THERE can be no hope of progress or freedom for the people without the un- restricted and complete enjoyment of the right of free speech, free press and peaceful assembly. Gift of IRA B. CR GIFT OF IS THE TELEPHONE OF LABOR, GEORGE MARSHALL SLOAN. The wagon's creaking ne'er will cease While its fifth wheel gets all the grease. CHICAGO. 1880. ENTERED, ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, BY GEORGE MARSHALL SLOAN, IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN AT WASHINGTON. DEDICATION. For the rebel, a ruler, the exile, returned, Who rejected the gifts of the despot he spurned For the Man of the People, this tribute I frame, Who, sowing for Love, reaped the harvest of Fame. A King among men, and a Man among kings, In the van of all Progress his trumpet voice rings. His billowy thoughts, like an angry sea, roar In world-sweeping waves 'gainst the turrets of Power, Where the bandits are 'fended, who ceaselessly spoil, With Law's grim devices, the substance of Toil. No fortress Pride builds upon Earth's shifting sand, To enforce his control o'er Man driven from Land, But has felt the fierce surges that turbulent roll With the flood-tides of Love, from his fathomless soul, In seas phosphorescent with luminous wrath, That reveal for Man's hate what they tear from his path. t The lone heights of Self- Abnegation he trod, Till his lips touched the coals on the altar of God Till they felt the hot kiss of the Infinite pour The white flame of Love's breath thro' his life's glowing core. 447929 .4 c r iee . , ''', Dedication. Of the mighty and cruel, he recks not the ban, As he battles for Freedom, for Justice, for Man ; Full-brother of Jesus, he strives to efface From the brows of the lowly, the brand of the base To lift from their mire the depraved and obscene, While he bids them, with Nature, " Go ! wash, and be clean ! " Man-lover whose heart for all wretchedness burns Who feels all his torture, and lovingly yearns For the thrall of despair, in his squalor and stench, For the galley-slave, naked, and chained to his bench, Till he kindles anew to a generous flame The embers of Manhood, long deadened by shame ; And Valjean, re-created by love, is revealed, As Sympathy warms what by Hate was congealed. Who saw in poor Fanchon the virginal heart When, betrayed and forsaken, she brought to the mart, In the struggle for life, the lewd kiss, and embrace, While despair carved a smile on her pitiful face As pure as Lucrece, by affection defiled ; For, sinless in sinning, she sinned for her child. Aye ! saw her glad spirit, set free from its clay, Bajihe in Mercy's sweet spring, and don Heaven's array Saw the white robes that shimmer on souls of the just, Grow more radiant, wrapping the martyr of lust ; For, as light in the rainbow resplendent appears, So the soul, when Love shines thro' the prism of tears. Dedication. Never Martyr rejoiced with so fruited a palm ; Never Monarch so conquered, or won such a realm ; Never Athlete so struggled, or Toiler so wrought, As he who, in exile, untiringly fought, Till the Empire of Bayonets crumbled and fell, The by- word of nations, who scoffed at its knell ; Who forged like a Vulcan, like Jupiter hurled Great words that breed tempests to freshen the world. From his island Olympus, whose thunderbolts swept To the claws of the Furies, the reptile who crept Thro' Treason to power, from his blood-defiled den, As the sword that gashed France, fled, appalled, from his pen. For the red-flag of Progress, this thread I have spun, VICTOR HUGO, I lay at the foot of thy throne, Due tribute to champion of all Earth's oppressed, From their refuge and shelter, the Land of the West. PEOEM. For thee primordial and persistent force at base Of warring Nature, that, untiring, strains to lift The stubborn crust of sullen earth to higher plane ; That raves as fiercely in the microscopic drop, As in the Titan's heart, aflame with prisoned wrath, Sobbing strange imprecations at the jeering gods ; That drags the dreaming hermit to his squalid cell ; And drives the maudlin conquerer to his rocking throne ; Yet mocks the equal woe of each complaining wretch ; Hoping from purple or from sackcloth to obtain Cure for the anguish that pervades his writhing soul O ! Discontent, what I have delved for in the mines of thought, I 've coined in fretful words, in hope to swell thy spleen to rage. Thy piping cry that, singly, sounds as far and faint As from another world, on the dulled ears of pride, When muttered by the footsore tramp who slinks from Law, Dreading the pains of trespass on a deed-fenced land, Once voiced by unit will of Man, the Socialist, Outs wells the arching heavens, and frights with savage roar The flaming sword that fends him from his Paradise. Proem. Redeemer thou ! The hot cloud column in the van Of angry myriads, struggling from their wilderness ; Their stinging serpents, when each weakling wails his fate In solitary suffering. For the self same act, Committed by a multitude, is solemn law, Which, if attempted by a thoughtful, lonely wight, Is grossest treason 'gainst the ordered State. Yea ! Killing is no Murder when a Czar's dull frown Finds dim reflection from a desolated land, Whose glooms are flared by Arson's nihilistic torch, As blind Despair pries at the gates of Hell for light. His knout is but a grieving parent's brittle switch, His scaffold but the pulpit whence he reprehends, Siberia but the dark room for a naughty child; While worse than parricide is his offense who points With nerveless hand, a threat at God's Successor, throned. But Discontent, grown universal, on the traitor's brow Wreathes Revolution's laurels, as rejoicing hails Each creaking, shifting change of Earth's kaleido- scope. And Justice, like a butcher from his slaughter-house, Her ermine scarlet-dyed with Tyrants' blood, to Love Smells sweeter than a world perfumed by odors 'stilled From Pity's tears, dropped on the hands of Charity. 8 Proem. When gasping Freedom bursts thro' pangs and moans and wails, To lie in ecstacy on Nature's brimming breasts, And drain the nectar she bestows Fraternity, Like a red morning star the clotted guillotine Mirrors the crimson tides poured from travailing Earth, And fades in blushing dawn that heralds perfect day. PREFATORY. These, my conceits, I've dressed in simple phrase : Believe and trust them, ridicule, condemn Ignore them utterly, and let them drown In Time's flood, like the vamped jests of a clown. To me alike abuse, contempt and praise As I from Ebal, Greed's mailed hosts blaspheme. All things I try and hold what I deem good. No caste, no creed, no fear, contracts my sense ; At no Gamaliel's feet I sit to grind Husk of dead thought through wonder-gaping mind, And all the lore of Man is here eschewed, Unless sustained by Nature's evidence. When I describe the shambles, I don't use Words culled from a perfumer's glossary I am a Man, and for my fellows feel, Whose lives are spent in turning Ixion's wheel : Even curses coined by fiends were weak to accuse The dogs I egg in Nature's What cares the Sybil, though the Augur mocks The scrolls that tell the destiny of Rome ; Her message laid before his sneering eyes, Her mission ended ; let him then despise At peril her dread preachment, she unlocks The Future, he may read, or not, the tome, 10 Prefatory. A tiny drop of Life's broad current, I Must radiate the light that on me falls ; The highest truth I see, I must proclaim, By instinct driven. What is praise or blame To him who stands upon the mystery Of Hope and Dread, of Love and Death, and calls His fellows to unbolt the gates of gloom, In which they're prisoned ; Aye ! who shows a key He thinks would bring them from the crypts of creeds To Nature's harvests, rustling with good deeds. Even though 'tis mirage fills his eye with bloom Beyond Faith's walls within is Misery. Here fantasies and logic are combined, By nature-taught, assimilating brain, Which seeks for cause in every consequent, And has no faith, but in experiment, Sees nothing sacred in what men have shrined, Has prayed with Jesus, and has curst with Cain. Heard Darwin mourn how Rosseau's babies died ; Knows Babeuf perished, for his love had fists. Has fathomed on the coral reefs of thought, The depth of bigot waves that o'er them float, Saw Voltaire growing out the turbid tide, And Jefferson, upbuilt on Rabelais' jests. Something of each it has materialized ; Has talked with Nihilists, with Fourier slept ; Has dined with Malthus, seen Mazzini's steel ; Prefatory. 11 Felt Louis tremble, heard Robespierre squeal. From all that's curst, and all that's canonized, Has jumbled words, and this expression shaped. 'Tis concentration of the myriad dreams Have fallen through ages, on man's troubled sleep. If through the horn or ivory gates they tiy Is still the argument. While some decry Their substance, others see the gleams Of brighter future through life's tempests sweep. Little of Ingersoll ; his widening vest Contains, I think, the bulk he has to spare. Full fed, a Berkshire discontent will lie Grumbling and grunting in his narrow sty ; I build a sheep-fold ; he'd as loud protest, If its full ricks gave all an equal share. A fat man's mind is fat. A greasy world' The chubby Cherub on rich gravies fed, With brain of adipose, contents ; but grim Starvation proves to bony Seraphim. Lard is not sentient. Nerves need friction. Oiled By the gross stomach, the absorbing head Reasons to their periphery the skin. And bounds its vision with what's good to eat. 'Twill sight concentrate on the brimming trough, Deny the pail above, and ribald scoff From roly-poly shoats wakes laughter's din, At thought of Conscious Power that gave the meat. 12 Prefatory. Methinks God's love was there, though Joshua smote The lapping young of tigerish Canaanites : A better breed, perhaps, than they, the Jews, (That's where I'd quibble, but I can't refuse It possible) and wise Love would devote Cub with its dam, their fledglings with the kites. if he regrets to see an adult Czar Escape the Nihilist, a fasting week Might clear his vision. If from cross-carved womb The knife sent pulpy fiendlings to their doom, The hunger-sharpened intellect would not scare, For Progress loves to hear their dying squeak. Who strikes a tyrant, strikes in self-defence, For he's attacked whose fellow is assailed. But they who dare annihilate the race That's born for rule, by God's transmitted grace, Aid the next age, destroy the testaments By which wolves' rights are on wolf-cubs entailed. Ah ! Ingersoll. Why choke yourself with dust, Groping from light for mummied Bull-gods, while The pyramids that shrined them, still enfold Their spirit, in curse-procreating Gold. Wouldst rid earth of them ? Here your lever thrust ; Power, Faith-fed, based on Metal, claims your skill. Prefatory. 13 That's why I think 'tis right that muscled brain, Should grant no quarter to fat-stomached jowl ; And that 'tis time the hungry stork had ceased Attempting share the fox's plattered feast, And left him in his domicile, the Fane, Where mind-starved Toil eats with the paunchy Cowl. How dare I say, that I have reached to light In this agglomerate of distorted thought : I only know the idea's in me grown, An evolution of the Cause Unknown Of all existence. That it aids the Right Or Wrong, I know not. I have only wrought Material as the All-creative Power Here forms a porcupine and there a dove. Instinct, selection, circumstance and man, Alter, debase, improve on Nature's plan. I know not if I've sown, or weed or flower, Have scattered seed of hate or bloom of love. Nor know I, if the crucible of brain Has separated vulgar pyrites, Or virgin gold. But this I know, that worth Is born of need, that nuggets hid in earth Were valueless as cowries till a man, Before them abject, bent adoring knees. The boiling blood of an unlicensed youth With vapors clouding sense, and marring [sight, 14 Prefatory. Is chill by years and creeps through sluggish veins, But in the eve of life the mind attains Some faint perception of eternal truth, And eyes unfevered, harmonize with light. Life's dusty highway grimes its traveler, Plodding through jarring crowds his bickering path. Who would be clean, must seek its grassy lanes. In their clear springs must cleanse his guilty stains When shadows lengthen and the sunset's near, For souls, like bodies, should be washed for death. And I, who've striven to efface the soils, Of sordid, selfish, and discordant days, And know the enjoyment cleanliness bestows, Must, 'ere the hastening glooms bring me repose, From leafy covert beckon him who toils, To shaded rests, and water-freshened ways. I know the man who first affronted God, Was he who first walled in a plot of ground And called the enclosure his, for his the expense, Then taught his brothers to respect his fence ; Persuaded them to join the wretched fraud, And wound the earth by building village pound. I know that Man is Nature's rightful heir Of all amassed by Greed, by Toil unearned ; From Pisgah's height, beyond the brawling ford Of Jordan, I can see the pagan horde Prefatory. 15 Float feudal banners o'er the lands they share, And know, like Canaanites, they've but so- journed In Law's walled cities, till Toil's nation grew, Through Egypt's long harass, and painful path Through wilderness, to knowledge of its wrong. Aye, even now, I see the grime-stained throng, Eager to cross, impatient, wait review, While Joshua voices God, and wakes their wrath. I know if Man, not ready for a step, Has been a dullard at Dame Nature's school That though with Jesus' knotted cord I goad, He'll see Chimaeras in the surveyed road, And like a frightened baby, backward creep, At Progress piping melancholy pule. Progress must fit the time. In vain essay To raise a harvest on unfurrowed ground, And Nature's force is wasted if the sail Is set to edge it ; zephyr then or gale May woo, or bluster. Cogs have holiday, The hopper grows adust, no meal is ground. So, if my thought is born too soon, because No man will nurse it, it must die, perforce. If mental opium, I have smoked and seen A mawkish vision on fantastic screen, And each sane soul my rascal rhyme inveighs, In either case, why should I feel remorse ? 16 Prefatory. I have faint hope that Lazarus will hear ; I know full well, if Dives does, I'm damned All round the compass. Well, my days are short And gray my head, but grayer far, my heart. I've borne his blows, I can despise his jeer O ! Lazarus, hearken ! 'Tis for you, I'm shamed ! Yet, he will not, for keenest thought can't pierce The semi-conscious, gross-grained pachyderm. Wisdom ne'er works directly on the mass, Whose brutal passions Reason can not face ; Fit but for conflict, noisy, jarring, fierce, Unlicked, unwashed, with intellect in germ. For all the multitudinous expanse Of souls untaught, spreads bare and dessicate, A void Zahara, under science' sun, Incapable of growth, a dismal zone Which ne'er felt rainfall on its seedless sands, And swallows every rill would irrigate. Could Lazarus think, what countless books he'd read ! If he had time, how quickly would he learn ! But long hours' toil, and fainting overwork A thousand brains leaves waste, that one may shirk, Though Hygeia begs him sweat, and swears its need, He's sick with spending, what they die to earn. For health is the reward of exercise, While toil consumes, and luxury cankers life ; Prefatory. 17 Each earns his doom who Nature disobeys, The fool who suffers, and the fool who preys ; And suicidal laughter, born of sighs, Jars Heaven with peeans of earth's endless strife. Ah ! if dull tools a poor mechanic make, If dastard he, who wields a pointless spear, How can law-givers with greed's blunted brain, A comprehensive view. of Right attain, Who at each movement of the people quake For plunder won by shame, is held in fear. If from my mind has sprung a natural force To aid my fellows climbing to the Light, Or if brain soaked in bilious discontent, Has railing thus at Order found a vent, If as a seer I'm wise, or crazed and coarse, I plead for love, or angry men excite, What I have thought, I've writ, felt what I've said ; Bruised and in pain 'tis Nature bids me cry. Though all mankind in rage and horror scream, My tongue must tell my vision, pen my dream, Nor from anath'mas will I shield my head, Though all the earth proclaim my truth a lie. My thought is born, and claims its utterance ; I'll speak it, though it floats on idle winds ; I'll speak it outright, though the thick thronged square Mock it as craziness, or vacant stare ; 18 Prefatory. Music to me, though it be dissonance To every ear, and discord to all minds. For I, although a dwarf, am sure I've climbed The shoulders of the Titans. I can clod The low, free-pass-won Heaven that men attain, Denying Life its instincts, Toil his gain, And will, because I like to. I have rhymed My pellets. Stand from under, Man-made God. Beyond the vision of the pessimist, I see Earth's buzzing strifes engender loves, See Sun-warmed worlds evolve of nebula, See breathing raptures springing from decay ; Through every change see Nature's laws persist, Compelling Chaos' whir to Order's grooves. THE PEOLOGUE. Tumbling on Time's tempestuous tides, The world through weary ages rides, And, deep within its foetid hold, In darkness packs the slaves of Gold. Since Day was born the unwieldy bulk Of the storm-driven, battered hulk, With rudder useless, compass lost, Is on the scud-capped billows tossed. Deep in their troughs it straining rolls, With smothering freight of famished souls, Uncheered by hope of brighter lot, " Born but to propagate and rot " As fish in subterranean streams, Unvisited by gladdening beams, Prisoned in gloom, lose optic nerve When vision can no uses serve Their eyeless minds no gleam discern, Though Thought may flash and Science burn ; By ages of Oppression's night, So long deprived of Reason's light, That even the power is lost, of sight. Its engines, whose resistless force, Heart lit, might drive them on their course, With dampened fires, grew foul with rust, In the dank air of noisome lust, 20 Earth's wealth producers, Whose dense, mephitic vapors quench All purer love with stifling stench, Until each generation see's A viler stand between its knees, As if a race of foul Yahoos Degenerated breeding Jews. Since Savagery has "no name For crimes, whose purple blazons shame ; Nor can a hunger-dazed, dim eye, Through the wild, driving mists descry A star, the enshrouding gloom to cheer, Or point them whitherward to steer. Thro' op'ning seams the turbid waves Engulf them in unnoted graves. Toil's tears their hardened muscles drip, To keep afloat their prison ship, As the dumb, wearied wretches ply The jarring pumps, in dread to die. O'er Hate's cold, lifeless, frigid zone, Chartless they drift through seas unknown, While their discordant cries of pain Are drowned in Luxury's glad refrain For the bright cabins ring with mirth, And swear it is a happy earth. Such lives they lead as those who lodge In Venice, with her doting Doge, Power's image ; whose authority Was held by the mysterious " Three." His gilded palace based on slime On Oubliettes built, awarded crime Live in misery. 21 Of discontent with purse-ruled state, A prison 'neath the waves that beat Around its huge, basaltic pride, In glooms, dank with the turbid tide ; Was roofed with dismal, noisome caves Where torture's engines, worked by slaves, Resounded shrieks of wretches doomed To breathe in pain, from life entombed Impatient, urging fate, with cries, For passage o'er the Bridge of Sighs ; While all between the dismal cells Above, below wealth-laden walls, Where power and gold with beauty met, Rang with the dancers' pattering feet, Twirling in pleasure's careless round Unheard their groans, in music drowned. O, Toil ! what power has thus immured Your body, and your mind obscured ? As though Fate held you under ban A fungous growth of mouldering man, Existent on your own decay ; Aspiring as your kindred clay ; Pasted like lichen on a rock ; When each should, as a sturdy oak, Control the soil its rootlets tap, Thence drawing germinating sap. Say ! is it by decree divine, Your stomach rattles on your spine ? That you, from age to age, are sure Of nothing, but that you endure, 22 Has G-od so intended ? And live, as though the desert sands Were harvested for your demands ? While emerald wealth springs from the loam Around the hut you call a home ; Rented of some gor-bellied sot, Coarse, truculent, unfeeling, hot, With bailiff slinking at his back Should you, upon the gale day, lack The sum he claims for leave to stand Upon God's earth ? No ; on his land ! Has some dread Demiurgus curled His frightful coils about your world, Forcing the soul of nature from Her jellied, granite-banded frame ; And pain, eternal, hopeless, wrought By fsecal matter, stifling thought? Is it by Nature's law you wail In endless misery; and quail With shrinking shoulders, quivering lip, As Helots, at a Spartan's whip, Before the feasting few and dare" Scarce join your knotty hands in prayer To Paul's and Calvin's clay-grimed God In his huge pottery, gone mad ? Who, fiendish in his raving zeal, Forms on his swift revolving wheel, Pots and spittoons in vilest delf By myriads to o'er weight his shelf; While scarce a mould of Parian ware, Escapes, unbroke, his furnace fire. .ZVb, Man, a self -tormentor. 23 Not so, O, Brethren ! Reason shows Man works his own unceasing woes. The laws of every state declare Their makers in the men who share Toil's plunder, as they grant his gain To pitiless and scheming brain. 'Tis we, ourselves, that frame and build The hold, with want and squalor filled, Whence Labor, feeding all the earth, Harvests his own perpetual dearth. 'Tis we who gild and ornament The cabins, where the insolent And thankless Dives holds his court, Making Toil's agony his sport. Man's laws are the dumb-waiters lift With silent speed the gains of thrift, To feed his fellow voyagers Through life, as first-class passengers, With every cate can please their taste, Who never know what 't is to fast ; While he, in steerage, dines on " duff," And thanks them when he gets enough. In crass and torpid ignorance, In superstitious reverence Of creeds effete and blasphemous, Labor, a brawny Lazarus, Pigs in his narrow, reeking sty, As 't were his natural destiny ; Snores when he's full ; a-hungered, squeals Up the hatchway for hogwash meals 24 Jesus, the /Socialist, shows escape? When, had he sense to know his right, And courage to direct his might, One gesture of his arm could sweep His masters from the groaning ship. Rebel ! O, Toilers ! Seize the deck ; Or perish in the shattered wreck. / Let the 'dull furnace glow with heat, Flaming from hearts whose rhythmic beat Pulsates the quenchless fires of love, Through Man on earth to God above. When that the ponderous engines feel, Swift through the billows rolls the wheel ; And the heart-driven brain will force, Through every obstacle, its course. Go ! find your compass in His life, Who loved His foes and hated strife, Yet waged incessant, bitter war With every wrong that Man would mar ; Who poured His curses like a flood On those who dared oppress the good ; Who tells you Heaven on Earth is won By violence, and that alone That you must storm its walls, since Hate And Mammon lock and guard its gate. Then grasp the helm of sturdy will, That knows no fear and dreads no ill, And Man has gained that land of Hope, Where Reason's highest flight finds scope. His ffeaven is Fraternity. 