..LIBRARY UF i'M UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received .... Accessions No. 188 5 db THE SHADOW OF CHRISTIANITY OR THE GENESIS OF THE CHEISTIAN STATE, A TREATISE FOR THE TIMES, BY THE AUTHOR OF THE APOCATA8TA8IS. Stultum est imperare caeteris qui nescit sibi." gw f 0*fe : PUBLISHED BY HUEDv& HOUGHTON,, Boston ; E. P. BUTTON & Co. PREFACE The following treatise was written in the Winter and Spring of 1862-3, occasioned by a request for contributions to the politi- cal department of a religious newspaper. But running obstinate- ly into form and dimensions not suited to that purpose, it was laid aside with much other spoiled foolscap, where perhaps it should have been left The state of the country which suggested the subject and method of its treatment no longer exists. But the principles and facts and arguments of the treatise have little peculiar relation to any one time or one country. Allusions to events as present which were passing two years ago, and illustrations by condi- tions and relations of things which have become historical, have not, therefore, been altered. The subject is trite to thinking American minds. Perhaps the method of treating it, and some of the aspects and illustra- tions of it thereby presented, are not so. Certainly it is one which has sufficient need of being urged in everyway which can be made effective, upon the consideration of both thinking and un- thinking men, and especially of those who aim to be leaders in politics and statesmanship, men who are not by any means the most profoundly thoughtful class in the community. If the treatise shall serve to increase, in the minds of any such, or of others, a feeling of the desirableness and of the neces- sity of the influence of Christianity in the State, and the confi- dence of any in its power to mould the State more and more into its true form ; if it shall aid, in however small measure, to ex- tend the application of the principles of Christianity wider and deeper to the political, industrial and business relations of men, it will accomplish, so far, what should be the highest aim of every Christian man and woman the extension of the Kingdom of God on earth. Our Christianity has just been subjected to one of the seve- rest trials to which the religion of a nation was ever exposed. One short year ago we ourselves and the friends of true Chris- tianity in all the world trembled lest it should prove unequal to the occasion. By God's grace it stood the test. Let us, there- fore, thank God and take courage. If, however, we may justly be encouraged from the past, we have less reason for self-com- placency at what has been done than for shame at what is not done. For to what a small part of the whole field of the rela- tions of men, as citizens of the State, relations which ought to be under the control of the principles of Christianity, have they yet been applied ! Still, therefore, there is need to sow beside all waters, and since God's coulter has now well broken the field, let us scatter wide the good seed while the furrows are fresh. THE SHADOW OF CHRISTIANITY. CHAPTER I. THE CHURCH. " I will give my laws into their understanding, and upon their heart will I write them." SEPTUAGINT. " If the Son shall make you free ye shall be free indeed. ' ' J. C. Christianity attains its earthly realization in those persons in whom there is such a mutual relation be- tween spiritual truths and the faculties receptive of them that they " receive the love of the truth" at the same time with the knowledge of it, and as the condition of the true knowledge of it. They have not only an intellectual relation of assent to the truth, but that moral correlativeness to the charac- ter of the truth which makes them capable of recog- nizing, willingly receiving, and knowing the truth, that it is truth. It is written on their heart as well as admitted into their understanding. It is plain that the relation of such persons to truth as LAW, or in the form of commands (which is always the form of spiritual truth) to be obeyed, is the relation of willing obedience, of free conformity to the law. 6 THE CHU R CH. They know the truth, and the truth has made them free. They are free from the relation of slaves to the false, the base, the sinful, and from that of un- willing or counterwilling to the true and good. Spiritual truth always demands that it be believed and obeyed, and inasmuch as it is addressed to the spiritual faculties of which the will is the presiding organ, it demands that it be cordially believed, and willingly obeyed, freely, that is, without compul- sion cr even moral constraint. It demands the obe- dience of the free, willing spirit ; in short it demands spiritual obedience. Any other obedience in spiri- tual relations is absurd, contradictory to the idea, and so ceases to be obedience, so that where the moral correlation to the truth, and to God the source of it, is wanting, obedience is impossible. There can con- sequently be no place for coercion in regard to spiri- tual obedience. Many truths are impossible to be known or believed, recognized as true by spiritual perception, or even admitted into the understanding in the absence of the requisite moral conditions ; they must first be "written on the heart." For how can the proud man come to the knowledge of that, to know which implies humility? How can the pharisee make the prayer of the publican ? recognize, or admit the duty of making such a prayer ? And so in general, since the true knowledge of the pecu- liar and most important doctrines of Christianity im- plies a spiritual preconformity to them, and willing reception of them, where the moral quality is hetero- geneous, and the will is averse, such knowledge is im- possible. It is certain, then, that there must be great and unreconcilable differences of opinion between those who hold the relation to spiritual truth which THE CHURCH. 7 is the condition of knowledge and obedience, and those who do not. This difference of relation to truth and consequent duty, is in fact an essential difference and the most important difference among men. A community of persons, having such relation to spiritual truth that they recognize, willingly believe, and freely obey it as fast and as far as it is pre- sented to them, associated and organized in order more and more to know, become conformed to, and make known religious truth, is a CHURCH. It is obvious that the Church if constituted according to the Christian idea, and so as to be truly a COMMUNI- TY, must consist exclusively of persons having the relation to religious truth just spoken of. For this is the essential element of their unity, this is u the communion of saints," in which, and by which they are associated and become of the same kind, so that, of necessity, nothing heterogeneous, in this respect, can properly be of the community, but must be for- eign and outward in relation to it. That which is common to all the members of a properly constituted church is their moral relation to the truth when fully presented to the appropriate faculties. There is not in all respects a common knowledge, or a common and same amount of know- ledge. The purpose of the community in regard to itself is to increase in all its members the knowledge of the truth, and the performance of the religious and moral duties always demanded by it. Religious truths, like other knowledge, are successively acquir- ed, and in order to the true and full apprehension of them, there may be necessary both instruction and exhortation. The church, therefore, needs, in order to its true ends, certain functions to be performed 8 THE CHURCH. within it ; and besides the mutual communications and assistance of its members, the true life, know- ledge, and duties of the church are best promoted by certain officers or organs specially devoted to these ends. The church has also a most important rela- tion to those not of its own community, to those without, namely, to proclaim the truth to them ; for which it must have appropriate organs. It is manifest that these organs of the church both for in- ternal and external use, must partake of the common relation to the truth. They must therefore be evol- ved from within the church itself; that is, the church, like all true organisms, is ^self-organized . But the organific principle, as in the natural world, is the creative act of God. The church needs to be instructed, guided, govern- ed, and the proper officers of the church may teach, reprove, rebuke, with all authority. But it is plain that it must be spiritual authority, to be manifested, and exercised, and legitimated, by so rightly divid- ing and skillfully presenting religious truth to minds pre-adapted to its recognition and reception, that the obligation to believe and obey it shall, by such minds, be felt and acknowledged. The church by its peculiar endowment is thus of necessity made the judge whether its officers do exercise spiritual autho- rity, and, in general, of their qualifications, as well as of those of persons asking admission as new mem- bers to their community, for only those who have the requisite relation to spiritual truth can determine whether others partake of the same. Another fact is obvious here, namely, that the obedience rendered to the authority exercised in the church must be spiritual obedience, free, spontan- TH E CHURCH . 9 ecus, willing obedience, obedience of the will, since no other obedience is recognized, or satisfies the de- mand, in spiritual relations but compulsion of the will is impossible. There can, therefore, be no ef- fective coercion of spiritual obedience. Certain out- ward acts may be compelled, but that which was es- sential to the required obedience is wanting, the act becomes instantly something else. If any member of the church carelessly admitted is found not to re- cognize the truth, nor to admit its claims to his be- lief and obedience, does not govern himself by the law written on his heart, the church is powerless to exact obedience, it can only ask him to leave a com- munity in which he does not belong. Thus it appears that the whole constitution and organization of the church are determined by its pe- culiar relation to religious truth, a relation every- where in the New Testament asserted as a fact, and confirmed by the experience ol all those who partake of it. From this it results that the church is self- organizing, the form being but the manifestation of the idea, as in all other true organisms. Any inter- ference from without could, evidently, only produce deformity or monstrosity. All its organs must be homogeneous with it, and as the church is ultimate judge of that fact they must be the evolution of its own life and under its own control. For the autho- rity of the officers of the church is spiritual authori- ty, that is, the authority of the truth, but to the church belongs the endowment of recognizing the truth, while in any individual member, even per- haps in the Teacher himself, this endowment might be found wanting. The church is also self -legislating. N ot in the 10 THE CHURCH. sense that it enacts for law its own will this no true legislature ever does hut its relation to Christian truth makes it a criterion and interpreter of the laws of Christ's kingdom, so that it becomes as it were an Assessor Christi ; and because no earthly power outside of the church itself may rightfully legislate for it. The church is, moreover, self-governing. Not merely because it is self-legislating, but also because free obedience to spiritual authority which is the only authority and the only obedience that can have place in the church is the most perfect form of self-government. And this is common to all the true members of the community, being implied in that which constitutes them a community. This is also the most perfect form of freedom. This it is " to be free indeed," since compulsion is contradictory and antagonistic to the very idea of the relation. The church, then, defined according to its idea, is a self-organizing, self-legislating, self-governing, free DEMOCRACY. Such, it is plain, must be, and remain, the form of the church, if the embody ment truly expresses the living idea within it, and if the church never for- gets the true ends of its organization, namely, to know by moral conformity to it, and to make known, spiritual truth, even up to that highest height, the " knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ which is eternal life." Eut Christian men, and members of the church community, even if they are properly such, are only becoming, and are not yet fully, the new creation which is to be the end of their progress. If, therefore, as there is always danger, the spiritual THECHURCH. 