t % Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER tttdorirs 1598 OF THE OF Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMX Zbc XTubor jfacsfmile ^eyts p:tt4^i0rus Date of Earliest Known Edition 1 598 [B.M. Press-mark, C. 34, b. 34] Other Editions issued in 1606 (?), 1610, 1613, 1615, 1619, 1629, 1634, 1639, 1^68 Reproduced in Facsimile 1910 301621 GENERAL [To Subscribers. — This postscript refers to the facsimile reprint of "King Edward III.," and should be inserted in that volume. — J. S. F.] Second thoughts have induced me to give, as an extra slip for insertion in the facsimile of " King Edward III.,'" the following letter from Mr. Herbert, which I deliberately excluded from my introduction to that volume on account of its " hypercritical " praise of the fidelity with which that facsimile was reproduced. As, however, I religiously quote every point against the photographer and printer, it has seemed^ on second thoughts, only right I should give all per contra. •' Dear Mr. Farmer, " The facsimiles of King Edward are most excellent. The only ** criticism I have to offer, in fact, seems hypercritical. It is this : the original " is comparatively faintly printed, on yellowish paper ; and so is distinctly less " easy to read than the firm black printing of the facsimile on a greyish ground. " Otherwise the original is reproduced with perfect fidelity. " Yours truly, "/. A. HERBERT." " British Museum, •• Uth March, 1910." flDuceborus 1598 This facsimile is a reproduction from the unique original copy of the earliest known edition of '' Mucedorus," now in the British Museum (Press-mark, C. 34, b. 34/ // formed part of the rare collection of Old English Drama bequeathed to the nation by Garrick, and at that time was included in a volume containing two other items — ^^ Fair Em'' and '^ The Merry Devil of Edmonton'' — the three plays having been labelled by the royal binder to Charles 11., to whom the volume originally belonged, ^* Shakespeare, Vol. /." Round this ascription has centred much discussion and criticism, but to little definite result. *' Mucedorus " is not entered on the Stationers' Books. Possibly it was licensed independently by the Master of the Revels. It was frequently reprinted, having run to no less than ten editions in seventy years — a sure test of its popularity. Mr. Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, comparing this facsimile with the original, says the reproduction is ^^ very well done" ; some, indeed nearly all, pages being earmarked as ^^ excellent facsimiles." Mr. Herbert, however, notes a few instances of a tendency to ^^ print too heavily." This is a technicality which is now receiving full expert attention, and I hope in the next issue — " King heir" — to revert to the matter. JOHN S. FARMER. \ Moft pleafant Co- medk of C^ftKedBrus iht kings fonne of raien/ia^ind JmAdine the Kings daughter of u4rra^orjj with the jnerjcconccit«5 NcwIyfctfoorth,as it hath bin ' ptndfittirnts fliide in the hdZ ■* ^' nor4bJe 1 ( ^ i 1 1 A mcrfl pleafant Co- medie otzS^i^ucedorus the Kings lbnncofVaIcntia,and ^midint^ thf kiAgs «!aughtccof ArragoH. inUr Comedieioyfullvptth dgdrUndof l{^-6Sonherhead, ^f I* Hy {b? thus doe I hope topleafe: Mufickc Tcuiues>and mirth is toIIerabIc« Comcdi^ play thy partjand pleafc, Mak merry them that corns to ioy with thee: Ioy thw-gpofJ geiitillcs, I hope to make you laugh*' Sound iooxthBelUnas filuer tuned ftr ings. Timefits v$ vv^ thedaie and place is ours. JinUrEnuky^sarmcs naked befimardc withbUud ^». Nay ftaie minion, thcrclicsablock. Whaialonmirtbj He interrupt your tafc. And mixe your mufickc with a tragick end « O. Whatmonftrous vgly haggc isthis, Thatdares comtrowlc the pictures ofourwillr Vaunt lbih;ahd pod away with Aiame, That feeked difflurbance ofagoddefledeedcs* £».Pofth^ncethy iclfe,thou counterchccking trul, I will pofTcflc this habitafpiteofthce And gainethcglorie ofthy wiihcdpottc. He thunder mu(iclccfhallappaledienimphe^> And make themihcuer their clattering ftrings;- Flyingforfuccour to their dfincs caues* ^ Sound drtmesmthm tnicritfifikfiik^ Hearkcn,thou fhalt hcaranotfc Shall fill the aire with a (hrilling (bumf. And thunder mufickc to the godsabouc: ' Marsfliallhimfclfcbrcathcdowne " i Apcereieffexcowenevpotibraue enuieshead* And raife Ihs cbiuall with a lading fame Hi (his braue mufickc £;Mf/> takes d elight, Wherel mayfee them wallow in there bloo4 To Xpornc at armes.aiidlegges quite fhiueredofllv And heare theories of many thou/and (iaine. How likfl thou this ray trqlljthis foort alone for mcc^ Co. Vaunt bloodic cnrre^nurft vpwith tygersiapp^ That fo doftfeekefoquaileawomansroinde> Cmedie is mUd»gcnrIc, wiHing fortoplcafe> And feekes to g^oe thebue of all eftat^H.* Delighting ifiiiiirth,mixt all with loucly talcs* And bringcth things with treble ioy K> pafle, y Thou bk;|6die)&nuioi]s,di( Who(eDi^meis frauchrwttbbloodreftrat^mes, DelightsinobthingbuclnfpbykanddeatU^ ' ^;* f WheKtfaoumaift tzamptein theiriat^wiirliie btcio^; AlMgraipethelrhearts within ^curTedpawcs; ; Yet ^ Yctiriaelfiy tn^ri^reucnge thou not onmce, A fiilywoman begs itatthy hands, ^ Giucmethclcauctoviteroutmyplay, Porbcarcthisplaccjl humbUc crauc thcc hence, Andmlxehotdeathaniongftplcafingcoracdics, That treats naught ck but pleafurc and dchghi. If any (parkcofhumainc rcfts in thee, Forbcarc,be gon,tendcr thcfnitcofmce. Jf;*. Why fo I wil,forbearancc (liall be Inch As treble death fhall croflc thee with dcfpighr, Andmaketheemourne whwc moftthouioielr. Turning thy mirth into a deadly dole: WJ»irling thy pleafureswith a pcalcofdeath. And drench thy nicthodcs iii afca otbloud.