25 When thro' his race is spread his leaven, Earth gains her port, and floats in Heaven. The soul of power is Intellect ; Which needs Love only to direct Its motion, and its end's in view. What Man can think, that Man can do. Up, Brothers ! Sons of God ! He gave You Earth to revel on why slave ? Blood, only, wins your right to taste Milk welling from your mother's breast. Birth-right, inalienable ! Room On it for all her teeming womb Ripens to life, and anguish tears The fevered glands denied her heirs. The love that casts out fear, alone Can pluck fierce Mammon from his throne. Up ! Brothers, up ! A day of Storm ! And lo ! the Heavens grow sweet and warm, Life never gave such raptured bliss As his who, dying, feels the kiss Of future generations sip Love's honey from his writhing lip. Up ! Brothers. Earth's Maternity Demands of Man, Fraternity, And G-od's all-loving Fatherhood Is known but ly Man's Brotherhood. THE TELEPHONE TALKS. In radiant Sunlight, gorgeous bloom Sheds through the air its rich perfume ; Spontaneous beauty gilds all use ; Nature distills her rarest juice Thro' tree and herb, thro' root and flower, Responsive to her lover's power, And feels through every fibre run, Life-giving impulse of the Sun. But, Light excluded, every shoot Ripens in gloom its bitter fruit ; And pallid, hueless plants are bred, Their veins with acrid poisons fed. Conditions changed, the self-same soil JUvolves the beautiful, and vile. Man, like the soil, has seeds of both, And Nature's laws control their growth. The Microcosm, in him blend A foetal Angel, foetal Fiend. If Love's liofht nourish heart and brain, O ' To Angel's stature he'll attain ; While demons greet him as their kin, Whose darkened soul is dwarfed by sin. All life 's but ripened matter ; shown Its noblest form when Man was grown ; 28 The causes of human suffering Earth's highest animal's the loam Where Heaven's seed finds destined home ; Whence it may spring to flower above Her limits, redolent of Love ; Or rot, if Want and Hatred fill, With venom, the malignant soil. The frolic air, electric fed, By which the Sun and Earth are wed ; Her marriage ring, through which unite The craving mould and force of light ; Whose chemic power, from bleak sun-ray, Evolves the energy of day Whence the glad universe is rife With infinite forms of joyous life By wak'ning current unendowed. Beneath the poles, is Nature's shroud, Death's empty eyes forever glare Earth shudders as her lover's stare, Embrace refuses to her prayer : And ice-perpetual palls in gloom Nature's unquickened, barren womb. So, in Love's transports, souls aspire Toward the Uncreated Fire ; Bathe in its beams, and germinate, To flower beyond the realms of Hate. Their lives are zephyrs, known and felt Thro' the abodes of grief and guilt ; Fanning the weary, raising hope In the dim caverns where men mope, All fibreless,. exsanguine, pale, Shown by lessons from Nature. 29 Until in rapture they inhale That brighter air, that never shone Upon a temple, fane or throne ; Far from the hurricanes of creeds ; Filled with the odors of good deeds. And so in torpor lies the heart, Shriveled in Mammon's sordid mart As in Greed's chill and callous strife, Perish the seeds of nobler life. The brutal, brawling multitude Exalts the base, and spurns the good ; Creed's nightmare spectres, cold and gaunt, The barren soul with terrors haunt, And Hate hastes to the cross to nail Who dares his frozen sleep assail. The limpid stream, born of sweet springs, That thro' gay meadows purling sings, And roots of scented lilies laves As Naiads frolic in its waves, In glancing joy swift turns the wheel Which grinds for man his wholesome meal ; But, checked, its free, hilarious course, Its outlet dammed, becomes his curse A steaming marsh, miasma rife, Whose reeking vapors threaten life. Disease and crime the world would fly, And Eden spread beneath the sky ; All Earth with Heaven's warmth would glow, Did Life in natural channels flow. 30 By G-reed, not G-od, the earth is curst. But dead to Love, and ruled by Hate, Her tideless waves in filth stagnate ; Hell's fevers riot in her veins, And filial blood her bosom stains ; Rank poisons her baked breasts distil, Pulsating to Ambition's thrill. Food full, when she from chaos burst, By Greed, not God, the earth is curst. The aeons she thro' space has rolled, Have seen unquenched Man's thirst for Gold ; Bright dross, which neither clothes nor feeds, Relieves Man's wants, nor aids his needs, By some dull juggle of the fates, Starves human loves, feeds human hates. Since first Man's foot her verdure trod, Since lust of gain first turned her sod, Mammon has ruled the Earth her God ; And self-made men, his votaries Blind to Man's tears, deaf to his cries ; Insane with morbid selfishness, Which knows no end, but to amass For warp and woof of Mammon's thought, Of but one fibre, self, is wrought By theft or war, by law or fraud, O'er Labor's corses, hellwards plod. Whence comes its pestilential power, On Life unnumbered ills to shower In the bright metal gleams no trace Of gnawing mordant to efface Human law sanctions crime. 31 All love, all pity from the mind, And leave Man alien to his kind ? By Law its dreadful force is given, To blast an earth that else were Heaven. Man's brutal intellect, warped by greed, Makes it, hermaphroditic, breed ; Its litter, Interest, must be fed Ere Labor touch his daily bread. This busy hive, the World's in debt, Mortgaged its future toil and sweat ; Insensate greed, inhuman craze, The orbed planet dares appraise, Malaria filled, weeds overgrown, By whirlwinds harvested, wind sown ; While Labor, owner of the world, By Law from his domain is hurled, And abject, clothed in rags and vice, Begs at the gates of Paradise, Where Capital entrenched stands, Deriding his gnarled, pleading hands Refusing entrance, tho' the}*- spread Before his eyes th' Almighty's deed. Power, to perpetuate his hold, Borrows a g-eneration's gold Compels a coming century To brace his purple anarchy. Labor pays interest on the expense Of trampled grain and camp-burnt fence, And leaves its principal to gall EartTis peace is endless war The shoulders of his heirs, who crawl Abject before their plunderers, As did their seed-debasing sires, When Glory led the trooped Earthworms Wriggling to death, in uniforms. War stalks on Credit o'er the Earth, And the fat Banker's chuckling mirth Is echoed thro' the lowest Hell, As Death's loans at a premium sell. When Usury, from the peasant's hoard, Entices flames to forge the sword, The wretches who in anguish writhe On battle fields, are scarce a tithe Of those War's fiercer engines slay, When wages-slaves become his prey, And his scythed chariot's wider swarth Cuts down the workman at his hearth ; Whose hungry entrails yield their food To traffickers in tears and blood, , While Interest pours in Luxury's lap The profits of Man's annual crop. This the cause not Law divine Workers eat lees, and drones drink wine ; That nobles guard his restless dream, Whose brow's begirt with diadem A daemon in a human skin, Surfeit with cates and palled with sin 'Gainst whose lust, virtue has no fence, Honored, when ravished by a prince ; Before whose frown scared Justice flies, 5 ] Twixt man and Man for "profit" 33 As crimes with crimes antagonize, Upholding over Man the throne, As rounding arch supports keystone. Aye, Profit, fortified by laws This is, and this alone, the cause That starving Labor toils in pain, On offal fed, for Usury's gain. For, keeping step to fife and drum, Lean Famine ravishes his home, Piecemeal consumes his prattling babe, By rickets, pustulence, and scab. To Brothel hales his blooming maid For prostitution is the trade, Whose wages Mammon still concedes To Beauty, when for life she pleads And invoice furnishes to Lust Of rounded limb and budding bust, Of carmine lip and tinted cheek ; With liquid eyes that love bespeak, Designed to smile in motherhood Upon a sturdy, dimpled brood ; And bears their value in a rag To muzzled pimp and scowling hag For the ugly, base, deformed, and old Are favorites of the God of Gold Where, slobbered by disease, she weds With syphilitic death, and spreads Contagion thro' her sisters' beds, Whence scores of tainted embryos, Thro' whom the adulterous poison flows, Are generate to avenge her woes. 84 Panaceas. Then drunken, rotten, cursing, dies, While Hades rings with joyous cries : " Lo ! War has won another prize ! " While Usury shrieks, " Not his alone ! He tears the flesh, I gnaw the bone ! " The world's in debt ; that growing wen Sucks sustenance from the toil of Man, And Usurers frame the law which drains The iron from his anemied veins. This is the sick world's dire complaint, It moans this noisome tumor's taint ; Filth pouring thro' the springs of life, To reappear in hate and strife. Its acrid humors, poison rife, In stinging ulcers break, which quacks, To heal, their grandam's book-lore tax, And irredeemable greenbacks Prescribe, the poisoned blood to thin, That Capital new gains may win. As market price each day is ruled By Stewart, Vanderbilt, and Gould, 'Till Labor knows not if he'll crunch At noon a dinner or a lunch. The grief's too large ; no philophaster Can heal it with a greenback plaster. The path of justice is so clear That he who hesitates to steer The course her compass indicates, Nears error's rocks each hour he waits There, even a donbt confessed is strong, Indubitable proof of wrong. Fiat money no benefit to Labor. 35 Wisdom is first from folly learned, But by mistakes truth is discerned ; Yet wisdom in adversity Is folly's worst perversity, And growing servile wiseacre Would now inflate Great God ! what for ? To double price ? Contraction's law Has stuffed with goods the cormorant's maw ; And fiat-men need only wait His bonds foreclosed, he will inflate, And thus disgorge on stupid Toil, With freer sale, fierce Usury's spoil. What benefit would that bestow On men who neither lend nor owe ? Oh ! Friends, the gangrene claims a knife, When Death invades the " Means of life." Political economists, Thick-witted, stubborn egotists, Thick ointments spread upon each sore, Which nature forms, his blood to cure. Huge thronging Lazar houses grin Complacent at the peer's desmesne, While thro' their windows, dim and bare, The law-made paupers, hopeless stare. On lands untilled, protect by wall, All viewless, but impassable ; Which Nadir joins to Zenith, strong As Hell can plan, and build a wrong. Lest frenzied Toil, in pain rebel, Such anodynes his tortures quell, And thirteen pence a-week support 36 State charities a curse to Labor. The antipodes of Lord and Court Forced by their bailiffs from the hoard The Serf has from con-acre stored To shield his gray hairs from " Relief! " In hunger binding each thin sheaf, Left to reward back-breaking spade, Its cess, tithe, rent, and impost paid. What threat has Law, that he need fear Whose childrens' moans assail his ear Wailing for bread, and craving pence From chariots driven at his expense ; Life has no dread for him who dies To manhood daily, while his cries Are answered by new Laws that stamp On Yeomens' brows the brand of Tramp. Labor, the nation's living blood, Corrupted grows when unemployed ; Thus check the virus, and amain It clogs each artery and vein, Until the scurvied peoples tear Their fest'ring flesh in sheer despair. If then the overburdened State Dares not its bane repudiate, If Mammon rules the purchased poll, And laws obey the wen's control ; Wealth digs its own dishonored grave, While fires, petrolean, o'er it rave, Or Toil becomes a hopeless slave. Nutrition ceases ; swift decay, Unchecked, the vitals makes its prey, How priests belie G-od. 37 Brute Gods, herd brutish beasts, and scan With anger in their ranks, a Man, Till Barbarism hastes to bless, States sunk in putrid rottenness. What mockery then, the priest's pretence Unraveller of Omnipotence, Whose courtly tongue in unctuous phrase Expounds the mysteries of God's ways, Whose hypocritic piety Imputes man's crimes to Deity, For stipend preaching dull content To Famine by misgovernment, Canting of other worlds, the bliss, To men who" re damned by greed in this. O ! prattlers of that other shore, Man's weary ear offend no more, Nor soothe him with your pipe's dull strain, Who knows the sources of his pain ; Pure Life-blood courses in his veins, Where Labor eats what Labor gains ; Prate not of ills must be endured, Disease, when diagnosed, is cured. But Labor, like Prometheus, cries His agony to jeering skies, Since Mammon reared his hideous throne And weighs in gold, man's brain and bone. From frosty Caucasus his chain Rings his eternal gnawing pain, As his self-growing entrails feed The vulture beaks of rav'ning greed ; 38 Property is robbery. And all the wealth his horny hands Wrest from machines or drag from lands, Through Profit's channels crams the guts Of bloated, gorged aristocrats, Whose brutish forms broadcloths disguise From undiscriminating eyes, As through the marts they pride-full roll, Legged stomachs void of love or soul, Swelled shapeless by their cursed gain, Tortured from muscle, racked from brain. Earth's hoarded wealth is Labor's spoil, The product of man's stolen toil ; But honey stored, on which drones thrive Rulers and masters of the hive. O ! Brother Toilers, 'toil no more For drones that rob your hard-earned store ; Go to the bees : from Nature learn You own the wealth, your labors earn ; Frame her just edict into law, Honey shall glut no idle maw ; Who will not work, he shall not eat ; With justice blent, revenge is sweet ; 'Tis more than pleasure, when you feel The snake's crushed head beneath your heel ; 'Tis more than bliss to twitch the cord That swings the sheep-dog from the sward ; 'Tis rapture when the baited shark Lies gasping, helpless on your bark ; 'Tis comfort from the trough to kick The hog that all the swill would lick. The lesson of the Snow. 39 Out with your stings ; let no drone live To crowd your cells, and rob your hive. Snow-flakes an equal carpet spread On field and forest, lawn and mead ; Red-mittened children happy, whoop To see th' increasing snowball scoop Sun-softened lustre from the ground, And shape the quick-dissolving mound. Upon the play-green, 'spite the game, The wealth of snow remains the same ; The gathered heap, a Yanderbilt His makers fright, the snow-man built ; The naked mould proves all he gained, To all the play-ground appertained. If here 'tis heaped ; lo ! there, 'tis bared, What Nature gave, all equal shared. Wealth aggregated, has not grown, Its increase is from seed that's sown ; 'Tis only heaped ; in one " Receipt " A hundred emptied granaries meet. The ocean's force, immane, is spent To keep a level. Discontent Surges upon each bellowing tide, As waves on waves, unending ride Each other down in wrath to reach With emerald floods the fading beach, And cover with their spuming roar The angry, wide, resounding shore. 40 The Ocean's teaching 'Spoiling their shuddering foam, the Pole High heaps them on its frozen mole ; The ocean's aggregate's unchanged, Tho' on the Arctic Coast are ranged Ice mountains, till the flattened zone Shows rounded, shadowed on the moon. At Greed's cold robbery in ire The billows with the sun conspire ; He 'venges aggregating night, With his long day's continuous light, And aids them, as they storming tear Huge icebergs from their sleety lair ; Their might, forever furious, rives The monsters, as it tireless drives Them tumbling over ocean's plain, Stubborn and dragging, till they wane And perish in the Sun's hot beam. For them, Hate glowing, though each gleam They wither under, serves to prove Greed's aggregate 's destroyed by Love. So Law, than polar currents, cold, Pours gain on wealth, and gelid gold Draws increment from frozen men. So Nature, furious, seeks a plan, To spoil the spoiler. Ocean's surge That never tires, is men who urge Their fellows, as the tides the sea, To fret in Inequality, To force on Law, Fraternity. They've moved the Iceberg ! It's begun Reluctant journey to the Sun ! That tyranny is born of wealth ; 41 The wealth that Toil creates is massed By callous Greed, till Man aghast, Beholds a daemon from the heap, By stealthy laws, toward him creep, Dissatisfied, until it grace Its curst accretion with his face, In which all light of love is quenched By abject serf-tears, vilely drenched. Then for his Life he strikes. Debate He can not with embodied Hate, And though the fiend in terror cries, "Let us alone ! " his plunder flies On the glad winds in smoke and flame, Heaven-curst, too foul for man to claim. The wealth that mocks your rags and grime Was yours, yea, is; no lapse of time Title to plunder consecrates, For sleepless Justice grimly waits Till Time avenge her broken laws, And what he can't restore, destroys. For centuries Moloch heaped the spoil Of Afric's patient Sons of Toil, For gain the marriage bed defiled, The mother robbed of sucking child, And strove by fetter, lash, and chain, To transform men to brutes, for gain. Drove education from his realm, Drove pity, mercy, conscience, shame, 4 42 That Nature revolts at it, And swung his cotton-plaited knout At God and Nature, with a shout, Defying both to loose his hold On Toil, by law convert to Gold. Vengeance but waits. We pay the debt That Slavery massed from unpaid sweat. With every tear Toil's sad eyes shed, With every- drop his torn back bled, With every groan his swart breast rent, Our tears and groans, and blood were blent. For each black babe, by Moloch won Caucasian mother mourned a son ; Our ardent youth, corrupt and marred, By foul war's leprous fever scarred, Avenge the tortured, servile hosts We metamorphosed into beasts. The crime-won wealth our godless pride Sanctioned by law, and sanctified, Volcanic war's infernal blast Over the land, in cinders cast, When God's avenging angel tasked His wrath for Freedom's holocaust, And reaped the harvests grown from seed Of Legislation, which from Need Stole all his " Means of life ; " nay, stole, And thought it profit, even his soul ! Now every dollar, Slavery's gain, Has vanished from our broad domain. And exacts retribution. 43 The apples Sodom's orchards bore Were juiceless ashes at the core ; The mouths that bit the ruddy fruit, Disgusted spat its bitter soot. Our credit side no item lacked, God kept the Ledger He's exact. Wo ! to a nation, when her prey Exceeds her utmost power to pay. That for false gods Toil's plunder heaps In vaults secured, while Justice sleeps, When in his court she, Bankrupt, stands, For mercy spreading blood-stained hands. " An eye for eye ! a tooth for tooth ! " A sob for sob, a death for death, Ever the measure that she gave, That measure heaped she must receive. Sweet Pity sadly smiles as Wrong, Unshriven, locks her pleading tongue, While God's destroying angels shed Their wrathful vials on her head, 'Till all her splendors, from their dust, Proclaim to Man that He is just. In his stained, dreary records read How Time avenges wrongs to Need. See the long roll of Empires built On plundered Labor, how their guilt Despoiled and cursed the teeming soil, 'Till deserts spread where man was vile. 44 What History teaches : Ashur, Egypt, What now Assyria's fat plains, Where driven slaves reared Belus' fanes ? The owl hoots and the bittern moans, Where chanting priests drowned Labor's groans. The savage nomad's filthy tents Stink on her crumbled monuments. Huge tumuli reveal the ground Whence Bab'lon over Asia frowned, Whose massive walls derision sneered At God and man alike unfeared. Historic bricks, on which she 'graved The nations that her arms enslaved, Are sold by tale, and scholars grope Deciphering the intent and scope Of a dead tongue, whose alphabet Alone survives Time's tireless fret. Where the full granaries, Egypt's boast, Whose yoked, unfed, unnumbered host, Reared pyramids where despots rot, Their glories, even their names, forgot. The mummy, waiting banished soul, For fuel serves in lieu of coal. The naked fellah bakes his bread With fierce Sesostris' shaven head ; O'er lands that oozed with wine and oil Crawls thro' the reeds the crocodile ; Millions of bones stare from the sands Where desolated Memphis stands, And never human footstep falls Thro' her stone forests, where their thralls Who owned them burden bearing lashed Persia, Greece. 45 Their bitter teeth in anguish gnashed. The teeming Nile spreads his broad flood, Where hundred-gated Thebais stood, And saw a myriad educate For human slaughter, throng each gate. What now Persepolis, Persia's vaunt ? Lean, yelping jackals nightly haunt The palaces, where Satraps stored The glittering plunder of the sword. Her serf-cut sculptures tell the* tale Of Xerxes' grandeur, and bewail His fate to wandering Wahabees, Whose vacant eyes their colors please. The solitary herdsman calls His flock 'neath her dismantled walls. Each in his fellow sees a foe, And none can reap, where none dare sow. What now grand Greece, whence Freedom's swords Drove Xerxes' enervated hordes ; The world learned at Thermopylae How freemen dare for liberty. But what she claimed she never gave, And Athens saw the shrinking slave Strain 'neath the lash, to rear each stone Built in her peerless Parthenon. Sparta was dyed in Helots' blood, Serfs of the state they furnished food. To deck Diana's shrine with gold The ship-wrecked mariner was sold ; 46 Crreece her punishment. By fettered men the oars were plied That drove her galleys thro' the tide, With Persian corses clogged, when peace, At Salamis, was won for Greece. The lips, on which persuasion sat, Spoke but of war, and breathed of hate, In language that no differ knew Between a foreigner and foe. The beauties now of Phidian frieze Round eyes of staring cockneys please. The proud Acropolis is bare ; Greece knows not what its glories were. Her sunny fields brigands infest, Her sterile coasts her crimes attest ; Sharp knavery, her merchants' code, 'Till Greek is synonym of Fraud. Her virgins, sold to Turkish lust, Valued by skin, hair, eyes, and bust, Grow fat in shame, for God is just. Her pirates, driven from her seas, Collect her revenues, and squeeze Her peasants with a tax tenfold, By labor swelled, its worth in gold. The scanty harvest of the poor, Dragged to the district threshing floor Across a roadless land, must wait The pleasure of the careless State. T' inspect his weary flail, and toll, The grains that bind his doltish soul To the dwarfed body, which must lie Beside its heap with sleepless eye, Rome past and present. 