ON C|e lidiitwiis iDljicI] Jcntiil Car its (AS DISCOVERED AMONGST THE ANCIENT INHABITANTS OF BRITAIN, AND AMONGST EXISTING ABORIGINAL RACES) MAY BE SUPPOSED TO HOLD '^0 THEIR FOOD AND SOCIAL CONDITION. BY JOHN R. jMUMMERY, F.L.S, L.D.S. VIOE-PBESIDENT OF THE ODONTOLOGICAL SOCIKTV OF GREAT BIIITAIN. FROM THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY; WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES. Printed for ^rtbatc CTirculation, fag WYMAN & SONS, 74-5, GEEAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S-INN FIELDS, LONDON, W.C. 1870. On the Relations ivJiich Dental Caries, — as dis- covered I yngst the Ancient Inhabitants of Britain, ad amongst existing Aboriginal Races, — may be sujJJ^osed to hold to their Food and Social Condition. Mr. Peesident and Gentlemen, — In my concluding paper, " On the Relations of the Human Teeth to those of the Lower Animals," read in May 1860, I advanced the opinion, that dental caries rarely if ever occurred among- the ancient races who once inhabited our island. That opinion was founded on the state of skulls I had myself seen, from the Kentish barrows, and was strengthened by the testimony of a lamented scientific friend, then in declining health, whom I had requested to examine the skulls in the Hunterian Museum, and who from a cursory view of these skulls had come to the same con- clusion. A more extensive view of the subject, however, led me afterwards to doubt the accuracy of the judgment I had then formed, and I have during the past nine years, availed myself of such opportunities as have occurred, upon an occasional holiday, to investigate the whole subject on as wide a scale as practicable; feeling it to be one of scientific importance, and possibly also of prac- 13 4 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO ticiil value — wliilst it always furnished a most interesting object of pursuit upon a journey ; and I now purpose laying before you the result of these more extended observations. Topographically my investigations have been bounded on the North by the line of the great Roman wall of Hadrian, which extends from the Solway to the Tyne, for a length of nearly seventy miles (along the course of which I have explored the remains of many Roman stations and towns with feelings of great interest) ; on the West by the borders of Wales, and on the South by a line drawn from Bristol to Lymington in Hamp- shire. In these endeavours to trace the physical char- acteristics, food, and habits of the various races who have successively peopled England — with their relations to the pathological conditions of the teeth, I examined and tabulated the state of the teeth in every available skull in the Hunterian Museum. Feeling convinced, however, that only the widest possible survey of the whole subject could furnish data that should be received as trustworthy evidence, I visited and examined several other great collections of skulls. Among these I may mention the museum of the late Mr. Bateman of Lomberdale, Derbyshire, celebrated for his ten years' successful diggings in British barrows ; and that of the Rev. Canon Greenwell of Durham, who has also afforded mc every FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. O facility for examining the results of liis enterpris- ing labours in the same department of archseology. Professor Rolleston, also, has most kindly as- sisted me in examining the fine series of skulls in the Oxford University Museum, and has supplied me with invaluable light on the subject of Ancient English Ethnology. I have experienced similar kindness from the joint authors of the justly celebrated work " Crania Britannica." From the very extensive collection of Dr. Davis, of Hanley, Staffordshire, I selected a large number of skulls of certain ex- isting pure races for comparison, receiving from him much useful information. His coadjutor. Dr. Thurnam, of Devizes, has also most efficiently aided me in the prosecution of my object, and I was enabled to examine every skull in his posses- sion — a large proportion of which were exhumed by himself from the tumuli in the neighbourhood of that ancient memorial of Druidical rites, — Stonehenge ; Dr. Thurnam giving me a very clear explanation of the relative antiquity of the suc- cessive races inhabiting England. Some differences of opinion exist among our most learned ethnologists with regard to the original stock of these ancient races, but it would be out of place on my part, and beyond the fair scope of this paper, to enter more fully into the question than is absolutely necessary. The form and capacity of the cranium and the facial bones b2 6 KELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO have received minute attention from many able observers ; but the exact condition of the teeth, with regard to injury or disease, deficiency or redundance, has been seldom recorded, while excessive abrasion of the teeth has been mistaken by some observers for caries ; or (as in the case of the eminent Blumenbach) for malformation. Describing the front teeth of Egyptian mummies, for example, he says, " The teeth are different from those of any other people; the crowms of the front teeth are not wedge-shaped, terminating in a thin edge, but are thick, cylindrical, or ob- tusely conical." This condition I have myself observed in many Egyptian skulls ; recognizing it, however, as undoubtedly the result of severe attrition. I may here remark that in recording the amount of wearing down of the teeth, I have estimated the probable age of the subject by the state of the cranial sutures ; that in each race I have taken the maximum and minimum diameter of the dental arch at the first upper molar in each group, distinguishing the cases in which disease occurred at the approximal surfaces of the teeth, from that found on the buccal, lingual, or grinding surfaces. With a view to comparison with these ancient races, I have selected certain existing tribes concerning whom we have accurate information ; and that no available source of illustration might be neglected, I have examined the fine series of skulls in the respective Museums FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACllS. / of the Royal Military Hospital, at Netley; the Naval Hospital, Haslar; the British Museum; the principal London Hospitals ; and the " Dread- nought" (although in many instances the skulls were unsuitable for my purpose). I have also seen several local museums and private collections, and having, on the whole, examined more than 3,000 skulls, I have tabulated 1,956 of them, rejecting those of which the authenticity was doubtful, or from which too many teeth had fallen out, to enable me to form a correct judgment concerning them. The ancient British tumuli of Wiltshire are so much more numerous than those in any other part of England, and they have been so thoroughly explored and clearly explained by Dr. Thurnam, that I shall select this locality for illustrating the condition of the early inhabitants of our island. These tumuli are of two distinct forms, long and round, and represent two distinct races ; al- though occasionally much misapprehension has been caused by a practice of the later race, who often buried their dead in the older tumuli. The earliest in date are the long-shaped barrows, which are either made of solid earth or rubble, or contain rudely- constructed chambers formed of large stones. At this early period, the use of metals was unknown in our island — arrow heads, and other implements of flint, greenstone, and bone having alone been found in these mounds. The 8 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO burning of the dead was sometimes practised, but if simply buried, the body was laid in a contracted position on its side, with the knees drawn up. The skulls from these barrows are of the long or dolichocephahc type, and are narrower than those of any modern European people. This nation of the stone period had been driven back into the western parts of Britain, before the in- vasion of Caesar, by the advancing tribes of Belgic Celts, to whom I shall presently refer. They were a pastoral, and not an agricultural people ; they possessed herds of the small short-horned oxen (Bos longifrons), and were to a great extent supported by the chase of the red-deer, roebuck, and wild boar, at a time when vast districts of the country were covered with forests ; the ex- tensive forest of " Anderida," for example, having reached from the coast of Kent and Sussex into Somersetshire. Their customs appear to have been extremely barbarous, and to have closely resembled those of the Ashantees, Australians, and New Zealanders of our own day. It was with feelings of peculiar interest that I examined, in Dr. Thurnam's collection, the cleft skulls and half-charred bones of victims who had been sac- rificed at the funeral of a chief Several examples of this kind have been found on the Downs, in the district around Stonehenge ; and as the cylindrical bones among them are often found split open, as though to obtain the marrow, FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 9 tliere is but too much reason to believe tliat these aborigines, Hke the people of the countries I have referred to, were guilty of the revolting practice of cannibalism. On comparing the condition of the teeth in these southern people, with those of apparently the same race inhabiting the more northern districts, a striking difference is observable. Among sixty- eight Wiltshire skulls, T have found but one case of decay on the approximal surface, and one on the grinding surface ; only eleven cases of extreme wearing down of the teeth, and those occurring in persons of advancing age; and I discovered not a single instance of irregular position of the teeth. The distinctions of priority of race are less clearly marked in the skulls from the late Mr. Bateman's collection, and I have therefore grouped them together with some obtained from three other sources. In forty-four skulls in this group, I have found five cases of approximal caries, with four of the ofTindino; surfaces : the teeth are much more worn down (sometimes even to the margin of the enamel) than in the Wiltshire skulls, yet the traces of alveolar abscess are of rare occurrence. The round barrows of Wiltshire were con- structed by a brachycephalic, short, or round headed people ; and it is worthy of remark, that whereas the skulls from the primitive long bar- rows are narrower than those of any modern 10 K ELATION OF J)ENTAL CARIES TO European people, those from the round barrows are much broader than the skulls of the existing population of any part of England or Wales. The interments of the later or round-headed race con- sist of burnt remains in the proportion of three to one of the unburnt bodies ; but the objects found in both classes of interment are similar, and, in addi- tion to the implements of stone, &c., already alluded to, the tumuli of the round-headed race often com- prise implements of bronze and highly ornamental pottery. There appears good reason for assuming that these round-headed people were a more powerful and more civilized race, and are to be identified with the agricultural population of the maritime districts of Britain, said by C^sar in the fifth book of his Commentaries to have exactly resembled the people inhabiting Belgic Gaul, and who are described by Tacitus, Strabo, and other classical writers, as a people of tall stature and vigorous frame. The change of diet and habits accom- panying a higher degree of civilization appears to have had a deteriorating efiect on their teeth ; for among thirty-two skulls in Dr. Thurnam's collection, I find six cases of approximal caries, one of caries of the grinding surface, and two cases of irregularity from contracted arch, be- sides ten in which the crowns are deeply abraded. There is good reason also to believe that as the native wild animals became more FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 11 scarce, and agriculture was extended, the people of the race now under consideration were in the habit of consuming more vegetable food, prob- ably in the form of coarsely prepared barley or oats. A remarkable difference is observable in the teeth of the skulls from the Yorkshire barrows, so diligently explored by Canon Greenwell, as com- pared with those of the skulls found in the South of England. We noticed how few signs of dental caries the skulls of the ancient Britons presented in the case of the Wiltshire skulls ; but in about sixty Yorkshire skulls, consisting principally of the earlier or long-headed race, I found no less than twenty-four exhibiting more or less disease. Their teeth are also much worn, and traces ot abscess are of frequent occurrence. It is some- what difficult to account for this. Possibly, as in the case just referred to, it may be caused by a greater scarcity of nourishing animal food,- and the use of a harder vegetable diet in that district ; but it is a curious fact that, while the proj^^ortion of disease which in Roman skulls in other parts of England is in the ratio of thirty-two per cent., those found in Yorkshire exhibited decay in eighteen cases out of twenty- three. With the advent of the Roman conquerors a great change took place in the condition of the British people, and advancing civilization was 12 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO accompanied by habits of luxury and effeminacy wliicli greatly deteriorated their moral principles and physical vigour. The Epicurean indulgence of the Romans was notorious, whilst every country in the empire was laid under contribu- tion for its delicacies, and their gross expedients for stimulating the jaded appetite do not require more explicit reference. This part of