UC-NRLF 51fl SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, SELECTED FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF FOREIGN ACADEMIES OF SCIENCE, AND FROM FOREIGN JOURNALS, NATURAL HISTORY. EDITED BY ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S. &c., LECTURER ON BOTANY AT ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL, AND THOMAS HENRY HUXLEY, F.R.S. LONDON: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, Printers and Publishers to the University of London. 1853. FLAMMAM. " Every translator ought to regard himself as a broker in the great intellectua traffic of the world, and to consider it his business to promote the barter of the pro duce of mind. For, whatever people may say of the inadequacy of translation, -it is and must ever be, one of the most important and meritorious occupations in the greal commerce of the human race." Goethe, Kunst und Alterthum. CONTENTS. PART I. Page ART. I. On the Circulation of Sap in Plants. By Dr. HERMANN HOFFMANN 1 ART. II. Upon the Male of Argonauta Argo and the Hectocotyli. By Professor HEINRICH MULLER of Wiirzburg 52 ART. III. A few Remarks upon Hectocotylus. By C. TH. VON SIEBOLD, Professor at the University of Breslau 92 ART. IV. Investigation of the Question : Does Cellulose form the basis of all Vegetable Membranes? By HUGO VON MOHL. 95 PART II. ART. IV. Investigation of the Question : Does Cellulose form the basis of all Vegetable Membranes ? By HUGO VON MOHL (continued) 97 ART. V. Memoir upon the Hectocotyli and the Males of certain Cephalopods. By MM. J. B. VERANY and C. VOGT. ...... 119 ART. VI. Organographical Observations on certain Epigynous Monocotyledons. By H. CRUGER, of Trinidad 155 ART. VII. Fragments relating to Philosophical Zoology. Se- lected from the Works of K. E. VON BAER . . 1 70 IV CONTENTS. PART III. Page ART. VII. Fragments relating to Philosophical Zoology. Se- lected from the Works of K. E. VON BAER (continued) 193 ART. VIII. On the Development of Zostera. By W. HOF- MEISTER 239 ART. IX. On the Winding of Leaves. By M. WICHURA 262 PART IV. ART. IX. On the Winding of Leaves. By M. WICHURA (con- tinued) 273 ART. X. On the Development of the Ascidians. By A. KROHN 312 ART. XI. Observations on the Development of the Pectini- branchiata. By MM. KOREN and DANIELSSEN 330 TWELVE PLATES. SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS. NATURAL HISTORY. ARTICLE I. On the Circulation of Sap in Plants. By Dr. HERMANN HOFFMANN. [From the Botanische Zeitung , vol. vi. p. 377, 1848; vol. viii. p. 17 et seq. 18. r >0.] , in animal physiology, many of the commonest vital phae- nomena were involved in obscurity previous to Harvey's great discovery of the circulation of the blood, so in the physiology of plants^ not a few points are still inexplicable on account of our very meagre acquaintance with the nature of the circulation of the saps in vegetables. Every Manual of Botany gives a different view as to the anatomical system in which the saps are supposed to ascend or descend : many deny altogether the descent of the fluids, while others are so firmly convinced of the existence of this, that they have made it the basis of a peculiar kind of descending growth of roots, and stated that trees grow from above downwards, in- stead of upwards from below. We are likewise ignorant of the relations of the milk-sap to the other juices and to crude nutrient saps, so that it is still undecided whether it is to be SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 1 2 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION regarded as a secretion, or as a circulating nutrient fluid analo- gous to blood. Even the function of the air-vessels is not clearly made out, or, otherwise, the recent statement, that the " so-called air-vessels " of the Ferns do not convey air, could not have been made. Under such circumstances, it can only be expected that the imperfect knowledge of the actual facts must leave the cause of the movement of the sap in utter uncertainty; and, indeed, on this very point the most wonderful notions are current, capillarity, contractility, and endosmose have to do duty in turn, as far as they will go. Where is the crude nutrient sap elaborated ? How does it arrive there ? By what path is it carried back to the other parts of the plant to furnish the material for development ? In what anatomical and physiological relation do the air-vessels stand to the system in which the saps circulate ? Injections cannot be applied in the endeavour to trace the paths by which fluids penetrate the vegetable tissues, on account of the minute size of the vessels, nor, indeed, without destruc- tion of the substance. But the spontaneous absorption of easily detected fluids accomplishes in plants what is done by injection in human anatomy. Coloured fluids, however, are rarely taken up by uninjured roots ; I have therefore made use of a very dilute solution of ferrocyanide of potassium, which may be readily detected in any spot to which it has penetrated, by the blue colour it assumes when chloride of iron is applied. And as the Prussian blue thus formed is insoluble in aqueous fluids, a little care in slicing and preparing the objects enables us to avoid the spreading of the colour to unaffected parts, which would deceive the observer as to the boundaries within which the natural mo- tion of the sap takes place. In the first place, it is found that this fluid penetrates by a different path in uninjured roots, from that which it takes when the solution is caused to be absorbed directly by the cut surface of a cut plant ; in the next place, that the course which this fluid pursues is constantly the same, and peculiar to each plant; and, moreover, that by no means all cells and vessels take equal share therein, but that where, in general, vessels are met Avith, the sap enters first into these,, and then, as in animals, passes far more slowly from these into all the remaining tissues of the plant. OF SAP IN PLANTS. 3 By this means it is possible to test, by direct experiment, the directions and course of the flowing saps from the root to the leaves, and backwards to all the other organs, which the follow- ing observations attempt to do in regard to the more important families of plants. I. ACOTYLEDONS. 1. Fungi. Clavaria rugosa, Bull. A number of these fungi (with unin- jured radical filaments imbedded in earth) were placed with the lowest part in an aqueous solution of ferrocyanide of potassium : in twenty-four hours they had become thoroughly imbued with it, so that a blue colour was produced when the tips were merely slightly touched with chloride of iron. When a cross section of the upper part of the fungus was made, and the surface of this tested, a blue colour was also pro- duced, but of very different intensity in different parts of the section. One part remained almost white, while the central portion, as well as a zone within the layer of rind, was strongly coloured : the hymenial layer was tinged but very slightly, which appears to depend partly on the great density of the cellular tissue, offering more resistance to the passage of the juices, and partly on the similar effect of the horizontal position of its cells. The cells of the interior were of perfectly similar character, but they seemed to be more loosely packed under the cortical layer and in the central part, and the more active conduction of the fluid is connected w r ith this. The walls of the cells, and also the fluid between them, were coloured blue. Longitudinal sections exhibited exactly the same results. Scaphophorum agaricoides, Ehrb. The little branch to which the fungus was attached was dipped into the fluid, without wetting the fungus itself. In twenty-four hours the fluid had made its way to about the middle of the fungus ; when chlo- ride of iron w r as dropped on the surface, a blue colour was produced, and this arrested the further penetration of the ferro- cyanide of potassium toward the border, so that the latter did not exhibit any reaction even after two days. Although this fungus is composed of uniform elementary structures, the reaction of the different layers displayed very 1* 4 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION unequal intensity ; for while the sections of the lamellae were still white, an intense blue was shown in the angles of their folds ; the fleshy substance in the vicinity was likewise white, while the same exhibited two strongly coloured layers farther up ; the superficial layer was also coloured deep blue. Micro- scopical examination showed that the lower part of the cellular tissue which had remained white was more closely packed, with predominant transverse joints, whence the fluid could not pass so readily ; while the upper part, distinguished by its deep colour, facilitated the penetration by the laxity and the varied direction of its cells. Trametes suaveolens, Fries. Several drops of the test fluid were poured upon the bark of the willow stem upon which the fungus grew, near the point of attachment, but without wetting the plant itself. In two days the fungus exhibited a tinge of blue, chiefly at the places where it was attached to the slice of bark, and consequently it must itself have contained a salt of the oxide of iron ; this slight blue colour was also visible on the out- side of uninjured fungi. On the application of chloride of iron to the surface of perpendicular sections, the colour became deeper near the base, and spread somewhat farther, especially in one point as far as the hymenial layer. Agaricus virgineus y Pers. The patch of turf on which it grew was placed in the fluid, and within three hours the entire fungus was penetrated by the latter, which is not wonderfnl considering the great moisture of the plant. Stipe, pileus, flesh, and gills, were coloured deep blue in the reaction, the pileus darkest at the part where it is continuous with the hollow stipe, while the sections of the gills were only weakly tinged, or did not become coloured at all ; but the passage of the blue-coloured into the uncoloured parts was quite gradual, and exhibited no distinctly marked boundaries. Examination by the microscope revealed a very lax interwoven cellular tissue ; in the lighter spots, cells were seen only half coloured blue, so that the fluid had not com- pletely penetrated them. From the foregoing it appears that the path of the circulation has no accurately fixed boundaries in the Fungi, and presents no anatomical peculiarities ; the fluid penetrates forwards and late- rally between and in the cells, proceeding most rapidly in those OF SAP IN PLANTS. 5 places where the laxity of the tissue and the direction of the cells oppose the smallest amount of resistance ; just as in blotting or other unsized paper. 2. Lichens. Cladonia subulata t Wallr. The lumps of earth on which the plant grew were placed in the test fluid, and the whole was covered with a plate of g ] ass, in order to maintain a moist atmo- sphere. Yet even after ten days the plant was not permeated throughout ; it had become coloured blue in some places, which indicated a natural existence of salts of oxide of iron in it. After the application of chloride of iron, moreover, to various sections, only a slightly deeper blue colour presented itself, which is readily explained by the extraordinary density of the tissue, and the consequent slow conduction of the juices in the lichen, which is itself of a rather dry nature. The blue colouring was uniform, and exhibited no marked limits. 3. Mosses. Syntrichia ruralis. The moss and the soil supporting it were so placed in the fluid that the former remained unwetted ; the atmosphere was kept damp as above. The stem conveyed the fluid upwards ; the leaves exhibited an uniform blue colouring at the base, which however spread very slowly over the surface, when the chloride of iron was dropped upon them ; the fluid advanced much more rapidly towards the point in a row of cells lying close beside the margin, while the mid-nerve acquired no perceptible colour. The chlorophyll granules did not seem to exert any especial influence on this conduction, since the lowest cells appeared coloured uniformly blue, in spite of their total absence. In the cells lying somewhat higher up, the blue colour did indeed correspond with the heaps of chlorophyll, which was perhaps only an optical phenomenon : further up the cells were pure green. Barbula muralis^ Timm. Treated as above : half mature, like the foregoing. Here again a blue stripe of more delicate cells was seen along the margin up to the apex, after the application of the reagent, while no discoloration could be detected in the mid-nerve, and on the general surface of the parenchyma of the leaf only isolated spots occurred, appearing to indicate a very 6 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION imperfect conduction of the sap in these places. The fruit-stalk absorbed only a small portion of the fluid extremely slowly ; when cut across, and the cut surface dipped in the solution of ferrocyanide of potassium, it soon exhibited a very distinct re- action ; strongest below, where rind and pith were coloured ; weaker above, where only the pith was acted on (and this slightly). From this it appears that the passage of the sap goes on chiefly and most energetically in a peculiar layer of cells along the margins of the leaves, in these mosses, while the mid-nerve fulfils another function ; I could not detect air in the latter. The stem and the fruit- stalk conveyed fluid onward through all their tissues, but very slowly so long as they remained uninjured. When chloride of iron was applied to the uninjured rind, it pe- netrated extremely slowly, which is sufficiently explained by the solidity of the structure. Hypnum cupressiforme, L. In this there are no peculiarly- formed marginal cells and no mid-nerve ; and no definite direction of the course of the sap could be detected here. This plant became gradually saturated with the fluid, so that even the peristome was coloured blue. 4. Ferns. Pteris serrulata. The test fluid was dropped upon the mould in which the plant was rooted, without wetting or injuring the latter. In twenty-four hours it had already penetrated far up the petiole ; the reagent did not colour the brown internal layer or the vascular bundle in the central point ; the latter was white, surrounded by brown soft cells. The parenchyma was blue and rich in granules (chlorophyll and starch?) throughout. The scalariform vessels in the interior distinctly contained air, and when uninjured took up no test fluid, although the plant was in a most vigorous condition of growth. Polypodium crassifolium. Treated like the preceding. In twenty-four hours the petiole was permeated by the fluid, and both the rather delicate cortical layer (of a green colour), containing no chlorophyll, and the entire parenchyma, which contained very numerous granules, were coloured blue by the reagent. The latter is traversed in the inner parts by isolated vascular OF SAP IN PLANTS. / bundles which are surrounded and supported by a hard brown layer of cells of a glass-like brittleness. These were not coloured blue ; neither were the vessels in their centre, which evidently contained air, and were to a slight extent unreliable. When this petiole was cut across and the open end dipped in the test fluid, the latter penetrated very rapidly upward into the white air-vessels, driving out the air. If the upper part of the leaf was clipped in the fluid, the phenomena were the same as in the first case; under such circumstances nothing penetrated into the air-vessels, which consequently are nowhere in communication with the surface (the stomates). Aspidium capense. The phenomena were exactly the same as in the preceding instance. Here again the stomates on the under side of the leaf conveyed no fluid into the air-vessels in the interior. Aspidium filix mas, Sw. The results did not differ from the foregoing. The brown cells again w r ere not coloured blue here. Hence the Ferns possess distinctly separate paths for the diffu- sion of air and sap. I could not observe any special path for the descending juices, and the existence of such may indeed be doubted, since these plants are supposed to grow only at the points. II. MONOCOTYLEDONS. In the preceding section an attempt was made to prove that in the lower cellular plants, in accordance with their homogeneous structure, the fluids passing from the soil into the plants, took no fixed direction, but, soaking through from cell to cell, ad- vanced most rapidly w r herever the laxity of the tissue opposed the minimum of resistance. In the Vascular Cryptogams, on the contrary, in the Ferns, it was found that special organs, the streaked vessels, already present themselves, exclusively des- tined to contain gaseous fluids, while the fluids absorbed from the earth first ascended within the looser cellular tissue in the vicinity of those vessels, and w r ere from thence diffused through- out the remainder of the tissues of the vegetable ; not indeed without previously undergoing suitable elaboration and ame- lioration. In the Monocotyledonous plants, where the specialization of the anatomical systems becomes more distinctly marked, similar HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION results are met with, and it is especially seen here, that the function ordinarily attributed to the system of the spiral vessels and their allies, is devoid of all proof in fact, and has been de- duced from experiments in which sufficient regard was not paid to all the circumstances involved. At the conclusion of the third part of this essay, relating to the Dicotyledons, I shall examine these experiments more closely, and seek to demon- strate the causes which have so long restricted us to conjectures and opinions, in a matter which appears so simple. Since in the plants now to be considered, new organs } flowers, organs of fructification, and ovules, are added to those already examined ; since, moreover, a far greater variety becomes evident in the forms of the internal structure, and the physiological rela- tions of the roots, stem, leaves, &c., of the Monocotyledons, than exists in the majority of the Acotyledons ; the observation of the progress of the sap within these different structures, pos- sessing peculiar forms in the diverse families, acquires greater importance, and admits of conclusions of a far more compre- hensive nature. I therefore take permission to enter more minutely into the details, in order to introduce the more extended remarks in fitting places. The experiments, as in the above-mentioned cases, w r ere made, with the exception of Canna, on pot plants alone, which were treated in the ordinary manner. In order to discover the course of the sap, the earth was watered with a solution (always of pretty equal concentration) of ferrocyanide of potassium, and then, after this fluid had been absorbed by the uninjured roots, the parts where absorption had occurred were demonstrated in transverse and longitudinal sections of the plants^ by means of sulphate of peroxide of iron. Anomatheca cruenta, Lindl. (Iridaceae). Watered on the 16th of July ; in two hours the ferrocyanide of potassium could be detected in the bulbs, while it was sought in vain in the stems. In the petals also (even in those developed subsequently to the watering and investigated three weeks after), the sap could not be traced, although at first appearance it seemed to have entered them, since they contain a red colouring matter which is readily decomposed and changed into a blue colour; but a counter- experiment with pure water, with a careful application of the OF SAP IN PLANTS. 9 reagent to the petals (stripped of some of the epidermis by shaving with a razor), showed the error of the first conjecture. Into the sepals of the specimen, on the contrary, the sap ascended within a few days ; the same occurred in some half-ripe fruits which existed upon other specimens. The following is a detailed account of the anatomical conditions. The bulb does not consist of separate scales, but forms a kind of tuber which is chiefly composed of a perfectly homogeneous mass abounding in starch ; the outer coat is a reticulated shell composed of two membranes : a thick bundle of vascular cords runs up the centre. The starchy parenchyma does not react blue, neither does the vascular mass in the centre, in the separate vessels of which air may be detected by the microscope ; but a very dark blue colour was seen in innumerable closely-crowded little points in the cortical layer or shell. And the presence of the ferrocyanide in the cortical substance did not depend upon a penetration from without during the watering of the specimen, and thus upon a penetration into the interior by an unusual path ; for the outer coating of all showed 110 reaction whatever with the salt of iron, while the blue colour was scarcely per- ceptible inside the finest of the root-fibrils. The shell of the bulb contains no air-vessels or spiral structures, but is traversed in all directions by numerous anastomosing liber bundles, which are sharply defined against the looser cellular substance surrounding them, and give the shell the open reticulated aspect already mentioned. These liber bundles exhibited no reaction ; in the transverse section they look like large yellowish circles, which are clearly contrasted against the surrounding blue cel- lular spots. The cells lying between these bundles are of two kinds ; those lying next them are narrower, more slender and more elongated than the rest, which exhibit a rounded four- or five-angled form ; it was these elongated cells which were coloured blue by the application of the salt of iron, while the remaining cells remained for the most part altogether uncoloured. The blue-coloured cells frequently lie several one behind the other, so that it is easy to trace the straight line in which the sap ad- vances, without deviating to the side ; in other cases, especially in the rest of the parenchyma, they frequently lie isolated, whence it appears to follow, that the motion of the sap is not 10 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION only less perfect in general here, but also takes place in an irre- gular manner, by no means in one and the same plane (parallel to the surface of the section). This tuberous bulb is, evidently, remarkably well fitted to afford a clear notion of the organs con- veying the sap in plants, since here all the important parts, the spiroids, the parenchyma, the elongated vessels, and the liber, are distinctly, and in fact as in the Dicotyledons widely sepa- rated from each other, to the great convenience of the observer. Underneath the bulb is the true root, which is of a pointed conical form. Here also the vascular bundles lie in the middle, while the blue colouring occurred in the parts more toward the circumference. In the stem no discoloration could be perceived, even in the cases where distinct reaction occurred, not only in the bulb below, but also in the capsule at the upper end. From this it seems as if the absorbed sap rested or became accu- mulated in particular parts of the plant, while it only hurried through the others as passages. In the cases where reaction was observed in the calyx, microscopical examination showed that the air-carrying, delicate unreliable spiral vessels or annular vessels were never the organs conveying the sap, but the elon- gated cells often lying close beside them. In specimens which were taken up nine days after watering, the absorbed ferrocyanide could be detected inside the half-ripe, otherwise fully-developed, capsules. It occurred within the elongated cells, which always accompanied the numerous delicate air-vessels in the axis, and seen through a lens after the reaction, formed a great abundance of little blue points and streaks. The soft, unripe seeds also exhi- bited distinct reaction in particular places ; here the fluid had also been conveyed from cell to cell through the seeds ; no vessels of any kind exist in the seeds. Tigridia pavonia, Pers. (Iridaceae). The plant was watered with the ferrocyanide while in full vegetation, on the 25th of July. After six days the reaction was observable not only in the bulb but also throughout the whole stem up to the floral organs, but not in these or in the interior of the germen. In nine days, however, the germen also had absorbed the salt, close beneath the surface, but neither the interior nor the ovules exhibited any reaction. The current had advanced more externally to the upper parts, to supply the floral organs with sap in the first OF SAP IN PLANTS. 11 instance, since a strong influx of sap and an active vegetation do not exist in the ovary and the ovules until they are fully developed. In the flower- bud of a blossom unfolded on the same day, the reaction could be detected in the petals, the stamens and in the pistil up to the stigma. The root : this is placed underneath the bulb, and is of a swollen conical form. Internally it is homogeneous, and in the centre is found the bundle of striped vessels ; the blue colour was seen to a slight extent surrounding this, but much more marked at the peri- pherical layer. Bulb : it consists of the bases of some six stems, enveloped by the sheaths at the bases of leaves ; the vascular bundles are scattered irregularly in the former; no reaction could be detected in the bases of the stems. Inside the bulb- scales the vascular bundles lie at some distance from each other in the median layer, while the reaction brought out a great number of blue spots, both in the mesophyllum and, more espe- cially, beneath the inner and outer epidermis of the bulb-scales. In the outermost coats of the bulb the blue colour was not limited to isolated points, but diffused uniformly throughout the entire mesophyllum, with the exception of the vessels. Micro- scopical examination of longitudinal sections showed that the vessels contained air and were uncoloured, while the cellular tissue and especially a portion of the elongated laxer cells were coloured deep blue. It is remarkable that only a portion and not the whole of the elongated vessels were concerned in the first conveyance of the sap. In longitudinal sections it was seen that these cells were much more easily separated from each other laterally than at their ends, by pressure, which seems not unim- portant in reference to the conveyance of the sap. Stem : in a cross section half-way between two nodes, the reaction made visible a large number of blue points, both inside the cortical layer and in the layers of the central parenchyma. The cortical layer is composed of few, narrow, striped vessels, liber bundles with very long cells colourless as glass, and of elongated cells which were in part coloured blue ; the layer allied to liber found at the circumference of the central parenchymatous substance of the stem, which is very thick in the internodes, while it is far weaker at the nodes, did not become coloured. The vascular bundles are scattered in the internal substance and were not 12 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION coloured ; they are connected with the compact parenchyma- tous cellular tissue by a lax tissue of delicate prosenchymatous cells, forming an investment around them. When the prepa- ration was dried these were partially torn away, and the vascular bundles hung loose in the tubular cavities thus produced. In longitudinal sections the vascular bundles were seen most di- stinctly of a yellowish colour ; between and beside these the blue streaks and points which indicated the sap -bearing cellular tissue. Flower : when the epidermis had been removed it was easy to detect the reaction here also, and it was seen uniformly through- out the parenchyma (containing colouring matter) of the petals, while the vessels and the delicate parenchymatous cells accom- panying them remained free. The stamens, conjoined into a tube, in the angles of which two vascular bundles are found, exhibited blue points both at their inner and outer boundaries, while the style lying free in the tube of the filaments was only spotted with blue in its outer periphery. The stigma was found very uniformly permeated with the salt. Dioscorea bulbifera, L. (Dioscoreaceae) . Within seven days after the watering the salt had already ascended five feet up in the stem. Root : upon reacting on a longitudinal section the whole tuber was found spotted with blue points and streaks ; no colouring occurred in the yellowish-white pieces of vascular bundles, which, composed of striped vessels containing air, were visible here and there, nor in a considerable number of reddish spots which microscopic examination proved to depend upon large drops of yellowish red oil occurring in many of the cells. The blue was seen inside the parenchyma of which the tuber is almost exclusively formed, in the same cells which contained starch. In a cross section of the Stem are seen a number of small and also very large vessels not combined into bundles. The larger are in many places situated at pretty regular di- stances, forming something like a hexagonal figure in the paren- chyma of the stem, while the small are scattered quite irregularly, and often enveloped in a pretty thick coat of elongated cells. Inside the central parenchyma or pith occurred isolated blue points ; the broad woody layer on the contrary was wholly devoid both of these and also of vessels, while by far the greatest mass of the salt had ascended in the elongated cells of the liber and OP SAP IN PLANTS. 13 cortical layers, and had become more or less diffused from thence into the surrounding parenchyma of the rind. The large vessels of the stem just mentioned are of so great diameter that a hair may be easily passed more than an inch down them. When the stem was cut up, some of the fluid almost always escaped from the wounded sap-bearing cells of the circumference and pene- trated into the interior, as also in the garden balsam, where the size and transparency of the tracheae invite such experi- ments, giving an appearance as if these canals were not really air-vessels but sap-conduits. Disregarding the fact that, in my experiments, their walls arid their rather fluid contents never exhibited a blue colour, the original presence of air in them may be easily directly demonstrated. For if a stem held the wrong end upwards is cut across and the wound immediately dipped in a drop of thick solution of gum, there is no difficulty in seeing bubbles of air emerge slowly from these tubes and inflate the dense fluid, when the stem is squeezed from the root upwards toward the wound. The ascent of bubbles of air begins directly, even when the pressure is commenced six inches below the wound, and it continues without interruption if the pressure is advanced slowly upwards to the cut surface. To conclude from the wholly accidental presence of water in these tubes, that they are nor- mally conductors of liquid, is like deducing from the presence of blood in the air- passages of a decapitated animal, that the lungs are naturally intended for that fluid. While the smaller vessels of the stem are usually spiral vessels, the structure of the larger is very well worthy of notice, for their walls look as if formed of small, nearly quadrangular frameworks, over which a delicate, closely spotted membrane appears stretched. The petiole, like the stem, is very rich in starch -bearing parenchyma; it is coated by a rind, the partly elongated cells of which (but not the liber cells) become deep blue ; the internal tissue exhibited very few blue points, and the isolated spiral vessel bundles, in which air was clearly seen under the microscope, bore no share in the colouring. Rhapisflabelliformis, Ait. (Palmaceae). The plant, a specimen three feet high, was penetrated throughout all parts by the fluid in ten days after watering. Stem : a transverse section, at least in the upper part of the plant, displayed this enclosed in the 14 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION sheath of a leaf (like the scale of a bulb), which was especially rich in sap and reacted strongly, while at the lower part of the stem this part was already dead and in a great measure decayed away. In this sheathing base of a leaf the elongated cells had chiefly absorbed the salt, while the liber bundles were not dis- coloured. The principal mass of the vessels (their walls present short streaks) lie in some degree concentrically, at equal distances from the centre and the circumference ; the vascular bundles, with their woody envelopes, contained air and were not disco- loured ; but in the rounded, four-sided, starchy parenchyma cells between them, blue points were observed, which occurred in proportionately largest quantity in the vicinity of the central point and of the periphery. In a longitudinal section it was seen that the reacting cells exhibited scattered points or little streaks, and never lines continued in one plane. The vascular bundles run pretty nearly parallel in the stem ; even the nodes exert no influence upon the arrangement of the internal parts lying opposite to them. When the stem was cut through higher up, where it begins to lose itself in the leaves, a different appearance was seen. Yet microscopical examination showed that here again the salt had not ascended inside the vessels, but only in their immediate neighbourhood, inside the elongated cells by which they are accompanied. The upper leafy, as well as the peripherical, parts of this plant reacted far more strongly than the interior of the stem. Commelina ccelestis, Willd. (Commelineas). This plant was watered on the l?th of July; the examination was made on the 24th and 26th of July, and the 9th and 15th of August, but in all cases the salt was sought in vain in the parts of the stem situated between the nodes, while in the nodes themselves, from the lowest to the uppermost, the reaction could be easily de- tected. From this it appears, taking the other experiments into account, that we must conclude the sap to rest for a time in particular parts of plants, as in tubers, nodes, buds and ovaries, while it hurries rapidly through others, especially the internodes of the stem. The cross section of the nodes of the stem exhibits a distinct separation into pith and rind. The bundles of spiral vessels, which displayed bubbles of air in their interior when ex- amined with the microscope, exist both in the pith and the OF SAP IN PLANTS. 15 cortical layer ; in the interne-dial parts of the stem the cortical layer is contracted further inwards, so that there is not so sharp a line of demarcation there. The points displaying the blue reaction were among isolated roundish cells which occur inter- nally and externally in the neighbourhood of the vascular bundles. In longitudinal sections the blue points appeared in an irregular band passing transversely through the node. In buds examined four weeks after the watering (they had been developed during this period),, blue colouring could be detected inside the elongated cells of the calyx and the stigma, and inside the minute parenchymatous cells of the (still white) petals and of the connective, while the delicate spiral vessels, even in the youngest, still imperfect organs, never displayed any colouring. It is worthy of notice that the epidermis of the petals opposes such a resistance to the penetration of the salt of iron, that no reaction occurs even when the entire petal is dipped in sulphate of iron ; hence it is necessary to tear the epidermis carefully away to admit the sulphate of iron to the parenchyma when we wish to bring out the reaction. Commelina pubescens. The presence of the ferrocyanide could be shown in the cells of the stem and leaves five days after the watering. Commelina clandestina, Mart. Here also the absorption could be certainly demonstrated after a short period. Commelina angustifolia, Michx. Detected certainly after four days. Commelina tuber osa. The absorption demonstrable in two days, both inside longish cells and in isolated large cells of the central parenchyma. Gladiolus psittacinus, .Hook. (Iridaceae). Here again it was easy to trace the salt many inches up the stem, and above all in the elongated cells, in which it was very uniformly diffused, and which are in part situated close to the air-bearing spiral and annular vessels, and in part at a distance from these and near the inner and outer epidermis of the separate leafy sheaths, of which the stem is almost entirely composed. The inner and softer leaf-sheaths of the stem reacted most strongly and conse- quently appeared to convey the sap most actively. These plants must contain a salt of peroxide of iron as a natural constituent, 16 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION for in four weeks after the watering, the leaves spontaneously exhibited a deep blue colour at their tips. The plants all died in little more than a month, apparently in consequence of the watering with the ferrocyanide, since they were placed in con- ditions otherwise favourable. Tritonia fenestrata, Ker. (Iridaceae). Within two days after the watering, the salt could be detected in the bulb and in the lower part of the tuft of leaves. The lower part of the bulbous mass (which is the bulb formed the year before, or real tuber) was coloured very deep blue throughout ; in the upper bulb (of the current year) it was observed that the parts giving a blue reaction were little scattered points and streaks, which were universally distributed. The microscope showed that those lying in the central part were the elongated cells which sur- round the air-bearing vascular bundles ; in the parenchymatous part of the tuber the blue colour was deepest in the starch- filled, irregular parenchymatous cells of which this structure is composed. The circumstance that in all cases, and especially distinctly here in the longitudinal section, the blue-coloured cells were mostly scattered and only exceptionally formed unin- terruptedly continuous lines, proves that the passage of the sap does not take place uniformly through all parts indifferently, but peculiarly through certain cells, which do not lie all in the same place (parallel to the surface of the sections), but more or less scattered, causing a ramification of the currents of sap often of a very irregular character. Allium neapolitanum, Cyr. (Liliaceae). Not even four weeks after the watering could the presence of the ferrocyanide be de- tected either in the interior of the bulb or in the stem. On the other hand, the outermost dead scale of the bulb was coloured of an uniform blue tint, evidently by accidental imbi- bition of the fluid in contact with it, not only in the cells, but both in the reticularly striped and the true unreliable spiral ves- sels, which, moreover, still here and there displayed air in their interior. Canna indica (Canneae). This plant was growing in the open air and was watered on the l?th of July. In seven days the blue reaction could be readily detected in the stem. This exhibits somewhat the same structure as the Palms in the cross section OF SAP IN PLANTS. 17 (vide Rhapis flabelliformis above), except that the vascular bundles of the true axis are very irregularly scattered in the interior, while they are arranged in a tolerably even radial order towards the circumference. In the main axis itself the salt could not be demonstrated with sufficient certainty at this time, but with the greatest ease in the sheath (the base of a leaf) which tirmly enveloped the whole main axis. Here the blue points were found in greatest abundance close beneath the outer epi- dermis, but also in large numbers immediately surrounding the liber bundles (enclosing unreliable spiral vessels). The micro- scope proved that the blue colour existed exclusively in uncom- monly continuously stained cellules (containing large nuclei) arranged in very straight longitudinal rows close beside the vas- cular bundles. The arrangement of the spiral vessels, liber- bundles and sap-conduits in the leaves was similar to that in the stem. Panicum plicatum, Lam. (Graminaceae). Had not absorbed the least in four weeks ; the same happened in Ruscus aculeatus and Ananassa sativa. Arum divaricatum, L. (Aroideae). These plants had, for the most part, absorbed nothing at all even after four months ; in the few cases in which a weak reaction could be detected in the tuber, the blue colour was found in the large parenchymatous cells of the general substance, which contained the unusually thick starch-granules, of beautiful pyramidal and polyhedral forms with rounded faces ; while the scattered yellowish bundles of partly round, partly angular annular vessels were never dis- coloured. Tradescantia discolor, L'Herit. (Commelinaceae). The reac- tion was visible in the stem in four days after the watering. The investigation is most difficult in the upper leafy parts, although they are coloured deepest, because immediately the cortical layer is cut across a great quantity of thick gummy liquid exudes, which covers the whole surface of the section and con- founds all the previously distinct fluids together. But when the stem is cut lower down, a few inches from the ground, the in- terior is found far less rich in sap, only a little mucilage exudes, and it is more clearly seen when the absorption of the salt has SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 2 18 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION occurred. A cross section at this point presents the following appearance. At the outside a cortical layer, without vessels, the starchy parenchyma of which is separated from the large central parenchyma of the stem by a kind of liber-layer : the central parenchyma, forming the great body of the stem, con- tains scattered vessels divided into two sets, a central and a peripherical, between which lies a ring of parenchyma free from vessels. The cells which became blue lie in the vicinity of the vascular bundles ; the gummy cortical layer was devoid of them. It is worthy of notice that both the boundary between the liber and parenchyma, properly the outermost layer of the central cellular mass, and the immediate environs of the vessels scat- tered in the central mass, emitted a small quantity of a tenacious white sap, in which were suspended a few starch-granules and an extraordinary quantity of minute raphides. No ferrocyanide could be detected in the cortical layer even after the space of a month. Chlorophytum Sternbergianum, Steudl. (Liliaceae). In this plant, which appears to derive the greatest part of the requisite moisture from the atmosphere, it is difficult to diffuse a quantity of the salt sufficient for the reaction in the ordinary way. The slender filiform stem to which the tuft of leaves with their aerial rhizomes and roots is attached, died in a few weeks, in conse- quence of the watering, without much of the liquid having been absorbed. In this case the cells of the bases of the leaves, as also the aerial roots and the rhizomatous tubers, exhibited a weak blue colour when cut surfaces were wetted with sulphate of peroxide of iron. A clearer view may be obtained in a differ- ent way. The aerial roots readily absorb fluids, for instance water, when they are dipped into it ; moreover, sulphate of iron was decomposed, the oxide fell as a yellow powder to the bot- tom of the glass, while the water penetrated into the plant ; on the other hand, a large aerial root which was already buried in the earth and had taken root there, readily absorbed so much ferrocyanide that this could be easily detected in longitudinal and transverse sections several inches above the ground. The central layer containing the dotted vascular bundles was found free from colour ; but all the rest of the tissue, composed of OF SAP IX PLANTS. 19 elongated cells, even close in the vicinity of the former, had ab- sorbed a considerable quantity of the salt, and exhibited innu- merable blue dots and streaks in the longitudinal section. Caladium viviparum, Roxb. (Aroideae). The fluid could be detected in all parts of the tuber and petiole twelve days after the watering. Minute examination showed the root to be a true tuber, which in three weeks after the watering was found soft- ened, collapsed, and, in short, dead (probably in consequence of the watering) ; on reaction it turned uniformly blue all through, just as a sponge would do under similar circumstances. On this tuber is seated the bulb-like base of the stem, which en- closes within it the true terminal bud of the axis. Both the base of the stem and the central bud exhibited distinct reaction in the same way ; in longitudinal and cross sections they became covered with countless blue points, which were recognized under the microscope as elongated cells. A leaf-bud which had just been developed from the tuber had likewise absorbed the salt, especially in its central region. The investigation is difficult in the fully developed leaf-stalk, since this so abounds in sap, that the fluid exuding when it is cut across readily spoils the expe- riment with the reagent. The blue sap is found in the elon- gated cells which surround the numerous round liber-bundles of the thin peripherical or cortical layer, the latter enclose isolated delicate unreliable spiral vessels*. The whole of the interior of the leaf-stalk is composed of parenchymatous cells, inside which run not only ordinary liber-like cells with vessels, but also several canals, so large that a hair may be readily introduced into them. These canals, still filled with fluid in the bud above mentioned, contain air in the fully developed petiole ; when the latter is squeezed even six inches from a cross-cut surface, air- bubbles are forced out of them ; just as was described above of the Dioscorea. The walls of these air-cavities are composed of large cells; these tubes therefore form a transition to those of Dioscorea, which exhibit a great affinity to the ordinary pitted * The numerous thick- walled raphides-cells occurring here slowly expelled their contents when accidentally injured, and these spread out like a tuft of feathers, displaying a peculiar backward movement not unlike that of the Oscillatoriese. 2* 20 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION wood-vessels. In the interior of the petiole the absorption of the sap was indicated only by a few spots becoming blue. Aloe picta, D.C. (Liliaceae). Not even after five weeks, any more than at several shorter periods, could I detect the slightest trace of the salt in the roots, buds, stem or leaves of these plants, which were perfectly healthy, and which scarcely betrayed any injury even at the point of the main root in consequence of the watering. It is true the application of the salt of iron to a cross section discoloured the yellow fluid (the aloe-bitter) which ex- uded, transparent, from the large, very much elongated cells near the spiral vessels at the whole periphery of the leaf, but the stain was brownish black, not blue ; a reaction which occurred also with Aloes of this species never watered with the ferro- cyanide, and which therefore must be attributed to tannic acid. The absence of absorption after the stated period is the less re- markable, since these plants remain for seven months of every year in a dry part of the conservatory, without ever being watered, therefore without requiring any other fluid than that which they receive through evaporation when other plants are watered. Zephyranthes grandiflora, Lindley ( Amaryllidaceae) . Three days after the watering no reaction could be detected in the bulb, petals, or ovules ; four days later, however, the bulbs ex- hibited distinct blue spots both in their outer and also in their inner scales, but the yellowish vascular bundles were not stained. The different lamellae of the bulb consist here of two epidermal surfaces, of parenchyma-cells full of starch, of elongated cells which are very soft and loose, and especially contained the blue fluid, and next to these, in the median line, of unreliable spiral and annular vessels, surrounded by a few delicate prosenchy- matous cells, as is usual in herbaceous plants. At this period no salt had penetrated into the stem, not even into the lowest part next the bulb. The plants in the same pot all died within eleven days. Cyperus monandrus, Roth (Cyperaceae). Nine days after the watering the ferrocyanide was found in the stem and branches. The rhizome, which was dug up after thirteen days, was, like the whole plant, perfectly stiff and healthy, as was the case with OF SAP IN PLANTS. 21 almost all of the plants mentioned above, so far as the researches here described go to show. The transverse section showed that the salt had perfectly penetrated this, with the exception of the yellowish vascular bundles which run in the thick parenchy- matous cylinder ; otherwise a great quantity of dark blue cells were found in all parts among the uniformly light blue mass of cells. In the lower parts of the stem the reaction was only weak ; it was more distinct in the peripherical part (no rind ex- isted here) further up ; it was strongest at the apex, where the separate flowering branches go off, for here not only the periphery but also the interior of the stem was closely sown with blue spots (streaks in the longitudinal section), which under the mi- croscope were seen to be elongated cells : the angular, dotted, and small streaked vessels which were situated partly near the periphery and partly deep in the parenchyma of the stem, con- tained air and had no share of the colouring. * III. DICOTYLEDONS. In these plants we meet with a phaenomenon which is not observed in those divisions of the vegetable kingdom above in- vestigated, at all events not in Germany, namely, the " bleed- ing, 55 or " tears/ 5 which occur on wounds of many of the shrubs and trees of this division in early spring. This phaenomenon is so peculiar that it will be advantageous to examine it separately. In the following experiments I inves- tigated, 1st, the course of the spring sap ; and 2ndly, that of the summer sap, independently. 1. The Spring Sap. 1. On the 2?th of February 1850, a root A, of | an inch dia- meter, coming from the west side of a white birch 6 inches in diameter, was laid bare, cut across, and the upper cut end placed in a cylindrical glass, of about 1 cubic inch capacity, filled with a solution of ferrocyanide of potassium. This was done at four o 5 clock in the afternoon. By the next morning the fluid was absorbed as far as the root reached. On the 27th also, several holes of 1 J line diameter were bored ^ an inch deep, and into these introduced and cemented quills 22 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION of the same section, with the inner ends cut off obliquely and the orifice looking upwards. These borings were made, B, 3 feet above the ground, on the west side. C, 3 feet above the ground, on the south side. D, 5 feet high, on the south side. On the 7th of March a clear fluid was first found in a vessel attached below the quill (B), perhaps caused by rain which had fallen on the 6th, and had run down from the stem. On the 8th of March the water (exuded from the stem) trickled from B and C ; D remained dry. The fluid gave neutral reaction with litmus paper. D did not become moist until the llth, while B and C poured out abundance. The two last were closed and cemented with resin on the 12th ; D was bored out 1 inch deep, and a new hole was made of the same depth, E, 2^ feet from the ground, on the south side. The sap flowed immediately from both ; E delivered 70 drops in five minutes, D only 15. On the 13th new traces flowed from D; E gave 19 drops in five minutes. Both holes were stopped and two new ones bored, F, 6 feet high, north side. G, 1 foot high, same side. F gave only traces, while G gave 32 drops in five minutes. On the 14th F gave nothing, G 10 drops in five minutes. On the 15th F was dry ; G gave 45 drops in five minutes. On the 14th a new hole was bored, I, 8 feet high, on the north side, which gave off no fluid on the 14th or 15th. All these experiments were made at noon. From the foregoing, the exudation and decurrence of the sap occurred observably earlier in the lower than in the upper part of the stem ; it was caused by a warmer temperature. All these fluids were tested for the ferrocyanide with sulphate or acetate of peroxide of iron, without results. It is evident that none of the holes entered the current of sap passing up from the root A (vide infra). On the 10th of March the ascending root A was cut off and examined. The section 5 inches above the point where it dipped in the fluid, reacted strongly with salt of iron and excess of hydrochloric acid, and the same occurred with the other parts ; the ferrocyanide had even descended into the lateral branches of the root. The longitu^ OF SAP IN PLANTS. 23 dinal section showed that the liber had absorbed strongly ; and light blue, not sharply defined streaks, corresponding to the course of the trachea?, were seen in all parts of the wood ; the thin pith remained unaffected. On the whole the reaction was weak, because the great mass of the fluid had already ascended into the higher parts of the plant. 2. A young sycamore stem (Acer platanoides\ 3 inches in dia- meter, was watered with the ferrocyanide in the ground ; but this could not be detected in a small quantity of fluid which ex- uded from boring. It appeared to have been wholly decomposed by the (ferruginous) soil, since this had acquired a blue colour. 3. The soil at the base of a young sycamore of \^ inch dia- meter was watered, on the 26th of February, with a weak solu- tion of the ferrocyanide. On the 28th holes were bored into the stem, but the drops which exuded did not react with salt of iron ; neither did the of a drachm of fluid that was found on the 1st of March. No more exuded after this. The soil around was coloured blue, and when the stem was cut off on the 10th, no ferrocyanide could be detected in it. The small efflux of sap in these two young trees, 2 and 3, was remarkable. 4. The earth round the trunk of a sycamore, 4 inches in dia- meter and 35 feet high, was watered with solution of the ferro- cyanide on the 2nd of March ; a hole, A, was then bored in the stem 1 foot above the ground ; the vessel attached to this was rapidly filled with fluid. Tolerable quantities of fluid flowed out, and in part down, continuously during the following days, but on the 7th of March no ferrocyanide could be discovered in it. On this day the soil round the tree was watered a second time with one ounce of a more concentrated solution ; the orifice con- tinued to pour out freely. On the 9th the soil was watered a third time, and a new hole was made (on the north side) at the same height as the old one (on the south side). On the 10th of March the fluid which had trickled from A gave a dark blue precipitate with sulphate of iron, which was not the case with B. On the llth no reaction on either side. On the 12th no more had exuded ; on the 14th therefore the tree was cut off at the base, and three pieces of it separated and examined, from the base, the middle, and the summit. The two lowest pieces 24 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION only gave a reaction, which was moreover very weak ; the trans- verse section displayed a few light blue bleared spots in the wood ; the liber and bark were unaffected. Longitudinal sections, on the contrary, displayed at particular spots, very sparingly, sharply denned blue points or even streaks (some of them in the direction of the medullary rays) ; microscopic examination showed that the few places in which some of the absorbed sap still remained, were tracheae (spiroids) and the neighbouring prosenchyma of the wood. In the middle fragment, 10 feet above the ground, the cross section gave the same result as before; longitudinal sections led to none. 5. On a young sycamore, with a trunk 4^ inches in diameter, a branch A, arising 7 feet above the ground on the north side, was bent down to a certain degree and fixed in this position, the outer part cut off, and the point of the portion remaining attached to the stem, dipped 4 inches deep into a cylindrical glass full of solution of the ferrocyanide. A hole B was bored, 1 inch deep, 1 foot above the ground on the south side of the trunk. This was done on the 2nd of March. On the 3rd the branch A had absorbed all the fluid, as far as it dipped in it ; the glass attached under B was filled with watery fluid, which did not react with salt of iron. On the 5th the glass at A was refilled. On the 4th the vessel at B was only half-filled; on the 5th again quite filled ; rain which fell on the 4th seemed to have increased the flow of the sap. By the 7th (warmer weather than the 6th) the glass A had been again emptied, and was filled anew. On the 9th again empty, but up to this day, when the efflux at B ceased, no ferrocyanide could ever be detected in the fluid poured out. On this day therefore a new hole C was bored at the same height as B, on the north side of the trunk, corresponding to the absorbing branch A ; and in spite of B having stopped, fluid was poured out freely at C, which on the 10th reacted deep blue with the iron salt; the glass A was emptied down to a quarter of its contents (it held altogether about 1 cubic inch). On the llth the freshly effused fluid ex- hibited a very strong reaction. The here evidently strong suction of a cut branch, or of a cut root, as in Experiment 1, thus both in the ascending and de- scending directions) results from the pressure of the atmosphere. OF SAP IN PLANTS. 25 The large surface of the tree with its hundreds of shoots causes an evaporation even before the buds swell ; the vacuum resulting from this, causes any fluid which may be brought into free com- munication with the interior of the tree, at any spot, to be driven in by the vis a tergo. The power of suction thus produced increases in equal proportion as the surface of the shoots is in- creased by the presence of leaves, and the capacity of the air to retain moisture by the heat of summer, as Hales (Vegetable Statics) and, more recently, Dassen (Wiegmann r s Archiv, xiii. 2. p. 311) have proved; under the most favourable circum- stances it sustains a column of mercury 12 inches high. Itw 7 ill not be thought strange that the height of the column of mercury did not attain 18 inches, as has been observed in curved glass tubes under similar circumstances. The bark of the shoots of a tree does not form a solid envelope like the glass, for even with a smaller weight of the column of mercury, the air itself pene- trates through the bark into the interior, and thus puts an end to all further ascent. Hence the loose-barked vine absorbs but weakly ; the denser Prunus domestica raised a column to ^th of a Flemish ell (6J- inches) ; Betula nana, 0'240 (13| inches) (Das- sen). Hales observed the column rise to 4 inches in the vine, and 12 inches on an apple branch (equal to 13 feet 8 inches of water) . Tt is remarkable how accurately the fluids ascending or de- scending in this way are retained in that side of the stem which corresponds to the absorbing branch (or root) ; this is explicable by the straight, uninterrupted, little-branched course of the tracheae ; the anatomical examination of the preceding cases also proved this directly. The absorbing branch was cut off on the llth of March and anatomized, with the following results. In a cross section 1 line above the lower end, which had been dipped in the fluid, all parts, bark, liber, wood and pith, reacted deep blue ; but even at a distance of 2 lines the pith was found uncoloured ! Four inches further up, that is, close above the upper boundary of that portion of the branch w r hich had been immersed in the fluid, the heart-wood in the vicinity of the pith was also found uncoloured, as was the case everywhere above this. From this point the pitted and striped trachece of the softer external por- tion of the wood, with the liber, had taken on the conduction of 26 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION the fluid, and on reaction formed sharply defined dark blue lines, which could be easily traced even in the stem, both up- wards and downwards, more than 1 foot from the absorbing branch. Microscopic investigation showed that the blue colour had only spread half or the whole width of a row of cells, around the trachea3. A longitudinal section of the (upper) axil of the branch indicated the course of the trachea by curvilinearly ar- ranged blue spots and streaks, and not by continuous blue lines. Consequently these tracheae do not run so perfectly on one and the same plane here, that their entire course can be at once dis- played by a single section. It is worth notice, that only that side of the stem on which the branch was seated was coloured blue, the opposite not at all. That the pith does not conduct, is comprehensible, since the air it contains could not readily be displaced by water pene- trating, and each of these cells containing air is a completely closed sac. But it is difficult to understand why the medul- lary sheath and the heart-wood do not conduct sap, since here communicating unreliable spiral and striped tracheae are present in abundance. This non-conducting layer amounted, at the point of attachment of the branch, to a quarter of the woody layer (the entire diameter of the stem at this point amounted to ! inch). It is certain that the air visibly contained in these trachea3 is no hindrance, for it is none in those of the outer, younger wood. The elongated cells of the medullary sheath are far narrower and closer than the prosenchymatous cells of the wood; they are crowded with starch- granules, which are absent from the rest of the prosenchyma of the wood up to the medullary rays. Can it be some starchy or gummy mucilage which stops the progress of the fluid ? I believe not ; there is no dissolved starch present ; iodine distinctly reveals the unaltered starch-granules. And as to gum, it is not evident how this could close up the trachea from the cells, since the microscope shows the former to be filled with air-bubbles. 6. Repetition of the preceding experiment. On a sycamore trunk 3 inches in diameter, a branch A, at a height of 5 feet, was cut off, bent down, and fastened : the wound dipped in a glass of 1 cubic inch capacity, filled with concentrated solution of ferrocyanide of potassium. At the side (the south) of the OF SAP IN PLANTS. 2? trunk a hole B was bored at 1 foot above the ground, and a glass attached to catch the exuding fluid. On the following day (March the 5th) the vessel at A was almost empty and was refilled. In the glass at B there was no fluid ; but on March the 6th |th of a cubic inch, which reacted deep blue with sulphate of iron. On the 6th the glass A was only half empty, but was refilled. On March the 7th, at 2 o'clock P.M. (as usual), A was half empty ; nothing had flowed from B, but the orifice reacted deep blue with salt of iron. A new hole C was bored ^rd of a foot above the ground, on the east side, but no fluid exuded. On the 8th of March A was half empty ; nothing had flowed from C. On March 9th A was quite empty ; C had given off nothing. The tree was cut down on the 9th of March in order to trace the course by which the fluid had descended from the absorbing branch to the orifice. The liber and albumen reacted blue, but not the bark, heart-wood or pith. In the albumen the colouring was streaky, and the microscope showed that it was in the tracheae : these contained blue fluid with a few air-bubbles. The liber was not coloured nearly so far as the woody portion ; at 3 feet down the stem from the absorbing branch (on the same side), the wood reacted very distinctly, but not the liber. From this it follows that capacity of conducting is much inferior in the liber-layer, to what it is in the tracheae of the wood. Distinct reaction in blue streaks could also be observed in the trunk more than 2 feet above the branch, on the same side (but not on the other) ; here the liber was affected, although not so strongly. A transverse section showed that about rd of the circumference of the trunk below the branch, ^th above it, had taken part in the diffusion of the sap : the base of the branch occupied about J-th of the circumference. Dissection of the point of insertion of the branch on the stem gave exactly the same results as in No. 5. Examination of the wood in the vicinity of the orifice, and 2 inches lower down by radial longitudinal sec- tions, showed that the trachea, had conveyed down the solution : the cellular tissue and medullary rays did not react. It is evident, therefore, that both in normal absorption by uninjured roots, and in abnormal by wounds, the conduction of the spring sap occurs chiefly through the trachea and liber ; a 28 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION result which stands in contradiction with the experiments already related on Monocotyledons and Acotyledons at the time of the full activity of the leaves (vide infra). Comparison of the Experiments 5 and 6 with 4, shows how- much more quickly the fluid runs through the tissues when it is placed in contact w r ith open wounds, than when the absorption is allowed to take place in the normal way by the root. In 5 and 6 the ferrocyanide traversed some 8 feet, down from the cut branch to the orifice, in one day; in 4 it occupied seven days for the salt with which the soil (root) was watered to ascend to an orifice 1 foot above the ground. In the former there were open communicating tubes, in the latter closed membranes only permeable through endosmose. 7. In a young sycamore of about 3 inches diameter, a root on the west side, A, an inch in diameter, was laid bare, cut through at the distance of a foot from the trunk, and the upper end placed in a cylindrical glass of 1 cubic inch capacity, containing solution of ferrocyanide. An orifice B was made at a height of 1 foot above the soil, on the south side of the trunk, and a glass vessel fixed under the quill introduced into it. On the following- day (March 5th) the vessel at A was found empty, and was refilled ; B w r as half full of fluid (^ a cubic inch). On March 6th, A, again empty, was again refilled ; B contained ^rd of a cubic inch of fluid. On the 7th, A as the day before ; nothing emitted from B. On the 9th, A empty. On the 10th, A was refilled ; B contained fluid again (J a cubic inch), evidently in consequence of warm weather the day before. None of the exuded fluid gave reaction with salt of iron. On the llth, nothing emitted from B. A new hole C was bored on the west side, corresponding to the root A, 6 inches above the ground, but nothing flowed from it up to the 13th. Although, there- fore, the fluid had been absorbed, it was impossible this time to draw it from the stem here by tapping ; evidently because the orifice B, which alone emitted fluid, was not made on the cor- responding side of the stem. The observations were made at 2 P.M. each day. On the 13th of March the absorbing root was cut off and dissected. Reaction with sulphate of iron and hydrochloric acid showed that the exceedingly small pith had not conducted. At OF SAP IN PLANTS. 29 a distance of about 10 inches from the immersed lower end (the root dipped in about 3 inches), the longitudinal section gave a blue reaction throughout the woody substance ; the microscope showed liber, tracheae and wood-cells stained ; the tracheae most strongly, both in the inner and outer parts of the wood. The solution had not only ascended, but also passed down as much as 2 inches in small lateral branches of this root. At these points the liber no longer took part in the conveyance of the fluid, while many (especially the central) tracheae reacted deep blue. It is worth notice that the (ferruginous) soil in the vicinity of the entire root acquired a blue colour from the 6th of March onward ; perhaps by secretion through the peripherical parts of the root, perhaps through the injured points of the little radical fibres. 8. A sycamore trunk of f of a foot diameter was bored with similar holes, 1 inch deep, in two places, and all the exuding fluid was caught. A, orifice 1 foot from the ground, south side. B, orifice 3 feet from the ground, south side, 1 inch further westward. Experiment commenced at 3 o'clock on the 5th of March. Five o'clock : A had emitted 1 Paris cubic inch of clear watery fluid; B i a cubic inch. March 6th, 8 A.M.: A and B had secreted nothing (cold night, below freezing point). 2 30 P.M. : A 9 cubic inches; B 12 cubic inches. 5 30 P.M. : A and B had each given off^th of a cubic inch. March 7th, 8 A.M. : the flask at A and B empty. 2 P.M. : A f ths of a cubic inch ; B J-th of a cubic inch. 5 30 P.M. : the flasks at A and B empty. March 8th, the same. According to the foregoing, night limits the force of the cur- rent (by a lower temperature). When we reflect on the unequal duration of the bleeding in the trees 2 8, which all stood near together, it becomes a question what was the cause of this phaenomenon ? The varying thickness of the trunk does not seem to explain the matter. No. 4 was 4 inches in diameter and bled ten days ; No. 2 was 3 inches in diameter and bled five days ; No. 8 was 30 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION 9 inches in diameter and bled only three days. Neither does the height of the orifice above the soil explain the phsenomenon, for the period of bleeding differed much at equal heights, as No. 8 and No. 4 show. Just as little influence is exerted by the aspect of exposure. On the other hand, the higher or lower position of the trees appeared to have an essential influence hydrostatically , They all stood on the southern slope of a hill 30 feet high, in the Botanic Garden at Giessen, in the following order, from above downwards : a, No. 8, which bled 3 days. b, - 2, .... 5 . . c, 5, .... 5+3 days. 6, 4 . . 4-3, .... 2 . . 7, .... 7 . e, - 4, .... 10 .. No. 4 stood 5 feet above the bottom of the hill, and was 35 feet high; the rest were only about 27 feet, in spite of their unequal diameter. This difference of height also appeared to have some influence. The epochs of tapping the different trunks were not far enough apart for me to ascribe any considerable importance to that point. 9. A trunk of Acer campestre, 1| foot in diameter (at the bottom), was tapped at equal depths of 1 inch, in two places, at 3 o'clock on the 5th of March, and the exuding fluid all collected (as in all cases, with care that no rain-water should penetrate) : A, orifice 1 foot from the ground, south side. B, the same, north side. By about 5 o'clock A had delivered Ifths of a cubic inch, B also Ifths. From that time till 8 A.M. on the 6th of March not a drop flowed out. About 2 o'clock there were 13f ths cubic inches in A, and 19J cubic inches in B. At 5 h 30 m there was J a cubic inch from each. On the 7th at 8 o'clock there was no fluid. At 2 o'clock there was ^th of a cubic inch at A, ^ a cubic inch at B. At 4 o'clock no more had flowed out ; neither was there any at 2 o'clock on the 8th. From the little that the short duration of the bleeding allowed to be observed here, the north side would OF SAP IN PLANTS. 31 appear to pour out more sap than the south. The checking influence of nocturnal cold was again distinctly visible here. 10. On the 10th of March a young sycamore stem (Acer platanoides), 3 feet high and \ an inch in diameter, was plenti- fully watered with solution of ferrocyanide of potassium. On the 15th it was taken up, root and all. When dissected, the reagents showed that absorption had not commenced in the stem. At the base alone, weak, bleared blue spots were pro- duced on a cross section. In one place the colour was deep and sharply-defined enough to admit of microscopic examination : this proved that the walls of a few streaked and spotted tracheae were coloured blue. 11. A white birch, with a trunk 1 foot in diameter, was tapped 1 foot above the ground, on the west side, on the 4th of March ; up to the llth nothing flowed out. On this day a new orifice was made in the west side of the stem, at a height of 7 feet. Up to the 14th neither gave off any liquid. Only a few sucking flies appeared to indicate that the sap was beginning to rise. It is worthy of notice, how much later the bleeding occurs in the birch than in the sycamore. 12. On the 7th of March, at three o'clock, a sugar maple (Acer saccharinum), with a trunk 1^ foot in diameter, was tapped : A, orifice 1 foot from the ground, south side. B, orifice 5 feet from the ground, south side, but 1 inch further to the east. About eight days previously several small branches had been cut off further up the stem; some sap ran down from the wounds. The fluid exuding from the borings was collected, and gave the following results : March 7. 3 o'clock, at A, 3 cub. in. ; at B, 1 cub* in. - .- 5J .... 3* 7i .... 8. 8 . . 2 .. 5 ... 9. 7 .. 2| ... - .. 5* 8| ;;;; :.'.': 11 a few drops. 4 cub. in. 4 17 none. 7f cub. in. 38(1) .... 9 11 . . 4 13* .... 9 i 4 14 3 4 4 i 17 34- 4* .... 6* .... 15i .... afi 1 c 32 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION March 10. 7 o'clock, at A, 3 cub. in. ; at B, 1 cub. in. - .. H ... .. 5 11. 7 ..2 - .5* 12. 7 ..2 ..5 13. 7i . . 2 . . 5* .... 4^ a few drops. 14. 7i .... 13| ditto. ..2 .... 23 . . 2| cub. in. . . 5 .... 1 none. 15. 7% ... none none. ..11 .... 5 i cub. in. From this it follows that the efflux, or fulness of sap, is greater in the lower part of the stem than further upwards. This phenomenon is not hydrostatical (as a barrel emits a more pow- erful stream from a hole nearer the bottom, than from one at the top, on account of the higher pressure of water), but depends on the force of the water making its way upwards, as is seen by a comparison with Experiment No. 1. It is also again seen what an obstacle the nightly cold is. Lastly, a comparison of the temperatures of the air in the sun, which I observed, shows how much the ascent of the sap is favoured by the heat of the air. From the following table, especially from the two last columns, it is seen that on the whole the outflow runs parallel with the temperature. The 10th of March alone forms an exception, evi- dently on account of the unusually favourable weather on the 9th, the after-influence of which is seen here. OF SAP IN PLANTS. SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 34 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION The specific gravities of the effused fluid exhibited the fol- lowing scale. They were determined in a narrow-neck globular bottle, of about 1 oz. capacity. Rain water, 1st filling . . . 25 '660 grammes. 2nd 25-661 3rd . 25-665 Sap of the Sugar Maple. March 7. 3i o'clock 8. 4 .... 9. 2| 10. 2 .... 11. 2 12. 2 .... 13. 2 .... 14. 2 Orifice A. 25 '877 gramm. 25-875 .... 25-871 .... 25-861 .... 25-889 25-883 .... 25-890 25-896 Orifice B. 25-918 gramm. 25-918 According to this, the specific gravity increases pretty rapidly, and the sweetness of the sap also is readily detected by the tongue. The upper part of the stem contains a less aqueous sap than that near the soil. The reaction of the exuded fluid was neutral to blue litmus and to turmeric paper in a fresh condition on the 8th of March ; on the 9th slightly acid, as also on the 15th. The amount of sugar contained was tested by adding solution of potash, a few drops of solution of sulphate of copper, and boiling; after a long- continued boiling only was a very small quantity of copper reduced. Some ammonia was set free in this operation. When the mixture was merely allowed to stand at ordinary temperatures, not the least copper was reduced in two hours. It was therefore cane-sugar. 13. A birch (Betula pubescens, Ehrh.) was tapped in two places at half-past two o'clock on the 8th of March. The base of the trunk was 1 J foot in diameter. A, orifice 1 foot from the ground. B, ... 7 feet Both orifices 1 inch deep. Quills were cemented in and the effused fluids caught. On the upper part of this birch a few small branches had been cut off, from which some sap exuded, which, however, did not run down to the bottom. The following quantities flowed out : OF SAP IN PLANTS. 35 March 8. Up to 4 o'clock at A, 9* cub. in. ; at B, 7 cub. in. . . 5* .... 7 4 9. ..7* .... 391 8* .. . . . . 2* .... 23| ? . . . . 5* .... 9 6 - 10. . . 7* .... 5f- If . . -. -. 2 .... 18* 15* .. . . . . 5 .... 7 .... 121 .. 11. .. 7 .... 13* 4* .. .- 2* .... 9* If V. - .. .- 5* .... 3* 6* .. 12. .. 7* .... 5| 7* .. . . . . 2 .... 19f 38 As there was no fixed result here, the holes A and B were bored out again to remove any accidental obstruction. March 12. Up to 5 o'clock at A, 5 cub. in. ; at B, 9 cub. in. 13. .. 7i .... 9J 31* .. . . . . 2 .... 4f 33 . . .. 5* .... 2 12 .. 14. . 7| .... 6* 39*.. . . . . 2 3 39*.. A was closed up, and a new hole C bored near it. March 14. Up to 5* o'clock, from C, 5 cub. in. ; fromB, l^cub. in. 15. .. 7* | .. none. ..11 3 . . 4 drops. Thus, from the 8th to the llth of March more flowed from below; from that time the proportion was reversed, perhaps in consequence of the more powerful swelling of the lower (wetter) wood at A, and a contraction of the orifice resulting from this. After a new hole was bored, the proportion was as in ordinary cases (compare Experiments 20 and 21). The specific gravities of the fluids from A, B, and C, exhi- bited the following scale : March 8. Spec. grav. of A, 25*705 gramm. ; of B, 25715 9 25-690 .... 10. .. 25-712 11 25-728 .... 12 25-722 .... 13. .. 25-718 25717 14. .. 25-714 25-719 15. Spec. grav. of C, 25*732 .... 3* 36 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION According to this, there was increase at A from the 9th to the llth, then from the 12th (through a fall of snow on the llth) decrease; on the 15th increase (through the preceding warmth, and resulting evaporation of moisture from the earth ?) ; at B increase. The sap from the lower orifice was not so dense as that from the upper. The reaction of the fresh sap was neutral to blue litmus and turmeric papers on the 8th and 9th of March; on the 15th slightly acid. On the 8th and on the 15th the taste was indistinctly sweetish and earthy ; but chemical testing demonstrated the presence of grape- sugar, when the fluid was warmed with solution of pot- ash and sulphate of copper, since a red powder was rapidly thrown down. 14. A birch (Betula pubescens, Ehrh.) 1 foot in diameter was tapped in various places, in order to discover whether more fluid was effused from the upper or lower part of the stem. This took place on the 14th of March, at three o'clock. A, East side, 1^ foot high, gave in 5 minutes 335 drops. B, 8 feet .... 120 . . A and B were then closed. C, North side, 2 feet high, gave in 5 minutes 118 drops. D, ..,- 8 . . .... 80 .. The lower orifice therefore gave more than the upper. The fluids of A and B were neutral with test-papers. 15. Repetition of the preceding experiment in another birch of the same species and of the same size. Experiment made after three o'clock on the 14th of March. A, N.E. side, 1 foot from the ground, gave in 5 minutes 93 drops. B, 9 feet 103 .. A and B were closed, and two new holes bored. C, North side, 1 foot from the ground, gave in 5 minutes 63 drops. D, .. 9 feet .... .... 