* This Willi doe, tJoB fhilll bcarc with thcc And moretovexthce with a deeper fpiic, Iwillwiththicat€8 ofbloudbcginthy play: Fauoring the^ with cniiic'andwithhattt. • r^.THcuvglicnito^lcrdoc thy woorfy v ; & ; v / I will defend thcmindffa«id4cHciervr:n : ' ^^^- AndthougtoitlwttthinkftwftM^gfckiBifnes Tobrauc my pliytoomy dfdcpcldifgiacc.. I forceit notjl £6iAiwliesheadleiIe voidofbireth." : w^«»4, That fowIccldforflMd laonftcrisiic dead? 3/«. Afroreyouirfclic!thercdf,bchoiikiihisihcadt Which if itplca/c you Lady toitcccpt. With willinghcart lycdd it to ycarmaicfiic. ' o v jIuIT AlcMfghhcwcrcthflmo^archofthcWoiH '^-''^ I y-"^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF .,.,,. . . I 1^ 1^ . 1 -I - w—.r- . ^ ——- ~ ' . 'OV<^.Mofl: gracious goddcfle^more then m»tal wight. Your heaqcnly hcwe of righr imports no leflTc, MoftgTad am lin that it wasmy chance, Tovndcrtakcthisentcrprifeinhancl. *i Which doth fb greatly glad your princely roiridc^ - ^ -« On whofcwclth through fothersformervfurf ^ Is kno wen robe no lengthen woonderfull^ Wc both of cufiome oftentimes did v&, Leauing the court to walke within theficldes^ For recreation^ecially the rpring. In thit inrclds grcatc florc of hue delights: / And pafling further then our wonted walkes, ^caricwerccntrcdwirfiinthefclucklefrfwoodsj But right fieforevs dowoea ftctpe fall hil Amonflrous vglvbeare dtdhiehim faf^> TomeetcvsbotlijIfainetDtell'thcrcft, • *% Good ihepherdjbutfuppolb the ^aftlylookes; Thehiddious feares,thcthouiantnundcrd wdcs. Which at this ini^ZTitAmadme iuftcind. ; ^u. Yet worthy princes let thy forsow ceafe, ^ • - i And let this figm yourformer ioylcs rciiiuc; -■*^; ' I - 1 ' jima. Belecue me (hephcard fo it doth no kffc^ > ^ • Af«.Long may they bft vnto your heans contend.. Buttell me Ladic what is become of him, ^ S^^^tfcalldjwhatisbecomeofhimf j ^w^. Iknowe not Ivthat knowc tlie powciKliuinc, A4 But -1 J L .^v So cowardly ^ikuc niinfclfe byjflighi} i n i i j: T^, >iO?. : And leauc (bbraufca prmccfTc to the fpoylr^ " v^H' ^«w«:Wcirfh^bpcdc;forihy worthy valouix;tritif, Endapgeringthy'rclwio fctine free;. ^ ,; c " ' . uK - Vnyecompcnicaiui:c!thbtt(hakh6tbft.: -7 w.^i.mi A In court thy couragcfhalbc^LaincIyJctvawnfcj i.hi.^ vl ' Throughoutthc King^bme willl ^readthy name^ TothyrcnowQCandncHcrdyingfamcilrnjii .:..>. i v And that thy courage may be better J«ww»e..r t;.;* Beare thou the bead of this nioftcnodfltptisbcsrft rn oT Inopen fehti0)cucue coHmersyiew^! i jv/ Jli ;.v f '.O So will theking i»y fathcrtheerewarddot^i ^ > '^ ;i t Come lets away>«adguardmetothccQarr« w \Sh'^ .w*. Witbifflmyhcart, ^ . / : . i' ^ . u:.^J S^.Wben heapesofharmesdohoueroaerhead^'* Tistimeas tben,fome/ay tolo«ik'eabout, AndfoenfuingliarmeitcicfabQ&tbeleaft: -• '^ Buchard,y,eahapDe£lcildiaHviKf:di^fre<}haunce> r:. 2 LycklelfchMfci^i^cajJtiflSbHocjacoiirftcj ^ ; fi ; oj:|.> At whole pr6c€cdi{igfcf(anunc ciict firoit'ncit ' '\ -^ Myfelfel meancjnoSiibicift.vntothral^r f 5 :•:,: V^jIW For I the oiore I feckcK^fhua the worft: : )W i -•'iJ^^v.'ifrY- Theraoreby Droofdiind my fclfeaccui;ft8:l:') pi b '*v Er^wbiWdi6<edwithanvelybcarc,i »»:!-£[ v/^K . JFayre 4/xyW/M in company dlabtie, » rtoJ v;a Forthwith by flightfcthougb^itaiaiie Biyiafe,'»n j^'j '^ Leauingmyy^w4^yi^Ojhct(btfifis;:Kl//c'? to^% ^or dQaikt{J^»br>^tt(i{ldKfasase:)7/o:ul I .^««^ r^M * 3^h -And J And death no Idft of yim/uimesh^mcs to hcarc* Accurfcd I in lingring life thus long , In lecuing thusrach minute of an howcr Doth pierce ray hart W!th dartcs of ihoufand dcathcs: Ifflic by flight her fury docefcape, ' _ \ Whatwiilfliethinkcj ' Will (he not (ayj yea flatly to my face , Accufingmeotmceredifioyaltie, . j A truflic friend is tride time of nccde: But I when flie in danger was of death ! And needed me,and cried Segafio hclpc; I turned my backe and quickly ran away^ j Vnworthy I to bearc this viiall breath: \/ But what , what necdcs thefc plainrcs r ; If^wrf»tfdoliucihcnh3ppieI, | Shcewillintimeforgiueandfo forget, \ ^w4i//;?^ismcrcifull,not/i/;r I ncuerfawbearegoea milking in all my life. ' , Butharkyounr,Ididnotlookefbhieash6rarme.' [ I faw nothing but her whit head, and her whit bellyi. i Se .But tell mcfirra, where dooft thou dwell- • p«^tWhy59nn)iMvi wn knaw^llcc xg:^ fathers grcatehorifejfor he hath bia halfc a ycarc longer with my father then I haue » S^.Thiij fecmes tp be 9 njerricf ellow, ; I C3CX nol if 1 takchitia home with me. Mirth is a comfort to z troubled minde, A mcrric man, a merrie maftcr m;il^es. * . Howiaiftthou firra, wilt thou dwcftwith mcf CT^.Hay fof t fir, tow wprds to a bargainc,priuc you what occupation areyou.^ S/. No occupation,! Hue vpoh my lafides* CU- Your lands, a way, youarc no maiflcr for me,why doe you thinke that lam (b mad, to go feke my liuing In the lands amongfi the floncs ^ briars, and bu(hes» and teare my holy day apparcll^not iby your Icaue. Stf. Why, idonot meane thou Ihalt* C/i?. How then?. ' > Sr. Why thou fhak bemy man^aod waitevponme at the court. C/ V>ir/7/l.l«»b V C/^Shall notfihcn hcarcs iny handjile dtvel with you. And harke you fi;,novv y?u li^ac entertained me, I wil tell you what I can doc, I c^nkecpc my tongue from picking audftealing, and my hantk's fiom lying ind (laundering^I wairantyoUj-as wel as eucryoii had man- in all your hfc- Sf. Now will I to court with for row full haryown- dcd with doubtSjif ///iv^ip^docliuejthen happy I : yea happie I if Amadme doe liuc* Exeunt. JLuttrthe King rvith a yaung prince prifoner^ Amaiinevoiih Coken and connjlHcrs* King'Hovf braueLords,our warsarc brought to cnd> Our foes the foilc and we in fafetic reft, li vs behoues to vfefuch clcmcnck in peace' As v.iIo'jr in the warre * It isas great honor to be bountifull at home, Astobeconquerersin thcficld. Therefore my Lords the more tomycontcnr,^ Your liking, arid your countries fafcgarde, We arc difpofdc in marriage for to giyc Ourdaughterto Lord S^ Then march v;^rohtocdurf,aridreftourweari- cdlimmcs BatC^/^^;/,Ihaueataleinfecretkcptforthce: . , When thoii'fhah hcarca watch woord from thy king^ Thinkcihcn-fbmcwai^itlemajterisathandv, , . -Thathighhefhalltortt to John the cookc^nd get mc a good pecce of beefe and ^ brewis , and then to the buttery hatch to Thomas' the butler, fpt a iaqke of bcare,and there for an hourc ilefo be labour my :ftlfe,^erefore I pray you cal mc not till you thinkc I h jue done,I pray you good mayfter. 