CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE CIRCULAR 88 November, 1934 ELEMENTS OF WINE MAKING M. A. JOSLYN AND W. V. CRUESS Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, College of Agriculture, University of California, and United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, and June 30, 1914. B. H. Crocheron, Director, California Agricultural Extension Service. THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CONTENTS PAGE Classification and standards for dry wines 3 Chemical composition of good California wines of 1900 5 Suggestions concerning winery design and construction 6 Equipment 10 Brief outline of principles of wine making 11 Alcoholic fermentation 12 Control of temperature 16 Use of sulfurous acid and sulfites -18 Use of pure yeast ' 22 Testing Balling degree 26 Fermentation and aging of red wine 26 Fermentation and aging of white wines 39 Yields of alcohol and of wine 42 Diseases and defects of wine 42 Pasteurization 47 Aids to clarification 48 Treatment of barrels, casks, and tanks 54 Stuck wines 56 By-products 58 Winery sanitation 59 Varieties of wine grapes recommended for dry wines 60 Selected list of references on wine making 62 Partial list of equipment manufacturers 63 Acknowledgments 64 ELEMENTS OF WINE MAKING M. A. JOSLYN 1 and W. V. CRUESS 2 Prior to the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, information on the principles and practices of wine making was available in publica- tions of the Experiment Station. These publications were of three types : those giving information on the practices of European wine making, those giving directions for making wines by methods tested and ap- proved in California, and those presenting the results of investigations made by the College of Agriculture. With the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment and the revival of the California wine industry, numerous requests have been received for the information formerly given in these Station publications. All of this material is now out of print and some also out of date. Since there is no modern handbook of wine making in English and since many of the present wine makers have little knowl- edge of the principles and practices of wine making and cannot make use of the information available in standard French, Italian, and Ger- man works, the present circular covering the essential elements of mak- ing dry wines has been prepared. It is largely a compilation of the material given in the following Sta- tion publications: Bulletins 167, 174, 177, 193, 197, 213, and 230; and Circulars 23, 119, and 140. It includes also information given in the lat- est editions of French, Italian, and German books on wine making, and observations made in wineries operating during the last vintage. This publication is intended to aid the beginner rather than the successful wine maker of many years' experience. Although at present more sweet wine is made in California than dry wine, the principal difficulties and losses have been experienced in mak- ing dry wines. For this reason this circular is limited to dry wines. How- ever, the principles involved, especially those of fermentation, are simi- lar for both types of wine. CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS FOR DRY WINES Wine is generally denned as the product of the alcoholic fermenta- tion of the grape. A dry wine is usually considered as one in which all sugar perceptible to taste has been eliminated by fermentation. Very few wines are absolutely dry in the sense that all of the sugar has disap- peared. Most dry wines, especially young wines, contain several hun- 1 Research Assistant in the Experiment Station. 2 Professor of Fruit Technology and Chemist in the Experiment Station. [3] 4 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 dredths to a few tenths of one per cent of sugar. Dry wines may be classed as red or white, according to whether the color is extracted from the skin or not. The color and the greater tannin and extract content of red wine are due to the fermentation of the must in the presence of the skins and seeds. Dry wines can be segregated into three groups on the basis of chem- ical analysis and taste : heavy, medium, and light. The first are produced from grapes of high sugar content usually grown in the warmer locali- ties, the last from grapes of low sugar content, usually produced in the cooler localities. The sweeter grapes give wines with higher alcohol and extract (nonvolatile solids) and with lower acidity. The usual ranges in these three components for the three classes as given by F. T. Bioletti are shown in table 1. TABLE 1 Classification of Dry Wines by Chemical Analysis* Class Alcohol in per cent by volume Extract, grams per 100 cc Acidity as tartaric, grams per 100 cc Heavy Medium Light 13-15 10-12 8- 9 3 0-4 20-3.0 1.5-2.0 3-0 6 0.6-0 8 0.7-0 9 * Bioletti, F. T. The principles of wine making. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 213: 396-442. 1911. Dry wines offered for sale must meet the following federal and state standards : 3 Wine is the product made by the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of sound ripe grapes, and the usual cellar treatment, and contains not less than 7 per cent nor more than 16 per cent of alcohol by volume, and in 100 cubic centimeters (20° C), not more than 0.1 gram of sodium chloride nor more than 0.2 gram of po- tassium sulfate; and for red wine not more than 0.14 gram and for white wine not more than 0.12 gram of volatile acids produced by fermentation and calculated as acetic acid. Red wine is wine containing the red coloring matter of the skins of grapes. White wine is made from white grapes or the expressed fresh juice of other grapes. Dry wine is wine in which the fermentation of the sugar is practically complete, and which contains in 100 cubic centimeters (20° C), less than 1 gram of sugars, and for dry red wine not less than 0.16 gram of grape ash and not less than 1.6 grams of sugar-free grape solids, and for dry white wine not less than 0.13 gram of grape ash and not less than 1.4 grams of sugar-free grape solids. Ripe California wine grapes will yield wines that are well within the federal and international standards. The regulations as to volatile acid content must be carefully observed, since the volatile acidity of wine serves as an index of soundness. s United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration. Defi- nitions and standards for food products. Service and Regulatory Announcement, Food and Drug 2 (fourth revision) : 1-20. 1933. Elements of Wine Making CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GOOD CALIFORNIA WINES OF 1900 The composition of California wines judged as superior at the Paris Exposition of 1900, as reported by H. W. Wiley, is given in table 2. Analysis of typical sweet wines are included for comparison. TABLE 2 Composition of California Wines Receiving Award at Paris Exposition of 1900 ■ (Grams per 100 cc except alcohol) Type Sparkling wines Extra dry Moscato Dry white Riesling Sauterne Chablis Others Dry red Burgundy Claret Zinfandel Others Sweet wines Haut Sauterne Angelica Muscatel Sherry Mataro Port Alcohol, per cent by volume 13 05 13.60 12.91 13.20 10 60 12 02 12.22 12.45 13.15 12 37 12.40 20 35 20.37 20.83 13.70 20.80 Extract 1.78 7.02 2.14 2.22 1.85 1 76 2.54 2 55 2.42 2.46 5.71 19.18 18.05 4.82 7 57 13.01 Ash 0.171 290 0.242 0201 0.222 0.169 0206 0.205 0.247 0.255 0.240 0.212 0.235 0.221 0.283 0.340 Total acid 0.622 0.603 0.638 654 0672 0.518 0.623 0.631 0.606 0.601 0.522 0.223 0.361 0.399 0.826 0.451 Volatile acid 0.080 0.148 0.134 0.104 0.104 0.076 0.109 0.102 123 0.118 0.078 0.047 0.094 0.096 0.255 0.110 Sugar 0.023 4.100 0.169 0.089 0.142 094 095 019 076 120 3.713 16.810 15.463 2.989 3.240 9.772 Tannin 0.066 0.058 0.0408 0.0481 0.0641 0.0288 0.2670 0.2118 0.3032 0.2294 0.0662 0.0213 0.0386 0.0370 0.2207 0.0684 * H. W. Wilev. American wines at the Paris exposition of 1900. Their composition and character. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 72:1-24. 1903. While the excellence of a wine depends largely on its chemical com- position, many of the substances which contribute to the bouquet and flavor are present in such minute quantities that their detection is still reserved for the connoisseur rather than the chemist. However, bad fer- mentation and gross mishandling of a wine are evident from the results of chemical analysis. Wines that differ appreciably in analysis from those given, especially as to volatile acid and sugar content, are likely to be unsound. It is seen from the analyses that the distinction between red and white wines is not limited to color but includes other differences in composi- 6 California Agricultural Extension Service [Gib- 8 $ tion. White wines of good quality are smoother and of more delicate taste and aroma than red. They owe these differences to a lighter body (extract) , a higher content of glycerin, and the almost complete absence of tannin to which red wines owe their astringency. To be of good keeping quality, dry wines should contain less than 0.25 per cent of sugar. Wine containing 0.50 per cent or over are often at- tacked by bacteria such as the tourne organism. The volatile acid con- tent of wine should be as low as possible. The increase in volatile acidity of wine in storage is often an indication of spoiling by bacteria such as vinegar bacteria. However, a moderate increase in volatile acidity may occur during storage without loss in quality. Thus Charles Ash 4 cites the following volatile acidity content in grams of acetic acid per 100 cc for dry red or white California wines stored for various periods : New wine 0.050 to 0.080 One year 0.060 to 0.100 Three years 0.090 to 0.120 Five years 0.100 to 0.140 Eight years 0.120 to 0.160 Ten years or over 0.140 to 0.170 SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING WINERY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Winery design and construction will vary greatly according to loca- tion and capacity of the plant and kinds of wines produced. Materials of Construction. — Wood, corrugated sheet metal, concrete, stone, brick, and hollow tile all have been used in building wineries. The fermenting room or building and the shed or other structure covering the crusher and press may be of any building material desired. The stor- age cellar, however, should be made of such material and so managed that a relatively uniform cool temperature in the neighborhood of 60° F is maintained. For this reason the walls of this cellar should be insulat- ing in type. Hollow tile, double-wall reinforced concrete with an air space between the walls, thick brick walls, or double walls of wood with the space between filled with sawdust or other insulating material are suitable. The roof also should be so constructed that excessive heating of the air above the tanks in summer is avoided. Preferably, the storage cellar should have a double ceiling with the intervening space filled with insulating material such as sawdust; other rooms should not be ceiled. In localities subject to earthquakes, ordinary hollow tile and brick would be less safe than reinforced concrete or wood. 4 Ash, Charles S. Interpretation of results of wine analysis. Eighth International Congress Applied Chemistry 18:17-29. 1912. Elements of Wine Making 7 Floors. — Floors should be of concrete and should be sloping toward floor drains running the entire length or width of each of the main rooms in order to permit frequent and effective washing. For the same reason the floor should be smooth and well surfaced with rich cement. A pro- tective waterproofing compound Avhere hand trucking is heavy is also desirable. O O o o o o o o o 1(3 n o o o o o o 1 I ©ooo © c oooo o c me/LArep stomge /?oom Press Cur Tracts D 01!]^ eoooo ooooo ooooo Off At M£0 far hMM/ffi 0fflC£ f/WJtt/A/6 307TUA/6 CA/UOM7MS MOM M/PP/M6 PLATFO/W. C*VSW6&x//%£SSm S#£D vV A- five -run sump B- Crusher a/?d Stem/ner C- Must pump 3 ~ D- Conf/wous press £- Basket press f- rTtess sump Fig. 1. — Schematic floor plan of a winery. Dirt floors are difficult to clean and to keep in sanitary condition. Must and wine spilled on such floors mold, ferment, and become vinegar- sour, acting as sources of contamination. Wooden floors are undesirable for the same reason. Ground Plan. — Figure 1 is a suggested layout for a winery to handle about 1,000 tons of grapes annually and to age most of the wine for three years. No sweet wine or brandy is to be made in the plant. It consists of the following units : a) Crushing and pressing shed adjacent to fermenting room. b) Fermenting room. c) Room or space for filtration, pasteurization, cooling, and other gen- eral operations except bottling. d) Storage cellar. e) Boiler room. /) Bottling room. g) Refrigerating room for cold treatment. 8 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 h) Office. i) Shipping platform. j) Shed for washing, steaming, and repairing cooperage. Space shonld be allowed also for the examination of wine. The storage cellar should be located on the cool side, that is on the north side of the building in order to protect it from the summer sun. The arrangement of the crusher, fermenting room, sumps for free- run and press wine, press, pumps, storage cellar, work room or space, Fig. 2. — Conveniently arranged fermenting room. Note pomace conveyor between vats and board walk above vats. and bottling and shipping room, should be such that the grapes, pomace, must, and wine can be handled efficiently and by the shortest possible routes. Thus, the crusher, presses, and f ermenters should be close to each other. Most wineries place the crusher and press outside the main building under sheds open on three sides and adjacent to the fermenting room. A pomace conveyor consisting of a long wooden trough with slat and chain conveyor to transport the pomace from the vats to the press is useful and saves some labor (fig. 2). Many wineries, however, prefer to operate the press baskets on low trucks which travel on light steel rails imbedded in the concrete of the fermentation room. The baskets are taken directly to the vats and there filled with pomace. The former method is indicated in the sketch. Two sumps should be provided in or near the fermenting room; one to receive the free run of red wine and the other that of white wine or white must. A third sump is indicated in the diagram for red press wine. Elements of Wine Making 9 The fermenter capacity is usually at least 10 per cent of the total storage capacity. It must be large enough to take care of the season's vintage. The fermenters are used from three to ten times per season; generally about five times. Their capacity must be sufficient to take care of a short season. Many wineries are seriously handicapped by having altogether too Fig. 3.- -Oak ovals in cellar. Note method of supporting ovals well above the floor. little space for cellar operations such as racking, fining, filtering, pas- teurizing, and cooling. In the sketch an attempt has been made to allow adequate room for these operations. Needless to say, this room should be well lighted, well ventilated, and equipped with a well-drained con- crete floor. The boiler room is placed outside the main building in order to avoid heating the storage cellar. Modern cellar practice includes refrigeration of new wines for sev- eral days or longer at 24° to 27° F to remove excess cream of tartar. 10 California Agricultural Extension Service [Cir. 88 Hence, a cooling or refrigerating room with four 20,000 gallon tanks is indicated in the sketch adjacent to the storage cellar. The wine is chilled in a continuous cooler to near the freezing point and is then stored in the cold room maintained at 24° to 27° F. The storage cellar in the sketch is located between the general work room and the bottling rooms toward the north end of the main building. The storage capacity is about 400,000 gallons. The sizes and kind of con- tainers can be varied to suit conditions. The walls and ceiling should be of insulating construction. The tanks and casks should be elevated to permit washing beneath and to permit rapid drying of the floors after washing (fig. 3) . Floors should be of concrete and well drained. The finishing, bottling, and carbonating room is indicated as a sep- arate unit from the general work room because the latter is often wet and "sloppy" and because bottling is interfered with by other opera- tions in the general work room. The bottling room should be of daylight construction, airy, well ventilated, and provided with ample artificial lighting for work after daylight hours. It will house such equipment as finishing filters, carbonator, corking machines, labeler, and bottle washer. A blending tank is indicated for this room; but it might be placed just as well in the general work room or in the storage cellar. A barrel-washing, coopering, and steaming shed with concrete floor is indicated outside the main building adjacent to the boiler room. The office is placed for convenience near the shipping platform and bottling room. A wagon scales platform may be placed outside the office with scale beam inside the office. EQUIPMENT There is much latitude in the selection of winery equipment, which will vary greatly with the scale of the operations. Equipment is dis- cussed more fully in the sections on various operations such as crushing and filtration. Therefore, only a very brief presentation is given here. All metal equipment coming in contact with wine should be corrosion resistant. Iron, tin, brass, copper, and zinc (galvanizing) should be avoided. 5 The essential equipment is as follows : a) Crusher. b) Press. c) Fermenting vats. d) Pumps. e) Cooler to cool wine during fermentation. /) Storage tanks, casks, puncheons, and barrels. ^Searle, H. E., F. L. La Que, and E. H. Dohrow. Metals and wines. Journal of In- dustrial and Engineering Chemistry 26:617-627. 