47 Lest its weak link, to future pain, All swell tax-farming pirate's gain. Her statesmen, with a mallet yell, Praise of the worthless throne they sell To bidding kinglings, who aspire Its squalid glory to acquire. Avenging, and remorseless Time, Her splendors has resolved to slime. Fierce Rome, Earth's plunderer, who fed Her savage mob with blood and bread. (" Panem ac circenses!" her gift To corraled Wolves of Labor's thrift, Whose joy shrieked as the uplifted thumb, Spent gladiators sent their doom.) Whose epicures in slave-fed-fish For jaded taste found grateful dish, E'en for the Augustan table fit, Where Horace smiled at Virgil's wit. Whose usurer and conqueror Alike proscribed as triumvir, And joined hands red with Cicero's gore. From whose yoke Earth gave no retreat To him who fled from Caesar's hate. Who warred for Triumph or caprice, Who deserts spread, and called it peace. The seven-hilled city's wondrous strength Met Justice' shriveling sword at length, Became Earth's prey, a dismal den, Her gardens drowned in marsh and fen, Whence drowsy shepherds homeward creep, Nor dare in lethal fogs to sleep. 48 Rome past and present. And her dried skin in anguish yet Doles drop by drop her dreadful debt. The temples, whence each Caesar's ghost Was to the constellations tossed, The stones of Nero's " House of Gold," The arches which her vict'ries told, By Labor, shiv'ring, scourged, and starved, With chisels, dropping blood, were carved. Time waits and smiles as they become The quarries of priest-governed Rome, And piled in Peter's spreading dome, Their soul-benumbing shadow falls On baser race, Religion's thralls ; As each assassin with his beads Wins pardon his stiletto needs ; And Murder buys indulgence where Aqua Tofana makes an heir, To estates in which a pope can share. Where millions laughed when Caesar smiled, And hailed him God, who man defiled, Shaved monks like apparitions glide, And beggars point their sores with pride To wanderers from far Thule, Who flout and jeer the scabbed display. Ave Maria! swarming knaves Whine drearily in dismal staves To dim-eyed Superstition's slaves ; Eunuchs are made, and trained, and priced, To sing the praise of risen Christ. The sweet-voiced tenor chants his note Rome papal rule. 49 Of worship from a beardless throat, To please a brood for discord bred, With hearts of flame, and heads of lead. A pantaloon, infallible, Squeaks answer to Italia's yell For banishment of monkish rule, For Railroad, Telegraph, and School, For Code, for Press ; for Gas, a grant. " Possumus non!" " We can't ! we can't ! " And in dog-Latin, fulminates, Damnation at the base ingrates To whom the Commune yields a hope That Man may live without a pope. 'Till hate of the gross incubus, Was voiced in cheers unanimous, As brutal Savoy from the throne Of Peter pushed the doting drone. Who, pauper of the world, for alms Stretches afar his withered palms ; Of every Biddy begs, and frowns If Peter's pence are spent for gowns. While seventy princes, clothed in red, Who 're by his pious begging fed, Find a new Apis when the old A state-show, stinks, in cloth of gold ; And as a Saint, in fcetor fills Their treasury with miracles. Rome wastes mankind, as tho' a sun Of solid ice around them spun In daily circuit, show'ring dearth On the inhabitable earth. 50 Her priests avenge her crimes. Life, glooming by the frozen hearts Who sell salvation in her marts. Weaned on her wolf-milk, every priest For human blood has wolfish taste. To-day 'twould dribble down their throats, Had Man not scared the foul cayotes, Till now, tails down, they stand and bark ; And Czar's and Kaiser's hellish work, They sanctify by long-drawn wails, Which float upon the shuddering gales Of breezy thought, to fright the age, Back to their dismal tutelage. O ! Toilers, know, 'neath every cowl, Th' assassin of Man-loving soul, Such power have still the manes of slaves, In Hades, that these greasy knaves, Yet 'venge them on the realms of Rome, God's grant to Toil, now Labor's tomb. Foul Spain who o'er a virgin world, Her grim cross-bearing rapers hurled, While Europe, cowering, dismayed, In her the power of gold obeyed, Must long in misery atone, The crimes of sullen Philip's throne. No brush could paint, no tongue could tell, The horrors of that earthly Hell ; When Greed and Creed like leashed hounds howled, The dirge of thought o'er lands befouled, By wafer-God, from jeweled pyx, The sins of Spain. 51 Wielding his blood-stained crucifix ; For such God glad Loyola toiled, As smoke of burning flesh denied The realm whose highest politics, Roasted or racked her heretics. For whom death penitence was sport, Since God his victims could assort, Could salve with bliss the Faith- wronged stake, And cure with heaven the court's mistake, Suspicion merits death, let Christ Select his own, if sacrificed. Unhealed to-day, the hideous scars, Of unrelenting Alva's wars, Upon whose creed-directed path, His fellows lay, as grass in swath ; When wide Germania, moaning, felt Hell's " Real Presence " as he knelt, With swart apostles dyed in red, Before a bit of mouldy bread; While jungled villages, life-stilled, With tamer, gleaning wolves were filled, When Carib ghosts their woes rehearse, Hades' swoln throat still vomits curse ; What fiend hangs not his head in shame, At Cortez' or Pizarro's name, And flies not when the cross he sees, To which they bent their blood-plashed knees ; The venomed hate, that filled the hearts Of countless serfs, its fangs imparts, 52 The nobility of Spain. To every grain her brigand sword As tribute in her coffers poured. Each doubloon its own plague conveyed, While loyal conscience labor flayed. Nature, the Spaniard gave, in vain, For all that's low, and mean, disdain A magnanimity unfelt By German, Saxon, Frank or Celt. Courage that from Saguntum's siege To Saragossa, kept its edge. The patience which thro' centuries Of- bitter conflict won release, Of blood-soaked soil from savage Moor, And inch by inch destroyed his power. Gave forethought, skill, and abstinence, Gave fancy, wit, and eloquence, Poured streams of gold from worlds unknown, That knew no ebb, around his throne. Gave vine-clad mountain, sunny plain, And valleys crowned with waving grain. Faster than toil could make repair, Power's brutal hand destroyed by war ; Deemed profit won by partizan, Cheaper than the slow artizan. O'er every gift, Creed trailed her slime, Till soil was sand, and thought a crime. From strength to weakness, then decay, And Spain bemoans her vanished sway. As Holland's marshes jeer her frown, And spit upon her tonsured crown ; Her debasement ly Law. 53 The world that trembled at her name, Now scoffs derision at her shame. Now her Hidalgos shirtless, strut, In threadbare cloak with hungry gut, And skilled to improvise a sob, Whine beggars, when afraid to rob. Behold her lovers, 'neath the stars, Thrumming their battered, old guitars, Who, ere their senoritas catch The ribald tune, must stop to scratch. There see each burly, ragged priest, His ears on fornication feast, As weekly, his confessor's chair, Penance commands of parrot prayer, To every smiling devotee, Who pardon craves on bended knee, Thus balancing the last week's sins, As Sunday, new account begins. There Lust and Murder, hand in hand, For marriage at the altar stand ; And Sacrilege and Simony, Incest with blessings sanctify. For royal purple no stain shows, Of dagger gouts or cicisbos ; There justice finds decree by dice, Unless her purse contains its price ; There thieves are bred in every cot ; The cross that marks the unholy spot, 54 Spanish brutality. Withered by homicidal blight, Meets everywhere, to shock, the sight. The Church in lousy pomp allied, With Ignorance, Laziness, and Pride, Dreams in its dotage to regain Dominion over thinking brain ; And dates her senile pastoral, From friar-thronged Escurial, (The only place where priests make show, Of angel feathers, here below ; Of Holy Coats, they've thirty-seven, Each, by the sorry soldier given, Who won it, when he doublets diced, Below the cross of bleeding Christ. Three different skulls of Peter share, Devotion's gift, and bigot's prayer, But only on th' Escurial's roost, A moulting angel, feathers lost.) To her queer sheep who, brutal, coarse, With frenzied happiness are hoarse, From yelling their insane delight, Where bulls and men, unequal, fight. A bloodhound-muzzled ovine flock, Brain-poisoned with the milk they suck, Stilled in the breasts of priest-rid dams, To nourish yelping, lapping lambs, Bull-necked with narrow, shallow eyes The Spaniard's every feature lies ; If now a Heaven-enjoying Cain Is not the patron saint of Spain ; Great Britain.. 55 Tho' travelers of the splendors prate And faded glories of the state Ev'n while they of th' Alhambra tell, It dwells in memory as a smell. Of all the nations, she the last Still ruled by creed, controlled by caste, Drives Man to market, hopeful reads, While Blackburn for the " Lost Cause" pleads, As Don Quixote, in a gown, Dictates her law, and trades her crown, While Sancho Panza's garlicked throat Hoarse bawls its lesson, conned by rote : " To Amadeus, blight and doom ! Hail to Alphonzo ! Welcome home ! " Behold, to-day, for Britain's sin, Ker"Mene, Tekel, Upharzin;" Her vaults far richer harvests yield Than Toil can win from well-tilled field ; Each ship that leaves her chalk-cliffed coast Bears freight of Labor's famished host ; As though her body from each pore Spurted her blood to every shore, Out-driven by the dreadful weight Imposed on Labor by the State. There, those who shared each other's lot, And hand in hand with hunger fought, Long, dragging years, till weak, and frail, They're herded in the paupers' jail 56 English " Poor Laws ." Whom God in love together joined, The workhouse laws asunder rend ; And moaning age, unaided, crawls Thro' the infirmary's whitewashed walls, To lay his thin, dishonored locks At rest in " lowest contract " box, While " discipline " the prayer denies Of sobbing child, to close his eyes ; So, till they rot, in dumb despair The old worn balls all-tearless, stare By myriads through their sprinkled mould, In horror, at the God of Gold. Thus British law improves the plan To which want drives the Bojesman, Who, burdened by his helpless sire, Leaves him in solitude expire, Where water-pot and mumbled crust May guard and mark his bleaching dust. There single rooms with tenants swarm, Whom factories stunt and mines deform, Herded like beasts, as void of shame, Menageries, by hunger tame, There babes are dropped in straw that reeks With incest, as he nightly licks The turgid lips of poisoned gin, Conscious of lust, but not of kin, To fight for life with hopeless tug At fever's cracked and burning dug. There, while a million ladies pine, Unwilling celibates, the wine England's hopeless poverty. 57 Of love, refused their drouth-parched lips, For each an humbler sister slips, And, bastard nursing, spends her life, Mistress for him who spurns a wife, Who, bred to luxuries, would efface Love with a parasite's embrace ; For there machinery has destroyed The helpmate's business ; unemployed, The social drone can never wed, Save when her dowry buys the bed. There life-long toil, by skillful hand, Can not attain a rood of land ; For workmen's needs their wage exceed, And famine daily wars with greed ; While statesmen strive to lull their cries For justice by that LIE OF LIES, " The Interests of Capital, And Labor, are identical," And hush them with the horrid food Of wretched India's transfused blood, Whose rice-fed millions die in shoals, Like fish whose stream a factory fouls ; And taxed to limit, problem solve How little man can eat and live, By earning just enough to starve On what is left, when usurers carve. That England better may endure The curse of primogeniture, Her trampling hosts o'er Asia tread, And younger sons her empire spread. 58 Her system of domestic war. There laws are framed, 'neath which the poor All pauperism's weight endure ; For Capital evades the u rate," Demolishing the plowman's hut ; So trudging Toil's long day is broke To get his neck in Labor's yoke. There hoar oaks thrive on fertile sod, Withheld from Man by legal fraud, Whose titles spring from Norman yell Of victory ! when Harold fell. There broad desmesnes support the state, That frowns on Famine at its gate ; And Man's lords dwell in pride so high They can not hear their fellows cry. Thro' every street, beneath the lamps, Thro' every lane, War, stealthy, tramps ; When each man fortifies his house, War only waits for his carouse. What tho' her Banker dictates where War's widow-stunning trump shall blare, And what tho' bayonet dare not shine. Beyond his office map's faint line, Who in Threadneedle pulls the strings That move, and twirl earth's puppet kings ; And shakes his web in Mammon's den To catch a fly in far Japan. Though in her lap all nations pour Their wealth from every clime and shore ; Her decadence. 59 Tho' on all waves her flag's unfurled, Gathering her tribute from the world ; Tho' half mankind her brood obey, Subservient to her grinding sway ; Yet feels she thro' her bloated frame Nemesis' cancer's subtle flame, Dire poisons thro' her vitals pour And sap the sources of her power ; While wider, richer, grows her mart, Weaker, and feebler, throbs her heart. The strong-armed race that bent the yew, That Agincourt and Cressy knew, Degenerate into wages slaves, Reel, gin-fed, to their pauper graves. Sepoys, and Sikhs her conquests spread, St. George but prances at their head. Not all her gold to-day could raise A regiment of Highland Greys, Like that which, thro' the long June day, At Waterloo all patient la}', Firm, as if on a dress parade, While thro' its ranks Death wanton played, As hurtling hurricanes of lead Aligned the living on the dead. Till, at the muttered order " Close," The breathing wall in silence rose, Its clanned and tartaned square reformed ; Tho' at each gap a squadron stormed, Like foam against a cliff, it met The dripping Highland bayonet, 60 Her land system. And, wildly plunging, rolled in dust, At its mail-piercing, sinewy thrust. Nor moved, each heart with rage aflame, 'Till the shrill pibroch's signal came, And Gaelic ears caught Gael's tune, " Charge ! Claymores, Charge ! " the battle's won. Then War first saw the Old Guard reel Its leaders spitted on their steel Then War first saw the Old Guard fly, When to resist was but to die. " Sauve que peut!" its hopeless shout, Retreat borne headlong into rout. The lands that nourished heroes then Are now too dear for breeding men ; And lonely shepherds herd their flocks On Caledonia's heathery rocks. The cabins of her bravest race No more her shelt'ring glens deface Eviction levelled them in dust And Mammon cried, " It pays, 'tis just ! " By Norman law the Suzerain Is granted fee of clan's domain ; Altho' since Scotland knew her name, The tribes of Alpin, Loughlin, Graeme, Each, as a family, tilled its land A little nation each, a band, Welded by common sympathies, And knit by sacred memories. By all traditions a Commune, Man driven from Scotland by sheep. 61 Which stored for all what each had grown, And never knew a hungry man Shame the full gran'ries of a clan. They had no parchments they were there Before a will confessed an heir ; There long before a peer was known, A feudal law, or royal throne ; A strong, earth-conquering, stalwart race, Before a pen was taught to trace A deed the devil's formula, For wealth's increase, and Man's decay. And who could better title have Than his great grandsire's grandsire's grave ? Now Sutherland's gaunt beldame sits, Countess and dutch ess, wrapped in writs, Between whose lines their fate is read ; Who, driven from hearth, and home, have fled By thousands from a kingdom, where Man dies and leaves a sheep to heir The lands, by his forefathers plowed, By judges stolen, for the proud, Degenerate race of peers that springs From loins of patriarchal kings. Now bobbin-winding serfs parade As guards of gold that's won by trade ; And little, bow-legged weavers drill For what they eat, and what they swill. While veterans from Rotten-row, Whose cherubimic whiskers flow Beyond their shoulders, hours amuse, 62 Her heroes extinct. That can be spared from park reviews, Teaching Falstaffian recruits Which end to hold, and which end shoots. And she, whose dauntless hearts of oak Freed Europe from Napoleon's yoke ; Whose volleying thunders answer roared Each threat'ning gleam of despot's sword, Queen regnant of the emerald main Which spread a rolling purpled plain, As o'er its waves her vengeful fleets Strewed victories, nor knew defeats, Now only in a bomb-proof sails Manned from her overflowing jails ; And now, nor rank, nor Westminster, Its captain's placid pulses stir. In her, the palace, built on loom Affords a middle class no room ; A nation's trunk, whose fibrous life With energy and skill is rife, While paupers and aristocrats, Upon it thrive as parasites ; Whose verdure drains its vital force, Until their tendrils clasp its corse, That class extinct, the womb is dried, Whence heroes sprang, her wars to guide ; And she, who Olive and Nelson bred, Now casts a larger gun, instead, And past child-bearing, trusts to plate, The fortunes of the senile State. All nations her enemies. 63 All nations tugging at the draught, Of Mammon's ponderous Juggernaut, His victim his best devotee, His Aceldama, Jubilee, Slowly, but surely rolls his wheel ; Over Earth's proudest commonweal. So now, the Queen of Ocean lies, A mass of blubber, luscious prize, For shark and sword-fish, who but wait, Till patient Time has spelled her date ; Now, from the dense chaotic glooms, Wrapping in murky night, the tombs Of Empires who betrayed their Trust, She hears the call, " Come, Rot with us ! " If gold were strength, and Man refuse ; Were heroes generate in stews ; Could eunuch voices ring war's cheer ; Dared dancers welcome Honor's bier ; Belshazzar might have shored his wall, Nor feared God's handwrite in his hall. Here, where Earth's exiles refuge sought, From serfdom's chill and cheerless lot. Where States, plebeian founded, won Legal Equality for man, And where with mother's milk we drank, Hatred of Kings, and dread of rank. The choicest lands of Labor's zone, Where Nature's lavish hands have strewn. In myriad forms, the countless store That won from soil, and wrought from ore. 64 America degenerate. Where, what the people will, they can, By keeping step to Freedom's van. Here, we, degenerate and enslaved, Betray the race, whose valor saved God's charter from the despot's rage, And traced in blood on History's page, Man's absolute Nature-founded Right To Life, to Liberty, to light CJpon his path, in slow pursuit Of Happiness, the normal fruit Of equal law, in justice framed, By which, alone, Ambition's tamed ; We desecrate our Fathers' graves, And heirs of men, are sires of slaves, For now by law we generate The pauper and aristocrat. Here Law herself grows lawless, breeds Corruption, sows the pest'lent seeds Of crime, broadcast. Incurable Such State must be ; for what can heal The fell disease the healer spreads, Who with th' apothecary beds ? Law-makers are law-breakers ; sneers The legislator meets who fears His conscience. Rings consort with Rings; In sunshine brawling Bribery flings Aside concealment, only Shame Meets purse too weak " to work its claim." In curule chair, now Luxury lolls, With checks " electioneering " polls. Party spirit her bane. 65 Exposure has no dread ; forgot To-day's theft in to-morrow's plot. The Servants of the people bow Before King Caucus ; every brow Is stamped with party ; every vote Must party interest promote. Aye Cataline's fierce retinue Again with blood of serfs imbrue The hands of traitors, as they meet In secret conclave to concrete Into one will one hundred minds, By oath, that each to party binds. Yazoo democracy asserts Its kin to "Caucus." Who deserts Or one, or other may invite His funeral. From Yazoo, flight Prolongs his day ; but Caucus-doomed, From politics his life's inhumed ; And unanimity is taught By Sumner shelved, or Dixon shot. Here Mammon grasps Man's broad domain, Which happy millions might sustain, And while a venal Congress gloats Over the bonds it earns by votes, Despite his wordy, helpless rage, Fraud peddles Labor's heritage, Entrenched behind the purchased law, In which our Courts can find no flaw. How think you Crilly feels to hear His old age sentenced to despair ; 66 Her Land-law at war with Nature. Who hand to hand, with Nature fought. Who, five and twenty long years wrought, And on a tract that no man claimed, The prairie broke, and forest tamed, Till yellow, rustling harvests spread Behind his soil-subduing tread, And rick, and corn-crib, barn, and stack Sprang brimmed with food upon his track ; Whose household gods, from happy hearth, Filled all his living room with mirth At thought of poverty or dearth, To know that by a Railroad grant He's thrown from affluence to want ? What Law, but Mammon's dare expel, By precedent of Jezebel, Him, who God's title pled in Court, To hear it made a judge's sport. His title 's Man's, of older date Than any law, or any State, Who occupies shall have the use All other title's sheer abuse, For as Man lives by air and earth, Monopoly results in dearth. For as Man lives by earth and air, His needs and use should shape his share. If yet on Earth reigns Naboth's God, The dogs will lick that Judge's blood. Here, where man's wrath, and woman's tears, Thro' slow-drawn, agonizing years, Formed the strong solvent which dissolved Escape from Moloch's den to Mammon's cave. 67 The law-made fetters that involved Swart Labor's limbs, and brutified The image of the living God ; To rend fierce Moloch's fiery tower, And pluck Toil's children from his power, Insensate, Mammon's help we prayed, Who lent, for Usury, his aid. But poor advance can Freedom boast, If Mammon gained what Moloch lost, The fiend still juggles with her hopes, Thro' legal jungles, blind she gropes, And dimly sees, in dumb amaze, The many sink, the few to raise. Now, shoddy-bred patricians wield For gain, the force that all should shield. Flaunting in spoils of legal crime, As Money, put to bed with Time. Breeds its curst " profit ; " feeds the sons Of sweat-despising, civ'lized Huns, A horde of broadclothed brutes, obscene, Trampling the fields that Toil should glean Whilst he, a filthy Tramp becomes, And Labor rots in stinking slums If Freemen lose what Slaves have gained, 'Tis wasted blood our flag has stained. As a meek ass, with wool for load, When driven thro' the rising flood, Feels on his back the increasing weight, And wonders that it grows so great, 68 Her labor rolled ly her creditors So patient, doited Labor feels The growing burden in his creels, Nor understands that cunning scheme Which, like a lying prophet's dream, At first sight, to appearance true, But false as Hell, on after view, Which, by a mortgage, wealth creates, And by their debts enriches States, By which the loans, in paper made, For War's demands, in gold are paid. As values fall, and dollars rise, Each bond is swelled to three-fold size. Since swindling Mammon doled her coins, To aid the Nation gird her loins. Now, when the tripled usury drains Life from the Nation's shriveled veins, And enterprise and industry Are clothed in shame and poverty, The leeches, who, by suction great, Thrive but t' impoverish the State ; Who pay no tax, who raise no grain, Who drive no loom, who push no plane, Whose sordid brows were never wet By honest toil, with honest sweat, Descent from Adam who deny, And know no law, but that they buy ; A breed, one single lesson learns, To pare the nickels Labor earns, In fear that he may drop his load, Prate of his Honor ! shriek of Fraud ! And by her politicians. 