the subject is full of interest, but I must not be tempted to enlarge upon it. It will suffice for our inquiries to recognize the fact, that the Romano-Britons adopted the habits of their new masters. In the earlier days of the Republic the Romans both buried and burnt their dead, but the prac- tice of cremation gradually increased, as Rome became more and more engaged in foreign wars, until in the days of the early Empire it had become almost universal. When, by the firm es- tablishment of their Empire, the Romans were freed from anxiety as to posthumous outrage at the hands of half-subdued peoples, they began to discontinue this custom, and with the preva- lence of Christianity it ceased altogether. Owing to this practice the Roman skulls found in this country are less abundant than might have been anticipated ; but I have succeeded in examining altogether 143 Roman skulls, distri- buted through nine collections. Of these, forty- one have carious teeth, twenty-nine of which are affected on their approximal surfaces. In the FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 13 whole number of 143 only six occurred in which the teeth were deeply worn down, but the amount of caries in some individuals was very extensive. In the case of a woman of about thirty years of age, every molar and bicuspid tooth was diseased, and a similar condition existed in six other cases. Traces of extensive abscesses of the alveoli are frequent, involving in one case the three lower molars in one large cavity on the right side of the lower jaw. I found also three cases of contracted arch, and irregularity in incisors and canines ; two cases of approximal caries in front teeth ; and eight cases in which two or more of the third molars were not erupted in middle life. In the Museum at York I observed a remarkable in- stance of the durability of the enamel under certain conditions. The body of a Roman lady had been placed in a coffin and covered with newly-slackened lime, which soon hardened, and the mass being now shown in a reversed position, a distinct impression of the body is seen. Al- though few of the bones remain, and the roots of the teeth have also disappeared, the whole of the crowns are preserved and in a sound state, the enamel still being beautifully white. In connection with this part of our subject, I felt great curiosity to know how far it was possi- ble to find any traces among these Homan remains of the use of artificial teeth, or of the practice of dental surgery. Many of the ingre- 14 RELATION OF DENTAL CAKIES TO dients of tlie old Roman tooth-powders, as enumerated by Pliny, are found in modern recipes. Burnt hartshorn, egg-shells, and oyster-shells, nitre, and myrrh are commended for cleansing and whitening the teeth, strengthen- ing the gums, and preventing toothache ; but Pliny says if pumice-stone be added, " Utilissima fiat ex his dentifricia." A destructive useful- ness, truly ! That the front teeth at least were sometimes replaced we know through the satires of Martial and Juvenal, the former poet even naming ivory as a material employed.* I found no traces, however, of any such handiwork in the Roman skulls I examined, although several of them were those of people of rank, as was evi- dent from the cedar, stone, or lead coflSns which * I was informed by Dr. Birch, of the British Museum, of the existence of a curious 2:)assage in the old Roman laws of the twelve tables, B.C. 450. These laws were inscribed upon bronze tablets, and perished in the destruction of Rome by the Goths. I was aided by a kind friend in my search, who dis- covered the passage in one of the fragmentaiy quotations by Cicei'o (De Legibus, ii. 24). The passage stands thus, in old law Latin : — " Neve aurum addito. Quoi auro dentes vincti escunt ast im cum illo sei)elire urereve se fraude esto." In classsical Latin the passage would read thus : — " Neve aurum addito, Cui auro dentes vincti erunt, at eum cum illo sepelire m-ereve sine fraude esto." And may be thus ti-anslated : — *' Neither add any gold (to a corpse), bvit if any one shall have teeth bound with gold, it shall be no offence to bury or burn him with it." Was this a case of tying in artificial teeth with gold ware, or an anticipation of the modern advertisement of " Loose teeth fastened " 1 FOOD, ETC., AMONG AEOEIGINaL RACES. 15 inclosed fcheir remains ; nor did I find any arti- ficial tooth, or stopping. That I might leave no source of possible information unexplored, I ob- tained permission, through the great courtesy of the chief authorities of the British Museum, to take out and examine the ashes of all the cinerary urns which still contain such remains, in the fine collection deposited in the "columbarium" in the basement of that institution. Here I found calcined bones and natural teeth, but neither gold wire, nor plate, nor any other foreign material ; nor did I find any trace of a stopping either among the ashes or in the teeth of the unburnt bodies, although I have heard of the assertion that gold or other stoppings were to be found in Roman teeth. Several eminent antiquaries whom I have consulted have assured me they had never noticed any traces of either mechanical or surgical operations excepting extraction of the teeth, in Roman skulls. I may, however, here observe, that the molar teeth had frequently been removed by operation, as the rounded form of the jaw-bone presented a total contrast in these cases to those in which they had been lost through absorption of the sockets arising from diseased stumps.* * In order to ascertain, if possible, whetlier any record existed of the discovery of relics of the art of these ancient dentists, I have thoroughly examined many extensive works on Roman antiquities, including Sir W. Gell's " Pompeii," 16 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO Before I leave this part of my subject, I will state the result of my investigations (with a simi- Bosio's " Roma Sotterranea," Beckman's " History of Inven- tions," and several modern works. I have also carefully looked over the remains of Roman art in several collections, and although I found probes and needles, strigils for scrap- ing the skin in the bath, instruments for trimming and cleaning the nails, tweezers and mirrors of bronze and other metals, pins and combs of box-wood and bone, with other appliances of the toilet in abundance ; fibulae, brace- lets, finger-rings, and ear-rings in gold, and other articles of adornment, I found not a trace of' an artificial tooth or its setting, or any instrument that I could suppose was intended for operating on the teeth. There are, however, existing numerous mementoes of another class of practitioners, who must have carried on an extensive business much after the plan of our modern propi-ietory medicine-dealers ; and it is a curious fact that diseases of the eye are the only maladies refeiTcd to in these relics, which are known to antiquarians as oculists' stamps. Although not directly con- nected with my subject, I may observe that numerous examples of them have been found, not only in Italy, but in Germany, France, and Britain; they are usually cut out of some soft stone, such as steatite, with the letters in intaglio, or sunken, so that an impression on the cover of the medicine was made, probably in some plastic material. From the testimony of Pliny, and other ancient wiiters, we know that diseases of the eye were very prevalent, the Greek medical authors enumerat- ing more than 200 varieties. The remedies, or "collyria," as they were called, were composed of a great variety of ingre- dients, Avhich were often indicated upon the inscription, with the name of the practitioner. Antiquaiies have sujjposed that the ])revalence of ophthalmic diseases, not only in Italy, but throughout the western provinces, was due to some circum- stances connected with the diet or manners of the ancients. I would, however, suggest that as no record exists, as far FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAL EACES. 17 Jar object) in reference to the skulls of ancient Egyptians. Altliougli so many Egyptian mum- mies are to be found in onr various museums, the proportion is small in which they have been suf- fficiently unrolled to admit of a thorough examina- tion of the teeth. I have, however, been fortunate enough to be able to examine the skulls of thirty- six mummies, twelve of which exhibit signs of disease on the approximal surfaces of the teeth, and in two cases the upper incisors were involved. I also noticed a case of irregularity in the upper jaw, in which a supernvimerary tooth appeared between the central incisors, and both laterals were absent. In a large proportion of these cases the teeth had suffered greatly from attrition — a condition which confirms Blumenbach's remarks, although not his deduction ; and on conversing with Mr. Bonomi, the eminent Egyptian scholar, who lived many years among the tombs, he assured me that he had examined the teeth in at least 500 skulls, and found that truncated condition of the teeth very prevalent. We learn from Herodotus, that a special class of practitioners gave attention to the teeth, and I have found repeated instances in which teeth as I am aware, of the use of spectacles until tlie fifteenth century, — at the very earliest, — we nay reasonably con- clude that the gradual flattening of the crystalKne lens with advancing age, will account for a very large proportion of these maladies. 18 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO had evidently been removed by an operation ; but after a diligent perusal of tlie works of Belzoni, Sir Gardner Wilkinson, Dr. Pettigrew, and other writers, I can find no authority for the assertion that the Egyptians made artificial teeth of ivory or box- wood, or that they practised the art of stopping, and Mr. Bonomi assures me that he has never seen either an artificial tooth or a stop- ping in a single instance, although he often noticed cases of the absence or decay of teeth. The Egyptians were in the habit of gilding the eylids, lips, and nose of their mummies, and a curious practice also occasionally prevailed of lay- ing a thin plate of pure gold npon the tongue, inscribed with hieroglyphic characters, and these practices may have given rise to the mistake. An Arab removed and sold three of these, which weighed together 9 mithkals, which I have calculated to give 6 dwts. 16 grs. as the average weight of each plate. This is the only gold object I can discover to have been found in the mouth of a mummy. Although I have failed in my researches to find any trace of the practice of dental surgery, ex- cepting the removal of teeth, — or any example of dental mechanics, among the Ancient Egyptians and Romans, — it is something attained, perhaps, to be able to infer that the question of their alleged practice of gold-stopping is, in all proba- bility, settled in the negative. Had these opera- tions been often performed, it is fair to suppose FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 19 that some proof would have been found among the many skulls I have examined in this inquiry. Mr. Bonomi explains the great amount of attri- tion of the teeth as the result of the inevitable mixture of sand with the food of the Egyptians, their mode of grinding the corn being so very slow and imperfect. He had himself seen in Upper Egypt the natives bruising their corn and reducing it .to a very coarse flour, by the use of the primitive method of triturating it on a granite slab with a rude pestle, a mode depicted on the ancient Egyptian monuments. The food of the higher classes of the Egyptians appears to have been luxurious ; they had abundance of corn and pulse, and a great variety of vegetables, besides the flesh of the ox, antelope, ibex, and other animals, with many kinds of fish. I found a great difference in the condition of the teeth in various groups of skulls ; probably owing to different habits of the particular district. In one collection of ten skulls, three cases of disease occurred, and these of slight character. In another collection of nine skulls, I found approxi- mal caries, often very extensive, in no less than eight ; the upper incisors being diseased in two cases. We shall next turn our attention to the condi- tion of the teeth in Anglo-Saxon times, and shall observe, on comparison of the teeth of existing races with those of ancient peoples, additional 20 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO proof that dental disease is not exclusively the accompaniment of a high degree of civilization. I shall adduce examples of the liability to dental caries among nations in the rudest state of society at the present day ; and hope to show that, with suitable diet and attention to the general laws of health, a sound condition of the teeth is not necessarily incompatible with intellectual advance- ment. • On the dechne of the Roman Empire the enervated Britons were unable to withstand the ravages of the Picts and Scots, against whose entrance into England the wall of Hadrian now proved an insufficient barrier. They had devas- tated every Roman town in the west, fi'om the banks of the Solway to Gloucestershire, before the arrival of the Saxons ; and I have myself examined the charred remains of the old city of Uriconium, in Shropshire, which, after sustaining great injury from the Picts, was finally burnt by the Saxons in the middle of the sixth century. The Britons, having much Germanic blood among them, very naturally called in Teutonic allies, and amidst the distractions of the time, we can readily understand how those, who came osten- sibly to helj) the Britons, remained permanently to occupy their land. Whilst the Jutes took possession of the country from Kent to Hamp- shire and the Isle of