendentes in Bredon. Inter Willelmum Dowler et alios querentes et Ricardum Parkes et alios defendentes in Dudley Torreine. Inter Johannem Asgill querentem et Hesteriam Asgill viduam defendentem in Hanley Castle. Inter Robertum Sollers querentem et Johannem Fortescue armi- gerum defendentem in Dormeston et aliis. Inter Georgium Grove et alios querentes et Thomam Howseman et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Robertum Stephens armigerum querentem et Lionell Comitatu Middlesex defendentem de manerio de Goldecott et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Jacobum Dingley generosum querentem et Willelmum Good generosum defendentem in Ridmerley Dabitott. Michaelmas "1 Inter Lancelottum Bromwich et alios ^ Term. J querentes et Gros. Dyson generosum defendentem in Holloway et alios in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Morffe et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Astly et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi .... Wigorn. Stafford. Salop. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas 142 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 17th. Michaelmas •) Inter Johannem Beacrofte ar- Term continued. J migerum et alios querentes et Johannem Vernon seniorem et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Johannem Somers et alios querentes et Ri- cardum Tydner et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Andree in Civitate Wigorniae . J Wi g° rnensis - Inter Johannem Nott juniorem et alios querentes et ~\ Ricardum Cooke generosum et alios defendentes I ^ lvltas in Civitate Wigorniae . . J Wigornensis. Inter Thomam Duum Folliott querentem et Thomam Cocks armi- gerum Cookes Bourne et alios defendentes in Clowes et aliis. Inter Thomam Mence querentem et Georgium Davies generosum Hunt Parker et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bund generosum querentem et Edwardum Cookes generosum et alios defendentes in Lower Wicke et aliis. Inter Johannem Episcopum Wigorniae querentem et Nicholaum Bayly armigerum et alios defendentes in Hallowe. Inter Thomam Bray querentem et Thomam Wells Ashby et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Ricardum Deddicott querentem et Robertum Vernam et alios defendentes in Wrewbenhall et aliis. Inter Walterum Beanes querentem et Willelmum Buckle et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Johannem Smyth et alios querentes et Willelmum Johnson et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Carolum Herbert generosum querentem et Willelmum Stubbs et alios defendentes in Ridmarly et aliis. Inter Johannem Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Carolum Bently armigerum defendentem in Kemsey. Inter Antonium Boulton querentem et Humfridum Bradely et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Willelmum Tilt querentem et Johannem Hanbury et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Jacobum Bowcher et alios querentes et Johannem Longmorc defendentem in Habberley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 143 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Johannem Hancox querentem et Jo- 17th. Michaelmas , „ , .. y hannem Bach semorem generosum et alios Term continued. , r j • ,-1 jj 1 i- ) defendentes in Chaddesley et alns. Inter Josephum Read clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Baker generosum et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Arthurum Russell et alios querentes et Jud. Fidoe viduam et alios defendentes in Stanford super Teamd. Inter Johannem Gower generosum querentem et Robertum Sollers generosum Hobday et alios defendentes in Thorne et aliis. Inter Dorotheam Mills et alios querentes et Georgium Blunt Baro- nettum Berry et alios defendentes in Shellesly et aliis. Inter Henricum Grosly clericum querentem et Robertum Stonnall et alios defendentes in Black Naunton et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Willelmum Courten armigerum Baldwyn Carevv et alios defendentes de manerio de Aldington et tenementis ibidem et aliis. 17th & 1 8th. Hilary "1 Inter Johannem Littleford Term. J querentem et Thomam Smyth et alios defendentes in Didcott et alios in Comi- tatu Wigornensi et in Amblecott et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Franciscum Dominum Newport et alios que- rentes et Henricum Lyttleton Baronettum defen- dentem de maneriis de Franckly et aliis et tenementa in Northfeild et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de burgo de Halesowen et aliis et tenementa ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi Inter Ricardum Bagott et alios querentes et Bas. Beridge clericum Farrer et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis . Inter Willelmum Langston et alios querentes et Jero- nium Smyth alias Giles et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis Inter Edwardum Higgins querentem et Johannem Williams et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini et aliis .... Wigorn. Stafford. Wigorn. Salop. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 144 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. {Inter Cristinam Bell et alios querentes et Nicholaum Hill seniorem Sheward et alios defendentes in Wrednall et alns. Inter Johannem Hobday alias Lacye querentem et Johannem Sheward et alios defendentes in Felkingham. Inter Johannem Hill et alios querentes et Robertum Sollers et alios defendentes in Thorne et aliis. Inter Edwardum Phillipps generosum querentem et Johannem Talbott generosum defendentem in Witton et aliis. Inter Thomam Chamberlain seniorem armigerum et alios querentes et Antonium Fearme juniorem defendentem in Bengeworth et aliis. Inter VVillelmum Feild et alios querentes et Robertum Kettle Greves et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bath querentem et Edwardum Parker et alios defendentes in Holte. Inter Elizabetham Stevens viduam querentem et Henricum Stanton Harris et alios defendentes in Whittington. Inter Willelmum Byrd generosum querentem et Thomam Saunders Cormell et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna. Inter Willelmum Saunders querentem et Thomam Saunders Cormell Wagstaffe et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna. Inter Thomam Embury querentem et Willelmum Clemens et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Yarnold generosum querentem et Thomam Ferry- man et alios defendentes in Evisham. Inter Willelmum Chamflower alias Chaundler querentem et Thomam Nanfan generosum et alios defendentes in Welland. Inter Johannem Eckells querentem et Ricardum Albott et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Winford militem et alios querentes et Johannem Walsh armigerum et alios defendentes in Abberley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Harding et alios querentes et Georgium Hardinge et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Walker querentem et Henricum Woodward defen- dentem in Hanbury. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 145 Year of the Reign. .. „ „ , TT ., "\ Inter Thomam Weston querentem et Tho- 17th & iSth. Hilary __ . ,. , , , T- ~> j r mam Harris et alios defendentes in lerm continued. _ . , I Lvisham. Inter Thomam Dangerfeild generosum querentem et Willelmum Russell Baronettum defendentem in Defford et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes generosum querentem et Thomam Hunt generosum defendentem in Morton Underhill et aliis. Inter Johannem Maunsell juniorem et alios querentes et Johanncm Maunsell seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Franciscum Robinson clericum querentem et Johannem Daunce et alios defendentes in Nawington. Inter Edwardum Dingley armigerum querentem et Johannem Martin et alios defendentes in Little Hampton et aliis. Inter Andreum Harrison querentem et Johannem Harrison seniorem Davies et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Robertum Norbury clericum et alios querentes et Henricum Clifford generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Humfridum Winehurst et alios querentes et Johannem Wood- house Feild Rhodes et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Wallop Brabazon juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Johannem James armigerum et alios defendentes in Ashley. Inter Johannem Nott juniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Mawthill et alios defendentes in Stockton. Inter Thomam Jenkins querentem et Ricardum Hill et alios defen- dentes in Lower Sapie. Inter Jocosam Perry viduam et alios querentes et Petr. Huggeford generosum Jones Weaver et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. 18th. Easter "J Inter Johannem Fetherston armi- "\ Term. J gerum querentem et Willelmum Fetherston generosum Phillipps et alios defen- dentes in Kingsnorton in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Studley in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Willelmum Wyld querentem et Edwardum "j Saunders generosum defendentem in Droytwich in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Bru- denbury et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi L Wigorn. Warwic. Wigorn. Hereford. I46 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 18th. Easter Term "| Inter Franciscum Francke ju- < continued. j niorem querentem et Mi- Civitas chaelem Smyth defcndentem in parochia Sancti Wigornensis. Albani . . . . .' Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Henricum Evett generosum Powle Rumney et alios defendentes in Knightwicke et aliis. Inter Humfridum Moore et alios querentes et Robertum Wheigham et alios defendentes in Alchurch et aliis. Inter Willelmum Fidie querentem et Henricum James generosum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Lett. Rosse et alios querentes et Jacobum Rosse Johnsons Higgins et alios defendentes in Hanley et aliis. Inter Job Marston querentem et Thomam Baldwyn Archer et alios defendentes in Yard ley. Inter Willelmum James et alios querentes et Thomam Norris armigerum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Jacobum Newman querentem et Johannem Newman juniorem et alios defendentes in Winterfold et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bund generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Lambert et alios defendentes in Stockton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bacon generosum querentem et Simonem Potter clericum defcndentem in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Newnam querentem et Thomam Norris armigerum et alios defendentes in Cakebould et aliis. Inter Johannem Marston et alios querentes et Ricardum Gervis armigerum Osborne et alios defendentes in Yardlcy et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hawnes seniorem et alios querentes et Henricum Palmer generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Johannem Bright querentem et Ricardum Tydner et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai. Inter Johannem Brookes et alios querentes et Nathanielem Clarke et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Thomam Beale querentem et Johannem Payne et alios defen- dentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Vernon generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hanbury generosum Hobday et alios defendentes in Hanbury ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IE 147 Year of the Reign 1 8th. Easter Term continued. Inter Johannem Read et alios querentes et Johannem Baker clericum Skeldinge et alios defendentes in Woolescote et aliis. Inter Johannem Trystram et alios querentes et Georgium Bourne Hortle et alios defendentes in Bromehill et aliis. Inter Willelmum Pantinge querentem et Willelmum Gyles et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Webley et alios querentes et Thomam Holland defendentem in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Johannem Cave armigerum querentem et Thomam Rowles alias Rowes et alios defendentes in Longelane et aliis. Inter Matheum Pytt generosum querentem et Carolum Luston generosum et alios defendentes in Keeres Comon et aliis. Trinity "> Inter Sackvile Graves armigerum et alios Term. J querentes et Johannem Gage Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Egbalston et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et de manerio de Heybridge et tene- menta ibidem in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Franciscum Jefferis et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Millington et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle in Comitatu Wigornensi et de tenementis in Tewkesbury in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Jacobum Leech querentem et Ambrosium . Stevenson et alios defendentes In parochia Sancti Albani Inter Henricum Taylor et alios querentes et Ed- ■ wardum Soley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai Inter Johannem Pritchett querentem et Jacobum ] Collins et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium l „ Wigornensis. Sanctorum . . . • J Inter Thomam Cotterell et alios querentes et Willelmum Followes et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Cornish querentem et Katherinam Budd viduam Yate et alios defendentes in Yardley. L 2 Warwic. Wigorn. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas I48 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ! Inter Robertum Gifford querentem et Hug. TT 11 !• J f J • -Ml 1 Hollyman et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Robertum Norbury et alios querentes et Franciscum Thorisby Pepys Hare et alios defendentes in Droytwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Dedicott querentem et Phillippum Hill alias Tayler generosum et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Baugh generosum querentem et Thomam Dobbs et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Antonium Lampett et alios querentes et Robertum Billy et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Ricardum Ball generosum querentem et Johannem Hastings armigerum defendentem in Daylesford. Inter Willelmum Rooper et alios querentes et Johannem Carter et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Johannem Parry clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Fullwood et alios defendentes in Rowselench et aliis. Inter Thomam Windsor generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Feild generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Franciscum Bromwich et alios querentes et Jacobum Nash seniorem et alios defendentes in Pudford et aliis. Inter Thomam Morton et alios querentes et Johannem Jones et alios defendentes in Martley. Michaelmas | Inter Nicholaum Philpott seniorem Term. J generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Barneby armigerum defendentem de ' " ... Hereford, manerio de Heath et tenementis ibidem 111 ) Wigorn. Comitatu Herefordensi et de manerio de Hull et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigor- nensi Inter Henricum Taylor generosum querentem et \ Thomam Streete generosum et alios defendentes J- ° . I Wigornensis. in parochia Sancti Petri Inter Willelmum Lysons generosum querentem et Ken. Wilkes et alios defendentes in Claines. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 149 Year of the Reign. „ . ... , \ Inter Willelmum Bach juniorem et alios que- 18th. Michaelmas _. , rT , ,„.„ , H _ . . r rentes et Ricardum HolmerWiIletts Jennings Term continued. .. . , . . _ „ b 1 et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Lysons generosum querentem et Johannem Hal- seter clericum Lewes et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Willelmum Swift querentem et Timotheum Adams et alios defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Henricum Bromley armigerum querentem et Johannem Dor- mer armigerum Hull Demanno et alios defendentes in Fish- meadow et aliis. Inter Humfridum Cliffe et alios querentes et Thomam Hill gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Yallington et aliis. Inter Thomam Streete armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Harrison Wirley et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wheeler generosum querentem et Phillippum Grove Jones et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Jevon generosum querentem et Thomam Dudley alias Sutton et alios defendentes in Dudly et aliis. Inter Willelmum Woodward querentem et Henricum Phillipps et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Leo. Simpson armigerum querentem et Henricum Cookes et alios defendentes in Coston et aliis. Inter Job Marston generosum querentem et Ricardum Pitway et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Annam Holmes viduam querentem et Willelmum Eccleston generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Edwardum Grove et alios querentes et Thomam Birche seniorem et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Ricardum Chambers generosum querentem et Thomam White et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Willelmum Bovvyer et alios querentes et Laurenciam Pearsall Hollyman et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Ricardum Clarke querentem et Thomam Chaunce generosum defendentem in Hadsor et aliis. Inter Mar. Williamson viduam querentem et Henricum Causton et alios defendentes in Sandford et aliis. ISO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. Inter Henricum Glover generosum querentem 1 8th. Michaelmas Term continued. et Johannem Baker generosum defendentem in Old Swinford. Inter Willelmum Perry et alios querentes et Johannem Parkes et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Paulum Foley generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hay et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Tliomatn Trehearne querentem et Henricum Stanton et alios defendentes in Norton. Inter Elizabethan! Vernall et alios querentes et Hilg. Lowe gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Samuelem Clemens querentem et Willelmum Hill et alios defendentes in Cleaveloade et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rowley et alios querentes et Thomam Brettle Bird Robinson et alios defendentes in Auscliffe et aliis. Inter Leonardum Simpson armigerum querentem et Robertum Heton generosum et alios defendentes in Coston Hackett. Inter Willelmum Cardale et alios querentes et Thomam Willis seniorem et alios defendentes in Hagley. Inter Johannem Bearcroft armigerum et alios querentes et Francis- cum Bearcroft generosum et alios defendentes in Tibberto n. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentem et Thomam Frewen et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Humfridum Morton querentem et Willelmum Moreton et alios defendentes in Overhowsall. Inter Willelmum George querentem et Willelmu.n Parsons Toney et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. iSth & 19th. Hilary "J Inter Willelmum Bosworth ' Term continued. J generosum et alios querentes Civitas et Edmundum Pytt generosum Heminge et alios Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis . . Inter Willelmum Lench querentem et Willelmum 1 Civitas Davis defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri . J Wigornensis. 1 8th & 19th. Hilary Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 5 I Year of the Keign. Inter Johannem Baber militem et alios que- rentes et Willelmum Comitem Craven Fairfax Arthington et alios dcfendentes de manerio de Norton et in Lenchewicke et aliis. Inter Thomam Smart seniorcm generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Hancocke seniorem Round et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Petrum Walter et alios querentes et Johannem Willmott Parry et alios defendentes in Bevvdley et aliis. Inter Johannem Mason querentem et Georgium Lunne et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Radulfum Tayler generosum querentem et Sampson Bentall et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Johannem Russell et alios querentes et Edmundum Smith Whittorne et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree. Inter Johannem Beachfield generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Jackman et alios defendentes in Brutes Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Barneby generosum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Moore generosum Hemyng et alios defendentes in Malverne et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Shepard et alios defendentes in Parshore Sanctae Crucis. Inter Thomam Harris armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Harris generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Johannem Wilde generosum et alios querentes et Fulc. Bookey generosum et alios defendentes in Dodderhall et aliis. Inter Phillippum Ballard querentem et Thomam Ayres et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Pardoe Squire Scullowe et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis. Inter Willelmum Vernon generosum querentem et Thomam Huband et alios defendentes in Inckborowe. Inter Thomam Beale et alios querentes et Johannem Allen et alios defendentes in Welland. I5 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. iSth & 19th. Hilary Term continued. Inter Johannem Russell querentem et Jo- hannem Price Bissell et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Stonehall querentem et Johannem Langston et alios defendentes in Dabitott. Inter Thomam Herbert generosum querentem et Willelmum Teale et alios defendentes in Henly Castle. Inter Thomam Nash querentem et Jacobum Nash Jewe et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Johannem Jones generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Bouts et aliis. Inter Edwardum Comitem Manchester et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Sebright Baronettum defendentem de maneriis de Defford et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. 19th. Easter "1 Inter Thomam Harrison querentem \ . Term. J et Ricardum Tydncr Poole et alios \ j , , . . , . „ . . , Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree . I Inter Egidium Kinge generosum querentem et Robertum Bright generosum Bridges Walwyn et alios defendentes in Castle Moreton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Nash generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Maiden clericum et alios defendentes in Wothenford. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Phillippum Pardoe defendentem in parochia Sancti Nicholai Upwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum querentem et Edwardum Glover alias Penrice et alios defendentes in Callovvhill et aliis. Inter Henricum Bromley armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Comitem Dorsett et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lawrence armigerum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Coulding armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hulcourte et in Longdon et aliis. Inter Johannem Somers generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Bluck Lynton Leeth et alios defendentes in Madesfeild et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 153 Year of the Keign. ) Inter Georgium Hooper et alios querentes et Edmundum Bolt semorem et alios defen- dentes in Gnmley. Inter Thomam Parkes et alios querentes et Nicholaum Holmer et alios defendentes in Cradeley et aliis. Inter Marg. Woodward viduam querentem et R. Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Edwardum Wilson juniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Thornbury seniorem et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Sellers Thornbury et alios querentes et Thomam Thornbury seniorem et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Johannem Baugh generosum querentem et Georgium Thorn- bury et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Edwardum Baylis querentem et Johannem Wilson seniorem et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Antonium Morris querentem et Josephum Frensham et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Josephum Hunt querentem et Ricardum Fawkes et alios defendentes in Seaverne et aliis. Inter Ricardum Marston generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Noblett defendentem in Tembury. Inter Henricum Jefferies armigerum querentem et Johannem Davys Dalley Somers et alios defendentes in Houme Inferiori et aliis. Inter Willelmum Wootton querentem et Thomam Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Thomam Frewen querentem et Hug. Lowe Stoneall et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Ricardum Creese querentem et Josephum Wilkes et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna. Inter Walterum Walker militem querentem et Lionellum Comitem Middlesex Stevens et alios defendentes de manerio de Goldicott et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Lunn armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bostall Caters Langston et alios defendentes in Hampton Parva. 154 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum querentem et Ricardum Knight Jewk Blissard et alios defen- dentes in Bently et aliis. Inter Johannem Giles querentem et Josephum Gyles defendentem in Martly et aliis. Inter Thomam Ingram generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Ingram Dickus et alios defendentes in Martly et aliis. Inter Franciscum Wytton juniorem querentem et Nicholaum Paston clericum et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Henricum Marten juniorem et alios querentes et Henricum Spiller armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Elders- field et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Dominum Folliott querentem et Franciscum Long- more generosum defendentem in Sutton Lea et aliis. Inter Robertum Read et alios querentes et Johannem Saunders generosum et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Johannem Nutley armigerum querentem et Edwardum March generosum et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Thomam Marston et alios querentes et Thomam Marston Hopkins et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Walterum Bythell et alios querentes et Willelmum Berkeley generosum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Phillippum Style generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Perkes generosum et alios defendentes in Watchbould et aliis. Inter Henricum Horton querentem et Thomam Phillips Marten et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Georgium Greenwood armigerum querentem et Johannem Chamberlaine Banbury et alios defendentes in Dome et aliis. Inter Willelmum Glasbrooke generosum querentem et Rogerum Partridge juniorem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Andree Upwich et aliis. Michaelmas "1 Inter Rogerum Clarke querentem et -j r- - t s Term. | Josephum Payne defendentem in pa- r Wigornensis. rochia Sancti Andree r Johannem Elcox quel et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini J Wigornensis. Inter Johannem Elcox querentem et Jacobum Bridges ") Civitas swithini J IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. I e 5 Year of the Reign. 19th. Michaelmas "i Inter Edwardum Reynolds -v Term continued. J querentem et Johannem Cow- I Civitas per et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti J Wigornensis. Nicholai . . . . . ' Inter Antonium Buggin juniorem querentem et Antonium Buggin seniorem Baldwyn Philpott et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Johannem Hopcott querentem et Johannem Payne Palmer New et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bloxam querentem et Robcrtum Williams Davis et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Callow querentem et Thomam Barnes Sparry et alios defendentes in Queenhill. Inter Willelmum Suffeild generosum querentem et Johannem Gyles et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Ricardum Horsnett querentem et Johannem Glover alias Allen et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Ricardum Whittingham generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Butler et alios defendentes in Defford. Inter Johannem Sambach et alios querentes et Johannem Martin defendentem in Hampton Parva. Inter Thomam Habington querentem et Ricardum Carwardine juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Hundsipp. Inter Willelmum Branfeild seniorem querentem et Johannem Bran- feild et alios defendentes in Lee Parshore. Inter Ricardum Hardeing querentem et Willelmum Chambers Benton et alios defendentes in Padstone et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Boker generosum Wannerton et alios defendentes in Stour- bridge et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Hall et alios querentes et Nicholaum Cartwright et alios defendentes in Bradeley et aliis. Inter Phillippum Bearcroft generosum querentem et Arthurum Bagshawe juniorem generosum Dyson et alios defendentes in Holloway et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bird generosum querentem et Josephum Gough et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. i 5 6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. } Inter Phillippum Bound querentem et Jacobum Ward Bond Shawe et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabnnam. Inter Antonium Stratford generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Jeyne Parrey et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Franciscum Chamberlaine querentem et Ricardum Smith et alios defendentes in Hampton Lovett et aliis. Inter Samuelem Whyle generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Best et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Freeman et alios querentes et Thomam Lewes et alios defendentes in Edvin Loache et aliis. Inter Georgium Patchett querentem et Johannem Faux et alios defendentes in Callowhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Sparke generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Garston generosum defendentem in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Hill et alios querentes et Johannem Williams et alios defendentes in Bedwardyne. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Johannem Hortle generosum defendentem in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Elianoram Badger viduam querentem et Johannem Harbert seniorem et alios defendentes in Burneford et aliis. Inter Johannem Middlemore generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Savage generosum Bovvater Greene defendentes in Kingsnorton. 19th & 20th. Hilary"! Inter Edwardum Wilson ge- n Term. J nerosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hilley et alios defendentes in Willicott et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Longdon et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Knight querentem et Margaretam ■ Pearcye viduam et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini Inter Willelmum Greene et alios querentes et Johannem Flamsted Underhill et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Robertum Loggon et alios querentes et Willelmum Pitway seniorem et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna et aliis. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 157 Year o( the Reign. .- . .... \ Inter Thomam Tayler quercntem ct Tho- 19th & 20th. Hilary „ , , , f . ? ■ «■ r . }■ mam Cubbcrly defendentem in Birhng- Term continued. , ... J ham et alns. Inter Robertum Read generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Mathewes generosum Saunders et alios defendentes in North Piddle et aliis. Inter Matheum Pytt generosum querentem et Edwardum Hyde et alios defendentes in Parva Kyer. Inter Johannem Hughes et alios querentes et Joharmem Yap Pillesbury et alios defendentes in Cheveridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Bearcroft armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Wilde generosum et alios defendentes in Wichbolde et aliis. Inter Timotheum Wright et alios querentes et Marg. Boylston viduam Walloxhull et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Thomam Doddicott et alios querentes et Henricum Peirson Hill et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Edwardum Partington clericum et alios querentes et S. Boylston clericum defendentem in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Thomam Wootton querentem et Willelmum Wotton et alios defendentes in Astly. Inter Jacobum Gilbert et alios querentes et Thomam Jeffes Char- nock et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Robertum Bishopp et alios querentes et Ricardum Fawkes Garrett et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Thomam Sutton querentem et Johannem Sutton et alios defendentes in Kingesnorton. Inter Johannem Mansell querentem et Henricum Woodward et alios defendentes in Hanburie. Inter Egidium Collyer clericum querentem et Willelmum Steephens seniorem generosum defendentem in South Littleton. Inter Johannem Philpott generosum querentem et Thomam Fletcher defendentem in Dracott et aliis. Inter Thomam Freeman querentem et Radulfum Billing Haynes et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Jacobum Wall querentem et Samuelem Clements Pardoe et alios defendentes in Evesham. 158 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Georgium Parker querentem et An- tonium Atwood generosum et alios defen- dentes in Rowney et aliis. Inter Robertum Gawood et alios querentes et Johannem Whaley et alios defendentes in Churchill. Inter Ricardum Baxter generosum querentem et Willelmum Combey generosum defendentem in Much Malverne. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Herbertum Price militem et alios defendentes de quarta parte manerii de Ped- more et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Paulum Foley generosum querentem et Harvey Bagott armi- gerum et alios defendentes de quarta parte manerii de Pedmore. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Arden Adderley armigerum defendentem de quarta parte manerii de Pedmore. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Antonium Maxey armigerum Raymond Berners et alios defendentes de quarta parte manerii de Pedmore et tenementis ibidem et aliis. 20th. Easter "I Inter Johannem Danyell generosum -j Term. J et alios querentes et Marg. Hobart armigerum et alios defendentes in Rowley R. et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Dudley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Honorium Salwey querentem et Wrotheum " Rogers et alios defendentes de tertia parte manerii de Stanford et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de tertia parte Manerii de Upper Sapey et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Edwardum Jenings et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Wyatt generosum et alios defendentes de tenementa in Tewkesbury in Comitatu Glou- cestriensi et de tenementis in Bushley in Comi- tatu Wigornensi . . . . ' Inter Thomam Wheeler generosum et alios querentes •, et Willelmum Wheeler ct alios defendentes in j- parochia Omnium Sanctorum in CivitateWigorniae Stafford. Wigorn. Wigorn. Hereford. Glouccstr. Wigorn. Civitas I Wigorncnsis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 159 Year of the Reign. _ _ "v Inter Willelmum George querentem et Jona- 20th. Easter Term I . ' ^ J J- tnanum bmcs Drinkwater Lawrence Chelsey continued. ,. , . . _ , 1 et alios defendentes in Farshore et ahis. Inter Thomam Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Tavener defendentem in Pinfin et aliis. Inter Johannem Berrington querentem et Danielem Tyas militem Brookholding et alios defendentes in Powick. Inter Georgium Holdshippe et alios querentes et Johannem English seniorem Dison et alios defendentes in Rousbench et aliis. Inter Samuelem Whyle generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Marsh Finch et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Fizer alias Anthony querentem et Thomam Hill generosum Gyles et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Elizabethan! Fort et alios querentes et Thomam Bushell Langston Taylor et alios defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Dolman et alios querentes et Johannem Jones Mountfort et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Dominum Folliott querentem et Carolum Carne- wallis armigerum Partington et alios defendentes in Stildon et aliis. Inter Gervasium Wheeler et alios querentes et Elizabetham Tynker viduam et alios defendentes in Whitling et aliis. Inter Thomam Robert clericum et alios querentes et Edwardum Partington clericum et alios defendentes de medietatc manerii de Rocke et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Edwardum Woodward juniorem et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Woodward seniorem Hayles et alios defendentes in Wribbenhall et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Baker generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Woodcott et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Henricum Pitt generosum querentem et Thomam Herbert generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Georgium James querentem et Willelmum James et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Cox generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Westwood generosum et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. l6o INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. } Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Vernon armigerum et alios defendentes in Feckenham. ! Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum querentem et Jo- hannem Jefferyes Butler Tyrer et alios defendentes in Bently et ahis. Inter Egidium Diston et alios querentes et Edvvardum Lord et alios defendentes in Upperwich et aliis. Inter Robertum Heming generosum querentem et Lucam Heming generosum et alios defendentes. Inter Henricum Clarke generosum et alios querentes et Henricum James armigerum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Edwinum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Hurdman defendentem in Nappleton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lane querentem et Saram Nickless viduam Milner Winnoll et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Nead querentem et Willelmum Combey generosum defendentem in Baldenhall et aliis. Inter Willelmum Winsloe et alios querentes et Danielem Hackett Eaton Woodward et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dixon querentem et Arthurum Dixon seniorem et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Ricardum Cresswell armigerum querentem et Humfridum Grove generosum Wynwood et alios defendentes in Henley Child. Inter Willelmum Child militem et alios querentes et Johannem Dormer armigerum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Johannem Addams juniorem et alios querentes et Aylmcr Folliott seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Jacobum Kimberley clericum querentem et Henricum Wood- cocke Botteler et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Millington querentem et Willelmum Careles alias Nurbury et alios defendentes in Henly Castle. Inter Jobam Carter querentem et Robertum Dugmore Dabitott et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 161 Year of the Reign. ) Inter Edwardum Dyneley armigerum qtie- rentcm et Aug. French generosum Forster et alios defendentes de inaneriis de Pershore et aliis. Inter Aug. French generosum querentem et Willelmum Gray et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Samuelem Baker querentem et Johannem Baker generosum et alios defendentes in Stowrebridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Chambers querentem et Thomam Shawe et alios defendentes in Dudley. Michaelmas l Inter Johannem Smith generosum et Term. / alios querentes et Robertum Place armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Bower et aliis et tenementis in Rock Orleton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de maneriis de Stoddeston et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et de grangia de Thurstanton et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Leicestriensi Inter Thomam Bourne et alios querentes et Carolum Dingley generosum et alios defendentes in Red Marley Dabitott in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Pauntley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Willelmum Smyth et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Baylyes defendentem in Bockleton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Hatfeild et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Willelmum Hughes querentem et Samuelem Bache mercatorem et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sanctae Hellena; Inter Edwardum Higgins querentem et Johannem Covert militem et Baronettum Warmestrey Machell et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Albani ..... Inter Henricum Hill generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Harris armigerum Ince Hayles et alios defendentes in parochia Sanctae Hellenae et aliis M Wigorn. Salop. Leicestr. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. (Civitas Wigornensis. 162 INDEX TO THE FINES Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas I- Year of the Keign. 20th. Michaelmas "l Inter Willelmum Bagnall ge- -^ Term continued, j nerosum querentem et Thomam Peircie et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum .... Inter Johannem Martin querentem et Edmundum -j Earlsgate Reeve Pritchett et alios defendentes , . r, . ,, . . Wigornensis. in parochia Sancti Martini . . . J Inter Benjaminum Tayler et alios querentes et Edmundum Loyd Wall Kindon Mince Robinson et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster et aliis. Inter Jacobum Gilbert et alios querentes et Johannem Gilbert Cox Buckle Baldwin et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Johannem Talbott militem et alios querentes et Willelmum Keyt Baronettum Coventrye Child et alios defendentes de manerio de Bishampton etc. Inter Willelmum Hadley et alios querentes et Thomam Grevis armigerum et alios defendentes in Lea et aliis. Inter Ricardum Squire querentem et Thomam Pilkington et alios defendentes in Cleeve Pryor. Inter Robertum Yarranton et alios querentes et Ricardum Cooke et alios defendentes in Shellesly et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Bearne querentem et Thomam Key et alios defen- dentes in Fliford et aliis. Inter Zachariam Gisburne querentem et Thomam Shelton Girdler Osborne et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edwinum Baldwin generosum querentem et Johannem Marten defendentem in Littlehampton et aliis. Inter Goth. Follyott et alios querentes et Johannem Meakins defen- dentem in Broughton Bassett. Inter Thomam Hornyold armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Badger generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley et aliis. Inter Johannem Jones querentem et Nicholaum Slany seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Savage generosum querentem et Thomam Streete generosum et alios defendentes in Magna Malverne et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem generosum querentem et Pctrum IIugLjcford et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 163 Year of the Reign. "v Inter Johannem Farley et alios qucrentes et 20th. Michaelmas „. .. . ' „ . ,. . y lhomarn Martin generosum layler et alios Term continued. , . , . „ , ... 1 defendentes in Evesham et alns. Inter Edmundum Bennett generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Coxe et alios defendentes in Hynlipp. Inter Johannem Cooke et alios querentes et Margaretam George viduam et alios defendentes in Great Comberton. Inter Edvvardum Rabon et alios querentes et Thomam Milward Biddle et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Sayers Boylston clericum et alios querentes et Willelmum Jennens generosum defendentem in Warley. Inter Johannem Nash generosum et alios querentes et Kenclmum Wilkes Davies Harrison et alios defendentes in Claynes et aliis. Inter Ezram Fincher generosum querentem et Ricardum Whiteing Wildon et alios defendentes in Acton Beuchamp. Inter Georgium Dominum Coventry et alios querentes et Georgium Leadington Palmer et alios defendentes in Haughton et aliis. Inter Henricum Pytt generosum querentem et Johannem Rosse et alios defendentes in Mathon. Inter Franciscum Bennett et alios querentes et Johannem Hanbury Brooke Barrett et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Deeley querentem et Johannem Parkes armigerum et alios defendentes in Warley. Inter Willelmum Onion querentem et Samuelem Bathe mercatorem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Thomam Taylor juniorem et alios querentes et Danielem Hall Baker et alios defendentes in Bromesgrave et aliis. Inter Johannem Hunt querentem et Edmundum Surman defen- dentem in Thorndon et aliis. Inter Johannem Allen querentem et Jeronium Smyth alias Gyles et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Johannem Allen querentem et Franciscum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Bedwardyne et aliis. Inter Robertum Knightly armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Powis armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de North Piddle et tenementis ibidem et aliis. M 2 164 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. . . , \ Inter Leo Simpson armigerum et alios que- 20th. Michaelmas _. , _. fa __.„ _ , . > rentes et Ricardum Simons Hill Bouchier et Term continued. . , . „ ,, J alios defendentes in Martley et alns. Inter Eliam Chaunce viduam querentem et Ricardum Bird et alios defendentes in Shepley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hollington Doctorem querentem et Willelmum Scullow defendentem in Alvechurch. Inter Rogerum Oldnall et alios querentes et Henricum Hill Hortle et alios defendentes in Stone et aliis. 20th & 21st. Hilary "I Inter Humfridum Greswold ' Term. J generosum et alios querentes et Jacobum Kimberley clericum Denton et alios Wigorn. defendentes in Yardley in Comitatu Wigornensi | Warvvic. et de tenementis in Aston juxorem Burmingham in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Nicholaum Baker querentem et Matheum ") . ,, ,. , . , . I Civitas Marston generosum et alios defendentes in }-„,. , . „ . „ . . . . Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Swithini . . . ) Inter Thomam Dighton et alios querentes et Johannem Webley Blower et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Jacobum Nash juniorem querentem et Annam Brigham viduam Clent et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Edwardum Dunton querentem et Thomam Coxe Bagley et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Goodvvyn generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Palmer Durham et alios defendentes in Armescote et aliis. Inter Johannem Blount generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Marshall et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Thomam Boys generosum et alios querentes et Waltcrum Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Droitwiche. Inter Johannem Smyth querentem et Thomam Browne et alios defendentes in Westmancoate et aliis. Inter Thomam Holioake generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Gilbert Sergeant et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Jacobum Kettle ct alios querentes et Johannem Lyndon et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 165 Year of the Reign. ! Inter Georgium Jesson querentem et Jo- hannem Eagles et alios defendentes in Lea et alns. Inter Thomam Foley arm igerum querentem et Edmundum Skelding Tayler et alios defendentes in Pedmore et aliis. Inter Jacobum Wall querentem et Johannem Bovey et alios defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Brettle querentem et Ricardum Bradney alias Jones et alios defendentes in Austcliffe et aliis. Inter Johannem Tristram generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Gopp defendentem in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Busby querentem et Ricardum Rowlright alias Fuller Fletcher et alios defendentes in Dome. 2 1st. Easter "I Inter Jonathanum Toye et alios" Term. J querentes et Humfridum Bate et Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini in Wigornensis. Civitate Wigornias Inter Gilbertum Jellians et alios querentes et Thomam Jevons Brookes Parkhouse et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Jonathanum Newey clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Gowen Lawder Whyle et alios defendentes in Oldvvinford. Inter Willelmum Evett clericum querentem et Willelmum Ligon armigerum defendentem in Pixham et aliis. Inter Georgium Fellowes generosum querentem et Thomam Crispe et alios defendentes in Leigh. Inter Robertum Foley generosum querentem et Robertum Blount armigerum et alios defendentes de inantrio de Kenswicke et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Willis querentem et Willelmum Bissard et alios defendentes in Bratforton. Inter Franciscum Wytton querentem et Margaretam Tayler viduam Pickeringe et alios defendentes in Oldswinford. Inter Johannem Hopcott et alios querentes et Willelmum Thornbury et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Thomam Conisby generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Cooke generosum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. 166 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Beatriciam Bromley viduam querentem et Henncum Bromley armigerum et alios defendentes in Wike Episcopi et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hollington legum doctorem querentem et Johannem Horton et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Johannem French generosum querentem et Johannem Squire Pardoe defendentem in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum East generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis armigerum East et alios defendentes in Stichford et aliis. Inter Johannem Baugh generosum querentem et Georgium Thorne- bury alias Wellifed White et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Robertum Dobyns generosum querentem et Thomam Jauncy Whiteinge Mason et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Ezram Fincher generosum querentem et Ricardum Whiteing defendentem in Acton Beachampe. Inter Johannem Hole et alios querentes et R. Kindon Hunt et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Jonathanum Toy et alios querentes et Humfridum Bate et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Johannem Billingsley generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Fevvtrell et alios defendentes in Moseley. Inter Thomam Rous Baronettum querentem et Johannem Sharpe et alios defendentes in Hoblench. Inter Henricum Jackson clericum et alios querentes et Jar. Heming juniorem et alios defendentes in Inkborough. Inter Henricum Ladbury et alios querentes et Johannem Hughts Reeve et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Nanfan armigerum querentem et Thomam Gatfeild seniorem et alios defendentes in Birch Morton. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Cowper seniorem et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. (Inter Edwardum Chamberlain armigerum et alios que- rentes et Franciscum Thorisby armigerum Hare et alios defendentes in Sahvarpc et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1 67 Year of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Paddy et alios querentes et Henncum Bird scniorem et alios defca- dentes in Bretforton. Inter Val. Rawlings et alios querentes et Thomam Mawthill et alios defendentes in Stockton et aliis. Inter Walterum Gent querentem et Thomam Walker et alios defen- dentes in Tenbury. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Thomam Foley seniorem armigerum defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Edwinum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Millington et alios defendentes in Cropthome. Inter R. Smalbroke generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Davies generosum Dipple et alios defendentes in Tardebigge et aliis. Inter Johannem Worfeild generosum et alios querentes et Francis- cum Walker generosum defendentem in Wichenford et aliis. Inter Johannem Ashe generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Underhill generosum et alios defendentes in Aldermynster et aliis. Inter Johannem Linall querentem et Samuelem Harrison Bourne Nash et alios defendentes in Elmbridg et aliis. Inter Johannem Symonds generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Milner juniorem defendentem in Evesham. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Salwey clericum Herbert et alios defendentes in Lower Sapie et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Viccaries et alios defendentes in Kederminster. Inter Jacobum Wall querentem et Annam Brooke Ernes et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Humfridum Beacon querentem et Ricardum Phelpes et alios defendentes in Bengworth. Inter Margaretam Blount viduam querentem et Johannem Hall seniorem et alios defendentes in Knighton et aliis. Inter Johannem Cowlefeild et alios querentes et Franciscum Cowle- feild Doverdale Boraston et alios defendentes in Dodnam et aliis. Inter Johannem Eckells et alios querentes et Walterum Bradeley et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. 1 68 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 2 1st. Trinity Term continued. Inter Thomam Wilkes et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes Bell et alios defendentes in Beoley. Inter Thomam Winford generosum querentem et Thomam Hill et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Ricardum Saunders et alios querentes et Johannem Jones Squire Tompson et alios defendentes in Witton et aliis. Inter Edvvardutn Walker et alios querentes et Ricardum Wyatt Patteshall Preece et alios defendentes in Tembury et aliis. Wigorn. Bukingham. Michaelmas | Inter Willelmum Coventry militem et ' Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Pakington Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Hampton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Alesburyin Comi- tatu Bukinghamensi Inter Radulphum Hare Baronettum et alios querentes ' et Thomam Savage seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de honore et alios Castle et maneriis de Elmeley et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Tempsiter et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et de redditis exientibus de manerio de Childesvvickham in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Edwardum Jecocke querentem et Willelmum Yeomans et alios defendentes in Civitate Wi- gorniffi . . . • • J Inter Edwardum Higgins querentem et Jacobum -v rj v j tas Leech et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Y eornensis. Albani . . . . • ' Inter Henricum Kings querentem et Johannem Biddle Rushton Hyatt et alios defendentes in Fosshaw et aliis. Inter Antonium Windesor armigerum querentem et Carolum Dominum de Laware et alios defendentes in Upwitch et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Knightley querentem et Carolum Dominum de Laware et alios defendentes de manerio de Imeneyet tenementa ibidem et aliis. Wigorn. Salop. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 169 Year of the Reiyn. 21st. Michaelmas 1 Inter Johannem Hill querentem et Johannem Term continued. J Turner et alios defendentes in Hollow. Inter Antonium Scarlet querentem et Thomam Wellifedd et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Isacum Charlet querentem et Alex. Tayler et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Arthurum Charlet clericum querentem et Willelmum Forest defendentem in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Thomam George et alios querentes et Walterum Collins Moore Hemyng et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Johannis in Bedwardine. Inter Phillippum Brace armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Lench armigerum et alios defendentes in Doverdale. Inter Edwardum Phillips querentem et Samuelem Downes et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Georgium Hurdman querentem et Ricardum Faulkes defen- dentem in Kempsey. Inter Paulum Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Carles seniorem et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Tyrer armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Acton armigerum Rushout Jarrett et alios defendentes de manerio de Bourton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Edwardum Moore et alios querentes et Willelmum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Henricum Littleton Baronettum Agborough Lawrence et alios defendentes in Cradley et aliis. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Gilbertum Cocks generosum Lygon et alios defendentes de manerio de Thruxton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Saunders generosum et alios querentes et Rogerum Allen seniorem Steward et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis. Inter Willelmum Jennens et alios querentes et Henricum Est Flint et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Shepheard et alios querentes et Johannem Shep- heard et alios defendentes in Gateley et aliis. 170 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ..... "\ Inter Thomam Richards querentem et Bern. 2 1 st. Michaelmas „ . .. , , „ J- .barley et alios defendentes in Westencott lerm continued. ... J et alns. Inter Willelmum Daunce querentem et Danielem Hackett Dobbs et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Margaretam George viduam querentem et Walterum Younge et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna. Inter Edwardum Walsh generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Robbins et alios defendentes in Stockton. Inter Johannem Chauntrell et alios querentes et Ricardum Heath Overton Hudson et alios defendentes in Strensham et aliis. Inter Thomam Folley armigerum querentem et Littl. Clent armi- gerum Berkeley Littleton et alios defendentes in Whitley Magna et aliis. Inter Phillippum Grove et alios querentes et Ful. Bellars Smart et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Antonium Barnes generosum querentem et Georgium Darby generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Robertum Wood generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Wood et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Willelmum Forster generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Hill generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Henricum Evett armigerum et alios querentes et Henricum Best generosum Pytts Clent et alios defendentes in Wick Sapy et aliis. Inter Robertum Kynnersly querentem et Robertum Cother defen- dentem in Braunceford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Forest et alios querentes et Henricum Phillipps et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Thomam Bayleys querentem et Georgium Lowe et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Ricardum Goddard et alios querentes et Edwardum Gibbs et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Laurencii in Evesham. Inter Phebeum Hall querentem et Johannem Williamson scniorem et alios defendentes in Whitford et aliis. Inter Flor. Cooke querentem et Ricardum Jelfc Nest et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 171 Year of the Reign. 2 1st. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Laurencium Bromwich clericum que- rcntem et Johannem Walker et alios defen- dentes in Lyndridge. Inter Danielem Greves generosum et alios querentes et Willclmum Squire Saunders et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Ricardum Amphlett generosum et alios querentes et Danielem Greves generosum Preist Mansfeild defendentes in Wrednall et aliis. Warwic. Wigorn. Bukingham. Wigorn. Stafford. 2ist & 22nd. Hilary! Inter Thomam Talbot armi- Term. j gerum et alios querentes et Franciscum Throckmorton Baronettum defen- dentem de maneriis de Coughton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Warwi- - censi et de manerio de Throckmorton et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Weston Underwood et tene- mentis ibidem in Comitatu Bukingham Inter Samuelem Baldwyn et alios querentes et Geor- ^ gium Comitem Bristoliensem prsenobilis ordinis garterii militem et alios defendentes in Stowre- bridge et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Amblecott et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Johannem Tayler et alios querentes et Thomam Shawe Astley Pinley et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Laurencium Ryley querentem et Thomam Austin et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Hewley militem querentem et Willelmum Palmer armigerum et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Danielem Higges clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Higgs defendentem in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Cole in medicina Doctorem et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Holland generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bunvall defendentem in Stoake et aliis. Inter Johannem Adams juniorem querentem et Henricum Hughes et alios defendentes in Yardley. 172 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. „ T . o . it-, "\ Inter Nicholaum Streight querentem et Jo- 2ist & 22nd. Hilary o -1 j ~ , ' Y hannem Smith seniorem et alios defen- lerm continued. I dentes in Ripple. Inter Jacobum Simpson et alios querentes et Johannem Foley defendentem in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Stone generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Mathew seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Bradely. Inter Laurencium Ryley querentem et Humfridum Horton Austin et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Ricardum Wells querentem et Rogerum Partridge et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Samuelem Tickner generosum querentem et Edmundum Jones Cookes et alios defendentes in Morton et aliis. Inter Humfridum Jeston et alios querentes et Robertum Shirley generosum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Giles et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. 22nd. Easter "1 Inter Georgium Posthumum et alios -, Term. J querentes et Margaretam Writer Civitas viduam Streete et alios defendentes in parochia j Wigornensis. Sancte Helene et aliis in Civitate Wigornise . J Inter Nicholaum Bagnall querentem et Aliciam •> Hollovvay viduam et alios defendentes in pa- I Llvltas ^ rochia Sancti Swithini in Civitate Wigorni£e . > Wl S oniensls - Inter Willelmum Tayler querentem et Thomam Boys , generosum Bissell Bonnell et alios defendentes I Civitas in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis in j Wigornensis. Civitate Wigornise . . . * Inter Margaretem Woodward et alios querentes et Humfridum Tayler Hill Leonard et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum querentem et Gilbertum Norton generosum Copley Twittey et alios defendentes in Barbon et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Marston viduam querentem et Franciscum Addys defendentem in Leigh. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 17$ Year of the Reign. _ _ \ Inter Johannem Callowe et alios quercntes et 22nd. Easter Term T , „ , r , . TT , > Johannem Barron defendentem in Hanley continued. \ ^ ) Castle. Inter Thomam Sovvle et alios querentes et Ricardum Hey et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Willelmum Palmer et alios querentes et Nathanielem Trevell et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree. Inter Johannem Nash generosum querentem et Margaretam Garland viduam Tolley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum querentem et Jonathanum Paston Bridgins Hewes et alios defendentes in Callowhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Wither querentem et Johannem Biddle et alios defen- dentes in Longdon. Inter Johannem Nevvey et alios querentes et Johannem Blicke Hanley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. Inter Josephum Newbrough et alios querentes et Ros. Hickman viduam Newbrough Dawes et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Badger et alios querentes et Willelmum Badger seniorem et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Willis querentem et Willelmum Blissard et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Leo. Simpson armigerum et alios querentes et Ger. Danett armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Elmebridge et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt et alios querentes et Aliciam Sparry viduam et alios defendentes in Bryans et aliis. Inter Leo. Simpson armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Simpson generosum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Thomam Cooke querentem et Thomam Dolman et alios defen- dentes in Kidderminster. Inter Henricum Willetts et alios querentes et Johannem Wood et alios defendentes in Kingsford et aliis. Inter Danielem Cliffe generosum querentem et Thomam Hill gene- rosum Gyles et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. 174 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. 22nd. Easter Term continued. Inter Thomam Baldwyn et alios querentes et Willelmum Demanis Leadington et alios j dcfendentes in Defford. Inter Willelmum Doughty clericum querentem et Samuelem Har- rison et alios defendentes in Suckley. Warwic. Wigorn. Hereford. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Trinity"! Inter Franciscum Baker querentem et Ful. Term. J Hobday alias Lacy et alios defendentes in Henley et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Morton in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Yapp et alios querentes et Thomam Ambler defendentem in Hampton Charles in Comitatu Herefordensi et in Ouinton in Comi- tatu Wigornensi .... Inter Thomam Shewring querentem et Annam Thomas viduam Underhill et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini . Inter Willelmum Lytton armigerum et alios querentes et Franciscum Russell Baronettum Strangways Throckmorton et alios defen- dentes de manerio de Strensham et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Gunne armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Gawten generosum et alios defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Jacobum Nash juniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Lewis generosum Cookes et alios defendentes in Hope et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox et alios querentes et Ricardum Cox et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Thomam Twittey generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Insoll Jones et alios defendentes in Elmley et aliis. Inter Thomam Baldwyn generosum querentem et Thomam Turvey armigerum et alios defendentes in Defford. Inter Johannem Lyddyatt generosum et alios querentes et Nicho- laum Tompson et alios defendentes in Wollaston et aliis. Inter Thomam Nurton querentem et Edvvardum Adams et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum querentem et Thomam Dobbs Creese et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. •75 Year of the Reign. ,_,..„ "1 Inter Thomam Jackson clericum querentem 22nd. Trinity Term ' ,, .. , r et Johannem Kudd generosum et alios de- continued. . , „ 1 fendentes in Tredington. Inter Johannem Crispe generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Fiennes armigerum et alios defendentes in Daylsford. Inter Johannem Bray generosum querentem et Johannem Yateman juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Staunton et aliis. Inter Henricum Wollaston et alios querentes ct Edwardum Geste et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Willelmum Ganderton querentem et Willehnum Sheapard Smithend Ayles et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Michaelmas j Inter Robertum Hunt armigerum et Term. J alios querentes et Ricardum Brodrepp armigerum defendentem de maneriis de Maper- ton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Co- mitatu Dorsetensi et de manerio de Huntstill et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Somerset- ensi et de manerio de Comberton Parva et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Johannem Huntvach generosum et alios que- rentes et Thomam Huntvache seniorem gene- rosum defendentem in Upper Whiteacre et aliis in Comitatu Warwlcensi et in Coven Brude et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Whistons in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Jolly armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Dominum Windsore Baldwyn Smyth et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Amblecott et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Henricum Hill generosum et alios querentes et Hugonem Wylde generosum defendentem in parochia Sancti Martini Inter Johannem Onions querentem et Georgium Bag- nail generosum defendentem in parochia Sancti Andree . Dorset. Somerset. Wigorn. Warwic. Stafford. Wigorn. Wigorn. Stafford. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 22nd. Michaelmas Term continued. 1/6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. «, Inter Georgium Johnson armigerum et alios querentes et Humfridum Coningsby armi- gerum Langharne Gorges et alios defendentes de maneriis de Orleton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Lunn generosum querentem et Willelmum Amy Perry et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Wilson querentem et Johannem Sparry et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Shewring querentem et Edvvardum Dynely armi- gerum Bentley et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Edwardum Perkins et alios querentes et Willelmum Danjamins alias Damagnes et alios defendentes in Defford. Inter Willelmum Barneby generosum querentem et Thomam Lewys Worfeild defendentem in Martley et aliis. Inter Galfridum Price generosum querentem et Georgium Dowler generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Georgium Holdshipp querentem et Johannem Ganderton seniorem et alios defendentes in Upton Snadsbury. Inter Henricum Jeavons et alios querentes et Henricum Malpas et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Crane querentem et Henricum Jones et alios defen- dentes in Woodhampton et aliis. Inter Georgium Twittey generosum querentem et Humfridum Turner et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Pennell querentem et Johannem Jenny et alios defendentes in Upton. Inter Johannem Hawkins querentem et Willelmum Hawkins et alios defendentes in Newbold et aliis. Inter Henricum James armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Wall generosum defendentem in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Palmer Cubberley defendentem in Eckington. Inter Thomam Turvey armigerum querentem et Thomam Gore militem et alios defendentes in Brcdon. Inter Elizabetham Jackman querentem et Thomam Jackman et alios defendentes in Morton. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 177 Year of the Reign. ... , -\ Inter Johannem Nash qucrentem et Simoncm 22nd. Michaelmas TT .. », ,__, . ,. . r , y Hall Mason Whittorne et alios defendentes Term continued. . „ , / in 1 arshore. Inter Edwardum Soley generosum querentem et Willelmum Walker et alios defendentes in Orleton. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Ricardum Slany armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Martley et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Harrison juniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Harrison seniorem Norbury Farmer et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. Inter Robertum Norbury querentem et Edwardum Phillipps clericum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Biggs et alios querentes et Willelmum Harrison seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis. Inter Johannem Woodhouse querentem et Johannem Suffeild juniorem et alios defendentes in Netherwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Feeld et alios querentes et Willelmum Chance Perkes et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Leo. Copage et alios querentes et Josephum Kettle Greves et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Joe. Cowelfeild querentem et Georgium Church Wormington et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Edwardum Best et alios querentes et Ricardum Smart et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Robertum Jones querentem et Thomam Martin et alios defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Margaretam Walker viduam querentem et Elizabetham Abra- ham viduam defendentem in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Feldon querentem et Samuelcm Giles generosum Grice et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Ad. Hough generosum querentem et Josephum Walsh armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Lynedon et aliis. Inter Johannem Callowe querentem et Georgium Darby generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Willelmum Hale querentem et Franciscum Emins et alios defendentes in Kington. N 178 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. a Inter Johannem Grove querentem et Johannem 22nd. Michaelmas , ^ , _ . , V Brooke Darke Grove et alios defendentes in Term continued. „ . ... > Badsey et alas. Inter Franciscum Archer generosum querentem et Johannem Young generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rudge querentem et Margaretam Crosse viduam defcndentem in Evesham. Inter Thomam Thornebury querentem et Nicholaum Hill et alios defendentes in Bircott et aliis. Inter Rogerum Waldren querentem et Johannem Hortle et alios defendentes in Bircott et aliis. Inter Johannem Carpenter et alios querentes et Johannem Horne- blower seniorem Tibson et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Cooke et alios querentes et Aliciam Gower viduam defendentem in Blickley et aliis. Inter Thomam Marten generosum querentem et Ricardum Goddard et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Randolphe generosum et alios querentes et Matheum Meysey armigerum et alios defendentes in Mamble. 22nd & 23rd. Hilary "1 Inter Majorem et alios que- • Term. J rentes et Thomam Street Civitas generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Wigornensis. Sancti Andree Inter Dorotheam Salway et alios querentes et Jo- "J hannem Cox generosum Baron Leadsome et alios \ Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sanctze Helene et alus J Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Gyles generosum Ingram et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Wood Baylis et alios defendentes in Witley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Caldwall armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Caldwall generosum et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Davies querentem et Ricardum Bachc et alios de- fendentes in Holtc. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 179 Year of the Reign. (Inter Andreum Symonds quercntem et Wil- lelmum Beale et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Phillippum Bound querentem et Phillippum Davies et alios defendentes in Upton. Inter Thomam Shaw querentem et Johannem Shaw et alios defen- dentes in Dudley. Inter Henricum Tayler generosum querentem et Robertum Tayler et alios defendentes in Powicke. Inter Johannem Gower generosum querentem et Georgium Darby generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Robertum Smyth generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Lewes generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wilson et alios querentes et Robertum Addams Rogers Barton et alios defendentes in Beoley. Inter Ricardum Moore et alios querentes et Willelmum Moore generosum Hopkins Carpenter et alios defendentes in Alve- church. Inter Johannem Haynes querentem et Willelmum Bromsgrave et alios defendentes in Evenload. Inter Robertum Elliott clericum querentem et Johannem Darby generosum et alios defendentes in Moore hill et aliis. Inter Robertum Smyth generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Lewes generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wilson et alios querentes et t Robertum Addams Rogers Barton et alios defendentes in Beoley. Inter Thomam Chettle seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Byrd generosum defendentem in Hampton Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cole et alios querentes et Willelmum Tomes et alios defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Robertum Willmott juniorem querentem et Margaretam Hunt viduam defendentem in Lower Mitton et aliis. Inter Thomam Ganderton querentem et Egidium Gandcrton Hale et alios defendentes in Bouts et aliis. Inter Johannem Higgins et alios querentes et Annam Hemynge viduam defendentem in Droytwich. N 2 I So INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 22nd & 23rd. Hilary Term continued. Inter Johannem Austin et alios querentes et Johannem Wight Hipkis et alios defen- dentes in Warley et aliis. 23rd. Easter 1 Inter Ricardum Fidoe et alios que- •> Term. J renter et Thomam Twittey et alios j- defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai . J ° Inter Ricardum Hamonds et alios querentes et Ro- "\ bertum Berkley militem ct alios defendentes in V u . c *• /-1 Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Clementis . . • J Inter Franciscum Frank et alios querentes et Jo- ~\ sephum Frank et alios defendentes in parochia V .. . , . Wigornensis. Sancti Andrei . . . •) Inter Thomam Ellis et alios querentes et Thomam *) . Sterne et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti I . ,, . ... I Wigornensis. Albani et alus . . . ■ J Inter Johannem Wynnes querentem et Michaelem"! . Poole et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti I _.. »,.,,. Wigornensis. Nicholai . . . • J Inter Johannem Feild et alios querentes et Thomam Moore seniorem Roper Newey et alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Johannem Roper et alios querentes et Thomam Collins et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Carolum Dyde et alios querentes et Thomam Walgrove alias Waldegrove et alios defendentes in Bleckley. Inter Rogerum Clarke et alios querentes et Johannem Guyse defen- dentem in Oddingley. Inter Thomam Howes clericum et alios querentes et Willelmum Allen Cartwright et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Crucis et aliis. Inter Thomam Cheatle querentem et Thomam Turvey armigerum et alios defendentes in Wadberrowe. Inter Antonium Lampctt et alios querentes ct Thomam Billy et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Edwardum Cookesey et alios querentes et Humfridum Wilkes et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. l8l Year of the Reign. 23rd. Easter Term } Inter Johannem Hale et alios querentes et continued. J VVillclmum Hale defendentem in Kington. Inter Humfridum Powell querentem et Jacobum Nash generosum et alios defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt querentem et Ricardum Harwood Haynes et alios defendentes in Hadsor et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hale generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Elvines viduam et alios defendentes in Hollovvey et aliis. Inter Franciscum Russell Baronettum et alios querentes et Johannem Winford militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Astley et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Edmundum Wyatt querentem et Luciam Estopp viduam Parker Fisher et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Johannem Kinge et alios querentes et Georgium Kinge et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Val. Rawlings generosum et alios querentes et Edmundum Manthill Waldron et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Thomam Surman et alios querentes et Thomam Hopcott seniorem et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Jarrett generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Millington clericum Tolly Steevens et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. 23rd. Trinity j Inter Johannem Pardoe juniorem Term. J generosum querentem et Thomam Civitas Sterrop et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Wigornensis. Sanctorum . . . Inter Ambrosium Croley et alios querentes et Greg. Morris Thomas Leighton et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Reynolds querentem et Robertum Dobins gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Elmley Lovett. Inter Thomam Rous Baronettum et alios querentes et Robertum Sollers Poole et alios defendentes in Thorne et aliis. Inter Lane. Lee et alios querentes et Willelmum Mucklow defen- dentem de manerio de Areley et tenementa ibidem et aliis. Inter Edmundum Woodward generosum querentem et Margaretam Chambers et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. 1 82 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 23rd. Trinity Term continued. Inter Jacobum Nash juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Andrevves et alios defendentes in Wychenford. Inter Samuelem Carter generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis armigerum et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hands querentem et Willelmum Hawkins et alios defendentes in Nevvbold et aliis. Inter Is. Averill querentem et Franciscum Keyte et alios defendentes In Broadway. Inter Willelmum Mountford querentem et Cristinam Whitney et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Try. Verney viduam querentem et Johannem Marshall Blount et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Thomam Savage armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Chapman juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Elmeley Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cooks Baronettum querentem et Edwardum Mence Steward et alios defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Robertum Wylde armigerum querentem et Thomam Harris armigerum Mason et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Willelmum Swift querentem et Jeremiam Smith alias Gyles Allen et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Willelmum Bowyer et alios querentes et Thomam Wannerton et alios defendentes in Wannerton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Doelittle querentem et Benjaminum Tayler Beard Reynolds et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Chandler et alios querentes et Ricardum Baxter generosum et alios defendentes in Wenland et aliis. Inter Henricum Hill generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Yarranton generosum Bray et alios defendentes in Claines. Inter Eust. Hardwicke seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Herbert generosum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Josephum Newbrough querentem et Johannem Raby ct alios defendentes in Oldswinford. Inter Johannem Wilcox generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Widdowes generosum et alios defendentes in Blockley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. •S3 Year of the Ueign. 23rd. Trinity Term continued. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum que- rentem et Thomam Watson generosum dcfcndentem de manerio de Bretforton ct tenementis ibidem. Inter Johannem Brooks seniorem et alios querentes et Michaclem Hobbs Brooks Clarke et alios defendentes in Longdon. Michaelmas "I Inter Willelmum Booth armigerum - Term. J querentem et Edwardum Dominum Ward defendentem de Birmingham in South- warke in Comitatu Surregise et de castro et maneriis de Duddeley et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et de manerio de Duddeley et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Fluck querentem et Willelmum ^ Hatton et alios defendentes in Trynley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Aldersfield et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Handy querentem et Humfriduml Payton et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium V „ Wigor Sanctorum . . . . ) Inter Thomam Savage querentem et Thomam Streete generosum et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Andree Inter Johannem Higgins generosum querentem et Phillippum Gardner Martin et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree . Inter Abr. Gibbons generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hales Baronettum Hopkins et alios defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Merc. Bromley viduam querentem et Annam Perkins viduam et alios defendentes in Holte. Inter Willelmum Thackwell generosum querentem et Willelmum Somers seniorem et alios defendentes in le Berrow. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Chellingworth Wheeler et alios defendentes in Bromsjrrove et aliis. Surregia. Stafford. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas jrnensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 1 84 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 23rd. Michaelmas ] Inter Samuelem Hay querentem et Johannem Term continued. J Hay et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Petrum Smyth querentem et Johannem Addes et alios defen- dentes in Hagley. Inter Willelmum Perkes et alios querentes et Willelmum Compton Parker Teysey et alios defendentes in Stowlton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Suffeild generosum querentem et Henricum Cotterell et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Josephum Croutch querentem et Stan. Wells et alios defen- dentes in Bedwardine. Inter Willelmum Miles et alios querentes et Willelmum Williams et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Franciscum Knight generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Pearsall seniorem et alios defendentes in Hopwood et aliis. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum querentem et Thomam Dobbs et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Michaelem Rutter armigerum et alios querentes et Phillippum Parsons generosum et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Jacobum Dingley generosum querentem et Phillippum Bound et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Johannem Morris juniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Blissard et alios defendentes in Bretforton alias Bratforton. Inter Willelmum Rea querentem et Johannem Elvins et alios defendentes in Martin Hussingtree. Inter Ricardum Williams querentem et Phillippum Gardner et alios defendentes in Stoake et aliis. Inter Jonathanum Newey clericum querentem et Johannem Pearkes generosum defendentem in Wichbould et aliis. Inter Rogerum Oldnall et alios querentes et Edwardum Rea Tinker et alios defendentes in Stone et aliis. Inter Cap. Hanbury querentem et Samuelem Eyre generosum et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Johannem Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Gyles generosum et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cookes Baronettum et alios querentes et Johannem Harvard Broadhurst Badger et alios defendentes in Burneford et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 183 Yenr of the Reign. 23rd. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Juhannem Maltus et alios querentes et Robertum Loggon Brookes Moore et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Wigorn. London. Middlesex. Wigorn. Stafford. . 23rd & 24th. Hilary ■) Inter Willelmum Coxe gene- Term. J rosum et alios querentes et Johannem White generosum defendentem de manerio de Crownest et tenementis in Bed- wardine in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Laurencii in Comitatu Londonensi et in parochia Sancte Marie Mattfellon et aliis in Comitatu Middlesex Inter Rogerum Duncombe et alios querentes et -^ Edwardum Lyddiatt generosum et alios defen- dentes de manerio de Wollaston et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Amblecott et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Thomam Savage generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Garston et alios defendentes in Hardwicke et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Fownehope et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi • Inter Edwardum Higgins et alios querentes et Edwardum Higgins juniorem et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Andree Inter Willelmum Johnson et alios querentes et Willelmum Webley Nott Niblett et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Henricum Portman et alios querentes et Johannem Portman et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Baron querentem et Phillippum Phelpes et alios defendentes in Hanley Castley. Inter Thomam Symonds armigerum querentem et Ricardum Gon- derton defendentem in Upton Snodsbury. Inter Thomam Brooke querentem et Willelmum Brooke et alios defendentes in Staunton. Inter Johannem Darnell querentem et Thomam Holford et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas Wi^ornensis. l85 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Stephanum Baldwin generosum et alios 3 . f querentes et Johannem Yeend Batcheler Term continued. ,. , , , . c , . J et alios defendentes in Strensham. Inter Thomam Dickins generosum querentem et Robertum Symons generosum et alios defendentes in Ie Hill Ende et aliis. Inter Willelmum Ley clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Staverton generosum et alios defendentes in Wich et aliis. Inter Johannem Amesworth et alios querentes et Ricardum Brodrepp armigerum et alios defendentes in Comberton Parva et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winningtori armigeru'n et alios querentes et Willelmum Cookes Baronettum et alios defendentes in Hay Yeeld et aliis. Inter Willelmum Steward et alios querentes et Johannem Mascall Bythell et alios defendentes in parochia de Tardibigge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Johannem Michell alias Muchell Perks et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Edwardum Greene querentem et Carolum Dominum de la Warr West et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis. 24th. Easter "1 Inter Josephum Croutch querentem \ . Term. / et Margaretam Shelton defendentem V , . „ .„.,.. Wigornensis. in parochia Sancti Swithini . . . J Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Josephum Nevill James et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Thomam Bloxham et alios querentes et Johannem Savage Charlett Marten et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Thomam Hyett et alios querentes et Thomam Ernes Parr et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Humfridum Nott et alios querentes et Willelmum Lawrence et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Han. Kemsey querentem et Johannem Walker et alios defen- dentes in Yeardston et aliis. Inter Johannem Brayne querentem et Thomam Stephens defen- dentem in Whittington et aliis. Inter Margaretam Twittey viduam querentem et Edwardum Rosse generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 187 Year of the Reign ,, „ _ "1 Inter Thomam Tyrer armigerum et alios 24th. Easter Term & . Y querentes et Elizabctham Lench defen- continued. , . _ > dentem in bnead et alns. Inter Johannem Greene querentem et Thomam Barrar Hackluit et alios defendentes in Tembury. Inter Judiam Witherid viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Vernon clericum et alios defendentes in Handly Castle et aliis. Inter Johannem Tayler generosum querentem et Rogerum Partridge defendentem in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Woodward querentem et Ricardum Agberrowe et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Burlton clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Cave generosum et alios defendentes in Leigh et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley generosum querentem et Humfridum Wildey generosum et alios defendentes in Netherton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke generosum querentem et Johannem Pearsall seniorem et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Johannem Burton querentem et Jacobum Willmott et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Lygon generosum querentem et Willelmum Lygon armigerum defendentem de maneriis de Maddresfeild et aliis. Inter Edwardum Nightingale querentem et Edwardum Paston et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Stanford armigerum querentem et Franciscum Sheldon armigerum Savage et alios defendentes in Inck- berrowe. Inter Edwardum Nightingale querentem et Thomam Balies defen- dentem in Dudley. Trinity "1 Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum queren- -, Term. J tern et Johannem Lyddyatt generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Wollaston et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigor- nensi et in Amblecott et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Wigorn. Stafford. I S3 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 24th. Trinity Term "> Inter Edwardum Bourne ge- \ continued. J nerosum et alios querentes et I Civitas Johannem Pratt et alios defendentes in parochia Wigornensis. Sancti Petri . . . . J Inter Willelmum Childe militem et alios querentes et Matheum Meysey armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Sheken- hurst et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winnington armigerum querentem et Johannem Worfeild Rumney et alios defendentes in Severne Stoke et aliis. Inter Thomam Stanley et alios querentes et Johannem Woodall defendentem in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Thomam Weston querentem et Georgium Darby et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Henricum James Ingram et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Mason querentem et Thomam Tayler juniorem et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Jacobum Pitts generosum querentem et Robertum Berkeley militem et alios defendentes in Hawson et aliis. Inter Robertum Bird generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Dominum la Warr West et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Grove querentem et Margaretam Grove viduam et alios defendentes in Wassell et aliis. Inter Georgium Westbury querentem et Margaretam Uncles defen- dentem in Tenbury. Inter Radulfum Smith armigerum querentem et Thomam Franke clericum et alios defendentes in Burlingham et aliis. Inter Thomam Fletcher juniorem querentem et Thomam Freeman armigerum defendentem in Evenload. Inter Willelmum Swift querentem et Henricum Hill generosum Smith et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Johannem Smith querentem et Humfridum Wildey et alios defendentes in Blackstone et aliis. Inter Lane. Bromwich clericum querentem et Edwardum Mytton generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1S9 Year of the Reign. ) Inter Johannem Bourne generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Greene generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. Inter Phillippum Rock clericum querentem et Johannem Spragge et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Jacobum Colchester et alios querentes et Willelmum Shawe defendentem in Longdon et aliis. Inter Thomam Clent clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Eaton Rowbery et alios defendentes in Tembury. Wigorn. Civitas Gloucestri- ensis. Michaelmas "l Inter Samuelem Gardner generosum Term. / et alios querentes et Johannem Davis generosum et alios defendentes in Bewdley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sanctse Katherine in Civitate Gloucestriae Inter Robertum Willmott et alios querentes et Wil- -1 Civitas lelmum Cole et alios defendentes in parochia J- ~ . c, Wigornensis. Omnium Sanctorum . . .J Inter Margaretam Blount viduam querentem et Johannem Bromwich clericum Baxter Pratt et alios defendentes in Momble et aliis. Inter Henricum Baylyes et alios querentes et Willelmum Buffery Best Mansell et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Parkes et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes Baylyes Johnson et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Thomse. Inter Edmundum Baugh generosum querentem et Willelmum Mayo et alios defendentes in Pensham et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Addenbrooke generosum et alios querentes et Rogerum Sparry et alios defendentes In Stowerbridge. Inter Arthurum Bagshaw generosum querentem et Carolum Herbert generosum et alios defendentes in Moreton et aliis. Inter Carolum Dowdeswell generosum querentem et Edwardum Coulding armigerum et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Thomam Rodd armigerum querentem et Willelmum Osman et alios defendentes in Brockamen et aliis. 190 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. .„,.,. ~v Inter Carolum Dowdeswell generosum que- 24th. Michaelmas _, .... „, „ , ,. , r V rentem et Philhppum Stafford et alios delen- Term continued. , . . „ , .. J dentes in Castle Morton. Inter Thomam Withers et alios querentes et Edwardum Withers juniorem et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Paulum Henzey querentem et Johannem Sparry et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Hemynge generosum et alios querentes et Annam Hemynge viduam defendentem in Upvvich et aliis. Inter Georgium Holdshippe querentem et Johannem Ganderton seniorem Holyoake et alios defendentes in Upton Snodsbury. Inter Johannem Davies generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bedford Clee et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis. Inter Thomam Rastcll generosum querentem et Franciscum Win- nington armigerum et alios defendentes in Hollowe et aliis. Inter Johannem Walsham juniorem armigerum querentem et Wil- lelmum Lygon armigerum Clevelode. Inter Elizabetham Culme querentem et Georgium Darby generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell generosum querentem et Thomam Geast seniorem Cleeton et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Johannem Butler generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Tylt et alios defendentes in Padstons et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cotterell et alios querentes et Humfridum Serjeant et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Stanley generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Stanley generosum defendentem in Feckingham et aliis. Inter Leonardum Simpson armigerum querentem et Ricardum Radford et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Wall juniorem querentem et Willelmum Staverton Ryall Cowper et alios defendentes in Hilhampton et aliis. 24th & 25th. Hilary Term. Inter Thomam Cooks Baronettum et alios querentes et Johannem Winford militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Astley et tenementis ibidem et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 191 Year of the Keign. ) Inter Thomam Cave generosum et alios que- rentes et Thomam Hunt seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris et alios querentes et Johannem Wheeler generosum defendentem in Impney et aliis. Inter Edmundum Plowden armigerum et aljos querentes et Jo- hannem Gage Baronettum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Edvvardum Sebright Baronettum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Willelmum Byrd generosum et alios querentes et Phillippum Brooke Shorthasell Allen et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Paddy querentem et Robertum Richards et alios defendentes in Bradeley et aliis. Inter Johannem Hall Professorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Kimberley clericum et alios defendentes in Whitford et aliis. Inter Thomam Grove generosum querentem et Thomam Foley armigerum Tyrer et alios defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Henricum Toye generosum querentem et Simonem Wood et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Durrton generosum querentem et Thomam Turvey armigerum defendentem in parochia Sancte Crucis et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Warne querentem et Humfridum Forster gene- rosum Heekes Dobbs et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smalbrooke generosum querentem et Henricum Amphlett et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Langley armigerum querentem et Henricum Smith et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Antonium Buggin querentem et Robertum Harris et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Willelmum Hadley et alios querentes et Thomam Watten Greves Feild et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Jacobum Dingley generosum querentem et Johannem Durton seniorem generosum Pirton et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. 192 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign \ Inter Abraham Bigoe et alios qucrentes et Jacobum } Beeley Leighton et alios defendentes in Stour- Term. ,.. / bridge et alns. Inter Nicholaum Whitmore et alios querentes et Samuelem Geast Richards Newbrough et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Thomam Watts querentem et Henricum Collyer et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Georgium Small querentem et Egidium Kinge Coxe et alios defendentes in Castle Moorton et aliis. Inter Egidium Trimnell generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Wall viduam defendentem in Great Wolverton et aliis. Inter Georgium Lunn et alios querentes et Walterum Hanford et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Ricardum Borneford generosum querentem et Thomam Wal- singham generosum et alios defendentes in Stoke Prior. Inter Ricardum Rogers generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill generosum et alios defendentes in Pensax et aliis. Inter Johannem Thornburgh generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Rosse defendentem in Suckley et aliis. Inter Eccleshall querentem et Thomam Soley et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Johannem Stonehall querentem et Johannem Langston et alios defendentes in Crome Dabitott. Inter Clem. Furley et alios querentes et Willelmum Widdowes seniorem et alios defendentes in Aston Magna et aliis. Inter Henricum Finch juniorem et alios querentes et Henricum Finch seniorem et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Spillesbury clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Elsemore Willetts et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Ricardum Heming querentem et Johannem Clemson defen- dentem in Warsley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Solwyn armigerum et alios qucrentes et Sar. Freame defendentem in Bengeworth et aliis. Inter Thomam Partington generosum querentem et Thomam Chaunce generosum Bigge Clarke et alios defendentes in Hadsor et aliis. AN INDEX TO WORCESTERSHIRE FINES, 1649 — 1714. EDITED FOR THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY JOHN AMPHLETT, OF CLENT. PART II. L 3 1957 ^rintrtj foe tfje aaorrrstcrsfjtrc historical Socicto, By JAMES PARKER AND CO, OXFORD. 1S97. Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. IQ3 Year of the Keign. -\ Inter Stephanum Blissard et alio? querentes 25th. Easter Term I _ ... ,, .. ■■ , , V et lhomam Allen Mason et alios defen- contnuicd. . . J dentes in parochia Sancte Crucis et alns. Trinity 1 Inter Johannem Addams generosum que- ■ Term. J rentem et Thomam Cornewall seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Tenbury et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Rochford et tenementis ibidem in Comitatu Herefordensi . ■ Inter Abig. Salhvey querentem et Tab. Godfrey viduam Nevill et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Lench armigerum Webley Wood et alios defendentes in Deber- dale et aliis. Inter Ilumfridum Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Clem. Clarke Bromwich et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Stocke querentem et Franciscum Keyte armigerum et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Henricum Cotterell querentem et Edmundum Surman defen- dentem in Baughton et aliis. Inter Robertum Blashford generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Harris generosum et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Stephanum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes ct Johannem Roberts Somers Barnes et alios defendentes in parochia Om- nium Sanctorum et aliis. Inter Johannem Middlemore generosum querentem et Johannem Savage generosum et alios defendentes in Kingnorton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Churchley querentem et Stephanum Baldwyn generosum et alios defendentes in Bishampton. Inter Edmundum Woodward generosum querentem et Pal. Cubberly Allen et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Humfridum Richards querentem et Johannem Symonds Creese et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Roberts querentem et Willelmum Greene Bellars et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. O 194 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keijjn. „, . . ^ i Inter Thomam Toy seniorcm et alios quc- 25th. Trinity Term „ , TT „ , ^ J- rentes et Samuelem Holborough generosum continued. , . , . T , ... > defendentem 111 Horsley et alus. Inter Johannem Palmer et alios querentes et Georgium Warner < t alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Willelmum Laurence querentem et Edmundum Jennings et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Barnes generosum et alios querentes ct Thomarn Geast seniorem Cleeton et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Michaelmas "| Inter Willelmum Freeman querentem Term. J et Danielem Newman Carpenter et alios defendentes in Washborne et aliis in Co- Wigorn. Gloucestr. mitatu Wigornensi et in Alderton et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Johannem Flucke querentem et Willelmum ■> Hatton seniorem Trottm.m et alios defendentes I Gloucestr. in Try n ley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et I Wigorn. in Chacely in Comitatu Wigornensi . . ' Inter Georgium Bagnall generosum et alios que- \ . rentes et Franciscum Walker armigcrum et alios - ' . \\ igornensis. defendentes in Civitate Wigormae . . J Inter Samuelem Holborrow generosum et alios querentes et Hen- ricum Browne Junes Hoult et alios defendentes in Astlcy et aliis. Inter Katherinam Geast querentem et Thomam Holbech et alios defendentes in Lea et aliis. Inter Johannem Freeman querentem et Thomam Franck Smith Gyles et alios defendentes in Birlingham ct aliis. Inter Ricardum Younge querentem et Johannem Younge defen- dentem in Evesham et aliis. Inter Thomam Allen et alios querentes et Franciscum Bran- feild Bagshaw llarcott ct alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Georgium Clement et alios querentes ct Johannem Dominum Baggley et alios defendentes in Dudley. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 195 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Antonium Ropier querentem et Wil- 25th. Michaelmas , , „,, , ,. ; , . , , v lelmum Thornbury et alios defcndentes in Term continued. _ , / nreedon Inter Johannem Bullas querentem et Ricardum Wedge Lee Annes et alios defcndentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Willelmum Charlett generosum querentem et Johannem Horniblowe Taylor Bushcll et alios defendentes in Hill et aliis. Inter Thomam Chettle juniorem generosum querentem et Thomam Hobday et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Barnard armigerum et alios querentes et Mar- garetam Lench viduam Lawrence et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Edmundum Fifeild generosum querentem et Robertum Yates scniorem generosum Chaunders et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Dicke Surman defendentem in Berrovv et aliis. Inter Willelmum Clarke querentem et Willelmum Morley Teynton et alios defendentes in Berrow. Inter Margaretam Walderne viduam querentem et Johannem Hortle et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Willelmum Brookes querentem et Nathanielem Clarke seniorem et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Edwardum Burlton clericum querentem et Thomam Burlton juniorem generosum defendentem in Wribbenhall et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hay querentem et Johannem Smith et alios defen- dentes in Rock. Inter Ad. Littleton professorem et alios querentes et Johannem Westwood clericum et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Hancox querentem et Johannem Lowe et alios defendentes in Chaddersley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Smyth querentem et Margaretam Winsmore viduam Frewin et alios defcndentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Robertum Smith et alios querentes et Willelmum Holt Holland Meyricke et alios defendentes in Tenbury. O 2 196 INDEX TO THE FINES Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. Year of the Reign. 25th & 26th. Hilary "1 Inter Johannem Churchill Term. J armigerum et alios querentes et Antonium Gray armigerum defendentem de Wanvic. manerio de Aspeley et tenementis ibidem et Wigori aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Beley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Willelmum Coventry militem et alios querentes' et Thomam Turvey armigerum defendentem de manerio de Brcedon et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Kennerton in Comitatu Gloncestricnsi . Inter Ricardum Glover querentem et Georgium Posthum Gregory et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancte Helene Inter Ricardum Smyth et alios querentes et Thomam Patteshall generosum Rowbery Eaton et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Sheward seniorem et alios querentes et Egidium Pigeon generosum Walsingham defendentem in Badsey et aliis. Inter Antonium Robinson clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Widdowes generosum Wilcox Hunt defendentem in Aston et aliis. Inter Johannem Marston generosum querentem et Johannem Pearsall seniorem et alios defendentes in Hopwood et aliis. Inter Edwardum Hungerford militem et alios querentes et Nicho- laum Lechmere armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Estington et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Wright et alios querentes et Ricardum Ellys Stocker et alios defendentes in Earlescroome et aliis. Inter Merc. Bromley viduam querentem et Edwardum Doelittle et alios defendentes in Holte. Inter Willelmum Coventry militem et alios querentes et Thomam Turvey armigerum defendentem de manerio de Wadberrow et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Younge et alios querentes et Nicholaum Washfeild Roberts Cleevly et alios defendentes in Bemeworth et aliis. Inter Johannem Bellers et alios querentes et Ricardum Gurney Loxley et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 197 Year of the Reign. ■\ imcr j, 25th & 26th. Hilary „ Term continued Inter Jacobum Nash et alios querentes et .«elem Gyles Smith et alios defen- ) dentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Smithsend generosum et alios querentes et Edwar- dum Mason et alios defendentes in Crome et aliis. Inter Willelmum Dingley querentem et Thomam Watson seniorem generosum defendentetn in Bengeworth. Inter Thomam Wagstaffe querentem et Margaretam Jones viduam et alios defendentes in Povvicke. Inter Edwardum Dineley armigerum querentem et Margaretam Dineley defendentem de medietate maneriorum de Charlton et aliorum et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Grove querentem et Edwardum Greene generosum et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Ricardum Avenant et alios querentes et Henricum James armigerum defendentem in Ridmarly et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage generosum querentem et Samuelem Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Stock et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hunt querentem et Robertum Willmott et alios defendentes in Lower Mitton et aliis. Inter Georgium Jackson et alios querentes et Henricum Powell seniorem Mason et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. 26th. Easter "> Inter Thomam Foley seniorem ar- Term. J migerum et alios querentes et Ro- Wigorn. bertum Foley armigerum et alios defendentes de Stafford. manerio de Kemswick et tenementis ibidem et \ Somerset. aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Oldberry in Civitas Comitatu Staffordcnsi et in Dundery in Comi- Bristolliensis. tatu Somersetensi et in Civitate Bristolliae . ' Inter Johannem Hales armigerum querentem ct , Edmundum Lechmere armigerum defendentem de manerio de Cowley et tenementis ibidem et Wigorn. aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio j Hereford. de Cowley et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comi tatu Hcrefordcnsi . , 193 INDEX TO THE FINES Inter Edwardum Wall gene- Wigorn. Hereford. Year of the Reign. 26th. Easter Term continued. j rosum et alios querentcs et Ricardum Turner Pytt et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Tedstone et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi . ' Inter Georgium Jackson et alios qucrentes et Johannem Harborne Swift Elisander et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Harris et alios querentes et Willelmum Parsons Smith Glover et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Haywood et alios querentes et Johannem Bond London et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentem et Thomam Hornyold armigerum et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Edwardum Walker generosum et alios querentes et Thon;am Harewell generosum defendentem in Evesham. Inter Thomam Priddey seniorem querentem et Thomam Pridey juniorem et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Grim. Wilson clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bebbs Holford Angell et alios defendentes in Hanley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Woodward juniorem generosum querentim et Johannem Durston seniorem generosum Bound Dingley et alios defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hornyblow et alios querentes et Ricardum Car- wardine armigerum Russell et alios defendentes in Seaverne et aliis. Inter Thomam Thornbury et alios querentes et Johannem Tayler Henley et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Johannem Woodward et alios querentes et Johannem Poole Sharpe et alios defendentes in Hoblench. Inter Willelmum Swift generosum querentem et Henricum Cookcs generosum et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Abram Wike generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Seaverne defendentem in Shrawlcy et aliis. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Doughtye Hill et alios defendentes in Witley et aliis. Inter Phillippum Bound juniorem generosum querentem et Thomam Bound et alios defendentes in Upton. IN T1IF. REIGN OF CHARLES It. 199 Year of the Keign. _ _ ^ Inter Willelmum Bird generosum et alios 26th. Easter Term _ , ,..,,. Y qucrcntcs et Robcrtum Martin 1 ltway et continued. ,. , . , . _, _ / alios defendentes m Hampton rarva. Inter Thomam Barnes generosum et alios qucrentes et Georgium Darby generosum Wright Payne et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Robcrtum Blachford generosum querentem et Robertum Harris generosum et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Franciscum Witton juniorcm et alios querentes et Johannem Hancox seniorem Davies et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Henricum Shaw et alios querentes et Oliv. Shaw seniorem Westwood Barnett et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Thomam Parker juniorem generosum querentem et Johannem Beale generosum et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Samuelein YYhyle et alios querentes et Humfridum Wyley Dunton et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Hoi. Lunne generosum ct alios querentes et Johannem Brooke Norman Geary ct alios defendentes in Aldington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Best et alios querentes et Thomam Harris et alios defendentes in Breeden. Inter Leo. Simpson armigerum querentem ct Simonem Pytt gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Franciscum Hanbury et alios querentes et Seb. Wilkes gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Over Mitton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Boucher et alios querentes et Nicholaum Pearsell Howseman et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Russell generosum et alios querentes et Margarctam Knight Brewer et alios defendentes in Garleford et aliis. Inter Carolum Dowdeswell generosum querentem et Willelmum Berrowe et alios defendentes in Bushley. Inter Johannem Clutton generosu.n querentem et Juhannem Monnox et alios defendentes in Heath et aliis. Inter Ricardum Kendricke juniorem querentem et Johannem Webley et alios defendentes in Alfricke. Inter Willelmum Smyth et alios querentes et Johannem Lane et alios defendentes in Sutton et aliis. 200 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 26th. Easter Term ] Inter Thomam Hill et alios querentcs et continued. J Thomam Walker defendentcm in Tenbury. Inter Edwardum Jones querentem et Henricum Hill et alios defen- dentes in Stone. Inter Annam Heming viduam querentem et Willelmum Bell gene- rosum Leay et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Hereford. Wigorn. Salop. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. Trinity "1 Inter Johannem Holland gencrosum et alios ' Term. J querentesetSusannamClarkeviduam Powell et alios defendentes de maneriis de Laysters et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi et in Hull et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Kingston in Comitatu Salopensi Inter Theoph. Biddulph militem et alios querentes et Thomam Chetle seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi ct in Decrehurst et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Henricum Hill generosum et alios querentes ct Hugonem Wyldc generosum et alios in parochia Sancti Martini . Inter Thomam Allen querentem ct Margaretam ] Civitas Gardner defendentem in parochia Sancti Andree J Wigornensis. Inter Edwardum Walker et alios querentes et Janam Baugham viduam Mason Bayly et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Dorotheam Scaverne querentem et Walterum Stone Brooke et alios defendentes in Asteley. Inter Thomam Twittey generosum et alios querentcs et Thomam Hill et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Willelmum Carlos armigerum querentem ct Thomam Rastell et alios defendentes in Hallow ct aliis. Inter Thomam Abington et alius querentes et Willelmum Hackluit ct alios defendentes in Marten Hussentree et aliis. Inter johannem Holland et alios querentcs et Samuclem Holland ct alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Willelmum Hunt et alios querentcs ct Abraham Roaucs Cartwright et alios defendentes in Dudley. Stafford. Wigorn. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 201 Year of the Ueign. _j „ . . „ -i Inter Henricum Tristram et alios quercntcs 20th. Trinity Term T V et Johanncm Hortle defendentem in Brom- continued. , .,, J hill et ains. Inter Robertum Dod armigerum querentem et Rap. Taylor Hadley Turton ct alios defendentes in Yardlcy. Michaelmas ") Inter Edwardum Dominum Ward ^ Term. J Baron de Birmyngham querentem et Willelmum Ward armigerum et alios defen- dentes de scita nuper dissoluti Prioratus de Dudley et tenementis in Sedgeley et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Dudley in Comi- tatu Wigornensi . . . . ) Inter Thomam Treherne querentem et Johannem \ Eckells et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti I Martini .... J Wigornensis. Inter Jacobum Tayler et alios querentes et Annam ] Heywood et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti \ n T .. ■ Wigornensis. Martini . . . . • J Inter Johannem Heminge viduam querentem et ] Georgium Posthumum Gregory et alios defen- V I Wigornensis dentes in parochia Sancte Helene . . J & Inter Johannem Noblett et alios querentes et Willelmum Barker Read et alios defendentes in Teambury et aliis. Inter Edwardum Seabright Baronett querentem et Humfridum Forster Pace et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Job Winton et alios querentes et Willelmum Smith et alios defendentes in Littlekyre. Inter Thomam Perkes seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Smyth defendentem in Harvington. Inter Margaretam Symonds viduam et alios querentes et Thomam Billey et alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Jam Yeates querentem et Thomam Harthill alias Weaver defendentem in Blockley. Inter Willelmum Swift generosum querentem et Edwardum Mitton generosum Waster et alios defendentes in Claynes. 202 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. 1 Inter Willelmum Tayler querentcm et Eliza- betham Andrewcs viduam et alios deicn- dentes in Suckley et alns. Inter Johannem Winslow et alios qucrentes et Thomam Batchler et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Thomam Walford generosum querentem et Willelmum Rol- linson et alios defendentes in Dalesford. Inter Edwardum Warkeman et alios querentes et Nicholaum Chaun- trell Phillipps et alios defendentes in Pinvin et aliis. Inter Edwardum Tallis querentem et Thomam Simons et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Mason generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Cubberley defendentem in Birlingham. Inter Thomam Norris et alios querentes et Johannem Stretch defen- dentem in Astley Wood et aliis. Inter Thomam Potter querentem et Benjaminum Tayler Wilson et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Joscphum Smyth querentem ct Franciscum Mowle Tayler et alios defendentes in Moorehall et aliis. Inter Johannem Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Sil. Wood armigerum et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Thomam Lucas seniorem querentem et Willelmum Kettle ct alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Willelmum Bourne ct alios querentes ct Annam Bourne Hortle et alios defendentes in Bromehill et aliis. Inter Samuelem Gardner generosum ct alios querentes et Johannem Ballard et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Willelmum Harris generosum ct alios querentes et Johannem Biddle et alios defendentes in Bushlcy et aliis. Inter Johannem Charnock querentem ct Thomam Jeffcs et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Willelmum Bridges generosum et alios querentes ct Francis- cum Rufford seniorem generosum ct alios defendentes in Sapie Inferiori ct aliis. Inter Willelmum Makcam ct alios querentes et Johannem Webley ct alios defendentes in Leigh ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 203 Vear of tlie Reign. 26th & 27th. Hilary 1 Inter Thomam Cooke quc- Term. J rentem ct Robertum Viccaris Baker ct alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini et aliis Inter Thomam Shuring querentem et Annam Finch ^ Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas spinster Meadows et alios defendentes in parochia - „ . „ Wigornensis. Omnium Sanctorum . . . ) Inter Timotheum Hood querentem et Henricum "j . . Greene Anster George et alios defendentes in V I Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Petri Inter Edwardum Andrewes querentem et Margaretam 1 C 1 v 1 1 3. s Goldsmith viduam Baylcy et alios defendentes J- . . „ . ~ ... . . Wigornensis. 1.1 parochia Sancti Swithini . . . > Inter Franciscum Winnington militem querentem et Leiccstri Vicecomitcm Hereford Devereux et alios defendentes de maneriis de Leigh et akis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum et alios querentes et Elizabetham Arch juniorem Longmore et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Margaretam Symonds viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Savage Smith et alios defendentes in North Littleton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cheatle juniorem querentem et Thomam Savage gencrosum Richards et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Fulconem Bookey generosum querentem et Alex. Daniell alias Bell Alexander et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Hollington Doctorem et alios querentes et Rogerum Jones Harrison Burncford ct alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Edwardum Harrett et alios querentes et Johannem Spragge Reven et alios defendentes in Cladsall et aliis. Inter Johannem Surman generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Covvpcr Dobbs et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Heming querentem et Annam Hall viduam et alios defendentes in Mathon. 204 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. , , „ . „.. ^ Inter Robertum Foley armigerum querentem 26th & 27th. Hilary 1 . ■ ' b 4 _ , }- et Henricum Hickman generosum et alios Term continued. , . , . _ ... J defendentes in Stourbridge et alas. Inter Johannem Vobe querentem et Ricardum Vobe seniorem et alios defendentes in Mathon. Inter Elizabetham Phillipps querentem et Johannem Marshall et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Thomam Freeman querentem et Thomam Fownes et alios defendentes in Dodford et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winnington militem et alios querentes et Caple Hanbury armigerum defendentem in Hoarestone et aliis. Inter Robertum Wylde generosum querentem et Edwardum Ingram generosum defendentem in Rodgohill et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bund generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Bennett et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Wagstaffe querentem et Willelmum Beale et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Thomam Priddy juniorem querentem et Josephum Priddy et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Perkes et alios querentes et Edwardum Perkcs Griffin et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. (Inter Edwardum Prcttie et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Feeld Middlemore et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Milward generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Raby Guest et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Callow generosum querentem et Thomam Sanders defendentem in Fladbury Hill et aliis. Inter Johannem Murrall et alios querentes et Johannem Munn et alios defendentes in Dodenham. Inter Johannem Hill et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum Edwards et alios defendentes in Mosely et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walford querentem et Johannem Harbagc et alios defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Eze. Partridge querentem et Edwardum Barnett et alios defen- dentes in Stourbridge, IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 205 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Ricardum Chambcrlaine clericum que- rentcm et Johannem rrogmere et alios dcfendentcs in reopleton. Inter Ricardum Brockhurst qucrentem et Thomam Abbott defen- dentem in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Clifton querentem et Ricardum Ellis et alios defen- dentes in Earles Croome. Inter Grab. Dyson generosum querentem et Thomam Midlemore Dyson et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Ricardum Bibb querentem et Ricardum Griffin et alios defen- dentes in Oldswinford. Inter Thomam Carpenter querentem et Thomam Beck et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Ricardum Nash juniorem generosum querentem et Henricum Amphlett et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Marton et alios querentes et Josephum Crouch et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. Inter Johannem Reynolds generosum querentem et Margaretam Hickman viduam et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Crowe et alios querentes et Rogerum Gill Durlinge et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Angell et alios querentes et Jacobum Good Hoult et alios defendentes in Tembury. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Trinity "1 Inter Thomam Marten generosum et alios Term. J querentes et Willelmum Mince Tovvnsend et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis in Comi- tatu Wigornensi et in Stow super le Wold et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Nicholaum Baker et alios querentes et Guth. -i . Folliott et alios defendentes in Civitate Wi- f .... I Wigornensis. gormae . . . . . ; Inter Willelmum Lawe et alios querentes et Johannem Hornyblow Surman Bound et alios defendentes in Hillmore et aliis. Inter Robertum Wylde generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Crispe et alios defendentes in Bransford. 206 INDEX TO THE FINIS Year of the Rei^n. 1 Inter Th imam Holies clericum et alios querentes et Hcnncum Hodges generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et alns. Inter Samuelem Gardner generosum querentem et Thomam Carver Norman Darke et alios defcndentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Watts querentem et Ricardum Wilks generosum defendentem in Nether Mitton et aliis, Inter Johannem Fownes generosum et alios querentes ct Thomam Crompe generosum et alios defendentes in Droytwich. Inter Johannem Fownes querentem et Elizabethan! Smalbrooke viduam et alios defcndentes in Doderhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Johannem Chapman et alios defendentes in Elmelcy Cattle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Swifte generosum querentem et Fulconem Bookey generosum Huntbatch Talbott et alios defendentes in Claines. Inter Nicliolaum Mylward generosum querentem et Jacobum Myl- ward alias Mihvard defendentem in Alderminster. Inter Willelmum Turner generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum More armigerum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Hobbs querentem et Edwardum Roberts Winston et alios defendentes in Knights Washborne. Inter Johannem Flucke querentem et Thomam Little et alios defcn- dentes in Chatesley alias Chascly. Inter Willelmum Hancock armigerum querentem et Willelmum Washboume armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio dc Westencoate et tenementis ibidem ct aliis. Inter Humfridum Briggs militem et Baronettum et alios querentes et Thomam Owen armigerum et alios defendentes in Evilod. Inter Willelmum Herbert generosum querentem et Johannem Smith seniorem et alios defendentes in Ripple. Inter Thomam James clericum querentem et Thomam Gatfeild et alios defendentes in Byrch Morton. Inter Sares Boylston clericum querentem et Ricardum Chase gene- rosum Cornwallis ct alios defendentes de advocacione ecclesie dc Rock. Inter Thomam Savage querentem ct Matheum Widdowes defen- dentem in Aston Magna. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 207 Year of the Reign. -v Inter Johannem Wall querentem et Andreum 27th. Trinity Term ... ... ,. , , , . „.,. ' ' }■ Mitchell ct alios defendentes 111 kidder- continued. . ... J minster et alns. •v Inter Edwardum Bulstrode generosum querentem et Michaelmas T . t- , -'tt o t u *. , L Johannem I andy seniorem Howscman bmytn et / alios defendentes in Abbott Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum B.ddwyn generosum et alios querentes et Mar- garetam Bissell viduam Fletcher et alios defendentes in Deffbrd et aliis. IntLr Johannem Roper seniorem querentem et Johannem Paston clericum Tinker et alios defendentes in Whitlinge et aliis. Inter Willelmum Laughton querentem et Thomam Weale et alios defendentes in Cutsden. Inter Ricardum Adey et alios querentes et Thomam Adey et alios defendentes in Beandley et aliis. Inter Johannem Woolmer generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Woolmer generosum et alios defendentes in Netherwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Greene generosum querentem et Johannem Allan- son generosum et alios defendentes in Handley Castle. Inter Johannem Bovey et alios querentes et Jacobum Wall et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Ricardum Wilson et alios querentes et Johannem Norton Grtene Holt et alios defendentes in Coston et aliis. Inter Humfridum Oliffe armigcrum et alios querentes et Robertum Wyld armigerum Marshall et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Somers juniorem generosum et alios querentes ct Ricardum Hiccocks et alios defendentes in S ea ve r nest oak e. Inter Johannem Kin ward generosum querentem et Willelmum Turner et alios defendentes in Sapy Pychard et aliis. Inter Thomam Russell seniorem et alios querentes et Egidium Lawrence generosum et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Edmundum Woodward et alios querentes et Elizabctham Bolter viduam et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Isaac Wheeler querentem et Ricardum Harman alias Brewer et alios defendentes in Feckcnham. 2o8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign (Inter Thomam Rastell generosum et alios querentes et Ger. Wheeler generosum btone et alios defendentes in Horton et alns. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Thomam Manscll Dickens et alios defendentes in Pedmore et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bache generosum querentem et Eli. Heminge Bosworth et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Michaelem Hay et alios querentes et Ricardum Hill Hart et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Mason generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Coates Lightborne Butler et alios defendentes in Burlingham et aliis. Inter Robertum Berkeley militem et alios querentes et Ricardum Nash seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Roe Taylor Yates et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Naish juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Margaretam Lenchviduam Lawrence Nash et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Georgium Darby et alios querentes et Willelmum Millington Stead et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum et alios querentes et Eli. Arch juniorem Hayes et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster. Inter Edmundum Horneblowcr seniorem et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Watmore Hill Blun et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Clymer juniorem querentem et Johannem Elsemore et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Bellarmy et alios querentes et Johannem Pear-all et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Jacobum Chauntrell generosum et alios querentes et Edmun- dum Surman defendentem in Woolverton Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem Beale querentem et Jacobum Cole et alios defen- dentes in Eldersfeild. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 209 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Henricum Bromley armigerum quercntem 27th. Michaelmas et Samuelem Birch seniorem generosum Term continued. I Knottesford ct alios dcfendentes in Upton J super Sabrinam. Inter Matheum Huntley generosum quercntcs et Susannam Fiennes viduam defendentem in Dalesford. Inter Faulum Henzey generosum querentem et Samuelem Ward clericum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Fateshall ct alios querentes et Paulum Henzey et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Smyth clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Philpotts et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Moore et alios querentes et Samuelem Sandys seniorem armigerum Clarke et alios defendentes in Wolverton Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem George seniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Taylor Leonard et alios defendentes in Eckington. 27th & 28th. Hilary •) Inter Johannem Philpott ge- ' Term. / nerosum et alios querentes e Willelmum Woodard generosum et alios defen Civitas igornens Witjorn. Wigornensis. dentem in parochia Sancti Martini in Civitate Wigornise et in Claynes in Comitatu Wigornensi , Inter Willelmum Yate generosum querentem et Rice " Yate generosum et alios defendentes in Dymocke Gloucestr. in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Ridmerley | Wigorn. Dabitott in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Henricum Hunt et alios querentes et Rogerum Clarke Tilt Butler et alios defendentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Robertum Bagott armigerum et alios querentes et Fhillippum Bound seniorem et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Merc. Bromley viduam querentem et Juhannem Marshall defendentem in Holt. Inter Willelmum Norris generosum querentem et Ricardum Good- man et alios defendentes in Martin Hussingtree. Inter Dorotheam Rogers et alios querentes et Samuelem Ward clericum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. P 2IO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , „ „ , _„„ -\ Inter Ricardum Marsh et alios querentes 27th & 28th. Hilary I ,. H , f et Ihomam button alias Dudley generosum J Price et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Elizabetham Harris viduam et alios querentes et Henricum Clifford generosum Davies et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Edvvardum Bulstrode armigerum et alios querentes et Whit. Bulstrode generosum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Charleton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Nash querentcm et Johannem Harris Goodale Branfeild et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Margaretam Taylor viduam et alios querentes et Ricardum Shawe seniorem Dunton et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Hadley et alios querentes et Georgium Bissell defendentem in Swanshurst et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rouse querentem et Thomam Pilkington et alios defendentes in Cleeve Prior. Inter Elizabetham Bolter viduam et alios querentes et btephanum Leonard Barnard George et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. balop. Wigorn. 28th. Easter "l Inter Willelmum Talbott armigerum Term. J et alios querentes et Henricum Lyt- telton Baronettum defendentem in Romesley in Comitatu balopensi et in Franckley in Comitatu Wigornensi . . . .■> Inter Margaretam Hunt viduam et alios querentes et Thomam Hobday alias Lacy Greene Philpott et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Dunton et alios querentes et Johannem Dunton Tompson et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rowse querentem et Thomam Bennett et alios defendentes in Cleeve Pryor. Inter Egidium Collier clericum querentem et Johannem Philpott generosum et alios defendentes in Blockley. Inter Willelmum Hornyblow generosum et alios querentes et Antonium Tudman viduam et alios defendentes in Evesham. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 211 Year of the Reign. 0t1 „ „ "\ Inter Johannem Evcrton et alios quercntes et 28th. Easter Term ,,,.,,, TT ' , Y VViIlelmum Harrison juniorem Wilkins et continued. . J alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Robertum Greenall juniorem et alios querentes et Edwardum Birch et alios defendentes in Norfeild. Inter Johannem Carels generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bradford seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Berrowe. Inter Edmundum Hawker querentem et Johannem Barnard et alios defendentes in Pendock et aliis. Inter Peirc. Reignolds generosum querentem et Thomam Powys seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Berrowe. Inter Josephum Yate generosum et alios querentes et Humfridum Forster generosum Charlett et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Georgium Walker querentem et Ricardum Tayler et alios defendentes in Orlton. Inter Marc. Dineley generosum querentem et Willelmum White et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Thomam Collins juniorem et alios defendentes in Witley Magna. Inter Theop. Revell generosum querentem et Franciscum Drink- water seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Condcrton et aliis. Inter Walterum Staverton querentem et Hcnricum Jones et alios defendentes in Woodhampton et aliis. Inter Johannem Somers generosum et alios querentes et Jas. Brit- taine generosum defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Willelmum Pickering generosum et alios querentes et Samp. Bacon generosum Taylor et alios defendentes in Abberley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Herbert generosum querentem et Johannem Smith defendentem in Ripple. Inter Edwardum Steadman querentem et Johannem Doughty et alios defendentes in Knightwicke. Inter Thomam Garmeston querentem et Humfridum Wyldey et alios defendentes in Wribbenhall et aliis. P 2 212 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 2Sth. Easter Term continued. Inter Willelmum Streford querentem et Ed- wardum Walker et alios defendentes in Tenbury alias Teamebury. Trinity ^ Inter Carolum Rodd generosum querentem • Term. J et Johannem Hunt generosum defendentem in Upper Kinsham et aliis in Comitatu Here- furdensi et in Abbotts Morton in Comitatu Wigornensi .... Inter Ricardum Legh armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Mollinewx armigerum Lucy et alios defendentes de manerio de Sutton et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Rotchford et aliis in Comitatu Hereford- ensi et in Uplaiden in Comitatu Gloucestriensi . Inter Ricardum Bland generosum querentem et * Carolum Dominum la Ware West et alios defen- dentes in Droitwich in Comitatu Wigornensi et Hereford. Wigorn. Wigorn. Hereford. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas in Civitate Wigornia: in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis. Wigornensis . . . -J Inter Edwardum Saunders querentem et Parry my -> ncli - Walton et alios defendentes in parochia Sa^ ! W Andree in Civitate Wigorniae ) Civitas lgornensis, Inter Thomam Geers armigerum et alios querentes et -, Ricardum Williams armigerum et alios defen- j^ Civitas dentes in parochia Sancti Helene in Civitate j Wigornensis. Wigorniae . . . ■ Inter Johannem Thorneburgh generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Gyles Johnson Webley Hall defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Squire Pitt Clifford Talbott et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Younge Cresse Carver et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Cristinam Whiteing querentem et Johannem Cooke et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 213 Year of the Reign. Inter Thomam Geers armieerum et alios 28th. Trinity Term continued. querentcs et Ricardum Williams armigerum et alios defendentcs de media manerii de Redmarley et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Edwardum Ingram generosum defendentem in Martley et aliis. Inter Thomam King generosum querentem et Johannem Read et alios defendentes in Hardwick et aliis. Inter Thomam Marston et alios querentes et Thomam Bryan Feild et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Josephum Foxe querentem et Willelmum Corinshe seniorem Yate et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Parker et alios querentes et Willelmum Wakeman Waldron et alios defendentes in Foreftild et aliis. Inter Thomam Rastell generosum querentem et Carolum Dominum la Warwicensi West Greene et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem French et alios querentes et Henricum Hunt gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Ellys et alios querentes et Ricardum Woodhouse seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai etc. Inter Ricardum Whitingham generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Bray mercatorem et alios defendentes in Gaines. Inter Edwardum Barton generosum querentem et Edmundum White generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Crownest et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Timotheum Staughton generosum et alios querentes et Basil. Feilding armigerum et alios defendentes de scitu monasterii de Baunceford et tenementes in Leigh et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bolton querentem et Annam Watmore Hewlett Blounte et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Bray et alios querentes et Thomam Delehay seniorem et alios defendentes in Queinton et aliis. Inter Griff. Reignolds generosum querentem et Val. Rawlins clericum et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Robertum Boyse generosum querentem et Ricardum Swanne generosum Tyler Smyth et alios defendentes in Byshampton. 214 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Johannem Gower armigerum querentem 28th. Trinity Term t _, . , TT , ,. ' J- et Damelcm Hackett generosum et alios continued. . c , . TT . „ , . 1 defendentes in Upton super Sabnnam. Inter Thoinam Burlton et alios querentes et Ricardum Godfrey et alios defendentes in Magna Malverne. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentem et Jan. Badger viduam Yonge et alios defendentes in Hanley. Hereford. Wigorn. Michaelmas ] Inter Ricardum Bornford et alios Term. / querentes et Thomam Johnson et alios defendentes de manerio de Brudenbury et tene- mentis ibidem in Comitatu Herefordensi et in Droitvvich in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Thomam Hayward generosum querentem et -, Willelmum Hames generosum defendentem in Wigorn. Evilod in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Rollwright I Oxon. Magna in Comitatu Oxoniensi . . ' Inter Ricardum Agberrowe querentem et Ricardum -\ _. . ci , r j * • u- r, • I Civitas Sharman defendentem in parochia Omnium > . „. . .... . Wigornensis. Sanctorum in Civitate Wigornise . . J ° Inter Henricum Wright et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Rose et alios defendentes in parochi Sancti Swithini in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Edwardum Holtom querentem et Ricardum Sharpe generosum et alios defendentes in Hoblench parochia de Fladbury. Inter Johannem Sparry generosum querentem et Willelmum Wins- hurst seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Stourbride et aliis. Inter Hest. Bach spinster querentem et Johannem Gopp generosum et alios defendentes in Coston. Inter Edwardum Nevill armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Norbury juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Nether- wich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Wilmington militem et alios querentes et Willel- mum Dowdeswell armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Pull Court et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. 0-1 Civitas 11a > I Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 215 Year of the Reign. .,. , , ^ Inter Edwardum Burlton clericum quercntcm 28th. Michaelmas ^, „ . ,. _ >- et Thomam Burlton generosum et alios lerm continued. , . , .,,,.,, , ,, ,.. / defendentes in Wnbbenhall et alus. Inter Johannem Fletcher generosum querentem et Nicholaum Fletcher seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Broughton et aliis. Inter Edmundum Cale querentem et Willelmum Taylor et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Willelmum Whorvvood armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Davies generosum Marriott Hibbins et alios defen- dentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Isa. Stanton et alios querentes et Willelmum Sargeant seniorem Porter et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dineley armigerum querentem et Whitlocke Bul- strode generosum et alios defendentes de medietate maneriorum de Charleton et aliorum et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dineley armigerum querentem et Whitlocke Bul- strode generosum et alios defendentes de medietate scitus manerii de Cropthorne et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Edmundum Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Gibbs Curtis Lampet Stevens et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Best armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Harris et alios defendentes in Breedon. Inter Josu. Blicke et alios querentes et Margaretam Wheeler viduam Albott et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Samuelem Sandford generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Pritchett seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Simonem Tiler et alios querentes et Willelmum Baylis Cheatle Tynder et alios defendentes in Pirton et aliis. Inter Johannem George querentem et Josephum Henley Tayler et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Cornelium Cox et alios querentes et Johannem Jace seniorem et alios defendentes in Cladswell. Inter Thomam Houlte querentem et Johannem Arch defendentem in Kidderminster. 2l6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. »8tli. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Saram Burham viduam querentem et Tho- mam Ewens et alios defendentes in Bret- forton. Inter Willelmum Haughton et alios querentes et Thomam Feild Finch et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Beale seniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Holford generosum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild et aliis. Inter Jacobum Wade generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Washborne Tayler Pitt et alios defendentes in Bengworth et aliis. Inter Johannem Home querentem et Josephum Dover generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Josephum Newbrough generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Lye et aliis. later Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Henricum James armigerum defendentem de manerio de Ridmarley Adam et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Smith et alios querentes et Egidium Rawlins clericum Lingen et alios defendentes in Kyer Parva. Inter Thomam Tayler juniorem generosum querentem et Johannem Tinker Paston Roper et alios defendentes in Whitlinge et aliis. Inter Willelmum Doelittle querentem et Johannem Windey et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Kinge generosum et alios querentes et Leicesteri Vicecomitem Herefordensi Winington et alios defendentes in Overhowsell et aliis. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill Bayly Giles et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Swifte armigerum querentem et Edwardum Mitton generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri juxta Civitatem Wigorniae. Inter Caleb Wharton querentem et Annam Kittermaster et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. 28th & 29th. Hilary ~l Inter Thomam Trchern et Term. J alios querentes et Johannem I Ci vitas Thornton Hill et alios defendentes in parochia j Wigornensis. Omnium Sanctorum in Civitate Wigorniae IN THE REIC1N OF CHARLES IT. 217 Year of the Reign. 28th & 29th. Hilary "l Inter Willelmum Kings querentcm et Nicho- Tcrm continued. J laum Cartwright defendentem in Bradley. Inter Samuelem Inice clericum et alios querentes et Margaretam Beale viduam et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Johannem Woodward generosum querentcm ct Henricum Fitzer juniorem Woodward et alios defendentes in Cotharidge et aliis. Inter Lytleton Clent armigerum ct alios querentes et Carolum Clent generosum et alios defendentes in Bentley et aliis. Inter Robertum Willmott querentem et Thomam Tolly juniorem Cobb et alios defendentes in Hartlebury. Inter Jocos. Whitwicke viduam querentem et Henricum Longmore juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Trumpley et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon juniorem et alios querentes et Henricum Townshend armigerum Dobbins et alios defendentes in Elmley et aliis. Inter Johannem Pittway querentem et Edwardum Wakeland et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Robertum Clerke et alios querentes et Benjaminum Greves Kimberley et alios defendentes in Inter Henricum Cliffe generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Stockall et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Thomam Winford generosum querentem et Walterum Staver- ton generosum defendentem in Astley. Inter Thomam Crane et alios querentes et Michaelem Hay Jones et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Samuelem Baker querentem et Edmundum Skeldinge et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Thomam Cheatle juniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Gunne Addams Warne et alios defendentes in Wicke juxta Parshore et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rowse querentem et Willelmum Lane juniorem et alios defendentes in Cleeve Prior. Inter Robertum Hunt generosum querentem et Thomam Cox et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Gorle querentem et Thomam Baugh et alios defen- dentes in Kempsey. !l8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. } Inter Edmundum Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Drinkwater Her- riotts Clements et alios defendentes in Com- berton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Yate generosum querentem et Johannem Brooke viduam Stone Sheyley et alios defendentes in Staunton et aliis. Wigorn. Hereford. 29th. Easter "l Inter Robertum Marston spinster Term. J querentem et Willelmum Holland seniorem et alios defendentes in Tembury et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Rochford in Comitatu Herefordensi . Inter Thomam Wagstaffe querentem et Ricardum -i . Crouch et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti J- Wigornensis. Swithini . . . ■ ' Inter Rog-erum Seizer generosum et alios querentes -> . Jf , . , • i- Civitas et Nathanielem Tompkins clencum et alios J- ._.,.. Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini . > Inter Thomam Berkeley generosum querentem et Johannem Perkes generosum et alios defendentes in Wichbold et aliis. Inter Franciscum Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Guest Feild Hannes et alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Thomam Barnes generosum querentem et Thomam Bound generosum et alios defendentes in Holdfast et aliis. Inter Thomam Carpenter querentem et Johannem Higgs et alios defendentes in Chadwich. Inter Cap. Hanbury armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Rosse Tvvytty et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Thomam Rastell generosum querentem et Johannem Wood- house generosum Norbury et alios defendentes in Netherwich. Inter Thomam Twittey generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bumpas Morton et alios defendentes in Elmley Lovett et aliis. Inter Thomam Shaylard et alios querentes et Ricardum Saunders Wylde et alios defendentes in Hadsor. Inter Thomam Gyles querentem et Johannem Portman alias Poole- house generosum defendentcm in Astley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IT. 2IQ Year of the Reign. "v Inter Thomam Norris et alios querentes et y Thomam Hopkins defendentem in Shclles- continued. , ... / ley et alns. Inter Ricardum Rogers generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Foord Pickering et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Thomam Twittey generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hurst Thomas Glaze et alios defendentes in Elmley et aliis. Inter Samuelem Whyle generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Willetts Wheeler Baylis et alios defendentes in Stowerbridgc et aliis. Trinity] Inter Thomam Hopkins generosum que-. Term. J rentem et Thomam Jervoyse armigerum Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene Wigornensis. in Civitate Wigorniae . . . Inter Ricardum Yate generosum qucrentem et Ricardum Steward et alios defendentes in Byrch Morton et aliis. Inter Howman generosum querentem et Antonium Bartlam alias Sale et alios defendentes in Bradley. Inter Johannem Nash et alios querentes et Thomam Woodward seniorem Sparlinge et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Harris viduam querentem et Henricum Clifford generosum Walhvyn et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Hartland querentem et Johannem Parsons Jones Dunne et alios defendentes in Upton. Inter Willelmum Paye querentem et Elizabetham Badger viduam Bostocke et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Humfridum Cliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Gilbertum Cox seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Jonathanum Rogers generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Talbott militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Salwarpe et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Acocke et alios querentes et Jacobum Rabold Soden et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Robertum Osborne generosum et alios querentes et Antonium Marshall et alios defendentes in Evesham. 220 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , _,.._, 1 Inter Thomam Turner generosum et alios 2Qth. Innity Term ,.„,,. } querentes et Antomum bambacn armigerum continued. .. . , , . _ , J et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Foley juniorem armigerum querentem et Thomam Nurton Arch Bellarmy defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Barnes generosum querentem et Samuelem Hackett generosum et alios defendentes in Upton. Inter Bearcroft generosum querentem et Johannem Savage gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Thomam Tyrer armigerum et alios querentes et Pen. Brace Clarke Mills et alios defendentes de maneriis de Dardale et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Suffolk. Salop. Somerset. Wigorn. Michaelmas "1 Inter Gerv. Elwes Baronettum que- " Term. J rentem et Johannem Robinson armi- gerum defendentem de maneriis de Denston et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Suffolk et de maneriis de Hope et aliis et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi de manerio de Combe et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Somersetensi et in Tenbury in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Willelmum Swift armigerum querentem et , Jonathanum Palmer generosum et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Swithini in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Thomam Shewring querentem et Ambrosium ' Meredith et alios defendentes in parochia Om- nium Sanctorum in Civitate Wigornias Inter Johannem Hunt querentem et Elizabctham Bullocke viduam et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Andree Inter Ricardum Long et alios querentes et Phillippum Bound scniorem Thomas Doelittle et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster. Inter Johannem Hill clericum et alios querentes et Hcnricum Pearsall et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wieornensis. 29th. Michaelmas IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 221 Year of the Reign. Inter Joharmem Slany generosum et alios que- rentes et Thomam Twittey generosum Rossc Term continued. Bovington et alios defendentes in Bransford J et aliis. Inter Margaretam Goddard viduam qucrentem et Willelmum God- dard defendentem in Eckington. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell armigcrum querentem et Willelmum Gilbert et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Edvvardum Hunt juniorem querentem et Edwardum Hunt seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Smith querentem et Edvvardum Preist seniorem et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Caleb Wharton et alios querentes et Thomam Shilton Horne- blower et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt et alios querentes et Humfridum Wildye generosum et alios defendentes in Rybbenhall et aliis. Inter Robertum Harvey et alios querentes et Johannem Hill et alios defendentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Godd. Carter generosum querentem et Franciscum Sheldon armigerum Savage et alios defendentes in Blockley. Inter Edmundum Lane querentem et Johannem Lane et alios defendentes in Sutton et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Watis spinster et alios querentes et Johannem Ward Vicaris Marr et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Willelmum Svvifte armigerum querentem et Josephum Walsh armigerum Hooper et alios defendentes in Bayton. Inter Humfridum Penrice et alios querentes et Robertum Penrice alias Glover et alios defendentes in Upvvich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Wightwicke juniorem generosum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Bearcroft seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Meargreene et aliis. Inter Josu. Newbrough generosum querentem et Willelmum Badger seniorem et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cole et alios querentes et Thomam Griffin Hart et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Willelmum Kimberley clericum et alios querentes et Wal- tcrum Brace clericum et alios defendentes in Bromsirrove. 222 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 29th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Johannem Hunte generosum et alios querentes et Jonathanum Hunt defenden- tem in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Homeblower querentem et Willelmum Bell et alios defendentes in Rednall et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Thomam Dominum Folliott et alios defendentes in Sutton et aliis. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Warwic. Wigorn. Warwic. Hereford. 29th & 30th. Hilary"! Inter Thomam Lee Baronet-^ Term. J turn et alios querentes et Thomam Marriett armigerum et alios defen- dentes de maneriis de Alvescott et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Glou- cestriensi et tenementes in Aldermarston in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Whit- church et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Warvvicensi .... Inter Edwardum Dineley armigerum et alios que- ' rentes et Thomam Cookes Baronettum defen- dentem de manerio de Bentley et tenementes in Tardebigg et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi ct in Cobley et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Taddington in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Ricardum Marshall armigerum et alios que- rentes et Henricum Herbert armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hanslape et tene- mentes in Thorp et aliis in Comitatu Buking- hamensi et in Cosgrave in Comitatu Northamp- tonensi et de maneriis de Sutton Magna et aliis ct tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Salop- ensi et de manerio de ;Ribesford et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Wither seniorem et alios querentes et Walterum Bcanes Parsons Camin Leech et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Johannem Greyhurst generosum et alios querentes ct Pen. Hastings generosum ct alios defendentes dc manerio de Dales- ford ct tenementis ibidem. Bukingham. Northampton. Salop. Wigorn. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 223 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum que- 29th & 30th. Hilary „. .... ,. . ,. „ ^ J * V rentem et Phillippum Surman et alios Term continued. , r . IT . ! defcndcntes in Hanley. Inter Johannem Havvkes querentem et Ricardum Bissell et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Taylor et alios querentes et Henricum Fitzer Woodward defendentem in Cotharidge et aliis. Inter Thomam Bellarmy querentem et Eliam Arch seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Hale generosum querentem et Andream Mitchell Wall Longmore et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Lane. Bromwich clcricum querentem et Johannem Amphlett et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Henricum Dottin generosum querentem et Johannem Blount generosum Stanley et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Avenant generosum querentem et Willelmum Lysons generosum m Lewes et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Baker querentem et Willelmum Bagnall generosum et alios defendentes in Barbon et aliis. Inter Margaretam Penn et alios querentes et Thomam Aston et alios defendentes in Shenstone et aliis. Inter Thomam Twittey generosum et alios querentes et Nicholaum Hunt Callowe Webley et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Willelmum Honiborne querentem et Johannem Drinkwater Tovey et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna. Inter Herbertum Masters armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Williams armigerum et alios defendentes in Hollowe. Inter Thomam Bullock et alios querentes et Thomam Rastell gene- rosum Wesbury Higgs ct alios defendentes in Salwarpe et aliis. Inter Robertum Woolmer et alios querentes et Phcebeam Hide spinster defendentem in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Bearcroft armigerum et alios querentes et Edwar- dum Wheeler generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. 224 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. •\ Inter Willelmum Temple et alios querentes 29th & 30th. Hilary . ...... . „ .. . ,. J- et Willelmum Swift armigerum et alios Term continued. , r , . „, J defendentes in Claynes. Inter Thomam Stretch generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Kemsey et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Younge generosum et alios querentes et Clem. Perkes Payne Roberts et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Fer. Meighen generosum querentem et Willelmum Mason et alios defendentes in Berrow et aliis. 30th. Easter "I Inter Radulphum Marshall gene- > Term. J rosum querentem et Row. Powell I Civitas generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti j Wigornensis. Swithini . . . . J Inter Willelmum Sadler generosum querentem et Ricardum Taylor generosum defendentcm in Yardley. Inter Johannem Barcroft armigerum querentem et Willelmum Sheldon armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Broad- way et tenementis ibidem. Inter Willelmum Kimberley clericum et alios querentes et Georgium Williamson generosum et alios defendentes in Whitford et aliis. Inter Robertum Palmer querentem et Johannem Attwood defen- dentem in parochia de Churchill. Inter Johannem Pooler et alios querentes et Thomam Rastell generosum Stone et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Ricardum Wadeley et alios querentes et Willelmum Buckle seniorem et alios defendentes in Marshend. Inter Jonathanum Taylor querentem et Josi. Mason alias Robinson et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Daffy querentem et Georgium Ilorniblowe seniorem et alios defendentes in Crowle. Inter Georgium Smith generosum querentem et Johannem Dingley seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Ilanley Castle. Inter Elizabetham Talbott ct alios querentes et Edwardum Bedford Oliver et alios defendentes in Droitwich. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 225 Year of the Reign. _ _ -s Inter Willelmum Cottcrell querentem et Ri- 30th. taster Term , „ , , , , .,,. V carduni Holmes defendentem in Kings- continued. 1 norton. Trinity "\ Inter Ricardum Mayle et alios querentes Term. J et Willelmum Baldvvyn Hooke et alios defendentes in Corse et aliis in Comitatu Glou- Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas cestriensi et in Ridmarley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Georgium Horniblowe querentem et Ricardum Bland et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Caple Hanbury et alios querentes et Johan- nem Longden et alios defendentes in Civitate .... . Wigornensis. Wigorniae . . . .J Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Dobbs Lampett Attwood et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem Taylor et alios querentes et Franciscum Reynolds Highway Dovey et alios defendentes in Morehall et aliis. Inter Willelmum Milburne querentem et Henricum Hill et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Hancocke armigerum defendentem de maneriis de Halls Court et aliis et tenementes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bornford generosum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Bedford generosum et alios defendentes in Droit- wich. Inter Nicholaum Charlton armigerum et alios querentes et Josephum Sheldon militem et alios defendentes de maneriis de Middle Dichford et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bradley querentem et Johannem Arden alias Smyth Blicke et alios defendentes in Shepley et aliis. Inter Row. Smyth et alios querentes et Caleb Hill et alios defen- dentes in Nether Sapie. Inter Johannem Blow generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Davies generosum defendentem in Upwiche. Q 226 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Caple Hanbury armigerum querentem et Robertum Gower armigerum et alios defendentes in Clifton super Teame. Inter Thomam Haynes et alios querentes et Ricardum Bartlett et alios defendentes in Enload. Inter Aylmer Folliott generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis generosum defendentem de maneriis de Yardley et aliis et tenementis ibidem. Inter Henricum Dottin generosum querentem et Edwardum Barrett generosum defendentem in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Bodenham generosum querentem et Thomam Walker Gregge et alios defendentes in Tembury. Inter Robertum Dobbins armigerum et alios querentes et Mar- garetam Wilkes viduam Browning et alios defendentes in Acton et aliis. Inter Thomam Geeves et alios querentes et Ricardum Clymer et alios defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Elianoram Smith viduam Greswold querentem et Edwardum Burlton clericum Hunt et alios defendentes in Ribbenhall Trimpley et aliis. Inter Henricum Greswold clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Lea Cordwinder et alios defendentes in Bromall et aliis. Inter Johannem Arnold armigerum et alios querentes et Ambrosium Scudamore armigerum et alios defendentes in Hollowe. Inter Johannem Arnold armigerum et alios querentes et Ambrosium Scudamore armigerum et alios defendentes in Redmarley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Normansell querentem et Johannem Foley defen- dentem in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Robins et alios querentes et Samuelem Morrell alias Roper et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Johannem Knight generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Martin generosum et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Margarctam Taylar viduam et alios querentes et Thomam Feild et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Milward generosum querentem et Edmundum Skelding et alios defendentes in Wollescot et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 227 Year of the Reign. ! Inter Thomam Browne generosum et alios querentes et rlor. Cooke et alios defen- dentes in Elsneld. Inter Ricardum Younge generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Sharpe seniorem Ayres Wells et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Addams juniorem et alios querentes et Barb. Foliott viduam Feldon et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. -\ Inter Josephum Butler generosum et alios querentes iviicnaeimas 1 y et Walterum Bradley Hackett et alios defendentes Term. . _ ... 1 in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Georgium Lench et alios querentes et Rol. Berkley militem Nash et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Blisse querentem et Johannem Smyth seniorem Sanley et alios defendentes in Emload. Inter Johannem Mence generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bearcrofte armigerum Hopkins et alios defendentes in Goosehill et aliis. Inter Thomam Withes et alios querentes et Thomam Manninge seniorem et alios defendentes in Oddingley. Inter Thomam Crane querentem et Henricum Jones et alios defen- dentes in Astley. Inter Annam Bourne viduam querentem et Johannem Dugard et alios defendentes in Phepstone et aliis. Inter Edwardum Bowen et alios querentes et Terah. Bitten defen- dentem in Tenbury. Inter Thomam Bayly generosum querentem et Johannem Wheeler seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Russell Laugher querentem et Willelmum Swift defendentem in Aloorton Underbill. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Surman defendentem in Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Rodway seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Stocke defendentem in Chaceley. Inter Ricardum Cave generosum et alios querentes et Phillippum Gardner clericum Laurence Brookes et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. 2 228 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Inter Edwardum Seabright Baronettum et alios querentes et Radulphum Merry Bond Sowle et alios defendentes in Defford et alns. Inter Thomam Brame et alios querentes et Willelmum Halford Ryley et alios defendentes in Treddington et aliis. Inter Henricum Harris et alios querentes et Wintour Harris Jennings et alios defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Johannem Powell armigerum et alios querentes et Phillippum Bound seniorem Cousens et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Thomam Rastell generosum querentem et Willelmum Bookey generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Antonium Stratford generosum defendentem in Bushley. Inter Jacobum Simpson generosum querentem et Willelmum Hatton clericum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Drakeford seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Drakeford juniorem generosum et alios defen- dentes in Woodcote et aliis. Inter Robertum Wild armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Bourne generosum defendentem de manerio de Acton et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Grimes clericum querentem et Johannem Dowdes- well generosum defendentem in Longdon et aliis. later Johannem Harrington et alios querentes et Barn. Skinner et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edmundum Horneblower querentem et Johannem Williamson generosum et alios defendentes in Focbury et aliis. Inter Sares Boylston clericum querentem et Thomam Partington generosum et alios defendentes in Sneade et aliis. Inter Rogerum Sparry querentem et Ricardum Perry Amphlett ct alios defendentes in Wasscll et aliis. Inter Humfridum Soley generosum et alios querentes et Phillippum Bound seniorem et alios defendentes infra parochia de Upton super Sabrinam. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 229 Wigorn. Gloucestr. Salop. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Year of the Reign. 30th & 31st. Hilary") Inter Paulum Silvester gene- ^ Term. J rosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Mince Venfeild defendentes in Bad- sey et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Stow super le Wold in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Herbertum Croft militem et Baronettum et alios querentes et Franciscum Vicecomitem Newport et alios defendentes de manerio dc Downes et tenementis ibidem in Comitatu Salopensi et de manerio de Downes et tene- mentis ibidem in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Nicholaum Baker et alios querentes et Robertum Bishopp Jeacocke Shewring et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Allen Solley Cooke et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lewes querentem et Willelmum Doughty et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Johannem Slocomb querentem et Thomam Coale et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum querentem et Caple Hanbury armigerum Crompe et alios defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Gattley querentem et Radulphum Thoorould et alios defendentes in Burlingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Loyd generosum querentem et Gilbertum Batty et alios defendentes in Bengeworth. Inter Johannem Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Ro- gerum Windowes et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Georgium Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Willelmum Dowdeswell armigerum et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna et aliis. Inter Antonium Attwood querentem et Thomam Norris et alios defendentes in Broakencoate et aliis. Inter Obadiam Alford querentem et Jonathanum Scurlocke et alios defendentes in Bryansvell et aliis. Inter Jacobum Purshull generosum et alios querentes et Edmundum Addis generosum et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. 230 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ., TT ., "\ Inter Johannem Woven clericum querentem 30th & 31st. Hilary T . H ~ . ' Y et Johannem Longmore Boucher et alios lerm continued. 1 defendentes in Habberley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Morton querentem et Egidium Wells et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. Inter Thomam Shewring querentem et Hugonem Heming et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. 31st. Easter "1 Inter Thomam Dominum Windesor •> Term. J querentem et Other. Windesor arml- Wigorn. gerum defendentem in Tarbeck in Comitatu Wi- Warvvic. gornensi et in Tarbeck in Comitatu Warwicensi - Inter Stephanum Baldvvyn generosum et alios que- rentes et Thomam Palmer generosum Juice Byrd Whitehead Merriman et alios defendentes Gloucestr - in Twyninge et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi igorn. et in Ripple in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Samuelem Palmer et alios qucrentes et Ricardum Avenant Crowley Baylyes et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Thomas querentem et Ricardum Low Bate et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Robertum Wylde generosum querentem et Johannem Wintle et alios defendentes in parochia de Powick. Inter Johannem Smith clericum querentem et Johannem Ward seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia de Tembury. Inter Walterum Wem querentem et Willelmum Sutton Bird et alios defendentes in Bay ton. Inter Jacobum Sovvthall et alios querentes et Thomam Toy Mount- forte et alios defendentes in Horseley et aliis. Inter Jacobum Smyth querentem et Willelmum Jew et alios defen- dentes in Wick Episcopi. Inter Carolum Whitaker generosum querentem et Johannem Jones seniorem et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Whitaker generosum et alios querentes et Francis- cum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Garleford et aliis. Inter Matheum Hall et alios querentes et Johannem Ward seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Tenbury. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 23 1 Year of the Reign. 31st. Easter Term "1 Inter Johannem Harriotts querentem et Willel- continued. J mum Jace defendentem in Cladswell et aliis. Inter Ricardum Amphlett armigerum querentem et Ricardum Smyth alias Taler Hall et alios defendentes in Hagley. Inter Franciscum Ernes querentem et Willelmum Hale et alios defendentes in Fliford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Steevens querentem et Annam Gyles viduam et alios defendentes in Prickley et aliis. Inter Abram Seabright et alios querentes et Johannem Need defen- dentem in Maddersfeild. Inter Willelmum Baugh querentem et Danielem Jennings Saunders Hatton et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Ricardum Sowley generosum querentem et Arden Adderley armigerum et alios defendentes in Little Inckborough et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Feild et alios querentes et Willelmum Kettle Trulove et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Tomkins juniorem querentem et Willelmum Emett et alios defendentes in Sapie Inferiori. Inter Edmundum Bridges generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Carwardine generosum et alios defendentes in W 7 oodhouse end et aliis. Inter Johannem Home et alios querentes et Johannem Clarke generosum Tanner Young George Rogers et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Isaacum Diston querentem et Johannem Washbourne defen- dentem in Bengworth. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Thomam Cox Hunt Bennett et alios defendentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Edwardum Newnam et alios querentes et Jacobum Newnam et alios defendentes in Chadvvich et aliis. Inter Johannem Fones querentem et Franciscum Bearcroft et alios defendentes in Harvington et aliis. Inter Jacobum Mence querentem et Thomam Hobdey Greene Nash et alios defendentes in Hollowey et aliis. Inter Henricum Gresvvold et alios querentes ct Johannem Lea Magus Parr et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Fulhvood et alios querentes et Thomam Wilks alias Nicholls Youn^e Knight et alios defendentes in Brickie- hampton et aliis. 232 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Inter Far. Gorges armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Freeman et alios defendentes • TT- I . • in Highedwin. Inter Jacobum More generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Moore clericum et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Willelmum Blake armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Berkley armigerum de maneriis de Spechley et aliis et in Spechley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Harding seniorem et alios querentes et Rogerum Dipple Greves et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Trinity ") Inter Thomam Treherne et alios querentes -v Term. J et Johannem Elvines Wiley Hill et alios I Civitas defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civi- f Wigornensis. tate Wigorniae . . . .' Inter Johannem Benton querentem et Willelmum Eades et alius delendentes in Feckenham. Inter Thomam Rocke querentem et Johannem Smith Sauly et alio^ defendentes in Emload. Inter Robeitum Constable armigerum et alios querentes et Willel- mum Stephens armigerum defendentem in Broadway. Inter Petrum Wallis querentem et Johannem Baker et alios defen- dentes in Northfeild. Inter Thomam Norris generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Ashley seniorem Geers et alios defendentes in Eastham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rudge generosum querentem et Thomam Crispe defendentem in Bransford et aliis. Inter Henricum Winford armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Browne Webley et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Edwardum Seabright Baronettum querentem et Ricardum Cocks Baronettum et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Younge et alios querentes et Edmundum Surman Woodward et alios defendentes in Wolverton Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem Lithorne et alios querentes et Johannem Hale Smedhurst et alios defendentes in Scavernstoake et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Rogerum Scabume ct alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Edwardum Seabright Baronettum querentem et Henricum Cotes generosum et alios defendentes in Temple Langhorne et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 233 Year of the Reign. (Inter Thomam Harris armigerum querentem et Thomam Taylor Lyde et alios defen- dentcs in Allchurch. Inter johannem Reade et alios querentes et Joshuam Newbrough generosum Hickman Buffery et alios defendentes in Sturbridge et aliis. r Inter Ricardum Youngc generosum et alios querentes Michaelmas et Josephum Yardley Knight Leeke Heynes Hem- Term, inge Pescod et alios defendentes in North Piddle J et aliis. Inter Johannem Freeman generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Symonds armigerum et alios defendentes in Fliford Flavell et aliis. Inter Danielem Lysons generosum querentem et Henricum Cripps Gryme et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Carolum Bertie armigerum et alios querentes et Henricum Spiller armigerum et alios defendentes in Elsfield et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baldwyn generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hilley generosum et alios defendentes in Longdon Traverse et aliis. Inter Johannem Burton generosum querentem et Walterum Stone et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Edwardum Hale generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt generosum Powell Hill et alios defendentes in Alton et aliis. Inter Johannem Sheapard juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Bach generosum Palmer Marriott et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Thomam Russell et alios querentes et Bright. Cosnett viduam Hamersly et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Willelmum Penn querentem et Johannem Gosnell et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Josephum Withers et alios querentes et Samuelem Shawe Hawe et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Rogerum North armigerum querentem et Robertum Foley armigerum defendentem de manerio de Kenswicke et tenements ibidem. 234 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Henricum Jeffreys armigerum querentem et johannem Homan Downes et alios defen- dentes in Clifton super 1 eame. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Thomam Wall generosum defendentem in Ridmarley Adam et aliis. Inter Humfridum Dovey generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Walsh generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Stocton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Petreum Walters et alios querentes et Thomam Hawkins Broome et alios defendentes in Blakestone et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baker generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Perks Tandy et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Chambers Slaughter generosum querentem et Franciscum Keyt armigerum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Johannem Elvins defendentem in Hanbury. Inter Dudley Bagley et alios querentes et Thomam Dunton Shawe Hattum et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Edwardum Dyson generosum querentem et Ricardum Wiley et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. 31st & 32nd. Hilary ~j Inter Johannem Edwards Term. J generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Ball Skinner defendentem in Brom- yard et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi et in Stockton Lyndridge in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Johannem Rea generosum et alios querentes et Margaretam Writer viduam et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Clementis . Inter Johannem Somers seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Baylies Meredith Jones Hackett et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanc- torum et aliis in Civitate Wigornise Inter Willelmum Swift armigerum querentem et Warnar Chaunce Gworle et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andiee Hereford. Wigorn. I Civitas I Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 235 Year of the Reign. 31st & 32nd. Hilary Term continued. Inter Ed ward urn Walker generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Harris Colchester Pratt Hilley et alios defendentes in Pin- vine et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baldwin generosum querentem et Phillippum Surman generosum defendentem in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Henricum Hill et alios querentes et Thomam Crane seniorem et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Carwardine armigerum querentem et Franciscum Moore generosum et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. Inter Thomam Rastell generosum querentem et Ricardum Bland generosum et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Philley generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Swift armigerum et alios defendentes in Gaines et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cookes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Alexander Panie et alios defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Boults Cladsole et aliis. Inter Willelmum Swifte armigerum querentem et Thomam Wood et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Thomam Kinge generosum querentem et Egidium Kinge et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Kinge generosum querentem et Egidium Kinge generosum et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. 32nd. Easter "1 Inter Majorem et alios Civitate Wi- Term. J gornias querentem et Abell Alye Wigorn. generosum et alios defendentes in Claynes in 1 Civitas Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Wigornensis. Nicholai in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Willelmum Turner generosum et alios que- " rentes et Willelmum Allestry armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Witton et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Greete et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Hansworth in Comitatu Staffordensi Warwic. Wigorn. Stafford. 236 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Inter Ricardum Porter et alios querentes et Elizabethan! Picking viduam Porter Seller et alios defendentes in Bedvvardine. Inter Thomam Street et alios querentes et Arden Bagott armigerum et alios defendentes in Inkberrowe. Inter Ricardum Good clericum querentem et Jacobum Dalton Clarke et alios defendentes in Knighton et aliis. Inter Thomam Pearce et alios querentes et Georgium Cooke et alios defendentes in Pendocke et aliis. Inter Robertum George generosum querentem et Willelmum Martin generosum Callowe et alios defendentes in Hampton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cooksey generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Smith Sterrop et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Humfridum Cox et alios querentes et Samuelem Toyc defendentem in Woolverley. Inter Johannem Tyas armigerum querentem et Willelmum Griffin defendentem in Kempsey. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Franciscum Longmore Radford et alios defendentes in Timpley et aliis. Inter Gervasium Wheeler generosum et alios querentes et Willel- mum Skeeler defendentem in Hartlebury et aliis. Inter Johannem Price generosum querentem et Edmundum Smyth et alios defendentes in Hartlebury. Inter Johannem Hunt et alios querentes et Henricum Hill Wash- borne et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Eliam Arch juniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Best clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Pooley Heath et alios defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Jacobum Simpson generosum et alios querentes et Arthurum Saker et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Egidium Harward querentem et Johannem Mason seniorem et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Willelmum Lawe seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Hornyblow generosum Nash Smyth et alios defendentes in Croomc et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 237 Year o£ the Reign. 32nd. Easter Term continued. Inter Willelmum Turton generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Gramer generosum et alios defendentes in Lower Mitton et aliis. lity 1 Inter Edwardum Bulstrode armigerum et ^ rm. J ali Wigorn. Civitas Gloucestri- ensis. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Gloucestr. London. Civitas Wigornensis. Trinity Term. J alios querentes et Willelmum Saunders generosum et alios defendentes in Over Mitton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de St. Mary de Loade et aliis in Comitatu Civitate Gloucestriai et in Longford et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Thomam Scrope et alios querentes et Samuelem 1 Phelps Gaebb et alios defendentes in Chaseley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Tirley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in parochia Sancti Michaelis Bassingshawe in Comitatu London- ensi Inter Ricardum Nash armigerum querentem et Ri- ' cardum Bland et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Martini in Civitate Wigornize Inter Willelmum Arche querentem et Johannem Bickley generosum Cooke et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Thomam Saunders generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Morris defendentem in parochia de Fladbury. Inter Georgium Hanson querentem et Johannem Phillipps genero- sum et alios defendentes in Kingesnorton. Inter Samuelem Ward clericum querentem et Franciscum Cotterell et alios defendentes in Baughton et aliis. Inter Isaacum Jones et alios querentes et Ricardum Turner et alios defendentes in parochia de Suckley. Inter Robertum Thorneton clericum et alios querentes et Willelmum Barnard Moore et alios defendentes in Pendock et aliis. Inter Willelmum VVithie et alios querentes et Henricum Fitzer et Thornburgh defendentem in Cotheridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Goodvvyn querentem et Ricardum Booth armi- gerum Creed et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. 2;8 INDEX TO THE FINES ■i Year of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Lloyd generosum qucrentem et Gilbertum Batty et alios defendcntes in Bengeworth. Inter Willelmum Bell generosum querentem et Edwardum Sheldon generosum et alios defendcntes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Gent querentem et Johannem Lane et alios defen- dcntes in Sutton et aliis. Inter Marc. Dineley generosum querentem et Thomam Ayres et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Thomam Aris querentem et Robertum Cox et alios defen- dentes in Mathen. Inter Johannem Wallis querentem et Willelmum Cheatle generosum Chellingworth et alios defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Thomam Barker armigerum querentem et Johannem Best et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Michaelmas j Inter Thomam Hampton querentem \ Term. J et Johannem Hampton generosum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild in Comitatu • Wigornensi et in Trynley alias Tyrley in Comi tatu Gloucestriensi Inter Elizabetham Hill viduam querentem et Ca- -v rolum Sabrey clericum et alios defendentes in !- t • c -u i • o- m w ■ Wigornensis. parochia Sancte Helene in Civitate Wigorniae . 1 ° Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Arden Heming Harris Aston et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Jonathanum Taylor et alios querentes et Josi. Mason alias Robinson Est Allen et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Georgium Ward generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Rogerson generosum Grimshaw et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Henricum Gray armigerum et alios querentes et Lane. Bromwich clericum et alios defendentes in Hawkley et aliis. Inter Carolum Whitacre generosum querentem et Dorotheam Penn viduam Whitaker et alios defendcntes in Bromsgrove. Inter Willelmum Smyth scniorcm qucrentem et Henricum Smith scniorcm et alios defendentes in Stoke Prior. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 239 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Johanncm Slater generosum et alios 32nd. Michaelmas _ , _ J- quercntes et Samuelem Graves generosum Term continued. , . _, . „ , 1 defendentem in Church Honyborne. Inter Phillippum Rock juniorem et alios querentes et Phillippum Rock clericum et alios defendentes in Byrlingham. Inter Thomam Taylor querentem et Willelmum Vinson alias Simpkins Smith et alios defendentes in Armscott et aliis. Inter Edwardum Walker generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Hanford armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Woollas- hall et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Henricum Gray armigerum querentem et Franciscum Bradley viduam et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Humfridum Low armigerum querentem et Thomam Bayly generosum et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Caple Hanbury generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Dobyns generosum et alios defendentes in Wribbenhall et aliis. Inter Georgium Sherwood generosum et alios querentes et Eliza- bethan! Hopkins viduam defendentem in Kinges North. Inter Johannem Arnold armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Williams armigerum et alios defendentes de medietate manerii de Redmarley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cornwall juniorem armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Holland generosum defendentem in Tembury et aliis. Inter Ricardum Nashe armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Mascall Fair Fowler et alios defendentes in Kempsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Burton generosum querentem et Walterum Stone et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Johannem Long querentem et Thomam Clarke Stinton et alios defendentes in Acton Beauchampe. Inter Robertum Baker generosum querentem et Georgium Freeman alias Farmer defendentem in Woodhousend. Inter Antonium Ashfield generosum et alios querentes et Jacobum Noke et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Johannem Blome generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Powle armigerum et alios defendentes in Eastington et aliis. 240 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 32nd. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Samuelem Porter querentem et Mariam Bourne viduam Lowbridge et alios defen- dentes in Elemeley Lovett et aliis. Inter Thomam Holford et alios querentes et Thomam Dodford et alios defendentes in Tredington. Inter Thomam Saunders generosum querentem et Willelmum Forrest defendentem in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Johannem Raybould et alios querentes et Johannem Fones et alios defendentes in Harvington et aliis. Inter Johannem Philpott generosum querentem et Jacobum Fincher generosum et alios defendentes in Shelve et aliis. Inter Franciscum Tayler generosum querentem et Thomam Stevens armigerum defendentem in Claines. Inter Carolum Hincksman clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Gegg defendentem in Dunley et aliis. Inter Thomam Hamond et alios querentes et Joshuam Nevvbrough generosum et alios defendentes in Wollescoat et aliis. Inter Eldred Lane. Lee armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Tristram clericum et alios defendentes in Moorehall et aliis. Inter Danielem Colwall armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Walker militem et Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Gouldicott et aliis. Inter Jonathanum Taylor querentem et Rogerum Shawe et alios defendentes in Dudley Forren. , „ , ,,., -\ Inter Jacobum Hancox clericum querentem 32nd & 33rd. Hilary „ _. . .. , , , j- et Henncum Pinch et alios defendentes in ' Forfeild et Belbroughton. Inter Johannem Watts generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Wheeler generosum Squier et alios defendentes in Droitvvich et aliis. Inter Rogerum Lingham juniorem generosum querentem et Annam Sheldon viduam Whitaker et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Robertum George et alios querentes et Thomam Ferebee Smyth Pigeon Crome et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Josephum Lee et alios querentes et Willelmum Marston seniorcm Cowper Smyth ct alios defendentes in Yardley. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 24 1 32nd & 33rd. Hilary Term continued. Year of the Reign. ■> Inter Johannem Goodwin gcnerosum que- rentem et Nathanielcm Collyer clericum Moseley Harthill et alios defendentes in Blockley. Inter Jacobum Boucher querentem et Samuelcm Nutt et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Stevens et alios querentes et Willclmum Greene defendentes in Magna Malverne. Inter Willelmum Mall juniorem generosum querentem et Ricardum Child defendentem in parochia de Suckley. Inter Samuelem Hackluit querentem et Thomam AllJornc et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Vernon generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Smyth Ladbury et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Johannem Bayly generosum et alios querentes et Gilding Wotten generosum et alios defendentes in Nether Areley. Inter Johannem Pay ton querentem et Thomam Shawe defendentem in Dudley et Dudley Forren. _ ^ Inter Georgium Oswald et alios querentes et Mi- 33rd. Easter , , ~, , „ , , _ J- chaelem Farr scmorem et alios defendentes de lerm. . . J tenementis m Powicke. Inter Margaretam Lygon ct alios querentes et Edwardum Bull armigerum et alios defendentes in Pixham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Rooke et alios querentes et Thomam Owen generosum Power Lawrence defendentem in Emlodc. Inter Higham Coke generosum et alios querentes ct Johannem Palmer generosum Treherne Says Wayte Smyth defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Johannem Stretch generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Vicaris seniorem et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Aylmer Folliott et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis gene- rosum defendentem in Yardley. Inter Franciscum Russell Baronettum querentem et Robertum Gower armigerum Child Kettleby defendentem de manerio de Sanford et aliis. R 242 INDEX TO THE FINES Year nf the Reign. ■\ Inter Thomam Childe generosum et alios 33rd. Easter Term querentes et Robertum Gower armigerum continued. defendentem de manerio de Boughton et ' tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Rowland Hunt armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Partheriche seniorem armigerum Draper Culpeper defendentes de manerio de Aldermarston et aliis. Inter Gregorium Hickman querentem et Willelmum Winshurst juniorem Launder et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cookes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Partington generosum Chaunce defendentes in Hadsor et aliis. Inter Henricum Smyth juniorem querentem et Antonium Sergeant seniorem et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Nicholaum Feeld generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Knight Brookes Davis Clarke defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Humfridum Hills seniorem et alios defendentes in Shenstone et aliis. Inter Edwardum Perkins querentem et Ricardum Castle clericum et alios defendentes in Shellesley Magna. Inter Josephum Fox querentem et Thomam Fox generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Henricum Haden et alios querentes et Rebcccam Keden viduam defendentem in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Brooke et alios querentes et Walterum Brace Crowe et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Obadiam Alford et alios querentes et Thomam Tilt et alios defendentes de tenementis in Bromsgrove. Inter Thomam Mansfeild et alios querentes et Edwardum Birch et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Johannem Smyth et alios querentes et Annam Holmes viduam Palmer Partridge defendentes in Upton Warren ct aliis. Inter Ricardum Dunn querentem ct Willelmum Tenburrow Mathewes et alios defendentes in Holdfast et aliis. Inter Rogcrum Clarke et alios querentes et Thomam Ileminge et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 243 Wigorn. Salop. Year of the Reign. 33rd. Trinity "| Inter Johannem Weston et alios Term. J querentes et Johannem Soley ge- nerosum et alios defendentes in Doddncll et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Kingswood et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi . . J Inter Bridstock Harford armigerum querentem et -* Ricardum Williams armigerum et alios defen- Civitas dentes in parochia Sancte Helene et aliis in | Wigornensis. Civitate Wigorniae Inter Johannem Philpott et alios querentes et Edwardum Phillipps seniorem clericum Rastell et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Ricardum Cowcher seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Morley seniorem et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Johannem Parker generosum querentem et Willelmum Baldwyn Hale Rastell defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Thomam Raynolds et alios querentes et Willelmum Saunders generosum Clente defendentes in Never Mitton et aliis. Inter Thomam Bonner et alios querentes et Ricardum Sowley et alios defendentes in Aston Brueley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Booth generosum et alios querentes et Penyston Hastings armigerum Smyth et alios defendentes in Daylisford et aliis. Inter Johannem Holliocke querentem et Willelmum Robbins et alios defendentes in Inckberrowe. Inter Johannem Foley generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Mason alias Robinson Dunton et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Harrison querentem et Johannem Heming generosum Leay Deakes Wall defendentes Hadsor et aliis. Inter Willelmum Smith seniorem querentem et Thomam Birch seniorem et alios defendentes in Warley et aliis. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentem et Edwardum Cookes generosum Shuringe Lewes defendentes in Martley. Inter Willelmum Lord juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Rooke juniorem generosum defendenttm in Evenload. Inter Edwardum Pitway querentem et Willelmum Marshall et alios defendentes in Tredington. R 2 244 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ^ Inter Isaacum Gibson militem et alios que- 33rd. Trinity Term continued. rentes et Thomam Hornyould alias Hor- nyold et alios defendentes de manerio de Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Edmundum Layt qnerentem et Willelmum Kempsey gene- rosum Burton Dekin defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Samuelem Bowater clericum et alios querentes et Edwardum Cowper et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Willelmum Wilson generosum querentem et Thomam Hillie alias Hilley generosum et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Arthurian Rowney querentem et Rogerum Gyll et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Franciscum Wheeler et alios querentes et Alanum Wheeler et alios defendentes in Alvington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bach generosum querentem et Tarah Britton defendentem in Tembury et aliis. Inter Johannem George querentem et Thomam George et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna. Inter Thomam Savery generosum querentem et Johannem Noblett generosum et alios defendentes in Tembury. Inter Thomam Savery generosum querentem et Val. Rawlins defendentem in Tembury. Inter Samuelem Palmer querentem et Godfr. Ward clericum et alios defendentes in Warley. Michaelmas "l Inter Benjaminum Rogers generosum 1 J qu Term. J querentem et Carolum Dingley et alios defendentes in Redmarley Dabitott et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Pauntley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi . Inter Georgium Coin it em Hallifax et alios querentes , et Thomam Dominum Windsor Turvey et alios defendentes de maneriis de Breedon et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Kemerton in Comi- tatu Gloucestriensi Wigorn. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Gloucestr. IN THE REIGN OV CHARLES It. 245 Year of the Keign. 33rd. Michaelmas I Inter Thorn am Chaunce que- ' Term continued. J rentem et Thomam Saunders et alios defendentes in le Fishstreete et aliis in parochia Sancti Albani et aliis in Civitate Wigornise .... nter Bath. Baker generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Leeke alias Rud querentes et 1 homam Bayleys Aston et continued. ..... . _ ,, ... J alios deiendentcs in Dudley et ahis. Inter Ricardum Cave generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Ruthorne generosum Rudge Brookes Ordway et alios defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Mills querentem et Carolum Dowdeswell generosum et alios defendentes in Bushley. Inter Antonium Lane et alios querentes et Willelmum White defcn- dentem in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Johannem Hutton et alios querentes et Henricum Rabon et alios defendentes in Kingesnorton. Warwic. Wigorn. 34th. Trinity ] Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum Term. J querentem et Thomam Dominum Windesor et alios defendentes in parochia de Tardebigg in Comitatu Warwicensi et in pa- rochia de Tardebigg in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Henricum Cocke querentem et Thomam Skrymsher gene- rosum et alios defendentes de tenementis in Bradley. Inter Jonathanum Taylor et alios querentes et Samuelem Mason alias Robinson seniorem Greene Bellamy Boyce et alios defen- dentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Johannem Watts juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Watts seniorem et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Osborn armigerum querentem et Edmundum Adney et alios defendentes in Hindlip. Inter Henricum Cooke et alios querentes ct Thomam Scrymsher et alios defendentes in Bradley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cockcs Baronettum querentem et Thomam Vernon armigerum Woods et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Henricum Porter alias Baker querentem et Georgium Young Ashwyn et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Ricardum Younge generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Packer Field et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Wood generosum ct alios querentes ct Johannem Freeman seniorem Teynton Church ct alios defendentes in Alfrick ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 251 Year of the Reign. , . . -> Inter Jacobum Eckley generosum quercntcm 34th. Trinity Term , . »,,,,., • „ J- et Johannem Bcale defendentem in Bcrrow continued. 1 ct alus. Inter Franciscum Tyler quercntcm et Bright. Gandcrton viduam et alios defendentes in Marteley. Wigorn. Stafford. Civitas Wigornensis. Wigorn. Michaelmas ] Inter Edwardum Woodhouse et alios Term. J querentcs et Thomam Smith Littlcford et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Amblecott in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Abigail Higgins viduam et alios querentes et ' Robertum Vaughan et alios defendentes in Civi- tate Wigorniae in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Droytwich in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Caple Hanbury armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Penn seniorem Clare et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Johannem Smith et alios querentes et Willelmum Hewett Tovey Sly Alston Squire defendentem in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Henricum Steward et alios querentes et Ricardum Bornford generosum Anderson Smith et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum et alios querentcs et Annam Hurdman viduam Billingsley Heath et alios defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Willelmum Ashwyn et alios querentes et Thomam Harbach et alios defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Thomam Blissard et alios querentes et Antonium Morris seniorem Lunne Baldwin defendentem in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Georgium Hickman ct alios querentes ct Ricardum Hickman Raby et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Franciscum Parsons et alios querentes et Aliciam Harbach viduam Noke et alios defendentes in Drake Broughton et aliis. Inter Georgium Smith generosum querentem et Guthlake Folliott generosum ct alios defendentes de manerio de Merton et tene- ments ibidem et aliis. 252 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 34th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Willelmum Golder generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Thackwell gene- rosum defendentem in Briuts Morton et aliis. Inter Carolum Greene querentem et Willelmum Hill et alios defen- dentes in Tembury. Inter Edwardum Rogers generosum querentem et Franciscum Fawkes et alios defendentes in Seavernstoke et aliis. Inter Johannem Browning et alios querentes et Thomam Wood generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Suckley. Inter Ricardum Walker et alios querentes et Lane. Bromwich defendentem in Mamble et aliis. Inter Johannem Cooper et alios querentes et Caleb Wharton Andrewes Greves et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Thomam Burlton juniorem et alios querentes et Phillippum Burlton defendentem in Hadley et aliis. Inter Johannem Jephcott et alios querentes et Willelmum Lane seniorem Brookes Harris defendentem in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Wowcn generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Foley armigerum Tandy et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Burton armigerum et alios querentes et Ursulam Power viduam Lawrence et alios defendentes de manerio de Emload et tenementis ibidem. Inter Johannem Jones et alios querentes et Henricum Longmore Clymer Webster Mills et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Radulphum Cartwright et alios querentes et Willelmum Richards alias Richardson Ealeston Martin et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Thomam Goodinge armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Finch generosum Fidoe et alios defendentes in Overton et aliis. Inter Phillippum Kinnersley generosum querentem et Johannem Langston generosum defendentem in Hanley Castle et aliis. •\ Inter Willelmum Jones querentem et Ma. 34th & 35th. Hilary „. . , ,. ■ r , . *^ JJ J \ B onnt viduam et alios defendentes in Term. Blount viduam et alios defendentes North Piddle. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 253 34th & 35th. Hilary Term continued. Year of the Reign. Inter Johannem Payne generosum et alios qucrentes et Laurencium Ball generosum et alios defendentes de annuali redditu in Evesham et aliis. Inter Cristinam Savage generosum et alios querentes ct Ricardum Barston et George defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Thomam Yarnold juniorem et alios querentes et Ma. Blount viduam Knightly et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Lucy Dolphin et alios querentes et Nicholaum Paston Powell Geast et alios defendentes in Lea et aliis. Inter Johannem Scudamore armigerum querentem et Ambrosium Scudamore generosum et alios defendentes in Redmarlcy. Inter Johannem Russell generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Seagar Atwood et alios defendentes in Rowny et aliis. Inter Ricardum Lygon armigerum querentem et Franciscum Russell Baronettum et alios defendentes in Strensham. Inter Henricum Osland generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Floyd generosum et alios defendentes in Franckley et aliis. Inter Thomam Rickards et alios querentes et Hu. Nicholls Mayd et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Georgium Davies generosum querentem et Willelmum Eades et alios defendentes in Huntende ct aliis. Inter Johannem Wood et alios querentes et Willelmum Wood Willetts et alios defendentes in Wolverley et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Tocknell querentem et Jocosam Tocknell viduam defendentem in Eldersfeild. Inter Thomam Lench generosum querentem et Henricum Turner et alios defendentes in Okewould et aliis. 35th. Easter | Inter Georgium Stonhouse genero- , Term. J sum querentem et Nicholaum Bowell armigerum et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Childs Wickham et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Thomam Treherne querentem et Jan. Gardner viduam et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Martini infra Civitate Wigornias Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. 254 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 35th. Easter Term "| Inter Robertum Mason cleri- >, continued. J cum et alios querentes et Tho- I Civitas mam Porter seniorem Hopkins et alios defen- j Wigornensis. dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . J Inter Antonium Drowth querentem et Rolandum 1 „ , Tx , ,. , . , . , . Civitas Tayler Hackett et alios defendentes in parochia J- TT ,, ... Wigornensis. Sancte Hellene et alns . . ■ J Inter Johannem Hcming et alios querentes et Ricardum Vernon seniorem generosum Johnson et alios defendentes in parochia de Hanbury et aliis Inter Jacobum Rushout Baronettum querentem et Willelmum Child armigerum Stephens Jenkinson et alios defendentes de manerio de Northwicke et aliis. Inter Thomam Baker generosum querentem et Johannem Wood- ward et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Brookes et alios querentes et Ricardum Heminge Keyes et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Carolum Trinder generosum querentem et Johannem Russell armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Malvcrne Parva et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Rogerum Payne querentem et Thomam Payne et alios defen- dentes in Alchurch. Inter Elianorum Tovey viduam querentem et Humfridum Fox et alios defendentes in Woolverton Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Helmes generosum et alios querentes et Mar- garctam Boone viduam defendentem in Eldersfeild. Inter Samuelem Saunders querentem et Georgium Lench armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Doverdale. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Willelmum Bromley armigerum Jones et alios defendentes de manerio de Wan- nerton et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hucklctt et alios querentes et Robertum Yar- ranton et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Gorle generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Yarranton generosum et alios defendentes in Astlcy. Inter Willelmum Sambach et alios querentes et Johannem Ordvvay Perkinson ct alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 255 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Humfridum Jeston et alios qucrentes et 35th. Easter Term TT r . , „,., .. , - , V Humfridum Wiley et alios defendentes in continued. „ ... / Stowcrbndge. Inter Henricum Gray armigerum querentem et Ricardum Alchurch juniorem et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Johannem Chcllingworth et alios querentes et Edmundum Horneblower seniorem defcndentem in Coston Hackett. Inter Thomam Tolley generosum et alios querentes et Thomam B.iker generosum et alios defendentes in Hoo Shemstone et aliis. Inter Willelmum Brettell querentem et Robcrtum Bloomer et alios defendentes in Cradley. Inter Willelmum Moore generosum et alios qucrentes et Thomam Taylor Lyde et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Josephum Fox querentem et Johannem Pitvvay juniorem et alios defendentes in Yardlcy. Trinity ] Inter Edwardum Pye armigerum et alios Term. J querentes et Willelmum Wall armigerum et alios defendentes in Lintridge et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Ledbury et aliis in Comitatu Herefordcnsi et in Ridmarley Dabitott in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum et alios querentes . et Johannem More et alios defendentes in ^ Ludlow et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et in J Gloucestr. Hereford. Wi"orn. Salop. Wiscorn. Shelsy Magna in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Haselwood militem querentem et Thomam Clutter- buck armigerum Chamberlaine Windowe defendentes de 3 parte scitus maneriorum de Bengeworth etc. Inter Saram Woodward viduam et alios querentes et Thomam Hackett Hill Dunne et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Willelmum Falkingham clericum et alios querentes et Ma. Blount Knightley et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Johannem Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Thornebury Prescott et alios defendentes in Birlingliam et aliis. 2 S 6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Henricum Winford armigerum et alios quercntes et Ricardum Grevis armigerum defendentem de manerio de Yardley et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lyes querentem et Ricardum Suthall seniorem et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Griff. Jones clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Maunder et alios defendentes in Evenlode. Inter Thomam Haslewood militem querentem et Gilbertum Batty Lloyd et alios defendentes in Bengworth. Inter Robertum George et alios defendentes et Phillippum Brooke seniorem et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Edwardum Walker generosum et alios querentes et Compton Hanford armigerum defendentem in Eckington. Inter Ricardum Hartland et alios querentes et Ricardum Heath Tayler Jermin et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Thomam Sabury generosum querentem et Thomam Powis generosum et alios defendentes in Keyrwood et aliis. Inter Johannem Wilse generosum querentem et Robertum Cowcher in artibus magistrum defendentem in Overwick et aliis. Inter Johannem Haynes querentem et Willelmum Bromsgrove et alios defendentes in Emload. Inter Phillippum Surman et alios querentes et Johannem Pace alias Pacy et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Johannem Millington et alios querentes et Jacobum Nash generosum Smith et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Thomam Harris armigerum querentem et Thomam Steevens armigerum defendentem in Kempsey. Inter Clem. Fisher et alios querentes et Georgium Middlemore generosum Dolphin Cotterell et alios defendentes in Kings- norton et aliis. Inter Johannem Ayscombe viduam querentem et Samuclcm Gib- bard generosum defendentem in Armscoate. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 257 Year of the Reign. 35th. Michaelmas ") Inter Thomam Folliott armi- Term. J gerum et alios querentcs et Franciscum Walker armigerum et alios defen- Salop, dentes dc mancrio de Burraton et tenementis > Civitas ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et in Civi- Wigornensis. tate Wigorniae in Comitatu Civitatis Wigorn- ensi ..... Inter Aliciam Bromwich viduam querentem et Tho- 1 mam Wiley et alios defendentes in St. Svvithens \ ,.. . ^. .. , TT . . Wigornensis. et alas in Civitate Wigorniae . . ' ° Inter Radulphum Stockdale querentem et Ricardum ") Bland generosum et alios defendentes in parochia \ c .. -r, . . ,...„. .. .... . I Wigornensis. hancti Petri et alns in Civitate Wigorniae . J ° Inter Joscphum Hanbury et alios querentes et Willelmum Radford Widnell et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Franciscum Moule et alios querentes et Ma. Blounte viduam Knightley et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Johannem Martin querentem et Johannem Caters Atkinson Cotterill et alios defendentes in Hampton Parva. Inter Willelmum Kendrick seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Johnsons et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Henricum Winford armigerum querentem et Gilbertum Cocks seniorem generosum Bull et alios defendentes in Ridmarly Oliver et aliis. Inter Johannem Osland querentem et Johannem Lane et alios defendentes in Sutton Sturmy et aliis. Inter Gilbertum Cocks generosum querentem et Elizabethan! Winford viduam et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Carolum Whitaker generosum querentem et Thomam Gawton generosum Plevey et alios defendentes in Heightington et aliis. Inter Thomam Hurdman et alios querentes et Silv. Tomkyns generosum Parker ct alios defendentes in Powicke et aliis. Inter Johannem Doverdale et alios querentes et Thomam Coningsby armigerum Goold et alios defendentes in Hacketts Broughton et aliis. Inter Ja. Brooke viduam et alios querentes et Margaretam Goodman viduam defendentem in Marty n Hussingtree. S 258 INDEX TO THE FINKS Year of the Reign. 35th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Elizabethans Harris seniorem viduam querentem et Thomam Calcott generosum et Andrews defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Henricum Hill et alios querentes et Johannem Portman generosum et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Johannem Wilson et alios querentes et Henricum Miles et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Perkes et alios querentes et Henricum Sheldon generosum Broad et alios defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Georgium Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Johannem Surman generosum defendentem in Malverne Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem Daunce et alios querentes et Johannem Story et alios defendentes in Cumberton Parva. Inter Jonathanum Crane et alios querentes et Johannem Glasbrooke Hawkins et alios defendentes in Habburley et aliis. Inter Johannem Hunt generosum querentem et Willelmum Win- churst generosum Heminge et alios defendentes in Holwey et aliis. Inter Robertum Harvey et alios querentes et Johannem Williamson seniorem Harman et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Astcley juniorem generosum querentem et Holmer Lunne generosum et alios defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem ct Johannem Elvins defendentem in Hanbury. Inter Johannem Somers armigerum querentem et Henricum Baldwin generosum Grew et alios defendentes in Claynes. Inter Johannem Morton generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hall generosum et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Johannem Page et alios querentes et Edwardum Tayler et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Robertum Greenhall juniorem et alios querentem et Annam Birch viduam Biggs Harbridge defendentem in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Thomam Ward generosum querentem et Franciscum Wyre Tolley Davis Bowen Butcher defendentem in Tembury. Salop. Wigorn. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 259 Year of the Reign. 35th & 36th. Hilary ) Inter Smith. Fleetwood ar- ^ Term. J migerum et alios querentes et Nicholaum Lechmere et alios defendentes in Allstone et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et in Grimley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Robertum Wyld armigerum et alios querentes 1 et Georgium Stinton et alios defendentes in I- , . c TJ ,, ... Wigornensis. parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis . . J ° Inter Johannem Fincher et alios querentes et Willelmum Scott seniorem Smith Littleford et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Johannem Badger clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Carwardine armigerum Yates et alios defendentes in Rushwicke et aliis. Inter Jacobum Willmott querentem et Willelmum Haughton et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Bate et alios querentes et Humfridum Whitmore Attwood et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Samuelem Clarke querentem et Franciscum Tandy et alios defendentes in Moreton Abbotts. Inter Robertum Kinsman generosum et alios querentes et Ma. Yate spinster defendentem de manerio de Moorehall et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis. Inter Sol. Smith clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Mills et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Robertum George querentem et Thomam Andrevves gene- rosum Ayers et alios defendentes in Offenham et aliis. Inter Franciscum Biddle querentem et Georgium Biddle defen- dentem in Stock et aliis. Inter Johannem Lee et alios querentes et Johannem Dolphin Bissell Gould et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Thomam Collen armigerum querentem et Benjaminum Randall alias Bailyes defendentem in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Smith et alios querentes et Johannem Higgins et alios defendentes in Evenloade. Inter Johannem George et alios querentes et Franciscum Fawkes Ernes Hunt et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. S 2 20O INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 36th. Easter "1 Inter Edwardum Steyner querentem , ., Term. J et Georgium Harris generosum et Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai Wigornensis. in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Gilbertum Cox seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Gilbertum Cockes juniorem generosum Yarranton et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Edwardum Dyneley militem et alios querentes et Johannem Casson Barnes et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Willclmum Reynolds et alios querentes et Georgium Porter generosum defendentem in Martley. Inter Henricum Hill querentem et Thomam Wood et alios defen- dentes in Alfrick et aliis. Inter Thomam Clarke querentem et Stephanum Smith juniorem Webb Lake et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Basil. Feilding armigerum et alios defendentes de scitu manerii de Braunceford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Yate querentem et Willelmum Sheward et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Johannem Hathway clericum querentem et Ezram Fincher generosum defendentem in Acton Beachampe. Inter Carolum Cocks generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Stonehall Mence Saunders Dison Hudson et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Thomam Cotterell et alios querentes et Thomam Cotterell de Broadway et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Thomam Withers querentem et Willelmum Hobbs et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Thomam Haselwood militem querentem et Franciscum Ancell generosum defendentem in Bengworth. Inter Thomam Haselwood militem querentem et Ricardum White clericum et alios defendentes de tercia parte scitus manerii de Bengworth et aliis. Inter Georgium Russell armigerum et alios querentes et Susannam Hodges viduam Amesworth Thornbury et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 26l Year of the Reign. 36th. Easter Term continued. Inter Johanncm Ernes gencrosum et alios querentes et Johanncm Payne Boult Sur- man et alios defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Blake querentem et Cox. Stephens gencrosum defcndentcm in Wycr Piddle et nl iis. Inter Henricum Porter querentem ct Johanncm Smith Bradley et alios defendentes in Kington. Inter Johannem French generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Watkins et alios defendentes in Impney et aliis. Inter Annam Dawes viduam querentem et Windesor Finch armi- gerum et alios defendentes de mancrio de Rushock ct tene- mentis ibidem et aliis. Inter Thomam Wells querentem et Capell Hanbury armigerum et alios defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Henricum Toye et alios querentes et Willelmum Cardale generosum defendentem in Hagley. Inter Harman Johnson generosum querentem et Mai. Lester gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Tidillmington. Inter Thomam Potter et alios querentes et Willelmum Lewes et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Osborne armigerum querentem et Robertum Sherieffe Greene Boulter et alios defendentes in Marten Hussentree &c. Inter Elianorum Buckle querentem et Willelmum Buckle seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia de Castle Morton. Trinity ~| Inter Herbertum Masters armigerum et Term. J alios querentes et Bridges Nanfan armi- gerum defendentem de maneriis de Berrow et Wigorn. aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu I Civitas Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Swithini et Wigornensis. aliis in Civitate Wigornia: in Comitatu Civi- tatis Wigornensis Inter Jacobum Pytts armigerum querentem et Johannem Barneby generosum et alios defendentes in Weston Newtowne et aliis. 262 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Russell viduam querentem et Henncum Asgill et alios defendentes in r 4.1 tit 4. .. I- Castle Morton et alns. Inter Thomam Hunt generosum et alios querentes et Rogerum Weston Crofte et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Cooke et alios querentes et Thomam Launder Ward Beale et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum querentem et Ricardum Walker generosum defendentem in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Smith querentem et Johannem Fownes generosum Newman Haye et alios defendentes in Alverchurch. Inter Ricardum Albut querentem et Rogerum Chellingworth seni- orem et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Watts generosum querentem et Thomam Shaw Cookes Nash defendentem in Hanbury. Inter Barth. Baker querentem et Johannem Turner defendentem in Edvinloche. Inter Edmundum Wells seniorem et alios querentes et Willelmum Lowe Smyth Sanders et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Hall juniorem querentem et Timotheum Harris defendentes in Blockly et aliis. Inter Samuelem Gardner generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Davis Morris et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Flor. Dabny viduam et alios querentes et Thomam Curtis et alios defendentes in Cumberton. Inter Willelmum Petit armigerum querentem et Robertum Elliott generosum et alios defendentes in Moore et aliis. Inter Johannem Bourne generosum querentem et Ricardum Nash generosum et alios defendentes in Ombersley et aliis. Inter Johannem Cottrell et alios querentes et Thomam Buckley Middlemore Home et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Tyrer armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Hamond Hunt Bradley et alios defendentes in Wollescoate et aliis. Inter Jacobum Newnam et alios querentes ct Franciscum Westwood Grove ct alios defendentes in Bonehill et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 263 Year of the Reign. ■\ Inter Ricardum Mcnce ct alios querentes et 36th. Trinity Term I Edmundum Adys Talbott Shaw defen . continued. . . „, , . , ... J dcntes in Elmcbridge et alns. Inter Johannem Thornburgh generosum querentem et Willelmum Hall generosum et alios defendentes in Suckley. 36th. Michaelmas "j Inter Johannem Street et alios -1 Term. J querentes et Margaretam Tay- I Civitas lor viduam et alios defendentes in parochia I VVigornensis. Sancti Nicholai et aliis . . .' Inter Willelmum Chetle generosum querentem et J . Thomam Walsgrove alias Fleet Hawlin Winton J- I \\ l^ornensis. et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigornias . ) ° Inter Jacobum Smith querentem et Willelmum "1 ,,. , „. . , r . , . „ . Civitas V ick ct \\ armg defendentes in parochia bancti V TVT- 1 1 • • r- •* ^ w ■ VVigornensis. Nicholai in Civitate vv igorniae . . J Inter Abigail Higgins viduam querentem et Wil- -\ . lelmum Slade et alios defendentes in parochia \ tt , . ^. . „,. . VVigornensis. Sancte Helene in Civitate VVigorniae . . J Inter Thomam Russell generosum querentem et Samuelem Carnaby generosum Sambach et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Nicholaum Burrington clericum et alios querentes et Guth. Folliott generosum Burrington et alios defendentes de maneriis de Marten Hussentree et aliis. Inter Johannem Darke querentem et Johannem Amesworth et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baldvvyn generosum querentem et Johannem Taylor Hazell Clarrowet alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Thomam Cobb et alios querentes et Willelmum Wormeington Enterbury et Terrett defendentem in Grimlcy et aliis. Inter Samuelem Jemmatt clericum querentem et Aron. Rogers generosum Spicer et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Johannem Suffeild querentem et Samuelem Beldin Wells et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Edwardum Hammond generosum querentem et Henricum Atwood armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Perdis- wall et aliis. 264 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ... . . ^ Inter Jacobum Nash et alios querentes et Wil- 36th. Michaelmas , , XT „ r „ ,. , r , „ y lelmum JNott Walker et alios defendentes in 1 erm continued. I ^ , J Orleton. Inter Franciscum Barnes querentem et Margaretam Barnes defen- dentem in Shrawley. Inter Johannem Price generosum querentem et Acton Cremer cleri- cum Penell Slaughter Cotton defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Robertum Bagott armigerum et alios querentes et Wroth. Rogers armigerum et alios defendentes in Eastham. Inter Honoriam Rogers spinster et alios querentes et Thomam Glaze Bullock Baylies et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Johannem Smith clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Rocke generosum querentem et Thomam Ward generosum et alios defendentes in Berrington et aliis. Inter Robertum Foley armigerum querentem et Ricardum Cox et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Jacobum Willmott generosum querentem et Henricum Smith generosum et alios defendentes in Nether Mitton et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Matheum Hickman et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Johannem Amsworth querentem et Walterum Insoll defen- dentem in Elmeley Lovett et aliis. Inter Johannem Everton querentem et Thomam Lilly et alios defendentes in Wichbold et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt juniorcm generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Wilson alias Walston Crane et alios defendentes in Habburley et aliis. Inter Salway Winington armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Keyt generosum defendentem in Broadway. Inter Danielem Richards querentem et Johannem Thornebury Turvey et alios defendentes in Birliiigham ct aliis. Inter Johannem Underhill et alios querentes et Johannem Sheapard juniorcm Leonard Ernes et alios defendentes in Parshorc. Inter Thomam Turvey armigerum querentem et Edmundum Surman et alios defendentes in Thorndon et aliis. Inter Johannem Langston generosum querentem et Willelmum Stevens "encrosum defendentem in South Littleton. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES IT. 265 Year of the Reign. „. . , "v Inter Ilarman Johnson generosum qucrcntcm 36th. Michaelmas „ , T ,. , r _ V et Mai. Lester generosum et alios defen- Term continued. , . „. , . ' dentes in iidmington. Inter Elizabetham Dickins viduam querentem et Willelmum Keate et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Gem et alios querentes et Georgium Hole Bennett et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Henricum Grove querentem et Robertum Kent et alios defendentes in Comerton Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Arthurum Rowney generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Jonathanum Taylor et alios querentes et Ricardum Cartwright Baylyes Symons Groves et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cocchett armigerum querentem et Timotheum White clericum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Johannem Hinckley Doctorem et alios querentes et Thomam Smith More et alios defendentes in Stoke Prior et aliis. Inter Edwardum Mence et alios querentes et Thomam Wells Hill et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Humfridum Powell querentem et Petrum Robson Eades et alios defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Thomam Treherne querentem et Ricardum Baxter generosum et alios defendentes in Much Malverne et aliis. Inter Ricardum Avenant et alios querentes et Johannem Barneby militem et alios defendentes in Eastham. Inter Ricardum Leeth querentem et Willelmum Wainwright et alios defendentes in Garlford et aliis. 36th & 37th. Hilary ") Inter Willelmum Napper ge- Term. J nerosum querentem et Ro- bertum Throckmorton Baronettum et alios de- fendentes de maneriis de Coughton et aliis et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Warwic- ensi et de manerio de Throckmorton et tene- mentis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Weston Underwood et tene- mentis ibidem in Comitatu Bukinghamensi Warwic. Wigorn. Bukingham. 266 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ) Inter Edwardum King querentem et Jo- hannem Downes defendentem in Sutton Sturmey. Inter Willelmum Bromley armigcrum querentem et Nicholaum Lechmere militem et alios defendentes in Hollow Grimley et aliis. Inter Ricardum More armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Turton armigerum defendentem de manerio de Kingsitch et aliis. Inter Samuelem Ward cleiicum querentem et Johannem Cotterell Such et alios defendentes in Baughton et aliis. Inter Thomam Kings generosum querentem et Stephanum Baylis et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Samuelem Trotman armigerum querentem et Thomam Wotton defendentem in Dunley et aliis. Inter Cristinam Winbery querentem et Benjaminum Asgill et alios defendentes in Brudgers end in parochia de Castle Morton. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentem et Thomam Mason Gibson et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Edmundum Edwards querentem et Sar. Holland spinster et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Henricum Hodges generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Harris armigerum et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Ricardum Salvvay armigerum querentem et Johannem Freeman et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks generosum et alios querentes et Gilbertum Cocks seniorem Writer et alios defendentes in Claynes et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bromley armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Cox generosum Bagett Parker defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Johannem Brockhurst querentem et Johannem Button seni- orem et alios defendentes in le Heath. Inter Willelmum Freeman generosum et alios querentes et Eliza- bctham Dominam Windesor defendentem in Parshore. Inter Johannem Rogers generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Parker generosum Farley Morris et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF CHARLES II. 267 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Willelmum Harris generosum queren- 36th & 37th. H.lary ^ ^ Annam Ncw viduam et alios dc _ Term continued. f , . ,, , ) fendentes in Breedon. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Willelmum Bell generosum Win ford et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wigornensis. WORCESTER FINES. JAMES II Year of the Keign. 1st. Easter") Inter Thomam Warne generosum-, Term. J querentem et Carolum Dingley gene rosum et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabi- ■ tott et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Paunt- ley et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Thomam Smith querentem et Ricardum Stol- lard Winton Havvling et alios defendentes in . parochia Sancti Clementis in Civitate Wigornise Inter Willelmum Sheppard generosum et alios que- 1 „. . „ , ,- , r , Civitas rentes et Johannem Bearde et alios defendentes J- , . „ . „ vv igornensis. in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . . J Inter Franciscum Moore et alios querentes et Stephanum Pitway Batman et alios defendentes in Bengeworth. Inter Wintour Harris generosum querentem et Willelmum Norris generosum defendentem in Marten Hussingtree. Inter Nicholaum Fletcher generosum et alios querentes et Arthurum Fletcher seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Paxford et aliis. Inter Ma. Rogers viduam querentem et Jeremiam Smyth et alios defendentes in Nether Howsell et aliis. Inter Dorotheam Penn viduam querentem et Thomam Horniold armigerum et alios defendentes in Garleford et aliis. Inter Humfridum Potter querentem et Dorotheam Penn viduam Whitaker et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Thomam Dingley et alios querentes et Willelmum Fitter seniorem et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. 268 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1st. Easter Term continued. Inter Georgium Hunt et alios" querentes et Willelmum Sowley Emes Moore Hay et alios defendentes in Peopleton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Wade et alios querentes et Johannem Perkins Younge Cole et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Johannem Watkins et alios querentes et Willelmum Ball et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Moore clericum et alios querentes et Josephum Cart Baylis et alios defendentes in Lower Howsell et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Feild generosum querentem et Thomam Baylis et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Cap. Hanbury armigerum querentem et Edwardum Waldron Billingsley et alios defendentes in Habbuiley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cave generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Rosse et alios defendentes in Suckle)'. Inter Willelmum Tristram querentem et Willelmum Smith et Lawder defendentes in Old Swinford. Civitas Wigoinensis. Trinity ] Inter Georgium Gravcnor generosum et Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Wynns et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigornia; Inter Johannem Carsey generosum querentem et \ Abell. Wilkinson et alios defendentes in parochia v c i u 11 ■ /»• -i i.r- • I Wigoinensis. bancte Hellene in Civitate Vvigorniae .J ° Inter Willelmum Moore et alios querentes et Thomam Horton Knight Alford Hill Mcdens et alios defendentes in Bentley et aliis. Inter Ma. Parsons querentem et Johannem Fearnside et alios defen- dentes in Longdon. Inter Robertum Hopkins et alios querentes et Georgium Harris generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Johannem Emes generosum querentem et Thomam Browne generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Golofours et tenementis in Comberton et aliis. Inter Thomam Dinley et alios querentes et Thomam Dewce Grove et alios defendentes in Biomsgrovc et aliis. 1st. Trinity Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 269 Year of the Reign. ^ Inter Willelmum Gower armigerum et alios querentes et Ma. Newbrough viduam Att- wood et alios defendentes de manerio de Perke Attvvood et aliis. Inter Elizabethan! Dawbrey viduam querentem et Willelmum Brookes et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentem et Georgium Gower generosum Browne Rogers et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Caleb. Warton et alios querentes et Ilenricum Cooke et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Nourse Yate generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Steward generosum et alios defendentes in Byrch Morton et aliis. Inter Johannem Cother generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Deakin Winsmore et alios defendentes in Brauntford et aliis. Inter Johannem Tandy generosum et alios querentes et Dorotheam Dendy viduam et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lea generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Cutler Brettell Meredith Hughes et alios defendentes in Norton Regis et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage generosum querentem et Arthurum Fletcher generosum Hobday et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Colmere armigerum querentem et Thomam Jolliffe armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Coston et tenementis ibidem et aliis. Inter Johannem Draper querentem et Thomam Abinton armi- gerum defendentem de manerio de Hindlipp et tenementis ibidem. Inter Josephum Hampton querentem et Thomam Stevens armi- gerum defendentem in Whittington et aliis. Inter Thomam Woodward querentem et Robertum Woodward Rutter et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Ricardum Yate juniorem querentem et Humfridum Clarke defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri. Gloucestr. Wigorn. 270 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1st. Michaelmas \ Inter Edwardum Morse gene- , Term. I rosum et alios querentes et Tho- mam Hodges armigerum defendentem de mi- neriis dc Shepton Moigne et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et de manerio de March Court et tenementis in Elsfeild et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi .... Inter Georgium Kemble generosum querentem et -v Willelmum Hemynge Price et alios defendentes j- ,.„,.,,.,.. Wigornensis. in parochia Sancti Nicholai . . J ° Inter Arthurum Soley generosum querentem et Robertum Fidoe generosum Taylor et alios defendentes in Shellesley et aliis. Inter Johannem Hassard querentem et Thomam Hunt et alios defendentes in Abbotts Morton. Inter Ricardum Weaver querentem et Elizabetham Wilkes viduam Stringer et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Thomam Bellarmy juniorem Mauley et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Mart. Ballard generosum querentem et Ricardum Darlinge et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Willelmum Harris et alios querentes et Danielem Hall Charman Widnell defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Edmundum Adys et alios querentes et Walterum Bradley Beck et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Ricardum Greene et alios querentes et Jacobum Okey juni- orem et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Johannem Dominum Coventry querentem et Johannem Stephens generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Russell querentem et Johannem George seniorem et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Radulphum Taylor clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Heekes Ewens Garratt Huband defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Rolandum Hope et alios querentes et Ricardum Cooke seniorem et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rogers generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Hcming Bond et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 2J\ Year of the Reign. 'v Inter Henricum Panting clericum et alios que- ist. Michaelmas „,,,.«. _ . , i rentes et S.imuclem Birch seniorem generosum Term continued. ,• j «■ , . TT / et alios defendentes in Upton. Inter Elizabetham Somcrs spinster querentem et Johannem Hickox et alios defendentes in Black Naunton et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Greves et alios querentes et Ricardum Turton juniorem generosum Freeth Grevis Cox defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hill querentem et Johannem Oseland et alios defendentes in Sutton et aliis. Inter Ward Dilkes armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Ward armigerum et alios defendentes in Audley. Inter Edwardum Burlton clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Harris Smyth et alios defendentes in Shrawley. Inter Benjaminum Greves et alios querentes et Edwardum Belson generosum Child et alios defendentes de manerio de Moneyhull et aliis. Inter Thomam Aris et alios querentes et Robert um Cox Morgan et alios defendentes in Mathon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Manning querentem et Josephum Smith defen- dentem in Defford. 1st & 2nd. Hilary"! Inter Johannem Bressey gene- Term. J rosum querentem et Grimbald Pauncefoote armigerum Alleyne et alios defen- Wigorn. dentes in parochia de Eastham et aliis in Comi- j Hereford. tatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Rochford et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Samuelem Benton et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis armigerum Blume et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Thomam Blicke querentem et Johannem Cooke Badger et alios defendentes in Oldswinford et aliis. Inter Katherinam Soley viduam et alios querentes et Petreum Branch Perkins Weaver Best defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Stephanum Fowler et alios querentes et Joh. Woodward viduam et alios defendentes in Bengworth et aliis. 272 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. . . TT ., 'i Inter Johannem Stretch querentem et Ma- ist & 2nd. Hilary , „. r „ . , r theum Wotton defendentem de tenementis lerm continued. ... ) in Astley. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentem et Robertum Larkin Ingram et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Johannem Bach querentem et Samuelem Barnett Blue et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Ricardum Powis et alios querentes et Edvvardum Walker Waties Brasier defendentes in Teambury. Inter Annam Jencks viduam querentem et Ricardum Miller et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Danielem Sheldon armigerum et alios querentes et Windesor Finch armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Rushock et aliis. Inter Samuelem Inice clericum querentem et Margaretam Sandy viduam Mabe Perry et alios defendentes in Elsfeild. Inter Walterum Meeke querentem et Johannem Portman generosum et alios defendentes in Asteley. f 2nd. Easter "i Inter Willelmum Vernon seniorem Term. J generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Appletree generosum et alios defen- dentes in Egiock et aliis in Comitatu Wigorn- ensi et in Compton et aliis in Comitatu Warwic- ensi ..... Inter Willelmum Bowles generosum et alios que- rentes et Gilbertum Cocks juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Kings Norton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Solyhull et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Bartholomeum Baker generosum et alios que-] rentes et Johannem Turner defendentem in - parochia Sancti Swithini in Civitate Wigorniae . I Inter Lane. Jevvkcs querentem et Ricardum Hill \ Wyley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti l Nicholai et aliis in Civitate Wigorniae . J Wigorn. W'arvvic. Wigorn. Warwic. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 273 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Walterum Hide et alios querentes et i Ricardum Baxter Lawence Smyth Tombs continued. , .. . . ,„ ,, , , ... 1 defendentem in Welland et alns. Inter Thomam Withers querentem et Willelmum Helme Egiock alias Edgehogge et alios defendentes in Croome et aliis. Inter Thomam Treherne querentem et Henricum Staunton Goodicr et alios defendentes in Norton juxta Kempsey. Inter Egidium Marden querentem et Willelmum Harden seniorcm et alios defendentes in parochia de Berrowe. Inter Willelmum Parsons et alios querentes et Thomam Wither defendentem in Longdon. Inter Willelmum Byrd generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Rudge defendentem in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Norn's et alios querentes et Josephum Powell Grevis Dolphin Rotton defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Georgium Gedes querentem et Thomam Hunt et alios defen- dentes in Dormeston. Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Dipple Greene Doverdale defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Johannem Asteley generosum querentem et Willelmum Stockall et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Thomam Potter generosum querentem et Georgium Crofte et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Henricum Penn querentem et Thomam Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Franciscum Clarke et alios querentes et Stephanum Marsh generosum et alios defendentes in Netherton et aliis. Inter Edmundum Cowcher generosum et alios querentes et Johan. Streete viduam et alios defendentes in Maddersfeild et aliis. Inter Edwardum Walker generosum querentem et Johannem Phillipps armigerum Donninge Wood et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Ricardum Williams et alios querentes et Abram Chamberlin defendentem in Kidderminster. Inter Abel. Atwood generosum querentem et Johannem Newey et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. T 274 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. Sinter Georgium Bissell querentem et Annam Groobee viduam et Atwell defendentes in Yardley. Inter Walterum Chamberlaine querentem et Matheum Wotton defendentem in Areley Regis. Inter Johannem Yarnold querentem et Henricum Farr et alios defendentes in Morton Underhill. Trinity j Inter Timothcum Baldwin militem etc. ' Term. J querentem et Carolum Baldwyn armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Bockleton I Wigorn. et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu I Hereford. VVigornensi et in Hampton et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Edmundum Horneblowcr et alios querentes et Margaretam Williamson viduam Christopher et alios defendentes in Bromes- grove. Inter Job Marston generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Carter Charman Haines et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edmundum Wells seniorem querentem et Petreum Pers- house generosum Underhill Gibbins Haughton defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Harrison generosum querentem et Willelmum Lea et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Mos. Goodyeare armigerum et alios querentes et Rebeccam Westwood viduam et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Saunders et alios querentes et Henricum Wright clericum Pickring et alios defendentes in Powicke. Inter Phillippum Bearcroft generosum querentem et Franciscum Bearcroft generosum Browne Cowcher et alios defendentes in Morton et aliis. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Thomam Griffin Chellingworth Shunell et alios defendentes in Braynsbcll et aliis. Inter Georgium Pacey et alios querentes et Ricardum Lowe Tayler et alios defendentes in Wichband ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 275 Year of the Keign. -v Inter Willclmum Herbert generosum que- 2nd. Trinity Term I continued. I j alu rentem et Carolum Mansfeild clericum et os defendentes in Severnestoak. Inter Josephum Ford et alios querentes et Ricardum Turton Freetli Smith defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Robertum Simonds juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Nicholaum Barneby armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hull alias Hill et aliis. Inter Thomam Parrey querentem et Willelmum Brookes et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Comitem Plimouth querentem et Henricum Sparry Paine et alios defendentes in Flaclbury. Inter Josephum Allen querentem et Franciscum Batchler seniorem et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Josephum Crane querentem et Johannem Jones et alios defen- dentes in Crowle. Inter Edwardum Dineley militem querentem et Edmundum Aston generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Antonium Brookes et alios querentes et Stephanum Pitway Woodward Checketts et alios defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Ellins seniorem et alios querentes et Susannam Syrman et alios defendentes in Peopleton. Inter Johannem Martin et alios querentes et Danielem Horton et alios defendentes in North Litleton et aliis. Inter Thomam Rastall querentem et Willelmum Penn et alios defendentes in Agburrough. Inter Johannem Carpenter et alios querentes et Thomam Carpenter et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Elizabethan! Talbott viduam et alios querentes et Nicholaum Wheeler generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis. Inter Thomam Conyngesby armigerum et alios querentes et Jose- phum Harris generosum Ashfeild et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Robertum Wyld armigerum querentem et Edwardum Dcnnys generosum et alios defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Thomam Parker generosum querentem et Johannem Parsons et alios defendentes in Longdon. T 2 276 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of the Reign. 2nd. Michaelmas J Inter Egidium Nash et alios ^ Term. J querentes et Nathanielem R idler et alios defendentes de manerio de Egeworth et tenementis ibidem et aliis in Comitatu Glou- cestriensi et in Westencoate et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Humfridum Powell generosum querentem et - Johannem Turton generosum defendentem in Kings Norton in Comitatu Wigornensi et in West Bromwich et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi 1 - Inter Robertum Berkeley militem et alios que- • rentes et Thomam Street militem defendentem in Clevelode et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Civitate Wigornise in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis Inter Samuelem Swift generosum querentem et Samuelem Heming generosum et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis in' [ Wigornensis Civitate Wigornise Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum et alios querentes et Samuelem Southall et Shaw defendentes in parochia de Dudley et aliis. Inter Josephum Bolter et alios querentes et Annam Ward viduam George Hey Bonacre et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Jacobum Nash querentem et Jacobum Ganderton Stoakes Tolley et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Pudsey armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Browning et alios defendentes in Martley. Inter Simonem Barker generosum querentem et Thomam Donnyng armigerum et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Franciscum Ballard juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Ellins seniorem et alios defendentes in Abbotts Morton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Gilbert generosum querentem et Josephum Pennell Rosse et alios defendentes in Longdon. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Wigorn. Stafford. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas 1 This entry is repeated in the original. IN THE REIGN OP JAMES II. 2/7 Year of the Reign. ^ Inter Thomam Bury generosum et alios quo- 2nd. Michaelmas I ^^ ^ Thomam Brasier geri erosum Hay Term continued, j eJ . aUos dcfendentes ; n Abberley. Inter Willelmum Thorpe et alios querentes et Thomam Worden clericum Holbech et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Robertum Hunt generosum querentcm et Nicholaum Kent George et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Thomam Lowbridge et alios querentes et Ricardum Danser et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Walker et alios querentes et Katherinam Soley viduam Wilson Chambcrlayne defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Harry Conyngsby militem querentem et Jacobum Boucher et alios defendentes in Lower Areley. Inter Jacobum Greves et alios querentes et Ricardum Grevis armi- gerum Holmden Mansfield et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere armigerum querentcm et Thomam Hornyold armigerum et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Willelmum Gibson generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Walter generosum Archer et alios defendentes in North- field. Inter Ricardum Knight et alios querentes et Radulphum Towncs- hend Skelding et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Newey et alios querentes et Thomam Greaves et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Ernes querentem et Thomam Wills et alios defen- dentes in Offenham. Inter Brooke Saunders et alios querentes et Margarctam Blount viduam Hussey Hall et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Franciscum Sheldon armigerum et alios querentes et Willel- mum Callovve generosum et alios defendentes in Bishampton. Inter Willelmum Pennell generosum querentem et Thomam Porter generosum Soley et alios defendentes in Stonhall et aliis. Inter Willelmum Heming querentem et Daniclem Godfrey clericum et alios defendentes in Whistons et aliis. Inter Rogerum Manwaring armigerum querentcm et Thomam Stevens armigerum defendentem in Whittington et aliis. 2/8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. _,. , , "\ Inter Rice Yate generosum et alios querentes 2nd. Michaelmas , T7 .„ , __. , ,. , , ' V et Willelmum Hicks et alios defendentes in Term continued. _,. , ,, > Birch Morton. Inter Willelmum Bagnall generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Jeffreyes armigerum et alios defendentes in Keyer VVyard et aliis. 2nd & 3rd. Hilary "1 Inter Robertum Tracy armi- ' Term. J gerum et alios querentes et Walterum Savage seniorem armigerum et alios VVigorn. defendentes in Broadway in Comitatu Wigor- Hereford. nensi et in Ledbury et aliis in Comitatu Here fordensi .... Inter Jacobum Downes querentem et Antonium -v . „ , , , . , . ,, • a 1 Civitas Downes delendentcm 111 parochia Sancti Andree - . „. . ,,.. . Wigornensis, in Civitate Wigorniai . . . J Inter Michaelem Dilwyn et alios querentes et Johannem Gedes Cranidge Teale Pumfrey Beale et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Rogerum Brooke et alios querentes et Humfridum Boulton Grove et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Thomam Smith et alios querentes et Edmundum Nash Pen rice et alios defendentes in H anbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Holmden armigerum et alios querentes et Josephum Fisher et alios defendentes in Upton Snodsbury. Inter Robertum Wild armigerum ct alios querentes et Annam Bourne viduam et alios defendentes de manerio de Dodford et aliis. Inter Thomam Dangerfeild querentem et Willelmum Moreley juniorem et alios defendentes in Borrow et aliis. Inter Henricum Champante generosum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Barrett generosum Iliffc ct alios defendentes in Droit- wich et aliis. Inter Thomam Saunders et alios querentes et Willelmum Saunders Hollins ct alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Egidium Cosnett et alios querentes et Elizabetham Dominam Windesor viduam defendentem in Parshore. IN THIi REIGN OF JAMES II. 279 Year of the Reign. } Inter Willelmum Walker qucrentcm ct Jo- nannem Spragge Morns ct alios defen- dentes in Onenham et ahis. Inter Hugonem Moore et alios quercntes et Willelmum Butler Newey Wyate Webb et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Thomam Chettle generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Whoman et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Edwardum Freeman querentem et Johannem Riley et alios defendentes in Blockley et aliis. Inter Thomam Rutter armigerum et alios querentes et Samuelem Kimberley in medicina Doctorem et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Ricardum Edwards armigerum querentem et Henricum Neale armitrerum et alios defendentes in Feckenham. 3rd. Easter "1 Inter Samuelem Huntbatch seni- -. Term. J orem generosum querentem et Civitas Danielem Hill Browneinge et alios defendentes f Wigornensis. in Civitate Wigornia? . . . J Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentem et Ed- -1 mundum Weston Appleburyet alios defendentes j- , . _ . „ . Wigornensis. in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . . J Civitas Inter Robertum Wyld armigerum querentem et Jo- hannem Asteley juniorem generosum et alios , c , . , . c .. c ... . . Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia bancti Svvithim . / Inter Willelmum Pritchett et alios querentes et Willelmum Kitter- master Good et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Thomam Parkes clericum querentem ct Ricardum Walter seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Spcchly et aliis. Inter Adam Hill querentem et Jacobum Willmott generosum et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Henricum Amphlctt et alios querentes et Georgium Lunne et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Edwardum Butler juniorem querentem et Thomam Hunt seniorem generosum ct alios defendentes in Kidderminster. 28o INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 3rd. Easter Term continued. Inter Franciscum Rous Baronettum queren- tem et Ricardum Sharpe Morton et alios defendentes in Sous Linch. Inter Edvvardum Cooke et alios querentes et Edvvardum Jewkes Whitmore et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Perkes et alios querentes et Thomam Ward ct alios defendentes in Berrington ct aliis. Inter Franciscum Tayler generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Langston Cole et alios defendentes in Croome Dabitott et aliis. Inter Willelmum Skynner clericum querentem et Gervasium Wheeler seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Hartle- bury et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Baker et alios querentes et Adam. Hill et alios defendentes in Hillhampton et aliis. Inter Johannem Phillipps querentem et Thomam Worden clericum Dickens Bonner et alios defendentes in Brodwey. Inter Ricardum Foord querentem et Georgium Lyde Batchelour Salway Harris et alios defendentes in Sapy et aliis. Inter Johann. Heming viduam querentem et Humfridum Clarke seniorem defendentem in Stoulton. Trinity "1 Inter Ricardum Salwey generosum et alios . Term. J querentes et Danielem Godfrey clericum Civitas Hale Writer et alios defendentes in parochia Wigornensis. Sancte Hellene et aliis Inter Silv. Tompkins generosum et alios querentes et Thonia Bound Cotterell Kynman Savage et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Thomam Morris Tandy Bennett et alios defendentes in Bishampton et aliis. Inter Robertum Hunt generosum querentem et Samuelem Northall clericum Burlton et alios defendentes in parochia de Astley. Inter Higgins James armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Newbrough Coleborne Viccaris et alios defendentes in Astley et aliis. in IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 28l Year of the Reign. 3rd. Trinity Term \ Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigcrum et continued. alios querentes et Willelmum Mart genero- ' sum et alios defendentes in Bushley et aliis. Inter Robertum Fuhvood generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Acocke et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Georgium Wellington generosum querentem et Ambrosium Scudamore armigerum Williams et alios defendentes de manerio de Redmarley et aliis. Inter Timotheum Briggenshawe armigerum querentem et Georgium Smith generosum et alios defendentes in Bishoppswicke ct aliis. Inter Thomam Cave generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill et alios defendentes in Shrawley et aliis. Inter Corn. Bradshawe militem et alios querentes et Johannem Crundall et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Staples querentem et Willelmum Court et alios defendentes de tenementis Beoley. Inter Ricardum Edwards juniorem querentem et Johannem Vernon generosum et alios defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Thomam Austin et alios querentes et Willelmum Feild et alios defendentes in Kings Norton. Inter Ricardum Mason et alios querentes et Samuelem Byrd juniorem defendentem in Bratforton. Michaelmas "1 Inter Robertum Thomson et alios ^ Term. J querentes et Edwardum Underbill et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Mathei Fryday Street in Comitatu Civitate Londonise et in Alderminster in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Nicholaum Baker generosum et alios que- ' rentes et Johannem Baxter generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Kingsnorton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Solihull et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Margaretam Bromley et alios querentes et -v Thomam Lenthall Tawny Mann Elcocks et alios defendentes in Civitate Wigorniae London. Witrorn. Wigorn. Warwic. Civitas I Wigornensis. 282 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 3rd. Michaelmas ") Inter Thomam Wythes et alios ' Term continued. / querentes et Willelmum Yarran Civitas alias Yarranton defendentem in parochia Sancte Wigornensis. Hellene . Inter Johannem Beard querentem et Johannem , Smyth Dowley et alios defendentes in parochia l c ' • A , ... Wigornensis. Sancti Andree et alas . . . J ° Inter Willelmum Tayler querentem et Ricardum ^ Heming defendentem in parochia Omnium - ^ Wifrornensis. Sanctorum . . . . 1 Inter Thomam Taylor juniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Taylor seniorem Mountfort Peyton Lowe Inches defendentes in Kidderminster etc. Inter Thomam Weston querentem et Henricum Sparry et alios defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Here. Undcrhill armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Swift armigerum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Edwardum Casson clericum et alios querentes et Dorotheam Nayer viduam et alios defendentes in Hampton Lovett. Inter Samuelem Weeley querentem et Edwardum Est et Clay defendentes in parochia de Yardley. Inter Andreum Newport armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Harris armigerum et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Johannem Lane querentem et Johannem Bromley et alios defendentes in Newland. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Wight Orford Cookes defendentes in Franckley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Norris et alios querentes et Henricum Barnesley Greene Coltis defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Gyles querentem et Willelmum Hunt et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Thomam Aswyn juniorem querentem et Georgium Young et alios defendentes in Rous Lench et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bramfeild querentem et Annam Bramfeild defen- dentem in parochia de Broadwas. Inter Franciscum Wilmington militem querentem et Edwardum Walsh seniorem et alios defendentes dc mancrio de Stockton ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 283 Year of the Reign. -1 Inter Edwardum Wilkes et alios querentes et 3rd. Michaelmas [ Robertum Haynes Chellingworth Bennett et Term continued. J aHos defcndentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter 01. Ainge et alios querentes et Humfridum Butler generosum et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Johannem Salwey generosum querentem et Dorotheam Hanford viduam Jevon et alios defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Johannem Dolphin generosum querentem et Margaretam Rogers viduam defendentem in parochia de Eastham. Inter Willelmum Bickerton generosum querentem et Robertum Foomer generosum et alios defendentes in Kington et aliis. Inter Johannem Holmden armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Baker generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Hill Court et aliis. Inter Thomam Treherne seniorem querentem et Thomani Kings et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Saram Gower viduam querentem et Samuelem Gower gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edmundum Wyatt querentem et Thomam Crumpe defen- dentem in Nether Mitton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Baker et alios querentes et Johannem Pearshall juniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Windesor armigerum querentem et Thomam Weston defendentem in Fladbury. Inter Edwardum Spragge et alios querentes et Johannem Ernes generosum Gale et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Ricardum Normansall generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Wood militem Foley et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Franciscum Martyn querentem et Annam Bray viduam defen- dentem in Martin Hussingtree. 3rd & 4th. Hilary -> Inter Willelmum Jervis et alios' Term. J querentes et Margaretam Daniel viduam Webley Collas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis Civitas Wicornensis. 2S4 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 3rd & 4th. Hilary "l Inter Robertum Milner et alios . Term continued. / querentes etAntonium Drought I Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene f Wigornensis. et aliis . . . . . ' Inter Thomam Thornebury et alios querentes et Johannem Thome- bury Horniblow et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Thomam Hammond generosum querentem et Thomam Hide ct alios defendentes in Kyer Parva. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentem et Willelmum Stockall generosum et alios defendentes in Malvern e Magna. Inter Fullwar. Skipwith Baronettum querentem et Robertum Bloxam generosum defendentem in Uffenham. Inter Willelmum Perrott generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Saunders Hodges Tompson et alios defendentes in Ombcrsley et aliis. Inter Selman Wilkes et alios querentes et Johannem Bagley Stone et alios defendentes in Dudley ct aliis. Inter Willelmum Acocke generosum et alios querentes ct Ben- jaminum Greves generosum Ford et alios defendentes in Kings- norton. Inter Henricum Toyc generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Winshurst seniorem et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Handy juniorem generosum querentem et Johannem Handy seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Leigh et aliis. Inter Jacobum Eckley generosum querentem et Willelmum Mardcn Cox et alios defendentes in Pcndock et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bird generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Yarnold juniorem defendentem in North Piddle. Inter Thomam Morrell querentem et Robertum Hcniing defen- dentem de tenementis in Feckenham. Inter Ricardum Reeve et alios querentes et Thomam Haines defendentes de tenementis in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Collins et alios querentes et Thomam Holmes Parkes et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winnington militem queientem et Humfridum Littleton generosum et alios defendentes de mancrio dc Coles- den et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 285 Year of the Reign. , „ T , 'i Inter Edwardum Wilson et alios qucrcntes et 3rd & 4th. Hilary „, _ _ .. , e , . „ . , } I homam Dyer Browne et alios defendentes Term continued. . „ / in Comberton Magna et alns. Inter Nicholaum Ward et alios querentes et Johannem Wilson seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Gray armigerum querentem et Johannem Stringer et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Greene et alios querentes et Willelmum Midlemore generosum Arch Sargeant et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Humfridum Bovey generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Walsh seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Stocton et aliis. ^ ^ Inter Henricum Amphlett et alios querentes et Hen- 4th. Easter . T r ' ,. , , , _ 5- ncum Langford lompson et alios defendentes in Term. _ . . , j Droitwich. Inter Jacobum Rushout Baronettum querentem et Harry Bridges armigerum Holies et alios defendentes in Northwick. Inter Clifton Stone clericum querentem et Thomam Smith et alios defendentes in Stoke Frior. Inter Thomam Brooke et alios querentes et Nicholaum Lilly seni- orem generosum Williams et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Edwardum Bull armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Porter seniorem Hill et alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Margaretam Rogers viduam querentem et Gilbertum Cocks juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Edgecombe et alios querentes et Thomam Horniold armigerum Webley et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Hugonem Ansell et alios querentes et Thomam Billcy Fawler et alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Humfridum Wyley Rogers et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Willelmum Tomlins querentem et Willelmum Holland et alios defendentes in Tembury. !8fi INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 4th. Easter Term continued. Inter Thomam Watson junlorem generosum querentem et Antonium Brooks et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Edwardum Bearcroft generosum querentem et Wind. Finch armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Rushock et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Jacobum Lacey alias Hobday et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Willelmum Winnall querentem et Willelmum Doughty seni- orem et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Yate et alios querentes et Deane Blissard viduam Smart et alios defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Johannem Wheeler et alios querentes et Franciscum Bradley viduam et alios defendentes in Oldswinford. Inter Ricardum Avenant et alios querentes et Johannem Barneby militem et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Josephum Howseman et alios querentes et Willelmum Lewes Penn et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Josephum Ainge clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Potter et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Blanckley et alios querentes et Annam Hayes viduam Knott et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Burnam et alios querentes et Willelmum Perkins seniorem Harris et alios defendentes in Harpley et aliis. Inter Georgium Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Johannem Clarke et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Trinity "I Inter Edwardum Walker et alios querentes Term. J et Ludov. Morgan armigerum et alios de- fendentes in Evesham et aliis in Comitatu Wi- gornensi et in Childswickham et aliis in Comi- tatu Glouccstriensi Inter Johannem Pardo generosum querentem et ] Thomam Sterrop seniorem et alios defendentes [■ in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . . I Inter Thomam Marston et alios querentes et Job Marston gene- rosum Bourne Geast Slow et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Civitas Wicrornensis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 287 Year of the Keign. 1 Inter Johannem Eades et alios querentes et 4th. Trinity Term Samuelem Butcher Lambe Perkins et alios continued. J defendentcs ; n Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Kemp. Harward generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Wills defendentem in Harvington. Inter Thomam Jolliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Humfridum Pcrrott seniorem armigerum defendentem in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Robertum Holland et alios querentes et Johannem Cubberly et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Thomam Gawton seniorem et alios querentcs et Johannem Jones defendentem in Grafton Flyvord. Inter Johannem Browne et alios querentes et Edmundum Gittoes et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Ricardum Smyth et alios querentes et Susannam Wicke viduam Mason et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Ricardum Reeve et alios querentes et Henricum Poole et alios defendentes in Rouselench et aliis. Inter Willelmum Browne et alios querentes et Johannem Harwell Bovey Lucas et alios defendentes in Rouselench et aliis. Inter Henricum Whitaker generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bebbs Parkes Addys Porter defendentes in Powick. Inter Johannem Sowthwell et alios querentes et Johannem Kindon seniorem et alios defendentes in Moncks Woodrowe et aliis. Inter Willelmum Small querentem et Johannem Phillipps generosum Wood et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton. Inter Edwardum Corbett generosum querentem et Ricardum Turton generosum defendentem in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Philpott generosum querentem et Edmundum Anderson armigerum Sandys et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Edmundum Lane querentem et Johannem Noblett generosum defendentem in Tembury. Inter Thomam Dominum Coventry querentem et Willelmum Baylis et alios defendentes de tenementis in Pirton. 288 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign 4th. Michaelmas 1 Inter Johannem Slany genero- ^ Term. J sum querentem et Theo. Alye I Civitas generosum defendentem in parochia Sancti (Wigornensis. Nicholai in Civitate Wigornias . . ' Inter Phillippum Bearcroft generosum querentem et ■» .. , , , Civitas Edmundum Pitt generosum et alios defendentes Y & Wigornensis. in parochia Sancti Nicholai . - J Inter Willelmum Jones et alios querentes et Robertum Washborne Davis Rutter Turvey et alios defendentes in Bustiley et aliis. Inter Thomam Bearcrofte querentem et Johannem Streete et alios defendentes in Maddersfeild et aliis. Inter Robertum Gaywood querentem et Thomam Morris Grymett et alios defendentes in Bishampton et aliis. Inter Thomam Rowney seniorem generosum querentem et Jo- hannem Rowney generosum et alios defendentes in Armescott. Inter Josi. Bate querentem et Ricardum Yarnold et alios defen- dentes in Feckenham. Inter Johannem Tayler et alios querentes et Willelmum Middlemore et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Phylemon Baylies querentem et Willelmum Bradwin Halsey et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Edwardum Palmer et alios querentes et Robertum Greene Christopher et alios defendentes in Warley et aliis. Inter Thomam Gem querentem et Johannem Cooke et alios defen- dentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Edwardum Palmer querentem et Robertum Greene et alios defendentes in Warley Wigorn. Inter Johannem Downes generosum et alios querentes et Val. Rawlins clericum Sabrey et alios defendentes in Teambury et aliis. Inter Johannem Thornbury et alios querentes et Thomam George Tovey Townsend Fort defendentes in Parshore. Inter Elizabetham Wintell viduam querentem et Basil Feilding armigerum et alios defendentes in Powick. Inter Thomam Tolley et alios querentes et Johannem Butler et alios defendentes in Kempscy et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF JAMES II. 2S9 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Tliomam Little qucrentem et Jacobum 4th. Michaelmas I , . . .. . , . -.., , j (Jkey juniorem et alios defendentes in Klders- Term continued. - ., , • fend. Inter Johannem Baxter querentem et Willclmum Yarranton et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Adam et aliis. Inter Willelmum Flooke querentem et Johannem Flooke et alios defendentes in Bushley. Inter Edwardum Combee et alios querentes et Ricardum Agberrow juniorem Hide Webley et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna et aliis. Inter Henricum Collett et alios querentes et Thomam Danford et alios defendentes in Birchmorton et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Cooke armigerum defendentem de manerio de Staunton et aliis. Inter Margaretam Harris spinster et alios querentes et Johannem Meakins et alios defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Annam Wither viduam querentem et Cristinam Symonds et alios defendentes in Longdon. 4th & 5th. Hilary Term. Deest. WORCESTER FINES. WILLIAM AND MARY. Year of the Keign. 1st. Easter "1 Inter Henricum Balchin querentem et ^ Term. J Thomam Byrche et alios defendentes in Meaton et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi ct in Stourbridge in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Thomam Young et alios querentes et An- ' tonium Dickins generosum et alios defendentes in Cherington in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Broadway in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Samuelem Slade querentem et Margaretam Carter viduam Rotchford Reynolds Pretty Lun Wolley et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. U Salop. Wigorn. Warwic. Wigorn. 290 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1st. Easter Term continued. ! Inter Ricardum Smyth et alios querentes et Georgium Mince et alios defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Samuelem Chaundler et alios querentes et Nicholaum Cotterell et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Johannem Pitt et alios querentes et Johannem Pearshall Ware Green Penn et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Stockton querentem et Johannem Tucker alias Sherriffe et alios defendentes in Mathon. Inter Jonathanum Newey et alios querentes et Josephum Soley Attwood et alios defendentes in Wichbould et aliis. Inter Robertum Sheppard armigerum et alios querentes et Ro- bertum Barkham Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Earles Croome et aliis. Inter Thomam Bayly generosum querentem et Johannem Turton generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Franciscum Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Feild generosum Hayes et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Whiteall generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Bate Farley et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Prid. Hodges clericum et alios querentes et Jacobum Gilbert generosum defendentem in Longdon. Inter Johannem Cother generosum querentem et Johannem Gillam seniorem defendentem in Alfrick et aliis. Civitas Wierornensis. Trinity "1 Inter Ricardum Tayler querentem et Mar- Term. / garetam Powell spinster defendentem in parochia Sancte Hellene in Civitate Wigorniae . Inter Johannem Paddy et alios querentes et Willelmum Bolton Cooke et alios defendentes in Callouhill et aliis. Inter Dav. Bordall et alios querentes et Johannem Jeston et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Roper generosum et alios querentes et Saram Gower viduam et alios defendentes in Northfeild. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 291 Year of the Keign. (Inter Thomam Maninge et alios qucrentes ct Johannem Maninge et alios defendentcs in Whithnge et alas. Inter Johannem Philpott et alios querentes et Johannem Basker- vile et alios dcfendentes in Elmeley Lovett. Inter Robertum Bird juniorem querentem et Samuelem Spicer et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Ricardum Torould et alios querentes et Thomam Barnes Watkins et alios defendentes in Biilingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Jones et alios querentes et Willelmum Baldwin generosum Horniblow et alios defendentes in Desford et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dineley militem querentem et Holmcr Lunne generosum et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Willelmum Mucklowe generosum querentem et Thomam Gegg et alios defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Inter Johannem Thomas generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Eyre seniorem generosum Page et alios defendentes in Elme- bridge et aliis. Inter Franciscum Sambrooke generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Talbott militem et alios defendentes de manerio de Salvvarpe et aliis. Inter Thomam Wood querentem et Willelmum Somers seniorem defendentem in le Berrovv. Inter Thomam Gibbons et alios querentes et Georgium Swingland et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Thomam Thornbery querentem et Samuelem Thornbery et alios defendentes in Burlingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Middlemore querentem et Willelmum Middlemore generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Michaelmas "i Inter Josephum Carwardine generosum ' Term. J et alios querentes et Ricardum Car- Civitas wardine armigerum Jewkes Wyley Kill defen- Wigornensis. dentes in Civitate Wigornis Inter Edwardum Cooksey generosum querentem et -v Jacobum Portman Hackett et alios defendentes j- in parochia Sancti Martini . . . J V 2 292 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ... , , "\ Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et 1st. Michaelmas _.., _, , „ . , Y Gilbertum Cocks seniorem Erenerosum et alios lerm continued. } defendentes de manerio de Thurxton et aliis. Inter Thomam Addyes generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Birch generosum Bissell Biddle et alios defendentes in Pedmore et aliis. Inter Thomam Hunt generosum querentem et Thomam Burlton juniorem generosum defendentem in Samburne et aliis. Inter Johannem Buggin et alios querentes et Gilbertum Tolley et alios defendentes in Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Flood et alios querentes et Johannem Webley Chaundler et alios defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Job. Winton generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Smith et alios defendentes in Stoakeblisse. Inter Henricum Grewold clericum querentem et Robertum Folliott generosum et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Johannem Charlett querentem et Willelmum Ashwin et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Thomam Hodge clericum et alios querentes et Edmundum Nash Patricke Hey defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Zachariam Downing generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Taylor generosum defendentem in Dudley. Inter Antonium Morris et alios querentes et Ricardum Baldwyn Hunt Morris defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Thomam Lowbridge querentem et Willelmum Prattenton juniorem et alios defendentes in Hartlebury. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Caple Hanbury armigerum et alios defendentes in Horestone et aliis. Inter Jan. Best viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Jeston et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Thomam Crane et alios querentes et Jonathanum Grove alias Perry Hunt Hill defendentes in Kiderminster et aliis. Inter Thomam Hurdman querentem et Georgium Fair et alios defendentes in Powick. Inter Simonem Higgins et alios querentes et Edvvardum Higgins seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Suckley. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 293 Year of the Keign. Inter Henrlcum Townsliend generosum armi- •\ 1st. Michaelmas Term continued. gerum querentem et Gerv. Wheeler juniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Elmley Lovett. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Henricum Wood et alios defendentes in Kingsfords. Inter Jacobum Eckley generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Cockshett Marden et alios defendentes in Pendocke. Inter Johannem Butler generosum querentem et Johannem Gillam et alios defendentes in Alfrick et aliis. Salop. Wigorn. Hilary "l Inter Thomam Taylor et alios querentes Term, j et Johannem Low Bodenham Hale et alios defendentes in Cleeley et alios defendentes in Comitatu Salopensi et in Droitvvich in Comitatu Wigornensi . Inter Jacobum Higgins generosum querentem et ^ Samuelem Charles Gibbs et alios defendentes in I . 1 • c •.• a j • /-■ •«. t Ti;- • Wigornensis. parochia bancti Andree in Civitate Wigormae . J Inter Willelmum Cardale et alios querentes et Johannem Shaw et alios defendentes de tenementis in Dudley. Inter Thomam Pearshall generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Bloomer generosum defendentem in Yardley et aliis. Inter Jacobum West et alios querentes et Robertum Harris et alios defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Edwardum Palmer querentem et Aug. Gifford defendentem in Northfeild. Inter Here. Underhill armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Cassy generosum et alios defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Badger clericum et alios querentes et Abram Sea- bright Warner Hide et alios defendentes in Baldenhall et aliis. Inter Johannem Archer et alios querentes et Willelmum Pritchett Compson Lewis et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Staples et alios querentes et Thomam Palmer et alios defendentes in Armscott et aliis. Inter Thomam Dolman clericum querentem et Johannem Penn seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. 294 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Robertum Fisher et alios querentes et Willelmum Sovvley Hunt et alios dcfendentes in Peopleton et alns. Inter Willelmum Sadler et alios querentes et Willelmum Shaw seniorem Greves et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lawrence querentem et Jacobum Evans Williams et alios defendentes in parochia de Hanly Castle. Inter Georgium Jackson generosum querentem et Ricardum Turton generosum defendentem in Yardley et aliis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 2nd. Easter "l Inter Thomam Browne generosum ^ Term. J et alios querentes et Willelmum Sheppard generosum Riley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andrei et aliis Inter Henricum Toye generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Asteley clericum defendentem in parochia Sancti Martini Inter Thomam Russell querentem et Margaretam Westwood viduam Batchelor Willetts Stamps Leay et alios defendentes in Upwich Pitt. Inter Johannem Freeman juniorem generosum querentem et Tho- mam Walker et alios defendentes in Wichenford. Inter Johannem Wood generosum querentem et Willelmum Hunt generosum defendentem in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bibb querentem et Annam Lawder viduam et Smyth defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Edwardum Ward Baronettum querentem et Danielem Thomp- son Hichmans Dunn Sutton et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Perris generosum querentem et Johannem Moore Grifith et alios defendentes in Shelsley Magna. Inter Carolum Dowdeswell generosum et alios querentes et Sarg. Webb defendentem in Eldersfeild. Inter Samuelem Taylor generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Shaw seniorem Juckcs Marsh et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Hall generosum querentem ct Jacobum Payton et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 295 Year of the Reign. ) Inter Han. Kimberley spinster querentem et Samuelein Kimberley et alios defendentes in hockbury et alns. Inter Ricardum White S.T.B. querentem et Jan. Sparry viduam et alios defendentes in Willingswich et aliis. Inter Stcphanum Lea et alios querentes et Simonem Wood Perm et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Jacobum Nashe generosum querentem et Samuelem Giles generosum Yarranton et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Arthurum Bradshawe generosum et alios querentes etThomam Steward et alios defendentes in Stone et aliis. Inter Edmundum Chambers generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Court Worledg et alios defendentes in Beoley et aliis. Inter Johannem Jephcott S.T.P. et alios querentes et Thoniam Cave generosum et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Thoniam Clarke querentem et Jacobum Clarke et alios defen- dentes in Sturbridge. Inter Thomam Streete militem et alios querentes et Edwardum Davies generosum Wheeler Hodges et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Parsons juniorem armigerum querentem et Jo- hannem Langston et alios defendentes in Much Malverne et aliis. Inter Thomam Hodge clericum et alios querentes et Benjaminum Cobb Baldwin Wootton Howell et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Ricardum Russell querentem et Johannem Walford et alios defendentes in Ulborrow. Inter Willelmum Broughton querentem et Johannem Bache defen- dentem in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Thomam Gem querentem et Johannem Cooke et alios defen- dentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Newnam generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Palmer Wilson Webb et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bache et alios querentes et Ricardum Bache Bumpas Steward et alios defendentes in Gannow et aliis. 296 , INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. 2nd. Easter Term continued. Inter Jacobum Nash generosum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Gyles generosum et alios defendentes in Prickley et aliis. Inter Johannem Pooler querentem et Willelmum Jones et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Jacobum Edge et alios querentes et Let. Lee viduam et Barrett defendentem in Bellbroughton. Inter Antonium Ludford generosum et alios querentes et Zachariam Groves et alios defendentes in le Lye et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hawkes et alios querentes et Thomam Smith et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Edwardum Underbill clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Canvardine armigerum Washbourne et alios defendentes in Dodenham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Kinge et alios querentes et Willelmum Deely Guest et alios defendentes in Warley Wigorn et aliis. Inter Antcnium Manning et alios querentes et Thomam Lea et Kittermaster defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Franciscum Orme et alios querentes et Thomam Beetenson et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Johannem Stretch generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Viccaris clericum et alios defendentes in Astley. Trinity "1 Inter Johannem Tulley armigerum et alios Term. J querentes et Johannem Machell armigerum yjln 1. J qu Hpfenrlpntp<; in Hnnihnrnp in Clomir:..,., et alios defendentes in Honiborne in Comitatu '<• Gloucestriensi et in Clanes in Comitatu Wi- I gornensi Inter Thillippum Bearcroft generosum et alios que- -v rentes et Georgium Solley et alios defendentes I I Wi°"ornensis, in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigornias J Inter Josephum Higgins querentem et Thomam -i Bolter et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti I , . , . „. . .... . Wigornensis. Andree in Civitate Wigornia: . . 1 Inter Willelmum Kcyse et alios querentes et Edwardum Taylcr Puc Jeyncs Higgins Ward defendentes in Wooddencoatc etc. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 297 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Thomam Fletcher et alios querentes et 2nd. Trinity Term | „, T „ ... .. , . , . r lhomam Lucas Collier et alios delendentes continued. . ... , , ... J in Blockley et alns. Inter Thomam Dominum Coventrye qucrentem et Thomam Corbett Compton et alios defendentes in Seaverne Stoake et aliis. Inter Edwardum Butler et alios querentes et Mos. Everton Cleark et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Josephum Crane querentcm et Johannem Jones et alios defen- dentes in Crowle. Inter Willelmum Rea querentem et Thomam Wilson et alios defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Sebright Nash generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Rowley generosum et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Elizabetham Baker viduam querentem et Thomam Hotchkis Vaughan Garvett defendentem in Alton. Inter Edwardum Rosse generosum et alios querentes et Han. Weston defendentem in Suckley. Inter Jacobum Raybold et alios querentes et Thomam Sergeant armigerum Cardale Wells defendentes in Dudley. Inter Samuelem Swift generosum querentem et Robertum Jennings Marshall Newton Atford defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Johannem Paddy et alios querentes et Willelmum Sheward seniorem Dyer et alios defendentes in Callowhill et aliis. Inter Willelmum Sheapard querentem et Georgium Mason et alios defendentes in Parshore. Inter Johannem Wood generosum querentem et Willelmum Hunt generosum defendentem in Hanbury et aliis. Michaelmas "1 Inter Thomam Hamond generosum Term. J querentem et Thomam Griffith gene- rosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Stoke \ „ Vl g° m - Blisse in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Stoke Blisse in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Thomam Newton querentem et Johannem -v Vernon clericum et alios defendentes in Civi- I Clvltas tate Wigorniae . . ) Wigornensis. Hereford. ■o - 298 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of tlic Reign. 2nd. Michaelmas | Inter Nicholaum Baker et alios ' Term continued. J querentes et Johannem Colbach Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene Wigornensis. et aliis . Inter Robertum Steynor armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Nash armigerum Robinson Hale Westcott defendentes in Hadsor et aliis. Inter Ricardum Booth armigerum querentem et Henricum March Evered et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. InterWillelmum Cox alias Hay ward querentem et Thomam Browne armigerum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Graven Dyson generosum querentem et Willelmum Holmer et alios defendentes in Cradeley et aliis. Inter Johannem Potter querentem et Johannem Wilson juniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Robertum Eaton et alios querentes et Johannem Lett defen- dentem in Little Kyre et aliis. Inter Samuelem Davis querentem et Ricardum Tyler et alios defen- dentes in Elmeley Castle. Inter Clem. Wall et alios querentes et Benjaminum Grevis gene- rosum Turton Freeth Barber et alios defendentes in Kings- norton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Conningsby generosum et alios querentes et Bridstock Harford in medicina Baccalaureatum et alios defen- dentes in Netherwich et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Lechmeere militem querentem et Johannem Dingley generosum defendentem in Hanley Castle. Inter Marc. Tayler querentem et Benjaminum Sheldon et alios defendentes in Bircott et aliis. Inter Samuelem Tompson et alios querentes et Thomam Sutton alias Dudley et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Thome et aliis. Inter Ricardum Mansell generosum querentem et Ricardum Wood Baylis et alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Willelmum Price generosum querentem et Thomam Trevers generosum defendentem in Aston Magna et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 299 Year of the Kuign. \ Inter Thomam Haden et alios querentes et 2nd. Michaelmas I WiUclmum Lea generosum Best et alios Term continued, j defendentes j n Northfei ld. Inter Thomam Knight et alios querentes et Johannem Nott defen- dentem in Stockton. Inter Henricum Tristram clericum querentem et Thomam Tristram et alios defendentes in Bclbroughton. Inter Jacobum Smyth querentem et Thomam Deykin Overhill Mence defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Johannem Alye generosum querentem et Ludovic. Rawlins et alios defendentes in Bentley et aliis. Inter Johannem Corbett et alios querentes et Johannem Dingley generosum et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Robertum Beake armigerum et alios querentes et Timotheum Chambers generosum et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Arthurum Bagshaw generosum querentem et Edwardum Robinson et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Johannem Tandy generosum querentem et Johannem Jenkins et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Handy querentem et Johannem Savage Marshall Porter defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Robertum Barkeley militem et alios querentes et Franciscum Jeffreyes viduam Gower et alios defendentes in Edvinloach. Inter Nicholaum Feild querentem et Henricum Sparry et alios defendentes in Evesham. Hereford. Wigorn. Hilary "j Inter Herbertum Awbrcy armigerum et <, Term. J alios querentes et Gilbertum Nicholetts armigerum et alios defendentes in Witton et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi et in parochiis de Eastham et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Katherinam Somers viduam et alios querentes \ . et Willelmum Collins generosum Gregoiy et >- I Wigornensis. alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene . J Inter Johannem Cottrell generosum querentem et Thomam Dolphin Bissell et alios defendentes in parochia de Yardley. 300 INDEX TO THE FINES 2nd. Hilary Term continued. Year of the Reign. •v Inter Elizabetham Roe viduam et alios que- rentes et Willelmum Gearing generosum et alios Yarranton Eveson defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Ricardum Shevvell querentem et Willelmum Merriman Mason et alios defendentes in Knights Washbourne. Inter Phillippum Rock et alios querentes et Thomam Darke seni- orem et alios defendentes in Aldington et aliis. Inter Thomam Baker querentem et Johannem Cox seniorem et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Katherinam Harris viduam querentem et Ricardum Moorton et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. Inter Johannem Haughton querentem et Ricardum Pursell et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Raynolds Walker querentem et Johannem Gascoyne et alios defendentes in parochia de Droitwich. Inter Willelmum Laugher et alios querentes et Thomam Watts Heming et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Sandlands et alios querentes et Thomam Gilding et alios defendentes in Baughton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Freeman armigerum querentem et Jacobum Rushout Baronettum defendentem de manerio de North et Middle Littleton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Nash seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Nash armigerum defendentem in Upwich et aliis. Inter Georgium Bradeley et alios querentes et Thomam Smart generosum Ashenhurst Bagley Bradeley et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Thomam Hurdman querentem et Thomam Hale Westcott Pritchett et alios defendentes in Povvick et aliis. \ Inter Franciscum Pemberton militem et alios que- * V rentes et Thomam Dominum Coventrye et alios ) defendentes de mancriis de Allcsbrough et aliis. Inter Edwardum Carter generosum querentem et Johannem Neast generosum Daunter Bubb defendentem in Eldersfeild. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 301 Year of the Reign. ) Inter Edvvardum Raban querentem et Ed- 1 TT LI l 1- 1 C J mundum Horneblower et alios detendentes in Ganowe et aliis. Inter Georgium Streete generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Bound et alios dcfendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Jasperum New- brough et alios defendcntes in Foxcoate et aliis. Inter Willelmum Mucklowe armigerum querentem et Thomam Gegg Cooke et alios defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Inter Josephum Greenall et alios querentes et Robertum Greenall et alios defendentes in Norton Regis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Johannem Ensall alias Insall Steward defendentem in Stovverbridge et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Baylis et alios defendentes in Little Witley et aliis. Inter Thomam Herbert generosum querentem et Willelmum Cole in medicina Doctorem Ernes Yonge Herbert defendentes in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker querentem et Thomam Blake et alios defendentes in Staunton et aliis. Inter Joan Chapman viduam et alios querentes et Samuelem Morris Baker et alios defendentes in North Littleton et aliis. • Inter Robertum Wriggan clericum querentem et Jacobum Fouch Price et alios defendentes in Conderton et aliis. Inter Franciscum Chetle et alios querentes et Johannem Handy generosum Yates Jones defendentes in Salwarpe et aliis. Inter Heigham Coke armigerum querentem et Johannem Costley generosum et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Henricum Jeffryes armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Pardoe generosum et alios defendentes in Eastbury et aliis. Inter Robertum Cookes generosum querentem et Robertum Milner et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Ricardum Jenyngs querentem et Thomam Watson generosum defendentem in Bengvvorth. Inter Humfridum Newnam querentem et Johannem Mence gene- rosum defendentem in Cakevold et aliis. 302 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , ^ _ \ Inter Nicholaum Cloes et alios querentes et 3rd. Easter Term n , 1- Ihomam Smith Underhill et alios defen- continued. , . TT , 1 dentes in Hanbury et alns. Inter Willelmum Doverdale et alios querentes et Thomam Willis Jewe Richards defendentem in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Rogerum Hawkes querentem et Thomam Smith et alios defendentes in Dudley. . \ Inter Ricardum Fullvvood generosum et alios querentes et „ \ Willelmum Turner Tovey Alcocks Checketts Morton lerm. . ' J defendentes in Rous Lench et aliis. Inter Chamb. Slaughter armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Herbert seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Uckingell et aliis. Inter Josu. Adams generosum querentem et Georgium Farre et alios defendentes in parochia de Powick. Inter Johannem Barber generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Hill clericum Pope et alios defendentes in Dome et aliis. Inter Johannem Tayler seniorem et alios querentes et Ricardum Clarke South Duggmore defendentem in Redmarly et aliis. Inter Josephum Bach et alios querentes et Willelmum Hunt West- wood Edge et alios defendentes in Warley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum et alios querentes et Samuelem Beere Mundy et alios defendentes in Bushley. Inter Thomam Perkins generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Saunders generosum et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Johannem Fortescue armigerum et alios querentes et Carolum Knottisford armigerum defendentem in Inckberrow. Inter Willelmum Carter querentem et Josephum Pope et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Hooper et alios querentes et Jacobum Hall et alios defendentes in Redmarly Dabitott et aliis. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum querentem et Willelmum Amphlett alias Smyth et alios defendentes in Wichenford. Inter Georgium Harris armigerum querentem et Thomam Rodd generosum et alios defendentes in Netherwich et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 303 Stafford. Wigorn. VVigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Year of the Reign. 3rd. Michaelmas "l Inter Franciscum Wightwick et , Term. J alios quercntes et Ricardum Bradley et alios defendentcs in Harborne in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Warley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Henricum Baldwyn generosum et alios que- ' rentes et Samuelem Swift generosum defen- dentem in parochia de Claines in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Sweethins et aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis Inter Ricardum Mason generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Thornebury alias Wellifed Smith George defendentes in Bir- lingham &c. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere militem et alios querentes et Henricum Baron et alios defendentes in Hanley. Inter Edwardum Gibbs armigerum querentem et Henricum Badham Cox et alios defendentes in le Berrowe et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Faytinge querentem et Johannem Faytinge gene- rosum defendentem in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Matheum Belcher et alios querentes et Johannem Grove et alios defendentes in Offenhhm. Inter Samuelem Hunt generosum querentem et Samuelem New- brough clericum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Franciscum Martin querentem et Goddard Carter armigerum Harward et alios defendentes in Block-ley. Inter Willelmum Cole et alios querentes et Georgium Harris armi- gerum Yerrovv Lane Gaton Boult defendentes in Hillmore et aliis. Inter Johannem R utter et alios querentes et Ricardum Mason et alios defendentes in Knights Washbourne. Inter Johannem Rutter et alios querentes et Danielem Newman Greening Merryman Bignell defendentes in Breedon et aliis. Inter Jacobum Spilsbury clericum querentem et Thomam Lea et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Franciscum Tustian et alios querentes et Ricardum Ellis defendentem in Earles Croome. 304 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. Inter Antonium Rowdon armig-erum et alios 3rd. Michaelmas Term continued. querentes et Timotheum Brigginshaw gene- rosum Geers et alios defendentes de manerio de Earles Court et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum et alios querentes et Johannem Sowden Forest Holden et alios defendentes in Cradley et aliis. Inter Johannem Pearkes querentem et Johannem Nash defendentem in Rushock. Inter Robertum Jenkinson Baronettum querentem et Thomam Rooke generosum et alios defendentes in Emload. Inter Edwardum Cassey et alios querentes et Willelmum Farsons Stubbs Heminge defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Fitzhugh Smalbrooke et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Johannem Sawyer generosum querentem et Franciscum Bebbs viduam Parkes Addys Hassell defendentes in Powick. Inter Ricardum Bibb querentem et Edwardum Best et alios defen- dentes in Old Swinford. Inter Elizabetham Collins spinster et alios querentes et Willelmum Collins generosum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Elizabetham Pcnnell viduam querentem et Jacobum Rosse et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Job. Carter generosum querentem et Willelmum Cooke Griffith Browne Roper defendentes in Redmarley et aliis. Inter Andreum Swift generosum querentem et Ricardum Radford et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Herbert generosum querentem et Margaretam Norris spinster defendentem in Upwich et aliis. Hilary "l Inter Hcnricum Palmer generosum et alios ' Term. J querentes et Johannem Farmer generosum Grimshaw et alios defendentes in Knowlc et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Yardlcy in Comi- tatu Wigorncnsi .... Inter Josephum Slatter et alios querentes et Jacobum Mitchell Miles Brookes Martin Wood defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Warwic. Wigorn. Year of tlie Reign. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 305 Inter Ed ward um Lencli generosum querentem 3rd. Hilary Term . . V et Johannem I owle generosum et alios continued. . / defendentes in Upwich et alus. Inter .Samuelem Diggle generosum querentem et Thomam Jcrvoise juniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de North- feild et aliis. Inter Jacobum Billingsly generosum querentem et Thomam Bil- lingsly et alios defendentes in Stichford et aliis. Inter Josu. Piper et alios querentes et Thomam Warren generosum defendentem in Wolverley et aliis. Inter Samuelem Swift generosum querentem et Thomam Boswell juniorem generosum Moore et alios defendentes in Bedwar- dine. Inter Willelmum Allen querentem et Johannem Williams et alios defendentes in Welland. Inter Josephum Palmer et alios querentes et Johannem Baker Perkes et alios defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Thomam Winford armigerum querentem et Johannem Holm- den generosum defendentem in Crowle. Inter Elizabetham Worley viduam querentem et Johannem Ordway et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Antonium Phillipps et alios querentes et Elizabetham Tanner spinster Wayte Chamberlayne defendentes in Bricklehampton. Inter Thomam Baker querentem et Thomam Pewtris defendentem in Welland et aliis. Inter Thomam Challoner generosum querentem et Radulphum Baldry generosum et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Annam Parker viduam querentem et Johannem Parsons et alios defendentes in Longdon. 4th. Easter "| Inter Thomam Bach et alios que- Term. J rentes et Grav. Dyson armigerum et alios defendentes in Holloway et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Alveley in Comitatu Salopensi x Wigorn. Salop. 3o6 INDEX TO THE FINES Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas irnensis. Year of the Reign. 4th. Easter Term "i Inter Johannem Cope Baronet- ' continued. J turn et alios querentes et Hen- ricum Cope armigerum Geeres et alios defen- dentes de manerio de Icombe et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et de manerio de Icombe et aliis ia Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Shewringe et alios querentes et Phil- lippum Woodman Yarnold Phillipps Beardmore Taylor defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai [ Wigornensis. et aliis .... Inter Johannem Watts generosum querentem et } Thomam Porter et alios defendentes in parochia ]■ c , n , Wigor bancte Helene . . . ■ J Inter Thomam Shewringe generosum querentem et Thomam Seaborne generosum et alios defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai Inter Thomam Shewringe generosum et alios que- rentes et Edwardum Saunders Blurton et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis . . Inter Thomam Chettle armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Handy seniorem et alios defen- dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Civi- tate Wigornias .... Inter Thomam Richards et alios querentes et Josephum Richards Carpenter et alios defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wilson querentem et Willelmum Thornbury seni- orem Byrd Phelpes et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Robertum Sitch querentem et Johannem Carpenter et alios defendentes in Shepley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dipple querentem et Willelmum Biggs generosum ct alios defendentes in Wychbold et aliis. Inter Robertum Haynes et alios querentes et Binhill Connard Waldron et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Willelmum White et alios querentes et Johannem Bromley Lacon Tompkins et alios defendentes in Newland ct aliis. Inter Johannem Tolson generosum querentem et Johannem Twitty l;.i:; continued. J tem et Johannem Colebatch Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Helene | Wigornensis. ct aliis . . . . .) Inter Willelmum Pettyt et alios querentes et Willelmum Fletcher seniorem Stanley Booth et alios defendentes in Emloade et aliis. Inter Johannem Bourne generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Lench armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Dover- dale et aliis. Inter Thomam Chillingworth et alios querentes et Thomam Seaverne et alios defendentes in Shrawley. Inter Thomam Baker generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Cooper et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Johannem Baxter generosum querentem et Thomam Walker generosum Freeman et alios defendentes in Wichenford. Inter Thomam Hadley querentem et Johannem Dodd armigerum defendentcm in Yardley. Inter Ricardum Dipple querentem et Henricum Fayting et alios defendentes in Pastons Yeeld et aliis. Inter Willelmum Penell generosum querentem et Thomam Bishopp generosum et alios defendentes in Bayton. Inter Edwardum Gibbs querentem et Robertum Gibbs et alios Harbidgh et Hunt defendentes in Armscott et aliis. Inter Johannem Strapy querentem et Franciscum Ernes et alios defendentes in Bishampton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Downes et alios querentes et Matheum Wotton Georges Price et alios defendentes in Tembury et aliis. Inter Edwardum Rogers querentem et Samuelem James et alios defendentes in Seavernstoake. Inter Ricardum Comitem Bellomont querentem et Brid. Harford in medicina baccalaureatum et alios defendentes in Nethenvich et aliis. Inter Johannem Hitchcox querentem et Samuelem Whitcfoote et alios defendentes in Wolverley. Inter Henricum Dottin generosum et alios querentes et Saram Tur- bervile viduam et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 309 Year of the Reign, (Inter Samuelem Taylor et alios querentes et Willelmum Haughton Payton Wilkes Wil- lington et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Thomam Baylis et alios querentes et Annam Heming viduam et alios defendentes in Earleford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Banestre armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Hunt armigerum et alios defendentes in Lindsey et aliis. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Higgs defendentem in Chadwich. Inter Beate Hunt et alios querentes et Thomam Moore scniorem et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Dalton seniorem querentem et Josephum Harrington et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum querentem et Beat. Hunt viduam Grevis et alios defendentes in Lower Mitten et aliis. Inter Annam Amphlett viduam querentem et Johannem Bickerton defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri. Inter Antonium Pembridge querentem et Ricardum Teynton de- fendentem in parochia de Barrow. Michaelmas "I Inter Johannem Pope generosum que- " Term. J rentem et Simonem Barker generosum et alios defendentes de tertia parte Manerii Gloucestr. de Badgworth et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestri- [ Wigorn. ensi et in Droitwich et aliis in Comitatu Wi- gornensi ..... Inter Johannem Bearde querentem et Margaretam Nash viduam Haden Pearkes et alios defendentes in Rushock et aliis. Inter Robertum Hunt generosum querentem et Thomam Carver generosum et alios defendentes de mediatate manerii de Emload et aliis. Inter Apol. Yate spinster querentem et Robertum Throgmorton Baronettum et alios defendentes in Berrington et aliis. Inter Johannem Mills querentem et Willelmum Biddle et alios defendentes in Bushley. 3IO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. \ Inter Thomam Hunt generosum querentem et 4th. Michaelmas „. „ ,. , - , . Y Thomam Bury et alios defendentes in Term continued. _, ,, ) Bewdley. Inter Johannem Vernon clericum et alios querentes et Humfridum Smyth alias Amphlett Nott et alios defendentes in Wichenford. Inter Johannem Harris querentem et Thomam Whitaker et alios defendentes in Bryansbell et aliis. Inter Thomam Gem et alios querentes et Georgium Hole Fereday et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Willelmum Southall querentem et Humfridum Bate et alios defendentes in Gannow. Inter Thomam Cookes Baronettum querentem et Robertum Jones et alios defendentes in Tardebigg. Inter Ricardum Warren et alios querentes et Nicholaum Hunt et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Hanley generosum querentem et Jonathanum Palmer Quarrell et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Robertum Wriggan clericum querentem et Johannem Higgins et alios defendentes in Kinsham. Inter Henricum Jeffryes armigerum querentem et Thomam Jenkins et alios defendentes in Clifton super Teame et aliis. Inter Josu. Bridge et alios querentes et Mart. Paddy Hay et alios defendentes in Churchill et aliis. Inter Edwardum Baugham querentem ct Josephum Baugham et alios defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Roper ct alios querentes et Thomam Svvetnam Baxter et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Compton et alios querentes et Johannem Cotterell Greves et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Edwardum Kettleby generosum querentem et Johannem Portman alias Poolehouse et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Samuelem Smith querentem ct Ricardum Steward Watts Taylor et alios defendentes in Birch Morton ct aliis. Inter Johannem Winge et alios querentes et Walterum Bayncs generosum et alios defendentes in Abbotts Morton. Inter Robertum Penrice generosum querentem ct Phillippum Evatt et alios defendentes in Doddcrhill ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 3 1 I Year of the Reign. 4th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Willelmum Phillipps generosum qucren- tem et Johannem Pritchett juniorem gene- rosum defeudcntcm in Nothfeild. Civitas Wicfornensis. Hilary "1 Inter Franciscum Cheatle et alios querentes Term. J et Samuelem Heming generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Svvithini et aliis . Inter Robertum Throckmorton Baronettum qucrentem et Ricardum Fullvvood generosum Poole Horwell Heming Day et alios defendentes in Moreton et aliis. Inter Thomam Callowe generosum querentem et Johannem Wheeler et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Johannem Allen juniorem et alios querentes et Jacobum Brisco Jenckes et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Walker generosum querentem et Johannem Jones Smith et alios defendentes in Horton Moore et aliis. Inter Thomam Shewringe et alios querentes et Thomam Harris Harewell et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edmundum Smith generosum querentem et Annam Chester viduam Neaste Willis et alios defendentes in Ripple et aliis. Inter Jacobum Hall generosum querentem et Jacobum Rosse et alios defendentes in parochia de Stuckley. Inter Willelmum Cottrell querentem et Katherinam Wilson spinster Sturdy Watton Marston Roper Cottrell defendentes in Yardlcy. Inter Willelmum Beale querentem et Johannem Daniell et alios defendentes in Pendocke. Inter Annam Maid viduam querentem et Lev. Byard generosum et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Ricardum Dipple querentem et Johannem Ernes defendentem in Beshampton et aliis. Inter Nathanielem Adey querentem et Swithin Bing et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Danielem Hancox et alios querentes et Georgium Swingland Brockhouse et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Andreum Harrison querentem et Walterum Bourne defen- dentem in Droytwich. 312 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 4th. Hilary Term continued. Inter Georgium Middlemore generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Middlemore gene- rosum Eginton Nightingale Williams defen- dentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Vicaridge generosum querentem et Johannem Vicaridge generosum Goddard et alios defendentes in Broad- way. Inter Willelmum Tristram et alios querentes et Willelmum Fereday Crumpe et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Knight et alios querentes et Thomam Goslin Bate Crabb et alios defendentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Henricum Alnut armigerum et alios querentes et Abel. Gower armigerum defendentem de manerio de Boughton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker generosum querentem et Carolum Welch Morgan et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Ricardum Reeve generosum querentem et Edwardum Harriott et alios defendentes in Cladsall et aliis. Inter Johannem Hurst querentem et Fleet. Dormer armigerum defendentem in Upton super Sabiinam. Inter Samuelem Chaundler et alios querentes et Johannem Leonard Ward Allen Billey et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Julian Thornton spinster et alios querentes et Willelmum Cooke et alios defendentes in Eldersfeild. Inter Radulphum Sanderson generosum querentem et Benjaminum Asgill et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Johannem Need et alios querentes et Johannem Walker seniorem Whitaker et alios defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Willelmum Amphlett generosum querentem et Johannem Portman alias Poolehouse et alios defendentes in Asteley. Inter Abel. Makepeace generosum querentem etNicholaum Fletcher generosum et alios defendentes in Dome. Inter Thomam Foley seniorem armigerum querentem et Abel. Attwood generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Cookes Baroncttum querentem et Franciscum Cowley juniorcm ct alios defendentes in Moreton Abbotts. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 313 Year of the Reign. 5th. Easter ~l Inter Radulphum Took querentem et Term. J Elizabethan! Gasely spinster defen- Wigorn. dentem in parochia de Staunton in Comitatu Civitas Wigornensi et in Civitate Gloucestriaa in Comi- Gloucestr. tatu Civitatis Gloucestriensis Inter Edvvardum Lench generosum et alios querentes et Jacobum Wylmott scniorem generosum Chambers Bell et alios defen- dentes in Norton Regis et aliis. Inter Johannem Pytt querentem et Johannem Lavvton et alios defendentcs in Hanley Castle. Inter Radulphum Sheldon armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Whitmore et alios defendentes in Beoley Bircott et aliis. Inter Thomam Baker generosum et alios querentes et Gerv. Wheeler seniorem generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Waresley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hyll querentem et Thomam Baker generosum et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Ricardum Lambe querentem et Thomam Baker generosum et alios defendentes in Harvington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Holbech generosum querentem et Ricardum White clericum Meadams et alios defendentes in Armescote. Inter Thomam Lowbridge generosum querentem et Willelmum Rogerson generosum et alios defendentes in Hartlebury. Inter Obad. Alford [et] alios querentes et Benjaminum Sheldon Shaw et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Jacobum Mahun querentem et Thomam Bray Barnes et alios defendentes in parochia de la Berrowe. Inter Edmundum Smith generosum querentem et Thomam Higgins Tovey Stock et alios defendentes in Chaceley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Butler juniorem querentem et Petreum Peirshouse armigerum et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Edwardum Millcs generosum querentem et Johannem Cooke armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Staunton et aliis. Inter Johannem Thorne juniorem querentem et Johannem Burton defendentcm in Kingsnorton. 314 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 5th. Easter Term continued. Inter Johannem French et alios querentes et Johannem Philpott generosum Steward Ro- binson et alios defendentes in Droytwich et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Lench generosum querentem et Robertum Brooke et alios defendentes in Bromessjrove et aliis. Warwic. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wicrornensis. Trinity "1 Inter Thomam Wagstaffe militem et alios ■ Term. J querentes et Edwardum Greene generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Newbold Pacey et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Hadsor in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Walterum Meeke querentem et Georgium Harris armigerum Steynor Chambers et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum etc. ..... Inter Thomam Frances querentem et Ricardum Agberrowe seniorem Crumpe et alios defen- dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum Inter Johannem Manninge querentem et Johannem Parr Cooke Richards Chetton Pritchett etc. defendentes in Winding et aliis. Inter Saram Bloomer spinster et alios querentes et Henricum Grove Pearshall et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Antonium Stephens et alios querentes et Thomam Billey et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Powntny clericum et alios querentes et Antonium Sargeant generosum defendentem in Fladbury. Inter Robertum Berkeley armigerum querentem et Johannem Palmer Rea et alios defendentes in Churchill. Inter Johannem Ellins et alios querentes et Willelmum Ay res et alios defendentes in Bengworth. Inter Samuelcm Swift armigerum et alios querentes et Franciscum Blackeway Pigott Martin et alios defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Kathcrinam Somers viduam querentem et Josephum Jekyll armigerum Fawkes Rough et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 3 1 5 Year of the Reign. . \ Inter Gcorgium Rickards et alios quercntes et 5th. Trinity Term - . _ _ T , „ . .. , , V Thomam Browne Neend Price et alios deien- continued. , . ... ... J dentes in Westmancoate et alns. Inter Thomam Morris querentem et Willelmum Barnes defendentem in Rouslench. Inter Ricardum Hill generosum querentem et Georgium Harris armigerum Steynor et alios defendentes in Woodcoate et aliis. Inter Johannem Turbervile querentem et Johannem Smith et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Edmundum Tayler generosum querentem et Robertum Corne- wall Herbert et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Simonem Dee et alios querentes et Nicholaum Fownes Nash et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Willelmum Gower armigerum querentem et Johannem Curtler et alios defendentes in Norton Regis. (Inter Johannem Tcrkcs generosum et alios querentes et Henncum Barnsley roxall et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et alns. Inter Carolum Hancock armigerum querentem et Franciscum Russell Baronettum et alios defendentes in Strensham et aliis. Inter Thomam Goodwyn alias Clarke querentem et Ricardum Drinkwater Willis George et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Blicke querentem et Henricum Newborough et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Willelmum Broughton clericum et alios querentes et Val. Lamb et alios defendentes in Oakebold et aliis. Inter Thomam Griffis querentem et Johannem Pearsall juniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Elizabetham Norris viduam querentem et Willelmum Greene et alios defendentes in Lindridge. Inter Johannem Mill et alios querentes et Willelmum Haughton defendentem in Redmarley Adam et aliis. Inter Robertum Yarranton et alios querentes ct Willelmum Cooke generosum defendentem in Shellesley et aliis. 316 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 5th. Michaelmas"! Inter Thomam Price querentem et Franciscum Term continued. J Lindon et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Amphlett generosum querentem et Samuelem Gyles generosum et alios defendentes in Asteley. Inter Johannem Huband Baronettum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Sheldon seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Abberton et aliis. Inter Johannem Hancox et alios querentes et Henricum Raybould Milles et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Batchelor et alios querentes et Willelmum Billey defendentem de tenementis in Broadway. Inter Avic. Clarke viduam querentem et Ricardum Hcmynge et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Johannem Hoskins querentem et Thomam Penrice et alios defendentes in Berrowe et aliis. Inter Johannem Tayler et alios querentes et Willelmum Hicks Rosse et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cox et alios querentes et Johannem Cox Burton Watton et alios defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Kecke generosum querentem et Willelmum Widdowes et alios defendentes in Hanging Aston. Inter Samuelem Spicer et alios querentes et Ricardum Browne clericum Hall Wayte Barton et alios defendentes in Brecdon et aliis. Inter Josephum Porter generosum et alios querentes et Johan. Orford viduam Carpenter et alios defendentes in Padstons Yeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Greeves querentem et Willelmum Wakeman ct alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Johannem Palmer querentem et Johannem Alye generosum Clent et alios defendentes in Bcntley Pauncefoote. Inter Georgium Wyrall et alios querentes et Johannem Bird Weaver et alios defendentes in Kingsford ct aliis. Inter Thomam Hampton querentem et Johannem Wrenford et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Margaretam Walker viduam querentem ct Henricum Richards ct alios defendentes in Yardley. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 317 Year of the Kei™. 5th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Jacobum Nash generosum et alios que- rcntes et Edmundum Alderne Pennell Gan- derton et alios defendentcs in Stockton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Acock et alios querentes et Willelmum Mathew Hamis et Beardsley Feild Greves defendentes in Yardley etc. Inter Thomam] Cookes Baronettum querentem et Antonium Han- bury et alios defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Willelmum Rudge generosum querentem et Johannem Powell seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes in Weston et aliis. Hilary "1 Inter Willelmum Forester militem et alios -v Term. J querentes et Henricum Ireton armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Quenington Gloucestr. et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et de manerio [ Hereford. de Awkeridge et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Wigorn. et in Castle Morton et aliis in Comitatu Wi- gornensi Inter Georgium Harris armigerum et alios querentes et Elizabethan! Harris viduam Lench Yarnold et alios defendentes in Droit- wich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Morton querentem et Humfridum Morton Smith et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Deeley querentem et Johannem Austin seniorem Dunne Smyth et alios defendentes in Warley et aliis. Inter Johannem Pace et alios querentes et Franciscum Panting Gough et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Edden et alios querentes et Johannem Such et alios defendentes in Newbold et aliis. Inter Thomam Amphlett et alios querentes et Elizabetham Harris viduam et alios defendentes in Droithwich et aliis. Inter Josiam Read clericum et alios querentes et Henricum Webster Whitehouse et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Annam Pytts viduam querentem et Edwardum Bunvall et alios defendentes in Stoke Blisse et aliis. Inter Franciscum Highway querentem et Benjaminum Tayler et alios defendentes in Drayton et aliis. 31 3 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. „., _ "v inter Robertum Eades et alios quercntes et 5th. Hilary Term ^ 5- franciscum J orden efenerosum hades Laugher continued. I ,. , , , / et alios defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Thomam Gem querentem et Johannem Carpenter et alios defendentes in Shepley. Inter Johannem Hale et alios querentes et Edwardum Guest et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Willelmum White querentem et Ricardum Hodges et alios defendentes in Bockleton. Inter Edwardum Milles generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Jordan Baylis Hiron et alios defendentes in Pirton. Inter Willelmum Jenings et alios querentes et Thomam Daunce Thackham Cole et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smith clericum querentem et Thomam Whitaker generosum et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Sparrye generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Blicke et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Georgium Woodford querentem et Johannem Westwood clericum et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Ashford querentem et Thomam Acton defendentem in Kingsnortorton K Inter Rolandum Broadstock et alios querentes et Jacobum Michell et alios defendentes in Evesham. 6th. Easter "1 Inter Johannem Hill et alios que- -v Term. J rentes et Thomam Symonds genero- I Civitas sum defendentem in parochia Sancti Martini j Wigornensis. in Civitate Wigorniae . . . ■* Inter Nicholaum Bennett et alios querentes et Johannem Horn- blower Worrall Clarke Perkes et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Hill et alios querentes et Thomam Symonds gene- rosum defendentes in Whistons et aliis. Inter Willelmum Perkins querentem et Johannem Perkins defen- dentem in Sapy Pitchard et aliis. ' sic inserted in margin of MS. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 319 Year of the Reign. , , -\ Inter Willelmum Bound et alios querentes et oth. Easter Term ,_,.„ , __ , ,. . y Willelmum Hackett generosum et alios dc- continued. f . TT . ./ fendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Jacobum Billingsley et alios querentes et Annam Smith viduam defendentetn in Moseley et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Harris et alios querentes et Willelmum Wilkes et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Thomam Pennell querentem et Johannem Pennell et alios defendentes in Narchard et aliis. Inter Johannem Allen querentem et Johannem Davis et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Skeller querentem et Phillippum Tolley et alios defendentes in Warsley et aliis. Inter Hu. Pretty juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Pod- more Jevon Chamberlin et alios defendentes in Churchill et aliis. Inter Franciscum Taylor generosum querentem et August. Goodwyn Johnsons et alios defendentes in South Littleton. Inter Edwardum Hitchins querentem et Josu. Oakes Hewitt et alios defendentes in Wyer Piddle. Inter Thomam Grove querentem et Willelmum Blunt et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Norbury generosum querentem et Elizabetham Meade spinster defendentem in Upperwich in Droitwich. Inter Johannem Ruston querentem et Henricum Ruston et alios defendentes in Austcliffe et aliis. Inter Thomam Addis et alios querentes et Johannem Teynton et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Edmundum Tomlins querentem et Willelmum South et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Willelmum Tristram juniorem et alios querentes et Samuelem Newbrough Don Ghimenes et alios defendentes in Old Svvinford. Inter Edwardum Willes generosum querentem et Johannem Cotterell juniorem defendentem in Yardley. Inter Jacobum Taylor querentem et Thomam Bund generosum Hil et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. 