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• ill'!' III!
John S.Prell
Printed by J. Smith, Printer to the University ;
CM & Mechanical Engineer.
On Matter and Motion 2
On the Laws of Motion IG
On the Composition and Resolution of Motion 28
On the Mechanical Powers 42
On the Center of Gravity 84
On the Collision of Bodies 101
On accelerated and retarded Motion 121
On the Oscillation of Bodies 142
On Projectiles 165
Appendix. Action of Bodies on Machines in Motion 180
The term Mechanics has at different times, and by
different writers, been applied to branches of science essen-
tially distinct from each other. It was originally confined
to the doctrine of equilibrium, or the investigation of the
proportion of powers when they balance each other.
Later writers, adapting the term to their discoveries,
have used it to denote that science which treats of the
nature, production, and alteration of motion ; giving to
the former branch, by way of contra-distinction, the name
of Statics.
Others, giving the term a still more comprehensive
meaning, have applied it to both these sciences.
None of these definitions will exactly suit our present
purpose; the first being too contracted, and the others
much too extensive, for a treatise which is intended to
be an introduction only, to the higher branches of philo-
sophy. Our system of Mechanics will comprise the doctrine
of equilibrium, and so much of the science of motion as is
necessary to explain the effects of impact and gravity.
A .
Art. (1.) Matter is a substance, the object of our
senses, in which are always united the following properties ;
extension, figure, solidity, mobility, divisibility, gravity,
and inactivity.
(2.) Extension may be considered in three points of
view: 1st. As simply denoting the part of space which lies
between two points, in which case it is called distance.
2d. As implying both length and breadth, wheil it is
denominated surface or area. 3d. As comprising three
dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness; in which case
it may be called bulk, capacity, or content. It is used
in the last of these senses when it is said to be a property
of matter.
(3.), Figure is the boundary of extension. The por-
tions of matter, from which we receive our ideas of this
substance, are bounded ; that is, they have figure.
(4.) Solidity is that property of matter by which it
fills space ; or, by which any portion of matter excludes
every other portion from that part of space which it oc-
cupies; and tluis it is capable of resistance and protrusion.
" There is no idea which we receive more constantly from
sensation than solidity. Whether we move or rest, in what
posture soever we are, we always feel something under us
that supports us, and hinders our farther sinking down-
wards; and the bodies which we daily handle make us
perceive that, whilst they remain between them, they do
by an insurmountable force hinder the approach of the
parts of our hands that press them*.^'
(5.) Mobility, or a capacity of being transferred from
one place to another, is a quality found to belong to all
bodies upon which we can make suitable experiments ; and
hence we conclude that it belongs to all matter.
(6.) Divisibility signifies a capacity of being separated
into parts. That matter is thus divisible, our daily ex-
perience assures us. How far the division can actually be
carried, is not so easily seen. We know that many bodies
may be reduced to a very fine powder by trituration ; by
chemical solution, the parts of a body may be so far di-
vided as not to be sensible to the sight ; and by the help
of the microscope we discover myriads of organized bodies,
totally unknown before such instruments were invented.
These and similar considerations, lead us to conclude, that
the division of matter is carried to a degree of minuteness
far exceeding the bounds of our faculties ; and it seems not
unreasonable to suppose, that this capacity of division is
without limit; especially, as we can prove, theoretically,
that any portion of extension is divisible into parts less
and less without end-f*.
* Locke's Essay, Book II. Chap. iv.
t Porro corporum partes divisas et sibi rautuo contiguas ab invicem
separari posse ex phaenomenis novimus, et partes indivisas in partes
minores ratione distingui posse ex mathematica certum est. Utrum vera
partes illae distinctae et nonduin divisas per vires nature dividi et ab invi-
cem separari possint, incertum est. Newt. Prineip. Lib. III. Reg. 3.
From the extremities of the line AB, draw AC, BDy
parallel to each other, and in opposite directions; in ^C
take any number of points E, F, G, &c. and join DE,
DF, DG, &c. these lines will cut AB in different points ;
and since, in the indefinite line AC, an unlimited number
of points may be taken^ the number of parts into which
AB is divisible, is indefinite.
This property of extension may also be proved ex
ahsurdo. If possible, let AB he the least portion of a
circular arc; take C the center, join CA, CB, and with
the center C, and any radius C«, less than CA, describe
a circle cutting CA and CB in the points a and b ; then,
because AB and ab are similar arcs, they are as their radii;
therefore «6 is less than AB; or a portion of extension less
than the least possible has been found, which is absurd.
Hence, any portion of extension is divisible into parts less
and less, without ever coming to a limit.
It has been supposed by some writers that there are
certain indivisible particles of matter, of the same figure
and dimensions, by the different modifications of which
different bodies are formed. As no arguments are adduced
in favour of this hypothesis, and as experiment seems to
lead us to a contrary conclusion, we cannot allow it a place
amongst the principles upon which our theory is to rest.
(7-) Gravity is the tendency which all bodies have to
the center of the earth.
We are convinced of the existence of this tendency by
observing that, whenever a body is sustained, it's pressure
is exerted in a direction perpendicular to the horizon ; and
that, when every impediment is removed, it always de-
scends in that direction.
The weight of a body is it's tendency to the earth,
compared with the like tendency of some other body, which
is considered as a standard. Thus, if a body with a
certain degree of gravity be called one pound, any other
body which has the same degree of gravity, or which by
it's gravity will produce the same effect, under the same
circumstances, is also called a pound; and these two
together, two pounds, &c.
Gravity is not an accidental property of matter, arising
from the figure or disposition of the parts of a body ; for
then, by changing it's shape, or altering the arrangement
of the particles which compose it, the gravitation of the
mass would be altered. But we find that no separation of
the particles, no change of the structure, which human
power can effect, produces any alteration in the weight.
As gravity is a property belonging to every particle
of a body, independent of its situation with respect to other
particles, the gravity of the whole is the aggregate of the
gravities of all it's parts. Thus, though the weight of the
whole is not altered by any division, or new arrangement
of the particles, yet every increase or diminution of their
number produces a corresponding increase or diminution
of the weight.
Our present subject does not lead us to consider gravi-
tation in any other point of view than simply as a tendency
in bodies to the center of the earth, or to attend to it''s
effects at any considerable distance from the surface; it
may not, however, be improper to observe that the opera-
tion of this principle is much more extensive. Every
portion of matter gravitates towards every other portion,
in that part of the system of nature which falls under our
observation. The gravitation indeed of small particles
towards each other is not perceived, on account of the
superior action of the earth*; yet it has been found, by
the accurate observations of Dr. Maskelyne, in Scotland,
that the attraction of a mountain is sufficient to draw the
plumb-line sensibly from the perpendicular.
Sir I. Newton has discovered that the moon is re-
tained in her orbit by the agency of a cause similar to that
by which a body falls to the ground, differing from it only
in degree ; and this in consequence of the greater distance
of the moon from the earth's center. The same author
has demonstrated that the planets are retained in their
respective orbits by a principle of the same kind; and
later writers have shewn, that the minutest irregularities
in their motions may be satisfactorily deduced from the
known laws of it's operation.
(8.) Inactivity may be considered in two lights:
1st. As an inability in matter to change it's state of rest
or uniform rectilinear motion: 2d. As that quality by
* This attraction is not sufficient to explain the common experiment
of two particles of the same kind, as quicksilver, &c. when placed upon
a smooth horizontal plane, running together. If the effect were not
produced by some power different from gravitation, a drop of oil would
run, in the same manner, towards a drop of water ; which is not found
to be the case.
which it resists any such change *. In this latter sense it
is usually called the force of inactivity, the inertia, or the
vis inertice.
The inactivity of matter, according to the former ex-
planation, is laid down as a law of motion ; the truth of
which we shall endeavour to establish in the next section.
That a body resists any change in it's state of rest, or
uniform rectilinear motion, is known from constant ex-
perience. We cannot move the least particle of matter
without some exertion; nor can we destroy any motion
without perceiving some resistance -[-. Thus, we see, in
general, that inertia is a property inherent in all bodies
with which we are concerned ; different indeed in different
cases, but existing, in a greater or less degree, in all. The
quantity we are not at present considering ; the existence
of the property, every one, from his own observation,
will readily allow. We know indeed from experience |,
that the inertia of a body is not altered by altering the
arrangement of it's parts; but if one portion of matter
be added to another, the inertia of the whole is increased ;
and if any part be removed, the inertia is lessened.
This clearly shews that it exists, independently, in every
particle, and that the whole inertia is the aggregate of
all if s parts.
Hence it follows, from our notion of quantity, that
if to a body with a certain quantity of inertia, another,
* That is, a change from rest to uniform rectilinear motion, or a
change in its uniform rectilinear motion. The term is sometimes ap-
plied to the resistance which a body makes to the production, or altera-
tion of motion, when this resistance acts at a mechanical advantage,
or disadvantage.
t It must he observed, that this resistance is distinct from and
independent of gravity ; because it is perceived where gravity produces
no effect: as, when a wheel is turned round it's axis, or a body moved
along an horizontal plane.
\ See Art. 25.
which has an equal quantity, be added, the whole inertia
Avill be doubled; and that by the repeated addition of
equal quantities, the whole inertia will be increased in
the same proportion with the number of parts.
These properties, which are always found to exist
together in the same substance, have sometimes been said
to be essential to matter. Whether they are, or are not
necessarily united in the same substance, it is impossible
to decide, nor does it concern us to inquire. The business
of natural philosophy is not to find out what might have
been the constitution of nature, but to examine what it
is in fact : and to account for the phaenomena, which fall
under our observation, from those properties of matter
which we know by experience that it possesses.
(9.) By the quantity of matter in a body, we under-
stand the aggregate of ifs particles, each of which has
a certain degree of inertia. Or, in other words, if we
suppose bodies made up of particles, each of which has the
same inertia, the quantity of matter in one body, is to the
quantity of matter in another, as the number of such
particles in the former, to the number in the latter*.
When we consider bodies as made up of parts, and
compare them in this respect, it becomes necessary to
give a definite and precise description of those parts ;
otherwise our notion of the quantity will be vague and
inaccurate. Now the only properties of matter which
admit of exact comparison, and which depend upon the
number, and not upon the arrangement of the particles,
* Quantitas materist' est inensura ejusdem orta ex illius densitate
et magnitudine conjunctim. Newt. Princip. Def. 1.
Ejusdem esse densitatis dico, quarum vires inertise sunt ut magni-
tudines. Lib. III. Prop. 6. Cor. 4.
Attendi enim oportet ad punctorum numerum, ex quibus corpus
movendum est conflatura. Puncta vero ea int^ se aequalia censeri
debent, non quaB acque sunt parva, sed in quae eadem potentia aequales
exerit effectus. Ei'i,. Mech. 139.
are weight and inertia ; either of which may properly be
made use of as a measure of the quantity of matter ; and
since, at a given place, they are proportional to each
other, as we shall shew hereafter (Art. 25), it is of little
consequence which measure we adopt. The inertia has
been fixed upon, because the gravity of a body, though
invariable at the same place, is different at different dis-
tances from the center of the earth ; w^hereas, the inertia
is always, and under all circumstances, the same.
The density of a body is measured by the quantity
of matter in a given hulk; and it is said to be uniform
when equal quantities of matter are always contained in
equal bulks.
(10.) By motion we understand the act of a body's
changing place ; and it is of two kinds, absolute and
A body is said to be in absolute motion when it is
actually transferred from one point in fixed space to
another ; and to be relatively in motion^ when it's situation
is changed with respect to the surrounding bodies.
These two kinds of motion evidently coincide when
the bodies, to which the reference is made, happen to
be fixed. In other cases, a body relatively in motion,
or relatively at rest, may or may not be absolutely in
motion. Thus, a spectator standing still on the shore,
if his place be referred to a ship which sails by, is rela-
tively in motion ; and the several parts of the vessel are
at rest, with respect to each other, though the whole is
transferred from one part of space to another.
The motion of a body is swifter or slower^ according
as the space passed over, in a given time, is greater or
When a body always passes over equal parts of space
in equal successive portions of time, its motion is said
to be uniform. When the successive portions of space,
described in equal times, continually increase, the motion
is said to be accelerated ; and to be retarded, when those
spaces continually decrease. Also the motion is said to
be uniformly accelerated or retarded, when the increments
or decrements of the spaces, described in equal successive
portions of time, are always equal.
(11.) The degree of swiftness or slowness of a body's
motion is called it's velocity ; and it is measured by the
space, uniformly described, in a given time.
The given time, taken as a standard, is usually one
second; and the space described is measured in feet.
Thus, when v represents a body's velocity, v is the number
of feet which the body would uniformly describe in one
If a body's motion be accelerated or retarded, the
velocity at any point is not measured by the space actually
described in a given time, but by the space which would
have been described in the given time, if the motion had
continued uniform, from that point ; or had, at that point,
ceased to increase or decrease.
(12.) CoR. 1. If two bodies move uniformly on the
same line, in opposite directions, their relative velocity
is equal to the sum of their absolute velocities, since the
space by which they uniformly approach to, or recede
from, each other, in any time, i§ equal to the sum of the
spaces which they respectively describe in that time.
When the bodies move in the same direction, their
relative velocity is equal to the difference of their absolute
(13.) CoK. 2. When a body moves with an uniform
velocity, the space described is proportional to the time
of it';s motion.
Let the body describe the space a in the time 1 ; then
since the motion is uniform, it will describe the space ta
in the time ^; that is, the space described is proportional
to the time.
(14.) CoR. 3. When bodies have different uniform
motions, the spaces described are proportional to the times
and velocities jointly *.
Let V and v be the velocities of two bodies A and B ;
T and t the times of their motions; S and 5 the spaces
described. Also let S' be the space described by B in
the time T:
Then S : S' :: V ; V (Art. 11),
S' : s :: T '. t (Art. 18).
Comp. S : s :: TV: tv ;
that is, Soc TV {Alg. Art. 195).
Ex. Let the times be to each other as 6 : 5, and the
velocities as 2 : 3 ; then
»S' : * :: 2 X 6 : 3 X 5 :: 4 : 5.
(15.) Cor. 4. Since S oc TV, we have Foc~, and
7' oc -- , {Alg. Art. 205).
Ex. 1. Let A move uniformly through 5 feet in s'\
and B through f) feet in 7''; required the ratio of tlie
* Since the times and velocities may, in each case, be represented
by numbers, there is no impropriety in speaking of their products.
The truth of this observation will be evident, if the proposition be
expressed in different words. When the uniform velocities of two bodies
are in the ratio of the numbers V and v, and the times of their motions
in the ratio of the numbers T and t, the spaces described are in the ratio
of the numbers TV and tv.
5 9
r :«::-:-:: 35 : 27.
3 7
Ex. 2. Let ^'s velocity be to ^'s velocity as 5 to 4 ;
to compare the times in which they will describe 9 and
7 feet respectively.
9 7
T : ^ ;:-:-:: 36 : 35.
5 4
(16.) CoR. 5. Since the areas of rectangles are in the
ratio compounded of the ratios of their sides, if the bases
of two rectangles represent the velocities of two motions,
and altitudes the times, the areas will represent the spaces
(I7.) The quantity of motion, or momentum of a
body, is measured by the velocity and quantity of matter
Thus, if the quantities of matter in two bodies be
represented by 6 and 7? and their velocities by 9 and 8,
the ratio of 6 x 9 to 7 X 8, or 27 to 28, is called the ratio
of their momenta.
(18.) CoR. r. If M be the momentum of a body,
Q it''s quantity of matter, and V iVs velocity, then
since J/ oc Q T, we have Q ex: -— ; and F oc — .
Ex. If the quantities of motion be as 6 to 5, and the
velocities as 7 to 8, what is the ratio of the quantities of
matter ?
M , 6 5
Since Q oc — , we have Q : 9 ::-:-:: 48 : 35.
(I9.) CoR. 2. If M be given, Qoc— ; and con-
versely if Q -^ — , il/ is invariable. {Algebra, Art. 206.)
(20.) Whatever changes, or tends to change, the state
of rest or uniform rectilinear motion of a body, is called
Thus, impact, gravity, pressure, &c. are called forces.
When a force produces it's effect instantaneously, it
is said to be impulsive^. When it acts incessantly, it
is called a constant^ or continued force.
Constant forces are of two kinds, uniform and variable.
A force is said to be uniform, when it always produces
equal effects in equal successive portions of time; and
variable., when the effects produced in equal times are
Forces, which are known to us only by their effects,
must be compared by estimating those effects under the
same circumstances. Thus, impulsive forces must be
measured by the whole effects produced ; uniform forces,
by the effects produced in equal times ; and variable forces,
by the effects which would be produced in equal times,
were the forces to become and continue uniform during
those times.
The effects produced by the actions of forces are of
two kinds, velocity and momentum; and thus we have
two methods of comparing them, according as we con-
ceive them to be the causes of velocity or momentum.
(21.) The accelerating force is measured by the
velocity uniformly generated in a given time, no regard
being had to the quantity of matter moved.
Thus, if the velocities uniformly generated, in two
cases, in equal times, be as 6 to 7, the accelerating forces
are said to be in that ratio.
* Though we cannot conceive finite effects to be produced otherwise
than by degrees, and consequently in successive portions of time; yet
when these portions are so small as' not to be distinguishable by our
faculties, the effects may be said to be instantaneous.
The accelerating force of gravity, at the same place,
is invariable ; for all bodies falling freely, in an exhausted
receiver, acquire equal velocities in any given time.
(22.) The moving force is measured by the vwmen-
tum uniformly generated in a given time.
If the momenta thus generated, in two cases, be as 14
to 1 5, the moving forces are said to be in that ratio.
(23.) CoR. 1. Since the momentum is proportional to
the velocity and quantity of matter, the moving force varies
as the accelerating force and quantity of matter jointly.
The moving force of gravity varies as the quantity
of matter moved, because the accelerating force is given
(Art. 21).
(24.) Cor. 2. Hence it follows that the accelerating
force varies as the moving force directly, and the quantity
of matter inversely.
Prop. I.
(25.) The vis inerticB of a body is proportional to ifs
The inertia, as was observed on a former occasion, is
the resistance which a body makes to any change in it's
state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion (Art. 8.) ; and
this resistance is manifestly the same in two bodies, if the
same force, applied in the same manner, and for the same
time, communicate to each of them the same velocity.
Let two bodies, A and B, equal in weight, be placed
in two similar and equal boxes, which are connected by
a string passing over a fixed pulley ; then these will ex-
actly balance each other; and if the whole be put into
motion, the gravity can neither accelerate nor retard that
motion; the whole resistance therefore to the communica-
tion of motion in the system, arises from the inertia of
the weights, the inertia of the string and pulley*, the
friction upon the axis, and the resistance of the air-f*.
Now let a weight C be added on one side, and let the
velocity generated in any given time, in the whole system,
by this additional weight, be observed.
Then in the place of J, or B^ substitute any other mass
of the same weight, and it will be found that C will, in the
same time, generate the same velocity in this system as in
the former; and, therefore, the whole resistance to the
communication of motion must be the same. Also the
inertia of the string and pulley, the friction of the axis,
and the air^s resistance, are the same in the two expe-
riments ; consequently, the resistance arising from the
inertia of the weights is the same: That is, so long as
the weight remains unaltered, whatever be the form or
constitution of the body, the inertia is the same.
Also, since the whole quantity of inertia is the aggre-
gate inertia of all the parts, if the weight be doubled, an
equal quantity of inertia is added to the former quantity,
or the whole inertia is doubled ; and in the same manner,
if the weight be increased in any proportion, by the re-
peated addition of equal weights^ the inertia is increased
in the same proportion.
It may be observed, that the velocity generated in a
given time, is the same, whether the system begins to
move from rest or not ; therefore the inertia is the same,
whether the system be at rest or in motion.
(26.) Cor. Since the quantity of matter is measured
by the inertia (Art. 9.), it is also proportional to the
* See Note, page 8.
t This experiment may be made with great accuracy by means of
a machine, invented by Mr. Atwood, for the purpose of examining the
motions of bodies when acted upon by constant forces. This machine
is described in his well-known treatise on the Redilinmr Motion and
Rotaimn of Bodies, (p. 299.)
(27.) If a body he at rest, it will continue at rest,
and if ifi motion, it will continue to move uniformly
forward in a right line, till it is acted upon by some
external force.
That a body at rest cannot put itself in motion, we
know from constant and universal experience.
That a body in motion will continue to move uniformly
forward in a right line till it is acted upon by some exter-
nal force, though equally certain, is not, it must be allowed,
equally apparent ; since all the motions which fall under
our immediate observation, and rectilinear motions in par-
ticular, are soon destroyed. If however we can point out
the causes which tend to destroy the motions of bodies, and
shew, experimentally, that, by removing some of them and
diminishing others, the motions continually become more
uniform and rectilinear, we may justly conclude that any
deviation from the first direction, and first velocity, must
be attributed to the agency of external causes ; and that
there is no tendency in matter itself, either to increase or
diminish any motion impressed upon it.
Now the causes which retard a body's motion, besides
collision, or the evident obstruction which it meets with
from sensible masses of matter, are gravity, friction, and
the resistance of the air ; and it will appear, by the follow-
ing experiments, that when these are removed, or due
allowance is made for their known effects, we are necessarily
led to infer the truth of the law above laid down.
1st. If a ball be thrown along a rough pavement, it's
motion, on account of the many obstacles it meets with,
will be very irregular, and soon cease ; but if it be bowled
upon a smooth bowling-green, it's motion will continue
longer, and be more rectilinear ; and if it be thrown along
a smooth sheet of ice, it will preserve both it's direction
and it's motion for a still longer time.
In these cases, the gravity, which acts in a direction
perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, neither accelerates
nor retards the motion ; the causes which produce the latter
effect are collision, friction, and the air's resistance; and
in proportion as the two former of these are lessened, the
motion becomes more nearly uniform and rectilinear.
2d. When a wheel is accurately constructed, and a
rotatory motion about it's axis communicated to it, if the
axis, and the grooves in which it rests, be well polished,
the motion will continue a considerable time; if the axis
be placed upon friction wheels, the motion will continue
longer ; and if the apparatus be placed under the receiver
of an air pump, and the air be exhausted, the motion will
continue, without visible diminution, for a very long time.
In these instances, gravity, which acts equally on op-
posite points of the wheel, neither accelerates nor retards
the motion ; and the more care we take to remove the
friction, and the resistance of the air, the less is the first
motion diminished in a given time.
3d. If a body be projected in any direction inclined to
the horizon, it describes a curve, which is nearly the com-
mon parabola. This effect is produced by the joint action
of gravity, and the motion of projection; and since the
effect produced by the former is known, the effect produced
by the latter may be determined. This, it is found, would
carry the body uniformly forward in the line in which it
was projected ; as will fully appear when we come to the
doctrine of projectiles. The deviation of the curve de-
scribed from the parabolic form is sufficiently accounted
for by the resistance of the air.
From these, and similar experiments, we are led to
conclude that all bodies in motion would uniformly per-
severe in that motion, were they not prevented by external
impediments; and that every increase or diminution of
velocity, every deviation from the line of direction, is to
be attributed to the agency of such causes.
(28.) It may not be improper to observe, that this law
suggests two methods of distinguishing between absolute
motions, and such as are only apparent ; one, by considering
the causes which produce the motions; and the other, by
attendincr to the effects with which the motions are accom-
panied *.
1st. We may sometimes distinguish absolute motion,
or change of absolute motion, from that which is merely
apparent, by considering the causes which produce them.
When two bodies are absolutely at rest, they are re-
latively so; and the appearance is the same, when they
are moving in the same direction, at the same rate; a
relative motion therefore can only arise from an absolute
motion, or change of absolute motion, in one or both of
the bodies. We have seen also, in the last article, that
motion, or change of motion, cannot be produced but by
force impressed ; and therefore, if we know that such a
cause exists, and acts upon one of the bodies, and not
Newt. Princip. Schol. ad Def.
upon the other, we conclude that the relative motion
arises from a change in the state of rest, or absolute motion
of the former; and that with respect to the latter, the
effect is merely apparent. Thus, when a person on ship-
board observes the coast receding from him, he is convinced
that the appearance arises from a motion, or change of
motion, in the ship ; upon which a cause, sufficient to pro-
duce this effect, acts, namely, the force of the wind or tide.