Wight, the Angles settled in Norfolk, Suffolk, and the north-eastern dis- FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACBS. 21 tricts ; and the Saxons in Essex, Middlesex, and Wessex. These nearly-aUied races were of rude and barbarous habits, and too often, hke the Pictish invaders, swept away the beneficial effects of Roman civilization as they advanced in their destructive course. Of this we have a notable example in the Romano-British city of Anderida (now Pevensey), the inhabitants of which were all slain by the Saxons, and the city laid in ruins. Reared amidst the Pagan superstitions of the North, they practised cruel rites, very similar to those of the earlier British tribes. This is evi- dent from the many instances in which the remains of those who were probably slaves or captives, are found buried in the graves of the chieftains during the earlier period of their settle- ment in England. Their teeth, as may be expected, exhibit signs of increased vigour of constitution ; but I find a great difi"erence in the teeth of skulls from various localities as regards both attrition and caries. This circumstance is probably due to such skulls belonging respec- tively to the earlier barbarous and the later civilized conditions of the Anglo-Saxon people, although their respective characters are not sufficiently distinct to make their recognition easy. In many of the earlier interments during their state of heathenism, the bodies were burned and the ashes preserved in urns, of much ruder form than those of the Romano-Britons ; but so strong was c2 22 RELATION OF DENTAL CAEIES TO the opposition of the Christian teachers to the practice of cremation, that it was abandoned about 150 years after the coining of Hengist and Horsa, in Kent and Angha ; although not until later in Mercia. The Anglo-Saxon bodies, simply buried, were laid in an extended position without coffins ; thus differing both from the old British tribes, who placed the bodies in a con- tracted posture, and from the Romans, who usually laid them in coffins. Each northern wave of uncivilized people, when it reached our shores, was an ao-ent of fearful destruction : but in course of years a more peaceful time arrived, and there- with an advance in physical comfort and mental culture. Thus the subjugation of the Britons Avas followed by a commingling of their race with that of the Anglo-Saxons, and eventually the nation advanced in civilization.* When the Saxons arrived in Britain they found the fields and gardens well cultivated, upon the method intro- duced by the Romans ; and after they had at length obtained peaceful possession of the land, they so improved their farms by adapting their agriculture to the moist climate, that an abund- ance of wheat, barley, beans, and other crops * I am informed by an eminent authority on these subjects, that the present agricultural population of Lincoln shii-e is made up of round-headed and oval-headed people, in about equal proportions, who ai'e probably the descendants respec- tively of the Romano- Celtic and Anglo-Saxon races. FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAL EACES. 23 were produced. Extensive herds of cattle and slieep were kept for the supply of the table, the woodlands being occupied by multitudes of swine.* A long list is enumerated of the domesticated fowls in a Saxon farmyard, comprising, with few exceptions, all the species with which we are now famihar ; whilst the deer, wild boar, and a profu- sion of feathered game supplied variety to the repast of the Saxon thane. They also made excellent beer, and imported wine from the con- tinent, the ladies drinking mead, or other liquors prepared from fermented honey. Indeed, the wealthy Anglo-Saxon lived fully as well as any modern Englishman. I am indebted to Professor Rolleston for my acquaintance with a very curious work, recently published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls, consisting of Anglo-Saxon manu- scripts, most of them now pubhshed for the first time, accompanied by a translation. This remarkable collection of documents bears the quaint old English title of " Leechdoms, Wort- cunning, and Starcraft," which, rendered into modern language, would signify '' physicians' pre- scriptions, the knowledge of plants, and astro- * In the Domesday Book of the Norman Conqueror we find the size of a wood estimated, on the several estates, by the number of hogs it is capable of maintaining on the acorns, beech-mast, and roots it produces. 24 DELATION OF DENTAL CABIES TO logy." The book gives us a curious insight into the diet and customs, the diseases and remedies, which prevailed more than a thousand years ago in this country In a monastic colloquy, or exercise-book for teaching students their own language and also Latin, a boy is asked to tell what he has to eat. He replies worts (that is, kitchen herbs), fish, cheese, butter, beans, and flesh meats. He drinks ale when he can get it, or, failing that, water. In my examination of seventy-six Anglo-Saxon skulls, I found caries present in twelve cases, of which number it occurred in five instances on the approximal surfaces. In seven cases the molars had undergone severe attrition. In a large propor- tion of instances the teeth are very robust, of which a notable example is seen in the lower jaw of the celebrated chief, Brighthelm, now in the Hunterian Museum, the third lower molars being remarkably developed. In five cases I found the third molars wanting, and also met with one case of irregularity, in which both the upper cuspidati are lying in an oblique direction on the palatal side of the dental arch, causing great protrusion of the lateral incisors. The proportionate amount of caries is greatly diminished when compared with that found in Romano-British skulls, and we may reasonably as- sume that the simpler habits of the Anglo-Saxons, FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 25 together with nourishing food, tended to maintain a higher standard of health, and consequently a better condition of the teeth than their prede- cessors enjoyed. I have, however, shown that they had some experience of toothache, and will now quote a few passages from the old documents to which I have referred, illustrating their ideas on the anatomy and pathology of the teeth, and the remedies they employed. First, as to the structure and diseases of the teeth. " It is often inquired whether teeth be of bone, since every bone hath marrow, and these have no marrow ; and other bones, though they may be broken, may by some leechcraft be healed, but the tooth never, if it be broken." " The worst humour cometh to the teeth from the head ; the moisture of the head falleth upon the teeth, and pierceth through them, causing them to rot and swell, so that the teeth can endure neither heat nor cold, and especially the grinder teeth, which are fastened, each wit-h four roots,* and then they leave their roots, then they turn black and fall. This then is the leechcraft in that case : — Take some part of the hide of a hart and a new crock, and add water, and seethe three times as strongly as water boiling flesh-meat. * I cannot say that my examination of the skulls has supplied a single example of this abnormal number of roots ! 26 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO " Let the man hold this water in his mouth, as warm as he can bear it, till it be cooled. Then let him often take warmer, again casting it forth, and he will soon be mended." " The herb elecampane is good for soreness and wagging of teeth." Leechdoms for sharp pain in the teeth, and for worms in the teeth, either for the upper or for the nether : — "For tooth wark, bray to dust the rind of nut- tree and thorn-tree ; cut the teeth on the outside, shed the dust on frequently. " Eor the upper tooth-ache take leaves of withe wind, and wring them on the nose. " For the nether tooth ache, slit the gums with the instrument till they bleed." " For tooth wark : if a worm- eat the tooth, take an old holly-leaf, hartwort, and sage. Boil in water, pour it into a bowl, and yawn over it ; then the worms shall fall into the bowl." " For tooth-worms take acorn-meal and hen- bane-seed and wax, of all equally much. Mis them together. Make them into a wax candle, and burn it ; let it reek into the mouth, put a black cloth under, then shall the worms fall on it." It is a curious fact, illustrating the persistency of traditional remedies, that with some modifica- tion of the mode of burning the henbane-seed, it is extensively used in many districts of England at the present day, in the firm belief that the FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACES. 27 lobes of the exploded seed, wliicli move sliglitly on bursting with the heat, are really worms expelled from the carious teeth. In Dr. AVright's interesting work on the domestic manners of the Anglo-Saxons, a curious quotation is given from the laws relating to personal injuries, and the payment of com- pensation-money is proportioned with extra- ordinary minuteness. If any man struck off an ear he was to pay twelve shillings ; for a nose cut through, nine shillings ; for an eye, fifty shillings ; for each of the four front teeth, six shillings ; for the tooth which stands next to them, four shillings ; and for that which follows, three shillings ; for all the others, one shilling each. I am sorry that our ancestors did not better appreciate the relative value of their molars. We have thus traced, with some degree of certainty, the history of dental caries from the times of the aborigines of Britain down to the settlement of the country under Anglo-Saxon rule, recognizing in each epoch, the influence of various modes of living on the condition of the teeth ; and it was originally my intention to follow the subject throughout the centuries which have elapsed since the consolidation of the Anglo- Saxon kingdom, down to the present time. It would have been interesting to have examined the result of a fresh northern invasion by the 28 RELATION OP DENTAL CARIES TO vigorous and half-barbarian Danes, who, during the period of their dynasty, settled in many parts of England, as indicated by the termination of the names of such towns as Derby, Whitby, Grimsby, &c. Again, the influence of the luxury introduced through intercourse with the Normans during the later period of the Saxon rule, culminating with the Norman Conquest, and the establishment of the feudal system, would be well worth in- quiring into. Whilst the serfs were reduced to the hardest fare, the barons and their retainers were revel- ling in a profusion of luxuries ; and most of my audience are familiar with that admirable illustration of the times given by Sir Walter Scott, in " Ivanhoe," in the colloquy between Wamba and Gurth, the swineherd. I had hoped to recover traces of the great battles of Hastings, Shrewsbury, Bosworth, Naseby, and others ; but, to my great sur- prise, I have not hitherto seen one satisfactorily authentic skull from the scene of the first-named decisive contest, and my explorations and in- quiries respecting the other battle-fields have thus far been- inconclusive ; although I indulge the hope that I may yet attain to some accu- rate data relative thereto. Unfortunately, whilst explorers in past years have diligently collected coins and relics of armour or weapons, skulls FOOD. ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 29 have been till recently little valued, and have in too many instances been destroyed. Much uncertainty of date attaches to the great col- lections of human bones at Ripon, Rothwell, and other places, and the age of the celebrated Hythe skulls, so well described in the excellent paper by Mr. Cartwriglit and Mr. Coleman, is still a matter of debate among antiquaries. I had also wished to ascertain, if possible, the effects upon the teeth, of that great change which occurred in this country, when tea, coffee, and other hot beverages were to a large extent substituted for ale and wine ; and I am not without hope that I may yet obtain some evidence on this subject. We will now turn our attention to some of the existing uncivilized races of mankind; but the reasonable limits of a paper would be far exceeded if I availed myself of all the accumulated, data which have resulted from my protracted inquiry. It will therefore suffice for our present purpose to make a selection of various tribes living in different climates, and subsisting on very diverse articles of food. For many years past, I have embraced every opportunity of obtaining the direct testimony of medical and other intelligent observers, who have resided amongst, or visited such peoples, and have found their evidence strikingly confirmed by the state of the teeth in the skulls examined of each respective race ; 30 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO wliere this source of information has failed, I have consulted the works of trustworthy tra- vellers, but there are still several groups of skulls which I am not yet in a position to utilize. In collecting my data, I have aimed at taking pure races, omitting Lascars, West Indian negroes, and other people who are living more or less under the modifying influences of European civilization. A source of possible error occurs in the fact that skulls presented to public museums are usually selected with teeth in as perfect a condition as can be obtained, and having sometimes found a considerable difference in the proportion of caries, in various collections, I have as far as possible obtained a correct average. It will be observed that I have avoided all reference to modern European and Anglo- American races, but I hope we may be able at some future time to obtain sufficient data to enable us to arrive at an approximate