320 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 6th. Easter Term "1 Inter Jacobum Taylor querentem et Henrlcum continued. J Hill et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Johannem Ballard et alios querentes et Henricum Yeomans VVoodyatt et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Johannem Bellitt querentem et Henricum Heming et alios defendentes in Inckberow. Wigorn. Gloucestr. Middlesex. Trinity ] Inter Aliciam Cottle viduam et alios que- Term. J rentes et Jacobum Rushout Baronettum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Stone et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Swell superiori et aliis in Comitatu Glouces- triensi et de maneriis de Harrow et aliis in Comitatu Middlesex Inter Antonium Ashfeild generosum querentem et Edwardum Sebright Baronettum defendentem de maneriis de Befford et Battenhall et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Chelmarsh in Comi- tatu Salopensi Inter Thomam Pudsey armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Brettell seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Rowley Regis et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Rushock in Comi- tatu Wigornensi . . . . J Inter Thomam Hill querentem et Josu. Bourne et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civitate Wigornise Inter Josephum Watton et alios querentes et Johannem Greene generosum Sturdy et Marston Barnesley Smith Parkes Cutler defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Cristinam Capper generosum querentem et Georgium Greene et alios defendentes in Doddenham. Inter Elizabetham Bagnall viduam et alios querentes et Willelmum Ewens et alios defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Ricardum White et alios querentes et Johannem Tayler defendentem in Woodencoate et aliis. Inter Johannem Tolson generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Bearcfoft generosum et alios defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Wigorn. Salop. Stafford. Wigorn. Civitas Wijjornensis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 32 1 Year of the Reign. , t , „ . . „ ~i Inter Willelmum Ferrcday et alios querentes 6th. Trinity Term _, _. ' _ , > et Ol. Dixon seniorem Benson et alios continued. , , . j defendentes in Dudley et alns. Inter Willelmum Price clericum querentem et Ricardum Andrews et alios defendentes in Sapy Pitchard. Inter Annam Martin et alios querentes et Johannem Turbervile Smith Arden Merry et alios defendentes in Birchmorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Milward generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Wakeman Hayncs Diple et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dunn et alios querentes et Zachariam Theuld Surmon et alios defendentes in Hill Croome et aliis. Inter Ricardum Noke querentem et Johannem Tillam generosum defendentem in Horseham et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum querentem et Thomam Bury et alios defendentes in Mamble. Inter Franciscum Radnor querentem et Rogerum Griffitts Unkles et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Samuelem Ward clericum et alios querentes et Josephum Hartland Heath Greening et alios defendentes in Strensham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bound generosum querentem et Ricardum Farley et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Annam Baylis viduam querentem et Ricardum Agberrow et alios defendentes in Malvern Magna. Wigorn. Oxon. Michaelmas "> Inter Jacobum Rushout Baronettum , Term. J et alios querentes et Samuelem Sandys armigerum et alios defendentes de maneriis de Ombersley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Bicester et aliis in Comitatu Oxoniensi Inter Timotheum Clare generosum et alios querentes . et Jacobum Smith seniorem Lench et alios I Civitas defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Civi- J Wigornensis. tatc \Vig0rnia2 . . . . ' Y 322 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 6th. Michaelmas | Inter Georgium Wilson clericum , Term continued. J querentem et Caleb Foord et I Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Helene | Wigornensis. in Civitate Wigornize . . . Inter Johannem Poole querentem et Lud. Morris "1 Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree . J Wigornensis. Inter Thomam Whitaker generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Whitaker generosum Payton et alios defendentes in Garleford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Helme generosum querentem et Ricardum Beale defendentem in Staunton. Inter Johannem Tayler querentem et Johannem Cockshett defen- dentem in parochia de Pendocke. Inter Jacobum Compson et alios querentes et Johannem Compson et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Bourne generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hill defendentem de tenementis in Shrawley. Inter Willelmum Hunt querentem et Walterum Hall generosum et alios defendentes in Over Mitton et aliis. Inter Gilbertum Finnemore querentem et Samuelem Brace defen- dentem in Forkbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Durham querentem et Griff. Jones clericum et alios defendentes in Emlode. Inter Johannem Chance et alios querentes et Henricum Hunt Raybould et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Thomam Brittayne et alios querentes et Cristinam Cartwright Holden et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Antonium Attvvood generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Warren clericum et alios defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Watts alias Wattson Radford et alios defendentes in Kidder- minster et aliis. Inter Edwardum Butler juniorem querentem et Johannem Holland generosum Russell et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Farrer generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Harris seniorem Yarnold et alios defendentes in North riddle ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 323 Year of the Reign. n Inter Josephum Boulter et alios querentes et 6th. Michaelmas I Stephanum Leonard sen iorem et alios defen- Term continued. I . . . „ , . , ) dentes 111 Lckington. Inter Josephum Fox et alios querentes et Johannem Thickbroome Holmes et alios defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Timotheum Clare et alios querentes et Jacobum Smith seniorem Aris Hurdman et alios defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Franciscum Phips et alios querentes et Antonium Lampett et alios defendentes in parochia de Broadway. Hilary "| Inter Robertum Hailey armigerum et alios " Term. J querentes et Thomam Foley armigerum et alios defendentem de manerio dc Oldborough et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Cowley et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Chetwood in Comitatu Bukinghamensi Inter Johannem Hopkins et alios querentes et Samuelem Porter et alios defendentes in Bir- mingham in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Kings- norton in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Walterum Savage armigerum et alios querentes ' et Thomam Savage armigerum et alios defen- Wigorn. Stafford. Bukingham. Warwic. Wigorn. VVigorn. Salop. dentes in Comberton Magna in Comitatu Wi- gornensi et in Llanvarr et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi .... Inter Gros. Dyson armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Hayward Grove Buffery et alios defendentes in Hagley ct aliis. Inter Zachariam Stokes juniorem et alios querentes et Stephanum Cother Packer Lyes Smith Watts et alios defendentes in Riple ct aliis. Inter Thomam Lucas generosum querentem et Thomam Robins et alios defendentes in Inckburrough et aliis. Inter Willelmum Brooke clericum et alios querentes et Ricardum Stanley Horniblow Billett et alios defendentes in Tardebigg et aliis. Y 2 3^4 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , , TT .. „ "\ Inter Timotheum Abrahams quercntem et 6th. Hilary Term _, „. Y lhomam Cheatle armigerum Rowden Hon- continued. ,. . _ , . _ J yate et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Thomam Cole generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hampton Lane et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Woodcocke querentem et Johannem Gillam seniorem Butler et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Gilbertum Saunders et alios querentes et Thomam Whitaker Warren Sparry et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Bound querentem et Silv. Tomkyns Curtis et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Edwardum Brooke et alios querentes et Hcnricum Brooke Baylies Buckston et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Edwardum Steyner et alios querentes et Robertum Steyner armigerum et alios defendentes in Impney et aliis. Inter Rolandum Hayncs querentem et Ricardum Treherne et alios defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Arma. Greene generosum et alios querentes et Radulphum Unton seniorem Luddington Clare et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bentley et alios querentes et Franciscum Marriott seniorem Steevenson et alios defendentes in Bricklehampton et aliis. Inter Thomam Albert generosum querentem et Thomam Fletcher generosum defendentem de tencmentis in Blockley. Inter Job. Birchley querentem et Willelmum Lane et alios defen- dentes in parochia de Castlemorton. Inter Timotheum Clare generosum querentem ct Henricum Taylor Smith et alios defendentes in Powick Sancti Johannis et aliis. Inter Samuelem Swift armigerum et alios querentes et Franciscum Rea seniorem generosum Tompkins et alios defendentes in parochia de Claynes et aliis. Inter Johannem Bourne generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Tolley et alios defendentes in Pepwall. Inter Mathcum Bayley generosum querentem et Franciscum Godfrey defendentem in Abbotts Morton. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM AND MARY. 325 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Samuelem Slade querentem et Thomam Oth. Hilary Term „ . - , J- Doelittle loye et alios defendentes in Kid- derminster. continued. I Wigornensis. Inter Henricum Creswicke armigerum querentem et Nicliolaum Fletcher juniorem et alios defendentes in Dome. 7th. Easter | Inter Franciscum England et alios a Term. J querentes et Ricardum Treherne gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Norton juxta . . Kempsey in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis Inter Willelmum Bullocke et alios querentes et . Ricardum Bagott generosum Beard Vale et Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sancto- I Wigornensis. rum et aliis . . . . •* Inter Johannem Payton et alios querentes et Willelmum Fereday Perkes Brittell Burvett et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Robertum Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Bentley armigerum et alios defendentes in Kerswell et aliis. Inter Carolum Saunders clericum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Wythes Saunders et alios defendentes in parochia de Claynes. Inter Johannem Fisher generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Hortle et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Jonathanum Taylor generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Jenkens Yeoman et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Watts generosum querentem et Johannem West- wood clericum et alios defendentes in Chedwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Stone generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Harris armigerum Adys et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Swift et armigerum querentem et Fra. Ivye viduam Cox Dyer et alios defendentes in Hynlipp et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Johannem Penn seniorem et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. 326 INDEX TO THE FINES WORCESTER FINES. WILLIAM III. Year of the Reign. 7th. Trinity "1 Inter Ricardum Avenant generosum Term. J querentem et Ludov. Cassall Fidoe et alios defendentes in Stanford et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Sapy Superiori et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Johannem Jacob et alios querentes et Ricardum ^ Tabor clericum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Ethelborough in Comitatu Londonensi et in Martley in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Phillippum Coyney generosum et alios que- •> rentes et Willelmum Gower armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Queenhill et tene- mentis in Kingsnorton in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Weston Coyney et Holme et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Jacobum Portman querentem et Johannem Archer et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Civitate VVigorniae Inter Willelmum Powlett armigerum et alios que- ■ rentes et Johannem Jones clericum defendentem de redditis exeuntibus de scitu hospicii de Sancto Wulston . . . .J Inter Willelmum Harris generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Finch Charlett Woodward et alios defendentes in Hardwicke et aliis. Inter Johannem Eckells seniorem et alios querentes et Josephum Richardson Cattell et alios defendentes in Ripple et aliis. Inter Josiam Bate querentem et Samuelem Brace et alios defen- dentes in Padstons Yeild. Inter Margaretam Nicholett viduam querentem et Franciscum Hide Starling et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Willelmum Allen querentem et Thomam White Cooper Dench Cooke defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Ricardum Morris querentem et Thomam Parsonage Carter et alios defendentes in Feckcnham. Wigorn. Hereford. London. Wigorn. Wigorn. Stafford. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wiejornensis. IN THE REIGN OK WILLIAM III. 3 2 7 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Jacobum Hinckes et alios querentcs et 7th. Trinity Term I Jonathaluim TayIcr ge nerosum Wells Dun- continued, j calfe Shaw p eeters defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Morley querentem et Willelmum Hicks juniorem defendentem in Berrow. Inter Ricardum Saunders et alios querentes et Thomam Whitaker Clarke et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Payton et alios querentes et Franciscum Rowley Pyrke et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Wrenford generosum querentem et Carolum Parker generosum et alios defendentes in Brcedon. Inter Israelem Wade et alios querentes et Thomam Deaves Wade et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Powlett armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Jones clericum defendentem de redditis exeuntibus de manerio de Offenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Radford armigerum et alios querentes et Robertum Lloyd in medicina Doctorem et alios defendentes in Franckley et aliis. Inter Josu. Gearing scniorem querentem et Egidium Lawrence generosum defendentem in Veteri Parshore et aliis. Inter Armill. Howship et alios querentes et Edvvardum Fewtrell generosum et alios defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Dominum Coventrie querentem et Franciscum Russell Baronettum Lane et alios defendentes de maneriis de Birlingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Grubb querentem et Franciscum Jones et alios defendentes in parochia de Magna Witley. Inter Cristinam Smith querentem et Thomam Lacy generosum Watts Handy et alios defendentes in Fcckenham. Inter Johannem Greenaway querentem et Johannem Crundall et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Inter Elish. Yarnold et alios querentes et Willelmum Handy Lucas et alios defendentes in North Littleton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Cowell et alios querentes et Thomam Watts et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Civitas Wigornensis. Wigorn. Gloucestr. 328 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 7th. Michaelmas I Inter Johannem Watts gene- Term. J rosum querentem et Samuelem Meeke et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum Inter Thomam Stephens generosum querentem et Robertum Thornton Attwood Cooke et alios defendentes in Staunton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Corse et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi Inter Adam Reed et alios querentes et Ricardum Gearinge Leplach Yarranton Bufferye Hall defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Turner querentem et Elizabetham Forly viduam Cotterell defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Nicholaum Lechmere militem querentem et Willelmum Paye Crosse et alios defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Hancocke armigerum querentem et Johannem Ryton Williams et alios defendentes de manerio de Hunckfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Payne querentem et Robertum Martley Grigson Rowley et alios defendentes in Lower Mitton. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Hancox Penn Vicaris et alios defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Holloway querentem et Egidium Rawlins Hard- man et alios defendentes in Kyre Parva et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baker querentem et Johannem George et alios defendentes in Ridmarley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Berrow querentem et Thomam Pewtris Rodge et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Thomam Turner querentem et Edmundum Alderne et alios defendentes in Prickly et aliis. Inter Henricum Jeffreyes armigerum querentem et Willelmum Stevens et alios defendentes in Martly. Inter Franciscum Highway et alios querentes et Johannem Tayler llolden ct alios defendentes in Drayton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Harrison et alios querentes ct Thomam Hornblower Cotterell et alios defendentes in Bromcsgrove et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 329 Year of the Reign. ... , , \ Inter Thomam Mackworth Baronettum et alios 7th. Michaelmas _ • , r querentes et Johanncm Cox generosum et alios Term continued. , . ,.. / defendentes in Witchbold et alns. Inter Johannem Boulton querentem et Jacobum Spilsbury clericum et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winnington militem querentem et Franciscum Martin et alios defendentes in parochia de Martin Hussing- tree. Wigorn. Hereford. Hilary 1 Inter Johannem Bourne generosum et alios *\ Term. J querentes et Johannem Newport armigerum defendentem de manerio de Hanley William et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Sapy Superior! et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Jacobum Hemynge et alios querentes et Jo- \ hannem Poole seniorem et alios defendentes in l m as parochia Sancti Andree et aliis . . J Wi g°™ensis. Inter Willelmum Widdowes querentem et Saram Gower viduam Roper Rotton et alios defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Henricum Dottin seniorem querentem et Willelmum Terrett generosum et alios defendentes in Chasely. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Jacobum Boucher seniorem Fones Hill et alios defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Inter Annam Higgins viduam querentem et Willelmum Makeam generosum defendentem in parochia de Suckley. Inter Arm. Greene generosum querentem et Ricardum Creese Davis et alios defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Franciscum Phips et alios querentes et Henricum Wallington Turner Hiron Smith et alios defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Annam Feild viduam et alios querentes et Robertum Dow- ley seniorem generosum Bagshaw Reynolds defendentes in Bradley. Inter Jeremiam King querentem et Willelmum Sheppard et alios defendentes in Bornford et aliis. 33Q INDEX TO THE FINES Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Year of the Reign. 8th. Easter "1 Inter Edmundum Lechmere armi- Term. J gerum querentem et Phillippum Bear- croft generosum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Svvithini Inter Carolum Swift generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Cartvvright Stockall Higgins et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree Inter Antonium Ashfeild generosum et alios querentes et Eliza- betham Palmer spinster Poole Grainger Allen et alios defen- dentes in Parshore. Inter Allan Cliffe generosum et alios querentes et Sus. Wood spinster Spicer Perkins Browne defendentes in Matherne. Inter Simonem Ford S.T.D. et alios querentes et Edwardum Milward generosum et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Franciscum England querentem et Willelmum Amphlett alias Smith defendentem in Wichenford. Inter Edmundum Lechmere armigerum et alios querentes et Phil- lippum Bearcrofte generosum et alios defendentes in Moreton et aliis. Inter Thomam Steyte et alios querentes et Johannem Juston Allen et alios defendentes in Comberton Parva et aliis. Inter Ricardum Hickman et alios querentes et Henricum Eccleshall Nurthall Milward et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Edwardum Butler juniorem querentem et Jan. Crane viduam et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. iter Ricardum Hucke et alios querentes -, Trinity 1 Int Term. J et Samuelem Weight Stonehall et alios Civitas defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Co- > Wigornensis. mitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Suckley et Wigorn. aliis in Comitatu Wigomensi . . ' Inter Willelmum Winsmore querentem et Kenel. Munslowe et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Civitate Wi- gorniae. Inter Ricardum Freeman armigerum querentem et Samuelem Sandys armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Stowton cum Wadborough ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 33 1 Year of the Reign. „ . . „ ^ Inter Willelmum Pitt querentem et Jacobum Sth. Trinity Term „ , ~ ,, „, ... „. , ,. . , V Roberts Powell Wains Bishop et alios continued. . . y defendentes in parochia de Bayton. Inter Johannem Bagshaw armigcrum et alios querentes et Stephanuin Thomson clericum et alios defendentes in Offenham. Inter Robertum Feild et alios querentes et Samuelem James Ash- feild Rickards Neend Feild defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Pardoe querentem et Edwardum Ashcroft Poston Fitzer et alios defendentes in Astley. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Gilbertum Stradling generosum Francis Fazer et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Johannem Guest clericum et alios querentes et Johannem George seniorem Phelpes et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Thomam Bartlett et alios querentes et Hest. Meadowes spinster et alios defendentes in Emloade. Inter Edwardum Clifford generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Woodward Wheeler et alios defendentes in Upwich et aliis. Michaelmas "l Inter Edwardum Trovell generosum , Term. / querentem et Danielem Godfrey et I Civitas alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in j Wigornensis. Civitate Wigornize . . . Inter Edwardum Dyson generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Ford generosum Hill Milward Bate Ellis Hart et alios defen- dentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Josiam Bate generosum querentem et Jacobum Brooke et alios defendentes in parochia de Bromsgrove. Inter Timotheum Clare generosum querentem et Thomam White generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Johannem Archer seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Chamflower alias Chandler defendentem in Welland. Inter Johannem Price clericum querentem et Johannem Price seniorem et alios defendentes in Hampton Parva et aliis. 33 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. } Inter Johannem Price clericum querentem et Johannem Dmgley generosum et alios defen- dentes in parochia de Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Philpott generosum et alios querentes et Johannem French generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Salwarpe et aliis. Inter Johannem King generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Feild generosum defendentem in parochia de Alvechurch. Inter Willelmum Johnson S.T.P. querentem et Samuelem Wash- bourne generosum et alios defendentes in Dodnam. Inter Johannem Barston et alios querentes et Johannem Clarke Stokes et alios defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott et aliis. Inter Samuelem Asteley clericum et alios querentes et Edwardum Charter et alios Pratt defendentes in White Ladys Aston et aliis. Inter Thomam Atterbury querentem et Johannem Lawrence et alios defendentes in Comberton Parva et aliis. Inter Willelmum Turner et alios querentes et Edwardum Rastell generosum Philpott et alios defendentes in Agberrow et aliis. Inter Samuelem Saunders generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Randle Hall Hunt et alios defendentes in Droitewich et aliis. Inter Franciscum Clare armigerum querentem et Thomam Cox et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Willelmum Atwood generosum querentem et Randolphum Tooke Haynes et alios defendentes in Stampton. Inter Franciscum Winnington militcm querentem et Ricardum Nash armigerum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis. Hilary "| Inter Johannem Kynaston armigerum et ' Term. J alios querentes et Rogerum Pope armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Pensock et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio deAstlcy et aliis in Comitatu Salopcnsi et in Enfield et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi Wigorn. Salop. Stafford. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 333 Year of the Reign. 8th. Hilary Term ] Inter Edwardum Manning ge- " J nc Wigorn. Civitas Wi"-ornensis. continued. J nerosum querentem et Willel- mum Stevens generosum defendentem in Stock- ton Clevelode et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Andree in Comitatu Civi- tatis Wigornensis .... Inter Georgium Cooksey querentem et Samuelem -i Heming et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti - ,-., .. Wigornensis. dementis . . . . J ° Inter Jonathanum Seeley et alios querentes et Thomam Milhvard Bissell et alios defendentes infra parochia de Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley seniorem armigerum querentem et Thomam Winford juniorem armigerum defendentem de manerio de Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Chaundler querentem et Johannem George Watkins et alios defendentes in Eckington. Inter Willelmum Pynnock querentem et Johannem Blissard Brome- hall defendentes in Comberton Magna. Inter Saram Pagett viduam et alios querentes et Jacobum Raybould Wells Stay et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Hussey et alios querentes et Edmundum Adys et alios defendentes in Cookesey et aliis. Inter Jacobum Eckley generosum querentem et Henricum Poole et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Johannem Baylis et alios querentes et Saram Thompson viduam Jones Adams et alios defendentes in Westencoate et aliis Inter Franciscum Welles clericum querentem et Willelmum Beale defendentem in Pendocke le Burrow et aliis. Inter Edmundum Higginson querentem et Ricardum Crundall generosum Hunt defendentes in Alton. 9th. Easter "| Inter Thomam Browne generosum et Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Bailey Hyes Clarke Rugg et alios defendentes in Corse r in Comitatu Gloucestriensi ct in Elsfeild in ° (^ 1 1 m 1 1 a f 1 1 \\ T itrf irnpiKi * Gloucestr. Comitatu Wigornensi 334 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 9th. Easter Term "1 Inter Thomani Smyth et alios >, continued. / querentes et Johannem Russell I Civitas et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sane- j Wigornensis. torum et aliis . . . .' Inter Johannem Wall juniorem et alios querentes et Josephum Wall et alios defendentes in Kidderminster Forren et aliis. Inter Antonium Biddulph armigerum querentem et Thomani Heming et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Josephum Feild et alios querentes et Robertum Squire Tinker Yarnold Hawkeswood Farley Rudge defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Walwyn generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Clymer England et alios defendentes in Shenstone et aliis. Inter Johannem Price et alios querentes et Georgium Hunt Willis Baylis et alios defendentes in Combton Magna et aliis. Inter Johannem Feild et alios querentes et Johannem Day Jesson Bissell et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Phillipps querentem et Henricum Dyson et alios defendentes in parochia de Inckberrowe. Trinity"! Inter Henricum Dominum Folliott et alios' Term. J querentes et Johannem Soley armigerum defendentem in Dodnell et aliis in Comitatu Wigorn. Salop. Wigornensi et in Kingswood et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi .... Inter Han. Lord viduam querentem et Josiam Cole- •> man et alios defendentes in Stratford Vetere Warwic. et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Droitwich Wigorn. in Comitatu Wigornensi . . Inter Johannem Wheeler generosum ct alios querentes et Thomam Tristram generosum Ensall Foxwell Smith Bebb Coley defen- dentes in Bellbroughton et aliis. Inter Radulphum Powell et alios querentes et Thomam Dcffcll Green Summcrland et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Phillippum Foley armigerum Tyrer Smith Nussyate Glover defendentes in Old Swinford. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 335 Year of the Reign. (Inter Gilbertum Jellians generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Finch Dalby Guest Hunt Hawe et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Georgium Cripps generosum querentem et Johannem Machell armigerum et alios defendentes in Barborn et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Giffard generosum armigerum et alios defendentes in Burnford et aliis. Inter Rogerum Perkes et alios querentes et Thomam Sheldon Perkes Tomkins Pytt et alios defendentes in Berrington et aliis. Inter Franciscum Knight et alios querentes et Jeremiam Bagne Buffery Dixon Baker et alios defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Thomam White querentem et Johannem Gatfeild defendentem in Birchmorton. Inter Thomam Lane et alios querentes et Thomam Dovvnes et alios defendentes in Hanley et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner generosum querentem et Johannem Neast Baylies et alios defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Tompson et alios querentes et Johannem Tayler Watkins Winnetts et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Carolum Watts et alios querentes et Samuelem Caldwall Hollington Tayler et alios defendentes in Alve Church et aliis. Inter Thomam Treherne et alios querentes et Edmundum Yarranton seniorem Marden Cockshott Beale Chaundler defendentes in Pendock et aliis. Inter Willelmum Pern's generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Baldwyn generosum defendentem de manerio de Longdon et aliis. Inter Thomam Dee querentem et Antonium Collett Shelswell et alios defendentes in Alderminster. Inter Isaacum Snow querentem et Thomam Tayler et alios defen- dentes in Longdon Parva. Inter Everard Goodman generosum querentem et Edwardum Davies generosum et alios defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. 336 INDEX TO THE FINES Wigorn. Civitas Wieornensis. Year of the Keign. 9th. Michaelmas "I Inter Willelmum Hitchcocks et Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Turner Lerigoe Sheppard et alios defencientes in parochia de Hanbury et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Omnium Sanctorum in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensi Inter Edmundum Hornblower querentem et Johannem Giffard armigerum et alios defendentcs in Battell feild. Inter Thomam Horton et alios querentes et Henricum Steward Grove Sale Steward Ell Brooke et alios defendentes in Droit- wich et aliis. Inter Robertum Styles generosum et alios querentes et Merc. Clarke viduam Andrewes Harrison et alios defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Johannem Acton et alios querentes et Phillippum Tucker Wilkes Hortle et alios defendentes in Inter Ricardum Mason generosum querentem et Josephum Allen et alios defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Woodward et alios querentes et Margaretam Tayler seniorem viduam Hopcott et alios defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Franciscum Taylor generosum querentem et Johannem Lang- ston generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Hanley Castle. Inter Johannem Emes generosum querentem et Thomam Wolrich et alios defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Margaretam Lea spinster et alios querentes et Thomam Lea Atwood et alios defendentes in Bishampton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Walker juniorem querentem et Johannem Goodwyn defendentem in South Littleton. Inter Georgium Bennett generosum querentem et Willelmum Bennett generosum et alios defendentes in Welland. Inter Radulphum Powell et alios querentes ct Samuelem Hart Lake et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Willelmum Turton generosum querentem ct Samuelem Bishop Nokc ct alios defendentes in Woodcncoate et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 337 Year of the Reign. \ Inter Hcnricum Tristram clericum querentem 9th. Michaelmas t _. „ . ,. . e , . V et Thomam 1 ristram et alios defendentes 111 Term continued. I , . , „ ,, . / parochia de Belbroughton. Inter Johannem Tandy generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Shawe et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Johannem Smith et alios querentes et Johannem Clarke seniorem et alios defendentes in Hampton Magna. Inter Johannem Wilson et alios querentes et Willelmum Grove Paston et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Willelmum Yeomans et alios querentes et Samuelem Blundell Wilkes Peploe et alios defendentes in Padstones et aliis. Hilary ^ Inter Carolum Yarnold querentem et Fran- J . . Term. J ciscum Chetle et alios defendentes in pa- J- , . ,. t, . . Wigornensis. rochia Sancti Petri . . • J Inter Johannem Wilkes et alios querentes et Thomam Tristram Hortle Hipkis et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. Inter Abell Peyton et alios querentes et Willelmum Cole Spooner Austin Birch Weaman defendentem in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Nott querentem et Thomam Bell armigerum et alios defendentes in Warsley. Inter Ricardum Dancer querentem et Carolum Dancer et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Parsons generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Beale et alios defendentes in Chaseley. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Benjaminum Lowe Tilt et alios defendentes in Yeildingtree et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Noblett querentem et Johannem Heming et alios defendentes in parochia de Tenbury. Inter Ricardum Washbourne generosum querentem et Willelmum Washbourne generosum et alios defendentes in Wichingford. Inter Johannem Smith querentem et Thomam Norton defendentem in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Fox querentem et Nicholaum Hunt defendentem in Inkborrow et aliis. Inter Thomam Callowe generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Amesworth juniorem et alios defendentes in Eckington. z 33% INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ,_, TT .. „ ^ Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum querentcin et 9th. Hilary Term _. , „.,,." ,„.. , . V Kicardum bmith clencum Whitaker et alios continued. . i deiendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Cother generosum et alios querentes et Edvvardum Coder generosum et alios defendentes in parochia de Newland et aliis. Inter Franciscum Woodhouse generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Wythes generosum Saundres Waldron defen- dentes in Tapenhall. Inter Willelmum Lewis et alios querentes et Stephanum Richardson generosum et alios defendentes in Knightwicke et aliis. Inter Ricardum Fulwood generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Bellit Baker Gale et alios defendentes in Inckeberrow et aliis. Civitas Wierornensis. ioth. Easter \ Inter Johannem Chetle juniorem ' Term. J generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Lench generosum James Luddington et alios defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanc- torum et aliis Inter Henricum Mousall querentem et Thomam i . ,r i • • , r , ■ i • Civitas Veale juniorem et alios deiendentes m parochia f ~ . „, . Wigornensis. bancti dementis . . . . ; Inter Johannem Ernes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Rawlins servientem ad legem Lceke Day Ellins et alios defen- dentes in Bishampton et aliis. Inter Thomam Rowney armigerum querentem et Thomam Stock et alios defendentes in Darlingscott. Inter Ricardum Randall et alios querentes et Samuelem Blundell Wilkes et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Edwardum Newnham et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes Brace et alios defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Edwardum Bulstrode armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Bellers militem et alios defendentes in Ripley. Inter Willelmum Denstone querentem et Humfridum Burton gene- rosum et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Thomam Makeam et alios querentes et Samuelem Weight Redding Baylies et alios defendentes in Suckling et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 339 Year ol the Reign. (Inter Johannem Hill qucrentem et Johannem r> 11 • i- j r J Pcnnell seniorem et alios defendentes in parochia bancte Mane Witton. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Willelmum Doughty et alios defendentes in Horsham et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Woodward Pearsall et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Wilson juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Hunt generosum et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Ricardum Whittle querentem et Saram Ricketts viduam et alios defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Georgium Quarrell et alios querentes et Elizabethan! Baylis viduam Hallins et alios defendentes in Bricklehampton et aliis. Inter Josephum Eades et alios querentes et Susannam Eades viduam Smith et alios defendentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Norris querentem et Edmundum Broad et alios defendentes in Elmebridge. Inter Johannem Payton et alios querentes et Willelmum Fereday Grove et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Obadiam Key et alios querentes et Thomam Holmes Nevvtrey et alios defendentes in Norton Regis. Inter Georgium Martin clericum querentem et Thomam Whitaker generosum et alios defendentes in Garlsford. Inter Edmundum Higginson querentem et Johannem Hinckesman et alios defendentes in Alton. Inter Franciscum Heywood seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Whorwood armigerum Bray Longueville defen- dentes in Nanton et aliis. Inter Arthurum Soley generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Swarbracke seniorem Lewis Noven et alios defendentes in Perton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Clarke et alios querentes et Benjaminum Grevis generosum Carter et alios defendentes in Moseley. Inter Henricum Hinckley et alios querentes et Thomam Whorwood armigerum et alios defendentes in Nanton Beachampe et aliis. Inter Rogerum Machin et alios querentes et Jonathanum Tayler et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. z 2 340 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of tlie Reign. loth. Easter Term continued. Inter Georgium Latin armigerum querentem et Robertum Throckmorton armigerum Baronettum et alios defendentes de manerio de Chaddesley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Cooper et alios querentes et Jacobum Payton et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Trinity "1 Inter Johannem Grove generosum et alios Term. / querentes et Johannem Sparrye generosum et alios defendentes in Tedstill et aliis in Comi- tatu Salopensi et in Stowerbridge et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Chetle armigerum et alios querentes^ et Ricardum Sambach generosum et alios de- Salop. Wigorn. Civitas Civitas VVigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. fendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et I Wigornensis. aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Wigorn. Alfricke et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Sowden et alios querentes et Jo- ' annam Huntbech Luddington Darling Norris Greene defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanc- torum et aliis .... Inter Thomam Hurst et alios querentes et Gil- bertum Tonnerton et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Swithini Inter Willelmum Morley querentem et Jacobum Hall generosum Dingley Angell Moore Keyse Daunter defendentes in Rid- marley Dabitott etc. Inter Radulphum Powell et alios querentes et Samuelem Ward Smith Shawe Addams defendentes in Sturbridge et aliis. Inter Edwardum Sebright Baronettum et alios querentes et Egidium Lawrence generosum et alios defendentes de mancriis de Veteri Parshore et aliis. Inter Rolandum Bartlctt armigerum querentem et Ricardum Rideout et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Thomam Laugher querentem et Josephum Fownes Shceres et alios defendentes in Belbroughton. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 34I Year of llie Keign. _,..„, -\ Inter Johannem Yarranton rencrosum et 10th. Trinity Term ,. * , . Y alios querentes ct Jacobum Boucher seni- continued. ,. , _ , _ , 1 orem et alios defendentes in Dunlcyet alns. Inter Henricum Dobbins generosum querentcm et Carolum Blount generosum Spicer Fennimore defendentes in Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Margaretam Littleford et alios querentes et Thomam Foley Tudor et alios defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Michaelem Beale querentem et Henricum Savage Yate et alios defendentes in Elsfeild. Inter Johannem Digges et alios querentes et Willelmum Pewtresse seniorem et alios defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Payne generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Hamond generosum defendentem in Stokeblisse. Inter Willelmum Elcox generosum querentem et Georgium Fisher et alios defendentes in Wicke Episcopi et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Thomam Coventry armigerum et alios defendentes in Breedon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Moule et alios querentes et Robertum Hunt Greene Turvey defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Robertum Dowley juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Weaver Poole Munslow Saunders Hollington et alios defendentes in Bradley et aliis. Inter Nicholaum Lechmeere militem querentem et Georgium Wel- lington generosum et alios defendentes de manerio de Red- marley et aliis. Inter Wahvyn. Gascoigne generosum querentem et Franciscum Sheldon seniorem armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Abberton et aliis. Inter Josuam Dring clericum querentem et Johannem Sandys armigerum et alios defendentes in Fcckenham. Michaelmas j Inter Johannem Asteley generosum ' Term. J querentem et Samuelem Mason seni- orem et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini Civitas W r igornensis. ioth. Michaelmas Term continued. 34 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1 1nter Thomam Herbert generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Herbert generosum Hooper Cooke Winsmore George defen- dentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Henricum Hunt seniorem generosum querentem et Thomam Lea et alios defendentes in Kings Norton. Inter Johannem Gardner querentem et Henricum Chellingsworth et alios defendentes in Catshill. Inter Margaretam Carwardine viduam querentem et Willelmum Saunders generosum Waldron et alios defendentes in Tapen- hall. Inter Edmundum EHe et alios querentes et Edvvardum Rosse generosum et alios defendentes in Suckley. Inter Walterum Wildsmith querentem et Johannem Wowen Russell Blackmore et alios defendentes in Areley Regis. Inter Willelmum Grove generosum querentem et Johannem Grove Andrews et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Edmundum Wodley seniorem querentem et Johannem Brothe- ridge et alios defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Johannem Martin et alios querentes et Johannem Jephcott sacral theologize professorem Hodges Darling Mansell defen- dentem in Hampton Parva etc. Inter Edwardum Walker generosum querentem et Brig. Walker viduam Norbury et alios defendentes in Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Simonem Barker armigerum querentem et Thomam Brunton Small et alios defendentes in Temple Broughton. Inter Antonium Lechmere armigerum et alios querentes ct Talbot Youngc generosum defendentem in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Berkeley generosum querentem et Ricardum Smith defendentem in Parshore. Inter Johannem Sturmy generosum et alios querentes et Ma. Markley viduam Dowdeswell et alios defendentes in Longdon ct aliis. Inter Johannem Smith generosum querentem et Edwardum Burrish generosum Lewis et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Marie YVitton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 343 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Ricardum Dowdesvvcll armigerum quc- iotli. Michaelmas t „, „ „ , ,. , f \ rentem et Thomam Cox Cook et alios defen- Term continued. , . ... ,. , ... i dentes in Welland et alns. Inter Thomam Burgh armigerum et alios querentes et Danielcm Dunne armigerum Snell Tristram Howson defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Edwardum Undcrhill clericum et alios querentes et Eliza- bethan! Andrews viduam et alios defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Rolandum Bartlett armigerum querentem et Willelmum Parsons defendentem in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Job Watts generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Walford generosum Jones Taylor et alios defendentes in Inkborough et aliis. Inter Robertum Thorneton juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Lane Smith et alios defendentes in parochia de Elsfeild et aliis. Inter Franciscum Cooper querentem et Nicholaum Powell et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. (Inter Johannem Wheeler generosum querentem et Hum- fridum Jeston Baker et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et ah is. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Willelmum Cole Dancer et alios defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cole et alios querentes et Johannem Bough Toye et alios defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Thomam Dolphin et alios querentes et Thomam Tast Dolphin et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Johannem Dovey generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Carlos generosum et alios defendentes in Greenstreete et aliis. Inter Henricum Winton et alios querentes et Humfridum Winton Richards Geeres Visitaly Baylis defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Danv. Hodges armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Rooke et alios defendentes in Emloade. Inter Robertum Willis querentem et Jacobum James Bennett et alios defendentes in Parshore. 344 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. , „ . ._., -i Inter Franciscum Wilmington militem ct ioth & nth. Hilary ,. . s _ _ . , r alios querentes et Henncum Garrett Shaw Term continued. ,. , . . _ J et alios defendentes in Broadway et alas. Inter Walterum Savage armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Savage armigerum et alios defendentes honoriam de Elmeley Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Best et alios querentes et Edwardum Perkins Merriman et alios defendentes in Defford et aliis. Inter Jacobum Booth armigerum qucrentem et Petrum Paggen militem et alios defendentes in Allchurch. Inter Adam. Little et alios querentes et Willelmum Hancock armi- gerum Wrenford Drinkwater defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Franciscum Saunders generosum qucrentem et Willelmum Hall generosum Read et alios defendentes de Rectoria de Newland. Inter Willelmum White et alios querentes et Margaretam Hopcott spinster defendentem in Kinsham et aliis. nth. Easter | Inter Henricum Toye generosum et ' Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Russell Civitas Wigornensis. generosum Blackmore et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis Inter Johannem Halford generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Halford seniorem Sheldon Bond et alios defendentes in Armes- cott et aliis. Inter Samuelem Ford generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Ford generosum Ward Bowyer et alios defendentes in Kid- derminster. Inter Thomam Streete generosum qucrentem et Johannem Russell generosum Blackmore Brookcbank Bearcroft defendentes in Malverne et aliis. Inter Willelmum Ligon armigerum et alios querentes et Edmundum Lcchmere armigerum defendentem in Ryall et aliis. Inter Sal. Wilmington armigerum et alios querentes et Jacobum Nash generosum et alios defendentes in Martlcy et aliis. Inter Carter generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Yarnold et alios defendentes in Odingly. Year of the Reign. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 345 Inter Willelmum Rogers querentem et Jo- \ inter wiueimum rs.ogcrs querentem ei ju- uth. Easter Term . „. , . _, ... „ hannem Clarkson seniorem Pntty Hogge- continued. , r , . T ,. ... / son defendentes in Kingsnorton et alns. Inter Ricardum Dipple et alios querentes et Samuelem Brace Wilkes Haye et alios defendentes in Padstons Yeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Higford generosum querentem et Willelmum Pay generosum Crosse et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Ricardum Tayler querentem et Elizabetham Harris viduam Meddoms et alios defendentes in Armescott et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bradstock querentem et Franciscum Careles Beale et alios defendentes in Pendocke et aliis. Inter Johannem Wilson querentem et Jan. Morse viduam Willett Smith defendentes in Badsey. Inter Edwardum Cookes generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Willmott clericum et alios defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum querentem et Ruth. Talbott Bradley et alios defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Fayting seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Rolandum Bartlett armigerum querentem et Willelmum Best clericum Parsons et alios defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Hale et alios querentes et Willelmum Baylis et alios defendentes in Broadway. Inter Willelmum Goore querentem et Antonium Hanbury et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Trinity "1 Inter Thomam Harris generosum et alios -^ Term. J querentes et Thomam Berkeley generosum Symonds Vaughan Stevens Andrews et alios defendentes in parochia de Hanley Castle et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wi- gornensis .... Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. 346 INDEX TO THE FINES Civitas igornens Wigorn. Wigornensis. Wigorn. Warvvic. Gloucestr. Wigorn. Year of the Reign. nth. Trinity Term "I Inter Nicholaum Hall gene-' continued. / rosum et alios querentes et Johannem Vernon clericum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Hanbury in Comi- tatu Wigorniae .... Inter Samuelem Strebat et alios querentes et " Stephanum Knight armigerum Lacy Fisher Dyall et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Solyhull et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Georgium Hurdman generosum et alios que- ■ rentes et Thomam Barnes seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Forthampton in Comi- tatu Gloucestriensi et in Eldersfeild in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Perkes et alios querentes et Ja. Best viduam Burton Allen et alios defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Dolphin generosum querentem et Thomam Rotton Walker Holtham Billingsly Guest defendentes in Yardley etc. Inter Johannem Gray armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Bate Phillipps Crane et alios defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Nicklin et alios querentes et Johannem Bagnall Willmott Gretton Stickland Ilolden defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Jarrett. Smith generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Frensham Showell et alios defendentes in Badsey et aliis. Inter Johannem Philpott querentem et Jonathanum Ncwy clericum Sparry et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Nicholaum Bridgens et alios querentes et Margaretam Nash viduam Holden et alios defendentes in Rushock et aliis. Inter Edwardum Henzey querentem et Ros. Jcston viduam et alios defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Thomam Kemble querentem et Johannem Shaw generosum Lane Ash et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Franciscum Evans querentem et Thomam Murcott generosum et alios defendentes in Ulburrow. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 347 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Edwardum Roberts querentem et Wil- iith. Trinity Term , . ,, 4 . .. , TT . . _, ,. lclmum Martin Alcock Higgins Cox et alios continued. jr.ii.-vi .. r- J defendentes in Kinsham ct alns. Inter Willelmum Lea armigeruni et alios querentes et Samuelcm Benton Bisscll Smith Hemings defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Petreum Capelin et alios querentes et Georgium Faytinge Wall Wareing Blundell defendentes in Catshill et aliis. Inter Johannem Clarke querentem ct Johannem Surman Ward et alios defendentes in Eldersficld. Inter Johannem Grove juniorem querentem ct Jeremiam Bagne et alios defendentes in Martley. Michaelmas "i Inter Jacobum Wager et alios que- "j Term. J rentes et Jacobum Lane generosum ( Civitas Alye Nott Farmer et alios defendentes in pa- rochia Sancti Swithini et aliis Inter Johannem Cother et alios querentes et Ro- bertum Steynor armigerum et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis Inter Josephum Allen et alios querentes et Thomam Allen Fletcher Quarrell Palmer et alios defendentes in Breedon et aliis. Inter Petreum Capelin et alios querentes et Samuelem Blundell Tallett et alios defendentes in Padstons Yeild. Inter Willelmum George juniorem querentem et Thomam Cubberly defendentcm in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Johannem Darlaston et alios querentes et Georgium Long- more Roe Austin et alios defendentes in Puxon et aliis. Inter Georgium Willes querentem et Samuelem Careles Ran Hasleock Lander et alios defendentes in Mosely et aliis. Inter Samuelem Middlemore querentem et Johannem Rowney Porter Hinckley defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Perks querentem et Thomam Lea et alios defen- dentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Edwardum Milles generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Burlton clericum et alios defendentes in Wribbenhall et aliis. Inter Carolum Hancock generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Phelpes defendentem in Chattesley. Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 34-8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. a Inter Echvardum Milles generosum et alios nth. Michaelmas , L querentes et Edwardum Martin Ernes et / alios defendentes in Fliford Flavell et aliis. Inter Carolum Osborne querentem et Johannem Payton et alios defendentes in Dudley et aliis; Inter Edvvardum Trovell generosum querentem et Abell Gower generosum et alios defendentes in Bedwardine. Inter Nicholaum Opie generosum querentem et Johannem Fayting et alios defendentes in Longdon. Inter Johannem Havvkes querentem et Thomam Whorwood armi- gerum et alios defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Ricardum Smith et alios querentes et Johannem Crumpe Hay Bund et alios defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Thomam Lowbridge generosum et alios querentes et Hum- fridum Justice Kings Birch Jones et alios defendentes in Upper Mitton et aliis. Inter Johannem Eckells seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Eckells juniorem Sanders et alios defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Nicholaum Faytinge et alios querentes et Georgium Faytinge Badger et alios defendentes in Chadwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Handy et alios querentes et Johannem Aldington et alios defendentes in North Littleton. Inter Ros. VValsingham viduam querentem et Josephum Baker et alios defendentes in Bornford et aliis. Inter Johannem Barker et- alios querentes et Robertum Elmes alias Percifull yoman defendentem in Northwick. Inter Johannem Rooke et alios querentes et Thomam Rooke et alios defendentes in Emloade. Inter Thomam Greenwood et alios querentes et Robertum Lawrence generosum Karver ct alios defendentes de mancrio de Emloade et aliis. Inter Thomam Baker generosum querentem ct Samuelem Hunt generosum defendentem in Alvington. Inter Johannem Crane querentem ct Thomam Penn et alios defen- dentes in Habcrley et aliis. Inter Goodyer Wyldy querentem ct Johannem Pcnsham et alios defendentes in Croomc Dabitott. IN THE REIGN 01 r WILLIAM III. 349 Year of the Reign. -\ Inter Johannem Cole et alios querentes et Zacha- J- riam Hickocks Croft et alios defendentes in Sea- Term. _ , ) verne btoake et alns. Inter Edwardum Walker et alios querentes et Peirce Mostyn armigerum Dalton Burdett Gleast defendentes de rectoria de Church Honyborne et aliis. Inter Samuelem Pytts armigerum et alios querentes et Higgins James armigerum defendentes in Astley. Inter Thomam Doley generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Dolphin seniorem et alios defendentes in Yardley. Inter Samuelem Poole querentem et Carolum Brotheridge et alios defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Johannem Borwood et alios querentes et Robertum Fisher Field et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Willelmum Wynnall querentem et Johannem Wovven et alios defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Edwardum Venor querentem et Johannem Court et alios defendentes in Ulbarrowe. Inter Edmundum Stead generosum querentem et Rogerum Osland et alios defendentes in Little Kyre. Inter Arthurum Winwood generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Downes Lane Freeman defendentes in Hanley Childe et aliis. Inter Ricardum Makeam et alios querentes et Willelmum Webley Baylies Shaylard Philpott Nurton defendentes in Suckley etc. Inter Johannem Feild generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Turton generosum Reynolds Feild Hannes defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Stedman generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Romney seniorem Jeffreys Hide Rosse et alios defendentes in Dodenham et aliis. ,, „ \ Inter Edwardum Milles generosum et alios que- 12th. Easter -,,,■_, „ J- rentes et Edwardum Belson generosum Childe Term. . I et alios defendentes in Eastham et aliis. Inter Johannem Harman querentem et Thomam Chellingworth et alios defendentes in parochia de Feckenham. 3SO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1 2th. Easter Term continued. Inter Robertum Savage generosum querentem • et Johannem Sheldon generosum et alios defendentes in Hollovvfeilds et aliis. Inter Thomam Tyrer armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Ward armigerum et alios defendentes de manerio de Forfeild Bromehill et Broughton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hurtle querentem et Thomam Goodyeare et alios defendentes in Franckley. Inter Thomam Taylor generosum et alios querentes et Margaretam Bellarmy Bryan et alios defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Hill generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Bearcroft James et alios defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Thomam Horniblow et alios querentes et Edwardum Phillipps George et alios defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Carolum Parsons generosum querentem et Willelmum Thorn- bury Grayle et alios defendentes in Kinsham et aliis. Inter Joscphum Corbett generosum querentem et Abel Attwood generosum et alios defendentes in Claines. Inter Edwardum Millcs generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum White seniorem clericum et alios defendentes de 3 tia parte scitus manerii de Bengworth et aliis. Trinity ] Inter Rolandum Lyes et alios querentes -, . Term. [ et Thomam Palmer et alios defendentes in L .„._,. Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Petri . . . / Inter Rolandum Hope generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Archer seniorem generosum et alios defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Galfridum Hopkins seniorem querentem et Robertum Savage et alios defendentes in Stock et aliis. Inter Robertum Millard et alios querentes et Johannem Horton Fowler Brettell defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ambrosium Crowley querentem et Josuam Smith Cox et alios defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Georgium Gorden clericum querentem et Thomam Maddisen et alios defendentes in Evesham. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 35 1' Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Carolum Brothcridge querentcm et Jo- 12th. Trinity Term . _ ,, ,. , - V hannem Small generosum et alios delen- continued. , . „ . ,. J dentcs in Castle Morton. Inter Willelmum Beale querentem et Jeron. Beale generosum defendentcm in le Burrough. Inter Josephum Jones et alios querentes et Thomam Kings et alios defendentes in Hardwick et aliis. Inter Hcnricum Owen clericum querentem et Leonardum Roch Tidmarsh et alios defendentes in Emload. Inter Willelmum Sadler et alios querentes et Rogerum Sparrey et alios defendentes in Wassell et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Walker Fletcher et alios defendentes in Seavernstoake. Inter Ricardum Cartwright querentem et Johannem Archer seni- orein generosum Cother Martin Saunders et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Willelmum Hartland querentem et Thomam Palmer clericum et alios defendentes in Clifton et aliis. Inter Johannem Hodgetts generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Pesshouse et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Henricum Dottin seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Pa. Thackwell generosum et alios defendentes in Birch Morton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Milward generosum et alios querentes et Fran- ciscum Witton Jeston et alios defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Ricardum Palmer querentem et Humfridum Bate et alios defendentes in Franckley et aliis. Inter Robertum Cookes et alios querentes et Willelmum Rudge seniorem Bartlett Jones defendentes in Evesham. Inter Johannem Wheeler generosum querentem et Humfridum Jeston Bradley Bibb Compson defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Arnold et alios querentes et Thomam Hackett generosum Fayting Trigg defendentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smyth et alios querentes et Johannem Rowbery Holt Meyrick defendentes in Tenbury. 352 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1 2th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Ricardum Dipple querentem et Ro- bertum Savage generosum et alios defen- dentes in Brornsgrove. Inter Johannem Addenbrooke clericum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Nash seniorem generosum Brotheridge et alios defen- dentes in Upwich et aliis. Michaelmas "I Inter Benjaminum Rogers generosum >, Term. J et alios querentes et Thomam Harris I Civitas generosum Colbatch et alios defendentes in I Wigorncnsis. parochia Sancti Petri . . . ' Inter Elizabetham Nanfan viduam querentem et -v Samuelem Harrison et alios defendentes in > . . „ .. „ ... . . Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Suithini . . .J Inter Timotheum Biggs et alios querentes et Mar- \ garetam Barker viduam defendentem in parochia V I Wigornensis Sancti Nicholai . . . . > Inter Georgium Gardner generosum querentem et Johannem Henley Shaw Wall Richmond Mason defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Robeitum Long armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Baker et alios defendentes in Hollow Suckley et aliis. Inter Georgium Dangerfield et alios querentes et Johannem Dan- gerfield seniorem Morton Brinton Hunt Barker defendentes in Crowle. Inter Johannem Hickman querentem et Georgium Clarke et alios defendentes in Kidderminster Forren et aliis. Inter Edwardum Milles generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Smith et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Mowle querentem et Johannem Fisher generosum et alios defendentes in Elmcbridge et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Bacheler Yeates Horniblow defendentes in Seaverne Stoke et aliis. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Walterum Hill seniorem Palmer et alios defendentes in parochia de Astley ct aliis. Inter Johannem Perkins querentem et Willelmum Stonhall et alios defendentes in Lei' r h ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 353 Year of the Reign. 1 2th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Samnelem James et alios querentes et Robertum Neale Caple Poollcr Turner Hick- ocks Barnes defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Sheldon et alios querentes ct Johannem Lyon et alios defendentes in Forefield et aliis. Inter Edwardum Draycott et alios querentes et Johannem Cart- wright Grove et alios defendentes in Stowerbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Thomam Lowe armi- gerum et alios defendentes in parochia de Powick et aliis. Inter Robertum Bright generosum querentem et Allan Cliffe gene- rosum Halsey et alios defendentes in Crouch et aliis. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Elizabetham Wintle viduam et alios defendentes in parochia de Powick. Inter Carolum Poole clericum querentem et Thomam Pewtris et alios defendentes in parochia de Wenland et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dineley militem querentem et Johannem Rosse et alios defendentes in Hanly Castle. Inter Henricum Dottin seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Danford Baylis Jackman defendentes in Morton Brutes et aliis. Inter Petreum Capelin et alios querentes et Willelmum Walker Butcher et alios defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Edwardum Milles generosum ct alios querentes et Johannem Watts generosum et alios defendentes in Droytwich et aliis. Inter Thomam Lyttleford et alios querentes et Ricardum Feilder seniorem Blicke Hickman defendentes in Stowerbridge. Inter Willelmum Newington et alios querentes et Josephum Bovey juniorem et alios defendentes in Evesham. Hilary "I Inter Rodney Fane armigerum et alios ^ Term. J querentes et Johannem Shelley Baronettum Belasyse et alios defendentes in Moseley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de maneriis de Edge- baston et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi A a Wigorn. Warwic. 354 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. I2th. Hilary Term | Inter Samuelem Swift armi- -, continued. / gerum et alios querentes et | Civitas Johannem Wall et uxorem defendentes in pa- I Wigornensis. rochia Sancti Petri . . , J Inter Johannem Fayting generosum et alios que- -i rentes et Georgium Fayting et uxorem defen- J- dentes in parochia Sancti Andree . . J ° Inter Benjaminum Mence etc. querentes et Matheum Biggs Perkins Leaton et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove etc. Inter Jacobum Compson querentem et Johannem Mitchell gene- rosum defendentem in Dunley et aliis. Inter Thomam Lacey querentem et Antonium Hanbury et uxorem Ricardum Hanbury defendentes in Beanall etc. Inter Elizabethan! Hunt viduam querentem et Thomam Bonacre et uxorem Baugh defendentes in Peopleton etc. Inter Willelmum Smith generosum querentem et Thomam Fownes generosum Weaver et uxorem Franciscum Fownes defendentes in Dodford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rea generosum querentem et Thomam Tyrer armigerum Lake et uxorem Smith defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Thomam Holtham querentem et Thomam Stocke et uxorem defendentes in Darlingscott. Inter Johannem Callowe etc. querentes et Carolum Hunt Eckles et uxorem defendentes in Dormestone et aliis. Inter Franciscum Sambrooke et alios querentes et Johannem Talbott militem et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Sal- warpe et aliis. Inter Thomam Burlton juniorem et alios querentes et Ricardum Vicaris et uxorem Josuam et Johannem Smith defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Johannem Gent et alios querentes et Humfridum Crundall Widgeon Phillips et Lewis Gomery Wowcn et uxorem defen- dentes in Tcnbury. Civitas Wigornensis. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 35: Year of the Reign. 13th. Easter") Inter Johanncm Chetle generosum' Term. J querentem et Henricum Johnson ge- nerosum defendentem in parochia Sancti Petri etc. in Civitate Wigorniae in Comitatu Civitatis Wigornensis et in Bedwardine et aliis in Comi- tatu Wigornensi .... Inter Edvvardum Bower querentem et Johannem Chettle juniorem generosum Lench et alios de- fendentes in parochia Sancti Petri Inter Johannem Thornburgh etc. quercntes et Ri- \ . cardum Morris Allen Knight et uxorem et Soley v , r ■ , . r. • r. ■ 1 • • i" Wigornensis. defendentes m parochia Sancti bwithini et altis J Inter Samuelem Ainge etc. querentes et Han. Potter viduam Wilcox Compson Hubball Fareloe defendentes in Kidder- minster etc. Inter Willelmum Baker etc. querentes et Ricardum Vernon defen- dentem in parochia de Chaddesley. Inter Willelmum Amphlett generosum etc. querentes et Willelmum Jones Whitchouse et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Astley et aliis. Inter Henricum Trovell generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Morton et uxorem defendentes in Doddenham. Inter Johannem Wyld querentem et Henricum Vernon generosum Williams et uxorem defendentes in Astwood. Inter Johannem Charlett querentem et Willelmum Cooke defen- dentem in Wyerpiddle Hill et aliis. Inter Edwardum Waddington querentem et August. Giffard gene- rosum defendentem in Broadhideley. Inter Johannem Hurtle et alios querentes et Ricardum Warren et uxorem et Sparrye defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Rastell generosum etc. querentes et Josiam Bate generosum Roberts et uxorem et Jones defendentes in Dod- derhill etc. Inter Ricardum Cole etc. querentes et Willelmum Cookes Bennett et uxorem et Taylor defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Johannem Nash etc. querentes et Willelmum Bickerton gene- rosum et uxorem defendentes in Hollway et aliis. A a 2 356 INDEX TO THE FINES 13th. Easter Term continued. Year of the Reign. Inter Thco. Westmacott generosum etc. que- rentcs et Thomam Higgins Cox Palmer Paine Moore Gardner defendentes in Broad- way et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris quercntem et Josephum Bellamy et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Trinity "1 Inter Edwardum Martin armigerum et alios ' Term. J querentes et Leic. Martin armigerum et uxorem defendentes de maneriis de Lye alias Wigorn. Leigh et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de f Hereford. maneriis de Stoke Lacy et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Josephum Tonnerton et alios querentes et\ Ba. Baldwyn Hannam et uxorem defendentes I , . „ .. ,, t . . Wigornensis. in parochia bancti Martini . . ■ J Inter Cristinam Worledge etc. querentes et Thomam Fletcher Watton Bennett Grove Sheldon defendentes in Beoley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bickerton generosum querentem et Willelmum Beale Poole et uxorem defendentes in Kington. Inter Ricardum Yarranton et alios querentes et Jonathanum Newey clericum Palmer Hanbury Cattrill Halmarke defendentes in Mitton et aliis. Inter Samuelem Poole querentem et Carolum Brotheridge et uxorem defendentes in Castlemorton. Inter Johannem Goore et alios querentes et Josephum Milward Morton et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Bell querentem et Johannem Walker Harris et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Verney armigerum etc. querentes et Henricum Parker Baroncttum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Tabton alias Tadlington et aliis. Inter Johannem Newport armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Bury generosum et Annam Bury defendentes in Abberley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Mather querentem et Carolum Hinckesman cleri- cum Vicaris et uxorem defendentes in Alton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 357 Year of the Reign* ,., „,..,_ \ Inter Ricardum Dowdcswell armigerum quc- 13th. 1 nnity Term & i , Y rentem et Johannem Mills srencrosum et continued. & / uxorem defendentes in Bushley. Inter Antonium Aslifeild generosum querentem et Robertum Savage gcnerosum Reeve Sheldon ct uxorem defendentes in Nobury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker querentem et Johannem Farley Mann Marden defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bluck querentem et Nicholaum Fownes Chance Weaver et uxorem et Ball defendentes in Holloway et aliis. Inter Thomam Fincher et alios querentes et Robertum Savage gcnerosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanbury. Stafford. Wigorn. Warwic. Michaelmas I Inter Thomam Russell juniorem et Term. J alios querentes et Thomam Tyrer generosum defendentem in Harborne et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Alvechurch et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi ct in Birmingham in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Ros. Walsingham viduam et alios querentes et Willelmum Waldron Dipple et uxorem defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Johannem Oldnall et alios querentes et Johannem Taylor defendentem in parochia de Chaddesley Corbett. Inter Ricardum Edwards et alios querentes et Johannem Tillam generosum defendentem in Horsham et aliis. Inter Arthurum Bagshow et alios querentes et Johannem Barnes Weaver et uxorem defendentes in Stock et aliis. Inter Armell Holdshipp et alios querentes et Willelmum Hunt seniorem et uxorem defendentes in Crowle. Inter Johannem Ensor querentem et Johannem Moore defendentem in Moseley. Inter Willelmum Johnson et alios querentes et Jacobum Johnson Nott et uxorem defendentes in Alfricke et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner generosum querentem et Thomam Martin defendentem de tenementis in Evesham. Inter Antonium Ashfeild generosum etc. querentes et Johannem Sheldon armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Inckberrow Magna. 358 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 13th. Michaelmas Term continued. . Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et I Jocos. Durocher Hunt et uxorem deforcian- ' tern in parochia de Old Swinford et aliis. Wigorn. Leicestr. Gloucestr. Hereford. Gloucestr. Civitas Wisrornensis. Hilary "1 Inter Jacobum Thynne armigerum et alios Term. J querentes et Willclmum Keyt Baronettum et alios defendentes de manerio de Bishamp- ton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Sybsden et aliis in Comitatu Lei- cestriensi et in Eblington et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi .... Inter Walterum Roberts generosum querentem et ^ Johannem Seymore Joseplium Seymore defen- dentes in parochia de Weston subter Pennard et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi et in Weston subter Pennard et aliis in Comitatu Glouces- triensi ..... Inter Thomam Shewring generosum querentem et "1 Annam Cooksey viduam et Johannem Cooksey }• defendentes in parochia Sancti Clementis . j Inter Ricardum Dowdeswcll armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Allard Freeman George Thorpe Thornbury Wil- liams defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Willelmum Penn et alios querentes et Thomam Gopp seni- orem Taylor et uxorem defendentes in Forfeild et aliis. Inter Oliv. Shaw seniorcm et alios querentes et Samuelem Troy Guest Marston Marsfeild Fletcher defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Penn querentem et Johannem Penn et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Samuelem Pytts armigerum et alios querentes et Higons James armigerum defendentes in parochia de Astley. Inter Edvvardum Dynely militem querentem et Ricardum Barnes alias Baron Mutley et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Edwardum Laight et alios querentes et Franciscum Martin g nerosum Stephens et uxorem defendentes in Redmarlcy D.ibitott et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM III. 359 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Josiam Shclton generosum quercntcm ct Ricardum Waldron seniorem generosum ct Ricardum Waldron juniorem generosum de- fendentes in parochia de Kyreward. Inter Benjaminum Rogers et alios querentes et Thomam Sevcrne et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Powick. Inter Sal. Wilmington armigerum et alios querentes et Johanncm Lunn Lane Pew Mills Davis defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Martin et alios querentes et Ricardum Dolphin Skeeler Dipple Tolly ct uxorem defendentes in parochia de Norton Regis et aliis. WORCESTER FINES. ANNE. Year of the Reign. _ -\ Inter Willelmum Holioake et alios querentes et Wil- 1 st Easter I ' V lelmum Biggs Dipple Broadhurst Wilkes et uxorem 1 defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Ricardum Stanney et alios querentes et Johannem Ernes Haye Woods Wilkes et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Dover et alios querentes et Thomam Ordvvay Sherieve Martin et alios defendentes in Evesham. Inter Henricum Dottin generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Field Barber Ganderton et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Rea et alios querentes et Ricardum Viccaris Wilcox Gyles et uxorem defendentes in Bewdley et aliis. Inter Thomam Bcarcroft generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Stockall Cooke Rawlins Hurdman Mantle defendentes in Lower Sapy et aliis. Inter Johanncm Slodden qucrcntem et Thomam Allen deforciantem in Westencotte et aliis. 360 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. _ _ -\ Inter Thomam Walker et alios querentes et 1st. Easter Term ___..,, , _ , *. , J- Willelmum Donne et uxorem defendentes in continued. _. . , J Powick. Inter Harry Parker armigerum querentem et Radulphum Sheldon armigerum et Edwardum Sheldon defendentes de advocatione ecclesie de Tredington. Inter Willelmum Perris generosum et alios querentes et Petrum Warburton armigerum defendentem in Hanbury ct aliis. Inter Henricum Dominum Herbert de C. querentem et Thomam Bell generosum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Warsley et aliis. Inter Thomam Burgh armigerum et alios querentes et Henricum Neale armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Trinity "I Inter Nathanielem Kill querentem ct Ri- , Civitas rinity "1 Int erm. / car Term. I cardum Stafford Loyd Andrewes et uxorem ./,.-, Wigornensis. defendentes in Baxterstreete Inter Gilbertum Coventrey armigerum et alios querentes et Other. Comitem Plimouth defendentem de maneriis de Bordesly et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bonner querentem et Bonner. Soley et uxorem defendentes in Hanging Aston. Inter Thomam Bridges generosum querentem et Walterum Garston generosum et Willelmum Garston defendentes in Hardvvicke et aliis. Inter Johannem Jordan querentem et Johannem Cox et uxorem defendentes in Berrow et aliis. Inter Thomam Bund generosum etc. querentes et Johannem Archer generosum Cooke et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Welland et aliis. Inter Josephum James generosum querentem et Thomam Taylor et uxorem defendentes in Bayton. Inter Johannem Holland querentem et Gcorgium Karver generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Inkborough. Inter Edwardum Hallcn ct alios querentes ct Henricum Bolt et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham. IN THE KKIGN OF ANNE. 361 Year of the Reign. 1st. Trinity Term continued. Inter Willelmum Johnson gencrosum ct alios querentes et Willelmum Herbert generosum Crane Court et uxorcm defendentes in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rea generosum qucrcntcm et Josephum Guest Edwardum Guest Tayler et uxorem defendentes in Stour- bridge. Inter Willelmum Tayler et alios querentes et Robertum Wylde armigerum Braine et uxorem defendentes in Whittington. Inter Luc. Dolphin et alios querentes et Thomam Dolphin et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Yardly et aliis. Inter Vine. Wood generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Angell et Philpott defendentes in Tcnbury. Inter Nicholaum Cloves et alios querentes et Johannem Cawdell defendentes in parochia de Hanbury. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum qucrcntcm et Franciscum Elvins et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanbury. Inter Ricardum Longford generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Washbourne generosum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Wichenford et aliis. Inter Franciscum Peters generosum querentem et Thomam Wal- grove seniorem generosum Thomam Walgrove juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Blockley. Michaelmas "I Inter Job, Chamberlaine querentem et ' Term. J Thomam Allatt Bury et uxorem de- fendentes in Kenelworth in Comitatu Wanvi- censi et in Pibleton Comitatu Wigomensi Inter Johannem Soley armigerum querentem et ' Higgons James armigerum et Robertum James defendentes in Astley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Trippleton in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Edwardum Acton generosum querentem et Willelmum Penson et uxorem defendentes in Harnadge ct aliis in Comitatu Salopensi ct in Dodderill in Comitatu Wigornensi Warwic. Wigorn. Wigorn. Hereford. Salop. Wigorn. 36: INDEX TO THE FINES Civitas Wigornensis. Wigorn. Hereford. Salop. Hereford. Year of the Reign. ist. Michaelmas ~| Inter Samuelem Swift armi- ' Term continued. J gerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Wall generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri Magni et aliis in Civi- tate Wigorniae in Comitatu Civitatis Wigorn- ensis et in parochia de Powick et aliis in Comi- tatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Cardisland et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Carolum Skrymsher militem et alios querentes -^ et Carolum Baldwyn armigerum et uxorem et Acton et alios defendentes de manerio de Bockleton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Corston et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et in Hampton Charles et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Georgium Gardner generosum querentem et Fulc. Daunce Ricardum Claridge Annam Claridge Martin et Woodward Farley Turner et uxorem defendentes in Wick Burnell et aliis. Inter Walterum Searle et alios querentes et Humfridum Wheeler et uxorem defendentes in Alton et Rock. Inter Ricardum Beane juniorem querentem et Johannem Winbery Greene Beane seniorem et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Toye generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Guest Dennis et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Wheeler seniorem generosum et alios querentes ct Edwardum Wheeler generosum et uxorem Johannem Wheeler juniorem defendentes in Upwych et aliis. Inter Robertum Astrey generosum querentem et Antonium Blount et Susannam Blount viduam defendentes in Eldersfield. Inter Susannam Hunt viduam querentem et Meriel. Roberts viduam Bishop et Goddington Wallis Powell ct uxorem defendentes in Bayton. Inter Edwardum Dinelcy militem querentem et Carolum Brothc- ridge South et uxorem defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum etc. querentes et Georgium Porter generosum defendentem in parochia de Martley. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE 363 Year of the Reign. „,. . , "v Inter Greg. Collins et alios querentes et Chry- ist. Michaelmas _ . ,, , 3 _ Y sog. Conmgesby viduam Hay ward et uxorem Term continued. ; . , , . „ , 1 defendentes in I'arshore et alns. Inter Thomam Harris seniorem et juniorem querentes et Willelmum Penn seniorem Willelmum Perm juniorem Yearnald et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Thomam Palmer et alios querentes et Thomam Lowe armi- gerum Baker et uxorem Gosling defendentes in Warley Wigorn et aliis. Hilary "1 Inter Thomam Norwood clericum queren- Tcrm. J tern et Thomam Browne et uxorem defen- dentes in Corse Trinley Firley et aliis in Comi- Gloucestr. tatu Gloucestriensi et In Eldersfeild et aliis in I " Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Johannem Vernon generosum querentem et . Civitas Wigornensis. Thomam Walsgrove alias Fleet Margaretam Walsgrove et alios defendentes in parochia Sancte Helene Inter Johannem Newey etc. querentes et Jonathanum Taylor Smith Shawe Samuelem Turvey Johannem Turvey et alios defen- dentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Wyld generosum querentem et Humfridum Pooler defendentem in Warcsley et aliis. Inter Johannem Winford generosum etc. querentes et Thomam Cookes alias Winford Baronettum et Hay et uxorem defen- dentes in Astly et aliis. Inter Thomam Cox querentem et Johannem Cox defendentem in Berrow Pandock et aliis. Inter Edwardum Haggard querentem et Willelmum Knight et uxorem defendentes in Flifford Flavell et aliis. Inter Egidium Ganderton et alios querentes et Henricum Hunt Wilson et uxorem defendentes in Inkberrow et aliis. Inter Jacobum Travell querentem et Johannem Moore Fisher et uxorem defendentes in P. Powick. Inter Willelmum Long querentem et Jacobum Hobbs et uxorem Willelmum Hobbs defendentes in Northwick et aliis. 