1934. Elements op Wine Making 11 g) Filters — at least one bulk filter and at least one finishing or polish- ing filter. h) Pasteurizer for pasteurizing wine in bulk. i) Steam boiler; probably not less than 50 horsepower for winery handling 1,000 tons of grapes a season. j) Racks for barrels and puncheons. k) Bottling machine. I) Miscellaneous equipment and tools such as hand trucks, steaming rack for barrels, cooper's tools, case nailing or sealing machine, floor scales, fiber or aluminum buckets (never tin or galvanized steel), ample hose of best quality, etc. Desirable but not essential equipment is a re- frigerating machine and a cold room as indicated in the sketch. Items a,b,c, e, f, g, and h are discussed elsewhere. Pumps operate on several different principles and may be classed in three general groups, namely: plunger, rotary, and centrifugal. Ex- cept for pumping crushed grapes the centrifugal pump is preferred in most wineries; for it operates smoothly without the pulsations of the plunger pump and is economical of space and power. Pumps should be of corrosion-resistant metal such as stainless steel, "Inconel" or nickel. Pumps should be portable, with the possible exception of a large pump located at the sump in the fermenting room. A special grade of hose is made for winery use. This special grade needed because it does not affect the flavor of the wine and withstands severe use. The must line from the crusher to the fermenting room should be of material that does not dissolve in the must. Iron is the worst possible material because it gives up sufficient iron to the must to cause clouding of the wine later, and loss of color. If a still is not operated steam will be needed only for steaming of barrels, pasteurization, and for washing and sterilizing empty bottles. For these purposes it is probable that 50-horsepower capacity would be sufficient. If a still is to be operated additional steam will be needed and the manufacturer's advice concerning steam supply should be secured. Miscellaneous equipment is more or less standardized and little need be said here about it. BRIEF OUTLINE OF PRINCIPLES OF WINE MAKING The quality of wine is determined to a large extent by the following factors : Nature of the Raw Material. — The variety of the grape, the conditions of soil and climate under which it is grown, and the maturity at the time of gathering influence the quality of the wine. Suitable varieties of 12 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 grapes must be grown and they must be brought to the proper degree of ripeness. The grapes must be gathered carefully; they must be stored and transported with as little injury as possible; they must be pro- tected from dirt, mold, and injurious fermentation; and they must be handled in a cleanly manner. Fermentation. — The character of fermentation depends on four main factors : (a) the composition of the grapes; (&) the kind and number of microorganisms present; (c) the temperature of fermentation; and (d) the amount of aeration. If the fermentation is skillfully conducted fair wine may be made even from relatively inferior grapes, while mistakes at this stage will spoil wine made from the best of grapes. To produce a sound wine it is nearly always necessary to control the temperature of the fermentation by cooling devices and the kind and quantity of micro- organisms present by pasteurization or sulf iting and the use of pure and selected yeasts. Aging and Handling of the Wine. — Aging consists of two more or less concurrent changes : first, the clearing of the wine by the elimina- tion and precipitation of all undissolved and certain dissolved mate- rials; and, second, the development of certain desired flavors largely through gradual, slow oxidation and to some extent the formation of esters. Aging is accomplished by certain cellar operations such as stor- age at a favorable temperature, racking (drawing off) occasionally to separate the wine from the sediment; filtration, fining, and, if need be, pasteurization and refrigeration. Diseases of wine, either bacterial or nonbacterial in nature, may develop if proper care is not exercised dur- ing the aging period. The bacterial diseases can be remedied to some ex- tent by proper pasteurization or by the use of sulfites, sulfur dioxide, or tannin. The nonbacterial diseases, usually due to the presence of heavy metals, are not so readily remedied. It is much better to avoid these diseases by the proper handling of the grapes and wine than to attempt to cure them by various more or less drastic treatments. ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION Nature of the Alcoholic Fermentation. — The evolution of bubbles of carbon dioxide, disappearance of sugar, and formation of alcohol, acids, and other substances constitute the phenomena of fermentation. Fer- mentations are generally the transformation of carbohydrates, usually sugars, and are of various kinds. They are brought about by the action of microscopic plants — yeasts, molds, and bacteria — of which there are many kinds. In wine making, they are all considered undesirable, except one, the true wine yeast known botanically as Saccharomyces ellipsoi- deus. Successful wine making depends upon the control of fermentation Elements of Wine Making 13 by the intelligent use of this wine yeast more than upon any other op- eration in the cellar. This is accomplished by making conditions favor- able to its growth, multiplication, and activity and unfavorable to the activity of the other organisms which may injure the wine. As a result of the activity of the ferments or enzymes elaborated by the yeast, it is able to transform sugars into a variety of products, chiefly alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. Expressed in a chemical equation the simplest alcoholic fermentation may be represented as follows : C 6 H 12 6 = 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2 C0 2 dextrose and ethyl carbon dioxide gas levulose (grape alcohol sugar) However, the process is not so simple as indicated, since products such as higher alcohols, esters, glycerin, and succinic, acetic and formic acids are usually found among the by-products of such fermentations. TABLE 3 Composition of Must and Dry Wine* Must Wine Specific gravity 1.060 to 1.090 12 to 25 None 50 to 1.23 0.2 to 4 Traces 20 to 0.70 0.985 to 1.000 Fermentable sugar, per cent Alcohol by volume, per cent Acidity as tartaric, per cent Nitrogenous matters, soluble, per cent Tannin, per cent Dry extract, per cent Ash, per cent 0.0 to 0.5 8 to 15 35 to 1.00 Variable, but small Traces to 30 14 to 4 0.13 to 50 * C. E. Marshall. Microbiology. Third edition, p. 604. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. 1921. According to the above equation, the theoretical yield by weight of alcohol should be 51 per cent of the weight of sugar consumed. In prac- tice the yield of alcohol by Weight is generally 47 per cent and yield by volume about 57 per cent of the sugar present. The remainder of the sugar is converted into other products and used by the yeast for growth and respiration. The major differences in composition between grape juice, known technically as must, and wine are shown in table 3. Conditions Favorable to Alcoholic Fermentation. — The growth and activity of yeast depend on the presence of favorable food, moisture, and air supply and on suitable temperatures. The natural acids of grapes in must have little inhibiting effect on wine yeast. In fact, by discouraging the growth of competing organisms more sensitive to acidity, they exert an indirect favorable action. To stimulate a sound fermentation fruit acids such as tartaric, citric, and malic are sometimes added to a must low in acidity. Acetic acid, largely a product of bacterial fermentation, however, has a strong retarding 14 California Agricultural Extension Service t Cl R- 88 influence which is apparent at 0.2 per cent and increases with larger amounts until at 0.5 to 1.0 per cent all yeast activity ceases. Yeasts require oxygen for their maximum development, although most of them are capable of living and multiplying for a limited time in its absence. In the absence of oxygen they exert their greatest power of alcoholic fermentation. In wine making, therefore, it is desirable first to promote the multiplication and vigor of the yeast by growing it with an abundant supply of oxygen and then to conduct the alcoholic fermentation with only a limited supply. These conditions are brought about automatically in the usual methods of wine making. The crushing and stemming of the grapes thoroughly aerate the must. The yeast mul- tiplies vigorously in this aerated nutritive solution until it has consumed most of the dissolved oxygen. It then exerts its fermentative power to transform the sugar into alcohol, carbon dioxide, and other products. If the yeast is weakened before the wine is dry, it is generally necessary to invigorate it by aeration in some manner such as by pumping over. This aeration mixes the yeast thoroughly with the fermenting liquid, removes carbon dioxide which has a retarding influence on fermenta- tion, and furnishes the oxygen which favors multiplication of the yeast. However, excessive aeration during fermentation results in a flat, oxi- dized wine of poor color and flavor. The optimum temperature of fermentation for most varieties of yeast is about 85° F. The temperature during fermentation should be maintained between 70° and 90°. At temperatures below 70° the rate of fermentation is slow; growth and activity of wine yeast practically cease at 50°. At temperatures above 85° its vigor decreases with increase in temperature and fermentation usually ceases at 97° to 100°. If the temperature rises to 100° during fermentation, especially in musts of high sugar content, alcoholic fermentation generally ceases and the wine "sticks." This stuck wine is liable to attack by disease-producing bacteria such as the tourne organism. The presence of too much sugar will retard fermentation and if the sugar concentration is sufficiently high the activity of the yeast may be entirely inhibited. The optimum sugar concentration is about 22° Ball- ing. If the initial sugar concentration is very high (30° Balling or above) sufficient alcohol may be formed to arrest fermentation before all the sugar is consumed. Although 16 per cent of alcohol by volume is the maximum produced by wine yeast in ordinary wine making, under certain conditions as much as 21 per cent of alcohol can be obtained. The rate of fermentation decreases markedly with increase in alcohol con- tent and under practical conditions fermentations often stick at 13 to 15 per cent. This is especially true when selected yeast is not used. Elements of Wine Making 15 The alcohol tolerance of yeast decreases with increase in tempera- ture. Thus Muller-Thurgau found fermentation stopped with one yeast at 36° C (about 97° F) with 3.8 per cent alcohol (by weight) ; at 27° C (about 81° F) with 7.5 per cent; at 18° C (about 64° F) with 8.8 per cent; and at 9° C (about 48° F) with 9.5 per cent. The higher alcohols exert a greater inhibitive action. Some of these higher alcohols pro- duced by wild yeasts may be involved in the sticking of wine. It is usually desirable to adjust the must to not over 23° Balling be- fore fermentation, so that the wine when dry will contain not more than 13 per cent alcohol by volume. The maximum yield of alcohol in prac- tice is equal to 45 per cent by weight of the sugar present, as stated pre- viously. Since the nonsugar solids of California grapes account for 2° to 2.5° of the Balling reading in the must, by subtracting this from the Balling reading the approximate sugar content will be found. An ap- proximate rule is that the alcohol content of the wine in volume per cent will be 57.5 per cent of the Balling reading of the must. Certain mineral elements, potassium, magnesium, and phosphates as well as a suitable supply of nitrogenous substances such as amino acids, urea, or ammonium salts are necessary for the growth of yeast. Where there is a lack of these elements in the must they may be added as the following salts, usually in concentrations of 0.1 per cent: ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, or potassium acid phosphate. Their addi- tion to must is generally unnecessary. Certain growth stimulating sub- stances (such as "bios"), however, may stimulate yeast activity and aid the refermentation of stuck wines. Control of Microorganisms. — A perfectly clean or pure wine fermen- tation is one in which no microorganism takes part except the true wine yeast. Its principal benefits in a normal must are complete fermen- tation, rapid clearing, and absence of the sometimes disagreeable flavors of secondary fermentation. In order to produce such a fermentation it is necessary that the true wine yeasts vastly outnumber all other kinds. Most of the microorganisms present on the surface of California wine grapes are molds, wild yeasts, and bacteria. A few wine-yeast cells are present, but usually in much smaller numbers than the undesirable yeasts and they are generally strains that are not so desirable as the se- lected pure yeasts supplied by yeast laboratories. Therefore, to assure a clean fermentation it is advisable first to eliminate the other organ- isms by either pasteurizing the must or by using sulfurous acid or its salts and secondly to start the fermentation with an active culture of se- lected pure yeast. In addition, as previously stated, other conditions such as oxygen supply and temperature must be favorable. 16 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 CONTROL OF TEMPERATURE Excessively high temperatures during fermentation encourage the growth of wine-disease bacteria. At high temperatures, moreover, the yeast causes reactions that are unfavorable to the quality of the wine. A wine fermented at temperatures of about 70° to 75° F is smoother, fresher, and of more desirable bouquet than one fermented at 90° to 95°. The latter, if fermented on the skins, has more color, tannin, and body, owing to the greater solvent action on those substances at the higher temperature. It is generally accepted by enologists that more bouquet and aroma is formed in a wine made by a long slow fermentation at low temperatures than by a short rapid fermentation at higher temperatures. In cool fer- mentations the yeast apparently produces more esters and other aro- matic bodies. This is also true for other fermented fruit products, for example, cider. Recently the Italian enologists have introduced a method of fermentation in which the must is cooled almost to its congealing point and then allowed to gradually warm up and ferment. This pro- cess, it is claimed, results in a superior wine. A great deal of heat is generated during alcoholic fermentation, and a rise in temperature of the must follows unless this heat is dissipated. The heat evolved from 180 grams of sugar consumed in the reaction C 6 H 12 6 =2C 2 H 5 OH + 2 C0 2 has been calculated to be between 32 and 33 calories. However, a measurement in fermenting wine by A. Bouffard gave 23.5 calories. On this basis a must containing 22 per cent sugar would rise 90° F in temperature if all the heat developed by fermenta- tion were prevented from escaping. It would reach 100° and stick while it still contained 12 per cent of sugar if its initial temperature were 60°. The temperature to which the fermenting grapes or must will rise is determined by their temperature when crushed, plus the rise in tem- perature due to the heat generated by fermentation and minus that lost during fermentation by radiation and conduction. The warmer the grapes and the more sugar they contain, therefore, the higher the tem- perature will rise. The smaller the fermenting mass, the cooler the air, the greater the heat radiation from the vats, and the slower the fermen- tation, the less the temperature will rise. Cooling the grapes or must, fermenting in vats with a large radiating surface per unit volume, cool- ing the air in contact with the fermenting vats, and more particularly cooling the fermenting must itself are the means by which dangerously high temperatures during fermentation may be prevented. In the cool coastal regions the use of small fermentation vats and gathering the grapes early in the morning or allowing those gathered in the hot part Elements of Wine Making 17 of the day to cool in the night air before crushing", are often sufficient to avoid too high a temperature during fermentation. Where large fer- menting vats 3,000 to 10,000 gallons in capacity are used, and espe- cially in the hot interior valleys, it is necessary to cool the fermenting must artificially. Cooling the must before fermentation has also been practiced. The heat lost by radiation in ordinary open fermentation vats not ex- ceeding 3,000 gallons in capacity is about 50 per cent of that generated by fermentation, except in the hottest weather. In larger vats up to 10,000 gallons in capacity, and in very hot weather, the loss may be no more than 33 per cent. The amount of cooling necessary has been calcu- lated as follows by F. T. Bioletti : Let S = Balling degree of must (approximate sugar content) T = temperature of contents of vat M — maximum temperature desired = number of degrees Fahrenheit necessary to remove by cooling Then C=1.17 S + T — M Example : 8 = 24, T == 80° F, M = 92° F Then C = (1.17 X 24) + 80 — 92 = 16° F That is, in this case, every gallon in the vat has to be cooled to 16° below the temperature at the beginning of cooling in order to maintain a maxi- mum of not over 92°. It is sometimes best to wait until the must in the fermenting vat reaches a temperature a few degrees below the desired maximum before cooling. It must also be remembered that fermenta- tion and production of heat continue during cooling. The addition of ice to the fermenting vat to lower the temperature has been used with musts high in sugar content but the use of various forms of tubular re- frigerators is more satisfactory. Various types of refrigerators are available, but they are essentially the same in principle. Some consist of an inner tube or coil through which the wine is pumped and which is cooled by direct expansion of the refrigerant or by a cold liquid circu- lated in an outside jacket. In some the wine flows in the outside jacket and the cooling medium in the inner tube. This cooling liquid may be water or refrigerated brine. If well water is used it is generally neces- sary to cool the fermenting vats continuously during the height of fer- mentation. An efficient variation of the tubular type of heat inter- changers is one in which banks of coils through which wine is pumped are either cooled by sprays or streams of ice water or are packed in ice. 18 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 This type of cooler can be used where ice is available locally and the win- ery lacks other refrigerating machinery. Another common but less effi- cient cooling device consists of a large coil immersed in the vat of crushed grapes; water or refrigerated brine is circulated through the coils. Still another cooler consists of metal coils immersed in a sump into which the wine to be cooled is pumped; cold brine artificially refriger- ated is pumped through the coils. The tubes or coils with which the wine is in contact should be made of corrosion-resistant metal such as alum- inum, stainless steel, or nickel, and never iron, tin, or steel. A careful check of the temperatures reached in the fermenting vats should be made at frequent intervals to avoid stuck tanks. The rise of temperature is greater in fermenting crushed red grapes than it is in white musts, as less heat is lost from the surface. The pomace has a ten- dency to rise to the top and form a semi-dry "cap" where the heat be- comes excessive, even when the must below keeps comparatively cool. Pumping over, an operation resorted to very frequently for stimulating a dilatory fermentation, does not produce appreciable cooling; in fact the stimulated fermentation may increase the temperature. Toward the end of fermentation it entails also a loss of alcohol and the development of a flat taste. Cold weather during the late fall or early winter may re- sult in sticking because of the lowering of the temperature. In this case it may be necessary to warm the wine in order to complete the fermenta- tion. This may be done by using a tubular heat interchanger such as a pasteurizer or by similar means. Refrigerating the wine to a suitable degree after fermentation is com- plete promotes rapid clarification by the precipitation and deposition of salts, microorganisms, and the other solid matter which otherwise often forms a persistent cloudiness. A suitable rise of temperature after the wine has been cleared by settling and racking hastens aging. When aging is complete, sufficient lowering of the temperature checks over- aging and makes it possible to keep the wine until it is bottled. USE OF SULFUROUS ACID AND SULFITES Effects of Sulfur Dioxide ( SO 2 ). — The addition of the proper amount of sulf urous acid or its salts, such as metabisulfite, to crushed grapes and musts before fermentation results in an almost complete suppression of bacteria, molds, and wild yeasts without materially retarding multipli- cation of wine yeast. The advantages obtained, according to Bioletti and Cruess, 6 especially when combined with pure wine yeast, are the fol- lowing : e Bioletti, F. T., and W. V. Cruess. Enological investigations. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 230:1-118. 1912. (Out of print.) Elements of Wine Making 19 A more nearly perfect fermentation and sounder wines are secured. \n small vats sound wines result even where the excessively high tem- perature of 105° F is reached during fermentation, while the wines made in the usual way without S0 2 often stick and become vinegar sour in such cases. In large casks and vats where the after-fermentation is often slow the use of S0 2 greatly decreases the danger of bacterial deterioration. The volatile acidity is uniformly lower in wines from sulfited musts than in those from untreated musts. This was clearly indicated in the experiments reported by Cruess and shown in table 4. TABLE 4 Summary of Volatile Acid Content of 1913 and 1914 Wines* Year and method of Volatile acid content, per cent Per cent of wines above 0.10 fermentation Maximum Minimum Average per cent volatile acid 1913, ordinary fermentation 1913, with S0 2 only 1913, with SO2 and pure yeast 1914, ordinary fermentation 1914, with SO2 and pure yeast 290 053 0.118 0.537 085 0.044 0.038 026 023 023 118 048 068 0.088 052 48.5 4 4 22.0 36 * Cruess, W. V. Some results of the practical application of sulfurous acid and pure yeast in the fer- mentation of California wines 1913 and 1914. Proceedings of the International Congress of Viticulture, p. 254-263. 1915. The fixed acidity is protected by the use of S0 2 and the sulfited wines show a higher total acidity than the untreated. This is of value for grapes initially of low acid content. Wines of low total acidity are less stable than those of moderately high acidity. The S0 2 or metabisulfite increases the yield of alcohol, often 1 per cent, by insuring a purer fermentation. The color of the treated red wines is superior in both tint and inten- sity. The S0 2 protects the coloring matter from excessive oxidation and therefore greatly increases its life and stability. The treated wines clear more rapidly and show sounder sediments under the microscope. The number of bacteria in the naturally fer- mented wines is usually much higher, while the sulfited wines, espe- cially where pure yeast is used, usually contain yeast cells only. The treated wines keep much better at warm temperatures than the untreated. Thus after incubation for sixty days at 85° F a sample of an untreated wine increased in volatile acid from 0.180 to 0.240 per cent, whereas wines fermented with pure yeast and sulfurous acid increased only from 0.075 to 0.080 per cent. Methods of Adding S0 2 . — There are several ways in which sulfurous acid, or rather sulfur dioxide, can be introduced into must or wine. 20 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Ci R- 88 The oldest process consists in burning sulfur and introducing the products of combustion, largely sulfur dioxide gas, into the must or wine. This method is not used at present except in lightly sulf uring wine in tanks or casks during racking. The sulfur is first burned in the cask or tanks and is absorbed by the must or wine as the vessel is filled. A se- rious objection to this method is that the sulfur which falls or sublimes into the cask may be reduced by yeast to hydrogen sulfide, a gas which has an objectionable, rotten-egg odor and flavor. Liquid sulfur dioxide, the gas liquefied under pressure and held in heavy walled steel cylinders is being used to an increasing extent. It has the advantages of purity and relative cheapness. Several forms of ap- paratus are made by which an exact amount of the gas from the cylin- der can be introduced into the must or wine. A stock solution of sulfur- ous acid, usually containing 6 per cent, can be prepared by adding a weighed amount of gas to cold water. This can be done by allowing the gas to bubble through water chilled with ice to below 40° F in a barrel, taking care to prevent undue losses by too rapid addition of the gas. To weigh the gas used the cylinder is placed on a platform scale and weighed before and after drawing off the gas into the ice water. A 6 per cent solu- tion will contain approximately 8 ounces of the liquid S0 2 per gallon of water. Such solutions can be obtained from dealers and are useful for wineries too small to use a whole cylinder of the liquefied gas. For musts low in total acid it is sometimes preferable to use this form rather than metabisulfites. Only fresh solutions should be used since they lose strength on storage. Sulfites, bisulfites, and metabisulfites of the alkalies can be used since when dissolved in an acid solution such as must, they are readily con- verted into available sulfurous acid. In this conversion they neutralize an equivalent amount of the acid of the must. The best of these salts is probably potassium metabisulfite. This is of more reliable composition than the sodium metabisulfite and contains a higher percentage of avail- able sulfur dioxide than some of the other sulfites of potassium. It con- tains 57.6 per cent sulfur dioxide; although it is customary to consider that only 50 per cent is available under practical conditions. The crys- talline or the powdered salt should be dissolved in water at the rate of 8 ounces to each gallon and care should be taken to see that it is com- pletely dissolved and thoroughly mixed before adding to the must. Since the metabisulfite even in powdered form decreases in strength on stand- ing only freshly prepared solutions from the fresh salt should be used. Selective Action of S0 2 on Organisms. — The utility of sulfurous acid is based on its selective antiseptic effect on the microorganisms present in the must. Wine yeasts are less sensitive to S0 2 than most of the com- Elements of Wine Making 21 mon yeasts, molds, or bacteria occurring in grapes or wine. Very small amounts of S0 2 (equivalent to 5 ounces of potassium metabisulfite per ton in most cases) are sufficient to prevent growth of molds and wild yeasts and to insure a pure fermentation when a starter of wine yeast is used. One hundred parts per million of S0 2 (6 ounces of potassium metabisulfite per ton) has been shown by Cruess 7 and others to eliminate over 99.9 per cent of the active cells of microorganisms from the must. Sulf urous acid added to must rapidly combines with certain substances, probably sugars, and in the combined form is said to be only % as ef- TABLE 5 Amount of SO- to Be Added Under Various Conditions To clean, sound, cool, and underripe grapes To sound grapes, normal weather, optimum maturity To moldy and bruised grapes, hot, overripeorlowinacid Usual range for sound grapes Source of SO2 Per 1,000 gals. of must Per ton of grapes Per 1,000 gals, of must Per ton of grapes Per 1,000 gals, of must Per ton of grapes Per ton of grapes Liquid sulfur dioxide 6 per cent sulfurous acid so- lution Potassium metabisulfite 10 oz. \% gals. 20 oz. 2oz. 2 pints V/l oz. 15 oz. 2 gals. 31 oz. 1 X A oz- 3 pints 5 oz. 36 oz. 3M gals. 56 oz. 6oz. 4^ pints 9oz. 2-4 oz. K-Mgal. 4-8 oz. fective as free S0 2 . By properly timing the sulfiting and the addition of starter the full effect of the maximum amount of free S0 2 is exerted on the injurious organisms and the wine yeast is exposed only to the mini- mum amount of free S0 2 . Very ripe grapes require more S0 2 than those which are less mature, probably because they are of lower hydrogen ion concentration, are more liable to bacterial attack, and because they neu- tralize more of the antiseptic effect of S0 2 . Since about one-half of the SOo disappears from the must by volatilization during fermentation, especially in red wine, and part of the remainder is oxidized to sulfates, the amount remaining is much below the legal limitations except where unnecessarily large amounts are used. Too much sulfite will give a wine of a characteristic flat taste, or an objectionable flavor of sulfurous acid. The amount of S0 2 to be added to a given must depends on the degree of ripeness and soundness of the grapes, the temperature of the grapes, and the weather conditions prevailing at the time of crushing. Overripe grapes, rich in sugar and low in acid, moldy grapes, and warm grapes require more S0 2 than cool sound grapes of moderate sugar and acid content. The wine maker must learn from experience the amount to add under prevailing conditions. However, table 5 may be used as a guide. ^Cruess, W. V. The effect of sulfurous acid on fermentation organisms. Journal Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 4:581-585. 1912. 22 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 USE OF PURE YEAST The microorganisms present on grapes usually consist of large num- bers of mold spores and wild yeasts. The wine yeast was never present in large numbers on grapes examined by Cruess 8 and was usually outnum- bered many thousand times by the injurious microorganisms. Further- more it has been found by Cruess and others that most of the strains of wine yeast present on California grapes do not completely ferment cer- tain musts, give a lower yield of alcohol, and during fermentation form a finely divided cloud throughout the fermenting liquid. After it has settled, when the fermentation period is complete, such yeast is easily disturbed and clouds the wine. A natural or spontaneous fermentation due to the yeast carried into the vat on the skins of the grapes occurs in at least two stages. In the first, the apiculatus stage, a wild yeast, Saccharomyces apiculatus is most numerous. This yeast ceases to ferment when the must contains about 4 per cent alcohol and it then gives way to the true wine yeast, Saccharo- myces ellipsoideus which completes the second stage. Other wild yeast and bacteria occur and are more or less harmful although some are thought to be responsible for desirable characteristics of certain special wines. Use of Starters of Pure Yeast. — In order to obtain a cleaner fermen- tation, a better yield of alcohol and a finished product of more uniform and better quality than is obtained in the natural fermentation, it is advisable to use a starter of a selected strain of pure wine yeast. The principal benefits to be obtained are a thorough fermentation, a rapid clearing, and an absence of the disagreeable flavors of secondary fer- mentation. By the addition of a sufficient amount of active starter of pure wine yeast of the proper kind the undesirable organisms will be so outnum- bered that they will have no opportunity to act upon the must. However, they may be further inactivated, as previously described, by the addition of sulfites or sulfurous acid, before the addition of the pure yeast. Pas- teurization of the must before fermentation is not commonly practiced although it has been shown to be commercially useful, especially in the fermentation of red wine. 9 If sulfur dioxide is used, the must should be allowed to stand for several hours before the addition of the yeast. If this precaution is taken only the undesirable organisms will be exposed s Cruess, W. V. The fermentation organisms of California grapes. University of California Press Publications in Agricultural Sciences 4(1) :l-66. 1918. ^Bioletti, F. T. A new method of making dry red wine. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 177:1-36. 1906. (Out of print.) Elements of Wine Making 23 to the full effect of the added sulfurous acid and most of the S0 2 will be in the bound form before the yeast is added. It is also advisable to aerate white must thoroughly after settling", either before or after adding an adequate starter. The investigations of Cruess and Bioletti indicate Fig. 4. — On left, bottle of pure yeast to which juice has been added, actively fermenting. On right, bottle with pure yeast growing on agar jelly, as received at winery. that the starter is at its maximum activity when the Balling degree of the must in which it is grown has been reduced about one-half. Its effi- ciency does not diminish greatly until nearly all the sugar has disap- peared. The University of California has supplied to wineries and vinegar factories several varieties of yeast of which the so-called Burgundy or champagne yeast is considered best, as it forms a heavy granular and compact sediment toward the end of the fermentation and produces satisfactory fermentations. Wines made with this yeast clear rapidly. Another satisfactory wine yeast is the so-called Tokay yeast introduced 24 California Agricultural Extension Service L Ci R- g 8 by Fruit Industries, Ltd. Yeasts are generally supplied to the winery as streak cultures on nutrient agar in cotton-stoppered test tubes or bot- tles. For propagation at the winery the bottle culture is preferable be- cause of its larger size. Sterilized must is added at the winery to the bottle containing the agar jelly yeast culture. It is then set aside for several days and during this period the yeast increases enormously in numbers, namely from a few thousand to about 200,000,000 cells per cubic centimeter. The yeast is then increased in volume and applied as outlined in the following working directions. It is inadvisable to "stretch" the yeast too far or too long. Several times during the season pure yeast starters from an original agar jelly culture should be prepared, because with transfer from vat to vat con- tamination with other yeasts is sure to occur. Preparation of Starters. — To prepare a starter the following mate- rials will be needed : A culture of pure wine yeast on agar jelly in cotton-stoppered bottle purchased from a reputable yeast laboratory (fig. 4). A bottle of pasteurized grape juice, purchased at a store or prepared by the wine maker. A 5-gallon carboy of pasteurized must to be prepared by the wine maker. A 50-gallon barrel of pasteurized must or sulfited must to be prepared by the wine maker. a) Prepare a pint or quart bottle of pasteurized juice as follows : Thoroughly wash out the bottle with hot water. Then heat a small quan- tity of the grape juice to boiling and pour it boiling hot into the warm bottle until it is about % full. Stopper with clean sterile cotton. Allow to cool to room temperature, preferably overnight. Often bottled pasteurized grape juice free from chemical preserva- tives can be purchased locally in drug stores or grocery stores. This juice may be added to the culture bottle to start the first fermentation. b ) When thoroughly cool, proceed as follows : In a clean room away from drafts, remove the cotton plug from the culture bottle and fill about % full w ^h the sterilized must from the juice bottle. Replace the plug and shake the juice to aerate it. Do not shake too violently and do not allow the cotton to become wet with the juice. c) Store the bottle in a warm place (at 70° to 90° F) and occasionally shake during the next two or three days. It will take about two or more days, according to the temperature and sweetness of the juice, before the culture will be in active fermentation. d) In the meantime, prepare about 4 gallons of pasteurized grape juice in a cotton-stoppered 5-gallon carboy. This may be done by heating Elements of Wine Making 25 fresh juice to about 180° F and pouring it hot into a clean carboy thor- oughly warmed with steam or hot water. Stopper the carboy with clean cotton and set aside to cool overnight. e) When the culture is in active fermentation and the carboy of pas- teurized juice is cool, add the contents of the culture bottle to the carboy of juice. To do this place the thumb over the cotton stopper, shake the bottle, and then pour the liquid into the carboy. /) Set the 4 gallons of juice aside in a warm place (70° to 80° F) and shake occasionally to aerate the juice. Allow to stand three or four days until it is in active fermentation. g) Shortly before using this carboy of starter, prepare 40 gallons of pasteurized or sulfited juice in a clean 50-gallon barrel. This juice may be pasteurized by heating to 180° F and cooling in the open in a clean room free from drafts. Cool the juice after heating to not above 80°. A 50-gallon barrel with one head removed and covered with sterilized cheesecloth is satisfactory. Heating can be done with live steam from a steam hose. A small copper or nickel cooling coil can be used to cool the juice. h) Add the contents of the carboy when in active fermentation to the 40 gallons of juice in the 50-gallon barrel. Cover the barrel with ster- ilized cheesecloth and hold the cloth in place with a barrel hoop. The next morning aerate by pouring from a dipper sterilized in boiling water. i) When the juice in the barrel is in active fermentation, in three or four days, it will contain sufficient yeast to start 500 gallons of fresh juice. This juice can be prepared the preceding day by heating to 160 °~ 180° F and cooling to 80° or lower; or by adding to 500 gallons of juice 1-/4 pounds of potassium metabisulfite dissolved in 5 gallons of water, mixing, and standing 12 hours. j) When the 500 gallons is in full fermentation, use it to start 5,000 gallons of crushed grapes or juice treated 6 to 8 hours previously with 8 ounces of metabisulfite per ton. Additional vats of crushed grapes treated with 5 to 8 ounces of metabisulfite may be started from this vat when in full fermentation. It is good practice to add about 3 per cent by volume of active starter to the juice to be fermented. However, as little as 1 per cent by volume is satisfactory when the juice is clean and fairly free from undesirable wild yeasts and bacteria. Too large an amount of starter should not be added as it may produce rapid and violent fermentation