5f« Well fir away. TremeUo this it is, thou knowcft the valour of Segdjlo Sprcdthrough all the kingdomeof Arragon^ And fuch as hath found triumph and fauours, Neuer daunted ataqy tyme,but jiow a flicpb^prd^ Admired at in court for wprthyneflc. And5(^^^^i hoaourlayd a fide.' My wil therefore x% this,ihat thoodoftfind fbra mcaires taworke the (hapheardcs death, I know thy flreng h iufficient to performe my defjre, & thy Joue no other wife then to rcuengc my iniuries. TrtAth notthc frpv^ncs of a fhepheard that TremdU fearcs.-;- . ■• ^ Therefore account it acct>mpliflicjd,whatl take in hane S/.Thankcs good Tnmtlio >and alTurc thy fclfc, ' j What I promife that will I performe. ' I rr«f.Thankcs my good Lord,and in good time See where he. cpmmethjftand bya while. And you (hall fee me putinpra^c ;g>ur intcoted, dii&cs. . -r- . .. B 4^ Hau. J "J fj\f \,«Kr/*wv«»v- I laue at chcenvaine, if tHat 1 hi: thee right* ^ Enter Mucedorus* \ ■'••>■ ^J-" /^^>^ TurnecorVitrdturne^nomUtrikc dnddoeihytoodrji* . L^lncedoruskillethhim, S^.Houldfhephcardhould,fparehim,kilIhimnot, ccurfed villainc, tell mc what haft thou done. Ah TremiUo^ tr uftie TremAio^l forrow for thy death, \ And tince that thou liuing,didftproouefaithfull to Segafio^io Segajlo now liuin^ Hiall honourc the dead corpcs of Tremlio with rcuenge. Bloud thrifty villainff,boracand brcddctomcrcileffc • murthcr. Tell oic kow duift thou be fo bold. Asoncctolay thy handsypon the lead ofminc. Aflurc thy lelfe^thou (halt be vfd according to the law. Jayftiepheardrcaronnot ^ithme. He manifeft thy fad^vntothc King: Whofc doonie will be thy death as thou dcfcruft, Whathoc^Moufe comeaway* Clfi^ Why how novv,whats the matter. I thougc you would be calling beforcJ had done. Se . Come hclpc away with my friend, ^/^. Why is hedrunke5cannothcftandon his feet. -y.No.hc isnotdrunke. he isflaine. Clo. FlamcnobyLadichcis not flaine. S^.Hceskildltcllthce, \ clo. Whatjdoc you vfc to kil your friends. IwiUfcrucyoB no longer. ^(f.ItcUthcc thcfhq)hcardkild him. Ck, O did a (b^butmaftcr,! will haucal his apparel* ificarryhiraaway. S^Whyfo thoufhalt. Ch. Come then I will hea!pc,mas maftcr I thinke his mother fbng loobytohimhc isfoheauie. Exeunt. iw^tf. behold theficklc ftate of man,alwaics mutable, neucr at one, ' Sonitinica wc feed on fancies with the fwcetc of our dcfircs* I Sonnii^ics againc wcfcelc thchcatofcttrcamcmi. ~^ fcrie. Now am I mfauour aboutthe court and countrie • '- To morrow ihofc fauoun will turnc to f rovvncs. To daiel liuc reiiengcd on my foe. To morrow I die,my foe roicnged on mc, Exeunt, Enter Brents a^ldwkm», ^r^Nopaflcngcrs thismornmg, whatnot one. A chance that fcldomc doth befall ,. What not one* then lie thou there. And reft thyfelfc til I hauc further riecde .• Now BrcmofiththyleafurcfaafFords. " . Aoendleflcthlng,whoknowes notBrcmocs flrcngth Wholikca king commander within thefevvocds, Thcbc»rc,thc boarc ,darcs not ^bidc my fight, ^ But But hafles away to faue themfelujK ty fjight: The chriftail waters in the bubblibgbrodkes,' When I come by dothfwiftlyflidc away, yl And claps themfelues in dofctsvaderbankcJa I lii^ Afraidetolookebold^r^wHntfefifcc: /'V \ The aged okes at Bremoes br^atli doebo wej "" ' :' . And all things els arcftillat raycofaH^aUncfi;'*;^^ ^^ Els What would I^ ';'•" ."^'. *V ' , Rent them in peeccs and pluckctftem From tlie earth, And cachwaicelslwouldj^n^ip my fdfe, " •* *' Why who comes hcerc with whom: I,dire notfighf, • Whofi^hts with^mc fie dbitrf nioc die thii dcatn jhor on: What fauour Hi cvy es th i§ ftuidie (lickc to thole. That hecrcvvithirt tiVeffe ^"^'"^odi arc conibataines with mcf • '■""' 'Wfiy deatfi^n^ncWhrn^yfeWprcfentdekC . With rcftlciTe ragci wander ditough thcfe vkSO^^I ^ N A crcatiir^ Sirra takeliim t\viffi. dochtm to exccuilon ftraight. y^ do. So hec fhall f warranthim > butdoe yo« hearc maiftcr King,he is kin to a raonkiCjhis ncckc is bigger then is head: • S^ Com firra away with him,and hang him abouc themiddlc. cii>.Ycsjrorfdoth I warrant yon^comc on fir,afo hkc V afhcepcbitcralbokcs* Bntirt^mddintAndAbokwthabedresbeAd /fw4. Dread fbucraignc ai\d wdbcloucd fire. On bended kccs I crauc the life of this condemned fliephcardjwhichheertoforepreferucddie lifcof thy fometime difirefled daughter, IC.prercruedihe life of my fomtimediftrcffcddaughtcr Howcantl^atbc'lheuerknewthctirofe i, . Whrein thouswaft (v the daic But.that I haucroaintaincd thy ftate. As beft befeemd the daughrer.of a king lineucrfawtheihcphcardyniilnoiR^ . How comes it theniiiat heprcfctudthylifcf . v -.^ 7 . /. . i^«?4.0nccwalkcingvvitbS^^4/?