69 And with hand-engines squirt what stink Can be condensed in printers' ink At those who dare his right maintain, The water from the wool to drain. See Labor, like an old crow-bait, List'ning his masters sage debate, What space upon his loin is left Which may, by tax, be further chafed. Behold their patriotism pack New pensions on the sorry hack, Who patient plodding, only gnaws His empty nose-bag, and he-haws To see the startling eagerness, With which the country's goddesses Leap from the Treasury, for the heirs Of U. S. Mexic muleteers Though by their progeny forgot, Remembered by the grateful State ; Whose gratitude so ardent glows Jogged by claim agents, that she owes More widows, than the soldiers slain Could have espoused, ere that campaign ; Though each whose "glory" found a tomb, Came from much married Mormondom, And by such snivelling scores were wail'd, As those to strong-spined Brigham sealed Stretching his dreary mouth to bray Approval of the wordy fray, As Conkling's sneer, and Jim Elaine's wit, Would from the tax-filled treasury's tit 70 America last refuge of freedom. One unrepentant traitor drive, While thousands worse upon it thrive. Here Labor finds his last retreat, No refuge left if here defeat Despairing Europe shivers still As faintly Freedom's pulses thrill Her manacled and nerveless limbs, While idiot Toil all-gleeful hymns Te Deums to a hating God, Drunk with the stench of steaming blood. Crushed shapeless, by the weight of crowns, Her struggles but increase her wounds. There peace goes armed, and war's content To see his empire permanent, Content with annual holocaust Of Conscript Labor to exhaust The Stock of Manhood, dwarfed, deformed, By taxes fed and uniformed ; For glory drilled, emasculate To love, for slaughter consecrate ; While women driven from the hearth, And moiled by traffic, quarrel with earth For life, and masculine from need, Supply their place and cease to breed. Here Labor stands, with back to wall. Behind her Asia's hopeless thrall, Whose limbs grow fitted to his chain, Whose dead nerves have lost sense of pain. The basest form of breathing dust, Chinese question discussed. 71 Whose food is vermin, love is lust ; Whose whittled Joss his soul can save, His children goods ; his wife, his slave Unnatural cross 'twixt sheep and lynx, Who dead is earthed, because he stinks ; A leprous wretch, damned in the womb, Of manhood's hopes, a living tomb. Ev'n now, the animals obscene Within your Golden Gates convene, Thick thronging at the greedy call Of plunder-founded Capital. When Spanish grants were patented By leagues, and thinking Labor fled Before Law-made monopolies Under a treaty's thin disguise. Furnished by Companies in herds, Profit their selling-price affords The yellow-buttoned mandarin, Importing animate machine, Who now to Washington has sent His Minister to represent, To Labor's legal plunderers there The "profit," that they too may share; And the wrong done Celestial gold, If coolies are no longer sold. Welcome, O ! Brothers, free Chinese, Your equal law must give them peace, Each freeman to your ranks will press, He too, " pursues his happiness." But stem with all your force the waves Of immigrating Mongol Slaves, 72 The governors never free the governed. Whose boundless flood to Toil denies His natural right to living price. Whose labor's paid, their bones returned To moulder in the lands that spurned Their bodies, and would yield no aid While Mammon on its offspring preyed. From that dread tide, O ! Toilers shrink Even now you stand upon its brink ; You must abjure, contemn, deny Greed's law, " Demand begets Supply " Or in the market see your price Quoted as other merchandise. From your oppressors hope no terms Save such as jay-birds grant to worms, The swollen leech knows thirst unquenched Till from his hold by force he's wrenched. Your blood can ne'er their palates pall Till in their graves unfilled they fall. Greed's stomach holds what his teeth tear A shark won't vomit for a prayer His claim is, what he don't possess, His Right is, what he can oppress ; He reaps, where he has never sown, He gathers where he ne'er has strown ; Each dollar of his ill-got wealth, By "Profit" wars with "public health." Each State, incorporate, transforms, Like Herod's body, food to worms, And Death crawls thro' the " Means of Life, 1 Interest works longer hours than Man. 73 When Legislation sanctions strife, 'Twixt brain and muscle earning bread, And money by their products fed. Greed's Gold, like gnomes in haunted mines, Unceasing works, new treasures finds, (For every handful of his ore, By Law yields annual profit more, Than he will grant to pick and drill, Though swung by strength and driven by skill) While Toil sleeps, tossing on his straw, The hours allotted him by law, Too happy, if he can in dreams, Forsake his tired and aching limbs, His rented, vermin-breeding home, And thro' green fields and pastures roam, Until the angry clanging bell, Re-calls him to his opened Hell ; Then weary wakes, with heavy moan, To roll his Sisyphaean stone. O ! Labor blinded ! Toil, dull-brained, Living your sordid life, mud-stained, Of petty aims, and abject fears Whose very laughter tells of tears. As peasant, vassal, wages-slave, Hopeless and cowed from womb to grave. Ye groveling herds, subdued by shams, Work-begging, as tho' craving alms ; Whose long hours' toil for paltry wage, Mammon rewards with pauper age ; Deformed in limb and marred in face, 6 74 The fathers have eaten sour grapes, Whose pleasure's vice, whose thought is base, Who by the force of Mammon's law, Must yield your grain and reap its straw. For appetite, you ne'er can sate Robbed of the wealth your hands create. From your long centuries'-sleep, Awake ! The manacles that bind you, Break ! And laws that make your wrongs, their Right Like phantoms fade before your might. The uncouth, formless weights that press, With dead'ning force upon the mass, Hap-hazard framed as Greed complained, Of Labor's conquest, still ungained, Which for the interests of the few, By partial legislation grew, Till all the wealth by Toil amassed, But broader builds the throne of Caste, Until Greed claims a vested right, To hold Man's land, in his despite, Product of tyranny and chance, Are chiefest hindrance to advance. Have so debased the Lord of Earth, So crushed in him what is of worth, (The independent force-full mind, Warmed by the heart that loves its kind,) That e'en the Nomad's surly glance Is nobler than his countenance, Who gladly flees from Labor's huts, . And in his shameless livery struts, With sprawling soul, from servant's hall, And the children's teeth are set on edge. 75 To answer at his " Master's " call. Sets on his scull's thick-coating fat Cockaded, bullet-fitting hat, To proper distance gives his thought, Subsides to walk, or urges trot, To swell the prancing pride that jogs Before him, nearer, welcoming dogs, Or, hangs his head on shoulders bent, And rounded less by toil than rent, In pitiful humility, Before the " man of property " Whose right, inherited, exacts For use of "Means of life," a tax For domicil upon an earth, That owes its space to every birth. The record of each nation's life Is but a tale of ceaseless strife, 'Twixt those who earn and would retain, And those who filch by law their gain. Man in the town confederates The lord his eyrie abdicates, Whence he had swooped upon the road To spoil the traveler of his load, And where he with port-cullis shut The plunder torn from peasant's hut, His castle builds to fright the wall Fear built to shield his weak-kneed thrall, Then legal theft supplies his purse, And cunning serves in lieu of force. 76 Class legislation The Sovereign sells the right to trade, Duties and tariffs, ports blockade, States rob their citizens, whose grists Are thrice tolled by monopolists, Tenths of the farmer's toil-won wage The " Order " claims, its privilege Inherent, as the groaning earth For noble's use, gives peasants birth. Nations are driven, without respite, To toil for strangers, proselyte By cross, firm-hilted on the sword, To add to " Profits " waste-won hoard. Why swollen revenues for a church Should man through legislation search, He finds their reason in the alms, Dropped from its griping, greasy palms, To men its greed has pauperized By lands to " pious use " devised When Cowls around a death-bed stood, And scared it with Saturnian God. See Valentinian tax the air, See Henry's favorite debar The lady from her husband's bed, Until five hundred pullets paid Cohabitation's price, assessed By greed on weary Love's unrest. But how does this to you apply ? Man has outgrown such villainy ! Found in every land. 77 Nay ! See your agues taxed. To-day See shivering fever mock dismay Of fainting poverty, whose hearse Is ordered by his scanty purse, As legal thieves " protection " yell, And foreign Quinia expel. In every form the wealth laws steal, Is wielded 'gainst the common weal. Labor's best years are spent to gain A shelter in his own domain ; For law, the progeny of feuds, Her deed upon his right intrudes, And Mammon squats upon the land, By God, made free for Labor's hand, And seams and scars the gen'rous soil, Till scowls from Earth, meet Heaven's smile, With lines surveyed, whose us^s serve This man to feast, and that to starve, With hedges trimmed to fend the field For griping Avarice' puny child, While Nature's stalwart son must plod With wistful eyes the dusty road. The harvests that reward his toil, In turn must yield to Mammon spoil, For law has posted at his gate, To clutch his profit with their freight ; The railroads that he built, controlled By Scott, or Vanderbilt, or Gould, Who, taught in " certain profit's " school, Drown Competition in the " pool " 78 Labor robbed by her servants. His fields, tho' brimmed with golden freight, Barren to him they've fixed the "rate." Not all his loss ! How price obtain, When in the Market stands his grain, And there his brother must deny His eager entrails full supply, Since his employer's wages yield But close escape from Potter's field. Can he pay more, who fears to fail, Trading on borrowed capital, And in the Banker's coffer flings The " profit " he from Labor wrings ? Who has just felt the grinning Jew In " pound of flesh," his hands imbrue, And must his gaping wounds assuage By baser fabric, lowered wage, So raging ift his office counts How to regain it, ounce by ounce? Bankers in land, and shares invest, And Man's Lawgivers bribe and feast, Profits breed profit : Cent per cent Protection 's all of Gf-overnment. The Judge by working half their day, Earns what would three score laborers pay ; No Job's chair at the city's gate, With sense on law, dare innovate, But pondering brows, and loud debate, Precedents read, statutes collate, Must throw their force upon a mind, To simple Justice deaf and blind ; Reason must feed on the dead pith Times change Laws do not. 79 Of Law, in " Wiggins versus Smith," Before it can decree prepare To fit the case it has at bar. So Chinese tailors on their bench, By servile imitation quench Their common-sense, as they devote Their solemn skill to make, a coat, Like that by European sent, To teach them how to shape his want, And deftly on new garments match A disregarded, sorry patch, That so the copy's symmetry May meet their patron's scrutiny. To-day our locomotives drag The same old cart the carrier's nag Saw his thick-witted master stow With freight five centuries ago. The carrier in Court-Leet sued, With Hodge on equal footing stood, He proved his damage, and was paid Law then, the carriers dismayed. That cart to myriad cars has grown, Hodge still is an unlettered clown, Poor, ragged, friendless and unknown ; Let him sue them Ohone ! Ohone ! Now Labor's tenure of the land, Is what it was when Nimrod planned To dominate his fellows. Since His dynasty has lacked no prince 80 Our Trojan Horse. To inherit the control he clutched ; Still Greed is palaced, Labor hutched, No change, except that more polite, Our sheriffs levy on the wight, And sell his " Means of life," while he Red-handed, took the property. So Laws perpetuate each curse, And Usury vaunts her bursting purse. Rooted upon the granite rock Of innate selfishness they mock, With their high battlements, the rage Of wars which tongue or pen can wage. But here, thank God, we have the force The Greeks found in their wooden horse Our engine is within their towers Brothers, come out ! the city's ours ! And as Troy fell, so here will fall The frightful walls of Capital. We have the Ballot, at its beck The law-built fortress lies in wreck, When two tramps outweigh Vanderbilt, If blood should follow, his the guilt. Brute Force, now Monarch, rebel when The Commune drives him from his den, Shall see his paper titles torn, Shall see his statutes held in scorn, In durance, with his close clipt claw, Shall scrape in vain his muzzled jaw, Shall see the jungles where he caved, The dawn of better days. 81 By freemen tilled 'neath laws engraved On every human heart, and known Wherever Love has Greed outgrown, For Reason shall his Bastile win, And Labor, servant, shall be King. Despair not Labor ! Thro' your night The dawn is breaking ! Now the light Of Reason glimmers in the towers. Upon Time's dial, single hours For generations stand. Your guns Will father free flails for your sons ; The gun that thinks need only sight, Its bullet 's bedded in " the white ! " Your powder dry, your aim exact, And lo ! Democracy 's a fact ; Her equal law dissolves the strife Of Labor with his " Means of Life," Which Capital for "profit" plies, Earned but by your sterilities. Behold your foes, whose power sustains The cankered Frauds that blight your gains For whom you faint in Summer's heat, For whom you freeze in Winter's sleet, For whom in dismal huts you dwell Whose squalor makes green earth a hell. Between them and your wak'ning hate, Your courts as buffers dissipate Through cushioned judges, forceful blows, Lost in the reverence that bows 82 The Enemies of Labor. To " dictum," as tho' in a vest Of ermine, Wisdom must be dressed. Faugh ! Folly, with his cap and bells, As oft' with genuine wisdom dwells, As does the pundit whose crammed skull With John Doe's pedigree is full. This is a Court ! See seven to eight Enter upon the high debate ; Each question raised, of law or fact, Each reading of the nation's pact, Betrays in all the party leaven Each settled still by eight to seven. A Court ! Behold the solemn eight Affirm, the solemn seven negate On each divide. Two parrots' throats, Half-trained, would give as well the votes This taught to scream 'We're seven ! " and that To squawk its answer, " Eight ! we're eight ! " Our highest Court ! and seven to eight Its solemn finding deprecate ; For seven to eight must disagree Upon the partisan decree. Rev'rence is waste, O ! Toil ! For such Ermines would your grimed fingers smutch ? But leave her higher seats ; come down Where Justice wears her work-day gown. Behold her halls, where lawyers snarl Around her, standing by her barrel, Wielding an oyster knife her sword The Courts. 83 As each bivalvous case is heard, And while their slobb'ring mouths she fills- 'Twixt litigants divides the shells ; Her scales a-rust, her bandage slipped, As Influence is fellowshipped. Think you the sal'ried Solomon, Whose precedents award the bone To him who wins contested cause Its marrow sucked by legal fees By modesty would be debarred From sharing in the gross award ? That when the sapient Shallow blinks, The while his bailiff trolls the sinks Where second-hand free-lunch is spread, For jurors, he will go unfed ; And when the verdict is on sale, Of his appointee take no toll. Could Hibbard equal share deny In gain from annual perjury, To Blodgett, under whose advice He framed his tabulated lies ? Think, he, whose honesty was vouched By Law-Association, pouched All profit and denied his claim, Who furnished for a shield, his name ? Fraught with repulsive villainies, Your Justice Courts their source confess ; The ermine somewhere hides a purse, Or why should it the knave endorse, Whose docket verifies his boast : " The judgment must secure the cost." 84 Absurdities of Human justice. O ! God of Justice ! Could I half Describe this contrast, men would laugh To scorn the dotards that usurp Your seat, with " precedents " to warp The jurors' sense, till as by dice, Plaudits or ropes he offers vice, Grown Murder, and disdaining cloak, So well disguised by legal smoke. Here ! One, a romping wife has slain, He's innocent! he was insane ! Prove that, by letters two years old, Rage then Insanity, foretold, Prove its slow growth that dreary time, Until one day his eyes grew dim With jealous tears, and long-nursed wrath With coward pistol hunted death. Acquit him ; crazed perhaps he was, Brain staggers oft for lesser cause ; No sudden access tho', the intent Is what the fondled weapon meant, Through the dull months his angry grip Oft sought in dreams his burdened hip. And there are two raw, filthy boys, Coarse in their toil, beasts in their joys, Living by butchery, slaughter-dazed, Their natural instincts even, were crazed. Of all the brutes they stabbed, no life Viler than theirs fell to their knife. Neither was sane, tho' at his best, And wild with rage, from lust repressed, How Law creates crime. 85 Delired by drink the city sold, She gave the license, got the gold, Running a muck, a man they slew, A man that neither ever knew, No time for an intent to form, The weapon in the hand -scarce warm. Prove them insane ! cries Common Sense. Close guard them, all beyond th' expense To feed them, that their toil can earn Apply to wipe their tears who mourn. Force them for life rebuild the house They shattered by their wild carouse. No pardon ! Let a jury say When they again may welcome day. Apply the price of blood you took For license. Let the orphans look To you, to return the money cost Of all they, with the father, lost, Why not ? If arson bought permit, Should not the seller, house refit, Who starts a flame, full damage owes To him who suffers as it grows ; If lit in hearts, or touched to straw His debt's the same by Reason's law. So Common Sense, what says the judge ? "Admitting that they have no grudge, The murd'rous weapon shows th' intent, And death must be their punishment. If drunkenness is self-induced, No crime by it can be excused, 86 Precedents. The Law presumes the man got drunk, Because from crime, he sober, shrunk, And meant to grow insane, and fill His whirling brain with lust to kill. Crime in community is rife ; The gallows teach the worth of life. The loss the hapless orphans met, In law does not create a debt. Such debt, if debt it is, is lost, Their assets must recoup the cost. Ev'n tho' the license did devote The victim, such claim's "too remote," The State will care its gendered poor, So for " Relief," " apply next door." Ah ! Judge, that madness was a fact, The crime the State's, tho' their's the act, Those reckless boys, by poison plied, For murder bred, by murder died ! You know it, yet you dragged your brain, Behind th' old Bailey's creaking wain. It ran by "precedent" till crime Danced in his cart, and grew sublime, In sheer indifference to death Spent his last, rope-encircled breath, To drop a joke, on slipping plank Grinned thro' the noose, a mountebank, Making a face at doom, to hear The mob's applauding, parting cheer. But he whose jealousy consigned His wife to death, had trained his mind The virtue of Justice impugned. 87 To grow familiar with the thought Of murder, and the pistol shot Was but the aloe's sudden bloom, Quick product of a century's gloom. Prove patient schooling, prove his skin Was jaundiced, as he neared his sin ; Your argus eyes turn on his wife. Inspect her giddy, thoughtless life, Invade her mother's domicil, Rummage her bed for cause to kill Her froward daughter. Break the lock, That would a hungry sheriff mock, And pour a Drummond light for years On all the smutty household's smears ; Prove bloodshot eyes, and tear- washed face Your "precedent" 's the Sickles' case ! Enough ! lest Williams see contempt, Should I with fainting pen attempt Description of the pimps impure, Stall fed by Justice, as a whore Feasts hackmen, who her den prefer With spreeing, leering customer. For ev'n Rothgerber can not bail Him from the honors of a jail, Whose queasy stomach shows disgust When the Court's partner takes a trust, And as Receiver triplicates The fees his senior validates. " Lettre de cachet" still the Judge Can use to gratify his grudge ; 88 The Judge s power an anomaly. In free America he claims Prerogative that despot shames. Tries his own cause, and sentences To Bastiles, whence is no egress But by his mercy, those who sneer At Justice Shallow's legal lore. Man's freedom, at discretion held, 'Tis tyrant law that judges wield ; Casual, uncertain and unknown, 'Tis different in different men. Perchance the weapon used by hate To quell an earnest advocate, Or to chastise an editor, Who, thro' his paper, dares demur At implicated meanings brought To stretch the statute's narrow thought. Ev'n in the best, 'tis at caprice, And in the worst 'tis every vice, Folly, and passion, man can feel Whose power has limit in his will. The Court whose theory derides Man's wid'ning thought, and cause decides By "precedent," must still prolong His contest with the crimes that throng The ragged time-worn statutes framed When Right e'en more than now, was shamed, As in a close-sealed coffin pent The mouldering body of a saint Preserves life-like its shape and hue Quick vanishing when brought to view, A Code demanded. 