during which heat may be generated too rapidly to control even with cooling devices. If heating facilities are unavailable to prepare the 40 gallons of pas- teurized juice, the juice may be prepared by adding 4 ounces of potas- 26 California Agricultural Extension Service t ClR - 88 sium metabisulfite per 100 gallons of freshly pressed juice, storing until it clears, and then racking the clear juice. This procedure is not so sat- isfactory as the use of pasteurized juice. TESTING BALLING DEGREE Before the grapes are gathered they are tested occasionally during ripening by means of a Balling hydrometer. For dry wines the Balling degree should not be over 24°, and may be as low as 20°. The Balling test is made by selecting several clusters (3 to 10 pounds) , crushing with the hands in a small pot, and expressing the juice through a double thickness of cheesecloth. The juice is placed in a glass or metal cylinder, usually about 1% inches in diameter and about 12 inches tall. The hy- drometer is inserted and the Balling degree is read at the level of the liquid. At the same time the temperature is read by means of a Fahrenheit thermometer. Most Balling hydrometers are standardized for use at 60° F. For each degree Fahrenheit above the standard temperature add 0.03° Balling and for each degree Fahrenheit below the standard tem- perature, subtract 0.03° Balling. For example, if the hydrometer used is standardized for use at 60° F (see statement on the stem), the tem- perature of the juice is 69°, and the observed Balling degree is 21.4: then the corrected reading is 21.4 + (9 X 0.03) = 21.4 + 0.27 = 21.67° Balling. Grapes for dry wine making should be free of raisins. The sugar pres- ent in the raisins is not liberated when grapes are crushed and pressed for the Balling test. However, it is liberated during fermentation of red wine and may greatly increase the fermentable sugar content. This often causes sticking or cessation of fermentation and too sweet a wine. If raisins are present the addition of water to the must may be neces- sary in order to make a light dry wine. FERMENTATION AND AGING OF RED WINE In a publication of this size it is impossible to give explicit directions for all details of the various operations involved in crushing, pressing, fermenting, and aging. Instead, an outline of the various steps in the making of dry red and dry white wines will here be given, together with statements of the more important principles involved and of the prin- cipal precautions to be observed. Picking and Transportation of the Grapes. — Grapes for dry red wine, as previously stated, should be picked at the proper stage of maturity in order that it will not be necessary to ameliorate the must by dilution with water or by addition of sugar or acid, or both. Under Californian Elements of Wine Making 27 conditions in most districts red wine grapes are at their optimum ma- turity when the juice is between 21° and 23° Balling. The grapes should be picked carefully to avoid crushing. Only clean lug boxes free from rotten berries, mold, and soured juice should be used. Too often the lug box is a serious source of contamination with un- desirable organisms. In hot weather the boxes of grapes picked during the heat of the day should, if possible, be stacked in the vineyard to cool overnight, and Fig. 5. — Crusher and steirimer showing unloading platform and crushing shed. then transported to the winery in the morning and crushed before they warm up again. This procedure will greatly reduce the amount of cool- ing required during fermentation — a very important consideration. It is best to transport the grapes in the lug boxes, and undue delay in delivery and crushing should be avoided in order that wild yeasts, molds, and vinegar bacteria do not develop before crushing. The prac- tice of hauling grapes in gondola cars (coal cars) is, to say the least, ob- jectionable and should be avoided. The rough handling and pressure crush the grapes and in the resulting mixture of juice and wet berries, wild yeasts, vinegar bacteria, and molds grow prolifically, often seriously injuring the flavor, bouquet, and keeping quality of the resulting wine. Frequently such cars of grapes are several days enroute and arrive at the winery in a deplorable, partly fermented, vinegar-sour condition. Crushing and Stemming. — In California the grapes are crushed be- tween revolving fluted metal rolls set at such distance that the grapes are well crushed but the seeds left intact. (See installation in figure 5.) Several other forms of crushers are used in European wineries. One con- sisting of concentric, rapidly revolving, horizontal cylinders perforated with holes large enough to permit passage of the crushed grapes has 28 California Agricultural Extension Service t Cl R- 88 been tested in a California winery and found much less satisfactory than the usual roller crusher. The crushed grapes and stems fall through the rolls into a horizontal sheet-metal cylinder in which rapidly revolving metal paddles knock the crushed grapes through holes in the bottom of the stemmer cylinder. The stems are thrown out of the open end of the stemmer and thus sep- arated from the grapes. Iron and steel should be avoided in the construction of the crusher and stemmer because even minute amounts of dissolved iron (10 to 20 parts per million) cause clouding and reclouding of the wine later throughout its life, producing what is known as "ferric casse." Bronze is less objectionable, but tin and copper dissolved from bronze by the must may be sufficient in amount to cause loss of color and flavor dur- ing aging of the wine. Stainless steel, Inconel, and nickel are prefer- able to most bronzes. If a bronze is used it should consist of copper and tin only and be free from zinc and antimony. Stainless steel is costly and difficult to fabricate; but there is now available a steel surfaced with a layer of stainless steel that can be fabricated readily and which pro- vides protection against corrosion. Pumping Crushed Grapes to Fermenting Vats. — The crushed grapes are pumped from the crushing sump to the f ermenters through a pipe line of large diameter by means of a plunger pump equipped with heavy metal ball valves which permit free passage of the crushed grapes with- out clogging the pump. Most must pumps are of bronze and the must line is usually of iron or steel. Much iron is dissolved by the must in its passage through the line, and still more is dissolved during the inter- vals between crushing while the interior of the must line is wet with must. Some must lines are of copper. This is also objectionable, because, as previously stated, a few parts per million of dissolved copper causes loss of flavor and color. Wooden must lines have been used but are apt to leak and lack the structural strength necessary to withstand the pres- sure when the outlet valve in the line is closed during transfer of the outlet spout from one vat to another. Hard rubber probably would be satisfactory. Glass-lined steel pipe is probably the best material for the purpose and is not so costly as stainless steel. It is possible to coat the interior of iron must lines and other metal equipment with the resistant asphaltum-like coating used in brewer's vats. The pipe must be thoroughly dry when the solution of brewer's "varnish" is applied and, of course, the sections of pipe must be discon- nected during the process. Recent tests show that one well known prod- Elements of Wine Making 29 uct of this kind gives no flavor to wine and resists solvent action of juice and wine perfectly. Addition of Sulfur Dioxide or Metabisulfite. — It is advisable to add from 2 to 6 ounces of S0 2 per ton of grapes 10 or twice this amount of metabisulfite during or immediately after crushing, distributing it equally throughout the crushed grapes in the vat. If the crusher, pump, and must line are of materials not corroded by sulfited juice, the S0 2 in solution may be added at the crushing sump, otherwise, to the crushed grapes as they fall into the vat or shortly thereafter. (See section on S0 2 , pages 18 to 21.) The metabisulfite should be dissolved in water, a convenient concen- tration being 8 ounces to each gallon of water. For fresh grapes rela- tively free from mold 6 to 8 ounces of metabisulfite per ton is sufficient. For moldy grapes, or those that have become partially crushed and soured in transit, 8 to 12 ounces per ton is required. In larger wineries it is practical to use liquefied S0 2 gas that is de- livered in steel cylinders. In one large California winery a small per- forated cross of copper pipe fitted with an upright piece of copper pipe about 8 feet long, and this in turn attached to a rubber hose connected to a cylinder of the S0 2 gas, is employed to distribute the S0 2 in the crushed grapes. The cylinder is placed on a portable platform scale and weighed. After the vat is filled one workman forces the perforated cop- per cross into the crushed grapes while another opens the valve on the cylinder. The gas flows into the crushed mass and is absorbed by the must. The perforated pipe is moved about through the crushed grapes continuously to distribute the S0 2 as uniformly as possible. When the loss in weight of the cylinder indicates that the required amount of gas has been added the valve is closed. For sound, clean grapes about 3 ounces of the gas per ton of grapes is sufficient; for moldy or vinegar- soured grapes more, 4 to 6 ounces per ton, is advisable. As previously stated the S0 2 gas can be introduced into a measured volume of water chilled with cakes of ice to below 40° F, the usual amount added being not more than 6 ounces per gallon of water. Then this solution can be added to the crushed grapes. (See page 20.) In all cases the crushed grapes must be thoroughly mixed by punch- ing or pumping over to insure that the S0 2 is evenly distributed. The addition of either S0 2 or metabisulfite destroys or inactivates wild yeasts, bacteria, and molds but the true wine yeasts are not mate- rially injured by the amounts of S0 2 or metabisulfite recommended. Addition of Yeast Starters. — About 6 hours after adding the S0 2 or metabisulfite there should be added 2 to 5 per cent by volume of ac- io One ounce per ton is equivalent to 5 to 7 ounces per 1,000 gallons of must. 30 California Agricultural Extension Service t ClR - 88 tively fermenting yeast starter ; that is 4 to 10 gallons of strongly fer- menting must to each ton of crushed grapes or to approximately each 200 gallons. Two gallons of yeast is sufficient in hot weather; 8 is better in cold weather. If the grapes are warm, the yeast should be added within 3 hours after sulfiting. The yeast and crushed grapes should be well *fm, -■!. ti i r"^ ■ ~ fey iff P f ^ A ! "m Fig. 6. — View in a fermenting room showing record of Balling degree, temperature, and time written with chalk on side of vat. The tank was filled on October 18 at 6 p.m. At this time the Balling was 25° and the tempera- ture was 68° F; on October 20 at 1 p.m. the Balling was 5.5° and the tem- perature 84°. Artificial cooling was applied during the forenoon of October 20, reducing the temperature from 94° to 84°. mixed by punching, or better by pumping over. Directions for prepar- ing the yeast have been given in a previous section. (See page 22.) If the grapes are sound and free from mold or vinegar-souring at the time of crushing, some of the fermenting must of a vat previously started with pure yeast may be used to inoculate other vats of crushed grapes, and these in turn to inoculate still other vats. Records. — The Balling degree and the temperature of the must should be tested as soon as the vat is filled (fig. 6). As soon as fermentation commences, these tests should be made again and repeated at least twice every 24 hours while the grapes are still in the vat. A record of these tests, showing the date and hour made should be kept in a book or on filing cards and also on the vats where they can be referred to easily. These records form a valuable guide for future care of the wine. They show how the fermentation is progressing and when to carry out the va- Elements of Wine Making 31 rious operations and also indicate whether the fermentation has been abnormal so as to make special treatment of the wine necessary. In interpreting" the Balling readings, the temperature correction should be borne in mind. As an approximate correction add 0.3° Ball- ing for each 10° F above the temperature for which the particular hydrometer was standard- ized and subtract 0.3° Balling for each 10° F below this temperature. This amounts to a cor- rection of about 1° Balling for each 30° F above or below the standard temperature (usually 60° or65°F). The sample for testing should be taken with a wine thief (glass tube made for the purpose) or with a short piece of rubber hose from a level well below the cap, since fermentation in the cap is more rapid and a test made upon juice ex- pressed from it would be misleading. (See sec- tion on cooling for the method of taking tem- perature readings in the vat.) Aeration and Mixing. — As soon as fermenta- tion is evident the contents of the vat should be well stirred by punching or pumping over at least twice a day. This is to equalize the tem- perature, to promote extraction of color and tan- nin, and to aerate the must. Aeration should be moderate or omitted during the violent fermen- tation. If the beginning or ending" of fermenta- tion is sluggish, aeration should be more severe to invigorate the yeast. It is best to keep the cap of floating skins and stems as fully submerged as possible in order to discourage vinegar-souring. A movable cloth or wooden cover to confine the C0 2 gas has the same effect. Cooling. — The best red wines are made when the temperature does not rise above 90° F. Tem- peratures above 95° notably impair the quality. The temperature of the wine should be taken just below the cap, for at this level the wine tem- perature is highest, owing to the insulating effect of the cap (fig. 7). However, the highest temperature in the vat is usually in the cap, about half way down. The temperature should be taken with a long-stemmed thermometer whose bulb is immersed in the vat while reading. Tempera- tures read on thermometers attached to hydrometers or on small ther- Fig. 7. — Long-stemmed metal-encased thermom- eter for reading temper- ature in vats of crushed grapes. 32 California Agricultural Extension Service t Cl R- 88 mometers pulled out of the vat to read may be low as much as 10°. Small thermometers fastened to a stick containing a small dipper and whose bulb is in the wine as the temperature is read (ordinary brewery vat thermometers) or maximum-reading thermometers, may be used. Re- moving a sample of the wine from the vat with a wine thief, transfer- ring it to a hydrometer jar, reading the hydrometer, and then reading the thermometer in the hydrometer is not the proper way to take tem- perature of the wine. Where cooling devices are available they should be used as soon as, or a little before, the temperature reaches 90°. The amount of cooling necessary will depend on the amount of sugar left, the size of the vats, and the temperature of the air. If the cooling is done when the vat reaches 90° the amount of cooling needed will be approximately 1.5° for each Balling degree left. (See also the discussion in a previous section on cooling, page 16.) The cooling is generally done by drawing the free- run wine off the pomace through a screen into a concrete sump. From this sump the wine is pumped through tubular refrigerators or through coils packed in ice (or cooled with running water) as mentioned pre- viously. The wine should be cooled to about 70°-80°, according to the amount of sugar remaining, and then pumped back over the pomace into the fermenting vat. This cooling may be done in one or two opera- tions. Iron pipes submerged in the vat and through which cold water is pumped for cooling the must are very objectionable because the must dissolves large amounts of iron from them and because they are ineffi- cient as a cooling device. Another method of cooling is to draw off the wine from the fermenting vat into a sump in which it is cooled by means of coils through which refrigerated brine circulates. When cooled suffi- ciently the wine is returned to the vat. Draiving-off and Pressing. — The time for separating the wine from the pomace by drawing-off and pressing is determined by the thorough- ness of the extraction of tannin and color desired by the wine maker. The amount of sugar left has little to do with it, as the fermentation will finish as well after as before drawing-off. The alcohol formed during fermentation together with the heat, the agitation, and the mechanical disintegration of the pulp by fermentation, extracts the color and tan- nin from the skins. The maximum color is usually obtained after about 72 hours of active fermentation on the skins. In hot fermentations, 48 hours' fermentation is sufficient; in cool fermentations it may require four or five days. Sufficient tannin is usually extracted at the same time, but with a few varieties of grapes, or if very astringent wines are de- sired, the grapes may be left one or two days longer in the vat. In prop- erly conducted fermentations, the time from filling the vats to drawing Elements of Wine Making 33 off the wine will normally range from three to five days. Usually the wine tests 0° to 4° Balling at this time. The free-run wine should be kept separate from that obtained by pressing the pomace left in the vat. It is Fig. 8. — A battery of three hydraulic basket presses. Note the transfer car and tracks to permit movement of baskets to and from the fermenting room. Fig. 9. — Continuous press. less harsh, easier to age, and yields a wine of better quality than the press wine. The pomace (skins, seeds, and small pieces of stems) is shov- eled from the vat to a conveyor or into a car for transportation to the press; or with a basket press, it may be shoveled directly into the press basket on a truck. A basket-type press is considered by many wine mak- 34 California Agricultural Extension Service C Cir - 88 ers preferable to a continuous press for this purpose because it expresses less of the finely divided pulp from the grapes. The continuous press is naturally less costly to operate as it requires less labor. If the press wine is to be used for distillation for brandy or returned to a fresh vat of grapes there is no objection to using a continuous press. E/evat/on of 3 shown? grooves at fo/tom Fig. 10. — A hydraulic fermentation bung of German design. It consists of an earthenware funnel-like vessel, A, and an earthenware cup, B, having a number of grooves at the bottom to allow the dis- charge of gas. Fermentation destroys the mucilaginous or "gummy" condition of freshly crushed grapes and renders pressing easy and effective. In many wineries the press wine is returned to a vat of freshly crushed grapes to act as a starter and to rid it of much of its suspended matter. This procedure also greatly reduces the total volume of press wine (a second-quality product) and correspondingly increases the yield of Elements of Wine Making 35 free-run wine. The practice is supported by some for these reasons and condemned by others because it tends to lower somewhat the average quality of the free-run wine. A typical continuous press and a basket installation are shown in fig- ures 8 and 9. 