The precession of the equinoxes arises from a real
motion in the earth, and not from any motion in the
heavenly bodies; because we know that there is a force
impressed upon the earth, which is sufficient to account
for the appearance,
2d. Absolute motion may sometimes be distinguished
from apparent motion, by the effects produced.
If a body be absolutely in motion, it endeavours by
it's inactivity to proceed in the line of it's direction ; if the
motion be only apparent, there is no such tendency.
It is in consequence of the tendency to persevere in
rectilinear motion that a body revolving in a circle con-
stantly endeavours to recede from the center. The effort
thus produced is called a centrifugal force ; and as it arises
from absolute motion only, whenever it is observed, we
are convinced that the motion is real.
In order to see the nature and origin of this force,
suppose a body to describe the circle ABC; then at any
point A, it is moving in the direction of the tangent AD,
and in this direction, by the first law of motion, it en-
deavours to proceed; also, since every point D in the
tangent is without the circle, this tendency, to move on
in the direction of the tangent, is a tendency to recede
from the center of motion; and the body will actually
fly off, unless it is prevented by an adequate force.
The following experiment is given by Sir I. Newton
to shew the effect of the centrifugal force, and to prove
that it always accompanies an absolute circular motion.
Let a bucket, partly filled with water, be suspended
by a string, and turned round till the string is considerably
twisted; then let the string be suffered to untwist itself,
and thus communicate a circular motion to the vessel.
At first the water remains at rest, and ifs surface is smooth
and undisturbed ; but as it gradually acquires the motion
of the bucket, the surface grows concave towards the
center, and the water ascends up the sides, thus en-
deavouring to recede from the axis of motion ; and this
effect is observed gradually to increase with the absolute
velocity of the water, till at length the water and the
bucket are relatively at rest. When this is the case, let
the bucket be suddenly stopped, and the absolute motion
of the water will be gradually diminished by the friction
of the vessel ; the concavity of the surface is also diminished
by degrees, and at length, when the water is again at rest,
the surface becomes plane. Thus we find that the cen-
trifugal force does not depend upon the relative, but
upon the absolute motion, with which it always begins,
increases, decreases, and disappears.
A single instance will be sufficient to shew the great
utility of this conclusion in natural philosophy.
The diurnal rotation of the heavenly bodies may, as
far as the appearance is concerned, be accounted for, either
by supposing the heavens to revolve from ' east to west,
and complete a revolution in twenty-four hours ; or, the
earth to revolve from west to east, in the same time :
but the sensible diminution of gravity as we proceed
towards the equator, and the oblate figure of the earth,
which are the effects of a centrifugal force, prove that the
appearance is to be ascribed to a real motion in the earth.
(29.) Motion, or change of motion, produced in a
body, is proportional to the force impressed, and takes
place in the direction in which the force acts.
It has been seen in the preceding articles, that no
motion or change of motion is ever produced in a body
without some force impressed ; we now assert that it cannot
be produced without an adequate force; that when bodies
act upon each other, the effects are not variable and
accidental, but subject to general laws. Thus, whatever
happens in one instance, will, under the same circum-
stances, happen again; and when any alteration takes
place in the cause, there will be a corresponding and
proportional alteration in the effect produced. Were not
cause and effect thus connected with, and related to, each
other, we could not pretend to lay down any general rules
respecting the mutual actions of bodies ; experiment could
only furnish us with detached and isolated facts, wholly
inapplicable on other occasions; and that harmony, which
we cannot but observe and admire in the material world,
would be lost.
In order to understand the meaning and extent of
this law of motion, it will be convenient to distinguish
it into two cases ; and to point out such facts, under each
head, as tend to establish it's truth.
1st. The same force, acting freely for a given time,
will always produce the same effect, in the direction in
which it acts.
Ex. 1. If a body, in one instance, fall perpendicularly
through 16^ feet in a second, and thus acquire a velocity
which would carry it, uniformly, through SSifeet in that
time, it will always, under the same circumstances, acquire
the same velocity.
The effect produced is the same, whether the body
begins to move from rest or not.
Ex. 2. If a body be projected perpendicularly down-
wards, the velocity of projection, measured in feet (Art. 11.),
will, in one second, be increased by 32^ ; and if it be pro-
jected perpendicularly upwards, it will, in one second, be
diminished by that quantity.
Ex. 3. If a body be projected obliquely, gravity will
still produce if s effect in a direction perpendicular to the
horizon; and the body, which by it's inactivity would
have moved uniformly forward in the line of it's first
motion, will, at the end of one second, be found 16^ feet
below that line ; having thus acquired a velocity of 32^ feet
per second, in the direction of gravity.
2d. If the force impressed be increased or diminished
in any proportion, the motion communicated will be in-
creased or diminished in the same proportion.
Ex. If a body descend along an inclined plane, the
length of which is twice as great as it's height, the force
which accelerates it's motion is half as great as the force
of gravity ; and, allowing for the effect of friction, and
the resistance of the air, the velocity generated in any
time is half as great as it would have been, had the body
fallen, for the same time, by the whole force of gravity *.
(30.) In estimating the effect of any force, two cir-
cumstances are to be attended to : First, we must consider
what force is actually impressed; for this alone can pro-
duce a change in the state of motion or quiescence of a
body. Thus, the effect of a stream upon the floats of
a water-wheel is not prodviced by the whole force of the
stream, but by that part of it which arises from the excess
of the velocity of the water above that of the wheel ; and
it is nothing, if they move with equal velocities. — Secondly,
we must consider in what direction the force acts; and
take that part of it, only, which lies in the direction in
which we are estimating the effect. Thus, the force of
the wind actually impressed upon the sails of a windmill,
is not wholly employed in producing the circular motion ;
and therefore in calculating it's effect, in this respect, we
must determine what part of the whole force acts in the
direction of the motion.
In the following pages, we shall see a great variety
of instances in which this method of estimating the effects
of forces is applied; and the conclusions thus deduced,
* The experiments which most satisfactorily prove the truth of this
law of motion, are made with Mr. Atwood's machine, mentioned on
a former occasion.
Let two weights, each of which is represented by 9 m, balance each
other on this machine; and observe what velocity is generated in one
second, when a weight 2m is added to either of them. Again, let
the weights 8w, Sm, be sustained, as before, and add 4m to one of them,
then the velocity generated in one second is twice as great as in the
former instance. Since, therefore, the mass to be moved is the same
in both cases, viz. 20m together with the inertia of the machine, it
is manifest that when the moving force is doubled (Art. 23.), the
momentum generated is also doubled, and, by altering the ratio of
the weights, it may be shewn, in any other case, that the momentum
communicated is proportional to the moving force impressed.
being found, without exception, to agree with experiment,
we cannot but admit the truth of the principle.
(31.) Cor. Since the effect produced upon each other
by two bodies, depends upon their relative velocity, it
will always be the same whilst this remains unaltered,
whatever be their absolute motions.
(32.) Action and reaction are eqtial, and in opposite
Matter not only perseveres in it's state of rest or
uniform rectilinear motion, but also by it's inertia resists
any change. Our experience with respect to this reaction,
or opposition to the force impressed, is so constant and
universal, that the very supposition of ifs non-existence
appears to be absurd. For who can conceive a pressure
without some support of that pressure ? Who can sup-
pose a weight to be raised without force or exertion?
Thus far then we are assured by our senses, that whenever
one body acts upon another, there is some reaction: The
law farther asserts, that the reaction is equal in quantity
to the action.
By action, we here understand moving force, which,
according to the definition (Art. 22.), is measured by the
momentum which is, or would be generated, in a given
time ; and to determine whether action and reaction, in
this sense of the words, are equal or not, recourse must
be had to experiment.
Take two similar and equal cylindrical pieces of wood,
from one of which projects a small steel point; suspend
them by equal strings, and let one of them descend through
any arc and impinge upon the other at rest; then, by
means of the steel point, the two bodies will move on
together as one mass, and with a velocity equal to half
the velocity of the impinging body. Thus the momentum,
which is measured by the quantity of matter and velocity
taken jointly, remains unaltered ; or, as much momentum
as is gained by the body struck, so much is taken from
the momentum of the striking body, or communicated to
it in the opposite direction.
If the striking body be loaded with lead, and thus made
twice as heavy as the other, the common velocity after impact
is found to be to the velocity of the impinging body :: 2 : 3 ;
and because the joint mass after impact : quantity of matter
in the striking body :: 3 : 2, the momentum after impact :
momentum before :: 3 x 2 : 2 x 3, or in a ratio of equality,
as in the former case.
In making experiments to establish the third law of
motion, allowance must be made for the air's resistance;
and care must be taken to obtain a proper measure of the
velocity before and after impact. See Sir I. Newton's
Scholium to the Laws of Motion.
(33.) The third law of motion is not confined to cases
of actual impact ; the effects of pressures and attractions,
in opposite directions, ax'e also equal.
When two bodies sustain each other, the pressures in
opposite directions must be equal, otherwise motion would
ensue ; and if motion be produced by the excess of pressure
on one side, the case coincides with that of impact *.
* The effects of pressure and impact are manifestly of the same
kind, and produced in the same way ; excess of pressure, on one side,
produces momentum, and equal and opposite momenta support each
other by opposite pressures.
Thus also pressures may be compared, either by comparing the
weights which they sustain, or the momenta which they would generate
under the same circumstances.
When one body attracts another, it is itself also equally
attracted ; and as much momentum as is thus communicated
to one body, will also be communicated to the other in
the opposite direction.
A loadstone and a piece of iron, equal in weight, and
floating upon similar and equal pieces of cork, approacli
each other with equal velocities, and therefore with equal
momenta; and when they meet, or are kept asunder by
any obstacle, they sustain each other by equal and opposite
(34.) CoR. Since the action and reaction are equal
at every instant of time, the whole effect of the action in
a finite time, however it may vary, is equal to the effect
of the reaction; because the whole effects are made up
of the effects produced in every instant.
(35.) These laws are the simplest principles to which
motion can be reduced, and upon them the whole theory
depends. They are not indeed self-evident, nor do they
admit of accurate proof by experiment, on account of the
great nicety required in adjusting the instruments, and
making the experiments; and on account of the effects
of friction, and the air's resistance, which cannot entirely
be removed. They are however constantly, and invariably,
suggested to our senses, and they agree with experiment
as far as experiment can go ; and the more accurately
the experiments are made, and the greater care we take
to remove all those impediments which tend to render the
conclusions erroneous, the more nearly do the experiments
coincide with these laws.
Their truth is also established upon a different ground :
from these general principles innumerable jmrticular con-
clusion.'i have been deduced ; sometimes the deductions are
simple and immediate, sometimes they are made by tedious
and intricate operations ; yet they are all, without excep-
tion, consistent with each other and with experiment: it
follows therefore that the principles, upon which the cal-
culations are founded, are true*.
(36.) It will be necessary to remember, that the laws
of motion relate, immediately^ to the actions of particles
of matter upon each other, or to those cases in which
the whole mass may be conceived to be collected in a
point; not to all the effects that may eventually be pro-
duced in the several particles of a system.
A body may have a rectilinear and rotatory motion
given it at the same time, and it will retain both. The
action also, or reaction, may be applied at a mechanical
advantage or disadvantage, and thus they may produce,
upon the whole, very different momenta: these effects
depend upon principles which are not here considered,
but which must be attended to in computing such effects.
* Atwood on the Motions of Bodies, p. 358.
Prop. II.
(37-) Two lines, which represent the momenta com-
municated to the same or equal bodies, will represent the
spaces uniformly described by them in equal times; and
conversely, the lines which represent the spaces uniformly
described by them in equal times, will represent their
The momenta of bodies may be represented by num-
bers, as was seen Art. 17; but in many cases it will be
much more convenient to represent them by lines, because
lines will express not only the quantities of the momenta,
but also the directions in which they are communicated.
Any line drawn in the proper direction may be taken
to represent one momentum ; but to represent a second,
a line, in the direction of the latter motion, must be taken,
having the same proportion to the former line, that the
second momentum has to the first.
Let two lines, thus taken, represent the momenta
communicated to the same, or equal bodies ; then since
Moc V X Q (Art. 17.), and Q is here given, Moc V; there-
fore the lines, which represent the momenta, will also
represent the velocities, or the spaces uniformly described
in equal times. Again, if the lines represent the spaces
uniformly described in equal times, they represent the
velocities, and since Q is given, VocQVocM; therefore
the lines represent the momenta.
Prop. III.
(38.) Two uniform motions^ which, when communi-
cated separately to a body, would cause it to describe the
adjacent sides of a parallelogram in a given time, will,
when they are communicated at the same instant, cause
it to describe the diagonal in that time; and the motion
in the diagonal will be uniform.
Let a motion be communicated to a body at A, which
would cause it to move uniformly from A to B in T" , and
at the same instant, another motion which alone would
cause it to move uniformly from J to C in T" ; complete
the parallelogram BC, and draw the diagonal AD', then
the body will arrive at the point D, in T", having de-
scribed AD with an uniform motion.
For the motion in the direction AC can neither ac-
celerate nor retard the approach of the body to the line
BD which is parallel to AC, (Art. 29. Ex. S.) ; hence,
the body will arrive at BD, in the same time that it would
have done, had no motion been communicated to it in the
direction AC, that is in T''. In the same manner, the
motion in the direction AB can neither make the body
approach to, nor recede from, CD; therefore, in conse-
quence of the motion in the direction AC, it will arrive
at CD in the same time that it would have done, had
no motion been communicated in the direction AB, that is
in T". Hence it follows that, in consequence of the two
motions, the body will be found both in BD and CD
at the end of T", and will therefore be found in D, the
point of their intersection.
Also, since a body in motion continues to move uni-
formly forward in a right line, till it is acted upon by
some external force (Art. 27-)? the body A must have
described the right line AD, with an uniform motion.
(39.) To illustrate this proposition, suppose a plane
ABDC, as the deck of a ship, to be carried uniformly
forward, and let the point A describe the line AC in T";
also, let a body move uniformly in this plane from A to
B, in the same time. Complete the parallelogram BC,
and draw the diagonal AD. Then at the end of T" the
body, by its own motion, will arrive at B; also by the
motion of the plane, AB will be brought into the situation.
CD, and the point B will coincide with D ; therefore the
body will upon the whole, at the end of T", be found
in D. In any other time t" let the point A be carried
from A to M hy the motion of the plane, and the body
from A to L hy it's own motion ; complete the parallelo-
gram ALNM, and join AN% then, as in the preceding
case, the body will, at the end of t", be found in A^;
and since the motions in the directions AC, AB are
uniform, AC : AM :: T - t :: AB : AL (Art. 13.);
that is, the sides of the parallelograms, about the common
angle LAM, are proportional, and consequently the paral-
lelograms are about the same diagonal JD (Euc. 26. vi.) ;
therefore the body at the end of any time t" will be found
in the diagonal AD. It will also move uniformly in the
diagonal; for, from the similar triangles AMN, ACD,
we have AD : AN :: AC : AM :: T : t, or the spaces
described are proportional to the times. (See Art. 10.)
(40.) CoK. 1. The reasoning in the last article is
applicable to the motion of a point.
(41.) Cor. 2. If two sides of a triangle, AB, BD,
taken in order, represent the spaces over which two uniform
motions would, separately, carry a body in a given time ;
when these motions are communicated at the same instant
to the body at A, it will describe the third side AD,
uniformly, in that time.
For, if the parallelogram BC be completed, the same
motion, which would carry a body uniformly from B to D,
would, if communicated at A, carry it in the same manner
from A to C; and in consequence of this motion, and of
the motion in the direction AB, the body would uniformly
describe the diagonal AD, which is the third side of the
triangle ABD.
(42.) CoR. 3. In the same manner, if the lines AB,
BC, CD, DE, taken in order, represent the spaces over
which any uniform motions would, separately, carry a body,
in a given time, these motions, when communicated at the
same instant, will cause the body to describe the line AE
which completes the figure, in that time ; and the motion
in this line will be uniform.
(43.) Cor. 4. If AD represent the uniform velocity
of a body, and any parallelogram ABDC (Art. 38.), be
described about it, the velocity AD may be supposed to
arise from the two uniform velocities AB, AC, or AB,
BD; and if one of them, AB, be by any means taken
away, the velocity remaining will be represented by JC
or BD. (See Art. 11.)
(44.) Def. a force is said to be equivalent to any
number of forces, when it will, smgly, produce the same
effect that the others produce jointly, in any given time.
Prop. IV.
(45.) If the adjacent sides of a parallelogram repre-
sent the quantities and directions of two forces, acting at
the same time upon a body, the diagonal ivill represent one
equivalent to them both.
Let AB, AC represent two forces acting upon a body
at A, then they represent the momenta communicated to
it in those directions (Art. 22.), and consequently the
spaces which it would uniformly describe in equal times
(Art. 37). Complete the parallelogram CB, and draw the
diagonal JZ); then, by the last proposition, AD is the
space uniformly described in the same time, when the two
motions are communicated to the body at the same instant;
and since AB, AC, and AD, represent the spaces uniformly
described by the same body, in equal times, they represent
the momenta, and therefore the forces acting in those di-
rections ; that is, the forces J5, AC*, acting at the same
time, produce a force which is represented, in quantity and
direction, by AD.
Def. The force represented by AD is said to be com-
pounded of the two, AB, AC.
(46.) Cor. l. If two sides of a triangle, taken in
order, represent the quantities and directions of two forces,
the third side will represent a force equivalent to them
For a force represented by BD, acting at A, will pro-
duce the same effect that the force AC, which is equal to it
and in the same direction, will produce ; and AB, AC, are
equivalent to AD ; therefore AB, BD are also equivalent
to AD.
(47.) Cor. 2. If any lines AB, BC, CD, DE, taken
in order, represent the quantities and directions of forces
* In this, and many other cases, where forces are represented by
lines, the lines are used, for the sake of conciseness, to express the
forces which they represent.
communicated at tlie same time to a body at A, the line
AE, which completes the figure, will represent a force
equivalent to them all.
For the two AB, BC are equivalent to AC % also, AC^
CD, that is, AB, BC, CD, are equivalent to AD ; in the
same manner AD, DE, that is, AB, BC, CD, and DE,
are equivalent to AE.
(48.) Cor. 3. Let AB and AC represent the quantities
and directions of two forces, join BC and draw AE bisecting
it in E, then will 2 AE represent a force equivalent to them
For, if the parallelogram be completed, since the di-
agonals bisect each other, AD, which represents a force
equivalent to AB and AC, is equal to 2AE.
(49.) Cor. 4. If the angle at which two given forces
act be diminished, the compound force is increased.
Let AB, AC be the two given forces; complete the
A,^r ^
parallelogram ABDC and draw the diagonal AD, this
represents the compound force. In the same manner, if
AE be taken equal to AB, and AE, AC, represent the
two forces, then AF the diagonal of the parallelogram
AEFC, represents the compound force ; and since the
angle BAC is greater than the angle EAC, ACD which
is the supplement of the former, is less than ACF the
supplement of the latter; also, CF = AE = AB =,CD ;
therefore in the two triangles ACD, ACF, the sides AC,
CD are respectively equal to AC, CF, and the Z ACD
is less than the z ACF; consequently AD is less than
AF (Euc. 24. i.).
(50.) Cor. 5. Two given forces produce the greatest
effect when they act in the same direction, and the least
when they act in opposite directions ; for, in the former
case, the diagonal AF becomes equal to the sum of the
sides AC, CF; and in the latter, to their difference.
(51.) Coil. 6. Two forces cannot keep a body at rest,
unless they are equal and in opposite directions.
For this is the only case in which the diagonal, repre-
senting the compound force, vanishes.
(52.) Cor. 7. In the composition of forces, force is
lost ; for the forces represented by the two sides AB, BD
(Art. 45.), by composition produce the force represented
by AD; and the two sides AB, BD, of a triangle, are
greater than the third side AD.
Prop. V.
(53.) If a body, at rest, be acted upon at the same
time by three forces which are represented in quantity and
direction by the three sides of a triangle, taken in order,
it will remain at rest.
c 2
Let AB, BC, and CA, represent the quantities and
directions of three forces acting at the same time upon
a body at A ; then since AB and BC are equivalent to
AC (Art. 46.) ; AB, BC and CA are equivalent to AC
and CA ; but AC and CA, which are equal and in opposite
directions, keep the body at rest ; therefore AB, BC, and
CA, will also keep the body at rest.
Prop. VI.
(54.) If a body be kept at rest by three forces, and
two of them be represented in quantity and direction by
two sides AB, BC*, of a triangle, the third side, taken
in order, will represent the quantity and direction of the
other force.
Since AB, BC represent the quantities and directions
of two of the forces, and AB, BC are equivalent to AC,
the third force must be sustained by JC; therefore CA
must represent the quantity and direction of the third
force (Art. 51.).
(55.) Cor. If three forces keep a body at rest, they
act in the same plane ; because the three sides of a triangle
are in the same plane (Euc. 2. xi.).
Prop. VII.
(56.) If a body be kept at rest by three forces, acting
upon it at the same time, any three lines, which are in the
directions of these forces, and form a tria^igle, will repre-
sent them.
Fig. Art. 53.
I^et three forces, acting in the directions AB, AC, AD,
keep the body A at rest; then AB, AC, AD are in the
same plane (Art. 55.). In AB take any pointy B, and
through B draw BI parallel to AC, meeting DA produced
in /; then will AB, Bl, and I A represent the three forces.
For AB being taken to represent the force in that
direction, if BI do not represent the force in the direction
AC or BI, let BF be taken to represent it; join AF;
then since three forces keep the body at rest, and AB, BF
represent the quantities and directions of two of them, FA
will represent the third (Art. 54.), that is, FA is in the
direction AD, which is impossible (Euc. 11. i. Cor.);
therefore BI represents the force in the direction AC',
and consequently I A represents the third force (Art. 54.).
Any three lines, respectively parallel to AB, BI, lA,
and forming a triangle, will be proportional to the sides
of the triangle ABI, and therefore proportional to the
three forces.
(57.) CoR. 1. If a body be kept at rest by three
forces, any two of them are to each other inversely as the
sines of the angles which the lines of their directions make
with the direction of the third force.
Let ABI be a triangle whose sides are in the directions
of the forces; then these sides represent the forces; and
AB : BI :: sin. BIA : sin. BAI :: sin. lAC : sin. BAI
:: sin. CAD : sin. BAD.
(58.) Cor. 2. If a body, at rest, be acted upon at the
same time by three forces, in the directions of the sides of
a triangle taken in order, and any two of them be to each
other inversely as the sines of the angles which their direc-
tions make with the direction of the third, the body will
remain at rest.
For, in this case, the forces will be proportional to the
three sides of the triangle, and consequently they will
sustain each other (Art. 53,).
Prop. VIII.
(59.) If a body be kept at rest by three forces, and
lines be drawn at right angles to the directions in which
they act, forming a triangle, the sides of this triangle will
represent the quantities of the forces.
Let AB, BC, CA be the directions in which the forces
act ; and let them form the triangle ABC ; then the lines
AB, BC, CA, will represent the forces (Art. 5Q.). Draw
the perpendiculars DH, EI, FG, forming a triangle GHI ;
then since the four angles of the quadrilateral figure ADHF
are equal to four right angles, and the angles at D and F
are right angles, the remaining angles DHF, DAF are
equal to two right angles, or to the two angles DHF,
DHG ; consequently, the angle DAF is equal to the angle
IHG. In the same manner, it may be shewn, that the
angles ABC, BCA are respectively equal to GIH, HGI ',
therefore the triangles ABC and GHI are equiangular;
hence, the sides about their equal angles being proportional,
the forces which are proportional to the lines AB, BC, CA,
are proportional to the lines HI, IG, GH.
Cor. If the lines DH, EI, FG be equally inclined
to the lines DB, EC, FA, and form a triangle GHI, the
sides of this triangle will represent the quantities of the
Prop. IX.