89 When air, as with the lightning's stroke, The simulacrum blends in smoke ; * So Courts preserve, and men adore, Its substance gone the shape of power When, if their superstitious awe Dared crush its box, the mould'ring law Would vanish as the people's breath Struck the long-shrined, decaying wraith. No hope for Right, 'till mankind turn To Nature, and from her discern : Death has no rights, but swift decay, That Life is poisoned in its sway ; That she, untiring, strives to efface Its shadows from her smiling face, And knows no past, but as a step To higher growth and wider sweep. Man must his erring steps retrace, The laws that bind and interlace The social frame he must repeal, And with a better bond anneal Man to his fellow, all to each, Would he a nobler stature reach. For that, what aid can he expect From schooled and crippled intellect, Whence Reason's natural force has fled- Scared by the musty tomes are read For legal education ; codes, The outgrowth of man-robbing feuds. 90 Enemies of Labor. 'Till two things occupy one place At tHfe same moment, all the race Of Lawyers are, perforce, arrayed In solid phalanx, to dissuade From the destruction of a scheme, So long persistent, that they deem It based in Nature, as if Caste Could back to Deity be traced. For if the spongy brain in Coke, Blackstone, Kent, Chitty, lies a-soak, How can it hold the thought refined By Jesus', Plato's, Bacon's, mind. Besides, the angry avarice Of every silversmith must hiss, When Paul declares a God, whose shrine No image needs, to prove divine. Against you press, in serried ranks, Legions of lenders, troops of banks, Soul-less, immortal, chartered bilks Who scatter rags, that rustling silks By spiders from your muscle spun May flaunt and shimmer in the sun. They based on bonds, by Interest fed Iron-shod on prostrate Labor tread. The twenty million dollars tax Which crams their bellies, strips your backs, Is fifty millions, measured by The lowered wage of Industry. Bankers. Jews. 91 That sum they annually suck From Labor's spring by untaxed Stock. The creatures you by law have made, Now dare the force of law deride, And Sherman bribed, or Sherman cowed, Still robs the poor, to glut the proud, And silver spurning, spurns the vote Loosed Usury's clutch on Labor's throat ; As though the business and intent Of human law and government, Was robbing for benevolence, To Luxury, from Indigence. Was levying forced loans on the Poor, Wealth's domination to assure. And with them band that rat-souled race Of rodent teeth, and greed-carved face, Whose cormorant beak, and glance askew, With servile shrug, reveal the Jew. Four thousand years, his pedigree Of legal theft and villainy, He, boasting, traces to the day, Saw Abraham from Shinar stray, Who left Chaldean teraphim Placate with flowers, and votive hymn, That he might grimmer God adore, On unhewn altars, dripping gore. As through accusing earth his blood Continuous pours its branching flood, 92 The intolerance of the Jeivish race. His foreskin on th' eternal throne Lies pleading merit for each son ; While Esau robs, and Jacob steals, Its occult virtue, crime conceals. O ! wondrous creed ! Hell ne'er can win A soul protect by that foreskin ! So thus secure, his race, the pest Of Labor, does all climes infest, No pirate horde too villainous, No tribe on earth too barbarous, To lack its carrion-feeding crew, To want the harpy-stomached Jew, And save where straw-bail makes demand For perjured bonds, he owns no land. A migratory, homeless herd, Whose physiognomy has stirred Instinctive scorn, contempt, and hate, In nobler breeds of Man, since mate Incestuous reared its base-browed spawn, The weak to flay, the strong to fawn. That Xerxes saw, the most deformed Of all earth's tribes that round him swarmed ; That's gained no grace or beauty since, To save a thief, it slew a prince. World sewer, pouring its vile flood Thro' Time, unmixt with human blood. Accursed, for foreign to mankind, Their hideous altars have enshrined A puny God, too small to embrace With equal arms the human race. Distinguished from Hebrews. 93 Yet often Nature conquers blood, And washes in her limpid flood Birth-poisoned hearts, till thro' them glide Unfouled, love's sparkling crystal tide ; For Essenes still herd among The griping Sadducean throng, Who, taught by Nature's broader book, Abjure the narrow Pentateuch, Blaspheming law, would interlace And blend as one, the human race. Who seek the temple, thro' a gate, Forbidden Pharasaic hate, And find a God indwelling there, Whose love all men as equals share. Aye ! Nature's strong! of such descent To frame a Hebrew, proves intent Fixed deep within her struggling soul, Grows hotter as she nears her goal. For till this age, the bigot race Ne'er turned mankind a smiling face ; And even the fishermen who crept Slow on the path that Jesus stept, Had bitter feuds, ere angel eyes Saw foreskinned saints ascend the skies. Some I have met, who 're " circumcised In heart" a phrase the Apostles prized Tho' how, ensmalling that, they gained In " grace," I'll never understand. I know them brimmed with love, perhaps As surgeons sometimes cut for claps, 94 Jews, stranyers among Men. They were for issue impotent Till knife -slashed creed revealed a vent. Tho' they don't like it, I remark, They 're never hungry where there's pork ; And, clean, because they wash, their plight Is not advantaged by the "rite." Jews know no country, save where theft, By law, has Toil of right bereft. If universal Love forbade All usury, the Jew would fade From Earth, as Otaheitans die By Christian sensuality. Let Man weigh worth of wheat in ore Two stupid generations more, The Jews the human race will rob, By usury, of the solid globe. A nation in each nation, they Know Gentiles but as natural prey. And Jews whose greed is animate By deadly and atavic hate, Riot as vermin on the vile, And batten as they filth defile. All States, where credit fosters trade, Whose credit wealth by time is made, Harbor their foes, and scratch and bleed, While insect usurers on them feed. When diabolic thrift has swelled Beyond all limit, men grow wild ; The crazed and tortured victims pour Mercurial ointment on the sore, Why they are and have been persecuted. 95 And Love, nor hears, nor heeds their call, As Jews, the lice of Labor, crawl Off earth, to void, in poisoned swarms, From Toil's sun -browned and hairy arms. Fat-brained historians relate The crimes wrought by each frenzied State, As though cold-blooded bigots slew, Avenging Calvary on the Jew. Not thus they die, 'tis Nature's wrath Each cycle sweeps them from her path. Progress her law : their usuries blight Souls robbed by poverty of light, Whose blind intolerance destroys, While king and priest the spoil enjoys. Religion furnishes excuse, 'Tis Nature rids Earth of refuse, For avarice always misses aim, Its present gain is future shame. So in each age is instinct-stirred, Some nation, and Jews massacred, Tortured, and exiled, driven forth, Like Cain, to wander over earth, Proves God on high, again has seen An Abel's blood incarnadine The tides of time, and plies His sword Flaming with vengeance, till the horde Who never mercy's impulse felt, In agony atone their guilt. Why pity fools who have been told A thousand times the shower-bath 's cold, 96 Their avarice. Yet pull the string, and, yelling, crouch In misery beneath its douche. Marked ere their eyes distinguish light By Black-art circumcising rite, That dedicates each puling shoot Of Jacob's loins as Hell's recruit, The Jackals of the world, they glean Profit by Famine's eyes unseen, And in the wake of pestilence, Scramble for plague-polluted pence, Dropped by the swollen, speckled corse Quick hustled to its loathsome hearse. Their vulture eyes discern afar The'reeking carrion of war ; They count cadavers, but to sell Or buy as markets rise and fall, For like Vespasian, they think The sheen of gold perfumes its stink. Pactolus poured thro' Waterloo To satiate a thirsty Jew, As laughing Rothschild's subtle scheme Into his coffers turned its stream, When France and England mourned the slain Who fattened Belgium's miry plain, And sought for cloth, their grief to drape, The Jew monopolized the crape. Wherever falsehood, fraud or sham, With stony heart or flabby palm Can forge a paper, clip a coin, Behold a Jew with punch or pen. Abuse of dependent Labor. 97 From starving Pariah, his device Will steal the scanty mildewed rice Which England feeds to impotence, Earning his daily three half-pence. To poison feeble-brained Chinese, O'er raving and distracted seas, He smuggles thro' the Monsoon's wrath, For Sycee Silver, opium death. When in the dim. dawn-lighted street Bevies of trudging girls you meet, Half- waked, half-clothed, half-combed, half-fed, Whose haste to work leaves prayer unsaid, They're hurrying to the sweater's room, (That Morgue, whence virtue seeks her tomb) To earn such wage as Jews will give, Who undersell mankind and thrive. Wages ! My God ! The foreman leers. Complaisance answers through her tears ; The fairest meets his snaky eye, 'Lust-glittering through malignity, And, serpent-charmed, submissive crawls In shrinking terror to his coils. Rescue is none ; the cold world's stare Sole answer to her mute despair, Who sells virginity for food, And pregnant, dies to womanhood. By hunger driven to nakedness, She endures the circumcised caress, Trades to a Satyr peaceful dream, 98 "Love's labor lost." On truckle bed, for gems and shame. And lace and wretchedness in down, Till tired lust leaves her "on the town," To drag along the leering pave Her aching body to the grave, As wrapped in tawdry silken shroud, She joins the painted hags who crowd The cemetery vaults unknelled Though dead as death, from life expelled. Rankling remorse torments her day Who, though repentant, dare not pray, For food and raiment earned requite The turpid misery of the night. When love lies bleeding, fainting, torn, Anguished and pricked by lust's foul thorn, The prone and helpless sport of Sin, Pawing her shame-burnt, shuddering skin, Rooting and champing on her breast, Which pants, as hate aglow gives zest To gnawing pleasure's biting bliss, As hell rounds torture with a kiss, And slobbers ganglionic gust Unknown to brutes, felt but by dust, Whose nerves are tindered in its flame, When cold disgust hugs clutching shame. Where'er the brain of Labor sifts Earth's golden sands from old world drifts, For gain, Nomadic cent-per-cent Has brought his scale, and pitched his tent. Paivnshops and War-loans. 99 Avoirdupois alone he'll trust To weigh the worth of miner's dust, While pounds apothecary please His gladdened, gland-skinned consignees. Wherever in the City's slum A hag, insane with thirst for rum, Would pawn her baby's gown or shoe, She seeks, and finds the expectant Jew, Beside each palace, built for gin, His craft has placed the usurer's den, That like a syphon for his drouth, Hell's broth conducts from barrel to mouth. Wherever a crowned tiger broods, How rule a realm where thought intrudes, Whether its surges to repress By war internal, through police ; By exile, hangman, jail and spy, The spreading leaven to defy ; Or by external war to slake Man's thirst for Progress, and evoke From flaming hut and plundered town, The glory that protects a crown. See, by his elbow, Shylock stand, With gold and scrip in either hand, For usury prepared to lend What sum the tyrant needs to send, The crazed shoemaker in pursuit Of customer that bought his boot, Or so, the savage weaver drill, 100 The private Soldiers share of Glory. He can at long range tailors kill, Or pay informers for the breath Of perjury, instinct with death, To those, whom Nature puts in van, Each age, of struggling, waiting Man. Aye ! glad to loan the price of blood, He'll chant "Te-Deums!" to the God That wins, should Paris hold his fane, Or Berlin centre his domain ; While Bauer and Paysan homeward crawl From battle to their dreary toil, And lengthen it an hour each day, His swelling interest to pay. Or (this, with stumping wooden leg, All armless that), both wretches beg On Mammon's battle-field, for life Made worthless by th' unnatural strife, And never, pfennig, one, nor sou, The other, get from grinning Jew ; While neither ever learn the why Of their insensate battle cry. By buzzards clustering in the field The putrid carcass is revealed, Whose stench the croaking swarms afar Have smelt, who flock to " Profit's" war. So man may know that State corrupt Whose Jews to power by gold have crept. Across the seas, hear England's wail As telephones her wealth assail, For while Jew Disraeli talks, Jew Rothschild bulls or bears her stocks. " Honest Money /" "' itil ' And here, upon Bankruptcy's brink, The nation clings as values shrink. Driblet by driblet law has drained, What Labor for ten years has gained. Toil's money, by ten thousand rills, Miasmaed dam of Mammon fills, And every field is bared of mould, Law-swept to stagnant marsh of gold. The aggregated wealth 's outgrown Their power to use, who claim to own ; And millions multiplied are pressed On Sherman's hands for interest ; So the robbed Nation guards the pledge, And pays them for the privilege,- While our law-givers are the tools Of " Honest Money ! " yawp of fools By Sherman and Jew usurers taught, To worship what their hands have wrought. Now all the streams that irrigate Your fruitful soil, contaminate With your ground idol, nauseate Your retching, griping, purging State. And bitterer dregs you yet shall quaff, For worshipping that golden calf, For dozen-hatted Moses grins, As every throe new "profit" wins, And excrement and vomit pour Into his coffers, Danae's shower. While Sherman, as his patrons suck The brimming misery, runs his muck, As proud as any little god, 102 Chartered Thieves. To see the weals his playful rod Inflicts on wretches doomed to feel The pains of his financial skill. See how their ranks aligned reveal The Savings Banks, create to steal. Philanthropy turns common thief, Creates a bank upon belief, And Usurer, as Philanthropist, Discounts Man's confidence in Christ. The tramping laziness that begs, Earning its offal by its legs ; That snivels at your kitchen doors, And for " Swate Jesus,"" food implores ; That, trespassing upon the earth, From Love draws tears, from Mammon mirth. The brawling " sport," whose breath defiles The courtezan on whom he smiles ; Whose gems blaze on his putrid heart, As cogged dice decorate his shirt ; Who in Gin's palace damns your cause, And squand'ring plunder, bawls of laws. Are each a paragon of grace, Contrasted with that viler race, Whose sordid luxuries, well won Behind Law's shield, their crimes atone. For whom bribed justice aids straw-bail Dispel the horrors of the jail ; For whose defense best counsel plead, Assigned by judges to their need ; For whom Cook County jurors feel Hercules and the Hydra. 103 Such interest in their fellows' weal, With garments all unsinged they stroll, Through your indictments with their spoil. They for deposits advertise, By trumpeting their charities, In conscience tortured, if they meet, And don't improve, a chance to cheat ; For conscience always interferes, Save where self-interest appears; And meekly bow the scheming head To crave God's blessing on the bread Curst by the widow's sobs, who saw Her children houseless, by the law ; Curst by the suicide, who glares From Hades, shuddering at their prayers. Where these their robbing statutes write, Labor has choice 'twixt fight and flight, As Hercules in vain assailed The Lernsean hydra, and bewailed His wasted blows, as each slain head Its duplicated horror bred, So Labor's might is spent in vain As Usury girds his hopeless pain, His burdens ever higher rise, For while he adds,^he multiplies. The power of Gold to reproduce Is endless war, that knows no truce. O ! Brother ! the infernal womb, Whose voided vermin blights your home, Hot iron must sear ere peace is won, And Earth is ruled from Labor's throne. 104 Competition. All Interest adds production's cost Must be to Labor wholly lost, While the consumers power to buy Is limited by Usury. Against you, all to wealth who creep, By selling dear and buying cheap. Whose scales their thieving profits win, And weigh out more than they weigh in. Unregistered as thieves, they feed Their fellows upon poisoned bread, Buttered with lard and turmeric ; Their sugar grit with dust of brick. Skilled in adulterating arts, They drive the honest from our marts, Yet Man can't see adulteration Direct result of competition. Their cunning, shallow brains contrive By changing Fashion styles to thrive. A cringing, counter-jumping race, With lackered smile on frozen face, The simp'ring simpletons to greet Who flaunt their furbelows on the street, (With patent bosoms, babes that bilk Their scant supply of azure milk), Whose longing eyes in raptures feast On windows, like a strumpet, dressed In gaudy splendor, to entice From customers a higher price. Not theirs the calm, creative joy Of muscle trained to mind's employ ; Servitude of "Profit " seekers. 105 Of eyes with gladdened instinct warm, As thought in matter finds a form, Shaped in that ecstacy of pain Felt by the brooding genius' brain. The workman's time its worth declares ; Their value sells the factory's wares; Neither degraded bargaining, when On equal footing men meet men. But the retailer's sickly smile Must hide his spleen, regorge his bile, When ladies to his counter stroll, And, babbling, make the dog unroll A hundred bales, then streetward flop, Unbuying, from the tumbled shop. Th' unhappy wight, tho' torn with care How he to-morrow's draft will " square," Heartsick with dread, must force grimace To wrinkle pleasure in his face ; With tear-filled eyes, must rub his hands, Soft-soaping buyers whose demands For lowered price he meets with lies That crawl thro' baser flatteries. No slavery as his so vile, Whose business forces him defile His honor with his fluent tongue For profit, by its wagging won. The serf 's a single master's thrall, But he, poor wretch ! is slave to all. Protean in mendacity His paid note proves integrity, Tho' ev'ry dollar meets the debt With perjury's saliva 's wet. 8 106 The warrior clerk. Skilled divers merits to disclose Of bands and stripes in ladies' hose ; Gaining huge profit from chemise, Identical with Eugenie's ; Boasting the beauties in their stores Of latest modes of Paris whores ; Wise in each texture, hue, and shade Wins gold from vanity for trade ; Their busy, dollar-blinking brain Can harbor nought but plans for gain ; And Labor's rights or Labor's wrongs, Are meaningless as nursery songs To those who find their profits in Low wages to the man-machine. Each starveling soul whose squeak for " cash," Earns his dyspeptic stomach "hash," Who crowds his unsexed, simpering face Into his sister's natural place, To bask in his employers' smile, Musters in Mammon's rank and file, And Tittlebat, by musk perfumed, By tax in uniform costumed, With flaccid muscle, soft as dough, Subdued by tape and calico, Becomes Society's defense 'Gainst Law-created Indigence. Grow varicose his thin calves' veins, As he by musket loaded, trains, To make himself, by patient drill, Fit part of vast trained mob to kill, The Railroads. 107 Should Toil dare clench his grimy fists, While struggling to dispel the mists, Which Vested Rights forever flood Upon his thorny, trackless road. His foolish teeth, well trained to smile, Pence from man's pocket to beguile, Show scornful canines, when the knees Of poverty, his tastes displease. His flopping ears submissive droop, When fine clothes at his counter group, But like a terrier's stand, in rage, When Labor asks for higher wage ; With feeble frowns his eyebrows perk, At your complaint of over- work ; Nature's relief he would deny, Who grants the hurt, the right to cry, Could paltry hope fruition know, And his small world receive him " Co." Lo ! Here behold ! aflame with wrath, Greed's champion, iron-clad Goliath. Across the land he thund'rous strides, And Labor's shrinking host derides. Your piteous cry for "higher wage," Which jarred his dividends, waked his rage. Now mailed and helmeted, his frown Affrights the hamlet, daunts the town, As in their streets he cannon plants, Whose grape inquires what Labor wants, While his deep-planned, all-grasping law, Holds your obsequious courts in awe. 108 Why the State should manage them. The Railway power, whose Philistines Your Congress from your Justice screens, At them her blunt sword strikes in vain, For pass-bribed judges wear their chain, Holding their offices but to job, Their " fast-freight lines," stock-holders rob, While the " express " and " palace-car," Join, every balance-sheet to mar. They " Credits Mobilier " invent Fat contracts to themselves to grant, Thus trebling cost to build, force freights, To cost producers treble rates. With venal statesmen part their gain, And trade with stocks in souls of men. Callous and surd they, vacant, stare, While hunger moans unheeded prayer, For food by bounteous Earth supplied. For food by their high tolls denied ; While scowling Heaven inhales the taint Of corn for fuel, Labor's plaint, Feeling his brow, its waste sweat drip, Because it would not pay to ship, Since unchecked Usury declares Its dividends on watered shares. The railroad is the improved highway, Science has granted Man to-day. Why don't he take it ? See the fool To cursed Monopolists pay toll, When he might have, at cost, his freight, Were Railroads managed by the State, And showers of wealth, distributed, The Granger. 