conclusion, and that our American brethren will lend their efficient aid in carrying out so desirable an object. In order fully to appreciate the relation of food to healthy teeth, we shall do well to consider the influence which the various kinds of diet exert upon the human organization. These may be classified as nitrogenous or tissue-forming, carbo- hydrogenous or heat-producing, and mineral, (the last comprising lime, soda, potass, iron, &c.). Tissue-forming foods also produce heat in the FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACES. 31 course of their decomposition, so that, (in a strictly logical sense,) this, the usual classification of foods, entails a " cross division," which, how- ever, is of little consequence for our present pur- pose, if it is borne in mind that oil, fat, sugar, gum, and starch, whether obtained from grain or other sources, — (although promoting the as- similation of other food, and contributing to the supply of vital force), chiefly serve to maintain animal heat by uniting with oxygen, in the pro- cess of assimilation and waste, and that any sur- plus, not so consumed, is stored up in the system as fat ; but that no food, however rich in carbon alone, can either build up the tissues of the body or repair their waste, and that a man would starve if restricted to such food exclusively. Active exercise in cold climates, where the air is dense, accelerates molecular changes in the body ; and thus a large supply of heat-producing food is needed to compensate for the rapid or- ganic combustion. In tropical countries, on the other hand, where the air is greatly rarefied, a diminished supply of oxygen is inhaled, and less food is demanded, whilst those who consume much fat, butter, or sugar with their food, and take little exercise, become obese and indolent. The man who undergoes severe bodily exercise in the open air takes more oxygen into his system, and requires more food, because the waste and molecular changes in the tissues of the body go on 32 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO with greater rapidity, as tlie result of hard work ; but it is a great mistake to suppose that severe mental exertion can be maintained without a cor- responding supply of similar food. Close applica- tion to study induces waste of cerebral and nervous tissues, and those who have hard brain-work require an adequate supply of nourishing albu- minous food to sustain their energies, equally with those whose pursuits require mere bodily exercise. It appears to be a matter of secondary im- portance whether the nitrogenous elements of food, albumen, fibrine, and caseine, are derived from the animal or the vegetable kino-dom. In the Arctic regions, where there is scanty vegeta- tion, flesh and blubber supply the place of the grain, fruits, and roots of warmer regions, and health and vigour are maintained under either condition. Dr. Mantell has called fossils " Medals of Creation" ; the teeth may be termed Medals of the Human Organization, inasmuch as their ph3^sical characters serve to record the patho- logical condition of the system at the parti- cular age at which each class of teeth is formed, and, like medals, the only subsequent change they can undergo is deterioration. Under favourable circumstances, other parts of the animal frame may be strengthened, but the teeth have no such recuperative power, and must retain their origin- ally defective condition during the period of FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAL RACES. 33 their existence. Taking these facts into account, we may readily see that an ample supply of appropriate nutritious food during childhood is of greater importance in its effect on the develop- ment of healthy teeth than of any other structure of the body. We now proceed to consider the extent to which these views are supported by a careful examination of the teeth of various races, living under the most opposite conditions with regard to climate, food, and habits. The Esquimaux are stated to derive their name from an old Indian word signifying " eaters of raw flesh," and their favourite repasts fully justify the title. They are a littoral people, of the Mongolian type, inhabiting the coasts of North America from Labrador to Greenland and Behring's Straits, and are generally nomadic in their habits, which will account for the great variety in their food and certain contrasts in the condition of their teeth. With few exceptions, the vast region they inhabit lies far beyond the extremest limits of forest growth, and it includes the most desolate and inhospitable part of the globe. Although the land supplies comparatively little, the sea yields ample provision for all their wants, and they never live far from its shores. In the summer they hunt the musk-ox and reindeer, preserving the flesh under masses of rock and ice for future use ; they have also an 34 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO abundance of wild swans, geese, ducks, and sea- fowl at that season, witli vast quantities of salmon and otlier fish, in some localities. The sea-bear and whale, the walrus and seal, supply the largest proportion of their food. Whilst cutting ofi" the blubber from a whale, they devour large slices of the raw flesh, eating as they work, and the whale's skin is esteemed an especial delicacy ; but they prefer seal to all other flesh, drinking bowlfuls of the warm blood. From ten to fourteen pounds of raw meat per diem is con- sidered a reasonable allowance for each person. So short is the summer, that only a few stunted shrubs exist, and the fruit is so scanty that vegetable food cannot be reckoned as an element of any importance, excepting that in times of extreme scarcity the Esquimaux sustain life with the lichen which forms the food of the the reindeer. It is worthy of remark that Arctic explorers from a more civilized region, whatever disgust they may at first have experienced at Esquimaux food, have in many cases felt compelled by the low temperature to resort to a highly oleaginous diet, and have learned eventually to relish raw seal's flesh and blubber as thoroughly as the natives. The people are short in stature, and of robust powerful frame. The jaws are singularly well- developed, and the teeth perfectly regular in position. The zygomatic arch is wide, and the FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACES. 35 tuberosity of the upper maxilla much prolonged. The teeth are often deeply worn on the grinding surfaces, frequently to the pulp-cavity, which gradually becomes obliterated by the formation of secondary dentine ; and in one instance only among the sixty-nine skulls I examined, had alveolar abscess ensued. I found one case of caries of the first right lower molar on the grind- ing surface ; in another case, the first and second left lower molar had been removed : these were the only traces of disease. In some skulls the first molars were affected much more than the other teeth, being worn obliquely towards the lingual side in the upper jaw, and towards the buccal side in the lower. As this condition of the teeth is observable in other races who live on hard food, it is probably attributable in this case to the mastication of tough sinewy raw flesh. In other Esquimaux skulls the teeth are worn down on an uniform plane, the front teeth being truncated like those of the Egyptians, a condition which is probably owing to the mixture of sand with the food in some localities. The Indians of the north-western coast of America differ considerably from the Esquimaux, many of these tribes being known as " flat- heads," from their strange practice of distorting the cranial bones in early life by pressure-boards. Living in a lower latitude, they have not the same D 36 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO constant need of oily food, and they subsist chiefly on salmon, which are by far the most com- mon of all fish in the rivers of the North Pacific. These fish ascend the rivers in such countless multitudes as to impede navigation, and during the prevalence of a south-west wind are driven ashore by thousands. The Indians split and dry the salmon on the sandy shore in a very rude and careless manner ; and so large a quantity of sand adheres to this food, that their teeth are destruc- tively and quite evenly worn down. They oc- casionally hunt the moose-deer and other animals, drying their flesh also for winter use. Among fifty-sis skulls I found but two cases of caries : in one instance two teeth were affected, in the other one tooth only. The teeth are frequently worn down to the margin of the enamel, but the dentinal pulp is invariably calcified ; and among the fifty-six skulls examined I found the sur- prising number of thirty-two in which the enamel was entirely removed from the grinding surfaces of the molars and premolars, and from the cut- ting edges of the cuspidati and incisors. The various tribes of North American Indians, who roam over the prairies and forests of the interior, are chiefly sustained by the chase of the musk-ox, moose, bison, and other large game ; but no animal food comes amiss to them, and they eat the flesh of the beaver, fox, otter, and other fur-bearing animals, whose skins they sell FOOD, ETC., AMONG AP-ORTGINAL RACES. 37 to tlie agents of the Hudson's Bay Company. With the occasional addition of a few roots, their diet is exclusively of an animal nature, but they are often subject to great privation. The maxil- lary arch is finely proportioned, and among twenty-three skulls of these tribes I found one case of two and one of six carious teeth. A striking contrast is seen between the teeth of the fish-eating Indians and of the Indians of the interior, with respect to wearing down, only two cases being noticed of extreme attrition on the grinding surface, most probably explained by the absence of sandy admixture with their food. Turning our attention to the warmer regions of South America, we find a people living between the twentieth and fortieth parallel of latitude, in the Argentine Republic, known as Guachos. They are a mixed race of Indian and Spanish blood, who are employed at the ranches or great cattle-stations, and spend the greater part of their time on horseback, in hunting the half- wild cattle which roam over the wide grassy plains extending from the Atlantic coast to the foot of the Andes. I obtained some important informa- tion relative to their food and health from a gentleman who owns a large estate in Entre-Rios. These people live entirely on roast beef, with a little salt, scarcely ever tasting farinaceous or other vegetable food, and their sole beverage is mate or Paraguay tea, taken without sugar. My 38 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO informant assured me, that although his people always sought from him remedies for their various ailments, he never heard of more than one case of toothache. Indians of the same race inhabit the towns ; but their habits are widely different, and their diet is a very mixed one, as they indulge greatly in Italian, French, and Spanish cookery, being fond of acid stews and made dishes. They eat immoderately of con- fectionery, and drink their mate with much sugar, indulo-ino^ also in inferior wines. Caries in the teeth prevails extensively among these people, in striking contrast with the inhabitants of the open country. I may add that these statements are confirmed by the observation of a naval medical officer who was stationed some time in the Hio de la Plata. I have been unable to see a sufficient number of skulls from this district to furnish reliable evidence. We have another example of a race subsisting entirely on animal food, in the Arabs who in- habit the Nubian Desert, a district which consists principally of hills varying from 1,000 to 1,800 ft. high, and is destitute of all vegetable products suitable for human food. Their camels subsist on the thorny shrubs growing among the rocks ; and the milk and flesh of these animals (with salt) constitute their sole ordinary food. On their occasional journeys into Egypt to sell FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL EACES. 39 camels, tliey usually bring home a small quantity of wheat, which is never ground, but boiled into a kind of frumenty and eaten as a luxury ; although it must not be reckoned as an ordinary element in their diet. I learn from Mr. Bonomi, who had abundant opportunity of studying the habits of these people, that they have most beautifully regular and sound teeth, and that they constantly clean them before and after every meal — an infrequent practice, among the ruder tribes of mankind. These statements are confirmed by Dr. Murie, who saAV much of these people during his journey along the course of the Nile, and par- ticularly observed the sound state of their teeth ; and the same may be said of the few skulls I have seen. I am informed also, by my friend Mr. Lockhart, — who established the hospitals at Shanghai and Pekin, and had ample oppor- tunities for observing the peculiar diseases of the various tribes in the Chinese empire, — that he had particularly noticed the fine teeth of the nomadic people from Chinese Tartary. These tribes roam over the extensive grassy plains, rearing large herds of oxen and sheep, and are a tall, fine race of men ; they have no vegetable food, but live entirely on mutton. They bring their cattle to Pekin for sale, and on these occa- sions have often sought medical aid for oph- thalmic and other complaints, but never for 40 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO affections of the teeth ; which, Mr. Lockhart observed, were always sound, and regular in position. Although, through the influence of Christianity and civilization, the practice of cannibalism is happily becoming gradually discontinued, I must not omit to recognize its extensive prevalence only a few years since, comprising the period during which the skulls I examined were col- lected. This revolting custom exists under very different conditions. The Fans of Western Africa devour the flesh of enemies slain in battle ; but it is also said, on good authority, that the inhabitants of one village are in the habit of purchasing the bodies of those who have died naturally in a neighbouring one — making payments in ivory. The miserable inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego are addicted to the barbarous practice of canni- balism when at war ; and it is afiirmed that when pressed in winter by hunger, they kill and devour their aged women — alleging that they are useless, as they cannot catch fish or game. The Australian, under similar circumstances of extreme destitution, is known to club and eat his child, wife, or neighbour, but the Fejee Islanders and New Zealanders have no such ex- cuse, — living, as they do, in countries which always supply sufiicient food to prevent a famine — but are murderous cannibals, who prefer human flesh FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL KAGES. 