(60.) If any number of forces, represented in quan-
tity and direction by the sides of a polygon, taken in order,
act at the same time upon a body at rest, they will keep it
at rest.
Let AB, BC, CD, DE, and EA (Fig. Art. 4?.), re-
present the forces ; then since AB, BC, CD and DE are
equivalent to AE (Art. 47.) ; AB, BC, CD, DE, and EA,
are equivalent to AE and EA ; that is, they will keep the
body at rest.
Prop. X.
(61.) If any number of lines, taken in order, repre-
sent the quantities and directions of forces tvhich keep a
body at rest, these lines will form a polygon.
Let AB, BC, CD and DE represent forces which keep
a body at rest (Fig. Art. 47.); then the point E coincides
with A. If not, join AE, then AB, BC, CD, and DE, are
equivalent to AE', and the body will be put in motion by
a single force AE, which is contrary to the supposition ;
therefore the point E coincides Avith A, and the lines form
a polygon.
This and the last proposition are true when the forces
act in different planes.
Prop. XI.
(62.) A single force may be resolved into any number
of forces.
Since the single force AD is equivalent to the two, AB,
BD, it may be conceived to be made up of, or resolved
into, the two, AB, BD. The force AD may therefore
be resolved into as many pairs of forces as there can be
triangles described upon AD, or parallelograms about it.
Also AB, or BD, may be resolved into two; and, by
proceeding in the same manner, the original force may
be resolved into any number of others.
(63.) Cor. l. If two forces are together equivalent
to AD, and AB he one of them, BD is the other.
(64.) Cor. 2. If the force AD be resolved into the
two, AB, BD, and AB be wholly lost, or destroyed, the
effective part of AD is represented in quantity and direction
hy BD.
(65.) Cor. 3. In the resolution of forces, the whole
quantity of force is increased. For the force represented
by AD is resolved into the two AB, BD which are together
greater than AD (Euc. 20. i.).
Prop. XII.
(66.) The effects of forces, when estimated in given
directions, are not altered by composition or resolution.
Let two forces AB, BC, and the force AC which is
equivalent to them both, be estimated in the directions AP,
AQ. Draw BD, CP parallel to AQ ; and CE parallel to
AP. Then the force AB is equivalent to the two AD,
DB ; of which AD is in the direction AP, and DB in the
direction AQ; m the same manner, BC is equivalent to the
two BE, EC ; the former of which is in the direction BD
or QA, and the latter in the direction EC or AP ; therefore
the forces AB, BC, when estimated in the directions AP,
AQ, are equivalent to AD, EC, DB, and BE; or, AD,
DP, DB and BE, because EC is equal to DP ; and since
DB and BE are in opposite directions, the part EB of the
force DB is destroyed by BE ; consequently, the forces are
equivalent to AP, DE, or AP, PC Also AC, when es-
timated in the proposed directions, is equivalent to AP,
PC; therefore the effective forces in the directions AP,
AQ are the same, whether we estimate AB and BC, in
those directions, or AC, which is equivalent to them.
(67.) Cor. When AP coincides with AC, EC also
coincides with it, and D coincides with E. In this case
the forces DB, BE wholly destroy each other ; and thus,
in the composition of forces, force is lost.
(68.) The mechanical powers are the most simple
instruments used for the purpose of supporting weights,
or communicating motion to bodies ; and by the combi-
nation of which, all machines, however complicated, are
These powers are six in number, viz. the lever; the
ivheel and axle; the pulley; the inclined plane; the
wedge ; and the screw.
Before we enter upon a particular description of these
instruments, and the calculation of their effects, it is neces-
sary to premise, that when any forces are applied to them,
they are themselves supposed to be at rest ; and conse-
quently, that they are either without weight, or that
the parts are so adjusted as to sustain each other. They
are also supposed to be perfectly smooth ; no allowance
being made for the effects of adhesion.
When two forces act upon each other by means of
any machine, one of them is, for the sake of distinction,
called the potver, and the other the weight.
(69.) Def. The Lever is an inflexible rod, moveable
in one plane, upon a point whicli is called the fulcrum,
or center of motion.
The power and weight are supposed to act in the
plane in which the lever is moveable round the fulcrum,
ana tend to turn it in opposite directions.
(70.) The properties of the lever cannot be deduced
immediately from the propositions laid down in the last
section, because the forces acting upon the lever are not
applied at a point, which is always supposed to be the
case in the composition and resolution of forces; they
may however be derived from the following principles,
the truth of which will readily be admitted.
Ax. 1. If two weights balance each other upon a
straight lever, the pressure upon the fulcrum is equal
to the sum of the weights, tvhafever be the length of the
lever *.
Ax. 2. If a weight be supported upon a lever tvhich
rests on two fulcrums, the pressure upon the fulcrums
is equal to the whole weight.
Ax. 3. Equal forces, acting perpendicularly at the
edotremities of equal arms of a lever, ewert the same effort
to turn the lever round.
(71 .) If two equal weights act perpendicularly upon
a straight lever, the effort to put it in motion, round
a7iy fulcrum, tvill be the same as if they acted together
at the middle point between them.
Let A and B be two equal weights, acting perpen-
dicularly upon the lever FB, whose fulcrum is F. Bisect
AB in C; make CE=CF; and at E suppose another ful-
crum to be placed.
* The effect produced by the gravity of the lever is not taken into
consideration, unless it be expressly mentioned.
Then since the two weights A and B are supported
by E and F, and these fulcrums are similarly situated
with respect to the weights, each sustains an equal pres-
sure ; and therefore the weight sustained by E is equal
to half the sum of the weights. Now let the weights A
and B be placed at C, the middle point between A and B,
and consequently the middle point between E and F;
then since E and F support the whole weight C, and
are similarly situated with respect to it, the fulcrum E
supports half the weight ; that is, the pressure upon E
is the same, whether the weights are placed at A and B,
or collected in C, the middle point between them; and
therefore, the effort to put the lever in motion round F,
is the same on either supposition.
(72.) CoR. If a weight be formed into a cylinder
AB (Fig. Art. 73.) which is every where of the same
density, and placed parallel to the horizon, the effort of
any part AD, to put the whole in motion round C, is
the same as if this part were collected at E, the middle
point of AD.
For the weight AD may be supposed to consist of
pairs of equal weights, equally distant from the middle
What is here affirmed of weights, is true of any forces
which are proportional to the weights, and act in the same
Prop. XIV.
(73.) Two iceights, or two forces, acting perpen-
dicularly upon a straight lever, will balance each other,
ivhen they are reciprocally proportional to their distances
from the fulcrum.
Case l. When the weights act on contrary sides of
the fulcrum.
Let X and y be the two weights, and let them be formed
into the cylinder AB^ which is every where of the same
density. Bisect AB in C ; then this cylinder will balance
itself upon the fulcrum C (Art. 72.). Divide AB into two
parts in D, so that AD : DB :: oo : y, and the weights
of AD and DB will be respectively x and ?/; bisect AD
in E and DB in F\ then since AD and DB keep the
lever at rest, they will keep it at rest when they are col-
lected at E and F (Art. 72.) ; that is, c^, when placed
at Ey will balance y^ when placed at i^; and x : y :: AD :
BD :: AB-BD : AB - AD :: 2CB-2BF : 2AC-2AE
:: 2CF : 2CE :: CF : CE.
Case 2. When the two forces act on the same side
of the center of motion.
Let AB be a lever whose fulcrum is C; ^ and B
two weights acting perpendicularly upon it ; and let
A : B :: BC : AC; then these weights will balance each
other, as appears by the former Case. Now suppose a
power sufficient to sustain a weight equal to the sum of
the weights A and B, to be applied at C, in a direction
o ± O
^ B
opposite to that in which the weights act; then will this
power supply the place of the fulcrum (Art. 70. Ax. 1.);
also, a fulcrum placed at A^ or B, and sustaining a weight
A, or B, will supply the place of the body there, and
the equilibrium will remain. Let B be the center of
1 (J
motion; then we have a straight lever whose center of
motion is B, and the two forces A and A + B, acting
perpendicularly upon it at the points A and C, sustain
each other; also, A : B :: BC : AC;
therefore^ : A + B :: BC : BA.
(74.) Cor. 1. If two weights, or two forces, acting
perpendicularly on the arms of a straight lever, keep each
other in equilibrio, they are inversely as their distances
from the center of motion.
For the weights will balance when they are in that
proportion, and if the proportion be altered by increasing
or diminishing one of the weights, it's effort to turn the
lever round will be altered, or the equilibrium will be
(75.) CoR. 2. Since A : B :: BC : AC when there
is an equilibrium upon the lever AB, whose fulcrum is
C, by multiplying extremes and means, A x AC = BxBC.
(76.) Cor. 3. When the power and weight act on
the same side of the fulcrum, and keep each other in
equilibrio, the weight sustained by the fulcrum is equal
to the difference between the power and the weight.
(77) Cor. 4. In the common balance, the arms of
the lever are equal; consequently, the power and weight,
or two weights, which sustain each other, are equal. In
the false balance, one arm is longer than the other ; there-
fore the weight, which is suspended at this arm, is pro-
portionally less than the weight which it sustains at the
(78.) CoR. 5. If the same body be weighed at the
two ends of a false balance, it"'s true weight is a mean
proportional between the apparent weights.
Call the true weight x, and the apparent weights,
when it is suspended at A and B, a and h respectively ;
then a
00 :
: AC :
and OD
b :
: AC :
therefore a
: OS :
: w :
(79.) Cor. 6. If a weight C be placed upon a lever
which is supported upon two props A and B in an hori-
ital position, the pressure upon A : the pressure upon
:: BC : AC.
For if B be conceived to be the fulcrum, we have
this proportion, the weight sustained by A : the weight
C :: BC : AB; in the same manner, if A be considered
as the fulcrum, then the weight C : the weight sustained
by jB :: AB : CA ; therefore, eoj ijequo, the weight sustained
by A : the weight sustained hy B :: BC : AC
(80.) CoR. 7. If a given weight P be moved along
the graduated arm of a straight lever, the weight W,
^ ,
which it will balance at A, is proportional to CD, the
distance at which the given weight acts.
When there is an equilibrium, W x AC = P x DC
(Art. 75.) ; and AC and P are invariable ; therefore Woe DC
{Alg. Art. 19p.).
Prop. XV.
(81.) If two forces, acting upon the arms of any
lever, keep it at rest, they are to each other inversely
as the perpendiculars drawn from the center of motion
to the directions in which the forces act.
Case 1. Let two forces, A and B, act perpendicu-
larly upon the arms CA, CB, of the lever ACB whose
fulcrum is C, and keep each other at rest. Produce BC
to D, and make CD = CA ; then the effort of A to move
the lever round C, will be the same, whether it be sup-
posed to act perpendicularly at the extremity of the arm
CA, or CD (Art. 70. Ax. 3.) ; and on the latter sup-
position, since there is an equilibrium, A : B :: CB : CD
(Art. 74.) ; therefore A : B :: CB : CA,
Case 2. When the directions AD, BH, in which
the forces act, are not perpendicular to the arms. Take
AD and BH, to represent the forces ; draw CM and CN
at right angles to those directions; also draw AF per-
pendicular, and DF parallel to AC, and complete the
parallelogram GF'^ then the force AD is equivalent to
the two AF, AGy of which, AG acts in the direction of
the arm, and therefore can have no effect in causing, or
preventing any angular motion in the lever about C. Let
BH be resolved, in the same manner, into the two Bt,
BK of which BI is perpendicular to, and BK in the
direction of the arm CB% then BK will have no effect
in causing, or preventing any angular motion in the lever
about C ; and since the lever is kept at rest, AF and BI^
which produce this effect, and act perpendicularly upon
the arms, are to each other, by the 1st case, inversely as
the arms; that is, AF : BI :: CB : CA,
or AFxCA = BIx CB.
Also in the similar triangles ADF, ACM,
AF : AD :: CM : CA,
and AFxCA = AD X CM;
in the same manner, BI x CB = BH x CN;
therefore ADxCM=BHx CN,
and AD : BH :: CN : CM,
(82.) Cor. 1. Let a body IK be moveable about
the center C, and two forces act upon it at A and B, in
the directions AD, BH, which coincide with the plane
ACB; join AC, CB; then this body may be considered
as a lever ACB, and drawing the perpendiculars CM, CN,
there will be an equilibrium, when the force acting at
A: the force acting at B :: CN : CM^.
(83.) CoE. 2. The effort of the force A, to turn
the lever round, is the same, at whatever point in the
direction MD it is applied; because the perpendicular
CM remains the same.
(84.) Cor. 3. Since CA : CM :: rad. : sin. CAM,
_,__ CA X sin. CAM _ .
CM = ; ; and m the same manner.
CB X sin. CBN
power at A : weight at B ::
; therefore, when there is an
CBx sin. CBN CAx sin. CAM
rad. rad.
:: CB X sin. CBN : CA x sin. CAM.
(85.) CoR. 4. If the lever ACB be straight, and the
directions AD, BH, parallel, A : B :: BC i AC; because,
in this case, sin. C^Ji'=sin. CBH.
Hence also, AxAC—B/ BC.
See Art. 74.
(86.) Cor. 5. If two weights balance each other
upon a straight lever in any one position, they will balance
each other in any other position of the lever ; for the weights
act in parallel directions, and the arms of the lever are
(870 ^^^' ^- ^^ ^ ^^"' balanced in a common pair
of scales, press upwards by means of a rod, against any
point in the beam, except that from which the scale is
suspended, he will preponderate.
Let the action upwards take place at D, then the
scale, by the reaction downwards, will be brought into the
situation iE; and the effect will be the same as if DA, AE, DE^
constituted one mass ; that is, drawing EF perpendicular to
CA produced, as if the scale were applied at F (Art. 83.);
consequently the weight, necessary to maintain the equi-
librium, is greater than if the scale were suffered to hang-
freely from J, in the proportion of CF : CA (Art. 80.)
(88.) CoR. 7. Let AD represent a wheel, bearing
\^ F
) B
a weight at it''s center C; AB an obstacle over which it
is to be moved by a force acting in the direction CE ; join
CA, draw CD perpendicular to the horizon, and from A
draw AG, AF, at right angles to CE, CD. Then CA
may be considered as a lever whose center of motion is
A, CD the direction in which the weight acts, and CE the
direction in which the power is applied ; and there is an
equilibrium on this lever when the power : the weight ::
AF : AG.
Supposing the wheel, the weight, and the obstacle
given, the power is the least when AG is the greatest;
that is, when CE is perpendicular to CA, or parallel to
the tangent at A.
(89.) Cor. 8. Let two forces acting in the directions
ADy BH, upon the arms of the lever ACB, keep each other
in equilibrio; produce DA and HB till they meet in P;
join CP, and draw CL parallel to PB ; then will PL, LC
represent the two forces, and PC the pressure upon the
For, if PC be made the radius, CM and CN are the
sines of the angles CPM, CPN, or CPL, PCL ;
and PL : LC :: sin. PCL : sin. LPC :: CN : CM;
therefore PL, LC, represent the quantities and directions
of the two forces, which may be supposed to be applied at
P (Art. 83.), and which are sustained by the reaction of
the fulcrum ; consequently, CP represents the quantity
and direction of that reaction (Art. 54.), or PC represents
the pressure upon the fulcrum.
Prop. XVI.
(90.) In a co7nhination of straight levers, AB, CD,
whose centers of motion are E and F, */ they act perpen-
dicularly upon each other, and the directions in which the
power and weight are applied he also perpendicular to the
armsy there is an equilibrium when P : W :: EB x FD :
For, the power at A : the weight at B, or C :: EB
A ^ h 5_
: EA ; and the weight at C : the weight at D :: FD : FC ;
therefore, P : W :: EB X FD : EA x FC
By the same method we may find the proportion between
the power and the weight, when there is an equilibrium, in
any other combination of levers.
(91.) CoR. If E and F be considered as the power
and weight, A and D the centers of motion, we have, as
before, E : F :: FD x BA : AE x CD. Hence the pressure
upon E : the pressure upon F :: FD x BA : AE x CD.
Prop. XVII.
(92.) Any weights will keep each other in equilibrio
on the arms of a straight lever ^ when the products^ which
arise from multiplying each weight by ifs distance from
the fulcrum^ are equals on each side of the fulcrum.
The weights Ay B, D, and E, F, will balance each
other upon the lever AF whose fulcrum is C, if A x AC
-^BxBC + DxDC = ExEC + FxFC.
In CF take any point JC, and let the weights r, s, t,
placed at X, balance respectively, A, B^ D; then A x AC
= rxXC; BxBC = sxXC; DxDC = txXC, (Art. 85.);
or, AxAC + BxBC + DxDC = (r ^rs + t) x XC. In
the same manner, let p and q, placed at F, balance respec-
tively, iJ and F; then (p-\-q)x YC = Ex EC -]- F x FC ;
but by the supposition A x AC + Bx BC -\-Dx DC = E x
EC^FxFC; therefore {r ^ s -\-t)x XC z=z{p + q) xYC,
and the weights r, s, t^ placed at X, balance the weights
p^ q, placed at F; also A, B, D, balance the former
weights, and E, F, the latter; consequently A^ B, Z>,
will balance E and F.
(93.) CoR. 1. If the weights do not act in parallel
directions, instead of the distances we must substitute the
perpendiculars, drawn from the center of motion, upon
the directions. (See Art. 81.)
(94.) Cor. 2. In Art. 80. the lever is supposed to
be without weight, or the arms AC, CD to balance each
other: In the formation of the common steelyard the
longer arm CB ib heavier than CJ^ and allowance must
be made for this excess. Let the moveable weight P,
when placed at E, keep the lever at rest ; then w^ien W
and P are suspended upon the lever, and the whole remains
at rest, W sustains P, and also a weight which would sup-
port P when placed at E ;
therefore W x AC = PxDC + P x EC = Px DE;
and since AC and P are invariable. Woe ED; the gradua-
tion must therefore begin from E; and if P, when placed
at P, support a weight of one pound at A, take FG, GD, &c.
equal to each other, and to EF, and when P is placed
at G it will support two pounds ; when at D it will sup-
port three pounds, &c.
(95.) The wheel and axle consists of two parts, a
cylinder AB moveable about it's axis CD, and a circle
EF so attached to the cylinder that the axis CD passes
through it's center, and is perpendicular to it's plane.
The power is applied at the circumference of the wheel,
usually in the direction of a tangent to it, and the weight is
raised by a rope which winds rounds the axle in a plane at
right angles to the axis.
Prop. XVIII.
(96.) There is an equilibrium upon the wheel and
axle, when the power is to the weight, as the radius of
the axle to the radius of the wheel.
The effort of the power to turn the machine round the
axis, must be the same at whatever point in the axle the
wheel is fixed; suppose it to be removed, and placed in
such a situation that the power and weight may act in the
same plane, and let CA, CB, be the radii of the wheel and
axle, at the extremities of which the power and weight acts;
then the machine becomes a lever ACS, whose center of
motion is C ; and since the radii CA, CB, are at right angles
to AP and BW, we have P: W :: CB : CA (Art. 82.).
(97) Cor. l. If the power act in the direction Ap,
draw CE perpendicular to Ap, and there will be an equi-
librium when P : W :. CB I CE (Art. 82.).
The same conclusion may also be obtained by resolving
the power into two, one perpendicular to AC, and the other
parallel to it.
(98.) Cor. 2. If 2R be the thickness of the ropes
by which the power and weight act, there will be an equi-
librium when P : W :: CB + R : CA-V R, since the power
and weight must be supposed to be applied in the axes of
the ropes.
The ratio of the power to the weight is greater in this
case than the former ; for if any quantity be added to the
terms of a ratio of less inequality, that ratio is increased
{Alg. Art. 162.).
(99.) Cor. 3. If the plane of the wheel be inclined to
the* axle at the angle EOD, draw ED perpendicular to
CD; and considering the wheel and axle as one mass,
there is an equilibrium when P : W :: the radius of the
axle : ED.
(100.) Cor. 4. In a combination of wheels and axles,
where the circumference of the first axle is applied to the
circumference of the second wheel, by means of a string,
or by tooth and pinion, and the second axle to the third
wheel, &c. there is an equilibrium when P : W :: the
product of the radii of all the axles : the product of the
radii of all the wheels. (See Art. 90.).
(101.) Cor. 5. When the power and weight act in
parallel directions, and on opposite sides of the axis, the
pressure upon the axis is equal to their sum; and when
they act on the same side, to their difference. In other
cases the pressure may be estimated by Art. 89.
(102.) Def. a Pulley is a small wheel moveable
about it's center, in the circumference of which a groove
is formed to admit a rope or flexible chain.
The pulley is said to be Jtxed^ or moveable, according
as the center of motion is fixed or moveable.
Prop. XIX.
(103.) In the single fixed pulley^ there is an equi-
iibriumy when the power and weight are equal.
Let a power and weight P, IF, equal to each other,
act by means of a perfectly flexible rope PDW, which
passes over the fixed pulley ADB ; then, whatever force
is exerted at D in the direction DAP, by the power, an
equal force is exerted by the weight in the direction
DBW\ these forces will therefore keep each other in
CoR. 1. Conversely, when there is an equilibrium, the
power and weight, are equal*.
CoR. 2. The proposition is true in whatever direction
the power is applied ; the only alteration made, by changing
* Sec Art. 7i.
it"'s direction, is in the pressure upon the center of motion.
(See Art. 106.).
Prop. XX.
(104.) In the single moveable pulley, whose strings
are parallel^ the power is to the weight as 1 to 2^.
A string fixed at E, passes under the moveable pulley
J, and over the fixed pulley B; the weight is annexed
to the center of the pulley A, and the power is applied
at P. Then since the strings EA, BA are in the direction
in which the weight acts, they exactly sustain it; and
they are equally stretched in every point, therefore they
sustain it equally between them ; or each sustains half
the weight. Also, whatever weight AB sustains, P sus-
tains (Prop. xix. Cor. 1.), therefore P \ W :: 1 : 2.
Prop. XXI.
(105.) In general^ in the single moveable pulley^ the
power is to the weighty as radius to twice the cosine of
the angle which either string makes with the direction
in which the weight acts.
* In this and the following propositions, the power and weight
arc supposed to be in equilibrio.
Let AW he the direction in which the weight acts;
produce BD till it meets AW in C, from A draw AD at
right angles to AC, meeting BC in D; then if CD be
taken to represent the power at P, or the power which acts
in the direction DB, CA will represent that part of it
which is effective in sustaining the weight, and AD will
be counteracted by an equal and opposite force, arising
from the tension of the string CE; also, the two strings
are equally effective in sustaining the weight; therefore
2 AC will represent the whole weight sustained; conse-
quently, P : W :: CD : 2AC :: rad. : 2 cos. DC A.
(106.) Cor. l. If the figure be inverted, and E and
B be considered as a power and weight which sustain each
other upon the fixed pulley A, W is the pressure upon
the center of motion; consequently the power : the pres-
sure :: radius : 2 cos. DC A.
(IO7.) CoR. 2. When the strings are parallel, the
angle DC A vanishes, and it's cosine becomes the radius;
in this case, the power : the pressure :: 1 : 2.
Prop. XXII.
(108.) In a system where the same string passes
round any number of pulleys^ and the parts of it between
the pulleys are parallel, P : W :: 1 : the number of
strings at the lower block.
Since the parallel parts, or strings at the lower block,
are in the direction in which the weight acts, they exactly
support the whole weight ; also, the tension in every point
of these strings is the same, otherwise the system would
not be at rest, and consequently each of them sustains
an equal weight; whence it follows that, if there be n
strings, each sustains - th part of the weight ; therefore, P
sustains --th part of the weight, ov P : W :: ^ i \ .: \ : n.
n n
(109.) CoR. If two systems of this kind be com-
bined, in which there are m and n strings, respectively,
at the lower blocks, P : W w \ -. mn.
Prop. XXIII.
(110.) In a system where each pulley hangs by a
separate string, and the strings are parallel, P : W :: 1 :
that power of 2 whose index is the number of moveable
In this system, a string passes over the fixed pulley
EF a
A, and under the moveable pulley J?, and is fixed at E;
another string is fixed at 5, passes under the moveable
pulley C, and is fixed at F% &c. in such a manner that
the strings are parallel.