109 Would fertilize his field and mead, Where now Law's gathered torrents tear Across the land and leave it bare. And the dull granger whose thick wit Has never found the place to hit This pooling, earth-oppressing curse, Whose Private Right trails Labor's hearse, In shape of box-car to his grave, 4 Gainst the Commune will rant and rave, Which guarantees his right to dwell On land he does not want to sell, And shows his boy the where and how To find area for his plow, Saving him weary years of toil, Spent earning what Man owns, the soil, As twenty years ago, he brayed At Abolitionists, afraid That a " free nigger's" grace might dart Love's arrows thro' his daughter's heart. With all his power will stem the flood, Now gathering to sweep the brood Of fierce Philistia, from the green And flower-decked vales of Palestine. Because they think " What is is Right" He, and his God, must Progress fight. Against you stands each canting knave, Whose harpy hands continuous crave From Dives pay, denied by God, Whose service is its own reward. The woolly wolves in accord whine For Human Law, 'gainst Law divine ; 110 Nothing lies like an Epitaph. Anathemas, soul-blighting, howl, If thought invades the was.tes they prowl, And Labor hold in tangling creed, While daily he is sheared by Greed. When in the sombre funeral file, The empty case of Dives soul, A stomach parted from a purse By death, digested, in a hearse Slow wends, reluctant to its tomb, Their onioned smiles dispel the gloom, Who peer thro' crape, and cozy, loll In the first coach behind the pall, Where Mammon's priest the mourner cheers, And dessicates decorum's tears. " His virtues live ! Despite the bier He is not dead ! his million 's here ! " The thronged church from the sermon knows Dives in Christ, has found repose, With Lazar, Abram's bosom shares Up-borne to Heaven on purchased prayers. And granite epitaphs portray Such virtues in the sordid clay, That future ages are acquaint With the hoar usurer, as a saint. He is not dead, his soul survives, Metempsychosed, immortal lives, He is not dead, his purse-proud heir Inherits his metallic stare, And bred in luxury, to know His fellow as his slave, or foe, Rehoboam and Vanderbilt. Ill A prayer for mercy, will but guide To greater rage, his bloated pride. He boasts his little finger grown Far thicker than his father's loin, And scorpions for Israel's race, The whips of Solomon replace, When Rehoboam in purple born, Ascends the lion-guarded throne. With callous heart, and scheming brain, Living his harpy life again, So see the younger Vanderbilt Strive to surpass his father's guilt, And like a world- wide Kraken draw With iron-arms, and prehensile law The gain of myriads to his maw. While every priest with solemn tone, Nasal with sanctity, will own God's wisdom in his tyranny, For " God's a potter, men are clay. This amphora by power divine, Was dedicate to brim with wine. For all the powers that be on earth Of Wisdom Infinite have birth, To Nero, or to Antonine, As it pleaseth him he doth assign, The government of men, and they Must be submissive and obey." O ! Brothers, hear these organs grind The notes they're set to. March of mind ! Is Chaos, while these brains jejune, Grind alway at the same old tune. 112 Bible class lessons. While thieves and prostitutes are bred In swarms, by want to error led ; While from the reeking, undrained street, The gamin hastes with flying feet, Despite his father's anxious cares, Despite his mother's sobbing prayers, Despite his sister's brimming eye, And the babe's prattling mimicry, On his swift journey to the cell Whence Mammon fills the gaps in Hell. These Chadbands wipe their greasy chins And belch of Christ-atoned sins. Their rage is warmed at the fierce brood, Who spoiled the world before the flood ; They preach of Jews' innumerous quail, And Jonah's nauseated whale ; How puffing Levites, fed on tithes, Cannons and catapults despise, As in a week with horns they blow Prostrate the walls of Jericho. How Moses seeks in vain the place Where angels buried him, to trace ; Of how the sun halts in the sky, Bewildered by fierce Joshua's cry, That Amorites may see to die. Perhaps erroneous creed wakes ire. Then see their souls, lit with the fire Of theologic hate, pour strong, Hot warning from the burning tongue. To show the hopeless state of those, Who creed "Homousion" oppose. Dangers of Heresy. 113 They range the Gospel, law, and psalms To prove just how "a diphthong damns, And that creed " Homoiousion," No works can purge, no faith atone. That still more dread mistake they make, Who hope on " Heterousion " stake ; Till gaping congregations dread An extra comma in their creed, And at its honest aspect quail, As though it had a scorpion's tail ; And while they prove sole creed that ' good Is orte that can't be understood, The grinning skeptic must award The praise once from forecastle heard, Of Chaplain, on the "Man of War," By wondering, amazed Jack Tar, Who all superfluous language scorned, " Some lies ! Some lingo ! All damned larned." Boundless as love his ignorance, His thought gross as his arrogance, Hear Moody bellowing, propound Unsyntaxed gospel. Tuneless sound His trumpet blares, whose discord shocks All save the flop-eared orthodox. With dullness flickering on his face, He prattles of the "means of grace ; " Tells how all men to hell were doomed, Save for an Infinite exhumed. Explains to fools how cross besmeared Placates a Deity who reared 114 " Original Sin.' ' On earth as in a nursery Mankind for endless misery, To choke Hell's chimneys with the soot Of slow combustion, 'cause the fruit That Eve ate, breeding, disagreed O ! Rhadamanthus ! what a creed. Logic is logic. When the child Lies in the womb, by sin defiled, Faith plants beside the dying bed A bigot with a shaven head, To watch her slow and laboring sighs, Till death's film gathers on her eyes, ' Eager to seek, with keen-whet knife, And bring to day the fluttering life ; For should its faint pulsations cease Ere he had coated it with grease, His God would clutch it, and condemn The fiendling to eternal flame. But chrism ed, lo ! his fingers slip, And angels aid its skyward trip, Rejoicing it has 'scaped his ire, To pule with Saints in Heaven's choir. O ! God was merciful, to plan Earth, coursed with veins petrolean, To make great whales, with sperm replete, Else Mercy might forsake her seat. The flabby thought of Man's nonage They grave expound, with aspect sage, Where painted windows make an air Unreal as their vapid prayer, ?e kind to the Sister, not many may know" 115 Where sneers a last month's bonnet greet, And broadcloth snores on cushioned seat. To Paradise their hearers flock, 'Twixt neat hedge rows on graveled walk, As narrow path, beset with thorns, Their unctuous eloquence adorns. To soothe iheir money-grasping herds, They strain the sense of Jesus' words, Whose Heaven rewards the loving poor, Whose Hell the rich man must endure, Aye ! must ! because he in advance, Claimed earth, his Heaven, at their expense. Their sanctity is in the coat, Whose single-row'd black buttons show 't, Which serve them as phylactery Their prototype, the Pharisee. They curse the Theatre and Ball, But when the husband's absent, call, To poach, with risk at minimum, Upon the unprotected home. Their Heaven 's below a frill of lace, Their Hell is, hunger for a sauce ; They mock their God, on sal'ries fed, In praying for their daily bread. In Mass or Love-feast they divide, With gluttons, Jesus' flesh and blood, Sole remnant left of law divine Which gave men equal bread and wine. Oh ! were he here, the dusty Tramp Would seal their foreheads with the stamp, Branding the beetling brow of Cain, 116 The modern Evangelist. Who sneer to see their brothers slain By insufficient food, and rate Their hunger as inordinate, Because it is unsatisfied With bread well soaked in Croton's tide. (You've read of Foulon he thought hay Sufficient, and he had his day.) That Man at sight the knaves might know Who, fat-jowled, Zion's trumpet blow. Might pierce the thin disguise of each, Whose love has bloom in flowers of speech ; Who, answering " Call of Jesus ! " went As chaplain to a regiment Leaping o'er corses, that its wrath Left stark on its prayer-hallowed path, To worship Glory, and declare The Christianity of War. Might shew them traitors to their kind Blind leaders of the stumbling blind Whose selfish pews, salvation priced, Force Reason to detest their Christ. What altar 's that they bow before, Whose gaudy temple spurns the poor? Where Fashion throngs in gay attire, Called to her prayer by jingling spire, To see the perfumed parish bull, With droning rhetoric, compel His soporific manuscript, Each page in stronger laud'num dipped, To shower its poppies on the pews' Contributing his revenues ? Palace Cars on the "Narrow Way." 117 While sniffles, done to order, show The clause where tears should overflow, And whine, and dampened kerchief, fit The place where pathos has been writ. Where once a week the organ pours Its grand crescendos to the stars, And on its waves of harmony floats The quartette's praise in gold-tuned notes. Where, save that hour, their drowsy God Dreams in his dusty solitude, Nor heeds within his sacred walls, Tho' from the street hoarse Famine calls. What God, but Mammon, could attain Amid Earth's squalor, Heaven's Nirvan' ? Aye ! Mammon owns the church called Christ's, And for your foes you've all his priests, Who on his bounties thrive, and shine In rich apparel at his shrine ; Who deave man's ear with jangling din Of diverse modes for shriving sin. Who tell how God in justice slew An Innocent, and at the view Of water from his spear-pierced side, Gushing with blood, was mollified, And now imputes that innocence To whitewash guilt, in penitence. Sometimes 'tis God himself who dies, Sometimes a man, to Heaven who hies, And sits 'long-side, to intercede For those,. eternally decreed . 118 Sundry modes of Vicarious Atonement. His clients all the others lost, Are into endless torments tossed, And give congenial work to fiends, Happy obeying God's commands. Some say his mother helps, and some Swear that's a flagrant lie of Rome ; Some think the saints perhaps of use, Who surplus righteousness produce, And drop their linked good works to earth To haul up sinners, &c. ! But all on the main point agree, That Man earns Heaven by deputy, That pain for all 's the eternal lot Save those for whom a Christ-paid scot Does the unbalanced score adjust ; O ! what a pity, God gave Trust ! 'Tis a dull legend, cribbed from creed Of fierce Phenicia, who saw bleed, On royal altar sacrificed, The son of her power-grasping priest ; Mixt with tales told by travelers Of Brahm's and Chrisna's avatars, Aye, growing wilder as each mile, They journey, adds its codicil, To testament, bequeathing men Salvation bought, and mercy slain. Miscomprehended theories Of gold abjuring Essenes, With Eleusinian mysteries Inspiration ! 119 Padded with rural miracles, Which in contrast with Moses' seem Like visions of an idiot's dream. Beside phantasmagoria Of opium born, in minds astray ; "Written by the slow hand of Faith, Rejoicing in his mental death, Whose lolling tongue moved with the style That shaped his letters, to defile The fabling, papyritic scroll, Recording the ideas droll, That deaf men have of martial tunes, That blind men have of phasing moons. The copy-books of baby Man Unpunctuate, without a plan, All vowelless, so each may choose Translating, a's, e's, i's, o's, u's, In every sentence, and rejoice, If one in ten gives thought a voice. Inspired ! ha ! ha ! Good word ! Inspired, Man adolescent, is required To think each manuscript uncouth, As queer to sight, as strange to truth. Inspired ! Each dusty legend shows That mind was wearing baby clothes ; Copied by monks who thought that God Waste ingenuity employed, In framing Man, with adequate Machinery to propagate ; Who thought that Heaven the gelt attain 120 Ezekiel vs. Moses. With greater ease than Nature's men. Inspired ! Lest thought its readers vex, The " Holy Book " has no index, For even a peasant might compare The contradictions that appear On every page, as Reason scans Its ignorance, and knows it Man's. Yet through its drivel wisdom glows, And clearer sense than words inclose, Is felt in thought, beyond the reach Of halting, undeveloped speech ; The heart's nutrition of its lore, Drips balm and perfume in the core Of being, as its currents thrill Response to Nature's unit will. And sense, that lacks expression, deep In central life, where embryos sleep, Where force, quiescent, waits its birth, Lengthening the soul's stretched bond to earth; Seems nebulous, too far for sight, Till Reason proves its starry light. Instincts no reason can define, Beyond its grasp, above its line, Tremble to pulses vaguely stirred, Quiver to accents faintly heard, Spoken by far-off tongues that call For answer from the dumb earth-thrall, In wordless meaning, half unveiled To apprehension, music-swelled, As mind through longing ears may catch The concords of angelic speech. Sin is Death" 121 For trembling hands the chords have felt Untuned by hate and broke by guilt Through which each soul the passion feels Of Love that blesses, as it heals. For human tongues have striven to voice Heaven's liquid melodies across The sad and solemn dirge, that drones Around the path of life, and moans * Faith's hopeless and discordant wail, How misery procreates for hell. Olla podrida ! 'Tis a dish In which flesh haters can find fish, While vis a vis, of different taste, Enjoy, as well as they, the feast. Brain cobwebs, woven by the ell In navel-searching hermit's cell, And wrapped round Plato's " Logos," seen Prancing on clouds by Constantine, Upon his bloody path enticed To empire by a murd'rous Christ ; All pinned upon his cross, who strove To shatter power by human love, And bled, as will his like until The martyrs turn and learn to kill. Sin ! when an axe stroke barks the tree, 'T is cured by Nature's chemistry ; Bat all in vain her healing art When the keen edge has cleft the heart. Nature is unit, her control Obeyed by matter, so by soul ; 9 122 Jesus vs. Christ. And her recuperative force Don't resurrect, but blends the corse. The soul that 's dead in sin, decays, Losing identity and place ; No sacrifice can sin atone ; It dies, but when it is out-grown. Aye. Sin must be eternal Death, For Life in Love alone hath breath. Let these adore their gilded God Who sup with Usury, fellow Fraud, The whip of knotted cord yet knows The tribe that felt its vengeful blows. The way-worn traveler, doing good, Who in the grain fields found his food, Who taught that wealth must needs be crime, And better loved a Lazar's grime, Who lived among the destitute, Whose tears reformed the dissolute ; For love's rebuke dissolves the heart Which frenzies by invective's smart ; Who taught the lender must refrain From hoping to receive again ; Who sought the lost, who helped the weak, Wiser than all, yet none so meek : Who claimed no cot to shield his head, Who lived for love, and for love bled. Yet thundered Nature's thorough hate Of pauper souls, whose gaudy state, With gold and tinsel decorate, Fluttering their span in pomp and pride, The Brotherhood of man, denied. -Religion " lorn of fear. 123 What has he, with these pulpiteers, Who salary-fattened, tickle ears. Who hypocritic, masquerade Thro' life in their soul-saving trade, Who, thro' their dainty lives, ne'er meet An " overalls " save on the street, Or save when creed lies like a pall On a dead brain, and over all The instincts with which Nature tends To shape a world of working friends. In glooms of ignorance, their control Has blighted brain and shriveled soul, Has held, in superstition's spell, Mankind by slavish dread of Hell. O'er groping centuries they brood, Engend'ring their revolting creed, Whose Deity, with raptured ears, The endless moans of Misery hears, From burning lake where wretches writhe, Who're damned to square arrears of tithe : While shiv'ring saints, with hoarsened throat, On clouds, catarrhed, through ether float And. chant his praises, golden crowned, To harps unrosined, and untuned. The most malignant hatred known, Is gendered in the canting drone, By infidelity, debarred From rack, and thumb-screw, stake and cord, Who by the Age denied repast On blood of heretics, finds a feast 124 Theologic Hate the Priest. The sad remains of luxury Enjoyed in his prosperity In hope of future suffering For those who mock his blunted sting. He who, his brother threats with hell, Would plunge him in its lowest cell, And lose the key, lest Mercy ope The prison-door, to let in Hope. What is a priest ? A thing that 's vowed Itself 'twixt God and Man to crowd. Where Hate and Ignorance make space 'Tis filled up by that vacant face, Of thought incapable, yet stirred With feverish desire to gird At all, who would the problem broach, How Man to God may make approach. Behold him wider force apart The loving God and loving heart, Distorting death that lives by birth, And moves Man's debris from the earth, Because his progress else must drag The sniveling dotard, mumbling hag, 'Till shadowed by Azrael's wings, The devotee in terror clings To life, as tho' earth's atmosphere Held all God's love, and outside, fear Met boundless wrath, whose pains immerse A woeful, shrieking universe. Tho' Nature dizens out the tomb Damnation before judgment. 125 With fresher verdure, he with doom Thrusts her kind hands away, and waves Hell's ensigns o'er life springing graves. He, "profit " to his purse to scare, Invents a death beyond despair, Leaves consciousness and worms contest Soul's empire thro' its long unrest. For, in the churchyard's pestilent soil It hears its earth-friends' hopeless wail, Aware of its abandonment, Forever, by their sobbed lament, And helpless feels corruption crawl Loathsome and lusty thro' its thrall, Swelled by the agonies of pain Felt by the rotting, brooding train. Aye ! hears the accusing angels cry Its listed crimes, and amplify The endless anguish of its bode, Before the judgment seat of God. Licked by the flaming tongues that leap By his device, above their sleep, Who in God's-acre lie at rest, Soft-pillowed upon Nature's breast, To scare each timid proselyte Who, blear-eyed, blinks at Reason's light, In starched and rustling overshirt See him vehemently exhort Survivors to repent, and look Cross-wise, in dread of worser luck. Aye ! see the mumbling villain vaunt How Mercy 's moved but by his chant, 126 The ^Medicine Man" From Purgatorial fires to grant Relief to scorching, sizzling souls, Twirled on the devil's spit, whose howls Wake Heaven's derision, till his palms By Faith are filled with pity's alms. For Gold has power ; beyond the grave Its yellow claws can reach, and save. Where man is vilest, fattest seen The canting would-be go-between. As Science, for her widening spheres Asks fact-fed brains, he disappears ; Slowly ! So slowly ! close he'll cleave To rented pews, while fools believe. From Patton to th' Ojibwennos Is not so far as you'd suppose ! I've seen him in a breech-clout there Howling to God a prancing prayer ; And here, in surplice, heard him plain That same old prayer, he prayed for rain ! Th' Ojibway Patton never saw A weather notice, this one ! Faugh ! From age to age mens' brains ferment And leaven life with discontent. The dead in thought are those that mourn The dead past, stinking in its urn. The lowest type of life is that With shell outside, and inside, fat. To it are bigots kin ; they dwell In creeds as mussel in its.shelj. The Spiritual Oyster. 127 Develop them, they but disclose How big each little mussel grows : For shut within his stifling cell, He has but little room to swell ; So, to expand, outside his creed Must find his force, and growing bleed, Till all his little pool shows tinge, Whene'er his fellows squeeze his hinge. Example ? See on Thomas' back A narrow, out-grown shelly speck, His brethren pinch it, hear him shout " Auch ! I'll get in ! I am not out ! " Then hear Swing, who with half a Christ His theater can fill, insist, That if the mussel 's grown a whale, The pond should bear its flopping tail. O ! Swing, O ! Thomas, what mistake In end so great, as to forsake Nature's broad volume, whose each page Well read, would make a fool, a sage, And ponder over dog-eared leaves That only Ignorance believes. Why squeeze these husks of sapless thought With wretchedness to mankind fraught, When Nature's juices fill her cup With wisdom pearled for who dare sup. Do notions of the Infinite, Of Sin and Holiness, Wrong and Right, Display in Man, exception strange To law of slow, but constant change, Which, from his myriad discontents, Develops strength in stumbling sense? ;, 128 Creed vs. Progress. Has man in any Christian creed Found ultimate of moral need ? Something so fixed, invariable, He can't beyond its limit swell ? Something which Reason must admit For every social phase is fit ? Some system reared so wide and high That o'er it Progress can not fly, So firmly grouted, and so deep That 'neath it Progress can not creep ? No ! Pundits ! Brahmins ! Look ! the star Which yesterday was fixed, afar In the high heavens beyond their ken, Now swings above their heads, and men Laugh at the smoky lantern light Pendant to tail of Chinese kite. The dragon that appeared so high And fearful in their frightened sky, Is shaped of paper, tallow lit, And scales that scared them wake their wit. By every eye the fraud 's discerned ; The wise and foolish, simple, learned, Each finds his Reason to dissent At Creed's preposterous firmament, And all contemptuous, point the twine That floats the star they thought divine. The Star that one epoch dismayed, With sneers, by its successor 's weighed, While prophets throng with purblind eyes Peering thro' mists at empty skies, And in the empyrean show To-day's Religion to-morrow's Mythology. 129 Another tallow dip aglow, And to another dragon's scare Man's trembling knees are bent in prayer, Until his quickened sight reveals The pasted monster, as he kneels, Bobbing behind the chimney-pot, On which its tangled string has caught. The ideals of a by-gone age That nursed its dolt and fed its sage, Revolt their children, whose disgust Spits out their sapless, cindered crust. To-day the God is criticized, To-morrow he'll be analyzed, Before whose creed-erected throne Men yesterday lay cowed and prone. Product of Nature, her Son shames His mother, as his gross faith claims Some intermeddling, prayer-waked force To change her law and turn her course. The wheels of progress, while Man prays, Stick in the mud till he decays, For Hercules ne'er aided zeal That put no shoulder to the wheel. As springs burst sparkling from Earth's veins, So thought pours out from fact-fed brains ; Fill them with legends, mysteries, And dismal saint biographies, The spring is in the cistern drowned, And spigot tongues the eaves expound. Receptacles that can not think ; 130 . Experience sole source of Wisdom. So bigots' brains, like cisterns, stink, Facts bring conviction ; argument May silence but it can't content, Logic may prove that fire will burn, But from the grate no child will turn ; Forbid him touch in vain you chide, Until the experiment is tried : The warnings of the boding sire Can not his son with fear inspire. For Nature's reason owns no prince, Authority can not convince. Experience is the only school For Reason. Solomon 's a fool, For saying that his wisdom 's naught, Who must be by experience taught. Awed by a name, Man may believe What understanding can't conceive, But mind decays, its food refused, And Reason dies by Faith abased. Man's senses are the avenues A sane soul travels. Reason knows No light but science for a guide, To steer him thro' life's troubled tide. Who loses that has stripped his bark Of canvas, and a helpless ark, Like lonely Noah's, sealed from light, Floats, in an ever darkening night O'er progress debris-washing flood, With thaumaturgic Gods bestrewed. 