4l to every otlier kind of food. The habits of the Fejees are minutely described, so recently as 1858, by a resident Englishman, Mr. Williams, from whose work I have derived my information. Referring to the remaining cannibal tribes, he says that they slaughter all shipwrecked foreigners, or inhabitants of neighbouring islands, who are cast on their inhospitable shores ; and so far from regarding it as a crime, they boast on going to war, that they shall eat dead men's flesh to repletion. Those who die a natural death are never eaten ; but cannibalism is an element thoroughly inter- woven with their social institutions. If the people of a village give the most trivial offence to a powerful chief, he orders them to be attacked and killed. The bodies are brought home in triumph, and borne from the boats by women ; or they invite their neighbours to friendly barter, when they are surrounded, killed, and baked in ovens. They are a tall, robust race of men ; and among thirty-eight skulls I found only two instances of dental caries, one case in which two teeth were affected, and one of extensive disease. The New Zealanders have too much resembled these people in their habits. They are a vigorous, energetic race, tall and muscular, and superior in intelKgence to the people of Eastern Polynesia. The love of war is with them the spring of 42 EELATION OF DENTAL CAEIES TO every action and tlieir great object ia life, and until recently brought under the humanizing influence of Christian civilization, their country was the very centre of deliberate murder and cannibalism ; for not only their enemies, but un- fortunate shipwrecked sailors, were almost invari- ably killed and eaten. The country produces quantities of nutritive roots, those of the ferns alone supplying a sure resource in times of scarcity, and the shores abound in shell-fish, which are extensively used ; an aliment which probably accounts for the unusual proportion of cases in which the teeth have suffered from severe attrition. The maxillary arch is remarkably expanded, and the teeth are beautifully regular; among sixty- seven skulls, I met with but two cases of caries, one in which two teeth, and in the other four, were affected. On reviewing this catalogue of flesh-eating tribes, including true cannibals, and observing the generally sound condition of their teeth, it must be confessed, that an impression anything but agreeable is left on the mind ; and it is with a feel- ing of relief that we can turn our attention to races, with whom the flesh of animals forms but one element in a more varied diet, or to other tribes who even abstain from it altogether, and yet enjoy, in many instances, a healthy condition of the teeth. FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOIUGINAL RACES. 43 The inhabitants of Eastern Polynesia appear to great advantage with regard to their habits, when compared w4th the cannibals of theWestern islands. They are usually above the middle stature, with well-formed limbs and remarkably graceful figure, although inferior to the New Zealanders and Fee- jeeans in muscular development and physical power. The scenery of these islands is of the most magnificent character, and the vegetation so richly beautiful that voyagers have often styled the country a paradise. The people are very neat and cleanly in their habits, and spend much time in bathing ; but their fine climate yields such an abundance of vegetable products, that they are somewhat prone to idleness, although capable, when necessary, of great exertion. The bread-fruit, plantain, cocoa-nut, with many other fruits, and sugarcane, grow in profusion ; but their usual food consists of plantains, beaten into a paste with cocoa-nut milk, and is called Popoe ; they also consume a considerable quantity of fish. The sea yields a good supply of turtle, and the people rear swine and poultry ; but these articles of food are either reserved for the use of the chiefs or employed in trading with foreign ships. Among seventy-nine skulls I found eight cases of caries, a large proportion extensive ; and absorp- - tion of the alveolar margins was frequent. In nine cases two or more of the third molars were absent. 4-4 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO The people of the Sandwich Islands, lying to the north of the equator, in the corresponding lati- tude to that of the Society Islands on the south of the line, are less favoured with respect to the natural products of their country. The soil is poor, and there are few wild animals or fish. The cocoa-nut, bread-fruit, and plantain are tolerably abundant ; and oranges, lemons, grapes, and water-melons have been introduced ; also goats, swine, cattle, and poultry; but the staple food of the people is the root of an arum, called taro, which is roasted and eaten as a substitute for bread ; — to this we may add the sweet potato, sugarcane, and yam. The inhabitants of these islands are of less graceful form and feature than those of the Southern Pacific Islands. They are of moderate stature ; the face is broad and flat, the features are coarse, the muscles flabby, and there is a great disposition to obesity. Many Americans, and other civilized people, have settled in these islands, and the native race appears to be rapidly diminish- ing in numbers. In twenty-one skulls four cases of caries occurred, two of which were very extensive, and I observed one case of that pitted state of the enamel of the incisors, canines, and first molars, usually known as honeycombed teeth. The natives of that extended tract of country, Chili, lying to the west of the Andes, are a singu- FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAL EACES. 45 larly industrious, active race. Like the Guaclios, on the Atlantic side of the great mountain-range, they are a mixed race of Indian and Spanish extrac- tion, but their diet and occupations are very dis- similar. Their country is traversed in many districts by mountainous spurs, and consequently a great diversity of soil and climate exists : the seasons are as regular as in Europe, and the air is most exhilarating. The principal native fruit is the kernel of the Araucarian pine ; but the Chilian is a diligent agriculturist, and large quantities of excellent maize and wheat are produced, also peas, beans, and other leguminous seeds. Figs, grapes, and peaches are abundant. A striking contrast is observable between the Guachos of the Atlantic and these Guasos of the Pacific flanks of the Andes. The former live exclusively on animal food, the latter almost as constantly on vegetable diet. The former are a pastoral, the latter an agricultural people; and their usual food is wheaten or maize bread, beans, and fruit. The grass is very luxuriant, and in some dis- tricts cattle are reared, their flesh being dried in strips, chiefly for exportation, under the name of "charqui," or jerked beef. These particulars I obtained from a gentleman long resident in the country, who also remarked the singularly fine teeth of these people. The extensive mines of GhiK yield gold, silver, 4G RELATION OP DENTAL CARIES TO copper, lead, and tin, and the whole produce is brought to the surface by the personal labour of the miners, who ascend shafts of 400 or 500 ft., carrying 200 lb. weight of ore on the back, with no other aid than that afforded by notched trunks of trees placed in zigzag. These miners are healthy, cheerful, and active, yet their food consists chiefly of boiled beans, with the addition of bread and figs, and once a week a little jerked beef. Among nineteen skulls, I found two cases of slight disease in the teeth, and one in which five teeth were affected. The dental arch is finely expanded, and I observed no other signs of disease. It has often been remarked with respect to these Indian half-breeds, both of the flesh- eating Guachos and the grain-eating Chilians, that their jaws serve the purpose of an additional hand, as they often pull up the saddle- girths of a restive half-wild horse by the aid of their powerful teeth, or by the same means hold the lasso, by which the wild cattle are secured. The Australian races exhibit in the configura- tion of the skull the lowest type of the human family. They are for the most part improvident savages, and spend their lives in alternate feast- ing and famine. During some portions of the year they hunt the kangaroo, opossum, and emu. Wild turkeys, geese, and swans often abound, and there are many varieties of fish on the coast. But they lay FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 47 up no store, and wlien the game lies close in the winter rains, they resort to any food that can be obtained ; as lizards, grubs, ants, frogs, snakes, or the roots of water-plants ; and even, as already noticed, when driven by hunger, sometimes sacri- fice the weaker members of the community to their cannibal appetite. The cranium in these people is very narrow, the forehead low and re- ceding, the teeth, especially the lower canines, project in a striking manner. The jawbones are powerfully developed, and large in proportion to the cranium. The molar teeth are often of extra- ordinary size, especially the third lower molar, in one instance measuring five-eighths of an inch in width, and the enamel has a curiously porcelain- like appearance. In a considerable proportion of cases these organs are destructively worn, even beyond the limits of the enamel, exposing the pulp-cavity, and causing alveolar abscess. Ir- regularity of the teeth is not infrequent, and caries on the approximate surfaces often occurs ; indeed, I have met with every form of dental disease with which we are familiar among the English race. Among 132 Australian skulls I found caries present in twenty-seven cases, often very extensive. The physical character and habits of the Tas- manian race (now, with the exception of one aged woman, extinct) so closely resembled the 48 EELATTON OV DENTAL CARTES TO Australian that I need only observe that in all points relating to disease, irregularity, or de- structive wearing- of the teeth, the defects of the Australian are exaggerated in the Tasmanian. In thirty-three skulls caries was found in nine cases, and in the majority a considerable number of the teeth were affected. The wide-spread African races next demand our attention, and I have collected a great amount of evidence with regard to the state of their teeth, havins" tabulated their condition in 439 cases. So remarkable a contrast is presented by the teeth of the multitudinous African tribes, that I have taken some pains to trace the cause of this difference in their condition, and to distinguish the several races. The Ashantees, Dahomeans, and some neighbouring tribes on the West Coast are athletic, robust, and warhke ; they frequently overwhelm the provinces inhabited by feebler tribes, killing great numbers of the people and carrying off the remainder as slaves. Although they practise the diabolical custom of immolating their prisoners, as a part of the funeral rites of their chiefs, they do not appear to be guilty of cannibalism. The country abounds with the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopotamus, also with vast herds of many species of antelope, and the natives ex- tensively cultivate the banana and other fruits, sugarcane, yam, beans, peas, and maize. They FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORTOTNAL RACER. 49 have tlierefore no lack of nourisliiDg food, and their bodily frame is powerfully developed. The maxillary arch is very expanded in form, and the frequency of supplemental teeth is a curiously interesting fact, as illustrated by the following instances : — Case 1. — A fourth well-formed molar is present on each side of the upper jaw, the teeth occupy- ing an exactly regular position in the dental arch. Case 2. — A fourth upper molar is present on each side in the upper jaw, the supplemental teeth inclining slightly toward the buccal side of the arch. Case 3. — A perfect fourth molar is present on the left side only. Case 4. — A mal-formed fourth molar on each side. Case 5. — A similar example. Case 6. — Also resembling Case 4. Case 7. — A well-formed right upper supple- mentary first bicuspid, occupying a natural posi- tion in the arch. ^ Case 8. — A supplementary left upper bicuspid in regular position. Case 9. — A third upper right bicuspid on palatal side of maxillary arch. Caries has re- sulted in this case on the approximal surface of the additional tooth, also on the second bicuspid. Case 10. — A supplementary upper canine on each side, in regular position. 