Then, by Art. 104, when there is an equilibrium,
P :
the weight at B
:: 1
: 2
the weight at B :
the weight at C
:: 1
: 2
the weight at C
the weight at D
:: 1
: 2
Comp. P : W :: 1 : 2 X 2 X 2 X &c. continued to as many
factors as there are moveable pulleys ; that is, when there
are 7i such pulleys, P : W :: I : 2^\
(111.) CoR. 1. The power and weight are wholly
sustained at A, E, F, G, &c. which points sustain respec-
tively, 2P, P, 2P, 4P, &c.
(112.) Cor. 2. When the strings are not parallel,
P : W :: rad. : 2 cos. of the angle which the string makes
with the direction in which the weight acts, in each case
(Art. 105.).
Prop. XXIV.
(113.) In a system of n pulleys each hanging by a
separate string, where the strings are attached to the
weight as is represented in the anneoced figure, P : W ::
1 : 2"— 1.
A string, fixed to the weight at P, passes over the
pulley C, and is again fixed to the pulley P; another
string, fixed at E, passes over the pulley P, and is fixed
to the pulley A ; &c. in such a manner that the strings
are parallel:
Then, if P be the power, the weight sustained by
the string DA is P; also the pressure downwards upon
A^ or the weight which the string AB sustains, is SiP
(Art. 107.); therefore the string EB sustains 2P; &c.
and the whole weight sustained is PH-2P + 4P+&C.
Hence, P : W :: 1 : 1 -f 2 -f 4 -f- &c. io n terms :: 1 : 2'^ — 1
{Alg, Art. 222.).
(114.) Cor. 1. Both the power and the weight are
sustained at H.
(115.) Cor. 2. When the strings are not parallel,
the power in each case, is to the corresponding pressure
upon the center of the pulley :: rad. : 2 cos. of the angle
made by the string with the direction in which the weight
acts (Art. 106.). Also, by the resolution of forces, the
power in each case, or pressure upon the former pulley,
is to the weight it sustains :: rad. : cos. of the angle made
by the string with the direction in which the weight
Prop. XXV.
(116.) //' a body act upon a perfectly hard and
^smooth plane, the effect jjroduced upon the plane is in
a direction per pendic alar to ifs surface.
Case 1. When the body acts perpendicularly upon
the plane, it's force is wholly effective in that direction ;
since there is no cause to prevent the effect, or to alter
it's direction.
Case 2. When the direction in which the body acts
is oblique to the plane, resolve it's force into two, one
parallel, and the other perpendicular, to the plane; the
former of these can produce no effect upon the plane,
because there is nothing to oppose it in the direction in
which it acts (See Art. 29.) ; and the latter is wholly
effective (by the first case) ; that is, the effect produced
by the force is in a direction perpendicular to the plane.
(11 7.) Cor. The reaction of the plane is in a di-
rection perpendicular to it's surface (Art. 32.).
Prop. XXVI.
(118.) When a body is sustained 7(pon a plane which
is inclined to the horizon, P : W :: the sine of the plane'' s
inclination : the sine of the angle which the direction of
the power makes ivith a perpendicular to the plane.
Let BC be parallel to the horizon, BA a plane inclined
to it; P a body, sustained at any point upon the plane
by a power acting in the direction PV. From P draw
PC perpendicular to BA, meeting BC in C; and from C
draw CV perpendicular to BC, meeting PF in F*. Then
the body P is kept at rest by three forces which act upon
it at the same time: the power, in the direction PV;
gravity, in the direction VC ; and the reaction of the
plane, in the direction CP (Art. 117.); these three forces
are therefore properly represented by the three lines PV,
VC, and CP (Art. 56.) ; oiP : W :: PV : VC :: sin. PCV :
sin. VPC; and in the similar triangles APC, ABC
(Euc. 8. vi.), the angles ACP, and CBA are equal; there-
fore P : W:: sin. ABC : sin. VPC.
(119.) CoR. 1. When PV coincides with PA, or
the power acts parallel to the plane, P : W :: PA : AC ::
AC : AB.
(120.) Cor. 2. When PV coincides with Pv, or the
power acts parallel to the base, P : W :: Pv : vC :: AC
: CB ; because the triangles Pv C, ABC are similar.
(121.) CoR. 3. When PV is parallel to CV, the
power sustains the whole weight.
(122.) CoR. 4. Since P : W :: sin. ABC : sin. VPC,
we have Px sin. VPC = Wx sin. ABC; and if W, and
* That PV, CV, are in the same plane, appears from Art. 55.
the sine of the z ABC be invariable, P oc
sin. VPC
(Jig- Art. 206.) ; therefore P is the least, when .
is the least, or sin. VPC the greatest; that is, when
sin. VPC becomes the radius, or PF coincides with PA.
Also, P is indefinitely great when sin. VPC vanishes ; that
is, when the power acts perpendicularly to the plane.
(123.) CoE. 5. If P and the /iABC be given, W
oc sin. VPC; therefore W will be the greatest when
sin. VPC is the greatest, that is, when PV coincides with
PA. Also, W vanishes when the sin. VPC vanishes, or
PV coincides with PC.
(124.) CoR. 6. The power : the pressure :: PV : PC
:: sin. PCV : sin. PVC :: sin. ABC : sin. PVC
(125.) CoR. 7. When the power acts parallel to the
plane, the power : the pressure :: PA : PC :: AC : BC
(126.) Cor. 8. When the power acts parallel to the
base, the power : the pressure :: Pv : PC :: AC : AB.
(I27.) Cor. 9. P X sin. PFC = the press. X sin. ^5C;
and when P and the z ABC are given, the pressure
ocsin, PVC; therefore the pressure will be the greatest
when PV is parallel to the base.
(128.) Cor. 10. When two sides of a triangle, taken
in order, represent the quantities and directions of two
forces which are sustained by a third, the remaining side,
taken in the same order, will represent the quantity and
direction of the third force (Art. 54.). Hence, if we sup-
pose PF to revolve round P, when it falls between Pj?,
which is parallel to VC, and PE, the direction of gravity
remaining unaltered, the direction of the reaction must
be changed, or the body must be supposed to be sustained
against the under surface of the plane. When it falls
between PE and ,vP produced, the direction of the power
E 2
must be changed. And when it falls between vP produced,
and PC, the directions of both the power and reaction
must Be different from what they were supposed to be
in the proof of the proposition; that is, the body must
be sustained against the under surface of the plane, by
a force which acts in the direction VP.
(129.) Cor. 11. If the weights P, IF, sustain each
other upon the planes AC, CB, which have a common
altitude CD, by means of a string PC IV which passes over
the pulley C, and is parallel to the planes, then
P : W :: AC : BC
For, since the tension of the string is every where the
same, the sustaining power, in each case, is the same ;
and calling this power a,
P : X :: AC : CD (Art. II9.);
x : W:: CD : CB.
comp. P : W:: AC : CB.
(130.) Def. a Wedge is a triangular prism; or a
solid generated by the motion of a plane triangle parallel
to itself, upon a straight line which passes through one
of it's angular points *.
* See also Euc. B. XL Def. 13.
Knives, swords, coulters, nails, &c. are instruments of
this kind.
The wedge is called isosceles or scalene, according as
the section of it, made by a plane perpendicular to it's
sides, is an isosceles or scalene triangle.
Prop. XXVII.
(131.) If two equal forces act upon the sides of an
isosceles wedge at equal angles of inclination^ and a force
act perpendicularly upon the hack, they will keep the
wedge at rest, when the force upon the hack is to the
sum of the forces upon the sides, as the product of the
sine of half the vertical angle of the wedge and the sine
of the angle at which the directions of the forces are
inclined to the sides, to the square of radius.
Let AVB represent a section of the wedge, made by
a plane perpendicular to it's sides ; draw VC perpendicular
to AB', DC, dC, in the directions of the forces upon the
sides; and CE, Ce, at right angles to ^F, 57; join Ee,
meeting CV m F.
Then, in the triangles VCA, VCB., since the angles
VCA, CAV, are respectively equal to VCB, VBC, and
VC is common to both, AC=CB, and the z CVA= z CVB.
Again, in the triangles. ^Ci>, BCd, the angles DAC, CD A,
are equal to the angles CBd, BdC, and AC = BC; there-
fore. DC = dC. In the same manner it may be shewn
that CE=Ce, and AE = Be; hence the sides AV, BV,
of the triangle A VB, are cut proportionally in E and e ;
therefore Ee is parallel to AB (Euc. 2. vi.), or perpen-
^ dicular to CF; also, since CE = Ce, and CF is common
' Z. to the right-angled triangles CEF, CeF, we have EF=eF
\/ (Euc. 47. i.)
I\ Now since DC and c/ C are equal, and in the directions
V of the forces upon the sides, they will represent them ;
1^ resolve DC into two, DE, ECy of which DE produces
no effect upon the wedge, and EC, Avhich is effective
(Art. 116.), does not wholly oppose the power, or force
upon the back ; resolve EC therefore into two, EF^
parallel to the back, and FC perpendicular to it, the
latter of which is the only force which opposes the power.
In the same manner it appears that eF, FC, are the only
effective parts of dC, of which FC opposes the power,
and ejP is counteracted by the equal and opposite force
EF ., hence if 9,CF represent the power, the wedge will be
kept at pest * ; that is, when the force upon the back : the
sum of the resistances upon the sides :: 2C-F : DC-\-dC
:: 9.CF : 2DC :: CF : DC; ami
CF : CE :: sin. CEF : rad. :: sin. CVE : rad.
CE : DC :: sin. CDE : rad.
Comp. CF : DC :: sin. CF^xsin. CDE : (rad.)^.
(132.) Coil. 1. The forces do not sustain each other
because the parts DE, de, are not counteracted.
(133.) Cor. 2. If the resistances act perpendicularly
upon the sides of the wedge, CDE becomes a right angle, and
P : the sum of the resistances :: sin. CVE x rad. : (rad.)-
:: sin. CVE : rad. :: AC : AV.
* The directions of the three forces must meet in a pointy otherwise
a rotatory motion will be given to the wedge.
(134.) Cor. 3. If the directions of the resistances be
perpendicular to the back, the angle CDE= /.CVE, and
P : the sum of the resistances :: (sin. CVE)^ : (rad.)- ::
(135.) Cor. 4. When the resistances act parallel to
the back, sin. CDJ = sin. CJV, and P : the sum of the re-
sistances :: sin. CVA xsiu. CAV : (rad.)" :: CAxCV : AV^
:: CEx AV* : AV :: CE : AV.
(136.) Cor. 5. In the demonstration of the propo-
sition it has been supposed that the sides of the wedge
are perfectly smooth; if on account of the friction, or
by any other means, the resistances are wholly effective,
join Dd, which will cut CF at right angles in y, and
resolve DC, dC into Dy, yC, dy, yC, of which Dy and
dy destroy each other, and 2yC sustains the power.
Hence, the power : the sum of the resistances
:: 2yC : 2DC ::yC : DC :: sin. CDy or DC A : rad.
(I37.) Cor. 6. If Ee cut DC and dC in x and ^,
the forces, wC, %C, when wholly effective, and the forces
DC, dC, acting upon smooth surfaces, will sustain the
same power 2CF.
By similar triangles, CE : CA :; CV : AV;
therefore CEXAV=^CAX CF>
(138.) Cor. 7- If from any point P in the side AV,
PC be drawn, and the resistance upon the side be repre-
sented by it, the effect upon the wedge will be the same
as before ; the only difference will be in the part PE which
is ineffective.
(139.) Cor. 8. If DC be taken to represent the
resistance on one side, and pC, greater or less than dC,
represent the resistance on the other, the wedge cannot
be kept at rest by a power acting upon the back ; because,
on this supposition, the forces which are parallel to the
back are unequal.
This Proposition and it's Corollaries have been deduced
from the actual resolution of the forces, for the purpose of
shewing what parts are lost, or destroyed by their opposition
to each other ; the same conclusions may, however, be very
concisely and easily obtained from Art. 142.
(140.) When three forces, acting perpendicularly
upon the sides of a scalene tvedge, keep each other in
equilibrio, they are proportional to those sides.
Let GI, HI, DI, the directions of the forces, meet
in /; then since the forces keep each other at rest, they are
proportional to the three sides of a triangle which are re-
spectively perpendicular to those directions (Art. 59.); that
is, to the three sides of the wedge.
(141.) Cor. l. If the lines of direction, passing-
through the points of impact, do not meet in a point, the
wedo-e will have a rotatory motion communicated to it;
and this motion will be round the center of gravity of the
wedge. (See Art. 184.)
(142.) CoR. 2. When the directions of the forces are
not perpendicular to the sides, the effective parts must be
found, and there will be an equilibrium when those parts
are to each other as the sides of the wedge.
(143.) Def. The Screw is a mechanical power,
which may be conceived to be generated in the following
manner :
Let a solid and a hollow cylinder of equal diameters be
taken, and let ABC be a right-angled plane triangle whose
base BC is equal to the circumference of the solid cylinder;
apply the triangle to the convex surface of this cylinder, in
such a manner, that the base BC may coincide, with the
circumference of the base of the cylinder, and BA will
form a spiral thread on it's surface. By applying to the
cylinder, triangles, in succession, sinjilar and equal to
ABC, in such a manner, that their bases may be parallel
to BC, the spiral thread may be continued ; and supposing
this thread to have thickness, or the cylinder to be pro-
tuberant where it falls, the external screw will be formed,
,S c
in which the distance between two contiguou>s threadt^.
measured in a direction parallel to the axis of the cylinder,
is AC. Again, let the triangles be applied in the same
manner to the concave surface of the hollow cylinder, and
where the thread falls let a groove be made, and the in-
ternal screw will be formed. The two screws being thus
exactly adapted to each other, the solid or hollow cylinder,
as the case requires, may be moved round the common axis.
by a lever perpendicular to that axis; and a motion will
be produced in the direction of the axis, by means of the
spiral thread.
Prop. XXIX.
(144.) When there is an equilibrium upon the screw,
P : W :: the distance between two contiguous threads,
measured in a direction parallel to the aocis : the circum-
ference of the circle which the power describes.
Let BCD represent a section of the screw made by
a plane perpendicular to it's axis, CE a part of the spiral
thread upon which the weight is sustained ; then CE is
a portion of an inclined plane, whose height is the distance
between two threads, and base equal to the circumference
BCD. Call F the power which acting at C in the plane
BCD, and in the direction CI perpendicular to AC, will
sustain the weight W, or prevent the motion of the screw
round the axis; then since the weight is sustained upon
the inclined plane CE by a power F acting parallel to it's
base, F : W :: the height : the base (Art. 120.) :: the
distance between two threads : the circumference BCD.
Now, instead of supposing the power F to act at C, let
a power P act perpendicularly at G, on the straight lever
GCA, whose center of motion is A, and let this power
produce the same effect at C that F does; then, by the
property of the lever, P : F :: CA : GA :: the circum-
ference BCD : the circumference FGH. We have there-
fore these two proportions.
F : W
P : F
comp. P : W
: distance between two threads : BCD
: distance between two threads : FGH.
(145.) Coil. 1. In the proof of this Proposition the
whole weight is supposed to be sustained at one point C
of the spiral thread ; if we suppose it to be dispersed over
the whole thread, then, by the Proposition, the power at
G necessary to sustain any part of the weight : that part
:: the distance between two threads : the circumference
of the circle FGH; therefore the sum of all these powers,
or the whole power : the sum of all the corresponding
weights, or the whole weight, :: the distance between
two threads : the circumference of the circle FGH {Alg.
Art. 183.).
(146.) Cor. 2, Since the power, necessary to sustain
a given weight, depends upon the distance between two
threads and the circumference FGH^ if these remain un-
altered, the power is the same, whether the weight is
supposed to be sustained at C, or at a point upon the
thread nearer to, or farther from, the axis of the cylinder.
(I47.) Some Authors have deduced the properties of
the mechanical powers immediately from the Third Law
of Motion; contending that if the power and weight be
such as would sustain each other, and the machine be put
into motion, the momenta of the power and weight are
equal ; and consequently, that the power x the velocity of
the power = the weight x the velocity of the weight ; or
the power's velocity : the weight's velocity :: the weight :
the power.
Though this conclusion be just, the reasoning by which
it is attempted to be proved is inadmissible, because the
Third Law of Motion relates to the action of one body
immediately upon another (Art. 36.). It may however be
deduced from the foregoing Propositions ; and as it is, in
many cases, the simplest method of estimating the power
of a machine, it may not be improper to estabhsh it's truth.
In the application of the rule, two things must be at-
tended to : 1st, We must estimate the velocity of the power
or weight in the direction in which it acts. 2dly, We must
estimate that part only of the power or weight which is
These two considerations are suggested by the Second
Law of Motion, according to which motion is communicated
in the direction of the force impressed, and is proportional
to that force.
Prop. XXX.
(148.) The velocity of a body in any one direction
AB being given, to estimate ifs velocity in any other
direction BP.
Suppose the motion of A to be produced by a force
acting in the direction BP, by means of a string which
passes over a pulley at P ; produce PB to 0, making PO
= PA; join AO ; then OB is the space which measures
the approach of A to P. ^ow let the pulley be removed
to such a distance that the angle at P may be considered
as evanescent, and the power will always act in the same
direction BP ; also, the angles at A and are equal ; and
they are right angles, because the three angles of the
triangle APO are equal to two right angles, and the
angle at P vanishes ; therefore, the space described in the
direction OP, or BP, is determined by drawing AO per-
pendicular to OP. If the space described in the direction
xy, which is parallel to OP, be required, produce AO to
X, and from B draw By at right angles to cvy; then the
figure OByoB is a parallelogram, and OB = aiy the space
required. Also, if the motion in the direction AB be
uniform, the motion in the direction BP, or xy, is uniform;
since AB : OB :: rad. : cos. ABO. Hence, the velocity
in the direction AB : the velocity in the direction BP ::
AB : OB (Art. 11.).
Prop. XXXI.
(149.) If a 'power and weight sustain each other on
any machine, and the whole he put in motion, the velocity
of the power : the velocity of the weight :: the weight : the
Case 1. In the lever ACB, let a power and weight,
acting in the directions AD, BH, sustain each other, and
let the machine be moved uniformly round the center C,
through a very small angle AC a,, Join Aa^ Bb; draw
CM, ax, at right angles to MD; and CN, by, at right
angles to NB ; then J's velocity : B^s velocity :: Aj? : By
(Art. 148.). Now the triangles Axa, MCA, are similar;
because z xAC = z AMC + z MCA (Euc. 32. i.) and
A aAC= jL AMC', therefore, AwAa^ z MCA ; and the
angles at M and x are right angles; consequently, the
remaining angles are equal; and
also, in the sim. A^ AC a, BCb, A a
and in the sim. A^ Bhy, BCN, Bb
by composition, Ax
or the power's vel. : the weight's vel. :: the weight : the
power (Art. 81.).
Aa :
: CM :
Bb :
: CA :
By :
: CB :
By :
: CM :
Case 2* In the wheel and axle^ if the power be made
to describe a space equal to the circumference of the wheel
with an uniform motion, the weight will be uniformly
raised through a space equal to the circumference of the
axle; hence, the power's velocity : the weight's velocity ::
the circumference of the wheel : the circumference of the
axle :: the radius of the wheel : the radius of the axle ::
the weight : the power (Art. 96.)-
Case 3. In the single fixed pulley^ if the weight be
uniformly raised 1 inch, the power will uniformly describe
1 inch in the direction of it's action ; therefore the power's
velocity : the weight's velocity :: the weight : the power.
Case 4. In the single moveable pulley where the
strings are parallel, if the weight be raised 1 inch, each
of the strings is shortened 1 inch, and the power describes
2 inches; therefore, P's velocity : PF's velocity :: W : P
(Art. 104.).
Case 5. In the system of pulleys described in Art, 108,
if the weight be raised 1 inch, each of the strings at the
lower block is shortened 1 inch, and the power describes
n inches; therefore, P's velocity : W\ velocity :: W : P.
In this system of pulleys, whilst 1 inch of the string
passes over the pulley A^ 2 inches pass over the pulley B^
3 over C, 4 over D, &c.
Hence it follows, that if in the solid block A, the
grooves A, C, E, &c. be cut, whose radii are 1,3, 5, &c.
and in the block B, the grooves B, D, F, &c. whose radii
are 2, 4, 6, &c. and a string be passed round these grooves
as in the annexed figure ; the grooves will answer the pur-
pose of so many distinct pulleys, and every point in each,
moving with the velocity of the string in contact with it,
the whole friction will be removed to the two centers of
motion in the blocks A and B.
Case 6. In the system of pulleys described in Art. 110,
each succeeding pulley moves twice as fast as the preceding ;
therefore, Ws velocity : CTs velocity :: 1 : 2
Cs velocity : ^'s velocity :: 1 : 2
B''s velocity : P''s velocity :: 1 : 2
comp. W'*s velocity : i^s velocity :: 1 : 2x2x2x&c.
:: P : W.
Case 7- In the system. Art. 113, if the weight be
raised 1 inch, the pulley B will descend 1 inch, and the
pulley A will descend 2 -f 1 inches ; in the same manner,
the next pulley will descend 2x(2-|-l)+l inches, or
4 + 2 + 1 inches ; &c. therefore P's velocity : Ws velocity
:: 1 + 2 + 4 + &c. : 1 :: W : P.
Case 8. Let a body be uniformly raised along the
inclined plane BA from B to P, by a power acting parallel
to PV; upon BP describe a semi-circle BOP, cutting BC
in M; produce VP to 0, join BO, PM, MO. Then since
the angles BOP, BMP, in the semi-circle, are right
angles, OP and MP are spaces uniformly described in the
same time, by the power and weight in their respective
directions (Art. 148.); also, because L POM — L PBM
= z PCV, and z 0PM = I PVC (Euc. 29. i.), the tri-
angles POM, PVC are similar, and OP : MP :: VC : PV,
or the power's velocity : the weight's velocity :: the weight
: the power, in the case of an equilibrium (Art. 118.).
Case 9. In the isosceles wedge, wC is the only effec-
tive part of the resistance DC (see Art. 13?.); ^^^^ ^^
perpendicular to CD produced; then if the wedge be
moved uniformly from C to V, CO is the space uniformly
described by the resisting force (Art. 148.) ; hence, the
power's velocity : the velocity of the resisting force :: CV
: CO :: Cx : CF :: the resistance : the power.
Case 10. hi the screw, whilst the power uniformly
describes the circumference of the circle FGH (Art. 144.),
the weight is uniformly raised through the distance be-
tween two contiguous threads; therefore P's velocity :
Ws velocity :: the circumference of the circle FGH : the
distance between two threads :: W : P.
Case 11. In any combination of the mechanical
powers, lei P : W, W : R, R : S, &c. be the ratios of the
power and weight in each case, when there is an equili-
brium ; then,
P^s velocity : Ws velocity :: W : P
W\ velocity : i?'s velocity :: R : W
R\ velocity : *S"s velocity :: S : R
comp. P\ velocity : *S"s velocity :: S : P.
(150.) It has been usual to distinguish Levers into
three kinds, according to the different situations of the
power, weight, and center of motion; there are however
only two kinds which essentially differ; those in which
the forces act on contrary sides of the center of motion,
as the common balance, steel-yard, &c. and those in which
they act on the same side, as the stock-knife, shears
which act by a spring, oars, &c. The proportion between
the forces, when there is an equilibrium, is expressed in
the same terms in each case ; but the levers differ in this
respect, that the pressure upon the fulcrum depends upon
the sum of the forces in the former case, and upon their
difference in the latter; and consequently, the friction
upon the center of motion, cceteris paribus, is greater in
the former case than the latter.