11 in the church, through un watchfulness, and unfaith- fulness in regard to the conditions of true knowing, fails to direct and control the conduct of the church, fails to legislate in the church, two methods of aber- ration from the true form, and from the true ends of the church are not only possible, but alas ! how often have they been actual in all the ages of Chris- tianity. I. The first danger arises from the admission of unspiritual members to the church, those who have no spiritual relation to the truth. On this point the very piety of the church is a source of danger to it ; for nothing is more natural or more proper than that Christians should rejoice at what they constantly pray for additions to their number. Their best feelings here may disturb their judgment, and make them liable to fall into the common error of believing what they earnestly desire to find true, rather than to insist on rigid evidence. Such errors of judg- ment a few times repeated introduce into the church a foreign and unassimilated element. This element, for obvious reasons, tends, always, to increase itself. The church is no longer a community, it is hetero- geneous. There is no longer unity but duality. The church is divided into parties. Soon there will be a demand that the doctrines of the church be mo- dified, that the rules for the admission of members be relaxed that the preacher be exchanged for a more popular one in order to "build up the church" Such cases, unhappily, are not extremely rare, so that we know their results. The unspiritual element, if not too large, may after infinite trouble be ex- pelled ; or, which is more usual, the spiritual ele- ment, weary of contention, which is not to its taste, 12 THECHURCH. withdraws, going forth empty of all but the truth, the only possession accumulated by them not desired by their successors. II. The second and most disastrous form of aber- ration is where the church gives up, or is deprived of its self-legislating power ; for which is substituted the usurped legislation of its officers, with vary- ing prerogatives in regard to prescribing their own functions and appointing their successors. Such a relation between the church and its officers may be- come gradually established through the natural hu- mility and self-diffidence of spiritual men paying undue deference to the presumed superior qualifica- tions of others, and especially by imposing upon fa- vorite teachers functions the exercise of which will afterwards be claimed as a right by those of a diffe- rent character. But however this relation may ori- ginate it not only destroys the unity of the church but becomes sooner or later a deadly and fatal du- ality. The church is no longer a community. It has ceased to be self-organizing for it is no longer an organism. It is not self-legislating. It is not self-governed. It is not free. For the clergy by assuming a position over against, and above the church, as its governors, instead of being its organs, thereby claim a peculiar endowment of which the church does not partake, and thus show themselves ignorant of the true nature of spiritual authority. They may, therefore, and will shortly, enact laws and prescribe doctrines for the church to which no spiritual obedience can be rendered. The further natural results of this relation can be easily foretold were it not that so many historical exhibitions of them render it unnecessary. It is not essential to TH E CH UR CH . 1& my purpose in this introductory chapter to follow the retrograde development and transformation of the Christian ministry into a priesthood, and of the priesthood into a hierarchy ; to point out how the Christian church becomes a hierarchical State in which the priests are the governing class and the spiritual body the subjects ; in which laws } ordinances, dog- mas, customs, ceremonies are like the legislation of other aristocratic governments prescribed primarily for the profit of the governors, but are nevertheless to be obeyed, if not with spiritual and free obedience then by persuasion of fire and sword. And other teachings are not to be tolerated under the same penalty ; for heresy here is equivalent to treason in other States. Thus "God's heritage" becomes the heritage and inheritance of usurpers who dare to call themselves God's vicegerents, a heritage so skilfully farmed that it distributes worldly rank, honors, dignities, emolu- ments and wealth to its earthly possessors, who make most profitable merchandise of God's people, while to the people themselves in proportion as they have demanded the rights of spiritual men, they have awarded tyranny, poverty, slavery, dungeons, gib- bets and stakes. All these results have happened not by accident, but will always happen in the ab- sence of strong counteracting causes, as the natural development of the consequences of the false relation of the spiritual body to an unspiritual head. Even in the least developed, and in the most restrained and coerced forms of this relation, and where there may be much spiritual life in the head as well as in the body, the perverting and emasculating influence of the relation is exhibited not rarely all the way from 14 THE CHURCH. the pretended Epistles of Ignatius down to the last episcopal convention. It is a remarkable proof of the divine energy and persistence of the spiritual life in the church, and of the truth of the promises for its protection, that under the government of Apostolic successors ? who kept armed retainers of their own, besides con- troling the whole civil power for the enforcement of their spiritual authority ! "teaching for doctrine the commandments of men"; under every form and degree of oppression ; under however thick incrusta- tions of superstition ; it has often shaken and lifted the incumbent masses, and in spite of all repression has at length come forth, asserting its divine origin and God-given prerogatives, until it has put its hie- rarchical enemies with their secular allies everywhere on the defensive, and at many points has resumed its full, legitimate, self-legislating, and self-governing power. The church, then, rightly constituted, and duly organized, consists of persons, whether teachers or taught, governors or governed, who are ready to yield spiritual obedience to all spiritual truth, and not only to all spiritual authority and laws of the church, but also to all civil authority and true laws of the State, in short to the laws of all their earthly relations so far as they know or have the means of knowing them. They are persons in whom are be- coming realized the highest ends possible for them as men. In them is attained the true purpose of God in their creation. The Church is the earthly SUBSTANCE OF CHRISTIANITY. CHAPTER II. THE COMMONWEALTH. " Certes a shadowe hath likenesse of the thing of which it is shadowed, but shadowe is not the same thing of which it is shadowed. ' ' CHAUCER. " That at the least the shadow of Peter passing by night over- shadow some of them." Acts of the Apostles. The church is a community in order to spiritual ends, for the development of the spiritual life in men ; , but there is another community indispensable to the well-being of the natural life of men, the State. The conditions of this well-being are just relations relations directed and controlled by the law of justice of all the members of the communi- ty, that is, of all the citizens of the State to each other; and relations of justice, and safety of the whole Nation, towards all other Nations. Whatever may be the form of government it is plain that the ends of the existence of the State as a State imply that the laws, by whomsoever enacted, must be IN ORDER TO JUSTICE. Laws therefore cannot originate in the will and good pleasure of the legislators, be- cause they existed before the State, ready to demand 16 THE COMMONWEALTH. obedience whenever and wherever men come into civil and political relations to each other, just as the laws of chemistry are always ready to act even in combinations which never before happened. But the emblem of justice is the balance, and justice is equal justice, so that the laws should give, not equal well- being, but equal opportunities of earthly well-being to all the citizens of the State, equal rights, p?ivi- leges, and immunities, in order that each citizen in proportion to his industry in ihQJust use of the fa- culties which God has given him, and of the oppor- tunities which the laws give him, may realize the ends for which he is a citizen. To diminish or take wholly away the good of one for the sake of adding to that of another under the pretence that the good of the whole is thereby increased, though the prin- ciple on which some societies are based, is not an ar- rangement which justice ever prescribes. For to make a man a mere instrument for the good of ano- ther, a good of which he is also capable and of which he is thereby deprived, is not simple injustice, but is of the very essence of crime, a crime none the less for its being legal ; for though all LAW, that is, God's laws are of divine right, the DeviJ's are not of divine right. This, however, does not anect the duty of each to make his proportion of sacrifices for the common welfare. Justice is the essential princi- ple of order, and of organic health in the State. If the self-will of the legislators is substituted for LAW, and elements of injustice are admitted among the permanent principles of the government, they will show themselves sooner or later as a leaven of dis- ease in the body politic ; and however they may have become intertwined and incorporated with the good , TUB COMMONWEALTH. 17 and however blind conservatism conservatism of evil is always blind may cry out, and give plau- sible reasons for their preservation, extirpation is the only possible remedy, the indispensable condition of attaining the true ends, and even of preserving the life of the State. It is plain that the Heal State would be where the whole people should be. capable of recognizing, of enacting by appropriate organs, and of willingly obeying right laws, laws just to all, and at the same time favoring wise division, and wise mutual rela- tions of employments, as also just, prudent, and safe relations to foreign States. But an ideal State is impossible. For a just State cannot, like the Church, select for its citizens exclusively such persons as have the right moral relation to the laws, but must in- clude all born within its territory, and it would be quite too much, considering the natural gravitation of men towards wrong, to expect every one to be willingly obedient to the right. Yet every citizen is bound to obey the laws. This is the condition of the well-being the State aims at, not only for him but for all others. A community of benefits and duties is what constitutes the State a COMMON- WEALTH. It is the communion of the State. At this point there is another essential difference between the church and the State. For while the church de- mands and desires only free spiritual obedience and can therefore never use any form of coercion, the State, on the contrary, demands only actual obe- dience, without regard to motives ; but obedience it insists on under penalty, and may justly use any ne- cessary degree of compulsion to enforce it. But al- though civil justice is satisfied when the laws arc 18 THE COMMONWEALTH. actually obeyed if even under fear, or infliction, of penalty, yet the State must ever rejoice in loyalty and free obedience since so only can its ends be fully realized. For it is obvious that in proportion as co- ercion is required, or the power necessary to enforce obedience must be maintained, not only will the ex- penses of government, and so the burden of taxes be increased, but the aims of the law will be often thwarted, or at best the results will be very imper- fect in comparison with those of willing and ready obedience. It is plain that in proportion as the citizens of a State hold the relation of intelligent and free obe- dience to just and equal laws, such a State is a free State. If moreover the proportion of citizens hold- ing or ready to hold this relation to such laws is sufficiently large, the State is, or is capable of be- coming a Democracy, or what can be the only form of a Democracy in a large State, a representative Republic. For the central and essential condition of a true Democracy is present, that is, the power of self-government in the sense that, in regard to the great body of citizens, each is capable of governing himself, not by making his own will the law, but by making the law the measure of his will. Such a people is also capable of asserting its entire freedom, and right of self-government, whether against an equal power from without, if it be colonial or pro- vincial or from within, if it is under any form or degree of aristocracy. It is an adult community and has no longer need to be under tutors and governors. It will also desire and constantly aim at self-govern- ment because it ought not to be under any other. It is the right of such a people to be free, since, the THE COMMONWEALTH. 19 conditions of the proper use of freedom being pre- sent, so, demonstrably, can the true ends of govern- ment be best realized ; for it is plain that no earthly power without or above them could understand and provide for their proper interests as a community as well as they themselves. Just as the individual, in proportion to his intelligence, resents the interference of others to direct him in his business as absurd as well as impertinent so an intelligent people are the best judges and managers of their own affairs. It is, moreover, the duty of such a people to be free, since any power over them might, at any time, and indeed would at all times, as such governments always have done more or less, interfere to forbid that which they ought to do, or to require that which they ought not to do ; and to prevent directly or in- directly, at least for some of the people, the attain- ment, and the opportunity of attainment, of some or all of the ends at which all men and all States are bound to aim. These results are plainly inseparable from the very nature of the relation of the governors to the governed, unless the governors were angels and not men. And history gives no encouragement to expect celestial rulers, for "Hero worship" has proved little other than Devil worship. The highest rights of a people or of a State are also its highest duties. But, it must be remembered that the character of the people is an indispensable condition of the acqui- sition and permanent possession of freedom, self-gov- ernment, and equal laws. For though an oppressed people, however intellectually or morally degraded, may in blind rage and fury rise upon, and crush their oppressors, and proclaim themselves free, yet 20 THE COMMONWEALTH. by the very law of social gravity they will fall again shortly under the same or some other form of despot- ism. Tn order to the successful assertion and main- tenance of freedom it is evident not only that the physical force of the people must be superior to that of the aristocracy, but also that there must be in- telligence enough to combine and wield that force efficiently. It is, moreover, evident that in order to successful self-government there must be in the people an intelligence capable of recognizing and enacting the laws of justice as the fundamental prin- ciples of the government. The true ends of a State must be not only apprehended, but comprehended in all its legislation. For only the laws of order in- sure permanence, and justice is the only order. In- justice is always essentially chaotic and disorganiz- ing. The common well-being must be ever kept in sight, and the laws must constitute the State a COM- MONWEALTH. Besides the intelligence necessary to a successful Democracy, there must be, it is obvious, such a mo- ral relation to the laws that there shall be paid to them free, voluntary obedience ; for self-government by coercion is a contradiction. This, however, is not to be hoped for from every citizen, nor is it necessary. But there must be an efficient majority ready both to obey the laws, and to insist on and enforce obe- dience to them. This moral relation to the laws, at least in a large proportion of those who hold it, must be more than a mere calculation of self-interest, for this may often seem to be wanting. There must therefore be a true feeling of the obligations of Duty, for it is certain that the bare knowledge of the right is not sufficient to indu^e men to obey it. This cha- THE COMMONWEALTH. 