50 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO Case 11. — A duplicate well-formed right upper central incisor. It is a remarkable circumstance that I met with no example of a supplementary tooth in the lower jaw; but the third lower molar is frequently larger than the second. I had the opportunity of examining the skulls of three of those noted female warriors, the Dahomean Amazons. The skulls were by no means remarkable for powerful development of the facial bones. In two cases the teeth were perfectly sound ; in the third case the first and second molars on both sides of the upper jaw were slightly carious on their approximal surfaces. Among 92 sculls of these tribes, I found 11 cases of caries, — usually of very moderate extent. In the Zulu Caffres, dAvelling on the southern coast of Africa, we find a similar example of a race who have long been the terror of the neigh- bouring tribes ; and I have obtained a very full account of these people from a gentleman long resident at Durban, in Natal. The Zulus are very superior in intelligence to all the other South Africans, and are physically a powerful and athletic race. They have pursued their devas- tating course, conquering tribe after tribe, and killing or carrying away the inhabitants as slaves, until a district 400 miles in length, which a century ago was thickly populated, liecame as desolate and barren as in its orighial state of I'oop, KTC, AMt».\n ,\i;oi;](;iN.vi; IJACHS. 51 wild bush, and all traces of luunan habitation were obliterated; the miserable remnant of the conquered people wandering without huts, cattle, or corn, and sustaining -a precarious existence upon roots and shell-fish. The country of the Caftrcs is well stocked with the elephant, hippopotamus, antelope, rhinoceros, and wild boar. The manatee frequents the coast, water-fowl and fish abound, and they have extensive herds of cattle ; but their ordinary food consists of curdled milk, millet, beans, and maize. The flesh of animals is a much-prized luxury, only consumed on special occasions, as in the training of their warriors, who, for a long time before an intended foray, are supported almost entirely on flesh-meat, to give them strength and courage ; a system of diet which is also recog- nized among civihzed nations as that most con- ducive to the development of muscular power. In forty-nine skulls I find six instances of caries, five of which were of very limited extent. The maxillary arch is of singularly fine proportions, and the teeth are usually very regular and perfect. It is worthy of notice that they make a constant practice of diligently cleaning the teeth after eating. If we turn our attention to the more feeble African tribes from which the slave-markets are supplied, we see great deterioration in the state of the teeth ; and, by a curious coincidence, the 52 i;i;l\tiiin iif dkntai, caimks to proportion oF siil)jects tabulated in wliom caries occurSj is precisely the same on the eastern and western coasts, although the disease is far more severe in dpjjreG among the western tribes. Tliese races inhabit marshy districts along the course of the great rivers, and are subject to fevers, rheumatism, and neuralgic affections ; and the general tone of health is often very low. The 25lantain appears to be their staple food in times of peace ; but from their frequent state of disquiet, owing to the marauding practices of the slave-hunting tribes, they often neglect cultiva- tion, and are also deprived of their cattle. Under these circumstances they sustain life upon wild berries and roots ; but this kind of vegetable food is found to be so insufficient to satisfy the de- mands of the s^^stem, that they have a special word, " Gonamba," signifying an irresistible craving for fiesh-meat. If they are not so fortunate as to secure any of the larger animals, as the elephant, deer, antelope, &c., they are compelled to resort to t\\Q flesh of the monkey, rat, snake, or frog ; 1)ut that of the dog appears to be preferred to every other kind. I have examined 269 skulls of Africans who have been brought down as slaves to the various points of the coast, and have died of disease or exhaustion : they vary so much, in form, capa- city, and thickness, that they evidently belong- to manv various tribes of the interior. ' The FOOD, hl'IV,, AAIONT^ AHORirilVAl, K'ACKS. 5o enamel of the teetli is sometimes very coarse in texture; in others vcrj thin, fragile, or opaque, and the configuration of tlie dental arch often presents a striking contrast to its develop- ment among the n)ore powerful Ashantees and Caifres. Of seventy-four cases of caries I found thirty-eight in which it occurred on the approxi- mal surfaces, a condition evidently due to in- sufficient expansion of the maxillary arch, as a consequence of defective nutrition. In no less than eighteen cases the whole of the molars and bicuspides were carious, and (which is of rare occurrence among savage tribes) the incisors and canines were often involved. A widely-extended custom prevails of knocking out the right central incisor in early manhood, and I have found many instances in which, judging from the form of the jawbone, the molar teeth had been extracted, and not lost by a natural process of absorption. The third molar in these tribes also is fre- quently larger than the second, and I observed among them five cases of irregularity from con- tracted arch, and many examples of misshapen molars and bicuspides, also four cases of super- numerary teeth, usually of distorted form. The Bushmen are a people of singularly dwarf- ish stature, distinct from the true negroes, and live in the deserts of Southern Africa from choice, possessing an intense love of liberty. They are the only real nomads in the country, never cultivating E 2 54 i;i;i,\TIsistence from their flesh. Notwithstanding the great skill of the Bushmen in the use of the bow and arrow, by which they secure feathered and other game, they are often reduced to the verge of famine by the protracted drought to which this country is liable, driving the wild animals away from their accustomed haunts. Under these circumstances they eat locusts, caterpillars, and a species of frog, said by Dr. Livingstone to be nearly as large as a chicken. When these resources fail, they collect wild beans and edible roots, the most valuable of which are those of the succulent Mesembryanthemum famil3\ Giro wing in these arid deserts, they are furnished with thick, fleshy leaves, having pores capable of absorbing moisture with avidity, retaining it in the driest atmosphere ; and the large tuberous root often supplies by its succulent properties the lack of water. As we might reasonably expect, the frequent privation of food produces its usual effect on the condition of the teeth. Among the twenty-nine skulls I have examined I have found six cases of caries, the majority being of an extensive charac- F00ii, ETC., AMONG ABUEIGLXAL liACES. 55 ter, and in nine cases tlie teetli liarl nndergonc destructive attrition. The Hindoos residing in the southern parts of India are extensive consumers of rice, and it is usually spoken of as their staff of life. It is, however, a mistake to suppose that vigorous health and strength can be maintained exclusively on diet so poor in flesh-forming material, and I have perused with much interest the elaborate official rejiorts upon the diet of the inhabitants of every part of India. From these sources of infor- mation I learn that, although rice is the staple article of food throughout wide districts, there are no absolute vegetarians in India. Those who, like the strict Brahmins, abstain from flesh, consume much milk, curds, ghee (or clarified butter), fruits, and vegetables. The castes who are less strict in their dietary, on religious grounds, are accustomed to eat mutton, poultry, pork, goats' flesh, venison, or other nutritious meats, when their circumstances enable them so to do. The poorer classes supplement the deficient nutritive value of the rice, by millet and various kinds of dhall, under which designa- tion are included lentils, vetches, beans, and other leguminous seeds. This kind of diet is, however, often indigestible if taken in large quantities ; and when they can obtain fish they eat it, although very frequently in a semi-putrid condition. In various parts of the country they consume the 56 l.'RLATinX OF PRXTAL CARIES TO ticsh of the liorse, the porcupine, squirrel, iguana, and frog ; also marine, fresh- water, or land snails. Indeed, no l)east, bird, reptile, fish, or other animal appears to be unacceptable among some sections of the community. The Mussulmen eat every kind of meat but pork, and the wealthier among them often prefer wheat (which is brought from the northern districts) to rice. A great variety of fruits, as the plantain, date, cocoa-nut, mango, &c,, enter into their diet, and they use quantities of fresh veo-etables, with hot condiments in their curries. All classes manifest an extraordinary fondness for sweetmeats, which are supplied in endless variety and profusion. They are made of flour, sugar, and spice, and are boiled in ghee or syrup, old men eating them with as much avidity as children. An Indian officer informed me that a native cavalry regiment, known as Skinner's Irre- gular Horse, were never so well pleased with any reward for their services as with a supply of sweetmeats. After a victory, a regimental order was usually issued, directing that two pounds of sweetmeats should be served out to each man, the whole of which was consumed before the morning. Among seventy-one skulls examined from Southern India, I found ten cases of caries ; in three of which six teeth were involved. If Ave turn our attention to the lofty temperate FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL lUCES. 57 regions of ]S[ortliern Iiiclici, coiiiprisiug* tlie upper water-slied of the Ganges and Bramah-pootra, we find much greater simplicity in the diet of the inhabitants than is prevalent among those of the southern provinces. An officer of the Royal Engineers, who was stationed foi' a considerable time in the district, informs me that their diet consists of unleavened bread made from wheat-flour, ground in hand- mills and not sifted, (this is made into small cakes, called chupatties, baked, and eaten with salt and butter,) which, with the addition of milk and cheese, and occasionally of boiled lentils, consti- tute their entire aliment. The district is inhabited by three distinct races of people. The Kumalies were originally Thi- betians, a pure Mongolian race ; the Rohillas are of Aflfghan origin, and the Goojery Hindoos are of the same stock as tliose of the plains. In many localities these three tribes exist side by side, preserving their distinctions of race ; in others every variety of modification results from intermarriage ; but in each case their diet is tlic same throughout the district. My informant, who was stationed at a distance from any medical man, was frequently apphed to by the natives for medicine to relieve their various disorders, but he never saw or heard of a single instance of toothache ; and he |)articularly noticed that their teeth ^vere very regular, of good colour, 68 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TU only. moderately worn down, and were frequently retained to an advanced aoe. The Government official reports, referring to the people uf this district, designate them a finely-developed race, muscular, strong, and active, far superior to the rice-eating inhabi- tants of the plains, and making much better soldiers. AYe have here evidence that different races living under the same conditions are all alike influenced by them ; and if we take the teeth as a test of the difference between the northern and southern people, we shall also find these state- ments corroborated. In 152 skulls from ISTorthern India I found but nine cases of caries, and in no instance were more than two teeth affected, presenting a very favour- able contrast to those from Southern India, in which the numerical proportion of cases is more than double, and the extent of disease far greater in many instances. I received from Count Wollowicz, a military surgeon in the British service, an interesting illus- tration of the effect of a similar diet upon the people in Abyssinia, living between Zoola and Senafe. They live princij^ally upon the highly nitrogenized seeds of Holcus Sorghum, a kind of millet, and the Count assures me that he had ascertained that their teeth were I'emarkably sound. FOUi>, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAI; KACKS. 