(151.) The pulley has, by some Writers, been re-
ferred to the lever, and they have justly deduced it's
properties from the proportions which are found to obtain
in that mechanical power ; for, the adhesion of the pulley
and the rope, which takes place at the circumference
of the pulley, will overcome the friction at the center
of motion ; both because it acts at a mechanical advantage,
and because the surface in contact is greater in the former
case than in the latter; and the friction depends, not
only upon the weight sustained, but also upon the quantity
of surface in contact: Thus, in practice, the rope and
pulley move on together, and the pulley becomes a lever.
(152.) The Wedge has hitherto chiefly been applied
to the purposes of separating the parts of bodies, and it's
power, notwithstanding the friction, is much greater than
the theory leads us to expect; the reason is, the effect
is produced by impact, and the momentum thus generated
is incomparably greater than the effect of pressure, in
the same time. Mr. Eckhard, a very ingenious mechanic,
by combining it with the wheel and axle, has constructed
a machine, the power of which, considering it's simplicity,
is much greater than that of any machine before inventedc
(153.) Def. The Center of Gravity of any body^
or system of bodies, is that point upon which the body
or system, acted upon only by the force of gravity, will
balance itself in all positions*.
(154.) Hence it follows, that if a line or plane, which
passes through the center of gravity, be supported, the
body, or system, will be supported in all positions.
(155.) Conversely, if a body, or system, balance
itself upon a line or plane, in all positions, the center of
gravity is in that line or plane.
If not, let the line or plane be moved parallel to itself
till it passes through the center of gravity, then we have
increased both the quantity of matter on one side of the
line or plane, and if s distance from the line or plane,
and diminished both, on the other side; hence, if the
body balanced itself in all positions in the former case,
it cannot, from the nature of the lever, balance itself in
all positions^ in the latter; consequently, the center of
gravity is not in this line, or plane (Art. 154.); which is
contrary to the supposition.
* That there is such a point in every body, or system of bodies, will
be shewn hereafter.
(156.) Cor. By reasoning in the same manner, it
appears that a body, or system of bodies, cannot have
more than one center of gravity.
(I57.) To find the center of gravity of any number
of particles of matter.
Let A^ B, C, D, &c. be the particles; and suppose
J, B, connected by the inflexible line AB without weight *;
^ D
divide AB into two parts in jG, so that A : B :: BE : EA,
or comp. A+B : B :: AB : EA; then will A and B
balance each other upon E, or if E be supported, A and B
will be supported in all positions (Art. S6.) ; let E be
supported on the line CE, then are A and B supported
in all positions ; also the pressure upon the point E is
equal to the sum of the weights A and B (Art. 70. Ax. 1,).
Join EC, and take J + 5 : C :: CF : FE, or A-^B-\-C
: C :: EC : FE ; then if F be supported, E and C will
be supported, that is, A, j&, and C, will be supported, in
all positions of the system ; and the pressure upon F will
be the sum of the weights. A, B, and C In the same
manner, join FD, and divide it into two parts in G, so
that A + B + C : D :: DG : FG, or A-\-B + C + D : D
:: FD : FG, and the system will balance iteelf in all po-
sitions upon G ; that is, G is the center of gravity of the
* The particles must be supposed to be connected, otherwise they
could not act upon each other, so as to balance upon any point.
(158.) CoK. 1. From this Proposition it appears that
every body, or system of bodies, has a center of gravity.
(159.) Cor. 2. If the particles be supposed to be
connected in any other manner, the same point G will be
found to be their center of gravity (Art. 156.).
(160.) CoR. 3. The effect of any number of particle}^
in a system, to produce or destroy an equilibrium, is the
same, whether they are dispersed, or collected in their
common center of gravity.
(161.) CoR. 4. If A, B, C, &c. be bodies of finite
magnitudes, G, the center of gravity of the system, may
be found by supposing the bodies collected in their re-
spective centers of gravity.
(162.) CoR. 5. If the bodies A, B, C, &c. be in-
creased or diminished in a given ratio, the same point G
will be the center of gravity of the system. For the
points E, F, G, depend upon the relative, and not upon
the absolute weights of the bodies.
(163.) CoR. 6. If any forces, which are proportional
to the weights, act in parallel directions at A, B, C, Z>,
they will sustain each other upon the point G; and this
point is still called the center of gravity, though the
particles are not acted upon by the force of gravity.
(164.) CoR. 7. A force applied at the center of gravity
of a body cannot produce a rotatory motion in it. For
every particle resists, by it's inertia, the communication
of motion, and in a direction opposite to that in which
the force applied tends to communicate the motion ; these
resistances, therefore, of the particles, act in parallel di-
rections, and they are proportional to the weights (Art. 25.);
consequently, they will balance each other upon the center
of gravity.
(165.) To find the center of gravity of a right line^.
The center of gravity of a right line, composed of
particles of matter which are equal to each other and uni-
formly dispersed, is it's middle point. For, there are equal
weights on each side, equally distant from the middle
point, which will sustain each other, in all positions, upon
that point :: CA : EA :: 2 : 1.
Also, the triangles CGB, EGD, are similar,
therefore, BG : Ci5
alternately, BG : GjE
hence, ^G : BE
: GE : ED;
: CB : jE:/)
: 2 : 3.
Prop. XXXVI.
(169) To Jlnd the center of gravity of any recti-
linear figure.
Let ABCDE be an uniform lamina of matter of the
proposed figure. Divide it into the triangles ABC, ACD,
ADE, whose centers of gravity a, b, c, may be found by
the last Proposition ; then if the triangles be collected
in their respective centers of gravity (Art. iGo.), their
common center of gravity may be found as in Prop. 32. ;
that is, join ab and take db : ad :: the triangle ABC : the
triangle ADC, and d is the center of gravity of the two
triangles ABC, ACD. Join dc, and take ce : ed :: the
sum of the triangles ABC, ACD : the triangle AED, and
€ is the center of gravity of the figure.
(I70.) Tojind the center of gravity of any number
of bodies placed in a straight line.
Let A, B, C, D, be the bodies, collected in their re-
spective centers of gravity ; S any point in the straight
line SAD ; O the center of gravity of all the bodies.
Then since the bodies balance each other upon O,
§ A B_0 C p
A X AO + B X BO = C X CO + D x DO (Art. 92.) ;
that is, A X (SO-SA) -\- B x {SO -SB)
= Cx (SC-SO) +Dx (SD - SO) ;
hence, by mult, and transposition,
A X SO-\-Bx SO + Cx SO-\-DxSO
= Ax SA + BxSB + CxSC-\-DxSD; therefore,
AxSA + BxSB + Cx SC + D x SD
SO =
(I7I) CoR. If any of the bodies lie the other way
from S, their distances must be reckoned negative ; and
if SO be negative, the distance SO must be measured from
S in that direction which, in the calculation, was supposed
to be negative. (Sec Alg- Art. 472.)
(I72.) If perpendiculars he drawn from any number
of bodies to a given plane, the sum of the products of each
body, multiplied by ifs perpendicular distance from the
plane, is equal to the product of the sum of all the bodies
multiplied by the perpendicular distance of their common
center of gravity from the plane.
Let A, B, C, &c. be the bodies, collected in their
respective centers of gravity ; PQ the given plane ; draw
A a, Bb, Cc, at right angles to PQ, and consequently,
parallel to each other (Euc. 6. xi.); join AB, and take
- t>
a ^
L '
AE : EB :: B : A, then E is the center of gravity of
A and B; through E draw Ee perpendicular to PQ, or
parallel to Aa, and wEy perpendicular to A a or Bb;
then in the similar triangles AEx, EBy,
Aaj : AE :: By : BE,
alternately, Aa; : By :: AE : BE :: B : A ;
therefore A x Ax = B x By,
that is, A X (.%a — Aa) = Bx (Bb — yb),
or since Ea, Eb, are parallelograms,
A X iEe-Aa)=^B x {Bb--Ec);
and by multiplication and transposition,
J xEe-\- B xEe = A xAa + BxBh,
that is, {A + B)xEe = AxAa + BxBh.
Again, join EC, and take CG : GE :: A i- B : C,
then G is the center of gravity of the bodies A, B, C;
draw Gg perpendicular to PQ ; and it may be shewn,
as before, that
(A + B)xEe-^ CxCc = (A + B + C)x Gg,
or Ax Aa-^B X Bb+C X Cc = (A-i-B-hC) X Gg.
The same demonstration may be extended to any number
of bodies.
/-i^ox r^ TT r. AxAa-\-BxBh-\-CxCc
(1/3.) Cor. 1. Hence G^= . , „ , ^ ;
and if a plane be drawn parallel to PQ, and at the distance
Gg from it, the center of gravity of the system lies some-
where in this plane. In the same manner two other planes
may be found, in each of which the center of gravity lies,
and the point where the three planes cut each other, is the
center of gravity of the system.
(174.) Cor. 2. If any of the bodies lie on the other
side of the plane, their distances must be reckoned negative.
(I75.) CoR. 3. Wherever the bodies are situated, if
their respective perpendicular distances from the plane
remain the same, the distance of their common center of
gravity from the plane w^ill remain the same.
(I76.) CoR. 4. Let the bodies lie in the same plane,
and let perpendiculars, A a, Bb, Cc, Gg, be drawn to any
given line in that plane, then
A x Aa-\- B x Bb-\- C X Cc
^'^ = J + B + C •
(177-) Con. ,). If A and B be on one side of the
plane, and C on the other, and the plane pass through
the center of gravity, then A x Aa + B x Bh = C x Cc.
For Ggx{A-^B^'C) = AxAa-^BxBh-CxCc, and
Gg = 0, therefore A x Aa + B x Bh - C x Cc = 0', or
AxAa + BxBh = CxCc.
Prop. XXXIX.
(I78.) If any momenta he communicated to the parts
of a system, ifs center of gravity will move in the satne
manner that a body, equal to the sum of the hodies in the
system, would move, were it placed in that center, and
the same momenta, in the same directions, communicated
to it.
Let A, B, C, be the bodies in the system, and the
points A, B, C, their respective centers of gravity ; join
BC, and take BT : TC :: C : B; join AT, and take
TE : EA :: A : B + C,
or TE : TA :: A : A+B^C,
then will E be the center of gravity of the system (Art. 161.).
Suppose the momentum communicated to A would
cause it to move from A to w in GT", and at x let the
body be stopped ; join Tx ;
take TF : Tx :: A : A-{-B-\-C,
then F is the center of gravity of the bodies when they
are at .v, B, C; join EF;
since TE : TJ :: A : A -\- B -h C :: TF : Tx,
EF is parallel to Ax (Euc. 2. vi.), and consequently the
triangles TEF, TA x, are similar ;
therefore J^F : Ax :: A : A + B + C.
Hence if one body A in the system be moved from A
to tT, the center of gravity is moved from E to F \ which
point may be thus determined; draw EF parallel to Ax^
and take EF : Ax :: A : A-\B^C.
Next let a momentum be communicated to B, which
would cause it to move from B io y va. T" \ at y let the
body be stopped ; then, according to the rule above laid
down, draw FG parallel to By^ and take
FG : By V. B '. J+^ + C,
and G will be the center of gravity of the bodies when
they are at x^ y^ C. In the same manner, let a momen-
tum be communicated to C, which would cause it to
move from C to ;$? in T'\ and at !s let the body be stop-
ped ; draw GH parallel to C^, and take
GH : C:^ :: C : A -{- B -b C,
then H is the center of gravity of the bodies when they
are at .j?, y, ^. If now the momenta, instead of being
communicated separately, be communicated at the same
instant to the bodies, at the end of T'' they will be
found in x, y, %, respectively ; therefore, at the end of T'\
their common center of gravity will be in H.
Now let £ be a body equal to A +B -t Cy and let the
same momentum be communicated to it that was before
communicated to A, and in the same direction ; then since
EF is parallel to Ax, EF is in the direction in which
the body E will move ; also, since the quantities of motion
communicated to A and E are equal, their velocities are
reciprocally proportional to their quantities of matter
(Art. 19.), or E's velocity : J's velocity :: A : A + B + C
:: EF : Ax; therefore, EF and Aoe are spaces described
by E and A in equal times (Art. 11.), or E will describe
the space EF in T". In the same manner FG is the space
which the body E will describe in T", if the momentum,
before communicated to B, be communicated to it ; and
GH the space it will describe in T", if the momentum
before communicated to C, be communicated to it ; join
EH; and when the motions are communicated at the same
instant to E, it will describe EH in T" (Art. 42.). Hence
it follows, that when the same momenta are communicated
to the parts of a system, and to a body, equal to the sum
of the bodies, placed in the common center of gravity, this
body and the center of gravity are in the same point at the
end of T" ; and T may represent any time ; therefore, they
are always in the same point.
The same demonstration may be applied, whatever be
the number of bodies in the system.
(I79.) CoR. 1. If the parts of a system move uni-
formly in right lines, the center of gravity will either
remain at rest, or move uniformly in a right line. For
if the momenta communicated to the several parts of the
system be communicated to a body, equal to the sum of
the bodies, placed in the center of gravity of the system,
it will either remain at rest or move uniformly in a right
line (Art. 27.)-
(180.) Cor. 2. If two weights support each other
upon any machine, and it be put in motion, the center of
gravity of the weights will neither ascend nor descend.
For the momenta of the weights, in a direction perpen-
dicular to the horizon, are equal and opposite (Art. 149.);
therefore, if they were communicated to a body equal to
the sum of the bodies, placed in the common center of
gravity, they would neither cause it to ascend nor descend.
(181.) Cor. 3. The motion or quiescence of the
center of gravity is not affected by the mutual action of
the parts of a system upon each other. For action and
reaction are equal and in opposite directions, and equal
and opposite momenta communicated to a body, equal to
the sum of the bodies in the system, will not disturb it's
motion or quiescence.
(182.) CoR. 4. The effect of any force to commu-
nicate motion to the common center of gravity, is the same,
upon whatever body in the system it acts.
(183.) CoR. 5. If G be the center of gravity of the
particles of matter. A, B, C, Z), which are acted upon only
by their mutual attractions, they will meet at G. For they
must meet, and their common center of gravity will remain
at rest (Art. 181.); therefore, they must meet at that
(184.) Cor. 6. If a rotatory motion be communicated
to a body, and it be then left to move freely, the axis of
rotation will pass through the center of gravity. For the
center of gravity itself, either remaining at rest or moving
uniformly forward in a right line, has no rotation.
Prop. XL.
(185.) If a body be placed upon an horizontal plane,
and a liiie drawn from ifs center of gravity perpendicular
to that plane, the body will be sustained, or 7iot, according
as the perpendicular falls ivithifi or without ifs base.
Let ABDC represent the body, G it's center of gravity;
draw GE perpendicular to the horizon ; join CG^ and with
the radius CG describe the circular arc HGF ; then the
body cannot fall over at C, unless the center of gravity
A _B
describes the circular arc GF. Suppose the whole force
of gravity applied at G (Art. 178.), and take GE to re-
present it ; draw E.v perpendicular to CG ; then the
force GE is equivalent to the two G.37, a^E, of which Gw
cannot move the body either in the direction GF or GH ;
and when E falls within the base, cvE acts at G in the
direction GH; therefore the center of gravity cannot de-
scribe the arc GF, that is, the body cannot fall over at C
In the same manner it may be shewn that it cannot fall
over at D.
When the perpendicular GE falls without the base,
,vE acts in the direction GF, and since there is no force
to counteract this, the center of gravity will move in that
direction, or the body will fall.
(186.) CoR. 1. In the same manner it may be shewn,
that if a body be placed upon an inclined plane, and the
lateral motion be prevented by friction, the body will be
sustained or not, according as the perpendicular to the
horizon, drawn through it's center of gravity, falls within
or without the base.
Ex. Let ABCD represent a cube of imilorm density,
placed upon the inclined plane RS., G it's center of gravity ;
draw GE perpendicular to CD, and GFH perpendicular to
the horizon ; then this body will not be sustained upon the
inclined plane, if the angle of the plane's inclination SR T,
exceed half a right angle. For if the Z FRH be greater
than half a right angle, the z RFH, or GFE, is less than
half a right angle, and the Z FGE is greater than half a
right angle; therefore, EF is greater than EG, or EC,
and the body will roll.
(187) CoR. 2. The higher the center of gravity of a
body is, ccsteris paribus, the more easily it is overturned.
The same construction being made as in the Proposition,
the whole weight of the body : that part of the weight which
keeps it steady upon it's base, or opposes any power em-
ployed to overturn it :: GE : xE :: GC : CE; and when
CE and the whole weight of the body are given, the force
which keeps the body steady oc -— {Jig. Art. 206.);
therefore as GC increases, that is, as GE increases, the
force which keeps the body steady decreases, or the more
easily will the body be overturned.
(188.) CoR. S. When CE vanishes with respect to
GC, the force which keeps the body steady vanishes, and
the bodv may be overturned by a very small force. Thus
it is extremely difficult to balance a body upon a point
placed under the center of gravity.
Prop. XLI.
(189.) If a body he suspended by any point, it will
not remain at rest till the ceyiter of gravity is in the line
which is drawn through that point, perpendicular to the
Let S be the point of suspension of the body ABC;
G it's center of gravity ; join SG and produce it ; through
*S', and G, draw RST, and GH, perpendiculars to the
horizon; then the effort of gravity, to put the body in
motion, is the same that it would be, were all the particles
collected at G; take GH to represent the force in that
direction, and draw HI perpendicular to GI; then the
force GH is equivalent to the two GI, IH, of which GI
is sustained by the reaction at the point of suspension ^S*,
and IH is employed in moving the center of gravity in
a direction perpendicular to SG ; therefore the center of
gravity cannot remain at rest till IH vanishes ; that is,
till the angle IGH, or GST, vanishes, or SG coincides
with RT.
G 2
(190.) Cor. Hence it follows, that if a body be sus-
pended successively by different points, and perpendiculars
to the horizon be drawn through the point of suspension,
and passing through the body, the center of gravity will
lie in each of these perpendiculars, and consequently, in
the point of their intersection.
(191.) Def. Hardness, which is found in different
bodies in different degrees, consists in a firm cohesion of the
component particles ; and that body is said to be harder
than another, whose particles require a greater force to
separate them. By a perfectly hard body we mean one
whose parts cannot be separated, or moved one amongst
another by any finite force.
(192.) Def. The tendency in a b'ody to recover it's
former figure, after having been compressed, is called elas-
ticity. That body is said to be more elastic than another,
which recovers it's figure with the greater force, supposing
the compressing force the same. By a perfectly elastic
body we mean one which recovers it's figure with a force
equal to that which was employed in compressing it.
That such a tendency exists in bodies is evident from
a variety of experiments. If an ivory ball, stained with
ink, be brought gently into contact with an unstained ball,
the spot received by the latter will be very small, since two
spheres touch each other only in a single point ; but if one
of the balls be made to impinge upon the other, the spot
will be enlarged ; and the greater the force of impact, the
greater will be the surface stained ; hence it is manifest,
that one, or both of the balls, has been compressed, and
afterwards recovered it's spherical figure. Almost all bodies
with which we are acquainted are elastic in a greater or
less degree; but none perfectly so. In steel balls, the
force of elasticity is to the compressing force as 5 to 9 ; in
glass, as 15 to l6; though in all cases, the force of elas-
ticity seems to depend, in some measure, upon the diameter
of the ball.
(193.) Def. The impact of two bodies is said to be
direct, when their centers of gravity move in the right line
which passes through the point of impact.
In considering the effects of collision, the bodies are
usually supposed to be spheres of uniform density ; and in
their actions upon each other, not to be affected by gravity,
or any other force but that of inertia.
Prop. XLII.
(194.) If the impact of two jJ^rfectly hard bodies be
direct, after impact they tcill either remain at rest, or
?nove on, uniformly, together.
Since there is no force to turn either body out of the
line of direction, they will continue in that line after im-
pact*. Let A and B be the two bodies, moving in the
same direction, and let A overtake B; then will A continue
to accelerate B's motion, and B will continue to retard ^'s,
till their velocities are equal, at which time they will cease
to act upon each other ; and since there is no force to
separate them, they will move on together, and their com-
mon velocity, by the First Law of Motion, will be uniform.
When they move in opposite directions, if their forces be
equal, they will rest after impact; if ^'s force be greater than
B''s, the whole velocity of B will be destroyed, and ^'s not
being destroyed, A will communicate velocity to B, and B
by it's reaction will retard A, till they move on together,
as in the former case.
* The momenta of the particles in each body are proportional to
their weights, since their velocities are equal ; these momenta, therefore,
will not turn the body to either side of the line passing through the
center of gravity (Art. 163.).
(195.) If the impact of two perfectly hard bodies he
direct, their common velocity may he found by dividing
the whole momentum before impact, estimated in the di-
rection of either motion, by the sum of the quantities of
Let A and B be the quantities of matter contained
in the bodies, a and h their velocities; then, when they
move in the same direction, Aa + Bb is the whole mo-
mentum in that direction, before impact. When they
move in opposite directions, Aa — Bb is the whole mo-
mentum estimated in the direction in which A moves.
In the former case, as much as A a, the momentum
of A, is diminished, so much is Bb, the momentum of B,
increased by the impact (Art. 32.); therefore Aa + Bb
is equal to the whole momentum after impact.
In the latter case, it A a be greater than Bb, before
the bodies can begin to move together, Bb, the momentum
of B, must be destroyed ; and therefore ^'s momentum
must be diminished by the quantity Bb (Art. 32.). Thus,
when the bodies begin to move in the same direction,
Aa — Bb is their whole momentum; and as much mo-
mentum as is afterwards communicated to B, so much
is lost by A; therefore Aa — Bb is equal to the whole
momentum after impact.
If A a be less than Bb, the momentum after impact,
in the direction of ^'s motion, will be Bb — Aa; or,
in the direction of A\ motion, Aa — Bb.
Let V be the common velocity after impact;
then (A -\- B) X ii is the whole momentum ; consequently,
{A^B)x v=: Aa -f Bb. and v. = ^- ^ .
~ A-Y B
In which expression, the positive sign is to be used when
the bodies move in the same direction before impact, and
the negative sign, when they move in opposite directions.
(196.) Cor. l. When the bodies move in opposite
directions with equal momenta, they will remain at rest
after impact. In this case Ja — Bb = 0; therefore v = 0.
(197-) Cor. 2. If J56 be greater than A a, v is
negative. This shews that the bodies will move in the
direction of B^s motion, which was supposed, in the pro-
position, to be negative.
Prop. XLIV.
(198.) In the direct impact of two perfectly hard
bodies A and B, estimating the effects in the direction
of A's motion^ A + B : A :: the relative velocity of the
two bodies : the velocity gained by B. And A 4- B : B ::
their relative velocity : the velocity lost by A.
The same notation being retained; when the bodies
move in the same direction, a — b is their relative velocity
(Art. 12.) ; and u, their common velocity after impact,
is (Art. 195.); therefore, the velocity ^«mec^ by J?,
A -{- B
Aa + Bb , Aa—Ab .
or V — b= — 6 = -— -— ; hence,
A-h B A+B
A^B : A :: a — b : the velocity gained by B.
Aa-^Bb Ba-Bb , 1 •, / , 1 t
Also, a -— , or , . ^- is the velocity lost by A ;
A-\'B A + B
hence A -\- B : B :: a ~ b : the velocity lost by A.
When the bodies move in opposite directions, a -{■ b
is their relative velocity (Art. J2.); and v = j , p
(Art. 195.); also, the velocity communicated to B upon
the whole, in the direction of ^'s motion, is
Aa-Bh , , . Aa-\-Ab
^ + ^' Q^* ^ . p +^^ that IS, ;
therefore, A + B:A::a-\-b: the velocity gained by B.
111.- Aa-Bh Ba + Bb
The velocity lost by ^ is a -— , or — — — ;
^ ^ A+B A+B
therefore, A -r B : B :: a -\- b : the velocity lost hy A.
Ex. Let the weights of A and B be 10 and 6*; their
velocities 12 and 8, respectively; then, when they move
in the same direction, 10 + 6" : 10 :: 12- 8 : j^ = 2^, the
velocity gained by B; and 10 + 6' : 6 :: 12 - 8 : ^ = 1^,
the velocity lost by A.