(?inthewoodsj* further then our accuftomcd mancxWas, >?. Cz Right » 1J^ UWIWbMIW • . , ,-' \'.' f V Right before vs downe a ftcepc fil hill, A monftrousvgly bcarc doth hie him faft To meete vs bothjnow whether this bee trcwc, I referre it to the cerditof 5^^4/?tf. Se, Mofttrcw and like your maieftic. Ama^ The bcare being eager to obtainchis praicj Made forward to vs with an open mouth. As if hemeant to fwallovv vsboth at once. The fight whereof did make vs both to drcad^ But (peciallie your daughter 4^^^i^f, Who for I Giw no iuccour incident B ut in Segapoes valour, I grew dcfperatc, Andhemoftcowardlikc&ganiofly. "^j laC^t roe diftreft to be deuourd of him, How fay you Sr^^ is it act truef iT. His filence verifies it to be true,wliat thei% Am£^ Then I amafde dflre(!ed all aIone> Did hiemefai^co fcape that vgUebcarc» But all in vaine,for why he reached after me. And hardly I did oh efcapehis pawes. Till at the length this fhcphnrd camc^ And brought to me his hcad«. Come hither boy^loe hecre it is, which Iprefcot vnta ^ yourittaieftie* KuTht {laughter of ihisbeare deferues greatfamc. Se. The ilaughter of a man defmucs peate blame. \/\t^ ^/«^ IndecdoccafionoftentiracslbMefou:. — Se. rremeU§ in thcwais* CMTfiP^preferaed thee,(mf » i^«u« The fhepheaid in die woods oking prefhued ^« 7>^/!9^^fousht when many men did yceld. ditM, So would the fhepheaid tiad be binin field Ci^*SdW9uldmymai(ter»hadhcnotran awav* |^\. ^urrvfutvr-i S» Tremelioes force faued thoufands from the for. AmA, The ihcphcards force haue laued thouiand* more* d:i*' Aye fhipfHckes,nothingelfc. iT/iTf •^h{befe8hjheplipard,fliepheard,ffi9phcard ,1./'. Hi;; f n^r. 'i 5M 37 iivv .^ . s.j ' ..i i . '^J^jt^ Vtgobdly grbues partakcxs of my ibn^ i ' • Intyrac t^fore when fortune did not frowhe, f^ Powre fot^Hhif bfr ^aftfe ahcLW&il^af wlfflVwith me ^ rfnd%{i6erWi|ht fijflrie^h^ cdMrfci ttic'co^^^ Hide,hidcthy face and IckB?'iiRJ^ed^<*^*^tretf^^ Ye ho!^om^'hea^l>es,ahd *i^iJ^6 ttelilri^ fauours, ' Ye each'tliHig (its' prolohgr^hR <^^^ Change,chanecyotirwbW^dcc5^i#,' "' "^^ )!. TiiatIvvafiHQ|^y'6?jF«i^i^^nWbcyTOiipftf^ If::' .'5--:::ra::^Ii::j?iK>U*'nniJoi';pr;ncIoPf. .^^: -.'VA Makeromeexcuretilll returnd*i^»ii'^i?vq/T- : > ' -3- ^ ^r/. What anti^S%^^'•cail^ ' :i:r! v; 'jilr> iq : ; r. : . yima,'Diyi&iiMikt]Akt tohim,?lTiidin«btte^'ay long, ^ Ji/».This voycflfb'fvvfcecrtri^piiftinglpiriM^reikSttcs- ^^maJSi\k^ditd\'ftd\AtxxAiviakK^ Mu.l lingciii&£:ya^4flj^foi joi ?A ^«w,Shephcar4^ho«]K^«hyi3dbi!(lmeitt grrtrfly ftf -' '^ C 4. decreed n / f i dccrccd.and aliagaynftthy will,yet i^fffA^f^^. Mm . Ah t^mddine, to hcarc of banifliment is death, I double death to mc;,but fince I muft dcpart,one thing Icrauc. * yif»*4. Say on with all my hcirt. Mu. That in abfence either farrc or nccrc- You honoor me as feruant with yourname. -^iw4,Notfb. c^/*.Andvvhy^ AmA,l honour thee as foueraigne with my heart. C^^^k (hephcardand a foueraigne nothing liket Amd.Yct likeenough where there isno diflike. M/f,Yct great difltke or els noibanifhmenr^ w^7^.Shepheard^itis ondy ^^^4^# that procuresthv banifhment. - i ^m ^r Ol//».Vnwonhy wightesare mod in ielo% i<4w4.Wou)dGodrbey wQuld&ectheirombaniili. mcntjorh'kewirebamiih.mee. 4- «.^ .,,. Olfi;i.AmenfayI,tohaueyourcQmpaoie« v w^w4, WclKhepheardy^ath thou (ufFerdl this for my fake^with thee inexile aUoJet me liue* On ^hiscondition fbepheardthou candloue , CHu.^o longer loue no longer let mc liue; '/tmd.OElztl loped one indeed^now loue I none but #nclythee. A/*.Thankes worthie princes I home likcwife, Yctfmother vp the blaft, I dare not promife what [may performe, Ama,Wci\ ihcphcard,harkc what I (hall fay» I will returnevoto my lathers court. Thercforttoprouidcmeof fuchnefceilarics^ As forour toucney;! ihalithinkemofi fiti Thisbciog doncilRrittictuniiciothtCy Doc ^ia mMik.mt ttum ■T,7l v/ri"*""""' Doc thou therefore appoint the place where wc may i»/«.DowneinthcvaIlcywheieTfluethebcarc And there doth grow a f^irc broade PJ?"^'^^^ ^^^^^> That oucr fhadcs a wcll/o who come s firft Let them abid the happic meeting of vs both* How like you this^ ^wrf.llikcifvfcrywcl ^ ^ Mu, Nowifyouplcafcyoumsyafpointthctime, Jm4. Full three hours hence God willing,! will oV returne* , . ^- ji/«.ThethanUcs that frfrwcaue the grecianquecnc the like doth MuccJornsyceld. .^ ^?!»4. Then -W/^ftf^*?/-/!/ iorthrecehowres farewcU- t : Exit \;i//».Your dcpatiure ladic brccdcs a priuie paine." S^ Tis well Sf-^rf/i? that thou haft thy win, Shou'd fuch a flihcphard , fuch a fimplc fwainc As he ^cclips thy crcditc famous through the court. No ply Sff^/^ply^letit noiin Arragonbcfaidc, ' Aflicphard hath S<'^4Wrjhonour wonnc. lEnterMoufe the clowne caHing his^ maijler - Cto. Whaa hoe maiftcr will you comeavWjC ter.' Se. Wiltyon come hitbcr i p»ayyo€i, tv-lTats the mat- €\d. Why, is it not paft alcattcn a clock. Sf.Howtharfir. \ cWpray you com a way to dinner; 5^.1 pray you come hither. Ch, Hcrcs fuch adoe withyov, wilyou neuer.comr. Se, I pray you fir what newcs'of the raeflage I fentc ' C^.ItellyouaHthemefrtsteonthctablcalreadie, D There V ^Hi Thctcwantsnotfomuchasamcflcofiniiftardlialfe annovveragoc. Se. Comcar,yourmindc is all vpon yourMly, you hauc forgotten what I did bid you doe, CkFaithlknoYVe nothing^butyou badracgocto breakcfeft ^ ScWis thatall; Clo.Vstith I hauc forgotten it,thc veriefcntof the meate made mc hath forget it quite. Se. You hauc forgotten the arrant I bid you doc* C^, What arrant , an arrant knaue , or arrant whorcj Se. Why thou knauc , did I notbid thcc baniih the ihepheacd. C^.Othclhephardsbaftard; . $eA tcU thee the ihephcardes banlffiment. €^. I tel you the fhepheards baftard flialbc wcl kept lie looke to it my felfe clfc,bujtl pray you come away todinner^ , ^^- Then you wil not tell me whether you haucbar iumedhimornoe« C^. Why I cannotfiy banifhmentand you would giucmeathpufandpoundstofayfo, t.r &r.Whyyouhorfonflauc, haue you forgotten, that lienty^^d another to driue away the fhcphard, C^^What^n aflc are you. heers ailurre in deecde hecres meffage.arran^ b;|niihmenii, and I cannot tell what. .-^ . ,^.^ S^.Ip"yyou4r,(haIl Unowwhechcryouhauc ,,p^>ilroue him away. |.f C/^^FaithithinkeIhaue,andyouvviJl not belccuc ^W^askemy^fe- , " Stf'. Why can rhy ftafTc tell . /l/lu. Why^hevvaswithmcto. i . r . St St. then htppic I that hauc obtaind my wilL do. And happier I Jf you would goc to dinner. S^ ComenrrajfbHowmc.