'Tis by dead-reckoning the ship Computes her .place, and ends her trip. Inward Light Insanity. 131 By compass taught, the vagrant sail Still homeward heads, despite the gale. No " Inward Light" has God bestowed Eclipsing Reason, to enshroud Life's sea with vapors, and compel The helm abjure the binnacle. Such lights 's evolved of mind's decay, As phosphor lends a gloomy ray, When slowly burned on Nature's hearth, Dead vegetation blends with Earth. No room for adjuncts, Nature grants, They but hallucinate the sense, Dethroning Reason in the brain, Man 's idiotic or insane. Or sits, a King, with skulls for throne, A knout his sceptre, straws his crown ; Or cow'ring crawls, with lolling tongue, And dribbling lips, to meet the thong. Light, thro' Faith 's smoking frankincense, Of things unseen has evidence ; Belief in visions, frenzied mind, Alone, can in thought's vacuum find. Men crazed by sin, reformed, amaze The gods, held by another craze ; So Dipsomania is cured, By Theomania endured, New dissipation takes the place Of th' old, by Fashion, made disgrace, And any vice by Faith subdued, Leaves man upon his knees, at feud With natural eyesight, by God given, To see, not grope, the road to Heaven. _. 132 Moody 's "Specific." Faults, we have courage to confess, We 're always able to redress ; Sincerity repairs the shame They have inflicted on our fame ; But men confessing small faults, state, In substance, that they have no great. So scoundrels manage to conceal Their crimes, who blemishes reveal. How is it that Faith's converts show So little to confess ? You '11 know Next year, when loud profession wins More scope for undetected sins. When the dog's vomit in his pew Stinks through reporter's interview, Until it sickens the profane, While sniffing brothers mop the stain. Ah ! Strove we, half as hard, to win Perfection as to hide our sin, And seem it, personating lies, Our real standing to disguise, We might our proper selves appear, And live without detection's fear. But Life is endless masquerade, No soul in its own garments clad ; Disguised to others, we, at last, Have from self-recognition passed. And superstition builds his throne Where Man is, to himself, unknown. Man has reached Wisdom's limit, when He knows himself, he knows all men. Reasoning " a posteriori" 183 Since Aristotle theorized, And Nature's open book misprized, Since rays supernal chased his mist, And Saul beheld a cloud-built Christ, Since errant dead mens' trooping feet Tramped aimless thro' scared Zion's street, Since gibbering men pied consonants, In pentecostal dissonance, And unknown tongues gave language shape, Unfit for thoughts of chattering ape, The "child of Faith" feels something hum In his brain-addled cranium, Calls it "New Birth" each sense-nerve crossed And palsied by the Holy Ghost. Discards his vision, for insane Imagination paints on brain More glowing colors than are seen In Nature's russet, blue, and green, And can not rest till he compels All men to use his spectacles, And claims God gave them him, to make Man know his retina's mistake ; So, goggle-blinded, can not see Tho' Nature points his Deity, But upward rolls his hazy eyes To supplicate the empty skies. That Man was meant to sit, is plain ; Buttocks, like knees would else be lean. But Nature, with a pedigree Of Saints can't breed a cushioned knee ; Knees would be padded were th' intent 134 Prayer inconsequent. Of nature, that they should be bent, That genuflection 's held in scorn. She proves, protecting them with horn, And progress grows irrational, If Man 's a praying animal. Brute eyes look upward. Nature plans His sight for different use in Man's ; His seek a level ; Nature's lore Ne'er taught a human eye to adore. Man is a dog, who looks above To find an object for his love ; Who fawns for pats, and refuse meats, In gates of pearl, and golden streets, Valhalla's mead, or fat houris Waiting for Faith in Paradise. Or drops his wagging tail to slink As whip-cracks hearing Hell's coals clink. Love scarce the glowing sun can reach Tho' framed in prayer with deftest speech, Yet his down-pouring beams are hot With Nature's love, by God begot, Life from above, to Earth descends, As gentle shower with sunshine blends, But pestilence in mist exhales And death floats on its steaming gales. So prayer with plague is pestilent, Floating toward the firmament. Love's source, inimitably far Beyond the sun, above the star, From its circumferent center whirls In endless waltz, the panting worlds. He who would strive such height to attain, G-od is Love. 135 Must be, or idiot or insane. They're idiots, whose praise would swell The glories of the Ineffable. Who, but th' insane would kneel to move Love Infinite, to greater love, Love given such God is spent in air, Is wasted force, blown off in prayer. Love is 'twixt equals,- Pity blends, And all below, Love comprehends, In Man, the Omnipresent 's near! In Man, he's known, lo ! God is here ! From every human heart his call To every ear is musical, As He, for incense begs, and wins His perfume from forgiven sins. Forgiven by Man, whose Love condones The wrong that penitence atones, For Nature's God can not forgive, No life can break his law and live. Until his brother, Man, has loved, God's being must remain unproved. Such love evolved is consequent Unloving Nature never meant. But God with higher attributes Than he displays in savage brutes, In waving trees of whose branched shade The puny undergrowth 's afraid. In waves and rocks which can not cease Contention till a void brings peace. Burns in the heart when pity's wine Steams fragrant from its glowing shrine ; Jove's eagle is Cytheria's dove, And Reason knows that God is Love. 136 St. Theresa. Sir Reverence is bastard born Of love and fear ; O ! Brothers scorn The bye-blow : where he reign usurps, Instinct and sense alike he warps. What tropes can sanity employ Describing Faith; when its alloy Dulls Reason's gold, and 'wildered sense Is smothered in sir-reverence. See, grinning Bishops now parade Their sensitive and sickly maid, Whose flesh unwholesome and insane, From Faith's hysteric, visioned brain, Can reproduce the bleeding palm Of Christ the crucified, and cram With Stigmata, their waning purse, While pilgrims wide the tale rehearse, How menstruating hands display The agonies of Calvary. So, too, the Moslem Saint can boast His body, vital with the ghost Of hot Mohammed, when it bears All Tayiff's wounds and Abod's scars, That dancing Dervishes may feel In wilder whirl their prophet's zeal And gain " backsheesh " till at their death, Houris reward their sweating faith. So Presbyterian ardor warms, When u Geazus " printed on the arms Of Irish milkmaids, is the mark Belfast Miracle, Oct., 1858. 137 Shows wandering soul, has found her ark ; Where safe from sin, secure she rides, Nor feels the force of passion's tides, Whose tumbling seas to ripples shrink, While " blueing " furnishes the ink, Tattooing her till saints confess all, She's " born again," a " chosen vessel." And hob-nailed peasants, shillings spend, To see the wonder, while they bend In reverent awe, to hear his prayers Who with the show, gate-money shares. Till closer contact conquers "grace," And "fleshly lust" usurps her place. Thus Creeds are spread by miracle, Where Faith can bleed, but can not spell : And like the mistress of a priest From purgatorial fear released, She sins, and prays, and sins by turns, Prays when she's cold, sins when she burns ; And Gold rewards the " Pious Fraud," While Reason jeers her shriveled God. For when to Christian is convert A juggler, passably expert, As in their chant, the rustle 's lost, Of spirit-rappers' whisp'ring ghost, His tricks seem real, to the throng, With ears confused by Zion's song, So surpliced knavery thrives on tax Faith levies, peddling dismal tracts, And Fortune is his sure reward, Whose God, by miracle 's adored. 10 138 The bigot a persecutor. No race on Man such ills have wrought, As they who worship mummied thought ; Who from the bigot's musty tome, The dogmas of dead Faiths exhume, And scatter their aborted stench The life of Reason's air to quench. So St. Augustine lights the torch Whose dampened flames Servetus scorch ; And Calvin's ghost writes the decree, Expelling Swing for heresy. Now Thomas' legs might comprehend How Scottish boots a creed can mend, If Bishop Bishop what's his name ? Could, as he would, attain Laud's fame, And Zeno's school fright from the porch That girds his mediaeval church. Lake park might smell Swing on his pyre, If Patton's will had Calvin's power. Youth, nauseate with creed and priest, Is manhood's ranting Atheist, God, demon visaged, creed defiled, A bestial spectre, scares the child From shady dells, and rippling rills, Where nature's happy larynx trills, Perpetual rapture-lilting praise, Thro' her sweet sunny Sabbath days ; And stuns his aching, shuddering sense, In darkened room with discord dense, Chorded by tuning-forks of Hell, Till rage his prison breaks ; then yell The Atheist begot by the bigot. 139 Of joy, acraze with wrathful glee, Proves he's escaped Creed's Nursery. Escaped, alas ! with drum-crushed ears, Deaf to the music of the spheres, Surd ! Nature's anthem he'll deny, And spend a life to prove a lie. So Ingersoll must peddle sneers At him who Adam's God reveres. Must shameless deity deride, Exhibiting a bare backside, From which a milder radiance flowed Than blasted, from the front of God, Who wrestled Jacob at Peniel, And only threw him by " a foul ;" Who heeding Moses, changed his mind, And on a calf with Abraham dined ; Then vanished from scared Sarai's eyes, With a full stomach, to the skies ; Who loved, not wisely, Joseph's spouse, And decked with horns the joiner's brows, Which, hanging from each pulpit, shed Faith's lustre on the marvelous creed. While howling Brahmins mourn the days Of purer church Auto-da-Fes, And San-benitos, whose chained gang Fledfco the fire, from Faith's harangue. That saving flames each nose might fill With reek of sizzling Ingersoll. And scare to pastures orthodox, His giggling and bewildered flocks. 140 ! Atheism barren. From his blind alley placards stare, "No exit here! No thoroughfare ! " For him the Universe is void. Matter alone, by matter buoyed, Exists. In all the immense of space 'Twixt sun and sun he sees no trace Of any life, save that close bound By force of gravity to ground, Tho' every inch of that is crammed With sentience, all without is shamed By emptiness that 's absolute, And Matter is the lonesome fruit Of thought-ungrasped Infinity, Tho' every apple proves a tree. The Atheist's prayer is to be cloyed. His life is waste when unenjoyed, As other brutes; no scope beyond This little, fretful, jarring round. If vice assure a happier day, Why homage to grim virtue pay ; Brain only finds the stomach food ; Digestion is Man's highest good ; Work, like a horse, for appetite In which a monkey finds delight, Love, eat, drink, sleep, 'tis all of life ! Why should man mar his days with strife, To better others, if his gain Increases by their added pain? They're fools who dream Love's law. To strong The empires of the world belong ; Nature awards to claws, success, Scylla and Charybdis. 141 And hoofs are food for craftiness. Why feel remorse, or shame, or dread Of wrong, who when you die are dead. When Charles, the adulterer, rolled in dust The throne of England, sun-lit lust Of strumpet raptures made display To poets rhythmic roundelay. Anteros daubed the wings of Love, Priapus spued in each alcove, Maidens were bred for paramours And virgins learned the arts of whores. The Atheist was the fashion then, Hobbes, wisest of the sons of men, Taught courtiers his dismal creed, And virtue vanished from the bed. So Atheism breeds despair, Of human lot, nor grants an heir To Progress as Man shrinks to beast Gorged with his Barmecidal feast. 'Twixt Scylla and Charybdis, steer Man may, but as he does, must fear. 'Twixt rocks and whirlpool he can glide, In safety, but on Reason's tide. Each coarse re viler and reviled Has but defended, or assailed, A goblin, man-made, in the dark Of Time, when Reason was a spark, And all was miracle, because Man had no glimpse of Nature's laws. 142 There is a God ! They see not that the Universe Proves God, in Love evolved of Force, That far beyond the highest plane Imagination can attain, The Unthinkable 's revealed by Laws, Effect still generating cause. There is a God ! The valley's grass, The cedars in the mountain pass, The yellowing waves of rustling grain, All own and bless his loving reign. The insect sporting in his beams, The elephant, who at the gleams Of dawn, salutes the orb of day, Alike attest and own his sway. The songs of birds to him are prayer ; The thunder cleansing poisoned air ; The currents which forever glide Thro' ocean, and its breathing tide, Alike an Infinite proclaim, As raving Force in Love grows tame ; And men alone who can not rise Thro' warring clouds, to peaceful skies, And from that height, see furious strife, But wider cast the seeds of Life, With hearts by intellects crushed, have said There is no Love ! There is no God ! Shall creeping men, who claim intent, Deny it to the Firmament ? The illimitable, shoreless stream, On which the Universes swim, The stars deride the Atheist. 143 As discs in circulating blood, Is there no sentience in its flood ? The body of the Infinite, Has that no will-nerves to transmit From Motion's origin, command, As brain controls obedient hand ? Until for Space men limits find, Through it must reign controlling mind. If space has limit, every world Would be toward its centre hurled. Indrawn by gravity its course, Were no antagonistic force. But force, centrifugal, denies A bound, as gravity it vies ; And motion proves that infinite soul O'er infinite matter wields control, Law-giver is, where laws exist : The stars deride the Atheist. Yea ! Love alone is Sovereign ! The radiations of his throne Fecundate, vitalize, control, Gross matter, and etherial soul. Earth gasps with bliss in his embrace ; Toward him the stars, untiring race, Unjostling, each, his law-marked course, Speeds, guided by his brethrens' force. Attraction is the love of suns, Its sway obedient matter owns, And love 's the attraction that incites The earth-born soul to heavenward flights, 144 The Justice of the future. The world's work 's done by volunteers, Whose wages are abuse and sneers, They trample fear beneath their feet, And half-way, roar of Acheron meet, Defending rights of those who toss Dice-boxes 'neath the moaning cross, And laugh, or curse, as lot grants claim To coats, scourge-clotted, torn from shame Above them hanging, mocked and nude, Dying, in crowded solitude. Tell me, O Man, is Instinct waste That wages hopeless war with caste, Yet gasping fights, and fiercest blows, While agonizing, strikes your foes ? " They know not what they do ! Forgive ! I die, O ! Father. Love must live ! " If Nature teaches, they who earn Wealth should enjoy, can Justice spurn Their right, who plant love's seed to eat Somewhere, its mellow, luscious fruit, Or is such love, aborted birth Unripe for Heaven, unfit for Earth ? : . Gods ! if the Infinite should want Such habitation, Space grows scant, Its boundless stretches must be filled, Else Justice would have room, and build. When atheist mocks and bigot raves, License corrupts, or creed enslaves.^ Such quarrel is not Man's. They, each, The Levite claims the " 'hind- quarter, 145 The brutal creed of Mammon teach : Though progress gains when Man 's released, Even by the atheist, from the priest. For priests are banded to support, The Usurer, Conquerer, and Court, And trample Reason in his shell, While selfish atheists rebel At domination, which denies, Man's right to eat his sacrifice. Each weary step advance has gained, In terror won, by tears is stained, And fettered Reason's tongue or pen, Moved but to clank the bigot's chain. The oubliette, beneath his sway, Or stake, or gibbet, claim as prey Man-aiding Science as she strives, Instinctively, for nobler lives. The crimsoned Earth thro' aether swings, Her path marked by the blood she flings, When priestcraft aids what tyrants plan, And love of God is hate of man. But for abuses Creed exists. Better mankind were Atheists, Than thrice a year with off 'rings plod, Foot-sore, the thronged and dusty road, To the fat Levite, waiting where, The Sacrifice, with God he'll share. What recks he what the people ea,t, If God gets smoke, and he gets meat. , Better if such God is, abjure 146 Faith the same in Dahomey and Christendom. His reign who delegates his power To human owls, that shun the light, And seize their prey in Man's twilight ; Who, aping look of wisdom, hoot From shadows, in their fierce pursuit Of plunder, with funebral tones, Dread horrors through the hearts of clowns. Did Man not live in abject fear, Stalled Heaven would have few plaints to hear, For did he not a future dread, His innate force would limit greed. Men who their fetish hold in awe Must grovel under Mammon's law ; For under Mumbo Jumbo, brain By sufferance lives, and stomachs reign. As in Dahomey, human meat Is haled to shambles, from the street ; See the cowed victim, bending low, In silent stupor wait death's blow ; Faith teaching that his journey lies Thro' the intestines to the skies. There priest for king prepares the food Which both digest, and find it good, While clanging cymbals notify The sniffing, waiting Deity. Our canting anthropophagist Dresses his man for Mammon's feast ; So basting, Faith-bedeviled serf, With bigotry's thick-crusting scurf, That trussed and bound he quiet lies, France rescued by the Atheist. 147 A cheerful, willing sacrifice, No thought of struggle crossing mind To meet " the will of God "resigned. From atheist France all laws derive By which to-day her people thrive. For twenty millions share the sward By atheists torn from priest and lord ; All peasant patriots, they band For "Za Patrie," "our native land." Frenchmen have wedded France ; no force Land from her lovers can divorce. No castle's battlements appall The landlord's victim, church's thrall ; And happy homesteads now replace The huts of a misgoverned race. No cold "our country" can express His hot heart's gloating tenderness, For life, love-rooted to her soil, Fragrant with brimming wine and oil. 'Twill do Americans who " squat," Cast household goods on any lot, Until its barren waste declares, Land, to be fertile, must have heirs. 'Twill do for Englishmen, accursed By Land Monopoly, the worst Earth 's seen since slavery brought doom On alms-fed, landlord-strangled Rome. But the French paysanne^s burning drouth For land, tears from her infant's mouth Her brimmed reluctant teat, to stab Her bosom with a stranger's babe. 148 The sword of Justice double edged. And when the untimely weanling pules, The father with his child condoles, " Son ! thou may'st die, but understand That if thou livest, thou'lt have land ! " France, robbed to bake the Eucharist, Was rescued by the Atheist ; For, ere the Grand Convention broke By his strong hands, her double yoke, * Her toiling men, for Luxury's needs, T$y taxes starved, were fed on creeds. There Nobles, at the royal feet Laid price appraised of judge's seat, And took, as lawful gain, the fee That paid for the unjust decree ; Thus one, for impotence divorced, For gross seduction was amerced, And double edge of justice felt ; Declared both ravisher, and gelt. His genitals declared effete, Dower was returned his craving mate. While the salacious dog repents His bastard's annual expense. There he who chanced upon the street Poor Capuchins in file to meet, Whose leader, on paunch-fed by alms, Sustained the Host, while all droned psalms, And, at their wafer-god amused, His wicked hat, to doff, refused ; Had cause his unbelief to mourn, When from his mouth his tongue was torn ; State of wealth producers governed ly tax-payers. 149 When, stretched upon the creaking rack, He felt his perverse sinews crack, And saw, in each dissevered wrist, Th' atonement Law awarded priest ; Not paid, till, from green fagots heaped Around his stake, the dull flames crept, That in slow fire burnt out his sin, Who ridiculed a Capuchin. J?here Judges sentenced, every year, Five hundred wretches to the oar, Where, naked, chained to galley bench, They ate, drank, slept, and died in stench, Because the salt that Nature craves, They smuggled to their fellow slaves. And power the curst gabelle assessed To squander it on lord and priest. These wits found in the shiv'ring brutes, 'Round Paris grubbing fields for roots, Such semblance to the human shape, As Darwin now might find in ape ; Or such as angry Kearney sees In leper-bred, ill-fed Chinese ; Or such as shocks a Democrat, When first he sees a negro vote ; Such form as in their eyes you take, When Joe Medill and Story quake, Fearing their clients greenbacks get, For greenbacks which create your debt ; And argued learnedly as they, Of natural supremacy, Over the ragged beasts, of those, 150 Seignorial Rights. Who boasted fat, and wore good clothes, Deep based and framed in Nature's facts, And manifested by the tax The masters paid, each centime earned, And forced by Law from those they spurned. There, when the savage, wintry chase, Its quarry found in houseless waste, The chilly noble knew defence * Against the cold; kind Providence, Did by Seignorial Right direct The feeble Should the strong protect ; He slew a villein, and the heat, Of the slashed entrails warmed his feet ; His brother serfs looked on, content, With their place in God's government, Well taught to know that human clay Th' Almighty potter must obey ; That Providence assigns each lot, As sugar bowl, or chamber pot ; If so, could not his wisdom plan, A foot-stove, or a warming-pan. When Luther's match had touched the train Thought scattered on Man's waking brain, The Church, whose creed controlled the world, From her wide-swaying throne was hurled, Nor were th' explosive forces spent, Till Rome lost half the continent. Thro' Germany, each peasant home, Laughed at the bellowing Bulls of Rome; The Switzer, in his eyrie, heard, The Moral of a Fable. 