21 racteristic of the self-governing citizen is in some re- spects much more important than that of intelli- gence. For it cannot but happen, considering men's present intellectual and moral imperfection, that the consequences of some false elementary principles in the State will appear in the form of more or less practical wrong and organic derangement, in which case duty will always be found more ready to recog- nize the evil, and much less conservative of it under the persuasions of self-interest, than any mere know- ledge of the wrong, however perfect it may be, or might be. In fact, evils which pay well and involve the interest of many parties never disappear simply because their existence is acknowledged, but yield only to vigorous and repeated attacks of duty, duty which bows to the supreme authority of right, and is for the State the only reliable principle of true progress, since knowledge in the hands of self-inter- est and present convenience is fond of compromises and the application of expediency even to organic laws ; a deadly conservatism ! for expediency and a choice of methods belong only to the way in which the fundamental laws are to be carried out, to rules and statutes derived from these laws, but have no ?lace in regard to the fundamental laws themselves, n the ten thousand varying relations of material in- terests there is ample room for the exercise of judg- ment and intelligent discretion in order to determine the best methods of realizing the great ends of the State, but in regard to these ends themselves there is no room for discretion. Mere intelligence could never discover these, neither can it preserve them. It is undeniable that the greater the number of truly Christian men among the citizens of the State 22 THE COMMONWEALTH. the larger will be the infusion in it of the essential element of Duty. For the relation of these men to truth and right, that is, to LAW, is always that of free obedience. They are, therefore, capable of true self-government, and are the most valuable consti- tuents of the State. Because a self-governing Dem- ocracy is not an aggregation of individuals every one of whom is a law to himself and a different law from that of his neighbor, as aristocrats pretend to believe, but a community, as a whole, obedient, and exacting obedience to the law of the common good. Truly Christian men are also sensitive of wrong, and in pro- portion to their numbers tend to eliminate it from all laws, relations and customs. But besides the more direct effects of Christianity by means of those in whom its own highest ends are being realized, its incidental influences, where it is truly taught, are very great, even over those who deny the authority of the power that more or less constantly guides and restrains them. It is, according to the promise of its Author, both light and salt, and pervading like the atmosphere, and everywhere diffused through the community, an ever present overshadowing influence incessantly demanding in the deepest consciousness of men and so tending, however slowly, to produce, in all human relations, conformity to its principles. It awakens a true reverence for man as man, and a deeper sense of duty both to God and to men than ever existed without it. It demands, therefore, worthy aims and forms of well-being for man, and for all men, both for body and mind. It represents that which is common to all men as so infinitely greater than that in which they differ, that the differences disappear, and in the presence of Christianity " all THE COMMONWEALTH. 23 men are equal." Hence it claims for all men and makes its claims felt in a Christian community how- ever they may be resisted rights, privileges, op- portunities and conditions of well-being befitting creatures made in the image of God and capa- ble of being restored to it. Under such influences the common intellect is stimulated, demands and re- ceives education, the common conscience is quickened, and that moral sense of duty and responsibility which has its roots in Christian teaching becomes the most reliable of all the conditions of free self-governing obedience to the laws of the State. A community so interpenetrated by the light and salt of Christianity that it is capable of organizing it- self into a State for the true ends of a State ; of evolving its own legislative organs competent and willing to enact just and equal laws for all, laws which can never conflict with the " Higher Law," because they are one with it ; ready by an efficient majority to render willing obedience to such laws, and at all times to uphold their executive organs in enforcing obedience to them ; desiring only just and honorable foreign relations ; providing the conditions of Earthly well-being for MEN, that is, for intellec- tual as well as material wants ; protecting its central life, its self-governing power, by providing for and requiring universal education, and a wise encourage- ment of true Christian influences ; such a community is THE SHADOW OF CHRISTIANITY. It is the coun- terpart and " likcnesse" of the true Church, though but a shadowy and far off likenesse, for " shadowe is not the same thing of which it is shadowed." It is also a true though imperfect Democratic State. It is a true Unity, for the government and governed 24 THE COMMONWEALTH. are one. It is a true COMMONWEALTH, for the good it realizes is offered equally to all. Such a self-organizing, self-governing and free State, though it may still contain much unassimilat- ed and crude material, is yet, if faithful to itself, a true, self-realizing idea, tending always towards, but never attaining to complete realization of itself until the promise of God is fulfilled that His Laws shall be written on the heart of all men. A community, however, somewhat less qualified than that just described may prove to be a true and successful Democracy if only the true moral element in the character of its people is present. It may contain much unfit material, its statutes or customs may not preserve the just balance of interests, and even some of its organic laws may be the latent seeds of corruption and disorder. But a Democracy is by the very nature of its organization self -educating. It is constantly under the teaching of its own expe- rience. It soon finds that part of its population which is ignorant or vicious an annoyance, an impediment and an instrument of evil in the hands of evil men. It will therefore seek -to diminish this incompatible element by providing instruction for all its citizens. It will use all efficient influences to remove both the ignorance and the vice. Here is its first danger, that through lack of watchfulness it will permit the crude and the false materials within it to increase ; viz., blind but strong ignorance at one extreme, and unprincipled intellect at the other ; for these are the constituents of despotism. The State will escape this danger, however, so long as the great central body of the people are fit constituents of it. The equilibrium of employments and interests will THE COMMONWEALTH. 25 commonly maintain itself without serious collisions, except that the seductions of foreign commerce, liable to interfere with true independence by preventing development and production of what may at any time become indispensable to the safety of the State ; and the stimulus of foreign but uncertain markets liable to produce excess and so derangement of ma- nufactures, must be carefully guarded against. For danger or great inconvenience and injury are more likely to arise from foreign commercial than politi- cal relations. But the severest trial of the Democracy will be where some false principles have failed to be exclud- ed, or some true ones have failed to be inserted, in the enactment of fundamental laws. For the natural, and ultimately the inevitable consequence will be the existence of wide spread and deeply interwoven self- interests inconsistent with the common interest, in- consistent with justice, and so with order and per- manent harmony. There will be, ultimately, not a mere diversity but an antagonism of interests which cannot fail to come into collision. But the assertion of ancient, legal, or customary, but unjust claims in which many have come to have an interest backed with wealth accumulated by the injustice, this con- test against the right is, of all possible influences in a community, the most demoralizing. Nothing but the sternest and most self-denying patriotism and loyalty to right will be found sufficient to resist and to remove the evil, and eradicate the causes of it. Thus a particular democratic experiment may fail through misorganization in the beginning, or lack of moral element in the end. But DEMOCRACY has not thereby failed. If in any case, through ignorance 3 . THE COMMONWEALTH or moral imperfection the causes of disease were not avoided, or the self-recuperative power proved insuf- ficient, the next Democracy will have the benefit of the experience of its predecessor. CHAPTER III. THE NATURAL STATE. THE DUALITY. " Now this in thenature of it is nothing but aliud extraaliud t and therefore perfect alterity and disunity." " They judge of things according to their own private appe- tites, and selfish passions, and not with a free uncaptivated uni- versality of mind, and an impartial regard to the good of the whole. '* The true, permanently successful Democracy, the Unity of government and governed, the truly self- governing, self-realizing State, the true Common- wealth, can exist only as an incident of Christianity, only when profoundly penetrated with both the lignt and the salt of Christianity. The natural relation of barbarian men to each other is like that of animals the strong dominate over the weak. This they do, not primarily from the mere love of domination, as animals do not, but in order to some material benefit to themselves. They covet something in possession of the weaker which their superior strength enables them to de- prive him of. The moving power here is the pur- pose of having without personal obedience to the na- tural laws of acquisition. It is more agreeable to THE PAGAN STATE. make others their instruments to this end. Although an obscure instinct of justice sometimes appears in such relations, it exercises no restraint, might is practically acknowledged to give right, successful robbery and piracy are reckoned honorable, and the plunderer is held in much higher estimation than the plundered. The social instincts and affections have no control over this natural combination of laziness and acquisitiveness when in possession of superior strength, hence the women of barbarians are the me- nials, the labor-saving tools of the men. This very important method of acquisition is applied not only to the women but to the weak and dependent men of the barbarian tribe, at least in those above the hun- ter stage. Thus there are two sources of material possessions for the strong to plunder from those who have anything to be deprived of, and to coerce the muscles of those who have not. But in every stage of society advanced beyond the merest chaotic elements this greater strength will be found to rest on superior intelligence not the wise intelligence which aims rationally at right ends, but that more developed animal craft which seeks successfully the ends which instinct prescribes. This intelligent strength combined with the wealth it has accumu- lated is Power. Whoever investigates carefully the necessary conditions of the accumulation of material wealth, that is, of available wealth in forms adapted to immediate use, and considers its relations to hu- man muscular labor, and the fact that the muscular labor of the individual can produce very little more than enough to supply his own necessities, will find that the human instruments of large accumulations of wealth must be greatly more numerous than the THE PAGAN STATE. 