364 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 1st. Hilary Term continued. Inter Johannem Walker querentem et Jose- phum Richardson Morgan et uxorem defen- dentes in parochia de Ripple et Bromsgrove. 2nd. Easterl Inter Chewning Blackmore genero- Term. J sum querentem et Henricum Gyles et uxorem defendentcs in Whistones in Comi- tatu Wigornensi et in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Comitatu Civitas Wigornensis Inter Hannam Harrison querentem et Johannem Richardson defendentem in parochia Sancti Andree ..... Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas j Wigornensis. Civitas nensis. Inter Ricardum Clarke querentem et Jacobum "| Stafford et uxorem defendentem in parochia I , ... . . . Wigor. Sancti Nicholai . . . • J Inter Georgium Byrch et alios querentes et Jan. Paston Russell et Osland et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Dover querentem et Thomam Harris et uxorem defendentes in Bengworth. Inter Johannem Chetle generosum et alios querentes et Samu- elem Smith et uxorem Fareley defendentes in parochia de Kempsey. Inter Thomam Charman querentem et Henricum Turner et Muck- lowe et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanburye et aliis. Inter Johannem Thornburgh et alios querentes et Edwardum Rosse generosum Weight Stinton et uxorem defendentcs in parochia de Suckley. Inter Ricardum Makcam et alios querentes et Johannem Creswell generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Suckley. Inter Johannem Bromwell et alios querentes et Willclmum Powlc Ingles et uxorem defendentcs in Dorney et aliis. Inter Grosvcneur Dyson generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Gyles scniorcm et uxorem Johannem Gyles juniorcm defen- dentcs in Prickley et aliis. Stafford. Wigorn. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 365 Year of the Reign. 2nd. Trinity 1 Inter Johannem Congreve ct alios , Term. J querentes et Edvvardum Carlos gene- rosum et uxorem defendentes in burgo Stafford in Comitatu Staffordensi et in parochia de Hollow et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Stevens armigerum ct alios querentes -\ C i v 1 1 "i s et Robertum Stcynor ct uxorem Cothcr Taylor - j r _, . 1 • c ,. vi 1 ■ Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai . J & Inter Johannem Holiock generosum querentcm et -v Danielem Godfrey Carolum Godfrey et uxorem ]■ j c 1 • . • r- • » T - . 1 • Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai . J Inter Nicholaum Smythsend et alios querentes et Ricardum Mason Marriott Armes Tayler Gandcrton et uxorem defendentes in Crombe et aliis. Inter Thomam Shuckforth generosum querentem et Carolum Finch ct uxorem defendentes in parochia Hanbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Boulter et alios querentes et Walterum Smith Lingham Turner et uxorem Kings defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Wolley generosum querentem et Robertum Steynor armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Claynes. Inter Ricardum Lloyd generosum querentem et Dav. Powell gene- rosum et uxorem defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Johannem Hopkins querentem et Ricardum Wilson Johannem Hill seniorem ct uxorem Johannem Hill juniorem defendentes in Inkbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Morteboyes et alios querentes et Johannem Ballard Walford et uxorem defendentes in Bouts Abbotts et aliis. Inter Thomam Worthington clericum et alios querentes et Winter Greenhill Deakle Malpas Byrd et uxorem defendentes in pa- rochia de Naunton Beachampe et aliis. Inter Edwardum Rastell generosum querentem et Johannem Sparrye clericum Prattenton Pery et uxorem defendentes in Kidder- minster et aliis. Inter Johannem Perrott querentem et Johannem Taylor et uxorem defendentes in Bclbroughton. 366 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. 2nd. Trinity Term continued. Inter Thomam Cookes Winford Baronettum querentem et Franciscum Cowley Franciscum Cowley juniorem defendentes in parochia de Abbotts Moreton. Inter Thomam Colley querentem et Allan Cliffe et uxorem defen- dentes in Crowch et aliis. Inter Thomam Gravestock et alios qu rentes et Willelmum Walker et uxorem defendentes in Staunton et aliis. Inter Samuelem Taylor generosum etc. querentes et Humfridum Lowe White Caddick et uxorem Harper defendentes in Dudley. Inter Margaretam Shepheard viduam querentem et Willelmum Vicecomitem Molyneux et uxorem defendentes in Sutton Sturmey. Wigorn. Hereford. Salop. Civitas Wicrorncnsis. Michaelmas 1 Inter Willelmum Gerrard Baronettum Term. J etc. querentes et Willelmum Vice- comitem Molyneux et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Sutton Sturmey et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Kingston et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Georgium Foot generosum querentem et Mar- garetam Gravenor et Willelmum Vaughan et uxorem defendentes in Middleton Higford et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Comitatu Civitas Wigornensis Inter Johannem Thornburgh generosum etc. querentes et Abel Gower generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Johanni in Bedvvardine. Inter Arthurum Aston et alios querentes et Thomam Eaglinton Rea Ganderton et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri Magni et aliis. Inter Willelmum Berrowe querentem et Henricum Nott et uxorem defendentes in Castle Morton. Inter Thomam Rickards et alios querentes et Johannem Higgens Saker Turbervile Paine Palmer Walker et uxorem Roberts defendentes in Breedon et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 367 Year of the Reign. .,. , \ Inter Elizabetham Nanfan viduam querentem 2nd. Michaelmas „,.,, , ._.. , , r _ J- et Willelmuni Wmsloe et uxoreni delen- Term continued. , . TT „ . . ) dentes in Upton super babnnam. Inter Carolum Watts et alios querentes et Johannem Deane Penrice et uxorem defendentes in Eddingley et aliis. Inter Carolum Lyttelton militem et Baronettum etc. querentes et Johannem Jeston Ricardum Jeston Hay Penn et uxorem defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Benjaminum JollilTe armigerum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Guest et uxorem Smith defendentes in parochia de Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bradley et alios querentes et Gervasiuin Morgan Russell et uxorem defendentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wheeler generosum querentem et Johannem Pardoe et uxoreni defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Droit- wich. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Ricardum Maris defendentes in Hollowe et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wheeler generosum et alios querentes et Robertum Throckmorton Baronettum Watts Hobday alias Lacy Pardoe et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai in Droit- wich et aliis. Inter Josephum Welch querentem et Thomam Bird et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Willelmum Rea et alios querentes et Phillippum Brooke Edwardum Brooke Mathews et uxoreni Franciscum Brooke Banister defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Pritchett generosum etc. querentes et Ricardum Potter et Munke et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Tyas armigerum etc. querentes et Thomam Gower generosum et uxorem defendentes in Brauncefoid. Inter Ricardum Bissell et alios querentes et Willelmum Bissell et uxorem Willelmum Bissell juniorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Bridges seniorem generosum querentem et Geor- gium Strode militem defendentem in parochia de Hanley Castle. 36S INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ... , , ^ Inter Thomam Berkeley querentem etjohannem 2nd. Michaelmas . ' _ • , r Laugnton defendentem in parochia de Hanley Term continued. „ . J Castle. Inter Edwardum Wheeler querentem et Ricardum Cartwright et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Welland. Inter Ricardum Need et alios querentes et Johannem Farley Powell Davis Colly Hooper et uxorem Elizabetham Aliciam Lambert defendentes in Berrovv et aliis. Hilary "1 Inter Annam Drought querentem et Su- ") . Term. J sannam Ballard spinster defendentem in J- j Wi°"ornensis. parochia Omnium Sanctorum . .) & Inter Johannem Batchlor et alios querentes et Samuelem Smith Jacobum Smith Steward Kings Bray et Cole Allford Hill Harris et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Josuam Henzey querentem et Thomam YYildsmith et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Ricardum Barston et alios querentes et Johannem Moore et uxorem Cowcher defendentes in parochia de Bcrrowe et aliis. Inter Johannem Tandy et alios querentes et Johannem Wells Edmundum Wells Hodgetts Hunt et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Carpenter et alios querentes ct Willclmum Harris Aston Grove et Hunt et uxorem defendentes in Bromhill et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Brent clericum Dodd et uxorem defendentes in South Lit- tleton. Inter Carolum Baldwyn armigerum querentem et Johannem Wheeler generosum Nicholaum Barneby et uxorem Johannem Barneby Annam Barneby defendentem de manerio de Hull alias Hill ct aliis. Inter Joscphum Fitter et alios querentes et Johannem Gopp et uxorem defendentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Samuelem Pytts armigerum querentem et Rogerum Oseland ct uxorem defendentes in Little Kyre. 2nd. Hilary Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 3G9 Yenr of the Reign. Inter Edwardum Milles generosum etc. quc- rentes et Johannem Apletree armigerum et uxorem Thomam Apletree dcfenclentes de manerio de Egiock et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris et alios querentes et Ricardum Hawtin Solcy Coldiott et uxorem et alios defendentes in Alderminster et aliis. Inter Margaretam Parker spinster querentem et Thomam Tomkins et uxorem Johannem Tomkins defendentes in parochia de Pendocke et aliis. Inter Thomam Handy juniorcm et alios querentes et Edwardum Johns et uxorem defendentes in Offenham. Inter Edwardum Rice alias Harris etc. querentes et Thomam Greene Nott et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Powick et aliis. 3rd. Easter j Inter Susannam Greane viduam que--. Term. J rentes et Rowlandum Berkeley alias | Civitas Greene armigerum et uxorem defendentes in j Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. parochia Sancti Andree et aliis Inter Henricum Dobbyns querentem et Johannem ' Jones generosum et uxorem defendentes in Ci- vitate Wigornise .... Inter Willelmum Bently et alios querentes et Johannem Lunn et uxorem Tomlins Wright Sturt defendentes in Hill Moore et aliis. Inter Samuelem Slade querentem et Johannem Francklyn et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Corfield querentem et Silv. Edwards et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hartlebury. Inter Franciscum Deakin et alios querentes et Johannem Chrispe et uxorem defendentes in Bransford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Arch querentem et Ricardum Taylor et uxorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Samuelem Barton S.T.Pf. querentem et Edwardum Barton et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Crownest et aliis. Bb 370 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of tlie Reign. (Inter Ricardum Vernon generosum querentem et Johannem Moore clericum et Danielem Rovvbery et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Leigh et aliis. Inter Phebeam Hall spinster querentem et Willelmum Best et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Edwardum Westwood seniorem querentem et Willelmum Hart et uxorem Partridge defendentes in parochia de Bromes- grove. Inter Edwardum Ward generosum querentem et Carolum Skrymsher generosum Johannem Skrymsher defendentes in Bradley et aliis. Wigorn. Stafford. Trinity "1 Inter Jonathanum Carpenter et alios que-' Term. J rentes et Johannem Hodgetts generosum Lea et uxorem defendentes in Cradley et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in parochia de Row- ley Regis in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Petreum Shakerley armigerum et alios que- ^ rentes et Thomam Lutwyche armigerum et I Civitas uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancte Helene I Wigornensis. et aliis . . . . • ' Inter Annam Taylor viduam querentem et Thomam ) , . , Civitas Lutwyche armiVerum et uxorem defendentes in , L ' tt i Wigornensis. parochia Sancte Helene . . • J Inter Tohannem Kemmett querentem et Benjaminum -i * Livitas Cooke Haford et uxorem Butterworth defen- V Wigornensis. dentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum . > Inter Johannem Mountford et alios querentes et Willelmum Tustian Steele Stubbs Neast Price et alios defendentes in Bushly et aliis. Inter Johannem Holyoke generosum querentem et Thomam Wal- grove alias Fleet et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Claynes. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Franciscum Jones et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Witley et aliis. Inter Thomam Tristram clericum querentem et Willelmum Sheldon armigerum defendentem in parochia de Kings Norton. in tup: reign of anne. 371 Year of the Reign. ! Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Thomam Gwynn et uxorem defendentes de media manerii de Temple Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Perrott gencrosum querentem et Thomam Baker et uxorem defendentes in Bryansbell et aliis. Inter Johannem Harris generosum etc. querentes et Georgium Bagne et Willetts et uxorem defendentes in Marteley et aliis. Inter Johannem Pakington Baronettum et alios querentes et Thomam Tomkyns armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Parva Ink- borrow et aliis. Inter Edmundum Stead generosum querentem et Thomam Noblett et uxorem Thomam Noblett juniorem defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Thomam Marston querentem et Simeon Harris Johannem Addams juniorem Samuelem Addams et uxorem et alios defen- dentes in Yardlcy. Inter Petreum Shakerley armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Lutwyche armigerum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Dormeston et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner generosum querentem et Ricardum Ston- hall et Tayler et uxorem defendentes in Seaverne Stoake et aliis. Inter Thomam Brinton et alios querentes et Simonem Barker armi- gerum Burrish et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sanctze Mar- garetae de Witton et aliis. Inter Thomam Mose et alios querentes et Ricardum Witton Best et uxorem defendentes in Old S win ford et aliis. Inter Johannem Eaton et alios querentes et Johannem VVowan Soley et uxorem defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Thomam Nash clericum et alios querentes et Willelmum Saunders et Chellingworth Higgons et uxorem defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Holmden generosum querentem et Franciscum Witton seniorem et uxorem Franciscum Witton juniorem defen- dentes in parochia de Old Swinford. Inter Josephum Collins querentem et Edmundum Fidoe clericum et uxorem defendentes in Shelsley Kings et aliis. I! b 2 3/2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ^ . . „ ^ Inter Littlet. Powell armigerum et alios que- 3rd. Trinity Term . ° n Y rentes et Georgium Fellowes frenerosum et continued. , . , .„.,., J uxorem defendentes in Brainsford et alns. Inter Johannem Mathew clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Shaylard juniorem Fisher et uxorem Fincher Ricardum Tustin et alios defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri Witton et aliis. Inter Edwardum Clarke et alios querentes et Willelmum Morley Davies Horniblowe Coxe et uxorem Brotheridge defendentes in Berrowe et aliis. Michaelmas "> Inter Bensal Edwards querentem et -i Term. J Herbertum Walton et uxorem defen- ]■ . . „ . , T . . ,.. \\ igornensis. dentes in parochia bancti Martini et alns . > | In in pa Inter Willelmum Payne armigerum et alios que- -v rentes et Samuelem Cooke clericum defendentem J- u- c <-• r> .- • Wigornensis. in parochia bancti Petri . . .) Inter Jonathanum Kendall generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Wood Michaelem Perry Walterum Perry Lee Bullock et uxorem Pillett defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Poole querentem et Josephum Cliffe generosum et uxorem defendentes in Nether Sapy. Inter Johannem Kensell et alios querentes et Thomam Farr et uxorem Hall defendentes in parochia de Kington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rea et alios querentes et Franciscum Smith Cooke et uxorem Robertum Palmer Elizabethan! Palmer Jonathanum Tandy Johannem Tandy defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Wormington et alios querentes et Georgium Church Wyer defendentes in Grimley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bridgens querentem et Edwardum Est Henricum Est Johannem Est et Smith et uxorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Robertum Kimbcrly ct alios querentes et Sheld. Stephens Carolum Margaretam Stephens et Harding et uxorem defen- dentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Hodges querentem ct Thomam Vanly generosum ct uxorem defendentes in Staunton. Inter Willelmum Puckmorc querentem ct Ricardum Wadlcy et uxorem defendentes in Redmarley Dabitott. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 373 Year of the Reign. (Inter Georgium Birch et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Middlemore armigerum et uxorem j r j ■ u 1 11 4. 1" defendentes in Hazehvell et alns. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Vernon Bagott et Cattell et uxorem defendentes in Hanburye et aliis. Inter Johanncm Barney clericum querentem et Johannem Lacey alias Hobday Jacobum Callowes et Jacobum Callowes juni- orem et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Robertum Dowley junlorem et alios querentes et Johannem Hill seniorem et uxorem Johannem Hill juniorem et Spring Chambers alias Ireland et uxorem defendentes in Beoley et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Goodere armigerum et alios querentes et Ed- wardum Crofts generosum Elizabetham Edwardum Willelmum Loggin defendentes in Brctforton. Inter Ricardum Dowdeswell armigerum querentem et Thomam Haselwood armigerum defendentem in Offenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Southall et alios querentes et Johannem Young et Palmer et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Comberton Magna et aliis. Inter Samuelem Rickards et alios querentes et Georgium Quarrell Hunt et uxorem Woodward Annam Pinchin alias Moore Willelmum Pinchin defendentes in Breedon et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Samuelem Mince defendentem in Broughton et aliis. Inter Johannem Perrott querentem et Margaretam Grove spinster Georgium Grove defendentes in Wassell et aliis. Hilary "j Inter Josephum Hussey querentem et Tho- ' Term. / mam King et uxorem defendentes in Yard- ley in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Ramsey in Comitatu Huntingdonensi et in March in Comi- tatu Cantebrigicnsi Inter Carolum Baldwyn armigerum querentem et Johannem Baylyes et uxorem Johannem Baylyes juniorem defendentes in Grafton et aliis in Comitatu Hcrefordcnsi et in Bocketon in Comi- tatu Wigornensi .... Wigorn. Huntingdon. Cantebr. Hereford. Wigorn. 3/4 INDEX TO THE FINES 3rd. Hilary Term continued. Year of the Reign. Inter Johannem Sparry et alios querentes et Josephum Amphlett Jeston Johannem Ri- cardum Jeston Spring et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Humfridum Gresvvold armigerum querentem et Johannem Chetle generosum et uxorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Abram Jencocke clericum querentem et Luc. Dolphin Aun. Thomam Dolphin Taft Bridgens et uxorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Johannem Cox et alios querentes et Georgium Hollington et uxorem Willelmum Hollington et Swingland et uxorem defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Georgium Birch generosum querentem et Ricardum Wilson et uxorem defendentes in Northfield. Inter Carolum Wynde generosum querentem et Ricardum Gunn et uxorem defendentes de Wicker et aliis. Inter Henricum Smith et alios querentes et Edwardum Millington Wright et uxorem defendentes in Cropthorn et aliis. Inter Samuelem Middlemore querentem et Ricardum Billingsly Hutton et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Norris et alios querentes et Willelmum Wood Hay Brasier et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Armaelem Holdshipp et alios querentes et Walterum Crane Johannem Saunders juniorem et uxorem Johannem Saunders seniorem Gyles defendentes in Crowle. Inter Franciscum Britten juniorem querentem et Johannem Lane seniorem Thomam Lane Johannem Lane defendentes in Sutton et aliis. Inter Thomam Handy et alios querentes et Mart. Ballard Romcll Holbrooke et uxorem Johannem Morris Carolum Morris defen- dentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Samuelem Rickards et alios querentes ct Thomam Allen Ilackett ct uxorem Elizabethan! Hackctt defendentes in West- encoate et aliis. Inter Johannem Birch clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Kettle Lyndon et uxorem Ilolliock defendentes in Kingsnorton. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 375 Year of the Reign. „ -\ Inter Georgium Abell querentem et Willel- 3rd. Hilary Term _ . „..., , . }■ mum Best seniorem et uxorcm Wiilelmum continued. „ . . , r , ■ » r .1 c -u ) Best juniorem defendentes in JNortnleild. Tnter Johannem Smith et alios querentes et Robertum Hill et uxorem Callowe defendentes in Belbroughton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Ducem Ormond et alios querentes et Nanf. Coot armigerum Comitem Bellamont Ricardum Coot defendentes de maneriis de Berrowe et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dinely militem querentem et Johannem Jones generosum et uxorem defendentes in Grafton Flivord. 4th. Easter Term. Inter Edwardum Bulstrode armigerum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Smith et uxorem Thomam Grove et Wiilelmum Grove et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Reynolds et alios querentes et Jacobum Clarke et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Kings Norton et aliis. Inter Elizabethan! Rea viduam querentem et Thomam Deakin et uxorem defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Johannem Moule juniorem querentem et Johannem Heming defendentem in parochia de Elmeley Lovett. Inter Henricum Davie armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Cocksey generosum defendentem in parochia de Claynes. Inter Johannem Reeve et alios querentes et Franciscum Cowley juniorem et uxorem Franciscum Cowley defendentes in Abbotts Morton. Inter Carolum Hancock generosum querentem et Ricardum Dowdes- well armigerum defendentem in Hardwicke in parochia de Breedon. Trinity J Inter Thomam Wild et alios querentes et ^ Term. J Thomam Berkley armigerum Robertum Berkley defendentes in Tibberton et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Spemall in Comi- tatu Warwicensi .... Inter Edmundum Wyatt generosum querentem et Robertum Stcynor armigerum et uxorem Cother Taylor defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis . Wigorn. Warwic. Civitas Wigornensi?. 37^ INDEX TO THE FINES Civitas Year of the Reign. 4th. Trinity Term ") Inter Johannem Hawkeswood continued. J et alios querentes et Johannem Collins et uxorem Margaretam Taylor Jacobum • Taylor defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai ° et aliis . . . . . Inter Paulum Philpott generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Saunders clericum et Biggs Amphlett et uxorem defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Josephum Baylis querentem et Johannem Archer generosum Cooke defendentes in Malverne Magna et aliis. Inter Willelmum Bedford et alios querentes et Thomam Brooke Smith Hill et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Willelmum Pinnocke et alios querentes et Franciscum Smyth Cawdell Graunt Blower et uxorem Borton defendentes in Comberton et aliis. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Phillipps et uxorem Yarranton Cowell defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Josephum Scott generosum et alios querentes et Edmundum Wells Edmundum Winn Payton et Cartwright Fletcher Gough et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Tandy generosum querentem et Edwardum Ediall et uxorem Lawrenciam Ediall defendentes in Dudley. Inter Chrisog. Coningesby viduam querentem et Johannem Lunn et uxorem defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Kill generosum querentem et Willelmum Wager Nash Howman Birchly defendentes in Malverne Parva. Inter Johannem Bourne et alios querentes et Arthurum Charlett generosum et uxorem Johannem Charlett Elianoram Saram Nash defendentes in Hill Moore Fladbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Brindley ct alios querentes et Margaretam Palmer viduam Josephum Palmer defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Willelmum lleathcock querentem et Henricum Burlton ct uxorem defendentes in parochia de Kidderminster ct aliis. Inter Johannem Wheeler generosum et alios querentes ct Robcrtum Steynor generosum ct uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri etc. in Droitwich. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 377 Year of the Reign. 1 Inter Willclmum Heynes et alios querentcs et Willelmum Dugard Ball et uxorem de- fendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Johannem Rayner querentem et Thomam Freeman et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Ricardum Nash armigerum querentem et Thomam Foley armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Droitwich et Dodder- hill. Inter Ricardum Horton querentem et Mart. Ballard et Such et uxorem defendentes in Evesham ct aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum querentem et Johannem Greene et uxorem Wright defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Rogers et alios querentes et Franciscum Bradley viduam Thomam Johannem Bradley et Wildblood et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Michaelmas! Inter Willelmum Williams generosum. Term. J querentem et Willelmum Wyndham Civitas generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia Wigornensis. Sancti Petri Magni Inter Saram Cocks spinster querentem et Josephum Benton et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Josephum Amphlett generosum querentem et Willelmum Coleman et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Hall generosum querentem et Willelmum Clymer et uxorem Samuelem Clymer defendentes in Stone Shenston et aliis. Inter Thomam Baker generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Oldnall generosum et uxorem Moule defendentes in Elmelcy Lovett. Inter Johannem Partridge querentem et Jacobum Boucher seniorem Jacobum Boucher juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Charlw. Lawton armigerum querentem et Johannem Talbott militem defendentem de manerio de Sahvarpe et aliis. Inter Johannem Wheeler generosum querentem et Johannem Wyhle generosum et uxorem defendentes in Astwood et aliis. 378 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. (Inter Robertum Harley armigerum etc. que- rentes et Thomam Foley armigerum defen- dentem de manerio de Kidderminster etc. Inter Thomam Birch et alios querentes et Johannem Marston et uxorem Const. Whitchouse et Johannem Whitehouse Bullas et uxorem defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Philem. Baylies querentem et Edmundum Taylor Mil ward defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Aliciam Carpenter viduam querentem et Johannem Debanck Mosse Thomam Johannem Tayler defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Danielem Shaw et alios querentes et Oliv. Shaw Willelmum Hill et uxorem Elizabetham Hill defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Carolum North armigerum et alios querentes et North Foley armigerum defendentem in Netherton et aliis. Inter Thomam Attwood generosum et alios querentes et Laurenciam Nash Antonium Margaretam Nash defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Cother generosum querentem et Oliv. Omach et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Leigh. Inter Henricum Dottin seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Jacobum Hemming Edwardum Brookes seniorem Edwardum Brookes juniorem et Garrett et uxorem defendentes in Alding- ton et aliis. Inter Georgium Wheeler generosum querentem et Henricum Hinck- ley generosum et uxorem defendentes in Stoake Pryor. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Willelmum Buck Baronettum et uxorem defendentes de foresta de Feckenham et aliis. Inter Guid. Stone armigerum querentem et Edmundum Jordan Susannam Blount Antonium Blount defendentes in Berrowe et aliis. Inter Cristian Kenricke clericum querentem et Johannem Ayncs- worth Ward Watkins Cother Mason et uxorem defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Hilary 1 Inter Timotheum Colics querentem et Ca- ^ n* r . ,-. . Civitas lerm. I rolum Saintclcrc srenerosum ct uxorem Y ,,,. , r , • . . r. ■ • \\ igomcnsis. dciuidentes m parochia bancti Martini . / IN THE KEIGN OF ANNE. 379 Year of the Reign. 4th. Hilary Term continued. Inter Ricardum Long generosum et alios que- rentes et Edmundum Gyfford generosum Warner Dance Tyrer Teynton Brotheridge et uxorem Cooper Barnes et alios defen- dentes in Much Malverne et aliis. Inter Johannem Cockes armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Cowcher generosum et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Buckle armigerum et alios querentes et Samuelem Westmacott generosum Rickards Vernall et uxorem defen- dentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Thomam Amphlett generosum querentem et Robertum Steynor armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri in Droytwych et aliis. Inter Johannem Vernon generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Fulhvood seniorem generosum et uxorem defendentes in White Lady Aston et aliis. Inter Thomam Shepheard generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Hooper generosum et uxorem Yarranton defendentes in Mathen et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Thomam Shuck- forth generosum et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Darling et alios querentes et Michaelem Tyler Fowler Stevens Andrews defendentes in Pirton Kempsey et aliis. Inter Armaelem Holdshipp et alios querentes et Josephum Fisher et uxorem Thorneburgh defendentes in Upton Snodsbury. Inter Margaretam Barnes viduam querentem et Willelmum Sanders Walden et uxorem defendentes in Tapenhall in Claynes. Inter Josephum Fox querentem et Johannem Hodkins Gopsill et uxorem Yates defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Thomam Ernes querentem et Samuelem Spragge et Dyer et uxorem defendentes in Offenham. Inter Elizabetham Norris viduam et alios querentes et Michaelem Hay Colerick Thomam Fidoe et uxorem Katherinam Colerick defendentes in Abberley et aliis. Inter Thomam Cookes Winford Baronettum querentem et Carolum Knottesford armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Bently et aliis. 3 So INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. Inter Johannem Bourne armigerum querentem 4th. Hilary Term et Franciscum Woolmer seniorem Francis- continued, j cum Woolmer juniorem Hunt et uxorem defendentes in Doverdale. Inter Samuelem Meek et alios querentes et Jacobum Priddy Meek Sambach Ockey et uxorem defendentes in Ombersley et aliis. Wigorn. Warwic, Civitas Wigornensis. 5th. Easter ^ Inter Franciscum Sheldon armigerum ' Term. J querentem et Thomam Rous Baronet- tum Elizabetham Rous spinster defendentes de maneriis de Rouslench et aliis in Comitatu Wi- gornensi et in Farmborough in Comitatu War- wicensi . Inter Edwardum Milles generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Sambach et uxorem defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum Inter Josuam Bowler et alios querentes et Robertum Broadhurst Astmore et uxorem Roberts defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai et aliis. Inter Thomam Pearsall generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Best Pearsall et uxorem defendentes in Cradley. Inter Georgium Huxley querentem et Thomam Dugard et uxorem defendentes in Gratton Flyfford. Inter Josephum Ford generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Smyth seniorem Willelmum Smyth juniorem ct Billingsley et uxorem defendentes in Habburlcy et aliis. Wigorn. Hereford. Trinity 1 Inter Humfridum Wheeler et alios que- ^ Term. J rentes ct Thomam Pillesbury et uxorem Willelmum Pillesbury defendentes in Chavcr- edge et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi ct in Orleton in Comitatu Hercfordensi Inter Johannem Ayncsworth generosum et alios querentes et Hen- ricum Chauntrcll generosum Surman et uxorem Clements Kent Phillipps defendentes in Combcrton Magna et aliis. Inter Edwardum Trovell generosum querentem ct Johannem Callow seniorem Bcllctt ct uxorem defendentes in Inkbcrrow. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 3S1 Year of the Reign. 5th. Trinity Term I Inter Willelmum Lane querentes ct Johannem continued. J Lane et uxorem defendentes in Tembury. Inter Johannem Holmdcn generosum et alios querentes et Ro- bertum Throckmorton militem et Baronettum et uxorem Wid- drington defendentes in Oakebold et aliis. Inter Thomam Baylis et alios querentes et Willelmum Knight Agberrow Baylis et uxorem defendentes in Malverne Magna. Inter Johannem Lee alias Crowe et alios querentes et Ricardum London et Shawe Waterson Geast et uxorem defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Johannem Handy et alios querentes et Carolum Wynde generosum et Alban Willelmum Thomas et uxorem Edmunds defendentes in Nevvland et aliis. Inter Johannem Wiggett querentes et Willelmum Heywood seni- orem defendentem in Bradley et aliis. Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Georgium Cripps generosum Hall et uxorem Lee defendentes in Flyford Flavell et aliis. Inter Thomam Stevens querentem et Johannem Yarranton defen- dentes in Arely Kings. Inter Benjaminum Greaves armigerum querentem et Robertum Yates seniorem Carolum Robertum Yates defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lygon armigerum et alios querentes et Am. Burton viduam et Sandys et uxorem defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Danielem Yate et alios querentes et Stephanum Mansell et uxorem defendentes in Wyre Puddle et aliis. Inter Georgium Smith seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Cooke Smith et uxorem defendentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Johannem Smith Grove et Hill et uxorem defendentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Bradley Bell et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Benjaminum Beale generosum querentem et Willelmum Wadely et uxorem defendentes in Longdon et aliis. 382 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ■\ Inter Johannem Lane et alios querentes et 5th. Trinity Term " . , J V Johannem Mayoe defendentes in Pendocke continued. . ... J et alns. Inter Thomam Browne generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Atwood generosum Edmundum Atwood defendentes in Staun- ton et aliis. Inter Johannem Parsonage et alios querentes et Josephum Spencer Robinson et uxorem Tucker defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Michaelmas "1 Inter Thomam Prime generosum et .. Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Sahvey armigerum et uxorem Ricardum Salwey defen- Salop, dentes in Ledwych et aliis in Comitatu Salop- (* Wigorn. ensi et in Birlingham et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi .... Inter Humfridum Hughes juniorem generosum et . alios querentes et Franciscum Yate Taylor Civitas Stirrop Stockdale Puller et Barnes et uxorem Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree Inter Margaretam Jones viduam querentem et Johannem Collier et uxorem defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Willelmum Baylis et alios querentes et Armaelem Holdshipp seniorem generosum et uxorem Armaelem Holdshipp juniorem et Thomam Roberts seniorem et uxorem Thomam Roberts juniorem Walford et uxorem defendentes in Broughton et aliis. Inter Jacobum Lee alias Crow et alios querentes et Johannem Green Ballamy et uxorem defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Franciscum Woodhouse generosum querentem et Pyns. Will- mott Thomam Willmott defendentes in parochia de Kidder- minster. Inter Johannem Fuller armigerum querentem et Johannem Bradley et uxorem Franciscum Bradley defendentes in parochia de Old Swinford. Inter Josephum Williams et alios querentes et Johannem Smith Hicks Howell et uxorem Wagstaffe defendentes in parochia Birchmorton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 3»3 Year of the Reign. 5th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Annaelem Holdshipp seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Thoinam Roe et uxorem Manley et Moore et uxorem defendentes in Crowle et aliis. Inter Thomam Burlton et alios querentes et Johanncm Addenbrookc seniorem et uxorem Johannem Addenbrooke juniorem et Jo- hanncm Buffery et uxorem Willelmum BufTery defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Turner Mitchell et uxorem defendentes in Martley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Lane mercatorem querentem et Willelmum Hall et uxorem defendentes in Droitwych. Inter Willelmum Perkes et alios querentes et Josephum Bullas et uxorem Elizabethan! Margaretam Eades Andrews et Feldon et uxorem defendentes in Sturbridge et aliis. Inter Oliv. Shaw generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Tomp- son Worton Smart et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Inter Johannem Glover et alios querentes et Carolum Freeman generosum Symonds et uxorem Berrow Ewens defendentes in Bushley et aliis. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Josephum Wilkes Fowler et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Heming querentem et Robertum Savage generosum Sheldon Brinton et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanbury et aliis. Inter Franciscam Watson spinster querentem et Thomam Watson generosum et uxorem defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Hilary "» Inter Thomam Prime generosum et alios Term. J querentes et Priscillam White spinster Ricardum Salwey et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Grutlington et aliis in Comitatu Wiltoniensi et in parochia Dengey et aliis in Comitatu Essex et de maneriis de Woodland et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Wiltes. Essex. Wigorn. 3§4 INDEX TO THE FINES Gloucestr. Wi scorn. Gloucestr. Wigforn. Year of the Reign. 5th. Hilary Term 1 Inter Robcrtum Price Baronet- continued. J turn Scacarii et alios querentes et Elizabetham Geeres viduam et Hopton et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Tcombe et in Icombe in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et de manerio de Icombe et in Icombe in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Ricardum Mostyn armigerum et alios que- rentes et Johannem Mariel armigerum et uxorem Ricardum Mariel defendentes de manerio de Alvescott et tenementis ibidem in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Aldcrmarston in Comitatu Wigornensi . . '. Inter Saram Dolphin querentem et Johannem Alsoe ] juniorem et uxorem Coley Munn defendentes in j- parochia Sancti Nicholai . . J S ' Inter Eleanoram Nash viduam querentem et Hannam Stanley spinster defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Johannem Haines et alios querentes et Phillippum Perkes Benton Brittell et uxorem Sargeant defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Johannem Barnett querentem et Johannem Scott Wilkes et uxorem Annam Johannem Gosnell defendentes in Shenstone et aliis. Inter Johannem Cottrell et alios querentes et Henricum Parratt Dolphin Wall et uxorem Price defendentes in Worley et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris querentem Thomam Hill et uxorem defen- dentes in Kidderminster. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Englesby Surman et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Leigh et Longdon. Inter Willelmum White et alios querentes et Jacobum Lingen et uxorem defendentes in Kyer Parva et aliis. Inter Arthurum Charlett et alios querentes et Barth. Hopkins Ewens Adams et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. 5th. Hilary Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 38S Year of the Keign. Inter Johanncm Bennett ct alios quercntes et Willelmum Chance seniorem et uxorcm Jo- hannem Perkes seniorem Johannem Perkes juniorem Wheeler et Penn et uxorem defen- dentes in Forefeild et aliis. Inter Edwardum Haverfield generosum querentem et Willelmum Sutton generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Bayton. Inter Thomam Fincher et alios querentes et Ricardum Heyden et uxorem Mylward Thomam Jacobum Mylward defendentes in Alderminster. Inter Samuclem Lewis et alios querentes et Nicholaum Brace Hanbury et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Samuelem Pytts armigerum querentem et Ricardum Waldron seniorem et uxorem Ricardum Waldron juniorem defendentes in Parva Kyre. Inter Johannem Hurst querentem et Ricardum Stokes et uxorem defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Robertum Dormer Justicium Curias Reginae et alios que- rentes et Annam Russell viduam Every Jones Dansey et uxorem Wild Freeman defendentes de manerio de Stren- sham etc. Inter Henricum Jeffreyes armigerum querentem et Henricum Cooke seniorem et uxorem Henricum Cooke juniorem Robertum Elizabetham Hill defendentes in Clifton super Teame. Inter Samuelem Horsnett et alios querentes et Willelmum Yeomans Biggs Nayle Chellingworth Capell et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. , , „ "> Inter Armel. Greene generosum querentem et Ri- 6th. Easter _ } cardum Horniblovv et uxorem defendentes in Col- lerm. J lesdon et aliis. Inter Danielem Young et alios querentes et Saram Young viduam Thomam Young Stoakes Symonds Holdshipp et uxorem et alios defendentes in Comberton Parva et aliis. Inter Edwardum Roberts querentem et Willelmum Biddle seniorem Willelmum Biddle juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Birling- ham et aliis. c c 3S6 INDEX TO THE FIXES Year of the keign. , , _ ^ \ Inter Robertum Dowley juniorem generosum oth. Easter Term .. f et alios querentes et Johannem Skrymshire continued. i et uxorem defendentes in Bradley et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Jolliffe armigerum querentem et Jones et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Crofton Hackett. Inter Thomam Baker generosum et alios querentes et Edwardum Pillett seniorem generosum Edwardum Pillett juniorem Willson Wall et uxorem defendentes in Over Mitton et aliis. Inter Thomam Lowe armigerum et alios querentes et Edwardum Pillett juniorem Willett et uxorem defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum White generosum et alios querentes et Jonathanum Cotton clericum Toye et uxorem defendentes in Old Swin- ford. Inter Franciscum Haines querentem et Nathanielem Skrine et uxorem defendentes in Defford. Inter Johannem Handy querentem et Willelmum Mucklowe gene- rosum defendentcm in Powicke et aliis. Inter Radulphum Berwick generosum querentem et Johannem Langly et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Johanni in Bedwardine. Inter Annam Hunlock viduam et alios querentes et Annam Baker viduam et Bartholomeum Baker et uxorem defendentes in Sapie Pitchard. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum querentem et Katherinam Tayler Radulphum Tayler defendentes in Elmley et aliis. Inter Carolum Wynde et alios querentes et Abel Cook Hall et uxorem defendentes in parochia Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Willelmum Nash juniorem querentem ct Thomam Smeth et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Willelmum Rich Baronettum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Astwood et aliis. Inter Willelmum Phips et alios querentes et Willelmum Gibbs Whooman Ash Smith Wheeler et uxorem defendentes in Evesham Wick ct aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 3S7 'rinity 1 Inter Robcitum Milncr et alios que- "j m. J rentes et Edwardum Ferrett Dudley I Civitas ti Ni- I Year of the Reign. 6th. Tr Term. et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Ni- | Wigornensis. cholai et aliis Inter Johanneni Booker generosum querentem et \ Ci\'itas Juditham Dolby viduam Parke et uxorem de- V r j • 1 • c t - n/r t - • Wigornensis. fendentes in parochia bancti Martini . ■ ) Inter Georgium Baugh generosum et alios querentes et Sheld. Stevens Bennett Heeks George et uxorem defendentes in Wyer et aliis. Inter Willelmum Nott generosum querentem et Henricum Nott generosum et uxorem defendentes in Castle Moreton. Inter Josephum Ford generosum querentem et Willelmum Middle- more armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Kings- norton et aliis. Inter Thomam Dangerfield generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hanneni How generosum et uxorem Greene Johannem Ballard seniorem generosum Johannem Ballard juniorem defendentes in parochia de Mathen et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dineley militem querentem et Johannem Hinch generosum et Langston et uxorem defendentes in Handley Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Rea et alios querentes et Samuelem Dighton Rea Ansell et uxorem Cooke Jew defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Franciscum Winington armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Keyte Sambach et uxorem defendentes in Broadway. Inter Josephum Cox et alios querentes et Willelmum Vernon armigerum et uxorem Bow et uxorem Tayler defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter North. Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Carolum Lyttellton militem Baronettum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Churchill et aliis. Inter Johannem Fawkes et alios querentes et Thomam Cave et uxorem Elizabetham Annam Cave defendentes in Leigh et aliis. Inter Jacobum Compson querentem et Willelmum Smith juniorem et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Kidderminster. C c 2 33S INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keijjn. 6th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Johannem Palmer et alios querentes et Thomam Chance Twinberrow Smyth et uxorem Daniel defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Carolum Hancock generosum querentem et Tym. Rowberry Williams Suffield et uxorem Tyler defendentes in Cridshow et aliis. Inter Ricardum Trimnall et alios querentes et Johannem Palmer generosum defendentem in Bently Pauncefoote. Inter Johannem Grove et alios querentes et Thomam Barler Bridges et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Inter Willelmum Farr querentem et Abell Gower et uxorem defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Johanni in Bedwardine. Inter Stephanum Foxgill querentem et Johannem Brockhurst et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Nicholaum Feild generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Younge generosum Marshall Chaire Younge et uxorem defen- dentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Abram Morse clericum et alios querentes et Johannem Ecklcy Aliciam Thomam Eckley defendentes in le Berrovve. Inter Edwardum Cooke Baronettum et alios querentes et Henricum Every Baronettum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Strensham et aliis. Michaelmas 1 Inter Thomam Tolley et alios querentes -. Term. J et Bens. Edwards generosum Walton I Civitas Ricardum Baker et uxorem Grac. Baker et alios | Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Martini etc. . J Inter Willelmum Evett querentem et Chew. Black- -\ . , -. , , , . , . Civitas more clericum et uxorem defendentes in parochia J- . „ ,, Wigornensis. Sancti Albani . . . . > fa Inter Johannem Inckes querentem et Ricardum Nash i ■ , r I • t.- c Civitas armigerum defendentem in parochia Sancti }■__.. ., . . I vv igornensis. Martini . . . . . > Inter Johannem Best et alios querentes et Johannem Walker Wil- liams Read et uxorem defendentes in Chaddesley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 3S9 Year of the Keign. {Inter Edwardum Clifford generosum querentcm et Johannem Reynolds seniorem generosum et uxorem Johannem Reynolds juniorem de- fendentcs in Elmely Lovett. Inter Carolum Hasehvood generosum querentcm et Willelmum Bullingham Goodale et uxorem Cale defendentes in Wick juxta Parshore. Inter Timotheum Chambers generosum et alios querentes et Ja- cobum Cock Lowe et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Philpott clericum et alios querentes et Robertum Jones Turner et uxorem defendentes in Sahvarp et aliis. Inter Josephum Dewes querentem et Willelmum Fall juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Wick juxta Parshore. Inter Willelmum Norris generosum et alios querentes et Emanuelem Cobb Pigeon et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Holt et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Robertum Savage generosum et uxorem Hesteriam Savage et Sheldon Brinton et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Lane. Jewkes et alios querentes et Edwardum Ashby Combs et uxorem Parker defendentes in parochia de Leigh et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Josephum Milward et uxorem Thomam Hunt seniorem Thomam Hunt juniorem defendentes in Feckingham et aliis. Inter Edwardum Dyson generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Oliver Baker Dixon et uxorem Nightingale defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Matheum Hutton et alios querentes et Johannem Wheeler armigerum Tayler Hunt Mince et uxorem Hooke defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Josephum Fox et alios querentes et Matheum Bigg et uxorem Mason Fowkes defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Willelmum Sowley querentem et Thomam Woolmer defen- dentem in Barton etc. Inter Willelmum Rea et alios querentes et Gcorgium Ewins defen- dentem in Harvington. 39° INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. 1 Inter Willclmum Dean armigerum et alios que- rentes et Franciscum Clare armigerum et uxorem defendentes de maneriis de Cawdwell et aliis. Inter Petrum Parker et alios querentes et Johannem Tristram seni- orem generosum et uxorem Johannem Tristram juniorem defen- dentes in Moorehall et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Careles querentem et Edwardum Guest juniorem et uxorem Edwardum Guest defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Willelmum Teynton et alios querentes et Robertum Jackman Johannem Jackman Steele Hampton defendentes in Morton et aliis. Inter Thomam Harris jnniorem generosum querentem et Ricardum Wagstaffe Belcher Harris et uxorem defendentes in Naunton et aliis. Inter Ricardum Keech generosum querentem et Thomam Barker generosum defendentem in Emload alias Evenload. Hilary "J Inter Thomam Drought querentem et < Term. J Franciscum Browne et uxorem defendentes in Hoddesdon in Comitatu Herefordensi et in parochia de Hampton et aliis in Comitatu YVigornensi Hereford. Wigorn. Inter Edwardum Fayting generosum querentem et " Ricardum Manderfield Johannem Manderfeild Civitas et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Wigornensis. Martini . Inter Thomam Smyth generosum querentem et Edmundum Ward Baylyes Mason Edmundum E. Edwards Willelmum Johannem Mason et uxorem Marsh Thomam Jam. Mason Eckley Lane defendentes in Tcnbury et aliis. Inter Humfridum Gibbons et alios querentes et Thomam Dolphin etc. defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Abram Elton armigerum querentem ct Johannem Harris et uxorem defendentes in Blocklcy. Inter Edwardum Trovcll querentem ct Samuclcm Estopp et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Grimley. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 39 1 Year of the Reign. ! Inter Thomam Reeve armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Lutwyche et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Dormcston et aliis. Inter Johannem Wilson et alios querentes et Henricum Bird seniorem Henricum Bird juniorem defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Willelmum Harris et alios querentes et Franciscum Hanford spinster et Richards Weston et uxorem defendentes in Abbotts Wood et aliis. Inter Winifredam Rossen viduam et alios querentes et Phile. Baylies Bate et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. •\ Inter Josephum Tipper et alios querentes et Phil- 7th Esstcr I ' ' J- lippum Hanbury Phillipps Gill et uxorem defen- / dentes in Over Mitton et aliis. Inter Thomam Gravener generosum querentem et Annam Lench viduam defendentes in Brodwas. Inter Ricardum Barston et alios querentes et Willelmum Cox alias Hayward Franciscum Cox defendentes in Eldersfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Allen querentem et Johannem Sparry Biggs et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Thomam Amphlett querentem et Ricardum Yarnold et uxorem defendentes in Martyn Hussingtree. Inter Samuelem Cox armigerum et alios querentes et Henricum Sheppard et uxorem defendentes in Aston Brudley et aliis. Inter Carolum Morris querentem et Josephum Ash Smith Crosseley Hayward et uxorem Lunne defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. . ■>! Inter Franciscum Dixe et alios querentes et Benjaminum Trinity „ , ... , , _ ' _ V Byrd Mince et uxorem defendentes in Bretforton et Term. / aliis. Inter Johannem Gent et alios querentes et Thomam Noblett seniorem et uxorem Thomam Noblett juniorem et Ricardum Smith seniorem et uxorem Ricardum Smith juniorem Stanford Freeman et uxorem defendentes in Tenbury et aliis. Inter Franciscum Dixe et alios querentes et Benjaminum Byrd Mince et uxorem defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. 39 2 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. Inter Johannem Walker generosum et alios querentes et Henncum lurner et Cooke 7th. Trinity Term continued. ) et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Henricum Hinckley et alios querentes et Thomam Birch et uxorem Edwardum Birch et Heynes et uxorem Jacobum Benjaminum Greves defendentes in Northfield et aliis. Inter Willehnum Amphlett generosum querentem et Samuelem Slade Nash Vicaris et uxorem defendentes in Astley. Inter Thomam Aston querentem et Ezech. Boucher et uxorem defendentes in Shenstone et aliis. Inter Edwardum Wheeler generosum et alios querentes et Gil- bertum W^heeler generosum Smith et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Suffeild et alios querentes et Johannem Cotterell defendentem in Abbotts Morton. Inter Willclmum Goore et alios querentes et Thomam Lacey Franciscum Lacey Skrymsher et uxorem Whorwood et alios defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Bromeley et alios querentes et Samuelem Dickson et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Edwardum Wilkes et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes Hands Edwardum Horton seniorem et uxorem Edwardum Horton et alios defendentes in Beotley et aliis. Inter Carolum Hunt querentem et Josephum Eckells generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Belbroughton. Inter Josuam Dowler et alios querentes et Johannem Wilkes Jose- phum Wilkes Broadhurst et uxorem defendentes in Fockburye et aliis. Inter Josephum Rami et alios querentes et Thomam Milward Burnell Feldon et uxorem defendentes in Moseley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Ward et uxorem querentes et Josephum Charlett et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Fladbury. Inter Georgium Parker et alios querentes et Georgium Hooper Johannem Hooper Harrison et uxorem Ilaynes defendentes in Wick Superiori et aliis. Inter Willclmum Bach generosum et alios querentes et Johannem I okier Bayes Tymberlcggc Gent et uxorem defendentes in Lulsely et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 393 Year of the Keign. _. . ^ \ Inter Thomam Burlton querentem et Johannem 7th. Trinity Term „ , , . Y Reynalds generosum et uxorem defendentes continued. . ' , . . J in Kidderminster. Inter Ma. Clarke viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Buffery Hill et uxorem defendentes in Old Svvinford. Inter Willelmum Olives seniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Lacey Franciscum Lacey defendentes in parochia de Fecken- ham. Inter Willelmum Cox alias Hayward et alios querentes et Johannem Daniel Ma. Daniel defendentes in Redmarly Dabitott. Inter Annam Smith viduam querentem et Henricum Taylor ct uxorem Andrewes defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Johannem Nash querentem et Danielem Gabb et uxorem defendentes in Shrawley. Inter Edwardum Sadler querentem et Walterum Knight et uxorem defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Civitas Wigornensis. Michaelmas "1 Inter Margaretam Oldnall viduam et Term. / alios querentes ct Langley Hill Pratt et uxorem defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis Inter Robertum Knight querentem et Johannem \ . Roberts defendentem in parochia Sancti Ni- I , , . Wigornensis. cholai . . . . ■ I Inter Johannem Byrkin querentem et Jacobum ~| . T , c. t> 1 Civitas Linton et uxorem Jacobum Susannam Baker y . . . . ... Wigornensis. defendentes in parochia Sancti Switlnni et alns . J Inter Johannem Browne et alios querentes et Willelmum Mills Partridge James et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Eden querentem et Henricum Suche et uxorem defendentes in Newbold. Inter Johannem Cardale juniorem et alios querentes et Edwardum Perkes seniorem Edwardum Perkes juniorem Spilsbury Jones et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. Inter Johannem Price seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Farmer et uxorem Zachariam Ricardum Stoakes defendentes in parochii.i de Upton et Ripple. 394 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Ricardum Woodward querentem et Wil- lelmum West et uxorem defendentes in Lckington. Inter Johannem Dover et alios querentes et Thomam Harris Yate et Borwood et uxorem defendentes in North Littleton et aliis. Inter Johannem Baylis querentem et Edwardum Such generosum et Johannem Such et uxorem defendentes in Newbold. Inter Robertum Cookes et alios querentes et Johannem Wheeler defendentes in Offenham. Inter Willelmum Pardoe querentem et Johannem Pardoe et uxorem defendentes in Broadwas. Inter Jacobum Hart querentem et Jonathanum Ruston Danielem Ruston et uxorem defendentes in Awstcliffe et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage armigerum et alios querentes et Jan. Yonge spinster defendentem in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Jacobum Baron et alios querentes et Josephum Baldwin et Morris et uxorem defendentes in Alvechurch. Inter Willelmum Middlemore armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Smart Smith et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Lund et alios querentes et Gilbertum Sheldon armigerum defendentem de maneriis de Middle Ditchford et aliis. Inter Thomam Wyld armigerum et alios querentes et Josephum Amphlett armigerum Greene et uxorem defendentes in Oake- bold et aliis. Inter Adam Hough generosum querentem et Johannem Willson et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Georgium Quarrell et alios querentes et Johannem Addis Clarke Roberts et uxorem Walsgrove defendentes in Hanly Castle et aliis. Inter Thomam Turbervile querentem et Edmundum Surman Jo- hannem Surman et Wood Bealc Wheeler alias Felt et uxorem defendentes in Wool Veston et aliis. Inter Thomam King querentem et Thomam Stock et uxorem defendentes in Dascott. IN" THE REIGN OF ANNE. 395 Year of the Reign. 7th. Hilary | Inter Thomam Smith querentcm et \ Term. f Johannem Trapp et uxorem defen- V . I Wi^ornensis. dentes in parochia Sancti Michaelis . . ' Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Willelmum Rogers et uxorem Margaretam Ricardum Bartlett defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Thomam Lane querentem et Johannem Moore juniorem defendentem in Mosely et aliis. Inter Willelmum Jones et alios querentes et Johannem Perkes et Read et uxorem defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Edwardum House querentem et Willelmum Spelsbury et uxorem defendentes in Whitlady Aston. Inter Thomam Walford et alios querentes et Mos. Hodges Smith Henricum et uxorem Elizabetham Smith seniorem Elizabetham Franciscam Smith Nicholds et Tandy et uxorem defendentes in Harvington et aliis. Inter Thomam Foley armigerum querentem et Edwardum Walker et uxorem Marc. Tayler et Josephum Tayler et uxorem de- fendentes in Hooe et aliis. Inter Wintour Harris et alios querentes et Henricum Harrison Brooke et uxorem defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Court. Dewes generosum et alios querentes et Arthurum Bagshaw generosum defendentem in Inckberrowe et aliis. Inter Rolandum Bradstock querentem et Jacobum Mitchell gene- rosum et uxorem defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Samuelem Baddiley querentem et Annam Woolmer viduam Thomam Woolmer defendentes in Barbon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cox et alios querentes et Thomam Cox Walter defendentes in Berrow et aliis. Inter Oliv. Dixon juniorem generosum et alios querentes et Ricardum Rhoades Nathanielem Rhoades Ma. Benjaminum Alchurch et alios defendentes in Dudley. Inter Abell Wood et alios querentes et Robcrtum Penrice et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Martin Hussingtree. Inter Thomam Jervoise armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Raybon et Bate Shenston et uxorem defendentes in Kings- norton et aliis. 39^ INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. /th. Hilary Term | continued. Inter Benjaminum Jolliffe armigerum queren- em et Thomam Bach armigerum Bradney defendentes in Coston Hackett. Wigorn. Hereford. Salop. Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas inctl I wr Wigornensis. 8th. Easter ") Inter Edwardum Leighton Baronet- ' Term. J turn et alios querentes et Franciscum Cornewall generosum et uxorem defendentes de maneriis de Tenbury et aliis in Comitatu Wi- gornensi et de manerio de Rochford in Comi- tatu Herefordensi .... Inter Franciscum Cornewall generosum querentem et Thomam Cornewall armigerum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Burford et aliis in Comitatu Salopensi et de maneriis de Tenbury et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et de manerio de Rochford in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Humfridum Hughes juniorem querentem et ■ Henricum Hill defendentem in parochia Sar Swithini Inter Johannem Harris et alios querentes et Thomam Dorrell Poole Boulter Dally et uxorem Beale defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Georgium Huxley generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Jones armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Strensham. Inter Ricardum Tompson querentem et Antonium Nash generosum et uxorem defendentes in Elmebridge et aliis. Inter Petrum Hinckes et alios querentes et Oliver Dixon juniorem generosum Bate Allen et uxorem Taylor Finch defendentes in Dudley. Inter Josephum Carter querentem et Henricum Dominum Folliott et uxorem defendentes in Over Mitton et Neither Mitton. Inter Thomam Prosser et alios querentes et Henricum Prosser et uxorem defendentes in Fcckenham. Inter Johannem Silvester et alios querentes et Ricardum Gyles Johannem Gyles Feild alias Payntcr Bird et uxorem defen- dentes in Suckley et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 397 Year of tlie Reign. _ „ 1 1nter Theo. Tones et alios querentes et Jacobum 8th. taster Term ,, . , , , , . • t,- ,• , Y Pnddey et uxorem defendentes in Birhngham continued. > et alns. Inter Jacobum Hay querentem et Johannem Bayley et uxorem defendentes in Shrawley. Inter Johannem Winwood querentem et Thomam Bowen Prettie et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Willelmum Lewes querentem et Franciscum Cowfeild et uxorem defendentes in Dodenham et aliis. Inter Thomam Hollyocke et alios querentes et Annam Cowper viduam Johannem Cowper Manley Blurton et uxorem defen- dentes in parochia de Haggetts. Inter Willelmum Howman et alios querentes et Robeitum Pratte Saram Johannem Ricketts et Humfridum Sitch et uxorem Johannem Sitch defendentes in Aston Inferiori et aliis. Inter Henricum Jeffreyes armigerum querentem et Johannem Pritchett Powter Potter et uxorem defendentes in Clifton super Teamde. Inter Rebeccam Pearsall viduam querentem et Timotheum Bayes et uxorem Lokier defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Radulphum Torould et alios querentes et Willelmum Sowley Jam. Sowley defendentes in Little Inckborrough et aliis. Inter Josephum Surman et alios querentes et Ricardum Ward et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Fladbury. Inter Willelmum Bullock et alios querentes et Willelmum Boulter Hall Weston et uxorem Butler defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Johannem Gibbons generosum querentem et Henricum Baker generosum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Hanbury. Trinity "1 Inter Willelmum Winsmore querentem et ^ Term. J Johannem Sowden Bullock Perkes et I Civitas uxorem Hemming defendentes in parochia Om- I Wigornensis. nium Sanctorum et aliis . . . * Inter Thomam Wylde armigerum et alios querentes \ . et Johannem Asteley et uxorem defendentes \ TTr . . . -, .„.,.. Wigornensis. in parochia bancti Swithmi . . .> continued. 398 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. \ Inter Thomam Palmer et alios querentes et Ricardum Palmer seniorem et uxorem Ri- 8th. Trinity Term , . , „ . „ . . J - cardum Josephum Samuelem Palmer et Adcock et uxorem defendentes in Northfield et aliis. Inter Ricardum Mence generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Smyth Cotterell King et uxorem defendentes in Ley et aliis. Inter Johannem Bourne armigerum querentem et Georgium Lench generosum et uxorem defendentes in Doverdale et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner et alios querentes et Ricardum Young Turbervile et uxorem Robinson defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Jeremiam Tayler et alios querentes et Josephum Ford generosum et uxorem Hickman defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Johannem Crane et alios querentes et Susannam Hunt viduam Samuelem Hunt et Swingland et uxorem defendentes in Trimpley et aliis. Inter Johannem Holmden generosum querentem et Johannem Sparry et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Johannem Hancox juniorem querentem et Carolum Bacon et uxorem Elizabethan! Bacon defendentes in Bluntington et aliis. Inter Johannem Dovey et alios querentes et Elizabethan! Rowney et Brecknell et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Samuelem Pytts armigerum querentem et Margaretam Somer- ford Burwall et Powell Hyde et uxorem defendentes in Stoake Blisse et aliis. Inter Cristinam Smith et alios querentes et Martham Baker et Thomam Watts et uxorem Willelmum Watts defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Mart. Crane clericum et alios querentes et Thomam Crane ct Johannem Crane defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Tomlinson et alios querentes et Aliciam Hodges viduam Robinson et Geast et uxorem defendentes in Kings- norton. 8th. Trinity Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 399 Year of the Keign. Inter Johannem Truelove querentem et Ja- cobum Spilsbury Henricum Aston et uxorem Annam Aston et Johannem Lee alias Crowes et uxorem Johannem Jacobum Samuelcm Ma. Aron. Lee defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Johannem Bearcroft generosum querentem et Johannem Watkins generosum defendentem in Hanbury. Inter Michaelem Humphris querentem et Thomam Cox et uxorem defendentes in Berrovve et aliis. Inter Samuelem Slade generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Baker generosum et uxorem defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Thomam Mason generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Charlett et uxorem Thomam Charlett defendentes in Birling- ham et aliis. Inter Franciscum Darby querentem ct VVillelmum Huck White et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Ricardum Gardner et alios querentes et Gilbertum Tolley Bright Manderfeild et uxorem defendentes in Whistons et aliis. Inter Robertum Bumpas et alios querentes et Thomam Tovey Wright Read et uxorem defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Ricardum Yarranton et alios querentes et Thomam Anthoms alias Fitzer Smyth et uxorem Yarranton defendentes in Nether Mitton et aliis. Inter Thomam Haslewood militem et alios querentes et Willelmum Woodward Nicholls Baugh ct uxorem Kingly defendentes in Wick Flyford et aliis. Inter Ricardum Lane mercatorem querentem et Robertum Fullwood armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Powick. Inter Johannem Harris querentem et Josephum Trebell et uxorem defendentes in Birlingham. Inter Ricardum Hovvse juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Trebell Collins Mills Haynes et uxorem defendentes in Eck- ington et aliis. Inter Edwardum Newnam juniorem et alios querentes et Robertum Hopkins Chellingworth et uxorem defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. 400 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reiyn. „ . . „ 1 1nter Saram Hamond viduam et alios querentes 8th. I nnity term „,.„ , ., , -. „ . , i et Willelmum Maybery Pennell et uxorem continued. , , . J defendentes in Bayton et alns. Inter Edwardum Whitcomb clericum et alios querentes et Georgium Webb seniorem et uxorem defendentes in Magna Shelsey. Inter Willelmum Bromley armigerum et alios querentes et Allen Bathurst armigerum et uxorem defendentes in fforesta de Feckenham. Michaelmas Term. Inter Georgium Wheeler generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Woolmer Kettle Burton Smith et uxorem defendentes in Hanbury. Inter Johannem Bennett querentem et Willelmum Perrey defen- dentem in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Rickards generosum querentem et Thomam Harris generosum et uxorem defendentes in Boults et aliis. Inter Rogerum Waldron et alios querentes et Johannem Hollington seniorem Willelmum Hollington Ware Green defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Josephum Cox generosum querentem et Willelmum Hill et uxorem Johannem Franciscum Andrews Fownes Norris defen- dentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum et alios querentes et Arthurum Aston Thornbury et uxorem defendentes in Hatfeild et aliis. Inter Johannem Whitmore armigerum querentem et Franciscum Woodcock generosum defendentem in Bromesgrove. Inter Josephum Fletcher querentem et Johannem Higgins et uxorem defendentes in Evenload. Inter Walterum Searle querentem et Humfridum Wheeler et uxorem defendentes in Alton et Rock. Inter Hcnricum Lewes et alios querentes et Thomam Jorden clericum defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Willelmum Moore generosum querentem et Rogerum Waldron generosum defendentem in Moorehall Bell etc. Inter Willelmum Walker querentem et Willelmum Smith seniorem Bulleine Willelmum Smith juniorem et uxorem Halford defen- dentes in Norton et aliis. IN THE REIGN OK ANNE. 401 Year of the Reign. ^ 8th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Josephum Cardale clericum et alios que- rentes et Willelmum Cardale generosum Jo- hannem Cardale Turvey Attwood et uxorem defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Johannetn Bourne armigerum querentem et Georgium Lench generosum et uxorem Elianoram Lench et Bruton et uxorem defendentes in Doverdale et aliis. Inter Paulum Hiron querentem et Johannem Monck Norman et uxorem defendentes in Martley. Inter Thomam Wylde armigerum querentem et Robertum Dormer unum Justiciorum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Shareshill. Inter Willelmum Crump querentem et Pynson Wyllmott generosum Thomam Wyllmott et Smith et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Hilary "1 Inter Stephanum Austin generosum etc. ' Term. J querentes et Ricardum Richmond genero- sum et Ricardum Richmond generosum et uxorem defendentes in Mickleton et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Sheenhill et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Thomam Karver generosum et alios querentes et Henricum Fairfax Agberrow Taylor et uxorem Antonium Thomam Drought Wink- worth Collier defendentes in Civitate Wigorniae Inter Thomam Randle et alios querentes et Ste- phanum Careless Nicholls defendentes in pa- rochia Omnium Sanctorum . Inter Willelmum Freeman et alios querentes et Davidium Vaughan et uxorem Elizabetham Ma- riam et Henricum Tayler et uxorem Henricum Tayler juniorem Collins Berry Seaverne Mercer defendentes in parochia Sancte Hellene et aliis . Inter Penel. Bennett et alios querentes et Annam Baker viduam et Collins Mason Powell et I Civitas uxorem Woodward defendentes in parochia f Wigornensis Sancti Swithini et aliis D d Gloucestr. Wigorn. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. Civitas Wigornensis. 402 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Ricardum Jennings clericum et alios querentes et Timotheum White clericum Harman alias Brewer et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Henricum Ladbury juniorem et alios querentes et Thomam Haynes seniorem defendentem in Feckenham. Inter Ricardum Adams querentem et Mart. Foard et Perrins et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Johannem Baxter generosum querentem et Willelmum Wash- bourne armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Wychenford. Inter Lud. Lloyd generosum et alios querentes et Josuam Lloyd et uxorem defendentes in Strensham et aliis. Inter Johannem Henly et alios querentes et Johannem Toney Gough et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree in Parshore et aliis. Inter Thomam Bullock querentem et Edwardum Carlos generosum et uxorem Carolum Carlos defendentes in parochia de Hcllow et aliis. Inter Jacobum Hinckes generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Janus clericum Meily et uxorem Dike defendentes in Astley et aliis. Inter Johannem Sparry et alios querentes et Edmundum Kettle et Hunt et uxorem defendentes in Hagley et aliis. Inter Samuelem Hiron et alios querentes et Georgium Hales Hill et uxorem defendentes in Suckley et aliis. Inter Saram Pipe spinster querentem et Willelmum Browne et uxorem defendentes in Kings Norton. Inter Nathanielem Dewce querentem et Willelmum Dewce defen- dentem in Bromesgrove. Inter Josephum Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Lyttelton militem et Baroncttum et uxorem Thomam Lyttelton defendentes in Norfeild et aliis. Inter Georgium Gardner armigerum et alios querentes et Georgium Hopkins defendentem in Evesham. Inter Squire Smith generosum et alios querentes et Carolum Lyt- telton militem et Baroneltum et uxorem Thomam Lyttelton defendentes in Norfeild. IN THE KLIliN Of AN'N'K. 403 Year of the Reign. 8th. Hilary Term | Inter Matheum Baylis querentem et Johannem continued. J Tyas armigerum defenJentcm in Powick. Inter Johannem Harris generosum querentem et Josephum Priddy et uxorem defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Stafford. Wigorn. Warvvic. 9th. Easter 1 Inter Robertum Landor generosum' Term. J et alios querentes et Edwardum Hawkes generosum ct uxorem defendentes in Newton et aliis in Comitatu Staffordensi et in Kingsnorton in Comitatu Wigornensis et in Solihull et aliis in Comitatu Warwicensi Inter Thomam Amphlett generosum querentem et Johannem Bcale seniorem Johannem Beale juniorem defendentes in Bewdley. Inter Johannem Moore et alios querentes et Robertum Broadhurst Bradely Johannem Tayler Blick et uxorem Jonathanum Tayler defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Winslow juniorem clericum et alios querentes et Elianoram Heming viduam Thomam Heming et Pearks et uxorem defendentes in Fladbury etc. Inter Oliver. Dixon juniorem et alios querentes et Ricardum Leather et uxorem Jacobum Leather et Hawkes Eales Smart et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Inter Robertum Cookes et alios querentes et Thomam Ordway Baskervile et Washborne Rogers Jew et uxorem defendentes in Bengworth et aliis. Inter Edwardum Bate et alios querentes et Henricum Chelling- worth Hall Knight Moorton et uxorem defendentes in Bromes- grove et aliis. Inter Thomam Wylde armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Payne Hale Huband Spelsbury et uxorem defendentes in Grafton et aliis. Inter Johannem Owen querentem et Johannem Fownes et uxorem defendentes in Chaddesley CorbeLt. Inter Johannem Boulton querentem et Franciicum Bennett Thomam Bennett Potter et Bloxidge Palmer et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. D d 2 -I '» INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. } Inter Henricum Toye generosum querentem et Thomam Bellarmy et uxorem lalbott defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Willelmum Biddle querentem et Ricardum Teynton seniorem Ricardum Teynton juniorem defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Willelmum Walker querentem et Eusta. Hardwick armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Ridmarley Dabitott. Inter Edwardum Butler seniorem et juniorem querentes et Jose- phum Harrison Penrice et uxorem defendentes in Martin Hussintree. Inter Henricum Blake generosum et alios querentes et Franciscum Rufford generosum et uxorem defendentes in Nether Sapy et aliis. Inter Carolum Wynde generosum querentem et Willelmum Yar- ranton et uxorem defendentes in Kcmpsey. Inter Thomam Aylesbury et alios querentes et Josephum Palmer Robertum Heynes seniorem Robertum Heynes juniorem et Sparry et uxorem defendentes in Wassell et aliis. Inter Aaron Lilley et alios querentes et Thomam Bearcroft gene- rosum Saunders et uxorem Brown defendentes in Malverne Magna etc. Inter Johanncm Ruston querentem et Walterum Favell et uxorem Hawkes defendentes in Mosely et aliis. Trinity ") Inter Johannem Hoo servientem ad legem , Term. J et alios querentes et Edwardum Jeffreyes armigerum et uxorem defendentes in parochia de Clifton super Teame et aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Edvin Ralf et Bromyard in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Carolum Cocks armigerum querentes et Samu- elem Burford et uxorem Gillam defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini et aliis in Comitatu Civitatis Wigomensis et in Munkland et aliis in Comitatu Herefordensi Inter Benjaminum Mence querentem et Rice Wil- "j Hams generosum Dyer et uxorem Cocks defen- [ dentem in parochia Sancte Hellene . • J Wigorn. Hereford. Civitas Wigomensis. Hereford. Civitas ornensis. IX THE REIGN OF ANNE. 405 Year of the Reign. 9th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Franciscum Stockton et alios querentes et Franciscum Browne Nott Jones Tomkins Bishop et uxorem Jacksons defendentes in parochia de Mathon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Andrews generosum qucrentem et Jonathanum Andrews generosum defendentem in Whittington et aliis. Inter Willelmum Howman generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Perkins Johannem Perkins et uxorem Margaretam Johannem Tustian defendentes in Harpley etc. Inter Margaretam Cooper viduam querentem et Edwardum Har- retts Morris et uxorem Phipps defendentes in Bretforton. Inter Thomam Edden et alios querentes et Johannem Halford Edden et uxorem defendentes in Arni.scott et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smyth et alios querentes et Walterum Hyde juniorem et uxorem Cheatle Gray defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Roe viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Barnett Caddick Attwood et uxorem defendentes in Gannow et aliis. Inter Thomam Tayler querentem et Ricardum Tayler et uxorem defendentes in Armscott et aliis. Inter Johannem Perrin qucrentem et Willelmum Sambach et uxorem defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Smith seniorem generosum querentem et Johannem Smith juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Humfridum Newnam querentem et Robertum Throckmorton Baronettum et uxorem defendentes in Cakebold et aliis. Inter Thomam Clarson querentem et Henricum Chauntrell gene- rosum Bradley Fort et uxorem defendentes in Flyford et aliis. Inter Annam Every querentem et Franciscum Woi dhouse gene- rosum Pins. Thomam Wilmott defendentes in Lower Mitton et aliis. Inter Josephum Fox et alios querentes et Willelmum Shaw gene- rosum defendentem in Northfield. Inter Franciscum Knight et alios querentes et Walterum Pardoe seniorem Walterum Pardoe juniorem Johannem Pardoe Parr et uxorem Willelmum Ham Ranford defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. 406 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Rei;;n. 9th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Benjaminum Greves querentem et Tho- mam Watton Josephum Watton Burton defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Liter Willelmum Stokes et alios querentes et Ricardum Cox et uxorem defendentes in Leigh. Inter Thomam Parker et alios querentes et Willelmum Best et uxorem Dunton defendentes in Dudley Forren et aliis. Inter Thomam Norris et alios querentes et Robertum Penrice et uxorem defendentes in Elmbridge et aliis. Inter Edwardum Asteley clericum querentem et Georgium Danger- field generosum et uxorem Thomam Dangerfield Katherinam et Thomam Dangerfield Samuelcm Turner juniorem et uxorem Samuelem Turner seniorem et alios defendentes in Crowle. Inter Ricardum Wolley generosum querentem et Edwardum Acton et uxorem defendentes in Powyck. Inter Johanncm Pryce seniorem et alios querentes et Johanncm VVinbery Trovell Beane et uxorem defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Edmundum Taylor armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Brooks Bigg et Jennings Ellis et uxorem Blackway defendentes in Bushley et aliis. Liter Edwardum Taylor et alios querentes et Willelmum Taylor Sandford et uxorem defendentes in North Littleton et aliis. Michaelmas ] Inter Thomam Chrispe et alios que- ^ Term. j rentes et Johannem Underhill Leeth Ricardum GrLmond et uxorem Egidium Gris- mond Wyatt Nash defendentes in parochia Omnium Sanctorum et aliis . Inter Jonathanum Newton querentem et Thomam Lutwyche armigerum et uxorem Bagnall defen- tlcntcm in p:irochia Sancti Petri Inter Josephum Storer et alios querentes et Johanncm Vincent Heathcock et uxorem Toye defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Lane generosum querentem et Edmundum Lane generosum defendentes in Teambmy. Civitas WiVornensis. Civitas Wierornensis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 407 Year of the Keign. ^ Inter Thomam Biker generosum querentem et oth. Michaelmas , r , -., , „ , , r V rhomam Skeelcr et uxorcm Holmes deten- Terni continued. , . TT , , ... / dentes 111 Hartlebury et alns. Inter Matheum Good et alios querentes et Thomam Maulthill et Hoult Chamberlayne et uxorem defendentes in Stockton et aliis. Inter Thomam Watson generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Lunn et Johannem Lunn Cotterell et uxorem defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Shot querentem et Ricardum Bradford seniorem et uxorem Ricardum Bradford defendentes in Berrowe. Inter Thomam Baker generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Winnall Clowes et uxorem Hay defendentes in Waseley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Woodward querentem et Johannem Pierce clericum et uxorem defendentes in Eckington. Inter Johannem Tayler et alios querentes et Abell Peyton et uxorem Tayler defendentes in Northfield et aliis. Inter Thomam Berkeley armigerum querentes et Edwardum Hunt armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Hilary "1 Inter Johannem Laurence et alios querentes "j Term. J et Jacobum Taylor Johannem Taylor de- !- r , . ,. ~ .. n . . Wi"ornensis. fendentes in parocnia bancti Petri . • J Inter Thomam Rogers querentem et Thomam Har- "j ward clericum et uxorem defendentes in Civi- J- ,,,. . Wigornensis. tate Vvigorniae . . . ■ J Inter Willelmum Rea et alios querentes et Walterum Steward Ricardum Steward Mansell et Heming Cotterell et uxorem defendentes in Inkberrow Sancti Laurencii et aliis. Inter Robertum Carelesse et alios querentes et Johannem Horton et uxorem Russell defendentes in Broadway. Inter Thomam Palmer querentem et Annam Gosling viduam Ricardum Gosling et Low et uxorem defendentes in Frankley et aliis. Inter Merc. James viduam querentem et Robertum James gene- rosum defendenterr. in Astley. 