1 Fig. 11. — A simple fermentation bung consisting of an open bot- tle, A, two -thirds full of water, connected to an empty bottle, B, of similar or larger size by means of metal or glass tubing. Bottle B is tightly stoppered with a two-hole stopper and contains the tube to the bung on the storage vat. B acts as a trap for the water in A in case a suction develops in the storage vat. In wineries that make sweet wine as well as dry, the pomace is usually mixed with water to reduce the final alcohol content to 6 or 7 per cent and is left in the vat to allow fermentation to run to completion, a period of not more than two days. The free-run "wash" is drawn ofT and the pomace is pressed; the two lots of liquids are then combined and sent to the still. 36 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 In most wineries the pressed pomace is dumped in a large heap out- side the winery and is later hauled away to a dump or spread thinly in a vineyard or orchard to be plowed under later. If applied too heavily to the soil it may injure the vines or trees by making the soil too acid. It has very little fertilizing value, but will improve the texture of heavy soils. Lime may be mixed with it to neutralize the acidity. In a later section the recovery of cream of tartar and tannin from waste pomace is discussed briefly. After Fermentation. — When the wine in the fermenting vat is drawn off it nearly always contains a small remnant amount of fermentable sugar. In order to complete the fermentation the new wine is placed in closed storage tanks with fermentation bungs and maintained at a suit- able temperature (70° to 85° F) . Fermentation bungs are used to main- tain an atmosphere of carbon dioxide in the vat, to allow the outflow of excess carbon dioxide gas, but not to allow the ingress of air unless the latter has been washed free of undesirable bacteria by bubbling through water. A simple hydraulic fermentation bung of German design is shown in figure 10. Another simple one is shown in figure 11. Other bungs operate on the safety valve principle, that is, they consist of a valve and a weak spring opened by the pressure of the C0 2 gas in the tank. The fermentation bung, by maintaining a slight pressure of carbon dioxide gas (C0 2 ) in the tank, prevents the growth of vinegar bacteria and wine flowers. Drawing-off and pressing stimulate the yeast by aerating the wine. If this aeration is not sufficient and the wine still tastes sweet a week after being placed in storage casks, it should be well aerated by pumping over. This aeration should be repeated every two or three days until the fermentation is complete. In cold weather it may be necessary to warm the wine to 75°-80° F by use of a pasteurizer or other form of heater. In from 7 to 14 days after crushing all red wines should be completely dry (or free of fermentable sugar) if favorable conditions are main- tained. Excessive aeration at this stage should be avoided as it may en- danger the quality of the wine by overoxidation or acetification. The storage vats should be as full as possible to avoid souring. As soon as fer- mentation is complete the tank should be filled completely and bunged. The bung should be loosened every few days to allow the gas to escape. After fermentation ceases, the yeast and suspended particles of skins and pulp settle rapidly, forming a sediment known as the first or crude lees. During the settling period the tank or cask must be kept well filled and sealed. Racking. — When the fermentation is complete the new wine is drawn Elements of Wine Making 37 off (racked) from the lees, to aid in clearing and to avoid extraction of undesirable flavors from the old yeast. A centrifugal separator is com- ing into use for removing suspended yeast and other solid particles im- mediately after fermentation. It shortens the settling period but its gen- eral adoption is not advised until sufficient time has elapsed to prove its utility and desirability as a substitute for settling and racking. Much the same effect can be attained by a short settling period followed by racking and rough filtration through a coarse pulp filter or with a filter aid through a filter press. (See section on filtration.) The lees from the first racking are generally distilled for brandy in California; cream of tartar also can be recovered. Storage. — After the secondary fermentation is complete and the wine is freed from yeast and other suspended material, it is stored in com- pletely filled and sealed tanks. Since some wine is lost by evaporation during storage, vinegar-souring may occur unless the tanks are kept full. They must be filled frequently during the first few weeks, owing to con- traction on cooling, and less frequently later. During storage also, racking is repeated at more or less regular intervals to aid in clearing. During racking the wine loses the carbon dioxide with which it is charged and absorbs oxygen necessary to aging. No oxidation, and con- sequently little aging, occurs as long as the wine is charged with carbon dioxide. It is customary to perform the first racking in December and early January and the second in March or April. During storage, aging with its improvement in flavor and bouquet and accompanying clearing of the wine occur. Dry wines usually require storing for at least two years to "age" before they are fit for consumption. During this aging a complex process of oxidation and esterification occurs and results in the formation of the desirable aroma and bouquet and loss of the raw flavor of new wine. Another vitally important change is separation of the supersaturated cream of tartar. Alcohol formed during fermentation and the low temperature of the storage room combine to hasten its sep- aration. However, after the first rapid deposition of cream of tartar further separation is extremely slow and often requires several years for completion in usual cellar practice. Refrigeration. — The solubility of cream of tartar and that of certain colloidal materials such as certain proteins, gums, etc., are greatly de- creased and the rate of separation correspondingly increased by lower- ing the temperature to near the freezing point of the wine. In recent years refrigeration has come into widespread use in Europe for hasten- ing these changes and has been very generally adopted in California. Two systems are in use. In one of these the wine is pumped contin- uously through brine-cooled, or refrigerant-cooled coils until the tern- 38 California Agricultural Extension Service L Ci R- 88 perature of the tank of wine (usually 20,000 to 30,000 gallons) is re- duced to between 24° and 27° F. Later the wine is again cooled, several times if necessary, to maintain a temperature below 27°. The tank stands in the storage cellar. In the second system the tanks are housed in a refrigerating room at 24° to 27°. The wine is cooled as previously described and pumped cold into the tanks, in the cold room. This system is very costly and it is an open question whether the added cost is justified. Sometimes refriger- ated brine coils or direct expansion coils or plates are placed in the stor- age vat and cold brine circulated through these coils to cool the wine and to maintain a low temperature. After several days, usually 5 to 7, the wine is filtered cold to remove the cream of tartar and other separated substances spoken of loosely in the industry as "albumins." Sometimes a longer storage period of three to four weeks is used. A desirable modification of this procedure consists in rough filtration of the new wine, flash pasteurization at 175° to 180° F, and cooling at once to room temperature before refrigeration. Pasteurization coagu- lates considerable protein by heat and in this manner, probably, in- creases the stability of the wine. The wine is then cooled to 24°-27°, stored a few days, and filtered cold as previously described. This treatment removes practically all of the excess cream of tartar so that wine so treated does not deposit crystals of this salt in the cask or bottle. However, the acidity may be so greatly reduced thereby that acidification with citric or tartaric acid is necessary. Citric is preferred. Artificial Aging. 11 — This subject is more fully discussed by Joslyn and others in the references given in the footnote. In brief, as at present applied in California it consists in refrigeration, oxygenation, flash pas- teurization, storage at 24° to 27° F, and cold filtration. This procedure is essentially that followed in the Monti process invented by Eudo Monti eighteen years ago and in the present Charmat process of France. The wine is aerated intermittently during cold storage in one system of rapid aging, and is then warmed to or above room temperature and refriger- ated intermittently to hasten aging. In another process the wine after pasteurization, refrigeration, and filtration is stored at a temperature above room temperature, 100° to 120°, and aerated occasionally until "aged." In still another method aeration and pasteurization are alter- nated until the desired effect is attained. i! Joslyn, M. A. The possibilities and limitation of the artificial aging of wine. Fruit Products Journal 13(7) : 208-10; (8) : 241-4. 1934. Fain, J. M., and F. D. Snell. Artificial aging of spirits. News edition Journal Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 12:120-121. 1934. De Castella, F. Casse. Notes on maturation of wines. Australian Department of Agriculture New Series Bui. 48:1-52. 1925. Elements op Wine Making 39 While in a sense such wines are "aged" they usually lack the fine bou- quet and flavor of wines aged slowly in wood. Rapidly aged wines which are overoxidized are apt to be flat in taste and lacking in bouquet, How- ever, controlled oxidation in the presence of oak shavings or oak saw- dust, or extractives from oak at elevated temperatures is capable of yielding reasonably good bulk wines. 12 For the present it is advised that the makers of fine wines follow the usual slow aging process. FERMENTATION AND AGING OF WHITE WINES Picking and Transporting. — Since defects are much more apparent in white wines than in red, greater care should be taken in picking and transporting the grapes to the winery. Crushing and Pressing. — The grapes should be crushed promptly after picking. Pressing should be reasonably rapid to avoid fermenta- tion but cannot be forced too much or the grapes will be pressed through the spaces between the staves of the press and the yield will be low. The crushed grapes may be sulfited to prevent fermentation during pressing. To facilitate pressing it is not advisable to remove the stems during crushing; or if removed, they should be returned to the crushed grapes. The crushed grapes should be pressed in a basket press or in a rack-and- cloth press. The continuous screw press expresses too much solid matter with the juice. Hydraulic pressure is generally used. Trou equipment should be avoided as traces of dissolved iron cause clouding later (ferric casse). The pressing does not extract all of the juice; much remains in the pomace. Consequently, it is customary to add the pomace to a vat of crushed red grapes or add water, ferment, press, and use the "wash" for distillation for brandy. The finest white wines are prepared abroad by fermenting the juice separated from the crushed grapes by drainage rather than by press- ing. This procedure has been found desirable in one California winery, where the impressed pomace is fermented for brandy stock. Such white wines are milder in flavor and lighter in color than those prepared from the press juice. Settling. — To remove suspended matter, the juice should be run into a shallow settling vat and stored for a period of 12 to 24 hours after adding S0 2 or metabisulfite to arrest the fermentation during this period. About 3 to 4 ounces of metabisulfite or half of these amounts of S0 2 should be added to each 100 gallons of must. In warm weather and when the grapes are badly infected, about 4 to 6 ounces of metabisulfite i 2 See Cruess, W. V., and M. A. Joslyn. A method to age wine. Fruit Products Journal 13:365-366. 1934. 40 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Ci R- g 8 may be necessary. After settling, the mnst is drawn off the sediment into the fermenting vats or casks. It is usually almost sterile as most of the yeast cells settle with the sediment or are killed by the S0 2 or metabisul- fite. The sediment may be added to crushed red grapes. The must should be thoroughly aerated during transfer into the fermentation container, by allowing it to splash into the pump sump. In large wineries settling is often dispensed with and the cloudy, unsettled juice is treated with metabisulfite or S0 2 and fermented in open vats. Addition of Tannin. — To aid in clearing of the wine later, to render it more stable in the bottle and to improve the flavor, tannin is sometimes added to the extent of 0.05 to 0.10 per cent; that is from % to 1 pound per 100 gallons of must. It should be dissolved in water or brandy be- fore addition to the must. It precipitates much of the protein responsible for difficulty in clearing of the wine later. Addition of Yeast Starters. — Not less than 3 per cent by volume of active yeast starter should be used. The must should be well aerated after adding the yeast. Cooling and Aeration. — The fermentation of white wine is often much slower than that of red and the temperature usually does not rise so high. At least once a day the sugar and temperature should be tested and a record made on the outside of the vat or cask. White wines are more easily injured by high temperature than red. The wine is best if the maximum temperature does not exceed 75° F. Where fermentation takes place in barrels or puncheons no cooling is needed as a rule. In large casks or vats it is usually necessary. If large fermenters are used, open vats for the violent fermentation in large containers are better than closed as they allow more heat to escape. If the fermentation is sluggish the wine should be aerated by pumping over. The main fermentation will require from 4 to 7 days according to the temperature, if a starter is used. If the wine is not nearly dry in 10 days it requires aeration by pumping over. In from 10 days to 3 weeks the wine should be completely fermented unless the temperature has been too low or too high. Aeration will aid the completion of the fermentation. Warming as described for red wine may be necessary toward the end of the season. After-Fermentation and Racking. — White wine clears somewhat more slowly than red, but within 2 or 3 weeks from the time it tastes dry it should be racked from the sediment into clean casks stored in the coolest part of the cellar. Aging. — The wine in storage is racked several times a year to facili- tate clearing and aging. Where refrigeration is not practiced it is customary to rack about four times the first year and two or three times / Elements of Wine Making 41 a year thereafter. The wine drawn off the lees should be stored in clean, tightly closed, and completely filled casks or tanks. Loss of wine by evaporation occurs and the casks or vats must be periodically filled. Wine ages more rapidly in small than in large casks. White oak con- tainers are preferred to redwood cooperage. A storage temperature of about 60° F is preferred. Kapid aging including refrigeration to remove excess cream of tartar as previously described has been applied to white wines as well as to red. Natural Sweet Wine. — Sweet wines of sauterne type are usually classed with dry wines owing to the fact that they usually are not forti- fied with, brandy and contain relatively little sugar in comparison with sweet fortified wines such as Angelica, Muscatel, and California Tokay. They are wines in which the sugar and alcohol are both in moderate amounts. For wines of sauterne type and of high quality the true sau- terne varieties of grapes must constitute the main bulk. These varieties are Semillon, Sauvignon vert, and Sauvignon blanc. Certain other varie- ties may enter into the blend; Palomino (Napa Golden Chasselas) has been found suitable. The grapes should be allowed to attain high sugar content, at least 25° Balling. The must, after settling, is allowed to fer- ment until the desired degree of alcohol and sugar is reached and the fermentation is then arrested by the addition of sulfite, by cooling, and racking. The finished wine usually contains 3 to 5 per cent of sugar, 12 per cent of alcohol, and 200 to 300 parts per million of sulfur dioxide. According to F. T. Bioletti 13 the process of manufacture in France con- sists essentially of the following steps : The first part of the fermentation is conducted as with ordinary dry wines and allowed to continue until a large part of the sugar has disappeared. It is then checked by sulfiting (4 to 6 ounces of potassium metabisulfite per 100 gallons) and cooling if necessary. A slow fermentation is then continued until the required alcohol: sugar ratio is reached. After this the wine is racked frequently with decreasing doses of sulfite each time. Five rackings during the first year about January 1, May 1, July 1, September 15, and November 15, are usual, commencing with 4 to 6 ounces to 100 gallons and gradually decreasing to 2 ounces at the end of the first year. Before the last of these rackings the wine is fined to get rid of all yeast and other sediment. During the second year there are 3 or 4 rackings with the minimum dose of 2 ounces of sulfite. The wines can be bottled at the end of the second year if clear and free from all fermentation or may be kept in cask until the third year. Various expedients have been used to produce white wines of sau- terne composition. One consists in adding to aged, dry white wine suffi- cient grape concentrate to give the desired sugar concentration and sufficient brandy to give the desired alcohol content. Sulfurous acid or is Bioletti, F. T. Fermentation of dry white wine and natural sweet wines. Cali- fornia Grape Grower. 15(2) :4-5, 7. 1934. 