29 possessors. It will appear that poverty is the na- tural correlative of wealth, the indispensable condi- tion of it. The power, therefore, or might of the barbarian or semi-barbarian into which wealth enters as so large an element is derived from the many who are both the source and the subjects of it. Here, then, we have the elements, and the natural origin of aristocratic power. We may say its neces- sary origin, since, the causes and conditions being given, the result could be nothing else. According- ly we find that the earliest stationary societies of men uniformly consist of chieftains surrounded by a few armed retainers, and many slaves, or laborers equally dependent, because the chiefs have monopo- lized the sources of food and raiment, and can take such proportion of the products of their labor as they choose. Here too we have the origin of a natural and necessary DUALITY, for there is an evolution of the society into two parties whose interests are an- tagonistic to each other. If we suppose one of these chieftains to conquer, or to make tributary to him several others, to as- sume supremacy under the name of King and so to constitute a Nation, which has been commonly the next step, all the relations of the parts will remain essentially the same, except that the higher the su- perstructure the heavier the weight which rests upon the foundation. With such estimation of humanity, such self-esti- mation as men have, and with such practical sense of justice as exists in the absence of Christianity this re- lation of the extremes of society would seem to be r necessarily, a permanent one. There is nowhere any tendency to its termination. For either the lower 30 THE PAG AN STATE. extreme must spontaneously elevate itself by acquir- ing so much intelligence as will enable it to combine and wield its physical force successfully against the aristocracy, and to constitute itself a society which would not again fall into the same relations ; or else the governing class must, of mere philanthropy, be- stow upon it rights and privileges which would de- prive themselves of the most cherished of their own. But the lowest stratum in a pagan State, for the most part field laborers, workers in mines, manufactur- ing operatives, are hardly one remove from the brutes, most like caged animals, themselves in fact often chained together, chained to their employment, made to serve the purpose of water power in the tread-mill, or sailors chained to the oar. Sunk in the most hopeless mental and moral apathy, with no conscious worth, or consciousness of rights as men, they can only sometimes break forth with a sort of animal rage and blind fury against their keepers and oppressors, destructive enough, it may be, for a time, but without any ultimate aim, or any ultimate result for their benefit. If they could succeed in wholly extirpating the antagonist aristocracy, they would, again, after a longer or shorter period of anarchy, fall into the same natural and necessary duality. It is plain, therefore, that, if this duality is to ter- minate, it must be by influences from above and not from below, from the governing and not from the subject class. But to the governing class the relation is every way advantageous. It furnishes for them wealth and power, the means of ease, pride, luxury, distinction, glory, possessions which most men gladly acquire, but few willingly deprive themselves of. There are but two motives supposable which could THE PAGAN STATE. 31 induce the upper class to share either their wealth or their power with the producers of them so as to make the State in any sense a Corawio/i-wealth. I. Fear might do it. But this implies an intelli- gent, more and more imperative demand from below backed by the show of an organizable force superior ' to their own conditions which it has been shown can never exist in the case supposed. II. A profound sense of justice, a true estimate of the worth of man as man, a strong practical convic- tion that the power imposes the obligation to furnish for men the conditions of well-being and self-realiza- tion according to the design of the Creator this state of mind in a pngan aristocracy would in due time transform the duality into a Community. To one in the least acquainted with the uniform moral character and spirit of heathen power could anything be imagined more ridiculous than such a supposi- tion? The highest moral attainment even of the philosophers is expressed in the confession " video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor" (I see and ap- prove the right, and practice the wrong.) They ack- nowledge that the temptations to abuse power and "Wealth are stronger than human nature can resist an opinion which the conduct of heathen possessors of them have always most effectually confirmed. What hope could there be of political justice where the private and social morality of the highest ranks and of all ranks was such as no Christian ears can tolerate the description of, such that the existence of it would be incredible were it not everywhere allud- ed to as a matter of course, and without disapproval, in pagan literature. It is certain, then, that no moral causes could change the relation of the gov- 32 THE PAGAN STATE. eminent to the governed, neither consciousness of rights from below, nor conscious obligation from above. But a high degree of intellectual development, and of aesthetic cultivation may exist without Chris- tianity. May not these gradually pervade all classes, and by producing intellectual community diminish and finally destroy political inequality ? There is no tendency towards such intellectual community. For, on the one hand, the intellect of ignorant men does not move spontaneously except under circumstances of physical comfort and hope, and in the absence of other compulsory or necessary exhausting activities. Under the depression of excessive muscular labor, and hopeless deprivations, nothing but strong moral impulses can excite it to activity. But here the ig- norance is more profound than can be conceived by a Christian mind, the oppression of the physical powers the most grinding, and the absence of moral stimulus total. It is true that the practice of enslaving pri- soners of war in ancient times brought some intelli- gent and educated men into the subject class. But these immediately became valuable house-servants, had no connection with, and did not at all affect the character of the great mass of productive laborers. There cannot, therefore, be for the lower class any intellectual se//-elevation and approach towards equality with the higher ; for the indispensable con- dition of this is the previous absence of the very re- lation which the intellectual development is supposed capable of removing. On the other hand, there can be none but moral motives which should induce the upper class to ex- tend their own cultivation downwards, and these have THE PAGAN STATE. 33 been shown not to exist. If there were any danger of a natural gravitation of intelligence, their most important interests, as well as vanity and pride of caste would urge them to prevent it, for there is al- ways, in dual States, a most sensitive distinction be- tween things liberal and things servile, or, where legal slavery is wanting, between things noble and things base and mechanical. But learning and the arts are everywere liberal. There was, however, no necessity for ancient aristocracies to forbid the descent of liberal acquirements as there is in some Christian States. There was never any danger felt that the servile class would for themselves take to learning ; they were hardly thought capable of being taught. That such danger would have been care- fully guarded against is shown by the fact that such concert as the most animal-like savages are capable of often caused great trouble and destruction, insomuch that it was advised to place slaves of different lan- guages together in order to increase the difficulty of their combination. There would seem, therefore, to be no possible way in which the requisite common intelligence, supposed sufficient to terminate the dual relation, could be realized. But did not both the Greek and Roman people acquire intelligence sufficient to enable them to com- bine successfully against their kings and tyrants, and assert their own freedom and self-government ? The Greek and Roman PEOPLE belonged to the aristo- cratic side of the Duality. They were the armed re- tainers, and free companions of the original chief- tains, the instrument of their power. They were few in comparison with the great subject mass of servi, coloni, oikefce, penestce, helotce, and other 34 THE PAG AN STATE. producing and servile classes under whatever names. Their success was but the success of a band of rob- bers quarreling as usual over the division of their common plunder. They were not at all less disposed to the abuse of power than the more condensed form of aristocracy. Indeed those who had the best means of estimating the characters of the two, that is, by experience of them, represent the "TYRANNY" as a beast with one head, and the " DEMOCRACY" as a many headed and much more dreadful beast than the other. There was here no approach to the idea of a Community, a Commonwealth, an organism in which all should partake of a common life, and of a common nourishment and well-being. Even the philosophers, who in their (Jespair of existing govern- ments indulged in day-dreams of ideal States, never conceived of a political UNITY. Their highest Ideal was a small superstructure of more or less democratic aristocracy resting upon a wide foundation of menial and subject classes. So total was the ignorance and the depravity of the many, and so profound was the ignorance of the few in regard to the true estimate of MAN, that they would no sooner have thought of ad- mitting men, as such, than animals, to political rights. To prepare them for such admission would, from their point of view, have been as absurd as for the farmer to make his horses judges of the amount of labor they should perform for him. Notwith- standing the words virtue, justice, right, were often in their mouths, so deep was the often unconscious conviction that right is based upon power, so total in them the principle of seZ/'-interest, that they felt no more hesitation and no more compunction in making MEN mere instruments to their ends, than in using THE PAGAN STATE. 35 any other tools within their reach and adapted to their purpose. But would not a greater amount of intelligence, a scientific knowledge of the laws of Nature and of true political economy, such as we possess, and per- haps a little more, have enabled them to see that "self-love and social are the same" ; and to be con- vinced that their true self-interest required them to share the good that the State can be made to pro- cure with all its people ? If this were true in re- gard to earthly well-being considered exclusively, and by itself, which it is not, then a community of men of pure intellect, and perfectly developed by a knowledge of all the laws of their relations to nature and to each other, but passionless, so as never to desire other than their true earthly good such a community might operate like a community of ani- mals governed by instinct, or, so far as the result is concerned, like a manufacturing machine in which all the parts are in order and exactly adapted to the required end. But if we consider, for example, the origin of material wealth, and the uses which make its possession desirable for a being of combined intel- lect and passion, would it be better for the ^(/"-inte- rest of every man, in relation to this world alone, never to misappropriate to himself what justly be- longs to another ? Or, if it were so, could every man be practically convinced of it except by taking the element of passion and pride out of him ? Men, therefore, such as men are, could never, by any de- gree of mere intellectual knowledge possible to be ac- quired in relation to their earthly self-interest form a permanent community. For it would be for the actual and true earthly self-interest of some to be 36 THE PAGAN STATE. rich by making others poor, of some to be learned by keeping others in ignorance, of some to acquire un- just power and to use it unjustly, and so of other things. Intelligent mere earthly self-interest, with the necessary inequality of intellect among actual men, must lead inevitably to duality and not to uni- ty in the State. But in regard to the future life too little is known in the absence of Christianity to per- mit the existence of any intelligent self-interest in relation to the whole of human existence; or of any motives derived from the consideration of it which should practically influence men in regard to their character and conduct in this life. No kind or de- gree, then, of mere intellectual development, and in- telligent self-interest could ever have transformed the Athenian Democracy, or any other pagan duality into a true self-governing, self-realizing COMMONWEALTH. But there is still another method, to some men perhaps hopeful, of attempting to realize the true State. Might not a far advance in physical science, increasing man's control over the powers of Nature, and his facilities for acquiring material wealth, by giving him a knowledge of law, order and method, added to a high degree of aesthetic cultivation, a contemplation and admiration of beauty, harmony and fitness in Nature and Art might not these and other such like influences resulting from the full in- tellectual and aesthetic developement of men awaken in them a love of moral beauty, harmony and fit- ness, that is, of righteousness and justice, and so sti- mulate the sense of duty and moral obligation which is latent in all men that moral impulses would in- duce them to attempt and accomplish what no con- siderations of present or ultimate self-interest how- THIS PAGAN STATE. 