408 INDEX TO THE FINES War of the Reign. (Inter Johannem Whittmore armigerum et alios qucrentes et Thomam Blick seniorem Foxall Widnall et uxorem defendentes in Stower- bridge et aliis. Inter Ricardum Gorle et alios querentes et Johannem Nott seni- orem et Johannem Nott juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Kempsey. Inter Willelmum Cox et alios querentes et Danielem Edwards Cooke et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Colley et alios querentes et Josephum Higgins Jones et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. Inter Cristinam Smith et alios querentes et Willelmum Poole Marshall et Heming et uxorem defendentes in Dormeston et aliis. Inter Johannem Waight et alios querentes et Arthurum Morris Stinton Dandy et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis in Droitwich. Inter Thomam Philpott clericum et alios querentes et Jacobum Mitchell et uxorem Thompson defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Ricardum Waldron querentem et Johannem Brookhouse Ricardum Brookhouse Thomam Brookhouse et uxorem defen- dentes in Stourbridge. Inter Samuelem Warren querentem et Johannem Hollington et uxorem defendentes in Alchurche. Inter Josephum Man seniorem querentem et Josephum Lee alias Crow defendentem in Yardley. Inter Willelmum Smith querentem et Samuelem Kettle defendentem in Kingsnorton. Inter Gcorgium Wheeler generosum querentem et Nicholaum Ware Finch et uxorem defendentes in Broughton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker ct alios querentes et Ricardum Young generosum Hayward Bodily ct uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Ricardum Martin et alios querentes et Elizabethan! Loggin viduam Edwardum Willelmum Loggin et uxorem Croft defen- ds itcs in Bretforton. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 409 Year of the Keign. \ Inter Lane. Taylor generosum querentem et 9th. Hilary Term I g.^ Edwards Qwynne et uxorem defen- continued. , . .,... . ... / dentes in Mitton et alns. Inter Willelmum Kings querentem et Edvvardum Wilkes et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham. Inter Josephum Perks et alios querentes et Ricardum Price Perks Kinnard Rowbery et uxorem James defendentes in Malverne et aliis. loth. Easter"! Inter Thomam Gardner mercatorem Term. J et alios querentes et Edwardum Bul- strode seniorem armigerum et uxorem Edwardum Wigorn. Bulstrode juniorem defendentes in Elsfeild et Gloucestr. aliis in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Tewkesburie in Comitatu Gloucestriensi . . . ' Inter Johannem Heming et alios querentes et Willelmum Getley juniorem Heming Johannem Churchley et uxorem Willelmum C. Butler defendentes in Bradley Bents et aliis. Inter Ma. Steward viduam querentem et Thomam Goodwyn gene- rosum defendentes in Stone et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Nathanielem Gold et Bellamy et uxorem Wilks defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Andrews generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Stevens armigerum Willelmum Stevens defendentes in Norton et aliis. Inter Johannem Watkins querentem et Edwardum Willson Bubb et uxorem defendentes in Eckington et aliis. Inter Edwardum Toye generosum et alios querentes et Josephum Fereday et uxorem Jacobum Edwardum Pitt defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Chester Baronettum querentem et Armell Hold- shipp seniorem et alios defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Willelmum Norton generosum querentem et Johannem Spooner Norris et uxorem Gardyncr defendentes in Claynes et aliis. Inter Moreton Slaney et alios querentes et Clem. Wall Collins Banner et uxorem defendentes in Norton Regis et aliis. 4IO INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. \ Inter Humfridum Lowe et alios querentes et ioth. Easter Term . V Antomum Nash generosum et uxorem continued. . „ ... J defendentes in Llmebndge et ahis. Inter Thomam Edden quercntem et Thomam Stocke et uxorem defendentes in Dascott l . Inter Carolum Feild et alios querentes et Johannem Feild seniorem Johannem Feild juniorem et Roades et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis. y 1 Inter Johannem Brawne querentem et Ma. > i. J Godwyn spinster defendentem in Bretforton | in Comitatu Wigornensi et in Weston Sub- j Trinity Term. | Godwyn spinster defendentem in Bretforton | Wigorn. Gloucestr hedge in Comitatu Glouccstriensi Inter Thomam Crumpe et alios querentes et Jose- \ . phum Chellingworth Perkins et uxorem defen- J- , . _, . ,, . . Wirrornensis. dentes in parochia Sancti Martini . . J Inter Willelmum Robye generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Till Mucklowe Willelmum Orford seniorem Willelmum Orford juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Ricardum Barston querentem et Johannem Fones et uxorem defendentes in Eldcrsfeild. Inter Willelmum Hunt et alios querentes et Johannem Dangcrfeild generosum et Georgium Dangcrfeild et uxorem Thomam Dangcrfeild et Hale Leek et uxorem defendentes in Crowle et aliis. Inter Edwardum Butler seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Roe Johannem Samuelem Chellingworth et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Phillippum Woodman generosum querentem et Thomam Karver generosum et uxorem defendentes de medictate mancrii de Emload. Inter Johannem Baylis querentem et Josephum Feild et uxorem defendentes in Evesham. Inter Ricardum Walker et alios querentes et Georgium Pinches Farmer alias Smyth et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford et aliis. ' Thio enti)- is repeated in MS. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 4' 1 Year of the Keign. (Inter Georgium Glynn querentcm et Jo- hannem Tyas armigerum Uaniclcm lyas defendentes in rowick. Inter Henricum Chauntrell generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum White Harte et uxorem defendentes in Flivord et aliis. Inter Josephum Cox generosum querentem et Thomam Tyrer Saram Willelmum Hill et Scriven et uxorem defendentes in Elmly et aliis. Inter Edwardum Jeoffreyes armigerum querentem et Franciscum Wilmington armigerum Wood Best et uxorem defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes ct Johannem Collins seniorem generosum et uxorem Josephum Collins Mills defendentes in Kingswood et aliis. Inter Jacobum Spillsbury generosum et alios querentes et Georgium Mason Reade et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Thomam Crumpe et alios querentes et Thomam Ordway et uxorem Johannem Ordway et Williams Warner Turner Barber et uxorem Gifford defendentes in Hampton Parva et aliis. Inter Thomam Gem querentem et Josephum White Burton Shen- stone et uxorem defendentes in Coston Hackett et aliis. Inter Johannem Walker et alios querentes et Robertum Bloomer et Molesworth et uxorem defendentes in Frankley et aliis. Michaelmas | Inter Thomam Wylde armigerum ct ' Term. J alios querentes et Johannem Pratt Johannem Blackmore seniorem Hamond et ■ uxorem Johannem Blackmore juniorem defen- dentes in parochia Sancti Petri et aliis Inter Thomam Skinner querentem et Willelmum ^ . Civitas Smith et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti V \\ 19-ornensis. Petri . . . . - } ° Inter Oliv. Dixon seniorem generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Parkes Fieldhouse Hickon Addenbrooke et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Civitas Wisrornensis. 412 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. ioth. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Johannem George juniorem querentem et Johannam George spinster defendentem in Eckington. Inter Ricardum Tompson et alios querentes et Johannem Tompson juniorem Pearman et Willelmum Tompson et uxorem defen- dentes in Dodderhill. Inter Edmundum Tayler armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Baxter juniorem Willelmum Heming seniorem et uxorem Willelmum Thomam Thomam Heming et Stinton et uxorem defendentes in Welland et aliis. Inter Josiam Bate et alios querentes et Ricardum Attwood Ed- wardum Attwood Gretton et uxorem Robinson defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Coutts querentem et Thomam Cotchett juniorem generosum et uxorem defendentes in Norton Regis. Inter Thomam Sympson generosum et alios querentes et Willelmum Wheeler generosum et Hensey Wilson et uxorem defendentes in Hartlebury et aliis. Inter Henricum Lea querentem et Josephum Serjeant seniorem et uxorem Johannem Serjeant juniorem defendentes in Headly et aliis. Inter Cristinam Lcthicnllier armigerum et alios querentes et Ri- cardum Hopkins mercatorcm Prideaux defendentes in Kings- norton. Inter Georgium Nash querentem et Thomam Nash et uxorem defendentes in Martley. Inter Willelmum Woodward querentem et Johannem Morris gene- rosum et uxorem defendentes in Parshore. Inter Johannem Butler et alios querentes et Willelmum Vaston Gosnell ct uxorem defendentes in Wichenford et aliis. Inter Willelmum Amphlett generosum et alios querentes et Wil- lelmum Hassall Doolittle Smith et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Swithini et aliis. Inter Ham. Mansell querentem ct Thomam Barker generosum et uxorem defendentes in Emloade. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Edwardum Johns Casemoie et uxorem Bcnne't defendentes in OlTenham. IN THE REIGN OE ANNE. 4«3 Year of the Reign. 10th. Michaelmas Term continued. Inter Jeremiam Whitehouse et alios querentes et Johannem Skrymsher Cooke Emberley et uxorem defendentes in Stock Bradley et aliis. Inter Thomam Smyth generosum querentem et Edmundum Edwards seniorem Edmundum Edwards juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Tenbury et aliis. Inter Ricardum Gem querentem et Georgium Smith juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Thomam Tipping et alios querentes et Josiam Dincly defen- dentes in Evesham. Inter Thomam Carpender generosum querentem et Willelmum Bickerton generosum et uxorem defendentes de medietate manerii de Kington et aliis. Hilary "I Inter Johannem Collins querentem et Wil- ' Term. J lclmum Collins et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton et aliis in Comitatu Wigomensi et in Solihull in Comitatu Warwicensi et in Hai borne in Comitatu Staffordensi Inter Willelmum Hemming et alios querentes et Rolandum Berkeley armigcrum Waite Jacobum Wigorn. Warwic. Stafford. Cooksey et uxorem Hest. Georgium Cooksey j Wis lia Sancti Albani et aliis . J Civitas igornensis. defendentes in parochi Inter Johannem Griffiths clericum et alios querentes et Elizabetham Keyte viduam Thomam Cha. Keyte et Gregory Stretch Franklin et uxorem defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Thomam Jones querentem et Jonathanum Oliver et uxorem defendentes in Sucklcy. Inter Humfridum Baylies querentem et Johannem Smith Mar- garetam Ma. Smith defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Henzey et alios querentes et Phillippum Scriven generosum Pardoe et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Ricardum Gregory Edwards Ganderton Hill et uxorem defendentes in Evesham etc. Inter Danielem Shaw et alios querentes et Samuelem Tompson Pitt et uxorem defendentes in Netherton et aliis. 414 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign 1 Inter Ricardum Knotesford querentem et Jo- hannem Cassy Higgins White et uxorem Turner defendentes in Castle Morton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Wodley querentem et Johannem Bray et uxorem defendentes in Chambers et aliis. Inter Johannem Williams querentem et Johannem Smith defen- dentes in Elmly Lovett. Inter Radulphum Pagett et alios querentes et Ma. Meare Eliza- betham Meare et Johannem Godfrey seniorem et uxorem Johannem Godfrey juniorem defendentes in Bentley et aliis. Inter Georgium Pinches querentem et Jacobum Rudge et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Willelmum Godwin et alios querentes et Corn. Bird clericum Hopcott et uxorem Clarke Morton defendentes in Parshore et aliis. Inter Johannem Baker et alios querentes et Willelmum Pritchitt defendentem in Mosely. Inter Thomam Amphlett querentem et Georgium Lench generosum et uxorem defendentes de manerio de Doverdale et aliis. Inter Josephum Cox generosum et alios querentes et Johannem Addenbrooke clericum et uxorem defendentes in Old Swin- ford. Inter Johannem Bourne armigerum et alios querentes et Johannem Aingworth et Hickman Hcape Parkes et uxorem Willelmum Thomam Benjaminum Ricardum Saram Henricum Phe. Aing- worth defendentes in Elmly et aliis. Inter Franciscum Brompton generosum querentem et Willelmum Dowdeswell armigerum defendentem de manerio de Hill Court etc. Inter Carolum Bowles generosum querentem et Griff. Griffiths et uxorem defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Thomam Burlton generosum et Crane et uxorem defendentes in Kid- derminster et aliis. Inter Edvvardum Daniel querentem et Johannem Pidgcon juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Hanburye. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 415 Year of the Keign. 10th. Hilary Term continued. Inter Johannem Raker generosum querentem et Humfridum Pooler et uxorem Henricum Pooler Huthnance Speer Hartwell Parry defendentes in Waresley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cox querentem et Willelmum Hollington Edwards et uxorem defendentes in Feckenham et aliis. Inter Willelmum Smith et alios quercntes et Samuelem Hickmans Cox Dixon Hopkins et uxorem defendentes in Cradley et aliis. Inter Ricardum Cooks querentem et Annam Hawkes viduam Atwood et Parkhouse Caddick Hunt Barnet defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Timotheum Goodwyn clericum et uxorem Anderson defendentes in Dod- derhill et aliis. nth. Easter Term. Inter Johannem Price juniorem querentem et Ri- cardum Cartvvright Ricardum Noakes seniorem et uxorem Willelmum Ricardum Noakes Baron Grove Lingham Kinnard et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Jacobum Drew et alios querentes et Franciscum Blythe armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Jolliffe armigerum querentem et Thomam Horne- blower Benjaminum Johannem Horneblower defendentes in Coston Hackett. Inter Robertum Cookes et alios querentes et Ricardum Gyles et uxorem Ma. Gyles et Grove Walker Jeukes et uxorem defen- dentes in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Johannem Jephcott et alios querentes et Willelmum Greene Payton et uxorem Thomam Payton defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Willelmum Cookes et alios querentes et Ma. Holbech Bradcney Gibbs Jevon Dyson et uxorem defendentes in Northfeild et aliis. Inter Allen Brecknell et alios querentes et Willelmum Mountfort Thorp et uxorem Tayler defendentes in Kidderminster et aliis. 4 l6 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Keign. . . . ) Inter Ricardum Vernon clencum et alios querentes et Ricardum Nutt Penrice et uxorem defendentes in Arely Regis et aliis. Inter Johannem Winwood seniorem et alios querentes et Carolum Everton Harper Bate et uxorem Chamberlin defendentes in Kidderminster. Inter Ricardum Dunn juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Dunn Cowcher Spilsbury et uxorem Adam Abel Cooke defen- dentes in Upton et aliis. Inter Johannem Dovey generosum querentem et Benjaminum Crowley et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Egidium Blower et alios querentes et Ricardum Dunn seni- orem et uxorem Ricardum Dunn juniorem et Dighton Rea Bound et uxorem defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. Inter Johannem Sanders generosum querentem et Georgium Kemp- ston generosum et uxorem defendentes in Moseley. Inter Josephum Cox et alios querentes et Edwardum Butler juni- orem Johannem Butler et Cox et uxorem defendentes in Dunley etc. Inter Thomam Gisborne juniorem et alios querentes et Luc. Dolphin Roper et uxorem defendentes in Yardley. Inter Annam Bromley viduam et alios querentes et Johannem Gorle Elsemore et uxorem defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Thomam Lamb seniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Addenbrooke clericum Hinton et uxorem Nash defendentes in Great Acton et aliis. Gloucestr. Wieom. Trinity "1 Inter Johannem Bearcroft generosum que- Term. J rentem et Thomam Chetle armigerum Johannem Chetle defendentes in Dearhurst et aliis in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Hanbury ct aliis in Comitatu VVigornensi Inter Franciscum Mould juniorem querentem et Ja- ] J . Civitas mKiim P:n-1.-r> pr nvnrpm rlcfpnrlfMi trs in D,l- V cobum Parke et uxorem defendentes in pa rochia Sancti Martini I Wigornensis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 417 Year of the Reign. tlth. Trinity Term continued. Inter Johannem Gorton et alios querentes et Johannem Pearsall seniorem Josephum Pear- sail Shord Seager Simcox Stockall et uxorem defendentes in Dudley et aliis. Inter Johannem Baylis et alios querentes et Willelmum Grove et uxorem defendentes in Aldington. Inter Willelmum Reddle querentem et Johannem Fitter seniorem et uxorem Johannem Fitter juniorem defendentes in Kings- norton. Inter Humfridum Lowe et alios querentes et Willelmum Butler Broadhurst et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Thomam White et alios querentes et Willelmum Hicks et uxorem defendentes in Birchmorton et aliis. Inter Thomam Crosse generosum querentem et Henricum Curtis Willelmum Curtis defendentes in Alderminster. Inter Willelmum Anthoines alias Fitzer et alios querentes et Wal- terum Dickins Bayley et uxorem defendentes in Areley Regis. Inter Humfridum Hodgetts armigerum querentem et Henricum Cooke et uxorem defendentes in Bradley. Inter Benjaminum Jolliffe armigerum querentem et Ma. Holbech viduam Bradney Gibbs Jevon et Dyson et uxorem defendentes in Coston Hackett. Inter Willelmum Guise armigerum querentem et Matheum Morris et uxorem defendentes in Staunton. Inter Johannem Soley armigerum et alios querentes et Adam Hill et uxorem Willelmum Hill defendentes in Rock et aliis. Inter Mart. Ballard generosum et alios querentes et Humfridum Deakins et Woodward et uxorem defendentes in Bengworth et aliis. Inter Humfridum Lowe et alios querentes et Jacobum Arden et uxorem defendentes in Norton Regis. Inter Willelmum Chetle et alios querentes et Johannem Cookes Skrymshire et uxorem defendentes in Tardebig et aliis. Inter Willelmum Berkeley generosum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Guest Woodward et uxorem defendentes in Wick juxta Parshore etc. E e 41 8 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. (Inter Thomam Rose et alios querentes et Robertum Kimberley Wright Raynolds et uxorem defendentes in Burnford et aliis. . Inter Willelmum Jones et alios querentes et Johannem Michaelmas Pitt et uxorem Johannem Jones seniorem Johannem Term. Arthurum Elianoram Jones Bibb defendentes in ' Kidderminster. Inter Michaelem Cartwright et alios querentes et Bonner Soley Wirledg et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Josephum Cox generosum querentem et Johannem Price juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Thomam Perkes querentem et Samuelem Kettle Bellamy et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Josephum Heyncs et alios querentes et Carolum Stocke seniorem et uxorem Carolum Stocke juniorem Willelmum Edden et Willelmum Edden et uxorem defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Inter Benjaminum Mence querentem et Johannem Cassy et uxorem defendentes in Castlemorton. Inter Ricardum Chellingworth generosum querentem et Willelmum Bookey generosum et Tompson et uxorem defendentes in Dodderhill. Inter Thomam Estopp et alios querentes et Johannem Crane defen- dentes in Hightington. Inter Johannem Wilkes et alios querentes et Danielem Edwards Eginton et uxorem defendentes in Eddingley et aliis. Inter Ambrosium Crowly et alios querentes et Willelmum Dun seniorem et uxorem Willelmum Dun et Johannem Benjaminum Tyzack et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge et aliis. Inter Franciscum Beaufoy et alios querentes et Nicholaum Feild generosum Bradley et uxorem defendentes in Broadway et aliis. Inter Edwardum Astley clericum et alios querentes et Talb. Harris generosum Philpot et uxorem Harris defendentes in Fladbury et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 419 Year of the Keign. Inter Rolandum Bartlett armitierum et alios 1 1 th. Michaelmas Term continued. querentes et Ricardum Cartwright Wagstaffe et uxorem Teynton defendentes in Castle- morton etc. Inter Johannem Taylor et alios querentes et Johannem Horn- blower Ruth Johannem Bury defendentes in Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Timotheum Clare querentem et Fre. Kempsall et Taylor et uxorem Winbery defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis. Inter Antonium Lechmere armigerum et alios querentes et Jo- hannem Cary Thomam Powtris seniorem et uxorem Thomam Powtris Willelmum Dugmore seniorem Willelmum Dugmore et Deatheridge et uxorem defendentes in Longdon et aliis. Hilary "j Inter Johannem Hackett querentem et "ltas e M ^- ■ Civita: in V I Wigornensis. Term. J Margaretam Jones viduam defendentes in parochia Sancti Petri Inter Johannem Dolphin et alios querentes et Thomam Symmons Johannem Symmons Raban et uxorem defendentes in Yaidley et aliis. Inter Phillippum Orton querentem et Edwardum Finch Bate Parkes et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Ricardum Gem et alios querentes et Robertum Sitch et Yeats Stone Brace et uxorem defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Josephum Fox querentem et Johannem Ballamy et uxorem defendentes in Kingsnorton. Inter Thomam Berkeley armigerum et alios querentes et Willelmum Carpenter et uxorem defendentes in Holloway et aliis. Inter Jacobum Compson querentem et Ricardum Vernon seniorem generosum Ricardum Vernon defendentes in Dodderhill et aliis. Inter Johannem Bullein querentem et Edwardum Saunders et uxorem Willelmum Saunders defendentes in Hampton Magna et aliis. Inter Thomam Strangwayes seniorem armigerum et alios querentes et Joshuam Lloyd et uxorem defendentes in Strensham et aliis. 4^0 INDEX TO THE FINES Year (if the Reign. -1 Inter Moreton Slaney generosum querentem ct nth. Hilary Term „ .. „ . , , ' V Thomam Baylies Serjeant et uxorem delen- continued. , . _,. , ., J dentcs in Stourbridge. Inter Johannem Mesey armigerum et alios querentes et Sares Boylstone clericum et Harrison et uxorem defendentes in Mamble et aliis. Inter Johannem Dangerfield et alios querentes et Ricardum Corbett Watkins et uxorem defendentes in Bedwardine et aliis. Inter Humfridum Lowe armigerum querentem et Willelmum Butler et uxorem defendentes in Bromsgrove. Inter Johannem Baker et alios querentes et Edwardum Hewzey seniorem et uxorem Pritchett et uxorem Smart defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. Inter Ricardum Baker et alios querentes et Benjaminum Sparrey armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Johannem Ellins juniorem et alios querentes et Johannem Cotterell Perkes Mansell Bird et uxorem defendentes in Morton Abbotts et aliis. Inter Thomam Amphlctt et alios querentes et Laurenciam Nash Hill et uxorem defendentes in Rushoake et aliis. Inter Armaelem Greene generosum querentem et Susannam Nash viduam Johannem Nash defendentes in Hartley. " Inter Henricum Smith et alios querentes et Saram 1 2th. Easter Hands viduam Willelmum Hands et Thomam Term. Hands Banbury et uxorem defendentes in New- bold et aliis. Inter Johannem Reeve generosum et alios querentes et Walterum Crane Yarranton ct uxorem defendentes in Kempsey et aliis. Inter North. Foley armigerum et alios querentes et Samuelem Foley armigerum et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge ct aliis. Inter Ricardum Williams et alios querentes et Willelmum Brcttell generosum Anthoins alias Fitzer ct uxorem defendentes in Dunley et aliis. Inter Edmundum Skinner querentem ct Willelmum Washbourne armigerum ct uxorem defendentes de mancrio de Whichingford et aliis. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 42 1 Year of the Reign. _ ^1 Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum qucrentcm 12th. Easter Term I „. , T _ „ , , f et Kicardum Ilolkum et uxorem defen- continued. I , . TT J dentes in Hanbury. Inter Gcorgium Sanders et alios querentcs et Samuelcm Lowe Denston et uxorem defendentes in Rushock et aliis. Inter Ricardum Vernon clericum querentem et Johannem Crane Estop et Crosse et uxorem defendentes in Arely Regis. Inter Johannem Price seniorem querentem et Johannem Bruton alias Burton Nott et uxorem Bond defendentes in Riple et aliis. Inter Johannem Baylis et alios querentes et Franciscum Rogers et uxorem defendentes in Walcott et aliis. Inter Chambers Slaughter et alios querentes et Ricardum Nott Drought et uxorem defendentes in Malvern et aliis. Inter Johannem Roberts et alios querentes et Jacobum Meyrick Broadstock Rolandum Jacobum Broadstock Symons et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Doro. Hanford viduam et alios querentes et Carolum Somer- sett armigerum Woodward et uxorem defendentes in Kidder- minster et aliis. Inter Johannem Blakeway querentem et Johannem Fownes Sanders et uxorem defendentes in Chaddisley Corbett. Inter Urban Beachfeild generosum querentem et Henricum Nott generosum Heming Beale et uxorem Butler defendentes in Castlemorton et aliis.. Inter Johannem Prichard generosum querentem et Johannem Cassy generosum Hunt Shraley et uxorem defendentes in Castle- morton et aliis. Trinity \ Inter Michaelem Wyatt etc. querentes et -, . Civitss Term. I Rolandum Berkeley armigerum et uxorem J- I Wicornensis defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree etc. . ' Inter Johannem Foley querentem et Thomam Cox Greswold et uxorem defendentes in Sturbridge et aliis. Inter Josephum Ford et alios querentes et Jacobum Kettle Jo- hannem Kettle et Cheston Kettle Robye Tayler Brace Hortell et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove et aliis. 4 22 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign 1 2th. Trinity Term continued. Inter Elizabetham Stanley viduam et alios quercntcs et Samuclem Windle et Elvins Haywood Steward et uxorem defendentes in Cladsall et aliis. Inter Thomam Savage armigerum et alios querentes et Jocos. Fort Franciscum Fort et Goodale Fisher et uxorem defendentes in Elmely Castle et aliis. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Georgium Gardner armigerum et Thomam Cave seniorem et uxorem defendentes in Evesham etc. Inter Johannem Wright juniorem querentem et Jacobum Boucher et uxorem defendentes in Fockbury et aliis. Inter Thomam Steward et alios querentes et Jacobum Moore et uxorem Nevvnam defendentes in Alvechurch et aliis. Inter Thomam Palmer generosum et alios querentes et Ma. Holbech viduam Bradeney Gibbs Jevon et Dyson et uxorem Samuelem Thomam Strefford defendentes in Northfeild. Inter Elizabetham Cooper viduam et alios querentes et Walterum Hall Walford et uxorem Bagne defendentes in Mitton Inferiori et aliis. Inter Ricardum Smyth juniorem querentem et Edmundum Ed- wards et uxorem defendentes in Tenbury. Inter Willelmum Church generosum querentem et Elizabetham Morris viduam Elen. Morris defendentes in Hanley Castle. Inter Willelmum Howman querentem et Walterum Hyde juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Fladbury. Inter Franciscum Wilmington armigerum querentem et Johannem Lampest Hathaway et uxorem Uickins defendentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Davis querentem et Johannem Wing et uxorem defendentes in Emloade. Inter Johannem Pearkcs querentem et Ma. Holbech viduam Bradeney Gibbs Jevon et Dyson et uxorem Samuelem Thomam Strctford defendentes in Kingsnorton. 'fa- 12th. Michaelmas ~) Inter Carolum Hopkins et alios ' Term. J querentes et Georgium Horni- blow et Luddington et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Nicholai Civitas Wigornensis. 1 2th. Michaelmas Term continued. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 4-3 Year of the Reign. Inter Josephum Smith et alios querentes et Johannem Ashmore Hollington Pidgeon Taylor et uxorem defendentes in Fockburye et aliis. Inter Johannem Collins querentem et Johannem Eyles et uxorem defendentes in Martley. Inter Johannem Cherhill et alios querentes et Antonium Dobridge et uxorem defendentes in Chadwich et parochia Bromsgrove. Inter Henricum Wood generosum querentem et Johannem Guise Baronettum et uxorem defendentes in Lower Mitton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Dyde querentem et Willelmum Harris defendentes in Dracott et aliis. Inter Thomam Vernon armigerum querentem et Johannem Dipple generosum et uxorem Johannem Elianoram Richards defen- dentes in Hanbury et aliis. Inter Johannem Dovey generosum querentem et Greg. Hickman et Addenbrooke et uxorem defendentes in Old Swinford. Inter Johannem Rickards et alios querentes et Willelmum Terrett generosum et uxorem defendentes in Clasely. Inter Stephanum Wood et alios querentes et Annam Evans viduam Hay Morton et Addenbrooke et uxorem defendentes in Ab- burley et aliis. ! Inter Rutter Horniblow et alios querentes et Johannem Wheeler Mihvard et uxorem Adams Ma. Bluck et Georgium Bluck et uxorem defendentes in Offenham et aliis. Inter Johannem Charles et alios querentes et Willelmum Such Joan. Such defendentes in Newbold. Inter Willelmum Walker et alios querentes et Hest. Greg viduam et Collett Booker Browne et uxorem defendentes in Bretforton et aliis. Inter Johannem Wilkes et alios querentes et Danielem Edwards et uxorem Greene defendentes in Oddingley et aliis. Inter Gama. Yeats querentem et Willelmum Carter et Harman Phips et uxorem defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam et aliis. 424 INDEX TO THE FINES Year of the Reign. -\ Inter Eras. Sanders Doctorcm querentem et I2tl). Hilary Term „. , ~ t,, , . „ . 3 V Ricardum Gregory Edwards et uxorem de- continued. r . • T-. <... t r- ; fendcntes in Dracott et alns. Inter Thomam Badger et alios querentes et Georgium Ginks Henricum Mason et uxorem Harris defendentes in Peopleton et aliis. Inter Willelmum Baylyes querentem et Thomam Brace et uxorem defendentes in VVolvcrley. Inter Robertum Stevens et alios querentes et Thomam Cubberly Phillis et uxorem Johannem Price seniorem Johannem Price juniorem et uxorem defendentes in Birlingham et aliis. Inter Georgium Bradley et alios querentes et Ricardum Leather et uxorem Jacobum Leather et Greaves et uxorem defendentes in Dudley Forren et aliis. Inter Johannem Hayes querentem et Thomam Fowler et uxorem Willelmum Fowler Green defendentes in Yardley et aliis. Inter Robertum Vernon clericum querentem et Johannem Tillam et Johannem Ricardum Ward et uxorem Saram Ward defen- dentes in Martley. Gloucestr. Wigorn. 13th. Easter "j Inter Willelmum Banbury genero- ' Term. J sum querentem et Johannem Wilson et uxorem defendentes in Chipping Campden in Comitatu Gloucestriensi et in Northrield in Comitatu Wigornensi Inter Saram Hill et alios querentes et Willelmum Lane Prosser et uxorem Thomam Elizabethan! Lane Ricardum Thomam Goateman defendentes in Powick et aliis. Inter Willelmum Holyoake generosum querentem et Edwardum Venor et Thomam Venor et uxorem Payton defendentes in Ulborow. Inter Robertum Moore generosum querentem et Thomam Rooke generosum defendentes in Stanton. Inter Thomam Steward generosum et alios querentes et An nam Walker viduam Johannem Walker et Johannem Lowe seni- orem Johannem Lowe et uxorem defendentes in Kidder- minster. IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. 425 Year of the Reign. (Inter Edwardum Pillett generosum et alios querentcs et Foulke Estopp generosum Bris- coe et uxorem Humfridum Johannem Southall defendcntes in Over Mitton et aliis. Inter Johannem Westwood et alios querentes et Ferd. Everton Cox et uxorem Stinton dcfendentes in Droitwich et aliis. Inter Georgium Wingfeild generosum querentem et Abel Attwood generosum et uxorem defendcntes in Woolvcrley. Inter Willelmum Holioake generosum querentem et Henricum Hunt armigerum et uxorem Thomam Hunt defendentes in Lindsey. Inter Johannem Walker et alios querentes et Thomam Dipple et Norris et uxorem defendentes in Stoke Prior et aliis. Inter Henricum Dowler et alios querentes et Johannem Badger Cookes et uxorem defendentes in Chailwich et aliis. Inter Johannem Spilsbury generosum querentem et Josephum Bach et uxorem Cole defendentes in parochia de Bromsgrove et aliis. Inter Thomam Archer generosum et alios querentes et Thomam Lini;ham Baylis Hurst et uxorem defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Johannem Price seniorem querentem et Egidium Blower et uxorem Huntly defendentes in Upton super Sabrinam. Inter Coningesby Norbury armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Norbury juniorem generosum et uxorem defendentes in North Piddle. Inter Thomam Astbuiy juniorem querentem et Johannem Price juniorem et uxorem Johannem Price Attwood Lye defendentes in Hanley Castle. Trinity ] Inter Johannem Carsane generosum que-] Term. J rentem et Jacobum Betham et uxorem I , r ,.. i-c-<.-aj Wicrornensis. detendentes in parochia Sancti Andree . I Inter Benjaminum Jolliffe armigerum et alios querentes et Saram Porter Josephum Henricum Porter et Collins et uxorem defen- dentes de nianerio de Gannoe et aliis. Inter Willelmum WJker et alios querentes et Ricardum Youii"-e Smith et uxorem defendentes in Offcnham et aliis. Ff 426 INDEX TO THE FINES IN THE REIGN OF ANNE. Year of the Keign. 1 Inter Casp. Fred. Heming armigerum et alios querentes et Ricardum Greaves ar- migerum et uxorem defendentes in Church Honyborne. Inter Willelmum Somerscales querentem et Robertum Such et uxorem defendentes in Nevvbold et aliis. Inter Georgium Pinches et alios querentes et Johannem Haughton Dewce et uxorem Gill defendentes in Churchill et aliis. Inter Johannem Cookes generosum querentem et Phine. Dabtott generosum et uxorem defendentes in Bently et aliis. Inter Ricardum Walker et alios querentes et Josephum Pearce Parsons et Beaufoy Ramell et uxorem defendentes in Evesham et aliis. Inter Elizabetham Seaborne spinster querentem et Thomam Harris et Walterum Harris et uxorem defendentes in Shrawley. Inter Johannem Hancox et alios querentes et Ricardum Baker et uxorem defendentes in Stourbridge. Inter Caleb Tilt et alios querentes et Johannem Shaw et uxorem defendentes in Dudley. Inter Thomam Cookes querentem et Willelmum Biggs et uxorem defendentes in Bromesgrove. Inter Johannem Dean clericum querentem et Johannem Ingles et uxorem defendentes in Blockley et aliis. Inter Willelmum Wheeler et alios querentes et Samuelem Low- bridge defendentes in Ru^hock. Inter Isaa. Averill querentem et Willelmum Billy et uxorem defen- dentes in Broadway. Inter Johannem Pope generosum et alios querentes et Samuelem Swift armigerum Jacobum Swift defendentes in Astwood et aliis. Inter Thomam Haselwood militem querentem et Andreum Allen et uxorem defendentes in parochia Sancti Andree et aliis. AN I NDEX TO WORCESTERSHIRE FINES, 1649— 1714. INDEX OF PERSONS AND PLACES. Names occurring more than once in a page, whether as names of persons or of places, are indexed only once. Evident misspellings are indexed as rightly spelled. N.imes nearly certainly referring to the same fami.y or place are grouped together. In cases where there is more doubt, and in some other instances, the spelling is given in the Index as it occurs in the text. Clent, July, 1897. J. A. Alie, Alye, II, 25, 47, 60, 69. 76, 235, 249, 2S8, 299, 3'6, 347 All Saints, 123, 193 All Saints, Worcester, 32, 50, 80, 91, 93, 100, 104, in, 113, 117, 122, 143, 147, 158, 102, 172, 181, 183, 189, 203, 214, 216, 220, 234, 248, 254, 267, 279, 2S2, 286, 306, 314, 32S. 326, 328, 33°. 334. 33<>, 338. 34°. 3°8, 37°. 380, 393. 397. 4°i. 4°6 All .souls, 7 All Souls, Evesham, 8 All Souls, Worcester, 5, 130 Allanson, 127, 207 Allard, II, 338 Allat, 361 Allebone, 119 Allen, 9, 18, 41, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 68, 75,84, 97, ico, 110, 113, 123, 128, 129, 151, 155, 163, 169, 180, 182, 191, 193, 194, 200, 229, 238, 249, 275, 305, 311, 312, 319, 326, 330, 336, 346. 347. 355, 359. 374. 39'. 39". 426 Allesboruugh, 300 Alle.-dey, 23 Allotiey, 235 Alleyne, 271 Allstone, 259 Alnut, 312 Alport, 40 Alsoe, 384 Abberley, 49, 144, 277. 356, 379. 423 Abuerton, 316, 341 Abbot, 8, 205 Abbots, 365 Abbott's Morton, 70, 96, 135, 207, 212, 259, 270, 276, 310, 324, 3 6 &. 375. 392 Abell, 375, 416 Abinglon, 21, 200, 269 Abraham, 177, 324 Acock, 29, 85, 219, 284. 317 Acton, 7, 51, 62, 73, 90, 103, 124, 125, 226, 22S, 318, 336, 362, 406 Acton Beauchamp, 2, 105, 108, 119, 134, 166, 239, 260 Acton, Great, 416 Adam, 416 Adams, 5, 20, 52, 78, 94. 99. 127. 139, 149, 171, 174, 179, 193, 227, 302, 333, 340, 3S4, 402 Adcock, 398 Addenbrook, 29, 56, 76, 189. 352, 383. 4», 416, 423 Adderbuiy, 72 Adderley, 158, 231 Addcsbury, 126 Addis, Addyes, Addys, S. 31, 4°. 43. 45. 49 85, 91, "03, 1 18, 140, 211, 184, 229, 263, 270, 287, 292, 304, 319, 325. 333. 394 Adey, 207, 31 1 Adney, 102, 250 84, Agberrow, 55, 132, 169, 187, 247. 214, 275, 289, 314, 321, 3>2, 332, 381, 4°I Ainge, 2S3, 286, 355 Aingworth, 414 Ainsworth, 264 Alban, 381 281, Albert, 324 Albott, 140, 144 77, Albut, 215, 262 169, Alcock, 115, 347 361, Alcocks. 302 Aldermarston, 14, 43, 121, 87, 222, 242, 384 163, Alderminster, 10, 167, 206, 249, 2S1, 335, 369, 385, 419 Alderne, 7, 14, 30, 43, '.', 88, 138, 241, 317, 328 160, Aldersfield, 183 2'7, Aldeiton, 63, 194 37', Aldington, 10, 27, 143, 300, 348, 378, 417 Alesbury, 168 «99, in, Alexandt-r, 132, 203 4'4> Alford, 53, 229, 242, 3*3, 368 268, Alfrick, 3, 7, 20, 21, 38, 51, 62, 63, 108, no, 114, 128, 142, 147, >5S. 170, 185, &c, 199, 212, 223, 232, 235, ,83, 250, 260, 290, 293, 3'9, '72, 320, 324, 340, 343, 357 428 AN INDEX TO Alston, 21, 54, 109, 139, 233, 251, 217, 333, 339, 356. 362, 400 Alvechurch, 9, 16, 21, 29, 47, 53- 77, 79, S2, 87, 94, 99, 103, 105, 127, 12S, 138, 139, 146, 154, 164, 166, 179, 1S0, 1S2, 1S4, 1S7, 203, 21S, 232. 233, 247, 249, 254, 255, 262, 285, 29S, 306, 322, 332, 335. 344, 357, 374, 378, 3S2, 3S4. 394, 395, 399, 40S, 419, 422 Alveley, 305 Alve r cott, 222 Alvington, 244, 348 Amhlecote, 65, 143, 171, 175, 185, 187, 251 Ambler, 135, 174 Ambrose, 123 Ameswonh, 186, 260, 263, 337 Amphlett, 21, 32, 171, 191, 205, 223, 228, 231, 279, 285, 302, 307, 309, 310, 312, 316, 317, 330, 355, 374, 37 6 > 377, 379. 39', 392, 394, 403. 4'2, 4'4. 420 Anderson, 251, 287 Andrews, Audioes, 40, 43, 44, 57. 58, 6S, 69, 98, 99, '34. 182, 202, 203, 252, 258, 259, 321, 336, 342, 343. 345. 3 6o > 379. 383. 393. 400, 405. 409 Anchor, 37 Angell, 198, 205, 340, 361 Amies, 195 Ansell, 200, 2S5, 387 Anster, 203 Amli<h\vood, 92 Asknill, 5 Aspley, 196 Astbury, 425 Astley, 3, 6, 9, 10, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 38, 45, 51, 57, 58, 67, 08, 7L76, 77, 88, 8;, 92, 100, 112, 122, 123, 141, 145, !53> 157. 166, 171, 173, 177. 181, 190, 194, 197. 200, 207, 216, 217, 218, 227, 233. 235. 239, 24'. 244, 254, 257, 258, 260, 272, 273, 279, 280, 294, 295, 296, 308, 310, 312, 313, 316, 331, 332, 333, 341, 349. 352, 355. 358, 3°i, 3^3. 376, 392, 395. 397. 398, 399. 4°2, 406, 4°7, 418 Asiley Wood, 202 Aston, 20, 24, 38, 48, 66, 90, 105, 125, 164, 196, 223, 238, 245, 250, 275, 360, 30S, 392, 399, 400 Aston Bruely, 243, 391 Aston Ipiscopi, 13 Asion, Great, 47, 77, 105, 1 14. 133, 192, 206, 298 Aston, Hanging, 316, 360 Aslon, Lower, 397 Asl in, White Ladies, 12, 332. 393 Astmore, 3S0 Astrey, 81, 362 Astwood, 8, 74, 76, 85, 141, 204. 251, 2S6, 355, 377. ;S I, 426 Aswyn, 282 A fo d, 297 Attesbury, 332 Attingham, 36 Attkinson, 257 Atwell, 274 Atwood, 26, 63. 66, 70, 87, 104. 114, 120, 158, 182, 224, 225, 229, 253, 259, 263, 269, 273, 290, 312, 322, 328, 332, 336, 350, 378, 382, 401, 405, 412, 415,425 Audley, 271 Austcl'irT, 150, 165, 319, 394 Austen, Austin, 24, 32, 171, 172, 180, 281, 317, 337, 347. 401 Avenant, 4, II, 53, 84, 197, 223, 230, 265, 286, 307, 326 Avenbury, 58 Averill, 182. 246 Awbrey, 299 Awkeridge, 317 Axton, 86 Ayles, 175 Aylesbury, 404 Aylworth, 125 Avnsworth, 25, 47, 378, 380 Ay res, 151, 227, 238, 259, 314 Ayscombe, 256 Baber, 151 Bach, Bache, 9, 15, 23, 24, 47. 56, 69. 75. 78. 81,85, 95, 105, 107, 143, 149, 161, 178, 208, 214, 233, 244, 245, 272, 295, 302, 3°5. 396. 425 Bachelor, see Batchelor Bacon, 15, 65, 116, 146, 211, 392, 398 Baddeley, 395 Badger, 86, 101, 130, 131, 156, 162, 173, 184, 214, 219, 221, 259, 271, 293, 348, 424, 425 Badgeworth, 309 Bidhani, 38, 303 Badsey, 4, 26, 27, 37, 41, 97. 112, »33. 136, '78, 181, 193, 196. 203, 205, 229, 238, 240, 246, 258, 312, 345. 346 Bagge, 35 B.ig^olt, Bagot, &c, 21,32, 4', 97. '43. '5 8 . 209, 236, 264, 266, 306, 325, Bagley, 71, 118, 124, 164, 194, 234, 2S4, 300 Bagnall, 52. 119, 135, 160, 162, 172, 175. "83. '94. 223, 229, 249, 251, 262, 2;S, 320. 340. 4° 6 Bagne, Bague, 335, 347, 37i. 422 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 429 Bagshaw, 155, 189, 194, 299, 329, 33i. 357. 395 Bailey, &c. , see Bayley Baker, I, 4, 14, 17, 22, 24, 29. 33, 59. 63. 72, 74, 76, 83. 87, 89, 90, 93, 95, 109, in, 116, 119, 121, 133, 143. »47. «5°> "59. '61, 163, 164, 174, 203, 205, 217, 223, 229, 232, 234, 239. 245, 248, 250, 254, 255, 262, 272, 280, 281, 2S3, 297, 298, 300, 301, 3°5. 3o8, 313, 328, 335, 338, 343. 348, 352. 355- 363. 371. 377, 386, 388, 389. 393. 397. 398, 399. 401, 407, 414, 415, 420, 426 Balam, 7 Balchin, 2S9 Baldenhall, 113, 160, 293 Baldry, 305 Baldwin, Bildwyn, &c, io, H. 24. 34. 36. 45. 48, 55. 60, 76, 79, 88, 91, 94, 97, 99, 107, 109, 113, 116, i'7. 129, '37. '4'. 143: 146, 155, 160, 162, 167, 171, 174, 175. 1 86, 193, 207, 225, 230, 233, 235, 243. 251, 258, 263, 274, 291, 292, 295, 303, 335, 356, 362, 36S, 373, 394 Bahes, 1S7 Ball, 50, 55, 148, 234, 253, 268, 357, 377 Ballard, 20, 22, 28, 34, 56, 59, 93, 98, 103, in, 151, 202, 247, 270, 276, 320, 365.368,374.377,387,417 Ballon, 91 Banaster, Banister, 309, 367 Banbury, 2, 53, 154, 420, 424 Banner, 4, 105, 409 Barber, 37, 298, 312, 359, 411 Barborne, 60, 134, 172,223, 335. 395 Barker, 9, 23, 26. 29, 32, 43. 48, 59. 60, 64, 95, 98, 201, 238, 290, 309, 342, 348, 352, 37'. 390, 412 Barler, 388 Barnaby, Barneby, 7, 23, 37, 45, 69, 73, 100, 148, 151, 176, 249, 261, 265, 275, 256, 368 Barnard, 60, 195, 210, 211, 237 Barnes, 3, 13, 24, 66, 117, 129, 130, 139, 155, 170, 193, 194, 199, 218, 220, 260, 264, 291, 313, 315, 346, 353. 357. 358. 379. 382 Barnsley, 39, 67, 282, 315, 320 Barnett, 199, 204, 272, 384, 415 Barney, 55, 373 Barnt, 103 Baron, Barron, 13, 173, 178, •85. 3°3. 358, 394, 4'5 Barr, 108 Barr, Great, 35 Barrar, 1S7 Barrett, 6, 26, 60, 63, 72, 80, 123, 163, 226, 278 Barrow, 6, 23, 30, ^< 75, 102, 309 Barston, 39, 253, 332, 368, 391, 4'° Bartlam, 219 Bartlett, 73, 97, 98, 226, 331. 340, 343. 345. 351. 395. 419 Bart ley, 74 Barton, 103, 179, 213, 316, 338, 369, 389 Bashford, 193 Basker, 4S Baskerville, 23, 86, 291, 403 Bason, 105 B.i^twood, 45, 59 Batchelur, &c, 10, 99, 186, 202, 275, 280, 294, 316, 352, 36S Bate, 24, 139, 165, 166, 230, 259, 288, 290, 310, 312, 326, 331, 346, 351, 355. 391. 395. 396, 4°3. 412, 416, 419 Bateman, 62 Bath, 122, 144, 163 Bathurst, 400 Batman, 267 Battenhall, 320 Battlefield, 336 Batton, 266 Batty, 229, 238, 256 Baugh, 9, 25, 59, 67, 88, 94, no, 126, 132, 148, ■53. 159. 166, 189, 215, 217, 218, 231, 255, 2S9, 354. 360, 387. 399 Baugham, 200, 310 Baughan, 70 Baughton, 193, 237, 266, 300 Bave, 44 Baxter, 17, 25, 27, 29, 71, 158, 182, 189, 265, 273, 2S1, 2S9, 308, 310, 300, 402, 412 Bayes, 392, 397 Bayles, Baylies, Baylis, &c, 16, 24, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 73. 83, 87, 92, 105, 112, 127. 129, 139, 153, '61, 170, 178, 189, 215, 219, 234, 236, 249, 250, 259, 264, 205, 266, 268, 287, 288, 29S, 301, 309, 318, 321, 324, 333, 334, 335, 338, 339. 343- 345. 349, 353. 373. 376, 378, 381, 3S2, 39°. 391. 394, 4°3. 413, 417, 420, 421, 424, 425 Bayley, B.tylie, Bayly, &c, 49, 142, 200, 203, 216, 227, 239, 241, 290, 324, 333. 397, 417 Baylies, 310 Baynham, 48, 100 Bayton, 74, 86, 221, 230, 3°8, 33L 360, 362, 385, 400 Beachfield, 151, 421 Beacon, 167 Beake, 299 Beale, 1, 28, 39, 52, 57, 95, 102, 113, 114, 125, 146, 151, 179, 199, 204, 208, 216, 217, 251, 262, 278, 311, 322, 3n, 335, 337, 341, 345. 35'. 356, 3»'. 394, 396, 403, 421 Beanres 25 Beanall, 354 Be;ine, 362, 406 Beanes, 142, 222 Bearcroft, 7, 40, 45, 56, 57, 78,85, 140, 142, 150, 155, 157, 220. 221, 223, 224, 227, 231, 274, 2S6, 288, 296, 320, 330, 344, 350, 359. 399. 404. 4'6 Beaid, 1S2, 267, 2S2, 309, 325 Benrdmore, 306 Beardsley, 317 Bearne, 162 Beate, 23 Beauchamp, 121, 125 Beaufoy, 418, 426 Bebb, 334 Bebbs, 19S, 2S7. 304 Beck, 9, 43, 46, 127, 205, 270 Beckington, 31 Bedcote, 24, 26, 130, 137 Beddoes. 71 Bedford, 68, 190, 224, 377 Bedfordshire, 37, 56, 104 Bedwardine, 20, 41, 46, 51, 59, 88, 97, 156, 163, 184, 205, 228, 230, 235, 236, 249, 297, 30°. 3°5. 3 '2, 3'4, 348, 355, 420 Bedwardine, St. John, 3S6, 3S8 Beere, 302 Beestun, 32 Beetonson. 296 Beffmd, 320 Belasyse, 353 Belbioughton, 14, 15, 30, 34, 35, 48, 7°, 76, 85, 86, 87, ioi, 130, 137, 165, 43° AN INDEX TO '73. 195. 24°. 265, 2 9'. 296, 299, 316, 325, 334, 337. 340, 343. 35°. 3°5> 375. 392 Belcher, 303, 390 Beldin, 263 Bell, 15. 59. 94. I°2. «44. 168, 200, 203, 222, 238, 267, 3'3. 337. 356, 360, 371, 381 Bellamont, Earl of, 308, 375 Bellamy, 1 18, 250, 356, 382, 409, 418, 419 Bellarmy, 62, 66, 100, 137, 208, 220, 223, 270, 350, 404 Bellars, Bellers, 170, 193, 196, 338 Bellelt, Bellitt, 320, 338, 380 Bellington, 136 Belson, 36, 271, 349 Bemannys, 113 Bemevvoith, 196 Bengewoith, 66, Si, 107, 138, 144, 167. 192. 196. 197, 216, 229, 231, 238, 246, 255, 256, 260, 267, 27'. 3°'. 3 '4. 35°. 364. 4°3. 4' 7 Benjamins, 118, 123, 128 Bennett, 29, 35, 37, 83, 91, 95, IO9, 112, 115, 130, 136, 163, 204, 210, 231, 205, 280, 283, 307, 318, 336. 343^ 355. 35°. 385. 357, 400, 401, 403 405, 412 Benson, 4, 321 Benthall, 9. 132, 151 Bentley, I, 79, 92, IOI, 119, 133, 140, 142, 154, 160, 217, 222, 232, 250, 268, 299. 3 2 4. 325. 369. 379. 414, 426 Bentley, Lower, 249 Bentley Pauncefote, 316, 388 B.-nl ley Upper, 137 Benton, 30, 155, 271, 347, 377. 384 Bents, 409 Benyon, 93 Beoley, 17. 24, 39, 46, 83, 102, 139, 168, 179, 192, 196, 281, 295, 313, 356, 373. 392 Beotley. 392 Bcrenger, 61 Bcrgavenny, Lord, 83 Beridge, 143 Berkeley, to, 12, 16, 42, 47, 48, 50, 8i, 85, 123, 154, 170, 180, 188, 208, 218, 227, 232, 276, 299, 314, 342. 345. 3<>8, 369, 375, 4°7. 4'3. 4'7, 4'9. 421 Berkshire, 50, 77 Berners, 158 Berrington, 159, 246, 264, 280, 309, 335 Berrow, 11, 23, 27, 43, 49, 52, 67, 72, 94, 101, 113, 124, 125, 183, 195, 199, 211, 217, 224, 241, 243, 247, 251, 261, 273, 278, 291, 3°°. 3°3 3°7. 3°9. 313, 316, 319, 327, 328, 333. 342, 35'. 3 6 °. 303. 366, 368, 372, 378, 3S3, 388, 395. 399. 4°4. 407 Berry, 1 16, 143, 401 Beitie, 233 Berwick 1 14, 386 Beseley, 5 Besford, 114, 320 Best, 3, 12, 49, 52, 61, 62, 63. 7°. 75. 83, 96, 112, 117, 120, 130, 131, 141, 156, 170, 177, 189, 199, 215, 236, 23S, 271, 292, 304, 344, 345, 346, 370, 37'. 375. 388, 406. 4" Bel ham, 425 Betton, 5, 86, 94 Bewdley, 3, 1 , 22, 32, 37, 52, 58, 62, 80, 129, 151, 157, 189, 190, 207, 208, 236, 241, 262, 271, 286, 289, 310, 319, 341, 345, 354. 359. 37'. 375. 4&3 Bibb, 205, 294, 304, 351, 418 Bicester, 321 Bickerson, 40 Bickerton, 134, 283, 307, 3°9. 355- 35°. 4'3 Bickley, 237 Biddell, Biddle, 51, 53, 71, IOI, II4, 121, 133, I63, 168, 173, 202, 259, 292, 3°9. 385. 404 Biddulph, 200, 334 Bigg, 26, 192, 389, 406 Biggs, Byggs, 60, 61, 74, 81, 92, 116, 171, 258, 306, 352, 354, 359, 376, 385. 391. 426 Bignell, 303 Bigoe, 192 Billers, 107 Billed, 323 Billey, Billy, 148, 180, 201, 285, 312, 314, 316, 426 Billing, 157 Billingsley, 54, 77, 107, 166, 251, 268, 305, 319, 346, 374. 380 Bing, 311 Binhill, 306 Binkle, 47 Birch, Byrch, 5, 12, 40, 64, 75. "5. "7. 149. 209, 211, 242, 243, 258, 271, 289, 292, 337, 348, 364, 373. 374. 378, 392 Birchley, 324, 376 Bircott, Burcott, 178,298 Bird, Byrd, 92, 116, 144, 150, 155, 164, 167, 179, 188, 191, 199, 230, 247, 273, 281, 2S4, 291, 306, 316, 365, 367, 391, 396, 414, 420 Birlingham, 10, 14, 60, 84, 94. 95. 97. 108, 125. 126, '37. 139. 151. «53. '57. 166, 169, 181, 1S8, 192, 194, 198, 202, 204, 208, 229, 239, 255, 260, 264, 266, 270, 275, 279, 283, 284, 287, 291, 303, 314. 327. 335. 336. 347. 359. 37°. 379, 3S2, 385. 39°. 397, 399, 4°3, 407. 424 Birmingham, 77, 164, 183, 201, 323, 357 Birtford, 77 Birtsmorton, Bruts Morton, 82, 83, 91, 119, 151, 166, 206, 219, 246, 247, 252, 269, 278, 289, 310, 321, 335. 35'. 353. 382, 4'7 Bishampton, 7, 44, 73, 81, IOI, IIS, '22, l62, 193, 213, 277, 280, 288, 308, 3". 336, 338, 358 Bishop, 74, 92, 132, 137, 157, 229, 308, 331, 336, 362, 405 Bishop's Frome, 135 Bissaker, 99 Bissard, 165 Bissell, 4, 50, 133, 152, 172, 207, 210, 223, 259, 274, 292, 299, 333, 334, 347, 367 Bitten, 227 Blackford, 199 Black Farm, 21 Black Naunion, 143 Blackmore, 342, 344, 364, 388,411 Blackstone, 1S8, 234 Blackway, Biakeway, 314, 406, 421 Blake, 40, 108, 232, 261, 301, 404 Blanchard, 78 Bland, 212, 225, 235, 237, 257, 2S6 Bleckley, 180 Blencowe, 307 Blick, 29, 57, ill, 116, 173, 215, 225, 271, 315, 31S, 353. 403. 408 Bhckley, 178 Blissard, 55, 126, 154, 173, 184, 193, 247. 251, 286, Hi WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 431 Blockley, 20, 22, 55, 79, 87, 119, 127, 140, 182, 201, 210, 221, 241, 262, 279, 297, 3°3. 3 2 4. 361, 39°. 426 Blome, Bloom, 50, 54, 100, 108, 239 Blomer, Bloomer, 37, 40, 46, 95, 119, 255, 293, 3>4. 4ii Blosidge, 403 Blount, Blunt, 59, 93, 98, 139, 143, 164, 165, 167, 182, 189, 213, 223, 252, 253, 255, 257, 277, 319, 34 1 > 362, 378 Blow, 225 Blower, 164, 376, 416, 425 Bloxham, 93, 155, 1S6, 284 Bluck, 152, 357, 423 Blue, 272 Blume, 41, 73, 271 Blun, 4, 50. 20S Blundell, 337, 33S, 347 Bluntington, 398 Blurton, 73, 74, 80, 122, 130, 306, 397 Blyth, 415 Bockleton, 62, 161, 274, 318, 362, 373 Bodenham, 25, 226, 293 Bodiley, 408 Bolles, 82 Bolt, 24, 104, 114, 153, 360 Bolter, 72, 207, 210, 276, 296 Bolton, 29, 213, 290 Bonacre, 245, 276, 354 Bond, 125, 198, 228, 270, 344, 421 Bonehill. 262 Bonnell, 172 Bonner, 82, 112, 243, 249, 280, 360, 418 Booker, 387, 423 Bookey, 87, 151, 203, 206, 228, 418 Boone, 254 Booth, 13, 31, 66, 127, 183, 237. 243^ 298, 308, 344 Boraston. 167 Bordall, 290 Bordesley, 20, 30, 98, 360 Bornford, 192, 214, 225, 248, 251, 329 Borrington, 221 Borton, 376 Borwood, 349, 394 Bostall, 153 Bostock, 219 Boswe'.l, 81, 82, 305 Bosworth, 89, 105, 150, 208 Botteler, 160 Boucher, 142, 164, I9q, 230, 241, 277, 329, 341, 377, 392, 422 Bough, 77 Boughton, 242, 312 Boult, 108, 235, 261, 303 Boult, Little, 10S Boulter, 25, 261, 323, 365, 396, 397 Boulton, 142, 278, 329, 403 Boults, 47, 140, 400 Boults Magna, 140 Bound, 29, 30, 51, 52, 57, 76, 79, 90, 113, 140, 156, 179, 184, 198, 205, 209, 218, 220, 228, 280, 301, 319,321,324,416 Bourne, 7, II, 14, 37, 42, 125, 142, 147, 161, 167, 1S8, 189, 202, 227, 22S, 240, 262, 27S, 286, 308, 311, 320, 322, 324, 329, 380, 396, 398, 401, 414 Bout, 109 Bout Atwood, 104 Bouts, 152, 179 Bouts Abbots, 365 Bovey, 137, 165, 207, 247, 285. 353 Bow, 387 Bowater, Boweter, 24, 81, ■56, 244 Bowell, 253 Bowen, 227, 397 Bower, 46, 68, 161, 355 Bowkey, 61, 74, 160 'Bowler, 3S0 Bowles, 272, 414 Bowster, 32 Bowyer, 28, S9, 149, 182, 344 Boyce, Boys, 164, 172, 213, 250 Boylston, 157, 163, 206, 228, 420 Brabazon, 145 Brace, 2, 72, So, 103, 109, 220, 221, 242, 313, 322, 326, 33 8 . 345. 3 8 5> 4'9. 421, 424 Bracies, 24 Bradford, 211, 407 Bradley, 26, 30, 37, 56, 68, 69, 103, 121, 142, 155, 167, 172, 191, 217, 219, 225, 227, 239, 250, 261, 262, 270, 2S6, 300, 303, 329. 34'. 345. 35'. 3 6 7. 370, 377. 38'. 382, 3S6, 403, 4°5. 4°9. 4'3. 4'7. 418, 424 Bradney, 165, 415, 396, 422 Bradnock, 73, 79 Bradsliaw, 77, 281, 295 Bradstock, 345, 395 Bradwin, 288 Braine, 186, 36 1 Branch, 271 Brandon, 50, 60, 84 Branfield, 85, 155, 194, 210, 282 Bransford, 170, 205, 213, 221, 232, 260, 269, 367, 369. 372 Brasier, 27, 272, 277, 374 Brauncford, 120 Brauntford, 269 Brawlard, 130 Brawne, 121, 228, 410 Bray, 49, 76, 82, 96, 134, '35. '42, '75. '82, 213, 248, 2S3, 339, 36S, 414 Brecknell, 398, 418 Brecknock, 70 Bredborne, 132 Bredenlmry, 80, 145, 214 Bredun, 8, 21, 32, 40, 60, 62, 65, 71, 121, 124, 130, '37. 176, 195. '96, 19Q, 215, 244, 267, 303, 316, 327. 34'. 347. 366, 373, 375 Brent, 57, 88, 125, 133, 368 Brereton, 30 Bressy, 271 Bretforton, 35, 64, 70, 72, 81, 92, 94, 128, 153, 165, 167, 173, 183, 1S4, 193, 199, 216, 229, 251, 258, 281, 282, 291, 292, 293, 320, 373, 39'. 4°5. 4°8, 410, 418, 423 Brett, 68 Brettell, Brettle, Britell, 150, 165, 255, 269, 320, 325, 350, 384, 420 Brewer, 5, 199, 207, 402 Brewood, 175 Brewster, 91, 112 Bricklehampton, 2, 54, 71, 72, 97, u6, 231, 305, 324, 339 Bridge, 25, 28, 30, 67, 128, 130. 3'° Bridgen, Bridgin, Bridgins, 5'. '39. '73. 346, 372, 374 Bridger's End, 266 Bridges, 9, 54, 55, 57, 64, 108, 113, 114, 128, 152, 154, 202, 231, 26l, 285, 307, 360, 367, 3S8 Briggenshaw, 43, 66, 75, 115, 122, 281, 304 Briggs, 206 Brigham, 164 Bright, 109, 136, 137, 146, 152. 353. 399 Brindley, 376 Brinksmorton (Birtsmorton), 9' Brinley, 24 Brinsmead, 41 Brinton, 352, 371, 383, 389 Brisco, 311, 425 Bristol, 197 Bristol, Earl of, 171 Bristowe, 67 432 Brittain, Britten, 16, 68, 81, 90, 132, 211, 244, 322, Broad, 34, 39, 5 s . 7°, 2 3 8 > 339 Broadhidley, 355 Broadhurst, 39, 184, 359. 3S0, 392, 403, 417 Broadley, 87 Broadstock, 318, 421 Broadwas, 33, 78, 282, 391, 394 Broadwater, 25 Broadway, 6, 8, 26, 35, 36, 37. 53. 55. &3> 66, 74, 76, 83, 88, 92, 97, 107, in, 121, 125, 127, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 147. 148, 155, 180, 182, 201, 220, 224, 232, 234, 240, 248, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 269, 270, 275, 277, 278, 280, 285, 289, 298, 305, 307, 312, 314, 316. 323, 329, 344, 345, 356, 3S7. 405- 407, 411. 413, 418, 422, 426 Biockamen, 1S9 Brockhampton, 36 Blockhouse, 311 Brockhurst, 39, 205, 266, 388 Brodrepp, 175, 186 Brokencot, 229 liromhall, 58, 70, 107, 226, 333 Bromley, 8, 13, 19. 21, 28, 3°. 3'. 3 2 , 7i. 74. 79. 100, 103, 117, 149, 152, 166, 183, 196, 209, 254, 266. 281, 282, 306, 392, 400, 416 Brompton, 414 Bromsey, 27 Bromsgrove, 10, 15, 16, 31, 32, 34, 38, 40, 42, 49, 57, 62, 73, 74, 81, 82, S3, 89, 93, 96, 103, 106, 112, 114, I20, 121, 127, 130, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 163, 167, 169, 179, 183, 205, 212, 215, 221, 227, 228, 232, 238, 242, 247, 249, 256, 258, 262, 267, 268, 270, 274, 279, 2S2, 283, 2S6, 28S, 300, 305, 3'4, 3>5> 3'8, 319, 322, 324. 3 2 7> 3 2S . 331, 337. 338, 345, 346, 348, 35 2 . 353, 354. 356. 359- 364. 37°, 173, !78, ; s '. 383. 385, 3S9. (91, J92, 198, 400, 402, 403, 413, 4 '7. 419, 420, 421, 423, 425, mwell, 56, 364 Bromwich, 34, 57, 141, 148, AN INDEX TO 171, 188, 1S9, 193, 223, 238, 252, 257 Bromyard, 77, 115, 234,404 Brook, Broke, 7, 17, 26, 30, 35- 39, 42, 57, 65. 75, 76, 98, 109, 163, 167, 178, I85, 191, 199, 2O0, 2l8, 242, 245, 247, 256, 257, 27S, 285, 314, 3 2 3, 3 2 4, 33i, 336, 367, 376, 395 Brookbank, 344 Brookes, 27, HI, 146, 165, 183, 185, 195, 227, 242, 25J, 252, 254, 269, 275, 256, 304, 378, 406 BrookhoMing, 70, 159 Brookhouse, 40S Broom, 234 Broomhill, BromhilI,39, 136, 147, 156, 179, 181, 202, 213, 34S, 35°, 355- 368 Brotheridge, 342, 349, 35 1 , 352, 350, 362, 372, 379 Brotherton, 49 Bruughton, II, 48, 63, 97, 215, 246, 295, 315, 350, 373, 382, 408 Broughton, Drake's, 251 Broughton Hackett, 70, 99, 1 19, 12S, 162, 257 Broughton, Temple, 85, 128, 26S, 276, 287 Brounch, 140 Brown, 1, 6, 28, 41, 52, 79, 81, 102, 113, 116, 119, 134, 136, 164, 194, 227, 232, 268, 269, 274, 285, 257, 204, 298, 304, 315, 3 '6, 33o, 333, 363, 382, 390, 393, 4°2, 404, 4 2 3 Browning, 4, 6, 7, 55, 57, 69. 74, 75- 77, 94, i", 127, 226, 252, 276, 279 Brownlow, 10 Brudenell, Lord, III Brunton, 342 Bruton, 401, 421 Bruts Morton, 28, 33 Bryan, 213, 350 Bryans, 173 Bryan's Bell, 76, 85, 229, 274, 310, 371 Bnbb, 409 Buck, 96, 378 Buckenhall, 134 Buckinghamshire, 39, 7 2 > 126, 168, 171, 222, 265, 323 Buckle, 18, 20, 36, 52, 79, 9°. 95> "3, '42, '62, 224, 261, 379 Buckley, -■ '-• Buckston, 324 Buclon, 50 Budd, 147 Buffery, 1S9, 233, 323, 328, 383, 393 Buggin, 55, 116, 155, 191, 292 Bull, 98. 241, 2^7, 283 Bulbs, 195, 378, 383 Bullein, 400, 419 Bullingham, 3S9 Bullock. 220, 223, 225, 264, 372, 397, 402 Bulstrode,S4, 207, 210, 215, 237, 338, 375, 409 Bumpas, 21S, 295, 399 Bund, 19, 20, 61, 106, 142, 146, 204, 319, 348. 360 Burcote, 7, 26, 39, 67, 29S, 3'3 Burdett, 349 Burford, 3, 42, 1 15, 396, 404 Bursih, 343 Burham, 216 Burlton, 37, 51, 58, 62, 67, 109, 116, 137, 187, 195, 214, 215, 226, 252, 271, 280, 292, 346, 347, 354, 376, 383, 393, 4'4 Burnam, 2S6 Burnell, 392 Burnford, 45, 50, 96, 106, 136, 156, 184, 203, 335, 418 Buirage, 20, 40 Burra^ton, 44, 257 Burlington, 263 Burrish, 342, 371 Burrope, 121 Burton, 7, 22, 96, 112, 169, 1 87, 233, 239, 244, 248, 252, 3'3, 3i6, 381, 400, 406, 411, 421 Burvett, 325 Burwell, 317 Burwall, 171, 398 Burwarton, 126 Bury, 57, 62, So, 82, 118, 122, 277, 310, 321, 356, 361, 4'9 Busby, 165 Bushell, 6, S3, 91, 102, 112, ■59- 195 Bushley, 20, 25, 30, 129, 158, 199, 202, 228, 250, 281, 2S8, 289, 302, 310, 357, 370, 383, 406 Bustiley, 2S8 Butcher, 70, 246, 258, 287, 353 Butler, 9, 43, 65, 114, 137, 155, 160, 190, 208, 209, 227, 279, 283, 288, 293, 297, 313, 322, 324, 330, 397, 404 409, 410, 412, 416, 417, 420. 421 Butterwork, 370 Button, 39, 83 Byard, 31 1 Byikin, 393 Bythell, 154, 186 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 433 Caddick, 366, 405, 415 Cadell, 20 Cakebold, 146, 301, 315, 3S1, 405 Caloott, 258 Caldwell, 7,49,59, 17S, 335, 39o Cale, 54, 119, 215, 3S9 Callow, 3S, 51, 57, 64, 69, 124, 134, 155, 173, 177, 204, 223, 236, 277, 311, 337. 354, 375- 38° Callowhill, 70, 75, 129, 132, 152, 156, 173, 290, 297 Callows, 373 Cambridgeshire, 111,373 Camin, 222 Campden, 86 Campden, Chipping. 424 Campesden, 124 Canner, 57, 58, 98 Capelin, 347, 353 Capell, 3S5 Caple, 353 Capper, 246, 320 Cardale, 150, 261, 293, 297, 393. 401 Cardisland, 362 Careless, 160, 345, 347, 390, 401, 407 Carels, 21 1 Carew, 34, 59, 61, 66, 92, 99, 102, 129, 143 Carles, Carlos, 1 1 7, 169, 200, 343, 365, 402 Carnaby, 263 Carpenter, 18, 19, 34, 54, 62, 63, 103, 105, 138, 178, 179, 194, 205, 218, 275, 306, 316, 318, 36S, 370, 378,413.419 Carsane, 425 Carsey, 268 Cart, 268 Carter, 6, 19, 35, 44, 148, 160, 182, 221, 274, 289, 300, 302, 303, 304, 339, 344. 423 Cartwright, 1,31,68,83,86, l 2 9, 135, 155, 180, 200, 217, 252, 265, 322, 326, 33°. 35'. 353. 368, 376, 415,418, 419 Carver, 206, 212, 309 Carwardine, 1, 41, 56, 94, 155, 198, 231, 235, 259, 291, 296, 342 Cary, 419 Casemore, 412 Cassall, 326 Casson, 260, 282 Cassy, 293, 304, 414, 418, 421 Castle, Castell, 90, 140, 242 Castlemorton, 18, 20, 23, 36, 39. 4°. 49, 69, 76, 78, 109, J 'I, 118, 122, 123, '37. 15 2 . '79. >S6, 1S9, 190, 191, 192, 198, 204, 258, 260, 261, 262, 266, 270, 283, 290, 293, 299, 307, 3'2, 3' 6 . 3'7, 321, 323. 33', 334, 340, 34', 343, 345, 349. 35', 35^, 362, 365, 366, 3S7, 414, 418, 419, 421 Catchmey, iS Caters, 153, 257 Catshill, 35, 229, 275, 278, 322, 324, 338, 342, 347 Caltle, Cattell, 112, 326, 373 Cattrill, 356 Causton, 149 Cave, 2, 75, 89, 96, 121, 122, I47, 1S7, 191, 227, 249, 250, 268, 281, 295, 387, 422 Cawdall, Cawdell, 57, 361, 376 Cawfield, 117 Cawther, 121 Cecil, 33 Chaceley, Chaseley, 3, 47, 61, 82, 103, 194, 206, 227, 237, 243, 313, 329, 337, 423 Chaddesley, 2, 7, 20, 38, 54, 80, 105, 127, 128, 195, '99, 277, 295, 316, 328, 340, 347, 355, 388 Chaddesley Corbett, 5, 15, 42, 70, 116,357, 403, 421 Chadwick, Chaddeswick, 2, '5. 36, 46, 57, i°7, "3, '59, '7', 172, 178, 187, '93, '95, 218, 231, 239, 242, 274, 284, 309, 318, 325, 348, 423, 425 Chaire, 3S8 Challoner, 15, 305 Chamberlain, &c. , 27, 62, 99, 144, 154, '5 6 , 205, 255, 273, 274, 277, 305, 319, 361, 407, 416 Chambers, 17, 18, 25, 41, 49, 51, 86, 95, 100, 101, 123, 149, 155, 161, 181, 295, 299, 3'3, 3'4, 373, 389, 4'4 Chamflower, 144, 331 Champante, 278 Chance, 10, 34, 40, 91, 134, 149, '77, 192, 234, 242, 245. 2 47, 322, 357, 385, 388 Chand flower, 18 Chandler, Chaundler, 18, 138, 144, 182, 290, 292, 3'2, 33'. 333, 335 Chapman, 182, 206, 249, 301 Charles, 293, 423 Charlett, 118, 121,169, 1S6, 195, 211, 247, 292, 326, 355. 376, 384, 392, 399 Charlton, 44, 61, S4, 197, 210, 215, 225 Charman, 56, 270, 274, 364 Charnock, 157, 202 Charter, 332 Chase, 206 Chatesley, &c., 44, 128, 206 Chauntrell, II, 119, 141, 170, 195, 202, 20S, 380, 405, 411 Cheaver, 102 Checketts, 16, 75, 275, 302 Ched worth, 31 Chellingworth, 49, 112,140, 183, 238, 245, 255, 262, 274, 283, 342, 349, 371, 385, 399. 4°3. 4'0, 4'8 Chelmarsh, 320 Chelsey, 159 Cherhill, 423 Cherrington, 38, 2S9 Chesley, 113 Chester, 311, 409 Cheston, 421 Chetle, Chetlle.Cheatle, 26, 34. 37. 4°, 55,63.83, 115, 131, 179, 180, 195, 200, 203, 215, 217, 238, 263, 279, 301, 306, 311, 324, 337. 338, 340, 355- 364, 374,408,416, 417 Chetton, 314 Chetwin, 105 Chetwood, 323 Cheveridge, 157, 3S0 Child, 12, 19, 30,42,43, 56, 63, 70, 90, 99, 160, 162, 188, 241, 242, 254, 271, 349 Childswickham, 16S, 253, 2S6 Chillingworth, 308 Christopher, 24, 45, 274, 288 Church, 177, 250, 372, 422 Church Honeybourn, 3, 239 Church Lench, see Lench, Church. Churchill, 29, 38, 64, 67, 115, 158, 196, 224, 310, 3'4, 3'9, 387, 426 Churchley, 22, 193, 409 Churchyard, 37 Cladsall, Cladshall, Clad- sole, 18, 31, 45, 5°, 84, 92, 103, 109, 116, 203, 215,231,235,312,422 dairies, Claynes, 1, 8, 16, 33, 4°, 4', 5°, 51,58, 65, 66, 74, 75. 92, 105, 107, 116, 123, 138, 142, 148, 163, 182, 188, 198, 201, 206, 209, 213, 219, 224, 225, 240, 256, 258, 266, 296, 3°3, 324, 35°, 3 6 5- 370, 375, 379, 409 Clapton, 68 434 AX INDEX TO Clare, 28,43,49. 59, 7'. 76. 87, 248, 251, 321, 323, 324, 33'. 332. 39°. 419 Claridge, 362 Clark, Clerk, 2, 16, 25, 27, 28,32,34,38,41,55-61, 71, 78, 79, 81, 82,86, 88, 89, 90, 96, 97, 99, 103, 105, 107, 109, 122, 123, 136, 140, 146, 149, 154, 160, 180, 183, 192, 193, 195, 200. 209, 217, 220, 231, 236, 239, 242, 247, 259, 260, 273, 280, 286, 295. 297, 302, 3'5> 3i6, 318, 327, 332, 333. 336, 337. 339. 347. 352. 364. 372, 375. 393' 394. 4'4 Clarkson, 45, 34s Clarrow, 263 Clarson, 405 Claseley, 423 Clay, 282 Clee, 190 Cleeley, 293 Cleeton, 190, 194 Cleeve, Bishop's, 307 Cleeve, Prior, 29, 91, 95, 162, 210, 217 Cleevely, 196 Clemens, Clement, Clements, 140, 144, 150, 157, 194. 218, 380 Clemson, 192 Clent, 1, 49, 55, 61, 108, 114, 123, 164, 170, 1S9, 217. 243. 3l6 Cleobury, 56 Chesheld, 38 Clevelotle, 71, 105, 150, 190, 276, 333 Clewes, 118 Cleyton, 126 Cliff, 13, 17, 38, 52, 61, 71, 78, 82, 87, 109, 112, 131, 138, 149, 16a, 169, 173, 198, 216, 217, 219, 330, 353. 366, 372 Clifford, 100, 10S, 127, 136, 210, 212, 219, 331, 389 Clifton, 7, 20, 21, 33, 49,59, 63. 70. 74, 75. 93. 101, '29. '33. 178, 205, 208, 219. 35" Cliftonon-Teme, 3, 12, 39, 119, 226, 234, 310, 385, 397, 404 Cloes, 302 Cloves, 361 Clowes, 7, 142, 407 Clutterbuck, 255 Out ton, 199 Clymer, 12, 55, 127, 208, 226, 249, 252, 334, 377 Coates, 208 Cobb, 72, 126, 133, 217, 263,295,389 Cobley, 222 Cocchett, 265 Cock, 65, 105, 250,389 Cockine, 88 Cocks, 45, 65, 105, 142, 169, 232, 249, 250, 257, 260, 266, 272, 285, 304, 335, 338, 35'. 362. 377. 379. 383. 384, 400, 404 Cockshett, 293, 322, 335 Coder, 338 Cofton, 93, 149, 150, 207, 214, 269 Cofton Uackett, 9, 15, 43, 255. 386, 396, 411. 415. 417 Coke, no, 241, 301 Cokesey, Cookesey, 34, 49, 180, 236, 291, 333, 35S, 375.413 Colbatch, 298, 308, 352 Colchester, 4, 1S9, 248, 255 Coldicott, 369 Coldwall, 19 Cole, 15, 31, 35, 46, 87, 91, 122, 133, 171, 179, 1S9. 208, 221, 229, 247, 268, 280, 301, 303, 318, 324, 337. 343. 349, 355- 3&S, 425 Colebome, 280 Coleman, 334, 377 Colerick, 37 ) Coles, 44, 86, 98, 114 Colesden, 33, 48, 284, 385 Coley, 334, 3S4 Collas, 283 Collen, 259 Colles, 5, 8, 78, 109, 122, 378 Collett, 17. 50, 289, 335,423 Colley, 366, 368, 40S Collick, 49, 84 Collier, 64, 157, 192, 210, 241, 297, 382, 401 Collins, 32, 34, 48, 51, 55, 58, 65, 73, 86, 94, 97, 107, 121, 131, 147, 169, 180, 211, 2S4, 299, 304, 363. 37i. 376, 399. 401, 409. 411,413, 423,425 Colmon, 77, 107, 269 Colquite, 42 Coltis, 282 Colwall, 240 Combe, 46, 220 Com bee, 130, 2S9 Comber, 70 Coml.erton, 73, 79, 103, no, 132, 218, 262, 268, 285, 370 Comherton, Great, 14, 54, 75,85, 90, 117, 138, 148, 153, 163, 170, 171, 174, 184, 212, 215, 219, 225, 24b 263, 315, 323, 327, 333. 334, 342, 373. 380 Comberton, Little, 52, 175, 186, 258, 330, 332, 3S5 Cornbey, 26, 140, 158, 160 Combs, 3S9 Compson, 293, 322, 351, 354, 355, 387, 419 Compton, 69 98, 184, 256, 272, 297, 316 Conderton, 70, 91, 211, 301 Congreve, 365 Coningsby, &c, 46, 86, 96, 100, 103, 115, 165, 176, 257, 275, 277, 29S, 363, 376 Conninge, 89 Connop, 246 Constable, 232 Conway, Lord, 247 Cony, 42, 73 Cooke, 10, 29, 34, 41, 4S, 59, 66, 72, 73, 81, 83, S7, 89, 94, 99, 106, 108, 119, 121, 126, 130, 133, 137, 138, 140, 142, 162, 163, 165, 170, 173, 178, 203, 212, 227, 229, 236, 237, 249, 250, 262, 269, 270, 271, 280, 288, 289, 290, 295, 301, 3°4, 312, 3'3. 3'4, 315. 326, 328, 342, 343. 355. 359, 360, 370, 372, 376, 381, 385, 386, 387, 388, 392, 408, 413, 416,417 Cookes, 38. 40, 43, 50, 56, 58, 65, 67, 74, 86, 96, 99, 102, 106, 116, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, 152, 154, 160, 172, 173, 174, 182, 1S4, 1S6, 190, 198, 206, 222, 234, 235, 242, 243, 250, 258, 260, 262, 267, 301, 304, 310, 312, 317, 345- 35', 355- 363. 394. 403, 415,417,425,426 Cookhill, 86, 124 Cooper, 9, 28, 34, 62, 76, 252, 308, 340, 343, 379, 405, 422 Coote, 375 Copage, 177 Cope, 306 Copley, 8, 172 Copthall, 37, 56, 104 Corbett, 33, 48, 66, 70, 92, 287, 297, 299, 350, 420 Cordwinder, 226 Corfield, 369 Cormell, 106, 144 Cornish, 147, 213 Cornwall, 3, 9, 31, 42, 50, 80, 193, 239, 315, 396 Cornwallis, 8, 92, 104, 159, 206, 307 Cor>e, 102, 126, 225, 328, 333. 363 Corston, 362 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 435 Cosgrave, 222 Cjsnett, 26, 108, 116, 138, „ 2 33. 278 Costly, 301 Coston, 93, 149, 207, 214, 255, 269 Cotton Hackett, 150 Cotes, 232 Cothes, 170, 269, 323, 338, 347, 351.365,375. 37S Cothendge, 47, 157, 217 „ 22 3, 237, 380 Coton, 85, no Cotterell, &c, 18, 29, 43, 52,84,94, US, 123, 147, 184, 190, 193, 225, 237, 256, 257, 260, 262, 2S0, 2 90, 299, 310, 311, 319, 328, 384, 392, 39S, 407, 420 Col tie, 320 Cotton, 73, 264, 290, 386 Couchman, 94 Cougliton, 54, 171, 265 Colliding, 61, 152, 189 Counard, 23, 35, 37, g g , 101, 115, 306 Court, 104, 281, 295, 349, 36l Courten, Courton, 125, 134, Cousens, 228 Coutts, 412 Coven, 175 Coventry, 115, 162, 168, 196, 341. 360 Coventry, Lord, 28, 73, 104, 114, 125, 163, 270, 2S7, 297, 3°o, 327 Covert, 161 Cowcher, 27, 39, 99, 243, 2 56, 273, 274, 368, 379, 416 Cowell, 61, 112, 376 Cowfeild, 397 Cowlelield, 167, 177 Cowles, 128 Cowley, 70, 197, 312, 323, 366, 375 Cownley, 134 Cowoer, 32, 76, 80, 106, 117, i'9, 121, 155, 166, 190, 203, 240, 244, 397 Cox, 8, 10, 23, 25, 2S, 33, 38, 39, 4i, 43- 52. 54, 74. 85, 88, 96, 101, 106, 107, I09, 112, 116, 119, 122, 124, 127, 137, 138, 159, 162, 163, 164, 174, 178, 185, 192, 195, 215, 217, 219, 231, 236, 238, 260, 264, 266, 271, 284, 292, 2 98, 300, 303, 316, 325, 327. 329, 332, 343, 347, 35°. 356. 360, 363, 372, 374, 387, 39* , 393, 395. 399. 400, 406, 40S, 411, 414, 4'5, 4i6, 418, 421, 425 Coy, 57 Coyney, 326 Crabb, 35, 42, 89, 101, 124, 312 Cradley, 37, 40, 95, 134, '53. 169, 255, 298, 304, 370.4IS Crafton, 22 Crake, 247 Cranage, 278 Crane, 16, 41, 57, 68, 99, 103, 122, 176, 217, 227, 235, 246, 258, 264, 275, 292, 293, 330, 346, 348, 361, 374, 398, 414, 418, 420, 421 Cranfield, 37, 56, 104 Craven, 53 Craven, Earl of, 151 Creed, 237 Creese, 90, 153, 174, 193, 329 denier, 90, 264 Cresheld, n, 97 Cress, 55, 212 Cresser, 25, 51, 134 Cresswell, 160, 364 Creswick, 325 Cridshow, 3SS Cripplegate, 34 Cripps, 233, 335, 381 Crisp, IOO, 104, 107, 165, 175, 205, 232, 369, 406 Croft 229, 262, 273, 349, 408 Crofts, 373 Croley, 181 Cromb, Crome, Cioome, I0 >, 137, 197, 236, 240, 273. 3»5 Cromp, 72, 94 Cioome Dabitot, 192, 280 348 Cioome, Earl's, 77, 81, 205, 290, 3°3 Croome, Hill, 43, 117, 321 Cropthorne, 20, 32, 167, 215. 374 Cross, 178, 328, 345, 417, 421 Crossley, 391 Crotchett, 412 Crouch, 42, 184, 1S6, 205, 215. 353, 366 Crowe, 46, 205, 242, 381, 382, 408 Crowes, 399 Crowle, 52, 62, 64, 71, 76, 78, 83, 120, 135, 224, 249, 275, 297. 305, 352. 357, 374, 383, 406, 410 Crowley, 230, 249,350,416, 418 Crownest, 185, 213, 369 Crump, 14, 37, 39, 51, 58, 70, 94, no, 121, 127, 128, 136, 206, 229, 28;, 3 '2. 3 '4, 348, 401, 4'°, 411 Crumpton, 127 Crundall, 281, 327, 333, Cuuberley, 76, 157, 176, _ 193, 202, 2S7, 347, 424 Cudson, 40 Cullen, 138 C ul me, 190 Culpeper, 69, 242 Cupman, 100 Cureton, 90, 96 Curll, 245, 249 Curtis, 215, 262, 324, 396, 417 Curtler, 74, 315 Cutler, 269, 320 Cutsden, 207 Cutson, 103, 138 Cuvington, 5 Dabitott, 6, 152, 160, 426 Dabny, 262 Daffy, 224 Dagnall, 20 Dalby, 335 Dalley, 63, 119, 153, 396 D.ilton, 236, 309, 349 Damagnes, 128, 176 Danby, 57, 77 Dance, Uaunce, 25, 91, 145, 170, 258, 318, 362, 379 Dancer, 277, 337, 343 Dancey, 40, 385 Dandy, 408 Danett, 5, 7, 18, 99, 173 Danford, 2S9, 353 Dangerfield, 22, 2S. 44, 85, 131, 145- 278, 352, 387, 406, 410, 420 Daniel, 124, 158, 185, 203, 283, 3", 388,393,414 Danjamins, 176 Darby, 29, 75, no, 11S, '70, 177. 179. 18S, 190, 199. 208, 399 Dardale, 229 Dark, 21, 178, 206,263, 300 Darlaston, 347 Darling, 95, 108, 122, 270, 340, 342, 379 Darlingscote, 338, 354 Dascott, 394, 410 Daunter, 340 Daverstin, 248 Davies, Davis, &c, 6, iS, ■ 32, 38, 43, 48, 50, 62, 66, 68, 70, 74, 78,80,87, 112, 117, 120, 123, 142, 145 '5°. 153, 155, 163, 167, 178, 179, 189, 190, 199 210, 215, 225, 242, 253! 436 AN INDEX TO 258, 262, 28S, 295, 208, 319. 3 2 9. 335. 359. 372. 375-422 Dawbrey, 269 Dawes, 173, 261 Dawkes, 27 Dawley, 103 Day, 46, 53, 57, 76, 102, 311, 334, 338 Daylesford, 90, 104, 107, 148, 175, 202, 209, 222, 243 Deacon, 80 Deakes, 243 Deakin, 244, 269, 369, 375 Deakins, 417 Deakle, 246, 365 Dean, 367, 390, 426 Deanhall, 6 Deaves, 84, 327 Debanck, 378 Deberdale, 193 Deberry, 8 Debington, S Dedicott, 22, 142, 148 Dee, 315, 335 Deeley, 21, 138, 163, 296,317 Deerhurst, 200, 416 Deftbrd, 33, 40, 48, 73, 92, 99, 106, 107, 119, 123, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133, 135. '45. 152, 155. '74. 175, 176, 191, 201, 207, 228, 232, 239, 258, 271, 291, 334, 344> 386 Delahay, 213 Delaware, Lord, 168, 186, 188, 212, 213 Delho, 55 Dernanis, 174 Demanno, 149 Demastres, 27 Denbigh, Earl of, 20, 98 Dench, 326 Dendy, 269 Dengey, 3S3 Dennis, 275, 362 Denston, 220, 338, 421 Denton, 164 Desford, 114, 291 Desmasters, S8 Detlieridge, 419 Devereux, 203, 245, 246 Devonshire, 31 Dewce, Dewes, 17, 248, 268, 389, 395, 402, 426 Deykin, 120, 299 Dicke, 195 Dickens, Dickins, 14, 26, 67, 70, 102, 154, 1S6, 208, 265, 280, 2S9, 307, 417, 422 Dickson, Dixon, 82, 118, 134, 160, 321, 335, 389, 392, 39S > 396. 4°3. 4", 4'5 1 m Icott, 143 Dule, Dyde, 55, 180, 423 Didley, 10 Diers, 137 Digges, 341 Diggle, 305 Dighton, 34, 164, 387, 416 Dike, 402 Dilkes, 271 Dillwyn, 31. 65, 278 Dineley, 161, 176, 197, 211, 215, 222, 238, 247, 260, 268, 275, 291, 353, 358, 362, 375, 387,413 Dingle, 44 Dingley, 2, 16,. 43, 44, 52, 61, 64, 67, S4, 107, 139, 141, 145, 161, 1S4, 191, 197, '98, 224, 244, 247, 267. 298, 299, 332, 340 Dipple, 62, 130, 167, 232, 273. 3°6, 3°S, 3'i. 321, 345. 352, 357. 359. 423. 425 Dison, 22 Diston, 160, 231 Ditchford, Middle, 111,225, 394 Dixe, 391 Dixie, 77 Dobbins, &c, 18, 20, 28, 35, 64, 68, 103, 134, 138, 166, 181, 217, 226, 239, 246, 341, 369 Dobbs, 54, 75, 148, 170, 174, 1S4, 191, 203, 205 Dobridge, 423 Dobson, 71, 83 Doctor, 89 Dodd, 35, 45, 75, 84, 201, 308, 368 Doddenham, 49, 85, 117, 167, 204, 295, 320, 332, 349- 355. 397 Dodderhill, 43, 52, 60, 61, 78, 90, 92, 97, 106, 109, 128, 151, 1S8, 206, 227, 238, 243, 265, 281, 285, 310. 325. 336, 355. 361, 376, 377, 3 S2 , 395. 4°S, 412, 415, 418, 419 Doddicott, 157 DoiMnell, 243, 334 Dodford, 120, 135, 204, 240, 278, 304 Dodington, 14 Dodson, 24, 46, 96 Dolben, m Dolby, 387 Doley, 349 Dolittle, 52, 55, 62, 71, S3, 112, 182, 196, 216, 220, 325.412 Dolman, 159, 173, 293 Dolphin, 9, 253, 256, 259, 273. 283, 299, 343, 346, 349. 359, 361, 374. 3S4. 390, 416,419 Done, Donne, 49, 52, 7°> 74, "9, 319, 360 Dormer, 3, 121, 125, 149, 160. 312, 385, 401 Dormore, 1 1 Dormston, 23, 28, 57, 69, 90, 120. 123, 141, 273, 354, 37', 39i,4o8 Dome, 2, 53, 95, 112, 154, 165, 302, 312, 325 Dorney, 364 Dornilston, 120 Dorrell, 396 Dorset, Earl of, 88, 98, 152 Dorsetshire, 175 Dottin, 223, 226, 308, 329, 35 1 . 353- 359. 378 Doughty, 6, 7, 12, 74, 94, 95, 120, 174, 198, 211, 229, 245, 2S6, 339 Douner, 114 Dover, 216, 359, 364, 394 Doverdale, 30, 59, 70, 103, I36, 167, I69, 193, 220, 254. 257, 273, 302, 308, 380, 398, 401, 404 Dovey. 234, 255, 343, 39S, 416,423 Dowdeswell, 20, 25, 31, 53, 61, 66, S8, 104, 114, 121, 129, 138, 151, 186, 189, 190, 199, 214, 221, 22S, 229, 250, 255, 258, 2S1, 286, 294, 302, 331, 342, 343, 345, 353, 357. 358, 373. 375,4H Dowler, 21, 58, 123, 137, 141, 176, 392, 425 Dowlev, 2S2, 329, 341, 373. 386 Downes, 102, 169, 229, 234, 266, 278, 288, 308, 335, 349 Downing, 73, 105, 273, 276, 292 Drakeford, 22S Drake's Broughton, 251 Draper, 58, 242, 269 Draycott, 41, 157, 353, 423, 424 Drayton, 317, 32S Drew, 415 Dring, 341 Drinkwater, 91, 211, 21S, 223, 315, 344 Driver, 64, 99 Droitwich, 17, iS, 26, 30, 33, 34.41,45, 5 6 > 58. 60, 63, 68, 80, 84, 87, 91,92, 93, 94, 96, no, 113, 120, 136, 137, 145, 148, 149. 150, 159. i°4. > 66 > '79, 195, 203, 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 223, 224, 225, 226, 240, WORCESTERSHIRE FIXES. 437 245, 250, 251, 258, 266, 278, 282 285, 287, 292, 293. 3°°. 3°9, 311. 3'4, 317. 319, 3 2 4, 332, 334. 335. 336. 353. 371. 377, 3 5 3, 395. 4°5. 4°7, 408, 425 Drought, 2, 2S4, 368, 390, 401, 421 Diowth, 254 Diulley, 2. 5, 7, 29, 30, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 53, 54. 62, 63, 71, 75, 81, 82, 95, 99, 100, 103, 107, no, 113, 118, 124, 125, 132, 133. "34. 137. ML '45. 149, 150, 151, 152, 157, 15S, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 170, 171, 179, 183, 187, 189, 194, 199, 201, 210, 2l6, 224, 226, 234, 238, 240, 241, 243, 245, 250, 252, 259, 262, 265, 269, 274, 276, 28o, 284, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 309, 311, 312, 313, 321, 325, 327, 328, 335, 337, 339, 346, 34S, 351. 358. 366. 368, 376, 378, 3S3, 3 S7, 388, 395. 396. 4°i. 4°3. 406, 411, 412, 415, 417, 424, 426 Dudley, Priory of, 201 Dugard, 25, 61, 78, 106, 227, 377. 380 Dugmore, 2S, 41, 6o, 95, 160, 302, 419 Duncalf, 327 Dunclent, 58 Duncombe, 185 Dunderry, 197 Dunley, 16, 35, 62, 99, 116, 240, 246, 291, 301, 341, 354. 393. 4i6. 420 Dunne, 22, 24, 25, 26, S5, 125, 219, 242, 255, 266, 294. 3 '7. 321, 3 2 9. 343. 416, 418 Dunton, 199, 210, 234, 243, 406 Duppa, 91 Durham, 164, 322 Durlinge, 205 Durman, 75 Durocher, 358 Durrton, 191 Durston, 28, 198 Dyer, 285, 297, 325, 346, 379, 4°6 Dymock, 5, 101, 209 Dyson, 4, 10, 23, 24, 42, 53, 56. 59. 65. 96. 97. 99. 104, 109, 129, 141, 155, 159, 205, 234, 260, 298, 305, 323, 324, 331, 364, 389,415,417,422 Eades, 16, 44, 232, 253, 265, 2S7, 318, 339. 383 Eagles, 165 Eaglinton, 366 Eaines, 128 Eales, 403 Ealeston, 252 Eardisland, 362 Eares, 44 Earl's Court, 5,86, 115, 122, 3°4 Earl's Cromb, 77, 81, 196, 205, 303 Earlsford, 2, 6, 17, 309 Earlsgate, 132, 162 East, 67, 107, 166 East Greenwich, 23 Eastbury, 73, 94, 105, 113, 301 Eastham, 9, 36, 69, 72, 78, 80, 232, 249, 264, 265, 271, 283, 299,307, 349 Easlington, 239 Eastroppe, 1 1 1 Eatheridge, 127 Eaton, 160, 189,196, 298, 371 Eberton, 245 Eblington, 35S Ebiington, 115 Eccleshall, 192, 330 Eccleston, 132, 149 Eckells, 138, 144, 167, 201, 326, 348, 392 Eckington, 8, 12, 16, 41, 47. 72, 75, 76, 80, 84, 86, 94, 95, 106, 107, 109, 118, 129, 138, 153, 157, 172, 173. J76, 193. 198, 207, 209, 210, 215, 221, 225, 245. 249. 256, 259, 263, 266, 269, 270, 276, 277, 310, 312, 316, 318, 323, 331. 3ih 336. 337. 344. 352, 378, 394. 399. 4°7. 409, 412 Eckles, 354 Eckley, 251, 284, 293, 333, 3S8, 390 Edden, 317, 405, 410, 418 Eddingley, 367, 418 Eden, 393 Edgbaston, 147, 353 Edge, 4, 296, 302 Edgecombe, 285 Edgehogge, 101, 273 Edgeworth, 276 Ediall, 100, 376 Edmunds, 381 Edwards, 55, 80, lot, 139, 140, 204, 234, 266, 279, 281, 357. 369. 372, 388, 390, 408, 413, 415, 41S, 422, 423, 424 Edwin, 106 Edwin, High, 105 Edwin, Loach, 35, 115, 126, 156, 262, 299 Edwin, Ralph, 404 Eginton, 41S Egiock, 5, 10, 27, 52, IOI, 120, 139, 272, 273, 312, 369 Elcock, Elcocks, Elcox, 154, 281, 284, 341 Eldersfield, 19, 25, 26, 27, 3°. 33. 34. 42. 54. 59. 88, 89, 96, 98, 115, 126, 129, 132, 133. !34. 154. 156, 170, 183, 208, 216, 223, 227, 228, 233, 238, 247, 24S, 253, 254, 270, 272, 286, 289, 294, 298, 302, 311, 312, 324, 333, 335, 341. 343. 346. 347. 3 62 > 391, 409, 410 Elfe, 85 Elisander, 198 Ell, 336 Ellins, 245, 275, 276, 314, 338, 420 Elliott, 112, 179, 262 Ellis, 34, 180, 196, 205, 213, 3°3. 33'. 406 EHy, 97 Elmbridge, 5, 7, 18, 34, 41, 62, 68, 70, 74, 77, 91.97. 130, 137, 167, 173. '84, 236, 258, 261, 263, 291, 339, 34i. 345. 35 2 . 378, 386, 396, 406, 410 Elmesett, 31 Elmley, 91, 174, 217, 219, 386, 411, 414 Elmley Castle, 168, 1S2, 206, 298, 344, 422 Elmley Lovett, 39, 52, 75, 85, 181, 218, 240, 204, 291. 293, 375. 377, 389, 414 Elsmore, 71, 208, 416 Elte, 342 Elton, 139, 390 Elvins, 23, 39, 72, 181, 184, 232, 234, 247, 258, 361, 422 Elwes, 48, 220 Emberley, 413 Embury, 136, 144 Ernes, 84, 106, 118, 128, 159, 167, 171, 174, 176. 184, 1S6, 212, 225, 229, 231, 245, 259, 261, 264, 268, 273, 277, 2S3, 301, 30S, 311, 336, 338, 348, 359. 379 Emett, 231 Emins, 177 Enfield, 332 England, 325, 330, 334 Englesby, 3S4 English, 159 Ensall, 21, 109, 301, 334 Ensor, 357 Enterbury, 263 43S AN INDEX TO Erton, 45 Essex, 31, 37, 56, 104, 383 Est, 46, 64, 169, 23S, 282, 372 Estham, 2t Estington, 88, 196 Estopp, 133, 181, 390, 418, 421,425 Estropp, 248 Evans, Evens, 4, 12, 41, 74, 294, 346, 423 Evell, Evill, 23, 68, 10S Evenlckle, 19, 29, 32, 35. 62, 86, 89, 114, 120, 188, 206, 214, 226, 227, 232, 241, 243, 252, 256, 259, 304, 30S, 322, 331, 343, 348, 35'. 369, 39°. 400. 410, 412, 422 Evered, 298 Everton, 61, 210, 264, 297, 416, 425 Every, 385, 3SS, 405 Evesham, 7, 8, [4, 16, 19, 28. 34. 35. 40, 43. 45' 47, 52. 53. 5 6 > 6l > 65, 66, 67, 7°. 72, 73. 78, 97. '°°> 109, 117, 118, 123, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 144. 145. "5". '56, 157. 160, 163, 165, 167, 170, 176, 177, 178, 179. 185, 186, 191, 194, 198, 202, 206, 207, 210, 213, 216, 219, 224, 226, 227, 231, 246, 250, 252, 253, 256, 263, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273. 275, 286, 297, 299, 301, 304, 315, 318, 334, 346, 349. 35o, 353. 357. 359. 367. 372, 374. 375. 377. 381, 3 S 4. 386, 3S7. 388, 393. 395. 398, 402, 408, 409, 410, 413, 418, 421, 422, 426 Eveson, 300 Evett, Evatt, 13. 41, 54, 86, 106, 146, 165, 170, 310, 388 Ewens, &c, 6, 99, 139. 216, 270, 320, 383, 384, 3S9 Eyett, 73 Eyles, 5, 134, 423 Eyre, no, 184, 291 Eyre, Little, 34 Fairfax, 151, 401 Falkingham, 255 Fall, 389 Famer, 123, 129 Kanck, 25 Fane, 353 1 , 364 Fareloe, 355 Farley, 28, 163, 239, 266, 290, 321. 334. 357, 3 6 2, 368 Farmer, 43, 73, 97, 177, 3°4. 347, 393. 4lo Farnborough, 18, 380 Fair, 29, 105, 239, 241,274, 292, 3°2, 372, 3S8 Farrer, 143, 322 Farrington, 59 Faulkcs, 169 Favell, 404 Fawkes, 23, 84, 101, 104, 153, '56, 157. 252, 259, 314, 387 Fawler, 2S5 Fayting, 303, 30S, 345, 347, 348, 351. 354. 390 Fazer, 331 Feaime, 144 Fearnside, 26S Feckcnham, 5, 8, 10, 12, 23, 42, 46, 56, 63, 66, 70, S4, 96, 97, 106, 116, 125, 129, 144, 160, 166, 184, 190, 192, 205, 207, 220, 225, 232, 234, 237, 245, 249, 250, 255, 260, 269, 277, 279, 284, 288, 299, 300, 306, 317, 326, 327, 329, 34i, 345, 349. 352, 356, 360, 378, 384, 389, 392, 393. 396, 398, 400, 402, 408, 409, 415 Feiid, Field, II, 16, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 44, 47, 49, 53, 58,66, 70, 75, 79, 81,95, 100, 105, 117, 124, 125, 133, 138, 144, 145, 14S, 177, 180, 191, 204, 213, 216, 218, 226, 231, 242, 247, 250, 268, 281, 299, 3'7, 329, 33'. 334, 349, 359, 388, 396, 4'°, 4'S Feldon, 177, 227, 383, 392 Felkingham, 135, 144 Fellow, 95 Kellowes, 165, 372 Felt, 394 Fennimore, 341 Fepston, 227 Ferebee, 240 Fereday, 310, 312, 321,325, 339. 409 Feirers, 40 Ferrett, 387 Ferryman, 27, 41, 47, 144 Fetherstorj, 35, 60, 94, 135, '45 Fewtrell, 166, 327 Feynton, 125 Fidoe, 62, 86, 99, 119, 122, 126, 129, 140, 143, 146, 180, 252, 270, 326, 371, 379 1' ielder, 353 Fieldhouse, 411 Fielding, 213, 260, 288 Fiennes, 175, 209 Fifield, 195 Filt, 57 Finch, 31, 55, 59, 71, 113, 134, 137, 139, 159, '9^, 203, 216, 240, 245, 252, 261, 272, 286, 326, 335, 305, 396, 4°S, 4'9 Fincher, 17, ^i, 41, 62, 67, 70, 84, 85, 97, 99, 163, 166, 240, 259, 260, 357, 372, 385 Finnemore, 322 Firer, 53, no Firle, 46 Firley, 3, 23, 363 Fish Street, Worcester, 245 Fisher, 16, 19, 47, 64, 118, 149, 181, 256, 278, 294, 325, 341, 346, 349, 352, 363. 372, 379, 422 Fitter, 130, 267, 368, 417 Fitton, 123 Fitzer, 47, 57, 76, 217, 223, 237,33',399, 4'7, 420 Fitzhugh, 304 Fizer, 12, 43, 159 Fladbury, 24, 27, 34, 36. 53. 54, no, 151, 159, 170, '77. '79. 183, '88, 190, 199, 204, 214, 237, 247, 261, 268, 269, 275, 282, 2S3, 314, 327, 372, 376, 392, 397, 403, 405, 4'8, 422 Flamsted, 156 Flax, 31 Fleet, Flete, 44, 45, 51, 59, 68, 81, 102, 130,263,363, 370 Fleetwood, 259 Fletcher, 71, 95, 96, 157, 165, 188, 207, 215, 267, 297, 3°8, 312, 324, 325, 347, 35', 356, 358, 376, 400 Flint, 169 Flood, 292 Flook, 12, 85, 2S9 Floyd, 253 Fluck, 103, 183, 194, 206 Flyford, 57, 162, 231, 399, 405,411 Flyford, Flavell, 32, 233, 348, 363, 381 Fockbury, 35, 221, 22S, 2S8, 295. 3'2, 322, 3 6 7, 3 8 ', 392, 422, 423 Foley, 2, 4, 15, 22, 24, -57, 38, 42, 48, 54, 58, 63, 68, 69, 70, 86, 96, 100, 102, 106, 109, 113, 114, 131, «32, '33. '35. 136. '39, 142, 143, 146, 150, 158, 159, 162, 165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 177, 17S, 1S4, WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 439 iSS, 191, 197, 203, 204, 2oS, 211, 213, 2I§, 220, 222, 226, 233, 234, 236, 238, 242, 243, 252, 254, 264, 265, 270, 2S3, 2S5, 292, 293, 301, 312, 323, 325. 32S, 333, 334, 339, 34i, 37°. 377. 378, 3 S 3> 387. 395. 420, 421 Folkingham, 247 Folley, 13 Folliott, 66, 114, 160, 205, 222, 226, 227, 241, 251, 257, 263, 292 Folliott, Lord, 114, 142, 154. '59. 334. 390 Followes, 147 Fones, Fownes, 6, 17, 29, 30, 46, 53, 70, 120, 135, 204, 206, 231, 240, 262, 315. 329. 340, 354. 357. 400, 403, 410, 421 Foomer, 283 Foot, 366 Force, 71 Ford, Foord, 4, 86, 121, 219, 275, 280, 284, 322, 330, 33'. 344. 380, 387. 39S, 402, 421 Forest, 169, 170, 240, 304 Forester, 317 Forfield, 6, 15, 19, 23, 3S, 71, 133, 177, 192, 209, 213, 231, 240, 287, 31S, 337. 339. 350. 353. 35S, 3^S, 3S5 Forster, 170, 191, 201, 211 Fort, 50, 97, 159, 2SS, 405, 422 Foitescue, 55, 86, 124, 139, 141, 302 Forthampton, 30, 346 Fosshaw, 1 68 Foster, 161 Fouch, 301 Fowke, 64, 73, 77, 84 Fowkes, 389 Fowler, 21, 239, 271, 279, 283, 35°. 424 Fownhope, 185 Fox, 29. 34, 66, 72, 138, 213, 242, 254, 255, 323, 337, 379. 389. 4°5. 419 Foxall, 120, 249, 315, 408 Foxcote, 301 Foxgill, 388 Foxwell, 334 Franche, 76 Francis, 4, 23, 48, 64, 132, 3'4. 33' Francklyn, 26, 369, 413 Frank, 14, 60, 146, 180, 1S8, '94 Frankley, 6, 28, 37, 41, 42, 56, 99, 143, 210, 253, 282, 327. 350. 35'. 407. 4" Freame, 66, 192 40, 105, iSS, 239. 294. 377, 97. '52, 261, 23'. 379. Freeman, 4, 21, 31, 38. 44, 50, S3, 64, 98, 119, 120, 156, 157, '94, 204, 232, 233, 246, 250, 266, 279, 3O0, 33°. 349. 358, 3S3. 385. 39', 4°' Freeston, 25, 27, 1 18 Fieeth, 271, 275, 298 Freizor, 96 French, 14, 54, 67, 69 136, 137. '5°. '5'. 161, 166, 212, 213, 314. 332 Frensham, 153, 346 Frewen, 150, 153, 195 Frogmere, 205 Frogmore Court, 120 Frome, Bishop's, 135 Froxmere Court, 135 Froxmore, 64 Frye, 30, 43 Fuller, 112, 165, 382 Fulwood, 92, 103, 148, 281, 302, 311, 33S, 399 Furley, 192 Furton, 125 Gabb, Gabe, 237, 393 Gadham, 31 Gage, 36, 39, 147, 191 Gale, 136, 283, 338 Ganderton, 8, 16, 32, 38, 48, 68, 76, 82, 108, U2, 175, '76, 179, 190, 251, 276, 3'7. 359. 303. 365. 3° 6 , 405,413, 425 Gannow, 15 17, 95, 99, 101, 295. 3°'. 3'° Gardner, 6, 12, 34, 35, 56, 79, 80, 83, 104, 10S, 128, 1S3, 184, 189, 200, 202, 206, 227, 233, 262, 335, 342, 352, 35 6 . 357. 362, 37'. 398. 399. 402, 409, 422 Garlord, 23 Garland, 58, IIO, 173 Garleford, 199, 230, 265, 269, 322 Garlsford, 339 Garmston, 211 Garrett, 10, 35, 53, 64, 66, 83, 84, 97, 121, 138, 139, 157, 270, 344, 378 Garston, 73, 156, 185, 360 Garvett, 297 Gascoigne, 300, 341 Gaseley, 313 Gatfield, 91, 166, 206, 335 Gatley, 169, 229 Gaton, 303 Gawlter, 101 Gau'ton, 96, 174, 249, 257 Gay, 137 Gaywood, 73, 158, 2SS Gearing, 300, 327, 328 Geary, 199 Geast, Geste, 7, 16, 18, 19, 22, 27, 90, no, 175, 190, 192, 194, 218, 253, 349, 381, 398 Cedes, 273, 278 Geers, 99, 212, 213, 232, 304, 306, 343, 384 Gegg, 240, 291, 301 Gem, 265, 288, 295, 310, 318, 411,413,419 Gent, 167, 23S, 2S6, 354, 39'. 392 George, II, 79, 80, 95, 116, 118, 129, 132, 136, 150, 159. »63. 169. 170, 203, 209, 210, 215, 231, 236, 240, 244, 245, 253, 256, 259, 270, 277, 288, 303, 308, 315, 328, 331, 333, 342, 347, 35°. 358, 3S7. 412 Gerrard, 366 Gervis, 146 Getley, 409 Chimenes, 319 Gibbard, 133, 256 Gibbons, 49, 64, 67, 129, 183, 274, 291, 390, 397 Gibbs, 22, 63, 76, 78, 119, 124, 127, 136, 170, 215, 293. 3°3. 3°7. 30S, 386, 415,417,422 Gibson, 244, 266, 277 Gifford, 148, 293, 315, 535, 335. 355. 379.4" Gilbert, 57, 89, 131, 140, 157, 162, 164, 221, 276, 290 Gilding, 300 Gildons, S8 Giles, Gyles, 14, 16, 33, 35, 38,50, 51, 57, 59.65.67, 77, 8S, 117, 122, 123, I40, '43. '47. '54. '55. '59. 163, 172, 173, 177, 178, 182, 184, 194, 197, 212, 216, 218, 231, 282, 295, 295, 3'6, 359. 364. 374. 390. 4'5 Gill, 16, 39, 205, 244, 391, 426 Gillam, 20, 114, 290, 293, 324, 404 Gillett, 86 Gillman, 76, 78, 83 Ginks, 424 Girdler, 162 Gisburne, 162, 416 Gittoes, 18, 100, 287 Gittons, 83 Glasbrook, 76, 109, 121, 154,258 Glaze, 219, 264 Glazebrook, 246 440 AN INDEX TO Gloucester, 189, 313 Gloucestershire, 3, 23, 30, 31 > 3 2 , 37. 42, 44, 4°. 481 50, 56, 63, 86, 97, 98, 102, 104, 108, 113, 115. 124. 