42 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 metabisulfite is added as a preservative. In another procedure cane sugar, brandy, and S0 2 are added to aged, dry white wine. Such wines should not be sold as of sauterne type. YIELDS OF ALCOHOL AND OF WINE 14 As previously stated, the yield of alcohol, i.e., percentage of alcohol by weight, in practice is about 47 per cent of that of the sugar in the orig- inal must; or alcohol by volume in the fermented wine is about 57.5 per cent of the Balling degree of the must. The alcohol content in per cent by volume of California wines made from must of varying Balling de- gree is as follows : Balling Per cent Balling Per cent degree alcohol degree alcohol 19 10.9 24 13.8 20 11.5 25 14.4 21 12.1 26 15.0 22 12.7 27 15.6 23 13.2 28 16.1 Although the yields of the various products of the winery vary con- siderably with the nature of the raw material and methods of handling, the data in table 6 obtained under ordinary conditions in California wineries will be useful as a rough guide to the wine maker to test the efficiency of his methods. TABLE 6 Yields of Pomace, Stems, Juice, and Wine from a Ton of Grapes Stems (from crusher) Pomace (unfermented) Pomace (fermented) Fresh juice White wine, new White wine, after racking Red wine, free run Red wine, from press Red wine, total Red wine, after first racking Maximum 64.6 lbs. 513.0 lbs. 392.1 lbs. 183.4 gals. 143.0 gals. 43.1 gals. 179.5 gals. Minimum 16.2 lbs. 265.0 lbs. 252 lbs. 160.4 gals. 127.8 gals. 34.7 gals. 170.9 gals. Average 27.2 lbs. 391.0 lbs. 345.2 lbs. 168.7 gals. 1510 gals. 145.5 gals. 136.4 gals. 38.4 gals. 174.9 gals. 169.0 gals. DISEASES AND DEFECTS OF WINE Wine improperly fermented or treated is subject to a number of bac- terial and nonbacterial diseases and defects, which impair its color and flavor. To avoid these troubles the wine should be safeguarded from harmful microorganisms and from contamination with metals, espe- cially iron, copper, and tin. Stainless steel, nickel alloys, nickel, and certain other metals and alloys should be used for all equipment in con- "Bioletti, F. T. Winery directions. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 119:1-8. 1914. (Out of print.) Elements of Wine Making 43 tact with the wine. All the surfaces with which the wine comes in con- tact should be thoroughly cleaned and washed immediately after use and again before use. Nonabsorbent metallic surfaces should be kept perfectly dry; wooden surfaces should be preserved from bacterial or mold growth by sulfurous acid or hypochlorite solutions. The use of fluorides or fluosilicates as disinfecting agents is dangerous since these substances are highly poisonous. Empty casks should be sul- f ured or treated with hypochlorite ; vats should be limed, that is either filled with water containing a large excess of lime or painted with a thick milk of lime. Casks or vats which have contained spoiled wine should be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected before use. Painting the surface with strong metabisulfite solution and leaving for several days will usually sterilize the wood. Extreme sanitary conditions should be maintained in the winery, especially in the storage and bottling rooms. Floors should be of concrete, sloping, well surfaced, and provided with convenient and adequate drains. All equipment such as pumps, hose lines, niters, and containers with which diseased wine has come in contact or in which it has been stored should be disinfected with steam, strong metabisulfite solution, or hypo- chlorite solution. Filter pulp is a particularly dangerous source of infec- tion after it has been used with diseased wine, but is easily sterilized by heating in boiling water or by soaking in S0 2 or metabisulfite solution (about 1 per cent) for several days. Nonbacterial Defects of Wine. 15 — The wine defects not directly caused by microorganisms are generally called "casse," from the French casser, to break. There are several types of such defects, among which are the following : a) Brown, yellow, or oxidasic casse : This is characterized by clouding and changes of color on exposure to air, red wines turning brown, and white wines becoming yellow. These changes are caused by an enzyme known as oxidase, normally present in small quantities in the grapes and abnormally plentiful in moldy grapes. A wine affected with this casse may be protected from the action of the enzyme by the use of suffi- cient SO o or metabisulfite; or by destroying the oxidase by flash pas- teurization at 158° to 185° F, according to the condition of the wine. This form of casse is less common in America than in France, but may be expected in any wines made from moldy grapes. b) Blue, black, or ferric casse : This is due to the presence of excessive amounts of iron in the wine and becomes evident on oxidation of the iron particularly on exposure to the air. The wine becomes dull, assum- is De Castella, F. Casse. Wine defects not directly caused by micro-organisms; maturation of wine. Australian Department of Agriculture (Victoria), New Series Bui. 48:1-52. 1925. 44 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 ing a bluish, or in extreme cases, a black tint. Most of the white wines made in California in recent years exhibit this form of casse. The excess iron present in such wines is a result of solvent action of the must on the iron of the crusher, rolls, stemmer, and must line; and of the wine on pipe lines and other iron or steel equipment. As little as 10 parts per million (10 milligrams per liter or 0.001 per cent) of iron dissolved from iron and steel equipment will cause serious iron casse of white wines. The defect is less noticeable in red wine. White wines, perfectly clear when bottled, frequently develop cloudiness due to iron casse, several days to several weeks after bottling. The iron is present in the wine at first as ferrous salts or reduced iron salts; on oxidation to the ferric salts, precipitates form with the tannin and certain proteins, giving the wine a hazy or cloudy appearance. It is simpler to avoid this defect by use of nonferrous, corrosion- resistant metals than to treat wine that has become affected. A method of treatment devised by Saywell 16 of the Fruit Products Laboratory consists in addition of a small amount (0.05 per cent) of tannin, oxidation of most of the iron to the ferric condition by moderate aeration, and clarification with bentonite and a small amount of casein as fining agents. (See section on clarification.) In several European countries potassium ferricyanide has been used to remove excess iron from wines. However, if too much is added, deadly poisonous prussic acid will form in the wine, and for this reason its use is dangerous and inadvisable. Oxidation of the wine to precipitate iron in combination with tannin by treatment with oxygen in a special apparatus, or by the use of acti- vated charcoal which has absorbed oxygen at low temperatures has been suggested as a means for removing iron. 17 However, the more promising method appears to be that of Casale 18 who suggests the addition of mod- erate amounts of tartaric acid and refrigeration. The iron salts are pre- cipitated together with the cream of tartar. c) White casse : This is also due to the presence of iron in excess. The precipitate contains phosphates and complex organic colloids. A whitish or milky cloud forms when the wine is exposed to air. The cure is re- moval of the excess iron as for blue casse. It is less common than ordi- nary iron casse. d) Potassium and bacterial casse: Potassic casse, caused by excess is Saywell, L. G. Clarification of vinegar. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 26:379-385. 1934. 17 Joslyn, M. A. The possibilities and limitations of the artificial aging of wine. Fruit Products Jour. 13(7) : 208-10; (8) : 241-4. is Casale, Luigi. La cura della casse ferrica del vino mediante al freddo. L'ltalia Vinicola Ed Agraria. 24(1) :3-6. 1934. Elements of Wine Making 45 potash, and certain other forms such as bacterial and aldehydic casse are uncommon. In bacterial casse certain substances formed by the bac- teria cause, after fining or filtration, the formation of a colloidal pre- cipitate that renders the wine cloudy. e) Mousiness : An objectionable taint known as "mousiness" was found by de Castella in Australian wine free of bacterial contamination. Like casse the mousiness only developed on exposure to air. Its cause is not certain, but it may sometimes be cured by the addition of about 50 parts per million (1.5 ounces of metabisulfite per 100 gallons) of sulfur dioxide. In bad cases, the wine can be used only for distillation to yield an inferior brandy. Most wine makers in California believe that mousi- ness is caused by tourne bacteria with which it is usually associated. Bacterial Diseases of Wine. — The quality of the wine may be impaired by the activity of microorganisms such as Mycodermas ("wine flowers") or acetic acid (vinegar-sour) bacteria which grow only in the presence of notable supplies of free oxygen and whose activity may be inhibited by excluding air from the wine. It is also subject to attack by certain microorganisms, such as slime forming, propionic, lactic, butyric, and mannitic bacteria, which grow best in the absence of free oxygen. a) Mycoderma : Wine exposed to air will usually, in a few days, be covered with a chalky, whitish film, thin and smooth at first, but grad- ually becoming thicker and finally rough and plicate. This is what is known to the wine makers as "wine flowers," and is composed of yeast- like organisms known as Mycoderma vini. These organisms are strongly aerobic and can develop only on the surface in full contact with air. They are a serious enemy to the wine, rendering it insipid and cloudy. They attack the extract, fixed acids, and alcohol, producing at first volatile acids and finally destroying the wine completely. By keeping the containers full, the wine can be safeguarded from them. In the Jerez district of Spain, however, a variety of this group of organisms is allowed to grow for a time on the new wine to hasten aging and to impart a desirable flavor to sherry. b) Acetic bacteria : The film formed on wines of low alcoholic content exposed to air is often different from that of Mycoderma vini. It will be thinner, more nearly transparent, smoother, tougher, and will consist of extremely small rod-like bacteria. These produce acetic acid (vinegar acid) from alcohol. When acetic acid is perceptible to the taste the wine is spoiled. Wines high in alcohol are less liable to acetic fermentation than weaker wines. Sound wines containing over 14 per cent by volume are almost immune, but such wines may be spoiled during fermentation by the growth of acetic bacteria on the exposed floating cap of pomace. When an abnormal amount of acetic acid is produced before or during 46 California Agricultural Extension Service t ClR - 88 fermentation it interferes with or stops the work of the yeasts. Avoid- ance of prolonged exposure of the wine to air will prevent vinegar fermentation which occurs only in the presence of oxygen. If the wine begins to turn sour, add about 2 ounces of metabisulfite per 100 gallons; or better, pasteurize the wine immediately. The present legal maximum limits of acetic acid are 0.12 gram per 100 cc for white wines and 0.14 gram per 100 cc for red wines. c) Slime-forming bacteria: In most cases only young white wines in closed casks or bottles exhibit this defect. A slimy wine has an oily ap- pearance, pours without splashing, and in extreme cases becomes very cloudy and will hang from a glass rod in strings. Alcohol above 13 per cent, free tartaric acid, tannin, and sulfurous acid in small amounts usually prevent this disease. It is rare in California, and is usually not serious since it disappears under ordinary cellar treatment. Addition of tannin, about V2 to 1 ounce per 100 gallons to wines low in tannin content and addition of about 50 parts per million of sulfur dioxide (1% ounces of metabisulfite per 100 gallons) will aid in preventing this disease and in curing it. Under the microscope the bacteria are seen in long rosary- like chains. d) Tourne bacteria: The most serious and perhaps the commonest disease of wines is tourne, characterized by persistent cloudiness, mousi- ness, and other disagreeable odors and flavors, increase of lactic acid and volatile acidity, and injury to or complete destruction of the color. The defects of such wines are due to the growth and activity of so-called tourne bacteria, a term which is rather loosely used to cover several closely related forms of rod-like, anaerobic bacteria. Light wines of low acidity are most subject to this disease. It can usually be prevented by the use of S0 2 or metabilsulfite during fermentation and by the proper use of S0 2 and care during aging. High alcohol content and high tannin content discourage but do not completely prevent its growth. Close fil- tration to remove all the bacteria present or pasteurization to kill them will usually stabilize wines not too badly affected by tourne. Pasteuriza- tion at 180° F is recommended in preference to the 140° usually found in texts. It should be practiced at the first suggestion of mousiness. Addi- tion of 50 to 100 parts per million of S0 2 (1 to 2 pounds of metabisulfite per 1,000 gallons) will often prevent further spoilage. It should be followed by fining and close filtration to remove bacteria. Wines affected with tourne to only a moderate degree may be distilled; those badly affected are valueless. Sound wine should never be blended with a mousy wine or placed in an unsterilized cask which has held mousy wine. Tourne bacteria under the microscope consist of long, thin rods often joined in pairs. They are nonmotile. Elements of Wine Making 47 e) Mannitic bacteria: Wines which stick during fermentation when they have attained a temperature of 104° F or above are subject to the attack of mannitic bacteria, which form volatile acid and mannite from the grape sugar. A "sweet-sour" wine results which is often completely spoiled. Since the bacteria are thermophilic and grow only at high tem- peratures (about 100°) they can be controlled by cool fermentation. Fig. 12. — Continuous pasteurzier. Heating chamber at top; heat interchanger and cool- ing coils below. Increase of acidity by addition of citric or tartaric acid and addition of sulfurous acid also discourage their growth. The bacteria appear under the microscope as rather thick rods of medium length. f) Other bacterial diseases: Wine may turn bitter through the activ- ity of butyric acid bacteria or become sour by lactic acid bacteria, the latter being related to the tourne organism. It may be impaired in other ways by other microorganisms developing in the absence of air. Sulfit- ing or pasteurization will tend to inhibit their activity. PASTEURIZATION Although the addition of about 1 ounce of metabisulfite per 100 gal- lons of wine will inhibit the activity of most of the undesirable bacteria, it is often advisable to substitute or supplement this treatment with pasteurization. By heating the wine to a suitable temperature and hold- ing it at that temperature for the necessary length of time, the organ- isms that can develop in wine will be destroyed. The higher the temper- ature used the shorter will be the time of heating. The amount of heating 48 California Agricultural Extension Service [Cir. 88 necessary will depend on the extent and type of infection and the com- position of the wine. The smaller the number of microorganisms and the higher the acid and alcohol content of wine, the less heating is needed. Pasteurization should be accomplished with the minimum injury to the flavor of the wine. For this reason a continuous pasteurizer (fig. 12) in which the wine is heated rapidly to the desired temperature, held there for a short period of time and rapidly cooled is better than a dis- continuous pasteurizer. Heating to 180° F for 1 minute is generally suffi- cient to kill most organisms. Tourne bacteria are particularly difficult to kill. Pasteurizers should be made of corrosion-resistant metals or alloys other than those of tin, copper, or iron. Sound wines are sometimes pasteurized to insure their keeping under unfavorable conditions and to stabilize them or to hasten aging. Pasteurization, however, does not render the wine immune to bac- terial attack, and the sterilized wine must be placed in sterilized casks and protected from infection. Wines of any age may be pasteurized but they should always be nearly or quite clear. Heating cloudy wine always injures its flavor and often makes it more difficult to clarify. Cloudy wines therefore should be filtered before pasteurizing. AIDS TO CLARIFICATION Although a sound wine often becomes brilliantly clear by natural set- tling, cloudiness may often persist. In such cases clarification can be aided by filtration, refrigeration, heating, or the use of fining agents. Exposure of wines to the cold of winter has been commonly used to aid clearing. The lower the temperature the more rapidly yeasts and other microorganisms become inactive and settle out. Low temperature will also facilitate precipitation of cream of tartar whose solubility de- creases with decrease in temperature. The precipitation of albuminoid matter is facilitated by heating and by refrigeration. Coagulation of nitrogenous matter and other suspended matter occurs. Heating to 85° to 90° F in closed containers for several days or weeks is often prac- ticed in the finishing of sauterne-type wine. Coagulation takes place much more quickly at higher temperatures and wines are therefore often pasteurized to aid clearing. Fining. — The small suspended matter can be thrown out by the use of fining agents such as gelatin, isinglass, casein, albumen, and bento- nite. These agents, either by chemical combination with the colloids or by neutralizing the electrical charge of these particles, cause their co- agulation and settling. Gelatin and most of the other nitrogenous fining agents are thought to combine with the tannin. Their use decreases the tannin content of wine and in the case of gelatin and casein causes no- Elements of Wine Making 49 ticeable decrease of color. In certain light wines where loss of color is not desirable egg albumen or isinglass should be used instead of casein or gelatin. Addition of tannin will also prevent the bleaching of color by casein or gelatin. The fining agents dissolved in water are thoroughly mixed with the wine which is then stored until the suspended matter settles out. It can then be racked; and, if necessary, filtered. The amount and type of fining agents to use will depend on the nature of the suspended matter and the type of wine. Since gelatin and other proteins decrease the tannin content of treated wine, tannin should be added to wines low in tannin content before adding gelatin or other protein. From 0.5 to 2.0 ounces of good tannin per 100 gallons is added to white wines and wines deficient in tannin before fining with such agents as gelatin. The usual amount of the respective fining agents added per 100 gallons is as follows : about 0.5 to 1.0 pound of bentonite; 1 to 1% ounces of gelatin; 4 to 8 whites of fresh eggs or their equivalent in egg albumin (1 ounce of dried egg albumen) ; and 4 ounces of spe- cially prepared casein. The best of the fining agents of animal origin is