37 ever enlightened would be found sufficient for ? These influences are much trusted in some quarters, by many reckoned superior to those of Christianity. As to the effect of scientific knowledge there would seem to be no necessary connection between the knowledge of a law of physical Nature and a dis- position to be just in one's dealings with his fellow- men. They are apparently things different in kind without sympathy or natural relation. Why should the merchant whose knowledge of astronomy, sea currents, and mete orology enable him to sail all seas with greater safety and more speed than others be less crafty and over-reaching in his contracts, or less fond of unfair profits than they ? Is the man who can make the lightnings his messengers in negotiat- ing less likely to be of grasping and gambling char- acter than he who does his business by the mail- coach ? The manufacturer whose control of the powers of nature enables him to perform the labor of thousands of men does he never oppress those whom he still finds it necessary to employ ? And so in general is it found that the greater the knowledge and efficient control of Nature, the greater, in those who possess this knowledge and power, the develop- ment of moral integrity and the sense of justice? Or, rather, does not this knowledge often degenerate into a true sacrilegious MAGIC, a coercion of the powers of Nature, which are of themselves spontane- ously obedient to the will of God, to become instru- ments of unjust and wicked purposes ; and men, like the Titans of old, turn rebellious against Heaven in- stead of becoming more benevolent to men. The greater powers available for the production of wealth expand in the same proportion with the desire of acquisi- 38 THE PAGAN STATE. tion. and there is the same temptation as before to unjust gain, to seize by the stronger hand or stronger brain the product of the labor of others. But the study and appreciation of the ideal, the fine arts, it is said, are civilizing, humanizing, refin- ing. What may be the amount and the worth of the instruction and influence to be derived from these arts in the hands of those whose moral character is already such as it is assumed that they always tend to produce is not here the question. But this, what is the moral power of such ideals as are the produc- tion of men in the absence of Christianity, and the standard of whose own morality is the heathen standard ? Would the exhibition of ideal Strength naturally increase the moral strength of the behold- er ? or would it simply make him critical in regard to the "points" of a prize-fighter, and awaken the desire to see an exhibition of his muscles. Ideal manly Beauty would it stimulate pagan minds to attempt the realization of a moral ideal in which there should be left no blot of private wrong, or pub- lic injustice ? Female ideal Beauty, The Venus would the study of it excite such deep admiration of immaculate purity that men would be ready, almost, to vow eternal virginity ? Could Music so attune the entire man to harmony that henceforth he would tolerate in himself no moral discord ? Doubtless these arts are capable of giving a high degree of en- joyment, pleasure, both innocent and depraved, and what use was made of them anciently for the latter purpose, Pompei bears witness. If they could be restrained to their better purpose they would furnish to their cultivators elegant enjoyment, most agree- able self-indulgence. But what generic connection THE PAGAN STATE. 39 exists between this or any other self-indulgence or elegant pleasure, and the self-denials often inele- gant, painful, and severe, which duty never hesitates to prescribe as often as they are necessary to the ends of Right. In the case under consideration, the transformation of a dual State into a Common- wealth, would the moral influence of Esthetics be sufficient to make an imperative demand, a demand not to be resisted, that the possessors of the wealth, power, and rank in the State, should share them with their inferiors, and deprive themselves forever of the means of re-acquiring them ? An influence which should make proud, luxurious heathen masters will- ing to submit to long self-denials in order to instruct, elevate and fit for self-government their very slaves, knowing at the same time that their own exclusive power and profit must as a consequence cease? These were " fine arts" indeed ! ! magical, miracu- lous ! Did they, in Athens, where a full and com- plete experiment of them was made, produce any such effects ? A sufficient answer may be found in the decrees more unjust than any single headed tyranny could conceive of the Athenian Assem- blies, every member of which could pass critical judgment upon the last work of Art, or rebuke the rhetoric of Demosthenes. Not only were the ancient fine arts powerless for moral good, but such as they are and always must be in the absence of Christiani- ty they are among the most efficient instruments of moral depravity. We may conclude, therefore, confidently, that there are no causes in existence in the pagan or na- tural State, moral, gesthetical, intellectual, or from the combination of all these, which could ever trans- 40 THE PAGAN STATE. form it from its natural and necessary duality into a truly self-governing Community. But, further, a Community consisting exclusive- ly of the aristocratic moiety, without the servile basis of the pagan State, and of the best aristocratic material which paganism is capable of producing, to which might be added a knowledge of modern phy- sical science, organized after any ancient actual or ideal model, any modern, or any other model, would be incapable of permanent existence as a self-govern- ing Community. In the absence of the servile basis two causes of disintegration would immediately begin to operate. First The necessity which always ex- ists in a dual State, of close union among all the elements of the aristocratic class in order to self-de- fence against danger from the greatly superior phy- sical force below them, would be taken away. The distinct organic powers of the State, whatever their functions, would be so many separate organisms each having its own self-seeking life. And, however skillfully they might have been originally balanced, in the absence of the bond of fear from below, and of that of duty from above, in the absence of a common moral life such as Christianity alone can give, their equilibrium could not be preserved. The question must first be solved, to which no pagan people could ever find an answer, c l quis custodiet ipsos custo- des ?" Who shall watch the sentinels ? The philo- sophers asserted that morality must be the guardian of the State, but acknowledged at the same time that it was beyond the strength of men under the temptations of wealth and power to obey its laws. Such possessors of power, surrounded by depraved men, would inevitably find means to retain it for THE PAGAN STATE. 41 their own ends instead of those of the Community, and the larger power would as certainly control the smaller as the heavier weight disturbs the equili- brium of the balance. But another and still greater danger to the Unity of the State would arise from the absence of the ser- vile class. The relations of all the citizens to the first necessaries of life, and to wealth as the means of many gratifications, would be changed. They would be their own producers. Instead of extorting the means to realize their most cherished aims from the muscles of a dependent caste, the contest must now be between themselves. The desire of large wealth and the ends for which it is sought would be the same as before, and the strong wills and the strong brains would certainly succeed in acquiring it. But wealth necessarily implies poverty, for the la- bor of an individual, as said before, is equal to little more than the supply of his daily necessities. If there- fore one has more than the product of his own labor some other or others must have less, if much more, many others must have less, if there is a large accu- mulation of wealth great numbers must have thus contributed to it. Thus, as wealth became accumu- lated in the hands of the comparatively few, soon the natural sources of wealth, in the absence of moral re- straint, would be monopolized in spite of legal prohi- bitions ; for in such circumstances wealth controls law, and power and wealth as naturally flow togeth- er as two drops of water run into each other. By means of this alliance and monopoly and the contin- ued competition for wealth the excluded many would be deprived of larger and larger proportions of the product of their labor. Then comes excessive pover- 42 THE PAGAN STATE. ty and consequent ignorance ; on one side an aristo- cracy of wealth and power; on the other a large de- pendent producing class, and the Community has disappeared, the Duality is restored as before. None of the results exhibited in this chapter are accidental, but natural and necessary developments from the character and mutual relations of the act- ors. Accordingly they have been essentially uni- form in all pagan States. Always the same despot- ism of the comparatively few deriving wealth and power from, and exercising its oppressions upon the subject and servile masses on which it rests. Whe- ther it be a single despot and millions of slaves, or a two-headed, or many-headed beast of the same species, everywhere it enacts the same inexorable fundamental law the limit of right is power. Whether the power is to be exercised over subject towns, provinces, kingdoms, or dependent men of whatever names, the end is always the self-interest of the governors, the good of the governed never. So far from there being in these heathen aristocra- cies any tendency towards self-amelioration and adaptation to the true end of the State, the common good, on the contrary their inherent vice, and seeds of disintegration are ultimately destructive of their own. Their first developement is towards wealth and power, and in consequence of these, or rather by means of these, in the absence of all efficient moral restraint, towards luxury, vice, indolence, effiminacy, cowardice, vanity, ostentation, until the ever increasing demand, and competition for wealth presses intolerably upon the masses below which are the source of it, they react with destructive fury upon their now degenerate masters, or they become THE PAGAN STATE. 43 an easy prey to less degenerate neighbors. In either case there is but a new arrangement of elements, to assume gradually the same form, and to repeat es- sentially the same process. From barbarism to self- destructive civilization ; and from civilization back to barbarism. This is the natural, inevitable, and end- less cycle of pagan development always returning in- to itself. If Art, Literature, Science, have been incidents of the development, they, mostly, in their spirit and uses, do not give, but take the character of their period, and so become, on the whole, promotive of corruption and decay rather than preventive of them. For what are these when not originating in, and subservient to " The Good," but instruments of in- justice, darkness and depravity ? Thus in every possible aspect of a pagan State its power to realize the true ends of a State is found to be absolutely wanting, its character in this respect is utterly helpless and hopeless. It is plain that the essential and fatal defect in the character of the pagan State, is the absence of a comprehensive and efficient morality. The heathen morality was but a feeble light in the conscience, but rarely admitted into the will. It shone upon the darkness, which however desired not to receive, but to exclude it. It was too weak to control relations where its right to do so was acknowledged, and innu- merable relations which it ought to have governed were hardly, or not at all, suspected to come within its province. No kind or degree of knowledge of physical laws could remove, or tend to remove this defect in regard to moral laws. For what physical law is that the knowledge of which would convince 44 THE PAGAN STATE. a man, for example, of the injustice of slavery, or imperatively command him not to practice it ? It was not more or better Taste that was wanting. For what appreciation of artistic and literary beauty could successfully urge its admirers, at the cost of any necessary self-denial, to instruct the ignorant, to reform the vicious, and to cease from all profitable wrongs by restoring their rights to those whom they had deprived of them ? The utter imbecility or per- version of the sense of relative justice in its contest with selfishness was a deadly disease in the very life- blood of the pagan State. Everywhere, in all social, civil, political and business relations, besides direct lawless or legal oppressions, justice was ignored or habitually failed through fraud, the power of the wrong doer, the defects of the law, or the venality of those who administered it. To which if there be ad- ded the frightful depravity of private life among all classes we may see how far such a State was from being capable of realizing the true ends of a State ; and shall have, at the same time, a measure of the light and salt of Christianity which must permeate the whole corrupted mass in order to transform it in- to a successful self-governing Unity and true Com- monwealth. The more we examine the subject in its principles, and in all their illustrations in history the more we shall be convinced that the true State can exist only as an incident of Christianity ; and on- ly by a deeply pervading influence of its purifying, quickening and controling power. CHAPTER IV. THE CHRISTIAN STATE. THE TRANSFIGURATION. Magnus ab integro ssecloruin nascitur ordo. lam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto, * * * * quo ferrea primum Desinet, ac toto surget gens aurea rnundo. Aspice venture loetantur ut omnia saeclo ! Another period- conies, new order reigns, A gentler power from Heaven on Earth descends, Oppression's iron hand shall cease its sway, And Justice raise aloft her golden scales. See, all things gladden at the coming change ! Christianity, always, and in every country in which it exists, indirectly aims, and tends constant- ly to remove the natural duality of the State, and to mould it into the form of the true self-governing Democracy, or representative Republic; and will ultimately realize this aim in all States. These are very lofty pretensions, and it may be demanded of Christianity as it was once demanded of the Author of it in the exercise of the like " By what authority doest thou these things, and who gave thee this authority?" By spiritual authority, a 46 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. living, active, ever aggressive and progressive power not "a stationary agent," a dead morality bor- rowed from paganism, as its enemies assert. An authority, a power which cannot be better denned than it was by Him who is the source of it, as " leaven" pervading the whole mass in which it is placed ; a seed, small at first, but by its inherent life to become a great tree ; a Divine Power conducting men to a knowledge of " the whole truth/' and able to convict and convince them, with imperative au- thority, in regard to " sin," in regard to "right- eousness," and in regard to a "judgment to come," and thus making the Intellect also the servant of Duty and quickening it in the direction of all true science. This is no pagan ideal, fair, but lifeless and powerless : but both a living power and an em- powering life, a self-executing Law, by willing obe- dience in those who gladly acknowledge its authori- ty, and by