59 The Malays inhabiting the Indian Archipelago enjoy a luxurious climate, amidst tropical vege- tation. Bananas, cocoa-nuts, and other fruits abound ; birds and fish are also plentiful. The people are, on the whole, a vigorous, healthy race, much occupied in maritime affairs, and too frequently addicted to piracy. It is a common practice with these people to file the labial surfaces of the upper incisors and cuspidati deeply into the dentine, in some cases exposing the pulp-cavity, and giving rise to alveolar abscess. Among twenty-four skulls I found two cases in which two teeth were affected, and only one of extensive caries, which shows some improvement as compared with the teeth of the inhabitants of Southern India. The Chinese live to a great extent under con- ditions as artificial as those of the inhabitants of European cities. I have received much valuable information from my friend Mr. Lockhart, who, when superintending the hospital at Pekin, had every opportunity of acquainting himself with the habits of the Chinese in every grade of society, that their diet is often very complex and unwhole- some. Rice is their staple food ; but in some districts they partially substitute millet. They also eat quantities of salted cabbage in a semi-putrid condition, and prepare other ve- getables in a similar manner, afterwards frying them in oil. Tliose avIio can afford it eat pork, 60 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES 'J'O duckSj fowls, tislij and other animal food, wliicli is cut into pieces and stewed in oil or soup. All classes take their food quite hot, they never drink cold water, but they drink tea at all their meals, and also at intervals throughout the day. The beverage is invariably presented to visitors, and is sipped at first nearly boihng hot, the remainder being allowed to become lukewarm. Their teeth are very faulty, and the incisors are often carious in early life ; they are very neglect- fid in cleanliness with regard to these organs. The Manchoo Tartars, the inhabitants of Pekin, suffer equally with those of southern China. Mr. Lockhart has also supplied me with another example of the influence of differing physical con- ditions on the general health and that of the teeth in people of the same race. The Chinese who inhabit the hilly country comprised in the Shangtung promontory, are em- ployed by the Government to fetch the tribute of rice from the southern provinces. Tlie grain is conveyed in canal-boats, and the voyage, which is very protracted, involves much physical exertion. These people are tall, their stature being rarely under six feet ; they are very healthy, and possess singularly fine teetli. The opposite promontory of Corea is a marshy unhealthy district ; the people are a small, stunted, and shrivelled race, far in- ferior to the Chinese generally ; they have miser- able health, and suffer much from carious teeth. TOO]), ETCI., AMONG ABOETGINAL IIACES. 61 I have examined twenty-seven Chinese skulls, in ten of which caries was present, and in eight of the number the disease was very extensive. That a predisposition to caries in the teeth, like other diseases, is largely dependent on general hygienic conditions, is, I consider, sup- ported by evidence derived from a people much easier of access to us than the examples already quoted. In the picturesque region of the Italian Alps, extending from the eastern side of the "Yal Sesia " to the " Val Brega- glia," a custom prevails strangely at variance with our English standard of propriety, and the practice has extended in some cases into the Canton Valais, in Switzerland. After the body of a deceased relative has been buried for a period varying from one to three years, the head is dis- interred, and, having been duly cleansed by persons who cultivate that speciality, the name of the deceased is inscribed on the frontal bone, and the skull is placed in the mortuary chapel of the vil- lage, — the cranium of a priest being distinguished by the black sacerdotal cap of the late owner. Our feelings may revolt from the practice, as a breach of good taste and reverential regard for the memory of those whom we liave loved and lost, nevertheless it affords an unusual facility for examinino- a laro-e number of skulls in excellent condition ; but the task is attended with some difficulty, and possible risk to the too curi- 62 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES 'J'O ous explorer, as these ossuaries are provided with an iron grating, which is usually locked, rendering it a difficult matter to obtain accurate statistics. I have, however, availed myself of the opportunity afforded by four autumn holi- days to examine the skulls, when I could gain admission without attracting notice ; and I was struck with the singularly perfect condition of the teeth in nearly every skull, only a small per- centage exhibiting any sign of caries ; I found the dental arch well expanded, and the teeth regular, meeting but one solitary case of contracted arch, which was a thoroughly V-shaped upper jaw. The people inhabiting these elevated villages live in the full sunlight throughout the year, and breathe a pure air ; they are vigorous, singularly erect in carriage, and accustomed, especially the young- women, to carry large quantities of grass and other heavy weights on the head. Their diet principally consists of milk and its products, with polenta, a porridge made of Indian corn-meal — not the starch known as corn-flour in England, but the entire meal, comprising its due proportion ' of gluten. In the season they also have an abun- dance of grapes, figs, and chestnuts. Among these people, we rarely see a case of goitre, no cretinism, and, as I have remarked, little dental disease. A sad contrast is presented by the inhabitants of two great valleys lying respectively north and south of the dividing chain of the Alps, and who I"OOI>, KTl.'.j AMoNCi .\i;(»i;i(!l.\AL l;\('ES. ('>:] are of the same races as those inhabitino' tlie mountam slopes. In the Val d' Aosta, and in the Rhone valley, the people are mainly fed on a similar diet to that of the mountaineers, with the addition of some less simple food, and a greater consumption of wine ; but their deep valleys are overshadowed on the southern side by high moutains, which almost entirely shut out the sun in winter-time ; these valleys have always been noted for the presence of goitre and cretinism, and precisely in these localities, I found disease of the teeth a common complaint. Thus we see that general hygienic conditions are often as much concerned in the growth of healthy teeth as food, and that people living in marshy districts present a great contrast to the dwellers in healthy regions ; a view of the case which is confirmed by medical friends with regard to several races. My paper has been discursive, but facts may perhaps be thus better fixed in the memory, and a few deductions may, I think, be fairly drawn from the data. An ample supply of food con- taining a due proportion of nitrogenous or tissue- forming material is absolutely necessary to the development of healthy teeth. The source from which the proteine is derived is of compsTatively little consequence, whether it be raw or cooked flesh, fowl, or fish ; milk or its products"; the 64- J^KLATION (M' MENTAL CAIMES Td cereals, fruits, or roots, provided only that a sufficient quantity of the element is present ; but some modification of the diet is required to suit various climates. It has usually been supposed that an exclusiveh" vegetable diet is the l^est adapted to hot countries, l)nt we find that the flesh -abjuring Brahmins are more readily affected l3y the Indian heat than Englishmen ; they are obese, apathetic, and have less power of resisting disease ; they are not long lived, and supply few good soldiers to the army ; whilst the lower caste of Hindoos largely supplement their amylaceous food with legu- minous seeds, milk, and fish, which are sub- servient to the formation and reparation of animal tissues. Nevertheless, the people of Northern India, living on wheat and milk alone, are liable, in t\ie proportion of only one-third the frequency to dental caries, which is also slight in degree as compared with the inhabitants of the plains. In very cold countries, on the other hand, in addition to flesh-forming food, there is a con- stantly urgent demand for oils and fats, that the temperature of the body may he maintained at the normal standard when the thermometer in- dicates a degree of cold far below zero ; and the excessive amount of oleaginous food which, could it be taken in a hot chmate, would be stored in the svstem as fat, only serves to keep up the J'OOD, iriV.. AMO\(^ AI'.OK'KIINAL l.'ACKS. ()5 nccessaril}^ energetic vital combustion. We have here a remarkable illustration of the power Avhicli the human organization possesses of adapting itself to various climates to an extent Avhich is not equalled liy any of the lower animals, and is paralleled only by the dog; to a lesser ex- tent also by the tiger and puma amongst the mammalia. A remarkable difference is observable in regard to the different modes of attrition of the teeth. Those tribes who, from careless preparation of their food, allow sand to mix with it, usually grind down all their teeth equally, as in the notable examples of the Egyptians, and tlie salmon-eating North American Indians.* AYhen the aliment consists of hard seeds, roots, or tough animal food, the greatest amount * A singular contrast is presented by the teeth of the Ele- pliant, with respect to the severe attrition which is absolutely necessary to their efficienc}'. I was infoi'med by a gentleman in the Indian Civil Service that he found the Elephants belonging to his department were losing flesh and strength. On examining the cause, he found that the soft food with which they were supplied in captivity was altogether insufficient for keeping the three tissues of the teeth — enamel, dentine, and cementum — in the nneven degree of attrition necessary for masticating. Consequently the grinding sui-faces of these organs were quite flat and smooth. Recollecting that in a wild state these animals live on bi'anches and leaves of trees, and on roots which they dig out of the sandy soil, the keepers were ordered to mix sand with their food, and the animals soon recovered their health. G6 IM'M/ATIOX OK DEjNTAIi CAIJIMS TO of degradation occurs on tlie surface of tlie first molars — towards the lingual side in the upper, and the 1)uccal in the lower jaw. Moreover, with those who live on liighly nitrogenized food, the exposed ]3uli) becomes gradually and entirely calcified, and the tooth is often Avorn down to the neck without giving rise to abscess ; but when there is defective nourish- ment — inflammation, abscess, and extensive alve- olar absorption are constantly observable. We have seen that dental caries is not exclu- sively the attendant of civilization, for it often prevails among the feebler savage tribes, whilst it is rare among their more powerful neighbours, by whom their cattle are stolen, and their strongest men killed or carried away into slavery ; general deterioration of the race ensues, and the dental tissues are involved in the results of defective nutrition. I hope we shall obtain some light from these investigations upon that oft-repeated and im- portant inquiry. Why are diseases of the teeth more common now in civilized life then they formerly were ? There are, doubtless, multitudes of feeble lives which, in a ruder state of society, would have succumbed in infancy ; but which, by careful nurture, and the advance of medical skill, are saved, and the general health is fairly estabHshed. AVe must, however, remember that FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RAPES. 0)7 the teeth are not hke the other tissues, but, as already observed, when once formed have so slight reparative power that they remain per- sistently defective ; whilst the influence of cumulative hereditary tendency too often operates on succeeding generations. It is to be feared that a large amount of dental disease is originated by overtaxing the active brain of children. According to the best authorities, the most rapid increase in the growth of the brain takes place before seven years of age ; and it must be remembered that the crowns of all the permanent teeth, with the exception of the third molars, are in the course of development simultaneously with this great advance in the size of the brain. May we not therefore reasonably suppose, that through the diminished vitality consequent upon this diversion of the formative energy from the teeth, through the morbid influence of premature mental exer- tion, these organs necessarily become degenerated ; and that this circumstance constitutes one great difference between the teeth of the intellectual and those of the uncultivated families of man- kind? It has often been remarked of men who have become eminent for their learning, that they were idle scholars in boyhood ; and a celebrated divine has recorded that his father never praised him up to \hQ age of twelve, for anything but his ability to F 68 EELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO roll great stones, which his elder and more studious brothers could scarcely move ; yet, when once he applied himself to study, he made such rapid pro- gress that he became the only member of the family who achieved eminence. I wish it were possible to obtain the statistics of the condition of the teeth in these cases, where the brain was not set to hard work until the teeth had obtained their due development. My attention has long been directed to this point, and I feel satisfied that I have traced the existence of disease in the teeth to the prejudicial influence of premature intellectual effort in many instances, where it could not be accounted for, either on the ground of hereditary tendency, unsuitable diet, or in- sufficient exercise. It is a recognized fact among ethnologists, that civilization tends to diminish the size of the facial bones. The savage eats his tough or hard food either raw or imperfectly cooked, and an excessive development of the maxillae and of the zygomatic arch is thereby induced ; whereas in civilized hfe the well-cooked food demands less effort in masti- cation, and the facial bones become less expanded and robust. As the relative size of the teeth does not appear to be in a corresponding degree affected, we may thus in many instances account for the want of proportion between the teeth and their sockets, which is not only the cause of irregularity, but FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. G9 also a fruitful source of caries on tlie approximal surfaces of the teeth. A reference to the teeth of savage races will show that irregularity is as rare, as destructive attrition is common, among them; whilst these conditions are precisely