When they move in opposite directions, 12 + 8 is their
relative velocity ; and 10 + 6 : 10 :: 12 + 8 : ^ = 12i, the
velocity gained by B in the direction of ^'s motion. Also,
since it had a velocity 8 in the opposite direction before
impact, ifs velocity after impact is 4^ in the direction
of A's motion. Again, 10 + 6 : 6 :: 12 + 8 : ^^ = 7!, the
velocity lost by ^.
(I99.) CoR. 1. Whilst the relative velocity remains
the same, the velocity gained by B, and the velocity lost
by A, are unaltered.
(200.) CoR. 2. Hence it also follows that the velo-
cities, gained by B, and lost by A, are the same, whether
both bodies are in motion, or A impinges upon B at rest,
with a velocity equal to their relative velocity in the former
* Sec Art. 26.
(201.) Cor. 3. If the relative velocity be the same,
the momentum communicated is the same, whether A
impinges upon Bj or B upon J.
Call r the relative velocity ; then when A impinges
upon B, A -r B : A :: r : — — — , the velocity gained by
B ; therefore — is the momentum gained by B. When
B impinges upon A, A -{- B : B :: r : , the velocity
gained by A ; therefore — is the momentum gained
by A ; which is also the momentum gained by B on the
former supposition.
Prop. XLV.
(202.) When the bodies are perfectly elastic, the
velocity gained by the body struck., and the velocity lost
by the striking body, will be twice as great as if the
bodies were perfectly hard.
Let A and B be the bodies ; then, as in Art. 194, A
will accelerate 5's motion, and B will retard ^'s, till their
velocities are equal ; and if they were perfectly hard thev
would then cease to act upon each other, and move on
together; thus, during the first part of the collision, the
same effect is produced, that is, the same velocity is gained
and lost, as if the bodies were perfectly hard. But, during
this period, the bodies are compressed by the stroke,
and since they are, by the supposition, perfectly elastic,
the force with which each will recover it's former shape
is equal to that with which it was compressed ; therefore,
each body will receive another impulse from the elasticity-
equal to the former ; or B will gain, and A lose, upon
the whole, twice as great a velocity as if both bodies had
been pei'fectly hard.
(203.) The same demonstration may be applied to
the case where one body is perfectly hard, and the other
perfectly elastic.
Prop. XLVI.
(204.) In the direct impact of two perfectly elastic
bodies A and B, A + B : 2 A :: their relative velocity
before impact : the velocity gaified by B in the direction
of A's motion ; and A + B : 2 B : : their relative velocity :
the velocity lost by A, in that direction.
Call r the relative velocity of the bodies ; ,v the velocity
gained by B, and y the velocity lost by Ay when both
bodies are perfectly hard; then 2w is the velocity gained
by B, and 2t/ the velocity lost by A, when they are
perfectly elastic ; and
A^B '. A :. r : m (Art. 198.) ; therefore,
A-^-B : 2A :: r .: 2a: (Alg. Art. 185.), the velocity gained
hj B.
Again, A -[- B : B :: r : y (Art. 198.); therefore,
A-\-B : 2B :: r : 2y, the velocity lost by A.
Ex. Let the weights of the bodies be 5 and 4, their
velocities 7 and 5; then, when they move in the same
direction, 5+4 : 10 :: 7 — 5 : — = 2-, the velocity gained
by B ; therefore 5+2-, or 7 g is ^'s velocity after impact.
Also, 5 + 4 : 8 :: 7 — 5 : ^ = 1^, the velocity lost by A;
7 2
therefore 7 — 1 5, or 5^, is ^'s velocity after impact. When
they move in opposite directions, 5 + 4 : 10 :: 7 + 5 : ~
z= 13^, the velocity gained by B. Also, since it had a
velocity 5 in the opposite direction, it's velocity after
impact, in the direction of ^'s motion, is 13^—5, or 8^.
Again, 5 + 4 : 8 :: 7 + 5 : ^ = lo| J's velocity lost; and
since it had a velocity 7 before impact, after impact it
will move in the opposite direction with a velocity 3^.
(205.) CoK. 1. When A = B, the bodies interchange
velocities. For, in this case, A -i- B = 2A = 2B ; therefore,
the velocity gained by B, and the velocity lost by A, are
respectively equal to their relative velocity before impact.
Let a and b be their velocities before impact ; then, when
they move in the same direction, a — b is the velocity
gained by B, or lost by A ; therefore a — b ^ b, or «, is
5's velocity after impact ; and a — (a — b), or b, is ^""s
velocity. If b be negative, or the bodies move in opposite
directions, a + b — b, or a, is B''s velocity, and « — (a + 6),
or — 6, is A'^s velocity after impact.
(206.) CoR. 2. If the bodies move in opposite di-
rections with equal quantities of motion, the whole mo-
mentum of each will be destroyed during the compression,
and an equal one generated by elasticity in the opposite
direction; each body will therefore be reflected with a
velocity equal to that which it had before impact.
(207.) CoR. 3. The relative velocity of the bodies
after impact is equal to their relative velocity before
Let a and b be the velocities of the bodies before
impact; p and q their velocities after; then a — b = q—p.
^ A T^ A ^ 2A X (a — b) , , .
For, A + B : 2A :: a-b : _1___I the velocity
A + B ^
11 ^ 1 p 7 2Ax(a—b)
gamed by B ; therefore q = b-\-
Also A + B : 2B :: a- b
A + B
2B X (a-b)
A + B
the velocity lost by A ;
therefore jj = a —
and q — p = b - a •{-
A + B
(2A + 2B) x(a-b)
A + B
= b — a ^ 2a — 2b = a — b.
When the bodies A and B move in opposite directions,
the sign of h is negative; in other respects the demon-
stration is the same.
(208.) Cor. 4. The sum of the products of each
body, multiplied by the square of it's velocity, is the same
before and after impact.
The notation in the last Article being retained ;
Aa + Bh = Aj) + Bq {Art. S4>.);
hence Aa — Ap = Bq—Bb
or Ax {a ^p) — B X {q - b).
Also a — h = q — p (Art. 20?.) ;
or a + p = q -\-h;
therefore A x (a —p) x (a -\- p) z=: B x {q — h) x (q -\- b) ;
or Aa'-Ap^^Bq-'-Bh';
therefore A a" -f- Bb" = Ap~ -\- B(f.
If any of the quantities, 6, ja, q^ be negative, it's square will
be positive, and therefore the conclusion will not be altered.
(209.) CoR. 5. . If there be a row of equal elastic
bodies, A^ 5, C, Z), &c. at rest, and a motion be com-
municated to A^ and thence to jB, C, -D, &c. they will all
remain at rest after the impact, except the last, which will
move off with a velocity equal to that with which the first
For A and B will interchange velocities (Art. 205) ;
that is, A will remain at rest, and B move on with ^'s
velocity. In the same manner it may be shewn that all
the others will remain at rest after impact, except the
last; which will move off with the velocity communicated
to ^.
(210.) Cor. 6. If the bodies decrease in magnitude,
they will all move in the direction of the first motion,
and the velocity communicated to each succeeding body
will be greater than that which was communicated to the
For, A -\- B : 9.B :: A\ velocity before impact : the
velocity lost by A ; and since 2 jB is less than A-\- B^ A
does not lose it's whole velocity ; therefore it will move
on after impact in the direction of the first motion. Also,
A + B : 2 A :: A^ velocity before impact : the velocity
gained by B ; and since 2 A is greater than A + B^ the
velocity gained by 5 is greater than ^'s velocity before
impact. In the same manner it may be shewn that 5,
C, D, &c. will move on in the direction of the first motion ;
and that the velocity communicated to each will be greater
than that which was communicated to the preceding body.
(211.) Coil. 7. If the bodies increase in magnitude,
they will all be reflected back, except the last; and the
velocity communicated to each succeeding body will be
less than that which was communicated to the preceding.
For, in this case, 2 B is greater than A -\- B \ therefore,
A loses more than it^s whole velocity, or it will move in the
contrary direction. Also, 2 J is less than A-\-B; therefore,
the velocity gained by B is less than A^s velocity before
impact. In the same manner it may be shewn that B, C,
D, &c. will be reflected ; and that the velocity commu-
nicated to each will be less than that which was com-
municated to the preceding body.
(212.) Cor. 8. The velocity thus communicated from
A through B to C, when B is greater than one of the two
A, C, and less than the other, exceeds the velocity wbich
would be communicated immediately from A to C
Let a represent A''s velocity ; then
2 Ad
A -\- B : 2A :: a : ~ , the velocity of B;
A -\- B
. _ ^ _ 2Aa 2Aa 2B
and B + C:,B::j^:j^x-^^,
the velocity communicated from B to C.
Again, A -\- C : 2A :: a : — — - ,
A -h C
the velocity communicated immediately from A to C.
Hence it follows, that the velocity communicated to C,
by means of B, is greater than that which would be com-
municated to it immediately, if
2Aa 2B ^ ^ 2Aa
X — — - be greater than
A + B B+C ^ A + C
that is, if ^ + C be greater than ( -^ + ^) >^ (B + C) ^
or 2 v4 + 2 r greater than A -\- C + B -\ ;
or A-\-C greater than B -\ — — .
Suppose A = B + ,r, C — B + y\
then A-{-C = 9.B-\-x-\-y, and
„ AC ^ B~ + BoG-{-By -\- xy ^ wy
B+~=B+ ^^ l=2B + .v + y+^i
therefore, the velocity communicated to C by means of J5,
is greater than the velocity communicated to it without B,
if 9.B -\- X -\-y be greater than 2B-\-x-\-y ^ — ^; which
will always be the case when ocy is negative, or when x
and y have different signs ; that is, when B is less than one
of the bodies, A^ C, and greater than the other*.
(213.) CoR. g. If the bodies be in geometrical pro-
gression, the velocities communicated to them will be in
geometrical progression ; and when there are n such bodies,
whose common ratio is r, the velocity of the first : the
velocity of the last :: (l-\-ry-^ : 2"'^.
* The velocity comnmnicated from A through B to C, is a maximum
when A, B, and C, are in j^eoraetrical progression. (Flux. Art. 21.
Ex. 11.)
Let A, Jr, Ar-, Ar', &c. be the bodies; «, h, c, d, &c.
the velocities successively communicated to them ; then
A -\- Ar : 9.A :: a : b, or
1 + r : 2 :: a : b; and in the same manner,
1 + r : 2 :: b : c
1 + r : 2 :: c : d, kc.
therefore a : b :: b : c :: c : d, &c. Also, by compo-
sition, (l+r)^"^ : 2""^ :: a : the velocity of the last.
(214.) Con. 10. If the number of mean proportionals,
interposed between two given bodies A and X, be increased
without limit, the ratio of A''s velocity to the velocity thus
communicated to X will approximate to the ratio of
A^ X : 1^ A as ifs limit.
Let A^ 5, C, Z), JT be the bodies ; «, 6, c, d, x
the velocities communicated to them. Then since the
number of bodies interposed between A and X is increased
without limit, their differences will be diminished without
limit ; let J + ^ = jB ; then
2^ + sr : 2^ ..a : b
or A -\ — : A :: a : b
* and J + ? : ^ :: .J1lV% : ^/~A :: ^^ : J~A'.
* Since (^ + |)%\4^ :: A' + Az + ^ : A^ :: J^^+^ .- A
'-'- B-\- —-2 : A, the ratio of (^+5) " ^^ when z is continually
diminished, approximates to the ratio of B : A, and consequently,
the ratio of ^ + - : A approximates to the ratio of \/B : \/A as it's
therefore, ^J B : fj^ '■'■ « : h
inthesamemanncr, ^C : y/ B :: h : c
^'D : ^~C :: c : d
comp. /y/jf : ^y J :: a : w.
Cor. The conclusion is the same when the inter-
mediate bodies vary according to any other law, if the
difference of the succeeding bodies, in every part of the
series, be evanescent.
Prop. XLVII.
(215.) in the direct impact of two imperfectly elastic
bodies A and B, if the compressing force he to the force
of elasticity :: 1 : m, then A + B : (l+m)xA :: their
relative velocity before impact : the velocity gained by B
in the direction of A^s motion. And A + B : (l + m) x B
:: their relative velocity before impact : the velocity lost
by A, in that direction.
By reasoning, as in Art. 202, it appears that the velocity
gained by B and the velocity lost by J, during the com-
pression, are the same as if the bodies were perfectly
hard; and the velocity communicated by the elasticity is
to the velocity communicated by the compression :: m : 1.
Call r the relative velocity before impact, w the velocity
gained by B^ and y the velocity lost by A, during the
compression ; then (l -^m) x oe is the velocity gained by
By and {l -\-m) xy the velocity lost by A, upon the whole.
A + B : A :: r : .T (Art. IpS.),
and A -\- B : B :: r : y ;
therefore, A + B : (l-\-m)xA :: r : (\-^m)x w,
the velocity gained hjB;
and J + B : (l+w)x5 :: r : (l+m)xy,
the velocity lost by A.
(216.) CoR. 1. The relative velocity before impact
: the relative velocity after impact :: 1 : m.
Let a and b be the velocities of the two bodies before
impact, p and q their velocities after ; then
A-^B : (l+m)x^ :: a-b : ^^ j^^ '
the velocity gained by B ;
(\ -^m)x A X (a — b)
therefore, q = b-\-
in the same manner, p = a^
hence, q — p = b^a-\-
A + B
(1+ m) X jB X {a - b)
(1 + m) X ( J + -S) X (a — b)
or 6 — a + a - fe -j- m X (a — 6), i. e. m x (a — 6),
is the relative velocity after impact ;
and a — b : mx(a — b) :: 1 : m.
When the bodies move in opposite directions, the sign
of b is negative.
(217.) Cor. 2. Hence it appears that if the velocities
of the bodies before and after impact be known, the elastic
force is known.
(218.) Cor. 3. If A impinge upon B at rest, A will
remain at rest after impact when A : B :: m : I.
In this case A loses it's whole velocity,
and A-\-B : (l ^m)xB :: a : the velocity lost by A;
therefore A -{- B = (l + m) x B, and A—mB;
consequently, A : B :: m : I.
(219.) Cor. 4. The momentum communicated is the
same, whether A impinges upon B, or B upon A, if the
relative velocity be the same. This is the case when the
bodies are perfectly hard (Art. 201.); and the effect pro-
duced in elastic bodies is in a given ratio to that which
is produced when the bodies are perfectly hard.
(220.) When a perfectly hard body impinges obliquely
on a perfectly hard and immoveable plane AB, in the
direction CD, after impact it will move along the plane,
and the velocity before impact : the velocity after :: radius
: the cosine of the angle CDA.
Take CD to represent the motion of the body before
impact ; draw CE parallel, and DE perpendicular to AB.
Then CD may be resolved into the two CE, ED, (Art. 43.),
of which ED is wholly employed in carrying the body in a
direction perpendicular to the plane; and since the plane
is immoveable, this motion will be wholly destroyed, (See
Art. Il6.). The other motion CE, which is employed in
carrying the body parallel to the plane, will not be affected
by the impact ; and consequently, there being no force to
separate the body and the plane, the body will move along
the plane ; and it will describe DB = CE in the same time
that it described CD before impact ; also, these spaces are
uniformly described (Art. 27-); consequently,
the velocity before impact : the velocity after :: CD : CE
:: radius : sin. z CDE :: radius : cos. z CD A.
(221.) Cor. The velocity before impact : the differ-
ence between the velocity before and the velocity after, that
is, the velocity lost :: radius : rad. —cos. z CDA :: rad. :
the versed sine of the angle CDA.
Prop. XLIX.
(222.) If a perfectly elastic body impinge upon a
perfectly hard and immoveable plane AB, in the direction
CD, it will be reflected from it in the direction DF, which
makes, with DB, the angle BDF equal to the angle ADC.
Let CD represent the motion of the impinging body ;
A 2 B
draw CF parallel, and DE perpendicular to AB ; make
EF=CE, and join DF. Then the whole motion may be
resolved into the two CE, ED, of which CE is employed
in carrying the body parallel to the plane, and must there-
fore remain after the impact ; and ED carries the body in
the direction ED, perpendicular to the plane; and since
the plane is immoveable, this motion will be destroyed
during the compression, and an equal motion will be gene-
rated in the opposite direction by the force of elasticity.
Hence it appears, that the body at the point D has two
motions, one of which would carry it uniformly from D
to Ey and the other from E to F, in the same time, viz.
in the time in which it described CD before the impact ;
it will, therefore, describe DF in that time (Art. 38.).
Also, in the triangles CDE, EDF, CE is equal to EF,
the side ED is common, and the z CED is equal to the
z DEE; therefore, the z CDE = the Z EDF; hence, the
zCDA = thezFDB.
(223.) CoR. 1. Since CD = DF, and these are spaces
uniformly described in equal times, before and after the
impact, the velocity of the body after reflection is equal
to its velocity before incidence.
(224.) CoR. 2. If the body and plane be imperfectly
elastic, take DE : Doo :: the force of compression : the
force of elasticity; draw xf parallel and equal to EF,
join F/, Df\ then the two motions which the body has
at D are represented by Dx, ^'^Z*? and the body will
describe Z>/, after reflection, in the same time that it
described CD before incidence; therefore, the velocity
before incidence : the velocity after reflection :: CD : Df
:: DF : Df :: sin. DfF, or sin. of it's supplement EDf :
sin. DFf, or sin. FDE :: sin. EDf: sin. EDC.
* Here we suppose the coirmon surface of the body and plane,
during the impact, to remain parallel to AB, in which case there is
no cause to accelerate or retard the motion CE (See Art, 116.)
Prop. L.
(225.) Having given the radii of two spherical bodies
moving in the same plane, their velocities, and the direc-
tions in which they move, to find the plane which touches
them both at the point of impact.
Let AE, BE, meeting in E, be the directions in which
the bodies A and B move ; and let AE and BD be spaces
uniformly described by them in the same time; complete
the parallelogram ABKE; join KD, and with the center
E and radius equal to the sum of the radii of the two
bodies, describe a circular arc cutting KD in H; join
EH, and complete the parallelogram EHMR. Then R
and M will be the places of the centers of the two spheres
when they meet ; and if RC be taken equal to the radius
of the sphere A, the plane CL, which is drawn through
C perpendicular to MR, will be the plane required.
- Since MH is parallel to AE or BK, the triangles
DMH, DBK, are similar, and BK : BD :: MH : MD ;
or AE : BD :: RE : MD; therefore AE : BD :: AR : BM
(Euc. 19. V.) ; and since AE and BD are spaces described
in the same time by the uniform motions of A and B, AR
and BM, which are proportional to them, will be described
in the same time ; when, therefore, the center of the body
A is in R, the center of the body B is in M, and the
distance MR = HE = the sum of the radii of the bodies ;
hence, they will be in contact when they arrive at those
points. Also, MR which joins their centers will pass
through the point of contact; and LC will be a tangent
to them both.
Pkop. LI.
(226.) Having given the motions, the quantities of
matter, and the radii of two spherical bodies which im-
pinge obliquely upon each other, to find their motions
after impact.
Let LN be the plane which touches the bodies at the
point of impact ; produce AB, which joins the centers of
the bodies, indefinitely both ways; through the centers
A and B, draw EAF, GBH, parallel to LN, let CA, DB,
represent the velocities of the bodies before impact ; resolve
CA into the two CI, I A *, of which CI is parallel, and
I A perpendicular to LN', also resolve DB into two, DK
parallel to LN, and KB perpendicular to it. Then CA
and the angle CAI, which the direction of A\ motion
^''x. K
E ^^
jj V
y S
m, Qm, l6m,
mT^feet, in the 2,3,4/, T first seconds.
(236.) Cor. 1. The space described, reckoning from
the beginning of the motion, is half that which would
be described in the same time with the last acquired
velocity continued uniform.
Complete the parallelogram BD; then, it appears from
the Proposition, that the space described in the time AB,
reckoning from the beginning of the motion : the space
described in the time IB with the uniform velocity BC
:: the triangle ABC : BQ. Also, the space described in
the time IB, with the uniform velocity BC : the space
described in the time AB, with the same uniform velocity
:: IB : AB (Art. 13.) :: BQ : BD; and by compounding
these two proportions, we have the space described in
the time AB, when the body^s motion is accelerated from
a state of rest : the space described in the same time
with the last acquired velocity continued uniform :: the
triangle ABC : the rectangle BD :: 1 : 2*.
(237.) CoR. 2. The space described in the time GB
is represented by the area GBCN; or, if NM be drawn
parallel to GB, by the rectangle GM together with the
triangle NMC Now, GM represents the space which a
body would describe in the time GB, with the uniform
velocity GN; and the triangle NMC, which is similar
to the triangle ABC, represents the space through which
the body would be moved from a state of rest, by the
action of the force, in the time GB; thus, the space
described in any time, when a body is projected in the
direction of the force, is equal to the space which it would
have described, in that time, with the first velocity con-
tinued uniform, together with the space through which
it would have been moved from a state of rest, in the
same time, by the action of the force.
(238.) CoR. 3. If a body be projected in a direction
opposite to that in which the uniform force acts, with
the velocity BC, and move till that velocity is destroyed.
• This proof has been misunderstood ; it amounts to this :
The rectangle BQ, represents the space uniformly described, with
the velocity BC, in the time BI, on the same scale that the triangle
ABC represents the space through which the body is drawn, by the
action of the uniform force, in the time AB; and also, on the same
scale that DB represents the space uniformly described in the time
AB, with the velocity BC; consequently, the spaces described, when
the body's motion is accelerated from rest for the time AB, and when
the velocity BC remains uniform for the same time, are represented,
on the same scale, by the triangle ABC and the rectangle BD.
the whole time of its motion is represented by BA,
(Art. 230.), and the space described by the area ABC
(Art. 233.).
Also, the space described in the time BG is repre-
sented, on the same scale, by the area BGNC that is,
by the rectangle BL diminished by the triangle CLN,
or CNM. Thus it appears, that the space described
in the time BG, is equal to that which would have been
described with the first velocity continued uniform during
that time, diminished by the space through which the
body would have been moved from a state of rest, in
the same time, by the action of the uniform force.
Prop. LVII.
(239.) When bodies are put in motion by uniform
forces, the spaces described in any times, reckoning from
the beginning of the motion in each case, are proportional
to the times and last acquired velocities jointly.
Let S and s be the spaces described in the times T
and #; V and v the velocities acquired; then 2S and 9.S
are the spaces which would be described in the times
T and t, with the uniform velocities V and v (Art. 236.) ;
and the spaces described with uniform velocities are pro-
portional to the times and velocities jointly (Art. 14.) ;
2S : 2s :: TV : tv,
or A^ : s :: TV : tv (Alg. Art. 184.);
that is, SocTV (Alg. Art. 195.).
(240.) Cor. Hence, the times vary as the spaces
directly, and the last acquired velocities inversely.
Prop. LVIII.
(241.) The spaces described, reckoning from the be-
ginning of the motions, vary also as the forces and squares
of the times ; or as the squares of the velocities directly ^
and the forces inversely.
In general, So^TV (Art. 239.); and VocFT (Art.
228.) ; hence, TV oc FT^ {Alg. Art. 203.) ; therefore,
Sm ^
V=2^ l6i X 90 = 76 feet per second, nearly.
4th. If a body fall from rest by the force of gravity,
the spaces described in any equal successive portions of
time, reckoning from the beginning of the motion, are
as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. Thus, the spaces fallen
through in the l'^, 2^, 3^ 4*'' seconds, are l6^^, 3 x l6^,
5 X l6j^, 7 X l6^ feet, respectively. Also, if a body,
projected upwards, move till it''s whole velocity is de-
stroyed, the spaces described in equal successive portions
of time are as the numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, &c. taken in an
inverted order. Thus, if the velocity be wholly destroyed
in 4", the spaces described in the 1^^ 2*^, 3^, 4*^ seconds, are
7 X l6^, 5 X 16^, 3 X l6j^, 16^ feet, respectively.
5th. If a body begin to move in the direction of gravity
with any velocity, the whole space described in any time is
equal to the space through which the first velocity would
carry the body, together with the space through which it
would fall by the force of gravity in that time (Art. 237.)-
Ex. If a body be projected perpendicularly downwards,
with a velocity of 20 feet per second, to find the space
described in 4".