- CA?.! warrant you I will not loofc an inch of you now youarcgoineto dinner,! promife you I thought fca;^-. uen ycare before I could get him away, \ Am, God grant my long dclaic procures no hacmc N or this ray tarrin g fruilr ate my pretence, My CMuctdorus furclie ftaics for mc , And thinks me ouer long,at length I come My prcfentpromifc to ptrfoime: Ah what a thing is firme vnbincd louc. What IS r which trur louc dares not tcmDC My far cr he may make but I muft match* Segafio loiics, hi c 4ntAdme muft like, Whcic likes her bcft,compul(ion isathrall, No,no,tlie hearticchoifc is all in all. The fliephards vcrtuc K^madme cftecmes. But what me thinks my ihcphard is not corned Imufeattbatjthehowerisuireat handc. Well here ilc reft till iMucedorus come.' Shetfttsherd0vpm, £nterSrewo looking nbeniihajiihi taketh fjouldofher. Bnmo^A hapie pray ,now Srempktdc on flcfli. Dainties Bremo dainties thy hungry panch to fill, Nowglutthy greedie guts with lukewa'rmcblood. Come fight with mejlongto (ec thee dead. ^^Howcan flic fight th^t weapons cannot wccld? ^r^Whatcanft not fight/* then lie thou downc and die. irfWi«.Whatmuftldicf * ' Da Ire \ / Bre. Wiiatneedesthjfo words-Ithirfttofuckcthy ^;»4.YetpimciTieandletmeliucawhilc. . (bloud Bre. Napittiel, ilc feed vpon thy flefli, lie teare thy bodie pceccmeale ioynt Ironi ioy nt. -^w4. Ah now I want my fliephards company . ^m He crufli thy bones betwixt tow oken trees. j^4. Haft (hephard haft orclfc ihon com ft tolat. 2?r^iIefucIcethefwectncsfromthy marie bones. ^ -^wj. Ah fparcah fpareto (lied my guiltleftc blood ,i j5r^. WitKihismybat will Ibcatcoutthybraines Down,down I fay^proftrate thy ftlfe vpon ihe ground | ^w4,Thcn Muceaorus farevvel. my hoped ioics farcwd . I Yea fere vvelUifc, and welcome preftnt death, j SheekmeUs* ! TothecO GodI yccldmy dyingghoft. "^t . Br^.NowBr^^rp play thy parr, i How now what fuddcn chaunccisthis. My limmes do tremble and my Ttnewcs ftiake' Myvnweakncd armcshaue loft their former force? I Ah Br^w(7,Br^«w,vvhatafoyle haft thou, ' Thatyetatiw time cucr waft afraid,^ To da re thegreatcft gods tofi ght with thee, hepikts And now WJotftrength foroncdowncdriuing blow Ab how my courage failcs when 1 Hiould ftrikc, ' Some ncwccohiefpirit abiding in my brcaft. Shall liparehcr hremo^ /pare hcr,do not killj Saythfparc her which neucrfparcdany^ To lcB*^#«i# to it, (ay againe, I cannot wccld my weapons in my hand, Mcthihkeslfliouldnot ftrikfofaireaone, t/ ' I tbinWeiicrbcawtie hath bcwrrchtmy force P; die \¥ith ill me altewdnaturcs courfc, ^. ^yWbm^tijWilt rhou liiie in Woods with mc; > \ <-^^<'>FaincwouIdIliuc,yctloih toliucinwoddcs, I Bn hre. Thou (h^t noc chufe, h (halbc a$ I &y & thetC fore follow me. Exir Enter C^ucedor4$s folus. Mu« It was my tvil an howcr a goe andmorc. As was my promife for to make returne, B ut other bufines hindred my, pretence* It is a world to fee when man appoints^ Andpurpofelk one certaine thing decrees Ho w manic things may hinder his intent What once would wt(h ihcfamcisfarthcftoffr But yet thappoynted time cannot be paft. Nor hath her prefcnce yet preuent^d wee. Well heerc lie (laie,andexpe(5l her comming* Thej crUwithinJjouldhimJlauhimJioldi J/mf.Some one or other is purfiied no doubt Perhaps /bmefearchfor nKyisgoodto doubt tfje woift,thererorciIc begone. £xit^ Criemthin hold him JMf^ifffJ^-f^f^^^^^^^fi theClowfteMthapot^ C\o. Holdhim,hold him hold him, hecrs afturk deed Heere came hcwc after the cr rcfjand I was fct clofc At mother Nips houfcjand there I caldc for three Pots of ale,astis themanner of ys courtiers, now hrra, Ihadtakenthcmaid/ep hcadoftow of them, NovyasI was lifting ypthp.thjrd to my rooiith,thcrc came hold him,holdhim,nowrcoulde not tell \yhome to catch hold pn,butl am furc I caught, one perchanceamaipbe jnti^jj pot,welI ile fee, ma$ lean- not fee him yet> well ile fooke a litilc further ,mas he is alittleflaucif a be h«er€? why heers no bodic/al lU'^ goes well yct:butif tfecpWc trot fiiould^ come for her pot, Imarricthercs the matter but I care not, ile face 1 / her out, at|4\r<.: j-\ ^YiS-Ii^ where arc they /• ; ^ ;' ^tf.^hh^ -* -f/C!V/ir//W{iw ,v>^ 4^ Tftcn CHucedorus do as thou didft decree. Attire thcehermite likc,^ within thefcgrouccs, Walke often to thebcich and view the well. Make.fetdes the re and fcatcthy (clfe thereon^ And when thoii fceleft thy klf c to be a thrift. Then drinkc a hcartie draught to AmAdine^ No doubt fhe thinkes on thee, And wil one day com z plcg thee at th is wclf: Come habit tl lou art fit for m c, he diJguifitJj hhrtfel/e* No Ihephtard now.a hermit I miiftbc: Methinkcsthisfitsmcvcric well. Now muft I learne to bearc a walking ftaffe. And exercifc lomc grauitie withajl. l^mertheClorvne, C*ii7«Hcers thro w the wods^and throw the wods, ' tolooke out a flicphcard & a ftray kings daugtcr,but fof tc whohaue we heere, what art thou.<* i^u^ jam an hermit' C/^. Ancramcr^I ncuer law fuch big emmet in all mylifebefor^* i^lH.lid youfir laman.hcrmit^onethatleadsafoli- tarielifcwithin thefewoods. Clo. O i know the flow, thou art Her tbar eates vp al the hips and ha wes^we could not haue one pcece 6i fat bacon for thee al this ycare. ^ : J*f/r.Thoudoft miftake mc»butl pray thee tell mcc what doft thou (cckc in thefc wood r? CZ?. VJ^hatdoelfceke, for a'ftray Kings daughter runncawaywirhaifhcphard: fheaarde, Mtc,\({x2Ly King^daughtcr runne away with a flic p- : therefore canft thou teii^ r'Clo. Yes thatJLcai>' , . tischis,my maifter arid Amadins wal king one day abrod, riearerto thefc woods then tHcy wcte vfcd,about what lean not t ell ,but tovvarde ihcm them comes runnitig a grc^t^totc^ flow itt^«»iit^^^ he plaidc thcmanaid runneaw.^y,^v^wMfP^<';ir,wbcre^«[ib<;:ai^fc'ftlcf| tneand binde their hands ^kQte and ile kil them ah. now eucr (ince .^W4^//?^ hath bin in loue with thetep'^ heard ,and for good vvil fliecs eucn runne avvay with V • thcQiepheard. . ' V^^o-^ /v/r.