151 Her thunders roll below, unstirred ; England, whose creed was ever Gold, Careless, indifferent, heard her scold, And Bull for Bull bluff Harry sped, With her tiara on his head. Man gained by changing, for u the Book," Rome's sceptre, welded to a crook, As frogs, when great King Stork has died, His loss by great King Log supplied ; At first, they venerate the thing, Such turmoil spreading thrown their spring, Then wiser grow, and mock their king. Had France with popes been discontent, Her peasants would be protestant ; But there the priest with noble joined, And fraud with force had crushed his mind. The Church had so debased the Celt, No sound he heard, no shock he felt ; Low thro' her glooms her vassals crept, High o'er his head, thought's tempest swept, And never changed the stagnant air In the dark crypts, whence his dull stare, In horror saw the lightnings flash O'er Europe's firmament, to crash, The swarming towers, where o'er him stank, The fat and filthy tonsured monk. Vengeance but waits ! A later time, In blood and tears, avenged her crime. Th' infernal force of Creed was spent, 152 The Resurrection of France. In its despite, Thought found a vent ; And his long prisoned gases rushed, With one grand throe, thro' Creed's thick crust. Light on his darkness broke ; Man saw, And knew his jailer in the Law. When naked Labor felt his shame, The hour of his deliverance came. Then hear him shriek : " There is no God ! " Taught but to know that purpled fraud, By whose aid fat-paunched bishops stole, The poor man's bread and starved his soul. H Mass-mumbling priest then met the fate, He earned, as jackal for " the great." For Justice, Mammon's martyrs bled, The greedy guillotine they fed, And every stroke that lopped a head, But thinned a breed for plunder bred. Freed from the incubi that, squat Upon her breast, long ages sat, France sprang to life ; the feudal corse, Thrilled with reviving nature's force, And burst the cerements which wrapped The limbs that now to Freedom leaped. On Human Rights she based her laws ; And tho' to reinstate their cause, Bourbon and priest combine their skill, They dare not thwart a people's will. No cunning can its rule restore, And Creed will reign in France no more ; For Man, once free, can but despise Siamese Twins. 153 The obscene, revolting, gem-decked lies, Which hang upon each gaping shrine, As grapes upon a fruitful vine, And feed brute faith, by relics shown As Christ's foreskin, or Peter's bone. In France, babes laugh when friars tell The doleful agonies of Hell. The land, of all lands Orthodox, Now more than all, Religion mocks. Aye ! Better far no God, than these Who force the race upon its knees Like camels, while they burdens bind, Never by God, for Man, designed. Who claim commission from the skies To govern Man, must blind his eyes : Must with the senseless power they wield, Shame Honor, and Corruption shield : Must rule to ruin, reign to blast, And on the present force the past ; Still shudd'ring as the gates of dawn Herald Love's fast approaching morn. For Creed and Power are sworn allies. No crow pecks out another's eyes. Like Eng and Chang, twins Siamese, They're coupled in all villainies. They bed together ; while one gasps In bestial bliss, the other clasps The victim's arms, and fends escape From loathsome, phagedenic rape, ii Zion 'built with the debris of Olympus. For every weight that Man has crushed, The Church has been apologist. Her outworn creeds, like bands of iron To check his growth his thoughts environ. She, in traditions of the Jews, Finds warrant for each vile abuse ; The small dead God of Palestine, She swings before Man's eyes, to screen All infamies that fill her purse, And knows no shame, feels no remorse. Astonished Paganism paled, When by the blood-stained cross assailed ; The flow'ry garlands that she wove To hang in chaste Diana's grove, The myrtle wreaths, with roses twined, For Father Jupiter designed, Dropped from her nerveless, frightened hand, As its grim Saint shook sword and brand Before her Nature-loving eyes, And claimed her temples as his prize. He robbed her ^Esculapius, Apollo, Chrisna, Adonais, Bacchus, Prometheus, Mercury, And blent them in his deity. Then stole the cross from Serapis, Stole lessons from Pythagoras, Baptism from the Essenes, Their patient neophyte's surplice, Apollo's gold baptismal font, To use Nundina's sprinkler on't, Conglomerate strata of dead Faiths. 155 Mystic regeneration stole, And poured from out the Delphian bowl, Upon a figurative womb, The " blood of sprinkling's " filthy spume ; So Tauribolian Christ was slain, So Christian convert 's " born again." From Eleusinian mysteries rent Their supper, called it "Sacrament," Took Augur's staff, and Janus' keys, Took Venus' pigeons, Aaron's grease, Took Nature's worship of the Sun, And gave it to his " Holy One ; " Fixt John the Baptist's natal day When Sol began to lose his sway, And set the Anointed's wondrous birth When he returns to bless an earth^ Halved by a creed, whose changing year But fits the northern hemisphere. Stole dreams of empire-hoping Jews, And called their drivel, "prophecies," Mortared the dismal farrago. With second-death, and endless woe ; On Paganism forced his scheme, Till Faith o'er Intellect reigned, supreme. Since, so the Church her place assured, Man's reasoning power has but endured ; Advance was scarcely possible, Against Greed reinforced by Hell. Thro' every air her jingling chime Has rung her raptures over crime, And wickedness that has no word 156 The "Scarlet Woman:' In Nature's tongue, from her has heard Its chanted praise, in blasphemies Attuned to rhythmic melodies. Of all earth's curses, still the worst From her corrupted womb has burst ; All horrors, infamies, and guilt, The strumpet fondles 'neath the quilt Of brawling prayers, which overspread Her Mammon-pressed adulterous bed ; For Faith exists but as she wars With Reason, and his vict'ries mars. See, from her racks, the wretches crawl To her slow stake, and roasted fall Into eternal woe, to slake Her thirst for power : the dread mistake The infernal deity may shrive, Who would not suffer witch to live ; But sent his sin-destroying priest Throughout the hamlets, with a list Of bed-rid, toothless, mumbling age, That lived in hot concubinage With the arch fiend, whose lack of taste Proves him untonsured, if unchaste, With thumbscrews oiled, for witnesses To prove their arctic wantonness. The dazed brains that, Walpurgis night, On broomsticks took their cloud -whirled flight To homage Satan, should have known They could have bowed before his throne, On any pleasant Sabbath day, Devil Worship. 157 When frightened children fear to play, Tho' Nature beckon to the gloom Within their shutter-darkened room, And tho' she spreads illumined book Before swelled eyes, that dare not look, To some damned catechism chained, Whose every page with tears is stained. Aye ! could have found an open Hell High-flaming in his narrow cell, Whose scared imagination framed A God that loved him better maimed Of Nature's virile force ashamed Yet feared the knife, and strove his seed To quell by hair-shirt, fast, and bead ; Who sought his balky soul to urge Toward Heaven, with the moaning scourge Whose appetite, by Faith depraved, 'For ashes, as a luxury craved ; Whose Heaven-revolting discipline Made sack-cloth grateful to his skin, And, prostrate, on his stony floor In sanious anguish lay, to adore His blear-eyed deity, an elf Dwarf image of his monstrous self, That blinked approval from its shelf. When wak'ning Conscience stood in awe Of " property in man " by law, With slavocrats in power allied, Her besom struggled with the tide, Which rolled with Love's resistless force To sweep from earth its coiling curse. 158 Coricubitusfacit Matrimoniam. And she, who shudders at their crime, Whose feet to violins keep time, With raptures gasped in their embrace, Who brutalized by law a race. Magentius' horrid punishment To her was holy sacrament. She, too, with living, chained the dead, And Bondage with Free Labor wed ; Her God invoked to bless the bond, Tho' Slavery stank, and Freedom swooned. While every canting pulpit sought To tighten matrimonial knot, Epithalamiums she sang, Joy bells in every steeple rang, And temple-clouding censers swung, While round his neck her foul arms clung, Tho' Free Thought, Free Speech, Free Press died, Where to the rotting carcass tied. Behold the "Child of many prayers " The unnatural alliance rears : Its offspring such as leap to birth When sons of God consort on earth With lustful maids, and rear a brood Of fiendlings, who in Heaven's flood Are drowned as War's remorseless wave Engulfs the master, frees the slave. She prattled of the curse of Ham, And quoted texts of Abraham ; Long .on Onesimus she stood, Mrs. Partington. 159' And battled with the rising flood, Against a wild Atlantic's spume Wielded her dust-compelling broom, Indignant that the increasing wave Of Reason floated off the Slave. She stood upon Thought's battle-field, And with brass pot-lid strove to shield Her bigot troops, from hurtling rain Of argument aimed at the brain, And sped from bows whose strings were tense With twanging, tendinous common sense. Men who for half a century Had droned her doleful litany, Yet felt an arrow wound, and bled, As pity rankled in their creed, She blasted with contempt, and drove From ranks all terrified at Love. She forced her Christ to justify The infamous, unnatural lie. Resolved that Slavocrats might feed Upon his flesh, and drink his blood, Yet, shielded by that text of Paul's, Drink no damnation to their souls. With sins per se, et a lege Chopped logic with her deity . And all her skill and wit were spent In finding out what " doulos" meant; While Man was deafened with her bray, " Douloi" their masters must obey. 160 Domestic and foreign Missions. That the man-stealer's legacy She might to " pious use " apply, She taught Theology for gold, Received as price of maidens sold To speculating brutes, who dealt In " fancy girls," and never felt Shame's tinge upon her sallow cheek, But read her testament in Greek Upon her horny knees, and prayed For the salvation of the maid, Consigned to Hell, to send the news Of resurrection to the Jews ; Then rose, her consignee to rate As lost, and "unregenerate,*' If "trade was dull," and "short return" Was of a soul's pollution born. When a long life of legal theft Dropped from Earth's gloom, and Hades cleft, And deathbed's conscience' heir lost grip By will, upon his father's whip, She Jesus hear it ! sent the freed To Africa, to teach her creed. To frighten fetish worshippers, Taught Hell to her interpreters ; And, spectacled, read their reports Of "added souls," in annual courts, Delighted when the boasting scribe Told of a half-converted tribe ; Tho' the deciphered paragraph, Intend each convert's upper half. The Church loves Man. 161 As ladies swung their crinoline, To show contempt for Union men, In New Orleans, when Butler's wit Upon Secessia's garments lit, And taught her jeering legs to hide More gracefully, her angered pride ; Now see this withered beldam frown, And jerk aside her greasy gown, Her senile scorn to indicate, When Love with Reason holds debate, How force from Greed, for Nature's heir How save for Toil his righteous share Of wealth from Labor robbed, and spent In luxuries ; tho' Nature meant In granting it, Man to assure Equality, for she no poor Nor rich will foster. From her loaf Should all men cut, there 's bread enough. The Church loves Man! Oh! well! how well All lips irrational can tell, Whose love is lust ; such love as this Can copulate, but never kiss. Now from each cross-road hear the squeak Of weak-lunged Boanerges, break The quiet of the Sabbath eve, And of their atheism rave, Who hold the Domesday-law unjust, As starving love, it fattens lust; To petty tyrants parcelling land, That built on fences, thrones may stand, 162 Feudal System. And for an age perpetuate A system based on Norman hate, And Saxon impotence ; for Gurth, Born thrall of Rufus, tills his earth. Where deeds and patents spoilers yield Law's title to Man's ravished field, Who but the priests of Mammon shriek His curses at the men who seek To shatter to foundation stone The system laws are built upon, Which concentrate all wealth, and force On Labor, wed to land, divorce. Who dare, but Mammon's priests to rend Asunder those whom God hath joined ? Aye ! who but they dare prostitute Toil's wife, that she must yield her fruit To incarnated Greed, and doom Her teeming and prolific womb To breed, instead of God-like Man, Deformed, misshapen Caliban, Who from her shamed bed driven forth, Wanders, trespasser on the earth, And till death settles Nature's debt Must crave his fellows' leave to sweat. Where e'er she claims to rule mankind, And seeks on earth her realm to find, Religion governs but to curse, As Progress gains she meets reverse ; So Man's advance is measured by The loss of meddling Deity. Progress rejects all forms of Religion. 163 O ! Toilers, in Religion know Your craftiest and meanest foe. As well expect Cholula's priests, Fattened on their inhuman feasts, Who, 'ere the off 'ring parts with life, Beneath the sacrificial knife, Ravening, upon the victim dart, Tear from his breast his quiv'ring heart, And quaff the spurting sacrifice To win the favor of the sl^ies, Should sicken at the taste of blood, And quench the altars of their God, As hope for help from those whose gain Is won from shriveled, torpid brain, Who thro ? the dreary ages bind Faith's fetters on distorted mind, And on Toil's shoulders, galled and worn, Bind burdens grievous to be borne ; Nor yield a finger's strength to aid Him staggering beneath the load ; But mouth their mingled diatribe, Of Church's curse, and Mammon's jibe, Perdition here, and Hell his lot, Who dares attempt to cut the knot, With which the Lilliputs have bound Their monster Man upon the ground He slept on, while they, crafty, wound His limbs in laws that aggregate The skill of Creed and strength of Hate, Lest Labor, lord of land, and free From paralyzing usury, Should from his Heaven-erected face 164 The sordid lines of Greed efface, And by his just, and gentle reign, Drive Serf and King from his domain : And smiling skies should greet an earth, Whose laughing harvests banish dearth, While in deserted mines but Gnomes And Kobolds find congenial homes. When knaves climb Sinai, God is sure To warrant robbery of the poor. When Moses journeys, Levites feast, And " Brother Aaron " is high priest, The Heavens are wise, they know to choose, The seed of Amram rules the Jews. So always they will answer prayer, When fools believe that God is there. The Demagogue. 165 Alas ! Your straggling ranks disclose Even in your midst, a host of foes. Still Judas waits with thin-pressed lip And itching palm, his price to grip. For blatant demagogues and loud Will to the wall, your honest crowd. With brazen lungs will claim the right To bear your standards thro' the fight. In every parliament of rats Some blatant speaker bells the cats, The first to lead the van of flight When " miaeou " quavers on the night. When Nero reigns, the timid pass For wise men with the frightened mass, Who hide in cowed apostacy ; Tho' wisdom then 's audacity. When safety hangs on accident, And Man by circumstance is pent ; As fumbling fear escape debates, A spice of madness extricates. If you to their direction yield, Your hosts fly scattered from the field, Where the ne'er-ending battles rage, Labor with Capital must wage. For they will seek to compromise Your principles to gain allies, Whose wav'ring lines but court defeat, Nor dare, in phalanx, spurn retreat. When, answering their ambitious prayer, You seat them in the curule chair, 166 Tilden. They'll pocket bribes, and sell the votes, Hoarse rumbling from their perjured throats, With crammed porte-monnaies flout your school, To echo Thurman, " Wealth must rule!" When Didius in the forum stands, And with Sulpician contends, Purse fights with purse, and auctioned Rome Falls prey to him who has, at home, The chests, his clawing hand unlocks To buy the tissued Ballot-box ; Nor needs, with promise of the sack Of public treasure, bribe the pack Of party hounds, who howling wait, Snapping each other at its gate. No dogs so fierce as they, will quarrel Around the fame-invested " barrel." So, venal from his rotten youth, A smirk at Faith, and sneer at Truth, Burrowing all his knavish prime For legal garbage thro' the slime Of gold-bought statutes he calls Law, In which the wiggling weak, to maw Of floundering strength, in shoals are sped, As menhaden for sharks are bred. This sapless, loveless Eunuch, who Wedded to selfishness, ne'er knew Sensation of a nerve that felt A sympathy beyond his pelt Who thro' a prosperous career Of seven decades has seen each year Ambition, the highest bidder. 167 Surpass the last, as knavish skill Law-wed to profit-breeding quill : Now would in loveless age, aspire The seat of Washington to hire. Hot with ambition makes his claim, And palled with money, trades for fame. With creaking joints, and rheumy eyes, See Tilden, blinking at the prize, Then at his " barrel," to estimate How much 'twill shrink, to make him great. While to his ears, in harmony floats The smothered moan of bulldozed votes, (With shot-gun roars, as foul Yazoo, Sick of free thought enjoys a spue.) All cheaply gained, the caucus bought For whose control his purse has fought, As States wholesaled for cash are won, At retail by the lash and gun, Of "glory" sure, if filthy Cork, With tripled vote, can drag New York Across the color-line, where stand In solid ranks, Secession's band. So Murder, Rant, and Bribery strive To give you an infirm Khedive, Who, fastened on your back, will guide Your stumbling steps, with roweled hide ; While you, as Sinbad gather nuts For him who represents the guts Which patient labor wastes her skill And idiotic sweat, to fill, 168 The " Color Line:' Because the food that they digest, Only increases power to feast, As principal when interest Upon the debt new strength bestows, More rav'nous, as it larger grows. All cunning, lies and treachery Are proof of incapacity ; He who was cheated thought he meant More cunning than his opponent. While you, O ! Toil, your friends behold, Priced in the market-place and sold, For State's rights bellowing, the Thug Thro' all the South, the grave has dug, For strangled Freedom. Will you lack All sympathy, because she's black ? Her cause is yours, your cause is Man's, Right knows nor colors, creeds, nor clans. Even when your ardent cohorts throng The crumbling battlements of wrong, When tear-drenched eyes with gladness shine, Arid " Victory ! " rings along the line. Still traitor hands your standards lower, As fell ambition grasps at power. If Toil but tramples on a crown, To shiver at a Tribune's frown, A harsher master you obey, Than those he aided you to slay. As Progress with her rattling train Lays her own track o'er hill and plain, The " Coup d'etat: 1 169 Thro' mire, and rock, her toilsome course, Exacts all skill, and claims all force, As the dead weight behind he drags, Of Dives' purple, Lazar's rags ; Then if you trust a renegade To hold her lever, retrograde He'll set it, and the crash of wheels, And telescoping vans, reveals, The wretch who forced the steam you heat, To drive destruction on retreat. For him no quarter ; let your knife, Keen-whetted, drink his forfeit life. For Justice, Labor ne'er must shrink To see his traitors swing, and stink. To the great King, an embassage Th' .Athenians missioned, to engage His influence to gain them peace, And Thebes prevent from ruling Greece. All means are fair to win success, Thought craven-souled Therrnagoras, And worshipped the great monarch, prone As vassal, crawling to the Throne. How Athens raged, as Greeks deride The blow his baseness gave her pride, " Success, so won ! what gift had he To buy a freeman's bended knee ? Lest the proud shades our altars shun, Whose bright blood crimsoned Marathon, To Pluto's realm, vile Slave, .depart ! May Furies rend your milky heart ; 12 170 Wisdom of Ostracism. Our glad air 's poisoned with your breath ; Death ! to the Traitor ! Sudden death ! " Just Sentence ! May his doom be told Of every cur that licks for gold The hand of power, the man, self-made, Whose patriotism is his trade. O ! Toilers dread, O ! Freemen shun Laws which evolve the self-made man, Justice and Mercy, Love and Grace, Are doomed where he controls his race. When Northern hordes assailed her wall, And Rome was tottering to her fall, When Anarchy's wild, seething waves, Broke o'er the weak defence of Slaves, A huge, unwieldy Savage tore His bloody path to seats of power. Selfish and pitiless, his might, 'Mid butchered victims mocked at Right ; The shiv'ring Senate, dumb with awe, His edicts registered as law, And his nomadic, purple tent Was source and seat of Government. Death fawned upon him as he strode The trembling Earth, a human God, As Rome with laurels crowned her son Her self-made man, dread Maximin. O Toilers of this land, be warned ! Ten years' proud Troy Cassandra scorned, Then fell, because her Prince before Traitorous Towers. 171 Was conquered by the Grecian whore. And vanity his Right denied, Who claimed from lust his stolen bride. In Homer's deathless tale is writ The world truth close with Nature knit, " No walls a city can protect, Whose towers with treason are infect;" So Priam's grey, blood-dabbled hair Calls down the cent'ries to declare, Who wrong defends, its ills must share. O ! Brothers, every tower you build Within your walls, a foe will shield. Who herds in them, remote from Man, Must set untiring brains to plan For greater height, and wider sweep, While men beneath, foreshortened creep, And undistinguished emmets throng (Whose nights are short and days are long) The narrowed streets, chilled in their shade, And of their culverins afraid ; Peered down upon by jealous eyes, Policed by guns and watched by spies, Forbid to think, or talk, or vote, Lest they attempt to fill the moat. All towers are traitors ; even the wall Defensive, must defiance bawl ; Must bring th' invader to inspect What 'tis their battlements protect. Suspicion, always wrong will meet, Distrust still justifies deceit. 172 Liberty needs no walls. Man never built a wall too stout To quiver at its victor's shout. Walls prove their denizens are base ; That power bestrides a coward race ; Nature decrees their fall; their seed Grows dwarfish, and she spurns the breed. But Sparta, for six hundred years, Walled by Equality, avers She never in her homely street Heard the dread tramp of hostile feet ; Aye ! more ! She never stranger saw But ate black broth and lived her law. Man has one ark, around it crowd The rich, the arrogant, the proud, Eager to clutch, with hands profane, God's covenant, and Mammon's bane, And each would rule, when all are free, But in and thro' Equality. Who flout Equality, betray Republics, and but wait the day, When they can Freedom over-ride, Tho' splashed with blood at every stride. Unconscious of the greatness born Of abnegation, they fear scorn For blustering fame,, and Man must fall From Nature's plantigrades, and crawl, Dog-headed, humbled, pitiful, In adulation worshipful, Before the jealous eyes that know In every man, erect, a foe. Else Haman for a gallows schemes, When Mordecai infests his dreams. Th