The space described in 4", with the first velocity, is
4 X 20, or 80 feet ; and the space fallen through in 4",
by the action of gravity, is l6^ x l6, or 257^ feet; there-
fore, the whole space described is 80 + 257y, or 337 j feet.
6th. If a body be projected perpendicularly upwards,
the height to which it will ascend in any time is equal to
the space through which it would move with the first ve-
locity continued uniform, diminished by the space through
which it would fall by the action of gravity in that time
(Art. 238.).
Ex. I. To what height will a body rise in 3'\ if
projected perpendicularly upwards with a velocity of 100
feet per second ?
The space which the body would describe in s", with
the first velocity, is 300 feet ; and the space through which
the body would fall by the force of gravity in 3" is 16^x9,
or 144|: feet; therefore the height required is 300— 144;|,
or 155^ feet.
Ex. 2. If a body be projected perpendicularly upwards
with a velocity of 80 feet per second, to find it's place at
the end of 6'\
The space which would be described in 6", with the
first velocity, is 480 feet, and the space fallen through in
the same time is 16^ x 36, or 579 feet ; therefore the dis-
tance of the body from the point of projection, at the end
of 6", is 480 — 579, or — 99 feet. The negative sign
shews that the l^ody will be below the point of projection
(See Alg. Art. 472.).
Prop. LXI.
(249.) The force which accelerates or retards a body's
motion upon an inclined plane, is to the force of gravity,
as the height of the plane is to ifs length.
Let JC be the plane, BC it's base, parallel to the
horizon, AB if s perpendicular height, D the place of a
body upon it. From the point D draw DE parallel to AB,
and take DE to represent the force of gravity; from E
draw EF perpendicular to AC Then the whole force
DE is equivalent to the two DF, FE, of which FE is
perpendicular to the plane, and, consequently, is supported
by the plane's reaction (Art. Il6.); the other force DF,
not being affected by the plane, is wholly employed in
accelerating or retarding the motion of the body in the
direction of the plane; therefore, the accelerating force
: the force of gravity :: DF : DE :: (from the similar
triangles DEF, ABC) AB : AC.
(250.) Con. 1. Since the accelerating force, on the
same plane, is in a given ratio to the force of gravity, it
is an uniform force.
(251.) CoE. 2. If H be the height of an inclined
plane, L it's length, and the force of gravity be represented
by unity, the accelerating force on the inclined plane is
represented by — .
For, the accelerating force : the force of gravity (1)
:: H : L; therefore the accelerating force = — .
(252.) CoR. 3. Since H : L :: the sine of the plane's
inclination : the radius, — , or the accelerating force, varies
as the sine of the plane's inclination to the horizon.
(253.) Cor. 4. If a body fall down an inclined plane,
the velocity V, generated in T'\ is such as would carry it
uniformly over — x2mT feet in l"; where m= l6^.
In general, Foe/' T (Art. 228.); therefore, the velocity
acquired when a body falls by the force of gravity : the
velocity acquired on the inclined plane :: the product of
the numbers which represent the force and time in the
former case : the product of the numbers which represent
them in the latter*; also, the force of gravity being repre-
sented by unity, the accelerating force upon the plane
is — , and the velocity generated by the force of gravity
in \" is 2m; therefore, 2m : V :: 1 x 1 : ~r x T \ and
— x2mTt.
Ex. Thus, if the length of an inclined plane be twice
as great as it"'s height, a body which falls down this plane
will, in 3", acquire a velocity of ^ x 32^ x 3, or 48^; feet
per second.
(254.) Cor. 5. The space fallen through in T'\ from
a state of rest, is — x mT^^ feet.
In general, SocFT" (Art. 241.); therefore, the space
through which a body falls by the action of gravity in
l" : the space through which it falls down the inclined
plane in T" :: the product of the numbers which represent
the force and square of the time' in the former case : the
* See Note, page 11.
t In this, and the following Articles, the planes are supposed to be
perfectly smooth, and the resistance of the air inconsiderable.
product of the numbers which represent them in the latter ;
or, if S be the space described upon the plane,
m ' S :: ixl'' : ^x T\ and ^ = ^ x mT\
Li Li
Ex. 1. If L = 2jff, the space through which a body
falls in 3" is ^ x l6^ x 9, or 72§ feet.
Ex. 2. To find the time in which a body will descend
12 feet down this plane.
Since ^ = - x mT^ T^ = = (in this case)
L H X m
I X 12 X --r = 1.49; and T = 1.2, nearly.
(255.) Cor. 6. The space through which a body
must fall, from a state of rest, to acquire the velocity V,
L V ^
IS — X — feet.
H 4W
In general, S oc —- (Art. 241.); therefore, the space
through which the body falls by the force of gravity :
V" .
the space through which it falls down the plane :: — in
the former case : — in the latter; and if m (l6^) be the
space fallen through by the action of gravity, 2 m is the
velocity acquired ; hence,
1 H H 4^m
Ex. 1. If Z = 2/f, and a body fall from a state of
rest till it has acquired a velocity of 30 feet per second,
2 900
the space described is - x — r = 27-97 feet, nearly.
1 64i
Ex.2. If a body fall 12 feet from a state of rest
down this plane, to find the velocity acquired.
T V~ J-f
Since 6^ = — x , we have V^^^mS x — = (in
this case) 64^ x 12 x ^ = 386 ; hence, V = 19.6 feet per
second, nearly.
CoR. 7. In the same manner, if a body be acted upon
by any uniform force, which is to the force of gravity
as F : 1, and V represent the velocity generated, T the
time in seconds, *S' the space described, in feet, reckoned
from the beginning of the motion, then
V=2mFT; S = mFT^; and V^ = 4.mFS.
Prop. LXII.
(256.) The velocity which a body acquires in falling
down the whole length of an inclined plane, varies as the
square root of the perpendicular height of the plane *.
In general, when the force is uniform, V^oc FS (Art,
243.); in this case. Foe—, and S = L, by the sup-
position; therefore,
V^oc^ xLocH; and Foe ^Jl (Jig. Art. 202 f.).
(257.) CoR. 1. When the heights of two inclined
planes are equal, the velocities acquired in falling down
their whole lengths are equal.
(258.) CoR. 2. The velocity which a body acquires
in falling down the length of an inclined plane is equal
* Bodies, in this, and the subsequent Propositions, are supposed to
fall from a state of rest.
t See also Cor. 6. Ex. 2. of the last Proposition.
to the velocity which it would acquire in falling down
it's perpendicular height.
Pkop. LXIII.
(259.) The time of a body's descent down the whole
length of an inclined plane, varies as the length directly,
and as the square root of the perpendicular height in-
In general, *S'oc TF (Art. 239.) ; therefore, Toe-;
and in this case, Foe a^ H (Art. 25^.) ; consequently,
S L ...
(260.) Cor. l. If the height, or the last acquired
velocity, be given, TocL.
(261.) Cor. 2. If the inclination be given, or HocL,
then T^oe— ocL, and T oc ^ L. That is, the times
of descent, down planes equally inclined to the horizon,
vary as the square roots of their lengths.
(262.) Cor. 3. The time of descent down an inclined
plane, is to the time of falling down it's perpendicular
height, as the length of the plane, to it's height.
Prop. LXIV.
(263.) If chords be drawn in a circle from the ex-
tremity of that diameter which is perpendicular to the
horizon, the velocities which bodies acquire by falling
down them are proportional to their lengths ; and the
times of descent are equal.
* Sec also Art. 2o\. Ex. 2.
Let ACB be the circle, AB it's diameter perpendicular
to the horizon; BC a chord drawn from the extremity B
of the diameter; join AC, and draw CD perpendicular
to AB, or parallel to the horizon. Then CB may be
considered as an inclined plane whose perpendicular height
is DB, and the velocity acquired in falling down it varies
as sj DB (Art. 256.). Now, from the similar triangles
DBC, ABC, DB : CB V. CB : AB', therefore,
DB =
^»^Y^^ = 7^^
consequently, Foe — ;=; and AB is invariable, there-
fore Foe CB.
Again, Tec- (Art. 240.), and in this case, CB, which
is the space described, has been proved to be proportional
to the velocity acquired ; therefore T oc , or the time
of descent is invariable.
(264.) Con. 1. The time of descent down any chord
CB, is equal to the time of descent down the diameter AB.
(265.) Cor. 2. In the same manner, the time of
descent down ^C is equal to the time of descent down
AB; therefore the time of descent down AC is equal to the
time of descent down CB.
(266.) CoR. 3. The times of descent down the chords
thus drawn, in different circles, are proportional to the
square roots of the diameters.
For, the times of descent down the chords are equal to
the times of descent down the diameters which are perpen-
dicular to the horizon ; and these times vary as the square
roots of the diameters. (See Art. 234.).
(2670 When a body falls freely by the force of gra-
vity, every particle in it is equally accelerated ; that is,
every particle descends towards the horizon with the same
velocity ; in this descent, therefore, no rotation will be
given to the body. The same may be said when a body
descends along a perfectly smooth inclined plane, if that
part of the force which acts in a direction perpendicular to
the plane (Art. 249.), be supported; that is, if a perpendicular
to the plane, drawn from the center of gravity of the body,
cut the plane in a point which is in contact with the body. If
this part of the force be not sustained by the plane, the body
will partly roll and partly slide, till this force is sustained ;
and afterwards the body will wholly slide. When the late-
ral motion is entirely prevented by the adhesion of the body
to the plane, we have before seen on what supposition the
body will roll (Art. 186.); if the adhesion be not sufficient
to prevent all lateral motion, this body will partly slide
and partly roll; and to estimate the space described, the
time of it's motion, or the velocity acquired, we must have
recourse to other principles than those above laid down.
On this subject the Reader may consult Professor Vince's
Plan of a Course of Lectures, p. 39.
(268.) When a body falls freely by the force of gravity^
or descends along a perfectly smooth inclined plane, the ac-
celerating force is the same, whatever be the weight of the
body (Arts. 248, 249.); consequently, the moving force, on
either supposition, is proportional to the quantity of matter
moved. In all cases, the accelerating force varies as the
moving force directly and the quantity of matter inversely
(Art. 24.) ; and when the moving force and quantity of
matter moved are invariable, the accelerating force is uni-
form, and it's effects may be estimated by the rules laid
down in the first part of this section.
Ex. If two bodies, whose weights are P and Q, be
connected by a string, and hung over a fixed pulley, to
find how far the heavier P will descend in T" .
The moving force of gravity is proportional to the
weight ; if therefore P be taken to represent the moving
force of the former body when it descends freely, Q will
represent the moving force of the latter, and P—Q will
represent the moving force when the bodies are connected
and oppose each other's motion ; hence, neglecting the
inertia of the string and pulley, the accelerating force of
gravity : the accelerating force in this case
• 16^ X ^""^ X T^
'''' P ''
P+Q "
, since
FT' oc S,
r :: I6i
Prop. LXV.
(269.) ^F a body descend down a system of inclined
fplanes, the velocity acquired, on the supposition that no
motion is lost in passing from one plane to another , is
equal to that which would be acquired in falling through
the perpendicular height of the system.
Let ABCD be the system of planes ; draw AE, DF,
parallel to the horizon ; produce CB, DC, till they meet
AE in G and E; and draw EF perpendicular to DF.
Then the velocity acquired by a body in falling from A
to B, is equal to that which it would acquire in falling
from G to B, because the planes AB, GB, have the same
perpendicular height (Art. 257.) ; and since, by the sup-
position, no velocity is lost in passing from one plane to
another, the body will begin to descend down BC with the
same velocity, whether it fall down AB or GB ; conse-
quently, the velocity acquired at C will be the same on
either supposition. Also, the velocity acquired at C is
equal to that which would be acquired in falling down
EC (Art. 257.); and no velocity being lost at C, the body
will begin to descend down CD with the same velocity,
whether it fall from A through B and C to D, or from E
to D; and the velocity acquired in falling down ED is
equal to the velocity acquired in falling through the per-
pendicular height EF (Art. 258.); therefore, the velocity
acquired in falling down the whole system, is equal to the
velocity acquired in falling through the perpendicular
height of the system.
Prop. LXVI.
(270.) If a body fall from a state of rest down a
curve surface which is perfectly smooth, the velocity ac-
quired is equal to that which would he acquired in falling
from rest through the same perpendicular height.
When a body passes from one plane AB to another
5C, the whole velocity : the quantity by which the velocity
is diminished :: radius : the versed sine of the Z ABG
(Art. 221.); when, therefore, the angle ABG is diminished
without limit, the velocity lost is diminished without limit ;
and if the lengths of the planes, as well as their angles of
inclination ABG, BCE, be continually diminished, the
system approximates to a curve, as it's limit, in which no
velocity is lost ; consequently, the whole velocity acquired
is equal to that which a body would acquire in falling
through the same perpendicular altitude (Art. 269*-).
(271.) Cor. 1. If a body be projected up a curve,
the perpendicular height to which it will rise is equal to
that through which it must fall to acquire the velocity of
For the body in if s ascent will be retarded by the same
degrees that it was accelerated in ifs descent.
(272.) Cor; 2. If BAb be a curve in which the
lowest point is A, and the parts AB, Ab, are similar and
* When the chord of an arc is diminished without limit with respect
to the diameter, the versed sine is diminished without limit with respect
to the chord ; because, the diameter : the chord :: the chord : the versed
sine; hence, the ratio of the diameter to the versed sine, and consequently,
the ratio of the radius to the versed sine, is, in this case, indefinitely greater
than the ratio of the diameter to the chord. Let BC be one of the evan-
escent planes, F the velocity of the descending body at B, V+v it's
velocity at C ; produce CB to G, and let GB be the space through which
the body must descend to acquire the velocity V; then,
V : F+v :: \/GB : \/gbTBC ;
and when GB : BC :: the radius : an evanescent chord,
V: F^v :: GB : G5 + ^ (see Note, p. 112.);
therefore, V : v :: GB : ^ :: 2GB : BC.
Also, F : the velocity lost at 5 :: radius : the versed sine of the angle
ABG. Hence it follows, that the ratio of F to the velocity lost at B, is
indefinitely greater than the ratio F to the velocity acquired in the descent
from B to C; and consequently, the velocity lost at B is indefinitely less
than the velocity acquired in the descent from B to C; in the same man-
ner, the velocity lost at any other plane is indefinitely less than the
velocity acquired in the descent down that plane ; therefore, the velocity
lost in the whole descent is indefinitely less than the whole velocity
equal, a body in falling down BA will acquire a velocity
which will carry it to 6; and since the velocities at all
equal altitudes in the ascent and descent are equal, the
whole time of the ascent will be equal to the time of
(273.) CoR. 3. The same proposition is true, if the
body be retained in the curve by a string which is in every
point perpendicular to it. For the string will now sustain
that part of the weight which was before sustained by the
curve (Art. 117.).
Prop. LXVII.
(274.) The times of descent down similar systems of
inclined plajies, similarly situated, are as the square roots
of their lengths, on the supposition that no velocity is lost
in passing from one plane to another.
Let ABCD, abed, be two similar systems of inclined
planes, similarly situated; that is, let AB : ah :: BC : bo
:: CD : cd; the angles ABC, BCD, respectively equal to
the angles abc, bed; and the planes AB, ah, equally in-
clined to the horizon. Complete the figures as in the last
Proposition; then, since AB : ah :: BC : he :: CD : cd,
AB : ah :: AB -\- BC + CD : ah + he -h cd (A lg. Art. 183.);
and >/^ : ^^ :: ^ABi-BC + CD : ^ab + bc-^-cd.
Also, since the angles ABC, abc, are equal, their sup-
plements, the angles ABG, cibg, are equal; and the
angles of inclination to the horizon BAG, hag, are
equal; therefore, the triangles ABG, ahg^ are similar, and
AB : BG :: ab : bg; alter. AB : ah :: BG : bg :: BC : be;
consequently, BG : bg :: BG + BC (GC) : bg^bc {gc)
:: AB : ab. In the same manner, ED : ed :: AB : ab.
Then, because the planes AB, ab, are equally inclined to
the horizon, the time of descent down AB : the time down
ab :: ^ AB : ^ ab (Art. 26l.); and if the bodies fall
down GC, gc, the time down GC : the time down gc ::
/sj GC : sj gc :: sj AB : sj^h', also, the time down
GB : the time down gb :: ^^B : J^ :: >/j^ : ^ab;
hence the whole time down GC : the whole time down gc
:: the time down GB : the time down gb; therefore, the
remainder, the time down BC : the remainder, the time
down be, in the same ratio, or as sj AB : yj ab (Euc. 19- v.) ;
and since, by the supposition, no motion is lost is passing
from one plane to another, the times of descent down BC
and be are the same, whether the bodies descend from A
and a, or from G and g; consequently, when the bodies
descend down the systems, the time down BC : the time
down be :: sj AB : a^ ab. In the same manner it may be
shewn that the time down CD : the time down cd:: /y/^ZS :
»^ ah. Hence, the time down AB : the time down ab ::
the time down BC : the time down be :: the time down
CD : the time down cd; therefore, the time down AB +
BC + CD : the time down ab-^bc + cd :: the time down AB
: the time down ab :: tj AB -. ;^ ah (Algebra, Art. 183.) ::
^AB-hBC-hCD: Jab^he + cd.
(275.) CoR. 1. If the lengths of the planes, and their
angles of inclination ABG, ACE, he be continually di-
minished, the limits, to which these systems approximate,
are similar curves, similarly situated, in which no velocity
is lost (Art. 270.) ; hence, the whole times of descent down
these curves vill be as the square roots of their lengths.
(276.) Cor. 2. The times of descent down similar
circular arcs, similarly situated, are as the square roots of
the arcs, or as the square roots of their radii.
(277-) Def. If a circle be made to roll in a given
3t ^N/"^^^^-^.^^^
{ Y
' /
/ \
plane upon a straight line AB, the point C in the circum-
ference, which was in contact with AB at the beginning of
the motion, will, in a revolution of the circle, describe a
curve ACEB called a cycloid.
The line AB is called the base of the cycloid.
The circle HCD is called the generating circle.
The line FE., which is drawn bisecting AB at right
angles, and produced till it meets the curve in E, is called
the aoois^ and the point E, the vertex, of the cycloid.
(278.) CoR. 1. The base AB is equal to the circum-
ference of the generating circle; and AF to half the
(279.) Cor. 2. The axis FE is equal to the diameter
of the generating circle.
When the generating circle comes to F, draw the di-
ameter Fob\ which will be perpendicular to AB (Euc. 18. iii.);
and because the circle has completed half a revolution, x is
the generating point ; that is, w is a point in the cycloid, or
X coincides with E.
K 2
(280.) If a line CGK, drawn from a point C in the
cycloid^ parallel to the base AB, meet the generaimg circle,
described upon the axis, in G, the circular arc 'EG is equal
to the right line CG,
Let the generating circle HCD touch the base in D
when the generating point is at C ; draw DH perpendicular
to AB, and it will be the diameter of the circle HCD
(Euc. 19. iii.), and therefore equal to FE ; join CH, GE;
and since DH = FE, and DI = FK (Euc. 34. i.), the
remainders IH and KE are equal; consequently, CI,
which is a mean proportional between HI and ID (Euc.
Cor. 8. vi.), is equal to KG, which is a mean proportional
( /
A ^
between EK and .ff^F; to each of these equals add IG,
and CG = IK. Also, C/f, which is a mean proportional
between IH and HD, is equal to GE, which is a mean
proportional between EK and -EF; therefore, the arc
C-H'=the arc GE (Euc. 28. iii.); and since every point
in CD has been successively in contact with AD, CD =
AD, and HCD = AF (Art. 278.) ; hence, the arc CH
= DF; therefore, the arc EG = DF=IK=CG.
CoR. If the line KGC be always drawn perpendicular
to EF the diameter of the circle EGF, and GC be taken
equal to the arc EG, the locus of the point C is a cycloid,
whose axis is EF.
Proi', LXIX.
(281.) If a line LM, drawn from L parallel to the
base AB, meet the generating circle described upon the
axis in M, and EM />e joined, the tangent to the cycloid
at the point L is parallel to the chord EM.
Draw SR parallel and indefinitely near to ZJ/; join
EM, RM, SL ; produce EM till it meets SR in P; draw
EN, MN, touching the circle in E and M, and meeting
each other in N,
Then, since RM is ultimately in the direction of the
tangent MN (Newt. Lem. 6.), the angles RMP, EMN, are
equal ; and because EN is parallel to RS (Euc. 18. iii.) the
angles MPR^ MEN, are equal ; hence the triangles EMN,
RMP, are equi-angular, and EN : MN :: RP : RM ;
and since EN=NM, RP = RM=ihe arc RM (Newt.
Lem. 7.). Again, since the arc EMR = RS (Art. 280.),
and RM = RP, the remainders, the arc EM and the
right line PS, are equal; also, ML— the arc EM:, there-
fore, PS = ML; consequently, SL is equal, and parallel
to PM (Euc, 33, i.*); and since SL is ultimately in the
direction of the tangent at L (Newt, Lem, 6,), MP^ or
EM, is parallel to the tangent at L.
(282.) CoR. The tangent to the cycloid at B or A,
is perpendicular to AB,
* The Proposition may be justly applied, because the fliffcrcnce
between LM and SP h cvancycent with respect to Mi% or LS.
Prop. LXX.
(283.) The same construction being made, the cycloidal
arc EL zs double 0/ EM the corresponding chord of the
generating circle described upon the ams.
Join ER, and in EP take Eo=zER% join Ro. Then,
when the arc MR, and consequently the angle MER, is
diminished without limit, the sum of the angles ERo,
EoR, approximates to two right angles as it's limit; and
these angles are equal to each other ; therefore, each of
them is a right angle; and since the angles RMo, RoM,
are respectively equal to RPo, RoP, and i?o is common to
the triangles RoM, RPo, Mo = oP, and MP = 2Mo;
also. Mo (ER — EM) is the quantity by which the chord
EM increases, whilst the cycloidal arc EL increases by
LS; and it appears from the demonstration of the last
Proposition that MP = LS = arc LS (Newt. Lem. 7.)?
therefore, the arc LS = 2Mo; or, the cycloidal arc EL
increases twice as fast as the corresponding chord EM;
and they begin together at E ; consequently, the cycloidal
arc EL is double of EM, the corresponding chord of the
generating circle.
(284.) CoR. The whole semi-cycloidal arc EB is
equal to twice the axis EE.
Prop. LXXI.
(285.) To make a body oscillate in a given cycloid.
Let A VB be the given cycloid, placed with it's vertex
downwards, and it's axis DV perpendicular to the horizon.
Produce VD to C, making DC = VD ; complete the
rectangles DE, DF; upon AE describe a semi-circle
AGE, and with A as the generating point, and base EC,
describe a semi-cycloid ATC ; this will pass through the
point C, because the semi-circumference AGE = DIIV =
AD = EC ; in the same manner, describe an equal semi-
cycloid between C and B. Then, if a body P be suspended
from C by a string whose length is CF or CTA (Art. 284.),
and made to vibrate between the cycloidal cheeks CA, CB,
it will always be found in the cycloid AVB.
Let the string be brought into the situation CTP, and
since it is constantly stretched by the gravity, and the
centrifugal force of P, it will be a tangent to the cycloid
at the point T where it leaves the curve. From T and
P draw TGW, PHR, parallel to AD; join AG, GE,
DH, HV; and through K draw ,vKy perpendicular to
TG or PH. Then, since the chord JG is parallel to TP
(Art. 281.), and TG is parallel to AK, the figure GK is
a parallelogram, and AG—TK, GT=^AK; and because
the length of the string is equal to CTA, and the part CT
is common to the string and the cycloidal arc, TP = AT =
2AG (Art. 283.) = 2 T^; or TK = KP; hence, the tri-
angles TKx, PKy, are similar and equal, and Kcc = Ky ;
also, Koo=^AW SiX\& Ky = DR., thereioYe AW=DR, and
AE — DV; hence, the arc AG = the arc DH; and the
angle GEA = the angle HVD; or, the angle GAK = the
angle KDH (Euc. 32. iii.) ; consequently, AG is parallel
to DH; and therefore, TP is parallel to DH, and the
figure KPHD is a parallelogram ; hence, KD = PH.