^. vr,v£n'-^\-^ '- (jiiu. W hat jnannerofijian wasa, «a«ift dcfcribcllim vtitdraeej , .. *- Clo 'Scrib hlm^ayc I warrant you that I caOjt was ji ^ ! JittcUow^bropdjtallypariow^big w,clfautli?Courttf .c.:'..K C/i?» Why. whctc it is bcft being, either in the kitch* - / ing a eating or iri the butterie drinking : but if yoiil , come I will prouidc for ih; c a pe<,'ce,of bcefe & brewir- knccUe dtcpe 40 Jat 5 pi^ ypu take psifvrs i:etn«n;Tb8r maiftcrmoyftv r> V • ' / : wBjsv!/:.; . '-.'^': • Ill II t i^ -j^rnynr.rwarramwmiiSlfTorMt^u. ~ \u cH'' )!'?* *°"'^ bccoral of the. whithcrfhouWft ihQu go fo long vnknowne. with watch sndwatdcechepafl-age is bef«, So hat (hecannotlongcfcapevnlnowhe.- y DohMeflefliehathlofther/^lfemthinthefewoods And wandring too aud fro fl,e feekesthe well, roHt" Whichyctlhedannotfinde, therefore will Ifeefe h«s. ^/»^ AslikcthcvvoodsofBrm/(?^/crucItie, The bcaftes ihemfdues would with relenting tcares Bewaile ihy fauage andv^humainc dccdes: - SpeakeIowder,forfhy/iy««,hearesthccnot. ^ jimaMy Bnmoviotht fhcphwrd is my loue. > Anddoft thou whet mc on tocrucltie, ComekifTemefvycccfof all my fauourspaft. ^^^.ImaynotBf^/^r^andthereforcpardonmc; ' I wiljfollowandgiucarcndto-her, i^ememyIoue,ahwormeofbeautie djlocfc -^/^^.Ohfparc racBr^«^^ loucihculd limit fife. / Not to be made a murderer ofhimrelfc ^P*^^^*^«w^^tglutthylouingheartt^ithblood, V Encounter with the Jioner the bcare AndaUkewoIfcpraynotvponaJAmbe. . B^.Whythendofttbourfprhcafmp/* HthouwiUIoucmcihou/haUbemy quccne, IwiJ! I will crowne thee withacomplet made oiFIiioric, , And make the rofe and lilly Wait on thee; '^ - lie rend the burlcy braun ches from the ok^ - ^ To iliadow thee from buhngfunnc* \/ The trees fliall fpred chcmfclues where thoudoftgo, And as they fpread,ile trace alor^g. with thee, ^W4. Youmay,forvvhobutyouf ' - ' Brf ; Thou flialt bee fed with quailes andpftrtridges With blacke birds,Iarkes,thrufhes and nightingilcs. Thy drinke fhall bee goates milkc and chnftal water, pirtilled from thefounraincs & th^ cfcarcft fpriiigs^ And all the dainties shat the woods afForde. ^ Ilcfreelygiucthcetoobtaiiicthyloi^e. ^W4.. You may/or who but youf . Srf^Theday ilc fpend torccreatt my.lbiif. With '.ill the plcafjtcs thVtlcan deoif?, } And in the nigh r ilc be ihy iTdfelloW, AndioiungV embrace theein mincarmcj. ^w^^.Oriemay^fomaynotyou. (the 'Bn. T/}e f^tyrcs & if.c woodnimphs M attend on And lull thee a flccpc with mufickes founde, And in the morning when thou doft awake The lark fliallfing good morne tomyquccne, And whilft he (bges ilc kifTe my Amndint^ Ama, You may,for who but you. ^n When thou art vp,the wood lanes flialbe|ftrawcd With vioIetSjCowflips and fwetc raarigoldsi For thee to trampel and to trace vpon. And I will teach thc^ow to kill the dearc, To chafe thehartandhowtorowfctheroe. If thou wilt Hue to loue and honour mee* Ama^Yoix may.fot who but you.** Ertter LMucedorus*^ Bnf, Welcomd iiTjan howrc ago I lookt for fuch a gcft Ex Be C^"^' '^-C' Be mcrnc. wench-, weqlch^cafjvllilccicaft^ ..... :.., » ScaicfirrajVvilcHioafi^'hVordoftthou yeeltodicf " / 'r iVf/«.Ivvarit awcapon^hovvcat) I fightf . , ^ Brc, ThoUiWadts a;ivf apon, why then tho;uyc(p to U^!/4. 1 lay not fo,Taoe notyeeld to die, . - ' • Bre: Thott fliali not ^hoolc, I long to fee thee dead Jma: Yet f "pare him Bremc /pare him • ^ ^ \ ^/•^: Away ,Ifay,twiJlnQtrparchim. r tJ^iS^ Yctgiue mc Icaac tofpcakc. Br^'^^hon ihalt iv>c(peake, i>f w4. Yeigiue him Icaue to fpcake for my 6ke^ Br^.- Spealcc on, but be not ouer long. M«:In tirfwofyoTjC when pen like bruiifli beafts< Did lead tfieir'lihc^ ifi loath/om ccllcs and. woodcs . And wholy gauc them/clucsto mdcflcwill, A rudcvnruly,put,then man to man became A prcfent priie, then might prcuailcd, TK^yv);^ft^eptto^ivaHfi^,;,; . ; 'r i 'Right was vnkpowcii rfofj]»fong was all in alV ^ As men thus liucdin his %if^^t oi^tragc^ , , . \ Bchould onc.xir/>i>^ corneas pQcistellj , , And them 'froBi^j(udfnq^>{ox^rca4onbrpj^ , .^^- Who led by reafon(qn^«^4*W^^ ^'^WR9t>^\<^:^ In%tt4erf«ai5J^j^j^^iHl^,jLj>e^^xaftl^^ ^rP Citties andtovj^«s w^i5.k>un.,.,/-j^ And in the end jjjif y,^cyv to ppf/cdaiHit;i<^:;oi iU^v Ibnr Way ing their roi^p^:W^.k4fV;(^^ :•>.[ ' - * They tcarmd tnc^iqiK wher^m they liij^jjijip^;; , ^ Agoldenagca g oodly gpldcti^^^o^ v . - ? or / - No wBrcmo, for fo I hearc thee Gittefl. .^ . • J J' xt If men which jiucd tofoie as thou doftfiow, Wiiie in wood, adc^dcd all to fpoile, Returned were by:WorthyOr/^«/tneancS5 '' Let me like Orpkuscauic thee to rcturne From murder, bloudflicd and like crudtic, What fliould we fight bcfor we hauc a cau(c A'o,lcts liuc and loue together faithfully. He fight for thee. Bre^Vight forme or diejOr fighter els thou dicft* * j1ma,hoidBrem0ho\df "Rre, Away I /ay , thou trouble ft mce> ^ma • You promifcd me to make tnc your qu^cnnCr Br^ . I did, 1 meanc no leff. ., -^z»4. You piomifed that Ifhould hauc my wil, Srf., I did Imcane no kflc. -(both: : A»fr, Then fauc this he rmiis life/c r he may fauc vs> B. Arhy rcqueflilc fparc him^butncucr any after him Say hciir.it what canft th6u doef Mu. lie waitc on ihecfomtlme vpqn thequeene, fuchfrcuicc (halt thou fhortly haue as Brcmo ncuer had# Bxnrtr £nt€r SegAjl^^theChwne andRumhth. S^'.Come firs what fhalllneuer hauc you findc out i^w4y/>?