51 .. Here also the lower orifice usually emitted more than the upper. The striking and frequent anomalies which appeared here, as in Experiment 13, will appear abundantly explicable when we reflect what an important influence a very small difference in the condition of the orifices (in regard to depth, diameter, quan- OF SAP IN PLANTS. 37 tity of fragments of wood remaining in, &c.) and the unequal expansion of the wood must have ; a difficulty which I could not master. Here, therefore, useful results could only be ob- tained by a number of observations. II. THE SUMMER SAP. The circulation of the sap during the summer, at the period of the greatest activity of the leaves, displays at once much agree- ment with and many striking differences from that of the early spring, among the latter of which stands above all the circum- stance that the trees hitherto mentioned no longer bleed from wounds inflicted on them, although, as a little reflection must reveal, the quantity of fluid actually passing in the stem is far greater; a fact also demonstrated by direct observation. In summer, as in spring, there exists a rapid ascent of the crude sap ; in addition to this, a descent of unelaborated fluids after every shower of rain ; and, lastly, a descent of the elabo- rated fluids from the leaves into all parts of the plant. Since there apparently exists no means of tracing accurately the mode and course of the last phenomenon directly, I have restricted myself to the first, namely to the roads which the un- elaborated fluids traverse in their ascent and descent in plants ; but the results obtained could not but give ground for the de- duction of many conclusions as to the behaviour of the elabo- rated saps. The following pages therefore will be devoted to the investigation of the paths by which the crude summer sap ascends or runs down under conditions as natural as possible, and afterwards also under various abnormally arranged conditions, especially when wounds have been made in the plant. A. THE ASCENDING SAP. 1. With NORMAL, absorption of the Sap by the Root. For the purpose of tracing the course of the sap, the earth round the plants to be experimented on was watered with dilute solution of ferrocyanide of potassium ; after which cross slices of the plant were tested for that solution with a mixture of acetate of iron and hydrochloric acid. It is not advisable to make these experiments on plants standing in the open ground, since the 38 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION fluid is here spread about too much and too unequally ; hence the absorption becomes very uncertain, or even fails to take place at all, as I have experienced several times to my dis- comfort in vines, plums, and sycamore trees. I therefore pre- ferred such plants as had been kept a longish time in pots, taking only such as exhibited a full activity of vegetation. Euphorbia terracing L. Watered on the 5th of June ; taken up by the root on the 8th. The saline solution was detected in the inner layer of the bark (the liber), and in a few tracheae or spiroids of the outer layer of wood. Watered on the 15th; withering on the 24th ; taken up on the 25th ; the saline solu- tion could be detected last, as far as 2| inches above the collar of the root, in the striped spiroids of the outer layer of wood and in the liber, in which it ascended farthest. These vessels were only partially filled with the saline solution ; the majority still contained air and did not react. Since in these and several similar cases, not only the cellular tissue, but also in direct opposition to the preceding observa- tions on the Monocotyledons the air-vessels took part more or less in the conduction of the sap, the first object was to clear up the contradiction. The Monocotyledons used in my investigations, whatever their other differences, were almost without exception furnished with tuberous or bulbous rhizomes. The conjecture was not far-fetched, that the predominant subterraneous stem-structure, the whole character of w 7 hich is, moreover, accumulative and retentive, retarded the conveyance of the fluid into the upper portions of the stem, and thereby exerted essential influence over it. Hence arose the question, whether, in the Dicoty- ledons also, varied conditions in the conduction of the sap would occur according to the rapidity of the absorption, accord- ing to superabundant or scanty watering, &c. a. Accelerated absorption of the Fluid. Balsamina hortensis. The root was carefully freed from earth and immersed in a large vessel full of solution of the ferrocy- anide ; then the stem was cut across obliquely at a height of 8 inches, and sucked with the mouth. After the sucking had been continued for half an hour, reaction occurred at this point ; OF SAP IN PLANTS. the solution had penetrated into several of the large and small spiral vessels of the stem, and still more had ascended in the delicate parenchymatous tissue surrounding the vascular bun- dles ; the pith and remaining portions of the cellular tissue had taken no part. When the lower end of a fragment of a balsam stem 3 inches long was dipped in ink and the upper end sucked, the ink rose instantaneously. From this is evident how consi- derable an obstacle the uninjured epithelium of the root opposed to the forced penetration of the fluid in the preceding case. Bahamina hortensis. The plant was allowed to stand dry from the 14th to the 19th of June, until the withering stem had collapsed considerably. The soil was then well watered with 14 cubic inches of dilute solution of the ferrocyanide, which was wholly retained by the mould, as in a sponge (the plant stood in a pot 5 inches high and 4 inches in diameter). On the 21st it began to wither, the leaves exhibited spots and died, while the stem was still partly elastic. On the 23rd the plant was analysed. All parts had absorbed. In the cellular tissue of the pith and rind, the intercellular spaces or passages, especially, were found deep blue, so that the rind-cells which contained a red sap, presented red spots enclosed in blue frames; in the pith the whole of the cell-contents were coloured blue in many places. The vessels, striped as well as unreliable spirals, to- gether with the immediately adjacent prosenchyma, were almost without exception dyed deep blue ; air-bubbles were met with in very few, but sometimes even in those vessels which contained blue fluid. b. Retarded absorption of the Fluid. Ox alls tetraphylla. Watered very slightly with the saline solution from June 25th to July 2 7th ; the plant was exposed to the atmospheric moisture in the open air. About this time the leaves began to lose their colour and wither. Analysis. The bulb is composed of two distinctly separated circles of scales, from the interior of which springs the leaf-stalk. The solution was principally met with in the periphery of the inner portion of the bulb ; and the elongated cells at the surface of the separate fleshy scales, but not the spiroids, had also absorbed it in very small quantity. Leaf-stalk. This contained a loose circle of 40 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION five vascular bundles ; the salt had ascended in the prosenchy- matous cellular tissue surrounding these, but not in the tracheae themselves ; the latter were filled with air. The cortical layer had also conducted, and indeed in the intercellular passages. Euphorbia terracina, L. Treatment as in the preceding case : taken up at the end of four weeks. The solution had ascended in small quantity, especially in the inner cortical layer, the liber. No saline solution in the vessels of the wood. Hibiscus Trionum. Watered with 1 cubic inch of the saline solution during heavy rain ; taken up after three days. Only the root had absorbed up to this time, and chiefly in the central layer of wood, where the prosenchymatous cells in the vicinity of the vessels were coloured blue in spots : the tracheae took no part. These experiments showed that when small quantities of liquid are absorbed by the root, the sap of herbaceous Dicotyledons ascends, just as in the Monocotyledons above described, in the cellular tissue, and with especial ease in the delicate prosen- chyma surrounding the vessels; while when the absorption is hastened and superabundance of fluid present, the vessels also take part in the conduction of the sap, at the same time propor- tionately parting with the air they contain. 2. Behaviour of the Ascending Sap in ABNORMAL absorption. Salix alba. Absorption through the exposed wood. A young leafy shoot 10 inches long was stripped of its bark for 2 inches at the bottom, and dipped 1 inch in the solution ; 2 inches of bark were also removed at the upper end, and this part rolled up in blotting paper. Then, to prevent drying, a glass tube closed at the upper end was passed over the upper half of the shoot. After one day the paper was already moist and reacted strongly blue ; after six days the shoot was analysed ; it was filled in all parts with the saline solution, especially, however, in the wood-vessels which were gorged with sap up to the very top; much salt had crystallized out on both surfaces of the leaves, especially at the bases. Here, with the mouths of the vessels of the wood standing open, a rapid ascent was observed not only in the longitudinal direction, but also horizontally, into the blotting paper in contact only with the alburnum, OF SAP IN PLANTS. 41 Salix alba. A young leafy shoot 12 inches long was stripped of its bark for 2 inches at the bottom, and dipped 1 inch in the fluid ; 1 inch below the top (the upper oblique cross section of the shoot) an annular piece of bark 3 lines wide was removed. Protected from drying as before. After six days the salt was found to have ascended into the very apex, and indeed into all parts, but most strongly in the medullary sheath. This con- tained dark blue dotted vessels and unreliable spirals. Only the epidermis of the upper piece of bark gave no reaction. S. alba. A piece 12 inches long was cut out of a young leafy shoot, 2 inches of bark removed at the bottom, and dipped 1 inch into the solution. In the upper part a little ring of bark was cut out, and the whole allowed to stand without protection from evaporation. After six days, all parts, up to the top of the shoot, even the externally dry, exposed part of the wood which had been laid bare, gave a reaction. At the extreme point the vessels of the medullary sheath no longer took part, but the inner prosenchymatous cells of the wood reacted deep blue. From these experiments it is seen how little share the bark takes in the conduction of the sap, and how readily a horizontal movement of the sap takes place from the gorged young wood into the bark, S. alba. Absorption through the bark. A piece 12 inches long, of a young leafy shoot, was taken and the bark slit up 2 inches from the bottom drawn back, and the exposed cylinder of wood, 2 inches long, removed ; then the lower end (merely bark) was dipped 1 inch into the solution. After six days the shoot was found remarkably dry, from insufficient supply of fluid. Analysis. The whole of the stripped piece of bark, even the epidermis, reacted strongly. The wood had likewise ab- sorbed fluid from the bark into all parts at the lower end, but not uniformly ; particular vessels and cells did not react at all. Cross section 2 inches higher up. The bark and medullary sheath had absorbed most, the pith least. At 3 inches distance from the lower end of the wood, the salt was found only in liber and wood ; the epidermis and pith no longer reacted. Consequently, under favourable circumstances, a movement of the fluids in the bark, and horizontally from the bark into the wood, undoubtedly occurs, although to a very slight extent. 42 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION The isolating power of the epidermis against moisture is worthy of notice. B. THE DESCENDING SAP. It seemed advisable in this case also to examine the different conditions separately, since it must be influential whether the fluids ascend from the uninjured roots before descending from the peripherical parts of the stem, or make their way down di- rectly from the leaves, or from the points of cut shoots, &c. 1. The Descending Sap when absorbed through the LEAVES. To warrant this experiment on physiological grounds, it suf- fices to refer to the fact of such a condition occurring in nature in every fall of dew or rain, wherein it in fact constitutes a condition essential to the well-being of plants. Salix fragilis, L. On June 7th a large uninjured leaf was immersed in the solution, and on the 10th the shoot which bore it was cut off. Analysis. In the outer part of the shoot all the systems reacted ; nearer the base at length only isolated tracheae of the wood, and to the greatest distance on the side of the twig on which the leaf arose. S.fragilis, L. Experiment as before, with the modification that the larger shoot which bore the absorbing twig was notched deeply on the corresponding side. In three days the solution could be traced in the absorbing twig, farthest in the dotted vessels of the woody layer, and above all in the unreliable spirals of the medullary sheath. In the main shoot the fluid had de- scended over the boundary between the inner and outer layers of wood, but not beyond the notch. S.fragilis, L. Fresh leaves of a young twig were immersed one after another for several days in the solution, until a large quantity of it had been absorbed. The main shoot which bore the absorbing twig was ringed 3 lines broad down to the wood, and the ring of bark removed. Analysis after twelve days. In the peripherical part of the absorbing twig all systems had again absorbed, but only the medullary sheath conducted far down ; from this the fluid had passed out to the cicatrices of the partly fallen leaves, while the buds in the axils of these, at that time without any vascular connexion with the medullary sheath, were wholly passed over. It had descended a good way in the OF SAP IN PLANTS. 43 interior of the wood of the main shoot, and here again at the boundary between the outer and inner layers of wood (but espe- cially in the latter), while in the bark and liber it had not reached the ringed portion, much less passed beyond it. The fluid had, moreover, not merely descended, but also ascended, in the main shoot, and in the same region of the woody system. In the absorbing twig itself it likewise passed into the leaves situated below the absorbing leaves, and could readily be detected in the unreliable spiral vessels of their petioles. It must be observed that the two layers of the wood differed very much in their whole character ; the outer was gorged with sap and evidently still in active process of development (June 27th), while the inner was white and dry, and therefore much better fitted to convey the crude juices. It therefore only remains remarkable, that the fluid which penetrated most easily in the medullary sheath of the twig, left the neighbourhood of the pith in the main (older) shoot, and passed to vessels situated further out. I observed the same in Salix acuminata, Smith, in which the solution was traced through three communicating generations or systems of branches. The still green absorbing twig behaved as above ; the shoot from which this arose possessed three layers of wood ; in this also the fluid had descended chiefly near the pith. The second shoot passed into (or arose from) a third thicker branch in the wood, in which four layers could be distinguished, and here the fluid had passed down at the boundary between the inmost and the next succeeding layer of wood, and not next the pith. It perhaps would not be erroneous to attribute this circumstance to the difference of the annual course of growth, assuming that the fluid always kept to one and the same tract, to vessels of the same age, in passing from the youngest shoot into the older. At all events this is not contradicted by the observed occurrence of several layers of wood, for I have seen distinctly (in Salix alba) that at least three succeeding systems (or generations) of shoots may be developed in one and the same year, the lowest and thickest containing two clearly distinguishable layers of wood, which however were indicated even in the last and thinnest (in the beginning of July). In order therefore to obtain a surer basis for the decision of the differences of age in the young systems of branches, I examined the condition of that small 44 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION vascular bundle which diverges at certain points from the me- dullary sheath, and runs into the petiole of the leaf which subtends the bud. Subsequently (in the succeeding year), these vessels, which are torn off externally at the fall of the leaf, are covered up and buried by degrees by the new wood formed in the young shoot (produced by that axillary bud) ; but they may still be discovered, even in old branches, if carefully sought. In the above case, in Salix acuminata, it was found that the saline solution had descended in the old main shoot, as mentioned, between the innermost and next succeeding layer of the wood, and thus externally over that little vascular bundle (originally going to a leaf) belonging to the inmost layer of wood. Balsamina hortensis. The solution absorbed by the leaves could in three days be traced upwards in all parts and farthest, and downwards in thevessels and the (wood) prosenchyma accom- panying them ; the latter, however, had conducted very much more fluid, since in cross sections the colourless large vessels were ordinarily perceived surrounded by a delicate ring of very small blue cellular points. In another case also, when the plant had absorbed very little of the solution, it was observed that this had descended principally in the internal cortical layer, and in the prosenchymatous cells in the vicinity of the vessels, not how- ever in the latter themselves. While, therefore, the tracheae conducted most readily in woody plants,inthe succulent balsam the neighbouring prosenchymatous cells were decidedly overcharged. Perhaps the cause lay in the prosenchymatous cells of the woody plants being in many cases filled with air (which is not the case in the balsam), whereby, of course, the passage of the solution from cell to cell through the, moreover dry, membranes might be rendered more difficult. Lactuca sativa. The solution absorbed by the leaf during eleven days was contained in especial abundance in the spiral vessels and their surrounding prosenchyma, on the corresponding side ; on the other side of the stem, however, only in the pros- enchyma surrounding the vessels, and in the lower parts of the stem the same. Here, moreover, the rind and the pith also had conducted, the pith principally in the cells at the boundary of the medullary cavity. Euphorbia terracina, L. After four days' absorption through OF SAP IN PLANTS. 45 a leaf, the solution was traced in the entire stem, chiefly in the wood cells and isolated tracheae (unrollable spirals and dotted vessels), which latter also contained a few air-bubbles at the same time. Tropaeolum majus. After five days' absorption the solution was found inside the intercellular passages of the rind and pith, stiil more in the prosenchyma of the wood, and most of all in some tracheae. Cucumis Melo. After one day's absorption all the intercellular passages, for several inches upwards and downwards in the stem, were found filled with the saline solution, while the fluid cell- contents themselves did not react; particular portions of the (wood-) prosenchyma, and above all some of the large tracheae, had also absorbed. The size of the vessels here permitted a decision, for this and all other cases, of the question whether the blue reaction so often observed in the interior of the exposed tracheae might not result from the process of preparation, in short from the cutting of the sections, since the knife might indeed readily spread reacting fluids from the neighbouring prosenchymatous cells into the open mouths of the vessels. If such were the case, if therefore the reaction in the interior of the vessels were exclusively caused by an unavoidable smearing at the time of the analysis, the blue vas- cular points arising from the reaction would not, at all events, always occupy the same place in a succession of transverse slices from a stem where the course of the vessels was exceeding straight. But this actually took place, and it follows beyond doubt that the tracheae can in some cases take up and carry forward fluids. Vitis vinifera. Here again it was found that the fluid pro- ceeded both downwards and upwards from the absorbing leaf into the shoot bearing it, and in both cases in the same situation, namely, chiefly in the medullary sheath and in the portions of cellular tissue enveloping the liber-bundles on the inner side; apparently somewhat more had descended externally, and some- what more ascended internally. Cucurbita Pepo. This time a tendril, instead of a leaf, was immersed in the solution, but it absorbed very little, probably in consequence of continued wet weather. Analysis showed 46 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION that the fluid had ascended in the prosenchyma accompanying the vessels, but not in these themselves. From these and similar experiments it follows that in the ab- sorption of fluids through the leaves, they are conveyed most readily by the tracheae or the prosenchyma closely surrounding these; in plants gorged with sap more readily in the latter, and the reverse in diy woody plants. But even in the most succu- lent vegetables, only a somewhat longer continuance of the in- troduction of the fluid, or a greater quantity of it, is requisite to cause it to pass very readily into the air-tubes, and at length into all parts. It would therefore be erroneous to assume that any particular anatomical system is exclusively charged with the conveyance of un elaborated fluids in the ascending or descending direction. It was above all seen, that the trachea? do usually convey air in summer, but very readily become temporarily more or less, or even wholly filled with fluids which displace the air. In fact, chemical reasons led me to consider the existence of the gas in the spiral vessels and spiroids as nothing more than a result of the absorption of crude fluids from the soil, which, ascending in the higher and warmer layers of the plant, at once give off almost unaltered the gases dissolved in them, these being diffused through those communicating passages, and so gra- dually evaporated outwards and upwards without doing any mischief. In this point of view the vessels would be regarded as 4 tubes of safety. 5 It merits some attention, that, as the last experiments prove, no parts take so little share in the conduction of the solution downward as the layers of the bark. I therefore took occasion to investigate the capability of the bark to convey fluids by a direct experiment. This was done by removing every other passage but the bark from the descending fluid. Salix vitellina. On the 1 9th of June a fresh pendent twig 1^ line in diameter, had the bark slit up for the length of 1 inch at the side, 5 inches from the end ; the bark was turned back and the wood within completely removed for a length of 2 lines ; then the bark was returned into its place, rolled up in a living leaf to prevent drying, and the shoot strengthened by a splint. Lastly, a leaf situated below the excised wood was immersed in the solution. After twenty-four hours the fluid had advanced OF SAP IN PLANTS. 4? very little in the pith, but elsewhere in all parts (bark and liber included) as far as the cross-section of the wood, but not beyond this even in the bark. The result was similar after absorption for four days. Even after seven days 5 absorption, the solution had not made its way over the bridge of bark ; indeed this did not itself react, although it was in part perfectly fresh and living. In this case, moreover, the whole of the lower outer part of the twig was densely filled with the saline solution ; even the badly conducting pith of the lower portion of wood reacted distinctly ; the medullary sheath and the peripherical portion of the wood reacted most strongly, especially on that side of the wood corre- sponding to the absorbing leaf. From this it is evident that a far stronger penetration of the fluids than that which occurred here, is requisite to overcome the resistance which liber and bark oppose to the descending sap (see Sect. 4 below). This observation rendered it necessary to apply the saline solution immediately to those parts to which the business of conveying the sap down is most frequently attributed, in order to bring the question nearer to a decision. 2. The Descending Sap with direct absorption by the CAMBIUM layer. Salix acuminata, Sm. In a branch 1^ inch thick, the bark was slit up, separated to a certain extent, and a piece of filtering paper, many folds thick, soaked in the solution, inserted under it, the wound being then loosely bandaged. After one day (June 15) it was found that the salt had neither ascended nor descended beyond the exposed portion of the wood ; it had only penetrated extremely superficially even in the liber which lay directly upon the paper, and not at all into the rest of the bark or the wood. Salix arbuscula, Whlbg. Bark slit up for 2 inches ; branch 1 1 inch thick : otherwise as above. After four days, only those parts directly in contact with the paper reacted ; the salt had not passed beyond in any direction ; the paper was still moist. Salix hippophaefolia. Branch 1 inch thick ; bark slit up as in the preceding, but the fluid was actually dropped in on the 18th and 19th of June. On the 20th it was found that the solution had not gone beyond ; even the layer of sap-wood was scarcely penetrated Jth of a line deep. 48 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION Salix arbuscula. Branch 1J inch in diameter. Repeatedly wetted, as in the preceding case, during eight days: result almost the same. The solution had only advanced 1 line beyond the exposed spot, and quite uniformly upwards, downwards, and to the side ; the sap-wood reacted of a line deep. When the ex- periment was continued for eighteen days the result was the same. Consequently there is no layer in the whole tree less favour- able than the cambium for the conduction of the sap. In oppo- sition to the views of many inquirers, this part, being in the most active condition of development, most energetically arrests the fluids. It is clear how unfitted the bark is for the transport of fluids ; they occupy a longer time there than in most other parts, in changing their place. And in this experiment, we must not be led away by the results of what are called the " magic rings*" on trees. For if a thickened border is formed on them at the upper cut edge, this only proves that the sap in general has a descending motion ; not, however, that this does not take place far better and more easily in the totally uninjured woody layer. When we reflect that even in the oldest trees a continual in- crustation of the cells, a continual increase of that transforma- tion of the saps, goes on deep in the interior of the wood, the result of which is the concentric growth of the heart-wood, at the expense of what is at first sap-wood, it is seen at once that it would be a great mistake to regard the wood, on account of its solidity, as lifeless and unengaged in the conduction of the sap. 3. The Descending Sap in absorption by the ROOT. Salix alba, L. A piece 1 foot long, of a shoot an inch thick, was placed in the ground on the 24th of February, and kept at a moderate temperature, so that roots were formed, and by the 20th of April leaves had already burst out. On the 6th of June the rooted portion was carefully split up the middle, from below upwards, and one of the halves immersed in solution of the ferrocyanide, the other in a vessel of pure water standing close beside. On the 14th all the leaves were dead, the roots still fresh and healthy. On the 4th of July the height of the fluids in the two vessels was not perceptibly altered, whether the levels were previously alike or different, as counter- experiments * Made by removing a ring of bark running all round the tree. OF SAP IN PLANTS. 49 proved ; therefore no siphon action had been exerted. On this day the twig was analysed. The solution had not only ascended to the upper end in the one part, but also descended in the other part (at the water side), and indeed just to the surface of the water ; it had penetrated farthest of all in the vascular part of the outermost wood, which, at the upper part, was in contact with the absorbing half of the shoot ; in the liber and bark it fell about 1 inch short of this, while the inner wood, the medul- lary rays, and the pith, did not react. The surrounding water exhibited no reaction, which, it may be remarked in passing, does not speak much in favour of the hypothetical "root-secre- tion/' The half dipping in the saline solution, when examined upwards, reacted most in the medullary sheath, and in the (two) outer layers of wood ; also, however, in the liber and bark ; while the inner (third) layer of wood and the pith had not conducted so far. At the upper free and undivided extremity, the branch reacted only at one side, that corresponding to the vessel con- taining the saline solution ; therefore the solution had not passed round by the top to descend into the other half (to the water), but had gone over (in extremely small quantity) hori- zontally from wood to wood further down. When the experiment was stopped sooner, in other cases, it was found (June 12th) that the solution had merely ascended, and not descended ; in another piece of a shoot, the solution had descended half way in the water-half by the 15th of June. In one case, when the experiment was kept in action longer, the solution had descended \ an inch down below the level of the water in the half dipping in the latter,- not, however, to the highest of the little roots ; here also the water exhibited no re- action ; in fact, the portion of the inner layer of wood here laid bare by splitting the shoot had not conducted. Whether, in these cases, the absorption of the saline solution took place through the roots, or also through the lowest exposed portion of the inner layer of wood, it is certain that here again the liber and bark were decidedly less concerned than the tra- cheae of the wood, in the descent of the sap. It is seen that the descending sap, when it ascended from the roots and penetrated horizontally from wood to wood, avoided the medullary sheath, while it was shown in previous experiments that it very readily SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 4 50 HOFFMANN ON THE CIRCULATION passes into the latter when it is brought into the plant by the leaves ; a circumstance which is doubtless to be explained by the intimate anatomical connexion between the vessels of the me- dullary sheath and those of the petioles in young shoots. 4. The Descending Sap after direct absorption by CUT SURFACES OF THE WOOD. Salix vitellina. The end of a pendent young leafy shoot was cut off, and the lower peripherical portion stripped of bark for 2 inches ; the part thus laid bare was immersed 1 inch in the solution. At 2 inches further up in the same shoot, the bark was slit up at the side, and the cylinder of wood cut out for a length of 2 lines ; the bark being returned to its place, and the wound wrapped in fresh leaves, the whole shoot was supported by a splint, to keep it in a fixed position. After four days the shoot had absorbed the fluid as far as it dipped in it. In this case the saline solution had passed the bridge of bark, had advanced 4 \ inches beyond the vacancy in the wood, and into all parts ; furthest, however, in the bark and wood, principally in the me- dullary sheath and the peripherical part of the wood. Repeated experiments gave the same result, but sometimes the liber, some- times the wood, had conducted a little farther. Consequently, here, where a forced entrance of the fluid had accomplished the passage through the bridge of bark, the solution had again penetrated in the horizontal direction through the wood above this bridge, and sometimes even advanced further in it than in the bark itself. S. alba. A portion 1^ foot long of a leafy young shoot was stripped of its bark for 2 inches at the upper end, and dipped, with its wood wrong end upward, 1 inch deep in the solution. Then 1 inch of bark was peeled from the other free end, and a closed glass tube turned down over it to prevent de- siccation. After seven days the fluid had ascended through all parts; whence, comparing this with the cases mentioned in section A 2, it results, that in absorption by exposed layers of wood, it makes no difference in the conduction of the sap whether the shoot is immersed in the fluid upright or in a reversed posi- tion. In this case also, some salt had crystallized out upon the leaves. When the free end of the wood was enveloped in blot- OP SAP IX PLANTS. 51 ting paper, the latter absorbed a great deal of the solution (in the horizontal direction from the wood) even when the bark much lower down was unaffected. Or if only a ring of bark was cut out on the upper part of the shoot, this interruption was no hindrance to the advance of the solution ; it was found at the end, both in the wood and in the bark. The epidermis did not give a blue reaction even after remaining one hour in contact with the salt of iron. Salix acuminata, Sm. The question investigated in this case was, how far a horizontal conduction of the fluids can take place under favourable circumstances in the wood itself, through layers of different ages. For this purpose the point of a small twig was cut off, at the end of June, and the open end immersed in the solution. The main shoot (6 lines thick) which bore the foregoing was so notched circularly in four different places, that there was no immediate communication with the vessels of the stem in any place : the wounds were enveloped in fresh leaves. After eight days it was found that the solution had advanced exclusively in that side of the main shoot which corresponded to the absorbing twig, and indeed only as far as the notch which interrupted the vascular communication 4 inches further up. Here also the outermost layer of wood and the liber had conducted principally, and not the cellular intermediate layer of the bark. From this we see what difficulties are opposed to the assumption of a horizontal movement of the sap through the medullary rays; although, at the same time, a horizontal movement of the saps in the young wood, generally, under very favourable circumstances, as in the experiments of Hales (/. c.), cannot be disputed. Postscript. With regard to the behaviour of the milk-sap, which I had an opportunity of observing in several Euphorbia, in Sonchus oleraceus, &c., in reference to the conduction of sap, I am led to assume, from all that I could notice, that it takes no part whatever in this, whether the fluid penetrate into the plant through the leaves or through the roots, setting aside all the anatomical reasons against a circulation of the milk-sap, the most decisive of which is, that in the majority of plants the milk-sap passages have no continuity or general distribution. [A.H.] 52 MULLER ON THE MALE OP ARTICLE II. Upon the Male of Argonauta Argo and the Hectocotyli. By Professor HEINRICH MULLER of Wurzbury. [From Siebold and Kolliker's Zeitschrift fur Zoologie, June 1852.] AMONG the many perplexities presented by the sexual rela- tions of the Cephalopoda, we have had to reckon, even up to the present time, the statement of the majority of observers, that they had found none but female Argonauts. I believe that in the present essay I for the first time describe the perfect male Argonaut, as one of the arms of which the so-called Hectocotylus Argonauts is developed. The Hectocoiyli, which, from the first, Cuvier called " truly extraordinary 55 creatures, will none the less deserve that title. It is well known that Kolliker* has endeavoured to show that the Hectocotylus of the Argonaut, described by Delle Chiajef and afterwards by Costa J, is the male of this Cephalopod ; that the newly discovered Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis also is the male of Tremoctopus violaceus, D. Ch. ; and Von Siebold has assented to his views. More lately Verany||, in his work upon the Cephalopoda, communicated some very important discoveries with regard to the Hectocotylus of an Octopod. He found, that among five specimens of a peculiar species which he had previously named Octopus Carena, in three the third arm upon the right side was longer and stronger than the others, and was provided with a vesicle at its extremity. The fourth specimen had in the same position a short pedunculated vesicle ; and the fifth possessed simply the peduncle without either arm or vesicle. Filippi noticed that the longer arm, which in one instance was observed * Annals of Natural History, 1845. Linnaean Transactions, vol. xx. Bericht von d. Zootomischen Anstalt zu Wiirzburg, 1849. f Descrizione, iii. p. 137, tab. 152. J Annales d. Sciences Nat. 1841, p. 184 and pi. 13. Vergleichende Anatomic, p. 363. || Mollusques Mediterraneans, 1^* partie, Genoa, 1847-51. ARGON AUTA ARGO AND T11K IIKCTOCOTYLI. 53 to drop off on being touched, resembled the Hectocotylus Octo- podis of Cuvier*, and Verany concludes from thence that this Hectocotylus Octopodis is a deciduous arm bearing male organs which are probably periodically developed. With regard to the Hectocotyli of the Argonaut and of Tremoctopus on the other hand, Verany believes that they cannot be arms of the corre- sponding Cephalopoda. These statements rendered the subject of the Hectocotyli far more difficult than ever. It could hardly be believed that the Hectocotylus of the Octopus could be really distinct in its nature from the two examined by Kolliker ; and yet upon the other hand, there were many reasons for hesitating to apply the con- clusions drawn from the former to the latter. The Hectocotylus octopodis differs in many respects from the others ; its sexual relations are less certain, while those of the Octopods to which it was attached, either in the mantle or as an arm, are wholly unknown ; and finally, the positive assertions of Madame Power and Maravigno (see Kolliker, /. c.) seemed to prove that the Hectocotylus Argonautce was developed as such in the ova of the Argonaut. While at Messina, in the past autumn, I was very desirous of repeating the observations of Madame Power; but notwith- standing the examination of many thousand ova of all the Ar- gonauts which I could procure, I merely found embryos of the ordinary form more or less developed ; never those vermiform young, whose description had led to the belief that the Hecto- cotyli were developed in especial bunches of ova. At last, at the end of September and in the beginning of Oc- tober, there were brought to me, among many very small Argo- nauts which had not yet acquired a shell, a few of a quite pecu- liar form. Their cephalic extremity presented a little sac, which projected between the arms, as the animals swam about with their peculiar retrograde movement. On closer inspection f one could perceive seven arms, which all terminated in points like the six lower arms of other Argonauts of the same size. The * Annales d. Sc. Nat. 1829, p. 147, pi. 11. f The relations of the parts were clearest when the animals fixed themselves during life, within a glass, so that one could look from without straight down upon the oval surface of the head ; or after death, by placing them in a waxen pit so as to obtain a similar view. 54 MULLER ON THE MALE OP two upper and the two lower arms were longer than the lateral ones ; of the latter on the right side three only were present ; while on the left side there existed, in all the specimens which I received, in the place of the lower lateral arm, the sac in question, supported by a short and delicate pedicle, as if it were constricted. The pedicle arose from a small depression between the second and fourth arms and the mouth, from which the sac could be easily drawn out a little. The membrane which unites the base of the arms of the Argonaut passed upon the left side from the second to the fourth arm, without immediately invest- ing the sac, whose position was somewhat internal to it. The sac itself was not so long as the arms in the smallest specimens, whilst in the larger it equalled or exceeded them in length. In shape it was not exactly round, but somewhat elongated and compressed in such a manner that the diameter in a radial direction from the mouth was greater than in the line of the two neighbouring arms. The colour, like that of the rest of the body, was intensely reddish brown when the chromatophora were dilated, more greyish when they were contracted. Only on the inner, oral side was there a white streak without chro- matophora, which however did not extend over the whole length of the sac. In all cases a Hectocotylus Argonauts lay coiled up within the sac. It was curved towards the side which bears the suckers, so that the back of the thick part corresponded longitudinally with the internal convexity of the sac. The part described by Kol- liker as a silvery sac, forms at this place, immediately under the skin of the sac in large specimens, a ridge-like elevation visible externally, through which a whitish tint often glistens. The thinner part of the sucker-bearing body is bent back along the inner convexity of the sac towards the base, and the filiform ap- pendage lies between them in multitudinous convolutions. This position of the Hectocotylus is frequently obvious from without, especially during the lively movements which it often makes ; and still more clearly on the opening of the sac, when it uncoils itself from its narrow cell under the eye of the spectator. The relation of the Hectocotylus to the capsule in which it lies, and the change which the latter undergoes after its eversion, are very remarkable. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE II ECTOCOTYLT. 55 I may here observe, that in one case the sac burst before my eyes, along the inner, oral side, in consequence of the violent movements of the Hectocotylus, when the process about to be described took place in exactly the same manner as in other spe- cimens which were artificially opened. It is observed, in the first place, that the thick end of the Hec- tocotylus is fixed to the pedicle of the sac or forms it ; next, that the membrane of the sac is perfectly distinct from the filiform appendage and from the neighbouring parts of the sucker-bear- ing body ; but that, upon the thick portion of the body, while it leaves the sucker- side free, it is attached along the back behind the suckers, and forms the covering of the silvery sac above men- tioned. The so-called pigmented testis capsule of Kolliker, however (as it is observed in the Hectocotyli which are found free upon female Argonauts), does not yet exist, and is subsequently formed from the membrane of the sac. As soon indeed as the appendage and the thinner part of the body, which usually become twisted upon their axis at the same time, are evolved, the thick part bends forcibly back in the op- posite direction to the previous curvature, that is towards the back. By this means the longitudinally cleft membrane of the sac is inverted, so that its inner surface comes to be exterior, and the edges of the torn part are turned back towards the back of the Hectocotylus, which is now concave. The previously external pigmented layer of the sac now lies in the pit between these edges, and when the latter have united, there is left only a small cleft, a process which can naturally not be directly traced. We have just such a pigmented capsule formed as has been already found in the dorsal crest of Hectocotylus Argonautae. In this way we readily account for the singular fact, that a colourless layer is constantly found upon the exterior of the dorsal crest, while the layer of chromatophora lies internally upon the so-called capsule of the testis. The membrane of the sac then belongs to the future Hectoco- tylus. This was seen most clearly in that specimen in which, as has been already noticed, the sac opened spontaneously ; for upon touching the Hectocotylus frequently it detached itself from its delicate pedicle so as to carry away the inverted sac with it. 56 MUJLLER ON THE MALE OF However, as the cleft in the sac had not extended quite so far as the insertion of the pedicle, the first suckers still remained hidden by the pigraented sac, whose borders began to be reverted only opposite to the fourth sucker. The case here cited hardly allows us to doubt that the Hecto- cotylus once formed is intended to become detached from the rest of the animal ; as might indeed already be concluded from the fact that all the Hectocotyli seen by Delle Chiaje, Costa and Kolliker, to which I can add thirteen others, were found sepa- rated and associated with female Argonauts. Hence also it would seem to be probable that the detachment of the Hectocotylus is preceded by the bursting of the sac ; though I have found no specimen in which when captured the Hectocotylus had already made its exit from the sac. When and in what manner the separation of the Hectocotylus^ and its transport to the female, go on ; whether any act of copulation, for instance, takes place, were points upon which I had no opportunity of making any observations. I will now first consider a few points with regard to the ex- ternal and internal structure of Hectocotylus Argonauts, and I will then compare the Hectocotyli of Octopus and Tremoctopus with it. For the most part I have only to confirm Kolliker's observations, though of course my interpretation of them must be somewhat different. The name " Hectocotylus " may very well be retained, without any implication of independent ani^ mality. Hectocotylus Argonautce. As to external form, there were two portions to be distinguished in all the Hectocotyli, whether free or enclosed in sacs, which 1 examined : the one thick, and carrying suckers ; the other called by Kolliker the filiform appendage, thin and suckerless, but di- rectly continuous with the former. In the free Hectocotyli the body and its appendage sometimes attained the length of an inch or more each ; in other cases, each was some lines shorter. A few of the Hectocotyli which were just set free from the sac had this latter size. In three speci- mens, in which the body and head of the whole animal, as far as the base of the arms, were about 4 lines long, the sucker- bearing portion of the Hectocotylus-arm measured 8-10 lines, and ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 57 the appendage about as much more. In an animal of 3 lines long, each part of the Hectocotylus-avm was a few lines shorter. The smallest specimen which I met with measured 2 lines to the base of the arms ; body and appendage of the Hectoco(ylus-arm each 3-4 lines. The length of the uninjured sac was about 1 line in an animal of 2 J lines ; on the other hand, it was 3 lines in a specimen whose body, as far as the arms, was 4 lines long*. At the thick end of the detached Hectocotyli is the point, where the constricted axis must finally have divided ; it is drawn a little towards the dorsal side, while the h'rst suckers project somewhat forward. No trace of any rent is to be seen, but the surface is quite smooth as if cicatrized, and the fringe which unites the suckers upon their dorsal side is also present between the oblique anterior pair, so that the one series of suckers passes in a continuous curve into the other. The point of transition of the thicker body into the filiform appendage is sharply marked in all the free Hectocotyli and in the larger enclosed ones. The suckers with the fringe which unites them cease suddenly, the axis of the body becoming thinner and passing into the appendage. In the smallest speci- men before mentioned, on the other hand, the transition was far more gradual. The suckers in the posterior broad part of the body, which did not measure more than -15 of a line across, be- came gradually smaller and more rudimentary, and finally ap- peared as mere transverse elevations ; when they ceased the dia- meter of the body was still O'l of a line. The membranous lobes described by Kolliker at the origin of the suckerless part of the body were present in all free Hectoco- tyli ; but it could generally be clearly observed that there is pro- perly speaking only a single lobe, which in its highest part crosses the body of the appendage transversely, and then passes gradually upon each side into a slight fold. These two folds run along the appendage for a considerable distance : in one case, the most elevated portion of the lobe was prolonged into two elongated processes. The height of the transverse portion * An eighth specimen, in which both the body and the unopened sac surpass the above dimensions, is in the possession of M. Verany, who immediately re- collected it on seeing my specimens. It had previously been brought by Krohn from Messina. 58 MULLER ON THE MALE OF varied from an inch to more than half an inch (1 bis uber ''). The fibrous tissue of which the lobe consists is contractile, and frequently moves very vivaciously by itself. In the yet attached Hectocotyli the lobe was in the same way more or less developed, and was wanting only in the smallest specimen. This is un- favourable to the view that the lobe is a residue of the torn sac ; which might otherwise suggest itself, especially since the strong resistant epithelium which externally coats the appendage is absent upon the lobe. The edges of the lobe were generally smooth and did not appear torn. Of the tentacular cirrhi which Costa (/. c. fig. 2 a e and/) de- picts at the anterior end of the Hectocotylus, I could never find any trace, and I am inclined to believe that they were some ac- cidentally adhering foreign bodies, since nothing could be lost or torn away, in the Hectocotyli otherwise perfect, which were taken out of the sac. Such specimens as the latter are also important for the deter- mination of the interpretation which is to be put upon the dorsal pigmented capsule * and the position of the appendix in it. Kdlliker has called this capsule the capsule of the testis ; inasmuch as in one specimen he saw the filiform appendage enter it through a cleft in the back, and become connected therein with a coil of seminal canals, to which he gave the name of f testis/ I believe that the presence of semen there is acci- dental, and that another interpretation must be given to the position of the appendage. It has been already stated, that there exists no capsule in the Hectocotyli while still included in the sac ; the appendage is always free, and nothing is to be seen of any seminal canals. In the free Hectocotyli the capsule was indeed always formed, but in many instances it was quite empty, the appendage also lying outside it. In other cases the appendage passed, in the manner depicted by Kolliker (pi. 1. fig. 9 and pi. 2. fig. 1?), through the cleft of the dorsal ridge into the pigmented capsule, but lay free therein, no seminal canals being present. * The chroma topliora here exhibit in free Hectocotyli the same movements as elsewhere. The radial muscular fibres are clearly recognizable, contracted or relaxed according as the chromatophora appear large or small. Muscular fibres are also found in the deeper layers of the cutis in Hectocotyli as else- where among the Cephalopoda, e, g. in the dorsal ridge. ARGON AUTA ARGO AND THE IIECTOCOTYLI. 59 This could be seen partly upon opening the capsule, partly from without during the movements of the Hectocotylus. The appendage not only twisted about in the capsule, but crept al- ternately out and in, so that even the thin part of the sucker- bearing body, as far as it would go, became hidden in the cap- sule. The Hectocotylus then crawled about in a very peculiar manner with this inserted part, w^hich formed about the middle of the body, directed forwards. On the other hand, if the Hecto- cotylus were disturbed by touching, it not unfrequently drew its appendage quite out of the capsule, and could then be no longer distinguished from the first form which has been mentioned. It appears then, that the appendage makes the pigmented capsule its residence either from being accustomed to its pre- vious imprisonment in the sac, or as a sort of presentiment of its proper position *. The exceptional occurrence of seminal canals in the capsule of Kolliker's Hectocotylus is explained, if we consider the route which the semen must take to be poured out. Kolliker has exactly described the course of the vas deferens between an aperture in the neighbourhood of the point of the appendage and a thick silvery sac which lies under the pigment- capsule. He called that sac a penis, or finally, vesicula semi- nalis ; assuming that the semen passes out of the capsule (testis) along the appendage, then into the ductus deferens along the back, and finally out of the silvery sac at the thick end of the Hectocotylus. However, in the most free Hectocotyli, and even in the largest of the included ones, we find this sac completely filled with semen. Sometimes this distension extends into the ductus deferens to a greater or less extent, and evidences itself to the naked eye even, by an intense white streak along the back and appendage of the Hectocotylus. Lastly, on one occasion a Hec- tocotylus passed a whole coil of a thread, about '06 of a line thick and consisting of spermatozoa, from the aperture of the append- age, and the thread remained attached to it, so that the appear- * Considering the occurrence of gills in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis, we might ask whether that form clevelopes a digestive organ, for which Cuvier took the capsule in //. Ocfopodis. At present however we have no evidence upon the point. 60 MULLER ON THE MALE OF ance figured by Kolliker (pi. 2. fig. 19) arose: only the ap- pendage was free, while in Kolliker's specimen it was inserted in the pigmented capsule. We may hence assume that the semen during ejaculation passes fromthethickersactowards the point of the appendage*. It agrees very well with this conclusion, that a copulation very probably takes place during which the appendage represents the penis (vide infra). Kolliker's Hectocotylus therefore only committed an error loci when it deposited its semen in the pigmented cap- sule. The presence of an investment to the seminal coil w T hich Kolliker found in the pigment-capsule, is not, as I believed at first, any argument against its secondary deposition there, for a structureless layer was also very visible in the free seminal cy- linder, at least in some portions of it. It is perhaps only analogous to the structureless mass which is to be found else- where in the sexual canals of the Cephalopoda, and is deposited around the semen when excreted. In a second instance I could find no such investment. Since the pigmented capsule upon the back of the Hectoco- tylus could not be the testis, the latter was to be sought for elsewhere. At first, I was tempted to consider the silvery sac as its representative ; since not only was this full of perfect spermatozoa in all free Hectocotyli, but also in that Hectocotylus- arm already referred to which had burst its sac after its spon- taneous detachment. Nevertheless it was surprising that in other Hectocotylus-arms just taken out of their sac, the silvery capsule had not its white colour, and neither perfect semen nor any stages of its development were to be perceived therein. Subsequently I convinced myself that there is unquestionably a testis in the abdomen of the animal which carries the Hectoco- tylus as an arm. Behind the gills and venous appendages a great part of the mantle- cavity is taken up by a capsule, whose free lower wall is very remarkable on account of its isolated chromatophora scattered over as hining golden ground. Behind, * In most cases I could not exactly make out the place of the aperture, though in the two upper thirds of the appendage the ductus deferens is usually easily recognizable, and even far forward has a diameter of 0'05 of a line when it is not collapsed. On one occasion I succeeded in pressing the semen from the silvery sac to within two lines of the point where the ductus deferens only measured 0-03 of a line. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE I1ECTOCOTYLI. 61 it adheres to the mantle. In the capsule lies a white mass which consists of little cylinders or caeca which are united at one ex- tremity: their length is about 1 line, their thickness 0'06-'l of a line. A clearly-defined tunica propria could not be distinctly recognized in these spirit specimens for each cylinder, but ex- panded membranous coverings could be frequently observed between them. In the cylinders themselves large pale cells lay at the periphery ; the interior was in one case occupied by masses which consisted of numerous granules of about 0'002 of a line in diameter, and which had frequently a delicate process in an oblique direction with regard to the axis of the cylinder. In a second specimen there could be no doubt that these lumps were forms of the development of the spermatozoa. There lay in the same position more or less developed bundles of spermatozoa, whose somewhat wavy threads had the same oblique direction with regard to the axis of the little cylinder. This appeared, consequently, to be quite a fibrous streak. The length of the single bundles was about 0'08 of a line. In these two animals provided with full testes, the generally white and distended capsule of the Hectocotylus was colourless and collapsed. In a third animal again, which had carried the detached Hectocotylus-wm filled with spermatozoa, the shining golden capsule was indeed present, but it was empty. If we connect all these facts together, it becomes very probable that the semen is produced in the testis, and that it is then transferred into the Hectocotylus, although I could not recognise with cer- tainty this portion of the ductus deferens, which must lie under the skin of the head. The silvery capsule, then, would be neither penis nor testis, but vesicula seminalis ; and so long as the Hectocotylus remains connected with the rest of the animal, the essential distinction from other cephalopod males must consist in this, that the aper- ture of the ductus deferens, instead of lying in the man tie- cavity, is placed at the end of the peculiarly-developed arm. The structure of the silvery capsule harmonizes very well with this interpretation. It is, as Kolliker has shown, very muscular *, and in its interior there lay in all the free, and in the largest of the * The muscular fibres are distinguished from those of the rest of the bodv by a peculiar development, a point to which I shall recur elsewhere. 62 MULLER ON THE MALE OF included Hectocotyli, the coils of a thread of 0'06-0'08 of a line in diameter, consisting of perfect spermatozoa. I have not seen the aperture of this organ, stated to exist by Kolliker at the ex- tremity of the thick end of the Hectocotylus. If the semen be actually passed out of the testis into the capsule, such an open- ing must exist at one period or other ; but it probably becomes closed behind the deposited semen before the detachment of the Hectocotylus takes place. The spermatozoa of the Argonaut consist of a very delicate thread, at one of whose ends is a somewhat thicker fusiform body. They are therefore analogous to those of Tremoctopus, but smaller, since they measure, as we see especially in the bundles, only 0'08-0'09 of a line in length, of which we may consider the body to form O'Ol of a line. In general the bodies lie grouped together, and from them the threads pass nearly parallel, like the cilia of a colossal ciliated epithelium. On one occasion almost every bundle of bodies was spirally twisted. This occurred in the appendage of a Hectocotylus which I found in the ovarian capsule of a female Argonaut. In this one case I saw a lively movement in the spermatozoa, the groups of which formed regular progressive waves like the sea after a strong breeze. What is there in the muscular tube which forms the axis of the Hectocotylus ? is a most important question. Since we know that the Hectocotylus is developed as an arm, it may be surmised, a priori, that the structure of the whole axis will nearly resemble that of other arms, as indeed Kolliker has already shown it does, so far as the muscular tube is con- cerned. In fact, there lies in its interior a chain of ganglia, which answer to the suckers. We see them best in longitudinal sections which have been placed in solutions of chromic acid or corrosive sublimate, and the single ganglia may be separated and demonstrated as far as the root of the filiform appendage. From this point the muscular tube may be very readily traced to the extreme end, but it is difficult to make out what it contains : certainly not the vas deferens ; for this, as Kolliker has shown, is only attached superficially. In fresh specimens I saw a few times a clear tube-like streak, which gave off lateral branches as well in the axis of the sucker-bearing portion as in that of the AUGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 63 appendage, in which it measured only '012 of a line; but of its nature I can say nothing. The thickness of the whole axis measured in one case at the end of the seminal capsule 0-39 of a line ; towards the end of the sucker-bearing portion 0'3 of a line; in the beginning of the appendage 0' 15 of a line ; at the end of it 0'03 of a line. The inner tube measured at the same points O24, O18, 0*08, and 0'025 of a line. The development of the Hectocotylus as an arm, while it ex- plains the presence of a ganglionic chain, equally accounts for the absence of any special organs of sense. But on this ground the sensibility of the skin is very considerable. Since the muscular tube is filled by the chain of ganglia, the supposition that an intestinal canal exists there, which Kolliker himself considered doubtful, must be given up ; at least I have perceived nothing of the kind. With respect to the circulation, I can unfortunately give no information as to the connexion existing between the Hectoco- tylus and the rest of the animal. In the separate Hectocotyli the investigation is beset with difficulties, since they are for the most part very restless, and wind and twist about in the most determined manner. Yet a progressive wavy motion can readily be observed in the trunks which lie upon each side of the back and are immediately continued into the appendage. In one instance I could distinctly perceive that this somewhat slow movement passed upon the right side (the appendage being supposed to be posterior and the suckers below) as far as the extreme point of the appendage, and then returned in the opposite direction. After each wave towards the point, however, there succeeded not merely a centripetal one upon the other side, but centri- petal movements frequently arose, which commenced from the point of the appendage. In other cases I met with a different rhythm in the longitudinal trunks of the one and of the other side, and a few times it appeared to me as if in the same vessel the movement went on sometimes in one sometimes in the other direction, as in the Tunicata. However, two vessels lying close together might readily cause a deception in this case. Whether any distinct central organ of the circulation or heart exist, I cannot as yet decide. There occur indeed considerable dilatations in the vessels; C4 MULLER ON THE MALE OF especially in one specimen, in which I found after the circulation had ceased, a sacculated space '15 of a line long by *018-*08 broad in one of the longitudinal vessels of the back, somewhat behind the extremity of the seminal capsule. At both ends of the dilated portion more delicate lateral branches were given off. Somewhat further behind upon the same vessel, and in a corre- sponding position upon that of the other side, there was a rounded expansion of '05--06 of a line in diameter. If these dilatations are to be called hearts in which case they might be considered to undergo a further development we must suppose that such exist in many places, which would agree with the general arrangement in the Cephalopoda. But it may well be that these spots had merely remained ac- cidentally dilated after death, for the narrower parts of the ves- sels were evidently contracted, and one of them, further on in the thick part of the body, was evenly dilated to 0'05 of a line. The differences in breadth, which may be successively observed in the same place during life, are again very considerable. A vessel between the axis and the seminal capsule measured in its condition of expansion 0*05 of a line, and contracted to *02 of a line. This rhythmical expansion and contraction of the larger ves- sels goes on in somewhat different modes. Frequently one por- tion of a vessel is suddenly distended by the wave propelled by the contraction of that portion which lies immediately behind it, and then collapses again. At other times one part is slowly dis- tended by the blood which streams in gradually, especially out of the smaller vessels, and at last contracts with a jerk, whereby the vessel in consequence of its elongation becomes much bent. The independent share of single portions of the vascular system in the centripetal movements of the blood is very clear here as in other parts of the Cephalopoda, e. g. the gills. More or less rhythmical and swift contractions are seen to drive the blood from the smallest venous twigs into the larger trunks ; these help it on further either by an immediate contrac- tion, which is a continuation of that of the smaller branches, or only after they are more dilated by the repeated contractions of the latter. That this venous movement is nowise propagated from the arteries, is clear from the circumstance that single ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 65 ramifications often pulsate rapidly, while the neighbouring ones are either still or move at a different pace. These relations are especially recognizable in those ramifications which come off from a transverse branch of the longitudinal trunks, between every pair of suckers, and spread in the membranous fringe connecting these. Here, as in many other places in the Cephalopods, one may readily convince oneself of the existence of capillary vessels. Concerning the development of the male Argonaut I can state nothing, since I unfortunately obtained no more ova advanced in development, after I had discovered the Hectocotylus to be an arm ; and inasmuch as I had not previously paid sufficient attention to the form of the arms, in the expectation of finding the totally different vermiform embryos described by Madame Power. Indubitably, however, the male embryos are not to be found in especial bunches of ova, but have been frequently seen among the female ones by Kolliker and myself, although from the similarity of their form no further notice has been taken of them. One is the more justified in this supposition, since the sac with the Hectocotylus appears to be relatively smaller the younger the animal, and from its shape might be easily confounded with the yelk-sac. In some preserved ova of the Argonaut far advanced in deve- lopment, I believe that I can recognize the arm of the Hectoco- tylus, The statements of Madame Power and of Maravigno quoted by Kolliker (/. c. p. 84) contain truth and fiction ; but they may be thus interpreted. What are denominated Hectocotyli three days old are without doubt Hectocotyli ; the description of them which is given, no less than the statement that only two or three are developed in the maternal shell, accords very well with this view. For if we procure Argonauts with advanced ova, in a short time we see the hatched young swim about in innume- rable multitudes. The statement that the seven other arms spring out as buds from the vermiform animal {while it is assu- ming the form of the common Argonaut, leads one almost to believe that Madame Power saw entire male Argonauts with Hectocotylus-arms everted from their sacs in the shell of the female Argonaut. SCIEN. MEN. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 5 66 MULLER ON THE MALE OF If this were demonstrable from the original manuscript, it would afford an important evidence in favour of the immediate transportation of the Hectocotylus from the whole male upon the female Argonaut* In the following pages I will bring forward for comparison all that is to be said concerning the two other known kinds of Hectocotylus, for it is precisely the very striking differences and similarities of the three Hectocotyli with one another, that pro- mise in course of time to afford an insight into the meaning of the separate organs and the nature of this singular creature as a whole. For this purpose I refer to the description by Kolliker of the Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis, and to that of the Hectocotylus Octo- podis by Cuvier and Verany. Although the identity of the spe- cies of Octopus, in which Cuvier and Verany found their Hecto- cotyliy is not demonstrated, yet the Hectocotyli are so nearly re- lated that they may well be considered together. Hectocotylus Octopodis. As Kolliker has shown, the Hectocotylus of the Octopus is di- stinguished from that of the Argonaut not only by its greater size, but because at one extremity instead of the filiform appendage there is a vesicle containing a filament ; in other respects the two forms essentially agree. Upon comparing the figures of Cuvier and Verany, we find that the " solid cylindrical body " which Cuvier indicates as the origin of the silky thread is the muscular axis ; the supposed nervous threads of Cuvier are the vascular trunks, which in Hectocotylus Argonaut take on a similar appearance in spirit ; the sac (e) filled with the coils of a white thread is the thicker seminal capsule ; the canal (h) is the ductus deferens upon the back ; the " stomach " (d ) corresponds with the pigmented dorsal capsule of Hectocotylus Argonaut. The position of the aperture of this capsule alone differs, since in Hectocotylus Ar- gonautce it remains at the posterior end, while Cuvier has depicted it at the anterior (/). According to this figure and Cuvier's statement that this opening (which he calls a mouth) in the fresh state is slit-like and leads into the pigmented capsule, as well as from the analogy of Hectocotylus Argonauts, I cannot agree ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 07 with Kolliker (pp. 79 & 80) that this aperture belongs to the seminal capsule. Whether a second aperture for this exists at the anterior end is not certainly determined by Cuvier himself, and he does not state that Laurillard had seen the seinen poured out anteriorly. The connexion which, according to Cuvier, exists between the thread (i) everted from the terminal vesicle, on the one hand with the axis of the body, and on the other with the canal (ti), which, coming from the seminal capsule, is evidently analogous to the ductus deferens in the Argonaut, is singular. If with Kolliker we may be permitted here to suppose an error on the part of Cuvier, who only examined spirit speci- mens, I should imagine, keeping in view the fact that Verany found a filament with a free and pointed end in the terminal vesicle of the Octopus, that the latter was overlooked by Cuvier. If this be the case, the analogy between the filament exserted from its vesicle and the filamentous appendage (penis) of Hecto- cotylus Argonauta becomes striking. It would then require to be made out whether and how this appendage makes its exit from its vesicle, and we might con- ceive similar relations to those which I shall subsequently show obtain in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis. In the latter case the presumed error of Cuvier would be easily explicable. The above- mentioned differences in the position of the pigmented sac might also be connected with the difference in the position of the appendage, since in Hectocotylus Octopodis the supposed appendage is perhaps never meant to pass into that pigmented capsule as in Hectocotylus Argonauts. From the structure of the Hectocotylus Octopodis, especially the presence of the silky thread in the capsule, e, and the asser- tion of Dujardin (Helminthes, p. 131) that the white thread consists of spermatozoa, the male nature of this Hectocotylus also may be concluded. Its development is probably quite similar to that of the Hec- tocotylus of the Argonaut. Verany and Filippi (see above) have already proved that the Hectocotylus of the Octopod arises as one of its arms. Verany has observed in the same place a sac, which, according to the figure in which chromatophora are indicated, appears rather to be analogous to the sac of the male Argonaut than to the 5* 68 MULLER OX THE MALE OF vesicle which otherwise terminates the Hectocotylus Octopodis. The pigmented capsule upon the back of the latter again is evi- dence of a process of eversion similar to that of the Argonaut ; and in the specimen of Octopus, which M. Verany had the good- ness to show me, the pigmented spot upon the back of the Hectocotylus-arm appeared very similar, if I do not err, to that upon the back of the Hectocotylus-arm of the Argonaut when just everted from its sac. Here also then the eversion of the Hectocotylus from its sac precedes its separation. Whether the pigmented capsule is already developed in one of Verany's spe- cimens I know not. It is interesting that Cuvier describes one of his Hectocotyli as the arm of the Octopus. Four out of five individuals were found in the mantle of the Octopod ; " the fifth had attached itself to one arm of the Poulpe, and had changed it into a kind of sac in which it had imbedded its head, whilst the rest of the body remained free externally (p. 150) ; " and " it has almost destroyed the arm, and appears to replace it so com- pletely that at first it might be taken for the arm itself " (p. 149), It is hardly to be doubted that the animal " qu'un parasite devore" was a male Octopus, which carried a Hectocotylus newly freed from its sac, but not yet separated. The last link of the series finally is formed by that Octopus, in which Verany found merely a short stump in the place of the Hectocotylus-arm, which in all probability had already fallen off. Considering the general resemblance of the Hectocotyli of the Argonaut and of the Octopus, it is very remarkable, that, accord- ing to Verany, in all cases the third arm of the right side is the abnormally developed one in Octopus, whilst in the Argonauts it always is the third arm of the left side. Cuvier does not state in the place of what arm his Hectocotylus was fixed. It is much to be regretted that Cuvier has given no informa- tion as to the sexual organs of the Octopods which carried the Hectocotyli in their mantle or as an arm, and it is the more de- sirable that such Octopods should be closely examined, since their more considerable size will without doubt allow a more easy and better determination of many points than the small Argonauts permit. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYL1. 69 Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis. The third kind, the Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis, is interme- diate in size between the two others ; in form, however, it differs far more from the Hectocotylus of the Argonaut than from that of the Octopus. Nothing is known of its development. However, besides the structure of the muscular tube of the body already pointed out by Kolliker, that of the suckers, and the presence of genuine chromatophora, we have one very im- portant point of resemblance with the Hectocotylus Argonauta in the presence of a longitudinal series of ganglia. This ganglionic chain, which has already been recognized by Von Siebold, passes from the anterior end of the Hectocotylus to the commencement of the capsule in the abdomen. The single ganglia are so disposed that one lies upon each of the alternating suckers ; they are thence closely appressed. If we make a longitudinal section, not perpendicularly between the suckers, but horizontally, we obtain precisely the view given by Kolliker, pi. 2. fig. 14. It is therefore obvious that the co- nical masses of granular substance described by him, at p. 74, were these ganglia. The doubts as to the presence of any intestine expressed by Kolliker are quite just in this case. The opening which he also gives as doubtful, at the anterior extremity of the body somewhat towards the back, was perhaps only the end of the axis whose already attenuated tube here terminates the inner layers contributing to form a blind end round the last ganglion, while the outer layers united with the skin form a more or less distinct knob*. If in many cases an opening is actually present, this would indicate even more than the mode of termination which has been described, and which agrees with that of the thick end of the Hectocotylus Argonaut &, that supposing the Hectocotylus of the Tremoctopus to be developed as an arm like the others, this is its attached end. The structure of the opposite end renders this conclusion * Von Siebold also has concluded from the want of such an aperture that there is no digestive organ in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis, and Cuvier affirms that in Hectocotyliis Octopodis the axis has no opening anteriorly. 70 MULLER ON THE MALE OP probable ; the ovate or pyriform capsule in the abdomen being similar to that which in Octopus is certainly placed at the free end of the Hectocotylus-arm. Besides, both in form and position that abdominal capsule is analogous to the membranous lobe on the appendage of Hecto- cotylus Argonautce. Among eighteen Hectocotyli of Tremoctopus, twelve had the abdomen constructed as Kolliker has described it. In six, how- ever, the capsule of the abdomen had a cleft upon its dorsal side ; this commenced close behind the last sucker of the left side (the suckers being supposed to be below and the capsule behind), and extended somewhat obliquely as far as the commencement of the delicate process into which the capsule is prolonged ; the latter lay consequently wide open, and it could readily be seen that it was empty ; that is, that it contained neither the convo- lutions of the seminal capsule nor the ductus deferens, which in other cases are found in the closed capsule*. Upon careful examination, however, the cleft is, even in all ordinary Hecto- cotyli, to be seen as a streak occupying the direction indicated. There is a ridge upon the right side ; pale, more or less closely adherent, and capable of being raised. It can be observed then that the subjacent layer, upon the left side, passes for a cer- tain distance under the other, and appears to be as it were rolled up at its anterior end. In Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis this cleft then always exists, and it would be interesting to know whether it also occurs in the capsule of Hectocotylus Octopodis. When the cleft is open and the capsule is empty and relaxed, it has a considerable resemblance in external character to the membranous lobe of Hectocotylus Argonautae, which also at times forms a deep pit. Both organs exhibit a lively undulatory movement. In order to comprehend more exactly the relative position of the capsule, it is previously necessary to show that the penis of * I presume, that at least in most cases the capsule has been burst after the Heclocotyli were taken, by contact with fresh water or the like. In three Hec- tocotyli of the ordinary form which I had thrown into a dilute solution of chromic acid, I also found after a few days the capsule open and the contents fallen out. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 71 the Hectocolylus Tremoctopodis is analogous to the filiform ap- pendage of Hectocotylus Argonaut. Of the six specimens in which the cleft in the capsule was open, three were particularly distinguished by having no penis visible externally. It was not torn off, as might have been con- cluded from the absence of the opening out of which it generally passes * ; but it lay spirally coiled up under the skin inferiorly behind the last suckers, and, indeed, more towards the right side. It was very short, but relatively thick. Here then it was clearly evident that the penis is the immediate continuation of the muscular axis, which could not be so well demonstrated in specimens with a long free penis. Close behind the last suckers, the end of the thick part of the axis, which contains the last ganglion, lies in such a manner in the lower wall of the capsule, that it can be seen through the dorsal cleft above mentioned as a knob somewhat projecting from the inner surface of the cap- sule. From this the muscular tube bends down to the lower side of the Hectocotylus and forms the penis, which here lies coiled up under the skin, instead of as usual passing forward and becoming free in the neighbourhood of the third to the fifth sucker. Where the axis bends down, the longitudinal vascular trunks pass into the penis f Immediately beyond this flexure the. ductus deferens, generally convoluted, comes from the left side to the anterior side of the penis into which it penetrates. The larger convolutions which this duct frequently makes at the base of the penis produce the transverse ridge, which may be frequently observed in many Hectocotyli between the body and the capsule upon the lower side. If now we consider the place of the cleft capsule, keeping in mind this relation of the penis to the axis, its position upon the back of the axis (where the thicker part passes into the thinner) is quite analogous to that of the membranous lobe in Hectoco- tylus Argonautce. * In one specimen the semicircular edge which usually surrounds the aper- ture behind was faintly indicated, perhaps in preparation for the subsequent exit. f Whether at an earlier period the contents of the axis also are continued into the penis, I cannot decidedly say. 72 MULLER ON THE MALE OF If then the abdominal capsule of Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis is analogous with this lobe, and perhaps also with the terminal vesicle of Hectocotylus Octopodis, we must give up its supposed analogy with the pigmented capsule of the two other Hecto- cotyli; and the Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis seems to possess nothing comparable therewith. On the other hand, the presence of a free penis by no means constitutes an absolute difference from the other Hectocotyli. It is its position chiefly which distinguishes it from the appendage of Hectocotylus Argonautae, and the circumstance that the ductus deferens lies in its interior, whilst in the latter it is only attached externally to the prolongation of the axis. If it were certain that the filament which we find in the terminal vesicle of Hecto- cotylus Octopodis had the same signification, and is not a mere seminal tube, the analogy of the three Hectocotyli in this point would be complete. In the other portions of the sexual apparatus, the testis and the ductus deferens, such an agreement cannot at present be demonstrated. Kolliker has named ( testis ' a vesicle which generally com- pletely fills the abdominal capsule. The cleft outer capsule readily separates again into two layers, the outer of which is similar to the general cutaneous investment: under the epithe- lium there is a fibrous network with numerous vessels, whose capillary loops may be seen in the delicate terminal prolonga- tion. The second layer consists, like the subcutaneous tissue of the back, of muscular bundles, which especially affect a longi- tudinal arrangement. Upon the inner surface it supports a layer of delicate polygonal cells. Below this again comes the so-called sac of the testis, which may be easily separated. Its wall has a peculiar checkered (carrirtes) appearance ; t\vo layers of fibres are visible, which cover one another very regularly like the fibres of a tissue, at right angles, or often at somewhat oblique angles. The fibres are when isolated somewhat rigid, but often- times not dissimilar to muscular fibres. Elsewhere, however, they can be hardly separated at all, and in many places almost structureless layers occur. In the interior of this vesicle there was always contained the thread described by Kolliker, which consists almost entirely ARGOXAUTA ARGO AND THE IIECTOCOTYLI. 7-3 of perfect spermatozoa. In this case a special investment is fre- quently not to be discovered, as Kolliker and Von Siebold (VergL Anat. p. 411) state; in a few instances, however, the greater part of the thread was surrounded by a distinct structureless membrane. Its existence was clear in places where it stretched over gaps in the contents, or where it was quite empty, and also in places where it was torn, and the masses of spermatozoa had swelled up and made their way out. Whether this investment is a true membrane which subsequently disappears, or whether more probably it is rather an accidentally deposited homogeneous mass, I will not attempt to decide ; only it is to be noted that this in- vestment was not to be found in a few other portions of the same seminal cylinder. The one end of this filiform seminal mass is connected with the bulb which forms the commencement of the ductus deferens (ductus ejaculatorius, V. Siebold) described by Kolliker. One part of it lies coiled up with the seminal cylinder in the checkered vesicle, the other part stretches on into the penis. This peculiar ductus deferens* appears to consist of a sub- stance essentially identical throughout, but varying very greatly in consistence and form in different localities. It is a yellowish or colourless^ sometimes tough, sometimes more brittle, but elastic mass, which frequently, e. g. in the interior of the bulb, is tolerably soft, but at other places is of almost horny hard- ness and friability. Histologically, it appears sometimes struc- tureless, sometimes marked very beautifully with parallel stria- tions. The striae are either immeasurably close or 0'004 (fre- quently 0'001-'002) of a line apart, and exhibit transitions from the most extreme delicacy to very marked lines. They have the greatest similarity with those which we see in the wall of the Echinococcus vesicles. The structureless mass appears to pass into more slightly or more strongly marked layers which determine the partly longitudinal, partly transverse striation. This often takes on very strange forms when the parts are torn, doubtless in consequence of the folding and tear- * I retain this term, although the part does not seem to he quite analogous to the organ so named in H, Aryonauta. 74 MtJLLER ON THE MALE OF ing. The substance is little altered by a diluted solution of caustic soda. The innermost coat of the ductus deferens is generally formed by a layer which strongly refracts light, and when it is stretched looks like a tubular brittle glassy membrane. Elsewhere when collapsed it has the appearance of a longitudi- nally fibrous cord,which is easily torn transversely into fragments, and only the local dilatations (for example from 0'02 of a line in diameter to quite smooth clear vesicles of 0-2 of a line in diameter) show its tubular character. One portion is frequently invagi- nated for a certain distance in a funnel-shaped expanded portion behind it, whereby a swelling is produced. In other places the innermost layer forms the spiral band mentioned by Kolliker. This exhibits considerable elasticity, and its coils are often very close, often far separated, which depends upon the form of the penis. The band has sometimes the appearance of a spirally cut delicate tube, sometimes that of a cylinder, like the snake-toys which are cut out of horn. Next to this innermost layer the mass of the ductus deferens appears to be longitudinally striated to an irregular extent. Ex- ternally again it becomes circularly striated, and not unfre- quently some layers appear to be more sharply distinguished from the rest. In the midst some portion will frequently be found wholly structureless, and quite external to the ductus deferens ; a strongly marked layer has again all the characters of a so-called vitreous membrane. In the penis the whole ductus deferens, without reference to its contained spiral band, sometimes forms spiral coils of much greater extent, in which the outer layers of the penis take but little part. Many modifications of the ductus deferens occur which appear to indicate different stages of development. Instead of the usually tolerably solid enlargement at its commencement (Kol- liker, pi. 2. fig. 11 d), there exists at times a somewhat large pyriform body which attains a few lines in length, and the larger it is so much the softer are its contents. In its axis, however, one can already distinguish the commencement of the inner denser tube, which further on in the ductus deferens incloses or forms the spiral band. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLT. ?5 In one of the specimens without any externally visible penis there projected from the cleft in the back a transparent, pointed, ovate vesicle of a few lines in length, which contained merely a fluid, and at its fixed end was drawn out into a more delicate fine tube of about the same length. The latter appeared when the vesicle, in consequence of being frequently touched, detached itself, and was evidently formed analogous to the ductus deferens ; it consisted of a longitudinally striated cord (i.e. perhaps a folded tube) and an external, distant, structureless, partially laminated sheath. The larger vesicle therefore may per- haps be considered as an earlier form of development of the bulb, with which the vas deferens generally begins. Other changes in the latter and in the penis appear to belong to a later period. In two Hectocotyli which were met with in copulation upon female Tremoctopoda (vide infra), the abdominal capsule was also open and empty, probably in consequence of long lying in water. The penis, however, with the external part of the ductus deferens plainly visible in it, was distinguished onboth occasions by a length of an inch and a half. It passed out of the skin, not in the middle line, but nearer to the right-hand series of suckers, and close to the penultimate pair, which plainly arose from its being torn. Its outermost third appeared to be similar to the whole free part of the penis in other cases ; the two upper thirds were thinner, as if pulled out longitudinally. After the skin was taken away from the place of exit of the penis as far as the abdominal cap- sule, the portion of the penis lying below it was seen to pass below the axis obliquely towards the last sucker of the left side, and there cease. This inner part of the penis formed a fusi- form enlargement, which appeared to be hollow. The outer- most layers of the penis passed into the surrounding fibrous tissue, but the connexion with the axis was no longer recogni- zable. In all probability these changes of form of the penis and ductus deferens are connected with the function of copulation, and a third Hectocotylus, in which the outermost portion of the penis was plainly torn off, but the inner end had the same rela- tion as in the other two, had probably already performed this act. Its abdominal capsule also was open and empty. The eversion of the ductus deferens for the purpose of ejaculation, indicated by Von Siebold (/. c. p. 411), appears to take place, ?6 MULLER ON THE MALE OF and indeed in a peculiar manner, which reminds one of the process of eversion of the spermatophora of other Cepha- lopoda described by Milne-Edwards (Annales d. Sc. Naturelles* 1842). From the preceding facts I will merely draw the conclusion, that the sexual organs in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis are not only more complicated than in Hectocotylus Argonaut a, but that dif- ferent stages in their development occur, although the Hectoco- tylus possesses in general the same form as that with which we are already acquainted. Our knowledge of this Hectocotylus is too imperfect to enable us to give a general interpretation of the generative organs. But its structure and the analogy with the Hectocotylus of the Argonaut lead to the supposition that the vesicle which contains the seminal coil is not the testis, but a seminal receptacle, although the mode in which the semen makes its way, and the place of its origin are less demonstrable than in the Hectocotylus of the Argonaut. Next to the generative apparatus, the most striking features in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis are the numerous villi on each side of the back, which Kolliker has with great probability called gills *. In the living Hectocotylus the single villi are contractile, ap- parently in consequence of the fibres which form a meshwork in their interior. Independently of this movement of their sub- stance, a considerable rhythmical contraction may be observed in the efferent (venous) part of the very rich and frequently anastomosing vascular network which lies in each villus, and which passes from the finer to the coarser vessels, as was stated above to be the case in the Hectocotylus Argonautce and in the Cephalopoda in general. In one instance there were twenty-two contractions in ten minutes. Since these branchial villi might occur in different individuals in different degrees of contraction, the determination of their size in different individuals appeared to be a matter of some interest. For this purpose the largest group of villi in each of several specimens preserved in spirit was selected. When they were very much developed, their length was about 0-6-1-2 of a * Do these in any way subs.erve nutrition within the mantle of the female? (see Von Sicbohl, /. c. p. 389). ARGOXAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 77 line. The smallest were not much shorter, and some were longer. The breadth in the middle of the villi was generally 0-15, hardly under 0'12, but as much as 0'22 of a line. These were Hectocotyli with a freely projecting penis. In two others, on the other hand, whose penis was hidden, the length of the villi was but rarely over 0*6-0*7 of a line, and the most were shorter. The breadth was at the base rarely more than 0'12 of a line, and diminished rapidly to 0*06 or 0'04 of a line. The villi namely, had here the form of a rapidly dimi- nishing and pointed cone, whilst in specimens with well- deve- loped gills the diameter of the gills in the outer half surpassed at times that of the base, and the end was more rounded than pointed. Since it may be assumed that Hectocotyli with larger gills have in general progressed further in their development than those with smaller ones, we have here a further evidence that the penis rolled up under the skin of the latter is a younger stage of de- velopment than the common form of the free penis. The Hectocotylus of the Tremoctopus, then, is very strongly distinguished from the two others by the want of a pigmented dorsal capsule ; by the position of the seminal coil in the cap- sule at the end of the body, and the peculiar structure of the ductus deferens ; lastly, by the presence of gills : and, indeed, from the great discrepancies which exist among the Hecto- cotylus-bearing males of Cephalopods among nearly allied spe- cies, we should be prepared for thorough differences among themselves. Upon the other hand, the analogy of the Hectocotylus of the Tremoctopus with the others in all essential points is so great, that although there is a complete want of all direct observations, we must assume it to have a similar origin, and that one day an entire male Tremoctopus belonging to this Hectocotylus will be discovered, the exact investigation of which will doubtless be still more interesting than in the Argonaut. However that may be, all three Hectocotyli must be kept in mind in attempting to determine the nature of the Hectocotyli in general. 78 MULLER ON THE MALE OF Nature of the Hectocotyli. With regard to this problem, we must consider, first, their relation to the animal which lodges them in their free condition, and, secondly, to that as whose arm they are developed. The main point as respects the former relation, which Kolliker first demonstrated for the Hectocotyli, may be safely assumed to be that each of the three forms of Hectocotylus, considered as one with the animal upon which it is developed *, forms the male factor with respect to a particular kind of female Cepha- lopod; Argonauta, Tremoctopus and Octopus granulosus, Lamarck, O. Carena f, Verany. The evidence of this consists in the fol- lowing facts : 1. No other males of the Cephalopoda mentioned are known. All Argonauts { of the ordinary form with velate arms, and all individuals of Tremoctopus which have been dissected, were females with ova. To the Argonauts enumerated by Kolliker I can add fifty others of every size, and to the thirteen individuals of Tremoctopus, thirty which I have examined with reference to this matter. As has been said, nothing is known respecting the Octopus. 2. Most of the free Hectocotyli carried semen demon strably ; and it is very probable that the others had done so. To the fifteen Hectocotyli Tremoctopodis fourteen others may be added in which this was certain, whilst in four the demonstration failed on account of the emptiness of the capsule. In Cuvier's Hec- tocotylus Octopodis Dujardin found spermatozoa. To the six Hectocotyli Argonautce enumerated by Kolliker, I can add thir- teen which all carried the white sac under the pigmented dorsal capsule, and as often as this was opened it was found to con- tain spermatozoa. To these free Hectocotyli are to be added the Argonauts which carried a Hectocotylus-arm inclosed in its sac. All the specimens, which were carefully examined, contained semen either in the sac of the Hectocotylus-arm or in the testis. Respecting these animals, indeed, doubts might be raised as to the identity of the species with the common Argonaut, on * Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis questionably, f If these be different, there will be four species. J Verany (p. 54) cites a solitary statement of Leach that he had found a male Argonaut. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE IIECTOCOTYLI. 79 account of the want of both the expanded arms and the shell. But, in the first place, the similarity of the Hectocotylus-arm with the free Hectocotylus speaks for that identity. Next, the mode in which they occur : during a few days only did I obtain the animals with the Hectocotylus-arm and Argonauts of the ordinary kind in any quantity together. The latter were partly larger ones with shells, partly also not more than 2-4 lines long, and these, like the males, had no shell, at least as I obtained them, while the expanded arms were already easily recognizable. The colour and remaining form of the body were, however, in such close agreement with those of the male animals *, that the presence of the expanded arms and afterwards of the shell must be considered not to be specific, but to be sexual differences. It is perhaps not without importance, that these vela with a kind of mesentery on the twisted axis of the arms occur in females of that species whose males carry an arm so excessively deve- loped, which however belongs to a different pair from the vela of the female. The same probably holds good of Tremoctopus ; for in this, as I shall elsewhere show, the two upper arms have not the shape which is commonly figured, but form, when, as rarely happens, they are well preserved, elongated lobes, which excite as much surprise by their enormous size as by the extra- ordinary magnificence of their coloration. It may be expected that the male Tremoctopus may have such a structure, as to have been described as some other kind of Octopus. Since Cuvier says nothing of any difference in those Octopods which lodged the Hectocotyli from the other which carried the Hectocotylus as an arm, it seems that the male, as which the latter no less than Verany's specimen of Octopus Ca- rena must be regarded, in this case is not strikingly different from the female. 3. The anatomical agreement of the suckers, &c. of each Hec- tocotylus with those of the Cephalopod female upon which it occurs, has been especially made out by Kolliker. 4. In like manner the exclusive association of each Hectoco- tylus with its kind of female only. Up to the present time free Hectocotyli have only been found in the society of female Cepha- * Even the bundles of hairs described by Kolliker (Entwickelungsgeschichte d. Cephalopoderi) were present as in the females of the size of a hazel-nut. In larger specimens I no longer found them. 80 MULLER ON THE MALE OF lopoda, and indeed, as Kolliker observes, only upon females with ripe ova. I have myself found the free Hectocotylus Argonauts only upon the inner surface of the shell, or upon the ova, or fixed or creeping upon the animal itself, and I can affirm that among the many Argonauts, less than a nut in size, which I have examined, I never found a Hectocotylus. The Hectocotyli of the Tremoctopus were almost all fixed in the mantle-cavity ; a few crept about in its vicinity externally, or lay at the bottom of the vessel in which the Tremoctopus was contained ; since, as Kolliker has stated, they usually leave the dead animal. 5. Direct testimony that the Hectocotyli play the part of males to their female Cephalopoda is afforded by two observations of a perfect copulation in Tremoctopus. Upon the 2nd of August two large specimens of Tremoc- topus were brought to me at the same time, each of which carried in its mantle-cavity a Hectocotylus^ fixed as usual in the neigh- bourhood of the gills. Upon pouring water on them, it was seen that the penis of each \vas inserted far into the opening of the right oviduct. Both of the Hectocotyli moved vivaciously, and appeared to be very angry that their endeavours were disturbed. Since it was late in the evening I was obliged to defer further examination until the following morning, when I found both in situ, but dead. Both Hectocotyli were distinguished by the length of the penis ; on endeavouring to draw it out of the ovi- duct it was* held pretty fast, and if let go was retracted again for a certain distance ; one might so allow half an inch of the penis to glide in and out. This resulted from a very elastic filament, which, from the point of the penis, projected in deeper ; it could be drawn out for an inch from the opening of the oviduct with the penis, and then when it finally gave way it slipped back again. In both cases this thread did not exactly enter at the point of the penis, but somewhat behind ; and then in its further course it could be clearly identified as the inner part of the for- merly-described ductus deferens. The right oviduct of the Tremoctopus possessed, besides the chambered gland, two dilatations whose walls were greatly soft- ened. The external enlargement was little larger than upon the left side, and contained, together with mucus, merely a portion of the thread torn off from the penis, which has been mentioned. The second larger expansion contained the very singularly con- ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 81 structed continuation of this ; I will only remark that there hung therein a solid white reniform body of some lines in diameter which consisted wholly of spermatozoa. These were quite similar to those which are usually found in Hectocotylus Tremoc- topodis, and it is therefore unquestionable that these Hectocotyli also serve to fecundate the female Tremoctopoda. The observation of peculiarly-formed masses of spermatozoa far back in the compartments of the oviducal gland itself, was repeated in many specimens of Tremoctopus, and it seems al- most as though this gland had at least in part the function of a spermatheca ; though indeed its relations in other Octopods do not well agree with this view. On the other side of the gland 1 found no semen, neither in the two copulating Tremoctopoda nor in others ; but I will so much the less question the possi- bility of its penetration as far as the ovarian capsule, as the por- tion of the oviduct between the gland and the ovary is remark- able for its conspicuous ciliary epithelium. A similar epithelium invests also the folds of the ovarian capsule itself which converge towards the internal aperture of the oviduct ; it is found there over a considerable space, and finally extends through the so- called water-canal described by Delle Chiaje and Krohn in Tremoctopus and Eledone, which reaches from the posterior side of the ovarian capsule towards the lateral compartment. For Argonauta I can bring forward no such complete obser- vation, yet the copulation and fecundation by the penetration of the appendage of Hectocotylus Argonauta into the female sexual aperture become very probable from the following facts. The ovarian capsule of an adult Argonaut contained a filiform body, which, from its form, from the lobe at the thicker end, and from its minuter structure, was certainly the torn- off append- age of a Hectocotylus Argonaut ce. Attached to it were very diffuse masses of spermatozoa in lively motion. In another very large Argonaut I had sought in vain for Hectocotyli. After cutting up the intestines, and especially the generative organs in many directions, I found in the water used for washing the parts, three filaments, which were the appendages of so many Hectocotyli. Functionally, then, the appendage of Hectocotylus Argonauta is to be compared to the penis of H. Tremoctopodis, although perhaps the appendage is not always intended to reach the ova- SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART I. 6 82 AHJLLER ON THE MALE OF rian capsule, and may have been a result of some accident to the Hectocotylus. The state of polygamy in which many females of these Cepha- lopods live is worthy of remark. Cuvier (Laurillard) found three Hectocotyli in the mantle of an Octopus ; Kolliker, among twelve Hectocotyli of the Tremoctopus, once found three together, and twice, two ; Von Siebold found among three, two together ; I among eighteen found four together once, and three times, two upon one specimen. I also met with two Hectocotyli upon one Argonaut, twice. Since it is improbable that the Hectocotyli can pass from one female to another, either the number of the males must be greater than that of the females, or many of the latter must alto- gether despair of the society of the former. On the other hand, it seems that the many Hectocotyli for one female are OVK CLTTO- (frcaXiot, as Homer says of the evval aOavdrcov. In the oviduct of one Tremoctopm were found two distinct, but for the rest almost identical seminal masses, each with its appended tubular filament, and many such fragments appeared to indicate some- thing more than bigamy. This is perhaps connected with the manner in which at least a portion of the Cephalopoda here referred to lay their eggs. The ova of Tremoctopus and Argonaut a are, it is well known, found in groups, each of which is attached to a delicate stalk. These stalks are in the Argonaut fastened to the convoluted por- tion of the shell ; in Tremoctopus to a principal stem some lines thick. The ova of each such single group are as a rule at about the same stage of development ; whilst the different groups vary so greatly, that in the larger bunches we frequently meet fresh- laid ova in company with perfect embryos. In this case a re- gular progression may frequently be detected, so that develop- ment gradually advances from one end to the other of the whole bunch. In one bunch of ova of Tremoctopus there was further- more this distinction between the two ends of the principal stem : that the end which carried the most fully-developed em- bryos had a brownish, wrinkled, old appearance ; while that in which the ova were undeveloped was clearer, smoother, softer, and fresh-looking. Between the two were transition-states. The size of each group which has a distinct thinner stalk answers ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 83 pretty closely to the quantity of ova which we often find in Trem- octopus in a dilatation of the oviduct, which, on the outer side, immediately follows the gland. The ova which we find in the part of the oviduct before the gland, as well as in Argonauta in the beginning of the oviduct, are as yet only provided with their separate proper stalks, which are delicate, but already somewhat long ; these become united in the outer part of the oviduct into a group with a common stalk, and thence they probably remain here for a considerable period. It may therefore well be, that the different groups of a large bunch of eggs are attached at dif- ferent times, and although the duration of the intervals is wholly unknown, it may be imagined to be not very small, and perhaps too considerable to allow of the fecundation of all the ova by a single previous copulation. Such ova belonging to different periods might be fecundated by many Hectocotyli at different times. Inasmuch as it has been said that the Argonaut is hermaphro- dite, I beg expressly to observe that nothing which I have ever noticed favours this conclusion. In the male specimens the testis lay where otherwise the ovary would be found, and of the latter there was no trace ; whilst in a female of 3 lines long it was already very perceptible, and characterized microscopically by ova of 0-02 of a line in diameter. Besides, the want of the velum upon the arms of the Hectocotylus-bearers shows that these are quite separate individuals from the females. If now with regard to two kinds of Hectocotylus the anatomical fact is established, that they are developed as arms of perfect Cephalopods, and also that all three Hectocotyli very frequently occur isolated, there is a question which promises to be one of a more general interest, viz. What is the relation of the free Hec- tocotylus to the animal from which it has detached itself ? 1. That the Hectocotylus stands still less in the relation of a parasite (Cuvier) to the animal as whose arm it is developed, than to that in whose mantle it resides, is clear. I will only call to mind, how from the very first all observers have brought forward the striking similarity to a Cephalopod-arm ; they have not, however, come to the readiest conclusion, that it is such an arm, without many deviations. 2. That Madame Power also wrongly imagined the Hectoco- 6* 84 MULLER ON THE MALE OF tylus Argonauts to be a vermiform embryo of the common Argo- nauta (vide supra) has been already shown by Kolliker. 3. Kolliker brought forward formerly the view that the Hec- tocotyli as male individuals are the independent equivalents of the female Cephalopods. According to the present state of knowledge, this view can be tenable only under two suppositions. Either, one must assume an alternation of generations in its wider sense between the Hectocotylus and its previous supporter ; or, after the separation of the Hectocotylus from the rest of the body, it must be regarded as the representative of the individu- ality, having thrown off the remainder as so much no longer useful ballast. Against the former view of a kind of alternation of genera- tions however, too many objections at once arise ; among others, the development in the place of one of the eight typical arms ; the imperfect organization as regards the other generations ; further, that the alternation would take place merely in the males ; whilst the females of Argonaut a and Tremoctopus are known to lay eggs from which individuals similar to them pro- ceed. Lastly, the presence in Argonauta of a testis with per- fect semen, which probably passes thence into the Hectocotylus, opposes altogether the hypothesis that the latter is a male gene- ration proceeding from an asexual gemmiparous one. For the other supposition, that the Hectocotylus, together with its producer, forms only one animal, but after its separation must be regarded as a continuation of the whole, because it is the means of propagation of the species, analogous cases might be adduced of certain animals in which the organs of individual life retrograde in relation to those of the propagation of the species. It might be instanced that many Echinoderms, for example, are produced by budding from larvae, which then waste away ; and herewith might be compared the surprisingly great and rapid development of the Hectocotylus-axm, as contrasted with the small size of the other arms*. But before drawing such comparisons, further observations must be obtained upon the duration and mode of life of the two separated moieties of the * In my specimens not more than six pairs of suckers are distinctly developed upon three arms. ARGOXAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 85 original animal. For we know as little how long the isolated Hectocotylus, as how long the seven-armed Cephalopod, lives ; whether the latter produces new Hectocotyli*, or passes through yet other metamorphoses. In this respect it is remarkable that male individuals of only a very small size relatively to the females have been observed, and that, independently of sex, they exactly resemble the very young females. The circumstance also that many of the small animals had a tolerably advanced mass of semen in the testis, and that others already carried perfect semen in the seminal sac of the Hectocotylus-arm, rather indicates that these males do not grow large, for the ova of females of the same size are nowise developed to the same extent. If large male Argonauts occur, they have been without doubt overlooked in consequence of their wanting the expanded arms and the shell. The specimens of the Octopus described by Verany are indeed considerably larger ; and Cuvier says nothing about the size of the animals which bore the Hectocotyli either in the mantle or as an arm. Yet the case of an Octopus, brought for- ward by Verany, which, in the usual place, had merely the pe- dicle without an arm or vesicle, is the only direct evidence for the continued existence of the Cephalopod which has cast off the Hectocotylus. Until more light is thrown upon these relations, it seems unnatural to assume that all the most important organs of an animal, the central organs of the circulating and nervous systems, the apparatus of sense and digestion, and so forth, are thrown off en bloc, and that the remainder with the semen, which is not even produced in it, should continue to represent the individual. 4. If for the present then the Hectocotylus can hardly be considered to be an entire individual, it only remains to regard it as a separated portion of the whole. Costa has expressed the view that the Hectocotylus Argonauts is the spermatophore of the Argonaut (Annales des Sciences Na- turelles, 1841, p. 184). The Hectocotylus might be rightly so * In favour of a regeneration of the cast-off flectocotylus-arm we have the fact, that not uncommonly this occurs with other arms. A small conical pro- cess covered with a number of small suckers sprouts forth from the torn place of the arm. 86 MULLER ON THE MALE OF called, if the word is to be taken in its general sense ; but it can certainly not be classed together with the well-known seminal cases of other Cephalopods which at present bear that name. These spermatophora are mere capsules composed of a no further organized mass, whose movements take place from purely me- chanical causes. They are seminal machines, which might as well be called a secretion, if the semen is to be so denominated. The Hectocotyli, on the other hand, are composed of different organs and of almost all the elementary tissues which exist, in the same condition as they are found elsewhere in the living body. I will not neglect, however, to draw attention to the analogy which exists in many respects between the spermato- phora and the structure above referred to in Hectocotylm Trem- octopodis,as theductus deferens. In both the seminal mass is fixed to a spiral band contained in a sheath, and its uncoiling appears to be connected in the one case as in the other with the extru- sion of the semen. The substance of the spermatophora, as of the ductus deferens, is a mass which exhibits transitions from a less to a more considerable consistence, and also from a complete absence of structure to a striation, which, however,is riot produced by any peculiar elementary parts. The substance of which the capsules and pedicles of the ova are formed is similar, and in the oviduct of Tremoctopus we find masses, of which it is not easy to say how much proceeds from the Hectocotylus and how much from the female herself. Should this analogy, upon which I will not enter further here, be confirmed, the Hectocotylus Trem- octopodis might at most be called a spermatophore-bearer. In any case, the Hectocotylus of the Argonaut (and probably also the two others) stands in the relation to the rest of the animal, of an arm, which is at the same time penis and ductus deferens. When separated it may be compared with any other partj which separated from a living individual, yet preserves for a certain time a given amount of vital properties. How far, as regards amount and duration, this may extend, cannot be deter- mined a priori, and the Hectocotyli may perhaps surpass all hitherto known instances. Nothing can better illustrate the character of their movements, than that Lauriliard, Delle Chiaje and Kolliker were led thereby ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 8? to hold them for decidedly independent animals, and every future observer will be unable to avoid the same impression*. The circulation of the blood of the Hectocotylus, although its course is only imperfectly known, is very lively and rhythmical. It should be observed, that in detached arms of Tremoctopus a rhythmical movement of the veins from the periphery to the centre continued for half an hour after separation from the body, although the animal had been dead for an unknown time. The protracted contractility of separated portions of the Cepha- lopoda, for example of the skin with the chromatophora, is also already known. Yet in the whole male Argonaut the Hectoco- tylw-arm was the part in which the reflex movement ceased latest, since it continued to make apparently voluntary move- ments for many hours after these had ceased in the rest of the animal. How long the movement, and indeed the existence of the Hectocotyli endure after their natural separation is altogether unknown f, but probably for a considerable time, if copulation be not effected ; if indeed they do not exist afterwards. The presence of the appendages described as gills in Hecto- cotylus Tremoctopodis is very remarkable : since they do not occur in other Cephalopod- arms and Hectocotyli, and since, like the penis, they appear to become still larger in detached Hecto- cotyli, it is to be concluded that the Hectocotylus in question is originally intended to have a longer separate existence. But the other Hectocotyli also are evidently by no means torn off accidentally, but from the manner of their occurrence as well as * Verany mentions in comparison the gill-processes of Eolidse, which, when detached, continue to move for many hours. f Since it is not easy to keep Cephalopoda with Hectocotyli in confinement long enough, it will be desirable to pay particular attention in future to their occurrence at particular seasons of the year. Verany obtained the Octopus Carena at different seasons ; Kblliker obtained the Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis in August and September pretty frequently ; that of the Argonaut again but rarely. I found most Argonauts without Hectocotyli before the end of Sep- tember, but at that time and in the beginning of October the majority of the large specimens possessed them. In the end of July and the beginning of Au- gust I obtained Tremoctopoda pretty frequently, and usually with Hectocotyli on one occasion there were eight of the latter in one day. Subsequently the Tremoctopoda occurred only singly, and no longer contained any Hectocotyli. Hence the deficiencies in my account of the //. Tremoctopodis, since I erro- neously expected always to obtain the same supply as at first. 88 MULLER ON THE MALE OF the structure of their place of attachment, they are intended to be detached *. In all probability, finally, the thin appendage of the Hectocotylus in Argonanta and Tremoctopus finds its way into the female sexual aperture only after the separation, for we find almost all Hectocotyli filled with semen, and the penis of Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis often is in an apparently virgin condition. This is easily possible, considering the lively twisting movements which the appendage in both Hectocotyli makes, even independently of the rest of the body, and in Hec- tocotylus Tremoctopodis it is rendered still more easy by the cir- cumstance that in the other portions of the penis the epithelium forms a multitude of recurved hooks, the hinder edge of each cell riding on its neighbour. It is to be considered, however, whether preliminary acts of coition do not first determine the separation of the Hectocotylus from the rest of the animal. It is remarkable enough, anatomically, that certain Cephalopod males should be distinguished from those of the immediately allied species by the presence of the Hectocotylus-arm ; but the facts adverted to render the relations of the detached Hectoco- tylus so peculiar, that one is forced either to remain in doubt, or to come to the conclusion that the line of demarcation between independent animated beings, and such as are not so, is by no means so distinct as the schools draw it. It is, however, hardly the time at present to draw any theo- retical conclusions, when so many matters of fact remain to be inquired into with regard to the known species of Hectocotylus (and there may be others), by which perhaps all that has been done may be upset again ; for what has been stated here can only indicate in what direction future investigations must be undertaken. I thus sum up the chief results : 1. Perfect male Argonauts occur distinguished from the fe- males, which only have hitherto been known, by the absence of the expanded " vela " upon the two upper arms. 2. These male Argonauts carry the Hectocotylus Aryonautce * It is important to know whether changes in the size and form of all Hec-> tocotyli occur after their separation ; whether, for example, the coalescence of the everted edges of the skin in Hectocotylus Argonauts happens before or after separation from the rest of the animal. In my free specimens the pig- mented capsule was in all cases fully formed. ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE II ECTOCOTYLI. 89 (D. Ch.) in a pedunculated sac in the place of the third arm of the left side. 3. The thick end of the Hectocotylus is fixed to the pedicle, while the thin coiled-up part is free. 4. By the bursting of the sac and the eversion of its edges, the pigmented capsule on the back of the Hectocotylus arises. 5. The testis lies in the abdomen of the whole animal, the external aperture of the ductus deferens being near the point of the Hectocotylus-arm, whose thin appendage has at the same time the function of a penis. 6. In the axis of the Hectocotylus there lies a chain of ganglia. 7. It is not to be supposed that the Hectocotyli are developed as vermiform embryos in especial bunches of ova. 8. The Hectocotylus Octopodis of Cuvier, which Verany has shown to be the arm of an Octopus, is mainly distinguished from the Hectocotylus Argonauts by its size, by the presence of a capsule at the free end, and by its development as the third arm on the right side, of the Octopus. 9. The Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis of Kolliker is distinguished by its gills, by a peculiar structure of the ductus deferens, and by the want of a pigmented dorsal capsule ; but it possesses a ganglionic chain in its axis, its penis is a more delicate prolon- gation of this, like the appendage of the Hectocotylus Argonaulce, and its cleft abdominal capsule is to be compared to the lobe upon the appendage of the latter. 10. The Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis is thence to be considered analogous to the two other Hectocotyli) although the animal as whose arm it is developed is not at present known. 11. Each Cephalopod with a Hectocotylus-arm is to be re- garded as the male of the corresponding female Cephalopod. 12. The Hectocotyli are intended to separate from the rest of the body, and are then received and lodged by the female. 13. In this condition they have apparently independent mo- tion and circulation ; they contain perfect semen ; and in Trem- octopus, as also probably in Argonauta, a copulation with the female animals takes place. 14. The Hectocotyli are not comparable to the spermatophora 90 MULLER ON THE MALE OF of other Cephalopoda; but perhaps the so-called ductus de- ferens in Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis is similar to the?e. 15. The free Hectocotyli can by no means be regarded as independent animals. NOTE BY PROFESSOR KOLLIKER. I desire to take this opportunity of stating, that I have con- vinced myself of the truth of the most important of the discoveries made by M. Miiller, by examining the Cephalopods which he has brought, and that I entirely agree with his view of the re- lation of the Hectocotylus Argonauta to the male Argonaut. As it now appears, I was led formerly to put too great a value upon the statements of Maravigno and Madame Power, and I was thence induced to consider the Hectocotyli as male Cepha- lopoda which were developed as such in the ovum. It appears now that I was indeed right in the main, when I claimed the Hectocotyli as belonging to the Cephalopoda ; but that they are not complete animals, but only parts of them, separated indeed in a very strange manner, and by the great independence of their organization and vital manifestations forcibly resembling inde- pendent animals. KOLLIKER. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 AND 2 OF PLATE I. (Both figures are magnified somewhat more than four times.) * Represents the natural size. Fig. 1. The perfect male Argonaut seen from the left side : the numbers in- dicate the pairs of arms ; the second and fourth arms of the left side are thrown back, in order to show in what manner the sac containing the Hectocotylus is fixed by its pedicle in the place of the third arm. Over the exterior of the sac a ridge extends longitudinally. Fig. 2. A male Argonaut in the same position, only the Hectocotylus has come out of its sac. The sucker-bearing portion is twisted once completely round upon its own axis, so that it is seen at first from one side, then from above, then from the other side, then in the ascending portion directly from below, and again upon the same side as at first. The fixed end of the Hectocotylus is still covered by the pigmented mem- brane of the sac ; further on the latter is torn longitudinally upon the ARGONAUTA ARGO AND THE HECTOCOTYLI. 91 sucker-side towards the mouth, and so inverted in consequence of the Hectocotylus being bent back, that one looks upon what was previ- ously the inner surface of the sac: the chromatophora glimmer through only indistinctly. The margins of the cleft lie in the con- cavity of the first flexure ; one margin passes before, the other behind the thick end of the Hectocotylus ; both unite at * on the dorsal side. Between the edges and the white streak which indicate the seminal sac there is a pit, whose inner surface is formed by what was pre- viously the outer surface of the sac. Where the sucker-bearing part of the Hectocotylus passes into the filiform appendage (penis), the lobe appears on the back, and from this on each side a fold passes on to the appendage. [T H. H.] 92 SIEBOLD ON HECTOCOTYLUS. ARTICLE III. A few Remarks upon Hectocotylus. By C. TH. VON SIEBOLD, Professor at the University of Breslau. [From Siebold and Kblliker's Zeitsclirift for June 1852.] 1 HAVE read with the greatest interest the recent discoveries of Verany and H. Miiller as to the true nature of the Hectoco- tylL I have now, with Kolliker, arrived at the persuasion that Madame Power, through the too great positiveness with which she described the development of the Argonauta in the egg, has partly been the cause of the hitherto erroneous views that have been entertained upon the subject. Since Maravigno, in fact, only reported upon the communications concerning Argo- nauta made by Madame Power to the Academy of Catania, it is difficult to say for how much share in the error he is responsible by additional careless observations of his own. From the first I was desirous to have a sight of the figures which Madame Power added to her treatise, and which neither Oken, Creplin, Erichson^ nor Kolliker had as yet seen. I availed myself of my last visit to Vienna to examine Madame Power's treatise in the Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali di Catania (torn, xii.), contained in the Imperial Library, and especially to convince myself of the resemblance of the figures of Argonauta embryos given by Power, with Hectocotylus. I found that the complaints made by Oken (Isis, 1845, p. 617) about the careless editing of these academical papers were fully j ustifiable, since even in this Viennese copy of the twelfth volume the illustrative plate of Madame Power's essay w-as wanting. In accidentally turning over the leaves of some of the succeeding volumes, how- ever, I came in the fourteenth volume upon the missing plate. Figs. 1-4 represent, somewhat magnified, but very coarsely executed, a something which has a remote resemblance to a Hectocotylus ; one distinguishes an elongated clavate body, one end of which runs out into an acute point, and whose thicker end is provided laterally with a double series of indistinct pro- S1EBOLD ON HECTOCOTYLUS. 93 minences. Figs. 1-3 exhibit five or six such elevations upon each side. Fig. 4, on the other hand, has ten upon each side. Fig. 4 then differs from the three preceding figures only by the increased number of the lateral elevations, and yet Madame Power says (see Wiegmann's Archiv, 1845, vol. i. p. 378, or Oken's Isis 9 1845, p. 610) of this fourth form, which she sup- poses to be an embryo three days old, that from this stage elevations like buds gradually arise, provided with a double series of dark points, and that these are the commencement of the arms and their suckers ; where, however, in fig. 4 these com- mencements of the arms are supposed to be, I can by no means comprehend ; for this body, described and figured as an embryo three days old, reminds one only of the arm of a Cephalopod with its double row of suckers. Had Kolliker chanced to see these figures, he would certainly have still more strongly be- lieved that the Hectocotylus actually leaves the egg in its proper form. Now that Verany and H. Miiller have drawn attention to the ex- ternal sexual differencesof the Cephalopoda, the different accounts given by Aristotle of the sexual distinctions and functions of the Octopus acquire an especial value, since Aristotle appears to have been acquainted with the natural history and internal structure of the Cephalopoda to an extent that we must even now con- sider astonishing. From the following passages, which 1 here extract verbatim from Schneider's translation (Aristotelis de Animalibus Historic, book x.), Verany and H. Miiller, who have produced a new phase in the history of Hectocotylus, will learn with astonishment, that Aristotle may fairly contest with them the priority of their discovery of the relation of the male Octopus to the Hectocotylus-arm. In fact, in book iv. chap. 1, 6 (loc. cit.) 9 it is thus written : " Polypus (such is Aristotle's inva- riable designation for Octopus) brachia sua ad officium cum manuum turn pedum accordat: namque duobus, qua? supra os habet, admovet ori cibum. Postremo autem omnium, est hoc inter cetera acutissimum et solum aliqua parte candidum in dorso (vocatur autem dorsum pars brachii laevis a qua prorsum acetabula collocata sunt) et in extremo bifidum hoc igitur ad coitum utitur." In the fifth book, chap. v. 1, we find further: "Aiunt non- 94 SIEBOLD ON HECTOCOTYLUS. nulli, marem habere non nihil simile genitali in uno ex brachiis, quod duo maxima acetabula continet; id protendi quasi nervo- sum usque in medium brachium atque totum in narem (funnel) -fbeminae inseri." In the same book, chap. x. 1, lastly, Aristotle returns once more to the sexual distinctions of the Cephalopoda in these words : " Differt a foemina mas capite (abdomen) oblongiore et id quod genitale vocant piscatores habet in brachio candidum." The task now remains for those observers who have the op- portunity of investigating that portion of the Mediterranean which lies between Greece and Asia, to decide what species of Octopus Aristotle understood by his " Polypus," and how far his acquaintance with the sexual relations of the male Octopus coincides with the history of the Hectocotylus as it has been recently made known. [T. H. H.] II. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 95 ARTICLE IV. Investigation of the question: Does Cellulose form the basis of all Vegetable Membranes? By HUGO VON MOHL. [From the Botanische Zeitung, vol. v. p. 497 et seq."] IN a former paper* I laid down the anatomical and chemical reasons which led me to persist in maintaining the doctrine of the growth of the membrane of the elementary organs of plants propounded by myself and attacked by various writers, and induced me to reject the view, defended by the Utrecht professors, Mulder and Harting, that the outermost layers of those mem- branes are the youngest and the inmost the oldest. Since that paper was written I have carried through a long series of new observations for the further elucidation of the conditions here in question, the results of which, so far as relates to the chemical f characters of vegetable membranes, 1 believe may be published with advantage, because they may serve to throw light upon some points as yet unknown, and to refute the chemical evidence brought forward by Harting and Mulder in favour of their view. In the Essay already referred to, I closely discussed the opposition presented by the deductions drawn by Mulder and Harting on one side, and by myself on the other, from the known reaction of cell-membranes when acted on by sulphuric acid and iodine. My opponents are of opinion that the circumstance of thin recently formed membrane being coloured blue by iodine and sulphuric acid, while in many full-grown cells only the inner layer manifests this reaction, while the outer are tinged yellow by these two substances, gives ground for the deduction that these outer layers have been formed subsequently to the others, and that the inmost layers of the full-grown cells are the same membranes which constituted alone the wall of the young cell. On the other hand, I asserted that this conclusion is too hasty, * Bofanische Zeitung, vol. iv. p. 337 et scq. Translated in the Annals of Natural History, vol. xviii. p. 145 et seq. t I shall speak of the anatomical conditions on another occasion. 96 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. since a particular layer of an elementary organ may undergo a chemical metamorphosis in the course of time, without experi- encing on that account any alteration in dimensions, or affording cause for it to be regarded as a new layer in an anatomical sense of the word : I stated that in respect to this metamorphosis we have to consider two possibilities, since it might arise either through the cellulose of which the layer was originally composed becoming dissolved and replaced by some other chemical com- pound, or through the persistent cellulose becoming saturated by another compound, and hence losing the capability of reacting with iodine and sulphuric acid. For various reasons I declared the latter view r , which certainly offers the most glaring contra- diction to the views of the chemists, to be the more probable, but I could not distinctly prove it, because I was unable at that time to extract the infiltrated matters from such membranes as offered an obstinate resistance to the action of sulphuric acid and iodine, and in which cellulose could not be demonstrated to exist by the application of those reagents ; such a process of extraction being necessary to render the cellulose (which I assumed to form the basis of the membranes) accessible to the action of the iodine. Now, as the following pages will show, I have succeeded in this with all the elementary organs of vege- tables, and I therefore assert most distinctly that the walls of all the elementary organs of plants are composed of cellulose ; that it is quite inadmissible to draw conclusions as to the period of origin of any given layer of their walls from its chemical condi- tions, and that in regard to this question anatomical evidence alone is valid. In order to establish this proposition, I am compelled to enter somewhat minutely into the details of my investigation : if I enter into more extended explanations of the methods I followed than seems to many altogether necessary, this is to be attributed to the circumstance that I only arrived at determinate conclusions after many unsuccessful experiments, and I wish others to be able to confirm the correctness of my views. Cuticle stands first of all the structures, in which it is impos- sible to demonstrate a trace of cellulose by iodine and sulphuric acid. It either completely withstands the action of sulphuric acid, or, if it undergoes a certain degree of softening by this acid, H. VOX MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 9? this never causes iodine to produce a blue colour in the substance of the membrane, but the latter is always coloured yellow or brown by the application of those reagents. The results are very different when cuticle is subjected for some time to the action of caustic potash. For this purpose a thin section of some epidermis possessing a thick cuticle, for example that of the leaf of Aloe obliqua, must be kept from 24 to 48 hours in a strong solution of caustic potash, between two slips of glass, at ordinary tempe- ratures. The solution I used was so concentrated, that crystals of hydrate of potash were formed when the temperature of the room fell to freezing-point. It is not requisite that the potash should be chemically pure. When the action of the potash on the cuticle was strong enough, the microscope revealed that numerous little drops exuded from it, of a tenacious fluid, not mixing with the solution of potash, but becoming yellow with iodine. The cuticle itself was somewhat swollen up and showed itself (like the membrane of thick- walled cells treated with sulphuric acid) to be composed of numerous superimposed lamellae, which were not continued uninterruptedly from one cell to another, and hence did not form a connected layer lying upon the epidermis and distinguishable from it, but terminated at the boundaries of contiguous epidermal cells and formed part of their walls. In most cases the epidermal cells had expanded somewhat in the direction of their breadth, and the vSegments of the cuticle corresponding to the individual epidermal cells had become more or less perfectly separated from each other. When a few drops of a strong tincture of iodine* are applied to the preparation, the latter dried, and then wetted with water, the cuticle acquires as bright a blue colour as the walls of the epi- dermal cells and the subjacent parenchyma. The purity of the colour is increased, as in most cases in which a cellular membrane is coloured blue by iodine without the application of sulphuric acid, by allowing the preparation to dry up once or twice after being saturated with iodine and wetted with water, and then * In these, as in all the following researches, I used a tincture of iodine, in preparing which I added an excess of iodine, so that part of this remained undissolved at the bottom of the alcoholic tincture. The attempt to apply a tincture made with sulphuric aether instead of the alcoholic, so as to gain time by the rapid drying, was not accompanied by good results, since this tincture did not wet the preparation so perfectly as that made with alcohol. SCIEN. MEM. ,Vfl*. ///*/. VOL. I. PART II. 7 98 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. wetting it again with water, and if requisite also a second time with tincture of iodine. A similar result is obtained by cutting off a section of the cuticle parallel to the surface of the leaf, and treating it in the same manner with potash and iodine. The cross-sections of the side-walls of the epidermal cells, composed of cuticular substance, exhibit exactly the same appearance as the other thick-walled cells, composed of a number of superimposed layers ; between them runs an external membrane common (?) to the two adjacent cells, which has frequently a yellow or greenish colour at the first wetting with water, but becomes likewise blue after a repetition of the operation. When the cells have separated from each other, this outer membrane is torn irregularly and hangs in fragments attached to one or other of the contiguous cells. The cuticle of other fleshy or leathery leaves, for instance of Aloe margaritifera, Hoy a carnosa y Hakeapachyphylla, Hake a gib- bosa, &c., behaves exactly in the same way as that of Aloe obliqua. These statements place it beyond doubt that the cuticle of the leaves mentioned is not a homogeneous layer of substance dif- ferent from cellulose, secreted upon the surface of the epidermis, but that this membrane is composed of separate segments corre- sponding to the epidermal cells ; that it is composed of numerous superincumbent lamellae of cellulose ; and that its chemical diversity from cellulose arises from the infiltration of a substance, coloured yellow by iodine, which not only resists the action of sulphuric acid itself, but protects the cellulose which is saturated with it from the influence of sulphuric acid and iodine. The result is the demolition, in regard to the thick cuticle of thick- walled epidermal cells, of the evidence advanced on chemical grounds against the view I formerly advanced (Vermischte Schriften, p. 260) of the structure of cuticle, namely, that it is not a coating over the epidermis composed of substance excreted from the latter, but owes its origin to a metamorphosis of a portion of the outer walls of the epidermal cells. The infiltrated substance was not totally extracted by macera- tion of the epidermal cells for 24-48 hours in solution of potash, for the addition of sulphuric acid to the preparation saturated with iodine immediately reproduced the brown colour which is caused in cuticle by these reagents before it is treated with II. VOX MOIIL ON CELLULOSE. 99 potash, and the same phenomenon is seen in the wood-cells when the solution of the infiltrated substance is imperfect. While the above-described action of potash on the cuticular layer of epidermal cells is taking place, a very thin pellicle becomes detached from the outer surface of the epidermis, either in strips, or, when the epidermal cells separate from each other, a piece of this coat remains adherent upon the outer side of each of them. This pellicle is not coloured blue by iodine, but always yellow. When the above treatment is applied to the epidermis of organs in which the outer wall of the epidermal cells is not much thicker than their side walls, and in which iodine and sul- phuric acid demonstrate only a very thin cuticle, for instance, of the leaves of Iris fimbriata, of stems of Epiphyllum truncatum, of the petiole of Musa, &c., a thin yellow pellicle remains here also on the outside of epidermal cells coloured blue by iodine. If the epidermis is boiled with solution of potash, this pellicle shrinks together and by longer boiling is completely dissolved, while the epidermal cells only swell up and acquire a beautiful blue colour with iodine. This pellicle, which occurs under all circumstances upon the epidermis, whether it be a portion of its cells transformed into cuticle or not, consists, judging from its different behaviour with potash, of a substance essentially dif- ferent from the cell-membrane, and is doubtless the same mem- brane which Ad. Brongniart separated from leaves by maceration, and denominated cuticle. It has been confounded, by myself and others, with that portion of the w r alls of the epidermal cells which is coloured yellow by sulphuric acid and iodine, under the name of cuticle, because the methods of investigation hitherto in use afforded no means of separating these two different parts distinctly from each other. But it is evident that this membrane must be distinguished from the subjacent cells ; I therefore pro- pose to restrict the name of cuticle to it alone, and to apply the term cuticular layer to that part of the epidermal cells which becomes coloured yellow by sulphuric acid and iodine. The cuticle exists on all cells exposed to the air, without exception ; if any one choose to ascribe it to a secretion of the epidermal cells, I have no objection to offer to the notion ; but it would be difficult to bring forward any proof of its correctness ; and perhaps we ought to regard the circumstance that this cuticle 7*' 100 H. VON MOHL OX CELLULOSE. is marked with raised lines in many plants, as a proof that it is not to be considered simply as a hardened excreted fluid, since possibly those lines ought to be looked upon as a proof of definite organization. The researches of Mulder and Harting have made known that sulphuric acid and iodine do not demonstrate the existence of cellulose in cork any more than in cuticle ; any one may readily convince himself of the correctness of this statement in the cork of the cork oak, of the elder, c. The cells also of the nascent suberous layer, in their earliest condition, while still covered by the epidermis, exhibit the same yellowish brown colour on the application of the said reagents, as developed cork, even in those plants in which the cork never attains any considerable develop- ment, for instance in Cereus peruvianus. The conclusion drawn from the absence of a blue colour, that the membrane of cork- cells contains no cellulose, and is composed of a peculiar substance, is, on the other hand, just as groundless as in the preceding case ; for a thin section of the cork of the cork oak, which has been boiled in solution of potash until the brown colour it originally assumes has disappeared, acquires as bright a blue with iodine as any other membrane composed of cellulose; in like manner, and also by the application of nitric acid in the way described below, the corks of Sambucus nigra, Acer campestre, Ulmus campestris, and Euonymus europ&us, show that their cells are composed of cellulose. It is well known that the layer to which I have applied the name of periderm, is, in anatomical respects, to be regarded as a modification of the cork-layer. This circumstance led me to conjecture that this membrane would display chemical characters similar to those of cork. This was confirmed. I subjected the periderms of the oak, of Crat&gus Oxyacantha, Betula alba, and Plosslea floribunda, to the action of a boiling solution of potash, after which iodine produced the blue colour. The blue colour was quite clear in the oak and Cratcegus, but in the other two less pure; the periderm of Plosslea, indeed, did not require a very long boiling in solution of potash to produce the blue colour, but only isolated patches of the cells were coloured pure blue, the greater part acquiring a dirty blue tint. The periderm of the birch, which very obstinately resisted the action of the potash, H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 101 required a long continuance of the boiling before the iodine would produce the blue colour. The organs above mentioned, forming the surface of plants, especially the cuticular layer of the epidermis and the cork of the cork oak, and in a less degree the corks of the other plants enumerated, stand, in respect to the chemical properties of the substances combined with their cell-membranes, preventing the reaction of cellulose, in opposition to all those elementary organs which form the internal tissues of plants. In these also the re- action of cellulose is very frequently partially or entirely pre- vented by compounds combined with them, but caustic potash is not the proper means of reducing the cellulose of these organs into a condition capable of the reaction. Even when, as in many cases, for example in the secondary layers of many wood-cells, such as those of the wood of Buxus, potash has this effect, the result is often waited for in vain, and in case of success, the mem- branes boiled with caustic potash but seldom acquire a pure blue colour with iodine, and a yellow or brown colour is mostly min- gled with it. On the other hand, the application of nitric acid is always attended with complete success. The effect of this acid is perhaps most perfect when the plant to be investigated is allowed to macerate for a long time in dilute acid, at ordinary temperatures ; but since in solid woods, when even small fragments are placed in the acid, several months or even a year may easily elapse before the effect of the acid has completely developed itself, this method is scarcely applicable when a large series of observations is to be made with this agent. I therefore substitute a boiling of the substance to be examined in moderately strong acid, for the long-continued maceration ; by this means the desired effect is very rapidly obtained, only in many plants the risk is run of dissolving the cell-membrane, or at least some of its layers, by continuing the boiling too long. This inconvenience, however, may be avoided by a little care ; for in general the colour of the vegetable structure affords a mark by which we can detect whether the required effect of the acid has commenced and the boiling is to be stopped, or it is to be continued for a longer time. At first, the acid ordinarily pro- duces in the fragment of vegetable substances placed in it, immediately it is heated, a yellow or brown colour, accompanied by considerable effervescence and frequently with the formation 102 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. of vapours of nitrous acid, which colour however soon gives place to a pale yellow, or a complete bleaching of the preparation. When this bleaching takes place, the desired effect is generally attained. I then brought the preparation, if it had not already been boiled between two slips of glass*, on to a glass slider, washed it with water, either dried it perfectly by a moderate heat, or saturated the acid with ammonia, wetted the dried pre- paration with strong tincture of iodine, let it dry up in the air, and wetted it once more with water for microscopic examination and to produce the blue colour. Sometimes it was necessary to repeat the wetting with tincture of iodine, or to moisten the pre- paration, saturated with iodine, with water, and let it dry again several times. The whole process is somewhat tedious, but time is saved, by setting to work with a number of preparations at once, and, when they are saturated with tincture of iodine, letting them dry at leisure, by which means we obtain sufficient material for the whole day's work at the microscopic investigation. I have frequently, to save time, assisted the drying of the prepara- tion saturated with iodine by artificial heat ; as a rule, however, it is more advantageous to allow the evaporation of the iodine to go on at the ordinary temperature of the room, since even a slight heating may easily cause too strong an evaporation of the iodine. It is well known that the parenchymatous cells of succulent and young organs, in which the membranes are imbued with a comparatively small quantity of the compounds coloured yellow by iodine, require no preparation to render them capable of as- suming a blue colour with iodine (see my Vermischte Schriften, p. 344). It is different with the parenchymatous cells of older structures which have become saturated with encrusting sub- stances, for instance, the cells of pith and of medullary rays, &c. Very frequently these cannot be coloured blue at all, or only very imperfectly with iodine alone, and do not assume a pure blue tint even with iodine and sulphuric acid, but are tinged with * In all cases when it is desired to boil a thin cross section of a vegetable structure in nitric acid, it is advisable to place it in a few drops of acid upon a slip of glass, to lay a thickish covering-glass over it, and then place the glass slip (to avoid cracking it) upon a metal plate which can be heated until the acid boils. The most delicate preparations may be boiled in this manner, while they almost inevitably tear up into fragments when it is attempted to boil them in a glass tube or a platinum spoon. H. VOX MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 103 a dirty blue, so that it remains doubtful whether cellulose forms any considerable part of their substance, or even whether it is present at all, at least in some of the layers. These circum- stances very readily explain why Mulder, who thought he had an unerring and very delicate test for cellulose in the application of sulphuric acid and iodine, was of opinion that the pith of Sambucus nigra, for example, was composed of cellulose only in the earlier conditions, and of a peculiar substance in the full- grown state. But the matter turns out quite differently when this pith is treated in the manner above described with boiling nitric acid, for it then assumes a beautiful indigo-blue colour with iodine. While iodine and sulphuric acid produce, if not a bright blue, at least a green colour in old parenchyma-cells, and thus the presence of cellulose is placed beyond doubt even by this method of investigation, the brown cells which surround the vascular bundles of Ferns usually resist sulphuric acid as obstinately as even cuticle, and it is absolutely impossible to demonstrate the presence of cellulose by its help. In the essay above referred to, I endeavoured to show on anatomical grounds, that this mem- brane in the Ferns is produced by the transformation of a cellu- lose membrane, but was compelled to leave undecided whether or not it still contained cellulose in its fully developed condition. The application of nitric acid affords an easy means of deciding this question, and furnishes the proof that this membrane is only prevented from reacting with iodine by its combination with some infiltrated substance. For instance, if the black membrane surrounding the vascular bundles of the petiole of Aspidium filix mas, is boiled in nitric acid until its dark brown colour is changed into bright yellow, iodine imparts a beautiful blue colour to the membrane of these cells, the texture of which is not changed in the slightest degree. In many cases, in the Ferns, other portions of their cellular tissue are so saturated with foreign compounds that they do not react with iodine and sulphuric acid. Among these, for example, are the outer layers of the dark brown petiole of Adiantum pedatum, on the cells of which the said reagents do not act at all at first ; only when the acid has been in contact with the cells for twenty-four hours does the blue colour which shows itself at 104 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. the circumference of the preparation lead to the recognition of the presence of cellulose in those cells, while the membranes themselves remain yellowish brown. Here again a short boiling in nitric acid suffices to render the membranes capable of taking a very beautiful bltie colour. In particular parts of the cellular tissue of Polypodmm percussum, the outer coat of the parenchymatous cells acquires a yellow colour with iodine and sulphuric acid, while the inner layers swell up and become blue; in a word, they behave in this respect like the outer coat of wood-cells. In preparations boiled with nitric acid the cells are coloured blue throughout ; therefore in these also cellulose is the basis of the outer layer, resisting sulphuric acid. Such cells, resisting the action of sulphuric acid, are more common than would be supposed from what has generally been stated; for many thick-walled parenchyma-cells, in the same way as many wood-cells, assume only a yellow or at most a greenish tint with the said reagents, as is the case in the parenchyma- cells of many Palm-stems, e.g. of Calamus, of Cocos botryophora, in the thick-walled pitted cells of the pith and rind of Hoya carnosa, in the stony cells of the winter pear, &c. All these cells assume a bright blue colour with iodine after they have been boiled with nitric acid ; the statement of Mulder, that the thick-walled pith-cells of Hoya contain no cellulose, is conse- quently without foundation. Since nitric acid is capable of rendering the cellulose ac- cessible to the reaction of iodine in cells which more or less obstinately withstand sulphuric acid, it may readily be imagined that this acid never fails us in common parenchyma-cells, in which sulphuric acid and iodine readily produce a blue, when we desire to impart the blue colour to such cells by means of iodine. This always presents itself in the greatest purity, and without requiring the continuance of the boiling long enough to alter the texture of the cell-membrane in the slightest degree. When it is desired to facilitate the anatomical investigation of cells by the production of this blue colour, for instance to exa- mine minutely their pits, which always appear far more distinct in the blue- coloured cells, this method is far preferable to the application of sulphuric acid, from the very fact that it does not H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 105 cause any change in the texture of the cells. The blue colour shows itself uniformly, whether we investigate thin-walled, still succulent cells, such as the rind-cells of woody plants or herba- ceous vegetables, the cells of the parenchyma of the leaf and petiole, or the dead cells of the pith or medullary rays of old wood. The walls of epidermal cells saturated with cuticular substance, and the cork and periderm of many plants, only, are inaccessible to the action of nitric acid ; in this latter respect, however, the cells of the periderm and cork of other plants form an exception, since cellulose can be demonstrated in them not only by potash but also by nitric acid, for instance in the peri- derm of Plosslea, the cork of Sambucus nigra, Acer campestre, Euonymus europaus, and Ulmus campestris. Yet in these cases it is generally necessary to boil the preparation for a long time in the acid, and the effect is mostly imperfect, as these parts do not usually become coloured blue completely after this treat- ment; there exist, however, some structures belonging to the cork system in which nitric acid is capable of producing a perfect blue colour, while only a greenish tint is obtained by the appli- cation of caustic potash, for example the spines belonging to the suberous system of Bombax and the corky rind of the rhizome of Tamus Elephantipes. The cell-membranes which assume a blue colour after the boiling with nitric acid usually form a very permanent combina- tion with iodine. While in other cases the iodine which has com- bined with a thin section of vegetable structure usually evapo- rates entirely or in great part if the preparation is exposed for a couple of days to the air, and may be extracted in a few seconds with alcohol, preparations boiled with nitric acid and saturated with iodine may often be left lying for weeks in the air without the colour becoming perceptibly paler. In particular cases the iodine combined with the membrane obstinately resisted not only exposure to considerable heat, but the action of almost absolute alcohol heated to the boiling-point. By alkalies, on the contrary, especially by caustic ammonia, the iodine may be very quickly extracted from the membrane. Only the cells of a few of the plants which I investigated, in particular those of the petiole of Cycas revoluta, formed exceptions to this rule, that the iodine combined very firmly with the membrane. 