reversed with respect to the teeth of highly-civilized peoples. These considerations point out the urgent necessity for diligent brushing of teeth, which is involved in civilized life, to compensate for the healthy friction exercised upon the teeth and gums by less perfectly cooked food. I have noticed a striking fact with regard to an uneven structure of the enamel with which we are only too familiar, — its irregular deposition on the incisors, cuspidati, and first molai'S, popularly known as honeycombed teeth; whilst upon the premolars and the second and third true molars this tissue is perfectly developed. Among the many hundreds of skulls, ancient and modern, which I have examined, I have met with but two examples of this defect ; one of these occurred in the skull of a West-Indian negro, the other in that of a Sandwich Islander, and as the former was living under English, the latter probably under American influences, I think we cannot be mistaken in attributing these excep- tional cases to some cause connected with the practices of civilized people, which probably may be the administration of mercury in childhood. f2 70 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO I believe that the present generation of adults are, in many cases, suffering from the injury inflicted on their teeth by mercurial medicines administered in infancy ; and this, not so much by medical authority as by the treatment of injudicious mothers, who thirty years ago considered calomel and grey powder very innocent domestic remedies ; and I am persuaded that I have in many instances traced the connection between such medicines and the dental defect. Happily for the rising generation these ma- ternal experiments are now generally made with doses as harmless as they are minute. My chief object in this paper has been the investigation of the predisposing causes of dental caries, but I ought not to omit recognizing the influence of febrile and dyspeptic afiections in developing disease in previously sound teeth. The adulteration of bread with alum* is also, I strongly suspect, a source of much evil, not only in regard to the inferior nutritive quality of the flour which is thus made into saleable bread, but * On visiting an extensive alum maniifactoiy some years since, I inquired if they disposed of the product to the dyers as a mordant ; but to my astonishment was told, that the whole of the alum was sold to the millers, excepting a small quantity to bakers, and I saw a lai'ge number of sacks full of alum, granulated to the size of pearl-bai-ley, the more readily to be mixed with wheat before grinding. It is, moreover, to l>e feared that the baker sometimes ignores this, and follows out liis own traditional practice by adding a second dose of alum. FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABORIGINAL RACES. 71 to the direct influence of this bi-sulphate upon the enameh The introduction of this practice is of no recent date, as I unexpectedly met with a complaint respecting it, in one of Smollett's works published exactly a century ago. The greatly increased consumption of sweet- meats may probably be also regarded as exercising a prejudicial influence upon the teeth. The use of acid gargles and medicines, without due precaution, the employment of gritty tooth powders, and the effect, upon some teeth, of the habitual use of camphor, must all be taken into account. On some of these points I am coUecting data, and have experiments in progress, which may possibly throw light upon the subject. We may learn from the circumstance that the rice-eating people of India are obliged to com- pensate for the poorness of the grain in flesh- forming elements, by adding pulse or some animal food to their diet, that the practice of feeding children with starch, whether it be derived from wheat, arrowroot, maize, or other sources, is, on the principle " ex nihilo nihil fit," incapable of resulting in the formation of healthy tissues, unless abundance of milk or other food rich in nitrogenous principles be added to the diet ; and that the entire meal of wheat, deprived of only the coarsest bran, is a far more nutritious food, — although the amylaceous preparations referred to. 72 RELATION OF DENTAL CARIES TO if combined witli milk, are doubtless invaluable in cases of feeble digestion. It may be a fanciful association of ideas, but I cannot help endeavouring to explain tliat remark- able tendency to decay in the teeth of children born of English parents in India, — whatever care is bestowed on their diet and regimen, — by the fact that the more vigorous tribes, who were the ancestors of the present people of Britain, were of northern origin. It is just possible that the mysterious law which impels the swallow, the nightingale, and other birds inhabiting the north of Africa, to rear their young in our cooler climate, whilst the flocks of wild fowl who spend their winter on our shores and meres, are summoned by the same irresistible instinct to hatch their broods in a region ap- proaching the Arctic circle, — may help us to an explanation, and that the tonic influence of our climate is necessary to the development of healthy tissues in children of British race. I should not have felt justified in devoting my attention to this subject on so extensive a scale, as a mere question of scientific interest, but I entertain the hope that we may derive some practical results from the investigation. Mean- while, it would be very desirable that accurate statistics should be obtained, in various parts of the United Kingdom, which would enable us to see the relative tendency to disease of FOOD, ETC., AMONG ABOEIGINAL RACES. 73 tlie teeth among rural and urban populations, and what relations it may bear to their intellectual advancement and occupations, their food and sanitary conditions. A comparison between the classes living mainly on wheat, oatmeal, and potatoes would be espe-" cially valuable. With this object, it would be very instructive, wherever practicable, to examine the teeth of all the occupants of large schools, factories, workhouses, and other establishments in town and country districts. Elaborate data have already been published on matters relating to general health, and Mr. Tomes has supplied ^s with very valuable tables, exhibiting the relative tendency of different classes of teeth to decay ; but, as far as I am aware, the percentage of individuals subject to dental caries in England has yet to be ascer- tained. As the organization of the Odontolo- logical Society is especially favourable to the prosecution of such research, I hope that many members will select and work out some particular line of observation, and that the members of our sister society in Scotland will also use their efforts in a similar direction. I cannot help feeling hopeful with regard to the future ; and I trust that due attention to the diet, and appropriate mental and physical training of children, with the constant advance made in the treatment of dental diseases, will be followed by beneficial results to succeeding generations. 74 RELATION OF DENTAL OARIES TO FOOD, ETC. The limited leisure at my command has only allowed me to pursue these investigations as an occasional relaxation from my daily duties, and facts have thus accumulated but slowly during the past nine years. The undertaking, however im- perfectly executed, has often furnished an inter- esting pursuit on a holiday tour, as well as matter for reflection in hours of leisure ; and I can scarcely bring this protracted inquiry to a close, for the present, without some feeling of regret. In conclusion, I must record my deep sense of obligation to Professor RoUeston, Dr. Davis, and Dr. Thurnam, also to Canon Greenwell; and to Professor Flower for the facihties he has so often afforded me for pursuing my investigations in the Hunterian Museum at unseasonably early hours. My grateful acknowledgments are also due to Dr. Birch, to Mr. Newton, and Mr. Franks, of the British Museum ; and to Mr. Grenfell and Mr. Hamilton, who have so kindly aided me in con- sulting works in the library of that institution. I am, moreover, much indebted to the medical authorities at Netley, and to the curators of the various hospital and other museums which I have visited, for the uniform courtesy I have ■experienced. FOOD. REMARKS. I', "v^'ild boar jir, barley, oats, roots somewbat similar to tbe above fish, .wheat, and miscellaneous jwine, game, wheat, barley, beans, e, fish. 3, ibex, fish, &c., wheat, pulse, Maxillary bones usually vei veloped. Molai's often worn obliquely. Secondary dentine formed in ' Teetli more worn down. Approximal surfaces afiected. Secondary dentine formed in Skulls extremely varied in ( size. Caries often extens' Abscess ensuing upon exposu: by attrition. Incisors, in some cases carious frequent. The preceding remarks will : group. Considerable variation in si skulls. Caries in some cases affecting eluding the incisors. I often very extensive. Teeth more frequently worn, tine often formed. Ab rare occurrence. Great variety of type. In nine cases every molar and In two cases all the upper in Alveolar abscess frequent. ANCIENT R^VCES. H » :?; ^ W Akcient Britons (DoLicno- G8 cephalic) Ancibnt Britons (Brac cephalic) Ancient Britons (Canon 59 24 7 Gbeenwell's Explorations) Ancient Britons (Miscel- 44 9 3 LAN sous) RoMANO-BaiTONS 143 41 a Anglo-Saxons "U 12 7 Ancient Egyptians 3G 1-5 2 2v to 2* 2-94 34 Oxen, reil ttcer, wild boar Maxillary bones usually very iioworfully de- veloited. Molars often worn oblitiuely. Secondary dentine formed in pulp-cavity. 3 2i^to 2i- 21-87 5 9 9 13 26 7 1 1 5 4 20 3 i 2 2>- to 2i 20-45 S 19 29 9 6 8 4 5 2A- to 2^ 2867 1 1 11 12 1 7 5 1 1 2ito2| 15-78 6 2i to 2^ 41-66 Deer, wild boar, barley, oats, roots Teeth more worn down. Approximal surfaces affected. Secondary dentine formed in pulp-cavity. Diet jirobably somewhat similar to the above . Skulls extremely varied in configuration and size. Caries often extensive. Abscess ensuing upon exposure of pulp-cavity by attrition. ' Incisors, in some cohcs curious, and irregularity frequent. Ditto The preceding remarks will also apply to this group. Oxen, itheep, fij^h, .wheat, and miscellaneous Considerable variation in sizo and form of hixuries. skulls. Caries in some cases affecting all the teeth, in- cluding the incisors. Abscess frequciit, often very extensive. Oxen, sheep, swinp, game, wheat, barley, beans. Teeth more frequently worn. Secondary dt-u- milk, cheese, fish. tine often formed. Alveolar abscess of Oxen, antelope, ibex, fish, Jcc, wheat, pulse, Great variety of type. vegetables. In nine cases every molar and bicuspid c In two cases all the upper incisoni caric Alveolar abscess frequent. FOO H 4 1 2 3 15 4 8 MODERN RACES. esqoi maux North Americans (Coast)... North Americans (Interior) South Americans (Chili) ... Fejee Islanders Polynesian (Various) Sandwich Islanders New Zealanders Austhallans Tassianians Malays Chinese East Indian (North) East Indian (Sooth) African (East) Caffres BOSJESMEN and HoTTENTOTS . African (West) Ashastees lis ^ H 2 Z 2; a < 3i 32 1 1 3#to2f 2-89 2fto2J 3-57 28 Salmon, moose, reindei Zygomatic ai-ch very powerfully developed. Secondary dentine tilling pulp-cavity. Teeth very extensively won Secondary dentine formed. No alveolar abscess. 2 3 1 1 2|to2A 800 13 4 1 2 3 * C7 2 1 1 132 27 8 2 lU 33 9 3 24 3 2 2ito3| 15-78 2jto2|^ 5-26 2|to2* 1012 2ito2i 19-04 2*to2i 2-98 U 28 1 5 3 2ito2j 20-45 4 2* to 21 27-27 27 10 1 152 9 9 3 6 5 1 3 4 3 G 4 1 3 3 2 9 1 2* to 25 12-5 2jto2| 37-37 24to2t 5-92 2jto24 1484 2 21 to 25 24-24 1 1 Musk-ox, moose, bison, beaver and other fur- bearing auimals j wild roots. 19 Human flesh, pigs, turtle, fish, maize, taro, bread-fruit, plantain, cocoa-nut. 5 Goat, pig, turkey, cocoa-mit, bread-fruit, plantain, taro. 5 Kangaroo, opossum, turkey, emu, iguana, ants, frogs, yam, wild roots. 4 Kangaroo and other game, roots, shell-fish 8 Birds, fish, bananas, cocoa-nut, yam 3 Pork, poultry, fish, rice, millet, salted cab- bage, vegetables. 17 Wheat-meal bread, beans, milk and its products. 7 Rice, millet, pulse, fish, sheep, pork, wild animals, roots. 4 Millet, maize, wild roots, antelopes, ele- phants, otter. Millet, milk, curds, maize, fish (beef ( , sionally). 2jto2f 20-71 5 Wild animals generally, roots and be 236 66 22 7 23 14 35 31 23 92 U 6 6 9 2'-to2S 27-90 4 Millet, wild animals, fish, dog, roots 11-95 8 Maize, millet, bananas, yams; beef ami mutton occmionally. Secondary dentine Secondary dentine Teeth soruetimes considerably worn. No abscess. Caries very slight in degi'ee. Teeth often extensively worn. Alveolar abscess frequent. Caries more extensive. Teeth ill developed. Abscess frequent. A case of honey-combed teeth. Maxillary arch very expanded. Caries very slight in degree. Teeth worn. Secondary dentine. Excessive abscess, following attrition. Caries often very extensive. Similar condition, in aggravated proportion and degi'ee. Teetli often extensively carious. Alveola abscess frequent. Little iittiitiou. Teeth very fine, white, and regular, in som cases much worn. Secondary dentine. No case of alveolar abscess. Teeth less i-obust, often deeply i Caries and abscess frequent and extensive. Front teeth often filed to a pointed form. Teeth often singularly fine. Secondary dentine formed, when much v Caries often extensive. Froqii.nt irregu- larity and supernumerary teeth. Abscess frequent A central incisor often extracted. Teeth usually very fine. Well-foriiietl supplementary teeth of fi-equent Alveolar abscess rare. ^ ^ "IjNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. W. ^^•n%i Uk , «.^ HOMED MAY 15 197) ^iS^^ 74 JUL 13 REC'D moMB) MAV 29 ,a3s^£Oi-«0ME0 JUN 9 1978 JOA/j 3/?fCl &'; 978 Form L9-116m-8,'62(D1237s8)444 3 1158 00346 7452