isinglass. This is added to white wines or red wines in preparing the wine for bottling at the rate of % to % ounce per 100 gallons. The isinglass may be dissolved in water or wine, cold or warm. The cold method is slow but gives the best results. It is done by soaking over- night in wine or water and then grinding or rubbing on a fine screen until dissolved. Prolonged soaking in a sulfited citric acid solution is also practiced. The isinglass sediment is very light and fluffy and care should be taken to avoid disturbing it in racking. A brilliantly clear wine results if the clarification is successful. In using this clarifying agent add it slowly to the wine with vigorous stirring or pumping over to mix it thoroughly with the wine. Tannin equal in weight to the isin- glass should be added several days before adding the isinglass. In fining with gelatin only the purest grades of edible gelatin free from objectionable odor or taste should be used. It is now obtainable in granular or powdered form as well as in sheets. Dissolve it in hot water to form a solution of about 2 ounces per gallon. As with isinglass, tannin equal in amount to the gelatin to be used should be added to the wine several days before adding the gelatin. The gelatin is added slowly with stirring or pumping over; the wine is then allowed to settle and is later racked from the sediment. Usually 1 to 2 ounces per 100 gallons will be sufficient. Casein is dissolved as follows : Two ounces is added to about 1 quart of water and about *4 pint of strong ammonia water is added. The mix- ture is stirred until the casein dissolves. The solution is then boiled until there is no longer any odor of ammonia. The solution is then 50 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 diluted to 1 gallon with water. It is used in the same manner as gelatin, being precipitated principally by the acid of the wine. Specially pre- pared soluble casein is now available for winery use. Bentonite, 119 free from objectionable earthy taste, odor, and other effects (not all bentonites are free) is prepared as follows: It is dis- solved by sifting the powder slowly into water or wine while vigorously stirring, 7 ounces being added to each gallon. The mixture must then be stirred and lumps broken up by rubbing until a smooth, creamy suspen- sion results; this requires several hours of such manipulation. It must then be allowed to stand 2 or 3 days to still further break up into particles of colloidal size. Before and during use it must be thoroughly mixed. The finished suspension is added to the wine to be clarified at the rate of from 1 to 1% gallons per 100 gallons. It settles rather rapidly, but the precipitated material can be removed by nitration or centri- fuging. Heating to 140° F greatly hastens settling and improves the clarification. It can be used to advantage after treatment with casein. Its use will often clarify "overfined" wines to which an excess of gelatin, casein, or isinglass has been added. "Wines cloudy owing to overfining with gelatin or isinglass are very common, hence bentonite is a very useful supplementary fining agent. Clarification Tests. — It is usually advisable to conduct small-scale fining tests in the laboratory before attempting to clarify the cask or tank of wine in the winery. This service is often performed by commer- cial chemists for a moderate fee, or in larger plants by the winery chemists. The experimental test consists simply of adding accurately measured small quantities of stock solutions of the fining agents to 100-cc quanti- ties of wine. Thus for a single fining agent, for example casein, the pro- cedure is as follows. Introduce one hundred cubic centimeters of the wine to be tested into each of four 4-ounce bottles. Then to the bottles add, by means of a 1-cc pipette (graduated in 0.1 cc), 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 cc of a stock solution containing 5 grams of casein per 100 cc of water. Shake vigorously to mix the fining agent with the wine. Allow to stand for a few hours and observe which of the four bottles is clearest and with the most compact sediment. Then this is the proportion of casein to add to the wine to be cleared. The quantity of casein to be used for clarifying 100 gallons of wine which corresponds to volume of casein solution in cc used in the test is shown in the following tabulation. Thus, if 100 cc of wine required 0.6 cc of casein solution, add casein at the rate of 4.1 ounces per 100 gallons of juice. is Saywell, L. G. The clarification of wine. California Wine review 2(5) : 16-17. 1934; Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 26:981-982. 1934. Elements of Wine Making 51 Volume of casein Ounces of casein solution, in cc per 100 gallons 0.5 3.4 0.6 4.1 0.8 5.4 1.0 6.8 For gelatin and tannin it is necessary to determine the proper ratio of tannin to gelatin as well as the amount of each to be added. Stock solutions of each are added in varying amounts to the wine to be cleared. A solution of 1 gram of tannin in 100 cc of 50 per cent alcohol solution ; and a solution of 1 gram of gelatin in 100 cc of water is generally used. To 100-cc portions of wine the amounts shown in table 7 are added. The TABLE 7 Fining with Tannin and Gelatin Tannin solution, cc Gelatin solution, cc Ratio, tannin to gelatin Ounces per 100 gallons Bottle Tannin Gelatin j 2 4 0.6 8 1.0 1.2 14 16 1.8 2.0 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 8 6 4 0.2 1:10.0 1: 4.5 1: 2.7 1: 1.8 1: 1.2 1: 0.8 1: 0.6 1: 0.4 1: 0.2 1: 0.1 27 54 0.81 1.08 1 35 1.62 1 89 2.16 2 43 2 70 2.70 2 3 4 5 6 2 43 2.16 1.89 1,62 1.35 7 8 1.08 0.81 9 54 10 27 tannin is added first, then the gelatin; and the wine is shaken thor- oughly after each addition. The bottles are allowed to stand for 12 to 24 hours and then examined. Thus, as an example, in one case bottle 6 was clear, 5 was slightly cloudy, and 7 was purplish. Then to clear this wine add 1.62 ounces of tannin and 1.35 ounces of gelatin per 100 gallons. Use the minimum amount of fining agent required to clear the wine. The test may be repeated by using a given amount of tannin solu- tion and varying the gelatin. A useful conversion factor in applying the results of these tests is that 1 cc of a solution containing 1 gram of fining agent per 100 cc when added to 100 cc of wine is equivalent to 1.35 ounces per 100 gallons of wine. Filtration. — Usually nitration is a necessary supplement to settling, racking, and fining. Several types of filters are in general use in winer- ies. These may be divided into two general classes in accordance with the function performed, rough or bulk filters, and finishing or polishing filters. They are classified also in accordance with the design or principle 52 California Agricultural Extension Service L Cir - 88 used. Thus there are pulp filters, asbestos fiber filters, filter presses of various designs, filters using fiber or asbestos pads, and porcelain candle (Berkefeld) filters. Fig. 13. — Pulp filter in general use for wine filtration. (Courtesy Karl Kiefer Company.) One very well-known pulp filter (the Karl Kiefer, fig. 13) consists of a series of thick filter pulp disks interspersed with screens, the disks and screens being housed in a metal cylinder. Each disk acts as an indi- vidual filter. The filter pulp or "filter-mass" consists of cotton fiber or cotton fiber mixed with wood pulp or asbestos fiber, or both. After using, the pulp disks are broken up, the fiber washed free from sediment in Elements of Wine Making 53 water and then reformed by a machine into disks for further use. This filter has large capacity and is used for bulk filtration. The wine is usually forced through the filter by a pump although the force of grav- ity can also be used. A second form of pulp filter consists of a perforated cylinder placed inside a larger cylinder. Pulp is packed by hand in a layer over the per- Fig. 14. — Small plate filter using filter pads of as- bestos and fiber; used for final filtration (polishing) before bo'ttling. Note the small pump, to maintain con- stant pressure. (Seitz filter.) forated cylinder and the wine forced through this layer. This filter is inexpensive, easily operated, and fairly satisfactory. It is built by most coppersmiths who specialize in winery equipment. Asbestos fiber on a fine metal screen is used in the large-capacity Seitz filter. The usual filter press consists of a series of metal frames with pieces of heavy filter cloth between the frames. Another form consists of hollow-clam-shell-shaped disks covered with heavy cloth, the disks being housed in a metal box containing the wine. The wine for either type is mixed with a filter aid, usually siliceous or diatomaceous earth (in- fusorial earth) that has been fired to remove earthy taste and to improve its filtering quality; such, for example, as "Hyflo Super-Cel." It is possible to render the wine bottle-bright by this method of filtering; or it can be used for bulk filtration also. 54 California Agricultural Extension Service L Cir - 88 Filters using pads are usually of smaller capacity and are employed for final filtration before bottling. The pads consist of asbestos, or as- bestos and cotton fiber, or fiber only. These are held between metal frames, each pad acting as an individual filter (fig. 14). The pads are rather costly and must be discarded after use. The introduction of iron and calcium salts from filter pads, filter aid or filter mass is sometimes an important cause of cloudiness in wine. The candle filter consists of several large unglazed porcelain tubes closed at one end and placed in a closed metal chamber. The fine pores of the porcelain act as a filter. This filter is used only for final filtration of clear wine in order to render it bottle-bright. Filters should be made of corrosion-resistant metal or of hard rubber or of other suitable material not affecting the wine. Iron, tin, and cop- per are particularly objectionable as minute amounts dissolved by the wine cause clouding, loss of color, and undesirable changes in flavor. In order to furnish the pressure needed in filtration, the wine may be pumped into a tank placed 20 to 50 feet above the filter and allowed to flow through it by gravity. The usual source of pressure, however, is a centrifugal or a rotary pump ; they are preferable to a plunger type pump because they give a uniform, nonpulsating pressure. By use of a suitable by-pass the pressure can be increased progressively as the fil- tration becomes slower because of clogging. Clearness of the filtrate varies inversely with the pressure while rate of filtration varies directly with the pressure. There is a "happy medium" in each case that can be ascertained only by trial. TREATMENT OF BARRELS, CASKS, AND TANKS 20 New Containers. — New oak barrels or casks may impart a harsh, oak flavor to wine. One method of preparing such containers is to fill them and "soak them out" with a solution of about 1 ounce of soda ash per gallon of water for several days. This treatment is followed by soaking out several days with cold water changed daily, and finally by thorough steaming. Hot soda ash solution followed by hot water treatment hastens the leaching process. New redwood containers may be treated in the same way. Another method consists in painting the walls, top, and bottom of the redwood tank heavily with a very thick milk of lime. This coating is left a number of days and the tank then washed and soaked out for a few days with several changes of cold water. Probably the soda ash treat- ment is preferable since it is more rapid and has greater solvent action on the redwood color and tannin. 20 Bioletti, F. T. Conditioning wine containers. California Grape Grower 15(7) 24-25. 1934. Elements of Wine Making 55 Thoroughly steaming new casks, followed by washing has been found sufficient treatment to remove undesirable flavors in some cases. After cleaning the new fermentation vats, casks, and barrels they should be sprayed on the outside with raw linseed oil. This protects them from molding and from the attacks of wood borers. Moldy and Vinegar-sour Containers. — If mold forms inside of tanks or other large containers it should first be scraped off with a sharp tool, together with a thin layer of the wood. The inside walls of the container are then swabbed thoroughly with a strong (5 per cent) solution of soda ash ; then washed off with water, and finally steamed until all the moldy odor and flavor have been driven out. Steaming for 10 or 12 hours may be needed. Bioletti advises the use of a neutral vegetable oil, such as cottonseed oil. This is swabbed on the walls of the container after scrap- ing and before the soda ash treatments. If a barrel or other small cask becomes moldy, one head should be removed and the inside of the barrel scraped free from mold and then treated as described above. Used barrels that appear to be sound should be washed with hot soda ash solution, rinsed, and steamed before use. The soda ash neutralizes any vinegar acid present, and tends to deodorize. Steaming sterilizes the barrels, drives out odors and tightens the staves. An efficient way to sterilize and deodorize moldy or sour containers is to use a solution of hypochlorite (about 500 parts per million of avail- able chlorine). This may be sprayed or swabbed over the walls of large containers. Small containers may be filled with the solution. Repeat the treatment until the container smells sweet. Potassium permanganate (1 ounce per 100 gallons) solution also can be used. The hypochrolite treat- ment seems to be generally satisfactory. Storage of Empty Containers. — Empty tanks and barrels can be pre- served by burning sulfur in them occasionally. However, in dry hot districts where drying of the wood lossens the staves, it may be found advantageous to fill the containers with water and dissolve in each 100 gallons about x /2 pound of metabisulfite and % pound of concentrated sulfuric acid. This combination has proved very satisfactory for preser- vation of barrels and casks. Pilling with a saturated solution of lime water changed twice a year has been found satisfactory. Cask Borers. 21 — The cask borer or lead borer is a beetle (Scobicia declives) which is very destructive to tanks and casks in California. It 21 Kixford, E. H. The wine press and the cellar, p. 66-67. Payot, Upham and Co., San Francisco. 1883. (Out of print.) Eoullard, Fred P. A preliminary report on control of lead-cable borer infesting wood materials in wineries. Office of Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner, p. 4. June 1, 1934. (Mimeographed.) 56 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 breeds as a rule in hardwood, in which it bores a hole for egg laying, but has been thought to rarely attack redwood or pine. However, it is mark- edly attracted by the scent of fermented and fermenting material and probably for this reason attacks redwood vats when used for fermenting and storing wine. The insect is more destructive to casks in light, so that casks are best kept in a dark place. The treatment suggested by Rivers in 1880 and in use today is to saturate the outside of the cask with a strong solution of alum water applied hot, and when dry, to coat with raw linseed oil. Coating with a cosmetic grade of neutral mineral oil and painting with asphaltum paint have been recommended. The alum and linseed oil treatment has been tried recently on wine vats and seems promising. STUCK WINES A stuck wine is one in which the alcoholic fermentation has ceased while there still remains too much unfermented but fermentable sugar. Stopping of vigorous fermentation when the hydrometer reading is still above 0, and a fairly constant hydrometer reading for two days are indications of sticking. Red wines stick more often than white. Sticking is caused by : a) Too high a temperature in the fermenting vat. At a temperature of 97° to 100° P the yeast stops fermenting. However, the danger point is at 95°. b) Too much sugar. Grapes containing raisins even though the juice may test only 24° contain too much sugar. A satisfactory dry wine can- not be made with musts over 24° Balling. The raisins greatly increase the fermentable sugar content of crushed grapes. c) Infection of the must with vinegar bacteria. This is rare but may occur. Vinegar acid formed by the bacteria acting on partly fermented must will stop alcoholic fermentation. Stuck wines often spoil rapidly in storage owing to development of tourne bacteria, particularly if SO2 or metabisulfite has not been used. The high temperatures often occurring in sticking are very favorable to the development of these and other wine-disease bacteria. Therefore it is essential to complete the fermentation as soon as possible and to check disease bacteria by addition of sulfite and cooling, if necessary. The following precautions will prevent sticking : a) Do not pick grapes too ripe. Test frequently and crush at 22° to 23° Balling. b) Use metabisulfite and pure yeast, or at least metabisulfite alone. c) Control temperatures during fermentation by cooling the must periodically. Do not allow the temperatures to rise over 90° F. Pumping Elements of Wine Making 57 over does not cool the wine. Artificial cooling in some manner is neces- sary. Red wines that have stuck may usually be ref ermented as follows : a) As soon as the hydrometer reading on two successive days remains about the same, draw off the wine from the pomace and press. Do not allow to cool below 80° F before treating. o ) Run wine into storage vats. c) Test the wine for alcohol and extract. If it contains too much un- f ermented sugar dilute with water so that when fermented dry it will finish off at not more than 13.5 per cent alcohol. To the alcohol content determined by ebullioscope add, 0.6 (Balling of dealcoholized wine - 2.5) . This will give the possible alcohol content when all the sugar is fer- mented out. Call this A. Then the gallons of water to be added per 1,000 gallons of wine to reduce alcohol in the finished wine to 13.5 per cent are given by the expression, 1,000 (A -13.5) 7 13.5 Thus, if wine contains 13 per cent alcohol and 6 per cent extract it may finish off at 13 + 0.6 (6-2.5) or 13 + 0.6 X 3.5 or 13 + 2.1, or 15.1 per cent alcohol. Then to dilute it to 13.5 per cent alcohol add 1,000 (15.1-13.5) ttt or 119.5 gallons of water per 1,000 gallons of wine. J.o.0 Add % ounce of citric or tartaric acid per gallon of water used. d) If no sulfite has been used before, add it now to prevent mousiness. Add 11 to 16 ounces of potassium metabisulfite per 1,000 gallons of wine. e) Draw off the free-run wine from a vigorously fermenting vat when its Balling degree has been reduced about half. Add it to the stuck wine in the storage vat at the rate of at least 300 gallons of actively ferment- ing must to 1,000 gallons of stuck wine. Allow to ferment dry. Do not allow the temperature to rise over 90° F. /) Or draw off the free-run wine from an actively fermenting vat, and pump part