106 II. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. In all the cases which I examined, the parenchyma-cells as- sumed a pure blue colour through the entire thickness of their membrane, and no yellow-coloured outer coat could be detected at the boundary between the cross- sections of the walls of two contiguous cells. In like manner the membrane which closed the pits always exhibited a pure blue, or, in cells which were dried and then assumed a violet colour, a bright violet, and here also no trace of a yellow membrane lying between the cells could be seen, as may be very distinctly observed in the cells of the petiole of Cycas revoluta, especially on account of the large size of the pits. When such cells, coloured blue by iodine, for instance those of the pith of the elder, of the medullary rays of Buxus, the paren- chyma-cells of the stem of Calamus, the cells of the petiole of Cycas, &c., are placed in dilute sulphuric acid, their membranes swell up strongly and finally dissolve entirely, becoming more or less completely bleached in the process. Under this treatment an extremely delicate yellow pellicle comes to light at the boun- laries between the cells, to which pellicles small yellow-coloured granules (or drops of a fluid substance ?) are in most cases ad- herent. We are here reminded of an analogous structure de- scribed by Mulder and Harting under the name of the "outer cell-membrane," and the "cuticle of the wood-cells." The question then arises whether this pellicle possessed the yellow colour at the time the cells were coloured blue with iodine, or was at first coloured blue like the inner layers of the cell-walls, the yellow colour having been only produced subsequently by the combined action of sulphuric acid and iodine. I regard it as more probable that the latter was the case; for if that pellicle possessed a yellow colour before the operation of the sulphuric acid, we should have an indication of its presence in the trans- verse slice of the walls of two contiguous cells, in spite of its very slight thickness, and its yellow colour would cause a greenish discoloration of the thin bright blue membrane which closes the pits. Yet all my efforts to discover even a trace of such a yellow membrane, with the application of the strongest objectives, which gave a perfectly faultless image with a great amount of light, were without the least success. Both this circumstance, and above all the observations on the outer membrane of many parenchyma-cells, to be mentioned below, lead me to conclude II. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 107 that this outermost membrane of the parenchyma-cells also is composed of cellulose and is coloured blue with iodine, but that nitric acid is incapable of extracting the infiltrated matters com- pletely, whence results the insolubility of this membrane in sulphuric acid, and the yellow colour which it acquires from this acid. In this respect this membrane would bear a resemblance to the cuticular layer of the epidermal cells, in which caustic potash, like 'nitric acid here, is capable of freeing the cellulose from the influence of the infiltrated matters so far that it reacts with iodine, but at the same time does not extract these matters perfectly, and render the membrane saturated with them soluble in sulphuric acid. Among all the parenchyma-cells which I have investigated, those which form the outer part of the pith of a shoot, several years old, of Clematis Vitalba, are perhaps the most interesting in regard to the structure of their walls. These cells have very thick walls, and their membrane is composed of a tolerable number of layers which may be easily distinguished. It is co- loured yellow by iodine. Sulphuric acid causes the inner layers to swell up, and at the same time they acquire a green colour : under this operation an outer layer which is on an average y^r tn of a line in thickness, remains wholly unchanged. This layer therefore displays the character of Mulder's " outer cell-mem- brane." When strong objectives are employed, a delicate line is seen running through the middle of this layer, indicating the boundaries of the contiguous cells. In a cross- section of these cells boiled with nitric acid, the inner layers are coloured deep blue by iodine, and the outer layer just described assumes, ac- cording to the amount of action exerted by the acid, a yellow, green, or blue colour. When such a preparation is wetted with dilute sulphuric acid, the inner layers swell up strongly, they are bleached and by degrees dissolved ; the outer layer also swells to some extent, but very slightly, and is bleached, remaining other- wise unaltered. If the preparation is placed in stronger acid, this outer layer is also dissolved, leaving behind an immeasurably thin pellicle (with adherent granules) which lie in the middle of it. It is therefore evident that the outer membrane of these cells, which at the first hasty glance might be taken for the outermost coat, is also composed of cellulose, but that it is in- 108 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. filtrated either with a greater quantity of that substance, ac- quiring a yellow colour with iodine, with which the inner layers are saturated, or with some compound different from this, opposing a greater resistance to sulphuric acid, which is so far extracted or altered by nitric acid, that the reaction with iodine occurs in the cellulose contained in this layer, but enough re- mains to protect this layer from the action of weak sulphuric acid, while in the outermost, immeasurably thin layer, the resist- ance to sulphuric acid is so great that the latter is incapable of dissolving it. In reference to the question whether the above-described outer brown pellicle of the parenchyma- cells contained cellulose, the behaviour of the primary membrane of the cells of the horny albumen of Sagus tcedigera seemed to me of considerable im- portance, since here I could convince myself not only of the absence of a yellow colouring of this pellicle, as in the other parenchyma-cells, but positively of its acquiring a blue colour. When the membrane of these cells is treated with a very weak tincture of iodine, it is coloured bright yellow, and the primary membrane deep yellow ; in such a preparation very dilute sul- phuric acid produces a very bright blue in the secondary layers of the cells, and a darker blue in their primary membrane, and under these circumstances, the comparatively great transparency of the cellulose allows one to become quite certain of the purity of this colour and of the total absence of that yellow colour in the outer primary coat. If stronger sulphuric acid is added, the secondary membranes are bleached and gradually dissolved, while the primary membrane turns yellow and becomes coated with fine granules*. Under these circumstances it cannot be doubted that the primary membrane is imbued with a greater quantity of the substance coloured yellow by iodine, but that this is in- sufficient to prevent the appearance of the blue colour under the action of iodine and weak sulphuric acid; yet its presence may be the. cause why a stronger acid does not dissolve this mem- brane, for it is always found that a membrane resists the action of sulphuric acid more strongly in proportion as it is more deeply coloured by it and iodine. * The granules, or minute drops (for there is no means of deciding whether they are solid or fluid), are not separated until the sulphuric acid hcgins to act. H. VOX MOHL ON "CELLULOSE. 109 In reference to the characters of thin membranes, the liber- cells generally approach to the parenchyma-cells, since ordina- rily they do not possess either the great solidity and brittleness, or the dark colour which distinguishes most wood-cells. This greater resemblance between the liber-cells and parenchyma- cells presents itself also in their behaviour to sulphuric acid and iodine, since the former mostly assume a pure blue colour with these reagents. On the other hand, the liber-cells of the arbo- rescent Monocotyledons, especially of the Palms possessing hard vascular bundles, are allied to the wood-cells of the Dico- tyledons ; they are devoid not only of the softness and flexibility which distinguish the liber-cells of many Dicotyledons, but in many cases they exhibit also a yellow colour, sometimes passing into the deepest brown. I examined the liber-cells of three species of Palm, Cocos botryophora, Calamus, and the black- fibred Brazilian palms, the wood of which is used for making walking-sticks. When a cross-section of the liber-bundle of one of these is treated with iodine and sulphuric acid, the secondary layers are dissolved and the outer layer of the cells remains be- hind undissolved, with a brown colour. This outer layer, which, like the above-described outer layer of the pith-cells of Clematis, corresponds, according to the characters given by Mulder, to the " outer wood-membrane " of the wood-cells of the Dicoty- ledons, and would be supposed to consist of a substance different from cellulose, exhibits considerable thickness in a cross section, and in Cocos botryophora (where it is about xuVo^ f a ^ ne thick) is distinctly pitted. For these two reasons we cannot regard it as the primary membrane of the cells, since in all cases its not inconsiderable thickness and the presence of pits, which do not perforate the membrane completely, but penetrate only to a certain distance on both sides, lead us to conclude that this layer is composed of several superincumbent lamellae. When a cross section of a vascular bundle of these plants boiled in nitric acid is treated with iodine, exactly the same phaenomena present themselves as I have described in the pith-cells of Clematis, namely, all the layers of the liber- cells, especially the outer one withstanding sulphuric acid, are coloured bright blue, \vhich proves that this latter also is composed of cellulose. If dilute sulphuric acid is then added to such a preparation, not 110 H. VON MOIIL ON CELLULOSE. only are the inner layers of the cells dissolved, but also the outer, which before this treatment with nitric acid were inso- luble in sulphuric acid, and on the boundary-lines between the adjacent cells, as in the parenchyma-cells, remains a pellicle of the utmost delicacy coated with fine granules. Since in these cells also, when very thin sections are coloured only pale blue by a small quantity of iodine, it is impossible to detect by a yellow colour this pellicle insoluble in sulphuric acid, I consider it pro- bable that this possesses a blue colour so long as it is not ex- posed to the action of sulphuric acid. The 7 presence of this outer thin membrane, and the fact that it is only yellow under the simultaneous action of sulphuric acid and iodine, and blue with iodine alone, may perhaps be still more clearly proved by macerating a vascular bundle of the black palm-wood in dilute nitric acid (which however may require six to twelve months), or boiling it in this acid until the liber-cells are separable by a slight pressure. In this case isolated pieces of variable size of the outer membrane may often be found among the separate liber-cells, and we can then convince ourselves that they are coloured blue by iodine, and only assume a yellow colour when sulphuric acid is added. These are the observations which principally led me to the opinion that the outer membrane of parenchyma- and prosenchyma-cells contains cellulose, since the impossibility of seeing the yellow colour in this membrane in the cross section appeared not perfectly conclusive, on account of its very slight thickness, though at the same time it must be admitted that this circumstance is also of great importance. Passing to the prosenchymatous cells of the wood of Dicoty- ledonous plants, it is well known that cellulose may be demon- strated in their internal layer by means of sulphuric acid and iodine, but that these layers do not usually, it is true, assume a pure blue colour with these reagents, mostly acquiring only a green tint, which leads to the conclusion that cellulose does really exist in them, but that its reaction is more or less obscured by the presence of a yellow infiltrated substance. Even when, as in the wood of Taxus> the resistance to sulphuric acid is very considerable, the presence of cellulose may be shown by applying a very strong acid, which completely destroys the texture of the cell-wall, and then, by adding tincture of iodine diluted with a H. VON MOIIL OX CELLULOSE. Ill great deal of water, the dissolved cellulose (which according to this experiment is dissolved as such, and not as dextrine) is pre- cipitated with a beautiful blue colour. But although these means suffice to demonstrate the presence of cellulose, the application of sulphuric acid is not adapted for the settlement of the question, whether in such solid woods the cellulose forms always the principal mass of the membranes and is only saturated with a foreign substance, or the latter is predominant and the cellulose only a very subordinate constituent. In this case the application of nitric acid removes every doubt, inasmuch as the secondary membranes of all wood-cells become bright blue through their entire thickness with iodine, when they have previously been macerated for a long time, or boiled until disorganized, in nitric acid. The compound, therefore, which Mulder termed the " in- termediate wood-substance/ 5 never itself forms the intermediate layers of the wood- cells, but is a material infiltrated into them. Since this result is quite universal, I regard it as superfluous to mention particular examples, and confine myself to touching on a few points which may be doubtful. One of these refers to the character of the internal membrane which lines the wood-cells in Taxus and Torreya, and of which the spiral fibres running in these cells form part. This inner coat, as was first shown by Prof. Hartig of Brunswick, resists the action of sulphuric acid very strongly and under its influence is coloured yellow by iodine, whence, relying upon these reagents, as Hartig did, one might be inclined to assume that this membrane was composed of a substance quite different from the interme- diate layer, and contained no cellulose. The latter is by no means the case, for the above-described treatment with nitric acid de- monstrates, by the blue colour which this membrane and its fibres assume, that these also are composed of cellulose. The second point to be adverted to here, relates to the pits, of which it might be doubtful, from the descriptions which Hartig, Harting and Mulder have given of the structure of cells and the characteristics of the " outer wood-membrane," whether the membrane which closes the outer ends of the canals of the pits is always composed of cellulose. In regard to this, there can be no doubt in preparations of the Coniferre which have been treated with nitric acid, since it is found that the pits are closed 112 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. by blue, although not brightly coloured, membrane, as I have seen most distinctly in the wood of Taxus baccata and Abies pectinata. But I must expressly remark, that observation of this, as well as of the membrane which closes the pits of the par- enchyma-cells, requires a microscope of the highest quality, fur- nished with very strong objectives ; with objectives not of very short focus, i. e. unless at least less than a line, even when the image they give is perfectly free from error, the membrane closing the pits will be sought in vain, since the penetrating power of the microscope will be too small. The most difficult point in the investigation of the wood-cells is that of their outermost membrane (Mulder's " outer cell-coat/' Harting^s "cuticle of the wood-cells"). In the first place, the remark perhaps may not be superfluous in reference to this membrane, that in many wood-cells we meet with a case similar to that in the above-described pith-ceils of 'Clematis and the liber of Calamus and Cocos botryophora, namely, that when a cross-section of the cell is soaked with iodine, layers of two kinds may be distinguished, a thick inner one, very brightly coloured, and a thinner outer one which acquires a darker yellow colour with iodine and might readily be taken for the primary membrane of the cell, e. g. in Buxus, in particular cells of the wood of Erythrina caffra and of many kinds of Ficus. This outer layer withstands the action of sulphuric acid much more strongly than the inner, so that a weaker acid suffices to cause a strong swelling up of the inner layer, bringing out a blue or green colour, while the outer layer is quite unaf- fected and remains yellowish brown. A stronger acid, however, is capable of producing a green colour in the outer layer, or at least of bleaching and dissolving it when the action is allowed to continue for some time. Treatment of a cross section with boiling nitric acid leaves no doubt of the true nature of the conditions, since in a preparation so treated both layers are coloured bright blue by iodine, and dilute sulphuric acid quickly dissolves even the outer layer, so that any confusion of this with the outer cell- membrane is out of the question. The latter exhibits the same qualities as I have described above of the outer coat of the parenchyma and liber; it is extremely thin, withstands the action of sulphuric acid, and H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 113 is coloured yellow by this and iodine. It is just as difficult with this outer coat of the wood-cells as with the outer layer of the parenchyma-cells, to answer the question whether it is coloured yellow or blue by iodine, but similar reasons render it probable here also that the latter is the case. For if a transverse section of a Dicotyledonous wood which has been boiled in nitric acid is soaked with iodine, a yellow membrane may be detected between the blue-coloured cells ; if the action of the acid has been more powerful, this yellow colour is more and more lost and passes through green into a perfectly pure bright blue, so that no trace of any yellow membrane lying between the blue cells can be seen here any more than in the parenchyma-cells. This is the behaviour, for example, of the wood of Abies pectinata, Larioe europaa, Taxus baccata, Torreya tazifolia, Buxus semper- virenSy Viburnum Lantana, Viscum album, Betula alba, Fayus sylvatica, Clematis Vitalba, Erythrina caffra. When dilute sulphuric acid is added, the cell-membranes are dissolved with a slow bleaching, arid there remains behind a network of immea- surably thin yellowish- brown pellicles, which correspond to the boundaries of the cells. In most, perhaps in all woods, the intercellular passages running between the wood-cells are filled up by an intercellular substance, which is coloured yellow by iodine and sulphuric acid, and not attacked by the latter, whence one might easily be led to assume that this substance formed a common mass with that membrane of the cells which likewise acquires a yellow colour under these circumstances. But the incorrectness of such a notion is proved by the examination of the preparations boiled in nitric acid, since in these the intercellular substance retains its yellow colour on the application of iodine, while the outer cell- membrane is coloured blue. Whether the intercellular substance of Dicotyledonous woods is wholly free from cellulose, or contains it in a very strongly combined condition in which it is not acted on by iodine, I cannot yet venture to decide. The application of caustic potash to the investigation of this condi- tion entirely failed me, and the application of nitric acid fur- nished no decisive result. For if the boiling with nitric acid is stopped before the texture of the cells is attacked, the intercel- lular substance, as above mentioned, remains yellow on the SCIEN. MEM. JVo/. Hist. VOL. I. PART II. 8 114 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. application of iodine ; while if the transverse section of a wood is boiled longer than is requisite to impart to its cells the capa- bility of acquiring a blue colour with iodine, under which cir- cumstance the cells begin to separate from each other, the inter- cellular substance is no longer found, being dissolved. I hoped to find it in a transition state between these two extreme cases, and then perhaps, if it contained cellulose, to be able to detect this with iodine ; and, if I was not deceived, it indeed happened with a few w r oods, for example, in Buxus sempervirens and Clematis Vitalba, it assumed a bright blue colour after the yellow had disappeared. This colour however was very pale, and might possibly have depended on a bluish tinge thrown upon the bleached intercellular substance by the surrounding dark blue-coloured cells, so that I do not venture to declare the observations certain, and must leave this point undecided for the present. To mention some of the examples in which an intercellular substance with the said properties filled up the intercellular passages between the wood-cells, I may name Larix europcea, Taxus baccata, Torreya taxifolia, Viburnum Lantana, Buxus sempervirens, Clematis Vitalba. When the intercellular substance is dissolved by means of nitric acid, the cells of the wood begin to part from each other. It is difficult to trace accurately the process which occurs here, since the blue colouring of the cell-membrane by iodine, which would greatly facilitate the investigation, does not occur unless the preparation saturated with iodine is allowed to dry up ; but this drying causes a contraction and tearing of the membranes, which places the greatest difficulty in the way of detecting what goes on during the separation of the cells. The notion might readily be formed that the separation of the cells resulted from the solution of their outer membrane, as well as the intercellular substance, by the nitric acid, and that the cement which connected the cells together was thus removed. But if I have rightly understood the operation, it is something quite dif- ferent from this. The outer membrane is not dissolved, as is easily seen when such preparations, saturated with iodine (whether the cells have been separated from each other by boiling nitric acid or by long maceration at ordinary temperatures), are treated H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. 115 with sulphuric acid, under which circumstances the outer mem- brane presents itself unchanged with a yellow colour, after the rest of the cell-membranes have been dissolved. The separation of the cells seemed rather to depend upon the outermost layer of the secondary membranes becoming softened into a gelatinous condition, and detached from the primary membrane. The cir- cumstance that the outer layers of the cells are caused to swell up and dissolve in strong acid sooner than the inner, is not un- commonly met with, especially in treating with sulphuric acid half gelatinous cells saturated with iodine, for example, the half collenchymatous cells of the bark, like those of Erythrina cqffra. In such cases it is very common for the outer layers of the swollen cells to have a brighter blue colour than the inner, and when by a longer action of the acid these inner layers also become per- fectly blue, the outer layers are completely bleached. A similar phaenomenon sometimes presents itself most distinctly under a strongish action of nitric acid. This is especially the case with the wood- cells of Clematis Vitalba, the outer layers of which, when the boiling in acid is long continued, dissolve into an amorphous jelly, which acquires a blue colour with iodine. Such a perfect solution of the outer layers, however, is by no means necessary to bring about the separation of the cells; even a slight softening of the cell-membrane seems sufficient to separate the secondary layers from the outer membrane, and thereby the cells from each other. In favour of this, we have both the microscopic examination of cross sections which have been boiled in nitric acid till the cells have separated, and in which fragments of delicate torn membranes, but no amorphous jelly, are met with between the cells, and also the circumstance, that in the wood of Abies pectinata, which had been macerated for about a year in dilute nitric acid, and in which the elementary organs fell apart on the slightest pressure, the canals of the pits were closed at the outer ends by a thin membrane, which could not have been the case if the outer membranes of the cells had been dissolved. The extraordinary softness which the cell- membranes had ac- quired, both in this wood and in the hard vascular bundles of the black-fibred palm above-mentioned, when treated in the same way, was remarkable. In this separation of the cells, the outer coat never seemed to 8* 116 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. split into two lamellae remaining attached to the two adjacent cells, but the membrane situated between two cells remained un- divided, separating from both cells, or remaining attached to one of them, which of course must have been accompanied by a dis- ruption of it in other places, i When exactly the right period of the action of the acid in which the wood is macerated, has been hit, comparatively large pieces of the outer coat may be often obtained isolated, by tearing up a piece of such wood with a needle, since the cells may be readily extracted, as from a shell, from the chambers formed by the cavities of the outer coat. Proceeding to the Vessels, the different layers of the walls of the forms containing spiral or annular fibres behave in the reverse way to those of cells. In the latter, namely, when they are greatly lignified, the outer layers are usually saturated most strongly with foreign compounds, and therefore offer the greatest resistance to the action of sulphuric acid, while the inner layers, as the youngest membranes, are frequently coloured a beautiful blue by iodine and sulphuric acid ; in the vessels, on the con- trary, the secondary structures (the fibres) are those which most strongly resist sulphuric acid, and only acquire a yellow 7 or at most a green colour, while the tube on the inner wall of which the fibres are deposited may acquire a bright blue with these reagents. This difference is seen very beautifully in the vessel- like elementary organs, furnished with flat, band-like spiral fibres, of the wood of many Cactaceae, especially of the Mammillaritz. When these elementary organs are treated with boiling nitric acid, both the fibre and the outer coat are coloured bright blue. In like manner the spiral fibres of the vessels of herbaceous plants, for instance of Asparagus, may be coloured bright blue after treatment with nitric acid ; in the vessels of many plants, however, especially in the spiral vessels of Sambucus nigra and the scalariform vessels of Tree Ferns, a rather long-continued boiling in the acid is requisite to destroy the green colour and bring out the pure blue. The pitted vessels of the Dicotyledons approach the wood- cells nearer than the spiral vessels in their behaviour with iodine, since it is their outer layers which are principally infiltrated with the foreign compounds coloured yellow by iodine. But treatment with boiling nitric acid also produces the blue colour in all the II. VON MOIIL ON CELLULOSE. 11? layers here, and not only in the thickened layers of the walls of the vessels, but in the delicate membrane which closes the pits. This was the behaviour, for example, in the vessels of Sambucus nigra, Viburnum Lantana, Asclepias syriaca, Buxus sempervirens, Clematis Vitalba, Betula alba, Quercus Robur, and Tilia. The outermost membrane of these vessels behaves in every respect like the outer cell-coat of the prosenchymatous cells of wood, and similar reasons to those which testify that the latter contains cellulose are furnished also by the outer membranes of vessels, so that I may refrain from entering into minute details on this point. The researches of Mulder and Harting have already made known that the wall of the Milk-vessels contains cellulose ; and in like manner I only think it necessary to state briefly that the elementary organs of that part of the vascular bundles of Mono- cotyledons which 1 have described under the name of proper vessels (vasa propria) in the Palms, and elsewhere, acquire a beautiful blue colour with iodine after treatment with nitric acid. Looking back over the researches here described, it appears clear that the walls of all the elementary organs of vegetables may be brought, by the action of caustic potash or of nitric acid, into a condition in which they assume a blue colour with iodine, and that the only exceptions to this among all the solid structures of plants, are the cuticle, in the strictest sense of the term, and perhaps the intercellular substance of the higher plants. The action exerted by potash or by nitric acid upon vegetable membranes is not merely transitory, enduring only while th j action is kept up (as Mulder assumes of the action of sulphuric acid upon cellulose), but is permanent, inasmuch as the mem- branes which have been treated in the above- described way retain the capability of taking a blue colour with iodine after the active substance has been completely removed, as when the nitric acid is neutralized by ammonia. The question now arises, whether the cellulose itself suffers a transformation by the appli- cation of these means, rendering it capable of taking a blue colour with iodine, in the manner starch does, or, whether these means act merely to extract or decompose more or less perfectly the foreign compounds combined with cell-wall, whbh acquire a yellow colour with iodine, and deprive cellulose of the 118 H. VON MOHL ON CELLULOSE. power of reacting with iodine. These questions must be answered by chemists, and not by botanists. Yet I may be permitted to allude to two points. A conversion of the cellulose into starch is out of the question, for the cell-membranes treated in the way described remained afterwards, as before, insoluble in boiling water; if therefore a transformation of the cellulose is assumed, it must be into some compound as yet unknown, the characters of which have still to be minutely investigated. For the present the assumption of such a transformation appears to me unwar- ranted, in so far that the power of the cell-membranes to acquire a blue colour with iodine is the only reason at present existing which can be urged in favour of this, while I have already shown, on previous occasions, that fresh, perfect, unaltered cell-walls of many plants, particularly of young organs, also acquire a blue colour with iodine, which indicates that cellulose possesses this quality, as well as starch, in and by itself, whenever its reaction is not prevented by other compounds united with it. For the present, and until we obtain further explanations from the chemists, it will be simplest to assume that the potash and nitric acid bring about this reaction by removing such foreign com- pounds from the encrusted membranes. Looking from anatomical and physiological points of view, and these alone I have occupied in my researches, I believe that I have shown, from the latter, that the reaction of sulphuric acid and iodine upon cellulose is altogether devoid of the trustwor- thiness ascribed to it, and that the assumption based upon this supposed trustworthiness, that particular layers are formed of other compounds besides cellulose, in the course of the develop- ment of the elementary organs of plants, and that the chemical reaction of the different layers of a vegetable elementary organ therefore affords a certain test of the relative epoch of its deve- lopment, is totally devoid of foundation ; that, consequently, all the objections against my theory of the development of the walls of vegetable cells, built upon this basis, are completely un- tenable, and that in this question anatomical evidence alone can be admitted as proving anything. [A. H.] VERANY AND VOOT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI. 119 ARTICLE V. Memoir upon the Hectocotyli and the Males of certain Cephalo- pods. By MM. J. B. VERANY and C. VOGT. [Annales des Sciences Naturelles, t. xvii. No. 3, 1852.] THE manner in which the fecundation of some Cephalopoda, especially of the Argonaut and of the Tremoctopods, whose females only have been known up to the present time, occurs, is a zoological question of the highest interest. The very recent re- searches of MM. Kolliker and Siebold having called the atten- tion of naturalists to this point, we have neglected no opportunity of procuring fresh and living animals, by the study of which we hoped to arrive at, a definite solution of the problem. We ven- ture to think that our investigations have been rewarded by complete success, at least for one species. The memoir which we now lay before the Academy relates principally to the Tremoctopus Carena (Verany) and the Hecto- cotylus which is derived from it. We shall give, first, a historical summary of the labours of our predecessors ; then the zoological description of the species which occupies us, and which was to a great extent unknown up to the present time ; lastly, we shall conclude our work by a detailed study of the reproductive organs. Historical Introduction. M. Delle Chiaje, at Naples, described and figured in the year 1825* a little animal found by him parasitic upon an Argonaut, to which he gave the name of Trichocephalus acetabularis. This animal, when once detached from the Octopus, to which it was adherent, swam and crept at the bottom of the water with uneasy movements. It appeared full of life for many hours. M. Delle Chiaje did not doubt that this parasite was one of the Helminthic worms, and placed it in the genus Trichocephalus of * Memorie sulla Storia e Notomia degli Animali senxa vertebre del regno di Napoli ; di Stefano Delle Chiaje. 120 VERAXY AND VOGT OX THE IIECTOCOTYLI Rudolphi, although it was provided with a double series of suckers, wishing, as he says, not to burden science with a new genus. M. Delle Chiaje only describes the exterior of the ani- mal. According to him it has a long, round, filiform, very con- tractile proboscis, attenuated towards its extremity. The body is provided with a double series of alternating and retractile pedunculated suckers, by which the animal adheres to the skin or to the shell of the Argonaut. M. Laurillard discovered at Nice, upon the Octopus granulosus of Lamarck, five specimens of a parasitic animal, which Cuvier described subsequently as the Hectocotylus Octopodis*. Among these five individuals three were found in the funnel of a female Octopus, one was discovered in the same position in another Octopus, and the fifth individual " had attached itself to an arm of the Octopus, and had transformed it into a kind of sac, into which it had introduced its head, the remainder of its body being external and free." In recurring to this individual, Cuvier adds, " The Hectocotylus has attached itself to one of the arms, which it has even almost destroyed, and which it seems to replace in such a manner, that at first sight it might be taken for the arm itself." With our present knowledge, we must conclude from these remarks that one of the Octopods taken by M. Lau- rillard was a male, which had just disengaged its hectocotyli- form arm from the sac in which it had been developed. Cuvier describes the external form of the body, the suckers, and the internal organization. None of his Hectocotyli had the filiform organ, which we shall call the flabellum (lefouet), everted from the sac which contains it. Cuvier found at the rounded extremity of the body an alimentary orifice leading into a sac, closed on all sides, and having a yellowish internal surface. This cavity, which Cuvier calls a stomach, is nothing more than the sac opening by a cleft, whose formation we shall subsequently describe. Besides this stomachal sac, the clavate extremity contains another " with stronger parietes, occupied by the innu- merable folds of a thread which has the colour and brilliancy of raw silk. One of the Hectocotyli ejected this thread very rapidly at the moment of its capture." Cuvier is disposed to look upon this thread as connected with generation. It is in fact the * Annales des Sciences Naturelles, tome xviii. 1829. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 121 seminal thread contained in a spermatophore. Besides these organs, Cuvier describes the muscular tube forming the axis of the body, and continuous with a filament folded up in the ter- minal sac, a filament which we have called the flabellum. According to Cuvier, the point of this flabellum is bent back into the body of the animal, and is directly continuous with the seminal thread. We know not to what circumstance we must attribute this mistake, for in all the specimens we have exa- mined, the flabellum has been found completely free at its ex- tremity. The note which was published at a later period by M. Costa of Naples, upon the Hectocotylus Argonautae*, only added to the controversy the opinion of the author, who looks upon this animal as the spermatophore of the Octopus. M. Costa's de- scription is besides altogether incorrect, and the figure is as bad as it can be. The sac of the flabellum is represented like a pennant ; the extremity of the true spermatophore as a tenta- cular cirrhus with two points ; the convolutions of the seminal thread appeared to M. Costa to be spots formed by little spiral vessels. M. Dujardin, in arranging the Hectocotyli among the doubtful Trematoda, thus gives his opinion upon these parasites f * " I have seen the anatomical preparations preserved in the Museum, as well as an entire specimen ; but I confess I cannot compre- hend what the thing can be ; I am only clear that it is not a Trematode worm. One might call it an arm torn from some other Cephalopod, so similar is the double series of suckers oc- cupying the ventral surface of the Hectocotylus to the larger suckers of the Octopus : the internal structure is equally mus- cular, but there is visible in the dorsal portion a long white sinuous and folded thread, which Cuvier could detect only after the action of spirit, and which therefore should proceed from the coagulation of some liquid (spermatic?) substance " " It can only be by the study of these objects in the living state that we can decide upon their true nature, and determine if they be not the portions of some Cephalopod detached in order * Note sur le pretendu parasite de I 'Argonauta Argo (Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 2 f serie, t. xvi. 1841). t Dujardin, Histoire Naturelle des Helminthes ou Vcrs Intestinaux (Suites a Buff on, 1848). 122 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI to subserve fecundation. I can only state, that the long white thread described by Cuvier, whose length is more than a metre, is merely a bundle of very long and delicate, independent fila- ments, closely resembling the spermatozoa of the Cephalopoda." M. Kolliker, who during his stay at Messina in 1842 found upon many female Argonauts the Hectocotylus described by M. Delle Chiaje, originated a new r epoch in the history of this ani- mal. M. Kolliker discovered in addition a new species of Hec- tocotylus upon the Tremoctopus violaceus, and obtained some fifteen specimens of it. In examining their structure he very soon convinced himself, to use his own words, that these sup- posed worms are nothing more than the males of the Cepha- lopoda we have just mentioned. After having communicated his ideas upon this subject to the Italian Scientific Congress, sitting at Genoa, M. Kolliker pub- lished a note in the ' Annals of Natural History,' vol. xvi. 1845. The Manual of Comparative Anatomy, by M. von Siebold, being in course of publication at the same time, M. Kolliker entrusted three specimens of his treasure-trove to M. von Siebold, accom- panying them with a manuscript note containing the results of his observations. Upon his part M. von Siebold examined the Hectocotyli, and, while confirming many of the conclusions of M. Kolliker, he differed from him with respect to other points of structure. Notwithstanding these discrepancies, M. von Siebold adopted the views of M. Kolliker, who considered these Hectocotyli to be the males of the Octopods upon which they are found. The observations of M. von Siebold are contained in his excellent ' Comparative Anatomy of the Invertebrata*/ which is now also extensively circulated through France in a good translation. Lastly, M. Kolliker published a very elabo- rate memoir, accompanied with figures, in his Second Report of the Zootomical Institution at Wurzburg, for the year 1849f. M. Kolliker begins by describing at length the form of the Hectocotylus of Tremoctopus violaceus, specimens of which he met with upon almost all the females of this Cephalopod, which he found in August and September at Messina. He distin- * Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbellosen Thiere ; von C. Th. von Siebold. Berlin, 1848. f Bericht von der Koniglichen zootomischen Anstalt zii Wurzburg. Leipzig, 1849. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 123 guishes externally two sets of suckers, branchiae in the form of villosities, and an oval abdomen from whose aperture the penis makes its exit. The skin is composed of two layers; of an epi- dermis with polygonal cells, and of a corium composed of inter- woven undulated fibrils, in the midst of which contractile pig- ment-cells are deposited chromatophora such as are met with in all Cephalopods, without exception. The muscular system is composed of bundles belonging to the suckers, and besides of a very strong muscular tube, which serves as a support to the whole body, and in the interior of which is found a cylindrical cavity almost entirely filled by a longitudinal tube which M. Kol- liker calls the intestine. The muscular tube itself is composed of three layers of fibres, the median being longitudinal, whilst the other two are circular. M. Kolliker is unable to give any complete account of the nervous system ; but having seen under the microscope a true ganglion containing six ganglionic cor- puscles, he is certain that nerves exist, and he believes that a fine white thread, which he once met with upon the upper sur- face of the intestine, is truly a nervous cord. M. von Siebold, on the other hand, remarks, that he has found in the axis of the body of the Hectocotylus of the Tremoctopus a nervous cord whose greatly developed ganglia correspond in number with the lateral suckers. M. von Siebold does not believe that the Hec- tocotyli have any digestive system. M. Kolliker speaks doubt- ingly : he describes a longitudinal tube situated in the centre of the muscular tube, w r hich it almost wholly fills. This tube is composed of two membranous layers ; according to his account it is closed posteriorly, and terminates perhaps by a fine aper- ture visible only in the recent animal and situated at its ante- rior extremity. The tube contains nothing but conical masses, arranged regularly, and exactly corresponding in number to the suckers. M. Kolliker adverts also, as a supplement to this de- scription of the intestinal system, to the existence of small ellip- tical apertures arranged in line to the number .of four or five, upon the ventral surface, below these conical bodies contained in the intestine. These little apertures are prolonged into as many fine canals which are directed upwards towards the central muscular tube ; but he could not decide exactly if they entered 124 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI into the muscular tube to communicate with the conical bodies, or if they were merely cutaneous glands. We can easily satisfy the doubts of M. Kolliker upon this matter. His so-called intestine is only a central blood-vessel ; the conoid masses seen by him in this " intestine " are the ganglia of the nervous cord situated below the vessel and not within it ; whilst the canals with their fine apertures are only the nerves passing from these ganglia and terminating in the skin. The branchiae described by M. Kolliker are fine fringes com- posed of an epidermis with polygonal cells ; and of a homo- geneous internal membrane, in which a simple network of ca- pillaries uniting into two very small trunks is placed. In the skin of the back are found upon each side two longitudinal vessels, with whose termination M. Kolliker was not acquainted, but which appear to furnish branches for the penis also. Besides these vessels, M. Kolliker found under the microscope, in a fragment of skin with whose exact origin he was not acquainted, an oval tube which he considered to be decidedly a heart, but whose position he could not indicate. The generative organs are very much developed ; they consist of a simple testicle, of an ejaculatory duct, and of a penis. The testicle is a transpa- rent pyriform vesicle, which fills the whole of the abdomen of the Hectocotylus. In the interior of this vesicle there exists coiled up a fine cylindrical thread, without any proper enve- lope, and formed solely by filiform spermatozoa united together. Beside these spermatozoa, granular cells are found in very considerable number. This thread ends freely at its posterior extremity ; but anteriorly it is continued forwards into the effe- rent canal which commences by a clavate extremity, folds back at first in the testicular vesicle, and finally passes into the penis. The efferent canal has a very peculiar structure, for its parietes are very solid, semi-transparent, yellowish, and composed of elastic fibres. The anterior part of the efferent canal is situated in the penis itself, and is traversed in its whole length by a spiral ligament, whose nature M. Kolliker could not determine. M. von Siebold describes the posterior extremity of the Hec- tocotyli as a generative sac, in w r hich the seminal mass, with the copulatory organ, and the efferent canal (provided with horny AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 125 tubercles in its interior, which are everted during copulation), which is continued into the penis, are contained. M. Kolliker describes these tuberculosities as little conical spines. Besides the Hectocotylus Tremoctopodis, M. Kolliker describes and figures that of the Argonaut, which is distinguished from the former by the absence of branchiae, of a sac-like abdomen, of a free penis, and by the presence of a filiform appendage which passes from the anterior extremity of its body. At the base of this appendage two triangular membranous lobes are placed. The anatomical structure of this animal differs only in the structure of the filiform appendage and in that of the sexual organs. The filiform appendage is the continuation of the mus- cular tube forming the axis of the body. The testicular capsule is elongated and lined with pig rent-cells, which are probably contractile. The testicle itself is formed by a spermatic thread coiled up, and surrounded by a structureless membranous enve- lope. The efferent duct leads into a silvery cylindrical tube, which is probably the penis, and which is certainly of a mus- cular nature. M. Kolliker adds to this description of the Hectocotyli a long dissertation, in which he sets forth the opinions of his prede- cessors, as well as his own, the latter amounting to this, that the Hectocotyli are the stunted males of certain speciesof Cephalopoda. " There is no need (he says) for any lengthy evidence that the Hectocotyli are independent animals. He who has not seen, as MM. Laurillard, Delle Chiaje, and I have done, their lively, independent, and continued movements, will not take them for portions of Cephalopods, and still less for spermatophora, if he considers their complicated organization, and if he calls to mind that they have a heart with vessels, branchiae, nerves, and such well-developed generative organs." In the face of this positive assertion of M. Kolliker, we shall undertake to prove that the Hectocotyli are, however, nothing more than detached arms of Cephalopods, merely organized in a special manner. After having shown that we were still unacquainted with the male of the Argonaut and with that of the Tremoctopus, M. Kol- liker brings forward, first, the resemblance of structure between the Hectocotyli and the Cephalopoda ; he finds that the suckers, 126 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI * the chromatophora, and the muscular tube of the Hectocotyli, are constructed in exactly the same manner as the corresponding portions of the Cephalopods, and that they are met with exclu- sively among the latter animals. The presence of arteries and veins, of a heart, and of branchiae, as well as the histological ele- ments, are clearly opposed to the union of the Hectocotyli with the intestinal worms. Lastly, M. Kolliker relies upon the ob- servations of Madame Power and of M. Maravigno at Catania, from which it would result that the Hectocotyli are formed as such in the egg, and that they then resemble a little worm, pro- vided in its whole length with two series of suckers, with a fili- form appendage at one of its extremities, and a little enlarge- ment towards the other. From all this M. Kolliker concludes that the Hectocotyli are perfect animals ; and M. von Siebold has completely adopted this view, although this conscientious ob- server was able to discover neither the intestine nor the heart pointed out by M. Kolliker essential organs, however, upon whose existence depends in great measure the opinion of these two naturalists. In the meanwhile one of us had been employed in collecting, for many years past, materials which promised another solution of the problem. In his work upon the Cephalopoda of the Mediterranean, M. Verany relates, p. 128, that in 1836 he met with an Octopus., the description of which he published under the name of Octopus Carena. The captured individual possessed, instead of the right arm of the third pair, a vesicle seated upon a little pedicle provided with some acetabula. Upon many individuals collected after this period M. Verany observed, as of constant occurrence, that this same arm was always abnormally developed, and that most frequently the pedicle carried instead of a vesicle, a very large arm terminated by an oval globe, and having the form of the Hectocotylus of Cuvier. Our friend F. de Filippi, Professor at Turin, did in fact recognize this arm to be the Hectocotylus ', M. Verany having submitted to MM. Filippi and Leydig (of Wurzburg), the latter a pupil of M. Kolliker, a specimen of T. Carena preserved in spirits of wine ; this arm became detached by the least force, leaving a perfectly clean surface, whilst another arm could only be torn off by violence. The observers having opened the little terminal AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. sac, saw the white thread which terminates the Hectocotylus make its exit, like that of the Argonaut. M. Verany drew the following conclusions from these observations: " The Hectocotylus of the Octopus is only a caducous arm of the Cephalopod ; this arm carries the male organs, and in all probability these organs are periodically developed. The Hectocotyli of the Argonaut and of the Tremoctopus differ from that of the Octopus. The Hecto- cotyli of the Argonaut and of the Tremoctopus cannot be the arms of the Octopus which carries them, since they are infinitely smaller, and since, so far as I am aware, these Cephalopods have never been found with an arm wanting." Dr. H. Miiller of Wurzburg visited the coasts of Sicily in 1850, with the intention of studying these contradictory facts. He communicated orally to one of us during his passage to Genoa, that having one day met with a very small Argonaut carrying a vesicle, lie had taken this individual for an embryo still retaining its umbilical vesicle, but that on counting the arms he observed there w r ere only seven, and that the eighth was replaced by this vesicle carried upon a little pedicle. Calling to mind the facts observed in the Octopus, Dr. H. Miiller exa- mined the animal which had come into his possession, and found that this little creature which he had taken for an embryo was in fact the perfect male of the Argonaut, and that the Hectocotylus was hidden within the pedunculated vesicle. We still await the publication of the observations collected by Dr. Miiller. As the foregoing extracts show, science has been loaded with a number of observations and opinions but little concordant with one another. Very desirous of obtaining a positive solution of a question which appeared to us to possess the highest interest, we united our efforts to procure a sufficiency of materials, and to study them during life. Fishermen were instructed by the one of us who could best make himself understood in the patois of the country, and the Cephalopods brought to the market in Nice were carefully scrutinized each day. The specimens, which were very rare, of Argonauts and Tremoctopods which fell into our hands, were the object of our minute but fruitless investi- gations. We could not find a single Hectocotylus, although one of us during a residence of two years at Nice examined seven Argonauts and three females of Tremoctopus violaceus. 128 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI We were in despair, when, in April of this year, the males of Tremoctopus Carena appeared all at once in very great numbers. We give in the following pages the results of our common studies, observing, however, that M. Verany especially occupied himself with the zoological portion, whilst M. Vogt principally took charge of the anatomical investigations. I. Zoology. TREMOCTOPUS CARENA. Tremoctopus Carena, Verany. Poulpe Carena. Octopus Carena, Verany. Mem. de V Academic Royale des Sciences de Turin, 2 e serie, t. i. pi. 2. Monographic des Cephalopodes de la Mediterranee, p. 34 & 128, pi. 14. figs. 2 & 3 ; pi. 41. figs. 1 & 2. Body sac-like, provided with a constrictor apparatus. Head compressed; eyes large and projecting. Arms unequal: first and fourth pair longest. Acetabula pedunculated. Funnel very large ; two aquiferous apertures. Tremoctopus Carena, male (PI. I. fig. 3. 4.). Body sac-like, oval, slightly acuminated behind, very smooth. Branchial aperture wide, cleft as far as the orbits. Constrictor apparatus formed by a fleshy appendage having the form of an oblique hook, situate upon each side at the base of the funnel, and a horizontal cleft like a button-hole, in the thickness of the skin upon the internal margin of the body. Head moderate, wider than deep, being compressed by the first pair of arms w hich arise at the level of the orbits ; lateral part of the head occupied almost wholly by the orbits ; inferior portion wholly covered by the funnel. Eyes lateral ; eye-balls projecting and flattened, wholly covered by a transparent membrane which is continuous with the skin ; this membrane is pierced by a slightly contractile circular aper- ture, through which the crystalline lens presents itself wholly without covering. Arms conico-subulate, unequal ; the fourth pair is the longest and measures about two and a half times the length of the body; the first is shorter than the fourth and measures only twice the length of the body ; the second is only half as long as the fourth pair ; the left arm of the third pair is a little shorter than that of the second pair ; the right arm of the third pair is hectocotyli- AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 129 form, and has a pedicle equal in size to the base of the arm of the opposite side ; this pedicle carries a larger or smaller oval vesicle (PL I. f. 4.), containing the hectocotyliform arm or the per- fectly developed Hectocotylus itself; this hectocotyliform arm is half as long again as the arms of the fourth pair. All the arms are provided with a double series of acetabula. Acetabula : these are large, cylindrical, much excavated, pe- dunculate, and distant from one another (PL I. fig. 3.); they alter- nate from the third, enlarge up to the sixth, and afterwards de- crease progressively as far as the extremity of the arms where they are microscopic. The first pair of arms carries forty- five acetabula ; the second, thirty ; the third, thirty ; the fourth, fifty. The Hectocotylus is inserted upon a pedicle from which it is readily detached (PL I. fig.3.) ; it is oval below and narrows towards its extremity, which appears as if truncated ; the internal sur- face is flattened, and its whole contour is beset with a very close series of pedunculated acetabula which are oblique, i. e. have an oval section opening a little upon the inner side. These acetabula are united together by a longitudinal membrane which embraces the whole peduncle, and, with the acetabula, forms a continuous line by passing over at the base upon the inner surface of the arm. Generally a little ovoid sac terminates the Hectocotylus. This sac is transparent, and allows a convoluted cord to be seen through its membrane ; the sac is frequently empty, and then the hectocotyliform arm is terminated by a filament or flabellum almost as long as the arm (PL I. fig. 3.), and which is its conti- nuation. The Hectocotylus carries forty-seven acetabula upon each side. The dorsal part is a little convex upon its base ; this convexity is markedly distinguished by a membranous sac open below (PL I. fig. 3.). Interbrachial membrane rudimentary, absent between the lower arms. Mouth surrounded by two lips, the internal ciliated, the ex- ternal very delicate. Funnel very large, extending far beyond the base of the arms, and measuring three-fourths of the length of the body. Two very large aquiferous apertures, placed at the base of the arms of the fourth pair at the point of attachment of the latero- dorsal portion of the funnel and communicating with the orbital cavity. Excluding the hectocotyliform arm, this Cephalopod is never SCIEN. MEM. Mrt, Hist. VOL. I. PART II. 9 130 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI more than 0*110 (metre) in length ; taking in this arm and its fla- bellum, it measures 0*220 (metre). Colour. During life this Cephalopod has a general transpa- rency which allows the internal organs to be seen through the body, and in the lower parts, even the chromatophora which cover the membrane investing the organs of digestion and gene- ration, and along the arms, the beaded nervous cord. When at rest, the body glistens with iridescent hues of azure, green and purple ; the pupil is of a very brilliant burnished silver, and the dorsal portion of the orbits has a brilliant blue tint shot with a metallic golden tinge. The chromatophora are visible only with a lens, and have a purplish (mauve) tint passing into violet; when they dilate they are purple, and by the develop- ment of a great number of chromatophora the dorsal surface often passes into a velvety purple. When the creature is irri- tated or out of the water, the chromatophora take an orange-red tinge upon the lower portion ; the points are constantly larger and more scattered than upon the upper. The funnel and the membrane which invests the eyes are equally covered with them. In spirit the chromatophora have always a wine -red colour ; in a saline solution they retain their violet colour. The Hectocotylus is wholly white, without chromatophora: the pedicle which carries it and the vesicle in its interior are covered with them. Tremoctopus Carena, female. Body sac-like, oval, smooth superiorly, very slightly tubercu- lated below. Branchial aperture and constrictor apparatus as in the male, Arms conico-subulate, symmetrical ; length as in the male. The first pair is provided with a longitudinal membrane upon its latero-superior portion, and the acetabula of the internal series are united together by a longitudinal membrane, as is observed also in the reticulated Tremoctopus and in the Argonaut. Acetabula moderate, cylindrical, excavato-pedunculated, but little distant from one another ; the first pair has eighty of them, the second seventy, the third sixty, the fourth eighty. Interbrachial membrane, mouth, funnel, and aquiferous aper- tures as in the male. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 131 Colour. During life and in a state of rest the dorsal part of the animal is of a semi-transparent white colour, strongly shaded with blue ; the inferior portion is white and very iridescent ; the lateral parts of the body, of the head, of the dorsal portion of the inferior and latero-inferior arms, and the iris shine with a silvery lustre ; the internal portion of the arms is of a pale rosy colour. In this state the dorsal portion is covered with micro- scopical chromatophora, and with others which are larger and regularly diffused, of a blue or violet colour ; upon the lower portion of the body the chromatophora are disposed in the same manner, but their colour is violet passing into reddish yellow. The dorsal part of the body, of the head, and of the arms of the first pair assumes sometimes a very brilliant ultramarine colour, shaded with purple ; sometimes this passes into a very dark velvety violet ; the lower parts and the extremities of the arms are then coloured reddish yellow. Three different colours are often seen upon the back at the same time, and it is clouded with white, azure, rose-violet, yellow, and an infinity of dazzling shades produced by the mixture of these tints. Irritated, or in full vigour out of water, the animal covers itself wholly with reddish yellow chromatophora, but the dorsal portion is always strongly shaded with blue. Plunged in spirit, the skin of the lower partof the body becomes very finely reticulated, in consequence of the wrinkles formed by the subcutaneous granulated tubercles. The male Tremoctopus Carena cannot be confounded with any of the known species ; the proportions of the arms, and, above all, of the hectocotyliform arms, clearly distinguish it. The female closely approaches the reticulated Tremoctopus (T. cate- nulatus, Ver.), but the arms of T. Carena are much longer in proportion to the body, and the second and third pairs of its arms are comparatively shorter and less disproportionate to one another in size. The body is oval, while it is ovoid in T. cate- nulatus ; finally, the tubercles are proportionally much smaller, more approximated and more numerous in T. Carena. This Cephalopod appears only accidentally upon our coasts, perhaps, as M. d'Orbigny thinks with regard to all the Philo- nexida, because it is pelagic; we have, however, met with it in all seasons, in February, April, September and December, which proves to us that it is a denizen of our latitudes. It is always 9* 132 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI taken near land by means of drag-nets. Professor Bellardi of Turin, who was at Nice in April of this year, assured us that having been present at the raising of the Madrague nets*, he saw one of these Octopods attached to a dead Salpa. The Octopus evidently approaches the shore at the pairing season, and it is to this cause, as well as to the arrangements we made, that we owe the capture of twenty males and two females which were all taken last April. All the specimens have been brought to us living : a single male had lost its hectocotyliform arm ; all the others presented this arm either wholly developed or still in- cluded within its vesicle. The male by itself has been described and figured since 1846 in the Acts of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin, by one of us, and later in the Monographic des Cephalopcdes de la M edit err anee which has just appeared. The female has perhaps been described by M. Risso under the name of Octopus tuberculatus, but the short phrase applied to this new species is so vague and diffuse, that it may equally relate to the Tremoctopus catenulatus. M. Risso having left no specimen marked by himself by which it might be decided to which of the two species his description refers, we must retain the name given by one of us in 1836; and so much the more since M. d'Orbigny has already designated Octopus tuberculatus, another species of Octopus previously described by M. de Blainville. M. d'Orbigny does not mention our T. Carena in his Mono- graph upon the Cephalopoda. It is very remarkable that this species, which this year was so frequently taken, and which be- sides does not appear to be very rare, should have escaped Delle Chiaje, whp has enriched science with so many new species ; Prof. Philippi,who has so carefully explored Sicily; M. Cantraine, who has traversed a large portion of the Mediterranean ; as well as MM. Kolliker, Riippell, Krohn, and H. M'uller, who have specially occupied themselves with the Cephalopoda in Sicily. However, we have reason to believe that the Octopus granulosus, upon which Laurillard found the Hectocotyli which were de- scribed by Cuvier, is the female of the species with which we are engaged. * Large nets employed in the tunny fishery, established permanently near St. Hospice, a league from Nice. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 133 II. Anatomy. We shall first treat of the anatomy of the male, whose orga- nization in general does not differ, in fact, from that of other Ce- phalopods. The ventral region of the mantle is provided with a very complicated constrictor apparatus, fixed to the fibrous mem- brane which invests the intestine. After having cleft the mantle longitudinally (PI. II. fig. 1.), we observe the branchiae, each with a branchial heart situated at its base, and not differing in structure from those of other Octopods. During life, however, these branchiae exhibited great contractility, and the branchial hearts, whose function has been questioned, pulsated regularly. The fibrous membrane which invests all the intestines is covered, especially below, with numerous chromatophora, which contract and dilate alternately. We see across this membrane the vaguely marked contour of the last portion of the intestine, of the ink- bag and of the genitalia which occupy the posterior portion of the body. The conjoint aperture of the rectum and of the ink- bag is placed upon a little muscular tongue which ends forwards in two very fine points, and which passes so far forwards below the funnel that the posterior edge of the latter covers it com- pletely. At first we sought in vain for a long time for the aper- ture of the generative organs, which is perceived with great dif- ficulty, when an accident discovered its position. One of the specimens which we were examining presented through the mantle a streak of white matter which began to fill the branchial cavity. Having carefully opened this individual, we saw a coil of the seminal thread, which we shall describe by- and- by, escape from a semilunar aperture upon the left side, by the side of the place where the branchial vessels leave the intestinal sac to pass into the branchia. It was afterwards easy to perceive this very much contracted cleft in all specimens, and to convince ourselves, by examining the internal generative organs, that this asymme- trical orifice was the sole means of discharging the contents of the generative organs into the branchial cavity. After having taken away the fibrous intestinal sac (PI. II. fig. 1.) we easily discover the rectum, which is very delicate, passes from below upwards from the dilatation of the large trunk, and which rises among a considerable mass of venous appendages 134 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLt which especially invest the aortic heart and the great vessels uniting the latter with the branchiae. Below this mass of venous appendages we see a flask-shaped organ of a gelatinous trans- parency, and through which fine silvery lines may be distin- guished ; these have a very peculiar lustre, and look like white lights painted thickly and with great brilliancy upon a grayish satin ground. These lines differ much in their arrangement in different specimens ; we see, however, that they are especially numerous towards the posterior convex edge of the flask, whilst the anterior hollowed border of this organ seems to contain a more transparent substance. The bottom of the flask, whose form varies very much in consequence of the great contractility which it possesses, is turned to the right, while its narrowed neck passes to the left upon the great vessels of the branchia. This extremity hooks round these vessels, and at the summit of the curve is found the cleft orifice of which we have spoken above. The remainder of the generative apparatus (PL II. fig. 4.) is situated upon the dorsal surface of the intestinal sac, and is con- tinuous with the neck of the flask. It is composed of an elongated vesicle having nearly the same form as the flask, and possessing as great contractility in its transparent muscular parietes. It is divided into two portions, which however are united in a common envelope. The anterior portion we will call the cornu : it is membranous and transparent, and allows a contained whitish spiral thread to be seen through its side, much less brilliant and larger than the threads contained in the flask. At the posterior enlarged extremity of the cornu there is attached an organ having the form of a pointed apple, whose base is turned towards the cornu, its point towards the right branchia, with the heart corresponding to which it is in contact. This organ has a yellowish chalky tint ; its internal surface is strongly attached by cellular tissue to the base of the flask ; it is the testicle. The generative organs thus form altogether an actual ring (PL II. fig. 3.) round the great vessels of the left branchia ; a ring which is completed behind only by the fibrous tissue uniting the envelope of the testicle to the bottom of the flask, whilst the closure of the ring in front, upon the ventral face, is produced by the union of the neck of the flask with the neck of the cornu. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 135 We have just pointed out the form of the testicle ; besides the general envelope which unites this organ to the cornu, it has a proper fibrous envelope which closely invests it. Invariably situated upon the dorsal surface, behind the branchial heart of that side, the testicle however changes its place more or less, according to the state of turgescence of the different portions of the sexual apparatus. The testicle itself is divided into two portions which differ in appearance even to the naked eye ; the pointed extre- mity being more transparent than the body of the organ which is turned towards the cornu. Fine chalky lines radiate from the pointed extremity in all directions towards the enlarged centre of the organ, where they converge again to approach that face of the testicle which is in contact with the cornu. Under the microscope these chalky lines are seen at once to be the seminiferous tubes which end in a cul de sac at the pointed extremity of the testicle, and which begin to ramify when they enter into the thick portion of this organ. These ramifications however are almost parallel with one another, so that the entire testicle seems to be composed of parallel seminiferous tubes, which however converge both towards the point and towards the base of the organ. The seminiferous tubes contained, in all the individuals we examined, no trace of completely developed spermatozoa, but only granular cells and very small free granulations, which from their strongly -marked contour had the appearance of fine drops of oil ; the granule-cells also exhibited among the fine granules more strongly-marked little drops. All the individuals which we examined being in the pairing season, the spermatozoa had already passed into the ejaculatory organs, and in the semini- ferous tubes of the testicle there were found only the elements required for the reproduction of the semen. There is no direct connexion between the seminiferous tubes and the efferent canal; we have assured ourselves of this cir- cumstance microscopically. The special envelope of the testicle (PL III. fig. 5.) is considerably narrowed at the base of that organ, and is directly continued into the muscular envelope of the cornu. A kind of funnel is thus formed at the place where the testicle is attached to the cornu, towards which all the seminiferous tubes converge to terminate by a rounded end. The contents of these 136 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI tubes ought then to be poured into the space formed by this funnel, which is nothing more than the continuation of the special enve- lope of the testicle. The seminal masses would, by means of this funnel, pass freely into the bottom of the cornu, if there were not a very narrow deferent canal (PI. III. fig. 5 ri), which is affixed to the funnel like a tube, and projects freely into the cavity of the cornu. Merely looking at the cornu, this canal may be seen applied to its dorsal surface; it is about 3 millimetres long; and even without opening the cornu, it is easy to convince one- self with a lens that its free extremity floats in the cavity of the cornu. This canal is extremely contractile and mobile, and has almost continually during life a vermicular motion. The struc- ture of the canal is very simple : it is a muscular tube, with its longitudinal fibres especially developed, united into bundles and so forming slightly projecting ridges upon the internal surface of the canal. The orifice of the canal resembles the mouth of a hydroid polype, in consequence of these radiating ridges. The whole internal surface of the canal is covered with cilia of such large size, that the single ones can be distinguished with a magnifying power of 100 diameters, whilst the movement itself and the current produced by it are very distinctly visible by the very lowest powers. It is evident, from the disposition and structure of this efferent canal, that the seminal mass, entering the funnel in consequence of the rupture of the seminal tubes, is received by the efferent canal, and conducted by the latter into the cavity of the cornu, which thus in some respects serves as a seminal reservoir. The structure of the cornu itself is very complicated, and we should have had considerable doubt as to certain points of its anatomy, if chance had not given into our hands many living animals in succession, upon which we were enabled to complete our researches. We have already mentioned the white and coiled thread which is visible across the transparent parietes of the cornu ; this coil is constantly in motion, as well in con- sequence of its own contractions as of those of the investment of the cornu, w r hich is very solid and is formed by muscular fibres interlaced in all directions. The coil is laid bare when this contractile envelope is cut open : it swims, so to speak, in a viscous liquid which fills all the cornu, and which glues together AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 13? all the folds of the coil, and that so effectually, that there is some difficulty in disentangling them. When the attempt has been successful, we see that the coil is obviously composed of two filiform organs rolled up together, i . e. of the deferent canal and of an accessory gland, whose excretory canal is united to the deferent canal towards the apex of the neck of the cornu. The deferent canal (PI. III. fig. 5 d') begins by a trumpet-shaped orifice (PL III. fig. 5 i) folded like the orifice of the efferent canal, but wider than the latter ; this orifice is not clothed with vibratile cilia, like the efferent canal, which tends to confirm our observa- tion, that the two canals have no direct communication with one another. The plaited orifice of the deferent canal becomes conti- nued into a considerable dilatation of a pear-shape (PI. III. fig. 5 g) whose wider extremity is turned towards the orifice, while the tail a little enlarged passes into the continuation of the deferent canal ; this dilatation is produced less by any enlargement of the cavity of the canal than by the very considerable development of the muscular layer, which forms very projecting longitudinal ridges at this place, converging towards the pointed extremity of the dilatation. Besides this greatly-developed muscular structure, we see, as an appendage to the pyriform dilatation, a perfectly rounded bag (PI. III. fig. 5 h) which pours its contents by means of a little excretory duct, where the plaited orifice is continuous with the muscular dilatation. We could discover no histological elements in this secretion, which was composed of a substance resembling stearine. The deferent canal is prolonged from the pyriform dila- tation as a simple cylindrical canal. It possesses contractility, owing to a muscular layer which principally forms the tube. Two clavate enlargements succeed one another at a slight distance from the pyriform dilatation, and are owing, like the latter, to a greater development of the muscular layer. The interior of the deferent canal is clothed through its whole length with a glairy secretion, and most frequently the canal appears to be wholly empty; we however met with one individual in which a seminal mass was arrested before the first clavate enlargement. We shall return to this chance-discovery, since it throws some light upon the formation of the seminal machines in general. In passing towards the pointed extremity of the cornu, the 138 VEBANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI deferent canal makes a multitude of folds, united to those of the accessory gland by very fine and very elastic fibres, which while they unite them, allow of a very considerable amount of contraction to each of these canals. At the extremity of the cornu the deferent canal opens into a kind of common reservoir which lies at the entrance of the cornu. The accessory gland (PL III. fig. 5 m) which is enclosed in the cavity of the cornu, with the deferent canal, is composed of two portions, which, however, in their intimate structure present no essential difference the gland itself and the excretory canal. The gland is a flattened body rolled almost spirally, and exhibits even to the naked eye a granulated appearance, resulting from the presence of many minute points which are almost entirely opake by transmitted light. The intimate structure of this gland is very remarkable ; its parietes are very thick, and there is in the middle of the gland a cavity which is directly continuous with the excretory canal. Instead of glandular tubes, it consists of little, more or less rounded sacs (PL III. fig. 8.), which are hol- lowed in the very substance of the gland, and whose aperture is almost as large as its base. These sacs beset the whole internal surface of the gland and of its excretory duct ; they are merely deeper in the gland than in the duct, and disposed a little more obliquely with regard to the axis of the gland. They are imme- diately surrounded by a very much developed elegant capillary network. The proper walls of these sacs are very thick ; they are composed of a small number of circular fibres, and are lined internally with a considerable layer of cylindrical cells, carry- ing at their extremity very long cilia ; these are in continual movement, and they transport a viscous homogeneous liquid containing fine granules, which are here and there united into little masses. These glandular sacs, which doubtless secrete the mass of which the envelope of the spermatic machines is formed, are continued until close to the anterior extremity of the excre- tory canal ; there they disappear by degrees, and the excretory canal itself becomes considerably enlarged, to form a wide sac (PL III. fig. 5 b) into which the deferent canal also opens. This sac is on all sides attached to the parietes of the cornu, so that the cavity of the latter is completely shut at this place, and thus there is no other passage from the cornu to the flask than AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 139 through the sac. We see then, that in consequence of the very arrangement of the parts, the seminal masses carried by the deferent canal ought to meet in this common reservoir with the product of the secretion of the accessory gland, and to enter with it into the flask. It is probable therefore that here, in this wide sac with delicate walls, the spermatic machines are formed and pass afterwards into the flask. The latter organ (PI. III. fig. 1-4.) is situated, as we have al- ready said, upon the ventral face of the intestinal sac immediately under the fibrous envelope which surrounds the latter. The mem- brane which forms the flask is very delicate, very contractile, and almost impermeable to water. In its interior we see undulating brilliant white lines, such as we have described above, and which are sometimes so obvious that they might be taken for external ornaments of the envelope. The semilunar aperture situated close to the neck of the flask is generally very difficult to per- ceive, and opens only after a prolonged stay in the water to give exit to the contents of the flask, which are formed in all the in- dividuals we have examined by a unique spermatic machine, by a single spermatophore filling the whole cavity so completely, that it is very difficult to open the latter without damaging the spermatophore contained in its interior. This enormous spermatophore (PI. IV. fig. 1.), which is nearly two centimetres in length, is always folded up in the flask, so that both its extremities approach the semilunar aperture of the latter. Removed from the flask the spermatophore has the shape of a powder-horn, having one extremity pointed and elongated into a beak, the other enlarged and rounded. The beak, although the more firm and consistent portion, is however almost trans- parent, whilst the sac appears almost white, by reason of the convoluted silvery thread which it contains in its interior. The spermatophore itself is formed by a very solid membrane, per- fectly transparent, which, after having formed the sac, is con- tinued upon the beak-like prolongation, surrounding it very closely. This envelope absorbs water very quickly, and swells out rapidly in consequence; it becomes separated then into two layers, the exterior of which, very delicate, forms irregular folds, often so multiplied that one might imagine the beak of the sper- matophore to be constituted here and there by the convolutions 140 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI of a fine spiral thread. The proper coat which lies below this layer becomes distended by the action of water, very much as a gummy mass would be, and finally bursts to allow the passage of the contents of the spermatophore. These contents are composed of two very dissimilar threads; the one belonging especially to the beak-like prolongation, the other to the sac of the spermatophore. We call this last thread the spermatic cord (PL IV. fig. 2 c), since it is wholly made up of spermatozoa united together around a fine thread-like axis. This spermatic cord is entirely white, silvery to the naked eye, and of an even diameter throughout, except its anterior extremity, where it becomes more delicate, to attach itself finally by an ex- cessively delicate thread to the posterior extremity of the ejacu- latory cord. The spermatozoa are united together in the sper- matic cord in such a manner that their cylindrical end, which is the larger, is attached, or rather glued by a viscous liquid, to the axis of the cord, whilst their very fine caudal extremity is turned towards the periphery. We can compare this structure to nothing better than to the elongated brushes used for cleaning bottles, in which the bristles radiate upon all sides from a me- dian axis formed by an iron thread. The spermatic cord becomes distorted very soon when it is subjected to the action of water, and it is almost impossible to unroll its coils before the comple- tion of this distortion. At the very moment the spermatic cord is drawn out of its envelope, all the spermatozoa appear to be united by a glutinous liquid, which connects them so closely that it is impossible to distinguish them. By the action of water, this glutinous mass at first dissolves a little ; the spermatozoa become free, and appear then to be animated by slight undu- latory movements. Little by little these motions cease, whilst the glutinous matter congeals by the operation of the water, and to such an extent that the spermatic cord soon looks like a felted mass whose elements are undistinguishable. It seems probable to us, that the irregularly nodulated appearance noticed by Von Siebold upon the spermatic cord of the Hectocotylus Trem- octopodis, proceeds from a similar alteration produced by the influence of water. We have said that the spermatic cord ends by a more delicate extremity, when, forming numerous convolutions, it approaches AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 141 the anterior extremity of the sac, where. the beak-like projection of the spermatophore commences. In fact, the cord becomes very delicate (PL IV. fig. 3 0), and finally attaches itself to the posterior extremity of the ejaculatory canal, which in its turn fills the beak-like projection of the spermatophore. This eja- culatory canal is formed by a very firm tube with thick pa- rietes, having only a very small canal in its interior. Its parietes are excessively transparent, resist pressure greatly, and do not become disfigured by the action of water. We have been quite unable to discover any further structure in this homogeneous tube, which commences in the sac of the spermatophore by a rounded extremity, slightly drawn out, and having a minute aperture into which the extremity of the axis of the spermatic cord penetrates as a very fine thread repeatedly folded up in the cavity of the ejaculatory canal. The latter widens very soon, together with its internal cavity, which is filled in the whole length of its course by a spirally folded membranous ligament. We see distinctly in the posterior extremity of the ejaculatory cord the commencement of this membrane, which clothes the in- terior of the canal of the cord, and seems at first plaited into a number of transverse folds, which by degrees assume a spiral disposition, so that at last the end of the ejaculatory canal re- sembles under the microscope the intestine of a shark with its spiral valve (PL IV. fig. 4.). The ejaculatory canal forms at first many folds in the wider portion of the beak-like prolongation ; after which it becomes continued almost in a straight line, form- ing itself the axis of the prolongation. At the extremity of this prolongation may be distinguished the whole external envelope of the spermatophore, which becomes bent back, so to say, to- wards the interior to form the tube of the ejaculatory cord, whose canal, clothed by the spiral membrane, is continued as far as this extremity. The analogy between the structure of the spermatophore which we have just described and that of those of the other Cephalo- poda with which we iiave long been acquainted is evident, so that we need insist at no greater length upon this point. The envelope which swells out by the action of water ; the ejaculatory cord, with its internal spiral ligament; in all these points the resemblance is complete, with this difference only, that the semi- 142 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI nal mass is not included in a sac as in the other Cephalopoda, but is formed by a long cord coiled upon itself and completely deprived of any special envelope. The formation of these semi- nal machines, whose size is enormous relatively to that of the male animal, is pretty well explained by an observation we made upon one of the four individuals which we examined. A whitish mass (PI. III. fig. 5/) was situated in the deferent canal of this individual a little beyond the pyriform enlargement by which this canal commences. It presented itself under the form of a pear (PI. III. fig. 9.) with an elongated tail, containing internally a thousandfold coil of a fine gelatinous, very transpa- rent thread, beset on all sides with motionless spermatozoa. This thread became lost by degrees in the more enlarged portion of the mass ; and even by pressing aside the matted spermatozoa forming it, one could only distinguish here and there some traces of a similar gelatinous thread ; it was however by no means well marked. This mass of spermatozoa was not invested by any envelope, and it still retained the form of the foot-like enlarge- ment in which it had been modelled. It seemed evident to us that such a seminal accumulation is moulded by passing through the whole length of the deferent canal into an elongated thread, and that it is in the common reservoir that this thread receives at once both its envelope and the ejaculatory cord secreted by the accessory gland, which thus transforms the whole into a spermatophore. This, once formed, passes into the flask, whence it is expelled when copulation is about to occur. In the great majority of individuals which we examined, the right arm of the third pair was disproportionately developed, and had an external organization such as we have pointed out in our zoological description. In other individuals this arm was replaced by a very considerable pedunculated vesicle. We shall see by the anatomy of these parts that there exists a correlation between them an intimate correlation and that the formation of the vesicle must necessarily precede that of the hectocotyli- form arm. As to the latter, we have been unable to discover in its struc- ture any great differences beyond those we are about to point out, from that of an ordinary Cephalopod-arm. The axis of this arm is formed by a cylindrical muscular tube of great thickness, AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 143 which is continued beyond the series of acetabula into a long filiform appendage which we name the " flabellum," and which is ordinarily concealed in an ovate sac which terminates the anterior extremity of this arm. This muscular axis is formed, as M. Kolliker has already very well shown, of three different layers, one of which is longitudinal and the other two circular. In the midst there is a hollow cylindrical space, in which are situated two organs which require the more careful examination, since M. Kolliker has entirely mistaken their nature. One of these organs is a blood-vessel with very delicate and transparent parietes, which runs through the whole length of the muscular axis even in the portion which we have called the flabellum, without any great diminution of its volume. There can be no doubt as to the exact nature of this vessel, which we have many times observed by transmitted light in individuals still living, but in which the movements of the heart were too irregular to allow of our determining the direction in which the current of the blood moved. We could very well distinguish the blood- corpuscles, forming at the time of death irregular masses, which, while the heart yet beat, were agitated more or less distinctly. Unable to make any injection of the few specimens at our com- mand, we could not correctly determine the relations between this vessel occupying the central axis of the muscular cylinder, and the cutaneous vessels which appear upon the whole surface of the arm. We believe, however, that we have seen, towards the anterior extremity of the flabellum, this central vessel giving off lateral branches, which pierce the muscular tube to pass to the external surface and to the skin. The vessel is continued uninterruptedly into the pedicle of the arm, where we were un- able to trace it further. It seems indubitable, however, after what we have just said, that it is the central artery of this ab- normal arm, disposed like the central arteries of the other normal arms. The second organ worthy of remark, and which is enclosed in the muscular canal, is the nervous cord formed by as many ganglia as there are acetabula upon the whole length of the arm. The tissues of the living individuals are so transparent, that we can perfectly well distinguish the nervous cord in all the arms of these little males without any dissection, and all the ganglia 144 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI corresponding to the acetabula can be counted with the most scrupulous exactness. It is equally easy to see this ganglionic cord in the hectocotyliform arm, and to decide that, as M. von Siebold has well observed, there is only a single ganglion cor- responding to each acetabulum ; but the acetabula being very closely approximated, and succeeding one another alternately upon the two sides, the ganglia also are pressed against one another, so that to the naked eye, or under a simple lens, they look like the close beads of a necklace. Examined microscopi- cally, these ganglia (PL IV. fig. 6 c) all show the form of a tra- pezoid whose base is turned towards the acetabulum to which the ganglion belongs. M. Kolliker has figured the appearance of these ganglia pretty well ; but by an inconceivable mistake, he regards the ganglia as masses forming the contents of the central vessel which he makes out to be an intestine. The nerves pass- ing from these ganglia are to be seen with great difficulty, inas- much as they penetrate the muscular cylinder in such a manner that they are almost always perpendicular to the microscope. Hence M. Kolliker has described these nerves as canals ascend- ing towards the surface of the skin ; and we must confess in fact, that a little nerve viewed perpendicularly upon its axis is not unlike a fine canal with delicate sharp parietes. The chain of ganglia ends with the series of acetabula ; but some nervous threads which are very delicate might yet be per- ceived in the muscular axis of the flabellum, where they ended by becoming so fine that it was impossible for us to trace them to its extremity. We find no differences whatsoever in the structure of the rest of the arm, so far as there are suckers; the skin, the walls of the acetabula and their whole structure appear to be entirely conformable with all that we have seen in the arms of ordinary Cephalopods : we may be allowed then to pass over these points in silence. The anterior extremity of the arm is formed by a little oval sac, which hangs between the two last acetabula, and whose wall is a direct continuation of the skin which covers the dorsal face of the arms. On carefully examining this little sac, we perceive even with the naked eye that its interior contains a spi- rally coiled thread. Between the two last acetabula there exists AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 145 a little fissure which leads into the cavity of this sac, and by which the animal is enabled to evolve the spiral filament hidden in its interior. We have frequently seen instances of this oc- currence ; the filament passed by its pointed extremity out of this cleft and slowly unrolled itself; the sac all the while being agitated by repeated contractions which aided the expulsory movement. The filament itself performs very marked vermi- cular movements, which we can only compare to the motions of the tentacular filaments of certain tubicolar worms, particularly of the Terebella. The little sac is wholly contracted when the thread has passed out of it, and it then exhibits under the mi- croscope (PL IV. fig. 6 e,f) very numerous rugosities, presenting a sort of very pretty watered pattern. It evidently consists of tw T o membranes, one external, which is nothing more or less than the continuation of the skin which covers the whole arm, and an internal muscular layer which is continued by two muscular bundles upon the two sides of the flabellum. This sac con- tracted upon the flabellum, which it had contained, has been also seen by the authors who have written upon the Hectoco- tylus of the Argonaut; and lastly by M. Kolliker, who regards it as a membranous appendage without any other sig- nification. The flabellum itself (PL IV. fig. 8) is composed especially, as we have said above, of the muscular cylinder of the arm, whtc h occupies its centre without interruption as far as its extremity, gradually becoming smaller. This cylinder ends by a point at the very extremity of the flabellum, which is at first completely rounded, but becomes flattened little by little like a lance-head towards its end. At the distance of a few millimetres from the extremity of the flabellum the muscular cylinder becomes sud- denly thickened, and takes the form of a piston (PL IV. fig. 8 b) ; its internal cavity even is here widened. At this same place we have always seen a considerable mass of blood-corpuscles dis- tending the enlarged cavity. The median vessel which occu- pies the centre of the muscular tube, ends therefore here in a kind of reservoir, whilst the muscular axis continues as a hollow cylinder as far as the extremity. The external membrane which invests the flabellum is, especially at its base, very loose, and exhibits proper undulatory movements due to two muscular bun- SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART II. 10 146 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI dies which run along the two sides of the flabellum, and which may be followed even beyond the piston-like enlargement. These two cutaneous muscles are accompanied through their whole length by two venous trunks which send off numerous ramifica- tions, forming a capillary network over the whole surface of the flabellum. These ramifications are especially remarkable at the very extremity of the flabellum, where they are perceived very easily, the tissues being at this place completely transparent. The extreme mobility of the flabellum perhaps plays a part in the physiological functions of the hectocotyliform arm. We have seen this appendage continually in movement, as if it were feeling about to fix itself somewhere. It embraced the arms, and even the body of the animal to which it belonged, but it disentangled its coils again without its being possible to discover to what end all these motions tended. We shall bring forward by-and-by an observation of M. Kolliker's, which will, perhaps, set other observers upon the track of the physiological function of this part. We have yet to mention a last peculiarity of the structure of the hectocotyliform arm ; it is the existence of a sac of con- siderable extent, which is visible upon the posterior or dorsal face of the arm near its base, and therefore opposite to the ace- tabula. This sac (PL I. fig. 3 a) is 15-20 millimetres in length, and is elongated, inasmuch as it lies along the dorsal face of the muscular cylinder of the arm. It is distinguished very easily throughout its entire extent by its deep colour, whilst the rest of the hectocotyliform arm is wholly colourless. This colora- tion is due to the chromatophora which beset the whole internal surface of the sac, and may be seen shining through it. A semi- lunar aperture, situated upon the dorsal face of the arm imme- diately above the pedicle, leads into this sac, which is a true cul- de-sac, and is closed upon all sides. We have never found any- thing in this sac, which is obviously a diverticulum, an involu- tion of the skin of the body itself, and whose formation depends, as we shall soon see, upon the mode of development of the arm. We have already many times mentioned the oval vesicle car- ried upon a delicate pedicle, which was observed in many indi- viduals in the place of the hectocotyliform arm. Upon closely examining this vesicle, we see that it is lined in its whole extent AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 147 with the same chromatophora as those which are distributed over the whole surface of the body, and that it has at its base a little semilunar aperture similar to that which we have observed in the sac of the arm. Upon opening the vesicle we find in its interior the hectocotyliform arm coiled up spirally (PL IV. fig.?), so that its acetabula are turned towards the centre ; the dorsal face of the arm towards the periphery of the vesicle. This arm had reached its full development in the individuals in question ; but in these also the vesicle had attained its final stage of deve- lopment, since it is much smaller in a specimen described by M . Verany in his work already quoted. Whilst we were examining the arm rolled up in its vesicle, another living individual placed in sea-water unrolled little by little the arm concealed within its vesicle. The arm passed out by its base, and whilst it kept on unrolling, the vesicle was reversed by the same action, and ended by becoming the sac which we have described upon the dorsal surface of the arm. It will now be readily explicable why this sac has its internal face lined by chromatophora similar to those of the skin, the external surface of the vesicle having become the internal face of the sac. We can now also account for the fact, that in all the individuals we observed the hectoco- tyliform arm was always twisted and rolled up at its extremity, an arrangement which was a result of the spiral coil which it had formed in the vesicle. We may be very concise in our description of the female or- gans, which are constructed upon the same plan as in Argonauta and Tremoctopus. The simple ovary surrounded by its capsule is situate at the bottom of the intestinal sac, and communicates with two very long and convoluted oviducts, which are folded up upon the two sides of the ovary. There does not exist, as in Tremoctopus violaceus, any decided glandular enlargement in the course of the oviducts ; but in the sole female which we have had an opportunity of examining, we found in the course of the left oviduct two eggs of an oval form, which were still retained in the oviduct, and which were evidently on their way out. The two apertures of the oviducts are placed as in the two other species of Octopods which have hectocotyline generation, (i.e. Argonauta and Tremoctopusviolaceus,) at the base of the branchiae; the oviducts passing under the branchial arteries and veins to 10* 148 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI open by two little lateral papillae into the respiratory cavity. These apertures are very distant from the funnel, and are placed altogether at the sides of the cavity. The investigations which have been set forth in the preceding pages ought, we think, to furnish a very complete solution of this important question concerning the nature of the Hectocotyli which has been agitated now for some years. Accepting the results of MM. Siebold and Kolliker, and the conclusions which they drew, one was still struck by a something surprising and in strange contradiction with certain zoological principles which were believed to be firmly established. Among these Cephalo- pods so similar for the rest in their external and internal struc- ture there were, according to this view, to be found kinds which could hardly be distinguished generically, and yet in which the difference between the organization of the male and that of the female was carried to its greatest extent. According to this view, females endowed with all the complicated and highly deve- loped organs of the Cephalopoda possess males which previous observers had taken for intestinal worms, and which in any case were so poorly organized that independent life seemed refused to them ; and so strange an exception, an example of which is hardly to be found in the animal kingdom*, w r as to be found in species side by side with others, in which the males were or- ganized as completely as the females. It was evidently a ques- tion which ought to be in the highest degree interesting to zoo- logists, and we are rejoiced to believe that the solution we offer, and which we believe to be definitive, will not remain without influence in preventing for the future similar mistakes. It would be useless to reiterate this truth, that the being dis- covered by Laurillard at Nice, and described by Cuvier, is really the detached arm of that species of Octopus which we call Trem- octopus Carena, and that the individuals which carry these deformed arms are always the males smaller it is true than the females but for the rest organized in as complete a manner as the other Cephalopoda. We have thought it superfluous to * The Entovnostracous Crustacea, the Rotifer a, and the Cirripedia, classes which present instances of disproportion between the sexes quite as remarkable as Kolliker supposed it to be in Argonauta, &c., seem to have been forgotten by MM. Verany and Vogt.-7y. AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 149 give any detailed description of the nervous, alimentary, circu- latory, and respiratory systems of these animals, the high organi- zation of these systems being obvious from our figures or from the mere inspection of the animal. It is the same for the male of the Argonaut, although the difference in shape between this and its female is still more remarkable ; so great indeed, that so scrupulous an observer as our friend M. Krohn neglected to examine these little creatures, which he took to be young just hatched, and still provided with their yelk-sac. We have already said that the discovery of these minute males of the Argonaut belongs to Dr. Miiller of Wurzburg, who will without doubt inform us that their internal organization resembles that of the other Cephalopoda. We have only been able to examine a single specimen of these minute males, long preserved in alcohol, and given to one of us by M. Krohn, and we can affirm that in point of external structure, which we have alone examined, it perfectly agrees with the type of the other Cephalopods. This is obvious from the figure we have given of this little male*. The male of the Tremoctopus violaceus alone is not yet known ; however, we have no fear but that further researches, in the di- rection we have taken, will discover the male which bears the Hectocotylus described by M. Kolliker, and which differs in many points from the other Hectocotyli. All the Hectocotyli that have been described up to the present time as perfectly independent beings are then nothing else than the detached arms of certain species of Cephalopods, in which the males, for the rest perfectly normal, are smaller than the females. All our observations prove that these arms are de- tached with extreme readiness, and that the pedicle which carries them exhibits, after its separation, a clean smooth surface, without any trace of laceration. The detached Hectocotyli prove as evidently that this separation takes place in a natural manner, for their posterior extremity never exhibits any trace of tearing nor of cicatrization. The pedicle which remains upon the body after the arm has become detached, without question re- produces this arm, and that probably by a process of budding, comparable perhaps to the reproduction of the deciduous horns of certain ruminants. Our observations have only permitted us * Omitted here. 7V. 150 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI to make out the last phase of this reproduction, when the ab- normal arm, coiled up in a spiral, is enclosed within a vesicle, from which it ought soon to make its exit and unroll outwards. But it seems to us unquestionable that the arm is really repro- duced in the interior of this vesicle, by budding from the peduncle and raising up the skin covering the latter, which thus in the end forms the vesicle enclosing the arm. The vesicle which the little male of the Argonaut carries has exactly the same relations ; it also contains in its interior the spirally coiled Hectocotylus. Our observations as they stand could furnish only very scanty indications as to the physiological function of these abnormal arms of the males ; we have found in fact in these arms only the ordinary structure of a cephalopod-arm terminated by the flabellum a kind of tail fixed to one of the extremities, and by a cutaneous sac at the other extremity. This sac was inva- riably empty in the individuals in which the arm was still fixed upon its pedicle; it is formed, as we have just seen, by the retroversion of the sac in which the arm is developed. But our investigations, combined with the results obtained by MM. Cuvier, Laurillard, Kolliker, and Siebold, solve the problem. All these observers have examined the Hectocotyli when de- tached ; all have noticed that in these separated individuals the sac situated at the base was by no means empty, but that it was filled by organs belonging to the generative apparatus. MM. Koliiker and Siebold have also determined that this sac contains a long folded spermatic cord, which is continued into an ejacu- latory canal, having a harder pointed extremity, which these writers call the penis, inasmuch as they believe the full sac and its contents to be a true testicle, with the excretory and copu- latory canals, which are ordinarily in connexion with this organ. Now, our observations are formally opposed to this interpre- tation. We have proved in fact that the testicle is situated at the bottom of the intestinal sac, and that it is constructed upon the same type as that of other male Cephalopods. We have shown besides, that this testicle is in relation with the peculiar excretory organs which fashion the seminal mass, so as in the end to form a seminal machine a spermatophore of a very complicated structure and of very considerable dimensions. AND THE MALES OP CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 151 Now that we have exactly described the spermatophore con- tained in the flask, let any one compare our description with that which MM. Kolliker and Siebold have given of the contents of the sac of the Hectocotylus, and the perfect agreement of the two will be obvious : the spermatophore surrounded by a trans- parent envelope, having the same properties as the envelope of the supposed testicle in the Hectocotylus : the seminal cord of the spermatophore resembling in all respects the same organ rolled up in the genital capsule of the arm : the ejaculatory cord of the seminal mass with its spiral ligament, its more solid and pointed extremity, nowise different from the deferent canal and the penis described by these authors ; there can no longer be any doubt as to the identity of these organs. It is then evident that the seminal machine constructed in the internal organs of the male, leaves these organs to be transplanted into the sac which the hectocotyliform arm carries ; this then, loaded, becomes detached from its pedicle and affixes itself to the female, in all probability during an act of copulation or embracing, which takes place, as we know, among the other Cephalopoda. It is true that no observation at present known explains to us the mode of transport of the seminal machine from the aperture of the generative organs situated in the branchial cavity as far as the sac of the abnormal arm ; and it may be that the mobile flabellum which terminates the Hectocotyll of the Argonaut and those of our Tremoctopus Carena, is charged with the per- formance of this removal of the seminal machine. M. Kolliker has observed, in fact, that in one specimen of the HectQCotylus Argonauta, the anterior extremity of the flabellum was bent back into the aperture of the sac containing the seminal machine, and that this extremity was twisted around the machine. It may be that M. Kolliker surprised the Hectocotylus at the moment when the flabellum was depositing its seminal mass in the sac of the arm, though it is very possible on the other hand that this engagement of the extremity of the flabellum was simply an accident due to the continual explorations performed by the organ. The acts of copulation and fecundation even are not yet known to occur by direct observation 5 but as all the observers who have up to this time found detached Hectocotyli have found them on the arms, in the funnel, and in the respiratory cavity 152 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI of the females, it is probable that these charged arms creep by the aid of their numerous suckers as far as the aperture of the female generative organs, when the spermatophore then performs its office. We sum up then by offering the following conclusions : 1. The Argonaut, the Tremoctopus violaceus, and T. Carena, have males whose structure agrees with that of the common Cephalopod-type. 2. One of the arms of these males becomes specially modified into a copulatory organ. 3. The beings known at present under the name of Hectocotyli are not separate animals, but are merely the detached copulatory arms of the males, charged with a seminal machine. 4. The copulatory arms are detached and renewed periodically. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. [The great number of figures given by MM. Verany and Vogt rendered it requisite to exercise some selection, and to exclude any that were not absolutely necessary. Of their four Plates, the three last (PI. 7, 8, 9, Annales} are exactly copied in our Plates II. III. and IV. ; but only two figures of their first Plate (6, Annales} are given in our Plate I. figs. 3, 4. The others appeared to be not necessary to the comprehension of the memoir. This change has of course rendered requisite a new numbering of the figures.] PLATE I. Fig. 3. Tremoctopus Carena. Male, seen from the dorsal surface, a, aperture of the retroverted sac which contained the Hectocotylus ; b, vesicle which contained the flabellutn ; c, flabellum. Fig. 4. Tremoctopus Carena (male), with the vesicle still containing its Hec- tocotylus. PLATE II. Fig. 1. Male T. Carena, seen from the ventral surface. The visceral sac is cleft longitudinally, and the left half of the mantle has been thrown back to exhibit the branchia and the aperture of the male organs at the moment of expulsion of the spermatophore. a, funnel ; b, vesicle containing the Hectocotylus ; c, eye ; d, aquiferous aperture ; e, man- tle; /, branchia; g, branchial heart; h, flask; i, spermatophore passing out. Fig. 2. The same. The mantle is cleft and thrown back, the funnel is taken away ; the fibrous envelope of the abdominal cavity is cut so as to AND THE MALES OF CERTAIN CEPHALOPODS. 153 exhibit the organs in their natural position. The letters a h have the same signification as before, i, abnormal arm, i. e. the Hectoco- tylus ; k, the anus ; /, the rectum ; m, the large intestine ; n, the ink- bag ; o, the ventral aorta ; p, the venous appendages. Fig. 3. The genitalia with the branchiae, the hearts, and the large intestines, wholly detached and seen from the ventral side. The letters as in the foregoing figures, q, cornu ; r, testicle ; ^, aortic heart. Fig. 4. The abdominal organs seen from the dorsal side, t, stomach ; u, caecum; v, liver ; w, dorsal aorta. * # * These four figures are twice the natural size. Fig. 5. Abdominal organs of the female T. Carena, seen from the ventral side. Natural size. The mantle is thrown back; the fibrous envelope of the abdomen is taken away : for the rest the organs are in their na- tural position, a, funnel; b, anus; c, branchiae; d, branchial hearts; e, venous appendages ; /, sexual apertures ; g, ovary. Fig. 6. The sexual organs isolated, seen upon the ventral surface and mag- nified twice, a a, oviducts ; &, ovary ; c c, ova passing along the oviduct. PLATE III. Figs. 1 4. The male sexual organs magnified 2 diam. completely detached and viewed (figs. 1 & 3) from the ventral side, and (figs. 2 & 4) from the dorsal side, a, flask with the aperture and the sperma- tophore ; b, cornu ; c, testicle with the efferent canal. Fig. 5. The cornu is open for its entire length. The deferent canal and the accessory gland are unrolled, a, continuation of the cornu into the neck of the flask ; 6, common reservoir ; c, aperture of the deferent canal ; d, aperture of the excretory canal of the gland ; d', deferent canal ; e e, clavate enlargements ; /, seminal mass contained in the canal ; g, pyriform enlargement ; h, globular gland ; i, aperture of the deferent canal ; k, envelope of the cornu ; I, excretory canal of the accessory gland ; m, accessory gland ; n, efferent canal ; o, enve- lope of the testicle ; p, testicle. Fig. 6. Contents of the seminiferous tubes. X 400. Fig. 7. Structure of the efferent canal. Fig 8. Glandular sac of the accessory gland. X 400. a, capillaries. Fig. 9. Seminal mass contained in the deferent canal. Posteriorly, only the contour of the felted spermatozoa and the traces of the developing transparent thread are indicated. , transparent thread. PLATE IV. Fig. 1 . Spermatophore withdrawn from the flask. Fig. 2. Th6 anterior extremity of the same, considerably magnified and viewed by transmitted light, a, transparent envelope ; b, ejaculatory cord ; c, seminal cord. Fig. 3. Posterior extremity of the ejaculatory cord in connexion with ihe seminal cord, a, seminal cord ; b, fine membrane applying itself to 154 VERANY AND VOGT ON THE HECTOCOTYLI. the envelope of the spermatophore ; c, posterior extremity of the ejaculatory cord ; d, commencement of the spiral membrane. Fig. 4. A portion of the middle of the ejaculatory cord, o, tube of the cord separated into two layers ; 6, spiral membrane. Fig. 5. Anterior extremity of the spermatophore. Fig. 6. Extremity of the acetabuliferons portion of the hectocotyliform arm, with the commencement of the flabellum and the entrance of the sac. a, flabellum ; b, muscular cylinder of the flabellum continued into the arm ; c, nervous ganglia ; d, acetabula ; e, external layer of the sac ; /, internal layer of the sac. Fig. 7. The vesicle opened to show the abnormal arm coiled up in its interior. X 2. Fig. 8. Anterior extremity of the flabellum. #, muscular cylinder ; b, clavate enlargement. P'ig. 9. Part of the middle of the flabellum, considerably magnified, a, central vessel ; b, parietes of the muscular tube ; c, skin enveloping the fla- bellum ; d, lateral cutaneous muscles ; e, cutaneous vessels. [T. H. H.] CRL'GER ox EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 155 ARTICLE VI. Organographical Observations on certain Epigynous Monocoty- ledons. By H. GROCER, of Trinidad. [From the Linnaa, vol. xxii. 1849.] 1 HE development of the natural sciences from the time when they first began to merit the name, may be divided into two principal periods, according to the directions taken by research. In the first, the object was the distinction of natural bodies from each other, and the formation of what is called the systematic part of science. After a body of facts had been brought to- gether, inquirers, acquainted with distinctions, began to seek for analogies, and thus more philosophical views respecting the kingdoms of nature came gradually into existence. The Arti- ficial Systems date from the first epoch, the Natural Methods from the second. While the aim of systematic science is divi- sion, that which searches for analogies endeavours to combine, partly to facilitate the comprehension of the whole, partly in order to discover the laws prescribed for the formation of bodies. Both branches of science are immeasurable, and a lifetime is insufficient for a tolerable mastering of only one of them. One of the difficulties which especially oppose the acquire- ment of an accurate knowledge of plants, is the circumstance that certain parts of the globe possess peculiar forms which can be obtained only at great cost and with much trouble in distant zones. And here it is that descriptive botany has far outstripped the branch to which this essay is devoted, although it cannot be denied that much has already been done in this. Since I have command here in Trinidad of abundance of material for the in- vestigation of tropical plants, I may perhaps be permitted to contribute the following, towards filling up a gap in special botany. The group of Monocotyledonea epigynae, comprising the Sci- tamineae, Musaceae and Orchideae, is distinguished by certain common characters from the other families of this division of 156 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS the vegetable kingdom. Among these are the irregularities of the parts of the flower, which have occupied the attention of morphologists for some length of time. To these must be added the high degree of development of the leaves, which in the Mu- saceae and Scitamineae are separated from the petiole by a very evident, swollen articulation, and which goes so far in most of the Orchideae that the leaf becomes detached from its stalk at this place. If, with Lindley, we exclude the Dictyogens as a transitional class, this structure recurs in the Endogens only in the Aroideae, in some of which the leaf falls off its stalk when old, while others present real compound leaves, and in the Grasses, which approach not a little to the Scitamineae in this particular in such genera as Pharm, and in which the petiole and lamina are most evidently distinct. These forms of leaf, it may be remarked in passing, prove how mistaken those bota- nists were who ascribed a folium petiolaneum to the Endogens generally. In most of the plants of the three families above named, with which I am acquainted, it is seen at once that in those genera in which the stem produces branches, the inflorescence is very compound, and on the other hand, that where branches are only produced on a subterraneous stem, the inflorescence likewise remains pretty simple. To what extent this may be generalized is a question I must leave to the decision of those who have access to a large number of species, in collections, &c. In the following pages will be found, where requisite, a short descrip- tion of the parts of the flower of certain plants of these groups, together with a fragmentary contribution to the history of their development. Musaceae. Heliconia Bihai, Sw. The accompanying diagram (PL V. fig. 1) illustrates the relative position of the parts of this flower. I must remark, that the generic character, as I find it given by Endlicher and others, does not agree accurately with the species of Heliconia with which I am acquainted here, and we possess five in Trinidad. The two lateral, external, and the three inner petals are more or less coherent, the outer petal next the axis is free, and the stamen in front of this is abortive. The inflorescence of this species is composed of a number of abbreviated flowering branches which are attached to the rachis ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 157 alternately in two rows, enclosed in large bracts. The individual flowers again stand in two rows, as shown in the diagram, upon their almost horizontal support. It will be noticed that the flowers do not stand in the middle behind the next bract, but midway in front of another, and thus behind a third, which, however, is separated from the flower itself by that lateral one. I see only one way of explaining this strange arrangement of the flower. The branch, like the rachis, represents a distichous spike, with alternate flowers closely crowded, but is modified by the two rows of flowers having approached near together late- rally, at the side of the main axis, and the margin of each bract having been interposed between the flower at its side and the bract belonging to the latter. Under this supposition we must assume the suppression of the bract belonging to the flower which stands next to the axis. The development of this flower takes place in the following manner. The first sign of a bud, where it can be called inde- pendent, is a perfectly simple, fleshy nodule, the second stage of which is exhibited by its nearest, outer neighbour ; this second bud, namely, already appears somewhat flattened at the top, and almost as if a little depressed or excavated. After this we gra- dually detect the parts of the flower, which however can only be recognized by their position, since they present themselves as very inconsiderable elevations. These parts are developed in the order from without inwards, in which they subsequently lie upon one another, but it is remarkable here that the stamen which is ultimately to be abortive makes its appearance before the rest, that is to say, at the same time as the inner petals, for at one epoch of the development four parts may be distinctly observed in the interior of the flower. The five other stamens do not appear until afterwards. At this epoch and for a little longer, the abortive stamen has twice or thrice the magnitude of the rest. At the outset of the development, when the various parts of the flower rise out of the formative mass, they are com- pletely unconnected, and only begin to exhibit cohesion at the lower part when the abortive stamen has already been left con- siderably behind. I may observe, that it is unnecessary here to assume that originally free organs subsequently become blended together, in the true sense of the word ; for, since the points of all 158 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS organs must present themselves first, while according to various observations, organs cease to grow there soonest, and the points of the petals remain permanently free, it may be supposed that the lower parts of the flower are developed in a state of cohesion. The development of stamens, where, as is well known, the anthers are complete long before the filaments begin to show themselves, offers another proof for this hypothesis. Since the two lateral outer petals are adherent to the three inner below, while, how- ever, they must be supposed to stand in an external circle with the large, intermediate outer petal, and originate at the same epoch of development, it is natural that the two lateral outer petals should cohere only by the borders where they touch the middle inner petal, with each other and with the latter, while the borders which touch the large outer petal should remain free ; which is really the case, since the border of this petal is interposed between them above, of course, however, only to- wards the apex of the flower, since all are uniformly coherent below. The only difference met with in the other species of Heliconia we possess here, is, that the outer lateral petals remain free somewhat lower down. In other respects all is as in //. Bihai. The inflorescence of these other species is the same, only the flowers are less crowded, and the outermost bract standing next the rachis is abortive, which confirms the above explanation of the inflorescence of the first-named species. The following description of the flowers of Musa, as well as the diagram (PL V. fig. 2), show that the Heliconite differ from it not only in the inflorescence, but also in the place where the sixth stamen is suppressed. This is not indicated in the syste- matic works to which I have access. Musa. I have made out the following in the two species cultivated here. The inflorescence is simpler than in Heliconia, i. e. be- hind each bract (the apex of this bract sometimes grows. out into a leaf) occur two transverse rows which are developed si- multaneously and have no partial bracts. The three outer and three inner petals are confluent below, and the third inner, the back of which is towards the rachis, is free. The suppressed ON CERTAIN EP1GYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 159 stamen should stand here, and it makes its appearance in this place very frequently in abnormal flowers. The female flowers do not differ from the male in shape, except in the different degree of development of the sexual organs. The very young flower of Musa sapientum presents itself first as a little flattened corpuscle, on which, shortly after its develop- ment, the first trace of a division is exhibited on the side next the axis, as a kind of furrow or rather a transparent line. A little later this furrow becomes deeper, and a second appears on the side next the bract, towards the top, the true apex of the bud, which furrow runs all round the latter. From the part of the flower lying outside this furrow are formed those five organs of the flower subsequently coherent together, of which the inner two petals do not become visible until after a certain interval ; the inner free petal and the five stamens with the pistil are then subsequently produced from the mass surrounded by the furrow. By degrees the points are developed on the upper and outer sides of the perigonial organs, as they appear in the full-grown flower. From the central mass, as just stated, the stamens and the inner perigonial leaf appear simultaneously and form one circle. But the development of those stamens which stand be- fore the outer petals advances much more rapidly for some time, and even in the opened flower they are still somewhat larger than the others. The pistil makes its appearance at a compa- ratively late period, but I could only investigate this point in what are called male flowers. In Musa rosacea, which is cultivated in the botanic garden here, the development of the perigonial organs takes place in a somewhat different manner. The five segments of the flower appear simultaneously, and are uniformly developed, so that they cannot lie one upon another in the same way in the cohe- rent flower. Moreover, the pistil here presents itself from the first trifid, just as it appears in the full-grown flower, while in Musa sapientum it originates simple and remains so. Musa sapientum exhibits a multitude of interesting malforma- tions, agreeing in this respect with most of the old cultivated plants. The following includes those which I have had the op- portunity of observing : 160 A. In what are called female flowers. 1. With 6 stamens, very frequent, the additional 6th stamen standing before the so-called labellum. 2. With 8 stamens, standing in one circle, the rest of the flower normal. 3. With 6 stamens, one, two or three of which, standing before the outer organs of the perigone, had assumed the form of the labellum. 4. With 3 labella, 8 perigonial leaves confluent, one more outside, standing behind the middle labellum, 11 stamens, 6 carpellary chambers (frucht-f acker), all these placed in circles around a simple pistil. 5. The labellum confluent with the rest of the perigonial organs, a free filiform body standing behind it. 6 stamens. 6. With 6 stamens, that standing behind the labellum bearing an anther. 7- With 4 perigonial leaves, all blended together, 4 stamens, 2 carpels, one of the 4 petals opposite the bract, as also one of the carpels. B. In the male flowers. 1. With 6 stamens, all of normal form. 2. With 6 stamens, the 6th blended with the labellum below. 3. With 6 stamens, two of which, standing in front of the lateral, outer petals, had expanded into the form of labella. 4. With 6 stamens and 3 labella. The two additional labella standing, with a stamen, each in front of one of the outer perigonial organs. 5. The two lateral outer perigonial organs free, the lateral inner blended with the intermediate outer one. The rest of the flower normal. 6. Tetramerous flower. With 2 labella in front, then 2 free perigonial leaves right and left, and 4 others, blended together, behind. 8 stamens, one of these adherent to the pistil be- low, and one more added in the form of the labellum, stand- ing in front of one of the lateral outer petals, 1 pistil and 4 carpels. 7- Twin flowers, very common, the perigone 3-parted, 2 seg- ments in front simple, one behind 7-lobed, 5 labella, 12 sta- ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 161 mens, partly without anthers, arranged 6 and 6 round a pistil. The middle labellum interposed with a fold between the two circles of stamens, the rest of the perigonial organs forming a circle. This twin flower is also common among the female flowers. It is seen that the commonest malformations are those in which there are transitions from one condition into another, or multiplications and confluences. Those, however, are more important in which a dimerous or tetramerous flower is substi- tuted for a trimerous. In these, if they have petals at all, the labellum vanishes, and a stamen stands in front of each of those remaining. The flower with eight petals appears to me, like the twin-flower No. 7 B, a malformation originating through the disappearance of the organs standing at the sides where the two flowers are in contact. The labella standing side by side seem to speak in favour of this. The first of these two tetramerous flowers shows,, on the contrary, that the petal next the bract is that which persists. The malformation A. 4. must be ex- plained by a lateral doubling of the individual parts of the flower, and then the middle labellum must be regarded as an altered stamen. Cannaceae. Calathea lutea, Spr. The flowers, as the accom- panying diagram shows (PI. V. figs. 3, 4), are enclosed in pairs in two bracts, of which the one standing on the side of the axis represents the primordial leaf (vorblatt)* of a shoot; these bracts, with their flowers, are again enclosed with two other flowers in two older bracts, and the entire partial inflorescence in a large dry involucral leaf (deck-blatt). Each individual flower possesses a small involucral leaf (deck-blatt} standing at its side, as looked at from the axis or from the side where the general involucral bract occurs. This arrangement of the flowers has the greatest analogy to that of the branches, except that in the latter only one branch occurs between a leaf and a primor- dial leaf (vorblatt) 9 instead of two flowers. The unfolding of the * The term "primordial leaf" (Bravais) or "vorblatt" (Schimper) is ap- plied to the first leaf or pair of leaves of a shoot, which exhibit peculiarities ; in many cases, they are regarded as representing on the shoot, the cotyledonary leaves of the primary stem. SCIEN. MEN. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART II. 11 162 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHTCAL OBSERVATIONS shoots, like that of the flowers, begins at the stem side and ad- vances towards the oldest leaf. With regard to the arrangement of the parts of the flower, it is sufficient to remark that one of the sepals stands outside, i.e. neither next the main axis nor the leaf, and consequently two stand where, if there were branches here instead of flowers, the axis of the branch must stand. The anther stands between these two last sepals, and on the outside of that one of these which stands beside the main axis, is observed the bract above mentioned. In this species, as well as in others with analogous inflorescence, the true bract, belonging to each branch, is suppressed in the youngest flowers, and indeed sup- pression of involucral bracts (deck-blattern) appears to be a fre- quent occurrence in this family generally. The primordial leaf (yorblatf), however, is always present. Since there can be no mistake about the import of the latter, as its position testifies to its analogy with this organ in many other Endogens, this inflo- rescence may be regarded as a series of successive branches apparently arising from the same point. The two flowers standing side by side are moreover to be regarded as two other branches which also arise from the same point, but whose un- folding at different times proves that they must have originally stood alternately upon their branch. The bract of each flower is suppressed, the little lateral bract appears to belong again to another absent flower, and demonstrates the branch-nature of the flower. The arrangement of the flower may therefore be explained here as distichously alternate, just as occurs fre- quently in nearly allied genera, such as Thalia and Maranta. The young flower-bud first appears here as a simple gela- tinous nodule, which likewise becomes somewhat excavated on its upper surface before the separate parts show themselves di- stinctly. The outer parts of the flower next become evident, and then the second circle, which some authors call the outer circle of the corolla. Not until both are perfectly evident, and have even assumed the leafy or scale-like form, do we see the parts surrounding the style appear, which they do simultaneously, although the anther is noticed almost first, since it is found even from nearly the beginning considerably larger than the rest of the internal floral organs. The anther stands in front of one of ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 163 the inner segments of the perigone, a little to the side, since only one of its cells is destined to be perfected ; opposite to it stands the labellum, the development of which, in the very early con- ditions, outstrips the two lateral innermost parts of the flower. After this all remain very backward in their development, and only attain their large size in comparison with the anther, at a later epoch. With regard to the anther itself, it appears first as a little globule or vesicle, and a furrow is gradually formed on its anterior side. It deserves mention, that before the twist- ing and lateral development of the parts, the tooth which occurs on one side of the full-grown labellum is the oldest part of this organ, and stands in the middle of the young flower before the anther. The stigma comes to light last, as a little body exca- vated on its upper surface, and it rises up with the other organs of the flower. I must here again declare against any fusion of originally distinct organs ; the lower parts of the floral organs do not begin to elongate until a later period, and are confluent from the first. Two species of Canna which I have been able to observe in a young stage, exhibit exactly the same conditions. The peta- loid filament only acquires at a late period the expansion which it exhibits in the full-grown condition, and the same is the case with the rest of the inmost organs, which in the earliest condi- tion appear as little globules, just like the anther. The inflo- rescence here again agrees with the mode of ramification of the plant ; the flower-branches describe a three-membered spiral round the stem ; from each member of this spiral arise 2 to 3 flowers, or only 1 or 2 flowers occur with 2 to 3 bracts. The primordial leaf (vorblatt) we see occupy so important a place in Calathea, is here regularly suppressed in the little partial branches, which indicates that each 2-3 flowers correspond to a single flower, if we regard each single lateral bract of the latter as belonging to another flower. With regard to the import of the parts of the flower of this family, the view of Lestiboudois and Lindley, according to which the more or less foliaceous organs situated inside the outer two circles of the flower are stamens, appears to me the most correct, when we take into account the history of the development. The outer two circles of the flower are quite developed at the time the 11* 164 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS other organs make their appearance, and the latter all show themselves at once, as in the Musaceae. The symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a natural object, and of a plant in particular, is so general a law, striking even the uninstructed, that a deviation from it must be considered as a most extraordinary phenomenon. So far as I know, the flower of the Cannaceae is almost the only one that can be re- garded as asymmetrical. A glance at the diagram (PI. V. fig. 5) is sufficient to prove that this flower may be regarded as per- fectly symmetrical, if we assume to exist, in the midst of the two or three flowers which are found together, an axis around which the flowers are arranged in a more or less simple spiral. In this case the anther stands on the side of the hypothetical axis, just as in the Zingiberaceae, and then consequently no distinction can actually exist between these two families. The great irre- gularity which we observe in the full-grown flowers arises sub- sequently through twisting and lateral development. Zingiberaceae. Costus spicatus, Sw. While the flower of the Cannaceae is difficult to define at first sight, that of the present beautiful family will be found very easy to understand. Yet after all, as I have endeavoured to show above, it is only the inflorescence which causes these difficulties. Among the proofs of this is the circumstance that the same difficulties occur in the Zingiberaceae, if the inflorescence is not properly inter- preted ; only the matter is simpler here from the flowers being regular. A glance at the diagram of Costus (PI. V. fig. 6) will give an idea of the mode of arrangement of this flower and its rela- tion to the axis and bract. Here the labellum is assumed to be a simple element, but in many Zingiberaceae, as is well known, two little leaflets occur at its sides, which are more or less con- nected with it. The labellum of this species is three-lobed at the apex with very inconsiderable indentations ; there is an addi- tional smaller lobe at each side. The leaves of the species of Costus are, as is well known, arranged in very distinct spirals, and there also exists a twisting of the axis. The spiral of the leaves is much contracted in the spike ; behind each bract stands a solitary flower with a small lateral involucral bract (deck-blatt), which stands in front of the flower in the direction of the prin- ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 165 cipal spiral. This small bract may be regarded, as in the Can- naceae, as belonging to another suppressed flower, and it is con- sequently analogous to the two little bracts which we find at the base of the flowers in so many Dicotyledons. This frequent supposition of flowers without bracts, and involucral bracts (deck- bl'dtterri) without flowers, would not be justifiable, were not such conditions more clearly exhibited, for example, in Alpinia nutans or racemosa. Moreover, we continually meet with one or other in the Cyperaceae, Grasses, Bromeliaceae, and many other plants. The mode of composition of the spikes of a Costus is un- usually favourable to organogenetic investigation. If we select a spike not too old, we may trace all the stages from the dehiscent fruit to the bud forming merely a milky papilla behind its bract. In this young condition I never could detect a bract at the side of the bud, but it was distinctly visible by the time the bud approached the form of a nodule. This nodule then began to exhibit an excavation in its upper surface and towards the large bract. Next, in the middle of this excavation appeared another papilla which also soon became concave ; the sepals then began to separate distinctly, at least the two standing on the side next the axis. The cavity formed by the second circle of organs is at first of longish-round, but soon passes into a trian- gular shape. Thereupon three symmetrically arranged furrows show themselves between this excavation and the outer border of this circle, one behind each of the sides of the triangular excava- tion, while a little depression is observed at the place where the middle lobe of the labellum is to appear. The said furrows quickly run together and coalesce, so that soon afterwards the anther and the labellum with its three lobes are distinctly indicated. The two additional segments of the sides of the labellum make their appearance somewhat later, when the labellum, which for a short time forms with the anther a circular ridge in the inte- rior of the flower, interrupted only by the middle lobe, separates and proceeds independently in its development. If we open a rather older flower, we find all five lobes of the labellum already developed, and the furrows of the anther also becoming evident. The stigma deserves especial attention. It is first observed at the bottom of the flower, as a little, somewhat flattened ele- 166 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL, OBSERVATIONS vation, which begins very early to be somewhat emarginated above. When a little older this upper surface assumes the form of a disk inclined greatly towards the bract, exhibiting in front two distinct teeth, with a furrow below them. By degrees, that part of the stigma where the furrow is, begins to run up, more like the other side. In the full-grown condition, the teeth, which originally occupied the summit of the style, are found as a pair of little papillae on its back, and the said furrow becomes the real stigma, in which are ultimately found the capillary cells between which the pollen-tubes make their way into the ovary. The most interesting fact in the history of development just given, appears to me to be the formation of the anther and labellum in this flower. The anther and labellum, as we have seen, do not extricate themselves from a mass remain- ing in the centre of the flower, as in the other flowers observed, but a number of furrows, corresponding to the arrangement of the inmost circle, are formed in the inner side of a circle of organs already developed ; not divided, it is true, but suffi- ciently characterized by form and position. A little later we see the anther and labellum forming one connected body, and the lobes of the latter then become apparent in this. Here there- fore we might assume the production of a circle of organs by the radical deduplication of the corolline organs, which would be borne out by the development. But leaving out of the ques- tion that in Calathea, for instance, where the necessity of such a circle of organs exists quite as much, there is not a similar mode of development, it might equally be supposed here, that the two circles were originally confluent into one mass. And it may be urged against the first hypothesis, that at the time when the anther and labellum are still connected, the lobes of the latter are already indicated, at all events three of them, the middle one of which, alternating with the corolla, is unfavourable to this theory. But this early division of the labellum (so contrary to what is observed in other foliaceous organs) is that which, in my opinion, may on the other hand be brought to support the assumption that the original organs lying between the six outer organs of the flower and the pistil are to be regarded as stamens. Thus the course of development here is as favourable as possible ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 16? to certain speculations. To me it only tells for the present that nature here also displays the greatest variety, or that we are still ignorant of the laws which she follows here. Orchideae. Epidendrum bicornutum, Hook. The inflores- cence of the Orchidese (PL V. fig. 7) is in general, as every one knows, very simple, and offers no difficulties. The curvature of the peduncle, so frequently observed, produces great varia- tions in the external appearance of this lovely family, but it is of very slight or of no value for generic characters, although this particular is included in them by some. In the above-named plant, very common here on rocky sea- shores, the bud first shows itself behind the bract as a roundish slightly flattened nodule, which is soon converted into a little cup with an undivided border, at the bottom of which the traces of the rest of the parts of the flower are seen at that time as a still undivided mass. Shortly afterwards, the outermost organs of the flower become distinct by the border of the cup growing considerably at the places corresponding to these, while no development occurs at the points corresponding to the fissures separating them. Then three little papillae make their appear- ance in the middle of this flower, and directly afterwards the fourth organ, the anther, which is so situated between the lateral inner petals, that it forms a circle with them and the labellum. All these organs then increase in breadth, and the anther soon exhibits a furrow in front. The parts of the stigma appear later, at first only just indicated by a little swelling at the point of attachment of the anther. But by degrees the column rises out from the body of the flower, and the anther, which at first is quite erect, bends down upon it after its cells are perfectly developed. '- The labellum merits especial attention. Up to a comparatively late epoch this has so much the form of the anther, that the latter can only be distinguished from it by its greater thickness and its position. At a rather later epoch the anther is found still obtuse at its apex, while the labellum is apiculated, and at a somewhat more advanced period the labellum exhibits the processes, first the lateral notches on the border, and in particular, still later, the two calli, so strongly marked in the perfect flower, to which the plant owes its specific name. Such is the course in the flower of an Epidendrum with the 168 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS labellum almost free, for comparison with which I have traced the development in another species where the labellum is adherent to the column as far up as the anther. This is an Epidendrwn with almost equal sepals, the inner of which merely is a little broader, and a labellum with four calli on its expanded limb, which is three-lobed, the lobes being most elegantly fringed. The column with the labellum is, in the full-grown flower, about twice as long as the remaining organs of the flower. Here the young bud makes its first appearance exactly as in the above-described species, and as in the other plants spoken of, and very soon passes into the form of a cup, larger in the direction of its breadth. Inside this is first distinctly seen the labellum, and immediately afterwards the other three inner organs of the flower, in a row in front of the labellum. The rest of the development resembles that of the above-named flower, with the distinction that the foot of the column with the confluent la- bellum becomes elongated at a much later period. I have not been able to observe any fusion of the two organs ; there is nothing blended in the full-grown flower which was not con- fluent at the time of its first appearance. The considerable elongation of the lower portion of the floral organs presenting itself only at a late period, may be observed, among other instances, in the sexual organs of Cleome and the Passifloreae ; all this must lead me to declare against a subsequent fusion of originally separate organs. In this Epidendrum also, the lateral lobes of the labellum, as well as the calli upon the surface of the limb, appear late. With regard to the column, it must be observed that the anther is not so broad in the full-grown condi- tion as the organ upon which it rests, while in the young state it is fully three times as broad as the latter, which circumstance again indicates that mode of development of which I have spoken above. In this Epidendrum, as perhaps in all Epidendra, the anther is found erect at a comparatively late epoch ; in some Vandea I have observed this lying at the bottom of the flower at an early epoch. In Oncidium ampliatum, Lindley, I have seen the anther existing as a little papilla lying in the midst of the inner petals at the epoch when they first begin to expand laterally. On the whole, the above observations of development have not ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. 169 yielded me any result which can serve as evidence in interpreting the nature of the labellum and the column. The segments of the perianth generally present themselves just as they appear in the full-grown flo \vers, with a few exceptions which are readily explicable, and do not differ from known modes of deve- lopment of foliaceous organs. That what is called an epigynous flower first presents itself as a simple body, as observed in all these plants, will not be found strange when we recollect that the same has long been established in gamopetalous flowers, and that in the majority of cases there is no essential distinction between flowers of the two kinds, except the radial confluence. I may add that I am not in a position to cavil at or to under- value observations and opinions which have emanated in part from distinguished philosophers ; on the contrary, those theories are so much the more worthy of admiration, since in some cases they were necessarily set up without knowledge of the history of development. Rightly and by universal agreement have the physical sciences been ruled since the middle of the last century by direct experience, but far too much power would be claimed for this, if we condemned everything which had not yet been confirmed by it. If now, in reviewing these four families, we direct our at- tention to the mode of arrangement, we are in the first place struck by the fact that the calyx and the corolla stand in an unchangeable relation to the bract and to the axis* Lindley appears to wish to make the Orchideae an exception to this, ascribing to this family an additional outer circle of floral envelopes, occurring in Epistephium, of which organs one must therefore fall next the axis and two towards the bract. And he uses this as a support for his opinion of the morphological com- position of the flower of the Orchidere, to which we shall return in the sequel. Disregarding the objection that so rare a case as the appearance of a calyculus, even if it should occur in certain other genera, would scarcely prove anything for the entire family, unless it were accompanied by other conditions, and further, that this calyculus has not yet been investigated in its earliest conditions, &c., such a mode of arrangement is a very 170 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS extraordinary event among the Endogenae and deserves little trust*. And it ought also to be noted, that in the flowers of Musa above described, when 3 6-parted flowers passed into 2- or 4-parted, the leaf next the bract retained its relative po- sition. This circumstance also appears to answer the question whether the arrangement of the parts of the flower is determined by the bract or by the axis, in so far that the former keeps fixed the organ standing next above itf. On the other hand, to con- * Through a lucky accident I have been able to settle this matter. In our lower savannahs is found a very elegant species of Epistephium, which I was enabled to obtain in all stages of development, at the moment when I intended to send off the above little essay. In this species the calyculus possesses three largish teeth standing behind the outer segments of the perianth, a small one under the labellnm and a pair of indistinct little teeth, one on each side of the larger tooth next the bract. The rest of the arrangement agrees exactly with that in other Orchideae : of other characters I have seen that the outer seg- ments of the perianth never wholly cover the two lateral inner ones, but a thick midrib remains exposed in each of the latter. The seeds, moreover, have an appearance which seems to me unusual among the Orchideae ; the testa, namely, is expanded into a wing running round the nucleus. The develop- ment of the segments of the perianth is in agreement with the mode in which they subsequently overlie one another. At each side of the little nodule which is the first representative of the flower of this plant, we observe a little point, the first trace of the sepals, and a little later the middle sepal ; at the same time with the latter, the two lateral inner segments of the perianth. Then the labellum appears, and almost simultaneously with that the anther. In this flower also the anther is at first erect, although it subsequently lies upon the summit of the column. Up to this time no trace of a calyculus is to be seen ; it first presents itself clearly when the flower rises above the axil of the bract and the boundary between the ovary and the segments of the perianth becomes visible. The calyculus is persistent upon the fruit, while the other parts separate from it at a very early period. 