Again, since the arc AG=GT (Art. 280.) = AK, the arc
DH = JK ; and the semi-circumference DHV = AD;
therefore, the arc VH=KD = HP; that is, P is in the
cycloid, whose axis is DF, and vertex V (Art. 280.).
(286.) Cor. l. Since DH is parallel to TP, and
VH to the tangent at P, the angle contained between TP
and tlie tangent, or between TP and the curve, is equal
to the angle DHV; that is, TP is always perpendicular
to the curve.
(287-) CoE. 2. If Pp be an evanescent arc, the per-
pendiculars to the curve at P and p, ultimately meet in T;
and Pp may be considered as a circular arc whose radius is
(288.) CoR. 3. An evanescent arc at the vertex of
the cycloid may be considered as a circular arc whose
radius is CV.
(289.) Def. If a body begin to descend in a curve,
from any point, and again ascend till it's velocity is de-
stroyed (Art. 272.), the time in which the motion is
performed is called the time of an oscillation.
Prop. LXXII.
(290.) If a body, vibrating in the cycloid AVB, begin
to descend from L, the velocity acquired at any point M
varies as ^VL" — VM"; or, as the right sine of a circular
arc whose radius is equal to VL, and versed sine to LM.
From the points L and M, draw LOR, MQS, at right
angles to DV, meeting the circle DOV in O and Q; join
OV, QV; with the radius VI = VL, describe the semi-circle
IZp, and take hn = LM; draw m.r, VZ, at right angles
to VI; and join Va;.
The velocity acquired in the descent from L to My is
equal to the velocity acquired in falling from R to S
(Art. 270.) ; and therefore it varies a s ^^ (Art. 241.);
that is, oc JRV - SV oc ^ DV x RV - DV x SV
(because DV is invariable), oc ^ VO^ — VQ^
^^VO^ -. 4 "rQ^ oc: J VU - VM^ (Art. 283.),
J F/2- Vm^ oc ^F^^-Fwi" oc ^^wa?' oc wa?.
(291.) CoR. The velocity at M : the velocity at
V :: mo) : VZ :: mou : Va?.
(292.) The time of an oscillation in the arc LVP, is
equal to the time in which a body would describe the semi-
circumference IZp, with the velocity/ acquired at V con-
tinued uniform.
Let MN be a very small arc, and take mn = MN;
draw nt, wr, respectively parallel to mx and VI; and sup-
pose a body to describe the circumference IZp with the
velocity acquired at V continued uniform. Then, when
MN is diminished without limit, the velocity with which
it is described : the velocity with which a)t is described
:: mo! : VZ (Art. 291.) ; therefore, the time of describing
^ , ., . MN xt wr set
MN : the time 01 describing oct v. : — — :: : — -
moG VZ mx Vx
(Art. 15.). Now, the triangles Vxm, xrt are ultimately
similar, and Vx : mx :: xt : xr; therefore = — - ;
mx Vx
consequently, the time of descent down MN, is equal to
the time of describing the corresponding circular arc xt
with the velocity VZ ; and the same may be proved of all
other corresponding arcs in the cycloid and the circle ;
therefore the whole time of an oscillation is equal to the
time of describing the semi-circumference IZp, with the
velocity acquired at V continued uniform.
Prop. LXXIV.
(293.) The time of an oscillation in a cycloid is to the
time of descent down ifs axis, as the circumference of a
circle to ifs diameter.
If a body fall down the chord V, the velocity acquired
at V is equal to the velocity in the cycloid at V (Art. 270.);
and with this velocity continued uniform, the body would
describe 2 OF, or VL, or VI, in the time of descent down
OV (Art. 237.); that is, in the time of descent down DV
(Art. 264.). It appears then, that the time of an oscillation
is equal to the time of describing IZp with the velocity ac-
quired in the cycloid at V (Art. 292.) ; and that the time
of descent down the axis DF is equal to the time of de-
scribing VI with the same velocity ; therefore, the time of
an oscillation : the time of descent down the axis :: the
time of describing the circumference IZp, with the velocity
VZ : the time of describing VI with the same velocity
:: IZp : VI (Art. 13.) :: 2lZp : 2Vl :: the circumference
of a circle : it's diameter.
(294.) Cor. 1. The time of an oscillation in a given
cycloid, at a given place, is the same, whether the body
oscillate in a greater or a smaller arc.
For, the time of an oscillation bears an invariable ratio
to the time of descent down the axis, which, in a given
cycloid, at a given place, is given.
(295.) CoR. 2. The time of an oscillation in a small
circular arc whose radius is CF, is to the time of descent
down ^ CV, as the circumference of a circle to it's diameter.
For, the time of an oscillation in this circular arc is
equal to the time of an oscillation in an equal arc of the
cycloid AVB (iVrt. 288.).
(296.) Coil. 3. The time of an oscillation in a cycloid,
or small circular arc, when the force of gravity is given,
varies as the square root of the length of the string.
For, the time of an oscillation varies as the time of
descent down half the length of the string ; that is, as the
square root of half the length of the string, or as the square
root of it"'s whole length.
Ex. 1. To compare the times in which two pendulums
vibrate, whose lengths are 4 and 9 inches.
Since Toe J~L, we have : 7" : ^ :: /4 : I/9 :: 2 : 3.
Ex. 2. If a pendulum, whose length is 39.2 inches,
vibrate in one second, in what time will a pendulum vibrate
whose length is L inches "i
.2 : JL:: I : T = \/Ji
the time required, in seconds.
Ex. 3. To compare the lengths of two pendulums,
whose times of oscillation are as 1 to 3.
Since Tocy/% T\ocL; therefore, 1 : 9 -i L : l.
(297.) CoR. 4. The number of oscillations, which a
pendulum makes in a given time, at a given place, varies
inversely as the square root of it's length.
Let n be the number of oscillations, t the time of one
oscillation; then, nt is the whole time, which, by the
supposition, is given; therefore, w«^: i^^g- Art, 206.),
and (oc^L, consequently, noc — ^.
Ex. 1. If a pendulum, whose length is 39.2 inches,
vibrates seconds, or 60 times in a minute, how often will
a pendulum whose length is 10 inches vibrate in the same
time ?
Since n oc —,^ , we have
s/^O : ^39'^ '' 60 : 60 X ^3.92 = 118.8, nearly,
the number of oscillations required.
Ex. 2. If a pendulum, whose length is 39.2 inches,
vibrate seconds, to find the length of a pendulum which
will vibrate double seconds, or 30 times in a minute.
Since n oc -—=^ , we have, -L oc -r, ; ,^nd in this case,
(30)" : (60)- :: 39.^^ : L = 4 X 39.9. = 156.8 inches, the
length required.
Ex. 3. To find how much the pendulum of a clock,
which loses one second in a minute, ought to be shortened.
Since the pendulum vibrates b9 times, whilst a pen-
dulum of 39.2 inches vibrates 60 times, it'*s length may be
found as in the last example ; {^9Y '• (^^Y '•' ^9-2 : 40.5,
it''s kngth; and it ought to be 39.2 inches; therefore,
40.5 — 39.2, or 1.3 inches, is the quantity by which it ought
to be shortened, in order that it may vibrate seconds.
(298.) Cor, 5. If the force of gravity be not given,
the time of an oscillation varies as the square root of the
length of the pendulum directly, and as the square root
of the force of gravity inversely.
For, the time of an oscillation varies as the time of
descent down half the length of the string ; and in general,
the time of descent through any space oc \/ — (Art. 241 .) ;
in this case, aS" = J Z. ; therefore S oc L, and the time
of descent ex. y ~ ; hence T, the time of an oscillation,
(299.) Cor. 6. If the length of the pendulum be
^1 - „ 1
given, T OC ; and F oc — .
The time in which a given pendulum vibrates, increases
as it is carried from a greater latitude on the earth's surface
to a less ; therefore, the force of gravity decreases as the
latitude decreases.
(300.) Coil. 7. The force of gravity at the equator
: the force of gravity at any proposed latitude :: the length
of a pendulum which vibrates seconds at the equator : the
length of a pendulum which vibrates seconds at the pro-
posed latitude.
For, Toe V - ; if therefore T be given, ^Tc
/ \
i 1
falling down ^ PA, it will strike the plane AC in the point
C\ Let / be the angle of inclination CAB ; E the angle
of elevation EAC ; Z the angle EAP. Then, in the
triangle EAP, AE : AP :: sin. Z EPA : sin. z AEP;
and the z EPA = the z J5JC = E; also the z AEP
= the Z JECJ = the supplement of the Z ACS; hence,
AE : AP :: sm. E : cos. /; therefore, AL— — .
COS. /
Again, in the triangle EAC,
AC : AE :: sin. Z AEC (sin. Z) : sin. Z^C^ (cos. /);
therefore, AC= — ;
COS. /
sin. E X AP
and by substituting for AE it's value
AC =
cos. /
sin. E X sin. Z x AP sin. E x sin. Z x V~
(cos. /)^ (cos. /)' X m
sin. ^ X sin. Z x V~
(348.) CoR. Hence, ACoc
(cos. iy
(349.) TOe 5ttme ^Am^« being given, to find the time
of flight.
Let T be the time of descent down PA, t the time of
descent down EC or the time of flight ; then,
T^ : f :: PA : EC ;
and since, in the similar triangles PAE, AEC,
PA : AE :: AE : EC,
therefore PA' : AE' :: PJ : £:C :: T' : f' ;
and PA : AE :: T : t;
but P^ : ^£ :: sin. Z PEA : sin. Z ^P^
:: sin. Z -ECJ : sin. z JE^C :: cos. / : sin. E;
therefore, T : t :: cos. / : sin. E,
- sin. E X T sin. E x V
and t =
(350.) Coit. Hence, ^ oc
COS. / cos. I X m
sin. Ex V
and, if V be invariable, toe
Prop. LXXXVlI.
cos. /
sin. E
cos. /
(351.) The same things being given, to find the
greatest height of the projectile above the plane AC,
measured in the direction of gravity.
The greatest height is \ EC (Art. 332.) ; and in the
triangle AEC, EC : AE :: sin. E : cos. /; therefore,
„^ sin. E X AE , , , . . „ ^^.^
EC= — ; and, by substituting tor AE it s value,
COS. /
sin. ExAP.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (sin. Ef x AP
(Art. 347.), we have CE =^ r r^o ;
COS. 1 (cos. ly
, , ^^ (sin. Ef X AP (sin. Ef x V ^
and i J5:C = ^-- -—- = ) ' , the greatest
4 (cos. /)- (cos. /)• X 4m
height required.
(352.) Cor. The greatest height varies as
(cos. ly
(353.) The theory of the motion of projectiles, given
in this section, depends upon three suppositions, which are
all inaccurate ; 1st. that the force of gravity, in every point
of the curve described, is the same; 2d. that it acts in
parallel lines ; 3d. that the motion is performed in a non-
resisting medium. The two former of these, indeed, differ
insensibly from the truth. The force of gravity, without
the Earth's surface, varies inversely as the square of the
distance from the center ; and the altitude to which we
can project a body from the surface is so small, that the
variation of the force, arising from the alteration of the
distance from the center of the Earth, may safely be
neglected. The direction of the force is every where
perpendicular to the horizon ; and if perpendiculars be
thus drawn, from any two points in the curve which we
can cause a body to describe, they may be considered as
parallel, since they only meet at, or nearly at, the center
of the Earth. Even the resistance of the air does not
materially affect the motions of heavy bodies, when they
are projected with small velocities. In other cases, how-
ever, this resistance is so great as to render the conclusions,
drawn from the theory, almost entirely inapplicable in
practice. From experiments made to determine the motions
of cannon-balls, it appears that when the initial velocity is
considerable, the air^s resistance is 20 or 30 times as great
as the weight of the ball ; and that the horizontal range is
often not ^ part of that which the preceding theory leads
us to expect. It appears also, that when the angle of
elevation is given, the horizontal range varies nearly as
the square root of the velocity of projection ; and the time
of flight as the range ; whereas, according to the theory,
the time varies as the velocity, and the range as the square
of the velocity of projection (Arts. 340, 334.) These ex-
periments, made with great care, and by men of eminent
abilities, shew how little the parabolic theory is to be
depended upon, in determining the motions of military
projectiles. See Robin's New Theory of Gumiei-y, and
Hutton's Mathematical Dictionary^ article Gunnery.
Besides diminishing the velocity of the projectile, the
air's resistance will also change it's direction, whenever
the body has a rotatory motion about an axis which does
not coincide with the direction in which it is moving.
For the velocity with which that side of the body, strikes
the air, on which the rotatory and progressive motions
conspire, is greater than the velocity with which the other
side strikes it, where they are contrary to each other ; and
therefore the resistance of the air, which increases with the
velocity, will be greater in the former case than in the
latter, and cause the body to deviate from the line of it's
motion ; this deviation will also be from the plane of the
first motion, unless the axis of rotation be perpendicular
to that plane.
Upon this principle Sir I. Newton explains the ir-
regular motion of a tennis-ball * ; and the same cause has
been assigned by Mr. Robins for the deviation of a bullet
from the vertical plane f. Mr. Euleii, indeed, in his
remarks on the New Theory of Gunnery^ contends that
the resistance of the air can neither be increased nor di-
minished by the rotation of the ball ; because such a motion
can produce no effect but in the direction of a tangent to
the surface of the revolving body ; and the tangential
force, he affirms^ is almost entirely lost. In this instance,
the learned writer seems to have been misled by the common
theory of resistances, according to which the tangential
force produces no effect ; whereas, from experiments lately
made, with a view to ascertain the quantity and laws of
the air's resistance, it appears that every theory which
neglects the tangential force must be erroneous.
* Phil. Trans. Vol. VI. p. 3078. Maclaurin's Newton, p. 120.
t Tracts, Vol. I. pp. 151. 198. 214.
M 2
The investigation of the effects produced by bodies
when the machines on which they act are in motion, has
not usually been introduced into elementary Treatises;
but as the theory depends upon the principles already laid
down, and may, by the help of the simplest analytical
operations, be easily deduced from them, it may not im-
properly be added, by way of Appendix, here.
(354.) To find what weight x, 'placed at A upon
a machine in motion^ resists the rotation as much as y
placed at B.
Let a and b be the velocities of the weights; then <'va
and y h are their momenta ; and since these momenta pro-
duce equal effects on the machine, or, are sufficient to
balance each other, xa . yh :: h : a (Art. 14.9.) ; there-
fore xa^ = yh^i and ,t? = — r- .
(355.) If two weights acting upon a wheel and axle
put the machine in motion^ to determine the velocity
acquired by the descending body, and the tension of the
string by which it acts.
Let C be the center of motion ; CJ, CB the radii of
the wheel and axle ; p and q the two weights, of which p
descends ; CA = a, CB = b, then a and b are proportional
to the velocities of j) and q. And let i^ = the weight which
q would sustain at p ; and w = the weight which placed
at p would resist the communication of rotation as much
as q resists it ; v = the velocity generated in the time t ;
m=l6^ feet.
7 lO
Then a : b :: q : % = — , and .^ = Ar (Art. S54^.)\
a a^
hence, p = the force at p to move the machine, and
/) + -^ = the inertia to be moved, neglecting the inertia
of the machine ; consequently, ,„ = the accelerating
force, that of gravity being represented by unity (Art. 268.) ;
and since v = 9.mft (Prop. Lxi. Cor. 7.), we have, in this
a pa' — gab
case, v= -^ X 2m t = -^ x 2mt.
qb" va-^qb"
A • • pa' — qab . , , . ^
Again, since - — ^ — ^-^ is the acceleratins; force at
jia -\-qb' *
p, the moving force, which generates ^/s velocity, is
pa^ — qab par-qab
1 -r^ X p ; therefore p x p is that part
pa^ + qb- ^ ^ pa" + qb~ ^ ^
of ^'s weight * which is sustained, or the weight which
^ ^, , . 1 . pqb'+pqab (a + b).bpq
stretches the string ; that is, ^^ ., ., , or -^ ^ — f^
pa'~\-qb' pa' + qb-
is the weight which stretches the string AP.
(356.) CoR. 1. The tension of the string AP is just
sufficient to sustain the tension of the string BQ, ; therefore
(a + b).bpq {a + b).apq , ^ . . ,
b : aw — - : — — — = the tension of the
pa~-\-qb- pa^ + qb
string BQ.
(357.) Coil. 2. The pressure on the center of motion is
the sum of the tensions of the strings JPand BQ (Art. 101.),
(a + b).b (a + b).a (a + bf.pq
or, , . j. Xpq+ —T> — '—-^xpq= ^ TT-^J'
pa~ + qb- pa'-j-qb^ ^^ pa" + qb^
(358.) Cor. 3. When a and b are equal, the pressure
on the center is
7> + ^
(359.) Cor. 4. Since s, the space which p descends
from rest in t seconds = mft' (Prop. Lxi. Cor. 7.),
s — - — ^ — —— X mr.
pa~ -f qb'
* In this operation, the moving force and the quantity of matter are,
respectively, represented by the weight.
(360.) Cor. 5. The same reasoning may be applied
when the bodies act upon any other machine.
(361.) Cor. 6. If the inertia of the machine is to be
taken into consideration, let r be the weight, determined by
experiment or calculation, which when placed at p, would
resist the communication of rotation as much as the whole
machine resists it ; then p is the moving force at p,
and r-\-p-\ ~ is the quantity of matter to be moved;
pa~ — qab . .
therefore, —^ — is the accelerating force at «,
ra'+pa^ + qb' ^ ^'
the accelerating force of gravity being represented by
Prop. XC.
(362.) If a string be wrapped round a hollow cylinder
G, and one endjixed at S, to find the tension of the string
when the cylinder is suffered to desceiid.
Let a — the weight of the cylinder, collected in the
circumference ; a? = the tension of the string.
Then, since the motion of the center of gravity of the
cylinder is the same at whatever point of the body the
force is apphed (Art. 182.), a — ^v hi the moving force by
which the the center of gravity of the cylinder descends,
and is the accelerating force. Again, cc is the
weight, or moving force, which applied at the circum-
ference of the cylinder, generates the rotation, and - is
the accelerating force; and since accelerating forces are
proportional to the velocities generated in the same time,
and, from the nature of the case, the center of gravity
of the cylinder descends as fast as the string is unfolded,
that is, the velocities of the center of gravity and rotation
— X X a
= - ; hence, a? = - ; or
a a 2
are always equal, we have
the tension of the string is half the weight of the cylinder,
(363.) CoR. The accelerating force is = -
the accelerating force of gravity being represented by
Prop. XCI.
To Jljid the tension when the string passes over a
fixed pulley and a weight is attached to it.
(364.) Let p be the weight of the body attached to
the string; x the tension; a the weight of the cylinder.
Then p—x is the moving force on p ; , the accelerating
force ; , the force which accelerates the cylinder ;
5 the accelerating force which produces the rotation ;
which quantities are proportional to the velocities generated
in the same time. Also, the spaces descended by j) and A
are, together, always equal to the length of the string dis-
1 1 o P~'^ a-OG w 2ap
engaged, thereiore, 1 = - ; hence ; x = .
^ "^ ' pa a 2p-\-a
(365.) CoK. 1. The pressure on the center of the
2p + a'
p —X
pulley is 2 a?, or
(366.) CoR. 2. The accelerating force on p =
2p — a
9.p -\- a
(367-) Cor. 3. The accelerating force on the cylinder
a — w a
2p + a
(368.) CoR. 4. If p = (f, the body and the cylinder
are equally accelerated ; that is, they descend at the same
(369.) CoR. 5. If ^ = - , the accelerating force on
p vanishes, and p remains at rest.
(370.) Cor. 6. If the cylinder be solid and of uniform
density, it will appear, nearly in the same manner, that the
tension of the string is ; the force which accelerate.^
the cylinder, ^ ; and the force which accelerates «,
^ 3p + a
3p — a
Sp + a'
Prop. XCII.
(371.) To find the tension of the string, when the
iveight of the pulley is taken into the account.
Let c be the weight which, placed at the circumference
of the pulley, would resist the communication of motion as
much as the pulley ; and let y = the tension of the string
p — y
SP, cc = the tension of SA. Then = the accelerating
force on «, = the accelerating force on A ;
a c
= the accelerating force on the circumference of the pulley ;
and - = the accelerating force which produces the rotation
of the cylinder. Then, as in the last Proposition,
p — y a — w X
p a a
also, because the circumference of the pulley always moves
as fast as p,
p-y ^ yjzZ-
p ~ c '
2ap + ac
from which equations .%' =
and y =
2p -\- a -\- 2 c
2p-\-a -\-2c
(372.) Coil. 1. The force which accelerates the
cylinder is = ; and the force which
-^ a 2p + a-j-2c
1 P — y 2p — a
accelerates p^ ^ ~
p 2p-\-a-^2c
(373.) CoK. 2. The accelerating force being known,
the space, time, and velocity, may be found in terms of
each other (Prop. Lxi. Cor. 7.).
Prop. XCIII.
(374.) //' any weights A, B, C, act upon a machine
and put it in motion, and x, y, z, he the spaces described
in the direction of gravity, a, b, c, the actual velocities of
the zceights, m = 1 6^ feet,
then 4m x (Ax + By + Cz) = Aa- + Bb- + Cc".
Let AB be the direction of A's motion, AC perpen-
dicular to the horizon; take AB = s, the space described
by J in a very small time; draw BC parallel to the
horizon, and CD perpendicular to AB ; let / be the force
which accelerates A''s motion ; F the acceleratinsr force in
the direction of gravity.
Then 2mfds= ada * (Vince's Flux. Art. 82.);
and F : f :: AC : AD :: AB : AC :: ds : d.v;
therefore, fds = Fdx, and 27nFd.v — '2mfds = ada,
consequently F =
2m dx
hence, the effective moving force on A, in the direction ol'
Aada Aada . , p v, i 1
p-ravity, = -— , and A — - is that part 01 ^ s whole
^ '' 2mdx 2mdx ^
The differential notation is used'
weight, or moving force, which is sustained by the action
of the other bodies in the system ; that is, with wliich A
urges the machine in the direction of gravity. In the same
manner, B is the part of 5's moving force sustained ;
2mdy ^ ^
and the weight at A which would balance this : B —
° 2may
Bdii Bhdh . ,
:: dy : dx (Art. 149-), therefore — -^ — is the
weight at A which would balance 5's pressure upon the
^Bbdh Bdy . , ^ ^, . „
machme ; and ; is that part of ^ s moving lorce
2mdx dx
Cede Cd%
which is sustained by B. In the same manner ; —
-^ 2mdx dw
is that part of A\ moving force which is sustained by C;
Aada Bhdh Bdy Cede Cdz
2mdx 2mdx dx 2m dx ax
and 2m X {Adx ■\- Bdy -\-Cd%) = Aada-t Bhdh ^ Cede,
and taking the integrals, which require no correction,
r. r. X ^«' ^^' ^^~
2m X (Ax ■{■ By-\- C^) = j ! ,
2 2^
or 4m X (Ax -\- By-\- C%) = Aa~-^Bh'-\- Cc" *.
(375.) Cor. If any of the bodies move in a direction
opposite to that which is here supposed to be positive, the
space described must be reckoned negative.
* For this very concise demonstration, the Author is indebted ta
the suggestions of the Rev. D. M. Peacock.
Ex. 1. If the weights A and B be attached to the
lever AB, to find the velocity acquired by A during the
motion of the lever, round the pivot C, from an horizontal
to a vertical position.
Let CA = a, CB = 6, v = the velocity acquired by A ;
then a : b :: v : — = the velocity acquired by B ; therefore,
by the Proposition, 4fmAa — 4>mBb = Av"-\ — , and
„ Aa-Bb J, . ^
v- = 4^
■ k-l-il-
Fcrm L9-10Cm-9,'52(A3105)444
UNIVEHEj. ' ..' '. J (V\LiFORNIA
7 Engineering