restraints of shame and fear in those who are resolved that it shall not rule over them. Here are living principles capable, like those of science, of indefinite application. Already they have reached innumerable relations which heathen morality never pretended to control, and are still far who knows how far ? from the limits of their righful dominion. u A stationary agent?" learned, but verbose, and shallow Mr. Buckle and Buckliculus Draper ! Let us, then, look at a short catalogue which might easily be made a very long one of the appli- cations of these principles beyond where paganism ever thought of going ; applications not made all at once, and becoming stationary there, but successive- ly and aggressively aggressions often resisted by iire and sword and all other weapons known in the THE CHRISTIAN STATE. ^^*7*' L/l_ ^^^^ :%' nether armory, but hitherto only with temporary success true, in many cases the contest is not yet ended but the past is sufficiently indicative of the future. One of the earliest aggressions of Christianity af- fecting the civil and political relations of men was upon the practice of enslaving captives taken in war. At the same time it raised its voice against slavery itself, the early churches spending large sums in re- deeming slaves and in purchasing captives that they might not be reduced to slavery. After long, deep, and ever more and more controling. leaven-like in- fluences in the conscience and moral being of men it has put an end to both these universal practices of the ante-christian world, with the exception of the last remnant of slavery, under the ban of Christiani- ty and of Christendom, driven to its lair, and now contending desperately for its doomed life. That this has been the effect of the moral power of Christ- ianity we have as it were the evidence of our senses, for we can see, in the records and confessions of the past, the very process of fermentation of the divine leaven by which it gradually invaded this realm of selfishness. And what is the meaning of the indig- nation of universal Christendom at American slave- holding but a terrible protest of Christianity itself against the injustice of slavery, and an imperative demand that it be made to cease ? Or is this a mere protest of English philanthropic " intellect'' against the error of southern slaveholders in so mis- taking their own best interest as men of business ? What a step this towards bridging the impassable gulf of duality in the pagan State. But a still greater miracle began at once, on the 48 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. advent of Christianity, to manifest itself in the lower stratum itself of the State. That great human scarcely human mass, otherwise hopelessly dead and corrupt, heard the voice of the Son of God and began to live. No longer mere animals, having only an animal life, "live tools," as their owners and em- ployers called them, they felt awakening within them the consciousness that they also were men, with the hopes, the rights . and the duties of men. The slave could say, as he firmly refused obedience even to imperial commands which required the vio- lation of duty, ' ' I too am a Christian." To the poor the Gospel was preached. The most stimulat- ing and efficient of all knowledge, quickening the very centre of life, now gravitated downwards. In spite of all after attempts to prevent it, it still found its way downwards. More than that, the living germs became rooted and developed them- selves there beyond all the means of watchtul and jealous power to eradicate them. Strange thoughts were stirred in that lowest region of mind did not Christ die for us also ? are not we more than brutes ? have not we some human worth ? Henceforth this poor dumb humanity found voice, and in its upris- ings against oppression it was not stimulated wholly by blind rage, but Rights ! give us our rights ! for we also are men. The moral man was first aroused, for religious truth was addressed directly to the mo- ral ; hopes, aspirations, daily stimulated the intellect ; in some degree, and to some extent a better and more intelligent life prevailed; concert was more successful; alliances, organization became possible; rights were demanded, granted, annulled ; privileges purchased, exemptions bestowed, especially by dy- THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 49' ing oppressors, "for the good of their souls;" and thus slowly, after long and weary contests with the various orders of aristocracy, after many vicis- situdes, arose, from the lower, the great middle class- of Europe the methods varying more or less in dif- ferent States, but the result always the effect of the* same causes, the awakened consciousness of rights from below, and the awakened conscience from above. Here too the deep religious influences at work in the minds and hearts of the oppressed are every- where manifest. In all their struggles and discour- agements their appeal was to Christ and the Saints. Their confidence in them seems never to have failed though they sometimes complained of their de- lay. How like the religious trust of our own op- pressed class ! In the Legends of the Saints which were their nursery tales and everywhere their solace and amusement, the Saints were always represented as humble themselves and condescending to the poor, the especial protectors and defenders of the rights of the poor. The depth and sincerity of their religious belief may be seen in the terrible effect upon them- of a papal interdict. We may call this superstition if we please, and truly enough in one aspect of it,. but it indicates a power which mere physical force backed by science does not often resist. Tn this contest between the oppressors and the oppressed if both parties were net equally pious they were equal- ly superstitious, and while the one trusted confident- ly in the Saints, the other knew well that God and the Saints were against them. Hence if their love of right prompted them to grant little, fear extorted much, and their hope to bribe heaven at death was often of greatest benefit to those whom they had on-^ 5 50 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. ly wronged during life. On neither side was there perhaps sometimes much true religion, nevertheless the true principles of religion made both instrumen- tal to their own realization, for they know, how to exercise their power both in the will and against the will. Thus the power of Christianity to mould the State, though obstructed and retarded, was not de- feated by the perverseness of the material. It both guided and controled, as it still does, not only those whom it had made enlightened and obedient, but al- so both the blind and the rebellious. But besides the strong incidental stimulus given to the intellect by a knowledge of religious truth, Christianity first taught and demanded that the in- tellect of all men should be directly cultivated and developed. This is one of the applications of its principles, this is among the commands of the New Testament. Here, as in the changes effected in the civil and political relations of men, Christianity ex- ercised its influence both from above and from be- low. Men of the higher classes, as well as of the lower, and great numbers of them, from the Apostles to the present time, have spent their lives with great self-denial in preaching the Gospel to slaves, and other lowest and most degraded men. Where the facts, the hopes, the duties of Christianity are con- stantly made known, besides the result in the moral character of those thus instructed, can the effect upon their intellect be slight ? And although Christiani- ty has been slow in convincing men that it requires the full realization of all their powers, and that the possession of a faculty implies both the right and the duty of its exercise, vet it has always led them in this direction. The same men who have most THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 51 contributed to spiritual enlightenment have also first advocated, and assisted to give education of the in- tellect in the lowest classes. Not only are all the older and higher Institutions of learning in Christen- dom of 'religious origin, but the very idea of educa- tion as well as gospel for the poor, of universal education, could never have originated but in Christ- ianity. A very small seed this at first and of slowest growth, but at length this also has "become a great tree" of which many millions have gathered and are gathering the fruit. The vast sums of public and private charity now annually expended in Christen- dom and out of Christendom for the education of those who would not otherwise be at all educated is one of the grandest results of the application of Christian principles, and one of the most efficient under the control of higher religious teaching towards the re- alization of the true State. But the whole influence for the education of the otherwise ignorant has not come from above. The lowest, in proportion as they have been spiritually enlightened, have sought education for themselves and for their children. It was this influence from below which produced the first translations of the Bible into the living languages of Europe, and was of great value to the self-elevating class in their contests with their superiors, at the same time giv- ing much trouble to men who had directed toe divine leaven not to overflow, in its fermentation, the dish in which they had placed it. Another application of the principles of Christi- anity, instituting entirely new relations between the higher and lower classes of men, and interesting for 52 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. the many examples it has furnished of the power of duty over selfishness that condition sine qua non, and very life-blood of a true State is found in the very extensive provision made for the sick and insane poor, and for their children ; and even for the vicious, abandoned and guilty poor. This provision began to be made in the very earliest periods of Christianity, has been constantly increas- ing, and becoming constantly more efficient in re- alizing the ends proposed by it. This, doubtless, as all good things may be, has sometimes been abused through the unfitness of its administrators. But, even so, what is the animus towards the source of this and other permanent good results of Christiani- ty, manifested by, and how can fitly be character- ized, the assertion, made almost in sight of Hospi- tals centuries old, that " the effects of the most ac- tive philanthropy rarely survive the generation which witnessed their commencement ; and that, when they take the more durable form of of founding great pub- lic charities, such institutions invariably fall, first into abuse, then into decay, and after a time are ei- ther destroyed, or perverted from their original in- tention." Let the author of this and many such- like falsehoods be treated leniently. He could not avoid uttering them, for he was building a showy structure the corner-stone of which was labeled '*' Morality is a stationary agent/'' He might with more consistency have asserted that there is no mo- rality, for morality necessarily implies personal, free, responsible beings, which, by his philosophy, can have no existence. This kindly influence of Christianity has mani- fested itself not only in " the form of founding great THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 5& public charities," and other condensed and localized- products of Christian duty for Christianity demands charity as of moral obligation, and does not reckon t it a mere gratuitous bestowment but this same in- fluence has gradually become diffused universally.. All the relations of men have been more or less soft- ened by it. That of man to woman what a differ- ence between the present and that of barbarism, or that of pagan civilization ! The relation of the pow- erful to the weak, and of the rich to the poor how much less of abjectness and cringing servility,, how much more self-appreciation and manhood on the one side ; and on the other how much less con- temptuous insolence, and purse-proud disdain, how much more respect for man as man, and acknow- ledgement of rights not based on power ! What a- change in pecuniary relations since the 'time when the debtor could be sold into slavery or doomed to- perpetual imprisonment ! How justice has softened its rights towards ordinary criminals, and how ex- ceedingly rare the execution of prisoners of State ! Persecutions of so called heretics have almost en- tirely ceased ; not, as is falsely claimed, by reason, of greater intellectual progress, but by a further and truer moral development. Religious persecutions, that is, by Christians, have originated in two motives, and in both cases have been the effect of straight-for- ward obvious logical conclusions. In the one case, ecclesiastical power cannot tolerate heresy for the same reason that the State cannot tolerate rebellion. It would be demonstrably by the simplest possible reasoning suicidal, and power rarely lacks intellect in self-defence. If the moral had been as much cul- tivated and as vigorous as the intellectual in cede-. 