1 believe I am justified in concluding from the foregoing, that the calyculus, when it presents itself in the Orchideae, does not represent an external circle of organs, because (1) its segments do not alternate with those of that standing above it ; (2) they originate later than those ; and (3) because they persist upon the capsule, while the other parts become detached. I should lay much stress upon the last reason, yet I think that this calyculus must be regarded as analogous to that which may be observed on the fruits of certain Compositae, Dipsaceae, &c. f In the Dicotyledons also it may frequently be observed, that the sepal which lies outside keeps its place in malformations or changes of numeral relation. Thus in the Myrtaceae, Melastomaceae and Onagraceae (Jussieua). Several species of the last vary uncommonly in their numerical relations ; one segment of the calyx always lies next the bract. The same occurs in Osbeckia glomerata when it presents ternary circles of organs, as sometimes though rarely occurs. How far the assumption of the position of the floral organ lying ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. sider the matter on all sides, the view which assumes the exist- ence of an outer circle of organs, gives the flower of the Orchideae a greater analogy with the Scitamineae in reference to the relative position of the anther. Those also who regard the anther of the Cannaceae as standing in front of a lateral inner petal, must make an exception to the rule that one of the three sepals falls next the bract standing nearest to the flower. But as it is a more logical proceeding to regard the side of the flower where the anther occurs as the real axial side, that rule may be assumed as valid here, whether that bract is present or not. In addition to the ample number of characters which distin- guish the Orchideae from the Scitamineae, the position of the anther, as above indicated and universally recognized, exhibits an important difference. While in the latter it stands at the axial side of the flower and embraces the style, or in certain Cannaceae is only blended with the latter through the medium of the tube of the perianth, in the Orchideae it stands to a certain extent upon the style and on the bracteal side. In the Musaceae both variations of the arrangement occur simulta- neously. In Heliconia, as above mentioned, the five stamens stand on the axial side of the branch upon which the flowers occur ; in Musa, on the side next the bract ; in Heliconia, more- over, the abortive stamen stands in front of the middle outer segment of the perianth. With this is combined a remarkable variation of the inflorescence, which I have already indicated above. The flowers of Musa standing sometimes in one, some- times in two transverse rows, are all of one period of development, while in Heliconia they are developed in succession, in the order in which they approach toward the bract. The ordinary view is, that the six stamens of Monocotyle- dons belong to two successive circles. Although this is very clear in theory, no proof for the assertion can be found in the course of development of the flowers here under examination. In most cases I have distinctly seen the two outer circles of organs arise in succession, but in Musa and Heliconia I have next the axis being changeable, is applicable to the vegetable kingdom in ge- neral, I must leave to be discussed by others. In the place where I live, I must necessarily always be some years behindhand in literature, and thus it seems to me that this question has not met with all the attention it deserves. 1?2 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS just as distinctly seen all the stamens appear simultaneously. I have observed the same in the innermost circle of appendicular organs in the Scitamineae, which in Costus, for example, appear clearly all at once*. In Mma rosacea, it will be recollected, even the segments of the perianth all originate at one time, so that they do not always overlie one another in the same way. In like manner we have seen the labellum of Musa sapientum originate with the stamens, but it would scarcely occur to any one to explain it as a metamorphosed stamen on this ground, since it is too strongly characterized by position and form, and by the fact that a stamen often stands before it in monstrous flowers. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that the said circum- stance referring to the period of its development, andjthe frequent transformation of stamens into labelloid bodies, indicates a kind of transition from one to the other. Few flowers indeed have been the subject of so many theories as the Orchideae. Without enlarging upon the literature of this point, I must yet observe that Lindley, in his ( Vegetable King- dom/ retains his older view on this subject, and only indicates an alteration on one point. While assuming, as above men- tioned, an additional circle of organs on the outside, he calls the inner organs, immediately surrounding the column, metamor- phosed stamens, and presumes that the stamens contained in * In the not very distantly related Bromeliaceae I have observed the same in Billbergia, although a portion of the stamens is blended with the inner seg- ments of the perianth in the full-grown flower. Another condition allows of the conclusion of a simultaneous origin of the stamens in this flower. As is well known, the organs are all more or less twisted, and in such a manner that the petals exhibit an opposite direction to the sepals, and so on ; the lobes of the stigma have the direction of the second circle. Now if the stamens origi- nated at two successive epochs, the lobes of the stigma ought to exhibit the same direction as the sepals. The different direction of succeeding circles in twisted flowers, very evident sometimes in the calyx and corolla of the Mela- stomaceae also (in the Apocyneae where, as is well known, the segments of the calyx stand in the quincunx, the direction of the corolla is opposite to the spiral described by the sepals), is certainly most favourable to the movement of the organs in the interior of the flower during their growth. It must be remembered also that this direction, different when seen from outside, is the same where two circles touch, and that if the opposite condition occurred, the organs must be interposed between each other. How far that consideration can be used as a criterion, as I have ventured to use it in the Bromeliaceae, I must leave for the decision of the masters of science. ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. the column are the inner circle of these. And then he gives up his earlier opinion as to the stigma of the Orchideae, and assumes that its arms are opposite to the lateral organs of the outer circle of the perianthial organs. With regard to the first point, I have already advanced some arguments against the assumption of a calyculus as typical, and cannot but think Endlicher's view, as laid down in his ( Genera Plantarum/ the more correct, chiefly because the soli- tary anther in every case stands in front of that outer organ of the perianth, which falls next the bract. The complicated nature of the labellum appears to me to be shown both by its so fre- quent confluence with the column, and by the cases where all the other organs of the perianth are blended together, and the column alone remains free. The history of development is quite silent on this point, as well as in reference to the column, at least in the above plants. But I have no doubt that the Neottieae display the composition of the column most distinctly in their development, just as, moreover, the analogy of the Orchideae with the Scitamineae is rendered most clear by this group. In a series of monstrosities of Ornithocephalus in my possession, there is one which has only one simple filiform body at the bottom of the flower, and another where two such organs are observed one standing behind the other, evidently anther and column, arrested at the lowest stage of development*. In reference to the explanation of the stigma of the Orchideas, * Since monstrosities in general, so interesting in many respects, do not always prove much in other directions, I cannot accord very great value to the various monstrosities observed in the Orchideas. When three anthers occur instead of one upon a column, the additional two may just as well be called a monstrous multiplication of the central one, as a retrogression to the tvpe ; even as, for example, a pelorian Linaria by no means proves that the flower of Linaria ought to have five spurs. On this ground pelorice in general ought to be divided into two groups, one comprehending those where the regularity is restored by the multiplication of an existing irregularity. To return to the Orchidese, I have observed blossoms of Isochilus where in almost every case three anthers occurred instead of one ; and where in one case I found only one, there were still two empty ones by its sides. But this is certainly not a further return to the type. If however, on the whole, no doubt can exist now-a-days as to the morphological import of the column, it must still be observed, that no mon- strosity can demonstrate how it should properly appear, and that if ever a co- lumn should present itself separated into its elements, this might have a totally different character. 174 CRUGER'S ORGANOGRAPHICAL OBSERVATIONS it seems to me as though the development and character of this organ might throw some light over this subject, although analo- gies, often only apparent, cannot wholly decide such a question. When, for instance, in agreement with their mode of development and their arrangement, we regard the two calli which occur under the stigma as the points of two carpels, the tube which leads to the germen is formed only on the outer carpel, and indeed, as it seems, on the back of it. It may be equally assumed in the Orchideae, that the canal of the stigma is developed in that carpel falling next the bract, while the other two, lying next the labellum, may be supposed to be buried in this, which at the same time gives a kind of explanation of the frequent resem- blance between the labellum and the column. Of course the many arms and branches of the latter remain unexplained here, unless we consider that this is itself a complex organ. The mode of dehiscence of the capsule of the Orchideae favours the view which assumes six instead of three carpels in this family, and the loculicidal dehiscence is likewise analogous to that most frequent in the groups nearest allied to the Orchideae. It is worthy of observation in the Bromeliaceae, that in the genera which have a dry fruit, sometimes the loculicidal, sometimes the septicidal dehiscence occurs, according as the fruit is blended with the circles of organs surrounding it, or is possessed of a free superior ovary. Among the Orchideae, the fruits of Cryptar- rhcena lanata, R. Br. ; Dichcsa graminoides, Lindl. ; and certain species of Pleurothallis, open on one side, i. e. two valves standing at the side of the column remain connected together, and the third, which stands below the labellum, separates from the others by two fissures. The ribs, which in other species separate from the placentiferous valves, are entirely wanting here. It would seem as if the firmer combination of the valves below the column, in these cases, was produced by the stamen occurring above them. But it must not be forgotten that in all these cases the septa, or in one-celled fruits the placentas, alter- nate with the sepals. The mode, however, in which a fruit bursts, cannot prove any- thing concerning its morphological nature. The great variation which prevails in this phaenomenon, the circumstance that otherwise very nearly allied genera exhibit essential differences ON CERTAIN EPIGYNOUS MONOCOTYLEDONS. in this particular, testify that no great stress can be laid upon this part of vegetable life, in regard to the import of organs. In this case, as in all others, an earnest study of the arrangement of the organs will, sooner or later, probably solve the question. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE V. Fig. 1. Diagram of Heliconia. B, Universal bract; b, partial bracts, the figures show the flowers to which these belong. Ax, main axis; ax, axis of the branch. The noughts (0) indicate in this, as in the suc- ceeding diagrams, the places where stamens are abortive ; the points () actually existing stamens or anthers. Where a nought is crossed through (0), it indicates a petal taking the place of a stamen. Fig. 2. Diagram of Musa. Fig. 3. Diagram of Calathea, showing how the flowers are enclosed in a bract and a floral leaf (yorblatt) ; bb, little bracts. Fig. 4. Diagram of a single flower of Calathea. Fig. 5. Diagram of Canna. IB, 2s, 3s, large bracts; b and c, small bracts. Fig. 6. Diagram of Costus. B, large bract; b, lateral, small bracteal leaf (deck-blati). Fig. 7. Diagram of Orchidea. [A. H.] K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. ARTICLE VII. Fragments relating to Philosophical Zoology. Selected from the Works ofK. E. VON BAER. [THE translator feels some apology necessary for the present departure from the principle which ordinarily guides the Edi- tors of the Scientific Memoirs ; the principle, that is, of repro- ducing the work translated in its entirety and completeness. There were two objections to pursuing this course with von Bar's writings. In the first place they are voluminous, and in the second, they are between twenty and thirty years old ; so that they would have required notes and corrections as voluminous as themselves to bring them, in matters of detail, up to a level with the present state of our zoological knowledge. On the other hand it seemed a pity that works which embody the deepest and soundest philosophy of zoology, and indeed of biology generally, which has yet been given to the world, should be longer unknown in this country*. The present selections have therefore been made, and it is hoped that they embody all the important points of von BaVs doctrines. The translator will be more than gratified, if yet, during the lifetime of the vener- able author, he should be the means of assisting to place in its proper position the reputation of one who had in the completest manner demonstrated the truth of the doctrine of Epigenesis three years before the delivery of Cuvier's Leqons sur I'Histoire des Sciences Naturelles (in which he still advocates the Evolution theory) ; and who had long recognized development as the sole basis of zoological classification, while in France Cuvier and GeoiFroy St. Hilaire were embittering one another's lives with endless mere anatomical discussions and replications, and while in Germany the cautious study of nature was given up for the spinning of Natur- Philosophies and other hypothetical cobwebs.] * Dr. Carpenter (Principles of General Physiology) is, so far as we know, the only English physiologist who has publicly drawn attention to Von Bar's philosophical writings. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. I. The Relations of Affinity among the Lower Forms of Animals. [From the Beltrdge zur Kenntmsa tier niedern Thiere, von K. E. VON BAER, Nova Acta Physico-Medica, 1826, t. xiii.] From the time when the author of these essays first began to occupy himself seriously with the study of the animal world, he thought he could observe that the ordinary conception of the mutual relations of animal forms was not true to nature, and peculiar views concerning the so-called affinities of animals arose in his mind. So far back as the year 1819, he began to print these views, but ceased his attempt when he had reached the fourth sheet, partly because the development of these principles led him further than he had expected, partly because he desired to make further personal investigations. Since that period, how- ever, his conception of the mutual relations of animal forms, remaining fundamentally unchanged, has more and more per- fected itself. This is not the place, nor is there sufficient room here to demonstrate it completely, for the proving of the prin- ciple appears to him to be at present the chief matter, which is impossible without entering into the essential peculiarities of animal structure and their relations to the rest of nature, by w : hich they are conditioned and rendered intelligible. However, the results of the preceding investigations have led him to re- lations of affinity w r hose truth will not be granted so long as another system of animals is regarded as perfectly natural and true. Hence, as a corner-stone to the preceding treatises, it seems advisable to attempt a clearing up of the so-called affi- nities of animals. (p. 731, 732.) If we take any one of the principal forms of invertebrate ani- mals, we find it in many stages of development, and descending in a more or less uninterrupted series down to the Protozoa. Even the vital characteristics which are manifested in the higher grades, are indicated in their first commencement. The elon- gated Vibriones, the prototypes of the Naidae and Nematoid Worms, and with these of the Insects, are distinguished by their swift and uninterrupted movements beyond all other Infusoria. We must, however, take care not to confound the Bacillaria, which to us appear to be true plants, with the Vibriones. The Paramacia, prototypes of the Trematoda, shorter and broader SC1EN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART II. 12 178 K.E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. than the Vibriones, are less active, but very much surpass in this respect the globular Volvoces with their allies. The lower animals teach us, what we have already learnt from the chaotic dwellers in the Mussels, that the kind of movement (which is here almost the only manifestation of life) depends upon the form of the body ; thence a duplex movement where the body, as in the Cercarice, is composed of two forms. On this account indeed, Miiller's characters for the genera of the Infusoria, which are taken, not from the general figure of the body, but from non-essential organs, hairs and spines, are so little fitted to yield natural groups, and leave us in want of an altogether new nomenclature, and of new definitions of the genera. In order to obtain a just insight into the mutual affinities of animals,it is before all things necessary to distinguish the different types of organization from the different grades of development, The general neglect of this distinction seems to us to have led to the strangest approximations. We have theCephalopods supposed to form a transition to Fishes, and the Echinoderms connecting Polypes with Intestinal Worms. But metamorphose a Cepha- lopod as you will, there is no making a fish out of it, save by building up all the parts afresh. Granting that the Cephalopoda are the most developed Mollusks, and that the Fishes are the least developed Vertebrata ; and that therefore there is a certain approximation between them, so far as regards the degree of development ; yet to the unprejudiced eye they present no closer affinity, L e. agreement in formation. Can it be denied that a Pike is infinitely more similar to Man than a Sepia ? As little can we recognise any affinity between the Starfish and the Tape- worm. In the former the repetition of structure is successive in a circle, in the latter in a longitudinal direction. That is the sole agreement. But even in this there lies a contrast. Our persuasion, that the grades of development must be distinguished from the types of organization, is founded upon the following considerations : We know that all the functions of the perfect animal body contribute to a general result, to the life of the animal ; but also that the general mass manifests the total life (for animal life is always a totality) ; that the albuminous jelly of the Polype digests, breathes, contracts, feels, and pro- pagates ; that, however, all these functions go on as it were in K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. common, or but slightly isolated, just as the whole mass of the body is a homogeneous mass. With a greater separation and more complete independence of these functions is combined a greater differentiation of the body into organic systems, and of these systems again into separate more individualized sections. In this consists the higher development of the animal body. But the mode in which these organs of the animal body are united together, is a wholly distinct matter. And it is to this manner in which the organic elements are combined that we give the name of Type. Every type may be. manifested in higher and lower degrees of organization; the type and the grade of development together determine the special forms. Therefore for every type there exist grades of development which here and there form considerable series indeed, yet which are in no uninterrupted succession of development, and are never equal through all grades. Although then, in the following pages we speak of certain series of grades of development, we are far from wishing to assert any equal distribution of forms through these. On the other hand, we think it obvious that the assumption of any such corresponding affinities among organic forms does violence to nature. Whatever such scheme may have been devised, it cannot be discovered by the unprejudiced observer. If such a correspondence be deduced a priori from the harmonious ope- ration of nature, we may demonstrate with equal justice and force that among men A must have as many relations as B, be- cause such equivalency of relationship is contained in the idea (denkbar], and therefore must be ; and that if B even gave out he had fewer brothers, they would nevertheless be discovered some day or other. It appears to us that here the necessarily regular occurrence of the phaenomena has been confounded with their mu- tual equivalency. For instance, to resume the comparison which the word affinity has suggested : as the small number of children in a family is not a matter of chance, but depends upon the slight fecundity of the parents ; so it is no chance or whim of na- ture that certain animal forms are realized in fewer variations, and exhibit fewer deviations than others. The reason must lie in the nature of these forms. Certain combinations of organic parts are, to speak metaphorically, more natural than others. A 12* 180 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. bird's beak must be more in harmony with a bird's body and more easily combined with it, than with a mammalian body, arid still less with a frog's body ; for with a multitude of beaked birds, we have only a couple of beaked mammalia, and no beaked frog at all. Here we have, not to interpret, but to conceive what actually exists. We see in fact, that certain principal models of the animal kingdom become modified among various animals, not however equally, but in such a manner that the majority of these modi- fications are more closely allied than the rest. The principal models may be called Provinces of the animal kingdom, and their most important modifications, Classes ; these being again mo- dified into subordinate forms, Families, and so forth. It happens always, however, that among the subordinate modifications of any degree, the majority resemble one another, and only a few diverge ; so that the organic theme with its variations may be compared to a sphere composed of a densely compressed centre and a much more thinly populated atmosphere. Upon the same relations again depend what we call genus and species. The species consists of a number of individuals, which are indeed not perfectly similar, but most of which exhibit an obvious similarity ; whilst a few are often so aberrant, that it might be seriously doubted whether they are to be grouped under this form or not. These aberrations, however, are not only rare, but Nature affords them less support, so that they continually tend, either in themselves or in their progeny, to return to the normal standard. There are, further, two remarkable laws : the first, that the more dense the centre, the less extensive is the atmo- sphere, as well in the larger spheres as in the smaller subordinate ones. So even in the species. If the individuals which may be unquestionably referred to one species, yet differ a good deal from one another, then the number of those concerning which well-founded doubts may be entertained, is not inconsiderable. The more similar, on the other hand, the normal individuals are to one another, so much the less frequently, or even not at all, do the transitional forms occur. Secondly, in every larger sphere the subordinate spheres of the centre are richer in se- condary forms than the sphere of the periphery. In fact, if we take single species, we find that they are the more rich in indi- K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 181 viduals, and the more extensively scattered over the earth's surface, the more closely they are connected with the centre of a sphere of modification. What has been said may be made more intelligible by exam- ples. I choose them from among the Vertebrata, and, indeed, from the higher classes, because our acquaintance with these is least defective. The Mammalia differ so much from one an- other, that without anatomical examination they could hardly be recognised as modifications of one principal form. Their centre is evidently formed by the proper quadrupeds, while the climbers (Quadrumana), the fliers (Cheiroptera), the swimmers (Cetacea), and lastly the Monotremata, represent the atmosphere, or the aberrant forms. The proper quadrupeds even present considerable differences from one another ; still more do the peripheral forms differ from one another and from the central forms. They considerably approach other principal forms, with- out however truly passing into them ; for the organization of the most aberrant forms, the Ornithorhynchus and the Whale, is still so far removed from that of a true fish or amphibian, that we can decide with certainty to which class they belong. It is otherwise with Birds. All the orders are so similar in their essential relations, that we find them as it were crowded round the centre, and only the Ostrich with a few other birds can be regarded as the peripheral members of this very con- densed sphere. These peripheral members again do not de- viate so far from the principal forms, but that the hastiest inspection is sufficient to leave no doubt on the mind, whether they are beasts or birds. Enclosed within these narrow bounds, the number of Birds is yet at least six times as great as that of the Mammalia. The peripheral forms among Birds are to the central forms, hardly in the proportion of 1 to 1000 : in the Mammalia they form more than one-fourth (!) of the whole. If we turn to the subordinate spheres, we find in the centre of the Mammalia a few families whose normal genera are very similar to one another, as the Ruminants. Here the number of the peripheral forms (the hornless Ruminants) is not only small, but they are likewise few and scattered in the world (Camels are multiplied only by human aid), in comparison with the herds of Antelopes, Deer, and Oxen. The Carnivora, whose centre is 182 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. formed by the Cats, Hyenas, Dogs, Viverridae, and Weasels, are much more unlike one another, and so form a less con- solidated sphere than the Ruminants. So much the more nume- rous and more nearly approximated to other families are their transitional forms, by which in the Potto they approach the Quadrumana ; in the Insectivora, the Rodents ; in the Fish the Otter, the Seal and the Walrus, the Cetacea ; in the Marsu- pialia, the Monotremata ; and these transitional forms are upon the whole far poorer in individuals than the aberrant forms of more narrowly limited families. The Rodents present nearly the same peculiarities. Among the proper quadrupeds the least consolidated sphere is that of the Pachydermata, which, however, in relation to the small number of those forms which can be considered central, has many aberrant members, the Daman, the Elephant, the Solidungulata ; and in the ancient world there were yet more. Among Birds the transitional forms are more solitary genera, the Ostriches and Cassowaries, which under the influence of the more consolidated centre are only single mu- tually divergent groups. Among the Mammalia, where even the central forms are not so closely arranged, the transitional or atmo- spheric groups themselves compose considerable spheres. The Quadrumana, a transition to Man, form a numerous order, whose centre is constituted by the true Apes ; while the Makis, the transition to the proper quadrupeds, form single small scattered families. Not so the Bats, for which the genera Pteropus, and still more Galeopithecus, are transitional forms. Most distant from the centre of the proper quadrupeds are the Monotremata ; and in accordance with this we find that they contain but few genera, among which considerable differences exist, and that even the species are represented by but few individuals. If we glance at the Amphibia, we find that the members of the most aber- rant group, the Sirenidae, are not only more dissimilar from one another, than, for example, all the tail-less Batrachia which oc- cupy the centre are, but that their occurrence is limited to a few places. Do not these considerations show that the Idea of animal or- ganization does not vary at equal intervals, but, as we observed above, is realized in certain principal forms which again break up into variations of a lower grade, in such a manner that the K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 183 variations are more or less closely accumulated around a given centre, according to the peculiar nature of each standard form ? It follows at once from this that the transitions are more indi- cated than realized, that they are very unequally distributed, and that they never form an even progression ; for at the limits of two spheres, the most similar members of each are far more remote from one another than they are from their own centres. The conception of spheres does not exclude that of series ; on the other hand, the different types, since a manifold degree of development occurs in them, will necessarily arrange themselves in series, which however again consist of spheres, radiating from whose centres every single form varies in many directions. Four principal types appear distinctly to manifest themselves j the type of the elongated, Articulated animal, the type of the Radiate animal, the type of the Mollusk, and that of the Ver- tebrate animal ; the latter unite the articulate and molluscous type together in their animal and vegetative organs. Indeed one might perhaps recognise in the head an outline of the ra- diate type, since here in the course of further development all parts become more and more collected around a central point. Besides this, in any case the central portion of their nervous system is something peculiar which is wanting in other animals ; for which reason the Vertebrata cannot descend to the lowest grades of organization. It will be seen that we have here arrived at the four principal divisions of the animal kingdom established by Cuvier. We believe, in fact, that Cuvier has penetrated most deeply into the relations of animal organisms. But he does not satisfy us in this ; that he requires in the Mollusca and Articulata not only the type of their organization, but also a certain degree of deve- lopment, a condition which can only be required of the single classes. The consequence is, that all the animals of low organi- zation are thrown among the Radiata, although very many of them are by no means radiate in their structure. The bounda- ries under these circumstances could only be drawn arbitrarily. If Gordius belongs to the Articulata, why should not Filaria and Vibrio ? It seems plain to us that the conditions which predo- minate in this type may be traced down to the lowest stages of organization ; only we must not require from these prototypes, 184 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. that the special details of the parts, i.e. of the intestinal or ner- vous systems, resemble what is found in the higher grades ; for the intestine and the nervous system themselves are not always present; it needs only that the general character should be re- cognised. We thus obtain principal series between which again subordinate ones are found, according as in them the character of one type is more or less mixed up with that of another. These series again send out offshoots, and by no means always take a rigidly straight course, since every series is fundamentally only a number of spheres. After what has been said, it will cause no astonishment if we neither make the series equally perfect, nor draw them out to an equal length. It seems to us rather, that there is evident reason why gaps must exist here and there (pp. 738-747). What do we gain, however, by this view of the lower forms of animals ? We ask in the name of the reader. We gain, 1 believe, a great deal. In the first place we safely base the conviction, that all the forms of animals are by no means to be considered as uni- serial developments from the lowest to the highest grade of per- fection. Although from the Vibrio to the Butterfly intermediate forms occur, though not at equal intervals, nor of equal deve- lopment, which manifest in their form and life the grades of a common character, yet no starfish nor shellfish can be in- truded without completely destroying the fundamental concep- tion of a genetic connexion. The same relations are repeated in many fundamental types. In order to show at once the ap- plication of our views to special investigations, we must call to mind that the metamorphoses of animals in time have been com- pared with the stages of development considered as isolated, or the so-called metamorphosis in space. It has been concluded by a bold generalization from a few r analogies, that the higher animals run in the course of their development through the lower animal grades, and sometimes tacitly and sometimes expressly they have been supposed to take their way through all forms. We hold this to be not only untrue, but also impossible. The general type appears to us to be always unchanged, and we observe that animals in the course of their development are more or less simi- lar only to lower stages of the same type. The insect may per- K. E, VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 185 haps resemble a Vibrio or a Thread-worm ; but never a Medusa or an Ascidian. In the Vertebrata, indeed, it has been attempted to demonstrate an agreement with Medusae in the distribution of the vessels in the germinal membrane ! Here the only thing overlooked was the body of the embryo. In this the essential character of the type is the first to arise; the formation of the vertebrate animal begins with the rudiment of the vertebral column, proceeding from which the dorsal folds pass up- wards and the visceral plates downwards, so as to lay the founda- tions of the upper and lower halves of the body, which charac- terize this form. Our view explains also, how the external forms of animal bodies are connected with their vital manifestations, and with the arrangement of the internal parts. The separate organic ele- ments develope themselves into a higher state of perfection by differentiation of the animal substance. Their form and con- nexion, however, depend upon the type which predominates in the animal, or in a principal part of it. Hence from the form of the exterior one can conclude the arrangement of the interior. If we examine, for instance, an Octopus, we see the molluscous structure only in the sac-like part of the body, while in the head the motor organs are arranged in a completely radiate manner around a central point. In the middle is the aperture of the mouth, and it corresponds completely with the type of the ra- diate animal, that the nerves and vessels, before they pass into the separate arms, are combined into a circle in the median disc. We know again that the Cephalopoda most frequently swim with their heads directed downwards ; the radiate portion of the body therefore seems to hold and to move itself in accordance with the mode of locomotion prevalent in its type, overcoming the tendency of the molluscous body. Even in the higher animals we find that when single parts take on the external form of the radiate type, we have a corresponding order of the nerves and vessels. Thus it is with the iris of the Vertebrata. Furthermore, our conception explains how, according to the nature of the different types, a given organ arises, and becomes developed earlier in one than in another ; how it is again that the perfection of a single organ does not imply a general corre- spondence in development. It is one of the characters of our 186 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. first type that the principal vascular trunks are tubes, and a true sharply defined heart appears only very late in the already modified form of the Decapoda. In the radiate type we have rings united by a perpendicular vessel. In the molluscous type, in which there is a general tendency to the formation of vesicles, the central point of the organization naturally appears earliest as a distinct heart. The French zoologists then are greatly in error in regarding the Mollusca from this organ alone as more highly developed than the Insects, and in placing the Acephala above the Bees. Finally, this idea enables us to comprehend how the general form of the type depends upon the productive conditions (zeu- genden momenten), W 7 hile the inner development depends espe- cially upon the nature of the animal. Perhaps these considera- tions may be profitable if they be kept in view in the course of investigations into the course of development. II. On the Development of Animals, with Observations and Re- flections. By Dr. K. E. VON BAER, Konigsberg, 1828. [Ueber Entwickelungs-Geschichte der Thiere, von Dr. K. E. VON BAER. 4 to, 1828.] THE FIFTH SCHOLIUM. On the relations of the forms which the individual takes in the different stages of its development, pp. 199-264. 1. The prevalent notion, that the embryo of higher animals passes through the permanent forms of the lower animals. The relation of the forms which the embryo gradually assumes has already been referred to in its proper place in the course of the exposition of the mode of development of the chick. The importance of the subject, however, and the interest with which it has lately been regarded, lead me to think it fitting and ne- cessary to undertake a special investigation of these relations, since they appear to me to be somewhat different from what the general opinion represents them. In order to be clearly under- stood in developing my own views, and to bring forward more distinctly their essential features, I must be permitted first to explain the prevalent mode of conceiving the progress of the development of the embryo. Few expressions of the relations of organized beings have met K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 187 with so much applause as this : that the higher forms of animals in the single stages of the development of the individual, from its first origin to its completed development, answer to the permanent forms of the animal series, and that the development of each ani- mal follows the same laivs as that of the whole animal series ; thai therefore the more highly organized animal in its individual development passes essentially through the permanent forms which lie beloiv it, so that the periodical differences of the individual may be referred to the differences of the permanent animal forms. This idea, springing into existence at a time when no con- nected investigation (except those of Malpighi and Wolff) into the earlier periods of development of any animal had been in- stituted, and principally carried out by a man who perhaps pos- sessed more knowledge than any one else of the course of de- velopment of the higher organisms, could not fail to be widely accepted, since it was supported by a multitude of special de- monstrations. It acquired yet greater influence, by its fruitful application to the explanation of a series of monstrosities, which were regarded as the consequences of a partial arrest of deve- lopment in its earlier periods. It is no wonder then that it was warmly received and rigorously carried out. Certain of its advocates were so zealous, that they no longer spoke of similarity, but of perfect identity, and assumed that the correspondence had been demonstrated in all cases and to the minutest details. A short time since we read in a paper upon the circulation in the embryo, that there was no animal form through which the embryo of man omitted to pass. By degrees it became the custom to look upon the different forms of animals as developed out of one another, and then many appeared to forget that this metamorphosis was after all only a mode of con- ceiving the facts. On the strength of the observation that no vertebral remains are to be found in the older strata, it was con- cluded that there was historical evidence for such a metamor- phosis of the different forms of animals, and at length, in sober seriousness, and with all due particularity, we were informed exactly how they arose from one another. Nothing could be easier. A fish, swimming towards the shore, desires to take a walk, but finds his fins useless. They diminish in breadth for want of use, and at the same time elongate. This goes on with 188 K. E. VOX BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. children and grandchildren for a few myriads of years, and at last who can be astonished that the fins become feet ? It is still more natural that the fish in the meadow, finding no water, should gape after air, thereby, in alike period of time, deve- loping lungs ; the only difficulty being that in the meanwhile a few generations must manage to do without breathing at all. The long neck of the heron arose from a habit its ancestors ac- quired of stretching out their necks for the purpose of catching fish. The young ones in consequence came into the world with their necks something the longer, and cultivated the same trick, transmitting to their posterity still longer necks, whence we may fairly expect, that when the world is getting very old, the herons 5 necks will be past measuring altogether. An immediate consequence of the assumption of this idea as a natural law was, that a view which had once been very gene- ral, but had subsequently been pretty generally given up that of the universal progression of the different forms of animals gradually got footing again ; and though not often asserted in so many words, nay, perhaps unconsciously to naturalists them- selves, it became admitted in discussions concerning animal forms. It must be confessed that the natural law being as- sumed, logical consequence required the admission of the view in question. There was then only one. road of metamorphosis, that of further development, either attained in one individual (individual metamorphosis] , or through the different animal forms (the metamorphosis of the animal kingdom] ; and disease was to be considered as a retrogressive metamorphosis, because univer- sal metamorphosis, like a railroad, allows motion backwards or forwards, but not to one side. From such applications, opposed at once to unprejudiced in- vestigation and to exact knowledge, the more cautious indeed, and before all that advocate of the principle through whose name it attained the widest assent, carefully abstained ; but it cannot be denied that they were the logical consequences of the law, and thence a sufficient ground of distrust*. But the attacks of * It did not appear fitting here to give a detailed account of this theory, for the purpose of attempting to refute it. Since a certain contradiction ap- peared perceptible enough in Nature, it has been carried out by different men very differently. Those who were best provided with special knowledge were K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 189 its adversaries were partly directed only against the exaggerations, partly were weak in not being supported by careful personal observation of the development of the same animal form. A few exceptional cases can have but little weight, unless a completely new doctrine can be substituted. The gradual de- velopment of the embryo out of a delicate homogeneous mass, called to mind so strongly the construction of the body of the lowest animals, that all objections appeared wasted against un- important minutiae, so long as the attempt was not made, re- cognizing this agreement, to demonstrate another and a differ- ent relation. Quite recently, in fine, the doctrine of the agreement of in- dividual metamorphosis with the ideal metamorphosis of the whole animal kingdom obtained an additional importance, by llathke's brilliant discovery of gill-clefts in the embryos of Mam- mals and Birds, in which very soon afterwards the appropriate vessels were found. always more cautious and indefinite, while those who followed them were much more decided. The whole doctrine appears to me to be more a phase of the development of natural science than the property of any single man. Different degrees of development were observed in the different forms of animals. It was recognized that these animal forms are to be considered as modifications of one another. It was natural, in fact necessary, that the attempt should be made to carry out the simplest mode of conceiving these modifications, that all forms are immediately developed out of one. The assumption of this develop- ment as an historical fact, can be considered but a small step further, and is a logical deduction ; a comparison with individual development came necessarily into the same circle of ideas ; and in any case it is a service to have made the experiment how far our knowledge of development can be introduced therein. With the full conviction that the view in its whole extent is a necessary transitional phase of our knowledge of nature, it seemed unnecessary to the short exposition given above, to follow an exact chronological order. Many of the attempts indicated, to show the development of the classes of ani- mals one out of the other, are older than the more important endeavours to refer the stages of development of the embryo to the class-differences. All this I know very well, and I expect no objections on this head. I chose only the shortest mode of exposition. The whole circle of ideas, which I here hope to define more exactly, by drawing attention to the distinction between the higher and lower stages of development of the animal body and the type of organization, has so large a share in all investigations, that we meet with it in a very great number of works, and it is therefore quite unimportant to make a selection here. 190 K. E. VOX BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 2. Doubts and Objections. At an early period my attention was directed to the mutual relation of the permanent forms of animals ; and the first thing that appeared obvious to me was, that this relation could in nowise be considered as a uniserial progressive development. But a uniserial progressive development, if only as a logical conception, appears to be absolutely necessary for the permanent forms of animals, if they are repeated in the development of the individual. I therefore regarded this doctrine with mistrust, and kept it constantly in mind in investigating the development of the chick, in the persuasion that the continued observation of the develop- ment of a single species of animal must yield a more certain decision than a multitude of single unconnected comparisons. As, however, my observations convinced me that the essential character of the vertebrate animal arises very early in the chick, and regulates the whole course of its development, I so early as the year 1823 expressed my doubts in the form of an academical disquisition*. Nevertheless it seemed fitting not to speak pub- licly concerning them until 1 could present a series of observa- tions. My conviction with regard to that law, indeed, was more a negative one. I now believe that I can replace it by another ; and the first part of this collection offers, I think, a proper op- portunity for the development of the latter. It will not be superfluous first of all to bring forward a few objections to the view just alluded to, which might be drawn from the previous investigations of embryos, and which might serve to raise doubts in the minds of those readers who are com- pletely devoted to it. Not attempting a complete development of these doubts, I shall content myself with a few brief indi- cations. In the first place, I was led to reflect, that we know the de- velopment of hardly any but the highest forms, the development of Mammalia (including Man) and that of Birds. In whatever * Dissertatio de fossilibus Mammalium reliquiis. Regiomont. 1 823, 4to. To' which is appended the thesis, Legem a natures scrutatoribus proclamatam, evo- lutionem quam prima estate quodque subit animal quam in animalium serie ob- servandam putant, respondere, a natura alienum esse contendo. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 191 circumstance their embryonic condition, therefore, differs from their permanent state, if it had an analogue anywhere in the animal series, it must be found almost always among the lower animals. That, however, a few correspondences should be found be- tween the embryonic condition of certain animals and the perfect condition of others appears to be necessary, and of no particular importance. They could not be wanting, since the embryos do not lie without the sphere of the animal world, and since the variations of which the animal body is capable are determined for each form by an internal connexion and mutual reaction of its separate organs, whence certain repetitions become necessary. To convince oneself that such a doubt is not wholly without its weight, let it be imagined that Birds had studied develop- ment, and that it was they who in turn investigated the structure of the adult Mammal and of Man. Should we not find some- thing of this sort in their physiological handbooks ? " Those four -legged and two-legged animals have much resemblance to embryonic forms, for their cranial bones are separated, arid they have no beak, just like us during the first five or six days of in- cubation : their extremities are a good deal alike, as ours are for about the same period ; there is not a single true feather over their whole body, but only delicate feather- shafts, so that we, as fledgelings, are more advanced than ever they are ; their bones are hardly at all brittle, and like ours during youth contain no air at all; they have no trace of air-sacs, and their lungs are not ad- herent, like ours at the earliest period ; they have no crop ; their proventiculus and gizzard are more or less compounded into a single sac ; evidently arrangements which in us are only trans- itory, and the nails are in most of them as clumsily broad as in us before we break the shell ; the Bats alone seemingly the most perfect among them have any power of flight, which is quite absent in the rest. And these Mammals, which for so long a period after birth cannot find their own food, and which are unable to raise themselves from the earth, must pretend for- sooth that they are more highly organized than we !" If it be a law of nature that the development of the individual essentially consists in passing through the permanent forms of lower animals, it must follow 192 K. E. VOX BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 1. That no conditions can obtain in embryos which are not permanent in at least some animals. There exists, however, no animal which carries about its nutriment with it, as the embryo carries its yelk. No animal has a protruded portion of the in- testine, such as the yelk-sac. But from the development of Birds, and of some Mammalia (especially of the Carnivora), in which this yelk-sac remains for a very long period, up to a time when all the characters of the Bird's or Mammal's body are either fully present or nearly so, we ought to conclude that many such animals exist. Among Mammals the incisor teeth are developed before any others. No animal, however, has a per- manent dentition consisting of incisor teeth only. 2. In like manner, however, as the relations of the embryo produce forms in it like the protruded intestinal sac, which occur in no permanent animal, do they render it impossible that many large groups of animals should be repeated. Thus the essential characters of Insects, their active relation to air, cannot be repeated in them ; therefore, also, the Mammalian embryo can never resemble the perfect Bird. 3. Furthermore, the embryo of the higher animals, in any stage of its development, should not agree with a single character only of some permanent form, but with its totality, even although the peculiar relations of the embryo should exclude certain cor- respondences. If it be argued, for instance, that certain cha- racters must be peculiar to, and permanent in, the embryo as such ; that, for example, it is only because as an embryo it is dependent for nourishment upon the maternal body, that it has a protruded yelk-sac, and in this respect cannot correspond with a permanent form ; yet those relations in which there is an agreement here and there* must be common to all. This, how- ever, is not the case. If I ascribe to the embryo, so long as its two cardiac ventricles are not yet separated, and the fingers are not divided from one another, the organization of a Fish, yet I find no compressed tail, nor a thousand other characteristics which very early appear in Fishes. It is just the same with whatever permanent animal form I compare the embryo of a higher form. It is said that the Ce- tacea are foetus-like (i. e. resemble the embryos of higher animal * i. e. which are not necessarily connected with embryonic existence ? TR. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 193 forms), because their testes are contained in the abdomen, be- cause some of them have no true teeth, because the anterior and posterior sphenoids remain separated, &c. &c. But the other cranial bones of the Cetacea unite very early and very closely, and therefore are adult-like. Their jaws are very long, although all Mammalia, the Cetacea included, have their jaws the shorter the younger they are. The separation of the cranial bones, how- ever, is no especial peculiarity of the embryonic condition, which is absent in the adult condition of the lower classes of animals ; for in Fishes it is brought forward again as an embryonal con- dition that the cranial bones are divided into many portions, and are merely applied to one another, although at the base of the skull the unity of the sphenoid the very opposite of what occurs in the Cetacea offers, on the other hand, a resemblance with the adult condition of the highest Mammalia. Agreement with a Fish or with a Cetacean is therefore no absolute condition for the organization of the embryo. 4. If the law we are engaged in investigating were correct, no conditions which are permanent only in the higher animals could be a transitory stage in the development of particular lower forms. But a great number of such conditions are de- monstrable. We cannot indeed discover them in the course of human development, since we know no higher organization. But the Mammalia afford examples enough. In all the jaws are at first as short, as they are permanently in Man ; the parietal ridge is developed very late in animals which are provided with it, while, on the other hand, it is wanting in the highest forms. Instances of this kind multiply the further we descend. We have already introduced Birds speaking, in order to insist upon a multitude of previously-known relations in which the embryo of the Bird agrees with the adult Mammal. We can bring for- ward still more. The brain of Birds in the earliest third of em- bryonic life is much more similar to the brain of Mammals than in the adult condition. The corpora quadrigemina have not de- scended, the olfactory bulb is hollow and thick, and there is even a kind of fornix present. The heel of the Bird developes itself from many cartilages into a single bone. The eyes in the Chick are at first placed nearer together than subsequently, and give it a humanized face. Young Lizards have a very large SCIEN. MEM. Mi*. Hist, VOL. I. PART III. 13 194 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. brain. The larva of the Frog has a true beak like Birds, and before it loses its tail an intestine of a length such as is only to be found permanently in a few forms of Mammals. The Frog larva is at first tail-less, a condition that occurs only among the highest Mammals ; even the adult Frog has an internal tail, for we must so designate its long caudal vertebra. The Myriapods, the Mites, and the Hydrachne have, when they creep out of the egg, only three pair of feet, like the perfect condition of Insects which undergo metamorphosis. Even if, contrary to my opinion, it be maintained that the Arachnida are more highly developed than the true Insects, yet every one will allow that Insects with a metamorphosis are higher developments of the Myriapoda. Such cases as these should by no means occur, if the develop- ment of the higher animals consisted in passing through the forms of the lower ones. 5. We ought to see the organs or larger apparatuses make their appearance in the different classes of animals in the same manner as they are developed in the embryos of higher animals, if we consider the former to be developed out of one another ; this, however, is by no means the case ; the posterior extremity is in most Fishes only perfect in its terminal member, while in the embryo of the higher animals the proximal joint is first formed. 6. Lastly, such parts as are found only in the higher animals should arise very late in the course of development. But it is not so. A few portions of the vertebral column, its centre and arches, exist earlier in the Chick than every other part. How then can the Chick ever have any similarity with an invertebrate animal ? This remark, however, leads us nearer to our purpose, and therefore at this point the attempt to discover the true relation may be made. 3. On the Mutual Relations of the different permanent Forms of Animals. In order to investigate the essential relations of the metamor- phoses which occur in the development of the individual, I must premise a sketch of the different forms of animals. I have already in part treated of this subject in another place (Nova Acta Acad. vol. xiii. part ii. pp. 739-762) ; but since the re- K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 195 marks which I have there made find their application here, and since besides it is accessible to but few, I shall not hesitate to prefix an extract from that essay for the purpose of building further upon it. I wish before all things to draw attention to the distinction between the grade of development of an animal and the type of its organization. The grade of development of an animal con- sists in the greater or less heterogeneity of its elementary parts and of the separate divisions of a complex apparatus ; in a word, in its greater histological and morphological differentiation. The more homogeneous the whole mass of the body is, so much the lower is the grade of its development. The grade is higher when nerves and muscles, blood and cell-substance, are sharply distinguished. The more the elementary parts differ from one another, so much the more developed is the life of the animal in its various phenomena ; or rather we should say, that the more various the separate manifestations of animal life, the more heterogeneous are the elementary parts by which that life is brought about. It is the same with the separate divisions of an apparatus. The organization is higher when the divisions of a whole system or apparatus are less like one another and possess more indivi- duality, than when a greater similarity pervades them. It is a higher grade of development, therefore, when the difference be- tween the brain and spinal cord is greater, than when the original similarity is less disturbed. If we carefully discriminate between this relation of higher development and the relation of type, we shall readily overcome a multitude of difficulties which stand in our way, while we adopt the more or less generally predominating theory of a single continual line of progressive development from the Monad to Man. Let us take Fishes for an example. Be- cause they possess a brain and spinal cord, together with an internal skeleton, and everywhere exhibit the great vertebrate type, they are raised above the heads of all the Invertebrata ; and it is made a matter of wonderment that Bees, and the ma- jority of insects which undergo a metamorphosis, exhibit more skill and a far more manifold vital activity. In Bees, however, nerves and muscles are far more differentiated than in Fishes. The single divisions of an apparatus or of an organic system are 13* 196 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. also more heterogeneous. In most Fishes the stomach is but little distinguished from the intestine, nor this from the pyloric appendages. In the intestinal canal itself the large intestine is often hardly distinguishable from the small. The nervous sy- stem of Fishes presents a brain, which predominates but little over the spinal cord. In the Bee we meet everywhere with more heterogeneity. The first coalesced pair of ganglia, although no actual brain, since we can only give this name to that part of the organism which forms the anterior extremity of a spinal cord, yet is far more pre-eminent over the rest of the nervous system than the brain of Fishes, and has more completely the signification of a centre of the nervous system. I believe, therefore, that the Bee is in fact more highly organized than the Fish, although upon another type*. By type I mean the relative position of the organic elements and of the organs. This relative position is the expression of certain fundamental peculiarities in the direction of the vital activities, e. g. of the ingestive and egestive poles. The type is totally different from the grade of development, so that the same type may exist in many grades of development, and con- versely, the same grade of development may be attained in many types. The product of the grade of development with the type yields those separate larger groups of animals which have been called classes. The confusion of grade of development with the type of construction appears to me to be the origin of many failures in classification ; and even in the obvious difference between these relations lies evidence enough that the different animal forms do not compose a single progressive series from the Monad to Man. * It has long been observed, that, among allied forms, those which live in water, in the development of their animal, as contrasted with that of their plastic functions, are below those living on land, which exhibit more marked motor and physical capacities. May not the water be the cause of this? The antithesis of nerve and muscle appears not to be so decidedly developed in water as when there is a more active relation with the air. The muscles are softer and paler, the nerves are less white and consistent. We cannot get rid of the fancy that they both look as if they were infiltrated with water. When in Fishes certain muscles are remarkable for their redness, as the maxillary muscles of the Sturgeon, the nerves which supply them are whiter than the others. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. I need follow out this remark no further ; any closer examina- tion will be rendered superfluous if I succeed in clearly explain- ing what I mean by type. The type then is the relative position of the parts. It may be readily recognized that the different types are modifications of certain archetypes (Haupt-Typeri), in which this relative position is especially characterized, and that intermediate forms occur which either unite the characters of the archetypes into a middle type, or in which one archetype preponderates in the one half of the body, in the other another. For the present I leave these intermediate forms out of consideration, referring to the essay which I have cited. But I must once again bring forward the archetypes in this place. I believe that four archetypes may be clearly demonstrated, the peripheral or radiate archetype, the articulate or longitudinal archetype, the massive or molluscous archetype, and the arche- type of the Vertebrate*. The peripheral type is exhibited by certain discoid Infusoria, by the Rhizostomidae, Medusae and Asteridae. In their external form superficial dimension is represented. The principal anti- thesis is that of centre and periphery. The contrast of ingestion and egestion lies in a direction from the centre to the circum- ference. Hence the whole organization radiates from a centre. Besides this, the contrasted relation of upper and lower sides only is developed, and this slightly ; no distinction of right and left, or of anterior and posterior, exists at all. Their movements are thence without definite direction. As the whole organization radiates from a centre, so the centres of all the organic systems are in the middle, or are disposed circularly around the middle (thus the stomach is in the middle, and round it are the nerves and vascular circlets, when these parts are developed at all) ; from them branches pass into the radii. In every radius is repeated what exists in any one ; and every radius, if we follow * I will not attempt to decide here, whether a peculiar type is not to be recognized in those animals whose whole organization is disposed not round a central point, but round an axis, as in the Holothuria. Ingestion arid egestion are not here contrasted as centre and periphery, but as two ends of a line around which the remaining organization is peripherally disposed. Here too as a lower grade the Nematoidea might be arranged, and perhaps other lower forms. 198 K. E. VON BAER. -PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. it up to its centre, takes a similar share in the central parts also (the urinary system alone appears to make an exception), so that the whole body may be divided into a number of similar sectors, and the loss of a ray, so long as the middle remains uninjured, does not disturb life, since none of its necessary component parts are wanting. In the longitudinal type, which obtains in the Vibriones, Fi- laria, in Gordius*, in the Naida, and in the whole Articulate series, the contrast of ingestion and egestion is relegated to the two extremities of the animal, and thus gives a character to the whole organization; the mouth and the anus are at the two ends, and in general the sexual organs also, yet at times these have their apertures more anteriorly. This is more frequently the case with the female organs, which are not merely egestive, but are also ingestive, than with the male organs. When the organs of both sexes are removed from the posterior extremity, the aperture of the female organs generally is placed more for- ward than that of the male organs. It is thus in the Myriapoda and the great family of Crustacea ; the Leech and the Earth- worm form a rare exception. With the fixed position of the anterior extremity, as the ingestive pole, the organs of the senses as instruments for the receptivity of the nervous system early attain a considerable grade of development. So long as the type remains unchanged, the intestinal canal passes straight through the body. It is the same with the vas- cular and nervous systems. Every organic movement then has this principal direction, only subordinate branches pass off laterally; especially when the principal character is repeated along the whole length, as in a galvanic battery, so that every separate segment possesses its own anterior and posterior ex- tremity, together with its portion of the essential constituents of the organism. Thence the disposition to break up into many portions in the direction of the length of the body. In the true Insects pos- sessing metamorphosis, these articulations are united again into three principal sections, in the first of w ? hich the nervous, in the second the motor, and in the third the digestive life predomi- * If these animals, or some of them, are not perhaps in accordance with the previous note, to be brought under one type with the Holothuriadae. K. K. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 199 nates, although in each of the three segments none of these is wholly absent. Together with the principal contrast of anterior and posterior, a slighter one of upper and lower is to be recognized in the higher stages of development. A distinction into right and left sides is only exceptionally present, and as a rule is absent. A perpendicular plane therefore divides the body into two equal halves, whence this organization may be called symmetrical. Every single organ lies in this middle plane, so long as the shortening of the whole body does not drive the less shortened intestine out of the median plane*; and every organ which lies in the median plane is single, while that which lies external to it is double. In the median plane, however, we must recognize a difference of above and below ; the animal organs are concen- trated below, the plastic ones above, if we regard only the in- ternal structure. The trunks of the animal organs also lie below, and they form here a kind of axis, from which the whole organi- zation proceeds on both sides upwards, a relation which is ren- dered obvious by the mode of development (compare Coroll. 4). The sensible and the irritable functions are especially deve- loped in this series of animals; their movements are lively, and are the more distinctly directed forwards the more the body is drawn out longitudinally. When the body is shortened, as in the Spiders and Crabs, so much the less determinate is the direction of their movements ; the plastic organs are less deve- loped, the glands are particularly rare, and are generally re- placed by simple tubes. I believe that a third type is recognizable in the Mollusca ; and as belonging to its lower grades of development I enume- rate the Rotifera and such Infusoria as are coiled, or at least are neither symmetrical nor peripheral. This type may be called the massive type, for neither length nor surface predominates, but the whole body and all its parts are formed in more rounded masses, which are either solid or hollow. As the principal antithesis of animal organization, that of in- gestion and of egestion, is manifested neither by the two opposite * In fact, it appears that in Insects which possess metamorphosis, the in- testine is moved out of the median plane, sometimes only in the last stage of metamorphosis, sometimes even in the larval condition 200 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. ends of the body nor by the centre and periphery, it is almost always wanting in symmetry ; the egestive pole lies almost always to the right of the ingestive pole. The opposite relation is so rare, that it has been called inverted. On the other hand, the egestive pole is sometimes very near the ingestive one, sometimes is removed far from it, so that it approximates the posterior end of the body. Since the digestive track is always determined by these two poles, it is more or less curved. In its simplest form the track is simply looped, as in Plumatella. When the alimentary canal elongates, it rolls up spirally in the middle, and the spiral apparently follows determinate laws. The commencement of the intestinal canal thus appears always to lie under the portions which follow. The main current of the blood follows a curve which does not lie in the middle line of the animal. If the spiral of the intestine be wound in one plane, a certain symmetry is so produced, as in the discoidal univalves and the equivalve bivalves; but this symmetry is only very unimportant, and it might be called almost accidental, since it is often wanting in nearly allied animals. The nervous system is composed of scattered ganglia, which are united by filaments into a network. The larger ones are collected round the pharynx. The psychical apparatus is very little developed, and the organs of sense are late in arising. Motion is very slow and weak. From the absence of articula- tion, the muscles are interwoven in all directions, and operate upon every point by single bundles ; thence arise contractions in all directions. Since, in accordance with the massive arche- type, the secretory organs, which in other archetypes appear as tubes, coil up in this, the glands are abundant and large. The plastic organs in general are those which are earliest and most completely developed ; and thence this archetype might also be called the plastic archetype. Since it possesses neither lateral nor peripheral equivalency, the body can be divided into similar segments neither in one nor in many planes. Neither can any straight axis be demonstrated in it round which the organization is distributed ; it is rather determined by manifold curves. In the Vertebrata we find a fourth archetype. It is, however, in a manner constructed out of the preceding archetypes. We K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 201 can distinguish, that is, a plastic and an animal part of the body, which react mutually upon one another's form, but each of which is modelled upon a different archetype. In the animal part, the existence of articulation calls to mind the second archetype ; ingestion and egestion are similarly referred to the two ends. But there is an essential difference ; the animal part of the ver- tebrate animal, namely, is not merely double on each side of a longitudinal axis, but also from above downwards, and in such a manner that the two inferior lateral developments enclose the plastic organs, while the two superior include central organs of animal life (spinal cord and brain), which are wanting in the Invertebrata. The solid bony skeleton represents this type most completely; from a median axis, the trunk of the vertebral column, arches pass upwards, which unite in a superior crest, and other arches downwards, which more or less unite into aii inferior crest. Corresponding with this, we have four series of insertions of nerves into the spinal cord, which again contains four principal cords, and a four-lobed internal gray mass. In the same way, the muscles of the trunk form four principal masses, as we see most distinctly in Fishes. The animal part, therefore, is doubly symmetrical in its construction. Here, as in the essay in the ( Nova Ada 9 already cited, I will not decide whether, in the course of the further development of the Vertebrata, the anterior part of the animal region approxi- mates more and more to the radiate archetype ; I would only suggest, that the brain accumulates more and more round the third ventricle, and that the cerebral vessels also pass into the brain from a ring, which becomes continually more and more rounded, although this ring is fed by four vascular trunks, as representing a relation, such, that from a type in which the parts were originally arranged in fours, a radiate one is developed. However, it appears to me to be more readily demonstrable, that the type of the Mollusk predominates over the plastic part of the body, although everywhere under the influence of the animal part, by which the type is sometimes more, sometimes less obscured. The plastic nervous system, as well as the peculiarity of the plastic muscular system, calls to mind the molluscous type. 202 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. But the chief matter is to demonstrate that the most essential peculiarity, the direction of the vital organic current, has a pre- vailing tendency towards the right side. If now this lateral con- trast does not manifest itself in the ingestive and egestive aper- tures, the reason perhaps lies in this, that the plastic body is surrounded by the animal body ; and, therefore, when the former comes to the surface, it is wholly subjected to the type of the latter. The mouth and the anus therefore lie in the median plane of the whole body*. If we turn to the internal organs, we must not forget that, 1 . Almost all organic progression is followed by a retrogression. Were this not the case, a few beats of the heart would drive all the blood out of the body. The question here then is only to state what is the direction of that movement which is the deter- mining one. 2. That in other cases also the motion can be withdrawn from the direction which originally belongs to it if it possesses a starting-point, which according to the laws of the organization is also the termination of another more powerful organization. 3. That by the symmetrical influence of the animal part, a current is set up in the median plane of the plastic part. Then if we find a movement at times external to this plane also, but always taking the same direction, we should consider this as the original one. These remarks will be rendered more clear by the application which will immediately be made of them. If, in the first place, we consider the movement of the blood, we find that in Fishes its principal stream proceeds in the me- dian plane out of the heart, without doubt only on account of the predominance of the animal part, in which respect we must refer to a remark to be made concerning the respiratory apparatus. And yet it would seem even here as if the blood desired to go towards the right side, for the ventricle of Fishes appears in general to be more extended towards the left side, and the auricle also lies towards the left. The direction which the blood thence receives is somewhat to the right, but the symmetrical structure of the gills keeps it back in the median plane. In all animals * Yet in the larva of the Frog, the anus lies in fact on the right side of the median plane of the tail. K. E. VON BAEB. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 203 with lungs, however, the stream of the blood passes obviously more to the right than to the left side ; so that for the nutrition of the left half of the head, the blood must often come over from the right side. This blood then has a motion from right to left, which we must regard as a consequence of symmetry in the animal part. It is unquestionably the left ventricle which is the chief agent in propelling the blood, and this always sends the blood to the right side. In the Lizards, Snakes, and Chelonia, all the blood which is intended for the nutrition of the anterior half of the body passes first in a single stream to the right side, and then becomes distributed ; the blood for the anterior extremity now passes forwards almost symmetrically in two streams ; the blood intended for the posterior extremity in Birds continues its course without dividing to the right side, and by degrees, as the influence of symmetry gradually weakens that of the motor power, it turns leftward again, so as to reach the me- dian line. In the Amphibia above mentioned, the power of symmetry sooner becomes manifest; the current of blood for the posterior half of the body is also divided at the first, but much more blood passes to the right than to the left side, and the latter becomes sooner divided, as if it were propelled with less force. In the Batrachia, the distribution is from the first tolerably symmetrical. In Mammalia, the aorta descends in- deed upon the left side of the vertebral column ; but if we con- sider that the position of the aorta is always determined by a large and common trunk for the anterior and posterior arteries, that this common trunk is always directed towards the right side, and first becomes turned to the left after it has given off the arteries of the right anterior half of the body, or gives them off as it turns ; the passage to the left side may be regarded as arising from the influence of symmetry, for the arch which the aorta forms is the wider the shorter the neck. In other words, the aorta passes the more to the left side, the nearer it stands to the head whose influence tends towards symmetry. In the long-necked Mammals, where from the common trunk upon the right side, that for the carotid artery and subclavian arteries (the anterior aorta) passes, the branch which passes backwards turns so suddenly that it can hardly be said that it passes to the left. Such considerations may perhaps explain why it is that the 204 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. Mammalia differ from other pulmonated Vertebrata in the posi- tion of their descending aorta. I believe that this difference depends upon the greater need of blood demanded by their brain. Let us consider, in some indifferent vertebrate animal, the stream of blood passing from the left ventricle to the right side. If the brain have a great demand for blood, this common stream of blood, besides its direction to the right side, will take at the same time a more forward direction than in animals with a small brain and head. In the latter, therefore, the blood which is intended for the posterior half of the body, after giving off the blood to the anterior half, is by the influence of the current im- mediately bent backwards, though continued for a little to the right side. If, however, the current forward be more powerful, the backward stream can only gradually overcome it, and the aorta needs to pass further forwards, and to the right side ; or if the influence of symmetry will not allow of this, it must bend round to the left in order to pass backwards. That the blood in the Mammalia actually has a more powerful current forwards, is indicated by the greater length of the common trunk ; and the fact that among the Mammalia again, the longer this common trunk is the wider the arch, is perhaps a confirmation of what has been said. In this way we may conceive the origin of the difference in a formless mass. How it is developed out of the symmetrical branchial apparatus of the Mammalia remains to be decided by future investigations. Even when the heart lies in the median plane of the body, the origin of the aorta, as soon as there are two ventricles, is always so disposed that the impulse which is given to the blood by the left ventricle passes to the right side. When the point of the heart turns to the left, this relation is still more marked (see figure on p. 238, arrow 1). A direction of the heart towards the right side never appears to be normal. I believed that I had at times observed it, but I persuaded myself that this position arose only from a slipping about in the body of the animal inverted for the purpose of examination. We may therefore be permitted to place the heart in such a manner in our diagram as it is disposed in Man and some other animals*. I choose the oblique position * It would seem that the symmetrical position of the heart is too generally ascribed to quadrupeds. It appears to me to occur only in animals with a K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 205 of the heart, in order to show by it how the strong development of the currents in a predominant organ may produce an opposite current in a dependent part of the same system. In most ani- mals the pulmonary blood flows straight backwards into the left heart; where, however, this is placed in such a manner that it propels decidedly towards the right side, the current of pul- monary blood takes a slight direction to the left side (!'). So much for the direction of the arterial current. That the venous current is also directed towards the right side is much more obvious. The blood from the left side of the anterior half of the body passes very markedly towards the right side. We may therefore at once indicate the course of the venous blood from the anterior part of the body by the arrow 2. That the blood from the posterior part of the body also moves towards the right side is shown by the deviation of the posterior vena cava to the right the further forwards it passes, as well as by the conformation of the intercostal trunks ; the arrow 3 represents this current. It is still clearer in the portal system (4). If we cast a glimpse over the whole series of animals, we find the respiratory system sometimes connected with the ingestive, some- times with the egestive end of the body, sometimes disposed longitudinally between the two extremes. This variety of posi- tion appears to be possible to the respiratory apparatus, because its function is as well excretory as ingestive. One is tempted to suppose that in those forms of animals in which the respi- ratory apparatus occupies the anterior extremity, it acts more ingestively; while, on the other hand, it is more egestive in those in which it opens together with or near the intestine, as in the Holothuriadae, most Mollusks, and some larva? of Insects. If we extend this supposition to the changes undergone by the blood itself, it must still remain hypothetical, for at present in very few animals only can we determine whether the blood loses or gains substance during respiration. It appears to me, however, to be very clear, that in those respiratory apparatuses which are placed anteriorly, the ingestive movement at least is the deter- compressed thorax. In animals with a flattened thorax, the heart lies more or less obliquely, and in the embryonic condition sometimes more so than in the adult. Thus, recently, in many embryo Hedgehogs, I found the heart directed very markedly towards the left side, while it was much less so in the mother. 206 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. mining one, while in those which are situated posteriorly it is the egestive movement. In the Holothuriadae, the Mollusks, the larvae of Insects which inhale air by their hinder extremities, the respiratory organs are emptied by muscular contractions. The refilling is principally a consequence of the cessation of muscular activity ; at least, if an antagonistic muscular action be superadded, it is less than the expelling force. The reverse takes place in the pulmonated animals ; the reception of air is here more active, its expulsion is more passive. The inhalant passage will therefore determine the position of the apparatus, not the retrogressive passage of the exhaled air. Now, though we find the lung double, yet in all animals the right lung is larger, and in the true Ophidia it is this alone which is developed, a trace only remaining of the left. To this may be added, that in some Cetacea, as in the genus Physeter, the right nostril is dwarfed. Indeed it may obtain even more generally that the right nasal aperture is smaller than the left, as we see for example in Som- mering's description of the skull of the fossil Hyaena. We may then shortly indicate the course of the air in the respiration of the Vertebrata by the arrow (5) in our figure (p. 238). In the gills of Fishes it must be admitted that no such lateral difference is apparent; but the gills are so immediately connected with the animal part of the body, as the transitory gill-arches of the pul- monate animals testify, that the asymmetry of the plastic body cannot develope itself in them. When an apparatus like the digestive passes from one pole to the other through the whole length of the plastic body, it cer- tainly cannot send its contents always to the right side. It is only to be expected, that in those sections in which the motor powers are most strongly manifested, which are therefore those which determine the position of the whole, the course of the cur- rent will be in this direction. Now we find in all Vertebrata, so far as I know, that the stomach lies to the left and the pylorus to its right side, as well as the commencement of the duodenum, turning to the right whether it pass at the same time forwards or not. The stomach therefore propels its contents towards the right side. The same relation is frequent in the muscular rec- tum. Other sections must indeed pass from right to left, but they are the less active. Thus I conceive that if the floor 1 in K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 20? Mammals passes to the left in order to reach the stomach, this opposed direction is only produced by the influence of the sto- mach, which, in order to propel to the right, lies towards the left. It is also only the posterior part of the oesophagus which is overruled by the stomach ; for when the bony skeleton of the neck is so much bent that the oesophagus passes away from its under surface, the oesophagus always, if 1 err not, lies on its right side with the exception of its posterior extremity. I found its position thus in Birds, in Chelonia, in the Camel, in the Sloth, and probably in many other Mammals the same holds good. When in Birds a special crop is developed, this also is placed upon the right side. The course of the motion from the pharynx, therefore, which is produced by the powerful constrict- ors, is in general towards the right side. Compare arrow 6*. The course of the bile generally is from the right to the left ; but this reversed direction may be regarded as dependent upon the position of the liver, which is thrust to the right side in con- sequence of the predominant current of the portal blood. In fact, in the course of embryonic development, the liver passes to the right side in proportion to the separation of the portal system from the other vessels. As respects the sexual organs, they are as a rule tolerably symmetrical, in consequence of their intimate connexion with the animal body, which is rendered evident not only by their position in the adult, but especially by the history of develop- ment. Where, however, symmetry is less prominent, as for example in the hen-bird only, the left oviduct is developed, and the egg therefore is moved from the left towards the right side. The direction of this movement is exhibited by the arrow 8. Hitherto all the arrows which have been drawn have their points directed towards the right side. The urinary passages only ap- pear not to harmonize with this law. When the kidneys upon the two sides do not agree, as in the Ophidia, it is that of the right side, which is longer and placed more anteriorly. The * That the passage from right to left again is submitted to a determinate standard, that therefore a definite form of spiral canals might be demonstrated when the current cannot be continued to the right side, scarcely admits of doubt. Yet here the perturbations are so frequent, and the discovery of the type is so difficult, that this attempt would carry us too far. Besides, I con- sider *Jhe current to the right to be that which is predominant and common to all systems, and for our present purpose it is sufficient. 208 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. course of the urine would then seem especially to be towards the left. If the principal activity of the kidneys should consist in attracting venous blood, merely allowing the urine to transude, they would come under the general law*. Enough of the demonstration that the organic current in the plastic part of the Vertebrata has a direction especially towards the right side, in order to show that the arrangements of the molluscous type prevail in this half of the vertebrate animal. We have now considered the four archetypes, and it will be sufficient for our purpose to remark shortly, that these arche- types become modified in the subordinate forms, like the varia- tions of one theme. Thus the segments of the Articulate series sometimes more resemble one another, as if they were strung upon a thread, sometimes they are collected round a central point. In this manner variations of the archetypes are formed, which may be conceived to be arranged round them, and some of which are more nearly approximated to them, representing more purely the character of the archetype, while others are further removed. These subordinate types, combined with a determinate degree of development, yield what we call the classes of animals. In these it is sometimes one, sometimes another vital condition which is more developed ; or more justly, the development of life in this or that direction produces the variations of the archetypes, just as these are themselves essentially different in the vital pheno- mena which they manifest. Thus among the Vertebrata it is plainly the Birds, in which the relation to the air is predominant. It penetrates their whole body, and for it the anterior motor organs are constructed. So with the true winged Insects among the Articulata. The classes of animals again are divisible into smaller variations, which we call families, in which not only the archetype but the type of the class is exhibited, together with peculiar modifications which constitute the character of the family. Smaller modifications in this family character yield the genera. And so it goes on down to the species and subspecies. * The preponderance of the right kidney is not universal even in the Snakes. At times their length is balanced by the greater thickness of the left kidney, as I observe in Vipera Berus. In Tortrix Scytale, however, the preponderance of the right kidney is, I find, according to Meckel and Finke, evident. It is remarkable that the urinary system is the only one which is aberrant in the peripheral type also. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 209 If it be true that all the larger and smaller groups of animals depend upon a double relation, that of higher or lower develop- ment, and that of the variation of the archetypes into differences of smaller degree, and these again further, then the conception of a uniserial progressive development of the whole animal kingdom is incorrect. 4. Application of this View to the History of Individual Development. Let us now apply the survey of the permanent relations of form among the various perfect animals to the history of the development of the individual ! Before all things it is clear, that the conditions which we have termed the higher and lower development of the animal, coincide perfectly with that histological and morphological differentiation which gradually arises in the course of the development of the individual (comp. Schol. III. c. d.). In this respect the agree- ment is striking. The fundamental mass of which the embryo consists agrees with the mass of the body of the simplest ani- mals. In both the form is but little defined; the parts are less contrasted, and the histological differentiation remains even behind the morphological. If we cast a glance over the lower animals, remark in some more internal development than in others, and then arrange them in a series according to this deve- lopment, or conceive them to be developed out of one another; it necessarily follows that we should trace an agreement in the fact of this very progressive differentiation between the one actual historical succession and the other imagined genetic series ; and in this manner a multitude of coincidences may be demonstrated between the embryo of the higher and the per- manent forms of the lower animals. It by no means follows from this, however, that every embryo of a higher animal gradually passes through the forms of the lower animals. On the cortrary, the type of every animal ap- pears to be fixed in the embryo from the very first, and to regu- late the whole course of development. All that we have stated with regard to the development of the Chick is only a long commentary upon this proposition. The chorda dorsalis is the first part which becomes differentiated. SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART III. 14 210 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. From this the dorsal plates elevate themselves, and the abdo- minal plates soon arise, and the spinal cord becomes separated. All these formative processes take place very early ; and it is obvious that henceforward there can be no question of any agreement with an invertebrate animal ; that, on the other hand, those conditions which essentially constitute the vertebrate animal are the first to arise ; the commencement of their deve- lopment is however very similar in all classes of the Vertebrata. We may therefore say, not merely of Birds, but more generally, The embryo of the vertebrate animal is from the very first a vertebrate animal, and at no time agrees with an invertebrate animal. A permanent animal form, however, which exhibits the vertebrate type, and yet possesses so slight a histological and morphological differentiation as the embryos of the Verte- brata, is unknown. Therefore, the embryos of the Vertebrata pass in the course of their development through no (known) per- manent forms of animals whatsoever. Can, however, no law be discovered to regulate the develop- ment of the individual as the possessor of a special organic form ? I believe there can, and I shall endeavour to educe it in the course of the following remarks. The embryos of Mammalia, of Birds, Lizards and Snakes, probably also of Chelonia, are in their earliest states exceedingly like one another, both as a whole and in the mode of development of their parts ; so much so, in fact, that we can often distinguish the embryos only by their size. In my possession are two little embryos in spirit, whose names I have omitted to attach, and at present I am quite unable to say to what class they belong. They may be Lizards, or small Birds, or very young Mammalia, so complete is the simi- larity in the mode of formation of the head and trunk in these animals. The extremities, however, are still absent in these embryos. But even if they existed in the earliest stage of their development, we should learn nothing ; for the feet of Lizards and Mammals, the wings and feet of Birds, no less than the hands and feet of Man, all arise from the same fundamental form. The further, therefore, we recede in tracing the formation of the Vertebrata, the more similar we find the embryos in their totality and in their separate parts. At first those characters gradually present themselves which indicate the greater, and K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 211 subsequently those which mark the smaller, divisions of the Vertebrata. Thus the more special type is developed from the more general. Every step in the development of the Chick testifies to this. In the beginning, when the dorsal folds have closed, it is a verte- brate animal, and nothing more. As it raises itself from the yelk, as the gill-plates coalesce and the allantois grows forth, it shows itself to be a vertebrate animal, which cannot live freely in water. Subsequently the two caeca grow forth, a distinction appears between the pairs of extremities, and the beak is deve- loped ; the lungs pass upwards ; the rudiments of the air-sacs are recognizable, and there can be no doubt as to its being a Bird. While the ornithic characters become more and more marked, in consequence of the further development of the wings and air-sacs, of the coalescence of the tarsal cartilages, &c., the web of the feet disappears, and we recognize a land Bird. The beak, the feet, pass from the general into a special form ; the crop is developed, the stomach has already divided into two cavi- ties, and the scale of the nostrils appears. The Bird takes on the character of a Gallinaceous bird, and finally of a domestic fowl. It is an immediate consequence, in fact it is merely a changed form of expression of what has been said above, that the more different two animal forms are, so much the further back must their development be traced, to find them similar*. To demon- strate that this is true, not merely for the Vertebrata, we will select a few examples from the lower animals. The difference between the Macrurous and Brachyurous Crustacea is not very great. Now the river Crayfish has at the middle of its embryonic life a tail tolerably short in relation to its broad tho- racic segments, and it can be hardly distinguished from a Bra- chyurous Crustacean, since, according to Cavolini's representa- tion, these have in their embryonic condition tolerably long tails. The further we trace them back, the more similar do we find the jaws in Crustacea to the feet; in truth, they are at first the anterior feet, and nothing else. We have therefore not only an approximation to the fundamental type (agreement of allied or- gans), but also a similarity with the Stomapoda, Amphipoda * This remark does not invalidate what has been said in the First Scholium as to the indefiniteness of the same form in its earliest condition. 14* 212 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. and Isopoda, which in their perfect condition are far more differ- ent from the Decapoda than these from one another. To this it must be added, that, according to Rathke, the heart in the De- capoda (IsiSy Bd. xvii. p. 1098) is at first fusiform, and doubtless there are many more points of agreement as yet undiscovered. At a still earlier period, when the feet sprout forth at the sides like little knobs, and no gills are as yet visible, we cannot mis- take the similarity to true Insects in the larval state. A Butter- fly and an Ichneumon may be readily mistaken for one another even as full-grown larvae. Such larvae have indeed been com- pared with Vermes, but it must be confessed that the essential differences are still very great. The latter have red blood and no tracheae. In the former the reverse obtains. In fact, the full-grown caterpillars are much more similar to the Myriapoda, and only at a very early period, when no tracheae are developed (these being probably formed by histological differentiation), is there any approximation to the embryo of the Leech when it has not yet developed red blood. These remarks lead us to inquire, whether by going further and further back, we may not eventually attain a stage in which the embryos of the Vertebrata agree with those of the Inverte- brata. In a future essay, in which the differences in the schemes of development in the principal types of animals will be treated of, I shall endeavour to show that the Articulate series also com- mences its development by a primitive streak. For this short period, therefore, there would be an agreement between them and the Vertebrata. In the condition of the actual germ, how- ever, it is probable that all embryos which are developed from true ova agree. This is a strong reason for considering the germ as the animal itself (Schol. II.). When in the germ of the Bird the primitive streak is developed, we are indeed inclined to say, Now commences the embryo. But in reality this is only the instant in which the vertebrate type appears in the germ ; for the primitive streak is nowise the whole embryo, inasmuch as the parts which are metamorphosed into the abdominal plates evi- dently lie beside it in the germ. It is only that part of the germ which first becomes individualized. A so-called germinal disc is however distinctly visible in the ova of the Articulata. It is almost certainly present in the Mollusca, for the ovum of K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 213 Gasteropods has an unequal coloration upon its surface. Be- sides I have seen clearly the germinal layer and the germinal vesicle, the predecessors of the germ. It therefore seems to me very probable that all true ova have a distinct germ. The further back we trace development, so much the more agreement do we find among the most widely different animals, and thus we are led to the question, Are not all animals essen- tially similar at the commencement of their development have they not all a common primary form ? We have just remarked, that a distinct germinal disc probably exists in all true ova ; so far as we are acquainted with the development of germ-granules (Keim-korner), it seems to be wanting in them. They appear to be originally solid; however it may be, that on their first separation from their parent, they have an internal cavity like the central cavity of the yelk, which only escapes microscopic observation on account of the thickness of the often somewhat opake wall. Supposing, however, they are at first solid, and eventually become hollow, as seemed to me to be the case with the germ-granules of the Cercariae and Bucephali*, yet we perceive that the first act of their vital activity is to acquire a cavity, whereby they become thick-walled, hollow vesicles. The germ in the egg is also, according to Schol. II. c, to be regarded as a vesicle, which in the Bird's egg only gradually surrounds the yelk, but from the very first is completed as an investment by the vitellary membrane ; in the Frog's egg it has the vesicular form before the type of the Vertebrata appears, and in the Mam- malian from the very first it seems to surround the small mass of the yelkf. Since, however, the germ is the rudimentary animal itself, it may be said, not without reason, that the simple vesicle is the common fundamental form from which all animals are developed, not only ideally, but actually and historically. The germ-granule passes into this primitive form of the inde- pendent animal immediately by its own power ; the egg, how- ever, only after its feminine nature has been destroyed by fecun- dation (compare the Coroll. to Schol. I.). After this influence, the differentiation of germ and yelk, or of body and nutritive substance, arises. The excavation of the germ-granule is nothing * Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. vol. xiii. T. 2. p. 658. f Heusinger's Zeitschrifl fur organische Physik, Bd. ii. p. 173. 214 K. E. VON BAEB. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. else. In the egg, however, there is at first a solid nutritive matter (the yelk), and a fluid in the central cavity ; yet the solid nutritive matter soon becomes fluid. We remarked above, that to find a correspondence between two animal forms, we must go back in development the further the more different these two forms are ; and we deduce thence, as the law of individual development, 1. That the more general characters of a large group of ani- mals appear earlier in their embryos than the more special cha- racters. With this it agrees perfectly, that the vesicle should be the primitive form ; for what can be a more general character of all animals than the contrast of an internal and an external surface ? 2. From the most general forms the less general are developed, and so on, until finally the most special arises. This has been rendered manifest above by examples from the Vertebrata, especially of Birds, and also from the Articulata. We bring it forward again here only to append, as its immediate consequences, the following propositions concerning the object of investigation : 3. Every embryo of a given animal form, instead of passing through the other forms, rather becomes separated from them. 4. Fundamentally, therefore, the embryo of a higher form never resembles any other form, but only its embryo. It is only because the least developed forms of animals are but little removed from the embryonic condition, that they retain a certain similarity to the embryos of higher forms of animals. This resemblance, however, if our view be correct, is nowise the determining condition of the course of development of the higher animals, but only a consequence of the organization of the lower forms. The development of the embryo with regard to the type of organization, is as if it passed through the animal kingdom after the manner of the so-called methode analytique of the French systematists, continually separating itself from its allies, and at the same time passing from a lower to a higher stage of develop- ment. We represent this relation by the annexed Table : , :R . PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 215 si ;ti9mrprLi reuiiuc aqx 216 K.E.VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. In detail it holds good as little as any other representation of organic relations upon a surface. Thus the single features ad- duced must pass for the whole characters, e. g. the formation of wings and air-sacs for the whole character of Birds. The expo- sition, again, can only be very imperfect, since for most animals the investigation has hardly been commenced. This scheme is only meant to bring clearly before the mind, how the first decisive distinction is whether the first rudiment is a true egg or a germ-granule ; how, in the germs of ova, all animals are at first alike (see above, e) ; how then the principal type becomes defined (which is called, origin of the embryo) ; whereby it remains undecided \vhether any radiate animal is developed from a true egg. If now the type of the vertebrate animal appears, the embryo is at first nothing but one of the Vertebrata without any particular characteristics. Chorda dor- salis, dorsal and abdominal tubes, gill-clefts, gill-vessels, and a heart with a single cavity, are formed in all. Then commences a differentiation. In a few, gill-laminas and no allantois are de- veloped ; in others, on the other hand, the gill-clefts coalesce, and an allantois buds forth. The former are aquatic animals, though not all permanently so : the others lead an aerial exist- ence. The latter all acquire lungs. Let us follow out the former series first however. The embryos for a long time retain a great similarity ; they push out long tails and scull about with them in the water. On the other hand, their extremities are developed very feebly and late, in relation to those of other em- bryos. They either never acquire true lungs, and so become fish, or else true lungs are formed. Among the latter the lungs are either feebly developed, in which case the gills are permanent and the animals become Sirenidae ; or the lungs are better formed, and the gills either remain free until they cease to act (Salamanders), or they become covered over, the tail disappears, and with it all resemblance to a fish (tail-less Batrachia). In the second series of the Vertebrata, which never has external gills, the most essential distinction is perhaps this, that in some a simple umbilicus is formed (Reptiles and Birds), in others this umbilicus is prolonged into a cord, after, as it seems, being altogether more rapidly formed (Schol. II. b.}. In what manner Birds become separated from the Amphibia K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 21? has already been shown. Probably a difference also arises very soon in the vascular system, whose metamorphoses in the Am- phibia, however, are not yet known. While the gill-clefts in the Lizards are still open, the heart has just the same appearance as in Birds at the same period. Now just as in the Bird the special characters of the family and of the genus arise, so is it in the Mammalia. The Dog and the Pig are at first very much alike, and have short human faces. Still longer does the resem- blance persist between the Pig and the Ruminant, whose lateral toes are at first almost as long as the two median ones. For the rest we are by no means sufficiently acquainted with the em- bryos of the Mammalia to state how and at what periods they become distinguishable from one another. We are best ac- quainted with the differences in the form and structure of the ova. Since these are very manifold in their form and in their relation to the parent, I have ventured, in order not to leave the Mammalia out of the Scheme, to divide them according to their ova. The embryos, in fact, may be distinguished into those which are born early and those which come into the world in a fully developed condition. Among the former the ova of the Monotremata are probably born undisturbed. In the Marsu- pialia the embryo has burst its membranes. The ova, which are retained longer, may be reduced to three principal divisions. In the first I place ova, in which the yelk-sac continues to grow for a long time. They yield Mammals with narrow hook-like nails (claws). In some the allantois is early arrested in its growth, and the placenta is limited to one spot, or two-lobed* (Rodentia). In others the allantois is developed to a moderate extent (Insectivora) : in all others it grows over the whole am- nion transversely, and the placenta is annular (Carnivora). A second division of long-retained ova is formed by those in which the yelk-sac and the allantois are small; the placenta is one- sided, and is, as it would seem, in the opposite position to that of the Rodentia; the amnion and the umbilical cord are here * I must for the present follow Cuvier in stating that in the Rodentia the allantois remains very small, since in my earlier investigations I did not pay sufficient attention to this point, and for the last three months I have endeavoured in vain to obtain pregnant Rabits. The allantois is moderately large in the Hedgehog (one of the Insectivora), as I have recently observed. 218 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. largest. These ova produce animals with flat nails and three- lobed cerebral hemispheres*. A third division has a yelk-sac which soon disappears, but an allantois which grows outimmensely at its two extremities. These ova produce ungulated and finned animals ; if the placenta is distributed over the whole ovum, but is collected in particular masses, we have animals with cleft hoofs ; if it is distributed homogeneously, we have other Ungulata and Cetaceaf. Hence the principal differences of the Mammalia are marked very early in the ovum, for according as the allantois is much developed, or otherwise, does the ovum become long or short J. In the former case, the embryo not only acquires a broader horny covering upon its fingers, but also a more com- plex stomach, and, in connexion therewith, long jaws, a flat articulation of the jaw, usually complex teeth, incapability of seizing and climbing, &c. &c. It is the plastic series among the Vertebrata. I must advert to an objection against the whole view here set forth, which may be based upon the circumstance that in some cases the embryos of nearly allied animals exhibit considerable differences at an early period. The embryos of the Ophidia, for instance, are very early rolled up, and so may be readily enough distinguished from Lizards. This plainly arises from the ex- cessive length to which in this case the vertebrate type is drawn out. Dissection, however, exhibits a great harmony in the internal structure ; and since the posterior extremity of the Lizards also forms a spiral, the difference probably lies merely in this, that the vertebrate type in the Ophidia is more elongated, and it seems, in fact, to be greater than it is, because it presents itself so nakedly. Thus also the larvae of many families of Insects are in their external appearance very different in different families. Much probably depends in this case upon their shorter or longer sojourn in the egg. However, this objection, the only one which * It would be very interesting to know the ova of the Lemurs, so as to ascer- tain whether they are very similar to those of the Monkeys or not. f According to a letter of Rudolphi's, the chorion of the Dolphin is similar to that of the Horse. According to Bartholin it is a placenta exilis. J' Perhaps the difference may be recognized still earlier in the chorion. See Ueber die Gefassverbirtdnng zwischen Mutter und Frucht. Leipzig, 1828, fol. K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 219 I have been able to discover against the view in question, can have little weight so long as no internal differences in the larvae have been demonstrated. For the simple reason, that the embryo never passes from one principal type to another, it is impossible that it can pass suc- cessively through the whole animal kingdom. Our Scheme, however, shows at once that the embryo never passes through the form of any other animal, but only through the condition of indifference between its own form and others ; and the further it proceeds, the smaller are the distinctions of the forms between which the indifference lies. In fact, the Scheme shows that the embryo of a given animal is at first only an indeterminate Ver- tebrate, then an indeterminate Bird, and so forth. Since at the same time it undergoes internal modification, it becomes in the whole course of its development a more and more perfect animal. However, it may be objected here, if this be the true law of development, how comes it that so many good reasons could be adduced for that which has been previously in vogue ? This may be explained readily enough. In the first place, the difference is not so great as it looks at first sight ; and in the second, I believe that an assumption was made in the latter view, and it was afterwards forgotten that it had not been demonstrated; but especially, sufficient stress was not laid upon the distinction between type of organization and grade of development. Since, in fact, the embryo becomes gradually perfected by progressive histological and morphological differentiation, it must in this respect have the more resemblance to less perfect animals the younger it is. Furthermore, the different forms of animals are sometimes more, sometimes less remote from the principal type. The type itself never exists pure, but only under certain modifications. But it seems absolutely necessary that those forms in which animality is most highly developed should be furthest removed from the fundamental type. In all the fundamental types, in fact, if I have discovered the true ones, there exists a symmetrical (gleichmassige) distribution of the organic elements. If now predominant central organs arise, especially a central part of the nervous system, according to which we must principally measure the extent of perfection, the 220 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. type necessarily becomes considerably modified. The Worms, the Myriapoda, have an evenly annulated body, and are nearer the type than the Butterfly. If then the law be true, that in the course of the development of the individual the principal type appears first, and subsequently its modifications, the young Butterfly must be more similar to the perfect Scolopendra, and even to the perfect Worm, than conversely the young Scolo- pendra, or the young Worm, to the perfect Butterfly. Now if we leave out of sight the peculiarities of the Worm, the red blood, &c., which it attains at a later period, we may readily say that the Butterfly is at first a Worm. The same thing is ob- vious in the Vertebrata. Fishes are less distant from the fun- damental type than Mammalia, and especially than Man with his great brain. It is therefore very natural that the Mam- malian embryo should be more similar to the Fish than the em- bryo of the Fish to the Mammalian. Now if one sees nothing in the Fish but an imperfectly developed Vertebrate (and that is the baseless assumption to which we referred), the Mammalian must be regarded as a more highly developed Fish ; and then it is quite logical to say that the embryo of a vertebrate animal is at first a Fish. Hence it was that I asserted above ( 1.), that the view of the uniserial progression of animals was necessarily connected with the prevailing idea as to the law of development. But the Fish is not merely an imperfect vertebrate animal ; it has besides its proper ichthyic characters, as development clearly shows. But enough ! I have attempted, in embodying the course of development, to show also, that the embryo of Man is unques- tionably nearer to the Fish than conversely, since he diverges further from the fundamental type ; and upon this ground alone has much been inserted that is problematical, as the umbilical attachment of the Monotremata. In detail, this representation can as little exhibit all the relations justly, as any other repre- sentation of organic relations upon a plane surface even if the investigation were complete, instead of being just begun. Let us sum up the contents of this section as its conclu- sion. The development of an individual of a certain animal form is determined by two conditions: 1st, by a progressive development of the animal by increasing histological and mor- K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 221 phological differentiation ; 2ndly, by the metamorphosis of a more general form into a more special one. Corollaries to the Fifth Scholium. The history of development is the true source of light for the investigation of organized bodies. At every step it finds its ap- plication, and all the conceptions which we have of the mutual relations of organized bodies must experience the influence of our knowledge of development. It would be an almost endless task to demonstrate this for all branches of investigation. Since, however, those conceptions must spontaneously modify them- selves so soon as the course of development is otherwise under- stood, we may be permitted to bring forward a few points in order to exhibit the influence of the view here set forth, and thereby to justify the length at which it has been given. I have endeavoured also to arrange these additions or appendices, so that those which come first may contribute to the understanding of the subsequent ones ; yet I have not been able always to suc- ceed in doing this without intercalating many explanatory epi- sodes. The reader will have also to complain of repetitions. The greatest repetition of all however is, that all these considera- tions are nothing more than reflexions of the contents of this Scholium. FIRST COROLLARY. Application of this Scholium to the Doctrine of Arrests of Development. It is no longer necessary to demonstrate that monstrous growths can only be understood by knowing the normal course of development. But I may be permitted to say a word con- cerning arrests of development, since sometimes the understand- ing of these malformations has been considered to be insepa- rable from the view of the progression of the higher through the lower forms of animals ; and it might thence be believed that a contradiction of the latter view contradicted the doctrine of arrests of development. This doctrine, however, is too well based to be shaken by any alteration in the views which are en- tertained with regard to the differences of form in the course of the development of the higher organisms. Yet these malforma- tions must not be regarded as the permanent forms of some other 222 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. animal which the embryo had to pass through, but simply as a partial stoppage at an earlier stage of their own development. At times unquestionably there exists an obvious similarity with some permanent form in particular parts ; but it is as readily demonstrable that this similarity is not the condition of the mal- formation, but the result of other relations, either, 1st, because that form is nearer the fundamental type, in which case any stoppage at an earlier period of development must necessarily approximate the higher form to it ; or, 2ndly, because the altered formative conditions may approximate the formative conditions of the same part in another animal. Thus, for example, the nose in Man is sometimes elongated into a proboscis, which reminds one of the snout of a Pig. But the human nose never passes through any stage of development in which it resembles the snout of a Pig ; on the other hand, the Pig's snout, at the fourth week of embryonic life, is not only similar to that of a human embryo at an early period, but is in fact much more like the nose of the adult Man than at a later period. This relation agrees perfectly with the general law. The nose of air-breathing Mammals in general does not project beyond the jaw. Both the peculiarity of the Pig's snout, therefore, and that of the human nose, arise subsequently without any transi- tion of the one form through the other. If then a Man has the snout of a Pig, it is no arrest of development, but the conse- quence of an abnormal development, which has a result like that in the Pig, where it is normal. While we are speaking of the abnormal forms of the nose, I will call to mind the "Wolfs jaws/' an indubitable arrest of development, but which is cer- tainly no stoppage at any earlier form of animal. SECOND COROLLARY. Application of the present View to the Determination of the separate Organs in the different Forms of Animals. A closer acquaintance with the history of development will sooner or later furnish us with the sole safe grounds in the de- termination of the fitting denominations for, and in forming a just judgment of, the organic parts of the different forms of animals. At present a little may be done in this direction. Since, in fact, every organ becomes what it is only by the K.E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 223 mode in which it is developed, its true import can only be re- cognised by knowing the manner in which it is formed. At present we judge for the most part in accordance with an inde- finite feeling, instead of considering every organ only as an iso- lated development of its fundamental organ, and determining from this point of view the agreements and differences among the different types. Every type has, in fact, not only its funda- mental organs, but in each these are again divided into special organs, which cannot be exactly what they are in any other type. We therefore need some complete nomenclature, which shall not merely apply the names of organs found in the verte- brate type to the organs of other types, but shall give to them special names when they have a different origin. This require- ment will hardly indeed be satisfied in a century, but it is well to call attention to it. In fact, the immediate consideration of the perfect animal has often led to the recognition of the essen- tial difference; perhaps, however, the determining conditions have been less easily comprehensible. First of all, I would refer to the question how the series of ganglia upon the abdominal side of the Articulata is to be named. They certainly do not constitute a spinal cord, since this is composed of a nervous tube, which can be produced only upon that scheme of development, which is followed in the Ver- tebrata. As little are they comparable to the sympathetic nerve of the Vertebrata, for they supply voluntary muscles, and in the Articulata the plastic nervous system lies upon the dorsal sur- face*. They are rather the terminations of the symmetrical nerves of animal life, and, on that very account, as Weber and Treviranus have already remarked, they are comparable to the nerves and ganglia called spinal, in the Vertebrata, on account of their insertion into the spinal cord. In the Articulata, how- ever, these nerves have only one series of central and peripheral * Some time ago, indeed, I was inclined to consider the so-called recurrent nerves of Articulata to be their plastic nervous system, because I had traced them a long way in the Crab ; however, I first became fully instructed on this subject by a letter from Prof. J. M tiller. Mtiller, by his exactness in investi- gation and delicacy in dissection, has succeeded in following out these nerves through the whole extent of the plastic organs; and he has had the goodness to communicate an excellent drawing of them to me. 224 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. ends, because the whole animal part of the body is singly, and not doubly symmetrical. Whether the anterior pair of ganglia of the Articulata is to be called a brain or not, depends wholly upon the signification given to the word ( brain/ It is assuredly not the organ which we call brain among the Vertebrata, for this is the anterior extremity of that nervous tube which is absent in the Invertebrata. It is rather the most anterior pair in the series of ganglia, and since these are to be compared with the spinal ganglia of the Verte- brata, the so-called brain appears to be for the longitudinal type what the Gasserian ganglion is for the Vertebrata. This also receives nerves of sense. A great importance appears to be attached to the circumstance that it lies above the oesophagus. This, however, appears to me to be an erroneous view. Properly speaking, it only lies in front of the oesophagus. If, in fact, we form a purely ideal notion of the longitudinal type, the oral aperture is not placed at the anterior extremity, but is directed downward, just as the oral aperture of the Ver- tebrata is not situated at the anterior extremity of the vertebrate type, but is placed somewhat posteriorly towards the abdominal surface, for which reason a portion of the abdominal visceral plates, the walls of the nose, lie in front of and above the oral aperture. In the Chick it is very clear that the mouth opens below. That in the Articulata the oral aperture belongs to the lower half of the simple ring, is shown very clearly by the Crustacea, and even by forms which exhibit the type in a less altered form, as the Annelida. In the Earthworm, for example, this relation of the so-called proboscis, which extends beyond the oral aperture, is obvious. It contains the most anterior im- perfectly developed rings. Now if in the Articulata the oral aperture is in fact anterior, but yet upon the lower surface, and corresponds with the most anterior extremity of the abdominal surface, a pair of nervous ganglia must necessarily lie in front of the oral aperture, and that they lie nearer the upper wall than the posterior ganglia arises partly from the passage of the mouth, partly from the very fact of its occupying the anterior extremity. Very frequently it lies actually in the same plane with the others, as in the Crustacea, where the mouth lies further back ; and in Insects, where the head, with the oral aperture, is directed more K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 225 or less downwards. Only in the Annelida is its position de- cidedly, though only a little, superior. (p. 235.) p. 236. The same holds good of the cervical nervous band in the Mollusca. It is not the organ which we call brain, not even in the Cephalopoda, but in a manner the central part of a nervous system, which, in its general relations, may be compared with the plastic nervous system of the Vertebrata, but which takes on a different form, inasmuch as it is not dependent upon a pre- dominant brain and spinal cord. I can regard the so-called brain of the Cephalopoda only as the cervical nervous band of the Gasteropoda. In the former the ganglia are fused together, in the latter they are more distinct. It is a centre of the plastic nervous system, and can only be compared with the ganglia which, in the Vertebrata, give off threads to the organs of the senses and other parts of the head here, however, possessing no predominating centre, but being subordinate to the brain. If, in the Vertebrata, we consider the ganglion maxillare, which also receives a nerve from the ear, in combination with the ganglion caroticum, petrosum, Vidianum, ciliare, and the threads which pass to the organs of sense and the pharyngeal apparatus, we have a similar ring through which the commence- ment of the digestive canal passes. That every portion is to be understood only by its relation to the type and by its development out of it, is taught still more strikingly by other parts. The tracheae of Insects are indeed aeriferous organs, but not the organ which we call the trachea in the Vertebrata, because the latter is a development of the mucous canal, while the tracheae of Insects arise either by histo- logical differentiation or by involution of the external integu- ment. Sometimes the same name has been used for different organs only from the want of some other word the difference, however, having been universally recognised. Thus no anato- mist has regarded the wings of Insects as of the same nature as the wings of Birds. In the feet, also, the essential differences of the first joints have perhaps never been overlooked. A special name has, with justice, been applied to the antennae. They have no representative in the Vertebrata. But that they are the wings of the cephalic ring is demonstrated not merely by their position, but by their mode of development. They have SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART III. 15 226 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. the same relative position as the wings in the pupa, with this difference only, that they come from the head. For the same reason also they agree with the lateral appendages of the Crustacea. Whatever sensitive properties then these antennae may have, they are yet never the organs of touch, smell, or hearing of Vertebrata, but sensitive cephalic wings. By these remarks I wish to render it intelligible, why every type must be studied for itself, and possesses fundamentally peculiar organs which are never to be found exactly the same in any other type. In some cases, indeed, the distinction is but small. The alimentary canal arises in all animals from the sur- face which is turned towards the yelk. We have here the smallest original difference. But in its further subdivision into organs a distinction must be discoverable for the signification of the separate organs ; it is indeed, as we know, often difficult to recognise single divisions, as the stomach, &c. We shall suc- ceed better if we determine every part only after other animals of the same type. We know, for instance, how little the sexual organs of the Massive series can be interpreted by those of the Vertebrata. Still more striking is the tentacular system with its vessels, w r hich is found in manifold variations among the Radiata, for the ciliated bands of the Beroidae and the circular vessel of some (if not of all) Medusae, should perhaps be re- garded as modifications of this system. In the Articulata and Vertebrata, however, we are acquainted with nothing similar. It is perhaps peculiar to the peripheral type. It will suffice merely to remark how little the notion that all animals are only detached organs of Man corresponds with na- ture. A few organs of the Vertebrata may, however, certainly be said to contain within themselves the organs of the Massive and Articulate series ; at least this appears to me to be probable with regard to the organs of sense. I shall perhaps, in another treatise, show that even in the Vertebrata, development alone can guide us in interpreting the signification of the organs. THIRD COROLLARY. Application to the Affinities of Animals. I have above ventured to assert (Schol. V. 1.) that the notion of a uniserial succession of animals is the prevalent one, and I K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 22? foresee that this assertion will be regarded as too sweeping, since only a few investigators of the present day declare themselves for it openly and decidedly ; in fact, not a few have pronounced decidedly against it. I must therefore devote a few lines to show the correctness of my statement. That doctrine has, as I believe, far more unconscious than conscious advocates. It seems to me, indeed, that a number of conceptions, proceeding from the uniserial view, and belonging to times long past, have propagated themselves, and without our knowledge have given a colour to our view of organic affinities, which is not the result of investigation. Are not the notions that Cephalopoda or Crustacea are allied to Fishes, or even pass into them, expressions of this fundamental view ? They could hardly have proceeded from an immediate and free comparison of their organisms. Just as incomprehensible is the alliance between Echinoderms and Mollusks. Do not these attempts to build bridges between two distant countries proceed from the endeavour to make each a link in a chain? Having learnt, in fact, to understand the Crustacea according to the type to which they belong, and regarding them as the most developed forms of this type (with which I do not agree), the next endeavour was to pass from them a step further. In the same manner it was believed that a way led from the highest Radiata to other regions. If, however, in accordance with our view, we regard the separate forms or groups of forms as variations upon a theme, we shall find that the transitions are but few and isolated; consequences of the modifiability of a form, but on that very ground not in themselves necessary and determinate. We shall then not be misled into seeking agree- ments between things which are heterogeneous, since we do not regard the serial succession as the condition of the varieties of animal forms. The controversy, whether the Articulata or the Mollusca are the higher, seems to me also to depend upon this view of a uniserial development. If we properly comprehend the essence of the different types, it appears easy enough to comprehend how the plastic formations predominate in the one, in the other sensitive and motor organs. The heart and the liver of Mollusks, 15* 228 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. as well as their glandular system in general, then will not neces- sitate us to place them higher than the Articulata. It would be almost as one-sided to raise all these above the Mollusca, although in general the greater variety in their vital manifesta- tions might give them a fair claim to such a position. Funda- mentally, however, each of these sections of the animal kingdom has its own standard, which can only be determined by its type. The greater the histological and morphological differentiation, the higher, according to our view, is the perfection in the same type. A less morphological differentiation is, however, always an ap- proximation to the fundamental type. Thus, the Annelida, on account of the similarity of their limbs, appear to us to be of lower organization, notwithstanding their vascular system, whose limitation in Insects is readily comprehensible, as a consequence of the development of their tracheae. For us the Myriapoda do not stand much higher, their manducatory instruments being true cephalic feet and their head being but little separated from the other almost identical rings. In the Thysanura and Parasita a greater morphological differentiation has arisen. And the structure of the true Insects is in them, as it were, sketched out. Just as gradual modifications of the Annulata may be re- cognized through Myriapoda, Thysanura and Parasita, so may such be observed through the Isopoda, Amphipoda and Stoma- poda to the Decapoda, and through the Scorpionidae to the Arachnida. For what reason, however, the proper Spiders, or the Decapoda among the Crustacea, are to be reckoned as more perfect than the true Insects, is not clear. On account of their more perfect vascular system ? This is only a consequence of a less active interchange with the air, whose more powerful influence always assists the development of animal life. If, on the other hand, the Individualization of the organic constituents is to be our standard of perfection, we observe in the Decapoda, besides the slight histological differentiation which to me is obvious, a tendency to compress the organs of sense, the motor and the plastic organs, into one chief centre, in con- sequence of \vhich the type is greatly modified, but its essential parts become little separated ; in the Arachnida the plastic body K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 229 is at least separated from the animal; but in Insects with metamorphosis, sensibility, irritability and plasticity are sepa- rated, though indeed only in the perfect state. The most highly developed among these, again, appear to me to be those whose thoracic segments are not divided into many separate rings, as in the Flea, the Coleoptera, and the Orthoptera, but when they are collected into one. It is in these that the originally similar parts, such as the feet and manducatory organs, have at- tained the widest deviation. It is in these that we meet with the best developed wings and the most various manifestations of life. The Crustacea, indeed, possess an ear and a nose ; but we must not forget that the head of Insects is small enough to make such organs doubtful ; that a few investigators believe they have found them, and that, at any rate, the senses are not absent. If we have succeeded in getting rid of all preconceived notions of a gradual series, we shall consider each form to be a modifi- cation of a more general form, and that these are modifications of a fundamental type, and learn to comprehend them from this point of view. We shall then take more pains to determine the general affinities of each species, than its place in a univer- sal progressive series. If we seek, however, for the grade of development, we must look for it only according to the degree of differentiation of the parts, and within the type which belongs to the animal. That, however, in fact, the preconceived conceptions of a progressive series have led to the ordinary views, is what I shall endeavour to establish and explain by yet a few examples. We often hear of retrogressive metamorphoses of a whole animal form or of a single organ ; can any clear conception attach to these " Retrogressions/ 5 if we do not assume that the form of some one animal is the condition of the form of some other? This much, however, is certain, that such a view implies the conception of a serial progression. If, in fact, we arrange together obviously allied animals, and then place them with their highest forms below those of another series, we shall have a retrogression. I will but shortly refer to the above (Schol. V. 3 a) example of Fishes. In truth, the retrogressive metamorphosis of particular organs 230 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. is spoken of, under the supposition that there is a progressive development for every organ, from the Monad to Man, and that this development is realized in accordance with the order of progression of the animals, the particular exceptions from which are now given. If, however, the organs are modifications of fundamental organs, and these differ according to the scheme of development (compare the following Corollary), there would appear to be an erroneous assumption in this very supposition. I believe, therefore, that if comparative anatomy is to be directed to the ascertainment of the laws of formation, the only proper way is, besides the constant reference to a fundamental type to which the whole animal belongs, to compare the organs by themselves in their different forms, as Burdach has attempted to do in his g Physiology/ without arranging the forms in the same order as the animals to which they belong would take in accord- ance with their perfection in other respects. We shall thus perceive how the general structure of the whole body of an ani- mal, or its relation to the external world, operates in modifying the form of particular organs, and so prevent ourselves from being misled by prejudices. That, however, these retrogressions in the development of organs are only an appearance which depends upon a pre- supposed uniserial development, is rendered most obvious by their disappearance, if we arrange the animals according to another organic system than that which was previously used as a base. I bring forward one example out of many. If I am persuaded that the Articulata are to be arranged in a progress- ively developed series, and dispose them according to the de- velopment of the vascular system, I may order them thus : True Insects, Myriapoda, Arachnida, Annelida. In this case the eyes are retrogressive through the series. Of the respiratory organs, and the vascular system besides, it is at once intelligible that the one appears retrogressive with respect to the other, since these systems are antagonistically related. If I consider them as modifications of a fundamental type, in which sometimes one and sometimes the other system is more changed from the simple fundamental form, then all retrogressions disappear. What I have here said of the Articulata, in order to select an obvious example, holds good not of them alone, n.or merely of K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL, FRAGMENTS. 231 the antagonistic relation of respiratory organs and vascular system ; it appears wherever there are any manifold variations. If we regard the different forms of Mammalia, we find for one series of organs other affinities than for another. If we consider the development of the animal part, which we may most readily estimate by the skeleton, the Bats are very different indeed from all the proper quadrupeds. We must suppose that they form the most aberrant order. With respect to their digestive organs, they resemble the Insectivora. Pallas, who in the Zoographia Rosso- Asiatica unites the Bats closely with the Mole, appears therefore to me to be as fully justified as Tiedemann, who about the same time, in his ' Zoology/ separated them widely. For the same reasons, Tiedemann unites the Seal with the Dugong, while by Pallas they are widely separated. The one has regarded the extremities, the other the teeth. What do such facts prove, except that the different organic systems vary in different modes ? The Mole and the Bat seek the same prey, the one in the air, the other in the earth. Their motor organs therefore differ according to the place of their residence. The Dugong arid the Seal are both aquatic, and have fin-like extremities, but what they seek is totally different; so are their dentition and their stomachs. Under such circumstances, does not an approximation to Man give for every organic system a different series of animals ; and if this be so, are not "retrogressions 5 ' without meaning? In truth, Man is only in respect of his nervous system, and of that which is connected with it, the highest form of animal. His erect progression is only a consequence of the greater develop- ment of his brain, since we find everywhere that the more the brain preponderates over the spinal cord, the more it raises itself above it. If this remark be well founded, all corporeal distinc- tions between Man and other animals may be reduced to cerebral development ; and in that case the pre-eminence of man is only a partial, although the most important one. One must be com- pletely prejudiced, in fact, not to see that the stomach of the Ruminant, which changes grass into chyle, is more perfect than the stomach of Man. (p. 242.) 232 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. (p. 257.) FOURTH COROLLARY. ******* But from what has been said, it seems to follow that every principal type of animal organization follows a special scheme of development ; indeed nothing else could have been expected, since the mode in which the parts are united together can only be the result of the mode of development. In reality, therefore, I might have used, instead of Type and Scheme, a common term expressing both. I have only kept them separate in order so to make it obvious, that every organic form, as regards its type, becomes by the mode of its formation that which it eventually is. The scheme of development is nothing but the becoming type, and the type is the result of the scheme of formation. For that reason the type can only be wholly understood by learning the mode of its development. This introduces differences into the germs, which at first are alike in all essential points. Different conditions or formative powers must act upon the germ in order to produce this multiplicity, on which head we shall by and by raise one or two queries. Here, however, we must add the remark, that the original agreement of all animal germs does not completely disappear even in the perfect forms, and that we have to seek the most profound distinctions among animal forms, which are attainable by us in the mode of development. With respect to the original agreement, I would call to mind, that, according to the Corollary of the Second Scholium, every animal is at first a part of its mother, that it becomes indepen- dent either by the immediate development of the parent herself, or after the action of a male principle, and that then the first act of independence consists in passing into a vesicular form ; either the whole becoming the body of the new animal, or the future body (the germ) separating itself from the merely nutri- tive substance which surrounds it. Here animals and plants diverge, since the latter do not invest the nutritive matter. The vesicular form, therefore, is the most general character of the animal ; the contrast of external and internal surface is the most general, and therefore the most essential contrast in the animal. (See above, Schol. V. 4 d.) K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 233 There remains yet another agreement between all forms of development. In all animals, namely, which at an early period possess a germ and a yelk, the investing germ becomes divided into many layers ; that turned towards the yelk is the plastic receptive layer; that turned from it, the more animal, even though its outermost border should become merely a limiting organ, and clothe itself more or less with an excreted non-vital layer. That now the vascular system, if it is otherwise sepa- rated from the digestive cavity, is formed external to it nearer to the animal part ; that in the animal part, muscles, nerves, &c., become separated, appears also to belong to the Idea of the ani- mal in general ; and the further this histological differentiation goes, the more developed do we call an animal. Wholly different from this, however, is the relative position of the parts. This is determined by the external form of the development. We have distinguished four principal forms, or, as we have called them, Schemata of Development : Radiate Development (Evolutio radiata), which, proceeding from a centre, repeats similar parts peripherally. Coiled Development (Evolutio contorta), in which similar parts are twisted round a cone or other space. Symmetrical Development (Evolutio gemma], in which similar parts are distributed from an axis on both sides to a sutural line opposite to the axis. Double Symmetrical Development (Evolutio bigemina], in which from an axis similar parts are disposed on both sides above and below, and are united at two sutural lines ; so that the inner layer of the germ is closed below and the upper layer above. We know that in the higher Vertebrata the Germ soon divides into two parts, an inner, which may especially be termed the Embryo ; and an outer, which may be called the Germinal mem- brane. I have already remarked that the former is nothing but a part of the germ, which is metamorphosed according to the scheme of development peculiar to every animal, whilst the peri- pheral part remains behind in its development. In Mammalia, Birds, and Reptiles, the middle part is but small in proportion to the outer portion, and it gradually sur- 234 K. E. VON BAEB. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. rounds the yelk, forming the abdominal suture. In the Frog, indeed, the external part of the germ is very thick, yet, as I believe, a separation into embryo and germinal membrane is un- deniable ; for the middle portion at the period in which the back closes is still very much thicker, and the limitation is tolerably well marked between the abdominal plates and that exterior por- tion which I regard as the germinal membrane. The former grow together towards the suture of the abdomen. In very young Pikes, also, in which the germinal membrane is much thinner and more transparent, this appeared to me to be the case. I saw beside the trunk of the vertebral column a pair of very narrow dark striae, the commencing abdominal plates. It may hence, I believe, be affirmed universally of the Vertebrata, that the embryo will surround the yelk with its abdominal plates, although this has previously been invested by the germinal membrane. It is the same in the Articulata. Their lateral plates are clearly distinguished by their thickness from the proper germinal membrane. They also surround the yelk. In the Mollusks, however, the whole germ appears to change equally. It cannot therefore be said of them that the embryo grows round the yelk, but more justly, that from the moment of fecundation it remains as its investment ; for a differentiation of the germ into embryo and germinal membrane is not perceptible ; the whole germ, rather, becomes the embryo. The same would very probably also take place in the radiate type, if any animal form from this series were developed from a true ovum, of which we have no knowledge*. If they should all be developed from mere germ-granules, the relation is still more apparent; for every germ-granule, so far as we know, is developed as a whole, and is nothing but a germ without a yelk. We must not overlook here an interesting relation. In those ova in which the germ is clearly separated into an embryo and a germinal membrane, it is the animal part of the embryo which * At present hardly anything could be of more interest for the history of development than the observation of the development of the Asteridae, and after these of the Cephalopoda. According to Cavolini, the latter have a yelk- sac depending from the mouth (AbhandL iiber die Erzeugung d. Fische und Krebse uebefs. von Zimmermann, 1792, p. 54), which is difficult to understand. K. E. VON BAEB. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 235 causes this separation. It is the animal part which grows so much, that we observe the marking off of the embryo from the germinal membrane. It is only after this has determined the whole form of the animal, that the plastic part appears to attain a certain degree of independence, which in the Articulata is often limited to a mere separation, the separate organs arising subse- quently, but which in the Vertebrata has sufficient power to cause a symmetrical development of the animal part. Of the action of the plastic part upon the animal, we can but detect a trace here and there. It is otherwise in the Mollusca. The plastic part becomes independent very soon, and has a decided influence upon the external form. We see how the essential character of the animal manifests itself very early, and develop- ment affords a justification for the name of Plastic animals which has been given to the Mollusca. Hence also we shall be better able to judge how far the Mollusca may be justly compared with the vegetative section of the body of the Vertebrata ; in its pre- dominant character namely, not according to the sum of all its separate parts. In the Mollusca, it is also a relatively animal part which occupies the whole periphery, and is principally developed in the foot of the Gasteropoda. Compared with other animals, they are living bellies ; but since these bellies are independently developed, without the influence of a more highly organized animal part, they have also a part which for them is more animal, and it is that which originally formed that surface of their germ which was turned from the yelk. In all four forms the surface of the germ which is turned towards the yelk does not change its position relatively to the latter, but retains it, and becomes the digestive surface of the perfect animal. In all forms, moreover, the peripheral part of the perfect animal is the external surface of the germ, that which is turned away from the yelk. I therefore believed myself to be justified in supposing that it is the relation to the yelk which in the germ produces the primary differentiation into an animal and a plastic layer. But it is not in all animals that the whole outer layer of the germ remains exterior. In the Vertebrata, the one half of the doubly symmetrical development encloses a part of the outermost surface, and changes into the nervous tube, the spinal cord with 236 K. E.VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. the brain, parts which must therefore necessarily be absent in other types. I would here render perfectly obvious how it is the scheme of development which produces the principal cha- racter of the animal. If we suppose that, in any articulate animal which is in the earliest stage of its development, a part of the germ should become raised up on both sides, and so enclose a portion of the external surface, the enclosed part would be an animal central portion. The internal organs would all have the same relation to it as in the Vertebrata, ex- cepting the plastic nerves, which by the influence of the ani- mal nervous system appear to be approximated to this last in the Vertebrata. In relation to the external world, however, all the internal organs would be inverted, since the central part itself would lie downwards. If we were to invert the animal, all the outer parts, the extremities and the organs of sense, would be dis- placed ; and supposing that the extensor and flexor sides had not undergone inversion by the addition of the new central part, these also. Hence we conclude, that, by the origin of a central part for the animal body, the position of the plastic organs, and their relation to the nearest animal layer, have indeed remained unchanged ; but their relation to the external world, and all which represents this relation in the body, has become inverted. In the former case, where the course of development is simply symmetrical, the central line from which it proceeds becomes the flexor side of the animal ; with a doubly symmetrical development, the side from which it proceeds becomes the extensor side. Towards the flexor side, the extremities and the feet are developed. By this it shows itself to be that which is most essentially turned towards the planet. Towards the extensor side, that turned from the ground, the organs of the senses are developed. I commenced this Corollary with the remark, that animals ought to be divided according to their mode of development, and I have shown sufficiently at length that the principal types have their own form of development. I may be permitted to point out here, in a few words, that the safest guide for further division would be found in the history of development, if we were acquainted with it with sufficient exactness, in the different K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. 237 classes and families of animals. If we keep this in view, we shall easily recognise the true Insects as a higher stage of deve- lopment than the Arachnida and Crustacea. We shall hold the Batrachia to be different enough to separate them, with De Blainville, from the Reptilia as a distinct class. And, in fact, what have they in common with the latter, than that they are not Fish, nor Birds, nor Mammals ? SCHOLIUM VI. General Result. If we review the contents of all the Scholia, a universal result proceeds from them. We found that the action of reproduction consists in elevating a Part into a Whole (Schol. II.) : that, in the course of development, its independence in relation to that which is around it increases (Schol. II.), as well as the determi- nateness of its form (Schol. I.): that in the internal development, the more special parts are developed from the more general, and their speciality increases (Schol. III.) : that the individual, as the possessor of a determinate organic form, gradually passes from the more general form into the more special (Schol. V.) ; and therefore the most general result of these investigations and considerations may well be thus expressed : The history of the development of the individual is the history of its increasing individuality in all respects. This general result is indeed so simple, that it would seem to need no demonstration, but to be cognizable a priori. But we believe that this simplicity is only the stamp and evidence of its truth. If the nature of the history of development had been from the first so recognized as we have just expressed it, it would and must have been a deduction thence, that the indi- vidual of any particular animal form attains it by passing from the more general into the special form. But experience every- where teaches that deductions become much more certain if their results are previously made out by observation. Man must have received a greater spiritual endowment than he ac- tually possesses for it to be otherwise. If, however, the general result which has just been expressed be well based and true, then there is one fundamental thought which runs through all forms and grades of animal development, 238 K. E. VON BAER. PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS. and regulates all their peculiar relations. It is the same thought which collected the masses scattered through space into spheres, and united them into systems of suns ; it is that which called forth into living forms the dust weathered from the surface of the metallic planet. But this thought is nothing less than Life itself, and the words and syllables in which it is expressed are the multitudinous forms of the Living. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURE. t Ideal figure of the organic movements in Verte- brata. The body of the animal is supposed to be transparent, so that the outline only is seen. The outline of the heart is indicated (the right auricle is drawn rather too much backwards). The view is from the dorsal surface. 1'. Course of the red blood into the left ventricle. 1 . Course of it out of the left ventricle. 2. Course of the venous blood from the anterior half of the body into the right auricle. 3. Course of the venous blood from the posterior half of the body into the right auricle. 4. Course of the portal blood. 5. Course of the respired air. 6. Course of the food from the pharynx into the ossophagus. 7. Course of the chyme from the stomach into the intestine. 8. Course of the faeces. 9. Course of the ova. [T. H. H.] W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OP ZOSTERA. 239 ARTICLE VIII. On the Development q/Zostera. By W. HOFMEISTER. [From the Botanische Zeitung, Feb. 13th & 20th, 1852.] THE peculiar physiological phaetiomena exhibited by Zoster a, above all the unique formation of the pollen and the strange structure of the embryo, have frequently and from an early period drawn the attention of botanists to this remarkable genus of plants. In most of the larger illustrated works devoted to the local floras of Europe, the figures of Zoster a are accompanied by careful and more or less accurate microscopic dissections, as in Schkuhr, Hooker's Flora Londinensis, Reichenbach's Icones, Schnizlein's Iconographie der naturlichen Familien, &c. The form of the embryo has been a subject of discussion for almost every author who has studied the comparative import of the parts of the seedling plants of Monocotyledons*. Fritzschef made known the curious condition and the circulation of the contents of the pollen-cells ; Gronland J has very recently pub- lished a contribution to the knowledge of Zostera marina, a series of most acceptable microscopic researches on the develop- mental history: imperfect, however, in reference to several of the most interesting questions, especially to those connected with the origin of the pollen and of the embryo. The following essay, the materials for which I owe to the kindness of Prof. Nolte of Kiel, will in some points complete, in others correct, the paper published by Gronland. The inflorescence of Zostera, like that of the nearly allied Potameae, is relatively terminal : the metamorphosed end of a * Gartner, De Fructibus, 1. 1 9 ; Bernhardi, Litintea, Bd. vii.; Jussieu, Annales dea Sc. nat. 2*ne Ser. t. xi. p. 356. t Mem. de V Acad. de St. Petersbourg par div. Sav. t. iii. p. 703. pi. 3. I BoL Zeitung, vol. ix. p. 183 (1851). The plants which Prof. Nolle was kind enough to forward to me repeatedly, at different seasons, were perfectly fresh when they arrived at Leipsic (30 or 40 hours after their removal from their native locality) ; even the adherent Chato- morphce and Polysiphoniae retained their vitality unaffected. 240 W. HOFMEISTEB ON THE DEVELOPMENT 'OF ZOSTERA. branch. In Zostera marina, when the formation of flowers commences, both the previously inert axillary buds and also the terminal shoot of the little-branched or even simple sterile plants, become converted into inflorescences. In Zostera minor the rule is for axillary sprouts standing far back from the sterile terminal shoot, to become transformed into blossoms. This distinction between the two species, so striking at first sight, appears to depend principally upon the fact that in Zostera marina the old portions of the stem die away rapidly, within a few months, from behind forwards, while in Zostera minor they persist for more than a year. When the terminal bud of a plant of Zostera marina enters upon a transformation into a spadix, the ordinary series of linear stem- leaves with sheathing bases (having the divergence |), becomes interrupted by a cylindrical leaf-sheath, devoid of any indication of a lamina, the two lateral borders of which sheath, enclosing the terminal bud, adhere firmly together. The axillary sprouts which become blossoms arise with a similar sheath. The next internode of the flowering sprout bears a leaf like the stem-leaves (laub- blatter), but with a comparatively shorter lamina, which, like the leaves of the Zostera generally, has a divergence of \ from the leaf next older than itself. The sheathing base of this leaf envelopes the inflorescence, i. e. the expanded, flat, long-protracted end of the stem, that surface of which turned away from the last leaf bears the anthers and ovaries. From the axil of the sheathing bract (vorblatt) of the fertile sprout (PI. VI. fig. 1 a] arises a shoot, resembling in all respects its parent sprout, with which it is coalescent for a considerable distance (fig. 1 b). At the place where the cohesion ceases the new sprout bears its first, sheathing leaf (fig. 1 b 1 ). This diverges J of the circumference of the stem from the bract (vorblatt} of the sprout of the preceding rank, and is parallel with the stem-leaf (laub-blatt) in the axil of which that arises. The sheathing leaf is succeeded by a stem-leaf (laub-blatt) (fig. 1 b 2 ), above which the sprout terminates with the inflores- cence (fig. 1 b). The axil of its lowest, sheathing leaf sends out a fructifying branch of a new rank (fig. 1 c), and so on, till the exhaustion of the growing power of the blossoming plant, in W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OP ZOSTERA. 241 Zostera marina, to a series of twelve, in Zostera minor only of six ranks. The rudiments of the first spadix of Zostera marina appear at the beginning of spring, those of Zostera minor in the middle of summer. From then until the period of maturation of the first seeds (in Z. marina at the beginning of July, in Z. minor the beginning of September), new flowering sprouts arise suc- cessively in the axils of the bracts (vorblatter) of their predeces- sors, so that, from the middle of May forwards, every fertile plant of the common Zostera exhibits a series of distantly situated stages of development of the floral organs*. When arising out of the axil of the sheathing leaf of the pre- ceding sprout, the axis of a new rank, terminating in an inflores- cence, presents itself as a hemispherical papilla (fig. 1 d), the side of which facing the parent sprout coheres with the latter up to the point where the new shoot forms its first, sheathing leaf, by the simultaneous multiplication of a zone of cells situated close underneath its apex. The multiplication of the cells of both organs, axis as well as leaf, in the longitudinal direction, commences with a repeated subdivision of their apical cells in the axis of a single one, in the leaf of an incomplete crown of similar cells by means of alternately obliquely inclined walls. The fertile shoot forms its single stem-leaf (laub-blatt), oppo- site to the leaf-sheath, shortly after the latter breaks forth. The bud of the sprout of the succeeding rank appears simultaneously in the axil of the basilar sheath. The stem-leaf (laub-blatt) makes its appearance as a flat cellular mass embracing the end of the stem so completely as to leave only a narrow slit. It first grows longitudinally, by re- * The interpretation of the series of sprouts of the flowering Zostera given above, placed beyond doubt by investigation of the development, is also the only one possible, looking exclusively at the condition when complete. Neither is the supposition admissible that the flowering sprouts, upwards from the sheath- ing leaf, are a series of equivalent secondary axes of a main axis bearing only sheathing leaves, for the sheath is opposite to the sprout terminating as an in- florescence ; nor is that which would make the inflorescence an axillary bud of the stem-leaf (laub-blatt) which sheathes the spadix with its base, for this as- sumption would lead us to expect each couple of leaves of the main axis, a stem-leaf (laub-blatt) and a leaf-sheath, to stand regularly one above the other; a conception untenable when we recollect the position of the leaves of the sterile plant of Zostera. SCI EN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART III. 16 242 W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. peated subdivision of the cells of its upper border. The multi- plication of these cells, on the side turned away from the slit, of this organ (hitherto resembling a cylinder slit up lengthways), soon outstrips that of the apical cells of the other half of the leaf: the riband-shaped lamina grows out from the sheath. The multiplication of the cells at the apex of the leaf ceases early, while a very active and long persistent increase occurs in those of the base. After the rudiment of the stem-leaf (laub-blati) has been formed, the end of the stem above it changes its form. It be- comes widened out by a multiplication of its cells, predominantly in the direction parallel to the surface of the leaf, and it assumes the shape of a thick spatula, slightly concave at the side nearest the next (younger) sprout. The rudiment of the flattened spadix is now unmistakeable in the end of the axis. The longitudinal growth of the spadix is continued by a frequently repeated divi- sion of its apical cells by means of walls inclined alternately towards the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf-like organ. The cells in the median line and at the margins of the spadix remain long capable of multiplication; constituting strings of cambium structure. On the other hand, two broad strips of cellular tissue, parallel to the lateral borders of the spadix, early cease to increase. With the exception of those composing the epidermis, all these cells become separated from each other at their angles; air becomes excreted in the intercellular spaces (fig. 3). The cells of both the marginal strips of cambium on the upper side of the spadix become greatly multiplied through repeated division by walls parallel to its surface. In this way are formed two swollen tracts of cellular tissue, which, in their further development, become curved strongly inwards so as to cover in a great part of the upper surface of the spadix, through the resistance which the sheath of the stem-leaf (laub-blatf), closely enveloping the inflorescence, opposes to the unfolding of them. In Zoster a minor little leaf-like structures arise upon the spadix near the lateral margins of its upper face, and these lie over the surface of the spadix like clamps or claws. Zostera marina exhibits no trace of such organs. From the median streak of the spadix, which becomes greatly expanded by the active multiplica- tion of its cells, arise the anthers and ovaries, upon the upper face, W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 243 arranged with strict regularity, as is well known, according to 2, in such a manner that single anthers alternate with single ovaries in each of the two longitudinal rows of floral organs, and organs of different sex constantly stand next together horizontally. The anther first appears as a longish papilla of cellular tissue, the larger diameter of which is parallel to the longitudinal line of the spadix (fig. 4 a). The two ends of the young anther soon appear curved outward to some extent ; they rapidly increase in magnitude, and become globular protuberances (fig. 3 a, a), which gradually become spindle-shaped through continued rapid mul- tiplication of the cells. Thus each anther consists of two appa- rently independent, moderate-sized halves, which are connected together by a comparatively long riband-shaped cellular body, the altered connective, attached to the spadix by the narrow edge*. At the time when the half of the anther is passing from the globular into the ovate form, two parallel rows of cells lying in its longitudinal axis, take on a different character from the sur- rounding tissue (PL VI. figs. 5-7). The process of division ceases in the former, while the three layers of cells of the latter continue to multiply. The cells of these parallel rows are the primary parent-cells of the pollen. Their form is pretty nearly that of a cube (fig. 7) ; in their subsequent development they become elongated into short prisms, in a direction inclined downwards from the surface of the spadix. The pollen-cells are developed from these cells through re- peated longitudinal division, by means partly of perpendicular, partly of horizontal walls (figs. 6-12). The process of their formation is thus very unlike that occurring in the great majority of Phanerogamia. There is not the slightest indica- tion of parent-cells becoming isolated, or of special parent- cells. There occurs in the primary parent-cells a series of " halvings " or bisections in only two directions, differing in no respect from vegetative cell-multiplication ; the last genera- tion, alone, of the daughter-cells become disconnected and so form the pollen-cells. This development of the pollen of Zoster a * This part of the development of the anther, very completely treated and correctly figured by Grbnland, loc. cit. 187, is mentioned here merely for the sake of giving a connected account. 16* 244 W. HOPMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. is not, however, altogether an isolated phaenomenon ; the earlier stages of formation of the pollen-masses of the Asclepiadaceae resemble it most perfectly. In the anther of the Asclepiadaceae, the laws of growth of which correspond on the whole to those of the rudimentary spadix of Zostera, and which, like this, is at an early age shaped like a little sloped-off spatula with a strongly rounded back, two groups of longitudinal rows of cells become the primary parent-cells of the pollen*. Extending considerably inwards in a direction perpendicular to the surfaces of the anthers, they acquire a different character from the sur- rounding tissue and assume the form of recumbent prisms. By a series of longitudinal and transverse divisions parallel to the long axes of these prisms, the rudiment of the pollen-mass be- comes a group of narrow cells of a length six to ten times greater than the cross diameter. At this stage of development it cor- responds perfectly to the contents of a chamber of the young anther of Zostera. But in the Asclepiadaceas there now succeeds a many times repeated division of the elongated parent-cells, by means of walls perpendicular to their long axes, whereby the pollen-mass becomes transformed into a body composed of trans- verse rows of cubical cells the special-parent-cells. These special-parent-cells become polyhedral by unequal expansion of the whole mass, and then a pollen-cell originates in each. The pollen -cell of Zostera appears at its origin as an obtuse- angled, almost cylindrical sac, the long diameter of which is three or at most four times as great as the cross diameter (figs. 11-13). The nucleus, which it is difficult to make visible, vanishes at an early period. With the formation of the pollen commences a very consider- able enlargement of the pollen-chambers (loculi), by vigorous multiplication and expansion, in a tangental direction, of their * Schacht (Das Mikroskop, Berlin 1851, p. 154) assumes that only one lon- gitudinal row of cells becomes converted into primary parent-cells. His figure (tab. iii. fig. 8) shows the cross section of the attenuated upper end of an already further developed group of such cells (a pollen-mass), where one primary parent-cell, divided into two, is visible. Longitudinal and transverse sections of earlier conditions show, beyond doubt, that several longitudinal rows of cells of the tissue of the rudimentary anther, of unlike value (in Nageli's sense, t. e. not all products of an equal number of subdivisions), take part in the forma- tion of the pollen. I shall recur to this subject in another place. W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 245 cell-walls. The pollen-cells, constantly growing longer, keep pace with the enlargement of the loculi ; they thus soon attain a con- siderable (fig. 14), and finally, in proportion to the permanently small cross diameter, quite an enormous length (in the ripe anther as much as 3 lines). They retain throughout their original direction, inclined downwards from the surface of the spadix. Toward the close of the increase of length they displace the innermost of the three layers of cells which originally formed the outer wall of each loculus. A cellulose membrane becomes first distinguishable on the pollen when the long diameter is about eight times the cross diameter, and at that period it is yet extremely delicate. As the pollen approaches maturity it be- comes tougher, but no secretion whatever of an exine occurs ; as was made known by Fritzsche. The tendency of the pollen- cell to expand its membrane often outruns the growth of the walls of the loculus, towards the approach of maturity. The pollen-cells, restrained in their natural extension, then frequently exhibit curvatures or curling of the ends and protrusions of various forms (PL VI. fig. 15 b). As long as the longitudinal growth of the pollen lasts, the granular-mucilaginous fluid contents are uniformly diffused in the cell. Toward the time of maturity we find longish cavities in the mucilage, filled with a fluid of less refractive power, and these are finally blended into a single cavity lying in the axis. At this period we may frequently observe the active currents in the dense, mucilaginous coating (containing numerous granules) of the inside of the cell-wall ; more distinctly in proportion as the pollen-cell is riper and the temperature of the surrounding water higher. Two principal currents may be distinguished, one ascending, the other descending ; one of these is ordinarily stronger and of larger size. The moving mass splits up here and there into several arms, sometimes becoming again confluent, between which remain isolated spaces occupied by motionless and more transparent fluid (fig. 15.) The pollen-cells in which a particularly rapid circulation occurs are always greatly swollen up (lying in fresh water), and ordinarily burst in the course of a few minutes during the observation. Change of temperature in the surrounding medium has a most decided influence on the circulation in the pollen-cell. When warmer or cooler water is applied upon the object-holder, one of the two currents is 246 W. HOFMEISTEB ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. greatly strengthened, the other weakened, sometimes even so far as to disappear. It is not improbable that the different temperatures of the ends of the filiform cell form one of the causes on which the phaenomena of motion of the granular mucilage are dependent. The investigation of the development of the pollen of Zostera is very difficult. The contents of the cells of the young anther, especially those of parent-cells of the pollen-cells, and of the latter themselves, are extremely sensitive to the action of pure water. This holds in a still higher degree of the pellicle form- ing the coat of the young pollen. When an available preparation, a very delicate longitudinal section of a young half-anther, is placed under water, the membranes of the young pollen-cells swell up, and, with their mucilaginous contents, instantly run together into a shapeless jelly. The only method of examining the young anther is to place it in a saline solution ; I employed here, as in similar cases, a saturated solution of carbonate of ammonia. No safe conclusions can be obtained regarding the structure of the anther, or the course of development of the pollen, without making sections. The connection of the different tissues is so intimate in the young anther, that it is quite im- possible to extract uninjured either the parent-cells of the pollen or the very young pollen- cells*. The first visible rudiment of the ovary is a flat papilla (fig. 3 b) 9 composed of few 7 cells, which, increasing in size, soon acquires the form of a horse-shoe with the convex side turned towards the median line of the inflorescence (fig. 4 b), the rudiment of a leaf attached upon the surface of the spadix. In a short time, this becomes closed in so as to form an annular wall of cellular tissue, within which appears a little roundish mass of cellular tissue (fig. 160), approached near to the inner border; this is the axillary bud of the carpel the ovule. The circular wall becomes developed particularly quickly on the side next the base of the spadix. It bulges out at this place, while it grows * The globular cells which Gronland mentions as the contents of the loculi of the young anthers, and likewise figures (loc. clt. p. 188, figs. 18, 19, 20), I was unable to find, at any stage of development of the anther. The closely packed, straight and parallel pollen-cells always completely filled up the cavity of the anther. Probably those appearances depended on some of the cells of the lax and mucilaginous innermost layer of the wall of the anther being accidentally detached in the preparation of the object. W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 247 up into an obtusely conical hollow mass of cells perforated at the apex (fig. 17). The ovule unfolds itself within the bulging portion of the cavity, becoming curved downward. Simultane- ously with the sudden commencement of the very considerable elongation of the perforated mouth of the young ovary, to form the canal of the style, begins the formation of the two integuments (fig. 18). They arise close beneath the summit of the young ovule, by a pretty nearly simultaneous commencement of rapid multiplication in two zones of cells ; the development of the outer coat of the ovule begins immediately after the inner coat becomes visible. The lower part of the ovule, at this epoch by far the larger, remains uncovered by the integuments. Both integuments grow longitudinally by constantly repeated division of the crowns of cells at their summits, by walls alter- nately inclined to and from the nucleus (fig. 19). The outer integument soon acquires considerable thickness through two or three repetitions of the division of the cells of the second degree, by means of walls parallel to the free outer surface ; when the ovule is fully developed, this coat is composed of lax tissue, traversed by intercellular spaces full of air, enclosed by an epithelium formed of cells one-fourth the size and filled with watery fluid. The cells of the second degree of the inner integument, do not become multiplied in the direction of the breadth until this coat has grown up beyond the summit of the nucleus. Then, how- ever, its upper margin rapidly becomes broader and thicker through repeated division of the cells by means of walls parallel to the long axis of the ovule ; the mouth closes in, leaving only the narrow canal of the micropyle (PL VII. fig. 22) formed solely by the inner integument ; the outer coat of the ovule, which comes to a standstill when the inner begins to increase in size, becomes grown over by the thickened margin of the micropyle. At the epoch when the integuments reach the level of the summit of the nucleus, the latter is composed of an axial row consisting of a few, eight to ten cells, enclosed by a double layer of cells. A simple layer of cells covers the upper extremity of the axial string and forms the summit of the nucleus (fig. 19). As in most young organs of vegetables, the cells forming the free outer wall of its surface possess tolerable firmness, different from the gelatinous consistence of the cell-walls in the interior. 248 W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTEBA. The uppermost three cells of the row occupying the longitudinal axis of the ovule are distinguishable from their neighbours, at a very early period, by a larger size and greater concentration of their contents ; this is particularly the case with the uppermost of them, which gradually grows up to be the embryo-sac, while the nucleus undergoes a profound change of structure by an active multiplication of the cells, especially of those at its lower part. The cells of the surface of the upper end of the nucleus are divided by longitudinal and transverse septa perpendicular to the outer walls ; the same division is repeated in the " daughter- cells/' The increase of this cellular hood, in length and compass, thus keeps pace at first with that of the cell growing into an embryo-sac (fig. 20), enclosed by it. A little later begins a very rapid multiplication of the cells of the lower part of the nucleus, in all three directions. In the first place the axial cells divide by perpendicular longitudinal walls; the newly-formed cells again divide by longitudinal walls standing at right angles to those last produced. Thus from this time the embryo-sac no longer rests upon a simple row of cells, forming the axis of the mass of cells below it, but on a column formed of double pairs of cells, which cells become repeatedly divided by horizontal walls (fig. 21). The multiplication of the cells of the two peri- pherical layers of the nucleus, only weak just below the growing embryo-sac, becomes greater proceeding towards the base, where the hitherto cylindrical mass of cells soon becomes strongly bulged out. The multiplication of cells still continues in this region even after the ovule has attained its normal size, so that at the epoch of fertilization this part of the nucleus is composed of cells one-fourth the size of those lying close beneath the embryo-sac. Finally, the cells of the periphery of the nucleus all divide once oftener by longitudinal and transverse walls than those in contact with them ; they thus appear one-half the height and breadth of the latter. During the further increase of size of the embryo-sac, the cells surrounding it become gradually broken down and compressed. The firmer, free, outer walls of the superficial cells are not attacked by this softening and solution of the cellulose ; after the breaking down of the inner tissue has advanced to a certain point, these outer walls of the superficial cells form a homogeneous, connected W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 249 membrane, transparent as glass, which encloses, as a sac, the semi-fluid mass of primordial utricles set free by the solution of the cell-coats (fig. 21). The large primordial cell in the centre of this mucilaginous mass, the nascent embryo-sac, from this period begins rapidly to displace the rest, which become by degrees completely dissolved ; first of all those bounding it laterally, while the cap of cells covering its summit persists for a short time longer (fig. 21). The primary nucleus of the embryo-sac is always still distinctly perceptible in its centre ; radiating threads of granular mucilage pass out from it. Three newly- formed, closely- crowded, globular cells show themselves in the chalazal extremity, while at the micropyle end appear also the now newly-formed nuclei of the germinal vesicles (fig. 21), as three brighter, globular cavities, surrounded by dense granular mucilage (the vesicles imbedded in. the protoplasm with more transparent fluid contents). After the primordial utricle of the embryo-sac has also dis- placed that hollow conical layer of dissolving cells which covers its micropyle end, it becomes closely applied upon the now free enveloping membrane*. This adhesion is so intimate at the micropyle end, that in all subsequent stages the enveloping membrane seems at this point to have been secreted by the primordial utricle of the embryo-sac. Further down, from the region where the cavity enclosed by the inner integument and lined by the enveloping membrane (of the nucleus) becomes widened and expanded into a cylindrical form, the growth of the primordial utricle in breadth is frequently restricted; it then runs on as a slender cylinder in the axis of the wider. The tubular space between the enveloping membrane of the nucleus and the elongated primordial utricle of the embryo-sac is filled with finely granular mucilage coloured deep brown by iodine, probably the product of the solution of the liquefied peripherical cells of the nucleus (PL VII. fig. 23). These processes are accompanied by a very considerable elon- gation of the embryo-sac and the enveloping membrane of the nucleus, which both integuments follow by a rapid multiplica- tion of their cells in the direction of the length of the ovule. * Formed by the persistent, connected outer walls of the superficial layer of cells of the nucleus (see above). A. H. 250 W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. The shape of the ovule becomes materially altered by this, passing from an ovate form into that of a cylinder with a slightly at- tenuated summit and a rather swollen base. The lower persistent part of the nucleus is now pear-shaped. Its apex, as in Crocus and elsewhere, exhibits a funnel-shaped excavation, lined by the chalazal end of the embryo-sac, in which are confined the three " enigmatical antipodes of the germinal vesicles* 55 (fig. 23). The germinal vesicles themselves, now fully developed, pear-shaped and large, with the inside of their walls lined by a layer of protoplasm which encloses the now lenticular nucleus, bear a similar relation to the micropyle end of the embryo-sac (figs. 22-24). The primary nucleus of the latter has by this time disappeared : if the embryo-sac has become adherent at all points to the enveloping membrane of the nucleus, secondary nuclei of a lenticular form are now frequently found lying upon the inside of the wall of the former, and these are mostly the centres of slightly developed systems of radiating threads of granular mucilage (fig. 22). With the exclusion of an exceptional case occasionally occurring in Z. minor, to be mentioned hereafter, this is the only indication of a preparation for the production of endosperm met with through the whole existence of the ovule ofZostera. After fertilization these nuclei disappear again, without having arrived even at a transitory cell-formation. The ovule is now ready for fertilization ; during its develop- ment the mouth of the rudimentary ovary becomes prolonged into the canal of the style ; the filiform stigmas spring out later through a more active multiplication of cells at two points of the circumference of the orifice. The styles, which turn up- wards at obtuse angles, are protruded at the period of flowering from the slits of the leaf-sheath enclosing the inflorescence. The anthers burst at the same epoch ; each half-anther opens by a longitudinal slit running up over the septum dividing the two loculi. The filiform pollen-cells arrive immediately upon the arms of the stigma projecting into the burst half-anthers. They are often found, singly or several together, spirally wound round these arms. * A. Braun, Die Erscheinuny der Verjungung, &c. Leipsic, 1849 (1851), p. 297. VV. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 251 The end of the pollen-cell penetrates into the canal of the style opening at the summit of the two arms of the stigma. I was unable to lay free, uninjured from the stigma to the micro- pyle, the pollen-tube into which the otherwise already tubular pollen-cell is doubtless converted by continued growth of one of its extremities in the longitudinal direction. Within seven hours after the dehiscence of the anther, the pollen-tube is found in the cavity of the ovary * ; adhering closely to the outer side of the pendent ovule, it grows down to its micropyle, into which it penetrates, suddenly making a sharp curve. The internal cavity of the ovary, now greatly enlarged by the expansion of its \valls, is filled with transparent but tolerably firm jelly, in which may sometimes be distinguished swollen-up cells, not un- like those of the epithelium of the inside of the human mouth, They are perhaps detached cells of the conducting tissue. A little air-bubble is commonly found in the lower extremity of the cavity of the ovary, at the end opposite to the stigma. The pollen-tube is of the same diameter as the pollen-cell (figs. 24-26). The portion outside the micropyle dies away rapidly; within this it remains perceptible for a considerable time. It does not usually penetrate farther than the summit of the embryo-sac, very rarely insinuating itself for a short distance down between this and the inner wall of the second integument. After the arrival of the end of the pollen-tube at the outer wall of the embryo-sac, formed by the enveloping membrane of the nucleus, one of the germinal vesicles increases in size and its nucleus vanishes (fig. 24). The other germinal vesicles shrivel up (fig. 25) and die away ; often even before the pollen-tube has emerged from the micropyle-canal. A newly-formed, glo- bular or ellipsoidal nucleus soon makes its appearance in the lower end of the fertilized germinal vesicle, inside the mass of protoplasm accumulating there ; immediately after this comes, above the nucleus, a septum, convex on the upper side, dividing * Anthers of a plant of Zostera marina taken from the sea-water on the 4th of June 1851, opened before my eyes on the 7th of June at half-past 6 in the morning, after a land journey of more than forty hours. By one o'clock on the same day the pollen-tubes had penetrated into the micropyles of ovules of the same inflorescence. The plants had been kept ever since their removal from their habitat moderately damp (not wet), and excluded from the air. 252 W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. the germinal vesicle into a small lenticular, lower cell, and a larger, expanded, upper cell (fig. 25). The latter contains no nucleus ; a thin layer of granular mucilage coats the inside of its wall, and its cavity is filled with watery fluid. This upper cell is not further developed during the subsequent completion of the seed. The little lower cell, on the contrary, at once enters upon a very rapid multiplication. It swells up into a flattened globular form, and divides by a longitudinal wall ; both the newly-formed hemispherical cells then immediately divide into two " daughter- cells/ 5 having the form of quarters of a sphere, by septa stand- ing at right angles to those just before produced. These four cells, constituting the rudiment of the embryo, are each divided by a horizontal cross septum (fig. 26) . By continued halving of its cells, principally in the longitudinal direction, the flat- tened globular mass of cells (fig. 26) soon becomes spherical (figs. 27, 28) ; and finally, while constantly increasing in size, ovate and compressed laterally (fig. 29). The large spherical cell which supports it is only loosely attached to the inside of the wall of the micropyle end of the embryo-sac. I more than once saw the swollen cell, and the cellular mass sprung from it, slip from the micropyle end of the embryo-sac half- way towards the other extremity, without perceptible external cause*. By the time the rudiment of the embryo has acquired the globular form, a single apical cell becomes distinctly visible (fig. 28), in the organ which in previous stages of development undoubtedly possessed four. This transformation may be aptly explained by the supposition that one of the four cells originally forming the apex divides into one inner and two outer cells ; either by a longitudinal septum forming an angle of 45 with each of the two side walls of the cell, after which a radial lon- gitudinal wall appears in the outer of the newly-formed cells ; or by a longitudinal wall parallel to one of the lateral surfaces, the formation of which is immediately followed by that of an- other at right angles to it. If we further suppose that, in either case, the other three of the previously apical cells become di- vided by radial longitudinal septa, during the formation of one * See the note to fig. 26 in the explanation of the figures. W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 253 inner and two outer in the fourth cell, the final result, under either hypothesis, would be the formation of a central (apical) cell surrounded by a chaplet of eight cells. During the transformation of the smaller segment of the im- pregnated germinal vesicle into a globular cellular body, the enveloping membrane of the nucleus, which has become a tough coat of the embryo-sac, adheres most intimately to the inside of the inner integument. The edges of contact of the cells of the latter soon make marks upon the hitherto homogeneous, smooth membrane in the form of cellulose ridges running upon it ; at first extremely delicate, scarcely perceptible, but gradually more distinct, and at last so sharp, that the wall of the embryo-sac most deceptively resembles, when seen only on the surface, a layer of tubular cells filled with transparent contents. The pe- culiar conditions of this enveloping membrane, its lengthened vital activity, its energetic growth, and its nutrition by the tissues and cells of different kinds which it encloses, deserve particular attention. From one of the broad surfaces of the laterally-compressed, ovate rudiment of the embryo springs an obtusely conical pro- jection of cellular tissue, the rudiment of the future principal axis of Zostera, which is thus a secondary axis, a lateral sprout of the leafless axis of the first rank, of the embryo. Very soon after the appearance of the new structure, the first leaf is deve- loped, a little below its apex (figs. 30, 31, 33-35). This presents itself as a little ridge nearly surrounding the end of the stem, and very rapidly grows higher at the border turned to the cha- laza, than at other parts. The leaf grows longitudinally through constant repetition of the division of a transverse row of apical cells, by walls inclined alternately towards the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf, and by division of the cells of the second degree by cross walls. The direction of its growth is parallel to the primary axis of the embryo, diverging at right angles from its parent axis. During the development of this leaf, a very considerable alter- ation occurs in the shape of that axis of the first rank : by active multiplication of its cells, predominantly in the directions of breadth and length, the ellipsoidal cellular body becomes a flat mass truncated below and gradually attenuated toward the upper 254 W. HOPMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. and lateral borders (PL VIII. figs. 32, 35-3?). The lateral borders at the same time curve over the anterior surface, so that they finally enclose, like a hood, the secondary leaf-bearing axis attached upon that surface. The multiplication of the cells, very active at all the edges of the cellular plate, lasts longest at the upper margin, directed towards the micropyle. The large cell, to which the embryo was previously suspended, becomes pushed very much to one side by this (fig. 32). Soon compressed by the further increase of size of the primary axis, it is in a short time lost sight of altogether. The leaf-bearing axis, the lower, naked portion of which has meantime been extending upward with a considerable cur- vature, unfolds, soon after the protrusion of the first leaf, the se- cond, opposite to that ; the third becomes opposed to this higher up on the stem, and finally the fourth to the third (fig. 39). The greatly prolonged extremity of the stem grows by continued repetition of division of the single apical cell, by means of septa inclined alternately to the two surfaces of the leaf, division of the cells of the second degree by radial longitudinal walls, and so on ; corresponding to the rule of cell-multiplication in the rudiment of the fruit of Mosses, of the Marchantiece, the stem of Mosses, the stem of 'the Polypodiaceae, the axes of the Equisetaceae and Pilulariete, and the young embryos of the Coniferae. But, as in the Coniferae, the rule of cell-formation changes subsequently, after the germination of the seed. The one apical cell of the now obtuse, flattened terminal bud (fig. 40) divides by walls inclined successively to the four points of the compass, in agreement with the rule of cell-multiplication in the further developed rudiment of the fruit of Anthoceros*. Buds appear in the axils of the older leaves even before the maturity of the embryo. Subsequently also, in the fully-deve- loped, annual sterile plant, the formation of an axillary bud follows that of the leaf almost immediately (PL VIII. fig. 40). In the foregoing I have called the cellular body, formed by the increase of the lower segment of the impregnated germinal vesicle, which is finally transformed into a hood-shaped layer of cellular tissue, the axis of the first rank, of the embryo. Older botanists regarded it as the cotyledonary leaf, a view which * See page 6 of my Fergleichende Untersuchungen, &c. Leipsic, 1851. W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTERA. 255 Gronland also supports, although A. de Jussieu*, so long ago as 1838, demonstrated that this is untenable, by comparison with other Monocotyledonous embryos, and explained the organ as a transformation of the plumule (tigelle) of the embryo, with- out however recognizing the leaf-bearing stem as a secondary axis. An unprejudiced examination of the course of develop- ment completely refutes the older view. But even if it were assumed, for the sake of the pretended analogies, that the direc- tion of the main axis of the embryo underwent a division not to be detected by actual observation ; that the cell of the lateral surface of the flattened -ovate cellular body, which gives origin by its cell -multiplication to the leaf-bearing axis, was the twelfth cell of the first degree of the embryo, and that the obtuse end of that cellular mass underneath this cell was the rudiment of the cotyledon, the cotyledon and the next succeeding leaf would be made to stand in one perpendicular line, i. e. the leaf directly over the cotyledon ; a supposition incompatible with the phaeno- mena exhibited in the after-life of Zostera. There is no example among all the Dicotyledons of the principal leaf-bearing stem of a plant being an axis of the second rank, the lateral sprout of a leafless primary axis. The develop- ment of the embryo of Tropceolum, which at first sight appears similar to that of Zostera, differs from it most essentially in the circumstance that the portion of the pro-embryo, from the end- cell of which the embryo originates, is in Tropceolum the primary axis, only crowded to one side by the more vigorous development of the peculiar lateral sprout of the pro-embryo f. Among the Monocotyledons there is one plant, Ruppia rostellata, resembling Zostera in many characters of its sub- sequent life, which may be compared with the latter, in reference to the characters of the embryo, without straining any point. The ovule of Ruppia agrees in structure with that of Poiamogeton. Like that, it completely resembles the ovule of Zostera in its early development, in attachment, direction and shape (fig.41 a,b}. But that large cell in the interior which becomes the embryo-sac, only displaces a moderate portion of the nucleus before impreg- nation ; the outer layers of cells of the latter persist (fig. 42). As inPotamoaeton, the previously concentrically-shaped ovule begins * Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2 ser., Botanique, torn. xi. f See my essay Die En$tehung des Embryo. 256 W. HOFMEISTER ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ZOSTER A to assume a symmetrical form shortly before impregnation. The micropyle becomes pushed downwards by active multiplication of the cells on its outer side, turned away from the contiguous angles of the four ovaries (fig. 42). A multiplication of the cells of the opposite side of the nucleus commencing at the epoch of impregnation, subsequently pushes the micropyle upwards again with a great curvature of the entire ovule (fig. 43). The integu- ments follow the increasing size and changing shape of the ovule by multiplication of their cells in the directions of length and breadth. After impregnation the process of multiplication and expansion of the cells becomes very unequal, especially on the inner coat of the ovule : much more active in the lower than in the upper half, it pushes the endostome still farther upward (fig. 44), and removes it from the endostome, which remains nearer its original place, and consequently becomes diverted to the side. The impregnated germinal vesicle of Ruppia divides, as in Zostera and Potamogeton, into a larger, upper, persistent cell and a smaller, inferior cell which undergoes rapid multiplication. During the gradual removal of the papilla (apex) of the nucleus and of the endostome from the place of the germinal vesicle, the pollen-tube, which remains outside the membrane of the embryo- sac, extends itself, inside the place where it penetrates, through the apex of the nucleus, by means of considerable longitudinal growth of its tough membrane (fig. 43 b). The lower segment of the impregnated germinal vesicle very soon becomes changed, by a series of longitudinal and transverse divisions (figs. 43 b, 44 b), into a globular and subsequently an ovate cellular body (fig. 45 b), from the side of which, below the apex, shoots forth the first leaf-bearing axis. It unfolds its first leaf close above its point of origin. After the imbedding of the base of the leaf-bearing axis in the thick, fleshy, primary axis, the first adventitious root grows out, in germination, opposite the lamina of that first leaf (the cotyledon), forming a right angle with the line of direction of the leaf. The margins of that lateral face of the primary leafless axis which bears the leafy secondary axis, rise up into a kind of -collar, enclosing the base of the latter as a short, widely opened sheath (fig. 46). Irmisch*, in a clear explanation of the subsequent course of the * " On the Inflorescences of the German Potame ) are united by a commissure; from each of these ganglia a very thick commissure passes (12 q, I4i) to unite them to the pedal ganglia (12r, 14#), which are ovoid, with their small extremities turned towards the cerebroid ganglia, and furnish a great number of branches for the foot, (fig. 14 /.) We see besides, in the lobes of the foot, two smaller, also ovoid ganglia (125, 14m) which send branches to the lobes, Two commis- sures (14 m), unite them to the pedal ganglia: the cerebroid ganglia distribute a nervous twig to each eye and to each auditory or- gan (I4g&h). We have observed that one of the pedal ganglia sends a nerve to the intestinal mass (fig. 14 p). The description given by Cuvier of the nervous system of this mollusk* differs in many points from what our observations have shown us. It is certain, that the nervous mass which Cuvier has called the cerebrum is a pedal ganglion ; for we have seen, in the adult animal, that the true cerebroid ganglion which sur- rounds the oesophagus, and which, without doubt, escaped his notice, is situated above this latter ganglion. * Memoires pour servir a V Histolre de VAnatomie des Mollusques. Paris, 817. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINIBRANCHIATA. 341 The shell, which is membranous during the first periods of the development of the embryo, excessively delicate and ovate or reniform, subsequently takes on the form of that of the Nau- tilus (fig. 1 1 a), but subsequently becomes, by degrees, more ovoid. The calcareous particles then begin to be deposited in considerable numbers, forming very obvious longitudinal and transverse striae^ and the shell is much less transparent than be- fore. However, it is still possible to distinguish the internal organs : the heart and the bladder have divided into two cham- bers, the upper of which is the smaller. When the auricle con- tracts, the ventricle dilates, and vice versa. A very strong muscle is also observable, arising from the internal surface of the shell and passing to the foot (fig. 1 1 s) ; its office is to retract the ani- mal into its shell. Finally, the liver appears upon the under surface of the stomach ; it is ovoid, and is formed of a mass of granules containing yellow pigment (fig. llr). On the inner surface of the mantle a series of folds may be observed (feuillets muqueuxy Cuvier), in which lie a mass of mucous crypts. Subsequently the little animal continues to grow ; more and more calcareous particles are deposited in the shell : the mantle thickens, and it becomes almost impossible to distinguish the internal organs. The two rounded lobes have disappeared, but behind the tentacles we see a linear eminence indicating the place they occupied. The shell has assumed a horn-yellow co- lour; it becomes hard, brittle, and only semitransparent. It was commonly in this state that the young left its capsule, after a residence of at least eight weeks there, creeping around the vessel in which it had been kept, with tentacles, foot, and siphon protruded. The little whelks are now distinguishable from the adults, only by their shell having not more than one or two spiral turns. We may add, that we have found no traces of generative organs in these young. The ova, grouped together in considerable numbers, occupy the posterior part of the shell. 2. Pur pur a lapillus. The ovigerous capsules are not unlike a little flask whose rounded end is directed upwards and its delicate neck, by the extremity of which it is attached to stones or other bodies, down- wards (PL XI. fig. 1). Each capsule is hermetically closed, and 342 KOREN AND DANIELSSEN ON THE contains a transparent, pellucid, viscous liquid, like the vvhite of egg investing a mass of ova (60 or more) . A number of the ova were placed under the microscope, after freeing them from the viscous humour in which they had been enclosed, and we saw that they possessed a delicate chorion, a vitelline membrane, and a yelk consisting of a liquid, with many contained granules. We were unable to distinguish either ger- minal vesicle or spot. Each ovum was O194 millim. in dia- meter. After some days had elapsed, we opened another capsule, and observed, in the greater number of ova, the commencement of a cleavage which appeared to be altogether irregular. In fact, the number of spheres indicated by this cleavage was very variable; and some of the ova, which, we may add, were all provided with a chorion, had assumed an ovoid form (figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7* 8, 9). The cleavage masses were all dark, and unpro- vided with any nucleus. M. Nordmann has been equally unable to observe any nucleus in TergipeSy Rissoa, or Littorina. The clear body which MM. Van Beneden, Nordmann, H. Rathke, F. Miiller, Loven, and other authors, have seen passing from the interior of the vitellus to its surface (to which F. Miiller and Loven attribute the power of determining the cleavage), has not appeared in the ova we are describing, although we have taken great pains to look for it*. Some days later we examined many other capsules. The viscous albuminous humour had undergone no appreciable change. However, the ova were not so scattered as before, and had approached one another. Examining them microscopically, we observed that some had undergone no division ; others had remained in a state of incipient division, while around these imperfectly developed ova there were a great number of others in which division was more advanced. We see then, in this case, that the ova have a disposition to collect together, and that although enclosed in the same capsule, they exhibited a great difference in the extent to which the cleavage process had taken * In a very recently published Appendix to this Memoir (Supplement til Pectinibranchiernes Udviklings-historie, af J. Koren og D. C. Danielssen), the authors give an account of new observations on this point in Buccinum unda- tum. In examining the youngest ova they have seen the clear (oily) body pass out, and they describe, at length, the mode in which this takes place. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINIBRANCHIATA. 343 place. In these ova, 2, 4, 6, 7 > 9, 10, arid even 18, cleavage masses might be counted ; the contents of all were obscure, and without any nucleus, Even at this period, we thought we no- ticed a tendency to agglomerate the ova in the viscous liquid, analogous to that whose effect we observed in Buccinum unda- tum, but it was far from being well marked, and the commencing cleavage threw great obscurity upon what was going on. But all our doubts were completely dissipated on the twelfth day, when the phenomenon which had been exhibited by Buccinum unda- tum was repeated by Purpura lapillus. In fact, the ova were agglomerated and formed a compact mass; the viscous and albuminous liquid had at the same time become as clear as water, and could be separated from the conglomerate with great ease. Examining the latter with attention we observed that it was composed of many groups of various extent and without any determinate form ; these groups, under the microscope, ap- peared to be composed of ova, the greater number of which had undergone cleavage, while others had not (PL XI. fig. 24). On the sixteenth day we re-examined many capsules. All the ova were agglomerated, but the conglomerate was a little altered, inasmuch as certain groups had become more distinct, more sharply circumscribed, and projected more from the common mass. Some were cylindrical, others pyriform, but they were all terminated by a peduncle which connected them with the common mass (fig. 27). The microscopical examination of each group showed it to be formed by the union of ova imbedded in a very viscid mass, and invested by a delicate membrane, which soon became covered with very fine cilia (fig. 27). The ova themselves had undergone no further cleavage, and it ap- peared to us that this process had stopped as soon as the agglo- meration commenced. Soon after, we observed a well-marked grayish, semitransparent, finely granular matter, exuding from the sides of the above-mentioned peduncle, and becoming, at a later period, covered with vibratile cilia (the foot) (figs. 26, 27 & 28 b}. We also observed a similar mass becoming developed, in the same manner, at the base of the peduncle, and giving origin to two lobes, which afterwards increased and acquired fine cilia at their edges (fig. 7 d). The embryo thus constituted now begins to move a little by the help of its cilia. In fact, it was observed to make feeble efforts in various directions, as if it 344 KOREN AND DANIELSSEN ON THE sought to detach itself from the common mass and having, at length, after many fruitless attempts, succeeded in so doing, it immediately began to rotate upon itself. We have, in this manner, observed all the individuals of a conglomerate, be- coming detached and separated, one after the other, and when all the embryos were developed, the mass had totally disappeared. It would seem that in this animal, as in the Buccinum, the number of ova which are grouped together to form the future embryo is altogether variable and fortuitous, for not only is there no discoverable law regulating their union, but these conglome- rates are constituted by very different numbers of ova. Thus we have observed in the same capsule some embryos resulting from the union of three or four ova, while sixty or more, had contributed to form most of the others. The different size of the individuals depended on the same cause. This difference of size was very considerable, for we observed swimming in the liquid contained in the capsule, some embryos of millim. in diameter, and others of as much as 1^ millim. The number of the embryos in a given capsule varied as much as their size ; depending in the same manner on the greater or less number of the ova which had united to form each individual. On the average we found from twenty to forty, rarely more. Having now become acquainted with the mode of formation of the embryo in Purpura lapillus, let us turn to another phae- nomenon, one of the most surprising which is to be met with in the development of this mollusk, and which will help to explain the singularity in the development of Buccinum, to which we have already referred. It will be remembered that in the latter animal, many of the ova took no share in the act of conglomera- tion (probably in consequence of accidental obstacles), and that their ova soon died, or rather became developed in an excessively incomplete manner. Something similar occurs in Purpura; and as we have had better opportunities for observing this pecu- liarity in the latter mollusk, we are enabled to give a fuller ac- count of it. We have always found in each capsule an ovum undergoing all stages of cleavage, and which was composed, until the end, of a peripheral layer of clear, and a central mass of dark cells (figs. 10 & 11). A membrane then became rapidly developed around the yelk, and acquired exceedingly fine cilia ; at the upper part of the peripheral layer there were also visible DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINI BRANCHI ATA. 345 he rudiments of the two rounded lobes (velum) with the foot k figs. 12 a, b, c, 13 & 14 b, c). Cilia quickly made their appear- ance both on the foot and on the lobes : subsequently, scattered cirrhi could be observed upon the lobes, and then the embryo began to rotate. Later still the lobes and the foot increased in size (figs. 15, 16 b, c), and the rudiments of the auditory organs (fig. 16 d) appeared at their base, the membranes of the mantle became more and more thickened, the shell began to be formed on its most sloping part, and calcareous particles to be deposited in it (figs. 14,15,16 a). The embryos whose first development we have just been following were true monsters, and subsequently assumed such various and whimsical forms, that no one could have imagined them to be individuals of the same species. In a few we have seen the salivary gland appear (fig. 16 e\ but it was the only new structure which appeared after the formation of the external organs, and these beings permanently remained in the same state of arrest of development. Finally, until eight weeks had elapsed, this monstrous embryo was always to be met with in the capsule. We have already stated that an ovum of this nature always existed in each capsule, and its embryo was known at once by its small size and the excessive vivacity of its motions. We have sought for them in vain in the capsule after eight weeks, and we suppose that they had all perished. When our attention was first directed to these simple ova, which had regularly undergone the cleavage process, we imagined that their development had taken place in a normal manner; but, far from this, it was, in fact, an abortion. For the viability of the indivi- dual organized, more than one ovum is necessary : and despite the regularity and the vivacity observable in the young product of the single ovum, we see that its development remains in the highest degree incomplete. This single ovum had in fact under- gone all the stages of cleavage, and to all appearance united all the anatomical and physiological conditions necessary to its complete development, while, on the other hand, it appears to us to be incontestable, that it had never been in possession of the materials requisite for the formation of organs. Without doubt there is much that is obscure in these ideas ; we shall endeavour by and by to throw as much light as we can upon them. Having described the monstrous embryo resulting from a 346 KOREN AND DANIELSSEN ON THE single ovum, we may return to the embryos formed by multiple ova, and describe at length their further development. We have already remarked, that after the formation of the ciliary membrane, the foot and the two rounded lobes are the organs first developed. At about the same time we perceive a transparent mass between the membranes and the conglomerate ova (fig. 28 d). Cells are developed in this mass in layers, and give rise to the mantle (figs. 29, 30Z>). The most sloping part of the latter secretes a very clear and viscid humour, which increases by degrees and forms the rudiment of the shell, which, when it first appears, resembles a clear and gelatinous pellicle, wherein subsequently calcareous particles are deposited (fig. 29 a). These particles afterwards increase in number and impede the exami- nation of embryos which are a little older. The lobes are small at first, but their volume rapidly increases; a multitude of cilia appear on the surface, cirrhi are developed from their upper edge and produce much more vivacious move- ments (figs. 29 d } 30 e). The foot becomes strongly separated on the ventral surface and thus forms a transverse eminence (fig. 28 b), which rapidly increases in volume and exhibits the first rudiments of the auditory organs at its base, developed as in Buccinum undatum (figs. 29 e, 30/). At the same time as the auditory organs, the rudiments of the tentacles, of the eyes and of the salivary gland, appear. The tentacles commence as two conical eminences, at the base of which the eyes are visible as two rounded vesicles, filled internally with a pellucid liquid \ dark pigment granules may be seen in them (fig. 31 /, m). We have been unable, at this stage of development, to discover any lens, nor have we met with any cilia on the internal parietes of the vesicle. The first trace of the salivary glands which manifests itself, is a mass of rounded cells upon each side of the base of the foot, which are usually nucleated. These cells soon acquire a delicate membrane, which afterwards elongates to meet the future oeso- phagus, whose outlines are not yet distinguishable. In pro- portion as the salivary glands are developed, these cells become more and more multiplied in their interior and are closely dis- posed in elongated lines ; we see also, in the widest portion of this organ, a mass of dark yellow pigment granules. In its more DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINIBRANCHI ATA. 347 delicate part, directed towards the oesophagus, the excretory duct of the gland is indicated, and elongates to meet this por- tion of the intestinal canal (PL XI. figs. 30, 31 g, PL XII. fig. 4). The salivary gland forms but a single conglomerate mass in the adult, but its double excretory duct shows clearly enough, that it was divided into two parts in the very youngest state. The heart was seen on the twenty-third day. The mode of its development is analogous to that which occurs in Buccinum. It is situated upon the dorsal side, presents the form of a bladder, and is directed from above downwards and from left to right ; it contracted in this direction, at the rate of forty to fifty pulsations a minute. It possesses primitive muscular fibres, having the form of longitudinal tubes, undivided above. We have met with neither cells nor nuclei in these tubes (PL XII. figs. 1, 3 h). In this stage of development, the branchial cavity is not deep enough to contain the whole of the heart, a considerable portion of which extends beyond the edge of the mantle. Subsequently, when the mantle elongates and covers in the back of the animal, its edge is directed more outwards and detaches itself from the body, so that the branchial cavity becomes deeper and wider and encloses the heart completely. We have as yet been unable to observe the circulatory current in this mollusk. It is only after the formation of these organs that the buccal aperture, the proboscis and the oesophagus, are perceptible. The proboscis is exceedingly short and its parietes are very thick, so that it is easily seen through the oesophagus (fig. 3H). The latter is cylindrical and takes a course beneath the stomach (figs. 31, 32 k). The latter lies to the left, it is small and oval, and a long and delicate intestine passes out of it, which turns to the right, bends back afterwards to the opposite side in a curved direction, and finally terminates in the branchial cavity by a projecting anus (fig. 32 /, m, n). The oesophagus, the stomach and the intestine are ciliated upon their inner surface. It is not until a somewhat later stage of development that the nervous system is distinctly discoverable. It is composed of two cerebroid ganglia upon each side of the oesophagus (figs. 31 n, 348 KOREN AND DANIELSSEN ON THE 32 q) ; these ganglia are united by means of a commissure, and give rise to two other commissures (fig. 31 n, s), which connect them with the pedal ganglia. They are oval, are distinguished by their clear yellow colour, and send a great number of branches to the foot (fig. 32 s). We have been unable to trace the nervous system further, all parts of the body having rapidly become opake. It is also about the time of the appearance of the nervous system, that the first traces of the branchiae, of the siphon and of the retractor muscles of the foot, are discoverable. The branchiae spring from the edge of the mantle and then form a hollow cylinder, which is twisted into loops ; fine cilia appear upon its inner edge. Subsequently it becomes a little flattened and consider- ably spread out. In its parietes, longitudinal and transverse fibres are discoverable, which we regard as muscular tubules. The cilia which exist in the middle of each loop have an extra- ordinary length (PI. XII. fig. 8 b, c). After the development of the branchiae, it becomes exceed- ingly difficult to make out the formation of the other organs ; on the one hand, because the animal rarely protrudes from the shell sufficiently to show these parts, and on the other, because the mantle is greatly thickened and a large quantity of calca- reous matter has been deposited in the shell. The latter has taken the shape of that of a Nautilus, and when it is placed under a strong magnifying power, it is observable that the cal- careous matter is deposited in the form of a network with fine meshes (fig. 2). The two rounded lobes diminish in volume (fig. 5). The foot, lobed above, takes on more and more the shape of that of the adult animal, and the operculum which closes the aperture of the shell is completely developed (fig. 6). The heart is, in this stage, divided into two chambers, whence the great vessels arise. The lenses of the eyes are clearly di- stinguishable, and we have frequently met with a single eye presenting two streaks of pigment, but never with more than one lens. The branchial cavity, whose internal surface is covered with cilia, has become, at this period of development, deep enough to enclose the heart completely. The edge of the mantle, which divaricates further and further from the body of the animal, is ciliated, and at the bottom of the branchial cavity DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECT1NIBRANCHIATA. 349 we observe, for the first time, a contractile vesicle similar to that which exists in Buccinum undatum. After the lapse of eight weeks the young had not yet left the capsule, but when one was taken out, it began to creep like the adult animal, with foot, tentacles and siphon stretched out. It is then distinguished from the adult by the incomplete dis- appearance of the lobes, by the shell being still soft, and by the spire having only one or two turns (fig. 6). From the ninth and tenth weeks the young begin to leave the capsules, the rounded lobes disappear, and behind the tentacles an elevated line may be seen occupying their previous place (fig. 7) ; the shell has elongated and approximates more nearly that of the adult; it is hard, frangible, and almost opake; the last turn of the spire, however, is not yet formed. We shall not describe the development of the organs of Purpura at greater length, because it does not differ from what we see in Buccinum undatum. We may call the attention of the reader to the interesting investigations of Kolliker and Siebold* on Actinophrys Sol and on Diplozoon paradoxum; for, perhaps, something approxima- ting to what we have just described may be found in their ob- servations. In conclusion, we may add, that we entertain a strong desire to have the opportunity of continuing our investigations upon other genera allied to Buccinum and Purpura, for assuredly, with some slight modifications, all these Mollusks are developed in the same \vay. Summary. For the more ready comprehension of the history of the de- velopment of Buccinum undatum and of Purpura lapillus, we here shortly sketch the most essential points. Buccinum undatum. 1 . The ovigerous capsule is filled with a transparent, colour- less viscous liquid which resembles white of egg. Each capsule encloses a mass of ova (of 6-8 centimetres). * Z I'it schr'ift fiir wiss. Zoologie, torn. i. p. 198, and torn. iii. p. 62. 350 KOREN AND DANIELSSEN ON THE 2. Each ovum consists of a chorion and albumen, of a vitel- lary membrane, and of a vitellus composed of larger or smaller globules. Its diameter varies from 0'25 7-0*264 millim. In the egg, when laid, we have never been able to observe either germinal vesicle or spot. 3. The cleavage which occurs in other mollusks does not take place in these animals. 4. The ova begin to approximate towards the eighteenth day, and the chorion is detached. The yelk, more or less laid bare, invested only by its very firm membrane, is enveloped by the viscous albumen-like liquid. 5. Some days later, the ova, even those which were most distant, approximate and form only a single mass, whose dif- ferent portions, larger or smaller, have become grouped ; so that each group, usually composed of from six to sixteen ova, is distinguishable by the naked eye. 6. On the twenty-third day, these groups are still more distinctly marked out, and are invested by a very delicate mem- brane peculiar to each group, which has by this time taken on an oval or reniform shape : the ova are connected together, and the liquid which enclosed them has lost its viscosity. 7. Towards the twenty-fifth day the groups possess a more decided membrane and boundaries. Many of the ova which have remained isolated and simple appear as embryos, whilst the others are attached together. 8. The embryo thus formed consists of a delicate membrane enclosing many ova. 9. The number of the ova grouped to form one embryo varies greatly, amounting in some cases to as many as a hundred and more. 10. The number of embryos in different capsules varies ; commonly it is from six to sixteen. 11. The first organs which are formed after the membrane in question are the rounded lobes with cilia and cirrhi. [The em- bryo then begins to move.] At a later period, the foot, the mantle, the shell, the auditory organs, the proboscis, the eyes, the salivary gland, the heart, and the contractile bladder appear; still later, the digestive and the nervous systems and the branchiae, are developed. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINIBRANCH1ATA. 351 12. After an interval of at least eight weeks, we see the young leave their capsule ; the shell is a little more elongated (about 2 millim. long), hard, frangible and semitransparent. The lobes have disappeared, and the young animal creeps like the adult ; it is still distinguishable by the number of the turns of its spire (there are only one or two). We should observe, that we have hitherto found no traces of the generative organs in these young. 13. Finally, the grouped ova are sufficiently numerous to fill the posterior part of the shell. Purpura lapillus. 1. The ova, dispersed through an extraordinarily thick and viscous humour, fill the ovigerous capsules of the animal, which are flask-shaped. 2. The size of the ovum is about 0*194 millim. This ovum is composed of a delicate chorion, of an albumen, of a vitelline membrane and yelk. 3. The vitellus undergoes a very irregular cleavage. The cleavage masses have no nuclei. 4. After a certain progress of the cleavage, the ova begin to be grouped together. 5. On the twelfth and thirteenth days the ova have become, so to say, a compact mass, subdivided into many masses of ova, disposed in bunches. 6. On the sixteenth day the separate groups were more sharply circumscribed, and projected from the remainder of the mass. These projecting groups soon took a cylindrical or pyri- form shape, and were fixed to the rest by means of a peduncle. The microscope showed them to be composed of a delicate ciliated membrane, and that they enclosed a mass of ova; a transparent substance exuded from the two sides of the peduncle, upon which fine cilia appeared (the foot) ; and at the base of this same peduncle the first traces of the lobes were distinguish- able. Finally, many of these pyriform bodies became detached from the mass and rotated upon themselves ; these were the embryos. 7. It is impossible to determine the exact number of the ova which go to form one embryo, as it varies greatly. In each capsule 352 KOREN AND DAXIELSSEN ON THE an embryo proceeding from a single ovum is constantly met with; but this embryo never attains to a complete development. 8. The number and size of the embryos vary in different cap- sules; the average number is from 20-40. The largest embryo was 1^ millim. in diameter. 9. The first organs which are formed after the tegumentary membrane are the foot with its vibratile cilia and the two rounded lobes, which are both ciliated and provided with cirrhi ; then the mantle, the shell and the auditory organs, the salivary glands, the heart (on the twenty-third day), the eyes and the tentacles. The digestive apparatus, the nervous system, the branchiae, the siphon, and the retractor muscles of the foot, ap- peared later still. Subsequently the heart divides into two chambers, the shell presents one or two spiral turns, and it is only after all these changes that the contractile bladder appears. After eight weeks the young had not yet left the capsules ; and when one was extracted in this stage of development, it began to creep like the adult animal, from which however it was distinguished by the lobes, which had not wholly disap- peared, and by the shell, which still had only one or two spiral turns. 10. Towards the ninth or tenth week, the young leaves the capsule ; the lobes have disappeared ; the shell has become fra- gile and opake. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Buccinum undatum. Plate X. Fig. 1. An egg from the oviduct of Buccinum, X 200. a, yelk; b, germinal vesicle ; c, germinal spot. Fig. 2. Egg from a capsule, X 200. a, chorion ; b, vitellary membrane ; c, yelk. Figs. 3 & 4. Embryos, a, chorion ; 6, yelk with its membrane ; c, rudi- ments of the two lobes. Fig. 5. Embryo seen from the side, a, membranous shell ; 6, mantle ; c, yelk ; d, lobes ; e, foot. Fig. 6. Embryo. Dorsal view, e, heart. Fig. 7. Embryo. Ventral view. /, foot. Fig. 8. Embryo. Dorsal view, k, salivary glands. Fig. 9. Embryo. Ventral view, i, tentacles j /r, proboscis ; I, oesoplmgus ; m, stomach. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTIN1BBANCHI ATA. 353 Fig. 10. Embryo from the side, a-g, as in the foregoing figures; h, eyes; i, tentacles ; k, proboscis. Fig. 11. Young Buccinum seen laterally, a, shell; b, mantle; d, lobes; e, heart ; /, foot ; g, auditory organ ; h, operculum ; i, head ; k, eyes; I, tentacles ; m, mouth ; n, stomach ; o, intestine ; p, branchiae ; q, bladder ; r y liver ; s, muscles ; t, cerebral ganglia ; u, commissures ; v, pedal ganglia ; x, commissure ; y, ganglia of the pedal lobes. Fig. 12. Young seen laterally. The same letters as in the foregoing figures, except o, salivary glands ; p, cerebral ganglia ; q, commissure ; r, pedal ganglia, with their nerves ; s, ganglia of the pedal lobe ; t, commissure ; u, siphon ; v, branchiae. Fig. 13. Dorsal view of young, a, shell; b, mantle; c, foot; d, head; e, eyes; /, tentacles; y, siphon. Fig. 14. Nervous system of a young individual seen laterally and compressed. a, head ; b, eyes ; c, tentacles ; d, foot ; e, oesophagus ; /, cerebral ganglia ; g, optic nerve ; h, auditory nerve ; i, commissure ; k, pedal ganglia ; I, nerves of the foot ; m, commissure ; n, ganglion of the pedal lobes ; o, its nervous branches ; p, intestinal nerve. Fig. 15. One of the lobes, X 400. a, primitive longitudinal tubes; b, trans- verse simple tubes ; c, calcareous granules ; d, cilia ; e, cirrhi. Fig. 16. Eyes of an embryo, X 400. a, capsules whose external and internal surfaces are ciliated ; b, membrane enclosing pigment granules. Purpura lapillus. Plate XI. Fig. 1. Ovigerous capsule, containing ova in different states and of the natural size. Fig. 2. An egg magnified, a, chorion ; b, vitelline membrane; c, yelk. Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Ova, in various stages of cleavage, magnified. Fig. 9. Embryo magnified, a, ciliated membrane ; b } cells. Fig. 10. Embryo many days older, a, ciliated membrane ; b, peripheral cells ; c, central cells. Fig. 106. The same, X 350. Fig. 1 1 . An embryo at nearly the same stage of development. Fig. 12. A rather more advanced embryo, viewed laterally, a, membrane; 6, the two lobes ; c, the rudimentary foot. Fig. 13. An embryo, viewed laterally, X 350. o, shell; b, lobes; c, foot. Fig. 14. An embryo, viewed laterally, X 350. a, shell; b, lobe; c, foot; d y mantle. Fig. 15. An embryo, viewed dorsally, X 380. a, shell; 6, lobes ; c, foot ; d, mantle. Fig. 16. An embryo, x 350. a, shell, in which calcareous granules are depo- sited ; &, lobes ; c, foot ; d, auditory organ ; e, rudiments of the sali- vary gland ; /, mantle. Figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Ova in different stages of development. Fig. 24. Grouped ova. Fig. 25. Ovum, slightly magnified, and taken out of the capsule to show the result of the grouping, a, grouped ova, which have not yet taken a decided form ; b, embryo in the earliest state. SCIEN. MEM. Nat. Hist. VOL. I. PART IV. 23 354 ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PECTINIBRANCHIATA. Fig. 26. An embryo, strongly attached to the mass, x 100. a, membrane; b, foot; c, ova, grouped in various stages. Fig. 27. Embryo, x 100. a, membrane, ciliated here and there; b, foot; c, peduncle ; d, rudimentary lobe ; e, grouped ova. Fig. 28. Embryo, X 100. a, membrane ; b, foot ; c, lobe ; c?, exuded mass; e, grouped ova. Fig. 29. Embryo, X 100. o, shell ; b, mantle ; c, foot ; d, lobe ; e, auditory organ ; /, grouped ova. Fig. 30. Embryo, viewed laterally, x 100. a, shell; 6, mantle; c, grouped ova; d, foot ; e, lobe ; /, auditory organ ; g, salivary gland ; h, heart ; z, rudimentary stomach. Fig. 31. Embryo, viewed laterally, x 100. a, b, c, d, e,f, g, h, as in fig. 30; i, proboscis ; k, oasophagus ; /, tentacle ; m, eyes ; n, cerebroid ganglia. Fig. 32. Embryo, viewed laterally, X 100. Letters as before, except /, sto- mach ; m, intestine ; n, anus ; o, tentacles ; p, eyes ; q, cerebroid ganglia ; r, commissure ; s, pedal ganglia. Plate XII. Fig. 1. Heart, x about 450. a, auricle; b, ventricle; c, primitive muscular tubes; d, large vessel. Fig. 2. Calcareous network, x about 450. Fig. 3. Embryo at the twenty-third day. Fig. 4. Salivary gland. Figs. 5, 6, 7, 9. Embryos further advanced. Fig. 8. Developing branchia. THE EXD. Sciot. M,',,i . N,/t . llixt. Vcl.i . PL ^r^ w i' ni _ .1 ,ir . Jli.vt . Vol . V,' I o / o 29 fa ScietL. 31cm,- W