of the stuck wine into the vat on top of the wet, unpressed pomace, and mix the remainder with the free-run actively fermenting must. After stuck wine is in active fermentation, draw off into storage. See that the temperature does not rise above 90° F nor drop below 75°. g) It is necessary to ferment out the stuck wine as soon as possible. Get it into active fermentation at once. The longer the wine is dormant the more danger there is of spoilage. When there is no further fermenta- tion and no sugar is perceptible to the taste have the wine analyzed by 58 California Agricultural Extension Service t ClK - 88 a chemist for sugar content and volatile acid and obtain his advice con- cerning its future treatment. h) If sticking occurs at the end of the season it may be necessary to obtain second-crop grapes; crush, and when in active fermentation use this to start the stuck wine. If fresh grapes are not available a pure yeast culture may be obtained and a few gallons of grape concentrate secured from any one of several sweet-wine producers in the San Joaquin Val- ley. Dilute the concentrate with 3 gallons of water to 1 gallon of cen- centrate. Pasteurize by heating to 160° F. Cool to below 90°. Add 1 gallon of pure yeast starter per 20 to 25 gallons of the sterile juice. When actively fermenting add to this an equal volume of the stuck wine. Aerate by pouring back and forth. Stuck wine equal to the volume of the fermenting mixture can be added when it is in active fermentation. When this is fermenting actively (3 or 4 days later) an equal volume of stuck wine may be added and so on until the entire tank of stuck wine is fermenting. Keep the temperature between 75° and 90° F. Aerate by pumping over if fermentation stops. The most generally applicable and widely used method for handling stuck wines, red or white, is to run the wine into the storage vat and add a large starter of actively fermenting must. Another successful method consists in adding small amounts of the stuck wines to freshly crushed grapes or to vats in active fermentation. Unless the stuck wine is treated at once these procedures involve danger of infecting the sound wine. If sticking is due to too high sugar content, then water must be added to dilute the wine so that after fermentation is complete the alcohol con- tent will not exceed 13 per cent by volume. Also 20 to 50 per cent of actively fermenting must or pomace should be mixed with it if fermen- tation has become very slow. If sticking is due to lowering of the temperature the wine should be warmed to 80°-85° F by passage through a pasteurizer. Moderate aera- tion to invigorate the yeast is also recommended in all cases of attempts to referment stuck wines. Sometimes the addition of ammonium phos- phate urea, or potassium phosphate is useful. BY-PRODUCTS Brandy can be made from the wine remaining in the pomace after pressing. The wine is leached with water and the resulting liquid dis- tilled in a column still. The pomace may also be distilled directly in a pot still. The first lees are also generally utilized in this manner. Color and tannin can be extracted from dried red pomace with brandy. Cream of tartar can be recovered from lees and pomace by ex- traction with hot water and crystallization of the cream of tartar by Elements of Wine Making 59 cooling. Even the first lees contain cream of tartar, and after drying are valued at 25 to 30 dollars per ton. The tartar present in the wash from the still may be recovered by precipitation with lime or gypsum. There is a market for dry wine lees and other waste containing tartaric acid or cream of tartar. For details see French references on winery by-products, or consult manufacturers of the equipment used. The most important by-products are brandy and cream of tartar or tartaric acid. WINERY SANITATION To prevent the spoilage of sound wines it is necessary that the casks, vats, pipe lines, filters, pumps, and other surfaces with which the wine comes in contact should be free from injurious microorganisms and other contaminants. The surroundings and the equipment used for handling the wine should be clean; and the air free of dust and bad odors. In con- structing and laying out the winery, provision should be made for ade- quate washing with water and sterilizing with steam. The floor should be properly sloped and plentifully equipped with ample drains to facili- tate hosing down. It is not sufficient to remove visible dirt by thorough washing with hot water and cleaning powder, but invisible contamina- tion should be destroyed by steam or by an efficient chemical sterilizing agent. The construction of equipment and pipe lines and their location in the winery must be such as to leave no inaccessible places where dirt can gather. The pipe lines should be of sanitary construction like those used in the dairy industry and protected from flies. A number of chemical sterilizing agents are used in the food indus- tries. Of these sulf urous acid and hypochlorites are acceptable in winer- ies. The fluorides, hydrofluoric acid and hydrofluosilicic acid and its salts are dangerous because of their highly poisonous nature. A hypo- chlorite solution for disinfecting can be readily prepared from calcium hypochlorite readily available in powdered form. Storage vessels, fer- menting vats, casks, presses, grape crushers, etc., can be sterilized by rinsing after thorough cleaning with a solution containing 200 parts per million of available chlorine. For wiping and spraying smooth sur- faces a 300 parts per million solution is recommended by Adams. 22 For wiping or spraying rough surfaces and general disinfection of premises use a 600 parts per million solution. For combating active outbreaks of mold or bacteria, use 5,000 parts per million. For further details see the article by Adams. Hypochlorite solutions can also be used for deodoriz- ing ill-smelling vats and casks. 22 Adams, Fred. Chemical sterilization in the winery. Fruit Products Journal 13: 177, 184. 1934. 60 California Agricultural Extension Service [ Cir - 88 VARIETIES OF WINE GRAPES RECOMMENDED FOR DRY WINES 23 The flavor of a wine is influenced by the nature of the grapes as well as by the method of fermentation and cellar treatment. Fine wines can be made only from suitable varieties of mature grapes grown under the best conditions. The grape contributes not only to the aroma of the fresh must and to the bouquet formed during aging of the wine, but also to the fixed flavors of the wine. However, it must not be forgotten that a bad fermentation can spoil the wine made from the best grapes, whereas inferior varieties may yield palatable wine when skillfully handled. It is well recognized that the climatic, soil, and other growing condi- tions influence the quality of the wine made from a given variety of grapes. Thus fine varieties of wine grapes grown in the best districts of the coast counties will usually produce wines of higher quality than the same varieties grown in the hot interior valleys. However, the yield of grapes in the rich, irrigated, interior valley soils is usually much higher than in the nonirrigated vineyards of coast counties. With these differ- ences in view, Bioletti has recommended the following varieties : Red Wine Grapes for Coast Counties Beclan Mondeuse Blue Portuguese Petite Sirah Cabernet Sauvignon Serine Carignane Tannat Gros Verdot Zinf andel Merlot White Wine Grapes for Coast Counties Chardonay Peverella Colombar (Sauvignon Vert) Sauvignon Blanc Franken Riesling (Sylvaner) Semillon Johannisberger Traminer Palomino Bed Wine Grapes for Interior Valleys Barbera Pagadebito Grenache Refosco Gros Mansenc St. Macaire Lagrain Valdepeiias White Wine Grapes for Interior Valleys Burger Palomino Clairette Blanche Vernaccia Sarda (Vernaccia Folle Blanche Bianca) Mars anne West's White Prolific 23 Bioletti, F. T. Elements of grape growing in California, California Agr. Ext. Cir. 30:1-40. Revised 1934. Bioletti, F. T. The best wine grapes for California conditions. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 193:141-146. 1907. (Out of print.) Elements of Wine Making 61 Originally the Mission was the principal wine grape of this state. It produces excellent sweet wines but a poor red dry wine, the chief objec- tions in the latter case being its lack of color and its tendency to the "rancio" taste which for sherry is a merit. After the importation of the best varieties of wine grapes from Europe the production of fine dry red and white wines was made possible. Zinfandel, Mataro, Grenache, Charbono, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Beclan, Merlot, Gamay, Alicante Bouschet, Petit Bouschet, Petite Sirah, Petite Verdot, St. Macaire, Mondeuse, Meunier, Barbera, Tannat, and Chauche Noir grapes were used for dry red wines prior to 1918 according to Lachman. 24 Many of the vines of these varieties were pulled out or regrafted after the enactment of the prohibition amend- ment. The principal red wine grapes available in quantity now are the Alicante Bouschet, Petit Bouschet, Petite Sirah, Zinfandel, and Carig- nane; of these the Petite Sirah and Carignane are preferable. In the interior valleys the dry red wine made from the Valdepenas has been found to be superior to that made from Bouschet or Zinfandel and ap- proaches more nearly than that of any other variety the wines of the cooler localities. In the coast counties the finest red wines were made formerly from Cabernet Sauvignon and Barbera, although the Petite Sirah has given generally satisfactory bulk wine. The Petite Sirah wine is of very deep color and is rather harsh in flavor; it is improved by blending with wine from milder varieties. The Beclan blended with the Blue Portuguese gives a good wine of the Burgundy type. The best wines of Bordeaux type are made from blends of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot and Gros Verdot in about equal parts. For the production of a cheap, light, neutral, dry white wine in the interior valleys the Burger is satisfactory. Its acidity, which is excessive in the coast counties, is normal or even low in the interior. For this reason and in order to give a little more character it should be blended with such white grapes as the West's White Prolific and the Vernaccia Sarda which retain more of their acidity in the interior valleys. The Semillon is one of the best white grapes for use in the coast counties. The Colombar (Sauvignon Vert) blends well with the Semillon and serves to modify its aroma which is sometimes excessive. The Sauvignon Blanc also gives a wine of high quality. In the cooler parts of the coast counties the finest light wines resembling the wines of the Rhine can be produced from the Franken Riesling (Sylvaner), the Johannisberg Riesling, and the Traminer. 24 Lachman, Henry. A monograph on the manufacture of wines in California. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bureau of Chemistry Bui. 72:25-40. 1903. 62 California Agricultural Extension Service t ClR - 88 Most of the best dry white wines were, in California in the past, made from white grapes such as the Sauvignon Vert, Colombar, Semillon, Traminer, Gutedel, Palomino, Green Hungarian, White Pinot, West's Prolific, Grey Riesling, Johannisberger Riesling, Burger, and Folle Blanche. Certain red grapes such as Mission, Malvoisie, and Black Pinot give a white juice if pressed directly after crushing. Table grapes such as Tokay, Muscat, Malaga, and Thompson Seedless were used exten- sively in 1933 for bulk white wines. Generally, these are used chiefly for sweet rather than dry wines and for distilling material, although dry wines of fair quality can be made from them. SELECTED LIST OF REFERENCES ON WINE MAKING There are many excellent works on wine making in foreign languages, ranging from small manuals to comprehensive treatises. Although the practices discussed in these works may not all be suitable to Calif ornian conditions, the principles do apply. The following list includes only the more important works which are available. A list of the more important journals containing articles on the subject or devoted to the field is also included. There are few modern satisfactory treatises in English on wine making. Most of the recent works are concerned with the art of serving wine and the esthetics of wine drinking. BOOKS Babo, V., and E. Mach. 1923-27. Handbuch des Weinbaues und der Kellerwirtschaft. Zweiteband, 4-6 Aufl. Berlin, Germany. Bioletti, F. T. 1934. Wine making on a small scale. 24 pages. California Grape Grower, San Fran- cisco. Burdoni, Mario. 1930. Trattato di enologia. 394 pages. Albano Laziale Fratelli Strini. Stampatori — Editori — Librai, Italy. Cruess, W. V. 1934. Principles and practices of wine making. 212 pages. Avi Publishing Com- pany, New York, N. Y. Uugast, J. 1930. Vinification dans les pays cliauds. 3rd edition. 396 pages. Alger, Editions Aumeran, 6, Boulevard Carnot. Algiers, North Africa. Fabre, J. Henri. 1934. Traite encyclopedique des vins. I. Procedes modernes de vinification. 4th edi- tion. 336 pages. MM. Dujardin et Fils, 24 rue Pavee, Paris, France. GOLDSCHMIDT, FRITZ, CONSUL. 1925. Der Wein von der Rebe bis zum Konsum. 6th edition. 921 pages. Verlag der Deutschen Wein-Zeitung. J. Dremer. Mainz am Rhein, Germany. Kroemer, Karl, and Gottfried Krumbholz. 1932. Obst-und Beerenweine. 292 pages. Dr. Serger und Hempel. Inh. Bruno Hem- pel, Braunschweig, Germany. Elements of Wine Making 63 Ottavi, Ottavio. 1931. Enologia Teorico-ratica. 12th edition. 741 pages. Editriee, Fratelli Ottavi. Casale Monferrato, Italy. Pacottet, P. 1926. Vinification. 5th edition. 464 pages. Librairie J. B. Bailliere et Fils. Paris, France. Ventre, Jules. 1930. Traite de vinification. Pratique et rationnelle. (In three volumes.) I. Le rai- sin. Les vinifications. 490 pages. 1930. II. Le vin. Sa composition, ses maladies, sa conservation. 487 pages. 1931. III. Sous produits de la vigne et du vin. 440 pages. 1931. Librairie Coulet. A. Dubois et E. Poulain. Mont- pellier, France. Wagner, Philipp. 1933. American wines and how to make them. 295 pages. A. Knopf Co., New York City. JOURNALS California Grape Grower, 85 Second Street, San Francisco. California Wine Eeview, Occidental Publishing Company, 420 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles. (Also 7 Front Street, San Francisco.) Fruit Products Journal. Avi Publishing Company, 31 Union Square, New York City. American Wine and Liquor Journal, New York City. Mida's Criterion, for the Liquor and Wine Trade, Jellett Publishing Company, 400 West Madison Street, Chicago. Bowne's Wines and Spirits, 205 East Forty-second Street, New York City. Eevue de Viticulture, 35, Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris (V e ), France. Progres Agricole et Viticole, Montpellier, France. Eevue Agricole de l'Afrique du Nord. 6, Boulevard Carnot, Algiers, No. Africa. L'ltalia Vinicola ed Agraria. Casalmonferrato, Italy. PARTIAL LIST OF EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS Crushing and Pressing Equipment California Press Manufacturing Company, 1800 Folsom Street, San Francisco. Food Machinery Corporation, 70 Pine Street, San Francisco. (Agents for Hy- draulic Press Manufacturing Company, Mt. Gilead, Ohio.) M. Eibezzo and A. Biagini Co., 414 Broadway, San Francisco. (Small presses.) A. Eossi and Co., 18 Bartol Street, San Francisco. Stills, Pasteurizers, Coolers, Vacuum Pans, and Other Metal Work Oakland Copper and Brass Works, Fifth and Kirkham Streets, Oakland. Oscar Krenz Copper and Brass Works, Inc., 612-634 Bryant Street, San Fran- cisco. Pacific Copper and Brass Works, Inc., 1909-15 East Seventh Street, Los Angeles. Cooperage California Barrel Company, Ltd., 100 Bush Street, San Francisco. Little Eiver Eedwood Company, Financial Center Building, San Francisco. Pacific Tank and Pipe Company, 230 California Street, San Francisco. Eedwood Tanks and Pipe Manufacturing Company, Pittsburg, California. Western Cooperage Company, 1 Fourteenth Street, San Francisco. George Windeler Company, Ltd., 2201 Jerrold Avenue, San Francisco. 64 California Agricultural Extension Service [Cir. 88 Filtering and Bottling Equipment Blaufuss Filter Corporation, 306 Sharon Building, San Francisco. L. H. Butcher Company, 274 Brannan Street, San Francisco. (Bottling and miscellaneous equipment.) Eng-Skell Company, 1035 Howard Street, San Francisco. (Bottlers' supplies.) Karl Kiefer Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Filters.) John Mulhern Company, 182 Second Street, San Francisco. (Bottling and mis- cellaneous equipment.) Mundet and Son, 440 Brannan Street, San Francisco. Oliver United Filters, Inc., Balfour Building, San Francisco. Scientific Filter Company, 3 Franklin Square, New York City. I. F. Schnier and Company, 683 Bryant Street, San Francisco. (Corks.) T. Shriver and Co., Hamilton Street and Franklin Avenue, Harrison, New Jersey. (Filters.) Seitz Filtering and Winery Equipment. Philipp Wirth, Inc., 31 Union Square, New York City. (Donald Bobertson, 612 Bryant Street, San Francisco, and Oscar Krenz Copper and Brass Works, 612 Bryant Street, San Francisco, dis- tributors.) Sperry Filter Press Company, Batavia, Illinois. West Coast Machinery Co., 3246 Seventeenth Street, San Francisco. (Filters.) Chemical Supplies and Instruments Braun Corporation, 2260 East Fifteenth Street, Los Angeles. (Chemicals, fining agents, chemical glassware, Berkefeld filters, thermometers, hydrometers, etc.) Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., 584 Mission Street, San Francisco. (See above.) Justinian Caire Company, 573 Market Street, San Francisco. (See above.) Foxboro Instrument Company, 261 Market Street, San Francisco. (Thermome ters, recording and controlling instruments.) C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co., 120 Main Street, San Francisco. (Eecording ther- mometers, thermometers, hydrometers, ebullioscopes, etc.) Taylor Instrument Company, 86 Third Street, San Francisco. (Eecording and controlling instruments, thermometers, hydrometers.) Refrigerating Equipment Cochran and St. John, Ltd., 952 Mission Street, San Francisco. Cyclops Iron Works, 837 Folsom Street, San Francisco. Frigidaire Corporation, 1255 Park Avenue, Oakland. Gay Engineering Corporation, 2650 Santa Fe Avenue, Los Angeles. General Electric Company, 111 Sutter Street, San Francisco. York Ice Machinery Corporation, 234 Ninth Street, San Francisco. Wine Yeast Sources American Type Culture Collection, 637 South Wood Street, Station C, Chicago. Berkeley Yeast Laboratory, 2420 Channing Way, Berkeley. Western Beverage Corporation, 215 West Seventh Street, Los Angeles. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors desire to thank Professor F. T. Bioletti for suggestions and advice in preparing the manuscript and for editing it; E. M. Brown, chemist for Shewan Jones Company, for suggestions concerning win- ery equipment and layout; and a number of operators of wineries for valuable information on present methods of wine making. 13w-ll '34