^andthef]icphcardj Clo. AndlhauebinrhtoughtheAvcx^dSiand through the woods, and could fee nothing but an cmct. iJ. Why Jfcethoufanderrets,thoumcancftalittlconc,. Clo, Nay that cmet that Ifaw was bigger then thou art /?. Bigger then I what a /oolc hauc you to'j'our man, Ipiayyoumraiffcrt.urnchlmaway/' ' - S^«Butdoflthouhearc,washerot aman. Clo. thinkc he was, for he laide he did lead a fait- feller h're r.houi the woods.' .Se. Then wouldcfl fay afolitsrie lifeat out the weeds Ej Clo, 1/ Cb .Ithinkc it was (b indeed • R. I thought whata foole thou art. ^ C^.rhoa aha wife man^why hcdidnothing but J (Iccpefincchewcnt I 5"^. But tdl me Moufchow did he goc. 1 cA>.Inawhitgowneandawhithatonhis ' I hcad,and a ftaffc in his hande. ^tf.r thoughtfo, it was a hermit that walkcda foli- I tauelife in the woods* 1 Se, \VeIl,get you to dinner , and after ncuer Icauc 1 fcckmg til you bring romcncwes of them, orile hang J youboib* ; £^^ ^ I « ^^;P.?^"^w^o»i'beIo,what/haIIwedoRovv5 K, FaithiJe hometo dirniefyind afterwardc to flccp. i C4». Why then thou wilt be hanged. '■ R. Faith \ care nct,for I know I fhal neucr fiind them wel lie once more abroad^dcifl cannot find them, ilc ncuer come home againe. cb.l tcl thee what Rombcio, thou flialtgoinatone j endof the wood andlattheothcr^dwccwllincctc ' both together atthemidft. \ R. Contcnt^ts awaic to dinnc^ J Exeunu Si9t^ UHucederm/olus, tTr^^/X"*^^^"^ ^°^"y ^^^^^ within thefc woods Wuh bloodieBiemo do I lead my life. The monfter Jic doth murther all he meets, Hefparethhonc and none doth him efcape, Who would continue, whobwonfelyl In tuch a crueJlcqtthroatcs company. Yet o4«»4^;;^is there how.canJtcho^ 4h fijI^roja^iip^^oftQft times flwiei \'l And ^BRAJft^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF And fighcs,andcals come fliephcard come, Swcetc Mueedorus^ come.and let roc free. When Muecdorus pcfentftandes her by: But here flic comes, what nc vves iairc Ladie as you . ^ ; vvalkc.ihefe woods. ^ \ Enter *^madine. weft. X^y -^WA, Ah hermit, none but bad & fuch as thou kno- v^\^ //»♦ How doc you like your ^r^wo and his woods- ^ / AmA. Not my Ytremo nor his Vtremo woods- lMh^ And whyjnoc yours,mc thinks he loues you vvel K^ntA^X like him not,hisloue to me is nothing wroth (>/«. Ladie, in this mcihinkcs you offer wrong. To hate the man that cucr loucs you belt. < Am,** Ah hermit, I take no,pleaflirc in his loue* Neither yet doth Yirtmo like ire bcft. Mu, pardon my boldnes fairc ladie, fithvvc both May fafely taike now out of Y^emos fighr, Vnfould to me if fo you pleafcthcfulldifcourfe Hovv;vvben and why you camcinto thcfev\ cods. And fell into this blodicburchcrs hands. (you u^iw4.HcrmitIvviI,of latcavvorthicfliepheard I did f loue. Mu, A fhcphajdilady^fiire aman vnfit lo match with .^W4, Hermit this is truc,and when we had, Mh, , Siaie there, the wild men comes Referrc there ft vniill another time* EftterBremo, (hecrc- What fecret tale is this, what whi/peting hauc wee Villaine I charge the tel^thy talc againc, Af». luf-edcsTmuft, loehercitisagaine, When as we both had loft the fight of thee Itgrecud vsboth ,butfpecially thyquecnc. Who in thy abfence ei i er fearcs the worft, Lcaftifoeicmifehancc befal your royrllgracc. E4 Shan ? v^ shall my {wcctclBremo wandcrtliroughthc wobis, " Toile toandfrofor torcdrcflemy want. Hazard his life and all to chcriflic me, I like Dot this quoth (he And thereupon craude to know of me 1 { I coulde teach her handie weapons well. My aunfwcrh was 1 had fmall Skill therein, B^tgladmoftmighuekingto«learncofthcc. And this wasalL- i , . • ^ - * Br^- Whaft foynonc can diflikct>f this, lie teach you both to fighr,buc firft my qucene begin, Here take this weapon/ee how thou canlt vfcic. i^ma,Th\s istobig,Icann<^wccld itinmy arme. Bre- ift iojweelchauea knotty crabitceftiffefprth^c: But firra tell me, whatfaift thou* AT//. With all my heart I willing am totearne. Bre. Then take my ftafc & fee how canft wceldit, Jtf//.Firfttcachmchowtoholditinmyh3n'6' -J ' br^-j Thou houldeft icwicll,lookc hoyr he doth thott maiftthefbone'rlcarae^ ^ '■ , Uu, Next tell me ho w and when tisbcft to ftrike. Zre, Tisbeft CO ftrike when tiine doth icrue,tis^c(lto loofVndcime. ; . n ; ^ t r' • Mu^ Thcanow or. ncuer is my^titn^ to ftritce . hre. And vvhenth6uftfikcft,befurethoahii thchegd Afw.Thehead^ . > - - : B^r.Theverieheade. '^-liepnkshimaotvnede4cU^ i«iw. ThienifiaueattlYii*e,fbiieth:rfej^^ l^ythii vi^^^ wight, .r*^' •'• •oii.i.?-'.^ d '^ •' *' ' '"^-^trr Itfcli ana. v r j r ^^ >»» >>■»» » f* You r^id you loued aihephearid* C/iw»j. i fo T doc,and none but only htm* ^ And will do ftil as long as life fliall laft U^.u, But tell rac ladie, iiih I fct you free, , What courfcoflifc^do you intend to cakcf • JfffA. I wil di/gurfed \yanict through the world ^ Till hauc found him out, ./ ^ , Mu, ^ow if you find your fliephatd in thefewoo Js- r V: >f»M.Ah noncfohappicthenaSi^w4tf* \ ^ Hcd${guifcthhim(clfe. ^w.i^//?r^ ii/». Ay thats a que ftton whereof you may not be refolued, ; V r; You know that lam banifht from the court, ^' ^ I knowjitovifc each pafTagc is bcfet, :, So that w,e cannot long cfcap^'vnknownr, \ / There fore my will is this,tliat we retume ' RightthrougntthethicketstathcwildmiinsGaue:. ^ Andthcieawhilc liuconhisprouifion, r Vnril tjiefcarchandn Jrrow watch be pad. | i Thi^ismycounfel,andIthinkcitbcfl. t -«^«?4lthir1ke the vcrie fame. L J itfi». Come lets begone. ) TheClownefcarchcs Andfahouerthe mldmdnandfecarrfkim mvaj. C/p.Nay foft fir arc you heere. abots on you, 1 was like to bchargd for not finding you, Wc would borrow a^ccrtaine fti ay kings djughtcr of w ytai,g^ wench, a wence fir , we would haue. itfi^-Awenchofdacilcmikcthecatcmy fword. i CU. Oh Lord,nay and you arc folufticlle cal a coo-^ ling card for yoUjho raai{lcr,mai{kr come away quick lie. , Enter Se^ajlo, .J^.Whatsilieraattcrj C/.Lookcmai(ler,^«»i//»^&thefliepheard, oh brauc Se^ What minionjliaue I foundyou outj C^.Haytlrats alie,I foundhcroutmyflfc. Sfi' Thou gadding hulwife, what ca ufe hadft diou to i|. gadabroade, ) ^ _ When as thouknoweft our wedding day (bnic? ^ v-/^^4« Not fo5tf^a/?tf,nofuchthingin hand, fliew youf affurancejthcn ileanfwereyou^ Stf* Thy fathers promifc my afTurancc is. <^0y4. But what hepromifl he hath not perfomidCf^ Se. It reftsinthecfoc topttforme thcfame.