54 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. siastical Power it never would have been a persecut- ing Power. In the other case, religious persecutions have ori- ginated in a sincere conviction of duty based upon the plain logic that religious truth is better for men than error, and that therefore the one is to be by all means propagated, and the other by all means des- troyed. The logic was good, the intellect did its part, but there was a flaw in the moral perception. The relation of these persecutors to Christianity was too intellectual. A more spiritual relation to it would have made them feel that as religion it re- quires and desires and can accept only a willing and glad reception of truth and rejection of error, and that, therefore, as Christ had announced in the be- ginning, compulsion could have no place in his reli- gion. In regard to war, what a difference between the present, bad as it is, and the time when not only all the treasures and private wealth of a captured city, but also the persons of all its inhabitants were the booty of the captors ! This milder type of relations public and private, where there is more mutual respect, more kindness and more justice, is bringing men constantly nearer together, giving them more things in common, and so making them more and more capable of forming, bye and bye, a true Commonwealth. But another most important and successful result of the influence of Christianity is manifested in the progressive elevation of the standard of private and social morality. Let us acknowledge that in some Christian countries private morality 'is of exceedingly low type, and that in some localities in all Christian THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 55 countries it might more fitly be denominated heathen than Christian morality. Yet, on the whole, if we compare it with the morality of the best heathen ci- vilizations, or with that of the middle ages of Eu- rope, the difference is immense ; and if, instead of taking the whole of Christendom, we look only at those parts of it where Christianity is not the mere performance of dead ceremonies, and is not addressed exclusively to prudence and the intellect, but to the moral and spiritual nature of man, and in consequence exerts its true and peculiar influences, there we shall find the difference between heathendom and Christ- endom, in this respect, all but total. Where Christian manners are at the worst they exhibit the first symp- tom of approaching virtue, or at least of respect for virtue, viz., hypocrisy. They have the grace of shame, which is progress in the right direction. Vices are denied, and indulged in secretly, which were formerly open and shameless. A very good test and measure of the development of a practical and efficient moral sense in Christen- dom may be found by examining, for different pe- riods, the manners of the highest classes, especially those of the courts of kings and princes. Power and wealth tend always to affect the character of their possessors in the same manner, that is, in the ab- sence of moral restraints, to generate habits of in- justice towards others, and of self-indulgence and vice in themselves. Restraints may exist in the per- sonal character of those to be restrained, in the cha- racter of those around 'them, or in the character of public opinion, the character of the standard mora- lity of the period. In looking over the history of Europe two facts are quite noticeable, first, that the 56 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. existence of an efficient public opinion is of pretty recent date, and, whatever might have been, before, the average morality of a people, courts and courtiers were entirely above its influence ; second, that, be- fore the existence of a more or less controling public opinion, the manners of courts of all ranks though on the whole making some advance since the tenth century were, with scarcely a single exception, a disgrace to the Christian name. Not that Christiani- ty lacks power to restrain men in such circumstances though we are all told that such shall hardly be saved but they had the power and the disposition to exclude all direct and true influences of Christian- ity, and felt no restraint from any other source. But there is now a public opinion, a universally diffused Christian morality, or, at least, sense of the demands of Christian morality, which cries shame, and that too in a voice which has to be heard on prince, or king, or kaisar whose manners are such as were not very long since practiced without shame or rebuke. Would Russia now tolerate the manners of Catherine II ? Would any German State abide the beastly princes that once ruled over them ? Would France, or even Paris, now permit the existence of a '' Pare aux Cerfs?" Not to go back to the early Norman times, would the people of England now tolerate the manners of Henry VIII, the court of Charles II, or even those of the Georges ? It is the exceedingly shallow opinion of some very intellectual people that Christianity is the reasser- tion of some pretty old rules ot heathen morality, the same always and everywhere, and having the same power always and everywhere, that is, a " sta- tionary agent." It follows, then, inevitably, either THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 57 that there is no greater amount of obedience to the law of duty now in Christendom than there was or is in heathendom, or that all the difference is due to the progress of intellect, and so cannot be referred to Christianity at all whose direct aim is to restore and control the moral and spiritual relations of men. But is there now any more or more earnest obedience than before Christianity to those laws which should prescribe men's ethical character and relations, and govern all relations where right and wrong are in- volved ? Or to take the catalogue of rules which we are told includes all possible morality. 1st " To do good to others." Is there more good done to others by Christian men than was the habit of heathen men ? 2d, " To sacrifice for others' benefit your own wishes." Have Christian men made any more of self-sacrifice, or have more Christian men made it, and in a greater variety of ways than heathen men ? 3d, " To love your neighbour as yourself" Is there any more of this love than formerly, or is the defini- tion of neighbour more comprehensive than former- ly? 4th, " To forgive your enemies." Are ene- mies, whether public or private, treated any more mildly than formerly ? 5th, " To restrain your passions." Has there been any advance anywhere in Christendom, or in Christendom on the whole, in private and social morals and selt-control ? 6th, " To honor your parents." Has there been any ad- vance in obedience to this precept? 7th, "To re- spect those who are set over you." I suppose that no one will deny that these old rules, which anciently were as dead as any other heathen ideals, have, within the last thousand years, been somehow getting themselves, on the whole, 58 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. more and more obeyed, that they have become living and controling principles of conduct in the lives of vast numbers of men , that they extend to very many relations which they did not pretend to reach for- merly, and that they pervade as guide and restraint with varying energy the entire mass of Christendom. Whence then this life which seems to have been in- fused into them ? Is it a divine empowering from Christianity according to its promises, ct the life from God entered unto them ?" Or is it a stimulus from the human intellect? What is the relation of the scientific intellect to the moral disposition and character of men ? Is it a relation of cause and effect such that the intellect, in proportion to its development and acquisitions, produces or increases the willingness to obey the laws of duty, of right, and of ethical propriety ? The natural relations of the intellect are to all physical and physiological facts and relations ; to the sciences of the inorganic and of the organic ; to a knowledge of the mutual relations of the organic and inorganic : to pure science ; to political science ; to the science of itself to the science of intellect. Thus in pro- portion to its acquisitions it determines what is or can be within its own* sphere, but it has no relation to what ought to be. To determine this is the func- tion of other faculties. Every moral relation im- plies the obligation of duty, obedience to the law of the relation. The moral faculty, the will, as the mo- ral executive, is capable of two relations to this law, that of co- willing and that of counter-willing, that of obedience and that of disobedience. Now which of the knowledges from all the realms of science ne- cessarily determines the will towards obedience to THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 59 the law of duty ? It is true they may furnish to the moral faculty new means of realizing the ends of duty ; but they also furnish it with new means and new temptations to refuse to seek, and to defeat the ends of duty. That is, the moral faculty when brought into relation to the intellect, and to any or all of its acquisitions, will act exactly according to its disposition and character ; to the good they will be a means of good ; to the bad a means of evil. If they have any tendency to change either character it would seem to be for the worse, for it is found throughout history that the higher and more intel- ligent classes are morally worse than those below them. But this is probably only a seeming effect. It is not perhaps the direct effect of the knowledge but of the wealth and power it is the means of ac- quiring, for when not accompanied by these inci- dents such effect is not always produced. We may say then that the relation of the intellect to the char- acter of the moral faculty is that of indifference. It is neither better nor worse for the intellect ; it is neither more nor less efficient for good or for evil in proportion to its means. Or if there is any differ- ence the arrogance pride and selfishness of the scien- tific is increased. Modern intellect has not discov- ered any new principles of morality, for these all of them which are possible, we are told, have been known from time immemorial, and it is not the function of intellect to discover or apply principles of morality. If then, there is in Christendom a very much higher tone of morality, a very much wider application of its principles, and more general obedience to its laws than ever existed in heathen- dom, whatever may be the cause, it is not because 60 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. intellect is the " only progressive agent." If, how- ever, any one asserts that morality and religion are only a wiser selfishness enlightened by intellect let him rejoice in that opinion. But if the intellect has no power to stimulate the moral faculty, what, on the other hand, is the rela- tion of the moral faculty to the intellect in this re- spect ? Just in proportion to the sincerity and ener- gy of the moral executive in obedience to duty will be the desire to find means to realize the ends of duty. When the moral faculty is itself truly quick- ened it becomes the true quickening power of all the other faculties of the man. The intellect is at once called upon as the organ of ways and means, and though powerless as a cause of morality, as an effect and instrument of it most valuable and efficient. That such is the true relation of the moral to the in- tellectual, and such the effect of it, is not only a mat- ter of constant observation in cases of individual men, or associations of men, but often whole nations are aroused to an intellectual energy and accom- plishment which no other influence could have effect- ed. For conscientious men the cultivation of the intellect is among their prune duties. It is u talent which to hide in a napkin is a most heinous offence against Him from whom whom they received it. It is certain, then, that the morality of Christen- dom, in whatever it is superior to pagan morality, owes the difference to the effect of the divine leaven of Christianity. It is not under the patronage of its servant intellect, nor has it its roots in that soil where of all others there is the least " deepness of earth," the aesthetic beauty of virtue, but in the Christian KELIGIOX. It is moreover, a reliable conclusion THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 61 which may be drawn from a comparison of the pre- sent however still imperfect with the past, that Christianity is capable of bringing all the laws, cus- toms, and institutions of men into conformity with its principles. Where such laws are, as indeed they are already in some communities, if not wholly, at least in great part, willingly obeyed, there will be realized another of the conditions preparatory to the existence of the true State. This is the condition of all other conditions, the indispensable Christian salt, without which, and hi greater quantity, I fear, than is yet to be found in any whole country the permanent existence of a self-governing State is impossible. It is plain, however, from this short and incom- plete catalogue of results, from these undeniable ef- fects of Christianity already realized, that the con- stituent halves of the aboriginal, natural Duality are, and have been, from the beginning of Christia- nity, constantly approaching each other ; and, if they are not yet fused together and become homo- geneous, they are fairly in contact, or at least the space between them is well bridged, the intercourse between them is free and constant, and in some parts there is mutual interpenetration, and combination all but complete from the highest top to the lowest bot- tom. But has the power of Christianity reached in all directions its limits ? Or are there limits, this side of a degree of influence necessary to the existence of the true State, beyond which it cannot extend ? The divine leaven has manifested already mighty power, is it not equal to leavening the whole lump ? Per- haps we shall be the better prepared to answer these G 62 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. questions correctly if we examine more directly the methods of Christianity, and its actual workings as illustrated and exhibited in its history, and why it is that Christian civilization does not, and will not. like pagan civilizations, revert again to barbarism, but its progress, if not always in a straight line is never apocatastatic but always further and further from its starting point. Christianity, from its very beginning, became not only a new life in the morality of the world but a new element in the politics of the world. By its moral power, by awakening, we may say creating, an efficient consciousness of DUTY, it preached, suc- cessfully, " deliverance to the captives," and pro- claimed from heaven " good will to men." On the other hand, by awakening more and more in all men the consciousness of RIGHTS for all men, with invi- tation of appeal to God in their assertion and