126, 130, 147, 156, 158, 161, 168, 183, 194, 196, 200, 205, 209, 212, 222, 225, 229, 230, 237, 238, 244, 246, 248, 253, 255, 267, 270, 276, 286, 296, 306, 307, 309, 313, 317, 320, 328, 333, 346: 358, 363, 384, 401, 409, 410, 416, 424 Glover, 12, IS, 43, 78, 95, 113, 130, 150, 152, 155, 198, 221,334,383 Glynn, 411 Goatman, 121, 424 Goddard, 127, 170, 178,221, 312, 362 Godfrey, 3, 29, 84, 96, 132, 136, 193, 214, 277, 280, 324,331,414 Godwyn, 410 Golafers, 268 Gold, 409 Golder, 252 Goldicote, 37, 50, 56, 104, 141, 153, 240 Goldsmith, 203 Gomery, 32, 354 Gonderton, 185 Good, 45, 141,205,236,279, 407 Goodale, 43, 210, 389, 422 Goodinge, 252 Goodman, 104. 209,257,355 Goodwin, 82, 164, 237, 241, 315. 3«9. 336, 4°9- 4'4. 415 Goodyear, Goodier, &c , 4, 56, 57, 273, 274, 350, 373 Goold, 257 Goore, 84, 345, 356, 392 Goosehill, 227 Gopp,i33, 165,214,358,36s Gousill, 379 Gorden, 350 Gore, 46, 90, 1 76 Gorges, 176, 232 Gorle, 41, 58, 217, 254, 408, 416 Gorton, no, 287, 417 Gorway, 40 Gosling, 41, 312, 363, 407 Gosnell, 233, 3S4, 412 Gough, 155, 317,376, 402 Gould, 259 Cower, 26, 32, 41, 69, 79, 86, 90, 96, 97, 105, 120, 128, 131, 143, 165, 178, 179, 214, 226, 241, 242, 269, 283, 290, 299, 312, 315, 326, 329, 348, 366, 367, 388 Grafton, 25, 54, 373, 403 Grafton Flyford, 72, 249, 2S7, 375, 3S0 Grainger, 121, 330 Gramer, 237 Grant, 376 Grasier, 47 Gravenor, 268, 366, 391 Graves, 93, 147, 239 Gravestock, 366 Gray, Grey, 62, 161, 196, 238, 239, 255, 285, 346, 406 Grayle, 350 Greaves, Greeves, Greves, Grevis, 1, 4, 6, 9, n, 14, 29, 30, 34, 44,47,48, 51, 59, 65, 70, 84, 85, 93, 98, III, 138, 144, 146, 162, 166, 171, 177, 182, 191, 217, 226, 232, 241, 252, 256, 271, 273, 277, 284, 294, 298, 309, 310, 316, 3'7, 339, 381, 392, 4°6, 424, 426 Green, 4, 28, 52, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 84, 90, 105, 106, no, 115, 119, 133, 156, 186, 187, 1S9, 193, 197, 203, 207, 210, 211, 213, 226, 231, 241, 245, 247, 248, 250, 252, 261, 270, 273, 282, 288, 290, 314, 3i5> 3 2 °> 324, 329, 334, 340, 34i, 362, 3 6 5> 3 6 9> 377, 384, 385, 387, 394, 400, 415, 420, 423, 424 Greenall, 258, 301 Greenaway, 327 Greenbank, 74 Greenhill, 64 Greening, 303, 321 Greenow, 47, 52 Greenstreet, 343 Greenwich, East, 23 Greenwood, 9, 154, 348 Greet, 13, 46, 235 Gregg, 226, 423 Gregory, 87, 196, 201, 299, 307, 413, 424 Greswold, 4, 5, 12, 13, 24, 77, 85, 98, 164, 226, 231, 292, 374 Gretton, 46, 346, 412 Grew, 258 Greyhurst, 222 Grice, 177 Griffin, 36, 41, 125, 204, 205, 221, 236, 274 Griffith, Griffiths, II, 12,33, 36, 48, 66, 75, 89, 98, 294.297,304,321,413,414 Grigson, 328 Grills, 248 Grime, 233 Grimes, 228 Grimley, 67, 104, 153, 259, 263, 266, 372, 390 Grimmett, 1 17, 137, 288 Grimshaw, 4, 304 Grismond, 406 Groobee, 274 Grosley, 143 Grove, 2, 27, 28, 31, 32, 56, 65, 96, 98, 118, 128, 141, 149, 160, 170, 178, l8S, 191, 197, 262, 265, 268, 278, 292, 296, 303, 314, 319, 3 2 3, 336, 337, 339, 34°, 342, 347, 353- 356, 368, 373, 375- 38i, 388, 415, 417 Grubb, 14, 327 Gruttington, 383 Grynhill, 63 Guest, 204, 296, 318, 331, 335, 346, 358, 361, 3 6 2, 367, 39°, 417 Guidott, 77 Guilding, 8 Guildsborough, 39 Guise, 180, 417, 423 Gummery, 49, 63, 86 Gunn, 174, 217, 374 Gurney, 196 Gwatkyn, 27, 101 Gworle, 101, 234 Gwynn, 371, 409 Habberley, 142, 230, 258, 264, 268 : 348, 3S0 Habington, 155, 269 Hackett, 1, 13, 14, 21, 30, 49, 52, 55, 69. 79. 89, 91, 121, 138, 160, 170, 214, 220, 227, 241, 247, 254, 255, 291, 319, 35', 374, 419 Hackett's, Broughton, 99, 119, 257 Hackluit, 1S7, 200 Hadbury, 72 Haden, 242, 299, 309 Hadley, 67, 162, 191, 201, 210, 252, 308 Hadow, 119 Hadzor, 34, 67, 91, 106, 149, 181, 192, 218, 242, 243,298, 314 Haford, 370 Haggard, 363 Haggetts, 397 llagley, 12, 14, 15, 56, 58, 150, 184, 191, 226, 231, 249, 261, 323, 357, 367, 401, 402 Haines, Haynes, Heynes, 5, 12, 14, 31, 40, 47, 67, 114, 157, 179, 181, 214, 226, 233, 256, 274, 283, 2S4, 3°°, 321, 324, 332, 377, 384, 386, 392, 399, 402, 404, 41S, 424 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 441 Hale, 27, 51, 65, 83, 108, 116, 177, 179, «8l, 223, 231. 232. 233, 243, 280, 2 93. 298, 300, 318, 345, 403, 410 Hales, 2, 45, 51, 52, 1S3, 197, 402 Halesowen, 82, 143 Halford, 228, 248, 344, 400, 4°5 Halifax, Earl of, 244 Hall, 7, 8, 9, 16, 23, 28, 29, 32, 33. 46, 59. 63, 66, 70, 7', 72, 73. 81, 83,91, 93. 99. 101, 105, no, 123, 124, 130, 137, 155, 163, 167, 170, 177, 191, 203, 212, 230, 231, 241, 258, 262, 263, 270, 277, 294. 3°2, 311, 316, 322, 328, 332, 340, 344. 346. 37o, 372, 377, 381, 383, 386, 397, 403. 422 Hall Court, 8, 225 Halland, 89 Hallen, 360 Hallins, 339 Hallow, 24, 55, 77, 85, 90, 142, 190, 200, 226, 266, 352, 365. 367, 402 Hallward, 6, 17 Halmark, 356 Halseter, 106, 149 Halsey, 30, 28S, 353 Ham, 405 Hameisley, 233 Hamis, 317 Hammond, Sec, 180, 240, 262, 263, 284, 297, 341, 400, 4 1 1 Hamms, 1 17 Hampshire, 31, 77 Hampson, 140 Hampton, 39, 58, 84, 120, 168, 236, 238, 269, 274, 316, 334, 390 Hampton Charles, 135, 174, 362 Hampton Court, 46 Hampton, Great, 106, 144, 156, 179,223, 337, 419 Hampton, Little, 145, 153, 155. 199. 33'. 342, 411 Hampton Lovett, no, 156, 2S2, 307 Hanbury, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 66, 68, 72, 73, 80, 83, 84, 85, 89, 91,92, 96, 100, 101, 104, 106, 109, 115, 121, 125, 127, 131. '34. 139. 142, 144, 145, 146, 150, 157, 163, 184, 195, 198, 199, 200, 204, 218, 222, 225, 226, 229, 234, 239, 251, 254, 257, 258, 261, 262, 26S, 278, 292, 294, 297, 302, 3°6, 3>S. 317. 320. 336, 345. 346, 354, 356, 357. 360, 361, 364, 365, 373, 379, 3S3. 385, 386, 389. 391, 392, 397. 399, 400, 414. 416,421, 423 Hancock, Hancocks, Han- cox, 2, 8, 13, 61, 84, 86, 96, 116, 127, 129, 143, '5', 195, >99, 206, 240, Z 5S, 311. 3'5> 3>6, 328, 344. 347, 375, 388, 398, 426 Hand, 107 Handley, 40 Hands, 18, 61, 132, 182, 369, 392, 420 Handsworth, 13, 235 Handy, 78, 118, 183, 284, 299, 301, 3°6, 327, 348, 374, 381, 386 Hanford, 16, 132, 192, 239, 256, 283, 291, 421 Hangford, 79 Hanging Aston, 316, 360 Hankins, 33 Hankley, 34 Hanley, 9, 12, 16, 45, 61, 146, 150, 162, 173, 1S6, 198, 214, 223, 249, 266, 277, 285, 303, 307, 310, 335 Hanley Castle, 2, 4, 5, 13, 17. 19, 25, 31, 40,43,50, 53. 57. 58,65, 66, 68, 81, 86, 101, 119, 121, 122, 123, 127, 131, 132, 133, 141, 147, 150, 152, 153, 155, 159, 160, 207, 208, 218, 219, 224, 231, 244, 247, 252, 260, 294, 298, 299, 301, 313, 317, 328, 332, 336. 342, 345. 349, 351, 353, 358, 361. 362, 367, 368, 377, 379, 387, 394, 399. 415. 4'S, 422, 425 Hanley Child, 160 Hanley William, 51, 329 Hannam, 356 Hanne, 132 Hannes, 72, 218, 249, 349 Hanson, 33, 237, 245 Harbach, 76, 251 Harbage, 64, 139, 204 Harbert, 38,43.45. 74. "8, Harbidge, 308 Harborne, 5, 8, 61, 106, 19S, 303, 357,413 Harbridge, 258 Haicott, 194 Harding, 120, 130, 138, 144, 155, 232,372 Hardman, 136, 32S H h Hardwick, 32, 53, 55, 73, 84, 100, 112, 114, 140, 182, 1S5, 213, 326, 351, 360, 375, 404 Hare, 148, 168 Harewell, 97, 116, 19S, 311 Harford, 243, 248, 29S, 308 Harforton, 57 Harlackenden, 72 Harley, 323, 378 Harlow, 40, 98 Harman, 5, 64, 207, 258, 349, 402 Harnadge, 361 Harper, 51, 61, 83, 1 17, 120, 122, 366, 416 Harpley, 286, 405 Harrett, 116, 203 Harretts, 405 Harries, 51 Harrington, 228, 313 Harriott, 312 Harriotts, 231 Harris, 5, 13, 33, 36, 43, 44,47, 51. 59,6o, 65, 80, 85, 89, 93, 94, 101, 103, 122, 123, 124, 12S, 130, 131, 132, 136, 139, 144, 145, 151, 161, 182, 191, 193, 198, 199, 202, 210, 211, 215, 219, 228, 231, 233. 235, 238, 245, 247, 249, 252, 256, 258, 260, 262, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 274, 275, 2S0, 282, 2S6, 289, 293, 300, 302, 3°3, 3°7, 3°9, 310, 3", 314, 315, 3'7, 3i9, 322, 3 2 5, 326, 337, 343, 345. 352, 353, 356, 358, 363, 364, 368, 369, 371, 381, 3S4. 39°. 39'. 394, 395, 396, 399, 4°o, 403, 4i8, 423, 424, 426 Harrison, 4, 10, II, 27, 39, 54, 64, 90, 94, 95, 99, III, 120, 124, 127, 130, 145, 149, "5 2 , 163, 167, 174, 177, 203, 243, 245, 249, 274, 311, 328, 336, 35 2 > 3 6 4, 392, 395, 404, 420 Harrow, 320 Hart, 26, 208, 221, 331, 336,370, 394, 4" Harthdl, 47, 79, 201, 241 Harthonhills, 11 Hartland, 219, 256, 321, 35' Hartlebury, 46, 49, 66, 217, 236, 280, 292, 313, 339, 369, 407, 412 Hartley, 106 Hartwell, 415 Harvard, 1 84 Harvey, 20, 88, 221, 25S 442 AN INDEX TO Harvington, 6, 41, 47, 57. 61, 76, 79, 84, go, 201, 23 1, 240, 287, 3S9, 395 Harward, 4, 64, 89, 93, 131, 133, 236, 287, 303, 407 Harwell, 124 Harwood, 181 Haselock, 117, 126, 347 Haselwell, 373 Haselwood, 10, 255, 256, 260, 373, 389, 399, 426 Hassall, 304, 412 Hassard, 68, 78, 270 Hastings, 90, 104, 107, 148, 222, 243, 245 Hastings, Lord, 94 Hatfield, 161, 400 Hathaway, 422 Hathway, 44, 260 Hatton, 34, 98, 106, 183, 194, 228, 231 Hattum, 234 Haughton, 163, 216, 259, 276, 300, 309, 315, 426 Haverfield, 385 Haversham, 39 Hawe, 121, 233, 246, 355 Hawker, 211 Hawkes, 2, 44, 223, 296, 302, 348, 403, 404, 415 Hawkeswood, 334, 376 Hawkins, 46, 123, 176, 182, 234, 258 Hawkley, 238 Ilawling, 263, 267 Havvnes, 146 Hswson, 1S8 Hawtin, 369 Hay, 1, 8, 45, 49, 66, 73, 103, 150, 173, 184, 186, 195, 208, 217, 245, 262, 268, 277, 292, 310, 345, 348, 359, 3 6 3, 367, 374. 376, 379. 397. 4°7. 423 1 laybury, 37 Hayes, 10S, 20S, 286 i Iayles, 22, 159, 161 Hayward, Heyward, 10, 33, 106, 131, 137, 214, 247, 298, 323. 3 6 3> 391, 393. 408 Haywood, Hey wood, 3, 67, nj8, 201, 339, 3S1, 422 ! la. ill, 263 I leadly, 412 i leape, 414 Heath, 74, 87, 124, 148, 170, 199, 236, 251, 256, 266, 321 Heathcock, 376, 406 Heat. hi, Melon, 15, 83, 150 1 li ekes, 191, 270, 3S7 (Ieightington, 418 Helme, 3, 23, 46, 47, 273, 322 Helmes, 254 Fleming, Hemming, 9, 15, 21, 56, 57, 60, 65,72, 75, 78, 80, 82, 91, 93, 94, 99, 100, in, 113, 117, 123, 124, 134. 135. 136. '5°. 151, 160, 166, 169, 179, 190, 192, 200, 201, 203, 208, 230, 233, 238, 242, 243. 247, 254, 258, 270, 276, 277, 280, 284, 300, 3°4. 309. 3". 3i6, 3 2 °. 3 2 9. 333, 334. 337, 347, 375, 378, 383, 397, 403, 407, 408, 409, 412, 413, 421, 426 Henley, 44, 87, 174, 198, 215, 352, 402 Henning, 22 Henwick, 23 Henzey, 56, 190, 209, 346, 368, 413 Herbert, 8, 12, 17, 19, 25, 47, 52, 6r, 68, 78, 85, 95. 105, 131. 133. >4°. 142. 152, 159, 167, 182, 189, 206, 211, 222, 247, 251, 275. 3°>, 302, 304, 315, 342, 3& 1 Herbert, Lord, 360 Hereford, 45 Hereford, Viscount, 37, 7S, 133, '34. 2°3, 216 Herefordshire, 3, 23, 36, 39, 42, 46, 58, 63, 77, 80, 86, 87, 89, 93, 115, 119, 120, 126, 134, 135, 145. "48, 158, 161, 174, 185, 193, 197, I98, 20O, 212, 214, 2l8, 222, 234, 255, 2-1, 274, 278, 297, 299, 307, 317, 326, 329, 356, 358, 361, 362, 366, 373, 380, 390, 396, 404 Herriard, 77 Herriotts, 218 Hewes, 56, 60, 101, 173 Hewitt, 319 Hewlett, 213 Hewley, 1 17, 171 Hewzey, 412, 420 Heybridge, 147 lleyden, 385 Ikynes, 53 Heyshott, 31 Ilibbins, 215 Hibbott, 9, 30 Hibbotts, 40 Hiccope, 1 14 Hickman, 173, 204,205,233, 242, 245, 251, 264, 330, 352, 353. 39S, 4M, 423 Ilickmans, 294, 415 1 in Icon, 411 Hickoxe, &c, 133, 207, 271, 349. 553 Hicks, 27, 77, 79, 278, 316, 327, 3S2, 417 Hide, 65, 87, 139, 223, 273, 289, 293, 326, 349 Higford, 345 Higg, 112, 136 Higgins, 19, 26, 85,89, 108, 112, 117, 138, 140, 143, 146, 161, 168, 179, 183, 185, 251, 259, 263, 292, 293, 296, 310, 313, 329, 33°, 347, 356, 366, 37', 400, 408, 414 Higginson, 333, 339 Higgs, 2, 136, 171, 218, 223, 309 High Kdwin, 105, 232 Hightington, 71, 257 Highway, 225, 317, 328 Higley, 3, 22 Hill, 2, 8, 14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 40, 41,42, 45, 59,62, 64, 69, 71, 73, 74,81, 85, 86,92, 93, 98, 100, 101, 105, 109, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 134, 137, 139, 140, Hi, 144, 145. 148, 149, 150, 153, 156, 157. 159. 161, 164, 16S, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 17S, 179, 182, 1S8, 192, 195, 198, 200, 204, 205, 208, 211, 216, 220, 221, 225, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 240, 246, 249, 250, 252, 255, 258, 264, 265, 268, 271, 272, 275, 279, 280, 281, 285, 291, 292, 302, 303, 3°7> 313. 315. 3>S, 3'9, 3 2 o, 3 22 > 329, 33i. 339. 35°. 352, 365. 36S, 3 6 9> 373, 375. 376, 378. 38i, 384, 385. 393, 396. 400, 402, 411, 413, 417,420,424 Hill and Moore, 21, 34, 69, 115, 140, 141, 149, 176, 179, 205, 211, 240, 250 Hill Court, 283, 414 Hill Croome, 43, 117, 321 Hill End, 69, 186 Hill Ridware, 13 Hilley, 156, 233, 235,244 Hillhampton, 59, S2, 109, 112, 131, 13S, 190, 280 Hills, 242 Himbleton, 17, 61, 7S Hiniley, 30 Hinch, 3S7 Hinckes, 327, 396, 402 Hinckley, 265, 339, 347, 378, 392 Hincksman, 240, 339, 356 Ilindlip, 86, 109, 155, 163, 250, 269, 325 Hinton, 416 Hipkins, 399 Hipkis, 1S0, 337 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 443 Hiron, 9 S, 103, 318, 329, 401, 402 Hitchcocks, 30S, 336 Hitchin, 38, 319 Hitson, 49 Hoarstone, 18, a, 3S, 204, 292 Hobart, 15S Hobbins, 47 Hobbs, 29, 52, 183, 206, 260, 363 Hobday, 1, 6, 12, 31, 42,47, 49. 5°. 63, 70, 85, 107, 109, 117, 124, 130, 131, 140, 143. 144. >46. 174. 195, 210, 231, 269, 286, 367- 373 Hoblencb, II, 50, 166, 19S, 214. 3'3 Hoddesdon, 390 Hodge, 292, 295 Hodges, 26, 73, 7S, 136, 139, 206, 260, 266, 270, 284, 2 90, 295, 318, 342, 343, 372, 395- 39S Hodgetts, 351,368, 370, 417 Hodkins, 379 Hodson, 7, 134 Hoe, 48 Hoggeson, 345 Holbeach, Holbecb, 21,90, 194. 277, 415, 417, 422 Holborne, London, 72 Holborough, Holborow, 65, 94. 135, 194 Holbrooke, Holdbrooke, 50, 57. 374 Holden, 304, 322, 328, 346 Holder, 15 Holdfast, 41, 79, 86, 242 Holdship, 21, 48, 57, 84, '59. 176, 190. 357, 374, 379. 382, 383, 385, 409 Hole, 78, 166, 265, 310 Holford, 125, 185, 198, 216, 240 Holiock, &c, 164, 190, 243, 359. 370, 374. 397, 424. 425 Holkum, 421 Holland, 2, 8, 22, 35, 107, 147, 171, 195, 200, 218, 239, 246, 266, 285, 287, 322, 360 Holies, 285 Hollesey, 66 Hollington, 12, 26, 37, 42, 80, 164, 166, 203, 335, 341, 374, 400, 40S, 415, 423 Hollins, 8, 278 Hollman, 103 Hollow, 63, 99, 119, 169, 223 Ilolloway, Hohvay, 12, 24, 4°. 49. 51. 53. 56, 96,97, 105, 141, 155, 172, 181, 231, 258, 305, 328, 355, 357. 419 Hollowlields, 350 Hollyman, 17, 71, 14S, 149 Holmden, 120, 135, 277. 27S, 283, 305. 371.38', 398 Holme, 326 Holmer, 37, 40, 107, 133, '49. 153. 258, 298 Holmes, 38, 81, 85, 149, 225, 242, 2S4, 323, 339, 407 Holt, 8, 36, 69, 73, 79, 100, 133. 144. 178, 183, 195, 196, 207, 209, 351, 389 Holtham, Holton, 74, 214, 346, 354 Holy Cross, 54, 69 Homan, 234 Homber, 100 Home, 231 Home Castle, 109 Home, Lower, 153 Home, Upper, 104 Homer, 137, 246 Honeybourne, Honibom, 3, 223, 296 Honeybourne, Church, 32, 93. 349. 426 Honyate, 324 Hoo 15, 100,255,395,404 Hood, 63, 203 Hoods, 133 Hooke, 225, 389 Hooman, 9 Hooper, 45, 100, 153, 221, 249, 3°2, 342, 368, 379, 392 Hopcott, 155, 165, 181,336, 344, 4'4 Hope, 4, 14, 46, 174, 220, 270, 35° Hopkins, 19, 86, 89, 129, 141, 154, 179, 183, 219, 227, 239, 254, 268, 323, 35°, 365, 384, 4°2, 412, 415, 422 Hopton, 3, 45, 85, 384 Hopwood, 1S4, 196 Horn, 216, 262 Hornblower, 15, 43, 178, 208, 221, 222, 228, 255, 274, 301, 318, 328, 336, 419 Hormblow, 21, 76, 121, 141, 195, 198, 205, 210, 224, 225, 236, 284, 291, 323, 35°, 352, 372, 385, 422, 423 Horniold, Hornyold, 9, 43, 53, 65, 68, 94, 106, 107, J27, 13', 132, 141, 162, 198, 244, 267, 277, 285 Horsan, 1 16 Horsham, 95, 177,223,229, 238, 2S6, 321, 339,357 Horsley, 194, 230 Ilorsnctt, 155, 385 Hortell, 421 Hortle, 147, 156, 164, 17S, 195, 201, 202, 245, 325, 3S6, 337 Horton, 33, 109, 116, 139, 154, 166, 172, 20S, 268, 275. 336. 35°, 377, 392, 407 Horton Moore, 311 Hoskins, 316 Hoste, 23 Hotclikys, 54, 297 Hough, 41,49,62, 94, 133, 177, 394 Houghton, 1, 3, 38, 59, 90, 107 Hoult, 194, 205, 215, 407 House, 395, 399 Housman, 20, 55, 75, 141, 199, 207, 286 Howe, 31, 40, 107, 249,387 Howell, 4, 69, 129, 295, 3", 382 Hower, 100 Howes, 1 So Howlborrow, 22 Howlden, 77 Howie, 116 Howman, 219, 376, 397, 405, 422 Howsell, Lower, 267, 26S Howsell, Over, 150 Howship, 327 Howson, 343 Howton, 116 Huband, 8, 9, 16, 22, 29, 30, 40, 50, 52, 65, 109, 125, 151, 270, 316, 403 Hubball, 355 Hubbold, 100 Huck, 330, 399 Hucklett, 254 Huddington, 68 Hudson, 170, 260 Hugford, 145, 162 Hughes, 6, 21, 60, 69, 98, 130, 157, 161, 166, 171, 269, 382, 396 Hull, 101, 14S, 149, 200, 275. 368 Hullcourt, 152 Hullins, 99 Humphris, 399 Hunckfield, 32S Hungerford, 196, 249 Hunlock, 3S6 Hunt, 4, 7, 10, II, 12, 15, 28, 47, 51,63, 72, 73, 80, 82, 88, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 108, 109, 114, 117, 120, 125, 131, 134, 142, 145, 152, 153, 155, 156, 163, 166, 173. •75, '79, 200, 204, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 444 AN INDEX TO 226, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 242, 258, 259, 262, 264, 268, 270, 273, 277, 279, 280, 282, 292, 294, 297. 3 0I > 3°2. 3°3. 3°8, 3°9. 3>°, 322, 33 2 . 333. 334. 335. 337, 339, 34i, 342, 348, 352, 354, 357, 358, 362, 368, 373, 380, 389, 392, 398, 4°2, 407, 410, 415,421,425 Huntbach, 122, 124, 206, 279, 340 Huntend, 253 Huntingdonshire, 31, 373 Huntington, 37 Huntley, 209, 425 Huntshill, 175 Huntvache, 175 Hurdman, 18, 25, 58, 63, 79, 96, 160, 169, 251,257, 292, 300, 323, 346, 359 Hurleston, 76, 139 Hurst, 67, 312, 340, 385, 425 Hurtend, 81 Hurtle, 350, 355 Hussey, 277, 333, 373 Hutchcott, 114 Iluthnance, 415 Huttoft, 15 Hutton, 250, 374, 3S9 Huxley, 380, 396 Hyatt, 168, 186 Hyde, 157, 284, 398, 405, 422 Hyes, 128, 333 Iccomb, 306, 384 Imeney, 168 Impney, 86, 93, 168, 191, 261, 324 Ince, 161 Inckes, 282, 388 Ingles, 2, 112, 120, 364, 426 Ingram, 4, 20, 33, 55, 65, 67, SS, 93, 104, 105, 112, 133, '4°, 154, 178, 188, 204, 213 Inice, 217, 272 Initc, 135 [nkberrow, 4, 5, 10, 22, 29, 30, 40, 44, 47, 50, 59, 60, 64, 8o, 83, 84, 88, 98, 108, 118, 120, 151, 166, 187, 236, 243, 247, 3°2, 320, 323, 334, 337, 338, 343, 357, 360, 363, 365, 380, 395, 397. 4°7 [nkberrow, Little, 20, 231, 37i 1 'II, Insell, Insoll, 61, 68, 83. 91, 174, 264, 301 Ireland, 101, 373 1 1' ion, 317 Ivye, 325 Tace, 215, 231 Jackman, 105, 151, 176, 353> 39° Jackson, 60, 166, 175, 197, 198, 294 Jacksons, 75, 405 Jacob, 326 Jakeman, 73 James, 52, 65, 66, 67, 74, 78, 105, 107, no, 113, 125, 134, 145, 146, 159, 160, 176, 186, 188, 197, 206, 216, 280, 308, 331, 343, 349, 35°, 353, 35 8 , 360, 361, 393, 407, 409 Janus, 402 Jarrett, 79, 169, 181 Jauncey, 84, 134, 166 Jeacock, 168, 229 Jefferies, &c, 47, 67, 107, 109, 119, 140, 147, 153, 160, 234, 278, 299, 301, 310, 328, 349, 385, 397, 404, 411 Jeffery, 81 Jeffs, 157, 202 Jefkins, 125 Jekyll, 314 Jelf, 170 Jelliams, 71, 107, 124, 165, 335 Jemmatt, 263 Jencocke, 374 Jenkes, 130, 272, 311 Jenkins, 49, 69, 113, 124, 125, 145, 299, 3 IO > 325 Jenkinson, 10, 42, 63, 93, 254, 3°4 Jennens, 51, 163, 169 Jennings, 1 14, 149, 1 58, 194, 228, 231, 297, 301, 318, 402, 406 Jenny, 176 Jephcott, 252, 295, 342, 415 Jerniin, 256 Jervis, 283 Jervoise, 77, 219, 305, 395 Jesson, 22, 37, 40, 165, 334 Jeston, 27, 29, 109, no, ill, 172, 255, 290, 292, 343.346, 35 1 - 367,374 Jevon, 149, 283 Jevons, 165, 176 Jew, 92, 1 16, 152, 230, 302, 387. 403 Jewk, 154 Jewkes, 272, 2S0, 291, 389, 415 Jeyne, 156 Jcynes, 117, 296 Johns, 59, 355, 369, 412 Julinson, 5, 33, 40, 54, 76, 142, 146, 176, 185, 189, 212, 214, 254, 26l, 265, 332, 357. 361 Johnsons, 10, 20, 54, 146, 257. 3'9 Joliffe, 269, 287, 367, 386, 396, 415,417,425 Jolley, 9, 15, 93, 175 Jones, 7, 19, 25, 27, 33, 34, 40, 41, 49, 50, 51, 54, 75, 97, no, 112, 118, 145, 148, 149, 152, 159, 162, 165, 168, 172, 174, 176, 177, 194, 197, 200, 203, 211, 217, 219, 227, 230, 234. 237, 249, 252, 254, 256, 275, 287, 288, 291, 296, 297, 301, 310, 311, 322, 326, 327, 333, 343, 348, 35', 355, 369, 37°, 375, 382, 3S5, 3S6, 389. 393. 395, 396, 397, 405, 408, 413, 418, 419 Jordan, Jorden, 1, 2, 42, 58, 88, 100, 127, 318, 360, 378, 400 Joston, 138 Joyner, 87 Juckes, 294 jude, 26, 116 Juice.. 230 Justice, 34S Juston, 330 Karver, 348, 360, 401, 410 Keaden, 72, 242 Keate, 265 Keck, 316 Keech, 390 Keene, 51 Keere, 10 Kelk, 74, 92 Kemble, 129, 270, 346 Kemerton, 196, 244 Kemmett, 370 Kemp, 20, 34 Kempsall, 419 Kempsey, 18, 41, 58, 72, 77, 83, 9', 93, 96, 130, 142, 169, 1 86, 217, 224, 236, 244, 245, 256, 288, 364, 379, 404, 408, 420 Kempson, 57 Kcnipston, 416 Kendall, 372 Kendrick, 77, 10S, 199, 257, 308 Kenihvorth, 361 Kensell, 372 Kenswick, 139, 165, 197, 233 Kent, 23, 117, 122, 265, 277, 38o Kenward, 59 Kerswell, 79. 325 Kettle, 1, 57, 64, 84, 144, 164, 177, 202, 231, 247, 374, 400, 402, 40S, 418, 421 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 445 Kettleby, 241, 310 Key, 162, 339 Keys, 254, 296, 340 Keysend, 2 Keyte, 55, 76,97, 115, 138, 162, 182, 193, 234, 264, 358, 387, 413 Kidderminster, 1,4, 11, 20, 23. 25, 27, 28, 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 4S, 49, 54, 57, 61, 62, 63. 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, Si, 88, 89, 91, 94, 96, 98, IOO, 103, 112, 115, 117, IlS, 123, 125, 127, 131, 132, 137, I40, 141, 145, 146, 149, 159, 162, 166, 167, 173, 174, 176, iSo, l8l, 182, I85, I90, 191, 192, 199, 202, 203, 206, 207, 208, 215, 2l6, 220, 221, 223, 224, 228, 233, 236, 241, 244, 246, 252. 254, 256, 257, 261, 265, 270, 273, 277, 279, 282, 283, 2S5, 2S7, 29O, 293, 294, 295, 29S, 304, 310, 312, 315, 316, 317, 319, 322, 325, 330, 334, 339, 34°. 343. 344, 349. 35°. 352. 355, 356, 358, 362, 363, 365, 367, 369, 37o, 372, 374, 376, 378, 3S2, 3S4, 387, 393, 394, 397, 398, 400, 4°2, 404, 406, 409, 411, 414, 415, 416, 418, 421, 424 Kildale, 29 Kill, 360 Kimberley, 14, 34, 42, 120, 127, 160, 164, 191, 217, 221, 224, 249, 279, 295, 372,418 Kimbolton, 307 Kindon, 12, 50, 132, 162, 166, 287 King, 115, 123, 152, 181, 192, 213, 216, 235, 266, 296, 329. 332, 373, 394. 398 Kingly, 399 Kings, 1, 67, 168, 217, 266, 283, 348, 3Si. 365, 368, 4°9 Kingsend, 1 1 Kingsford, 4, 13, 173, 293, 3l6 Kingsitch, 266 Kingsnorton, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 19, 24, 26, 30, 32, 38, 44. 47.49, 51,55. 58,65, 73, 75.80,81,84, 85. 90, 95. 97. 98, 100, 107, in, 114, 117, 122, 125, 128, 131, 132, 13S, 145, 148, 149, 150, 156, 157, 164, 169, 180, 190, 191, 193, 202, 203, 204, 208, 215, 219, 225, 231, 233. 237, 239, 248, 249, 250, 262, 265, 267, 269, 272, 275, 276, 277, 2S1, 284, 285, 287, 290, 291, 296, 298, 301, 303, 304, 309, 310, 313, 315, 318, 323. 33'. 333. 334. 339. 342, 343, 345, 347, 348, 359. 364. 367. 37°. 374- 375. 377, 3S7. 389, 39i. 395, 398, 399, 400, 402, 403, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419, 422 Kingston, 39, 200, 366 Kingston-over-Aston, 24 Kingswood, 243, 334, 411 Kington, 2, 6, 25, 28, 50, 59. 87, 89, 101, 116, 177, 181, 226, 236, 250, 261, 356. 372, 413 Kinnard, 409, 415 Kinnersley, 15, 19, 117, 170, 252 Kinsford, 132 Kinsham, 113, 146, 155, 165, 181, 256, 306, 310, 344, 347, 35° Kinsham, Upper, 212 Kinsman, 259 Kin ward, 207 Kitle, 59 Kite, 138 Kittermaster, 98, 216, 279, 296 Knight, 7, 14, 23, 35, 39, 44. 54. 59, 60, 67, 69, 83, 84. 9'. 93. 99, 123, 127, 140, 154, 156, 184, 199, 226, 231, 233, 242, 247, 268, 277, 299, 312, 335, 346, 355. 363. 381, 393. 403, 4°5 Knight's Washborne, 206, 303 Knightley, 136, 163, 168, 253, 255, 257 Knighton, 62, 64, 89, 167, 283 Knightwick, 12, 14, 91, 94, 120, 146, 211, 338 Knotsford, 33, 79, 109, 209, 3°2, 379, 414 Knott, 286 Knowle, 304 Kollington, 87 Kynaston, 332 Kynman, 280 Kyre, 368 Kyre Common, 147 Kyre, Little, 23, 75, 87, 1 57, 201, 216, 284, 298, 32S, 349, 384. 385 Kyre Wyard, 26, 29, 39, 278, 359 Kyrewood, 256 Lackford, 31 Lacon, 306 Lacy, I, 42, 50, 63, 70, 85, 114, 144, 174, 210, 2S6, 327. 346, 354. 367, 373. 392, 393 Ladbury, 72, 166, 241, 402 Laight, 35S Lake, 47, 260, 336, 354 Lamb, 73, 127, 287, 313, 315. 4i6 Lambert, 146, 36S Lampest, 422 Lampett, 26, 76, 121, 140, 148, 180, 215, 225, 323 Lampnett, 74 Lander, 347, 403 Lane, 53, 114, 132, 160, 199, 217, 221, 23S, 249, 250, 252, 257, 282, 287, 3°3, 324. 327. 335. 343. 346. 347. 349. 359, 374. 381, 3S2, 383, 390, 395, 399, 406, 424 Langford, 2S5 Langham, 31 Langley, 37, 56, 135, 191, 246, 3S6, 393 Langston, 119, 143, 152, 153. 159. 192. 252, 265, 280, 295, 336, 387 Langton, 27 Lapworth, 107 Larford, 114, 116 Larkin, 272 Latin, 340 Laugharne, 176 Laugher, 52, 60, 207, 227, 242, 262, 300, 318, 340, 36S Law, 205, 236 Lawder, 165, 268, 294 Lawern, Temple, 232 Lawrence, 44, 81, 94, 126, 152, 159, 169, 186, 194, 195, 207, 208, 227, 241, 252, 294, 327, 332, 340, 343. 4°7 Lawton, 313, 377 Laysters, 200 Layt, 244 Lea, 7, 45, 65, 70, SS, 12S, 154, 162, 165, 194, 226, 231, 253, 269, 274, 295, 296, 299, 303, 336, 342, 347. 370,412 Leadington, 36, 102, 117, 163, 174 Leadon, 85 Leadsome, 178 Leake, Lecke, 10, 34, 108, 129, 233, 245, 338, 410 Leaper, 16, 47 Leather, 2, 403, 424 Leaton, 354 Leay, 200, 243, 294 446 AN INDEX TO Lechmere, 16, 37, 43, 68, 73. >3'. '37. '5°. '96, 197, 198, 214, 223, 227, 247, 249, 259, 266, 269, 277, 298, 3°3> 328, 33°. 341, 342,344, 419 Ledbury, 58, 255, 278 Ledwych, 3S2 Lee, 46, 155, 181, 195, 222, 240, 259, 296, 372, 381, 382, 399, 408 Leech, 6, 147, 168, 222 Leeth, 17, 130, 265, 406 Legh, 212 Leicester, Viscount, 42 Leicestershire, 107, 115, 161, 358 Leigh, 42, 51, 78, 94, 96, 100, 105, 134, 140, 165, 172, 187, 202, 203, 213, 352, 356, 370, 373, 3S4. 3S7, 389, 406 Leight, 6, 88, 128 Leighton, 89, 181, 192, 396 Lemon, ill Lench, 25, 37, 48, 49, 52, 59, 63.78, 104, 138, 150, 169, 187, 193, 195, 2oS . 227, 253, 254, o5, 308, 3'3. 3'4, 317. 3 2I > 338, 355. 391, 398, 401, 4H Lench, Church, 4 Lench, Hob, 50, 166, 198, 214 Lench Randolph, 16, 134 Lench, Rouse, 9, 18, 23, 76, 124, 148, 159, 280, 282, 287,302, 315, 3S0 Lench, Sheriff's, 16 Lenchvvick, 151 Lenthall, 281 Leonard, 47, 172, 209, 210, 264,312, 323 Leplach, 328 Lerigoe, 336 Lester, 261, 265 Lclhienllier, 412 Lett, 118, 298 Lewes, Lewis, 10, 32, 62, 66, 71, 72, 81, 95, 106, 114, 116, 117, 149, 156, •74, 176, 179, 223, 229, 243, 261, 2S6, 293, 338, 339, 342, 354. 385. 397, 400 Ley, 186, 398 Lickhill, 96 Lightborne, 208 Lightfoot, 55, 84, 119 1 .ilcourt, 22 Lilly, 106, 120, 264, 285, 404 I.inall, 167 I ini li, 58 I in 'In lure, 31 Linden, Lindon, 106, 306 Lindridge, 7, 43, 96, 105, 118, 171, 234,255,315 Lindsey, 309, 425 Ling, 13 Lingen, 6, 95, 216, 384 Lingham, 113, 240, 365, .415. 425 Lingwood, 58 Linton, 10, 28, 71, 120, 373 Lithorne, 232 Little, 28, 80, 206, 289, 344 Littleford, 101, 143, 251, 259, 341, 353 Little Hampton, 145, 1 53, 162 Littleton, 24, 28, 64, 67, 70, 79, 82, 99, 102, 123, 143, 169, 170, 195, 210, 2S4, 367, 3S7, 402 Littleton, Middle, 59, 92 Littleton, North, 99, 102, 129, 131. 139. '54, 186, 203, 275, 299, 300, 301, 32 7. 348, 394, 406 Littleton, South, 54, 57, 73, 82, 96, 118, 125, 157, 164, 172, 182, 204, 265, 300, 319, 336, 368 Litton, 120 Livesey, 8 Llanvarr, 323 Lloyd, 31, 56, 66, 67, 162, 229, 238, 248, 256, 327, 360, 365, 402, 419 Loade, 74, 79 Locke, 85 Loggin, 373, 408 Loggon, 156, 185 Lokier, 392, 397 Lole, 104 London, 126, 1S5, 19S, 237, 281,326,381 Long, 51, 120, 220, 239, 252, 363. 379 Longdon, 10, 47, 52, 61,66, 68, 79, 89, 90, 95, in, 116, 125, 129, 130, 131, 140, 141, 142, 146, 152, J56, 157. 162, 173, 183, 186, 1S9, 190, 193, 195, 199, 202, 221, 222, 225, 228, 229, 233, 236, 244, 253, 266, 268, 273, 275, 276, 289, 290, 304, 305, 33". 335. 342, 347, 348, 381, 384,409, 41S, 419 Longdon Castle, I Longdon Parva, 335 Longford, 237, 361 Longlane, 147 Longman, 53 Longmer, 71 Longmore, 1, 38, 62, 78, 89, "3. I2 7, '3'. 142, 154, 203, 217, 223, 230, 236, Longuevillc, 339 Lord, 160, 243, 334 Lort, 124 Love, 245 Lowbridge, 32, 240, 277, 292,307, 313.348, 426 Lowe, 10, 15, 16, 35, 38, 45. 57. 59. 62, 93, 104, 105, 136, 150, 153, 170, 193. 195. 230, 239, 262, 274, 280, 282, 293, 307, 309, 329, 337, 345, 353, 363, 366, 381, 386, 389, 407, 410, 417, 420, 421, 424 Lo.xley, 196 Lubnam, 107 Lucas, 134, 202, 246, 297, 323. 327 Luckhill, 2 Lucy, 39, 53, 212 Luddington, 78, 100, 102, 324. 338. 34°, 422 Ludford, 296 Ludlow, 248, 255 Lulsley, 6, 7, 38, 72, 392 Lumley, Viscount, 48 Lund, 394 Lunne, 10, 52, 72, 95, 123, I2 9, 137, 15'. '53. 176, 192, 199, 251, 258, 279, 289, 291, 359, 369, 376, 39', 407 Luston, 147 Lutwych, 370, 371, 391,406 Lyde, 233, 255, 2S0 Lydiate, 174, 185, 187 Lye, 78, 216, 296, 425 Lyes, 256, 323, 350 Lygon, 19, 27, 31, 47, 96, 97, 112, 114, 116, 165, 169, 187, 190, 241, 253, 344. 38i Lyncecombe, 67, 68 Lyndon, Si, 115, 164, 177, 246, 374 Lynnalis, 25 Lynton, 152 Lyon, 353 Lysons, 1 48, 149, 223, 233 Lytton, 174 Mabe, 272 Mace, 137 Machell, 161, 296, 335 Machin, 339 Mackworth, 329 Maddisen, 350 Madresfield, 21, 28,67, " 2 , 113, 152, 187, 231, 273, 288, 307 Magus, 231 Malum, 313 Maid, 253, 311 Maim, 281, 357 Mainwaring, 277 Major, 178 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 447 Makeam, 202, 329, 338, 349, 364 Makepeace, 312 Maiden, 61, 90, 99, 101, 116, 119, 152 Male, 24, 25, 225 Mai pas, 33, 176, 365 Maltus, 1S5 Malvern, 26, 43, 71, 103, »5»i 344. 409.421 Malvern, Great, 12, 17, 25, 31, 76, 77, 8S, 130, 140, 14S, 158, 162, 204, 214, 217, 229, 230, 241, 25S, 265, 273, 283, 284, 289, 295. 302, 3°8, 321, 324, 376, 379. 381, 404 Malvern, Little, 254, 376 Mamble, 57, 178, 1 89, 252, 321, 420 Man, 40S Manchester, Earl of, 152 Manderfield, 390, 399 Maniford, 132 Manley, 270, 3S3, 397 Manlow, 62 Manning, 46, 68, 227, 27 1, 291, 296, 314, 333 Mansell, 44, 94, 100, III, 145. "57. 189, 208, 29S, 342, 381, 407, 412, 420 Mansfield, 171, 242, 275, 277 Mantle, 359 Maperton, 175 March, 154, 298, 373 Marden, 28, 273, 284, 293, 307. 335. 357 Mariel, 384 Maris, 100, 101, 11S, 249, 367 Marr, 221 Marrett, 2 Marriott, 50, 59, 71, 72, 97, IOI, 114, 121, 215, 222, 233. 324. 365 Marsfield, 358 Marsh, 159, 2IO, 294, 273, 390 Marsh Court, 26, 270 Marshall, 96, 107, 109, 112, 114, 127, 164, 1S2, 204, 207, 209, 219, 222, 224, 243, 297, 299, 388, 408 Marshend, 224 Marston, 24, 34, 85, 88, 89, 93, 101, 146, 149, 153, 154, 164, 172, 196, 213, 218, 240, 274, 2S6, 307, 320, 358, 371, 378 Mart, 129, 281 Marten, Martin, Marton, Martyn, 3, 7, 28, 40, 42, 55, 66, 71, loo, no, III, 114, 117, 118, 128, 132, 145. 154, 155. l fi 2, 163, 177, 1/8, 1S3, 1S6, 199, 205, 226, 236, 252, 257, 275, 2S3, 303, 304, 314, 321, 329, 339. 342, 347. 348, 351, 356, 357, 358, 359. 362, 408 Martin Hussingtree, 12, iS, 21, 29, 75, 105, no, 184, 200, 209, 249, 257, 261, 263, 267, 2S3, 329, 391, 395. 404 Martingdale, 42 Martley, 6, 11, 16, 17, 18, 38, 49. 55. 61, 66, 75, 102, 106, in, 123, 133, 148, 149, 154, 162, 164, 172, 176, 177, 178, 184, 188, 213, 230, 236, 243, 251, 260, 272, 276, 295, 326, 328, 335, 342, 344, 347. 362, 371, 377, 381, 383, 401, 412, 420, 423, 424 Mascall, 133, 186, 239, 245 Mason, 10, 25, 56, 62, 64, 72, 79, 86, 94, 106, hi, 119, 122, 124, 125, 127, 131, 140, 151, 166, 177, 182, 1S8, 193, 197, 200, 202, 208, 224, 236, 238, 243, 246, 249, 250, 254, 266, 271, 2S1, 287, 297, 300, 303, 336, 341, 352, 365. 37S, 389. 39°. 399. 401, 411, 424 Master, 91, 311 Masters, 223, 261 Matfellow, 185 Mather, 356 Mathew, 74, 131, 172, 317, 372 Mathews, 16, 25, 29, S5, no, 128, 157, 242, 367 Mathon, 66, 81, 136, 163, 203, 204, 238, 290, 330, 379. 387. 405 Maunder, 256 Mawde, 44 Mawthill, 145, 167, 1S1, 407 Maxey, 158 Mayberry, 400 Mayer, 58 Mayne, 245 Mayo, 1S9, 382 Mazev, 88 Meadarns, 313 Meade, 319 Meadows, 86, 203, 331 Meakins, 114, 128, 162, 2S9 Meare, 414 Meaton, 289 Meddoms, 345 Medens, 268 Meek, 272, 314, 380, 382 Meighen, 224 Melley, 402 Mence, 17, 29, 43, 61, 68, 82, 92, 142, 182,227,231, 260, 263, 265, 299, 301, 354. 39>. 39S, 4°4. 418 Mercer, 401 Meredith, 93, 123, 220, 234, 269 Meregreen, 221 Merrell, 29, 32, 57, 64, 6S, 88 Merriman, 76, 230, 300, 303, 344 Merry, 91, 22S, 251, 321 Mesey, 420 Meyley, 56 Meyrick, 195, 351, 421 Meysey, 17S, 188 Michell, 131, 186, 318, 354 Mickleton, 14, 401 Middlemore, 11, 12, 34, 55, 58, 65, 84, 93, 103, 107, no, 122, 128, 156, 193, 204, 205, 256, 262, 285, 288, 291, 312, 320, 347, 373, 374. 387. 394 Middlesex, 124, 185 Middlesex, Countess of, 50 Middlesex, Earl of, 30, 37, 56, 104, 141, 153 Middleton Higford, 366 Milburne, 255 Milcott, 56, 104 Milcott-on-Avon, 37 Miles, 184, 25S, 304 Mill, 315 Millard, I, 2S, 52, 351 Millechap, 70 Miller, 57, 272 Millington, 2, 13, 118, 147, 160, 167, 1S1, 208, 256, 374 Mills, 64, 79, 89, 106, 143, 220, 250, 252, 259, 309, 3t3. 3«6, 318, 347. 348, 349, 35°. 352, 353. 357. 359. 369. 380, 393. 399, 411 Milman, 84, 245 Milner, 19, 132, 136, 141, 160, 167, 2S4, 301, 387 Milvvard, 5, 23, 30, 56, 71, 106, 128, 163, 204, 206, 226, 321, 330, 331, 333, 351, 356, 378, 385. 389. 392, 423 Mince, 57, S5, 162, 205, 229, 290. 373. 389 Minchelow, 82 Minories, London, III Mitchell, 45, 207, 223, 304, 383. 395. 4°S Milton, 48, 51, 139, iSS, 201, 216, 2S3, 356, 409 Mitton, Lower, 55, 114, 179, 197, 206, 237, 243, 246, 264, 309, 328, 396, 399, 405, 422, 423 Mitton, Upper, 31, 56, 108, 199. 237, 322, 348, 3S6, 391, 396, 425 443 AN INDEX TO Mocton, 72 Mogg, 10, St Mole, 95 Molesworth, 411 Molgrove, 8i Molyneux, 3, 212 Molyneux, Viscount, 32, 366 Monck, 401 Monks, 287 Monnox, 139, 199 Monyhall, 19, 271 Moore, 9, 20, 21, 24, 25, 32, 34. 35- 38, 39. 41. 43. 45. 46, 47. 51. S 2 . 53, 54. 69. 73, 75, 80, 82, S3, 87, 96, 98, 100, 103, 114, 115, 119, 120, 121, 125, 130, 13'. I3 2 . *39, 140. 141. 146, 149, 151, 163, 169, 170, 176, 179, 180, 185, 209, 211, 23O, 232, 235, 237, 240, 247, 250, 255, 262, 265, 267, 26S, 279, 294. 3°3. 305, 309. 3". 340, 350, 35 6 . 357, 3 6 3, 368, 369, 370, 373, 376, 383. 395. 400, 403, 422, 424 Moorehill, 4 Moorhall, 112, 116, 202, 240, 255. 259, 390 Moorhall Bell, 400 Moorton, 109, 403 Moorwaysend, 60, 62 More, 71, 82, 104, 205, 206, 255, 266 Morf, 141 Morgan, 75, 271, 286, 364, 367 Morley, 27, 36, 47, 81, 95, 113, 119, 125, 19S, 243, 278, 327, 34°, 372 Morrell, 6, 226, 284 Morris, 25, 53, 67, 70, 75, 76,92, 113, 115, 131, 153, 181, 184, 237, 247, 251, 262, 266, 279, 280, 2S8, 292, 3or, 315, 322, 326, 355. 374. 391. 394. 405. 408, 412, 417, 422 Morse, 59, 270, 345, 388 Morteboys, 365 Morton, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27. 29, 34, 43, 52, 98, 119, 129, 148, 172, 176, 189, 218, 230, 249, 258, 274, 280, 300, 302, 311, 3i7. 33°. 352, 355. 356, 390, 414, 423 Morton, Abbot's, 259, 420 Morton, Underhill, 145, 227, 274 Mose, 371 M ley, 4, 29, 51, 85, 90, 162, 163, 166, 182, 204, 216, 241, 271, 274, 279, 281, 283, 293, 311, 319, 339. 347, 353, 357. 39°, 392, 395- 4°4. 4'4, 4l6 Mosse, 37S Mo^tyn, 349, 384 Mould, 416 Moule, 257, 341, 352, 375, 377 Mountford, 159, 182, 230, 282, 370, 415 Mousall, 338 Mowle, 2, 112, 202 Moyle, 141 Mitchell, 1S6 Mncklowe, 24, 49, 82, 103, no, 124, 1S1, 24S, 291, 301, 364, 386, 410 Mulso, 135 Mundy, 47, 302 Munke, 367 Munkland, 404 Munn, 20, 384 Munslowe, 330, 341 Muntfort, 98, 100 Mnrcott, 97, 346 Murrall, 204 Murrowe's End, 104 Mutley, 358 Nanfan, 59, 87, 94, 144, 166, 247, 352, 367 Napper, 265 Nappleton, 160 Narchard, 319 Nash, 1, 5, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 32, 34, 38, 44, 49, 51, 58, 62, 73, 75, 76, 88, 90, 95, 101, 105, 119, 148, 152, 163, 164, 167, 173, 174, 177, 1S1, 182, 197, 205, 208, 210, 219, 227, 231, 236, 237, 239, 248, 249, 256, 262, 264, 276, 278, 292, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 304, 309, 315, 3'7, 332, 344, 346, 352, 355. 371, 376, 377. 378, 384, 3S6, 388, 392, 393, 396, 406, 410, 412, 416, 420 Naunton, 67, 79, 93, 339, 390 Nannton Beauchamp, 339, 365 Naunton, Black, 143, 271 Navinglon, 10 Nawington, 145 Nayer, 282 Nayle, 385 Neale, 279, 353, 360 Neast,82, 128,300,311,335, 370 Nee.l, 21, 28, 31, 43, 103, 160, 231, 312, 368 Neend, 315, 331 Neott, 31 Nest, 170 Netherton, 37, 99, 187, 273, 378,4U Nethenvich, 177, 207, 214, 218, 298, 302, 308 Netherwick, 33 Neville, 26, 95, 186, 193, 214 New, 40, 155, 267 Newbold, 24, 46, 176, 1S2, 248, 3'7, 393, 394, 420, 423, 426 Newbold Pacey, 314 Newbrough, 10, 116, 127, 173, 182, 192, 216, 221, 233, 240, 246, 269, 280, 3°i, 303, 3 J 5> 3'9 Newey, 133, 165, 173, 180, 184, 273, 277, 279, 290, 346, 356 Newhall, 113 Newham, 21 Newington, 94, 145, 353 Newland, 18, 25, 124, 282, 3°6. 338, 344. 381 Newman, 21, 76, 1 10, 121, 146, 194, 246, 262, 303 Newnham, 21, 23, 42, 43, 74, 146, 231, 262, 295, 301, 308, 399, 405, 422 Newport, 282, 329, 356 Newport, Lord, 143 Newport, Viscount, 229 Newton, 297, 403, 406 Newtown, 261 Newtrey, 339 Niblett, 185 Nicholas, 395 Nicholett, 9, 326 Nicholetts, n, 35, 40, 67, 87, 88, 126, 299 Nicholls, 11, 72, 90, 231, 253. 399. 4°l Nickless, 81, 83, 112, 118, 132, 160 Nicklin, 346 Nicklis, 78 Nightingale, 187, 312, 3S9 Nixon, 70, 97, 1 12 Noake, Noke, 92, 135, 137, 239, 251, 321, 336 Noakes, Nokes, 8, 21, 415 Noblett, 153, 201, 244, 2S7, 337. 37". 39i Nobury, 357 Norbury, 17, 41, 50, 75, S4, 94, 117, 136, 148, 160, 177, 214, 218, 319, 342, 425 Norchard, 61, 75, S3 Norden, 91 Norfolk, 48 Norgrove, 61, 67 Norman, 107, 199, 206, 401 Normansell, 226, 283 Norris, 1, 51, 53, 87, 91, no, 118, 146, 202, 209, 219, 229, 232, 246, 267, 273, 2S2, 304, 315, 339, 340, 374. 379, 3S9. 4°o. 406, 409, 425 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 449 North, 233, 378 North Piddle, 4 Northall, 2S0 Northamptonshire, 39, 222 Northfield, 7, 13, 16, 17, 18, 24. 27, 32. 59, 7°. 72, 76, 77,81,84,85,90, 96, 122, 139. '43. 149. 15". '7i» 172, 175, 177, 20S, 211, 215, 221, 232, 239, 242, 25>>. 277, 290, 293, 296, 299. 305. 3»> 3'8, 329. 346. 35°. 367. 374, 375, 376, 390, 392, 398, 402, 4°5, 4o7, 4'°, 4i5> 422, 424 Northwick, 99, 122, 254, 285, 348, 363 Norton, 7, 12, 15, 49, 51, 53- 54, 59, 61, 63, 64, 70, 79, 8 3- 84, 95, 96, 109, 129, 134, 15°, >5'> 20 7, 337, 400, 409 Norton juxta Kempsey, 122, 13', 273, 325 Norwood, 363 Nolt, 9, 44, 70, 74, 77,94, 100, 114, 118, 119, 120, 131, 142, 145, 1S5, 186, 264, 299, 310, 337, 347, 357, 366, 369, 387. 405. 408, 421 Noven, 339 Noxon, 70, 89 Nun Eaton, 102 Nurthall, 330 Nurton, 49, 174, 220, 349 Nussyate, 334 Nutley, 154 Nutt, 99, 241, 416 Oadham, 27 Oakbold, 315, 381, 394 Oakes, 319 Oakhampton, 82 Oaklev, 128 Ockey, 3S0 Oddingley, 17, 50, 128, 129, 180, 227, 344, 423 Odhams, 38 Offenham, 16, 17, 52, 55, 59, 68, 80, 89, 93, 94, 105, in, 155, 184, 189, 191, '97, 259, 277, 279, 283, 284, 303, 311, 327, 331, 3*^9, 373, 379. 394, 412, 423,425 Okewuuld, 253 Okey, 20, 40, 69, 78, 83, 270, 2S9 OMberrow, 295, 346, 349 Oldberry, 197 Oldborough, 323 Oldington, 70 Oldnall, 55,70,98, 164, 184, 357.377,393 Oldswiiiford, 15, 22, 30, 32, 38, 42, 56, 63, 69, 101, 102, 109, HO, 135, I38, 143, 150, 154, 165, 182, 192, 204, 205, 217 251, 259, 268, 271, 283, 286, 294, 304, 3°5> 3'4. 3 '5- 3'' s , 3'9, 334, 346, 351. 354- 358, 30S, 371, 377. 382, 383, 3S6, 3S9, i9i , 410, 414, 416, 420, 423 Oliffe, 207 Oliver, 52, no, 224, 3S9, 413 Olives, 393 Omach, 378 Ombersley, 17, 262, 284, 321, 3S0 Onslow, 72, 126 Onyon, 34, 129, 163, 175 Oorle, 245 Opie, 348 Ordway, 37, 78, 81, 94, 250, 254, 3°5, 359, 403. 411 Orford, 2S2, 316, 410 Orlibeare, 39 Orlton, 96, 118, 161, 176, 177, 211, 264, 380 Orme, 296 Ormond, Duke, 375 Orton, 419 Osborne, 21, 62, 87, 98, 146, 162, 219, 250, 261, 34S Osland, 92, 253, 257, 271, 349, 36+, 368 Osman, 105, 189 Oswald, 66, 241 Outwood, 53 Ovenell, 33, 41 Overbury, 73 Overhill, 299 Overhowsell, 119, 133, 150, 216 Overton, 122, 170. 252 Owen, 34, 206, 241, 351, 4°3 Oxfordshire, 72, 126, 214, Pace, 64, 94, 95, 108, 119, 133. 201, 256, 317 Pacey, 45, 256, 274 Packer, 250, 323 Packington, 2, 15, 43, 120, 168, 245,307, 371 Padtly, 63, 167, 19I, 290, 297. 3'° Padge, 48 Padstooe, 155, 190 Padstons, 44, 116, 337 Padston's Yield, 308, 316, 326, 345, 347 Page, 21, 25, 258, 291 Paget!, I, 48, 76, 100, 333, 414 Paggen, 344 I i Paine, Payne, 84, no, 131, 146, 154, 155, 199, 224, 253, 254, 261, 275, 328, 341, 356, 366, 372, 403 Painter, 396 Palfrey, 93 Palmer, 2, 14, 20, 4S, 54, 58, 59, 61, 63, 04, 68, 69, 73, 103, 116, 117, 130, 137, 146, 155, 163, 164, 171, 173, '76, 194. 202, 208, 218, 220, 224, 230, 233, 241, 242, 244, 247, 249, 288, 293, 295, 304, 305, 310, 314, 316, 330, 347, 350, 35', 352, 35 6 , 363i 366, 372, 373, 376, 3S8, 398, 402, 403, 404, 407, 422 Paiiie, 235 Panting, 123, 147, 271, 317 Pardoe, 7, 21, 29, 75, 105, 151, 152, 157, 166, 1S1, 247, 2S6, 301, 331, 367, 394, 405, 413 Pargiter, 70 Park Atwood, 269 Parke, 387, 416 Parker, 38, 50, 82, 89, 93, 96, 130, 131, 134, 141, 142, 144, 158, 181, 184, 199, 213, 243, 245, 257, 266, 275, 276, 305, 327, 356, 360, 3 6 9. 389, 390, 392, 406 Parkes, 29, 52, 82, 133, 141, 150, 153, 163, 189, 279, 284, 304, 320, 411, 414, 419 Parkhall, 82 Parkhouse, 165, 415 Parr, 95, 186, 231, 314, 405 Parratt, 3S4 Pairy, 148, 151, 156, 212, 275, 415 Parsonage, 326, 3S2 Parsons, 28, 91, 184, 198, 219, 222, 251, 268, 273, 275, 295. 3°4. 3°5. 337. 343. 345, 35°. 426 Partherich, Parlriche, 14, 242 Partington, 92, 157, 159, 192, 228, 242, 245 Partridge, 127, 139, 151, 172, 1S7, 204, 242, 245, 377, 393 Pas 247 Paston, 101, 115, 139, 154. 173, 187, 207, 216, 253, 337, 364 Patchett, 132, 156 Patenton, 123 Patrick. 292 Patteshall, 16S, 196, 209 Paulet, 62 Pauncefote, 45, 126, 271 45o AN INDEX TO Pnmtley, 124. 161, 244, 267 Paxford, 267 Paye, 219, 328, 345 Payton, 37, 4°. 46, 183, 241, 294, 3°9. 322, 325. 327. 339. 34°. 348, 376, 407. 415.424 Pearce, 236, 426 Pearcy, 83, 156, 162 Pearman, 412 Pearsall, Pearshall, 96, 136, 14', 184, 187, 196, 199, 20S, 220, 2S3, 290, 293, 314. 315. 339. 397. 417 Pearshousse, 3'3 Peast, Si Pedmore, 5, 88, 158, 165, 208, 292 Peirson, 21, 28, 157 Pelham, 72 Pemberton, 300 Pembridge, 309 Penburrow, 242 Pendock, 28, 41, 101, 211, 236, 237, 293, 311, 322, 333, 335. 345.369.382 Fenn, 15, 26, 34, 54, 57, 62, 82, 136, 137, 223, 233, 238, 251, 267, 273, 275, 286, 290, 293, 295, 325, 348, 358, 363, 367, 385 Pennell, 3, 21, 24, 28, 36, 94, 176, 246, 264, 276, 277. 3°4, 3°S, 317, 319. 339. 400 Pemice, 12, iS, 64, 120, 152, 221, 27S, 313, 316, 3 6 7. 395.404. 4°6, 4 "J Pensax, 86, 192, 332 Pensham, 59, 69, 189, 348 Pensock, 332 Penson, 361 Peopleton, 16, 36, 53, 85, 205, 245, 247, 268, 275, 294, 354, 3°'. 424 Peplowe, 87, 337 Pepwall, 61, 324 Pepys, 148 Percifull, 348 Perdiswell, 87, 263 Perk, 99 Perkes, 23, 24, 38, 42, 71, 76, 86, 93. 113, 154, 177, pi, [86, 201, 204, 218, 224, 234, 258, 280, 304, 3°5. 5°9, 315, 3'8, 325. 335. 346, 383. 384. 385. 393. 395. 397, 4°3. 409, 41S, 420, 422 Perkins, 134, 176, 183, 242, 268, 271, 2S6, 287, 302, 3>8, 330, 344. 352, 354- 405, 410 Perkinson, 96, 11S, 254 1 'en 111, 405 Pi 1 mis, 69, IOI, 402 Perris, 294, 335, 360 Perrott, 74, 9'. I20 > 28 4. 287, 365. 371. 373 Perry, 76, 79, 89, 145. I S°< 176, 228, 272, 292, 365, 372, 400 Peishall, I II Peishore, 9, II, 14. I s , 21, 26, 47, 53. 55. f '2, 64, 67, 76, 8S, 90, 94, 95, 97, 1 10, 113, 116, 11S, 119, 132, '55, '59. 16I1 J 77. 194, 207, 210, 211, 215, 229, 233, 236, 242, 247, 256, 260, 264, 266, 268, 270, 273. 275. 278, 292, 295, 297, 3 2 ', 33°. 336. 342, 343. 363. 383,4'2, 414 Pershore, Old, 327, 340 Pershore, St. Cross, 151 Pershouse, 274, 351 Pescod, 233 Peters, 31, 327, 361 Petit, 262, 30S Pettris, 74 Pew, 359 Pewtrace, Pewtris, &c, 76, 141, 30;, 328, 341, 353 Peyton, 48, 57, 63, 282, 337 Phelps, 44, 81, 167, 185, 237, 306, 331, 347 rhepson, 62 Phepstone, 227 Philley, 235 Phillips, 19, 21, 36, 48, 54, 84, S9, I02, 121, 126, 129, 136, 144, 145, 149, '54. 169, 170, 177, 202, 204, 237, 243, 273, 2S0, 287, 3°5. 306. 31 ', 334, 346. 35°, 354, 376, 380, 39' Phillis, 424 Philpott, 98, 127, 14S, 155, 157, 209, 210, 240, 243, 2S7, 291, 314, 332. 346, 349. 361, 3S9. 376. 408, 418 l'hilpotts, 209 Phipps, 2, 30, 109, 229, 323, 386, 405, 423 Pickering, 46, 83, 165, 21 1, 219, 274 Picking, 236 Piddle, North, 24, 29. 46, 49, 57, 60, 66, 78, 82, 89, 114, 117, 136, 138, 154, 157, >63, 233, 252, 253, 255. 257. 277, 284, 289, 322, 425 Pierce, 407 Pigeon, 196, 240, 3S9, 414, 423 Pigott, 314 Pilkington, 29, 95, 162, 210 Pillesbury, 21, 52, 65, 157, Pillett, 372, 3S6, 425 1 inches, 410, 414, 426 Pinchin, 373 Pinckley, 65 Pinley, 107, 171 Pinnock, 11, 333, 376 Pinson, 53 Pinvin, II, 79, 159, 202,235 Pipe, 402 Piper, 305 Pirk, 327 Pirry, 44 Pirton, 45, 64, 99, 104, 114, 125, 191, 215, 2S7, 318, 339. 379 Pitinaston, 131 Pitt, Pytt, 1, 13, 15, 23, 31, 33.35, 39, 4', 49, 61, 66, 85, 88, 91, 109, 113, 125, 127, 131, 150, 157, 159, 163, 198. 199, 212, 216, 247, 2S8i 290, 313, 331, 335. 409, 413, 4'8 Pitts, Pytts, 26, 29, 79, 147, 170, 1S8, 247, 261, 317, 349. 358, 3 6 8, 385. 398 Pitware, 18 Pilway, 44, 93, 149, 156, 199, 217, 243, 255, 267, 275 Pixham, 125, 165, 241 Place, 161 Plevey, 257 Plouyhmaker, 17 Plowden, 191 Plymouth, Earl of, 275, 360 Plymptun, 31 Podmore, 319 Poley, 137 Pollard, 114 Pomfrey, 105 Poole, 2, 95, 106, 152, 180, 181, 198, 287, 311, 322, 329. 33°, 333, 341, 349, 353, 356, 372, 396, 4°S Pooler, 35, 116, 224, 296, 353, 415 Pooley, 236 Poolhouse, 32, 51, SS, 89, 137, 218, 310, 312 Pope, 112, 302, 309, 332, 426 l'.iier, 6, 10, 14, 17, 41, 48, 52, 82, 92, 215, 236, 240, 250, 254, 258, 260, 261, 277, 285, 2S7, 299, 306, 316, 323,347, 362, 425 Pottman, 32, 33, 51, 80, SS, 89, 114, 137, 185, 218, 272, 291, 310, 312, 326 Posthunius, 87, 172, 196, 201, 331 Potter, 6. 59, 67, 127, 146, 202, 261, 267, 273, 2S6, 298, 355, 367, 397. 403 Pounnuv, ,14 Powell, 14, 28, 52, 58, 1-';. 181, 197, 202, 224. 228, 233. 245, 253, 265, 273, WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 451 276, 290, 3'7, 331. 334. 3&, 340, 343. 362, 305, 36S, 372, 39S, 401 Power, 24], 252 Powick, 14, 19, 35, 39, 45, 47,49, 70, 71,83, S 4> 97, 102, IOS, 112, 149, 159, 174. 179. '97. 230, 241, 251. 257, 264, 266, 274, 275, 287, 288, 292, 300, 302, 304, 324, 353, 359, 360, 362, 363, 369, 386, 399. 4°3. 406, 4' 1. 4i6, 424 Powle, 91, 146, 239, 305, 3"4 Powleson, 84 Powlett, 326, 327 Powter, 397 Powtris, 419 Powys, 28, 103, 163, 2ii, 256, 272 Prale, no, 123 Pratt, 5, 18S, 189, 235, 332, 393. 397. 411 Prattenton, 292, 365 Preece, 168 Prescott, 79, 82, 255 Pretty, 204, 289, 319, 397 Prettyman, 23, 66, 72, 73 Price, 14, 20, 22, 98, 152, 158, 176, 210, 236, 246, 264, 270, 29S, 301, 308, 3 I 5. 3i6, 321, 33i. 332, 334. 37°. 3S4. 393. 4°°. 4°9. 415. 4'S, 421, 424, 425 Prichard, 421 Prickley, 4, 55, 75, 88, 89, 112, 114, 204, 231, 296, 328, 364 Priddy, 19S, 380, 397, 403 Prideaux, 412 Priest, 84, 171, 221 Prime, 3S2, 383 Print, 69 Pritchett, 13, 30, 44, 95, 132, 147, 162, 215, 279, 293. 3°o. 3". 3'4. 3 6 7. 397. 414. 420 Pritty, 345 Probyn, 124 Prosser, 396, 424 Puckmore, 372 Pudlord, 65, 101, 148 Pudsey, 276, 320 Pue, 296 Puffnell, 95 Pull, 10, 53, 66, 114 Pull Court, 214 Puller, 382 Pulton, 109 Pumfrey, 278 Purcell, 300 Purfleet, 31 Purshull, 91, 229 Puxoii, 347 Pye, 255 Pyrmer, 57, 6S Quarrell, 310, 339-347. 373. 394 Queenlull, 69, 99, 155, 326 Quenington, 317 Quinton, 135, 174, 213 Raban, Rabon, 32, 51, 250. 3°'. 395. 4'9 Raby, 116, 182, 204, 25 Racster, 51 Radford, II, 71, 127, 236, 257, 304, 322, 3: Radnor, 321 Ramell, 426 Ramsey, 373 Ran, 347, 392 Rand, 10, 23, 59, 65, 8o, 98 Randall, 83, 259, 338 Randle, 332, 401 Randolph, 178 Randolph's Lench, 134 Ranford, 405 Rastell, 120, 190, 200, 213, 218, 223, 224, 235. 243, 275, 332, 3«5 Rastie, 74 Ravenhill, 30 Ravenscroft, 127 Rawlings, Rawlins, II, 32, 36, 41, 45, 70, 84 87, 132, 167, 181, 216, 244, 28S, 299, 338. 359 Rawlingson, 30, 65 Raworth, 92 Raybould, 219, 240, 316, 322,333 Raymond, 88, 158 Rayner, 377 Rea, 14, 92, 129, 1S4, 297. 3'4. 324. 354, 361, 366, 367, 372, 387, 3S9, 407, 416 Reade, 86, 97, ioo, 147. 154, 157. 201, 233> 3'7. 32S, 344, 395. 399. 4't Reading, 1 12 Redding, 138, 33S Reddle, 417 Redhead, 125, 127 Redmarley, 42, 60, 66 Si, SS, S9, 95, 96, 103, 107, 115, 124, 134, 142, 146, 160, 176, 185, 197, 213, 239, 253, 28 1, 302, 32S, 341 163, 1 190, '■7 208, 228, 355, 14, 86, 213, 328, 297, 234, 359, 375. '43, 213. 38S, 78, 99. 125. 165, 225, 304, Redmarley Adam, 66, 71, 107, 216, 2^4, 289, 315 Redmarley Dabitot, 6, 82, 91, 99, 112, 121, 14'. 161, 181, 182, 209, 233, 243, 244, 247, 253, 255, 267, 302, 332, 340, 357, 37o. 393. 404 Redmarley Oliver, 257 Rednall, 144, 171, 222 Redstone, 88 Reece, 132 Reeve, 162, 166, 284, 2S7, 3'2, 357. 375. 39'. 420 Revell, 211 Reven, 203 Rewse, 45 Reynolds, 107, 155, 181, 182, 205, 2ii, 213, 225, 243, 260, 2S9, 329, 349, 375. 389. 393. 4'8 Rhodes, Koades, 113, 145, 200, 395, 410 Ribbesford, 34, 61, 222 Rice, 369 Rich, 3S6 Richard, 306 Richards, 9, 50, 88, 130, 170, 191, 192, 193, 203, 245, 252, 264, 302, 314, 3'6, 343. 39'. 423 Richardson, 252, 326, 33S, 364 Richmond, 57, 58, 352, 401 Rickards, 63, 79, 253, 315, 33'. 366, 373. 374. 379, 400, 423 Ricketts, 31, 339, 397 Riddell, 125 Rideout, 340 Ridgacre, 21 Ridler, 276 Ridley, 121 Riley, 279, 294 Ripley, 33S Ripple, 76, 172, 206, 211, 230, 3"i 323. 3 2 6. 3<54, 393. 421 Rixon, 113 Robert, 109, 159 Roberts, 26, 29, 41, 92, 113, 117, 126, 129, 140, 193, 196/206, 224, 331, 347. 355. 35 s - 3 62 > 366, 3S0, 382, 385, 393, 421 Robins, 59, 76, 170, 226, 243. 323 Robinson, 65, 72, 96, 132, 145, 150, 162, 196, 220, 224, 238, 245, 250, 29! , 299. 3'4. 382, 39S, 412 Robson, 265 Roby, 410, 421 Roch, 351 Rochford, So, 126, 193, 2u, 21S, 271, 289, 396 452 AN INDEX TO Rock, 5, 7, 8> 40. 46. 95. 100, 159, 161, 1S9, 195, 206, 232, 239, 264, 300, 307, 362, 400, 417 Rockingham, Lord, SS Rodd, 189, 212, 302 Rodge, 328 Rodgohill, 204 Rodway, 227 Roe, 208, 300, 347, 3S3, 405, 410 Rogers, 49, 69, 78, 106, 158, 179, 192, 209, 219, 231, 244, 249, 252, 263, 264, 266, 267, 269, 270, 2S3, 285, 308, 345, 352, 359, 377. 395. 4°j. 407. 4 21 Rogerson, 238, 313 Rollinson, 202 Rolwright, 112, 120, 165, 214 Romell, 374 Romney, 71, 94, 3 49 Romsley. 210 Rooke, 29, 32, 120, 241, 243. 249, 304, 343, 348, 424 Rooper, 131, 148 Roper, 6, 30, 65, 75, 84, 90, 180, 195, 207, 216, 226, 290, 304, 310, 311, 3 2 9> 416 Rose, 10S, 126, 136, 214, 418 Rossc, 11, 17, 51, 121, 146, 163, 186, 192, 218, 268, 276. 297, 304, 311, 342, 349, 353. 364 Rossen, 391 Rotherham, 10 Rotton, 273, 329, 346 Rough, 39, 109, 314 Round, 24, 26, 151 Rous, Rouse, 16, 18, 19, 33. 5°. 59. 71. 96, 124, 127, 166, 181, 210, 217, 2S0, 380 Rous Lench, 9, iS, 23, 76, 124, 148, 159, 2S0, 2S2, 2S7 Rowberry, 92, 196, 189, 304, 324, 351, 370, 388, 409 Rowes, 23, 147 Rowles, 147 Rowley, 150, 158, 297, 327, 328 R nvley Regis, 35, 320, 370 Rowney, 158, 244, 253, 265, 288, 33S, 347, 398 Ru Id, 93, 119, 175 11 ,<■, 10, 108, 134, 178, 232, 245, 250, 273, 317, 334. 35'- 414 Rufford, 22, 36, 202, 4C4 R"2g. 333 Rumney, 3, 25, 49, 83, 8S, 91, 105, 146, 18S Rushock, 1, 32, 55. 61, 68, S3. 87, 93, 98, 139, 169, 245, 261, 272, 286, 304, 309, 320, 346, 420, 421, 426 Rushout, 118, 254, 285, 300, 320, 321 Rushton, 168 Rush wick, 259 Russell, 9, 23, 28, 36, 44, 47, 59, 6S, 83, 85, 83, 90, 92, 93, 94, 106, 107, 120, 121, 125, I43, 145, I5i, 152, 174, 1S1, 19S, 199, 207, 233, 241, 247, 253, 254, 260, 262, 263, 270, 294. 295, 317, 322, 327, 334. 342. 344. 357. 364. 367, 385, 407 Ruston, 47, 59, 319, 394. 404 Ruthorne, 250 Rutier, 184, 269, 279, 2SS, 3°3. 423 Ruyhall, 92 Ryall, 92, 13S, no, 344 Ryall's Court, 73 Ryley, 171, 172, 22S Ryton, 307, 32S Sabrey, 23S, 283 Sabury, 256 Sadler, 224, 294, 351, 393 St. Alban, Worcester, 146, 147, 168, 1S0, 245, 3S8 St. Andrew, 41, 87,90, 127, 128, 151, 154, 173, 175, 177, 189, 246, 426 St. Andrew, Droitwich, 376, 408 St. Andrew, Holborn, 126 St. Andrew, Pershore, 14, 76, 402 St. Andrew .Worcester, 1,35, 48, 69, Sj, 83, 87, 95, 98, 135, 142, 150, 152, 154, l6t, 178, 1S0, 1S3, 1S5, 200, 212, 220, 234, 278, 282, 293, 294, 296, 306, 322, 329, 330, 333, 344, 354, 3 6 4. 369, 382, 413, 421.425 St. Clement, 60, 68 St. Clement, Worcester, I So, 2.U. 267, 333, 338, 358 St. Cross 25, 123, 124, 12S, 136, 180, 191, 193 St. Cross, Pershore, 151 St. Ethelborough, London, 326 Si. Faith, 1 "ii Ion, 72 St. t riles, Cripplegate, 34 St. 1 hi- 11, Worcester, 1, 3, 10, 22, 6o, 69, 85, 87, 102, 126, 135, 143, 155, 161, 172, 178, 193, 196, 201, 212, 219, 23S, 243, 247, 248, 254, 259, 263, 26S, 276, 280, 2S2, 2S4, 290, 29S, 299, 306, 307, 3 jS > 322, 3 6 3. 37°. 4°'. 404 St. Ive, 50 St. John, 136, 324 St. John Baptist, Hereford, 7S St. John Bcdwardine, 3, 14, 73. 95. 97. 169, 366, 3S6, 38S St. Katherine, Gloucester, 1S9 St. Lawrence, Evesham, 35, 129, 170 St. Lawrence, Inkberrow, 407 St. Lawrence, London, 1S5 St. Margaret, Witton, 371 St. Martin, Worcester, 40, 76, 102, 104, 132, 162, 175, 200, 201, 209, 237, 245, 253, 291, 294, 31S, 35". 372, 37S, 3^7. 38S, 390, 410 Si. Mary dc Load, 237 St. Mary Matfellon, 1S5 St. Mary, Witton, 50, 54, 9'. 339. 342 St. Matthew, Friday St., 2S1 St. Michael, Worcester, 395 St. Michael, Bassetshawe, 237 St. Nicholas, 44, 151, 152, 169, 213, 270, 3S0 St. Nicholas, Droitwich. 367 St. Nicholas, Worcester, 9, 26, 65, 73, So, 98, 104, III, 117, 121, 122, 126, 146, 147, 180, 225, 232, 235, 260, 263, 272, 2S8, 296. 3°6. 320, 321, 323. 33°. 33', 347. 3S2, 364, 365, 366, 375. 376. 3S4, 3S7. 393, 422 St. Peter, 13, 32, 78, 86, 94, 124, 163, 177. 1S6, iSS, 190, 203, 211, 263, 269, 275, 2S2, 309, 332, 366 St. Peter, Droitwich, 34, 376, 379 St. Peter, Worcester, 37, 69, 73, 80, ill, 121, 130, [48, 150, iSS, 216, 257, 283, 3°7. 337. 345- 346, 350. 352. 354. 355. 362, 372, 377,400, 407, 411, 419 St. Peter, Witton, 372 St, Saviour, Surrey, 30 Si. S'.\ ithin, 154 St. Swithin, Worcester, 16, 4S, 51, 106, 121, 126, 132, 1 j5, 143, 156, 164, 165, 172, 174, ISO, 203, 214, 218, 220, 224, 257, 261, WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 453 272. 279, 3°3, 3". 33°. 340, 34i, 347, 3S 2 . 355. 393. 396, 397. 401, 404. 412 St. Thomas, 189 St. Thomas, Dudley, 298 St. Trinity, Minories, ill St. Wulstan, Worcester, 326 Saintclere, 378 Saker, 236, 366 Sale, 219, 336 Salwarp, 115, 219, 223, 291, 3°', 332, 354. 377- 3^9 Salway, Salwey, 16, 36, 62, 124. 135. 15 s . ' 6 7. 178, 193, 266, 2S0, 283, 3S2, 383 Sambach, 8, 52, 64, 72, 73, 74,94, 105, 155,220, 254, 263, 340, 3S0, 3S7, 405 Sambourne, 292 Sambrook, 291, 354 Sandbury, 34 Sanders, Saunders, 2, 23, 24, 25. 27, 29, 34, 36, 38, 43, 44. 46, 49. 5 s , 6 2, 67, 75, 78, 80, 81, 84, S9, 91, 96, 106, 120, 122, 138, 144, 145, 154, 168, 169, 171, 204, 212, 218, 231, 237, 240, 243, 245, 254, 260, 262, 274, 277, 278, 284, 302, 306, 307, 324, 325, 327, 332, 338, 341, 342, 344, 348, 351, 371. 374, 376, 379. 4°4. 4' 6 , 419, 421, 424 Sanderson, 312 Sandford, 62, 149, 215, 241, 406 Sandlands, 300 Sandling, 248 Sandy, 272 Sandys, 16, 74, 209, 287, 321. 330.341. 38l Sanley, 227, 232 Sapey, 1 70, 280 Sapey, Lower, 13, 22, 36, 44, 45, 61, 87, 145, 167, 202, 231, 359, 372,404 Sapey Pichard, 11, 140, 207, 318, 321,386 Sapey, Upper, 158, 326, 329 Savage. 9, 19, 23, 27, 28, 32.37. 53. 55. 74. So, 83, 121, 123, 129, 139, 156, 162, 168, 1S2, 183, 185, 186, 193, 197, 203, 206, 220, 253, 269, 278, 280, 299. 323. 341. 344. 350, 352, 357, 3Sj. 389. 394. 422 Savery, 244 Sawyer, 32, 304 Say, 61 Says, 241 Scarlet, 10S, 169 Scoles, 50, 98, 259, 376, 3S4 Semen, 5, 13, 4 n, 413 Scrope, 237, z pi Scudamore, 118, 226, 248, 253. 281 Scullowe, 151, 164 Scarlock, 229 Seaborne, 232, 306, 426 Seabright, 83, 96, 140, 152, 191, 201, 22S, 231, 232, 293. 320, 340 Scalar, 253, 417 Sea ley, 79 Searle, 362, 400 Sedgeberrow, 79 Sedgeley, 201 Seeley, 333 Seizer, 218 Seller, 236 Sergeant, Sargeant, 2,4, 15, 24, 49, 64, 76, no, 123, 132, 164, 190, 215, 242, 285, 297, 314, 384, 412, 420 Severn, 28, 3S, 51, 76, 81, 10S, 112, 114, 153, 198, 200, 30S, 359, 401 Severn Stoke, 9, 25, 28, 34, 59, 79, 125, tSS, 207, 232, 252, 275, 297, 308, 349, 351,352,371 Seymore, 358 Sezingcote, 37, 50, 56, 104 Shakenhurst, 1S8 Shakerley, 370, 371 Shakespear, 26, 64 Shareshill, 401 Sharman, 37, 46, 104, 214 Sharp, II, no, 137, 166, 198, 214, 227, 2S0 Shaw, 13, 17, 24, 27, 42,44, 62, 72, 81, 84, 95, no, 118, 119, 125, 133, 134, 156, 161, 171, 179, 189, 199, 210, 233, 234, 240, 241, 262, 263, 276, 293, 294, 3>3» 327, 337, 34°, 344, 346, 352, 358, 378, 381, 383, 405, 413, 426 Shaylard, 40,49,218, 349,372 Sheenhill, 401 Sheeres, 340 Sheffield, 26, 29 Sheldon, 7, 26, 39, 46, 54, 55, 64, 65, 66, 67, 74, 82, 83, 88, 102, in, 121, 125, 136, 140, 187, 221, 224, 225, 238, 240, 258, 272, 277. 298, 313. 3l6, 335, 34', 344, 350, 353. 356. 357. 360, 370, 3 8 °. 383, 394 Shelley, 353 SheUey, 24, 32, 44, 49, 52, 65, 67, 70, 86, 99, 105, 131, 143, 162, 219, 270, 3'7 Shelsley Reatichamp, 9. 43, 45.63,71,81,89, lip 11 1 Shelsley, Great, 242, 255, 294, 400 Shelsley King's, n, 90, 100, 124, 137, 140, 371 Shelswell, 335 S!n lion, 35, 162, 186, 359 Shelve, 17, 25, 41, 240 Shenstone, 55, 74, 223, 242, 245, 246, 255, 334, 377, 3S4. 392, 395.411 Shepley, 19, 54, 116, 164, 225,306,318 Sheppard, &c, 99, 151, 169, 1 75, 233, 248, 264, 267, 290, 294, 297, 329, 336, 306, 379, 391 Shepton Moigne, 270 Sheriff, 26 1, 290, 359 Sheriff's Lench, 16 Shering, 247 Sherley, 61 Sherman, 14, 137 Sherwood, 239 Sheward, 38, 46, 144, 196, 260, 297 Shewell, 66, 300 Shewring, 174, 176, 203, 220, 229, 230, 243, 245, 306, 311, 358 Sheyley, 218 Shilton, 119, 221 Shipman, 78, 95, 11S Shipston, 77, 79, So Shipston-on-Stour, 27 Shirley, 172 Shord, 417 Shorthasel, 191 Shot, 407 Showell, 346 Shrawley, 10, 12,22, 30.42, 43. 5'. 53, 63. 7i. 78,90, 122, 127, 198, 264, 271, 281, 30S, 322, 393, 397, 421, 426 Shrewsbury, Earl of, S, 41, 56 Shropshire, 3, 36, 46, 56, S2, 115, 126, 141, 143, 161, 1 68, 200, 210, 220, 222, 229, 243, 248, 255, 257, 259, 289, 293, 305, 320, 323- 332, 334. 340, 361, 362. 366, 382, 396 Shuckforth, 365, 379 Shunell, 274 Shynehill, 81 Shynnell, 109, 112, 1 18 Sier, 99 Silvester, 229, 396 Simcox, 55, 417 Simes, Sims, 38, 84 Simonds, Symonds, Simons, Symons, 7, 18, 19, 40, 59, 68, 69, 71, 72, 79, 84, 86, 108, in, 112, 128, 131, 454 AN INDEX TO 133. '3 6 . 139. '64, 167, 179, 1S5, 186, 193, 201, 202, 203, 233, 275, 2S9, 318, 345, 3S3, 385, 419, 421 Simpkins, 239 Simpson, Sympson, Symson, 4S, 149, 15°. 164, 172, 173, 190, 199, 22S, 236, 412 Singer, 21, 25, 48 Simon, 47 Sitch, 306, 397, 419 Sithney, 31 Skelding, 147, 217, 226, 277 Skeler, Skeeler, 68, 118, 236, 3°7, 359 Skeller, 319 Skinner, 228, 234, 2S0, 411, 420 Skipwith, 284 Skrimshire, &c. , 62, 6S, 69, 250, 362, 370, 386, 392, 413. 4«7 Skrine, 386 Slade, 263, 2S9, 325, 369, 392, 399 Slaney, 49, 65, 72, 75, 99, 112, 114, 162, 177, 221, 288, 409, 42O Slater, Slatter, 239, 304 Slaughter, 234, 264, 302, 421 Slocombe, 229 Slodden, 359 Slow, 286 Slugg, 20 Sly, 251 Smalbioke, 55, 75, 91, 96, 108, 113, 121, 130, 167, 183, 187, 191, 206, 304 Smale, 66 Small, 192, 342 Smart, 16, 35> 39. 53. 60, 95, 137, 140, 151, 170, 177, 286, 300, 351, 3S3, 394, 403, 420 Smedhurst, 232 Smeeths, 129 Smith, Smylh, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 30, 33. 34. 35. 37. 38, 39. 4°, 41,42,43,47, 50, 54, 6i, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 75, 81, S4, 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 101, 107, 108, no, 112, 117, 120, 122, I23, 125, 126, 128, 132, 135, >38. '39. 140, 142, 143. 146, 151, 156, 161, 163, 164, 172, 175, 179, 182, 184, 188, 191, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 209, 211, 213, 2l6, 221, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 232, 236, 238, 239, 240, 24I, 242, 243, 246, 2SI, 256, 259, 260, 26l, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 27I, 273, 275, 278, 28l, 282, 285, 287, 29O, 292, 294, 296, 302, 303, 3IO, 311, 313, 315, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 327, 329, 330. 334. 337. 338. 339. 340, 342, 343, 345, 346, 347. 34S, 35°. 35L 35 2 . 354. 364. 365. 367. 368, 372. 374. 375. 376, 380, 381, 382, 386, 387, 3S8, 390, 39i. 392, 393. 394. 395. 398, 399. 400. 401. 402, 405, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 420, 422, 423, 425 Smilhend, 175 Smithsend, 197, 365 Snead, 187, 192, 228, 307 Snell, 343 Snow, 53, 335 Soden, 219 Soley, 3. 33. 35. 5 2 . 6 4> 73. S5, 91, 93, 118, 147. '67. 177, 187, 192, 228, 243. 270, 271, 277, 290, 309, 321, 322, 328, 334, 339, 355. 360, 361, 369, 371, 376, 386, 411, 414, 417, 418 Solihull, 272, 281, 346, 403, 413 Solley, 5, 5S, 86, 109, 229, 247 Sollers, 140, 141, 143, 144, 181, 296 Solwyn, 192 Somerford, 39S Sinners, 24, 64, 70, 104, 133. '38. 142. 152, 153. 183, 193, 207, 211, 234, 249, 258, 271, 291, 299, 3>4 Somerscales, 426 Somerset, 32, 124, 421 Somerset, Lord, 122 Somersetshire, 31, 46, 175, 197, 220 Somervile, 18 Sooner, 123 South, 43, 69, 302, 319, 362 Southall, 30, 137, 230, 256, 276. 3'°, 373. 425 Southcrnc, 108 Southward, 183 Southwell, 287 Sowden, 304, 340, 397 Sowle, 139, 17;, 228 Sowley, 13, 38, 64, 67, 115, 119, 231, 243, 268, 294, 3S9. 397 Spark, 156 Sparling, 219 Sparrow, 64 Sparry, Spary, 26, 76, 117. '55. '73. 176. '89, 190. 214, 228, 275, 282, 295, 299. 3 18 > 324. 34^. 346, 35'. 355. 365. 374. 39i. 398, 402, 404, 420 Spper, 415 Spencer, 382 Spemall, 86, 124, 375 Spetchley, no, 232, 279 Spicer, 42, 117, 263, 291, 308, 316, 330, 341 Spiller, 42, 89, 115, 129, Ij2, 133. 154. 233 Spilsbury, 13, 32, 49, 52, 63, 65, 122, 128, 135, 192, 3°3. 329, 393. 395. 399.403.4n. 416, 425 Spooner, 67, 337, 409 Spragg, 35, 80, 189, 203, 279. 2S3, 379 Spring, 373. 374 Squier, Squire, 7, iS, 6S, 74. 127, 151, 162, 166, 168, 171, 212, 240, 251, 334 Stacey, 48, 49, 78 Stafford, 45, 1 90, 360, 364, 365 Staffordshire, 5, 8, 13, 35, 48, 54, 76, 80, 106, 135, 141, 143, 15S, 171, 175, 183, 185, 187, 197, 201, 235. 2 5>. 276, 303, 320, 323. 326, 332, 357. 365. 370, 403, 413 Stamp, 61, 87 Stamps, 294 Stampton, 332 Stanford, 36, 158, 187, 326, 391 Stanford, Bishop's, 87 Stanford-on-Teme, 143 Stanhope, 48 Stanley, 114, 120, 131, 140, 1S8, 190, 223, 308, 323, 384. 422 Stanney, 359 Stanton, 113, 144, 150, 215, 424 Staple, 43 Staples, 281, 293 Staikey, 96 Stalling, 326 Stath, 31 Staughton, 213 Staunton, 13, 25, 45, 57, 68, 77, 105, 10S, 123, 136, 175, 218, 273, 289, 301, 3'3. 322, 328, 366, 372, 382,4'7 Staverton, 25, 74, 91, 1S6, 190, 211, 217 Stay, 333 Staynor, 347 Stead, 208, 349, 371 Sti adman, 21 1, 349 Steele, 370, 390 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 455 Steight, 12, 77, 92 Stephens, 27, 33, 40, S3. 66, 71, 73, 80, 82, 112, 127, 141, 157, l86, 232, 26l, 314, 32S, 35S, 372 Stepleton, 3 Sterley, III Sterne, 1S0 Sterrop, 1S1, 236, 286 Stevens, 30, 41, 45, 74, 144, 153, 181, 215, 231, 240, 241, 249, 254, 256, 265, 269, 270, 277, 328, 333, 345. 365. 379. 3S1, 3S7, 409, 424 Stevenson, 147, 324 Steward, 33, 45, 50, 53, 87. 92, 103, 120, 127, 133, 139, 169, 1S2, 1S6, 219, 251, 269, 295, 301, 310, 314. 33^, 368, 407. 4°9. 422, 424 Steymor, 7S Steynor, 260, 298, 314, 315, 324, 33°. 3 6 S. 375. 376, 379 Steytoe, 62 Stichford, 166, 305 Stildon, 159 Stile, 34 Stinton, S, 16, 51, 69, 107, 239. 259, 364, 408, 412, 425 Stirrop, 102, 107, III, 116 Stock, 12, 37, 42, 47, 98, '93. 197. 227, 259, 313, 33S, 35°, 354, 357. 394. 413,418 Stockall, 17, 53, 126, 217, 273. 2S4, 330, 359, 417 Stockdale, 257, 382 Stockton, 8, 50, 99, 145, 146, 167, 170, 234, 282, 2S5, 290, 299, 317, 333, 405, 407 Stoke, 24, 171, 1S4 Stoke Bliss, 23, 95, 122, 292.297.317. 341. 39S Stoke lacy, 356 Stoke Prior, 17, 29, 30, 45, 60, 192, 238, 265, 285, 378, 425 Stokes, 50, 128, 196, 276, 323, 332, 385. 393. 406 Stollard, 267 Stone, 12, 21, 35, 53, 58, 65. 67, 69, 71, 92, 98, HO, ll8, 120, 123, I), 172, 184, 200, 208, 2lS, 224, 233, 239, 284, 2SS, 295. 320, 325. 377. 378, 409, 419 Stoneall, Stonthall, II, 64, 72, 86, 96, 137, 152, 153, 192, 260, 277, 330, 352, 37' Stonehouse, 97, 253 Stoter, 406 Story, 94, 258 Stottesdon, 46, 161 Stoulton, 1S4, 2S0 Stourbridge, 5, 16, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 39, 60, 65, 6S, 106, no, 143, 155, 161, 17'. 172, 173. 174. 175. 177. 1S6, iSS, 189, 190, 192, 195, 197, 204, 205, 209, 214, 217, 219, 221, 226, 230, 232, 233, 234, 239, 242, 245, 246, 248, 251, 255, 264, 272, 284, 2S5, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295. 3°o, 301, 303, 309, 3>i. 321, 33°. 33'. 332, 333. 334. 33 6 . 337. 3 to. 343. 346, 35o. 35'. 353. 355. 361, 376. 383. 3 8S , 3S9. 394. 39S, 4°°. 408, 410, 418, 419, 420, 421, 426 Stow-on-the-Wold, 205, 229 Stowton, 330 Stradling, 331 Strangways, 174, 419 Strapy, 44, 30S Stratford, 156, 228 Stratford, Old, 334 Streator, 28 Strebat, 346 Street, 7, 14, 22, 48, 60, 62, 67, 69, 10S, 148, 149, 162, 172, 178, 183, 236, 263, 273. 2 76, 2SS, 295, 301, 344 Streford, 212, 422 Streight, 172 Strensham, 47, S3, 92, 120, 170, 174, 1S6, 253. 315, 321, 3S5, 388, 396, 402, 419 Stretch, 27, 82, 202, 224, 241, 272, 296, 413, 422 Strickland, 346 Stringer, 270, 285 Stringfellow, 14 Stirrop, 3S2 Strode, 76, 77, 94, 106, 107, 367 Strobbs, 142, 304, 3 -o Stuckley, 20, 128, 311 Studley, 145 Sturdy, 31 1, 320 Sturmy, 342 Sunt, 309 Style, 154 Styles, 336 Such, 18,266,317,377,393, 394. 423, 426 Suckley, 6, 8, 9, 37, 40, 45, 51, 52, 5S, 70, 71, 74.83, 85, 105, 114, 121, 130, 106, 169, 174, 192, 194, 19S, 200, 202, 237, 241, 252, 263, 264, 26S, 292, 297. 3°'. 320, 326, 3?9, 330. 338, 342, 349. 35-:. 364. 388, 393. 396, 402, 413 SuHield, 31, 40, 43, 5; ■5S, i'9. i^3. 155. 177. 184, 263, 388, 392 Sufi ilk, 31, 220 Summerland, 334 Surnian, 18, 21, 52, 53 . 9°. 113, 163, 181, 193," •95. 203, 205, 208, 223, 227, 232, 235, 256, 258, 264, 295. 321, 347. 3 S °. 384. 394. 397 Surrey, 30, 183 Sussex, 31 Sutton, 39, 53, 60, 69 , 82, 99, III, 149, 154, 157. 199, 210, 212, 221, 222, 230, 23S, 246, 271, 294. 298, 374. 3S5 Sutton Magna, 222 Sutton Storn.y, 90, 257 2C6, 366 Swan, 98, 133, 213 Swanshurst, 210 Swarbrake, 1 1, 339 Swarbrick, n Swell, 326 Swetnam, 310 Swift, 48, 149, 1S8, 10S, 201, 206, 216, 220, 221, 224, 227, 234, 235, 276, 282, 297, 303, 304, 3°5. 3 '4. 324, 325. 33°. 354. 362, 426 Swinford, 38 Swingland, 291, 311, 374. 398 Sybsdon, 115, 35S Tabor, 326 Tabton, 356 Taddington, 45, 222 Tadlington, 356 Taft, 374 Talbot, 33, 41, 53, 75, 87, 102, no, 144, 162, 171, 206. 210, 212, 219, 224, 246, 263, 275, 291, 307, 342, 345. 354, 377. 4"4 Taler, 321 Tallett, 347 Tallis, 202 Talton, 117, 129, 130 Tamworth, 139 Tandy, 96, 101, 12S, 207, 234, 252, 259, 269, 2S0, 299. 337. 3°S, 372, 376, 398 Tanner, 54, 231, 305 Tapenh.dl, 10, 338, 342, 379 Taibeck, 230 Tarbutt, 123 456 AN INDEX TO Tardebig, 31, 167, 186, 222, 230, 250, 310, 323, 417 Tart, 343 Taverner, 3, 25, 134, 159 Tawny, 28 1 Tayler, Taylor, 15, 19, 29, 47, 49, 52, 56, 60, 68, 69, 75, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 92, 95, 101, 103, 106, 112, 116, 119, 123, 129, 132, 133. 136, 137. 138, M7, 148, 151, 157, 159, 162. 163, 165, 169, 171, 172, 179, 1S2, 187, 188, 195, 20I, 202, 208, 209, 211, 215, 2l6, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 233, 238, 239, 240, 250, 254, 255, 256, 258, 263, 265, 270, 274, 280, 282, 288, 290, 292, 293. 294, 296, 298, 302, 306, 309, 310. 315. 316, 317. 319. 3 2 °. 3 2 2. 3 2 4. 325. 3 2 7, 328, 335, 336, 339. 343. 345. 35o, 355. 357. 358, 360. 36i, 365. 366, 369, 370, 371, 375, 376, 378, 382, 3S6, 387. 389. 393, 395. 396, 398, 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, 409, 412, 415, 419, 421, 423 Taynton, 309, 319 Teale, 74. 152,247, 278 Tedstill, 340 Tedstone, 198 Tedstone Delamere, 93 Temple, 224 Temple Broughton, 85, 128, 159, 176, 268, 276, 2S7, 342, 37« Temple l.awern, 56, 232 Temple Lawrence, 56 Tempsiter, 168 Tenant, 73 Tenbury, 3, II, 18,22,45, 46, 67, 70, 72, 75,89,91, 92, 107, 132, 134, 148, 167, 168, 181, 187, 188, 189, 193, 195, 196, 200, 205, 209, 212, 213, 218, 220, 221, 226, 227, 230, 239, 244, 246, 252, 25S, 264, 266, 272, 285, 287, 288, 308, 310, 337, 343, 35'- 354, 36', 365, 371, 381, 39°, 39', 39b, 4^6, 4"3, 422 Tenelt, 81, 263, ^29, 423 Terry, 52 Tewc, 1 1 Tewkesbury, 147, 158, 409 Teynton, u, 27, 28, 67, '95. 250, 379, 390, 404, 4'9 Teysey, 184 Thackham, 318 Thackwell, 23, I S3, 252, 35" Thatcher, 15, 35, 62 Theuld, 321 Thickbroom. 323 Thickness, 134 Thomas, 18, 33, 38, 41, 66, 1 17, 181, 219, 230, 291 Thomson, Thompson, 75, 2S1, 294, 331, 333, 408 Thomyns, 29 Thorisby, 148 Thornburgh, 132, 192, 212, 237, 263, 355, 364, 366, 379 Thornbury, 33, 59, 60, 86, 97, i°9, 153, 165, 166, ■ 78, 195, 198, 255, 260, 264, 284, 2S8, 291, 303, 3° 6 , 35o, 358, 400 Thorndon, 163, 264 Thome, 140, 143, 144, iSr , 313 Thornhill, 126 Thornton, 216, 237, 312, 328, 343 Thorold, 229 Thorpe, 222, 277, 358, 415 Throckmorton, &c, 51, 54, 134, 171, 174, 265, 309, 3' 1, 34°, 3 6 7, 38 1, 4°5 Thruxton, 112, 169, 292 Thurlowe, 42 Thurstanton, 161 Thynn, 121, 358 Tibberton, 81, 86, 150, 375 Tibson, 15, 17S Tickner, 172 Tidmarsh, 351 Tidmington, 9, 90, 261, 265 Tidner, So Tiler, 215 Till, 410 Tillam, 87, 321, 357, 424 Tilt, 15, 34, 35, 62, 137, 142, 190, 209, 242, 337, 426 Timberhonget, 57, 133 Timberley, 392 Timpley, 236 Tinker, 66, 68, 159, 184, 207, 216, 334 Tinley, 248 Tipper, 391 'lipping, 7°,4'3 Tipton, 48, 54 'liier, 20 Tirley, 237, 248 'lisoe, 126 Toby, 21 Tocknell, 253 Todderminsler, 1 1 7 Tolley, 25, 58, 67, IIO, 112, 173, 181, 217, 255, 258, 276, 288, 292, 319, 324, 359, 3S8, 399 Tollyott, 22 Tolson, 306, 320 Tombs, 273 Tomes, 179 Tomkins, Tomkyns, Tomp- kins, 2, 5, 22, 33,-51, 70, 97, 103, 123, 134, 218, 231, 257, 280, 306, 324, 335- 3 6 9, 371,405 Tomlins, 285, 319, 369 Tomlinson, 39S Tommyns, 5 Tompson, 85, 124, 168, 174, 210, 215, 245, 247, 2S4, 285, 298, 335, 383, 396, 412, 413, 418 Toney, 150, 402 Tonnerton, 340, 356 Tooke, 313, 332 Topley, 12 Tnrould, 291, 397 Torreine, 141 Tovey, 74, 84, 116, 130, 223, 251, 254, 288, 302, 313,399 Towne, 113 Townsend, Townshend, 22, 34, 42, 75, I2 4. 205, 217, 248, 277, 2S8, 293 Toye, 15, 89, 165, 166, 191, J 94, 230, 236, 246, 201, 2S4, 294, 325, 344, 362, 386, 404, 406, 409 Toythe, 78 Tracy, 3, 23, 102, 278 Trapp, 15, 395 Travell, 363 Travels, 130, 233 Treavise, 77 Trebell, 399 Tredington, 18, 61,64,93, 119, 175, 228, 240, 243, 360 Treherne, 150, 201, 216, 232, 241, 253, 265, 273, 283, 324, 325, 335 Treswallen, 1 15 Trevell, 118, 173 Trevirs, 114, 133, 298 Trevis, 17 Trevor, 82, 99 Trible, 14 Trice, 83 Trie, 12 Trigg, 351 Triggs, 48 Trimnell, 192, 388 Trimpley, 6, 113, 166, 217, 223, 226, 236, 251, 313, 346, 398 Trinder, 254 Trinley, 44, 98, 183, 194, 238, 363 Trippleton, 361 Tristram, 147. 165, 201, 240, 268, 299, 312, 319, 334, 337, 343- 37°, 39o Trotman, 194, 266 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 45? Trovell, 331, 348, 355, 380, 390, 406 Troy, 358 Truelove, 4, 24, 44, 95, 100, 23'. 399 Trye, 7 Tucker, 290, 336, 382 Tuckey, 89 Tudman, 210 Tudor, 341 Tufion, 25 Tulley, 296 Tuppa, 91 Turberville, 33, 57, 60, 308, 315, 321, 366,394.398 Turbutt, 113 Turley, 42 Turley, Gloucestershire, 113 Turlome, 63 Turner, Turnor, II, 12, 25, 37, 57. 58. 68, 69, 76, 85, 97, no, 120, 127, 128, 130, 169, 176, 198, 206, 207, 220, 235, 237, 253, 262, 272, 302, 328, 329, 33 2 . 336. 353, 362, 364, 365. 3^3, 389, 392, 406, 411, 414 Turney, 107, 140 Turton, 9. 53, So, 201, 237, 206, 271, 275, 276, 287, 290, 294, 29S, 336, 349 Turvey, 9, 11, 16, 33, 36, 44. 47, 48, 54. 67, 69, 79, 86, 88, 119, 141, 174, 176, 180, 191, 196, 244, 246, 264, 2S8, 341, 401 Tustian, 303, 370, 405 Tustin, 117, 372 Twigworth, 108, 246 Twiuberrow, 388 Twitty, 49, 74, 83, in, 128, 13S, 172, 174, 170, 1S0, 180, 200, 218, 219, 221, 223, 306 Twynin^, 27, 230 Tyas, 11, 32, 159, 236, 367, 403, 4 1 1 Tybbatts, 6 Tydner, 142, 146, 152 Tyer, 29 Tyler, 91, 122, 213, 251, 298, 379. 388 Tynder, 215 Tyrer, 20, 6S, S7, 160, 169, 187, 191, 220, 262, 334, 350, 354.357. 379. 411 Tyrley, 238 Tysoe, 61 Tyzack, 418 Uckingell, 302 Ufiemore, 41, 48, 57, 64 Uffenliam, 284 Ulberrow, 295, 346, 349, 424 Uncles, Unkles, 188, 321 Underhill, 24, 29, 43, 126, 156, 167, 264, 274, 281, 282, 293, 296, 302, 343, 406 Unett, 9 Unton, 324 Uplaiden, 212 Upper Home, 104 Upper Wick, in Upperwich,8i, 139, 160, 319 Upton, 27. 33, 43, 51, 52, 55, 67, 74. 75. 79. S2, 90, 91, 99, 101, 133, 152, 160, '76, 179, 196, 198, 219, 220, 254, 260, 271, 278, 280, 304, 324, 329, 342, 35 1 , 393.416 Upton-on-Severn, 3, II, 13, 19, 21, 22. 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 36, 86, 94, 10O, 101, 106, 113, 119, 121, 123, 125, 120, 138, I40, 153, I36, 160, I64, I70, l8l, 184, I94, 209, 214, 228, 235, 255, 269, 290, 301, 312, 319, 321, 324, 327, 328, 35°. 358, 367. 368, 385. 386, 406, 416, 425, 425 Upton Snodsbury, 21, 62, 68, 112, 176, 185, 190, 278, 379 Upton Warren, 242 Upwich, 43, 44, 65, 66, 72, 75, S3, 100, 106, 10S, 112, 116, 118, 123, 127, 139, 145, 146, 149, 152, 154, 160, 168, 171, 177, 179, I87, I90, 191, 2GO, 206, 213, 219, 221, 223, 225, 229, 235, 238, 242, 248, 267, 28l, 294, 295, 30O, 3°4. 305. 319. 327. 331, 352, 362 Uiceter, 135 Uttoxeter, 135 Vale, 325 Vanly, 372 Vaston, 412 Vaughan, 71, 251,297,345, 366, 401 Vaulx, 68 Veale, 338 Venacker, 1 39 Venor, 349, 424 Vernall, 119, 150, 379 Vernam, 142 Verney, 182, 356 Vernon, 6, 24, 26, 35, 55, 56, 57, 60, 66, 68, 71, 73, S5, 86, 91, 93, 99, 104, 109, 120, 123, 128, 129, 142, 146, 151, 160, 187, 193, 217, 241, 243, 248, 250, 254. 255, 272, 279, 281, 284, 297, 302, 310, 341, K k 346, 355. 36i, 363, 367. 370, 371, 37 3. 378, 379. 386, 387, 389, 393, 415, 416, 419, 421, 423, 424 Vicaridge, 312 Vicaris, Viccaris, 6, 58, 67, 100, 167, 203, 221, 241, 246, 280, 296, 328, 354, 356, 359. 392 Viccars, 10 Vick, 10S, 132, 263 Vincent, 6, 134, 406 Vinson, 239 Visitaly, 343 Vize, 8 Vobe, 204 Vuett, 69 Waad, 23 W. ulberrow, 86, 180 Wadborough, 196, 330 Waddesdon, 72, 126 Wade, 32, 59, 92, 119, 2ij6, 268, 329 Wadeley, 224, 381 Wadley, 372 Wadlow, 50 Wag r, 347, 376 Wa^ge, 76, 90. 131 \\ staff, 7, 27, 77, 127, 197, 204, 218, 314, 382, 390, 419 Waight, 408 Wainwright, 265 Waite, 413 Wakeland, 6, 27, 217 Wa. email, 213, 316, 321 Walcott, 421 Waldegrove, 87, 1S0 Wallen, 379 Waldron, 36, 178, 181, 195, 213, 245, 268, 306, 358, 342, 357. 359. 385. 400, 40S Walford, 60, 63, 78, 128, 140, 202, 204, 295, 343, 365. 382, 395. 422 Walgrove, 59, 1S0, 361, 37° Walker, 7, 25, 28, 31, 34, 35. 45. 46, 52, 55. 59. 79. 80, 83, 90, 96, ici, 102, 107, 132, 138, 144, 153, 167, 168, 171, 177, 1S6, 194, 198, 200, 211, 212, 226, 235, 239, 240, 252, 256, 257, 262, 264, 272, 2 73> 277, 279, 280, 286, 294, 300, 301, 307, 308, 311, 312, 316, 336, 342, 346, 349. 35'. 353. 35*, 357, 360, 364, 366, 368, 381, 388, 392- 395. 4°o, 404, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426 458 AN INDEX TO Wall, 5, 42. 45. 49. 71. 95. 157, 162, 165, 167, 176, 190, 192, 198, 207, 223, 234, 2 4}. 255, 298, 334, 347. 352. 354, 362, 3 S 4. 386, 409 Wallet-, 105, 107 Wallington, 329 Wallis, 232, 238, 331, 362 Walloxhull, 157 Walloyhall, 58 Walls, 24, 109 Walrond, 98 Walsgiove, 51, 81, 263, 363, 394 Walsh, 8, II, 90, 144, 170, 177, 221, 234, 282, 2S5 Walsham, 190 Walsingham, 17, 60, 121, 192, 196, 348, 357 Walsione, 264 Walter, 74, no, 151, 277, 279, 395 falters, 234 Waltham, White, 77 Walton, 212, 307, 372, 388 Walwyn, 67, 152, 219, 334 Wannerton, 29, 155. 1S2, 254 Warburton, 16, 360 Ward, 11,30,35,37,45,136, 156, 209, 221, 230, 237, 238, 244, 246, 258, 262, 264, 266, 271, 276, 280, 285, 294, 296, 312, 321, 340. 344. 347. 35°. 376, 378. 39'J, 392, 397. 424 Ward, Lord, 183, 201 V a 1 den, 277 Ware, 103, 290, 400, 408 Waresley, Warsley, 59, 89, 120, 141, 192, 313, 319, 337. 36o.4'5 Warm", 63, 79, 263, 347 Warkeman, 64, 202 \Ya ley, 52, 106, no, 163, 180, 243, 244, 288, 302, 303, 317 Wailey Wigom, 288, 296, 3 6 3 Warmistry, 115, 161 Warne, 191, 217, 267 Warner, 17, 20, 55, 1 18, 125, 194, 234, 293,411 Warren, jo, 305, 310, 322, 324, 355, 408 VV. utcr, 10 Warton, 269 Warwickshire, 5, 13, 18,20, 23. 3i. 37. 39. 54. 64,65, 77, 86, 98, 104, 107, in, 115, 124, 134, 139, 145, 147, 164, 171, 174, 175, 19(1, 222, 230, 235, 246, 248, 250, 265, 272, 281, 289, 304, 314, 323, 334, 346. 353. 357. 361. 375. 380,403,413 Waseley. 118. 407 Washbourne, 63,85, 90, 194, 206, 216, 231, 236, 288, 296, 332. 337. 361, 402, 403, 420 Washborn, Knight's, 206, 3°°- 3°3 Washfield, 196 Wassell, 188, 228, 351, 373. 404 Wassstt, no Waters, 102 Waterson, 381 Wahes Watis, 221, 272 Watkins, 37, ,9, S5, 104, 261, 268, 291, 333, 335, 378. 399. 409. 4-=o Watmore, 20S, 213 Watson, 35, 55, 81, S8, 105, 128, 133, 183, 197, 286, 301, 322, 383,407 Watt, 105, no Watton, 2, 13, 108, 191, 311, 316, 320, 356, 406 Watts, 33, 41, 62, 87, 91, 118, 127, 192, 206, 240, 250, 262, 300, 306, 310, 322, 323, 325, 327, 328, 335- 343. 353. 367. 398 Wayes, 3 > Wayte, 241, 305, 316 Weale, 33, 80, 132, 207 Weaman, 337 Weaver, 5, 22, 27, 33, 45, 71, 145, 201, 270, 271, 316, 341, 354, 357 Webb, 59, 92, 101, 135, 137, 260, 279, 294, 295, 400 Webley, 3, 17, 28, 114, 147, 164, 185, 199, 202, 212, 213, 223, 232, 283, 285, 2S9, 292, 349 Webiey Wood, 193 \\ ebster, 36. 252, 317 Wedge, 195 Weeley, 282 Weigham, 79, 146 Weight, 330, 338, 364 Welland, 9, 17. 57. "3°. '32. 144, 151, 182, 245, 247, 273. 290, 3°5. 3 '5. 326, 328, 33i. 336, 343. 350, 35.;. 36o, 368, 397-412 Weill led, 166, 169, 303 Welliford, 97 Wellington. 2S1, 309, 341 Wells 9, 30, 60, 64, 81, 82, 90, 92, 93, 95, 109, 142, 172, 184, 227, 230, 261, 262, 263, 265, 274, 297, 3 '2. 327. 333. 368, 376 Welsh, Weleh, 2, 248, 249, 367 Weill, 230 Wemford, 129 Wenfield, 229 Wennington, 65 Weobley, 52, 63 Wesbury, 71, 223 Weschild, 86 West. 186, 212, 213. 293, 394 Westbromwich, 80, 276 Weslbury, 188 Westcott, 23, 48, 298, 300 Westington, 98 We^nmcott, Westmancole, Westencote, 54, 80, 90, 126, T 164, 170, 206, 276, 315. 333. 356, 359. 374. 379 Wesion, 18, 53, 70. 74. 82, 87, 89. 100, 132, 145, 188, 243, 262, 27q, 282, 283, 297, 3 '7, 391, 397 Weston C>yney, 326 Weston Newtown, 261 Weston Subedge, 410 Weston-under- Pennard, 358 Weston Underwood, 171, 263 Westwood, 15, 27, 159, 195, 199, 262, 274, 294, 30:, 3 '8, 325. 370, 425 Wethersby. 100 Whaley 158 Wharton, 216, 221, 252 \\ hatcott, 61 \\ heeler, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 30, 39, 40, 43, 57, 65, 78, 83, 87, 90, 98, 100, 104, no, 11,, 11S, 125, 128, 141, 149. 158, 159, 183, 191, 207, 208, 215, 219, 223, 227, 236, 240, 244, 275, 280, 286, 293, 295, 311. 3'3. 33'. 334. 343. 351, 362, 367, 368, 376, 377. 378, 3S0, 385. 386, 3S9- 392, 394. 400, 408, 412,423,426 Wheigham, 16, 47, 139 Whetford, 81 Whistones 50, 175, 277, 318, 364. 399 Whitaker, 24, 230, 23S, 240, 257, 207, 287, 307, 310, 312, 31S, 322, 324, 327, 338, 339 Whitchurch, 222 Whiicomhe, 400 White, 2, 4, 6, 9, 24, 26, 27, 36, 38, 45.58, 63, 69, 79, 92,95, 120, 126, 149. '66, 185, 211, 213, 250, 260, 265, 295, 306, 313, 318, 320, 326, 331, 335, 344, 35°. 366, 383. 384. 386. 399. 402, 411, 414, 417 White Ladies, 12, 68 White Lady, 123, 128 White Lady Aston, 1 10, 332, 379- 395 Whiteacre, Upper, 175 Whiteall, 290 WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. 459 Whitefoot, 308 Whitehead, 230 Whitehouse, 133, 317, 355, 413 Whiteliursl, IOO Whiteing, Whiting, 105, 119, 163, 166, 212 Whitford, 41, 170, 191, 224 Whitling, 159, 207, 216, 291, 3'4 Whitmore, S, SS, 192, 249, 259, 280, 313, 378, 400, 40S Whitney, 182 Whitorne, 119, 151, 177 Whittingham, 155, 213 Whittington, 19,25, 30, 113, 134: 144, I86, 269, 277, 361, 405 Whittle, 339 Whitton, 56, IOI Whitwick, 217 Whoman, 4, 22, 47, 73, 279 W hoodes, 102 Whooman, 386 Whorwood, 5, 73, 215, 339, 34§. 392 Whyle, 29, 47, 90, 109, 156, 159, 165, 199, 219 Wich, 109, 127, 186 Wichbold, Wychbold, 2, 8, 15, 109, 116, 138, 154, 157. 184, 218, 245, 204, 274, 290, 306, 329 Wiclienford, 21, 36, 38, 57, 74. 84, 116, 152, 167, 182, 294. 3°2, 308, 310, 330, 337. 36'. 4°2, 412, 420 Wichford, 31 Wick, 16, 23, 59, 71, 75, 135, 170, 287, 3S6, 399 \\ ii k Burnell, 25, 362 Wick Episcopi. 32, 34, 40, 74, 118, 166, 230, 281, 341 Wick juxta Pershore, 217, 3S9, 417 Wick, Lower, 33, 142, 248 Wick, Upper, 19, 27, 33, 256, 392 Wicken, 71 Wicker, 374 Wickham, Child's, 253 Wickwanford, 74 Widcombe, 2, 20 Widdowes, 47, 182, 192, 196, 206, 316, 329 Widdrington, 381 Widgeon, 354. Widman, 46 Widnell, 257, 270, 408 Wiggett, 19, 381 Wight, 37, 118, 180, 282 Wight wick, 221, 303 Wigley, 248 Wike, 13, !g8 Wilcox, 19, 182, 196, 355, 359 Wild, 6, 7, 27, 30, 42, 151, 157, 228, 275, 278, 385 Wildblood, 377 Wildey, 1S7, 1S8, 221 Wildon, 163 Wildsmith, 63, 342, 368 Wiley, 232, 234, 255, 257 \Yi ford, 23, 69 Wilkes, 11, 12, 25, 72, 80, 90, no, 137, 14S, 153, 163, 16S, 180, 1S9, 199, 206, 226, 231, 270, 283, 284, 309, 319, 336, 337, 338, 359- 383, 384. 392, 409,418, 423 Wilkins, 21 1 Wilkinson, 8, 25, 268 Willett, 386 Widens, 30, 40, 58, 64, 149, 173, 192, 219, 253, 294, 345. 37' Williams. 19, 34, 50, 84, 108, 113, 114, 120, 143, 15;, 156, 170, 184, 212, 213. 223, 239, 243, 273, 281, 2S5, 294, 305. 312, 32S, 355. 358, 377. 382, 3S8, 411, 414, 420 Williamson, 41, 81, 114, 149, 224, 228, 258, 274 Willicote, 130, 156 Willingswick, 295 Willis, 73, 150, 165, 173, 3°2, 311, 319, 334, 343, 347 Wills, 248, 277, 2S7, 315 Wilmot, 55, 131, 151, 179, 187, 189, 197, 217, 259, 264, 279, 313, 345, 346, 382, 401, 405 Wilse, 256 Wilson, 52. 65, 69, 73, S9, 119, I20, 122, I31, I32, 153, I56. 176, 179, I98, 202, 207, 244, 25S, 264, 277, 285, 295, 297, 298, 306, 311, 322, 337, 339, 345. 363, 365. 374. 386, 391, 394,409, 412,424 Wiltshire, 31, 77, 102, 383 Winbury, 13, 100, 266, 362, 406, 419 Winchurst, 258 Wincott, 98 Windey, 216 Win. lie, S4. 422 Windowe, 77, 255 Windowes, 229 Windsor, 50, 148, 168, 283 Windsor, Lady, 266, 278 Windsor, Lord, 31, 11;, 137, 175, 20, 244, 246, 247, 249, 250 W inehurst, 145 Winford, 19, 33, 82, 123, 144, 168, 181, 190, 217, 232, 248, 256, 257, 267, 305. 333. 363. 366, 379 Wing, 310, 422 W ingfield, 425 Wingford, 68 Winkwonh, 401 Winn, 1 15, 125, 376 Winnall. Winnoll, 66, IOO, 118, 160, 286, 407 Winnetts, 335 Winnington, 1S6, 1S8, 190, 203, 204, 214, 216, 264, 282, 284, 329, 332, 344, 359. 3 8 7.4ii, 422 Winns, 268 Winshurst, 22, 25, 60, 65, 69, 214, 242, 284 Winslowe, 83, 160, 202, 367. 4°3 Winsmoie, 195, 269, 330, 342, 397 Winstanley, 23 \\ instone, 206 Wintell, Wintle, 230, 288, 353 ■\\ interfold, 146 Winton. 39, 201, 263, 267, 292, 343 \\ intour, 49, 56. 68 Winwood, 349, 397, 416 Wirledg, 418 Wirley, 149 Wise, 46, 96, 115 Wither, 173, 222, 273, 345, 3S9 Wi'herid, 187 Withers, 190, 233, 260, 273 Withes, 227, 282 Withie, 20, 237 Withworth, IOI Wit ley, 96, 178, 198 Witley, Great, 44, 45, 49, 56, 68, 170, 21 1, 327 Wi ten, Little, 5, 14, 21, 36. 5 s . 301 Witton, 50, 54, 74, 91, 144, 168, 199, 246, 255, 299, 351. 371, 372 Wodley, 342, 414 Wolferlow, 42 Wolgrave, 87 Woliashull, 239 Wollaston, 174, 175, 1S5, 187 Wollescote, 116, 147, 226, 240, 262 Wollev, 289, 365, 406 Wolmer, 2i, 27, 33, 59, 101 Wolrich, 336 Wolverley, I, 13, 64, 70, 78, S9, 236,253,305,308, 424, 425 Wolverley Park, 104 Wolverton, 52, 77, 9S Wolverton, Great, 192, 208, 209, 232, 254 Wolvey, 77 4<5o AN INDEX TO WORCESTERSHIRE FINES. Wood, 45, 63, 66, 70, 74, 96, 108, 170, 173, 178, 191, 202, 235, 250, 252, 253, 260, 273, 283, 287, 2or, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298, 304. 330, 361, 372, 374, 394. 395. 4". 423 Woodall, 53, 18S Woodborne, 4 Woodcock, 1 60, 307, 324, 400 Woodcote, 70, 159, 228, 315. 320 Woodencoate. 137, 296, 336 Woodford, 318 Wood hall, 95 Woodhampton, 176, 21 1 Woodhouse, 10, 66, I45> 177, 213, 218, 251, 338, 382, 405 Woodhouse End, 59, 87, 231, 239 W'oodland, 3S4 Woodley, 59 Wo idman, 306, 410 Wood row, 47, 2S7 Woodrowgreen, 247 Woods, 250, 359 Woodward, 33, 60, 84, 85, 91, 116, 123. 140, 144, '49. 153- '57. 159. 160, 172, 181, 187, 193, 198, 207, 209, 217, 219, 223, 232, 245, 248, 254, 255, 269, 271, 275, 326, 331, 33 6 > 339. 362, 373- 394. 399. 401, 407. 4 "2. 417, 421 Woodyate. 87, 135, 320 \V. loferley, 63 Woolberton, 103 Wooley, 101 Woolfe, 124 Woolmer, 2, 6, 50, 122, 207, 223, 3S0, 3S9, 395, 400 Woolmore, 130 Wool Veston, 394 Woorby, 82 Wootton, 52, 62, 153, 157, 295 Worcester, 85 Worcester, Bishop of, 142 Worcester, Karl of, 32 Worcester, Mayor of, 235 Worcestershire, 194 Woid.-n. 280 Worfeild, 14, 167, 176, 1S8 Worledge, 295, 356 Worley, 305, 384 Wormblow. 101 Wormington, 177, 247, 263, 372 Worrall, 31 8 Worthington, 365 Wothenford, 152 Wotton, 241, 206, 272, 274, 308 Woven, 230 Wowen, 75, 126, 129, 252, 342, 349. 354. 37i Wrednall, 171 Wrenford, 20, 316, 327, 344 Wiey, 50 Wribbenhall, 7, 142, 159, 195, 211, 215, 221, 226, 239. 347 Wriggan, 301, 310 \\ right, 10, 32, 53, 57, 78. 81, 93, 132. 157, 196, 199, 214, 274, 369, 374, 377, 399, 418, 422 Writer, 135, 172, 234, 266, 2 So Wyatt, 24,72,158,168, 181, 279, 283, 375, 406, 421 Wych, 105 Wyer, II, 372 Wyke Burnell, 119 Wylde, 43, 105, 106, no, 112, 115, 116, 124, 125, 129, 130, 145, 175. l82 > 200, 204, 205, 207, 218, 230, 259, 275, 279, 355, 361, 377. 394. 397, 4°i, 403,411 Wyldey, 43, 211, 348 Wyley, 197, 272, 285, 291 Wynde, 374, 381, 386, 404 Wyndham, 377 Wynford, 135 Wyniatt, 102 Wynn, 12 Wynnall, 349 Wynns, 86, 106, 180 Wynwood, 160 Wyre, 119, 258, 387 Wyre Piddle, 261, 319.355. 38i Wyrrall, 316 Wyse, 103 Wythes, 108, 325, 338 Wylhie, 87, 97, 131 Wytton, 101, 154, 165 Yallington, 149 Yapp, 157, 174 Yardington, 21 Yardley, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 22,27,29, 31, 34, 35, 39, 4>. 44, 50-5', 52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 64, 67, 72, 73, 77, 85, 88, 89, 93, 98, 99, no, in, 115, 119, 133, 144, 146, 147, 149, 154, 160, 164, 169, 171, 177, 191, 195, 197, 198, 201, 202, 213, 217. 221, 223, 224, 226, 227, 231, 233, 237. 23S, 240, 241, 242, 245, 246, 252, 255, 256, 259, 271, 273, 274, 282, 286, 292, 293, 294, 299, 304, 308, 311, 316, 317, 319. 320, 323, 338, 342, 343. 346, 347, 349, 36 '. 367, 3 6 9, 371, 372, 374, 378, 379. 38i, 382, 408, 416, 419, 424 Yarnold, 17, 105, 129, 144, 253, 274, 284, 288, 306, 317, 322, 327, 334, 337, 344,3 6 3. 39i Yarran, 2S2 Yarranton, Yarrington, 3, 22, 33, 38,42, 71, 88,89, 92, 99, 100, 114, 115, 123, 162, 182, 254, 260, 282, 289, 295, 300, 315, 328, 335, 34i, 356, 376, 379, 381, 399,404, 420 Yate, 14, 34, 52, 68, 80, 100, 123, 130, 147, 209, 211, 213, 218, 219, 259, 260, 269, 278, 286, 309, 341, 381, 382, 394 Yateman, 96, 134, 175 Yates, 32, 51, 80, 136, 140, 195, 208, 259, 301, 379, 38i Yeardston, 1S6 Yeates, 201, 352, 419, 423 Yeeld, 186 Yeend, 1S6 Yeoman, 325 Yeomans, 48, 168, 320, 337, 385 Yerrow, 121, 140, 303 Yieldingtree, 15, 337 Yonge, Young, 2, 3, 22, 36, 66, 101, 113, 116, 119, 124, 129, 170, 178, 194, 196, 212, 214, 224, 227, 231, 232, 233, 245, 250, 26S, 2S9, 301, 342, 373, 3S5, 3S8, 394, 39S, 408, 425 PRINTED BY JAMES PARKER AND CO., CROWN YARD, OXFORD. w ittt M m li*;l'J;'ii{ ! i !! i wwm II '■''■'■'■■: 5 ■■■ : ; i ,f 1 :;., ; I MlflRlffim? 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