* ^«;4.NotI. Sr«Andwhyj Ama^ So is my willand therefore euen fb . C/!^« Maifterwith anone.none Roe. S^ A wicked villant art thou herc^ 'j iJH$h What ncedes thcfc wordcs we way them notf Se, We way them not proud Ihepheard.I skorne thy jj companie. O. Weele not hauca corner ofthycompanie. Af/y«I fcorne not thce,nor yet the lead ofthiiie. • Clo, Thats a lie, a would haue kild me with his pugs nondo» ^ Se, This ftoutneflc Amddine contents me not*. %^ma. Then feeke an other thai may you better plcafc 0^«, Well K^madimix onclie rcfts in thee Without delay to make thy choifc of three, Thereftand$ Sf^4/?*,hcre a (hepheard ftands, There {lands the third^now makethy choife, y^. — -^ ci.ALordattheleaftlam. . ^ ^m. My choife is made, for I wp none but S^, A worthy mate no doubt for fuch a wife. Mu. And y4mJi»€,yihy wilt thoii none but ^€^ I can not kccpe thee»as thy faifier did, I haueno Jandcs foito maintaineihy ftaie. Morcouerifvhoumcanetobe my wHe, Commonly this muftbfc thy vfe, ^ To bedat midnight, vpa^fowf^j Drudge all daie and trudge fiom place to place, Whcrl-byourdailievitrclfor towinne; And laft of all which i$ the w orft of all, Noprinces ihcn butplainc alhepheards wife. C^. Then god geyou god morrow goody (hepheard JmaAtihsW not neede if JmadinedoMMQ-i Thou (halt be crowned kingof-<^rrrf^tf», Cl§. Oh maiftcr laugh, when hccs King then lie be aquecnc. » {jMu.Thtn know that which ncre toforc was known I am np (hepheard, no Arrsgonian I, Butboineof Royall b1ood,my fathers of Valencia King^my mother qnee nej who for thy fecret lake Tooke this hard task in hand. \^nu. Ahhow I ioy my fortune Is fo good, - Se. Well now Ifte, S^^^/?^ (hall not fpcedc But CMncedorus^l as much do ioy To fee thee here witbin our Court of Arragon, As if a kingdome had bcfalne me thistime^ I with my heart furrendcr it to thee. BtgiuethhcT'Vtttobfm^ And looke what right to -^madjne T haue» O/* Whatbarncs dooreand borne whcrcmyfarhrv / V L, .v^ Fi iiliiimiiiiifiiiilii M W U P^P TO P Was cunftabic . abotson thee.ho w dofl thee. Mu, Thanks StgAp^Mi yet yoa^lcudd at the crovvnc» . C/^.MaifterbcarcthisandbearealL ^r.Whyfofir. CU>, He fees fees you rake a goofe by the crownc* Se^ Go to fir, away ,pofl you to the king, Whofc h*rt is fraught with carefuD doubts. Glad him vp a nd tell him thdc good ncwes, ' A nd we will follow as fafl as we may. C^jlgoe maiflerj runne maifler. 1 "EKcnnt^ Enter the King And ColUn K. Break heart and end my paled woes. My amadine the comfort of my life. How can I ioy except (he were in fight. Het abfcncc breedes forrow to my foulc And with athunder brcakes my heart in twainc. C^^Fotbearethoff paffions gentle King, Andyou fhall fee twill turne vnto the beft. And bring your fbulcto quiet and to ioie. /r .Such ioic as death, 1 do affure me that. And naught butdeath, vnlefTe ofhcr Iheare, -^nd that with fpcedcj cannot figh thus long But what a tumult doel hcarewithin^ ihecrie within ioie and hAfpntff:^ , C*Zi7.Ihcarcanoyfc«foucr-paflingioic Withinthe court, my Lord be of good comfort. And heerecomesone in hafl» Enter the Clovpne running, C/^. A King,aKinf?,a King. Col.V hy hownowCrra,whatsth^attcr? Clc, Oas nevvcsfor aking* tis woorth money. King "'■ — m i i m im mm w m j »■< s' ir.WfjyfirKijthouflisdthaqcfiluerandgold ifitbcc good. . . Cio. Otis good jnkgood^ytmadme, , , K.Oh whac of hcr,tcll mc^&I wllraakc thcc a knight CU, How a fyixiti no by Iadic,I will not be a fpidt, Mai(!crs get ycaway,ifibc|arpirritjlfhall be Co leane Ifliall makeyouallafraidc Coir Thou fot, the King mcancs to make thee a gen- tleman. do, Whylfliallwantparrcll. i^/^^,Thou {halt .want for nothing* C/(?. Then ftand away^trickvp thy lclfe,hccrc they come. EuitrSe^ajli LMttccdorus mdAmadirJS» Jm* My gratious father pardon thy difloyal daughter K. What do mine cies be houldmy daughter y^«;/fc//»^ Rife vp dere daughter & Ictthcfe my cmbrafing armes 1 Shewfbmttokcnof thy father ioie. Which coer /incc thy departure hath lauguilhcd in fbrrow: Mh. Dcarcfathcr^neucr wcrcyour ibrrovvs Grwter dien my griefes, < Ncuer'you fo dcloateasIcomfortlcflCj* Yet neucrthcleflcacknowlcdglngmy felfc To be the caufc ofboth,onbendcdknees I humblic ctaue your pardon. ^ King . ilepardon theedeare daughter: but as for him* - -^^wrf.Ahfatherwhat of him, King Aflfurc as I am a king, and wcarc the cr ovvne, ^ I will rv'Ucnge on that accurfed wretch . ^«.Yctworthy prince workc not thy will in wrath ihcwfauour. '. / s'- L jSTJ, fuchfauouras thou deferucft. Mtu I do defcrue. the da ughtcr of a king, A\Oh impudenr,a fhepheardand foinfolcnt^ ii/«. No (hcphcard I,buta worthy prince. King. In f arre conceit,not princelic borne. Mu. Yes princely borne my father is a king. My mother Queene,and of Valentia both* A'.What'^aswjfcto Mttcedorus-^ , S^.Withalt my heartjwercitfaragtcatcr thing, Andwhatlmiy to furnidivp there rites, Withplcafing fportsand paftimcsyou fhallfee. Kiftg.Thankcs goodSe^aJh^l will thinkeof this,. Afu^ rhankesgoodmyLord,& whilclliue Account of me-inwhai lean ormaic* 4^wa. And good Segafih tiieie great curtefi^ ' JitiaJl not be forgot. : (done.^ :. wert he neuer (b ftoiite Would bccke and bowc vnto her maicftie, IndecdeC*w(? 71983 LD21 — A-40m-8,'75 General Library (S7737L) University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY BD0DS71fl71 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY University of California Richmond Field Station, BIdg. 400 1301 South 46th Street Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS To renew or recharge your library materials, you may contact NRLF 4 days prior to due date at (510) 642-6233 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 15 2008 DD20 12M 7-06