de- fence, it indicated its latent power to "break in pieces and subdue;" it proclaimed "a sword" for all things and men incorrigibly incompatible with civil and political JUSTICE, whatever laws, customs, institutions, kingdoms, empires, or other powers to the contrary notwithstanding. As Religion it re- stores the true spiritual relations of men, which in their inmost nature are willing relations, so that co- ercion in regard to them is contradictory to their very idea they are realized in the Church. But relations of practical morality, of mutual justice, of civil and religious freedom, of equality of privilege and opportunity, all that pertains to the common earthly well-being of associated men, Christianity assigns to the State. ' These relations Christianity, by its principles, proclaims to be the rights of the THE CHRISTIAN STATE 63 citizens, and to maintain them is the duty of the State, not only by enactment and exhortation but by compulsion ot those who refuse obedience. Coercion, when necessary, is implied in the very idea of the State, because it is the State and not the Church. But the duty and the right of coercion are on condi- tion of a right end for which it is used. The Gov- ernment may not say, " I am the State," unless it exists for the ends of the State. Ultimately the People is the State by the first law of nature, that of self-preservation. Christianity requires obedience to powers ordained of God, but not to those ordained of the Devil. It announces the right in all possible relations, and demands obedience to it, but it contains no principle of suicide, of obedience to wrong which would annihilate itself. As Religion is not only without (outside of ) the State, but it is above the State, and from the very first claimed for men the right, and the paramount duty of obedience to a " Higher Law" than that even of Caesar. Here was the first practical collision between Christianity and Power as force, in distinction or separation from right. Long, obstinate, and terrible has been the contest, but Christianity has all but everywhere triumphed, not, as is pretended, because Power is wiser, but because it is relatively weaker than for- merly. But aristocratic Power, though often very indig- nant at the Christian higher law, has also its own higher law, best expressed in the fundamental prin- ciple of Asiatic despotism, that the king de facto by whatever means his power was acquired, and for whatever purposes it may be employed is also de jure, and of divine right, to be obeyed. This doc- THE CHRISTIAN STATE. trine once universal in Christendom is now every- where renounced, or if not, latent, or rarely ex- pressed, and never practically asserted ; for there is in Christian States a widely diffused leaven known by experience to be sometimes dangerously explosive in its fermentation. Thus unjust power acknowledges itself, restrained by two imperative commands dir- ectly from below, but indirectly from above Thou shalt not forbid what Christian duty enjoins, or en- join what it forbids : Thou shalt not withold from men what Christian principles declare to be their rights as men ; and because necessary to the perfor- mance of their duties. It is true that to a great ex- tent these commands are still unwillingly, and there- fore, imperfectly obeyed. These principles are far from being fully carried out, but it is felt on both sides that they must henceforth control more and more the relations of government and governed. DUTIES ! RIGHTS ! rights in relation to duties words without meaning in pagan politics, but, uttered by the mouth of Christianity, words of power to re- volutionize all Christian States. What a difference since when the vast majority of all the inhabitants of the State were contemptuously called '-live tools ;" and when a free Christian people makes its government aware that the State is for them and not they for the State, except it be in order to the true ends of the State. This remarkable transformation of the State, mar- velous if we consider it this mutual transposition of the parts of the original duality such that the former slaves have become, or are rapidly becoming in effect the masters, while the ancient masters are little more than the Agents of those who were once TUE CHRISTIAN STATE. 65 their " tools" or perhaps in some cases a little longer lords by courtesy ; a transformation by which what was once an inert mass, an unassiniilated appendage outside of the political organism has come to be the seat of the central and true life of the State all this is the natural and necessary result of the very METHOD of Christianity. There are many intimations in the New Testa- ment that the Gospel is intended especially for the poor. Christ gives it as one evidence of his Messiah- ship, that the poor have the Gospel preached to them. He blesses the poor. He pronounces a woe upon the rich. He asserts that the rich shall hardly enter the kingdom of heaven, and only because all things are possible with God. God hath chosen the poor of this world, says an Apostle. We know, ac- cordingly, that Christianity had its first success al- most exclusively among slaves and in the lower classes of the State. Not many rich, not many mighty were called. God has chosen the weak to confound the mighty in more senses than one. What then ! is God partial, and is not the Gospel ad- dressed to all men alike ? God is no respecter of persons, and the Gospel is intended equally for all classes. An obvious and easy explanation of the language of the New Testament, and the difference in the re- ception of the gospel between the rich and the pow- erful on the one side, and the enslaved and the poor on the other side, is found in the character, require- ments and promises of the Gospel itself. Dives was receiving good things in this life, and was much less likely than Lazarus to be aroused by hope for the future. Power then claimed to hold divided empire 66 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. with Jupiter, and in proportion to the degree and rank of it would be less inclined to put faith in the promise of a Divine Protector than the weak and op- pressed. Christianity by all its principles and pre- cepts demands righteousness, which includes though this is a secret not generally known doing right. It demands justice between man and man in all rela- tions. u Also, He that ruleth must be just, ruling in the fear of God." It is plain that these promises and principles and precepts were gospel to those who had no hope in this world, to those who suffered wrong, who were the victims of endless oppressions and godless despotism, in quite another sense than to those lapped in present ease and luxury, who pro- fited by doing wrong, grew rich by oppressions, and great by the exercise of unjust power. What a to- tally different and contrary aspect and practical re- lation must the new religion have had to the oppo- site sides of the dual State ! To the one side full of hope, encouragement, an awakening to the conscious- ness of manhood, life from the dead ; to the other side if they had believed it full of reproof, and of demands for self-denials, self-humiliations and self- abnegations of all sorts where injustice had served the ends of selfishness. Would not even those in- clined to good, were it not to cost so much, go away sorrowful ? Thus Christianity, the divine seed, " takes root downwards, and bears fruit upwards." This is its METHOD ; this is the law of it. This is the key to its whole history and results in relation to the State. This is the reason why Christian States, Christian civilization, are, and are to be, permanent- ly progressive , while that of paganism was necessari- THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 67 ly circular. From the first, the common people heard the gospel gladly, and it pervaded with consi- derable rapidity the lower stratum of the State ; while, from the first, the aristocratic class rejected it with contempt, or perhaps with instinctive percep- tion of its consequences to themselves ; next they at- tempted to destroy it, and failing in this, true to their character, they sought to modify, pervert, and make it subservient to their own purposes, then, and always since, not without success. This is the stand- ing type of the relation, varying within very nar- row limits, between aristocracy and Christianity. Yet the primitive inert mass transformed into a peo- ple, as it becomes leavened more and more with the consciousness of Duty and Right, the Salt and Light of Christianity, is ever encroaching from be- low in spite of aristocratic power or perversion, whe- ther civil or ecclesiastical. These allied powers, though they may sometimes be reached, and more or less restrained by the leaven of duty from above al- so, yet while they exist, and to the extent that they exist as such, retain always essentially the same character. The Roman Empire furnishes no exhibition of the full working, and outworking of these antagonist forces in relation to each other. The lower class, to a great extent calling themselves Christian, under the incredible luxury and extravagance of their mas- ters in the now decaying Roman World, were under more grinding and irresistible oppressions than ever. They were not yet sufficiently elevated by the influ- ences of Christianity to enable them to throw off the crushing weight that rested upon them, or to con- stitute for themselves a better State if they could 68 THE CHRISTIAN STA.TB. have done so. Although there had been much pas- sive resistance, and a strong vital reaction against some of the forms of unjust power, there was yet very little if any restraining or conservative influ- ence from below. On the other side, though nomi- nal Christianity, such as court bishops would be likely to preach it, had reached the imperial throne, and of course the court and many of the governing class, yet the whole upper stratum of the State was so totally and irretrievably debased and corrupt, so rotten to the core, that its preservation was impossi- ble, or at least, God did not choose to make it pos- sible. The Roman heathen civilization was essen- tially heathen to the end, and followed the heathen law. The Empire only perished a little sooner than it otherwise would because there happened to be out- side barbarians to give it the coup de grace. At the end of the Roman Empire, and in the poli- tical chaos which followed, Christianity may be said to have had a new beginning, at least in regard to its modifying influence upon the State, for the old pagan duality was everywhere in the new States re- tained. How much of the true leaven was left among the remnant of the wretched victims of servile oppression, civil wars, and barbarian slaughter who were to mingle with the heathen hordes that recruit- ed their numbers, it is impossible to tell. Unfortu- nately for them the church duality, as well as that of the State, was retained, or rather, the Church aristocracy had become essentially one with that of State. The original constitution of the church as a visible community was such as the idea necessarily determined it to be. It naturally assumed the form of a self-organizing, self-governing democracy. No THE CHRISTIAN STATE. 69 power could be exercised in it, or by it, but spiri- tual power. It had no authority but spiritual au- thority ; and those best fitted, by their own spiritual character, to exercise it as the organs of the Church were to be designated by the spiritual body itself. But by a gradual perversion easy to understand of these offices in the church to other than spiritual ends, they became desirable for other than spiritual men. Hence, as power other than spiritual, and wealth came to be appendages of these places in the church, the persons occupying them often proved to be more worldly than heavenly -minded. Not, how- ever, as has been asserted, because Christian princi- ple has not power to resist such seductions, but be- cause where the carcase is there the birds of prey are most likely to be found. That worldly men, wise in their generation, might more certainly se- cure these places for themselves they soon effected a change in the mode of election of bishops by which they were nominated from without, and for form's sake there was to be an approval, or pretended ap- proval, by the people ; and finally they came to be appointed without any reference whatever to the people they were to govern. Bishoprics were at length among the richest spoils of power, given, taken away, bought, and sold ; and the first appeal to the people was when they were called upon to pay the price they themselves had brought in market. Even long before the miserable end of the Empire, instead of the spiritual communities instituted by the Apostles, each selecting its holiest men, " elders" in the spiritual life, to be its own teachers, and to pro- claim the gospel to the unconverted world, there was built up an immense hierarchy rank above rank of 70 THE CHRISTIAN STATE. Christian " DIGNITARIES," vieing in wealth and dis- play, in pride and luxury, and in unprincipled in- trigue and ambition, with senatorial and equestrian nobles. Two most unfortunate consequences of this misde- velopment fell directly upon the great producing lower class already overburthened with the weight of imperial extravagance. In order to support this new establishment competing with that of the secu- lar aristocracy, vast sums additional to those neces- sary for the government and for the old aristocracy had to be extorted from the Christian people. This was the clerical way of enforcing obedience to the Apostolic direction " bear ye one another's bur- dens." But this was the least of the two re- sulting evils. Would the bishops and other high clergy, whose personal character was no better than that of their pagan contemporaries of equal rank and wealth, continue long to preach in its purity a reli- gion every precept of which was a sentence of con- demnation against themselves? No ! they would not, and did not. But as a class though of course with many individual exceptions where by chance truly Christian men had come to be bishops as a class .